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Full text of "Church-history of the government of bishops and their councils abbreviated. Including the chief part of the government of christian princes and popes, and a true account of the most troubling controversies and heresies till the reformation .."

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,'v^i=^\'' ' — ^  Founded  1758 .  ^^j-^e    ; 


Telephone :    Royal  2636 

Chief  Librarian : 
U.   JACKSON-WRIGLEY,    F.K.S.L  .  FX.A  ,  M  I.S  A. 

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-^T *~ 


//:Ar//fyK.       OF   THE     ^^^'i/fyrt 


O  F 






Including  the  chief  part  of  the  Go\^ernment  of 

Chriftian  Princes  and  'POPES,  and  a  true  Account  of 
tlic  moll  troubling  Controverfics  and  Hcrcfies  till  the 

K  E  F  0  K  M  A   r  I   0  K 

-Written  for  tlie  ufc  efpecially  of  them, 

I.  \A^ho  are  ignorant  or  mifiiiformed  of  the  State  of  the  Ancient  Churches. 

II.  Who  cannot  read  many  and  great  Volumes. 

III.  Who  think  that  the  Univeria!  Church  mull  have  one  Vifible  Sove- 
raign,  Perfonai  or  Colledive,  Popeor  General  Councils. 

IV.  Who  would  know  whether  Patriarchs,  Diocelans,  and  their  Councils, 

have  been,  or  mull;  be  the  cure  of  Herefies  and  Schiimes. 

V.  W  ho  would  know  the  truth  about  the  great  Herefies  which  have  divided 

the  Chriftian  World,  efpecially  the  Domtifis^  KovatUns^  Arrims^ 
''f^acetloniiinSf  Nefioriafis,  EHtichiansy  Afo77oihelites^  &C. 

Bs  KICHJRD     BAXTER,  :i  Hater  of  fallb  Hiftory. 


Printed,  and  are  to  be  fold  by  John  Kidgell  at  the  Atlas  In  Conihill^ 
near  the  RoyM  Exchange^    MDCLXXX. 





eX.  t-t^  f^ 



TH^  grtat  4tjcfnltiefs  fif  Hijlory  fKeds  nut  many  nords  to 
prove  /Y,  Jeeh/g  natural  wcl/Kation  it  Jclf  is  Jo  much  for  it^ 
andreafmand  exferietice  tcU  nicn^  thut  they  cannot  Jpare  it ^ 
ax  to  Natural^  Ch'il,  er  Religious  hJc.  God  hintjelf  hath  highly  com- 
vtendcdit  tous,  by  vritingth  Sacred Scriptttres  fo much  Hijioricully  -^ 
jeaand  making  Jome  of  it  fart  of  the  necejfiry  Articles  of  our  Creed, 
Children  that  yet  midcrjlavd  not  the  DeQrinalfart  of  the  Bible^  do 
quickly  tak^  delight  in  the  Hijiorical part  ^  trhich  prcparcth  them  for 
the  rejh.  Ignoraftt  and  ungodly  peribns  that  have  no  true  fenjl  of 
Sacred  Do&rine^  can  )Ct  undcrjland  and  rritb  leffe  avcrfnefs  and 
tfearinefs  read  the  hijlory.  Mchncholy  and  Jad  perfons  vcho  can 
httrdly  hear  long  Doar/nal  Jivdies  ,  arc  often  eafed  and  recreated 
vpith  ujejiil  Hijlory. 

Man  it  a  part  cf  the  TJnizarJe,  and  every  man   is  a  fart  of  the 
world  of  mankind^  and  thcrejbre  thml^th  the  cafe  oj  the  whole  to  be 
much  efhiscoficciite.     And  rvcrc  not  nanow  felfiflmes  much  of  our 
Pruvity,  we  Jhould  talf  tic  t/niterfal  and  fublnk^  good ,  and  Geds 
Love  to  it  and  l?lcajcdncfs  and  Glory  in  it,  to  be  much  more  our  end., 
dindihc  oLjcH  of  eur.dejire  and  dehgl.t ,  than  any  fcrjcnal  felicity  of 
Ohrown:,  It  is  a  Mittjier  of  inhumanity  in  the  Do&rinc  of  the  Sad- 
ducccs,  Spinofa,   Hobbcs,  and  tleir  IruiiiJI)  fvllojrers,  that  they  Jc! 
Kf  Indfzidual  Jclf  ft/tcrcjl  as    a   mans  chiefcjl  end  and   objccf  of 
rational  Love  and  defirt  ^  and  oven  no  Good,  but  that  niich  2?c/,.-- 
tively  is  Good  to  me,  that  is,  cither  my  perfcnal  life  and  picafiirc  <i 
the  end,  crotl.a- things  as  a  r-fcojis  thereto:  Though  Cracc  on'jJuz;}:g~. 
lyatre  this  baje  inhumane  maJadie,  yet  common  rcafon  Icarcthrcii- 
7iefs  againji  it,,  and  only  fcnfc,  rfWiircafbn  captivated  by  fcnjc  do  pa- 
tronize it.     Put  7:0t  the  (jucllion  to  a  rcajin.ible  man^  though  wicked, 
what  he  can  do  or  dotli  ;  But  what  in  rcafon  he  ll:ould  do,  and 
he  catmpt  deny  luf  that  hepordd  tlinh^ofa  more  txcel'c::t pcrjon  at  the 
Indie?,  th^'it  nexcr  rcilldo  anything  fr  hnm,  as  more  amailc  than  him- 

A  2  .  Jclf, 

The  Preface. 

felf^  much  fftare  many  ihmfands  fiiih  -^  Afrdas  Goodnels  oftd  Ami- 
Tibkneisare  all  One,  Jo  thM  whii'h  ij-focft,  pouldhe  loved  beft  *  And 
■  he  that  Muld  not  die  to  Jkti  his  Ctuntry  is  vecrfe  than  foier  ^Heathens 
were.  And  he  that  vpoiild  not  rather  be  annihildttd  than  all  or  halfe 
the  world  pmld  he  annihilated,  isfo  bafely  fcljijh,  that  I  Jbmildjecner 
kljere  that  analogical  Rcafon  nileth  Jomc  Irvites  ,  than  that  true 
ReApn  determinctb  ihis  mans  choice. 

Spinofa  tak^tb  the  Knowledge  of  our  Union  with  Univerftl 
naturt"  (rrhich  he  callcth  Ged')  to  he  mans  ferfeOion^and  his  ckiffgotdy. 
in  cotn^'arifon  of  which  Jenfual  Pleafure,  Riches  and- Honour  are 
ht  tronbks  further  then  they  areumtanes  hereto  :  And  if  he  had  bet- 
ter kpOTfn  God  ,  as  the  Creator  and  Governour  and  end  of  the  mA- 
terial  Umverft  rchich  he  tcek^  to  be  God  ,  and  had  joyntd  Q  holy 
Uniteing  Joyful  Love  to  the  Univerfe ,  and  (pccially  to  the 
Heavenly  Societfy-dWd' above  them  all  to  God  himfelQ  unto  this 
Knowledge,  aj^d  extendedit  to  the  perpetuity  of  stn  Immortal jlate.,  he 
had  ken  happily  iA  the  right,  irhich  mijfwg,  he  became  a  perniciotts  . 
Jedmer  of  himfclf  and  others . 

BntthMS7raturc  And  Grace  do  loudly  tellvs,  that  each  f&Tt  Jhotdd 

'*  '  he  greatly  concerned  fjr  the  whole,'  '<»«/  therefore  every  one  Jhoiild 
deftreto  kiiswas  nnicb  of  tie  vAicAt,  asheiscapdblc,andastendetb 
to  his  duty  and  delight.  Andhovpfnulla  pared  o/Time,  or  Men, 
or  Aftions  arc    prcja:-t  or  in  car    dares  .■?    Hsw  little    l^noiceth  he 

'•"^^'■thdt  k>!OV(cih  no  more  than  he  hath  lived  to  Jic>  What  Religion  can 
ke  hoTcC  vpko  hjevpeth  not  the  Hrflory  of  Creation,  Redemption  or  the 
giving  of  the  Holy  Ghcft,  oi'  the  plaiJting  and  'propagating  the 
Church.,  and  alfo  what  will  he  tvhcn  this  life  is  ended  } 

But  it  is  not  all  Hijlcrj  that  is  fieedfnl  or  ufcful  to  us  :  There  tire 
many  things  dene  which  m  are  not  concerned  to  be  acquainted  with. 
But  the  Hijlory  of  the  Chcrch,  of  the  propagation  of  the  Chriftian 
faith,  <?wtf/  what  the  Doftrine  was  that  was  then  received.  Mid  box* 
it  was  praSifid,  promoted  and  defended,  and  how  it  was  corrupted 
invaded  at/d  perjecnted,  is  of  Jo  great  ufeto  pojlerity ,  that  next 
rothe  Scripture  and  the  illitmination  of  Gods  Spirit,  I  remember  nO' 
thiv^  more  needjid  tc  beknorvn. 

'.-«,  «'7f7«/i;  Philip  Neriusy?f«j; A//  Oratorian  exercijes  at  R,ome,  as 
to  wiU  the  people,  they  found  it  ncccffary  to  nje  large  affe£iionate  ex- 
tcmpcr.ttc  prayers  :ind  ixpofi'.ionsandSermons,  fb  the  next  thing  found 
f:c.cjj^ir}'  u.\rx,  to  hcjlcv  confuu-tly  offc  cxercijcin  opening  C hurcb-HiJio- 



ry  tothf  -ptcple.  And  this  did  bcib  crtkc  ikcir  ait€vt:c>:s  by  deli^bt^ 
and  aljo  by  Jiihng  rcpcrts  more  to  the  Papal  ifttereji  that/  to  the  trHth-, 
did  greatly  bewitch  them  tftte  a  lenfidvtt  bcliefi^  that  ike  Papai /e3 
.  was  ail  the  trne  Churchy  and  all  other  Cfr/j!  roere  hut  fe&ariesand 
bvanckes  broken  off  and  Tppithered^  and  there  fere  to  he  burned  here  and 
hereafter  (abupig  Joh.  15.5.  C'v. ) 

An dl  have  oft  thought  that  the  right  j;fr.  of  fuch  an  Hifioricd  cx- 

ijy  trcifi^  in  an  ordinary  cotigrcgatiou   troufd  be  of  great  tijc  to  the  igno- 

y!!>%%\  i-jmt  z-ulgar  And  unlctirncd  zfalo/ts  fcrt  ofQirrjuan  r :   For  I  find  that 

•  \fc    l^ir  vpant  of  the  kfiovekdge  of  Qhurch-Htfiory ,  ttnd  hove  things  have 

» ■ .   gone  before  us  in  all  former  times^  muny  enours  and  (ins  are  kept  up 

«»■*•■    thai  eljovpoutd  mere  eufdy  he  forfaken-i'*  Tv  infiance  in  fonic  ferv. 

'{a. id  ]  L^Asit  vc.u  the  craft  of  haronms  (vrhfi  performed  that  cxercife 

i>iil  dH  ^riusfi/V  Qonvettticles  at  Rome,)  to  rrritt  aficitrui-d  his  Qhurch- 

K\h. »  'Hijiqry  in  Latin fo  vflumwoufly^hat  fen-  but  the  Clcrgie  byaj/ed  by  mtercji 

i^  rV-tPOH'd  read it^  and  (3  the  Clergy nt/ghtle  the  neditcd  reporters  of  all 

.    '^-itoth^  X'ulgar  to  this  day,  the    Papiji-Priefis  contrive  to  be  the 

Maflers  and  reporters  of  Chiirch-Hijiory  us  rrcll as  of  umxritlcnTra^ 

h.i>-'\\dJtff^,.:afrdfO'J{ccp  the  Laity  fo  fur  ignorant  of  it,  that  lehen  they  tell 

to*  ^^^fTtcn  confident  fiories  for  their  adrantagCy  ferv  or  none  tuuy  be  able  to-,  a»dfo  their  report  /nuji  pajfc  as  undc/zycd  truth.  And 

thus  ftilje  Hifiory  is  made  the  chief  fvund^ii ion  of  the  Roman  Ki/rg- 


.  '^hns tity  rcill  face  you   doivn  that  you  arc  igi.orant  or  impudent, 

^h.   M^i;,  Jf  jou  qkejiionrrhcther  Pctcrn-us  atrue  B/jhop  at   Rome,  (ycu 

9A1    ]t!fir  civr  tJ^re,nhich  N\\\is  hath  JJ.iexcd  to  be  fbn/ewhat  uncertain  )  2. 

Or  that  he  fctlcd  the  Roman  Bijhop  us  his  fucceffcur  Hn  a  f^prentacy 

g-dcrullthe  Qhriji/an  world,  3.  Or  that  the  Popes  Primacie  wasozcr 

all  the  Churches  on  earth,  which  indeed  rvas  but  (as  Cantcrburie  isiti 

pj/gland,')  m  one  Roman  Empire  ovly.  4.  They  rcill  pcrfwade  you 

*        that  this  Pri/nacie  iras  felled  by  Chrifl  or  his  Apofiles  ,  which  veas  done 

•'"'        only  by  Councils  and En/perours  of  ?<.ov[\c,    5.  They  veould  nial^   \cu 

bthctc  that  this  n>as  fr^//t  the  Apojilcsdaies,  which  begoji  long  afier, 

■«  '       6.  They  wouldpcrfrvade  you  that  all  the  Chr/jiiMt  world  fiibn/iltcd  Icr 

it,eien  Abaflia,  and  all  the  exira-i/nperial Churches,  wL/tbis  no  fuch 

■«»  ,vt  matter,  7.  Tea^that  befora  iMlhcx  rone cok'trad/Hcd  the  Pupal  power 

-SA   r-and  cUi»/e,  but  all  the  Chrijiian  world  were  Papiflr.     By  tnany  fuch 

"^     ^^   ties  they   elective  thcufimas  of  the  ignoratit  :.   And  when  they  rhai- 

•■"        h  gc  /Hcn  to  dijpute,  by-  wovd  or  iprii/ng,  then:  laji  refuge  is  to  bring  thc//t 

V  A  ^  ' 

The    P  11  E  t^  A  C  E. 

i/.to  a  reeocl  of  Hiflory-,  that  there  thcyfHuj  cither  min  the  game  or  end  fhp 
chafr-i  And  if  a  Mtnijier  of  Chrijl  be  not  nfmediere,  tt)  confhtc  their 
f./Jhrrcal  forgfrks,  they  wifl  take  it  fir'  a  vRtx^  and  iriumpfy,  which 
MoJe  Ji:c  vcrite  Kiy  laji  book^  againji  J ohn(bn  V  <>'■  Terrt^t)  to  JIktv  tii- 
(IcriCidly  the  Anil quity  of  cur  Chttrch^  and  the  novelty  of  theirs  (rchirh 
[could  vcifi  yntng  Minijlers itnacquaititcdTPithChwch-HiJiorj  would 

But  if  o»r  people  rvcretrifcly  acquainted  hotp  things  have  gone  in  the' 
Church  front  the  ieginning^it  rcotild  be  one  of  the  moji  effeliual^  prejer- 
l-aiivcs  againji  Poper}!,  when  new  i he  faljff  cations  are  become  its  jireftgth. 
J  have  oft  thought  that  it  had  been  greater  policy  in  the  Papijis,  if  they 
coitld^  to- have  burnt  all  ChHrch-Hijiory^  but  fpecial/y  of  theCoiwcils, 
that  the  credit  ntight  haze  depended  on  their  bare  word:  For  verily 
cncc  reading  of  Crab^  Binn'ms,  Surius,  or  NlcoWTmswrndd  fttrn  agait/J} 
tkent  a7ty  jioKtacl{^ihat  is  not  confirmed  in  their  own  difeafe.     But  tney  ' 
have  overdone  Baronius,  and  now  made  fo  great  and  cojily  a  bad  of 
the  Cottncils,  as  that  the  defciency  of  money ^  time^  wit    and  patient 
indujlrj^jhallfive  the  mofyCven  of  the  Pricjihocd  fram  the  iindcrjiand- 
hig  of  the  truth :  And  Jitch  Epitomes  as  Caranza's  leave  out  n/ojf^  of  ^ 
the  culpable  part:  and  yet  even  fiich  they  can  hardly  tolerate.  ^ , 

//.  Tne  more  moderate  French  Papijis  who  magfrifeOoHncih  attOue' ' 
Popes, irvfld  make  us  believe,that  though  Popes  arc  fallible  andmaymij- 
c.nry^yet  GcneralConncils  Jhave  been  the  univerjal Church-reprejentative^ 
which  have  a  Lcgifativc  and  "judicial  TJniverfal  powers  and  that  our 
concord  mitjl  be  by  centring  in  their  decrees  ^  and  all  are  Schifmaticl^s  at 
leaf,  that  take  not  their  Faith  and.  Religion  upon  their  trtijl  :  But  if 
men  k."ewthat  there  never  rvais  a  General  Council  of  al/  the  Chrijiian 
Churches  but  only  of  the  Empire,  and  how  wofully  they  hai'e  mifearriedy 
it  would  do  much  tofavc  them  from  all  fuch  temptations. 

III.  The  ovcrvalucrs  of  Church  gran  dure,  and  wealth,  atid  ntain- 
taincrs  of  the  corrupt  fort  of  Tiiocefane  Prelacy,  Patriarks,^c.  write 
books  and  tell  the  ignorant  conjident  fi cries,  how  fuh  a  Prelacy  hath 
.  been  in  the  Church  ever  (ince  the  dayes  of  the  Apojilcs,  atid  that  all  the 
Churches  on  earth  conjentcd  to  it:  But  if  the  people  were  acquainted  with 
Church-Hijiory  they  would  ^WfJjr,  that  the  pri  >>.  itivefx  cd  Epifopa-.y 
Parochiiil,or  every  Chnrch  ailbciatcd  for  pcHonal  preflntCo  nmu- 
iiionhada  Bi(liop,Pre(bvtcry  and  Deacons  of  their  own:  (urfxed 
Itinc:\V!tGcncralPafors,}ndeff/7icly  taking  care  of  mi/njCht;rclcs  ).And 
that  7t  was  the  Bifopsjirivingwhofmtld  be  grcaiejl,  and  turning  fm^lc 


The  Preface. 

Cbitrches  into  an  AJfociatien  of  many  Churches^  and  tabc  but  Chappets 
#r  partt  of  the  Dmejitt  Church  (that  their  psrcer  and  reealth  wight 
btetilargtd  mtb  their  Territories)  and  the  turniHg  of  Arbitrating  Bi- 
jhtps  into  the  Common  Judicature:^  vehich  ntuft  grcern  all  Chrijiians^ 
andfnch  like^  which  poyfoned  the  Church,  and  turned  thcfpccies  of  par- 
tiatlarChurcheSy  Efifcopacy,  Presbytery  and  DifiipUne^  quite  into  ano- 
ther thing.  And  tojpta^  f'^flji  '^  '"'^•'^  '^^  ntany  blind  volumes  and 
(onfdent  clawonrs  of  fome  men,  that  rail  at  ut^  as  denying  an  Epijcopa- 
ty,  Xfhuh  the  nniverfal  Chnnh  hath  alrvuys  agreed  in,  rohuh  drew  nte  to 
write  this  abridgement  of  the  Church  Hijiory  of  Bijliops,  Councils  and 

IV.  And  thoje  that  make  the  Ignorant  believe  that  Jeditiouf  difojfedient 
Presbyters  have  in  all  Ages  been  the  dividers  of  the  Church,  and  the  Bi- 
Jlxips  the  means  of  "Unity,  concord  and  Jitpprcjfion  of  JitchSrhi final ic^s 
and  Hcreticks,  could  ncvei-  thus  deceive  the  .people,  were  but  fo  much 
Church-Hijlory  commonly  l^own,  as  I  have  here  col/e&ed.  Read  Churcb- 
Hijiory  and  believe  that  if  yon  can. 

V.  And  many  that  tak^  up  atiy  iterv  opinion  or  dotage  which  is  but 
newly  broached  anfcnglfj/em,  wfuUL  have  been  favccl  from  it,  if  they  had 
but  kjtown  how  that  fa'tie  opinion  or-  the  lil<e,  was  Icng  ago  taken  up  by 
Hcrctickfy  and  exploded  by  the  faitbfid  Pajhrs  and  people  of  the  Church. 

11,  And  thefiSaries  who  raftdy  feperatc  from  fome  Churches,  he- 
cAufe  p/'T^/z/t' fornis,  opinions  or  ceremonies,  whuhalmojlallClr:- 
Jli'ans  on  earth  have  /if a,  in  the  former  purer  ages, and  fill  ufc,  wouH 
bc^more  cantelous  and  fearful  in  examining  their  grounds,  and  would 
hardlf  venture  t(>  fepc{'-Jtc  from  any  Church  far  that,  which  on  thcfimc 
reafon  woidd  'mpve  them  to  fcparale  from  almoji  all  Chriftians  in  the 
whole  world  j  if  net  Unchurch  the  Church  of  Chrijl  :  And  ancient 
errours  and  crimes  would  affright  us  f-om  imitatrngthem. 

VII.  And  if>oJe  that  m.ike  new  ambiguous  words  or  uuneccffiry  pra- 
ctices to  become  neceffary  to  Church  Communion^  and  hereticate  all  that 
differ  from  them,  or  pcrfecute  them  at  leaf,  woidd  be  more  frightened 
front  Jiich  pernicious  courjes,  if  they  well  kpew  what  have  been  the  ef 
feUs  of  them  heretofm-c. 

VllL  And  it  is  not  unufeftd  to  Princes  and  Magi f  rates  to  fee  what 
hath  corrupted  and  difurbed  the  Churches  in  frm<r  times  :  aid  what 
cauje  they  have  toAeepthe  featlar  power  from  the  Clo-gics  kinds,  and  to 
va.ue  tl.ofc  that  jor  knorvkdie  and  piety  are  meet  for  their  proper  guid- 
ing office,  and  uji  oj  the  Church  Kejs :  but  not  to  coirttpt  them  bj  cx- 


The  Preface. 


cCjQ  of  rrorldlji  ncalih  and  pon-cr^  vor  to  permit  them  by  flriving^  who 
Palljccm  GKEATEST,  WISEST  af?d  BEST,  to  become 
the  jncct;d}arks  of  the  Church  avd  rvcrld,  and  the  perjecittors  of  the 
Icfi  that  camiot  Jene  their  rrorldlir.efs  ami  pride. 

The  Reader  Mufi  Ncte^  i.  That  though  much  of  the  Hifiory  be  takfn 
from  others^  the  Council j  are  named  and  numbred  according  to  Binnius 
and  Crabbe  :  2.  And  that  becanfe  fo  much  evil  is  ncceffarilj  recited^  I 
thought  it  needful  in  the  beginning  and  end  to  annex  a  defence  of  ih9 
V.ijhrs  and  their  office  and  Tvork.-,  leji  any  pould  be  tempted  to  thinly 
hardly  of  Religion  and  the  Church  fir  mens  abufes.  3.  And  if  Micrc- 
lius,  Gutlerbeth,  Phili  Parens,  Funcius,  Carion,  Melanfthon,  Bu- 
chotzcr,  Scultetus,Pezclius,Helvicus,  or  any  other  that  I  havejeen,  had 
anjkered  the  ends  rrhich  I  here  i/rtend^  Iflwuld  have  gladly  faved  my  felf 
this  labciir  and  have  refer  d  the  reader  to  them. 

The  Councils  are  norv  publified  voluminoufly,  a»d  many  young f}udcnts 
rcant  money  and  time  to  read  them  at  large.  Tofuch  this  abridgement 
may  not  be  unufeful ;  efpcciaUy  to  men  that  have  mifiak^n  the  cafe  of  the 
great  hercfics  and  kereticators,  and  vponld  know  what  Prelacy  and  toitn- 
cils  have  done  to  the  concord  or  difcord  of  the  Churches.  The  Defcrip- 
tion  of  the  State  of  Alexandria  recited  in  the  beginning  as  a  Letter  from 
a  friend^  was  from  Mr.Clerkfon  a  Learned  and  worthy  Minifier  (though 
Jflenced)  new  in  London. 

The  Lord  pardon  and  heal  our  common  ftmltinefs^  and  give  better 
Teachers  to  his  Churches  when  we  are  dead  and  gme^  who  will  takf 
warning  by  all  our  errours  and  mifcarriages^  efpecially  to  efcapea  wordly 
fpiritypride^Chmch-tyamiy  and  fchifm^  and  ferving  the  world^  thefiefk 
and  the  Devily  by  pretence  of  Authority  fromChriJi,     Amen. 

Marchji.  i<J8o, 


What  Hiftory  is  Credible,  and  what  not. 

As  the  Holy  Ghoft  faith,  BelUve  not  every  fpirit ;  I  may  fay,  Believe  not 
all  Reports,  or  Hiftory.  It  was  not  only /4/wt/  Prophets,  in  whofe 
mouths  Satan  was  a  lying  fpirit :  As  lying  and  deceiving  is  his  work  in  the 
world,  for  the  deftroying  ot  Ho/m*//,  and  oi  Souls,  even  wiien  he  turncth 
himfclf  into  an  Angel  of  Light  i  fs  is  it  the  work  of  his  Minifters,  when 
they  fectntobeMiniftersof  Righteoufnefsi  when  it  is  oft  faid  (Be  «o»  dt-- 
ce'tved)  and  ^Let  no  man  deceive  yon  with  vain  reords  ,]  it  is  more  neceflary  ad- 
vife,andhardiier  followed,  than  moll  men  underlland.  As  Truth  is  Gods 
means  to  work  the  will  to  holy  love,  and  lead  us  in  a  holy  life,  fo  Lying  is  the 
Devils  means  to  oppofethem  :  and  of  ail  Lyars,  none  are  more  pernicious 
than  lying  Hiftmans,  and  lying  Preadyers.  It  is  a  fad  perplexity  to  the  world, 
that  when  men  read  and  hear,  even  the  more  confident  and  plaulTble  Hi- 
florics  and  Reports,  they  know  not  whether  they  are  true  or  falfci  and  if 
they  belicvethat  tobc  true  which  is  not,  thee/fed:  is  worfc  than  this /'er- 
fleitity.   1  will  tell  you  what  I  take  to  be  credible,  and  what  not. 

I.  It  is  prcfuppo/cd  that  a  man  mull  believe  his  fenfes,  if  <b'Jnd,  about 
their  proper  objects :  Papifts  that  tell  us  that  all  mens  (enfcs  are  deceived, 
when  they  feem  to  perceive  Bread  and  Wine  in  tlic  Sacrament,  do  but  tell  us 
that  no  man  then  is  to  be  believed,  and  therefore  not  they  thcii.felves. 

II.  The  Hiftory  of  the  Gofpd  is  certainly  credible,  bccaufe  it  was  con- 
firmed by  multitudes  of  uncontrouled  Miracles  wro.;ght  by  Chrill,  and  by 
his  Apofiles,  and  multitudes  of  ChriiUansi  as  the  Dodrine  it  fclf  bcareth 
the  Image  and  Superfcription  of  God. 

III.  The  Propliets  that  had  Divine  Infpiration  and  Vifion,  had  that  Evi- 
dence which  gave  thtmfclvcs  a  certainty,  though  not  toothers. 

IV.  \\  hen  Hiftory  dclivereth  a  matter  ot  fad  and  fcnfe,  by  the  com~ 
mon  confent  of  all  men  that  knew  it,  though  of  contrary  minds,  difpoli- 
tions,  and  intcrcfts,  it  giveth  us  a  certainty  which  maybe  called  Naturals 
becaufc  Nature  hath  nothing  in  it  that  could  caufe  fuch  aConfpiracy  in  Ly- 
ing :  That  it  is  fo  credible  as  to  be  a  Naturjl  certainty,  that  there  is  a 
place  isRome,  P.iris,Jertifalem;  tliat  the  Statutes  ot  the  Land  are  not  For- 
geries, while  all  Contenders  plead  them  againlt  each  other,  and  hold  by 
them  their  Eftates  and  Lives;  And  fo  that  there  was  fuch  a  Perfon  as  Jtfus 
Chrift,  and  that  the  Scriptiues  were  written  by  the  Prophets  and  Apo- 
ftles,  &c. 

V.  when  the  Hiftory  of  any  perfon  and  adion  is  proved  by  continued  or 
vifible  effeds  .•  asthit  JVilUam  of  NonmnJy  conquered  Englmd,  while  fo 
many  of  the  cffeds  of  that  Lonqueit  in  our  Laws  and  CuIioTis  are  Itill  vifi- 
ble ••  And  that  the  l^ilfh  Were  th;  Ancient  Britains,  driven  by  the  Sax!>nr  in- 
to Wales,  while  their' Language,  Habitation,  &c.  Ihew  it;  And  lo  that 
Chrift  inftitutcd  BaptiGn,  and  Church-Communion,  and  the  Apoftks  fe- 

a  paxated 

parated  the  Lords  Day  for  holy  worfhip,  when  the  Chrifiian  World  hath 
ufcd  all  thefepublickly  in  all  places  evcrfince,  anddo  ftili  ufe  them:  And 
fo  that  Temples  were  built  for  holy  worlhip,  and  endowed,  when  wc  Hill 
fee  and  polTcCs  them. 

VI.  That  Hiltory   is  credible  which  confcntir:gly  fpcaketh  againP-  :• 
known  intereft  of  the  Author  >  for  mans  corrupt  nature  is  apter  r. 
boafting,  than  to  faKe  Confcilionsof  Sin  >  againll  a  Conf:lTor  there  >">-cii 
noWitnefTes:  And  this  is  much  of  the  credibility  of  the  hirflitr  part  of 
the  Church-Hiftory  which  I  here  recite  :  What  I  fay  of  the  mifcarriagcs  of 
Bilhopsand  Councils,  is  moftly  in  thcirown  words  i  and  what  I  fay  againft 
Popes,  is  but  the  recital  of  what  is  faid  by  the  greateft  Defenders  or  Flat- 
terers of  Popes :  I  give  you  no  Reports  againft  the  pride,  contentions  and 
corruptions  of  Patriarchs  and  Prelates,  out  of  the  fuppofed  Hereiitks,  or 
Proteftants  i  I  give  you  not  a  word  out  of  Luther  (who  de  Conciliis)  halt 
very  much  >  and  efpccially  fpeaketh  much  like  as  I  here  do  of  Cyril  arid 
Nejloriui  •■>  nor  out  of  lllyrkus  his  Catalogus  tcjliitin  VeritatiSy  nor  out  of 
the  Magdtburgenfes,  Ofunder,  Skidan ,  Cation,  MelanCihon,  Mornay's  Myflery  of 
Iniquity,  no  nor  out  of  the   Coliedlions  of  Gaidajinf,  M-irqiiJi-Jut^  Freljeri*/., 
Huberus^PiJiofius^&c.  But  the  fubftanceof  the  common  Hiftory  is  taken 
sut  of  tlic  commonly  received  Chiirch-Hiftoriins  (Eufebius,  Socrates,  Sozf- 
tnene,  Cafiodorus,  T'heodorite,  Kuffinus,  Evjgrius,  Nazianzen,  Hierom,  ViHor^  xV 

Nieephorur,Liberatus,l^icetas,ind(ach  others',  and  th  "11  of  the  Couq- 
cils  and  Popes  is  out  of  Bartnius,  Anaftafius^  but  moft  Ou '.  •.  3ifl«/«/,and  ?la- 
'  una,  and  JSLneas  Sylvius  ("a  Pope,)  Petjvius^  and  fuclj  of  her  as  are  the 
greatefl  Papal  Zealots:  When  thefe  fpeak  for  their  Cauje ,  i  leave  you  to 
\a&  fnjpiiion\  but  when  they  fpeak  a^azw/?  it,  by  way  ofconfelfion  or  la- 
mentation, they  are  not  to  be  fufpedied. 

VII.  The  next  degree  of  credibility  dependeth  on  the  Veracityor  credi- 
ble titnefs  of  the  Reporter  ■■,  fome  men  arc  much  more  credible  than  others  ; 
For  inftance. 

J.  One  that  was  «/>(;«*/'?  ^/j«,  znA  farv  what  was  done,  or  lived  near, 
■where  he  had  full  information,  is  (ceteris  fsribus)  more  credible  than 
enethat  followeth  uncertain  reports,  orhear-fay.  , 

2.  A  wife  man  is  much  more  credible  than  a  proud  fslf-conceited  Confi- 
dent Fool. 

3.  One  that  hath  made  a  matter  his  long  and  hard  ftudy,  is  (c£teris  pari' 
bus)  more  to  be  believed  in  that  matter,  than  many  ignorant  men. 

4.  One  that  is  impartial,  a  lover  of  peace,  and  not  ingaged  by  fadion  ©r 
intereft  to  one  fide  againft  the  other,  is  c£teris  paribus  much  more  credible 
tlian  a  fadlious  intcreiicd  man. 

51  A  (ober,  calm,  confiderateman,  that  will  ftay  and  try  before  he  judg- 
cili,  is  more  credible  than  a  pailionate  or  hafty  judger. 

<5.  A  man  of  manifeft  honelly,  confciencc,  and  the  fear  of  God,  is  much 
more  to  be  believed  than  a  worldly ,  wicked,   bloody,    unconlcionable 


7.  Ceteris 

7-  Ctttris  Pjr/^K/ many  agreed  honeft  impartial  men  are  more  to  be  be- 
lieved than  one,  or  a  few  odd  and  fingular  perfons,  who  have  no  more  ad- 
vantage than  the  reft  to  know  the  truth. 

8.  The  young  and  unexperienced  owe  feme  Reverence  to  the  judgment 
of  their  S'Mfor/,  as  more  credible  by  age  and  experience  than  their  own. 

p.  Accordingly  Children  to  their  Parents,  and  Scholars  to  their  Maftcrs 
and  Tutors  owe  fuch  belief  as  isanfwcrablc  to  their  difference,  and  theufc 
of  their  learning  of  them. 

By  this  you  may  fee  on  the  contrary  who  is  not  worthy  of  belief. 

I.  One  that  pretcndeth  Infpiration,  Vifion,  Revelation,  and  giveth  the 
hearer  no  fuflicirnt  proof  of  it. 

II.  One  that  pretendeth  to  tell  you  things  beyond  his  reach  i  as  many 
-Philofophers  do  about  the  my  flcrits  of  Nature,  fpiritual  and  corporeal,  E- 

lemcnts  or  rr.ixt  bodies,  above  and  below,  of  which  the  Books  of  many  arc 
full,  and  malignant  men,  that  take  on  them  to  tell  you  other  wenx /^«wf/, 
without  jtfi  proof,  that  they  are  hypocrites,  and  intend  that  which  they 
never  did,  or  meant  ill,  when  they  faidor  did  well  ■■,  and  when  falfcHiOo- 
rians  will  tell  you  with  what  Cunprovcd;  illpurpofcs  or  deceits,  perfons  a 
thoufand  miles  off,  and  perhaps  a  thouland  years  palt,  whom  they  never 
knew,  did  fay  and  do  all  that  is  reported  of  them. 

III.  when  there  are  but  few  reporters  of  things  pretended  to  be  kriown 
publrckjy  in  the  world  ,  efpecially  when  more  credible  perfons  contradict 

IV.  When  the  pcrfon  is  deeply  ingaged  in  a  Party,  and  carryingon  alitor 
theintercll  of  his  Party,  doth  give  you  but  his  word,  or  the  report  of  his 
own  Party  for  what  he  faithi  fo  that  you  may  perceive  that  intcrcft  byafTcth 
him  to  partiality. 

V.  When  theHiflorianfhcwctha  mali'gnant  fpirir,  that  cxtenuatcth  or 
denieth  all  the  good  that  was  in  his  Advcrfaries.  and  faftcncth  on  them  as 
mucli  Odium  as  he  can  without  juft  proof,  and  juHifieth  all  the  reproach 
that  is  ufcd  againd  them. 

VI.  When  the  Hiilorian  livcth  fo  far  o/f  from  the  place  and  time,  that 
he  is  no  competent  reporter,  having  all  his  notice  but  by  the  fame  of  his 
own  Fadion,  as  urcapablcas  himfclf. 

VII.  VN  hen  the  fober  moderate  men  of  his  own  party  contradiA  him, 
and  fpeak  well  of  the  perfons  whom  be  reproacheth. 

VIII.  When  the  reporter  i";  maniftltly  a  proud,  worldly,  wicked,  uncon- 
fcionable  n,an,  efpecially  of  a  bloody  hurtful  dilprfition  ;  For  as  Gods  three- 
fold Influence,  or  the  t^Wo:/?jW(/>;.;?,  Ifill  and  Life  is  bv.t  ore,  fo  the  De- 
vil dcth  ufually  vitiate  togedur  the  Zhiderflanding^  Will  and  Life  j  and  he 
that  is  from  the  beginning  ^n  Enemy,  and-  a  Murderer,  fs  alfb  a  Lyjr^ 
Though  a  rpick^d^mjlig/unt  ,znd  eruel  w;j/j.  may  yet  have  an  opinionativc  faith 
and  knowledge,  and  preach  the  truth,  when  it  is  for  his  carnal  intcreli  i  yet 
when  his  malice  and  interefttemptcth  him  againft  it,  there  is  no  trufHng  his 

.a  2  IX.  Wiici 

IX.  when  an  ignorant  proud  man  thinkcth  that  he  muft  be  believed 
mecrly  for  the  reverence  and  authority  of  his  place. 

X.  When  the  reporter  livetli  in  a  time  and  place  where  carnal  intereft 
hath  got  the  major  Vote  for  fal(hood,  and  it  paffeth  commoDJy  for  truth 
efpeciaily  where  Tyranny,  Civil  or  Ecclcllailical,  filenccth  the  truth  in 
Prefi,  Pulpit,  and  Difcourfe,  that  it  dare  not  be  Ipoken  >  by  which  the  Pa- 
pifls  have  not  only  made  their  ovvn  writingsand  reporrs  incredible,  bjt  by 
their  Indices  Expxrgaiorios,  and  bafc  corrupting  of  ancient  Writers,  have 
weakned  our  certainty  of  much  of  the  old  Hillory  and  Fathers- 

XI.  When  the  reporter  is  a  weak  and  lilly  man,  that  hath' not  wit  tofift 
out  the  truth. 

XII.  Whenheis  paiTionately  raft,  and  of  haDy  judgment,  and  hath  not 
patience  rofiay  and  fufpend  his  judgment  till  he  hear  all. 

XIII.  when  it  is  a  Novice  or  raw  Student,  that  hath  not  had  time,  helps 
and  experience  to  know  what  he  pretends  to  know,  and  yet  contradidfcth 
wifer  men  of  more  advantage  and  experience. 

XIV.  When  prefent  experience  tellcth  us,  that  the  party  that  he  writeth 
againft  as  unlearned  or  wicked,  are  men  of  Eminent  Learning  ,  and  the 
i'earof  God  i-  and  that  the  party  that  he  magnifieth  as  fuch,  are  contrary  » 
by  fuch  marks  incredible  Hi/lory  may  be  difcerned. 

Qu.  But  hBfP  canrveknotvmens  wifdome,  and  piety ^  and  honejly,  and  impar- 
tiality, when  we  ueverkricrv-tbe  men  ?  Anf.  Thougib  hypocrites  may  much  coun- 
terfeit truth  and  goodnefs,  its  hard  fo  to  do  it,  but  the  contrary  which- 
rukth  in  them  will  break  out,  as  a  iVmk  will  get  through  narrow  pafTages  : 
and  though  truth  and  honeliy  may  be  much  clouded,  they  have,  like  light, 
afelf- revealing  power. 

To  give  you  fome  infiances  i  as  among  Phyfitiansi^/'^crj/pJ-,  and  Gakn^ 
lindCelfufoi  o'd  i  and  of  late  Montanits,  Crato  Fernelius,  PUterut,  Hildj- 
n«/,  and  fuch  others,  do  fpeak  with  that  felf-evidencing  honci>y,  and  many 
Faracelfians  with  that  palpable  vanity,  that  one  of  them  will  conllrain  be- 
lief, and  the  other  unbelief,  even  in  them  that  never  heard  what  they  were  : 
So  among  Hillorians  ,  Eufebiiu,  though  counted  an  Arrian,  and  Socrates^ 
and  Sozometi,  though  called  Novatians,  and  Iheodoret^und  Liberatuf,  and  fome 
others,  do  write  fo  as  toconllrainbelicf  of  things  which  were  within  therf 
notice,  and  with  honcU impartiality  :  Among  the  Papifts,  what  clear  foor- 
ilcpsof  underlianding,  honefiy,  and  impartiality,and  fo  of  truth,  is  there 
in.  T'huanur ,  and  much  in  Commines,  Gtticciardint^  Father  Paulus  Servita 
Hift.  of  Trent  Council,  and  divers  others :  Though  Dofter  Jtmei  bid  us 
keepCrjt,  becaufe  the  later  Councils  are  corrupt,  and  all  of  them  muft  be 
taken  witlvdue  Antidotes,  yet  becaufe  irioii  of  the  matter  is  fetcht  from  pub- 
lick  Ads  and  Records,  they  arc  more  credible  than  moft  fingle  Hiftory  i 
Acojia  fpcaketh  impartially  of  the  /^e/?  Indies,  and  Godignus  of  the  AbaJJi" 
ans,  Matth.  Paris  of  England,  and  the  Pope,  and  fo  of  fome  others:  Of  Pro- 
teftants,  fome  do  but  recite  recorded  tcdimonies,  or  publick  ads,  and  the 
very  wruirgs  thciriclvcs  of  the  times  they  fpeak  of,  when  others  do  but- 



tell  youftories  on  their  bare  word  :  Golds(ltis,Kuhtrus^  Freherm  and  Pijh- 
r/K/,dobut  give  usColIc<ftionsof  the  writings  ofthofe  former  Ages,  and 
nothing  of  their  own  :  So  doth  Mr.  KnJhKorth  now  in  his  three  Volumes  of 
CoUcdlionsi  and  Mr.  F»//w  hath  partly  dono  fo,  and  writcth  n.oderatcly> 
Mr.G«7i?rt  B«r«rt  thuswriteth  the  Hiftory  of  the  Reformation,,  laying  not 
the  credit  on  his  word,  but  on  his  Evidences',  and  Cambden  impartially 
thus  writeth of  Queen  Elizabctb^2nd  in  his  Br/ttania:  'LyT^cr  harhdone  the 
like,  de  fuccef.  Ecclef.  of  the  JValdenfes  i  and  in  \\\sdc  irimordiU  Eccl.  Brit, 
of  the  Pelagians^  not  faying,  but  prev in g  by  Records,  and  old  Evidences, 
what  he  dehvcfeth ,  bclides  the  advantage  of  his  known  extraordinary 
learning, honcfty, and  impartiality  ")  fo  doth  Fox  for  the  molt  part  in  his 
Martynlo^y  give  y(  u  but  the  publick  Record,  or  proved  Hillorics  f  though 
Cope  call  him  lyar)  MdanShon  and  Bucholtzer  were  men  of  fuch  known  lin- 
cerity,  as  conftraincth  credit  to  their  reports. 

On  the  other  fide,  who  can  believe  fuch  palpable  Railcrs  as  T)mpius,  Co- 
chleMf,Geiieb)-ard,art(i  many  fuch,  that  lye  contrary  to  certain  aidence  ?  fuch 
as  make  the  Vulgar  believe,  that  L«//;fr  learnt  his  Religion  of  the  Dcvii,  and 
was  killed  by  him  i  that  Oecolampadius  was  kill'd  by  the  Devil ;  and  that 
Bucer  had  his  guts  pull'd  out,  and  caR  about  by  the  Devil  ■■,  that  Calvin  was 
a  ftigmatizcd  5'o(/rt»«/>f  and  Senfualill  i  that  Bf«u  died  a  PapiftCwho  lived 
long  after  to  write  a  Confutation)  and  abundance  fuch,  Mckbior  Adam 
gathereth  hisHiHory  of  Lives  from  the  Pens  of  thofe  that  moft  intimately 
knew  the  perfons,  what  able,  holy,  laborious,  and  excellent  fervants  of 
God  were  Crf/ivn,  Bez,»,  Daneus,  K>wx,  and  many  fuch,  as  defcribcd  by  Adj' 
mMSt  and  in  the  judgment  of  thofe  that  were  their  moft  knowing  obfer- 
vers:  But  what  vile  rebellious  wretches  were  they  in  the  judgment  of  Do- 
GoT  Hcylin,  and  fuch  as  he  ?  what  excellent  perfons  did  God  ufc  for  the 
beyond-fea  Reformation  '  even  as  in  Vr.inces  and  Holland ;  Jetircl,  Biljon^  and 
other  Bifhops,  defend  that  which  He)lin  defcribcth  a5  the  molt  odious  Re- 
bellions: He  n\3ktt\\  the  Geneva  Presbyterians  to  do  that  againii  their  Bi- 
ftiop,  which  Dr.  Ftt.  Moulin  in  his  Anfwer  to  Fhilanjx  An^licits,  Ihcwcih 
was  done  before,  while  they  were  Papii^s.  Some  things  in  Hn/w/ HiHory 
of  the  Rcform.ation,  and  the  Prcfb^tcrians,  I  believe,  which  he  bringerh 
Records  for  i  but  upon  his  own  word  I  can  fcarce  believe  any  thing  that  he 
(aith,fo  palpably  partialis  he,  and  of  fo  malicious  and  bloody  a iirain,  re- 
.prcfcnting  excellent  perfons  as  odious  intollcrable  Fvogues,  and  the  Refor- 
mation, even  of  the  Lutherans,  as  too  bad  s  but  that  in  France,  Blgia,  Friefi 
land,  the  Palatinate,  Httngary,  Tranjlhania,  Scotland,  to  be  but  aftriesof  the 
moff  odienis  Rebellions,  Murders,  and  horrid  Sacrilccige  i  and  ours  in  Eff^* 
land  to  be  much  the  Spawn  of  Ring  Henries  Lu{\,  and  thinking  Ring  Ed' 
»'ijr^  5.  his  death  afeafonable  mercy  >  and  odioufly  rcprtfenting  fuc!>  ex- 
cellent Billiops  zsGrindall,  Abbot,  and  Z^/:er,  and  fuch  excellent  Divines  as 
we  fent  to  Vort  Vavenanty  Hall, War d,Carlton,  &c.  It  pleafcth  the  Prelaf  i/is 
to  fay  tiu  )  of  me,  that  I  am  no  Presbyterian,  and  therefore  fpcak  not  for 
the  perLns  in  partiality,  as  one  of  jheir  party  i  but  1  niuft  fay,  as  in  Gods 


fight,:  that  in  my  own  acquaintance,"!  have  found  that  fort  of  men,  whom 
Dr.  Heylin  and  fuch  other  reproach  as  Presbyterians  and  Puritans,  to  be  the 
moft  fcrious,confcionable,prad:ical,  fcber,  and  charitable  Chriftians  that  fi- 
ver I  knew,  yea  verily  the  knowledge  of  them  hath  been  a  great  help  to 
the  /Icdfaftnefsof  my  Faithin  ChrilT:  Had  I  known  no  Chriftians  but  car- 
nal, worldly,  and  formal  men,  who  excel  not  Heathens  in  any  thing  but  O- 
pinion,  it  would  have  tempted  mc  to  doubt  whether  Chrift  were  the  Sa- 
viour of  Souls,  as  I  fhould  think  meanly  of  thePhyfitian  that  doth  no 
cures:  But  when  I  fee  holy  mortihed  perfons,  living  in  the  love  of  God 
and  man,  I  fee  that  Faith  is  not  a  dead  fancy  i  And  when  I  have  lived  in 
intimate  familiarity  with  fuch,  from  my  Childhood,  to  the  fixty  fifth  year 
of  my  age,  and  known  their  integrity,  notwithfhnding  their  infirmities; 
and  then  read  fuch  Hifiories  as  rcprcfent  them  as  the  moft  odious,  flagitious 
perfohs,  I  fee  it  is  not  for  nothing  that  fome  men  are  called  A/a';3aAo<  in  the 
Scripture,  and  the  Children  of  their  Father  the  Devil,  who  was  from  the-he. 
ginning  a  lying  malignant  Murderer- 

Two  Crimes  I  have  long  ago  heard  the  Rabble  charge  on  thofc  whom  they 
ciUcd  Puritani,  Lying  znd  Covetoufncfsi  whereas  near  two  thoufand  Mini- 
ikrs  arecaftout,  and  fuffer,  which  they  could  moftly  efcape,  if  they  durft 
but  lye  i  and  if  I  ask  money  for  the  Poor  (of  what  party  foeverj  I  can 
fooner  get  a  Pound  fromthofe  called  Turitans,  than  a  Shilling  from  others 
far  richer  than  they.  Can  I  take  any  men  to  be  other  than  malignant  lyars 
who  would  make  men  believe  that  luch  men  as  Hilderfham,  Dod,  Rogerr, 
Ball,  Paul  Bagne,  Ames,  Bradjharv,  &c,  were  Rogues  and  feditious  Rcbcl«,  or 
that  revile  fuch  as  Vfher,  Hjll,I>jvenant,  &c.  ?  Reader,  believe  not  a  word 
of  any  of  the  revilings  or  odious  charadtcrs  and  llorics,  which  any  afpiring 
worWIy  faftious  Clergy  man  writeth  of  fuch  as  are  his  Adverfaries;  lying 
is  their  too  common  language  ■■>  yea ,  if  they  do'  but  once  fet  themfelves 
eagerly  tofcek  Prefei"hicnt,  I  will  never  trull  them,  or  take  th:ir  words: 
It  hath  been  fo  of  old,  the  fame  man  that  was  a  Saint  to  his  Acquaintance, 
hath  bcendcfcribed  as  wicked,  or  a  Devil  by  others  ;  How  bad  were  Origen 
zvdChryfilioinc  to  Jhenphilas,  Akxand.zndEpiphanitis  ?  And  how  bad  was 
'X::eophilHs  to  the  Hilloriansthat  write  hisaftions-'  How  excellent  a  perlon 
was  Cyril  Alex.  1 1  the  Council  of  Calxdon,  and  how  bad  a  man  was  he  to 
Iheodorct,  Iftdore,  ?eliij'.  &c,  Ignatius  Coiili.  was  a  Saint  to  Nicctjs,  and  many 
others,  and  to  Photius  he  was  an  Antichriji,  and  nvcked  limb  of  the  Devil : 
Phdtiiis  was  a  holy  man  to  his  Party,  and  a  n'icked  wretch  to  Nicet.ts,  and  o- 
thers:  Yea,  fee  thecredit  of  worldly  Prelates  i  the  fame  Bifliops  one  year 
cry  down  Ignatius  as  a  ivicked  man,  and  call  Photius  a  holy  perfon  and  the 
next  year,  Or  (hortly  after,  cry  down  Phjtius  for  :i  Rogue,  and  cry  up  Igna- 
tius ^  yea,  and  upon  the  next  turn  cry  up  holy  Photius  whom  they  had  ana- 
thematized :  Thefc doings  were  familiar  with  carnal  Prelates. 

But  as  Gods  Spirit  in  his  fcrvants  is  fo  fuitcd  to  the  Dodrine  of  the 
fame  Spirit,  that  they  rclilh  it  where  they  find  it ;  fo  their  piety  and  honefty 
is  fuch  a  felf  evidencing  thing,  that  pious  and  honcfi  men  that  knew  therat 
cannot  believe  their  lying  llanderers.  And 

And  when  Satan  hath  done  his  worft,  the  very  ivritingsof  fucfi  m^n  as 
Calvin,  Beza,  Mdandhon^  Perkjns,  Hildcrjhjm,  Ames,  Vcd,  B.-irjJCf,  Galaker, 
VJher,Davenant,Hall,&c.  will  not  fuffer  men  to  believe  their  odious  re- 
vilcrs ;  Even  among  Papilts  ,  wlicn  1  read  the  works  of  Bernard,  Gerfon, 
Kempu,ThaHlerMr.Sjlet,  and  th^  Lives  o(  Ncrius,  Rtnti,  &c.  I  cannot  be- 
lieve him  that  would  tell  me  they  were  wicked  men  t hr ugh /»«'/)■ .-  And 
the  Lives  written  by  Adam,  C/crj^,,  Fuller,  &c.  fliall  be  believed  bctore  Ca- 

Alas,  how  little  arc  moft  Hiftories  to  be  believed,  where  they  prove  not 
what  they  fay  i  there  are  about  llxty  that  fay  there  was  a  Pope  Jwaj,  and 
»ear  as  many  that  fay  nofuch  thing.    Hildebrand  to  one  half  of  the  Eilhops 
Wisthcholy  Rejiorerof  the  Church,  to  the  other  halt  the  vilejl  Rebel.    \\c  are 
rot  agreed  here  in  Louden  who  tur/it  theCity  in  1666.  nor  what  forties  be- 
gan the  late  fVar,  noi  what  party  broHght  tJw  King  to  dijth,  while  wc  are  a- 
fivcihat  faw  thcfc  piiblick  tads;  Not  only  Lads  that  knew  it  not,  but 
Heyl/n  (^the  great  Kcproachcrot  the  Reformers  J  would  make  men  believe 
that  it  was  Prejbyier/j)ii  ia  England  tliat  began  the  llritc  and  War,  wlien 
}Ct  he  had  hinifclf  laid  fo  much  of  it  on  ArchbilliopSj  ar.d  Bilhops,  and-on 
the  Parliaments  complaints  of  Popery,  Arminianifm,  and  Aibi:rary  Illc- 
galiticsi   and  after  faith  fHi/t.  Prcsb.  p.  465.  470.^  The  truth  if,  that  as 
the  Engliih  generally  nere  net  nilling  to  netive  ihjt  yoakj,  fo  neither  did  the 
Houfes  really  intend  to  impofe  it  on  them,  though  for  a  ivhile  to  hold  fair  quar- 
ter n'ilh  the  Scots,  the)'  feemed  femrardin  it.    This  appears  by  thdrDcclaratiiVt 
*/"  April  I  6^6  —  Nor  hnie  they  lived  to' fee  their  dear  Presbytery  fetled,  or  their 
Lay-Elders  entertained  in  any  one  Parijhef  the  Kingdome  Cthat's  falfc  on  the 
other  lideji  and  jet  alln.utl  be  done  by  this  Patliiment,  as  Presbyterians, 
four  years  before,  when  they  were  Eprfcopal,  diftafting  only  the  pctfons  and 
anions  of  Bifliop  Lj«/^,  ll'^ren,  and  tome  other  prtfcnt  Eilhops. 

Iflhnda  man  like  Schluffelburgius  ,  fall  Pe//-mr// with  reproach  on  all 
that  differ  from  him,  or  Dr. /Jtv//«,  fpeak  of  blood  with  pkafure,  and  as 
thirrty  affcr  more(asof  Ihaek^r,  Vdall,&c.)  or  as  diligning  to  make  Dif^ 
fentersodious,  ashcand  mofiof  thePapiAs  Hifioriansdo.  (as  the  Image  of 
both  Cluirchcs,  Pbilanax  AngUcus,  the  Hiftorical  Colkdtions  out  of  Hey- 
l/n) I  will  believe  none  of  thcfercvilers,  further  than  they  give  mc  Cogent 

I  hear  of  a  Scots  Narrative  of  the  lreafons,Fornications,lFitchcrafis,zn^ 
other  wickedncfs  of  fome  of  the  5'ctf«//&  Presbyterians  >  and  zs  for  me,  the 
Ambor  kiioxveth  not  wbattocgllme,  unhj'sit  bt  a  Baxtcrian,  as  intending  to  be 
a  Hittl'izichai  being  neither  Papijif  nor  of  the  Church  of  England,  nor  Presby~ 
terian,  nor  Independent,  &c. 

To  this  I  fa>,  I  have  no  acquaintance  with  any  Scots  Minillcr,  nor  ever 
had  in  niy  life,  except  with  Bifhop  Sharp  that  was  murdered,  ond  two  o- 
ther  Bilhops  fand  two  or  three  that  live  here  in  London)  therefore  what 
tiuyare  I  know  not,  favebyFame:  But  though  I  have  heard  that  Coun- 
try aiptili,  as  too  much  inclined  to  Fornication,  I  never  before  heard  the 


Religious  part  and  Minifters  fo  acciifcd  ;  Either  it  is  trw,  or  fjlfe;  if  fjife 
fliame  be  to  ^he  reporters  i  if  true,  what  doth  it  concern  us  here,  or  any 
that  are  innocent,  any  turthcr  than  to  abhor  it,  and  lament  it,  and  to  be 
thankful  to  God  that  it  is  another  fort  of  men  that  arc  tailed  Puritsni  in 
"England-,  and  that  in  all  my  acquaintance  with  them  thefe  <6  years  Crvhich 
hath  been  reith  very  many  in  many  Countries)  Iremembcr  not  that  ever  I  heard  of 
cnt  Puritan,  manor  rvoman^jave  one  ^  accufed  orfuJpeSed  of  fornication  ■,  and 
that  one  yet  living,  though  openly  penitent,  hath  lived  difowned  and 
fhamed  to  this  day  i  but  I  have  heard  of  multitudes  that  revile  them  that 
make  a  jeft  and  common  pradlice  of  it;  Try  whether  you  can  make  the 
Inhabitants  of  this  City  believe,  that  the  Nonconformills  or  Puritans  arc 
fornicators,  drunkards,  or  perjured,  and  that  their  accu(ers  and  haters  are 
innocent  men  that  hate  them  for  fuch  Crimes  !  But  its  poffible  that  you 
may  make  men  of  other  Countries  or  Ages  believe  it,  and  believe  that  we 
wear  Horns,  and  have  Cloven  Feet,  and  what  you  will>  but  I  fear  not  all 
your  art  or  advantages  on  thofc  that  are  acquainted  with  both  fides  :  But 
themifery  is,  that  fadion  ingageth  men  to  aflbciate  only  with  their  party 
where  they  hear  reproaches  of  the  unknown  diffenters,  from  whom  they 
fo  ellrange  themfelves,  that  the  Neighbours  near  them  are  as  much  un- 
known to  them,  favc  by  lying  fame,  as  if  they  lived  an  hundred  miles  from 
thrm.  I  remember  Mr.  Crej^j  once  wrote  to  me,  that  he  turned  from  the 
Protefiant  Religion  to  the  Roman,  becaufe  there  rvas  among  us  no  fpiritual  Books 
of  Devotion  for  Soul  Eltvatient ,  and  affedionate  Contemplation  :  And  I  told 
him  it  was  Gods  juft  Jadgment  on  him,  that  lived  fo  Itrange  to  his  Neigh- 
bours, becaufe  they  are  called  Puritans,  and  to  their  Writings,  which  Shops 
and  Libraries  abound  with  i  had  he  read  Eifhopflj///,  }At.  Greenhams 
Mr.  Ri.  B-ogers,  Mr.  Jo.  Rogers,  Mr.  Hilderfhams,  Mr.Boltons,  Mr.  Perkins^ 
Mr.  Vorvnhams,  Mr.Kywr/,  Dr.  Sibhes,  &c.  yea  or  no  better  than  my  owri 
(the  Saints  Reft,  the  Life  of  Faith,  the  Divine  Life,  theChriliian  Diredory,  &c.) 
or  had  he  read  the  Lives  of  Divines  called  Puritans  for  but  fuch  as  two 
joung  nun  Cpublilhed  partly  by  my  felfj  Jofcph  Allen,  and  John  Janeway) 
he  would  never  have  gone  from  the  Prottftants  to  the  Papills,  becaufe 
of  our  formality  and  want  of  an  affedlionate  fpiritual  fort  of  devotion  e- 
fpecially  knowing  what  exceft  of  formality  is  among  the  Papifts,  and  how 
much  it  is  of  the  Clergies  accufation  of  the  Puritans,  that  they  are  for 
too  little  form,  and  too  much  pretence  of  fpiritual  devotion. 

But  if  any  called  Religious,  or  Puritans,  or  Presbyterians  be  vicious  I 
know  no  men  that  (o  heartily  dcfire  their  punifhment  and  ejedfion,  as  thofe 
that  are  called  by  the  fame  names;  I  thank  God  that  thefe  twenty  years 
while  neither  IVit  /iT/V/,  nor  Powrr  hath  been  wanting  againfl  them,  I  have 
fcarce  heard  ot  two  men  (if  one)  that  have  been  judged  and  proved  guilty 
of  any  (uchiiumorality,  of  all  the  ejcdled  lilenccd  Miniiiersin  this  Land  ; 
I  would  I  could  fay  (o  of  their  Advcrlaries. 

IL  And  now  I  muft  fpeakto  the  Accufcrs  fpeeches  of  my  felf  i  I  thank 
you  Sir  that  you  feigned  no  worfc  againfl  me.  i  if  I  am  an  Hxrefiireha^  why 



would  not  you  vouchfafc  to  name  that  Hcrefie  which  I  have  owned:  I  have 
given  you  large  Field-room,  in  near  80  Books  >  and  few  men  can  fo  vviite, 
as  that  a  willing  roan  may  not  find  feme  words  which  he  is  able  to  call  Hc- 
tefie :  A  little  learning,  wit,  or  honefty,  will  fervc  for  fuch  an  hcreticating 
prefunjption.  2.  I  never  heard  thzt  Arminiits  was  called  zn  Arminiaii,  nor 
Lut^  a  Lutherdn ,  nor  Bifliop  Land  a  Laudian  i  but  if  you  be  upon  the 
knack  of  making  Names,  you  beft  know  your  ends,  and  bcA  know  how  to 
fitthemtoit.  j.But  ferioufly, do  you  not  know  my  Judgment?  will  not 
abo»rf*£i3  Eooits  inform  you  ?  how  then  can  I  help  it  ?  4..  No,  but  5  ou  know 
not  )shft  Party  I  am  of,  nor  what  to  call  mc  >  lam  forricr  for  you  in  this 
than  for  my  felt"  i  if  youknownot,!  will  tell  you,  I  ama  CHRISTI- 
AN, a  MEER  CHRISTIAN,  of  no  other  Religion  i  and  the 
Chuichthat  I  am  of  is  the  Chriftian  Church,  and  hath  been  vifible  where  c- 
ver  the  Chrifiian  Religion  and  Church  hath  been  vifible  ;  Rut  mull  you 
know  whatSedor  Party  I  am  of?  I  amagainft  all  Scd-s  and  dividing  Par- 
tics :  But  if  any  will  call  MeerChrrji tans  by  the  name  of  a  Party,  becaufc 
» they  take  up  with  wcer  C/;rV?**n/<)',C>'f('(/,  and  5crf^fKre,  and  will  mot  be  of 
any  dividing  or  contentious  Sctll,  I  am  of  that  I^jrty  which  is  To  againrt 
Parties:  If  the  Name  CHRISTIAN  be  not  enough,  call  mc  a  CA- 
THOLICK  CHRISTIAN!  notasthat  word  fignirieth  an  Jicrs- 
xicitmg  majority  of  Bifhops,  but  as  it  (ignif^qth_bne  that  hath  no  Rtligictni 
but  tlidt  which  by  Chri/l  and  the  Apofiks  Wasl^ft'to  the  Catholick  Churth, 
ortheEody  of  JefusChrifionEaith.         ",       '' 

Atid  now  Sir,  I  am  ferry  th±f  you  are  notcontcnt  with  mctfr  Chriftiani- 
ty,  and  to  be  a  Member  of  tlic  Ca^holick  Church,  and  iiold  the  Communion 
of  Saints,  but  that  you  mu/l  needs  alio  be  of  a  Sc^t,  and  have  (bme  ojJitr 
Naroc;  And  how  (ball  I  know  that  ..your.  Scffl  is  better  than  at^otha.'' 
Werenot  thePapifi5  Sedarits  and  Scbifmaticks,  damning  n.oll  of  Cbrjlts. 
Bod^'on  Earth.Tcr  not  feeing  rilbjfdl  to  their  Pope,  I  fliould  not  be  ft)"irueh^ 
agaifmibem*  Ifindpromifesbf  Salvation  in  Scriptures  to  Believers,  that"' 
is,  Chriftiansasfuch  (if  luch  fincercly,)  but  none  of  the  falvation  of  rrcn 
zsPapijh^  T'iocefjns,  Grccuns^  Nejiorians,  EuiychianT,  &c.  I  would  fay  alfo 
[_nor  as  Proteji.tntf^  did  I  not  take  the  Religion  called  Protcftai.t  fa  Name 
which  I  am  rot  fond  c\')  to  be  nothing  but  fimple  Chrijiijiiity,  with  oppo- 
fition  to  Popery,  and  other  (uch  corruption.  And  now  you  know  your 
own  deligns,  \ our  tongue  i? your  own,  and  who  can  controul  you, what- 
ever you  wil!  call  us  i  but  I,  and  fiich  others,  call  our  ftlvcs  MEER 
all  Sedfs  and  Sedtarian  names,  and  haters  boch  of  ti  le  fLrcfic,  SclvpftT^  and 
fnud^unrightcouiihactieuting  zad A nathi mat izmg.  Plal.  A..O  ye  fonsof  mcH  , 
/»!»  long  tvill  yc  turn  my  ghry  into  fi'  ime  ?  hiiv  long  will  ye  love  vanity^  and 
fttk^ after  lying?  Bxtk^orvthut  the  Lord  hath  fct  apjirt  him  that  is  godly  for 
himfflf:  Pfal.  12.  i,  2,  3,  4,  5.  Help  Lord,  for  the  godly  man  eeafetbi  forthe 
fiithfid  fail  from  among  the  children  of  men :  Jhey  ffeak^  vanity  cvir^'  one  lyith 
bis  Neighbour^  &c.  Sec  the  reit. 

b  I  will 

I  will  adJ,  that  if  to  be  fcriovisin  the  belief  of  theChriftian  Faith,  and 
the  Life  to  come,  and  in  fceking  it  above  this  world,  and  in  confbnt  en- 
deavours to  pleafc  God,  whoever  be  difplcafcd  by  it,  is  it  that  maketh 
a  man  a  Puritan,  bccaufc  he  is  hot  a  fdrmal  Hypocrite,  then  I  would  I  were 
worthy  of  the  Titles  which  your  Pfmdo  Tilenus  and  his  Brother  give  me, 
who  fay,  I  am  Phthi  Pittus  Puritanut,  and  one  qui  totHm  Pwitanifmttm  P«- 
tus  Jfirat:  Alas  I  am  not  fo  good  and  happy.  ButP>.eadcrs,  when  this  fort 
of  men  hive  dcfcribed  the  Puritans  as  the  moft  intoikrable  Villains,  you 
that  knew  them  not  may  concliid',  that  they  were  men  no  more  erroneous, 
or  woife  than  I,  how  much  better  foevcri  for  Bifhop  Morley  dith  o(mc,Ah 
ttno  dijcc  omnes  :  And  of  my  Doftrine,  I  'lave  left  the  world  a  full  account .i 
and  rauft  (hortly  be  accountable  for  it  and  m.y  life  to  God,  whofe  pardon 
and  grace  through  Chrilt  1  daily  beg  and  truft  to. 

A  Notice  concerning  Mr.  Henry  Docln>eU. 

MK.Dodjvell  having  written  a  copious  Dilcourie,  aflTcrting, 
that  we  have  no  right  to  falvationj  but  by  Gods  Covenant 
validly  fealed  by  the  Sacrament  f  and  that  the  Sacrament  is  not 
valid^  unleft  delivered  by  one  that  hath  Ordination  by  (uch  a 
Bifliop  as  hath  his  Ordination  by  another  Bifliop,  and  fo  on  by  an 
uninterrupted  fucccffion  from  the  Apoftles,  with  much  more  fiKh 
Schifmatical  ftufF,  which  I  fully  confuted  in  my  Books  called, 
{The  true  twd  «nly  terms  of  the  Cot/cord  of  all  the  Chriflian  Churches^ 
and  I  aggravated  his  Schifmatical  condemnation  of  the  Reform- 
ed Churches,  and  moft  others  (as  having  no  true  Mimjfrj;  Sarra- 
tucut s^  nor  Covena7Tt-tHk  te  jlxlvatiov^  and  as  finning  againft  the 
Holy  Ghoft,  becaufc  he  p-ofcjfith  himfclf  a  Vroiefia»t ;  The  faid 
h'lr.DodvKll  faith,  that  thcfc  words  would  perfwade  men  that  I 
tali^Lim  for  a  Pcptji,  and  cxpcdcth  that  I  therein  right  him;  Be 
it  therefore  known  to  all  men,  that  I  never  meant  by  that  word 
to  accu(e.  Mr.  Dodwell  of  kuig  a.Vapiji^  but  to  aggravate  his  a- 
buCe  of  Proteftants5  and  th;it  I  take  my  felf  bound  to  charge  no . 
man  to  be  of  a  Religion  which  he  dcuieth.-  And  what  his  Rcli-- 
gion  fcally  is,  his  Books. may  bcft  inform  him  that  would  know., 


— _^___ ■ia^'s!  .11  ha.-    • 



Chap.  I-\  X  THiit  Order  atidGczcrNmct:t  Chrifl  andhts  Spirit  fct- 
Y  V  ^^^^^  "'  i^^  Churches  •-,  and  jvhut  teas  the  appointed 
2roi\of  BijJjopy.  1  hat  particular  Churches^  that  had  every  one  a  Bt- 
fiop^  were  ajffoaated  for  pcrjival  Contmmiion  of  veighhours  :  That 
tioveoM  earth  for  about  two  kumlred  jcurs,  aiidnotit  but  Rome  And. 
Alexandria  for  letiger  time  ,  ca?i  be  proved  to  be  more  numerous 
than  our  greater  PariJ/:es,  »ot/or  half  Jo  big.  The  Cafe  even  «7/~Romc 
^;/^  Alexandria  examined^  and  the  lih(  proved  even  of  them  agair.-Ji 
the  contrary  arguments.  Hove  the  change  -was  made  ^  and  rvhat 
change  it  is.    How  Prelacy  became  the  dtfeafing  tumour  of  the  Church. 

^..^lofiy  ReaJcKi  againji  a/tilluje  of  the  Htjiory  of  Councils  and  Pre- 

.   lates  ujurpdiicns  ^  that  no  man  thence  dijhoncnr  Cf.riji^  Ckrijiiamfy., 
the  I^linrji'rj  or  Church. 

Char.  2.  Of  Hcrcfses  :  What  Etrors  are  not  damning,  at.d  rvhat  arc. 
Horv  the  mojl  Erroneous  come  to  cry  cut  againji  Errors  :  Injiancecl 
in  all  wicked  Men.,  and  in  Papijis.,  Arrrans.,  Ncf.orius^  Dwfccrus, 
ficc.  Uhat  horrid  U  orI{  blind  Zeal  again  ft  Etror  h^th  m.rde,  ma- 
»y  injiances  ,  Citn  good  Men,  as  H\\hr\  ^nd  Popes  and  Counii/s. 
'The  Hijlor^  of  all  the  Cottncils  bcgjm.  1  he  frji  Councils  about  )i^(\.^-r 
contrary  to  eath  other.  The  Jecond  being  at  Carthage  erroneous,  and 
Tcrtullian,  No\ atus a7rd No\atian.  The  Reman  Pnshiters .go- 
■  XQVii  tie  Chiinhund  call  a  Louncil,  no  Biflwp,  and  are  /aid 
by  ^iiims  to  h-^i€  thcc.ireafihejiniverfulChi.nh.  Cvprians  Coun- 
cil condcmneth  u  dead  man  Victor,  for  making  Faufcinus  a  Prcsbt- 
biter.  Guardian  of  Us  Sons,  and  id  entangling  him  in  worldly  bufi- 
rcfs.  The  Council  IconiculL/j  (aid  toerrc^  and  allthnje  Oriental Bi- 
f}Ops  excommun?(  aicd  by.  the  Pope  (^abcut  Heretii  ks  Baptijm').  Many 
other  Councils  for  rcbaptizing,  with  C\\>n:iV[s pleading  Tradition. 
Bjpops  of  Bijhops  there  ccnjured.  Cvprian'j  Conzcriion.  A  r<d 
Heretical ingCiumil  ^^Cirta  againji Iradilicns.  Tie  Concilium 
Elibcr  Niivatiani :  Afid  againji  Images  m  Chnrches^c:.  approved  by 

b.  2  Popes 

Ibe  Contents, 

Pcpe  Innocent.     The  hcghimtJg  of  the  Don.U/jis  S^  hijht  for  a  hiJ^Mf. 
Conftautip.cs  ;T]r?w/(?/ Alexander  iu;d  A  Tiusjilcvch/g  thir  dilfutcs. 
CouciL  L;iodic.  SUvcftcrs_/ir<?;/^t'  Row^j!  Coiimil. 
Chap. ^.  The  Coufw/l  ofN'xcc:  Conftantine  kccpeth  tkcmhi 
Thejirange  Sckijhz  bchveen  Peter  iWo^^avd  Meletius  /  Trco  Bi- 
JJjops  and  Churches  iu  the  fame  Cities.  TheJadJiorytf/ilcTiajndcss 
troubling  the  Mektians^  at/d  driving  them  to  feel^hclp  of  the  Arrian^ 
avdfo  tojircngtheu  them.    Ep'iphdnms good  charac/er  of  Coniian- 
tius  <.wd  Valcns.  His  //otaLleCh.n-a&er  of  Axid'ius^  a?!dhorv  the  vio- 
-    lc»ce<>f  dijfolittc  B/fiops  fcrccd  him  to  fiparaie  •■,  ^W  <>^  Alexander 
avdafCvtCcenXAU^'sJirife  :  and  offomc  Confejfourr  and  Martyrs 
great  faults.   Audius  bamfied  converteth  the  Cothes.    The  Slander 
c/"EuftathmsAntioch.     Notes  of  tf^e  N'lccne  decrees:  Thecnlina- 
iion  offiandalous  uncapablc  men  nulhjtcd  'by  tlxm.  Concil.  Rom.  the 
people  united  at  the  vmking  ofl^ipops  andPriejis.  Arius's  Creed  and 
rejioration  at  a  Council.  Jerufal.Marccl.AlJcyr.  Coudemned  at  Confi. 
as  denying  Chrifls  Godhcad^by  the  Arrians  rchom  he  woifor  the  fame 
caufe  again jl.  A  Concil.  Antioch  depoJ(dk\\\sx\?&MS  and  made  Canons 
for  Conformity.  Anno  ^/[^ a  four fh Creed  reconciling  at  Antioch: 
The  General  Council  tf/Sardica  divide:  The  Oriental  BiJI-Wps  at 
Philippolis  Jirange  charge  againfl  Athanafius,  Paulus  Conft.  &e. 
and  their  plea  fur  peace.     The  Donatijis  unjuji  Jujiice.     Thcflanclcr 
wd  fall  of  ^iJl}op  Euphratas.  Anno  ?  5  5  -^  General  Council  at  Mi- 
lan Tckcrc  the  Arrians  prevail.     Hilary  bani/Jxd  by  the  Semiarian 
Bifiops  as  a  ftfaratiji.     The  Council  <7/Sirmiura  curfe  Arius,  Pho- 
tininns,  and  condemn  Athanafius,  pretending  to  reconcile.  Conftan- 
tius  labours  union  :  Thw  General  Council  divided  at  Ariminum  and 
Seleucia/T/^e  Ariansf)rthodox ,  and  Reconcilers  fall  into  more  SeBs  : 
Ten  creeds,  Jometimes  one^femetimcs  another  liked  or  condemned  :  The 

■  "^ifiops  depofng  and  dawning  each  other.  O/ivleletius  Antiochenus, 
the  dijfaition^  danger  and  reconciliation  about  hypoftafis  &  pcrlbna, 
at  a  Council  of  Alexandria.  Julian,  ^ov'vm  for  peace  :.  Valentinian 
a/id V:t\i:ns  charge  the  Afian  Bifiops  to  giveover  perficutivg  any  of 
Chrifis  Labourers.  Valcns  a  zealous  Arrian  Perfeaitor,  Damafus 
bloody  Elc&ion  againfi  Silinnius.  TheSchifm  at  Antioch  hoivended. 

(ilrap.  4.  Vyhy  Rome  vpjs  yet  Orthodox.  §  i ,  Valens  perfecirtion. 
§  2.  Grntian 'i/z^/Vakntinian  Junior,  Theodofius.  The  Council 
at  Conftance.  §  4.  Greg.  Nazianzcns  cafi.  §5.  His  fid  defer ip- 
i'.Ofi  of  the  Ciw: oils  and  madr.efs  of  the  Prelates  of  his  time.  (^  y.8. 

■  'Tl.exaje,of  AM'-Oihs  Schifm  again,     Ncctarius  a  Bif)op  and  Patri- 


Ibe  Contents. 

ark^  hefere  he  torn  a  baptized  Chrijiimt,  §  lo.  The  Cottmils  (decrees. 

,  (j  I  l.The  Hifiory  efthe Brjhopj that profectrtcd  the  Prijallanijis^aiid 
5/.  Martins.  ^  \^.\().  A  Cotwal at  Csl^;^  decreed  that  t he tVi-oBrJhops 

..  aftdChmrhes  tit  Aatioch  Live  7t/ love  af id  peace,  (j  20.  B/Jbop  YjO- 
noCus  herefie  denjzng  Mary's  perpetuai  zjrg;mtji.  §  2  r.  Jovtnians 
hrefie  dcjcribed.  §  23.  ^  vcifi  NovathinCojincil.  §  24.  Carthage 
goodCeiwdls.  §  31.  52,5:?,  34.7I'e  Hijloryef  Mclania,  and  the 
BiJ])ops  perjcctiiion  of  the  friends  of  Ongenc.  ^  ^rt.e^r.  Thco- 
philus  Alex-ftory.§57. 58.3^.  ChryCofiomcs Hijiorji.  ^/^o.And 

.  the  Joannitcs.  §  4  ^  •  Tho/e  that  bclkz  c  the  Ajirologcrs  ami  Mat  hew. i- 
iiduns  curjcd  atTo\ct.  §  ^J.The  MclivitaneCOTwrz/j  agairiji  Ap- 
peals to  Kome.,  aftd  of  LUiirgies  ts  be  approved.  ^55.  Pelagius  ^/-t/ 
Celeftius  abfolvcd  bjf  one  Council  and  cue  Pqpc  and  condcnmed  hj  0- 
//)e/v,§.  5 ::$.&:.  Pelag'ms  Cofjfcjfion^ '^j.  BoniBcc  and  EuLilius 
fchifin  <7f  Ro.'Tu.v^59.  P.  Bonifoce's  dcn-ce  that  no  Billiop  be 
brought  orfet  before  any  Civil  or  MiFitary  Judge,  ^60.  The 
Jixth  Conmil  ^j/Cartliagc  redjicd  the  Popes,  §  6 1.  P.  Celcftines 
dep-cc,  tli^t  no  Bifliop  be  given  to  the  umvilhng.  '       '  : 

Chap.  5,  Atticus  Conft.  pcaceablenejs  :  The pmty  lifl)y  ^f  fh^  petfic 
dipofiftg IkheodoCms  B/fyop  <>/"  S)'nada,§  2.  Cyiih  7 ielencc  :,  the  Orcftes,  and  the  ptPplcs^nlelu|Jgeofli\p:{tu^,^  :?. 
■  Alcxand.  Antioch.  and  Atticus  Conft.  by  his  Council  arc  fir  rejier- 
jng  the  No/p-twrform(is  foannits  .*  Cvn]s  i-cajbn  again  ft  7f,  §  4. 
Whether'  Cynl  repcnicd^f,  f^.  Ilitlore  l\'1uC  TVords  of  hint,  §  6. 
Proclus  refufcd  Bijiwp  at  Cyzicuni  by  the  people,  (^7.  Ncl\or]ws 
chojcn^  §  8.  He  is  a  perfccuter  of  Heretrcl{S.  His  opi7uon  §  C).  The 
JirJiEYhtC  Council,  (^  \0.  They  divide  and  conde»in  and  depose  each 
ttlicr  andpght.,  <«w/Ncftorius,  Cvril  <?WMenmon,  are  delfofedby 
the  Ewperours  Contmdnd.,  but  the  treo  lajt  rejhred.  f  f  7.o//jcr  Nelio- 
rius  or  Cyril  rcas  the  Heretick.  The  ifjvc  oj  that  Cotwcii,  §  1 2 . 1 3.  t  4. 
Derodon  prcovts  that  Cyril  was  an  Eutychian  ^WNeltorius  Or- 
tht'dfx ,  §  18. 19.  The  truth,  §  20.  Theprefent  Churches  of  the  Nc- 
Jicnans.  That  thejc B/jJ)ops  Jet  the  rccrld  on  fire  akut  a ircrd nL/lc 
they  agreed  in  fenfe,  §  20. 2 1,  &c.  The  Einperour  forceth  the  Brfiops 
toConiKiufiien,  and  /t'/fc/A  Simeon  Stilletes /<?  pray  down  iheie  (,cr- 
nd  clijcord,  §  23.  Bcroifig Eajhrard  fir l^idicn, bccaujetbe  Wanichccs- 
bowsed  to  the  Sun  avwng  them,  §  29.  Leo's  Rowav  Cou?htI  of  B/- 
fjops^  Priejis  and  L^y-mcn:  Another  againji  Hilar}'  Arclaten- 
lis,  §  31-  ?2.  ■   ■■ 

Chap.6.  Of  thcEufyc^ians^Scc.  7i';\/v.  .. ,.  of  tf:e>Co}tirovcrftc,%  7. 


The  QontenU. 

Z^HitytJk"^  h  ^"^  f'^^  fr*"  undivided,  and  by  the  otlxr  fir  xindi- 
i]ingiiini.ed,  Wy3  ike,  nortdfit  ac^ah:  on  fire :  The  Conftantinoplc 
Xcmnil'  ahciit  Eutychius,  §  5.  Another  Conftantinoplc  Coumil  con- 
irarily  clcdvcih  bwi,  §  8.  Ibas  cleared  at  Cotoidl  Bcryt,§  7.  The  fi- 
coffd  Efhefivc  CoiimJl,  nvder  Diofcorus.  Eutyches  Jujirjitd  there. 
Flavianus,  Eufcb.  Dor.  Ibas  <?W(5^  Theodorite  condemned  and  dc' 
jtofid.     All  the  Vatriarks  t'//?  ^ifd  Bipops  Jiibfcribe^  fave  the  Popet 
legdtfs.     Flavianus /^/?7  and  dieth^%<).  hQO  in  a  Roman  Council 
rondc/f/j/eth  ihjs,  Eph. 2.  §  10.  Qiolcorusw  aSynod  at  Alexandr. 
excomnjunicaleth  Leo,  §  li.  Theodofius  virtue  and  miraculous  f^i- 
ciory,  §  15.   His praije  of  the  fecond  Eph.  Council,^  16.  Martians 
reign ,  and  ihc  Council  p/  Calcedon,  §  14.17.  Turnings^  mutual  con- 
demnitigs^  recantings  and  riger  there,  §  17. 18, 19.    The  cry  of  the 
Egyptian  Bijhops,  §  24.  The  Abbots  protejiatioti  to  cleave  only  to  the 
Niccne  Creed  {as  Piofcorns  did  to  theN\ccr\eCouncil  and  Eph.  l.^ 
and  hOt  to  fuhjirihc  Leo's  Epijile,  and  to  contemn  excommunicati- 
ons^ §  2  5.    Diofcorus  not  condemned  for  hercfie  ,  fiith   Anato- 
lius,  §  26.  Theodorites  ?/A>^c  by  the  Br/Jjops,  i)  2J.  The  Canon  e- 
iqual/ing  Con(i.  and  Ixome,  §  33.    The  doleful  iffue  of  this  Coun- 
cil^ §  5  i,:The  Tpoful  work^  at  Alexandria.  The  murder  of  Prote- 
rius,  ^  55.  34.    The  bloody  Tragedy  aga/nji  the  Caleedon  Council 
/W  Juvenal  (as  betrayers  of  the  N'lccne  Faith)  by  the  Manias  at 
Jerulalem,  §  5  6.  ^wAocixand  Pulchcria  the  Spring  of  all,     Leo 
is  Empcfour,  and  for  the  Council  of  Caleedon.     He  defpo/eth  Ti- 
inothy  i^lurus  a^  Alcxandria,Feter  Gnapheus  ufurpcth  Mar'tyrius 
Seat  at  iKxiUQch. :  Martyrius  renonnccth  lis  rebellious  clergy  unci  peo- 
ple.  Gnapheus  banijixd  by  Leo.  Stephen  that  is  for  the  Council  is 
put  in  :  The  boyes  kill  him  with  foarp  (i^lls,  and  caji  him  itHo  the 
River ^  §  37'  ^cno  Empmmr,  Balilifcus  ujiirping  commandcth  the 
B/JIwps  to  renounce  the  Council  of  Caleedon.     Three  Putriarl^s  and 
five  Hunched  Y^tjhopsfubjcribe  againji  it  (before  moji  rvere  for  7/)Ba- 
nlilcus  changing  his  mind  com'nandclh  that  the  Council  be  orcned. 
The  Yjifiops  obeyed  this^  ^5  8.  Zeno  rcjiorcd,  a>:d  being  for  the  Coun- 
cil^jhe  Mhn  Bijbops /aid  they  fuhfcribcd  to  ^x\\\\c\\s  firjl  Orders 
fr  fear,  and  asked  pardon.  Zeiio  by  hfs  Henoticon  (ilenceth  the  con- 
troycrfic^  leaving  it  free  to  all  to  own  or  difiwn  tie  Council.     The 
'S>iJlM!ps  and  people  are  fiill  vrorJt\  .'/Alexandria  ./«<;/ Antiocb,-6^f. 
Acacius  ContL  and  Falix  Kova  excommunicate  each  olUr^ff^^). 
F'iavitas  Conft.  ckeaieth  the  Empcrour  that  would  haxe  God  by  an 
Angel: choofi  iheY^iJIop^^)  ^o.  T/'c  B///'^;'/ tff  Alexandria  and  kw- 


The  Conte^s, 

t'xoch  Juccejjkjely  curje  the  Council :  And  the  ^ijfjop  flf  Rome  and 
•  Conft.  CHrfethcm  forit.^  ^1.    Anaftatius  Rmpcrour  is  far  toie- 
■  ration:  Three  parties  of  Y)Jf}ops  there  condemning  each  other  in 
Eaft,  Weft  and  Ljbhy  Jome  Jiri3  for  the  Council -^  fomc  ciirfvc, 
it ,  and  fome  for  the  henoticon  or  peace.     He  defpofeth   tu- 
phemius Conft.  and  veould  have  dcpofcd  Macedonius  that  came 
next,  but  the  people  rojc  for  him,   and  fir  red  the    Empcrour  tf 
fitbmit,  ^  «J.  5 .  Cruel  bloodfxd  in  A  ntioch  of  Monks  and  otlxrs,  ^  44. 
Xcnains  an  ttnlhrijiencd  man  made  Bipop ,  forccth   the  BiJJi^s  to 
curfe  the  Council,  §45.    Sevcrus  at  Antioch  ntakfth  men  curfe  the 
Council  :JomeDiJ/}eps  repent  and  condemn  Scvenis,  ^'y .  The  Enrpcror 
againji  all  bloud  for  this  Canfc,  and  the  Monks  in  Palcftinc  fir 
it,  ^  45,  4f6.    Heltas  Bipop  of  Jcrufalcm  and  the  Monl;es  rc^iji  the 
Empcrm/rs  Souldiers,  once  and  again,  §  \6.    Timothy  Conll.  on 
both  fides^  ^  46.    Rome  tmder  ThcoJorick^  their  Schifm  or  trco 
Popes  vcith  blood  three  jears,  §  47.  Anaft.itius  nraried  ir/th  tic  Or- 
thodox rebellions,  offereth  to  refign  his  Croirn :  In  remorfe  they  dc- 
Gre  his  continuance,  (^  ^S.    Valentinian   maketh  a  L-jtp,  ifjut  Bi- 
fjops  (except  chojcn  by  both  Parties  )pall  no  more  be  'judges  in  avt 
Caujes,  favc  of  Faith  and  Religion.  Bin  i  us  rcpreatlxththis,  as  being 
ahjifrd,  that  the  Sheep  Judge  the  Shephcard^\)  ^c).    Fully  co*fvtcd. 
The  Pope  excommunicatcth  Acaeius  Conft.  rr//^' j  Qnunquam  Ana- 
thematis  vinculis  exuendus"]  ^58.    Leo  Rom.  his  Difree  again (i 
the  Mavichccs,  and  all  ether  that  take  the  Bread  withpt:t  the  Cup,^  60. 
Oelaftus .•  T/f  Popes Separatijis^condemn  Euphcraius  and  Acacius.- 
Gelafiu^_/J//A  a?7y  Bijbup  may  excovrmiinitaie  an   Heretick^BiJl.Kp 
(though  u  Patriach)  his  Catalogue ofApoc  rjpha,  and  canonrzing  Lco'f 
Epijilc,  ^63.    ly.e  Pope  excommunicaieth  the  Greek  Emperour  and 
Prf/?7jr<7j  ^Conftantinoplc,  but  not  iC/^^Thcoclortck  the  ArriMi 
at  home,  §  64.     Oidi nation  refilved  en  againfi  the  Kings  com- 
nianas  ^65.  C<);/W( // Agath.  decreet h  ihat\{a  Bifhop  excommuni- 
cate any  wrongfully,  another  B'pop  may  receive  him,  fee.     That  if 
any  Citizen  on  the  dayes  of  great  folcmnity  refufe  to  meet 
where  the  Bilhop  is,  he  is  three  years  denied  Communion  (trhich 
flxvrcih,  that  the  Bif.wps  Church  tPos  no  greater  than  cur  Parifics  ') 
Laj-.-nurdetrrs  putnjhed  rvith  denying  them  the  Co fwtnnicn,  aid 
Deacons  put  in  Monajieries,  die,  f)  67.    Council  Apannens  Jaith 
Hcrcticks  Temples  cannot  be  purged  nor  applied  after  to  Holi- 
ness, ^  68.   Council  Sydon  airjc  ^(bcCalcedon  Council^  60.  Bijbops 


ha7:h!g  the  third  (  or  fourth  )p<tiiofaUChurchp'ofitsJf:iejveth  horc 
iTgtkcir  DiDicfs  or  Chirches\thenvKre  §  72.  Cottncjl  Gerund    ef 
Jhht  Bifbops  ordered  Litajiies,  and  that  the  Metropolitanes  Lilm- 
gy  he  ujcd  in  other  Churches  kjo-  Juftine the  Empcrotir  aga/i.'ft  Eu- 
tychians  rej}«rcth  the  names  ip/Euphemius  and  Acacius  again  ft  the 
Vopc^  their  Caje  opened  §  7-5.  Juftine  an  Orthodox  murderer.  An- 
tioch  CcTJi  donn  if  an  Earthquake  ^  the  BiJIiop  killed^  the  reji  burnt  by 
the  light ni77g^  §  j,6.''  Euphremins  the  iJaitenant  relieving  thePcoplc  ■ 
is  chofcn  their  Bijhop.     The  Bifieps  turn  to  the  Cotincilof  Calccdou 
again^vvder]\\{^mQ^()  7  J.  &C.  Popes  profccute  the  dead  BiJJiopt. 
of  Confiiintinoplc.  ^79.  Juftine  znolent  againji  Arrians.    Thco-' 
dorick  maketh  Vope  John  go  beg  for  them,  leaji  Italy  fitffcred  as 
much'.  He  kilteth  S-^mva^c^xxs  and^oti\VLS^imprifoneth]o\ma}Td 
ffr'akcth^c\\\Vope^()  8q.  Clergy  murderers  Jiifpended  from  the Sa^ 
a-ament,  &c.  ^  8 1 .  Theodorick  fubje&eth  the  Clergy  to  Civil  Ju- 
dicature. Athalaricus/rce^/)  thctn  again  ^85.  Juftinian/v/  Laves, 
he  is  againji  theEutjchians,  and  his  Wife  for  them,  ^  87, 8^.   Thir- 
ty  thoufwd  kill'd  by  infirre&ion  in  Conftantinople,  ^89.    The  mi-  - 
raculous  fpeah^ng  of  Preachers,  when  their  Tongues  rccre  ait  cut  by 
the  Kings  command,  ^  90.  King  Thcodorus  a  lover  of  Books  giz~ 
eth  up  Rome,  ^91.  In  Juftinians  time  three  Countries  converted: 
The Perfjans  prevail:  A  dreadful  Plague,  492.  Pope  Boniface  cho-, 
Jen  by  the  Arrian  Athzhncus,^  CjG.    Pope  Hormifda  denying  that 
(^one  of  the  Trinity  was  crucified]  Juftinian/eWw/g  to  Pope  John 
vchojaidthecontriwy  ^  Binius  exaije  is  [^  Weapons  muft  be  chan- 
ged with  changed  enemies.]    Alany  Notes  on  the  excellent  difpu- 
tation  of  Hypatius  with  the  Eutychians  caufed  ^j  Juftinian,  open- 
ing fully  Cyn\srpeaknefs,and  that  the  difference  was  hut  verbal,^  99. 
ACom:cil  ^/f  Conftantinoplc  ww^/er  Menna  called  /'/V;/ Patriarcha 
Oecumenicus,  and  fet  Leo  after  the  before  cur  fed  B/JJjops.  Macedo- 
nius  the  Orthodox  Bipop  put  cut,  the  People  that  were  Orthodox  /c- 
perate,  ^   J03.  Silverius  made  Pope  by  an  Anian,  P.   Vigilius 
the  Ami  pope  imprifoneih  and  famijlKlh  him,  ^  105.    The  Schifm 
between  two  Bijhops  and  their  Parties  in  Alexandria ,  one  fir  the 
corruptibility  of  Chrjjis  body  called  Cm'upticcU  -^  the  ether  for  the 
incorruptibility  called  the  Phanta('.a(i£ ;   and  the  bloody  fight  be- 
tween, them,^  107.  Pacilus  Alexand  :  AL/rderofaDcacon^  j  1 08. 
P.  Vigilius ^/c;//e//j/n'C  j/atures,^  109.  P.VigAinsexcommunicateth 
Menna,  andisdragg'djrith  a  Rope,  till  he  repented,  110.    Jufti- 
nian  called  a  Hcntick^  and  damned  hy  Evagrius,  $111. 



The  Concents. 

CHW.y.Ofthe  Contrcverfie  de  tribusCapitulis,<^  the p'fth  General 
Cot4»cil,€ic.  of  the  herejie  of  the  Apthardocitrr,  &"  J  ullinians />/£•/>  a»d 
berefie-S^  the  Bijheps  appeal  to  Anaftafms  Antioch.^.i,i.77^(f  converjion 
of  the  AuxumiteftJuftinian'j-/i««//*/«g  the  Sodomitkal  Herejie  offorne 
Bijhops.f^.yThe  People  dye  rather  than  eat  Flejh  in  Lent.7/r  Council  at 
Orleance  Decree  that  Qui  omnibus  pra:ponendus  ell  ab  omnibus 
eligatur  :  Ofhcefi  ,  Too  Jlriil  keeping  the  Lords-Day.    ^.  4.  Concil. 
Avernenf  Decree  that  men  feek  to  be  Bifhops  ly  Merits,  and  not  by  • 
yotes  or  Favour, yet  he  chofen  hy  all.     if.  6.  All  Citizen  Chrijlians  ta 
he  in  the  Bijhops  Meeting  at  Earter,  &c.  by  Concil.  Aurcliail.     §.  7, 
And  the  Bijhop  to  be  Ordained  in  that  Church  which  he  mujl  overfee. 
Theodor.  Ctfar'j  projeB  to  condemn  the  tria  Capitula  (Theodor. 
Mopfuefl:.  Theodorite  and  Ibas :  )  Juflinians  endeavours.  ^.  9.  An 
Orleance  Council  decree  that  King,  Clergy  and  Laity  agree,  and  none 
be  made  Bijhop,  populo  invito,  or  forced  to  confent^  and  that  the  Bi- 
fhop  elfe  be  depofed.     The  Bijhop  to  relieve  all  the  Pdor.     f  12.  Null 
the  former  living.  Its  Emperours  that  call  Councils, faith  Juflinian, 
4.  13.  The  fifth  Qon^2S)X.Qo\xn6\  to  cure  thedolefulfeparationsofthe 
Bijhops     ^.  13.  /'.  Vigilius  difficulty  :  dare  not  Joy n  with  the  Council: 
Their  flighting  him :  only  two  or  three  Wejlern  Bijhops  at  the  four firjl 
Generals  Councils.     ^.  1  J.  Theod.  Mopf  accufed.     Theodorite  ai- 
cufed for  faying  that  Mary  begat  not  God  in  the  nature  of  God,  but 
Man  as  united  to  the  God-head :  that  Chrift  was  forfokcn,  fuffer- 
ed,  hungred,  flept,  &c.  as  Man  and  not  as  God.     (f.  1 7.  Theodorite^ 
virulent  Ep.  againjl  dead  Cyril,  and  the  Theopathitx.     ^.  1 7.  The 
tria  Cap.  condemned  VigiliusVyo^(fr  judgment  of  it.     ().  18, 19.  In- 
J} e ad  of  healing,  this  Council fet  allonfire.andjnt^itlhnonpeifecuti- 
on.     if.ri.  Vigilius  changeth ;  and  condemneth  .igain  the  tria  Capitula. 
^.  zi.  Vigilius  is  ly  Binnius  called,  homo  perditus,  the  buyer  ot 
anothers  place,  a  violent  Invader,  a  Wolfe,  a  Thief,  a  Robber,  nor 
entring  by  the  Dores,  a  fallc  Biihop,  and  tjuafi  Antichrijlus,  that  the 
lawful  Pallor  vet  living  did  add  pernicious  Hcrefie  to  his  Schifm : 
Tet  fanftinimus  V^'^-x  asfoon  as  he  had  murdered  his  Predeceflor,and 
had  fole  pfl[ftJhH.^.i:\.A  Jerufalem  Council  received  the  Conc.Con(\:.^. 
x^.A  Council  at  Aquileia  condemn  it, and  theWcJlern  Bijhops  arejepc- 
rated  near  lOO  years  from  the  Cath.  Church  {about  the  words  of  three 
dead  wi'wO^-i^.Juftinian  made  Pclagius  Pope;two  Bijhops  fe*  a  Presby- 
ter ordain  him,tbe  IVejhrn  Bijhops  dijobey  him  &  reject  him, and fo  rejeii 
the  Council  Conll.  V.  confirmed  by  a  Pope  :  He  gets  Karfes  toper-  " 

c  Jevut^ 

^  r* 


[emtc  them.    ^.  x8.  The  Romans/^r  tkis  incline  to  the  Goths  again. 
Juftinians  Laws  cenfured  hy  Binnius.  ^.30.     A  Council  Vwii.coH- 

firmcth  the  free  EkHion  of  Bijhops  hy  the  People  and  Clerks.  ^.  3^1, 
All  Here  ticks  that  refufed  to  eat  Hear  Is  hoilCd  with  Flejh.  f  34, 
VVfjether  only  the  Bijhop  muflfay  the  Pax  vobifcum,(a«</  to  have  hut 
sne  Church.)  ^.^^.King  Q\othzx'vXi,forceth  the  Bifiops  to  receive  a 
Bijhop  of  his  choice.  ^.  T^y.Not  Popes,  Councils  nor  Bijhops,  lut  Kings 
divided  Dioceffes  and  Parifhes,  as  Bin.  ^.38.  A  Coumil  at  Tours- 
that  Bifhops  may  keep  their  Wives  as  Siflersfor  Houfe-keepers,fo  they 
lye  not  with  them.  All  condemned  Malefattors  that  are  penitent  and 
will  obey  the  Preacher,  to  he  pardoned.  §.39.  The  Villanies  of  two 
Bijhops  quit  ly  the  Pope.  $.  40.  A  Canon  againfl  reading  Apocrypha 
or  any  thing  but  Canon  Scriptures  in  the  Church.  ^.  41.  Pope  Pelagius 
thejecond,  got  Sinaragdus  to  force  the  Wejlern  Bijhops  to  condemn  the 
tria  Capitula.f  45:.  King  Gunthram  repreffeth  the  Murders  and  Adul- 
teries of  Btfhops  againfl  the  Clergies  Sent e nee. (f.  47.  A  Council  at  Con- 
ftantinople  calleth  JohnConfl.UniverfalBifliop.ff'y&f Pelagius  thefe- 
cond  damneth  the  Title  as  unlawful  in  any,  andcammandeth  them  rather 
to  dye  than  yield. it  ^.  Some  queries  hereupon.  ().  ^i.  King  Gunthram 
finding  all  grow,  wsrfe  and  all  long  of  the  Bijhops,  calls  a  Council  at. 
JVIafcon,  ivhere  the  flriiler  keeping  the  Lords  day  is  Decreed.  ^.  5-4. 
The  Bijhops  ofVemce,  Iflria  <z«rf  Liguria  cent  inuefepar  ate  from  Rome- 
and  chofe  PauHnus  Bijhap  /?/'Aquileia  their  Patriarch,  and fupr erne 
Bifhop  inftead  of  the  Pope.  ^.  5"  5".  Oft  Pennance  to  embolden  oft  Sinning. . 
^'.  J.7. .  Philoponus  againjl.the  Council  o/Calcetlon.  ^.  60.  The  Fa~- 
iiions  now  called  Jacobites  and  Melchites,  and  why.  ().  61.  The  Ax-  ■ 
menians  plead  Tradition  for  their  Error.  ().6x.  7 he  Pariarchs  of  K- 
qnlkia, perfecuted  ly  Mauritius  and  Pope  Gregory.  ^.  6).  Dead 
(jtQ^ory  fights  with  Sabinian  his  Succeffor  that  would  have  burnt  his 
Books,  (j.  68.     Boniface  the  third  chofen  by  Phocas,  $.  70. 

CHAP.  8,  Councils  about  the  Monothelites  .md  others.  Cyrus 
Alex. /y  the  word\\^ci\\\x}X\.s]  would  heal  the  Divifions  [in  vain,) 
^.  i,x.  Pope  Honorius  called  a  MonotheUte,  for  his  good  Council, 
f  2,  3.  The  Emperour  Heraclius  a  Monotlielite  cenfured  by  Bin-L 
niusyijr  ufing  his  own  judgment  in  matters  of  Faith,  $.  4,  A  Conflan- 
tinopohtanc  Council  for  the  Monothelites,  ^.  iz.  The  Emperour 
condemned,  and  Pope  Honorius  commended  for  forbidding  the  names 
of[Or\t\ or  [Two]  operations  and  Wills,  f  \^.  The  Popes  Agents 
leuten  at  Conftautinopie,  ^.  18.  T'^/o"  Martin  imprifbned,ba>iifloed 
and  dead  by  the  Emperour  for  condemning  his  A^  offilencing  [One 


The  Contents. 

afidTwo]  called  Typus.     ^.  19.    His  Laterane  Council  ajferteth 
/tt'(7  Operations  <7«rt' Wills,     if.  zo.    The  King  of  ^^pxn  fading  all 
Laws  fail  againfi  Priejis  and  Eifhops  Leackery,  decreeth  that  the 
children  of  their  womex  fervants  he  uncapahle  of  inherit  afire,  and  he 
the  Churches  fervants,  and  the  Concuhities  whipt  with  an  hundred 
ftripes.     §.  13.  Kings  Preach  to  Bijhnps.     ().   14.  21.    Ordnidtiou 
without  EleflioM  of  Clergy  <7«d' People  nnff.     f  2  5-.    The  Bijhop  of 
Kzvcnn^  reconciled  to  Rome,  ajter  long  feparation.     ^.   50.  WMii- 
lan  Council,  and  the  third  ConiHntino^le,  (6  General)  condemn  the 
Monothelites,  and  Macarius  Antioch,  tbj^t  would  have  fiUnced 
[pnel  and  {two]  but  not  affert  [two.']     ^.  34.  Their  partiality.  ^.  jjT. 
Pope  Leo  confirmeth  the  ConlUntinopohtan  CohhcH  which  damned 
PopeHonoriusas  an  fferetick.     ^.  36.  A  new  contronjerfie ,  whether 
Chrift  hath  three  fnhflances.  Divinity,  Soul,  and  Body,     f  40.  A 
Tolctane  Council  defends  it ,  and  that  Voluntas  genuit  volunta- 
tcin.     i).  45-.    The  Concil.  Trull,  called  Quini  .Sextum.-  Railed 
at  by  Papills :  l<lotes  hereon.    ^.  47,  48.  Called  by  Binnius  Mo- 
nothelites; The  fame  men  that  were  in  the  t)\h  Council.     It  forbid- 
eth  Priefis  to  put  away  theirmves.     ^.   50.    It  depofeth  Bifhopsand 
Vriefls  that  were  not  duly  Examined  and  Elelled.     ^.  fo.  It  ejuai- 
eth  the  priviledges  of  Conilititmo^le  with  Rome.     ^.  5-3.  It  (ill) 
ordereth,  that  whatever  alteration  the  Imperial  power  makes  on 
any  City,  the  State  Ecclefiaftical  follow  it.     ^.  5-4.     Other  nota- 
ble Canons.     ^.  J),  6cc.     Every  Parijh  of  twelve  Families  muj^ 
have  their  proper  Cover nour  (jn  S^'xm.)     ^.  5- 7.    )?z\x\  contradi^ed 
as  to  the  believer  and  unbeliever  ftaying  together'     (f.  5  8.     A  CouH- 
cil  at  Aquileia  condemneth  she  5th  General   at  Conflantinopfe. 
^.  6q.  K.  Wiliza  and  the  S:i>aniards  forfahe  Rome.     ^.  6^.  A  Ge- 
neral Council  of  inn\xmeT2.h\e  Bifbops  at  Conftantinople  «w</fr  Phi- 
lippicus  are  for  the  Monothelites.     <f.  67.    They  condemn  the  6th 
General  Council  that  was  for  two  Wills  and  Operations.     Binnius 
note  of  the  Bijhops  temporizing. 

Chap,  9.  councils  about  Images  and  others.  Images  how  in- 
troduced in  England.  ^.  i.  &c  S^lmzns proof  that  the  oldSzxons 
prayed  not  to  Saints.  ^.  3.  A  Parliament  Role  recited,  provt»g 
the  eld  Popifh  Worfl^iping  of  Images.  ().  4.  Leo  Ifaurus  puts 
down  Images :  Gregory  the  fecond  rebels  for  it,  and  confederates 
with  Charles  Martell  againfi  his  Prince,  and abfolveth  his  fuhjeHs 
from  their  allegiance.     Binnius  records  it  as  an  excellent  example  xa 

c  X  poUeri- 

The  Contents. 

poller ity,  not  to  permit  pertinacious  Heretical  Princes  to  reign- 
^.  5-.  The  confequents  of  this  dotlrine  :  How  the  Pope  ruined  the 
Eailern  Empire,  and  betrayed  Chnftianity.     ff.  f.  \ViltridsO^//;/<7 
the  Pope.     (f.  6.  Councils  pro  Imaginem  cultu,  A\icn(usjirjicalh 
himfelf  The  Catholick  King,     f    9.     P.  Zachary,  and  Charles 
Martell   againji   the  Emperour :  Pipin  and  the    Popes  Treafon  /« 
France,    and  Baronius  and  Binnius   treafonable  dottrine.     f  n. 
Twenty  Queries  hereupon.     ().    12.    P.   Zachary  and  Bijhop  Boni- 
face Mxcommunicateyirgd'ms  for  holding  Antipodes:  Queries  here- 
upon.    ^.  14,  15".   Philaftrius  of  the  fiars.     ^.  i6.    A  caution  a- 
gainfl  tnifapplying  all.     f   17.    When  Lardmujlhe  eaten.     P.  Za- 
chary'j  decree.     ^.  1 8.  CarolomanV  Council  to  recover  Chrifliani- 
ty,  andfave  mens  fouls  from  falfe  Priefis.     ^.  19.   Boniface  finely 
made  Arch-bijhop  of  Mentz  ••  accufeth  Bijhop  Adelbert  and  Clem- 
ens.   ^.  zi,  21.   Pipin  helpeth  the  Pope  and  Defiderius  Tr^^orj, 
and  maketh  a  Donation  of  Cities  to  the  Pope.     ^.23.    A  General 
Co««c// <r^  Conftantinople  condemn  Image  Worfhip  as  Idolatry, and 
fwear  men  againfl  it,  and  again/1  praying  to  the  Apofiles,   Martyrs, 
and  Virgins  {  I  fuppofe  before  Images.)     ^.  24.    This  Council  and 
the  Council  ofNice  jeco>fd,  determine  that  Chrifls  glorified  body  is  not 
flefh  (w/^/;  Anathema.)     ^.  z6.  Noted  as  to  Tranfubflanti.^tion  and 
ether    Err  ours.     ^.  26,  27.    Pipins   Council  decreeth   every  City 
a  Bi(hop,  and  joyneth  the  fword  or  force  to  Excommunication ,   ba- 
nifhingthe  defpifers  of  it.     ^.  28.    The  Greeks  accufe  //^eLatines 
Jor  adding  [Filioque.]     ^.  30.  The  People  Jlill  chooj'e  Popes.  ^.  zg, 
31.     Three  Popes  fighting  for  it :  one  putting  out  the  eyes  and  cut- 
ting out  the  tongue  of  the  other,  and  of  his  adherents.     ^.31.  Con- 
Aztitints  A^s  invalid,  except  Baptizings  and Confecrating.     ^.  33. 
Cliriftophers  eyes  and  life  taken  away  through  the  Pope  that  hefet  up. 
4-3  5".  DefideriuS;7^/7/(?//.7  again jl  the  Pope,  Cnarlcs  M.  overcometh  him, 
,and  maketh  ^ope  Adnzngrater  than  any  before  him.  ^.j^y.WJjy  Deacons 
weft ly  made  ^opes  :  No  Bifhop  might  be  made  Pope,  of  removed.^.  39. 
.  The  termes  of  Papift  Writers  expounded.     ^.  40.  Putting  penance  on 
Murderers  for  hanging,  filf  d  the  Church  with  Rogues,     (f.  41.  The 
Hiflorians  give  the  lie  to  each  other  about  the  power  given  Carol. 
M.  in  making  Popes  and Bijhops.  Bzron'ms  Argument  againft  it  vain. 
That  the  People  and  Clergy  by  the  French  Confti  tut  ions  flill  choofe 
Bijhops.  ^.  ^x.htnQfet  up  Images  again:  Women  and  Rebels  fet  up 
Wopes.    $.  46.  The  Fable  of  Sylvefters  baptizing  Conllantine,  and 


The  Contents. 

the  Images  jheived  him.  ().  48.  Vope  Adrian  owneth  the  whole 
Council  of  Calcedon.  ().  47.  Many  mtahle  old  Camus  fent  by  A- 
drian  to  Carol.  M.  A  Bijhop  negletlhig  to  convert  Heretkks,  /r 
was  to  have  them  that  delivered  them,  &c.  ^.  f  i.  Ch.  Mag.  forcetb 
the  Saxons  to  prefefs  themfelves  Chrifiians  and  fwear perjeverance^ 
which  they  oft  broke,  (f.  51.  Eight  more  old  Canons  coUetled  by  hr 
drian,  e.  g.  The  Bifliops  fentence  void,  not  confirmed  by  the 
prefence  of  the  Clergy.  The  judgment  of  a  Bifliop  m  anothers 
Parilh  void,  for  none  is  bound  by  the  fentence  of  any  but  his 
own  Judge.  Foreign  Judgments  forbidden :  All  to  be  judged 
by  Men  chofen  by  themfelves.  No  Clergy-man  to  be  judged 
without  lawtul  accufers  prefent,  and  leave  to  defend  himfelf 
Bifliops  tyrannical  judgments  null :  Conftitutions  contrary  to 
good  manners  of  no  moment.  Delators,  that  is,  qui  ex  invidia 
produnt  alios,  to  have  their  tongues  cut  out,  or  their  heads  cut 
ofT  The  danger  of  the  Judge  greater  than  of  the  judged,  &c 
And  let  no  man  receive  a  Lay  mans  witnefs  againil  a  Clergy- 
man. (No  ivonder  if  the  Qlergy  were  unpunifl^ed  and  wicked.)  ^.  fj. 
Irene  calls  a  Council  at  Conltantinople  for  Images.  The  oldSonl- 
diers  of  the  former  Emperours  not  enduring  it,  routed  them.  She 
and  Tarafius  agreeing  call  them  to  Nice.  The  Bijhops  that  were 
/worn  againft  Image-worjhip,  prefentl^  turn  generally  for  it,  by  a 
fVomans  and  a  Patriarchs  known  will.  ^.  49.  5-4.  How  could  the 
Iconoclafl:  Emperours  be  Hereticks,  unlefs  the  ufe  of  fuch  Images 
were  an  Article  of  Faith  i  §.  5-5-.  The  Emprefs  and  Emperour 
called  The  Governours  of  the  whole  World :  They  are  the  cal- 
lers of  that  Council,  f  ^6.  Bafd  Kncyr.  and  other  Bijhops  that 
were  Leaders  again]}  Images  in  the  former  Council,  lament  it,  and 
curfe  aO  that  are  not  for  Images,  and  all  that  favour  fuch,  &c. 
Theodofius  Bifhop  of  Amoricum  alio  curfeth  himfelf,  if  ever  he 
turn  again,  and  curfeth  thofe  who  do  not  from  their  hearts  teach 
Chrifiians  to  venerate  Images  of  all  Saints,  praying  for  their  inter- 
cejjion,  &c.  Queries  hereon.  IVJjen  General  Councils  curfe  each  0- 
ther,  is  the  whole  CJ.'urch  curfed?  &c.  ^.  59.  A  crowd  of  ch  ang- 
ling Bifhops  crying  mercy,  Tarafius  puts  them  hard  to  it,  what  made 
them  of  the  contrary  mind  heretofore,  and  what  reafon  changeth  them> 
^.  60.  Whether  thefe  penitent  Hereticks  jhould  be  reflored  to  their 
Bifljopricks.  Tarafius  faith,  Arians  -and  thefe  againft  Images  and 
.all  Herejies   and  Evils   are   alike.     But  another,  That   this  was 


The  Contents. 

greater  than   all'  orivef  Herefies,  fubverting  Chrills  Oecono- 
my.     The  inJiiiHce  of  the  Calcedon  peccavinius   omnss  prevail- 
eth.     ^  6x,  ^3.  A  Jhretvder  doubt  raifed.  Whether  all  thefe  werf 
^truly  ordained  by  former  Heretkks  (Iconoclafts-)     The  Popes  Vi- 
car deuyeth  it.     Tarafius  durf}  not  jo  urtpriefl  almofi  all  the  Chri- 
(iian  world  of  the  Eaft,  and  is  contrary.     By  a  cunning  argument 
he  prevailed;  Viz..   The  Fathers  agree  among  themlelves:  Er- 
go, all  tlie  rell:  are  of  the  fame  mind  wit/^  fome  before  cited. 
^.  64.    Gregory  Bifhop  of  Ncocoefaria  nest  recanteth  ,  a  Leader 
of  the  Iconodafts.     f    67.   Tet  Tarafius   and  this  Council  dij- 
claim  giving  Latria  to  Images  of  creatures.     Tea  honour  them  iut 
as  memorative.     ^.  67,  70.    The   Conftantinopolitaa  Councik 
Arguments  againfl  Images.     ^.    68.  6fC    Bread  not  Tranfubflan- 
tiate.     ^.  7Z.  The  two  Councils  contrary  about  Tradition  of  Ima- 
ges.    ^.  73 .    The  Nicene  Council  curfeth  from  Chrifl  all  that  are 
not  for  faluting  and  adoring  Images.     ^.    76.    Bifhops  and  Priejhs 
Made  by  Magifirates  Eletlion ,  or   that  ufe  the  Magijirate  to  get 
the  place,  are  void.     A  Canon  againfl  filencing  Preachers  andfhut- 
ing  up  Churches.     ^.  77.  A  fober  Council  at  Horojulium.     ^.  80. 
Fceiix  Urgelitanus,  and  Elepandus,  condemned,  for  faying  Chrijl 
was  Gods  natural  Son  in  the  Deity,  and  his  adopted  in  his  Uutno' 
nity.    ^.81.  Claudius  Taurinenfis  againfl  Images.     ^.  8i.   Car. 
Awg.  Book,  and  the  Council  of  Franckford  againfi  Images.     ^.  8x, 
84.  Fceiix  and  Elepandus  condemned,  for  faying  Chrifl  was  a  Ser- 
vant,    if.  85".  The  Frankford  Council  decreeth  that  Chrifl  was  not 
a  Servant  fubjed  to  God  ly  penal  fervitude-    ^  89.    Pope  hco^s 
eyes  put  out,  and  tongue  cut  out,  and  reflored,  and  he  made  great 
/y  Charles  the  Great.     ^.  pi.  Kiffing  the  Popes  Foot.  ^.  pj.  Irene 
kiSeth  her  Jon,  and  is  banifhed  her  felf     ^.  94.   Filioque  added 
by  the  Spaniih  and  French  Bifhops  without  the  Pope.     i).  96.  Ca- 
rol Mag.    being    dead  the  People  Rebel   againfl    the  Pope,  till 
Ludovicus  fubdued  them.     ^.  97.   A  Council  at  ConftantinopJe 
for  the   Emperours    Adultery  :    And  another    againfl   Plato  and 
Theodorus  Studita,  that  were  againfl  it ;    ivhich  faith  Binnius 
paj^d  the  fentence  of  Anathema  on  the  whole  Catholick-Church. 
An4  decreed  that  Gods  Laws  can  do  nothing  againfi  Kings,  nor  is 
any  man  a  Martyr  that  fuffereth  (as  Chryfoftome)  for  oppofing  th^ 
for  truth  and  juflice.     4-98.    A  Council  at  kt\ts,  and  another  at 
Tours  have  good  Canons ,  One  that  is  for  the  old prohitiort  of  genu- 

The  Contcmsi 

fiexien  on  the  Lords  daies.     ^.  X04   Charles  M.  refioreth  Learn- 
ing :  A  Council  at  Chalones  decreed  againfi  the  Oath  of  Canonical 
ohedience.     ^.    105',  lod.     Another   againfi   Arch-Deacons  ruling 
^Freshyters,  and  taking  Fees  of  them.     ^.  107.     Others  for  the  old 
Excommunication,  and  about  Confejftonto  God  and  Man,  and  againfi 
trufi  in  Pilgrimages.     ^.  lo8,  109,  no.  Another  Council  at  Qon^ 
ftantinople  curfeth  that  at  Nice,  xd,  and  pull  down  Images^  and 
the  Bifl^ops  turn  again.     ^.   113.  The  murder  ofBifhopspunifhedby 
payments  at  lafi.     ff.    114.     Ludovicus    Pius,  Emperour,   Bifi^ops 
tvith   Bernard  rehel,  Stephen  made  Pope  without   him,  pardoned. 
^.   1 1 5".  His  care  of  lofi  Learning :  A  pious  Treatife  out  of  the  Fa- 
thers ;  againfi  Bijhops  domination,  and  for  their  equality  with  Pref- 
hyters  in  Scripture-times.     ^.   xi6.    Againfi   Clergy  fins,  and  Wo- 
tnens  company.    Againfi  genufie£tion  on  the  Lords  days  :   Auguflines 
contempt  ef  appeals  to  Councils  and  Rome :  A  ftrange  temperance 
of  the  Canonical  Monks,  that  were  tyed  to  four  pound  of  Bread  and 
five  paund  of  Wine  in  a  day ;  or  in  J  card  ty,  to  three  pound  of  Wine 
and  three  pound  af  Beer ;  or  in  greater  fcarcity,   to  one  pound  of  Wine 
and  five  of  Beer.     ^.  ii8.  lAXi^oylcvisVwxs  tnaketh  the  Pope  great- 
er than  ever.     ^.  izo.  Michael  Balbus  murdering  Leo,  Armenus 
fendeth  to  Ludovicus  Pius  alout  Images .-  An  Affemk'y  at  Paris 
called  by  him  judge   the  judge  of  the  World,  .ind  the  Niccne  fecond 
Council  faith  Bdhrminc.     4-  12.4-     Now  loth  ExO:  and  Wed  judg- 
ed the  Pope  and  his  Qenerd  Council  to  erre ;  yea  this  Emperour  that 
made  him  Great.     ^.   izj.    A  hook  of  concord  ly  the  Pope  and  Em- 
per  our,   that  Images  are   neither  to   be  contempt  uouQy  Iroken,  nor 
adored.     BcIIarmincs  words  againfi  it.    He   revileth   the  Popes 
words,  that  Princes  are  Govcrncurs   nf  the  Church.     ^.   izj,   izg. 
Confuted.     Faith  and  Love  may  he  without  Images,     i).    1x9.     It 
was  the   right  of  the  Empire  to  confent  or  not,  to^  the  cbofen  Pope. 
^.  131.    Platina  wifhcth  for  a  Ludovicus  to  reform  the  luxurious 
Clergy  then.    ^.133.    A  Paris   Council  write  an  excellent  Book : 
They  tell  of  fome  Jlruck  with  Thunderbolts,  Cenzuljions,  &c.  for  and 
as  workinz,  on  the  Lords  day.     And  fay  Bcati  Petri  viceni  gcrimiis. 
^.  136.    The  Emperour  making  his  three  Sons  Kings,  i  bey  Rebel : 
He  conquer eth  Pipin,  LotJiarius    rehellith  again,     Ebbo  and    a 
Council  of  Bijhops  wickedly  depoje  him  ahjent  and  unheard,  and  force 
him  to  refizti  his  Scepter  on  the  Altar,  and  thrufi  him  into  Prifbn  : 
Thiu  was  the  .befiy  Princes  that  mofi  advanced  the  Clergy  ufed  Iv 


The  Contents. 

them,  OH  Religious  pretenfe  Ludovicus  refiored  the  fecond  time^ 
Lotharius  relelleth  ftill,  till  pardoned-  Ludovicus  dyeth-  ^.137. 
The  -form  of  kis  condemnation  by  the  Bifl^ops  at  large ;  with  all  the 
Articles  of  Accufation  and  his  penance  at  the  Bifhops  high  Court  of 
J^ujiice-  f).  139-  The  Emperour  refiored  hy  force,  the  Bifhops  re. 
tant  and  he  forgiveth  them ,  Ebbo  refigning-  4*  140-  The  Wars 
Between  Ludovicus  Sons :  Lotharius  jujlly  conquered-  <).  145.  The 
Bifhops  depofe  him  upon  impeachment  as  they  did  his  Father  by  his 
will.  ^.  146-  Images  refiored  at  Conftantinoplc  by  Theodora 
a  Woman  :  fhe  fped  as  Irene.  Photius  Patriarch  §.  148,  149. 
The  Bifhops  fuddenly  turn  again.  ^-  ifo.  Strife  for  the  Popedom 
<)-  I J  I.  Lotharius  and  his  brothers  agree-  ()•  \^y  The  Arch- 
bifhop  of  Rhemes  fled  and  the  feat  vacant  was  ten  years  Governed 
ly  two  Presb\'ters-  ^.  i  fi-  Carolus  Calvus  alienateth  Churcli- 
lands-  4-  i5'3-  ^op'  Leo  and  his  City  Lconina:  He  writetb 
Majjing  Rules,  and  depofeth  Priefls  that  cannot  read  till  they  amend- 
$•  1 5' 4'  Singing  Liturgies  the  eccafion  of  impofed  forms-  ^-  155". 
A  Qouncil  at  Mentz  punifheth  murder  even  of  Priefis,  but  with 
putting  them  from  the  communion.  ().  15^7. 

CHAP-  lo-  Councils  about  Ignatius  and  Photius,  with  0- 
thers'  Hincmarus'x  defcription  of  Godefcalcus  and  his  Herefie. 
()•  !•  Qanons .,  that  Arch-Presbyters  examine  every  Mafler  of  a 
Family  perfonally,  &c.  That  none  denyed  Communion  have  any  Of- 
fice civil  or  Military,  ^-  3  •  Whether  unconfl rained  fufferers  are 
Martyrs.  §.  ^.  A  hard  cafe  about  the  nullity  of  Ebbos  Ordinations: 
Two  Popes  differ.  ^-  5-.  Ignatius  cafe-  ^-  8-  Remigius  and  ele- 
ven more  at  Valence  make  notable  decrees  about  Predeflination, 
Redemption,  Perfeverance,  and  choice  of  Bifhops-  §-  9'  The  Cler- 
gy and  People  to  choofe  Bifhops.  ^-  9,  10.  Lotharius  turneth 
Monk-  ^-  II.  No  Pope  Joan.  ^-  iz-  Two  fl rive  for  the  Papa- 
cy: Analtafius j^.7/;;//  Images,  repuljl-  ^.  13,  14.  Thunderbolts 
in  the  Church.  ^.  i6-  John  Bi/hop  of  Kzvenna.  forced  to  Jubmit  to 
the  Pope-  §-  1 7.  The  Schrfm  between  Ignatius  and  Photius.  4.  1 8. 
Bifhops  for  the  Emperour s  divorce,  cenjured  by  the  Pope,  defpife  him. 
^-  19.  /'i?/'<?  Nicolas,  ^g^/;?/'/  Hincmarus:  Againjl  the  Gra^k  Em- 
perour :  His  notable  Ep/llle :  He  m.iketh  the  greater  number  of  Bi- 
fhops and  People  no  fign  of  truth  ;  nor  f'wnffs  cf  err  our-  ^-  1 1. 
Bapt/fm  v.ilid  by  one  that  is  no  Prieft  nor  ().  ai.  None 
proper  Patriarchs  but  ApofUes  Succeffours-  4'  2Z-  All  other  Chur- 


The  Contents. 

ches  attil  Dignities  made  by  Komt,  a»(l  Komt  hjChr/jh  ^.  14.  Pe- 
ter  had  the  Empire  of  Heaven  and  Earth.  Ill  chofin  Popes  not  Apo- 
Jlolical,  ^  1^-  Many  other  Papal  Vfurpations^  againji  Oaths,  Prin- 
ces, (i)c.  <)  ^6,  (£)c.  People  Jlill  chnje  Bijhops,  ^29.  None  may 
hear  Mafs  of  a  fornicating  Priefi,  ^30.  Lay  men  mujl  :.\'t  judge  or 
fearch  the  lives  of  Priefls-  /'•  Q\\xt\ts  faith  none  lut  the  Bipops  may 
dcpofe  him,  ^32.  V\\0X.'\\\s  fet led  by  Councils,  ^  31,  33,3)".  Divers 
Councils  for  K.  Lotharius  divorce  againfl  the  Pope,  ^  58,39,  40-  TItc 
Tope  curfeth  ther>ij(f  /^i,and  curfeth  his  Legates  at  Conft.  ^  .^x, and  at 
MetZ,  ^  4<j.  Hiucmarus  and  the  P ope* s  Contention,  ^  43,  44.  Hi- 
fi  or  ians  fay  the  Papacy  was  void  eight  years,  and  others  but  feven 
days,  4  fO-  Photius  and  his  Counfels  defpifed  the  Pope.  His  depo- 
fition  by  Bafilius  a  Murderer,  ^  fl.  Bafilius  craveth  the  Popes  par- 
don for  the  mjhops,  becaufe  they  had  almoil  all  been  deceived  or  falfe^ 
by  following  the  upper  Powers,  and  the  Churches  would  elfe  be  left  de- 
ftitute,  ^  51.  IVhat  nullifying  Ordinations  hath  done,  ^  fj  ••  Men 
wrongfully  excommunicated  to  be  received  by  other  hifhops  :  Presby- 
ters to  annoint  the  fick,  becaufe  the  Vtifhops  cannot  vifit  all,  ^56.  A 
Conft.  Council cjeSteth  Photius  ;  where  the  Bijhops  that  were  for  him, 
turn  again  and  condcntn  him,  crying  pcccavimus  ;  fave  fome  few  : 
Subfcriptions  denyed,  and  why,  ^  f/.  This  eighth  General  Council 
decree th  equal  honour  to  Chrifls  Image  as  to  the  Gofpel :  Forbiddetb 
Patriarchs  to  require  Bifhops  to  fubjcrihe  to  them,  but  only  to  the 
Faith,  and  depofeth  them  that  do  it,  §  58  :  Curfeth  them  that  fay 
man  hath  two  Souls  .■  All  J^fhops  to  be  worfhipped  by  Princes,  and 
not  go  far  to  meet  them,  nor  light  from  their  Horfes  to  them,  nor  Pe- 
tition them,  on  great  Penalties,  ^  fS.  Princes  as  profane  may  not 
be prefent  at  Councils;  nor  have  been,  {impudently  ^  $"8.  No  Lay 
man  may  difpute  Ecclefiaflical  San^ions ,  be  he  never  fo  wife  or  good  : 
But  a  Wifhop  mujl  not  be  refifled  though  manifeflly  defiitute  of  all  vir- 
tue of  Religion,  ^  5:9.  They  decree  that  Photius  be  not  called  a  Chri- 
flian,  ^  60.  Bifhops  above  Kings,  as  Heaven  above  Earthy  ^  61. 
The  Pope  but  one  Patriarch  cannot  abfolve  them  that  many  Patriarchs 
condemn,  ^  6z-  N'lcet^S  Life  of  \gn:iti\iS  in  brief,  §  6y  The  P ope ' 
depofed  by  a  Conft.  Council  The  Bifhops  wrote  not  Photius  condem- 
nation with  Ink  but  with  Chrifls  blood,  and  yet  reflored  him  ayid  ho- 
noured him  as  the  Emperour  tnrned.  Photius  depofeth  and  rc-ordain- 
eth,  and  requireth  fuhfcription  to  him,  ^  63.  J''otes  hereon,  ^  (J4. 
Tke  Contention  between  Rome  and  Conft.  for  ruling  the  Bulgarians, 

d  and 

The  Contents. 

and  the  ffrells,  ^65-.   I  he  Pope's  Monarchy  then  unknown,  ()  66,6^. 
The  Frencli  Btjhops  aga'mft  the  Pope  gave  Ludovicus'j  Knigdtm  io 
Charles  Calvus,  ^  70.  Tlie  King,  Hincmar.  and  Btjhops  agamfi  the 
Pope,    ^    71,  72-     Depojing  and  blinding  Hincmarus  Laudmenfts. 
y/'f  Romans  imprifon  Pops'  John,  ^75.  HuAds;  decree  for  per- 
jury, ^  'jS,yj-     Going  to  Rome  merits  the  pardon  of  Murder,  ^77. 
Service  in  the  Schvon'i&n  Tongue  forbidden  them,  ^  78.     Aufper- 
tus  Bifhop  of  Milan  refufeth  to  obey  the  Pope  :  Sclavonian  Service 
yielded  to:  The  Bifhop  of  Vienna  rejetteth  a  Bijhop  «?^" Geneva 
(Aptandus)  fent  by  the  Pope,  bccaufe  he  was  never  baptized,  made 
Clerk,  nor  Learned :  The  Pope  tells  him  that  he  himfelf  had  none  of 
thefe  when  he  was  confecr  at  ed  Bifhop  ^/Vienna,  ^  yj.  Whether  the 
Right  ef  Emperours  was  only  by  the  Pope  sGuift,  ^78.  Binius  refo- 
lutton  :  One  Church  had  two  Bifhops,  4  81.    A  General  Council  at 
Conflant.  refioreth  Photius,  expungeth  filioq;  condemneth  the  lafi 
General  Council  there \  yet  both  approved  by  Popes,  ^83.  The  Coun- 
cil accufeKomt,()%7.  Rome's  jurifdiflion  excluded,  ^87.  Adders 
to  the  Creed  (filiocii)  anathematized :  Pope  Martin  .7»^ Hadrian  con- 
demn Photius,  and  enrage  the  Greek  Emperour  againjl  them,  ^  80, 
9 1 .   Bifhofs  and  Lords  dej^ofe  Carolus  Craffus  ;  he  is  put  to  beg  his 
bread,  ^91.  The  Pope  above  Emperours  as  Heaven  above  Earth -^ 
Kings  are  Servants,  and  not  above  the  Clergie  their  Maflcrs,  ^92. 
A  King  ruling  ill  decreed  to  be  a  Tyrant :  Bifhop s  and  Priefts  lying 
with  their  oivn  Sifters,  rejirained :  but  no  Bifhop  is  to  be  accufed  by 
a  Presbyter,  mr  judged  under  Jeventy  two  Witnefjes,  nor  Priefts  un- 
der, forty  tpjo,  ^c.  He  that  would  lye  with  his  Sifter  before  fo  many 
deferved  blame :  Murderers  of  Vriefts  denyed  Flefh,  Wine,  Coaches, 
&*<:.  $  91^,97.     \o'Cvao{^x%  perjured,  was  the frfl  Bifhop  that  cvev 
was  made  Vope,   ^  C)<). 

CHAP.  II.  The  Progrefs  of  Councils,  till  Leo  the  9th,  ejpe daily 
in  the  Weft. 

The  Bifl^ops  depofe  Odo,  and  fet  up  Charles,  f  i .  The  Virgin  '^\x- 
ry'sSmock  works  wonders.  ^.i.BlouJ and confujion  inltzly.  $.3.  Bi 
fhgps  to  be  obeyed  before  Earls  and  Magiftrates.  Clergy-men  muft  not 
be  put  to  /wear.  No  Presbyter  to  be  depofd,  but  by  fix  Bifhops, 
4.  5".  Two  wicked  Popes  at  once  :  Stephen  Judgeth,  Difmembreth,  and 
drowneth  dead  Formofus,  and  re-ordaineth  thofe  ordained  by  him, 
(j.  7,  8.  The  Bift^ops  in  Council  approve  it ;  yet  now  Papifls  detefl  it. 
§^^ .When  Popes  are  hifallible,  ().  lo.  Popes  undo  what  their  Prede- 


T4ie  Contents. 

cejfors  did.  ^.  n,  13, 14, 15,  i?-  Platina's  difcriptif>n of  a  Mali^njfit 
Pope.- ().J^.Pope5  Crown  for  fear,  and  uncroiv/i,  and   C/oivx  others. 
^.  ty.  Bijhops  turn  and  return,  and  fry  Pcccavimus.    Reordinat'ions 
for  hidden,  (f.  \6.  Bad  Princes  the  caufe  of  bad  Bilhops.  ^.17.  Wick- 
ed Chrijiians  on  whom  the  Pope  durji  not  uje    Difcipline.   (f.  17. 
Schifmes  and  violence  OH  Popes,  f  18,19,10.  Sergius  made  Pope  the 
third  time,  keeps  it ;  hy  Whores  and  Whoredom  the  tnoji  wicked  of 
men,  faith  Baron,  and  Bin.  ^.  zx.  Formofus  again  executed  dead, 
^.z^.Quffiions  tothe  Papijis  of  their  holynefs  and  Succeffion.  (j.  x^. 
Photius  lafi  depofltion,  and  the   Murders,  of  Emperours   at  Con- 
Hant.f    x6.      A   Where  Ruleth   at   Rome,  ^  zi.      She    maketh 
her   Fornicator     Pope ;    Baronius    and  BiRnius.    hard  put   to  it 
4.  6x.     Ear  I  Her  ihcrt's  Sen,  net  five  years  eld,    made  Archhifhop 
fo  Rhemes.  ^.}0.  Ratified  hy  Pope  John,  lamented  by  Baron,  that 
iy  this  Example  other  great  men  did  the  like :  Johns  end  ly  a  Whore ^ 
(j.  30-  None  to  marry  within  the  feventh degree,  as  ineeft.  ^-  3  !•  Ser- 
gius  haflard-Son  tinder  age  made  Pope  John  by  a  Whore,  and  deflroyed 
after  a  Monjler  faith  Binnius-  ^- ■^^- None  to  faft  privately,  but  by 
the  Bifhops  confent.  ^.  3  6.  The  King  of  Denmark  made  Chrifiian  by 
Henry  King  of  Germany-  f  3  9  •  St-  Peter  made  the  example  for  ma- 
ny Bijhopricksto  one  Bijhop-  ^.  40-  Albericus  ra/rr^,  and  mangle  ththc 
Pope.  ^•41-  The  Bifhops  judge  the  Infant  before  the  perjured  Monk 
to  he  Bifhop  of  Rhemes,  ^  43 .  The  treafons  and  changes  in  France, 
^44.     Try\>hon  illiterate  finely  cheated  of  his  Patriarchate  Confl. 
()  46.     Councils  do  and  undo  between  the  two  Bijhops  of  Rhemes,  § 
48,  49,  fO.     John  XII  Lawful  Pope  wanted  all  things  neceffary  to 
a  Popg.,  fay  B^roviiM^  and  B\nnm%,  ^  ji.  Notes  hereon,  ^  5'z.  Pope 
John  difmembreth  his  Cardinals,^  ^3.  He  fled,  ^^y     The  Bifhops 
depofe  him,  and  make  another  by  Otho'j  means,  ^  5'4.     The  horrid 
charges  againjl  Pope  John fwcrn,  ^5^3.  Baronius  fl»//Binnius  <rg<7/;ry? 
his  condemnation  anfwered,  §  ^6.     Two  Popes  and  Churches,  ^57. 
Not  yet  known  who  ivas  the  true  Pope,  ^  5:9,     John  killed  in  Adul- 
tery, ^  60.     Another  Antipope  perpiriou'ly  chofen,  ^  6\-     A  Msr- 
fyt,  ()  6i,  64.     An  interruption  of  the  Succeffion  by  Baronius  and 
Binnius  account,  ()  6f-     Otho  faveth  them.     The  next  imprifon- 
"td  and  fir  angled,  f)  67.     Boniface  VII.  r«»;  ^c  Conftantinople  »w//j 
the  Church  Treafure,  ^  69.    Two  more  Popes,  ^  69,  70,  71.  Boni- 
face murders  another  Pope,  and  gets  in ;  dyeth,  and  is  about 
the  Streets,  ^74.     Jonn  XV,  durflnot  dwell  at  Rome,  ^75'.  Uxx- 
%oC^Y'^t  turneth  the  Bifhops,  ^  y^.     Popes  fighting.     JohnXVlI, 

d  1  lliHc'ed, 


The  Contents. 

blinded,  manqled,  dijgraced,  kill'd ,  (f  84.  Seven  EleHors  of  the 
Emperour  jettled,  ^  85--  Gerbert  kom  made  Pope,  ^87.  The 
AV»g  0/ Hungary  Co«wr/j?/'(?  Tranfilvanians,  ^  87-  Good  Kings, 
§  90.  Leurheiius  Arckhijhop  o/SeuS  againjl  Tranfuhjiantiation^ 
^91.  Tn-o  Popes  fighting.  The  Kingofhiuag^xry  converted  ly  the 
Ewperour  Henry,  ^  JJ-  The  JirJ}  hiirningof  Hereticks  {jSizmchQes) 
§  97.  Henry th: limperour  leavethhisWife  aFirgin,  (f  lOO'  Be- 
ncdiiV.  IX-  a  delo'ift  loy-Pope :  put  cut  again,  ^  103.  Gets  in  a- 
gain :  A  third  enters  at  once-  'J he  Cerbcrus  hired  all  out  by  divi- 
ding the  Church-rents  between  them ;  do  reftgn ;  but  the  hirer  as 
pacifcafor  is  made  Pope,  ^103-  Six  that  had  been  Popes  alive  at 
once :  One  honeji  Pope  that  could  not  read  made  a  fellow  Pope  to  Jo 
it,  ^  104-  Gregory  VI-  The  illiterate  reconciling  Vope  variouCy 
defer  i  bed',  put  out  ivith  the  other  three,  and  a  Fifth  chojen,  ^  107. 
henedi\.(k.gets  in  the  third  time,  ^  107.  Another  gets  in  by  Poyfon, 
and  dyeththe  23  day,  I:)  no.  Baron,  anfvcered,  ^  iii.  Ike  Monjier 
Bened.  9.  ?y /'^  that  condemned  Berengarius,^  iix.  Leo  ^th.  of  the 
Refurretlion:  Renounceth  the  Title  of  Vniverjal  Patriarchs,  as  of 
thebawdof  Antichrifi:  Vettr  not  Vniverfal  Apojlle.  Bifhops  equal; 
varied  by  City  priviledges,  fave  in  Africa  by  fenierity.  The  R0- 
mifh  Church  ufurped  by  no  P afhrs ,  ^  zoj.  Michael Patr.  oj  Gonft.  R&- 
laptizeth  Papifls,  faith  they  had  no  true  Bapifm,  or  Sacrifice,  ^  zo^. 
A  Roman  Council  pardon  fimoniacal  Bifhops  and  Priefis,  left  the 
Church  be  utterly  deftitute,^  zc6.  The  Popes  hold  a  Council  in 
Trance  agaiffl  the  Kings  will:  A  Bijhops  horrid  Crimes,  and  a  mira- 
cle there.  Still  Clergie  and  People  mujl  chufe  every  Bifiop  xoj. 

CHAP.  I z.  The  continuation  till  the  Councilof  Conftance  .•  Counr 
cils  aiainjl  Berengarius,  ^  z,  &c.  Adulterous  and  Symoniacal  Bi' 
(hops  :  A  miracle,  ^  4,  9.  Hildebrand,  a  Sub-deacon,  prefideth  in 
Councils,  and depofeth  Bifhops,  and  Excommunicateth,  ^9,  10.  Bi- 
fhops by  Excommunication  rule  K.Ferdinand,  ^  i,z.  Mihnfeparated 
from  Rome  zoo  years,  ()  16.  Another  Schifm,  ^  17,  i8.  Hildebrands 
new  Foundation  of  Popes  {by  Cardinals  Eletlion)  $  zz.  Notes  hereon, 
^zz.  A  Kom^n  Council  Jorbids  hearing  a  Fornicator  Priefl,  ^  Z3. 
Bloody  fights  between  two  Popes :  Five  years  fchifm,  ^  x^,  P.  Alex- 
ander ^^/t;^//.^  England/^  William  the  Conqueror,  ^  %j.  Councils 
for  each  Pope,  ^  z8,  Z9.  Gods  word  affirmed  violable,  ^30.  Hildcr 
brands  War  in  Kome:  Italian  Bifhops  againjl  him.  His  hard  wo^rk,. 
obedience  to  the  Pope  forbidden  by  a  Council  at  Mentz.  He  depofeth 
the  Emperour  for  feeking  /^tfdiminilh  theMajefty  of  the  Church  i: 


The  Contents. 

futd  abfolveth  his  fivorn  SuhjeHs :  Att  Antipope  made  that  fate  x  i 
years,   (the  zyd  Jchifm.)  The  Emperour  barefoot  tn  froft  three  days 
legs  pardon,  and  prom'tjeth  obedience.    He  is  again  curfed  by  the  Pope 
in  Council,  as  having  power  to  take  aivcr^  Kingdoms,  and  all  that  men 
have,<)  41,42.  The  Siege  of  KomQ:  Two  Topes:  Gregory's  death, 
^  4X.     He  threatneth  to  depofe  the  King  of  France :  cLums  Hunga- 
ry ,&c  HS-Binnius  record  of  THE  POPES  DICTATES, /^//iw  in 
17  Articles    WHAT  POPERY  IS,  ^  44.   He  claimeth  Spain,  ^ 
46.  and  Dalmatia,  ^  49.     A  great  part  of  the  Bifhops  againfi  hin7, 
^  49.  Pronounc?th  unjnicere  repentance  fruitlefs,  ^  5-0.  Denyeth  Di- 
vine Service  in  the  Schvonhn  tongite,  ^51.  M  weather  imputed  to 
the  ill  Lives  of  Priefls:  /"/'f  Armenians  errours  what,  ^  51.  Apu- 
lia, &c.  the  Popes,  ^51.  One  man  turned  an  hundred  thoufand  men 
in  Spun  from  the  Pope.     He  threatneth  to  Excommunicate  and  depofe 
the  King  of  Spain,  as  an  Enemy  to  the  Chriflian  Religion,  ^  5-2.     He 
newly  found  St.  Matthc'A'S  body,  ^54.  He  will  expofe  the  Prince  of 
Sardinia  unlefs  he  obey  him  in  making  all  Priefls  f nave  their  beards^ 
()  ^t).  Notes  hereon.     7 he  Yrcnch.  convert  the  Sweeds,  and  the  Pope 
would  reap  the  fruit,  ^5^6.  His  notable  Epif He  to  prove  Popes,  Priefis, 
{and  Exorcrfis)  above  Kings,  ^  ^j.  Anfwcred,  ^58.  Vcter-pence,  (f  59. 
An  Arch-bijhop  fufpendcd  for  not  vif  ting  Komc,  §  60.  A  pious  Lit 
for  Peace  n  a  fin,  ^61.    The  t^/^Spanilh  Liturgy  partly  contrary  to 
the  Chnflian  Faith  till  now,  ^  6z.  His  refpetl  to  William  the  Con- 
queroui-,  (ijc.  ^  64,  G6.  The  German  Eijhnps  hereticate  the  Pope, 
for  forbidding  Marriage,  ^  67.  Matthew  isforfaken,  §  68.  Philip 
King    of  France    and   many   great    Bifhops  excommunicate,  <J  69. 
Divers  Councils    excommunicating    cojtrarily ;    the    Antipopes  ,    ^ 
69,    to    74.     Ordinations    null   that    are   made  pretio,    prcci- 
bus    vel  obfcquio,    and  not  by  the   common  ccnfcnt  of  Clergy  and 
People,  4/5-     He  cxci>nnnufiicateth  the  Gr^Qk  Emperour ufurping,^ 
j6.  77'c>  Greek  affairs  jumm  d up,  (i.-j-j .     The  t>ower  of  V ope  and  Bi- 
fhops to  depofe  Kings,  ^  79.^  Council  Charalier  of  [Gregory ,  ^  80. 
A  Council  make  Loyalty  to  be  H.xrefis  Henriciana,  f  87.     The  Dif 
ciple  is  not  above  his  Alafier,  anfwered,  ^87.      Wecilos  herefie,  that 
men  obey  not  unjuji  Excommunications,  but  may  by.  others  be  received, 
^88.  Thez}6,  Schifm,  ^^i.  Vigor's  Soldiers  conquer  Clement's,  ^ 
91.     Lay  Princes  prefent  at  ions  or  Inveftitures  are  Herefie:  every 
Heretick  is  an  Infidel:  It's  better  be  iviihout  vifible  Communion  than 
have  it  withjuch,  <^^y     Confellaries  overthrowing  Rome,  ib.     A 


I   ■  v.. 

The  Contents. 

fteu)  Pope  tnarrietb  MathilJ/s  to  Welpho  on  condition  they  nfe  not 
carnal  Copulatien,  ()  9^.     A  Jerufalem  expedition  caufeth  peace  at 
home.     Cjont^d&rehlleth  againji  his  Father,  (f^^     The  Emperour 
commits  Fornication,  ^101,103.     Wrongs  on  Monday,  Wednefday, 
or  Thurfdayt  no  breach  of  haly  peace  :  No  Bi/hop  or  Prteft  muft/voear 
er  promife  Allegiance  to  a   ^i»g,  ftor  take  Preferment  from  any 
Lay  man,  ^  104.     None  to  communicate  in  one  kind,  ^  lOC.     All  the 
Btjhops  ^Englandy^/x'^  Rochefter  renounce  obedience  andfociety  with 
Anfelxiia  Archbifhop  of  Canterbury,  becaufe  he  would  not  renounce 
the  Pope,  faying,  he  blafphemed  the  King,  Jetting  up  any  in  his  King- 
dom  without  his  confent,  $  106.     Time  given  the  King  (?f  England 
to  repent,  ^109.     The  Anti-Pope  Clement  dig^d  up  and  burnt  : 
Pafchal  %.  Council  Decree  that  all  Bifhops  of  the  Henrician  HereTie 
{Loyalifls)  if  alive  be  depojed,  if  dead ^  aigg  d  up  and  burnt  {that  is, 
moji  of  the  Wefiern  Bifhops^  ^xiz.     The  Schifm  continued,  ^  ilj. 
The  Popefet  upyoung  Henry  againfi  his  Father,  who  taketh  him  Prt- 
f oner  to  the  death  :  He  keeps  his  Fathers  Corps  five  years  unburied, 
becaufe  Excommunicate,     let  proveth  Hereticus  Henrician  OS,  Im- 
prifoneth  the  Pope  till  he  grant  him  Inveftitttres.     The  Vope  abfolveth 
himfelf,  4  114,  115".     Cafes  on  Binnius,  ()ii6.     Note  that  Invefii- 
tures  Juppofed  the  Veople  and  Clergies  free  choice  of  Bifhops,  ^117. 
The  Bijhops  ufage  of  old  Henry  to  the  laft,  $118.     To  take  the  Vopes 
Excommunications  ^(  not  obligatory  is  a  TTerefie, ^  ii^.The  dangerous 
Doliritie  of  Flueiltius  Bijhop  ^Florence  {that  Anti-Chrift  was  come) 
^  I  %o.  Only  the  Church  made  Hertry  rebell,  ^121, 1  rx.Ty bur  colour- 
ed with  hloud :  The  Earl  c/  Millans  Fie fh  given  to  Dogs  :  The  Vepes 
facramental  Covenant  broken,  (f  117.     Qod  will  have  no  involuntary 
fervice,^  izji.     The  fame  is  a  Henrician  Herefie  in  others  which  is- 
none  in  the  Vope,  ^131-     tTe  mayforfwear  for  the  Veople  of  God.  ^131, 
Two  Vopes  contending  and  excommunicating  :  The  Emperour  giveth 
up  Invefl  it  lures,  ^  1 3  5:  /o  1 3  8.     Four  Dothines  of  Guilb.  Porretane 
condemned  in  Council;   i.  That  Divinitas  andDtUSarenot  the  fame 
{in  fignification  : )    2.  That  the  three  Verfons  are  not  unUm  aliquid  .- 
3.  That  there  are  eternal  Relations  hefides  the  Verfons  :  4.  That  it 
was  not  the  Divine  Nature  that  was  incarnate.     Two  more  Popes, 
^  138,  142.     A  Preacher  murdered  at  Rome,  ^  I44.     Two  more 
Popes,  the  Jucceffion  from  the  wrong,  ()  145'.     They  fight  for  it,  ^  1^64 
How  Clergy  and  Veople  firfl  loll  their  Votes  in  choice  of  Vcpes,  ^  147. 
tiiioVopes flill flriving,  ^  149,  &c.     Many  Cafiles  in  England  built 


The  Contents. 

ly  two  Bijhoys,  ()i6o.     AbailarJ  condcmmA unhs.vd,  ()\.6i.     Car- 
ieftineir.  the  firjt  Poj^e  without  the  IPeofles  eletUm,  An.  1141. 
Rome  againfi  the  Vcfe  :   Bijhcps  are  hisjire^gth,  ^   168.     Porrc- 
tane  a^J/ft  nccufei/,  and ptuzled  the  Council,  ^170.     He  is  again 
dccnfed  ly    Bernard,  \vh«m  the    Cardinals    accufe  for  ivriti»g  his 
Faith  and gettiKg  Bijhops  hands  to  it,  ^  lyi.     The  RommQ /^eo- 
pie  excommunicate  h  Pope  Adrian  4.  They  are  for  a  Preacher  called 
hy  him  an  heretick,  ^  174.  Komt  Jighteth  with  Pope  and  Emperour.- 
They  fight  again,  and  expel  the  Pope,  f  "174.  The  17  pair  of  Popes  : 
Wars  between  the  Emperour  Frederick  and  Vope :  The  Crown  of'  Eng.- 
land  held  as  from  the  Pspe :  J'et  Rome  receiveth  him  not .-   7%e  Em- 
peroHr  fubmitteth,  being  defer ted,^c.  ^175'.  The  fet ling  the  choice 
of  Popes  by  Cardinals  :  The  Vope  no  Bifhop  by  the  Canons,  ^177. 
The  Roman  Succefiion  is  from  Alex.  3.  when  the  Clergie,  People,  Em- 
perour, Vrinces,  and  a  Council  of  innumerable  Bifhops  were  for  Vi- 
ctor, \  176.     Parliaments    called  Councils,  ^  179.     Ireland  the 
'  Popes,  ^  1 8a  The  Albigenfes  Henricians,  ^  i8i.    No  Bijkop  may 
f^pend  a  Presbyter  without  the  judgment  of  his  Chapter  :  A  perjured 
Clergie-man  perpetually  deprived:  Doubtful  words  to  be  underjhod 
asufually,  ^  i8i.  The  Vopes  Party  inKome.  have  their  Eyes  put  out, 
^183.  Frederick  drowned  in  Afia,  ^  187.    The  Kingdom  0/' France 
intsrdi^cd,  ^190.     The  Pope  fet s  up  an  Anti-Emperour,  who  prc- 
vai'cth,  ()   192-     England  isterdi^ed  fix  years  and  three  months  ^ 
^  194.     The  famous  twelfth  General  Council  at  the  Laterane  under 
Inoc.  3.  for    Tranfubjiantijtion,  exterminating  hereticks,   depofin(^ 
'Princes,  abjolvingSuhjeds,  forbidding  HnUcenfedPreachers,^c.  ^  I95'. 
Almaricus  burnt  dead,  ^  196.  Stephen  Langton  and  King  John, 
()   197.     TenQjicries  upon  this  Council,  ^198.     The  Qanons  of  this' 
Ccanal  true:  Mr.  DodweF.f  17  Arz^uments  for  it,  ^  199.     The' 
Papifts  excufes  anfwered,  ^  iSo.  (mifnumbred.)     The  bloody  Execu- 
tion, ^181.     Oxford  Canons,  that  every  great  Parifh  Have  two 
or  three  Presbyters,  Cffc.  ^  183.     Againfi  Preaching  when  filenced, 
$   184.     The  Pope  twice  ban'ifi^ed  by  the  Romans.-  The  Emperour 
txcommunicate  and depofed-,  fights  it  out:  The  Pope  dyeth,  ^   186. 
A  tnortalfin  to  have  two  Benefices,  if  one  will  marntain  him,  ^  rSy, 
The  Emperour  again   excommunicate :    A  merry  Excommunication, 
^  191.     Rebellions,  ^  ipx.     Conrade  and  King  Henry,  §  i5>3- 
Bijhop  Grofthead'j  natable  Letter  t9  the  Vope^  and  its  recrption, 

^  19^ 

The  Contents, 

^  195:,  1^6-  ObeJ/ent  difobedience :  All  Vower  for  edification,  ih. 
The  Vope  calls  the  King  of  Kngland  bJs  Sbve,  whom  he  com  irnpri- 
fort,  &1-.  ^  1 9  (J;  The  Qardinals  Speech  to  quiet  the  Vope :  A  De- 
fetlion  foretold, ()  ip^.Grolhcads  death :  Hetakeththemfor  Hereticki 
that  tell  mt  great  men  cf  their  fin,  &c  The  Vope  Antichrifl,  for  de- 
flroying  fouls.  The  Vopes  pardoning  Letter :  The  Vope  defer  tied,  () 
193.  Miracles  at  Robert  Groflieads  death:  The  Vope  would  have 
hurnt  and  damned  his  Corps  :  In  a  I'ifion  he  mortally  ivoundeth  the 
Vope,  ^  lyS,  199.  H.  111.  pawneth  his  Kingdom  to  the  Vope,  ^ 
200.  The  13th  General  Council  at  Lyons  excomtnnnicateth  and 
depofeth  the  Emperour  and  abfolveth  his  Suhjells,  ^.  zox.  Guelphus 
for  the  Vopes,  Cihelins  for  the  Emperour,  ^  xoy  77;^  Englilh  P<7r- 
lianient  demand  the  choice  of  the  Lords  Jufiice ,  Chancellour  and 
Treafurer,  ^  lo^}.  The  Vlot  of  King  Henry  and  the  Bifhop  ofHcTQ- 
ford,  to  get  money  by  the  Vope,  ()  zo6.  The  Varliament  refiji  it : 
IsA.V^ns  talks  too  boldly  of  the  King,  ^  zo6.  Buying  Bifhopricks  : 
Brancalco  ^/^Rome  maflereth  the  Vope,  ^  208,  %6^.  Sewale  Arch- 
Bijhop  of  Y ork  againfl  the  Vope :  doth  Miracles,  ^  212.  Rome  not 
ruled  by  the  Vope,  ^214.  Tl ear  three  years  vacancy  of  the  Vapacy, 
^219.  Cardinal  Vortuends  jeafl,  220.  Thefoolifh  Vope  ]cAmfadly 
confuted,  ^224.  King  Peter  of  Arragon  depofed,  §zi6.  The  Popes 
Tenth  peny  deny ed,  ()izZ.  Two  years  more  vacancy.  TV.'f  Greeks 
enmity  to  Rome,  ().  229.  Pope  QQ\&{\in.t  cheated  tor efign,  andim- 
prifioned,  ^233.  Boniface  the  VIII.  his  conflitl  with  the  Kin^of 
France;  taken  prifiner,  anddyeth  :  Vh.t\.wxs  good  Counfiel  to  all  Ru- 
lers, ()  224.  The  Clergy  not  to  be  taxed  by  Princes,  ^  z]^.  The 
Popefetled inYxd^ncc  hy  Clement  V.  Qontinueth  70  Tears,  ^236. 
Above  2  years  vacancy,  ibid.  40.  Articles  of  the  King  of  Franci? 
<7^<?i»/?  Boniface  VIII.  Three  Her i/ies  of  Vctnis  J oannis,  1.  The 
rational  foul,  as  fuch  is  not  forma  corporis  humani.  2.  Grace  ha- 
bitual, not  infufed  in  b  apt  if  me  to  Infants.  3.  The  Spear  pierced 
Chrifl  before  his  death,  4  242.  The  Herefie  of  the  Beguines  and 
Beguardes  for  perfetlion,  ^  ibid.  Pope  Clements  Decrees,  De 
fide.  I.  Of  the  form  of  the  body  {the  foul.)  2.  Infants  infufed 
Grace.  3.  Vfury  a  jin.  4.  To  be  reflored.  The  contrary  to 
jujfer  as  Here  ticks,  §  ibid.  The  falfhood  of  fiome  of  thefie  new  Ar. 
tides  of  Faith,  ^  243.  Magifi rates  excommunicated  that  di^race 
wicked,  Priefis,  ^  247.  Or  compel  them  to  anfwer  to  them,  ^  248. 
.  ■  Vopes 


The  Contents. 

Popes  and  Councils  cotidetrm  each  other  as  Hereticks,^  x^o.  The  Pope 
(Ijimeth  the  Empire  hy  Efcheate,  (f  x^i.  The  Priefi  to  take  the- 
name  oj  every  PariJhoiter,that  heingcOHfeffed  and  confirmed  they  may 
u>mmuHicaie  only  hy  his  counfel,  (}  Zjz.  The  Greek  ajjairs,  ^  256. 
A  Toi.Ql9.nQ  Council  Decree  that  their  Provincial  Conjiitutrcns 
hind  only  ad  pcenanl,  not  ad  culpam^,  lefi  ChrijNans  Confciences  he  hur- 
denedy  ^157.  After  feventy  years  refidence  at  Avignion ,  forty  years 
more  there  were  two  P oyes {and fametime  more)  one  at  Avignion  and 
one  at  Rome.  Difierd  choofetij  an  honefl  Pope,  hut  Concord  an  Anti- 
Pope.  Thfir  Wars  :  The  Pope  drowneth  Curdinah  in  Sacks,  and 
makes  twenty  nine  new  ones  in  one  day,  ^i6o.  Italy  flill  the  mojl 
Mnpeaceahle  warri>tg  place  of  the  World,  i)  z6z,  263.  7he  Popes 
bloody  way  of  curing  Schifm^  ^  i6}.  ^  The  Council  ^Pifa  thinking  to 
.have  hut' one  Pope  made  a  third,  (f  2.67.  Who  Depofed  King  Ladi- 
.flaus,  ^z68. 

-'  '  ■.    .c  ■ .   ' 

CHAP.  13-  The  Cauncils  fl/ Conftance,  Bafil,  ^c.  Tl:<at  at 
Conftancc,  called  hy  Pope  'idixn  xi  (alias  xi  or  23  or  14)  hy  SWi(- 
mund  the  Emperours  means.  Councils  ahove  the  Pope,  ^  3.  Wickliift 
Articles,  ^  6.  One  is,  that  they  are  Traytors  to  Chrifi,  who  give  o- 
ver  preaching,  and  hearingGods  word,  for  mens  Excommunications, 
^  6,  54.  heynous  Articles  againfl  Pope  John,  commonly  caUedThe.  De- 
vil incarnate:  Ah  thfiinate  Heretick,  denying  the  life  to  come,^c. 
^^8.  He  ratifieth  all himfelf,  and  with  other  two  Popes  is  depofed, 
^  9-  A  decree  againfi  giving  the  Sacramental  Cup,  though  Chrifi  and 
the  Ancient  Church  ufedit,i)  lO-  Articles  againji  JohnHus  as  Wick- 
lifT's;  More  as  his  own,  (f  iz,  13-  Excommunication  mufi  not  make  us 
leave  off  Preaching.-  Againjf  Hicrome  of  Prague  Ireakingfafe  Con- 
dutls,^  14,  15-..  The  third  Pope  deposd,  (f  16.  Decrees  for  frequent 
General  Councils  :  Popes  Elettions  regulated :  A  new  Pope  chofen 
^  17. .  The  Fate  of  P.  John  and  the  reft,  ^  18,  ly.  Continued  Wars  at 
Rome,  againfi  the  Pope,  and  in  Italy,  (f  xy  7  he  Council  at  Bafil.  The 
Bolieniiaiis  cafe:  Their  four  Articles,  i.  For  the  full  Sacrament, 
z.  For  corretling  puhlick  Crimes.^.  For  liherty  to  preach  Gods 
Word.  4.  Againfi  the  Clergies  civtl  Power ;  all  eluded,  ^24.  Bifhop 
Auguftinus  de  KomcLSerrours (Phanatick)  Pardon  of  all  (ins  confcft 
with  a  contrite  heart,  fold  for  money  and  fafling,  ^17.  7 heir  Catho- 
lick  Ferities  :  i .  For  Councils  Supremacy,  x.  They  may  not  he  dijfoh- 

e  ed, 

The  Contents. 

ed,  jemved,  prorogneti,  hut  eonfetttiHg.  y  lis  Herefie  tooppugHtkeji 
I)  i8.  P.  Eugeniiis  depofeJas  ap8rtittaciouiHeretkk,&c.().'Li.Q4t€riei 
hereon,^  10.  Ihe  immaculate  Conception  decreed,    ^31.  Two  Popes 
again,  ^ji.  Epijiles  of  and  againji  thePoi^e,  ^33.  Four  Treat ifet 
againji  the  homvsmm  four  great  Articles,  f  34,  35'.  Qod  oniy  par- 
doneth  the  fault,  and  the  Pope  part  of  Church  Penattcfis.    Whether 
fileuced Preachers  nuiji  ceafe  :  Vujuft  Sentences  twt  regardahle,  coth 
fejfed :  The  Council  confirmed^  ^  35".  3<J-  A  Council  at  Briges  co»- 
firmeth  this,  ^37.    The  Council  at  Florence  .•    Tivo  General  Coun- 
cils at  once,  ^38-  The  Rojnans  ft  ill  fight  againjl  the  Pope,  4  39. 
Conflantinople  lofi,  ib.    P.  Pius  x-  his  GharaBer  and  Sentences  : 
For  priefts  Marriage  :  Tet  for  Rome'jr  Vniverfal  Headjhip  to  he  re- 
ceived as  neceffary  tofahatim,  ^,^<\'    V^^^yAx.  a  jufl  and  clement 
Simoniaft  and  Tyrant :  Torment  eth  Platina  and  many  others  :  Accu- 
feth  them  of  Herefie  for  praifing  Plato  and  Gentile  Learning,  ^e. 
Againjl  Learning,  4  45"-     P-  SixtUS  Wars  and  treachery,  ^  46.    De- 
ny rng  the  Decrees  6f  a  Gentral  Council  de  fide  {of  the  immaculate 
conception  of  B.  MO  m'JJerefie^  ^  47-  P^  If^oc  8.  fights  to  be  Hint 
,4>f  Naples,  ^  49-  \  'j'h  -s;  v\\.  rV.wv.O  ,'*.a;.^jV^  vviir.^ic,;.  ui.  'jA\  LriP.  T* 
Po(^s  Alexander  the-  Sixth  his  ugly  Cbaraller  ,   and  his  Son 
Ciefar  Borgia'^  Villanies  :  Both  driniing  the  poyfon  prepared  for  0- 
thers :  ,The  Pope  dy  eth  of  it,  ^50.  Pius  3.  ^  fi.  P.  Julius  i.  Ita- 
ly /«  hlood  flill  hy  him,  ^  §l.  Councils  agaiuft  the  Pep6  :  The  King 
1^  France  excommunicated,  ^  5'3,  s^-  ^^^  Anti-Council  at  Lateran, 
■againft  theV'i'^'XKse,,  againft  the  }crtach pragmat.Sandion :  The  nota- 
ble Titles  of  the  Pope,  §  ^S-     Decreed  that  Simoniacal  Eleilion  of 
Popes  is  null,  and  giveth  no  Authority,  (which  nullifieth  the  Roman 
fucceffwn)  ^  ^6.  Decrees  ahout  Souls,  \  S7-     Leo  10.  a  Cardinal 
4/13.  and  an  Archhtfhop  in  his  Childhood:  His  Wars  and  blood- 
fhed,  ^  f8.  Luther:  The  Reformation  :  The  end  ef  Charles  f.  ^  fg. 
Leo'j  death,  ^  60.     Reformers  drive  the  Papijls  to  Learning,  $  (Jr. 
All  Pap/ft  Princes  owe  their  fafety,  Crowns,  and  deliverance  from 
Vapal  depofition  to  the  Reformation ;  and  Italy  its  peace,  ^  62.  The 
Hi  (lory  of  the  Reformation,  atfd  of  Pap  ifls  Murders  of  Martyrs  pi^- 
fed  hy,  ^  63.     Freder.  of  Saxony  refufeth  the  Empire  and  Money, 
and  chofe  Charles,  ^  64.  Thirty  five  cafes  for  which  men  mufi  he  de- 
ity ed  Communion  in  the  Eucharifl,  ^65'.    Later  ReformingPapifi 
Councils,  ^  66,  ^c.     The  Conclufion,   what  this    Hiflory  fpecially 


The  Contents. 

Church  MffiVnt  "-^  ,^:K■^ty^v..v^uB  i.  ,-.,.,m:t..'6  u.k..^ v 

CHAP.  14.  ACoitfHtaiioii  of  f'apifts  aHiSe^arifftioWi^  qn4 

offtf^  the Miniftry  tf  the  Reforipcd  Churches:      :.'' :J .  ''■\ 

CHAP.  */.'  A  CnfufufJod  tf  the  ^^^^e  0pp^rs  cf  the  m-, 

ttijlrj.  ''■'■■  ..,.   ■ 

■VV«  -11  '*'  v.] 

^>»v\»^-j  j«t*iV"Hr-» 

"'-  ■-■•-•  ■•  ■•'• ■.  .■•.,i  ,^..0  >  .'y  r'r 


An  Account  offpmciBooIcnaitely  Printed  for,  and  to  bcSold  by 
Thomas  Simmotts,  at  the  Princes  Arms,  in  Ludgate-ftrcet . 

'^^SufflemtnttoKnoMedgt^  /in^ii'riifl/ce :  Wherein  the  main  things  ne. 
^*"  ceflary  to  be  known  and  believed,  in  order  to  Salvation,  arc 
more  fully  explained,  and  feveralaewDireftions  given  for  the  promot- 
ingofrealHolinefs,  both  of  Heart  and  Life:  Townich  is  added  a  ferious 
diiTwafivefrortifbhieof  the  feigning  and  Cuflomary  (ins  of  theTimes.Tiz.. 
Swearing,  Lying,  Pride,  Gluttony,  Drunkennefs,  Uncleanners,  DiC- 
content,  Covetoufnefs,  and  Earthly-mindednefs,  Anger,  and  Malice, 
and  Idlcnefs  ■■,  by  Sam-  Cradock,B.D.  late  Redlor  ot  Nor th-Catihnry,\n  Somtr- 
fetfliire  :  Vfefulfor  the  inftruBionof  fr tv en e  Families  :  Price  bound  4  j. 

De  jinalogia,  five  Arte  linguA  Latif}£  Comment ar talus :  in  quo  omnia, 
etiam  reconaitioris  Gramatics,  Elementa  ratione  nova traftantur,  &  ad 
hfevifliinosCanonesrediguntur :  In ufum  Provedioris Adolefcentiae. Ope- 
ra Wilhehni  Baxter i  Philiftoris,  Price  bound  i  s.  t>d. 

The  lively  Effiges  of  the  Reverend  A^r.  Muthevf  Pool:  So  well  performed 
astoreprelent  his  true  Idea,  to  all  that  knew  him,  or  had  a  Veneration  for 
him  :  Defign'd  on  purpofe  to  befriend  thofe  that  would  prefix  it  to  his 
Synoffts  Criticorum,  Price  6  d. 

Moral  Prognofltcatigns :  i.  What  fliall  befall  the  Churches  on  Earth,  till 
their  Concord,  by  theReftitution  of  their  Primitive  Purity,    Simplicity, 
and  Charity :  2  •  How  that  Reftitution  is  like  to  be  made  (if  ever)  and  what 
fhallbefal  them  thenceforth  unto  the  end,  in  that  Golden  Age  of  Love : 
Written  by  Richard  Baxter ^vihtn  by  the  Kings  CemmiJfion,wt  in  vain  treated 
for  Concord,  166 1.  and  now  Publifhed  1680,  Price  i  s. 
^'i^fOfi^ii^chf^rmifls  Advocate;  or  an  Account  of  their  Judgment   in  cer- 
tain things  in  which  they  are  mif-underftood :  Written  principally  in  Vin- 
dication of  a  Letter  from  .t  Mtnifler  to  a  Perfott  ofQkality-ffJiewingfome  Reafens 
for  his  Nonconformity^  Price  i  s. 

There  is  Publtfljed  every  Thurfday,  a  Mercurius  Librarius,  or  A  Faithful 
Account  of  all  Books  and  Pamphlets  Publifi'ci  every  Week  .'  In  which  may  be  iH- 
ferted  any'thing fit  f6f  atTlWick  AdverTifemcnt,~atamoderat€  Rate. 

DircBions  torfcf  j?<Wfr»/ Baxter's  Church  Kill ory,   &c. 

After  the  Title  Sheet  follows  a,b,  c,d,e  •,  thenB.C,  D,  E,  F,  G,H,  I, 
K,L,  M,N,0,P,  Q,  R,S,  then  A  A,  B  B,  CC,  DD,  E  E,  FF,  GG, 
HH,  II,  KK,  LL,  MM,  NN,  OO,  PP,  then  S  S,  TT,  V  V,  XX, 
YY^  ZZ,  AAA.  BBB,  CCC,  DDD,  EEE;  then  GGGj 
and  i"o  on  to  Q^Q^Q ;  which  Signiture  ends  the  Book. 


O  F 


And  their 


A  B  R  I  D  G  E  D,  <?.. 

CHAP.     I. 

Of  the  facte  J  Miniflry,  Epifcopacy  and  Councils,  necejfary  Pre- 
monitions :  and  ef  the  Deftgn  of  this  Book. 

§.  i.^"    ^  OD  that  could  have  enlightned  the  Earth  without  the 
■  Sun  and  Stars,  could  imrnediately  alone  have  taught  his 

^  -y/r  Church,  and  communicated  knowledge  to  mankind  :  But 
^^»JI  as  he  is  the  moft  communicative  good,  he  was  pleafed 
not  only  to  make  his  Creatures  receptive  of  his  own  in- 
flux, but  alfo  to  give  them  the  ufe  and  honour  of  being  efficient  fub-com- 
municants  under  him,  and  caufes  of  good  to  them fclves  and  to  one  ano- 
ther :  And  as  his  Po\wr  gave  Bein^  and  Motion,  his  IVifdom  gave  Order  and 
Harmony,  and  his  Love  gave  Coocbiefs  and  Perfeiiion,  felicity  znd  love,  as 
he  is  the  creating  and  conferving  Caufe  of  Nature-,  and  this  in  much  ine- 
quality, as  he  was  the  free  difpofer  of  his  own  ^  fo  in  the  Kingdom  of 
Grace  he  doth  by  the  Spirit  of  Life,  Li^:^ht,  and  Love ,  i.  Qnickcn  and 
ftrengtlien  the  dead  and  weak  fouls,  and  awaken  the  (lumbering  and  floth- 
ful  i  2.  Illuminate  the  dark  with  I-aith  and  Knowledge,  and  j.  Sandifie 

B  the 

'Church-Hijiory  of  Bifhops  and 

the  malignant  Enemies  of  holinefs,  by  the  power  of  his  communicated 
love,  making  them  friends  and  joyful  lovers :  This  Spirit  firft  filled  the 
Humane  Nature  of  Chrifb  our  Head-,  who  firft  con  .  micatcd  ittofome 
chofen  perfons  in  an  eminent  manner  and  degree,  a;,  Mature  raaketh  the 
heart  and  brain  and  other  principal  parts  to  be  organical^  in  makings  fre- 
fovingi  and  governhig  the  refb.  Tothefe  h?  gave  an  eminence  of  Power 
to  work  .Miracles,  ol  Wifdom  to  propagate  the  Wcvd  of  life,  and  infal- 
libly by  Pleaching  and  Writing  promulgate  and  record  his  facrcdGofpel, 
and  of  Z;*/)' /or<r  to  kindle  the  like  by  zealous  holinefs  in  the  hearts  ofo- 
thcrs.  To  thefe  organical  perfotis  he  committed  the  Oeconomy  ot  being 
the  witnejfes  of  his  words  and  anions,  his  refurredion  and  afcenfion,  and 
of  recording  them  in  writing,  of  planting  his  firfl  Churches,  and  leal- 
ing  the  truth  of  their  teftimony  by  many  Miracles,  promifing  them  his 
Spirit  to  perform  all  that  he  committed  to  their  trufl,  and  to  bring  all  to 
their  remembrance,  and  to  lead  them  into  all  truth,  and  to  communicate 
inftrumentaiiy  his  Spirit  tooihers,  the  faniftifying  gifts  by  blefllng  their 
Dodrine,  and  the  miraculous  gifts  by  their  impofition  of  hands. 

§.  2.  By  thefe  principal  Minilttrs  the  firft  Church  was  planted  at  7^r«- 
falem,  ('fitlieft  called  the  Mother-Churchj  and  after  bythofcthat  were 
font  thence  many  Churches  were  gathered  in  many  Kingdoms  of  the 
world,  darknefs  being  not  able  to  refift  the  light.  The  Apoltles  and 
Evangelifts  and  Prophets  delivered  to  them  the  Oracles  of  God,  teach- 
ing them  te  obferve  all  things  that  Chrifi  had  commanded  them,  and  pra(ftically 
teaching  them  the  true  Worfhif  of  God^  ordering  their  jiffcrtihlies ,  and  or- 
da.imng\!ntxa  fuch  Officersfor  iacred  Miniltration  as  Chrift  would  have  con- 
tinued to  the  end  of  the  world,  and  fhewing  the  Churches  the  way  by 
which  they  w)«/?  he  continued,  and  defcribing  all  the  work  of  the  Office  ap- 
pointed them  by  Chrift. 

§.  i  The  Apoltles  were  not  the  Authors  of  the  Gofpel,  or  of  any  ef- 
ftntial  fart  of  the  Chriftian  Religion,  hxiX.l\\Q.Eeceners  of  it  from  Chrijlj 
and  Preachers  of  it  to  the  world :  Chrilt  is  the  yiiithor  and  fi/:ijlier^  or  per- 
feifter  of  our  faith.  But  they  had  befides  the  power  of  infallible  remem- 
bring,  knowing  and  delivering  it,  a  double  power  about  matters  of  Order 
in  the  Church  :  i.  By  the  fpecial  gift  of  the  Spirit's  infpiration,  to  found 
and  Jlablifli  fuch  Orders  as  were  to  continue  to  the  end,  and  none  that 
came  after  them  might  change,  they  being  the  Ordinances  of  the  Holy 
Ghofl  in  them.  2.  Temporarily,  fro  re  nata^  to  make  convenient  muta- 
ble Conftitutions,  in  matters  left  by  the  great  Lcgiflator  to  humane  pru- 
dence, to  be  determined  according  to  his  general  regulating  Laws.  In 
this  laji  the  Apoftles  have  Succeflbrs-,  but  not  in  the  former:  No  other 
have  their  Gtft ,  and  therefore  not  their  Authority .-  No  men  can  be 
feid  to  have  an  Office  that  giveth  them  Right  to  exercife  abilities  which 
they  never  had  nor  fliall  have. 

§.4.  Chrift  fummed  up  all  the  Law  in  LOVE  to  God  and  Man,  and 
the  works  of  Love  •,  and  all  the  Gofpel  in  Faith,  and  HopCf  and  Leve  by 


their  Councils  abridged. 

them  kindled  and  exercifed  by  the  Spirit  which  he  giveth  theni^  even  by 
the  Belief  and  Truft  of  his  Merits,  Sacrifice,  Interccflion  and  Promiles, 
and  the  profpe^  of  the  future  Glory  promifed,  fortifying  us  to  all  holy 
duties  of  obedience,  and  diligent  feeking  what  he  hath  promifed,  and  t» 
patient  bearing  of  the  Crofs,  conquering  the  incudiaate  love  of  the 
world  and  flefh  and  prefent  life,  and  improving  all  our  prefent  fufterings, 
and  preparing  for  his  coming  again,  and  for  our  change  and  entrance  in- 
to our  Mailers  joy. 

$.  5.  Chrift  fummed  uptheEflcntials  of  Chriftianity  in  thcBaptifmal 
Covenant,  in  which  we  give  up  our  felves  in  Faith,  Hope,  and  confenting 
Love,  to  God  the  Father,  Son,  and  Holy  Gholl,  our  Creator,  Redeem- 
er, and  Sandifier,  and  in  which  God  receiveth  us  in  the  Correlations  as 
his  own.  And  all  that  are  truly  thus  baptized  are  Chriftened,  and  arc  to 
be  efteemcd  and  loved  as  Chriftians,  and  to  be  received  into  Chriflian 
Communion  in  allChriftian  Churches  where  they  come,  until  by  apoftafie 
orin-^enitency  in  certain  difobediencc  to  the  Laws  of  Chrift,  in  points  ne- 
ceQary  to  Chriftian  Communion,  they  forfeit  that  priviledge.  Nor  are 
men  to  deprive  them  of  the  great  benefit  thus  given  them  by  Chrift,  on 
pretence  of  anynvf  or  holimfs^  or  power,  to  amend  Chrifts  terms,  and 
make  the  Church  Doors  narrower,  or  tic  men  tothemfelves  for  worldly 
ends.  Yet  muft  the  Paftors  flill  difference  the  weaker  Chriftians  from  the 
flronger,  and  labour  to  edifie  the  weak,  but  not  to  call  them  out  of  the 

$.6.  Thefacred  Miniflry  is  fubordinate  to  Chrift  in  his  Teaching,  Go. 
verning^  and  Pricflly  OlRce,  and  thus  ellentiated  by  Chrifts  own  inflicudon, 
which  man  hath  no  power  to  change:  Therefore  under  Chrift  th;y  muft 
teach  the  Church  by  facredDoclrine,  guide  them  by  that  and  facred  Di- 
fcipline,  called  The  power  of  the  Keys  ( that  is  of  judging  who  is  fit  to 
enter  by  Baptifm,  to  continue,  to  partake  of  the  Commun'on,  to  be  fu- 
fpsnded  or  caftout^  and  to  lead  them  in  the  publick  Worfliip  of  God,  in- 
terceding in  Prayer  and  fpeaking  for  them,  and  adminiilring  tothcm  the 
Sacraments  or  holy  Seals  of  the  Covenant  of  God. 

$.  7.  The  firft  part  of  the  Miniftcrs  Office  is  about  the  unbelieving  vorlJ^ 
to  convert  them  to  the  Faith  of  Chrift;  and  the  fccond  pcrfedive  part  a- 
bout  the  Churches.  Nor  muft  it  be  thought  that  the  firft  is  done  by  them 
as  meet  private  men. 

$.  8.  As  Satan  fell  by  pride,  and  overthrew  man  by  tempting  him  to 
pride  {ta  become  as  Gods  in  Knowledge)  Co  Chrift  himfelf  '.vas  to  conquer 
tile  Prince  of  pride  by  humility,  and  by  the  Crofs,  by  a  life  ot  fnftri/ig ;  con- 
temped  by  the  blind  and  obftinate  world,  making  bimfelf  of  1:0  rcput.jion, 
defpifmg  the  piame  of  luffering  as  a  Malefaftor  (a.  Traitor  and  Blafpi-cm.  r:) 
And  thcbe^iring  of  the  Crofs  was  a  principal  part  of  his  Precepts  and  Cove- 
nant to  his  bifciples,  without  which  they  could  not  be  his  Foi!o  vers. 
And  by  Humility  they  were  to  follow  the  Captain  of  their  S^lvaticn,  in 
conquering  the  Prince  of  pride,  aad  in  treading  down  the  Enemie-world, 

B  2  ^  eve.) 

Church- Hi jiory  ofBiJhops  and 


cvtn  the  lu/}  cf  theflejh^  the//*,?  of  the  eyes  ^  and  pride  of  Hfey  which  Are  mt 
ef  the  Father  but  of  the  world. 

$.9.  Accordingly  Chrift  taught  his  chief  Difciples,  that  if  they  were 
not  lb  cchverted  as  to  become  as  little  children,  they  could  not  enter  into  the 
Kingdom  of  Heave7i~,  Afatth.  18.  3,  His  School  receiveth  not  mall erly  Di' 
fciples,  but  humble  teachable  Learners,  that  become  fools  that  they  may 
be  wfe. 

And  when  they  wcredifpnting  and  fecking  which  of  them  Jlwuld  be  great- 
ejl,  he  carnellly  rebuked  all  fuch  thoughts,  fetting  a  Utile  child  before 
them,  telling  them  that  the  Princes  of  the  Earth  exercife  authority^  and  arc 
called  BcKcfa^ors  (or  by  big  Names)  but  with  them  it  fliould  not  be  fo  \ 
but  he  that  would  be  the  greatefi  mujl  he  fervant  of  all,  LhI^  11.  (hewing 
them  that  it  was  not  a  worldly  grandeur,  nor  forcing  power  by  theSivord 
(which  belongcth  to  Civil  Magiltrates)  which  was  to  beexercifcd  by  the 
Pallors  of  the  Church:  But  that  he  that  would  be  theChiefcft,  mull  be 
moft  excellent  in  Merit,  and  mofi:  ferviceable  to  all,  and  get  his  honour 
and  do  his  work  by  meriting  the  refpcd  and  love  of  Volunteers.  The 
Sword  is  the  Ai.jgijlratei^  who  crc  alfoChrilts  Minifters^  (for  all  Power 
is  given  him,  and  he  is  Head  over  all  things  to  the  ChurchJ  But  they  are 
emmently  the  Minifters  of  his  Power ',  but  the  Pajlors  and  Teachers  are  moft 
eminently  Minillers  of  his  Paternal  and  faving  love  and  wifdam.  And  by 
wifdom  and  love  to  do  their  work.  The  Word  preachtd  and  applied  gene- 
rally and  particularly  fby  the  Keys)  is  their  Weapon  or  Arms,  and  not 
the  Sword. 

The  Bol>emians  therefore  knew  what  tlicy  faid,  when  they  Teemed  dam- 
nable Hereticks  to  the  worldly  Clsrgie  that  deftro^'cd  them,  when  they 
placed  their  Caufe  in  thele  four  Articles:  i.  To  h.ive  the  whole  Sacra- 
mcnt,  Eread  andWitie.  2.  To  have  free  leave  for  true  A'fintflers  to  preach  the 
word  oj  God  Cwichout  unjult  filencing  of  proud  worldly  men  that  cannot 
fland  before  the  truih.^  3.  To  have  Temporal  Dom-niai  (or  Government 
by  the  Sword,  and  power  over  mens  Bodies  and  Ellates)  taken  from  tht 
Ciergie.  4.  To  have  grcfs  fn  ftipprejfed  by  the  imfitl  Magiflrate  by  ike 

$.  10.  Had  icbecnncccfiary  tothe  Churches  Union  againft  Scbifw  or  He- 
rp/7(r  for  ChriRians  toknow-  that  Peter  or  lb  ma  one  of  his  Apoftlcs  mult 
be  his  Vicar-General,  and  Head  of  his  Church  to  whom  all  mult  obey, 
who  can  believe  that  Chrift  would  not  only  have  fllenced  fo  necefTarya 
point,  but  alfoata  timewhenhcwasdeflred  orcalledto  decide  it,  have 
only  fpoken  fo  much  agalnft  it,  to  take  down  all  fuch  Expeiftations.  Yea 
we  never  read  that  Peter  cxercifed  any  Authority  or  Jurifdidions  over  any 
other  of  the  Apoftlcs,  nor  more  than  other  Apoftles  did",  much  Icfs 
that  ever  he  chofe  a  Bifhoptobe  Lord  of  the  Church,  as  his  Succeflbr. 
Nay  he  himfclf  fcemeth  to  fore-fee  this  mifchief,  and  therefore  faith, 
\'Pet.  5.  1,2, 1.. The  Elders  which  are  among  you  I  exhort^  whoamatfo  an  El~ 
tier  and  a.  Witnefs  of  the  Sujferings  of  Chr'Ji,    and  alfa  a  Partaker  of  the 


their  Coimcils  ahridyecl. 

Glory  that  jhall  be  revealed-  (Thefe  are  his  Dignities-)  Feed  the  Fiock^of 
Cod  which  is  among  yoh^  (not  out  of  your  reach  and  hearing  in  a  vaft  Dio- 
cefs)  taking  the  overfwht^  mt  by  conJIrMtit^  hut  veillingly  (,and  on  willing 
mcn^  not  for  ficby  lucre,  but  of  a  ready  wind:,  neither  as  being  Lords  over 
Cods  Heritage^  but  being  Examples  to  the  Flockj,  and  when  the  chief  Shepherd 
JJiall  appear^  ye  fliall  receive  a  Crown  of  Clory  that  fudeth  not  away. 

§.  ii.  Nothing  is  more  certain  than  that  the  Church  for  above  300  years 
had  no  power  of  the  Sword,  that  is,  forcibly  to  meddle  with  and  hart 
mens  Bodies  or  Eflatcs,  ("except  what  the  Apoftles  had  by  miracle  j  :  And 
to  this  day  no  Proteftants,  and  not  moft  Papifis  claim  any  fuch  Power  as  of 
Divine  Inftitution,  but  only  plead  that  the  Secular  Powers  arc  bound  by 
the  Sword  to  deltroy  fuch  as  arc  judged  Hereticks  by  the  Bifhops,  and  to 
punifhfuchas  contemn  the  cenfures  of  the  Church. 

§.  12.  He  that  would  fee  more  for  the  Power  of  Princes  vindicated 
from  the  Clergies  Claim  and  Ufurpation,  may  find  much  in  many  old  Trea- 
tifes,  written  for  the  Emperours  againll  the  Pope,  collccled  by  Colda(lm 
de  Monarch,  ^nd  inWill.  Barclay^  but  much  better  in  Bilhop  Bilfon,oi  Obe- 
dierce^  and  in  Bilhop  Jndrew\  Tortiir.i  Torti,  and  in  Bilhop  Buckridg/: 
Rojfenfiso^  the  Power  of  Kings,   and  much  in  Spalutenfs  dc  Rcpub. 

§.  13.  The  Vniverfality  of  Chrijlians  is  the  Catholick^Omch,  of  which 
Chrillis  the  only  Head  or  Soveraign  :,  but  it  is  the  duty  of  tl.efe  to  worfliip 
Godinfolemn  Aflembiies,  and  to  live  in  a  holy  Convcrfation  together  ^ 
andto  join  inftriving  againft  fin,  and  to  help  each  other  in  the  way  to 
life ;  therefore  Societies  united  for  thefe  ends  are  called  ,  Particular 

§.  14.  When  the  Apoftles  had  converted  a  competent  number  of  Chrl- 
ftians,  they  gathered  them  into  fuch  Aflembiics,  and  as  a  Politick  Society, 
fet  over  them  fuch  Miniftersof  Chrift,  as  are  afore  dcfcribed,  to  be  their 

§.  15.  Thefe  Officers  are  in  Scripture  c.illcd  fomctime  Elders,  and 
fomctimcs  Bi(1>ops,  towhcm  Deacons  were  added  to  ferve  them  and  the 
Church  fiibordinattly.  Dr.  Hammond  hath  well  dcfcribed  their  Oificc  ia 
in  hh  Annotat.  which  was  fo  preach  conjlantly  inpublickj,  and  private,  to  ad' 
minijler  both  Sacraments,  to  pray  and  praifc  God  with  the  Pe-ople,  toCaiechiz^Cy 
to  vijtt  and  pray  with  the  fiik^.,  to  comfort  troubled  Souls,  to  admomfl)  the  unruly, 
t0  rejeH  the  impenitent,  torcjiore  the  penitent^  to  take  care  of  the  poor,  and  in  a 
word,  of  all  the  Flock. 

§.  16.  The  Apoltles  fet  mually  more  than  one  of  thefe  Elders  or  Bifhops 
in  every  Church,  not  as  if  one  might  not  rule  the  Flock  where  no  more 
was  necelTsry,  but  according  to  their  needs,  that  the  work  might  not  be  un- 
done for  want  of  Minifterj. 

§.  17.  They  planted  their  Churches  ufually  in  Cities,  btxaufe  Chriftians 
comparatively  to  the  reft  were  few  (as  Seds  are  among  us)  and  no  where 
elfe  ufually  enough  for  a  Society,  and  bccaule  the  Neighbour-fcattercd^ 
Villages  might  beft  come  to  the  Cities  near  them  •,  not  but  that  it  was- 


Church-Hiftory  of  Bijhops  and 

lawful  to  plant  Churches  in  the  Country,  where  there  were  enough  to 
conftitutc  them,and  fometimes  they  did  fo,  as  by  Clement  Romxn.  ud  Corinth. 
byHiftory  appeareth. 

§  \%.Grotiui  thinketh  that  one  City  at  firlt  had  divers  Churches  and  Bi- 
fhops  and  that  they  were  gathered  after  the  manner  of  theSynagogues  ^  and 
'Dv.  Hrmrngtid  thinketh  that  for  foinc  time  there  were  two  Churches  and 
Bifliops  in  many  Cities,  one  of  Jews  and  one  of  Gentiles;  and  that  in 
Rome  Pan!  and  Peter  had  two  Churches,  whom  Litms  and  Cletns  did  fuc- 
ceed,  til!  they  were  united  in  C/f/«c»;. 

$.  19.  There  is  great  evidence  of  Hiftory  that  a  particular  Church  of 
the  Apoitles  fetling  was  eilcntiilly  only  C"' a  Company  of  Chriftians,  Pa- 
■"■  ftors  and  People  a  Hoc i ate d  for  pcrfonal  holy  eommunion  and  mutual  help 
''in  holy  Do-lrinc,  Worfliip,  Converfation,  and  Order.] 

Therefore  it  never  confilltd  of  lo  few  or  fo  many,  or  fo  diltant  as  to  be 
uncapal'Ie  of  fuch  perfo^al  help  atid  Communion  :  But  was  ever  diflinguifh- 
cd  as  from  accidental  Meetings,  fo  from  the  Communion  of  many  Chur- 
ches or  diftant  Chriftians,  which  was  held  but  by  Delegates,  Synods  of 
Pallors  or  Letters,  and  not  by  pcrfonal  help,  in  prefen  c. 

Not  that  all  thcfe  mult  needs  always  meet  in  the  fame  place :  but  that 
ufually  they  did  fo,  oratdue  times  at  Icaft,  and  were  no  more  nor  more 
diltant  than  could  fo  meet:  Sometimes  Perfecution  hindred  them;  fora- 
times  the  Room  might  be  too  fniall :  Even  Independent  Churches  among 
us  fometimes  meet  in  divers  places :  and  one  Parifli  hath  divers  Chappels 
for  the  aged  and  weak  that  are  unfit  for  travel. 

§.  20.  Scotus  began  the  opinion  (as  Davenport^  Fr.  a  Santa  Clara  inti- 
mateth"!  and  Dicn  Petavins  improved  it,  and  Dr.  Hammond  hath  largely 
afTcrted  it,  that  thi  Apoftles  at  firft  planted  a  fingle  Biihop  in  each 
Church,  with  one  or  more  Deacons,  and  that  he  had  power  in  time  to 
ordain  Elders  of  a  different  Oider,  Species,  or  Office,  and  that  the  word 
Elder  and  Blfhop  and  Pallor  in  Scripture  never  fignifie  thefe  fubjcft  El- 
ders, but  the  Bifhops  only,  and,  faith  he,  there  is  no  evidence  that  there 
were  any  of  the  fubj.ft  fort  of  Presbyters  in  Scripture-times :  Which 
concefilon  is  very  kindly  accepted  by  the  Presbyterians;  but  they  call  for 
proof  that  ever  thefe  Bifnops  were  authorifed  to  make  a  new  Species  of 
Presbyters  which  were  never  made  in  Scripture-times?  and .  indeed 
they  vehemently  deny  it,  and  may  well  defpair  of  fuch  a  proof 

§.  21.  But  for  mvpart  I  believe  the  foundation  unproved  (thJtthen 
there  was  but  one  Elder  in  a  Church)  and  think  many  Texts  of  Scrip, 
ture  fully  prove  the  contrary.  But  I  join  with  Dr.  Hammond  in  believ- 
ing that  in  Scripture-times  there  was  no  particular  Church  that  had  more 
ftated  meetings  for  publick  Communion  than  one:  For  if  there  was  fo 
long  but  one  L-lder,  there  could  be  but  one  fuch  Aflembly  at  once;  for 
they  had  no  fuch  Affemhlies  which  were  not  guided  by  a  Presbyter  or  Bi- 
fhop,  in  Doftrine,  Worfliip,  Sacraments  and  Difcipline:  And  they  ufcd 
to  have  the  Eucharifb  every  Lords  day  at  Icalt,  and  often  much  more  And 
one  man  can  be  at  once  but  in  one  place.  J.  22. 

their  Councils  abridged. 

§.22.  I  have  elfewhere  fully  proved,  that  the  ancient  Churchesthat 
bad  Bifliops  were  no  bigger  than  our  Pariflies  (and  few  a  quarter  fobig 
as  the  greateft  of  them)  andconfiftedof  no  more  than  might  havefuch 
prefent  perfonal  Communion  as  is  before  defcribcd  i  the  proofs  are  too 
large  to  be  here  recited.  j^n«f«»j  is  the  plainefl:,  who  faith^  that  this  was 
the  note  of  a  Churches  Unity,  that  [To  every  Church  there  was  one  Altar  ^ 
and  one  Bijlwp^  veith  his  Fellow  Prefbyters  and  Deacons .]  And  elfewhere 
chargeth  the  Bilhop  to  take  account  of  his  Flock  whether  they  all  come  to 
Church,  even  Servant-men  and  Maids. 

Clemens  Romanus  before  him  intimateth  the  like,  mentioning  even  Coun- 
try Bilhops. 

Jiiflin  Martyrh  Dcfcription  of  the  Chriflian  Aflemblies  plainly  proveth 

IcrthlHan's  Defcription  of  them  and  many  other  paiTagcs  in  him  prove 
it  more  fully.  Heprofefllth  that  they  took  not  the  Lord's  Supper  fave 
only  from  the  hand  ef  the  Bifltej  (^Aitijiitis  manu)  whocould  give  it  but  tO 
one  AITembly  at  once. 

Many  Canons  alfo  folly  fliew  it  (elfewhere  cited  j  fomc  appoint  all  the 
people  to  joyn  with  the  Bilhop  on  the  great  Feftivals  of  the  year,  even  a- 
bove  500  years  after  Chrift. 

TheCultomalfo  of  choofingBilhopsfheweth  it,  where  all  the  people 
metand  chofe  him  :  Yea  in  Cyfrian%  time  the  Exercife  of  Difciplinc  prov- 
eth it,  when  even  in  fuch  great  Churches  as  Cartk^ge  it  was  done  in  the 
pretence  of  the  people,  and  with  their  confcnt. 

§•  23-  The  only  Churches  in  the  World,  that  for  about  200  years  af- 
ter Chrift,  if  not  more,  had  more  than  one  ordinary  Allbmbly,  for 
Church-Communion,  though  but  like  our  Parilh  Chappels,  were  ^owf  and 
Alexandria,  as  far  as  I  can  learn  in  any  Hiftory :  For  that  at  JerKfAlcm  for 
all  the  numbers  had  no  more  dated  Members  than  oft  met  in  one  place 
Texceptingoccafional  abfentsj.  And  I  find  no  rcafon  to  believe  that  ever 
thefe  two  (the  chief  Cities  of  the  Empire,)  had  folong  more  than  fome 
iw^ow  Parilhes  (which  have  aboveflNtythoufard  fouls  as  is  fuppofed^  no 
nornear  (if  half  J  foniany.  And  becaufc  elfewhere  I  have  only  except- 
ed thefe  two  Cities,  I  will  yet  add  fomevvhat  to  Ihew,  that  even  there  the 
cale  was  not  as  many  now  imagine, 

$.  24.  Cornelius  in  an  Epillle  to  F^bins  of  Antiocb  fin  Eufcb.  Hift.  I.  (J- 
€.^'i. alias  42J  faith  that ''in  the  Church  of  Rome  were  46  Presbyters, 
*'  7  Deacons,  and  of  other  Officers  94.  that  is,  42  Acolitcs,  52  Exor- 
*'  cifts  and  Readers,  with  Porters,  Widows,  and  impotent  perfons  3- 
'*bove  1050  fouls,  who  are  all  relieved  by  the  grace  and  goodnefs  of 
*' Almighty  God,  &c.'2  This  is  the  chief  teftimony  in  the  third  Age  to 
prove  that  this  one  Church  had  more  than  could  either  meet  in  one  place, 
or  hold  perfonal  Communion. 

§.25.  But  let  it  be  confidered,  1.  That  partly  for  the  honour  of  quali- 
fied perlbns,  and  partly  that  all  the  Church  might  in  feafon  have  the  help 


8  Chwch-Hiflory  of  Bijhops  ami 

of  ?.ll  mens  gifts,  they  were  fo  far  in  the  ancient  Churches  from  having 
lb  few  as  Dr.  Hanwiond  and  Petavius  imagine,  that  they  multiplied  Offi- 
cers, and  digniiied,  and  fo  employed  a  great  part  of  the  Church  that 
hsdufeful  gifts:  hifcmuch  that  a  moft  credible  Witnefs  fliortly  after, 
even  Greaoyy  Nuzjan^en,  faith,  Orat.  i.  Pa^.  45.  that  by  the  intrufion 
of  men  for  dignity  and  maintenance,  "T/;<r  Church-RuUrs  were  almoji 
more  than  the  SitbjeUs.  The  words  are  'HySrhtv  Cmf  .^  a^^av.  Sec.  Of 
•'  otkeis  J  am  ajhawcd^  who  wboi  tbiy  arc  r,o  better  than  others,  {and 
*■'■  J  wi(l)  they  were  >iot  much  worfe)  thr lift  thcmf elves  upon  the  tnoft  holy  Aty- 
*"'  fteries,  as  we  fay^  with  itnrvapeti  hands  and  frophane  minds,  and  before 
"  they  are  worthy  to  ajproach  to  holy  things  >  ambitioiijly  enter  the  Fejiry  it 
V  fclf  Cor  Chancell  j  and  prefs  and  thriift  themfihes  about  the  holy  T.ible, 
"  as  tf  they  jud/red  this  Order  not  to  bean  example  of  Virtue y  but  an  occafon 
* '  and  help  of  getting  maintenance,  and  not  to  be  an  Office  lyable  to  give  Account  ^ 
' '  but  a  Command  in  which  they  may  be  jrce  from  Cenfure  :  Who  being  mifera- 
PJ3  "  ble  (cr  pitiful  peribnsj  as  to  Piety,  and  unhappy  as  to  Splendour,  thzt  is, 
'"■low  in  the  World  and  Parts)  do  now  in  number  almoft  exceed  thofe  whom 
"  they  are  over  ("or  are  to  govern).  LThis  would  make  one  fufped  that 
**•  there  were  then  many  Ruling  Elders  that  preachM  not ;  but  it's  plain 
*■'  they  had  an  Office  about  the  Sacraments]  Therefore  this  Evil  incrcafmg 
*"'  and  gcttinq^  ftrength  with  time^  it  fecms  to  me  that  they  will  have  none  under 
*'  them  to  rule,  (or  guidej  but  that  all  will  turn  Teachers  and  will  Prophe/ie,  in- 
*'y7f.t^  (as  waspromifedby  God)  ofbelngall  taught  of  God:  Sothatofold 
•'  the  Hijlory  and  Parable  faid,  Saul  alfo  is  among  the  Prophets.  For  there 
^'■neither  now  i^  tior  ever  W'ls  fo  great  plenty  of  any  other  thing  as  there  is  now 
*'■  of  thefe  frequent  Shames  and  Criminals'-,  for  ether  things,  as  they  have  their 
'■^fiourif ling  time.,  have  alfo  their  decay.  And  though  to  reprefs  their  impetu- 
'■' oitfnefs  he  a  work^ahove  tny  ftrength.,  yet  certainly  to  hate  it  and  be  aftiamedis 
"  not  the  le Aft  part  of  Piety- 

Judge  by  this, what  numbers  of  Officers  or  Clergy- men  then  the  Church 

§.26.  Next  for  the  Poor^  confider  their  proportions  in  and  by  other 
Churches-,  Chryfoft-  in  Matth.  Edit Savil.  p.  421.  fuppofeth  the  Poor  of 
the  Church  of  Antioch  .'whence  he  came  j  to  have  been  about  the  tenth  part 
and  dividing  the  City  into  three  Ranks,  he  accounts  a  tenth  part  rich, 
and  a  tenth  part  poor,  and  the  reft  of  a  middle  Eftate  between  both. 
Now  in  Chryfcftom^s  time  the  Church  was  fo  high,  being  owned  by  the 
greateft  Emperours  as  we  may  well  fuppofe  almoft  all  or  moft  of  the  rich 
came  in:  Whereas  at  Rome  in  the  time  of  Cornelius  it  being  under  re- 
proach and  cruel  perfecution,  we  may  well  conclude,  that  moft  of  the 
rich  ftood  out,  and  thty  might  fay  with  PW,  not  many  Great,  not  ma- 
ny Noble  are  called  :,  few  rich  men  comparatively  receiving  the  Gofpel, 
it's  moftlikcly  that  the  poor  were  then  far  more  than  a  tenth  part,  if  not 
the  greater  part  of  the  Church.  But  fuppofe  them  a  t.  nth  part,  which  is 
DOt  probable,  the  whole  Church  of  Rome  then  would  be  but  10500  Souls, 


their  Councils  abridged. 

which  is  about  the  fifth  part  or  fixth  as  big  as  Martins  Fariili,  and  about 
a  quarter  as  big  as  Steamy  Parilh,  and  about  a  third  or  fourth  part  as  big 
as  Giles  Cripplegate  Parilh,  and  not  half  fo  big  as  Giles  in  the  Fields  and  o- 
ther  Parifhes.  Moreover  Chryjojlome^  Hom.  -/4<^. /).  674.  computes 
the  poor  at  Conflantimplt  to  be  about  half  as  many  as  all  the  other  Chrifti- 
ans,  and  this  in  the  moft  flouridiing  Gity  and  Age  .  And  by  this  meafure 
they  would  yet  fall  further  fliort. 

It  may  be  you  will  fay,  that  thefe  were  not  the  pooreft  of  all  that  were 
kept  by  the  Church  :  But  it's  known  that  ever  v.wce.  the  times  of  extraordi- 
nary Community,  the  Churches  relieved  all  the  needy  according  to  the 
leveral  degrees  of  their  wants  ■,  and  thefe  were  fuch  as  were  in  want, 
though  not  equally,  and  they  are  fuch  poor  as  v/erc  diftinguiflied  not  only 
from  the  Rich,  but  alfo  from  the  middle  fort  •,  and  fuch  as  the  Church  took 
care  to  relieve. 

§.  27.  And  as  for  j^lcxandria,  the  grcatelt  City  of  the  Empire  next 
Rome  fas  Jcfephus  faith,  de  bello  J  lid.  i  5.  r .  ult.  it  is  certain  that  in  the  third 
Century  the  Chriftians  had  more  Meeting  Places  for  Divine  Worlhip 
than  one,  and  in  the  fourth  Century  had  many.  Epiphanius  namcth 
divers,  Hxref.  6g.p.  jzS.  ylnus  having  one  wherein  he  preached,  had  that 
advantage  to  propogate  his  Hcrefie.  But  all  know  that  the  building  of 
Temples  began  after  Emperours  were  Chr illians,  and  the  fair  Churches 
which,  Eiifehiits  faith,  they  had  in  DiocUftAns  time  (till  he  deftroyed  them  j 
were  but  like  our  Tabernacles  or  private  Churches,  and  grew  to  Number 
and  Ornament  but  a  little  before,  as  Ei<fchins  intimatcth.  It  was  a  good 
while  before  there  were  two  Churches,  even  in  Cor.flaminople.  Indeed,  it 
is  noted,  as  a  (Ingularity,  that  they  had  two  Churches :  But  they  miftakc, 
that  apply  that  to  two  Mcetinj^  Places,  which  is  fpokenoftwo  Societies, 
becaufe  iu  Meletiiis  time  they  had  ^vo  Bifliops. 

§.  28.  But  yet  let  us  fee  how  big  the  Chriltian  Church  was  in  this  great 
City,  even  when  it  had  many  Chapels  •,  even  in  Athatiafms  time,  in  the 
fourth  Century,  Tow.  i .  Ed.  Commel.  p.  5  j i .  in  his  Apology  to  Cenfiant.  you 
may  find  (in  words  too  large  tobeall  tranfcribed)  that  he  being  accufcd 
for  aflcmbling  the  People  in  the  Great  Church,  maketh  this  part  of  his 
Defence,  C  *■  The  confiiience  of  the  Petplc  at  the  Falter  Solemnity  was  fo  great., 
'  that  if  they  had  met  in  feveral  Jjfcmil,es  (or  by  parties>/jf  ether  Chwches  wert 
*fo  narrow  cr /null  that  they  wculd  have  been  in  danger  offufferin^  by  the  Crowd', 

*  f7or  would  the  tinivcrfal  Harmony  and  Concord  of  the  People  have  been  fo  vifble 

*  and  cff.c.icious  if  they  had  met  in  Parcels  •,  Therefore  he  concliideth  it  better  for 

*  the  whole  Multitude  to  meet  in  that^^reai  Chitrcb.,  hc'wg  a  place  large  enough 

*  to  receive  them  altogcthcr)^»i:/  to  have  a  concurrence  of  the  People  all  with  CKt 

*  I'^oice (la  Symphony  : )  For'if  according  to  Chrift\<prontife  where  two  fljall agree 

*  ofai.y  thing  it  Jliallbe  dene  for  them  —  how  prcv.dent  will  be  the  One-voice  offo 
'  numerous  a  People  njfembled  together.,  and  faying.,  Amen,  to  God  ?  Who  therefore 
'  would  net  admire  {  Who  would  not  count  it  a  hafpinefs  to  fee  fo  greaPa  People 
''/net  together  in  one  placed  And  how  did  the  People  re  Joyce  to  fee  one  another  y 

'  wlxr 


I  o  Churcb'Hiftory  of  Bijhops  and 

*■  whereas  formerly  they  ajfembled  infevcralflaces.'}  Thus  phinly  ulthanajius^ 
1  do  not  hence  gather  that  every  Man,  Woman,  and  Child  was  prefent : 
In  our  Parilh  Churches  that  hold  the  AlTembly,  fome  are  there,  and  ufually 
fome  ftay  at  home  and  come  by  turns ;  But  it  feemeth  hence  plain  that  even 
in  jilexmidria.  the  Chriftians  were  no  more  than  that  the  main  Body  of 
them  at  great  Solemnities  could  meet  and  hear  in  one  Affembly.  Which 
in  many  of  our  Pariflies  they  cannot  do. 

§.  29.  Add  to  this,  that  >^f/j<j»<«/7«j  tells  them  that  his  Predeccflbr  Mex. 
ancler  did  as  much  as  he  had  done,  on  fuch  occafions  aflembling  their  whole 
Multitude  in  one  Church  before  it  was  dedicated,  ^a^.  5  j2. 

§.  30.  I  add  a  further  Argument  from  the  City  it  Jelf,  as  offered  me  alfo 
while  I  was  writing  this,  by  a  learned  Friend  in  his  own  Words. 

This  City  JV.t/,  hy  Strabo'j  etefcription  of  it,  Itke  a  SoitUiers  Coat^whofe  length 
tit  either  fide  was  almojl  thirty  furlongs,  its  breadth  at  either  end  feven  or  eight 
Furlongs f  Geogr.  li.  17.  p.  5  ^6.  So  the  whole  compafs  will  be  lefs  than  ten  Miles. 
A  third  or  fourth  part  of  this  was  tal^n  up  with  piibltck^Buildings^  Temples,  and 
Royal  Pal.icej,  ibid.  Thus  is  two  miles  and  a  half^  or  three  and  a  quarter  taken 
up.  I  taks  this  to  be  that  Region  of  the  Ciiy  which  Epiphanius  calls  fp»^«» 
(where  he  tells  us  was  the  famous  Library  c/Ptolomy  Philadelphus)  andfpeaks. 
of  it  in  his  time  as  defiitiite  of  Inhabitants,  de  ponder.  &  nievfifr.  n.  9.  p.  166. 
ji great  part  of  the  City  was  ajfignedio  the  Jews.  So  Strabo  indefinitely,  as  Jo- 
fephUS  ejuotes  him,  Antiqu.  jud.  1.  14.  c.  12.  Others  tell  tis  more  punEluaHy 
that  their  JJiare  was  two  of  the  five  Divifions  (Vfiiers  Annals  Lat.  p.  859.^- 
Though  many  of  them  had  their  h.ibitations  in  the  other  Divifions^  yet  they  had 
two  fifth  parts  intire  to  themfehes  :  And  this  is  I  fuppofe  the  ti'otj  iJ'iot  which 
Jofcphusp/f/;  the  Succejfoiirs  p/ Alexander  fet  apart  for  /fcfw,  Bell.  ]ud.  1.  2. 
c.  2. 1.  Thus  we  fee  how  fix  or  feven  nnles  of  the  ten  are  d'fpofed  cf.  The  great  efi 
part  of  the  Citizens  {as  at  Rome  and  other  Cities)  in  the  beginning  of  the  fourth;. 
Age  were  Heathens.  Elfe  Antonius  had  wronged  their  City,  who  tn  Athanafius 
time  is  brought  in  thus,  f.vclaiming  by  Jerome,  nt.  Paul.  p.  24  5.  Ci vitas  me- 
rctrix  in  quam  totius  orbis  Dciemonia  confluxere,  &c.  A  charge  thus  form- 
ed fnpppfith  the  prevailing  Party  to  be  gi'-Hty.  But  let  us  fuppofe  them  equal 
and  their  proportion  half  cf  the  five  or  four  miles  remaining.  Let  the  refl  be  di- 
vided between  the  Orthodox^  and  the  Arians,  and  tiovstisus^  and  other  fortt» 
And  if  we  bejufr-,  a  large  part  will  fall  to  the  fl)are  of  Hcreticks  and  SeB.iries. 
Eor  (net  to  mention  others )  the  Novatians  hadfeveral  Churches  and  a  Bifliop 
thire,  till  Cyrils  time,  Vjd.  Socrat.  Hilt.  1.  7.  c.  7.  The  Arians  were  a  greai 
p.rrt  of  thofe  that  profeffed  Chriflianity,  Sozoni.  Hifl:.  li.  l.C.  14.  And  if  we 
may  jitdg  of  the  Followers  by  the  Leaders,  710  lefs  than  half :  For  whereas  there 
were  nineteen  Presbyters  and  Deacons  in  that  Church  fTheodor.  Hift.  li.  4. 
C- 20.^  (Twelve  was  the  number  of  their  Presbyters  by  their  ancient  Conflitit- 
tion,  and  feven  of  their  Der.cons  as  appears  by  Eni'^cWm'iyhere  and  at  Rome,  and 
tlfewhere  )  fix  Presbyters  with  Arius,  and  five  Deacons  fell  off  from  the  Catholicksy. 
Sozom-Hilt.  li.  i.e.  14,  But  let  the  Arians  be-  much  fewer.,  yet  will  not  the 
prcfpertim  ofthi  CAthelitk,  Bijhops  part  in  this  Citj be  more  than  that  of  a  fmali' 


their  Councils  abridged.  1 1 

Town,  one  cf  eight  or  twelve  Furlongs  in  cempafs.  Ar.dfo  the  number  of  Chri. 
Jlians  on  this  account,  will  be  no  >nore  than  might  well  meet  for  IVorJhip  in  one 

If  the  Reader  will  perufe  Epiphanius  Hiftory  of  the  Fraclion  between 
Alexander  and  the  Followers  of  Meletius  in  Alexaridria^  how  Alexander 
was  impatient  with  their  leparate  Meetings,  when  Alelcttus  was  dead 
^though  till  then  two  Bilhops  and  Churches  lived  quietly  in  one  City)  bc- 
caufe  they  came  not  to  his  Church  i  with  the  reft  of  the  ftory,  he  will 
eafily  fee  what  a  Church  was  then  e\cn  in  Alexandria. 

Thus  you  fee  the  difference  of  a  juft  computation,  and  the  halty  ac- 
counts of  men,  that  judg  of  Places  and  Pcrfons  as  they  are  in  their  milled 
imaginations,  and  not  as  they  were  indeed  and  truth.  I\lr.  Dcdwell  in  a  Let- 
ter to  mc  layeth  fo  much  on  the  number  of  the  Officers  and  Poor  before 
mentioned^  as  if  it  proved  undoubtedly  a  Dioccfane  Church,  when  the  con- 
clufion  arifeth  from  an  erroneous  comparing  their  Cities  and  times  with 
ours,  and  their  Presbyters  with  our  Parilh-Prieftsand  Curats. 

And  when  all's  done  a  grand  Patriarchal  Church  is  not  the  meafure  of 
a  Diocefanc,  or  of  every  Bifliops  Church :  their  Presbyters  had  other 
work  than  our  Curates  have :  They  met  in  the  fame  Aflembly  with  the 
Bifliop,  and  fate  in  a  Semicircle  on  each  lldehim,  and  were  as  a  Collcdge 
ofGovernours  to  rule  one  Church,  and  that  only  by  the  Word  ^appiycd 
by  the  Keys)  and  not  by  the  Sword,  till  C)r»/ hrll  ufurpcd  it,  for  which 
by  Hiftorians  he  is  noted.  If  our  times  tempt  you  to  marvel  how  fo  many 
Officers  or  Clerks  were  maintained  by  fo  few  People,  Church- Hiltory 
affbrdeth  you  matter  enough  to  rcfolve  your  doubt.  ' 

f.  ji.  But  if  thefe  two  great  Cities  had  indeed  had  yet  more  Altars  and 
Churches,  Orbis  major  ej}  Vrbe.,  faith  Htercme :  Twofinguiar  Cities  may 
rot  over-weigh  the  contrary  cafe  of  all  the  Churches.-  If  any  other  had 
been  like  them  it  would  have  been  y?/rf/of/nhe  third  Patriarchate,  when  • 
as  in  Ignatius  tirae,  as  is  aforefaid ,  the  Churches  unity  there  and  elfe. 
where  was  notified  *  by  Di'  ^V7ia<rfciw  ^  "^  inr7ncTc<,  One  Altar  (or  Altar-  *  That  «"" 
place)  and  One  Bijhop  with  his  Presbyters  and  Deacons."^  ^"'"l  ^*'^ 

And  hence  came  it  to  be  the  note  of  a  Schiiin,  to  fet  up  Altare  contra  '^'^'"^.l  . 
^//4>r  becaufe  one  Bilhop  andCiiurch  had  but  one  Altar.  Mr.  Mede(no  dewhere 
injudicious  nor  Fadious  man  J  faw  this,  and  aliertcth  it  from  the  plain  f-ovca. 

words  of  Ignatius.  gu'wfi rbeix 

§.  52.  How  the  cafe  came  to  be  altered  it  is  eafie  to  know  :  Eutwhe-  ^'■'"  M '' 
tbcr  it  was  well  or  ill  done,  is  all  the  controverfie,  or  the  chief.  'cm:«m7- 

I  confefs  there  want  not  fome  that  think  that  the  Apoftles  had  their  fc-  catmg  bo- 
veral  afligned  Provinces,  and  that  they  left  them  to  twelve  Succeflburs,  and  <^_y  edhear- 
this  is  the  foundation  of  Patriarchal  or  Provincial  Churches,  with  fuch  un-  '"^'"  ""* 
proved  Dreams  :    i.  We  doubt  not  but  that  the  Apoftles  wifely   di-  ^'-i^"^' 
ftributed  their    Labours  :    But  we  believe  not   that  they  divided  the 
Countreys  into   their  fcveral  Diocefes,  or  Provinces:  nor  that  two  of 
thcmCf.^  John  zi\f\  Fault  Peter  and  Paul^  James  and  Other  ApoRlcs)  might 


Churcb-Hiftory  of  Bifhops  and 

not  and  did  not  do  the  work  of  an  Apoltle  in  the  fame  Country  and  City. 
Much  lefs do  we  believe  that  oneof  thcra  {e.g.  James ^t  "^erufalem,  whe- 
ther an  Apoflle  or  not  1  contend  not)  was  a  Bifhop  over  the  Apoftles 
when  they  refided  there. 

2.  Nor  do  we  believe  that  they  left  any  fuch  divided  Provinces  to  their 
Succeflbrs:  If  they  had,  it's  ftrange  that  we  had  not  twelve  or  thirteen 
Patriarchal  or  Provincial  Churches  hence  noted.  Which  were  they,  and 
how  came  they  fo  foon  to  be  forgotten  and  unknown  ?  And  why  had  we 
Rrft  but  three  Patriarchs,  andone  of  thofe  ('^/f.v.jw^f*-*)  accounting  from 
no  Apoftle,  but  from  S.  Miri^,  and  the  other  two  reckoning  from  one  and 
the  fame  Apoftle,  fave  that  Rome  reckoned  from  two  at  once,  Peter  and 
Paul^  when  as  one  City  muft  (fay  they)  have  but  one  Bifhop  ? 

$.  s5.  The  cafe  is  known:,  that,  i.  When  Chriftians  fo  multiplyed, 
that  one  Allen^bly  would  not  ferve,  but  they  became  enough  for  many, 
the  BiiTiopsgreatnefsand  wealth  increa(^ng  with  the  People,  rhey  conti- 
nued thtm  all  under  their  own  Government,  andfo  took  them  all  to  be 
their  Chapels,  fethng  divers  Altars  but  not  divers  Bifhops  in  one  Church. 
2.  And  herewith  their  work  alfo,  by  degrees,  was  much  changed  ^  and 
they  that  at  firft  were  moft  employed  in  Guiding  the  whole  Church  in 
Gods  publick  worfhip,  and  exercifed  prefent  difcipline  before  them, 
and  were  the  fole  ufual  Preachers  to  them  all,  ( the  reft  of  the  Elders 
Preaching  but  when  the  Bidiop  could  not,  or  bid  them,)  didafter  become 
diftant  Judges,  and  their  Government,  by  degrees,  degenerated  to  a  fi- 
militude  of  Civil  Magiftracy.  3.  And  then  they  fetupthe  old  exploded 
queftion"^  which  of  them  flaould  be  the  chief  or  greateft :  And  then 
tney  that  had  the  greateft  Cities  being  the  richeft  and  greateft  Bifhops 
in  intereft,  becaufe  of  the  greatnefs  and  riches  of  their  Flocks,  they  got 
the  Church  Government  to  be  diftributed,  much  like  the  Roman  Civil  Go- 
vernment within  that  Empire  ;  And  where  the  Civil  Magiftrate  had  moft 
and  largeft  command,  they  gave  the  Ecclefiaftical  Bifhop  the  like  .•  And 
fo  they  fet  up  the  Bifhops  of  the  three  chief  Cities  as  Patriarchs,  Rome 
being  the  firft,  becaufe  it  was  the  great  Imptrial  Seat,  as  the  Chalcedon 
Council  giveth  the  true  reafon.  Afterwards  Conflantinople  and  Jemfalem 
being  added,  they  turned  themintofive:  And  Carthage^nd.  other  places, 
not  called  Patriarchal  Seats,  had  exempt  peculiar  Jurifdidions  with  a 
power  near  to  Patriarchs.  And  the  reft  of  the  Bifhops  ftrove  much  for 
precedency,  and  got  as  large  Territories  as  they  could,  and  as  numerous 
Flocks  and  many  Parifhes,  though  ftill  the  name  ParcecU  was  ufed  for 
the  whole  Epifcopal  Church  when  it  was  turned  into  aDioceft. 

§.  34.  1  conceive  that  this  Change  of  One  Altar  into  a  Dlocefane 
Church  of  many  Altars  and  PariJJies  was  not  well  done,  but  is  the  thing 
that  hath  confounded  the  Chrlftian  World,  and  that  they  ought  to  have 
increnfed  the  number  of  Churches  as  the  number  of  Chriftians  did  increafe, 
as  the  Bees  fwarminto  another  Hive.  My  Reafons  are,  i.  Chrift  and 
the  Holy  Ghoft  in  the  Apoftles  having  fctled  a  Church  Species  ^nd  Order 


their  Councils  abridged.  1 3 

Hike  that'of  the  Synagogues,  and  noc  like  that  of  ihe  Temp. cj  no  man 
ciighc  to  have  changed  that  Form  :  Becaufcthcy  can  prove  no  power  to 
do  if.  and  becaufc  it  accufeth  the  Inftitution  of  Chrift  and  the  Holy 
Ghofb  ef  infuffieicnc7  or  errour,  which  rauft  fo  fcon  be  altered  by  them. 
PerfeOlive  addition,  as  an  Infastgroweth up  to  Manhood,  we  deny  not. 
But  who  gave  them  power  to  abrogate  the  very  Specus  of  the  firft  Infti 
tutcd  Churches  ?  That  the  Species  is  altered,  is  certainly  proved  by  the 
different  ufes  and  Termini  of  the  Relation.  For  a  Church  of  thcfirll  In- 
ftitution was  a  Society  joyned  for  ferfonA  Communion  in  DoElrinc,  iy*rpip, 
«nd  holy  living:  Bot  a  Diocefs  confifting  of  many  fcore  or  hundred  Pa- 
rifhes  that  never  fee  or  know  or  come  near  one  another,  are  uncapable 
of  any  fuch  prefent  perfonal  Communion,  and  have  none  but  Mental, 
and  by  Officers  or  Delegates. 

2.  By  this  means,  all  the  Paridi-Churches  being  turned  into  Chapeli 
and  un-Churched,  are  all  robbed  of  their  Right  •,  Iccing  each  one  ought:  to 
have  a  Bifhop  and  Presbyters,and  the  benefit  of  that  Ollicc  and  Ordcr,which 
is  now  denied  them,  and  many  hundred  fuchParilhcs  turned  into  Chapels 
have  no  Bifhop  to  themfelves  but  one  among  them  all  to  the  Diocefs. 

3.  Becaufe  by  this  means  true  Difcipline  is  become  impotfible  and  un- 
praclicable  •,  by  the  dillance  and  multitude  of  the  people,  and  the  diftance 
and  paucity  of  Bilhops.-  What  Chrifb  commandeth ,  Mm.  18.  being  as 
impoffible  to  be  done  in  many  hundred  Pariflies,  by  one  Bilhop  and  his 
Conliftory,  as  the  Difcipline  of  fo  many  hundred  Schools  by  one  School- 
maftcr  fthough  each  School  have  an  Ullierj  or  the  care  of  many  hundred 
Hofpitals  by  one  Phyfician,  perhaps  at  twenty,  or  forty,  or  eighty,  or  an 
hundred  miles  diftance. 

4.  Becaufe  it  altcreth  the  antient  OlTicc  of  a  Bifhop  and  of  a  Presbyter, 
arid  fetteth  new  ones  in  the  ftead :  As  a  Bifliop  was  the  Bifhop  of  one 
Cluirch,  fa  a  Presbyter  was  his  Alliftant,  EjufdemOrdwis^  in  the  Govern, 
tnent  of  theChurch^  who  now  is  turned  into  ameer  Ulher,  or  Werjhpping. 
Teacher,  or  Chaplain. 

5.  Becaufe  it  certainly  divideth  the  Churches :  For  Chriftians  would 
unite  in  a  Divine  Inftitution,  and  the  exercife  of  trnc  Difcipline  ,  that  will 
never  unite  in  a  humane  Policy  which  abrogateth  the  Divine,  and  certainly 
deftroyeth  commanded  nccelfary  Difcipline. 

§.  55.  The  very  work  alio  of  the  Bifhop,  and  fo  the  OIHce  came  thus 
tobechanged  .•  Chrift  having  appointed  no  other  Church  Governours  (be- 
fides  Magiflrates^  but  fuch  ("as  Philolbphers  in  their  Schools^  who  were 
appointed  to  fet  up  Holy  Societies  for  Divine  Doclrine ,  Worlhip,  and 
Holy  Living,  and  to  Guide  them  accordingly,  by  Teaching,  vVor.Cliip,  and 
Government  by  the  Word,  forbidding  them  the  Sword  or  Force,  they  arc 
faid  \.o\\i'vzt\\t  Keys  of  :lie  Church  and  the  Kingdom  «f  Heaven,  bccauf:  as 
Grace  is  Glory  in  the  feed,the  Church  is  Heaven  in  the  ieed,and  the  Paftors 
were  the  Adminiftrators  of  Sacraments  and  Charch-priviledges,  and  there- 
fore the  J'jdi^es  who  were  lie  for  them ,  who  (hould  be  Baptized,  who 


1 4  Church- Hiftory  of  Bijhops  and 

fliould  Communicate,  and  in  what  rank,  and  whofhouldbe  denied  thefe, 
admoniflicd  or  e.xcluded,  and  who  fliould,  as  far  as  belongeth  to  others, 
be  judged  meet  or  unmeet  for  Heaven.-  And  fo  the  Chnltian  Societies 
were  to  be  kept  clean,  and  not  to  belike  the  polluted  World  of  Infidds. 
And  the  Pallors  had  no  other  power  to  ufc  •,  but  were  to  judge  only  thofe 
within,  and  leave  them  without  to  Gods  own  judgment,  and  to  the  Magi- 
ftrate,  who  was  not  to  pnnilh  any  one  for  not  being  in  or  of  the  Church,  or 
for  departing  from  it,  which  is  a  grievous  punifliment  itfelf. 

But  Magi Itrates  being  then  Heathens,  the  Chriftians  were  hard  put  to 
it  for  the  decifion  of  their  quarrels:  For  the  lore  of  the  world  and  felfiOi- 
nefs  were  but  imperfeftly  cured  in  them.  They  went  to  Law  before 
Heathen  Judges  with  each  other-,  and  this  became  a  fnare  andafcandal 
to  them.  S.  ?<»«/ therefore  chideth them  for  notendingdiffercncesby  Chri- 
Itian  Arbitrators  among  thciniclves,  as  if  there  were  none  among  them  wife 
enough  to  Arbitrate.  Hereupon  the  Churches  taking  none  to  be  wifer  or 
truftierthan  their  Pallors,  made  them  their  Arbitrators,  and  it  became  a 
cenfurable  fcandal  forany  toaccufe  aChurch-member  toaMagiftrate,  and 
to  have  Suits  at  Law.  By  this  means,  the  Bifliop  becoming  a  Siatt-d  Arbi- 
trator, thereby  became  the  Governour  of  the  Chriftians,  bit  with  his  Prefl 
byters  and  not  alone.  But  becaufe  Bifhops  had  no  power  of  the  fword, 
to  touch  mens  bodies  or  eltates,  but  ouly  to  fufpend  them  frum  Church- 
Communion,  and  Excommunicate  them,  orimpofe  penitential  (onfelTions 
on  them,  therefore  they  fitted  their  Canons  (which  were  the  Bilhops  A- 
grecments)  to  this  Governing  ufe,  to  keep  Chriftians  under  their  Go- 
vernment from  the  Magiftrates.  And  f b  they  made  Canons,  that  a  Forni- 
cator or  Adulterer  fliould  be  fo  lon^  or  fo  long  fufpended,  and  a  Mur- 
derer fo  long,  andfo  of  the  reft. 

§.  36.  And  when  Co«//.wn«<r  turned  Chriftian,  he  had  many  reafons  to 
confirm  this  Arbitrating  Canonical  power  to  the  Chriftian  Bilhops  by  the 
Civil  Sandion.  i.  Becaufe  he  foundthemin  pofleflion  of  it  as  contracft- 
ers  by  mutual  confent  -,  and  what  could  a  Chriftian  Prince  do  lefs  than  grant 
that  to  the  Chriftians  which  they  chofe  and  had.  z.  Becaufe  the  advance- 
ment and  honour  of  the  Teachers  and  Paftors  he  thought  tended  to  the 
honour  of  their  Religion,  and  the  fuccefs  of  their  Doftrine  upon  the  Hea- 
thens with  whom  they  dwelled.  Grandure  and  Power  much  prevail  with 
carnal  minds.  3.  Becaufe  he  had  but  few  Magiftrates  at  firfl  that  were 
Chriftians,  and  none  that  fo  well  knew  the  aftairs  of  Chriftians  as  their 
own  chofen  Bifnops.  And  he  feared  left  the  power  of  Heathen  Magi- 
ftrates over  the  Chriftians  might  injure  and  opprefs  them.  4.  He  defign- 
ed  to  draw  the  Heathens  to  Chriftianity  by  the  honouring  of  Chriftians 
above  them.  5.  And  withal  his  intcreft  lay  moft  in  their  ftrength^  For 
they  werethe  fafteft  part  of  hisSouIdiersand  Subjeds,  that  for  Confci- 
ence  and  their  own  Intcreft,  rcjoyced  to  advance  and  defend  him  to  the 
utmoft,  fwlien  he  loft  many  of  the  Pagans)  and  they  v/cre  not  of  the  fpirit 
of  the  old  Pretorian  Souldiers,  that  fet  up  and  pulled  down  Empcrours 


their  Councih  abridged.  I  5 

at  their  pleafure.  Had  Conflantine  fain,  the  Chriftians  had  much  faJn  witli 
him,  and  had  the  Chriftians  been  weakned  he  had  been  weakened:  They 
were  become  his  ftrength.  And  heforefaw  not  the  evils  that  afterwards 
would  follow.  Some  muft  govern,and  there  were  then  no  wifer  nor  better  mea 
than  the  Bifhops  and  Paftors  of  the  Churches.  And  their  intereft  in  the 
Chriftian  people  (that  chofe  them)  was  greatelt :  As  now  all  differing  par- 
ties of  Chriftians  among  us  CPapifbs,  Presbyterians,  Independents,  Ana- 
baptiftsj  would  defire  nothing  as  more  conducing  to  their  ends,  thantliat 
the  King  would  put  the  greateft  Power  fefpecially  of  Religion)  into  the 
hands  of  thofe  Teachers  whom  they  efteem  and  follow  ^  even  fo  was  it 
with  the  Chriftians  in  the  days  of  Con(lar.tlne :  And  hereupon  Laws  were 
made,  that  none  fliould  compel  Chriftians  toanfwer  in  any  Court  of  Ju- 
ftice,  laving  before  their  own  Bifliops,  and  fo  Bifhops  were  made  almolfc 
the  fole  Governoiirs  of  the  Chriftians. 

§.  37.  By  this  means  it  isno  v.'ondcr  if  multitudes  of  wicked  men  flock'd 
into  the  Church  and  defiled  and  diflionourcd  it  .•  For  the  Murderer  that  was 
to  be  hanged  if  he  were  no  Chriftian,  was  but  to  be  kept  from  the  Sacra- 
ment if  he  were  a  Chriftian,  and  do  fomc  confcfting  penance  i  which  was 
little  to  hanging  or  other  death:,  And  foproportionably  of  other  Crimes. 
Bad  Chriftians  by  this  device  were  multiplycd.  The  Esipcrouralfo  being 
a  Chriftian,  worldly  men  are  moftly  of  the  Religion  of  the  Prince  or  high- 
eft  powers. 

§.  38.  And  no  man  that  can  gather  an  effe<fl  from  an  effedual  caufe 
could  doubt,  if  neither  Nax^ianz^en^  or  any  Hidorian  had  told  it  him,  but 
that  proud  and  worldly  men  would  ftrivc  then  tobeBilhops,  and  ufeall 
poftible diligence  to  obtain  fo  groat  preferment:  Who  of  them  is  it  that 
would  not  have  Command  and  Honour  and  Wealth,  if  he  can  get  it? 
V\'hiie  the  great  invitation  to  the  facredMiniftry  was  the  winning  and  edify- 
ing of  Souls,  thofc  that  moft  valued  Souls,  dclircd  it  fyct  defircd  it  to  be 
kept  from  fuch  Poverty  and  Pcrfecution  as  cxpofed  them  to  hinderancc 
and  contempt^  But  when  Riches,  Reputation  and  Dominion  were  the 
Baits,  who  knoweth  not  what  fort  of  Appetites  would  be  tlrkeeneft? 
Chiifttelleth  us,  how  hardly  Rich  men  are  good  and  come  to  Heaven. 
Therefore  when  Bifliops  muft  be  all  Great  and  Rich,  either  Chrift  muft  be 
deceived,  or  it  muft  be  as  hard  for  them  to  be  honeft  Chriftians  as  for  a 
Camel  to  go  through  the  Needles  eye-  And  thusj  Vencnam  fmditur  in 

$.  3  9-  The  World  being  thus  brought  into  the  Church  without  the  cure 
of  the  worldly  mind, and  the  Guides  being  foftrongly  ti.mpttdtobe  the  ve- 
ry worft,  no  wonder  if  the  V^'crldly  Spirit  now  too  much  rule  the  Church, 
and  if  thofe  that  arc  yet  of  the  fame  Spirit,  approve,  plead,  and  ftrivc  for 
what  thev  love  nud  drfpilbthe  bniincfs  of  the  Crofs,  and  Chriftian  Humi- 
lity, and  Simplicity  to  this  day:  And  if  Bifliops  have  done  much  of  their 
work  accordingly,  ever  fmce  Cw/?.i?/r»>i'<j  vand  much  before)  it  hath  been 
the  Devils  Work  to  carrv  on  his.  War  againft  Chrift  and  Piety,  undec 

1 6  Church-Hijlory  of  Bijhops  and 

Chrift's  own  name,  and  the  pretence  of  Piety,  as  an  Angel  of  Light  and 
Righteoufnefs  and  Unity,  and  to  fet  up  Pallors  over  the  Church  of  Chrift, 
that  hatcihe  Doctrine  and  Life,  and  CrofsofChrift,  that  by  pleading  for 
Godiinefs and  Concord,  mnybethe  eftedlual  Enemies  of  both,  and  may 
fight  againft  Chrift  in  his  own  Livery,  under  his  Colours,  and  with  his 
own  Arms.  IVhcfe  God  is  their  BcHy^  velio glory  in  their  fl]arm,  who  mind  earth- 
ly  things^  being  Enemies  to  the  Crojs  of  Chrifi :  The  Hiftory  of  whom  you 
will  hud  in  the  following  part  of  this  Treatife. 

$.40.  But  here  1  mult  above  all  remember  the  Reader,  that  he  is  not 
for  this  Corruption  of  the  Clergy,  and  Government  of  the  Church,  to 
think  that  the  Church  here  ceafed  to  be  a  trpe  Church,  or  that  the  Mi;iifl;ry 
v/aslofc,  or  that 't  became  unlawful  to  hold  Communion  with  any  fuch 
Churches-,  muchlefsto  think  hardly  of  Chrirdanity  it  felf,  as  if  it  were 
no  better  than  falfe  Religions,  bcr.siifefo  many  of  its  Pallors  werefobad. 
None  of  Code's  Counfels  were  frultrate  by  mans  fia :  None  of  his  Pro- 
mifestohisChurch  have  failed.  Forallthis  Chrnt  is  the  Saviour  of  the 
World,  the  Prince  of  Righteoufnefs  and  Peace,  that  cam.  codeftroy  the 
Works  of  the  Devil,  and  to  fave  his  people  from  tl.eir  Sins  j  and  all  that 
are  given  him  of  the  Father  lliall  come  to  him,  and  he  will  call  none  of 
them  out,  nor  Ihall  any  take  them  out  of  his  hands  ? 

f.41.  I.  Letit  be  Hill  remembred,  that  as  the  Chronicles  of  Kingdorns 
mentiononlythepublickAclionsof  Princes  and  great  Men,  but  name  not 
the  poor  and  private  fort,  fo  alfo  our  Church-Hiftory  of  Councils  and 
publick  things,  fay  little  of  godly  private  C  iriflians,  but  of  Patriarchs 
and  great  Prelates,  who  yet  arc  thcmfelves  but  a  very  fmall  part  of  the 
Chrillian  World- 

n.  Note  nlfo  that  every  Bifliop  had  many  Presbyters ;  whofe  work  was 
not  toltrivc  for  fuperiority,  nor  trouble  the  world  in  Councils  (where 
nfuaily  they  camenot^  and  fo  had  not  a  quarter  of  the  temptations  that  the 
Bifhops  had  :  And  though  we  find  mention  fometimes  of  the  Presbyters 
alfo  that  were  naught,  yet  the  numb^-r  fo  reproved  and  proved  bad,  is 
not  proportionable  to  the  number  ofPrelates  compared  among  themfelve?, 
that  mil(:arried  in  Councils-  The  Presbyters  thnt  Haid  at  home  and  fol- 
lowed their  work  in  private  with  the  Flock,  and  came  not  on  the  Stage 
in  publick  affairs,  kept  up  the  lubftance  and  praiflice  of  Religion. 

III.  And  thg  private  Chriftians had  yet  lefs  temptation,  and  were  not  fo 
overvvhelmedwith  worldly  things,  lior  carrycd  away  by  pride  and  ambi- 
tion and  covctoufnefj:,,  asthe  ruling  party  were. 

■  IV.  And  the  Monks,  and  other  retired  Chriftians,  thatfaw  the  Prelates 
fnardfiarcs,  ("ihoighn^any  of  th.m  had  their  failings  too,  yet)  r.o  doubt 
kept  up  much  iLrious  piety,  ai,d  a  holy  life. 

•  V.  And  no  doubt  but  very  many  of  the  Biihops  thcmfelves  were  hnm- 
bleh'cly  f.iiu'ful  men,  thrtgrieved  for  the  mi.'cariiagesofthercH.  Though 
fuch  excellent  pcrfons  as  Gregory  Ncoccfarcs^  Gregory  Nnz.'am.en^  Gregoyy 
Nyffe»,   Baji!^  Chryfofione  ,  Angtiflir.e,  H-.lUiy^  I'rofper^  Fulgcutim  ^   &c. 


their  Councils  abridged.  j  j 

were  not  very  common,  no  doubt  but  there  were  many  that  wrote  not 
Books,  nor  came  fo  much  into  the  notice  ofthe  world,  but  avoided  con- 
tentious and  facftious  Stirs,  that  quietly  and  honellly  condudlcd  the  Flocks 
in  the  ways  of  piety,  love,  and  jufticc.  And  fome  of  them  f'as  S.  Martin) 
feparated  from  the  Councils  and  Communion  of  the  prevailing  turbulent 
fort  of  the  Prelates,  to  fignifie  their  dilbwning  of  their  fins. 

Vf.  And  oft  times,  when  the  Prelates  were  at  the  worfl:,  God  raifed  up 
fome  very  Godly  Princes,  that  maintained  Religion  more  than  the  Clergy, 
and  were  an  honour  to  it  when  the  Bifhops  dilhonourcd  it. 

VII.  And  it  is  not  to  be  contemned,  that  miKh  piety  was  kept  up  among 
great  numbers  of  Chriftians,  whom  (for  fome  miftake)  the  reft  reviled  and 
condemned  as  Schifmaticks  or  Hereticks.  Little  know  we  how  many  holy 
fouls  were  among  thofe  that  are  in  Epiphatiius  Catalogue.  Of  the  .Aiidians 
and  fome  others  hefeemeth  to  confefs  as  much  himfelf.  Iht  Novatians 
were  tolerated  in  almoft  all  the  Empire,^nd  had  their  Churches  and  Bifhops, 
having  the  teftimony  of  the  Orthodox  that  they  were  ufuaily  of  found 
faith  and  upright  lives,  and  ftrifter  than  other  Chriftians  were.  And  God 
pardoneth  the  infirmity  of  a  fmall  miftake  in  judgment,  when  men  are  fin- 
cerely  addidled  to  his  fervice.  Now  and  then  a  cruel  Prelate  did  pro- 
fccute  them,  but  fo  did  not  the  gentler  fort  f  as  y^f/;c/«,  Proclw^  &c.  at 
Conflantimpht  crr-)  nor  the  Emperours  themfelves ,  fave  when  fo  infti- 

VIII.  And  though  the  Churches  in  the  Roman  Empire  kept  up  this  gran* 
dure  of  Patriarchs,  Metropolitans,  and  rich  Prelates,  that  after  over-top- 
ped Kings,  it  was  not  fo  in  other  parts  of  the  Chriftian  world,  but  the 
Clergy  lived  more  humbly  and  quietly.     The  Scots  under  ColHmb.wm  and     sce  Mr. 
their  other  Presbyters,  long  lived  in  great  piety  without  any  Bifhops.  And  Junes    - 
when  the  Scots  Presbyters  Finan^  Jidan-,  &c.   ordained  Bifhops  in  Nor-  ^''"^'^  ^•- 
thumhcrUnd^  they  were  commonly  humble,  holy  men,  like  themfelves.  '^'^"'S"' 
And  both  Scots  ^ndBritaitts  fo  much  millikcd  thcS(7»»4«f-grandure  and  way,  jJ'dcfcrib- 
thatwhcn  -/4A(^*</i'»>7ff  the  Monk  came  in,  they  would  not  fubjccft  themfelves  ing  the 
to  the  Pope,  or  any  Foreign  Prelates,  nor  fo  much  as  cat  and  drink  with  EigiiJU^ 
the  Miffionarics.    And  the  like  we  may  fay  of  fome  other  Extr.i.imferial  SucceOi- 
Churches.    The   Spaniards  themfelves  not  only  while  ^ri,v!  Goths    (of  °"" 
whom  fee  the  teftimony  o(  Sahian,  to  the  fhamc  of  the  Orthodo.x^  but 
ai^KT  RccaredfU  days,  for  many  ages,  lived  in  great  quietnefs,  vihWc  Italy, 
France,  and  Gtrmany  were  employed  in  Hercticating,  Curfing,  Excom- 
municating, orbloudyWars.     The  great  Empire  of  A[-af}a  fasthccre- 
dibleft  Hillory  faith)  never  had  Bifhops  to  thisd.\»',  but  only  one  Galled 
tht  j^bitna^  while  the  whole  Clergy  are  exercifed  vthonghintoo  much  ig- 
norance) in  their  Prieftly  Office.     Brecardtu,  that  lived  at  Jcrnfdem^  tc- 
ftificth  that  thofe  Eaftern  Chriftians,  called  by  the"  Papifls,  Ntftori.ins^Ja- 
cobites^  Etttychians,  were  commonly  plain  honcft  Religion"-  people,  free 
from  Hercfie,  and  of  better  lives  thanevcntho  Religious  of  the  Cinirch  of 
Ro;ne^  and  that  there  were  not  worfe  men  at  'Jerufjlem  than  the  Ron:a  i 

D  Cd- 


I  S  Church'Hijhry  of  Bijhops  and 

Catholicks.  The  ^>-»»f««/»wj  have  many  Bilhops,  and  one  chief,  but  live 
(though  too  ignorantly  and  fuperltitioully ,  yet)  ia  great  aufterity  of 

IX.  In  all  ages  fince  Prelacy  fwelled  to  the  corruption  of  the  Chur- 
che«,  and  annoyance  of  the  Peace  of  Kings  and  Kingdoms,  there  have  been 
ftill  a  great  number  of  pious  lamenters  of  the  Corruptions  of  the  Church, 
that  have  groaned  and  prayed  for  relbrmation  :  Infomuch,  that  Dr.  Field 
niaintaineth,  that  even  in  the  Church  of  Rome  there  have  been  ftill  conli- 
derable  numbers  of  Doctors,  that  owned  truth  and  piety ,  and  mifliked 
the  Papal  ulurpations  and  errours.  ThsWaUenfes  znh  Ahigenfes  (exceed- 
ing numerous  j  faid,  they  had  continued  from  the  Apoftles,  and  fo  from 
thedaysof  S>'/wy?fr  (or  Conjiantine)  had  diflented  from  tht  Roman  pride ^ 
and  corruptions.  And  God  hath  made  the  Proteftant  Churches  fince  the  Re- 
formation, as  his  Vineyard, where  truth  and  piety  have  profpered,  though 
Satan  hath  been  ftill  at  work,  and  here  alfo  had  too  much  fuccefs. 

X.  And  itmuft  be  remembred,  that  God  hath  made  ufeof  many  proud 
and  turbulent  men,  to  propogate  and  defend  the  truth  of  the  Gofpel : 
And  their  Gifts  have  ferved  for  the  good  of  the  fincere.  As  the  husk  or 
chaff  and  ftraw  is  ufeful  to  the  Corn  •,  fo  many  worldly  Prelates  and 
Priefts  have  been  learned  Expofitors  and  ufeful  Preachers,  and  taught 
ethers  the  way  to  life,  which  they  would  not  go  inthemfelves.  Befides 
that,  their  very  Papal  power  and  grandure,  which  hath  corrupted  the 
Church,  hath  yet  been  a  check  to  feme,  that  would  have  aflaultcd  it  by 
force-,  and  as  a  hedge  of  thorncs  about  it.  Worldly  intcreft  engageth 
Pope,  Patriarchs,  and  Prelates,  to  ftand  up  for  the  Chriftian  Religion, 
becaufe  they  gain  by  it  (as  Leo  the  icth  is  laid  to  have  odioufly  con- 

$.  42.  And  the  old  Fathers,  till  Conftamnes  time,  did  moft  of  them  think 
that  the  laft  thoufand  years  would  be  a  time  of  fuller  glory  to  the  Churchy 
as  many  yet  think,  though  1  confefs  my  felf  unskilful  in  the  Prophe- 

But  I  make  no  doubt,  but  though  this  earth  be  fo  far  defected  by  God, 
the  Glorious  Kingdom  which  we  fhall  ihortly  fee,  with  the  new  Heaven 
and  Earth,  wherein  dwelleth  righteoufnefs,  will  fully  confute  all  our  pre- 
fent  temptations  to  think  hardly  of  God  or  the  Redeemer,  becaufe  of  the 
prefent  corruptions  and  diffentions  of  this  lower  world. 

$.  4j.  We  may  conjecture  at  former  times  by  our  own:  We  fee 
now,  that  among  the  moft  Reformed  Churches,  too  often  the  moft  world- 
ly part  are  uppermoft,  and  perhaps  are  the  perfecuters  of  the  reft,  and 
though  they  may  be  the  fmaller  part,  it's  they  that  make  the  noife,  are 
the  noted  part  that  carry  the  name,  and  that  Hiftorics  write  of.  A  few 
men  got  into  places  of  power,  feem  to  be  all  the  Church,  or  Nation,  by 
the  prevalency  of  their  actions,  which  few  dare  contradift:  They  may 
give  Laws",  They  may  have  the  power  of  Prefs  and  Pulpit,  fo  that 
notching  ftiall  be  publiflied  but  what  they  will',  They  may  call  thenifelves 


their  Councils  abridged.  i  ^ 

the  Church,  and  call  all  that  obey  them  not   Schifmaticks  and  Seda- 
ries,   and  ftrangers  may  believe  therefore,  that  it  is  but  feme   few  in- 
confiderable   fellows  that  are  againft  them,  when  yet  the  far  greatell 
part  may  utterly  ditTent  and  abhor  their'pride.    I  have  lived  to  lee  fuch 
an  Aflembly  ofMinifters,  where  three  or  four  leading  men  were  fo  pre- 
valent as  to  form  a  Confcffion  of  Faith  in  the  nameof  the  whole  party, 
which  had  that  in  it  which  particular  members  did  difown.    And  when 
about  a  controverted  Article,  Oww<i«hath  ciiarged  me  deeply,   forque- 
ftioning  the  words  of  the  CWc/;,  others  that  were  at  the  forming  of  that 
Article,  have  laid  it  all  on  that  fame  man,  as  by  his  impetuoufnefs  putting 
in  that  Article,  the  reft  being  loth  to  ftrive  much  againft  him,  and  fo  it 
was  hehimfelf  thatwastheC/j«>-f/j,  whofe  authority  he  fo  much  urged,  at 
leaft  the  effectual  fignify  ing  parr.    We  cannot  judge  what  is  commoncft  by 
what  is  uppermoft,  or  ingreateft  power.     In  divers  Parifhes  now,  where 
theMinifter  is  conformable,  perhaps  ten  parts  of  the  people  do  diflilce  it:, 
and  fomctioics  you  may  fee  but  three  or  four  perfons  with  him  at  the  Com- 
mon-prayers  \  And  yet  all  know,  that  Diflciitcrs  arc  talkt  of  as  a  few 
fingular  Fanaticks.    1  compare  not  the  Caulbsjbut  conclude.that  fo  alfo  for 
the  A/wwtf >;,humblcGodly  perfons  might  be  very  numerous,though  only  the 
actions  of  worldly  Prelates  do  take  up  moft  of  the  Hiftory  of  the  Church. 

Yea,  1  believe,  that  among  the  Papifts  themfclves,  five  to  one  of  the 
people,  were  they  free  from  danger,  would  declare  their  diflike  of  a  great 
part  of  theaftions  and  Doiftrines  of  their  Prelates,  and  that  thegreateft 
part  thatarenamed  Papifts,  are  notfuch  throughly  and  at  the  heart. 

When  the  Rulers,  Scribes,  and  Pharifees  were  againft  Chrift,  and  per- 
fected him  and  the  truth,  the  common  people  fo  much  adhered  to  him, 
that  the  pcrfecutorsdurft  not  feize  on  him  openly  by  force,  but  were  fain 
toufe  a  Traytor,  to  apprehend  him  in  the  night,  and  in  a  folitary  place,  left 
theylhould  be  ftoned  by  the  people,  who  faid,  Never  man  fpake  as  this 
man  fpeaketh. 

§.  44.  Let  us  not  therefore  turn  Church  Hiftory  into  a  temptation,  nor 
think  bafely  of  the  Church,  orChriftianity,or  Chrift,  bccaute  of  Papal  and 
Prelatical  pride  and  tyranny.  God  can  make  ufc  of  a  furly  porter  to  keep 
his  doors  ^  yea,  a  maftiff-dog  may  be  a  keeper  of  the  houfe-,  and  his 
Corn  hath  grown  in  every  Age,  not  only  with  ftraw  and  chaffe,  but  with 
fome  tares:  And  yet  he  hath  gathered,  and  will  gather,  all  h.s  chofen. 

§.  45.  Nor  isthe  Miniftry  it  fclf  to  be  therefore  difhonoured  :  For  as 
attliisday,  whileafew  turbulent  Prelates  perfecute  good  men,  and  much 
of  the  Miniftry  is  in  toomany  Countries  lamentably  corrupted,  yetisRe- 
ligion,  piety,  and  honefty  kept  up  by  the  Miniftry,  and  never  was  well  kept 
up  without  it :  For  the  Faithful  Minifters  labour  Itill,  and  their  very  fnffer- 
ings  further  the  Gofpel,  and  what  they  may  not  do  publickiy  they  do  pri- 

Yea,  tleir  very  Writings  flicw,  tliat  ftill  there  are  fuch  as  God  doth 
qmlifietodohis  work,  even  among  th:  Papifts,  he  that  recdcth  the  pious 

D  1  Writings 

20  CImrch-Hiftory  of  Bijhops  a7id 

Writings  of  fuch  men  as  Gerfou,  and  Gerhardus  Ziaphanienjis^  and  Thaule- 
riis,  Thomas  .i  Kempis,  Ferus,  and  many  fuch  others,  will  fee  that  Gods  fpi- 
rit  was  ftill  illuminating  and  ianiflifying  fouls.  And  hs  that  readcthfucii 
L'wisn^  Philip  NeriM,  perfecuted  by  the  Bifhop  as  an  ambitious  Hypocrite, 
for  fetting  up  more  ferious  Excrcifes  of  Religion  thin  hsd  been  ordina- 
rily ufed  among  the  Formalifts,  (to  fay  nothing  of  fuch  privater  men  as 
M.  cie  Renty  and  many  others)  will  fee  that  it  is  not  all  Church-tyranny  and 
corruption,  though  very  heinous,  that  will  prove  that  Chrilt  hath  not  a 
Holy  Generation  whom  he  will  favc 

§.  46.  Yea  amongthe  very  corrupted  fort  of  the  Clergy,  many  that 
are  overcome  with  temptations  in  that  point,  and  take  ufurpation  and 
tyranny,  and  worldly  pomp  and  violence  for  Order ,  Government,  and 
the  intereft  of  the  Church,  have  yet  much  good  in  other  refpefts:  Even 
amongthe  Cardinals  there  have  been  fuch  men  as  Charles  Boro/naiis,  Ba- 
roni-M  (Neriits'^s  companion)  Bellarmine^  and  others,  that  would  Preach 
and  praftife  the  common  Doftrines  of  ferious  piety.  Yea,  among  the 
Jefuits  there  have  been  divers  that  have  Preacht,  Written,  and  lived  very 
ftri(ftlyi  much  more  among  their  Fryars  :  and  fuch  Bifh ops  as  Sales  :  And 
though  their  times  and  corruptions  blemifhed  their  piety,  I  dare  not 
think  they  nullified  it. 

$.  47.  And  itfiieweth  the  exxellency  of  the  Sacred  Office,  i.  That 
Ghrill  didfirftmakeitasthe  noble  Organical  part  of  his  Church,  to  form 
the  reft.  2.  That  he  endued  the  firlh  Officers  with  the  moft  noble  and  ex- 
cellent gifts  of  his  fpirit-  3.  That  he  founded  and  built  his  Church  by 
them  at  firft.  4.  Yea,  that  hehimfelf  preached  the  Gofpel,  and  is  called 
TheMinifter  of  theCircumcifion,  the  chief  Shepherd,  and  the  Bifhop  of 
our  Souls.  5.  That  he  hath  ufed  them  to  enlarge,  confirm,  prefcrve.and 
cdefie  his  Church  to  this  day.  6.  That  he  maketh  thebefl  of  them  to  be 
thebeftof  men.  7.  That  he  putteth  into  the  hearts  of  all  good  Chrifti- 
ans  a  fpecial  love  and  honour  of  them.  8-  he  ufcth  even  the  worfer 
fort  to  do  good,  while  they  do  hurt;  efpecially  fome  of  them.  9.  That 
Satan  ftriveth  fo  hard  to  corrupt  them  and  get  them  on  his  fide.  10.  That 
Religion  ordinarily  dyeth  away,  or  decayeth,  when  they  fail  and  prove 
vinable  and  unfaithful.  1 1.  That  Chrift  commandeth  men  fo  muchtohear, 
receive  and  obey  them,  and  hath  committed  his  Word  and  Keys  to  them, 
as  his  Stewards.  1 2,  And  hath  promifed  them  a  fpecial  reward  for  their 
faithfulnefs :  and  commanded  all  to  pray  for  them  and  their  prefervation 
and  fuccefs.  And  the  nature  of  the  things  tells  us,  that  as  knowledge  in 
lower thin2,s  is  not  propagated  to  mankind,  but  by  Teachers  (  man  be- 
ing not  born  wife^)  fo  much  lefs  is  he.ivenly  wifdom.  And  therefore  ic 
is,  that  God  is  fo  regardful  of  the  due  qualification  of  Minifters,  thatthcy 
be  not  bliid  guides,  nor  novices,  nor  proud,  nor  carelcfs  lluggards, 
nor  felf-feeking  worldlings,  but  skilful  in  the  word  of  truth,  and  lovers 
of  God  and  the  fouls  of  men,  and  zealous, and  diligent,  unwciried,  and 
p-.dent  iatiicir  holy  work.    And  when  th:y  prove  bad,  he  maketh  them 


their  Counciii  abridged.  2 1 

moft  contemptible  and  punifheth  thtin  more  than  other  men,  thecormp- 
tion  of  the  belt  making  tiiem  the  woflt. 

§.  4S.  Therefore  lee  us  make  a  right  ufc  of  the  pride  and  corruption  of 
the  Clergy,  to  defire  and  pray  for  better,  and  to  avoid  our  felvcs  the  Sia 
which  is  lb  bad  in  them,  and  to  labour  after  that  rooted  Wifdonie  and 
Holinefs  in  our  felves  that  we  may  Hand,  though  our  Teachers  fall  before  . 
us.  Let  every  man  prove  his  own  Work,  and  fo  he  Ihall  have  rejoicing 
in  himfelf,  and  not  in  others  only,  Cal.  6.  But  let  us  not  hence  quellion 
the  Gofpei,  ordifhonour  the  Church  and  Miniftry  •,  no  nor  any  fuither 
feparate  from  the  Faulty  than  they  feparate  from  Chrift,  or  than  God  al- 
lowcth  us,  and  necefliiy  rcquireth  :  As  we  mufl  not  defpife  the  needful 
helps  of  our  Salvation,  nor  equal  dumb  or  wicked  men  with  the  able 
faithful  Miniftcrs  of  Chrift,  on  pretence  of  honouring  the  Office  •,  fo  nei- 
ther muft  we  deny  the  good  that  is  in  any,  nor  defpife  the  Office  for  the 
Perfons  Faults. 

§.  49.  Efpecially  let  us  take  heed  that  we  fall  not  into  that  pernicious 
Snare  that  hath  entangled  the  Qjtaktrs  and  other  Schifmaticks  of  thele 
times,  who  on  pretence  of  the  faults  of  the  Minifters,  fet  againfl:  the  belt 
with  grcateft  fury,  becaufe  the  belt  do  moft  relift  them,  and  that  revile 
them  with  falfe  and  raihng  language,  the  fame  that  Drunkards  and  Mb- 
lignnnts  ufe,  yea  worfe  than  the  prophanelt  of  the  Vulgar  •,  even  becaufe 
they  take  Tythcs  and  iieceflary  Maintenance,  charging  them  with  odious 
covctoufnefs,  calling  them  Hirelings,  deceivers,  and  what  not.  Undoubt- 
edly this  Spirit  is  not  of  God,  that  is  fo  contrary  to  his  Word,  his  Grace, 
and  his  Intereft  in  tlie  World.  Wh,u  would  become  of  the  Church  and 
Gofpcl,  if  this  malignant  Spirit  fliould  prevail  to  extirpate  even  the  belt 
of  all  the  Miniltry  ?  Would  the  Devil  and  the  Churches  Enemies  defa-e 
any  more  ?  The  very  fame  Men  that  the  Prelates  have  filenced  (  near 
1000)  in  Eii^lM'dt\\zk  fifteen  or  fixteen  years  together,  are  they  that  the 
i^ahrs  moft  virulently  before  reviled,  and  moft  furioufly  oppofcd. 

§.  50.  Nor  will  the  Clergies  corruption  allow  either  unqualified  or 
uncalled  Men  to  thruft  themfeives  into  the  Sacred  Office,  as  if  they  were 
the  Men  that  can  do  better,  and  muft  mend  all  that  is  amifs.  Such  have 
heentryed  in  Licentious  Times,  and  proved,  (bmeof  them,  to  do  more 
hurt  than  the  very  Drunkards,  or  the  ignorant  fort  of  Minifters,  thnt  did 
but  read  the  holy  Scriptures.  Pride  is  too  often  the  reprchender  of  other 
Mens  Faults  and  Imperfections,  and  would  make  other  Mens  Names  but 
a  ftcpping-ftonc  to  their  own  afpiring  Folly  :  As  many  that  have  crj'ed 
otit  againft  bad  Popesund  Prelates,  that  they  might  get  into  the  places,  have 
been  as  bad  themfeives  when  they  have  their  Will :  No  wonder  if  it  be 
ib  with  the  proud  revilers  of  the  Miniftry. 

■5.  51.  There  is  need  therefore  of  much  Wifdome  and  holy  care,  that 
we  here  avoid  the  two  extrcams-,  that  v/c  grow  not  inditftrent  who  aic 
ourPa.lors,  nor  contrait  the  Guilt  of  Churclvcorruption,  but  mourn  for 
the  rcpio.vcl'.  0:  the  fo'ema  AlliinbUcs,  aad  do  cur  belt  for  true  aid  need- 

22  Church- Hiflory  of  Bijhops  an  J 

fill  Reformation,  that  the  Gofpel  fail  not,  and  Souls  be  not  quietly  left  to 
Satan,  nor  the  Church  grow  like  the  Infidel  World  •,  and  yet  that  we  neir 
thcr  invade  nor  didionour  the  iacred  Office,  nor  needlefly  open  the  naked- 
nefsofthc  Perfons,  nor  do  any  thing  that  may  hinder  their  juil  endeavours 
and  fuccefs  •,  we  mull  fpeak  evil  of  no  man  either  falfly  or  unneceflarily. 

$.  52.  I  thought  all  this  premonition  necellary  that  you  make  not  an  ill 
ufeot  the  following  Hiftory,and  become  not  guilty  of  diabolifm  or  falfe 
accufing  of  the  Brethren,or  difhonouring  the  Church:  And  that  as  God  hath 
in  Scripture  recorded  the  Sins  of  the  ungodly,  and  the  cffetfts  of  Pride  and 
of  malignity,  and  Chrifl:  hath  foretold  us  that  Wolves  fliall  enter  and  de- 
vour  the  Flock,  and  by  their  Fruits  fof  devouring,  and  pricking  as 
Thorns  and  Thiftles)  we  fhall  know  them,  and  the  Apoftles  prophecied 
of  them  ;  I  take  it  to  be  my  duty  to  give  you  an  Abflraift  of  the  Hiftory 
of  Papal  and  afpiring  Prelacy,  ufurping,  and  fchifmaticaJ,  and  tyrannical 
Councils,  as  knowing  of  how  great  ufe  it  is  to  all  to  know  the  true  Hi> 
ftory  of  the  Church,  both  as  to  good  and  evil. 

§.  55.  Yea  Blftops  and  Councils  muft  not  be  vvorfe  thought  of  tharr 
they  deicrve,  no  more  than  Presbyters,  becaufe  of  fuch  abufes  as  1  recite  ; 
The  bcft  things  arc  abufed,even  Preaching, Writing,  Scripture,  and  Rea- 
ibn  it  fclf,  and  yet  are  not  to  be  rejefted  or  dilhonojred.  There  is  an 
Epifcopacy  vvhofevery  Conftitution  is  a  Crime,  and  there  is  another  fort 
which  feemeth  to  me  a  thing  convenient,  lawful,  and  indifferent,  and  there 
is  a  fort  which  I  cannot  deny  to  be  of  Divine  Right. 
§  .54.  That  which  1  take  to  be  it  felf  a  Crime,  is  fuch  as  is  aforemention- 
ed, which  in  its  very  conftitution  over  throweth  the  Office,  Church,  and 
Difcipliiic,  which  Chrift  byhimfelfand  his  Spirit,  in  his  Apoftlcs,  infti- 
tuted  :  fuch  I  take  to  be  that  Diocefane  kind  which  hath  only  oneBifliop 
over  many  fcore  or  hundred  fixed  Parochial  Affcmblics ;  by  which 
i.Pariflies  are  made  by  them  m  Churches,  as  having  no  Ruling  Pallors  that 
have  the  Power  of  Judging  whom  to  Baptize,  or  admit  to  Communion  or 
refufe,  but  only  are  Chapels,  having  preaching  Curates.  2.  All  the  firft 
Order  of  Bifliops  in  fingle  Churches  are  dcpolcd,  asif  the  Bifhopof  ^/;- 
tioch  fliould  have  put  down  a  1000  Bifhops  about  him,  and  made  himfelf 
the  IbleBilhop  of  their  Churches.  5.  The  Office  of  Presbyters  is  chang- 
ed into  femi  Presbyters.  4.  Difcipline  is  made  impoffiblc,  as  it  is  for 
one  General  without  inferiour  Captains  to  Rule  an  Army  :  But  of  this 

$.55.  Much  more  doth  this  become  unlawful,  i.  whendepofing  all  the 
Presbyters  from  Government  by  theKcyes  of  Difcipline,  they  put  the  fame 
Ktycs,  cveiithc  Power ofdccrctive Excommunication  and  Abfolution  in-- 
to  tile  hands  of  Laymen,  called  Chancellours,  and  fetup  Courts  likcr  to 
the  Civil  than  Ecclefi-.illical.  2.  And  when  they  oblige  the  Magiftrate 
to  execute  their  Decrees  by  the  Sword,  be  they  jufl  orunjuffc,  and  to  lay 
Men  in  Coah  and  ruine  them,  mcerly  becaufe  they  are  Excommunicated 
by  Biffiops,  or  Chancellours,  or  Officials,  or  fuch  others,  and  are  not  re- 
conciled : 

their  Ccimcils  abridged. 


conciled  :  And  when  they  threaten  Princes  and  Magiftrates  with  Ex-commu- 
nication ('ifnocDepofition)  ifchey  do  but  Communicate  witii  thole  thst 
the  Biiliophath  Excommunicated.  5.  Or  when  they  arrogate  the  po-.ver 
of  the  Sword  themfelves,  ^^  Socrates  uith  Cyril  did  :  Or  v.'ithout  ncccliity 
joyn  inone  perfon  theOificeof  Priefthood  and  Magillracy,  when  one  is 
more  thin  they  can  perform  aright. 

§.  56.  And  it  becometh  much  worfe  by  the  tyrannical  abufe,  when  f  be- 
ing unable  and  unwilling  to  exercife  true  Difcipline  on  ib  many  hundred 
Parifliesj  they  have  multitudes  of  Atheifts,  Infidels,  grofs  ignorants,  and 
wicked  livers  in  Church-Communion,  yea,  compel  all  in  the  Pariflies  to 
Communicate  on  pain  of  Imprifonment  and  ruine,  and  turn  their  cen- 
fures  cruelly  againit  godly  perfons,  that  dare  not  obey  them  in  all  their 
Formalities,  Ceremonies,  and  Impofitions,  for  fear  of  finning  againft  God. 
And  when  conniving  at  ignorant  ungodly  Pricfts  that  do  but  obey  them, 
they  filence  and  ruine  the  moll  faithful  able  Teachers,  that  obey  not  all 
their  impofmg  Canons,  and  fvvcar  not,  and  fubfcribe  not  what  they  bid 

§.  57.  Undoubtedly  Satan  hath  found  it  his  molt  fuccefsful  way,  to 
fight  againit  Chrift  in  Chriltsownnamc,  andtofet  upMinifters  as  the  Mi- 
ni Iters  of  Ch  rift,  to  fpeai^  indiretftly  againit  the  DoArine,  Servants,  and 
intereft  of  Chrift,  and  as  Minifters  of  Light  and  rigbteoufncls ,  and  to 
fight  againit  Church-Government,  Order,  Difcipline,  and  Unity,  by  the 
pr-etenccs  of  Church  Government,  Order,  Difcipline,  and  Unity  .•  and  to 
cry  down  Schifm  to  promote  Schifm,  and  to  deprcfs  Believers  by  crying  up 
Faith,  andOrthodoxnefs,  and  crying  down  Herelie  and  Errour:  Yea,  to 
plead  God's  Name  and  Word  ngainit  himfelf,  and  to  ^e.t  up  Sin,  by  accullng 
Truth  and  Dutv  as  Sin. 

•$.  5S.  11.  That  which  I  take  for  Lawful  Indifferent  Epifcopacy  is  fuch 
a? //'V'TWf  faith,  was  introduced  for  the  avoiding  of  divilions,  though  it 
was  not  from  the  beginning:  When  among  many  Elders  in  every  fingle 
Church,  one  of  moft  wifdom  and  gravity  i5-  made  their  Prefident,  yea, 
without  whom  no  Ordinations  or  great  matters  fhall  be  done.  The 
Churches  began  this  lb  early  ,  and  received  it  lb  univerfally,  and  with- 
©ut  any  confiderable  diiTent  or  oppofition,  even  before  Emperours  be- 
came Chriftians,  that  I  dare  not  be  one  that  fhall  fet  againft  it,  or  difho- 
nour  fuch  Epifcopacy. 

§.  59.  Yea  ,  if  where  fit  men  are  wanting  to  make  Magiftrates,  the 
King  ftall  make  Bifhops  Magiftrates,  and  joyn  two  Offices  together, 
laying  no  more  work  on  them  than  will  confifl;  with  their  Ecdefiaftick  work, 
though  this  will  have  inconveniencics,  I  (hall  not  be  one  that  fhall  dilho- 
nour  fuch,  or  difobey  them. 

■  §.  60.  III.  The  Epifcopacy,  which  I  dare  not  fay  is  not  of  Gods  infti- 
tution,  (befides  that  each  Paftor  is  £/)//cop;  G'rf^jV.)  is  that  which  fuccced- 
eth  the  Apoftles  in  the  Ordinary  part  of  Church  Government,  while  feme 
Senior  Paitors  have  a  fupervifmg  care  of  many  Churches,  fas  the  Viiiters 


24  Chnrch-Hijlory  of  Bijhops  and 

liad  in  Scotland^)  and  are  fo  far  Epifcopi  Eptfcoptnmt,  and  Arch-bilhops, 
having  noconftraining  power  ofthe  Sword,  buca  powcrtoadmonilli  and 
inftruftthe  Pafiors,  nnd  to  regulate  Ordinations,  Synods,  and  all  great 
and  common  circumftances  that  belong  to  Churches.  For  ifChrilt  lee 
up  one  Form  of  Government  in  which  fomePaftors  had  foextenlivcwork 
and  power,  (^^  Timothy, Titus,  and  Evangelifts  as  well  as  Apoftles  had j  we 
muft  not  change  it  without  proof,  that  Chrift  himfelf  would  have  it 

§.  6i.  But  if  ncnonthis  pretence  will  do  as  Rome  hath  done,  pre- 
tend one  Apoftle  to  be  the  Governour  of  all  the  reft,  and  that  they  have 
now  that  Authority  of  that  Apoftle,  and  will  make  an  Univerfal  Monarch 
to  rule  at  the  Antipodes,  and  over  all  the  World,  or  will  fet  up  Patriarchs, 
Primates,  Mctrapolitans  and  Arch-bifhops ,  with  power  to  tyrannize  o- 
ver  their  Brethren,  and  caft  them  out,  and  on  pretence  of  Order,  and  imi- 
f  ating  the  Civil  Government,  to  mafter  Princes,  or  captivate  the  Churches 
to  their  pride  and  worldly  interefts,  this  will  be  the  ^vorft  and  moft  per- 
nicious tyranny. 

§.  62.  And  as  it  is  not  all  Epifcopacy,  fo  it  is  not  all  Councils  that  I 
defign  this  Hiftory  to  difhonour.  No  doubt  but  Chrift  would  have  his 
Church  to  be  as  far  One,  as  their  natural  political  and  gracious  capacities 
will  allow  :  And  to  do  all  his  work  in  as  much  love,  peace,  and  concord 
asthey  can  :  And  to  that  end,  both  leafonable  Councils,  and  Letters,  and 
Delegates  for  Concord  and  Communication,  are  means  which  nature  it  felf 
direfteth  them  to,  as  it  doth  direct  Princes  to  hold  Parliaments  and  Dyets. 
In  the  multitude  of  Councellours  there  is  fafety  :  Even  frequent  ccnverfe 
keepcth  up  amity :  In  abfence  Handerers  are  heard,  and  too  oft  believed: 
A  little  familiarity  in  prefcnce  confuteth  many  falfe  reports  of  one  ano- 
ther, which  no  diftant  defences  would  fo  fatisfyingly  confute.  And  a- 
mong  many  we  may  hear  that  which  of  few  we  lliould  not  hear.  How 
good  and  pleafant  is  it  for  Brethren  to  dwel  together  in  Unity?  And  the 
Concord  of  Chriftians  greatly  honouretli  their  holy  profeflion,  asdifcord 
becomethafcandal  to  the  world.  But  all  this,  and  themeafures  and  fort 
.of  Unity  and  Concord  which  we  may  expert,  and  the  true  way  to  attain 
it,  I  have-fullier  opened  in  a  Treatife  entitled.  The  true  and  only  termt 
of  the  Concord  of  all  Chrijiian  Churches. 

§.  63.  When  Chriftians  had  no  Princes  or  Magiftrates  on  their  fide, 
they  had  no  fufficicnt  means  of  keeping  up  Unity  and  Concord  for  mutual 
help  and  Itrength,  without  meetings  of  Paftors  to  carry  on  their  com- 
raon  work  by  confent.  But  their  meetings  were  only  with  thofe  that 
badnearncfs  or  neighbourhood:  And  they  did  not  put  men  to  travelto 
Synods  out  of  other  Princes  Dominions,  or  from  Foreign  Lands,  much 
lefs  did  they  call  any  General  Councils  out  of  all  the  Chriftian  Churche  s  in 
the  world.  But  thole  tliat  were  capable  of  Communion  by  proximity, 
and  of  helping  one  another ,  were  thought  enough  to  meet  for  foch 

§.  64.  And 

their  Councils  ahridged.  2  5 

§.  64.  And  indeed  neither  nature  nor  Scripture  obligeth  us  to  turn 
fuch  occafional  helps  into  the  forms  of  a  State-policy,  and  to  make  a  Go- 
vernment of  friendly  confultations.  And  therefore  though  where  it  may 
be  done  without  fear  of  degenerating  into  tyranny,  known  times  of  Ra- 
ted Synods  or  meetings  of  Pallors  for  Concord  are  belt,  ('as  once  a  month 
in  lefler  meetings,  and  once  a  quarter  in  greater,)  yet  where  there  is  dan- 
ger of  fuch  degeneracy,  it  is  better  to  hold  them  but  pro  re  «4r<*,  _  occafioo- 
ally,  at  various  feafons  and  places. 

§.    65.  The  lefTer  Synods  and  correfpondcncy  of  Pallors  before  there 
were  Chriftian  Magiflrates  were  managed  much  more  humbly  and  harm- 
lefly  than  the  great  ones  afterward  .•  Becaufe  that  men  and  their  intercfl 
and  motives  difered.  And  even  of  later  times,  there  have  been  few  Coun- 
cils called  General,  that  have  been  managed  fo  blamelclly,  or  madefo 
many  profitable  Canons,  as  many  Provincial  or  fmaller  Synods  did.    Di- 
vers  Tolet.ttie  Councils,  and  many  others  in  Spaiti^  England,  and  other 
Countries  have  laboured  well  to  promote  piety  and  peace  :  As  didthcyrf- 
frican  Synods,  andmany  othrrsof  old.     And  fuch  as  thefe  have  been  fcr- 
viceable  to  the  Church.     And  the  Greater  Councils,   though  more  turbu- 
lent have  many  of  them  done  great  good,  againfl  Herefie  and  Vice;  efpe- 
cially  the  firft  at  Nice :  And  nothing  in  this  Book  is  intended  to  cloud  their 
worth  and  glory,  or  to  extenuate  any  good  which  they  have  done:   But  I 
am  thankful  to  God  that  gave  his  Church  fo  many  worthy  Paftors,  and 
made  fo  much  ufe  as  he  did  of  many  Synods  for  the  Churches  purity  and 

$.  66.  But  the  true  rcafon  of  this  Colledion,  and  why  I  have  befides 
good  products,  madefo  much  mention  of  the  errours  and  mifchiefs  that 
many  Councils  have  been  guilty  of,  are  thefe  following. 

I.  Thecarnaland  afpiringpart  of  theClergy,  do  very  ordinarily,  nn- 
derthe  equivocal  names  of  Bidiops,  confound  the  Primitive  Epifcopacy 
with  the  Diocefane  tyranny  before  defcribed.-  And  they  make  the  ignorant 
believe,  that  all  that  is  laid  in  Church-Writers  for  Epifcopacy,  is  faidfor 
their  Diocefatie  Species :  And  while  they  put  down  an  hundred  or  a  thoufand 
Bifhops  and  Churches  of  the  Primitive  Species,  they  make  men  believe  that 
it  is  they  that  are  for  the  old  Epifcopacy,  and  we  that  are  againft  it,  and 
that  it  is  we  and  not  they  that  areagainll  the  Church  :  while  wc  are  fubmif- 
five  to  them  as  Arch-bifhops,  if  they  would  but  leave  Parilhes  to  be  Churches 
(or  Great  Towns  formerly  called  Cities  at  lealt^  and  make  the  Difcipline 
of  all  Churches  but  a  pofilble  pradicable  thing. 

$.  67.  II.  And  CO  promote  their  ends,  as  thefe  men  are  for  thelargeft 
DiocelPcsand  turning  a  thoufand  Churches  into  one  only,  fo  they  are  com- 
monly for  violent  Adminiftration,  ruling  by  conftraint,  and  cither  ufurp- 
Jng  th;  power  of  the  fword  thcmlelves,  or  perfwading  and  urging  the  Ma- 
gillratc  to  punifh  all  that  obey  not  their  necdlefs  impofitions,  and  reproach- 
ing or  threatning  fat  kali;  the  Magillratcs  that  will  not  be  their  Execu- 
tioners.   And  piaking  themfclvcs  the  Church  fnr.fters,  Cor  made  witliout 

E  -    the 

26  Church-Hijlory  of  Bijhops  a7id 

the -Churches  confent)  their  Office  is  cxcrcifod  in  putting  out  the  Lights,, 
fometimcs  hundreds  of  lalihful  Minifteis  b.ingfilcnced  by  their  means  in 
a  little  time.  And  they  tal<:e  the  fword  of  Dfcipline  or  power  of  the  Keys 
as  the  Church  ufed  it  300  years  to  be  vain,  unlcfsprifons  or  mulfts  enforce 
it.  And  toefcapethc  Primitive  poverty,  they  overthrow  the  Primitive 
Church,  Form,  and  Difcipline,  and  tell  men.  All  this  is  for  the  Churches 
honour  and  peace. 

§.  68.  Yea  all  that  like  not  their  arrogances  and  grandure,  they  render 
odious  as  Aerian  Hereticks  or  Schifmaticks,  provoking  mtn  to  hate  and 
revile  them,  and  Magiftrates  to  deftroy  them ,  as  intolerable.  And  by 
making  their  own  numerous  Canons  and  Inventions  neccllary  to  Mini- 
ftry  and  Church-Communion,  they  will  leave  noplace  for  true  unity  and 
peace,  but  tear  the  Churches  in  pieces  by  the  racks  and  engines  of  their 
brains  and  wills. 

§.  6(j.  III.  Yeaworfe  than  all  this,  there  are  fome  befides  \ht  French 
Papiflrs,  who  tell  the  world,  the  Vniverfd  Church  on  Earth  is  one  vifi- 
ble  political  body^  havinf  a  vifihle  Head  or  Supreme  vicarious  Government  un- 
der Chrift^  even  a  Colle^live  Supreme^  hath  wiivcrfji  Legijlaiive,  judici- 
al and  Executive  power.  And  they  make  this  Summa  Poteftas  Conllitutive  of 
the  Church  Vniverfal,  and  fay  that  this  is  Chrijis  body  cut  of  which  none  have 
his  Spirit  nor  are  Church-members.,  and  that  there  is  no  IJnity  or  Concord  but  in 
eheying  this  fiipreme  vijible  porvcr  ;  And  that  this  is  in  General  Councils  and  in 
the  intervals  in  a  College  of  Bifhops  Succejfors  of  the  Apofiles,  (  1  know  not 
who  or  where,  unlefs  it  be  all  the  Bifhops  asfcattered  overthe  earth)  <««<i 
that  they  rule  per  literas  formatas :  (as  others  fay,  It  is  the  Pope  and  Roman 
Clergy  or  Cardinals.) 

§.  70.  And  when  our  Chriftianity,  Salvation,  Union  and  Communion, 
yea,  our  Lives,  Liberties  and  mutual  forbearances,  and  Love,  is  laid  upon 
this  very  form  of  Church-policy  and  Prelacy,  andChriflis  fuppofedto 
have  fuch  a  Church  as  is  not  in  the  World,  even  conftituted  with  a  Vifible 
Vicarious  CoUedlive  Soveraign,  that  mull  make  Laws  for  the  whole  Chri- 
ftian  World,  it's  time  to  do  our  bcft  to  fave  men  from  this  deceit. 

§.  71.  1  muft.confels,  If  I  believed  that  the  Whole  Cht^rch  had  any 
Head  or  Soveraign  under  Chrift,  I  fhould  rather  take  it  to  be  the  Pope 
than  any  one,  finding  no  other  regardable  Competitor.  He  is  uncapable 
of  ruling  at  the  Antipodes  and  all  the  Earth;,  but  a  General  Council  is 
much  moreuncapable,  and  fo  are  the  feigned  College  of  Paftors  or  Bi- 
ftiops,  (none  knoweth  who./ 

$.  72.  IV.-  And  a  blind  zeal  againft  errour,  called  Herejie.,  doth  cry. 
down  the  neccffary  Love  and  toleration  of  many  tolerable  Chrilliansi 
And  fome  cry,  down  with  them,  and  away  with  them  that  errc  more  them- 
felvcs,  and  by  their  mcafurcs  would  leave  but  few  Clriftians  endured  by 
one  another  in  the  World:  Thus  do  they  teach  us  to  underftand  Solomon., 
Ecel.  7.  16.  Eenot  righteous  and  wife  overmuch:  fo  much  arethtfe  ITfen  for 
llnity,  that  they  will  leave  no  place  for  much  Unity  on  earth.    As  if  none 


their  Councih  abridged,  27 

Ihould  be  tolerated  but  men  of  one  Stature,   Complexion,  &c. 

§•  73.  Briefly,  they  do  as  one  that  would  fetnp  a  Family  Government ^ 
made  up  of  many  hundred  or  thoufand  families  diflblved  and  turned  into 
one,  and  ruled  fupremely  by  a  Council  of  the  Heads  of  fuch  enlarged  Fa- 
milies, and  then  tell  us,  that  this  is  not  to  alter  the  old  Species  of  Families, 
but  to  make  them  greater  that  were  before  too  fmail.-  Keep  but  the  fame 
name,  and  a  City  is  but  a  Family  ftill.  And  when  they  have  done,  they 
would  have  none  endured,  but  call  out,  imprifoned  or  baniflied,  as  fedi- 
tious,  that  are  for  any  fmaller  Family  than  a  City,  (or  any  Icffer  School 
than  an  Llniverfity.)  And  thefe  City  Govcrnours  niuft  in  one  Conventioa 
rule  all  the  Kingdom,  and  in  a  greater  all  the  World. 

$•  74-  I  (hall  therefore  firft  tell  you,  what  errour  mult  not  be  tolerated, 
and  then  by  an  Epitome  of  Church-Hiftory,  Bidiops  and  Councils  and 
Popes,  (hew  the  ignorant  fo  much  of  the  Matter  of  Fa>5l,  as  may  tell  them 
who  have  been  the  Caufe  of  Church-corruptions,  Herefies,  Schifms  and  Se- 
dition, and  how:  And  whether  fuch  Diocefanc  Prelacy  and  grandure  be 
the  Cure,  or  ever  was.  And,  if  God  will,  in  a  Second  Volume  fliaU 
prove  the  finfulnefs  and  novelty  of  that  fort  of  Prelacy,  and  anfwe^ 
the  chief  that  have  defended  it. 

E  2  CHAR 

2  8  Chwch'HiJlory  of  Bijhops  ami 

CHAP.    11. 

Of  fferefies,  a?id  of  the  firfi  Councils. 

5*   ^'   ^   ■    ^  He  A  poftle  7'«»»f/ faith,  ch.  5.19,20.    Brethren^  if  any  one  of 

H        you  do  erre  from  the  truths  and  otie  convert  him,   LcthimknoVf 

JL      t^^t  he  that  converteth  a  finmr  from  the  erroiir  of -his  way,  doth 

favea  foul  from  deathy  and  hide  a  multitude  of  fws.  By  which  it 

15  implyed,  that  £?-ro«/- tendcth unro  Death:   But  what  Errouritit?  Is  it 

all  ?  Who  then  can  befaved  ?  It  is  of  great  ufe  to  know,  what  Errours 

are  mortal,  and  what  not. 

§.  2.  There  are  errours  that  are  nofris,  and  errours  that  are  fins. 
Thofe  which  are  not  voluntary  either  in  themfelves,  or  in  their  antece- 
dent caufes,  are  no  fins :  Thofe  which  are  not  voluntary  either  by  the  aft 
or  by  the  omilTion  of  the  will,  are  no  fins.  Thofe  which  are  unavoidable 
through  a  neceflity  which  is  not  mora! but  natural,  arenolln  :  As  if  Infants, 
Idiots,  Mad-men,  erre  in  matters  of  which  they  areuncapable:  Or  if  any 
erre  for  want  of  any  revelation  of  the  truth.  As  if  the  Papifts  did  rightly 
charge  thofe  with  errours  whom  they  burnt  for  denying  Tranfubftantiation, 
yet  it  could  henofi/fulerrour,  becaufe  it  is  ncceflary  and  unavoidable.  For 
the  firft  difcerning  principle  is  fenfe :  And  if  we  are  deceived  while  we 
ytidgtthzttohe  Bread  and  Wine,  which  all  the  found  fenfes  of  all  men  in 
the  World  perceive  as  fuch,  we  have  no  remedy.  For  whether  fenfe  be 
fallible  or  infallible,  it  is  certain  that  we  have  no  other  faculties  and  or- 
gans to  perceive  immediately  fenfible  things  by.  I  can  fee  by  nothing  but 
my  eyes,  nor  hear  any  other  way  than  by  my  ears.  If  they  fay,  that  we  muft 
believe  that  all  mens  fenfes  are  deceived  when  God  telicth  us  fo  ?  I  anfwer, 
\f  we  do  not  prefuppofe  that  by  fenfe  we  muft  perceive  things  fenfible,  it 
is  in  vain  to  talk  of  Gods  telling  us  anything,  or  of  any  of  his  Revelati- 
ons, or  faith  therein :  For  I  know  not  but  by  fenfe,  that  there  is  a  Bthle,  or 
a  /i/i«,  or  a  roice  or  Word,  to  be  believed.  And  as  humanity  is  prefuppo- 
fed  to  Chrifiianity^  fo  is  fenfe  and  rcnlbn  to  faith  and  the  objeds  according- 
ly. And  to  fay,  that  all  mens  found  fenfes  about  their  due  placed  objefts 
are  fallible,  is  but  to  fay,  that  no  certainty  can  be  had. 

§.  5.  Of  thofe  errours  that  ^/fyTwj,  it  is  not  all  that  are  effeftively  mor- 
tal or  damninglins:  Fife  no  man  could  befaved.  There  is  no  man  that  hath 
:iot  a  multitude  of  errours,  that  hath  any  aftualufe  of  rcafon. 

|.  4.  Errours  are  of  three  forts.-  i.  Errours  Ol  Judgment  (to  fay  no- 

their  Councils  abridged.  29 

thing  of  fenfe  and  imagination.)  2.  OfWilt-^  ;.  Of  Ufe^  or  praftice.  The 
Jud^^mcnt  is  to  Gnide  the  V^iS-,  and  ine  Will  is  to  command  our  pr^Bice. 
Therefore  thofe  crronrs  arc  leaft  dangerous  that  leafl:  corrupt  the  n'l/l  and 
proBlce,  and  thofe  moll  dangerous  that  mofl:  corrupt  them.  But  every 
errour  contrary  to  any  ufcful  truth  is  bad,  as  it  is  a  corruption  of  thejW^- 
meiit^  tending  to  corrupt  the  will  and  paBice. 

$.  5.  'i.  No  errour  is  effedlively  damning  which  turneth  not  the  Heart 
or  Will  in  a  predominant  degree  from  the  Love  of  God  to  the  Love  of  the 
Creature,  from  the  Loveof  Heaven  and  Holinefs  to  the  prevalent  Love  of 
Earth,  andfinfulpleafure,  riches  or  honour  therein  •,  from  things  Spiritu- 
al to  things  Carnal :  For  God  hath  prepared  unconceivable  glory  for  them 
that  Love  him:  The  Kingdom  of  God  confiftah  not  in  meats  and  drinks, 
but  in  righteoufnefs,  peace  and  joy  in  the  holy  Ghofl: :  And  he  that  in  thefe 
things  fcrveth  Chrift,  doth  pleafe  God,  and  is  acceptable  to  {'good  j  men, 
Rom.  14..  17,  iS. 

§.  6.  2.  I  think  no  errour  is  effeiftively  damning  which  a  man  doth  fin- 
cerely  defire  to  be  delivered  from  at  any  rate,  and  when  he  that  hath  it 
doth  faithfully  endeavour  to  come  to  the  knowledge  of  the  truth,  in  the 
life  of  fuch  means  as  God  vouchfafcth  him  ••  He  that  fenrcl.eth  the  Scrip- 
ture witli  a  Lovcto  truth,  and  fincerely  prayeth  for  Gods  illumination,  •' 
and  fincerely  pracliceth  what  he  already  knovvcth,  and  is  willing  to  hear 
v.'hatany  mancnn  fay  te  his  Further  infornntion,  God  will  hide  nothing  nc- 
ctllary  to  his  lalvation  from  fuch  a  mnn.  For  this  is  a  work  of  fuch  difpo- 
fitivc Grace,  as  fhallnotbe  received  in\-tiin. 

§.  7.  Obj.  Bh:  may  ncttr.c  that  btliti<<;h  mt  -in  God^  or  Chrijl,  er  ifx  Life 
10  come,  fjy  aHthis^  rh.-t  he  defireth  andende/ivottreth  tol'nitwthc  trmhl 

A>f,  I.  Thefe  tbngs  arc  fo  Grf.^r,  fo  f  t/i/rwr,  andfo  A'rr^j/rfr)',  thatthey 
cannot  be  unknown  to  one  that  hath  the  Gofpel,  who  hath  tnc  torefaid  fin- 
cere  defircs  and  endeavours.  And  as  for  them  that  have  not  the  Gofpel,  I 
have  fpoken  to  their  cafe  before.  2.  God  that  giveth  fo  much  grace  doth 
thereby  fignifichis  willingnefs  to  give  more. 

^.   8.  Obj.  Tt}is  inttniarcth  that  Greet  is  ^iven  (ccordingto  Adyits. 

Af  T.  Not  the  firft  Grace:  But  to  him  that  hath  fandimproveth  itjfhail 
be  given,  and  from  him  that  hath  not  ffuch  improvement  j  Ihall  be  taken  a- 
way  even  that  which  he  hath.  ^  No  Grace  or  Glory  is  given  according  to 
Merits  in  point  of  Commutative  Juftice,  as  ejiiid  pro  ^m,  as  ifit  did  profit 
God.  But  to  him  that  asketh  it  fhall  be  given.  We  mud  have  a  Beggers 
iNIerit:  Brgjing  and  thankful  accepting;  Andyet  tliata'foisof  antecedei\t 

$.  9.  Onthecontrarv,  '•  Ail  errour  is  damning  which  exdudeth  the  life 
of  faith,  Wf ,  love  and  firxere  obtdience  :  For  thcfc  are  of  Reccllitv  to  falva- 
tion  :  without  hoiinefs  none  fliall  fee  God,  Ucb.  12.  14.  The  wiklom  from 
above  is  firft  pure,  and  then  peaceable,  and  '.null:  be  fliewn  out  of  a  good 
converfation  by  works  with  mecknefs  of  wifdom,  Jam.i,.  1 5,  17,  He  that 
Loveth  nocGod,  Heaven,  and  Hclinefs,  withapredoniinauc  Love,  doth 
damnably  erre.  "  §.  iq. 

2  0  ChurcJ)-Hi'}ory  of  Bijhops  an  J 

§.  lo.  Second, y.  Therefore  all  errour  of  jidgnient  which  (ffiBively 
exxludeth  the  t(//f/ofauy  o(  the  Effentiah  of  Gcdlinefs^  or  of  Chrtfiidnity 
where  theGofpelis,  is  damning  errour  :  Becaufe  a  Mans  Will  and  Lift 
can  be  no  better  than  belief  or  ptdgment  is.  No  man  can  love  that  God 
that  he  believeth.iot  to  be  amiable,  nor  obey  him  whom  he  believeth  net 
to  be  his  Governour  \  nor  feeks  for  a  happincfs  which  he  believeth  not ; 
And  it  is  in  the  face  of  Chrill,  a  Redeemer,  and  Saviour  of  loll  Sinner's, 
that  Gcds  amiablentfs  fuitably  app.ajreth  unto  man  :  And  it  is  by  his 
Word  and  holy  Spirit  thatChrifl  renevveth  Souls. 

§.  II.  And  an  ungodly  carnal  worldly  man  fthough  he  be  a  learned 
Preacher  of  the  Truth)  is  damnably  erroneous,  and  hath  really  t'le  fum  of 
manifold  Herefies  :  i.  He  erreth  about  the  grcatell  and  moft  n. cellar/ 
things  :  He  takcth  Gcd  to  be  lefs  amiable  than  the  Creature,  and  Heavcu 
than  Earth,  and  Holinefs  than  the  Pleafure  of  Sin.  2.  His  errour  is 
pradicnl  and  not  only  notional  :  5.  It  exckideth  riie  contrary  truth,  and 
is  predominant  •,  fo  that  what  contrary  truth  he  acknowledgeth,  he  doth 
notfoundly,  pracftically,  and  prevailingly  believe. 

§.  12.  Were  it  not  befides  my  prefent  purpofe  I  might  manifeft  that 
every  carnal  ungodly  man  among  us,  1.  Doth  not  truly  believe  any  one 
Article  of  the  Creed  with  a  ferious  pradtical  belief-,  2.  Nor  doth  he  con- 
fent  to  the  Baptifmal  Covenant;,  3.  Nor  fmcerely  defire  and  put  up  one 
Petition  of  the  Lords  Prayer,  rightly  underflood  i  4.  Nor  fincerely  obey 
one  of  the  Ten  Commandements  ;  5.  Nor  can  fincerely  receive  the  Sacra- 
ment of  the  Lords  Supper  ^  Nor,  6.  Isafincere  Member  of  the  holy  Ca- 
tholick  Church,  nor  can  fincerely  hold  Communion  with  the  Saints:  He 
is  an  Hypocrite  and  damnably  erroneous,  even  while  hefeemethto  be  Or- 
thodox asd  plradeth  for  the  Truth,  and  ciyeth  out  againft  Herefies  aad 
Errours  :,  which  he  may  eafily  and  ordinarily  do. 

§.  1 5.  it  hath  ftiii  been  one  of  Satans  effeftual  Snares  to  deceive  and 
damn  unpodly  men  by,  to  hide  their  own  practical  errour  and  wickednefs 
from  their  Gonfcienccs,  by  feeming  to  be  Orthodoxy  and  crying  down  Er- 
rours  and  Hi.refies  in  others  :  But  alas,  how  unfit  perfons  are  they  for 
fuch  Work  ?  And  how  dreadfully  do  they  condemn  themfelves .'  It  is  a 
pitiful  thing  to  hear  a  man  that  is  falfe  tothevery  efience  of  his  Baptif^ 
mal  Vow,  to  revile  and  profecute  a  poor  Anabaptifl  (  though  errone- 
ous) for  holding  that  Baptifm  fliould  be  delayed  till  years  of  difcretion 
that  it  may  be  the  better  kept :  Or  to  hear  a  man  that  obeyeth  not  God 
himfelf,  but  his  flefhly  LuH",  to  cry  out  agninft  every  DiOenter,  how  con- 
fcionable  foever,  for  w*  obeying  the  Church  in  fome  queftionable  points: 
or  to  hear  a  man  that  fticketh  not  at  any  wickednefs  that  maketh  for  his 
worldly  ends  or  pleafure,  to  cry  out  againft  thofe  that  in  fear  of  Perjury 
or  Lying  or  other  finning  againft  God,  dare  not  take  fome  Oath,  Sub- 
fcription,  Profefilon,  or  Covenant  which  is  impofed  :  Asthefe  notorious 
Hypocrites  who  live  quite  contrary  to  theChriftian  Religion  which  they 
profefs,  do  ufe  to  call  thofe  Hypocrites  that  labour  in  all  things  to  pleafc 


their  Councils  abridged.  2 1 

God,  if  they  do  but  millikc  any  thing  in  their  Lives.  Soalfo  while  they 
are  drowned  in  damnable  Errour,  they  cry  out  againfl:  Errour  in  thofe 
that  practically  hold  all  the  Eflentials  of  Chriltianity,  and  are  certainly 
in  the  way  of  Life,  if  they  do  differ  in  any  thing  from  them,  or  are  igno- 
rant ofany  thing  which  they  know.  He  that  never  puts  up  a  fincere  Pray. 
er  to  God  for  his  Grace,  nay,  that  would  not  have  it,  to  make  him  ho- 
ly, and  deprive  him  of  his  finful  pleafure,  will  yet  call  others  erroneous  and 
Schifmaticks,  if  they  pray  not  by  his  Book,  or  in  all  his  Circumftances  •, 
while  his  Heart  and  Family  are  prayerlefs,  and  God's  Name  oltcr  heard 
in  Oaths  and  Curfes  than  in  Prayer. 

§  14.  Becaufe  bare  opwion  may  confillwith  worldlinefs  and  fieflily  lufts^ 
therefore  it  hath  long  been  the  trick  of  the  ungodly  tofeem  zealous  for 
the  true  Church,  and  for  ri^ht  opinions.,  and  to  over-do  here  to  quiet  their 
Confciences  in  Sin  :  And  it  hatii  been  a  Snare  to  many  confcionable  Peo- 
ple, to  tempt  them  to  lufpeift  anddillike  theTrutli,  bccaufc  ungodly  Men 
thus  ftand  for  it  i  and  to  think  it  muft  be  fomc  bad  thing  which  wicked 
men  feem  fo  zealous  for  :  when  as  they  do  it  but  for  a  cover  for  their  Sin, 
as  Hypocrites  an(d  Opprellbrs  ufe  lon^  Prayers.,  which  would  not  ferve 
their  tarn  if  there  were  not  fomc  good  in  it. 

§.  I  J.  And  yet  Errour  is  fuch  a  blinding  thing,  that  it's  very  ufual  evea 
for  grolly  erroneous  men,  to  cry  out  molt  fiercely  againlt  Errour  :  For 
they  know  not  thcmfelves,  and  they  are  proud  and  felf  conceited,  and  oft 
by  malignity  apt  to  fufpcd  and  condemn  others.  What  did  the  Jews  pcr- 
fecute  tlie  Chriltians  for  ?  For  fuppofcd  Herclicand  Errour:  What  did 
the  Heathens  caft  them  to  wild  Bcalts  and  Torments  for  ?■  For  fuppofed 
Impiety  and  Errour :  becaufe  they  would  not  erre  in  their  Idolatry 
as  they  did.  What  hath  difquicted  and  torn  in  pieces  the  Chriftian 
World  ,  but  erroneous  and  worldly  Popes,  Fatriarcks,  and  Prelates 
inordinate  out-crys  againft  fuppofed  Errours?  For  what  have  they  filen* 
ced  hundreds  and  thoufands  oflaithful  Minifcers  of  Chrill?  for  Errour. 
For  what  have  they  racked,  tormented,  burnt  to  adics,  andflain  by  the 
Sword  fo  many  tlioufand,  and  hundred  thoufands?  O,  it  was  for  Hcrc- 
fie  or  Errour.  And  are  not  thcfe  men  pcrfc<;i:ly  free  from  Errcur  thcm- 
felves, that  have  fo  great  a  zeal  againft  it?"  No,  fo  grolly  erroneous  are 
they,  that  they  deny  credit  to  all  mens  Senfcs,  and  know  not  Bread  and 
Wine  when  they  fee,  and  touch,  and  tafle  it;  and  would  have  all  thofe 
deltroyed  that  will  not  deny  b.  lief  to  ftrfe  ns  well  as  they :  So  erroneous 
are  they,  thatchey  pretend  a  mortal  to  be  the  Church  Govcrnour  of 
afl  the  Earth  :,  fo  erroneous,  that  they  think  God  well  Wordiippcd  by 
praying  in  words  not  und^rficod  ;  and  dare  deny  half  the  Sacrament  of 
the  Lords  Supper  to  the  People,  which  they  confefs  that  he  inltituted,  and 
all  the  Church  did  ufe  i  fo  eitoncous,  that  they  think  the  fl5mes  of  Pur- 
gatory will  help  th^m  the  better  tolovethat  God  that  doth  torment  them. 
How  foul  and  many  are  their  Errours  that  kill,  and  burn,  and  damn  others  ■ 
as  erroneous?  But  S.  James,  hzih  to!d  us,  Jam.  3.  Tha:  theWt[dom  is  nof 




Church-Hijhry  of  Bifhops  and 

from  abovcy  hut  is  earthly,  fevfital^  and  deviUiJiiy  vfhich  bath  an  tnviotts  ftri- 
vini  z.eaL  •■,  and  that  if  it  work,  fot  by  mecknefs  of  vcifdom.,  and  be  not  fure^ 
peaceable,  gentle,  cafe  to  he  inrreated,  full  of  mercy  and  good  fr Hits,  without 
partiality  and  hypecrtfe,  fowiiJg  the  fruit  of  riyhteoufnefs  in  f/eace,  by  peace- 
maki'igt  hut  hath  bitter  contention,  it  is  not  of  Cod,  but  hringeth  confujion  and 
every  evil  work^ 

§.  16,  The  Arians  were  cruel  Pcrfecutors,  on  pretence  of  zeal  againfl: 
Erroiir,  as  they  accounted  it:  They  banifhed  godly  Pallors-,  they  killed 
them,  they  cut  out  the  Preachers  Tongues  •,  they  reproached  them.  The 
Enipcrours  Valens  and  Confantins  were  more  fierce  than  the  Arian  Goths 

Macedonius  thnt  denyed  the  Deity  cf  the  Holy  Ghe" ,  was  a  great  pre- 
tender to  Ortliodoxnefs,  and  a  great  decryer  and  perfccutcr  of  others,  as 
erroneous  and  Hereticks. 

Ncflorius  (though  fomcwhat  worfc  judged  of  by  Cyril  than  he  dcfervedy 
was  juftly  condemned,  were  it  bur  for  his  heat  and  fierccnefs  agr.jnffc 
others :  He  fell  prefently  upon  the  Novatiaus  and  other  Parties,  ar.  J  began 
with  this  overdoing  zeal  at  his  entrance,  0  Emperour,  give  vt:  a  Church 
without  Herefie,  and  I  will  give  thee  FtBory  over  the  Perfans :  that  is,  De- 
Ilroy  all  thefe  dillsnting  Parties  and  God  will  profper  thee;  ."^nd  very 
quickly  was  hedepofed,  condemned,  and  at  laft  baniflied  even  10  milery 
and  death  as  an  Heretick  (whether  juftly  or  no  1  (hall  fay  more  anon.) 

The  Eutychiars  were  as  great  Zea'ots  againfl;  Errour  :1nd  Herefie  as  any 
of  the  reH  .-  They  took  Cyril  for  their  Captain  whom  Theodcret  and  Jfydore 
Feli'.fiota  that  knew  him,  defcribe  as  heynoudy  proud  and  turbulent,  and 
Socrates  as  the  firfl  Bifhop  that  himfelf  ufed  the  Sword.  Diofccnts  raged 
at  the  fecond  Council  of  fp/rf/i.'/  againfl:  diflenters,  and  all  in  Zeal  againfl: 
Ntfcortan  Herefie.  But  what  dreadful  work  his  Eittychian  Party  and  Suc- 
cellbrs  made,  I  have  elfewhere  ihewed  :  And  all  as  againfl:  Herefie. 

The  Anihropomorphite  zealous  Egyptian  Monks  thought  it  was  Errour  and 
Herefie  which  they  ib  furioufly  oppofed,  when  they  forced  Theophilus  A- 
lexand.  to  diflcmble  to  favc  his  Life. 

Ic  was  zeal  againll:  Origins  Herefie  and  Errour  which  fet  £p/pfc4»«A'j  and 
Theophilus  Alexand.  upon  their  irregular  and  inhumane  oppofuion  toChry- 

What  abundance  of  grofs  Errours  doth  Philufhius  vend  while  he  thinks 
that  h;  rccitcth  ether  Mens  Errours :  1  have  given  a  Catalogue  of  them 
elfewhere.    Befidts  the  inconfiderable  Errours  which  hecalleth  Hertfies. 

It  was  zeal  againfl:  the  A,i:ir  Herefie  which  made  Lucifer  Calaritanuj  oc- 
cailon  the  Schiim  between  two  Bidiops  at  Amioch^  and  after  become  the 
Head  of  a  ft  parating  Party,  becaufc  lie  would  not  receive  the  returning 
Arims  into  Communion  as  others  did. 

•   And  it  was  zca!  r:gainfl  Herefie  thst  made  others  for  this  account  him 
a  Heretick.,  an^j  call  his  Followers  Liwiferinns. 

U  was  zeal  .'gainft  Errour  which  made  both  the  Novations  and  the  Do- 
■    ~  natfs 

their  Councils  abridged.  :>  ^ 

7itttifts  run  into  Errour,  and  keep  up  their  Parties  as  more  pure  ^rom  the 
Crimes  of  Idolaters,  Traditors,  Libellaticks,  and  other  Criminals. 

Siilpitius  Scveyut  defcribeth  Jthacins  as  a  man  that  cared  not  what  he  faid 
or  did ,  and  the  rell  of  the  Synod  of  Bifliops  about  him  as  unfit  to  be 
communicated  with  i  that  would  bring  Chrillianity  it  Iclfinto  reproach  by 
their  furious  oppofition  to  Hereticks  :  And  who  would  have  thought  but 
thefe  Bifhops  had  been  very  good  men  thcmfelvcs,  that  were  fo  zealous  a- 
gainftthePr;/c////<i;;;y?/,  as  to  procure  the  Death  ot  fomc,  and  the  Banidi- 
raent  of  others,  and  bring  Martin  himfelf,  and  other  ftrid  abftemious 
people  into  the  fufpicion  of  Pnfciliijnifm  ? 

It  wasazeal  forChrift,  and  againlt  fuppofcd  Errour,  which  raifed  the 
doleful  contention  about  the  corruptibility  of  Chrift's  Body;  one  Party 
calling  the  others  Phantafiajlickf,  and  the  other  cajlingtliem  Cor,7<p/,co/tf  ; 
into  which  Errour  the  Emperour  jHJliman  himfelf  did  lapfe  and  become 
a  zealous  Heretick,  as  the  Orthodox  Party  called  him. 

And  even  S.  Hilary  PiRav.  /•  lo.  iie  Trimt.  feemeth  not  free,  when,p.  20 j. 
he  faith    C  I''  (jU(»*  cjudmvii  aut  i^m  imidcrct,  ant  vidnus  defcenderct,    aut 
nodi  concnrrerentf  aHtfufpenJio  elevaret,  affayent  cjiiidcm  hac  imfdum  p^jficfiis^ 
Hon  tamen  dolorem  pajfionis  infcrrent ,  ut  tcliim  ttliquod  aut  acjiiam  perforanSf 
ant  ignem  compmigcns^  ant  Aravulneyans  :  Omties  ejuidem  has  pajfwnes  Katura 
fH.e  infcrt^    ut  perforct,  ut  compungat,  ut  viilncrct  •,  fed  naturam  fuam  hdc  paf- 
fto  illata  nen  yetinet  ^   dum  in  fiatMy.'t  non  tjl  vel  acjnam  forari^  vel  pun^i  ig. 
mm,  vel  ara  vulnerari^  cjuamvis  tiatiira  leU  ft  valuer  are  dr  compungert  Cr 
foyare :  Pajfus  cjuidem  Dominus  Jefus  Ojyiflns  dinn  cteditur,  dum  Jufpenditur^ 
dum  crucifi^ituy^  dum  moyitny ",  fed  in  Corpus  Domini   iryitens  paffio^  nee  non 
fuit  paffio^  nee  tamen  uataram  pajjloiiis  cxeycuit :  Cum  G~  pceiialt  minifleyio  ilia 
defdvit^  C"  Z'iytus  coypoyis  Jine  fenfu  poen£  vim  pa:n<t  in  fe  deftvientis  excepit.2 
Yet  it  was  againlt  Herefie  that  the  good  Father  defended  this  ('worfe  than 
many  of  Fhilafiyius^  yea  or  Epipbanius's,  Herefies.)  Pag.  2c8.  faith  he,  Ale- 
turn  Domino  hxrefis  afcribit :         '     Timuijfe  tihi,  O  HxreticCf  Domimu  gloria 
pafftonem  vidctur Pag.  2 1 6.   Non  vis,   impie  luretice,  ut  tyatifeunte  pal- 
mas  clavo  Chriflus  non  dolueyit,  mcj-,  vulnus  illud  nullum  aceybitatem  tcli  ccm- 

pungentis  intuleyit.    Inteyyogo^  cur  pucri  ignes  non  timuerint  nee  doluerint 

So  p.  217,  218.  you  fee  how  little  heed  is  to  be  given  oft  to  good  mens 
outcries  againft  Herefie;  He  fpake  much  better,  tbid.  pag.  2ji.  In  fm. 
plicitate  fides  eji  *,  in  fide  jufiitia  ej}:,  in  co>ifejfione  pic t as  efl  :  Non  per  diffici- 
les  nos  Deus  ad  beatant  vitam  qitsftioncs  vocat  ^  nee  multiplici  eloquentis  fa- 
cundi£  genere  folicitat.  I»  ahjoluto  nobis  ac  facili  efi  dtcrnitas^  Jefum  fu- 
fcitatum  a  mortuis  per  Deum  credere,  &  tpfum  ejfe  Dominum  conpteri.'^  And 
Lib.  II.  p-  5  ?  2.  if'itio  \^Non  cnim  ambiguis  nos  dr  erraticis  indefinite  do^ri- 
ttsfiudiis  dereliquit,  vel  incertis  optniornbus  ingenia  humana  peymift.,  fi^tutis 
per  fe  O"  oppofitis  obicibus  in  Itbeytatcm  inteUigcrtix  volant  at  ifiq-^  concliidtrs,  ut 
faptre  non  mfi  ad  id  tantum  cjuod  pntdicatum  a  fe  fuerat,  nos  funrct.,  cum  p  r 
dcfinitam  fidei  indemutahilis  conjlitutionem  ,  cyedi  alitcr  at.jiie  alitcr  non  /«- 

F  §■    17.  And 

54  Chunh'H'/Jfory  of  Bijbops  and 

§.  17.  And  it  is  not  only  particular  perfons,  but  many  General  Coun- 
cils, that  have  erred  and  perfccuted  others-,  as  if  all  the  while  they 
were  but  cleanllng  the  Church  of  the  moft  odious  Hcri.fics. 

The  many  Councils  of  the  Aria,n  \  may  after  touch  upon,  liz..  at 
Tyre^  Ar'tininum^  Syrmium^  C-c  I  will  before  its  time  here  mention  that 
ot  Sardica :  What  horrid  Herefiesand  Villanics  do  tlicy  lay  to  the  charge 
Cnot  only  of  AiArcellus,  hnx)  of  AihMnfm^  of  Paidm  Conflant.  of  J;tliitj 
Bifliop  oi  Ro?ne ,  o^  Protbogercs,  and  others,  they  cxcomniunicate 
as  if  they  had  been  the  very  plagues  of  the  earth  ?  See  the  Copies  of 
their  Epiflle  in ////..t)' Pu'K  Fragments,/).  4 h,  Oc. 

§.  18.  And  becaufe  Papal  Approbation  is  made  by  the  Papiils  tlic 
mark  of  an  unerring  and  infallible  Council,  note  that  even  the  Jrian 
Council  of  Syrmii'.m  was  ex'prefly  approved  by  Pope  Liicrius  in  his  Exile, 
as  you  may  fee  \\\ Hilary^  ibid.  j>.  426,  427.  faymg,  [/r^f,  amoto  Atha- 

rafio  a  cemmiinior.e  otnriium  noftri:fii,  en  jut  vec  Efiftoli*  H  me  fiifcipiendn  Jiint, 
dico  me  p.irem  cum  oninibus  vobis,  QS"  cum  Vniverfis  Epifcopis  oricntalibus.,  fat 
per  univerf.ts  provincias  paccm  cj-  unitatein  habere  '■  Nam  itt  veritts  fciatis  me 
vera  fide  per  hanc  Epiflolam  ea  loqiii,  Do/ninus  C^  frater  mens  commwiis  IJe- 
mofilus,  ^iii  diguAttts  efi  pro  fita  beuevolentia  {Idem  O"  catholicam  e.xponere  cjua 
Syrmium  a  plnribus  frntribus  (^  co-epifcopis  nojlris  traEiata^y  expojita,  o-  Ju- 
fceptj  f/?,  ab  omnibus  qui  in  prafenti  f iter  nut  ^  h.i77c  ego  libenti  aninn  fufcepi  *, 
in  nulla  contradixi\  corifcnfttm  accommeduvi^  h.znc  fe.jHor,  h<tc  a  tne  tcnetur-^ 
Jane  peteaditm  credidi  SanElitatem  Fefhram,  (jnia  tarn  pervidetis  in  omnibus 
riie  vobis  confcntancitm  ejfe.,  dignemirii  coi/wuirii  anxilio  nc  fiitdio  laborare,  eju.t' 
te>:us  de  exilio  dimittar,  C^  ad  fedem^  cjua  mihi  divinit:ts  credita  efi,  revtr. 
tar.'}     In  reciting  of  which  Hilary  thrice  faith  {_AnAthein-i  tibi,  Libert 

prevaricator'] -If  they  fay  that  Liberiits  did  thisin  his  Exile  through 

fear  or  fuffering,  lanfwer,  his  Sufferings  were  fmall-,  and  Hilary  annex- 
eth  another  of  his  Epiftlcs  to  the  Arian  Bifliops,  in  which  he  fwearerh 
orcalleth  God  himfelf  to  witncfs,  that  it  is  not  for  his  Sutfenngs  which 
are  not  great,  but  for  the  Peace  of  the  Church,  of  which  he  knew  thofe 
Bifliopstobe  Lovers,  and  which  is  better  than  Martyrdom,  that  he  did 
■what  he  did. 

■§.  19.  I.  Before  thefe  there  were  many  Provincial  Councils  called 
to  decide  the  Controvcrfic  of  the  time  of  Eafler\  and  asth.u  at  Rome,  in 
JPaleJliKe.,  Ponti;is,  and  one  in  France  went  one  way  i  fo  that  of  Afia^ 
'"ander  Polycrates  Ephef.  went  another  way,  profefling  to  ttick  therein  to 
tlieGofptl,  and  the  Tradition  of  their  Fathers:  For  which  l^tEior  would 
•needs  excommunicate  them,  which  Ireaxns  fliarply  reprehendeth.  Its 
•worth  the  noting,  That  as  t;,c  wrong  party  pleaded  Tradition,  fo  the  right 
party  pleaded  Rcaibn  and  Scripture,  as  you  may  fee  in  Beda''$  Fragment 
■o^  the  Pale  ft  ine  Council, /wi'  Theoph.C^fir.Bin.T.  \.p.  132.  And  that  the 
main  argument  ufed  was  the  Divine  Bencdiftionof  the  Lords  day  :  which 
they  may  note.that  qucRion  the  ancient  obfervation  of  that  day. 
.  §.  zo.  II.  The ;iext Council  recorded  (Biri.p.ii^,)  is  oae  ztCarthagef 
'    "'  under 

their  Cc:mcil.s  abridged. 

under  ^^hfpinus^  which  decreed  the  re  baptizing  of  thofe  that  were  bapti- 
zed by  Hercticks :  For  which  they  are  commonly  now  condemned. 

§.  2  I.  And  Binniits  notcih  that  they  had  this  from  their  Countryman 
Tertidlian,  whofe  zcal  againft.Hereticl^s  was  fo  hot,  that  he  would  have 
iiothing,  no  not  Baptifra,  common  with  them-,  fo  B.iron-  dti.zxi.f-  1,2, 
3.  &  an.  258.  n.  ly,  20.  Yet  is  this  man  now  numbrcd  with  Hercticks. 

$.  22.  HI.  The  Concilium  Labefttunuin  is  the  next  in  order,  v.'here  one 
TrtvatHs  was  condemned  for  an  Herecick  (^mentioned  by  CyprtMi^  Epift.  55  J 
But,  faith  Binniits.,  what  his  Herefie  was  is  not  known  nor  mentioned. 

§•2  J.  IV.  Next  we  have  an  ^r^<;»«  Council,  in  which  the  Errour  of 
the  5c«//A/orf.?//V)' (allowing  it  only  to  rife  again  with  the  Body  at  the  Re- 
furredion)  was  excellently  oppugned  and  cxpugned  by  Origin  \,  but  it  was 
by  that  Onigen  whohimfelf  is  called  a  blafplicmous  Hcretick. 

§.24.  V.  The  next  mentioned  Council (fi/».  p.  158.^  wa$  at  Rome^f  a- 
bout  the  reftoring  of  the  Lapfed  upon  Cyprinnh  motion.  A  bufinefs  that 
made  no  fmall  diirention,while  Lucunns  and  fome  others  made  the  Church- 
door  too  wide,  and  NovAttis,  and  A'«-j<«f».i«/o  made  it  too  narrow,  and 
Cypr«.?«and  the  Ronuvi  Clergy  went  a  middle  way  :  bitter  and  grievous  were 
tlicCenfures  of  each  other,  and  long  and  fad  the  Schifms  that  didenfue, 
the  rigour  of  thtNovatiaus  being  increafed  by  their  Offence  at  other  mens 
iinfal  latitude  and  tepidity. 

§.  25.  By  the  way  it  is  worth  the  confidering  by  fomc  Pafijls.,  who 
make  both  a  Biihop  Ellcntialto  aChnrcii,  and  a  Pope  to  the  Church-Um- 
yerfal,  and  deny  Church-Government  to  Presbyters,  that  this  Council 
isfaidto  be  called  by  the  Rov>.m  Clergy  (the  Presbyters  and  Deacons) 
when  the  Church  had  been  a  year  or  two  without  a  Biihop  (through  the 
fliarpperfecutionof  JDmw  upon  h\ibians  DcathJ.  And  it  is  to  the  Ro- 
manCkr^y  (presbyters  and  Deacons)  that  Cyprian  at  this  time  wrote  di- 
vers of  his  EpilUes,  as  they  wrote  to  him  ^  infomuch  that  Bimuus  ftick- 
eth  not  to  fay,  that  in  this  interregnum  the  Roman  Clergy  had  the  carc^tr 
charce  of  the  Vnivcrful  Church. 

Qjt£r.  How  far  their  Government,  even  of  Bifliops  Cwhom  they  Aflem- 
bltd  in  tiiis  Council)  was  Canonical  or  valid  ? 

§•  26.  VI.  After  this  there  was  another  Council  at  Cjrihj>^e<,^r\A  two  at 
Rome.,  and  one  in  Italy.,  and  another  at  Cartha^^e^  about  the  lame  Contro- 
vcrfie ;  wh-^re  it  was  determined  that  the  Lapfed  Ihould  be  received  to  Re- 
ix-ntance,  and  after  a  fufikient  fpace  of  Penance,  lliould  communicate, 
butnotfooner  :  And  that  the  Billiops  that  lapfed  fliould  be  uncapable  of 
Epifcopacy  and  comnuraicate  only  with  the  Laity  rpon  their  penance: 
YetCypr/rf«in  time  of  a  renewed  Perfccution  thought  meet  to  relax  this, 
and  take  in  the  Penitent  prefcntly,  left  they  Hioiild  be  difcouraged  under 
Sutftring.  But  Foeliciffimus  one  of  his  Deacons  made  himfelf  the  Head  of 
a  Fadton,  by  taking  men  in  by  his  own  Authority  too  foon,  and  Nov.itus 
and  Nevatian,  as  is  laid,  being  againft  their  taking  into  Communion  at 
2ll>  the  Councils  exconxnuaicaced  them  nil  asSchifmaticks.   Where  note, 

F  2  that 


^6  CImrch-HiftoryofBijhopsand 

that  NovAtHs  an  Afrkm  Prieft,  that  went  to  Rome  and  got  Novatian  or- 
dained BiDiop,  did  not  deny  them  Pardon  of  Sin  with  God,  but  only 
Church-Communion,  z.  Nor  did  he  deny  this  to  other  great  Sinners  re- 
penting, but  only  totbofe  that  lapfed  to  Idolatry  or  denying  Chrift.  But 
the  Novatuatis  long  afrer  extended  it  to  other  heynous  Crimes,  as  upoH 
fuppofcd  parity  of  Reafon. 

§.  27.  VII.  Next  this  we  have  Cyprians  ^^/^/mw  Council  in  which  fafter 
the  cenfuring  of  fome  that  reproached  a  Paftor)  they  condemn  a  Dead 
Man  called  y'ttlor^  bicaufe  by  his  Will  he  left  one  Faujiinus  a  Presbyter 
the  Guardian  of  his  Sons,  which  the  Canons  had  forbidden,  bccaufe  no 
Minifters  of  God  fhould  be  called  from  their  facred  Work  to  meddle  with 
Secular  things  :  Therefore  they  Decree  that  VtUors  Name  (hall  not  be 
mentioned  among  the  Dead  in  Deprecation,  nor  any  Oblation  made  for 
his  Rell".  ( Non  efl  c^nod  pro  dormitione  ejus  apud  voj  pat  ohlatio,  ant  deprecatio 
fiUqtia  nomine  ejus  in  Ecclefii  frc^ucvtetnr.)  The  cafe  of  the  Clergy  is  much 
altered  fincc  then  •-,  And  whether  the  penalty  had  more  of  Piety,  as  to 
the  end,  or  Errour  in  the  rigor,  and  the  matter  fas  if  it  were  a  Punifhment 
to  the  Dead,  not  to  be  offered  for,  or  prayed  forj  I  leave  to  further  con- 
fideration,  Cypr.  li-  i.  EpijI.  66. 

^.  28.  VIll.  The  next  Council  we  meet  with  is  Concil.  Iconienfe  an.  258. 
where  the  Bifhops  of  Ci!pp^i^tfCM,  Cilicia,  Galatiu,  and  other  Oriental  Pro- 
vinces at  Iconiim  in  Phry[^i.t^  Decreed  that  the  Baptifms  of  Hereticks,  their 
Ordinations,  Impofirion  of  Hands,  and  other  facred  Actions  were  inva> 
lid.  For  which,  faith  Baroniiis  an.  25S.  n.  14, 1 5,  16.  Pope  Stephen  Excom- 
municated all  thefe  Oriental  Bifhops,  and  Reprobated  the  Council,  and 
would  not  receive  or  hear  their  Legates :  Of  which  Firmlianus  Cdf-tr.  Cap.. 
pad.  writeth  to  Cypri,i:i  againft  him. 

$.  29.  IX.  Atihs  I'amQ  time,  Enfeb.  lib- 7. c.  6.  tellsus,  there  was  alfo 
a  Synod  at  Synadir^  yea,  divers  in  other  places,  that  all  decreed  the  fame 
thing,  for  rebaptiv-ing  thofe  that  were  bapti/.cd  by  Hereticks  i  and  that 
this  had  been  the  Blfhcps  opinion  of  fo  long  time  before,  that  Eufebius  dni[t 
notcondemnit-  F,d.  B.:rc>u  Am.o  z^'^.  n.  17.  But  it  is  now  commonly  con- 

$.  30.  X.  If  they  had  confined  their  opinion  of  rebaptizing  to  fuch  He- 
reticks as  areftridly  fo  called,  that  rcnoimco  any  eflcntial  Article  of  the- 
Faith,  they  might  have  made  the  Controvcrlie  hard-,  But  as  Hereticating 
iacrcafcd,  fo  theirown  difficulties  inereafed.  And  nowthe  Nozatians  were 
pronounced  Hereticks,  it  grew  a  hard  quellion,  whether  all  that  the  No- 
i'<?//4«^  had  baptized  mud  be  rebaptized.  And  for  this  an  -^/r»M»  Coun- 
cil, jiano  258.  concluded  affirmatively:  Becaufeall  that  are  baptized  are 
baptized  into  the  Church  :  But  Hereticks  are  not  in  the  Church,  and  fo 
baptize  not  isto  the  Church :  therefore  fuch  mult  be  rebaptized.  CyprUn 
and  many  very  Godly  Bifhops  conlented  in  this  errour. 

§.   51  XI.  To  try  this bulinefs  further,  Qpr/'/tw  gathered  another  Couiir- 
cil  of  70  Bifhops  out  of  jijrid'Zn^  Nimidia.,  and  all  were  defired  to, 


their  Councils  abridged.  ^7 

declare  what  was  the  Tradition  of  their  Fathers  ^  And  they  all  agreed  that 
according  to  Scripture,  and  Tradition,  the  Baptifm  of  Hereticks  was  a 
Nullity,  and  it  was  no  rebaptization  to  baptize  fuch  as  they  bapti7ed  :  (fee 
here  what  ftrength  is  in  thePapifts  argument  of  Tradition  in  fuch  cafes.  ^ 
But  this  Council  and  their  Do(.T:rine  Pope  Stephen  condemned.-  But  they 
never  the  more  altered  their  judgments,  not  believing  his  Infallibity  or 
power   to  judge  between  them  in  fuch  matters  of  Faith. 

In  this  Council  is  fet  down  every  Bilhops  Reafon  of  his  Judgment. 
§.  32.  XII.  WhcnPope Stephen  had  condemned  thefe  Bifliops,  Cyorian 
calleth  yet  a  greater  Council  of  S7  Bifliops,  who  confirmed  the  fame  Do- 
dlrine,and  rejeifted  the  Popes  opinion  and  his  arrogancies,  that  would  make 
himfelf  to  be  a  Bidiop  of  Bifliops,  and  by  tyrannical  terrour  and  abufe  ot' 
Excommunication,  force  others  to  his  opinion.  And  with  ihe  Africans  ia 
this  judgment  joyned  Firmlltan,  with  70  v^<««  Bifliops,  and  fsith  Bmniit.^ 
DionypHS  AUxandrinm  alfo. 

§.   j3.  But  I  muft  here  tell  the  Reader,  that  I  mention  not  thefe  inftan- 
ees  to  breed  ill  thoughts  in  him  of  thtfc  African  snd  Nhrndtan  Bifliops; 
For  as  far  as  lean  difcern  by  their  Writings  ar.d  by  Hiltory,  they  were  the 
Codlieft,  Faithful,  Peaceablccorr.pany  of  Bifliops  that  were  found  in  any 
part  of  the  World  llnce  the  Apofllcs  times :  Cyprian''^  fty  le  and  the  teftimo- 
ny  of  all  jiift  Hiltory  which  conccrneth  him,  as  well  as  his  Martyrdomc,  de- 
clare him  to  be  a  Saint  indeed.  \^N,iz.iar:z.en  dcclareth  the  flrangc  occalion 
of  his  Converfion-,  viz..  That  he  loved  or  lulUd  after  a  Chriftian  Virgin, 
and  wiien  he  could  not  obtain  his  will,  being  given  to  Magick,  he  agreed 
with  theDevil  to  procure  hisdclire-,  but  when  he  faw that  the  Devil  con- 
feft  himfelf  unable  to  do  ir,  and  lb  that  he  was  too  weak  for  Chrill,  he 
forfookthe  Devil  and  turned  Chriftian  :  )   The  Papifts  (Biaiiiiij,  Barcnihs, 
&c.)  conjefture  that  Cyprian  before  his  death  reformed  this  Errour,  but 
their  conjecture  mcerly  tells  us  what  they  willi,    without  any  reafon, 
but  that    he  dyed  a  Martyr   and  his  Succcflburs  honoured  him.     As- 
if  none   might   fo   die    and    be  honoured  that  I  ad  any  errour,  which? 
no  man  living  is  without.  2,.   And  this  may  be  faid  to  cxcufe  their  errour. 
I.  That  the  ftriiiteft  men  oftner  cire  on  the  ftri<n:er  lideagainfl  fin,  than 
the  complying  Carnal  Clergy.   2.   That  they  thought  it  the  fafer  way  ta 
baptize  fach  again,  (''on  the  fame  reafon  as  we  do  in  cafe  of  uncertain  bap- 
tifme,  with  ^finon  b.''ptiz.AtHs  es,  baptizo  te  i )  not  knowing  why  there  fhould 
beany  danger  in  thcmiftake  :  Much  like  as  in  Enalanduow,  the  Bifliops  are 
forthe  re-Ordaining  of  all  fuch  as  were  Ordained  by  others  were  not 
Diocelanes,  and  yet  do  not  call  it  re-Ordaining.  3.  That  in  thofe  times  of 
Heathenifmc  and  perlecution,  theCliiiflians  had  no  way  to  maintain  their 
fbrength  bat  by  the  Churc  hes  Concord  •,  nor  could  they  otherwife  have  kept 
up  fo  ftriift  adifcipline  as  they  did,  having  no  forcing  power  of  Chriftian^ 
Magiftrates  ■■  Therefore  they  were  ntcefiltated  to  be  fcverc  withdividcrs. 
4.  And  the  ambiguity  of  the  word  Llhrcfe']   w.'.snotthekaftoccalipn  of 
tlieir  errour.    The  Nicivt  Council  afterward  rebaptiied  fuch  as  thofe  He- 


5  8  Church- Hijiory  of  Bijhops  and 

rcticks  Baptized,  who  corrupted  the  fubftance  of  baptilme  it  f^lf,  but  not 
others.  And  Chriltiansatfirfl  had  more  wit  and  charity  thau  to  call  every 
errour  a  Hcrcfic,  cdle  there  had  been  none  but  Hcrcticks'J  fuchasdenyed 
fome  cllcntial  point  of  faith  or  pradicc,  and  drew  a  party  to  maintain  it, 
were  called  Hercticks  in  the  former  times  -,  but  afterward  every  Schifm  or 
Party  that  gathered  by  themfclves,  and  i\:t\i\)  ^Itare  contraaltare  upon  the 
fmallclt  difference,  was  called  a  Herefie.  And  lb  the  fame  name  applyed 
to  another  thing,  deceived  them.  The  Biihopj  were  men  of  eminent  piety 
and  worth. 

§.  34.  XIH.  jimu)  z6i.  They  fay  there  was  a  Council  at /*!w«e  to  clear 
Dmiyfms  AlexMd.  of  the  imputation  of  Herefie,  occafioned  by  fomc  doubt- 
ful words  which  he  wrote  againft  Sahclliiis. 

§.  55.  XIV.  ylnno  266.  They  fay  there  was  another  at  Antioch  againlb 
their  BifliopFW/^Sww/^jr^ww;,  a  grofsHcretick:  But  he  renounced  his  er- 
rour in  words,  and  for  that  time  kept  his  place. 

$.  3^6.  XV.  P.i/</.7/ returning  to  his  Herefie^nd  a  bad  life,  v^.'Two  272.  an- 
other Council  at  Jntioch  depofed  him  \  but  he  would  not  go  out  of  the  Bi- 
Ihops  houfe,  and  the  Emperour  JitreliMi  a  Heathen  put  him  out. 

§.  57.  XVI.  Amtoioi.  Thcnext  Council  was  at  Gi^?  in  AW;/W«.«,  Se- 
cMnd:-siiglfitanus  being  chief  and  calling  them.  Here  Secimdns  accufed  the 
Bifhops  one  by  one  asTraditors  (dilivering  thelacred  booksto  beburnC 
in  perfccutionto  fave themfclves,  which  was  then  judged  perMioufnefs.) 
The  Bilhops  partly  excufcd  ,  partly  coafefRd  ir,  and  asked  pardon ^ 
Till  at  Jalb  Seciuidus  ready  to  judge  them,  nccufed  a  Bifliop  PHrfiiytii^s  of  mur- 
dering his  own  Sifters  Sons:  who  to!d  hinuhat  he  fliould  not  think  to  terri- 
fic hmi  as  he  had  done  the  reft  •,  He  hrd  killed,  and  would  kill  thoie  that 
make  againU  him ,  and  asked  him  whether  he  liad  not  been  a  Traditor  him- 
,  feP",  andb'ginning  to  evince  ir,  bid  him  not  provoke  him  to  tell  the  reft . • 
VV  hereupon  Si  c//«d'«/ his  Neph^vv  told  hisllnkle.  You  lee  that  he  is  ready  to 
depart  and  make  a  Schifnijand  not  he  only  but  all  the  reft,?.nd  you  hear  what 
they  fay  againft  you  :  And  then  they  will  joyn  and  pals  fentence  on  you, 
and  fo  you  will  remain  the  only  Hcretick  {Her^stiaitwg  went  thai  by  the  Fote  ) 
5fa/?i!/«/wasnonpluIt,  and  askt  two  others,  what  it  was  belt  to  do  i*  And 
they  agreed  to  leave  them  all  to  God,  and  fo  the  Bifliops  kept  their  places. 
Aii^^efiii-:.  ccnt.Crejcon.i.  i-c.  26,27. 

\.  jS.  XVII.  Nex'tthcy  deliver  us  Co«/7////wS/»wjp»///«,  whether  true  or 
forged  is  too  hard  a  comrovcrlic.  It  wasofr/jrce  hundred  Bifhops  ("how 
big  were  their  DiocclH  s  think  you  above  our  PariOies? J  who  all  came  fecrer- 
]y  together  to  a  Town  now  unknown,  and  met  in  a  Cave  that  would  hold 
but  50  at  a  rime,  for  fear  of  perfecution  :  The  buflncfs  was  to  Conviift  Pope 
Ai.-.rcclliriu  of  Idolatry /or  offering  lacrifice  to  Hmnles, Jupiter,  and  SMiirn : 
which  he  confellld. 

§.  59.  XVllf.  Anno  505.  Was  held  a  Council  of  ipBifiiops  at  JHrberis 
\nSp.tiii:  wiHTC  many  good  things  were  agreed  on  .•  But  not  only  to  iha 
Iuclat;ou;  Up.'el,  buUooihcr  hcinovs  crir»cs  they  denycd  Communion 



tJ)€ir  Councils  abridged.  :>^ 

to  the  death,  notwithftanding  rcpcnr.inre.     And  that  thcfe  B  fhops  Ihould 
be  Orthodox,  and  yet  the  Nov.,ti.n,s  Here  ticks,  it  is  not  ealle  to  give  a  rcaron  -^'ff?'- 
of.     Theirdiftirittioiiof /'fi.'^'/Cf,  Sacraiiie/it^2r.<iCcmrntmon,  will  not  well '"'"j'^'^"'' 
perform  it.   Therefore  Mdch.  C^rnrj  chargcih  them  with  Erroin  lib.  5  c.4.  ^eth\li'e*' 
and  Bella  mine  much  more,  lib-  2.  He  Jt>:t^_.  c.  p.  That  it  is  Concilium  von  coiifv-  lv(l  ot  it. 
niaiim,  frtejucntererr.ijfe.,  &c.  A  Biihop,  Pricit  or  Deacon  in  Ollice,  thit  Kit  of 
h.uh  committed  Fornication,  was  not  to  have  Ccramimion,  no  not  at  de^th:  *-^''-  54. 
and  divcis  ethers.     No  Billiop  was  to  receive  any  Gift  from  any  one  that  a°voifc''' 
did  not  Communicate.     It  pofaii  the  P.ipifts  themfelvcs  to  expound  Can.  fence  than 
34.  Cercos  fcr  diem  flMiut  iru  Camitcrio)ii.n  incendi:  Irji^nietandienim  San^orum  this  of 
ffiritits  r.oii  flint :  Bim,ins  will  have  it  to  be  th:  Spirits  of  the  living  Sainis,  ^"""'''' 
that  arc  not  to  be  difquietcd  with  tronbicaboutLights  fctupby  da/.    But  1 
wiflnhnt  be  the  meaning.    But  the  $6  Can.  more  troubleilithcm,  PUcnit 
ficluras  in  Ecclefa  cjfc  mn  deberc,    ac  quod  coUtiir  ant  adoralur,  in  parictibus 
dcfingMitr.  Can.  j8.  A  Lay-man,  incalcof  ncccfiicv,  iscnalfled  to  Bapti/e. 
Can.  59.  Gentiles  may  be  lall,  l)y  lm]:;oiItion 
of  hands.  Can.  65.  If  a  Clergy-man's  Wife  play  the  Whore,  and  he  do 
not  prcfently  caft  her  our,  le  mull  not  be  received  to  the  Communion  to 
the  laft.  Can.  73.  If  a  Clinflian  turn  Acculcr  (Delator)  and  upon  hisaccu- 
fation  any  one  be  baniflicd  or  put  to  death,  he  is  not  to  be  received  to  Com- 
munion, no  not  atlalt.  Can.  75-  Nor  hethat  falfly  accufeth  a  Bidiop,  Pref- 
bytcr,  or  Deacon,  and  cannot  prove  it.  Can.  79.  He  thatplayeth  at  Dice, 
orTableSi  was  to  be  kept  from  the  Communion.    N'any  other  Canons  fa- 
vour, fome  of  Piety,  and  fomeoftheiVirtwr/.w/.  Thirty  fix  Presbyters  fite 
with  thcfe  Nineteen  Bilhops-     Pope  Innocent  approved  thcfe  almoll  Ncva- 
tiau  Canons,  and  Einniin  excuftth  them,  p.  246. 

§.  40.  XIX.  Anno  306.  ACouncilatC;>-r/5^^r  of  about  70  Bifhops  be- 
gan the  Schifm  of  the  Donatiflsy  contending  ivhofliould  have  the  Bifliop- 
x\<:ko{  Carth^ic:  One  party  had  chofen  Ctcilianus  to  fucceed /1/«;?//<;-«w, 
Theother  party  accufing  him  as  beingaTrndttor,  and  Ordained  by  Fccli.v 
a  Traditor,  and  had  forbidden  bringing  food  to  the  Martyrs  in  prifon, 
they  orilained  one  Afjjorints  Biliiop  in  his  ftead :  CicHimus  had  the 
countenance  of  the  Biihop  of  Jiome^  and  Hood  it  out,  and  kept  the  place : 
Hereupon  t'he  Church  being  divided,  the  divifion  run  through  all  Afnck, 
sndN'umidia,  while  the  accufing  p.irty  renounced  Commuuion  with Cart- 
lianns-1  fo  that  for  many  years  alter  ("two  hundred  at  Icafl:)  they  did  with 
plaullble  pretence  claim  the  title  of  Cathclickf^  tiiough  they  were  after 
called  Donatijls  (from  Don.itus  a  very  good  BiOiop  of  Carthage  heretofore, 
whom  they  pi  aifed,  and  not  from  Donatns  a  Cafsnigris^  as  ibmc  think,  j 
Sccundus  Tfgifta>;ns  Frlmzic  of  Nn»:idia^  furthers  the  breach,  and  the  Or- 
dination of  Mtprtnns  fixed  it.  Thus  the  doleful  Tragedy  of  the  Donattfls 
began  by  Bidiops  divided  about  a  Oirtb.tic-)i\\\\Q\}. 

if.  41.  XX.  ./^w7o  joS.  Another  Council  was  held  at  C.«r;/;rj^f,  whcreno 
Icfsthan  270  Donatift  Bilhops,  for  moderation,  agreed  to  Communicate 
with  penitent  Traditors,  vi-ilhcut  rebnptizing  them,  and  fo  did  for  40 
years.  J.  42. 

Chwch-Hijhry  of  Bijhops  and 

§.  42.  XXI.  Jmio  ^  5.  The  Schifm  continuing,  the  Do;:<i///?/  cleaving 
to  ALijorimis,  appca'cd  agair.fb  Cdcilutm  to  Conjianiine  (now  Empcrour.) 
He  lirftnppointeth  three  f></rf/;  Bifhops  to  judge  the  Caufc,  but  after  19 
Bilhops  (called  a  A;w«/««  Council  j  metat^ow^  to  hear  both  Parties :  where 
Mdchiades  and  the  reft  acquitted  Cacilianns^  and  condemned  Donatus  a 
Cajis  fii^ris  (a  promoter  of  the  Dofiatijh  Caulej  asguilty  of  Schifm.  But 
the  Doaatifls  accufir-g /Ii'f/V/;/W«  alfoas  aTraditor,  the  Schifm  was  never 
the  more  ended :  A  motion  was  made  that  both  the  Bifliopsfliould  remove 
CCxciliafiusind  M^jori'ius)  to  end  the  Schifme  •,  But  the  Daw^f//?  BiOiops 
were  fo  very  many  ia  number,  that  they  thought  they  vt'ere  to  be 
-called  the  Church,  and  the  Cxciliamjls  the  Schifmaticks,  and  therefore  would 
not  fo  agree.  Thus  Bidiops  about  Bifhopricks  fct  all  the  Country  on  a 

§.  45.  XXlI.  Next 0«/.«;?r;'«f  would  hear  the  Caufe of thefe contending 
Bilhops  at  a  Council  at  ^rUs  in  France,  fbefore  200  Bilhops  at  lean:)where 
Cdciltamis  was  again  acquitted,  and  the  Donatift  Bifhops  calt,by  the  witnefs 
of  their  Sct'ihz  Ifigtiitius,  who  (being  racked)  confelled  that  he  was  hired 
to  give  falfe  witnefs  in  the  Cafe.  Several  good  Canons  were  here  made  for 

§.  44.  I  have  heard  many  Popifli  Pcrfons  liken  the  Separatifts  among  us 
to  the  DoKatifis:  But  fo  unlike  them  are  they,  That,  i.  The  faid  Sepa- 
ratifts are  againft  all  Epifcopacy,  but  the  Donatifls  were  Bifhops,  and 
contended  for  the  higheft  Places  of  Prelacy.  2.  The  Separatifts  are  con- 
teffedly  a  Minor  Part  departing  from  the  Major  Part.  But  the  J)e;/4f//?/ 
were  the  Major  Part  of  the  Bifhops  cafting  out  the  Minor  Part  as  Delin- 
quents. The  Truth  is,in  thofe  times  the  Bifhops  being  ufually  in  contention 
and  Church- Wars  among  themfelves,  (  efpecially  when  Conflatitine  had 
given  them  peace  and  profperity,)  the  ftrife  was.  Who  fliould  get  the 
better,  and  have  their  will:  i.  Sometime  the  ftrife  was  about  Opini- 
ons, who  was  in  the  right,  and  to  be  called  Orthodox,  and  who  was  to 
be  accounted  the  Hcretick,  2.  The  other  part  quarrel  who  fliould  be 
the  Bifhop,  or  who  fhould  have  the  higheft  places-  3.  And  the  next  quar- 
rel was  whofe  fide  fliould  carry  it  in  fetting  up  any  Bifhops,  or  in  judg- 
ing and  depofing  them,  and  who  fliould  have  their  Heads  or  Friends 
brought  in.  And  the  way  to  get  the  better,  was,  i.  At  the  firft,  by  the 
majority  of  the  peoples  Votes  in  chufing  Bifliops,  and  of  the  Bifhops  in 
depofing  them.  2.  But  after,  moft  went  in  chufing  and  depofing  by  the 
majority  of  the  Bifhops  Votes  in  the  greater  Seats,  ('the  peoples  con- 
fent  ftill  required  J  at  Icaft  if  a  Council  did  interpofe.  3.  And  at  laft,  it 
went  by  the  favour  or  difpleafure  of  the  Court  i  either  the  Empcrour, 
or  the  Emprefs,  or  feme  great  Officers.  The  African  Bifliops  it  fecms 
were  far  the  greateft  number  againft  C^cilian,  (when  270  met  at  one 
Council,  and  A^.7c^<W«  Council  at  Rome  had  but  19,  and  that  at  lUtbe- 
ris  19,  and  that  at  >4«c)';-^  18  Bifhops.)  Therefore  the  Bifliops  thought 
that  majority  of  number  gave  them  ri^ht  to  the  Title  of  Catholick), 


their  Councils  abridged.  ^  \ 

that  thofe  DifTenters  muft  be  called  Hertticks^  as  was  too  ufuai.    And  iee- 
ing  they  lived  in  the  Country  where  many  Councils  under  ^^ippirus  and 
Cypriafj,zn<i  Firmilian,[\a.(i  voted  that  Herericks  were  not  of  the  Cnurch,and  ^'^'^  "" 
thofe  that  they  had  baptized,  were  to  be  rebaptizcd-,  they  thought  that  Councfl 
they  did  but  keep  up  this  Tradition  i  and  fo  they  faid  that  they  were  all  had  judg. 
the  Church  of  yifrica^  and  that  the  Cfc;7;4ff/ were  H.rctiiks  and  Sefaratifis  ^^  againft 

from  the  Church,  and  that  all  that  they  baptized  were  to  be  rebaptizcd,  **"^'"'  ^"' 
aswas  formerly  held.     So  that  indeed  the  X)e«rfr//?j  did  but  as  ^^^  P^fifls,^^^  ^^^ 
and  their  worldly  Clergy  ftill   have  done,   who  take  the  advantage         ""* 
of  ^majority  to  call  themfelvcs  the  Church  and  Catholikf ,  and  to  call  ttie 
Diflenters5c/;///«jr;ctjand  fi'frfrtci^/,  fave  that  they  added  Cyprian''s  rebap- 
tizing.   And  when  it  was  for  their  advantage  they  communicated  40  years 
withTraditors :,  but  when  the  power  of  the  Court  and  the  bi(\\.c(  Rome  bore 
them,they  kept  up  their  party  by  pretended  ftri(fl:nefs,and  reproach- 
ing the  others  as  a  Sein:,3nd  as  Heretical  and  perfccuters  of  the  Church.  So 
that  it  was  the  Multitudes  and  Councils  of  thePrclatcs  that  fet  upDonatifm. 

§.  44.  XXIII,  The  next  was<t».  3  '4- at  Ancyra  in  GaUtia  ol'  eighteen 
Bifhops,  who  met  to  determine  how  many  years  the  Lapfed  fhould  repent 
,,or  do  penance)  before  they  were  admitted  to  Communion.  Cu».  1  7.  for- 
bad  thofe,that  were  ordained  Bidiops  to  any  people  and  were  not  accepted 
by  tlie  Parifh  to  which  they  were  ordained,  to  thruft:  themfelvcs  on  other 
Pariflies,  or  raife  Sedition,  but  allowed  them  to  continue  Presbyters. 
Cm.  21.  Wilful  Murderers  were  to  communicate  at  laft  only. 

§.45.  XXI V.  The  Churches  having  now  peace  under  Covft.tntine  a  Council 
of  I }  Bilhops  that  had  been  before  molt  AiAncyra  met  atAWe/irr-t^but  the 
fmall  number  did  better  work  than  many  greater  Councils  did,  making 
fome  good  Canons  againft  .adultery  and  Fornication^Though  the  yihCan. 
that  forbids  Piiefts  to  dine  at  the  fecond  Marriages  of  any,  bccaufe  fuch 
muft:  repent,  be  of  doubtful  fenfe  and  truth:  The  firfl:  C.i«.  is  againft 
Priefts  marrying  and  Fornication.  The  lad,  that  the  number  of  Deacons 
muft  be  juft  feven,   be  the  City  never  fo  big. 

§.46.  XXV.  Next  a  ^pw.»«  Council  is  mentioned  by  'Binnius  p.  279.  for 
a  Conference  with  Jews  before  Confinfitine^  but  he  faith  the  Ads  t!;at  now 
are  extant  are  full  of  falfehoods. 

§.  47.  XXVI.  Af>.  315.  They  place  us  a  Council  at  Alexandria  in 
which  Alexander,  with  many  Bifliops,  condemned  Enfehius  Nicomcd.  with 
Ariits  and  that  the  reft  adhered  to  them,  efpcciailyas  holding  that  Chrifl: 
was  not  Eternal,  but  was  a  Creature  that  had  a  beginning,  and  that  the 
Wtfdom  and  Word  of  God  was  not  the  Sou.,  but  made  the  Son. 

$.48.  XXVII.  Another  Council  at  Alex  and.  xIk^  tell  us  of,  againft 
the  Ariatis.,  z:iAt\\Q  A^eUtian  Schtfmaticks:  but  the  AAs  are  not  known. 
To  this  is  annexed  an  Epiftle  of  Ccnftamitie  to  Alexander  ard  >^?-/«/,record- 
edhy  Eufeb.Cdfar  in  zii.i  C(7«/?^f7;^.  in  which  Cor/? -wr/w*  chideth  them  both 
for  their  Contention,  andfeemethto  take  the  Qneftion  for  unfearchablc 
and  to  bedifputed,faying,'i  undcrftandthat  the  foundation  of  thcCcntro- 

G  '■'\erfie 

42  Church-Hijiory  of  Bijhops  and 

"  verfie  was  hence  laid,  that  thou  AUxandtr  didft  ask  queftions  of  the  Pret 
"byters  about  a  certain  Text  of  Scripture-,  yea,  about  a  certain  idle  Par- 
''ticleofaQueftion  didft  enquire,  wjiat  every  one  of  them  thought?  And 
*■'  thou  y^r/«;  didft  inconfiderately  blurt  out  that  which  thou  hadftnot  be- 
♦••fdre  thought  of,  or  if  thou  hadft  thought  of  it,  thou  o'lghteft  to  have 
'^paft  by  in  filence:  Whence  difcordwas  ftir'd  up  among  you,  and  the 
** meeting  hindered  which  is  wont  to  be  made  in  the  Church,  and  the 
*'moft  holy  people  diftracfted  into  feveral  parts,  is  divided  from  the 
'*^compagination  of  the  whole  body  of  the  Church.  Therefore  both  of 
"you,  forgiving  one  another,  approvcof  that  which  your  fellow-fervanc 
"doth  not  without  caufe  exhort  you  to:  And  what  is  that?  That  to 
*'  fuch  Queftions  you  neither  Ask,  nor  Anrwer,  if  asked :  For  fuch  Qjc- 
"ftionsas  noLaw  or  EcclefiaftickCanon  doth  neceflarily  prefcribe,  but 
•♦  the  vain  ftrifc  of  dillblute  idlenefs  doth  propofe,  though  they  may  ferve 
"  to  exercife  acutenefs  of  wit,  yet  we  ought  to  contemn  them  in  the  inner 
"thought  of  the  mind,  and  neither  raflily  to  bring  them  out  into  the 
"publick  AlTemblies  of  the  People,  norunadvifedly  to  truft  them  to  the 
*'  Ears  of  the  Vulgar.  For  how  few  are  they  that  can  accurately  enough 
"perceive  the  force  of  things  fo  weighty,  and  fo  involved  in  obfcurity  i 
"  But  if  there  be  feme  one  that  is  confident  that  he  can  eafily  do  and  reach 
*'this,  yet  1  pray  you,  how  fniall  a  part  of  the  multitude  is  it,  that  he 
**  can  make  ro  undcrftand  him  ?  Or  who  is  there,  that  in  the  curious  fearch 
^'of  fuch  Queftions,  is  not  in  danger  of  a  fall/ 

The  reft  is  well  worth  the  Reading,  as  to  the  common  cafe  of  Theologi- 
cal Controverfies,  though  it  feems  that  Conflantine  made  too  light  of  tiie 
jiriati  errour.  But  1  dare  not  be  To  injurious  to  Eufcbius  as  to  queftion 
whether  he  faithfully  recited  theEpiftle,  when  ^/w^w;  himfelf  backs  his 
doubt  with  a  dicere  nonauderem:  And  if  we  give  away  the  credit  of  that 
oneHiftorian,it  will  leave  much  of  Church  Hiftory  under  doubt,  thatnow 
goeth  for  certain  :  Pcrhtips  Peters  being  ever  at  ^"we,  &c. 

§.  4$>.  XXlX.  The  next  mentioned  is  the  Council  of  Z-W/cm  \n  Phry- 
£14  Paccdt^  (not  Syria)  of  jjBifliops,  gathered  by  Niinechitts  aBifliopof 
Phrygia.  They  were  fo  few  that  without  contention  they  made  divers 
good  Canons :  The  46  Canon  rcquireth  that  the  baptized  fliould  Icara 
the  Creed,  and  on  the  Friday  of  the  laft  week  repeat  it  to  the  Bilhop 
or  Presbyters.  (By  which  you  may  con je^^ure  how  large  a  Biflioprick  then 
was.j  And  Can.  56.  The  Presbyters  were  not  to  go  into  the  Church  be- 
fore the  Bifhop, but  with  him-  (For  then  every  Church  had  a  Bi(hop,though 
fome  Chapels  far  off  had  Presbyters  only.  J  And  Can.  57.  It  is  ordered,, 
that  Sijlwps  Pwuld  >iot  be  Ordained  in  fmall  fiHages  and  Hamlets^  but  Vtftors 
fhould  be  appointed  them.  But  fuch  (Bijltr-psJ  m  had  been  kentofore  there  Or- 
duinedj  fjciild  do  nothing  without  the  Confcience  of  the  City  Bijliop.  Which  Ihew- 
eth  that  before  Bilhops  were  made  in  Villages  ^  as  Socr.-rteshith  then  they 
were  in  ^r<ji>4,  zad  the  Phrygiaf3NovatiaKj,  &c.   The  laft  Can.  rcciteth 


their  Councils  abridged.  43 

the  fame  Canonical  Scriptures  that  we  receive^  fave  the  A^eculyp^  which 
is  left  oat. 

$.  50.  XXIX.  Next  we  hare  a  great  Roman  Council  of  275  Bidiops, 
faith  Crah-,  under  Jy/tr^fr,  which  hath  7  Canons:  The  lafl:  faith,  That  no 
Bifliop  fliall  Ordain  any,  but  with  all  the  Church  united..  But  whether  this 
was  before  or  after  the  Nicene  Council,  is  uncertain. 

And  another  he  mentioneth under  Sylvefler  ztRome,  which  5/«;7/"«i  hath, 
where  Conflantine  baptized  oiSyhejier  was  prefent  and  284  Bifhops-  (  Whe. 
ther  itbe  tnieor  a  fi(ftion  is  uncertain.^  But  if  true,  it  was  a  very  humble 
Council :  For  they  all  profefTed  only  patience,  renounced  giving  their  judg- 
ment at  all,  but  only  heard  v^lwt  Sylvcftcr  would" fay,  profefling  none  fit 
to  judge  bnt  he.    But  they  all  with  f  reshyters  and  Deacons  fubfcribcd  what 
he  faid  (if  true.)    What  he  fa  id  I  do  not  well  undcrftand,  fuppofing  much 
of  it  to  be  fcarcc  fenfe:  I  am  fureit  isfar  fromC/Vfro'sLatine.  1 59  Bifhops 
Came,  f.v  Zlrbe  Rcmavelnonlonge  ah  ilia.,  Qft  of  the  City  of  Rome^  or  net  far 
from  it:  (How  big  were  their  Diocelles  ?;  Here,  Cap.  2.  three  men  are  curf- 
ed,  ('anathematized:)  One  was  a  Bifhop,  VtElorinus,  that  heini^  ignorant  cf 
thecoiirfe  of  the  Moon,  contradided  the  right  time  o(  E after.   It's  well  the 
Al^kfvs  ^u^ylp^rovers  of  our  Impofcd  Ens^hfl)  Liturgy  fell  not  under  SyU 
rry/fr'sfeverity,  who  have  {al:.s,  miftaki'ngly)  told  us,  that  HEajhr-day^ 
en  which  the  refi  defend,   i<  always  the  frji  Sunday  after  thefirji  full  Mocn.^\vhtch 
ha^f  ens  next  after  the  one  and  twentieth  day  0/ March  :   And  if  the  full  Moon 
k.ippen  on  .t  Sunday,  EaUcr-day  u  the  Sividdy  after-'}  This  is  one  of  the  things 
that  about  2000  Minifters  are  hlenced,  for  not  Declaring  j4ffcnt,  Confent 
and  Approbation  of  j   yea  to  the  «/<?«»/»;,  and  fo  to  keep'£<»/f r  at  a  wrong 
time.     But  how  Sylvefler  came  to  have  power  to  fay  all,  and  to  banifh  men, 
and  Conflantine  fit  by  and  fay  nothing,  1  know  not :  Dedit  eis  anathema  (^ 
damnavit  ees  e.xtya  urbes  fiu/. 

Cap.  J.  He  Decreed,  th^t  no  Presbyter  JJtaS  accufe  a  Bijiwp.,  no  Deacon  a 
Presbyter,  c^c.  and  no  Layman,  any  of  them:  yindthat  nt  Prelate  fliaH  be  con- 
denmed  but  in  72  Tefti  monies ,  nor  the  chief  Prelate  he  ]ud(^cd  of  any  one.,  hecaufe 
it  IS  written.,  The  Difcipleis  not  above  his  Mafter.  ^ndno  Presbyter  fliall  he  coh~ 
demncd  but  in  ^.^-Teftimonics '-,  no  Cardinal  Deacon  but  in^6,&c.  And  what 
may  they  not  then  do  or  be  ? 

Cap.  5.  He  Decreed  clara  voce.,  that  no  Presbyter  flwuld  make  Chrifme, 
hecaufe  Chrifl  is  fo  called  of  Chrifme. 

The  1 2.  Cap.  is,  2Vir/;w  det  pccnitcntiam.,  nifi  quadrarirta  annorum  fetenti .', 
Let  no  man  give  repentance  {^OX  penance)  but  toone  that  faketh  forty  years. 

Cap.  I4.  Let  no  man  receive  the  whnefs  of  a  Clergy-man  againfl  a  Lay- 

Cap.   I  5.  For  no  man  may  examine  a  Qcrgy-jnan  but  in  the  Church. 

Cap.  ]<5.  LetnoClnkj,  Deacon.,  or  Presbyter,  for  any  Caufe  cf  his  enter  into 
any  Court,  becaufe  Omnis  Curia  a  Cruoredicitur,  every  Ccurt  is  fo  called  from 
blood,  and  is  an  offeringto  Images-,  For  if  any   Clergy-man  enter  into  a  Court, 

G  a  let 

4  4  Chnrch-Hiftory  of  Bijhops  and 

let  him  takt  ins  yinaihima^  never  returning  to  his  Afothtr  the  Church. 

Cap.  17-  Let  no  man  put  a  ftming  Clergy-man  to  death,  no  Tresbyter,  no  Dea- 
con^ vo  BiJIwp^  that  is  over  a  Clerk,  or  Servitor  of  the  Church,  may  bring  him 
to  death.  But  if  the  Clergy  man  s  caufe  fo  require,  la  him  be  three  days  depri- 
ved of  honour  J  that  he  may  return  to  his  Mother-Church. 

Cap.  I  8.   No  Deacon  may  effcr  againfi  a  Pricft  a  Charge  of  filthinefs. 

Cap.  20.  A'o  wan  (liall  judge  of  the  Prime  feat -^  btcaufe  all  feats  defire  juflice 
to  he  tempered  ef  the  frjl  feat.  Tht  Siibfcribers  were  284  Bifhops  (what  did 
the  other  57?)  45  Pnelts,  and  5  Deacons,  and  the  two  following.,  and  Con- 
il^nuns  and  his  Mother  Uekr\3.  O  brave  Pope  and  Clergy  /  O  patient 
Council  that  fubfcribed  to  one  man,  and  pretended  to  no  judgment/  O 
humble  Co?iJ}af!tine,  that  fubfcribed  to  all  tiiis,  and  faid  nothing!  And  a 
womans  fubfcription  perfedeth  all.  And  O  credulous  Reader  that  believcth 
-this ! 



■^i— —  ^  

their  Councils  abridged.  4  5 


The  Council  of  Nice,  arid  fome  followi?ig  it. 

$.  I.  XXX."T'"¥  TE  come  now  to  thefirft  General  Council:  General 
%/l/  only  as  to  the  Roman  World oz  Emf ire,  asthcHifto- 
T  T  ry  and  Subfcriptions  prove ,  and  not  as  to  the 
Whole  Worlds  as  the  Papifts  with  notorious  impu- 
dence afRrm  :  which  I  have  elfewiiere  fully  proved.  This  Council  was 
called,  as  is  probably  gathered,  ^nmii<i.  in  the  2://j  year  olCcnfiwtint 
(though  others  allign  other  years.)  That  they  were  congregate  about  the 
Arian  Herefie  and  the  Ealtcrn  Controvcrfie-is  commonly  known :  As  alfo 
what  wifdom  and  diligence  Cvnflamine  ufed  to  keep  the  Bifliops  in  peace: 
Who  prefently  brought  in  their  Libels  of  accufations  againfl  each  othcrj 
which  he  took  and  burnt  without  reading  them,  carneftly  exhorting  them 
to  peace,  and  by  his  prefence  and  prudent  fpecch  repreffing  their  heats 
and  contentions ;  whereby  the  Synod  was  brought  to  a  happy  end  as  to 
both  the  controverted  Caufes-  And  Euffiins  Ntcoiued-  and  ^•^r;'/tf  were 
broughtto  counterfeit  repentance  and  confcrit  to  the  Ktcene  Faith  ■■,  which 
Conflantwe  perceiving,  being  fct  upon  the  healing  of  the  divided  Bi/hops  ^ 
and  Churches,  he  commanded  that -<4r/;(;  fliould  fas  reformed;  be  recei- 
ved to  Communion  •,  which  Atbjnjfms  refulicg  caufcd  much  calamity  after- 

§.  2  Becaufe  the  Cafe  of  the  Afeletians  is  brought  in  by  this  Council,  I 
thmk  itufeful  (for  our  warning  in  thefe  times}  to  recite  the  fum  of  their 
ftory  out  0^  Eptphaniui,  f-jiji&c.  H<tr.  63. 

MeletiiiJ   ('faith  he)  was  a  Bilhop  in  TUbaU  in  Egypt^  of  fincere  Faith 
even  to  the  death.    In  D<cc/frj.yw  Perlctutiou,  Fctcy  Bilhop  oi  yiUxAndrt^^ 
and  he,  were  the  chief  of  tlie  BiJhops  thnt  were  laid  in  Prifon,  as  dcfigncd 
to  Martyrdom-,  while  they  were  there  long  together  with  many  feliow- 
prifoners,  many  called  to  Tryal  before  them  were  put  to  death,  andmany 
for  fear  fubfcribed  to  Idolatry,  or  denyed  Chrift  :«And  when  they  had  done, 
profelTed  repentance  and  craved  peace  of  the  Church  :   As  it  had  been  in 
iVozww  his  Schifmes,  fo  it  fell  out  here,  Peter  Bifliop  of  y^/f.v.«/;.  was  for 
peace  and  pardon  j   Mdeiius  and  moft  of  the  other  fuffcring  prifoners 
were  againfl;  it,  and  laid.  If  they  may  thus  revolt  to  fave  thcmfelves,  and 
be  prefently  pardoned,  it  will  tempt  others  to  revolt :  Pcnr  feeing  his  o- 
pinion  was  rejeiTted,  raihiy  took  his  Cloak  and  hang'd  it  like  a  Curtain 
over  themidfl:  of  the  prifon-room,  and  faid,  Tnofeilut  are  for  wr,  comt 
to  me  on  this  fide,  ard  thofe  are  for  Meletius  ^po  on  that  fde  to  him: 
Whereupon   far  moil  of  the  Bifhops,  Prien;s,  Monks,  and  people  that 
were  in  prilbn  went  to  Mdetius,  and  but  few  to  reter.  fA  fouler  Rupture 


-  4-^  Clynrch-Hiftory  of  Bijhops  a?iJ 

than  that  of  the  EngUlh  Fugitives  zt  FrankforJ.)  Tliis  unhappy  word  and 
hour  began  the  mil'ery,  aniong'good  men,    expe(fting  death:  From  that 
hour  they  keep  all  their  meetings  fcparate.     Shortly  after  Petir  was  Mar- 
tyred, and  /1/<r/f/;/M  was  judged  to  the  Mines:  As  he  went  thither  through 
the  Country,  he  every  where  made  new  Bilhops  and  gathered  new  Churches, 
^^    fo  tl'.at  there  were  two  tn  the  fevtral  Cities :  Thofe  old  ones  that  followed 
P.-ff>- called  their  Meeting,  7bcCatholick.Cbi(rcb  ■,  The  other  called  theirs, 
'  The  Martyrs  Church:  But  yet  they  held  a  Unity  of  Faith.     Even  the  fiifFer- 
nf*    ers  that  laboured  in  the  Mines  divided,  and  did  not  pray  together.     At 
laft^/(?/fm/iand  the  reft  were  reftored  unto  peace,  and  ztj^lcxandria^  A- 
-lexa>idcr^.nd  he  lived  in  familiarity^  and  McletiHS  was  he  that  dcteiftcd  A- 
■  rius  and  brought. him  to  Alexander  to  be  tryed.   ^\it  vfhtx\  Mekt ins  was 
Cf"    dead,  y^/fA.jW(r  grew  impatient  at  the  private  fcparate  Meetings  of  his 
followers,  and  troubled  them,  and  vexed  them,  and  began  to  ufe  violence 
'  rgainftthcm,  and  would  not  have  them  depart  from  his  Church:  They 
■"Tefufed  [bill,  and  this  bred  flirs  and  Tumults.    >^/f.v^«^f>-perfecuting  them, 
«"and  following  them  yet  more  (liarply,  they  fentfome  men,  eminent  for 
piety  and  parts,  to  the  Empcrours  Court,  to  Petition  for  Liberty  for  their 
'  private  Meetings,  without  impediment.    Of  tliefe  PaphmitiMs  and  fohn  their 
^Bifliop,  and  Callinitus  Bifhop  of  PcI/u/iHmwere  chief:  who  when  they  came 
'  to  Court,  being  named  A-uletiars,  the  Courtiers  rejected  them  and  drove 
'  them  away,  and  they  could  not  get  accefs  to  the  Emperour.    On  this  oe- 
cafion  being  put  to  wzklori^T^t  Cofifiiintinople  and  Nicomea'ta,  they  fell  into 
acquaintance  with  fw/f^'Wi,  bin-'.op  of  Nicomedia,  the  Head  of  the^rww, 
who  pretending  repentance  was  become  great  with  the  Emperour,  v/ho  was 
.  all  for  the  Clergies  peace  and  concord.    To  Enfehiiis  they  open  all  the  mat- 
ter: He  craftily  took  the  advantage  of  their  fufFering  and  long  waiting, 
and  promifcd  his  help,  on  condition  they  would  but  Communicate  with 
r-Sa)    y^r/;M,  who  feigned  repentance.  The  temptation  overcame  them,  and  they 
^^    yield  i  They  that  had  gathered  feparate  Churches,  becaufe  they  would  not 
Communicate  with  the  repenting  L^pfed  (to  Idolatry,)  yet  yielded  to  Com- 
municate with  Ariiis,  that  tlxy  might  be  delivered  from  the  perfecution  of 
a  Godly  Bifliop,  and  keep  their  Meetings.    They  are  brought  to  Cenflantire, 
who  being  all  for  peace,  though  againftSchifm,  grants  them  the  freedom 
of  their  Meetings;  An€  thus  joyning  with  the  Ariavs  for  the  liberty  of 
their  Aflemblies,  this  became  the  greatefl  fupport  to  the  Aricns,  without 
which  f faith  Epiphaniits)  th(:y  could  not' have  flood.    (So  much  doth  Hi- 
fbops  tyranny  or  feveriry  crofs  its  own  ends,  and  deflrcy  the  concord  which 
they  think  by  fuch  tearing  means  to  force",  And  fo  hard  is  it  formcnthat 
could  fuffer  Martyrdome  from  Heathens,  innocently  to  bear  the  p:if-citi- 
on  of  their  Brethren,  and  fo  greatly  doch  it  tempt  them  to  ufe  unwarrant- 
able means  for  their  prcfervation  :    Jufb  as  if  the  Non-conformifls  at  this 
time  UiouIJ  feek,  by  the  favour  of  the  Papifts,  to  be  delivered  from  the 
filrncing  and  dcftroying  Prelates,  upon  condition  of  a  common  liberty: 
The  Calls  are  not  much  unlike. J  Necjne  emm  Cfaith  EpiphaniHs)  c-enfftere 


their  Coinicils  abridged.  ^-j 

Arius,  aiitfiditciam  iilLm  habere potuifjety  rilji  Civn  ef)ci  occafiomnt  nact;:;;  ajm 
teffim.'.m  inter  illos  ad  bodiernnm  nfcjucciietn  ccncordi^mdeiiifixit.  fBiiC  O,  Fa- 
ther Efiphanius,  why  took  you  not  warning  by  this,  when  you  un-Biil,op- 
like  and  un-Canonicaily  fct  your  felfagainlt  holy  Chyfojlcwe?) 

Alexander  being  dead,  andj^thanafus  iliortly  Iliccctding  him,    he  could 
not  bear  the  ^/f/rfi".««  Churches  in  his  City  :  Andafter  fair  means  he  ufcd 
foul  ;  And  going  himfc'f  to  look  after  Rich  Meetings,  with  his  Retinue, 
one  of  his  Deacons  in  the  Mektian  Meetings  broke  a  certain  Velfel,  which 
occafioned  fome  chiding  and  fighting,  which  occafioned  Accufations  of 
the  Mdctianst  and  Calumniations  of  the  Brians  againfl;  yiihana/ius  as  a 
Man  of  Violence  and  Tyranny;  which  Conjlantinc  abhorring  in  a  Bifhop, 
and  CAj/f^.iV/cow^.reprefenting  the  Matter  as  worfc  than  it  was,  the  Em-  ■ 
perour  (having  granted  the  AicUtians  liberty  for  tlicir  Meetings,  which 
^r^.wa/</f;  violently  denycdthem)  in  great  anger  commanded  a  Synod  to 
beheld  at  Tyre  to  examine  the  Matter,  and  Eufd-ius  C<c/"-m«/.  with  fome 
others  toprcfideor  order  it :    Where  Poramo  Bilhop  of //a--!i-/r4  feeing F«- 
ftbius  C<t[.  Ct  as  Judge  and  A(hana(iHs  ftand,  with  Paflion  and  Tears  in- 
veyed  againft  Eufehius^  frying-)  ^i^o  c.m  endure  to  kt  thee^  Eiifcbiu«,  y?f      1=^ 
and  judge  innocent  Athanafus  .'  W^ere  not  thou  and  J  tn  Prifon  together  in  time 
of  PerfecHtiev,  andvehtn  Ilc(l  nn  Eye  far  the  Tiwh^  thoucAtnefi  cut  w:maimtd  ? 
And  how  came  that  topafs,  if  thou  did/}  not  fromife  feme  K>iil;(d  dcedor  ether  t» 
*he  PcTftcutors^  ordofonre'f     £;//fi'/Af  hearing  this,  fuddcniy  rofe  and  dil- 
rniffcd  tlie  Council,  faying,  Jf  yon  dare  carry  it  thus  hcre^  your  Advtrfaries 
Acciij\itions  are  to  be  believed  :  For  if  yon  flay  the  Tyrants  hire,  you  do  it  much 
more  in y cur  own  Country.    Hereupon  two  yirian  Bifliops  Vrjaliuj  and  Valcns 
:ire  fcnt  into  fijj'pf  to  enquire  alter  the  Truth  of  the  Matter,  who  coming 
back  with  Calumnies  againft  Aihanafius.,  he  fled  from  the  Council  by 
Night  to  the  Court  to  the  Empcrour  to  give  him  information  •,  who  taking 
Aihanafiis  for  falfe  ard  Tyrajinical  would  not  believe  him,  but  upon  Let- 
ters from  the  Council ,  and  upon  the  provocation  of  Athana.fius,  who 
told  him  God  would  judge  him  for  believing  his  Accufers,  banilhcd  him, 
where  he  remained  Cin  Italy)  twelve  or  tliirtcen  years,  even  till  after  C«m- 
fiantins  Death.   And  when  Cow/?<?hj  had  compelled  his  \!>vo\\\zt  Cenfiantiut 
to  reftore  him,  he  was  again  baniflied-.  For  George  that  had  been  made 
Bidiop  by  the  Arians  f  and  by  Gnftaj^tius)  was  killed  by  the  Heathen  People 
in  Julians  time,  and  his  Corps  burnt,  and  the  Alhes  fcattcred  into  the 
Wind,  which  incrcafcd  the  fufpicion  of  Tyranny  againft  Athanaftus:  But 
in  Jcvians  Reign  he  was  again  reftorcd  •,  And  after  his  Death,  he  con- 
flidcd  with  Infamies  again  :  And  when  y^,fcrffw/7w  was  Dead,  the  Empe- 
rour  Valens  ftt  tuciits  over  them  ,  who  affli^^ed  the  People  that  had 
followed  Athana/ius,  and  Peter  vihom  they  hau  rhofen  for  their  Biftiop, 
and  by  Banilhment,  Death  and  Torments,  made  them  knew  what  Church- 
Tyranny  was  indeed. 

Thus  far  Epiphamas  giveth  us  the  Hiftory  of  the  Melctian  Schifm,  and 
thccffefts  of  good  Bifliops  impatience  -with  Oilfenters.    " 

§.  J.  But 

48  CJmrch-Hiflory  of  Bijhops  and 

■  ■I  III  I — -  -  -  1 — —  _] 

§.  3.  But  1  muitnot  cor.ceai  fronuiie  Reader  tliat  Burouiis  and  Dioi. 
Fctaviiis  rny,th?.t  EpiphAnius  is  deceived  in  all  this  Hiflory,  and  maketh 
the  cafe  of  the  AicUtt^ws  better  than  it  was ;  and  that  fome  Miktian  Icnave 
beguiled  him :  Bur,  «•  They  give  us  no  proof  of  any  fucn  knaves  beguiling 
him  a:  all  ••  2.  And  het!iat  was  fo  apt  to  over~do  in  fufpcdingand  aggra- 
vating Hcrelies,  (2s\i\0r:gm''s  ^nd  Cl:ryfoJ}ome''sCzk.,)  was  not  likely  to 
make  the  Cafe  here  fo  much  better  than  it  was :  }.  And  how  much  nearer 
was  Epipbaniiis  in  time  and  place,  than  Baronius  and  Petavius  ?  and  how 
eafie  was  it  then  for  him  to  have  true  notice  of  fuchpublick  things?  4.  And 
if  they  make  Epiphafiiiu  fo  fallacious  in  fuch  aflory  as  this,  lb  near  him, 
what  a  fhakedotti  it  give  to  the  Credit  of  his  copious  Hiltory  of  the  ma- 
ny other  Herefies,  which  he  had  lefs  opportunity  to  know  :  and  confequenc- 
ly  to  the  Credit  of  much  of  Church  Hiltory  ?  Yet  I  confefs,  that  the  man 
fcemeth  not  to  be  very  accurate  in  his  Difputes,  nor  all  his  Narratives; 
But  rather  by  far  to  be  fufpcifted  of  making  things  worfe  than  they  were, 
than  better.  And  1  believe  that  fome  paflages  in  this  Hiftory  are  miftaken 
by  him  (as  that  the /I/f/ff/<<;?/ joyned  with  the  Arians  before  the  death  of 
yiUxandey.'jbwt  that  maketh  their  Cafe  the  better.  Petavius  faith  alfo,  p.  286. 
Jlnimad.  in  Epiph.  A^itltum  in  Hiflori.i  Meletii  Upfum  ejfe  fiipra  vidimus  ., 
Largihs  in  Arhnis  Hxrejis  defcriptionepeccavit  vir  alio^iti  di/ijrentijfimus.  Atld 
in  his  inftance  of  the  time  of  Arins  death  it's  undeniable.  But  if  in  fuch 
famous  Hiftories,  we  muft  read  him  with  fuch  fnfpicion  and  allowance, 
how  much  more  in  the  many  little  ones  that  were  more  obfcure .' 

§.  4.  As  to  the  yfr»4;w  Herefie,  the  two  EpUlles  of /^W«^  recorded  by 
£pfp/3.!w// tell  us  much  of  the  truth  of  his  miftake:  And  the  jiri.tns  Argu- 
ments by  him  are  at  large  recorded  and  anfwered.  He  that  denyeth  the 
Deity  of  Chrilt,  denyeth  his  ElTerjce  :  And  he  that  denyeth  his  Ellence,de- 
nyethChrill,  and  is  no  Chrittian.  But  the  SAmofatenims^  the  Photinians^ 
and  our  late5oci;;Mw,  are  far  more  pernicioudy  Heretical  than  the  v4r<4w. 
For  the  y^Wiiw/ maintained,  tlut  Tresfmt  hypofiafes,  Pater,  Filius&  Spiritus 
SitnBus^  and  that  God  did  atite  fempiterna  temporaunigemtum  fHium gigvere, 
per  (juein  Crfxcula  Cr  relicjna  procreavit  omnia -^  viz,,  fitbfjicr/tem  ilium  fiiapte 
volutitate  corididiffe,  ejiifmodi  nt  nccjue  converti  Kecj»e  mutari  pojfit,  perfe[iam 
Dei  creaturam,  Jed  non  tanquam  renim  creatamm  aliquam  ",  fcetiim  itidim,  fed 
nontanquamunitm  e  ceteris.  They  thought  that  before  God  made  the  reft  of 
the  creatures  ,  he  made  one  fuper-angelical  perfeft  Spirit,  by  which  he 
made  all  the  reft,  and  that  this  is  Chrifti  and  that  he  received  no  other 
foul  but  a  body  only  at  his  Incarnation,  and  this  fupcr-angelicalfpirit  was 
his  foul.    This  was  the  dangerous  herefie  of  ^Wkj.  •.' 

§.  5.  Dion.  Petaviits  truly  tellcth  us,  that  his  great  advantage  was, 
that  many  of  the  Fathers  of  that  Church  had  fpoken  in  fuch  kind  of  words 
before  him,  the  Controverfie  being  not  then  well  confidered;  p  iS^.  ad 
Htrej.  69.  having  fpoken  of  Z/«c»4«,  the  Martyr's  giving  advantage  to -^- 
rius,  he  addeth,  ^tod  idemplerifque'VcterHmPatrum  ciimin  hocnegatio,  tkm 
in  a'jis  fidci  Chrifiimi  c^tpitibus  nfu  venit,  itt  ante  erromm  atque  hare/eon,  qui- 




tJjeir  Councils  abridged.  a  q 

bus  ea  fr.gillatim  oppu^>iabantur,  originem,  ncndumfatisillujlrat.i  <^c  pAtcfaB,i 
ret  verttate,  qiudamfiiis firiptis  afpcrfcrint,  qu^cttm  crthodoxt  fidei  reTnlutm- 
tiime  eonfentiant.   ("And  yet  the  Papifts  fvvcar,  not  to  expound  Scnpture" 
but  according  to  the  unanimous  confent  of  th?  Fatiiers.j  A^  aihcc  Trim, 
tads  myflerio  ac    ijusjlionc  difcedam,  chfc-iV.iViirut!  j.'irditdum  Juflinum  Mart. 
Dialogo   cum  Trypll.    dc  fiHo  Dei   idem  propc/    cum    Alisms  fefitnc. 
And  in  his  Books,  DeTrinit.  he  atlargeciteth  tlic  very  words  ofhimand 
many  other  Fathers.    But  he  lierc  giveth  them  this  gentle  cxcufe,  Sed  ah 
omiii  culp.i  tAmhic  ^K^wLucianus  aliique  liberaiidi  fnnt^  cjui  nof?dnm  aeitatu 
controverfia^  panem  de   e.i  commode  proriunci.'ijfe  vide>!iH>:  Simile  cjinddam  de 
Dionyf.  Alex,  ir.tdit,  Balilius,  Ep.  4i,C7-c.     But  it  is  enough  to  thini<  cha- 
ritably, that  they  were  faved,  without  going  fo  far  as  to  fay,  they  were 
without  all  fault.    For  Chriftianity  is  the  fame  thing  before  fuch  Controvcr- 
lies  and  after:  AiKlit's  hard  to  think  how  he  can  be  aChriftian,  thatde- 
nycthChrills  Eflencc  :  But  God  is  merciful,  and  rcquireth  not  knowledge 
alike  in  all,  that  have  not  equal  means  of  knowledge.     Which  charity 
muft  be  extended  to  others  asvvcll  as  to  thefe  Fathers.    Yet  the  fame  Feta- 
w'<« cannot  endure  Cfwfr.^?-//.'/,  for  faying,  x.Wtyitha>:.ifius^  though  a  vali- 
ant Champion  of  the  truth,  dad/owf/JW  tudnlge  hisowndejires^   audmixfome 
ill  with/acred  thi^^s :  But  if  he  were  not  at  all  to  be  blamed,  Conflantitie  was 
much  the  more  to  be  blamed  for  banifliing  himi  And  why  fliould  not  his 
honour  be  of  fome  regard  ?     The  truth  is,  the  -<4/f.v4;;^r/,?«  Bidiops  and 
People  were  long  more  violent  and  troublefomc  than  others,  as  not  only 
Socratesy  but  many  other Hiftorians  note.-  And  as  it  was  noted  withdiflio- 
nour  in  ThcophiliMznd  Cyril.,  and  Diofcoriu^  Sec.  fo  it  can  hardly  be  believed 
by  them  thatrcad  the  Hiftory  throughout,  that  utlcxander  and  yithanafms 
wanted  not  fomething  of  the  humble  patience,  meeknefs,  and  healing  ten- 
dernefs  and  skill  that  their  Cafe  required:   For  who  is  perfe^fl .'  And  how 
apt  are  grcatBifliops  to  be  too  violent  againft  Dillenters,  inlteadof  heal- 
ing them  with  Love  and  clear  convincing  Evidence  ? 

§.  5.  Happy  had  it  been  if  Prudence  had  filenced  this  Herefie  betimes, 
for  never  anyone  did  fo  great  mifchief  to  the  Church.  The  badnefs  of 
it,  was  the  honour  of  the  Mcfw  Council  that  fuppreflcd  it,  as  far  as  in 
them  lay.  But  alas,  the  Remedy  feemed  quickly  conquered  by  the  Difeafc: 
As  Conftantine  had  work  enough  to  keep  Peace  among  the  Bifhops  in  the 
Council,  by  his  prefence  and  reproofs  \  ib  when  the  uirians  profcfi'd  re- 
pentance, his  peaceablencG  caufed  him  too  far  to  indulge  them  \  by  which 
fome  of  them  got  fuch  interell  in  his  Court,  as  proved  the  following  Cala- 
mity of  the  Church.  And  it  is  the  fadder  to  think  on,  that  the  two  great 
Emperours,  ConftantinsznAVaUfis.,  that  were  deceived  by  them,  and  drawn 
into  violent  Periecution,  are  noted  to  be  otherwife  none  of  the  worfl  men. 
EpipiiMiiits  faith,  p-llj.  Accejfit  &  Imp(ratornm  favor  cujusinitium  a  Con- 
fi^^nuolmpcraioreprffiilumeft:  ^hti  cum  ceteris  iu  rebus  pcrhumanus  ac  horus 

'JP'y "C:^  alioyiinpius  ex  multis  prohitatis  crnamcntis  prcditus,  hac  una  re  ab* 

rrravit^  quodnonimprejf.t  a  ptirer.te  fideivejligiii  fcqy.utHs  cfl;   ^odipfmri  ta' 

H  tneit 

5©  ChurcJ)-Hijhry  of  Bijhops  am/ 

ran  non  illins  culpa  factum  fed  miinHllorum  fraudt^  cjui  in  die  Judicii  rationcm 
teddimri  fnnt ',  tjiii  Jpecic  (^  nomine  tenlis  f  pfcopi,  friceram  Dcif.dem  labefaita- 

Tunt. •fr^fjf/ Conllaiilii  in  crrorem  ah  illis  induSii,  t]i'.i  rtcU  fdei   rt- 

gulnmi^ntrtivit^  e.idem(jiit  i^KorM2ti.i  ad  ill  or  urn  fe  ntpote  facer  dot  um  yiuihori- 
t.jtem  aecorr.msdavitj  cjitod  ipfm't  error  illornm,  ac  ca  itM,depravtitaqHe  fdes  cj" 
ex diaboli  prcfefl  aconjilio,  later et.  j4cccjfit  O"  alia  caiifu  ejim  huic  firpentu^t^ 
o^cine  plurimumetdjccit  lirinm^  Eufebius/c/V/cff,  ejui  c.illidefe  in/imuns,  Valen- 
tis  I'.nres  pH  ac  rdigicf  Imperatoris,  ac  Divim  tii.minis  amamijfimi^  corriipit. 
Qjticjuod  abillob^pti.j'moft  ifiiriatus,  cacaufafuit  cur  luc  fa^lio  jlahilis  ac  fr. 
m.t  con/ijieret.  \{EptphA>ms  fay  true,  we  fee  what  men  thefc  Pcrfecuting 
Empcrours  were 

§.  6.  Astoth:  other  part  of  the  Councils  work,  the  fixing  of  Eajler- 
day,  had  not  the  Rifliops been  finfully  fierce  about  it,  againft  each  other, 
it  had  never  been  taken  for  a  Herelle  to  miftake  the  time,  nor  haditbe>;n 
a  work  fo  ncceflary  and  great  to  determine  it:  feeing  zs  Socrates^  Soz.o- 
men^  Scc-  tell  us,  many  Churches  differed  in  this,  and  matters  as  great  as 
this,  without  condemning  or  feparating  from  each  other:  Andthe^yTjw 
erred  by  the  Motive  of  Tradition,  and  Irenxns  had  long  before  cenlured 
the  Roma:'}  Biiliop  for  his  violence  in  condemning  them.  And  many  good 
Chriftians  even  after  the  Councils  determination,  durft  not  forfake  their 
old  Tradition,  nor  obey  them;  Among  whom,  how  long  our  Britains 
and  the  5cfff J  flood  our,  5c<:/.«  tellethus.  And  though  the  J^udia»s,  that 
aifo  difobeyed,  were  called  Hereticks,  I  would  all  Advcrfaries  to  Hcreticks 
were  no  worfe  men. 

§.  7.  And  becaufethefe  v4/.'<5//4wjrore  about  that  time,  I  think  it  worth 
the  labour  to  add  the  fum  of  their  Hiftory  out  of  Epiph.-wins^  that  the 
World  may  better  perceive  what  fpirit  the  Herericating  Prelates  were 
then  of,  and  how  fome  called  Hereticks  were  made  fuch,  or  defamed  as 
fuch,  and  who  they  were  that  did  divide  the  Churches  and  break  their 

•*'  Epiph.  I.  j.Ttfw.i  .p.S  1 1.  Of  theSchifm  ef  the  Audians,  which  is  the  yoth 
■*'  or  yorh  Herefie :  The  Audians  live  in  Monafleries,  in  Sohtudes,  &:c.  Aii- 
""</»/«  their  Fonadst  ztok  in  A^efopotamia,  famous  for  his  integrity  of  life, 
"''and  ardent  zeal  of  Divine  Faith.  Who  oft  feeing  things  ill  carried  in 
**•  the  Churches,feared  not  to  their  faces  to  reprove  and  admonifh  the  Bifhops 
■■**andPriefts,  and  fay,  Thcfe  things  fhould  not  be  fo  done:  You  fhouid 
*'  not  thus  Adminifter  :  As  a  Lover  of  Truth,  he  ufed  to  do  fuch  things  as 
''"thefe,  which  are  familiar  with  men  of  exquifite  honefby,  who  through 
"  their  excellent  ftudy  of  Godlinefs,  ufe  this  great  liberty  of  Speech :  There- 
^'fore  when  he  faw  things  ill  carried  in  the  Churches,  he  fometimes  fpake 
'*'  his  thoughts,  and  could  not  forbear  blaming  them.  As  if  he  faw  any  of 
■**■  the  Clergy  over  covctou:  of  Money,  be  it  Bifnop  or  Prieft,  he  would  re- 
'^'^  prehend  th:m:  or  if  any  abounded  in  luxury  and  pleafures",  or  if  they 
■"corrupted  any  part  of  the  Do(ftrinc  or  Difciplinc  of  the  Churcli,  he 
'^*  would  not  bear  with  them,  but  blame  thcra-   Which  was  troublefome  to 


their  Coundh  abridged.  5 1 

"  men  of  a  difToIute  life:  And  therefore  he  underwent  the  greatcll  con- 
•'tumelics,  being  exagitated  by  the  hatred  and  malicious  words  of  them  all. 
"But  he  being  thus  tolled  about,  and  beaten  and  reproached,  did  bear  it 
"all  with  an  equal  mind  i  and  thus  long  continued  in  the  Communion  of 
**•  the  Church  \  Till  fome  that  were  more  vehemently  offended  with  him  for 
"  thefe  Caufes,  caft  him  out:  But  yet  he  patiently  bore  all  this,  but  being 
•■•  more  earneflly  intent  for  the  promoting  of  the  Truth,  he  ftill  lludied  not 
"•  CO  be  drawn  away  from  the  Conjunftion  and  Society  of  the  Catholick 
*■'  Church.     But  when  he  and  his  frit-Mds  were  ftill  beaten,  and  fuffered  un- 
*' worthy  ufage,  groaning  under  thcC:  evils,  he  took  Counfel  ofthe  vio- 
*' lence of  thefe calamities  and  contumelies:  And  fo  he  feparatcd  himfcif 
*'from  the  Church,  and  many  falling  away  with  him,  a  new  Divorce  was 
"hereby  made.     For  he  did  not  in  any  thing  depart  from  the  n^t  fuith^ 
"but  he  wichhis  partakers  held  in  all  things  fmcere  Religion.    Though  in 
•'one  fmall  matter  they  are  too  ftiffi    About  the  Father,  Son,  and  Holy 
"  Ghofl;  they  judg  excellently,  and  as  the  Catholick  Church,  and  fwervc  not 
"a  jot .-  and  th«  reft  of  the  order  of  their  Lives  is  truly  moft  excellent 
*<  and  admirable-,  fo  that  not  only  He  himfcif,  but  even  the  Bifiiops,Pricfts, 
*'and  ail  the  reft  of  them,  live  by  the  labour  of  their  bands. 

Indeed  they  had  a  conceit  that  the  Body  did  partake  ofthe  Image  of  God, 
and  they  thought  that  to  pleafe  Confiamine,  the  A^/Vf««  Council  had  altered 
the  Cuftom  and  Tradition  ofthe  Church  about  Eaficr  :  But  thefe  were  not 
thccauftsof  their  departure  from  the  Church,  but  the  violence  of  dijfolme 
Bifliefs^  that  caft  them  out,  as  being  impatient  of  their  ftritftncfs  and  op- 
pofition  to  their  fin. 

§.  8.  Ahowt  Eafier^  faith  Epiphanius,  p.  821.  Necjite  criidttt!  i^notum  e(l^ 
fpum  fccfe  diverfs  tcmporibHS  de  ill: us  fefli  celcbntatc  varti  Ecclcfiajiicx  difci- 
plina  tumult  us  ac  contentioties  oborticfnt :  praferti/n  Polycarpi  ac  Vidloris  tctare, 
ciim  Orier.tiiles abOccidentalibus  dividf^^acijicas  a fe  inviccm  liters  tiuUm  accU 
fereiit.  Q^iodidcm  &  aliis  temperibHs  accidit :  ■uf/«t  Alexandri  Epifcopi  A- 
kxandrini  o-  Crefcentiiv  cjuemadmodiwi  contra  Je  mutuo  fcrlpfertnt  O"  r,cerri- 
mlfuinaverint.  Qjt£  ammornm  opinionuntjuc  dtjlraiiio^  ex  tjuo  fcmel  pojl  Eplf- 
copos  illos  cjui  ex  circumcifone  rxc  Jud^crum  fc^a  ad  Chnfium  fe  ecnverterantf 
^^itAri  corpit,  admflraufque  te/r.pora  eodem  ej}  tenor e  perdiicta.  By  which  we 
fee,  1-  With  what  caution  Tradition  mult  be  trufted;  2.  How  early  Bi- 
ftiops  began  to  divide  the  Church  about  things  indifferent. 

§.  s^  That  men  that  all,  in  the  main,  fear  God,  fliould  thus  contend,  a- 
bufe,  and  perfecute  one  another,  is  fad,  and  hath  even  been  a  hardening 
of  Infidels:  But,  alas,  the  remnant  of  corruption  in  the  beft  will  fomewhat 
corrupt  their  converfations.  It  is  a  fad  note  ofEpiph.tnins,  ib-  p.  S 16.  [^*  I 
''have  known  fome  ofthe  Confeflburs,  who  delivered  up  Body  2nd  Soul 
**'  for  their  Lord,  and  perfevering  in  confeflion  and  chaftity,  obtained  great- 
*'  eftfmcerity  of  faith,  and  excelled  in  piety,  humanity,  and  Religion,  and 
^'were  continual  in  faftings,  and  in  a  word,  did  tlourifli  in  all  honcfty  and 
/'virtue:  yetthe  fame  men  were  blcmiflied»v'th  fome  vice-,  as  either  they 

H  i  "were 

5  2  Church-Hi ftory  of  Bijhops  and 

*•■  were  prone  to  reproach  men,  or  would  fwear  by  the  name  of  God,  or 
"  were  over  talkative,  crpronctoangcr>  or  got  gold  and  filver,  or  were 
•'  defiled  with  Ibme  fuch  fUth ,  which  yet  detradt  nothing  from  the  juft 
*'  meafure  of  virtue.] 

§.  10.  But  as  God  made  a  good  ufe  of  the  falling  ontof  Paul  znd  Bar  na^ 
has,  fo  he  did  o'i  Judim  his  unhappy  cafe.  Being  caft  out  of  the  Church, 
hetookittobehisduty  to  Communicate  with  his  own  party,  and  aBifhop 
that  fuffered  forth;  like,  made  him  a  Bilhop,  and  the  Bifhops  accufed  him 
to  the  Emperour,  that  he  drew  many  people  from  the  obedience  of  the 
Church,  and  hereupon  the  Emperour  banifhed  bim  into  Siyihia.  Dwel- 
ling there,  he  went  into  the  inner  parts  of  Gothia^  and  tu'.rc  inltrufted 
many  of  the  barbarous  in  the  principles  ofChriftianity,  and  gathered  ma- 
ny Monalleries  of  tiiem,  who  lived  in  great  religious  ftridnefs,  p.  827. 
But  itishardto  ftop  fhort  of  extreams,  when  men  are  alienated  by  fcan- 
dal  and  violence  .■  They  came  to  fo  great  a  diflike  of  the  Biihops  of  the. 
common  Churches,  thatthey  would  not  pray  with  any  man,  howblamelefs 
foever,  that  did  but  hold  Communion  with  the  Church.  Vrunius  a  Bilhop 
and  fome  others  joyningwith  them,  made  Bifliops  of  the  CTof^/.  (Note  out  of 
EpipLmi/is,]}.  827,828.  what  Country  was  called  Gc^t^M  in  thofe  times  J 

$•  II.  It  is  not  to  be  pafl:  over  that  at  the  N/ccw  Council,  thefirftfpeak- 
er,  and  one  of  the  chief  againft  the  Aims,  was  Enft.nhi/ij  Bilhop  0^  Ar.ttoch^. 
Arid  when  Eufebius  Nicomed.  was  made  Bifliop  ofCofiftanii>iop!e,  he  pretend- 
ed a  defire  to  fee,  and  paffing  through  ^wr/W/;  fecretly  hired  a 
Whore  to  fwear,  that  Enjiaihiiis  was  the  Father  of  her  child :  and  getting 
fome  Bifliops  of  his  Fadtion  together,  they  judged  EnftathiHs  to  be  dcpofcd, 
as  an  Adulterer',  and  got  the  Emperour  to  confcnt  and  banifh  him:  And 
after,  the  Woman  in  mifery,  confefled  all,  and  faid,  that  it  was  one  £«7?*- 
thius  a  Smith,  that  was  the  father  of  her  child. 

§.  12.  {n  Pifaritu'%  Cvridl.Nic-  Bin.  p.  HI.  this  Eiiftuthius  is  made  the. 
fait  Difputer  againft  a  Philofopher  •.  And  whereas  the  great  caufeofthe 
Arians  Errour  was,  thatthey  could  not  conceive  how  the  Son  could  be  of 
or. efnb fiance  with  the  Father,  without  a  p.iw/r/(»/ of  that  fubltance,  EuftathtHs 
tells  the  Philofopher  that  took  their  part  and  urged,  Faciamiis  heminem  ad 
Imagincm,  &c.  that  The  Image  of  God  is  fimple.,  and  Vfilhout  all  CompoJiriotJy, 
beit:<r  ofthen.iiKreofjire:  but  he  meaneth  fure  but  analogically: 

§•  13.  In  the  fame  Pifams,  lib.  3.  p.  545.  Bin.  the  defiiription  of  the 
Church  is,  There  is  one  Chunk i>i  Heaven  and  Enrih:,  in  this  the  Holy  Gholt 
refteth  •,  But  Htrefes  that  are  without  «>— are  of  Satan. —  Therefore  the 
Pope  was  not  then  taken  for  the  Head  of  the  Catholick^  Chnrch  ^  For  he  pre- 
tendethnot  tobetheHeadof  them  that  arein //f<iw«-  See  what  the  C4- 
tholicl^Church  then  was ! 
^^g^  $.  14.  Note  that,  1.  the  Council  of  Nice  nameth  none  Patriarchs. 
r^  2.  They  nuUifie  the  Ordination  of  fcandalous  and  uncapable  men.  Can.'. 
9.  and  10.  Which  will  juftifie  ?opt  Nichcltu  forbidding  any  to  take  the 
Mafs  of  a  Fornicating  Prielt.    ^.  That  Rural  Biihops  were  then  in  ufe, 


their  Councils  abridged,  5^ 

and  allowed  by  the  Council,  Can.S.  4-  That  no  Bifhopwas  to  remove 
from  one  Church  to  another,  Ca/i.  1 5.  ('which  EMfch-  Nicom.  foon  broke.) 
5.  Even  in  the  ^r^t/ci^  Canons  the  4th.  yr  populo  placebit,  is  a  Condition  of 
every  Bilhops  Eledion.  6.  The  jch  ^rab.  Cznon,  in  cafe  of  difcord  a- 
mong  the  people,  who  fhall  be  their  Bifhop  or  Prieft,  it  is  referred  to  the 
people  to  confider  which  is  mofl:  blamelefs :  And  no  Bifliop  or  Prieft  muft 
be  taken  into  anothers  place,  if  the  former  was  blamelefs.  (So  that  if  Pa- 
ftors  be  wrongfully  call  out,  the  people  rauft  not  forfake  them,  nor  re- 
ceive the  obtruded.^  7.  Thofe  Ordained  by  MeUtius  were  to  be  re- 
ceived into  the  Miniftry  where  others  dyed.  If  by  the  fuffrave  of  the  pee- 
fie  they  were  judjtd  ft^  and  the  BtJl}op  of  Alex.  defigmd  them.  Sozom.  1. 1- 
C.   2}. 

§.15.  XXXI.  The  next  Council  in  Bmnius  ('and  in  Crahs  Order^  is  faid  to 
beat  ^o^wr under  Sylvefier^  with  275.  Birtiops:  But  this  is  confelfcd  to  be 
partly  falfe,  if  not  all  :  And  is  the  fame  that  is  before  mentioned  ^ 
which  ordered  thatno  Bifliop  fliould  ordain  any  Clerk  nifi cum  omm  ^duna-  *^3 
ta  Ecckfia^  But  with  all  the  Church  united,  or  gathered  into  one  :  (Which 
Canon  feemeth  made  when  a  Church  was  no  more  than  could  meet  to- 
gether, and  when  the  People  had  a  Negative  X'oice-^ 

But  the  Concil.  Ganrrenfe  is  Binnius's  ntxc  (though  Crab  put  afterward 
fome  of  the  foremencioncd  alfo^  faid  to  be  in  Sylvfflcrs  days  j  (and  yet 
Soz.o/>ien  and -fome  others,  fay  that  the  Council  of  A7cr  v,'as  in  j'uHhs 
days,  though  moft  fay  otherwife.)  Here  were  fixceen  Bidiops,  who 
condemned  fome  Errours  of  Enjfathius  of  Amicmo;  or  rather  one  Eiittt- 
iliis,  as  £/«.  thinks,  who  was  too  fevereagainft  Marriage,  as  if  it  were 
finful,  and  againft  eating  FlcHi,  and  againft  receiving  the  Sacrament  at 
the  Hands  of  a  married  Prieft  ;  he  made  Servants  equal  with  their  Ma- 
fters,  he  {et  light  by  Church- A ifembhes,  he  drewVVives  to  leave  their 
Husbands  for  Contincncy,  and  on  pretence  of  Virginity  dcfpifcd  married 
Perfons  ^  Thefe  fuperftitions  they  here  condcmred. 

§.  16.  XXXW.  j4n.  335.  The  Council  at  7>re  was  held  for  the  TryaJ 
ol Athanafus^  where  he  was  unjuftly  condemned,  and  thereupon  by  Coi- 
ftantiae  banifhed,  though  his  innocency  was  after  cleared  :  Had  not  his 
fcverity  againft  the  Mdetians  driven  them  to  joyn  with  the  Anans  againft 
him,  Epiphaniiis  [Ritby  they  had  not  been  able  to  make  head  thus  againft 

Confiantinet'Ep'i^W  to  the  Alexandrians  y  lamenting  and  chiding  thcrii- 
for  their  Difcords,  is  well  worth  the  trauilating,  but  that  I  muft  cot 
be  fo  tedious  :  See  it  £».v.  p.  ,9 1. 

$.  17.  XXXllI.  The  next  is  a  Council  at  ferufalem,  An.  355.  where 
Ariusta'ith  was  tryed,  approved,  and  he  reftored  to  Alexandria und  the 
fiivour  of  Cofiftantine.   The  Creed  which  he  gave  in,  was  this. 

We  believe  in  one  Gcd  the  Father  Almighty.,  and  i»  the  Lordjefus  Chrift  hif 
Son,  begotten  of  him  before  all  Ages,  God,  the  Word,  by  whom  all  things  we-.e 
made  which  are  in  Hcti-j(H  and  in  Ear4b  :  Who  came  dow»,  'i>:d  was  Jticarnate, 


tA  Chia-cb-Hijiory  of  Bijhops  an  J 

and  Suffered^  and  Rcfe  <<2'»»«,  and  vifcended  to  the  Hcavtm^  andfy^/l  come  tt' 
qain  to  Judge  the  Living  and  the  Dead  :  j4rid  in  the  Holy  Ghoft  :  The  Refur- 
'reUicn  of  the  FUjli  :  The  Life  of  the  World  to  cokc,  and  the  Kingdom  of  Hea- 
ven :  Jn  or.e  CAtholick  Omrch  of  Cod,  extending  it  felf  from  one  end  of  the 
Earth  wito  the  other. 

Afim  with  this,  protefting  againft  vain  Subtilties  and  Controverfies,  de- 
fircth  the  Emperour  to  accept  of  this  as  the  Evangelical  Faith  \  and  the 
Council  and  the  Emperour  receive  him,  as  for  the  joyful  reftoration  of 
Unity  and  Peace,  and  fo  would  undo  what  was  done  at  Nice.  The  Em- 
perour was  fo  greatly  troubled  at  the  continued  divifions  of  the  Bifliops, 
'  that  he  was  glad  of  any  hope  of  Unity  and  Peace  :  But  this  proved  nofi 
the  way. 

$.  i8.  XXXIV.  An.  3?6.  A  Council  was  called  at  Conflantinofle-f  in- 
which  they  accufed,  condemned ,  and  banifhed  MarcellHs  Ancyranns,  an 
Adverfary  to  the  Arians,  as  if  he  had  denyed  the  Godhead  of  Chrift, 
(upon  fome  wreftcd  wordj  though  it  was  their  denying  it  that  offended 
him  :  Here  alfo  Aritis  was  jultified  and  Athnnafus  condemned :  But  Arihs 
dyed  fliortly  after. 

$.  19.  XXXV.  The  next  is  a  Council  of  1 16  Bilhops  at  Rome,  in  or  a- 
bout  An.  1 57.  under  Julius  %  in  which  the  Mcf;?^  Creed  was  owned,  and 
the  ^n>w  condemned ,  and  nothing  elfe  done  that  is  recorded. 

§.  20.  XXXVI.  The  next  was  a  Council  at  Alexandria  which  vindi- 
cated AthMafiiis  from  his  Accufations,  when  ConfiamivHs  junior  fent  him 
home  from  his  Banifliment. 

$.  21.  XXXVII.  The  next  was  a  ComiciF  at  Antioeh  of  near  100  Bi- 
fliops (of  which  ?6  were  Arians)  the  moil  Orthodox  Cand  the  holy  James 
of  Nifhis  one  :  J  yet  they  d^pokd  Athanafins^  and  the  >4i-/4/.'/ (it's  like  by 
the  Empcrours  favour  j  carrycd  it ;  In  his  place  they  put  George  a  Gippa- 
^^•c/.ii«rulpe(ftcd  to  bean  Aria>^!,  whom,  ('as  I  faid  before^  the Ptople  mur- 
dered, burnt,  and  fcattcrcd  his  Afhes  in  the  Wind,  and  he  was  one  of 
the  Arians  Martyrs.  fUnlels  England  had  ever  beer>  Anan^  I  cannot  be- 
lieve them  that  fay  that  this  is  the  St.  George,  that  the  EngUjl  have  fo  much 
^  J.- 2  5.  This  Ari.i>7  Council  finding  that  the  Emperours  favour  gave 
•~^  them  the  Power,  made  many  Canons  againfl  Non-Conformijls.  The  firft 
Can.  is  againlt  them  that  keep  not  Eujhr  at  the  due  time.  The  fecond  3- 
gainfl  them  that  come  to  the  hearing  of  the  Word,  but  communicate  not 
publickly  in  the  Lords  Suppler  and  Prayers,  and  againft  them  that  keep 
private  Meetings,  and  that  communicate  with  them.  Can.  4.  Was  to 
make  their  C.ife  hopelefsthat  cxorcife  the  Miniftry  after  they  are  Silenced, 
orDepofcd,  be  they  Bifhops,  Priefts,  or  Deacons-  Can.  5.  V/as  that  if 
any  Piicflor  Deacon  gathered  Charches  or  Allemblies  againft  the  Bifhops 
Will,  and  took  not  warning,  he  was  to  be  Depofcd  :  And  if  he  go  on, 
to  be  oppi\ired  by  the  cxieriour  Power  as  Seditious.  (There  is  their 

\  Can. 

' *  t 

their  Coimcih  ahridged,  5  5 

Can.  6,  and  7.  Mone  iufpcndcd  by  his  own  Bifliop  was  to  be  received 
by  another,  nor  Jiny  Stranger  without  Ceitificates.  C^7.  8.  Couatry- 
Priefts  may  not  write  Canonical  Epifllcs,  bin  Rural  Biiliops  may.  C^w.y. 
NoBilhopmufl:  do  anything  without  the  Metropolitanc,  favc  wlut  be- 
longcth  (  byOrdir,arion  and  Guidance)  to  his  own  Church.  C.w.  ic. 
Thoug,h  tile  rural  Bifliop5  arc  conlccratcd  as  true  Bilhop?,  yet  they  fhall 
only  f",ovcrn  their  own  Churches,  and  Ordain  fuch  lower  Orders  as  they 
need,  but  not  Ordain  Presbyters  or  Descons  without  the  City-Biiliops, 
to  whom  they  are  fubjecl:.  Can,  1 1.  Call:eth  out  all  Bidiops  or  other 
ClcrRy-mcn,  that  go  to  the  Frincc  without  the  SletrcpolitauL's  Couaici 
or  Letters.  Qan.  12.  Dcpofed  or  iilcnccd  Minillcrs  mull  not  go  to  Pria- 
ccs  for  relief,  but  appeal  to  a  Synod.  Can.  1 3.  Bifl'.ops  muft  not  go  or 
t'rd^in  in  other  Dioccfs,  unlefs  feat  for  by  the  Mctiopoiitane  i  elfe  their 
Ordinations  there  to  be  null.  Qav.  15.  A  Bifliop  condcn:ncd  of  all  may 
not  appeal.  Q.ew.  16.  A  vacant  Bifliop  leaping  into  a  vacant  Biflioprick 
without  a  Council  (the  Metropolirane  prefent)  is  to  be  ejected,  though 
all  the  people  chiife  him.  Q-^n.  17.  If  any  Bifliop  be  ordained  to  a  Church, 
and  rcfufe  or  ncglefft  the  OlTice,  let  liiiii  be  CACommunicate  till  he  receive 
it.  Can.  j8.  If  any  Biihop  ordained  to  a  Parifii  ncgled  it,  becaufe  the 
people  will  not  receive  liiin,  icr  him  cniav  the  honour,  and  be  heard  in  a 
fall  Synod.  Qan.  19.  The  Ordination  of  a  Bilhop  isnuii,  which  is  done 
without  a  Synod,  and  the  Metropoiitane-  &c. 

§.  24.  XXXV'UI.  Ancthcr  Council  at  Rome  under  Julius  undid  whatthis 
former  did,  and  acquittal  u^ihuaajlns,  M.irccllHs.,  and  other  injured  Bi- 
Hiops :  (  prrhaps  £«y/4/Aji,Y.f,  faith  Bm.) 

§.  25.  XXXlX.  yithannfiMs  \.cm^  fent  back  when  Gregory  was  put  in  his 
place,  the  City  being  ready  to  be  in  an  uproar,  Athanafms  retired  to  Row.c 
(or  hid  himfclf)  forcfecing  it-,  till  fue  and  blood  had  proclaimed  the  Cc- 
Limity  of  this  Epifcopal  Ihifc.  And  Pope  7/.'/;;/;  called  another  Council 
tiRcme,  tOEnfwerthe  Letters  of  the  Oriental  Synod,  which  charged  him 
with  ufarpaticn  and  delpifed  him. 

§.  26.  XL.  yinro  544  Another  Council  was  held  atA'itioch,  by  thofc 
called  yirians  by  fome,  Reconcilers  by  others,  and  Orthodox  and  Ca- 
tholicks  by  themfelves",  in  which  they  renounce  A/i/is  and  his  fayings, 
but  yet  leave  out  the  word  oucLiQ-  Cof  one  fubltance.]  This  they  did 
in  a  new-made  Creed  ■■,  fitted  purpofelv,  as  they  faid,  to  reconcile ;  as  o 
thcrs,  to  deceive ;  To  which  end  four  had  been  made  before,  and  not 

§.27.  XLT.  A  Council  at  /1/iy.iM  examined  this  Creed,  and  rejected 
it,  for  leaving  out  [^of  the  f^me  jnhjJa/ne']  and  becaufe  the  Niccne  Creed 
was  fufficient. 

§.  28.  XLII.  The  next  is  called  an  Univerfal  Council,  of  576  Bifliops 
at  Sardica.,  which  cleared  Athan^tfuiy  /If.vcel/ns.,  and  others.  And  yet 
Augiifiine.^  and  many  others,  rejed  this  Cuancil.  It  hath  divers  good  Ca- 
nons,  but  one  among  them  for  Appeals  to  Kcm\  which  ihrce.  Popes 


^6  Cimrch-Hijhry  of  Bijhops  a?id 

urged  to  yinrclim,  Aiigiifiwe  and  the  other  Jfricam^  as  a  Canon  of  the 
Council  of  A';cf  .-  And  ivhenas  neither  any  ofthefe  Popes,  nor  the  y^- 
frican  Bifhops  once  took  notice  that  thofe  words  were  in  the  Council  of 
'SArd:c.t\  the  Pr.pifls  nnfwer,  ].  That  the  y4/r/c,i«/ knew  not  of  this  Coun- 
cUs  Canons,  bun  had  loft  them,  (though  Grants  Billiop  of  Carthage  was 
one  J  2.  And  that  th;  Popes  took  the  Canons  of  Sardtca  to  be  but  Expli- 
cations of  the  Niceue^  and  fo  they  were  but  as  one.  CBut  why  did  they 
give  no  fuch  anfwer  ? ) 

Bifliops  arc  here  condemned  that  remove  to  any  other  Church  \  and 
they  that  arc  above  three  days  non-relidcnt  i  and  efpecially  they  that  go 
ad  ComitatHni,  to  the  Palaces  of  Princes  or  great  Prelates  i  but  if  they 
have  juft  bufmcfs  they  are  ordered  to  fend  it  by  a  Deacon. 

$.  29.  XLIII.  The'  Orient^.l  Bifhops  departing  from  S.irdica  came  to 
PhUippcpolis,  and  gathered  a  Council  by  themfelves,  and  condemned  thofe 
whom  the  other  had  abfolvcd,  and  others  for  Communicating  with  them. 
Yet  they  renounced  Jriitr^  but  alfo  caft  out  the  word  [_ot4x>i^(9-,  of  the 
fame  fiibjlaiwc'}  as  not  Scriptural ;  and  are  called  Semi-Ariam. 

The  Perfons  excommunicated  by  them  were  Athanafms,  Oftus^  Marcel- 
Ins^  Trotogenes^  AfcUpas,  Gaitdemius,  AlaximiriHs,  Panliis  Confl,  and  Pope 
Julius.  They  write  a  circular  Epiftle,  fpecially  knlto Donatus  Carthag. 
in  which  they  fo  vehemently  fpeak  for  peace  and  piety,  and  lay  fuch 
Crimes  to  the  charge  of  Atbana/ius,  Paulm,  and  Atircellus,  as  would  a- 
ftonifli  the  Reader,  and  confound  his  judgment,  whom  to  believe.  Cruel 
Perfecution,  bloudy  Murders,  Profanenefs,  burning  a  Church,  and  fuch 
like  they  charge  on  Jthanafius  •,  and  fay  that  they  offered  the  Weftern 
Bifhops  of  Sardica  to  fend  five  of  their  Bifliops  with  fix  of  theirs  to  the 
place  where  thefe  things  were  done,  and  if  they  prove  not  true  they  yield 
to  be  condemned.  On  Mtrcellits  they  charge  written  Herefie  (which  Bajil^ 
Chryfoftom^  and  others  believed.^  On  Paulus  Guf}.  they  charge  that  he 
was  guilty  of  flames  and  Wars,  and  that  he  caufed  Pricfls  to  be  drag'd 
naked  into  the  Market-place,  with  the  Body  ©f  Chrift  tyed  about  their 
necks  ^  and  that  before  a  concourfeof  people  he  caufed  the  confecrated 
Virgins  to  be  ftrip,:  naked  in  the  open  Streets,  unto  horrid  fiiame.  And 
for  fuch  Reafons  tliey  require  all  good  Chriftians  to  abhor  their  Com- 
munion. Thus  the  Reader  is  called  to  grief  and  fhame  to  hear  Bifliops 
thus  odioufly  reviling  each  other,  and  tempting  Infidels  to  take  them 
all  for  wicked  and  utterly  unpeaceable  men. 

$.  30.  XLIV.  An.  548  or  349.  was  a  Council  zt  Carthage  ("called  the 
firlt :  )  It  was  gathered  agaififl:  the  Dtf?w?y?i,  whofe  Bifliops  pretended  to 
be  the  only  Catholicks ;  and  their  Circumcellions  being  violent  Refor- 
mers, taking  from  the  rich  that  they  thought  had  wronged  any,  and 
righting  the  injured,  and  unjufl:ly  doing  jun:icei  and  refilling  the  Em- 
perour  Conjlans  his  Officers,  fo  that  they  were  fain  by  Souldiers  to  fup- 
prefs  them,  and  call  out  Donatns  Carth.  and  by  gifts  reconciled  the  peo- 
ple th»t  followed  them. 


their  Councils  abriJgeJ.  ^  - 

Many  good  Canons  for  Church  Order  were  made  by  this  and  inoft  of 
the  African  Councils,  no  Bifliops  being  faithfuller  than  they.  Several  paf- 
fages  in  their  Canons  fhew  that  their  numerous  bifhops  had  Churches  of  no 
more  people  than  our  larger  Parifhes.  And  Can-  12.  of  this  Council  or- 
dereth  that  where  the  Bilhops  by  Contraft  divide  their  fevcral  People,  one 
take  not  from  the  other. 

§.  J  I.  XLV.  Anno  \<f>.  A  Council  at /^//7<<«  received  the  repentance  of 
VrfitimsTidyaUm  that  had  accufed  Athamfus,  and  gave  them  Letters  of 

§.  J 2.  XLVI.  Giiflans  coVi^iTZ^nzd  ConJlantiusioxcciW  AihanAjius,  but 
was  him  felf  murdered  by /1/<»g«<'»'»«.f  before  he  came  thither:  But  ztjeruf*- 
Umz  Council  was  held  in  the  way,  which  judged  his  reception,  and  wrote 
to  Alexandria  to  that  end. 

§.  n-  XLVII.  Among  the  friends  of  y^/^<^«^y7>r.r,  £//f/;r.«f4i  Bifhopof 
Co//f«  was  one,  thatwasfent  onaMcdagcintothe  Eafi-.,  where  Stephen  an 
^n<j«  Birtiop  of  ^wr.  got  a  Whore  to  go  into  him:  When  flie  faw  an  old 
man,  inftead  of  a  young  one,  which  fheexpecHicd,  fhe  immediately  confefl- 
ed  all,  and  Bidiop  Stephen  was  call  out  for  it.  But  Euphrataitt  after  all, 
tmned  Photinian  and  dcnyed  Chriftto  be  God,  and  a  Council  at  Co/f«de- 
pofed  him. 

§.  j4.  XLVIII.  Theytalk  of3  C(»;;c»7/<i  ^<a/(r?7/?.r,  orrV^'f);)!*,  andthat 
they  ordered  [_As  it  wm  in  the  beginning]  to  be  added  to  iht  doxehgie  :  But 
there  is  nothing  of  moment  certain  of  them. 

f.  55.  XLIX.  Aw:o  552.  L»/)fr/«;  had  a  Council  at  .Raw;  about  y4f/j4;7<»- 
JiHs^  and  fending  a  Mefl'age  to  Conftantius. 

$.  }6.  L.  Anno  J55.  At  a  Council  at  >4r/r.',  Athanaftus  is  condemned, 
and  the  Popes  Lcgnie  forced  to  fubfcribe  it,  with  other  Bilhops,  and  fome 
banilhed  that  refufed  it. 

§.  37-  LI.  Pope  L;7'<rr/«.f  defired  a  Crwr**/ Cc«w«7,  which  the  Empcrour 
granteth,  and  it's  held  at  iW^i/^?;.  Above  300  Weftem  Bithops  were  there, 
moftof  the  Eaft  ('where  the  Avians  reigned)  could  not  come  r**".  355-) 
Athanajius  his  Condemnation  (Vrfatiiis  and  I'^lens  revolting,  and  again 
accufing  him)  and  Communion  with  the  Arians,  wert  the  things  there  urged 
by  theEmperour:  Lucifer Calxritanns  (after  called  a  Heretickj  and  Ett- 
febitisyercdlenfs^  and  a  few  more,  refufed  to  fubfcribe,  and  were  banilhed; 
as  Libcrius  after  was ;  and  Foelix  made  Pope  :  But  molt  of  the  Bifhops  for 
fear,  and  defire  of  peace,  fubfcribed.  The  Empcrour  himfelf  wrote  to 
Eujfb.  rercel.  to  be  there  (who  had  refufed)  with  great  profcdion  of  zea- 
lous piety,  and  defire  of  the  Churches  peace.  Butthisfcandalandmifcar- 
riageof  the  Bilhops,  and  I'uccefsof  tht  Arians^  wasthceffedof  this  Gene- 
ral Council. 

§.    j8.  Lll.  The  5fw;-v^?7;«;;/ pretending  to  Univerfal  Concord,  thus  pre- 
vailing by  the  Emperour  and  a  General  Council,  Hilary  PiBav.  fa  Marry- 
ed  Citizen  made  Biihop)  drew  fomc  Orthodox  Bifliops  of  France  to  fepa- 
rate  from  the  Arun  Bilhops,  and  renaunce  their  Communion  \  Ti  c  Ari.t,:s 
f  1  (or 

5  8  Church'Hijlory  of  Bijhops  and 

(or  Semi-Ariam)  taking  tliefe  for  leparr.tifts,  and  injuiions  to  them,  (cfpe- 
cially  StUHrmnus)  procured  a  Council  at  Byterns,  to  coiid>:niii  them  as 
Schifmaticks  ^  where  Wi/^r^  was  condemned  and  banillied,  an.  356. 

§.  3p.   LIII.   The  General  Council  at  S/Vw/«w  I  out  of  order  began 
with.    Jnno  3  5  7.  Conftamius  refolving  by  all  means  to  brin^  all  the  Bilhops 
to  one  Communion,  wasprefcnthimfclfi  There  were  above  300  Bilhops, 
out  of  the  Wejl^  bchdes  all  the  E^.ficrn  Bilhops, :   The  confufion  was,  fo 
great,  that  men  knew  not  who  were  ox  were  not  Hergticks.    Fhotims  deny- 
ing the  Godhead  of  Chrift,  the  Bilhops  called  Arian.,  defired  this  Council 
toaccufeaad  condemn  him,  as  they  did:  They  drew  uptwoor  three  Con- 
fefTionsthemfclvcs:  Thefirft  was  no:  Heretical  diredly,  fave  by  the  O- 
f-aj    milTionofthe  C'V'85751' :]  which  fomeperfwaded  the  Emperour.  being  netv 
•~^     and  no  ancient  Scriptural  or  Symbolical  word,  was  the  Caufe  of  all  the  dt- 
vifionsof  thcBifliops,  and  were  that  left  our,  all  would  be  healed.    This 
Council  called  ^«.t«,  palled  27  Anathema's  againft  the  Arians  and  Plio- 
t'mans:  Pope  Liberins  lubfcribed  toit  and  approved  it,  as  the  forcited 
words  of  his  Epiftle  in  Hilri-y  fliew.  ('And  yet  many  Papilts  call  it  a  Repro- 
bate Council.)  Old0|///«,  thatprelidedat  A7cf,  forced  by  ftripes,  ton 
fubfcribe  to  it,  and  to  the  condemnation  of  Aihonafu^s-l/That  the  Son  in 
all  things  like  the  Fathr,'}  was  the  fubftitute  Form  here  ufed.    In  their  fqcoocl 
Form  they  fay,that  [^Oftia  i7ndtos  connmvct  v'ox^  fnhfiantia^  vcl<i^t-^  hpc  ej}^  ut 
diligentiiis  co^nofcatiir  illiid  cjuod  <>iMi>:-jicv  dicitur^  aiit'^i^^iirtcv^  niilLtm  earn/it 
'uscnmmentionem  debere  fieri  ncqne  dc  iis  fermocniatidum  in  Eccltfin  cepfc/tius, 
ejHodde  iis  nihil  fcriptnw fit  in  facris  Uteris^  Qr  edited  ilia  honiimim  ir.tclh^Hm  & 
nientem  tranfcendant^  (^  t^isod  nemo pojfet  genertttionem  Jiiif  enarrafe,  ntfcriftuntj 
Generationein  ejus  cjnis  enarrabit  ?   jolitm  enim   Fairc/n,  [are    ^twmodp  fHitint 

fmwi  gcniicrit.,  ccrtiim  eft dr  n.emo  i^ncrat  dit^  ejfe  jierfonas  Parr  is  &  Fi- 

lii^  ac  froinde  Patrem  >/iajoren>,   Filimit  ex  P/itre  gcnj/nm,-iPeiintex  Deo^  L»-r 

men  de  Lttmine ]   Many  thought  this  a  necefTary  reconciling  way : 

The  words  [J'erfon~\  and  \_Snbflame'}  (tumbled  the  Arians :  For  they  knew 
not  how  to  conceive  of  three  ^erfons  that  were  not  three  fubftances\  nor 
fiowthe  Son  could  be  of  the /.t»;c  fuhftance  with  the  Father,  unlefs  that 
fubftance  were  divided :  And  at  lalt  wearied  with  contendingi  they  thought 
thus  to  end  all,  by  leaving  out  the  name  \_fnbfiunce-,  ]  and  profeOTing  the 
Generation  of  the  Son  unft.irchable. 

The  third  Sirmian  Creed  had,  [in  nnigenitum  filinmDti,,  ante  omnia fccnla 
(y'  initin  Cr  ante  cwnc  tempus  quod  in  intelleclum  cadere  potefl  exiftentem  \  c^ 
ar.te  omnem  comprehen/itilemfubftantiain,  natiim  itipajfibiliter  ex  Dec,  folum  ex 
job  Patre,  Deum  de  Dco^  (imilem  Patri  fuo  cjiii  ipfum  genuit,  ciijits  ^eneratio- 
mm  nemo  riovit  nifi  foh.s  ejni  tarn  gennii ,  Pater.  Kofabuliwi  vcro  fubflcin- 
tiiC  cp'.ia(i>Hpl:ciiis  A  Patribiis poftiim  f/?,  C^  a  populis  ignoratr.r-,  O"  Jcandalunt. 
offer t^  CO.  cjKod  infcyiptnn:  non  contincatur,  placutt  medio  tolUretuk.^  Gr  nnl- 
li^t  poftLic  ds  Dei  fubfta/iria  mentionein  elfe  f^ciendam. 

§.  40- 

their  Councils  abridged.  5^ 

§,  40.  LIII.  The  Oriental  Bilhops  offended  at  the  fccond  Confcillon  at 
Sirmiim,  for  leaving  out  the  word  fubftance^  gathered  in  Council  atyiicyra, 
an.  558.  and  rejecfting  the -/^r/4«;,  were  called  Sf/««-^?-/4;7j ,  bccffdfe  yet 
they  were  not  for  l^oy.oijiov'^  but  the  [^ouo/ir/tr,  3  'i^otLthe fame  f ub fiance^ 
but  [^Like  fiibfi.vice.'}  Thefe  afcer  turning  MactdonUns  (tor  Macsdonius  was 
one  of  them)  deny  the  Holy  Shoji  to  be  God- 

$.  41.  LIV.  Conflantiiis  finding  that  all  his  endeavours  mifled  their  end, 
and  that  infttad  of  bringing  all  the  Bifhops  to  Concord  and  one  Communion, 
the  very  ArUns,  and  the  Semi-Arians^  divided  and  fubdividcd  among  them- 
felves,  did  fummon  another  General  Council  at  Nktmedia:  But  the  City 
fuddenly  perifliing,   he  called  the  Wcflem  part  to  Arimimm,  and  the  Eaflcm 
to  Sclencia^  taking  them  yet  but  as  one  Council.    Above  400  Biiliops  met 
at  Aiimimim,  who  were  to  determine  firfl:  Doftrinal  and  then  Perfonal 
Controvcrfies,  and  then  fend  ten  Legntcs  of  each  part  to  the  Emperor,  with 
the  rcfults :  The  moft  were  Orthodox,  but  the  Arian  Legates  were  better 
fpeakers,  and  prevailed  :,  fo  that  the  Emperour  delayed  them  bccaufe  of 
an  Expedition  thathe  in  hand  againfl;  the  Barbarians ",  In  the  mean  time 
Ibme  AOcmbled  at  NUe^  and  drew  up  Another  Conftflion:  And  when 
the  Legates  returned  to  Arimimm,  the  Arian  Party  of  Bidiops,  by  theEm- 
pcrours  countenance,  lb  far  prevailed,  as  that  almoft  all  the  Orthodox 
labfcribed  to  them.    (G a  11  dentins  Bifliop  of  Anmimtm  was  murdered  by  the 
SoiildiersJ    Binnins  and  fomc  ochers,  would  have  this  Council  ztArimi- 
tnim  to  be  two;  the  firfl;  Orthodox,  the  fecond  yir««in .•  Btllarmme  and  o- 
thers  called  it  but  one  :  which  was  Orthodox  in  the  beginning,  but  for  fear 
and  coraplyance  felloffat  thelalt. 

§.  42.  LV.  Whether  the  Council  at  Seleucia  {lull  be  taken  for  one  of  it 
felf,  or  but  for  part  of  that  at  Ariminum-,  though  far  dillant,  I  leave  to 
the  Reader.  But  here  the  Hecerodox  Bidiops  carried  all,  butfoas  to  di- 
vide among  themfelvcs  •,  One  party  called  Acaci,ins  were  for  forbearing  the 
word  [^fubfiance."}  The  Semiariatis  condemned  both  them  and  the  Arians, 
and  were  for  [.Like  fnbflances.'}  They  excommunicated  and  depofed  ma- 
ny Arians  y  whoappealed  to  the  Emperour,  andcraved  yet  another  Synod. 
So  thst  the  further  he  went  for  concord ,  the  further  h;  was  from 
it,  the  Bifhops  dividing  and  fubdividing  more  and  more;  and  the 
Emperoursand  Bifliops,  by  diverfity  of  Judgment,  and  by  Herclie,  be- 
came now  to  the  Church  what  Heathen  Perfecutors  had  been  hereto- 

Sitlpiiius  Sevcrns  tells  us,tliat  one  thing  that  drew  many  to  fubfcribe  to  the 
Arian  and  Semiarian  Creed?,  was  a  certain  liberty  of  their  own  Addi- 
tions or  Interpretations,  which  was  granted  the  Orthodox  to  draw  them 
in.  nSubfcribe  in  your  own  fence,  tj.  d."}  And  fo  conditional  fubfcri-  ^^_^ 
ptions  quieted  their  Confcieiices,  and  when  the  Arians  thought  they  t--* 
had  the  X^iulory ,  and  had  made  the  refl;  Conformifls,  it  proved  otherv 
wife,  for  they  did  not  iu  fence  and  with  approbation  fubfcribe. 

I  z  But 

6o  Chi^rch-Ni/iory  of  Bijhops  and 

But  though  the  Filch  of  the -/4rM«  Hercfie  juftifie  all  jaft  care  and  endea- 
vours to  keep  it  out,  the  multitudes  of  new  Creeds,  then  made  by  one  and 
the  other  Party  became  fucha  fnare  aiid  Ihame  to  the  Church  ,  that  HiU- 
ry,  amongothers,  greatly  lamented  it,  even  in  thefe  fad  expreflions. 

Pofl  Nicenam  Synodum  nihil  /ilind  qtinm  Fidem  fcribimHS  ",  dum  in  Verbit 
fit^riA  cfl  •,  dum  de  novitatibiis  cjiuftio  efl  j  dmn  de  ambiguis^  dnm  de  authori' 
bus  <j»erela  efl ;  dum  de  Jlitdiis  certamen  efl ;  dum  in  coiijenfu  difficultas  efi  ; 
diimc]\  alter  alter i  Anathema  ejfe  caspit,  pro pe  jam  Nemo  eft  Chrifti.  Proximi 
anni fides  rjuid  itnmutationis  habet  ?  Primum  decreti'.m  Homoufian  decernit  taceri : 
fcquens  rurflis  Homoiipan  decernit  C7-  prtdicit :  Tertium  nfiam  /impliciter  a  Pa- 
ir ibus  pr<ifnmptam  ptr  indtilgentiam  cxciifat  •,  Poflremum  ^ti^irtiimque  tion  excii- 
fit  fed  condemnat:  Tandem  eo  procejfum  eft  m  neq\  penes  vos,  neq-,  penes  quetu 
quam  ante  nosfanftum  txinde  aliqnidatej\  inviolahile  perfeveret.  Annims  atq-,  Men- 
Jjruas  de  Deo  Fides  decernimus  :  dccretis  pxnitemiis  \  pcenitentes  defendimus : 
dtfenjos  Anatbematiz^anius ;  ant  in  noflris  altcna-,  ant  in  alienis  noftra  damna- 
mi:s,  O"  mordentes  invicem  jam  abfunipti  [limns  ab  invicem- 

Is  not  this  a  doleful  delcription  of  the  Bifliops  fo  foon  after  their  won- 
derful deliverance  and  exaltation  ? 

The  caufeofall  hetellsus  was  partly  forfaking  the  flmpleForm  ofBap- 
tifmal  Faith  as  not  fufficienc,  and  partly  following  Votes  and  worldly 
Powers.  Dum  a  qitibns  ea  rrcjuiritur  fua  fcribmt  dr  non  qudt  Dei  funt  pre- 
dicant, orbem  £ternnm  erroris  &  redeitntis  in  fefempcr  certamims  circHmtuUritnt. 
Oportnerat  humana  infirmitatis  modeflia  cmne  cogitationis  divina  facramentum 
illis  tanttint  confcientia  JiiJifintbiis  contnieri  cj(ubuscrcd:dit :  Ncque  poflconfeffam 
C3"  juratam  in  baptifmofidcm  in  nomine  Patris^  Filti  &  Sp.  fanEb^  quicquam  aliitd 
•vel  ambigere  vel  innovare.  And  fpcakingof  mens  perverting  the  fence,  he 
addeth.  Scribend<e  dr- innovand^t  fidci  exinde  iifns  inclevit :  i^ii  poflquam  no. 
vapotim  ccepit  condere,  quamaccepta  retincre^  nee  Vetera  defendit^  nee  tnnovatA 
firmavit,  &  faUa  efl  Fides  temporumpotiiis qltam  Evangeliorum  :  dum&fccun. 
dhmaniws  [eribitur,  &  feciindiim  co  .fejftoue/n  baptifmi  non  temtur-  Periculo- 
fum  admo^-itn  nobis  Cr  mifirabilecfl  tot  nunc  Fides  ex:[lere^  quotvoluntates  :  cr 
tot  nobis  doEirinM  ejfe  qnot  mores,  Qr  tot  can  fas  biifphemiarmnpulliildre^  quotvi' 
tiafunf^  dum  ant  it.i  fides  f  rib ur.tur^  iitvolumiu^  ant  ita  Htvolumusintelli^un- 
tur.  Et  cum  fecHndhm  mmm  Deum,  &  unum  Demi'um &  nniim baptifma  fides 
una  fit  ^  excidifKiis  Yib  ea  fide  quxfola  efl'-,  cr  dum  plitres  fin/jt,  ad  id  cirpernnt 
effe  nc  itUafit :  Creferring  to  Nice.) 

Fides  enim  qnttritur  qiiafi  fides  nulla  fit :  Fides  fcribcnda  efl  quafi  in  cordis 
i— a,  non  fit:  Re^eneratiper  fidtm  nunc  ad  fidem  docemur  ;  quafi  rej^eneratio  ilia  fine 
fide  fit :  Chrifli'm  pofl  b.iptifna  dijliniiu,  qitafi  b^p'ifim  aliqiiid  effe  poffit  fine 
Chrifli  fide  :  Emendamits  ;  qiufi  in fpiritum  funftum  fiecc.ijfe  fit  venia.  Sedimpie- 
tatif  ipfiits  hi)  c  vcl  prxciptie  caitfa  perpetua  efi^  qnodfidem  Apoflolicam  feptuplo  pre. 
ferentes,  ipfitumen  fi.icm  Evan^elicam  volnmuscovfiteri-^  dum  impietates  noflras 
nobis  in  po^itlis  nuiUiloqn'n  defendimn-s  ma^^niloquentiit  v.inifate  aures  fimplicium 
verbis  fdUentibus  illndimiu,  dum  evitamm  dc  Domino  Chriflo  ea  crede.e,  qitx  de 

their  Councils  abridged.  61 

1  .  ...  I     ■        -     I"   I 

fe  docuit  credenda  •,  &  per  fpeciofitm  pads  nomen  in  unltatcm  perfidU  fubrepimtu^ 
<^fub  rejiciendii MPvitatibHS  ritrfitm  ipfinovis ad  Beumz'ocihus  rebtllamtu  c^  fub 
Script  ur  or  urn  voeabulo  non  /crista  tnentimnr.  Tutiffimitm  nobis  eji  primam  G"  foUm 
EvMigilicamfidtmconfeffaminbaptifmate,  inttlh^amq-^  refiner e°^^  mc  demu. 
tare  ejuodfolumacceptHm  atcj.,  aiidttum  hubeo  bene  credere  :  Nonutea  quxfynedo 
TatrHm  nojborum  (the Nicene)  comiaentur,  tancjuum  irreligiose  d"  impiefcripta 
damnandi  fttit  \  fed  cjiiia  per  temeritatemhumanam  ufurpantHr  adcontrttdi^io>iem\ 
quod  ob  hocfub  nomine  novitatis^  Evangelinm  negaretHr  impericulofc  ,  tanqiiam 
fub  emendatioiie  imiovctiir-  Q^nod  emendatHm  eft^  femper  proficit  '■,  G~  dum  omnis 
cmendatio  difplicet^  emcndMioncm  oinnem  emend  uio  confcquuta  coiidemnct^  ac  fi  "» 
J4/W,  cjniecjHtd  Hind  efl,  non  emcndMio  alicjua  ft  emendationis^  fed  caperit  e^e 

Andas  to  thefecondCaufc,  he  faith,  ^cprlmum  wlfereri  licet  nnfiraatatis 
labor  em  (^  prtefentiumtcmporiimflultAiopimoncscongtmifcere-^  cjtiibntputrocinari 
Deo  humaria  credftntur,  Gr  ad tiiendam  Cbrijli  Ecclefiam  ambittone f^cidari  laho- 
ratur-  Ore  vos^  Epifcopi^  qui  hoc  vos  rffc  credit  is  :  quihnjnam  fnffragii^  ad  pr£-  *^3i 
dicMdumEvangeliitm  y}popoli  lift  funt?  £luibM  adjntt  poteJJattbiis  ChriJ}umpr£- 
dicaverunt^entefjyferc  omnes  ex  idolis  ad  Dcitm  tranflidernn  ?  Anne  aliquamfbi 
affiimebant  e  palatio  dignitatem^  hymnum  Deo  in  carcere  inter  catenas  Cr  pofifla- 

gella  eantantes? At  nunc  proh  dolor  !  divinam  fdem  fujfragia  terrena  commen- 

dant :,  inopfcj^virtntis  fu/tClonfliis,  dum  ambiiio  7wmini  fno  conciliatnri  ar^nitHr.  ' 
Add  what  he  faith  of  the  Caiifes  of  Errour,  Lib.  ic.  de  Trin.  initio.  Nen 
e(l  amiguum  omnem  humani  eloquii  fermonem  contradiBioni  ohncxium  femper  fn- 
iffe,  quia  dijfentientibiu  voluntatnm  motihtts,  dijfcnticns  qnoq\  fit  fenfus  animo- 
rum:  Cnm  advcrfai.tiiim  jndiciorum  affeclione  contptignans,  ajfirtionibiis  his  qiii- 
hits  off'cnditur,  contr.tdicit.  Qnamvis  entm  cmnc  diHnm  vcri  ratione  perfc^umfit., 
tamen  dum  aliitd  aliis  aitt  vidtturaut  complacet,  pattt  veritatis  firmo  adierfan- 
tiiim  rcfvonfoni :  quia  contra  vcyitatem  am  non  intclUiiam  ant  ojfcndentcm  vel 
(I  nit  a  v(l  "v'iticft  voluntatis  error  obnitiiiir.  Jmmoderata  enim  efl  omnis  fa f- 
ccpta-'um  voluntatnm pirtm.icit^  &  indeficxo  no'n  advcrfandi  fiudimn  pcrfjln, 
ubi  non  rationi  voluntas  fubjicitur,  nee  ftudiiim  doclrinte  impcnditnr,  fed  tus  qua 
volunuis  r.ttionem  conqi:iriniM,  Cr  his  qna  fliiden  us  dotlrinam  coaptamus.  Jamcfj 
rtoniinis  potiits  qitam  nature  ertt  dcUrina  <jm4!  fsngitur,  O"  j^im  non  veri  tnancbit 
ratio.,  fed  placiti.     CiUcra  ibi  videat  Letlor- 

But  having  l^een  longin  this  Citntionof ////arj,  I  return  to  the  Hilto- 
ry,  of  what  followed  tiiefe  Councils  and  Creeds  aforclaid. 

§.45.  LVl.  In  the  mean  lime  Co«/?<i;rr;«j  calleth  a  Council  of  5oBifliopS' 
to  Conjlantinoplc,  where  i^£tins  was  condemned,  and  a  ninth  Creed  fince 
the  Nicene  formed,  which  excluded  both  the  word /tf^y?.f;;«  and  i.ypoflajTs 
CT  fiibfi/lcnce.  Ihc  Srmi-Arijns  dctelVing  this,  condemned  and  bamllicd 
the  Authors.  But  another  Form  fent  from  Arimirmm  was  preferred,  and- 
impofcd  to  be  fubfcribcd  on  all  the  Bilhops  ofEafl:  and  Weft. 

$.44.  LVII.  An.  160.  Afelains  Billiop  o(  Aiticch  being  put  in  by  rhe- 
Acacians  proved  Orthodox  coiUrary  to  their  cx'pcL^ation  ;  And  being. 

^2  Cburch-Hijhry  of  Bijhops  and 

preaching  for  the  Trinity  his  Archdeacon  ftopt  his  Mouth,  and  he  preach- 
ed by  his  Fingers,  holding  forth  Om  and  Ihrce  :  And  for  this  was  ejected, 
contrary  to  fome  former  Covenants.  Wherefore  they  were  fain  to  call 
a  Council  at  Arnioch  to  juftlfie  his  cjedlion.  Here  they  made  yet  another 
Creed,  the  worft  of  all  i:3fore  it. 

§.  45.  LVllI.  Ccfifiantius  being  dead,  julian  the  Apoftate  is  made  Em- 
perour  (  would  not  this  end  the  Quarrel  of  Chriftian  Bifhops.'^  Atha- 
nafms  returneth  10  yilcxAndria  after  the  third  banilhment,  and  five  years 
^       hiding,  an.  362.    Gregory  the  Bifhop  being  as  is  aforefaid  murthered  by 
\.      the  Heathen,  and  burnt  to  Afhes.    He  calls  a  Council  at  jilexatidria: 
Here  befidcs  the  receiving  of  thofe  that  unwillingly  fubfcribed  to  the 
yiriatis^  divers  new  Controverfics  are  judged.     1.  Eunomhts^MtKedoniiis, 
and  the  Sfwwn*?j  deny ed  the  Godhead  of  the  Holy  Ghofl:,  which  was 
hercalTerted.     2.  JfolUnaris  thought  that  Chrift  took  but  a  Body  at  his 
Incarnation,  his  Divine  Nature  being  inltead  of  a  Soul,  which  was  here 
condemned.     3.   The  Orthodox  Grrc/^f  and  could  not  agree  by 
what  name  to  diftinguifh  the  Trinity:  The  Gretki  faid  there  were  three 
hypofiafes,  which  the  Latincs  rejeded,  as  Signifying  three  fubflanccs:  Hie- 
Yome  himfelf  could  not  away  with  the  word  Hypoflafis.    The  ufcd 
^  the  word  {Ptr^on.'X  The  Greeks  rejcded  that  as  fienifying  no  red  diftin- 
Bion^  fand  are  the  Schoolmen  for  a  real  diftindlion  yet?  j  For  they 
thought  Perfona  ^xgmfvzA  but  the  relation  of  one  in  Authority  or  Office. 
And  thus  while  as  Jercr)ie  faid,  Tota  Craconim  prophanorunt  Schela  difcri- 
men  inter  hypofir:fin  &  iific.m  ignorabat  (^Fp.  57.)  and  the  fenfe  of  the  word 
ZPerfon'2  was  not  well  determined,  the  danger  was  fo  great  of  further 
dllTcntion  among  the  Orthodox  Bifhops  themfclves,  that  as  Greg.  Kfaz. 
faith  (^de  land,  u^ihanaf.)  Thetnattcr  came  to  thttt  p.-jfs,  there  was  prefer.t 
danger,  that  together  with  thefefyllables  the  cfjd.s  of  the  World  (Eaft  and  Weft) 
jlwuld  have  been  torn  from  each  other,  and  broken  into  parts.     But  the  Synod 
agreed  that  the  Greek  /3);>6/?^y7^  and  the  Latine  Pcrfona  fhou!d  henceforth 
be  taken  as  of  the  fame  iignification.  ('But  what  thatfignification  is,  it  was 
rot  fo  eafe  to  tell)    Yet  (faith  Einnius)  .Angnftinc  deTrinit.  I.  5.  c  8,  9. 
and  the  £-^2/?wf/ afterwards,  were  difplcafcd  with  this  reconciliation,  and 
Hiercme  himfelf,  who  yet  obtain'd  of  Damafus,  Ep.  57.  that  the  con- 
ciliation being  but  of  a  Controverfie  de  nomine,  might  be  admitted. 

$.  46.  LIX.  An.  562.  Jidian  reigning  ('fcvcraf  Vrcrch  Councils  be- 
fidcs^ one  then  at  Paris,  were  employed  in  receiving  the  repentance 
of  the  Bifliops  that  under  Conflnntius  had  fubfcribed  to  \.\\z  Arians. 

§.  47.  LX.  At  J«/;<«wj  death  ^r/;rt?.'4/?«;callcth  feme  Bifliops  to  ^/f.v<i/;- 
dria,  betimes  to  fend  to  the  Emperour  Jovianiis  their  Coufcfllon,  to  pre- 
vent the  A-iairs,  aiid  other  FIcieticks. 

§  48.  LX!.  A  Conncil  alfo  was  called  at  Ar.ttoch  on  this  occaflon. 
The  Semiarians  petitioned  Joviarus  that  th'e  ^c<ja,«wj,  as  Hereticks,  might 
be  put  out,  and  they  put  in  their  places :  The  Emperour  gave  them  no 
other  Anfiver,    but  tliat  he  haied  contention,  but  would,  love  and  honour  thofe 


tbeir  Councils  ahritliiah 


that  mre  for  concord :  They  feelirg  his  pulfe,  got  Mcletius  to  Call  3  Coun- 
cil ac  j4i:ticcb^  they  feemed  very  found,  and  twenty  feven  Arian 
Bifhops  without  any  Hop  ilibrcribed  the  A'jffw  Creed :  So  bafely  did  thefe 
Bifliopa  follow  the  ftronger  lidc  •,  and,  faith  Bismns,  cffo  mat  conjiqufncc 
rvith  Bifwps  is  the  Emperours  inird. 

§.  45^.  LXII.  ytn.  564.  raUmi!:Ln  beirg  Emperour  lefc  tlie  BUhops 
to  meet  when  and  where  they  would  themfelves.  Aiid  a  Council  was 
held  at  Lumffacus ,  where  the  Semi.trians  condemned  the  Arians.  And 
though  fome  call  it  Orthodox  (Bafl,  and  Ibme  good  men  being  there) 
BhuuHs  faith,  that  the  yJ/^^cf^ew/Ww  here  vented  t»ieir  dsnyal  of  die  God- 
head of  the  Holy  Gholl,  and  that  the  Heictici^s  preceading  to  own  the 
Niccne  Faith  were  rccievcd  by  Liberius. 

§.  50.  LXIII.  A  Council  in  S/cf/)' owned  the  A^/cfw  Creed- 

§.  51.  LXIV.    Some  Biiiicps  at  Illyrkmn  rcftored  the  A7rr«.»  Creed, 
the  Emperour  being  now  for  it.    And  Vdcminian  and  r.//f;;j  wrote  to  the    «^3 
jiftan  Bifliops  to  charge  them  to  ceafc  Perfecuting  any  of  Chrills  labour- 

$.  52.  LXV.  Ati.  365.  At  a  Synod  in  Tymui  C/ippadoc.  Enftathim  Se- 
haft.  by  Pop2  Liberiiu  Letters  was  rcftored  to  his  Bilhoprick;  and  af- 
ter curfed  the  Homoitfioit^  fthe  N:ce>!c  Creed,'*  and  denyed  the  Godhead 
of  the  Holy  Ghoft  :  I3y  their  means  B^t/il  returned  fromh's  Wildernefs 
to  CrfprM,  whence  he  lied  to  avoid  the  enmity  of  £/(/fi;V«  the  Bilhop; 
who  received  him  upon  his  profcllcd  rclblunon  for  Peace,  which  he  would 
buv  at  any  rates. 

$.  5;.  LXVI.  The  Emperour  r.i/f;;j  funhappily  taken  in  to  r.dcntimati) 
after  the  conquelb  oi  Frccopins  ^  defired  Baptilme,  and  having  an  Arian 
Wife,  was  baptized  by  Eudoxitts  Conjlatit.  an  A, tan  Bifliop^  who  en- 
gaged him  to  promote  the  Arian  Caufeii  which  he  did  with  a  blind 
religious  zeal,  perfecuting  not  only  the  Orthodox  and  Novauans^  but 
alfo  the  Sinu.iritir.s  and  Macedcvians.  And  a  Council  of  Bifliops  in  Ca- 
rta, rcjeftcd  [Coiifuhflantial^'}  and  refiored  the  AKtiochian  and  ScUucian 
Creed  as  the  bell. 

§.  5+.  LXVII.  A>!.  1,66.  Some  y?r/'.j«  Bifliops  at  Sin^edim  in  A-fyfia^ 
refiored  the  Ariiniiutm  Creed  [of  Like  f/iilhince'}  and  folicited  Ccmirjim 
the  Semiarian  Bilhop  toconfent,  but  prevailed  not. 

<S.  5  J.  LXVIII.  Two  Councils  were  held  at  R:)»e  by  Dawafus  \  one 
to  condemn  Falcus  and  Vrfatius^  old  Arian  Bifhops :  Another  to  con- 
demn Aiixentiiis  Bidiop  of  Mtlan.  and  Sifmus  as  a  SciiTmatical  Com- 
petitor with  himfelf:  For  when  Da,m-fus  wns  chofen,  the  people  were 
divided,  and  D^;m[us  his  Party  being  the  more  valiant  Warriors,  they 
fought  it  out  in  the  Church,  and  left  one  day  an  hundred  thirty  feven 
dead  Bodies  b:hind  them,  to  flievv  that  they  had  no  Communion  with 
them.  And  bccaufe  Sif.niia  and  his  Party  ftill  kept  Conventicles,  lie 
was  banirtird,   and  many  with  him,  aud  now  sgaia  condemned. 

§•  5:- 

^4  Chirch-Hijiory  of  Bijhops  and 

§.  56.  LXIX.  Another  Council  at  Rome  he  had  to  condemn  Fitalis 
and  the.  Jpolltnariafjs  (that  took  Chrilts  Godhead  to  be  inftead  of  a  Soul 
to  his  Body^  and  the  Mill:na>ies. 

§.  57.  LXX.  A  Council  was  called  at  hntioch  to  end  a  Schifin,  there- 
being  three  Bifliops,  two  Oithodox,  Meletiut  and  Panlinus\  and  one 
Arian,  Euzjo'iks  :  They  ended  the  Schifm,  by  agreeing  that  Mdetiui  and 
PaulinHs  (hould  both  continue,  till  one  dyed,  and  then  the  other  alone 
fhould  fucceed  him  •,  the  Presbyters  being  fworn  not  to  accept  it  while 
one  of  them  lived.  But  MeUtius  dying  firll,  Flaviams  a  Presbyter  was 
faid  to  break  his  Oath,  and  was  chofen  in  his  Head,  while  PaHlimt  (an 
excellent  perfonj  lived  ;  And  fo  the  Schifm  was  continued. 

?  CHAP. 


their  Cowicih  abrU^e^.  ^r 

C.H  A  P.     IV. 

The  Fir  ft  General  Cotoicil  at  Conftantifiople,  a}id  fome 


j.  I.  r"a~^He  reafon  why  the  Wcji  with  Rome  wa?  freer  from  the  A- 
I  >■»■<«» Hcrcfie  than  the  Eafi^  wasnot,  as  the  Papifts  fay,  bc- 
*  caufe  Chrift  prayed  for  Peter  that  his  Faith  might  not  fail, 
but  bccaufe  the  Empcrours  of  the  Wefl  were  Orthodox, 
wliile  thofe  in  the  Eajl  wcrej4riaf:s :  And  the  Bi(hops  much  followed  the 
Emperours  Will.  That  this  lafl:  was  thcCaufe,  isnotorious  in  theHifto- 
ry:  ThatChriftsforefaidpromife  was  not  the  Caufe,  is  certain.  Becaufe 
whatever  promife  Chrift  makctli,  he  fulfiilcth  :  But  he  hath  not  k^pt  all 
the  Bifhopsof /3<?;«f  from  failing  in  their  Faith  :  Therefore  he  never  pro 
•mifcd  fo  to  do.  The  miftor  is  certain  by  Hiftory  :  To  pafs  by  Marcellww 
and  Liberius  and  Hemriui  falls ,  (which  were  but  like  Pcren)  all  thofc 
wicked  men  whom  Councils  dcpofed  as  Infidels,  orHereticks,  Simoniacks, 
Murderers,  Adulterers,  oneasaDevillncarnatc,  and  all  thofe  that  ^jrcw- 
ui  and  Gerubrard ii'\gvnu\zt  2S  Apoftatical  ,  and  not  Apoftolical,  (50  to- 
gether) had  not  this  promifc  fulfilled:  Nor  Stxtm  i^imiis,  '\i  BellartniHc 
judged  truly,  that  he  was  damned :  For  it  was  not  a  dead  faith,  but  ^f4vi»^ 
faiih^  which  Chrift  promifed  Peter  fliould  not  fail  •,  fuch  a  faith  as  had  the 
promife  of  life  •,  He  that  believeth  and  is  baptized  jliall  be  faved:  Whoever  be- 
lieveth  in  him  P'allttot  periflj,  hut  have  everl<*ftin^  life :  a  faith  that  vcorkfth  by 
love  :  Elfe  Peter  might  have  been  a  wicked  man,  and  damned,  notwith- 
ftanding  this  Prayer  of  Chrift,  and  Promife.  l(  the  fa\tho(  Grijlantinefe- 
nior  dr  junior  ,  Conflans,  falentinian,  Theodofms^  Honorius^  Gratian,  C^'"c. 
had  failed,  the  General  Councils  at  AitUn^  and  Anminum,  tell  us,-  how 
failing  the  Biftiops  faith  was  like  to  be-,  when  Jerome  faid,  that  the  whole 
world poarcd  to  find  it  felf  turned  Arian. 

%.  1.  The  blind  zeal  of  Falens  made  him  reftlefs  in  PerfccUting  the  Or- 
thodox in  the  £-«/?  ••  At  Antioch  he  vexed  thofe  that  would  not  Communi- 
cate with  Eiiz.oini  the  allowed  Arian  Biftiop :  At  Cjz.icnm  Euncmitu  was 
put  in  Elciffiu  place  •,  but  his  followers  built  them  a  leparate  Church  with- 
outthe  Walls.  (Socrat.Ub.  4.  c  6,  7.)  He  Perfecuted  the  Novatians^  and 
exiled  ^^f/i/«  their  Bifliop  at  Cw/?.  He  baniftied  Euflathiiu  Amioch.  and 
Eva^im,  chofen  by  the  Orthodox  Bifliop  of  Confl.  againft  DemophilH-s  the 
Arian.  Fourfcore  Biftiops  fenttocrave  Juftice  of  him,  were  put  to  Sea 
in  a  Ship  there  ■^et  on  fire,  and  were  both  burnt  and  drowned  together. 
{Socr.  I.  4.  c.  1  ?■)  In  nil  the  Eajl  he  dcpofed,  abufed,  murdered  many  that 
would  not  forfakc  the  Nicene  Creed.     Hefet  his  OiRccrs  to  fupprefs  their 

K  Conven- 


66  Chircb'Hiftory  of  Bijhops  and 

Conventicles.  At  Alexandria  he  imprifoned  Peter  that  fucceeded  yithan*- 
fus^  and  banilhed  his  Presbyters,  and  fetup  LuciMza  Arian  Bifliop.  He 
perfecuted  the  Monks  of  the  Wildernefs  of  Eg-j^t  {Nitna  and  Scitis)  and 
deftroyed  thei r  Houfes :  Banifhed  Afacarim  of  Exypt,  and  Macarins  of  Alex- 
andria,  their  Leaders.  He  perfecuted  Bajil  at  C^farea :  He  went  in  perfon 
at  Antioch,  to  difturb  and  fcatter  the  Conventicles  of  the  Orthodox  •,  And 
when  he  had  banifhed  one  of  their  Bifhops  {Meletim  ,  enduring  TauUniu) 
the  Presbyters  kept  the  Meeting :  when  he  drove  them  away,  a  Deacon 
kept  it  up  :  At  laft  Ihemiftm,  a  Philofopher,  made  an  Oration  before 
him,  bidding  him  not  marvel  thattheChciftians  had  fuch  differences,  for 
they  were  nothing  tothofe  of  the  Philofophers,  who  were  of  three  hundred 
different  Opinions  ^  and  that  God  would  be  honoured  even  under  diverfl- 
ty  of  Opinions:  This  fomewhatalTwaged  him?  and  fhortly  after  in  the  jerfe 
year  of  his  age,  hewasflain. 

$.  3.  Gratian  (and  ValentinUn  junior )  coming  to  the  Empire,  Liberty 
of  Confcience  and  Reftoration  was  given  to  ail  Seds,  except  the  Eunomi- 
<wj,  PhotinianSy  and  Manichees  {Socrat.  I.  5  c.  2.)  He  took  Theodoftm  iato 
the  Empire  with  him :  And  fo  the  Orthodox  Party  got  up  again  :  and  the 
Arians  after  this  went  every  where  down  ,   fave  among  the  Goths. 

§.  4.  LXXI.  Theodofius  called  a  General  Council  at  Conftantincple ,- 
where  the  chief  things  done,  were,  i.  the  fetting  up  olGregory  Naxjan. 
Xfw«  as  Bifhop,  2.  The  condemning  of  the  Macedonians^  3.  The  giving  of 
the  fee  end  Patriarchate  to  Con/?4wfiw;)/f,  becaufeitwas  the  Imperial  Seat-, 
putting  under  him  the  DiocefTes  of  Pontm ,  HeracUa  and  Afia :  4.  The 
putting  down  of  Naz.ianz.ene  again,  and  putting  NeBariui  in  his  ftead.  5.  The 
fetling  Flaviantts  at  Antioch. 

$.  5-  Somewouldperfwadeusthat  it  was  two  Councils  and  not  one  that 
did  thele  things  :  But  the  queftion  is  but  de  nomine.  In  the  beginning  they 
difpatch'd  partof  their  worki  and  before  they  departed  A/lf/er<V«  the  Bi- 
iho'^oi  Anttoch  dying,  the  Bifhops  returned  to  Council,  and  more  £^/»h- 
an  Bifhops  came  and  did  the  reft. 

§.  6.  ThtCzkof  Gregory  Naz..  was  thus:  A  Council  at  ^«f/offc  in  the 
reign  of  Arianifme ,  fent  him ,  with  three  more  able  fpeakers  to  go 
vifit  the  Churches,  and  dtzw  them  from  Arianifme.  He  came  to  Conjlanti- 
Tjople.,  and  an  Arian  being  in  pofleffion,  he  got  into  a  little  empty  Church, 
and  there  folong  Preached,  till  he  had  recovered  much  of  the  City  from 
Arianifme.  Hereupon  ?«rfr,  Bifliop  of  .^/fA:<i»^r«4,  fignified  by  Letters,  that 
he  would  have  him  be  Bifhop  of  CenfiantinopU  (againft  the  Aridn  Bifliop : ) 
The  Orthodox  Party  chofe  him  :  One  Maxinrn,  that  of  a  Philofopher 
turned  Chriftian,  and  infinuated  into  Gr<rfor»w  familiarity  ^  by  money  firft, 
and  threats  after,  gets  Peter  of  Alexander.,  and  the  Egyptian  Bifliops,  to 
make  him  Bifliop  of  Confiant.  fuppofing  Gregory  not  yet  lawfully  fettled : 
Meletttu  Antioch :  being  at  Conft.  Ordaineth  Gregory  Bifliop.  The  Council, 
when  Convened,  Confirm  him,  and  caft  out  Maxirmu  Cthat  never  had  poP 
fefljon;;  Theodo/itts  ov^nctii  Gregory^  and  putteth  out  the  .«4nVjn  Bifliop,  and 


their  Councils  abridged.  6j 

poflefleth  him  of  the  Great  Church.  The  Jntiockhn  Controverfie  falling 
in  at  the  death  o[  Melctiu^^  Gregory  was  sgainQ:  Flavian  •,  The  Egyftiai$ 
Bifhops  being  for  him,  fet  againft  Gregory,  and  refolved  to  call  him  out 
andchoofe  another  :  He  feeing  their  refolution,  and  offended  at  th;ir  fu- 
rious carriage  in  the  Council,  reflgneth  to  the  Emperour,  and  departeth  : 
fbmemakcit,  asif  hisrefignation  wasunconftrained,  but  his  own  words 
(hew,that  he  did  it  but  to  prevent  the  depolTtion  which  they  refolved  on.Ejfe 
he durft  not  have  deferred  hisFlock  that  lamented  his  departure.  Jn  his 
place  they  chofe  NeiiariM  a  Pretor,  that  was  no  Chriftian,  in  foro  Eccle- 
fu,  as  being  not  yet  baptized  ^  and  fo  was  indeed  uncapable,  and  the  choice 
null:  Buttheman  washoneft;  And  Nicephortu  faith,  that  they  put  down 
his  name  in  a  Paper  with  others,  leaving  it  to  the  Emperour  to  chufe  one 
of  them,  and  that  he  chofe  Neflantu. 

$.  7.  The  dcfcription  of  this  Council,  and  the  good  Bifhops  of  his 
iimejhY  Gregory  Naz-  in  his  Poems  and  his  Orations,  is  very  doleful;  How 
implacably  fadtious  and  contentious  they  were,  how  fierce  and  violent, 
leaping  and  carrying  themfelvcs  in  the  Council  like  mad-men.  He  de- 
fcribeth  the  People  as  contentious,  but  yet  etidtted  with  the  love  of  God^ 
though  ffce»>  ;,m/ »r4wff<i  knowledg  :  P*ge  ^^i^.Orat.  J2.  •' The  Courtiers, 
*' he  faith,  whether  true  to  the  Emperour  he  knew  not,  but  for  themoft 
'*part  perfidious  to  God:  And  the  Bifliops  as  fitting  on  advcrfe  thrones 
*'and  feeding  adverfe  oppofite  Flocks,  drawn  by  them  into  fadlions,  like 
*'  the  clefts  that  earth-quakes  make  •,  and  the  peftilent  difeafes  that 
*'  infedall  about,  and  diftrading  and  dividing  all  the  World,  fepara- 
**ting  the  Eafl  from  the  Wefl,  by  the  nolfe  of /«f/</  &  tuus,  Amiquiis  &  e^ 
"  NoVHS,  mkiliorcr  ignobilior^  multitKMne  opnlentior  out  tenuitr.,  ragmg  like 
•^^  furious  horfes  in  battle,  and  like  mad-men  cafting  dull  into  the  air, 
*' and  under  their  feveral  Heads  (or  Leaders)  fulfilling  their  owncontenti- 
*'  ons,  and  becoming  the  determiners  of  wicked  ambition  and  magnificence, 
"  and  unrighteous  and  abfurd  judges  of  matters  :  The  fame  men  (,f<iith  he) 
*'arctoday  of  the  fame  throne  and  judgment  as  we  arc,  if  fo  our  Leaders 
*'and  chief  men  carry  them;  Tomorrow,  if  the  wind  do  but  turn,  they 
*•  are  for  the  contrary  Seat  and  Judgment :  Names  (or  Totes)  follow  ha- 
*'  tred  or  friendlhip :  And  which  is  mofl  grievous,  we  blufli  not  to  fay  con- 
"trary  things  to  the  very  fame  hearers ;  Norareweconflanttoour  felves, 
*'  being  changed  up  and  down  by  contention  :  You  would  fay  we  are  toffed 
"  like  the  waving  EiiripM.  Therefore  he  profelleth,  that  it  is  unfeemly  for 
**him  to  joynwiththcm»  in  their  Councils;  as  it  were  to  leave  his  ftudies 
*'and  quietncfs,  to  goplay  with  the  Lads  in  the  Streets,  Page^z^. 
The  like  he  hath  in  his  Poem,  De  -vita  /«4,  Page.  24,  25,  26,  27. 

0(    jap  'T^hJ'g^ii,   &(. 

Etenim  Magijlri  Plebis  attjue  j4ntiflites 
SanEli  datores  SpiritMs^  d"  <?«»  thronis 
FiindHtn  ab  altis  verba  ijiieis  patitur  falus^ 
Qmilifque  pacem  jugiter  qui  pnedkant^ 

K  2  In 

6  8  Church- Hi  ft  ory  of  Bijhops  ajid 

In  &de  medi.i  vccibia  clarijfimis 

Tan  to  furore  ft  fctimt  fihi  itivicem^ 

TionHltuando,  comrahendo  copiat, 

Carpendo  frfe  mutito  lingua  ejferSt , 

Saliendo,  mentis  ut  feltntfutu  imfotes, 

Prxdiindo  quos  quis  ante  pradari  qiteut 

Ruhida  Jmperandi  ditm  tenet  mente  ftis 

( Q^ujnam  tfla  verbis^   &  cjitihus  digne  clcqu:ir  ?)    - 

Orbem  univerfum  prorfits  ut  dnulferint  '■, 

Ortumque  jam  cr  Hefperum  Jeindit  magis 

uirdens  fimidtM^  quam  loci  vel  climata : 

Namqiie  ilia  fi  eon  finis,  at  media  uniunt't 

At  has  ligare  vinculum  nitUiim  potejl : 

Nbn  Cauja  Pietui  (Bills  hoc  excogitat, 

yld  mentiendiim,  prona,}  fed  Lis  ob  Thronos  :  * 

l^iiidnam  hoc  vocarim  ?  Prafules  ?  Non  prafules:  &c. 

Are  not  thefe  lamentable  defcriptions  of  the  Bifliops  of  thofe  happy 
times,  and  excellent  Councils:  Even  in  the  days  of  good  T;fe«^o/«j  ^  when 
the  Church  recovered  from  under  Arianifme^  and  came  newly  out  of  the 
fire  of  Perfecution  ?  The  truth  is,  All  times  have  had  feme  itw  fuch  ex- 
cell-ent  perfons  as Naz.ianz.cne,  Bafl,  Chryfojlome,  c-c  But  they  have  or- 
dinarily been  born  down  by  the  violentitreamof  a  more  ignorant,  felfilh, 
worldly  fort  of  men. 

All  this  here  cited  out  of  Gregory,  is  much  lefs  than  he  faith  in  his  laft 
Oration,  De  Eptfcepts,  Vol.  i.  too  large  and  (harp  to  be  no.v  recited : 
Therefore  I  leave  it  to  the  perufal  of  the  Learned  Reader. 

One  Papift  faith  to  me,  that  it  was  the  Jrian  or  Macedonian  Biihops  that 
Gregory  meant:  But  the  whole  tenor  of  his  writing  fpeaketh  the  contrary; 
and  that  he  fpake  of  this  fiifl;  Council  at  Confia^.tmople,  one  of  the  four 
which  is  equalled  to  thsfour  Evangelifls:  And  mhis  59£/j  Epift.  to5o;;/jro^ 
fiius,  PageS  l6.  he  faith,  Stecs  inveuentis  non  ob  fdn  do^rinam.,  fed  ob  pri-^ 
vat  as  fimuliatcs  inter  fe  difiralios  cr  divtilfos ,  quod  quidem  ipfe  obferv*' 
vi,  S\C. 

But  feme  may  fay  that  psilion  moved  him  to  the  fatyrical  exaggerati- 
on of  his  own  received  injuries .-  But,  i.  He  fpeal^ech  not  of  this  Council 
only,  but  of  others  alfo  :  2.  He  acknowledged,  that  till  the  Egyptian  Bi- 
ihops came,  he  had  ihe  Council  Vote  for  his  place.  3-.  His  fpirit  and  all 
his  endeavours  were  for  peace,  and  not  to  make  thingsvvorfe  than  they 
were^  And  for  peace  he  quit  his  Seat.  4.  And  in  his  Epiflies  to  the 
Civil  Magiltrates !  c  afterwards  wrote  earneltly  to  them  to  keep  the  Bifliops- 
at  the  next  Council  in  peace,  left  they  (hould  make  Religion  a  contempt 
and  fcandal.  So  that  few  men  could  worfe  be  charged  with  abufive  invciHiLves 
than  this  Pious,  Liiarned.  peaceable  Bilhop. 

§.  8.  In: 


their  Coimcils  abridged.  6^ 

§.  8.  In  his  $ph  Epift.  to  Pneopius^  pa^eSi^.  refufing  to  come  to  their 
Council,  he  faith,  ''  If  Imuft  write  the  very  truth,  I  am  of  tJie  mind  tolly 
"from  Cor  avoid)  every  Meeting  of  Bifliops  :  For  I  never  faw  a  joyful  and 
"  happy  end  of  any  Council  •,  nor  any  that  gave  not  more  addition  and 
*'increafe  to  evils,  thandepulfion  (orreformationj  For  pertinacious  con- 
*'  tentions  and  the  lulls  ot  Domination  ^or  Lording,  )  (Think  mc  not 
'' (fiitli  he)  grievous  and  troublefome  for  writing  this,;  arc  fuch,  as  no 
"■words  can  exprefs :  Andaman  that  will  (there)  be  a  Judg  ofother?,  iliall 
"  fooner  contra(n;dinionell:v  himfeff,  than  reprefsthe  diilionelty  of  others. 
Tlvey  that  fay  he  fpcaketh  only  ot  Heretical  Councils  dciie  the  light,  and 
will  be  believed  by  none  that  know  the  Hiftory. 

§.  p.  The  Cafe  of  Antiocb^  briefly,  was  this.-  Aieletiiis  was  a  good 
man,  but  of  a  healing  difpofition,    madeBifl:op  by  the  Arians  miftaking 
him,  and  put  out  by  them  when  they  knew  him,  yet  he  held  Communion 
with  repenting  Arians.    Enjoins  an  Ari.m  was  put  into  his  place,  and  he 
kept  Conventicles.   The  grand  Controvcrlie  of  alt  the  foregoing  Ages, 
was  about  Communion  with  thcLapfed, that  yielded  to  IdoIatry,orHcrelie: 
fomc  over  zealous  were  too  proud  cf  their  own  fuff^rings,  and  were  very 
rigid  againll  receiving  fuch  Penitents,  faying  they  were  Time  fervors, and 
receiving  themv/ould  encourage  others  to  fave  themfelvcs  in  fuileripg'^ 
and  then  repent  .•  Others  were  too  wide  in  receiving  them  upon  unfatif- 
fadory  profelfions  of  Repentance  :  TheWifeft  went  a  middle  way.    ^U' 
ay  Antiochians  feparatcd  from  Afdctius,  becaufe  the  Ar i a>i s  choi'c  him,  ard 
he  received  penitent  y^v/'^/jj  :  And  Lvcifcr  CaLtnt.irns^  Rnd  Eufdius  ytr- 
■  cclUxifis  of  France  going  t«  fettle  ihc  Peace  nt  Ai.ricch,  £///<•/>//</ dilliked 
their  oppofltion  to  MtUtins,  and  left  them.    Lucifer  a  good  Man,  but  rigid 
and  hot  againfl:  the  Ariahs^  faid  that  Afiktiks  could  be  no  Bilhop,  and 
ordained  them  Paiilim»  (and  fo  there  were  three  as  isaforemcntioncd-^The 
Bifliopof^^wf  who  would  have  a  finger  in  all,  encouraged  Luc>fir\  rm. 
li»Hs  was  a  man  of  e.xtraerdinary  gccdnefs  .•  but  yet  the  Canon  nullified  the 
Ordination  of  a  Bilhop  into  a  fore  ponillld  Seat  -,  And  when  half  cleaved 
to  Afcleti»Sy  and  half  to  Paidihin  Jboth  very  good  Men,)  a  Synod  fas  is 
aforefaidj  ended  the  difference,  by  tolerating  both  till  the  death  of  one,, 
and  then  making  him  Ible  BiP-iop  :  ThzFrcsbyers  (it's  laid)  were  fworn 
to  this.  AieUt'uii  dycth  firft  \  yet  FUviunus  a  Presbyter  that  had  ftucfc 
to  them  in  rJais  Perfecution,  is  chofen  Bifiiop  by  the  AiUetians^  who' 
will  not  joyn    with    Paulwuj   as   a   Schifmatick.     The   Pope   owneth* 
FuiiUnHs  :   The  Council  at  ConjlantiscfU  own  Milctiia  firfl,  and  FUvia- 
TiHs  after  :  Gregory  N^;e  and  Others  were  againfl:  Flavianus^  be- 
caufe they  faid"  he  came  in  by  Perjury,  having  fworn  not  to  accept  it: 
Some  fay  he  did  not  Svveir.   Lucifir  C/iUrit.r,:;ts  that  Ordained  Panlinuj, 
forlbok  the  Party  called  th^Catholick  Church,  and  gathered  fepnrated 
Churches,  and  became  the  Head  of  a  Schi'ni,  called  iince  Ludfcrian  He- 
rHicks,  meerly  becaufe  the  Churches  received  the  confefling  returntng 
An ofis  to  Commur>:on,  and  he  owned  FUviAfnts.     Apd  thus  even  good' 



yo  Chwch-Hiftory  of  Bijhops  and 

Bifliops  could  not  agree ,  nor  leaps  the  imputation  of  Hcrefic. 

§  10.  54>c«(KJ  and  5/w//«i  after  him,  fay,  Naz.ian2.enushaftcdtfcmrdiam 
fua  abdicatiofie  compofition  iri  arhitralus,  fedt  Conftantinopolitanse  cum  con- 
fenfn  ImperMoris^  twn  fine  vu^no  Bomr urn  ac  fofuli  fietu  rcuunciat^  at(j,  fiatim 
pojl  habitas  i»  Synoda  diijuot  atliones,  comitantthus  eptiwis  qmbitfcHnq'-)  OrientM- 
libus^  in  Cappadociam  difcedit.  Turn  cjui  fupererant  ibt  Epijcofi  ac  Sacer- 
dotts  Nundititirii^  in  locum  Chriftiarii  perfeBijfimi,  Theolo^i  sbfolutijfimi^  Mo- 
}/achi  caftijfimi,  NeBartitm  hominem  nc>rdnmChriJ}ianum  fed  adhuc  CatechMme- 
num^  rerum  Ecclefajlicarnm  penitits  imperitum,  in  volnptattbus  fault  C^  cariiis 
haHenks  verfatum,  ftjfeccrwit. 

%.  1 1.  This  Council  added  to  the  A^««»f  Creed  fome  words  about  the 
Holy  Ghoft.  The  advancement  of  the  ConftantinopoUtane  Bifhop  by  this 
Synod  with  the  reafons  of  it,  brcdfuch  a  jealoufie  in  the  Bifhops  oi Rome, 
as  hath  broken  ths  Churches  of  the  Eajl  and  Wejly  which  are  unhealed  to 
this  day. 

§.  12.  LXXII.  Two  Bifhops,  PalUdim  <ind  Secundiams,  complained  to 
Gratian,  that  they  were  unjuftly  judged  Avians^  and  defired  a  Council  to 
try  them.  Ambrofe  perfwaded  him  not  to  trouble  all  the  World  for  two 
Men.  A  Council  of  32  Bilhops  is  called  for  them  at  Aqudeia.  They  re- 
fufe  to  be  accountable  to  fo  few,  and  are  condemned. 

§.  13.  LXXUI.  An.  581.  Twelve  Bifhops  met  at  Cxfarau^ufta  againft 
the  Prifcillianifts  :  Thefe  Men  had  divers  other  Councils  in  thofe  times. 
Ithacius  and  Idacius  were  the  Leaders.  The  whole  Story  you  may  find  ia 
Sulpitiiis  Severus  in  the  Life  of  Martin^  &c.  The  fum  is  this  :  Pnfciilianus, 
a  rich  Man,  of  much  Wit  and  learning,  was  infe(fted  with  the  Herefie 
of  the  Gnoftickf  cind  ALinichees.  Many  followed  him*,  his  party  was  much 
in  Fafling  and  Reading:  The  Bifhops  in  Council  excommunicated  them. 
Yet  they  kept  up.  The  Bifhops  in  Council  fought  to  the  Emperour  (Jr**- 
tian  to  fupprefs  them  by  the  Sword  :  A  while  they  prevailed  :  But  the 
Prifcillianifis  quickly  learned  that  way,  and  got  a  great  Courtier  to  be 
their  Friend,  and  Gmfj^^reftored them.  Cratianhe'ing  killed,  when  Ma. 
ximus  was  chofen  Emperour  by  his  Army,  the  Bifhops  go  to  Maximus  for 
help :  The  Arians  having  got  Head  againft  Ambrofe  at  Milan^  and  thefe 
Sectaries  troubling  the  Churches  in  France,  Spain^  and  Italy,  Maximus  (a 
Man  highly  commended  for  Piety  by  moft  Writers,  faw  that  being  forced 
by  his  Army  to  accept  the  Empire,  he  was  a  Ufurperj  being  once  engaged, 
thought  the  defence  of  the  Orthodox  would  ftrengthen  him  :  So  he  forced 
Kalentinianhy  Threats  to  forbear  wronging  Ambrofe  ;  And  to  pleafe  the 
Bifhops  he  put  PrtfcilUan  to  death,  and  baniflicd  fome  of  his  Followers. 
Martin  Bifhop  of  Tww  (beinga  Man  of  fmall  learning,  but  of  great  Ho- 
linefs,  andaufterityofUfe,  living  like  a  Hermite  in  the  pooreft  Garb  and 
Cabbin,  lying  on  the  Ground,  faring  hard,  praying  much,  and  working 
more  Miracles,  if  Sulpitins,  his  Schollar  and  Acquaintance  may  be  be- 
lieved,, than  we  read  of  any  fince  the  Apoftles,  even  than  Gregory  Thau- 
f»atur£uj)  did  abhor  drawing  the  Sword  againft  Hereticks,  and  dif- 


their  Councils  abridged.  j  j 

fwaded  the  Bifhops  and  Emperour  but  in  vain  :  The  prolecution  was  ib 
managed  by  the  Bilhops,  that  in  the  Countreys,  thofe  that  did  but  Faft 
and  Read  much  were  brought  under  the  fufpicion  of  PrifciUiMnifm,  and 
reproached  :  This  common  injury  to  Piety  from  the  Bifhops  grieved  Mar- 
tin  yet  more,  fo  that  he  renounced  the  Communion  of  the  Bifhops  and 
their  Synods  .-  whereupon  they  defamed  him  to  the  Emperour  and  People, 
as  an  unlearned  Man,  a  Schifmaticlc,  fufpe(fled  of  favouring /'n/c/&4w«/w ! 
But  MArtins  holinefs  and  Miracles  magnified  him  with  the  Religious  fort. 
At  laft  a  great  PrifctUianift  being  fentenccd'  to  death,  M^rtm  travelled 
to  the  Emperour  A/<»a://««;  to  beg  his  Life.    Maxtmm  told  him,  he  would 
grant  his  defire  if  he  would  but  once  communicate  with  the  Bifhops  .•  Mar- 
tin  preferring  Mercy  before  facrifice,  yielded,  and  did  once  communi- 
cate with  them.     But  profcfled  that  in  his  way  home,  an  Angel  correcfted 
him  and  threatned  him  if  he  did  fo  any  more.-  and  that  from  that  time 
his  gift  of  Miracles  was  diminiihed  :  and  fo  he   never  communicated 
with  them  more  to  the  Death  :  Sulpitius  his  Narrative  puts  the  Reader 
to  a  great  difficulty,  either  to  believe  fo  many  and  great  Miracles  as  he 
reports,  or  not  to  believe  fo  learned,  pious,  and  credible  an  Hiflorian, 
who  profefFeth  to  fay  nothing  but  what  he  either  faw  himfelf  or  had  from 
the  Mouth  of  Martin,  or  thofe  that  faw  tliem,  and  who  fpeaketh  his  own 
knowledgofhis  eximious  Piety.    He  fpeaketh  hardly  ot  theBlfliops,  not 
only  as  complying  with  an  Ufurper,  but  that  Ithacius  in  particular  of  his 
knowledge,  was  one  that  much  cared  not  what  he  faid  or  did    The  Bi- 
(hops  would  have  denied  that  the  death  of  PnfcilliMi  was  by  their  means.- 
Is  it  notftrange  that  the  Church  of  Rome  fhould  Canonize  Martin  for  a 
Saint,  believing  his  great  Miracles,  and  yet  them felves  go  an  hundred 
times  further  againft  the  blood  of  Diflentcr?,  than  the  Bifhops  did  whom 
Saint  /Ww-f/w  therefore  oppofcd  and  feparated  from  to  the  death  ? 

The  Churches  in  5f<jiw,  and  elfewhere,  were  dilturbed  and  fcattered  or 
endangered  by  Souldiers  to  pleafethcfe  Bifhops not(as  fomeforge)  that 
A/aximus  did  pcrfecute  the  Chriftians  for  the  Prey  .-  For  mod  U'riters 
magnifie  his  Piety  and  Defence  of  jimbrefe^  and  the  Orthodox  that  con- 
demn his  Ufurpation,  though  he  fald,  theSouldieis  in  Britain  forced  him 
to  it. 

§.  14.  LXXIV.  A  General  Council  was  called  to  Rome  by  the  Empe- 
rour and  Damafuj  ',  but  the  Oriental  Bifhops  would  not  come  fo  far,  but 
met  at  Conjlantmofle :  Here  Damafus  owned  PaitHnm  at  u4ntioth^  as  the 
Council  of  Conjl.  had  owned  Mdettus .-  And  fo  neither  would  be  obedient 
to  the  other  i  the  General  Council,  nor  the  Pope.  But  Damafns  durft 
not  excommunicate  Flavtanus,  but  permitted  two  Bifhops  to  continue  at: 
^nticch\  accounted  a  Schifm,  which  continued  long. 

f.  15.  LXXV.  The  Oriental  Bifhops  that  would  not  come  to  Rome^ 
meeting  at  Co«^4wf;«of /f,wrote  to  Rome  to  tell  them  their  Cafe  and  Faith,  & 
minded  them  that  it  was  according  to  the  Canons  that  Neighbour  Bsjliops 
fand  not  StrangcrsJ  Ihoald  Ordain  Bifhops  to  vacant  Seats  Cto  juftifie 



7  2  Church-Hijlory  of  Bijhpps  a?id 

llicir  fetting  up  FUvianns  when  /lowf  fct  up  Paiilimis:  J  And  they  give 
account  of  ilic  advancement  of  Confi.  and  Jerusalem  and  call  JerufMim 
lyhe  Afolbir  cf  all  ether  Churches.'} 

$.16.  A  Synod  held  at  Syda  againfl;  the  AfafJians,  little  is  ivnown  of. 

§.  17.  LXXVI.  A  Council  at  BoHrdeuux  condemned  Injlamms  PrifciSi- 
an.  who  thereupon  was  llnin  at  Treven. 

§.  18.  LXXVll.  An.  3S6.  A  Council  at  ^owf  under  Syrj'cw,  repeated 
feme  of  the  old  Canons. 

§.  ip.  LXXVIIl.  T'/w^jw^fz/jhavingcxcommunicatedZ/W/rt/jand  rcprc- 
jiendcd  the  Biiliops,  as  irregular  and  bloody  for  procuring  the  Death  of 
PrifcilUan.,  a  Council  called  at  7Vfw/-;  did  julhifie  and  acquit  Ixim.-  Unjull- 
ly,  fay,  even  Bi/mins  znd  Bayoui  us:  who  here  repeat  out  of  Sw/jxr/za /i^jr- 
r;>u  once  communicating  with  the  Bifliops  thereto  favc  two  Mens  Lives, 
and  the  Words  of  the  Angel  to  him  QMr/ro,  Marti  ne,co/«/)««^fm .-  Sedah- 
ter  exire  tiequ'ifli :  Ref-yu  vntniem;  refitme  Corifi.intiam  ^  »e  jam  >ion  fericu' 
lumQ^lori^,  fed  faluiis  incurroi  :  Itacjue  ab  illo  tempore  fatis  cavil  cum  ilia  Itha- 
cianse  partis  coriinmnwne  mifceri:  Cateritm  cum  tardiits  cjuofdam  ex  er^ume- 
nis,  cjitam  folebat^  G~  grMiu  minore  curaret ;  fubindc  nobis  cum  Lichrymis  ft- 
tebatur,  fe  propter  commHnionis  i  Hi  us  malum,  chi  fe  vel  punBo  temporis  necejft- 
tate,  non  Jpiriiii.,  -mifcuijfet.,  dctrime>itum  virtiitis  fentire :  fexdecim  pu/l  vixit 
annos^  vullam  Synodum  ad/it,  O'c. 

Is  it  not  llrange  that  Papifts  blufh  not  to  recite  fuch  a  Hillory  with  ap- 
probation, which  exprelleth  a  teftimony  from  Heaven  againft  far  Ids 
than  their  Inquilltion,  Flames,  Murders,  Canons  de  herMicis-cowbarendis  g^ 
cxtermir/andis,  and  Dcpollng  Princes  that  w^ill  not  execute  them-  And  which 
fneweth  fuch  a  Divine  juftification  for  reparation  from  the  Bifliops  and 
Synods  of  fuch  a  way,  yea,  though  of  the  fame  Religion  wi".h  us,  and  not 
fo  Corrupt  as  the  Reformation  found  the  Roman  Papacy  and  Clergy  ? 

§.  20.  LXXIX.  The  two  Biffiops  continuing  at  Aniocb^  Evagrtus  fuc- 
ceedingP^///'V'W,  and /Jawf  owning  him,  and  the  £^/?F/4t'»Vw«/,  a  Council 
r^  iscalledat  Cr/)«.i;  f/4w.?«refufeth to  come:  The  Council  had  more  wit 
than  many  others,  and  Ordered  that  both  Congregations  {Flavians  dindE- 
'va^riiis''s  )  being  all  good  Chriftians,  ihould  live  in  loving  Communion. 
^'Otliat  others  had  been  as  wife,  in  not  believing  thofc  Prelates  that  per- 
Tvvaded  the  World  that  it  is  fo  pernicious  a  thing  for  two  Churches  and 
Bifliops  to  be  in  one  City,  as  Peter  and  Paul  arefaid  to  be  ztRomel)  And 
they  referred  the  Cafe  to  Ihcophilits  Alex. 

■§.  21.  But  this  Council  condemned  anew  Herefle  fHereticating  was  in 
falhion^j  1//Z,.  of  oneBijliop  Bonofus,  dcn/ing  Mary  to  have  continued  a 
Virgin  to  the  death.  And  they  condemned  Re-baptizing  and  Re-ordaining, 
and  the  Tranflation  of  Billiops. 

§.  22.  LXXX.  Next  comes  a  Provincial  Council  ('or  two)  at  Aries, 
which  doth  but  repeat  fome  former  Canons. 

§.  2j.  LXXX'.  Next  we  have  a  flrange  thing,  a  Herefie  raifedbyone 
diiCivas  no  Bilhop:   But  the  beflis,  it  was  buta  very  little  Herefie:  PJie- 


their  Councils  abridged.  -  , 

rtme  is  the  dercriber  of  it,  who  writing  againfl:  the  Author,  jovinian  a 
/W/74»Monk,  no  doubt  according  to  his  fharpnefs,  makes  the  worftof  it: 
At  the  worit  it  containeth  all  thefc:  i.  ThatVirgms,  Widows  anAMArrycd 
Womctt^  being  all  haptiz.ed  (or  wafhed  J  inChrifi,  and  not  d-jfeying^  tn  any  o- 
ther  works,  are  of  equal  merits,  z.  That  thofe  iliat;)/f«.z  ^rif  with  ■i  full  faith 
are  bom  again  inbjftifmc^  cannot  he  fnbverted  by  the  Devtl-  j.  There  is  no 
difference  of  mtx\thttvitzaabftaimng  from  meat  ^  and  receiving  it  \v,th  thanlts. 
giving.  4.  That  there^s  one  Reward  tn  Heaven  for  all  that  keep  their  baptif. 
malvow.  Siriciusc^tchins,Jov>man  hid  zt  Rome,  fends  him  to  Mian,  where 
a  Council  Hereticateth  him. 

§.  24.  LXXXII.  It's  ftrange  that  Binnius  vouchfafeth  next  to  add  out 

of  Socrates,  l-^.cio.  (when  he  Hereticateth  him  alfoj  a  Council  of  the 

Novatians ;  Socrates  and  Soz.omcn  are  called  Novatians,  by  the  Papifts ,   be- 

caufc  they  rail  not  at  them  fo  valiantly  as  the  Herecicators  do-,  And  it 

may  be  they  will  call  me  one,  if  I  fay  that  I  better  like  this  Councils  Canon, 

than  burning  men  for  fuch  a  Hcrelic.    They  decree  that  as  from  the  Apo- 

fbles  the  differcnttimc  of  keeping  Eafter  was  not  taken  for  fuflkientcaufe 

for  Chriftians  to  renounce  Communion  with  each  other,  foit  ihould  be 

elleemcd  ftill,  anditdiouldbc  fofar  left  indifferent,  thatthey  live  in  love 

and  Communion  that  are  herein  of  different  minds.    And  1  would  fay   as 

lowd  as  I  can  fpcak,  Jf  all  theproud,  contentious^  amhitioits,  hereticating  part 

of  the  Bijlwps  had  been  of  this  Chriflian  mind,  O  what  ft n.,  what  fcandal  and 

piame.,  what  cruelties,  confufions  and  miferies  had  the  Cljriflian  world  rfcaped! 

But  yet  men  will  fcorn  to  be  fo  far  Novations,  in  defpight  of  Scripture, 

rcafon,  humanity  and  experience,  whatever  fin  or  niifery  follow:  (As  1 

faid  before)  in  £;?^/,Wthe  Convocation  and  Parliaments  overfight  hath 

determined  of  a  fa  lie  rule  to  know  i^/^r-day,  and  filenceth  Minifters  for 

not  Alfenting,  Confenting  to  it,  and  approving  the  life  of  it,  even  the 

life  which  confifteth  in  keeping  Eafler  at  a  wrong  time,  which  makes  as 


§.  25.  LXXXIII.  An.  J9J.  A  great  Council  was  called  2.1  Hippo,  where 
jinfttn.,  yet  a  Presbyter  was  there.  Good  men  will  do  well.-  Here  was  no- 
thing but  pious  and  honelt,  for  reformation  of  Difcipline  and  Manners  ^ 
Andmoftof  thc^/r«ir<w«  Councils  were  the  beft  in  all  the  world.  Their 
Bilhopricks  were  but  like  our  Paridies,  and  they  ftrove  not  who  fliould  be 
greateft,  or  domineer. 

§.  2  6.  LXXXIV.  Next  a  Council  at  Conftant.  dccidcth  a  Crontroverfie 
between  two  men  ftriving  for  a  Biihoprick,  Bin. p.  559. 

?.  27.  LXXXV.  Concilium  Adrnmetinum  did  we  know  not  what. 
§.  28.  LXXXVI.   An.   394.     A  Council  of  Douatifts  was  held  at  Ca- 
vernx,  about  a  fchifm  between  two  men  fet  cp  for  Bilhops  againft  each 

§  29.  LXXXVII.  At  B.igai  another  Council  was  called  by  the  Dona. 
t'fis,  for  the  fame  Caufc,  whixc  Priima>uis  Carthag.  having  s^o.  Bilhops, 
condemned   ^/rf.v*W<«7KJ  his  Competitor ,  abfcnt.    Note  h.ic,    i.  Hovr 

L  great 


74  Church-Hiftory  of  Bijhops  and 

great  a  number  the  D<?«4f«7?j  were,  and  on  what  pretence  ("as  over-voting 
them  j  they  called  others  Hereticks  and  Schifmaticks.  2.  How  fmall  Bi- 
fliopricks  then  were,  the  number  tells  us. 

$.  JO.  LXXXVIII.  A  Synod  was  held  at  Tanrinnm  in  Savoy  ^  where  a 
difference  was  decided  between  the  Bifliops  of  j4rlej  and  yieme,  ftriving 
which  fhould  be  greatefl :  And  he  was  judged  to  be  the  greateft,  whofe  feac 
was  proved  to  be  the  Metropolitan :  And  a  cafe  of  Communicating  with  one 
Fcelix  a  Partner  of  Ithacius  and  the  bloody  Bifhops  was  debated. 

§.  ii.  LXXXIX.  Another  Carthage  Council  called  the  fecond,  which 
£;«»/«;  faith,  was  the  laft,  is  placed  next-,  which  decreed  feveral  Church 
Orders,  fome  of  which  (hew,  that  a  Bifhops  Diocefs  had  then  but  uxum 
f-^  altare  •,  As  when  reconciliation  of  Penitents,  (as  well  as  Chrifme,  and  Conr- 
""^  fecrating  Virgins)  was  to  be  done  by  the  Bifhop  only,  except  in  great  ne- 
ceffity.  And  when  Chriftians  were  multiplyed,  they  that  defired  a  Bifhop 
in  a  place,  that  had  none  before,  might  have  one.  And  the  prohibition 
cri^efidi  aliitd  altare,  &c.  was  repeated. 

§.  32.  XC.  Another  C«rffc^^<f  Council  called  the  third,  hathmanygood 
"Orders:  OneisCan.26.  "That  the  Bilhop  of  the  firft  Seat,  (hall  not  be 
''called  the  Chief  Priefi:  (or  Bidiop^  or  any  fuch  thing,  but  only  the  Bi- 
"fhopof  the  fiift  Seat-  To  avoid  all  ambitious  defigns  of  fuperiority  : 
Whence  5«'»«jw  elfewhere  noteth,  that  Carthage  had  not  an  Archbi/liop. 
No  doubt  they  had  a  fenfeofthefinandniifery,  that  came  by  the  Patriar- 
chal! and  other  ambitious  flrifes. 

§.  ??.  XCI.  Another  Carthage  Council  hath  the  like  Canons,  adding 
tothis  aforefaid,  as  Cr^rw^citeth  it,  {Vniverfdis  aittcm  necetiam  Romanus 
Pontifex  apfellctH)-.'}  To  which  Bmnius  hath  no  better  an  anfwer  than, 
1.  Thatit  IS  only  fwelling  titles,  and  not  the  fuperiour  power  that  isfor- 
bidden.  2.  That  the  Afrkaru  had  no  power  to  makeLawj  ioxRome\  But, 
1.  Sure  the  Name  is  Lawfal,  if  the  Power  be  Lawful.  2.  They  that  could 
make  no  Laws  for  Rorr.e^  might  declare  their  JuHgmcnt  of  Gods  Laws,  and 
that  Rome  might  make  no  Laws  for  them.  This  Council  alfo  forbiddeth 
going  beyond  Sea  with  Appeals. 

J.  34'XCII.  The  next  Carthage  Council  hath  104  Canons  for  Difci- 
p'ine.-  mofl  very  good.  Divers  Canons  lay  fo  much  on  the  Bifliop,  as 
plainly  fliew  each  Bilhop  had  but  One  Altar.  Can.  14.  "  That  the  Bifliops 
XZ^  "Cottage  be  not  far  from  the  Church :  Can.  15.  Ttiatthe  Bifliop  have  but 
"  vile  or  cheap  houlhold  ftuff",  and  a  poor  table  and  diet;  and  feek  his  au- 
"thorityor  dignity  by  his  faith  and  defert  of  life.  16.  The  Bidiop  muft 
"  not  read  the  Gentiles  Books;  I9.  Nor  contend  for  tranfitory  things, 
"  though  provoked.  20.  Nor  take  on  him  the  care  of  Family  for  comnionj 
"  bufinefs,  but  only  be  vacant  to  the  Word  and  Prayer.  2j.  The  Bilhop 
"  fliall  hear  no  Csul'e  but  in  the  prefence  of  his  Presbyters  •,  elfe  it  fhall  be 
"  void  that  is  fcntenced  without  them,  unlcfs  confirmed  by  their  prefence. 
"  28.  Tii£  unjufl;  condemnation  of  Bifliops  is  void.  50.  And  judgments 
*'  againtl  ti.e  .sblfnt-    35.  1  h;  Billiop  to  fit  higher  than  the  Presbyters  ac 

*'  Church 

their  Councils  abridged.  75 

*'  Church  and  their  Meetings ,  but  at  home  know  that  they  are  his  Col- 
*'leagues.  yi.  A  Clerk  how  Learned  foever  in  Gods  Word,  muftgethis 
*' living  by  a  trade.  52.  That  is,  by  a  trade  or  husbandry,  without  dc- 
*' triment  to  his  Office,  jj.  All  Clerks  that  are  able  to  work,  (houldlearn 
"  both  trades  and  Letters.  55.  The  Bifliop  mud  not  admit  an  accufer  of 
**  the  brethren  to  Communion  ^  Nor  to  enter  into  tlie  Clergy,  though  he 
**  amend.  Manyagainlt  Clergy-men  that  are  flatterers,  betrayers,  foul- 
*'tongucd,  quarrellers,  at  difcord,  fcurrilous,  of  filthy  jealts,  that  fwear 
"by  creatures,  thatfing  at  feafts,  of  former  fcandal,  &c.  83.  The  poor 
"and  the  aged  of  the  Church  to  be  honoured  before  the  rclt.  83.  He  that 
'*  goeth  to  any  Shows  or  S  ghts,  on  publickdays,  inftcad  of  going  to  the 
**  Church-afTembly,  let  him  be  Excommunicate.  98.  A  Lay-man  mult  not 
**  teach  when  the  Clergy  are  prefent,  unlcfs  they  bid  him.  100.  A  woman 
"  muft  not  baptize. 

$.  J  J.  XCIII.  Jrt.  398.  Another  Council  wasatC^rf/M^rofvj.Bilhops 
for  Difciplinc. 

J.  }6.  XCIV.  yin.  399.  TheophilM[ie\dASynod  at  yiUx4nd>ia,  zgAintt: 
a  dead  man,  Ortgen.  The  occafion  S<«ro««W  and  Bmnim  thus  deliver  :  Mc- 
lania,  a  Woman  of  greateft  Nobility  in  ^owf  \n  FaUnttht  Arlans  Pcfecu- 
tion,  hid  five  thoufand  Monks,  and  a  while  fufteined  them,  and  when 
they  were  banifhed,  with  great  zeal,  followed  them  to  maintain  them  out 
of  her  fubftance  for  cltate :  )  When  they  were  reftorcd  from.  banUhment, 
llie  built  for  hcrfclfa  Monaftery  at  fe>nfaltm,  in  which,  befides  fifty  Vir- 
gins that  dwelt  with  her,  (lie  entertained  and  maintained  holy  Foreign 
Bifliops,  Monks,  and  Virgins,  twenty  feven  years:  Whereby  it  happened 
that  both  fhe  and  Ruffims ,  were  by  DiAymm  AlexAndrimtt,  (a  man  blind, 
but  of  great  learning  and  fame,  too  great  an  admirer  of  Orj-'ra's  works)  en- 
tangled (as  their  accufers  faid)  in  On£eti's  errours,  and  received  and  di# 
vulged  his  ^ook,  called  Pcriarchon:  After  25  years  abfence  in  Efftft  and 
Falcjiinc,  returning  to  Ronu  with  great  fame  ot  Holinefs,  and  bringing  with 
them  a  piece  of  the  Crofs,  they  with  fraud  bring  to  Rome  Origins  PerUr- 
chon^  ( that  is,  Trandated  and  Corrected  by  Rujfinm.)  Another  Woman, 
Marcella^  acculeth  them  of  Ori^fw's  errours,  which  they  deny,  and  get- 
ing  Communicatory  Letters  from  Pope  Stridus,  forfake  Rome,  (where  fuch 
Merits  and  Holinefs  would  not  procure  an  aged  Lady  a  quiet  habitation, 
without  being  Hereticated,  becaufe  (lie  highly  valued  Onsen's  Works,which 
had  divers  errours  i  and  who  hath  not  ? )  Hereupon  Pamachiw,  and  Ocm- 
««/,  vititc  to  Hierome  topublifh  Origcri's  Peri.ircbon  entire,  and  deteifl  his 
errours;  which  he  did,  (hewing  that  Ruf[inns  had  mended  fome,  and  left 
others  unmended  :  This  occafioned  ftirs  againft  Hierome,  and  a  Council 
call'dat  Alexandria^  an.  599.  where  Ongcn  is  condemned.  Theophtlus  by 
his  Legates  e.xpells  Origm's  followers  out  of  Egypt  and  Pakftwc :  Being 
expelled  they  go  to  Chryfojlome  to  Conflaminoplt^  and  complain  of  Theephi- 
Ins  as  perfecuting  them  that  were  innocent  Catholick?,  and  defired  his  help: 
He  undcrtaketh  to  reconcile  them  to  Theophilnj  .-  Epiphanths  foUoweth  them 

L  2  to 

7  6  Church- Hi flory  ofBiJhops  and 

to  ConftiDitinofle,  and  rcquireth  Chr-yfoftome  to  Excommunicate  them  and 
Expel  ihem:,  Chryfoftome  durltnot  do  ir,  againft  prople   profefling  trutli 
and  picty>  without  a  Synod:  Whereupon  Fplphanius  irregularly  accufcth 
Chryfoflome^   and  publickly  inveyeth  againft  him  in  his  own  Church  ;  of  the 
proccis  of  which,  more  anon. 

§.  57.  Fortheb:tcerundcrftanding  of  thefe  matters,  I  will  infert  fome- 
what  of  Th'-9philH!  and  ChryfoJ}omc ^ont  of  Soo-atcs^hcczuic  he  is  a  moll  credi- 
ble Hifl:orian,and  faith,  they  were  things  done  in  his  o.viidays.  Theophilus 
was  noted  for  a  Lordly  Prelate  •,  Ijidort  Telnfteta  faith  more  :  When  Chry- 
/ff/owe  was  to  be  Ordained  Bifhop  of  Co«/?4'?««op/f,  Theophilus  rcfufed  to 
Ordain  him,  becaufe  he  would  have  preferred  to  it,  one  Jfdore^  a  Prcf- 
byter  of  his  own ",  But  Eutropiits^  a  Courtier,  having  go:  Articles  againft 
Theophilus,  fhewed  them  to  him,  and  bid  him  choofe,  whether  he  would  Or- 
dain Chryfoflome  Birtiop,  or  ftand  at  the  Bar  and  anl  wcr  thole  crimrs  .■  Theo- 
fhilus  was  lb  afraid  at  this,  that  he  prcfcntly  Conftcrated  Chryfojiome  : 
Socr.  1.6.  c.  2.  But  prefently  after  began  bufily  to  devife  how  he  might  work 
him  mifchief,  which  hepradtifed  privately  by  Word,  and  by  his  Letters 
into  foreign  Countries :  But  was  vexed  that  his  malicious  praftices  had 
not  better  fuccefs,  for  he  thought  to  bring  in  this  Jfidore  (cap.  5.^ 

§■  38.  Oneof  the  Articles  againft  Theophilhs  was  this:  When  Theodo- 
fius  was  going  to  fight  againft  Maxinms  the  Tyrant,  Theophilus  lent  pre- 
lentsbythis/yT^oretothe  Emperour,  with  two  Letters,  charging  him  to 
give  the  prefents  and  one  of  the  Letters  to  him  that  fhould  have  the  upper- 
hand.  Iftdore  got  him  to  Eome,  to  hearken  after  the  Vi<flory  :  But  his  Reader 
that  kept  him  company,  ftole  away  his  Letters.-  Whereupon  Ifdore  in  a 
fright  took  his  heels  prefently  to  Alexandria. 

§.  3y.  Another  thing  to  be  fore-known  to  this  ftory  is  in  5ocr^r./.6<-.7. 
Thefchifmeof  the  Anthropomorph'ites  new  rofe  from  Egypt:  fome  of  the 
more  unlearned  thought  taat  God  hnd  a  body  and  the  fliape  of  a  man,  but 
Theophilus  (and  the  Judicious)  condemned  them,  and  inveighed  againft 
them,  proving  that  God  had  not  a  body.  The  Religious  o^  Egypt  hearing 
this,  flocking  in  blind  zeal  to  ^/e.v<«//^>7'^,  condemned  T;fcfopW«'/  for  a  wic- 
ked man,  and  fought  to  take  away  his  life:  Theophilus  very  pcnfive,  de- 
vifedhowtofave  his  life:  He  came  to  them  courtcoufly,  and  faid;  When  1 
faflen  mine  eyes  on  you,  ntcthinkl  J  fee  the  face  of  Cod.  Thelc  words  allayed 
the  heat  of  the  Monks ;,  who  faid,  If  that  be  true  that  thoufayefl,  that  the 
face  of  God  is  like  ours,  then  curfe  the  Works  of  Origin  which  deny  it :  If  thou 
de/yihis.,  be  fare  thou  fiialt  receive  at  our  hands  the  puniJJiment  due  to  the  im- 
pious and  open  enemies  of  God:  O  brave  difputing.'  Were  thefe  mortified 
Monks  ?  Theophilus  told  them,  he  would  do  what  they  would,  for  he  ha- 
ted the  Books  of  Origen. 

But  that  which  ripened  the  mifchief  was,  that  the  Religious  Houfes  of 
Egypt  having  four  brothers, excellent  men,for  their  overfeers,  Theophilus  was 
reltlefs  till  he  got  them  away  to  him  ;  one  ofthcm,  Diofcorus,  h;  madeaBi- 
fhop,others  living  with  him  perceived  that  he  wasfet  upon  heaping  and  hoarding 


their  Coimcih  abridged.  7  7 

mo/icy^  and  thnt  ail  his  labour  tended  10  ^atluri'!^-,  [Dr.  H^f.'iner  tr.iiiflating 
this,  puts  in  the  Margin  t  This  Bipjop  !}.nh  more  fellows  m  the  World.  And 
noting  how  Theophilns  to  revenge  himfelf  perfccuted  his  cwn  Opir.iotis 
faith,  This  is  a  fm  aganift  the  Holy  Ghoft.'}  would  dwell  with  him  no  ionge; , 
but  returned  to  their  Wildcrnefs-  Tbcophiliit  prone  to  anger  and  rcveiiC-., 
endeavoured  by  all  means  to  work  themmifchief  i  And  the  way  he  touiv 
was  to  accufe  them  to  the  Monks,  for  fayingtohim,  that  God /Wwf<i/w- 
dy,  nor  fupe :  And  he  himfcif  was  of  ti.c  fame  Opinion,  yet  to  be  re- 
venged of  his  Enemies,he  ftuck  not  to  oppugn  it^  and  font  to  the  Monks, not 
to  obey  Diofcorus  or  his  orcthren,  for  they  held  that  God  had  no  hody^  where- 
as Scripture  faith,  that  he  hath  eyes,  e^rs,  hands  and  feet,  asmenhave  ^  whicli 
with  Origen  they  deny  :  By  this  treachery  he  fct  them  all  together  by  the 
ears;  one  fide  calling  the  other  Or«>;«/'?.',  and  the  other  t\\tm  Antycfc. 
merphites -^  fo  it  turned  to  bickering  among  the  Monks,  yea  ,  to  a  deadly 
battel :  And  Theophihu  went  with  Armed  men  and  helped  the  Ai.ihrope- 

So  you  fee,  if  Socrates  fay  true ,  how  wickedly  this  Sainted  Patriarch 
lived,  and  how  he  came  fo  much  engaged  againlt  the  Orireni/}.'^  whole  cr- 
roiirs  doubtlcfs  were  worthy  blame  :  but  many  good  pcrfons  who  honour- 
ed On^fw  for  his  great  worth,  and  owned  not  his  crrours,  were  called  O- 
rigenifis,  becaufe  they  honoured  him :  And  that  which  was  erroneous  in  him, 
was  confident  with  far  greater  Learning,  Piety,  and  Honefty,  tiian  Socra- 
tes^Ifidore  Pcluf.  and  Others  thought  there  was  in  Theophilns :  Eitlier  credible 
Socrates^  and  others  were  grofs  Lyars,  or  this  Patriarch  and  Saint  was  a 
downright  knave,  oracled  like  one. 

§.  40.  Now  wc  are  upon  it,  let  us  proftciite  C/jry/c/?<7Wf's  Hiftory  fur- 
ther.   He  was  a  ftudious  iioly  Monk  of  a  Houfe,  mar  j4i:tioch  :   After  A>- 
£iariHj  death  he  waschofen  Bifliop  for  his  nicer  piety  and  worth  :  He  was 
a  man  of  great  piety  and  lioncfly  and  an  excellent  tongue,  and  as  good  a 
life,  but  bred  in  a  Cell  and  nor  to  Courtfliip,  knew  not  how  toflattcr 
Courtiers  and  Court-Prelates  :  He  was  naturally  fharp  and  cholerick,  and 
his  confcicnce  told  him,  that  a  Bilhop  muft  not  be  a  dawber,  nor  liatter 
the  greatelt  wicked  men :  (For  Biihops  ia  that  Age  were  ilic  Preachers,) 
not  having  a  thoufand  Congregations  to  preach  toj    He  faw  even  the 
Clergy  nddieT:ed  to  their  appetites  .■  and  he  kept  a  Table  for  them,  but 
eating  with  great  temperance  he  always  eat  alone-.  He  rebuked  the  Luxu- 
ry of  the  Court,  and  particularly  of  tlie  Emprefs,  who  conceived  a  dead- 
ly hatred  againft  him  ■■  And  the  Cuftomeof  the  Court  was,  for  the  Wo- 
men much  to  intluence  both  Empcrour  and  Courtiers,  and  then  what  Bi- 
fhop  Ibever  was  tooprecife  for  them  and  bold  with  their  fins,  to  get  a 
pack  of  the  Worldly  Clergy  prefeiitly  to  meet  toi;c;her  and  depofe  him: 
(For  Synods  of  Bifhops  1^ not  the  Pope)  hadthaulie  power. ^/  They  would 
not  be  feen  in  it  thcmfelves  ,  but  a  Patriarch  of  AUxandria  Ihould  cr.U  a 
Synod,  and  do  it  prefently. "  Chr\foftome  was  a  man  of  no  Courtfhip  to 
take  off  their  edges  ^  butthsworfc  Courtiers,  Bilhops;  andPrielb  were, 


7  8  Church- Hijiory  of  Bijhops  and 

theworfc  hcfpakeofthem-,  Andallthehoncft  plain  people  believed  and 
loved  him  i  but  the  rich  and  great  Prelates  abhorred  him.  His  own  Cler- 
gy hated  him,  becaufe  he  would  reform  them :  Thofe  that  would  not  amend, 
he  Excommunicated  :  Which  they  could  not  bear :  fo  that  one  of  his  Dea- 
cons Sfr^p'ow,  openly  faid  to  him,  O  Bil^iopf  thou  ^iMt  never  be  ahlt  to  ruU 
allthefe  oi  thonwouldjly  nn!efs  thou  make  them  all  toft  of  one  whip.  Every  one 
was  his  Enemy  who  was  his  own,  and  was  engaged  by  guilt  againft  his 
Difciplineand  Dodrine. 

The  Guilty  hated  him  :  His  Hearers  loved  him :  Swift- Writers  took  his 
Sermons,  whichtellus  what  he  was  to  this  day  :  And  it  was  honefty  and 
policy  in  Innocent  Biihop  of  Rome  to  own  him,  who  had  worth  to  add  to 
the  reputation  of  his  defendants.  Among  other  of  his  accufations,  one 
was,  that  Eatropius  an  Eunuch,  Chamberlain  to  the  Emperour,  procured 
a  Law  againft  Delinquents  taking  the  Church  for  a  San<ftuary.  And  fhort- 
ly  after  being  to  be  beheaded,  for  a  crime  againfb  the  Emperour,  he  took 
the  Church  for  a  Sauttuary  himfelf;,  And  Chryfoftome  from  the  Pulpit 
Preached  a  Sermon  againft  him,  while  he  lay  proftrate  at  the  Altar.  Al- 
To  he  refilled  Gainas  the  Arian,  who  turned  Traytor  and  was  deftroy- 

Another  caufe  of  Chryfofiotne''s  difturbance  was,  that  one  Stveriantit  Bi- 
fiiop  of  G<«W*  in  SyrM,  came  into  Confl ant imple,  and  Preached  for  Money, 
and  drew  away  the  hearts  of  the  People,  while  Chryfoflonte  was  about  choof- 
ing  aBilhop  for  Ephefus :  Serapion  a  turbulent  Deacon  quarrelled  with  the 
Syrian  Bifhop,  and  would  not  reverence  him :  The  BiQiop  faid,  //  Serapi- 
on die  ti  Chrijli/in,  Chrift  was  not  Incarnate.  Serapion  tells  Chryfofiome  the 
laft  words  without  the  firft :  Chryfofiome  ^oth\<ii^Severianus  the  City:  The 
Emprefstaketh  his  part,  and  importuneth  Chryfofiome  to  be  reconciled  to 
Severiamts.    But  the  Core  remained,  Socrat.  1. 6.  c  lo. 

$.  41.  Socrat.  c.  11.  Shortly  after  Epiphamns  ("the  Colleftor  ofHere- 
fies)  came  from  Cyprus  to  Confiantineple^  and  there  irregularly  in  Chryfo. 
ftomes  Diocefs  played  the  Biftiop,  ordained  a  Deacon,  and  called  toge- 
ther the  Bifhops  that  were  accidentally  in  the  City,  and  required  them  to 
Condemn  the  Books  of  Origen;  which  fomedid,andfomerefufed,  faith 
Socrates.,  cap.  1 2.  "  Obfcure  men,  odd  Fellows,  fuch  as  have  no  Pith  or 
*'  Subftance  in  them,  to  the  end  they  may  become  famous,  go  about  moft 
"  commonly  to  purchafe  to  themfelves  Glory  and  Renown  by  difpraifing 
"  fuch  men  as  far  excel  them  in  rare  and  lingular  Virtues.  Chryfofiome  bore 
patiently  Epiphanius''s  fault  and  invited  him  to  take  a  Lodging  at  his 
Houfe.  He  anfwered  him,  "I  will  neither  Lodg  with  thee,  nor  Pray 
"  with  thee,  unlefs  thou  banilh  Diofconts  and  his  Brethren  out  of  the  City, 
"  and  fublcribe  with  thy  own  Hand  the  Condemnation  of  the  Works  of 
*'  Origen  :  Chryfofiome  anfwered,  that  fuch  things  are  not  to  be  done  with- 
out deliberation  and  good  advice.  Epiphanius  in  Chryfofi erne's  Church  at 
the  Sacrament,  ftands  forth  and  Condemns  Ongen.,  and  Excommuni- 
cateth  DiofcorMsz  Bifhop,  and  reproveth  Chryfofitme  as  taking  their  part. 


their  Councils  abridged.  7^ 

Chryfofiwte  fent  word  by  SerMfton  to  EpiphantHt  that  he  did  violate  the  Ca. 
nons,  I.  In  making  Minifters  in  his  Dioccfs  ;  2.  In  admioiftring  the 
Communion  without  his  Licence,  and  yet  refufing  to  do  it  when  he  de- 
fired  it-  Wherefore  he  bid  him  take  heed  left  he  fee  the  People  in  an  up. 
roar,  for  if  ought  came  amifs,  he  had  his  remedy  in  his  Hands.  Epipha. 
nius  hearing  this,  went  away  in  fear,  and  took  Ship  for  Cyprus .-  The  re- 
port goeth  (faith  SocrAtes,cAp.  i  j.)  that  as  he  went  he  faid  of /<?««,  J  hcpe 
thoHfliitlt  nevtrdyea  Biptp:  And  that  Chryfifltme  anfwer'd  him,  J  hope  thou 
ffAlt  ntver  come  Altve  into  thy  Countrey.  And  it  fo;fe]l  out :  For  Epipharuiu 
dyed  at  Sea  by  the  way  ■■,  and  Chyfojlome  dyed  depofed  and  banilhed. 

5.4;.The  Emprers£«</o.»:/4  was  faid  to  kt  Epipham hs  on  work.  CtiryfoJIomt 
being  hot, made  a  Sermon  of  the  faults  of  Women  ;  which  was  interpreted 
to  be  againft  the  Emprcfs.   She  irritated  the  Emperour  againft  him  i  and 
got  Tlieophilus  to  call  a  Council  againft  him,  at  Q^iercMs  near  Chslcedon^ 
and  CorftMt.   Thither  came  Sever tanns,  and  many  Biihops  that  Chryfoflome 
had  depofed,  and  many  that  were  his  Enemies  for  his  ftridncfs^  butcfpe- 
cially  timefervers  that  knew  the  will  of  the  Emprefs,  if  not  theEmpC' 
rours :  When  they  fummoned  him  to  appear  before  them,  He  anfwer- 
ed,  that  by  the  Canon  there  muft  be  more  Patriarchs,  and  he  appealed 
to  a  General  Council,  yet  not  denying  to  anfwcr  any  where,  if  they 
would  put  out  his  Enemies  from  being  his  Judges,  and  that  in  his  own 
Patriarchate.    But  they  fcntenced  him  depofed,  for  not  appearing :  The 
People  were  prefently  in  an  uproar,  and  would  not  let  him  be  taken  out 
of  the  Church:  The  Emperour  commanded  his  banilhment  .•  To  avoid 
Turaulr,  the  third  day  he  yielded  himfelf  to  the  Souldiers  to  be  tranfpor- 
ted  .-  The  people  hereupon  were  all  in  an  uproar,  and  it  pleafed  God 
that  there  was  an  Earthquake  that  night :  V\"hcreupon  the  Emperour  fent 
after  him  to  intrcat  him  to  return.   When  he  came  back  he  would  not 
have  officiated,  till  his  Caufe  wss  heard  by  equal  Judges,  but  the  People 
conftrained  him  (o  Pray  and  Preach",  which  was  after  made  the  matter 
of  his  Accufation.    Tbecphtlus  was  hated  as  ti',e  caufe  of  all,  and  Scverimms 
as  the  fecond.   After  this  Theophtlus  turned  his  Accufarion  upon  Heraclides^ 
Bilhcpof  £/j/;f/«j,  put  in  by  Chryfcftome  :  They  condemned  him  unheard, 
in  his  abfence  .-  Chryfoftcme  faid  that  fhould  not  be  :  The  Alexandriani 
faid,  Jt  was  j/ij}  ■■,  They  went  hereupon  together  by  the  Ears,  and  fome 
were  wounded  and  fome  were  killed,  and  Theophilus  glad  to  fly  home  to 
Mexandria  i  but  was  hated  by  the  People. 

§.43.  After  this  a  Silver  Imageof  the  Emprefs  was  fet  up  in  the  Street, 
and  Plays  and  Shows  about  it,  which  Chryfpjicme  perhaps  too  Hiarply  re- 
proached :  This  provoked  the  Emprefs  to  call  another  Council  i  which 
depofed  Chryfoflome,  for  feizing  upon  his  place  before  a  Council  reftored 
him  :  He  ccaied  his  OfRce  :  The  Emperor  banilhed  him  :  His  People  in 
pafllon  fet  the  Church  on  Fire,  burnt  down  the  Senstours  Courts 
for  which  grievous  fufTerings  befell  them.  Upon  this  they  forfook  the 
Church  and  the  new  Bilhop  (v^i/<»c/«/,ancid  ufelefs  man)and  gathered  Con- 


8o  Chfircb-Hijiory  of  Bijhops  and 

[;3^  venticles  by  themfLlves,  and  were  long  called  Joamttes  from  his  Name, 
and  taken  for  Schifmaticks :  But  they  never  returned  till  the  Name  and 
Bones  o^  Chnfcflome  were  reftored  to  Honour. 

$.4^.  ih.  Ncvaiims  qua  relied  with  Chryfoflonie  as  too  loofc  in  his 
Doctrine  and  too  ftritt  in  hi.  Life,  becaufe  he  faid  in  a  Sermon,  If  you 
Sin  an  hundred  timcs,thc  Church  Doors  fliall  be  open  to  you,  if  you  repent. 
And  Chryfofiomc  zngry  with  Sifimitu  x!\\t  Novatian  Bilhop,told  him.  There 
fhould  not  be  two  Bilbopsin  one  City,  and  threatnedtofilence  himfrom 
Preaching  :  He  told  him  thst  he  would  be  beholden  to  him  then  for  faving 
him  his  labour.  But  Chryfoftome  anfwered  him,  Nay^  if  it  be  a  labour,  go 

§.  45.  XCV.  A  Council  in  y^fikl^to  renew  the  Priviledgcs  of  Churches 
for  Sanftuary  •,  that  none  that  tied  to  them  for  any  Crime,  (liould  be 
taken  out  by  force  :  Juftice  was  taken  for  VVickednefs. 

§.  46.  XCVI.  Two  Councils  met,  one  atConJi.  to  judg  Amonins,  Bi- 
fliop  o^EpheJus^  for  Simony,  and  many  other  Crimes :  Another  at  Ephc- 
fus  to  judg  fi\'  Bifliops  for  Simony. 

§.  47.  XCVll.  About ^/;.  ^o:^.  A  Council  of  I9  Bifhops  ztTolctumx^' 
prefs  the  Prifci!liaris\  and  make  divers  Canons  for  Difcipline',as  that  a  Clcr- 
gy-Man  (hall  have  power  over  his  oftending  Wife  by  force,  but  not  to  put 
her  to  death  ■■,  that  a  man  that  hath  no  Wife  but  one  Concubine  fliall  not 
be  kept  from  Communion  ('though  fome  think  that  this  Concubine  is  tru- 
ly a  Wife,  but  not  according  to  Law,  but  private  Contract,  and  more 
fervile.)    Many  other  better  there  be. 

There  is  adjoyned  a  Rsffida  fidei  of  many  Bifliops  approved  by  Pope 
Leo,  in  Bin.p-  565.  To  which  are  adjoyned  Anathematifms  againll  the 
Prifcillians  :  One  of  them  is.  If  c.ny  one  fay  or  believe  that  other  Striptures 
arc  to  he  had  in  jinthority  and  Reverence^  be  fides  thofe  rrhich  the  Catholick^ 
Church  receiveth,  let  him  be  Anathema.  ('Yet  the  Papifls  receive  more.)  An- 
^^!^  other  is,  If  any  one  thinkjhat  Aftrology  or  Mathemattckt  is  to  be  believed  (ot 
tnilted)  let  him  be  anathema. 

There  arc  in  ^/w.  divers  Fragments  cited,  as  oftheTo/fr.  Councils.  One 
faith  that  Arch-Presbyters  are  under  the  Arch-Deacons,  and  yet  have 
Curam  animariim  over  nil  the  Presbyters-  Another  determineth  that  there 
ihall  hi  but  one  Baptifmal  Church,  wl.ich  is  there  called.  The  Mother 
Church,  with  its  Chapels ,  in  the  Limits  afligned :  And  another  diflin- 
guiiheth  of  Offerings  made  at  the  Pariili  Church,  and  Offerings  at  the  Al- 
tars :,  which  [heweth  that  then  there  were  no  Altars  but  where  the  Bi- 
Diop  was- 

§.  4S.  XCVllI.  Two  Councils  were  hdd  at  Cunhaje  about  401.  The 
laccr  about  the  Donatifls. 

%  49.  XClX.  A:.  402.  Was  the  Council  Mckviian.  about  certain  Bi- 
friO!)S  qu?rrcJs  ,  and  who  iliould  be  the  hightfl:  Bifhop  in  Nm.idut. 

§.  50.  C,  An.  403.  Was  th«  Synod  tid  Qnercum,  which  depofed 
Chrxfffo'-  e- 

-     '  ^  S'- 

their  Coumils  abridged.  g  j 

§.  5 1.  CI.  An.  403,  404,  &c.  There  were  fevea  Councils  in  ^/r »£•/(;, 
againftthe  Donatifis^  to  procure //owm;  to  fupprcfs  them  by  the  Sword, 
not  as  a  Hirejie,  but  becaufe  they  rofe  up  by  Ftre  a^d  Sword  ag3ix)ii  the  Ca- 
tholicks,  and  abufed  and  killed  many.  But  when  Attains  invaded  Afnck, 
the  Emperour  proclaimed  Liberty  for  them,  to  quiet  them  ■-,  which  he  after 
recalled.  Another  Synod  was  held  againft  them  at  Cyrta.  One  at  ToUtHm 
about  Ordinations  ■,  and  one  at  Ptolcm<ns  to  Excommunicate  Andronicas^  an 
opprefling  GovcrHour. 

J. 5 2.  ClI.  The  Do«rtf»/?Bifhops held  aCouncil,decreeing,thatwhenafcn- 
tence  of  banifhment  was  palled  on  them,they  would  not  forfake  their  Church, 
but  rather  voluntarily  die,  as  many  did  by  their  own  hands  .•  For  they 
took  themfelves  to  be  the  true  Church  and  Bidiops,  and  the  reft  perlecu- 

$.  5}.  cm.  The  Concilium  DiofpoUtannm  of  14  Bifliops  in  Palejline  ac- 
quitted PW4^/«/ upon  his  renouncmg  hisErrours. 

§54.  An.  416.  A  Council  at  Carthage  of  6-j  BiHiops  condemned  Pela- 
gins  and  Cdcfiwe  -,  whom  the  former  had  abfolvcd. 

§.  55.  C\'.  A  Council  of  60  Bilhaps  at  A///<rv«  condemn  PeUgtus.  The 
22.  Canon  gallcth  the  Pontificians  .-  If  Presbyters,  Deacons.,  or  other  >«• 
fericiir  Clergy ,  ftiallin  their  Caufes  comfUin  of  the  BiflwfSythe  netghhour  Bijhops 
fhMl  heir  them  and  end  the  huftnifs  -^  being  ufed  i>y  the  confem  of  thetr  Stjhofs: 
But  if  they  fee  caufe  to  appeal  from  them  alfo,  let  them  appeal  to  none  but  te  Afri- 
cans Councils,  or  to  the  Primates  of  their  Provinces  :  'But  if  any  wtS  appeal  to 
*ny  places  beyond  the  Seas.,  let  none  in  Africk  receive  them  into  Communion. 

In  this  Council  was  Aurelins^Alyptas.,  AitguftmHSf  Evoditts,  and  Pojfido- 
niits.,  and  thefe  very  great  with  Pope  Innocent.,  one  of  the  belt  and  wifelt 
Popes  (who  excommunicated  Theophtlns,  Arcadtns  and  the  Emprefs,  &c. 
for  Chryfoftomes  caufe.)  Yet  did  this  pafs  then  without  contradiction. 
Can.  12.  of  this  Council  Liturgies  were  made  necellary  approved  by  Coun- 
cils left  any  Herefie  (hould  be  vended. 

§.56.  Cdefline  and  Pf/<«^»/«  being  condemned  \)'j  thz  Africans.,  efpeci- 
ally  upon  the  Accufations  of  Lazjirus  and  Jierotes  Bifliops,  faid  to  be 
holy  men  •,  Innocent  joyned  with  the  Africans^  but  after  his  death  Pope  Zo- 
y?w«j  having  a  fair  Appeal  of  C£/€/?y«»,  crc.  to  him,  abfolvcth  them  both 
and  condemncth  their  Accufers.  He  writeth  an  Epiftle,  had  the  caufe  *^3 
been  good  ,  very  honeft  againft  rafli  condemning  innocent  men  ,  tel- 
ling them  how  greatly  they  were  rcjoyced  at  Rome  to  find  them  Ortho- 
dox-, and  whatfalfc  and  bad  men  Lazanu  and  Herotes  were  :  It  was  La- 
tArtts  cuftorae  to  accufe  the  Innocent,  as  in  many  Councils  he  had  done 
Saint  Brttins  a  Bifhop  of  Tohts  ;  that  he  got  by  Blood  into  the  Bilhops  Seat, 
and  was  the  fliadow  of  a  Billiop,  while  a  Tyrant  had  the  Image  of  Empire, 
and  then  his  Patron  being  (lain,  voluntarily  dcpofcd  himftlf.  The  like 
he  faith  of  Herotes  i  and  that  neither  of  them  would  come  perfonally  to 
Rome,  but  lay  in  Bed  and  fent  falfe  Letters  of  Accufation  :  Therefore  he 
admonifiiech  the  Africans  (among  whom  was  Angufline)  to  believe  fjch 

M  whiCper- 


8  2  Church-Hiftory  of  Bijhops  a?ic/ 

vrhifperers  no  more  againft  the  innocent :  But  Binnim  out  of  Profper  maketh 
the  accufers  holy  men,  and  the  other  wicked :  Sin.  p.  607. 

§.  57.  PclagtHs  lent  Zofimus  a  Confedion  of  his  Faith,  and  therein 
condemning  all  the  late  Hcrefies,  profefl'eth,  That  he  fo  holdeth  free-veill^ 
Of  yet  that  we  always  need  the  help  of  God'-,  and  that  they  erre  xfho  fay  with 
the  Manichees,  that  a  man  cannot  avoid  fin,  and  they  that  fay  with  Jovini- 
an,  that  a  man  cannot  fin  ^  for  both  deny  thefreedame  of  the  will :  But  he  bold- 
eih,  that  always  a  man  can  fin  andean  forbear  fin,  fo  at  he  fitll  holdeth  the  free- 
dome  of  the  will. 

I5ut  fubtile  Auguftine  and  the  reft,  fent  back  many  harder  queftions  to 
put  to  PtUgiiis  and  Calefiine  for  their  tryal,  upon  which  they  after  paft 
for  Hereticks. 

$.  58.  CVI.  Therefore  iivBifhopsin  a  Council  at  Cir//j<«^c  having  re- 
ceived Zofimus  Letters,  decreed  to  ftand  to  their  former  judgment  and 
Innocents,  againft  PclAgms  and  Cskfline,  till  they  fliould  confefs  certaiH 
points  fforGracej  drawn  up  by  Paulus  Diaconus. 

§•  59.  CVII  Zofimus  being  dead,  Boniface  and  Enlalius  ftrove  for  the 
Popedome.-  Both  were  chofen  .•  The  Emperour  Honoruts  was  fent  to  for 
both :  This  Cafe  being  too  hard  for  him,  he  referrcth  it  to  a  Council 
at  Ravenna  :  It  proved  too  hard  for  them.  Therefore  the  Emperour 
commanded  them  both  to  remove  from  the  City,  and  another  Bilhop  to 
officiate,  till  it  was  decided  by  another  Council.  But  Eidaliiis  difobey- 
ingthe  Emperours  Command,  and  coming  into  Rome  at  noon-day,  oc- 
calioned  a  tumult,  and  the  people  were  neer  to  fight  it  out.  Which  the 
Emperour  hearing,  e.\p:lled  Enlalius,  and  a  Council  obeying  him  con- 
firmed Boniface. 
1^  §.  do.  Among  the  Decrees  of  Bomface  one  is.  That  no  Bifiwp  fliall 
be  brought  or  fet  before  any  Judge  Civil  or  A^ilitary,  either  for  any  ■  Civil 
or  criminal  caufe.  So  tliac  a  Bilhop  had  the  priviledge  of  abadPhylician  ; 
he  might  murder  and  not  be  hanged ',  For  any  ovw^,  he  wasto  anfwer  but 
before  Bilhops,  who  could  but  Excommunicate  and  Depofe  him.  But  ano- 
ther Decree  is  becter,  AgRinfk  B(fl)ops  that  fall  cut  and  defire  to  hurt  their  Bre- 
thren: But,  alas,  to  how  little  effedt? 

§.  61.  CVIII.  Another  Council  at  Ctr//?,«^f,  f  called  the  fli'th,  and  by 
fome  the  fifth)  iiad  the  famous  contention  with  three  Popes,  Zofimus,  Boni- 
face, and  Cdefline,  fucceffively,  againft  Appeals  to  Rome,  and  the  Popes 
fending  Legates  into  Jfrica  to  judge.  The  Popes  ailedged  the  Council  of 
Nice  for  it.  The  African  Bifliops  knew  no  fuch  Canon  :  They  take  time  for 
Tryal,  and  fend  to  Confiantinople  and  Alexandria,  to  Atticus  and  Cyril,  for 
their  true  Copies  of  the  Councils :  None  of  them  have  any  fi-ch  Canon :  The 
Fathers  write  to  the  Pope  to  take  better  heed  whathcaffirmeth  for  thetime 
tocome,  and  to  forbear  fuch  pride  and  ufurpation  :  alledging  that  by  the 
Canons  all  ftrifes  were  to  be  ended  by  their  neighbour  Bilhops  and  Coun- 

Here  thePapifts  fweat  about  thefe  anfwers  and  the  event.    Some  fa^y 


their  Councils  abriclged.  S3 

(jAs  Harding)  th^t  the  Jfr icons  continued  long,  (Tome  fcyalmoft  100  years) 
inSchifm:  And  an  Epiftle  under  the  name  of  Pope  Bonijace  the  fecond  to 
EHlaliui  iaith  the  fame  :  Others  wifer  (as  Btnnius)  fee  that  to  Icfe  Au^^HJiines 
authority  and  have  him  and  all  the  African  Bifnops  (the  bell  of  the  Worlds 
againfl;  the  Papal  power,  would  be  to  heavy  a  burden  for  them:  Therefore 
they  fay,  that  the  y^/noj^^  were  no  Schifmatick?,  that  the  Canon  not  found 
was  in  tlie  Council  oiSardica  •,  and  that  That  went  for  the  Council  of  Nice : 
That  the  Africans  did  not  deny  the  Popes  power  of  judging  them,  but  only 
of  fending  Souldiers  and  doing  it  violently  by  force,  and  liich  other  fhifts, 
which  the  exprefs  words  of  the  African  Council  and  Letters  plainly  coa- 
fute:    If  any  difpute  it,  1  appeal  to  the  very  words. 

Either  another  Council  or  a  fecond  SelUon  of  the  lame  is  called  the  fe- 
venth  at  C^thage. 

$.  62.  CIX.  All  this  while  theSchifm  continued  at  ^c-m.-,  and  Enldms 
partly  would  not  Communicate  with  the  reft,  each  fide  faying,  that  theirs 
was  the  True  Bifliop,  and  the  other  an  Ufurper  and  Schifmatick.  But  Thct. 
dofius  was  for  Cdcfltne.  In  his  time  another  Carthage  Council  made  up  their 
Canons  105.  Among  which  are .-  6.  Thatvo  Sijhop  te  caHcdthe  chief  Btjlcp.  3  5. 
To  deal getitUer  with  the  Donatiits.  j6.  Tojend  to  themfor  peace.  55.  That  Bi- 
Jlwps  latelier  ordained  may  not  dare  to  prefer  themfeives  before  thofe  that 
were  Ordained  before  them.  6%.  For  pacifying  the  Churches  of  Rome  and  Alexan- 
dria, G-c. 

$.  63.  It  fell  out  well  for  ^«/?««againft  the  Pf/4f/>«/,  that  by  the  means 
oi Proffer  and  Hilary  ?o]iQC<tlejhne  was  wholly  on  Anjlms  lidc,  and  con- 
demned the  Pelagians.  Aad  among  his  own  Decrees  one  was  Nh/Im  myitis 
detur  EpifcopHS  :  Cleri,  plebu  G~  or  dints  Comm.  fenfus  ac  defidcrimn  recjairatur. 
Many  Canons  of  thofe  times  (liew  that  the  Bifiiops  Churches  were  no  big- 
ger, than  that  All  the  Laity  could  meet  to  choofeor  accept  the  Biftiop,  and 
have  perfbnal  Communion. 
J.  64.  ex.  An  £.»//fr«  Council  againft  the  ^rf/u//<»7/. 
§.  65.  CXI.  Next  cometh  the  iVf}?m4;;  War :  Pope  C-t/r/Ftw  provoked 
by  Cyrtl  AUx.  called  a  Council  at  Rome,  and  condemned  A>//cnw,  unlefs 
he  recanted  in  ten  days. 

$.  66.  CXII.  Cyril  calleth  his  Council  at  Alexandria,  and  pafTeth  the 
fame  fentencc,  having  got  C^/<>/?»«f  to  back  him,  and  fends  it  with  many 
Anathematifmesto  A'f/onw,  calling  for  his  abjuration.  The  whole  caufe 
is  opened  at  the  next  Council  at  £;/«/'«.  ., 

M  2  C  H  A  P. 

84  Church- Hi ftory  ofBiJhops  and 

CHAP.    V. 

The  Firft  General  Council  at  Ephefus,  with  the  Second^ 
andfome  other  following. 

i.x.  ^TT^  He  Church  zt  ConftantinofU  growing  to  be  the  greateft,  by 
I  the  prefence  of  the  Court  (v/hich  was  ihefpringor  poifeof 
JL  raoft  ofthc  Bifliops  courfes,  and  indeed  did  rule,)  it  became 
the  envy  and  jealoufie,  efpecially  of  the  two  great  Patriarchs, 
'Rome  and  Alexandria.  Alexandria  being  under  the  fame  Emperour  had  more 
to  do  with  Conft.  and  made  the  greater  Stirs  •,  For  when  the  Empire  was  di- 
-Tided,  Rome  being  under  an  Orthodox  Emperour,  had  little  trouble  at 
home,  and  little  opportunity  for  domination  in  the  Eaft:  Yet  keeping  up 
the  pretence  of  the  prime  Patriarchate,  and  the  Ca^nt  Mtndi  Romans ,  the 
Pope  watch'd  his  opportunity  to  lay  in  his  claim,  and  to  keep  under  the 
stronger  fide,  andwhiietheydidthework  inthe£<r/?  againft  one  another, 
-he  fent  now  and  then  a  Letter  or  a  Legate,  to  tell  them  that  he  was  fome- 
body  ftill :  And  indeed  the  hope  of  help  from  the  Wefltm  Emperour  by  the 
countenance  of  the  Pope,  made  the  Eaftem  Churches  ftill  vexed  with  Here- 
fie  and  Perfecutionsand  Divifions,  to  feek  ofc  to  Rome  and  be  glad  of  their 
approbation,  to  ftrengthen  them  againft  their  adverfaries. 

\  2.  When  Arfaciuf  was  dead,  Atticns  fucceededhim  at  Confiantinophf 
a  wife  and  pious  healing  man,  who  greatly  thereby  advanced  that  Church 
and  all  the  Eaftern  Churches .-  He  dealt  gently  with  the  Novatians  and  lived 
in  peace  with  them.  He  encouraged  Hereticks  by  kindnefs  to  return  to  the 
Communion  of  the  Church.  At  Synada  in  Phry^ia  Pm.  was  a  Church  of 
■Macedonians :  Theodofius  Bifliop  of  the  Orthodox  Perfecuted  them  with  great 
fcverity :  And  when  he  found  that  the  Magiftrates  of  the  place  had  not 
power  to  do  as  much  as  he  expefted,  he  got  him  to  Conft antinofle  for  greater 
power:  while  he  was  there  A^a^ettu  the /^^cif^/owwa  Bifliop  turned  Ortho- 

ittrat^\,y.  dox,  and  all  the  Church  adhered  to  him,  and  fet  him  in  the  BiJIiops  chair. 

C.J.  '  When  7lbM<fc/<«<  came  home  with  power  to  perfecute  him,  he  found  him  in 
his  place,  and  the  people  fhut  the  doors  againft  'Theodofuu :  Whereupon 
he  went  back  to  Confi.  and  made  his  complaint  to  Atttctu  how  he  wasufed. 
AtticHi  knew  that  it  fell  out  for  the  beft,  for  the  concord  of  the  Church,and 
he  gave  Thetdofmt  good  words,  and  perfwaded  him  only  to  be  pati- 

§.  I.  •Cyril  at  that  time  fucceeded  his  Unkle  Theofhilus  at  Alexandria^ 
in  place  and  in  unquiet  domination,  taking  more  upon  him  than  Theophi- 
itu  had  done,  even  the  Governmentof  temporal  affairs:  He  prefently  fliut 

<«nib.c7.  up  the  2Viw<i;w«. Churches  in  y^/f;^.  rifled  thera  of  all  their  Treafure,  and 


their  Councils  abridged.  8  5 

bereaved  Theepempnu  their  Bifliop  of  his  fubftance  Tlie  Jews  at  that  time 
falling  out  with  the  Chriftians.murdered  many  of  t.'icoi.  Cynl  executed  ibmc, 
and  banifhed  them  all.  Oreftes  the  Governour  took  this  ill:  Fifty  Monks 
of  Mount  Altria  come  totake  Cyril's  part,  and  aflault  the  Governour,  and 
wound  him  in  the  head  with  a  Hone  :  The  people  rife  and  put  the  Monks 
£0  flight,  but  take  him  that  did  the  Fad,  and  he  is  tormented  and  put  to 
death:  Cyril  pronounced  the  Monk  a  Martyr,  but  the  people  would  r.oc 
believe  him  one.  At  that  time  there  was  a  Woman,  Hypatia,  lb  famous  .^c.;-.  c  i  j. 
for  learning,  that  (he  excelled  in  all  Philofophy,  and  taught  in  the  Schools 
:(whichP/ef/««  continued:  j  fo  that  (he  had  Scholars  out  of  many  Countries, 
and  was  oft  with  Princes,  and  Rulers,  and  forh:r  raodelly  and  gravity 
^was  much  efteemed.  Oreftes  the  Governour  oft  talking  with  her,  thepco- 
plefaid.  It  was  long  of  her  that  he  was  not  reconciled  to  C)r»/:  Tlieylaid 
holdofher:,  drew  her  into  a  Church,  ftript  her  ftark  naked  •,  rafetheskin, 
andtarethel]elhotf  her  body  with  fliarp  ihells  till  fhedyed  :  they  quarter 
her  body  and  burn  them  to  alhes ;  which  turned  to  the  great  diflionour  of 

§.  4-  All  this  while  the  followers  of  Chryfoftome  remained  Nonconfor- 
milts  and  Separatifts  at  ConftantitiopUy  and  were  called  Joannitcs^  and  kept 
in  Conventicles  of  their  own.  jitnctu  knew  that  love  was  the  way  to  win 
Xhem,  andhepurpolingtotakethat  way,  writeth  to  Cynl  ^Ux.  that  the 
rcftoringof  Cfcry/e/o/wf'sname  in  the  Church-Office  would  tend  to  heal  their 
fad  divifion,  and  give  the  Churches  peace  .•  He  told  Cyril,  that  Pcfulns  m4-  e^ 
J9ri  ex  parte  per  f/iflionemfctJfHS  extra  mttros  ccnve?itns  egerit,  O"  f  I cykjhc  fa- 
cer dotes  O"  collegit  tioftri  Efifcopi  Cr  a  mntH.i  comtmmicne  difccdeiites ,  honam 
^lantationem  Damini  pariim  abefi  quin  avulferint,  (^c.  '*'  IMoft  of  tlie  people 
*' were  gone  and  had  feparate  meetings  without  the  Walls:,  Pricfts  and 
*'  Bilhops  fcparating  from  one  another  were  like  to  dcllroy  the  Church,  and 
"thatiihe  confented  notto  reftore  thenameof  dead  C^>yo/?o«;f,  the  pco- 
"  pie  would  doit  without  him,  and  he  was  loath  that  Church-adminiftra- 
*'tion  fhould  fo  fall  into  tlie  hands  of  the  Multitude,  and  therefore  he 
**  would  take  in  Chryfoftojn's  name. 

Alexander^  a  good  Bifliop  of  y^wf  wc/?  put  him  upon  this  way:  ^MtCyrtl  Kicefh.]. 
did  vehemently  oppofe  it  CHowdidheobey  ^ow?  then,  when  the  Pope  had  '+  '^•^7. 
Excommunicated  Chryfoftom\  perfecutors?^  And  firft  he  pleaded,  that 
the  Schifmaticks  were  but  few  (as  if  their  own  Bilhop  knew  not  better  than 
hei)  and  that  Cbryfoftcme  being  ejeded  dyed  a  Lay  man,  and  was  not  to 
be  numbered  with  the  Clergy,  that  Atticut  had  the  Magiftrates  on  his  fide, 
that  would  bring  them  in  by  force  (Reader^  there  is  netbin^  new  wider  the  fun: 
the  things  that  have  been  arc.)  And  a  little  time  would  reduce  moll  of  them 
to  the  Church  (though  they  increafed:,)  That  by  favouring  the  Schifmaticks 
he  would  lofe  the  obedient  (Conformifts,^  and  would  get  nothing  by  pleaC 
ing  fuchdifobedient  men,  but  ftrengthen  them-,  That  the  Conformifts  (or 
obedientj  were  the  far  more  confiderable  part,  even  the  Bilhops  and 
Churches  of  £iy'pf,  Libia,  arc.  andthreatnedchathev^ould  fe«k  a  renie- 

8  6  Church- Hi jlory  of  Bijhops  ajid 

dy  liimfclf  i  And  reproaching  Cbryfojlomr^  he  tellcth  Attkiu,  That  Con- 
formity to  the  Canons  was  more  to  be  obierved  than  the  pkaling  of  fuck 
Schifmaticks,  and  that  violating  the  Cr.nons  would  do  far  more  hurt  thaa 
plcaling  fjch  nicp.  would  do  good  i  Anu  ihatfuch  men  will  never  be  fatis- 
ficd  by  rcafons,  norjudj^.c  truly  of  thcmfelvcs:  And  he  likened  the rcftoring 
of  Ck.yfaftotne\  NsiTie,  to  the  putting  in  th.-*  name  of  the  Traytor  Jndas 
with  AiMthiM.  He  addrd.  That  if  ignorant  wilful  fellow^  will  forfake 
the  Church, what  lofs  is  it?And  thei  efore  that  ?.  few  mens  talk  mufi  not  draw 
Jittkut  to  pluck  up  the  Church  Sancftions.  And  as  ioi  Alexander  Antioch. 
who  perfvvaded  him  to  it,  He  was  a  bold-faced  man  that  had  deceived  ma- 
ny:, bur  ihisdifeafeninfl  not  thus  prevail,  butbecured.  ThusCyr/'/ toy^r- 
tieus:  How  uft  have  1  heard  jufi;  liAh  language  ?  Reader,  How  hard  is  it  to 
know  T/hat  Hifcory  tD  believe,  v\  hen  it  comes  to  thecharaclerizing  of  ad- 
vcrfaries?  Howliitle  is  a  domineering  Prelates  accufation  of  fuch  men  as 
Chryfojhme  to  he  credited  ?  And  how  ordinary  is  it  with  fuch,  to  call  their 
betters,  not  what  they  are,  butwhatthey  would  have  them  thought,  ifnot 
what  they  are  themfelves  ? 

But  Attictn  was  wifer  than  to  take  this  Counfcl  •,  but  obeyed  the  Wifdom 
which  is  from  above,  which  is  firfl  pure  and  then  peaceable,  gentle,  &c. 
And  God  had  fomuch  mercy  on  Conflant.  as  to  defeat  the  evil  Counfel  of 
Cyril,  and  turn  it  into  foolifiincfs :  For  Attkm  reftored  thenameof  OS^ry. 
fojjonte,  andufed  theNonconformifts  kindly,  and  they  came  into  the  unity 
of  the  Church  :  And  when /'>(7rte,  after  him,  fetch'd  home  his  bones  with 
honour,  the  breach  was  healed. 

$.  5-  No  credible  Hiltorytelleth  us,  that  either  Thcophilns  or  Cyril  did 
repent  of  this  ^  (Though  the  Papifts  fay,  that  the  Pope  Excommunicated 
TheophilM  for  it  i  yet  they  are  now  honoured,  becaufe  the  Pope  did  own 
the  Caufe  againfl:iVf/?on/«.j  Theodoret^s  Epillle  to  Job.  Antioch.  upon  the 
death  of  C<iril^  taking  his  death  for  the  Churches  deliverance  from  a  turbu- 
lent enemy  of  Peace,  intimates,  that  he  repented  not:  But  ('God  only 
knowethrj  Nice^horus  outof /V/af.tUhe  Philofopher,  tells  us  a  report,that 
after  all  this,  before  he  dyed,  a  dream  did  cure  him:,  I'iz..  That  he  faw 
Chryfoflome  drive  him  out  of  his  own  honje,  ha-oinaa  Divine  company  wkhhi/n^ 
and  that  the  rirj^in  Mary  iiitreated  for  him.,  Q-c.  And  that  upon  this  Cyril 
changed' his  mind  and  admired  Chryfoflome,  and  repented  of  his  imprudence 
and  wrath,  and  hereupon  called  another  Provincial  Synod  to  honour  him, 
and  reltore  his  name-  (  O  dnB tie  Synods  \  And  O  unhappy  Churches,  whofc 
Paftorsmufl  grow  wife,  and  ceafedeftroying,  after  fo  long  finning,  and 
by  an  experience  which  cofteth  the  Church  fo  dear  !  )  And  Nicephortu  faith, 
that  Ifdorc  Pelnfiot^'^s  reproof  conduced  much  hereto,  Nueph.  lib.  14. 
cap.  28. 

§.  6.  J/idore  Pcl*tf.  words  you  may  fee  at  large  in  his  Epiftles :  Nicepho- 
rtu reciteth  thus  much  of  them,  lib.  J4'  c.  55.  Cynllum  fane  nt  ho- 
mincm  turbulent  itm  refi  liens  hxc  fcribit :  Favor  is  affeEiio  aciitnm  non  videt :  Ho- 
Jl-ilis  vcro  animi  odium  nil  pi'orfus  cernit  :  Q^od  ft  utroqite  hue  vitio  te  purga- 


their  Councils  abridged.  8  7 

re  ipfu/n  &  Itbtrare  vu,  ne  violent  as  fententias  txtorcjutto^  fed  jnfiojudicio  cait- 
fas  committe :  —  Afiilti  qui  Ephefi  tecum  congregati  fuernnt^  pHhlicc  te  tra» 
ducunt^  quod  immiciti,u  tuat  ferf(CHtus  fs,  &  non  rite  O"  ordine  juxtn  re^tt 
fidei  fententiam  ea  qiutjcfrt  Qhrijli  [ant  qu^Jivcris:  Thcophili>  irqntHnt^  cum 
ex  fratre  nepos  Jit,  mores  queque  illins  tmit^tur :  ficut  Hie  apertam  infaniam 
infann^iim  G"  Deo  dileilum  Joannem  ejfudity  it  a  O'  iftegloriain  eodem  aJfcH-at  mo~ 
do.  And  after  other  fharper  words,  he  addeth.  Ne  ego  ua  (Ofidemner,  O" 
ttetH  ipfeetiam  a  Deocofidemneris-,  comentiones  fopito:  Necinjuris  propria vin- 
diHa  qn£  ab  homiiiibus  provtnit^  vidcntem  Ecclefam  per  aflni^zs  a^iones,  f^Has. 
And  of  Theophilus,  he  faith.  Eudi  quatiior  admimp.rn  feu  potius  defertoribni 
fuii  circumvalUtum,  qni  Dcum  amantem,  Dciimq\  prxdicantemvirum  (Chryfoff.) 
hojlilfter  opprimerct,  quum  occafoncm  &  can/am  tmpictatii  fiu  arriptiijfet.  Thus 
IJidore  fpeaketh  of  them. 

$.  7.  Atttcus  dying,  the  Clergy  were  for  Philip  or  Prcclns^  but  the  Lai-  sccr.  1. 7. 
ty  choofing  S»y<";-7;>/w  prevailed  :  He  was  a  good  and  peaceable  Man,  and  c.  iS. 
fent  Proclus  to  be  Bijlwp  of  Cyzjcim  ,  but  the  People  rtfufed  him  and  chofc 

§.  8.  After  the  death  o^  Siftmiius  to  avoid  ftrife  at  home  the  Emperour 
cauled  Ncjioriiis  to  be  chofen,  a  Monk  from  the  Houfc  by  Antioch,  whence 
Chryfeflome  canic.  He  was  loud,  eloquent,  a!;d  temperate:  But  hot 
againit  the  liberty  of  thofc  called  Hcrcticks :  He  bigun  thus  to  the 
Emperour ,  Give  me  the  Earth  weeded  from  Hereticks ,  and  I  will  give 
thee  H^.4ve>i :  Help  n.e  ag.tinfi  the  Hereticks  aid  1  wiH  help  thee  a- 
gtirji  the  Perllans.  Ttii'S  turbulent  heteticators  mud  have  the  s y,-.  c.  i^. 
Sword  do  the  work  that  bclo.igeth  to  the  Word  :  Princes  mull  do 
their  V\'ork,  and  they  will  pretend  t:'at  God  ihall  fcr  their  fakes  advance  c.  31.  . 
thole  Princes  :  But  he  was  rewarded  as  he  dcfcrved.  He  prefcntly  en- 
ragtdthev#r».i«j  by  going  to  pull  down  th:ir  Church,  and  they  fee  it  on 
Fire  thcmfclvcs  to  theha/ard  of  thjCiLy.  lie  vvasprcfcitly  calkd 
a  Firebrand.  He  vexed  the  Novatiais,  and  railld  llirs  in  many  places,  but 
the  Emperour  curbed  \(\\\\.  Antony  B  ihop  o\'  Gcrtn.i  vexing  the  M.:ccdomans^ 
they  killed  hira  :  whereupon  they  were  put  out  of  their  Churches  in  many 

§.  g.  At  laft  hisownroine  came  asfoliowcrh.  Ntftorius  defended  his 
Prieit  A'uflafiits ^(01:  faying,  that  Afary  was  not  to  be  called  SrioloKo^y  the  Afcther  c.  js,  • 
of  God  :  This  fet  all  the  City  in  a  divi'iTon,  difputingof  they  well  knew  not 
what,  and  fufpcifting  him  of  denying  the  Godhead  of  Chfiil:  But  he  was 
of  no  fuch  Opinion,  but  being  eloquent  and  felNconcoited  read  little  of 
the  Ancients  Writings,  nor  was  veryleariicd-,  and  thought  to  avoid  all 
extreams  herein,  and  lb  would  not  call  Mny  the  Mother  of  God^  nor  the 
Mother  cfMati,  but  the  Mother  of  ChnlJ  who  w^ts  God  and  Man. 

At  that  time  fome  Servants  of  fome  Noble  Men  impatient  of  their  Ma- 
fters  feverities  fied  to  the  Church  ;  ^ad  with  their  Swords  rcllfted  all  that  ^ 
would  remove  them,  killed  one  Prieft,  wounded  another  snd  then  killed  '  ^^' 

§•  10. 

88  Church-Hiftory  of  Bijhops  and 

i.  ic.  CXUI.  The   Emperoiir  Thcodofms  jun.  a  Religious  Peaceable 
Prince,  weary  of  this  Stir,  called  a  General  Council  at  £ffef/«w,  and  gave 
Cyril  order  to  prcfide,  fthe  Papifts  pretend  that  he  was  Pope  Ctltjiiue's 
Legate,  who  indeed  joyned  with  him  by  his  Letters,  when  he  faw  hovr 
things  went  J     Both  Cyril  and  Nejloritu  defiredthe  Council  (Letters  be- 
fore .'aving  made  no  end)    Cakftine  nor  the  ><(^»C4»«  could  not  comci  ^«- 
giiftine  was  dead :    Neftarim,  Cyril ^  and  Juvenal  of  ferufalem  came  :  John 
ot\Jnt:och  was  thirty  days  journey  off,  and  his  Bifliops  much  more,  and 
flayed  long.   Cyril  znd  Memnon  of  Ephefm  would  not  ftay  for  him:  AV/?«- 
rim  came  the  firft  day  •,  But  C}ril  and  the  reft  being  fliarp  againft  him,  for 
not  calling  Mary  the  Paretn  of  God^  he  faid  to  them,    Ejro  himeflrem  am 
trimeftrem  Deitm  von  facile  dixtrim :  Vroinde  futrtu  fmn    a  veflro  fangnine  : 
infojlcrHm  ad -JOS  nonvcniam.  That  is,  /  will  not  eajily  fay,  that  God  is  txvf 
er  three  months  eld :  I  am  clean  fi-om your  blond,  and  will  come  to  you  ti9  mere. 
Some  Bilhops  gOing  with  him,  they  metby  themlelves.    Cyril  fummoneth 
him  :  He  refufeth  to  come  till  John  Bifhop  of  A/itioch  came.    They  examine 
his  Sermons  and  WitneiTes,  and  condemn  and  depofc  him,  as  blafphemous 
againltChrift.    Three  or  four  days  after,  Jo^w  of  y^«f/ocJi>,  and  \\\sEaflern 
Bifliops  come  .•  Hetookit  ill  that  they  flayed  not  for  him  .-  He  joyneth  ina 
diftindt  meeting  with  iV^f/?orz/«^:  T/jcWar^f  accufethC^ri/'s  Anathematifmes 
of  crrour :  They  depofe  Cyril  and  Memnon :  CyriPs  Synod  citeth  John  : 
He  refufeth  to  appear  :  They  depofe  him  and  his  adherent  Billiops:  And 
t^    thus  two  Synods  fate  depofing  and  condemning  one  another  .-  Both  Parties 
fend  their  Agents  to  the  Emperour  :  His  Officer  Candidiasis  took  part 
with  Ncjlorim  :  He  fendeth  another  Comes,   with  charge  to  de- 
pofe the  h.  ads  of  both  the  depofing  Parties,  and  lb  to  make  good  both  their 
dtpofitions,  w'z:.  Nejlorim,  Cyril,  and  /yfcm>:on:    Candidiarms  before  had 
teld  the  Emperour,  how  all  was  done  in  violence  and  confufion,  and  he  had 
pronounced  all  Null,  and  charged  them  to  begin  all  a-new.     When  Johnn- 
Siii.pySS.nes  Comes  came,  he  wrote  to  the  Emperour,  that  yill  being  in  confufion,  and 
Cyril  andlAimnon  fortifyim^  themfilves,  he  fummoncd  them  all  to  come  to  him\ 
And  Irjl  they  jiwitld  fall  together  by  the  ears,  (which  he  feared,  by  reafon  of  their 
fringe  fiercenefs)  he  ordered  their  coming  in  fo^  that  it  might  not  be  fromifciiouf- 
ly  :  Nellorius  and  Joiin  c/Antioch  being  comefirjl,  Cyril  and  his  company  (ex- 
ccptMcmnoiiJcafienext^  Mid  prefcntly  a  great  tuMult  and  flir  began^  CyrilV 
Party  faying,  the  fght  of  NcdiOTius,  whom  they  haddepofed,  was  not  to  be 
endured:  Thiy  would  h.ive  the  Scripture  read:   But  thofe  that  favoured  Cyril, 
ftid,  that  the  Divine  and  terrible  Scriptures  were  not  to  be  read  without  Cyril, 
}:or  while  Nellorius  ai:d  the  Oriental  Bilhcps  were  prefent ;  and  for  this  Hjere  w.w 
a  Sedition,  yea,  a  Wxr,  and  fight :   The  fame  faid  the  Bifliops  that  were  With 
John,  th,it  Cyril  onj^ht  not  to  be  pnfent  at  the  Reading  of  the  Scriptures,   he  and 
hlcn'r  on  bring  depofcd  :  The  day  being  fir  [pent  thus  ^   he  attempted,  excluding 
Cy ri  1  and  Ncf lorius,  to  read  the  Einpcroitrs  Orders  to  the  rcfi  ;  But  Cyri  I'j-  Party 
wouldnothear  them^  hccjufe  they  faid  Cyr'd  and  Memnon  were  unlawfully  de- 
vfed:   He  h.^d  much  ado  to  pcrfv  de  tl.em  at  lafl,  (^and  indeed  thruftin^  out 


their  Councils  abriJgec/.  go 

Ne/lorius  andC^vW  by  force)  fomich  m  tc  hear  the  Emferei'.rs  writing.  Bm 
he  made  them  he^r  it .-  In,  which  Neftoriiis,  CuiJ,  and  Mtninon,  were  difofcd. 
Thofe  thatwere  ffith]o\\X\hcard  it  fncr.dly,  nnd  afp-ovt^it :  The  cUrwitt- 
edy  that  Cyril  and  Memnon  fve>e  Wronafu/fy  dcpeftd;.  T»  aiotd  Sedtttt>ri  Nc- 
Horias  was  committed  10  CindiA'ismMConeii  ^ftd  Cyril  to  Jacobi-is  Comes 
(and  Memnon  after.)  Hecondudcth,  i^iiod f  fumijfitnos  Epifcopes  videre 
implacatos  &  irrecandlialnleSy  {Nefcia  iinde  in  hanc  rr.htem  G  i<fperttaiem  xv 
nerint^)  cc.  This  was  his  DeTcription  of  the  carriage  ol  this  Coun- 

Both  Parties  fent  feveral  Biniops,  as  their  Delegates,  to  Cenjlartinople : 
The  Emperour  would  not  permit  them  to  come  nearer  than  ChAlctden^ 
(which  is  as  Soiithwark,  to  London.)  While  they  wait  thtre,  TlHodorite,  one 
of  John's  Party  againit  Cyril,  wrote  back,  that  the  Court  was  againfl  Nc- 
flvritu,  but  nioft  of  the  People  were  for  them.  It's  faid  that  Pulcheri/t, 
the  Emperours  Sifter,  was  much  againft  him.  At  laft  Pope  C*lejiive''s  Le- 
gates  came  to  the  Council  and  took  C^r»7's  Part.  The  Emperoar  faw  hosv 
great  the  breach  would  be,  if  Cyr»7  were  depofed,  and  he  revoked  the  de- 
pofition  of  him  and  Memnon,  but  not  ofNeftorins,  and  wrote  a  thrcatning 
Letter  to  Cynl  and  john^  to  charge  them  to  agree  and  joyn  in  Communion, 
and  not  divide  the  Churches,  or  elie  what  he  would  dotothembothThefe 
terrible  words  cured  them  both  of  Herefie:  They  prefently  confultcd,and 
fent  each  other  their  Confcllions,  and  found  (good  men)  that  tbey  wer»  ^3 
of  one  mind  and  did  not  know  it-  And  fo  having  their  will  upon  N'ejlo- 
rtHt  and  his  adherents,  the  reft  united.  But  fo,  thatjofc'j  and  Tbttdsriti 
took  Cyr»/ for  a  Firebrand  to  the  laft. 

§•  II.  AVyFor/w  being  depofed  retired  quietly  to  his  Monaflcry  by  y^«- 
ticch.,  and  lived  therein  honour  four  years,  but  then  was  banifhcd  and  dy- 
ed in  diftrefs:  ("fome  Fable  that  he  was  eaten  with  Worms.) 

$.  u.  The  event  of  this  Council  was,  that  a  Party  of  the  Orientals 
adhered  to  Nejhriusy  took  C^r/7  and  this  Council  for  Hereticks,  and  to 
this  day  continue  anumerous  Party  of  Chriftians,  called  Hereticks  by  the 
Pontificians,  becaufe  they  are  not  for  thera  :  And  the  Entychians  on  all  oc- 
cafions  accufed  their  Adverfaries  the  Orthodox  to  be  Nej}orians,  and  the 
Churches  were  inflamed  by  the  dilTention  through  many  Ages  following. 

$.  1  J.  And  what  was  really  the  Controverfie  between  them  ?  Some  ac- 
Cuie  NeJitriHs  as  afTerting  two  perfons  in  Chrift  as  well  as  two  natures, 
which  he  ftilldenyed-  Others  accufe  Cyril  z%  denying  two  Natures  .•  But 
his  words  about  this  were  many,  but  he  affirmed  two  Natures  belorc  the 
Union,  Cand  fo  did  the  fwryr /jmwj)  but  one  after  :  I>aiid  Derodon  a  moll 
learned  Frenchman  hath  written  a  Treatife  De  Suppojito,  in  which  he  co- 
pioufly  laboureth  to  prove  that  N'efiorius  was  Orthodo.v,  holding  two 
Natures  in  one  Perfon,  and  that  Cyrtl  and  his  Council  were  Hereticks, 
holding  one  Nature  only  after  Union,  and  that  he  was  a  true  Eutychiar!,nr'A 
DiofcorHs  did  but  follow  him,  and  that  the  Council  of  C/.'4/rfi/c»  condemned 
NefiortHs  and  ftablilhed  his  Dodrinc,  and  extolled  CyrH  and  condemned 

N  '     hi$ 

po  Church'Hijlory  of  Bijhops  and 

Cf"  his  Dodtrinc.  But  for  my  part  1  make  no  doubt  that,  de  re,  they  were  both 
fully  of  one  mind,  and  dtjf'ered  only  about  the  aptitude  of  a  fhrafe:  Whether 
it  were  an  apt  Speech  to  call  Mary  the  Parent  of  God,  and  to  fay  that  God 
was  two  moneihs  old,  God  hundred,  God  dyed  and  rofe^  &c.  which  Nefiortut 
denyed,  and  Cynl  and  the  Council  with  him  affirmed.  And  what  hath 
the  World  fuftered  by  this  Word  Warr.    But  which  was  in  the  right. 

Wc  commonly  fay  that/*;*  w.>  denominate  cfr  locutio  formalii  ejl  maxime  pro- 
pria. And  fo  Neflcrins  fpake  moll  properly  :  But  Ufe  is  the  Matter  of 
Speech,  which  tyeth  us  not  always  to  that  ftritlnefs,  and  fo  Cyril  well 
interpreted  fpake  well :  cfpecially  if  the  contrary  fide  fhould  intrude  a 
duality  of  Perfons,  by  their  denying  the  Phrafe  :  VVhile  Nejiorius  accufeth 
Cyril  as  if  he  fpake  de  ahjlrade,  he  wrongethhim  :  while  Cyril  accufeth 
Neftorius  as  if  he  fpake  de  covcreto^  he  wronged  him  :  They  both  meant 
that  Mary  was  the  Mother  of  Chrijl  veho  was  God,  and  of  the  Vnieitof 
the  Natures,  but  not  the  Mother  of  Chrift  as  God,  or  of  the  Deity.  So 
that  one  fpeaking  decencreio,  and  the  other  de  ahJlraSlo,  one  materially  and 
the  othtT  formally,  in  the  heat  of  Contention  they  hereticated  each  other 
and  kindled  a  flame  not  quenched  to  this  day,  about  a  word  while  both 
were  of  one  mind. 

§■  14-  If  any  fay  it  is  arrogancy  in  me  to  fay  that  fuch  men  had  not 
skill  enough  to  efcape  the  deceit  of  fuch  an  ambiguity,  I  anfwcr,  humili- 
ty maketh  not  men  blind  :  The  thing  proveth  it  felf.  Judg  by  thefe  fol- 
lowing words  of  Neftorius  and  Cyril  what  they  held. 

§.  15.  Neftorius  Epi(l.  ad  Cyril:  Nomen  hoc,  Chriftus,  utramque  natu- 
ram,  patihileni  fcilicet  O"  impatilibem  in  nnica  Ferfonl  denotat.  ^no  idemChr- 
Jlfts  patihilis  &  impatibitts  concipi  cjueat ;  IHud  qnidem  fecn»diim  humanam 
natHram,  hoc  vsro  fecundlim  Divinam-  —  In  eo  no>i  injuria  te  laudo  quod  diftin- 
^ionem  naturarum  fccundum  Divinitatis  &  humanitatis  rationem  harumque  in 
Hn.i  duntaxat  perfonJi  conjunEHonem  pradicas.  —  Ec  quod  Divinitatem  pati  uon 
fotuijfe  dijerte  pronuncias :  HdC  enim  omnia  &  vera  funt  cr  Orthodoxa ;  ct* 
vanis  omnium  hareticorum  circa  Domini  naturas  opinationihiis  quam  maxime  ad- 
verfafunt.  Non  dicit,folvi(e  Divinitatem  meant  O"  intra  tridmim  exfufcitabo  illam', 
fed  folviie  Templumhac^CT'C.  — Vbicunque  Divim  Scripturtt  Dominic<t  difpen- 
fationis  metttionemfaciunt,  tum  incarnationem,  turn  ipfim  mortem  G"  Pajfionem, 
von  Divin4t,fedHumanA  Chnfti  naturafemper  tribuu»t.  Ergo  ft  rem  diligentius 
confideremut,  facra  f^irgo  non  Deipera^fed  Chriftipera,  appelLwda  fr/>  ('which 
fignifieth  that  She  is  the  Parent  of  the  Humane  nature,  receiving  the  Di- 
vine in  Union  of  Perfon.^  —  Quis  it  a  deftpiat  ut  unigeniti  Divinitatem  Spiri- 
tus  faafli  creaturam  ejfe  credat.  —  Sunt  innumern  fententix  qu£  Divinitatem 
neque  nupcr  n.ttam,  mque  corporcA  perpejfionis  eapacem  ejfe  teftantnr.  —  Return 
Evangelicdque  traditioni  conjentaneum  eft,  ut  Chrifti  Corpus  Divinitatis  Tim- 
plum  ejfe  confiteamur,  illudque  tuxu  adeo  fublimi  Divinoque  &  admirabili  ipfi 
conjunllum  ejfeft'atuamus,  ut  Divina  natura  eaftbi  vendicet,  qua  Coporis  alio- 
quifiiit  propria:  f^erum  propter  earn  Jive  communications  ftve  apprgpriationis  no- 
ti  one  nit  nanvitateni)  pajjionem-,  mgrtem   carer  afque  (Amis  propietates   Divino 



tJjeir  Councils  abridged.  p  i 

Vtrhoafcribere,  id  demiim,  m  frater,  mentis  efl  pa^anor ion  more  rerc  errnntis 
4Ht  certe  infant  Apellintirii  &  J^rii  aliorumque  hirettccrum  morbo  aut  alio  etiam 
graviere  UborAntis.  Nam  qui  appropriatienis  vecabulmn  iia  deiorijuent  t/los 
Deum  verbiim  laBatitnis  particip'.m  &  fnccedatiei  mcremcnti  capacem  &ohfor- 
midinei)!  Pajfionis,  &c. — ■ 

Neftor.  Epijl.  Z.  ad  Cslefl".  Outdum  de  Ecclejiaflicif  qnatidam  coittcnipera- 
tlonis  imi^inem  ex  Deitate  (j-  HumAnit^^te  acciptcr:tes^  coiporis  pajficncs  audent 
fitperfundere  Deitati  unigenitiy  &■  immHtabtUm  Dcitatem  ad  naturam  corporis 
tranjiijfe  co>:jinj^unt,  /itcjue  utramque  nainram  qna  per  conjwitlioiiem  fumtM/tm 
&■  inconfufam  tn  Uoica  Perfona  Hmgeniti  adoratur,  contcmpcraticne  confiin, 

Neflor.  Epiji.  ad  Alexand.  Hierapol.  Condi.  5.  jiil.  Sejf.  6.0portct  nm- 
ncrc  tjaturas  in  fids  proprietatthns^  <y  jic  per  mirabdem  &  omnem  rationem  ex- 
Ccdentem  unitatem  utmm  cofifiteri  filtttm.  Non  dnaj  perfonas  imam  facimHSf  fed 
ma  appellalione  Chrifti  duas  natural fimul  fij^nificamHs. 

In  Scriptis  Neftorii  recitatis  in  Coned-  Ephcf.  1.  Tom.  2.  c.  8.  Ide/n  emnin» 
&  InfaMS  crat  c^'  Infant  em  babitabat.  Item,  Dchs  Verbmn  ante  incamattonem  & 
Filiiiserat  O"  Dens  crat:,  At  -jero  innovijfimis  temportbits  fervdcmejHoque  for- 
t/iam  ajfumpfi  ",  Qetertim  cum  ante  Filius  effet^  Filius  appelUretitr ,  attamen  pofi 
Catnem  affumptam.,  feorfim  perfe  Filii  nomine  appellari  non  debet,  ne  duos  Filios 
'videamur  inducere.  —  Item,  voce  Chrijli  tancjuam  utrtufjue  nature,  notionem 
cempleclente  accepta,  citra  periculum  ilium  ajfumpfijfe  fervi  formam  affeverat  & 
Deum  nomi»ar  ;  diBorum  vim  ad  naturarum  dualttatem  manifefle  refer  ens. 

Cyril  lib.  de  rcRafide  ad  Retinas  pag.  55.  de  Ncltorianis,  I'erbum  & 
humanitas  (ut  ipfi  loquuntur^  in  unam  Perfonam  co»currunt :  ZJnienis  enim  tjux 
tfi  fecundum  naturam  G~  qua  una  efi.,  nulla  afud  eos  habetur  ratio  —  Et  p.  66. 
de  Neftor.  Si  Chrijlus  fola  unione  fecundum  Perfonam  cum  Dei  Verba  con<un~ 
Bienem  hubeat.,  (fie  enim  illi  loejuuntur)  quomodo  in  illis  qui  pereunt  Evangelium 
Dei  abfcenditum  eft  ?  By  which  Cyril  fpeaketh  for  one  Nature,  and  A'eflo- 
rius  for  one  Perfon. 

Cyril./.  I .  Ww>/.  Neftor.  p.  16.  thus  rcportcth  Nejlorius  faying,  Nic 
qui  videtur  Infans.,  hie  qui  recens  apparet^  hic  qui  fafciis  corporalibus  egef  ,  bic 
qui  fecundum  vifibilem  tffentiam  recenter  efi  editus,  Filius  utiiverforum  opifcx, 
Filtus  quift(£  opis  fafciis  dijfolubilem  creature  naturam  aflringit.  —  Item.,  Infans 
enim  eft  Deus  liber.,  poteflate ;  tantiim  abejl  f  Arie)  ut  Deus  I'erbum  fit  fub  Dei 
poteflate-  —  Again,  Novimus  ergo  Humanitatem  infantis  0*  De  it  at  em;  Filia- 
ttonis  Vnitatem  fervamus  in  Deitatis  hi'.mar.itatifque  ttatura:  faith  Drro</o//, 
I  dare  boldly  I>iy  no  Chriftian  hath  hitherto  fpoke  truher  and  plainer  of 
the  Unity  of  Chrilh Perfon  in  two  Natures,  than  iVf/?on;.'/. 

Ex  lib.  Cyril  z.  Cent.  Neftor.f.4-  He  thus  reporteth  Neflmus,  Hoc  quod 
Chriflus  efl  nulLnn  patitur  ^edi^im,  fed  Deitatis.,  &  Humanitatis  eft  Siaj^-sn  ■■ 
Chriflus  quaChriftus  efl  u-^iaufiTK  ;  Kcqite  enim  duos  Chriflos  huberrus  ncque  duos 
Filios  :  Non  efl  enim  apud  nos  d"  fecmidus.,  neque  alius  c~  alius,  neque 
rurfus  alius  Filius  O-  alius  rurfus  i  fed  ipft  iUe  imus  c/i  duplex  non  dijptitate,  fed 

N   z  Cyril 

^2  Church-Hijiory  of  Bijhops  afid 

Cyril  faith  that  Nejhrius  was  tiie  Difciple  of  Dloderns  Tarfenfs  from 
whom  he  learnt  his  Herefie,  Efift.  ad  Smcef.  and  that  he  was  the  hearit 
o(Thcodornj  Afopfucf}  condemned  in  Council,  for  the  fame  Herefie  as  Nej}o~ 
rim.  But  (a.\th  Dergjan,  F.icundustoto  lib-  4.  largely  proveth  that  LHod.Tar- 
foifis  was  Orthodox  by  the  teftimonies  of  Atlo4nafiMs,Bifu,  Chryfojfeme,  Epi- 
fhaniHs,  c~c.  Et  lib. }.  G"  p-  he  provcth  the  fame  of  Theod.  Mopfiirfi.  citing  the 
places  where  he  alferteth  two  Natures  in  one  Perfon,  Ftd.  Facund.  I.  3.C.2.  cr 
l,g.c.i-&  4.  And  Libtrnius  tn  Brcvwr,  c.  i  o.  faith  :  Diod.  Tarfoifis  cr  Theod. 
Mopjueft.  cr  alHEvifcopi  contra  Eunomium  cr  Apollinarem  umusNatura  aj- 
fertores  libros  compojuerunt,  dnas  tn  Chrifto  ojlendtntes  natnrai  in  un,i  perfon j  :  & 
ibid.  D«^/ Job.  Antiocheni  Epiftolasyprimam  &  tertiam,  LtHdes  Thf^od.  Mop- 
{\icit.  continenrts  Chalced.  Synodus  Oecumcnicaperrelationem  fuAm  Martiana 
Itnperdteri  direElam.,  fufcepit  c~  conjirmavit. 

§.  16.  By  all  this  it  is  evident  that  Ncflorim  was  Orthodox  ;  and  own- 
^^.  ed  two  Natures  in  one  Perfon :  And  that  the  Controverfie  was  de  nomine., 
^^  unlefs  Cyril  was  an  Eiitychinn.  And  that  it  is  a  more  accurate  cautelous 
Speech  /« /o^-wi  to  fay  that  God  did  not  increafe,  hunger,  die,  rife,  c~c. 
than  to  fay  God  did  thefe  •,  becaufc  it  fcemeth  to  intimate  that  Chrift  did 
fuiFer  thefe,  aiu  Dens,  As  Cod.,  which  is  blafphemy.  But  that  it  is  a  true 
fpeech  that  6  ad  didfufer  thefe,  meaning  not  qu'i  Dens,  but  Chriflus  qui  Dens  : 
?.nd  that  one  Syilibie  of  diftinclion  between  ^//.J  and  cjid  might  have  faved 
thefe  Councils  their  odious  Contentions  and  Fighting,  and  the  Churches 
for  many  Ages  the  Convulfions,  Diftraiflions  and  mutual  Condemna- 
tions that  followed,  and  the  Paputs  the  odious  violuion  of  C'lriftiaB 
Charity  and  Peace  in  calling  the  Ealtern  Followers  of  iVf/?o!/«.f,  Ncflo.i.m 
Hercticks  to  this  day.  Judge  how  much  the  World  was  beholden  to  Cyril^ 
■CalrFiine.,  and  this  Council. 

%.  I  7.0bj.  By  this  you  make  the  Bifliofs  and  Councils  to  be  all  Fcols.^that  k^ow 
'.'0!  rvhat  they  do,  and  to  he  the  very  fl.ignes  and  fl)ame  of  humane  nature,  that 
vouldkitidk  futh  ti  jUme  not  yet  quenched  about  y.othing. 

Anfxv-  1-  If  we  muft  meafure.  ^^fwj  per  perfona^,  yea,  judge  of  matter 
of  Fail  by  refpecl:  of  perfons,  judge  foby  the  Councils  at  Ariminum,  Syr- 
mium,  Milr,>^  Tyre  PiKo:,  Judge  fo  by  the  Second  Council  o[  Ephefus.,  and 
abundance  fich:  How  liiall  we  know  which  of  them  fo  to  judge  by? 
2.  Good  men  have  foul  Vices .-  Faftion,  and  Contention,  and  Pride,  have 
imdeniably  troubled  the  Churches :  When  Co'Xil.  Carthaa.  6.  forbad 
Bifhopsto  rcadtheBooksof6'f«:;7fj,  it  is  no  wonder  that  the  number  of 
Learned  Bifliops  wasfmall;  An5  when  no  Bifliop  was  to  be  removed 
from  place  to  place,  but  all  Bifhops  made  out  of  an  Inferiour  degree, 
ufunlly  of  the  famePariflr,  Yea,  and  when  Academies  wercfo  rare,  it  is 
pall  doubt  thni.  Learned  Bifhops  were  rare:  U'hen  Nc^.^.rius  mufl  be  the 
great  Patriarch,  that  vvasyet  noChriftian,  and  when  Synefius.^  becaufe  he 
had  Philofophical  knowledge,  is  chofen  'Jifliop,  eJfren  before  he  believed 
theRcfi-rreiflion  ^  When  t'ney  were  fuch,  as  credibly  Nf-x^anzjene,  Jfidore 
Pelufiota.,  and  long  after  Salvinn  dcfcribes.  It  isnoti,  but  the!c  knowing 


their  Cojtncils  ahrictgeJ.  ^^ 

Wicnefles,  and  their  own  actions,  that  charaderizcthtm.  Doih  uot  J^a- 
cTMtes^  tbzt  knew  Nejhriut^  i?Y\  that  he  was  not  Learned  ?  And  he,  and  o- 
thers,  that cyr»7 was  high  and  turbulent?  Tluodoret  was  a  Learned  nicP, 
and  he  thought  no  better  of  his  Adverfaries. 

The  Objedions  ag.iinft  Neftorins  and  Theodo-us  Aioffneft  ^  are  largely 
anfwered  by  Derodou,  Hhi  JKfr.i- 

^.  18.  The  fame  Dtridon  lahoureth  to  prove,  tha:  Cv>;/  was  an  Here- 
tick,  the  Father  oi  thcFutycijidns,  and  fo  were  the  Efhcf.  Council,  and 
Pope  C<«/(/?;«f.  His  prools  againll  Q-r*/  arc  reducedto  thefe  i.His 
exprefsaflerting  One  Nature  only  iiiChrill.  Epij}.  2.  adfMcef.  Diccefar. 
i^i  igitur  nccejfitas  ipjitm  pMi  in  fiopri.^i  n  At  lira,  f  f»ft  urtor.ctndicatHr  una 
VIrbi  Natura  inotrnatt  ? 

Icem  ,  Lrmrant  ritrfus  qui  rc^a  pervertunt^  cjHod  jiixta  yeritattm  ma  fit 
tiaturaf^crbt  irtcarnMa:  (lenimiinHS  efl  filius  tiAturu  O"  veri  f^trhum  cjHod  inef- 
fabilttfr  ex  DcoPatrc  efl  'renitHDi,   &  f  idem  per  ajfumptioncm  c*rnis  nrn  e.\\t- 

ti'imis  fed animAtm  anim.l  intellii^ente  procefit  homo  de  inHhcre  ■ No^  emm  ttx 

folis  ftniplictbH!  IJ'iHm  fecunditmmturamvcye  dtcitHr^  fed  ttiAm  deiis  rjuxjuxts 
compefitto/icm  c»me:nrunt^Kt  efi  v.g.  /v/;.(?,  (jiti  covjlM  aniim  &■  corpore^  hdc  efintx 
inter  fe  drfferuntfpccity  verurt.tmeti  timtd  WJitm  naturam  hoininis  ithf»lvttr.t ,  i^itiim 
vis  adfit  ratiene  compofitionis  dijferentia  fecHtid:(m  nMinam  reriim^  in  nnitaient 
towurrtutiuiit :  fiiperfir'  t^itiir  fcrmortbiu  imwor.iutiir  rjiii  dicKnt^  fi  wm  rjl 
natura  verbi  incarHMt.i^  fetjiiitur  ut  permixtio  confufeejtie genereliir. 

NtftoriHs  third  Objection  was  from  Chrifts  voinntary  pafiions",  Ergodn- 
M  natHvM  fnhf(Iere  pojl  timonein  tndivifc    Cyril  aiifwereih,   jidvtrftis  rurfiit 
httc  eorum  fropcftit  mhilominus  iis  <jut  dicu:it  nnam  cjjc  Filii  naturam  inctrnAt-im 
sdque  velut  incptum  volcntcs  ojlo^dere,  iibitjite  diias  mtitrof  fnifjieiiics  conanmr 
dflrutre  \  fed  i,>norant  iju.tcuncj>ic  aon  dijltnjruiDitur  fola  mentis  confdertUione,   ea 
frorfus  etiam  in  diver ftAtcnidtjlir^am  om>:ifaritim  4C  frivatim  a  fe  mutno  fe^rc- 
gari :  e. g.  Homo—  duos  111  eo  riMnr^s intcllifiniMs^utMm  animtc^iUtoamcerptris., 
fedcuin  joladfcrcveritnus  intelU^entia  &  aijfcrcntiAm  ftibtili  iciitcmfUitoie  fen 
mentis  ims^matione  conciperi/,  non  tanien  feorfim  pcviuuis  tiatura.'^  fed  imiu: 
tfft  intelUginiHs.    Itaut  tll^duxjamnoft  pntdiu,  fed  ambtt  unum  annual  abfol- 
vunt.      Tandem  it 4  concludit.    ^Z^  Hsc  ii^itnrex  ejMbns  efi  untu  (fr  folns  filins 
Dontinus  Jtfiis  Qhnfius  cogitAtionibus    ctmplcxi,  duas  ejiiidAm  naiuras  urtitas 
»fferimus  •,  pofl  aniontm  vera  tuucjHam  adewpta  jam  in  duas  difiinCliont  nntm 
effe  credimus  filii  7tatnram  tancfuam  unius^  fed  inhiiniati   cf"  incarnatt.     It's 
ftrange,  how  Cyril  and  the  JEntychiars  mc^nt,  that  Chrills  Natures  were 
two  before  the  Union.  Did  they  think  that  the  Humanity  exifted  before  the 
Union  ? 

So  Epifi-  1- Cyril,  ad  feiccejf-  Alhil  injufiifacimu.i  dictntes  exduttbut  tfa 
tm-isfa^i'.m  elft  concitrfum  in iwifatem  •,  pafi Hnionem  vera  non  difiin-mmns  «* 
ritras  ttb  invicem^  nee  in  duos  f'ici  nnnm  C-!r  individ/ruH  partinmr,  fed  dtcimKs 
u»Hmfilinm^  Q-  ficut  Partestilternm  trunt^  Z);urt  NutuoTAin  Dei  fcrbi 

Eadcmdicit  Epifi.  rt^/ Acacium  Mclct.  Pifi  i'.>noncm  ftblittai^fn  in  duo.:  r'ij^ 



p4  Church- Hi  (lory  of  Bijhops  and 

j;;^  flinBioiie  imam  ejfi  crcdimus  flit  nacitram,  taucjuam  uniuj,  jcd  inhumati- 

Cyril.  Epift-  ad  Eulo^-Presb.  Nos  ilUs  (duasnatHras)  ndunantes  unum  fi- 
lii(m,  unum  Dominum  confitemHr^  deinde  G~  Hnam  per  TtAtHram  incarnatam,  quod 

C^  de  communi  hoimtte  dicevdum. Dum  u»itatem  conjitemnr,  von  diflinguuntur 

antflius  tjiiicfunt  unita :  fed  uniis  jam  eji  Chrlfius  &  mm  efi  if  fins  tanquanitncar- 
tiati  F'erbi  natura. 

Cyril. /;/«f.  Ncftor.  p.  51.  Hie  recenttjfimi  i/nfirtatis  inventor  quamvis 
Chriffitm  unum  fe  dicer e  fmiilct^  attamen  uhicjue  natural  dijiin^uit. 

Et  p.  45.    Quomodo  iZhrifiumunum  cir  tndividuum  dicii  effe  ditflictm natural 

Cyril-  lih.dereBa  f.dcad  rej^ifios  p.  63.  AJfHtnitHr  in  unum  Deitatis Natu- 
ram  uniis  Chri(}ns  Jefiis  per  tjiiem  omnia. 

Cyril.  Dia!o<^.  i^iiod  units  ft  Chrijlus.  \Vnumferro  fliiim  &  unam  ip/ins 
Naturam  ejfc  dicimus,  licet  cartiem  amma  intelliffcntefrdditam  ajfumffcrit .~\ 

Many  more fuch  paflages  are  wiCyril.  Here  Dcrodon  ■^xo^ct'n,  i.  That 
Cyril  took  not  fi^'w  for  Perfona.  i-  That  he  took  not  J''cufi<ni  for  Divifi- 
on  hut  Difiinftion:  If  he  did,  it  was  an  ill  quarrel,  when  Neforins  afiert- 
ed  notabivifion,  but  a  Diftinftion.  j.  That  Cyril  ^\\\  rcpvoycth  Neflo. 
riits  for  aderting  only  a  union  ficunditm  perfonam^  and  not  fcimdiim  natu- 
ram.  4.  That  Cyril  (as  Diofcorus)  declares  what  union  he  nieaneth,  not 
by  Confufion,  Commixtion  or  Tranfmutation,  but  by  Compofition,  (and 
fo  faid  the  Eutychians.) 

Thefecond  order  of  Derodons  proofs  is  from  all  the  places  where  C^nV 
pleads  for  one  hypojlafis,  and  he  fheweth  that  by  hypeflafs  Cyril  meant  «<t- 
tiira  or  fuhflantia  fmgdarii.  The  citations  are  too  long  to  be  repeated. 

3.His  proofs  are  from  all  the  Texts  where  he  laith  the  JJ V</,and  Humcr- 
nity  concurred  hi^h. 

His  fourth  proof  that  Cyril  was  an  Eutychian^  is  from  all  thofe  places 
where  he  faith,  that  the  Godhead  and  Manhood  are  made  one  nature  as  the 
foul  and  body  of  man  are. 

His  fifth  order  of  proofs  is  from  the  words  where  he  oft  attributeth 
the  fame  operations,  and  the  fame  attributes  to  both  nature. 

His  fixth  proof  is  from  theteftimony  oilbas  Edef  apudFacnnd.  I.  t.c.  j. 
Gennad.  Conft.  ibid,  I.  2.  p.  77,  78.  Johan.  Antioch.  Theodoret,  drc. 

§.20. For  my  part, I  again  fay,  pafl  doubt,  that  neither  Neftorius  nor  Cyril 
were  Heretical  de  re-,  but  that  they  were  of  one  mind,  and  that  one  fpake  of 
the  concrete.,  and  the  other  of  cbe  abftraB-^thzt  one  fpake  of  Chriflus  ijai  Deus^ 
and  the  other  of  Clmftus  qua  Dens.  But  (pardon  truth,  or  be  deceived 
ftillj  ignorance,  pride,  and  envy,  andfaftion,  and  defire  to  pleafe  the 
Court,  made  Cy^;/ and  his  Party,  by  quarrelfomc  Herctication,  to  kindle 
that  lamentable  llame  in  the  World.  But  fin  ferveth  the  finncrs  turn  but  for 
the  prefent,  and  becometh  afterward  hisfhame.  All  the  Bifhops  would  not 
follow Cyn'/.  At  this  day  the  falfly  Hereticated  iVf/?o>-«4«.f  (faith  Breerwood 
Enqitir.  p.  139.)  inhabites  a  great  part  of  the  Eaft,  for  befidesthe  Coon- 
tries  of  Babylon,  Jffyria-,  Mtfopotamnt^Parthia.,  and  Media-,  they  are  fpread 
far  and  wide,  both  Northerly  to  Cataya,  and  Southerly  to  India :  Marcus 


their  Councils  abridged.  ^5 

Taulus  tells  us  of  them  and  no  other  Chriftians  in  Tartary,  as  in  Cajfar^ 
Sarmttcham^  Carcham ,  Chinchiiitalas  >  Taugnth  ,  Suchir  ,  Ergimuly  Tenduc^ 
Ctiraim,  Mangi^  &c.  fo  that  beyond  Tigris  there  are  few  other  Chriftians. 
The  Perfian  Emperours  forced  the  Chriftians  to  Nejlonxmfmt'-,  Their  Pa- 
triarch hath  his  Seat  at  Aiufd  in  Afefopotamia  or  the  Monaltery  ofSt-Ermes 
near  it,  in  which  City  the  iv>/?on4w^  have  15  Temples.-  They  are  falfly  ac- 
cufed  ftiU  to  hold  two  Pcrfons  in  Chrift :  They  fay  as  Neflorim  himfelf  faid, 
Tou  ntay  fay  that  Chrifi^s  Mother  is  the  Parent  of  God,  if  yon  will  expound  it  well, 
but  it  is  improper  and  dangerous.  They  take  Neflorius^  Diodorus  Tarfenfis  and 
Theodorus Mopfuefl,  for  holy  Men  ,  They  renounce  the  Council  Ephef.  and 
all  that  owned  it,  and  deteft  Cyrtl.  They  Communicate  in  both  kinds:  They 
ufe  not  auricular  Confefllon :  nor  Confirmation  :  nor  Crucifixes  on  their 
Croffes :  Their  Priefts  have  liberty  for  firft,  fecond,or  third  Marriages,  &c. 
Breerwood,  ibid.,  p.   1 44. 

§.  2  1.  I  need  no  other  proof  for  my  opinion,  that  thefe  Bifliopsfet 
the  World  on  fire  about  a  Word,  being  agreed  in  fenfe,  than  the  recon- 
ciliation of  the  Patriarchs  C^rr/  znAJohn  when  forced,  and  rheir  Parties, 
profeflingthat  they  meant  the  fame  and  knew  it  not.  Ohj.  But  they  all  con- 
demned ivif/?o?/«;.  Aif-  To  quiet  the  World,  and  to  pleafe  the  Courtiers 
and  violent  Bidiops.  And  the  Eraperour  himfelf  (faith  Socrates,  L-].c.^i.otiq 
that  excelled  all  the  Priefts  in  modefty  and  meekncfs,  and  could  not  away 
with  perfecution,)  was  the  more  againft  Nejlorius  becaufe  he  was  a  perfecu- 
tor  himfelf. 

Read  Theodoret''s  Homily  againft  Cyril,  Bin.  p-  007.  and  Jehan.  An- 
tioch.  ibid.  But  neither  the  one  fiAz{_Nejloriushsie(iarchaimpiilfimus,~\i\oT 
the  other  fide  C  Cyrillus  fuperbus  &  hlafphcmut  ]  lliould  lignifie  much  with 
menthatknow  what  liberty  adverfc  Bilhops  ufcd. 

§.  22.  As  for  them  that  fay,  Neftorim  did  dijfemble  when  he  ajferted  the 
Vtiityoftwo  Natures  in  one  Peyfon:  and  ts  not  to  he  judged  of  by  his  cwnwtrdsj  I 
take  them  to  be  the  firebrands  of  the  world,  and  unworthy  the  regard  of 
fober  men,  who  pretend  to  know  mens  judgments  better  than  thcmlclves, 
and  allow  not  mens  own  deliberate  profelllon  to  be  the  notice  oftheir  Faith. 
§.  2  J.  When  the  Emperour  faw  that  there  was  no  reconciling  the  Bi- 
fliops,  but  by  force,  he  authorized  AriftoUns.,  a  Lay-Magiftrate,  to  call 
Cyril AXiA'toh.  Antioch.  to  Niconiedia^  and  keep  them  both  there  till  they 
were  agreed :  whereupon  Jo/w  communed  with  his  Biihops,  and  they  yield- 
ed, having  no  remedy,  to  the  d?pofition  o(  Ncfiorius,  the  Ordination  of 
Ma.\imwiunits  in  his  ftead,  and  communion  among  themfelves.  This  is  cal- 
led another  Council- 
It  would  grieve  one  to  read  the  Empcrour  Thiodofius  importuning  Simeon 
Stylites,  a  poor  Anchorite,  to  try  whether  by  Prayer  and  Counfcl  he  could 
bring  the  Bifliops  to  Unity ,  and  concluding,  [This  difeord  doth  fo  trouble  wf, 
that  I  judge  this  only  hath  been  the  chief  occapon  of  all  my  calainities.~\  Bin.  p. 

§.  24.  CXiV-  An.  45 1-  Tiicrc  was  a  Council  called  at  Rme  to  clear 


^6  Church-Hijtory  of  Bijhops  ami 

Pope  Sixtm  from  an  nccufation  of  one  Bajpts,  of  ravifliing  a  Nun. 

$.  25.  CXV.  There  istalk  of  a  Council  at  Route  to  dear  one  Pelychroi.iitt 
Biihop  of  Jfrff/^/fTw,  of  accttfationsof5iwewy;  But  contradictions  makethij 
(and  the  former)  to  bealto.^cthcr  uncertain. 

5.  26.  CXVI,  The  >4r»»f«/<fw/ in  Council  are  faid  to  condemn  Neficrim 

5.27.  CXVII.  ACouncil  was  held  at Co»/?4«/.  to  decide  the  Controver. 
fie  between  the  Alexandrian  and  Cw/?4«r.Biniops,  which  (hould  be  greateft, 
and  rule  the  Eaft^  where  it  was  carried  for  Conflttnt.  And  Theodoret  pleading 
for  Antioch,  Diofcorus  (the  Jlex.  Agent)  hated  him  ever  after,  (as  he  faith 
Epijl.  86.) 

§.  28.  CXVIII.  Ai.4i9.  ACouncil  ztRegicnJe  of  13  Bidiops did fome- 
what  about  Ordinations,  &c. 

5.  2p.  About  this  time  Z-fo  at  ^<?wf  was  fain  to  forbid  bowing  toward  the 
£4/?,  becaufe  the  ManUhees  joyned  among  them,  and  bowed  to  the  Sun, 
and  could  not  be  elfediftinguiflied  from  the  Orthodox,  Bi».  de  Leone. 

j.  JO.  ClflX.  A  Council  at  ^r<««/?frt«  repeated  fome  old  difciplinary  Ca- 

$.  31.CXX.  LfoheldaCouncilat  ^owifofBithops,  Priefl:s,and  Laymen, 
to  detedl  the  wickcdnefs  of  the  ALtmchees,  and  warn  men  to  avoid  them. 

$.  32.  CXXI.  An.  445.  Lfo  held  a  Council  at  ^owf  againft  Hiiary  BU 
{hop  of  Arlet,  for  difobedience  to  his  Decrees. 

$.  3 }.  CXXII.  A  Council  called  Cenerd  in  Sfitin^  recited  the  Profefli- 
on  of  Faith  againft  the  PrifiiUianiJis. 


their  Councils  abridged,  ay 

CHAP.    VI. 

Councils  about  the  Eutychian  Herefie  andfome  others. 


$.   I.  CXXIIT.   ^"^Tril  had  by  many  words  fo  carried  the  bufinefs  at 

Ephefus  againft  Neftorius,  and  himfelf  fo  often  faid, 
that  after  the  Vnion,  the  Natures  were  one,  that  his 
Admirers  took  that  for  a  certain  truth  .•  But  when 
that  quarrel  was  over,  Truth  was  truth  ftill,  and  the  Orthodox  would  not 
fly  from  it,  for  fear  of  being  called  AV/priijwj-,  for  they  difdaimed  A^«/o- 
rius,  but  difowned  the  Dodrine  o(One  nature.  Entyches  an  yirchtmundnte., 
and  Diofcoriis,  Succcflbur  to  Cyril,  bclived  that  they  did  but  tread  in  his 
fteps,  and  hold  to  the  Ephef.  Council.  But  that  would  not  now  ferve^when 
the  Scene  was  changed. 

$.  2.  Reader,  It  is  ufeful  to  thee,  to  know  truly  the  ftate  of  this  Tragi- 
cal Controverfic,  which  had  more  dividing  and  direful  efFedls  than  the 
former.    Jhc  Euiychi mis  f^y,  th^f  Chrij}  hefore  their  ZJmon  by  ircarnation  had 
tvpo  natures,  that  is,  confidered  mentally,  as  not  united;  b\it  after  the  union    ^n 
had  hut  one  nature.    They  took  up  this  as  againft  i\/ify?or»4«»/w».     The  truth 
is,  Though  they  ftill  go  for  defperate  Hereticks,  I  verily  behcvethat  all 
the  quarrel  was  but  about  ambiguous  words :  fome  of  them  underftood  the 
word  ZNature"]  in  the  fame  fenfe  as  their  Advcrfaries  took  the  word  [_fiy. 
poflafu']  or  \_Perfon~\  And  Cit's  fad  that  it  (hould  be  true,  but  j  moft  of 
them  confounded  [Vniiy  undiJftn^uiJIied^^ndZVnitin^  undivided.^  The  Euty- 
chiatis  thought.How  can  that  be  called 'L'niVy  which  maketh  not  one  of  two  f 
And  no  doubt  the  Natures  are  One ;  But  One  what  f  Not  One  Nature,  but 
One  Perjon  •,     Yet  (to  bring  off  Cyrtl)  it  may  be  faid  that  even  the  No- 
tures  are  One,  in  oppofition  to  Dtvtfion  or  Separation ,  but  not  One  iu  oppo- 
fition  to  diftinBion.     He  that  had  but  diftinguilhed  thefe  two  clearly  to 
them,  and  explained  the  word  {^Nature'}  clearly,  had  better  ended  all  the 
Controverfie  than  it  was  ended-    It's  plain  that  Cyr»y  and  the  £«fycfc»jwx 
allowed  mental diftmBion^  though  not  that  the  Mind  (hould  fuppofe  them 
divided :   And  it's  certain  that  the  Orthodox  meant  no  more. 

j.  ?.  He  that  readeth  but  Philofophers,  Schoolmen,  and  late  Writers, 
(ruchasF<;rf««.  Ltcetus  de  natura,  &c.)  will  fee  how  little  they  are  agreed 
aboutthemeaningof  the  word  t.Nature,']  and  how  unable  to  procure  a- 
greement  in  the  conception.  They  that  lay  it  is  principium  motns  c~  .^«f- 
tis^  are  contradicted,  as  confounding  divers  Principia:  and  as  confound- 
ing Jflive  Natures,  and  Pajfive,  the  J^ive  only  being  Principium  Motm, 
and  the  Pajfive,  Principium  cjiiietis.  And  on  fuch  accounts  the  Eutjchians 
pleaded  for  One  Nature;  bccaufe  in  Chrift  incarnate  they  fuppolcd  that 

O  the 

98  Church' Hi ftory  of  Bijhops  and 

the  Divine  Nature  was  the  Principium  frimHmmotus^  and  that  allChrifts 
actions  were  done  by  it,  and  that  the  humane  foul,  being  moved  by  the 
Divinity,  was  but  Principium  fuberdinatum^  which  they  thought  was  im- 
properly called  PrincipiHiny  fAs  molt  Philofophers  fay,  that  Forma  generic 
ca  is  improperly  called  forma  hominis,  becaufe  one  thing  hath  but  one  form  | 
fothey  thought  that  oncperfon  had  but  one  proper  Principium  mctas. 

§.  4.  Alas  how  few  Bifhops  then  could  diftingui(h  as  Derodon  doth, 
and  our  common  Metaphyficks  ,  between,  i.  IndiifiJuumy  2.  Prima  fub- 
fi,wtia,  i.  NatHra,  4.  Suppofiium,  5.  Perforia,  6.  and  have  diftinguilhed, 
arightf^fwcf  and  ^^po/?/?/;/,  or  fubfijhnce,  c~c.  and  defined  all  thefe.  Na- 
tH/f  faith  Dirodon  de  fuppof.  p.  5.  is  taken  in  nine  fenfes^  Butthe/<rw/<r  was 
not  here  agreed  e>i,  before  they  difpntedof  the  matter. 

E\'embo\}tthe  Nature  of  Man^  it  is  difputed,  whether  he  conflftnotof 
many  natures '^  Whether  every  Element  CEarth,  Water,  Air,  Fire)  retain 
not  its  feveral  Nature  in  the  Body,  or  whether  the  Soul  be  Mans  only 
Nature^  and  whether  as  intciledtual,  and  fcnfitive  and  vegetative,  or  on- 
ly in  one  of  thefe?  And  is  it  notpity  that  fuchqueft ions  fhould  be  rail^ 
cd  about  the  perfon  of  Chrift  by  felUconccitcd  Bifhops,  and  made  nccef- 
fary  to  falvation,  and  the  world  fet  on  fire,  and  divided  by  them  ?  Is  this 
good  ufage  of  the  Faith  of  Chrift,  the  Souls  of  Men,  and  the  Church  of 

§.  5.  But  to  the  HiHory:  At  a  Cou:\cil  of  Conjlantinop.  under  Flavia- 
nvs,  Eufel^i/tj  h'lihopof  Dorilciimsccttkd  Eutydes,  for  affirming  Heretically 
as  aforefaid,  {ihzt  after  the  Vnion  Chrifi  had  but  one  Nature.)  Etttiches  is 
fentfor:  Herefufethto  come  out  of  his  Monaftery,  After  many  Citati- 
ons, heftlU  refufing,  they  judge  him  to  be  brought  by  force:  He  firft  de- 
laytth  :  Thencravethofthe  Emperour  the  prefenccof  Magiftrates,  that  he 
be  not  calumniated  by  ihc  Bilhops.  He  is  condemned,  but  recanteth 

§.  <5.  A  meeting  of  Bifhops  at  Tyre  cleared  Ibas  Edrff.  from  the  accu- 
fation  of  }^eJ}oria>iifme^  made  by  four  Evcommunicace  Priefts ,  two  of 
them  perjured  ^  and  reconciled  him  to  fuch  Priefts  for  Peace  fake. 

$.  7.  Another  meeting  ot  Bifhops  at  Bcrythum,  cleared  Ibat  from  a 
renewed  accnfarion  of  \^rJiortanifme,  being  faid  to  hare  fpoken  evil  of  Cy- 
ril- AnEpiftleof  his  to  M^trif  aBifhop,  was  accufed,  which  the  Council 
at  Calcfdon  after  ablblved,  and  the  next  General  Council  condemned. 

5.  8.  CXXIV.  Another  Council  is  called  at  Cowy?<?«r/;i<';i/e,  bythemeans 
of  feme  Courtiers,  in  favour  to  Eutiches,  where,  upon  the  teftimony  of 
fome  Bifhops,  that  Flavians  Bifhop  of  Conflantinople  condemned  him  him- 
felf,  before  the  Synod  did  it,  and  that  the  Records  were  altered,  all  was 
nullified  that  at  the  lall  Synod  was  done  againft  him. 

$.  9.  CXXV.  Theodofiw  calleth  a  fecond  General  Council  at  Ephefut 
an.  449.  and  makcth  Diofiorus  Bifliop  of  Alex.  Prefidcnt.  Diofcorus  for- 
bad Ibas  and  Theodoret  to  be  there,  as  being  lieflorians :  The  Emperour 
himfelf  was  fo  much  for  peace,  and  fo  deeply  before  engaged  in  CyrtPs 



their  Councils  abridged.  9P 

caufe  againll  Nf/?on»«,  that  he  thought  it  levity  to  puU  down  a!I  fo  foon 
again,  ihs  Emychijus  perfywading  him  that  they  ftuck  to  Cyril  and  the  £- 
phefne  and  Stce:e  Council.  Diofcorus  thinking  the  fame,  that  Eurkhfs 
and  CyrrY  were  of  one  mind,  and  that  it  was  Nffioriar? if  ne  which  they  were 
againlt,  carried  matters  in  this  Synod  as  violently  as  CyrtI  had  done  in  the 
former.  The  Bifhops  perceiving  the  Empctours,  the  Courtiers,  and  £>»- 
■cfcoms  mind,  could  not  reiift  the  ftronger  fide.  TheBfiiopof  Rome  was 
commanded  by  the  Emperour  tobeprefent.  He  fent  his  Legates-,  with 
his  Judgment  in  Writing  of  the  Caufe.  The  Emperour  forbad  thole  to 
be  Speakers  that  had  before  judged  Entyches.  The  ^om^w  legates  exceptcci 
thzt  DiofcoTHs  prcfided  :  (It  fcemcth  the  E^pcrn  Empire  and  Church,  then 
believed  not  that  the  Popes  precedency  vvas  jure  divi»o.}  Dirfcoms  de- 
clareth,  thattheGouncil  was  not  called  to  decide  any  matt-erof  Faith,  but 
to  judge  of  the  proceedings  of  FUviama  againll  Entyches.  The  Ads  of 
the  Coiiftant.  Synod  (after  the  Emperours  Letters,)  being  read,  Eutyches 
is  abfblved  :  Damms^  Patriarch  of  Amioch,  Juvcnd  ,  Patriarch  of  Jern 
fitem,  the  Bilhop  of  £/><;/•/«/,  and  the  reft,  fubfcribed  the  abfolution,  (which 
after  they  faid  they  did  for  fear,  when  another  Emperour  changed  the 
Scene.)  This  being  done,  the  Ads  of  the  former  Efhtf.  Council  were 
read,  and  all  Excommunicate  that  did  not  approve  them.  (So  that  this 
Council  of  EntycbtAns  thought  verily  the  former  was  of  their  mind.)  Four 
Bilhops,  Flavtanns^  Eufchms,  Deryl,  Iba4  Edif.  and  Thcodorct  Cyri,  are 
condemned  anddepofcd:  AlltheBiftiopsOibfcribed  except  the  Popes  Le- 
gates ;  fo  that,  faith  Bimnus,  Jn  hoc  tarn  horrendo  Epifcoporum  fnffra^io^  fo- 
lanaviluU  Petrd  incolitmis  emergens  falvatur,  p.  1017,  Judge  by  this<  Firlb, 
Whether  Councils  may  erre,  Secondly,  Whether  they  are  the  juft  Judges 
or  Keepersof  Tradition,  Thirdly,  Whether  all  the  World  always  jjeliev- 
ed  the  Popes  Infalhbility,  or  Governing  power  over  them,  when  all  that 
Council  voted  contrary  to  him. 

FUvianus  here  offering  his  appeal,  was  beaten  and  abufed,  and  dyed 
of  the  hurt,  (as  was  faid  in  Comil.  Caked,  and  by  Liheratus.)  But  this  was 
no  quenching,  but  a  kindling  of  the  fire  of  Epifcopal  Contentions:  Tlxo- 
liofins  milled  of  his  end. 

§.  10.  CXXVI.  Leo  at  Rome  in  a  Synod  condemneth  this  Ephejian 

§.  II.  CXXVU.  Diofcorns  in  a  Council  at  Altxandria^  Excommuni- 
cateth  Leo. 

§.  12.  CXXVIII.  Theodejius  the  Emperour  being  dead,  Martian  vi^% 
againft  the  Eutychians:  Arutolms  at  a  Synod  at  ConjUntincple.,  maketh  an 
Orthodox   Profefiion  of  his  Faith,  likeZ-w's. 

§.   13.  CXXIX.  And  at  Milan  a  Counril^owneth  Leo's  judgment. 

§*  14.  CXXX.  Now  Cometh  the  great  Council  at  Cakedon,  under  the 
new  Emptrour  Maitian,  whtreall  is  changed  for  a  time-.  Yet  PnUkeria 
who  marryed  him  and  made  him  Emperour,  and  whofc  power  then  was' 
great,  was  the  before  had  been  againft  Yirjhrnts  in  her  Bro- 

O  3.  thers 

I  o  o  Churcb-Hijiory  of  Bijhops  aiid 

thers  reign:  Never  was  it  truer  tlian  in  tlie  Cafe  of  General  Councils,  that 
the  Multitude  of  Priyficians,  exafpsratech  tile  Difeafe,  and  killeth  the  Pa- 
tient. The  word  QStJTDic®-]  the  \_onc  rtatnre  after  union]  the  words  {^mt 
will  zndonc  tpperation'}  had  never  done  half  fo  much  mifchief  in  the  Church, 
if  the  erroneous  had  been  confuted  by  negleft,  and  Councils  had  not  ex- 
afperated,  enraged,  and  engaged  them,  and  fet  all  the  World  on  taking 
one  fide  or  another.  One  skilful!  healing  mm  that  could  have  explicated 
ambiguous  terms,  and  perfwaded  men  to  Love  and  Peace,  till  they  had 
underftood  themfelves  and  one  another,  had  more  befriended  Truth,  Pie- 
ty, and  the  Church,  than  all  the  Hereticating  Councils  did. 

§.  I  <;.  If  what  Socrates  writeth  of  Theodofius  junior  be  true,  (  as  we 
know  no  reafon  to  doubt)  God  owned  his  Moderation  by  Miracles,  not- 
withftanding  his  favouring  the  Eutychians^  more  than  he  did  any  ways  of 
violence.  Socrates  idXXh,  /.  7.  (7.41,42.  that  Theodojius  Vf3.s  the  miUeJl 
man  in  the  World,  for  which  caufe  God  fubdued  his  enemies  to  him  without  (laugh- 
ter and  bloodjhed-1  as  his  Vidory  over  Johm.n6.  the  Barbarians  (hew:  Of 
which  he  faith,  Firft,  Their  Captain  ^«^4f  was  kill'd  with  a  thunder-bolt; 
Secondly,  A  Plague  killed  the  greateft  part  of  his  Soldiers-,  Thirdly, 
Fire  from  Heaven  confumed  many  that  remained.  And  Proclus  the  Bifliop 
being  a  man  of  great  Peace  and  Moderation,  hurting  and  perfecuting 
none,  wasconfirnted  by  thefe  providences  in  his  lenity,  being  of  the  Em- 
perours  mind,  and  perfwading  the  Empcrour  to  fetch  home  the  bones  of 
Chryfoflome  with  honour,  wholly  ended  the  Nonconformity  and  Separati- 
on of  the  Joanites. 

$.  16.  Before  Theodofius  dyed,  Leo  Bilhop  o^  Rome  fet  Placidia  and 
Eudoxia^  to  writetohim  againft  Dtofcorus,  and  for  the  caufe  of  Flavia- 
nus :  Yen,  and  Vulcntinian  himfelf.  Theodofus  wrote  to  yaUminian  (  and 
*' the  like  to  the  Women  J  "That  they  departed  not  from  the  Faith  and 
*' Tradition  of  their  Fathers,  that  at  the  Council  of  Ephefus  fecond 
''things  were  carried  with  much  liberty  and  truth,  and  the  unworthy 
"  were  removed  and  the  worthy  put  into  their  places,  and  it  was  the 
"  troublers  of  the  Church  that  were  depofed,  and  Flavianus  was  the 
"•  Prince  of  the  Contentions ,  and  that  now  they  lived  in  Concord  and 
*'  Peace. 

§.  17.  The  Council  at  Calcedon  was  called,  an-  451.  Diofcorus  is  accu- 
fed  for  his  Ephefwe  General  Council,  and  for  his  violence,  and  defence  of 
Eutiches,  and  the  death  oC  Flavians.  He  alledgeth  the  Emperours  Order 
to  him  [^Authoritatenr  & Primatumtutt  prtbemus  heatitudini^  (If  the  Popes 
Univerfal  Rule  be  eflential  to  the  Church,  then  the  pious  and  excellent 
Emperour  Theodofus^  and  the  General  Council  that  confented,  were  none 
of  them  Chriftians  that  knew  it,  but  went  againft  it.)  Eos  qui  per  addita- 
mentum  aliquod,  ant  tmminutionem  conati  funt  dicere,  prater  qua  funt  expefita 
de  fide  CuthoUca  a  funEiis  Patribus  qui  in  Nicaa,  dr  pofl  modum  qui  in  Ephc- 
fb  con^re^ati  funt,  tutllam  omnino  fiduciam  in  fanHo  Synodo  habere  patimur^ 
Jtd  &fub  ■uejlro  judicio  ejfe  volumus.^  Here  Binaius  accufeththe  good  Em- 

tijeir  Councils  abridge  J.  i  o  i 

perour  as  giving  that  which  he  had  not  but  by  ufurf.ition^  and  this  thrcugh 
ignrance  of  the  Ecclefiaflical  Canons.  But  were  all  the  Bilhops  ignorant  of 
it  alfo  ?  Or  was  lo  good  an  Emperour  bred  up  and  cherilhed  in  ignorance 
of  fiich  a  point  pretended  by  the  Papiftstobe  neceflary  to  the  Being  of  a 
Church,  and  to  falvation ;  The  Bifliops  of  JerufaUm  and  SeUucia  alio  par- 
took of  the  fame  power  by  the  Emperour's  Grant-  Diofcortis  anfwercd 
that  All  the  Synod confentcd  and  fubfcribed  as  well  as  he,  <»«i!/ Juvenal  Hierof. 
and  Thaiaffias  Seieuc.     ' 

TheBifhopsanfwered,  that  they  did  it  againU  their  wills,  being  under 
fear  •,  Condemnation  and  Banifhment  was  threatncd  ■■,  Souldiers  were 
there  with  Clubs  and  Swords  :  Therefore  the  Oriental  Bifliops  cryed  out 
to  caft:  out  Diofcorus.  Stephen  Bifhop  of  Ephefus  ('who  had  been  Diofcorus 
chief  Agent  therej  cryed  out,  that  fear  confirained  them :  The  Lay  Judges 
and  Senate  asked,  who  forced  theml  Stephen  fa  id  Elpidim  and  Ehlogitts^ 
and  manv  Souldiers  threatned  him.  They  asked,  jD/<i/ Diofcorus  ufe  vto. 
lence  with  yon?  He  faid  that  he  was  not  fulFered  to  go  out  till  he  had  fub- 
fcribed-  Theodorus  B\(hop  of  Clandiopolu  fad,  that  Diofconu,  Juvenal^  and  Btn.Ttn^i 
the  leading  men,  led  on  them,  as  fimpic  ignorant  men,  ihat  knew  not  the^  7>  '- 
Caufe,  and  frightned  them  with  defaming  them  as  Neftorian  Hereticks- 
Thus  they  cryed  out  that  they  were  frightned. 

The  Egyptian  Bilhops  anfwcred,  timt  A  Oiriflian  feareth  no  man-,  (  and 
yet  they  were  afraid  before  they  ended)  ACatholick,fearcth  no  mar-,  wt 
*ire  infirti^cd  by  flitmes  :  If  men  were  feared,  there  would  be  no  Martyrs. 

Diofcorus  noted  what  Bilhops  t!iofe  were  that  faid  they  fuhfcribed  to  a  blanks 
Paper^  when  it  was  about  a  matter  of  Faith  :  But  asked,  who  made  them 
by  their  fcvcral  interlocutions  to  fpcak  their  confent?  Hereupon  the  Aifts 
of  the  Ephff.  Council  were  read,  among  which  were  the  words  of  Dio- 
feoriu,  Anathematizing  any  that  fliould  contraditflor  retraH:  ary  thing  held 
in  the  Nicene  or  the  Ephefine  Synods :  Adding,  hovf  terrible  and  formidable 
it  was.  If  a  man  fn  againfl  God,  who  fliall  intercede  for  him  ?  If  the  Holy 
Ghoft  ftt  in  Council  with  the  Fathers.,  he  that  retraBeth  cafhiereth  the  Grace  cf 
the  Spirit.  The  Synods  anfwcred,  IVe  all  fay  the  fame :  Let  him  be  Ana- 
thema that  retraElcth  •,  (thefe  Bifhops  that  curie  themfelves  willeafily  curfc 
others,^  Let  him  be  caft  out  that  yetroEleth.  Diofcorus  faid,  No  man  orderetb 
things  already  ordered:  The  holy  Synod  faid,  Thefe  art  the  words  of  the  Ho- 
ly Ghoft.,  &c.  Theodorus  denyed  thefe  words  recorded.  Diofcorus  faid, 
thev  may  as  well  fay  they  were  not  there. 

§.  i8.  Here  alfo  £«fyc/je's  Confellionat  Efhefmvizs  read,  in  which  he 
profeffeth  to  cleave  to  the  former  Ephefme  Council ,  and  to  the  blefled 
Father  C^ril  that  prefided,  difclaiming  all  additions  and  alterations,  pro- 
feffijag  that  he  had  himfclf  Copies  in  a  Book  which  Cyrtl  himfelf  fent 
him,  and  is  yet  in  his  hands  •,  and  that  he  ftandeth  to  the  definition  of  that 
Council  with  that  of  Nice. 

Eufebius  Biiliop  of  Deril.  faid,  He  lyeth  7  tha$  CouncH  hath  no  fuch  Dt. 

-»;  Diofcorn* 


Chwch-Hijiory  of  Bijhops  and 

Diofiorus  faid.  There  a;  e  foHr  Boi,\is  of  it,  that  all  contain  this  Difuiiticti. 
Dt  you  accitfe  Ml  the  Synodical  Booh  ?  J  have  one,  and  he  h.vh  one,  and  he 
huth  one'-,  Let  them  be  brought  forth.  Diogenes  Bifhopof  Cyrilum  laid,  They 
deceitfully  cleave  to  the  CoHf.ctl  of  Uke  :  The  Qijcftion  is  of  additions  made 
againll  Herelies.  The  Hilhops  of  E^ypt  faid,  None  of  m  receive  additions 
or  diminutiors  :  Hold  wh.u  is  done  at  Sfice:  This  is  the  Emperour^s  Com- 
mand. Tile  Eaftern  Bifliops  clamoured  [_7ujl  fa  faid  Eutyches.']  The  £j^- 
tia>i  Bifliops  (till  crycd  up  the  Niccne  Faith  alone  without  addition. 

Diofcortu  accufed  the  Bilhops  for  going  from  their  words,  and  faid  [_If 
Eutyches  held  not  the  Dolirme  of  the  Church,  he  is  Worthy  of  puniflment  and 
fire.,  (ex  ore  tuoj  A'fy  regard  is  to  the  Catholtck  and  j4pojlolick  Faith.,  and 
>!ot  the  Faith  of  any  man  :  I  look^  to  Cod  himfelf,  and  not  to  the  perfon  of  aty 
man,  nor  care  I  for  axy  man,  but  for  my  foul  aiid  the  true  and  Jincere  Faith."^ 
The  £^^/)ri^«  Bifhops  cryed  out  [_Let  no  7»an  f  par  ate  him  that  isindtvifihle. 
No  man  ciilleth  one  Son  two.']  The  Eaftern  Bifliops  cryed,  QAnathema /<?  ^/» 
that  divideth.  Bafil  StUitci£  faid,  Anathema  to  him  that  dividcth  two  na- 
tures after  the  union  ;  and  Anathema  to  him  that  kncweth  not  the  properly  of  the 
natures.  The  Egyptian  Bifliops  cryed  out,  [_j4s  he  wm  horn  he  fufered : 
There  is  eve  Lerd,^  and  one  Faith:  None  calkth  one  Lord  two.  1  his  was 
Nefloriut  voice.  The  Eaflern  Bifliops  cryed,  Jnathema  to  Neftorius  and 
Eutyches.  The  Egyptian  Bifliops  cryed,  Divide  net  the  Lord  of  Glory,  that 
is  indivifible. 

Bafil  Bifliop  of  Siltuc  reported  how  rightly  he  had  fpoken  at  Epheftu, 
3nd  how  the  Egyptians  and  Monks  with  nolle  oppofed,  and  cryed  [Cut 
him  in  two  that  Jaith  Two  Natures,  he  is  a  Neftorian.^  The  Lay  Judges 
asked  him,  //  he  fpake  fo  well,  why  did  he  condemn  Flavianus  ?  He  faid,  Be- 
caufe  he  wm  necejfitatcd  to  obey  the  rtjl,  being  i  jo  Bijliops.  Diofcortu  faid, 
r-^  Out  of  thy  own  mouth  art  thou  condemned,  that  for  the  jhanie  of  men  hafl  pre- 
variciitfd  and  defpifd  the  faith.  Bu/ilius  Seleuc.  faid.  If  I  had  been  called  to 
Martyrdom  before  the  fudges  I  had  endured  it :,  but  he  that  is  judged  of  a  Fa- 
ther ufethjuji  mans :  Let  the  Son  dye  that  fpeaketh  even  things  jufl  to  a  Fa- 

But  the  Eaftern  Bifliops  better  cryed  out,  [^We  have  all  finned ,  we  all 
beg  pardon."]  And  Thatajfius.,  Eufibius,  and  Euflathius,  ( jeadmg  Bifliops) 
cryfd  the  fame,  [We  have  aH  finned,  wc  all  crave  pardon.]  After  this  the 
A(fts  of  Ephif.  and  Confl.  were  read. 

$.  19.  By  what  I  have  recited  out  of  Binnitu,  and  others,  thefe  two 
Jamentable  things  are  undeniable  : 

1.  That  this  doleful  Contention,  Anathematizing,  and  ruining  each 
other,  was  about  the  fcnfe  of  ambiguous  word«,  and  that  they  were  of 
f-a^  one  mind  in  the  matter,  and  knew  it  not:  The  Egyptians  (Eutychians') 
^-^  took  two  Natures  and  isvo  S^ns  to  be  of  the  fame  fenle,  which  the  others 
d.d  not.  And  they  thought  that  the  rtft  had  aiferted  a  Divifion  of  the  Na- 
ture;, when  they  meant  but  a  Dtflit.^Hon :  And  the  reft  thought  that  the 
£  y  lians  had  denyed  a  D'fl.n^imi,  who  dcnyed  but  a  P.'.rtition  or  Divifion. 

II  And 


their  Councils  abridged.  105 

II.  And  it  is  plain,  that  while  all  fides  held  that  Nefltritu  did  hold 

that  there  were  Two  Sons  ^  which  he  exprefly  denycd «  that  they  curfed  •^ 
NtfiertM  in  ignorance,  and  maintained  his  Doflrine  (except  of  the  apti- 
tude of  the  phrafe  3*tT«x®-,)  while  they  curfe  his  p)erfon  or  name.  The 
Doiftrine  of  this  Council  is  found,  and  Neftoriuis  was  the  fame,  for  rtr# 
natures  in  one  ferfon,  and  one  Son.  This  is  true,  whatever  Fadtion  fay  a- 
gainft  it. 

III.  That  thefe  Bilhops  Cthoiigh  we  honour  them  for  all  that  was  good  in 
them)  were  fo  far  from  the  Martyrs  Conftancy,  that  they  turned  as  the 
Emperours  Countenance,  and  the  Times,  and  worldly  Jntercfl:  turned  j 
voting  down  Things  and  Perfonsin  Councils,  and  crying  «/?»?«  peccavi- 
rmu  in  the  next.-  Only  Peterh  Ship,  faith  Binnim ,  leaped  drowning  at 
Efhefiu^  and  yet  here  at  Calcedon  under  Martian  all  arc  Orthodox. 

IV.  But  that  which  is  vrorft  of  all  is,  that  yet  the  fame  men  that  cry  peC' 
cavimtu  are  here  violent  againft  any  mercy  to  the  E^^yptian  Bilhops  and 
Monks  with  whom  they  had  joined  at  Epfiefus.  ^ 

$.  20.  When  an  Epiftle  ot  (^r;// was  read,  the  ///)'r;c4»^  Bi (hop  crycd 
out,  We  all  believe  AS  Cynl  did:  ThroJcrete  fthat  had  been  for  Ncjlonus  a- 
gainft  Cyrd,  and  caft  out  by  Diofcorw)  Ipakc  more  warily,  and  laid, 
Anathema  to  him  th/it  fuiih  there  arc  two  Sons  :  HV  adore  our  Lord  JefitSy 
C-c.  All  the  Bifhops  crycd,  Wc  beltve  a^  Cynl.  Had  not  O'n/'s  name  bet- 
ter hap  than  DiofccrHs  and  Eutyches,  that  followed  him  as  far  as  they  could 
undcrltand  him,  and  fpake  the  fame  words  as  he? 

Tht  Orientals  cryed,  Webelive  ai  Cyx\\.  The  Egyptians  crycd ,  IVe  ke- 
licve  as  Cyril,  We  are  all  ef  the  fame  opinion  and  mind ;  Let  not  Satan  ^et  place 
and  advantage  amon^us.  The  E.</?frw  Bifhops  cryed,  Lruand  yinatolius  are 
of  this  mind;  The  Emperour  and  Senate  are  of  this  tnirtd :  The  lay  Judge, 
bcnatc,  and  all  the  Council  cryed,  The  Emperour^  the  Emprefs,  and  all  of 
us  are  of  one  mind:  IhQ  Egyptian  Biihops  cryed,  All  the  World  are  of  ihs 
n>ind\  Weareof  a  mind.  fAnd  who  would  think  that  yet  they  were  dif- 
agreed,  even  toHcrcticating  and  Depofing,  Pcrfeciiting  one  another. 

O  but  fay  they  to  the  Ejryptian  Bifhops,  If  ycu  arc  all  of  thi^  mind,  IVhy  did 
yon  commnnicatewith^Vity Ct\es^  and  condemn  f\iv\snui  ?  X)/e/ccr«i  appealed 
to  the  Records.  And  here  Enflath;ns  Beryl^  Oiewed  what  labour  Cynl 
ufedtoexpbin  his  own  meaning,  in  his  Epiftlcs  to  ^aaus^  Valertat:m, 
and  Succcffm  Bifhops,  and  that  thcfe  are  his  words  i  ^Ve  mnj}  not  under- 
fl and  that  there  are  two  natures,  but  mie  nature  incarnate  cf  God  the  Word: 
And  this  faying  he  confirmed  by  thcTeftimony  of  jithanafiw.  The  Ori- 
ental Bifhops  cryed  out,  This  is  the  Uying  of  ^MX.ychc'i  and  D\o\'con]%  Tyct  ■ 
thefe  menjuftnow  wcrcall  of  C)r;7's  mind.)  Dicfcortu  (mA,  Weaffirmnci- 
ther  confnfon  of  natures,  nor  divifion^  nor  converfion;  Anathema  to  him  that 
doth.  Doth  not  this  flicw  that  they  all  agreed  in  Diflin(ftionof  Natures? 
asalfoCyr//  did.  The  Judges  fay,  Tell  us  whether  Cyr/Y's  Epiftles  agree 
to  what  is  here  reported  of  them  'by  Eullathiw, )  Enflathius  flieweth  the 
Boi'k,    uu.l   faith  j    If  I  have  faid  amtfs  fee  the  Bookj-,  A'iathematiz.c  Cy- 



1 04  Church-Hiftory  of  Bijhops  a?id 

ril's  Book^Ofid  jinathematixje  me:  The  Egyptians  applaud  EuftMhim ^ 
-'  faying,  EuJiMthius  reporteth  Cyn/'s  words,  in  which  v/cic ,  We  muji 
not  underft*nd  two  natures ,  but  one  incarnate  natnre  of  Cod  the  xtord. 
And  EuJiathfMs  added,  He  that  fatth  there  is  hut  one  nature  fo  as  to  deny 
Chrifts  fiefti  which  is  confubftanttal  with  w,  let  him  be  Anathema :  jindhe  that 
faith  there  are  two  natures  to  the  Divifionof  the  Son  of  God^  let  him  t«  Ana- 
thema, (one  would  have  thought  this  Ihould  have  ended  their  quarrelj 
And  Ehftathini  added  of  Flaviamu  himfelf,  that  he  received  thefe  ndkej 
words  J  and  gave  them  theEmperour;,  Let  it  be  ordered  that  his  own  hand  be 
jliewed.  The  Judges  faid,  Why  then  did  ye  def  of e  him}  Eujlathiutaniweiedy 
Erravi,  I  erred ■ 

J.  2 1.  Let  it  be  here  noted,  that  thefe  Eutychian  words  of  Cyril  are  here 
openly  proved,  paft  denial.-  yetfharaelefly  doth  Binnitts  fzy,  that  this  is 
Eujlathii  allegatio  tr  haretica :    What,  to  repeat  a  mans  Words  ? 

Ef*  Secondly,  Is  it  not  here  plain  that  they  were  ail  of  a  mind,  and  did  not, 
or  through  faftion  would  not  know  it  ?  when  Euftathim  by  a  clear  di- 
ftindlion  had  proved  it ,  and  none  of  them  did  or  could  contradift 

§.  22.  Diofcorus  faid  that  Flavianus  in  the  words  following  con- 
tj:adi(fted  himfelf ,  and  was  depofed  for  holding  two  natures  after 
the  union -^  adding,  J  have  the  tefiiwony  of  the  holy  Fathers,  Ath2naii]ls,GlC' 
gory,  Cyril,  in  many  places,  that  we  muft  not  jay ^  that  after  the  union  there  are 
two  natures,  hut  one  incarnate  nature  of  God,  the  word  ^  1  am  ejeiled  with  the 
Fathers  ;  /  defend  the  Fathers  fayings ;  /  tranfgrefs  not  in  any  thing  •,  /  have 
their  Tefimonies,  notfmflyortranftorily^  hut  in  Boohs. 

$.  2  J.  ty£!hericMs,  Bilhop  o(  Smyrna,  being  queflioned  about  his  fub- 
fcription,  faid,  he  did  as  he  was  bid.  In  the  fecond  Aftion  Diofcorus  de- 
livering his  opinion  faith.  Ex  duabus fufcifio,  duat  non  fufcifio.  ThatChrift 

r-A^    is  [_of  two  natures'}  but  not  that  he  [_t6  or  hath  two  natures.}  Eufebim  Doryl. 

^^^  tells  him  of  his  wrong  to  Flavianus  and  him  ■,  Diofcorus  confelleth,  faying. 
Then  offer  fatisfaUion  to  God  and  you,  meaning  repentance.  But  EufebtM 
faith,  that  he  mufl  fatisfie  the  Law  •,  And  fo  the  Verbal  quarrel  turneth  to 
Perfonal  revenge. 

Bifil  Seleuc.  (though  before  accufcd  of  Herefie^  well  reconcileth  the 
Controverfie  at  laft,  if  they  would  have  heard  him,  faying,  Cognofcimus 

n^    duos  Naturai,  non  dividiinus ;  nccjue  divifas,  necjue  confitfas  dicimuS' 

Euryches  words  ^tConfantinofle  he'ing  recited,  he  faith,  that  he  foUow- 
eth  Cyril^  AthAnafna  and  the  Fathers.  After  Diofcorus  and  others  had 
denycd  what  each  other  faid  in  the  ip^f/Fwe  Council,  the  faying  of  all  the 
Bifhops  were  read,  each  one  abfolving  £«/)rkj,  in  words  and  reafonsat 
large.  After  which  the  BiOiops  cry  again,  Owww  erravimus  j  emnes  vent- 
am  mcreamnr. 

In  the  third  Aftion  many  things  were  read  that  concerned  their  pro- 
ceedings, and  among  the  reft  a  Law  o(  Theodejius  jun,  for  the  conHrm- 
jng  of  die  f.cond  Ephefine  Council,  and  the  condemnation  of  NeJloriM, 


their  Councils  abridged.  105 

and  of  FUvianH4,  Downm,  Eufehim,  and  Jheodoret,  as  Ntfiori^m  Hcrcticks, 
dcpofing  all  of  their  mind,  forbidding  any  upon  pain  ot  Confiltation  to 
receive  them,  and  commanding  that  none  read  the  Booics  of  Nefter:u4  or 
Theodoret,  Jjut  bring  them  forth  to  be  burnt,  C'c.  So  far  could  fierce  and 
factious  Prelates  prevail  with  a  pious  and  peaceable  Prince,  by  the  pre- 
tences of  oppofing  Hertfie  and  Schifm.  Afartian  msd.:  Laws  alfo  clean 
contrary  for  the  juftifying  of  the  men  before  condemned. 

S.  24.  In  the  fifth  Atiion  the  Egyptian  Bifliops  Petition  was  read  (who 
were  accounted  Eutychians,  adhering  to  Dtofcoms : )  They  profclled  their 
adherence  to  the  Council  of  Mce  and  £p/;f/i«  i.  and  to  A:hanafiu^  Theo- 
fhilui,  and  Cynl.  The  Bifliops  cryed  out,  Why  do  they  not  curfe  the 
opinion  oi  Eutiches?  They  offer  us  their  Peli:ion  in  impofture:  They 
would  delude  us,  and  fo  depart.  Let  them  curfc£«f)c/5a  and  his  Opini- 
on, and  confent  to  Leo's  Epilllc  While  they  cryed  out  to  them  to  cnrfe 
Eutyches,  they  anfwered  (by  fJtoacM,)  If  any,  vrhethcr  Eutyches,  or  any 
other',  hold  contrary  to  the  thin(rs  contavied  in  our  Tmfejfign  ('the  Niccne  and 
Efhef.  Councils)  let  him  he  acciirfed.  But  for  LeoV  Epijlle^  %ve  mnfl  not  go 
before  the  fentence  of  cur  ylrchhijhop  (of  Alexandria.,  )  for  xve  follow  him  tn 
all  things :  The  Council  of  Nice  ordered  that  the  Bijhops  of  Egypt  do  nothing 
without  him.  EnfebiHs  Doryt.  hid,  They  Uc.  Others  bid  them  prowjf.  Other 
Bifhops  cryed  out,  ipenly  curfe  the  opinion  of  Eutyclics.-  He  fubfiribeth 
not  l,co^s  Eptjlle  to  whtch  aU  the  holy  Synod  confent cth  is  aHtrctick-  Anathema  *^~\ 
to  Diofcorus,  and  to  them  that  love  him :  How  ftall  thry  chiife  them  aBiJliop 
Cinfteadof  D«o/(ror«j)  if  they  judge  not  right  the>»f(hes :  The  Egyptian  Bi- 
Ihops  faid,  The  efueflion  ts  about  Faith,  (j\ot  mcnj  But  thev  cryed  out  fo 
long,  Curfe  ^wVjChzsor  yoiiare  Hcrcttcks,  that  at  laft  the  Egyptians  faid, 
\_Anathemato'L\ityzht%  and  to  them  that  helteve  him,2  The  Billiops  crycd  tO 
them  {Subfcribehzo's  Epiftle,  elfe  you  are  Hereticks'-  The  Egyptian  Bifhops 
anfwered,  We  cannot  fubfcribewithoHt  the  will  of  our  Archbi(l:op.  Some  faid, 
Alt  the  Synod  nmftnot  attend  for  one  man  :  Thiy  that  at  Ephefus  difiurbcd  all 
things,  would  here  do  fo  too:  we  defirt  that  thismi-y  not  be  granted  them,  b»t 
they  may  confent  to  the  Epifle,  or  receive  a  Canonical  damnation  ,  and  k!;ow 
that  they  are  Excommunicate.  Photius  Biihop  of  Tyre  laid.  Hew  endeavour 
they  to  ordain  ftheir  Arch-Bifhop^  who  are  not  of  the  fa^  mind  with  the  Synods 
If  they  thinkj'ightly  let  them  fubfcribe  the  Epifile,  or  be  Excommunicate.  The 
Bifliopscryed,  IVe  art. ill  of  this  mmd.  The  £^j/)f«.j«  Bilhops  faid,  IVecame 
not  hither  without  a  juji  profejjion  of  our  Faith.  But  (H'i  to  Leo'i  EpiftleJ 
we  are  but  few  (12  Bi(hops)  and  the  Bifliops  of  our  Country  ^revery  many^  mnd 
we  cannot  give  yoit  all  their  niinds,  cr  r^prefent  tlmr  pCrfons:  Wc  befeechthts  ' 
holy  Synod  to  have  mercy  on  ut,  (.There  is  no  mercy  where  the  Biihop  of  Jiomc 
IS  concerned)  and  do  but  fay  till  we  have  an  Arch^bijJiop,  that  according  to  the 
ancient  Cufiome  of  our  Country,  we  may  follow  his  judgment :  For  if  we  break  p'-e- 
fumptioufly  the  the  Canons  and  Cuflome,  and  do  any  thing  without  his  will,  aU  the 
Regions  of  R^ypt  Will  rtfe. up  agamjb  hj;  therefore  have  m'rcy  cnourj^c:  have 
mer^  tniUf  and  futM'not  to  end  our  Ufe^in-  bani\]:meikt.    ffiie  fame  'Egyptian 

P  Bijlicps 

1 06  Church' Hi jiory  of  Bijhops  and 

Bipops  caft  down  the tjif elves  on  the  Eartht  and  faid,  Tou  are  merciful  men,  ffive 
mercy  on  its:  Cecrofiits  Bifliop  of  Sebaft.  faid,  The  whole  Synod  isCreattr 
and  worthier  of  credit,  than  the  Country  of  Egypt.  It  «  not  juji  that  ten  Here- 
ticks  be  heard,  and  I200  Biflfofs  he  faft  by:  We  bid  them  wt  fltevf  their  Faith 
for  ethers  hut  themfehesl  The  Bi(hops  ot  Egypt  cryed,  Then  we  cannot  dwell 
in  the  Province '-,  Have  mercy  on  us:  Enfehius  Dor.  (aid.  They  are procnra- 
ters  for  the  refl :  The  Popes  Ltg^ite  laid.  If  they  erre,  let  them  he  taught  by 
the  magntfcencc  of  your  foot ftepi,  &c.  The  Egyptians  Ct'jtA^  We  arekiUcd-y 
Have  mercy  onus:  The  Bifhops  all  faid,  Tou  fee  what  aTeJlimony  they  give 
of  their  Bijhaps,  ^'Dg,  we  are  killed  there  :  The  Egyptian  Bl(hopscryedyWe 
die  by  your  footjieps  :  have  pitty  onus,  and  let  us  die  by  you.  And  not  there.  Let 
but  an  Archbifljop  here  be  made,  and  we  fubfcribe  and  confent ,  Have  mercy  oh 
our  grey  hairs.  Give  ui  an  Archbijliop  here:  Anatolius  knoweth  that  it  is  the 
Cufiem  of  our  Countrey  that  aH  the  Bifliops  obey  the  jirchbijhop  :  Not  that  wt 
obey  not  the  Synod,  but  we  are  kiHed  there  in  our  Country  :  Have  mercy  on  us; 
Tou  have  the  power ;  We  are  fubje^s ;  We  refufe  not.  We  had  rather  die  by  the 
Lord  of  the  World  ('the  Emperou  r)  or  by  your  magnificence,  or  by  this  holy  Synod, 
than  there.  For  Gods  fake  have  pity  on  thefegrey  hairs  ;  Jpare  ten  men :  We  die 
there  :  It  is  better  die  here.  All  the  moft  Reverend  Bifhops  crycd  out,  Thefe 
are  Hereticks.  The  Egyptian  Biiho^ps  faid.  Ton  hav$  power  on  our  livei\  fpare 
ten  men:,  Lords  are  Merciful:  Anatolius  k^oweth  the  Cujlome;  W»  are  here 
till  an  Archbifhop  be  chofen :  If  they  would  have  our  Seats,  let  them  take  them: 
We  are  not  willing  to  be  Bijljops :  Only  let  us  not  die.  Give  us  an  jirchbifhopy  and 
ifwegainfay,  punijlt  tu :  We  confent  to  thefe  things  which  your  power  hath  decreed'. 
We  contradict  not;  but  choofe  w  an  Archbipcp :  We  here  flay  till  it'' 1  done:  All 
the  moft  Reverend  Bifhops  clamoured)  Let  them  fubfcribe  to  the  datnnation 
■of  Diolcorus. 

Thus  the  ^ooiEgyptian  Bifhops  that  had  the  upper  hand  under  Theoda- 

fius,  were  in  a  ftreight  between  the  mercilefs  Bifhops  in  the  Synod  (that 

had  lately  at  Ephefus  joyned  with  themj  and  the  furious  Bifliops  and  peo- 

r-a.    pie  of  their  own  Country  that  would  have  killed  them  when  they  came 

^"^    home  (too  common  a  Cafe  at  Alexandria.)   But  when  all  their  dejefted 

cryes  and  begging  could  get  no  mercy  from  the  Bifhops,  the  Lay  Judges 

had  fome,  and  moved  that  they  may  be  made  flay  in  the  Town  till  their 

Archbifhop  was  chofen  ('of  whom  you  fhall  hear  fad  work  anon.)  The  Popes 

Legate  requefted,    That  if  they  would  needs  jhew  them  any  humanity,  they 

fliould  take  fureties  of  them,  not  to  go  out  of  the  €ity,  till  they  bad  an  Arch-bi- 

fhop.   And  fo  it  was  ended. 

$.25.The  next  bufinefs  was  with  the  Abbots  of  the  Monks :  They  had  pe- 
titionQdMartian,that  a  General  Council  might  be  called,to  end  their  lamen- 
table broils,and  that  without  turhations,forced  fubfcriptions  or  perfecutions  by  the 
fecret  contrivances  of  the  Clergy,  and  cafling  men  out  before  due  judgment.  And 
they  gaw  in  a  profeffion  of  their  Faith,  and  petitioned  that  Diofcorut 
might  be  called,  becaufe  the  Emperour  had  promifed  them  that  nothing 
T)iit  the  Nicene  Faith  fhould  be  impofed.  which  he  profeffed :  The  Bifhops 


their  Councils  abriJged.  107 

all  clamoured  out  their  repeated  CurfeagainU  Diofcornsy  and  their  7*o//ei»- 
juriam  a  Syno^o,  Tollc  ,t  Synodo,  Tolle  not^m  a  Syi:oJo,  IJles  mit- 
t(  foras.  thatis,  Away  xviththcnf-,  and  would  not  hear  their  petition  i  But 
the  Lay  Judges  made  it  to  be  read:  In  which  the  Monks  profcfs  to  hold 
to  the  NiccneCrcedy  and  that  the  Church  might  not  have  difcord  by  impo- 
fing  more :  Protcfling  that  if  their  Reverences,  abufing  their  power,  refifled  this, 
oi  before  Cod.  and  the  Empcrour,  the  Judges,  the  Senate,  and  ths  Confcienccs  of 
the  BiJl)ops,  that  they  pake  their  garments  againjl  them,  and  put  thcmfelves  be- 
yond thetr  Excoinmnntcatien :  for  they  Vftuld  not  be  Commtwicarors  with  ihofe 
that  thus  refhfe  the  N  icene  Fntth.  The  Council  ftill  urged  them  to  fubfcribc 
Z,fo's  Letter.  Carofus  and  Doretheus  in  the  name  of  the  rt^oi  tht  Abbott 
faid  y  They  were  Baptized  into  the  Nicene  Faith ;  They  kl'fw  no  other :  They  were 
bid  by  the  Bijlwp  that  Baptized  them  Receive  ne  other :  We  believe  the  Baptifmal 
Creed :  We  fnbjcrihe  not  the  Epijile :  They  are  Bijlops ',  The)/  have  power  t» 
Excommunicate  and  to  Damn,  and  to  do  what  they  will  more  :  But  we  knew  no  o- 
thcr  Faith :  The  Arch-Deacon  urged  Carofus  to  Subfcnbe  to  Leo's  Epiftle 
asExpofitory  of  the  Nicene  Faith,  and  to  Curfe  Neflorius  and  Eutyches: 
Cirofus  anfwered  ,  What  have  J  to  do  to  curfe  Neftorius ,  thjt  have  once, 
twice,  thrice,  and  often  ciirfed  and  damned  him  already.  c/£/»r«/ faid,  Doji  thorn 
cHrfe  Eytichts  M  the  Synod  doth  or  net  ?  Carofus  replyed.  Is  it  not  written., 
fudge  not  that  ye  be  not  judged  ?  Again  he  repeated,  that  he  believed  the  Ni- 
cene  Creed  into  which  he  was  baptized;  If  they  faid  any  thing  elfe  to  him  he 
knew  it  net :  The  Apoftle  faith,  Jf  an  Angel  from  heaven  preach  another  G  of .- 
pel,  let  htm  be  accurfed :  what  flmild  I  do?  If  Eutyches  believe  not  m  the 
iiniverfal  Church  belitveth  ;  let  him  be  Mccurfed. 

§.  26.  At  lafl:  there  was  a  diflention,  whether  Leo'^s  Phrafes  fhould  be 
put  into  their  Definition  of  Faith  (now  drawn  up  a  new.)  A  while  it  was 
cryed  down,  but  at  laft  yielded  to,  when  the  lUtricane  Bifhops  had  firll 
flighted  Rome,  and  cryed,  ^i  contradicunt  {diffinittoni)  Neftoriani  funt : 
^ui  contradicunt  Romam  amhulent. 

And  AnatoUus  Bifliop  of  ConflAtttineple  openly  declared,  That  Diofco- 
rus  was  not  condemned  for  matter  of  belief,  but  becaiife  he  Excommunicated 
Leo,  and  when  he  was  thrice  fummoned  did  not  appear. 

6.  27.  After  this  Theodorets  turn  came,  that  had  been  for  Nefleritu., 
and  the  Bifhops  all  cryed  out.  Let  Theodoret  curfe  Neftorius.  Theodoret 
defired  that  a  Petition  of  his  to  the  Emperour  and  to  Lfo's  Legate,  might 
beread;  that  they  might  fee  whether  he  were  of  their  belief  or  not.  They 
cryed  out,  We  will  have  nothing  read ;  prefently  curfe  Neftorius,  Theodoret 
told  them  that  he  had  been  bred  of  the  Orthodox,  and  fo  taught,  and 
preached;  and  was  againfl  not  only,  "i^t^onxiS  <j»i^  Eutyches,  but  all  men  elf: 
that  held  not  the  right.  The  Biihops  interrupted  him  ,  clamouring, /p^i^ 
eut  plainly,  cwr/J-^te  Neftorius  and  his  Opinions  ;  curfed be  NeR^onws  and  thofe 
that  love  Ijim.  Theodoret  anfwered,  /  take  not  my  felf  to  fay  true,  but  I  know 
I  pleafe  Cod  :  I  would  frfl  fatisfie  you  of  my  belief ;  for  I  feel^not  prefer- 
ment,  I  need  not  honour,  ner  come  hither  for  that:   But'  be  cm fc  I  am  calumni- 

P  2  ated 

I  o  8  Church- Hiftory  of  Bijhops  and 

ated,  I  come  to  fatisfie  you  that  1  am  Orthodox  i  and  I  Anathematixje  every  He- 
rctick^  that  will  net  be  converted^  and  Ncftorius  and  Eutyches,  and  every  man 
that  /./if/;,  there  are  i\vt>  Sons^  or  thinks  fo,  I  jInathematiJLe.  The  Bifliops 
again  took  this  for  dawbing  ,  and  cryed  our,  fay  plainly,  Anathema  t» 
Nellorius,  and  them  which  hold  thitt  xvhichUhn.  Theodoret  laid,  Vnlefs  I 
may  expLffn  my  own  hcluf,  J  will  not  fay  it.  I  believe — Here  they  interrupt- 
ed, and  all  cryed  out,  He  is  a  Heretick^,  He  »^  4  Neftorian '.  caj}  out  the 
Hcretick:  Reader;  would  a  man  have  believed  that  were  not  forced  by 
Evidence,  That  this  Conncil  was  of  Neftorius'j  mind,  and  confirmed  his 
own  Declrine  of  the  Vnity  of  Chrifls  perfa/i  and  two  Natures,  who  thus  fu- 
rioufly  cryed  down  Theodoret?  (except  as  to  the  aptitude  of  the  word 
^CT!.K&-.J  And  is  it  not  a  doleful  Thought  that  the  worthy  Bilhops  of  the 
Church,  even  in  a  General  Council,  Ihould  no  better  know  the  way  of 
peace  .'  And  do  not  ibefe  words  here  tranfla.ed  out  of  Binnius,  p.  gi.  and 
icc5.  agree  too  well  with  Cre^.  N'azJMz.en's  Chars^ftcr  of  Bilhops  and 
Councils .?  Not  but  that  the  Church  had  always  fome  Learned,  Godly, 
Wife,  and  Peaceable  Men,  ffuch  as  Gregory  Naz.  and  Theodoret  were, 
and  many  more,  efpecially  \nJficl;\)  but  you  fee  that  they  were  born 
down  by  the  ftream  of  unskilful,  worldly,  temporizing,  violent  Men  ; 
after  once  worldly  greatncfs  made  it  the  way  to  preferment,  and  it  be- 
came their  butincfs  to  ftrive  who  fhou'.d  be  uppcrmoft  and  have  hi? 

But  Theodoret  when  he  found  that  there  was  no  hope  of  fo  much  as  a 
patient  hearing  of  his  Explication  and  ConfefTion,  vvas  fain  to  yield,  and 
fay,  A/mthema  to  Neftorius,  and  to  him  who  faith  net  that  the  Virgin  Mary 
was  the  Parent  of  Cod,  and  who  divideth  the  only  begotten  Son  into  two  Sons  \ 
which  was  yet  cauteloufly  exprelfed  ,  as  if  he  faid,  f/ppofng  that  Neflorius 
did  fo  (which  himftlf  denyed)  let  him  be  accurfed:  And  lb  Theodoret  was: 
abfolvcd  and  counted  worthy  to  be  a  Bilhop. 

§.  23.  Jiivinal  Hierofol  Thalaflns,  and  the  reft  of  the  Leaders,  at  E- 
phff.  Council  2,  were  pardoned  :  Ibas  his  Epillle  to  /ifatis  againft  Cyril- 
vvas  acquit,  or  at  lead  the  Bifhop  upon  the  reading  of  it.  It  is  a  fad  Nar- 
rative of  the  Calamitous  Divifions  which  thtfe  Prelates  and  theirCoun- 
cils  made.  He  faid  that  Cynl  writ  againft  Neflorius  that  there  was  but 
one  nature  in  Chnfl,  &C.  Hxc  omt/ia  imfiet.nis  plena:  Kc  tells  how  C)r/7 
prcpofdled  the  Biihops  before  they  met,  and  made  his  hatred  of  A^?/?(7- 
riits  hisCaufe.  How  he  condemned  Neflorius  two  ^ay^hehrc  John  of  An- 
ticch  came  :  How  afterward  they  condemned  and  dcpofed  one  another  .• 
Wovi  NiftoriHswz'i  in  hatred  with  the  Great  men  o[  Conjfantifrople,  which 
was  his  fall :  How  John  and  Cynl's  Bifliops  or  Councils  would  not  Com- 
municate with  each  other;  How  they  fet  Bilbops  againft  Bifhops,  and 
People  againft  People,  and  a  mans  Enemies  were  thofe  of  his  own  houfe- 
hold  :  How  the  Pagans  fcorned  the  Chriftians  hereupon:  For  ('faith  he) 
iZs'  "0  '">"'  ^'^'fi  travel  from  City  to  City,  or  from  Province  to  Province,  but  each 
o/je  pcrjtcutcd  his  mighbcur   as  his  enemy  :    For  numy  not  having  the  fear  of 


their  Councils  abridged.  \  o^ 

Gcd,  by  tccafion  of  EccUfiAfiical  aeal^  made  hafle  tt  hrin^  forth  the  hidden  eru 
mity  of  their  hearts  again fl  others :  ('he  inftanceth  ia  fome  Perfecutors^  and 
flieweth  how  Pauliis  EmijfeuHs  helpt  to  heal  them. 

f.  29.  In  the  eleventh  Adtion  two  Bifhops  ftrive  for  the  Bifhoprick  of 
Ephefus,  Bafianus  and  Stephen  (that  had  been  Diofcorus  Agent  j  .•  And  in 
their  Pleas  each  of  them  proved  that  the  other  intruded  by  violence  into 
the  place,  both  he  that  firft  had  it,  and  he  that  thruft  him  out  and  took 
his  Seat,  and  one  of  them  made  his  Clcn^y  fwear  to  be  trne  to  him  and  not 
forfake  him  ,  And  while  the  Bifhops  were  for  one  of  them,  the  Judges 
pad  Sentence  to  cafi  out  both,  and  all  confented. 

S  JO.  But  after  all  the  crying  up  of  Lro's  Epiftic,  this  Synod  fet  Co 
light  by  Leoy  as  that,  fome  fay,  againft  his  Legates  Will,  they  made  a 
Canon,  (l3)  Th,it  evoy  where  following  the  Decrees  of  the  Fathers^  ard  ac- 
knowledging the  Canon  which  was  lately  read  made  by  the  I50  Bijl'ops,  we  alf» 
Decree  the  fame  ^  and  determine  if  the  Priviledgesoftht  holyChnrch  o/"Connan- 
tinople  new  Rome  :  For  the  Fathers  did  give  for  attribute j  righly  the  Pri- 
viledges  to  the  Throne  of  old  Rome,  becaufe  th.xt  City  rnled  (or  had  tbe  Empire)^ 
And  moved  by  the  fame  conf  deration  the  150  Biflwps  Lovers  cfGod^  gave  (or 
attributed)  eijual  Priviltdges  to  the  Throne  of  New  Rome  ■■,  ^'g^'ly  judging  that 
the  City  which  is  honoured  with  the  Err.pire  and  the  Senate ^  and  er.joycth  e^ualPri- 
viledges  with  ancient  Queen. Kome,  JlwHlii  alfo  in  things  Ecclfft^fitcal  be  extolled 
and  magnified,  being  the  fecord  after  it.  The  Popes  Legates  h^n^  Bonif-ce  xs 
fubfcribed  to  all-,  and  Euftbius  D<!r;7.  thus  fubfcribcd  S/'o^/fy///;/fr//i/»",  quo- 
niam  &  hanc  regulam  fviElijfimo  Pap.e  in  Vrbe  Roma  cro  rele^i  prefcntibusCle- 
ricis  Condantinopolitanis ,  emiq-^  fifccpit.  And  this  Council  was  after 
over  and  over  approved  by  the  Roman  Biflxp''. 

§  31.  It  in  is  this  Canon  notorious,  i.  That  the  whole  General  Council  ^^3 
and  fo  the  univerfal  Church  did  then  believe,  that  the  Popes  or  Reman 
Privilcdges  were  granted  by  the  Fathers  fthatis,by  Councils')  and  ffocd 
not  by  divin;  appointment.  2.  That  the  rcaroii  that  the  Failicrs  granr- 
cd  them,  was  bec.iufc  it  was  th;  Imperial  Sear.  Had  ihcy  believed  tliat 
the  Apoftlcs  had  inftitutcd  it,  they  had  never  faid  that  the  Fathers  did  it 
for  this  reafon  •,  and  that  Co'jlar.tirople  fhould  be  equal  or  next  it  for  the 
famereafon.  3.  The  Church  of  Cc'7/?,f,vr/ff(;p/f  never  claimed  their  Prero- 
gative jure  divino  ^s  fuccccding  any  Apollic,  atid  yet  jure  In.perii  claimed 
eqjal  Friviledges.  By  ail  which  it  is  undeniable  that  the  whole  Church 
in  that  Council,  nod  efpccially  the  G""rffb,did  ever  hold  Ro/neh  Primacy  to 
be  a  humane  infbitution,  upon  a  humane  mutable  reafon.  V\"hat  the  Pa- 
piftscan  fay  againft  this,  I  have  fully  anfvvcred  againft  iV.  Johnfon  in  a 
Bock  called,  Whxb  is  the  trite  Church. 

§•33.  The  Qjcftion  now  is,  What  concord  did  tlufehtc  Ccii'ds  procure 
to  the  Chinches  ? 

Arif.  From  that  time  moil:  of  thcChriRian  World  was  diltraiT;  d  into 
Facflions  h:rccicating,  damning,  dcpollng  aid  too  many  murdeiiog  one  aiio- 
thcr.    One  party  cleaved  to  D  ofcoras  and  called  by  tbe  other  Fmy- 

(Lians  \ 


Chmch-Hiftory  of  Bijhops  aiicl 


ehuins  ■•,  Tliefe  crycd  up  the  Sufficiency  of  the  Nietnt  CsHncils  Faith^  as  that 
which  they  were  baptized  into,  and  would  have  no  addition  nor  diminu- 
tion', and  condemned  the  Crf/cf<;/o»  Council,  and  excommunicated  and  dc- 
pofed  thofe  that  would  not  Anathematize  it :  Thofe  that  were  againfl 
them  they  called  NeftorUns. 

On  the  other  party  were  thofe  that  had  cleaved  to  Nefior'ms  by  name, 
and  had  been  perfecuted  for  his  Caufe  •,  And  thcfe  were  a  feparate  Body, 
and  cryed  down  the  other  as  Eutychims. 

Thofe  called  Orthodox  or  Catholicks  cryed  down  Neflorimns  and  Eutychi- 
*«ibyname,  indeed  defending  the  fame  Dodrine  ^s  Nejiorius,  except  as 
to  the  fitnefs  of  the  word  ^ilom-  And  the  chief  ofNeftorius  his  firft 'ad- 
herents perceiving  that  indeed  they  were  of  one  judgment,  united  with 
thefe  againlt  the  Eutychians.  1  have  fhewed  that  all  of  them  feemed  to 
make  all  this  ftir  but  about  fome  Words  which  one  party  took  in  one  fenle 
and  the  other  in  another.  For  thefe  words  the  Bifhops  caft  the  Chriftiaa 
World  into  confufion,  dcftroyed  Love  and  Unity  under  a  pretence  of  keep- 
ing the  Faith  *,  fo  that  the  Church  was  lamentably  militant  •,  Bilhops  againft 
Bifliops,  in  continual  enimity  and  rage.  The  Emperours  at  their  wits  end 
not  knowing  how  to  end  the  Ecclefiaftical  odious  Wars  :  And  the  Hea- 
thens hardened  and  deriding  them  all  and  their  Religion. 

§.35.  When  the  Council  was  ended,  and  Proterius  made  Bilhop  ol  A- 
lexandria  in  Diofcorus  ftead,  the  City  was  in  fo  great  difcontent  that  the 
Emperour  Martian  was  fain  to  fend  a  Lay-man  to  moUifie  them  •,  for  they 
would  not  endure  a  Calcedonian  Bifliop  :  They  fet  more  by  Diofcorus  than 
before  (fo  that  Binnins  incredibly  faith,  they  offered  him  Divine  Ho- 

$.  H-  It  was  not  long  till  Martian  d^jcA,  and  then  they  let  the  World 
know  that  it  was  Emperours  and  not  Popes  or  Councils  that  they  regarded. 
They  thought  then  they  might  Ihew  their  minds,  and  what  they  did  Lihera- 
tHsw  Breviario,  Eva^rius,  Nicephorus  and  Others  tells  us  at  large  :  But  I 
will  give  it  you  in  the  words  of  the  f^^pr^w  Bifhops  which  conformed  to 
the  Council,  Bin.  p.  147.  One  Timeihy  ElarHs  of  Diofconts  Party  who  had 
gathered  feparated  Congregations  before,  fince  the  Council  of  Calcedon, 
got  fome  Bilhops  of  his  own  Party  to  make  him  Archbifhop  :  The  people 
foon  Ihewed  their  minds  though  it  depofcd  their  Archbifliop.  They  let 
up  Timothy^  and  he  ''■  prefently  made  Ordinations  of  BiJJjops  and  Clerks,  &C. 
"  while  he  thus  went  on,  a  Captain,  Dioniluis,  came  to  drive  him  cut  of  the 
"  City  :  The  people  rage  the  moie  againft  Proterius :  He  gets  into  the  Bap- 
*'■  tifiry  to  avoid  their  ragey  a  place  reverenced  even  by  the  Barbarians  zwA 
"  thefierccft  Men  :  But  thefe  furious  people,  fet  on  by  their  Bifhop  Ti- 
'"'- morhy  y  neither  reverencing  the  Place,  the  Worfhip,  nor  the  Time, 
''(which  was  £<«//fr')  nor  the  Office  of  Priefthood,  which  is  a  Mediation  hc- 
*■*  trvcenCod  and  Man,  did  (Irike  the  blamelefs  Mun^  and  kill  him  crnelly,  with 
"■  ftx  more  \  and  dragging  his  wounded  Carktfs  every  where,  and  cruelly  drawing 
^*  it  about,  almoji  thrcH'^h  all  the  parts  of  the  City^  did  meycilcfly  beat  the  fenfe. 

"  lefs 


tJjeir  Councils  abridged.  in 

"  kfs  Corps,  and  divided  his  Parts^  and  [pared  not  to  taji  his  Entrails  wiib  their 
''^  Teeth  liks  Dogs-^  whom  they  JhoitU  have  thought  the  Adediatour  of  God  and 
*'  Man  \  and  cafting  the  refl  of  his  Body  vito  the  Ftre,  they  fcattered  his  yijhes 
''  into  the  Wind,  traufcending  the  fiereenefs  of  allBeafis  :  And  the  Archittd  of 
"  «ll  this  was  ftheir  new  Billiop "  Ttmothy  ;  firft  an  Adulterer  (taking  ano- 
*'  thcrs  Church)  and  then  a  Murderer,  doing  it  in  a  manner  as  with  his  own 
"hands,  in  that  he  bid  others  do  it  :  This  man  rnleth  the  Alexandrian 
"■  Churchy  and  going  on  doth  worfe. 

This  isin  thcEpiftleto  the  Emperour  Z-fo  •,  The  like  they  write  in  ano-  sinp.j^j 
ther  to  AnatoliHs^  adding,  "that  he  Anathematized  the  Council  ofCalce 
**  don  and  all  that  communicate  wuh  it,  and  received  none  that  rceive  it^  till 
"  they  renounce  it. 

§.  $5.  On  the  other  fide  Bifhop  Ttmothyh  Adherents  wrote  to  Leo  in 
praife  of  their  new  Bifhop,  profefling  the  Nicene  Faith,  and  declaring 
what  great  Concord  and  Peace  their  City  now  had,  and  craving  the  Em- 
perours  approbation  of  him. 

$.  36.  In  Palefiine  alfo  the  fame  Fire  kindled :  The  Monks  that  had  been 
at  Calcedon  returned  lamenting  that  the  iV;ffw;  Faith  was  there  betrayed, 
and  ftirred  up  their  Fraternity  to  rcfcind  the  A<rts"i  They  got  together 
and  expelled  Juvenal  Bifhop  of  JcriifaUm^  as  a  Traytor  to  the  Catholick 
Faith  and  a  Changer.  The  Emprefs  Eudocta)  faith  Nicephoms)  took  their 
part^  and  ftrengthncd  them  •,  At  SchythopoUs  they  killed  Sevenanus  the 
Bilhop,  they  compelled  men  to  joyn  and  communicate  with  them.  At  Jt- 
rufalem  they  ]f^i\kd  Athanafius  a  Deacon  for  contradi(ftingthem,  and  gave  ...^^  ■  , 
his  Flelhto  Dogs.  Dorotheus  the  Emperous  Lieutenant  would  have  kept  15'^'  i. 
the  Peace,  and  they  compelled  him  to  joyn  with  them  :  But  after  twenty 
moneths  Juvenal  was  rellorcd.  Thus  in  many  Countreys  the  War  wenc 
on ;  And  they  that  knew  not  the  Arcana  Imperii  thought  all  this  was  done 
byBifhopsand  Monks;  But  the  truth  is  EiidociaTheedofiHs''s  Widow ^  and 
PulcheriaTheodofius\  Sifter  and  AUrtiMpi  Wife,  were  of  two  fides ".  And 
Women  had  great  power  with  Emperours,  and  confequently  with  Bi- 
fliops  :  But  at  lafl:  PuUhcria  procured  the  convcrfion  of  Endocia  to  her 
fide,  and  then  (lie  owned  the  Council,  and  then  others  owned  it.  This 
was  in  Martians  days. 

§.  ij.  The  great  number  of  Letters  fent  from  the  Bidiops  to  Lt*  when 
he  was  made  Emperour,  which  were  fent  in  anfwer  to  his  own  to  them, 
engaged  him  the  more  for  the  Council  Party,  and  againfl;  Timathy  ^y£lH- 
rus  ■■  He  depofed  him  and  put  Timothy  Salophaciolns  in  his  place  :  But  the 
City  was  all  in  confufion  between  the  two  Timothies^  Bilhops-    The  Egyptian  i;,ctfhi  l. 
Bilhops  write  to  the  Emperour  againfl  Timothy  and  Eutychians.  The  Em-  iff- 17, 
perour  fends  forth  his  circular  Letters,  commanding  all  to  own  the  Calce-  **>  '9- 
doH  Council.   At  Antioch  Petrus  Cnapheus  ambitious  of  the  Archbiflioprick 
got  into  MartyrtHs  place  i  by  Zeno's  help  :  And  thinking  they  were  ftill 
managing  only  the  Controverfie  againft  the  Nefiorians,  and  taking  the 
Orthodox  for  Nefiorian  Hereticks ,   all  were  accurfed  by  Anathema's 



Church-Hiftory  of  Bijhops  and 

that  would  not  lay  that  God  wus  crucified  and  fnffcred  (The  Orthodox 
doing  the  fame,")  and  thus  they  iucreafed  the  Confulions.  Murtyrius  r\\ciZ 
true  Bilhop  when  he  fiw  that  he  could  do  no  good  upon  them,  forfook 
them,  with  thcfc  words,  Chro  rcheHi,  c^  ftpulo  inobcdienti,  c^  Ecclejiit 
contaminatA  Niincium  rcmilto.  I  rcneunce  a  rehclUottt  Clergy.,  a  difobedtent 
Peofle^and  a  dcfiltd Church.  Pctrus  Cnapheus  kept  the  Bi(hoprick,and  reviled 
theCtilcfdon  Council.  Leo  the  Emperour  banilheth  hira :  Stephams  a  friend 
to  the  Council  is  put  into  the  place :  That  you  may  know  how  the  Coun- 
cil had  united  the  people,  even  the  Boys  were  fet  oa  to  kill  this  new 
Bifhop  with  fliarp  Quills. 

Common  execution  was  too  ealie  a  death-,  Being  killed  they  call  his 
Corps  into  the  River,  for  favouring  the  Council  of  C^lcedon.,  and  fuc- 
cecding  their  defired  Biiliop  :  But  Cakndion  fucceeding  him,  made  them 
Anathemati/.e  the  fame  P a er  Cnapheus. 

§.  j8.  While  M*>7;>«  and  Lfo,  reigned  thus,  the  Council  oi  Calcedon 
was  kept  up,  and  almoft  all  iht  Bifliops  were  brought  to  fubfcribe  to  it^ 
But  death  changeth  Princes,  and  thereby  Bifhops.  Z-fo  dyeth,  and  dif- 
folute  Zcno  fucceedeth  him  :  He  would  fain  have  had  his  peace  among 
them  in  fenfuality.  Baflifcus  taketh  the  advantage  of  his  difTolute  Jife, 
and  ufurpeth  the  Empire,  and  maketh  ufe  of  the  bifhops  Schifm  and  con- 
tentions to  get  him  a  party :  fFor  the  Bifhops  Schifms  greatly  ferve  U- 
furpers  ends.)  And  firfl  he  publiflieth  his  Circular  Letters  againft  the 
Council  of  Cakedon,  requiring  all  the  Bifhops  to  renounce  it,  fbecaufe 
r^  his  PredecelTours  had  been  for  k.)  To  this,  faith  Nicephorus.,  lib.  6. 
cap.  4.  three  Patriarchs,  and  no  fewer  then  five  hundred  fubfcribed,  and 
renounced  the  Council.  (And  yet  how  violently  they  damned  all  that 
would  not  receive  it,  and  writ  for  it  to  Leo,  but  a  little  before  you 
have  heard,  j  But  quickly  after,  yicacius  Patriarch  of  Cwy?4«r»»tfp/r,  and 
Dan-  Colummlla,  perfwadcd  BafilifcHs  to  write  clear  contrary  Circular 
Letters,  Commanding  all  to  own  the  Council:  For  they  convinced  him 
that  this  was  the  more  pofTible  way:  And  thefe  alfo  were  obeyed.  But 
Zem  was  fhortly  after  reftored  to  the  Empire,  who  was  for  the  Coun- 
cil: And  then  the  Jfan  Bifliops  turned  again,  and  wrote  to  get  their 
*  Pardon,  faying.  That  they  fubfcribed  to  Baflifcus  firlt  Letters,  not  vo- 
luntary, but  for  fear  !  fO  excellent  Martyrs.^  Niceph.  I.  16.  c  p. 

§.   ig-  Upon  this  the  Council  was  up  again,  and  the  Bifhops  became 
Orthodox  once  more:  Till  atlaft  Zem  thought  (as  the  Acacians  did  a- 
bout  laying  by  o,«*sf;(!>)  that  the  only  way  to  unite  thefe  Bifhops,  was  to 
leave  allfrec,  neither  forbidding  any  to  own  the  Council  of  Gj/c-f<;^<?«,  nor 
■'  yet  compelling  any  to  it.    And  fo  he  wrote  an  Edicft  of  Pacification,  fi- 

■'  lencing  the  caie,  which  he  called  his  Henoticon:  For  he  thought  that  the 
Bifhops  would  never  agree  either /«r  it  or  againf  it.  But  yet  this  end- 
ed not  the  quarrels:  The  fire  ftill  Ifamed:  Liberty  contented  not  the  Bi- 
fhops: They  were  zealous  for  God  as  againft  his  Enemies  the  Hereticks: 
And  every  Party  W'Cre  thefe  H:i"eticks  and  Enemies  in  the  judgment  of 


their  Councils  abridged.  j  ^  ^ 


the  reft.All  muft  be  damned  and  ruined  that  would  noi;  be  for  God,  that  is, 
that  was  not  of  their  minds.     When  Liberty  was  once  up,  the  pe.ople 
were  fignificant,  and  their  mind  was  foon  known.     At  Annoch,  CMendion 
wa'S  caft  out  of  his  Seat,  and  Peter  .Cmfhins  got  in  again.    fFor  a  Com- 
bat for  a  Bilhoprick  was  a  War  which  they  fcrupled  not.;  And  at  Alex- 
andria  the  whole  City  was  in  confufion  while  Peter  Mo^^m  and  John  ftrove 
who  fliould  bs  Bifhop.     Mtggfi  of  Alcxa»drsa  anathematizing  the  Cake, 
don  Council,  and  perfecuting  Dilfenters,  the  Emperour  laboureth  to  re- 
concile them.  Acacius  at  ConfiantmofU^  though  fuppofcd  Orthodox,  Com, 
raunicateth  with  Peter  Moggm :  whether  in  obedience  to  Zeno%  Henoxi- 
con^  or  weary  of  hereticating,  and  why,  is  not  known.    (O  how  com- 
mon  were  feparatift  Bilhops  in  thofe  days !  )  FJix  Bifliop  of  Rome  con- 
demneth  Acadtu  Bifhop  of  ConjlMtimple  for  this :  Acacitu  had  equal  pri- 
viledges  given  by  the  C^/cf^a«  Council,  and  had  the  prefence  of  the  Em- 
perour and  Senate,  and  he  again  condemncth  Faltx  \  blotting  his  name     __^ 
out  of  the  facred  Alhe  (their  Book  of  life.)  "CI 

§.  40.  ^Mc/Kj  Ihortly  dying,  the  Emperour  found  it  too  hard  a  task 
to  choofe  a  Patriarch,  that  (hou  Id  not  keep  up  the  Sedition;  Therefore 
he  will  refer  the  choice  to  God:  To  that  endheputteth  a  blank  paper 
on  the  Akar,  and  another  by  it,  rcquclling  of  God  that  an  Angel 
might  write  there  the  name  of  him  that  God  would  have  to  be  Patri- 
arch:  The  doors  arc  fait  locked,  andforty  days  Falling  and  Prayer  com- 
manded, to  prevail  with  God  .•  The  Keys  are  committed  to  a  fiire  and 
great  Courtier,  but  one  that  wasfubjcift  to  Angels :  OneFlavit.u  bribetli 
him,  and  he  writeth  Flavitas''s  name  in  the  paper,  and  (ealeth  up  the 
doors :  And  fo  there  was  an  Arch  bilhop  chofen  by  an  Angel.  This  man 
joined  with  Peter  o(  Alexandria  by  Synodal  Letters,  to  command  all  to 
curfe  the  Council :  and  yet  wrote  to  the  Bifhop  of  Rome^  that  he  re- 
nounced Communion  with  Peter.,  and  he  wrote  to  Peter  that  he  renoun- 
ced Communion  with  the  Bifhop  of  Rome.  But  its  fearful  fporting  with 
God  and  Angels :  He  dyed  within  four  Months. 

§.41.  After  FlavitM  ihccceded  Euphemitu :  He  joined  with  the  Bifhop 
of  Rome,  and  rafed  Pcterh  name  out  of  the  Church  Book :  Peter  and 
EiiphemiMs  as  two  Generals  were  about  gathering  Synodical  Armies  againfl: 
each  other,  and  againft,  and  for  the  Council.  But  the  Foot  that  fpurn- 
cth  abroad  and  fpoileth  the  Deligns  of  Worldlings,  even  Death  pre- 
fently  removed  Peter-  One  Athanafus  fucceedeth  Peter,  and  fain  he 
would  have  reconciled  and  united  his  Clergy  and  People,  but  he  could 
not :  Holy  zeal  is  too  eafily  quenched,  but  not  contentious  carnal  zeal. 
Palladtus  fucceedeth  Peter  Cnaphens  at  Anticch  :  Both  thefe  great  Patri- 
archs join  together  to  curfe  the  Council  o^Calcedon\  and  down  went  the 
Council.  But  death  again  maketh  a  turn,  they  both  dye,  ^\  A  John 
fuccecded  .it  Alexandria.,  and  Flaviams  at  Anticch.  Yet  thefe  muft  be  of 
the  mind  of  the  major  part,  and  both  joinalfo  to  curfe  the  Council :  And 
the  Patriarchs  of  Rome  and  Conflatnintflc  curfe  them,  and  are  for  the 

Q  C0811 


Church'Hiftory  of  Bijhops  and 

Council :    And  thus  Curfing  was  the  Religion  of  the  Age. 

§.  42.  But  now  Ztno  the  Emperour  dyeth,  and  AnA^auni  Dicorusis 
chofen  Emperour.  Ntctphortu,  lib.  16.  c.  25.  faith,  that  he  being  a  man 
of  peace,  and  defiring  the  ceafing  of  Contentions,  followed  Zeno*s  He~ 
mticon,  and  left  all  to  their  liberty  to  think  of  the  Council  as  they  plea- 
fed.  Hereupon  the  Bifhops  fell  into  three  Parties ;  fome  fervent  for  e- 
very  word  of  the  Council  ^  fome  curling  it  •,  and  feme  for  the  Henoticon 
,  or  filent  peace.  The  Eaft  was  one  way :  the  Weft  another :  and  Lybia 
another.  Yea  the  Eaftern  Bifhops  among  thcmfelves,  the  Weftern  among 
themfelves,  and  the  Lybian  among  themfelves,  renounced  Communioa 
with  one  another.  Nicefhor.  c.  25.  Taniaconfujio  inentiHrrq.,  caligo  (faith 
the  Hiftorian)  orbem  univerfum  inceffit,  ( it  is  not  my  cenfure)  fo  great  con. 
fufwn  and  bliridnefs  of  mind  befell  the  Vfhtle  world :  This  was  the  EfFed  even 
of  Liberty. 

§.  4}.  The  Emperour  refolving  to  keep  peace  did  purpofe  to  fall  oa 
the  moft  unpeaceable  whoever,  even  on  both  fides.  At  Conflantimjde  he 
put  out  Eufhcmiiis :  (as  fome  thought  upon  a  perfonal  diflike  or  quarrel :) 
For  before  his  inthronizing  they  fay  he  had  given  under  his  hand  to  En- 
phemius  a  promife  that  he  would  [land  for  the  Council  ;  and  when  he 
had  poffeflion  he  demanded  up  his  Writing :  Euphemins  denyed  it  him, 
and  was  caft  out :  Macedonius  fuccceded  him,  and  got  the  Writing:  The 
Emperour  demanded  it  alfo  of  him  •,  he  alfo  denyed  it :  The  Emperour 
would  have  alfo  put  him  out :  The  people  rofe  up  in  Sedition,  and  cry- 
ed,  It  is  a  time  of  Martyrdom^  let  hs  all  flick^to  the  Bijlwp:  And  they  re- 
viled the  Emperour,  calling  him  a  Mamchee^  and  unworthy  of  the  Em- 
pire. The  Emperour  was  forced  hereby  to  fubmit  to  AiatedomuSf  left 
he  Ihould  have  lofl  all :  The  Bifliop  fharply  rebuked  him  as  the  Churches 
E-nemy.  But  thefe  things  made  the  Emperour  more  againft  the  Council, 
partly  as  more  againlt  him  }  and  when  he  fa v/ time,  he  rcmembred  Aface- 
donihs,  and  caft  him  out :  yea  he  ^\xtTimothy  in  his  place,  and  burnt  the 
Councils  Afts.  Timothy  pulled  down  the  Images  of  Mtcedonius.  The 
?^tn^lChs  of  Jlexafidria,  Ai3tioch :  and  Jerufijlem,.  wctQ  all  caft  out. 

$  44.  Peter  Cnapheus  Antioch  had  made  one  Zemiat  a  Perfian  Servant 
and  unbaptized,  Biiliop  of  Hierapolis.  This  man  was  ag.ninft  Images  and 
againft  the  Council.  He  brought  a  Troop  of  Monks  to  Amioch  to  force 
Flavianm  the  Bifhop  to  curfe  the  Council  ^  FUvianns  refuleth:  The  peo- 
ple ftuck  to  the  Bifhop,  and  difputed  the  cafe  with  fuch  unanfwerable  ar- 
guments, that  fo  great  a  number  of  the  Monks  were  flam,  as  that  they 
lllf*-  threw  their  Bodies  into  the  River  Orontej,  to  fave  the  labour  of  buryr 
ing  thtm.  Niceph.  16.  c,  27.  But  this  cndeth  not  the  difpute-,  another 
Troop  ol  Monks  of  Cwlo-fyria^  that  were  of  FUvianns  and  the  Councils 
fide,,  hearing  of  the  tumult,  and  the  danger  of  the  Bilhop,  flock  to  Anr 
ttQch,  and  made  another  flaughtcr,  as  great  Cfaith  Wi-cephorns)  as  the 


§.  45>  The. 

their  Coimcils  abridged.  115 

§.  45.  The  Murders  done  by  Bifliops  and  Chriftians  were  fometimes 
punilhed  by  Exxoramunkation,  but  not  by  Death  in  thofe  profperous 
times  of  the  Church .-  The  Emperour  hereupon  did  banifh  FUvianus,  which 
his  followers  took  for  perfecution  i  Peter  Akx.  being  dead  the  BiOiopsof 
Alex.  Egyft^  and  Lyhla,  fell  all  into  pieces  among  themfelves,  each  having 
their  feparate  Conventions.  The  reft  of  the  Eaft  alfo  feparated  from  the 
Wejl^  becaufe  the  Wefl  would  not  Communicate  with  ihcm,  unlefs  they 
would  Curfe  Neftorins^  Eutyches.,  Diofcoru.!^  Mo^gm,  and  Acacim :  And 
yet  faith  Nicefherw^  1.  1 6.  C.  28.  Qui  germAni  Diofcori  d"  EutychnesfeBatores 
fuere  ad  Maximam  faucitatem  redaHi  furit.  Xevaias  bringeth  to  Flavian, 
the  Names  of  Theodore.,  Thcodorite,  Ibas  and  others  as  Nefiorians ;  and 
tells  him,  IfheCxnk  not  all  thefe,  he  is  a  Neflorian\  whatever  he  fay  to 
the  contrary  .•  Flavian  viz^  unwilling,  but  his  timcrous  fellow  Bifliops  per- 
fwadedhini,  and  he  wrote  his  Curfe  againft  them,  and  fent  it  to  the  Em- 
perour. Xenaias  then  went  farther,  and  required  him  to  Curfe  the  Coun- 
cil. The  //4«W<««  Bifliops  were  drawn  to  confent  to  Anathematize  it  .The 
refufers  are  all  renownced  as  Neflorians.  And  thus  the  Council  that  Curf- 
cdNeJloriHs,  h  Cui:kd  o( Nefioriati :  The  Eutychtans  perceiving  how  near 
they  were  agreed. 

After  Flavian^  oneSf«r->«gotto  beBifliop  at  Anticch  (a  fevere  Enemy 
of  the  Neflorians.,  and  of  the  Council.)  The  firft  day  when  he  was  got  in,  he 
curfed  the  Council,  though  'tis  faid  that  he  had  fworn  to  the  Emperour 
that  he  would  not :  Nicefh.  I1b.i6.caf.z9. 

In  Palefline  the  Condemnation  or  Ejeftion  of  Flavianus  and  Macedo. 
vim  renewed  their  diftradions  and  divifions. 

About  ^^wt/ocfciSfi'w// grew  foearneft,  and  wrote  fuch  Letters  to  the 
Bifliops  under  him,  as  frighted  many  againft  their  Judgements,  to  Curfe 
the  Council,  and  thofe  that  held  mvo  iVWr^rf/,  as  Hereticks ;  Some  Bifliops 
ftood  out  and  refufed  ^  fomc  fled  from  their  Churches  for  fear.  The  Ifatiri- 
4«  Bifliops,  when  they  had  yielded,  repented,  and  when  they  had  repent- 
ed they  Condemned  SfOTr«j,  that  drove  them  to  fubfcribe.  Two  ftout 
Bifliops,  Cofmoi^  and  Severianus^  fent  a  Sealed  Paper  to  StverM\,  and 
when  he  opened  it,  he  found  it  was  a  Condemnation  under  their  Hands. 
The  Emperour  had  notice  of  it,  and  he  being  angry,  that  they  prefumed 
to  Condemn  their  Patriarchs,  fent  his  Procurator  to  caft  them  out  of  their 
Bifliopricks,  fhimfelf  at  laft  being  againft  the  Council.^  The  Procurator 
found  the  People  fo  refolute,  and  bent  to  Refiftance,  in  defence  of  their 
Bifliops :  That  he  fent  word  to  the  Emperour,  that  thefe  two  Bifliops 
could  not  be  caft  out,  without  bloud-flied.  The  Emperour  fent  him  word, 
that  he  would  not  have  a  drop  of  bloud  flied  for  the  bufinefs  •,  for  he  did 
what  he  did  for  peace. 

$.  46.  Hcliai,  Bifliop  of  JerHfalem,  found  all  the  other  Churches  in 
fuch  Confufion,  the  Bifliops  Condemning  one  another  •,  that  he  would 
Communicate  with  none  of  them,  f^ve  EHphentim  oi  Corjflantintple  ('before 
hisEjedbn)iVicrpfc.  c.  ji.  The  Monks  were  engaged  for  the  Council  by 


I  r^  Chwch-Hiftory  ofBiJhops  and 

fuchameansas  this.  One  ThcoJoJiia,  a  Monk  Tor  Abbot )  gathering  a 
great  adembly,  lowdly  cryed  out  in  the  Pulpit  to  them.  Hlfany  nutn  eejuai  not 
the  four  Councijs^  with  the  four  Evanitlijis^  let  him  he  Anathem^.l^  This 
Voice  of  their  Captain,  refolvedtheSlonks  ;  and  they  thenceforth  took 
it  as  a  Lav/,  that  the  four  Councils  (hould  be /icWW/^rn  accenfenda,  added 
or  joyned  with  the  facred  Books.  And  they  wrote  to  the  Eniperour, 
\_Certamen  fe  dc  eis  ad  faniHinem  itfq,  fiibitiiris,  that  they  would  make  good 
the Conflift  for  them,  eventoblood:  Thus  Monks  and  Bidiops  then  fub- 
mitted  to  Princes.  Thcfe  Monks  went  about  to  the  Cities  to  engage 
them  to  take  their  fide  for  the  Councils.  The  Empcrour  hearing  of  this, 
wrote  to  the  BiniopH^/t/^  to  reform  it -.  Herejeeteth  the  Etiperours  Let- 
ters, andrefufeth  :  The  Emperour  fendeth  Souldiers  to  Compell  orrclt- 
rainthem.  The  Orthodox  Monks  that  were  for  the  Council,  gathered  by 
the  Orthodox  Bifhops,  tumultuoufly  caft  the  Emperours  Souldiers  out  of 
the  Church,  Ni<re;?fo,  c.  54.  After  th-is,  they  had  another  Contention,  and 
there  Anathematized  thofe  that  adhered  to  Severn.  The  Emperour  more 
provoked  by  all  this,  kntOlympifts  with  a  band  of  Souldiers  to  Conquer 
them :  Olympim  came,  and  caft  out  Bi(hop  Helias,  and  put  in  John.  The 
rj^  Monks  gather  again,  and  the  Souldiers  bieng  gone,  they  come  to  Johny 
and  make  him  engage  himfelf  to  be  againft  5fyfr«;*,  and  to  ftand  for  the 
Council,  though  it  were  unto  Blood  :  He  yielded  to  the  Monks,  and  in- 
gaged  himfelf  to  the  Council,  and  brake  his  Word  made  to  Olympic. 
TheEmperor  is  angry  with  0/yw/7;V«  for  doing  his  Work  no  better  ■,  and 
puts  him  out,  and  fendeth  another  Captain  Amflatim-^  who  c.ime  and 
put  theBidiop  7o^«inPril"on  and  Commanded  him  to  dtfpire  the  Council . • 
y^^wconfulting  v/ith  another  Biftio}-)  craftily  promifed  to  obey  him,  if  he 
would  but  let  him  out  of  Prifon,  two  days  before,  that  it  mightnocfeema 
forced  aft.  This  being  done,  the  Bifhop  on  the  contrary  in  the  Pulpit  be- 
fore the  Captain  and  the  People,  cryeth  out  If  any  man  afem  to  Eutyches, 
md  Neftorius,  ^Contraries)  and  Severus,  and  Sotericlius,  Cirarianfis, 
\tt  him  be  Anathema :  Jf  any  follow  net  the  Opinions  of  the  fo'ir  Vniveifal  Synods 
iethim  be  Anathema.  The  Captain  feeing  himfelf  thus  deluded,  fled  from 
f  he  Multitude  and  was  glad  to  fave  himfelf,  the  Emperour  being  offend- 
ed more  at  this.  The  Bifhops  write  to  him,  ?W<«f  Jerufalem  the  Fountain  of 
DoElrineythey  were  not  now  to  learn  the  trnth.fl.'a.^  that  they  would  defend  the  Tra- 
dittws  if  need  he  even  to  hlood,  Niceph.  16.  c.  54. 

fitConJlantinople  the  Bifhop  Timothy  would  pleafcboth  fides,  and  pleafed 
neither:  Tofome  he  fpake  for  the  Council,  to  others  he  Curfed  it.  Be- 
ing to  make  an  Abbot,  the  Manrefufed  hisEIeftion,  unlefs  he  confented 
.  to  the  Council  of  C<t/cf<^o« .-  T/w«fc}' prefently  Curfed  thofe  that  received 
not  the  Council.  His  Archdeacon  hearing  him,  reproached  him,  that 
like  Enripus  roled  every  way.  The  Emperour  hearing  it,  rebuked  him  : 
And  Timothy  wafht  away  the  Charge,  and  prefently  Curfed  every  one  that 
received  the  Council,  Mc?;;^.  /.  8.  c.  3  5. 
§.  47.  But  what  did  Rme  all  this  while?  It  were  too  long  to  recite 


their  Councils  abric/geJ.  \ij 

their  proper  Hiftory :  They  were  for  the  Council^  and  they  liad  other 
kind  ofConflidts:  The  GothshdA  them  in  W.irs,and  had  conquered  chcni 
and  Theodorickjcxgnzd  there  as  King,  and  fo  they  were  broken  off  from 
the  Empire:   ^r/4w  ruled  them,  who  yet  if  5<l/^7■<^^;  fay  true,  did  ('afcer^ 
fliame  the  Orthodox  in  point  of  Temperance,  Truth,  and  Juftice. 

But  befidcstlieir  following  greater  Schifms,  this  Schifm  alfo  d;d  reach 
to  them.  Fcjlus  a  Roman  Senator  was  fent  by  Thcodortck^  to  the  Empc- 
rour  on  an  Embaflic  .•  which  having  done,  he  defircd  of  the  Emperour 
that  Confiamimfle  might  keep  the  Fcftival  days  of  Pt/^r  and  Faul  (which 
theydidnot  before)  as  they  did  at  ^owc:,  and  he  prevailed:  And  he  fe- 
cretly  alTurcd  the  Emperour,  that  Jtuftafiut  Biflicp  of  Rcn:e  would  re- 
ceive the  Horoticon  (xo  fufpend  the  confcnting  to  the  Ci/rr^cn  Council) 
and  would  iubfcribe  it.  When  this  Ambadadour  came  home  the  Pope 
was  dead.  To  make  good  his  Word  to  the  Emperour,  he  got  a  party  to 
choofe  Laurentiui  Pope,  v\  ho  vfould  receive  the  Hoi^oucm :  The  People 
chofe  SymnMclms  their  BiHiop.  And  fo  there  were  two  Popes  fettled,  and  '^^ 
the  fedition  continued  three  years,  not  without  Slaughter,  Rapines,  and  Mfi- 
other  Calamities:  Ntcepher.  cap.  55.  Theodorick^zn  Anan,  more  righ- 
tuous  tlian  the  Popes,  would  not  deprive  them  of  their  liberty  of  choice, 
but  called  a  Synod,  to  judge  which  vvas  the  rightful  Bifliop,  and  upon 
their  judgment  confirmed  Symmachus :  But  Laurentiw  loth  tololc  the  prey, 
ftirred  up  the  People  to  Sedition,  and  tliereupon  vvas  quite  dcgraded- 
This  Was  a  beginning  of  Schifms  at  Rome. 

§.  48.  The  Emperour  at  Cchilantmople  favouring  the  addition  [_QHi 
cr/icifixiis  tfl  pro  fiebisi]  the  People  wlio  dillikcd  it,  Kditioufly  cut  off  a 
Monks  head,  and  let  it  upon  a  pole,  infcribing  [_Jn  Enemy  to  the  Triniiy.^ 
The  Emperour  overcome  and  wearied  with  their  Confufions,  and  Or- 
thodox Murders  and  Rebellions  ^  called  an  AlTenibly,  and  offered  to  re- 
lign  his  Empire,  dcfiringthem  to  choofe  another .-  This  fmcte  them  with 
remorfe,  and  they  defired  him  to  reallnrae  his  Ctcwu,  and  prpmij(e4  to 
forbear  Sedition :  But  he  dycdfliortly  after.  .  '  ,," 

§.  49.  Amo  452.  ValemintAn  the  Roman  Emperour  attempted  a  great 
alteration  with  the  Bifhops,  by  a  Law  recalling  the  Judicial  Power  of  the 
Bifliops  in  all  Caufes,  except  thofe  of  Fwh  and  Religion.,  unlefsthe  par- 
ties contending  voluntarily  chofe  them  for  the  Judges.  1h\%  Bimitu  {zx\d 
the  other  Papills  j  take  for  a  heinous  injury  to  the  Church.  In  till  mens  «^2 
judffHcnt,  laith  BimiitiSy  it  is  ahfitrdtbat  the  Sheep ptuld  judge  his  Shepherd: 
1/ today  the  Pre  tor  (i^and  <tf  the  Tribitfjal  of  the  5>/?jo/>,  and  to  tnorrowthe  Bi- 
jfjop  may  he  called  to  the  Pretors  Bar  f  That  a>!  Earthly  judge  may  take  and 
fMnifl)  the  fervants  of  the  highefl  jtilg't  '^'^  confecrated  men  :  who  will  not  fay 
that  this  is  mofl  abfurd  ? 

Anfi».  This  (heweth  what  Churchgrandure  and  power  thefe  men  ex- 
pert ;  Ifthey  have  not  the  Civil  power,  and  be  not  Magiftratcs  or  Lords 
stall,  the  Church  is  wronged.  This  Clergy-pride  is  it  that  hath  fet  the 
World  on  fire,  and  will  not  confent  that  it  be  quenched. 

I.  By 

1 1 8  Chwch-Hiftory  of  Bijhops  and 

1.  By  this  rule  all  Chriftians  lliould  be  from  under  all  i  Power  of  Kings 
a  id  Civil  Rulers :  For  arc  they  not  all  C''-'*  fervants  of  the  highefl  Jud^  es^ 
Hith  God  no  Servants  but  the  Clergy  ? 

2.  By  this  rule  both  Princes  and  People  (liould  be  free  from  the  Bi- 
fliops  judgment :  For  are  not  thefe  Bifhops  Men  as  well  as  Princes?  and 
are  not  Chriftiaa  Princes  and  People  the  fervantsof  thehighejl  Judge,  and 
therefore  (hould  not  be  judged  by  Bifhops. 

}.  But  what  a  wicked  rebellious  dodtrine  is  intimated  in  the  difttn- 
<ftion,  that  Primes  are  Earthly  Judges^  and  VreUtes  are  the  fervar.ts  of  the 
hiohefl  Judge?  Are  not  Prelates  Earthly  Judges  as  well  as  Princes,  in  that 
they  are  men  that  judge  on  Earth .'  And  are  not  Princes  Judges  of  Di- 
vine appointment  and  authority  as  well  as  Prelates  ?  Yea,  and  their 
power  more  paft  all  difpute  ? 

4.  And  what  abfurdity  is  it,  that  every  font  he  fnhjeEl  to  the  higher  power? 
And  that  he  that's  one  of  your  Sheep  in  one  rcfpeif^,  may  be  your  Ruler  in 
another?  Why  may  not  the  King  be  the  Ruler  of  him  that  is  his  Phyficiaftov 
his  Tutor?  And  why  not  of  him  that  is  his  Prirfi.  Was  not  Solomon  Ru- 
ler of  Ahiathar  when  he  difplaced  him?  May  not  one  man  judge  who 
is  fit  or  unfit  for  Church  Communion,  and  another  judge  who  is  punifli- 
ableby  the  fword?  Did  Chrifl;  come  to  fet  up  a  Miniftry  inftead  of  a 
Magiftracy  ?  He  that  faith,  Man  who  made  mc  a  Judge ,  came  not  to 
put  down  Judges:  He  that  faith,  By  me  Kings  reign,  came  not  to  put 
down  all  Kings. 

Obj.  Chrifi  fets  Hp  a    Kingdoms  of  Priefis^  or  a  Royal  Prieflhood. 

yinfw.  But  his  Kingdom  is  not  of  this  World,  or  Worldly:  It  is  a  fpi- 
ritual  Kingdome,concjuering  fin  and  Satan,  putting  down  the  World  out  of 
our  hearts,  and  making  us  hope  for  the  everlafting  Kingdom  which  we 
fliall  fhortly  enjoy.  The  Difeafeofthe  Difciples  that  ftrove  who  (hould 
begreateft,  and  fit  at  the  right  and  left  hand,  and  faid.  Lord  wilt  thou 
at  this  timereftore  the  Kingdom  to  Jfrael,  hath  prevailed  after  all  this 
warning  on  a  Worldly  Clergy ,  to  the  great  calamity  of  the  Church. 
And  what  wonder,  when  even  then  St.  Paul  faith,  All  jeek.  their  own 
(too  nnichj  and  none  the  things  of  fefiis  Chrifi  (fo  naturally  as  Timothy 
did)  and  fo  zealoufly  as  they  ought-  Too  many  Popes  haue  been  Peters 
Succefiburs  in  the  Charaifter  given  him.  Mat.  16.  Get  thee  behind  me  Sa- 
tan, Thou  art  an  effence  unto  me-^  For  thou  favonrefi  not  the  things  that  bt  of 
Ced^  but  thofe  that  be  of  men.  I  underftood  not  who  were  the  fpring  of 
our  late  Fifth-Monarchy  mens  difeafes,  till  I  read  Campanetla  de  Regno 
Z>«,  and  fome  fuch  Papills,  where  1  fee  that  Chrlfls  reign  by  his  Vicar 
the  Pope  over  aH  the  Princes  and  People  of  the  World,  is  the  true  Fifth-Mo- 
nafchy  Herefie ;  For  which  they  bring  the  fame  Prophecies  as  the  Mille- 
naries do  for  their  Expecftations. 

Obj.  But  theTope^  Prelates  and  Clergy  (called  the  Church)  are  net  to  reign 
by  depofing  Kings,  but  by  Ruling  them  and  being  above  them :  As  Love  is  a- 
bove  the  Lavf,  yyhichyet  is  made  for  the  ungodly  that  want  Love^  and  mufi  he 


their  Councils  abridged.  1 1 9 

rnled  by  fear '-,   fo  Princes  Are  for  the  World  of  wibdieverS^  hut  not  for  the 
Church  and  Spirtrual  perfom  who  live  above  them  in   the  life  of  Lore. 

Anfvf.  I.  This  was  one  of  the  firfl:  Hcrefies  which  the  Apofties  wrote 
againft:  Many  tempted  Chriftians  then  to  think  that  Chriftianity  freed 
them  from  fervice  and  fubjettion  and  made  all  equal :  But  how  plain- 
ly, frequently  and  earneftly,  do  PauI  and  Peter  condemn  \t?  Is  it  not  a 
{hame  to  hear  fuch  Papilts  as  cry  up  fuch  a  Hcrefle  as  this,  cry  down 
and  damn  a  Neftoriau,  or  an  EutychiaK^  or  a  Mcnothelite^  for  an  unskil- 
ful ufe  of  a  word?  Paul  faith,  He  that  teachcth  otherwife  (againft  fub 
jedtion)  is  proud,  knowing  nothing,  but  doting. 

2.  Love  doth  indeed  let  us  above  Fear,  and  Legal  threats  fo  far  as 
it  prevaileth:  But  it  is  impcrfeft  in  all,  and  Fear  ftill  nccellary. 

3.  And  this  taketh  not  down  either  the  Law  or  Magiftracy  to  us,  but 
only  maketh  us  lefs  need  fuch  means.  It's  one  thing  to  love  and  live 
fo  holily  and  jultly  as  never  to  need  or  fall  under  the  fword  of  Magi- 
ftrates  j  and  another  thing  to  be  freed  from  fubje^Ition  and  obliga- 

This  increafeth  in  many  the  opinion,  that  the  Papal  Kingdom  is  An- 
tichriftian,  in  that  they  fet  up  themfelves  above  Rulers  thac  are  called 

3-  But  why  muft  this  priviledge  extend  to  the  Clergy  only  ?  Have 
not  other  Chriftians  as  much  holy  love,  and  fpirituality,  as  moft  of  them  ? 
And  muft  Princes  rule  only  Infidels? 

Some  fufpeft  none  as  inclining  to  Popery,  butthofc  that  take  upfome 
of  their  Dodrines  of  Tranfubftantiation,  Purgatory,  Images,  ^c.  But 
they  that  on  pretence  of  the  railing  of  the  Church,  and  defending  its 
power,  do  firft  call  the  Clergy  only  the  Church,  and  then  fcekto  make 
themfelves  the  Lords  of  Princes,  by  the  pretences  of  an  Excommunica- 
ting Power,  and  plead  themfelves  from  under  them,  and  take  it  for 
their  priviledges  to  be  free  from  fuhjedion  to  them  and  their  penal 
Laws,  are  doubtlefs  levened  with  that  Popifh  Herelie,  which  hath  done 
much  of  all  the  mifchiefs,  which  the  forecited  Hiftory  defcribeth. 

$.  50.  CXXXI.  Btfides  fome  little  contention  at  AlcxMtdria,  under 
Proterim,  before  he  was  murdered  ;  the  next  in  Bimiiitf,  is  faid  to  be  at 
An^ices  {^Aniegavenfei)  which  faith  over  again  feme  of  their  old  Canons 
againft  Priefts  living  with  Women,  and  removing  from  place  to  place, 
and  fuch  like.  And  the  Papifts  fay  that  this  Conncil  was  to  contradift 
the  Emperour  Valeminians  Law,  and  to  vindicate  the  rights  of  the  Church, 
as  not  being  lyable  to  Civil  Judicatures,  or  under  Kings. 

§.  51.  CXXXII.  Anro  45}.  A  Vrench  Venetick  Council  was  called 
about  Ordinations,  which  repealed  fome  former  Canons,  and  was  fo 
ftrid,  that  the  firft  Canon  kept  Murderers  and  Falfe  Wicnclfes  from  the 
Sacrament,  till  they  repented  (inftead  of  hanging  them.)  And  the  fecond 


1 20  Chwch-Hiftory  of  Bijhops  and 

"Canon  denyed  the  Communion  to  Adulterers  that  ualawfully  put  away 
tneir Wives,  and  tookothers.  (Oftridl  LawsJ 

J.  52.  CXXXIII.  Am.  459.  A  Council  at  dnflan/wople.,  forbad  Si- 

5.  53.  CXXXIV.  jim.  467.  A  Council  at  Rome,  of48BUliops ;  decreed 
that  men  that  had  6W0  Wives,  or  the  Husbands  of  Whores  fhould  not  be 
ordained:  That  they  that  co«W  w«t  ReaJ^  and  they  that  were  maimed  or 
difmembred,  or  the  Penitent,  Ihould  notbemadeMinifters,  o-c. 

§.  54.  CXXXV.  Jm.  482.  Ten  Bifhops  at  Tomt,  made  fuch  honeft 
Canons,  asiftheyyetreteinedfomewhat  of  S.  Ai»nw  Piety.  They  ear- 
neftly  difwade  the  Clergie  from  their  Fornication :  They  go  a  middle  way 
between  them  that  forbad  Priefts  to  get  Children,  and  thofe  that  turn 
themloofe,  and  decree  that  married  Priefts  that  continue  to  get  Children 
fliall  be  advanced  no  higher :  They  forbid  the  Clergie  to  be  drunk:  And 
to  take  in  ftrange  women  :  They  forbid  them  to  forfake  their  Minifterial 
Funftion:  (but  what  if  Prelates  filence  them)  They  keep  ihofe  from  the 
Communion  that  lye  with  Nuns  (devoted  to  Virginity)  tiJI  they  Re- 
pent :  They  keep  Murderers  from  the  Communion,  till  they  penitently 
confefs.  CThisis  not  hanging  them  in  Chains;  But  who  fliall-anfwer  for 
that  Blood,  and  for  the  next  that  this  man  killcth?  )  others  fuch  honeft 
Canons  thofe  vertuous  Bifhops  made  foft  made  before) 

§.  55.  CXXXVI.  They  fay  Fa//A.'  called  a  Council  at  Rome  to  admonifli, 
and  Excommunicate  Fefe/-Ca(»p^,  Jntioch  About  the  time  time  that  he  Ex- 
communicated Acacins  Confl.  and  Acacius  damned  him  again. 

§.  56.  In  thisftormagainft  Acacius^x^t  Pope  engaged  other  Bifhops,  one  •  •" 
was  Q^tintiatiiM^  who  fent  Peter  z  dozen  Curfes  for  his  Cure :  Of  which  one 
reached  CyW/ being  againft  thofe  that  fay  [Vnam  N/ituram'}  Another  wa»    . 
{^SiqHiS  Deitm-homine»>,  dr  nonmagis  D(Hm  &  homineumdicit-,  damnett^r'}^\i^t  >, 
is,  if  any  one  fay  Cod-man^  and  not  rather  Godand  Man,  Uthimbe  damned.-,  oJ 
r-«3    How  carekfsarePapifts,    and  Proteftants,  that  fo  commonly  venture  ott 
the  Word  ^-o-yS'a-zrQ-  to  their  damnation :  If  our  Neigjibours,  that  com*  - 
monly  thcfe  thirty  years  laft  ufe  the  word  ^Goddamn  me  had  but  put  Thet^ 
inftcad  ofiAW^  I  fhould  have  fufpeded  that  the  Councils  and  Bilhopshad 
made  their  Religion. 

Ss7-CXXXVII.  They  fay  that  >^;7«.  48}  y^c;?c/«/(ns  bad  as  the  Pope, 
made  him)   call'd  a   Council  at   ConJiautir.ofU ^    to   Condemn    Peter' 

§•  5''.  CXXXVIU.  Faelx  called  7/Bniops  10  i?;wf,  on  this  occalion : 



their  Councils  abridged.  121 

He  fent  his  peremptory  Letters  to  Acaciw^ConJl.  and  fome  to  tlie  Emperouc 
Zetto,  by  two  Bifhops,  Afifenus  and  Vualii :  The  Empcrour  took  away 
their  Letters  •,  and  (not  knowing  then  the  Popes  Soverainty)  laid  them  by 
the  Heels,  till  he  made  thera  glad  to  Communicate  with  thofe  Bifhops  that 
they  came  to  Condemn  :  For  this  FWs.v  and  his  Bifliops,  caft  them  out  of 
the  Epifcopal  Office  ^  and  they  prefumed  to  excommunicate  Acaciiu^  as 
afore  faid,  even  with  this  Claufc,  Nunquam  Anathcmatis  vtncnlis  txuindus: 
Never  to  be  abfolved  from  the  Curfe  !  What  no  Repentance,  for  one  that 
wasno  Heretick  !  butfalflyfo  called,  for  obeying  the  Empeiour,  in  deal- 
ing gently  with  fome  EHtycintuit  •,  were  not  this  Council  and  fope  No- 
-vtttiaru  ? 

§.  ^9.  CXXXIX.  Yet  Ann.  487.  The  fame  Fdix  is  faid  in  a  Coun- 
cil of  5S  Bilhops,  to  decree  Communion  to  the  Lapfed,  and  Rc-bap- 
tized>  penitent  Africans. 

§.  60.  At  this  time,  and  before |in  PopeLro's  time;  fome  M.michet 
in  Rome^  would  not  be  Recufants,  but  Conformilts,  and  come  to  Church, 
and  take  the  Sacrament  *,  but  they  took  only  the  Bread,  and  not  the  Wine. 
Lto,  Serm.  4  de  Temp,  quadrog.  writeth  this  againft  them.  When  to  cover 
their  Infdeluy  ihey  dare  be  frefent  at  eitr  My/leries,  thty jo  temper  themfelveSf  ,^  , 
that  they  may  I  fely  lye  hid,  in  the  receiving  «f  the  Sacrament,  that  they  wUh 
an  unvtoithy  moHth,  receive  Chriji  s  Body,  but  refnfeto  drinh  the  blood  of  Re- 
demption. Wnicb  we  would  have  your  holinefs  to  undcrft and  \  that  fuch  men 
nuty  be  i^'W"  to  you  by  thefe  marks :  And  that  when  their  Sacrelegious  diffimulati- 
on  is  iltfcernedy  b'inj^  difcovered they  may  by  the  Frieftly  Authority  be  driven  front 
the  Society  of  the  Saints.  Hereupon  the  Pope  decreed  that  none  Ihould  Com- 
muiiicatCj^but  in  both  kinds :  The  Words  of  the  Canon  dift.  2.  de  Confecrat. 
are  thefe.  Wcfitid  that  fomt  taking  only  a  portion  of  the  holy  body.,  ahflein 
from  the  Cup  of  the  holy  blood :  Becaufe  Ikriovf  not  by  what  fuperjlition  they  are 
taught  to  be  thus  bound  :,  let  fuch  either  receive  the  whole  Sacrament,  or  be  dri- 
ven  from  the  whole  '■  Becaufe  a  divifon  of  one  and  the  fame  my  fiery,  cannot  come 
hut  from  hejnous  Sacriledge.  Reader,  Is  Rome  conftant  in  their  Religion  .' 
And  have  tliey  nol.movatians  ?Is  notBiumus  impudent  in  calling  it  foolifh 
to  cite  this  Canon  of  their  own  Pope,  againft  them.  Confider  it  and  Judge. 

And  as  impudent  is  he,  p.  232.  in  expounding  thefe  words  of  Gelafus. 
Non  defiriit  fubfiantia  vehiatura  paws  C^  vini.  That  is.  The  fubflame  or  Na- 
ture of  the  Bread^  and  Wine  ceafeth  not:  As  if  it  fpeaks  Only  of  the  Jub- 
fiance  and  nature  of  the  Accidents  :  As  if  Accidentshid  fiibjlance,  ind  Nature 
of  their  own  :  What  words,  what  evidence  can  be  fo  plain  as  to  convince 
fuch  men. 

§.  61.  Among  the  Epifllesof  G"<-/i«/»«-,  one  is  to  Euphemim  Bilhop  of  ^"^  »<"-• 
Confiantinople,  denying  him  Communion,  till  he  put  the  name  of  Acacim  '"S'b'y^f' 
out  of  t  he  Dypticks,  both  of  them  being  Orthodox  j  only  becaufe  Acacim  ^Jq^^ 

R  Commnn!.'Dai,iji"r« 


Church-Hiftory  ofBiJhops  and 

Communicated  with   an  Eittychian;  even  when  he  is  dead,  thofe  that 
f;^    Condemn  him  not  mull  be  excommunicated  i  were  there  ever  greater  f^- 
paratilts  than  thefe.    And  is  it  any  wonder  if  now  the  Pope  leparate  from 
moftofthe  Chriftian  World. 

There  is  alfo  his  Commmitorium  Written  to  FmijIhs  the  Fmbaflador  of 
Thefdorike  at  Conflantinofk  ^  in  which  he  infiftethon  the  fame  way  of  Sepa- 
ration. All  the  world  muft  be  in  an  EcClefiaftical  Epifcopal  War,  if  they 
will  not  damn  and  fepar ate  from  every  onetliat  fpeaketh  an  unapt  word,ifa 
Council  or  Pope  will  but  call  it  Herelie. 

But  here  the  Papifts  would  have  us  believe  that  excommunicating  in  thofe 
days  wasa  proof  of  fupcriority :  But  Celafms  himfeJfherc  tells  them  o- 
tkerwife.  It  was  objetT:ed  againft  him  h)Enphemii*s  Conftant.  That  one  manmay 
mt  excommmkate  AcaciHs  RPatu^vch.  And  heanfwereth,  i.  That  it  was  the 
ad  of  many  i  that  is,  of  the  Council  which  condemned  the  Emychians  in 
general.  But  is  this  good  Law,  or  Divinity  ?  Is  every  offender  condemn- 
ed, »p/oj"«>-f,  before  his  perfonai  guilt  is  Judged?  Becaufe  the  Law  con- 
demneth  all  Thieves,  may  every  man  Judge,  and  hang  them,  jicacim  is 
confelTed  to  be  no  Eutychiaf:^  but  to  have  obeyed  his  Prince,  in  Communi- 
cating with  one  .-  EuphefHiMWZs  no  Eutychian,  but  Would  not  difobey  his 
Prince  at  the  Popes  command,  by  blotting  out  Ac*cius  Name.  But  his 
J^  Second  Anfwer  is,  Q^gd  mu  Mum  PrafuU  ApeJlolUo  facere  licet,  fed  Citi- 
CHticj-,  Tontijici  Ht  quosUdet  &  quemlibet  locu>n^  fecundwn  re^ulam  hiirtfe^s  itfiHs- 
antedttmnatit,^  a  Catholic  a  Comtnuniotitdijctrntint.  That  is.  It  is  Lawfnl  not 
only  to  an  ^poflolical  Prelatty  but  to  any  Sipjop  to  exclude  from  CatholickSommH. 
nien'f  any  Per  fans,  and  any  place,  according  te  the  Rnle  of  bis  fore.damned  fie- 
rtfie.  And  accordingly,  others  have  excommunicated  the  Pope,  and 
lower  Prelates  have  Excommunicated  Patriarchs  \  and  the  lower  Patri- 
archs the  higher  ■•  Excommunication,  as  it  is  an  Aft  of  Government,  is 
done  only  by  aGovernour:  But  as  all  Chriltiansare  commanded  to  avoid 
fcandalous  Chriftians,  fo  in  their  feveral  places  they  may  pradice  this,  the 
gui4t  being  proved  ^  I  may  tell  him  that  I  have  no  rule  over,  /  will  have  no- 
Commttnion  xvith  you  :  But  I  cannot  thereby  oblige  all  others  to  do  the 

This  GelafiHS  alfo  oft  {Epiji.  ad  Anaflaf.  Jmperat,  c^c.)  fetteth  up  the 
Priefl:  above  the  Prince,  as  Gods  Laws  are  above  mans  :  As  if  Kings  were, 
were  not  to  Govern  by  Gods  Laws  ?  and  as  if  the  Bifliops  Canons  were  not 
mans  Laws  ('if  they  be  Laws  J 

},  62.  CXL.  It's  faid  that  70  Bifliops  at  Rvum  under  Ctlafms  determm- 
cd  of  the  Canon  of  the  Scripture,  and  alfo  of  accepted  and  rejected  Books. 
In  the  Canon  they  put  a  Book  called  Or<i»  Hiflorinrum  \  with  one  Book  of 
Tobiai-i  one  o(  Judith^  one  of  the  Maccabees,  Nehemias  is  left  out.  Among 
the  approved  Books  the  Epiftie  of  Leo  to  Flavian  Confl.  is  thus  impofed, 
^^  XTht  Text  whereef  if  any  man  Jhall  difpute,  even  to  one  iota  for  tittle)  and 
doth  not  venerably  rtceivi  it  in  all  thin^s^  let  him  be  accurfed-'^   A  multitude 


their  Councils  ahridged.        *  122 

of  heretical  and  rejeded  Books  are  named :  Eighteen  pretended  to  be  by 
or,  of  fome  Apoftles,  and  fucli  other :  And  among  others  the  Hiftory  of 
EHfebius  /yet  before  approved,  unlefs  here  he  mean  only  de  vitA  Ccnfi.) 
The  Works  of  TcrtHllian,  LaBamim,  jinwhitis,  Clemens  j^lexa>:d:  jifria- 
tiMy  Cajfumu,  ViEioririHS  PiBav.  Faufiiis  Rhegicuf.  &c.  Of  the  Canon  of 
Scripture  Bilhop  Coufms  hath  colleded  the  true  Hiftory  from  greater  An- 

%.  6  J.  CXLI.  VitalUznA  Mifcnm^  tlic  Popes  Legates  at  ConJlantmpU, 
having  been  Excommunicated  for  Communicating  with  ^'c^^aw,  6cc.  rua- 
lis  dyed  To,  but  after  eleven  years  Mifcrm  repented,  and  wasabfolved  by 
a  Council  of  5  5  Bilhops :  Tmight  not  the  Pope  alone  have  done  it  ? ) 

§.  64.  CXLII-  You  have  heard  before  how  Fefius  got  Lanrcntltu  the 
Arch-presbyter  chofcn  Pope  at  Rtmt^  and  more  chofe  Synmachus :  Tlmdo' 
r/cl^aa  ^»«j  being  King  was  juft,  and  had  fo  much  wit  as  toplcafe  the 
Clergy  while  his  Kingdom  was  unfettlcd.  The  Pope,  under  his  prote- 
tflion,  excommunicated  both  Emperour  and  Patriarch  oTConfiantinople,  for 
Communicating  with  Hereticks  v  but  he  never  excommunicated  TheoJc.  home,  though  an  Ari4n-.  There  was  reafon  for  it :  Intercfl:  is  fuch 
mens  Law.  But  while  the  Schifm  between  Symmachns  and  LaHrcntius  di- 
vided the  Senate,  the  Clergy,  and  the  People,  five  or  fix  feveral  Councils 
are  called  at  ^owf,  moftlytoheal  this  rupture:  For  at  firft  the  Laurenti- 
MIS  laid  fome  Crimes  to  the  charge  of  Syiwnachus ;  and  when  the  Coun- 
cils would  not  cafthimout,  they  fell  to  rapine,  violence,  and  bloodfhed, 
many  being  killed,  and  all  in  confufion:  So  that  it  was  work  enough  in 
three  years  for  King  and  Council  to  end  the  Schifm. 

f.  65.  CXLIIl.  When  Xhzjirian  Perfecution  abated  \r\  AfricA,  ThrM- 
famundus  ihtVimZ^  contriving  which  way  to  root  out  the  Orthodox  with- 
out violence;  he  commanded  that  when  any  Bilhop  dyed,  no  other 
fliould  be  ordained  in  their  places.  Hereupon  the  Nonconformifts  feeing 
the  Churches  like  tojdecay,  atm.  504.  held  a  Synod,  in  which  they  de- 
creed that  though  they  fufcred  death  for  it  they  would  go  on,  and  or- 
dain, and  do  their  Office :,  concluding  that  either  the  mind  of  the  King 
would  be  mollified,  or  elfe  they  fliould  have  the  Qown  of  Martyrdom. 
This  is  called  ConciltHm  Byz^cenum. 

§.  66.  It  is  greatly  to  be  noted,  that  many  following  Councils  in  Sp4ift, 
France,  and  other  parts  of  Europe^  which  were  held  under  the  Cothiflj  eff5 
Kings,  were  more  pious  and  peaceable  than  the  reft  fore-defcribed.  The  ^^ 
Reafons  feem  to  mc  to  be  thefe:  1.  Thefe  Kings  being  conquering  Jri- 
Mis,  the  Bifhops  durft  not  damn  them  for  Herciie,  for  fear  of  their  own 
necks  i  and  fo  were  greatly  reftrained  from  the  hereticating  work  of 
Councils.     2.  Thefe  Kings  h-U'ing  a  narrower  Dominion  than  the  Em- 

R  2.  pire^ 


124  Church-Hiftoiy  of  Bijhops  and 

pire,  and  being  jealous  of  their  new  gotten  Conqiiefts,  were  nearer  the 
BiQiops,  and  kept  them  more  in  awe  than  the  Emperour  did  3.  And 
thefe  Councils  being  fmall  ('of  a  few  Bifhops)  had  no  I'uch  work  for  ar- 
rogancy  and  ambition,  as  the  great  General  Councils  had-  4.  And  the 
great  proud  pretending  Patriarchs  that  fet  the  World  in  a  continual 
War,  were  not  here  to  ftrive  who  fliouid  be  the  greatcft.  The  Pope 
hinifelf  was  feldom  mentioned  in  the  Spanijh  and  French  Councils,  or 
the  jifricAu. 

§.  67,  CXL!V.  One  of  thefe  honefl:  Councils  is  ^^rfffc(f«/f  by  the  per- 
miffion  of  Alaricm,  by  35  Bifhops,  C<tfarim  AreUtafis  being  chief: 
Where  many  Canons  for  the  Clergy  were  made  or  repeated- 

The  id  Canon  is,  that  if  BiJIiops  wrongfully  excemnunicAte  any  one^  other 
^^    Bidwps  fliall  receive  thim.    (Did  :he  Popes  obferve  this  with  Acm'ihs,  Eh- 
phemitu^  &cj    Can.   63.  If  any   Citix.ens  on  the  great  folemntties,  th/tt  is, 
Eajler-,  the  Lords  Nativity,  or  Whitfimtide ,  fhull  neglt^  to  meet  where  the 
BiJIiops  are,  (feeing  they  are  fet  in  Cities  fir  BenediBton  and  Communion ,)  let 
p^    them  be  three  years  deprived  of  the  Communion  of  the  Church.    (  Doth   not 
this  prove  that  the  City  Churches  then  met  all  in  one  place,  and  fo  were 
but  one  Aflembly  at  thofe  times  ?  How  elfe  could  all  the  Citizens  be  with 
the  Bifhopatone  time?)  But  even  thefe  Canons  forbid  Clergy-men  to 
-    fue  any  before  a  Secular  Judge,  or  to  appear  or  anfwer  at   anothers 
fuit,  Can.   32.  Othcrwife  both  are  to  be  excommunicate,  Can.  37.  It 
punifheth  thofc  that  kill  men,  but  with  denying  them  Communion.  Can. 
50.  Only  if  a  Bifhop,  Presbyter,  or  Deacon,  commit  a  crime., 
he  jiiall  he  depofcd  and  put  into   a  Monajlery,  and  have  but  Layctmmunimt. 
.    (When  Murderers  are  hang'd,  and  Traytefs  alfo  quartered,  this  Canon 
."     is  laid  afide.)   1  thought  a  Monafiery  had  been  a  deftrahle  place,  and  not 
bad  enough  to  ferve  Traytors  and  Murderers  inftead   of  the  Gal- 

§.  63.  CXLV.  A  Council  at  Apanna  under  Sigifmund  King  of  Bur- 
gundy, recited  fuch  like  Canons  as  the  former :  favc  that  there  is  one 
jult  fuch  as  our  Fanaticks  in  England  would  have  made,  who  would  not 
worfliipGod  in  any  Temple  which  the  Papifts  had  ufed  to  their  Mafs: 
fo  faith  Can.  3  ^  The  Temples  (or  Churches')  of  Hereticks,  which  we  hate 
rvith  fo  ^eat  execration ,  we  defpife  to  apply  to  holy  nfes.,  as  judging  their 
pollution  to  be  fuch  at  cannot  be  purged  away.  But  fuch  at  by  violence  they 
T^  too\^from  us  we  may  recover.  This  is  juft  Down  with  the  Idolatrous  Steeple- 
houfes.  But  if  they  would  give  the  Nonconformifts  in  England  leave  to 
Preach  in  fuch  places,  they  would  be  thankful,  and  think  God  will  not 
impute  the  fin  of  others  to  us. 

§.  69.  CXLVl.  A  Ccnncil  at  Sidon  of  SoBiihops,  was  called  by  the 
Eroprrour  Am^nafmi,  where  tliey  agreed  to  curfe  the  Conncil  oiCalce- 


their  Councils  abridged.  125 

don,  and  Flaviantu  Antioch,  and  Johnn.  Paltenf.  were  baniflied  for  re- 
fufing.  This  was  about  the  time  when  the  forefaid  Fight  was  between 
the  Monks  and  the  Anuochians,  wiiea  the  CarkalFes  of  the  Entychian 
Monks  were  caft  into  the  River. 

§.  70.  About  this  time  was  the  fall  and  rife  of  the  Papacy-  The 
fall,  inthit  the  Eaftem  Empire  made  httle  ufe  of  Popes,  but  did  their 
Church  work  without  them-  Their  rife,  in  that  the  Weftern  Empire 
and  Africa,  being  divided  between  many  late  conquering  Kings,  they  all 
labour  to  fettle  themfelves  in  a  peaceable  poirelFion  by  pieaflng  the 
Qergy,  who,  as  they  found,  had  no  fmall  interelt  in  the  People. 

§.  71.  CXLVIl.  Hincmazju  in  the  life  of  Re/ni^^im,  tells  us  of  a 
ftrange  thing  done  ata  Council  at  Rhemes;  that  one  Arion  Bifliop  chal- 
lenged all  the  reft  to  difpute,  and  when  Rhemi^im  came  in  would  not 
rife  to  him,  but  upon  the  Ihaddow  of  Remii^im  parting  by  him,  he  was 
ftruck  dumb,  and  falling  at  Rbemi^jtu  feet,  by  figns  askt  pardon,  and 
was  fuddenly  cured  of  his  dumbnels  and  Herelie,  confclTing  the  Deity  of 

§.  72.  CXLVUI-  Becaufe  ^o^xw.  Nicofelit.  did  but  call  fome  of  his 
,  Bilhops  to  tlatter  the  Pope,  and  to  curfe  all  Herefies  and  Acacitu,  this 
'  is  put  in  among  the  Councils.  But  tlie  Condi.  Tarracerfe  ^  Anno  51 6. 
feems  more  rtgardable  (  under  ThcodorickS)  where  the  Clergy  are  re- 
ftrained /row  /'"^'w?  chafer  Mid  felling  lit^rcrt\\^n  others,  fthis  it  feems 
grew  to  be  'a  part  of  tlieir  priviledges.-)  and  from  judging  canfes  on  the 
Lords  day:  And  it  is  ordered  that  the  Bifhop  fend  a  Presbyter  one  week, 
and  a  Deacon  another,  to  the  Country  Congregations,  and  tovifit  them 
himfelf  once  a  year,  becaufe  by  the  old  cuftorae  he  is  to  have  a  third 
part  of  all  the  Church  profits. 

£l^£r.  Whether  a  Bifliops  Dlocefs  then  was  any  bigger  than  one  of 
our  Corporatioas  with  the  Neig'iboar  Villages?  And  if  one  of  our 
•  Bilhops  that  have  above  a  thoufand  Pariflies,  or  many  hundred,  fhould 
:havc  the  third  part  of  all  (or  as  other  Canons  fay  the  fourth,)  Would 
not  our  Bifhops  be  yet  richer  men  than  they  are?  Efpccially  if  they  that 
confine  Bifliops  to  Cities,  could  get  a  Prince  to  call  no  Corporation  a 
City  but  one  or  two  in  a  Kingdom,  and  be  as  the  Ahuna  is  in  Ethiopia, 
that  hath  the  thirds  of  all  the  Ecclefiaftical  benefits  in  the  Empire.  This 
Council  had  ten  Bilhops. 

§.  73.  CXLlX.    The  ConciUiim  Gerundenfe  is  next,  A/mo  517.   under 

7heodornk-t    It  confided  of  feven  Biihops,  f  Bifhopricks  began  to  grow 

fo  big,  that  they  could  not  fo  fuddenly  meet  by  the  fcoies  and  hundreds 

-  as  when  every  Church  was- known  by  one'  A'fift^and  oae  Bi^toff  a*  Tg- 

-o.iii;.'  natiut. 

I  %6 Clyurcfj-Hifiory  of  Bijhops  and 


mtiKt  fpcaks.)  The  feven  men  wade  Canons,  that  the  lame  Liturgy 
Ihould  be  ufcd  in  the  other  Churches  of  that  l^ovincc  as  were  iifed  m 
J3»  the  Metropolitan  Church.  (For  formerly  every  Bilhop  in  his  own  Church 
did  pray  as  he  thought  bell,  without  Impofed  or  agreed  Uniformity 
of  many  Churches,  much  lefs  of  all  in  a  Nation  J  They  Decree  alfo 
that  Litanies  be  ufed  on  the  Kalends  of  November.  A  Litany  then  figni- 
fied  a  foiemn  fupplicating  of  God  by  the  People  Aflembled ,  Falling , 
Walking,  Singing,  and  Praying,  as  is  ufcd  herein  the  Rogation  Week; 
fometime  they  walked  to  the  Memorial  of  fome  Martyr,  fometime  a- 
bout  the  ftrcets,  oft  bate- foot,  continuing  it  with  Falling  for  cer- 
tain times.  The  Lall  Canon  is ,  That  the  Priep  f^y  the  Lords  Vnt^ 
trvke  a  Day,   Morning  a?id  Evemng.   CThat  was  a  Hiort  Liturgy.) 

§.  74  CL.  When  Jnfim  was  made  Emperour,  the  Bifliops  turned  in 
the  £aji^  and  down  went  the  Eutychians^  and  a  Synod  of  40  Bilhops 
at  Conjiamncple  ufoWedt  that  the  Names  of  £«pfe^«j/«j  and  Macedonitts 
ihould  be  rellored  into  the  Dyptick  Ctheir  Book  of  life)  and  that  5fi/<- 
rm  Ihould  be  condemned  with  his  Adherents. 

$.  75.  The  Cafe  hath  been  oft  intimated  before  •,  In  thofe  times  when 
all  the  Empire  was  in  confufion  between  Eutychians^  and  the  Orthodox, 
and  fome  Emperours  took  one  fide,  and  fome  the  other,  and  fome  in 
vain  endeavoured  peace  :  The  Churches  of  Antioch  and  jilexandria  were 
more  Eutychian  than  Conflxntinofle,  though  the  Emperour  that  favoured  the 
Eutychians  were  prefent :  Acacim  was  Orthodox,  but  pleafed  the  Empe- 
rour fo  far  as  to  Communicate  with,  or  not  curfc  and  excommunicate 
the  Bilhops  of  Anticch  and  Alexandria.  For  this,  as  you  have  oft  heard, 
the  Pope  Excommunicated  him,  and  he  fo  dyed  ("laving  done  as  much 
for  the  Pope.J  Enphemius  and  Macedonius  that  fucceeded  were  both  Or- 
thodox, and  commanded  by  the  Emperour  to  Communicate  with  the  Ei^ 
tychians,  and  pcrfecuted,  and  both  call  out  by  him,  for  not  obeying  him, 
as  is  before  defcribed  in  that  and  another  fuch  matter :  The  Pope  had 
required  them  to  blot  Acacius  name  out  of  the  Dyptick :  The  Court, 
Clergy,  and  People  were  againfl  it,  thinking  it  arrogancy  in  one  man> 
]to  Excommunicate  the  Patriarch  of  the  Imperial  City  that  was  Ortho- 
dox, upon  his  perfonal  revenge  or  quarrel :  They  obeyed  not  the  Pope : 
The  Pope  is  againfl:  them  for  not  curling  a  dead  Orthodox  Biftiop  A- 
€acius:  The  Emperour  was  againll  them  for  being  againfl  the  Eitty- 
fhiansf  as  the  Pope  was  for  not  being  more  againft  both  themi, 
and  all;  that  did  not  curfe  them  as  much  as  he  did.  Were  not 
thefe  Bilhops  in  a  hard  cafe  ?  Both  agree  to  their  extirpation,  and 
when  they  were  dead  to  damn  their  names :  But  the  Clergy  and  People 
agreed  not.  The  E^flern  and  Wejiern  Churches  were  hereby  divided, 
(thatis,  Conftantimple  And  Rome.)  Is  not  the  Chrifl;iaa  World  beholden 
to  fuch  Tyrants  and  proud  pretenders  for  its  diftraclions  and  calamities? 
AThat  will  rather  divide  the  Chriftian  World*  than  endure  the  names  of 
-••v  Ortho- 

/fey  Councils  abridged,  \  27 



Orthodox  perfecuted  Biftops  ta  be  honoured  when  they  are  dfead^  be- 
caufe  they  would  not  blot  out  and  abhor  the  name  of  another  dead  Or- 
thodox Bilhop  their  PredeccfTour,  when  the  Pope  curfed  him  for  Com- 
municating with  an  Euiyehianr  I  fcnow  the  Papilb  will  cry  up,  The  pre-  k^ 
fervation  of  the  pMith  and  Purity.,  But  if  ever  any  did  overdo  the  Pha- 
ri(^es,  that  reproved  Chrift  for  eating  with  Publicans  and  Sinners :  If 
ever  any  became  Plagues  of  the  World,  by  being  W</r,  Orthodajc^ofid  Righ. 
teous  tvermuchy  and  made  ufe  of  the  name  of  FMth ,  to  deftroy  Fanh, 
Lovcy  HHmaaitjy  and  Pe4ce.,  add  cryed  up  the  CAwci,  andU/j//y,  asC«- 
thoUcks.,  to  deftroy  the  Church  and  Unity,  and  crumble  it  into  Sedls  and 
Faftions  ;  it  is  certainly  thefe  men- 

But  the  £4/?  and  Weft  that  thus  began  their  reparation  by  the  fpirit 
of  Pride  and  Envy  that  Rome  had  againll  the  growing  greatnefs  t)f  Cw«- 
ftantinopUy  continue  their  Divifion  to  this  day  •,  And  it  hath  been  no  fniall 
caufe  of  the  ruin  of  the  Empire  and  the  Chriftian  Caufe,  and  delivering 
all  up  to  the  Muhmetans :  Which  the  good  Pope  fecmed  t«  judg  more 
tolerable  (with  all  the  dreams  of  Blood  that  went  before  and  after^ 
than  thathefhou'd  not  have  his  will  upon  an  Orthodox  dead  mans  name. 
Sure  fiat  Jnftitia  &  rnat  Cklnm,  was  devifed  by  thefe  precifc  over  righ- 
teous Popes ! 

§.  7<5.  EvAgrm  (Jib.  3O  faith,  that  JuSlin  came  to  the  Empire  as  fol- 
loweth:   jlmantins  was  one  of  the  Greatcft  men,  but  uncapable  of  the 
Empire,  becaufe  he  was  an  Eunuch .-  He  gave  a  great  fum  of  Money 
to  Jitfiine,  to  hire  the  Souldiers  to  choofe  Theecriins,  his  bofom  friend: 
Jaffinc  with  that  Money  hired  them  to  choofe   himfelf,   and  quieted 
jimantius  and  Theocritia^  by  murdering  them  both.    And  becaufe  Vita- 
liofm  (that  had  ufnrped  and  laid  down,,)  was  then  great,  he  drew  him 
in  to  be  a  Commander  near  him,  and  fo  got  him  killed.    But  he  be- 
cometh  Orthodox,  and  faith  BinnmSy  p.  374.  The  j^rtat  Patron  and  DC' 
fender  of  the  Cutholicks,  by  the  fingular  favour  of  Cod  obtained  the  Empire. 
So  zealous  was  he,  that  he  caufed  the  tongue  of  Severus  the  Eutychiofi^ 
Archbifliop  of  Antioch^  to  be  pulled  out  of  his  head,  for  curfing  fo  oft  -         ,, 
the  Council  of  C«Uedon^  andfuch  like  things.    Panlns  fucceeded  him  and  cap""^  '^* 
dyed,  and  Eufhrafm  fucceeded  him,  who  was  buried  in  the  ruines  of 
the  City,  it  being  call  to  the  ground  by  a  terrible   Earthquake,  and    "^ 
the  remnant  burnt  with  fire  from  Heaven,  in   the  lightning  that  went 
with  the  Earthquake.    But  Euphrmius  Lieutenant  of  the   £<?/?,  did  fo  £'-T'-1*- 
charitably  relieve  the  People,  that  in  reward  they  chofe  him  for  their  "?■*• 
Bifliop.    Reader,  Was  not  a  Bifhoprick  then  grown  a  confiderable  pre- 
ferment, when  the  Emperours  Lieutenant  of  the  Eafi  took  it  for  fuch, 
even  to  be  Bilhop  of  a  City  that  lay  on  heapes  ? 

§.  77.  CLT.  Things  being  now  on  the  tura,  a  Synod  at  Jtrufakmxotn 
up  the  Council  of  Cakedon.,  and  cry  down  StvtrHs. 

Chtcrch-Hiflory  of  Bijhops  a?u/ 

^^j^'-^^.  CLlI.  And  another  at  Tyrt  doth  tke  like- 

-rt  §.  7^  CLIII.  And  another  Coancil  utR^rne  again  dccreeth  the  dam- 
nation of  the  three  dead  Bifhops  of  Cc«/?4«r/>;«»/*,  Acacim^  Euphemiui,  zad 
Macedoitim :  What,  never  hare  done  with  dead  men .'  Methinks  ftark 
■**"•  ^      dead  might  fatiific  Pride  and  MaUce.     •  !    :     ;"  •= 

SinniHf  fairh,  that  the  Eaflcm  Church  yielded  to  blot  out  of  the  Dyp- 
ticks  xhznzmzs  oiAcaciui,EHiiht.miHs  and  A^acedonitu  (not  the  Heretick) 
and  the  Emperonrs,  Zw/p,  and  Anafittftu :  The  Pope  maketh  himfelf  the 
Governour  of  Hell  •,  where  he  thought  thefe  Emperours  and  Bilhops 
were.    But  it  is  worfe  than  Savage  malice  that  will  not  ceafe  towards  dead 

;men!  And  if  the  Empire  yielded,  they  fhewcd  more  love  of  Peace  than 
Rome  did,  but  not  much  wit,  in  giving  a  Prelate  ofanother  Princes  Do- 
minion fuch  power  to  defame,  andforcethcm  to  defame  their  Emperours 
and  Patriarchs  at  his  pleafure. 

S-  So.  The  zeal  of  7wi?«K  to  ei^adicate  the  Jritns^  and  take  all  their 
Cqurc'.ies  from  them,  provoked  T/?^o^V;c;^  (though  ?.  juftman,  that  gave 
the  Orthodox  liberty,  proteftion,  and  encouragement,  yet  an -^n<«n,  and 
gave  the  y^r»^ »/ liberty  alfo)  to  refulve,  that  he  would  ufe  the  Orthodox 
in  Italy y  as  JiiFtin  did  the  Arians  in  the  EaJ}:  Whereupon  John,  Biihop  of 
Xome,  with  feme  others,  went  as  his  AmbalTadours  to  ConjUvt.  to  mediate 
with  Ju^in  for  the  Avians  eafe.  Anaftafttu  in  lib.  Vomtf.  faith  he  obtain- 
ed it.-  £/««/««  out  of  Crff^^r.  T«ro«.  faith  the  contrary :  which  i<;  more  pro- 
bable. However  by  going  on  fuch  a  MelT  ge  for  real  Hercticks,  it  ap- 
•peareth  with  what  fincerity  the  Popes  profecuted  the  dead  names  of  the 
three  Orthodox  Conftant.  Bilhops,  on  pretence  of  zeal  againll  Herefie: 
f-«a  When  their  intereft  urgeth  them,  Ltt  the  World  be  fet  on  fire  rather  than 
yoH  Jliall  fpeak^favourably  of  an  Eutychian :  But  wlicn  intereft  changcth,  Ra- 
therthan  they  in  ]ta\y  Jhuli  fiffer,  ]ohn  £oeth  to  Conllantinople /or /<iw«r 
to  the  Arians.  Suppofe  he  did  not  fpecd  :  What  went  he  thither  for  ?  On 
this  provocation,  Theodoricl^,  on  other  quarrels,  put  to  dusth  Symmachus, 
_  ,  ..  and  his  Son-in-Javv  Boetim  ^  Roman  Senators  and  excellent  men,  and  ira- 
''■''l.'-,  prifoncd^t/jw  when  he  returned,  and  in  the  prilbn  he  dyed  :  And  when 
he  was  dead  the  ^//^/w  King  choleFa//>  the  fourth  Pope:  Was  this  Eledi- 
•  on  valid?  If  ye?,  hcthat  isftrongeft,  though  a  Heretick  may  choofethe 
Pope.?  If  not,  than  their  fuccellion  was  then  interrupted. 

§.  8 1.  CUV.  We  have  next  a  great  Council  called  Ilerdenfe  of  eight 
Bilhops  :nder  Theodrick^  to  mend  fomc  faults  of  the  Clergy,  viz..  That 
they  that  Minifter  at  the  Altar  abftain  from  mans  blood,  Can.  i.  That 
they  that  c-)mmit  Adultery,  and  take  Medicines,  or  givethem  to  call  the 
Birth,  or  that  Murder  the  Child,  lliall  ?,bllain  from  Communion  fevcn 
jea  $:  And  if  they  be  of  the  Clergy,  mult  be  content  with  tl>e  Communi- 
on and  ih;  Chore   without  their  Office,    Can.   2.  None  Ihall  draw  an 

*■ ,  offender 

their  CouncHs  abridged,  1 2^ 

offender,  though  a  Servant  out  of  the  Church,  (nor  fay  oth?r  Canons 
out  oftbeBiniopshoufc;  that  flyeth  thither  for  any  Crime  (The  Church 
aiidBiftiopsHouteshadthe  priviledge  to  be  the  harbour  for  murderers. 
Thieves,  Traytors,  &c.)  But  Can.  i  i.alloweth  the  Bifhopto  punifhthem 
more  than  others  (with  longer  forbearing  the  Sacrament^  if  thofe  of  the 
Qcrgy  murder  one  another :  O  fevere  Laws ! 

5.  82.CLV.  Next  we  havea  Cosncil  (not  all  fo  great,  having  but  fi): 
Bilhops)  under  7K>f(xi»>-/ci^,  that  ordered  that  the  Epiftle  (hould  be  read 
before  the  Gofpe),  and  fome  things  like  others. 

S.Sj.CLVI.  And  four  ordinary  fayings,  srcre  faid  over  again  by  fif- 
teen Bilhops  at  AAcs. 

f.  84.  It  feems  the  S<ff»«f/)f/<»^»4«/ then  much  prevailed:  For  "one  Luciim 
madca  Recantatioi  of  his  Errors  to  a  Council  of  zyBiiliops  at  Lyons,  as 
urged  by  thert  .•  One  ofhisfuppofed  errors  was,  thzt  Some  are  deputed  to 
death.,  and  athersfredeftinate  to  Life-,  and  another,  itiTiltuneof  the  Gentile  t 
before  ChrtJ}  were  faved  by  the  Itght  of  Nature  :  And  now  he  owneth  :  That 
in  the  order  of  times.,  fome  were  javed  Iry  the  Law  ef  Grace.,  others  by  the  Law, 
cf  Mofcs,  and  others  by  the  Ldwef  Nature  \  But  none  ever  freed  from  Original 
Sin.,  but  by  holy  blood. 

And  FaHflmRheg.  againft  the  fr<ft/f/?wMri4»/ was  owned  by  the  forefaid 
Council  at  ^r/f/,£>»-  f-  385. 

§•85  Tlieodoricksn^Az  the  Clergy  Subje(fl  to  Civil  judicatures  •,  allowing 
theiti  their  liberty  of  Religion  :  When  he  dyed  (of  whofe  Soul  in  HeU 
they  pretend  vifioQs^  his  fucceflburs  AthaUricns.,  for  the  quiet  poflcflion 
of  his  Kingdom,  at  the  Clergies  Complaint  of  this  as  an  injury,  was  pleaf- 
ed  to  reftore  them  to  their  Dominion,  and  Freedom  from  fubjectl- 

§.  86.  fufiinian  fuccceding  y«/?/w,  ^by  his  choice)  Compileth  the  Laws 
into  better  order  then  before,  and  to  the  great  advantage  of  the  Ortho- 
dox CI  ;rgy,  and  againft  Hcrcfies :  And  yet  two  things  trouble  the  Papifts 
in  them.  1.  Thatne  feemeth  to  pretend  to  a  Power  over  the  Church 
Laws:  But  their  (hift  is  to  fay  that  he  did  itbntasa  defence  and  Confirma- 
tion of  the  Bifhops  Laws.  2.  That  he  reftorcd  the  Names  of  his  Predeccf- 
fors'  ZfMo,  and  AiaftafiM,  with  Notes  of  Piety  and  Honour  i  whotn 
the  Popes  had  prefumed  to  damn  as  Entychians  or  ToUra'ers  of  them :  But 
for  this  they  fay  ,  It  was  the  doing  of  TrU>omaMHs,  2  Heathen  Lawyer,  that 
did  the  work  :  As  if  Juftinun  would  let  him  do  what  he  difliked,  and  not 
corrcA  it. 

§  87.  When  7«/?i«»-«; refolved  tofct  op  the  CobdcU  oi  C^Ueden-.,  he 

S  G^fed 

1^0  Church-Hiftory  of  Bijhops  and 

Curfed  Severus^  and  dcpofed  the  two  Patriarchs,  jinthimtus  of  Conftdnti. 
nofle,  and  Theodo/i;is  of  yilcxandria,  foT  thsy  v,' ere  both  EutychtMS  :  Sevr- 
rof  had  per fwaded  them  rather  to  forfake  all  worldly  interelt,  than  the 
Faith  fas  he  called  it  J  But  here  I  cannot  fee  how  the  Hiftorians  (as  £©4- 
^r»«i  3  will  be  reconciled  with  themfelves;  that  fay,  7></?»«  caufed  Se-ve- 
r«j  Tongue  to  be  pulled  out  i  and  yet,  that  he  afterward  perfwaded  ^r)tr 
tnius  at  Cofift.  unlefs  he  did  it  only  by  writing. 

'     $.88-  So  far  was  7«^»'«i4«'s  refolution,  and  power,  from  reconciling 
the  Bifhops  of  the  Empire,  that  he  could  not  keep  Unity,  in  his  own  Houft 

'  or  bed:  For  his  Wife  TifcfO(ii»'<j,was  firm  to  the  £«ryc^M«/-,  and  cheriflied 

them,  as  he  did  the  Orthodox,  and  both  with  fo  great  conftancy,  that  £- 
•u4gr//<xfnfpeLleth  they  did  it  politickly,  by  agreement,  ffor  the  peace  of 
the  Empire  )  that   each    party  might    be  kept    in  dependance    on 
§.   89.    An   Infurreftion    in  Confiaininoflc  occafioned    the    killing 

lvag./.4.  of  about    thirty   thoufand,    faith    BvagriH$    c    ij.     out    of   Pro-     copius. 

mndtikep.     5.  90.  Aboutthistime  a  miracle  is  fpokenof  fo  credibly,  that  I  think 

/.17.C.7.  it  jiot  unfit  to  mention  it  *  Hitrmerikus  in  Africa,  being  an  Ariati^  Goth  per^ 
fecHted  the  Orthodox  Bifliops,  efpecially  on  pretences  that  they  refuted 
to  fwear  fidelity  to  hira,  and  his  Soa :  (fay  fome  j  They  were  forbidden  to 
preach,  and  for  not  obeying,  or  for  Nonconformity ;  the  Tongues  of 
many  were  cut  out,  who  they  fay  didfpeak  freely  after  as  before  .•  Ft 
were  hard  to  be  believed  •,  But  three  Hilborians  I  have  read  that  all  pro- 
fefs  that  they  faw,  andheardthementhemfelves>wz..  VtilorVticenfis^. 
ft£asGaz.£i!S  de  Anima.,  &  ProcoftHS  in  Evagrius,  I.  4.C.  14.  Who  yet  add- 
eth  that  two  of  them  upon  fome  finfulnefs  with  Women,  loft  their  fpeech 
and  remained  dumb.  Nicephor.  faith  Rcfti  cHmfoeminit  habuijfcm  :  AIas,that 
miracles  will  not  prevent  Sin. 

$.91.  In  the  eleventh  year  of  7«7?iV7»4«,  .i^rW4r»c«i  being  dead,  and 
Theedat us  tiKinimzn  fucceeding,  thisman  loving  books  better  than  War, 
yielded  up  Rome  and  the  Crown  to  BeUifi$rini  Jnfti>iiA>is  General  \  and  io- 
after  the  Gof/jw  had  kept  it  60  years,  it  was  reftored  without  a  drop  of 
blood,  faith  Evagrins  I.  ^.  c.  18.  But  when  BeUifarim  went  away  Tetilas 
came  and  recovered  Rome :  And  BelHfartM  returning,  recovered  it  from 
che  Curfef  J  again,  c.20. 

$.92.  Three  feveral  Countries  about  that  time,  received  the  Chriflian 
Faith,  mnch  through  the  Reverence  of  7«/^*«<«j«x  power,  viz..  The  Hernlt., 
the  Abafoi^  and  they  of  Tanais^  Evagr- c.  19. 11.22.  But  the  grievous 
Wars  and  SucczfTesoiCofroenhe  Per/:,fn  intheEaft,  and  a  plague  of  fifty 
£wo  years  continuance,  w'lichdeRroycd  a  great  part  of  mankind,  took 
down  much  ofthe  Roman  Glory. 

S-  49. 

— =: ^      --  .        ^        ,  -. — , ■ 

their  Councils  abridged.  .  ja  j 

f  95.  CLVII.  A  fecond  CwcwSfMpn  y<r4«/<c<»/«w  Condemned  StmepeU^,. 
tfnifme,  propagated  by  f4«/?«/ BiOiop  of  Rhe^rimt  after  Proff.  who  had 
been  of  the  contrary  mind. 

$.  94.  CLVIII-  A  ConcilfHm  f^dfenft  of  ten  Bifhops,  decreed  thatPa- 
ri(h  Priefl:  fiiould  breed  up  young  Readers,  who  may  marry  at  age  i  that 
the  parifh  Priefts  (hall  preach,or  in  their  abfence.theDeacon  read  a  Sermon  .• 
That  LerdhAve  mercy  on  hs  be  often  faid .•  That  Holy^  Holy^  Holy,  be  oft 
iaid :  That,  jis  it  Vfat  in  the  htginntngy  &C.  be  oft  faid. 

§.  95.  CLIX.  A  Synod  of  16  Bifliops  at  CarftntetM^t  decreed  that  the 
Bifhop  of  the  City  fliould  not  take  all  theCouatrey  PariOi  maintenance  to 

i96.  CLX.  As  Ftclix  was  chofen  Pope  by  T'htoderick;  (o  Athal*ricHi 
claiming  the  fame  power,  chofe  after  him  Boniface  the  fecond  :  An  jirri- 
4HHeretickmade  the  Pope  ••  Others  not  willing  of  the  Kings  Choice,chofe 
Diofcorus ;  fo  there  are  two  Popes :  But  Diofccrus  quickly  dyeth ;  and 
Boniface  Condemncth  him  when  he  is  dead,  on  fome  pretence  of  money 
matters,  as  Simoniacal  ^  and  calling  a  Synod,  appointeth  yirtiltus  a  Dea- 
con, his  Succeflbr.  After  he  calleth  another  Synod, to  undo  this  Choice, 
upon  his  Repentance  •,  and  fhortly  after  dycth  himfelf.  jl^apetus  that  fol- 
lowed him,  abfolveth  the  dead  man  Diofccrus^  whom  Boniface  Curfed  .• 
fuch  work  did  Cliurch-Curfing  then  make,  as  the  Engine  of  Ambition. 

§.97'CLXI.  A  Councilof  8  Bifhops  at  To/rt4w,  faid  fomewhat  again  to 
keep  Bilhops  from  Women, and  from  giving  their  Lands  from  the  Church. 

S.98.  CLXII.  phnvfAs  put  by  fupnidn,  to  call  a  Council  at  Rome  on 
an  odd  occafion  (which  fheweth  what  it  was  that  Bifhops  then  divided  the  c^ 
the  World  about)  In  the  days  of  P.  Hormijda^  there  was  a  Controverfic 
(de  mtnine)  whether  it  might  be  faid .-  One  of  the  Trinity  was  Crucified :  Hor^ 
mifda  declared  againft  it,becaure  they  that  were  for  it,were  fufpcded  of  £/<- 
tychianifme^  ('and  condemned  after)  But  the  Nefierians  laid  hold  of  this, 
and  faid :  //  we  may  net  fay  that  one  in  the  Trinity  was  Crucified  ^  then  we 
may  not  fay:  Mary  was  the  Parent  cf  one  in  the  Trinity  :  Jufiwian  (ent  about  "^J 
thisto7fl/3»,  and  he  and  his  Synod  faid  contrary  to  Hormifda:  That  wc 
may  fay,  that  one  of  the  Trinity  was  Crucified.  Doth  not  this  plainly  confefs 
ihebloud  and  doleful  divifiorrs,caufed  by  Bifhops  and  Monks  for  fo  many 
Ages  about  Neftorianifme,  and  Eutychianifme-,  v.  as  but  about  a  Word  which 
in  one  fence  is  frMf,  and  in  another  falfe,  which  one  Pope  faith,  and  ano- 
ther unfaith.  When  Binnins  after  Baronius  hath  no  more  to  fay  for  f  xcufe 
of  tins  i  but  that  Ita  mutatis  hofiihu  arm,i  mutarinecejfefuit :  O  for  lionelly  .- 
.  hainft  ds-iers  Enanies  we mii/}  ufe  di'VeriWeafor,s.  But  Sir  may  youufe  contra- 
ry ajfcftions^  as  Articles  of  Faith  ?  Or  do  you  not  here  undenyably  tell  cs 

S  2  that 


1^2  Church-Hijlory  of  Bijhops  and 

l\iKt  Amhigucitswordi^  Sind  Clergy  JurifdiHion^  have  been  the  caufes  of  al^ 
moll  all  the  Divifions,  and  Ruines  of  the  Church  for  i  joo  years .' 

§.  99.  jHftiniaa  took  a  better  Courfe  to  Convince,,  and  Reconcile  difTen- 
ters,  than  violence.  There  is  in  BinniHi^  p.  409  <^r.  The  recital  of  a  difpu- 
tation,  or  Friendly  Conference  between  the  Eutychian  Bilhops,  and  H)fati- 
tm^  with  others  of  the  Orthodox :  The  moft  clear,  rational,  and  moderate 
of  any  thing,  that  1  find  before  that  time  explaining  their  ControverGe; 
And  which  fpllyprovethvvhat  I  have  all  along  faid  as  Hiy  Opinion,  that  in- 
deed the  world  was  confounded  by  unskilful  men  about  iMrdylmbt^Hous  wordi 
and  by  a  Lordlyyfelfijh^impo/ir'^  Spirit,  in  toomany  of  the  Captains  of  thofe 
Militant  Churches:  And  that  </«<ir  dtftinguijhin?  explication  ofTermSy  with 
hu/Tjhle  Love,  would  have  prevented  molt  of  thofe  divifions. 

In  that  Conference,  thefe  things  are  fpecially  notable.  1.  That  the  Orien- 
tal Bifhops  called  £«rycfc»4w,  condemned  Eutyches,  and  yet  honoured  D»- 
efcorus,  who  defended  him  •,  fo  that  it  was  a  quarrel  more  about  Men, 
Names,  and  Words,  than  Doutrine.  i.Jh^t  fJypatius^  and  the  Orthodox 
(though  they  were  not  willing  to  fufped  Corruption  in  cyr»/'sEpiftles,yet^ 
could  not  deny  but  Cyril  ufed  Eiuyches  words,  that  is  afferted,  one  Nature  of 
Cod  LicArnate^  after  the  Union.  3.  That  yet  they  proved  that  Cyr*^  alfo 
held  two  Natures  :  (butfav  the£«;)c/7</««>,  heonly  held  two  before  theU- 
nion  confidered  intelleAually)fo  that  eithcrCyr//  wasan£«r)'c^;<j«,orelfehis 
unskillful  fpeaking,as  both  parties  did,  fet  the  world  together  by  the  Ears. 
4.  That  unrighteous  partiality  greatly  prevailed  wi:h  the  Orthodox  Bi- 
Ihops,  and  Councils  of  thefe  times  ;  when  they  could  (as  Hypatiut  here  did) 
put  a  Charitable  Conftrudion  upon  the  fame  words  of  Cyril,  for  which  they 
condemned  fo  many  others,  who  as  his  obedient  followers,  held  what  they 
did  ofCynrs.  Vn^tmnaturam  Dciincarnati :  They  {^y^We  neither  Condemttit^  Jh/Iijic  it.  If  they  had  ufed  that  moderation  with  all  others,  all  had  been 
in  greater  peace.  5.  That  they  fay  fo  much  of  the  falfifying  of  A'hanafus  E- 
pifUc  to  Epifietai,  of  Jppollimncs  Epiftle  fathered  on  Julius,  of  the  falihood 
of  the  DyonyfiHs  Areopno^.&c.  h%\\^  tellsus,that  vve  muft  not  be  over  credu- 
lous in  trufting  to  writings  allribcd  to  the  Ancients.  6.  That  Nidlns  ex  ami- 
(juisrecordatHsej}  ea  ;  was  thought  a  good  argument  againfl;  the  Authority 
of  DyunifiHs  yireopa^itd.  7.  They  inltance  in  the  difference  between  the 
Greeks  and  Latins  about  the  words  Hypoftafis,  and  Pirfona.,  which  fet  the 
Latins  on  condemning  the  Greeks  as  ArriMs,  and  the  Greeks  it  on  condemn- 
the  Latins  as  SAbellmiif,  till  AthMiaftus  that  underltood  both  Tongues,  per- 
fwaded  them,  that  their  meaning  was  the  fame  (And  nectifity  urged  Aihana- 
fas  to  reconcile  them)  which  Greg.  Nitz.i4»i.e»e  and  other  peaceable  men  af- 
terward promoted;,  And  yet  Hiercmc  WAS  }\idgsd  a  Heretick^after,  for  dif- 
tikingthe  word  Hypoflafts.')  knd  yttmvi^  Hard  Ambiguous  words  Confound 
and  divide  the  Churches  Hill/" 

8.     They  confefs  that  Cyril-,  [jdem  dicebat  effe  fubjlantiam,  cjuodnaturam 
vel  fiibfijie>itiat>i'2  C"  ideo  in  duodecim  Capitulis  fuis  pro  duabiis  jnbftavHn  vel 

mtHriidji^i  jubfjltfitMspefiiit.    Reader,  If  this  great  Learned  Voluminous 



their  Councils  ab)  idged.  153 

Prelate  had  no  more  accuratenefs  of  Speech  than  to  confound  fubjhnce^  e^ 
nature y  and  fp^fifience^  and  put  them  one  for  another  \  what  could  be 
expeded  from  the  multitude  of  poor  unlearned  Prelates,  that  took  his  name 
for  their  guide,  and  cryed  out  in  Council,  Grtat  U  Cyril ;  We  beiteve  at 
Cyril :  And  what  then  j"  Could  the  confufions  of  the  World  be  caufed  by 
(hetwctn  Nejhrians,  Euiychiatit^Severians^Monothelttes  and  Cathelicki)  filch 
a  11  rife  about  words  as  C^r>7 had  occafioned.' 

9.  Note  that /a[)/>.jr;»«  and  the  Orthodox  here  maintain,  th^t  FUviama 
himfelf  fubfcribed  asifmuch  for  one  Nature  as  Diofcortu  could  have  defired  : 
And  that  the  Controverfia  lay  in  a  fyllable,  Whether  Chrilt  were  one  Per- 
fon?  ExduahffsnatHrii,  or,  Indtuibm'i  the  Eutychians  faid  £.v,  and  the  reft 

faid  In :  and  Flavian  yielded  to  jE.v,  and  the  Synod  of  Calccden  accept-  «^3 
ed  both  :  Neque  illi  iflos  rcprehendunt^  neq\  tjii  illos  tancjuam  uritts  hono- 
rtt  arbitratt  voces  utrafyue,  tjuando  &  mum  naturAm  Dei  verbi  inearnatam.,  ntn 
renuic  heatus  Flavianus  in  ctnfefftone  (jnam  propria  martH  fubfcripjitftiicere,  &C. 
'Where  Flavians  words  are  recited  to  Theodofms^  EtunAm  Dei-jerbi  naturam 
inearnatam  tapun  dicer e  non  Kcgamtts^  qma  ex  Htnfque  unus  idemque  Deminus 
JefuiChrifiusefl.  And  would  not  this  much  ufcd  10  all  other,  have  healed 
all  the  Churches  / 

10.  Note  thzt  HypatiM^uA  the  Orthodox  makenotC^n/ infallible,  but 
fay,  that  his  SynodicalEptftles  thtyrecetveynotafhis^  but  the  Synods  :  But  for 
ihireft,  NtcjHe  damnOmus  eat,  rntjHffHJapinttti. 

11.  That  theContcoverhe  v\as  Logical  (p.41  jj  how  'Vniuon  maketh 
or  denonnnateth  one. 

12.  Note  that  they  cxpreilv  Tay,  Vbt  Vnitio  dicitur^  non  Vnius  frrnifica: 
tur  rci  conventus  Cio  all  (ay)  ftd  dnarum  vU  plurium  CJ"  diverfariim  jcciindum 
tiaturam  :  S»  er^a  dtcmms  IJnitioncm^  procnl  dubio  corftemnr^  cjhod  carnh 
ammatA  lir*  %erbi:  Jid  cr  hi  cji4tdnas  naturae  dicmit ,  ide/n  jmtimit.  And  if 
this  be  twie,  were  they  net  all  of  a  mind  ar.d  knew  it  not  .•" 

13.  Note  that  the  Eiuychtar.s  rook  Theodorets  Anathema,  Ncftoria  c 
Emychiti ,  with  a  f'alcte  added  for  a  llur,  and  a  deceit:  and  Hypatiut 
was  fain  to  intimate  a  blame  on  the  Council,  that  had  not  the  patience 
once  to  htar  inch  a  man  as  Theodorite  to  open  his  judgment,  but  cryed 
out  only,  Cwfe  them,  cnrf<  tlnm,  and  he  interprets  Theodorets  yaUtc,  as 
feying.   Now  take  my  BtjMprid\if  you  pUafe. 

14.  In  a  word>  had  this  Light  and  Leve  been  ufed  by  the  Bidiops,  whicii 
this  Conference  exprelTfth,  it  had  prevented  much  Confnfion  in  the  Chur- 
ches, fcorn  againll  tlie  Bilhops,  hardening  of  the  Infidels,  anddeftniifti- 
onofChrillian  Love  and  Peace.  And  though  the  £^fra  Bilhops  yielded 
not,  many  of  their  toliowers  did.  " 

$.  100.  CLXIII.  They  fay  an  ^^'"m<i«  Council  fent  to  Tnlri>nnn  to  pro- 
cure the  reftoration  of  their  Liberties,  which  the  ymdall  Jrians  had  ta- 
ken away   fyA'/'J/A;/**;;  having  recovered  Afrtca.) 

$.  10  i.  ]Po^<:  J^apeiiis  was  forced  by  King  TheedatHs  to  go  on  anEm- 


1 54  Church-Hiftory  of  Bijhops  and 

baflie  to  7«/?«>»;4«,  to  turn  by  his  Armies  itom  Italy,  which  he  did,  and 
not  prevailing  ('having  r€je(^ed -<^<tfjb»iw>«^  he  dyed  there,  yimw  536. 

§.  102.  CLXIV.  Mema  being  made  Bifhop  of  Co«/?.  a  Council  was 
there  called.  Sure  no  ^(»w4«  Prefided  ^  for  there  was  then  zxi  Inter-rtgnum: 
But  was  it  then  a  good  Council?  Aspleafethe  Pope  .'  Yet  fo  impudent  is 
Binnikj  as  to  fay,  that  Aitrnia,  was  the  Popes  Vicar,  and  his  Legates  pre- 
fided,  when  there  was  no  Pope  on  Earth. 

The  work  of  this  Council  was  to  condemn  and  curfe  jiutlMmm,  (a  Bifliop 
olConft.  got  in  by  the  Emprefs,  and  put  out  by  the  Emperour)  withSwr- 
rHi  late  Bifhop  ofjintiochy  and  Peter  Bifhop  ofj^pamea^  and  Zoariu  a  Monk, 
as  being  v4cfpW>,  that  is,  Severians^  or  Eutychiarti^  as  they  were  variouQy 
■■  called :  Sevtrta  and  Peter  have  cruel  perfecutions  alfo  laid  to  their  charge, 
(for  per  fecution  hath  but  its  time.J  The  Emperour  hereupon  raaketh  a 
fevere  Law  againfl:  them,  fending  them  by  banifliment  to  folitude,  and 
condemning  their  Books  to  the  fire,  and  judging  their  hands  to  be  cut  off 
that  writ  them.  ('We  may  fee  whence  our  Church  Hiftory  moftly  cometh, 
even  from  the  flronger  fide,  that  had  power  to  burn  all  which  they  would 
not  have  known. J 
•-4,  Two  things  in  this  Council  offend  the  Romanics :  i.  That  Johfi  Bifhop  of 
^^  Conftanti>:ople  is  called  PatriarchxOecumenicui:  2.  That  Eufhemins,  Macido. 
tntuy  and  Lf»  are  named,  and  X.f 0  laft  .■  the  two  firft  having  been  damned 
by  the  Popes  fo  oft  fince  they  were  dead.  And  they  have  no  better  reme- 
dy, but  to  faythpt  fome  ill  Grtfi^  hand  hath  falfified  the  Councils.  (Is  that 
all  the  certainty  Wv  ave  of  recorded  Councils.)  Ifyoufufpeft  the<7r«<y, 
why  may  wc  not  alfo  fufped  the  Romans  5  efpecially  in  the  days  of  wicked 
Popes  .'' 

The  People  cryed  out  here,  Quid  manemus  in  commumcati  ?  Bhirtitu  no- 
teth,  that^ow  the  time  that  Macedonius  their  Orthodox  Bijhop  voas  ejected,  the 
j_^^  faithful  CitthoUcks  withdrew themfelves  from  the  Coniffiunion  of  intfioHS  Timothy 
^  th»t  w.ti  put  into  hispUce.  Note  1.  that  this  M-tcedonius  is  he  that  the  Ro- 
mail  Popefo  often  damned  alive  and  d«ad:  2.  That  the  Peoples  feparation 
ffom  bad  polRiibiirs  of  the  Bifhops  Scats,  was  then  anufualand  jiiflified 

f  10?.  CLXV.  Afouncilat  r<r>;(//*/tw  having  notice  of  what  was  done 
atCff.v/?.  dothefanieagaiull  >^«f/;w;/«,  Sewrns.,  Peter,  zndZoaroi. 

X04.  AnaflAfitu  in  lib.  Pontifc:  faith  tiiat  the  Arian  King  Theodatus  cor- 
rupted with  Money,  made  S.'/L'frww  Pope ,  And  at  the  lame  time  the  Em- 
prefs  The  odor  a  T^iioitVAcd  the  Popedom  10  yi^ilms,  on  condition  he  would 
rcftore  y^j<r,',';w;a  and  tliofc  that  the  Council  had  damned  .-  which  he  pro 
mifing,  tiic  Emprefs  f.nt  him  with  Letters  to  BellfariM  to  fee  it  done. 
Silv^rius  was  bot  a  Sub- Deacon,  and  l-^igihns  an  Arch-Deacon,  fon  to 
Popt  Hon!:ifda:  Siiverius  was  accufed  by  many  witnclfcs  of  Trf<»/ci«  in  of- 
fering to  let  in  the  Ceths  into  the  City,  and  wasbanifh?d,  z\id  P"i£iliHspm 


their  Councils  abridged .  135 

in  his  place,  and  had  the  keeping  of  him  andfaniifhed  him  to  death,  and 
fucceeded  him.  So  that  here  were  3  while  two  Popes  at  once,  one  chofen 
hy  an  Arian,  andtheothcr  a  perfidious  Murderer,  tl>at  undercook  tore 
ftore  thofe  that  were  ejedled  as  Hercticks  :  And  was  this  man  to  becoln- 
municated  with  any  more  than  Acaciu!^  Embymius,  or  Macedonins} 

%.  105-  Theodofius  a  Bi(hop  o^  AUxandritt  refufing  to  fubfcribc  tothf 
C?/«^o«  Council,  was  ejededandbanifhedby  5'«/7»w»4«,  and  F4«/«j  as  Or- 
thodox put  into  his  place  :  who  being  accufed  of  Murder  was  alfo  put  out 
and  banifhed,  apd  Zoilus  put  into  his  place. 

§.  106.  But  TheodopKs  is  fgid  by  Liberat.  and  others,  to  have  firft  defert- 
cd  the  place,  being  wearied  with  the  Peoples  Wars:  The  cafe  was  this:  "Cl 
A  new  controverfie  va?  iTarted,  whether  the  body  of  Chrift  was  corruftihle 
Qi  incerruftibU}  The  divifion  about  this  was  fo  great,  that  the  Church  Bi- 
vided,  and  chole  two  Bifbops :  Thofe  that  were  for  the  iwerrnptahiltty, hid 
Gainas  for  their  Arch  Bifhop,  and  were  called  by  the  other  Fhantafiafta^ 
and  Gaimtes :  Thofe  that  were  for  the  corrfftebUtty,  had  Theodofius  for  their 
Arch-Bifhop,  and  were  called  by  the  other  co-ru^tuol't,  and  Thcodofians. 
Moll  communicated  with(7<«w<M;  but  the  Soldiers  were  for  Theodofius.  Li- 
berat us  Bynitr.c. 20.  faith,  that  they  fought  itont,  and  The  People  fought 
ftr  Giinas,  mAny  days'-,  and  being  jUin  by  the  Soldiers  lo/i  their  greatefi  part  : 
hat  yet  a^r eater  tuin^er  fell  of  the  Souldsers  :  y^'rd  NUrfes  WM  averccme,  rtt 
with  Arms  ^  bat  with  the  concord  of  the  Ctttz.ens  :  The  women  cafiflones  on  them 
from  the  tops  eft  he  Houfes',  But  the  Seuldters  did  that  by  Fire  which  they  could 
not  do  by  Arms-  And  faith  LiberatHSy  That  City  is  divided  with  that  Schifmra 
thii  day,  fomc  being  called  Gainites^  and  fhantafafls^  and  the  other  Th$0- 
dofanSy  and  CerrnpticoU. 

$.  107.  ThcCafcoftheOrthodoxP4«/thatfucceededhim,  isdcfcribed 
by  Libtratus^  c.  i  j.  He  intending  to  put  out  EUa*  the  Matter  of  the  Soul- 
diers  as  aHeretick,  by  a  power  received  from  the  Emperour,  one  of  his 
Deacons  difcovered  it  to  £/?<«  by  Letters.  Paulns  fearing  the  fate  oi  Prt- 
ttriusy  and  getting  the  Letters,  got  Rhedo  the  Empcrours  AugHflal  Magi- 
ftrate  to  fecure  the  Deacon,  who  by  one  Arfenius  Murdered  him :  For 
which  alledging  the  command  of  Paidus  the  Bilbop,  and  the  Emperours 
command  to  obey  Panl,  the  Emperour  put  to  death  the  Magiftrate  ^Wo, 
and  depofcd  Patdns^  and  put  Zoilus  in  liis  place. 

§.  io3.  There  is  in  Liberattts^  c  22.  An  Epillle  of  Pope  rigilius,  in 
which  he  perforraeth  his  promife  to  the  Emprefs,  and  owneth  Communion 
with  AitthtmHS,  &c.  and  dcr;yedi  two  natnreSy  &c.  But  Baromus  and  Binni- 
us  take  it  for  a  forged  Epillls-,  when  as  we  have  fcarce  a  more  credible 
Writer  than  Ltheratus. 

§.  lOy.  Ntccfh.  1. 1.7.  c.  i6.  faith,  that  VigiUns^  when  Rome  was  again 


V  — < 

1 5^  Church-Hijlory  of  Bijhops  ajid 

taken  by  the  Goths^  lied  to  Confiann/iopU ;  There  he  fell  out  with  MtnrM  the 
Orthodox  Patriarch  (Cut  Aj^aihen  Pafa,  ^uod  nuncfuatn  anteafatiumefi,  ma- 
tiHs  impofutr^  faith  Niceph.c.  9^)  and  eo  infolet.tia  progrtffus  eft^  he  grew  fo 
infolent  that  he  Excommunicated  Mcnn*  for  four  Months  :  which  lb  pro- 
voked Jiiflirttan,  th^t  he  fent  men  to  apprehend  him,  and  when  he  fled  to  the 
Altar,  they  drag'd  him  away,  ^ni  Ana(i.ifius  in  Hb.Pontif.  faith,  Theyty- 
cd  a  rope  about  his  neck  anddrag'd  him  about  the  ftreets  till  the  evening^ 
and  made  him  glad  to  communicate  with  Mcnna.  But  at  laft  he  was  re- 
ftored  to  his  Billioprick. 

$.  no.  Two  heinous  crimes  Evm^Ihs  chargeth  Jufliman  with  :  1.  In- 
fatiable  covetoufnefs  and  extortion.  (But  he  u fed  to  do  very  great  good 
works.)  2.  Encouraging  Murderers  (fee  £i/^^r, /.  4.  c.  51.)  lb  that  men 
were  no  where  lafe,  but  they  that  killed  them,  as  in  an  aft  of  manhood 

§.  III.  And  though  he  wasthe  great  Zealot  for  the  Orthodox  againft 
all  Hereticks,  he  dyed  a  reputed  Heretick  {  in  fo  much  that  Evagrius  over 
boldly  pronounceth.  That  when  he  had  fet  the  whole  World  tn  tHmults  and  fe- 
elition,  atidat  lajl  received  whttt  was  due  for  bis  lewdprailices^  he  departed  into 
endlefs  torment  prepared f«r  hint  by  the jujl  judgment  of  Cody  I.  ^.c-  i.  An  ar- 
rogant fentence.  And  will  Orthodox  Zeal  for  the  Church  do  no  more  to 
lave  a  Soul  from  Hell. 


,.    I-      W    -| Uf-^ 

their  Councils  ahriihed. 


CHAT.    VI  I. 

Of  the  Controverfies  de  tribus  Capitulis,  and  the  Fifth  Coufictl  cal- 
led General^  and  many  other. 

§  I .  T^  Fagrius  1.  4.  c.  3  8.  tells  us,  that  Jufi'mian  fell  fiom  the  right  Faith,  af- 
xli  hrming,  That  the  BoJy  of  ChriH  was  every  way  incorruptible  \  and 
that  he  wrote  an  EdiB,  in  which  hejairl.  That  the  Body  vf  the  Lord  was  not  fiib- 
jecl  to  death  or  corruption ;  that  it  was  void  of  natural  and  unblameable  affeilions, 
&(c.  which  Opinions  he  purpofed  to  compel  both  Priefls  and  Bipops  to  fubfcribe  :  but 
they  put  him  off,  as  expcilmg  the  Opmicn  (  not  of  the  Pope,  but  }  of  Anaftafius 
B^wp  of  Antloch,  then  fawcts  for  his  skill  and  gravity  :  But  Anallafius  would 
not  be  moved,  and  Juftinian  threatmng  to  bamjh  him,  dyed  before  he  did  it,  or  pub- 
liped  his  Edith     So  hard  was  it  tiien  to  cfcape  Hcrelie. 

§  1.  So  hot  was  fufiiinan  in  tliis  Error,  that  he  ejected  Eutychim  that  refift-  Some  lacc 
cd  him  at  Conjlantinople,  (aith  Niccph.l.i-/.  f.25.  fulianus  HalicarnaJ.  and  Camas  Hiftoriaiis 
railed  this,  holding  that  ChrtJFs  hungcr,thirit  and  fuffering,  were  all  immediately  ^^11  us  of 
ifoluntary,afjd  not  as  cms  by  naturafnccej/ity. They  (aid  that  as  wc  all  hold  Chrifts  '"<^'''j|^'hlc 
Body  incorruptible  after  his  refurrcBion,  jo  did  they  before  it,yet  ccnfubjlantial  wtth  of  tj,c  I;- 
ours.     The  Orthodox  diftinguilhed  of  Corruption  :  gyptian 

I.  Blamele(s Paflions  of  Hunger,  Thirll,  Wcarinefi,  c^c.     i.  Diflolution  of  Cliriftians 
the  Bodies  Elements.     The  hrll  they  laid  Clii-ifl;  was  (ubjetl:  to  before  the  Rcfur-  -  15"". 
rc^lion,  but  not  after  (  nor  wc  : )  The  later  not  at  all.     The  Hereticks  that  held  ^cftrmxcl 
the  contrary,  were  called  the  Aphthartodvctta  ,   faith  Nicephorm,  [  ^d  multi  in    this 
mart  ales  corrcpti  funt,  non  folum  ex  ek,  qui  honores  e^  magiftratris  gejjerunt  ,  fed  Wind  zeal 
etiam  Hierarchy  primarii,<i;'  Afonachi  vita  illujfres,  d^  ex  facerdotali  or  dine  alit,  ^^  j  r    i 
ut  /^ye  Jw^e)V7f(jr  J uftinianus.  ]  The  Hereticators  and  Damners  arc  divided  about  n^,  (^^.1!' 
Jufiiniaih  foul  and  name ;  lome   place  him  yet  in  Heaven,  and  others  in  Hell,  thing  ia 
If  it  be  true  that  Ntcephor/rs  faith  of  him  ,  my  Vote   lliould  go  againfl:  the  the  oJd 
Damners,  viz.  [_  Nil  tale  de  Chrifio  propter  fummum  tpfus  erga  ilium  amorem  ^  Hiftorians 
defderium  aujire  ccnftituerit :  Trtnceps  etcmm  ifie  tanto  inChriftum  pietatts  ardore  wa"^too"" 
flagrajfe,ab  eis  qui  res  iUifts  memoria  pofleritati  mandarunt,  dieitur,quanto  alius,  bad. 
qui  ante   eum  imperium  cbtinuerunt,nemo,  tcrmaximo   iUo  Conlfantino  femper  (x- 
cepto  :  Itaquc  propter  vehewentem  in  Chrifium  amorem  illius  gratia  multa  etiam 
■  Vivien ter  fecit,  &c.     And  if  it  came  from  vehement  love  to  Chrirt,  all  I  will  fay 
is,   I.  Let  him  tlrat  is  without  Error,  be  the  Hrft  in  damning  him.     2.  But  it 
was  jull  with  God  to  leave  him  to  be  nuu;bered  with  Hcreticlcs,   who   was  (o 
blindly  zealous  in  executing  the  Sentences  of  Hereticating  Prelates :  (  The  Cale 
of  Nejlorif.-s,  and  many  others  before. ) 

§  3.  In  his  time  the  Indian  Juxumites  turned  to  Chrift,  and  Jufiinian  joyful- 
ly lent  them  a  Bifliop. 

And  I  tiikc  it  for  more  diflionour  to  theBiniops  than  to  him,  that  Nicephorus 

A  a  faith. 

178  Chunh-Hiftoy  of  (Bijhopi  and  . 

(:i;th,  c-  '^X.  \_lnVontificet  qtws  admodi^m  lie  Sodomorum  bareji  infanire  com  per  c- 
rat^accrbe,  Jeu  fotitts  fade,  Juftinianus  animadvtrttt. — 

And  it  is  noted  ( ibtd.  )  that  in  a  Fawme  he  commanded  Flcdi  to  be  (old  in 
Lent  5  but  tlie  People  would  dye  rather  than  buy  it ,  and  break  their 

§  4.  CLXVI.  A7i.'^J^o.  A  Council  of  25-  BiiTiops  at  Orleatice,  made  lomc 
Canons  of  Difcipline.  The  3d  Canon  about  Ordaining  Bifiiops,  layeth  down 
the  old  Rule,  [  .^i  praponcndm  eH  omnibus,  ab  omnibus  ehgatur  ,  ]  that  is,  of 
the  Clergy  and  People  :  (  The  Churches  yet  were  no  greater  than  that  all  the 
People  could  join  in  choohng  the Bifhop. )  The  i  cth  Canon  diilohtth  incelKi- 
ous  MaiTiagcs  made  after  Baptifm,  but  not  thole  made  before  (  as  if  the  reafon 
were  not  the  fame !  )  The  17th  Canon  Hnding  lome  too  j^f^;///;  in  keeping  the 
LoriTi-day,  that  would  not  ufe  a  Horle  or  Chariot  to  carry  them,  nor  would 
drefs  Meat,  or  do  any  thing  to  the  adorning  of  their  Houlcs,  or  themfelves,  for- 
biddeth  only  grofler  labours,  which  hinder  the  holy  duties  of  the  day. 

§  5".  CLX\^II.  The  Canones  B/ircim7i(nfes,  (peak  of  the  order  of  Liturgy,that 
Clerks  muft  cut  their  Beards,  but  not  fiha\'c  rhcir  Beards,  and  (uch  like. 

§  6.  CLXVIII.  (  To  pa(s  the  Concil.  ByzaXjOiurn,  as  having  nothing  noted  of 
it  )  Anm  54 1 .  a  Concil.  Arvernenfe  decreed  (  under  King  Theodebcrt )  one 
Canon,  which,  if  praftlfed,  had  been  worth  many  Kingdoms,  Ca.  z.  Q  That  no 
one  feek  the  f acred  honour  of  a  BtJJwp  by  Votes,  but  by  Alerits :  nor  feew  to  get  a 
85*  Divine  Ojfce,  rebus,  (ed  moribus :  and  that  he  afcend  to  the  top  of  that  eminent 
dignity,  by  the  ELECTION  of  ALL,  and  not  by  the  FAVOR  of  a  FEW' : 
That  in  choojing  Triefls  there  be  the  greatefi  Care,  becaufe  they  ^lould  be  inep-ehen- 
Jible,  vjho  muft-  ride  in  correBing  others,  (Jcc. 

§  7.  CLXIX.  An.  5-45-.  Another  Council  at  Orkance  under  King  Childebert, 
among  other  Orders,  faith,  Can.  3.  that  the  Synod  forbiddeth  the  Citiz,ens  to  cele- 
brate Eafter  out  of  the  City;  bee aufe they  muH  keep  the  principal Fefti'vities  in  the 
prefence  of  the  BiJIwp,  where  the  holy  Ajfemhly  muft  be  kept.  But  if  any  have  a 
'^  neceffity  to  go  abroad,  let  him  ask  leave  of  the  Biflwp.  ]  This  Canon,  and  many 
other  to  the  (ame  purpofe  tell  us,  that  then  the  InHdels  were  ftill  (b  many,  tliat  a 
Bifhop's  City-Church  could  all  meet  in  his  prejtnce  in  one  place. 

The  5th  Canon  decreeth,  that  a  Bifhop  (hall  be  ordained  in  his  own  Church 
which  he  is  to  overfie  ;  which  implicth,  that  then  ordinarily  there  was  but  one 
Epifcopal  Church.  And  indeed  ii  was  long  before  the  Countrey  meetings  were 
any  other  than  Oratories  or  Chappcls  that  had  no  Altars,nor  any  but  the  Bifhops 

Much  ado  many  Councils  made  to  keep  Priefts  and  BiiTiops  from  Wives,  and 
to  reftrain  them  from  Fornication, 

§  8.  CLXX.  In  a  Synod  atCor.fta»t:?jople,  An.  5-47.  the  bufinefs  was  debated  ' 
de  tribris  Capitulu. 

§  9.  Here  the  occafioa  of  this  ftir  niufl:  be  noted.  One  Tbeodorus  Bifhop  of 
Cafar.  Cap.  was  an  Eiitychian,  but  for  his  skill  in  bufincfs,  was  great  with  the 
Emperor.  He  thought  if  he  could  but  caft  any  flur  on  the  Calcedon  Council,it 
v/ould  juftifie  their  Caufe :  And  the  Emperor  being  (peaking  againfl:  the  £«- 


t]?eir  Councils  alrui<reJ. 



Tjc/jians,  (  or  Acc^hali )  Tbeodonts  told  him  that  he  might  cafily  bring  them  aJI 
in,  if  lie  would  but  condemn  T/jeodorusMpfueJfenus^nd  the  Writings  oiTheodi- 
?-ff,and  the  Epiftle  of  Ibas  againft  QT//,which  the  Council  had  received,!!  would 
{atisHe  them.  This  fecmed  to  the  Emperor  a  happy  way  of  concord  (  the  Em- 
prcfs  puttin2;  him  onj  and  fo  he  (et  himfclf  earnelHy  to  effeft  it.  Thefe  three 
men  had  been  accounted  Nefiortaffs,  and  two  of  them  had  written  finartly  againll 
Cyrd  as  heretical  and  turbulent ;  but  vet  renouncing  Ntfiorr/s  they  were  recei- 
ved, and  juftitied  at  Calcedcn  againft  their  Accufers.  And  if  one  may  judge  im- 
partially by  the  Evidence  that  is  kit  us,  they  (eem  to  have  been  far  wifer  and 
better  men  thantlie  majority  of  the  Bifhops  of  thole  times :  But  neither  Learn- 
ing, Piety,  nor  (oundneis  in  the  Faith, is  any  fecurity  infuch  limes,againft  Hereti- 
caters,  that  Cin  but  get  tlie  upper  hand  and  major  vote.  And  Ignorance  ufually 
is  moft  proud  and  loud,  moft  confident  and  furious ;  and  fuch  can  eafilier  make 
wife  men  pafs  for  Hcreticks,  than  learn  of  them  to  be  wife.  But  the  final  judg- 
ment fets  a  flrait. 

\\'hcn  Juftmian  was  earncftly  fet  upon  this  Pi-ojedi,  the  Defenders  of  thtCal- 
ccdon  Council  perceived  themfches  in  a  ditSculty  ;  fliould  they  condemn  thefe 
three  men,  they  would  fl'cm  to  condemn  the  Council  (  about  which  there  had 
been  fuch  a  ftir  in  the  Empire  :  )  And  they  fhould  fccm  to  iuftifie  the  Eurjchiars, 
and  to  flrengthen  them:  And  if  Council  were  againft  Council,  it  would  dif^ 
honour  Councils :  And  if  tliey  fhould  refute  the  Condemnation,they  would  feem 
to  defert  Cyril,  and  the  firft  Ephejian  Council,  and  perhaps  might  be  called  Nejic- 
rians ;  but,  worft  of  all,  they  fhould  difpleafe  the  Emperor,  and  might  occalion 
his  favouring  the  Eutychtans.  Therefore  they  took  this  prudent  courfe,  to  put 
ofi  the  buflnefs  to  a  General  Council ,  and  to  delay  till  then  the  Emperors  at- 

But  the  Emperor  did  firft  publifh  his  Edi6f,  in  which  after  the  Confeflion  of 
his  Faith,  and  praife  of  the  four  Councils,  he  addeth  ten  Curies  (  Anathema- 
tifiiis ,  according  to  the  Cuflom  and  Religion  of  thofc  times )  of  which  the 
three  laft  are  againft  the  tna  Cafitula,  or  the  Councils  fecming  appi-obation  of  the 
three  forcnamed  men.  The  Bifhops  refifted  a  great  while,but  at  laft  were  forced 
to  flibmit. 

§10.  CLXXI.  To  this  purpole  Vigilim  Roma»us  had  a  meeting  of  about  Conjiant. 
50  Bifhops,  where  J 'iiV;7/.'w  yielding  was  called  a  Dcfertor,  as  prevaricating  to  ■*"•  f47- 
pleafe  the  Emperor  ;  he  got  them  to  give  in  their  realbns  on  both  fides  in  wri- 
ting, and  then  gave  all  to  the  Emperor's  party,  and  pei-fuaded  the  reft  to  filence 
and  communion  till  a  Council,becaule  it  was  not  a  ControvcrTie  about  Faith,  but 
about  Pcrfbns. 

§  1 1. The  Emperor's  Party  (  acled  by  Tl^eoJore  Cafar.)  got  fbme  Bifhops  to 
aCTemble  at  Mcpj'ueiL  An.  5- 5-0.  to  prepare  a  Cxjndemnatioii  of  their  former 
Bifhop  Theodoir,  by  f'lying  that  his  name  was  not  in  tiieir  Book. 

§  IX.  CLXXII.  King  Cbtldebert  called  another  Council  at  Or/MW« ,  where 
many  old  dilciplinary  Canons  were  repeated  :  Among  others.  Can.  9.  That  ne 
Lay-man  be  made  a  Bijhop  withjut  a  years  time  to  learn  ha  Function.  (  You  may 
conjedurc  what  Scholars  they  were  then  I  )  Can.  i  o.  Tlat  mne  get  ti  Bijlinprtck 

A  a  x  by 

i8o  Chwch-Hijfory  of  (Bijhcps  and 

by  gijts,  or  jeeking  j  but  •with  the  vjHI  of  the  Kiftg,  by  the  eUBion  of  the  Clergy  and 
o5"  the  Lay-people.  Can.  ii.  ylljo  (  of  the  ancian  Canons  ha've  decreed)  Jet  none 
be  made  Bijhop  to  an  timviUing  Veople  (  or  without  the  Peoples  confent  )  nor  let  the 
People  or  the  Clergy  be  inclined  to  confent,  by  the  opprefion  of  perjons  in  power( which 
is  not  lawful  to  bejpoken  :  )  But  f  it  be  otherwtje  done,  let  the  Bijlwp  be  for  ever 
depofed  from  hts  obtained  honour  of  Pent  if  cat  e,  who  is  ordained  rather  by  fcrce,than 
<^  laiiful  decree.  C.  While  one  Bijlwp  is  livitig ,  let  not  any  other  be  there  made 
Bi(hop  ;  limlefs  perhaps  in  his  place,  who  is  eje8ed  for  fome  capital  Crime.  Can.  z  t. 
Though  all  Priefis,  and  others,  mujt  be  careful  to  relieve  the  Poor  with'  »ecejj'aries,yet 
tjpecially  every  BiJhop  mufi  from  the  Church-houfe  as  far  as  they  can,  adminijfer 
necejfaries  for  food  and  rayment  tofuch  as  are  in  weaknefs  both  in  his  Territories  and 
Lis  City,  &c.  ] 

Note  I.  W'^erc  thole  Bifhoprlcks  any  bigger  than  our  Pariflies  of  Market- 
Towns  with  the  Chappellcries?  where  i .  All  the  Laity  met  to  chooft  the  Bifliop. 
a.  Where  the  Bifhop  could  know  and  relieve  all  the  Poor.  3.  And  this  from 
the  dom.'ts  Ecclefia,  which  was  but  one. 

II.  Our  Nonconformifls  plead,that  according  to  thcfe  ancient  Canons,  i  .Thofc 
Bifhops  are  no  Biihops  who  came  not  in  by  any  choice  or  ccnjent  of  the  People  or 
Clergy,  but  by  power  are  impofed  on  the  moil  unwilling.  %.  That  thole  Mini- 
ftcrs  that  were  never  depofed  for  any  Crime,  arc  not  to  be  forfaken  by  their 
Flocks,  nor  impofed  perlbns  thruft  into  their  places,  accepted  by  the  People, while 
the  firft  hath  true  right. 

§  1 :5 .  CLXXIII.  We  come  now  to  that  which  they  will  needs  call  the  fifth 
General  Council  at  Co77/?rt»r/73fl^/£,y^'w.  5^5  :5.  of  i65rBifliops.  In  which  let  thefe 
particulars  be  noted,  i .  That  fuflinians.  Letters  or  Formula  were  firft  read,in 
which  he  exprcfly  affirmeth  ,  that  it  was  the  Emperors  that  called  the  former 
General  Councils,  and  he  that  called  this.  x.  That  he  lamenteth  the  divifions 
which  former  Councils  had  left  unhealed  :  ftying,  [  T!je  followers  of  Neftorius 
and  Eutyches  made  fo  great  trouble  m  the  holy  Churches  of  God,  that  divifions  and 
fchifms  were  made  in  them,  and  the  Churches  had  no  Communion  with  one  another : 
For  no  man  that  travelled  from  one  City  to  another,  did  prefume  to  communicate  , 
?!or  any  Clerk  that  went  from  07ie  City  to  another,  to  go  into  the  Church.  J  Here  was 
lamentable  (eparation  indeed.  5.  That  7'(/?'»''^«  w^^s  made  believe,  that  thefe 
divifions  would  be  healed,  if  the  tria  Capitula  of  the  Council  of  Calcedon  were 
but  condemned  :  For  the  Etitychians  did  fb  much  boall  of  Cyril,  being  confident 
that  they  did  but  follow  him,  and  his  firft  Ephefian  Council,  that  if  he  were  vin- 
dicated, he  thought  they  would  be  fatisficd.  4.  And  he  thought  that  the  three 
Biftiops  were  indeed  fb  far  to  be  condemned,  having  difgraced  Cyril,  and  favor- 
ed A'f/yori.v/,  and  the  other  was  iVf/?o«V«'s  Maftcr.  J.  That  the  receiving  and 
the  curfrng  of.  the  Council  of  Calcedon,  having  hitherto  been  the  great  Conteft 
among  the  Bifhops,  fbme  were  loth  now  to  caft  fb  great  a  difhonour  upon  it,  and 
to  give  the  Eutychians  fb  much  caufe  to  boaft ;  fuppoling  they  would  but  be  the 
more  confirmed  in  their  oppofition. 

§  14.  Note  alfb,  that  ^/t;-;/ii!/j  Bifhop  of  Row^e  was  then  at  Cw/^wAiwo^/f,  but 
came  not  to  the  Council,  nor  (ent  any  Legate  to  it :  But  the  Empcrcr  tells  the 


tJ?cir  Councils  abrid'^eJ. 

Council,  "T/}at  when  Vigilius  Bijhop  cf  Rome  cawe  to  that  City,  the  Emperor 
"  exactly  opened  to  him  all  things  about  the  tria  Capitula,  and  atked  him  what  he 
"  thought  of  them  ;  and  that  YigiUus  not  cnce  nor  twice,  but  often  in  writings 
"  and  without  writmg,anathcmatiz^d  the  im'picus  tria  Capitula.  ]  And  that  he  had 
"  fiewed  that  he  -was  e-ver  of  the  ^ame  judgment,  &c. 

And  they  had  made  fuflitiun  believe,  that  Ibas  in  his  Epiftle  devieth  God  the 
Word  to  be  made  man,  and  the  Virgm  Mary  to  be  thi  Alothcr  of  God,  3 

§  1  f.  The  Emperor's  Writing  being  read,  at  the  next  meeting  the  Council 
(ent  toy/^///«^  to  (it  with  them,  but  hcliill  refu(cd,alledging,  Toat  there  were 
few  of  the  IVefleni  Biflwps  there.  To  which  their  anfwcr  is  notable  ,  that  {_  Tlie 
meeting  of  all  the  refi  ought  not  to  be  delayed  for  the  Weflern  Bijhops :  For  in  all  the 
four  General  Councils,  there  was  never  fcimd  a  multitude  of  the  fVeflern  Bi^ops,but 
only  two  or  three  Bijhops,  and  a  few  Clerks.  But  now  you  are  here,  and  many  Ita-  'SH 
lian  Bijlwps  are  at  hand,  and  many  of  Africa,  lllyricum,  (^c.  And  if  he  would 
not  meet  them,  they  mujt  do  it  without  him'.  They  urged  him  alio  with  the  Em- 
peror's words,  that  he  being  alcne,  had  oft  in  writing,  and  without  writing  ,  con- 
demned the  tria  Capitula,  and  the  Emperor  dcTired  him  but  to  do  that  with  ethers, 
which  he  had  done  by  himfef.  But  yet  Vigilius  would  not  come:  Whether  it 
was  becaufe  he  underftood  not  Greek,  and  16  fhould  be  a  contemned  Cypher  (for 
he  faith,  They  all  knew  that  he  under jlood  it  n.-'t  )  or  whether  it  was  to  avoid  the 
Cenfure  that  he  had  before  incurred,or  both,is  not  known.  For  you  mull  imder- 
ftand,  that  F/^//«//j  had  (uttered  defamation  at  Rome  already,  as  a  Revolter  from 
the  Calcedon  Council,  for  joining  herein  with  the  Emperor  in  tlie  beginning,  and 
his  chief  intereft  lay  at  home. 

§  1 6.  Theodonfs  Mopfuefienris  \-\'ritings  are  (earchcd  ;  and  though  he  is  highly 
extolled  by  many  good  Authors,  yet  many  palTages  recited  in  the  Council,  and  af- 
ter by  F;^/7/w^, do  ihew  either  the  enor  ot  his  judgment,  or  his  unskilhilnels  in 
fpcakingj  for  they  are  not  juftihablc.  But  if  evtiy  Papiil:  voluminous  Writer 
fliould  be  damned  as  a  Here  lick,  whole  Writings  have  more  and  greater  Errors 
than  the  Council  gathered  out  of  TlKodore  Alcpfutflentts,  it  would  be  a  hard  re- 
ward for  their  exceeding  labours.  When  (iich  men  as  7t/?<j;.v/,,  Scot:.'s, 
OcLim^  Durandns,  &ic.  Bellarmine,  B.vontiis,  Suai-cz,,  Va',cfucx.~,  Cajetane,  &c.  have 
fpcnt  their  days  in  diligent  labours,  how  calie  a  matter  is  it  for  a  proud  idle 
Drone  that  doth  nothing  or  worfr,  to  gather  as  many  and  as  great  Errors  out  of 
their  Works,  as  were  in  many  then  counted  Hcrcticks.  But  the  approbation  of 
God,  who  pardoneth  failings, will  be  the  comfort  of  fuch  as  improve  their  Ta- 
lentsj  when  the  flothful,  unprofitable  Servant  fiiall  be  condcmned,and  quarrelling 
with  the  imperfeiftions  of  the  diligent  will  not  lave  them. 

It  is  evident  thAtTheodore  and  Neflonrts  acknowledged  ChrilVs  Godhead  and 
Manhood,  Soul  and  Body, and  the  perlbnal  Union  of  them.  But  they  were  none 
of  themperfevSlin  Loglck  and  Metaphyiicks,  norfbfpakeas  that  no  man  could 
blame  their  words. 

§  1 7.  Next  the  words  of  learned  Thcodorite  are  {canned  ;  and  many  very 
Cnartpa!iages  againft  C/n/  are  recited:  Many  verbal  Controverfies  arc  repeated. 
Theodoriti  is  accufcd  for  faying,  That  Mary  begat  net  God  tn  the  nature  of  God; 


Si       '  Church- Htflory  of  ^ipo^s  and 

^  tut  j\Lm  as  tinned  to  the  CodLead  \  That  Chriji  ivas  forfaken^uffereJ.,  hungered, 
Jlept,  tvas  ignorant  of  that  day  and  hc,iir,S<c.  as  n:an,and  net  as  God  :  That  it  -was 
7tot  God  that  was  ignorant,  (  he  meant  not  as  God,  or  notf/;e  Detty  )  hut  the  form 
of  a  Seyvant,  ■u.-htch  knap  no  more  than  the  Detty  revealed  :  And  (b  of  many 
other  propCTtics  or  afls  of  the  Humanity,  he  fiiith,  It  ivas  net  Deus  Verbum  that 
ovift,  that  learnt  obedimce,  ikc.  meaning  only  not  qua.  Deus,  or  not  Deitas,  for 
want  of  care  in  (peaking.  And  Ep.  ad  Job.  Anticcb.  (  Bin.  p.  jjg.  )  it's  appa- 
rent that  he  alio  mifimderftood  Cyril,  and  thought  he  he'd  mat  by  Unity  of  Na- 
tures, the  Deity  was  properly  become  very  flclh.  A  levcre  E.tiji.adjoan.  An- 
mc/j.againftC}?-// after  hlsdeatli  is  there  charged  on  him,  in  which  he  with  grenr 
ftltncfs  rcjoiccth  in  his  death,  j^  Aliferum  ilium  nee  ad  fimiUt:ulinem  aliorum  dt- 
mifit  nofirariim  animarum  gnbirnaior  diutitis  eorum  potiri,  cju^  videntur  ejfe  d(- 
leclabilta  ;  fed crefcentem  qitolidte  'viri  ma'ig7i:tatem  fcuns  O"  forpori  Ecciefa  no- 
cent  em,  quafi  peflem  quajidam  amputavit  c^  nbfltdit  opprobrium  a  f.L'ts  ll'rael :  La- 
tifcabit  Juperjlites  ejus  difcejjio  :  Contrijlat'it  t'eio  forjitan  mortuos,  ^  timer  efi  ne 
pragra-vati  ejus  cvn'ver fat  tone,  iterum  ad  nos  remittant,  vel  illos  diffugiat  qui  eum 
abduciint,Jicut  ille  tyrarmus  Cyri  Ciliciam  :  Procurandum  efi  igitur,^  oportet  tuam 
Sanilitatem  maxime  hanc  fujctpere  fi'fiinaj?tiam,id^  jubcre  ccUcgio  mortuos  ajportan- 
tium  lapidem  aliquem  maximum  c^rgraz/tffimum  Sepulchre  tmponere^  ne  iterum  hue 
feyveniret  c^  injlabilem  'vohmtatem  iterum  demonjlraret :  Inferttis  nova  dogmata 
adferat :  Ibi  dm  noHuque  fcut  njidt  jer}-nocmetur :  Non  tnim  timemus  ne  O"  iUos 
divider et~filet  mifer  invtttis:  Nudata  tllnts  facia  alligant  linguam,objh-utmt  os,fi-te- 
nant  jcnfum. — Ideo  plango  mifer  um  d^  ploro  :  Nee  entm  pur  am  mihi  deleSlationem 
feci:  mortis  ejus  denu>ici.itin,Ud  dolore  permixtam  :  Ltetor  £>>•  jucundor  ejufmodi 
f-efhlentid  commune  Ecclefta  vidtns  liberatum  :  Contriftor  'vero  (^  ploro  cogitans 
quod  nee  requiem  maLrum  miferabihs  fufceperit,  fed  major  a  ^  pejora  pertentans 
defunftiis  eft ;  fomniavit  enim,  ut  dicunt,  d^  regiam  urbem  perturhare,  df  tuam 
SanBitattm  accufne,  utpote  ea  colentem :  Sed  vidit  Deus  ^  non  dejpexit  :  Immift 
fmum  in  cs  ejus,  d^fienum  in  labia  ejus,  ^c. 

Binntus  thinketh  fome  bad  man  fathered  this  falfly  on  Theodoret,  I  would  hope 
fo  too  :  But  it's  ftiange  that  the  Council  fathered  it  on  him,  and  none  did  vindi- 
cate him.  And  the  next  Charge  (  Bin.  p.  ')^q.  )  rebuketh  liis Charity,  ivji.  his 
Speech  at  Anticch  in  the  prelencc  of  Domnus,  [_  Nemo  neminem  jam  ccgit  blaf 
phemare — non  jam  est  contentio :  Oriens  df  yCgyptus  fub  uno  jugo  efi :  Mortua 
efi  invtdia  ;  df  cum  co  vbruta  esl  contentio :  requiefcant  Theopathita:.  J  Is  not 
this  of  the  (ame  kind  ?  And  this  is  not  denied  to  be  his.  Whofbever  it  was,  it 
was  fad  that  Biftops  fliould  have  fuch  minds,  and  ufe  (iich  words  of  one  another, 
cfpecially  if  it  be  as  I  confidently  believL-,fi2:..  that  not  diftinguifhing  the  concrete 
fi-om  tlic  abftracl,  and  .1%;  Detts,  from  J^d  Deus,  they  both  meant  the  fame 
thing,  and  dirtered  but  about  the  aptitude  of  words,for  want  of  explication  and 

§  I  8.  In  brief.  After  the  reading  of  many  Papers,  and  Ibas  Epiftlcs,  the  tria 
Capitula  were  condemned,  vi?,.  Theodore  Mopfuejh  and  the  writings  of  Theodo- 
ret  againfl:  Cyril,  and  Ibas  Epiftlc.  And  Co  the  Emperor  found  the  Council  as 
obedient  as  he  deCred. 


ibeir  ConnciU  abrul^cd.  i  8  3 

§  19.  But  Vigilim  Bifliop  of  2?owf,  who  would  not  come  to  the  Coundl,now 
givtth  in  his  Confiitmum,  or  his  own  judgment  upon  the  whole  Gife  ,  and  that 
with  great  moderation.  He  Hrft  recitcth  many  pallages  of  Tbtodcrc  Mcp,uefi. 
which  he  renounceth  ;  and  he  dilpraileth  the  paflagcs  of  TheoJoret  and  Ji'^,buc 
he  i-efuleth  to  join  in  the  anathematizing  of  them,  aliedging  tliat  good  men  ha\e 
their  errors,  and  Inllancing  in  many  wliofe  errors  were  noted,  and  yet  their  pcr- 
Ibns  not  condemned,  efpecially  wheii  they  had  either  recanted  thcm,or  better  ex- 
plained their  words  :  And  he  notctli  that  it  would  be  a  great  injur}-  to  the  Ca!- 
cedon  Council,  to  have  its  own  members  now  thus  condemned,tiiat  were  b}-  them- 
accepted.  [  ^^iid  etiim  aliud  eft  mendaces  aut  fmu' antes  ^rofejjimcm  retta  fidei 
Tatres  in  fanUa  Caked.  S)tiodo  refdetites  cftendere,  quam  dicere  alicjacs  f.v  eis 
ftmdiij  faptfi£e  Neftorio  ;  quorum  judtcw  Niftormm  tjufque  dogmata  jfuiffc  dam- 
nata.  j 

And  fbberly  he  faith,  [_It  ts  riot  lanful  to  pafs  any  new  judgment  on  the  per- 
funs  of  the  dead  ,  but  we  mtift  leave  all  men  m  the  cafe  that  death  fcttnd  tbvm^ 
and  in  Jpecial  Theod  ire  Mopfueft.  what  the  Fathers  did  is  evident  from  vhat 
is  [aid  j  /  dare  7tot  condemn  him  by  my  fe7ite?tce,  nor  yield  that  any  one  elje  condemn 
htm  :  hut  far  he  it  from  mc  to  admit  his  nrcng  opinions.  J 

This  was  the  right  way :  If  they  had  all  dealt  as  wilely  and  Chriftian-likc, 
Counlels  had  not  been  the  Confounders  of  the  Churches. 

§  xo.  A7a'F/'(.>?«  nametli  many  of  Or/^a/s  Errors  tliat  were  condemned  in 
this  Council  ,  but  it  is  not  found  in  the  Adis.  Btnntus  doubtcth  not  but  tlie 
Ortgentfts  Hole  them  out,  and  tallihcd  the  Records,  and  alfo  forged  thoft-  EpilUcs 
of  Figiliffs,  in  which  the  opinion  of  One  Operation  is  aflcrted.  But  will  they  al- 
low us  equally  to  fu(pci!i  (uch  Records  as  have  been  kept  at  Rome  ? 

^  zi.  What  good  this  Council  did,  and  how  the  peaceable  Emperor  attained 
the  end  that  Theodore  Cafar.promiicd  him,  of  uniting  Diilenters,  I  lliall  tell  you 
but  in  the  words  of  Bitmius  (who  fblloweth  Sarcnius  in  almoll  all)  "  Uhat 
"  Theodore  dcdr.promifed,  that  the  Eutychian  Hcrcticks  called  Helitants,  U'/vw 
"  the  three  Capitula  v-'ere  condemned,  would  receive  the  holy  Calcedon  Council,w.fs 
"  not  obtained,  when  this  war  ended  ;  hut  rather  a  moft  grievous  mi'~cLf»f  w<is  ad- 
^^  dcd  to  the  Church:  Far  wMTrihe  Defenders  of  the  //;ree  Capitula,  with  Vigilius  ^ 

"  the  Tope  did  not  accjutefce  m  the  Councils  decree,  the  whole  Catholtck  Church  was 
"  torn  by  Scbifm  ;  a-nd  which  is  worfe,the  Emperor  f/r  d  up  Perfccution,  tn  which 
"  he  depojed  or  bantjlied  \'igiUus  (  holding  to  bis  Conllitutum  )  Victor.  Afrtc.  and 
"  others. 

§11.  I  do  impartially  commend /^7^///>.'/s  moderate  Conftitutum,  hut  I  muil 
needs  lay  that  there  needeth  no  other  inllancc  than  I'lgilius,  that  Intercsf  is  a  Liw 
to  (bmc  Roman  Bifhops,  and  that  their  pretences  of  Infallibility  ,  Tradition  and 
Antiquity,  notwithftanding  they  have  changed  their  very  Faith,  or  judgment  of 
Councils  at  leaft,  as  their  worldly  motives  changed.  Vtgtlsus  Hrll  fiat'tercd  the 
Emperor,  and  joined  with  him  againft  the  tria  Capitula,  Cone.  Caked,  that  is 
.xgMn[\  Theodore  A'fopfu.  Theodorct  and  Ibas  three  Bilhops,l;iith  Bnmi/ts  p.CtoS. 
'■'■[Seeing  therefore  that  before  this  Council  a  Schifm  aro/ein  the  W'eftern  and  Afri- 
"  cane  Chwcb  »•  kcauji  Vigilius  had  confented  ro  the  Empero;^s  ofmm,  it  becatfte 



184  Church-Hijlory  of  ^ij])0ps  and 

"  necej]tiry,for  the  avoiding  of  Schifm,  SacrileJge  an  J  Scandal,   that  he  flwuld  fub- 

"  /;/Jj  his  Conftitutum  ,  tn  defence  of  the  tria  Capitula,  hy  'vertue  whereof  the 

^'■Wcficrn  Churches  jlioiild  he  united,  dvd  the  contempt  of  the   Cakedon  Council 

'■^  fliould  be  avoided, which  the  Imfugners  of  the  tria  Capitula  did  fraudulently  con- 

'■'■trive-^  and  that  theUniverfal  Church Jiwuld  leai-n  by  this  example^  that  no  man 

"  that  dyed  in  the  true  Faith,  fliould  be  condemned  lichen   he   is  dead  :  But,  (  did 

"  Vigil ius  7?fl/)  here  ?  )  Av, /.j///j  Binnius,  \_Biit  when  nftcr  the  end  of  his  Council 

"  the  Church  received  yet  greater  damage,  a?>d  the  Emperor  perfecuted  them   that 

"   And        "  contraditled  the Syfjod  *  ,  a?id  it  wis  feared  that  the  whole  Eafl:  would  be  divi- 

wodd        «  Jg^  ^„J  feparated  fi-om  the  Roman  and  W'cftern  Church,  tinlefs  the  Bt^icp  of 

havcPnn-  "  ^°'"^  apprcved  the  fifth  Synod,  then  Pope  Vigilius,  in  a  Cauje  which   could  bring 

CCS  do  lo.'  "  "''  p>'cjudice  to  the  Orthodox  Faith^  did  well  and  jufily   change  his  former  fen- 

"  tetice,  and  approved  the  Synod f.l  Decree,  for  condemning  the  tria  Capitula,  and 

"  revoked  and  made  void  his  Condi  tutum,  which  he  before  publi^ied  tn  defence  of 

"  the  tria  Capitula.     The  prudent  and  picus  Pope  (  that  came  to  the  Popedom  by 

"  Bribery,  Tyranny,  and  Aiiirder  of  his  Predecejjor  )  did  in  this  prudently   imitate 

"  St.  Paul  about  Circumcifon,  &:c. 

O  what  certainty  and  conftancy  is  here  in  the  Papal  judgment ;  For  a  Pope 
about  one  Caufc  to  judge  for  it,  againft  it,  and  for  it  again  in  fo  fliort  a  time  ? 
And  all  this  upon  realbnof  Policy  and  State.  Did  the  lame  (b  often  change,and 
prove  lirft  true,  and  then  falle,  and  then  true  again  ? 

But  the  Papifts  cxcufe  is,  that  It  was  de  Perfonis,  non  de  Fide.  .Anfw.  But  i .  Is 
it  lawful  to  take  the  fame  thing  for  true  and  falfe,  good  and  bad  de  Perfonis,  as 
our  interell:  requireth  ?  a.  Why  arc  the Perfons  condemned  but  on  (uppofition 
that  their  Faith  was  condemnable  ?  3.  You confefs  that  It  was  for  the  advantage 
-  of  the  Eutychian  Faith,  and  the  deprellion  of  the  Faith  of  the  Calcedon  Council, 
that  the  m^  Crt^;W-«  were  condemned. 

Reader,  If  all  this  will  not  tell  thee  how  much  need  there  Is  of  a  furer  and 
more  ftabfe  fupport  of  our  Faith  than  Popes  and  Councils,  yea  and  better  means 
of  the  Churches  Unity  and  Concord,  I  muft  take  thee  for  unteachable  ;  what 
ha\'e  fcch  Councils  done,  but  fet  the  Churches  together  by  the  ears  ? 

§  zg.  Liberatas  in  his  Breviary  faith,  (  c.  3.  10.  a4. )  that  Theodore  Mopfu. 
his  Works  were  app;-ovcd  by  Procltts,  fohan.  Antioch.  the  Emperor,  the  Council 
of  Calced.  &c.  But  Binnuis  iaith,  Nimis  impudenter  c^  incaute  :  Yet  all  acknow- 
ledge Liberates  a  moft  credible  Hiftorian,  and  lived  In  Juflijiians  time.  He  faith 
aUo,  that  Nefcidijfimum  h^reticum  Thcodoretus  df  Sozomenus  laudarunt  adeo  ut 
hac  de  ccMid  uttrejue  magnam  nominis  fui  jatltiram  pajjrts  fucrit,  &c.  But  wife 
men  are  apt  to  think  as  hardly  of  fijch  as  can  cry  out  NefandiJJimum  hareticum 
againllallthat  fpeakas  unskllRiUy  as  tliis  man  did  ,  as  of  charitable  men  that 
pralfe  them  for  what  Is  good,  while  they  diibwn  their  frailties  aiid  imperfecflons  : 
If  it  be  as  he  fiilth,  many  thought  that  Jheodoret  allumcd  his  own  name  from  this 
Theodore,  by  reafbn  of  his  high-  efteem  of  him,  it's  like  he  had  fbme  fpeclal  worth, 
though  he  haih  many  culpable  cxpreliions.  And  Soz^men  Is  an  Hiflorian  of  fb 
defervcd  reputation,  that  it  lecmcthto  me  no  argument  of  PopQ  Gregory's  Infalli- 
vbility,  that  hcfalthjllb.  6.  cp.  95-.  Sox,ommum  ejiifcjtie  Hifroriam  fedes  ApofioUca 

ncipre    %., 

their  Councils  abridged.  i  §  < 

recipere  reciifat  ;  qmniant  mulra  mcnt'itur,  &  Theodorum  MopRieftia:  vimliim 
laudat, at^ue  ad  dicm  ob'mts  Jui  ma^nm  Do'dorcm  Ecdifta  fuijje  ferhibet.  J  I 
think  the  Author  of  Gregcr/s  Dialogues  did  plura  mentiri ,  and  yet  that  Gregory 
was  Magnus  Ecckjiie  Bcctor. 

§  T4.  The  Contro\'eiTie  whether  Vigilms  were  the  Author  of  the  Epiftle  to 
Minna,!  pafi  by  :  But, methinks,  Binnius  is  very  partial  to  jiiftifie  Ibmuch  wliat 
he  did  after  Silvcrins's  death,  as  beginning  then  to  have  right  to  his  Papacy,and 
to  give  him  lb  diftcring  a  Character  (  from  Sanclijfimus  Papa  )  before,  wliile  he 
poilefled  the  fame  Seat,  as  theft  words  of  his  exprels,  [_  Cum  omnium,  &c.  jeemg 
thatVillany  (^or  Crime')  of  Vlgiiius,  did  exceed  the  Crimes  of  all  Schijmaticks,hj  ■ 
vLich  making  a  hargaifi  -u-it/j  Hereticks,  afid  giving  money  by  a  Lay-man,  he  by 
force  tkpdled  Sih'crius  Bipwp  of  the  priine  S<.at,  and  j^otled  of  his  Pritfily  indit- 
ments  (  or  attire )  bani^nd  him  into  an  Ifland,  and  there  caujed  him  to  dye  ,  it 
fiould  feem  no  wonder  to  any  man,  if  a  dcj^crate  -urctch  (  homo  perditus, )  the 
buj(.r  of  another  s  Seat,  and  a  'violent  Invader, a  JVolfaTlnef  a  Robber,  not  enter- 
ing by  the  true  doer,  a  falfe  (  or  counterfeit  )  Bijliop,  and  as  it  were  Antichrtsi,the 
lawful  Pajhr  and  B^jop  being  yet  living,  did  add  moft  pernicious  Hcrejie  to  his 
Schifm.  3  Yet  this  man  became  the  moji  holy  Pope,  by  the  vertue  of  his  place,  as 
(bon  as  he  had  but  murdered  Silverius,  and  was  accepted  in  his  fl:cad,and  then  it 
became  impofllble  for  him  to  err  in  the  Faith. 

§  ij'.  CLXXIV.  Anno  5:5' 5.  A  Council  was  called  at  Jerufalem  hy  Jujli-  ^ 
nian's  Command,  who  lent  to  them  the  A6b  of  the  Conftantine  Council  de  trt- 
bus  Capitiilis,  to  be  by  them  received ;  the  Bifliops  all  received  it  readily  ,  lave 
one  Alexander  Abyfis,  who  was  therefore  banlfhcd, and  coming  toCcnjtantinople^ 
fay  Barontus  and  Binnius,  was  (\vallowcd  up,  and  buried  by  an  Earthquake.  If 
this  was  true,  no  marvel  if  it  confirmed  the  Emperor  in  his  way  ;  But  I  doubt 
the  obedient  Bifhops  were  too  ready  to  receive  iiich  reports. 

§  z6.  CLXXV.  The  lame  year  5- 5' 5.  the  U'ejiem  Bilhops  held  a  Council  ai  ^ 

Aquileia,  out  of  the  Emperor's  power,  where,  as  Defenders  of  the  Council  of 
Calcedon,  xhey  ■  condemTied  the  fifth  Conftantine  Council  aforefaid,  :ii\d  (Co  (aith 
Binnius)  (cparated  thcmfelves  h'om  the  Unity  of  the  Catholick  Church  ,  and  lb 
continued  tor  near  an  Hundred  years, till  the  time  of  Pope  Sergius,  who  reduced  , 

them.     Were  not  thefe  great  Councils  and  Bilhops  great  Healers  of  the  Churcli,  -^ 

that  about  condemning  Ibme  wiitten  Sentences  of  three  dead  men,  thus  ralle  a 
^^'^ar  among  the  Churches  ?  Were  Hereticks  cr  Hereticaters  the  great  Divi- 
ders ? 

§  17.  But  here  followeth  a  Cafe  that  raKeth  a  great  doubt  before  us,\Vhether 
the  Pope  alone,  or  all  his  IVcJtern  Bilhops,  when  they  difter  from  liim,  are  the 
Church  ?  After  the  death  of  Vigilius,  the  Secular  Power  procured  Pelagius  the 
Archdeacon  to  be  made  Pope  ;  the  U'eftern  Bilhops  difclaimlng  Jitfitnians  Coun- 
cil, and  Pelagiiis  obediently  receiving  it  (  and  the  Popedom,  }  there  could  not 
be  three  Bifhops  got  that  wcjuld  ordain  him, as  the  Canons  required,  (b  that  a 
Presbyter  OJlnnJis  was  fain  to  do  it. 

Bclides  the  Qiieftion( Which  now  was  the  Church?)herc  arc  other  hardQuefti- 
ons  to  be  Iblvcd. 

B    b  ®«.  I   : 

1  8  6  Church-Hijhyy  of  !BiJ])ops  and 

^.  I .  Whetlicr  yuJUnian^s  Election  of  a  Pope  was  valid  ?  And  if  lb, 
Whether  other  various  Electors  may  do  it  as  validly? 

J^i'.  i.  NVhetlier  a  Presbyter's  Ordination  of  a  Bifllop  or  Pope  was  valid  ?  If 
fb,  Whether  Presbyters  may  not  ordain  Presbyters  ? 

^.  5.  Whether  this  Pope  was  truly  Head  of  the  Catholick  Church ,  when 
his  Bifliops  obeyed  him  not  ? 

-%.  4.  Whether  it  was  then  believed  at  Ro??7e  it(elf,and  in  the  M'efi  ,  that  a 
General  Council,  approved  by  the  Pope,  was  either  infallible,  or  neceliarily  to  be 
obeyed  ? 

j^r.  5-.  Whether  it  be  true  which  W.  fchnfon,  alias  Tenet,  ofren  tells  me,TI}at 
it  is  not  fojfible  that  there  can  be  any  Schijm  in  the  Catholick  Church,  becauj^^  t^e 
eJJ(.ntia!ity  of  its  Union  ? 

§  ^8.  Note  that  this  Pope  TeJ^tgius,  becaufe  his  Bifhops  rcje^l^ed  him  and  the 
Council,  got  Narfes  the  General  to  compel  them  :  And  then  who  can  doubt  but 
he  was  Pope,  and  they  his  Subjcifts  ? 

But  Narfes  (crupled  it,  left  he  ihould  be  guilty  of  Perfecution  ;  Jtifiinianh 
VopePelas^ius  tellcthhim,  it  is  no  fin, and  bids  him  not  fear  it ;  for  it's  no  Pei-fe- 
cution  which  compels  not  men  to  fm:  but  all  that  flparate  from  the  Pope,  and 
aflcmble  (eparatedly  do  fin,  and  are  damned  Schifmaticks ;  therefore  he  defireth 
him  to  fend  the  Bifliops  of  Aqiiileirt,  A'lilanfi.nd  the  reft  that  yield  not,Prifbners 
to  Ccjifiantimple.  Narfes  obeyeth  the  Pope  and  Emperor ;  the  Bifliops  excom- 
municate Narfes;  the  Pope  writcth  to  him,  that  it  is  no  news  for  erring  Bifliops 
to  take  themfelves  for  the  Catholick  Church,  and  to  forbid  others  their  Com- 
munion, and  counfelleth  him  to  go  on  and  reprcfs  them.  And  the  Civil  Sword 
and  the  Ecclefiaftical  were  thus  engaged  in  a  Roman  War  ;  one  Bifliop  S.ipanJus 
of  Ares  in  FraJice  the  Pope  got  fjiccially  to  ftick  to  him,  whom  therefore  he  com- 
mended to  King  CiJiUebert,  &c. 

§  a 9.  CLXXVl.  A  Council  at  Paris  depofcd  Bifliop  Saphoracus  for  (bnie  great 

§  30.  U'hile  the  Romans  were  rcf)lving  to  fubjeft  themfelves  to  the  Goths 
again,  becaufe  the  Pope  made  Ninfis  tlieir  Pci-fccutor,  Narfes  took  it  fo  ill,  that  he 
*'Banvios  went  away  from  them,  but  the  Pope  drew  back,  and  he  *  fliortly  died.     Belli- 
'a'm-'^'     _/«rw/j  alio  was  ruined,  and  yuflinian  himlelf  fliortly  dyed.     Binnius  faith  it  is 
4>   r-'fus  '■^poi'f'-''^  ^^'"^^  '■'^  ^'^^^  '"'o  Learning,  and  thinketh  that  his  Civil  Laws  were  Tribo- 
ik.   others  www'virid  his  Ecclefiaftical  Theodoras  C^jarienfis's.  And  liiith  that  the  Church  re- 
in th':sj     jedleth  hisLav/sof  Ufury,  Churches  and  Ecckfafiical  Pcrfons,  as  arrogant  Ulur- 
poiiu.        pations.     i^.  VMiether  tlie  Reman  Power  was  then  underftood  by  Princes  or 
People  ? 
^,^^„  §31-  CLXXVIII.  Another  Synod  at  Paris  repeated  nine  old    Canons :  The 

''B.rrjhius  Sth  wus,  \_  No  man  may  be  ordained  a  Bishop  againH  the  will  of  the  Citiz^etis-, 
thinks        nor  any  hut  whom  the  tleFtion  of  the  People  and  the  Clerks,  fiall  feck  with  plenary 

(  not  he,  but  ) 
Council  at  Brac- 

jimimrc.  carc'niGalicia,\\'h.Qre  eight  Bifliops  opened  fb  much  of  the  Prifcillia?iHcixfie,  as 


their  Councils  ahruhrcd.  i8^ 


may  tell  us  it  was  worthy  to  be  detcfted  (  not   much  unlike  the  Manichees  >) 

and  many  old  Canons  they  recited  :  But  I  could  have  wiQied  that  they  had  not 

made  a  mans  diet  the  note  of  his  Herelie,  and  a  fiifficient  cauft  of  his  conviifVion 

and  damnation.     The  Tri'^ciUimiifls  (  as  thele  fay  )  would   not  eat  fleih  ,  hot 

herbs  boil'd  with  flefli  This  Council  ordered  that  if  any  that  abftained  from  tlcfh,  -ti 

did  not  eat  herbs  boiled  with  flcfh,  he  fliould  be  taken  for  an  Heretick.    This  is 

not  conformable  to  VauPs  Rules  or  Spirit. 

§  3g.  This  Council  ordered  that  none  fliould  be  buried  within  the  Church, 
which  Binnius  well  ftts  home.  And  whereas  PriJaJlian  taught  that  in  the  Litur- 
gy [  the  Fax  'vobts.  Peace  be  unto  you  ^  fhould  be  faid  only  by  the  Bilhop,and 
Dommus  vcbifcum  by  the  Prieil,  the  Council  contradiiled  him.  i .  W'c  lee  here 
what  Trifles  divided  men !  r.  We  (ee  that  yet  the  Churches  ufually  were  no  big- 
ger than  met  in  one  place  with  the  Bifliop,  or  might  do  :  For  it  is  fiippoled  that 
cvaj  Church-Aflembly  had  a  Bifhop  preient  to  (ay  his  part. 

§  54.  77jeoJomirits  the  ^r/cf/^w  King,  under  whom  this  Council  was  held,was 
the  lirli  of  that  race  that  turned  Orthodox  j  all  the  Sueves  before  him  (with  the 
Goths  )  having  been  Arrians. 

§  3  5".  CLXXX.  Anno  5-66.  The  conteft  about  choice  of  Bifliops  grew  iharp. 
King  Clot  harms  made  one  Emerins  Bifliop  Satncmenjis  jthcGuions  had  betorc 
decreed  that  Kings  fliould  choofcnone,  but  all  t\.K  People  and  the  Clerks,  and  the 
Mctrofolitan  ordain  him.  The  King's  Bifliop  is  depofed  by  a  Ccvcil.  Sante- 
nienfe,  of  which  Leant  ins  of  Bourdeaiix  was  chief  They  (entthe  King  word  of 
it  by  a  Presbyter  :  The  King  tilled  a  Cart  with  Thorns,  and  laid  the  Prieft  on 
them,  and  ftnt  him  into  Banifliment,  and  forced  the  Bifliop  to  fubmit  to  his 

§  3  6.  That  it  may  be  known  that  neither  Popes,  Councils,  nor  conlenting         '%st 
Bifliops  divided  Dioccfles  and  Pariflies,  here  Binnius  giveth  us  at  large,  lirft  Con- 
fiantineh  divifions  in  Sfain,  and  next  the  fuller  divilion  of  King  IVamba.  Bin. 
p.  649,  &c. 

§37.  CLXXXI.  At  Tows  in  France  (  eight  BilTiops )  in  a  Provincial  Coun- 
cil, revived  many  Canons  of  the  old  matter,  (  to  keep  BilTiops  and  Pricfts  from 
Women)  Can.  i  3.  The Bi jimp  way  keep  hts  M'lfe as  a  Stfler^togo^'ern  hts  houfe: 
But  Can.  lo.  Triefisthat  will  keep  Hl-ves,  muii  have  fomc  U'ltnejj'es  to  he  m  the 
fame  Chamber,  to  fee  that  they  lie  not  vith  them.  And  Can.  14.  Epifcopum,Epif- 
copam  fion  babentem^nulla  fcqtiatur  turba  mulierum,  &c. 

Can.  2  I .  They  fty,  [  7%ofe  that  the  Law  cemmanJcth  to  be  put  to  death ,  if 
they  defirc  to  hear  the  Preacher,  we  wdl  ba-ve  to  be  conviUed  unto  life,  (  that  is, 
not  to  dye:)  For  they  are  to  be  fain  with  the /word  of  the  mouth,  and  deprived 
cf  Communion,  if  they  will  not  obferve  the  Decrees  of  the  Seniors  left  them  ,  and 
do  dejptfe  to  hear  their  Pajlor,  and  will  not  be  fcparateJ]  Some  SeiStaries  among  us 
are  of  the  fame  mind,  againll  putting  penitent  Malefaftors  to  death. 

§  38.  CLXXXII.  Anno  570.  There  was  a  Council  at  Lyons  of  Fourteen 
Bifliops,  who  recited  fix  Canons  to  reftrain  the  Vices  of  the  Clergy.  BmniuSf 
out  of  Greg.  Turofi.  telh  you  the  occafion  was,  that  ofie  Salonius  and  Sagittarius, 
us  ibon  as  they  were  made  Bifliops,  being  then  at  their  own  will,  broke  out  into 

B  b  X  Slaughters;, 

1  8  8  Church-Hijhry  of  'Bijhcj^s  and 

slaughters,  Murckrs,  Adulteries,  and  otlier  wickednefs.  And  ViHryr  Bifliop  of 
Z>;f tf/. keeping;  Vi;s  Birth-day,  they  lent  a  Troop  with  Swords  and  Arrow? ,  who 
cut  Ills  Cloaths,  beat  his  Servant?,  and  carried  away  all  his  Provifion,  leaving;  him 
with  reproach  :  The  King  Gwif/jr^w  hearing  of  it,  called  this  Synod,  which 
found  them  guilty,  and  depofcd  them  :  They  tell  the  King  that  they  are  unjullly 
cad  out,  and  get  his  leave  to  go  to  the  Pope,  John  3d.  The  Pope  writtth  to  the 
King  to  have  them,as  wronged  men,  reftored,  (  this  was  the  Papal  Juflice  and 
Reformation  :  )  The  King  chideth,  but  reftoreth  them  ;  but  they  grew  ne\-er 
the  better  afterward,  but  asking  pardon  of  Blfliop  Fiilcr,  he  forgave  them,  and 
for  that  was  afterward  excommunicate. 

§  39.  CLXXXIII.  yin.  ^yz.  aComicilwas  called  under  K\ng  ^riom ire  at 
Braccara  of^  1 1  Bifhops  :  They  are  moftly  forbidding  Bifliops  to  take  money 
for  their  Ordinations,  Confecrations,  and  other  Actions.  And  the  firfl;  Canon  re- 
quireth  them  to  walk  to  all  their  Parifhes,  and  fee  that  the  Clerks  did  things 
rightly  ;  that  Catechutncfis  learnt  the  Creed,  and  to  preach  to  the  People  to  for- 
bear Murder,  Adultery,  Perjury,  Falft-witnefs,  and  other  mortal  Sin?,  to  do  as 
they  would  be  done  by,  and  to  believe  the  Rcfurrediion,  Judgment  and  Reconi- 
pence  according  to  Works. 

§40.  CLXXXIV.  Afi.  'yfT..  a.Co7iciIiiim,  Lucenfe  did  receive  ^rom  Martin 
Bifhop  of  Braccara  84  old  Canons,  of  which  the  6jih.  was  againft   reading 
{f5*      Apocrypha,  or  any  thing  but   the  Canon  of  the  Old  and  New  Teftament  in 

§  41.  After  Juflinians  death,  his  Sifters  Son  Jufimiis  was  Emperor,  a  (cnfcal 
and  covetous  man,  who  murdered  prcfently  a  Kinfman  of  his  own  name ,  upon 
fufpicion  that  he  was  too  great;  yet  he  drew  up  a  good  Pro  fcfTion  of  Faith,  ex- 
horting all  the  Bifhops  to  agree  in  it :  But  Chofroes,  King  of  Verfu,  invaded  his 
Empire,  bccauft  the  Greater  Armenia  (  which  was  then  under  the  Vtrfiavs ,  as 
the  Leffir  was  under  the  Romans  )  to  avoid  the  Perjtatis  per(ecutions,had  revolt- 
ed to  the  Empire,  and  deflroyed  their  Rulers:  The  Pfr/?(/«.f  conquered  (o  much 
of  the  Eafiern  part  of  the  Empire,  and  '7«jfwe's  Soldiers  made  lb  little  rcfiftance 
as  drove  him'  out  of  his  wits ;  and  his  Wife,  by  intreaty,got  the  Verfians  to  make 
a  Truce.  Tiberius  was  then  made  defar  ,  and  afterward  Emperor  upon  JujHnt's 
death  ;  and  Jtifiinian  his  Captain  repelled  the  Verfians^  and  recovered  much  of 
what  they  had  conquered. 

§  4^.  An. ')j6.  Divers  Kings  of  Fr/r?7ce  by  War  among  thcmfelves  deftroy- 
ed  Churches,  and  confounded  all ;  and  a  Council  at  Parit  was  called,  but  in  vain, 
10  have  perdiaded  them  to  Peace. 

§  43.  After  Bi7fedtBus,  Telagim  16  was  Bifhop  ztRcme  \  Ttberins  an  excel- 
lent Empt  ror  quickly  dyed,  and  by  his  choice  Mauritius  (uccecdcd  him.  Telagius 
(  by  Gregory  his  Deacon  )  wrote  againft  the  Bifhops  that  would  not  condemn 
the  tria  Capifula :  And  when  all  his  writings  prevailed  not,he  got  Smaragdus  the 
Exorchate  to  force  them  by  the  Sword  :  (  Tlic  great  remedy  which  Rome  hath 
trufted  to. ) 

§44.  CLXXXV.  Afercveus  Son  and  Heir  to  Chilperic  King  of  Frafjce , 
niarrj?ing  his  Uncles  Widow^,  oficndcd  his  Fathcr,and  tied  to  Si.Adarti}>''s  Church 


their  Councils  abridged.  189 

at  Toitrs,  and  forced  Biihop  Grtgcry  to  give  him  the  Sacrament.The  King  could 
not  get  the  Biiihop  to  deliver  him  up  ;  he  fled,  and  the  King  called  a  Synod  at 
Taris  to  judge  PretextatHs  a  Blfliop,  whom  he  accud'd  for  marrying  him ,  and 
confederating  with  him. 

§  45".  CLXXXVI.  The  two  Blfhops  forenamed,  5<7/(;w//«  and  Sagittar/i4s,heing 
again  acculcd  of  Adultery  and  Murder,  and  being  freed  by  profeirmg  Repen- 
tance, King  Gtmthtramus  called  a  Cuhilme  Synod,  and  acculed  them  ot  Trealbn, 
and  (6  dcpoled  and  banifhcd  them. 

§46.  CLXXXVII.  ^w.  <yZx.  King  Gunthram  called  a  Synod  at  M<7y^w/,  to 
revive  the  old  Canons  for  reftraining  the  Lufl  and  Vices  of  the  Biftiops  and 

§47.  CLXXXVIII.  .^w.  ^85.  A  Cuncil.  Rrcnaccnfe  is  called,  to  try  Gregory 
Bifhopof  Tcurs,  filflyaccufcd  of"  charging  the  Queen  ot  living  in  Adultery  with 
a  Bifhop  jan  Archdeacon  and  a  Deacon  bore  hal!c  \\'itnef3:  but  all  came  to  light, 
and  Gregtry  was  cie-ared  by  his  Oath. 

§  48.  CLXXXIX.y^AJ 87.  A  Council  at  Cofjjhminopk  increafed  theChurclv 
divifions  which  continue  to  this  day,  wherein  Juhn  Bifliopof  Ccfijrantinople  was 
decreed  to  be  called.  The  Univerjal  Bijhop,  which  Pope  Fclagius  could  not  endure. 
O  what  hath  this  Qyeftion  done  to  the  World,  JIIm  jluU  be  the  chief  or  greatefi  ? 
So  much  of  the  image  and  work  of  Satan  hath  been  tound  in  the  profclled  Ser- 
vants of  a  crucified  Saviour,  and  in  thofe  that  have  worfliipped  the 
Crofi  ; 

In  this  Synod  Gregory  Bilhop  of  ^ntkch  wa.s  trycd,  and  acquitted  of  a  falfc 
Acculation  of  Inceft  with  his  Siller  another  man's  wife. 

§  49.  Velagitis  writcth  agalnlf  Johns  Univerfal  I'ltlcjlaying,  [  Uiiiverfalita- 
tis  mmen  quod  Jib  i  illicit  e  ujivpavit,  nAite  atttfiJirc,  &ic.    Nullus  enim  Vatriarcha- 
rum  *  hoc  tam  profano  ■vocabnlo  iinquam  iitatur :  <^uia  (i  fiimmus  Patriarcha  Uni-  *  No  not 
verfalis  dicitur,  Patruircharum  ncmm  cauris  Aerogatur.     Scd  ahjit  hoc  ,  abjit  a  ^^'^  ^- 
f  delis  cujitfcjuam  mcnte  hoc  Jibi  vel  -vclle  c^iiewpiam  ampere,  unde  honorem  fra-  *"•'"• 
trum  fuorum  iimnmiiere  ex  tjitanluldcunijue  parte  indaimr.     >^apropter  Chji 
z'efira  nemincm  unciuam  (uis  in  Epiftolu  Univerlalem  mminet,  nc  fibi  debsiitm 
fubtrahnt  cum  altert  hor.orem  ofert  indebitum.     jid-verfarius  enim  mjhr  Diabolus 
quic07ttra  humiles  fazriens  Jicut  Leo  rugiens  circuit,  fjuarens  que?n  dev6ret,»of>  jain, 
ut  cerninius  caidas  circuit. — Omnia  qui  (oil  uni  Capiti  coharent,  'videlicet  CLrifio, 
per  elcHionem  powpaticifermonis   ejufdem  Chrifli  fibi  ftudeat  membra  fubju^are, 
Ncc  mirum  qucd  file  tcntator  qui  initium  omnis  peccati  jcit  cjje  fupcrbiam,  fee.  And 
(b  he  goeth  on,  exhorting  them  rather  to  dye,  ilian  to  (iibmit  to  the  Title  Uni' 
'verfiil,  and  relblvingExcomnumicition  again ll  the  Ufcr  of  it. 

§  5^0.  Btnnius  faith,  It  is  ridiculous  hence  to  impugn  the  Primacy  of  the 
Church  :  But  .^.  i .  Is  it  not  impudent  after  this,  tor  them  to  ufc  the  Title  of 
Univerfal  ?  J^..  1.  Doth  not  this  allow  us  to  leparate  fi-om  them  that  uliirp  it  ? 
J^.  3.  Doth  not  V el agius\\evc  plainly  diftinguidi  between  the  place  of  Prime 
Tatriarch  which  he  claimeth,  and  Um-verjal  Bijhcp  or  Patriarch  which  he 
damneth.  X^.  4.  Doth  he  not  defcribe  this  daamed  Uiavpation,  to  be  a  [ubjcft' 
iftgallChrifi''s  members  to  bimfelf?  ^.  f.  Doth  not  the  Pope  now  ufe  both  the 


190  Church- Htftory  of  Bipops  and 

fiameand  thing  as  far  as  he  can  attain  it?  ^,  6.  Did  not  Velagitis  and  Gregory 
know  that  yobv  did  no  more  intend  to  put  down  all  other  Patriarchs  or  Bifliops 
by  this  Title,  than  the  Pope  doth?  .^«.  7.  Doth  not  the  Pope  now  claim  that 
us  by  Dirinc  Right,  which  j^o/^m  claimed  but  as  of  Humane?  Modclly  can  deny 
none  of  this. 

§  5 1.  CXC.  An.  ')ij.  Nine  Bifhops  at  Lyons  repeated  fix  old  Canons  about 
\\'omcn,  d^iT. 

§  yi.  CXCI.  A7].  5-89.  King  Giinthrum  finding  all  things  grow  worfe,  and 
that  all  was  long  of  the  Btjlmps  cjielj,  (  faith  Binnius )  called  a  Council  at  Alaf- 
C(7«,  where  the  il:ri;ler  keeping  of  the  Lords-day  w;is  commanded. 

§  5  3.  Here  Biniiuis  notcth  that  Frifiiis  is  called  Patriarch,  and  that  the  BilTiops 
of  J^eiiice,  Ifiria  and  Ligiiria,  continuing  ftill  (eparate  from  Rome,  chole  Pattlinus 
Billiop  of  Aquikia  their  Patriarch,  [  ^letrt  ftbi  loco  fummi  Tontificis  fuprewittn 
Oj-  A^itiftitem  ccnjiitnerent.l  ^«.  Did  the  Bifhops  then' believe  that  the  Pope's 
llnivcrlal  Government  was  cfTcntial  to  the  Catholick  Church  ?  And  that  none 
were  tlae  Church  but  his  Subjecl:s  ? 

§  54.  CXCII.  King  Gumhram,  An.  5  89.  by  a  Council  at  Valence,  (etled  his 
Benevolences  on  the  Churches. 
?  §  f  T-  CXCIII.  An.  589.  At  Toletnm  King  Recaredus  czWed  a  Council,  and 

renounced  Amamfin,  and  recited  (cveral  Canons  j  among  others,that  Biihops  and 
Pricfts  Wives  might  dwell  with  them,  but  not  lie  with  them.  And  they  lament 
and  condemn  the  praftice  of  fiich  as  kill  their  children,  appointing  them  (harp 
difcipline  without  capital  puniilimcnt.  (  Had  the  Church  power  to  free  Mur- 
derers from  death,  as  they  long  did,   Was  this  holy  Reformation?  ) 

The  I  ith  Canon  faith.  That  they  found  that  in  many  Churches  of  Spain,  men 
flthily  and  not  regularly  did  Penance,  that  they  might  fin  as  of t  as  they  would,  and 
he  as  oft  reconciled  by  the  Vriefls,  &c.  Many  reforming  Canons  were  here  made. 
There  were  6  7  Subfcribers  befides  the  King,  and  of  divers  Cities  two  Bifhops, 
which  was  unufiial. 

§  5 ').  CXCPk".  (  Paffing  by  a  meeting  at  Rome  )  Another  Council   at  Nar^ 
hon  was  held  by  Recaredus,  who  brought  over  the  Goths  from  Arrianifm. 

§  5  7.  The  Emperor  Mauritius,  though  a  great  and  excellent  perfbn,  was  rui- 
ned by  the  mad  and  uncurable  mutinies  of  his  Soldiers,  and  at  laft ,  with  his 
Family,  cruelly  murdered  by  Vhocas,  one  of  lais  Captains ;  a  terrible  warning  to 
Princes  not  to  trufl  too  much  to  Armies. 

§  5  8.  All  this  while  the  oppofcrs  of  the  Calcedon  Council  kept  up,  and  were 
divided  in  the  Eaif  into  many  Parties  among  themfelvcs :  Among  others ,  the 
great  Veripatctlcy ohan.Thiloponus  was  their  mod  learned  Defender,  writing  with 
(iich  fiibtilty,  that  the  Natures  really  two,  were  to  be  called  One  Compound  Na- 
ture, as  the  Soul  and  Body  of  a  man  are,  as  (  faith  Nicephorus  )  was  not  eafie  to 
be  anfwered  (  by  which,  how  much  of  the  Controvcrfie  was  de  Nomine  d^  de 
Notione  Logicd,  let  the  Reader  further  judge ,  )  he  that  will  fee  fbme  of  his  words, 
may  read  them  in  Nicepb.  I.  1 8.  c.  45:,  4(3,  47,  48.  his  Notions  made  men  call 
him  a  Tatheite. 

§  59.  Jacobus  Zanx,alus  being  a  great  Promoter  of  the  Party,  many  ever 


their  Councils  abruhcJ.  i  Q  i 

fince  have  from  him  been  called  'Jacobites  :  And  the  divided  Parties  that  oppo- 
fed  the  Council,  called  tlie  other  Mtlchitcs^  that  is  Royalifis ,  bccauie  they  took 
them  that  followed  the  Council,  to  do  it  mecrly  in  obedience  to  the  Emperor, 
(  for  it  was  not  the  Pope  then  that  was  the  Mailer  of  Councils. 

§  60.  Among  the  ^rmaiians  alfb  (bme  railed  the  like  Herelies  about  the  Na- 
tures of  Chrift,(bmc  thinking  his  Deity  was  inllead  of  a  Soul  to  his  Body  ,  Cfc. 
To  which  they  added  fuperflitious  Falls,  and  worfliipping  theCrols,  and  (iicli 
like,  not  pleading  Rcafon,  but  old  Tradition  for  their  Errors,(aying  they  had  them 
from  Gregory,  vide  Niccpk  /.  i  8.  r.  5^  j,  5'4.     But  I  muft  go  forward. 

5)  61.  Pelagitts  dying,  Gregory  called  yV//7?w/«,  liicceedcd  him  at  Rome  :  He 
continued  the  Controverlie  about  the  Title  of  L');/xYr/<?/  Bipop  ,  writing  many 
Epiftles  againft  it :  He  flattered  Vhocas  the  murderous  Tyrant,  with  a  Latentur 
Cceli  &•  cxtdtet  Terra,  i5cc.  yet  was  one  of  the  beft  and  wifcft  of  their  Billiops. 
He  lent  Aiigiifime  into  England,  who  opprclled  the  Brittjl)  Church,and  converted 
the  Saxon  King  of  Ketit.  He  introduced  more  Supcrftitions,and  greatly  altered 
the  Liturgy.     Of  which  read  Mr.  T.  Jones  of  the  Hearts  Sovereign. 

§  6z.  CXCIV.  A  Concilium  HiJ^alenfe  of  eight  Bifhops  recited  three 

§  6  3.  CXCV^.  Mauritius  before  his  death,  defircd  Gregory  to  call  a  Synod  at 
Rome,  to  draw  in  the /f?/?e)7;  Bl (hops  that  (cparatcd,and  to  call  them  out  if  they 
dilbbcycd  :  which  he  did,  and  they  refufmg  his  Summons,  Scverus  of  Aijuihta, 
and  other  Billiups  were  ruined.  They  thought  God  dcftroyed  Alauritius  for 
perlccuting  them.  Gregory  thouglit  God  would  have  them  deftroyed  as  SchiP 
maticks.  The  Bifliops  of  Rome  lor  near  an  hundred  years  were  forced  the 
more  to  plcal'e  the  En>peror,  bccaufe  their  own  Billiops  had  call  them  off,  and  let 
up  another  Head  againft  them. 

§64..  CXCVI.  y-/?;.  5"9o.  A  Co»«/.  .^?/f//?,.«W7;/e  m.ide  divers  Canons  againft 
Superftitlons,  and  fome  too  luperftitious  (  as  that  \\'omen  muft  not  take  the  Sa- 
crament in  their  bare  hands,  &-c. ) 

§  6'5-.  I  lind  it  fo  tedious  to  mention  all  the  Httle  Synods,  that  henceforth  I 
fliall  take  but  little  notice  of  them,  but  of  the  greater  only. 

One  under  Rtcaredns  at  Cafar~Augufla,  made  three  Can^BI  about  the  Ar- 
ria  ns. 

One  in  Numidia    dilplca(ed  Gregory. 

§  66.  A  Council  at  Poitiers  was  called  on  occafion  of  two  Nuns,duughtcrs  to 
the  King  of  France,  that  broke  out  of  the  Nunnery,  with  many  more,  and  ac- 
culed  the  Abbefi,  and  got  men  together,  and  ftript  her  ftark  naked,  and  drew 
her  out,  and  let  all  France  in  a  Commotion  ,  and  were  forced  to  do  Pe- 
nance. ^ 

A  Cour.cil  was  called  at  Metz,  to  reduce  the  BIfljop  of  Rbemes  conviul  of 
Trealbn  (  for  Billiops  that  were  Travtors  or  Murderers  were  not  to  dye.  ) 

A  Synod  at  Rome  under  Gregory  abfulved  a  Pritft  of  Calcedon  condemned  by 
John  of  Confiaiitinople  ;  what  one  did,  the  other  undid. 

-^w.  5:97.  Under  King  Recaredus,  13  Bifhops  made  rwo  Canons  for  Priefts 
Chaftity,  &c. 




1  9 1  Cmrch-Htjlory  of  'J^hops  and 

Another  under  him,  yi'w.  ^98.  A  Coiuik  Ofiiewfc  made  two  fuch  more. 
^n.  5'99.  A  Council  at  Conflantinofie  did  we  know  not  what. 
^v.  5^99.  Under  King  Rccaretlus,ii.  Bifliops  at  Barcincn  made  four  Canons 
againft  Bilhops  Bribery,  d^c. 

A  Council  of  zo  Bifhops,  14  Presbyters ,  and  4  Deacons  at  /?owe  made  a 
Canon  for  Monks. 

Another  there,  jip.  601.  againft  a  falfe  Monk.    , 
Another  at  B)Z,acen  againft  a  Bifhop. 
Another  in  NumiAia  about  a  Bifhop  and  a  Deacon. 

§  67.  Grffor;' dying,  Sabm':a?i  Riccccded  him,  who  reproached  him,and  would 
have  had  his  Books  burnt  as  unlbund,  faith  Onu^hrius :  And,laith  Sigtbert, Grego- 
ry appeared  to  him  in  a.  Vifion,and  reproving  him  for  that  and  Covetoulhels , 
knockt  him  on  the  head,  and  he  dyed. 

§  68.  Boniface  3d  rucceeded,cho(en  by  Vhccas  the  Murderer,  who  hating  his 
own  Bifhop  of  Confi.Cyriactis,  ordered  that  Rome  fhould  be  the  chief  Church. 

§  69.  A  Council  at  Rome  forbad  chufing  a  Pope,  till  the  former  had  been 
three  days  dead,  becaufe  they  Ibid  their  Votes  for  money. 

§70.  Boniface  the  4th  is  made  Pope,and  Vhocas  giveth  him  the  Pagan  Tem- 
ple, called  Pantheon,  for  Chriftian  Worfhip.     In  his  time  ,  Phocat  was  killed  by 
Heraclius,  as  he  had  kill'd  Ala iiri tins. 
0  §71-  An.  610.  A  Council  at  Toletum,  under  King  GtmJemar ,  about  the 

Bifhop  of  Toletum's  Primacy,  which  the  King  fctleth  by  EdI6f . 

§  7  ^.  A  Council  at  Tarraca  under  King  Stfebtitus  took  the  fhortelt  way,  and 
only  confirmed  what  had  been  before  done  for  Priefts  Chaflity. 

§73.  Detis  dedit  was  next  Pope,  in  whofe  rime  the  Perftans  conquered  yeru- 
.  falem,  and  carried  away  the  Bifhop,  and  ( they  fay  )  the  Crofi. 

§  74.  Boniface  5th  fucceeded :  Heraclius  the  Emperor  is  worfled  by  the 
Perjians,  who  would  not  give  him  Peace  ,  unlefs  the  Empire  would  renounce 
Chrift,  and  worfhip  the  Sun ;  Heraclius  overthroweth  them  ;  Mahomet  now 
rifeth,  and  maketh  a  Religion  of  many  Herefics. 

§  75^.  At  a  Synod  at  Mafcou,AgrcJlinus  accufed  Columbanus  of  Superflition, 
for  CrolTing  Spoons,  ^c.  but  was  refelled. 

§  76.  Seven  or  eight  Bifhops  at  Hij^alts,  condemned  the  Eutjchians,  and  cal- 
led them  Ace^hali. 


their  Councils 



CHAP.   ^^  1 1 1. 

Councils  held  about   the  Monothelites,  with  others. 

§  I  .T)  Eing  come  to  the  Reign  of  Pope  Honcrius  at  Rome,  who  was  con- 
j3  clemned  by  x  or  5  General  Councils  for  a  MmctheUte  Heretick,  (as 
Vigihus  was  by  his  own  Bifhops  for  an  Eutychtan  )  and  having  lliewed  you 
what  work  both  the  heretical  and  hercticatingBifhopsand  Council  made  in  the 
world  about  (not  only  ouiiun^- ,  but)  'ir^cnr.&.one  Natiire^znd  the  conJcmning 
of  dead  men;!  (hall  next  fhcw  you  what  work  they  made  alio  about  the  words, 
[OncOferatir,7i,^r\l  0ns  If'tll,^  or[  Two  Op(rations,AX\d  Tu-o  TCiUs.  ]  Reader, 
Wouldll:  thou  think  that  there  were  venom  enough  in  one  of  thele  words,  to 
poyfon  almoll:  all  the  Bifhops  in  the  world  with  the  Plagues  of  Herciie  ,  or 
Heretication  and  Contention  ? 

§  1.  The  old  Controverlie  ftill  keeping  tlie  Churches  all  in  pieces ,  fomc 
being  for  two  Natures  after  Union,  and  tor  the  Calccdon  Council,  and  others 
againfl:  it,  and  but  for  one  Nature  after  Union  :  Cyrus,  Bifhop  of  Alexandria, 
was  told,  that  it  would  unite  them  all,  if  they  would  confcis  One  Ope- 
ration, and  One  Hill  in  Chrift,  or  at  lead  lay  by  the  talk  of  One  and  77w,and 
u(e  the  words,  [  Det  viriln  Operatic,  j  The  Operation  (  and  JVill  )  ot  God- 
man.  CXCVII.  He  therefore  called  a  Synod  at  Alexandria  ,  in  which  this 
was  decreed  (  called  Satisfaifion. )  For  tliey  (aid  that  Det  I'irilu  fignified 
two  Natures,  and  lb  they  thought  they  had  at  laft  hit  the  way  of  concord, 
which  neither  the  General  Council  of  EphtJ.i.  Ephef.T..  Cunflant.  1.  Calcedon. 
CcKjiant.  3.  had  found  out :  but  all  fet  tlie  Bilhops  but  more  by  the  ears. 

Cyrns  (cnt  his  Decrees  to  Sergius  Bifhop  of  Cmijlantinople ,  SophrcmtKs 
Bifhop  of  yerufalem  perfuadcd  the  filencing  of  the  names  of  [  One  ^  or 
\_  Tn-o  3  Operations  or  M'tlls.  Sergius  lent  the  Cafe  to  Hcmrius  to  Rome ; 
Honorius  rationally  pcrfuaded  them  to  ufc  neither  the  one  word,  nor  the  other, 
{  One  or  Tvo )  forclccing  that  a  new  quarrel  was  arifing  in  theie  words,and 
(  little  knowing  how  for  this  he  was  by  General  Councils  to  be  Hcreticatcd, 
when  he  was  dead  )  pcrfTiadcd  them  to  a  lilcnt  Peace.  It  is  but  few  Popes 
that  were  (b  wife  and  peaceable;  and  this  one  muft  be  a  Heretick  for  it,  or 
General  Councils  be  fallible,  and  much  worfc. 

§  5 .  Bccauie  (  knowing  the  cflcvEl  of  the  old  unhealed  Cauft-}  I  forefce 
that  Uich  men  will  go  near  to  Hereticate  me  alio  when  I  am  dead,  for  cort- 
demning Hereticating  Incendiaries  in  the  Nefiortan,EHtychian,  and  Alonothc- 
lite  quarrels ;  I  will  recite  the  words  of  Binnius  himdlf,  who  faith  the  fame 
that  I  have  faid  from  the  beginning,  (  though  I  juftitie  him  not  from  felf- 
contradi<f1:ion. ) 

To7?j.z.  p-991.  [^Honor'ius,  fearing  [vhich  after  came  to  fafs,  aitd  ■u'hub 
he  knew  bad  fallen  cut  in  former  Ages  about  the  word  Homooufion  'i-i'  avd 
many  others  )  hfi  that  CcntentKn  Jhould  grow  to  fome  great  Sehifm,  and  feeing 

C  c  uitkaB 

— _  '* 

ip4  Chwch-Hijhry  of  'Bijhoj^s  and 

vithaU  that  Faith  ?fiight  be  fafe  -ii^hhcut  thefe  worAs,  he  oi'.ts  v-iUhig  to  recon- 
cile both  Op:r7iG».<,and  ^vithah  to  take  cut  of  the  ivaj  the  matter  of  Scandal  and 
Cotitention.  ll'rtuvg  therefore  to  Scrgius,  he  advijed  him  to  abjlain  from  the 
"word  L  One  Operation  J  left  they  fhculdfeem  with  Eutyches  to  ajjert  but  One 
Nature  in  Chnft;  and  yet  to  forbear  the  word  [Two  Operations  ]  I: ft  wirh 
Neftorius,  they  fcemcd  to  ajjert  Tiro  Terfons.  (  A  SlanJcr  contrary  to  liis 
words.  )  1  again  fiy,lf  all  the  Hcrcticuting  Bifhops  and  Councils  had  follow- 
ed this  difcretion  and  moderation,  O  what  had  the  Church  efcaped  ! 

Yet  they  are  fain  to  llretch  their  wits  to  excufe  his  words  cllcwhere,  [Unde 
e^  JJnam  ]''olu;itr.tcm  fatcmur  Domini  nvftri  Jcjii  Chrifti.  J  But  it's  certain 
that  in  (bme  fcn(c  it  is  One,  and  in  another  lenle  Two. 

§4.  The  Emperor  Ht/vc/iw;  intcrefled  himfelf  In  the  Controrerfie,  Bin- 
Tiias  (aith  by  the  fraud  of  Anaftafiits  Patriarch  of  the  Jaccbites,  he  was  de- 
ceived, Atiimo  defend^ndi  Concilium  Calcedoncnfe.  The  "Jacobites  were  Et<- 
tychians,  the  grcatcft  enemies  of  the  Calcedon  Council  5  and  it's  ftrange  tlien 
how  they  deceived  him,  to  defend  it  by  deftroying  it. 

But,  laith  he,  [  iniile  he,  befides  his  place  and  office,  by  the  perftiafion  of  the 
De'Vil,  was  wholly  taken  up  in  defending  tjueftions  of  Faith  by  his  own  judg- 
ment,&cc.  ']  Here  you  may  fee  what  thePapifls  Clergy  would  make  of  Kings 
and  all  Lay-men  :  If  they  be  wholly  taken  up  in  defending  c^ueftions  of  Faith 
by  their  own  judgment,t\iey  pronounce  them  to  be  pcrluaded  to  it  by  the  De'uil. 
Error  is  from  the  Devil ;  but  (bllicitous  fcarching  after  the  defence  of  Truth, 
is  likci-  to  be  of  God.  But  they  muft  not  do  it  by  thetr  own  judgtnent  :  By 
whofc  then  ?  By  the  Blfliops  no  doubtj  What  Bifhops  ?  General  Councils. 
And  had  not  the  Emperors  long  enough  followed  Councils,  and  baniilied-fuch 
as  they  condemned,  til',while  they  almoft  all  condemned  one  another ,  the 
world  was  (candallzed  at  the  odious  Divifions  and  Cruelties  of  the  Church? 
But  muft  they  follow  Bifliops  without  ufing  their  own  judgments  about  the 
Cafe  ?  What,  as  their  mcer  Executioners  ?  Muft  the  Princes  of  the  world  aft 
as  Brutes,  or  Idiots,  or  Llcfors  ?  Was  this  the  old  Doflrine,  Let  every  Soul 
be  fubjeil  to  the  higher  Vower,  &c? 

§  5-.  CXCVIII.  King  Sifenandus  ( the  fecond  that  had  all  Spain  )  called 
a  Council  at  Ttlsturn  of  all  his  Kingdom,  j4n.  633.  of  70  BIfhops ,  who 
made  many  good  Canons  for  Faith,  Order,  and  Reformation  ■  the  laft  is  a 
large  defence  of  the  King  againft  Rebellion  :  But  they  order  that  when  a 
King  is  dead,  the  Prime  Men  of  the  whole  Nation,  with  the  rriefts,by  common 
consent,  chufe  another,  that  retaining  the  Concord  of  Unity  ,  there  fiiould  be  no 
ftrife  through  Force  or  Ambition. 

And  they  decree  the  Excommtinicatlng  of  wicked  Kings  that  live  in  great 
fm  ;  which  I  doubt  wlicther  the  fifth  Commandment  forbid  tlum  not  to 
have  done,  it  being  a  purpofed  diOionour. 

§  6.  CXCIX.  Another  at  7i/c/«w  was  called  6  3  (J,  hyKmg  Chintillanef 
which  went  the  (ame  way  ;  Kings  were  Rulers  here,  and  not  Popes. 

§  7.  CC.  Another  at  7l/ff,'w;,  ^w.  638.  by  the  fame  King  to  the  fame 




ihar   Councils  aLriJ^ed.  195 

§  8.  The  Emperor  Heradius  publilhed  an  ¥A\ck  tor  the  MonotheUte  Opi- 
nion, called  his  Echtejis  j  and  Sergius  Ccrtfi.  joined  in  it. 

§  9.   Sirgius  dyeth,and  Vjrrhus  a  A-Ianotbelite  fucceedcth  him. 

§  I  o.  Scjirinus  is  chofcn  Pope,  but  being  not  Confirmed  (  as  was  udial } 
by  the  Emperor's  confent,  he  is  plundered  or  his  wealth. 

§11.  The  Saracaie  Arabians  conquer  Vtrfia,  and  the  Eajlrrn  parts  of  the 

§  I X.  Scrgius  before  his  death  called  a  Council  at  Covfiantincfe  ,  which  ^ 

contirmed  the  Emperor's  Faith,  and  the  Atcnothelite  Opinion. 

§  13.  yi';;.  640.  Jo/m  4th  was  made  Pope,  who  condemned  the  Empe- 
ror's Ec/jtcjis ;  and,  it's  fcid,  tlic  Emperor  dilowned  it,  and  ftid  that  Sergius 
made  it,  and  ddired  it  might  be  publifhed  in  liis  name. 

§  1 4.  Hcracliiis  dycth,  Corifiantifu  fiicceedeth  him,and  dyeth  in  4  month.''. 
Htracko  fucceedcth  :  After  fix  months  tlic  Senate  depofe  him,  and  cutofi  his 
Nole,  and  cut  out  his  Mother's  Tongue,  on  lufpicion  that  they  poy(bn«d  Cm- 
fiantine,  whole  Son  Conftatis  is  ne^t  let  up. 

§  1 5-.  P/)Tj6«/,thought  guilty  of  Conjtantmes  death,  flieth  into  Africa, 
and  Vaulus  a  Momthelne  hath  his  place.  Yyrrhus  (cemeth  coavertcd  by  Maxi- 
mus  in  Africa,  Cometh  to  Rome,  and  is  owned  by  the  Pope  againll  Vaulus. 
Paiilus  perluadeth  the  Emperor  to  publifti  a  V}^«/,  requiring  all  the  Bifliops  to 
lay  by  the  Controverlie  and  Name  of  One  and  of  Two  H'dls  and  Operaticns 
cf  CiniH.  But  this  which  was  approved  in  Pope  Hononus,  is  cryed  down 
as  Heretical  in  the  Emperor. 

Tyrrhus  returncth  to  his  Opinion,  and  PatU  dying,  he  is  again  put  in  his 
plate  at  Ccnfratitinopk. 

Binnius  no  better  anfwercth  die  Objection,  [that  the  Eniferors  Edict  faid 
hut  ivhat  Pope  HonoriUfi /^z;^,  3  than  by  laying,  that  the  time  math  the  ilif- 
ference.  It  was  good  in  HonoriHs's  time,  and  bad  after  to  be  quietly  filent  in 
fuch  a  Cafe. 

§  1 6.  They  fay  there  was  a  Council  in  NitmUia-,  another  at  B)Xuice»e,  at 
Carthage  another  of  6  8  Bifliops,  about  the  Momthelttes. 

§  1 7.  CCI.  Another  Council  w;is  at  Joktum  under  King  Chindafcrirf 

§  1 8.  ecu.  The  Pope,  with  one  of  his  little  Councils  at  Rome^  (  for  the 
forclald  Italian  Bifhops  yet  dilowned  him,  and  obey  the  Patriarch  of  /i'^/(i- 
laa)  prcliimed  to  condemn  Vaulus  Qonfr.O-Pyrrhus,  and  the  Emperor's 
Edict,  ( T)pus  i )  Wherefore  his  Agents  at  CmJlantmofU  were  caft  out, 
beaten,  their  Altar  overthrown,  c^c. 

§  1 9.  Martin  h  made  Bifliop  at  Romt :  He  coHdcmncth  the  Emperor's 
Edii^t  ot  .Silence  (as  to  Two  I i^ ills  and  Operations, or  One.)  The  Emperor 
(cndcth  for  him,  he  is  brought  Prilbncr  to  Cmjtantinople,  laid  in  Irons  under 
fevcral  Accutations ;  banifhcd  and  dyed. 

Here  the  P(;pc  pretcndcth  that  Truth  niuft  not  he  fiknced :  The  Empcix>r 
(aith, Peace  must  not  be  hidden  fcr  need/efs  ■words  :  ^er.  Whether  he  be  a 
JMartyr  that  lufiers  for  oppugning  fiich  Peace  ? 

C  c  1  §  lo. 

1  p  6  Church-Hifiory  of  'Bij])Dps  nni 

§  ^o.  CCIII.  His  LdferjM^  Council,  y^».  641.  is  very  largely  recorded, 
in  which  the  Emperor's  Edi6>,  with  C)Tffj  Alex.  SergiHs,  Pprkta  (^  Taului 
Cotiftnnt.^rc  condemned,  and  two  Operaiions  and  JCil/s  aflcrtcd. 

§ai.  CCIV.  (  Palling  by  a  Synod  at  0>7t'<:«ftf)  y^.  65-3.  another  Coun- 
cil was  held  at  Tclctum  againft  incontinent  and  ignorant  Priclls.  Kings  here 
wfl'd  to  preach  to  the  Bilhops  by  their  Letters  and  Decrees.  Dukes  and  Lords 
liere  fubfcribed. 

§  ^^.  Eugaiiiis  is  Pope,  and  dycth  ;  Vitalianus  fucccedeth  him  ;  Ccmll,ms 
the  Emperor  comcth  to  Rome.,  giveth  them  gifts,  and  communicateth  'vith 
them.  It's  fiid  he  kilFd  bis  Brother  nKotloJius,znd  after  was  kill'd  himfelf : 
Mezentius  ufurpcthuhe  Empire.  Conftarttive  Togonntiis,  Son  to  Covjfa>is,con- 
quereth  him,  and  reigneth.  Pope  Vitalianus  helpeth  him,  and  therefore  ex- 
pefteth  his  help.  Rome  ftood  (b  ranch  between  the  Eafiem  Empire,  and  the 
JViftirnYJmgs  {Goths.,  Lmbanh,  Franks,  ^c.)  that  both  fides  flattered 
the  Roman  Clergy,  ( tliough  they  oft  fuffered  from  both.  )  The  Empire  to 
keep  them  from  turning  to  the  Goths ,  &c.  and  the  Goths  to  keep  them  from 
turning  to  the  Empire.  And  they  that  had  moft  need  of  the  Popes ,  mod 
ad\'anced  them  ;  and  they  that  had  leaft  need  and  moft  domImon,kept  them 

§  13.  CCV.  Another  Council  at  Toletum  ,  Jn.6^f.  called  byK.  Re- 
ajjuinthus,  (  not  the  Pope, )  made  divers  good  Canons  for  Church-order ; 
among  which  the  tenth  is,  that  bccaule  all  the  Canons  oft  made  ,  could  not 
keep  Bifliops  and  Priefts  from  Lechery,  they  tryed  this  additional  way ,  to 
decree  that  all  their  Children  begotten  of  their  Servants,  Maids,  dfc.  mould 
be  uncapable  of  inheritance,  and  fliould  live  in  continual  ftrvltude  to  the 

King  Recaredus  made  a  Law,  that  Bifiiops  and  Pricfts  Concubines  fhould 
be  whipt  with  an  hundred  Stripes  j  and  others,  that  they  fliould  be  (old  for 

§  14.  CCVI.  The  King  of  France  (  Clqihiieus )  called  his  Bifliops  to- 
gether at  a  Village  called  Cljpiacttf»,znd  made  a  Sermon  to  them ,  and  they 
applauded  him. 

§'2.').  CCVII,  He  called  another  Synod   z.x.  Cahilo7ie  for  Church-order, 

55-      where  Can.  i  o.  it  was  decreed,  that  all  Ordination  of  Bifliops  fliould  be  null, 

that  was  otherwlfe  made  than  by  the  eIe(5tion  of  the  Comprovincia/s ,  the 

Clergy,  and  the  Citizetis.     (  A  thrcebld  Lock    is  not  eaiily  pickt )   Let 

England  underftand  this,  to  be  the  old  Canons  and  CuCrom. 

§  1.6.  CCVIII.  A  Ccncil.  EmeritenJ'e,cn\kd  by  King  Recejfttinthus,  made 
more  Orders  for  regulating  Bifliops  and  Priells,  O'c. 

§17.  CCIX.  A  Synod  at  7?ow«  juftified  aBifliopof  Crete,  wronged  by 
his  Archbifliop. 

§  ^8.  CCX.  Another  ^t  Toletum  under  King  IVamha?!,  An.  6  jy.  (ought 
to  reform  the  Bifliops-and  Ckrgy. 

§  2.9.  CCXI.  An.  675".  the  lame  King  Wamhan  had  a  Synod  at  Braccara, 
£jr  reforming  the  Ctcrgy .  Can.'^ .  was  to  corrcit  the  Bifliops  that  had  turned 


their   Councils  alvl.hcJ.  197 

Piety  into  Pride  and  Vanity;  going  to  the  So'emnitics  of  the  M.irtyri,  with 
Rehques  hanged  about  their  necks,carried  in  Chairs  by  Deacons  in  whJte,c^ir. 
O  what  hath  the  Pride  of  Prelates  done  in  the  world  I 

§30.  Pope  ^^W^/fOT,  and  after  him  Dow.',-^  reigned  at  i?6;77<',  and  the  Pa-  li, 

triarchs  of  Cctijfavrincpk  and  y'ntkch  were  AJcticthilnesyZnACtrftanthte  need-  .?}«?' 

ing  the  /'ff/?,  having  loll:  the  EafI-,  took  part  with  Rcme.  '  "* 

After  Dofins   came  ^gatby,  in  whofe  time  the  Billiop  of  Ravenna ,   after  -gj 

long  rejc6T:ing  the  Bifliop  of  Rome  as  heretical,  returned  to  communion  with 
him.  Ccnfijfifme  fent  to  /?<;wf,  to  rc.]ulre  the  Bifhop  to  keep  Millionary 
Legates  at  Conjhntimf.e,  and  intrcatcd  ihtm  to  lay  b\-  Pliilofophica!  Contro- 
verfies,  and  preach  the  pure  Scripture,  that  the  Churches  at  laft  might  have 
Peace.     (  But  alas  how  long  was  that  counlel  vain  !) 

§  3  I.  CCXII.  Bedii  faith,  an  Engl/jli  Couilcil  met,  ^?i.  679.  under  The- 
odorsts^to  own  theCatholick  Faith,  fici?.  /.  4.  c.  1  5. 

§  3^.  CCXin.  The  fame  year  679.  A  Council  at  Milan  told  the  Empe- 
ror their  opinion  for  Tvo  ICilh  and  Operations.  ^ 

§33.  CCXIV.  A  Synod  at  7? <jw<  prepared  matter  for  the  General  Coun- 
cil againfl;  the  Monothelites.  This  tended  to  plcale  the  feparating  "Bifliops  of 
Italy  that  divided  from  the  Pope,  for  teeming  to  dcftrt  the  Ca!ccdo7i  Coun- 
cil  by  condemning  the  tria Capitu'a. 

§  34.  CCXV.  Now  Cometh  the  3d  Council  of  Cor_/?.j«//"wf,  called  the  (ith 
General  Council,  in  which  189  BilTiops  condemned  the  Monothelites ,  that 
were  for  One  If'tll  and  Operation.  Conjlnntine  Fog.  being  agaiinft  them, 
Aiacarius  Patriarch  of  Anticch  was  the  chief  of  them  ,  who  would  have 
contented  to  name  neither  One  nor  Two,  but  when  they  had  done  all,  profeG 
(cd  that  he  would  be  call  into  the  Sea  ,  before  he  would  (ay  there  va-e  in 
Chrifi  two  TVtIls  and  Operations ;  thinking  that  he  held  to  Cyril,  and  the  firfl 
Ephefian  Council  ag;iinll  Nefiorifis.  George  Bifhop  of  Conflantinopk  deferted 
him,  and  he  was  depoftd  and  banifhed  (  to  Rome  j  no  hard  Banilliment  but 
for  ill  company.  ) 

§35".  Along  ftir  there  was  among  them  ,  perufing  former  \\'riting3 ; 
Maearius  and  his  Party  producing  many,  which  others  laid  were  falliHcd  (lo 
little  certainty  is  there  oft  of  Copies. )  The  Epiilles  of  Sergitfs  Conjl.  d?* 
Hator.  Rom.  are  read ,  which  I  fliould  think  peaceable  and  honeft  ;  but  the 
General  Council  damned  and  curled  them  both  as  Hereticks.  The  Papifts 
fay,  General  Councils  may  err  in  matter  of  Fail :  How  much  more  then  in 
matter  of  Faith,  which  is  more  obfcurei*  and  matter  of  Fa6l  is  much  of  tlie  ' 

matter  of  our  Faith. 

No  Man's  name  had  lb  flrange a  Fate  againfl  Hereticaters,  as  the  great 
Hereticater  Cj>;/'s  j  who  (in  this  Council  in  C/r«r  tfr.'ir.  and  many  others) 
was  fully  proved  to  aQcrt  One  Nature  of  God  incarnate  after  the  Union  j  and 
yet  called  Orthodox,  and  thole  that  laid  as  he,  and  much  lels,  were  damned 

Some  that  confeiTed  two  Natures,  yet  denying   two  Wills  after  the  Refur-  ^ 

refllon,  fuppoCng  the  Humane  Will  called  Natural  had  been  laid  by  ,  were 
here  damned  with  the  reil  §  36,. 


ic,8  Chunh  Hifiory  of  'B'ljhops  and 

§  36.  CCXVI.  ^'?;.  68i.  King.  Eru/g/.//  held  another  Council  ztfolc- 
tum,  tor  the  Royal  Power,  and  rctormincr  ihc  Clergy. 

TiiePope  had  lb  little  to  do,  and  the  Kings  lb  much  in  all  thelc  5fw»//7; 
Councils,  that  it's  ftrange  Sp/ti»  is  now  become  lb  fervile  to  the  Pope.  Bi»- 
niits  is  forced  to  confefs  here  f  Ti.  3.  /».  1 1  o.  j  that  [_  The  Jiudy  and  Libor  cf 
cl.ujingf.t  mm  to  hi  m-iJe  Bi^iops,  ii'as  hi  the  pcvnr  or  bands  of  the  Gothiln 
Kings,  which  by  the  mdtilgence  oj  the  Roman  Fopes  is  in  the  Spanilh  Kings 
even  to  cur  times  3  which  he  provctL  (  O  indulgent  Popes,  who  let  go 
what  they  cannot  keep !  ) 

j4n.  68i.  Some  Synods  in  France  did,  we  know  not  what. 

§  37.  Leo  ^d  is  made  Pope  by  the  Emperor  ;  and  becaufe  he  confirmed 
the  Acis  of  this  Council,  which  damns  Homrirts  as  an  Hcretick,  the  Papifts 
Cy"  know  not  which,  way  to  turn  thcmfelves.  Baronms  would  have  Leui  Epilllc 
forged.  Binnias  will  have  either  the  Acls  corrupted  by  Theodore  Conft.  be- 
fore they  were  lent  to  Lee,  or  that  nccelllty  compelled  him  to  this  hard  con- 
dition by  the  iniquity  of  the  times,and  that  Hcrelie  elle  would  have  revived, 
(j;-c.  lb  that  by  their  reckoning,  they  that  relie  all  on  Tradition  and  Fathers, 
leave  not  Fathers,  Councils  or  Traditions  certain  for  one  Age. 

§  38.  CCXVII.  ^?;.  683.  K.  £ra//^/.-«  had  another  Synod  of  4^^  Bifhops 
at  Toietum ,  for  reftoring  Ibme  guilty  of  Trealbns ,  iecuring  the  King, 

§  39.  CoK^iintine  Tcgon.  Te(\:oTed  to  Rome  the  power  of  making  Popes 
vvlthuut  the  Emperor  ,  which  the  GothiJIi  Kings  and  other  Emperors  bid  long 
denied  them. 

§  40.  Benedict  td  is  made  Pope  :  A  new  Controverfie  in  his  time  is  rai- 
led.    The  Sp^mjh  Bifliops  write  an  Epiftle  ,  in  which  they  aflert  Three  Sub- 
fiances  in  ChriH,  his  Divmity,  his  Soul  and  bis  Body,  and  fay  withall  that  a 
7^1'  ^''^'    f^''U  l^ig^t  a  Will,  that  is,  the  Difine  JVill  begat  the  Humane.     The   numbers 
"' '  of  One,  Two,  'and  Three,  had  fo  confounded  Men  in  thofe.  times  ,  that  the 

word;  frightncd  the  Pope,  and  he  expoftu'ated  andw;irned  them  to  take  heed 
in  what  fenle  they  uled  them  ;  which  hath  made  it  a  queftion  whether  this 
Pope  were  not  erroneous  himlelf. 

§41.  CCX\'III.  Another  Council  at  Tdetum  agaiuft  the  Monothe- 

§  4T.  Pope  'John  fth  was  the  firll  Conlecrated  without  the  Emperor  fince 
the  liberty  granted. 

Theodoric  King  of  France  called  a  Council,  yi«.  685".  in  which  he  dcpo- 
fed  levcral  Bifliops. 

§43.  C(mfiantmeVog.dy\n^,'Jiifiinian  xd  hii  Son  is  Emperor.  Birniius 
faith,  he  was  not  found  in  the  Faith  (a  hard  thing  then  !  ]  And  that  he  re- 
pented of  the  liberty  grunted  in  chuling  Popes,  and  (b  ordered  that  the  Ex- 
arch of  Ravenna  approve  them,  bv  which  Bribery  was  uled  with  the  Ex- 
archs. And  while  the  Soldiers  and  Clergy  could  not  agreCj  they  were  fiiin  to 
coalent  to  a  tliird,  Ccmn,  to  be  Pope. 

§  44.  CcMH  being  dead,  Theodore  and  Pafihal  ilrovc    for  the  :Popcdom, 


their  CgwiciIs  ahnd-n'd.  iqg 

and  got  their  Parties  to  ftand  it  out  for  tlicrn.  Vnfchal  promKed  the  Exarch 
a  great  Sum  of  Gold  to  make  him  Pope.  \\'hen  tlicy  could  not  agree,  S(r- 
gius  a  third  was  chofcn.  The  Exarch  forced  him  to  pay  the  Gold,aud  lb  he 
got  the  Soldiers  love  and  the  Popedom. 

§45".  CCXIX.  ^n.6%%.  Another  Toktan  Council  writ  a  defence  of 
their  affertion,  that  Chriil  had  thr(e  Subftanca,  and  that  I'olufit.u  gcnuit  fo- 
limtiiterrr.  - 

§  46.  CCXX.  A  Council  at  Ca^far-Au^ufla,  made  five  Canons  ;  the  lafl 
was,  that  when  the  Kings  dyeJ,  the  Queens  ihould  lay  hy  their  civil  Habits, 
and  be  put  into  a  Monalicry,  and  protels  Chatlity. 

§47.  CCXXI.  An.  691.  Was  the  famous  great  Council  called  the 
.'^rni-Sextum  at  Ccnfiantinofle^y  Jufiwian  zd's  Order  ;  why  it  fliould  not 
be  called  a  ych  General  Council,  I  know  not.  Ic  called  by  the  perfua- 
fion  of  Ca'dinicus  Ccnjtant.  to  make  a  Rill  Body  ot-  Canons  for  Pravfficc,  be- 
caule  the  5^th  and  6th  Councils  made  none.  Bmnim  (aith.  It  could  not  be  a 
General  Council,  bccauie  the  Pope  was  not  there  by  himfelf,  or  iiis  Legates,  *&! 

and  yet  confeflcth  that  ncitlur  was  he  or  his  Legates  at  the  rirfl  Omfl^mtine 
Council,  and  yet  it  was  univcrfal.  And  why  doth  not  another  Bifliops  ab- 
fence  (  £.  G.  y.lextviii.  yertifal.  dfc.)  null  a  General  Council  as  well  as 
the  Popes?  The  Papilb  rail  at  this  Council  as  a  Convent icn  of  Mahgnants, 
(  Bm.  p.  I  5'4-  )  and  againfl  B^Jjamcn^  that  defendcth  it  as  a  wicked  Greek 
ImpotW;  (  the  word  [  vicked  "1  in  thclc  Mens  writings  is  a  term  of  art  and 
intereft,  and  no  jnoral  term.  )  They  recited  abundance  of  old  C^inons,  ma- 
ny of  great  ufe.  One  would  wonder  whence  the  anger  againftthtm  arifcth. 
It  was  per  [iimrfKtm  ?jcij«/.';.7w,  laith  BinT>tus,xhM  they  called  thcmfelves  a 
General  Council  :  And  the  Holj  Gboft  vJitrnot  with  thtm,  becaufc  the  Pope 
was  not  with  them,  (  f.  i  5-4,  i  ^f.  1  and  they  ordained  many  things  contra- 
ry to  Apoftolical  Conftitutions,  and  the  Canons  of  General  Councils.  Reader, 
you  lee  here,  i .  How  litt^rull  Papilb  lay  on  that  part  of  Tradition  which 
dependeth  on  Councils?  a.  That  it  is  the  Pope  (  one  Man  )  that  is  the  cer- 
tainty cf  Tradition  and  fitdgmcnt ,  without  whom  Councils  are  nothing. 
5.  That  if  the  Pope  be  ablent,  all  the  other  BilTicps  aflembled  in  Councils 
by  the  command  ot  Emperors,  may  be  called  Knaves  and  wicked  Malig- 
nants.  Alas  how  few  Bifhops  adhered  to  the  Pope,  ('  when  Italy  was  not 
yet  cured  of  Separation  from  him  )  in  comparilbn  of  thole  that  met  in  thcfe 
Eafiern  Councils  which  they  revile  !  4.  You  lee  liere,how  far  thcv  are  frrin 
truth,  that  fay  the  Univerfil  Church  ftill  cleaved  to  the  Pope,  when  moft  (by 
far  )  of  the  Bifhops  in  the  world  forlbok  him !  you  lee  Luther  was  not  the 

§  48.  Note  that  7i/7r<7^'?.'Af  Blfhop  of  Con^.intimple,  yin.  6^%.  in  the  ad 
Council  of  iVJff,  tells  them,  that  it  ■was  the  ftme  Bf\l]ops  that  met  in  the  6th 
Gffneral  Council  at  Con/fantinople,  who  met  again  here  under  yuftmian.  And 
were  not  the  Biihops  of  the  place  fo  near  the  time  competent  judges  of  the 
matters  of  lb  notorious  Faff  ?  And  were  the  lame  Bifhops  an  infallible  Gene- 
ral Council  at  the  6th  Council,  and  yet   all  wicked  Scliilinaticks  or  Knaves, 



Charch-Hijlory  of  Bipops  and 

and  wicked  Men,  when  they  meet  again  but  to  make  Church-Canons  for 
Reformation  ?  If  this  do  not  tell  you  how  truly  Bmnins  (aith,  in  their  own 
judgment  []  that  Councils  ha've  jiift  jo  much  uiithority  as  the  Popegrjetb  thern^ 
what  can  tell  it  you  ? 

§49.  Vca,B/n«;/// makes  this  Council  to  be  Alonothclitei :  And  were  the 
Cimc  Men  Orthodox  in  the  5  th  or  6  th  Council  ten  years  before,and  Hercticks 
in  this?  Is  this  the  conftancy  of  the  Church  and  Biihops  Faith  ? 

§  fo.  The  I  3  th  Canon  is  one  that  difpleafcth  them  j  in  which  the  pra- 
flj"  (Ttice  of  the  Church  of  Rome  In  (epaniting  Pricfts  from  their  Wives ,  is  ex- 
prclly  renounced  j  and  it  is  decreed  that  no  Pricll  be  required  to  feparate  from 
his  Witc,  (  (b  be  it  they  abftain  at  Fafts  and  iKCcflary  Sealons  )  nor  any 
Prieft  endured  to  put  away  his  Wife,  on  pretence  of  piety;  elle  he  muft  be 

§  f  I .  Andther  is  the  1 6th  Canon,  that  maketh  Deacons  like  Overfcers 
of  the  Poor.  ^ 

§  5:1.  The  2  id  is  a  hard  Canon  that  BIfliops  and  Priefls,  ordained  with 
money,  and  not  by  examination  and  elecUon,  be  dcpofed  ,  and  they  that  or- 
dained ihcm. 

§  fj.The  36th  Canon  difpleafcth  them  aho,  which  confefs  the  Church 
of  Co7iJlantino^le's  Priviledges  as  equal  with  Rome. 

§  5'4.  The  5  8  th  Canon  containeth  one  great  caufe  of  the  old  Confufi- 
ons,  "jix,.  TIjat  tuhatever  alteration  the  Imperial  Fover  makes  on  any  City,  the 
Kcclefiaftical  Order  alfo  follow  it.  Did  God  make  this  Law  ?  Are  not  as 
many  Souls  in  a  Town  that's  no  City  as  capable  of  being  a  Church  as  Citi- 
zens ?  It  is  in  the  Princes  power  to  make  and  unmake  Cities :  May  he  ac- 
cordingly make  or  unmake  Churches?  What  if  a  King  will  have  but  one 
City  in  his  Kingdom,  mull:  there  be  no  moi-e  Churches  or  Bifhops  ?  What  if 
there  be  no  Cities  {  as  in  many  .^wfnc(r«  and  jirabian  Countries)  muft 
there  be  no  Churches  ?  What  if  the  King  \^^  disfranchize  moft  of  the 
Cities,  and  another  will  make  every  Market  Town  a  City  ;  muft  Churches 
be  altered  accordingly  ?  If  (b,0  that  our  King  would  make  us  fb  many 
Cities,  as  the  work  and  the  fouls  of  Men  need  true  Bifliops,  that  one  might 
not  have  a  thouland  Parifhcs  without  any  lubordinate  Bifhop  !  But  if  this 
hold,  the  Emperor  might  have  taken  down  Rome,  and  let  up  Confiatitimple, 
or  any  other  at  pleafiire. 

§5').  CiVi.^o.  Forbad  Clergy  and  Laity  to  play   at  Dice,  on  pain  of 
Dcpohiion,  or  Segregation. 

And  Can.'^i.  forbids  going  to  Shews,  Jcftcrs,Stagc-Plays,Huntin?s. 
The  5:5'th  Canon  commands  the  Church  oi  Rome  to  amend  their  Cuftoms, 
and  not  to  faft  on  Sabbath-days. 

Can.  62.  h'orbids  Womens  Publick Dancings,  and  Mens  and  Womcns  to- 
gether ,  and  their  putting  on   Mafquers    or  Players  Apparel ,    or  Perions, 

CV«.  65.  Command"th  the  burning  of  falfe  Hiftar.'es  of  the  Martyrs,  as 
tending  to  bringing  Rcligijninto  reproach.^ 


their  Councils  ahnd':ed. 



continual  joyful  Praifcs  to  God,  and  holy  Exerclfes,  and  to  ulc  no  Horfe-Ra- 
ces,  &c. 

The  6  7th  Canon  is  againft:  eating  Blood. 

CtiM.jT..  Nullifietli Marriage  with  Hcreticks.  (Alas,  good  Bifliops,  did 
you  think  the  Papifts  would  have  Hereticated  you  as  Monothelhes,  and  nulli- 
fied all  Marriages  with  you  by  this  Canon  ?  But  two  Hcreticks  Marriage 
is  not  null. 

Can.  7  8.  Commandeth  all  the  illitminate  ( bapli7-cd )  to  learn  the  Be- 
lief, and  every  Friday  to  fay  it  to  the  Rijliop  and  Fresh)  ten.  (  How  many  Pa- 
rifhcs  or  hundred  Pariflies  had  the  Bifhop  then  to  hear  ?  Not  lb  many  as 
ours. ) 

§  5-().  Tie  8x  Canon  offends  the  Papifts,  forbidding  the  PitSlure  of  a 
Lamb  to  be  made  for  Chrifl  as  the  Lamb  of  God. 

The  90th  Canon  is  (  an  old  one  )  Not  to  kneel  on  any  hored-iay ,  and 
that  this  begin  on  the  evening  before. 

P.  1 5:  f.  Binniui  reproveth  them  for  calling  Cyprian  Archblfliop  ,  and  he 
provcth  that  Africa  then  had  no  Archbifhop  or  Primate. 

§  5-7.  CCXXll.  ^'w.  693.  was  another  71 /cr<»»  Council,  called  by  King 
"Egtea :  Before  it  the  King  writeth  a  Sermon  for  them,  wherein  he  tclis  them, 
That  every  Partjli  that  have  twelve  Families,  mu^  have  their  proper  Gover- 
nor :  But  if  hjs,  it  mufi  be  part  of  amthers  charge. 

§  5-8.  CCXXIII.  Jn.6^4..  was  another  To/f/rt;*  Council  under  the  fame 
King  Egica  :  (  One  would  wonder  that  the  Legillativc  vertue  of  the  Church 
fhould  be  continued  to  fuch  fertility  and  multitude  of  Laws,  as  muft  follow 
if  in  all  Countries  there  be  every  year  a  Council':  How  gjeat  muft  the 
Volumes  of  L;iws  be  at  laft  ?  )  Bimtins  in  liis  Notes  on  this  Council  tells  us. 
That  though  Paul  would  have  the  believing  Husband  or  Ji'ife  fray  with  the 
Unbeliever,  in  hope  of  Converfrm  ,  yet  many  hundred  years  experience  hath 
taught  us  the  contrary,  ( that  it  tendeth  ratho-  to  hurt  than  good  )  and  there- 
fore now  It  ?ruft  be  otherv'tfe,and  they  mufi  feparate. 

§  5-9.  CCXXIV.  Even  to  thoft  days  the  number  of  Vagans  and  Infidels  in 
moft  Countries  was  the  greateft,  and  the  care  of  good  men  was  to  convert 
them :  (  And  therefore  we  read  ftill  of  lb  many  baptized  at  age.  )  A  Coun- 
cil at  Utrecht  decreed  (  ll'illebrood  {  or  Ji'illifr id)  znd  Suibert  being  Lead- 
ers )  that  the  beft  Preachers  fliould  be  lent  from  the  Neighbor  Chui  ches  to 
convert  the  Heathens,  (  that  was  better  work,  than  ftriving  who  (hould  be 
chief,  or  raging  about  hard  words.} 

§60.  CCXXV.  A  Synod  at  Jc^uileia,  An.  698.  condemned  the  i)th 
General  Council  at  Confiantmcplc,  for  condemning  the  tria  Capitula  of  the 
Council  uf  Calcedun.     (  O  what  Concord  Councils  caulcd  !  ) 

§61.  Pope  Scrgt.'is  refullng  to  own  the  Council  of  Covfiant-  at  Trul. 
under  yufimian  id,  the  Emperor  commanded  that  he  (hould  be  brought  Pri- 
lijncr  w  Covfiant mople.  The  Soldiers  of  Ravenna  (5erg/.-«  having  paid  them 
the  1 00  /.  of  Gold  )  hearing  of  it,  rofe  up  and  refcued  him,  and  made  the 
Emperor's  Officer  in  feai"  beg  for  his  life.  By  luch  Obedience  Rome  kept  up. 

D  d  §  6i. 




Cbwch-Hijlory  of  ^ijlops  and 

§  6r.  Ttberius  the  id  depofed  yujiinian  the  id,  and  cut  ofi  his  No(e,and 
banifhed  liim.  yuflmian  was  reftored,  and  expofed  Ttbai.'fs  to  (corn ,  and 
killed  him  ,  and  baniflicd  BiQiop  CaUinicus  to  Rome  for  unfaithfulnefi  to  his 
Prince,     yohn  the  6  th  was  now  Pope. 

§63.  John  the  7  th  b  made  Pope  (  another  Gjuncil  at  Tele  turn  under 
King ///.'/z.^  I  pals  by)  he  was  a  Gr«j{;.  CCXXVl.  He  gathev'd  a  Synod 
nt  Ror»e,io  debate  7"7?'»'^w's  Order  for  the  receiving  the  Trull.  CmciL 
And  our  Englifh  Willi fr id,  accufcd  by  his  King,  was  here  jufliilied,  as  a  Son  of 
that  Churcli :  And  a  Synod  in  England  received  him,  when  the  King  was 

§  64..  Sijimiins  made  Pope  lived  but  ro  days,  and  Conflantine  fucceeded 
him,  who  was  (ent  for  to  Conftantinofle,  and  honoured  by  yufl'mtan. 

§65-.  About  this  time  (An.  700.)  S^am  was  conquered  by  the  5<J7-^- 
0^      cens;  Ei/mius  ^th,  Becatife  Kmg  Wkizz  forjook  the  See  of  Rome.  By  which 
we  ftill  fee  that  Rome  was  fovlaken  even  by  the  beft  Church,  fuch  as  Spain 
then  was,  and  was  not  the  Ruler  of  the  World. 

§  66.  Bardanes  Philippicus  by  Rebellion  depofed  ynjiinian^nd  was  made 
Emperor  ;  and  within  two  years  was  Co  uftd  bimfeif  by  Anafiajius,  (  his 
eyes  put  out,  and  he  banilTied.  ) 

§  67.  CCXXVII.  The  Emperor  Thilippicus  and  Job.  Confiant.  called 
General  Council  at  Ccnfiantinofle  j  I  may  well  call  it  General,  when  Binnias 
faith,  Tiere  "ivere  innumerable  Bi^wps,  which  is  not  ^id  of  any  other  Council. 
They  all  condemned  the  6th  General  Council,  and  their  Opinion  of  two 
IVtlls,  and  two  Operations.     Where  it  is  manifcft, 

3.  How  great  a  part  of  the  Church  regarded  not  the  Authority  of 

1..  Nor  thought  a  General  Council  infallible,  when  imiumerabh  Bijhops 
are  againft  both. 

3.  And  how  ftrong  the  Monothelite  Party  was. 

4.  And  alas,  how  bad  too  many  Bifhops,  that  can  change  as  fall  as  Empe- 
rors will  have  them.  For  faith  Binmus  (  after  Baronius  )  [  Thus  at  the  beck 
of  the  Emperor,  and  at  the  will  of  a  Monothelite  Tatriarch  ,  the  holy  fixth 
Synod  is  condemned,  atid  what  they  decreed  of  two  TVills  in  Chrifi,  and  two 
Operations,  and  all  retraced  by  the  Decree  and  Subfcription  of  'very  many  Ori- 
ental BiJJiops,  that  were  m  one  momejjt  turned  from  being  Catholiijiies,  to  be 
Monothdites.  ]  Is  tliis  the  conftancy  of  Bifhops,  and  the  certainty  of  their 
Tradition  ?  But  why  have  we  not  the  Adts  of  this  great  Council ,  us  well 
as  of  the  reft  ? 

C  H  A  P. 

their  Councils  ahridzed. 


CHAP.    IX. 

CoUficils  called  about  Images  ancl  feme  others. 

§  I  .T)  Ope  Gregory  the  id  is  the  Man  that  mud  (et  up   Imagc-worfhip 

JL     againft  all  oppofition,  rebel  againil:  his  lawful  Sovereign  ,  and  con-  ^ 

federate  with  other  Princes  to  alienate  the  TVefiem  Empire, when  the  Eaft  was 
almoft  ruined  before,  and  fo  to  weaken  the  Chrilllan  Power  ,  that  the  Turk 
might  fhortly  win  the  Empire. 

§  I.  To  have  recited  all  along  as  we  went  on ,  what  new  Ceremonies, 
Formalities  and  Orders  were  invented  and  brought  in  by  tlic  Popc3,and  how 
Doftrine  and  Pradlice  grew  corrupted,  being  a  thing  done  already  by  many 
others,  would  have  been  tedious  here,  and  beiides  the  defignof  this  writing, 
which  is  but  to  fhew  how  Prelates  have  ufed  the  Church  by  their  conten- 
tions about  JURISDICTION  and  HARD  or  AMBIGUOUS  WORDS  j 
and  what  hath  been  the  work  efpecially  of  General  Councils.  But  we  can- 
not tell  you  well  the  work  of  the  following  Councils,  without  telling  fome- 
what  of  the  occafion  of  the  matter. 

The  Primitive  Chriftians  u(ed  not  Images  in  the\^'orfhip  of  God,  (  read 
Dalarts  de  Imaginibus.)  But  the  contempt  of  Chriftianity  by  the  Heathens, 
occalioned  many  to  oppofe  their  contempt  by  glorying  in  the  CroG  of  Chrift, 
and  by  making  the  tranlicnt  fign  of  it  with  their  fingers ;  and  thence  they 
grew  to  ufe  the  fixed  fign  of  it ;  and  thence  to  fpeak  of  and  believe  many 
Miracles  wrought  by  it ;  and  thence  to  make  the  Image  of  Chrift  crucified, 
(  which  yet  Epiphatiws  condemned ; )  and  thence  by  degrees  to  make  the 
Images  of  the  Apoftles  and  Martyrs ;  and  thence  to  make  in  their  Churches 
the  Images  of  their  deceafcd  Biihops,  (  till  an  Excommunicater  arofe  of  an- 
other Opinion,  that  pull'd  any  of  them  down.  ) 

And  abundance  of  Dreams,  Vifions,  Apparitions  and  Rcvelation'J  were  the 
pretended  Proofs  that  prevailed  for  many  (iich  Superftitions,  but  efpecially 
for  Images,  and  Purgatory,  and  Prayers  for  the  dearl.  Among  others ,  an 
EnglijI)  Monk,  Egwin  of  Evcjliolme,  cholcn  Bilhop  of  Itorcefier,  niuft  lead 
the  way,  by  pretence  of  a  Vilion,  (a  Dream,  no  doubt  )  (ce  Spelmans  Con- 
di, p.  109.  in  his  own  Chart  Egwin  laith,  \jThat  the  Virgin  Mary  fir  ft  ap- 
peared to  a  certain  Shepherd  called  Eoves,  and  afterward  to  himfelf  witb  two 
Virgins,  holding  a  Book  in  her  hands,  and  told  him  in  what  place  jiie  would 
have  him  build  her  a  Monafltry.  The  crafty  Dreamer  divulged  the  Vihon, 
and  fbme  good  Men  oppoling  it,  the  Pope  muft  have  the  hearing  of  it.  Tl:e 
Pope  put  it  to  the  Oath  of  £gTA';«,whether  ever  he  law  (uch  a  Vifion  or  not? 
Eguin  (ware  it,  and  the  matter  was  pall  doubt,  ( juft  as  honeft  CoTvnjenins 
took  Dauhitius\  Prophefies  to  be  of  God  ,  becaufe  the  melancholy  Man 
fware  that  they  were  true. )  Hereupon  Egvnn  is  lent  home,  and  a  Council 
called  to  take  Egwnh  words  again  that  he  had  (uch  a  Vilion ,  (  and  in  the 

D  d   X  end 


104  Ctiaxh-Hijhry  of  ^iJlKfs  and 

end  was  added,  Tl\n  the  Kirgin  Mary';  Itfiage  mufi  he  fet  up  in  the  place.  ) 
The  Pope  fent  to  King  Kenred  and  King  Offa  by  Bilhop  BrithwaU,  to 
grant  what  the  Vifion  intended  j  who  obediently  make  over  a  great  part  of 
the  Countrey  to  that  Monaftery,as  you  may  (ce  defcribcd  in  Spe!man,  Cone, 
p.  i09,  xio.  inCharta  Kenredi  ^  Oftae  Regiim.  And  p.1.11.  in  Charta 
Egwini,  who  (aitli  himfelf,  that  {^God  being  propitiorts  to  him  ,  he  had  in  a 
little  time  got_  for  the  /aid  Church  an  hundred  and  twenty  Farms  given  ,  ar 
ts  written  and  confirmed  in  the  Charter  of  that  Church.  Many  Villages  are 
there  named,  and  (bme  great  cnes,in  the  fatted  and  richeft  part  of  the  Coun- 
ty of /f^r«y?«-.  Was  not  this  a  profitable  Dream  or  Vifion?  And  fhould 
we  not  have  many  Dreamers  and  Swearers,  if  they  could  get  as  much  by  it 
as  Egwin  did  ?  And  herewith  Ijnages  are  fet  up. 

§  3.  But  Baroni.'/s  and  Binnins  qutftion  whether  Nauckr    and  Bale  fdy 
true,  that  this  Council  Hrfl:  brought  Image-wordiip  into  England,  becaufe  it 
'Paj.iiy,  came  in  before  with  .Aujlin _  the  Monk.     To  which  Spelman  *  well  answer- 
zi8.  vide  eth,  That  the  ufe  of  the  Crofs  in  banners  and  otherwifc  was  here  before,and 
cxter.i.       ^jj^g  Images  for  Inftruciion  and  Commemoration,  as  Bedas  own  words  in- 
timate ;  but  not  any  worfhip  of  Images,  or  worfhiping  before  and  towards 

And  Sir  H.  Spelman  (aith,  (  proving  that  Imagc-worfliip  was  not  then  in 
uft  among  the  6'<7jccw  J  that  even  praying  to  the  Saints  thcmftlves  was  not 
then  in  uft,  mentioning  an  old  Pfalter  of  his  written  about  the  time  of  the 
ad  Nicene  Council,  in  which  there  were  an  hundred  (eventy  and  one  Pray- 
ers inferted  between  the  Sections  of  the  i  1 9  th  Tfalm,  and  in  them  all  not  one 
name  of  any  Saint,or  the  Virgin /Ti^jry,  much  le(s  any  Prayer  direfted  to 

§  4.  If  one  talk  now  v/ith  our  E?fgli(h  Papifts ,  they^  are  Co  loth  to 
own  their  own  Do£i:rine  and  Praftice,  that  they  will  tell  you  they  hold  not 
the  v/orfhiping  of  the  Image,  but  of  the  Perfbn  fignificd  by  it.  But  to  tell 
them  how  commonly  their  Writers  defend  worfhlpping  Images  ,  (  if  Colere 
and  Cultfis  fignilie  Worfhip  )  and  what  Ac^Hm.js  (aith  of  giving  the  worfhip 
of  Latria  to  the  Image  of  Chrifi,  and  to  the  Crofs,  though  undeniable,  yet 
will  not  be  taken  for  fufficient  proof.  I  fhall  tlicrefore  give  you  here  the 
(enfe  of  the  Papal  Church  in  England,  in  the  form  of  Abjuration  which 
they  prcfcribcd  to  thole  that  they  then  called  Lollards,  as  it  is  found  in  the 
Towtr  Records ;  and  you  muft  take  it  in  the  old  Eng!!(li  in  which  it  is  writ- 
ten, becaufe  I  do  but  tranfcribe  it,  and  muit  not  alter  it,  the  (enfe  of  it  being-, 
plain  and  obvious. 


their  Cowicih  abridged.  205 

"  £.v  Rotulo  Claafax.  Je  Anno  Re^i  Regis   RicarM  fecimdi    1 9   membr. 
"  1 8  dors. 

MEmorand.  quod  frimo  die  Se^tcmbris  j^mio  Regni  Regis  Rkardi  fc 
ctmdt  poJ-}  Ci/nquejhm  decimo  tutio  If'tUie/mus  Dynel  df  Nicholaus 
''^Taillour,  Michaelirs  Poiicher,  d^  litllielr»:is  Srejff70ur,de  Nottingham  in  Ctm- 
"  ciUar.  ipjius  Regis  ferfmaliter  confittutt  Sacrament  a  drcijim  freflitcrunt  (ub 
"  eo  <jui  jcquitur  tcncre.  [^I  If'illiam  Dynel  befor  jhoiv  worchiptfuH  Fader  and 
"  Lorde  Arcbbjjliop  of  Thorke  and  yhowr  Clergie,  with  my  free  wdl  and  full 
"  avyjide  ju>ere  to  Gode  and  to  all  his  jeyntes  nppcn  this  holy  Gofpelle  that  fro 
"  this  day  fi-rthwarde  7  JJ?«// Worihlp  Ymages  zritb  preying  and'offertng  unto 
"  hem  in  the   u-crfchif  cf  the  Jeintes  thae  they  be  made  after  and  alfo  I 

^^  Jliall  neiter  more  dcjpyje  pygremage  nejhtcs  cf  halyChyrche  in  no  degree.  And 
"  alfo  Ijhall  be  buxum  to  the  I  awes  of  holyChirche  and  to  y  hew  as  myn  Atch- 
"  by^op  and  to  myn  other  ordinares  and  Curates  and  kepe  yo  laives  uppon  my 
"  power  and  meynten  hem.  And  alfo  I  flull  meynten  ne  techen  ne  defcndtn 
"  errours  ccncluficns  ^  techynges  of  the  Lollards  ne  jwych  conclufcns  and 
"  techings  that  men  ckpyth  Lollardes  dcitryn  Ne  I  jhall  her  bokes  ne  fu'ych 
"  bokes  ne  hem  or  any  {ujfecl  or  dtjf.imed  cf  Lcllardery  refceyne  or  company 
"  with  all  wyttyngly  or  defende  mys  m.Uters  and  if  I  know  ony  fwych  ipiall 
with  all  the  hafi  that  Imjy  do  ghowe  or  els  your  ntr  Officers  to  wyten  and 
"  of  her  bokes.  And  alio  I  (fiall  excite  and ftirr  all  tho  to  good  dottr)n  that 
"  /  ha've  hindered  with  myn  doilryn  up  my  power.  And  aljo  I  pall  ftmde  to 
*'  yhour  declaration  wych  es  Inrefy  or  trrcur  and  do  therafttr  and  alfo  what' 
"  peTktnce  yhe  wel  for  that  I  h.xue  dn  for  meyntenyng  of  this  falj  doilryn 
"  menyne  and  I  pall  ftilfid  it  and  I  jubmtt  me  therto  up  my  poU'cr.  And 
^^  aljo  I  pall  make  no  other  glofe  of  this  myn  ctb  bet  as  the  vcrdes  Jlcnde. 
*'  And  if  It  be  fo  that  I  come  agayn  or  do  agayyt  thtt  oth  or  any  party  tbaerf 
"  /  holde  me  here  cowpable  as  an  her^tyke  and  to  be  punyped  by  the  law  as  an 
*^heretyk  and  to  forfeit  all  my  gcca'cs  to  the  Kynges  will  w)th  cutcn  any  cthr 
"  frocejfe  of  lawe.  And  therto  I  require  the  Notarie  to  make  cf  all  this  tho 
"  whych  IS  my  will  an  inftrument  agens  me  ut  ex  babundanti  idem  Jiillielmrts 
"  Dynel  eodem  die  -volHit  O"  reccgno-vit  quod  omnia  bona  df  catalUfua  mobillia 


nobis  Jint  forisfaEla    in  cafu  quo  ipfe  jaramentum  prtsdiilum  feu  aliqua  iii 
eodem  jwramcnto  content  a  de  cetera  comravenerit  ulto  mode. 

Here  you  fee  whether  Paplfts  worfhip  Images,  and  whether  they  take  ir 
not  for  Herefie  (  which  is  deatli )  not  to  worlTiip  them ,  and  whether  they 
leave  it  to  mens  liberty  or  not. 

§  f.  Leo  Ifaurus  bcin^ Emperor,  he  took  the  worpipp'mg  of  Images  to  be 
Idolatry;    and  liis  Empire  being  invaded  by  the  Saracens,  who  were  Icandah-i 


2  0.6  Church-Hijlory  of  Bijho[JS   mi.l 

zed  by  the  Chriflians  Images,  he  thought  it  was  a  warning  to  him  to  reform 
them  i  and  he  publifhcd  his  Edi(£b  accordingly  againll  the  Religious  adora- 
tion and  ule  of  the  Images  of  Angels,  Martyrs,  or  Saints.  Gregory ,  Bifhop 
of  Rome,  refilled  him,  and  made  Men  believe  that  this  was  to  tight  agaitill: 
Chrill,  and  impioufly  to  defpifc  the  Saints.  The  Emperor  commanded  liis 
Obedience  on  pain  of  Depolition.  He  would  neither  obey  nor  (lifter.  The 
Emperor  lent  Men  to  apprehend  him,  ( (bme  (ay  to  kill  him  , )  but  he  e(ca- 
pcd  them.  The  Lombards  were  ftirred  up  to  make  \Y-ix  againft  the  Em- 
(O  pcror  as  an  Enemy  of  Chrill:  [Tie  Vope  (faith  Bhwi.'/s ,  f.  177.  out  of 
Zcfiaras  )  entered  into  a  Leag^ne  -with  Charles  Martell  King  of  France , 
that,  if  there  -were  need,  he  \huuld  defend  the  Church  of  Rome  agninjl  the 
Emperor  (  their  proper  Sovereign  )  which  League  being  prudently  made,  the 
Emperor  abfiained  for  fear  of  Charles,  who  by  great  ytthrtes  was  become  fa- 
mom. — But  when  the  Emperor  would  not  obey  the  Topers  pious  warnings ,  but 
ufed  Tyranny  in  the  Eaft  againft  the  Orthodox ,  then  the  Pope  anathematized 
him  as  a  known  declared Heretick,  and  exhorted  all  ha  Subje^s  in  Italy  t» 
depart  from  his  obedience.  '\ 

Note  how  Rebellion  is  the  work  and  flrength  of  the  Roman  Papacy:  But 
do  not  our  Papifts  now  difown  all  this,  and  profefi  themfelves  to  be  the 

Loyalleft  Subjects  ? 

uinfw.  If  they  do,  let  them  join  Reftitution  with  Confeflion.  If  the  Fa- 
ther feize  on  another  mans  Inheritance,  and  the  Son  keep  it,  and  difclaim  his 
Fathers  a£l:,  this  is  but  a  dead  Confeflion. 

But  hear  the  next  words  in  Btnnius,  and  judge  what  Doftrine  yet  they 
hold,  \_.^o  faEto  SancliJJimus  Pcntifex  clartjjimum  pofteris  ftifs  reliquit  ex- 
emplum  j  ne  in  Ecclejia  Chrifii  regere  permittantur  haretici  Principes  ,  f  fre- 
^uefiter  moniti  errori  pertinaciter  adharefcant.']  That  is,BY  WHICH  FACT 
(  depofmg  the  Emperor  in  Italy  ,  and  abfolving  all  his  Subjefts  from  their 

Note  this  ye  Princes  and  Rulers  that  hear  of  Papal  Loyalty. 

I.  It  is  not  lawfiil  for  them,  if  they  can  help  it,  to  permit  any  of  you  to 
reign  over  Chriftians,  if  they  do  but  judge  you  Heretical.  To  tolerate  you 
is  againft  their  Confciences,  if  to  depole  you  be  not  above  their  ftrength. 

X.  By  this  Rule  you  fee,  that  they  were  virtual  Rebels  to  moft  or  many 
Emperors,  when  they  durft  not  actually  rebel,  i .  When  Confiantine  the 
Great  baniftied  Athanafms,  it's  li]<e  they  would  have  taken  him  for  an  Here- 
tick.  %.  Conftantius  and  Valens  being  Arrians,  the  Pope  did  virtually  rebel 
againft  them,  and  depofc  them  (if  then  they  were  of  the  ftme  mind  as  now.) 
|}.  Tbeodfius  junior,  Zenc,  Annfiafus,  and  other  Emperors  they  virtually  de- 
pofed  as  Eutychians.     4.  Jtifiinian  the  tirft  they  virtually  dcpofed  as  a  Phan- 


their  Councils  abrid<red.  207 

tajiaftick.  J.  T/jtlippkus,  and  many  more  Emperors  are  called  by  them  Mc- 
mthelites.  6.  Leo  and  Ccnflantine^  and  others,  are  called  IcmocJafi^e.  7.  Ma- 
ny Chriftian  Princes  and  States,  now  are  called  by  them  Protejlant  or  Luthe- 
ran Hereticks.  All  thefe,  they  &y,  are  fuch  as  may  not  be  permitted ,  and 
therefore  they  have  interpretatively  and  virtually  rebelled  ,  and  depoled 

3.  You  fee  how  great  a  matter  this  Excommunication  is,and  how  impofll- 
ble  it  Is,  by  it  for  Kings  and  States  to  continue  long  in  any  right  to  their  Dc- 
minions :  For  all  men  err  j  and  while  there  are  fo  many  Patriarchs,Prclates, 
if  not  Priefts  that  hare  the  power  of  Excommunicating,  all  men  ma}-  expert 
it  .•  For  he  that  is  orthodox  in  the  judgment  of  one  Patriarch,  will  be  a 
Heretick  in  the  judgment  of  another  :  while  Rome,  Confl.  AkxatiJ.  Antwch, 
Jerufal.  are  lb  fcldom  of  one  mind.  If  with  the  repenting  Lollard (,  aforc- 
6id  )  you  will  fwcar  to  hold  that  for  Error  which  the  Archbifhop  of  York 
(aith  is  (uch,  perhaps  the  Archbifhop  of  Canterbury  may  be  of  the  contrary 

mind  :  Tho(e  called  Adrians,  Neff^orians,  Eutychians,  Alenorhehtes,  Icottoclafisj  'ti 

&c.  have  in  their  turns  had  moft  of  the  known  Chriftjan  \\'orld.  And 
he  that  is  Excommunicate  by  one,  muft  be  received  by  none. 

4.  But  if  it  be  the  Popes  prerogative,  that  though  more  may  Excommu- 
nicate Kings  and  Emperours,  none  but  he  can  Jepofe  them,  and  difobhge  all 
their  Subjcils,  it's  pity  but  thole  Princes  that  are  in  love  with  fuch  a  Papacy 
fliould  know  by  experience  what  they  love  :  For  he  that  will  take  Satan  for 
his  Ruler,  mull  bear  the  inconveniences  of  his  Government. 

5'.  You  (cc  here  how  the  Empire  was  weakned,  and  lb  expofed  to  tlie 
Turk  \  even  by  the  Rebellion  of  Rome  cutting  oft  the  Wejtem  Empire  from 

6.  And  you  lee  what  true  Subje^ls  they  were  to  the  Arrian,  Gothijh  Kings, 
at  Rome,  Spain,  &cc.  who  would  have  depoled  them  if  they  could.  What 
wonder  if  the  Goths  kept  down  the  Pope. 

§  6.  In  theft  times  the  Pope  met  with  an  Englifl)  Birtiop  Wilfrid,  who  ex- 
traordinarily flattered  and  adored  him,  and  he  accordingly  made  him  B"lliop 
of  Alentz,,  and  his  great  agent  {  even  about  this  forclaid  Englifh  Council 
which  was  to  let  up  Church-Imag(;s ;  )  and  recommended  him  to  many 
Chrirtian  Princes:  And  why  was  a.l  this  ?  and  what  was  liis  rare  mer't  ?  He 
took  this  Oath  to  the  Pope  (  Bin.  p.  1 7  8  j  [_  '  '  In  the  name  of  the  Lord  Je- 
'  *■  ff/s  ChriJ}  our  Saviour,  tnthe  Reign  of  Leo  the  great  Emperutr  5cc.  /  Boni- 
*  *  (icc,Btjhop  by  the  Grace  of  God,do Promtje  to  t/jec,Tctcy,  Prince  of  the  A:o-  • 
'  ^  ftles,and  to  thy  Vtcar  Pope  Gvcgpry  and  hisSuccc^ors,  by  the  Father,Scn  and 
' '  Holy  Ghf.j},  the  infeparable  Trinity,  and  tbis  m:fi  Holy  Bo.'y  cf  thine,  that 
' '  I  wdl  exhibite  all  faith  and  purity  of  holy  CathoUck  faith,  and  in  un:iy  of 
' '  the  fame  faith,  God  operatifig.  Will  perfiit,  m  which  all  the  fal-vaitjn  cf 
' '  Chrifiians  is  pro'vcd  undoubtedly  to  conffi ;  and  will  no  way  ccn'hit, 
' '  whoever  perfwadeth  me,ngamji  the  unity  cf  the  common  and  unrocrfal Churchy 
' '  but,  as  ffaid,  will  exhibite  my  faith  and  purity  and  concourfe  to  thee  and  to 
'  '■the  Profits  of  thy  Church,  to  whom  by  the  Lord  the  Power  of  binding  and 

"  hofi'^z 



208  Church-Hijhry  of  (Bijhops  and 

"  loojmg  is  given ,  a?)d  to  thj  aforesaid  J^icar  and  hU  SuccejTors  in  all  things^ 
"&C.J  -      ' 

Nothing  is  more  mciitoncn:s  wltli  a  Pope,  or  any  Prelate  of  that  Spirit, 
thaii  to  be  ahfolutcly  dcvctcd  to  him,  and  (wear  obedience  to  him  :  Indeed 
they  that  are  fiilly  ful'.cn  from  God  (  as  Satan  is  \  would  be  as  Gods  to  the 
world  themlclves,  and  have  all  men  depend  upon  them,and  obey  them. 

§  7.  \'\'har  Arguments  moved  the  Emperor  to  be  againft  Images,  (fpecial- 
ly  the  xd  Commandment  )  and  how  Gregory  thought  that  it  was  not  the 
Images  of  God  and  Chrill,and  Angels  and  Saints  that  were  forbidden,  you 
may  lee  in  his  Epifilcs  too  long  to  be  here  recited. 

§  8.  Here  Bimiius  inferteth  three  Roman  Councils.  One  curfmg  unlaw- 
ful Marriages.  Another  perluading  Corhwianus  to  keep  his  BilTioprick,  who 
would  fain  have  laid  it  down.  And  a  third  for  Images,  againft  the  Icmoclafts 
( the  Emperor's  Herefie.  ) 

§  9.  Gregory  3d  fucceedcth  Gregory  xd.  He  lendeth  his  Epiftles  for 
Images  to  the  Emperor.  The  firft  Meflenger  durft  not  deliver  xhem.  The 
reft  were  ftopt  at  Stctly,  and  kept  Prilbners.  Tiie  Lombards  infefted  Italy 
and  Rome.  The  Pope  importuneth  the  French  King  for  help.  Al^honfus  is 
made  King  in  Sfam  againft  the  Saracetis,  and  firft  called  himfelf  [^Catholick 
e^  Kmg.']  Two^Councih-,B/«»««  laith,were  held  at  Rome  for  Images.  The 
Title  of  the  lecond  is,  [  Pro  Imagi'iumCuUii,  for  the  Worllilp  of  Images : 
yln.  jT^x.  Image- wcrfhip  was  then  avowed.  But  the  £<?/?«•«  Churches  did 
more  obey  the  Emperor. 

§  10.  Pope  Zachary  coming  mxt,  in  whole  time  Italy  was  diftrefled  by 
Luitfrmjdiis  King  of  the  Lombards, who  took  four  Cities  from  the  Pope,  be- 
caule  he  protected  Trafr/nimdui  Duke  of  Spoleto  :  The  Romans  helped  Trafi- 
mtmd,  on  condition  he  would  reftore  to  them  the  four  Cities ;  he  performeth 
not  his  promile  :  wherefore  Pope  Zachary  turned  to  Luitpand,  and  to  win 
him,  S^lntaria  nil  pradicavitflkiih  j'JnafiaJiiis  j  and  he  promifcd  him  to  re- 
ftore the  four  Cities.  For  the  performance  whereof,  this  Pope  travelled  to 
him  himfclf,  (  noted  by  AnaflajiHs  as  a  great  a6i:  of  (elf-denial,  as  venturing 
his  life  for  the  Caufc  of  God,  that  he  would  go  to  the  King  to  ask  for  four 
Cities  )  which  he  happily  obtained. 

§11.  In  this  Pope''s  time  the  Crown  of  France  was  tranflatcd  from  the 
King  and  his  Line,  to  a  Subjc6f,  his  AJajor  Domus. 

Charles  Martell  the  great  French  Conqueror  was  the  Pope's  Patron  againft 
the  Emperor  who  was  his  Sovereign.  Gratian.  d.  16.  <^.  i.  pos}  Can.  5- 9] 
tells  it  us  as  a  m.atttr  ofChurch-crcdit,that  when  he  was  dead,he  was  damned 
to  Hell  ( much  blood,  and  defending  Pcpes  that  rebel  against  their  So'vereign 
arc  a  very  lilcciy  prooh  )  Carolumanjms  fticcecdcd  him,  who,  after  two  years 
Reign,  rcfigncd  his  Crown,  and  chole  a  Monaftery.  Chilperic  that  came 
ahei-,  proved  very  dull  and  jaiftial,  and  giving  himl'elf  to  Iiis  pleafijre,  let 
the  biiiincls  of  Govcrr.mcnt  lie  moft  on  the  hands  of  Pepin  ,  who  was  his 
Major  Domiis.,  who  theieby  got  the  poiver  and  the  rej^ecl  that  was  proper  to 


ti?eir  Coioicils  abridge  J.  209 

the  King,  while  the  King  grew  into  contempt.     ('And  if  Kings  cannot  keep 
up  their  Power  and  Honour  by  the  meer  dignity  of  their  place  ,    without 
ferfonal  worth  and  perform  am  c-^\i\\y  (hould  Popes,Prelates  and  Priefts,(whore 
Power  and  Honour,  as  a  Phylicians,  depend  upon    their  Worth  and  Work  ) 
expect  to  keep  up  their  Power  and  Honour  mccrly  by  their  Offices?  )    Vefm 
won  firft  the  Nobles  of  Frimce^  and  then   the  Pope ;  For,    as  Baromus  and 
Binnius  (p.  197.)  tell  us,    '■'■^It  feemed  to  the  m  oil  Potent  Fepm  (Major 
"  Domus)  (*)  and  to  the  reft  of  the  chief  Mat,  and  to   all  the  People,  that  /  »  1  j^^^ 
"  he  that  had  not    the  Matter  and  Force  of  the  Kingdom  ,  flmuld  not  have  wonder. 
"  the  name  of  a  King  ;  and  on  the  contrary,  he  that   bad  the  Riches,  Power 
"  and  Virtue,  jhould  aljoha've  the  name   of  King:  And   hecaHfe    thefe  Princes 
"  and  People  were  Chrtfiiam,  they  judged  that   thefe  their  Councils  would  net' 
"  ther  fiand  ratified  to  Pofierity,  nor  be  acceptable  enough  to  God,  imlefs  they  re' 
"ceived  Authority  and  Force  from    the    common  Father  and  Paftor  of    the 
"  Chrtflian  Church,  the  Ficar  of  the  Lord  Chriit ,  and  Succejfor  of  St.  Peter. 
"  Therefore  they  fend  Legates  to  Rome  to  Zachary,of  whom  Bijlwp  Burchardus 
"  Hcrbipol.  was  the  chief,  who  were  to  ask   the  things  aforefaid  cf  him.     He 
"  confentcd,  and  decreed,  and  wrote   back,  that  Chilperic  being  thridt   into  a 
"  Monafiery,  (  *  )  St.  Boniface  Jljould  declare  and  anctnt  Pepin  Kmg  in  Ger-  ( * )  V^'crc 
"  many  atid  France  :  Bonifiice,  Bi^iop  of  Mcntz,  obeyed  Pope  Zachary  ,  and  notMonks 
"  by  the  Authority  of  the  See  ApoftJic,  depcfed  Chilperic,  (  called  al/o  Childc-  ^^^^^  j,"^" 
"  ric  )  and  placed  Pepin  /;;  his  fead.     Thus  JeginLart  tn  Fit.  Car.  Adcg. 
"  Annal.  Franc,  an.  7fl.  Paul.  Diac.  li.ix.  Adarianus  Scotus  It.  j.  Rtgmo 
^^  li.  1..  an.j\^.  Sigtbert  in  Chron.   Lambert   in   HiH.  Germ.    Otho  Frifng. 
"//.  5-.  XI.  Ado.  aiate  6,fol.xi'}.  Aimoinus  li.^  c.  65',&c.  Tea  (lay  ihey) 
"  the  Hereticks  of  our  times  deny  not  the  Hiflory. — But  they  fijor ply  imfugn  two 
"  circumftances :  Tbefirit  is,  that  it  a  great  wrong  to  Chilperic,  that  the 
"Kingdom  was  taken  from  him :  The  [econd,  that  the  laid  Iranjlation  was 
"  made  by  the  confent  of  the  Council,  Nobles  and  Ccmmcns,  without  the  Autba- 
"rity  of  the  Apcjiolic  Seat  *.     Scrarius  prcveth  that  the  canje  of  the  Tranjla-  *  jf  ..q^ 
"  tion  of  the  Kingdom  was  ju^.      1 .  Becauje  all  the  btH  men  did  d(f;e  and  will 
"  wif}  it,  and  did  by  their  cotmjd  and  help  co-operate  to  it.     x.  Bccaiife  St.  needs 
"  Btjhop  Burchardus  did,as Legate, follicite  thePopefcr  it.      3.  Pope  Zachary  t^*'*^  ^^'^ ^ 
"  commanded  it  to  be  done  ;  4.  And  the  moft  Holy  Boniface  at  the  Ptfi^s  f^  j^j^j   ^ 
"  command  did  execute  it.      f.  And  being  appro-oed  hy  Divine  Tifiiminy,    it  work, 
"  e  recited  m  the  [acred  Cations,  i  ^.  q.  6.  c.  alius.      6.  And  by  none  cf  the  '  th^t  you 
"  old  Hiftorians  not  praifed,  or  difallowed  :  Only  cur   new  Hereticks,tbat  love  '"  y  h^^'C 
"  No-velty,  Arrogance  and  Rebellion  by  their  pcr-jerfe  judgment  by   Ccntumilies  V,    ,},(. 
"andLyes  dijallow  it.     And  that  it  was  by  the  Auibority  of  the  l-.kc;  take 
*^  Seat,  that  the  Kingdom  tranjlated  from   Chilperic  to  Pepin,  tit  fere- ^^' 
^^faid  Hifiorians  do  jo  exprejly  jay, that  it's  a  wonder  with  what  front  the  in- 
"no-vating  Hereticks  dare  call  it  in  rjutfrion.     Lf.frly,  It  is  btre  to  be  r.oted,that        "^^ 
"  It  was  by  thts  jame  Pope  Zachary  that  the  nommanin  or  p^fiulation  of  Bijlieps 
*^for  the  "  Churches  m  his  Kingdom,  was  granted  to  King  Pepin.    Tlere- 
*'■  fare  if  elfewhere  you  read  that  the  Kmgs  <>/  France  gtve  Bishops  to  the  Chrrches, 

E  e  .  "  rcMtinber 

2  10 

Church-Hifto)-y  of  'Bijhps  ajid 

"  remember  that  it  is  nut   dene  by  thetr  o-um  Right,   but  by  the  Grant  of  the 
"  Afoftolick  Seat :  In  "cam  therefore  do  the  innovating  Herettcks  glory  in  this 
"  Argument,  who  endeavor  tofubjetl   the  Church  to  Kings.  ]    So  far  Bmnitis 
^      after  Baruniiis. 

§  1 1.  From  tills  Story  and  tlicfe  words,  let  the  Reader  think  how  to  an- 
fwer  thefc  Queftions. 

.^ueji.  1.  Had  not  Kings  need  to  take  heed  of  making  any  one  man  too 
great,  if  grcatneG  and  exercile  of  Government,  give  him  fo  much  right  to 
the  Kingdom  ? 

J^.  2..  Had  not  Kings  need  to  look  to  their  manners,  for  their  Crowns 
ftke,  as  well  as  their  Souls;  if  Lull,  Senliiality  and  Dulnefs  forfeit  their  King- 

^t.  g.  Did  not  Wars  and  weakning  of  the  Empire  make  a  great  change 
with  Popes,  when  they  that  were  (ct  up  anci  banilhed  at  the  Emperor's  plea- 
fiire,  can  now  firft  depolc  the  Emperor  iii  lie  I'/est,  For  being  aguinll:  Images 
and  Pcrfecuting,  and  then  can  tranilate  tliC Crown  of  France  ? 

^u.  4.  Was  not  an  ambitious  Pope  .;  fit  Tool  for  Ve^m  and  his  Con- 
federates to  woi-k  by,  to  put  a  pious  glofi  on  their  Confpiracy  ? 

=5.'/-  f-  Did  not  the  Pope  rile  thus  by  (erving  the  turns  of  Confpirators, 
and  of  Princes  in  their  quarrels  with  one  anotlicr  ? 

^/.  6.  Arc  Subjects  Judges  when  a  King's  Sins  make  him  unworthy  of 
the  Crown  ? 

^H.  7.  Yea, is  the  Pope  Judge,  and  hath  he  power  to  depoft  Kings ,  if  he 
judge  themiuch  Sinners,  and  unfit  for  Government  ? 

^.  8.  Is  it  a  good  Reafbn  that  a  King  is  juftly  depofcd,  bccaule  Good  Men 
and  Holy  Bifliops  are  the  Dejirers  and  Fromaters  of  it  ? 

.^«.  c).  Would  not  this  Reafbn  have  (crved  Maximrts  againfl  Gratian  ? 
Was  it  not  Cromwel's  Plea  ?  If  he  had  but  had  the  Pope  and  People  on  his 
fide,  you  fee  how  it  would  have  gone. 

^1.  10.  Is  it  the  mark  of  an  Innovating  Herctlck,  tofay  f;&.rf  the  Church 
Jhould  be  fubjeif  to  Kmgs ;  when  Faid  and  Feter  laid  it  of  all  Chriftians  lb. 
long  ago? 

^1.11.  Is  it  a  Note  that  Prorcdants  love  Rebellion,  becaule  they  are 
againfl:  Popes  depofing  Kings  ?  Or  is  there  any  heed  to  be  taken  of  the  words 
of  impudent  Revilcrs, that  dare  fpeak  before  God  and  Man  at  this  race?  Is 
depofing  Kings  the  Papifl:s  freedom  from  Rebellion,  and  is  our  oppofing  it 
a  chararkr  of  Rebels  ? 

i^<.  I  2.  Is  it  any  wonder  that  Bifliop  Burchardfis  dcfircd  it ,  and  that 
Bilhop  Bonif^.ce  executed  the  Pope's  command,who  had  been  tranflated  from 
Enghi-id  by  liim  to  luch  dignity,  and  had  fwom  Obedience  and  Service  to 
him  ? 

,^.  I  3.  Is  it  any  v/ondcr  that  the  Pope  made  thefc  BiOiops  Saints? 

^/.  14.  I  hope  they  were  really  godly  Men  :  But  is  it  any  wonder  that 
fcaie  TOod  Ivlcn  at  liich  atiraeas.that,  did  think  it  had  been  for  theintereft 


thciy  Councils  ahriched. 

21  I 

of  Religion,  to  have  all  Power  in  the  Clergies  hands,  cfpecially  being  them- 
felves  Bilhops  that  were  to  have  Co  great  a  fhare?  How  few  Billiops  are 
afraid  of  too  much  power,  or  ever  do  refufe  it  I 

^.  If.  If  the  King  of  France  had  his  Kingdom  by  the  Pope's  gift,  what 
wonder  if  he  had  the  power  of  nominating  Bifliops  al(6  by  his  gift  ? 

^.  1 6.  \Vhether  he  that  hath  power  to  give  ,  hath  not  power  to  take 
away,  and  be  not  Judge  when  the  Caule  is  jiilt  ? 

r^.  1 7.  With  what  face  do  Papifts  at  once  make  thefe  claims,and  yet  pro- 
fcfs  Loyalty  to  Kings  ? 

o^/.  I  8.  Whether  it  concern  not  Kings  to  underftand  on  what  terms  they 
ftand  with  the  Pope  and  his  Clergy  ,  that  muft  not  be  fubje^t  to  them  ,  but 
have  power  to  depofe  them  ? 

^.  19.  If  there  be  any  Party  among  them  that  hath  more  Loyal  Prin- 
ciples, is  it  a  fign  of  the  concord  of  their  Church,  tliat  agrecth  not  in  mat- 
ter of  Co  great  moment  ?  Or  a  proof  that  the  Pope  is  tlie  infallible  Judge  of 
Controverdes,  that  will  not  determine  fo  great  a  Point  on  which  the  Peace  of 
Kingdoms  doth  depend  ? 

§  I  3.  About  the  fame  time  they  perfuadcd  Racbts  King  of  the  Lortgo- 
iW^,  Succellbr  to  Li<irpra»J,CoT  the  love  of  Religion  to  lay  down  his  Crown, 
and  go  into  a  Monaflery ;  Co  that  Monaft eries  are  places  for  the  worft  and 
the  bed: ;  lomc  too  bad  to  reign,  and  (onie  too  good,  left  they  (hould  over- 
maftcr  the  Clergy. 

§  14.  It  may  be  you  will  think  that  this  Pope  Zachary,  and  his  fworn 
Vaflal  St.  BinifiTce,  were  fbme  very  profound  Divines,  that  could  by  their 
wifdom  and  piety  thus  mailer  Kingdoms.  Doubtlcfi  they  were  zealous  Ad- 
vcrlaries  to  Hcrcfies  (except  their  own  )  and  SuccelTors  of  the  Hereticating 
and  Damning  Fathers.  Fov  Ephi.  10.  (  Bin.  p.  xo6,roy,  roi.)  Zachary 
writeth  to  Boniface,  to  expel  Viygtlius  from  the  Church  and  Priefthood  ,  for 
holding  Antipodes,  viz.  that  Sun-Ihine,  and  Moon-light,  and  Men  are  under 
theEarth,  as  well  as  here  which  we  call  over  it.  The  words  are  ,  [^De  per-  ,^ 
'versa  antcn  C^  intqua  doBrma,qUie  contra  Dominum  (^  Animam [nam  locutus 
eB,  ficlartficatum  ftierit  ita  eirni  ccnfiteri,  i^uod  alifts  Mtindns  d^  aln  homines 
Jul/  terra Jint,  feu  Sol  d^  Luna ;  himc  habito  Concilio  ab  Ecckfia  pelle  Sacerdotii 
honore  prii'atum.  J  That  is  ,  "  But  as  to  the  pert-erfe  and  imjiijl  Dcihine 
"  which  he  hathjpoken  againti  the  Lord  and  his  own  Sou!,  if  it  be  made  clear 
"  that  he  fo  confejfcth,  that  under  the  Earth  there  is  another  world  and  other 
"  Mm,  and  Sun  and  Moon ;  call  a  Council, and  de prizing  htm  of  the  honour 
"  of  Trnfihood,  driz'e  him  cut  of  the  Church.  J  That  by  [  another  world  J  is 
meant  Antipodes ,  or  the  other  fide  of  the  Earth  inhabited  ,  is  doubt- 

%  tf.  -i^-  I.  Did  God  make  Popes  to  be  the  Governors  of  the  Antipo- 
des, for  lb  many  hundred  years,  before  they  knew  riiat  there  was  any  Antipo- 
des ?   And    when  they  excommunicated  and  filenced  thoft  tliat  affirmed  it  ? 

E  e  i  4L"-  1- 

2  12 

Chtoxh-Hijhry  of  'BiJ])Cps  and 


^.  X.  Were  thefc  Popes  and  Bifhops  Men  of  fuch  wifclom,  as  were  fit  to 
hercticate  Dillenters  as  they  did  ? 

.^.3.  Do  we  not  fee  here  what  fome  Gjuncils  were ,  and  did  in  thole 
times  ? 

.i^/.  4.  Do  we  not  fee  what  HereGe  fignified  at  Rome ,  and  how  little 
heed  there  was  to  be  taken  of  their  outcry  againft  (bme  Hcrelies  ? 

J^.  5'.  Whether  was  all  the  World,  or  all  the  Weft  bound  to  avoid  Com- 
munion after  with  Virgiltus  ? 

^.  6.  Do  we  not  fee  here  ot  what  Infallibility  the  Pope  is,  in  judging 
of  matters  of  Faith,  and  how  happy  the  World  is  to  have  fiich  a  Judge,  and 
of  what  credit  his  Heretications  and  Excommunications  are  ? 

^H.  7.  Do  we  not  (ee  how  Religion  hath  been  depraved  and  difhonoured 
by  the  Pope  and  his  Clergy,  calling  Good  Evil,  and  the  moft  certain  Truths 
by  the  name  of  \_  Per-ver/e  and  imjuft  DoSlrines,  again?t  the  Lord,  and  Mens 
own  Sctf!.i?^  V^'hat  heed  to  take  of  the(e  Mens  words,  when  they  feera  zea- 
lous againft  Sin  and  Error  ? 

§  1 5.  Perhaps  you  will  ask,  How  could  any  but  Idiots  be- fc  ignorant  ? 
Whither  did  they  think  the  Setting-Sun  went  ?  Or  what  did  they  think  the 
Earth  ftood  upon  ? 

^njw.  The  eafieft  things  are  ftrange  to  Men  that  never  learnt  them  ;  it's 
pity  that  it  fhould  be  true,  that  Lcctantins  and  other  AncientSj  yea  ,  ylufiin 
himlelf  wsrc  ignorant  of  the  Anupv^s;  but  yet  they  had_  more  Mociefty 
than  to  hereticate  and  excommunicate  them  that  affirmed  it.  Few  Bifhops 
had  much  Phllofophy  then.  Origen  and  j^pdhnaris  that  were  moll  Philofb- 
phical,  had  been  hereticated  and  difgraccd  it.  Clemens  and  Tatiamts  fped 
not  much  better.  Councils  had  forbid  Bifhops  to  read  the  Books  of  Hea- 
thens. Aufiin  had  a  truly  Philofophical  head,  being  tlie  Father  of  School- 
Divinity;  but  he  was  a.vliJ'iJky!]^- ,  and  had  little  from  his  Teachers.  You 
may  fee  in  a  great  Hereticater  Thilaflniis,  what  they  thouglit  then  of  the 
courfe  of  the  Sun,  by  what  he  faith  ot  the  Stai-s:  As  it  was  one  Herefie  to 
call  the  Stars  by  the  names  of  living  Creatures,  fo-  it  was  another  to  deny  that 
the  Stars  were  Luminaries  arbitrar'Jy  moved,  that  by  Angels  were  fet  out  af 
night  to  light  tlx  World,  and  at  morning  ret/red  inwards ,  or  were  taken  into 
their  place  again,  as  Men  fet  out  lights  to  the  flreet  at  night,  and  take  them  iyt 
again.  I  confefs  that  no  General  Council  declared  this,  (  as  they  have  done 
wor'e  things ;  }  but  you  fee  what  kind  of  Men  were  hereticated  by  Pope 
Zachary,  St.  Bmiface,  and  St.  Fhilafirif/s,  and  fuch  Billiops;  and  how  little  it 
fignifieih  in  fuch  Writers,  whctlicr  you  read  a  Man  called  a  Saint,  or  a  Sin- 
ner ;.  an  Orthodox  Catholick,  or  Nefafidtfjtmi/s  Hareticr/s ,  as  they  ufe  to- 
^eak :  I  (peak  it  only  of  fuch  Men. 

§17.  For,Rcadcr,l  mull: ftill  remember  thee,  that  this  Folly,  Pride,  and 
almofl:  Fury,  was  not  the  Gcmus  or  Gharader  of  the  true  fpiritual  Miniffers 
and  Church  of  Chrift,  but  of  a  worldly,  ignorant,  domineering  fort  of  Men,' 
tjiat  made  it  their  bulinels  to  get  Preferment,  and  have,  their  wills.    God  had 



thar  Councib  abnthcd.  i  1 2 

all  this  while  abundance  of  hiithhil  Miniflers  that  fate  down  at  the  lower 
end;  and  humble  holy  People,  that  (et  not  up  themfelves  in  worldly  Gran- 
dure,and  came  not  much  on  the  Stage,  but  approved  themlelves  in  Iccret, 
and  in  their  (everal  Places  and  Convcrlations  to  God,(bme  Lay-men,  (bme 
Priefts,  (bme  Bilhops,  fbme  of  their  names  are  come  down  to  us  in  Hiftory,but 
thole  are  few.  They  ftrovc  not  for  great  Places,  nor  did  their  Works  to 
be  leen  of  Men,  nor  looked  to  Men  for  their  Reward. 

§  I  8.  Some  of  the  Canons  and  Councils  of  thelc  Univer(al  Paftors  were 
anfwerable  to  their  Excommunications.  In  /^achary's  i  ath  Epijf/e  to  his 
Vaflal  5r.  Bo»iface,ht: gWi-th  him  the  rcfolution  of  m.iny  doubts.  One  is, 
[^  After  how  long  time  Lard  may  he  eaten  ?  And  it  is  relblvcd  by  the  Pope, 
T/:at  there  is  yet  no  Canon  or  Law  for  this  by  the  Fathas  ,  but  he  iktammtth 
himfelf  i .  That  it  naisl  n&t  be  eaten  before  :t  be  dried  in  the  fmoke,  or  boiled, 
(  or  bafled  )  with  foe  :  But  if  yon  lift  to  eat  it  raw^it  muff  be  eaten  after  the 
FeaFt  of  Eailcr.  ]  Binnius,  p.  109.  (  What  would  become  of  the  Church,  if 
there  were  not  a  Judge  of  liich  Controvei-lies,  and  an  infallible  Determiner 
of  fuch  Queftions '  } 

§  1 9.  CCXXV.  I  told  you  before  how  the  Pope  commanded  Boniface  to 
call  a  Council  to  ejccf  him  that  aflerted  the  Antipodes ;  I  mud  next  add  a 
French  Council  called  by  King  Carolomatmus,  to  R<.form  the  Clergy  (  an. 
741.  )  and  to  recover  Chrifian  Religion,  which  in  the  dayes  of  form  tr  Prin- 
ces dillipata  corruit,  being  dijff!pated,waf  ruined;  and  to  jbew  the  People  how 
they  may  come  to  fave  their  Souh,  who  haue  bctn  hitherto  deceived  by  falfi 
Priefis.  (They  are  the  words  of  the  King  and  Council,  Biti.  p.  110.  c.  i.  } 
^^'here  it  was  decreed  that  Priefts  be  not  Soldiers,  (  unnccellarily  : )  That 
they  keep  not  Hounds  to  go  an  hunting  with,  nor  Hawks :  That  every  Re- 
ligious Fornicator  fliaJl  in  the  Jayl  do  Pennancc  with  Bread  and  Water.  If 
the  Fornicator  he  a  Pricft,  he  fhall  be  ifti  (courgcd,  and  then  remain  in  Pti- 
(bn  two  years  :  But  it  an  inferior  Clerk  or  Monk  (b  fall,  he  Ihall  be  whipt, 
and  then  do  Pennance  a  whole  year  in  Prifon,  and  (b  the  Nuns. 

This  was  Ibmewhat  like  a  Reformation  :  Had  it  not  been  done  by  a  King, 
it  might  have  pad  for  Herclie.     It  was  at  Ratisbonne,  Boniface  preliding. 
Such  another  Council  called  Lcptinenfe,  thcve  was  under  Carolomannus. 
Another  Council  at  Rome  repeated  the  oft  repeated  Canons,to  keep  BilTiops 
and  Priefts  from  Nuns  and  from  Fornication. 

%  ro.  An.'j\^.  Another  Synodits  Suc/Jion.  under  Cbilperic  governed  by 
Fe/i^«,  condemned  again  Aldebcrt  (  that  ftt  up  Croflcs  in  Itveral  places,  and 
drew  People  to  himlelf )  and  another  as  Hcrcticks. 

§  ^I.  Another  Council  in Gf>-;«(7w;',  «».  745-.  handfomly  fet  Boniface  the- 
Pope's  Agent  in  the  Aichblfhoprick  of  Alentz,.  Firft  Geroldus  the  Arch- 
bifliop  is  lent  out  againft  the  Saxcns  with  an  Ai'my,  and  he  and  moft  of  them 
killed:  Then  Gfrz;/7w  his  Son,  a  Lay-man,  is  made  Archbifhop  toc<mforr 
him.  At  another  War  he  pretends  a  Conference  with  him  that  kil.'a  his 
Father,  and  murders  him  ;  this  is  paft  by  as  blamelels :  But  Bmiface  l.'iith. 
That  a.  Man  that  had  hu  band  in  Blood,  nuts}  not   be  a~Bifiiop  \  and  lb  gcJ 


2  I  4  Chuich'HiJJory  of  'Bijhops   mid 

him  out,  and  was  made  the  chief  Archbifliop  of  Germany  himftlf  in  his 
place.     Judge  whether  lie  Icrved  the  Pope  for  nousrlit. 

§  XI.  Yet  Boniface  had  not  done  with  the  two  Hereticks ,  AUebcrt  and 
Clemats,  a  Frtvc/j  man  and  a  Sect.  Boniface  fcndetli  to  Rome  (Bin.  p. a  1 6. J 
to  dcfire  the  Pope,  that  as  hehadhimlelF  condemned  tiielc  two  Hereticks,the 
pope  would  alio  condemn  them,  and  caft  them  into  Prilbns  ,  where  none 
might  (peidc  with  them.  (Thus  the  Pope  obtained  his  Kingdom,  -and  edi- 
fied the  Church.  The  motive  was, that  Boniface  profecuting  them,  had  fuf- 
fcrcd  much  for  their  lakes,  the  People  laying  that  he  had  taken  horn  them 
holy  Apollolick  Men,  (but  this  was  not  a  Prilbn.  }  Tlic  Crimes  which  he 
chargeth  on  Aldebert  a  Bifhop  are  ,  that  he  was  an  Hypocrite ,  (  an  open 
Crime  .'  )  that  he  had  laid  an  Angel  appeared  to  him,  and  he  had  lome  r^re 
Reliquei,  and  that  he  laid  he  was  Apollolick,  and  wrought  V\'onders  ;  that 
he  got  Ibme  unlearned  Bifliops  to  make  him  a  Bifhop  ablolutely  ,  againfl:  the 
Canons.  He  would  not  conlecrate  any  Church  to  the  memory  of  an  Apoftle 
or  Martyr  j  and  fpake  againfl  viluing  in  Pilgrimage  the  Temples  of  the 
Apoftles :  He  made  Churches  to  his  own  honour,  and  ftt  up  Oratories  and 
CroHes  up  and  down,  and  drew  People  from  other  BilTiops  to  himlelf  That 
he  gave  his  nails  and  hair  to  be  honoured  with  the  Saints  Reliques ,  and 
would  not  hear  Confcllions,  faying  he  knew  their  fins  already.  J  If  all  this 
was  true,  (  which  I  know  never  the  more  for  this  Accufation  )  he  feemed  an 
Hypocrite  indeed,  but  whether  an  Herctick,  I  know  not. 

The  5fo?  Hcretick  is  accufed  as  denying  the  Church  Canons,  and  the 
meaning  of  Ibme  Fathers,  delpifing  the  Synods  Laws,  laying  that  he  may 
ft  ill  be  a  Bifhop  (for  lb  he  was)  though  he  had  two  Sons,  (  in  Adultery, 
laith  Boniface,  perhaps  in  Marriage  ;  )  and  (  as  he  faith  )  holding  that  a 
Man  may  marry  his  Brothers  Widow,  and  that  Chrift  at  his  Defcent  deli- 
vered all  Souls  out  of  Hell.  ]  TOb  was  a  foul  Error  indeed ,  if  truly 
charged.  Thefc  were  charged  by  Boniface  and  the  Roma7i  Sjnod  ,  to  be 
forerunners  of  Antichrifl,  (  and  how  hke  are  Ahlehert"^  Prctenlions  to  ma- 
ny Rom,-,n  Saints!  )  A  Pra)'er  alio  of  jil/lcherts  was  read,  in  which  he  pray- 
ed to  Angels  under  fcveral  flrange  names  :  Bifhops  and  Presbyters  had  Votes 
in  this  Council,  and  liiblcribed  the  Hypocrites  condemnation.  Bin.f.  ai8. 
But  there  is  no  certainty  that  he  named  more  than  three  Angels. 

§13.  iVfp/'w  the  xd  was  chofen  Pope  by  ALL  THE  PEOPLE  after 
Zacharj,  and  dyed  four  days  after  fuddenly. 

§  X4.  Stephen  the  ^d  was  chofen  by  all  the  People  ( faith  Jnafiafius. ) 
Aijhd^hus ,  King  of  the  Longobanis,  tlireatned  Rome,  took  their  Gifts,  and 
demanded  their  Subjetflion.  The  Pope  {^hcr  Gregory  ihc  xd's  Rebellion  j 
was  glad  to  fend  to  the  Emperor,  to  crave  an  Army  to  five  Rome  and  Italy  ; 
when  he  could  get  no  help  fi'dim  Ccnfia?it.  he  ftnt  to  Pepin  King  of  France. 
One  that  he  had  made  King  by  Rebellion,  was  obliged  to  help  him,  and  by 
an  Army  forced  Aifiulfhits  to  coveifjtnt  to  reflore  Ravenna,  and  many  other 
Italian  Cities,  (  not  to  the  Emperor,  whole  Agent  claimed  his  right,and  was 
denied  by  Fepn  j  )  but  to  the  Pope,  (  to  reward  him,  and  get  the  pardon  of 


their  Councils  abruhcd. 

2  I 

his  fins.  )  Aijiulph;:s  broke  his  Covenant?.  Fefm  with  another  Army  forceth 
him  to  deliver  them,  and  rerurneth.  yiijiulpbus  dyeth  ;  Dejzderitis  a  Captain 
by  Ufiirpation  invadeth  the  Kingdom,  RaJcbis  that  had  been  King  before, 
and  went  into  a  Monaftery,  and  the  Nobles  of  the  Longobards  rchll  the 
Rebel.  He  lendeth  to  the  Pope,  offering  him  ail  that  he  could  delire  (  more  "fs 
Cities  )  to  help  him  :  The  Pope  maketh  his  own  bargain  with  him,as  he  did 
with  Tepln^  (  and  Charles  Alartell  before  )  and  by  the  help  of  the  Fraicb^ 
fetleth  the  Rebel  DefiJerius  in  the  Kingdom.  Pepin  maketh  a  Deed  of  Gift 
of  all  the  forcfaid  Cities  to  the  Church  of  Rome,  (  U'^as  this  Covfij»tine\ 
Gift  ?  j  He  gave  away  another  Mans  (  the  Emperor's  )  Dominions ,  and 
with  DefideriniS  additions,  now  the  Pope  is  become  a  Prince. 

§  14.  CCXX\  111.  \\'e  come  now  to  a  great  General  Council  of  5^58 
Bifhops  at  Cotifiantmople,  Ati.  J^^.  under  Ccnjhmine  Coprcnjmus  againltthe 
worlhiping  of  Images:   The  Advcrfaries  of  it  will  not  have  it  called   the  ^cYi}"  c^' 
7th  General  Council,  bec.iufe  divers  Patriarchs  were  abfenr,  and  it  decreed,  Pc, 
(ay  they,againll  the  Truth.     Tljey  not  only  condemned  the  vwr^iiping  of  Ima-  Cr.jl-'jc 
get,  and  Gcrmanns Conftantinus,  Georgius  Cyprius,  Jo.  Damalcenu.«,<w</  other  /'■4S^-  f^Y  " 
M'orjhipcrs  of  tbc-^:,  as  Idolater s\  hut  deflrojed  the  Relit>uis   of  Martyrs  ,  /md  ^p^^'.^^  ^^ 
exahed  an  Oath  of  Men  (  by  the  Crofs,and  the   holy  Euckariii  )  th,it  they  hux.  B-'n- 
womU  never  adore  Images,  but  execrate  them  as  Idols,  nor  ever  pray  to  the  ho-  mus  con-- 
ly  Apiftles,  Alartyrs,  and  hkjfed  Virgin,  (aith  Baronifn  znd  Bi/inius,p.z^^.  futcth 
But  the  1 5-th  anii  1 7th  definitions  of  this  Council  recited  in  the  id  Kicene       "^' 
Council,  fhcw  that  they  were  not  fb  free  from  praying  to   the  Virgin  Alary 
and  Saints, as  we  could  wifh  they  had:  For  they  decree  we  mull  craze  her 
mterceffions,  and  theirs  ;  but  they  forbad  praying  to  their  Images. 

§15".  TheA<3sof  this  Council  f  not  plcaGng  the  Advedarles  )  are  not 
delivered  fiilly  to  us ;  b\it  it  fell  out  that  their  Decrees  are  repeated  word  by 
word  in  the  id  Niceuc  Council,  and  lb  prefcrvcd. 

§  1.6.  There  is  oneDortrinal  definition  of  this  Council,  owned  alio  by 
their  AdverCiries  the  id  Coned.  Nicen.  which  by  the  way  I  will  take  notice 
of,  about  the  glorified  Body  of  Chrill,  (  and  confcqucntly  ours  after  the  Re- 
liuTcclion  )  that  it  is  a  BjJy  but  not  Flefly,  Bin.  p.  378.  defin.  7.  "  [  Si^^^ras 
*^  non  cctffefftts  fuerit  Domintim  mftrum  yejum  Chrtfium  poH  ajjumpttonem 
"  animatiC,  raticnala  Cf  intelleBualis  Caniis  Jimid  (edere  cttm  Deo  (^  Vatre, 
*'  at(^Me  ita  t^tw^ae  rurjrts  'venturmn  cum  Patema  Aiajefiate,  judicaturiim  i';-.',  .f 
"  df  mortuos,  non  amplius  qui<lem  Carnem,  neqtie  iticorportum  tamen  iit  -videa-  -CD 
"  tur  ah  Its  d  efuib»s  compunihts  eft,  <ir  mamat  Deus  extra  craffitudmer,}  car- 
"■  nis,^lnathema.  J  To  which  faith  the  Niccne  Council  by  Epiphani/rs, 
["  Hue  ujtjMe  reife  fentiimt  &■  Valrum  traditionibus  convenientia  dicimt,  &c.  J 

Two  forts  I  would  have  take  notice  of  this : 

I .  The  Tapifts,  who  fay  that  the  Bread  is  turned  into  Chrift's  z'cry  FIt(Jj, 
when  he  hath  no  very  Flcfh  in  Heaven :  And  therefore  the  meaning  muft  be 
of  the  Sacramental  Sign,  that  it  is  the  Reprefeutation  of  that  real  FAj7j  of 
Ghrift  which  was  laaibccd  on  the  Ciols. 

^..  Same 

1 1  6  Church-Hijhry  of  'Bijhops  and 

r.  Some  prejudiced  Pr(jfe/?/i»fi  that  think  he  that  faith,  [^OurBodia  (a?id 
Ckrifis  )  in  Htavcn,  will  net  be  Fhjh  and  Blood  formally  and  properly  fa  cal- 
led, hut  Jpiritiial  glorious  Bodies  j  doth  (ay  Ionic  dangerous  new  afiei'tion  j 
liich  grols  thoughts  have  grofs  heads  of  the  heavenly  ftate.  To  thcle  I  fay, 
I.  You  contradi£t  the  exprefs  words  of  God's  Spirit,  i  Cor.  i^.  Fleflj  and 
Bleed  ca?mot  enter, 8cc.  That  it  is  meant  of  Fomial  Flcfh  andBlood,and  not 
Metaphorical  (  Sin  )  is  plain  in  the  G^ntext ,  Ice  Dr.  Hammond  on  the 
Text.  X.  Give  but  a  true  deHnition  of  Fh^j  and  Blcod,u\^  it  will  convince 
you  of  itielf.  3.  You  (cchere  that  you  maintain  an  Opinion  wliich  thefe 
two  (  even  adverft  )  General  Councils  anathematized. 

%ij.  By  this  Council  we  may  fee,  how  little  General  Councils  fignifie 
with  the  Papijls,  cither  as  to  Infallibility,  Authority,  or  prefcrvation  of  Tra- 
dition, longer  than  they  pleafe  the  Pope.  As  to  their  Objcdlion,  that  call  it 
Pfeudo-fepiimum,  that  the  Pope  was  not  there  ;  I  anfwer  i.  No  more  was  he 
by  himfelf  or  Legate  at  the  Hrft  of  Confiant.  called  the  id  General  Council, 
as  Bitmius  profefleth.  i.  Is  not  the  Church  the  Church,  if  the  Pope  be  not 
there  ?  Then  he  may  choofe  whether  ever  there  fhall  be  more  General  Coun- 
cils, (  as  indeed  he  doth.  ) 

§28.  CCXXIX.  ^n.jtj6.  King  Pf^iw  called  a  Council  in  Fr<7«c«,  decla- 
ring that  things  were  (o  far  out  of  order,  that  he  could  attempt  but  a  partial- 
Retormation,  leaving  the  reft  till  better  times.  The  fii-ft  Canon  was ,  that 
Cj"  eveiy  City  have  a  Bifliop  ;  of  old  Tmhn ,  lignified  every  fuch  Town  as  our 
Corporations  and  Market-Towns  are  :  And  by  all  the  old  Canons  and 
Cuftoms  (  except  (ome  odd  ones  )  every  fuch  Town  of  Chriftians  was  to 
have  a  Bifhop ;  and  in  VJorygia,  Arabia,  8cc.  the  Villages  had  Bifliops,  ftith 
Socrates,  &c.  And  in  many  places  the  Villages  had  Cborepifcopos,  which  Fe- 
tavius  (  Atmot.  in  Epifhan.  Artan.  )  fiiUy  proveth  were  true  Bipops.  And 
yet  then  the  moft  of  the  People  in  moft  Countries  were  without  the  Church; 
lb  that  then  a  Church  was  no  greater  than  was  capable  ot  perfbnal  Com- 

Here  this  King  (^being  m.ulc  by  the  Pope  )  ib  far  gratified  the  Clergy,as 
to  decree  that  Contemners  of  Excommunication   fliould  he  h^niflied.     And 
no-w  the  Keys  do  fignifie  the  Sword,  and  Church-Difcipline  is  made  another, 
tiling  than  Chrift  had  made  it. 

Tlie  I  ^th  Cap.  is.  That  no  vacant  Bifliop  meddle  in  another  Biftiop's  Parifli 
without  his  content,  (  by  what  true  authority  then  can  the  Pope  meddle  in 
other  Mens  Dioccfles,  fince  the  foundation  of  his  humane  authority  in  the 
Empire  is  fiibvcrted?  ) 

Tiie  1 4th  C.i/'.dccrced,That  Men  may  u(e  Horfcs  and  Chariots  for  Travel 
on  the  Lord's-day,  and  get  Meat  and  Drink,  d^c.  but  not  do  common 

The  I  7th,  That  no  C'erk  try  his  Gaufe  before  a  Lay-Judge,  without  the 
B;flKjp''s  leave. 

§  19.  Pope  Stephen  dy'ng,  in  the  divifion  at  the  next  choice,  (by  all  the 
People}  the  ftronger  part  chole  ?»?w//«  a  Deacon,   CCXXX.  in  his  time  ;i 


their  Councils  abridged.  2  1  7 


Gil  man  Council  condemned  Oathmarm  ,  Abbot  of  St.  Galliis,  for  Inconti- 
nence, and  put  him  in  Prifon,  where  he  dyed  of  Famine  j  as Hiftoiians  (ay, 
malicioufly  upon  felfe  accufation. 

§30.  At  this  time  the  G?fe/I/ accufcd  the  RcwiTH/,  for  adding  the  word 
[  Filiocfue  ]  to  the  Creed  :  And  about  that  and  Images,  they  lay  there  was  <^ 

lome  Synod  at  a  Village  called  Gcntiliace. 

§31.  Pope  Tiiul  dying,  and  the  People  having  ftill  the  choice ,  he  that 
could  get  the  greateft  ftrength  was  in  hope  of  fo  rich  a  Prey  :  And  Cmftan- 
tme.  Brother  to  one  Duke  Toto,  g^ "ing  the  ftrongcll  Party,  by  fear  compel- 
led George  Bifhop  of  Tranefttm,  with  two  more  Bifliops,  to  make  him  Pope, 
(  being  hrll  ordained  Deacon, )  he  poflefTcd  the  Popedom  alone  a  year  and  a 
month  :  Then  one  Chrifiopher  the  Primcceriuj,zi\d  his  Son  Scrgius  being  pow-  ^ 

crfii),  got  out  to  the  King  of  the  Longobards,  and  craved  his  help  againft 
Conjiantine  as  an  IKiirper  ;  and  gathering  (bme  ftrcngihgot  into  Rome,  killed 
"loto  ;  and  caufed  Ccn/f amine  the  Pope,  and  another  Brother  Vajji'vus  to  take 
Sanftuary.  OntJVaUifertus  a  Presbyter  was  of  Cl.-rifopie/sVany,  and  to 
make  halle,without  Chrifiophers  knowledge,  he  gathercth  a  Party,  and  they 
make  one  Fhilip  fa  Presbyter)  Pope.  (  So  thcie  were  two  Popes.  )  Chrific- 
pfoorus  incenfed,  fwore  he  would  not  enter  Rome,  till  Fhi/tp  was  puU'd  out  of 
the  Bifhop's  houft  ;  which  Gratiofus,  one  of  his  Party,  prefcntly  pcrformcth, 
and  Phtlip  returncth  to  his  Monaltery.  Chrijlophorns  callcth  the  Clergy,  Peo- 
ple and  Soldiers  together,  and  (  by  his  means  )  they  chufe  another  Stephen, 
{  and  fb  there  are  three  Popes.  )  The  Actors  being  now  in  their  Zeal,  go 
to  Theodorus  a  Bilhop,  and  VtcedommMs  that  joined  with  Pope  Ccnflt:t7tiTie^AV\<i 
they  put  out  his  eyes,  and  ait  out  his  tongue.  Next  they  attempted  the  like 
€Xcaecation  on  Paffivus.  Bilhop  Theodore  they  thruft  into  a  Monaftcry,  and 
there  (while  hccryed  for  a  little  vratcr  )  they  famithcd  him  to  death.  PaJJi- 
vus  they  put  into  another  Monaftcry.  They  took  all  their  Goods  and  Pof- 
(effions.  Pope  Ccnflantine  they  brought  out ,  and  fct  on  Horftback  on  a  ' 
Womans  Saddle  with  Weights  at  his  Feet,  and  put  him  into  a  Monaftcry, 
(  How  holy  then  were  Monafteries !  )  Sliortly  after  they  brouglit  him  forth , 
and  Pope  Stephen  and  (bme  Bifliops  dcpo(c-d  him.  Then  the  Citizens  were  to 
make  their  penitent  Confellions  tor  owning  him.  Ke.\t  the  Army  gocth  to 
^Jatrum  in  Campania,  where  Graeilis  the  Tribune  that  had  been  for  Coi- 
y?<?nr;«e  is  apprehended, brought  bound  to  /^owc,  imprilbned  ,  and  after  his 
eyes  put  out,  and  his  tongue  cut  out.  After  this,  Gratiofus  and  his  Zealots 
go  to  the  Monaftcry  where  they  had  thruft  Pope  Conflantim;  and  drag  him 
out,  and  put  out  his  eyes,  and  leave  him  blind  in  the  ftrcct.  Next,  they  o;o 
to  their  own  Friend  Prieft  JVah!ipertus,and  feign  that  l.c  had  laid  a  Plot  with 
the  Lcngohards  to  kill  Chriflophtr,  and  (end  to  apprehend  him ,  and  when  he 
fled  for  Sanctuary  to  a  Temple,  they  drew  him  out  with  the  blefted  Virgins 
Image  in  his  hand  ('  even  then  when  they  were  rebelling  for  the  fake  of 
Images ;  )  buttlrat  would  not  (iive  the  Prieft,  (bccaule  he  let  up  Vhilip  for 
Pope  ; )  they  thruft  him  into  a  filthy  Dungeon-hole,  but  that  was  too  good 
for  liim  :  In  a  few  days  they  drew  him  out,  and  cafting  him  on  the  carih,j'!nt' 

F  f  out 

2  I 

Church- Hifiory  cf  'Bijhops  and 

out  his  eyes,  and  cut  out  his  tungue,  and  put  him  into  an  Hofpital,  where  he 
dyed  of  the  pain.  And  now  Pope  Stephen  had,  no  doubt,  a  lawtul  calhng  to 
be  Pope.  He  fends  his  Lcgats  to  the  King  of  France.  He  brings  torth 
blinded  Pope  Con/Iantme  to  anfwer  for  his  Crime,who  falling  flat  on  the  earth, 
he  lamcnteth  his  lin  as  more  than  the  Sands  on  the  Sca-ihore ,  and  profelleth 
^  that  the  People  chofc  and  forced  him  to  be  Pope,  bccauie  of  their  fiiflcrings 
*  under  F/iul :  But  at  his  next  appearance  he  tells  them,  that  he  did  no  more 
than  many  other  Lay-men  did,  who  invaded  Bilhopricks ;  as  Sergtus  Arch- 
bilTiop  of  Ravenna, Stephen  Bifliop  of  Naples,  &c.  when  they  heard  this,  ail 
the  Priefts  caufcd  him  to  be  bufteted,  and  call  him  out  of  the  Church  ,  and 
burnt  his  Papers,  d^c.  And  the  moll  holy  Pope  Stephen  call  himlelf  on  the 
earth,  with  all  the  Prieils  and  People  of  Rome,  and  with  tears  lamented  their 
fin,  that  they  had  taken  the  Communion  from  the  hands  of  Pope  Cotijiantine, 
(  it  fecms  it  is  a  lin  to  communicate  with  Bilhops  that  are  brought  in  irregu- 
f5"  larly  by  fecular  Power  without  due  Ele5lion,  and  they  are  po  Schilmaticks 
that  refufe  It.  )  And  (b  they  all  performed  their  Pennance  for  h  ,~^najiaf.  in 
ejus  'Vita. 

§  3 1.  CCXXXI.  On  this  great  occafion  Pope  Stephen  (  being  far  unable 
now  to  call  General  Councils  )  fends  to  the  King  of  France,  to  entreat  him  to 
fend  (bme  wife  Blfhops  to  a  Council  at  Rome,  who  fent  him  about  a  dozen, 
who,  with  fbme  others,  agreed  againll  Covjiantines  Eledlion,  and  fuch  other 
for  the  time  to  comej  and  damned  a  Synod  that  Conjiantifie  had  held ;  and 
alfb  palled  their  judgment  for  Images. 

§  55.  But  here  was  a  great  difficulty,  (fuch  as  often  after  happened) 
Whether  Ccw/?tfwf/we's Papal  A£ls  were  valid  ;  and  the  Council dtQ-ccd  that. 
they  lliould  all  be  void  except  his  Baptizings,  and  his  Confecrattons :  And  Co 
thofe  Pricfls  that  he  Conlccrated,  when  they  were  after  duely  chofeni,  officla- 
•^  ted  without  a  new  Confecration.  Either  he  was  a  real  Pope,  or  no  Pope.  If 
a  Pope,  then  by  the  Canons  Stephen  was  no  Pope,  and  (0  the  Succellion  there 
failed.  If  no  Pope,  then,  i .  How  come  hi-i  Confccrations  to  be  valid  ? 
X.  Are  not  Presbyter's  Ordinations  better  than  a  Lay-mans?  5.  Then  the 
Univcrlal  Church  had  no  Head,  and  fb  v/as  no  Church  (  with  them  )  while. 
Cojjjtimtlne  was  Pope. 

§  34.  A  like  Schifhi  fell  out  at  Ravetma  :  The  pov/cr  of  the  Magiftrate 
made  one  Mchael,  Scriniary  of  the  Church,    (a  Lay-man j  Archbifhop,  thcv 
People  being  for  one  Lsc,  whom  they  imprifbned. .    He  kept  the  place  above 
a  year,  but  by  the  help  of  the  Pope,  and  the  French,  the  People  role  and 
call  him  out,  and  brought  him  Prilbner  to  Rome,  and  fct  up  Lee. 
\  §  S)-  Chrifropher  and  his  Sow.Sergius  were  the  Captains  that  had  wrought 

this  great  deliverance  to  the  Church  :.  And  now  they  plead  wlili  King  Deji- 
derius  tor  St.  "Peter's  Rights,  as  flill  zealous  for  the  Pope.  The  King  is  angry 
with  them,  and  jealous  of  their  power,  and  ft'ckcth  to  dcdroy  them,and  par- 
ticularly to  fit  dicir  own  Pope  againll  them.  They  get  the  Citizens  to  lland 
by  them,  and  the  King  cometh  with  an  Army.  The  Pope  feeing  which  was 
like  to  be  the  Ihongcr  lidc,  in  great  wif^om  went  out  to  the  King,  and,,  after 



their  Coimcils  abridged.  2  i 

(bme  days  conference  with  him,  (endetli  10  Ch-ifiofhcr  to  render  hinifelf  ro 
the  King.  The  Citizens  hearing  this,  forfbok  Cbrijhpher  and  Sergius  ;  Gm- 
tiojr/t  (  feeing  they  were  deferted  by  the  People  through  the  Pope  )  went 
out  firft  to  the  King  and  Pope,  and  Scrgiirs  next ,  and  Chrijtophcr  laft.  The 
Pope  was  Co  kind  to  them  that  made  him  Pope,  that  he  made  them  Monks, 
and  put  them  in  San£l:uary  in  St.  Feter's  Church  to  (ave  their  lives :  But  thev 
had  y/(/c«;Jc't.f/fe'sjul1:ice,  and  were  fcon  drag'd  out  thence,  and  C/jnJfopIxn 
eyes  put  out,  of  which  he  dyed.  But  Sergitts  was  awhile  a  Monk,  and 
then  t'hruft  in  the  Laterane  Cellar.  Thus  went  the  matters  of  the  Univcr- 
fal  Monarch  at  Rome. 

§  36.  A  little  before  the  Pope's  death, 5crg;;.7x  was  fetcht  blind  out  of  tlic 
Cellar,  and  kill'd ;  the  next  Pope  (carcht  out  the  Authors,  and  found  them 
to  be  Yaulus  Ciihicularitis,  and  the  laft  Pope's  Brother,  and  other  great  Men ; 
and  he  prolccutcd  (bme  of  them  to  Banimment,  but  die  Archbilhop  of  Ra- 
■vc?wa  caufed  Paul  to  be  killed. 

§  3  7.  It  was  Adrian  (  a  Deacon  )  that  was  then  chofen  Pope  (  Son  to 
the  chief  Man  in  Rome,  ablcll:  to  efle(5t  it. )  Upon  theft  ftirs,  Dcfuiains  dcfi- 
rcd  h-iendlhip  with  the  Pope ;  but  he  demanding  the  Cities  which  Vepin  had 
given  the  Church  (  (bme  of  which  Defiderirrs  ft  ill  kept )  and  doing  the 
fbrelaid  juftice  on  the  Friends  of  De/iderius,  he  came  with  an  Army  and 
killed  many,  and  took  many  Cities.  The  Pope  urgeth  the  rellitutlon  of  all  his 
Cities,  (  indeed  the  Emperor's  j  given  him  by  Peptn  ;  he  ftill  dcnicth  ;  the 
Pope  gets  Charles  of  France  to  come  with  an  Army,  for  fear  of  whom  the 
Longobttrds  flic.  The  Dutchy  of  Spoletum,  and  other  Cities ,  yield  thera- 
lelves  to  the  Pope,  (  and,  as  a  token  of  fubjeftion,  receive  tonfure.)  Charles 
befiegeth  Dejiderii/s  in  Papia,  and  forceth  his  Brother  Carloman'i  Wife  and 
Children  that  fled  to  the  Longohards,  to  yield  themfelvcs  to  liim  ;  while  the 
Siege  continued  Charles  went  to  Rome,  and  was  glorioufly  entertained  by  the 
Pope,  and  renewed  to  him  Pepin's  gift  of  all  the  Exarchate  ot  Ravenna,  and 
many  Dukedoms  and  Gties,  (  which  were  none  of  his  own  to  give  )  and 
now  tlie  Pope  is  a  Prince  indeed.  And  Charles  returning  to  the  Siege,  con- 
quereth  Papia,  taketh  King  DefideruK,  and  winnetli  all  the  Longohards  King- 
dom :  And  thus  Strength  gave  Right  (according  to  the  Athcifts  Opinion  now 
llirring,  that  [  Right  is  nothing  hut  a  power  to  get  and  keep.  ]  Pepin  and 
Charles  make  themfelvcs  Kings,  and  the  Pope  a  Prince j  that  while  they  iTiare 
the  Emperor's  Dominions  between  them,  they  might  be  a  ftrciigth  to  one  an- 
other. And  Dejiderius  being  himfelf  but  an  Ufurper,  helped  by  the  Pope  in- 
to the  Throne,  no  wonder  if  when  intcreft  changed,  the  lame  haHd^afcr  him 
down.  How  Charles  his  Brother  Caroloman  dyed,  and  why  his  Wife  and 
Sons  fled  from  Charles  to  the  Longohards,  and  what  became  of  them ,  is  not 
well  known. 

§  i%^o^cAdrian  the  ift  thus  made  a  greatcrPrlnce  than  any  before  him, 
did  greater  works  than  they  done,  and  oh  nimium  amorem  Sand:  Petri, 
df  ex  inj^iraticne  Dmina,  built  many  great  and  ilately  Buildings ,  madv-  all 
places  about  liis  Palace,  Baths,  <^c.  tit  for  fplendid  pomp  and  pleafure  ,  and 

F  f  X  aU 


Church-Hijlory  of  (Bijhcp  and 


all  this  from  mccrfclf-denlal  and  holineG:  Many  Churches  alfb  he  repaired 
and  adorned,  and  did  many  other  fuch  good  works. 

§  39.  This  great  y4<y>-w»  was  before  but  a  Deacon.  I  have  oft  mar- 
velled to  read  that  Deacons  were  (b  ordinarily  then  made  Popes,  (  and  Ibme- 
times  Lay-menjwhen  yet  the  old  Canons  required  an  orderly  rlfing  through 
f^  'the  (everal  degrees.  It  was  no  wonder  that  then  a  Deacon  at  Rome  was  a 
far  higher  preferment  than  a  Billiop  :  For  a  Deacon  (  and  a  Pried  )  might 
be  chol'en  Pope,  but  a  Blfhop  could  not :  For  of  old  (  when  Diocefles  and 
Pariflies  were  all  one  )  the  Canons  decreed  that  no  Bifhop  fliould  remove  to 
another  Church,  (  except  being  Confccrated  by  others,  he  never  contented 
nor  had  pofleffion ; )  (b  that  every  Bifhop  muft  live  and  dye  in  the  place 
■Where  he  was  firft  Ordained  ;  Co  that  Rome ,  Conlf.  Alex.  Jntioch,  &c.  and 
all  the  great  Seats  choie  either  Deacons,  Priefts,  or  Monks  to  be  their  Patri- 
archs and  Bifhops.  No  wonder  then,if  as  Nazianzen  (aitli,  0>at.  j .  it  was 
the  cuftom  to  have  almoft  as  many  Clergy-men  in  every  Church  as  People,  in 
tcgard  of  the  prefent  Honour,  and  the  future  hopes  of  Preferment.  Indeed 
he  carried  it  that  had  the  greaieft  Friends,  which  was  as  commonly  the  Dea- 
con, as  tlie  Prieft  or  Archdeacon.  By  which  we  may  conje£lure,whether  the 
worthieft  Men  were  made  Popes  :  For  if  they  were  the  worthieft,  why  were 
they  by  former  Popes  never  made  higher  before  than  Deacons  ?  Did  not  the 
Popes  know  the  worthieft  men  ? 

And  if  a  breach  of  the  Canons  in  Ele£l:Ions  nullifie  the  regular  Succefllon, 
by  this  it  is  evident,  that  the  Roman  Seat  hath  no  (iich  Succeflion. 
*  §  40.  By  the  way  the  Reader  muft  note,  that  in  all  the  Writings  of  the 

Popifli  Clergy  concerning  thefc  matters,  there  are  certain  terms  oi  Art ,  or 
Intereft,  which  muft  be  underftood  as  foUoweth,  'viz. 

I.  Sanchjfmrrs  Papa,  the  moft  Holy  Popc,rignifieth  any  profperous  Bifhop 
of  Rome,  how  wicked  (bever  in  his  life. 

a.  Rex  Tkvtijjim:-!!,  the  moft  Pious  King,  fignificth  a  King  that  took  part 
with  the  Pope,  and  advanced  his  Opinions  and  Intereft. 

3.  Impcrator  SceleratiJJim.'/s,  O"  Hareticus  NefanJits,  &'c.  a  moft  wicked 
Emperor,  (  or  Patriarch,  or  any  other  )  and  abominable  Heretick^  figni- 
fjeth  one  that  was  againft  the  Pope,  his  Intereft  or  Opinion.  Homo  menda- 
cijjimtis,  a  Lyar,\%  one  that  faith  what  the  Papifts  would  not  have  to  be  true. 
If  you  underftand  them  otherwifc,  you  are  deceived  {  ordinarily.  ) 

§41.  About  the  death  of  Taulus  Cubicularius,  and  others,  note ,  that  it 
had  long  been  the  way  of  the  Churdi-Canons,  to  contradiifl  God's  great  Law 
for  humane  fufety,  [^  He  that  jlieddeth  Matts  blood,  by  Alan  fliall  his  blood  be 
ped  ;  3  and  on  pretence  of  being  (  more  )  merciful  ( than  God  }  to  entice 
Murderers,  Adulterers,  and  all  wicked  Thieves  and  Criminals  to  make  up  the 


Church  of  Chrlft,  by  decreeing,  that  inftead  of  being  Hanged,  or  Beheaded, 
if  they  would  but  be  Baptized,  they  fhould  but  be  kept  for  a  time  from  the 
Sacrament,  or  do  Pcnnance  j,  and  what  Villain  would  not  then  be  a 
Chriftian  ? 


their  Councils  abridged.  2  2  1 


§  4^.  Here  arifeth  a  great  Controverfie  with  Sigiirert,  (  a  Monk-HIfto- 
rian)  and  Gm^ww  himfelf, which  Barovius  and  Bmnius  take  u^,ijt2j.  the  tirft 
fiy,.  [  That  Charles  being  at  Rome,a  Council  there  with  Pope  Adrian  gax-e  him 
the  power  of  chujing  the  Tcpe,and  ordering  the  Apoftoltck  Seats;  and  all  BiJIiops 
and  Archbi^ops  in  all  Provinces,  to  receive  InVefiiture  from  him,and  that  none 
jliould  Confecrate  aBijhop  unlefs  he  were  praifed  and  invefied  bj  the  King ;  and 
that  they  Anathematize  all  that  rebel  agamsi  this  Decree,  and  ccnfifcate  their 
Efiates  if  they  repent  not :  But,  (ay  Baronius  and  Binniits,  thu  is  a  lye,  and  dt- 
vtfed  deceit  to  flatter  the  Emperor  Henry  a  Schifmattck.  And  wliile  Chro- 
niclers may  have  the  Lye  given  them  (b  eafily  by  Didenters  in  matters  oHuch 
pubKckFaft:,  we  are  left  at  great  uncertainty  in  Hiftory,  others  iis  contident- 
ly  giving  the  Lye  to  the  Papal  Flatterers,  as  they  do  thofe  of  their  own  Re- 
ligion that  do  not  pleale  them. 

One  of  the  Reaions  againft  this  Decree,  is  the  contrariety  of  \hc  French 
Conftitutions,  /.  i.  r.  84.  faying,  [^  Not  being  tgmrant  of  the  facred  Canons 
we  confented  to  the  Ecclefiaftick  Order,  to  wtt,  that  Btjliops  be  chofen  by  the  ^ 
EleBim  of  the  Clergy  and  PEOPLE,  according  to  the  Statutes  of  the  Canons 
out  of  their  own  Diocefs,  without  reJpeH  of  Perjons  or  Reivards,  for  the  merit  of 
their  Ife,  and  their  gift  of  wifdom,  that  by  eKample  and  word  they  may  every 
way  profit  thofe  that  are  under  them.  3 

I.  This  indeed  fheweth  how  Blfliops  by  the  Canons  were  to  be  cho(cn, 
even  till  thcle  days  of  Charles  the  Great ;  he  was  to  be  taken  for  no  Bifliop 
that  came  not  in  by  the  Peoples  (  as  well  as  the  Clergies  )  Eicdlion,  or  con- 
fent  at  leaft. 

z.  But  this  contradicteth  not  what  Sigihert  and  Gratian  (u)j  the  Emperor 
might  ftill  have  a  negative  voice  after  all,  cfpecially  as  to  a  Pope ;  In  very 
deed,  the  door  is  (afe  that  hath  divers  locks,  i.  It  bclongcth  to  the  Clergy 
and  Ordainers  to  judge  who  fhall  be  [A  Bijtjop  or  Mmifter  of  Sacred  things.^ 
a.  It  belongeth  to  the  Flock  to  dilcern  whom  they  will  accept  for  THEIR 
Bifhop  or  Pallor.  3.  It  belongeth  to  the  Magiftrate  to  judge  whom  he  will 
countenance  or  tolerate  in  that  Office. 

§  45.  Paulas  Diaconiis  theHiftorian  was  Secretary  to  DcfJaius  the  Lcn' 
gobard  Kivg;Charles  in  anger  commanded  his  hand  to  be  cut  oft  ,  for  doing 
lomewhat  for  his  own  King  againft  him  ;  the  Courtiers  added  ,  that  hu  eyes 
[Iwuld  be  put  out ;  wliich  made  Charles  confider  and  fiiy.  If  we  do  but  cut  off 
his  hand,  where  Jliall  ve  find  fuch  another  Hifioiian  ? 

§44.  Conflantine  the  Emperor  now  dying,  called  Cojwaw/WMj ;  the  P<»^//?j 
call  us  to  take  notice  what  a  Leader  we  follow  that  are  againft  the  Worfhip 
of  Images  ;  faying  that  he  dyed  with  the  beginnings  of  Hell-fire,  convinced 
of  his  (m  againft  the  Virgin  Mary,  and  that  all  his  life  he  loved  the  fincll  of 
dung,  and  ftinking  things; ;  ftrong  Arguments  for  I  mage- worfhip,  as  worthy 
as  Sigeben's  and  Gratian  s,  to  be  fufpeifled  as  Lyes ,  or  of  little  cer- 


Church  Hif-ory  of  Bijhops   md 

§  45'.  While  Lto  Ifaiirus  and  Confi^ntine  livcJ,  the  Councils  ot  BJihops 
went  with  them,  and  Images  went  down  in  the  Eaftern  Empire  :  Covfiantine 
dying,  his  Son  Leo  fuccceded  him,  faith  Bimiiits,  in  his  Hcryie,  hr.piety  and 
Sacrilcdge,  that  is,  in  his  oppolition  to  Imagc-woifliip,  and  fiich  lii;c.  Peta- 
'vipsiluth,  he  iirft  feigned  himlelf  a  Catholick,  (that  is,  tor  Images  )  but 
after  fell  oft":  His  Sacrlledge  was,  that  loving  Jewels,  he  took  for  himlelf  a 
rirh  Crown,  which  Maurue  had  devoted  to  the  Virgin  Alary  ;  whereupon 
Carbuncles  :u-o(c  on  him,  ^nd  he  dyed :  but  had  not  Alatolce  himiclf  a  lad- 
der death  ?  Thus  partial  HiiWians  feign  and  apply  Judgments. 

§4(5.  Irene,  Leo  i  Widow,  with  her  Son  Conjtantine  a  Child,  next  ruled, 
and,  laith  Binniiis,  God  by  a  Widow  and  an  Orphan  Child,  by  a  Wonder  ,  dii 
tread  den)n  the  Impiety  that  had  been  fet  up,  and  reflored  Religion,  that  is. 
Images.  And  indeed  Rome's  intercft  and  proper  way  hath  been  cliiefly  advan- 
ced under  H^omen  and  Rebels.  And  It  Is  no  wonder  if  Ire7ie  a  Moman,  and 
her  Child,  were  more  for  Images  than  their  Predeceflors.  Children  u(e  to 
play  with  Images,  and  Womens  Fancies  are  oft  not  unfuitable  to  them.  I 
think  It  as  obftrvable  a  matter,  as  Binnius  doth,  to  note  the  Inftru- 

§  47.  There  are  in  Binnius  the  Titles  of  44  at  leafl:  Epiftles  of  Pope 
^  Adrtath  recited  :  The  3  6th  lalth,  [//e  profejjeth  that  the  Church  of  Rome 
doth  embrace  and  reverence  the  Whole  fourth  Calcedon  Council.  Remember 
then  that  the  laft  Canon  is  approved,  which  declareth  die  realbn  of  the  Rc- 
tnan  Priviledges  to  be  becaufe  It  was  the  Imperial  Seat ,  and  therefore  that 
Confiantine  fhould  have  the  like,  and  that  it  was  given  it  by  the  Fathers. 
^  Moil  or  many  of  them  are  thanks  to  Charles  for  giving  St.Feter  Co  ma- 

ny great  Cities  and  Dukedoms,and  Exhortations  to  him  to  continue  his  boun- 
ty. By  their  ordinary  language  you  would  not  fufpeft  any  Selfiflinefi,Pride 
or  Covetoufnels  in  the  Popes ;  it  is  bU|t  for  St.  Peter  that  they  defire 

§48.  In  his  Eplftle  to  Co«/(Zwf;«e  and  7rfw,  ( the  Child  and  Mother  )  to 

•  See  Hen.  entice  them  to  be  for  Images, ,  he  tells  a  fabulous  Story  *  of  a  Vlfion  of  Con- 

Fotrlis   o'i  flantines  fending  him  to  Silvefler  as  his  Guide  ,  to  be  baptized  of  him,  and 

Papifts       j.g  j^g  thereby  cured  of  a  Leprofie:  It  w^  Peter  and  Paul  that   appeared  to 

P.  1 20.   '  ^^™  '■>  ^"'^  ^^'^  asked  Silveftcr  whether  there  were  left  any  Images  of  Peter 

proving     and  Paul,  which  he  affirmed, and  Ihewed  him  their  PI6lures ;  and  the  Elmpe- 

the  whole  ror  cryed  out,  'Thefe  are  the  Aden  that  appeared  to  me.     And   part  of  their 

f?r^         Meflage  to  him  was,  that  he  fhould  bring  all  the  world  into  the  (ubjedlon  of 

the  Church  of  Rome.  ~\  Was  not  here  a  ilrong  Argument  to  a  Woman  and 

a  Child  to  be  for  the  Pope  and  for  Images,  contrary  to  current  Hiftory,  ( that 

tells  us  Conftantine  was  baptized  at  Ntcomedia  a  little  before  his  death, )  and 

without  any  credible  proof  Thus  the  Papal  Rome  was  built.  When  Adrian 

had  given   away  the  Weftern  Empire  to  Charles,  yet  he  thus  iiatteretb  a 

Woman  and  Child  in  the  Eaft ,  as  if  he  had  done  them  no  wrong  at 




their  Cnnnah  abridged.  22? 

§  49.  ?,?«/  Bifhop  of  Ccnjr.  having  f.vorn  againft  Images ,  and  re- 
penting, is  liiid  CO  rcliga  his  place,  and  to  tell  them  that  they  mull  have  a 
General  Council ;  and  TaraJiHs  fiiccccding  him  ,  being  for  Images  ,  got  a 
promife  of  a  Council.  It  leems  by  thcii-  Epiltles,  though  they  agreed  about 
Images,  Pope  Adrian  and  this  Tarafvts  acculcd  each  other  as  (ufpcdlcd  of  Si- 
mony, (ec  Bm.  p.  x6r.  and  the  Epiftles.  Irene  knew  that  Tara/itis  was  for 
her  turn,  and  Jarajius  knew  that  Iyc7ie  was  for  Pictures ;  and  (6  between  them 
common  notice  was  given  abroad  before-hand  to  the  Bifhops,  (  that  lately 
had  condemned  Image-worfliip,  and  puU'd   them  down  )  that  the  Emprels  "tS 

3jid  the  Patriarch  were  for  reftoring  Images,  and  would  call  a  Council  to  that 
end  :  and  this  was  enough  to  prepare  the  majority  of  tl^  Bifliops  for  a  liiddcn 

%'yO.  Befides  a  Council  at  Wormes,  An.  771.  to  little  purpolc,  Fe^rwr 
hath  publiilicd  one  ot  that  year  at  Dingohctnga  in  Ba'varta  under  Duke 
Taljilo,  which  had  divers  Canons  of  Equity,  and  lomc  of  Superftition  ;  one 
was,  that  certain  Biihops  and  Abbots  agreed,  that  wliofbercr  dyed  firft,  tlic 
reft  fhould  (ing  (6  many  Ffalms,  and  get  thirty  Mafles  to  be  laid.  And  a 
notable  Priviledge  is  granted  to  all  that  will  but  fcek  liberty  or  Iheltcr  in  tlie 
Church,  that  both  they  and  thftir  Pofterity  fliall  be  free,  unlefi  they  bring  a 
debt  undiichargeable  on  thcmfclvcs. 

§  5"  I .  There  is  by  Canijins  publiilicd  an  Epitome  of  the  old  Canons  (ex- 
cept the  Nicefte  )  as  gathered  by  this  Adrian  ,  and  fent  to  Charles  Afag. 
I  will  recite  a  few  of  them,  £.v  Clem.  c.  13.  "  Let  a  Bi(l)op,  or  Presbjter , 
"  or  Deacon,  taken  in  Fornication,  Perjwj,  cr  Theft,  bede^oyd,  but  not  ex- 
"  communicate. 

"C.  z8.  That  a  Bifijop  who  ohtaineth  a  Church  bj  the  SccuIarVoivers  be 
"  d^-pofed.        _ 

"  Can.Antioch.  8.  Cotmtrey  Tresbytcrs  may  not  gi've  Canonical Epifiles,  but 
"  the  Chorepilcopi,  (  by  which   it  is  plain,  that  the   Choreptfcopi  were  not 
,  Presbyters,  but  fas  Pcr^j-z/z/w  on  Epiphan.  Arrim  hath  well  proved)  "true- 
"  Bipwps. 

"  C.  II.  Tljat  condemned  Cltrks  fliall  never  be  refiored  if  they  go  to  the  • 
"  Emperor. 

"  Can.  Laodic.  c.  3  5.  \_That  no  one  praf  withHereticks  or  Schifwancks,  J  -i:i 

(  which  fccmeth  to  oblige  us  to  fcparate  from  the  Roman  Prelates ,  who  arc 
grievous  Schifmaticks,  by  impolmg  things  unlawRil  on  the  Churches,  andli- 
lencingand  perftcuting  thofc  that  obey  not  their  i1nfi.1l  Laws. 

Before  the  C;?«.  5«r(i'/c.  he  mcntiop.eth  the  wcakncfs  of  o'd  Ofifff  that  faivi 
that  they  were  both  in  the  right,  who  ulcd  the  word  [  of  one  fuhjl.wce,  ] 
ajid  \^of  the  hkeJishfiance.  ~\ 

"  Can.  Sard.  i.  That  a  Bijhop  that  by  Ambition  cbartgetb  bis  Seat,  fliall  r.ot 
**  have  ( (b  much  as  )  L.ty-communim  (  no  not  )  at  the  end. 

"C.  14.  C.  I  y.  That  ?}o  Bifhop  be  above  three  weeks  in  another  City  ,  nr.r  ■»" 

'■^  above  tivo  weeks  from  bis  cvm  Church,  (  which  implicth  iliattach  yilliop 
had  then  his  own  particular  Church. ) 



1 2, 4  Chu.rch-Hilhry  of  'Bijhops  and 

^  "  Can.  Afric.  c.  i  5'.  That  there  be  no  Rc-baptiz.:ng,  Re-ordaimng,  nor  Tran- 

'■'■  fat  tons  of  B'llmps. 

"  C.  1 7.  That  rf  a  Bifljop  to  be  Ordained  be  CmtradiBed,  (that  is, by  any 
objected  unfitnels  )  "  he  jhall  mt  after  be  Ordained  as  purged  only  by  three 
"  Bijhops,  but  by  manj. 

"  C.  1 9.  That  Dioceffes  that  -waTits  Bijiwps^recei've  notK  -without  the  conftnt  of 
"  the  Bi^jop  who  hitherto  held  them  ,  (  lb  it  was  )  not  proudly ;  For  if  he 
"  overbold  them-t  ( that  is,  hold  them  under  himftlf  alone,  when  they,  need 
more  Bifhops  )  "  afecling  to  fit  over  the  People,and  dejpifing  his  Fellow-BijJwps, 
"  he  IS  not  only  to  be  driven  from  the  retained  Diocej]es,  but  aljo  from  Im  ovm 
"  Church  :  3  (lb  that  no  proud  Bifliops  fhould  have  power  to  hinder  the 
Churches  from  having  as  many  BifKops  as  they  need.  ) 

"  C.  6  o.  That  Bifiops  that  are  of  later  Ordination  ,  prefume  not  to  fet  or 
"  prefer  themfel'ves  before  thofe  that  were  befre  them. 

"  C.  94.  Jf  a  Bijijop,  fix  months  after  admo7ntion  of  other  Bi^wps,  negleEi  to 
"  make  Catholicks  of  the  People  belonging  to  his  Seat,  any  other  fljall  obtain  them 
^  "  that  jJiall  deliver  them  from  their  Her efie  :  (  that  is,  Donatifin,or  the  like;  ) 
(b  that  if  one  Bifliop  negleft  the  Souls  of  his  People,  and  another  that  is 
more  able  and  faithful  convert  them,they  maybe  the  Flock  of  him  that  con- 
verted them,  without  removing  their  dwelling. 

"  C.  105.  T/^at  a  Bipop  jJiall  tiot  Excommunicate  a  man  on  aConfeJfton 
"  made  only  to  himfilf:  if  he  do,  other  Bipops  pall  deny  Communion  to  that 
"  Bifiicp. 

%  ^1,  Several  Gerw^w  Councils  are  mentioned,  {ztlVormes,  Paderbotne, 
Daria,  in  which  (  by  a  new  example  )  Charles  Alag.  is  confirmed  to  force 
the  Saxons  to  proftfs  themftlvcs  Chriftians,  and  to  take  an  Oath,  never  to  re- 
volt :  who  yet  (  doing  it  by  conftraint  )  were  oft  perjured  and  revolted,  till 
at  laft  their  Heathen  )Duke  JVttichmd  became  a  voluntary  Chriftian  him- 

§  f  3 .  There  are  8  o  more  Canons  againft  OpprefTors  of  the  Clerg)',   fald 

to  be  coUefted  by  Adrian,  of  which  one  is   the  old  one,  "  That  no  Bifwp 

'^'       ^^ judge  the  Caufe  of  anyPrieil,  vi.'hoHt  the prefence  uf  h/s Clergy;  becaufethe 

"  Bipofs  Sentence  pall  be  void,  if  it  be  not  confirmed  by  the  prefence  of  the 

"  CUrgj. 

Another,  "  That  no  Bipop  ordain  or  judge  in  another  s  Par  if),  elfe  it  pall  be 
"  void;  For  we  jud^e  that  no  one  is  bound  by  thefentence  of  any  other  Judge, 
"  but  his  own  :  (  Who  then  is  bound  by  the  Pope,  or  any  Uftirper,  who 
will  Excommunicate  thole  that  are  not  of  his  Flock  ?  ) 
^  Another  liiith,  "  [  By  a  general  Sanation  we  forbid  Foreign  judgments, 

^''becaufe  it  IS  unmeet  that  he pould  be  judged  by  flrangers,who  ought  to  have 
"  Judges  of  the  fame  Province,  and  that  are  choftn  by  himfelf. 
otj-  Another,  ["  That  no  Bipop  prefume  to  judge  or  condemn  any  of  the  Clergy, 

"  unlels  the  accufed  Ferjon  have  lawful  Acculers  prejcnt,  and  have  place  for 
"  defending  himjelf  by  anfwering  to  the  Charge. 



their  Councils  abridged. 


Another,  "  For  Nullifying  fuch  BiJIjops  judgments  as  are  done  without  due 
"  Tryal,  hy  Tyrannical  Power,  and  not  by  Canonical  Authority. 

Another  fairii,  "  Confiitntions  that  are  contrary  to  the  Canons ,  and  to  the  ,^ 

"  Decrees  of  the  Biflwp  of  Rojne,  or  to  Good  Manners,  arc  of  no  moment  : 
( which  nuUeth  even  many  of  the  Bifhops  of  Rome  alio ,  as  againlt  Good 

Another  notable  Canon  is,  "  [_  Delator/  aut  lingua  capuletiir,  aut  cotnjtHo 
*^  Caput  amputetur  :  Delatores  autetn  funt  ejui  ex  invidia  produnt  alios,  j  That 
is,  "  Let  a  Delator  s  tongue  be  puli'd  out,  or  if  Convicl,his  Head  cut  ojf  :  Dela- 
"  tors  are  thofe  that  through  ewy  betray  others ;  (  or  envious  Accufers.  j  Alas ! 
if  our  Delators,  Calumniators  and  Informers  were  thus  ufcd  now,what  abun- 
dance would  have  fuftered  for  wronging  (onie  one  Man  ? 

Another  Canon  is,  '■'■  If  a  Man  be  often  in  cjuarrels,  and  eafie  (  or  for- 
ward )  "  to  accuse,  let  no  Man  receive  his  Accufatton  without  great  Examina- 
*^  tion  ?  (  What  then  will  be  thought  of  the  iifual  AccuQtions  of  Clergy 
Calumniators,  that  forSe6ls,  and  worldly  huercft,  can  reproach  others  wlth- 
0UC  (hame  or  mcafiire  ?  ) 

Another  is,  "  That  the  danger  of  the  "Judge  is  greater  than  the  danger  of 
"  him  that  is  judged ;  therefore  all  care  muiJ  be  taken  to  avoid  unjuit  judg- 
"  ment  and  punijhments. 

Another  is,  [_  "  Let  no  Adan  receive  the  witness  if  a  Lay-man  againft  a 
''''  Clergy-man.  J  (  And  Door-keepers,  and  Clerks,  and  Readers ,  were  then 
Clergy-men  ;  Was  not  tliis  a  great  privilcdge  to  the  Church  ?  ) 

§  J4.  CCXXXII.  We  come  now  to  the  great  General  Council  at  Nice 
xd  ,  called  by  the  Tapifls  the  7th,  (  that  is,  the  7th  which  pleafc-d 
them.  ) 

I  have  before  noted  that  Irene,  the  \\'idow  of  Leo,  now  Ruled  ,  her  Son 
Confiantine  being  Titular  Emperor,  a  Child,  under  her  Government.  One 
Staurattus  a  Senator  mod  (waycd  her,  or  ruled  her.  Taitraftus  the  Patriarch 
joined  with  her  for  Images.  They  call  a  Council  at  Confl  amino  fie.  A  Gene- 
ral Council  and  three  Emperors  (  Leo,  Conft.  o~  Leb  )  had  lately  condemned  ^ 
Images,  and  taken  them  down.  The  Pope  and  many  Italians  had  refiftcd  by 
force.  This  violence  made  the  Emperor  u(e  (evcrity  againft  the  Rtfilkrs. 
At  Ravenna  they  killed  Taulus  the  1 4t!i  Exarchate.  In  Rome  they  rook  Te- 
r«r  a  Duke,  and  put  out  his  eyes.  In  Campania  they  beheaded  £.v/i;7ff<»f.'« 
the  Duke,  and  his  Son  Adnan,w\\o  took  the  Emperor's  part.  How  the  Em- 
peror hereby  loft  Italy,is  before  fhcwed.  But  this  Woman  J»i»e  will  do  as 
the  Pope  would  have  her  :  She  is  as  much  for  Pidures  as  the  Pope  himfclf. 
She  calling  this  Council  at  Cw7?rf«;/V;e^.V,  the  old  Soldiers  bred  up  under 
the  former  Emperors  being  againft  Images,  (  ha:re/rn  meduhnus  tr.hibcranr, 
(aith  Rinnius,  p.  396.)  Would  not  endure  them  in  Cofiflantimple,   but  rout-  •Qj 

cd  them.  At  which  the  Emprcfs  being  troubled,  diftiilled  the  Bifhops  till 
they  had  purged  the  Army  ol-  thole  old  Soldiers,  and  then  flie  called  the  Bi- 
(hops  to  Nice  ;  and  there  ( they  knowing  their  errand  betoie-hand)  damned 

G  c:  them- 

2i6  Chwch-Hiftory  of 'Bijl^ops  and 

themfelves  and  their  Brethren  tliat  had  held  the  former  univerlal  Synod,  and 
lit  up  Images  again. 

§  5 5'.  By  the  way, I  appeal  from  Pride  and  Ignorance,  to  Chriftian  So- 
briety and  Reafonjhow  the  taking  down  of  Images  can  fin  the  Roman  icnCc) 
a5-  be  called  an  Hercfic,  unlefs  it  be  an  Article  of  Faith,  that  Images  muft  or  may 
be  u(ed.  And  can  any  Man  that  ever  read  and  beUeved  the  Scriptirres,  and 
the  Writings  of  the  firft  four  hundred  years,  believe  that  having  or  wor- 
fhiping  of  Imagts,or  Saints  by  Images,  is  an  Article  of  Faith,  or  neceffary  to 
Salvation  ?  The  beft  of  them  that  any  Man  can  plead  with  Modefty  is,  that 
they  are  indifferent, or  lawful, znd  ulcfijl  to  (bme  Perfbns.  The  Vafijls  tell 
us  now  that  they  would  not  compel  us  to  bow  toward  Images,but  leave  it  to 
our  liberty.  Mull  it  be  Herefie,  and  the  Cliriftian  world  call  into  diftra£H- 
ons  about  it,  when  yet  this  Image-worihip  is  Idolatry  in  the  fenfe  of  one  part 
of  Chrlftians,  and  but  Indifierent  and  convenient  to  the  ignorant  ( that  have 
other  helps  enow  )  in  the  (enle  of  others?  O  what  a  Plague  hath  it  been  to 
the  world,  to  have  a  worldly  Clergy  invade  the  Churches  i 

§  5"  6.  At  the  meeting  of  this  Council  we  have  firft  the  Call  and  Title,  in 

I .  The  Emperor  and  his  Mother  are  called  the  Governors  of  the  whole 
world,  (  Orhts  Terrarum.  )  And  yet  our  Fapifis  (  zsW.  Johnfon  in  his  ^o- 
'veltj  repreflf  &c.  )  would  make  Men  believe  that  if  they  find  but  fuch  a  fay- 
ing of  a  Council,  or  of  the  Church,  It  muft  needs  fignifie  more  tlian  the  Em- 
pire, even  all  the  Earth  indeed. 

a.  h'i  exprcfly  (aid  over  and  over,  that  this  Council  was  called  by  the 
Emperor, and  by  their  Decree  and  Command. 

Iharajiiis  bcginneth  with  telling  them  the  need  of  Reformation  (for  Ima- 
ges, )  and  reporting  how  they  were  aflaulted  at  Cofifiantimple,  when  they 
met  there,  (and  fb removed  to  Nke,^  &c. 

§5-7.  Next  the  Letters  of  the Emprefs  and  her  Son  are  read,  in  which 
they  are  before  made  know  what  they  muft  do.  They  are  told  what  Paul 
Cotjfi.  on  his  Death-bed  laid  for  Images,  and  that  Tarafius  would  not  take 
the  Patriarchate  till  he  had  promift  of  a  Council  to  reftore  them,  and  fbme 
hopes  of  it. 

The  Emperor  here  (aith,  that  [  he  called  and  Congregated  the  Synod,  and 
that  ex  imi'verfo  terrarum  orhe,otit  of  the  whole  earthly  world  J  and  yet  it  was 
only  out  of  the  7? owit?;  Empire, 

§5-8.  When  the  Bilhops  bufinefi  was  fb  well  made  known  by  the  Woman 
that  called  them,  firft  thrte  Bifliops  that  had  been  lately  forward  fpeakers 
againft  Images  in  the  former  General  Council  under  Covjlantine,  did  humbly 
confcfs  their  fin  to  the  Council,  and  asked  forgivenefi ;  that  is,  Bajil.  Ancyray 
Theodoru-s  Aiyron,  and  Theodofitts  Amorii.  And  firft  BaJll  Bifhop  of  Ancyra 
gave  them  his  Creed,  in  which  he  profefled  to  "  believe  in  the  Trinity,  and 
"  to  embrace  the  ijstercelfwn  of  the  Aiother  of  God,  and  of  the  hea'venly  Tower Sy 
"  and  of  all  the  Sai?its,  and  with  all  honjur  to  rccei've  and  embrace  their  holy 
"  Reliques,  firmly  believing  that  be  may  be  made  Partaker  of  their  holmefs : 


their  Councils  abridged.  127 


"  Alfo  that  he  embracetb  the  t'enerable  Images,  which  *  the  Otcmontj  of  our  »  -j-he 
"  Lord  Jefus  Chrifl,  &c.  and  of  the  hrvio/ate  Virgin  oifr  Lady  the  Mother  of  Verb  is 
"Go^,  and  of  the  holy  A^ojiles,  Prophets,  Martyrs,  and  all  Saints ;  and  greet  h  Iffc  out. 
"  them  due  hotiour :  Rejeiting  and  cttrfing  with  all  his  mind  that  called  the 

"  jth  Synod  (  *),  that  was  gathered  by  a  depraved  mind  arid  madnefs a  1  '  2, 

"falj'e  Council,  as  alien  to  all  Piety  and  Religion  ,  impioufly  barking  agamfi  Jarcly  a 
*^  Ecclefajlical  Legiflation — reproaching  venerable  Images, and  co}nma}idingthcm  LeaJcr. 
"  to  be  taken  out  of  the  Churches,  6cc. 

And  to  flicw  his  zeal,  and  lead  others  the  way,  he  deliyercth  in  nine  Cur- 
fts  or  Anathemas.  One  againfl  thofe  that  demolilli  Images.  Another  againft 
thofe  that  expound  tlic  Scripture  words  againft  Idols  and  Gentile  Images  ,  as 
againft  Chrlftians  Images.  Next  he  execrateth  all  that  embrace  not  Images, 
fo  it  is  now  become  neceflary  unto  (alvation. )  Another  Curfc  is  againft 
thoft  that  favour  them  that  are  againft  Images,  c^c.  (  Was  not  the  Cluircli 
ill  uled  by  her  Bifhops,  when  they  arc  Pure  to  be  curled  by  them ;  one  year 
curfing  all  that  be  For  Images, and  another  curling  all  that  be  not  for  them? 
Was  it  (uch  a  curfing  Clergy,  to  make  a  curled  Cliurch,  that  Chrift  ordain- 
ed ?  )  And  that  the  Council  might  not  fufpeit  that  this  Bifhop  was  a  Tem- 
porizer, and  changed  his  Opinion  with  the  Times,  Hrft  he  profclTcth  to  de- 
clare all  this,  [JVtth  his  whole  Soul,  Heart  and  Mind  ;  ]  and  next  he  wiflieth, 
(?  "That  f  ever  by  any  means  he  revolt  again  from  Images,  he  may  be  alienated 
from  God  the  Father,  Son  and  HolyGhofl,and  theCatholick  Church^  And  thus 
lie  renounceth  Repentance,  curfing  himfelf  if  ever  he  repent. 

§  59.  Tharafius  and  his  Synod  glorifie  God  for  this  excellent  Confelllon  : 
And  next  cometh72?eo</ere  Bifhop  of  Myros,  and  he  doth  the  like,  and  is  joy- 
fully received  :  And  next  cometh  Theodofius  Bifhop  of  Jmo"rum,a.nd  he  more 
dolefully  lamenteth,  that  \_  being  a  friner,  and  [educed,  he  had  blattered  cut 
many  evils  untruly  againfl  venerable  Images  ;  and  therefore  ccnfejfing  his  fault, 
be  condemneth  and  curfeth  (  or  detcfteth  )  himfelf,  refolving  hereafter  to  do  the 
fame  thing  which  he  had  curfed  (  or  fpokcn  ill  of  )  and  to  teacJj  it  to  the  world, 
and  begging  to  be  received  among  Chrifiians  though  unworthy.     Next  he  ofTcr- 
eth  his  Libel,  viz.   "  Firfi  I  approve,  receive,  Jalute   and  venerate  before  all 
*'  things,  the  intemerate  Image  of  our  Lord  frfus  Chrijl  our  true  God,  and  the 
"  blejjed  Mother  Virgins,  who  brought  him  forth  without  feed  *;  v.'hoje  help,  pre-  *  How 
"  tetlion  and  intercej/lon  I  pray  for  night  and  day,  that  (l)e  may  help  me  aftnner,  ^^'^"^  '^'j. 
".«j-  having  that  power  from  him  whom  flte  brought  into  the  world,  Chrifi  cur  \rf^^uh- 
"  God.     And  I  receive  and  venerate  the  Images  of  Saints,  Afcjlles,  Prophets,  ftancc. 
"  Martyrs,  Fathers,  Eremites,  not  as  Gods,  Sec.     And  with  all  my  mind  I  be- 
^''  feech  them  to  intercede  with  God  forme,  that  I  may  fivd  mercy  in  the  day  of 
^'■judgment.      On    the  fame  account    I   venerate    the    Reliques    of  Satnu, 

"  &'c, 

So  he  proccedeth  alfb  to  hisCurfcs,  and  ^'frfhe  amthematiz^tb  all  that 
"  venerate  not  Images :  Then  he  cwfetb  thofe  that  reproach  them  :  And  next, 
"  thatjpeak  evil  cf  them  :  And  next  he  curfeth  thofe  that  do  not  from  their 

G  g  1  '■'■hearts 

2 1 8  Church-Hijlory  of  fBi^ops  and 

"  hearts  teach  Chrifltan  People  the  'veneration  of  holy  and  hmonrahle  Images  of 
"  all  Saints,  ■which  Jrom  the  beginning  f  leafed  God. 

£^f,  I.  Where  fiiall  we  have  Painters  enow? 

a.  Where  (hall  wc  have  Money  to  pay  them  ? ' 

3.  Where  fhall  we  find  room  to  hold  them  ? 

4.  Is  not  here  a  new  Article  of  Faith  ,  and  a  new  Q)mmandment 

neceflary  to  Salvation  ? 
5".  Was  not  jheir  Church  Univer(al,as  it  flood  before  all  or  moft  here 
curfed  ? 
8^  6.  \Vas  it  not  a  hard  matter  to  be  faved,  or  be  a  Conformift  on  the(e 

terms,  when  a  Man  that  did  but  doubt  of  Images,  yea.,that  dtd 
vot  teach  thm  to  tbePeDple,and  that  from  his  heart ,  muft  be 
curled  ? 
7;  Was  notfiicha  curfing  (brt  of  Bifhops  a  great  Curie,  Shame  and 
Calamity  to  the  Church  ?  Did  they  not  tempt  Infidels  ta  curfc 
or  deride  them  all,  while  tlicy  thus  curfed  one.  another ,  even 
their  Councils ,? 

TJjarafius  ioyfijlly  received  all  this,  and  Conftantine  Bifhop  of  Confiance  In 
Cyprus,7hat  tUs  Libel  of  Theodofius  drew  many  tears  from  him^  (I  fup- 
pofe  of  joy  ; )  And  now  they  all  fuw  the  way. 

§  60.  But  now  Cometh  a  Crowd  more  to  do  their  Pennance  ;  Hypatius 
Bifhop  of  NicCj  Leo  Rhodt,  Gregory  of  Tifuha,  Gregory  of  TeJJinunt ,  Leo  of 
Iconium,  Nicolas  of  Hierapolis,Leo  of  Carpathium.  And  now  Taraftis  was 
fiire  of  them,  he  groweth  more  upon  them,  and  will  know  of  them,  JVheme 
it  "was  that  in  the  laji  Council  they  did  what  they  did  againjl  Images  ?  whether 
iy  it  was  tkrotgh  meer  Ig7torance,or  by  any  reafon  that  drew  them  to  it:If  through 
Ignorance,  he  bids  them  give  a  Reiijo7t  how  they  came  to  be  fo  ignorant :  If  up- 
on  any  Reajo?},  to  tell  what  that  Reafon  ovas,  that  it  tnight  be  refuted. 

Leo,  Bifhop  of  Rhode,  anfwered, ."  [  /-f  e  have  finned  before  God,  and  btfore 
'■^  the  Church,  and  before  this  holj  Synod;  Ignorance  made  us- fall  from  the 
"  Truth,  and  we  have  nothing  to  fay  in  cur  own  defence.  ]] 

Tkarafms  would  know  what  Reafon  now  moveth  and  changeth  them;  fbme 
fay,  bccaufe  it  is  the  Doilrine  or  Faith  of  the  ApofHes  and  Fathers.  Another 
alledgeth  a  faying  as  of  the  ^ntioch  Council,  and  another  as  of  Ifidi  re  Ve- 
laf.yA-\\ch  the  learned  Reader  examining ,  may  fee  what  proof  it  was  that 
Images  were  brought  into  Churches  by;  it's  worth  the  noting.  But  another 
alLedgeth  the  Apoiilcs  and  Prophets  Tradition  :  But  what's  the  proof  ?  And 
did  not  the  Council  at  Confiant.  nor  the  Bifhops  in  the  Reign  of  the  three 
former  Emperors  knov/  what  Tradition  was?  Was  it  unknown  till  now? 
«^  flow  came  it  now  known  then?  Or  who  told  it  this  Council,  when  the  laft' 
kjiewit  not  ?  Or  if  the  laft  were  falfe  Knaves,  how  fhall  we  be  fiire  that 
thcfc  were  honefl  Men  ?  Or  that  the  fiime  Men  were  fuddcnly  become  wile 

Tbarafius . 

tJ?eif  Councils  abridged.  119 

Thara/ius  asketh  one  of  the  Bifliops  (  Leo  J  HowSt  came  to  pafs  that  he 
that  had  been  ten  or  eight  years  a  BJlTiop, never  knew  the  Apoltolical  Tra- 
dition for  Images  till  juft  now  ?  He  anfwercd,  Becaiife  through  many  y^ge.', 
(  or  Times  )  Malice  endured^  and  fo  wicked  Doifrine  mdurtd ;  and  -uthen  this 
ferfevered  for  our  fins,  it  compelled  us  to  go  out  of  the  way  cf  Truth ;  hut  there  ' 
ts  hope  with  God  of  our  fal'vatton.  But  Confiantine  Cypr.  anfweicch  liim,  You 
that  are  Bijltops,  and  Teachers  of  others,  jlwuld  not  have  had  need  to  be  taught 
your  fel'ves.  Leo  replied,  If  there  were  no  expre[/io»  of  fin  m-  the  Lav,  tUre 
would  he  no  need  of  Grace.  Another  (  Hypatius  )  replied  with  tht;  rcll-,  JFe 
recei'ved  til  DoElrine  from  ill  Aiafitrs.  Yea,  but  (aith  Tarafius  ,  The  Church 
ought  not  to  receive  Vriejlsfrom  til  Teachers.  Hypatius  ,  Bifhop  ot  Nice,  re* 
pheth,  [[  Ctiflom  hath  fo  obtained.  ~] 

§■61.  Hereupon  the  Synod  defired  to  be  informed  on  what  terms  Here-* 
ticks  were  to  be  received,  when  they  returned  :  (b  the  Canons  were  brought 
and  read.  And  though  many  Canons  and  Fathers  have  laid,  tliat  no  Repen- 
tance for  (bme  Crimes  muftreftore  a  Man  to  the  Pricllhood,  thoiigli  it  muft 
to  the  Church  ;  and  there  is  an  Epiftle  of  Tarafius  put  by  Crabie  before 
this  Council,  in  which  he  dctcrmincth  that  aSimoniack  may  be  received  up- 
on Repentance  to  Communion,  but  not  to  his  Office  ;  yet  Tnfius  here  be- 
ing dchrous  of  their  return,  (  knowing  that  rhcfe  Penitents  that  renounced 
the  erron  of  their  Education,  and  former  praAicc,  would  draw  otliers  to  coi:-- 
formity  with  them  )  did  refolutely  anfwer  all  that  was  objciStcd  againft  their 

§  6x.  Here  ( in  Cr^^.  ^.  471.  ja  queftion  fell  in  (upon  their  reading  the- 
Prools,  that  repenting  Hercticks  were  by  the  Church  to  be  reltored  to  iheir' 
Bifhoprlcks  and  Priefthood,)/-^^'<7/  Heretich  thifewcre  ?  And  it  was  anfwer- 
ed,  that  tlicy  were  Ncvatuins,  Encratifis,  and  Arrians,  and  M.inichces,  Mi?;  — 
eionifis,  and  Eutychiatis.  And  then  one  askctli.  Whether  this  Here  fie  (  agaivfi 
Images  )  w.js  greater  or  kfs  than  all  thofe  ?  And  Thara/ius  anlwcreth,  (  like 
a  Stoick  )  "  [Ex'/Z  is  ahvays  the  fame  and  e^uaJ,  efpecially  in  matters  Ecch- 
"■  fiaft teal,  in  the  Decrees  of  which  hcth  great  and  fmall,  to  trr  is  the  fame 
"  thing  ;  for  in  both  God^s  Law  is  violated.  J  (  O  Learned  Patriarch  ,  wor-- 
thy  to  be  the  letter  up  of  Church-Images !  )  A  venerable  Monk  that  was 
Vicar  of  the  Oriental  Patriarch,  anrwcrcth,["  Tliat  this  Here  fie  is  worfe  tha?p 
"  all  Herefia,  and  the  vcrfi  cf  all  Evils,  as  that  which  fubverteth  the  Quo- 
"  nomy  of  our  Saviour.  3 

Note,  Reader,  how  the  Patriarchal  Thrones  did  govern  the  Chiirch  an>h 
tliis  Council,  and  by  what  reafbns  Images  and  Saints  intercefilons  were  let  up.' 
Arri.jntjm,  Manichcilm,  Marcionifm,  no  Hercfic  that  denied  the  cficntials  of' 
Chriftianity,  no  evil  was  lb  bad  with  them  as  to  deny  Church-Imat^cs,  ^o 
And  lb  the  late  General  Council,  and  Blfhops,  for  three  Enipci-ors  Reigns,  . 
had  been  under  tlie  worft  of  Heretics  and  Evils,  v/crle  \.\ym  ArriantttP 




1^0  Church- Hijlory  of  ^iJl)ops   ::nj 


§  65.  But  here  Conjlant'me  the  Notary  of  the  Confi.  Patriarchate,  happily 
brought  in  fo  pertinent  a  Teftimony,  as  much  made  for  the  pardon  of  the 
penitent  Biihops :  He  read  out  of  the  Council  of  Cakeacn,  how  t\\t  Or ttntal 
and  other  Bilhops  that  had  lately  fet  up  Eutyches  and  Diofcorus  in  the  ad 

CJ"  Ephcfuin  Council,  cryed  at  Calcedon,  [_We  have  all  fmneti,  -wt  all  ask  for- 
givefiejs.  ]  And  how  Tfialafius,  Etifebiits  and  Euflathius  cryed,  [IVe  have  nil 
erred,  we  all  ask  forgivenefs.  ]  And  after  them  'Jwvenal,  and  after  him  the 
Illyric.ifi  Bidiops  crycu,  [  TVe  ha've  all  lapfed,  we  all  ask  vardcn.  ~\  And  (b 
the  Prclident  was  undeniable  and  eftc6fual.  Thclc  were  not  the  hrfl:  Bifhops 
thit  went  one  way  in  one  Council  under  one  Prince,  and  cryed  feccavimus 
for  it,a5  Hercho,in  the  next. 

§  64.  But  Sab.js  the  Monk  ftarts  yet  a  greater  doubt  than  this,  and  that 
is,  whether  they  had  true  Or<{iiiatic»,-ind  fo  were  true  Bipiops.  For  fleing 
they  were  bred  in  the  times  of  Herefie,  which  had  prevailed  under  lb  many 
Emperors,  and  had  Heretical  Teachers,  it's  like  they  had  Heretick  Ordain- 
crs,  feeing  the  late  Council  ihewed  what  the  Bifhops  then  were.  And  the 
Facf  was  confeft,  that  they  were  Ordained  by  Bilhops  that  were  Hert-ticks, 
(  that  is,  againft  Church-hnages,  and  praying  to  Saints  for  their  intercefTion, 
and  ufing  Reliques.  )  The  Bifliop  of  Rome's  Vicars  pleaded  hard  againft 
their  Ordination ;  but  Tarafius  knew  what  a  breach  it  would  make  in  the 
Church  if  a  General  Council,  and  all  the  Bilhops  that  were  at  it,  and  all  the 
relf  tliat  conlcnted  to  it,  and  were  bred  up  in  that  Opinion,  fhould  be  degra- 
ded, and  the  new  Conformity  receive  fb  great  a  ftop  ;  and  what  confijlion  it 
would  make  among  the  People,  (  as  they  had  fccn  in  many  former  inlfances) 
and  therefore  he  is  againft  their  depofition.  And  firft  there  are  two  paflages 
read  in  their  fiivour  out  of  Ruffinus  and  Socrates ,  and  (bmewhat  of  yitha- 
nnfius.  And  then  when  Veter  Vic.  Rom.  alledged  the  inftance  of  Meletius 
againft  it,  Tarafuis  brought  a  notable  expeditious  Argument ,  'vix^  The  Fa- 

€3"  thcrs  agree  among  themlelves,  and  do  not  contradiil  one  another  :  ergo  the 
reft  content  to  thefe  that  have  been  cited.  Methinks  I  could  make  great  ufe 
of  this  Argumentation  to  (ave  time,  labour  and  difficulty  in  dilputing.  E.  G. 
Nazianz^en  wiftit  there  were  no  difterence  of  Bilhops  Seats  (  one  above  an- 
other )  and  (aid  that  he  never  law  Councils  that  did  not  more  haiTn  than 
good.  The  Fathers  differed  not  among  themlelves  j  ergo  the  reft  of  the 
Fathers  were  of  Gregorfs  mind. 

In  concluhon,  they  oflered  their  Confellions,  and  were  ablblved. 
§  65-.  In  the  id  A6fion,  the  Rulers  fend  in  thcBIfhop  of  Neo-Cafarea  to 
do  his  Pennance ;  and  he  alfo  crycth  for  mercy,  and  confefleth  that  his  errors 
and  fins  were  infinite,  but  now  he  believed  as  the  Synod  doth.  Tharajius  ask- 
eth  him  whether  he  be  not  afhamed  to  have  been  ignorant  (b  long ,  and 
quedioneth  the  (incerity  of  his  Repentance,  which  he  earneftly  profefleth, 
condemning  his  Sin,  and  promifing  Conformity. 

Next  a  long  Epiftle  of  Adrians  to  the  Emperor  and  Emprcfi,  and  another 
to  Tljarafiiis  for  Images  are  read :  For  Popes  ufe  not  to  travel  to  General 
Councils,  but  to  lend  their  Letters  and  Legates,  left  in  their  prefent  Difputes 


their  CowicHs  abridged.  i  ^  i 

they  be  found  no  wifer  than  other  Men,  and  their  Infallibility  be  proved  lefi 
at  hand,  than  at  a  diftance,  where  they  hear  no:  the  Debates.  Here  yJArun 
to  the  Emprefi  relateth  the  forcfaid  Vifion  of  Covflantine  Mag.  to  be  healed  of 
his  Leprolie,  a  Fable  fit  to  introduce  Image-worfhip  ;  and  for  an  Infallible 
Pope  to  ufe,  fully  confuted  ( as  aforeftid  )  by  Hemy  Fmiiis  (  after  many 
others )  of  Popiih  Treafons. 

§  66.  Tbarafius  profefleth  his  confent  to  Adrims  Letters,  yet  profcfleth, 
Q  That  he  giveth  the  Wotpip  called  Latria  to  God  alone,  and  flaceth  his  belief  Crab.  p. 
m  htm  alone.  ]     Contrary  to  Atjumas  and  his  Followers,  ana  other  (ijch  Ro-  48/. 
man  Dodlors.     And  the  whole  Council  ecchoed  their  confent,  and  voted  for 
Images  j  fo  much  can  one  Woman  do  in  Power. 

§  67.  In  the  3d  Action,  Gregory  Bifhop  of  Nec-Cafarea  is  to  receive  his 
Ablblution  fully,  and  Tliarajius  puts  in  an  Obje&ion,  that  it's  faid  that  Ibnie 
Bilhops  in  the  late  Persecution  did  fcouvge  diflenting  Bilhops,  and  luch  were 
not  to  be  received  :  But  Gregory  protefted  that  he  (courged  none.  But  he 
is  acculed  by  others,  to  have  been  a  Leader  of  the  lad  Council  againft  Ima- 
ges, and  Co  he  is  deferred.  And  the  Eplftle  of  Jharajtus  to  the  Eaftern  Pa- 
triarchs is  read,  (  and  their  Anfwers ;  }  in  which  it  is  to  be  noted,  that  yet 
Image-worfhip  was  not  owned :  For  he  profeflTeth  in  his  Creed  to  them,  that 
[^  IVe  admit  Figures  for  no  other  uje,  hut  that  they  may  the  more  ferfeHly  be 
exhibited  to  the  fight  and  eyes ;  as  the  Lamb  of  God  that  taketb  away  the  fins 
rf  the  World,  &c. } 

And  the  4th  A6lion  containing  all  their  Proofs  from  Scripture  and  Fa- 
thers, plead  but  for  the  memorative  and  inl^ructing  ufe  of  Images,  by  which 
they  are  to  the  eye,  what  words  are  to  the  ear :  But  they  fhould  have  con- 
fidered  the  danger  of  abufc,  and  foreften  how  much  furtlicr  they  were  like 
to  be  carried,  as  with  the  Papifis  they  are.    . 

And  in  the  fifth  Aftion  they  proceed  in  reading  more,  ro  the  ftme  purpo(e, 
for  commemorative  Images ;  till  one  read  the  Itinerary  of  the  ApofiUs^which  "fn 

they  voted  to  be  a  curfed  Book,  and  laid  it  was  that  Book  that  the  Synod 
againft  Images  made  ufe  of:  whereupon  Greg.Nco-Ciefd}'Theodof.Amorii,are 
asked  whether  that  Book  was  read  in  the  falie  Synod ,  and  th<y  fuMie  by 
God,  that  it  was  not,  but  only  fbme  recited  words  as  out  of  it.  Fretoriui 
a  Nobleman  faid,  {_  But  they  did  all  by  the  Royal  Procuration.  ]  And  they 
proceed  to  refell  the  Teftimonies  that  were  brought  againfi:  Image>.  Cofmar 
Cubiculariiis  brought  out  an  Old  Tcfbment  with  Scholia  blotted  out,  where 
was  yet  legible  on  the  (econd  Commandment,  "  [  If  we  make  the  Ima/re  of 
"  Cbrift,  truly  we  do  not  for  the  fimilttude  a.'hre  tr,  but  that  the  mind  min-ht 
"  he  raifed  upward  by  what  is  feen.  ]  The  Expun6Kon  was  laid  by  Tara- 
fitts  to  be  done  by  his  PredcccfToi-s,  Anaflafius,  Confiantine,  ViBor,  all  Here- 
ticks.  And  here  they  curfed  Concealers  and  Canccllen  of  Writings.  (  Wo 
then  to  Rome  !  )  Other  rafed  Books  were  read,  and  Curfcs  added  againfi:  the 
Adverlaries  of  Images,  and  thofe  that  communicite  with  them. 

§  68.  In  the  6th  A6lion,the  words  of  the  7th  Council  againft  Images  are 
brought  forth  in  a  Book  with  a  Confutation  of  them,which  the  Reader  that 



2  ^  z  Chtirch-Hijiory  of  'BiJ]?ops  and 

halh  Iciliirc  mey  compare.  Gre^.Neo-defar.  read  the  Councils  words,  yoan. 
Cancellartus  read  the  Confutation.  It  fell  out  well  that  this  Confutation  was 
undertaken,  or  elle  we  had  lofl  the  Decrees  of  this  Council ,  as  the  Afts,  for 
ought  I  know,  arc  buried. 

in  general  evciy  fober  Reader  naay  perceive  a  great  deal  of  difference  be- 
tween the  ftyle  of  the  Council  of  ConfiantinopU;  and  the  Anfwcr.  The  Coun- 
cil (peaks  with  as  much  temper  and  gravity,  as  moft  of  the  befl:  Councils 
liave  done.  The  Anlwer  aboundeth  with  (uch  railings  and  reviling  words, 
as  are  mcerer  for  a  common  Scold,  than  for  Divines.  The  common  language 
of  it,  is  to  call  the  Bifhops  of  the  Council,  Blinded,  Ignorant,  Fools,Wicked, 
Deceivers,  Blafphcmers,  and  iiich  like.  And  it  all  the  Bifhops  on  earth  be 
prefcnt,  or  reprcfentcd  in  a  General  Council ,  what  a  Cale  then  was  the 
Church  in  ?  And  how  ilia  II  we  know  what  Council  is  to  be  believed,  unleft 
the  Pope  make  all  the  diflcrence  ? 
•  At  Co7i-  §  69.  The  number  of  the  Bifhops  were  *  338.  They  firll  fhcwhowSa- 
Jl.inttnop,i  tmi  hath  brought  in  Idolatry.  One  of  their  chief  Arguments  againft  Ima- 
ges of  Chrift,  is,  that  they  favor  of  Neflorianifm,  reprelcnting  Chrift  by  his 
nieer  Manhood,  when  they  cannot  paint  his  Godhead  •,  calling  that  Pi6f  ure 
Chriff,  and  overthrowing  the  Occonomy  and  Union  of  his  Perlbn.  I  meddle 
not  with  the  weight  of  their  rcafbn,  but  only  recite  it. 

%Jo.  It's  again  worth  the  noting,  that  the  Anfwer  to  them  faith,  (Tor 
their  charging  Images,  as  drawing  down  the  mind  to  Creature-worfhip ; 
Latria  )  C  O  infankn  em  lingtiam,  cjuam  hiflar  machara  acuta  (^  'veneno 
imbutiC  folfidcut ,  &c.  O  mad  tongue,  which  they  Po£cfs  like  a  jharp  fivord, 
imbued  ii'tth  poyjon,  &c.  For  no  Chrifiian  ever  ga-ve  Latriam  to  the  Image  of 
uhofe  that  are  tinder  Heaven ;  for  this  ts  the  Fable  of  the  Gentiles,  and  Devils 
invention^  and  the  aggrejfion  of  Sat/tnical  ^Bicn.']  —  [^Our  Latria  is  in  Spirit 
and  Truth.  ]  Other  paflages  forbid  us  to  think  that  they  juggle  here,  and 
denying  Latriam  only  to  Creatures  under  Heaven,  intend  to  give  it  to  Crea- 
tures in  Heaven  ;  for  they  appropriate  it  elfewherc  to  God  :  by  which  they 
greatly  differ  from  Acjuimu  and  (iich  Papifis. 

§71.  Note  alio  that  (  whether  well  or  ill  )  both  thefe  adverfe  Councils 
curie  Pope  Honorins  as  anHeretick  ;  (ee  Crab.  p.  5'6o,&c. 

§  71.  Another  Argument  which  the  firff  7th  Council  (  ztConfi.)  ufcth 
againft  Images  in  Qiurches,  is,  that  Chrift  himlelf  hath  chofen  and  inftituted 
liich  an  Image  as  he  would  be  reprcfented  by,and  that  is  the  Bread  and  fVine 
in  the  Sacrament,  and  therefore  we  muft  not  prelume  to  make  another,  as  if 
he  had  not  done  it  well.  This  fheweth  that  tlus  General  Council  and  the 
Church  then  held  that  the  Bi-ead  was  not  nullified ,  nor  become  Chrift's  E(- 
fince,  but  was  the  Image  or  Reprefen ration  of  his  broken  Body,  and  fb  cal- 
led ,  The  Body  of  Christ ,  as  we  fay  of  £.  G.  Cajars  Image ,  This  is 

But  the  adverfe  Council,  or  the  Anfwer,  raileth  at  this  as  an  abominable 
Speech,  (Crab.  p.  ^6j.)  as  if  the  Sacrament  might  not  be  called,  77je /w<7]^e 
of  Chrifl,  ( though  tie  re  they  feem  not  at  all  to  differ  )  faith  the  Ccnjlantme 



their  Caoicils  abridnd.  2  :  ^ 

Council,  [  Imagmem  tot  am  elecfam,  viz.  fubfiantiam  paws  manJavit  tjppofii, 
ne  fcHicet,  hiimana  effigte  jigurata,  idolohitria  induceretur.  J  A  Deo  traa.ia 
Imago  Carnis  ejus  panis  fcilicet  D'timus  impktus  cfi  Spiritu  Sanclo,  cum  pcculo 
quoque  jangiiinis  lateris  tlliiis  'vivijicantis.  H^c  igititr  "jera  incarndta  atlpetf 
fationisChrifii  Deinoftrilmago  fecut  pradiHiim  ejt,  qitam  ipfe  nobis  vcy-^  ■•'a- 
tura  z'lvidus  Creator  proprid  -voce  tradidtt. 

§  7 J.  Note  alfo  {Crab.  p.^6S.)  that   the    Ccnfiantin.  Council   plead, 
"  Jhat  this  life  of  Images  began  neither  by  the  Tradition  of  Chrifi,  nor  of  the      TD 
"  Jpofles,  nor  of  the  Fathers :  And  that  the  AnfviTr  faith,  that  "  i  Tlje  I'cnc- 
"  ration  of  Imiiges  was  deli'veied  with  many  other  things  without  Scripture^ 
^'■from  the  Apojtks  time.  Sec. 

Here  note  i .  How  thole  Vapifls  (  In  particular  which  I  have  clfewhcre 
anfwcred  )  are  confuted,  who  lay  that  [Tradition  is  univcrfal,fure,  knou-n, 
conftant,  and  no  Churches  pleaded  Traditions  againfi  each  other,  at  Icafl  in  necej- 
fary  things  or  Faith ;  but  if  we  have  not  the  right  now,  it  mujl  be  becaufe  the 
Councils  went  all  to  Bed  in  cne  mind,  and  roje  in  another.  ]  You  fee  here 
that  the  zd  Nieeiie  Council  took  the  DoArine  of  the  former  to  be  Anathe- 
matized Hereficj  and  that  358  Bilhops  In  one  of  the  Gjuntils,  (  and  the 
moll  under  many  Emperors)  and  3 5^0  Bilhops  in  the  other Council,pleaded 
Tradition  againft  each  other.  But  (lire  any  Nlan  that  hath  read  the  Fathers 
of  the  Hrft  3  00  or  400  years, will  caGly  fee  which  of  them  was  in  the  right, 
excepting  the  lign  of  the  Crofs. 

a.  Note  alio  that  it  is  here  confcffed,  that  there  is  no  Scriptural  Tradition 
.  of  this  ule  of  Images. 


§  74.  In  the  Definitions  of  the  Confiantine  Council  it  Is  to  be  noted, 

1.  That  they  are  not  fb  much  againft  the  interceflion  of  the  Virgin  Ma- 
ry, or  Saints,  as  the  trote/t.'mts  mollly  are,  nor  as  the  Tapifis  make  them :  For 
(  Crab.  p.')'i'.).  )  they  fay  Dtfin.  15'.  \^If  any  confefs  not  holy  Mary  ever  a 
Virgin,  properly  and  truly  the  Parent  of  God,  and  fuperior  to  every  Creature 
vifble  and  invi/ible  {  *  ),  and  doth  not  with  a  fincere  Faith  crave  her  Inter-  /♦^\^/•h3r  / 
cejJions,as  having  this  liberty  with  him  that  is  bom  of  her,  God ,  let  htm  be  fuperior 
Anathema.  toChriffs 

And  Defin.  ij.  \^If  any  confefs  not  that  all  who  from  the  beginning  to  this  Humaiii- 
day,  before  the  Law,  and  under  the  Lav,  and  m  the  Grace  given  rf  God,  being  Xovc  vou 
Saints  are  venerable  in  the  prefence  of  God  in  foul  and  body  (  **  ),and  doth  that  ih'cis 
not  Jeek  their  intercejjions,  as  having  liberty  with  God  to  intercede  for  the  world  fuperior 
according  to  Ecclefaftital  Tradition,  let  him  be  Anathema.  3    Were   not  thefe  \°  J  5 
Men  high  enough  in  Creature-worlhip  ,  to   efcape    the   Curfc  of    Here-  ^\'npcls  > 
ticks?  (")  Are 

1.  I  noted  before  how  they  do  Df/;;.  7.  conclude,  that  Chrill's  Body  glo-  thebodics 

rified  is  not  proper  F'lelh,  and  yet  not  incorporeal,  but  his  true  Body.  *'  . 

f.  _       ri-,'      f  /•      /       1  •  /^       '-1  c  •    J   •       1  Saints 

S  75-    1  hat  you  may  !ce  iliat  this  Council  were  or  one  mind,  m  the  con-  ajrca^ly 

clulion  they  all  lay,  Omnes  fc  creditrus ;  Omnes  idem  fpiTKUs  ;  Omnes  ap-  r  f.n  .' 

H  h  ■  ■  prcbando 

2  34  Church- Hifiory  of  (Btjhops  and 

frohando  ziolentes  fubfcrip/imus,  &c.  We  all  thus  helime,  (againft  Images;  ) 
He  are  all  of  otie  minJ;  IVe  all  fubjcrihe  ■willtngly^as  approving,  &c.  Only 
Germanus,  George,  a.nd  A'Janzur us,  ( (uppofed  to  be  Dama[c€ne)  are  found 
among  the  Anathematized  Diflenten,  Crab.  p.  591. 

§76.  The  7  th  AiStlon  of  the  Nicene  Synod,  contalneth  their  Definition, 
in  which  they  deny  indeed  Latria  to  Images,  but  yet  (ay  (  more  than  be- 
fore )  "£  That  they  that  fee  the  Piclnrej,  may  come  to  the  memory  and  dejire 
"  of  the  Prototypes  ;  as  hy  the  f^t  of  theCrofs,  and  by  the  holy  Gojpels,  and 
"  holy  Oblations. — For  the  honour  of  the  Image  refulteth  to  the  Prototype,  and  he 
*'  that  adoreth  the  Image,  in  it  adoreth  the  defcribed  Argument. "}  So  that  they 
that  began  lower,  in  the  conclufion  came  up  to  Adoration. 

They  all  profefs  full  confent,  and  curfe  all  that  bring  Scripture  againft 
Images,  and  that  call  them  Idols,  dfc.  They  curfe  the  laft  Council,  as  Rih 
gtens  Conciliabulum  ;  and  three  diflcnting  Bifhops,and  three  former  Patriarchs 
of  Confl.  two  more  Bifhops  they  add.  They  curfe  all  that  receive  not 
Images,  and  all  that  falute  them  not  in  the  Name  of  the  Lord  and  his  Samts, 
and  that  care  not  for  tin-written  Tradition  of  the  Church. 

Next  they  write  an  Epiftle  to  the  Emprefs,  (  and  her  Child  )   applauding 

them,  and  adding,  that  "  [  Denying   Latria    to  them  ,  they  judge  them  to  he 

"adored  and  fainted,   and  pronounced    every  one   Anathematiz,ed  that  is  fa 

"  minded,  as  to  ftick  at  and  doubt  of  the  Adoration  of  Images  ,   and  this  as 

Craby  p.    "  empowred  by  God's  Spirit  fo    to  curfe  them  ;  which  Anathema  ( (ay   they  ) 

°5'  "  is  nothing  elfe  but  feparating  them  from  Chrijh. 

Judge  now  what  the  ufe  ot  fuch  Councils  was,  [  To  curfe  Men,  andfepa- 
rate  them  from  Chrifl,  ]  and  that  if  they  do  but  doubt  of  adoring  Images. 
Reader,  if  thou  believe  that  in  the(e  Heretications,  Separations  and  Damna- 
tions of  fuch,  they  were  of  Chrift's  mind,  and  did  his  work,  and  fervcd  not 
his  Enemy  againit  him  and  Iris  Church,  lam  not  of  thy  mind,  nor  am  ever 
hke  to  be. 

Another  Epiftle  they  wrote  to  the  People,  and-  one  Tharafius  (cnt  to 


§  77.  Some  Canons  of  theirs  are  added,  of  which  this  is  the  third. 
"  [  Every  EleBion  of  aBifhop,Priefl,  or  Deacon,  which  is  made  hy  Magi- 
^  firates,  fliall  remain  void,  by  the  Canon  which  faith.  If  any  BiJJiop  ufe  the 
Alas!      "  S^*^"^^''  Magifirates,  to  obtain  hy  them  a  Church,  let  him-  he  depojed  and  fepa- 
Muft  all     "  rated,  and  all  that  communicate  with  him  *. 

be  Scp.v  The  4th  Canon  is ,  "  [^  P<7«/  (alth,  I  have  defired  no  Mam  fiver  or  gold, 
ratilu  u  ^  jf  fherefore  any  one  exailing  money,  cr  any  other  things  or  for  any  of 
Bi'fliops  in  "f'^'""  rf  k"  own,  p.ill  be  found  to  drive  from  his  Mtniftry,  or  to  fegregate 
Engldiid,  "  <i^y  one  of  his  Clergy,  or  to  fiiitt  the  venerable  Temple,  forbidding  in  it  the 
Fr.i>!cc,  "  Divine  Alinijleriesffhewing  his  madnefs  even  on  that  which  hath  no  fenfe  •*, 
^A  ^  h  "  J"^^  ^"  "^^  "  ^^"^^  /''"Jl^'^y  and  fhalt  be  obnoxious  to  the  Lex  Talionis,  and  his 
Iiiccrdiiiis  "  Vfi'rk  f^all fall  jipDn  his  own  head,  as  being  a  tranfgrcfjor  cf  Goers  Law:  For 

"  tb6. 

their  Councils  abridged. 


*'  the  chief  Afofile  Peter  commavded.  Feed  the  Flock  of  God,  overfeeing  it,  not 
"  by  force  i  but  freely  and  voluntarily,  according  to  God;  not  for  filthy  lucre  fake, 
"  but  readily  and  chearfully;  not  as  having  a  dcmimon  over  theClergj;bta  as 
"  being  exatnpla  to  the  Flock. 

The  ijrth  Canon  forbids  one  Man  to  have  two  Churches. 

The  ^ id  Canon  forbids  Canting,  and  Minftre'.s,  and  Ribald  Songs  at 
meat :  But  the  7th  (avors  of  their  Supcrftition,  forbidding  any  Temple  to  be 
Confecrated  without  Reliques,  and  ordering  Temples  that  have  no  Reliqucs  to 
be  put  down. 

§  7  8.  In  the  Letter  to  Adrian,Tharafius  tells  him,  that  he  had  a  year  be- 
fore attempted  the  like  at  Confl.  but  was  hindered  a  whole  year  by  vio- 
lent Men  ;  which  further  (hewcth  how  far  the  oppolition  to  Images  had  ob- 
tained, when  Irene  began  to  fet  them  up. 

§  79.  So  much  of  the  xd  Nicene  Council,  in  which  by  the  power  of  one 
Woman,  and  Statrratius  a.  Senator  that  ruled  her,  the  judgment  of  the  Uni- 
verfal  Church  (  if  the  Council,  or  mod  of  the  BIfliops  in  the  Empire  (ignific 
it)  was  fiiddenly  changed  from  what  it  had  been  during  the  Reign  of  the 
three  laftEmperoYs,and  made  that  Church-u(e  of  Images;  which  (bme  thought 
finfiil,  and  no  judicious  Chriftian  could  judge  ncccflary,  but  indiffcrent,and  of 
ufe  to  fome)  to  be  henceforth  (b  neceflary,  that  the  Dcnyers  are  fentenced  for 
curftd  Herctlcks,  yea  the  Doubters  cut  off  from  Chrill. 

§  80.  CCXXXIII.  B/w««j  next  addeth  a  Council  at  F(7r(7/M/;«w,y^«.79T. 
held  by  TauUnus  Bifhop  of  Aqutleta :  in  which  is  a  Speech  of  his  to  the  BI- 
fliops, and  an  excellent  Creed,  and  14.  Canons,  written  as  byhimfelf;  all  in  a 
far  more  underftanding,  (bbcr,  pious  manner,  than  is  ufual  among  the  Patri- 
archs at  Councils.  The  i  jth  Canon  Is  an  excellent  Precept  for  the 
holy  obfervation  of  the  Lord's-day,  wholly  in  Holinefs,  and  in  Hymns  of 
Praife  to  the  Holy  Ghoft,  that  blefled  it  by  his  admirable  Advent,  calling  it 
God^s  Sabbath  of  delight,  beginning  the  7th  day  evening,  not  for  the  honour 
of  the  7  th  day,  but  of  this  Sabbath,  dfc. 

§  81.  Yet  rafli  and  unskilful  words  fet  the  Bifliops  into  more  divifions. 
Falix  Urgelitanus,  and  from  him  Elipandus  Bifhop  of  Toletiim  ,  taught  that 
Chrijl  as  the  eternal  Mird  vas  God's  Natural  Son,  but  that  as  Man  he  vas 
his  Adopted  Son.  Hence  his  Adverfaries  gathered  that  he  was  a  Nejfor/an, 
and  held  two  Sons.  A  Council  y?».  791.  -^t  Ratisbcn7}e  was  called  to  condemn 
this  Hercfie.  Yea,  Jonju  Bifhop  of  Orleance  faith.  That  it  infeBed  Spain/cr 
a  great  part,  (  and  he  knew  their  Followers  to  be  certain  Antichrifis,  by  their 
faces  and  ha!).:!.  )  But  wife  Mm  think  that  the  Controverfic  was  not  de  re, 
but  de  nomine ,  And  that  if  one Chiiit  be  laid  to  be  one  Son  of  God  in  two 

H  h  z  natureSf 



2  5  6  Cmrch-Hiflory  of  'Bijhcps  and 

natures,  by  a  twoMA  ftmJamentum  of  the  Relation  of  a  Son,  and  that  the 
founJatio}}  of  the  eternal  Relation  was  the  eteinal  Generation,  and  the  foun- 
dation of  the  temporal  Relation  in  the  Humanity,  was  the  temporal  Genera- 
tion and  Union  with  the  Deity,  yet  this  provcth  not  two  Sons:  yea,  or  if  it 
had  been  (aid  that  two  Generations  being  the  fiiiidamei\ta  ,  two  Rdations  of 
SoJijhip  refult  from  thcfn.  If  this  be  unskilfully  and  illogically  fpoken,it  will 
not  follow  that  the  Speakers  held  two  Terfons^or  made  any  more  divifion  of 
Chrifls  natures  than  their  Ad^'erHirics  did  ;  but  only  might  think  that  a  double 
filiation  from  a  double  i\ix\AzmcnXx\m,7n'tght  he  found  in  one  Perfon.  Let  this 
Opinion  be  wrong,  I  (ee  not  how  the  Hcreticators  could  make  it  a  damnable 
Hcrcfie.  But  it's  pity  that  Falix  had  not  taken  warning  by  the  Churches  long 
and  fad  experience,  to  avoid  fuch  wordy  occafions  of  Contention,and  not  to 
fet  again  on  .work  either  the  Heretical,  or  the  Hcreticating  Evil 

0^  §  8i.  C/^«^/«;  Trt«n«e»//;,  a  great  and  worthy  Bifliop  at  this  time  ,  did 

fet  in  againft  theWorfhip  and  Church-ufeof  Images,  againft  whom  yonat 
Aurelianenfis  wrote,  whole  Writings  are  In  the  Biblioth.  Fatrum  by  Marg.  de 
la  Eigne ;  Read  them,  and  judge  as  you  (ee  caufe. . 

§  83.  About  the  time  of  the  Frankford  ConncAyCzmt  out  a  Book  againft 
Images,  which  is  publifhed  as  written  by  Carolus  Magnus  himfclf     A  great 
Controverfie  it  is,  Who  is  the  Author  ?  No  fmall  number  fay,  it  was  Charles 
his  own  indeed.     Others,  that  it  was  written  at  his  Will   and  Command. 
S/n./j.iSS  But  Binnius  and  (bme  others  deny  it,  and  (ay  it  was  written  by  Serenus  Maf- 
d  Im^'    f^'^^fi'  ^^  Iecnoclasl,a.nd  his  Difciples.  How  we  flial]  know tlie Truth  infiich 
Uh.  1.        Cafes,  I  cannot  tell :  But  it  is  confeffcd  that  Spain   and  France   were    then 
much  infe£fed  with  the  Do-£lrine  which  is  agamft  Church-Images.     It  is  cer- 
tain that  Pope  Adrian  faith,  that  Carolus  Mag.  (ent  him  fuch  a  Book  by  En- 
gilbert  an  Abbot,  and  his  Epiftle  againft  it  is  extant. 

§  84.  CCXXXIV.  We  come  now  to  a  great  Council  at  Franhford,  called 

by  Charles  Mag.  prefent,  and  by  Adrian.     And  as  late  as  it  is,  all  the  Hi- 

ftorians  cannot  tell  us  whether  it  was  XJni'verfal^ox  what  they  did.  Some  (ay 

it  was  a  GcnrraJ  Council,  becaufe  Charles  (ummon'd  it  as  fuch  ,  and  300  Bi- 

..  fhops  were  there.     Others  fiiy  No,  it  was  but  Provincial,  becaufe  none  of 

fuch  a        '^'^^  Bifhops  of  the  Eafl  were  there,  ( a  fiifficient  reafon  ;  and  the  like  may 

Wcflern    be  brouglit  to  prove,  that  there   never  was  a  General  Council  in  the  World, 

(■;     fo  called  horn  the  whck  TVorld,  but  only  from  the  whole Emfire.)  That  they 

Gouncil     Jp^Ij.  ,_yj^].,  ^|^(,  Q^r^  ^p  j^lip^-^Jt^j  Bifhop  of  Toktum,and  Faiix  agi-eed 

IVifk  wns  ^^  •>  but  what  they  did  about  Images  is  not  agreed  on.    Ado,  Rhegino,  Aimo- 

ij^^stgnc  nius  U'iJJ>tiyg.  and  many  Hiftci-jans  fay  ,  They  ccndttnned  the  Nicene  Council 

'■:'^'^'^^/^'that  for  Images.     Even  Barcnius  is  of  the  fame  mind,  thinking  the  Li- 

V ;       v.<-^;.»^^^  Carclmifs  deceived  thcra.     He  proveth  this  to  be  the.  common  judgment 

r  '■■  .  of 

their  Councils  abridzed.  2  ^  7 

of  Hiftorlans,  and  ancient  Writers.     Bellarmine  *  (  his  Brotliei- j  is  of  the  »^,/,  j^ 
ftme  judgment.     And  is  not  their  Concelllon  more  than  twenty  later  Mens  Tm.:in. 
denial?   i'ca  Gencbr.trd    concurreth  ;  yet  Binnius  leaveth  his  Mailer /><irc- <"■■■/'.  14. 
w/wi,and  gireth  his  Realbns  againft  them.     And  he  doth  well  prove,  that  it  J^^'^" 
could  not  be  by  ignorance  and  furprizc,  that  the  Frankford  Council  fliould  ^^^''"^j  ^^[ 
condemn  the  Kicenc ;  and  he  is  loth  to   tliink   that  they  were  wilful  Here-  tcr  ill 
ticks,  elpccially  when  they  profcls  to  follow  Tradition :  But  he  knew  that  die  laich.  In 
■jth  Conflantin.  Coimcil  againft  Imager,  frofeft  to  fcUowTraditicv.     And  [{  "'"'d}  Sj- 
French  Men  will  make  usHercticks  for  fpeaking  £?7g///73,  it  is  no  wonder  if  we  prank- 
make  them  Hercticks  for  fpeaking  French.     If  Men  will  Hcreticate  others  ford,  i!:e 
for  Images,  or  Ceremonies,  or  Words,  others  will   meafure  the    like  to  them.  "'/?  Gcw- 
This  kind  of  Hcreticating  is  circular,  and  hath  no  end.  '■'/  Cwn- 

Suarezw'Ai  have  cither  the  Hiftorians  to  have  erred,  or  their  Books  to  be  '.„'^j^j  /,„'' 
corrupted ;  with  what  meafure  you  mete,it  fliall  be  mcafiired  to  you.  You  iTiall  d-e  Bi/hops 
then  give  us  leave  to  fiiipe>ft  your  Books,  where  there  is  far  greater  caufe.         that  woe 

§  §5".  But  the  Synod  ,  or  Vaulimts  At^utleienfis,  a  learned  worthy  Bifhop  'SP'"""'" 
in  the  Synod,  (  whom  the  reft  follow  )  copioully  wiite  a  Confutation  of  Eh-  '^^Jf^'  ^j'' 
fandiis  and  Faltx.     And  the  charges  of  Herelie  are,  r94.'Hift. 

I .  That  they  call  Chrilt  as  to  his  Humanity,  God^s  Adapted  Son,  (and  his  1.  8.  c.  7. 
eternal  Perfbn  his  Natural  Son.  )  "tB 

a.  Bccaufc  they  (l\y  he  was  Adopted  by  Grace. 

5.  Becauft  they  f.\v  he  was  a  Servant. 

Alas  for  the  Clun-ch,  that  niuft  thus  by  Bifhops  be  diftraSed  for  want  of 
skill  In  words !  Is  there  no  remedy  ?  Binmtis  confeffeth  that  (bme  Papifis 
think  that  they  meant  right,  as  Dwr^w^/w  did,  and  that  thcdifterence  was- but 
in  words.  _ 

The  Council  fuppofcth  Ehpandrrs  and  Faltx  to  ulc  the  word  [  Adoptim  '] 
cxcluliveiy,  as  to  ChrifPs  Filiation  by  Gew£r<»f«w,  as  conceived  by  the  Holy 
Ghoft :  whereas  it  is  far  likelier  that  they  took  both  Conjunft  to  be  the  fun- 
damenti(f»  fHiaticnii.  God  adopting,  that  is,  of  his  good  Will  freely  crea- 
ting Chrili's  Humane  Nature,  and  uniting  it  to  the  Divine ;  called  Adoption, 
becaufe  it  was  God's  tree  a£l  of  Love,  and  not  a  communication  of  his  EG 
fence,  as  the  eternal  Xjcneration  is.  The  Humanity  is  not  God's  Eflcncc. 
And  I  hope  the  name  of  f  T/je  Son  of  Man  ]  ufed  fo  oft  by  Chrift  of  him- 
(clf,  is  no  Hercfic.  And  there  appcareth  no  reafbn  to  cenliire  them  as  deny- 
ing either  the  eternal  or  temporal  Generation  of  Chrift. 

But  they  argue  againft  them, 

1.  That  he  is  (aid  to  be  Adopted,  that  is,  not  Generated. 

1.  And  that  he  merited  it  not,  but  was  adopted  of  meer  Grace,but  fo  was . 
not  Chrift. 

Anfw.i.  Thefe  ObjesSbions  ftcm  to  confels  that  the  difference  was  but  de 
nomine  ;  and  is  the  unapt  u(e  of  (uch  a  word,  anHerefie?  How  many  Here- 
fies  then  have  raoftCoimcils,  and  Fathers,  and  all  Authors  ? 

x.Muft  we  needs  underftand  Goo's  Adoptiotwuft  in  the  meafure  as  mans  ? 

3.  We  are  Regenerate,  and  yet  Adopted.  Why  thea  is  it  a  Herefic,  to 
fay  that  Chrift  was  G<;wfr<jrf</,and  yet  ^^o^rfi?   ,  /^.Grace 

1^8  Church- Hijlory  of  l^iJl?ops  cvid 

4.  Grate  is  either  that  which  is  aga'mt't  the  merit  of  evil,  or  only  "without 
the  merit  of  gooii.  It's  doubtleli  lint  the  Hr'.t  was  not  b}-  them  imputed  to 
Clirift  :  And  it's  undoubted  to  mc,  that  it  is  confcquentially  Blafphcmy  ,  to 
lay  that  Chrift's  Humane  Naturc,or  any  Angel  had  not  the  later.  For  the  very 
being,  and  therewith  all  tb.c  good  ii\  the  conftitution  and  antecedent  benefits 
of  a  Creature  muft  go  before  his  merits.  Merit  is  too  low  a  word  for  the 
Divine  Nature  as  fuch  before  the  Incarnation.  And  the  Humane  Nature  did 
not  merit  to  be  before  it  was,  e.  ^.  to  be  conceived  by  the  Holy  Ghoft, 
&c.  As  free  Benefits  are  called  Grace,  Chrift's  Humane  Nature  had 

But  they  objcft,  that  the  two  Bifhops  did  not  diftlngulfh  between  Chriffs 
Adoftiov,  and  ours. 

ylftf.  I .  We  have  not  their  Writings  to  fee  that. 

t.  If  they  did  not,  it's  like  it  was,  becauft  they  thought  it  needlefi,  being 
underftood  by  all.  They  believed  the  Creed,  That  Chrift  ivas  conceived  by 
the  Holy  Ghoft,  ^nd  bom  of  the  Virgin  Mary  ;  and  that  the  Godhead  affu- 
med  the  Humanity  Into  perfbnal  Union.  They  knew  that  none  dreamed  that 
it  was  fb  with  us. 

The  Council  (aith.  That  it^s  Herejie  to  ufe  the  name  Adoption  of  Chrift.'Thc 
two  Bifhops  (eemed  to  think.  That  God's  free  ajfuming  of  the  Humanity  into 
perianal  Unity  -with  theWord  eternally  generated  by  the  Father,  might  be  called 
Adoption.  If  the  improper  u(e  of  the  word  be  Herejie,\  leave  it  to  the  Rea- 
der to  judge  which  were  the  Hereticks  :  But  I  think  neither. 

j^  But  another  part  of  the  Herefie  was,  to  fay  that  Chrtft  was  a  Servant  as 

Man.  And  they  think  he  was  no  Servant,  becaufe  a  Son.  Some  will  think 
confidently  that  the  Council  were  here  Hereticks ,  but  I  think  they  did  but 
ftrlve  about  words.  By  [  Servant  ]  the  Council  feemeth  to  mean  exclufive- 
ly,  [  One  that  is  no  Son.  J  But  the  other  meant  inclufively,  [^  A  Son  and 
Servant.  3 

They  take  him  for  a  Servant,? /&^f  oweth  Service  and  Obedience.  And  Chrlft 
as  Man  owed  Obedience  to  his  Father  on  two  accounts ; 

I .  As  a  reafbnable  Creature  to  his  Maker. 

1.  As  one  that  had  by  voluntary  Sponfion  undertaken  it.  I  might 

g.  As  the  fpecial  Law  of  Mediation  was  Impofed  on  him ,  or  given  him, 
as  Man,  by  which  it  was  made  his  fpecial  duty  to  die  for  Man,  e^c.  He  faith 
when  he  cometh  into  the  world,  Kvre  I  am  to  do  thy  If  til,  O  God;  yea  ,  thy 
Law  ts  in  my  heart.D'id  he  not  take  upon  him  the  form  of  a  fervantlVhil.'L.j. 
which  was  not  a  fliew  of  that  which  is  not,  but  of  that  which  is.  Is  he  not 
called  God's  righteous  Servant  jufttfying  many,  Ifa.  j-g.  11.  Doth  not  God  oft 
call  \i\m,My  Servant,  Ifa. 49.  6.  &  jx.  i  3.  Zech.  3.  8. 


their  Comcils  abridged.  2  ^  0 

The  Council  feemed  to  think  that  the  Bifhops  thought  that  Chrlft  was 
born  a  Servant,  and  not  a  Son,  and  was  adopted  a  Son 

only  after  for  his  merits  :  But  there  is  no  fhew  of  rea-  Bin.  p.  418.  [E.v  ^ 
fen  to  impute  this  to  them  that  profeffed  to  believe  ?''^^"i?'  ""M'""^  J"-^  '«»'''- 
riic  Creeds  and  Scnpture,and  laid  no  fuch  words.  They  ^^^  /,/,^<,  ^  B„ato  ££f  Haerio 
ftemed  to  intend  nothing  but  to  diftlnguifli  the  natu-  con/r.j  Elipandumycr;;ifo ;  <»»;/»/• 
ral  eternal  Generation  of  the  fecond  Perfon  in  the  "onnulli  Fxliccm  GJ  tlipandmn 
Trinity,  from  the  temporal  Generation  of  the  Ahn  "'"  '"  '"}prtoInc^rnan,>i„,ja 
Cytji  Jefus ,  Vihich  was  an  Aft  of  free  Benefa-  ,„f}arDvirzndi, aberrate;  Idctn. 
Cence,  ^iie    conjenuris    affirmant    ijlti, 

quod  nihil  ecrum  </«.c  Ncftorio 

But  they  concluded  that  they  were  Nefiortani,  be-    "^J'^"  /"r""'  "'  c^nc  Ephef. 
^,       •'.     .  J  „        lr-t_i  contra    Elipandiim    attulerent , 

caule  they  mt:mated  two  Sons,  by  laying  that  he  was     ^^_    jj-,,^,  ^i^^.  ^^f^ 

eternally  begottcn,and  yet  adopted  a  Son. 

Anf  1 .  It  is  not  unlike  that  Nefiorms  himfelf  for  want  of  more  skill  in 
(peaking,  was  ufed  as  they  were. 

t.  Why  fliould  that  be  imputed  to  them  which  they  deny  ?  Thfy  arc 
told  that  as  Nefiorius  crt^tily  dtnud  two  Perfons,  and  yet  mferred  tvo,  fo  do 
they.  But  is  not  tliis  a  \'indication  of  Nefiorius  by  a  Council  ?  (  \Vho 
knoweth  what  a  man  holdeth,  better  than  himfelf?  ) 

Obj.  But  by  conjequevce  Herc/ie  will  follow. 

Anf.  If  all  are  Hereticks  that  hold  any  E:  ror  which  (lich  a  greater  Error 
woula  follow  from  as  is  called  Hcrcfic,  I  doubt  not  but  every  Council  and 
Bifliop,  andChriftian  were  HevcrJcks  jthc  laying  of  fome  great  Divines  being 
true,  That  Truths  of  Faith  and  Alomliry  are  fo  connext,that  he  that  holdeth  the 
leafi  Error  therein,  doth  by  confcifi:  n.  -  ■  - ' ,-  fotmdaiicn.  You  may  fay 
that  every  man  that  tells  a  lyc,  or  .  .  any  known   fm,  is  an  Athclll, 

and  that  if  he  believed  that  there  is  l  ,oO,  he  would  know  that  he  muft  not 
fiin  againft  him  ;  he  that  fins  before  his  Face.dcnieth  hisOmnilcience,and  Co 
denicth  God,  (JT-c.     At  this  rate  all  arc  Alln.iils  and  Hereticks. 

J.  But  may  not  one  that  faith,  [  Chrifl  as  the  fecond  Perfin  in  Trinity  was 
the  Eternal  Son  of  God  ;  and  as  Alan,  was  by  Generation  in  tinie  made  the  Sen 
of  God  and  Man  :  2  truly  mean  that  it  is  but  one  Pcrfbn  that  in  one  refpe£k 
is  the  Eternal  Son,  and  in  another  refpofi  the  Temporal  Son  ?  May  he  not 
hold  that  the  perfbnal  Unity  maketh  it  unmeet  to  fay,  7/jf?e  ar-t  two  Sons, 
becaufe  that  would  imply  two  Perfons,  whkh  they  and  Ntfix/fias  denied?  But, 
again  I  fay,  what  if  they  had  faid  that  there  might  be  two  Filiations,  or  filial 
Relations  in  one  Pcrfcn,  rellilting  from  two  foundations,  Eternal  and  Tem- 
poral Generation,  and  if  this  had  been  an  unapt  fpcccb,  (  to  fay  ex  duo- 
bus  fundamentis  dua  oriimtur  reUtioncs )  yc:  how  comes  it  to  be 
Hercfic  ? 

§  86.  I  write  not  this,  and  fnch  like,  to  juftiiic  the  accufed  ;  for  I  thii-.k 
the  Council  faid  well,  (  Bin.  p.  418.)  i.  Cur  nobis  non  fuffcient  iju^  in 
SanUorumPatrup  diUis  inveniuntur,  &  univerfali  Cathdide  fanditnis  rw 



Chunh-Hijkry  of  Bipops  and 

jiiftudim  tefifrmant  ur.  TL..^flre  general iotiem  Filti  Dei  'vel  atemam  de  Tif 
rrCi^i-el  Je})7pora!em  de  Mntre  t^mjanam  hommutn  aiideat  Vfjejiigare  ,  dtcente 
■SaipturJ^-uhioui  n  ne  tpiaficrisi  Owell  laid  !  Happy  Cliurcli,it  the  Biftops 
load  held  ro  this :  But  here  you  fee  tliat  they  held  a  double  Gencration,EternaI 
and  Temporal,  and  yet  but  one  Filiation.  I  write  this,  becaufe  the  Herctica- 
ting  Spirit  yet  reigncth,  and  by  theft  old  Weapons  hghteth  againll  Love  and 
the  Churches  Unity,  on  pretence  of  Orthodoxncls  j  and  to  this  day  the  Fa~ 
ptj}s  rcjcS:  a  great  part  o}  Chriffs  Church  as  Hereticks,by  the  countenance  of 
tormcr  Councils  ccnforioulhel?,  calling  Chrift's  Members  Iconcclajis,  Aionothe- 
lites,  Neflorians,  Eiitycbians-,  and  many  (iich  names,  (bme  fctcht  ^rom  indifier- 
ent  things,  (  or  duties )  and  fbme  from  quarrels  about  hard  words. 

§  87.  Note  here  that  E'tnnius  exprefly  laith,  that  Adbuc  nmdu7n  cjl  cer- 
tum  qyr.Us  in  particulari  fuerit  ha^rejis  FaliclmM :  It  is  rwt  yet  certain  -what 
this  FccUcian  Herc/ie  was.     And  if  (b,  I  hope  I  fhall  not  be  cenfured  for  the 
(ame,  notwithftanding  you  may  (ay,  the  Council  knew  it. 
^  §S8.  It's  worth  the  noting  as  to  the  credit  of  Council  Records ,  which 

Binnitts  there  faith,  (p.  4x7.  )  \^Tf  this  Council  as  it  now  is  txtant  ,  may 
•iVithout  temerity  be  rejeBed,  all  Councils  by  the  fame  reajon  may  be  rcjeilcd 
ivhich  Surius  hath  gathered  from  the  Catholick  Libraries.'}  iie  confefleth 
that  the  reft  are  no  furer  than  this,  and  yet  that  Baronius,  Bellarmine,  by  the 
generality  or  number  of  Hiftorians  confent,  do  confefi  that  there  was  by  this 
Council  a  rejciSiion  of  the  Cone,  id  lsicene,vf)\ic\\  is  no'.v  here  to  be  found 
in  it. 

§  89.  The  Council  at  Fr^wX/tr^  determined  that  Chrifi  v.'.is  not  a  Servant^ 
Vid.  Not.  Servitute  po;na!i  Deo  (ubjcftus,  [ubjeB  to  God  by  penal  Ser'vitude.    The  pre- 
Bin.p.4i8  fent  agreement  of  Chriftians,  taketh  this  for  Socinianifin  and  Hercfie  :  C^rift 
fuffered  for  our  fins ;  his  (ubjeclion  to  Poverty,  Reproach,  the  Crols ,  and 
many  works,  (  as  Fafting,  being  carried  about  by  Satan,  and  tempted.  Mat. 
4. 1 .   waftiing  his  Diftiplcs  feet,  travelling  on  foot,  being  fubjeft  to  his  Mo- 
ther, and  to  Princes,  paying  Tribute,  c^c.)  we  fuppofe  were  part  of  his  Hu- 
miliation.    The  Holinefs  and  Obedience  was  good,  and  no  Penalty :  But  the 
matter  of  that  Obedience  was  the  Crofs  and  Sufierine,which  is  Malum  Na- 
■  tura.     And  if  this  was  no  punilliment  (  voluntarily  accepted  by  his  Spon- 
fion  )  how  was  Chrift  our  Surety,  bearing  our  Tranfgreffions  ?  how  (uftered 
he  for  our  fins  ?  Is  not  fuftering  for  fin,  even  of  others,  penal  ?  Is  not  the  de- 
nial of  Chrift's  penal  Service  and  Suffering,  a  denial  of  his  SatisfaiStion  and 
f  ojr  Redemption  ?  You  (ce  how  eafie  it  is  to  find  Herelic  and  Infidelity  itfelf 

in  unskilful  words;  and  yet  it's  like  the  Speakers  meant  better  than  they 

§  90.  Note  that  Pope  Adrian  firft  made  himftlf  Judge,  and  Anathemati- 
zed Elipmdiis  as  an  Heretick,  and  (b  the  Council  was  byaflcd  (with  the  Em- 
peror J  }  and  how  great  Adrians  power  was  (  having  made  Charles  Empe- 
ror, and  Charles  made  him  a  Prince,  )  it  is  eafie  to  conjefture. 

§91.  Bimiins  laith,  p.  429.  that  Falix,  befides  his  other  Herefie  ,  im- 
pugned Image.',  and  that  this  is  ftid  by  the  Concil.  Decret.fid.c.i^ 


their  Councils  ahridged.  241 

Tlatina  in  Adrian.  SabeUtc.  Enead.  8.  /;.  8.  Alfh.  de  Cajlro  -verh.  Image. 
And  that  Claud.  Tattrin.  being  his  Difciple,  and  an  Iconomach,  he  mufl:  nttds 
be  (b  himfelf :  From  whence  I  argue,  that  it  is  mod  probable  that  the  Hifto- 
rians  fay  true,  that  fiy  Charles  and  the  Council  of  Frankford  were  againft  the 
Nicene  Qiuncil  and  Images.  For  el(e  how  could  it  come  to  pafi ,  that  they 
iky  not  one  word  againft  Falix  and  Eltpandus  for  denying  Images,  when  •ta 
their  Party  was  grown  16  great  in  Spain  and  France  ? 

§  91.  Voipe  Adrian  dying,  Lm  the  ^d  (licccedcd.  His  Piety  was  (b  great, 
that  Anaftafius  writes,  as  it  were,a  Volumn,  in  naming  the  good  works  which 
he  did,  that  is,  the  Silks,  Vails,  Cloathing,  Silver,  Gold,  and  innumerable  gifts 
which  he  bcftowed  upon  Pods,  Pillars,  Altars,  Walls,  Floors,  UtcnfilL^  it  would 
tire  one  to  read  them,  and  the  hard  names  of  them  ;  yea,  he  (aid  (even  Maflcs 
a  day.  Yet  fome  Kinfiiicn  of  Pope  Adrian  i^VaJchal  Pnmuerius,  c^  Canipul- 
lus  SaceUarius,  (^  Maurtis  Nepefinas,  laid  Crimes  to  his  charge;  and  ailaultcd 
him,  and  twice  put  out  his  Eyes,  and  cut  out  his  Tongue,  and  put  him  in  a 
Monaftery  ;  yet  (  faith  the  Story  )  his  Eyes  and  Tongue  were  perfetflly  re-  "^ 

ftored,  and  he  fled  to  his  Protestor  Charles  into  Germany  ;  and  Charles  came 
to  Rome,  and  judged  his  Accufcrs  toBanifhment,and  rcllored  him  ;  and  he 
crowned  Charles  then  Emperor  of  the  Weft,  and  perfected  the  Donation  to 
him  of  all  that  had  been  the  Emperor's.  Charles  ga\c  him  great  Prcfents 4 
and  with  his  own  Revenues  and  that,  he  laid  out  (b  much  Silver  and  Trea- 
(ure  at  Rome,  and  did  (b  many  new  things  in  the  Churches,  that  if  you  read 
but  Adrians  life,  and  this  Leo's,  you  will  be  ad-iamcd  to  difgracc  the  Church 
of  Rome  with  any  Titles  or  Pretences  of  the  ancient  primitive  lfate,bur  muft 
Hiy,  Old  things  are  past  away,  behold  all  ss  become  new.  Charles  the  Great, 
made  the  Pope  Great. 

§93.  Some    Hiftorians  (ay,  that  the  killing   of  tiie  Pope's  Foot ,  was  "CD 

brought  in  thus  by  this  Pope  Leo:  A  handlbm  \\'oman  kill:  his  Hand, which 
(b  inflamed  his  Heart  with  Lull,  that  he  cut  oft  the  Hand  that  the  ^Voman 
kift,and  ordained  that  ever  after  the  Pope's  Foot  ihould  be  kift  inftcad  of  his 
Hand:  But  I  raihcr  believe  with  Bwwrvj-,  that  this  is  but  a  Fikilion,  becaulc 
I .  There  is  mention  before  this  of  killing  the  Pope's  Foot.  1.  And  I  do 
not  think  that  fuch  a  Heart  would  (b  eafily  part  with  a  Hand. 

§  94.  To  look  back  to  the  Eaft ;  when  Irene  had  kept  up  Images  awhile, 
lier  Son  Cmtjlantine  grown  up,  is  weary  of  her  Government  and  Stauratius, 
and  dcpolcth  her  ;  and  when  he  ruled,  the  Bilhops  moftly  were  conformable 
to  him  :  But  in  his  youthful  Folly  and  Rage,  he  put  out  the  Eyes  of  his 
Uncle  Niccphorus,  and  Ahwiiis  a  Captain  ;  he  put  away  ALiry  his  Wife,  and 
took  one  Theodeta,thnt  better  pleafed  him,  in  Nlarriage  ;  one  [fofepJj  that  mar- 
ried them,  was  preferred  for  it.  Tijrajins  connived,  and  durll  not  gain-lay.  "if^,''"T''o* 
Theodore  Studlta  (jr  Tlato  therefore  renounce  the  communion  of  Tarajius.  ^  i' 
At  laft,  y4w.  797.  his  Mother  7vfw,  and  Staarjtins,  ioum^  means  to  appre- 
hend him,  and  murder  him,  that  is,  put  out  his  Eyes,  of  which  he  dyed,which 
(bme  celebrate  as  a  pious  Acf ;  it  was  done  by  her  that  (ct  up  Images.     But 

I  i  within 


241  Ll:u)-ch-HiJh)y  of  'Bijhps  and 


withui  one  year,  l^icefharus  dq^fcd  and  banifhcd  ha*  into  Lesbos^  U-hcfe  (he 
dyed,  and  he  took  the  Empire  to  himfelf. 

§95".  Sfww/.',  p.  445".  faith,.  "  []T£ii7/  the  Empn-or  bani^^ed  Theodore 
**  Stud ira  ,/r;r  r^pnvifi^  bis  A4arri/!^,  and  when  he  added  crime  to  crime, 
"  Mcriiu  jiillii  Muuis  cjuam  impcrio  exuent,  zelo  julliiix  non  rcgni,  oculis, 
"  Imperii,  &  vita  orbatus  eft.  By  the  cOmTHdnd  of  his  Mother  in  her  zeal 
''''for  jujhce,  he  luas  de'ier-vedlj  depri'ved  of  his  E?»pire,  Eyes  and  Life.  ~\  \\'hat 
is  not  iuft  w!th  P.ich  Hiftorians,  that  maketh  for  their  Intereft  ?  And  how  con- 
temptible is  their  Cenfurc  of  good  or  evil  Men,  which  hath  no  better  Mea- 
fures  ? 

%  f)6.  He  tells  135  alfo,  ( p.  444.  )  that  the  Spanijh  and  French  Bifhops 
at  thele  times,  of  their  own  hcada,withoat  the  Pope,  added  [^Filio'^iie']  to  the 
Creed,  which  hath  to  this  day  made  (b  great  a  ftir.  It  feems  they  thought 
that  the  Pope's  Authority  was  not  neceflary  to  it. 

§  97.  He  adds,  that  Charles  the  Great  being  dead,  the  People  grew  bold, 
and  ro(e  up  again  againft  the  Pope  ;  which  occafioned  Rapines,  Flames,  and 
Murders,  that  Lttdo'uicus  the  new  Emperor  was  fain  to  take  his  Fathers  Of- 
fice, and  come  to  Rome  to  five  the  Pope,  and  fiipprefs  the  Rebels. 

§  9  8.  The  Venetian  Duke  killing  a  Patriarch,  Johan.  Gradtnfis,  Paulus  Pa- 
triarch of  A^imleia  called  a  Synod  to  crave  aid  of  Charles. 

^  §  99.  CCXXXV.  y^w.  806.     AGjuncil  washeld  atCow/<7«r.w/)/f,In  the 

Caufe  of  the  forefiiid  "Jofeph  that  had  married  the  Emperor  to  his  fecond  wife, 
who  had  been  ejefted  by  Tarafius  from  his  Biilioprick,  and  the  Emperor  cal- 
ling a  Council,  they  reflored  him  ;  wherefore  Jheodorus  Studita  called  them  a 
Council  of  Hereticks  and  Adulterants,becau(e  they  reflrorcd  the  Caufer  of  the 
Emperor's  Adultery.  But  how  few  Emperors  have  not  found  Councils  of 
Bifliops  ready  to  do  their  Will  ? 

§  100.  Charles  the  Great  m^lCmg  his  Will, divided  his  Empire  between 
his  three  Sons, giving  them  Laws  of  Communion  and  Succefllon,  (that  if 
one  dyed  without  Children,  his  Kingdom  be  divided  between  the  other  two; 
^  hut  if  he  have  fuch  Sons  as  the  Teople  will  choofe,  they  fucceed  their  Father  : ) 
Commanding  all  three  that  they  be  the  Defenders  of  the  Bifhop  of  Roj»e, 
as  he  and  his  Father  and  Grandfather  had  been  ( to  their  com- 
modity. ) 

§  1 01.  CCXXXVI.  y4n.  809.  Was  another  Council  at  Conftantinopky 
f^  which  was  gathered  to  condemn  honcft  Jheodorus  Studita,  d^  Vlato,  and  mch 
'•This  's  ^^  '^'^"^  ^^^"  againft  the  reftoringof  Jofeph,oi  which  (iiith £/«»/'«/,  '■'■[_  N'lien 
not  the  ^^  the  B/pops  there  Congregate  had  brought  the  mofi  holj  Vhio  in  Chains  to 
fiiil  time  "  /■<?  judged,  and  had  pajj'ed  the  Sentence  of  Anathema  on  the  Univerfal  Cathc^ 
th.uCoiin-  "  li;k  Church  *  that  n'as  againft  their  Error,  they  made  a  moH  wicked  Dc- 
^"'^P  YV^  "  "^^'  '^^^^  the  Aiarriage  of  Conftantine  with  Theodota,  (his  IPTfe  yet  living, 
Catholick  "  ^^''"ft  into  a  Mvnsftery  )  jlwuld  be  fa  id  to  be  lawful  by  difpenfation.  They 
Chuich.     ^^  added  for  the  Emperor^ s  fake  this  ivtcked  and  pamelefs  Sentence ,  That  the 

"  Laws 

their  Councils  ahridned.  24:; 

"  Laws  of  God  *  can  do  nothing  agawft  Kings  j  and  that  >f  arty  tmit are  Chry-  •  yhcv 
"  fol\om,and  Pied  his  Blood  fur  Truth  and  Jujiice,  he  is  not  to  be  called  a  Mar-  mean  \r\: 
"  tyr :  That  BijJjops  have  power  to  difpenfe  VHth  all  the  Canons.  ]     Remember  t''^'   <-  >- 
that  Vapijis  confels  all  this  to  be  wicked.  We  have  not  the  Adsand  Speeches  "f'^'^,, 
of  thefe  Councils  preferved.  Church. 

§  loi.  CCXXXVH.  Jn.%o<).  A  Council  was  held  at -^^«/,i^)<r»<7,  about 
the  Proceirion  of  the  Holy  Gho(l,and  the  word  [^Ftlioque']  in  the  Creed  *.  *  A  new 
Of  which  they  (cnt  fome  Meflengers  to  the  Pope,  who  approved  the  thing,  ^^Irl^' 
but  diffuaded  them  from  adding  it  to  be  fung  in  the  Creed  j  and  ahcr  inlcri- 
bed  the  Creed  without  Filiot^ue  in  Latin  and  Greek  in  two  Silver  Tables,  to 
{hew  that  it  (hould  not  be  changed  ;  which  ytt  after  it  was  by  the  Pope's 

The  Frf«c/j  Annals  (ay,  that  in  this  Council  they  treated  of  the  fiate  of  the 
Church,  and  converfation  of  the  Clerg);  but  detcrtmncd  nothing  for  the  great- 
nejfes  of  the  matter. 

§  103.  CCXXXVIII.y^M.  113.  {Y  ex.  \M\Acv  Chafles  the  Great)  a  Coun- 
cil was  held  (  by  his  Command  )  at  Aries,  where  many  very  good  Canons 
were  made  for  the  Reformation  ot  the  Bifliops  and  Priclls. 

§  I  04.  CCXXXIX.  The  ftme  year  the  fame  Charles  had  a  Council  at 
Tours ,  which  made  y  i  as  honcil  Articles,  as  if  Martin  liimftlf  had  been 
amongfl:  them  ;  even  againft  all  kind  of  fin,  and  for  all  godly  living.  Among 
others,  the  37th  Canon  tells  us,  that  the  cuftom  of  not  kneeling  in  Prayer 
on  any  Loras-day,  (  no  not  at  the  Sacrament  )  nor  on  any  Week-day  be- 
tween Eilfter  and  JVhitJtaitide,  was  yet  in  force  ;  on  other  days  they  required 
humble  kneeling. 

§  1 05'.  CCXL.  Yet  another  Council  did  Charles  call  the  (ame  year  at  Cha- 
lons (  CabiUonenfe  )  in  which  he  ordered  Schools  for  the  reftoring  of  Learn- 
ing, (  our  Alcutn  being  his  Ferfijader  greatly  efteemed  by  him  )  Learning 
then  being  almoft  worn  away,  (  and  Ignorance  taking  place  )  till  he  greatly 
revived  it:  nQ-.lcG  than  67  Canons  were  here  made,  moft  very  good  ones; 
but  praying  for  the  Souls  of  the  FaithRil  departed,and  anointing  the  Sick,  are 
there  enjoined. 

§  1 06.  Among  many  good  Canons,  the  i  jth  is  againft  the  Oath  of  Obe- 
dience to  the  Btjhop,  and  to  the  Church.  The  words  Tranflated  are  thcfc : 
"  [  Jf  if  reported  of  fome  Brethren  (  Bifliops  )  that  they  force  them,  that  they 
"  ai-e  about  to  ordain,  to  fivear,  that  the)  are  tvorthy,  and  will  not  do  contrary 
"  to  the  Canons,  and  -will  be  obedient  to  the  Bijhp  that  ordaifieth  them  ,  and  to 
"  the  Church  in  which  they  are  ordained  ;  which  Oath,  becaufe  tt  is  -eery  davgc- 
"  rous,we  all  ordain  fliall  be fmbiddcn.'] 

§  107.  The  1 5th Canon  faith,  "[If  k  faid  that  m  fome  places  the  Arch- 
"  deacons  exercife  a  certain  domination  ever  the  Fartjl>-Prcsbyters,and  take  Fees 
^*  of  them;  which  u  a  matter  of  Tyranny,  rather  tium  of  order  of  Retlitude: 

1  i   -i.  "-For 




i.-^.j.  Chunh-Htjkyy  oj  'Bijl^cps  and 

"  'For  if  the  Bifrtips  miift  not  Lord  it  in^ht  Ctergj ,  but  be  Examples  to  tht, 
*  Flocks,  ntHch  leji  w/iy  theje  do  it, 

§  I  08.  The  z-5'ili  Canon  complaining  how  the  old  Excommnnicatirtg  and 
Reconciling  was  e;rown  out  of  ule  *,  they  dclired  tlic  Emperor's  help  how 
•  CouBcil- tijgy  n^ould  be  reftorcd. 

OiJnicas'       §  ^  °9'  ^'"'-  33-'  "^^'^y  %'  '"^■"'''  ^"^/'.S^  fo  God  and  Man  are  both 
tJiiivh^'i  ^i^ood;  bitt  that  Ccmfejftcn  made  to  Gcd,  tiirgethjin  ;  and  that  which  tr  made 
^'  to  the  Triefl^teacheth  how-their  jins  may  be  f urged. 

§110.  The  45'th  Canon  is  againft  them,  that  by  going  to  holy  places, 
/?»we,  or  Tcurs,  think  to  havetheir  fins  forgiven. 

%  III.  CCXLI.  Yet  another  Council  the  ftme  year  813,  was  held  un- 
der Ch(.r'.es  M.  at  MtntZj  in  Germany  to  the  like  purpofe,  many  godly  Canons 
being  made. 

§  1 1 2.CCXLII-  Yet  another  under  Charles  at  RhemeSfkr  Iriftruftingand 
Catcchlling,  and  many  good  things,  like  the  former. 

§  iij.  CGXLIII.  But  we  have  not  done  with  Images  yet,yi«.  81 4.There 
was  a  Council  tailed  at^'ow/?«»f/«c^/e,  which  damned  the  Council  of  Nice  x. 
Irene  having  (et  up  Images,  and  murdered  the  Emperor  her  own  Son,  (as  is 
aforthild  )  was  depolcd  by  Nicefhorus,  who  Reigned  near  ten  years ,  with 
Stauratius  his  Son  j  he  was  no  Friend  to  the  Clergies  powcr,and  was  killed  in 
Fight  by  ihc  Bulgarians,  and  his  ^VDunded  Son  Reigned  a  few  months.  Mi- 
chael Curofalates  iiiccetded,,o.N[An  of  great  Piety  and  Peace,  but  unfit  for 
War,who  being  overcome  by  tlie  B«/^rtri<77»/,  h'e  conftnted  to  give  up  the 
Empire  to  Leo  Armenus,  a  better  and  profperous  Soldier.  This  Leo  the  fth, 
was  of  the  mind  of  the  former  Leo^s  againft  Images ,  and  his  mind  being 
known,  the  Biihops  conformed  prefently,  infomuch  that  in  his  id  year  this 
Council  called  by  hlm^  Anathematized  the  Blfhops  that  would  not  renounce 
the  Nicene  zd  Council ;  and  when  they  lay  proilrate on  the  earth,  it's  ia'id^ 
Ibme  trod  on-  fome  of  them,and  they  turned  them  at  a  Back-door  out  of  the 
Council  :  For  the  Patriarch  Nicef  horns,  that  was  for  Iinages,\vas  depo(cd,and 
TheodorusMeliJJentis  that  was  aga,inft  them  put  in  his  place,  and  led  the  reft! 
Thus  did  Council  againft  Council  thunder  Anathema's,  and  curie  each  other 
by  (eparating  them  from  Chrlft,  till  few  were  left  uncurfed.  The  Rulers  of 
the  Monafteaes  alfo  were  called  In »  and  thofe  that  would  not  conftnt 
againft  Images,  were  rejected.  Nicetof  ^  TTieodorus  Studita  were  tke 
pions  for  Images,  and  were  both  baniftied  and  imprllbned.  Theodore  wrote 
to  the  Council  for  Images,  and  tiells  them  that  "  {_  To  takeaway  the  'venerabk 
Binr.470  if'  Adoratim  of  the  Images  of  Chrift,  and  of  the  Mother  of  God,  and  of  all 
'l^'^od  *^  the  Saints,  was  to  overthrew  theOeconomy  of  Chrifi.'}  And  he  continued 
in  Prifon  to  preach  and  write  for  Images.- 

Thofe  Councils  that  pleafed  not  the  Faftfis,  we  have  not  the  Afts  of,  as 
we  have  of  (iich  as  Nic.  x.  that  pleiiled  them.  Had  we  all  the  Speeches  and, 
Argumcais  ufcd  in  this  and.  other  Councils,  againft  Images,  as- largely  as 


their   Cotmciis  SricheJ.  2  4.> 

:kofc  that  were  for  them,  we  might  better  (ee  wlilch  had  the  better  manage^ 

§  1 14.  CCXLFV'.  The  Clergy  had  for  many  hundred  years  abrogated 
God's  Law,  \_  He  that ^)eddeth  Mans  Blood,  hjAfanjbaU  bis  Blood  be  jhed;  ] 
and  had  put  Pennance  for  the  punifhmcnt  inftcad  of  Dcatli  :  But  now  at 
laft  the  murdering  of  one  yobn  a  Bifhop  (  mhonefle  d^  mauditi  m(.yd,  Uatus, 
as  they  then  (pake  }  they  were  put  to  find  (bme  harder  Penalty  to  fiive  the 
Qcrgics  Lives  :  And  fo  they  (et  great  Fines  of  Money  on  the  Murderers ; 
and  more  than  (b,  He  that  •wilfully  murdered  a  BijIkJ)  mufi  eat  nofiefli,nor  drmk 
any  IFine  as  long  as  he  lived.  If  Murder  now  had  no  greater  a  punifhment, 
Biftops  would  fcarce  be  ftfe  any  more  than  others.  This  was  at  a  Council 
at  a  Village  called  TJjeorius,  or  Dtettnhofen.  jj 

§  1 1  f.  Next  fucceedeth  Pope  Stephen  at  Rcwe ;  Tlattna  faith  Stephen  the  ' 

4th,  Anajlafius  and  Binnius  fay  Stephen  the  ^th.  Platma  and  others  fay  that 
he  Reigned  but  feven  months ;  yinajlafius  and  others  fiiy  (even  years ,  and 
(even  months.  Platma  (aith  he  was  the  Son  of  Julius z  Roman;  j4najiafius 
faith  he  was  the  Son  of  Marinui*.  '  It's  like 

Charles  dying,  the  Empire  came  to  his  Son  Z,«(/ox'/f«/ called  Tius,  his  Bro-  7"/"«W<»- 
ihers  dying  alfb.     TheBifhopsof  Italy  ( hith  Vlatina  and  others)  ftir'd  up  '''"'"',  ^* 
BernMd  to  rebel  againit  him  j   but  he  was  conquered,  and  put  to  death  :  as  fajch,  was 
al(b  were  the  Saxon  Rebels.     Pafchal  Jirft  fiiccfcding,  Stephen  is  made  Pope  his  name 
without  the  Emperor's  knowledge;  for  which  he  exculed  himfelf,  as   forced 
by  the  People  thatcho(e  him  :Thc  Emperor  pardon'd  it,  but  demanded  obe- 
dience as  to  their  Elections  tor  the  time  to  come.     Platma  m  '^t.  Va',chal.L  i. 
who  (aith  that  Pafchal  was  (iifpeiflcd  of  the  Rebellion  of  Jtaly^ni  difclaim-' 
ed  it ;  and  tliat  the  Emperor  re-aflTumed  many  Cities  to  the  Empire,  to  pre- 
vent new  Rebellions. 

.Some  (ay  that  Bernard  was  but  blinded  :  Among  others  banifhed  for 
Trea(bn,  were -/4»/f //»  Bilhop  of  ;l/;/4«,and  T'/!)«//«//^e  Bilhop  of  Aurelia, 
(  Orleance  )  (b  that  Italj  and  France  joined  in  the  Treafbn.  See  Petav.  Hifi. 
M,md.  It.  8.  c.  8. 

§  1 1 6.  CCXLV.  Liidovicus  Pint  was  (b  careful  to  reform  the  Bifhops 
and  Clergy,  that  he  raifed  their  ill  will  againft  him,  being  too  pious  for  them 
that  (hould  have  been  the  Teachers  of  Piety ;  yca,(b  flothful  did  they  grow, 
that  though  his  Father  and  he  had  done  extraordinary  works  for  the  promo- 
ting of  Learning  and  GodhncG,  yet  Learning  in  his  days  grew  to  fuch  de- 
cay, that  Learned  Men  became  the  common  contempt,  and  few  of  them 
were  to  be  found  ;  but  JVealth  and  JurisdiBim  were,  the  ftudy,  care,and  in- 
tereft  of  the  Bifhops. 

Yet  ;:i  his  time  at  Aqutfgrane,  there  was  a  Council  that  wrote,  inftead  of 
Canons,thc  moft  excellent  Treatlfe  for  the  Teaching  and  Government  of  the 
Teachers  and  Governors  of  the  Church,  (belidcs  the  regulation  of  Monaftc- 
rics  )  that  ever  any  Council  did  before  them  :  Not  in  their  own  words,  but 
iaxhefeyeral  Sermons,  and  paflages  of  the  chief  F4thas,  (I/idore,  Hiaom, 




246  Church  Hifrcry  of  Bijhops  a)hi 

•  "~^     ~        '  ■  ■  .  ' — ~^ 

^^  Gregory^  Augufiine  nnd  Fro^'er,  )  ijaat '  liad  written  to  the  Clergy  heretofore, 
which  they  collected  into  1  +5:  Cloarrcrs  and  Canons. 

But  you  mufi:  know  that  the  excellency  oF  the  Canons  of  Provincial  Coun- 
cils in  France  and  Sptii»,  in  thele  Ages ,  did  not  flicw  the  e>:ccllency  of  the 
Bilhops,  (b  much  as  tlicir  Pra^'ity  and  Ncceiliiy,  as  the  Medicine  doth  the 
Dilcalc.  For  fuch  Canons  were  ordinarily  drawn  up  by  the  will  of  the  King, 
by  Ibme  one  or  few  choice  Men,  ( luch  as  Fanlinns  Ae^iukienjis  in  his  time, ) 

•  Saith      towhora  the  reft  conlented,  becaulc  they  knew  the  King  would  have  it  (b*. 
Vn.i    Lu- 

dovici  in  Bin.  p.  j'Zj.  Ccjtgrc^.'itis  Rfifcopis,  &c.  fc:st  componi  ordinariqite  liOrum  Cano- 
riicx  vttiC  7ior»U)n  gcjiantem,in  quo  totiu>'il:iiis  ordinis  pcrfcttto  contindur.  In  quo  tnjeri 
jiijfit  ci'ji  fctiijqiie  £?  cmntiim  ncceff.irt'^  fi.mmani,  Q^cin  li'jruT7i  per  omves  Civitttcs 
(S  Mo>iaJ!eria  Canouici  ordinis  fui  impcrn  m-fi;  per  mtt>  m  mifj'orutn  frudet.tmm.  Scc  the 
reft  J  lb  that  it  was  the  Emperor's  Book,  and  not  the  Council's  Work. 

§  1 1 7.  In  thefe  Chapters  of  tliis  Council,  they  cite  Iftdore  and  Hterom  at 
large,  proving  that  it  was  Presbyters  that  were  called  Bifhops  in  FauTs  EpI- 
ftles,  and  ^ffj  xo.  and  that  in  thoft  times  the  Church  was  ruled  by  the 
Common-Council  of  Presbyters ,  till  Schifoi  (hewed  a  neceflity  that  one 
fhould  rule  among  the  reft. 

They  cite  IJidore%  words,  that  [_  Cateri  Apofioli  cttm  Petro  far  confcrtium 
hmorts  acceperunt  ~]  Et  {_  Non  efje  Epifcopum  cjut  pr^eejje  Mexcrit,  ncn  pro- 
dejje.  ]  And  HitroniS  on  Titus  maintaining  the  forelaid  Identity,  and  hi» 
[_Sciat  Epifcopus  ^  Freshyter  ftbi  Fopdum  confervum  ejje  non  fer'vum  :~\  And 
his  excellent  Epiftle  ad  Nepottanum :  Many  Sermons  oi  Augufi mis  defcribing 
his  Collegiate  Community  of  the  Clergy.  IJidore's  words,  [_  Tknque  Sacer- 
dotesftiic  magis  utiUtatis  causa  quam  gregis  praejje  dejidcrant :  llec  ut  projiuty 
frajtths  fieri  cupiunt,  fed  magis  ut  di-vites  fiant  d^  honorentur  :  fujcipmnt  fuh- 
limit  at  is  culmen,  non  pro  Faftorali  regimine,  fed  pro  totius  regiminis  vel  honoris 
ambitione,  atque  abjeBo  opere  dignitatis,  folam  nominii  appetunt  dignitatem. 
Dum  mall  Sacerdotes  Deo  ignorante  tion  fiant, tamenignorantur  a  Deo—fed  hie 
nefcire  Dei,  reprobare  e/?.J  If  IJidore  (ay  true,  remember  that  I  wrong  not  the 
Bi(hops  in  (aying  the  (ameof  tiicm.  And  if  this  was  the  ca(e  of  the  mofi,  as 
he  a(firmeth,  what  better  than  we  find  could  be  expelled  from  Gtneral 
Councils,  where  it  is  carried  by  the  major  vote. 

They  cite  Gregory's  words,  [_  Nemo  amplius  nocet  in  Ecckjia,  ejuam  <jui  per' 
verse  agens  nomen  z/el  ordinem  janBitatis  habet :  Delmqutntem  namejue  hunc 
redarguere  nuUits  prafumit,fed  m  exemplum  culpa  vehemeuter  extendititr,quan- 
do  pro  re'vercntia  or  dims  peccator  honor  at  tir. — Melius  profeBo  fuerat  ut  hunc  ad 
mortem  fub  exteriori  habitu  terrena  aBa  confiringeievt  ,  qtiam  facra  officta  in 
culpa  cateris  imitabikm  demcnfirarent.  Much  more  fuch  againft  ungodly 
Biinops  they  recite. 

Cap.  46.  They  tell  us  that  the  Canons  againft  Kneeling  on  the  Lord's 
days  were  yet  in  force,  \_^oniam  funt  quidam  in  Die  Dominico  genu- 
fleitentes,  O-  in  diebus  Fentecoftes;  ut  omnia  in  univerfis  kcis  confoncmter  objer- 
"jtntur,flacun  Janilo  CoT,cilio, Jlantes  Domino  ijcta  dtgnijfima  perfolvere. 


their  Councils  ahridzcd. 



In  Hierom'i  Epiftle  to  Nepotitm  which  they  cite,  tliere  arc  mofl:  pungent 
warnings  to  Prielb  to  take  heed  of  famih'arity  or  abode  with  Women  ;  yea, 
even  when  they  arc  lick.  Scio  (  (aith  he  )  fjiifJttm  convaltirjle  corport,  d^ 
animo  xgrotare  ca^iffe ;  Tericulofe  tibi  mmjhat,  cujus  vultum  frecjuentcr  at- 
tendis.  He  requireth  C!ergy-mcn  to  avoid  Hne  Cloaths,curIous  Hair,plcafing 
the  Appetite,  and  Riches.  He  faith  of  himfclf,  [  Ntfui  in  faufere  domo,  & 
m  tugHrio  ritfltcano  ,  e^ui  'vix  wHIto  d^  cibar:o  ptne  ritgientrrn  fatiare  'ventrem 
foteram^nimc  fimiliim  &  mcllaf^^itlio.  He  laith,  the  Mouth,  Mind  ,  and 
Hand  of  Pricils  muft  agree:  Even  a  Thief  may  fpcak  againft  Ccvctoulhefs .-- 
Multo  melius  efi  e  duobus  impcrfetlis  rujlicitatem  habi  re  janBatn,<^uam  elcejucn- 
tiam  feccatriccm :  Mitlti  adificartt  ^artetes  <jf  columftas  EccUjia:  fubfiiuunt : 
marmora  nitent,  auro  ^lendent  laquearia  ,  gemmis  Altare  dtfimguitm- ;  ij^ 
Minifirorum  Chrifli  ntilla  clcffio  ejf:  Portcmris  Cniccm  Chrijfi,  ^  dix-iti.u  lu- 
tum putabtmui. — Facile  contemnitur  Clcriius  ijnijitpus  vocatui  ad  prandiiim  ire 
tion  recnfat.  And  his  Epiftle  ad  Oceamm,  hath  yet  more  agamft  convcrfe 
witii  W^omen.  Trim.i  icntamentaChricorun:  [iint  Fieminarum  frerj'nntes  ac 
ceffiis — Jatiua  Diaboli,  I'ia  iniquitatts,  Sccrpionis  percuj/io,  nociz-utH/^tie  genus  tjt 
Famma.  Cum  proximat  fiipida,  incendit  ignem. — Alibi  crede  non  trtej}  torn 
torde  habitare  c//m  Domino,  ftti  Famrnarum  accejjibus  ccpulatitr.  W  ith  much 
more  tlie  h'kc. 

It  appcartth  by  Cap.  iir.  a  Sermon  of  Angnflines,  that  it  was  the  aiftom 
then  for  the  Preacher  to  fit,  and  the  Hearer  to  ftand  ,  [  /  iviU  not  bold  ycu 
long,  ( (aith  he  )  becaufe  n'hile  I  fit,  yen  are  -weary  by  fan  ding.  [) 

Augujline  fliewcth  there  how  little  he  regarded  the  Appeals  of  his  dcpodd 
Pricfts  to /Jrwf,  [or Councils  3  Interpcllet  centra  me  mille  Concilia,  vaviget 
tontr*  me  ^tio  t'oluerit.  Jit  certe  ubi  potuerit;  adjitz'abit  me  Dominus,  ut  ttbi  ego 
Epijcopiis  film,  tHic  Clericus  ejfe  non  pojjit. 

§  1 18.  Yet  I  wonder  that  the  Chap,  iii  of  this  Council  intimatcth  /b 
ftpAnge  a  proportion  of  Meat  and  Drink  to  be  the  daily  Commons  of  the  'fj\ 
Canonical  Monks,  I  had  thought  they  had  lived  in  greater  Abftinence.  The 
proportion  of  Alms  or  Commons  allowed  them  was,  [  E'very  day  four  pound 
ef  Bread,']  (enough  for  me  for  near  4  weeks;  )  and  five  potmds  cf  Wine, 
(  more  than  I  drunk,!  think,  in  xo  year?,  in  Wine;)  or  elfc  where  J I  me  was 
fcarce,  they  had  three  pounds  cfi  JVine,  and  three  cf  Beer  ;  or  tn  great  Jcarcity, 
mi  pound  of  Jf'me,  and  five  cf  Beer.  I  think  our  ordinary  Miniftcrs  drink 
not  (b  much  Wine  in  a  year,  as  thcfe  did  in  a  day  ;  I  mean  (uch  as  live  in 
the  Coun trey,  and  were  of  my  Acquaintance.  I  wonder  how  any  Plow- 
man's Belly  can  h.old  four  pound  of  Bread  one  day,  and  live,  without  a  pre- 
feat  Vomit  or  Purge.  I  have  tryed  long  Ccmario's  and  Leffiui'z  diet  (  1 1  or 
14  ounces  of  Ftwada,  and  as  much  Beer  only  in  a  day,  without  rafling  any 
other  Meat,  )  ;ind  found  no  incommodity  as  to  Health  or  Plealiire ;  but 
fhouldl  eat  fo  ;r  pound  of  Bread  in  two  days,  I  do  not  think  I  fhou^.d  ever 
cat  more  without  a  Vomit.  And  how  can  any  Man  drink  five  pound  of  any 
ordinary  Wine,  and  not  be  drunk,  or  dead?  yea,  or  three  Pints  cither,  \^'hat 

^^an's■ : 

148  Church'HiJhry  of  Bijhops  and 

^  --^  Man's  Belly  will  hold  ftx  pounds  of  Wine  and  Water  every  day  ,  unlefi  it 
pals  as  Tunhrulge  Waters,  without  prcfcnt  Suffocation,  or  a  Droplie.  I  would 
hope  that  I  undenland  not  this  Chapter  in  the  Council,  hut  that  thefe  Ca- 
nons had  Ibme  Beggars  that  were  to  partake  with  them  ,  but  that  I  find  no 
encouragement  for  my  charity  in  the  Text  or  Hiftory :  But  verily  if  it  were  • 
as  it  is  written,  I  wonder  how  theft  abftcmious  Monks  did  elcape  death  by 
their  Gluttony  and  Drunkenncfs  one  week  or  day  v/ithout  Phydckj-notwith- 
n  ftandlng  that  the  Council giveth  you  notice,  c<»^.  1  Zi.  Im.ult.  tliat  a  pound 

|j  "     hath  but  I X  ouncej. 


$  119.  We  mud  not  unthankfully  omit  what  kindnefs  Anaflafms  ((aith 

Pope  Vafchal )  fhewed  to  the  Engltfl] :  By  negligence  their  Hou(e  at  Rome 

was  burnt,  and  the  Pope  ran  out   bare-foot,'  and  where  he  ftood,  the  Fire 

*  G^'j?  fi     ftopt  * ;  therefore  he  flood  bare-foot  there  tHl  morning,  that  the  Fire  miglit 

"  ■"  J""'>  be  fully  quenched.     But  tliis  he  did  for  the  love  of  St.  Peter,  whofe  Church 

!?,"?  him-  ^'-"^^ '"  '^^"^^''  ^y  '^'^  ^'^^ 

C^.j£_  §  ixo.  The  Papifis  here  bring  forth  aConftitution  out  of  their  own  Li- 

brary, by  which  Ludcvicus  conHrmerh  to  the  Popes  all  that  ever  his  An- 
ceftorsgave  them,  andaddeth  (b  much,  that  he  was  then  made  (  if  this  be 
true  j  (  as  the  Geographia  Nubienfis  calls  him  )  the  King  of  Rome  indeed. 
And  they  mecrly  feign  that  Charles  and  Ludovicus  Pius  made  none  of  theft 
Laws  of^  themftlves,  but  by  the  Pope's  advice  ,  againft  plain  evidence  of 

§  I X I .  A  Convention  of  Abbots  at  y^quifgrane,  and  another  of  BIfliops, 
and  a  Synod  at  Evgelbeim  follow,  and  one  at  Attiniac,  in  which  they  fty  the 
Emperor  penitently  lamented  his  ft  verity  againft  his  Nephew  Bernard,  and 
others,  with  open  Confelfion  and  Penitence.  And  indeed  his  great  endeavors 
to  promote  Piety,  and  to  reform  the  Clergy  ;  his  frequent  Councils,(in  which 
it  was  he,by  the  advice  of  a  few  chief  choftn  Mcn,thatdid  their  bufinefi,and 
governed  all )  wjtli  the  reft  of  his  Life  delcribed  by  the  Writer  of  it,  and 
other  Hiftorians,  do  fhew  that  he  was  juftly  called  Pius,  though  Wars  will 
cauft  manya£fions  to  be  repented  of. 

§iax.  F/jf;«(j:  (aith,  that  ^«/?^rt/7i!«  (aith,  that  Ludovicus  givePafckal 
the  power  of  freely  chujing  Bi^wps,  v/jich  before  was  not  done  wit  bout  the  Em- 
perors.    (  The  Peoples  conlcnt  ftill  (iippoftd.  ) 

§  113.  The  Pope  being  dead,  two  are  cholen  [  which  was  the  ilth 
5chi(in  )  but  Eugenius  the  ad  carried  it,  the  Emperor  lending  his  Son  Lotha' 
rius  to  ftttlc  the  Peace  of  the  City,  jamdudum  Pncjidutn  quorundam  perver- 
fitate  dcpravatam,  fnith  the  Author  of  the  Life  of  Ludovicus ;  where  Mur- 
ders of  the  chief  Men  had  been  committed  in  the  Schilin,  and  Mens  Goods 
taken  away,  and  much  confufion  made. 

§  1 X4.  In  the  Eaft-the  Party ,that  were  againft  Images ,  prevailed  ever 
fince  Irene  xhz  Woman  that  ftt  them  up  was  dcpoled  and  dyed  ;  her  Son 
Conflantine,  whom  (he  murdered,  being  not  for  tlum  before,  nor  Nicephorus 
tliat  depoled  her  after  j  But  Leo  ^  Armcnus  that  fuccecded  A'lichad  Curop. 


thc'w  Councils  abridge  J.  249 

earaell  againft  them,  and,  as  they  called  it,  perfecuted  the  Worfhippers  of 
Images.  A  Prince  confelled  to  be  very  prohtable  to  the  Empire  ;  Michael 
Balbui  that  is  (iippofed  the  chief  of  them  that  murdered  him,  reigneth  in  hfs 
ftead :  he  fet  himfelf  earncftiy  to  have  healed  the  Church-divifions  of  tlie  E^ft 
about  Images.  To  that  end  he  (ent  Ambafladors  to  LmiIovuus  Pius  fnto 
France  for  his  courJel,  in  the  profefling  his  great  deGre  of  Peace.  LudcvKus 
called  together  fbme  that  he  moft  efteemcd  for  Learning  at  Paris,  (  which 
fbme  call  a  Council,  but  were  like  to  be  more  learned  than  the  Majority  in 
Councils  )  to  debate  and  confider  the  bufinels.  The  Paris  Divines  in  this 
Debate  drew  up  a  Writing,  in  which  they  greatly  finned,  luith  Beliarmive,  m 
that  tney  took  on  them  to  reprehend  the  Pope,  and  a  General  Council ;  (But 
do  not  they  themfclves  condemn  many  General  Councils  ?  )  7«  wbich  ,  (aith 
Bellarmine,//'ey  far  exceeded  the  yittthor, -who  in  the  vame  of  Carolus  Mag.  o«r 
forth  a  Book  agaivft  the  worjhipiyig  of  Iptages.     For  he  (  which  alfo   the  Fa-  <gj 

thers  of  the  Frankford  Council  did)  difallonrd  (or  reje£tcd  )  the  a^Kicene 
Sjngd,  becaufe  they  thought  it  had  been  celebrated  without  the  Pope's  conftnt  *:  *  An  iin- 
But  thefe  Counfellors  of  the  Emperor  ljc\v\s,confcfs  the  Council  of  Nice  xd  for  h'ktly 
the  vo>jJ)iping  of  Images  to  be  called  and  approved  bj  Pope  Adrian,  and  yet  ^"'"S* 
they  did  not  fear  to  examine,  judge,  and  reprehend  both  the  Synod  itfrlf,  and  the 
Epifile  of  Adrian  to  Conifantineyor  the  -uwrjlup  of  Images,  yea,  and  the  defenise 
of  that  Synod  [ent  by  Adrian  to   Charles  ^I.  laying ,  [  Indifaete  nofcttur  fc- 
ciffe  in  eo  ijuod  fuperfiitios^  eas  adorart  jujjit. "]     So  (  laith   Bellarmine  )  they 
were  not    ajliamed  to  judge   the   fudge  of  themfelves  ,    and  of    the  vhole 
world,  to  feed  the  Pafior  of  all  Cbriji's  Sheep,  and  to  teach  the  Teacher  cf  all 
men  ;  than  which  temerity,  no  greater  can   be  imagined.     Thus    fix  Bel- 

%  11^.  Here  I  defne  the  Reader  to  take  notice, 

I.  That  even  then  when  the  Pope  was  advanced  to  his  Kingly  grcamcG, 
yet  as  the  Eaftcin  Empire  was  far  from  obeying  him,  (b  even  that  one  Prince 
that  ftt  him  up,  and  defended  him,  with  his  Doctors  and  Councilors ,  were 
hir  from  thinking  InJ:illible,  but  reproved  him,  and  judged  Ixim  as  (uper-  "^ 

iHriousfor  Image-wordiip  ,  and  were  not  herein  ruled  by  him. 

1.  And  judge  whether  moft  Biiliops  would  not  have  iudgcd  accordingly, 
if  they  had  had  but  tl:e  lame  countenance  from  Princes,  as  the  Biiliops  in  the 
Ea!f  and  thele  nov/  had  ? 

g.  And  iudge  witli  what  Face  the  Militant  Doiflors  of  Rome  do  pretend, 
that  all  the  world  was  then  fubjoS  to  the  judgment  ot  the  Pope,  and  bid  us  . 
name  anyChurchc;  that  rejeiflcd  it,whenEuft  and  \\"cft  lb  far  rcjcftcd  it  as 
is  here  confeffcd,  even  when  they  were  grown  lb  high,  yea  and  Councils  as 
well  as  Popes  ? 

§  ii6.  Hereupon  a  Book  was  printed  ^n.  ifg^J.  called.  Tie  Council  of 
Vm'is  about  Images,  cont^ilnhg, 

K  k  1.  The 

5-0,  Chmxh-Hijhry  of  [Btpjo^s  <.md 

1.  The  Empcfor.A/«-/j<»ei's  Epiftle,  (  by  which,  (aith  BellarmInc,owf  t^owW 
juJge  htm  me  of  ihebeli  Princes  that  ex'er  wijf.  ) 

X.  The  Fijrts  Doftors  Colle>Stion  of  Tcftimonies,  proving,  ( in  the  middle 
way  )  that  Images  ^wtdd  not  be  broken  ccntcmpuoujly,  as  jorrie  would  have 
them ;  nor  be  worjhipped  as  the  General  Niccnc  Coimcd,  and  the  Pope  weidd 
have  them. 

5.  An  EpIftlc  in  the  Pope's  name,  written,  (faith  Bellarmine,hy  the  Frensb 
Dodlors  )  to  Michael  the  Emperor,  (hewing,  that  Images  are  neither  to  be 
■mronged  dtfgracejuUy,  nor  adored. 

4.  An  Epiftle  of  the  Y.m^^xox  hudwicns  to  the  Popc ,  defirin^iim  to 
write  to  Michael  to  further  this  Peace  of  the  Churches. 

•).  An  Epiftle  of  Lndovicm  to  the  two  Biihops  whom  he  lent  to  Rome,\j 
direct  them  how  to  carry  themfelves  wijely,  to  get  the  Pope's  conjenr^  \\'^hethcr 
this  at  Paris  was  a  Council,  or  only  a  lele£t  Convention  of  Men  chofen  by  the 
Emperor,  is  a  Controvcrfie  of  no  great  moment.  I  take  the  latter  to  b«  the 
more  honourable  fort  of  Aflembly,  as  the  world  then  went;  and  fhould  reve- 
rence more  the  judgment  of  io  or  la  Men,  fek<2:ed  by  fiich  an  extraordi- 
nary Prince,  than  of  the  majority  of  thcBifliopsof  -AXEwope:  As  I  prefer 
the  judgment  of  thofoMen  that  by  King  7.-;w«  were  appointed  to  Tranflatc 
the  Bible,  betoi-e  the  judgment  of  ths  major  part  of  the  whole  Englifli  Cler- 
gy, of  whom  perhaps  one  in  ten  had  a  fhiattering  in  the  Hebrtw  T«nguc, , 
and  one  of  an  hundred  underftood  it,  (  at  the  moft.) 

§  lij.  Our  modern  cheated  Englijli  Papijls ,    that  are-  taught  here  in; 
England  to  fiiy  that  they  worfliip  not  Images,  might  here  fee  the  Fraud  of 
their  Clergy,  that  fit  them  a  Faith  to  their  interefts  and  occaiions.     We  con- 
fefs  that  it  is  but  three  forts  of  Images  that  yiquinas  fiiith  we  fhould  worfliip  . 
with  Latria  (  Divine  W'orfhip  :  )  But  yet  the  reft  arc  to  be  worjhipped,  iay  . 
their  Doctor-;.     Why  elfe  do  they  lb   commonly   condemn  ■  this  Book  and 
Council  pf  Ltidcvicr/s  Pins,  that  forbiddeth  both  the  breaking  and  the  wor- 
fhiping  of  them?  Why  doth  ^cV/<^rw/we  purpolcly  revile,  and  particularly  con-  - 
fute  this  Book  ?  ^Vhy  doth  Einnirts  recite  all  Bellarmines  Anfwer  in  his  Can-  ■ 
ctl.Tom.  ■^.  p.  fipj&CG? 

§  I^8.  Bellarmine  is  very  loth  that  the  Epiftle  here  fcid  to  be  written  by- 
Pope  Etigenists  the  id,  fhould  be  taken  to  be  his,and  fuppofeth  that  it  was  but 
fcnt  to  him  to   be  fubfcribed  :  By  whom?  If  by  the  Emperor    Ludovisus 
Piifs,  and  his  Council  of  Divines,  you  may  fee  of  what  reputation  the  Pope 
was  then  in  the  Church.     One  great  Argument  agalnft  it  is,   That  the  Pope 
wmdd  not  fo  impudently  flatter  the  Emperor,  as  to  fay,  "  O  venerable  Prm-  ■ 
"  ces  of  tie  world,_  feeing  by  God^s  dijpofal  you  govern  all  the  Chtirch,8cc.  And 
*''  fcr  tmtting  the  Chwch  which  by  God's  Ordination  you  govern  :  JVhat  filthier 
^'■Flattery  (  faith  Bellarmine  )  could  there   be  ?  Klicliael  Balbus    a  Murde-  ■. 
"  rer.  Sec. .  :s.  Jaul  by  thefo^e-  to  govtm  thei^hnrch  by  Go.fs  difpofatg..    JVhat  ■. 
'•'■then  r.reBipKps  fr'^ 


their  'Councils •dh'id'reil.  :i5'i 

jinf.  And  i.  Did  not  even  Gregory/  AfagMsvauch.  flatter  a  worfe  Man  and 
Kluvderer,P/ioa?/ ?  and  his  Succellors  hirli  and  many  niorc? 

1.  Did  not  many,  if  not  moft  of  the 'Emperors,  Heathen  and  Qiriftian, 
come  in  by  Murder,  or  Invafion,  and  Llfiirpatibn  ?  And  were  Men  therefore 
difobligcd  from  obeying  them,  when  they  were  letkd,by  (ubmilfive  imphcite 
confent  ? 

5.  But  tlie  venom  of  the  Cardinal  Jefuitc's  anfwer  is,that  he  takcth  it  to 
be  bafe  Flattery,  to  lay  that  Princes  are  by  God's  difpole  the  Governors  of  the  id 
Church  :  For  then  what  are  the  Bifhops  tor  ?  And  muft  the  world  be  ridden 
and  abuled  by  fuch  Men,  that  would  tui-n  Princes  out  of  all  Government  of 
the  Church,  and  undcrfland  not  that  the  Government  of  the  lame  Church, 
may  belong  to  the  Magillratc  and  the  Paftors  rcfpcfbively,  (  as  the  Govern- 
ment of  an  Holpital  to  the  King,  and  to  the  Phyiician?  )  May  not  one  rule 
A-nd  punifh  by  the  Sword,  and  another  by  the  \^''ord,  by  Tcacliing,  and  the 
Church  Keys?  Is  it  not  one  tiling  to  Fine,  and  Beat,  and  Banifh,  and  Kill  a 
Man,  and  another  to  fcntence  him  unmeet  for  Church-Communion?  Mar- 
vellous, that  God  pcrmittcth  the  world  to  be  deluded  by  (iich  a  blinded  or 
blinding  Clergy,  though  as  learned  as  BcUarmme ,  that  would  make  thefc 
things  (cem  inconliltent,  and  icparatc  what  God  hath  conjoined.' 

See  here  to  what  the  Roman  Clergy  would  reduce  Kings,  they  muflbe  no 
Governors  of  the  Church.  And  it  all  the  Kingdom  be  C.hriftians,  are  they 
not  all  the  Church  ?  And  fb  the  Chriftcning  of  the  Subjects  dcpoftth  the 
King,  and  makcth  the  chief  Pric^  King  that  Chriiteneth  them. 

It  he  had  faid  that  Kings  govern  Churches,  but  not  as  Churches ,  but  as 
parts  of  the  Kingdom,  he  had  fiid  fallly :  For  they  govern  them  if  Churches, 
tliough  not  by  the  lame  fort  of  Government  as  the  Pallors  do  ;  as  they  go- 
vern not  Holpitals  by  the  lame  fort  of  Government,  as  the  Phyficians. 

§  1 19.  In  EugenuKS  Epillk  it  is  honeftly  and  truly  faid,  that  "[_If  there 
"  had  never  been  a  fainted  or  a  forged  Image,  neither  Faith,  Hope  nor  LovCy 
"  by  -which  Alen  come  to  the  Eternal  Kingdom,  wculd  have  pcrijlied.  ]  I  am 
of  Bellarmine's  mind  now,  that  this  was  none  of  the  Pope's  Epiftlc,  (but  the 
honeft  Emperor's,  and  his  Clergy  Councils : )  He  thought  it  too  bad  for  a 
Pope,  and  I  think  it  too  good  for  a  Pope.  He  tliinks  that  the  Pope  mull  be 
mad,  if  he  would  huve  fb  condemned  his  Prcdeceflor  Adrian  i  Acts,  as  this 
Epiltle  doth  ;  and  I  doubt  he  was  not  (0  honeft  as  to  do  it.  But  did  not  Bcl- 
larmine  know  how  much  more  fharp  and  virulent  Accufatlons  Popes  ha\"e 
laid  on  one  another  ? 

§130.  CCXLVI.  So  powerful  was  Ludo^vicus  Tius^s  Attempts  to  reform 
the  Clergy,  that  it  drove  Pope  Eugenius  the  id  for  (liame  to  call  a  Council  at 
Rome,  (  not  from  the  Antifodes,hMZ )  of  63  Bifhops,  (^«.  816.)  who 
repeated  fome  old  Canons,  and,  among  other  things,  forbad  (uch  Fcafts  and 
Plays  as  our  W^akes  are  on  any  Holy-days  to  be  ufcd. 

§131.  Valentine  was  next  chofcn  Pope  ,  ( ColltEtis  in  ununt  Venerah. 
Epfcopu  df  Gloriojis  Romofiorum  Troceribus  ,  cmntciut  timtlii:  tivbis  Fcpulo  in 

K  k  X  Tal 

2^1  Lhurch-Hijlory  of  (BiO^cps  and 

Pal.  Later,  fiitli  ^tiajlajiits  )  but  he  lived  but    3  o   ov  40  day?,  (  Hiflorians 
agree  not  of  it.) 

§131.  Gregory  the  4th  fucceeded,  who,  (aith  Platina,  would  not  under- 
take the  Papal  Omce,till  LuJcvia/s  the  Emperor  had  confidered  of  the  choice, 
"  and  conHrmed  it :    [_irhich,( iikh  Flatwa)  Ludovicus  did  not  out  of  Pride, 
*  Mark       "^//f  left  he  fljould  lefe  the  Rights  of  the  EffJpire*,  being  by  nature  gentle  and 
rlie  Rights  ''^^"fi  humane,  and  had  e'ver  upheld  the  Rights  of  the  Church.      He  fetUd 
of  the        "  Benefices  on  every  Priefl,that   1' overt y  wight  not  hinder  them.~^     You  ftc 
limpire.      here  that  the  great  Friend  of  the  Cliurch  yet  took  that  for  the  right  of  the 
Empire,  that  none  fhouldbe  Pope  againfl:  his  confcnt. 

§  I  3  3.  Platina,  adding  how  he  rcfoiined  the  Clergy  ,  forbidding  them 
gay  Attire,  Ornaments,  Sumptuoufnefs  and  Vanities,  (aith  thereupon,  '■'■Would 
"  thou  hadsi  lived  in  cur  times,  O  Ludovicus!  For  the  Church  vjanteth  thy 
"  holy  hijfitutions,  and  Cenfure,  fo  much  hath  the  Ecclefiaftical  Order  poured  out 
"  it/elf  to  all  Luxury  and  Lufi.  ']  So  defcribing  their  abominable  Pride  and 

§  I  34.  Pope  Gregory  added  Co  much  to  the  good  works  of  hisPredece(^ 
fbrs,  by  mending,  building,  adorning  fo  many  Temples,  Pillars  and  Ports, 
with  Stones,  Veltments,  Silver,  d^c.  and  removing  the  Bones  of  Saints,  (if  he 
miftook  not  )  that  it  is  no  wonder  if  Rome  grew  into  greater  pomp  and 
(plendor  than  ever  before. 

§  135:.  This  godly  Emperor  having  three  Sons  by  his  firft  Wife,  and 
marrying  a  fecond,  having  two  Sons  by  her;  the  Sons  of  the  firft  Wife  ha- 
ted the  fecond  Wife,  thinking  her  Son  Charles  had  too  much  favor.  One  Son 
(  Pepin  )  apprehended  his  Father,  and  the  eldeft  (  Lotharim  )  came  in  and 
"^  approved  it,  and  the  3d  joined  with  them,  and  wickedly  depofed  him  fi'om 
his  Kingdom  :  of  which  anon. 

§  136.  Ltidovicm  called  Councils  at  P<zr«',  A/fwf 2:.,  Zjow/,  and  77jo/o«<,'f, for 
Reformation  :  fome  (ay  upon  the  warning  of  a  Maid  that  being  poflcfTed 
of  the  Devil,  and  (peaking  Latine,{aid  that  this  Devil  executed  Judgments  on 
the  Land  for  their  Sins,  Injuftice,  &€.  CCXLVII.  The  Council  at  Paris 
wrote  a  large  Book  for  Reformation,  An.%i.<).  with  the  reft  of  this  Empe- 
ror's Conftitutions,  worthy  to  be  Tranflated  for  the  common  good,  that  all 
might  fee  the  difference  between  Reformers  and  turbulent  Heretlcks  and  He- 
reticators,  and  proud  afpiring  Prelate?,  The  Book  is  a  Treati(e  of  pious  Di- 
re£lions.  The  yoth  Chapter,reproving  the  breach  of  the  Lord's  day,(aith, 
15"  that  '■'■\_By  Jight  and  by  certain  relation  they  have  notice,  that  many  "H'orking 
"  on  that  day  have  been  killed  with  TTounderbolts ,  fome  pujiijl^ed  by  fuddm 
'*  Convuljhns,  fome  by  vijible  Fire,  their  Flejli  and  Bones  being  in  a  moment 
"  confumed  and  tinned  into  a^^es,  and  many  other  fuch  terrible  judgments. 
Tbcrefore  they  require  that  as  the  yeti's  keep  their  Sabbath,  all  Men  much 
more  do  (piritually  obfcrve  this  day  of  the  Lord. 

The  fecond  Book  doth  notably  (hew  the  diity  of  Kings  and  Magi-  - 


their  Councils  abridged.  15^ 

The  laft  Chapter  requireth  thoft  that  are  far  from  the  Church  ,  to  meet 
for  Prayer  in  other  places,  as  being  acceptable  to  God. 

In  the  8th  Ctf»;f«/.  (fiw.p.  569.  }  the  Bifliops  (ay,  [_Beati  Petri  'vicem 
indimi gerimus.']  So  that  the  Pope  is  not  Pe ff r's  onely  Succeflbr;  others  re- 
prefent  him,  if  this  Council  did  not  miftake. 

§  I  3  7.  CCXLVIII.  We  come  now  to  a  Council  which  fheweth  you, 
that  the  good  Canons  made  by  the  Emperor  for  Church-Reformation,  were    ■; 
far  from  reforming  the  generality  of  the  Bifhops.     It  is  the  Council  at  Com- 
pendium,which  too  compendioufly  depofed  the  godly  Emperor,f  of  whom  the 
world  was  not  worthy. ) 

Calumniators  pretended  that  one  BemJjarJz  Courtier  lay  with  Judith  the 
Emperor's  (econd  Wife :  The  Sons  of  his  firft  Wife  hating  her^  Pefm,Vf\\ova. 
his  Father  had  made  King  of  Italy  ,  on  this  pretence  Traytcroufly  raifeth 
Arms  againft  his  Father.  Lotharias,  the  eldeft  Son,  too  much  confentingjpcr- 
fiiaded  his  Father  to  let  a  meeting  without  Arms ,  at  Neomagus ,  prevent  a 
War.  At  that  meeting  the  Nobles,  Parentis  Iwperium  legttimi  prorogahant, 
(aith  Binniusip.  fjf,  and  Pepin  took  up  Arms  a^ain.  The  Father  conquer- 
eth  his  Son,  and  taketh  him  Pri(bner,  and  might  )uftly  have  taken  away  his 
life,  but  he  was  ftol'n  out  of  Prilbn  in  the  night.  Ludovicus  dcpriveth  him 
of  his  Kingdom  of  7f<j/>',  and  dividcth  it  between  his  two  Sons  by  the  fccond 
Wife,Charles  and  Rodolphus.  Hereupon  Lotharius  the  eldeft  rebelling,kntw 
not  how  to  -conquer  his  godly  and  pro(perous  Father  but  by  the  Bifliops: 
Them  he  draweth  into  his  Confpiracy,  that  as  Binmus  himfclt  faith,  "  [  Ut 
"  e^uem  filii  armis  imperio  deponere  non  pcjfevt  ,  hcrurK  [ahem  nundinariorum 
"  yintifiitum  fuffragio  (jf  jadicio,  kmore  ac  poteflate  trupertali  privaretur  :  fuc-  "Cli 
"  ctffit  impiis  conatus  tmpdjjintus.  ]  The  lait  means  of  Trcafon  was  a  Coun- 
cil of  the  bafe  mercenary  Bifliops ;  a  wicked  Attempt  that  lerved  thcfe  wick- 
ed Men,  and  did  the  Feat.  Ehho  the  Avchbifliop  oF  Rheme>  ,  (  of  a  bafe 
original  )  and  enow  more  fuch  Prelates  were  not  wanting.  The  Emperor 
had  before  voluntarily  lamented  his  putting  out  the  eyes  of  his  Kinfman  Ber- 
nard a  Rebel,  ('  of  which  he  dyed )  as  too  cruel,  (  when  now  no  Prince 
fcrupleth  Hanging,  or  Beheading  open  Rebels.  1  The  Church  had  QtisfmStion 
by  his  voluntary  Penance,  for  that  which  few  Men  will  think  a  Fault.  And 
what  do  thefe  BiJIiops  nou;hut  become  their  Sovereign  s  yudges,yci,  and  that 
when  he  wof  abfetjt,  and  condemn  him  unheard,  for  this  former  Fault.  Note . 
the  Cafe. 

I .  They  condemn  their  King  to  be  depofed,  who  were  Subjects. 

z.  Yea,Clergy-men,  that  had  leaft  to  do  with  State  Affairs. 

5.  Yea,  and  that  for  a  Fault,  which  perhaps  was  but  Juftlce  ,  and  no 

4-  Or  if  it  were  aFault,was  before  judged  and  remitted.   And  did  godly    r.iii'l})! 
Lewtr  cherifli Chriftian  Bifhopfb  ^icaloufly,  for  this  u(e,  (b  balely  and  tray-       '  '" 
tcroufly.  to  debofc  him? 
-'^'  f-Yev. 

1^4  Churclj-Hiflcry  of  BijJ)ops   and 

•y.  Yea,  an;.!  to  join  in  ihe  horrid  Rebellion  of  uiuiatural  Sonsj  to  accom- 
plilTi  their  dclign?. 

6.  And  to  ttnipt  Princes  to  hate  Religion,  when  »»  Nomine  Domini,  the 
pretence  o\  Religion  Ihall  do  greater  wlckedncls  by  Prelates,  than  the  Rebels 
Arms  was  able  to  perform. 

Saith  the  Author  of  the  Life  of  Lttdcvicus  Pius,  [[  This  judgment  fame 

few  gaifi-fnyeJ^more  conjentid  to  it :  the  greateft  fart,  as  it  ujcth  to  he  in  fach 

(a)    O,  cafes  (  a  ),  co?i(ented  by  vord,  for  fear  of  ojfmdivg  their  Leaders  (_  h  ).    TIjey 

i',*"     j-      judged  him,  abjc7it  and  unheard,  neither  confejfnig  nor  co7i-<viil,  before  the  Bodies 

Bifliops  !    ^f  ''"'•  Mcdard  Conftjjlr,  and  St.  Sebaftian  Martyr,  to  lay  down  hts  Arms  (c), 

(b)\\lhom  and  forced  him  to  lay  thetn  hefre  the  Altar ;  and  clcathmg  him  in  a  black 

should       garment,  under  a  find  Guard,  they  thrust  him  tnto  Prifon.     By  this  tefiimcny, 

th>.y   lavc  \}a^ix\-^'^\^^i{^^-i^^it  is  ecrtaifjly  pofued  that   the  whole  btifnefs  was  done  by  force 

ni'orcth.'.n  and  fear,  and  coloured  with  the  falfe  figment  of  Religion.     Thus  was  the 

God    and  bell  of  Princes,  alter  all  his  fcrviccs  for  the  Prelates, andkindncfs  to  his  Sons, 

their  dcpoled,  and  balcly  ulcd  by  both,  againft:  Nature  and  Religion. 

yil^^f^ .  ■        His  rirll  Rcilauration,  when  he  had  been  before  depoftd,  was  by  the  G«^ 

the  ufc  of  *'''^"-' •'  How  he  was  rcllored  tl le  (ccond  time,  I   find  not  certainly  j  (ome 

Rcliqucs?  would  give  Pope  G'AV^ojy  the  honour  of  it.     It  is  likeliell   thiat   the  interell 

wln'ch  his  goodnefs  had  got  in  the  People,  with  the  odiouliicis  of  his  Sons  and 

Bilhops  Acis,  did  it :  But  hilly  rclforcd,  after  all   this,  he  was.     And  being 

(bmewhat  backward  to  Irorgive  Lothariiis,  he  hllcd  France  with  new  Wars,till 

the  Emperor  for  Peace  did  pardon  all.     Bur  Ebbo,  Archbifliop  of  Rhemesy 

and  Agobard,  Blfhop  of  Lyons,  were  depofcd,  as  Leaders  of  the  Treafon;  and 

Ebbo  banifhcd,  and  rcftored  by  Lcf/'^);/«  when  his  Father  dyed  j  yea,  and 

{cat  as  a  Ht  to  con\crt  the  Normans  by  Pope  PafchaVs  miflion  ,  being 

made  Bilhop  of  Hildcfieim  in  Saxony,  by  Ludovic  King  of  Germany,   fee 

Petavius  Hiil.  I.  8.  c.  8. 

Shordy  after, -<:/;».  840.  the  Emperor  (  (bllicited  yet  to  more  Wars  by  his 
own  Sons,  about  dividing  the  Kingdoms  }  dyed,  a  direful  Eclipfe  of  the  Sun 
foregoing  his  death,  the  day  before  Ajomjioti-daj. 

§  13S.  That  you  may  fee  the  bafe  Hypocrilie  of  thele  Trayterous  Bii- 
fhops,  1  will  recite  theii-  words  in  the  Council  that  condemned  the  bell  of 
^n,  853,    Emperors  •  but  his  Imprilbnmcnt  they  leave  out. 

§  I  39.  The  Bifhops  condemnation  of  the  Emperor  Ludovicus  Pias,  An. 
8^5.  after  a  Preface  of  the  Duty  of  Bifliops  without  Favor  or  Fciu"  to  judge 
Sinners,  and  the  need  of  putting  their  Sentence  in  writing,  to  avoid  the  cen- 
*  Here  is    ^^^"^  °^  ^^'^  Men,  they  fiy— 
a  High 

Court  of  ^IVe  hold  it  neceffary  to  mtifie  to  all  the  Sens  of  the  Churchy  both  frefent 
Prelatical  t  ^„^i  -future,  how  we  BiJ}iops,fet  over  the  Empire  *  of  our  Lord  and  mofi 
againft  a  '  glorious  Emperor  Lotharius,  y^w.  833.  the  fir fl  year  of  the  [aid  Prince  in 
good  Em-  'Odobcr,  did  generally  meet  at  the  Palace  <?f  Compendium,  (G)ropeigne) 
peror.  '  and 

their  Councils  abridged.  255 

'  and  htimhly  heard  the  [aid  Prince  *  ;  And  we   rook  care,  according  to  the  ».    , 

'  Minijlry  enjoined  ?//,  to  manifeft  to  him  or   ha  Nobles  ,  the  generality  of  all  accufine"* 

'  the  Veo^Uywhat  is  the  Vigor,  and  Tovjer,orTrieftly  A£n:ftry,  and  with  v-hat  hisFathcr 

'  Sentence  of  Damnation  he  deferveth  to  be  damned-pvho  will  not  obey  the  warn' 

'  mgs  of  the  Triefts  (a.).  (4  )  No 

'  And  next  both  to  the  faid  Prince,  (  Lotharius  )  and  to  all  the  Peop!e,U'e  ^°"''t  ^^^ 
*fii(died  to  denounce,  that  they  fiwuld  fiudy  mofi  devoutly  to  pleaje  God,  and  ji^jj 
*■  jlmdd  not  delay  to  appeafi  him  in  whateiier  they  had  offended  him  :  For  m.i-  known 
'•  nj  thingi  were  examined,  (  h  ),  which  by  negligence  bapned  in   this  Empire,  "^  f-J'- 
^  which  manifeftly  tended  to  the  fcandal  of  the  Church,  and  the  rtiine  of  the  ^  ,       'f 
'  People,  or  the  defiriulion  of  the  Kingdom  ;  which  mnsl   nccejjariiy  be  Quickly  thoritv? 
^  corrected,  and  by  all  means  for  the  jut  iire  prevented  (  c  ).  (c)    wj-q 

'  Among  other  things  we  mentioned,  and  remembred  all  Men,  how  by  God  "laclc  you 
'  that  Kingdom,  by  the  adminijlration  of  the  most  excellent  Empercr  Charles  c/^^        ^^" 
'  good  memory,  and  the  Valor  of  his  PredeceJJors,  was  peaceable,  and  tmited,and  ^f  [[,„ 
'*  nobly  enlarged,  and  committed  to  the  Lord  Emperor  Lewis  by  God  in  great  Empire 
'peace  to  be  governed  ;  and  by  God's  protection  remain  d  (o  prejerved,as  lon^  as  ^.  J^'dgcs 
'  that  Prince  fiudied  Cod,  and  ufed  his  Father  s  example,  and  was  careful  to       ''"■^ 

*  aci^uiefce  m  the  coun(els  of  good  JVIerj :  And  how  in  prf-grtjs  of  time,  as  is  ^f(;  o». 
'■manifeft  to  all,  by  his  improvidence,  or  negligence,  it  fell  into  fo  great  ignominy  bcllimis 

*  and  bafenefs,  that  it.  became  not  only  the  grief  of  Friends,  but  the  dtrifion  if  ot  6'ons, 
'  Enemies.  |Jc  Fa- 

'  But  becaufe  the  faid  Prince  hath  negligently  managcA  tlje  Minijlry  comniu-  fjuj^p 

*  ted  to  him,  and  dij  both  do  and  compel  ethers  to  do  many  things  dtfplcafng 

'  to  God  and  Man,  cr  permitted  others  to  do  it  (d},   and  provoked  God  ini^)  M.A  '' 
*■  many  wicked  couriJels,and  (candalized  theChurch  ;  and^that   we  may  omit  \'^c  /^'"R 
'  innumerable  other  things')  at  loft  drew  all  his Subjtcis  to  a  common  dijhuQi-  hCawixI  '  f 

*  on,  and  by  God'tjujl  judgment,  fuddtnly  his  Imperial  Poiiun  w.rr  jjkin  ficm  Bir^ors , 
*him  {e^.     But  we  remembring  the  Commands  of  Gud,  and  our  Mmifry,  and  ^^^    the 

'  his  Benefits, thought  him  worthy,  that  b^  the  leave  of  the  faid  Puree  Lotha-  P^'"^  f'^""  ' 
'  rius,  we  (liould  (end  a  Mejjage   to  him  by  the  Authority  of  this  Sacred  Af-  nwxcil^ 
'  femhly,to  admcnijh  him  of  his  Giiilts,  that  he  might  take  jure  advice  for  hu  the   Br*- 
^  fafety  (  or  jalvation.  )     TImU  he  miglit  in  his.  extremity  fudy  with  all  Lis  lTii''ps  ami 
^  might,  that  being  deprived  of  his  ewtUy  Power,  acxording    toGcd's  Council,  ''";'^  °' 
'and  the  Churches  Authority, he  might   not  aljo  lofe  his  Sud.     To  the  ciunjtls  jj^^^  ^^ 
'  of  which  Mejjtngers,  and  their  mcjl  wholfim  warnings  he  willingly  conf*nud,  i^f)  Lctb.t' 
'■he  took  lime,  and  fet  a  day  in  which  he  would  give  an  atijwer  to  their  whol~  '"'^  ^'A 
'fom  Admonitions  (  f  ).  tTVl*.'*  , 

'And  when  the  day  was  at  hand,!y  Ajjesrihly  unanimcudyvtnt  in^'i,,''* 
'  to  the  venerable  Man,  arid  took  care  to  admonijli  him  of  ail  that  he  had  of-  (  f\  Q 
'fended  Cod  in,  and  (candaliz,ed  tlx  Church  ,  and  troubled  the  People  com-  humblg 
'  mitted  to  him, and  to  bring  all  to  his  remembrance.  And  he  wHl.-figlf  cm-.^'"'^^' 
'  bracing  their  wholfom  Admcniticn,  and  their  worthy  and  congruars  Agnra-  jcro  s^' 
''iia.ti.onsjpromifed  in  all  things  to  acquiejce  in  their,  whclj'cm  ccunjtl,  andtvun-  PrtUits ! 

'  dago 


Church-Hiftory  of  ^ijlm^s  and 

{g)hs\r.\.y  <■  der^o  their  remedying  judgniint  (g).  And  being  glad  of  fo  -wholfom  an 
l"j  ^i"^.  '  Admonition  (h  ),  jhait  we  mrreated  hts  beloved  5o»,Lotharius  Auguftus, 
terTudcc's  ' ''"  ^^jp^^'^'h  J""^]^^}  ^^"^  without  delay ^  with  his  Nobles  he  might  come,  that 
(h)\ii]\\ic^  there  might  be  a  mutual  reecnciltatton  hefu^en  them  according  to  Chrifiian 
he  look:  '  Dccirme,  that  tf  there  were  any  blemijlies  or  dtfcords  in  their  heart s,a  pure  and 
for  better  t  jj^^i^l^  begging  of  Pardon  (  i  )  might  expiate  ther/i,  and  thereupon  before  all 
^f )  Of  ^a  '  ^^^^  ^»"lt'i"'^^i  b^  might  receive  the  judgment  of  the  Priejibood  as  Penitents  do, 
ir.iytc-       '  which  Joon  after  was  done. 

rous       '  Therefore  the  Lord  Ludovicus  coming  into  the  Church  of  Holy  lAxxyfiod's 

and  Sub-  <■  j\ff)f/jey^TijJjere  refi  the  Bodies  of  Saints,   that  is,  of  Med^vd,  a  Cot^'effor  of 

tk. )' Was  '  Chrtjf  and  Bifimp,  and  of  Sebaftian  a  most  excellent  Martyr{the  Prii.fs,Dea- 

this  keep-  '  co7is,  and  no  jmall  multitude  of  the  Clerks  /landing  by,  and  his  Sots  the  fore- ' 

iiig  the      ^  J'aid  Lothxv'iUi  being  prefent  with  his  Nobles  ,  and  the  generality  of   all  the 

htthCom-  ( l>cop!e,e'ven  as  many  as  the  Church  could  hold)and  bemg  profirate  on  the  earth 

menr'"snd  '  "/""*  Hair-cloth  (  k  )  before  the  Holy  Altar,  he  coffcJJ'cd  before  all,that  be  too 

Honoiii-    '■  unworthily  lifed  the  AUniftry  committed  to  him,    and  in  it   many  wayes  of- 

ing  the      '■fended  God,  and  fcandalized  the  Church  of  Chrift,  and  many  ways  troubled 

""  w    1      '  '^^^  People  by  his  negligence  :  And  therefore  for   the  Publick  and  Ecclejiaflick 

Son     Slid  '  Expiation  of  fo  great  Guilts,  he  faid  he  would  defre  Penance,  that  God  being 

wicked      '  merciful  by  their  Minifiry  and  Help,  he  might  pmjheroujly  deferve  (or  obtain) 

Prelates!  ^  Abfolution  of  fo  great  Crimes,  God  having  given  them  the  power  of  Binding 

'  and  Lonfng  •  whom  alfo  the  Bi^jops,  as  Jpiritual  Phyfcians  ,    did  whclfomTf 

'  admont[li,  telling  him  that  true   remijfion  of  Sin  followeth  pure  and  ftmple 

'  Confejfwn  ;  that  he  Jliould  openly  confefs  hts  Errors,  in  which  he  profejfed  that 

*  he  MoH  offended  God,  left  hejijould  bide  any  thing  withih,or  do  any  thing  de- 
'  ceitftiUy  before  God,  as  it  is  known  to  all  that  he  did  heretofore  in  the  Palace 
'  at  Compcigne,  ^i-if?/  he  was  by  another  Holy  Ajfemblj  reproved  before  all  the 

*  Church  :  And  that  he  come  not  to  God  now,  as  he  did  thett,  by  dtjfcmblin^ 
'  and  craft,  with  a  double  heart,  and  provoke  him  to  anger,  rather  than  to  for- 

(/)  O  in-    '■give  his  fn  (  1  )i  for  it  iswritten,The   dtjfemblers  and  crafty  provoke  the 

fulling       '  wrath  of  God.     And  after  this  Admonition  he  profeJJ'cd  that  he  bad  chiefly 

Traytors.  <■  Jl^j-^^d  in  all  thofe  things,  wherei^pon  he  had  been  familiarly  reproved  by  the 

*■  forefaid  Pricfs,  by  word  or  writings ;  that  being  by  due  rebuke  reproved  of  the 

wrote        '  things  they  gave  him  a  writing  (  m  )   of,  containing  the  fum  of  his  Guilts,  of 

him  his     '  which  they  had  Jpecially  reproved  him  ;  which  he  had  in  his  hands,  viz. 

Lcirpn,  &       *■  \.   As  in  the  fame  Paper  is  fuUier  co?itained,  incurring  the  guilt   of  Sacri- 

contcUed    '  Jedge  and  Murder,  in  that  be  kept  not,  according  to  his  fromife ,  the  fatherly 

for  him      '  Almonition  and  terrible  Conteftation  made  to  him  with  Divine  Invocat ion  bc- 

'■  fore  the  Holy  Altar  inprefencc  of  the  Pricfs,and  thegreatefi  multitude  of  the 

'  I'enple  ;  in  that  he  had  done  violence  to  his  Brethren  and  Kindred ,  and  had 

(u)    A      ' permitted  his  Nephew  to  be  killed  (  n  ),  whom   be    might  have  delivered  ; 

Irrfytor    '  and  that  being  wimin.lful  of  his  Vow,  he  after  commanded  the  Sign  of  Holy 

in  o['cn     <■  J^dig^ion  to  be  made  for  the  hvcnge  of  his  own  indignation. 

11.  That  being  the  Anther  of  Scandal,  a?idTroiibler  of  the  Peace,  and  Fic- 

*  later 


theii-  Councils  abridged.  257 

'  later  cf  the  Sacramen's,hy  unlawful  Power  he  corrupreti  the  Covenam  jfhuh 
'  woi  made  between  his  Sons  for  the  peace  and  unanimity  of  the  Empire,  ana 

*  tranquility  of  the  Church,  by  commm  Coujicil,  and  ccnjtnt  of  all  the  faithful 

*  Feople,  and  confirmed  by  the  Sacrament  :  and  in  that  he  compelled  bis  faithful 
'■People  m  contrariety  to  the  jttid  frit  Covenant  and Oath,to jvear  another  Sn- 

'  crament  (  o  )  ,  and  fo  fell  into  the  gmlt  of  Perjury,   by  the  "Violation  of  the  (f"  )  O: 

*  former  Oaths.     yi?>d  how  much  thu  dijpleafed  Gbd,u  plain,  in  that  the  People  '^•''^• 

*  fitbjeit  to  him  had  afterward  no  peace,  but  were  all  led  into  p!rturbatio»,bea}- 

*  ing  the  puni^iment  cf  their  fins,  and  by  God's  just  judgment. 

*  1 1 1.  That  againfi  Chrijiian  Religion,  againit  bts  f'ow,  without  any  pub- 
'  lick  profit  or  certain  necejfity  (  p  j,  deluded  by  evil  counfel,  be  commanded  a  (p)\gimix. 
''general  Expedition  to  be  made  m  Lent,  and  in  the  extreme  parts  of  his  Em-  ■'l'"  Arrr.s 

*  pire  appointed  a  general  Meeting  (or  Council)  at  the  time  of  the  Lord^s  Sup-  ^     ^ 

'  per,  when  the  Pajchal  Sacraments  were  to  be  celebrated  of  all  Chrtftians  (c\).  ^  ^)R'cbcis 
'  In  which  Expedition,  as  much  as  in  him  lay,}x  drew  the  People  into  great  muft  not 
'  murm)iring,and  againfi  right  put  the  Prtefis  cf  the  Lord  fi-om  their  Ojficesyand  bcrcfiftcd 

*  brou/bt  great  opprejfion  on  the  Poor.  V^  J^^ 

'  ^V.  That  he  brought  violence  on  fome  of  bis  faithful  People,   that  for  hts  Ejjler. 

*  arfd  his  Sons  fidelity  and  fafety,  and  the  recovery  of  the  fljaking  Kingdom, 

*  hiimbly  went  to  htm,  and  made  known  to  him  the  fnares  prepared  for  htm  by 
'  lis  Enemies ;  And  that  againB  all  Law  Divine  and  Humane,  he  deprived 

*  them  of  their  Eftates,  and  commanded  them  to  be  bantjhed  (  t  )  ,  ana  made  g  {l       ^ 

*  them  when  abfent  judged  to  Death,  and  doubtlefs  induced  the  fudges  to  falje  that  Joch 

*  judgment.     And  agamft   Divine  and  Canonical  Authority,  raijed  prejudice  but  differ 

*  agamfi  the  Lord's  Priefts,  (  or  Bi^wps  )  and  Alonks,  and  condemned  them  ^^°^\  ^^^ 
'  abfent.    And  in  this  tncmrmg  the  guilt  of  Murder,  he  was  a  violater  of  the  ^^  ^^'"j 

'  Laws  of  God  and  Alan.  niu^  be 

'  V.  Of  divers  Sacraments  (Oaths )  contrary  to  each  other, oft  made  tm-  baniflicd. 
'.reafotiably  by  bis  Sons  or  People,  he  commanding  and  compelling  them  ;  where- 
'  by  he  brought  no  fmall  blot  of  fin  on  the  People  committed  to  Inm.  He  hereby 
'  incurred  the  guilt  of  Perjury,  becaufe  thefe  are  rightly  charged  on  him  as  Au- 

*  thor,  by  whom  they  were  compelled.  But  in  the  purging  cf  Women,  m  unjuit 
'  fi'dgments,  in  fal/e  IVitnefies  and  Perjuries,  which  have  been  committed  in  his 
'  prejence  by  his  permijfion,  bffii>  much  he  hath  offended  God  he  himjelf  know- 
'  eth. 

'V  I.  Of  divers  Expeditions  "which  be  bath  made  in  the  Kingdom  commit- 

*  ted  to  htm,  not  only  unprofitably,  but  alfo  hurtfully  without  counfel  and  profit  , 
'  in  which  many  and  innumerable  hcinox  Crimes  were  committed  m  the  Chri' 
*■  fiian  People,  m  Murders  and  Pcrjuries,in  Sacriltdge  and  Adulteries,  in  Ra- 
'^pines,  in  Burnings,  either  in  the  Churches  of  God,or  divers  other  places,in  Finn- 
'  derings  and  opprejfing  of  the  Poor,  by  mijerable  ufage ,  and  almoft  unheard  of 
'  among  Chrtfiians ;  which  all,  as  is  aforesaid,  rfiett  on  the  Author. 

'VII.  In  the  divifions  of  the  Empire  rafidy  made  by  him,  agamft  the  com- 
'  man  peace,  and  the  fafety  of  the  whole  Empire,  for  his  own  will ;  and  the 
\  Oath  which  compelled  all  the  people  to  [wear,  that  they  would  aU  «gitnH  his 

L  1  '■Sons 


Chmxh-tiifiory  of  'BiJ]70^->s  md 

"Here is  a 
new   lorr 
of.  Com- 
of  the 
handsj  to 
dcpole  a 
King  fo 
as  never 
ro  be  re- 
Itored  : 
But    !t 



'  Sms  as  Enemies,  when  he  might  have  facifieil  them  hy  Fatherly  Authority^and 
'  the  cotmjel  of  his  faithful  People. 

'VIII.  That  Jo  ma7iy  Alijchiefs  and  Crimes  committed  in  the  Kingdom 
'  committed  to  him,  by  his  negligence  and  impro'vidcnce  were  not  enough,  which 
^  yet  catmct  be  numbred,  hj  which  the  Kingdom  w.u  evidently  difgraced  and 
'  endangered:  bin  moreover  to  add  to  the  heap  of  miferies,he  lafily  drop  nil  the 
'  People  of  his  powa-  to  their  common  defirtiHion,  when  he  ought  to  have  been 
'  to  his  People  the  Captain  of  fafety  and  of  peace,  when  the  Divine  Piety  had 
'  decreed  to  have  mercy  of  his  People  by  an  unheard  of  and  invifible  manner, 
'  and  by  preaching  in  our  ages. 

'  For  thefe  things  therefore,  and  in  all  thefe  things  which  are  before  recited, 
'  confelfmg  himjelf  guilty  before  the  Priejls,  (  or  BijiJops  )  or  all  the  People,  with 
'  tears,  and  protefimg  that  in  all  thefe  things  he  finned,  he  defred  publick  Pen- 
'  nance,  that  fo  he  might  fatisfie  the  Church  by  repenting,  which  he  had  fcanda- 
'  lized  by  fmning ;  and  as  he  was  a  fcandal  by  neglcittng  many  things,  fo  he 
'  profejfed  he  would  he  an  example  by  undergoing  due  Pennance. 

'  And  after  this  Confeffwn  he  delivered  to  the  Bijhops  the  Paper  of  his  Guilts 
'  and  Confejfwn  for  future  memorial ,  and  they  laid  it  on  the  Altar  ;  and  then 
'  he  put  off  his  military  Girdle  and  laid  it  on  the  Altar,  andfiripping  htmfelf  of 
'  bis  fecular  Habit,  he  took  the  Habit  of  a  Penitent  put  on  him  by  the  hands  of 
'  the  Bifliops,  that  after  fo  great  and  fuch  Pennance*, 7to  Man  after  may  return 
*to  a  fecular  Militia. 

'  Thefe  things  thus  done,  it  pleafed  them  that  every  Bijliop  fliould  write  in  his 
'  oyvn  Papers  how  the  matter  was  done,  and  Jliould  Jlrengthen  it  by  his  cwnfub- 

*  fcription,and  offer  it  to  Prince  Lotharlus,  thr/sfirengthned  in  memory  of  the 
'  Fact.  To  conclude,  it  feemed  good  to  us  all  that  were  prefent ,  to  put  the  fum 
'  of  all  the  Papers,  and  of  fo  great  a  bufinefs  into  one  Breviatc,  and  to  roborate 
*-if  by  the  fubfcription  of  us  all  tinth  our  hands ,  as  is  hereafter  demonjlra- 
«■«/ — 

The  Author  of  the  Life  of  Ludovicus  addeth,  '  [_  Pulldque  induttim  veffe, 

*  adhthitd  magna  cuflodtd  fub  tetlum  qtioddam  retriulitnt. "] 

Here  you  lee  the  Tryal  of  the  godly  Efnperor,the  Articles  exhibited  againfl 
him  in  the  High  Court  of  Epi(copa|  Juftice,  and  the  u(e  of  Penance,  and  of 
laying  on  of  the  BiOiops  hands,  in  inverting  him  in  the  Gai'b  of  perpetual 
Penance.  What  wonder  if  the  Pope  afcended  to  (iich  power,  when  ordina- 
ry Bifhops  in  the  beft  governed  and  inftrufted  Countrey  then  in  the  world^ 
obtained  filch  power ;  even  by  the  name  and  abufeof  the  P  O  \VE  R  OF 
THE  KEYS  ?  Saith  Binnius,  \_  77)^^«ww  therefore  juftly  for  this  caufe  de- 
claimeth  againft  Ebbo,  Bilhop  of  Rhemes,  the  Leader,  as  impttdicum  (^  cru- 
delifimuM  Fpifcopum  !  3  And  wbit  were  they  that  would  thus  follow  him? 

§  140.  CCXLIX.  But  the  next  Council  was  forced  to  do  better,  (for 
.ufualiy  the  BiOiops  followed  the  ftronger  fide ;  )  in  Theodorus  Villa  they  cau- 
ftd  Ebbo  to  depole  himftlf  from  his  Bifhoprick,  and  the  reft  excufed  them- 
felvesthat  they  did  it  hy  neceUIty  and  fear, and  were  all  forgiven,  Bin.p.^j^f. 
And  yet  ^will  the  Bifhops  fey,  that  this  Emperor  was  not  humble  and  mer- 
liful?  §   141. 

their  Councils  abridged.  i^c;) 

§  141.  CCL.  After  his  Reflauration,  An.  S-^6.L»doz'KUs  caii'.ed  a  Coun- 
cil at  Aquifgram,  to  renew  the  Laws  for  tlie  Retormation  of  the  Clergy  and 
Abbots,  with  the  Inftru6iIons  and  Rules  for  Kijigs  themlelves  at  large  laid 
down.  And  here  they  determined,  that  all  Bilhops  hereafter  tlut  were  Rebels 
andTraytors,  fhould  be  depofcd,  and  Lay-men  anathematized.  But  they 
Efficiently  minded  the  Power  and  Dignity  of  theBiiliops  to  be  upheld. 

§  141.  There  is  a  Treatife  in  5/«w/«j,  p.  j'S  j.  in  which  the  Statutes  of 
the  Synods  of  Aquifgrane  are  opened  and  conhrmed  by  Scripture. 

§  14J.  CCLI.  An.  8j5.  Btnntus  tclbus,  that  in  the  depofing  of  the  Em- 
peror, Agohertusy  Bifhop  of  Lyonsy  and  Beniayd,  Bilhop  of  Vtemu ,  having 
been  Leaders  with  Ehbo,  at  the  Council  at  Jheoti.rtlla,  fled,  and  die  Emperor 
and  all  his  Sons,  (ave  Lotharius,  being  here  prefent  at  a  Council  at  Lyons,  they 
being  (ummoncd,  appeared  not,  and  Sentence  was  put  oft,  becaule  tUey  were 

§  144.  Ah.  839.  rf^;»  the  Emperor's  Son  dying,  he  pafled  by  his  di(b- 
bedient  Nephew  Fepin,ind  divided  that  Kingdom  ot  Acjuitam  only  between 
his  Sons  Lotharius  and  Charles ;  whereupon  his  Son  LnJoz'icirs  was  oftended, 
and  with  them  of  Aejiiitain  railed  Rebellion  again,  and  by  a  Convention  at 
Cahilone,  and  after  it,  reconciliation  was  made. 

§  145".  The  Emperor  Ludovtcus  Ttus  dying  An.  840.  aged  64,  his  Sons 
fell  together  in  Wars  for  liis  Kingdoms. 

Lotharius  the  el  deft,  that  had  ufed  his  Father  fb  trayteroufly  and  unnatu- 
rally, fought  too  great  a  part  for  liimfelf,  and  came  to  a  War  with  Ludovk 
and  Charles,  who  conquered  him,  and  put  him  to  a  fliameful  flight,  yi«.  841. 
in  wliich  Fight,  fay  Hiftorians,  a  greater  flaughter  was  made  of  the  French^ 
than  was  ever  known  in  the  memory  of  man.  This  was  the  man  that  de- 
pofed  his  Father  for  the  flaughter  of  the  Subje£h  by  his  Wars  againft  him. 
The  next  year  tiiey  fought  again,  and  he  was  again  overcome. 

§  146.  CCLII.  It's  eafie  then  to  conjeiSture  wliich  way  the  next  Council 
(  which  was  at  Aquifgrane  )  would  go :  The  conquering  Princes  made  the 
Bifliops  their  Counlellors,  when  they  had  made  Lotharius  flie  out  of  the  Coun- 
trey,  what  they  fliould  do  with  his  Kingdom  ;  and,  (aith  Bmnius,  they  recei- 
ved the  aniwer  which  Nithardus  li.  1 .  dclcribetli  in  thele  words  ,  [  '  The 
'  Bfjliofs  confidenng  the  deeds  of  Lotharius  fiom  the  hegimting ,  how  he  had 
'  driven  his  Father  out  of  his  Kingdom  ;  how  he  had  made  the  Chrifiian  Veofle 
'  ferjured  by  his  Covetoufnefs  j  hoiv  oft  he  had  fruftrated  the  Oath  he  made  to 
'  his  Fathers,  and  his  Brethren  ;  how  oft,/tnce  his  Fathers  death,  he  had  at- 
'  tempted  to  dtjinherit  his  Brethren  ;  how  many  Murders,  Adulteries,Burnings, 
'  and  all  kind  of  heinous  deeds  the  Universal  Church  fuffcred  by  his  mo  ft  wick- 
'  ed  Ccvetoufnefs :  And  that  he  neither  had  any  knowledge  of  govei'ntng  the 
'  Commonwealth,  nor  could  men  find  any  foctfieps  of  goodnefs  of  will  tn  go- 

*  veming.  For  which  caujes  defervedly,  and  by  the  ju ft  judgment  of  God  A!- 
'  mighty,  they  [aid  he  fled  firil  in  Battel,  and  then  fom  his  Kingdom  :  There' 
*fore  all  (  the  Bishops)  unammoujly  agree  and  confent,  that  for  his  wickednefs 

*  God  bath  cast  him  out,  and  hath  delivered  his  Kingdom  to  his  Brothers  that 

L,  \  1  ^  are 


i6o  Chunh-Hijlory  of  ^ij]?cps  and 

'  art  better  than  he.  But  the  Bijhops  Jid  not  give  them  this  liberty  ,  tiR  they 
'  openly  asked  them,  whether  they  would  govern  it  as  their  ejeiled  Brother  did, 
'  or  ,-cccrdmg  to  the  li/iU  of  God.  They  anfwered,  that  as  far  as  God  ^wuld 
'  enable  them,  they  -would  govern  themfelves  and  theirs  according  to  God's  wiB. 
*  Br  God's  Aichority  (fay  they  )  ve  warn,  exhnrt  and  command,  that  you  xm- 
'  dcrtake  it,  and  rule  it  according  to  the  will  of  God.  ~\  So  for  Nithard. 

§  147.  You  (cc  here  that  it  is  no  wonder  that  the  Pope  took  upon  him  to 
let  up  and  take  down,  to  make  and  unmake  Kings,  when  the  fubjeft  Blfhops 
did  it  by  their  greateft  Sovereigns.  And  you  fee  here  God's  juft  judgment 
on  a  rebellious  Son,  and  the  flhameRil  mutability  of  a  temporizing  Clergy. 
And  how  prefiimptuous  Bifhopshave  abufed  Religion,the  u(e  of  the  Keys  and 
the  Name  of  God,  to  the  conrufions  and  calamities  of  the  world.  But  Lo- 
thariiis  after  this  Depofition  reigned. 

§  148.  All  thefe  times  Images  were  caft  out  in  theEaftern  Empire,  even 

all  the  Reign  of  Leo  the  5  th,  and  of  Michael  Balbus,  (  however  he  recalled 

Iheodorus  Studita  from  Prifon  )  and  of  Theophilus  that  (ucceeded  him  ;  Pe- 

tavius  It.  8.  c.  9.  (aith,  that  Theophilus  followed  his  Father  in  perfecuring  the 

Worfhipers  of  Images,  but  yet  was  a   moft  drift  requirer   of  Juftice,  and 

ii  France  reigning  i  x  years  and  three  months,  died  An.  84 1 .  the  next  year  after  the 

Taurinen-  '^'^th  of  Ludovicus  Fsus.     He  left  his  Son  Michael,  a  Child,  Emperor,under 

Jji  fct       the  Rule  of  his  Mother  Theodora. 

againft  §  149.  And  now  come  up  Images  again  by  a  Woman,  which  ever  fince  a 

'""^fh  Womans  Reign  almoft  had  been  call  out ;  (he  ruled  1 4 years ,  juft  as  7r«rf 
gj,^^  „Q,' '  did,  and  fped  as  fhe  J  for  when  her  Son  came  to  age, -he  depofed  her.  In 
ro  i^wje,  this  time  Methodius  firft,  and  Ignatius  after,  were  made  Patriarchs  of  Cmftan- 
&c.  And  tinople.  And  Bar  das  (  made  Cafar )  depoftd  Ignatius,  becaufe  he  would  not 
jo/na  /f«-  excommunicate  Theodora  when  fhe  was  depofed,  and  fct  up  the  learned  Pho- 
jgjh  ttus  in  his  place,  that  came  in  as  Ne&arius  had  done  from  the  Laity,  by  fudden 

againft  Ordination :  one  honoured  even  by  the  Papifts  for  his  great  learning,  but  re- 
him,  €■-    viled  for  being  againft  them. 

of^lm""^  §  lyo.  CCLIII.  An.  ^x.  This  Woman  had  prefently  fo  much  power 
Sentences  ^'^  ^^^  mutable  Bifhops,  as  in  a  Council  at  Conflant.  to  turn  them  to  be  again 
( too  for  Images,  and  TisTbeophanes  faith,  [  Suddenly  changing  their  judgment ,  they 

ftrong  for  cur(ed  thofe  that  oppofed  Images^  and  (b  after  i  r  o  years  rejeftion  they  were 
the  An-  reftored,  and  the  N/ffws  la  Council  owned  without  any  great  difficulty: 
but  in  his  ^'^  ^^""^  ^^'  ^'^^^  were  for  Images  accounted  it  Godlmefs,zni  called  them  Un- 
Prefacc  godlf  that  were  againft  it,  and  this  Woman  Theodora  is  ftiled  for  it  a  very 
profcfleih  godly  ^Voman,  (  though  the  other  called  it  Idolatry ; )  and  fb  while  one  fide 
that  he  ^jj5  cryed  down  as  Vrofane,  and  the  other  as  Idolatrous ;  the  poor  Church  felt 
read  or  '°  '''  forrow,  that  Images  were  not  taken  for  things  indifferent. 
hw  his  Jhecphanes  railing  at  Yo/jw  the  Patriarch  of  Conflant.  ftith,  that  [_  Seeing 

Book :  fo  fudden  and  imexpdled  a  change,  he  that  ruled impicujly  was  ftruck-Tvith  fuch 
Was  not  ^  fliipor  and  blindmfs  of  mind,  that  he  was  ready  to  have  killed  himfelf;  and 
excellent  ^^^^g  ^^^  ^^'^'^  rf  ^11  the  wickednefs,  of  an  ungodly  judgment,  that  had  led  the 
Coiifutcr.^  Emperors  by.  lyes,  arid  thritft  them  into  the  hell  of  impiety yhe  was  with  igno- 


their  Counals  abrid'-cd.  1 6  i 

miny  caft  our,  and  good  Methodius  fut  in.~\  I  recite  the  words,  to  (hew  you 
what  various  Charafters  the  intercft  of  Images  gave  to  men,  and  what  God- 
lineG  and  Ungodiinefi,  Good  men  and  Bad  men,  are  in  the  lenft  of  many 

§  1 5"  I .  The  Pope  dying,  yohan.  Diaccnus  (eizeth  on  the  place  by  force ; 
but  Sergius  is  chofcn  aguinft  him,  and  prevaileth :  In  whole  beginning  Lv- 
tharius  lent  his  Son  Litdovicus  with  an  Army  to  Rcwe  *,  Stg'ihtrt  la'th  to  be  »  f  kj^u. 
the  Confirmcr  of  the  Pope,  and  claim  that  rJglit  j  others  Uy,  to  be  crowned,  ing  they 
To  Lotharius  they  fware  obedience,  but  not  to  his  Son.     Some  great  debate  would 
Anafiafms  tells  us  that  a  great  company  of  Billiops  had  againil  the  Pope  and  JlJ,^^,  ^'^' 
his  Party,  but  he  tells  us  not  what  it  was,  but  that  the  Pope  was  too  hard  for  j,';^   -pj^g 
them,  and  glad  when  the  French  were  gone.  Ponc  fub- 

§  15' 2.  It's  before  fild,  that  after  tlie  Bllhop's  depoling  hIm,jLof/^i«W«i  was  mirtcd 
rcftored,  the  three  Brothers  agi-eeing,  that  Ludovtcus  flioutd  have   Germany,  himfelf  to 
and  part  of  France,inA  Charles  have  France,  and  Luthanui  Narbunznd  Italy  ^^^^ddi- 
as  Roman  Emperor.  red   of  a 

CCLIV.The  Archblllioprlc  oiRhemes  had  been  ten  years  witlwut  aBilTiop  Subjc<ft, 
upon  Ebboa  removal  or  flight ,  and  two  Presbyters  fuccefiively  Fulke  and  ^'"  ^'"^'^ 
Hotho  had  been  the  Governors  of  it,  (  fome  will  queftlon  the  validity  of  their    '   . 
afts.)  And  a  Council  at  BelloTjacum  makes  Htncmsrus  Bifliop. 

§  I  fj.  Under  Careluj  Calvus  the  Church-Lands  were  much  alienated,  eP 
pecially  Abbots  Lands,  to  Nobles  and  other  Lay-men.  Whereupon  CCLV. 
a  Council  at  Aidda  (  Meaulx  )  did  by  Anfegtjus  and  Bernardus  Lcvita  draw 
up  a  Book  of  (even  Parts,  lamenting  the  fuis  of  Chriftians,  and  the  Sacrilcdge 
of  the  Laity  ,and  oftcrcd  it  to  tht  King,  who  refuted  it,  the  Nobles  being 
agalnft  it :  For  which  (  fay  the  bold  Expofitors  of  God's  Providences )  the 
Normans  by  In\-arion  troubled  the  Land. 

§  1 5:4.  Leo  the  4th  became  Pope ;  they  durll  not  confccrate  aim  without 
the  Emperor's  authority,  Anafiaf.  m  Bin.  p.  6 1  8.  This  Pope  wrought  great 
Miracles,  (ay  they,  i .  He  conquered  a  Bafilisk  that  killed  men  by  his  looks, 
(  as  St.  George  conquered  the  Dragon.  )  x.  By  the  Cro(s  he  (lopt  a  fire  in  the 
City  :  But  his  good  works  contain  a  Volumn  in  Avaftafius,  "viz,.  the  many 
Churches  that  he  adorned,  enriched,  repaired^  the  filver  Veflels  and  Orna- 
ments that  he  gave,  the  Polls  and  Pillars,  and  Altars  that  he  beautlfied,and  the 
glory  that  he  added  to  the  Roman  City  and  Churches,  £^'c.  yea,when  the  Sa-  - 
racens  came  and  fpoIkdSt.  Pr/cr's  Church  in  the  Suburbs  of  Rome,  hecaulcd 
the  (aid  Suburbs  to  be  walled  and  fortiticd,  as  a  new  City,  calling  It  Lecnina 
fi'om  liis  name  :  And  he  made  two  or  three  Prayers  of  lix  or  feven  lines  long, 
to  defire  God's  proteAIon  of  it,  by  the  iritercdiion  of  St.  Veter.  And  he  wri- 
tcth  a  notable  Homily,  in  which  he  comprizeth  much  of  the  Canonsteaching 
them  all  the  Arts,  Gtfturcs,  and  Ceremonies  of  canting  the  Mafs ;  and  pre- 
ciiely  ordcreth,  that  every  Prleft  do  karn  his  Leflon ;  and  that  if  any  of  them 
be  illiterate,  (  that  cannot  read  )  he  fliall  be  fulpcnded  till  he  amend,  ("learn 
to  read  ;  )  (b  learned  was  the  Clergy  in  that  Age. 

§  1 5'5'.  By  the  way,  the  oft  mention  here  oi  fmgmg  the  Mafsjdoih  remcm> 


i6i  Chvnh-Hijloyy  of  (BiJIpo^s  and 


bcr  me  to  note  that  which  is  much  over-looked ;  'viz.  How  Liturgies  im- 
poftd  firft  came  up,  or  wcrcmollly  propagated  without  any  exception  or  op- 
polition  :  It  was  chiefly  bccaufc  they  did  Jmg  them,  and  had  fitted  them  ac- 
cordingly to  their  y7;;_g;w^  JVcrr/,  like  our  Cathedral  finging  of  our  reading 
Pfalnis  and  Prayers :  And  we  all  know  that  the  People  or  Miniftcr  cannot 
make  Pfelms  ex  tempore,  but  we  muft  and  do  uft  forms  in  fmgmg ;  but 
the  Prayers  that  were  not  Jung,  but  faid,  were  longer  left  free  to  the  Speakers 
prcfcnt  skill. 

§  156.  CCLV'I.  A71.  847.  in  a  Council  at  Varis,  Lotbarius  ca.u&A  the 
caufe  of  Ebbo  to  be  reviewed  j  but  after  Summons,  he  would  never  appear 
to  his  death. 

§  15:7.  CCLVII.  a  Council  at  Aiewfz.,  ^».  847.  repeated  many  Eccle- 
fiaftical  Canons :  Among  others.  Murderers  fllU,  inftead  of  death ,  are  but 
put  upon  long  removal  from  the  Communion,  no,  though  they  murder 

In  this  Council  a  Woman  called  Thiota,  was  judged  to  be  whipt ,  becaule 
fhe  had  profeiled  to  have  Revelations  foretelling  the  day  of  judgment  that 
year,  putting  the  People  in  fear,  and  even  many  Priefts  followed  her  as  a 
Prophetelsj  flie  confeilcd  that  a  certain  Priefl:  perfiiaded  her  to  do  it  for 


their  Councils  abridged.  26: 

CHAP.     X. 

Of  the  Councils  ahout  Ignatius  ii>id  Vhotius ,  and  fottje  others, 

§  I.  4  iV;  848.  A  Synod  at  Man z  under  Rahanm  condemned  Co- 
CCLVII.jlJl  Aefcalats  a  Presbyter,  and  Monk  of  Rhancs,  as  a  Prcdeftina- 
rJan  Herctick.     Hincmants  Ep.  adF.  Niccl.  reciteth  hisHerelles  to  be, 

I.  ^'[^Tbat  asGod  hath  fredefiinated  fame  tolife  eterval,  fo  others  to  death       '£D 

•  eternal :  That  he  would  not  have  all  Men  favedy  but  only  thofe  that  are  Ja- 
'  ved,  elfi  he  fiiould  have  his  li'illfiujlrate,  a?id  not  beOm?tipotent. 

^.  ^  That  Chri  ft  dyed  not  for  all,  but  only  for  the  Ele^,  who  are  the  world 
'  that  he  redeemed;  others  he  redeemeth  by  Baptifm^hut  not  by  dying  for  them. 
5.  '  That  no  one  ^mII  per/jJi  that  ChriH  dyed  for. 
4.  He  addcth,  (  how  truly  I  know  not,  )  '  Tliat  he  ajfertetb  a   threefold 

*  Deity  in  the  Trinity  of  Perfons. ']  They  laid  him  in  Prifbn,  and  Hincmartis 
wrote  to  the  Pope  to  know  what  to  do  with  liim,  faying,  '■TImt  he  tnu'si 

*  employ  a  very  able  Man  to  keep  him,  for  he  wraps  People ,  even  the  meanly 
'  learned,  into  admiration  of  him,  reciting  Scripture  and  Fathers  dtfiorttd  whole 
'  days  together.     Some  BiHiops  took  his  part. 

§  1..  They  lay  a  Synod  at  Tours  wrote  an  Admonition  to  one  Nomenoi/is 
the  King's  Lieutenant  in  Britany,  for  Tyranny  and  Oppre/Iion,  and  carting 
out  the  jufl BiQiops, and  putting  in  Mercenaries, Thieves  and  Robbers;  Bin. 
p.  638.  and  for  defpidng  the  warnings  of  the  Pope  and  Bifhops. 

§3.  C/«o//7/.'j  tells  us  of  a  Co»;c///«w  Rp^wf/d^/M?;?,  regulating  Bilhop? ,  and 
Cap.  6.  ordaining  that  the  Avch-Prcsbyter  examine  every  Mailer  of  a  Fami- 
ly perfonally,  and  take  account  of  their  Families  and  Lives,and  receive  their 
ContcfTions :  And  Cap.  7.  that  a  Presbyter  in  the  abfence  of  the  Bifliop,may 
reconcile  a  Penitent  by  his  command.  Cap.  1  3.  That  in  the  Villages  Arcli^ 
Presbyters  be  fet  over  the  Lower-Prcsbytcrs.  C.  1 1.  That  none  that  arc  de- 
nied Communion,  may  have  any  Military  or  Civil  Office  ;  and  ib  every  Bi- 
ftiop  is  Maftcr  of  the  Magiftrates. 

^4.  CCLVIII.  The  ^ijrrfCfWi  in  5^j;«  perfecuting  the  Chrlftians,  forced 
the  Bifhops  to  meet  in  Council  at  Corduha,  and  decree  againft  Martyrdom, 
and  the  Memorial  of  Martyrs,  faiih  Binnitts,  p.  ^43.  '  []  Holding  a  Saianical 
^  Meeting,  forbad  Martyrdom,  and  took  away  the  Honour  of  Martyrs,  faying, 
'  That  they  that  were  not  violently  drawn  to  deny  the  Faith,  but  offered  thern- 
''fclves  to  danger  of  their  own  accord,  are  not  to  be  numbred  with  the  Mar' 
'  tyrs,  not  working  Mtracks  as, the  Alartyrs  did,nBr  their  Bodies  remaining  un- 

•  corrupt. 

§  5-.  A  Synodal  Mentz,  An.  Sji.  did  we  know  not  what.  But  83  3. 
CCLIX.  one  at  Soifons  was  approved  by  Pope  Benedict,  and  reprobated  by 
Pope  Nicolas  (Bin.  p.  648. )  (  yet  both  infallible.  )  And  it  is  no  wonder, 
for  It  is  about  a  hard  Point,  and  in  which  the  Papacy  is  much  concerned. 
When  Ebl^o  was  depofed  and  banifhed,  Lotharitis  rellorcd  him  for  a  wh.ile, 

and . 


2  04  C'rurd'HiJiory  of  Bijhops  and 

aaci  he  iutrudcJagAin,.md  orJainei  many  Piicfts.  Hincmarru  (iicceedlng  in 
Lis  lire-tlim,  rqeacth  all  rhole  that  he  thus  ordained.  A  Council  is  called  to 
j'.idge  whether  their  Ordination  was  valid  or  null.  The  Council  decreed,  that 
'  ^  <>  hatever  in  EccUjiafi'ical  OrJinatitms  the  JaiJ  Ebbo  /«</  (fone  after  hit 
oO"  •  damnation,  accordtng  to  the  Tradittom  cf  the  yifofiulick  Seat,  as  u  read,  in  the 
'  Deeds  (ij  the  Fofes,  except  Sacred  Baptifin,  ivhtch  ts  perfected  m  the  vame  of 
'  the  Trimty,  jliall  he  ali  vcid  and  null,  and  thoje  ordained  by  him  in  whate-ver 

*  part  uf  tie  world  they  jh^ll  he  Fugitives  or  "ivavder,  becaufe  they  cannot  flie 
'  frcm  Goo's  judgtrtint,  let  tlem  he  held  deprived  of  all  Ecclejiafttcal  Degrees 
*■  by  the  judgr/imt  of  the  Holy  Chofl.  ]  And  yet  thele  Men  had  (hewed  Let- 
ters from  the  King  and  divers  Bifhop";,  for  their  reception  as  Presbyters,  but 
the  Synod  (aid  ihey  were  counterfeit. 

Another  Cale  was  thi.>;,  one  Haldnmm  had  been  made  Deacon  by  E^^c,and 
Con(ecrated  Presbyter  and  Abbot  by  Lupus  BiOiop  of  Catalonia.  The  Prel- 
byter  was  ordained  out  of  his  own  Jurildiftion  to  the  Church  of  Rhemes  : 
This  being  queftioned,  an  Archdeacon  (hewed  the  King's  Letters,  command- 
ing the  Ordination  of  Halduinus.  Lupus  ordained  liim,  in  obedience  to  the 
King,  without  examining,  (  there  being  then  no  Billiop  at  ii/6ewej.)  Where- 
upon the  Synod  decreed,  according  to  the  Canons,  (fay  they j  '  That  they  that 
'  are  made  Presbyters  without  examination  by  ignorance,or  by  dtffimulation  of  the 
^OrdatnerSfWhen  they  are  known,  jiiall  be  depojed;  becaufe  the  CatholickChurch 

*  defendeth  (but  )  that  which  ts  irreprchenjible.  And  it  was  (hewed  in  Con- 
oil.  Sardic.  c.  9.  and  other  Councils  and  Decrees, '  That  the  faid  Bipop  touch- 

*  ed  nothing  of  his  Ordination,  but  that  he  that  leaped  to  the  Vriefihood  without 
»  Becaufe  *  ^^^  degree  of  Deacon*,  he  ought  to  retire  (  refilire  }  to  due  degradation. 

he  was  §  6-  Here  you  (ee  the  Nullification  even  of  the  Ordinations  of  an  ejc£tcd 

made        Archbifhop,  yea,  and  of  a  lawful  Bilhop,  when  he  makes  a  Presbyter  of  one 

i^*"*?!"     ^^^  ^^^  ^y         ^"  eje£l:ed  Bi{hop  made  Deacon,  and  when  he  ordalneth  un- 

Ebbo.         worthily  without  due  examination.     And  If  this  hold  ,  what   interruptions 

have  there  been  in  the  Succeirion  of  BIfhops,efpecially  in  the  Roman  Seat .' 

§  7.  y^w«7?«y?'«i  a  Cardinal,  Presbyter  of  Rome,  betook  hi mfelf  to  theEm- 
peror,folliclting  him  to  depo(e  Pope  Leo  the  4th,and  to  place  him  in  his  (lead. 
The  Pope  hearing  it,  calleth  him  home  to  his  charge,  from  whence  he  had 
been  abfent  five  years :  but  he  would  not  return,nor  appear, wherefore  CCLX 
the  Pope  called  a  Council  at  Rome,  which  dcpo(ed  him. 

§8.  CCLXI.  ^»rtf/>w  the  Patriarch  of  Cow/?i7wf;>;«^/<?,  called  a  Council  to 
depofe  Gregory  BKhop  of  Syracufa  ;  They  dcfired  Pope  Leo's  confirmation  : 
He  delaying  it,  dyeth.  Gregory  in  the  mean  time  prevaileth  agalnft  Igna- 
tius, who  is  caft  out,  and  Vhotnis  put  In,  and  a  grievous  Schi(m  begun. 

§  9.  CCLXII.  An.  Sfy.  under  Lotharius  Remigius  Lugdun.znd  li  other 
BKhops,  are  called  a  Council  at  Faience,  v/ho  made  13  Canons  or  Decrees, 
with  great  Judgment  and  Piety,  and  (hewed  how  much  more  venerable  a 
Council  of  a  few  wife  BKhops  are,  than  greater  Councils,  where  the  mod  arc 
weak.  Their  firft  work  was  againft:  thofe  that  they  called  the  Fredefiinatia' 
«o;, where  Cap.i.ihcy  determine,'  [New  ipfos  males  Deum  tdeo  perire  -velle  ejuia 

^  bcm 


their  Coiaicils  abridged.  l6<\  ^ 



'  Ironi  ejfe  ncn  fctuermt,  fed  quia  boni  tffe  mluermt.  Cap.  j.  Vradeflinatic- 
'■nem  ekctorum  ad'vitam,& fnedefiinatiotiem  imfwrum  ad  mortanfidtntcrfa- 

*  timur  :  In  eleSliene  tamen  jalvandorum  mijericordiam  Dei  pracedere  merit »m 
' bonum^n  damtiatione  atitan  perituroriim  mcritum  malum  pracedae  jufliim 
'^  Dei  judicium :  Tradefiinaticne  autem  Deum  eatanttimfiatuiJJ'e  qua:  tpje  "jel 
^  gratuitd  mifericordid 'vel  juflo  judicio  faiiurus  erat. — hi  malts  vero  tpforum 
'  malittam  prafctjfe,  quia  ex  ipjis  eft ;  mn  prtedefiindjfe,  quia  ex  tUo  non  eft. 
'  Vcenam  fane  malum  meritum  eorum  jequentem,  uti  Deum,qui  omnia  prefpicit 
'prafcivij/e  df  pradejlinajfe,  qtftajuftus  eft :  apud  quern  eft,  i4t  S.  Auguitinus 

'  ait,  de  omnibus  omnino  rebus,  tamfixa  fententta,quam  certa prafcientid  : 

'  Verum  aliquos  ad  malum  pnedejttnatos  ejfe  divina  poteftate,  '•cttklicet  ut  quaji 
'  aliud  ejfe  non  poffent,  non  jolum  non  credtmus,  fed  ettam  fi  funt,  qui  tantum 

*  malum  credere  i-ehnt,  cum  omni  detejlatume,  ficut  yiraujica  Synodus,ilHs  Ana- 
^  thema  dtctmus.  The  fum  ij,  God's  mercy  goetli  before  Man's  merit,  but 
his  Predeftination  topunifhment  is  only  on  the  forefight  of  their  lin,  which 
he  decreeth  not,  becau(e  he  caufeth  not. 

Cap.  J.  ^  About  SChriji's   death  they   like    not  thofe  that  fay  be  dyed  for 

*  all  that  from  the  days  of  Adam  till  then  had  been  damned;  but  would  have 
'•all  take  up  -with  this  fimple DoHrinc,  that  God  fo  loved  the  world ,  that  he 
*gave  his  onely  begotten  Son,  that  whoever  believeth  m  htm  flwuld  not  perifl), 
'  but  have  everlajling  life. 

Cap.  4.  '  Tloey  conclude  that  aU  true  Believers  regenerate  by  water  and  the 

*  Spirit,  have  their  jtns  wajl)ed  by  the  blood  of  Cbriji :  And  they  cotd J  not  have 

'  true  Regeneration,  if  they  had  not  true  Redemption.     But  of  the  multitude  of        -^ 
^  the  fai{hful  and  redeemed,  fome  are  eternally  Javed ,  becauje   they  perfevcre  ; 
'  others  art  toil,  becaufe  they  perfevere  not  in  the  Jalvation  of  faith   which  they 
'  had  received,  and  fo  make  void  the  grace  of  redemption. 

Cap.  6.  '  About  Grace  and  infirmed  Free-will  reflured  and  healed  by 
'  Chrift,  they  exhort  AJcn  to  fli<k  to  the  Scriptures,  and  the  Councils  of  ATrica 
'  and  Orange,  and  not  to  follow  the  Aniles  pcnJ;  Fabulas  Scotorum,  (I  fiippolc 
they  mean  the  Followers  of  [fohan.  Scotus  Ertgnena  ,  who  was  murdered  by 
his  Scholars  8  ^  ^,  whom  Godefcalcus  followed j  ' left  they  flwuld  be  corrupted 
'■from  the fimpUcity  tltat  u  in  Chrift :  Remembring  Chrijtians  that  while  they 
'  are  vexed  with  the  prevalciicy  of  the  wicked  in  the  world,  they  flwuld  not  vex 
'  the  fad  Congregations  with  fucb  fupcrfluo.'rs  things. 

Cap.  7.  '  Thty  advife,  that  becaufe  Bif^cps  wire  fet  over  the  Cities  that  were 
'  untrycd  and  almoft  ignorant  of  Letters  *,  and  unlike  the  Apnftolick  Vrefcript,  *  What  a 
'  by  which  means  the  Ecchfiaftical  vigor  is   loft,  that  they  would  petition  the    .  "'j^ 
'Prince,  that  when  a  Bifiicp  was  wanting,  the  Canonical  Eleilionby  the  Clergy,  [Jicfe 
'  and  the  Vcople,  might  be  permitted,  ("becaufe  the  King  was  u(cd   to  thruft  makcl* 
his  Favorites  on  the  People, )  '  that  Men  of  tryed  knowledge  and  life,  and  net      'ts 
*■  illiterate  Men,  blinded- by  covetou^nefs ,    might    be  fet  as  Bifhops  over  the 

§  10.  CCLXIII.  -An.  8^5'.  A  Council  was  held  at  Papia  in  Italy  hv  the 
Order  of  the  Emperor  Ludi'viais,  for  th.e  Reformation  of  the  corrupt  Clcr- 

M  m  gy  ; 

2  66  Church -Hijh)y  of  'Bijho^s  and 

gy  ;  where  they  ordered  that  the  Clergy  and  Peoph  chufc  the  Bifliops,  and  yet 
that  the  Laity  on  pretence  of  their  Eletfting  Power,rrample  not  on  the  Arch- 
Prcsbytcr ;  and  that  gre-at  Mens  Chappcls  empty  not  the  Churches :  (  with 
otlier  old  Canons  rccited.J 

§  I T .  Lotharirts.,  that  (b  mifcliievouny  fought  for  the  Empire  agalnll  his 
Father  and  Brethren,  grew  weary  of  what  he  had,  and  divided  his  3d  part, 
( which  was  the  Empire  of  Italy,  with  Burgundy  and  Lorrain,  )  into  three 
parts,  and  gave  his  Son  Lewis  the  Empire  in  Italy;  and  his  Son  Lotharius,  Lor- 
rainyind  his  Son  Cbarles,Bnrgundy  ;  and  entered  himfelf  into  aMonaftery: 
But  Charles  dy  ing,  the  other  two  Brethren  divided  his  Dominion,  and  Lyons, 
Belattfon  and  Vienna  fell  to  Lotharim. 

§  1 1.  We  come  now  to  the  Reign  of  Pope  yoane,  according  to  a  great 
number  of  their  own  Hiftorians ;  but  David  Blondel  hath  recited  the  Tefti- 
monies  of  multitudes  on  both  fides,  and  after  all  impartially  paft  his  con- 
je£hjre,that  the  Story  was  not  true  ;  whofe  judgment  I  rcTcrence,  and  think 
moft  probable. 

Whether  at  that  time  there  was  a  John  the  8th  or  none  till  him  that  fomc 
call  John  the  9th  after  Adrian  the  ad,  is  uncertain. 

§  13.  Leo  dying,  fif  there  was  no  Jolm  or  Joane  heWveen  )  a  Schiffn 
was  made  ;  the  People  moft  chufing  BenediB,  and  the  Agents  of  the  Empe- 
ror, with  part  of  the  People  and  Billiops,  chufing  one  Anaftajius  a  Cardinal 
Presbyter,  that  had  been  Excommunicate  by  a  former  Pope.  Anaftafiris 
thought  his  choice  fb  fure,that  entering  Lconma,  (  the  Roman  Suburbs  )  he 
went  into  St.  Peters  own  Church,  and  broke  down  and  burnt  the  Images,and 
with  a  Matlock  caft  down  to  the  gi-ound  even  the  Image  of  Chrift,  and  the 
Virgin  Aiary.  They  went  on  and  imprlfoned  BenediSl,  (  quern  omnis  Roma- 
na  Pkhs  eligerat,  faith  Ana^.  in  Bin.  p.  65' 9.)  But  while  the  great  Men  and 
Officers  of  the  Emperor  did  their  utmolt  to  conftrain  the  People  to  confent 
to  AnaJla/iM,  they  could  not  prevail,  and  Co  they  were  fain  to  yield  to  the 
multitude  to  end  the  Tumult  and  Confufion,  and  BenediB  had  the  place. 

§  1 4.  By  this  Story  it  appeareth,  1 .  That  this  Anafiafms  was  againft  Ima- 
ges, and  that  was  like  enough  to  be  part  of  the  caufe  why  he  had  live  years 
left  his  Church  in  Rome  before,  and  refufed  to  appear  before  Pope  or  Coun- 
cil. 2..  That  when  the  Emperor  and  his  Officers  were  (b  violent  for  his 
choice,  even  after  he  had  broken  down  the  Images  in  St.  Peters  Church,  it  is 
apparent  that  the  Party  even  about  RotKe,and  in  the  Weft,which  was  againft 
Images,  was  not  fhiall,  though  they  made  no  frir. 

§  1 5:.  This  Pope  BenediB  was  he  that  confirmed  H'mcmartts's  Council, . 
which  nulliHcd  'Ehhus  Ordinations  aforelaid,  as  is  to  be  (een  in  liis  firft  Epift. 
Bw.p.  662,  S-x. 

§  if>.  An.  S^fi.  Charles  Calvtis ,  by  a  Synods  concurrence  at  Carijfiac, 
fent  Orders  againft  Church-Robbers  very  ftrii5f. 

And  8 5  7, a  Council  MMentx,  was  held  CCLXIV,  where  Gunthar,  Bifhop 
of  Cckn,  lent  a  Letter,  diat  '  [  A  terrible  TempeB  aroje,  in  which  the  Peofle 
''for  fear  all  ran  into  St.  Petcr'i  Church :  And  the  Church-beams  cracking ,  as 

'  they 


their  Councils  abric}<^ed.  •  267 


'  they  fell  a  fraying  to  God  for  mercy,  fudderly  a  tnt(l}apen  TlmitAerbok,  like  a 
'  fiery  Dragon,  perced  and  tore  the  Church ,  and  at  o?te  Jhoke  killed  thre  men 
'  among  ail  the  multitude,  (  though  thofe  three  flood  in  federal  places )  that  is, 
'one  Fries}  that  flood  at  St.  Peter'/  Jltar,  one  Deacon  that  flood  at  St.Dcn'is's 
'  Altar,  and  one  Lay-man  at  St.  Mary's  Altar  :  And  fix  others  were  flruck  al- 
'  mofl   dead,  hut  recovered.     At  Trevtrs  al(b  were  many  Prodigies. 

§  1 7.  Pope  NicoUs  I .  is  chofen  by  the  Emperor  Ludo-vicrts  confent,  and 
all  the  People.  He  greatly  advanceth  the  Roman  Seat  by  his  activity  ,  and 
much  by  doing  juftice  to  the  People  that  were  opprefled  by  Tyrannical  Pre- 
lates. He  had  a  great  confliil  with  yolm  Bifliop  of  Ravenna,  who  long  de- 
fpKed  him,  and  denied  him  his  fubjc£lJon :  But  the  Emperor  took  the  Pope's 
part,  and  ib  poor  John  was  fain  to  fubmit,  and  cry  mifcremmi  mei,  peto  mii'e- 
reri  mei,  Anafl.  tn  Bin.  p.  66  j.  and  to  take  an  Oath  of  fubjeition  to  the 

§  18.  The  great  Schifin  now  rofe  at  C<;»/?^«/i»e^/(r,  whether  Ignatius  or 
Thotim  fhould  be  Patriarch  ;  Michael  the  Emperor  depofmg  Ignatius  by  the 
counfel  of  his  Uncle,  and  putting  in  Phottus.  The  Pope  kept  up  his 
power  by  interpofing,  uncalled,into  all  (iich  matters.  He  (ent  (bmc  Bifliops 
as  Leg.ites  to  counlel  them  by  a  Synod  to  decide  the  difference  :  When  thcfe 
Bifliops  came  thither,  they  contented  to  Thoti:ts  againft  Ignatius.  The  Pope 
faid  they  were  bribed,  and  fal(e  to  their  truft,  and  depofcd  them,  (  though  he 
thought  he  chofe  the  bed  he  had  ; )  of  which  more  anon. 

§  1 9.  Yet  we  have  not  done  with  worldly  Prelates.  King  Lothanm  was 
weary  of  his  Wife,  and  loved  a  Whore  (  JFaldrada.  )  He  openeth  liis  cafe 
to  the  Bifliops.  They  call  a  Council,  and  approve  of  his  Divorce  ,  and  his 
Marriage  with  Waldrada.  The  two  great  Archbifliops  of  Colen  and  Trtert, 
are  the  Leaders.  The  Pope  is  againft  it,  and  accufeth  the  Bifliops  of  own- 
ing Adultery  ;  They  appear  at  /?owf,and  he  condemneth  them  of  Impuden- 
cy,  while  (  with  Ibmc  immodeft  words  )  they  undertake  to  juftifie  the  thing, 
(  of  which  more  anon.  )  He  chargeth  the  Bifliops  of  heinous  VUlany  ,  and  * 
they  defpifed  him.  He  condemneth  the  Concilium  Metenje  *,  in  which  the  ^^  Mh". 
Adultery  was  allowed. 

§  1  o.  This  Pope  falls  out  with  Hincmarus  Bifliop  of  Rhemes ,  juftifying 
againft  him  the  caufe  of  Rot haldus, whom  he  had  depofcd. 

He  (ends  Meflengers  to^  the  King  of  Bulgaria  converted  in  his  days, whom 
the  Emperor's  Officers  flop  and  abufc.  The  AdverCiries  of  Images  were  ftill 
ftrong  at  Conflantinople.     Anafl.  (^  Bin.  p.  6jo,  &c. 

Epi}f.  z.  He  uleth  a  notable  Argument  for  Images,  viz.  God  is  known  on- 
ly in  the  Image  of  his  Works :  Why  then  may  we  not  make  Images  of  the 
Saints  ?  (  But  why  muft  M^^n  be  compelled  to  do  it,  or  elfc  be  Hereticks  ? 
and  why  muft  they  be  worfliipped  ?  ) 

Epifl.  5".  He  is  pitifully  put  to  it,  to  juftifie  the  Eleftion  of  NeBarius  and 
Amurofe,  and  yet  to  condemn  that  of  Photius  for  being  a  Lay-man.  And 
Ep.  6.  the  (ariie  again  in  the  inftance  alfb  of  Taraflus. 

§  z  I.  The  8th  Epiftle  of  this  Pope  Nicolas  to  the  Emperor  /T4i(c^(re/,doth 

M  m  X  fliew 


2  6S  Church-Hiftory  of  'BiJlKps  and 

{hew  that  he  had  now  fliaken  off  the  Imperial  Power  ;  and  therefore  charg- 
Oj-      eth  his  Letters  as  full  of  Blafpheniy,  Injury,  Madnefi,  c^c  partly  for  being  lb 
fawcy  as  to  bid  the  Pope,  Q  Sen  J  fame  to  htm.  ]  which  he  faith  was  far  from 
the  godly  Emperors.     Partly  for  blaming  the  deeds  oh  the  Prelates,  when  he 
ftith.  Their  -words  muH  be  regm-rled,  and  their  authority.,  and  not  their  deeds. 
Partly  for  calling  the  Latine  Tongue  barbarous  and  Scythian,  in  comparllbn 
of  the  Greek,  which  he  (iiiih  is  to  reproach    God  that  made  it.     Partly 
for  laying,  that  the  Council  that  dcpofed  Ignatius,  and  fet  upPhotius,  was  of 
the  fame  number  of  Bifhops  as  the  hrft  Council  of  Nice ;  where  this  high 
Pope's  anfwer  is  worth  the  notice  of  our  Papifts ,  Biw.  p.68c).  \J  The  [mall 
o5"       '  number  hiirteth  not,  where  Piety  aboundeth :  Nor  doth  Multitude  profit,  -where 
'  Imfiety  reigneth.     Tea,  by  hotv  much  the  more  numerous  is  the  Congregation  of 
^  the  malignant,  by  fo  much  the  jl^nger  are  they  to  do  ?nifchtef:  Nor  muB  men 
''glory  in  numbers,  "when  they  fight  not  againH  the  Rulers   of  the  darknefs  (f 
'•this  -world,  and  Jfiritual  tvickednefs. — Glory  not  therefore  in  multitude, becatife 
*  it  is  not  the  multitude  but  the  cauje,  that  jufiifieth  or  damneth. — Fear  not  little 
'  Flocks,8ic.  ]     This  Doifrine  was  then  fittelf  for  the  Pope  in  his  Minority  : 
But  the  Letter  is  a  Book  pleading  for  the  Roman  Grandure,  and   ftriving  to 
bring  the  Emperor  with  others  under  his  power. 

§  1%.  In  his  Anfwer  and  Laws  to  the  Bulgarians,\\e  difliketh  their  Severi- 
ties againft  one  that  had  pretended  to  be  a  Prieft,  when  he  was  not ,  and  had 
03^      baptized  many,  concluding  that  he  had  laved  many,  and  that  they  were  not 
to  be  re-baptized,  £/».  p.  77  T.  No,not -though  he  were  no  Chriftian  that 
baptized  them,  as  after  Conful.  Cap.  1 04.  p.  7  8x. 

To  the  Cafe :  Who  are  Patriarchs?  he  (aith  properly  they  only  that  have 

Succeeded  Apoftles,  which  were  only  three,  Rome,  Alexandria  and  yjntioch, 

'^      but  improperly  only  Confiantinople  and  ferufalem.     (  But  why  then  are  not 

Ephefus,  Corinth,  Philippi,  &cc.  Patriarchates  ?  )  And  why  had  the  reft  of  the 

Apoftles  no  Succeflbrs  ?  Had  they  no  Churches  ? 

§  a 3.  This  Pope  having  Weftern  ftcurity  ,  threatned  Excommunication 
to  the  Emperor  of  the  Eaft,  unlefs  he  would  dcpoft  Phot  ins,  and  reftore  Igna- 
tius ;  and  threatned  Lotharius,  for  the  caufe  of  his  rejected  Wife  ,  and  the 
Marriage  of  another,  as  aforefaid  ;  and  fwaggered  againft  Hincmarus  Rhe- 
menfis,iox  his  depofing  Rothaldus-x  Bifliop,and  forced  him  to  yield,  and  con- 
demned his  Synod  at  MetZ/,  and  would  have  proved  that  Pope  Bened/H  had 
not  confirmed  it.  He  and  other  Popes  did  make  the  Contentions  of  Biftops 
as  well  as  of  Princes  a  great  means  of  their  rifuig,takingthe  part  of  him  that 
appealed  to  Romei^s  injured,  (  and  very  oft  of  the  truly  injured.  )  By  which 
means  rhey  had  one  Party  ftill  for  them,and  all  injured  perlbns  were  ready  to 
fiie  to  them  for  help. 

He  Excommunicated  the  Bilhops  of  Colen  and  Triers.  The  poorBifliops 
that  would  fain  be  on  the  ftronger  fide,  began  now  to  be  at  a  lols^  to  know 
whether  the  Emperor  or  the  Pope  was  the  flrongeft .  They  followed  the 
Emperor,  and  relifted  the  Pope  awhile.  The  King  and  Hincmarus  forbad 
Rothaldus  go'in^  to  Rome,  and  impriforied  him  :  But  tlje  Pope  wearied  them 


their  Cowicih  ahridred.  269 

out,  by  reafbn  of  the  divifions  of  the  Empire  and  Kingdom  into  fo  many 
hands  of  the  French  Line,that  being  in  continual  flifpicion  of  each  other,thcy 
needed  the  Pope's  help. 

Em.  p.  790.  He  ordereth  Pennance  (  inftead  of  juft  death  )  for  one  Cu- 
tnarui  that  had  murdered  three  of  his  own  Sons,  vtz.  That  for  three  years  he  "ta 

pi-ay  at  the  Churcli-door,  and  that  for  feven  years  he  abdain  from  W^ine 
three  days  in  a  week,  and  for  three  years  to  go  without  fhoes ,  allowing  him 
to  cat  Milk  and  Cheefe,  but  not  Flt/h,  and  to  enjoy  his  Pofleffion,  but  not 
have  the  Sacrament  for  (even  years. 

§  24.  His  Decretals  begin,  '■That  the  Emperor's  Judgments  and  Lavs  are 

•  Mow  the  Cancns,  and  cannot  dijfol've  them  or  prejudice  them. 

Tit.  4.  I .  He  (aith,  '  [_  All  Patriarchal  Dignity,  all  Metropolitical  Frima- 
'  cj,  all  Bipops  Chairs,and  the  dignity  of  Churches  of  n'hat  Order  foefcr  were 

•  inflittited  by  the  Church  of  Rome  :  But  it's  he  only  did  found  ffy  and  ereii  it      "vO 

•  on  the  Rock  of  Faith  now  beginning,  who  to  St.  Vncv^tbe  Key-hearer  of  eter- 

•  nal  life,  did  commit  the  Rights  both  of  the  Jmtne  and  the  Cekjfial  Em- 
'  pire. 

Reader,  Had  not  the  abufe  of  Humane  Patriarchal  Power,  and  of  Exxom- 
munications  got  up  very  high,whcn  this  bold  Pope  made  this  Decree  ?  What ! 
All  Churches  in  the  World  made  only  by  Rome  ?  W^as  not  Jerufalem  ,  yln* 
tioch,and  many  another  made  before  it?  Did  Chrift  (Tiy  any  thing  of /low?? 
Did  not  other  Apoftles  build  Churches  by  the  fiime  Apcklolick  Commillion  li 
Peter  had?  Is  not  the  Church  built  on  the  foundationof  Prophets  and  A- 
poftles ,  Chrift  being  the  Head-corner  Stone  ?  Did  nor  others  build  the 
Church  of  Rowc  before  Pcffr  did  it  ?  Did  not  Peter  build  other  Churches 
before  Rome  ?  Where  and  when  did  Chrift  give  Peter  the  Imj^erial  Power  of 
Earth  and  Heaven  ?  Did  he  not  decide  the  Controverlle  who  (hould  be  thtf 
chief  or  greateft,with  a  prohibition  of  all  Imperial  Power,  (IVitbyou  it  pall 
vot  be  Jo  ?  } 

§  zf.But  the  next  Dectec  caftcth  Rome  as  low,as  this  over-railed  it. '  If  any 
'  one  hy  Money,  or  Humane  Fai'or,  or  by  Popular  or  Aitlitary  Tumult,  be  intbrc-  "^ 

'  ned  in  the  Apojldick  Seats,Without  the  Concordant  and  Canonical  Eletiion  of 

•  the  Cardinals  of  that  Church,  and  then  of  the  followmg  Religious  Clerks,  lit 
'  him  not  be  accounted  a  Pope,  or  Apcjtolical,  but  Apoftaticai.']  By  which  Rome 
hath  had  fo  icw  Popes  indeed,  and  (b  many  Apoftutes,  that  it  hath  no  fhew 
of  an  uninteiTupted  Succeflion  to  boiift  of 

§  16.  Tit.  4.  c.  7.  He  claimeth  Authority  to  abfolve  Men  from  Oaths, 
and  all  Obligations  made  by  the  violence  and  conftraint  of  bad  Men,  and  (b 
ablblveth  the  Archbifhop  of  Triers.  (  A  wicked  Decree  for  Perjury : )  (As 
if  in  materia  licit  a,  a  Man  that  ftvcareth  for  Fear,  were  not  bound  ?  And  as 
if  Man  had  not  Free-will,  when  he  is  under  Fear  ?} 

§  17.  C.  6.  ci^  8.  He  decreeth  that  none  can  judge  the  Pope,  nor  retrafb 
his  Judgments,  nor  judge  of  them,   (  contrary  to  many  General  Councils.  ) 

He  curfeth  from  Chrift  ill  that  contemn  tbe  Pope's  OplnionSjMaiidates,  Im 
terdich,  Sanctions,  Decrees,  i^c.  c.  y. 


170  Church  Hijiory  of  Siprnps  and 

Yet  he  (alth  that  the  Church  of  Rome  may  change,  and  mend  its  own 
Miftakes  and  Decrees,  w.  i  o. 

'Tit.  f.  C.  I.  No  Ciifiont  may  occafwn  the  removal  of  any  thmg  efiablijji' 
'  eJ  by  full  Papal  Authority.  C.  1.  Othej-  mms  works  approved  or  reprobate 
'  by  thePope's Decrees,muH  accord tTtgly  be  jndged,accepted  or  rejeHed.  C.^.TJcy 
Ubnt  have  not  the  Decries  are  to  be  reproved,  6cc. 

§  2  8.  Tir.  6.  He  brings  down  Emperoi-s  and  Kings  fufficiently  below  the 
Priefts,  confining  them  to  temporal  things,  and  not  to  judge  of  Priefts. 

Tit.  7.  He  rebuketli  the  King  for  letting  none  be  Bifhops  but  thofe  that 
he  liked,  charging  him  to  admit  none  at  Colen  or  Triers ,  till  the  Pope  had 
notice.  And  before  he  told  Emperors,  that  they  muft  take  no  care  what 
kind  of  Lords  the  Priefts  be,  but  what  they  fay  of  the  Lord  ;  nor  to  note 
what  Popes  be,  but  what  they  do  for  correction  of  the  Churches  ;  For  they 
are  by  Confiantine  called  Gods,  and  God  muft  not  be  judged  of  men.  Tit.  3. 
c.  3.  He  queftions  whether  Lotharius  was  to  be  called  a  King,  becaufe  he  was 
an  Adulterer. 

§19.  Tit.  8.  C.I.  He  decreeth  that  no  Bifliops  be  ordained,  but  by  the 
eleiSion  or  confent  of  the  Clergy  and  People. 
25-  C.  J.  That  Primates  and  Patriarchs  have    no  Privlledges    above  other 

Bilhops,  but  fb  much  at;  the  Canons  give,  and  ancient  cuftom hath  con- 
tS"  §  3  °'  ■^'^-  ^  I  •  *■•  ^  •  ^^  *^his,  '  [  Niilh/s  mijfam  Presbyter t  audiat,  quern  fcit 

'  concubinam  habere  aiit  fubmtrodiiBam  mulierem.  2  That  Is,  Let  ?to  one  hear 
*  the  Aiafs  of  that  Presbyter,  whom  he  knoweth  undoubtedly  to  have  a  Concu- 
'  bine,  or  a  Woman  fnbintroduced. 

C.  z.  If  Priefts  fall  into  the  fnare  of  Fornication,  and  the  aEl  of  the  crime 
'  be  manifeft  or  [hewed,  they  cannot  have  the  honour  of  Priefthood ,  according 
'  to  the  authority  of  Canonical  Inftitution. 

(  Yet  our  Canons  will  condemn  him  that  refuleth  to  take  fiich  an  one  for 
the  Guide  of  his  Soul,  or  to  hear  hi  m.) 

Yet  Can.  5".  he  feith,  Tliat  we  muft  receive  the  Sacrament  from  any  Prleft 
how  polluted  (bever,  and  by  the  judgment  of  how  many  Bifhops  foever  he 
be  Reprobated,  becaufe  bad  men  adminiftring  good  things ,  hurt  none  but 
themfelves ;  and  all  things  are  purged  by  faith  in  Chrift. 
83"  Tit.  1 4.  Lay-men  muft  not  judge  of  the  lives  of  Priefts,  nor  fo  much  as 

learch  into  them. 

§  31.  CCLXIV.  yin.  S^S.  A  Council  atConftantmople  placed  Pi&or/Vw  in 
the  place  of  Ignatius,  ( of  which  before,  and  more  anon  ;  )  Ignatiris  is  ba- 
nifhed;  we  have  not  theHiftory  and  Reafbns  of  the  Council. 

§  31.  CCLXV.  An.  869.  A  Council  was  called  atT^Uum  of  the  Bifhops 
of  twelve  Provinces  by  King  Charles,  where,  befides  other  Clcrgy-mens  mif^ 
carriages,  Wemlo  Archbifhop  of  Sens,  was  accufed  of  Treafbnable  Defeition 
by  the  King.  In  which  it's  pity  that  Bifhops  below  the  Pope  fliould  have 
or  pretend  to  the  Power  which  the  King  doth  intimate  in  theie   words,  Bin, 

p.  798. 


their  Councils  ahridzcd. 


p.  798.  [^ '  From  which  my  conjccration  or  [ublimity  of  KingdoK,  I  ought 
'  not  to  be  ffipplanted  or  cafi  down  by  any  one,without  the  hearing  and  judg- 
'  ment  of  the  Bijhops,  by  vphofe  Admiflry  I  was  confccrated  King,  arui  nvjo      "^ 

*  are  called  the  Throne  of  Godwin  which  God  fitteth,  and  by  whom  he  decrecth 

*  hii  judgments,  to  whojc  fatherly  Corrcptions,  aud  caftigatory  'judgments,  I 

*  VfAS  ready  to  fuhjeii  my  f elf,  and  at  prefent  am  fubjeit.  ] 

You  fee  here  to  what  power  over  Kings  the  common  Bi(liops(as  well 
as  the  Pope  )  were  got,  by  pretence  of  reprefenring  Clirift,  and  of  the 
Power  of  the  Keys. 

§  33.  CCLXVI.  u4n.  859.  A  Council  at  Conflantir.ople  condemned  Ig- 
«<if;/«,and  again  confirmed  I'hotiw,  who  with  the  Emperor  A-ficbacl  fcnc    . 
to  the  Pope  to  fatisrte  him  of  all,and  profcfs  enmity  to  Image-breakers. 

§  34.  CCLXVII.  ^n.  860.  In  a  Council  at  Confluence  the  five  pre- 
fent Kings  of  the  French  Line  came  to  an  agreement. 

§  35-.  CCLXVIir.  A  General  Council  was  he]d  at  Conftantmoplc,  An. 
861.  where  3  18  Bifhops  (the  fame  number  that  was  at  the  firftA^jc^w^ 
Council  )  depoftd  Ignatius, and  fctled  Phointf,to  which  the  Pope's  Le- 
gates alfb  fubfcribed,  (the  Papifts  fay  through  fear  ;)ro  that  it  was 
Papally  confirmed.     And  yet  here  was  much  done  for  Images. 

§  36.  CCLXIX.  The  Pope  having  condemned  fohn  Archbidiop  of 
Ravenna  who  defpiftd  him,  till  the  Emperor  forfook  him, in  a  Council  at 
Home  he  fubmitted  himftlf  to  the  Pope,  and  was  reconciled. 

§  37.  CCLXX.  ^u.  862.  In  another  Council  at  Rome,  Pope  Nicolas 
condemned  the  Herefie  of  the  Tbcopafchtta,  that  ( they  faid,  made  the 
Godhead  to  futfcr  )  it's  like  it  was  Cyril  and  the  Futychians  old  verbal 
Error  by  communication  of  Titles. 

§  38.  CCLXXI.  An.  862.  ACouncilisheld  ztAejuifgranc,  in  which 
King  Lotharius  defireth  counfel  about  his  Wife  77;f«f^frgf  $  the  Biftiops 
pronounce  it  his  duty  to  put  her  away,  fhe  having  confelTed  Inccft  with 
her  own  Brother,  and  allow  him  to  marry  Waldrade,  he  profcfling  him- 
felf  unable  to  contain.  The  Pope  condemneth  the  aftion  and  them; 
The  Papifts  fay  this  was  but  a  forged  pretence.  I  only  note  i.  If  they 
would  deliberately  forge  fo  heinous  a  thing  on  a  Queen,  what  Heathens 
could  be  worfe  than  fuch  Bifhops  ?  2.  Did  the  Bifhops  of  that  age  ihink 
that  they  were  bound  to  obey  the  judgment  of  the  Pope,  who  tbusop- 
pofed  him  ? 

§  39.  CCLXXII.  An.  862,  In  another  Council  in  France  (  in  Ttlla  . 
ad  fublonarias)  the  three  Kings  again  met  for  agreement. 

§40.  CCLXXIII.  Lotharius  appealing,  defireth  a  Council  in  France 
by  the  Pope's  confent:  AH  the  Bifhops  of  France  and  Germany  meet  at 
Afetx.,d{)d  the  Pope's  Legates  with  them  :  They  and  the  Legates  alio 
fubfcrib-"  to  the  King's  Divorce,  and  to  more,  which  the  Pof  e  had  be- 
fore dec:  ;  d  againft  :  (  Did  Bifhops  then  think  the  Pope  Infallible,  or 
not  to  be  ^ivo^cd  ?  )  The  Papifts  (ay  that  the  Pope's  Legates  were 


2  72  Church-J-Jijlory  of  'Bijhops  and 

§41.  CCLXXl\\  yfn,  863.  The  Pope  calleth  his  own  Council  at 
'^-'"  Rume,  and  excommunicareth  or  curfeth  them  all  from  Chrift,  anddepo- 
feth  them  qudnttim  in  fe.  But  yet  oftereth  forgivenefs  to  all,  fave  two, 
if  they  will  fubjed  themfelves  to  him.  The  Bifliops  ftand  to  it,  that 
he  curff-d  them  unjuhiy  :  Muft  all  the  Kingdoms  be  thus  ruled  and  con- 
founded by  one  Prieft,  till  matters  between  a  King  and  his  Wife  be  ma- 
naged to  his  will  and  fatisfadtion  ? 

§42.  CCLXXV.  In  another  Council  at  Rome,  An.  863.  the  Pope  cur- 
feth his  Legates  ac  Conjtantsnople  with  Photius  and  Gregory  Syracufantu, 
bccauft  they  all  croired  his  will,  which  mult  everywhere  bear  rule. 

§  43.  CCLXXVI.  In  a  Council  at  iVw//.--,  Hincmarm  Rbemenfts  got 
Rhotaldm  Pifhop  of  Snjjons  depofed,and  tbruft  into  a  Monaftery,and  an- 
other put  in  his  place,  notwithftanding  the  Pope's  oppofition,  An. 

§44.  CCLXXVII.  Hereupon  the  Pope  ,  in  a  Council  at  ^owf,  con- 
dcmneth  this  Council  at  Stnlis,  and  decreeth,That  unlefs  Hmcmuriu  and 
the  other  BKhops  do  within  30  days  reftore  RhotaldM^thcy  fliall  be  for- 
bidden their  Miniftery,  and  uled  as  they  ufed  Rhotaldus  :  But  they  did 
not  obey  him,  but  put  it  to  the  venture. 

And  whereas  the  King  had  forbidden  Rhotaldus  to  goto  Rome,znd  the 
French  Bifhops  pleaded  this  as  a  juft  reftrainr,  the  Pope  anfwered.  That 
55.  no  Imperial  Laws  muft  take  place  againft  Ecclefiaftical.  And  fo  it  came 
to  the  queftion.  Whether  the  King  or  the  Pope  was  King  of  France  , 
or  had  more  power  over  the  bodies  of  the  Subje<fts  ?  Thus  did  the  Pa- 
pacy afcend. 

§  45.  CCLXXVIII.  A  Council  of  Bifhops  and  Lords  together  at 
Pijfisj  made  Orders  for  Repentance,  and  reftraint  of  Rapine  and  Plunder, 
6^e.   y4n.  863. 

§  46.  CCLXXIX  u4>].  864.  In  a  Council  at  Rome  the  Pope  depofed 
and  excommunicated  Rodo,ildus  Portnenfts  his  Legate,  with  Joh,  Hicoden^ 
Jis._  for  joining  with  the  Synod  at  A<fctz.  againft  his  Orders. 

§  47.  CCLXXX.  In  another  Council  at  Rome,  An.  865.  the  Pope  re- 
ftoreth  Rhotaldus :  For  Hincmarus  at  laft  let  him  out  of  Prifon,  and  let 
him  go  to  Rcme  ,  but  would  neither  go  nor  fend  thither  any  Legates 
himfelf,  as  the  Pope  required,  for  his  own  and  the  Synod's  de- 

§  4S.  CCLXXXI.  u4k.  866.  A  Synod  at  Soijfons  wrote  to  the  Pope 
about  Hirxmarus,  and  againft  encouraging  falfe  Ordinations,  unlefs  after 
privately  confirmed,  crc. 

§  49.  CCLXXXII.  The  Pope  was  fo  bufie  and  troublefora  with  the 
French  Bifhops,  making  himfelf  Judge  in  matters  that  he  knew  not^and 
reftoring  thole  that  they  depofed,  that  An.%(>-i.  a  Synod  at  Trecm  wrote 
to  inform  him  of  all  that  had  pafled  for  33  yearsj  how  .£^^0  and  bis 
Synod  of  Bifhops  had  llandered  and  depofed  the  Emperor  Ludovicus 
Fit:>-,  and  how  he  did  it  to  pleafe  Loth.raus ;  and  when  Liido'vicus  was 




their  Councils  ahridged.  275 

reftored  how  he  fledj  and  when  Z-Wa'^'/c;^  was  dead  how  Lotharim  , 

with  the  baft  temporizing  Bifhops  reftored  him,  and  after  he  had  been 
condemned  and  refigned  bis  place,  returned  to  the  excrcift  of  it  and 
ordained  divers;  and  how  upon  the  prevailing  o^ Charles  againft  Loth.i- 
ritis  he  was  caft  out  again  :  and  how  after  Loth.triiu  got  the  Pope  to 
appoint  the  hearing  of  all  again  when  he  was  condemned,  and  how  after 
this  he  was  made  a  Bifhop  in  Germany,  and  Rhemes  was  ten  years  ruled 
by  two  Presbyters,  and  how  the  Pope  Pafchal  chofe  this  Traytor  to 
preach  to  the  Heathens  near  him,  and  how  Hincns.tnu  was  chofen,  5:c. 
as  aforefaid.     Such  trouble  did  a  Vfurper  put  the  Churches  to. 

§  ^o.Platina  faith  that  fome  fay  that  after  the  death  of  Pope  Nicolas  L^^"^'' 
the  place  was  void  eight  years,  feven  months  and  ninedayes:     ^^^  x.ol'ls'L 
others  fay  that  it  was  void  but  feven  dayes:  fo  uncertain  is  the  Papal  Bin.  p. 
Hif^ory  offuccefTion.     The  next  that  we  find  inthroned  is  Hadrian  id.  876.  Ad 

§5-1.  Michael  it  ConftamtnopU  having  been  long  ruled  much  by  ^'"'^"  ** 
Bardas  (who  was  for  Photim)  at  laft  giving  up  himfelf  to  drunkennefs  inecijutc 
and  other  fins,  by  the  perfwafion  of  Ba/ilim  he  killed  Bardas,  and  vciiAe  M,chack 
Baftlitis  C<Tfar  :  And  after  a  while  his  vice  gave  BafiUm  the  opportunity  mterfeclus 
to  kill  the  Emperor  when  he  was  drunk.  See  D;o/;.  Peravim  V{]i^.  li.V^- 
I.  chap.  12.  Yet  this  5<</«//V«  wafhed  his  hands  and  made  many  Pro- 
teftations  that  he  had  no  hand  in  his  blood.  This  made  for  the  Popes 
advantage:  Women  and  Rebels  and  Traytors  and  difcordant  Princes  did 
much  in  raifing  him.  This  Regicide  Emperor  ,  as  a  fecond  Phccas 
finds  it  uftful  to  quiet  his  party  by  a  change  countenanced  by  t-he  Bifhop 
of  Rome:  And  fo  he  fets  himfelf  againft  P/j«/«a  and  fets  up /^'/.j'/jw  a- 
gain  ;  and  fearching  Photiw's  fervants,  finds  a  book  written  of  the  Aifts 
of  the  late  great  Council  at  Confiautinople,  which  was  for  him  and  a- 
gainft  /^/;<jf.';«,and  a  defence  of  that  Council  againft  the  Bifhop  ofRcmc, 
in  which  he  dealt  feverely  with  the  Pope.  This  Book  the  new  Em- 
peror fends  to  the  Pope  ,  and  there  it  is  read  ,  ftampt  upon,  fiab'd 
with  a  knife,  and  openly  burnt  (and  a  miracle  is  faid  to  be  at  the  burn- 
ing of  it ,  fome  drops  of  rain  that  fell,  not  quenching  the  fire  ,  but  in- 
creafing  it. )  But  their  calling  P/W.-w*  a  knave  and  burning  his  book', 
and  condemning  the  council  that  was  for  him  ,  will  hardiv  keep  the 
readers  of  his  yet- preferved  learned  writings  from  fufpe(fting  that  the 
Popes  caufe  was  not  unqueftiondble,or  at  Ieaft,that  ihePope  was  not  ta- 
ken for  theuniverfal  Vice-Chrift  whcvPf^otim  and  his  council  didfo  little 
regard  him.  No  wonder  then  if  the  Aifts  of  a  great  council  when  they 
were  againft  the  Pope  are  called  [_Ncfand:Jfimi  Ccr.ciliabuU  prophtntata 
Volarnma,  cjHtbaf  f.inHiJJintHni  Papafft  Nicolaum  jnfur)  a  f.iuce  latraverat."} 
Yet  our  new  Papilts  would  make  men  believe  that  none  but  a  few  He- 
reticks  rtfufcd  fiibjeftion  to  the  Pope  before  Luthtr.  Were  thcfe 
Councils  Here  ticks? 

§  52.  Here  the  Emperor  Bafilim  was  put  to  a  hard  firait  abcur  his 
B;rtio|)s:  He  wrote  to  the  Pope  (vid.   Bin.  p.  Sly.  826.^   that  almoft 

N  n  all 


2  74  Church- Hiftory  of  'BiJl)o{)s   and 

all  his  Bifh(5^8  had  inifcarried ,  both  thofe  ordained  by  FhotiM  and 

tho.e    O.diincd    by  fgKMim:    they  had    turned  with    the  times  not 

knowing  how  the  times  would  turn,  and  incurred  fuch  guilt  that  he 

defired   the  Pope    to  pardon  them,  left  he  fliould  want  Bifhops:  fi- 

gy.       lencing  one  party  would  not  (erve  turn,  while  all  had  been  fo  far  guilty. 

[|  Turn  a  j.WLttJftmo  Patriarcha  Ignatio  conftcrati  fcCMndnm  fcrtptura  fuA 

confjfianem  in  vcritate  non  perm.inferunt  j  n:c  non  et  de  hi}  fttmmis  Saccr- 

dotibtu  at(^ucAbbMibn^  c^m  diverfimode  fcripferunt,  quorum  ttlii  vi  vtl  tj- 

rannide,  alii  vcro  fimplicitnte  atit  levitate,  (juidamvoo  fedn^ione  et  ver- 

futiis  ,  (juidam  vcio  mutter ibus  et  honor ibus  diverfimode  decepti  funt — Jmo 

vero  dicenduin  efi  cjuodpcne  omnes  facrati,  tarn  prisres  (juam  pofieriores  qui 

fub  nobis  funt, 'inate^ct  ut  non  opportcbat,tra[latifitnt-  —  .^atenM  non  Eccle- 

fm  noftrti  fitrumts  Sacerdotibns  et  Sacerdottbfts,qui  fub  omni  regtmiee  nofiro 

funt,  comvnmc  occitrrat  naafragifim,  propemodum  tiniverfts  illis  de  falfis  et 

impotabilibtti gufiantibus  iniquitatis  Rheumatibus.Si4per  bis  itaqtte  fojtula- 

TKM  compatientilfimum  Sacerdotium  tuum,  ut  manum  porrigat  humanita- 

tis  et  eorum  difpenfet  ftliitem,  &c.     faith  Baftliw  ibid. 

§  53.  Here  alfo  another  difficulty  arofe  (as  there  ever  doth  in  ravel- 
led works.)     The  Pope  had  been  againft  i//«<r?»4>-«j  and  his  Council 
for  depofing  the  Bifhops  ordained  by  Ebbo.     And  yet  to  fubdue  the 
Greeks  he  was  for  the  depofing  of  thofe  ordained  by  Vhotim.     This 
made  him  feem  contrary  to  himfclf:     Anaftafim  Bibhothecaritu  (who 
then  lived  and  was  employed  at  Confiantinopk  in  this  matter)  to  recon- 
cile thecontradi(flion,fdith  that  Ebbo  was  a  true  Bifhop,  but  Photius  was 
nor,  bccaufe  he  was  a  Lay-man  before  his  confecration;  and  therefore 
his  ordinations  are  nullities.      This  nullifying  of  ordinations  maketh 
great  dilhirbances  in  the  Church.     The  prefent  Bifhops  of  Et.glandre- 
quire  thofe  that  were  heretofore  ordained  by/rfroWj;W  Paftors  to  be  re- 
ordained,  and  on  this  and  fuch  other  accounts  about  2000  werefilenced 
atone  day  (^/c^.  24. 1662.)  The  filenccd  Nonconformilts  do  fome  of 
them  fay  that  the  Bifhops  have  much  lefs  than  Photim  to  fhew  for  their 
authority  to  ordain.     He  had  learning,  he  had  the  Emperors  authority 
for  him  :  He  had  lawfull  Bifhops  to  ordain  him  j  He  had  a  great  Coun- 
cil or  two  to  approve  him  and  confirm  him :  And  though  he  was  a  lay- 
man before ,  fb  fs  every  one  when  he  cometh  to  his  firft  ordination. 
And  though  he  was  made  Bifhop  per  fait r^m,  fo  was  Ne[lariw,  Thala- 
fius,  Ambrofe,  &c.     And  every  Uncanonical  irregularity  nullifieth  not 
rhe  ordination.     It  hath  been  ordinary  for  Deacons  to  be  made  Popes: 
And  is  not  that  per  filti.m  ?  why  doth  not  that  interrupt  and  nullifie  the 
Pap.icit'i     Bur,  fiy  they  ,  on  this  account  i.  /?c»»«  fucccffion  is  long 
agoe  interrupted  :  There  having  been  far  greater  incaiiacities   in  Simo- 
nifty,  common  Adulterers,    Perjured,  Rtbels,  Heretick.%  Infidels,  (as 
Councils  have  judged.)     2.  And  (they  fay)  that  fo  the  Englifh  Prelates 
are  no  Bifhops,  being  chofcn  b^  the  King,  and  wanting  that  choice  of 
the  Clergy  and  people,    which  the  Canons  have  over  and  over  again 


their  Councils  abridzcd. 



made  neceffary  to  the  validity  of  ordinations,  are  more  null  than  thole 
of  Phot iia.  And  therefore  we  owe  them  (  as  fuch  )  no  obedience  nor 
communion.]  Thus  our  nullifyings  and  condemr.ings  proceed  till  moft 
men  have  degraded  if  not  unchriftened  one  another.  And  he  that  is  on 
the  ftronger  fide  carrieth  it,  till  death  or  fome  other  change  confute  his 
claim  ,  and  then  the  other  fide  gets  up  and  condemneth  him  as  he  con- 
demned them.  And  thus  hath  the  Church  long  fuffcred  by  damning 
Divines,  and  domineering  or  ccnforious  Judges. 

§  54.  By  the  reftoring  ofJgnatitu,  the  Pope  got  to  himfelf  the  repu- 
tation of  fome  Supremacy,  and  obliged  a  party  tohimj  which  however 
it  was  not  the  greateft  at  the  firft,  would  be  greatcft  uhen  Ignatms  his 
fiipremacy  had  advanced  it :  And  with  them  he  got  the  reputation  of 
being  juft,  indeed  Phottus  Teeming  to  polFefs  the  feat  of  one  that  was 
injurioully  dcpoled  by  the  meet  will  of  the  Prince,  without  fufficienc 

§  S)-  Pope  Hadrian  1.  (Epift.  4.  ad  Ign.1t.  Confi.)  direcHieth  7^- 
natius  to  forgive  many  others,  but  none  of  ihofe  that  lubfcribed  toPho- 
tius  his  great  Council  iX.  ConflantmopU ,  becaufe  they  reproached  the 
Pope  of.^owfjwhere  you  may  fee  i.How  dangerous  it  was  then  to  be  ia 
a  General  Council,  when,if  they  pleafe  not  the  Itrongeft,  they  are  ruined: 
And  if  they  do,  it's  like  enough  the  next  age  will  damn  them  for  it.  2. 
How  much  more  dangerous  is  it  for  a  Council  to  be  againft  the  Pope, 
than  to  be  guilty  of  many  other  crimes;  and  how  unpardonable  it  is. 

§  y6.  CCLXXXIII.  An.  868.  Befides  the  Popes  Roman  Synod  that 
damned  Phot  ins  and  his  Book  and  Confi-  Council,  there  was  a 
Council  at  \Vorm>,  which  repealed  many  old  Canons,  of  which  the  14th. 
"is,  that  if  Bijhops  J^^all  excommunicate  an)  vcrongfullj  or  jor  light  caufe 
*'and  not  refiotc  them,  the  neighbour  B'JJ^'ops  fl.'ail  tal^ fucbto  their  com- 
"munion  till  the  next  Sjnod. 

The  ly.  Canon  is ,  that  becaufe  in  Mon.ifieries  there  are  Thieves  that 
"  cannot  be  found,  when  the  fufpe^led  purge  themf elves,  tbeyjhall  recetve 
"  the  facrament  ofChrifl^s  bcdy  and  blcod,  thereby  tojlxw  that  they  are  in- 
"  nocent.2  But  this  Canon  the  Fapifts  are  afhamed  of. 

"  The  72.  Canon  alloweth  Prffbyters  (^jea  a/i  Chrifiians)  to  anoint  the 
"fick,,becauje  tl.cBiJhops  hiy,a<.rcd  nith  liber  buljnefs  cannct ^o  to  all  thejic^."] 
This  intimateih  that  even  then  the  Diocelles  were  not  fo  great  as  ours 
that  have  one  or  many  Counties,  clfe  other  reafon  would  have  been  gi- 
ven why  the  BiOiup  couM  not  vifit  all  the  fick,  than  his  hindering  bu- 
fineffes:  Would  the  Bifliop,  e.  g.  of  Lincoln  fay,  1  would  vifit  all  the 
flck  in  LincolnJJ.ire ,  Ncrth.:i:*ptotifhire  ,  Lcicef}:rJ!:ire ,  JlifnUngtonJJ.nre, 
Rutlandp.-ire ,  HariforJJl.nre ,  Bedf(rrdjl:ire  ,  BuckinghamfoiTe,  which  are 
in  my  Diocefs,  but  that  I  cm  hindered  by  other  bufinefs?  who  would 
take  thi«  Hit  the  words  ola  lober  man.'' 

§  57.  CCLXXXIV.  u4n.  869,  wis  that  ConfiantincpoUtan  Council 
which  the  Papirts  (damning  fome  others)   call  the  4th.  and  the  Sih. 

N  n  2  General 




2,76  Church- Hijlory  of  'Bi^wps  and 

General  Council  ended  -^m.  879.  in  which  bur  102  Bifhops  condemned 
Photius  and  fctled   Ignatius,  by  the  means  of  the  Emperor  BapUm  and 
^'     the  Pope,  nho  had  before  rcftorcd  him.     Here  in  Ad.  2.  The  Bifhops 
that  had  followed  Photius,  took  the  old  courfe,  and  when  they  faw 
all  turned  ctyed  peccavimns  and  craved  pardon,  and  thcmfelves  called 
Photnis  ,  fach  It  villain  as  there  hnd  never  been  the  liks.  {.^i'l-  p.  882,) 
They  faid  ihcy  fmned  through  fear  and  fo  were  forgiven.    Act.   3.  Some 
Bifhops  that  had  turned,  who  were  ordained  by  Methodius,  were  re- 
quired to  f'ubfcribe  to  a  form  propofed;  But  they  told  them  that  the 
late  times  had  fo  vexed  men  with  heinous  fubfcriptions,  that  they  had 
made  a  Covenant  or  Vow  to  make  no  more  lubfcriptions  but  what  they 
^'^     had  done  already,  and  the  profeflion  of  their  faith  (  like  Nonconform- 
)[\s)  and  defired  to  be  received  on  fuch  terms  without  their  new  fub- 
fcription.  Ad.  4,  The  Bifhops  of  P/jofw's  party  ordained  by  him  were 
examined.  And  Ad.  5.  Photius  himfelf,  who  would  not  enter  till  con- 
ftrained,  and  then  profelFed  as  in  imitation  of  Chrilt  to  give  them  no 
anfwer  to  what  they  asked  him;  and  is  in  vain  exhorted  to  repentance. 
Ad.  6.  Many  of  the  Bifhops  repented  and  were  pardoned : 
Others  pretended  that  they  had  fubfcribed  and  fworn  to  Photius,  where 
Zachar.  Calcedon.  fhewed  that  the  Canons  were  above  the  Patriarchs. 
Here  BafiUus  the  Emperor  made  a  notable  fpeech  to  exhort  the  Bifhops 
to  repentance,  offering  himfelf  to  lay  by  his  honour  and  to  lie  on  the 
earth,  and  let  them  tread  on  him  confefTing  his  fin,  and  asking  mercy. 
Ad.  7.  Photitfs  is  again  brought  in,  (and  his  ftaff  that  he  leaned  on  ta- 
ken from  him)  and  he  denyed  to  defend  himfelf  and  to  repent,  but  bid 
them  repent.     The  Bifhops  of  Heraclea,  8fc.  receded  the  Legates , 
and  pronounced  them  anathematized  that  fhould  anathematize  Phottus, 
and  appealed  to  the  Canons.     Ad.  8.  They  cenfured  a  Bifhop  that  was 
againft  Images.     Ad.  9.  They  examined  fome  great  men  that  had 
fworn  againlt  Jgn.<itius,  who  confeft  they  had  fworn  falfely  for  fear  of 
the  Princes ;  but  Leo  would  not  damn  or  curfe  Photius,    becaufe  he 
thought  the  Orthodox  were  not  to  be  curfed.     The  loth.  Ad.  Con- 
taineth  the  Cunons  which  they  made  3   of  which  the  Copies  greatly 

§  58.  The  3d.  Canon  faith  that  \_thej  ordain  that  the  Image  of  Chrifi 
"he  worfciped  with  the  fame  honour  as  the  Go/pels  ;  as  teaching  that  by 
^'Colours,  which  the  Cofpel doth  by  words:  faying,  \_whoever  adores  not  the 
"Image  of  our  Saviour  Jhall  not  fe  his  face  at  his  fecond  coming:  adding 
*'[^by  the  fame  reafon  we  venerate  and  adore  the  Image  of  the  Bleffed  F'ir- 
"gin  and  the  Holy  ^ngelt,  as  the  fcriptiire  defcribeth  them,  nnd  of  all  the 
*•  Saints.     Tbey  that  thinly  otherwife,  let  them  be  curfed  from  Chrifl."} 

"  Can.   6.  They  anathcmatiz.e  Photius  becaufe  he  did  excommunicate  and 
"  anathematiz.c  the  Pope,   and  all  that  communicated  With  him. 
,,Can.  7.   No  excommunicate  men  are  allowed  to  make  Images. 
I'  Can.S.Is  too  good  for  the  Devil  to  let  the  Church  enjoy  viz.  [Xhat 


t}?eir  Councils  abridged. 


"  whereas  it  is  reported  that  not  only  the  heretical  and  tifinpers  ,  bat  fame  "ts, 
"Orthodox  Patriarchs  alfo  for  their  own  fecurity,  have  made  men  fuiknbe 
"  (jo  be  true  to  them  )  the  Synod  judgcth  that  it  Jl^all  be  [a  no  more  ,  (ave 
"  only  that  men  when  they  are  ntade  BiJJ:ops  be  recjuircd  as  ufiial  to  de- 
"clare  the  foundnefs  of  their  faith :  He  that  violateth  this  Santlion  let  him 
^'  be  deprived  ofhts  honour. 

"The  loth  Can.  Condemncth  them  that  hold.  That  Man  hath  two      ^^ 
"Souls  (which  they  fay  Photins  favoured)  and  curfcd  them  from  Chnfh. 

The  nth.  Can.  Tells  us  what  men  thefe  BiOiops  were,  and  what 
they  fought.     It  is  [7'  That  all  that   are  made  Bipops  bearing  on  earth      .^ 
"the  perfon  and  form  of  the  Celcfiial  Hierarchy^  JJ:all  with  all  veneration 
«'  be  worshiped  by  ail  Princes  and  Subject :  and  wc-  will  not  have  them  to  go 
"far  from  the  Church  to  meet  any  commanders  of  the  Army  or  any  Nobles 
"  nor  to  light  from  their  horfes   like  fupplicants  or  abjcHs  that  feared  them 
*'  nor  to  fall  down  or  petition  them ;  If  any  Bijhop  hereafter  Jloall  negleU:  his 
"due  honour, or  break,this  Canon,or permit  it  to  be  done,he  fl.iall be  feperat- 
*'ed  for  a  year  from  the  Sacrament ;  and  that  Prmce ,   Duke,  or  Captain 
"two  years. 

"The  iz.dn.Pnnccs  as  prophane  men  be  not  fpeH^ators  which  ho- 
"  ly  perfonsdo,  and  therefore  Councils  be  held  without  them.  Either  I 
underftand  them  not,  or  it  is  in  defpite  of  truth  that  they  fay  ['•u'«-  '^ 
"  de  nee  alias  repenmus  Oecumenicis  Conciliis  Hnquam  mterfttiffc :  Ntaue 
"enimfas  eft  ut  propbani  Pnncipes,  rcrum  quit  facris  hommibus  gerunds 
"fnnt,gernntnrve,fpcLtatoresfiant.]  B intu us  note tb  [_e.x  pr<tjcnp:o  ncmps 
Canonum']  turning  an  allertion  de  jach  into  one  de  ptre,  and  an  univer- 
fal  into  a  particular,  by  which  licence  of  expounding  what  lye  or  blaf- 
phemy  may  not  be  juftified!  And  why  then  have  (o  many  thoufand 
been  curfcd  fromChrift  by  Councils  for  unskilfulncfsin  words  ? 

§  59.  The  14th.  Can.  fecureth  the  BiHiops  admirably  in  def[)ite  of 
the  old  reforming  honeft  Canons  decreeing  that  \_"  A  Lay-nuvt  {not  e.\- 
"cepttng  Kings  or  Parliamcnts)Jl:all  h.-ive  no  power  to  dijpt.te  by  any  rc- 
"fon  of  Eccliftajlical  SanCiioas,  or  to  cppcfe  the  univerfal  Charch  or  any  ee~ 
"  neral  Synod ;  for  tb:  difficulty  of  thefe  things,  ar.U  agitaiingthcm  on  both 
"fides,  IS  the  office  of  Patriarchs,  Priefts  and  DoHors,  to  whom  only  Cod 
•'  hath  given  power  of  binding  and  loafing.  For  though  a  L.iy-man  e.vcel  in 
"  the  praife  of  piety  and  wifd-jm,  ytt  he  is  a  Lay-man  and  a  Sheep  and  not  a 
"  Paftor,  But  a  BISHOP  though  it  be  manifeft  that  he  is  dejtttute  of 
"  ALL  FIRTVE  of  Religion,  yet  he  is  a  Paftor  as  long  as  ke  e.xtrcifcth  -^ 
"the  office  of  a  Bijhop ,  and  the  fiecp  muft  not  rcfift  tue  Shepherd,'}  O 
brave  doclrine  for  the  Roman  Kingdom  !  A  Heathen,  or  Infide!  or 
Mahometan,  or  Ariian  BiP.iop  mult  not  be  c'lpoltu:  He  mat  is  .^o 
Chriltian  may  be  a  Bifhop.  How  much  to  be  blamed  were  thr  Gene- 
ral Councils  that  dc[)ofed  Popes  (or  Infidclitv,  Diabolilni,  Hercl-c, 
Simony,  Perjury,  Bla!j;!iemv,  Sodomie,  Fainicatioii,  Murders,  &c. 
when  a  Pope  that  hath  all  thcie,  ar:d  no  virtue  ofReligiou  is  not  lo  be 
judged  by  Lay  mcnjOr  oppolcd, 

278  C}?urch'HiJto)y  of  ^ijhops  and 

0^  I.  May  a  Prince  Qvc  his  crown  from  fuch?  2.  May  a  man  fave 
his  Wife  from  fuch,  or  a  woman  refufe  their  copulation,  or  defend  her 
Chaftity  againft  them?  3.  What  if  fiich  are  drunk  in  the  Pulpir,  are 
the  People  bound  to  be  filcntly  (tibmifTive?  4.  Why  did  Pope  Ntchc- 
las  decree  that  none  fhould  hear  Mafs  from  a  Prieft  that  liveth  in  forni- 
cation?    5.     Are  Priefts  above  Kings,  or  are  they  lawlefs? 

Yet  this  very  Synod  ofBifhops  in  theirEpiflle  to  Pope  Hadrian  dyes 
\C»i  co>:fidiC  Synod'),  qui  turn  impaitabivn,  Michael  et  Bajililts  ncjter  ^ 
frsjidcb.m,']  And  Bafilim  and  IUmcs  were  now  among  them.  And  ma- 
ny Prince?,  efpecialiy  in  France  and  Spain  have  made  ftricft  Laws  to  a- 
mend  the  liifhops. 

§  60.  One  of  the  decrees  of  this  Council  was  that  Pooti!isJ}:onld 
net  be  called  a  Chrifiian.  Bin.  p.  899.  Col.  2.  Yet  the  Apoftle  faith 
of  the  rejeftedj  account  him  not  as  an  cnemy^  but  admonijh  htm  as  a  Bro- 
ther. 2  Thcf.   3, 

§  61.  \n  Bin.  p.  899.  is  an  epiftleof  Pope  Srf/?/jf»;  to  the  Emperor 
Baftlnis  which  containeth  the  radical  do(ftrine  of  all  the  Bifhops  rebellion 
and  pride,  viz.  that  Princes  are  only  appointed  for  the  things  of  the 
Body  or  this  life,  and  prelates  and  Priefts  for  the  matters  of  the  Soul 
and  life  eternal,  and  therefare  that  the  Prelates  Em|)ire  is  more  excel- 
lent than  the  Princes,  as  heaven  is  above  earth.  [_" ^ando^uidem  ver- 
"  bis  f^HiA  ad  ufum  "Vittt,  id  efi,  rerum  prdfcntiMm  pertinent,  Imperium  a 
"  Deo  tr adit nm  cj} ,  ita  nobis  per  Trinctpcm  y^pofiolorum  Petrum,  rerum 
"  divinarum  procuratio  efi  commijfa:  jiccipe  ejuttfo  in  optimam  partem  aux 
C.I  '^fubjicie  *  —-Hac  fant  capita  ciiracj!4e  Principis  imperii  vcfiri.  I^oflrivero 
pray  you  "cura  gregis  tanto  pr^fiantior  efi,  quanta  alt ior  efi  terra  qudm  cwlum.^udi 
\^\vt  up  "  Dominxm—Tu  esPetrns — de  vefiro  imperio  vera  quid  dicit—  Nolite  ti- 
"  mere  eos  qui  corpus  occidunt—Obtefior  igitur  tuamPict.ttcm  ut  Princi- 
''  pum  .^poflolorum  infiituta  fequarc,magna  veneratione  profeqttare.  Omni- 
"  um  enim  inorbe  terrarum,  omnis  ordo  et  Pontificatus  Ecclefiarum,a  princi- 
" pc  u^pofiolorum  Petrooriginem  et  autboritatcm  acceperunt.  (O  horrid 
fdlfhood,  as  before  confuted:) 

§  62.  Yet  this  Council  in  ^rffMj-.  in  .5/».  p.  905'.  determine  of  the 
Pope,  that  being  but  one  Patriarch,  he  cannot  ablblve  one  that  is  con- 
demned by  the  other  many  Patriarchs. 

§  63.  Laying  all  together  I  cannot  ferceive  by  hiftorical  notice,  but 
that  both  Ignatius  ii-Vii  Photius  were  both  better  Bifhops  thanmoit  were 
to  be  found;  the  firftbeinga  very  pious  man,  and  the  other  alfoa  man 
of  great  learning  and  diligence.  But  the  old  contention  WHO  SHOULD 
BE  CHIEF  or  greateft,  made  them  both  the  great  calamity  of  the 

1  think  it  not  in  vain  here  to  tranfcribe  part  of  the  fumm  of  the  life  of 
Ignatius  as  written  by  Nicetas,  D.ivjd,  Paphlago  who  was  devoted  to 
him,  though  fomewhat  faid  already  be  repeated.  Ignatiw  (being  of 
the  blood  Royal)  was  in  quiet  poirefl!ion_,  when  denying  entrance  or 


1. 1 


their  Councils  ahruhed. 


Church  Communion  to  Bardas  Citfir  for  his  reported  Adultery,  he 
provoked  chat  indignation  in  him  which  depofcd  him.  Bardas  firft  per- 
fwaded  the  Emperor  AUchael  to  aflTume  the  Government  and  not  leave 
the  Empire  any  longer  to  his  Mother  and  Sifters.  One  Ccho  then  pre- 
tending to  be  the  Son  of  Queen  Theodora,  and  claiming  the  Crown,  and 
many  following  him  ,  Ignatius  is  accufed  as  being  then  on  Gf^o's  iide. 
The  Emperor  commandeth  Ij^natiw  to  fliear  his  Mother  and  Sifters  , 
and  put  them  into  a  Monaftery :  He  refufeth:  The  Emperor  is  angry 
and  fufpe<n:ing  him,  caufeth  it  to  be  done  by  others,  and  fcndeth  Ignw 
tins  to  the  Ifland  Tcrehtnth  and  kiileth  Gcba.  "Within  three  dajes  foms 
"of  the  Bijhops  who  had  fubfcri'oed and  fworn  to  Ignatius,  even  that  thej 
"  would  Jooner  deny  the  juprctim  A4aj:flji  of  the  Trinitji ,  than  without  <t 
" publick^  damnation  they  would  fuffer  their  Paflor  to  be  depofed,  became 
"agents  to  draw  him  to  renounce  his  PLtce.  &"C.  JIc  refufiKg,  Fhouus  is 
'■'mad':  one  day  a  Aionk^,  the  next  day  a  Leftor  ,  the  next  a  Suhdeacon  , 
''the  next  a  Deacon  ,  the  next  a  Presbyter,  and  on  Chrifti  birth-day  is 
"made  Fatriaich;  a  great  and  noble  Courtier ,  the  Emperors  Secretary  or 
"privy  Cowncellor,  famous  for  skjH  in  things  politick^and  civil ,  f«  fiixirif)?^ 
" ing  in  the  skill  of  Grammar,  Poetry,  Oratory,  Philofcphj,  Phyftcl^,  and 
"thefludy  cf  almofl  all  Liberal  uirts  and  Sciences,  as  that  he  was  ahfolntc- 
''  ly  in  them  th*  Prince  of  his  age,  yea,  and  might  ccntend  with  t  he  ancient  s. 
"  For  he  had  a  confluence  of  natural  aptitude  and furce,  offel-cty,  riches, 
"by  which  he  got  a  library  ofiillfortsofborkj;  iinti  being  dtfirous  ojiJUry 
"  and  Praife,  Jpent  whole  nights  in  flceplefs  Studies,  and  after  fludicddivi- 
"  nity,  and  Eccleftical  fvlumes.  Grtgorius  Bijl.op  c[  Syiicufe  (^  a  ceKfiir- 
"  ed  Bip.'Op^  ordained  him  :  Ignatius  if  cruelly  ujca,  and  its  Uid  ou  Photi- 
"  us  :  lie Jendcih  feme  Bijlyops  to  Rome,  ai.d  by  them  faith,  f/j.^/ Ignatius 
"gitv:  ftp  ins  It's  laid  that  (bmc  held  JgK.unis''!'  hand  ,  and  by 
force  -.vrote  his  mark,  and  others  wrote  the  relt:  but  what's  thr  truth 
IS  hard  t(i  know.  A  Genf^-il  Council  is  called:  The  Emperor  and  all 
his  Princes,  great  ones,  and  almoft  all  the  City  met  at  l'iiotiu,''s  poflt (li- 
on. Baanes  and  fome  of  the  baferof  the  /Romans  are  ff-nt  to  fumnion  /g- 

».(.';/<>' to  tile  C^)uncil,  (Bin.  p.  S67.J  He  askcth  them  in  wliut  Garbs 
he  flu  11  come.  "T,}:y  tak^  ti;»e  and  the  next  day  fay,  Rhodoaidus  and 
"7Lic\vix\iS  Legates  of  OldKomc  by  us  fummon  thee  without  deUy  to  ap^ 
"^.ar  at  the  holy  Otcumsnical  Council  ui  whiii  ^'.;bit  thou  wilt  according  ti> 
thy  own  Confcience.  He  goeth  in  Patriarchs  habit.  The  Emperor  com- 
mands him  in  the  habit  ofa  Moni^,  No  left  than  fevcnty  two  witnelles 
are  brouE;ht  the  Synod  againft  hiin,  Nubles  and  Vulgarj  Nictcas 
faith  perjured,  of  whom  Leo  and  Theedot.Hi  s  two  N\.b!e  intn  were 
chief;  and  fume  Anabaptifts  ("that  is,  fuch  uS  baptized  men  agai,;, 
though  not  at:,ainft  Infant  Baptifm.)  Thele  fworc  that  Ignnti  .5,^01  juftly 
ordained,  iiad  twelve  years  ago  ulbrped  the  place.  And  alas  .'  there 
wanted  not  a  Canon  which  wouid  de[)()(e  a  grc.:i  part  ct  ihv  Bifhops  of 
the  world,  viz..  that  called  the  30th.    Apoit.  and  oft  renewed. 

2  8  o  CImrch-Hifiory  of  'BiJl?Dps  and 

/  "  if  any  BI/}:iop   ftfngthe  fcctilar  power   do  by  them  cbtain  a  Church, 
*' let  him  be  depofed.']  They  left    0UX.\_Andt ho[e  that  CofHrnunicate  with 
"him']    For  which  Nicetas  accufcth  the  Birtiops  as  falfly  faving  them- 
ftlves.     And   alas!    muft  all   the  minifters    in    England   be   depoftd 
0^       that  communicate  with  any  Bifhop  that  gets  a  Church  by  the  fecular 
power?     What  a  reparation  than  muft  here  be  made.     And  would  not 
this  Canon  depofe /"/^onwalfo?     The  Popes  Legates,  Bifhops,  Rhodo- 
ccldtis  and  '^acharias,  aliique  nefarii  homines  faith  Nicetas,  cryed  down 
Ignatius  as  Vnworthy;  then  they  beat  and  odioudy  abufe  the  good  old 
man :    And  then  cometh  the  forefaid  forced  fubfcribed  confeflton  ('or 
forged.)  After  this  its  faid  that  they  fent  men  to  kill  him;  but  by  old 
ba(e  cloaths  and  two  baskets  on  his  back,  he  paft  away  unknown,  begg- 
ing his  bread  by  the  way.     Nicetas  faith  that  an  Earthquake  (hook  the 
City  fourty  dayes  together,  and  frighcned  them  to  fend  abroad  and 
proclaim  (ecurity  to  Ignatius ,    who   thereupon  furrendered  himfelf. 
Bardas  convinced  fendeth  himfafe  to  his  own  Monaftery,and  the  Earth- 
quake ccafed  ;  and  the  Bulgarians  moved  by  famine  and  the  Emperor's 
girts,laiddown  armesand  were  baptized  Chriftians.   Pope  Nicholas  ex-  . 
communicateth  Photi'i.  and  the  Emperor  and  all  theCourt.;''5y».p.868.) 
A  fire  befals  the  Church  of  Sophia.    The  young  Emperor  groweth   fo 
drunken  and  prophane  that  he  gets  a  pack  of  wicked  ungodly  men,  and 
maketh  them  in  mockery  or  play  his  Bifhops,and  confecrateth  a  Church 
c5"     for  them  ,  and  maketh  one  Thcophilus  a  jefter  their  Patriarch,to  turn 
Religion  into  a  Icorn,  and  then   faith     ['  Thcophilus  is  mj  Patriarch, 
"  Photius  is  Ctefars,  and  Ignatius  is  the  Cbrifiians.~\     And  thus  they  by 
prophane  witt  derided  the  Bifhops  and  Religion  itfelfj  to  which  alas, 
the  Bifliops  ambition  and  odious  ftrife  did  tend. 

Photim  was  filent  at  all  this.  Another  Earthquake  frightned  them 
'again,  the  terribleft  for  a  day  and  a  night  that  had  been  there  known. 
Upon  this  one  5<?^/;/.'j  a  Bifhop  of  77:;f/<i/flK/(;(«  went  boldly  to  the  Em- 
peror and  opened  the  fin  of  his  prophanenefsdifTwadinghim  from  that 
wickednefs  that  provoked  God.  The  Emperor  enraged  l^ruk  out  his 
Teeth,  and  caufed  him  to  be  fo  fcourged  that  he  was  like  to  dye.  Pho- 
tias  cared  for  none  of  this,  fet  his  mind  on  the  fecuring  his  feat  and  op- 
prefTing /j5»<?f/»j,  magnifying  all  that  tooke  his  part,  and  encouraging 
falfe  Stories  and  Calumnies  againft  the  beft  that  were  againft  him. 
One  of  the  betraj'ers  and  accufers  of  Ignatim  was  one  of  his  Difci- 
ples,  and  of  his  own  name,  made  Arch-Bifliop  of  HierapoUs,  and 
then  loft  his  Confcience  and  Fidelity.  (  B:n.  p.  869  .)  It  was  but 
for  jirefuming  to  Confecrate  an  Altar,  caft  down  by  the  Ruffians  and 
new  built,  which  was^taken  after  his  depofition  for  a  breach  of  the  Law 
and  Canons,  and  two  Arch-Bifhops,  (ready  at  all  times)  were  fent.  to 
pull  down  the  Altar  as  Nonconformable,  and  to  carry  the  flones  to  the 
Sea,  and  wafli  them,  and  then  to  let  them  up  again.  O  that  they  would 
have  wallit  their  hearts  from  Pride  and  Worldly  Ambition  .' 



their  Councils  abriiked.  281 


'Oh,  faith  'bi\ctXi!',What  ftfiptditjffWbat pravity  of  a perverfe  mind  was 
'  thii  ?  What  excels  oj  Envy  f  What  fludy  of  ambit ioM  Dijhonefly  ?  Did 
'  thy  daily  meditation  and  night-watches,  and  innumerable  Bockj  teach  thee 
'  thu  ?  Did  thy  fretjuent  reading  and  difpatation ,  and  [Iriving  for  the 
'  praife  of  learning  teach  it  thee  ?   Did  the  knowledge  of  the  Old  Tefiament 

*  and  the  Next,  the  ftyings  of  the  Wife,  the  Decrees  of  the  Holy  Father  t, 

*  teach  thee  to  perfccute  a  poor  man,  and  to  vex  and  kjll  one  of  a  broken 
'  heart  andfpirit  ?  Did  not  thy  tyranical  ejeilion  of  him  fatiate  the  im- 
'  placable  fury  of  thy  mind,  &C  ?  Thus  Nicetas. 

As  much  as  to  fay,  Much  learning,  and  great  power  and  places,  are 
too  often  (eparated  from  Honefty,  Charity  and  Confcicnce. 

Here  he  inentioneth  a  terrible  Dream  of  Bardas,  and  the  murder  of 
him  by  BafiUm's  order,  and  the  Emperor's  confent ;  and  how  bafely  Pho- 
tim  cryed  him  down  when  he  was  dead,  who  was  his  onely  Friend  and 
Patron  while  he  lived. 

Next  he  tells  us  how  the  Emperor,  by  Photiui's  perfuafion,  called  a 
General  Council,  which  depofed  Pope  Nicolas,zs  he  had  done  Phocas*.  *Did  the 
The  other  Patriarchs  and  the  Bifhops  were  allembled,  and  the  Pope  Church 
anathematized  :  And  theHiftorian  blames  it  as  cauflefs  -,  but  it  was  then  ^^^  ^^^^ 
commonly  held ,  that   a  Council    might    judge  and  depoft  any  Pa-  Popc\vas 
triarch.  the  Su- 

The  Aifls  of  the  Council  Photim  fent  to  King  Ludov'icus  and  others  in  pcmc 
Italj  and  Prance,  that  they  might  depofe  the  Pope  (  by  two  Bifhops,  Rujcrand 
■yiz,.  of  C^lcedon,  and  Laodtcea.  )  It's  faid  be  fpake  evil  to  the  Emperor  J"  ^"^ 
of  BafliuSfiud  to  Baftlitis  of  the  Emperor.     .S/j/»//«j  murdercth  the 
Emperor,  and  the  next  day  depofeth   Phot  ins,  and  thruffs  him  into  an 
Hofpital,and  calls  home  Ignatius  ;  and  lo  gets  Ignatius's  Party  on  his 
fide,  to  which  he  refolved  to  add  the  Pope  :  Therefore  fending  to  Pho- 
titts  for  the  Patriarchate  Writings.and  he  faying  he  had  left  them  all  be- 
hind him,  the  Servants  of  Photins  were  fecn  ftriving  about  feven  Bags 
of  fealed  Papers  ;  which  being  furprized,were  found  to  be  the  Ads  of 
the  Council,  and  the  Condemnation  of  Pope  Nicolas.     Ignatius   was 
odioully  accufed  and  abufcd  in  them.     Many  Pi»ftures  made  of  him  : 
over  one  written  X)««^ff/«j  .•  over  ^ooihcr  Prtncipinm  peccati :  over  an- 
other filius perditionis  :  over  another  y^varitiaSimonif  Afagi:  over  an- 
other, C  ■^'  f'  f-'^'tollit  fiipra  omne  id  quod  dicitur  ant  colttur  Dens  :  ] 
over  the  fixth,  ^beminatio  dcfolationis :  and  over  the  feventb,  l^nti-      ^ 
chriflus.  3  Reader,  how  fhall  a  man  know  what  Hiftory  to  believe  that 
charaderizeth  Adverfaries  ?  and  how  little  is  the  judgment  and  applaufe 
of  man  to  be  regarded,  or  their  condemnation  of  us  to  be  feared? 

'  /  would  not  (  faith  Nicctas  )  mention  thcfe  things,  but  that  I  fee  the 
'  .'Authors  and  their  followers  own  them,  and  make  Photius  a  holy  man. 

The  next  part  of  the  Book,  faith  Nicaas,  [  '  Syncdicns   m  NjcoU- 

*  um  Pontificem  Ron).intim  tela  torcjuebat,  omnij<j:ie  generis  cali.'mnias  cr 

*  atrocia  maledi^l.t,  tn  illtnsSancii  exanilorationem  cr  damnationcm  com- 

O  0  'pLilc- 

28 z  Cbwxh-Hifiory  of  ^ijhops  and 


' plciiebatMr,tmpie  M  tragico  prop:  modo  concinnitatus,  fane  quoque  ipfms 
'  jhgii  doUoris  m.tgificrie  &  Photii  mimficrio  dignus.  Gregory ^2>\iho[)  of 
S)racitfe,  wrote  them  out,  and  fent  them  to  the  King  of  France.  Who 
wrote  truly,  and  who  fallly ,  how  fhould  we  now  know  ?  But  this  I 
tSj'  I.  That  contending  who  fhould  be  greateft  was  the  fin  of  the  Pre- 

lates, and  the  plague  of  the  Churches. 

2.  And  that  then  it  was  taken  for  granted,  that  the  Pope  deferving  it 
mieht  be  depofed. 

The  new  Emperor  Srf/;i  fent  thefe  Books  to  the  Pope,who  burnt  them 
as  you  have  lieard  (  Great  reafon :  but  I  would  we  (aw  them  !  )  Igna- 
tius being  reftored,  excommunicateth  FhotiusfiwA  all  that  were  initiated 
by  him,  and  all  that  communicated  with  him.  ( '  It  feems  they  were 
'much  alike  in  the  art  of  damning  men  ,  and  fcparating  them  from 
'  Chrift.  )  Then  is  Ignatr.;s''s  Council  called,  where  102  Bifhops  damn 
'  Fhotius,  depofc  him,  and  curfe  him  from  Chrift  ;  and  the  Bifliops ,  to 
'fhew  their  holinefs  and  conftancy,  would  not  write  his  damnation  with 

*  Ink,  but  with  Chrifl's  own  blood ;  (  that  is,  the  Sacramental  Wine.  ) 
cS"      (And  yet  ere  long  they  fet  up  P^of;>«  again.  )    Ntcetas  blameth  his 

Condemners,  that  went  not  fo  far  as  to  prevent  his  Reftoration.  But 
how  can  Bifhops  rule  God's  Providence,  or  the  mutable  minds  of  Prin- 
ces !  faith  he,  [  *  Nam  ^ui per  recoKCiUatos  erat  ejciius  ,  &  per  hjpocrt- 

*  tas  damnatHSy  is  per  eofdem  quaji  familiar es  poflliminio  recurrens,  rttrfus 
'  Patriarchu  tbroium  per  vim  invajit Cum  omnes  in  fua   tefiimonia  & 

*  Chirogr.ipha  psijitros ,  ut  ipfe  erat ^  fieri  coegiffet,ut  extrema  primis  dete- 
'  riora  fecijfit,  tmninm  confeientias  inc^uimvit  & confpurcavtt,  3  Alas!  if 
the  Bifliops  will  be  perjured  Weathercocks,  and,as  Hypocrites,  cry  pec- 
civimus  one  year,  and  go  contrary  again  the  next,  and  change  as  Princes 
do,  who  can  help  it .? 

He  faith  nov/,  new  Earthquakes  and  terrible  Whirlwinds  did  again 
afright  men.  He  giveth  us  alfo  many  of  IgnaHus'%  Miracles,  efpecially 
when  he  was  dead.  He  faith  I'botius  profecuted  him  with  malice  when 
he  was  dead.  He  next  tells  us  how  after  the  death  of  Ignatius, Photiiis 
came  to  be  reftored  ;  even  by  feigning  a  Pedegree  of  BafiUus  as  from 
the  King  of  >^rw«/^,found  by  his  skill  in  Antiquities;  and  by  his  great 
parts  and  elegancy  winning  upon  him.  He  maketh  ThcophaKes  the  in- 
Itrument  of  the  deceit.  He  won  the  hearts  of  all  the  Courtiers  :  fo  • 
that  within  three  days  of  Ignatms's,  death  he  was  reftored.  Hereupon 
the  Bifhops  turn  round,and  they  that  lately  called  him  all  that's  naught, 
•^  now  magnJfie  him,  (Bin.  />.  Syj.  j  But  all  that  Nuetas  calleth  vere 
Chrifiianos,  abhorred  him. 

(  This  maketh  me  remember  the  words  of  Erafmtts  in  the  life  ofDr.; 
C'llst  tranflated  by  Thomas  Smjth,  concerning  the  Bifhopof  London  that 
then  was  _)  being  an  acute  Schoolman,  {_lhave  j^';uiv«  ,  faith  he  ,  Jome 
fuch  that  I  would  not  call  Knaves,  hut  never  any  that  I  could  call  a  Chri- 

fiian.  2 

their  Councils  abridged.  283 

JUati.  2  Sad  Prelates  that  NicetAs  (  and  Erafmus )  could  not  call  Chri- 

But  the  ambition  of  Photius  tempted  them  to  their  mutability:  He 
caft  out  the  Bifhops  that  were  againft  him,  and  prefently  forgave  and 
reftored  them  if  they  would  but  conform.  Yea,  he  dared  to  re-ordain 
thofe  that /^«4/-/«j  had  ordained, fuppofing  him  noBifhop;  but  abhor- 
ring all  that  ftopt  him  in  it.  But  he  proceeded  to  confecrate  anew  the 
Church  Utenfils,  and  fay  over  certain  Prayers  ( //,  fi\i]\,  thej 
be  not  rather  to  be  calie'dCttrfes.  ]     j^ttd  ('faith  he  )  to  make  his  fin  out  % 

of  me.ifHre Jinffil,  when  he  ordained  or  preferred  a»j,or  changed  Bijl:'cprickj,  ** 

he  made  them  conform  by  fwearing  and  fubfcribing  to  him;    thereby  bind- 
ing all  to  him  whom  by  Benefices  he  obliged*.  So  much  out  of  Ni.  "How  oft 

cctas.  i^f  ^  '■'^^'J 

Oaths  and 


§  64.  And  now  Reader,  I  leave  it  to  thy  iudgment,  whether  Gregory  tions  been  knew  not  what  he  faid,  when  he  wifht  there  were  no  \_highcr  condemn- 

and  lower']  among Bifliopsjapd  when  he  fpJke  fo  much  of  their  ambi-  S,'^   '"..  , 

tion,  levity  and  temerity,  and  of  the  evil  elfeds  of  their  Councils  in  his  ^^,j  yg^' 

time.     Whether  Patriarchal  dignity  was  not  a  great  temptation,  when  alas! 

to  the  Son  of  a  Prince  on  one  fide,  and  to  the  great  and  noble  Secretary 
of  the  Emperor  on  the  other  fide,  it  feemed  a  prize  worth  the  ftriving 
for  to  the  death  ?  And  whether  it  have  not  been  the  calamity  of  the 
Church,  when  two  fuch  extraordinary  men,far  above  the  common  rank 
of  Bifhop?,  fliall  fet  an  Empire  and  almoft  all  the  Chriftian  Churches  in- 
to Schifm,  Contention,  mutual  Perfecution  andConfufion,  by  fo  long 
ftriving  Who  (hall  be  greateft  ?  and  drawing  fo  many  hundred  Bi-  "^B 
(hops  into  Faiflion,  Schifm,  Per;ury,and  fhameful  mutations  with  them? 
And  whether  Chrift  did  not  (  forefeeing  fuch  things  )  far  otherwife  de- 
cide this  qupftion,  IVhoJka/l  be  greatest  ?  in  Luke  22.  But  if  Pride  turn- 
ed Angels  into  Devils,  it  is  not  much  to  be  wondered,  if  it  turn  the 
Angels  of  the  Churches  into  the  Minifters  of  the  Prince  of  Pride  and 
Darkncfs,  and  turn  many  Churches  into  a  Theatre  of  Contention  ,  and  a 
Field  of  War. 

§  65.  Yet  here  is  one  thfrg  further  to  be  noted,  t-/:..  the  forefaid 
Contention  that  ro(e  about  the  Bulgarians.  Thefe  two  great  Patriarchs 
of  Rome  and  Confiantinop/c,  were  neither  of  them  yet  great  enough,or 
fatisfied  with  their  jurifdiclion,  their  defircs  being  more  boundlefs  than 
^Alexander's  for  the  Empire  ;  nothing  Icfs  than  a!l  the  world  will  fatisfie 
one  of  them  at  leaft.  Nicetas  faith,  it  was  by  Famine,  and  a  Treaty, 
and  kind  words  of  the  Emperor,  that  the  Bulgarians  turned  Chriftians. 
Some  PapjhwQM  give  the  honour  to  the  Pope,  without  proof,  and 
cannot  tell  us  anything  how  the  Pope  converted  them.  But  when  they 
were  converted,  they  fent  to  Seme  for  fome  Inftrui-lors  :  The  Pope  fcnc 

O  0  2  them 


Chwch-Hijlory  of  'BijUp  and 

them  two,  and  ihey  received  tliem.  But  they  put  the  cafe  themfelves 
to  the  Cour.cil  at  Co«/.««f;/;o/'/c,  Whether  they  were  to  be  under  the 
Birtiop  of  Rome, or  of  CoufiaitinopU  ?  The  matter  held  a  great  debate. 
The  Pope's  Legates  pleaded,  that  they  had  already  received  Bifhops 
from  Rome,S<c.  The  Greekj  pleaded,  that  their  Countrey  was  part  of 
the  Empire,  and  under  the  Bitfiop  of  Confiantimple,  till  they  conquered 
it",  and  that  they  found  there  Greeks  Churches  and  Bifhops,  who  were 
ftili  there,  and  the  Conqucft  tranflate  them  from  the  Bifhop  of 
Conftant.  to  Rome,  How  the  Controverfie  etfded  is  hard  to  know  ; 
Some  fay  that  the  Council  gave  them  to  the  Pope,  and  fome  fay  other- 
wife.  But  this  is  confelTed  ,  fhat  this  Roman  ambition  fo  greatly  dif- 
pleafed  the  new  Emperor  5<r/7/;/<jj  that  it  turned  him  after  againft  the 
Pope,  and  inclined  him  the  more  to  rcftore  /"^of/wj,  which  he  did  when 
Ignatius  was  dead. 

§  66.  Here  I  would  call  the  Reader  to  confider,  whether  the  Pope's 
llniverfal  Government  was«in  thofe  days  believed  ?  even  by  that  Coun- 
cil which  was  fuppofed  to  be  partial  (  by  the  Emperor's  inducement  ) 
on  the  Pope's  fide.  What  place  elfe  could  there  be  for  fuch  a  ftrife, 
whether  the  Bulgarians  were  under  the  Government  of  the  Bifhop  of 
Rome,  or  ConJiantinopU  ;  if  all  the  World  were  under  the  Bifhop  of 
Rome  ?  They  will  fay  that  it  was  only  queftioned,  whofeDiocefs  or  Pa- 
ct^ triarchate  they  were  under  ?  ^uiRome  never  pretended  that  they  were 
of  that  Diocefs  or  Patriarchate  as  anciently  divided.  But  the  queftion 
was,  W'hofe  Government  they  were  now  fallen  under  ?  And  would  any 
difpute  whether  e.  g.  Weftminfter  were  under  the  Government  of  the 
King,  or  of  the  Lord  Mayor  of  London  ?  when  all  the  Kingdom  is  un- 
der the  King.  This  Controverfie  clearly  fheweth,that  the  Church  then 
took  the  Pope  to  have  but  the  firft  Seat  and  Voice  in  Councils,  but  not 
ro  be  the  Cov'ernor  beyond  his  circuit. 

§  6-j.  It  is  here  alfo  to  be  noted,that  Bafd  the  Emperor's  revolt  from 
the  Pope  was  To  great,  that  Hadrian  is  put  to  write  fharply  to  him  as 
accufing  the  Bifhops  of  Aowf,  and  derogating  from  them,  admonifhing 
him  to  repent;  but  we  find  not  that  this  changed  his  mind. 

§  68.  Yet  one  thing  more  is  here  to  be  obferved.  In  the  life  of //<i- 
drian  the  2d  (  Bin.  p.  882.  _j  we  find  that  the  Pope  taking  the  advan- 
tage of  Biijilh  prefent  (iate  and  mind,  and  the  inreref^  o( Ignatius  much 
depending  on  him,  firnt  a  new  Libel  to  be  fubfcribed  by  all  the  Bif}:ops, 
before  they  fhould  be  permitted  to  fit  in  Council.  The  Creek^  Bifhops 
grudged  at  this,  and  complained  ro  the  Emperor,  [ '  That  the  Church  of 
'  Conltantinople  hy  thefe  offered  Libels,  was  brought  under  the  power  oj 
'  Rome,  bjf  the  douhtfulnefs  of  Suifcriptions.  ']     But  though  flcbtliter  con- 

5«»v/«/«/-,  they  complain  with  tears,  the  Emperor  was  angry  with  them, 


their  Coioicils  dbricl^cd.  2  S  5 

and  would  have  it;  and  fome  BiHiops  mnjine  mugno  Uboris  periciilv,  libel- 
los  quidem  vtx  tandem  recipiunr,  with  much  ado  were  brought  to  fub- 
fcribe,  faying.  It  was  novum  &  mauditum.  The  refufers  extra  Synodum 
inglorii  reliilifunt,  were  (hat  out  till  they  conformed:  (Ohithat  /nglor.i 
was  a  cutting  word,  ) 

§69.  Tiie  Emperor  hiding  his  anger  againft  the  Pope's  Legates  f  for 
the  Bulgarian  Ufurpation  )  gave  them  great  gifts,  and  fent  them  home. 
But  at  Sea  they  fell  into  the  hands  of  the  ScUvoniam, who  ftripped  them 
of  their  Riches,  and  the  Subfcriptions  and  Copy  of  the  Council, and  kept 
them  Prifoners,  and  threatned  their  Lives:  But  by  the  mediation  of  the 
Emperor  and  Pope,  they  were  delivcred,and  had  fome  of  their  Writings 


§  70.  CCLXXXV.  ^u.  879.  CarolusCalviis  King  of  f»-.««a-,unjuftly 
pofTefTed  the  Kingdom  of  Lotha>-ii<s,  which  by  inheritance  fell  to  Ludo- 
vicHs.  Ludovicus  got  the  Pope  to  interpofc,  who  fent  his  Legates  to 
Charles:  But  the  Bifliops  had  not  yet  learned  to  obey  Popes  againft 
Kings  in  power.  A  Council  of  Bifhops  called  at  Afetz.,  give  the  King- 
dom X.0  Charles,  becaufe  he  was  the  ftronger.  This  was  called  Concilium 
Prad^roriHm,i  Council  of  Robbers  and  Traytors  :  AaJ  no  wonder,whcn  'ts 
Bifhops  muft  be  the  Givers  of  Kingdom?.  Was  it  not  enough  for  the 
Pope,  to  ufurp  fuch  power,  to  be  over  Kings,  and  difpofe  of  Crowns,but 
ordinary  Bifhops  muft  do  the  like  ? 

§71.  CCLXXXVLYet  another  Councilagainft  thePo^e.KhgCharUs 
had  authorized  iVorf/jwjw,  a  great  man,  to  receive  fome  Goods  that 
were  taken  to  belong  to  the  Church,  The  Pope  commandeth  Hinc- 
m.irus,  Biihop  of  Rhcmcs, ind  the  reft  of  tl'.e  B  fhop<;  cf  Fr.v.ce  ,  to  ex- 
communicate Nvrthma-,!.  Hmcmarus  and  the  Bilhops  refufe  to  obey  -tD 
him,  only  one //;»<rwj»'w  Bifhop  of  Z,rfo;;,  (^Landunurr, )  obeyeth  him, 
and  publifheth  the  Excommunication.  A  Council  is  called  at  Weyrtcria, 
where  Hmcmarus  Rhcm.  and  the  Bifhops  ('  the  King  confenting  )  con- 
demn Hincmartis  LaudunenJis,{oT  difobeying  his  .Metropolitan,  in  obey- 
ing the  Pope.  He  appeals  to  Rome  •  They  will  not  let  him  go.  He 
writeth.  Hmcmarus  Rhem.  writeth  largely  againft  him,  (  though  his 
Nephevv  )  fhewing  how  he  broke  the  Canons,  how  bad  a  man  he  was  j 
how  he  had  neglefted  his  own  Charge,  left  Children  unbaptized  ,  and 
for  private  quarrels  excommunicated  his  Flock,  and  had  filcnccd  and 
fufpended  theMin'iftcrs  under  him  tyranically^  &c. 

Reader,  Was  the  Pope's  power  yet  fully  received,  when  a  Metro- 
politan was  to  be  obeyed  before  him,  and  fiien  condemned  for  obeying 
him  ? 


Church- PJiJlory  of  'Bijhops  and 

'  By  you. 
"  So  crcai 
and  holy 
a  man  alio 
ihc  Pope. 

*  Luther 
was  not 
ihc  lirft. 

§  72.  CCLXXXVII.  Yet  more  forrow.  ^n.  hyo.  a  Council  is  called 
in  Killa  ^(tiniaco  (  ^ttigny  )  I  will  give  you  the  Scory  in  the  very 
words  of  BiiintHs  tranflaied,  [  'When  Hincmarus  Bift?op  of  L^on,  for  the 
'  ca/ifi  in  the  forcfaid  Council  expreJfed,h.tdgot  the  Rifcript  of  Pope  Adrian 

•  on  his  behalf,  and  had  notified  it  to  Hincmarus  Rhemenfis,  and  to  King 
'  Charles  ;  both  of  thew,itj  hatred  to  the  Bifmp  of  l^diOn, deer  eed,Tijat  this 
'  Sjnod,  called  Latrocina'.is  *,  fljould  be  called.  There  prefided  in  it ,  Re- 
'  migius  Lugdiinenfis  *,  Ardovicus  Vefontienfis,  Bertulfus  Trevirenfis, 
'  with  their  ftfbjccl  B'JJ.ops.     Herein  H'ncmarus  Rhemenfi?,  with  King 

•  Charles,  was  the  accufer  of  his  IQephew  Hincmarus,  whom  he  had  before 
'  C(i:fecrated  BiJI:op  of  Laon.  The  AElion  brought  againfi  him  was,  That 
'he  -h-id  bj  Coy.mer-writings  defended  the  rigfits  oj  the  Apofiolick^  Sent, 
'  which  the  Archbijhop  of  Rhemes  d:cl  endeavor  to  impugn  and  overthrow*. 
'  And  that, contrary  to  his  Oath  of  Fidelity  in  \$hich  he  was  bound  to  the 
'  King,  he  had  acctJfed  King  Charles  to  the  Pope  of  Kon\C,and  had  without 
'  his  licence  Jent  forth  writings  againfi  him.  And  when  Hincmarus  Lau- 
'  dunenfis,  at  the  Pope's  command,  was  ready  for  his  journey  to  Rome,  he 
'  was  taken  and  fpoiled  by  his  Enemies,  and  brought  into  this  fitlfe  Council. 
'  Having  heard  the  forcfaid  Complaints  againft  him,  he  offered  a  Libel  for 
'  his  defence;  bm  it  was  lejc^ed,  and  not  permitted  to  be  read:  of  which 
'  when  he  again  appealed  to  the  Apoflolick  Seat,  they  did  not  only  not  accept 
'  of  his  Appeal,  but  alfo  beingproftrate  on  the  ground^and  pleading  for  leave 
'  to  defend  himfelf,  he  was  not  heard,  Pajfing  Sentence  on  him,  they  depo- 
'  fed  him  from  his  Bifooprick^ :  and  binding  him  in  hard  and  iron  bands,they 
'  cafi  him  into  banijl:mcnt :  And  at  laft,  which  paffeth  all  cruelty,  his  eyes 
'pulled  out;  they  perhaps  blinded   him  that  he  might  have  no  hope  of  return- 

•  ing  to  his  Bijhopricl^  J  So  far  Bmnius.  And  is  it  credible  that  fuch  great 
and  holy  men  as  Remigius,  and  Hincmarus  (  even  to  his  own  Nephew 
fct  up  by  him  )  would  do  fuch  things  as  thefe  for  nothing?  Orthatthe 
Pope  was  then  as  high  as  fince? 

§73.  CCLXXXVIir.  A  Council  at  Cohn ,  An.  870.  for  Difcip- 

§  74.  CCLXXXIX.  An.  871.  A  Concil  Duz.ianfe  was  called  of  ten 
Provinces  :  where  Jlincmar.  Laudun.  fubfcribed  a  promife  of  obedi- 
ence to  the  King  and  his  Metropolitan.  But  this  did  not  favc  him  : 
There  fore  he  appealed  to  the  Pope  again,  who  interpoicd  for  him  ,  but 
all  would  not  do,  nor  ferve  bis  turn. 

§  7y.  Here  fulls  in  again  the  great  Controverfie  of  Pope  ?oan  a 
Woman, but  it  is  too  hard  forme  to  decide.  He  that  will  fee  what  is 
faid  on  each  fide,  may  road  Blondel  before  cired.  foLn  the  8th  is  he 
that  now  reigncth,  whom  fome  late  Writers  i  re  willing  to  believe  fome 
called  Pope  \oan  in  fcorn  for  his  failings.  But  he  is  zfitv  BeucdiB  the  3d, 


their  Councils  ahndnrd.  z%7 

Nicolas,  and  Hadrian  the  zd  j  whereas  the  fere  omnes^^mh  PJatin^,thc 
many  Writers  that  mention  Pope  foan  place  her  before  them  all.  And 
they  make  fohu  to  be  a  better  man  than  thefe  later  do.  PUtina  cal- 
ling him  fobn  the  yth,  faith,  that  Carols  CalviK  being  dead  ,  Pope  fohn 
laboured  to  have  his  Son  Ludovum  fucceed  him;  but  the  great  men  of 
Rome  were  for  Chiles  King  of  Germany,  and  therefore  laid  hold  on  the  «tD 
Pope,  and  put  him  in  Bonds  in  Prifon  (  his  Univerfal  Sovereignty  reach- 
ed not  far  then.  )  But  he  efcaping  by  the  help  of  Friends  ,  fled  into 
France  to  the  King,  whom  he  unjuftly  pleaded  for,  (JLuiirjiciu  Balb-w,) 
and  there  anointed  him. 

§76.  Before  this  the  Pope  had  anointed  C<«>o/m.' C^fc/«  Emperor  , 
unjultiy  confirming  what  the  Bifhops  had  unjurtly  done,  as  r.ow  he  did 
unjuftly  ftand  for  his  Son.  This  contention  among  Princes,  was  the 
means  of  the  Pope's  power.  Hear  what  Bhmihu  himfclf  fuich  of  him, 
pag.  920.  [  '  The  Saracens  now  dcp.pulared  almsji  all  hi\y, and  all  humane 
'help  failed  in  which  the  Pop:  trhjted  to  expel  tjiem  j  and  he  was  fain  to 
'  briyfeace  of  them  by  a  yearly  Tribute  :  which  fecmid  to  come  by  the  righ' 
'  teoui  jttdgment  ofCod,that  he  might  k^o^v  that  by  the  til  perfiiafon  of 
'  nal  prudence,  he  had  finfuRy  chojen,  created  and  crowned  Carolus  Calvus 
'  Emperor,  beaaufe  he  lool^ed  for  mor:  help  againji  the  Saracens  from  him, 

*  than  from  his   Brother   Ludovicus  j  whom,  for  invading   another  man's 

*  Kingdomjjs  Jhould  rather  by  Chmch-cenfitre  have  e>:agitatcd,as  Hadr.zd. 

*  did.  ]  But  when  Pope  lohn  had  ftay'd  a  year  in  France,  and  the  Sara- 
cens mattered  Italy  without  help,  he  was  glad  to  be  Friends  with  the 
great  men  that  imprifoned  him,  and  to  return  to  Rome,  and  take  Charles 
for  Emperor,  after  all.  Yet  is  it  noted  as  the  rare  Honour  and  Felicity 
of  this  Pope,  that  he  crowned  three  Emperors,  though  he  did  it  for  two 
of  them  trayteroully  and  unjuftly,  (the  honour  of  a  Pope  !)  Platv.a 
faith,  he  crowned  Charles  the  rightful  Heir,.4!.'*<'  "  libcrim  m  urbe  vi- 
vere  liccret,  that  he  might  live  at  Rome  again  (left  he  (hould  lofe 

This  Charles  (  faith  he  J  alfo  fubdued  the  Nortnans  in  Fra'ice  and  7  or- 
YAin,  and  forced  them  to  becojne  Chriltians,  and  be  baptized  :  (And  yet 
this  is  afcribed  to  the  Pope's  converting  them.  ) 

§77.  This  fame  Pope /'o/jH  the  8th,  alfo  at  the  defire  of  the  Empe- 
ror Bafl,  and  the  Patriarch  of  Jerttjalcm,  confcnrcd  to  the  reitormg  of 
P/jof/w,  contrary,  faith  .£/»«/«;,  to  the  Decree  of  his  Prcdeceflbrs,  and 
of  a  General  Council,  and  of  all  their  Oaths. 

§  78.  'But  vvhat  are  Oaths  to  a  difpenfing  Pope  ?  faith  Baronius  and 

*  Bmnius.  In  his  time  Liidov.  1 1.  the  Emperor  was  compelled  bv  A'^al- 
' gifus,  Duke  of  Benevent,  to  fwear  that  he  would  never  more  invade 
; his  Condncs,  nor  revenge  his  Wrongs;  But  the  Pope  ablblved   him 

'  from 

2  8  8  Church- Hjhry  of  (B'tJl)Ops  and 

'  from  tliis  Oath,  bv  the  authority  of  God  and  Sr.  Peter,  affirming  that 
°^  '  which  he  did  to  fJvc  his  life, was  no  hurt  to  him,  and  that  it  was  not 
'  to  be  called  an  Oaili ,  which  was  made  againft  the  good  of  the  Com- 
'  monwealch,  by  how  many  Curfes  foevcr  it  was  pronounced.  Sm 
'  p.  920. 

§79.  There  are  no  lefs  than  jioEpiftles  of  this  Pope  inferted  by 

■>  ^-f".ft-  ^  Bini.itis  in  his  Councils.     The  1 2th  is  to  plead  with  the  Emperor,to  for- 

i^i-r         give  and  reftore  Modtlgcrus  a  Murderer;  and  will  you  hear  the  motive? 

'..irdcrcr  He  had  fled  to  Rome,  and  thereby  merited  pardon  ;  '  N.;m  pro  tanti  iti- 

'•  iicris  labor  e  durJJ]}mo,  cjucm  'vcniendo   perpcjjui   eft,  ficsit  credirKus  ,  ali- 

'  ^uanttilitm  de  ptraUo  fcelere   indulgent i am  meriur,    ejus  uticjue  intercef- 

'  fiov.ibus  adJHtHs  chI  ditium  ejfc'a  Domino  conftat ,  Tibi  dabo  clavep,  &c. 

Accordingly  £^//?.  15.  he  writes  to  the  Bifliop  to  reftore  him  all  his 

Goods  and  Dignities,  though  it  was  contrived  Murder,  becaufc  God  in- 

(pired  him  to  go  to  Rome^  Src. 


§  80.  Many  of  his  Epiftles  are  to  fummon  Bifliops  to  come  to  Rome, 
and  declare  or  threaten  Excommunication  againft  them  if  they  come 
not ;  fuch  an  abufed  thing  was  Excommunication,  by  which  the  Pope 
made  men  his  Subjeds.  £/'//?.  76, 77,  78, 79.  Heftriveth  to  draw  back 
the  King  of  the  Bulgarians  from  the  Griffi^ Church  ,  to  the  Church  of 
A'«wc,and  denounceth  Excommunication  even  to  old  Ignatiiis,iT\d2\\  the 
G'rcf /;  Bifhops  of  the  Diocefs  of  Bulgaria,  for  ordaining  and  officiating 
there,  unlefs  they  give  up  the  Bulgarians  to  Rome. 

Epifl.  174.  He  writes  to  the  faid  King,  as  if  he  wrere  fallen  from 
Chrift,  or  his  faivationioft,  by  fubmitting  to  the  CJref/^  Patriarch,  rather 
,       than  to  him  ;  as  if  the  Converts  of  no  Apoftles  but /^ff^r  were  faved. 
l^p  1^8  \     ^^^  '^'^'  '^'^°  Claves,  and  Anathema's,noiN  are  the  two  words  that  muft 
iSf,  189,  JiJtdue  the  world.     The  Epifl.  ij'y.  to  the  Bulgarian  Nobles,and  Epifi. 
Qc,  192.  176.  are  to  the  fame  purpofe.     As  the  Religion  of  Saints  tends  all  to 
Heaven,  fo  did  thefe  Popes  to  the  advancement  of  their  Kingdom.    And 
whereas  we  now  rake  it  juftly  for  a  fufpicious  fign  of  a  proud  hypocriti- 
cal Preacher,  that  envieth  the  auditory  and  efteem  of  fuch  as  are  prefer- 
red before  him, as  if  other  mens  Preaching  might  net  win  Souls,  as 
well  as  his;   thefe  Popes  could  not  endure  the  croffing  of  their  am- 
bition, when  Kingdoms  took  not  them  for  thfir  Lords. 

Epift.  1 88.  Is  to  judifie  a  man  that  baptized  his  own  Child  in  danger 
of  death,  for  which  -rt//;/(r/«»  Bifhopof  Leffjovic.  ju6ged  him  to  be  fepa- 
ratedfrom  his  Wife.  Were  not  thefe  two  Bilhops  judicious  Cafuilts? 
Was  either  of  them  in  the  right  ? 

After  many  other  Epillles,ftriv!ng  with  and  for  the  Bulgarians,as  be- 
longing to  his  Diocefs,  he  .Ejp;/.  195'.  chideth  Methodius  Archh]{hop  of 
Pannouia,  for  turning  from  his  Laws,  and  in  fi)ecial  for  celebrating  Di- 
c^     vine  Service  in  the  Sclavonian  Tongue,  which  is  barbarous,commanding 


their  Councils  nhyulgcd.  28 


him  to  do  it  only  in  Latme  or  Grccl^.  Voii  fee  how  the  Pope  would 
cdifie  the  Barbarians  if  he  be  their  partor.  This  is  the  firft  Papal  de- 
cree that  I  remember  againft  publick  prayers  in  a  known  tongue. 

Bur,  alas!  his  neighbour /M//rfH  Bifhops  had  not  yet  fully  learnt  the 
extent  of  his  authority:  fending  for  many  BiOiops  on  pain  of  excom- 
munication to  wait  on  him,  and  to  obey  him,  old  Aufperttis  Archbifh-  «gjj 
op  of  v?/;/4«  was  one  that  difbbeyed  him;  and  being  forbidden  to  clfi- 
ciate  by  him,  conformed  not  to  his  filencing  and  fufpending  decree,  but 
went  on  in  his  office  as  a  Nonconformift.  The  Pope  fent  two  Bifhops 
as  Legates  to  admonifh  him:  He  kept  them  at  the  dore»  and  fct  light 
by  their  mefTage ;  for  which  the  Po[c  chideth  him,  Epifl.   196. 

Epifi.  197.  He  flattereth  King  Ludovkus  to  come  to  licwc  and  own 
him,  in  hope  that  he  maybe  Emperor  and  all  Kingdoms  fub;e<ft  to  him. 

Epifi.  199,  200,  201,  202,  203.  Heconfenteth  to  the  rcftoringof 
Phot  ins,  but  chargethhim  to  give  up  the  Bulgarians  to  bis  jurifdiftion. 

Many  perfons  in  many  F.[)iftles  he  exhorteih  to  break  their  Cove- 
nants with  the /'.i^.iw/,  and  chideth  and  threatneth  them  thatdid  it  nor. 

Epijb.  247.  The  inclination  of  StcNtopu.'cher  a  Panuonian  Lord  to  the 
Church  of  Rome,  brought  down  the  Popes  heart  to  difpenfc  with  Afe- 
thodiu*,  and  changed  his  judgment  to  give  very  fair  rcafbn  why  Mafs  '^B 
and  Gofpcl  and  all  might  be  ufed  in  the  ScUvonian  and  all  tongucSj  only 
to  keep  up  the  honour  of  the  Latinc  tongue  r  and  his  authority  )  he 
commandeth  that  though  the  reft  be  done  in  the  Sclavonian,  yet  the 
Gofpel  be  firft  read  in  Latine,and  then  trarflated  and  read  over  again  in 
the  Sclavonian. 

Epifi.   2yo.2p.  Heapproreth  OiPhorimh  reftitution, 

Epift.  2)6.  He  is  fain  to  chide  yiulpcn  Bifhop  of  y1 /;/*?•; ;  that  Jn- 
ftead  of  fearing  his  fentence  ,  he  laid  in  prifon  two  Monks  fent  by  the 
Pope,  and  taken  on  the  high  way.  But  his  heart  came  down  at  laft, 
and  he  fjieaks  ^tifpertiis  fair ,  and  alloweth  of  his  ordination  of  fojcph 
Epifi.  yljlcKJis,  though  irregular. 

Epif.  260  and  commandeth  his  Arch- Deacon  to  obey  hfm. 

EpijK  261.  After  this  he  excommunicateth  the  Archbifhop  of  Raven- 
na, and  a  great  ftir  there  was  about  that  alio. 

Epifi  .292.  He  had  made  one  Optandus  Eifhop  of  Genszw.  But  Optc- 
rawHs  Archbifhop  of  f^tcnna  took  it  to  be  an  ufurpation  on  his  right, 
and  laid  the  Popes  Bifhop  in  a  mifcrable  prifon  ;  fo  far  was  he  yet  from 
being  where  he  would  be. 

Epifi.  294.  Having  excommunicated  ^thanafius  Bifhop  of  Xaplcs 
for  not  breaking  his  Covenant  with  the  Saracens^  he  ahfolveth  him 
on  condition  that  ytt  he  '.vill  break  ir.  The  matter  was  that  the  Ita- 
lians not  able  to  refift  the  Saracens,  thofe  that  lay  next  them  under 
their  power  fought  to  fave  themfeives  bv  truce  and  tribute,by  which 
means  the  S^iraans  had  leifure  to  come  further  near  to  Rome ;  and  Co  the 
Pope  to  keep  them  from  himfcif  compelled  by  excommunications  the 

P  p  Lords 

2^  Lhurch-Hijlory  cf  Bijho^s  and 

Lords  and  Bifliops  of  other  parts  to  break  their  league,  and  ftand  up  in 
arms  to  their  own  deftrudtion. 

That  you  may  know  what  Bifhops  now  ruled  the  Churches. 

Epifi.  a9j.  The  forefaid  B;fhop  of  Cicnna  giveth  one  reafon  why 
ov"  he  rejefted  Optar.dus  ordained  Bifhop  of  Geneva  h-^  the  Pope,  viz.. 
["  Bccaufe  he  never  rvas  either  haptiz^ed,  made  Clerl^,  accUmed,  or 
" learned'^  To  which  faith  the  Pope  [  Thiijhould  he  covered  tnjilence , 
" bccan(e  [tVf  tis  fpeak^it  with  jour  charity]  your  holincfs  having  nothing 
"  of  thffe  was  jet  confecrated  in  the  Church  of  Vienna."]  was  not  here 
good  fucceffion,  and  a  holy  Church.  Bifhops  unbaptized  that  were  no 
Scholars  and  no  Chriftians. 

Epifi.  1^6.  One  Bifhop  by  an  armed  band  of  men  carrieth  away  a- 
nother  out  of  the  Church ,  and  the  Pope  interpoftth. 

Epijf.  297.  He  again  foliciteth  Michael  King  of  the  Bulgarians 
to  become  his  fubjecft.  The  poor  men  that  had  chofen  Chrift,  were  fb 
perplexed  between  the  Priefts  that  Itrove  who  fhould  be  their  Vice- 
Chrift,  and  King  of  Kings,  that  it  Teemed  as  hard  to  them  to  refolve 
the  doubt,  as  it  before  was  to  be  Chriftians. 

Yet  Epif},  307.  fheweth,  the  Bifhop  of  Ravenna  being  dead,  that 
yet  the  Roman  ufurpation  was  not  grown  fo  high  as  to  take  the  choice 
of  the  Bifliop  out  of  the  People  and  Presbyters  hands,  except  in  long 
negledcd  vacancies  (as  Cfw^'Z'^  aforefaid.J 

Had  not  this  Pope  bec-n  kept  under  by  Gods  judgments,  fufferingthe 
Saracsns  fo  to  rulne  Italy  as  that  he  ftill  needed  the  liclp  of  Princes,  he 
had  been  like  to  have  overthrown  Romeh^^  his  ufurpations,  fettingboth 
Princes  and  Prelates  againft  him:  But  necefTity  made  him  a  flatterer  cf 
the  two  Emperors  of  the  Weft,  the  Emperor  of  the  Eaji-,  the  King  of 
France,  the  King  of  ^/^/^^tri^,  the  Princes  of  Pannotiia,  and  all  that  be 
needed,  as  ambition  made  him  ftill  Itriving  by  Tibi  dabo  cUves,  and  ^- 
nathcmatiung  to  affright  the  world  to  his  obedience.  I  fay  not  worfe 
of  him  than  Bdronms,  Binnitis,  &C.  who  have  no  other  way  to  deny  the 
Hiftories  of  Pope  Joan,  than  by  faying  that  this  mans  bafcr  compliance 
mnde  him  called  Pope  Joan. 

Baronius  ad  an.  879,  ».  5>;.reciteth  an  Epiftle  of  this  Popes  fo  greatly 
complying  with  Photim  even  againft  the  [^Filioquen~]  that  Bmnitts  would 
haveus  believe  that  Phot  ins  forged  it.  And  [_"  epijiolam  ipfam  sterna  obli- 
"  vienc  dignam  mini  (faith  he)  hifce  adjungi.'j 

§81.  CCXC.^«.876.  a  Concilium  Tianenfe  maketh  C/:'^>/<jEmperor 
when  the  Pope  that  had  crov/ned  Z.«i:^i7t'jc«;  before  callethC/^^'-Z^x,  pr^:- 
Jcttum,  prach^um  et  prmdcjiinatumhttciOy  with  all  honourable  Elogies. 

And  here  comcth  in  a  great  controverfie  between  the  Papifts,  and 

K^      the  Protcftants ;  vi:L.  Whether  Kings  fucceed  by  inheritance  or  by  the 

eledion  and  making  of  the  Pope.     The  Pope  thought  the  craft  of  pur,- 

ting  in  a  big  ufurping  word,  was  as  good  as  a  Law  to  prove  their  own 

power  to  make  Kings  and  unmake  them.  Accordingly  this  Pope  when  he 

^      '  durft 

their- Councils  ribriikCi^'-'  201 

durftftayfrom  Romc'm  France  r\o  longer,  left  l:e  loft  all,  ('being  impri- 
foned  for  rcfufing  the  right  Heir  Charles)  returneth,  and  fpeakcth  fome 
big  words,  and  turneth  forced  confent  into  fupcr-Kingly  commands,  and 
faith  (  Bin.  p.  icio)  cligimns  mento  et  appiobAViTnus']  fclemnite"  ad 
Romani  Irnperii  fceptrtt  provcximus)  et  ^ugufiali  ncmir.e  d:ccravimits,Scc. 
And  to  difable  the  Kingly  claim  of  inheritance  he  faith,  X^Necjue  emnifi- 
bi  honorew  prAfumpttioft  a/fhrnpfit,  ur  Imperator  furet,  fed  tanquam  dejt- 
deratus,  ct  optatus,  pofruUtus  A  NOBIS,  tt  a  Deo  vocatus,  ct  honor :fi- 
catu!  ad  defendeiidam  religicncm  et  Chrifii  xticjuc  fervos  tuctidos,  humiliter 
et  OBEDIE^TER  acceffit,  &:c.  Nifi  enim  talem  cognovtjfcmtu  ejus  tii- 
tentiencm  nim(jif.irK  animtts  nofier  fieret  rum  protKpnis  ad  ip/im  promottonem, 
tv'c.  So  if  the  Pope  had  not  liked  him,  the  Emperor's  hereditary  right 
had  never  made  him  Emperor.  And  the  flattering  Bifliops  fay  to  the 
Pope  (5»;;.  p.  1010.)  Kt  non  vcs prius  eligcret,  fed  contra  vos  eum  et 
cligeretts  et  diligeretisiEt  nos  O  Coangelice  Papa,  zefligiavefira  feci  antes  et 
faluuria  monita  rcciptentes,<jucm  amatis  afM,imfis,(fU;rK  cligiffise/ig!mi(s,&'c. 

And  now  comes  in  BmntHs  with  his  Comment  and  faith  x)Aix{would  cm 
"  rcfi  aiiory  noz'cLills,  who  with  great  temerity  dare  profcfs  that  the  Komiv^       ^ 
"  Popes    in   the  crowning   of  Emperors  have  no   other  right    tl.en  barely 
"mtnijlcrialij'  to  anoint  and  crown  them,  had  but  known  thcfc  yifts  (^*)Thcy  ( ')  \vc 
"  would  from  them  have  /earned  that  that  Pope  John  (alias  Joan)  did  not  "ow 
"only  anctnt  and  crown  Charles,  but  alfo  by  Cods  inflinil  did  chcofe  him  ''"'j'^ 
"to  govern  the  Empire,  andraifed  him  to  that  fteblime  dignity  honour ino 
"him  with  the  Augafial  n.imr^  before  he  was  anointed  and  crowned  by  him^ 
and  that  the  Empire  was  conferred  on  him,   not  by  hereditary  right  ofjuc- 
ceffion,  but  by  the  will  of  the  Pope  who  chofe  him  and  granted  it  to  him.'] 
BE  WISE  therefore  OTE  KINGS,  BE  tnflrucled  ye  that  are  fudges  of 
the  earth — Kifs   the  J'opes  foot  lefi  he   be  angry  and  ye  perijh  in  the  waj  ; 
Ij  his  wrath  be  kindled,  yea,   but  a  little,  &'C. 

§  82.  CCXCI.  An,  879.  A  concilium  Pont igonenfe  confirmed  the  choice 
"oj Charles  where  ith  fiid  {Bin.  p.  1012)  ff  leg.'t  Johannes  Arietinus 
"Epifcopus  r,nandam  fclftduUm  ratione  et  author  it  ate  carcntem:  Pojl/jstam 
"legit  Odo  Belgivacoriim  Fpifopus  ejuedam  Capitula  a  Legatis  Apoficli- 
" CIS,  et  ab  Aniegifo  (the  Popes  Vtcar)  et  codcm  Odoue  Jine  con/cicntia 
"  fynodi  diClata,  inter  Je  dijjona,  et  nu.'Ltm  uttlitatem  habentia,  voiim  et 
"  raticne  et  a/fthoritate  c.irentia,  et  lAcohic  non  habentur  fubjuntla.~\ 

§  85.  CCXCI f.  An.  877,  A  council  in  Neufina  (Normandie)  under 
Hincmanis  Khemen ft s  rebuked  Hugo  bafe  Son  oi Lotharius  for  rebellion 
and  devaftation  of  the  Country. 

§  84.  CCXCIII.  An.  878.  a  concilium  Trecenfe  where  the  Pope 
was  prefent  excommunicated  Formofus{  Portuenfis  (one  of  the  former 
Popes  preachers  to  the  Bulgariar:s ,  and  one  that  was  after  Pope  him- 
fclf^  Alfb  Hincmanis  Lattduntnfs  was  rcl^ored  blind,  and  ioyned 
with  the  other  that  had  his  Place,  ('and  fo  one  Church  had  two  Bilhops 
infpite  of  his  uncle  Hmcmarus  Rhemcnfs  that  oppofed  it,  and  had 
both  put  him  in  andcaft  him  our.  P  p  2  §  '^^- 

2  o  2  Church-Hijlory  of  'Bijlcps  and 


§  85.  CCXCIV,  yln.  879.  Was  a  Council  of  the  Popes  at  Rome  for 
his  unrighteous  making  Ludovicus  3.  Emperor,  the  Pope  challeng- 
ing the  lirft  choice  :  But  ^ufpertus  Bifhop  of  /!///.?«  came  not  and  re- 
filkd,  and  though  fas  you  heard)  excommunicated  by  the  Pope,  did 
help  to  turn  the  choice  to  the  right  Heir. 

§  86.  CCXCV.  Befides  fume  petty  Council  at  Rome,  there  was 
an.  ^79-  a  General  Council  at  Confiantimplc  of  385^  Bifhops  where 
Photius  was  confirmed,  and  the  former  General  Council  fcalled  the  8th 
g;^  alfoj  abrogated,  and  the  word  [f.lioeju:']  taken  out  of  the  Creed:  The 
Papifts  fay  that  the  Pope  confented  only  to  this  as  for  P/iotius's  reftituti- 
on,  and  not  for  the  abrogation  of  the  former  Council;  and  that  Photiia 
corrupted  his  writing,  and  fo  they  would  make  all  writings  uncertain. 
They  fay  that  Pope  foh»''s  epiftle  is  by  the  wonderful  providence  of 
God  found  yet  without  fome  claufes  added  by  Pfjotius,  whom  they  call 
the  great  architeft  of  lyes:  But  the  Greckj  will  no  more  believe  the  late 
found  Ltitcram  or  other  Roman  Copies,  than  the  Romans  will  believe 
the  Grff^ Copies.  And  how  (hall  we  know  which  of  them  to  believe? 
( Andhow  little  doth  it  concern  us  ?) 

§  87. It  muft  be  a  controverfie  alfo  whether  this  Council  muftbe  cal- 
UAOccumoiical-.l  have  oft  proved  that  there  was  never  any  truly  fuch  as 
to  all  the  world.     There  were  385  Bifhops  which  is  more  than  the 
firft  Council  at  Nice  had,  or  moil  others :     The  Popes  Legates  were 
*^      there;  Oh  but,raith  Binnius,  It  was  mt  they  but  Phot  ins  that  did  preftdc, 
'•  therefore  it  vras  not  genera!.     Anf.   r.  Let  the  world   know  then  what 

maketli  a  general  Council  in  the  Papal  lenfe:  It  doth  not  reprefent  all 
the  Church  unlefs  the  Popes  Legates  prefide.    So  much  doth  it  import 
to  know  which  Prieftis  the  greateft. 
1  2.  But  did  liinnius  ioxgtt  that  he  himfelf  affirmeth  that  at  the  firft 

f  General  Council  at  ConftantinopU  the  Pope  did  not  prefide  by  himfelf  or 

^  any  Legate.     And  yet  that  is  one  of  the  4th.  Councils  equalled  with 

the  four  Gofpcls ;  and  the  Pope  dare  not  deny  it  \citiheGreckj  further 
liereticate  or  anathematize  him. 
^  But  faith  Binnius,   It  was   no  General  Cotincil  becaufe  there  tnanj 

frands  and impojltires.     u4nf.  By  that  rule  Trent  had  no  General  Coun- 
cil, nor  Florence,  Src.  And  fo  it  is  left  to  the  judgment  of  all  men  to 
nullifie  fuch  Councils  w.hich  they  can  prove  to  have  had  frauds  and  im- 
poflures.     And  muft  we  alio  nullifie  the  Papacie  of  them  that  have  had- 
fuch  frauds? 

§  88.  Is  it  a  grand  queftion  whether  Pope  fohn  confirmed  this  Coun- 

Icil.  The  approbation  is  extant.  But  the  Reprobaters  fay  1.  that  he 
put  in  fome  terms  of  limitation  (fo  far  as  his  Legates  went  right)  2. 
that  he  after  ex  umbone  condemned  Photius,  8fc. 

But  1.  Is  it  not  a  General  Council  if  the  Popes  Legates  confent  till 
lie  perfbnally  confirm  it .''    Were  all  former  Councils  null,  till  the  Popes 
pcrfynal  confirmation.?  wliatare  his  Leg^es  for  tben?    2.  As  his  Le- 

their  Councils  abridged.  295 

gates  may  miftake,  fo  may  he  himfelf:  ts  it  null  then  till  he  redlifie  his 
Error?  3.  By  this  we  fee  how  impofTibie  it  is  to  know  the  rewGofpIe 
ofthePapiftsj  which  is  Canonical  from  the  Apocryphal.  For  (as  Pope  ^ 
Martin's  Conciliaritcr  3Uer,Co')  here  and  elfw here  the  Popes  havefo  am- 
biguoufly  given  their  confent  that  no  wit  of  man  can  tell  what  is  con- 
fcntcd  to  by  them,  and  what  not  (as  their  controverfies  confelled,  C'c. 

§  89.  At  leaft  whether  the  Pope  confented  or  no ,  feeing  in  this 
Council  the  former  8th.  General  Council  was  condemned,  and  the  Jili- 
o^«ir  expunged  the  Creed,  we  fee  how  ridiculoufly  our  late  Papifts  ar- 
gue from  the  confent  of  Councils  to  prove  the  coflftant  Tradition  of  the  'ta 
Churchy  faying.  Did  the  Council  go  to  bed  m  one  mind  and  rife  in  another? 
Did  thefe  385'  Bi/Joops  doCo?  or  did  the  former  whom  they  condemn- 
ed do  fo?  Is  this  the  fmooth  Current  of  Tradition?  and  may  we  know 
by  it  what  our  Fathers  held? 

§  90.  When  the  other  Legates  conftnted,  Jlfarinus,  who  was  after 
Pope,  diflenting,  he  was  laid  in  prifon  thirty  daycs  at  CoHft.inttnopk. 

In  the  firft  Aift  of  the  Council,  as  5<iro;;;,v;  tells  us,  /'o/;i«  Biflicp  of 
Heraclca  fpake  much  againft  the  Church  of  Rome,  which  he  (aid  was 
the  original  of  all  the  mifchief  that  had  bcfain  them;  to  overthrow  and 
and  cure  which  this  Council  was  called.  Much  alfo  againft  Pope  A'»- 
colas  and  Hadrian  he  fj^ake,  but  for  Pope  folm  as  being  for  them.  In 
the  2d.  Atl  was  read  an  epiftleof  the  Patriarch  of  Alexandria,  to  the 
Emperor  for  abrogating  the  former  8th.  Synod:  And  Thomas  one  oi 
the  three  Legates  of  the  Eaflcm  Patriarchs  that  confented  to  the  for- 
mer Synod  ('the  reft  being  dead)  made  his  penitent  recantation.  Tiieii 
the  epifttes  of  the  Patriarchs  offcnifalcm  and  Antioch  for  Photms  are 
read,  &c.  In  the  third  Atl,  Pope  J'ci;/s  letters  were  read,  as  endea- 
vouring the  peace  of  the  £j/?fr;;  Church;  which  the  Council  took  as 
a  bufy  pretending  to  more  power  than  he  had,  and  therefore  fjid  that 
"they  had  peace  before  hrf  letters  came,  .tndthat  they  n-erejuperfluous.  And: 
whereas  he  made  it  his  bufinefs  by  this  complyance,  to  get  the  Buha- 
rian  Diocefs;  They  faid  this  was  to  controvert  the  bounds  of  the 
Empire,  and  therefore  left  it  to  the  Emperor.  In  the  4th  A<ft  the 
£rf/f>-;;  Patriarchs  letters  were  read,  difclaiming  their  Legates  at  the 
laft  Council,  a?  being  not  theirs  but  \.\\e  Sriaetns  Legates:  and  con- 
demning that  Council.  The  Papifts  think  rhotiits  forged  thefe.  Here 
alfo  Lords  profelTed  repentance,  faying  that  the  falfc  Legates  deceived 
them.  In  the  jth.  A<ft  Aietrophanes  Bifhop  of  Smyrna  is  accufed  of 
Schifm,  for  being  againft  P/jor/Aj,  Three  Canons  alfo  were  made,  i, 
That  thofe  excommunicate  by  the  Bifiiop  of  Rome  fliould  not  be  rcftor- 
cd  by  the  Bifhop  ofConfiantinople.  Nor  thofe  that  were  e>;commnni- 
cated  by  the  Bifliop  ofConftantinople  be  reftored  by  the  Bifhop  of  Rome: 
fand  fo  Rome  was  fliut  out  from  troubling  rhem  with  pretended  jtirif- 
didion.)  2.  That  thofe  that  forfake  their  Bifhopricks  fliall  not  return 
to  them.     3.  Againft  Magiftratcs  that  eniUvc  and  beat  Bifiiops.     In 



-94  Chunh-Hijlory  cf  'Bijhojjs  md 

the  6ih.  A<fi:  the  Creed  was  recited  ivikhoin  filio^He.     And  in  the  7th. 
ul!  tho(c  rlhir  Qiould  add  to  it  or  diininifli  are  Anathematized. 

§  91.  CCXCVI.  A  Council  of  the  Popes  at  ^^wc  excommunicated 
^■^iha>i.:fi.:s  Biftiop  and  Prince  of  N.iples\  for  not  brealcing  his  league 
With  the  Snracciis. 

§  92.  John  i)cA.  Afarinas  is  made  Po[ie,  commanded  by  his  prcdc- 
ctllor,  called  by  VLiiin:i,Mart'tn,  who  faith  that  he  Came  to  the  Pope- 
dom, malis  artibni,  and  therefore  did  noihirg  and  foondyeci.  But  Bare- 
iiius  fjith  he  lived  long  enough  to  do  fomething,  viz..  1.  He  con- 
demned Photlfi!  again,  and  thereby  provoked  the  Emperor;  as. 
}f  Rome  did  ftili  (etthe  imperial  Church  in  contention,  and  hinder  peace. 
The  Emperor  affirmed  that  he  was  no  Bifhop  oC  Rome,  becaule  he  had 
been  ordained  Bifliop  of  another  place.  2.  He  deftroyeth  what  Pope 
foljH  \ud  done,  who  had  depofed  Formofus  preacher  to  the  Buln.iri- 
ans,  and  Bifhop  Pcr/«f«/;i,  and  had  mide  him  fwear  thAt  he  would  nevev 
return  to  the  Epifcopal  [eM  ,  but  refl  content  with  Laj-CominHmom  But 
Pope  Marinus  recalled  him  to  the  City  and  reftored  him  to  his  Bifh- 
oprlck,  and  ablblved  him  from  his  oath,  which  BAronms  zvA  BiMiins 
^  .doubt  not  but  he  had  j)ower  to  do  ;  yea  ,  and  to  difpenfe  with  the  ill 
acfts  of  the  Pope,  which  he  did  out  of  private  aifedls  and  partiality. 

§  93.  In  his  time  alfo  the  Church  of  Rome  ufed  FUio-^ue,  in  oppofi- 
•cun  to  Vhotius;  Spain  and  France  having  ufcd  it  before.  Becaufe,  faith 
B.'.rmiius  and  Binnius,  Vhotius  hid  wrote  about  it  to  the  Ignorant 
and  ^..'/p^.^f/c.j/Archbiriiop  of  Acjuilela.  (There  was  it  feems  there  i'o 
many  of  the  grcateft  Bifliops  Impcnti  et  Schifmntict  in  the  Papal  fcn(e, 
w.^  Intimatcth  that  as  the  Popes  greatnefs rofe  in  height,  it  did  not  grow 
equally  in  length  and  breadth.J 

§  94.  Marinns  having  reigned  a  year  and  twenty  dayes  fa  fhorc 
pleallire  to  fell  eternal  happinefs  for)  Hadrian  the  third  fucceeded  him, 
and  had  longer  part  of  the  ufurpcd  Kingdom,  viz..  a  year  and  three 
months  and  nineteen  dayes.  He  alio  damned  Vhotius,  and  was  bitterly 
reproached  by  (he  Emperor  Bafdms,  whofe  contumelious  letters  found 
him  dead,  and  his  fnccelfor  anfwered  them.  (Was  all  the  Chrif^ian  world 
now  (till  Ltd! her)  \\\h)c(X.  to  the  Pope?) 

Hat  ma  faith  of  this  Pope,  that["//f  ir^j  of fo  great  a /pint  that  in  the 
"  very  beginning  of  his  Vapac^ ,  he  flraitxvay  decreed  th%t  Vopes/lioald  be 
"  made  without  expeHing  the  Emperors  authority,  and  that  the  fuffr^tges 
"»of  the  clergy  and  PEOPLE  Ji.'ould  be  free  :  which  was  before  by  Pope  Ni- 
"  coias  rather  attempted  than  indeed  begun.  He  was  I  fuppufe  encouraged 
"  by  the  opportunity  of  Charles  his  departing  with  his  army  from  Italy /o 
"fiibduethe  rebelling'HoTmi'^s,']     Rome  wasftill  on  the  rifing  hand. 

§  95.  Stephen  the  jth.  alias  6ih.  fucceeded  him.  In  his  time  Ca- 
roll-.:  Crajfits  the  Emperor  is  by  a  convention  of  Lords  and  Bifbops  de- 
pofed from  his  Empire  as  too  dull  and  unworthy.  (Kings  were  brought 
tinder  as  eletflive  by  the  Pope^  and  now  are  at  the  mercy  of  their  fub- 


their  Councils  abridged. 

2  0- 

jerts.)  -4r»«/jp^«j  a  baft  fbn  of  Caro/omannus  got  3n  intereit  in  the  (iib- 
jecfls,  and  they  depofed  the  Emperor  and  let  him  up.     B^ror.nn  at,d  Saiih  B.i. 
Bmnitis  afcribe  it  to  Gods  judgment  for  Charles  Iiis  wronging  oi  Ruhur-  ^<"""»and 
dit   a  pure  Virgin,  yet  repudiated  by  him.     They  fay  that  he  was  re-  jj^""""» 
duced  to  fuch  poverty  that  he  was  fain  to  beg  his  bread  of  AfnulphHs,  rl  c  uth. 
and  dyed  888  in  the  41I1  year  of  his  Umpire.  lauh  p,.,- 

§  96.  The  Letter  againft  the  Pope  written  by  the  Emperor  Bafliui  '.""'>  ^'"•'■' 
the  Papifts  will  not  let  us  fte:     But  this  Pope  Sthepkcnh  anfwer  to  it  '"^'"-'f'''- 
they  give  us,  which  runs  on  the  old  roundation,trayrcrous  to  Magiftra-  Whatccr- 
cy  as  fuch.     Telling  the  Emperor  that  i"The  S^cerdotul  a)i(i  ^poJloU-  tainty  is 
" cal  dignity  is  not  fubjeEl  to  Kings,    and  that   Kings  are  authoriz.(d  to  ''crc- 
"meddle  only  with  worldly  matters,  and  the  Pope  and  Priefls  with  fpirttual. 
"  And  therefore  his  Place  isas  far  more  excellent  than  Emperors,  as  heaven 
"is  above  earth^     He  tells  the  Emperor  that  m  reviling  the  Pope  o,''Rome 
"he  blattered  out  blafphemy  againfl  the  God  of  all  the  worlU^  anUhis  imma- 
-'  cttlate  Spotife  and  Priefl  and  the  Af other  of  all  Churches :  Aiai  that  he  « 
''deceived  that  thinketh  £that  the  Difciple  (  Princes')   is  above  his  mafl- 
"cr   (jhe  Pricjfs,)  and  the  fcrvant  above  his  Lord.      He  wondcreth  at  his 
"taunts  and  feoffs  againji  the  holy  P"pe;  and  the  curfcs  or  reproaches  which 
''  he  loaded  the  Roman  Church  with,  to  which  he  ought  with  all  veneration 
"to  be  fubjeH:,  as  King,  who  made  him  the  judge  of  Prelates  whofc  dollrine 
"  he  mttfi  obey,  and  wLy  he  faid  MdiV\m\$  was  no  BiJI^cp,  5cc.  By  this  the 
reader  may  perceive  whether  yet  all  tlie  Chriltian  world  obeyed  the 
Pop^,  or  judged  him  to  be  their  Governor. 

§  97.  How  Voyt  FortnoJDs  (tt  up  n7,.'»  Duke  of  S/'c/cfo  trayteroufly     .^ 
as  Emperor  till  he  was  forced  to  loyalty,  is  after  to  be  laid. 

§  98.  CCXCVIT.  An.  8S7.  A  Council  at  Co/«;  under  Charles  Cr.^f 
fi<s,  made  Canons  ajiainft  Sacrilege  and  Aduhcrv. 

§.  99.  CCXGVIU.  An.  888.  A  Council  at '^.v;/;^,)while  they  were 
all  in  diltrefs  by  tke  depopulations  of  the  Normans  )  firtt  decreed  to 
pray  for  the  King,  and  then  tell  him  that  "Rex  dicitnr  a  Rcgcndo:  And 
"  if  he  rule  pioufly^  j"^^)  and  mercifully  he  is  jufily  called  a  Kiiit,  but  if 
"  impioufly,  unjujfly,   and  cruelly  he  is  a  Tyrant, 

Can.    10.   "  former  Synods  all  11  omen  to  dwell  in  the  houfe       .^ 
"  with  Bifhops,  or  Priejh  ,or  Deacons,  except  Alotners  or  Sijicrs^  thiy  now 
"forbid  thcfe  alfo,  hearing  oft  of  the  wickedii.fs  committed  bjtiitm  ,  nnd  that 
"  BiJ}:ops  (o>-  Priefts)  lay  with  their  own  Sijlcrs,  and  begat  Children  of  them. 

But  to  ftcure  them  from  all  conviction  fur  any  luch  crime  it  is  dc  "£3 
creed  Chjp.  the  12.  "that  no  Prcfbyrer  accufe  anjf  Btjloop,  nor  any  Dca- 
" co:-t  a  Prcflyter,  nor  any  Subdeacon  a  Deacon,  6cc.  ylnd  that  no  Pi  elate 
"  be  condemned  but  under  feventy  two  witneffes-^  and  the  chiefPreiate  i>e  judg- 
"  ed  of  no  man.  An. I  a  Cardinal  presbytjr  not  u.idsr  feriytwo  witncjfs;<;or 
"a  Cardinal  Deacon  under  twenty  fix:  S^bie  acois,  Aclyties  Exercifts, 
"  LeB:ors,  Doorkeepers,  not  under  f even  :  and  thefe  wiihou:  ii.famj  having 
"Wives  and  Children  ]    And  indeed  that  Bifliop  thic  wou!d  lie  with  his  - 

own  . 


Church-Hijlory  of  'B'tjhops  and  J 


own  Silkr  in  the  prefcnce  offeventy  two  men  tbac  had  wives  and  Chil- 
dren ck  (crvcd  to  be  blamed. 

Clnp.  I '>.  "Oijcthat  wllfnlly  murdered  a  Pricfi,  to  forbear  fiejh 
"  un.i  wine,  and  not  to  b:  carried  in  a  Coach. and  not  come  to  Church  in  five 
"jean,  ar.d  not  to  receive  the  SucrnmeKt  of  twelve  years  it  ft  (r. 

§  ICO.  Bmni-M  here  addeth  an  oblcrvable  note,thjc  ylrnulphus  is  call- 
ed onlyKir:;7  at  firftand  not  Emperor,  ic  being  «rp^  unlawful  to  alTume 
the  name  orKmperor  till  it  were  given  by  the  Pope]  O  brave  Pope  ! 

§  1 01.  CCXCIX.A  Council  at  Mctz.  under  the  fame  Norman  calami- 
tics  decreed  (iich  like  things.  Ch.7p.  2.  They  decreed  that  no  Presby- 
ter fhould  have  more  than  one  Church  (unlefs  a  Chappclj  and  none 
rake  money  for  burials.  Ch^ip.  3.  that  Mothers  or  Sifters  dwell  not 
in  the  houfe  with  Bifhops  or  Prieft?.  But  ftill  capital  crimes  were 
puniflied  but  with  excommunication  and  penance.  Ch.rp.  7.  One  that 
forced  a  widow:  Another  that  killed  his  kinfman ,  and  married  his 
his  Wife,  and  fwore  to  the  Archbifhop  to  forfake  her  and  did  not,  was 
excommunicate.  And  fo  were  fome  that  gelded  a  Prieft  for  reproving 
their  hhhinefs, 

§  102.  CCC.  A  Council  at  H'<;r»?fx  was  called  to  end  a  controverfic 
between  two  Prelates,  Bifbops  of  Co/en  and  H^imbu/g,  ftriving  for  Bre- 
me-.i  (to  have  greater  Diocelics  and  jurifdivftion. J 

§  105 .Next  Cometh  the  forementioned  Pope  Form->ftis,  faith  Onuphri- 
?.';the  firft  Pope  thatever  was  mideof  one  that  before  had  been  a  Bifh- 
op.  For  the  old  Canons  oft  decreed  that  no  Bifliop  remove  from  his 
firft  place  :  only  when  one  was  ordained  againft  his  will, and  not  confent- 
ing  never  pofTeft  the  Place,  fometimeshewas  accepted  to  another.  Now 
was  the  fourteenth  time  that  Rome  had  two  Bifliops  at  once  by  fchifm. 
Sergius  got  in  to  be  Pope,  but  they  forced  him  to  reflgn,  and  banifhcd 
him.  Formcfus  was  well  efteemed  of  for  his  preaching  to  the  5«/g<«- 
rtans;  but  Pope  John  8  ffome  think  for  reproving  his  finj  dcpofed  him 
{'as  afore  faid)  and  made  him  fwear  never  to  return  to  be  a  BiHiop: 
^nt  Mar  inns  abfolved  him,  and  he  came  in  thus  perjured  j  notwith- 
i):anding  the  faife  pretence  of  Papifts  that  the  Pope  can  difpenfe  with 
fijch  oaths;  the  matter  of  them  being  a  thing  lawful,  but  not  necellary. 
TUtina  faith  that  he  was  furpe(fted  to  have  a  hand  in  the  tumult  that 
imprifoned  Pope  "(ohn ,  and  that  he  came  to  the  Popedom  Largitione 
potius  virtute,  by  gifts  rather  th^n  virtue,  that  is,  by  Simonie. 

He  did  (lawfully  if  you  will  believe  Baronius  and  Binmus')  crc^iXe,  a- 
noint,  and  confecrate  Lambert,  after  his  Father  n';Wo.EmperorCrhat  was 
not  Heir:)  yet  after  confecrated  ylrmdphus  ('its  like  by  conftr^intjj  for 
€t  fuch  things  the  Ronian  Nobles  hated  him.  But  he  got  ■■'.mKlphus  to 
Rome-^  who  revenged  the  Pope  by  beheading  many  of  the  Princes  that 
were  hafting  to  meet  him,  which  was  not  like  to  win  mens  love. 

§.  104.  He  wrote  an  honeft  Epiftle  to  the  Englifh  Clergie,  perfwad- 
jng  them  to  keep  up  the  miniftry,  and  reproving  them  for  indulging 
Pagan  rites. 

atid  their  (^oiijicils  cibrid^cd.  5  i  5 

CHAP.    XI. 

The  Trogrefs  of  Cowifeh  till  Leo  ^th.  efpccially  in  Italy,  Fiance 
mid  Germany,  ami  their  ^ehaVionr. 

5f.i.CCCI.(/"\£'oEarI  o^  Paris,  havir>g  Ufurpcd  the  Kingdom  in  the  Mi- 
V^  nority  of  Charles  the  fimpic  the  right  Heir,  fw/^^Bifhop 
of  Rhc/nes  callcth  a  Synod  and  dcpofcth  him,  and  fetsupCW/«  (Tuch 
Power  had  Prelatesj.  Some  fay  the  French  Chofc  Odo  by  yirnuiphus's 
Confent;  and  fome  fay,  that  he  dying,  dcfircd  that  Charles  might  have 
PofTtfTion.   This  was  ^fino  892. 

JJ.  2  The  great  Devaftations  made  by  the  Normans,hmning  Cities,Chur- 
cheSjMonafttrics ;  and  at  laft  forcing  Confcnt  for  a  Habitation  ii\Neiifma,  I 
pafs  overj  and  Petavius  out  of  fome  Writers  of  their  own  will  tell  you. 
that  when  Chartrefs  was  beficgcd  by  them,  the  Vfrgin  Marys  fmock, 
which  King  Charles  Calvus  had  brought  thither  from  Bcfanfon,  being  car- 
ried, call  them  into  fo  great  a  Terror,  that  they  fled  away  all  in  Confufion. 
Where  they  had  this  Smock,  and  how  many  Hundred  Years  after  the 
Virgin  yl/^rj'/ death  it  was  found,  and  how  they  knew  it  tobehers,and  how 
it  was  fo  long  kept,  and  where,  and  why  it  did  not  many  Miracles  fooner. 
till  above  900  Years  after  Chrift,  arc  Queftions  which  I  cannot  An- 

$.3./r4/yand  fr<»»ce  were  all  this  while  fill'd  with  Civil  Wars.  Wido  and 
his  Son  Lambert  being  dead,  Bcrcrgarms  got  PolTcflion  of  Italy,  whom 
Lewis  after  overcame,  and  was  made  Emperor  at  Rome^  Crowned  by 
the  Pope:  But  three  years  after,  taken  by  Bererigarins^  was  Depofed, 
and  had  his  Eyes  put  out.  Yet  after  this  Berenganus  was  cut  off,  and 
Lewis  reftorcd  and  Anointed  by  Pope  John  10,  Rodulfhns  King  of  Burgun- 
dy was  fet  up  by  fome  Italian  Nobles  againft  Berengarius,  and  overthrow- 
ing his  Army,  was  called  King  of  Italy.  Berengarius  was  kil'd  by 
Treachery :  Rodulfhns  was  foon  Depofed,  and  the  Italians  made  Hugo 
Earl  of  Provence  K.\ng.  At  laft  he  joyncd  his  Son  Lothanus  with  him  : 
The  younger  Berengarius  prcvaileth  againft  him,  driveth  him  to  Provence; 
and  is  made  King:  Intending  to  marry  his  Son  Adalbertus  to  yIdaUtdts 
the  Widdow  of  Lothanus;  fhe  invited  Otho  Kmg  of  Germany  into  Italy 
andmarryedhim,  who  after  is  made  the  firft  Germane  Emperor:  Of  all 
which,more  after  in  the  particular  Order  and  place.  See  Peiav.  lib.  8.  c.  1 3. 

^.  ■\.  CCCII.  Anno.'igi.  ftfr.'w/;*;  had  a  Roman  Council,  toConfuk 
of  fome  Relief  of  the  Ruined  Countries,  in  vain.  For  now  men  Secular 
and  Eccleriaftical,  Confounded  all  by  ftriving  for  Rule. 

4-  ?.    CCCIII.  AnnoSg^.  A  Council  at  rni?/<r  in  <j«-/»<i'?v  for  Church 

S  f  Rcfor- 


Chunh'Htjlory  of  'BiJJ?ops 

Reformation  :  Many  of  the  Canons  arc  to  fccurc  and  advance  the  Clergy. 
The  ninth  decideth  a  doubt,if  an  Earl  (or  civilRulcr)  Command  the  People 
03"     to  meet  at  one  place  (on  Civil  accounts)  and  the  Bifhop  command  them 
to  meet  at  another  on  the  fame  day,  none  fhall  obey  the  Magiltrate  (or 
Earls)  but  he  and  all  his  Company  (hall  obey  the  Bifhop  and  come  to  him. 
Cap.  lo   No  Bifhop  (hall  be  Dcpofed  but  by  twelve  Bi(hops,  no  Presby- 
"^       tcr  but  by  fix  Bifhops,  no  Deacon  but  by  three,  Cap.  21.  In  Controvcr- 
c3"      ries,Laymen  mud  fwear,but  Clergy-men  muft  not  be  put  to  fwear,Cii/).22. 
There  is  allowed  Tryal  by  (ire,  Fer  tgncm  Candcutiferro  Caute  examinttur. 
p.  6.  CCCIV,    A  Council  at  iV^ffffi made  more difciplinary  Canons. 
5^.  7.  Who  was  next  Pope  is  not  agreed :  Platina  and  0/7nphrins  fay, 
that  liofiiface  was  rightly  Chofen,  and  Reigned  but  twenty  fix  days,  faith 
J'laii/ia,  or  fifteen  faith  Onuphrius ;  others  (faith  Platina)  fay  twelve  years  : 
Barontus  (and  5wz'/«)  faith,  that  he  was  no  Popej    and  that  he  did  but 
invade  the  Pope- dome,  and  was /?owo  ticfariusy  a  wicked wah^  twice  before 
this  Degraded :     Fir fi  from  his  DeaconJJiipj  and  next  from  his  Prcsbyterate, 
Damned  in  a  Romane  Synod  under  John  the  Ninth  :     He  addeth^  that  (both 
of  them")  Boniface  and  Stephen  got  the  place  by  Force,  Fear  and  Tyranny,  and 
jo  it  was  but  one  Intruder ^  that  thriifl  out  another  Intruder  :  (But  how  then  is 
the  Succe(rion  fecured.     W.hy,  it's  added)  Tet  Stephen  is  nu/nbred  with 
the  Topes  by  the  common  Sentence  (or  Opinion)  becaufe  to  avoid  the  danger  of 
Schifme,thoitgh  he  was  homo  fcelefliflimus,  a  moft  wicked  man',  yet  all  the  Clcr- 
t?"      gy  approved  btm,  and  the  whole  Catholik.  Church,  took.himfor  Chrifts  ^fcar  C?- 
Fetcrs  Succejfor.    (How  prove  you  that,  why,  becaufe  (^f//%  Bifhop  of 
Rhemes  owned  him !  ]   A  Noble  proof  that  all  the  Chriftian  World  did  fo ! 
$.  8.  Say  Barronius,  and  Binius,  he  began  his  Pope-dome  with  that 
Sacrilcdg,  as  to  tSike  the  Corps  oi  Fortfuifits  out  of  his  Grave,   and  cloath- 
mg  him  in  his  Pontifical  Robes^  (hefet  him  in  a  Chair,  and  faith  Plaiina,  there 
judged  him  as  no  Pope,  becaufe  he  had  been  firll  a  Bifhop ;  which  indeed, 
by  the  old  Canons,  nullified  his  calling;  For  Formofus,  wasthefirft  Pope 
that  had  been  before  a  Bifhop,  asisfaid,  unlefs  the  Emporour  5 <»// tru- 
ly charged  Jlacrinus  with  the  fame) :  Having  Expofiulated  with  the  dead 
man,  *  why  he  being  a  Bifhop  would  take  the  Pcpe-domc,  he  int  off  his 
''      three  four  Fingers  witi'J  which  he  had  Anointed^    and  cafi  them  into  the  River 
i.^c  8.     Tyber,  andcommanded^  that  all  that  he  had  Ordained  fiould  be  Ordained 
again :  f  and  fo  Conform  to  him.) 

And  they  wonder  with  what  face  of  Reafon  Onuphriusreie^keih  all  this  as 
a  Fablc,when  the  Antient  Monuments,  Synodal  A<ns,and  Hiflorians  tertify 
it.  Do  you  wonder  at  this .'  why  it  is  becaufe  he  was  not  willing  it  fhould 
be  believed :  a  Rcafonthat  is  not  "range  tc  your  felves. 

5^.  4.  CCCV.  Pope  Stephen  Cd}\i<ii  a  Council,  in  which  his  ufage  of  Pope 
Formofus  was  approved,  Bin.  ex  Baron,  p.  1047  ^o  ready  were  the  Bifhops 
Anno  toy  ^^  follow  the  flrongeft  fide,  in  fuch  things  as  the  Papifls  mention  with  ab- 
horrence. And(fay  thcy)this  portentum  attended  the  Synod,Tifc<«f  the  Later ane 
Church-,  the  chief  Seat  of  the  Pope,  by  tht  iin{»lfe  of  an  cvill  ^ngcl  fell  down 




md  their  Councils  ohridveA.  2 1  5 

tjmtefrom  the  Altur  to  the  doors  :  the  WaHs  not  being  able  to  ftiind,  when  the 
Chief  Cardmal  Door  was  jbakenwith  the  Earthquake  tf  fo^reat  a  F'l/Lv;}. 

§.  10.  But  here  the  Authors  calling  US  A'ox'-jforfj  (as  if  fuch  Popes  were 
of  glorious  A'itiqiuty')  arc  hard  put  to  it  to  Vindicate  againft  us  the  Popes 
infallibility!  And  how  do  they  do  it?  Why  17?.  They  fay  that  nil  that 
Stephen  did  agtn>ift  Fortnofus,  a  man Jineken  with  Aiadnefs,  dtdtt  fulplling 
the  peyfwajion  (fhisboyhvg  ^'*f^-  ^^t  in  the  lawful  up  of  his  Papal  Aiithorf 
ty,  he  defiled  nothing  /igattijt  fatih  or  good  manners:  For  the  Biflwps  that 
were  for  this  Caitfe  called  to  the  Council,  and  the  Presbyters  not  unlike  to 
Stephen  himfilf  dtd  profecute  Formofus  with  the  fame  hatred),  and  there- 
fore pronounced  thatSeniei.ce  againfi  him,which  they  foreknew  would  be  pleafing 
to  a  man  [mitten  wtth  Fury  :  fo  that  we  co/ifcfs  violent  Tyranny,  but  no  Ei  - 
rour  in  Faith  defined  or  approved  by  him.  Lawfully  ujing  his  Papfl  Anthurtty  : 
And  yet  It  were  no  prejudice  to  the  Papal  Seat^  if  we  grant  ^  that  a  falfe  Pope, 
not  lawfully  Chofcn,  but  invading  and  obtruded,  did  err  in  ajftriig  Articles  egj 
of  Faith.     Thus  the  Author. 

Aif.  I.  But  if  you  grant  this,  is  not  your  SucccfTion  interrupted  ?  2.  And 
was  your  Church  a  true  Church,  when  an  EfTential  part  was  Null?  5.How- 
vcr,  was  it  the  F^oly  Church  when  an  efTcntial  Part  was  fuch  a  Villain  ? 
4.  Will  not  your  Argument  as  well  prove  every  Biftiop,  Pried:,  or  man 
Infallible?  For  no  one  of  them  all  can  define  fallly  againft  an  Article  of 
faith,  as  long  as  he  lawfully  ufeth  his  Power ;  For  it  is  no  lawful  ufe  of 
power  that  fo  dcfincth  and  belieth  God.  5.  But  is  all  your  foundation  of 
Faith  come  to  this  ?  It  is  then  but  faying,  when  ever  your  Pope  and 
Church  Errcth,  that  they  did  not  ufe  their  Fewer  lawfully  :  And  what  re- 
lief is  that  to  the  deceived?  How  fhall  we  know  when  your  Popes  have 
ufed  it  lawfully,  and  when  not ;  and  fo  what  is  true  among  you,  and  what 
falfc?  6.  And  were  your  Roman  Council  of  BiOiops  and  Pricfts,  alias 
bad  as  this  ViUainoos  Pope,  and  ready  to  plcafe  him  in  their  Decrees :  And 
was  this  a  Holy  Church,  and  like  to  be  an  Infallible  Council:  And  mull 
the  World  follow  them  ?  7.  And  how  then  fliall  we  know  that  it  was  not 
jufl  fo  with  many  other  former  and  following  Councils;  and  that  it  will 
not  be  fo  with  you  again  !     O  mifcrablc  fhifts  againft  plain  Truth  ! 

S>.  1 1.  The  fame  gi  cat  Authors  after  Luitpr.iiidiisJ.\.c.g.  fi\,tha.t  Stephen 
At  Invader  of  the  Papal  Seat,  by  the  f*£lion  of  the  Nobles  agamfi  Adelbert, 
"?r»»«o/Etruria,  was  thritjl  tnto  prifon  Sn.  goo.  andafter  he  had  been  Pope 
Six  Tears,  bang  flra"gled  tn  the  fame  Prifon,  ended  his  Days  by  Cods  (Ven- 
geance tn  an  infamous  Death^  :  Yet  tUtina  faith,  that  he  died  ihefrft  Tear 
and  third  month  of  his  Reign  j  and  Onuphrius  faith,  he  fate  one  year,  two 
moncths,  and  aintcendays. 

<>.  12.  It's  ftrang  that  Luitpraudus  faith,  that  Stephen  condemned  the 
Corps  of  Formofus  for  being  a  Bifhop  before,  when  Flat  ma  and  Onuphrms 
fay,  that  he  himfelf  was  Epifcopus  Anagnnrus,  when  made  Pope. 

§.   13.  And  PUtina  faith,  that  [This  Controverfie  (againU:  Ferfncfui)  was 

S  f  2  rr(aC 

-.  I  6  OmnhBijiory  of  'B'tpops 



£>cat  and  of  ill  Examples  ;  feeing  thttt  after  this,  it  was  almofi  ttlveays  ksft 
as  a  Cufiomc,  that  foUowmg  Popes  did  either  I  "fringe  or  wholly  iindoe  the  Atis 
of  thofe  that  went  before  them:~\    And  yet  wcre  they  Infallible? 

5$.  14.  The  next  Pope  was  called  ^&wj»//.(,whofc  Life  P/ijfjw^  thus  Dc- 
fcribeth  :  Romanusasfoonashtwas  Pope,  prefently  ^brogateth  andCondem- 
mth  the  Decrees  and  ^cis  of  Stephen  :  For  thefc  Popes  thought  of  nothing, 
bin  to  Exti/^itifii  the  Name  and  Dignity  of  their  'Prcdecejfors,  than  which 
nothing  can  be  worfe,  or  the  part  of  a  narrower  mind :  For  they  that  irnfi 
to  fuch  y4tls  as  thefe,  having  no  Virtue  themfelves,  endeavor  to  rafe  out  the 
men  of  Defert,  whom  through  floth  and  malice  they  cannot  match.  Ton  full 
never  find  any  to  envy  another s  Fame,  but  one  that  himfclfis  Contaminated  with 
all  difgrace,  and  defpaircth  that  his  own  Name  fiouldcver  be  Famous  with 
Pojierity:  Thefe  are  they  that  by  Fraud,  Aialice,  Craft,  and  evil  [peaking, 
do  Bite,  Tear,  Accufe,  and  Worry  thofe  that  deferve  well  of  Adankind;  lit^e 
cowardiy,  or  flothjul,  and  ufelefs  Dogs,  that  dare  mtfet  upon  wild  Beafis  them- 
fflvesj  but  Will  bite  thofe  that  are  tyed,  or  in  their  Dens!^  So  Plattna.  -  -  -  He- 
manus  Ruled  but  three  Months. 

5$.  15.  Next  Succeeded  in  the  Vopedome  Theodorns  2.  who  faith  ?/<»- 
tina  followed  the  fieps  of  the  Seditious  :  For  he  reflorcd  the  A^s  of  Formorus*, 
and  preferred  his  followers :    and  Reigned  but  Twenty  days. 

Next  came  John  g.  (ox  10.  as  others)  faith  P/«jf»«<f.  \^He  refiored  the 
Caiife  of  Pope-Formofus,  Many  of  the  People  being  againfi  it  :  whence  <?- 
rofe  fucha  Sedition,  that  they  hardly [caped a  Battle.  Baronius  faiths  that  Lii- 
dovicus^.  was  depofcd  and  blinded  now  by  Berengarius,  whoaffumed  the 
Empire ;  and  this  Pope  Crowned  him,  through  fear !  Yet  after  he  was 
gone,  he  called  Lambert  to  Rome,  and  with  a  Synod  concurring  with 
him,  declared  the  Coronations  both  of  Berengarius  and  Amulph  to  be 
Null,  as  being  extorted;  and  fo  took  Lambert  for  King  and  Emperour : 
Did  not  the  Crowns  of  Princes  fit  very  loofc,  when  it  was  but  a  Popes 
pretending  that  he  Crowned  them  through  Fear,  and  they  were  prefent- 
ly  Depofed  ?  Would  thefe  Popes  have  been  Martyrs,  or  wcre  they 
Chriftiaps  or  Gno/iickj,  that  would  fin,  if  they  were  but  put  in  fear  ?  And 
would  not  fear  have  made  them  own  a  Herefy,  as  well  as  other  fin  ?  On 
this  occafion  all  was  caft  into  Confufion :  the  Pope  was  fain  to  fly  to  R4- 
venna  for  protecftion,  to  him  whom  he  had  Crowned. 

^.  16.  CCCVI.  This  Pope  called  a  Synod  at  ivewe  (that  called  Orfrf«yJ>. 
I  pafs  by  as  of  faiall  moment^  An.  904.  in  which  he  condemned  the 
fa<n  of  Pope  Stephen,  decreeing  that  the  Dead  are  not  to  be  judged  by 
men.  But  what  became  of  the  Synod  of  Diiliops,  that  had  joyned  herein 
with  ?ope  Stephen  ?  Why  (fBitf.  p.  io.[9  )  they  turn'd  with  the  times,  and 
did  as  fuch  had  ufedtodo;  They  asked  forgiven,  fs,  a>id  [aid,  they  did  it  for 
Fear ;  and  fo,  he  that  hath  power  bv  Fear  or  flopc,  can  make  fuch  Bifhops 
and  Councils  Sin  and  Repent,  and  Sin  again,  and  Repent  again,  as  Inte- 
rert:  altercth.  They  were  pardoned.  V-vx  Fortnofis  preferment  from  a 
Bifhoprick  to  ihc  Popedomc  was  Voted  to  be  againfi'  the  Canons,    ex- 


a}id  their  (Councils  abridged. 


cufable  only  by  neccflity,  and  not  to  be  imitated  but  in  cafes  of  ncccfli- 
ty:  His  Ordained  Clergy  were  Reftorcd,  and  Re-ordinaiions  and  Rc- 
baptfzitions,  forbidden  as  unlawful. 

^.  17.  CCCVII.  Another  Synod  he  called  at  ^<iw«77^  for  the  fame  ufe, 
when  he  fled  thither  from  Rome-^  of  74  Bifhops.  Barotius  h\ih.,  He  was 
another  Jercmias  fcnt  of  God,  to  pluck  up  and  pull  down  what  Vopc-Stepheu 
had  done.  Platma  faith  Q/  iht>ik^ihis  came  to  pafj  htcaiife  Popes  were  dcp.rted 
from  St.  Peters  fieps ;  and  chiefly^  becaufe  the  Chriflian  Commori-xyealth  had 
tdle  flothffd  Princes  that  would  have  Otters  Jlitp  thus  tcjfcd,  lefi  t':e  Ruhr  if 
he  look'*bout  him,  fiould  caji  the/n  out  as  evil  Pilots.  Arnulphus  wai  given  "Cb 
te  pleafure,  and  Charles  the  fimple  or  rather  fooltfl}  if  France,  was  little  bet- 
ter:, and  fo  the  Hungarians  defiroyed  and  hUcd  in  Germany  and  France, 
and  the  Affricans  in  Calabria,  and  had  little  refijianci '^  Blood  and  Mife- 
ry  being  the  common  Lot, 

He  addeth,  \That  this  Peff  John  dying  in  the  2d.  Year  and  \^th.  day 
of  his  Reign,  left  nothif.g  worthy  of  Memory  behind  him,  but  that  He  revived 
feme  Seditions  that  before  were  almoft  cxtinfV. 

And  it  is  a  fad  quellion,  that  Hervius  Bifhopof  Rhemes  put  to  him 
(Bin.  p.  1048  )  "  what  to  do  with  thcfe  that  are  Baptized  and  Rcbapti- 
"■  z.ed,  and  yet  after  "Baptifm  live  as  the  Heathens,  kill  Chrtfltans,  yea  the 
'■'■  Priefls,  facrifce  to  Idols,  eat  things  vfftred  to  them?  The  Pope  durfl  'Clt 
"  not  ufe  Difciplinc  on  thefc,  becaufe  they  were  Novices,  left  he  af» 
''fright  them  from  the  Church  to  Heathenifme  again;  but  left  them  to 
"the  Bifhops  Difcrction  and  Experience,  to  do  as  he  faw  bcft. 

5$.  18.  This  Fopc  had  a  Corrival,  which  was  the  15.  Schifme  :  Ser- 
giits  that  had  been  made  Pope  with  Formofus,  and  was  put  out  and  Ba- 
niflied,  did  now  get  in  again  ;  but  John  had  the  flronger  part,  and  caft 
him  out,  and  Hanifhcd  him  once  again :  Onuphr.  Chroa.  p.  28.  But 
had  he  been  but  ftrong  enough,  the  fucccflion  had  come  dotv'n  from 
him,  as  right. 

5$.  19.  Bcnedin  the  4.  came  next :  "  Nothing  faith  Platina,  was  done 
*'  in  his  time  that  is  much  to  be  praifcd ;  becaufe  both  Princes,  Popesy 
and  Clergy  were  grown  Debauched;  bad  Princes  making ?>;/?«  by  Ty- 
ranny :  Now  the  Line  of  Charles  the  Great,  loil  the  Eitipire,  Lithvi- 
cns  the  Son  of  Amtdphiis  being  flain  by  Berengarius ;  and  fo  they  loft 
both  lialy,  Germany,  ("and  after  Franci")  by  their  own,  and  the  Clergies 

<^.  20.  Leo.  5.  Came  next,  ^nno  907.  Who  thrufl  him  in,  I  find 
not;  but  when  he  had  Reigned  but  40.  days,  his  familiar  friend  Chri- 
flophcr  had  lift  to  be  Pope,  and  call  him  out,  and  laid  him  in  Fetters; 
where, it's  faid  he  dyed  of  Grief:  where  Platma  well  notcth,  that 
U^' The  faying  ts  certainly  true,  that  Dignities  (or  places  of  preferment) 
"receive  >nore  honour fro^n  the  Men,  than  the  Men  do  from  the  Digni- 
"  lies  (or  places  )  ] 

5^.  21.  Ch/sJlofJnr  thus  got  in  by  fuddcn  invafion,  kept  it  longer  than 

S  f  -i  Lea  . 

5 1  8  Qhnnh--HiftQyy  of  Blfl^ops 

Leo  did,  even  near  fcven  Months;  and  then  he  that  had  been  twice 
Pofc  before,  did  once  again  try  for  it,  and  was  too  rtrong  for  Ch>tjh- 
phcr,  and  put  him  into  a  Monajfcry.  A  Holy  place  then,  no  Joubt, 
For  faitli  PUtina  [This  was  the  oily  refuge  of  the  CaUmitoiis :  For  in 
thofe  timet  hud  Clergy  Men  were  thiirfi  into  Monafterics,  by  way  of  Ba- 
nijhmem,  as  heretofore  into  Iflands  ] 

?.  22.  The  Man  that  did  this  and  got  the  'Popedom,   was  Sergins  j, 

tO"  who  had  been  twice  before  caft  out:  faith  Baron,  and  Bin.  (p,  1052.^ 
[That  wicked  Scrgirs  (Nefandus)  hy  MbetKs' jdrmes  got  in:  A  Man 
that  was  the  fervant  of  all  Ficcs,  and  of  all  Men  the  mojl  wicked  ('Faci- 
norofifiimus)  invaded  the  Popedom,  and  fo  was  by  aU  Aden  taken  for  no 
lawful  Pope:  To  his  hoi  rid  Sntnledge,  he  added  the  taofl  impudent  filthy- 
nefs\  and  by  Marozia  {a  grcttt  nhore)  the  Daughter  of  that  moft  famtiis 
Whore  Theodora,  he  begot  his  Son  John  (after  Pope.)]  For  many  Hi- 
florians  tell  us,  how  thcfe  two  tamous  Whores  did  rule  Rome,  and 
make  and  unmake  Popes, 

P.  23.  This  Pope  undid  again  all  that  had  been  done  for  Formofns, 
and  againft  Stephen :  For  both  the  King  of  France^  and  Sergius,  were 
Enemies  to  Formofns,  for  fetting  up  other  powers  againtl  France,  and 
becaufe  his  party  was  againft  Sergins :  But  I  wonder  that  Platina  tells 
us,  that  both  Stephen  and  Sergius  took  Formofis  out  of  his  Grave,  and 
the  one  cut  off  his  three  Fingers,  and  the  other  his  Head;  and  both 
caft  into  Tybcr\  If  this  be  true,  he  was  taken  up  again  the  firft  time, 
and  buried  again.  But  [  fuppofe  that  it  was  but  his  Fingers  that  were 
caft  in  the  firft  time,  and  the  Corps  after;  or  elfe  he  was  found  after 
the  fird  time.  PLuina  faith.  It  is  reported,  but  not  of  any  certainty  j 
that  fame  F if ler-men  found  the  Corps,  and  buried  it  at  St,  VeicraChitrch, 
and  that  while  it  was  doing,  the  Church  Images  bowed  to  it  (It's  well 
Vncertainty  was  put  into  the  Story :)  and  that  fomc  thought  this 
moved  Sergius  to  envy;  but  that  indeed  it  was,  becaufe  Formofns 
party  were  againft  his  Papacy.  It  feenis  by  this  that  the  Fifhcr-men 
found  him  after  the  firft  cafting  into  Tybcr ;  or  clfc  his  burial  by  them  could 
not  be  called  the  occafion  of  Sergius  Ca{\.  So  little  reft  had  this  PopesCar-- 
kafs,  being  t^ice  buried,  twice  token  up.  twice  judged,  and  executed 
after  death,  and  twice  caft  into  Tyber.  But  faith  Platina,  [Popes  now 
feekj'g  and  getting  the  Popedome  by  liberty  and  ambition,  dtfregarding 
(jods  Worfiip,  excrcifed  enmity  agamji  one  another  ;  no  othcrwtfe  than  do 
^the cruellcjl  Tyrants,  glutting  their  own  litfis  the  more  feciircly,  when  there 
are  none  left  to  refrain  rices.  This  wicked  Man  for  almoft  feven  Years 
Cjijoycd  the  fruits  of  his  iniquity. 

p.  24.  Here  Baronius  and  Binius  forget  fo  anrwcr  the  great  difficul- 
ty. I  ft.  How  iheRoman  fucceflion  efcaped  from  being'intcrrupted.  2.  And 
alfo,  where   was  the  Roman  Church  while  fuch  Reigned    as  were  no 

•:'r      'Pofes.    3.  And  alfo,  where  was  its  Holinefs  and  Infallibility,    when  it 
had  the  worsi  of  Mi-n  (z-.  they-  fay  themfclvcs)  thus  fet  over  them  as 


-  mui  their  Councils  ahrid^ed  2  \  o 

their  Heads :  But  they  are  careftif,  \lNcqiiis  fiifillanimiis  f.v  hoc  faElo 
fcandalHm  accipiat,  left  weak  minded  pcrfons  flTouId  be  fcandalizcd  by 
this:  And  they  teU  us  as  a  wonderful  providence  of  God,  1  hat  fo 
great  ivas  the  reverence  to  the  Church  if  Rome,  that  even  when  fuch  Aim 
tnvadtd  the  Popedofne  imlawfuAy,  being  even  iit  the  Churches  cenfure  ra- 
ther yipofeancal  than  jipojtolical ;  yet  thofc  tf'at  did  but  hear  who  was  Pope 
(efpecialiy  the  Northern  Countries  that  were  far  off)  cbcy:d  them:  fo  that 
4iny  Aian  may  undirfiar.d  by  how  great  a  providence  God  Governcth  the 
untverfal  Churchy  which  when  il  was  fet  on  Fire  at  the  will  ef  Whores, 
nnd  all  mifchiefs  and  fcandals  did  increafe,  and  it  was  feared  tt  would 
be  divided  by  a  great  fchtf/ie  ;  yet  Cod  defended  tt  from  all  hercfy  and 
fchifme,  all  Nations  perjijted  in  one  bond  of  Faith,  and  Covtnt  of  Obe- 
dience,'} Indeed  Gods  providence  is  wonderful  that  faveth  his  true 
Church  from  fuch  wicked  ufurpcrs^  and  kcepeth  a  Union  of  all  inChrifl: 
But  this  is  no  honour  to  the  wicked  ufurpcrs  ;  when  now  fifteen  fchifmes 
had  divided  them,  and  many  more  afterward ;  nor  was  it  any  honour 
or  blcfTing,  to  them  that  gave  up  their  Kingdoms  to  fuch  ufurpcrs. 
If  thefe  were  no  Fopcs,  but  intruding  Whore-mongers;  was  it  a  blcf- 
fingtothe  World  to  be  deceived,  and  to  take  tbofc  for  Pof^/,  that  indeed 
were  none.  But  had  not  they  then  a  fceming  Church,  and  indeed  r:one, 
when  an  cnTcntia!  part  was  Null. 

$.   2S.  CCCVIII.     They  fay  that  ^nno  909.    A  Council  at  Soifoiis 
ordered  fomc  Reformation. 

9.  26.  Leo  called  Philofophus  Son  to  Bafdius  Maccdo,  thfs  while 
was  Empcrour  in  the  £d/^  who  being  formerly  fufpcdcd  and  iinpri- 
foncd  by  his  Father,  upon  fomc  fiiggellion  o(  Phorius,  and  Santabacenus 
was  revenged  on  them,  when  he  Reigned,  and  depored  Photius,  and 
put  him  into  a  Monaflcry.  This  is  the  reft,  that  Ambition  procureth. 
Thus  Sin  is  the  mifcry  of  the  Sinner.  Alexander  his  Unckle  was  Gar- 
dian  to  Co'  Prophyrns  Leo'i  Son,  the  Father  being  Dead  :  Ni- 
cholas had  before  been  made  P.atriark,,  and  upon  offence  dcpofed.  and 
Euthymtus  put  in  his  place.  But  Alexander  dcpofed  Enthymins,  and 
rcftorcd  Nicholas:  and  having  ("pent  thirteen  Months  in  Drunkennefs 
andLuft.  Bled  to  Death ;  and  Cfwy?»i«f/>/f,  fcven  Years  old,  with  his  MO' 
ther  Zoe  Reigned  alone  :  Conftantine  Di:cas  rebelling,  is  fubdued  :  The 
Bulga.ian,  Conquered  by  Leo  PhocasGcT\ctd\-,  who  thereupon  afpiring 
to  the  down,  was  flair.  Eight  Years  after,  Zoe  is  removed,  and  one  ^^^^'' 
Eom.wKs  Ltcapeijus  made  Guardian  ;  and  C.-fnr,  He  advanced  three  of  ^i/ij,  j, 
his  Sons  to  the  like  honor,  to  ftrengthen  himfcif,  and  made  his  other  c.  15. 
Son  TheophtlaU:  Patriark,  inftcad  o\  Stephen,  though  he  was  but  fixtecn 
Years  old.  He  Married  his  Daughter  to  the  Riitganan  Kingj  and 
then  began  to  defpifc  the  Emperour,  and  prefer  himfcif.  God  puni- 
fhed  this,  by  permitting  his  own  Son  Stephen,  to  depofc  and  banifh  him 
into  an  l!\and:  At  laft  Cenflantine  awaked,  and  de^^ofcd  them  all,  ar.d 
ruled  himfelf,  in  Drunkennefs,  and  Debauchery  fifteen  Years,  and  then 



Cht{nJ?-HiJlo)y  of  !BiJl}ops 

dyed  ;    or   as   fomc  fay,    was  killctJ  by  Rumam-.i^s  Sons. 

After  him  Nicephorns  Phocas  a  fucccsful  Warrior,  but  a  bad  Man, 
Kulcd  ;  The  Church  called  him  bad  for  opprcffing  them  with  Taxes: 
His  Wife  Theoplianon^  and  John  Trimifces  (who  fucceedcd)  killed  him. 
Thus  hath  the  Woild  been  Governed  ;  and  this  is  the  profit  of  Am- 

$.  27.  The  next  Pope  is  j^ncjl^tins  the  id.  who  fate  two  Years, 
£nd  two  Months.  In  this  time  the  Eafiem  Empcrour  Leu  publifhcd 
Conflttittions,  which  Barcr.iiis  and  Bintiis  (p.  1053  )  deride  as  ridici- 
lous,  in  imitation  of  jnjliman,  bccaufe  he  prcfumed  to  make  Church 

^.  28.  L.-tndo  was  the  next  Pope,  Anno  912.  and  fate  6.  Months 
.and  22.  Days;  fay  BAronius  and  liiniusy  {Thii  Man  At  the  importu- 
nate injtance.,  of  that  n:ofi  potent.^  trtoft  ncble,  and  mofi  impudent  Whore 
Theodora,  (who  had  profiimted  one  of  her  Daughters  MaroZia  to  Pope 
Sergius,  and  the  other  Theodora  to  Aldcbert  Mar<]mfs  of  Tufcia,  and 
hereby  had  obtained  or  k£pt'  the  A'f anarchy  of  the  City.,  {}vho  was  Pope  if 
this  whore  was  Aionarch)  did  create  John  whom  jl)c  rnojl  pithily  doted  on, 
A  Prcjhyter  of  Ravina,  the  Bipop  of  Bononia,  and  Peter  ylrch-BiJlwp  of 
-Ravenna  being  De^d,  he  made  him  there  Arch-Bi^iop.  And  a  Itttle  af- 
ter fo  filthy  an  all,  he  Died.    Luitpraud.  /.  2.  c.   1 5. 

i$.  29.  Next  Cometh  thisfameMan,  Anno  Qizjohn  10  faith  Platinaand 

others,  the  Son  of  Pope  Sergtus  (by   the  Whore  Aitaro:i.ia  fay  fome, 

but  its  not  like,  htc^vXc  Maroz.ta  killed  him.)    But  its  more  probable, 

as  Onnphrius  notcth,  that  it  was  not  this  John,  but  the  next  that  was 

Son    to  Sergius  and  Maroz.ia      This  Pope  faith  Baron,  and  Bin.  is  he 

that  the  famous  Whore  Theodora  for  great  comclincfs  of  perfon  doted 

on;  and  fa. th  Luitpraud.,  got  him   tnadc   Arch-^liJJwp  c// Ravenna,    and 

*^      after  Pope  of  Rome,  that  jhe  might  not  lye  wtth  him  fo  feldome.,  as  the 

difiance  between  Rome  andKvitnna.  would  mcejfitate.     So  £fay  they.,  this 

impudent  Man  being   powerful  <«;  Rome,  by   the  ftrength  of  a  Whore,  is 

made  a  falfe  Pope  and  wuksd  invader  of  the  Seat2  where  they  (hew 

how  this  Whore  obtained  her  power.     But  was  this  no  interruption  of 

the  fucccfljon  neither,  nor  a  nullifying  of  the  Papal  Church,    while  he 

fate  13.  or  as  Onuphrius,    14.  Years  and  more.    No   faith  Baron,  (and 

Bin.')  He  that  was   an   Invader.,  Theif    and   Robber,  by  the  after  Con- 

fent  of  the  Roman  Clergy,    became    the  lawful  Pope  0/ Rome.      I.   Wc 

fee  then,  what  the  Romane  Clergy  were,  that  would  have  fuchaFc^e, 

2.  But  they  give  no  proof  of  any  fuch  Confent ;    but  fay.   It  is  veri- 

fimile.     3.  And  where  was  the  Church  till  that  Confent,   or  at  lead  its 

Holincfs.     4.  Can   fuch   Mens  Confent  make   a  Pope  of  an  uncapable 

perfon  ?     Will  no  Wickcdnefs  incapacitate  ? 

$.  io.  Say  the  forcfaid  Authors,  in  this  Popes  time  Stfcvandiis  B'l- 
Ihop  of  Compojlclla,  finding  the  great  diverfity  of  the  Rotnaji  and  Ms- 
:^rabid\^  Liturgy,  altered  his  by  the  Popes  confent. 


aud  their  Qouncils  abriiheJ.  ■^21 

After  Hcrvciis,  one  Sailphus  was  Arch-Bifhop  of  Rhcmes.  Hcnhrt 
Eail  of  y^ijttitarie,  confiderJHg  that  the  Bifhop  of  Rhnnes  Anointcth  the 
■  King  of  France^  bargained  to  have  his  Son  made  next  Bifliop,  thnt 
thereby  he  might  get  the  Crown.  In  hart:  Seulphus'xs  Poyfoncd,  bcc:?urc 
they  could  not  (lay  till  he  dyed.  Heyticrt's  Son,  not  yet  Five  Years 
eh!,  is  made  Arch-Bi(bop.  {0  fce'win  auduum^  hy  B/iroKiiiiar\d  Einitts.') 
This  monjircus  Elciticn,  f  fay  they)  f'lever  before  feen  or  heard  cf  in  the 
Chrifiian  World,  nor  perhapj  thoifgbt  cf.,  Pope  John  did  not  only  not  dtfal- 

Icw,  but  ratrfyci. yindby  thts  Fat},  the  Jrfainyas  Pope*  gave  an  Ex- 

Mmple  to  mjf/y  Princes,  not  only  in  that,  but  the  fcllowing  Ages,  (  Alas^ 
for  Grief]  )  to  procure  Lads  that  were  their  Kindred,  to  be  ihrujl  into 
the  Chief  Sc/its,  (or  to  the  great  A^ifthief  cf  the  Church'} 
^  Work  rf-^y  they)  vdesd,  worths  fuch  a  Pope,  whom  an  Jrf, uncus  Wo- 
man, by  an  Irfamons  Work,  had  thri'.Jl  into  St.  Peter's  Chair. 

Qji.  Were  fuch  Villaincs  as  Infallible  as  others?  Did  their  Love, 
Honcify,  and  Chaflity  fail;  and  yet,  Were  they  fccured  ?gainll  the 
Failing  of  their  Faith  ?  Or,  Had  they  a  Sincere  Faith,  that  had  no  o- 
thcr  Grace?  And,  Could  thcfc  forgive  Sins,  and  deliver  Souls  out  of 
Purgatory  ? 

When  he  had  ftte  Fourteen  Tears,  cr  Sixteen,  (  faith  Baronius  and  Bi- 
vtus)  Marquefs  Wido,  by  the  Perfwafion  of  his  Wife  Marozia,  (Pope 
Scrgius  Whore)  for  the  fake  cf  his  Brother  Peter,  whom  they  Hated,  lafi 
him  out  of  his  Seat  into  a  Pnfon;  where  jlicrtly  after,  he  was  Cbcksei 
with  a  Pillow  •■  And  fo  the  Invader,  and  un\uj}  Detrincr  of  the  Apofo- 
lickc^cat,  had  an  End  worthy  of  his  Wtckcdnefs.  And  he,  that  by  the  Im- 
pudent Mother,  Theodora,  had  violently  fciz.ed  en  the  Holy  Seat,  by  her 
I  Impudent  Daughter,  was  by  -God's  j«/f  Judimcnt  EyeUed,  Imprifoned, 
and  Deprived  both  of  it,  and  of  his  Lfe.  Ex  Liittpr.  &  Frodoaldv, 

0.  51.  CCCIX.  Annog\z.  A  Synod  at  Confluence,  decreed  as  againd: 
Inccli,  That  none  Marry  within  the  feventh  Degree  of  Kindred.  Was 
that  Divine  Law  ? 

0.  7,1.  Two  or  Three  other  SyW;  at  Trofeium  arc  mentioned,  about 
f.nall  Matters  ;  and  One  at  Duisburge,  to  Excommunicate  fome  that  put 
out  the  Bifhops  Eyes. 

0.  55.  The  ncKt  Pope,  is  Leo  the  Sixth  ;  and  Dyed  after  Seven  (or 
Si;c)  Months,  and  Fifteen  Daycs.  1 

$.  34.  NcKC,  Anno  gig.  fuccccdcd^/'fp/jfw  the  Eighth,  for  Seventh) 
and  fatcbut  two  Years,  one  Month,  and  fifteen  Dayes.  How  they  were 
fo  fall:  difpitchcd,  I  omit. 

$.  55.  Next  comes  the  Son  of  Afaroda,  Pope  Sergius  his  Raftard. 
caird  John  the  Eleventh:  His  Mother,  nnd  Fathcr-in-Lafiv.  Wido,  got 
him  in  Anno  (ju.  even  when  he  was  a  Lad  under  Age.  His  Prothcr 
Albericus,  (faith  Earonius)  did  keep  this  Pope  in  Prifon-to  his  Death. 
Tut  the  Cafe  was  this,  (vid.   Bin.  p.  10.55.)    \lWi*io  being  Dead,  Ma- 

T  c  rozia 




Church- Hiflory  of  'Bipods 

rozia  cffereth  the  Dcmirton  of  Rome  to  his  own  Brother  Hugo,  on  con- 
duioti  he  nculd  MArry  her  :  He  acceptcth  the  Condition  \  andfecrctly  cr.- 
CJ'  ttring  the  Caftle  •/  St.  Angelo,  after  he  had  committed  Jnceji  with  her, 
his  Brother's  IVtduWy  he  dtfpifcd  the  Romans.  When  Lis  Son-n.-Law  A\- 
bericus,  by  his  Mother  Marozia's  Comnund,  poured  out  Water  to  waj!)  hts 
Hands,  he  firok*  him  en  the  Face  for  pouring  too  much.  To  Revenge'  this 
Wrong.,  Albcricus  ftir'd  up  the  Romans  to  a  DcfetUon  ;  and  having  by 
jijfAtilt  of  the  CaflLc,  put  to  Flight  his  Faiher-in-Larv  Hugo,  he  command- 
ed his  Another  Marozia,  and  his  Bajlard-Brother,  the  Counterfeit  Popc 
John,  Id  be  kept  tn  Prsfon  ;  in  which  the  violent  Invader  dyed,  being  vio- 
lently cajl  cut,  after  for  jive  Tears,  and  fame  Months.,  he  had  rather  f  l- 
thily  DefJed,  than  Ruled  the  ylpofolickzSeat.~\  S^'iih  Eii.ius  out  of  Luit- 
fraiidits  and  Baronius :  Calling  him  a  Monllerj  and  yet  Magnifying 
Home,  bccaufe  fuch  were  Obeyed. 

^.36.  CCCX.  A'lno  g^z.  hlmiW  CounziXit  Erford'xnCermany.,  un- 
der King  Henry.,  decreed,  i.  That  Holy-Day es  be  kept  for  an  Honou- 
rable Commemoration  of  the  Twelve  Apoftles,  and  Farting  on  the  £- 
vens.  2.  That  no  State-Meetings  be  kept  on  the  Lord''s-Dayes,  or  o- 
ther  HolyDayes ;  nor  Chriftians  then  cited  to  the  Courts  of  Juilice. 
3.  Nor  when  he  is  going  to  Church.  4.  That  fcandalous  Minillcrs  be 
tryed.  5.  That  no  private  Chridian  make,  or  impofe  any  Faft  onhim- 
felf,  with'out  the  Bifliop,  or  his  Miflionaries  Confcnt.  (^An  unreafona- 
blcUfurpation  !  Muft  the  Bifhop  needs  know  all  the  Rea'bns  that  e- 
^  very  MiB  hath  for  Farting,  and  be  Judge  of  them?  But  fure,  the  Bi- 
fjop's  Diocefs  had  not  then  fo  many  hundred  Pariflies,  and  fo  many 
Counties,  as  they  have  now  :  Elfe,  by  that  time,  the  Birtiop  and  his  Com- 
miflary  had  heard  a  Hundred  Thoufand,  or  Fifty  Thoufand  Perfons,  tell 
him,  what  Reafons  they  had  to  Fall  bcfides  the  common  Fa/Is,  at  any  time, 
or  on  any  fpecial  Occafions,  much  of  his  time  would  be  taken  up. 
$.57.  .Anno  9^^  A  Council  at /?/7fwn  againft  Church-Robbers,  c}-c. 
§.  38.  v^w>o  936.  Leo  the  Seventh  was  made  Pope,  after  John  the 
Eleventh.  In  that  time  Hugo.,  that  was  got  away  from  Albcricus.,  had 
got  an  Army,  and  Bcfjeged  Rome.  A  Match  was  made  for  Albcricus 
to  Marry  Hugo's  Daughter :  And  fo  Maroz.ia''s  Husband  and  Son  were 
agreed,  by  the  means  of  Odo,  Abbot  of  Climiac. 

?,  39.  Henry.,  King  of  (jermany,  the  Glory  (faith  Baronius  and  Binius) 
of  Chriflian  Religion,  dyed  at  this  time  ;  .  who,  after  many  other  Natt- 
^  ens.  Converted  alfo  the  King  of  Denmark  to  the  Chriflian  Faith  :  and 
lift  his  Son  Otho,  the  Hetr  of  his  Piety  and  FaUitr.  Yet  are  not  o- 
ther  Papifls  afhamcd  to  fay,  That  all  thefe  Nations  were  Converted  by 
the  Pope  ;  who  was  the  great  Scandal,  that  hindrcd  the  Converfion  of 
the  World. 

§.  40.  But  (  fay  the  fame  Authors)  Manartes,  Biflwp  of  Aries,  «c» 
troubled  the  Church  :  Being  an  Ambitious  Man,  not  contented  with  his  Seat, 
lny  the  means  of  Hugo  Kmg  of  Italy,   he  alfo  invaded  the  Bipapricks  of 


ioid  their  Coimcils  abridged.  212 

Verona,  a>iu  of  Trent,  4«<^  (f  Mantua,  and  of  Milan  't  filfl  (  O  now 
the  Church  profpcr'd!)  Sa^m^,  That  he  did  it  by  the  E.wmpic  cf  the  "CB 
Prince  of  the  AfoflUs  ;  who  at  once  pr.Jfi  fed  Rome,  Antioch,  <«'.«i  Alex- 
andria, j  E'X.  Liuipraitd.  (''And  could  the  pt/^f  blame  him,  that  would 
be  Bifliopat  the  yimtfodcs^  and  have  all  thc\VotId?)  But  its  ibargc, 
that  Men  fliould  talk  of  Bifhops  Ambition,  as  of  a  ftrange  thing,  in  the 

Year  937. 

5.  41.  u^nnoQio.  ?ope  Stephen  the  Nincth  was  chofcn  by  0//;c  of  Co-- 
ffi.iiy,  without  the  Cardmai-Clcr^y,  who  had  neither  Power,  nor  Vir- 
tue enough,  to  choofc:  And  the  City  was  under  the  Power  of  Albe- 
ricus,  who  Tyrannized  over  them:  And  becaufc  he  had  not  the  Choice 
he  caufed  fomc  Fellows  fo  to  cut  and  mangle  the  Face  of  the  Pope, 
that  he  would  never  after  be  feen  abroad,  but  kept  clofc  till  he  dyed ; 
which  was  after  Three  Years.  This  Otho  refolved  to  Revenge  on  Al- 
bertciis  :  And  alfo,  the  War  between  Hj'^o,  and  Albcncus,  broke  out 
Dgain.  Plaiina  faith,  That  Hugo  was  about  to  Keven^e  the  Pope,  but 
then  Dyed. 

^.  42.  A  Synod  was  at  Narbon,  to  end  the  Contention  of  two  Bi- 
fhops, about  the  Extent  of  their  DiocefiTcs,  and  Jurifdi<flion. 

,(>.43.    CCCXl.    if  yet  you  perceive  not  the  fad  State  of  the  Church, 
by  Men's  flriving  for  Church-Dignities;   a  Council   at  Soijfons^    Afm9 
940.  will  tell  you  more.     You  heard  before,  how  the  Earl  of  Aqmtanc 
had  got  his  Son  to  be  made  Arch-Bifhop  of  RhcKes .-    The  Child  in 
coats,  was  but  Five  Years  old :    It  happened,  that  he  was  put  out  a- 
gain  for  his  Infancy,  or  Non-Age ;    and  ylrta/dus,  a  Jlonk.  chofen  in 
his  (lead.    This  Council  of  Bifhops,    was  to  decide  the  Cafe  between 
the  two  Arch-Bifhops.     The  Objcflion  againft  one,    was  his  Infancy, 
and  his  Father's  ill  means  to  bring  him  in:   The  Objc(flion  againft  the 
other,  was  Ptrjury^     He   had  fworn,   that  he  would    never  accept  an 
Arch-Bi(hoprick:    fAlns!    Muft  the  Church   of  France  be  Headed  by 
©nc  of  thcfc;   an  Infant,^  or  a  Perjured  AU/.lil)    The  Sytod  cart  out    ^"'""- 
the  Perjured  Afonk,  and  judged  the  Seat  to  the  Infant,  as  being  law-  f'^gj^g^j 
fully  Chofen  ;  (  Power  made  it  a  Lawful  Call.  )   And  the  Bifhops  went  in  cho- 
to  Ahemes,  and  Confccratcd  him.  nu. 

<f.  44.  In  the  Year  920.  the  French  Nobles,  by  confent  at  Soijfons,. 
bad  Revolted  from  King  Charles  \  becaufe  he  took  Huganon,  a  Man  of 
low  Quality,  into  his  Privy-Council,  and  made  him  Great :  Her- 
vfus,  Bifhop  of  Rhemcs,  had  partly  healed  this  Breach.  But,  Amio 
922.  it  broke  out  again ;  and  the  Nobles  chofe  Kobert  King,  and  F/er- 
vcus  Confccratcd  him:  But  this  Rebellion  was  their  Ruin.  Three 
Years  after  dyeth  FJervtus :  And  the  next  Year,  Robert  Fighting  a- 
gainft  Charles,  was  flain  at  Soiffons ;  yet  his  Army  conquered  the  King's. 
Shonly  after,  Rodolph  Duks  of  Burgundy,  is  called  in  by  the  Nobles, 
and  made  King ;  as  if  the  Kingdom  had  been  void.  Charles,  on  pre- 
tence of  a  Treaty,  is  led  by  Henhert  to  a  Caftle  •,  and  thence  carrycd 

T  t  2  to 


^24  Church' Htfto)^  oj  (Bipoj^s 

to  Tcroncy  whcrc  he  dyed.  Anno  929.  leaving  a  Son  Lejxis  xo  Fight 
for  the  Kingdom.  And  when  Charles  was  in  Prifon,  Hugo  rejc'dcd 
Rodnlfh,  and  called  Ltwis  oMioi  Englatrd,  to  be  King,  AKr.ogi6.  But 
Hugo  and  Her  ike- 1  would  be  his  Maflers,  and  gave  him  little  Quiet. 
Hitihirt  dycth  mifcrably,  and  Rcpcntctlr.  Hugo  Domineering,  the 
King  cravcth  Aid  of  Otho  out  of  Ccrtrany,  againftliim:  But  (hortly 
dycth  himTilf,  by  a  Difeafc  got  by  a  Fall  in  Hunting  aWolf.  Lctha' 
riiis  his  Son,  fucceedeth  him.  Tn  his  Third  Year,  Hugo  the  Great 
Duke  of  Orlcarce,  dycth  j  and  Lotharnu  the  King,  Anno  ()S6.  His^ 
S"on  Lndovjcus  fucceeded  ;  who  dyed  Childlefs,  Annog^j.  And  in  him 
ended  the  Line  of  Charles  the  Great:  For  Charles  Duke  of  Lcraine, 
ttiat  w?s  next,  was  by  the  Treachery  of  a  Bifhop,  taken  by  Hugo  C^ 
pit,  the  Son  of  the  forc-faid  Duke  Hugo,  and  iniprironed  to  Death: 
.  And  this  Hugo  got  PclTcfTion  of  the  Crown.  So  much  briefly  on  the 
By  of  thcfe  IVlattcrs;  that  they  after  interrupt  us  not  too  much:  Sec 
Diets,  Pttaz,  lib.  S.c.  16. 

^,  45.  Afarimts  2.  (alias,  Martin  3.)  is  made  Pope,  Anno  ^^i.  and' 
Reigned  three  Years,  and  fome  Months  (the  common  Time  of  Po^es 
in.that  ^gc.  )    In  his  time,  Artaldus  rtrove  again  for  the  Seat  of  Rhemes. 

f,  ^6.  CCCXI!.    When  Bifliops  would  needs  be  Princes,  they  taoght 
Princes  to  rcfolve  to  be  Bifhops  :     And  as  Henbcrt  did  at  Rhemes^  fo 
did  the  Empcrcr  at  Confiantinofle  put  in  a  Patriark,  Trypho,  a  Afof/k^r, 
on  condition,    that  he  fhculd  hold  it    but  till  his  own  Son  Thecphylaci- 
came  to  Age.     When  the  time  came,  Trypho  would  not   Rcfignc:    A 
Council  is  called;    where  Bin.  ex  Curopal.  tells  you  the  State  of  that 
Church  alfo,  as  too  like  thelVefiem.    The  Council  being  met,  Tryphon 
makes  a  Speech  to  them,  and  faith ;  That  his  Adverfaries,  that  had  a 
(■•     mind  to  cafl  him  out,  gave  the  reafon,  that  he  knexv  not  Letters:    But  that- 
bS*      they  might  all  fee  that  this  was  falfe,  and  that  he  could  Write  and  Read,' 
he  call'd  for  Pen  and  Paper;    and  (having  been  taught  thus  much  be- 
(i3>       fore)  wrote  his  Name  thus :     [Tryphon,  by  the  Mercy  of  God,  Arch- 
Bi^iop  of  Conflantinople,  Niv^i  Rome,  and  Vmverfal  Patria;k-,~\    (for 
that  was  then  the  Title.  )    The  Emperor  receiving  the  Paper,  (it  feems, 
knowing  that  he  could  not  Read )    writeth  over  head    [  Knowing  yny. 
felf  Vrmorthy,  I  Refigne  the  Throne  to  any  that  vpill.'}    And  fo  fent  the 
Paper  to  the  Council;    and  the  Bifliops    ('wife  and  Good   Men,  you 
muft  fuppofc)    Dcthron'd  Tryphon.      The  Seat  ftaid  void  five  Months, 
till  Theophylali  came  to  Age ;  who  then  was  chofen. 

^.47.  Anno  g.\6.  Agapetiis  thfSscond  ii  rM6t  Pope,  rnatime'when 
Wars  (  between  the  Hungarians,  and  Hettry  "Bavaria,  Berengarius  and 
Otho^  c^c.  )  made  Miferabie  the  Countries,  and  Ignorance  and  Ambiti-- 
on  the  Churches. 

5$.  48.  CCCXni.    A  Council  at  Vtrdun  in  France,  again    tryed  the 

Caufe  between  the  fore- faid  Infant, -and  the  Perjured  Bifhops,  Hugozni 

^     Artald'f   and  they  undid  what  the  kift  had  done,  and  Depofed  Hf^gs-, 


Mid  the'tP  (juncils  abridged.  225 

and  gave  the  Seat  to  Art  aid.  Yet  we  have  not  clone  uith  Doing  and 
Vhdeniff  :  For  Pope  ylgapcte  now  took  Hugo\  P^rt  5  and  uiotc  10  the 
Bifhops  of  France  and  Getmariy,  i)^d^lHi<gu  that  was  in  PcfTtlTion,  was 
to  be  kept  there.  But  the  PapiHt  fay,  he  niillook  by  //Afgt's  Mif-in- 

j.  49,  CCCXIV.  Anno  94.8.  Another  Council  at  Mcfipie  was  crl- 
lej  for  the  fame  Bufinefs  :  Hugo  would  nor  come  in,  but  fcnt  \.\\c  Ptpt's 
Letters;  which  being  not  Canonical,  but  his  bare  Command,  they  ro- 
je(ned  them,  call  out,  and  Exconomunicatcd  Hugo,  tiU  the  next  Go 

^.  50.  CCCXV»  Anno  948.  A  Cencral-Council  of  France  and  C(y- 
Many  is  called  at  EngcUnhciin^  for  the  fame  Caufc  ;  almoft  all  France 
being  difquieted  about  two  Mens  (hiving,  who  fhould  be  the  Great 
Arch-Bifhop:  The  Pope's  Legate  Martins,  proved  Hugo's  Letters  falfe; 
and  Hugo  was  Excommunicated,  and  Artald  feilcd.  But  the  Pretence 
of  two  Kings,  Ludovicks  rfnd  Oiho,  did  much  thcrc-to. 

The  Bifhops  thence  removed  to  Triers,  ('called  another  Council)  where 
they  judged  for  King  LudovicMs,  againft  Duke  Hugo;    and  Excommu* 
aicatei  fome  Bifhops  Ordained  by  Bilhop  Hit^o,  fthat  was  Ordained  in 
his  Child-hood.  ) 
And  another  Council  at  Rome  confirmed  theCc  thing?. 
$.  51.    Now  comcth  the  Famous  Pope  John  the  Twelfth,  the  Son  of 
Prince  Albericus,   the  Son  of  the  Famous  Whore:    A  Child  too.    Saith 
BaroKitiS  and  Binius,  ('p.    lofo.  )    Quar.cjuam  l.uic  Lcgmma  atai  a.'ia^^     «ga 
omnia  dcejfeftt  <]ȣ  tnlcgitimo  Pontifice  ra^utruntur,    tamcn  acccdcme  pcflea 
confer? fu  totius  (^Icri,  vifurn  efl  huic  pottus  e/fe  Tolerandum  qnam  Ecclcjlam 
Schifmate  alii^uo,    (jitod  alic^nin  exertiim  fiiijfit,  dnidindam      Hc  V  anted 
Natural  and  Moral  Endowments ;    even  Ail  Things  nectjfary  to  a  Legi- 
timate Pope,  fay  they  :    And  yet,  the  After- Confent  of  thcC/fr^j  made 
him  Tolerable,  o~c.     Qu.   1.  But,  Did  that  Aftcr-confcnt  make  him  a 
true  Bidiop?   2.  If  not,  Where  is  their  Succcffion  ?     3.  Did  Co.^  au- 
thorize x.\\c  Clergy,  to  confent  to  fuch  a  Man  ?    Where.!*  Prove  it.   -4.  If- 
not.  Could  their  Confent  make  him  a  Billiop  }    Is  not  all  Power  of  Cod  ? 
And,    Doth  God  give  it  contrary   to  his  Word  ?     5.  Were  not   thofc 
Clergy-Men  wicked  thcmfclvcs,  that  would  do  fo  .i*     6.  Did  thofe  Do- 
(flors  prefume,  that  their  Readers  were  fuch  Fools,  as  not  to  know,  that' 
Forma  non  rccipit/ir  ntji  in  rrauriam  difpcjiiam?    And  that  Ex  (]novis  lig- 
no  non  fit  Aiercurtits.     An  Illiterate  Man  cannot  be   a  School-Mallcr  :; 
He-that  is  no  Chriftian,  cannot  be  a  Bifhop  j    nor  hc  that  hath  not  the 
Qualifications  clTentially  necclTary.     All  the  World  cannot  make  a  Ihy- 
fician,  a  Lawyer,  a  Divine,  a  true  Paftor  or  Bifhop,  of  an  Ideot,  sn 
Infant,  or  a  Man  that  wanteth  EfTential  Difpcfitions.    To  fay,  htvtai' 
ted  all  re^uifne  Salifications,  and  yet  that  he  was  a  Bifhop,  is  a  Con- 
tradiction :    A'faterta  Difpofia  (Jr  Forma,   being  the  ConQitutive  Cau- 
fcs.    What  if  they  had  made  a  Bilhop  of  a  Tmki  an  I^fiddy  a  Corp'^x . 

-,2  6  (^hwch^Hiftory.  of  'Bifl)ops 

crc  ?  Had  it  not  been  a  Nullity,  and  prophanc  Mockery  ?  7.  What 
clfc  Hgnify  ail  the  Ca  ons,  that  njllify  Ordinations  for  lefs  Faults? 
But  the  lni3';c  of  a  Bifhop,  will  make  but  the  Image  or  Carkafs  of  a 

5$.  52.  Eut,  fay  they.  Cum  lytnverfa  Ecclefa  Cathclica  fcirct  minm 
malum  efft  caput  ciiiantam  libet  monfirolum  prof  are  ejiiam  u»Hm  corpus  in 
duo  ftit;ri,  C""  duobiti  capitibits  informnri,  cundcm  toto  orbe  terrarum  tan- 
^iiar'i  vcruni  &  It^^iiimum  Poittpccm  zeticrata  fiiit.  /'nfw.  I.  What  a 
fhamcicis  Dream  do  you  impofc  on  us,  under  the  Name  of,  Toms  or^ 
bis  Tcn.vuM?  What  had  the  Ethiopians,  the  yiruienans^  yea,  or  the 
CrukjChiirch,  to  do  with  Pope  Jch>2  ?  Or,  What  was  it  to  them,  how 
he  was  called,  or  what  he  was?  Did  not  the  7 ^.tna>\  of  Conftan- 
tinople  then  write  himfclf,  the  VnivcfuL  Patriark  ?  (even  Tr)pho;i,  that 
they  faid,  could  not  write  any  thirg  elfc. )  Where  is  your  Proof  of 
this  U*!»verfal  Conceffion  ?  Whii-h  way  did  the  whole  Cathslick-Chnrch 
(or  tiic  Tenth  or  Hundredth  Part  of  it)  fignify  their  Confent  ?  2.  Who 
taught  you  to  feign  the  State  and  NcccflTity  of  fuch  a  Church,  as  muft 
have  aao'.her  Univerfal  Head  befidcs  Chrifi  ?  You  know,  that  it  is  the 
Being  of  fuch  a  Church  or  Head,  (  be  he  never  fo  Good)  that  we  de- 
ny :  And  you  have  never  proved,  nor  can  prove  it.  He  only  is  the 
Univerfal  Head,  who  maketh  Univerfal  Laws,  and  undertaketh  Uni- 
verfal Teaching,  and  is  an  Univerfal  Judge  and  Protc(flori  none  of  which 
any  Mortal  man  can  perform.  The  very  Fiiflion  of  fuch  a  Head  and  Body, 
ss  Monftrou;,  and  your  Capital  Error.  3.  How  fmall  a  part  of  the 
Chiriftian  World  was  fubjc<ft  to  the  Pepe,  at  that  time;  though  within 
his  reach,  he  was  almo/l  at  the  Heighth  of  his  Prcfumption?  4.  He 
that  wantcth  what  is  Eflcntfai  to  a  true  Bifhop,  is'no  true  Bifhop  :  But 
Pope  John  the  Twelfth  wanted  what  was  Eflential  to  a  true  Bi- 
fhop:  Ergo,  He  was  none.  The  Aimor  is  proved:  He  that  want- 
cth the  ncccfTary  Difpojition  of  the  Receptive  Aiattcr,  and  is  not  Subje- 
5luw  Capax,  wanteth  that  which  is  Eflcntial  to  a  true  a  Bifhop:  (For 
the  Matena  Difpofta  is  an  Eflcntial  Conftitutivc  Caufc;  a  Siib]en:nm 
Capax  is  ElTentinI  to  a  Relation.)  Eut  John  the  Twelfth  wanted  the 
Neccfljry  Difpofuion  of  the  Matter  ad  t'omiafu  Rcctpiendawy  or  was  not 
Sub'yElum  Capax:  Proved.  He  that  wanted  capable  Age,  and  all  o^ 
iher  ThiJtgs  nec((fary  to  a  lawful  Pope,  was  tiot  Subji-flum  Capax ;  but 
)van'ed  the  nccejjltry  Dtfpofition  Receptive.  But  all  thefe,  you  fay  "your 
fclves,  Pope  Joh/i  wanted:    ErgOt  &c. 

5  If  then  the  Univerfal  Church  had  fo  erred,  as  to  take  him  fot  a 
Piifhop  that  was  none  ;  that  Error  would  not  make  him  a  Bifhop,  no 
more  than  it  would  make  a  dead  Man  alive,  or  an  illiterate  Man  lear- 
ned. But  this  is  the  RomaK-Cathotick.kind  of  Proof :  You  fay  your 
fclves.  That  a  Whore,  and  a  wicked  Son  of  that  Whore,  got  Power 
enough  to  over-top  the  Citizens  of  Rome,  and  the  Clergy,  (yet  too 
■  hke  them )   and  to  thruft  a  wicked  uncapable  fellow  into  the  Chair. 


■  ■  ■  -  '  -  -— —      ■  I     11—^^—  -,. ...         -—    , 

aikl  thci^  Qtuncils  ahrido-cd  ?  1 7 

When  that  is  done,  it's  kno^v^^  all  g^ci  Men  difTent  and  abhor  it. 
But  R'hen  he  hath  Pofllnior,  th.ey  rau't  know  that  he  hath  PolTefiion : 
And,  What  can  they  do  to  help  it  ?  Wha:  Power  have  the  Erhfopia^^s, 
Armenians,  Syrians^  or  other  Nations  of  the  Earth,  in  chocfing  the  pove 
of  Rome  f  And  if  thev  have  none  in  Choofinghim,  What  Power  hav€ 
they  to  examine  the  Choice,  and  Depofc  hJm  ?  And  if  they  have  no 
Power,  Why  or  how  fhould  they  fignify  their  Conrcnt  or  DilTcnt  ?  If 
they  leave  your  own  Matters  to  your  fclvcs,  What  is  that  to  the'  Con- 
[ent  cf  the  Cathalick-Church  ?  But  fomc  men  'hjnk,  that  big  Words  • 
to  the  Ignorant  may  fcrvc  for  Proof,  even  of  a  Right  to  Govern  at  the 
Antffodcs,  and  all  the  World, 

5$.  5  J.  His  Father  A!bericns,  being  Govcrnour  of  the  City,  defign- 
cd  the  SuccclTion  to  his  Son  O^Uvta/i :  To  which  he  added  the  Ufur- 
ped-Papacy,  calling  himfclf  /«/;/;.  The  firll  (fay  Earoniut  and  Bi'ius) 
that  changed  his  N.ime,  ( though  others  fay  Stratus  was  the  firft.) 
Saith  Platina  ;  Fromhu  Tenth,  he  was  Contaminated  with  all  odtcus  Crimes, 
and  Filthincfs :  When  he  had  any  time  to  [fare  from  his  LnJ}s,  it  was 
not  [pent  in  Prayings  but  in  Hunting.  Two  of  the  Cardinals,  mcved  with 
the  Shame  of  fuch  a  Pope,  fend  Letters  to  Germany,  to  Otho,  to  in- 
treM  him  to  fave  Komc  fro/n  Bcrcngarius,  (that  Plundered  all  the  Cciti:- 
try)  and  from  Pope  ]ohn  the  Twe/fih  j  cr  elft  Chrillianity  vrai  loji. 
John  haviig  notice  cf  this,  c«/c/jfffe  f  r  Cardinals,  and  cutteth  cff  the  Kofe 
of  cne^  and  a  Hand  cf  the  other.  Ot\\0  (ometh  into  Italy,  and  took.  Be- 
rengarius,  and  his  Son  Albcrtus,  and  'Banijhcd  thtm.  Yet  Baronius  CTld 
Binius,  out  of  Liiitpraudus.  fay,  That  the  Pope  himfclf  fat  \or  Otho, 
to  Help  him.  However  that  was,  the  P<7/if  received  him  as  with  Honor, 
and  Crowned  him  the  Emperor  o{  Get fr.any^  fthe  Firft)  and  Hungary. 
The  Pope,  and  all  the  Great  Men  of  the  City,  fworc  ovc:  the  Body  of 
Si.  Peter,  that  they  would  never  hc\p  Bercngarins  or  Ad..jcrt:  and  the 
Emperor  departed.  But  the  Pcpe  quickly  biokc  his  Oath,  and  ioyncd 
with  ^<^<:/^f>r  .•  Which  the  Emperor  hearing,  fjid,  He  is  a  Child;  per- 
haps Rcpreif  and  Example,  may  yet  reclaim  him.  He  returned  to  Rome, 
and  Adalbert,  and  the  Pope  Ji^d :  The  Citizens  received  the  Empercry 
and  promifed  him  Fidelity  j  and  took^  at  Oath,  that  they  wchld  never 
Choofe  or  Ordain  a  Pope,  without  the  Conferit  a>;d  Choice  if  the  Emperor 
Otho,  and  his  Sen  Otho.  ]ohn  fed  into  a  Weed,  and  lay  there  like  the 
Wild-Eeafls.     fSaith  PUttr.a.) 

$.  5+.    CCCXVf.    Otho  called  a  Council  at  Ro'kc  ;    where  the  Bi- 
ftiop's  dcpofeJ  joh>i,  and  made  Leo  Pope  :    By  which  we  ftill  fee,  how      ^ 
obedient  the  Bifhops  were  to  the  /frongcr  Side  j    or  clfc,  that  really  c- 
vcn  thofc  near  Rome,  did  not  confent  xojohn;  much  lefs  the  whole  C*-- 
tholick-Chiirch,    as  Baronmj  immodeiiiy  affirmet'.i. 

The  Council  was  called.  Anno  965.  out  of  Italy,  France,  ard  Cir- 
tr.any,  befidcs  Roman  Cardinals  ar,d  Nobles.  Trc  Emperor  firft  asked. 
Why  Pope  John  vitu  net  there  f     The  Roman  Bifhops,  Cardit  als,  Fref- 


.^iB  Ch!<rch-Hifto)y  of 'BiP'Ojjs 

bytirs,  and  Deacons^    and.  all  the  Pe'cflf  a-?ft\'er(d,    \Vc  wundtr  your  Hely 
CJ"      Frndence  jlioiild  a,\^  lis  this  Qacfiion  ;    f<-i-i^g    h:    fg  cfenly  manageth  the 

'Works  of  the  Dcvil,  that  it  is  not  n/\''c\vn  to  the  Babylonians,  Iberians, 
or  Indians.  Tije  Emperor  required  p.iniciilar  yiccnf.niotis :  Then  Pctcr, 
a  Cardifial-Presbyter^  p'^i  That  he  faw  him  Celebrate  A'/afs,  aid  not  Com- 
municate.    A  £ip)op,  and  a  Cardinal-Deacon  faid^    That  they  faw  hiui 

.Ordai:i  a  Deacon  in  a  Stable  if  Hcrfcs.  Bcnccii(fl,  aid  ma.'/y  others  f-tid,  he  Ordained  Jiifiwps  for  Aioney\,  and  Ordauied  a  Hoy  tfTen  tears 
old,  Bifnep  of  TudorUnc.     Of  Sacriledge,  there  needed  no  Witnefs  but  £.ye- 

jight :     Of  j4dnliiry,  they  faid,  that  they  faw  it  Mot ;  but  they  certainly 
k^teiv,    that  he  ahitfcd  the  Widow  cf  Ragncrius,   aid  his  Father''}  Concu- 
bine.,   cud  Aniic,    a  Widow,  and  her  Neece  -^    ayid  made  the  Haly- Palace 
.a  common  Bawdy- Hoi fe,    and  Stews.      That   he  put    out  the  Eyes  cf  his 
Spiritual  Father  Bcncdi^,  and  killed  him  thereby  :    That  he  killed  John, 
a  Cardinal  Sub  Deacon,  by  cnting  ojf  his  Virilia:    That  he  fee  Fire  en 
FJoiifes,  went  Armed  Aid  Harnajfcd  as  a  Souldicr.     They  all  (^both  Cler- 
gy and  Laity")  cryed  out,-  that  he  Drunk  a  Health  of  VVine  to  the  Dc- 
.vil,  (Diaboli  in  Annorcm.)     That  he  at  his  Play  at   Dice,  would  crave 
the  Help  cf  ]up'ncr^  Vcniii,  and  other  Dcmor,$,  O'C.     The  Emperor faid. 
That  Bad  Men  often  accife  the   Good:,    and  lift  Afalice  or   Ltver  jbould 
fnove  them,  he  adjured  them,  as  before  QoA,  to  jpeak^nothing  untruly  againft 
rhe  Pope,  and  v.i.huut  certain  Proof:     His  Adjurations  were   rmft  fthe- 
fner.t.     The  Bijliops,  Deacons,  Clergy,    and  all  the  People  of  Rome,     an- 
fwered  as  one  Ai-in.,  and  faid,    {_  If  both  the  Things  read  by  Bencdi(rb  the 
Dfacon^    and  filthier  and  greater  t'iSainies    were  not  committed  by    Pope 
■John,    Let  not  St.  Pctcr  Abfohe  us  from  the  Bond  of  our  Sins :    Let  us 
i/e  found  tyed  with   the  Bonds  of  Anathema,    {or  Cnrfed  from  Chrifl:)j 
ji.nd  be  fet  at  Chrlfl's  Left- Hand,  at  the  Laft  Day.,  with  ihofe  that  faid 
to  God  the  Lord,    Depart  from  us,  we  would  nut  have  the  JCnowlcdge  cf 
thy  Waycs.     Jfycu  bili:ve  not  Vs.  believe  your  Army  that  faw  him,SiC.2 
The  Emperor  being  fattsf^ed  by  his  Armies  Witnefs  alfo,  the  Council  mo- 
ved.,  that  Letters  of  Summons  might  be  fen t  to    the  Popc,    to  appear  and 
tinfwcr  for  himfc'f.      A  Leteer  was  written,  as  from  the  Emperor  and  Bi- 
jliops^    telling  him,  That  the  things  cba---ged  on  him  were  fuch,  as  it  would 
be  a  Shame  to  hear   of  Staf'e- Players;     whieh,  if  all  were  nuwb'red,  the 
X)ay  would  fail :      1  liat  nut  a  Few,    but  All,    {both  Clergy  and  Laity  ^ 
.flcci'.jed  him  of  .Warder,  Per'yrry,   Sucrilcdge,  and  if  Jnccft  with  his  (,wn 
Ismdred,  aid  with  two  ef  his  own  Sifters.    '1  hey  fay  alfo.,  (Horrid  to  heir  \') 
That  yon  drunk  Wine  in  Love  to  the  Devil,;   ail^t  Help  of  Jupiter,   Ve- 
nus, and  other  Demons,  at  your    Dice,  &C.      IVc  crave  you  weuld  come, 
and  anfrer  fcr  yeitr  fif-j    and  fv  ear,  nothing  (1  all  be  done  to  yen  be  fides 
the  Car.ons. 

The  rope  re^.ding  this,  fent  this  Anfwer  ;  [_We  hear,  that  ycu  will  make 
another  Pope:  ^f  you  do  fo,  I  Exco/nmuitcate  ycu  from  God  Almighty, 
that  ycu  n ny  b(.ve  no   Ltccnft  to  Ordain  any.,   nor  to    Celebrate  A:afi'.~\ 

/if I  er 

and  their  Quncils  ahridged.  229 

JIfter  this,  more  Bijhops  came  out  o/Gerinany ;  and  they  write  again  to  the 
Pcpe,  tclh/ig  him.  That  if  he  will  not  appear  an  J  anfwer,  they  Jlia'l  dcfpife  his 
Excomtnnnicatioiis,  and  turn  it  upon  himfetf.  He  would  not  be  f  nnd.  The 
Emperor  feeing  he  would  not  appear,  told  the  Council,  how  treachcroufy  he 
had  dealt  by  him,  intreating  htm  to  come^  and  help  him  ;  avd  after  broke 
his  Oath,  and  joyned  with  his  Enemies.  The  whole  CUrgy,  £i(lhps,  and  all 
the  People,  cry  cut.  An  un-heard-cf  Wound  muji  be  cured  with  an  un- 
heard-df  Cautery  ;  and  declaring  the  Aiifchief  he  had  done,  craveth  that 
this  Monfter  of  incurable  f^ice,  might  be  caft  out  0/ //jf  Roman- Church  ; 
and  another  put  in  his  Place,  that  will  go  before  them  with  good  Example. 
Then  they  all  cryed  up  Leo  the  Proto-Sonniariiis',  whnh  thrice  repeating, 
upon  Confent,  they  Oidained  him,  and  fwore  Fidelity  to  him. 

S>.  54.  IT  now  Baronms  and  Binius  fay,  That  the  Clergies  Confent 
can  make  an  uncapable  Monflcr  a  true  Bidiop,  let  any  one  tell  us : 
1.  Whether  this  Council  did  nor  prove,  that  the  Church  did  net  con- 
fent xojohii?  2.  Or,  Whether  his  utter  Incapacity,  many  cxprefs  Ca- 
nons, and  the  Bifliops  and  Ccuncils  Confent,  did  not  Ejeft  him,  and 
Authorize  Leo  ? 

0.  55.  But  here  we  come  to  the  Core  of  all  the  Papijh  Cheats: 
When  they  tell  us  themfelves  of  all  this  Wickedncfs,  they  cry  out,  O 
the  happy  Church  of  Rome  !  that  though  .it  fail  in  Manners,  yet  never 
faileth  in  Faith,  ylr.fw.  i.  If  General  Councils  are  fufficicnt  WitnefTes, 
that  judged  Popes  Hcreticks,  it  hath  failed  in  Faith.  2.  Hath  that  Man 
true  Faith,  that  waitctb  all  things  re^utfite  to  a  Lawful  Bif:op,  and  that 
drinkcth  to  the  Devil,  aid'  prayeth  to  Jupiter  and  Venus;  and  Li' 
'vcth  in  all  IVickednefs  f  What  a  thing  is  i'opijh  Faith?  5.  Did  Chnjl 
mean  to  pray  only,  that  St.  Peter  might  have  fuch  a  Faith,  as  will 
ftand  with  VVickedncfs  and  Damnation?  What  the  better  is  any  Man 
of  a  wicked  Heart  and  Life,  for  a  dead  Opinion  call'd  Faith,  that  will 
damn  him  the  more  deeply  for  finning  againft  it  ?  4.  It  is  not  pofli- 
ble,  but  that  fcrious  true  Belief  of  fo  great  Things,  as  Cod,  and  Chrifiy 
and  Glory,  will  bring  a  Man  to  fcrious  Repentance  and  Reformati- 

5!.  56.  Here  Baronlus  and  Binius  become  this  Monfter's  Advocate, 
and  fay,  Q  That  there  never  was  a  Council  of  Orthodox  Men,  that  fnned 
tnore  agamft  the  Canons  and  Traditions,  than  this  falfe  Council.'}  (How 
falfc  is  a  Devil-worfhipping- Pcff,  a  Murderer,  and  common  Adulterer, 
and  inceftuous  Villainies,  in  comparifon  of  al!  his  Neighbor-Bifhops  ?  ) 
1.  They  fay.  They  could  not  call  a  Council  without  him,  ylnfw.  i.  He 
was  no  Pope.  2.  It's  a  Trayterous  Fiftion  to  fay,  That  an  Emperor 
may  not  call  his  Subjefl-Bifhops  together,  to  a  Council.  3.  What 
if  Devilifh  Villains  will  make  Murders,  and  Perjury,  and  Rebellions, 
to  pafs  for  Duties,  and  never  call  Councils;  Mud  the  Devil  therefore 
be  made  Lord  of  the  Catholick- Church,  without  Remedy  ?  ^.  Who 
gave  your  Pope  that  Priviledgc?    If  Council  or  Princes,  they  can  take 

U  u  it 

^  ^  o  Chwch'Hijlory  of  'BiJJmps 

it  from  him :  If  Chnjl,  prove  it,  or  Shame  be  to  him  that  yic'.deth  it. 
5.  That  Man  is  fo  ignorant  of  Church-Hirtory,  or  Impudent  as  not 
to  be  worthy  to  be  difputcd  with,  that  denyeth,  That  Princes  have  cal- 
led Councils,  even  the  Grcatcft,  and  moft  Honored. 

II.  They  fay.  There  JI^ohU  be  Scventy'Two  U'tniejfrs  i  an  J  there  was 
fcarce  one,  he  fides  the  Aci:uftrs.~\  A'fw.  i.  The  whole  Council,  and 
People  of  Rome,  and  Army,  are  VVitncfTcs,  under  the  moil  direful 
Imprecations.  2.  The  Pofe  may  go  on  fafcly,  till  Cod  take  him  in  Hand, 
if  he  mufl  pafs  for  Innocent  till  he  will  lye  with  his  o«'n  Sifters,  or 
murder  Vfen,  and  cut  off  their /'/rj//^,  e^c.  before  Seventy. Two  VVit- 
ncflTcs  !     O  fhamcful  Hjly  Church,  that  is  thus  EtTentiated  ! 

HI.  They  fav  He  fhould  have  been  thrice  cited,  uiff.  i.  What! 
When  he  would  not  be  found?  2.  Is  that  necefTary  to  the  being  of  the 

IV.  They  fay.  No  delay  was  granted!  Anf.  He  was  not  tobefound: 
And  to  what  was  delay  necefTary,  when  the  Babyloniaas,  Iberians,  and  In- 
dians had  notice  of  his  Diabolical  Life. 
?S*  V".  They  fay,  contrary  to  all  Councils,  theEmpcrour  Condemncth  him, 
who  may  not  Condemn  any  Clerk  j4nf.  But  you  may  Condemn  Kings 
and  Emperours!  Is  not  this  Herefy,  contrary  to  Rvm.  i^.  and  the  5. 
Co.mmandement ;  How  fhill  Mens  Lives,  Wives,  and  Eftates  be  fa- 
ved  from  Ciergy-mcn,  if  Kings  may  not  judge  and  punifh  them.  This 
Dodrine  calleth  for  timely  rclhaint. 

VI.  They  fay,  Execution  went  inftcad  of  Sentence.  Anf.  Is  not 
a  plain  Sentence  here  cxprclTed  ? 

VII.  The  Pope  is  exempt  from  all  humane  judgment:  The  whole 
Council   therefore    were   impudent   or  ignorant  to  Condemn   a  Pofe, 

TT         which  none  ever  did  but  a  Herctick  or  Schifmatick.   Anf.  ifl.  That  is,  fuch 

wuMvO-  as  you  are  able  to  call  General  Councils,    Emperours  and  Kings,  Hc- 

W'S  did.    rcticks  and  Schifmaticks  j  if  they   prefume  to  judge   a  Heretick,  Schif- 

John  ir.d.  mjtick,  or  devillifh  Pufe.     But  your  faculty  proveth  not   another  cu!- 

''i^^l'  P^b'^-     2-   Did  not  Solomon  judge   Abtathar  ?    Did  not  inany  Councils 

rents  w-  Condemn  H.nonns,  and   many   other  Pofcs.     5.  What  a  cafe    is  your 

oIm  >      miferable  C^//jc3/;fi^  i?ow(««  Church  in  then  ^  when  Popfimay  kill,  ravifh, 

Lbfphcmc,    and  deftroy,  and    no  Man  can  judge   them,    neither  King 

nor  Council  ?  4.  Why  faid  you,  that   the  whole  Church  did  confent 

to  your  Pofe,  when  all  this  Council,    and  all  the  Clergy,    ai  d  People 

at  Rome  thus  begged  for  another.     5.  If  all  your  Bifliops  of  Italy,  Ccr- 

«^     f»a!n\,  &c      are  utterly  rwpi/raf  «>•  ignorant  as  you  call  thcle;  What  an 

honour  is  this  to  the  Prelacy  of  your  Church?     And  is  it  not  becaufc 

your  Po^es  ordained  them,  and  like  will  generate  its  like.     Such  other 

trifling  objeftions  they  '^rame. 

^   57    But  now  we  have  two  Pofes,  John  and  Leo  :  and  to  this  Day 

it  is   not  known,   nor   agreed   among  the  Roman  Dodors,    which  was 

■    ^     the  true  Po^e.     Moft  fay  Leo :  Baron,   ar.d  B>n.  fay,  John  j  and  call 


md  their  Councils  abridged.  551 

Lro  aSchifmatick;  confefllng  yet,  that  Script  ores  tit  finittnumeri  call  him 
Leo  Sth.  and  own  him.  How  then  (hall  we  derive  their  fucccflion? 
John's  Kindred  got  the  better,  when  the  Empcrour  was  gone,  and  cal- 
led him  again,  and  caft  out  Leo.  Now  we  have  two  Heads,  and  fo 
two  Churches;  the  Church  of  John,  and  the  Cnurch  of  Leo. 

$.  58  CCCXVII.  ylfMo  g6i.  A  Council  at  Co>iJi.  gave  the  Emperor 
A^/cf/?^(7j7/^ /'/'Of <«i  leave  to  marry  Thcopbavcs,  the  Widdow  oi  Ro/rmniis. 

$.  59.  CCCXVIII.  Ann  964.  The  monftrousBeall  Pope  John  gotup  a- 
gain,  call'daSynod  of  Bifhops :  And  what  will  not  Bifhops  do  ?  He  is 
here  ftill  called,  The  mofi  Godly  and  mofl  Holy  Pope.  The  Bifhops  at  his  .^ 
motion  Condemn  LfOjand  thofe  that  Ordained  him, and  thofc  that  were  Or- 
dained by  him.  And  this  Council  Binius  juflificth,  and  crycch  down  Leo 
Sth.  as  no  Pope,  But  he  confefTeth,  that  by  the  common  confent  of 
Writers,  Leo  was  the  true  Pope  ;  but  Script orm/t error  vcritatt  nihil praiadi- 
care  potejh  Anf.  i.  How  then  (hall  all  the  world  that  knew  not  the  Cafe, 
be  fure  that /;««;//;  zn^  Baroni:'.s  are  to  be  believed  before  ail  their  own 
Writers,  whofe  common  Sentence  is  againff  them,  and  that  Romes 
Succe(fion  from  John  is  good  ?  2.  Remeniber  this  when  you  plead  for  yoQr 
fuppofed  Tradition,  that  infinite  Writers  prejudice  not  the  Truth. 

0.  60.  But  faith  Platina,Its  reportcd^that  yiflthcn  John  nuts  punifiied  byGeds 
\Hfl  judgment,  lefl  a  Schijme  fjould  have  followed.  And  it  is  commonly  a- 
greed,  that  being  in  bed  with  a  mans  Wife,  the  Devil  (Iruck  him  on 
the  head  and  killed  him.  But  fome  think  it  was  rather  the  VVomans 
Husband  that  did  if. 

§.  61.  But  yet  we  are  never  the  nearer  conceding,  ftill  there  arc  two 
Roman  Popes  and  Churches.  John  being  dead  one  Bencdid  is  Chofen  by 
the  parties.  7oM«/c7frt  (j?-  populi  RomanieConfinfn,  faith  Bin.  p.  1067.  Yet  ^ 
had  this  Clergy  and  People  fworn  before  to  Otho,  to  Choofe  no  Pope 
without  his  Confent  and  Choife,  and  tied  themfelvesto  Leo.  But  to 
to  be  Perjured,  and  change  with  the  Ruling  Power,  alas  how  common 
was  it  ! 

§.  62.  The  godly  Emperor  Of/39  was  offended  at  thefe  Villanics,  and 
brought  an  'rmy  again  to :  Bencditl.s  made  them  (land  out  3 
Siege  till  Famine  forced  them  to  yield,  and  the  Emperor  fct  up  Leo^ 
and  carried  away  i?f«(^/(S  to  Htmbitrgh,  where  he  died,  ^nd  think  you 
but  this  Pope  is  therefore  by  i?/'.';«i  and  7;<iye«/;.'i  made  a  Martyr,  thatby 
Rebellion  and  common  Perjury  was  thus  fet  up. 

<S.  63.  While  Otho  vjoisat  Rome  j4mio  g6.^.  He  and  Lfo  8.  called a- 
nother  Council  of  Bifhops,  Italian,  Roman  ;  from  Loraine,  S  wny,  &c. 
and  all  the  Roman  People :  Pope  Bene  iil  is  brought  forth,  BcncdiEl 
the  Deacon  tells  him  of  his  Perjury,  having  broken  his  Oath  to  Leo  and 
to  Otho:  Pope  5c»f«^'fl  faid.  If  I  h.<ive  finned,  have  mercy  on  me.  The  pit- 
tiful  Emperour  with  Tears  intreated  the  Bi(hop  to  have  mercy  on  the 
man:  Whereupon,  he  fell  down  at  the  feet  of  Leo  and  the  Emperour, 
and  confefifed  that  he  had  Gnned  and  invaded  the  Papacy :  and  dclive- 

U  u  2  red 

^12,  ^ '■'"'■' ^■'fi'ftory  of  'Bipoi>s 


red  the  I'l  fig''i'i  to  Leo  :  (yet  our  forcfjid  Jn,'.ilifi  and  Hifiorian  make 
him  and  not  Lfs^  the  true  Pope  ftill.)  The  Council  Dcpofed  and  Banifhcd 
hittij  but  continued  him  a  Deacon  as  he  was  before.  They  removed 
him  to  Hawt'itr.Jj  to  prevent  new  broilcs. 

y.  6.)..  Here  Baro-  ius  and  Bifiins  cry  cut  on  the  Hiflory  oi  Luiliraiidnas 
Forg'd.on  Cra>!idiis,c^c.  But  there  is  a  great  rcafcn  -^'hy  Leo  mud  not 
be  taken  for  a  Pope:  It  is  bccaufe  by  a  Canon  of  this,  his  Council  they 
gave  Otho  the  fame  power  for  choofing  Popes  as  Charles  the  great  had, 
O  how  much  Intercft  prcvailcth  with  thcfe  Hiftorians  judgments. 

But  alas.  Reader,  is  it  not  a  fad  thing  to  read  how  faft  iSifhops  and 
People  did  thus  Swear  and  Forfwcar.  and  do  ond  undo,  making  Coun- 
cils as  weather-cocks  that  turn  with  every  Wind  that  is  ftrong?  Is 
this  the  honour  of  Prelacy,  and  their  fiability  in  governing  the 

^.  61.  Next  comes  another  hha  13th  who  was  not  Chofen  till  Leo 
dycdj  and  exprcfly  chofen  to  fuccced  bim  ;  and  fo  by  that  Account  of 
laroiiiHs  and  Bii.ii:s  the  SucccflTion  was  interrupted,  Z,fo  being  no  Pope 
whom  he  Succeeded.  But,  alas,  had  it  not  been  for  the  great  Zeal  of 
Otho,  that  came  fo  oft  with  Armies  to  defend  them,  and  to  cafl:  out  in- 
tolerable Popes,  what  had  become  of  the  Roman  Papacy  ?  This  John 
was  a  Bifhop  before,  (as  Fonnofits  was)  and  fo  by  the  Canons  his  Elcfti- 
on  was  Null  on  that  account.  Almofl:  as  foon  as  he  was  fetlcd,  faith 
Tiiitina^  the  Romans  having  now  got  a  Cuftomc  of  Expelling  their  Popes, 
(yet  Baron,  faith,  the  Univerfal  Church  owned  them,)  did  by  Seditions 
tire  out  this  alfo.  By  the  hclj.  of  Jofred  Earl  of  Campany,  they  brakf  in- 
to the  Laterane  Hoiife^  and  tool^  him,  and  firfi  imprifon  hiw,  and  then 
fend  hitn  Banijhed  into  Campania  :  But  John  Prince  oi  Campania  killed 
Jofred  and  his  only  Son -^  and  delivered  Tope  John  the  Eleventh  month  af- 
ter his  Baniflitncnt :  And  the  Emperour  Otho  again  hringeth  an  jirtny  to 
Rome,  Vfith  fpced,  and  cafls  the  Covernour,  the  Cof!fals,  and  the  Dearc' 
bones  into  Setters-^  The  Confuls  he  fendcih  into  Gcrminy ',  The 
Dearchoues  he  Hanged:  Peter  the  Pr<tfe£l  of  the  City,  fome  write  {faith 
Platina)  that  he  dclivtre  I  to  the  Pope  to  have  his  fefli  torn  off;  his  Beard 
a:!d  Head  being  Shorn,  and  he  hanged  a  while  at  the  head  of  the  Conflan- 
tinian-Horfe,  he  was  fet  on  an  Affe  naked,  with  his  face  bacl{wardj  bis 
hands  tyed under  the  taile,  and  fo  wh'pt  thrciigh  the  Streets  till  he  was  al- 
rrofi  Dead,  and  then  Baniflied  into  Germany.  'I  he  Corps  of  ]o(icd  and 
his  Son  he  caiifrd  to  be  taken  up,  and  to  le  vilely  cafl  away  into  divers 
filthy  yUces.  Thus  did  the  blind  Zeal  of  a  good  Emperour  Revenge  and 
defend  Ufurping  Popes. 

^.  66,  A  Council  at  Revcnna,  of  fmall  importance,  and  one  at  Fowf, 
to  confirm  Glajfcnbury-  Monafitry  1  pafs  by  .  and  all  the  Engli/h  Coun- 
cils which  Spclman  hath  given  us  by  themfclvcs.  But  it  is  worth  the 
noting,  that  the  famous  Dnnflan  that  banifhcd  Priefls  Marriage  out  of 
England,   wasthaFavcrurifc  of  ihefc  twoPopcj,  7i)/;«the  J2.  and   iitk. 


aud  their  Qoiincib  abridged.  ^  , , 

even  much  countenanced  by  the  monftrous  Pope  that  Jay  with  two 
Sifters  of  his  own,  and  made  hisHoufc  as  a  common  VVhore-houfc,  if 
a  Council  under  folemn  Appeals  to  God,  and  Execrations,  faid  true. 

55.  67.  The  next  Pope  according  to  P/attna,  is  EencdiU:  (though  Onti. 
phrths  and  Bi»iiis  put  Donuj  next :  /.lith  Flat.  Cintius  a  potent  Citizen  of 
Rome  took  him  a>!d  laid  him  in  Jayle,  and  there  firangled  him :  He  wondrcd 
that  neither  O\.)\o  nor  any  other  ever  Revenged tt:  But  0//)»  was  now  near 
Death,  and  could  not  have  leafurc  to  bring  an  Army  out  of  Gcrna'ty  to 
Romcy  every  time  that  wicked  Citizens  and  Popes  fell  out:  Did  the 
Univerfal  Church  o>An  this  manalfo?  Bin  (fatih  Pht.)  Bcneditfls  Ale- 
rits  were  fitch  as  Cintius  his  reward  importeth.  But  yet  it  was  rtot  vctU 
done  of  Cintius  to  meddle  with  the  Pope  were  he  never  fo  bad :  But  alas 
(faith  he)  how  the  World  is  changed  !  For  in  our  -Age^  Popes  lay  Cittz.ens,  faul- 
ty er  fHfpc^cd,  in  the  fame  Prifn,  and  t'.en  Macerate  them, 

^.  o3.  Dorms  2,  was  Pope  but  three  months :    In  his  fhort  time,  the 
Bulgarians  had  almoll   taken   Conftant.  faith  Platina.     And  u4nno  972.      "^ 
a  Council  was  held  at  Jngelheim  in  Germany^   to  compofc  Church  mat- 

55,  65.  The  next  Pope  f  faith  PUt.)  was  Boniface  the  7th.  who  ill  got 
the  Popcdome,  and  fo  loft  it.  Onuphnns  and  Bin.  fay,  that  Cintius 
by  his  command  (irayglcd  his  PredcceJforSy  and  that  he  Succeeded  htm.  Satih 
Plat,  in  the  beginn  >ig  of  his  AI>igtjtracy  (for  a  Magijlracy  it  thus  was) 
by  the  Confpiraty  of  the  good  Citi::ie>ts,  being  forced  to  leave  the  City,  ta- 
king away  all  the  pretious  things  out  of  S.  Peters  Church,  he  fed  to  Con- 
ftantinople;  where  he  fayed,  till  felling  all  that  he  had  facrilegionfy  got- 
ten, he  got  a  great  niafs  of  Money,  with  which  he  returned  to  corrupt  the 
Citizens  by  Bnbu.  But  good  men  rtfijied  him,  efpccially  ]o\\n  a  Cardinal- 
Deacon,  whom  Boniface  catcht  and  pur  cut  his  Eyes :  yind  the  Sedition 
increafiug  more  and  mire,  either  for  fear  cr  remorfe,  he  next  made  away 
(or  k>ll  d)  himfclf:  He  Was  Pope  7  months  and  5  days  faith  Platmus. 
But  Onuphrius  tahh  ('one  year,  one  month  and  12  days.)  But  other  Popes 
came  in  between  before  he  died,  and  he  got  in  again. 

J.  69.  Baroniiis  and  Binms  fay,  that  Boniface  is  not  to  be  numbred 
with  the  Popes ;  If  fo,  i.  Why  not  many  fcorc  alfo  ?  2.  Where  then  is 
their  uninterrupted  SuccclTion  ?    And  where  was  their  Church  then  } 

Ji.  70.  Binius  maketh  Benedict  6.  next  after  Domis,  and  faith,  He 
was  jmprifoncd  and  ]^i\VAhy  Boniface,  who  Ufurpcd  the  place. 

i  71.  ^/;.  973.  A  Council  at  Mw.ina  was  to  reconcile  two  Bre- 

^.  72.  BcncdiU  j.Jn.gT^.  drove  away  Boniface,  and  was  Pope  him- 
fclf: And  fo  here  were  again  two  Popes:  Now  Oiho  2,  had  a  great 
Overthrow  by  the  Grc>  ks  in  CaUhia  \  and  flying  by  Sea,  was  taken  Prifo- 
ncr  by  Pyrats,  and  Redeemed  by  the  Sicilians,  dyed  at  Rome:  And 
Otho  the  3.  was  Chofen  in  his  place  by  the  Germancs.  Writers  agree 
not  of  the  time  of  Benedt^s  Reign.    In  his  time  they  feign,  thatat  aCcun-. 


2  5  4  Clmnh'Hifio)-)  of  &p)ops 

cil  at  Wtncheflcr  in  the  midft  of  their  Dirputes,  the  Image  of  our  Lord 
fpake  out  for  the  Monks  againft  the  fccular  Clergy,  and  fo  decided  all  the 

And  a  Synod  was  at  Rome^  about  the  Bifhop  of  A'faadfburg^  accu- 

55.  73.  CCCXIX.  Anno<)y^.  At  a  Council  at  Confiantmople,  £a/il  the 
Partiarch  is  Accufed  as  Criminal,  and  Antomus  Sthdita  put  in  his 

f.  74.  Pope  Johfi  14.  (^alias  l^.)  is  next  at  Romcy  Anno  984.  Einius 
maketh  him  fuccced  Bontface  that  had  killed  Pope  BenedtH,  and  was 
fled  toConjlamimfh'y  and  faiih^  'hat  vrhoi  Boniface i^'ifti:  that  Otho  the 
Emperoiir  was  dead,  he  returned  to  Rome,  and  feiz.ed  on  the  Papacy  a- 
gain  \  and  finding  John  in  it,  did  not  only  turn  htm  out,  but  cap  him  in  Bonds 
in  the  Tower  of  St.  Angelo,  which  was  kept  by  men  of  h-s  own  fa6lion  j 
and  with  great  Tyranny  kspt  him  there  four  months,  and  as  a  violent  and 
facrilegioHs  Robber,  at  lafi  Aiurdered  him  ly  Famiie,  And  left  r.ny  hope 
fhould  be  left  to  the  Emperoiirs  Party,  he  expofed  the  Corps  of  the  dead 
Pope  (for  all  the  Citiz.ens  to  behold")  before  the  doores  of  the  P^ifvn  :  And 
the  People  feeing  the  bare  body  of  the  Pope  con  fumed  by  Hunger^  buried  him 
with  Sorrow.  In  the  mean  time,  the  Jnvader  of  the  Sect,  and  the  cruel 
Af/trderer  of  two  Popes,  the  odious  Paricide,  and  turbulent  ihuf  Boniface 
the  Anti-Pope,  fOh  Horrible])  by  Tyranny  Jniaded St. Peters  Chair :  But 
after  four  months,  by  Cods  Revenge,  he  fnddenly  dyed  (he  kj/lid  himfelf 
faid  Plat.  When  he  was  dead,  even  the  factious  ptrfons  on  whom  he  had 
trufled.  Wounded  his  dead  Catkafs,  and  Drag' d  it  through  the  City.  Ihis 
Bin.  out  of  Baron,    and  he  exaiiticjitis  f^attcan-(  odictbus . 

And  murt  a  Governour  of  all  the  World  be  thus  Chofc n. 
But  riaii/ia  faith,  that  fome  fay,  that  Ferruciits,  Bumf  aces  Father,  3  great 
man,  murdered  7c^«;  and  others  fay,  he  wascaftcutfor  Impotcncyand 
Tyranny ;  and  others  [ay,  by  malevolent  Seditious  Men,  So  cohfufed  [faith  he") 
are  the  Hiflories  of  thofe   times. 

^.  75.  Next  coiTics /o/;«  1 5.  (alias  16)  5««««i  faith,  that  for  fear  of  the 

Platina  ijjje  ufage  that  had  befallen  bis  Prcdeccflbrs.he  left  Rome  &  dwelt  in  Tufca- 

ofUhT"^'^  one  C?-f/co?7»/j  a  great  man,  having  got  the  Caftleof  St.  Angelo:   till 

id.wA'tfii  the  Pope  fcndiiigto  O/^jo  3.  afrighted  the  v?ew«»/,  and  made  them  intreat 

hyhimthe  him  to  return.  B«t  Platina  faith,That  [^He  burned  againfi  the  Clergy  with  a 

.17th.       wondcrfull   Hatred,     and  therefore   was  defervedly  hated  by  the   Cleroy  .• 

efpecially,  becaiife  be  beflowed  all  things  Divifle  and  Humane  on  his  kindred, 

difregarding  the  honcnr  of  Cod,  and  the  Dignity  of  the  Romane  Sf<?/ jjvW// 

Errour  (faith  he)  he  fo  Traditioned  [or  delivered  down)  that  it  remaintth 

to  this  daylThh  is  Roiiiane  Tradition)  a  Comet  then  appear'd,  Famine,  Pefie- 

■  leme.    Earthquakes,  which  were  thought  to  be  for  the  Pride  arid  rapacity  of 

the  Pope^  an  J  his  contempt  of  God  and  Man.'}  So  Platina. 

5.  ']('.  Aalnfiance  was  given  of  a  Bifhop  of  the  contrary  Spirit :   Adel- 
i'lrt  Bifhop  of  Prague  in  Bgbcmia  found  the  People  fo  contrary  to  him, 


ami  their  Councils  abridged  75^ 

and  bad,  that  he  forfook  them,  and  Travelled  firft,  and  then  cntred  into 
a  Moniftery  :  And  when  he  had  lived  there  five  years,  the  people  defired 
him  again,  and  promifed  Obedience.  A  Council  at  Rome  defired  his  re- 
turn, vvhicn  with  grief  he  did ;  But  they  ftill  proved  incorrigble,  and  he 
again  foi  r.  ok  them  and  went  to  Preach  to  the //««^4r;4'?j,  when  he  Bap- 
Zed  the  King  Stephen^    and  did  much  good.  Bin. p.  1071. 

^.77  CCCXX.  ^r«;</f/;«j  Aich-Bifhopof  ^Af/^f/ fufpc<ftcd  of  Trea- 
fon,  for  delivering  up  the  City  of  Rhemes  to  Charles :  Called  a  Synod  at 
Seulis,  to  purge  himfclf,  Excommunicating  them  that  did  it.   yinnoggo, 

5$.  78.  CCCXXI.  Hugo  Capet  having  now  got  the  Crown  of  France, 
and  dcfirous  to  deftroy  all  the  Carolines  line,  upon  the  aforefaid  fufpi- 
tion  got  a  Synod  at  Rhcmcs,  to  caft  out  Artmlphus  a  Baftard  of  that 
Linc^  faying,  a  Baftard  muft  not  be  a  Bifhop  :  On:  B'fhop  rtfufcd; 
The  red  for  fear  of  that  King  confcnted,  and  cafl  him  out;  Cfo  con- 
ftant  wero  the  French  Bifhops  ) 

<>.  79.  CCCXXfl.  Six  Bifhops,  and  Nine  Presbyters,  and  Four  Dea- 
con; made  a  Council  at-  Rom:,  to  Canonize  Vtiulnc  Bifhop  of  Au^ujlay 
Anno  99  ^.  upon    the  reports  of  his  Holiacfs  and  Miracles. 

Hcic  let  me  at  once  tell  the  Reader,  that  he  hath  no  caufe  to  think 
the  mofl:  of  thcfe  Cinonizitions  wholly  caufclcfs.  But  that  while  Pope 
and  Patriarcks.  confounded  all  by  wickednefs  and  contentious  pride; 
God  had  many  faithful  Bifhops  and  Presbyters  that  lived  holily  in 
quieter  and  privatcr  kind  of  Life;  And  the  Popes  that  would  not  en- 
dure thcmfclves  to  live  a  Godly  life,  thought  it  their  honour  to  have 
fiich  in  the  Church  that  did,  and  to  magnify  them  when  dead,  and  part 
contradnfling  them.  Jud  like  the  Fhartfees,  Mat.  2j.  that  killed  the 
living  Servants  of  God,  and  honoured  the  dead,  and  built  them  Mo- 
numents, faying  If  we  had  lived  in  thofe  d.iys^  we  would  not  have  kjlUd 

§.  80,  CCCXXIII.  A  Synod  was  called  at  Mcfon,  to  debate  the 
Cafe  between  Arnulpb  and  Gerbert  fubl^ituted  at  Rhcmes,  who  fo  plea- 
ded his  caufe,  that  it  was  put  off  to  another  Synod.  "Barcn  revilcth 
fome  Writings  afcribed  to  the  f.^rmcr  Synod  at  themes,  faying,  they 
were  this  Gcrhcrts,  as  being  Blafphcmous  agiinft  the  Pope :  The  Ccn- 
turiators  of  Magdeb,  mention  them  at  large.  Did  Rome  then  govern 
all  the  World  ? 

^,  81.  CCCXXIV.  Another  Council  is  called  at  Rhemcs,  and  Ger- 
bert (that  wrote  fo  Blafphemoufly  againll-  the  Pope')  is  dcpofcd  by  the 
Pupes  means,  and  Amulphiis  rellorcd  :  which  Gohcrt  obferving,  flyeth 
to  the  Empcrour  to  GirmaH)\  fccmeth  to  repent  (as  Baron,  but  fur- 
mizcrh)  ani  gets  higher,  to  be  Pcpe  himfjif,  by  the  Emperours  means, 
as  you  fh  '11  hear  anon. 

♦  .  2.  Cin  any  Man  think  that  Po/rf,  that  theinfclves  cam?  in  by  Ty- 
ranny and  mcer  Force,  and  lived  in  Wickednefs,  coul  '  hive  fo  great 
a  Zeal  as  is  pretended  to  do  Jufticc  for  all  others,  unlcfs  for  their  ow  n 
ends?  5^.83. 



Church- Hifio)y  of  'B'ijl)ol'S 



$.  83.  John  the  \6th.  (^alias  17)  is  pafTcd  over  by  Binius :  O/iupbri- 
tii  faith,  that  he  Reigned  four  Months :  Platina  fciith,  he  d'ed  the  tenth 
Year,  and  fixth  Month,  and  tenth  Day  (a  grrat  difierencc) 

5*.  84.  Gregory  ihc  5?/;.  isnex;.  made  P.fc  (faith  Plat.)  by  Oibo  ^d 
his  Authority  for  /Affinity:  But  (faith  Plat.')  The  Romins  A-rf/v-  Cref- 
centius  Coriful  with  chnfPcwtr-.^  who  frrfcntly  vude  John  Btjhof  cj  Placcntinc 
Pope  j  who  ca?n:  to  it  by  the  confcnt  of  the  Roman  Clergy  and  People, 
to  whom  the  choice  belonged.,  though  fome  leave  him  out  :  Otho  cometb  to 
defend  his  own  Pope;  Crcfcentius /&rr;^fr/j  C/>)'  a>id  Cajtle  agjinjl  him  : 
The  People  dare  not  refijly  but  opefi  the  City  Cites :  Crcfccntius  and  Pope 
lo\\n  fiycth  to  the  Cajlle  ;  and  in  hope  of  Pardon^  yields :  Gcfccncius  tt 
Killed  by  the  People  in  his  pajfage  ;  John  hath  fir/i  Lis  Eves  put  out,  and 
then  his  Life;  /jv^ Gregory  i he  Eleventh  Adjntb  is  rejhred  :  £/////«  faith, 
that  Johns  Hands  were  cut  off.,  his  Ears  cut  of,  and  his  Eyes  pulled  out ; 
and  after  fct  on  an  yifs^  holding  the  Tail  in  his  Hand.,  was  carried  a- 
bout  the  Streets. 

^.  85.  This  Pope  and  Otho  the  id.  agreed  to  fettle  the  EIe>flion  of 
the  Emperour„  as  now  ic  is  on  the  7.  Ele(flors.  The  caufe  of  great 
Confufions,  and  Calamities  was,  that  the  Emperours  did  not  dwell  at 
Rome ;  and  fo  left  Popes  then  to  fight,  flrive,  and  fin^  that  clfe  would 
have  lived  fubmiflively  under  them.  Confiantine,  Carolus  Mag.  or  U- 
tha,  might  have  done  much  to  prevent  or  cure  all  this. 

The  Papifis  would  fain  prove  this  the  work  of  a  Roman  Synod,  f'to 
fettle  the  Eleftor$)  that  they  may  prove  that  it  is  they,  that  mufl  make 
and  unmake  Emperours,     But  they  can  fhew  us  no  fuch  Council. 

Onuphrius  hath  written  a  Trcatife  to  prove  thit  this  was  after  done 
by  Greg.  loth.  For  which  Bmius  reprehends  him,  as  believing  Aventi- 

But  this  is  a  Controverfy  handled  by  fo  many,  that  I  (hall  refer  the 
Reader  to  them :  and  whether  the  feven  Eledors  only,  or  all  the  Feu- 
datories chofe. 

Baronius  and  Binius  maintain,  that  all  came  from  the  Authority  of 
the  Pope ;  that  Greg.  ^th.  Ordained  the  choice  of  the  Emperour  to  be 
by  all  the  Feudatories  of  the  Empire;  that  the  Council  at  Lyons,  un- 
der Innocent  ^th.  fetled  it  upon  Seven,  but  not  all  the  fame  that  arc 
now  Elcftors;  and  that  the  Princes  after  fetled  it  on  thefe  fame  Seven, 
they  know  not  who  nor  when. 

For  the  right  underftanding  of  many  fuch  matters  ;  I  only  mind  the 
Reader  of  this  one  thing,  that  as  the  contention  of  Princes,  and  the 
fuperftitious  fear  of  Anathematizing  had  made  the  Papal,  and  Prela- 
tical  Power  then  very  great,  in  fetting  up,  and  taking  down  Princes ; 
fo  it  was  ufual  for  their  AfTcmblics,  even  thofc  called  Councils,  to  be 
niixt  of  Men  Secular  and  Clergy-,  Kings  and  Princes,  and  Lords  being 
prefcnt  with  the  Bifhops,  as  in  our  Parliaments  ;  and  ufually  the  great- 
eft  Princes  ruled  all.     Therefore,  toafcribe  all  to  ihc  Pope  and  Prelates^ 




their  Councils  abfuhcJ.  2  7y 

that  was  done  in  fuch  conventions,  and  thence  to  gather  their  power  to 
difjaofe  of  Empires  and  Kingdoms,  is  mecr  deceit. 

§  86.  PUnna  nexc  mmeth  fohii  ijih.  alias   i8rh.  but  (aith  h;was 
no  true  Pope  (its  impolFible  to  know  who  was,)  !)Ut  that  he  corrupted 
Crcfcent ius  w\th  money,  and   it  coft  them   both  their  lives :     How  he  ['■Hchid, 
was  mangled,    fhamed,    and  killed  C  though  a  Bifhop  before )  you  lairhP/i- 
heard  befov.  S^ol"" 

§  87.  Next  4«.  999.  Cometh  that  French  Bidiop  Gfr^ffrf  C*j  before  maiter  to 
mentioned,  that  wrote  fo  blafphemoufly  (as  they  called  \t)  againft  the  Orhu,  and 
Pope  (as  i^ncas  StlviHs  after  did)  till  he  (aw  fome  hope  of  being  Pope.  "^^"^  King  . 
himfelf,  by  the  Emperor's  favour  tirft  made  Arch-Birtiop  of^.it/c;;;;./,  and  !'*^f"'."" 
then  Pope,  Formofus's  Cafe  and  the  Canons  that  forbid  a  Bifliop  to  be  cre-it 
chofen,  were  now  forgotten  or  difpenled  with.     He  had  won  the  Em-  men. 
peror's  favour  by  a  rare  Clock  that  he  made,  being  a  good  Mithema- 
tician  :  And  the  People  and  Clergie  were  taught  that  it  was  the  Empe-  -P^wi^ 
ror's  Will  that  they  (hould  choofe  him,  which  to  pleafe  the  Emperor  jf'"''^."Iii 
they  did  ;  Hiftorians  fay  that  he  fold  his  Soul  to  the  Devil  by  Covenant,  a  icrnbic 
to  be  made  Pope,  which  accordingly  the  Devil  diftrained  and  took  hih>  Itcry  of 
away.     But  Baron,  and  Bin.  fay  that  Cardinal  Bcnr.o  was  the  firit  author  hisCo\c- 
of  this  and  many  fouler  accufations  of  the  Popes  than  1  have  here  ir.enti-  !'if!"i^^'!'| 
oned  J  and  that  he  was  Schifmatical  (as  taking  the  Emperor's  part)  and  and  his 
fo  not  to  be  believed.     And  indeed  lam  not  apt  to  believe  any  that  ac-  confcfli- 
culed  men  of  Magick*  in  that  ignoransage  of  the  Roman  Church;,  when-  ^"»  ^^'-^ 
zsErufmu-s  faith.   He  that  did  but  undeflfafid  Greek  or  Htbrtw  was.['^\!'"'^Q'^" 
fufpefted  to  be  a  Magician.  ,,lTpl„,>\ 

Otho  3d.   that  preferred  this  Pope  gave  him  two  Counties,  to  ills  vmdicati- 
Church,  Fercellis  and  St.  .Agatha:  A  herefie  GL-iar  and  B.iroii.  mention  on  from 
in  his  time,  foon  extinift.     Stcp'jenK'ing  oi  Hungary  it's  /aid  converted  ^^^"^ 'i;"_^- 
the  TravfylvMiians  (which  ycc  the  Papilts  afcribe  all -to  the  Pope-.)     An     "      ^'"' 
hundred  lifr^'  nine  Lpiltles  of^ (Jcrdcrt's  written  before  he  wa&.Biflipp  of 
Rhemes  (or  Pope)  are  found  with  Ntcol.  rnhcx.  faith  Bm.  v  '    ■j.v:-  •  .  Th\sOtbo 

%  88.  CCCXXV.   In  a  Council  at  Rome,  an.   999  Oiejkr  Arehbifliop  w-,shu:a 
of  Ai..iit:.  is  acculcd  for  having  two  Panlhesj  but  ftruck  with  a  Palfie  ^.'^'^*^  °^ 
could  not  appear,  and  the  matter  referred^  to  a  German  Council..  i>-'«,;of",ni^c^'^* 
p.    1079.  )[i  .   -..^;;.       ,  :;.  ..'.whenhe 

§  89.  Nexrcometh  p<3A«  i.6th.  as  i?l>, 'or^i^tb*  •as'/'^rff.-jvhpiyed  wsmadc 
the  fifth  month.    But  though  no  good  be  faid  of  him,  'Pi(it.-  noteth  the  ^'"l"'^''- 
great  happinefs  of  Italy  by  the  good  Government  of  H^fgo  the  Empe- 
ror's Lieutenant. 

§  90.  Ne^t  \s  fohn  17th.  as  Bi>i.  or  20th,  as  Plat,  who  fiitli  Nd 
diaiu'.m  memorid  gcf]lt.  But  what  was  wanting. in  the  urihai>{iy  Billiops 
God  made  up  in  good  I'rincejf.  Robcrr  King  of  f/rfw^-^ndyA.'?*-;  the 
new;Ernprrur.  ofGcrmtny  {L>thi)  being'  dead  j  .being  rDefl'<itr^"t^cy:g|•cat• 
piety  ajid  /ufnce  :  Holinels  was  now  puffed  Emihsfiitlv  <  •  F'*^- 

§  91.  i.;w;;.7j  rec'ordcch  that  Luithirius  h(C:.ih\(i:.> 

X  X, 

2  5  8  Chunh-Hijhry  of  Sijhcps  and 

begin  the  Hercfie  of  Berenganus.  It  feems  then,  neither  Luther,  nor 
^Hinglius,  nor  Berengarius,  nor  Bertram  (aliaj  Ratram)  began  it.  But 
where  will  the  reader  find  that  Trahfubftantiation  was  yet  named,  or  by 
iny  confent  received  ?  ^o  that  this  is  but  to  confefs  that  yet  the  do  ftrinc 
contrary  to  Tranfubftantiation  did  ftill  obtain:  And  the  name  of  herefie 
from  Baron,  or  Bin.  fignifies  no  more  againft  this  Archbi(hop  than  the 
name  of  Magick  and  Diabolifm  againft  Silvefler  2. from  many  Hiftorians. 

§  92.  In  a  Council  at  Frankford  the  Emperor  Henrj,  having  a  great 
love  to  Bamberge,  would  endow  it  and  make  it  an  Archbifhoprick. 
The  Bifhop  of  Wircsburge  would  not  come  to  the  Council  unlefs  it  might 
be  joyned  to  his  Bifhoprick.  It  feem'd  a  hard  controverfy.  The  good 
Emperor  (oft  proftrate  before  them)  firft,having  no  Children,dedicatcth 
iW  that  he  hath  to  Chrift,and  then  defireth  them  to  confider,  that  [/r 
reas  not  for  the  Lord,  but  for  ambition,  and  to  get  more  dignity  that  this 
Bi/hop  did  refiji  his  deftre']  (his  agent  fpeaking  for  him,)  (Oh  that  Prin- 
ces had  fooner  difcerncd  the  evil  of  fuch  ambition  and  afpiring!  )  At 
laft  the  Emperor  (being  prefent)  carried  ir,  andchofean  Archbifliop 
who  was  ordained  to  Bamberge. 

§  95.  Next  Peter  Bifhop  of  ^^^<»«f»is  made  Pope  and  called  Sergiw 
4th  (The  Canons  are  here  again  violated)  Now  faith  Bin.  "vfasagreat 
"prodigie ,  in  a  Church  at  Rome  rofe  afpriyig  ofojl,  of  which  a  vejfel  full 
"  tfas  fent  to  King  Henry,  no  doubt  to  call  him  to  take  the  Empire."} 

%  94.  CCCXXVI.  ^«.  1 01 1.  A  Council  at  i^w^fr^f  endeavoured  to 
end  fome  quarrels  amongBifhops  that  ftrovcto  get  more,and  accufed  one 
another  unjuftly  to  the  Popejfor  vrhich  the  King  reproved  fome  of  them. 

§  95.  jin.  10 12.  Two  Popes  were  chofcnand  fetupj  which  i«  the 
19th.  fchifm  or  double- head  of  the  Roman  Church.  The  Emperor'* 
party  chofe  Benedtii  the  8th.  The  City  Party  chofe  Gregory,  The  Ci- 
tizens were  the  ftrongcr  at  prefent  (and  fo  long  their's  was  the  true 
Pope,)  The  Emperor  proved  ftrongeft  at  laft,  and  therefore  Bencdia 
became  the  true  Pope  (for  Hobbes  his  Law  ruled  among  them,)  {that 
Right  is  nothing  but  Power  to  get  and  kf^p2  Gregory  had  no  power  to  keep 
iiis  Place :  Ergo  be  had  no  right  to  it :  Benedtti  fled  to  Germany,  and  the 
good  Emperor  Henry  amc  to  Rome  with  an  Army,  and  made  Gregory 
fly,  and  (ct  up  BenediEi.  Here  Henry  firft  inftituted  the  Golden  Globe 
,5.  and  Crofs  as  fit  for  an  Emperor's  hand  and  afped.  Bin.  out  ofGlab.  U.  5. 
c.  8.  (jaeaketh  of  the  Jews  injuring  Chrift's  Image  by  a  ludicrous  cruci- 
fixion, and  that  after  the  adoring  of  the  crofs  the  fame  day,  a  whirl- 
wind caft  down  the  Houfcs  [  omnes^ue  pene  Romanos  cccifos  ejfe  3  and 
almoft  all  the  Romans  were  killed  (that's  fcarce  credible,)  and  that  it 
ceafcd  not  till  the  Pope  had  put  the  jews  to  death.  PUtina  faith,  that 
this  Emperor  Henry  and  his  Wife  were  fo  pious  that  they  omitted  no- 
thing that  might  do  good.  He  overthrew  the  Saracens,  and  giving  bis 
Sifter  in  marriage  to  the  King  of  Hungary  converted  him  and  his  People 
Hb  the  Faith  :  And  Baron,  giverh  you  the  copy  of  his  large  grant  of  Ci- 
ties and  Principalities  to  the  Pope,  by  way  of  confirmation  of  former 
grant*.  §  ^6. 


tJ?eir  Councils  abridged. 


§  96.  They  call  it  a  Council  at  Legto  in  Spam,  where  the  King  and 
Queen  and  Nobles  with  the  Bifhops  and  Abbots,  made  fomc  Laws  for 

§  97.  CCC)Q(VII.  ^«.  1017.  A  Council  was  called  at  Orkance  in 
France',  where,  by  the  Zeal  of  the  religious  King  ^«^frf  and  the  Prelates, 
the  burning  of  Hereticks  were  fet  on  foot.  Bin.  out  ofGlahtr  thus 
reciteth  the  matter.  One  Italian  woman  revived  tke  herefie  of  thcMa- 
nichees,  and  two  Clergie  men  (yet  called  Palatu  proceres  et  Regt  famtU- 
ares)  received  and  fpread  it  abroad  with  confidence-  The  opinion*  are 
thus  recited  hyGUlrer.  i.  That  the  Dodrine  of  the  Trinity  delivered  in 
fcripture,  is  a  deceit.  2.  That  Heaven  and  Earth  are  from  eternity  with- 
out a  maker.  3.  That  the  crimes  of  fenfual  pleafure  fhall  have  no  punifh- 
ment.  3.  That  there  is  no  reward  for  any  Chriftian  works,  fave  of  Piety 
&  Juftice.The  two  leaders  Lifoius  and  HcrihertuSyWd.  eleven  more  were  -;t 
burnt  to  afhcs ;  and  afterwards  as  many  more  as  were  found  guilty  of  the 
fame  errours.  Bin.  p.   1083.  Here  confuming  zeal  began. 

§  98.  CCCXXVIII.  yiH.  1022.  A  Council  at  Saltgunflad  in  German) 
made  many  ceremonious  Canons  j  but  decreed  c.  16.  that  none  go  to 
Rome  without  the  content  of  the  Bifhop.  and  c.  i7.that  the  Popes  par- 
dons (hall  not  profit  them  that  have  not  fulfilled  the  time  of  their  pen- 

They  tell  us  alfo  of  a  Council  at  Mentz.,  and  (jofz&^r^fs  curing  a  Dc- 
moniack  woman. 

§  99.  Benedt^  ^^yi'igj  went  to  purgatory  faith  Bin.  as  fome  appariti- 
ons proved,  but  he  was  delivered  out  of  that  pain  by  St.  Odilo's  pray- 
Icrs,  and  bis  Brother's  Alms.  (  you  (ee  how  much  better  it  is  to  be  a 
Saint  than  a  Pope)  you  need  not  queftion  the  credit  of  their  intelligencr 
from  purgatory. 

§  100.  This  Pope's  own  Brother,  Son  to  the  TnfcitUne  Esr^,  by  hij 
power  prefently  feizeth  on  the  Papacie.  But  Bm.  ex  Baron,  would  per- 
fwade  us  that  this  invadedJPope  afterward  repented,  refignc d,  and  wa.<! 
new  chofen  by  the  Clergy.  He  was  very  like  to  have  their  votes  when 
he  had  gotten  fuch  power  and  advantage .-  But  where  was  the  Roman 
Church  that  while? 

*Now  dyed  the  pious  Emperor  Henry ^  and  when  he  dyed  gave  up  his      _.. 
religious  wife  to  the  Biftiopsand  Abbots,  as  a  Virgin,as  he  received  herj      ^  5|>«! 

who  entered  a  Monaftcry  accordingly  :  Conrade  his  General  fucceedcd 
him,  and  the  Pope  Qohmi  as  Plat.   18  is  Bin.')  being  driven  away 
by  the  People,  Conrade  reftored  him.  (  lb  far  was  the  Pope  obeyed.) 
§  loi.  A  Council  at  iLiTwo^f/,  an.   1029.  gave  an  Apoftolical  title  to 
Martial  their  founder. 
§  102.  An.   1032.  Another  at  P4w^:7o«e  was    about  a  Bifhop's  fear, 
§  103.  Princes  in  this  age  are  commended  for  their  piety  (elpecially 
1      their  zeal  for  Rome.)  Bi»t  did  the  Popes  yet  amend?  The  next  man  that 
Hl     Cometh  in  by  the  fame  power  as  the  former,  is  BaicdiR  the   9th  Ne- 
H|  X  X  2  phew 

^40  Church -Hip  ory  of  (BiJJ)Ops  ami 

phew  to  foirn  and  Son  ro  yilucricus ;   moft  fay  he  was  but  ten  years  old, 
"fome  fjy  i8.capable,rdith  Baron  andi  Bin.  of  Impudence  and  luxuryj  by 
"  the  tyrannv  of  his  Father  intruded, ^«.i030. And  (Qy  they) being  given 
'■  over  to  luft  and  pleafurejand  by  humane  frailty  rufhing  into  impudence, 
"and  IJLving  to  great  fcandal  of  thefdithfui,  he  was  by  the  Romans,  the 
Conful  Ftolcmy  favouring  it,  re;e<fled,  or  at  leaft  gave  itup  by  the  per- 
(Vvarion  of  the  holy    Abbot  Bartholomew.  Whereupon  Silveflcr  the  3d. 
"  came  inifO  his  place,who  had  beenBifhop  oi Sabine,  even  by  bribery  and 
"evil  arrsi;  and  did  rend  the  Church  by  anew  Schifm:  But  hehadfcarce 
*  Sate  ttiree  months,  but  £cneditt  by  the  help  of  the  TufcuUnes  returned 
'•'and  caft  him  out,  as  an  invader.  In  the  mean  time  a  third  man,  fohn 
"^rch-  Presb)ier  oi  Rome  invading  the  fame  feat,  brought  yet  a  greater 
"  deformity  on  the  Church:  And  fo  A  THREE-HEADED  BEAST  ARI- 
*'SING  FROM  THE  GATES  OF  HELL  didmiferably  infelt  the  holy 
"Chain  of  Sr.  l'ctcr.~\  Thefe  are  the  words  of  the  Popes  grand  flatterers. 
"And  they  tell  us  that  one  Gratian  a  Presbyter  pitying  this  miferable  ftate 
"of  the  Church,  went  to  all  the  three  Popes,  and  gave  them  money  to 
"hire  them  all  ro  relign  ;     And  fo  BcnedUl  as  the  moft  worthy  being  fe- 
"cured  of  the   Revenues  of   England,  depofed  himfelf;  and  that  he 
"might  the  more  freely  execute  his  lufts  betook  himfelf  to  his  Fathers 
houfe,when  intruded  by  force  and  tyranny  he  had  held  the  Papacy  eleven 
years.  And  when  the  reft  by  his  example  had  done  the  like,  each  being 
contented  with  his  alTigned   portion  of  the  Revenue,  the  Church  ^n. 
1 044. was  reftorcd  to  its  ancient  union.ipeace  and  concord,  the  Schifm  be- 
*'  ing  expelled,and  the  tyranny  by  which  it  was  opprefTed  taken  out  of  the 
"  way.]  Thus  Ear.  and  Bm.  But  how  came  this  Presbyter  to  be  fohoneft 
and  fo  rich  ?   you  muft  know  that  when  he  had  got  out  the  three  Popes 
he  was  made  Pope  himfelf,  of  which  more  anon. 
,    §.   104,  But  though  thefe  Authors  tell  us  but  of  four  Popes  at  once, 
as  credible  writers  of  their  own  tell  us  there  were  fix:  IVerncrus  in  Faf- 
(*■)  Omi-     cicu.'e  Temper,  fakh  [The  14.  *  Schifm  was  fcandalousand  full  of  confufi- 
jbr.  will    f  on  between  Ber.editt  the  9th.  and  five  othersj  which  BenediH:  was  whoJ- 
bc  c 'r "     '  'y  v't'ouSjand  therefore  being  damned,  he  appeared  in  a  monftrous  and 
thatic       'horrid  fhape,  his  head  and  tail  were  like  an  Afles,  the  reft  of  his  body 
was  the     'like  a  Bear,  **  faying,  I  thus  appear  becaufe  I  lived  like  a  beaft.  In  this 
aoth.         'Schifm  there  were  no  lefs  than  fixPopes  at  once\i.BenedtB  was  expuKed. 
■"So  fay    '2.Sihe{hr  3d.  got  in,  but  is  caft  out  again,  and  BenediB  reftored,  3.  But 
PLunm      » being  Ci'ft  out  again  Gz-f^or;' the  6th.  is  put  into  his  place  :  who  becaufe 
and  iiiany  j,^  y^^^  ignorant  of  Lf^trj  caufed  another  Pope  to  be  confecrated  with 
alVo^'^^       him,  to  perform  C-^OTc/p-OjJfcr/,  which  was  the  fourth:  which  difpleafed 
many,  and  therefore  a  third  is  chofen  inftead  of  thofe  two  that  were  fight- 
ing with  one  another.  6.  But  Henry  the  Emperor  coming  in  depofed  them 
'all  ix\A  chok  Clement  ihc  2d.3  thefixth  that  were  alive  at  once.  There  is 
great  difference  between  iVerneruj,  Onuphnus,  Flatina,  Baronius,  but  all 
confefs  that  there  were  three  or  four  at  once.     And  the  three  were  fecu- 


their  Councils  abrichcJ. 


red  of  the  revenues  before  they  refigned  to  the  fourth  ;  no  doubt  lea- 
ving him  his  part:  This  it  is  for  Bifhops  to  be  great  and  rich,  which  will 
afcertain  wicked  men  to  (eek  them.  But  if  uVre^r^/  fay  true  that  this 
foktn.  GratiaH/is,mide  Gregorj  6th,  was  i!literate,he  was  a  in^nge Kcm^a 
Arch-Pre«byter  before,  and  a  ftrange  Pope  after,  but  greatly  to  be 
commended  that  would  ordain  a  fellow  Pope  that  could  read. 

§  loj.  This  horrid  monftrous  villain  calkd  Bcf:edt8  the  9th.  Cano- 
nized Simeon  an  Anchorite  at  T'revirs,  Do  you  think  he  was  nor  a  good 
judge  and  lover  of  Saints?  He  crowned  Conrade  the  Emperor  who  came 
into  Italy  to  mafter  the  Bifhop  of  Milan  that  rebelled,  fay  Laron,  and 
Bin.  and  many  other  great  things  he  did. 

§  106.  Even  in  thefe  times  there  were  Councils  held.  1.  One  at  Ly- 
moges,  to  judge  Sf.  Martial  to  be  an  Apoftle,  and  to  agree  to  excom- 
municate the  fouldiers  that  robbed  and  plundered,  and  to  curfe  theip 
horfes  and  arms,  and  deny  Chriftian  burial  to  all  the  Countrys  where 
they  prevailed,  lave  the  Clergy  and  poor,  &:.  Another  at  Beauvou  on 
the  fame  occafion.     And  another  at  Tnbtir,  unknown  for  what. 

§  107,  This  Pope  Gregory  6th.  (  who  was  John  Gratian  the  Roman 
Arch-Presbyter,  that  ^Vemer  faith  was  illiterate  ard  made  hirn  a  fellow 
Pope)  is  very  varioudy  defcribed  :  Bjron.  and  Bin,  and  fome  others 
make  him  an  honeft  man  that  ended  the  Schifm.  Cardinal  Benno  maketh 
him  Simoniacal  that  hired  them  out  to  get  the  Papacie:  Baron,  and  Bin. 
for  this  revile  him  as  a  malicious  lyar.  They  fay  that  Gregory^  for  pun- 
ifhing  facrilegious  villains  by  the  fword  that  cared  noi  for  Anatbema's,was 
acculed  by  the  Romans  that  now  lived  by  theft  and  rapine,  as  a  Simo- 
nift  and  a  murderer.  Conrade  being  dead  and  Henry  his  Son  made  Em^ 
peror,  he  being  in  Italy  held  a  Synod  at  Sntna  near  Rome  where  all  the 
four  Popes  caufes  were  examined  :  And  the  three  former  were  depof- 
ed,  that  is,  deprived  of  the  revenue  whjch  was  parted  among  them  , 
and  this  Gregory  6.  (fay  moft  authors,  and  even  Hermannus  that  wrote 
in  thofe  very  times)  was  depofed,  (but  faith  Baron,  he  bone(\ly  refign- 
ed.) And  the  Roman  Clergy  being  found  fo  bad,  that  none  were  fit  for 
the  place,  the  Emperor  chole  (Gy  moft,  or  caHJed  to  be  chofcn  faith 
Bin.')    the  Bifhop  of  Bambcrge  in  Germany  called  Clement  the  2d. 

§  108.  The  Emperor  fetling  the  Bifhop  of  ^.iw-Z-aj^f,  Clem.  2.  in  the 
chair,  returned  and  took  thelaft  Pope  Gregory  with  him  to  avoid  conten- 
tion j  and  Clement  went  after  with  Hildcbrand  and  dyed  by  the  way  the 
9th.  month  after  his  Creation.  Benedict  hearing  this  invadeth  the  Papa- 
cy again,  the  third  time,  even  that  villain  that  was  firft  of  the  four,  and 
held  it  eight  months  after  this,  fo  yet  we  have  divers  Popes. 

§  109.  An.  1067,  A  Council  is  held  at  liome  by  Clem.  2.  againft 

§  no.  Foppo  Bifhop  of  Brixia  is  made  Pope,  by  the  Emperor  and 
the  common  (uffrage,  fay  Bar.  and  Bin.  (an.  Ic^^.)  But  fuith  Plat  ma 
"and  others,  it  is  reported  that  he  made  the  poyfon  with  which  the 



Chiirch-Hijtory  of  'Bijhops  and 

♦'Citizens  poyfoncd  his  predeceflbr  Clem.  2.  And  that  he  fcized  on  the 
"place  by  violence  without  any  confcnt  of  Clergy  or  People,  it  being 
"now  the  cuftomXor  any  ambitious  man,  that  could,  to  ftize  on  the 
"  Popedom;  but  God,  faith  Plat,  as  a  juft  revenger  refifted  him,  for 
"he  dyed  the  twenty  third  day  of  his  Papacie.  Yet  the  Romans  had 
"again  taken  an  oath  in  CUm.xd^s.  time  to  choofe  no  Pope  without  the 
"Emperor's  licence.  For  the  Romans  were  become  fo  wicked  and 
fa<£l:ious  that  they  were  not  to  be  trufted  in  fuch  a  thing. 

§  1 1  r.  Upon  thcfe  horrid  villanies  and  fchifms  Baron,  and  Bin',  again 
cry  out  on  the  Novatores,  for  calling  theft  things  in  the  teeth  of 
the  RcfHdn  Church,  as  impudent  men.  And  they  fay  ftill,  i.  That  it 
"  was  not  the  Church  that  chofe  thefe  Popes  (as  Benedi^  9.)but  Tyranti 
"obtruded  them.  2.  "That  yet  fo  great  was  the  power  of  the  Roman 
^'Church  that  even  falfe  Popes  were  obeyed  by  all  the  Chriftian  world.] 

u4nf.  I.  When  yet  they  tell  us  themfelves  that  even  the  City  of  Rome 
was  fo  far  from  obeying  them,  that  they  imprifoned,  depoftd,  killed 
them.  And  the  whole  Gretk^O\\xxch  excommunicated  them  fince  Photi- 
tis's  dayes}  only  the  horrid  contentions  between  the  Sons  and  off-fpring 
of  Charlmaln  and  the  Germane  Princes,  gave  them  advantage  to  Lord 
it  by  Anathema^ s  in  France,  Germany^  and  Italy,  and  fuch  nearer  parts, 
whileft  the  contenders  would  make  ufe  of  them,  and  they  of  the  con- 
tender*. .\nd  horrid  ignorance  had  invaded  the  clergy,  and  confe- 
quently  the  Laity,  and  fub;e(fled  them  in  darknefs  to  this  Ruler  that 
maketh  To  great  ufe  of  darknefs. 

2.  And  if  theft  men  uncalled  were  true  Popes,  why  might  not  the 
T/o-^be  one,  or  any  man  that  can  get  the  place  or  Title?  Why  were 
not  all  the  4  or  j  or  6  at  once  true  Popes.'  if  not.  Where  was  the 
Catholick  Church  this  while,  if  a  Pope  was  a  conftitutive  head  or 
part.'  and  what  is  become  of  your  Succeffion  ?  will  any  pofTefTiony^re  vel 
injuria  fcrve  for  a  Succeffion?  If  fo,  Why  tell  yon  the  Protcftants  that 
they  want  it.?  If  nor.  What  pretence  have  you  for  it.'  I  think  the  Pro- 
teftants  can  prove  a  far  better  fucceffion. 

§  112.  BcrengariMs  rofe  in  theft  horrid  daye«;  and  it  is  no  wonder 
if  fuch  a  monfter  as  Pope  BeneMfi,  and  his  companions  condemned  him, 
and  fet  up  the  raonftrous  doftrine  of  Tranfubftantiation.  As  Tenuliian 
faith  it  was  an  honour  to  ^  Chriftians  to  be  firft  perfecuted  by  fuch  a 
one  as  Nero,  fo  was  it  to  the  doftrine  of  the  Sacrament  to  be  condemn- 
ed by  fuch  a  one  as  BenediH:  9.  and  in  the  time  (as  Baron,  and  Bin. 
fpeakj    ef  the  three- headed  monjhotis  bcaft. 

§  I  r  J.  Rome  was  now  fo  wife  as  to  be  confcious  a  little  of  their  bad- 
nefs  and  unfitnefs  to  choofe  themfelves  a  Pope,  and  therefore  fent  to  the 
Emperor  Henry  to  chooft  them  one.  He  chofe  them  Bruno  a  good  Bifh- 
op  oiTullum;  who  in  his  way,  at  the  Abby  of  Cluny,  met  with  Hilde- 
brand  that  went  from  Rome  thithetj  who  told  him  that  the  Emperor 
being  a  Lay-man  had  no  power  to  make  or  choofe  a  Pope  (*)  but  the 




f  iiougb  a 

their  Councils  abridged,  2^^ 

Clergy  and  peoplcj  but  if  he  would  follow  bis  advife,  be  fliould  in  •  ber-  King  nuy 
ter  way  attain  his  end :    fo  HUdehrand  went  with  him  and  pertVraded  "1°^  °^' 
him  to  put  off  hi«  purple,  and  to  go  in  a  common  habit,  and  confefs  B^ftop- 
that  he  is  not  their  Birfiop  till  they  choofe  him,  and  that  he  taketh  not  Qudtiou 
the  feat  as  given  by  the  Emperor  but  by  them;  whereby  he  won  the  whether 
Romans  hearts,  and  they  readily  chofe  him.  And  he  being  called  Leo  ^'^  '"^V 
the  9th,  after  fo  many  monftcrs,  went  for  a  very  excellent  Pope.  But  In'^r°l.fin- 
yet  he  commanded  an  army  himfelf  againll  the  Normans,  and  proved  cd  Biliiop 
no  good  or  happy  Captain,  his  Army  beiflg  wholly  routed,  and  himfelf  from  one 
taken  Prifoner  :  whom  the  Normans  in  reverence  rdeafcd  and  returned  Church  ro 
fafe.  Pet.  Damianusind  others  lament  his  Souldicry  as  his  great  fin,  but  the 'peg' 
Baron.ind  Bin.  excufe  him,and  fay,all  the  world  now  alloweth  it:  You  fee  pic  only 
what  arguments  ferve  at  Rome:  where  it  was  but  lately  that  the  firft  ar-  accepting 
tide  that  a  Roman  Council  before  O:iio  Afag.  brought  in  againft  Pope  r""  ^^ 
fohn  was  that  he  went  fometimes  in  Arms  :  And  to  be  formerly  a  Bifhop  fcn^^'^"" 
was  heretofore  an  incapacity  by  the  Canons :  Yet  Rome  covereth  her  in- 
novations by  pretending  antiquity ,and  calling  others  Ntvatores. 

§  114.  But  how  militant  a  defender  of  the  Roman  grandure  this  Lto 
was,  may  be  (cen  in  bis  EpiAles  in  Bm.  p.  1096.  &c.  In  the  firrt  long  one 
to  the  Patriarch  of  Confiantinople  and  another  £7r«i^Bifhop,  he  reprovcth 
them  for  bold  damning  of  the  Church  of  Rome,  and  tells  them  that  they 
were  members  of  Antichrift,and  forerunners  of  him  that  is  King  over  all 
the  Children  of  pride;  and  faith,  who  can  tell  how  many  Antichrifts  had 
have  been  al ready ?He^telis  them  how  many  herctickBifhops  they  have  had 
at  Conjl.  and  of  above  ninety  herefics  in  theEaft;  and  how  by  force  they 
raged  againft  the  Josmiites  (theNonconformifts  that  followed  St.  Chry-  -ts 
fofi»mei)vfhit  a  heretick  their  Bifhop  Eut^chiui  was.that  faid.the  body  at 
refurre(ilion  will  be  impalpable.and  more  fubtil  than  the  wind  and  air  (He 
believed  Paul  that  faid  it  ftiould  be  a  /primal  body  (though  not  a  Spirit,^  ■^ 
And  how  hisBooks  were  burned. He  reprehendet h  their  title  of  Oecumeni-  >  np,„, 
calPatriarchjand  faith  that  no  ^ow/^wBifhop  to  that  day  had  ever  accepted  bcj  ihat. 
or  ufcd  that  Title  (*)  Yet  he  reciteth  the  forged  grant  of  Conftamme, 
faying,  that  as  far  as  Kings  are  above  Judges,  fo  all  the  world  muft  take 
the  Pope  for  their  Head;  and  that  he  gave  the  Palace  and  all  Rome,  &c. 
to  Silvefler,  and  faid  it  was  unmeet  that  they  fhould  be  fubjed  to  any 
earthly  Prince  that  were  by  God  made  Governors  of  Heaven.  At  large 
he  thus  pleadeth  for  the  Roman  Kingdom  ofPriefts,  chiding  them  that 
had  put  down  all  the  Latine  Churches  and  monafteries  in  the  Eaft.]  (yet 
Baron,  and  Btn.  tell  you  all   the  Church  on  earth  obeyed  the  Pope.) 

In  his  4th.  Epiftle  he  laments  that  in  .Africa  there  was  "205-.  Bifli- 
"ops  at  a  Council,  now  there  were  fcarce  five  in  all;  and  he  fhewcth 
"that  all  Bifhops  were  of  one  order,  but  ditFerenced  as  the  Cities  were 
•'for  primacie,  by  the  Civil  Laws  or  the  Fathers  reverence.  That 
"where  the  Pagans  Arch-Flamins were,  there  were  inftituted  Arch- 
"  Bifhops  to  be  over  the  Provinces;  where  a  Metropolis  was,  Metro- 



344  Church- Hijlo)-)  of  l^tpolisand 

"pD^uns  Of  ArcliBifhops  were  pLiced;  and  Bifhops  in  leflTcr  Cities 
".wljere  had  beenFIamins  and  Counts. But  \n^fica  they  were  diverfilyed 
"only  by  die  times  of  rlieir  ordination j  the  Bilhjp  of  Cartbaje  being 
"  the  chief.] 

In  bis  lipiltlc  J.  he  hath  a  good  confeflion  of  faith,  where  among 
other  things  he  well  faith,  [  "  nat  God  preJ^fiinated  only  thinn 
"good,  hut  jorek>t€\v  l/oth good  and  evil ;  and  that  fo  preventeth  and 
"  follow cth  man,  th^t  jet  m.ins  free  will  ts  not  to  be  denied:  that  the  Soul 
"  IS  mt  p.irt  oj  God,  but  created  of  nothing.  He  anathematizeth  every  He- 
"  refie,  and  every  one  that  receiveth  or  vencrateth  any  Scriptures  but 
^-  what  are  received  by  the  Catholick  Church,  c~c. 

In  the  6th. again  he  chides  the  Patriarchs  ofConjrantinopU  for  the  title 
Vhivcrjut;  faying  that  Peter  himftrlf  was  never  called  the  Vmverfal  ^po- 
y^/f,  nor  did  any  of  his  Succtficrs  take  i'o  [prodigious  a  title.  For  he  is 
no  friend  to  the  bridegroom  that  would  beloved  in  hisftead,  but  a  Bawd 
of  yiutichriji,^C. 

His  Svh.Epiftle  is  to  the  Greeks  Emperor  to  flatter  him,to  help  him  with 

Henry  againft  the  KormMs ;  In  which  ('to  prove  the  Romans  fuccetrtonj 

c^      "he  (aith  [.The  holy  Church  and  Apoftolick  Stat  hath  been  too  long  ufur- 

"ped  by  Mercenaries  that  were  no  Paftors,  that  fought   their  own,  and 

'•  nor  the  things  of  Chrift.] 

"TiiisPope  and  Muhael  Patriarch  of  Conftantinople, w^rt  fo  unreconci- 
<'Iiib!e  that  they  continued  mutual  condemnations.  <W*(;^?e/ is  condem- 
ned with  his  (Jz-ff^./.  I.  For  rebaptizing  the  Papifts.  z.  For  faying  that; 
they  bad  no  true  Sacrifice  or  Bjptifm.  3.  For  .holding  Priefts  marriage, 
for  rejeding  the  Filioque,8cc.  Bin.  p.  1116. 

§.  114.  CCCXXIX.  -^«.  io49.ARomati  Council  was  fain  upon  pen- 
nance  to  pardon  Simoniacal  Bifhops  and  Priefts,  becaule  the  Cry  was,  that 
"  elfe  almol't  all  the  Churches  would  be  deftitute,  and  the  Church  fer- 
"  vice  omitted  to  the  liibverfion  of  the  Chriftian  Religion,  and  the  def- 
"peration  ofall  the  faithful.  (Where  was  the  holy  Church  of  Rome  now, 
and  its  Succcfiion,  if  the  Canons  for  nullifying  Simoniacal  ordinations 
1.0 :d  good? J 

§  iiy.  CCCX'XX.  The  Pope  refolved  to  go  to  France,  and  Prefidc 
in  a  CounciljWhich  he  did,at  Rhemes:  But  many  Nobles  and  Bifhops  told 
the  King  that  it  was  an  ufurpation  and  a  Novelty  and  would  enllave  his 
Kingdom  :  The  King  forbad  him,  yet  the  Pope  came  whether  the  King 
would  or  not  ;  And  the  King  went  away  about  his  military  affairs,  and 
fome  Biniops  with  hiai,  and  others  ftayed. 

The  ArchBifliop  of  Rhemes,  and  others  were  accufcd  of  heinous 
Crimes  :  The  Bifliop  of  L Ingres  was  charged  with  {_e»tring  h  Simoniacal 
"  herefies,  felling  orders,  bearing  Armes,  Murder,  Adultery,  Tyranny  to 
"  his  Clergy,and  Sodomy:  Many  witnclTes  teftihed  all  this:  OneCIergy- 
"  man  wltnelfcdjthat  while  he  was  vet  a  Lay-man  th'is  Bifhop  violently 
"took  his  Wife  from  him,and  when  he  had  committed  adultery  with  her, 



their  Councils  abrichcJ.  i  -  < 

''  [le  made  her  a  Nun.]  A  Presbyter  witnelTcd  that  this  Bifhop  took 
''him  and  delivered  him  to  his  followers,  who  tormenting  him  by  ma- 
^'ny  torments,  which  is  more  wicked,  did  with  fharp  nails  pierce  his 
"genetals,  and  by  fuch  violence  forced  him  to  give  them  ten  pounds 
"of  denaries  :  The  Bifliop  hearing  thefe  accufations  defired  time  and 
"Council,  and  going  to  the  Arch  Bifliops  of  Befar.z.on,  ^r^A  Lyons,  o- 
"peneth  his  fecrets  to  them  and  defireth  them  to  plead  his  caufe.  But 
''the  man  involved  in  the  guilt  of  fuch  villanies  (who  but  the  day  be- 
"fore  had  been  the  accufer  of  a  faulty  Brother,  and  feeing  the  mote  in 
"anothers  eye,  had  not  feen  the  beam  in  his  o\Tn ,  but  moved  for 
*'the  other  mans  damnation  being  himlelfdelervedly  to  be  condemned,) 
"was  not  only  unable  to  excufe  himfelf  from  the  objecHred  crimes,  but 
"alfo  the  tongue  of  his  advocate  (the  Arch  Bi(hop^  was  by  God  fo  fi- 
"lenced  that  he  was  not  able  to  (peak  a  word  for  his  defence.  For 
"the  Arch-Bifhop  oi  vihcrc  he  prepared  himfelf  to  plead  for 
"him  and  excufe  his  crimes,  fuddenly  found  himfelf difabled  in  his  voice 
"by  God.  And  when  the  Arch-Bifhop  of  Befanz.on  found  himfelf  fo  dif- 
"  abled  by  miracles,  he  gave  figns  to  the  Arch-Bifliop  of  Lyons  to  fpeak 
"for  this  his  Brother  in  his  ftead;  who  rifing  up  faid  that  the  accufed 
"Bifhop  doth  confefs  that  he  (old  Orders,  and  that  he  extorted  the  mo- 
"ney  from  the  faid  Prieft,  but  that  he  did  not  do  the  tormenting  adi- 
"ons  mentioned  by  him;  other  things  he  denyed,  but  before  the  next 
"day  he  fled  from  the  Council.  And  another  Bifhop  fof  A'cvcrs)  con- 
"feflTed  that  his  Parents  bought  his  Place,  and  depofed  himfelf:  and 
"  fome  other  Bifhops  confclled  Simoniacal  entrance.  The  Pope  excom- 
"municated  many  that  fled  from  the  Council.  He  renewed  fome  old 
"negledled  Canons,  as  i.  That  no  man  l>c  p-omoted  to  Church-Govern-  -fa 
"ment  wtthoHt  the  ELECTION  of  the  CLERKS  and  the  PEOPLE,  &'c. 

Y  y  CHAP. 

^^.6  Church- Hifiory  of  'BiJJ?c^s  and 

,  C  H  A  P.  12. 

The  continuation  of  the  hiftory  of  Councils  and  their  Bifhops  till 
the  Conucil  at  ConflantiMOple. 

§  I.  CCCXXXr.  Uflder  Leo  9.  an.  1049,  a  Synod  at  Mentz^^^omc  ac- 
culed  Bifhops  were  qucftioned  and  other  little  matters  done. 

§  2.  CGCXXXII.  In  a  Council  at  1090.  Berengariui  his  Letters  tO 
Laifiancus  were  read ,  and  he  condemned  fin  a  blind  age.) 

§  3.  GCCXXXIII.  ^n.  lOj-Q.  A  Synod  at  rercclh  condemned  p- 
hannes  Scotns  and  Berengariits  and  fome  that  defended  them. 

§  4.  CCCXXXIV.  yln.  1050.  A  Council  at  Cojaca  contained  the 
King  FerdinMidus  of  Cafiik  ,  and  his  Queen,  Bifhops  and  Nobles  (Tike 
our  Parliaments,  and  fo  were  many  Councils  then:)  It  is  faid  to  be  for 
•5"  reftoring  Chriftianity  (Co  low  was  it  grown  in  the  height  of  Popery  and 
ignorancej  having  feveral  orders  for  reformation.  The  3d  Title  faith, 
that  wine,  ir.ner  and  the  Ijofi  in  the  eucharift  fignifie  the  Trinity.  The 
jth.  faith,  that  Priefts  muft  fo  eat  at  the  fealts  of  the  dead,  as  to  do 
fome  good  for  their  fouls,  6'c. 

§  J.  CCCXXXV.  ^».  1051.  A  Roman  Council  excommunicated 
Gregory  B\ihop  oi TercclU  for  Adultery  with  a  widow  efpowfed  to  his 
Uncle,  and  for  perjuries :  But  he  was  after  reftored  to  his  office  on 
promife  of  fati; faction:  Alfo  all  the  whores  of  Priefts  were  decreed  to 
be  made  feivants  at  Laterane.  Pet.  Damian.  et  Bin.  p.  1 124. 

§  6.  CCCXXXVI.  In  another  Roman  Synod  the  Pope  Canonized  a 
Biniop  Gerhard,  and  decided  a  quarrel  between  two  Bifhops  for  extent 
oftheir  DiocefTcs, 

§  7.  nthr  the  id.  is  next  Pope  an.  1055.  Leo  Hofiienfis  faith  that 
no  man  at  Rome  was  found  worthy.  Vlat.  faith  that  they  feared  offend- 
ing the  Emperor:  However  the  Romans fciit  to  the  Emperor  to  choofe 
one  for  them,  and  fome  fay  dcfired  this  might  be  the  man. 

§  8.  CCCXXXVII.  Platina  faith  that  in  a  Council  at  Florence  he  de- 
pofed  many  Bifhops  for  Simony  and  Fornication. 

§  9.  CCCXXXVIII.  In  a  Council  at  Lyons, Baronius  (after  other5)(aith 
a  miracle  was  done,  viz.,  faith  he  ["The  herefie  of  Simonie  having  feiz- 
"ed  on  all  Italy  and  Burgundie,  the  Popefent  Htldibrandi  fub- Deacon 
"to  call  a  Council^  where  an  Arch  Bifhop  accufed  of  Simony  bribed  all 
€r  "his  accufers  the  next  day  into  filence:  Hildebrand  hid  him  fay  [Glory 
" be  to  the  Father^  Son  and  Holy  Ghofl'~\  He  faid  the  refV,  but  was  not 
"able  to  name  the  Holy  Ghof\:  Whereupon  he  confefl  his  crimes,  and 
"befides  feven  and  twenty  other  Prelates  of  the  Churches,  forty  five 
"Bifhops  confeft  themfclvcs  Simoniacks  and  renounced  their  places. 3 


their  Councils  alvuhcd. 



What  a  cafe  was  the  Church  in  when  Popery  grew  ripe?  Per.   D^mian. 
mentioneth  fix  Bifliops  depofcd  by  HiUcbrandiox  divers  crimes. 

§  lo.  By  the  way  it  is  worthy  enquiry  whether //;/(ii'air,4«i^  being 
neither  Bifliop,  Prieft,  nor  Deacon,  but  a  fub-Deacon  only,  was  any  of 
the  Clergy  or  Church-Paftors  to  whom  Chrift  gave  the  power  of  the  -fB 
Keys  ('Yea,  if  he  had  been  a  Deacon.J  And  therefore  whether  he  had 
any  power  froin  Chrift  to  prefide  before  Arch  Biftiops  and  Bifhops  in 
In  Councils,  and  to  depofe  and  excommunicate  Bifhops.  If  it  be  faid  that 
he  did  it  by  the  Pope's  commifTion,  the  queftion  recurreth,  whetiier 
God  ever  gave  Pope  or  Prelate  power  to  make  new  Church -officers 
whom  he  never  initituted  cie  fpicie,  that  fhould  have  the  power  of  the 
Keys,  yea,and  be  above  the  Bifhops  of  the  Church?  And  whether  Popes 
or  Prelates  may  commit  preaching  or  Sacraments  to  Lay-men.''  if  not, 
how  can  they  commit  the  Keys  of  Church-Government  to  them,  or  to 
any  as  little  authorized  by  Chrift  ?  Indeed  baptizing  is  but  uling  the  Key 
of  Church-entrancej  And  therei'bre  be  that  may  fo  let  men  into  the 
Church  may  baptize  them  ('which  Papilis  unhappily  allow  the  Laity,  j 
And  if  perfc  or  per  alium  will  falve  all,  whether  Priefts  may  not  preach, 
pray,  and  give  Sacraments  by  Lay-men:  And  fo  Lay-men  at  laft  put  down 
both  Prelates  and  Prieftsas  ncedlef'.'' 

§  II.  CCCXXXIX.  ^n.  lojj.  They  fay  that  this  great  Subdeacon 
Hildcbrand  ('the  grand  advancer  of  the  Roman  Kingdom)  didcall  a  Coun- 
cil arTowr/,  which  cited  poor  Bcren^arius  ini  forced  him  to  recant  ('whe- 
ther it  be  true  I  know  not.) 

§  12.  To  this  Council  the  Emperor  Henry  fent  his  Agents  to  com- 
plain that  f<:r(^*'«4«^  the  great.  King  ofC.?/?//t',  rcfufed  fubiciftion  to  the 
Emperor,  and  claimed  fomefuch  title  to  him((:lf,ard  (now  ignorance,  fu- 
perhition,  and  interefl  having  made  the  Clergy  the  Rulers  of  Kings  and 
KingdomsJ  the  Emperor  defireth  that  King  ffr,-iV;;<r.(i  may  be  excom- 
municate unlefs  he  will  fubmit  and  furceale,  and  all  the  Kingdom  of 
Spain  be  interdiifted  (or  forbidden  Gods  worfhip.)  The  Prelates  perceiv- 
ed how  they  were  fct  up  by  this  motion,  and  made  Kings  of  Kings,  and 
they  thought  the  Emperor's  motion  reafonable,  and  without  hearing 
King  Ferdinand  made  themfelves  judges  and  fent  him  word  that  he  mult 
fubmit  and  obey  or  be  excommunicated  and  bear  the  interdid.  The  King 
took  time  to  anfwcr,  and  calling  his  own  Bifhops  together  found  them 
of  the  fame  mind  and  fpirir,  and  Co  was  forced  to  promile  fubmilTion. 
Jl\\s  Baronius,  an.   1055.  wnics  ex  fo.  Jlf-iriano ;  and  Binnius  p.    1126. 

§  13.  CCCXL.  They  fay  that  the  Emperor  dying,  left  his  Son //a-- 
ry  but  five  years  old,  and  knew  no  better  way  to  (ecure  his  fuccelfun 
than  todefire  Pope  riHor  to  take  the  care  of  it:  who  therefore  called 
a  Council  :it  CoUn  to  qu'\et^B.iU\vi'i  and  Godfrey  Earls  of  FLnJers  that 
elfe  would  have  refilled  him.Thus  Bifhops  in  Councils  now  were  as  Par- 
liaments to  the  Kingdoms  of  deluded  men. 

§  14.  CCCXLI,  At  TooUufe,  ai}.  10,-6.  A  Council  of  i8  Bifhops  ar- 

Y  y  2  tempted 




•  748  Church- Hijiory  of  ''Bifl)0^s  and 

tempted  reformation,  forbidding  (alas !  how  oftj  Bifhops  to  fell  orders, 
and  other  ads  of  Simony,  and  Priefts  ufing  their  wives,  and  the  Adul- 
tery, Inceft  and  perjury  of  Bifhops  and  Priefts ;  bidding  them  that  are 
fuch,  repent,  and  forbidding  communion  with  men  called  hereticks. 

§  15.  CCCXLII.  Though  Adultery,  Inceft,  Perjury  and  Simony  of 
Bifhops  was  fo  hardly  reftrained,  it  feems  they  would  pay  for  it  by  fu- 
c5"  perftitionj  for  a  Council  at  Compofiella  decreed  (faith  Baron,  ad  an. 
1056.^  that  r.  All  Bifhops  and  Priefts  fhould  fay  Mafs  every  day.  2; 
That  at  fafts  and  Litanies  (which  were  perambulations  in  penitence)  they 
Ihould  be  cloathed  in  fackcloth. 

§  16.  Stephen  the  9th.  alias  loth.  is  next  made  Pope:  In  his  time 
faith  Platina  the  Church  of  Milan  was  reconciled  to  iiomi,  that  had 
withdrawn  itfelf  from  it  two  hundred  years.  Was  ail  the  world  then 
fobjed  to  the  Pope  when  his  Italian  neighbours  were  not  ? 

§  17.  This  Pope  lived  after  his  entrance  but  6  or  7  months,  and 
they  fay  made  them  promife  him  to  choofe  none  in  his  place  till  jkUde- 
brand  came  home  to  counfel  them  :  (A  great  Subdeacon  that  RomemuA 
be  ruled  by.)  But  in  the  mean  time  the  new  Emperor  being  but  five  or 
fix  years  old,the  great  men  of  Italjr  turned  to  the  old  game  and  brought 
in  one  by  ftrength  ('yJ/;«c//«j  whom  they  called  Benedict  the  loih.  ali- 
as 9th.  a  Bifhopj  he  reigned  9  months,  20  dayes.  But  when  HUdebrand 
came  home  be  got  him  caft  our.  This  was  the  twenty  firfl:  fchifm  in  the 

§  18.  Hildebrand's  crafty  counfel  was  to  fend  to  the  Emperor  to 
.ftt).ioj9.  confentto  Gerard  Bifhop  of  Florence  whom  they  chofe  in  Italy  and  call- 
ed Nicholas  the  2d.  Left  Bencdi^  fhould  get  the  Emperor  on  his  fide; 
and  fo  NichoLts  made  BsnsdiEl  renounce  and  banifhed  him  :  But  how  fhall 
we  be  fure  which  was  the  true  Pope? 

§  19.  This  Pope's  firft  epiftle  is  to  the  Arch-Bifhop  of  Rhemes  to  zd- 
vi/e  him  to  admonifh  the  King  of  France  for  refifting  the  Pope. 

§  20,  CCCXLIII.  The  Pope's  Council  at  5«tn««»  depofed  5f«ff<;//ff. 
§  21.  CCCXLIV.  ^n.  105-9.  A  Council  of  113  Bifhof>s  at   Rome, 
they  fay,  made    Bcrengarim  recant,  but  not  repent}  but  as  '^oon  as  he 
came  home  he  wrote  againft  them  and  their  Dodrine. 

§  22.  In  this  Counciljfaith  P/^f;«4,  the  Pope  niadea  decree  very  profi-- 
table  to  the  Church  of  Rome. Bin.  faith  thefe  were  the  words  Ctranflated) 
{"p.  1666.  Firfifiodbeingthe  InfpeEior  it  is  decreed  that  the  cle£liov  of  the 
"  Roman  Bi(J:op  be  in  the  power  of  the  Cardinal  Bijloops:  fo  that  if  anj  one  be 
" inthroncd  in  the  ^pofiolicl^feat,  without  the  foregoing  concordant  and  Ca- 
"  non:cal  eleRion  of  them,  and  after  the  confent  of  the  Jellowing  religions  Or- 
C)  But  o-  "'^^'■•f.  Cleikj  and  Laitj,  (*)  he  be  not  accounted  ^pofiolical  but  u^pofla- 
thers  fay,   tical.'] 

zJieEmpe-  Here  it  is  much  to  be  noted,  i.  That  this  is  a  new  foundation  of  the 
fert"if"  Papacy  (by  Hildebrand's  Council)  without  which  it  was  falling  to  utter 
waspu°  confufion,  How  then  doth. the  Roman  fed  cry  down  Innovation  and 
IB.  boaft 

their  Councils  abridged.  ,         -yAg 

boaft  of  Antiquity?  2.  Either  the  Bifliop  of  ^ow^  is  to  be  chofenas 
the  Bifhop  of  that  particular  Church,  and  then  the  members  of  that  par- 
ticular Church  fliould  choofe  him,  or  elfe  as  the  Bifhop  of  the  univerfal  iu 
Church  (pretendedly)  and  then  the  univerfal  Church  fhould  choofe  hyn. 
But  the  Cardinal  Bifhops  of  other  particular  Churches  are  neither  the 
particular  Roman  Church,  nor  the  univerfal,  nor  their  delegates :  and 
fo  have  no  juft  pretence  of  power. 

3.  Either  this  decree  was  new,  or  old  and  in  force  before:  If  new, 
their  Church  foundation  is  new  and  mutable,  as  is  faid  :  If  old,  all  the 
Popes  that  wereotherwife  chofen  were  no  Popes. 

4.  And  if  it  be  butnecefTary  for  the  future,  ail  that  after  were  other- 
wife  chofen  were  no  Popes, 

f.  If  feveral  wayes  and  parties  or  powers  making  Popes  may  all  make 
them  true  Popes,  then  who  knoweth  which  and  how  many  of thofe 
there  are  and  which  is  the  true  Pope  if  ten  were  made  at  once  ten  ftvc- 
ral  wayes? 

6.  This  confeffeth  that  Chrift  hath  appointed  no  way  for  choofing 
Popes,  nor  given  any  fort  of  men  power  to  choofe  them:  elfe  what 
need  Pope  NichoLis  begin  it  now  anew?  And  if  fo,  it  feemeth  that  Chrift 
never  inftituted  the  Papacy:  For  can  we  fuppofe  him  fo  Laxe  a  Legifla- 
tor,  as  to  fay,  a  Pope  fhall  be  made,  and  never  tell  us  who  fhall  have 
power  to  do  it.  Then  Er.gLindmiy  choofe  one,  and  France  another,  and 
Spain  another,C^c.the  Bifhops  one,the  Priefts  another,  the  Prince  another, 
and  the  Citizens  another. But  ifChrift  have  fetled  a  Pope-  making  power  in 
any,it  is  either  the  fame  as  Pope  Nicholas  did,in  Cardinal  Bifhops,  or  nor* 
If  not,  the  Pope  changeth  Chrift's  inftitution :  If  yea,  then  all  thofe 
were  no  Popes  that  were  otherwife  chofen,  and  ^6  where  is  the  Ronaan 
Church  and  its  fucceffion. 

7.  What  power  hath  Pope  Nicholas  to  bind  his  fucceflors?  Have  not 
they  as  much  power  as  he?  and  fo  to  undo  it  all  again?  If  the  King 
fhould  decree  that  his  Kingdom  hereafter  fhall  not  be  hereditary  but  e- 
ledive,  and  that  the  Bifhops  fhould  be  the  choofers  of  the  King,  were 
this  obligatory  againft  the  right  of  his  heirs? 

8.  By  this  decree,  if  the  Laity  and  Clerks  confent  not  after,  he  is 
ftill  no  Pope. 

§  23.  In  this  fame  Council  (faith  5;ff.  ibid.)  it  was  decreed  [_"  that 

no  one  hear  the  Mafs  of  a  Preshjter^  whom  he  t^non'eth  undoTdtedly  to  have 

a  Concubine,  or  S»bi!:troduccd,Woman.'\  ^.tr.  Whether  ihey  that  make     *" 

'  him  a  Schifinatick  that  goeth  from  a  fcandalou?,  wicked,  malignant,  or 

utterly  infufficicnt  Pricft,  and  dare  not  commit  the  care  of  his  foul  to 

K     fuch  a  one,  be  not  loofer  than  Pope  Nicholas  and  this  Roman  Council 

H.   vvas.i* 

V        §  24.  A  Council  at  Malpkia  and  another  at  Paris  for  Crowning  King 

W     Philtp,  And  or,e  at  faccaln  Spain,  of  fmall  moment, 

ft         §  25.  ^n,  1061.  Was  the  zzd.  Schifin  or  two  Popes  of  Rome,  for 

^  five 

^  ^-  o  Chunh-Hifiory  of  ]^iJJ>ops  and 

five  years  continuance.     The  Cardinal  Bifliops,  for  fear  of  the  Emperor, 
cho(e  one  thjc  wjs  ftreat  with  him,   Billiop  of  Luca  .-  but  the 
ItaliAn  Princes  perCwadcd  the  Emperor  that  it  was  a  wrong  ro  them  and 
him,  and  cholc  CjUoIhs  Palavicinw  Bifliop  of  Parma,    Cjikd  JJo>wri>4i 
ey     the  2  J.  The  Sword  was  to  determin  Jte  who  was  the  true  I'opc  :   Cu4oIm 
came  with  an  Army  to  Ronte;tht  Romanj ,  came  out  againft  liim,  and  in 
the  Field'jCalled  A'ero's;  .t  orcat  l>^tih-Qdk[i  Plat  ma)  was  fought,  in  which 
many  of  both  fides  fell,  but  Cad  Ins  was  driven  away>    He  fliorilj'  returned 
«ith  a  great  Army  being  called  by  a  part  of  the  Romans,    that  were 
men   of  pleafure,  and   by  force  feized  on   the  Suburbs  and  St.  Peter^s 
Church:  But  the  Souldiers  of6'o///*Y^  put  his  Souldiers  to  fight;  and  he 
himfclt"  narrowly    fcaped,  the  Prelecl:  of  Romc^s  Sun  with  him  breaking 
through  the  Romans  got   poflcffion  of  the  Tower,  where  they  befiegcd 
him  till  they  ("breed  him  to  yield,  and  buy  his  liberty  of  the  befiegers  for 
300  pound  of  Silver.     Then  the  Bifhop  of  Col-.n  having  the  education  of 
the  young  Em])eror  came  to  Rome  to  rehuke  Alexander  as  an   Ufurper, 
but  bv  Hildebrand  was  fo  overcome  (that  the  choice  belonged  not  to 
the  Emperor)  that  he  called  a  Council  which  confirmed    yllexander  and 
depofed  Honorhts.     The  Emperor  confented  on  condition  that  Cadolushe 
pardoned,  and  Gtbert  (his  promoter,  Chancellor  of  Parma')  made  Arch- 
Bifhop  of /««.^,  which  the  Pope  confented  to  and  did.     Thus  then 
were  Popes  and  Bifhops  made. 

^  How  fhall  we  be  fure,for  Cadolfts''s  five  year5,who  was  thePopei' 

§  26.  A  woman  called  A<fathildis  a  Countcfs  was  then  the  great  Patro- 
nels  of  the  Papacy,  who  furnifhed  military  Hildebrand  (that  did  all)  with 
Souldiers  to  conquer  feveral  Great  Men  that  oppofed  them,  and  to  fet 
up  -Alexander  and  defend  him. 

§  27.  This  Pope  Alexander  is  faid  by  Bin.  and  Baron  to  judge  King 

Bin.  p.      Harold,  of  EngUud,  an  Ufurper,  to  difpofe  of  the  Crown  to  IVilHam  of 

*'^''        Normandy,  and  declare   him  lawful    SuccefTor,  and  fend  him  a  Banner 

that  he  might  fight  for  it  and  pofTefs  it.     Thus  did  this  Prelate  give 

Crowns  and  Kingdoms,  as  the  fupreme  judge  (made  by  himfelf.j 

He  after  required  Rent  (^Peter-Pence)  from  England oHVi Ilium. 

§  28.  He  made  fome  conftitutions  for  his  old  Charch  at  Milan. 
Three  thing  are  the  fummeof  them  and  many  other  Councils,  i.  Againft 
Simonie,  2.  Againft  t4ie  Clergies  fornication  (no  Canons  cured  them 
of  either  of  thefe.)  3.  That  no  Lay-Man  judge  any  Clerk  for  his  crimes: 
only  if  Priefts  live  in  fornication  he  alloweth  Lay- Men  to  tell  the  Arch- 
Bifhops,  and  if  they  will  do  nothine,  then  to  withhold  their  duties  and 
benefits  till  they  amend.  ('But  this  Pinnius  noteth  was  but  a  tem- 
porary extraordinary  concefTion,  for  the  hatred  that  this  Pope  had  to 
fornicating  Clergy-Men.)  But  if  they  did  but  now  and  then  lie  vvith  a 
woman  by  chance,  and  did  not  obf^inately  ftill  keep  them,  they  muft 
not  fo  trouble  them, 

§  29. 


their  Cotwcils  ahricked.  ^  5 


§  29.  CCCXLV.  The  forefaid  Cadolus  or  Hor.oruu  2d.  was  fetled 
Pope  by  a  Council  at  Baftl^An.  1061.  where,  Gy  fome,  many  SimoniacaF, 
incontinent,  wicked  Bifhops  decreed  that  no  Pope  fhould  be  made  but 
out  of  Italy  (which  they  called  Paradife,  that  \?,Lombardy.) 

§  30.  CGGXLVI.  A  Council  at  Oi^ir/«w,  An.  1062.  contrarily  con- 
demned him  and  fet  up  Alexander.  Though  before  Vlatina  faith  that 
Cifalpini  omnes  all  on  the  Romans  fide  of  the  Alpes  obeyed  Honorlus  ex- 
cept Mathildis  a  good  woman, 

§  31.  Here  Binnius  thought  a  Dialogue  of  Pet.  D.tmiai  worthy  to  be 
infcrted,  to  prove  that  Princes  may  not  make  Bifhops  of  Rc/k-.  In  which 
he  would  prove  that  the  Decrees  that  gave  the  Emperor  fuch  power 
may  be  changed,  becaufe  God  doth  not  alwaifs  perform  his  own  word 
for  want  of  mans  duty  ;  And  he  faith,  that  Tome  men  have  been  finners  .^ 
and  perilhed  for  obeying  Gods  own  Law,  and  fome  rewarded  for  brea- 
king itj  which  he  proveth  by  a  profane  quibble. i  In  fydas;  as  if  Chrifts 
yvovds  what  thmt  dofi  do  quickly,  had  been  a  command  redo  the  thing. 
2.  In  the  Rcchabites  that  drank  not  Wine  when  ^fr.-w^bade  them;  As  if 
Gods  Command  to  prcmji  to  try  them,  had  been  bis  Command  to  them 
to  do  ir. 

A  Council  was  at  Ayragon''\x\  Spain  for  we  know  not  whar, 

§  32.  CCCXLVII.  An.    1063.  PtftrBifhop  of  Flcrena  being  accu- 
fed  of  Herefie  and  Simony,  and  depofed,  a  Council   at  Rome  renewed      "^ 
Pope  NicoUs  2d'».  Canonj,not  to  hear  Ma(fe  of  a  Prieft  that  liveth  with 
a  Concubine  or   introduced  woman:     To  excommunicate  Simoniack?, 

§  33,  CCCXLVII.  In  a  Council  at  .(l/rf'.fw.j  (to  quiet  fome  that  yet 
took  Cadolus's  part  and  accufed  Pope  Ah.v.mder  of  S/wc«;)  Alexander  is 
owned,  and  C.i^»/».r, not  apjearing,  caftoutjwho  after  tryed  ir  out  (as 
is  itforefaid)  by  an  Army. 

§  34.  CGCXLIX.  In  a  Council  at  Darcclm  the  Sp.iniards  abrogated 
their  old  Gothifli  Laws  and  mode  new  one?,  but  would  not  change  the 
GothiOi  Church  rires :  Here  alfo  Alexander  was  owned, 

§  3  J.  An.   106^.  A  Council  was  at  ^cwf  againft  inceft. 

§  36.  Another  for  the  fame,  the  former  not  prevailing, 

§  37.  In  a  Synod  at  Winchefler,  Wiiliam  the  Conq'xror  puts  down  and 
imprifons  BilTiops  and  fers  up  others,  for  his  own  intereft. 

§  38,  CCGL.  A  Council  at  J/iv;?;:,  was  to  have  feparated  the  young 
Emperor  and  hisQiieen,  but  the  Popes  Legate  Jiindred  ir. 

§  39.  CCCLI.  In  a  Council  at  Mcntz.  the  Bifhop  of  Cfl-/arff  is  caft 
out  for  Simony  and  many  crimes  ;  the  Empercr  being  for  him. 

§  40.  An.  1072.  They  fay  an  Englifh  Council  fubJKftcd  Tor l^Ko  Can- 
terbury zr\A  owned  Woljtan  Bifhop  of  frjrcfy?fc  accufed  for  being  unlear- 
ned as  he  wa«. 

§  41.  CCCLII.  An.  10-3.  In  a  Council  at  Erford  the  Emperor  goc 
the  Bilhops  to  fultil  his  will  about  fome  Tythe?,  threatening  ihem  that 
appealed  to  Rome,  §  42. 



Chu-ch-Hifloy)  of  'Bijhops  md 

^  4Z.  Now  Cometh  in  the  Foundation  of  the  new  Churcii  oi  Rome, 
Ilildebrund  called  Grcgcry  7th.  yln.  1073.  a  man  of  Great  wir,  and  for 
ought  1  find  in  the  molt  probable  Hiftory  not  guilty  of  the  grofs  immora- 
lities, or  fenfuality  of  many  of  his  predecefforsj  but  it's  like  blinded  with 
the  opinion  which  the Pjpifts  Fifth- monarchy  men  have  received  rand 
C,m;p.welhde  regno  Da  opened  and  pleaded  for>f;z..that  Chrifts  Kingdom 
on  earth  confifkth  in  the  Saints  judging  the  world,  that  is,  the  Pope 
and  Prelates  ruling  the  Kings  and  Kingdoms  of  the  earth,  he  did  with 
grcateft  animofity  fet  himlelf  to  execute  his  opinions.  And  withal,  the 
Yadions  of  Rome  and  tyranny  of  their  petty  Princes  and  Whores  and  de- 
bauched Citizens,  having  long  made  the  Papacy  the  fcorn  of  the  world 
and  the  lamentation  of  all  fober  Chriftians,  conftrained  the  better  part 
to  beg  help  from  the  Emperors  againft  debauched  monftrous  Popes  and 
their  upholders:  And  by  this  means  fometimes  the  choice  fell  into  the 
Emicrors  hands,  and  fometimes  wlien  they  were. far  otT,  the  City-pre- 
vailing-part rebelled,  and  chofe  without  them,  or  pulled  down  them 
that  the  Emperors  fet  up :  And  then  the  Emperors  came  and  pulled 
down  the  Anti-Popes,  and  chaftifed  the  City  fadion;  and  thus  between 
(O*  the  ItJi.i)}  and  the  German  powers  the  City  was  a  field  of  war,  and 
the  richer  by  bribes,  and  the  ftronger  by  the  fvvord,  how  monftrous 
villanies  fbcver  were  fet  up.  It  was  no  wonder  then  if  Hildebrand  firft 
by  Pope  Nicholas  1.  and  Alexander  and  then  by  himfclf  did  refolve  to 
run  a  defperate  hazard,  when  he  had  two  fuch  great  works  at  once  to 
do,  as  firft  to  recover  the  debauched  and  fhattered  fhamed  Papacy  from 
this  confufion,  and  then  10  fabdue  all  Kings  and  Kingdoms  within  their 
reach  to  fuch  a  Prieji-King  as  was  then  under  fo  great  difgrace.  And  r;i» 
dabo  claves  muft  do  all  this, 

§  43.  Hildebrand  however  had  the  wit  to  fettle  himfelf  at  firft  by 
feeking  the  Emperor's  confent :  And  being  fettled  he  got  ^gnes  the 
Emperor's  mother  and  Guardian  moftly  on  his  fide.  He  then  began  ro 
c\i\m  prefent  at  ions  and  inv  eft  it  arcs  and  to  take  the  power  over  the  Bifll- 
ops  out  ef  the  Emperor's  hands,  and  to  threaten  him  as  Simoniaca),  and 
for  commanicating  with  the  excommunicate.  The  Emperor  after  fbme 
treaty  fubmitted,  and  was  reconciled  to  the  Pope;  but  the  Pope. faid 
he  did  not  amend.  The  Pope  calls  a  Council  at  Rome,  where  he  excom- 
municated Simoniacks,  openly  faying  that  he  would  excommunicate  the 
Emperor  unlefs  he  amended.  Gmbert  Arch-Bifhop  o{ Ravenna  being  there 
accuftth  the  Pope  for  fuch  threats  againft  the  Emperor,  and  got  Cm- 
ciits  the  Prefeft's  Son  to  apprehend  him  itnd  impnfon  him.  The  People 
rife  up  in  arms  and  deliver  the  Pope,  and  pull  down  Cincius's  houft  to 
the  ground,  and  cutting  otf  their  nofes,bani(h  his  family  out  of  the  City. 
Cir.cins  got  to  the  Emperor.  (j«;^«rf.  Arch  Bifhop  o{ Ravenna,  Theobald 
5^  Arch-Bifhop  oi  Milan,  and  moft  of  all  theother  Bifhops  on  that  fide  the 

.^lp:s  confpire  againft  the  Pope.  (And  yet  they  (ay  that  all  the  world 
were  his  fubjeds.)  He  calls  another  Synod  of  his  own  Bifhops  (for  Sy- 

_,  * 

thciy  Councils  abridged.  7  <•  ? 

nods  were  ftill  the  great  executioners)  where  Gilbert  and  Hifgi  Tone  of 
his  Cardinals  that  was  againft  him)  are  depofed  and  curft  fiom  Chrift. 
This  Emperor  alfo  calls  a  Council  at  M'cifwf/.where  by  the  means  of  Sigi- 
fred  Arch-Bifliop  of  A/.s/i,  it  is  decreed  that  no  man  in  any  thing  obey 
the  Pope  of  Rome.  Roland  a  Clerk  is  lent  to  Rome  to  command  the  Pope      'CD 
to  meddle  with  the  government  no  more,  and  the  Cardinals  are  com- 
manded to  foxi^ikt  Gregory  and  feek  for  another  Pope.  Now  the  War  be- 
gan between  the  Sword  and  the  Keys.  Gregorj  by  lentence  depofed  the 
Arch-Bifhop  of /t/^«f2.,  and  the  other  Clergy  that  were  for  the  Empe- 
ror j  and  he  Anathematized  the  Emperor  himfelf,  having   firft  deprived     ^ 
him  of  all  Power  and  admiuijiratioti  (as  far  as  his  decree  would  do 
ir.)  The  form  of  his  curfe  and   depofition  Platina  reciteth,  where  are 
thefe  Wordy["  I  cafi  him  down  from  his  Imperial  and  Regal  yidminiflr.itioi:; 
"  ^nd  I  abfolve  all  Chrijlians  Subjc[l  to  the  Empire,  from  that  Oath,  bj 
"  which  they  hxve  ufed  to  fwcar  Fidelity  to  tru:  Kingt:   For  it  ii  meet  that       <^ 
"he  be  deprived  of  dignity,   who    endeavoureth   to  diminifio  the  Aiayfly  »f 
*'  the  Chnrch.'\  (Mirk  O  ye  Kings  and  be  wife.) 

Some  told  the  Pope  that  the  Emperor  fliould  not  be  fo  haftiiy  Ana- 
thematized :  To  whom  he  anfwered,  "  Did  Chnfl  except  Kn-gs  when  he 
"  faid  ro  Peter  [_Feedmy  Shetp  ?  wh:n  he  gave  htm  the  Power  of  binding 
and  loofcing,    he  excepted  none  from  his  powir."] 

The  Emperor  wrote  Letters  to  many  Chriftian  Princes  and  States  to 
acquaint  them  with  the  Pa])al  Injuriesj  and  the  Pope  wrote  his  accofati- 
ons  of  the  Empercr  and  his  own  Juftihcarion.  The  Empire  was  prefent- 
ly  all  inDiviHon.  One  part  was  for  the  Emperor,  and  another  for  the 
Pope  :  Motl  of  the  Bifliops  of  Germany  obeyed  the  Emperor,  and  fome 
were  againft  him,  as  excommunicate.  Some  Councils  were  for  him,  and 
fome  againft-  liim.  And,  as  yibbas  Vrfp-irgen/is  faid,  they  did  fo  often 
fvvear  and  forfwear  according  as  Power  and  Intereft  moved,  one  time  for 
the  Emperor,  and  another  againft  him,  that  Perjury  was  become  a  com- 
mon thing  both  with  the  Bifhops  and  the  Laity.  He  t'lat  will  fee  the 
many  treatifes  that  Leained  men  then  wrote  for  the  power  of  Prixe.^ 
againft  the  Papal  tyranny  and  rebellion  may  find  them  in  the  Voluminous 
Colledions  of  Michael  Goldafi.u  de  A^onarchm, 

The  party  that  obeyed  the  Pope  cholc  another  to  be  Emperor,  Ro- 
dulph  Duke  o^Sitev:a  :  The  Emperor  requircth  the  Pope  to  Evcommu- 
nicite  Rodulph :  He  refulcth  :  The  Emperor  Culleth  a  Council  of  Bifliops 
at  Brixia:  They  depofe  the  Pope,  and  make  Gib:rt  of  Ravenna  Pope 
called  Cietneut  the  jd.  who,  faith  Onuphnus,  fare,  21  years,  lb  long  had 
Vhev  two  Popes,  at  this  23d.  Schifm  or  doubling.  jt^ 

But  did  the  Emperor  nothing  to  prevent  all  this.?    Yes,  at  ihe  motion  ''^ 

of  the   German  Princes   to  avoid  contention,   he  made  an  O.ith  to  ask- 
the  Pope  forgivenefs,  if  the  Pope  would  ccme  into  Germany.    The  Pope 
on  his  way  fearing  that  the  Emperor  coming  toward  him  with  an  Army 
would  apprehend  him,  turned  back  again,  and  betook  hiin  to  a    firong 
s  .         Z  2  City 

J  5  ^.  Church -Hijlory  of  (B'tjhops  and 

City  of  his  Patronefs  one  Alathildts  a  woman:  The  Emperor  with  his 
Army  travelled  to  him,  and  came  to  the  Gates  of  the  City  ;  and  in  a 
05.  great  and  (harp  winter  froft,  putting  off  his  Royal  Ornaments,  came 
barefoot  to  confcfs  his  fault  and  ask  forgivcnefs  of  the  Pope.  The  Pope 
would  not  futfer  him  to  come  in  j  He  patiently  ftayed  three  djies  in  tiie 
Suburbs  continually  begging  pardon,  and  the  Citizens  moved  with 
Compairion;  At  laft  the  woman  Mathildis,  and  ^Vf/^/ a  S^ro/ Earl, 
and  the  Abbot  of  Chmy  became  petitioners  for  him,  and  prevailed  for 
mercy  with  the  Pope,  and  he  was  abfoived  and  reconciled  to  the 
Church,  having  fworn  a  peace  and  promifed  Obedience.] 

I  give  you  the  words  of  Platina  all  along.  And  now  whether  Hilde- 
hrand  or  Henry  was  the  better  man  in  common  morals,  I  that  knew 
themnor,muft  refer  you  to  the  Hiftorians  of  that  age,  of  whom  fome 
extol  the  Pope  and  depreciate  the  Emperor,  and  others  honour  the  Em- 
peror, and  deeply  accufe  the  Pope  ;  But  if  an  Emperor  that  travelled  fo 
far  into  another  Country,  and  put  off  his  ornaments,  and  with  his  Army 
waited  three  dales  patiently  in  the  Suburbs  of  a  womans  City  barefoot 
in  a  great  froft,  begging  mercy  and  pardon  of  a  Prieft  before  he  could 
be  let  in,  and  after  tliisfw.'-p  obedience  to  him,  I  fay.  If  this  Prince  did 
not  yet  iufficienrly  fubmir,  but  deferve  to  be  turned  out  of  his  Empire, 
j^  though  at  the  colt  of  blood  and  defolation  to  the  innocent  Countries,  it 
will  be  hard  to  know  when  the  Obedience  and  Submiffion  of  Kings  is 
enough  to  fatisfiean  ambitious  Prelate. 

But  the  Popes  Hiftorisns  fay  that  the  Emperor  brake  his  Covenant.  Ic 
is  a  hard  thing  for  a  King  that  promifeth  Subjedion  and.  Obedience  to  a 
Pope  to  be  fure  to  keep  his  word,  unleft  he  foreknew  what  would  be 
commanded  him  :  when  he-hath  taken  away  his  Power  and  Kingdom  by 
parts,  he  may  command  his  life.  It's  a  great  doubt  to  me,  when  God 
hath  made  Princes  the  Rulers  of  Prelates,  and  Procurators  of  his  Church, 
whether  it  be  not  a  fin  againft  God  and  their  undertaken  office,  for  thefe 
Princes  to  caft  off  this  truft  and  work,  becaufe  a  Pope  or  Prelate  claimeth 
it.  The  Pope  ftill  charped  him  with  facriledge.  But  I  doubt  he  expounded 
his  meaning  when  he  depofcd  him  for  dimimpnng  the  Majefi^  of  the 
Church,    that  is,  of  the  I'ope  and  Prelates. 

To  proceed  in  the  Hiftory;  In  the  3d.  or  4th.  battle  it  was  that  Rodulph 
was  fiain  ;  and  It  was  the  Popes  denial  to  difown  or  excommunicate  ^0- 
'  dulph  after  fo  low  a  fubmifTion  of  the  Emperor,  that  enraged  Henry ^  and 
made  him  think  of  ano'.her  remedy  than  to  be  a  Prelates  flave.  The 
Pope  called  all  the  Bifhops  that  cleaved  to  the  Emperor /(•^/Vjowr.He  con-^ 
demneth  ^c/.i3ia(  the  German  Legate  and  fendeth  into  Germany  Legatesi 
_^  of  his  own  with  a  Mand.imus,  We  that  no  Ktng,  ylrch-BiJhop, 

\  ^      BiJJjop,  Dttks,  £(i-l,  Mar(jr(fs,  or  Knight  dare  rcfjl    our  Legates,  &'C,  ■ 

i  And  the  Penalty  to  the  difobedicnt  is  terrible,  viz,.  [\Ve  accurje  himfrom-i 

^y      Chrijt,  and  take  from  him  his  part  of  P^iilory  by  Arms."]     Sure  if  Popes  ■ 
had  the  power  of  Vidoryj  they  need  not  16  oft  have  fled  to  Caftles,  noc 

their  Councils  ahrldied. 


to  have  rid  on  an  Afs  with  the  face  backn^ard,  nor  to  have  futTered  iv/jar 
many  of  them  have  done.  All  this  be  doth,  \_Interpofita  Dei  et  B.  Petri 
author  it  at  e^^na  nulla  potefi  ejfe  mjjor.^  Did  Peter  evcr  think  that  his  name 
would  ba\-e  thus  fubdued  Emperors  and  Kings? 

The  Pope  again  in  a  prayer  to  God  and  St. Peter  reciteth  the  id.  Pfalm, 
and  telleth  them  how  the  Emperor  would  caft  otf  his  yoke,  and  again 
curfeth  him  from  Chrift,  and  depofcth  him  from  all  his  Government, 
and  abfolreth all  his Subjeds  from  the  Oatb  of  Obedience;  faying,  that  '^ 
"he  that  may  bind  and  loofe  in  Heaven  hath  power  to  takeaway  on 
"  Earth,  both  Empires,  Kingdoms  and  Principalities,  and  whatever 
"men  have  to  give  or  take  away:  If  we  Judge  the  ruling  Angels,  how 
'^mMch  more  their  Serv.ints>  Therefore  (faith  he  to  the  Bif:pps)  Let  Kn:gs 
^' and  all  fccular  Princes%fidey  fiand  by  the  example  of  this  man,  how  great 
" piir  power  is  in  Heaven^  ana  how  much  Cod  efieemeth  you,  and  let  them 
*'  hereafter  to  breaks  the  commands  of  the  Ch-Tch."}  Pafs  this  fcn- 
"  fence  prefemly  on  Henry,  that  all  underhand  that  this  Son  of  iniquity 
"fell  not  from  his  Kingdom  bj  Chan:e,  hut  by  your  endeavor.'^  Plat.  p. 

Rodnlph  being  killed,  the  Rebels  fet  up  the  Emperors  Son,  a  Lad,  a- 
gainit  his  own  Father:  But  at  thatprefent  he  was  quieted,  and  the  Em- 
peror went  with  an  Army  into  Italy,  and  firft  Conquered  the  Army  ot 
Alatbtldis  the  Popes  Patronefs,  and  brought  his  own  Pope  Clement  the 
3d.  to  the  Chair,  and  was  crowned  by  him  :  He  bcfiegcd  Gregory  in  the 
Caftle  :  Grrifcard,  a  Norman  cometh  with  an  Army  to  fight  for  the 
Pope  :  The  Citizens  refift  him,  (the  Emperor  being  drawn  out  to  Sens.) 
Cui/i;ard  burnt  and  deftroyed  that  part  of  theCity  which  is  between  the 
Laterane  and  the  Capitol,  and  took  the  Capitol  and  deftroyed  it.  He 
gave  the  prey  of  the  City  to  his  Souldiers,  and  delivered  Gregory  and 
carried  him  away  to  Cajfinum  and  Salcmum,  where  he  dyed,  having 
reigned  12  years.  £/«.  faith,  that //irwr;' befieged  Rome  three  years  be- 
fore he  took  it.  When  Robert  Cmfcard  had  delivered  the  Pope,  he  de- 
pofed  (^cjuantum  in  fe)  all  the  new  Cardinals  made  by  Clement  5.  and 
curfed  the  Emperor  again.  Gregory  himfelf  faith  that  Italian,  French^ 
and  Germa'i  B.fhops  were  for  the  Emperor,  and  they  were  alfo  for 
Clement  3.  How  {hall  we  know  then  which  was  the  true  Pope.? 

§  44.  No  Itfs  than  ten  Books  of ///We/ni;;^'s  Epiftles  are  added  by  ' 
Bhmus  to  his  life.  Moft  of  them'for  the  Papal  Intereft.  In  ///'.  2.  Ep.  j. 
He  talkethofP/j.///  King  of  fr4»«  as  he  did  of  the  Emperor,  faying  he 
was  no  King  but  a  Tyrant,  and  declaring  that  he  was  refolved  to  take 
his  Kirgdom  from  him  if  he  did  not  amend  his  wicked  life.  One  of  his  '£0 
trimes  was  refifting  the  Pope  that  would  fet  Bifhops  in  bis  Kingdom 
'vithout  bis  confent. 

Ept(t.  13.  He  tells  So/(7»>,3»  King  of  Hrt»^47,  that  his  Kingdom  is  the 

propriety  of  the  Church  of  Rome,  devoted  to  it  by  King  Stephen  ;   and 

t^   fepioveth  him  for  diminifliing  theRoman  Kingdom,  by  accepting  //««- 

J  5  6  Chwcb-Hijhryof  Bijhops  and 

gary  as  from  theCerinanSiand  exhorts  him  to  repent  and  amend. 

Epijf.   1 8.  He  again  threacneth  the  King  of  France  to  cut  offfrom 
the  Church,  both  iiim  and  all  ihatgive  him  any  Me^al  Honour  or  Obcdi- 
ence  (O  heinous  crime  !  to  keep  ihe  yth.  Commandment  and  Rom.  13. 
1,2,3 .)  uind  thut  this  €XCcmmy.nicationfr.\tU  be  oft  confirmed  t^f  on  Sr.  Peter's 

Epift.  28.  He  fufpends  (^Ka.tuminfe)  the  Arch-Bi(hop  of  5rfj»f  as 
an  Enemy  to  the  Church  of^owcand  for  hindering  his  Lcgj  res  from  ga- 
thering a  Council,  and  refufing  to  come  to  Rome  to  anfwer  ir. 

Epijt.  32.  He  calls  the  King  of  France  a  ravening  Wolfi  and  unjafl 

Many  great  perfons  he  forced  to  feparate  after  Marriage,  becaufe 
tl:iey  were  in  the  fourth  degree  of  Conianguinity. 

Ep:fi.  51.  He  tells  the  King  of  Df«»».ir,^,that  not  far  from  Rome  there 
was  a  Province  poffeft  by  vile  and  Jluggijh  Heretickj,  and  defireth  him 
to  fend  his  Son  with  an  Army  to  conquer  them.  What  Province  he  mean- 
ctb,  I  am  not  certain  ;  unlefs  it  was  the  Vi'aldenfes. 
cj"  §  44.  Reader,  we  are  greatly  beholden  to  Binniiu  who  hath  recorded, 
as  Oracles,  27  fentences  called  THE  POPES  DICTATES,  by  which 
you  may  partly  know  what  Popery  is. 

1.  "  That  the  Roman  Church  was  founded  only  by  our  Lord, 

2.  "  That  only  the  Bifhopof  Rome  is  rightJy  called  Univerfal. 

3.  "  That  only  the  Pope  can  depofe  Bifhops  and  reconcile  them. 

4.  "That  his  Legates  muft  prefide  in  Councils,  though  they  be  of 
"  inferior  degree,  before  all  Bifhopsj  and  may  pafs  on  them  the  fenten- 
"ce  of  depofition. 

5.  "  That  the  Pope  may  depofe  thofe  that  are  abfcnr. 

6.  "  Thatwi'[h  thofe  that  are  excommunicated  by  him,  among  other 
"  things,  we  may  not  dwell  in  the  fame  houfe. 

7.  "  That  to  himonly  it  is  lawful  to  make  new  Laws  for  the  necefllty 
"  of  the  time  j  and  to  congregate  new  people  ;  of  Canonical  to  make 
"an  Abbatyj  and  contrarily  to  divide  a  rich  Bifhoprick,  and  unite  poor 
"  ones. 

8.  "  That  only  he  may  ufe  Imperial  Enfigns  or  Efcucheons. 

9.  "  That  all  Princes  muft  kifs  the  feet  of  the  Pope  only. 

10.  «'  That  only  his  name  may  be  recited  in  the  Churches. 

11.  "  That  it  is  the  one  only  name  in  the  World. 

12.  "  That  if  is  lawful  for  him  todepofcEmperor.e. 

13.  "  That  it  is  lawful  for  him  in  cale  of  necellicy  to  remove Bilhops 
"  from  feat  to  feat. 

14.  "  Tliac  he  may  ordain  a  Clerk  from  any  Church  whither  he 
*'  witl. 

If.  "That  one  ordained  by  him  may  govern  another  Church  j  and 
'^  muft  not  take  a  fuperior  degree  from  another  Bifhop.  « 

i6.  That 


their  Councils  abridged.  .  j^y 

1 6.  ''That  no  Synod  without  his  command  may  be  called  Uni- 
"  verfal. 

17.  "That  no  Chapter,  nor  no  Book  may  be  accounted  Canonical 
"  without  his  authority. 

18.  "  That  his  lentence  may  be  recraifled  by  none  :  and  he  alone  may 
*'  retraft  all  mens. 

19.  "  That  he  ought  to  be  judged  of  no  man. 

20.  "That no  man  muftdare  to  condemn  any  one  that  appcaleth  to 
"  the  Apoftolick  Scat. 

21.  "That  the  Greater  caufes  of  all  Churches  muft  be  referred  to 
"  him. 

22.  "That  the  Roman  Church  never  erred,  nor, as  the  Scripture 
"  witnefTeth,   will  ever  err. 

23.  "  That  the  Bifliop  of  Romr,  if  he  be  Canonically  ordained,  is  un- 
"doubtcdly  made  Holv'by  the  merits  of  St.  Peter,  as  Sz.  Ennodius  Bi- 
"  fhopof  P^/^M  witneircth,  and  many  holy  Fathers  confefs,  as  is  con- 
"  tained  in  the  Decrees  of  Pope  S)mm.ichns,  ^ 

24.  "That  it  is  lawful  for  fubjedls  to  accufe  by  his  Command  and 
"  licence. 

2J'.  "  That  he  may  depofeand  reconcile  Bidiops  without  Synodal  mec- 
"  ling?. 

26.  "That  he  is  not  to  be  accounted  a  Citliolick  who  agrceth  not 
"  with  the  Roman  Church. 

27.  "That  he  may  abfolve  the  Subjeds  of  unjuft  men  from  fUe- 
"  Lty. 

Thefe  are  put  by  5«>;.  among  Grr^or/s  Epiftle?,/.  1196.  as  the  Popes 
Diiftates.  If  I  had  not  tranllated  them  from  fuch  an  unquelVioned  Au- 
thor that  followeth  B.ironius,  fome  would  have  thou^hc  ihcy  had  been 
but  the  forgeries  of  feme  Proteftant  accurer,and  that  ilie  Popes  have  no 
luch  tenents.  What  one  is  here  that  is  notfalfc  ?  and  how  many  of  them 
are  horridly  arrogant?  The  reading  of  them  would  tempt  a  doubting 
man  to  think  that  the  Pope  is  the  Eldert  Son  of  the  Prince  of  Pride,  exal- 
ting himfelf  above  all  that  is  called  God,and  arrogating  ChrilVs  preroga- 
tives.and  therefore  Antichrilt.If  any  would  know  what  Popery  is;A  great 
part  of  thedefcription  is  here  given  you  by  their  greateft  Pope  himfelf, 
and  by  their  chief  Hil^orians. 

§  45.  Much  of  his  4th  Book  of  Ej)iftles  is  to  require  PrinceSjPrelate?, 
and  People  tofurfake  the  Emperor  and  choofc  another,  and  to  excom- 
municate all  chat  will  communicate  with  him:  yet  in  his  mh.  I'pifl. 
he  recitech  himrdf,  how-  lamentably  with  tears,  three  dayes  in 
the  frolt  barefootjhe  begged  for  pardon,and  howthe  compalTionaie  Peo- 
ple thought  the  Pope  hard-hearted  and  tyrannical  fur  not  yielding;  and 
that  at  lalt  two  Ladyes  and  an  Abbot  overcame  him  to  abfolVe  him. 

§  46.  Lib.  4.  Epift.  28.  He  tells  the  Spjniards  alfj  that  their  King- 
dom was  St,  Fcter's  property:  But  why  did  he  trouble  hirjiiclf  to  lay 

^        258  Church-Hiflory  of  'Bipcp  and 

claim  ro  particular  Kingdoms  ?  Would  net  his  claim  to  a!l  the  world 
ferve  turn  for  the  particulars  ?    * 

Lik  5.  Ep'fi.  4-     He  clameth  the  Ifle  of  Corf ca. 

§  47.  That  it  may  appear  that  the  prefumptuous  ufurpations  of  the 
Pope  were  not  confented  to  by  many  Bifhops,  he  oft  complaineth  that 
many  Bifhops  of  France,  Italy  ^  and  were  againit  him:  He 
abundantly  chideth  and  threatneth  feveral  particular  Bifhops  for  refill- 
ing and  difobcying  him.  Lib.  6.  Epift.^.  be  writeth  thus  to  the  Biftop 
o(  Liege.  (^"  Having  read  the  Letters  of  your  Brotherhood,  we  did  i:ot  a  lit- 
"  tie  \voi:der  that  jou  wrote  that  which  became  yott  not,  in  reverence  of  the 
"  ^poftulic^jsat  :  but  that  yoH  did  with  biting  inveiiive  reprehend  me,  for 
"  abfolving  your  PariJIiioner,  that  lately  came  to  m  \  as  if  the  ApofioUck^fcat 
"  had  not  authority  to  bind  and  a'ofolve  whomfoever  we  will  and  wheresoever 
"  we  will:  Know  therefore  that  we  are  greatly  moved  againjl  your  temerity.'^ 

Indeed  one  of  the  tricks  of  the  Papal  ambition' was  to  be  the  Afylum 
of  all  wicked  fugitives  that  fled  from  Church  juftice  in  all  Countries 
Bear  them  ;  to  fliew  favour  to  ail  condem'ifd  finners  that  would  but  fly 
to  Rome^  and  appeal  to  them  from  the  Juftice  of  their  Paftors,  yea, 
and  of  their  Princes  too,which  made  their  friends  to  be  rather  many  than 

§  48.  And  the  Church  of  Rome  was  not  yet  rich  enough  with  all  the 
Principalities  it  had  got  :  They  ftill  kept  on  the  trade  of  enriching  the 
Pope  to  fave  their  fouls.  Binnius.  p.  1233.  honoureth  us  with  a  record 
among  Gregory  7th.  Epifiles,  viz.  Q"  /»  the  name  of  the  Father,  Son  and 
"  Hvly  Ghofi,  in  the  6th.  year  of  the  Fontificate  of  Gregory  ^th.  /  Marro 
"  Sonof  G\f^tT  dwelling  in  the  Dukedont  of  Spoletane,  for  the  Redemption 
"  of  my  own  and  my  Parents  fouls  do  give  ^  deliver  and  offer  to  St,  Peter 
•■'  Prince  of  the  Apoftles,  and  on  his  Altar,  all  that  belcngeth  to  me  of  the 
"  Caftle  called  Moricicia,  C~c.]  Did  Chrift  think  how  eafily  Rich  men 
might  befaved  (by  giving  to  the  Pope  in  the  name  of  St.  Peter)  when 
he  faid.  It  was  harder  for  a  rich  man  to  enter  into  the  Kingdom  of  Heaven, 
than  for  a  Camel  to  go  through  a  JSfeedU^s  Eye? 
j^  §  49.  Lib.'j.  Epifi.  3.  He  faith  £"They  that  are  Latines do  all  of  them, 

"  exctpt  a  vtry  few,  praifc  the  caufe  ofWtmy,  and  defend  it,  and  charge  me 
veithtoo  much  obstinacy  and  impiety  againfi  him.2  And  if  the  Latines  did 
fo,  what  did  the  Germans,  French,  &c  ?  You  fee  here  that  it  was  far 
from  all  the  world  that  was  fub;edt  to  the  Pope,  and  took  his  part  in 
his  ufurpation?. 

Epif.  4.  He  commandeth  a  General  no  more  to  fight  againft  the  King 
of  Dalmatia,  as  belonging  to  St.  Pctery 

§  JO.  Yet  this  Pope  doih  teach  them  the  truth  againft  deceitful  pen- 
nance  or  repentance.  Lib,  7.  Ep:fl.  lo.  viz.  [}Ve  fiy  that  it  is  a  fruit  Ufs 
"  pcunancc,  when  men  remain  in  the  fame  fault,  or  in  the  like,  or  in  a  worfe 
^      "  or  in  one  little  lefs :  He  therefore  that  will  worthily  repent,  mifl  have  re- 
ccarj-j  to  the  Original  of  his  Faith,  and  i>s  folicito/.'s  Wiitchfully  to  l^ep  that 


their  Councils  abridged.  ^  ^  p 

"  rvf>icb  in  his  Baptifm  he  promifed,  viz.  to  renounce  the  Devil  and  his 
"pomps  and  to  belteve  in  Ccd,  that  is,  thinkjng  right i]i  of  htm,  to  obey  his 
"  Commands. 

§  51  Epift.  II.  He  tells  theDuke  of  5tf/jfw/4  that  it  iscuftomarilj'  2nd 
doubtfully  that  he  faluteth  him  wiih  \_^pofioliCAl  Beucdiition.']  Ecc.-ir:je 
"  he  commiiiupafcdwith  the  excommunicjtte  :  ^»d he  denietb  his  rctjnefi  of 
"  "I'"i,  "^  tra'iflating  the  Divine  Service  or  Ojfccs  into  the  Sclavoni.vt  -tD 
"  tongue;  becaufe  there  Wire  many  myfieries  in  it.  Thus  come  up  the  Pro- 
hibition to  the  pcopiee,  to  pray  underftandingly. 

EpiJK  14.  He  abfolveth  the  Bifhop  of  Liege  from  an  Oath  becaufe,  lie 
took  it  by  force  :  And  commandeth  him  to  rife  up  againft  the  impofer 
with  all  his  power,  he  being  St.  Peter's  enemy. 

Epifi.  21.  He  tells  the  King  of  Denmark^  of  an  ill  cuftom  among 
them,  that  whatever  ill  weather  or  calamity  befell  them,  they  imputed 
all  to  the  ;//  lives  ofFrieJls.  'tB 

£pifi.  2j.  He  te'ls  our  K'mgWilliam  the  Conqueror  that  feeing  he 
was  on  his  fide,  is  charged  by  fome  with  all  his  bloodfhed,  that  now 
he  muft  be  very  obedient  to  him  as  his  Fuftor,  and  Peter's  Succellbr, 

And  Epifi.  25-.  He  tells  them  that  the  Papal  or  Apoftolick  power  is 
greater  than  the  Kingly  .1  d  muft  rule  it,  as  the  Sun  is  greater  than  the 

Lib.  S.Epifl.i.  He  laments  the  Corruptionof  the  Church  in -/frOTfWM: 
"[i,   Bccaufe  thej  mixed  not  Water  with  Wine  in  the  Sacrament,  when  all 
"  men  ^lo.v  that  Blood  and  Water  came  from  the  fide  of  Chrijl.    2.    Bccaufe      "tD 
"  the)!  mide  not  their  Chryfm  of  Balfom,  l^ut  of  Butter.   3.    Becatifc    they 
"  honoured  the  memory  o/Diofcorus.^  O  what  Herefies '. 

Pag.  i25'4.  in  B>;;.  There  is  an  Oath  that  Robert  Duke  of  ^pitlia, 
Calabria  and  Sicily  to  be  true  to  the  Pope,  and  defend  him  as  holding  all 
thele  from  him  ;  and  there  is  the  Popes  grant  of  them  to  him,  laying 
claim  alfo  to  his  other  dominions  5  thedenyal  of  which  he  patiently  bca- 
reth  at  theprefcnt, 

§  p.  But  left  you  think  that  at  leaft  the  Kingdom  of  Spain  was  fi?:^ 
all  this  while  to  the  Church  of  Rome,  Lib.  8.  Epift.  2.  He  wrireththus 
himftlf.  ["  By  the  Letters  of  my  Legate  Richard  Abbot  of  Marseilles 
"  yoH  may  k^r.ow  how  impiety  is  gone  out  of  your  Afon.ifiery  (o/Cluny) 
"  by  the  prcfnmptton  0/ Robert  a  Alonl^,  who  imitating  Simon  Magus, 
"  feareth  not  to  rife  up  againji  the  .Authority  of  St.  Peter,  with  all  the  craft 
"  of  his  maUgnity,  and  to  reduce  by  hisfuggeflion  into  their  old  error  an  liun-  ^-3 
M  dred  thouland  men,  who  by  our  dUigence  eegan  to  return  to  the  right  wajQ 
f  J  t  he  hopes  that  the  Abbot  thinks  as  he,  for  the  honour  of  the  Roman 
^  urch.  Hechargeth  the  Abbot  to  caft  out  this  man  that  had  fo  en- 
'j  ngrcd  Spain,  adding  ["  Andby  your  Letters  diligeiuly  acquaint  the 
'*  King  who  is  deceivec 

ng  who  is  deceived  by  his  fraud,  that  he  hath  greatly  provoked  St. 
Peter's  wrath  and  indignation  againft  him,  and  his  grievous  Revenge 
iJgainft  him  ar>d  his  Kingdom  unlets  he  repent,  bccaufe  he  undecently 



5<^o  4^!<rd  Hifiory  of 'Bijhops  and 

"  hanJlecTa  Let;are  of  the  Roman  Church,  and  believed  falHiood  rather 
"  than  truth.  Of  which  that  he  may  worthily  make  fatisfaftion  to  God 
"  and  Sr.  Peccr,  as  he  bath  difgraced  our  Legate,  fo  let  him  by  due  hu- 
mility and  condign  Reverence,  make  himfclf  commendable  and  devour. 
"  For  we  think  meet  toOgnifie  to  him  by  you,  that  we  will  cxccmmu- 
cO-  "  nicarehim  ifhe  correft'nor  hisfauir,  and  will  folicite  all  the  faithful 
'  in  the  parts  of  Spain  to  his  confufion  :  And  if  they  be  not  obedient  to 
"  my  command,  I  will  not  think  much  to  travel  into  Sfiin  my  felf,  and 
"  there  to  endcdvour  dora  et  ^fpera,  Tuims^i  an/ifiarp  agat>ift  him  as 
"an  enemy  of  theChriftian  Religion.]  O  brave  Pope  !  had  not  thefe  men 
"  a  notable  Knack  or  hap  that  could  fit  and  talk  down  Emperors,  and 
Kings,  and  fiibdue  and  dilj)0(e  of  Kingdoms,  by  fitting  at  home  and  talk- 
ifig  l^'g.  3nd  telling  them  that  St.  Pff^rwas  a^gry  with  them? 

And  who  was  this  King  but  the  great  Alfonf-ts,  to  whom  he  writeth 
himfclf,  Ep:ft.  3.  to  put  away  his  evil  counfellors^and  hearken  in  all  things 
to  the  Popes  Legate,  Richard  ? 

§  J' 5.  Epift.  6.  I.  8.  He  comm.'.ndeth  Souldiersto  help  Mkhid  the 
Emperor  of  Ci/i/^wr  againft  the  Ufurper,  to  make  himfelf  judge,  and 
get  an  intereft  again  in  the  Empire  :  But  in  vain. 

§  54.  Epi^.  7.  He  declareth  that  divers  Princes  having  fworn  and 
promiled  him  help,  he  relulvcd  to  ccme  with  an  Army  to  recover  .^<«- 
vcma  to  the  Church. 

Epift.^.  He  rejoyccth  that  they  had  newly  found  St.  Aluttbcxv's  bodr, 
and  bids  them  now  take  him  joyfully  for  their  patron.  Thefe  are  the 
grounds  of  PopiflT  fnperftition  :  The  body  ofSr.  Matthew  xh^t  preached 
05"  to  the  Abajp.n-s  in  another  part  of  the  worId,is  found  at  Salcr>w  in  Italy, 
a  thoufand  years  after  he  is  dead.  O  that  one  knew  how  to  be  lure  that 
it  was  his  bodj',and  how  it  came  thither  !  Divers  fuch  findings  they  glo- 
ry in. 

§  55.  Epifl.  10.  He  writeth  to  OiZ-oc^/.';  Prince  of  Cm(»V' J  or  S^r,^/- 
nia,  to  require  him  as  a  note  of  his  obedience  to  St.  Peter  and  concord 
with  the  Church  of  Rime,  whofe  ufe  it  is,  to  let  his  Arch  BifTiop  fhave 
o5"  his  Beard,  and  to  command  all  the  Clergy  of  his  dominion  to  fhave  their 
Beards;  and  if  they  obey  not,  to  force  them  to  it,  or  exclude  thern.  And 
to  be  (ure  of  fiicccfs  he  lets  him  know,  (how  truly  I  know  not)!  that 
many  Princes  importuned  him  ro  give  them  leave  to  invade  his  Coi;,n- 
frey,  but  fthis  righteous  ruling  Pope)  denied  leave  to  them  ail,  till  he 
had  tryed  whether  he  would  obey  him,  which  if  he  would  do,  he  would' 
not  only  deny  them  leave  to  invade  him^  bur  alfb  prorecft  him.  Reader, 
think  here.  1.  Whether  Princes  held  not  their  kingdoms  loofcly  when 
tlicy  where  to  lofe  them  if  they  obeyed  not  the  Pope  in  fo  finall  a  thing 
as  the  fliavingof  a  Prielis  Beard. 2. Whether  it  were  not  a  hard  tiling  for 
the  Cutiicilick  Church  then  to  have  concord,  when  fo  fmall  a  difference 
fO"      as  they? «z</,;g  or  «(•!■/ ^z/wg  of  Beards  were  put  into  tl.eir  terms  of  Uni- 


their  Councils  abrichcd.         \  ■>  A 

-■■  ■  -•  —    -  -  -  .       —     .  - 

en  and  Peace?  Who  were  the  Schifmaticks  then?  was  it  not  the  makers  and 
impofers  of  fucb  laws  and  terms  f  3.  Is  it  not  a  high  power  that  is  claim- 
med  by  Popes,  when  no  Prieft  in  all  the  Chriftian  world  may  have  Co 
much  as  his  Beard  in  his  own  power,  in  which  nature  hath  given  him  a 
propriety  ?     How  much  more  might  the  Pope  then  command  all  mens 
pftrjes  ?  4.  May  way  we  not  fee  here  on  what  weighty  reafons,  thefe 
men  condemn  God's  word  of  infufficiency,  and  plead  for  traditions,  and 
a  neceflity  of  their  additional  Laws  ?  When  Scripture  hath  left  out  the 
(having  of  mens  Beards,  and  we  had  never  had  fuch  a  Law,  if  fuch  power 
as  the  Papal  had  not  made  it  ?  O  what  difcord  and  difbrder  would  there 
be  in  the  Church  if  we  had  not  Co  necelTary  a  government !  and  what  con- 
fufion  would  toleration  introduce,  if  mens  Beards  were  left  at  liberty! 
But  if  P<i;*/ called  the  heathen  Phylofophy  ram  and    {^Science  faffy  fa 
named.']   i  Tim.  6,  20.  as  befooling  the  world  with  pedantick  trifling.and 
calling  them  off  from  their  great  concernes,  may  we  not  fay  then  that 
this  is  vain  Government  and  Order  jj^jlji  fo  named,  which  thus  calleth  the 
Church  from  its  primitive  purity,^mplicity  and  unity,   when  Chriftians 
were  known  by  loving  one  another,   to  thefe  childifh  games,  that  the 
Prelates  and  Priefts  of  the  Catholick  Church  rauft  be  known  by  their  be- 
ing without  Beards?  One  would  fufpeft  this  had  its  owg'nal  from  Pope 
'foune,  if  there  were  indeed  fuch  a  pcrfon  j  and  that  it  is  a  Symbol  of  the 
Churches  fcx,   as  it  is  called  Our  Atcther;  or  at  Icaft  that  Maro2.ta  or 
Theodora  inftituted  it.  5.  And  do  you  know  which  were  the  more  inex- 
cufable,  for  filencing  and  perfecuting  the  preachers  of  the  Gorpel/"  The 
'fexvs  that  did  it  becaufe  theyithought  it  took  down  Gods  Law,and  would 
bring  the  Roman  Power  on  them;  Or  the  Roman  heathens  that  thought 
theGofpel  deftroyed  the  worfhip  of  their  forefathers  Godsjor  the  Roman 
Papift?,  that  filenced  and  perfccuted  men  for  wearing  Beards? i  Tbef.i.if,. 

§  56.  Epift.  1 1.  When  fome  French  Preachers  had  revived  Religion  in 
*  Sweden;  the  Pope,  defirous  to  reap  where  they  had  fowcd,  (ends  to  the 
King  oC  Sweden,  to  tell  him  his  ;oy;  and  that  what  the  French 
taught  them  they  recicved  from  Rome^  and  (0  defire  him  to  (end  one  of 
his  Bifhops  to  Rome,  to  acquaint  him  with  their  cultoms,  and  to  receive 
his  Laws  and  Mandates.  You  fee  by  what  means  R^me  was  raifed. 

Epijl-.  15.  A  Bifhop  gave  up  his  Bi(hoprick  :  The  Pope  chides  him 
and  commands  him  to  a  Monal^eryjRather  than  do  fii,hc  returneth  to  his 
feat  again:  The  Pope  chargeth  him  with  the  the  Crime 
of  Idol.itry,  for  not  obeying  him ;  and  writes  to  them  nor  to  recicve  him 
or  be  ruled  by  him,  as  ever  they  loved  the  Grace  of  God  and  St.  Peter. 

The  like  he  doth,  Epifi.  16.  by  the  dilbbedient  Bifliop  oC  Narton,  and 
Eptft.  17.  by  the  di(bbedient  Arch  Bifhop  of  Rhcmes,  and  Epif}-.  18. 
19,  20.  of  the  fame  ;  and  all  this  in  St.  Peter''s  name.  Yea  Epifi.  20.  he 
requireth  the  King  of  Fr.iKce  (PhiLp)  to  ioyn  againlt  the  Arch- bifhop  of 
Rhtmes  a«  excommunicate,  as  evf-r  he  would  have  St.  Peter's  Grace,  be- 
caufe his  Kingdom  and  hts  Soul  were  in  St,  Pctcrh  po,\er.     And  it  is  no 

A  a  a  wonder 

1(52  .•    Chuych-Hijhy  of  Bijhcps  and 

/    — 

wonder  that  they  that  believe  that  the  Pope  is  St.  Peter's,  Vicar  and  Se- 
cretary, and  that  their  fouls  are  in  his  power,  will  give  him  all  their 
Lands  or  Kingdoms  to  ^\sc  their  fouls. 

§  ^7.  When  the  Popefentcnced  the  tmperor  Henry  to  be  excommu- 
nicdte  and  depofed,and  was  charged  to  have  done  this  without  authority, 
he  wrote  his  ai  £/>//?.  /.  8.  to  the  Bifhop  of  Mctz.  to  prove  that  he  had 
power  to  do  it;  and  to  abfolve  his  Subjeds  from  their  Oaths  of  fidelity; 
faying,  that  the  Scriptures  were  full  of  cei-tain  documents  to  prove  it.    And 
his  certain  documents  are  Til^i  dubo  CUves,  &c.  and  Feed  my  Sheep;  ^nd 
Kings  are  not  excepted,  'they  are  St.  Pcter^s  Sheep.  Bin.  p.  1^62.  he  faith, 
that  the  Head  of  Pnefis  is  at  the  right  hand  of  God  ;  bat     who  l^toxveth  not 
that  Kings  and  Dukjs  had  their  beginning  from  them  that  h'^vt  Hof  God, 
and  iifj tiled  by   blind  luji  and  intolerable  preemption  to  domineer  over  0- 
thers,  the  Devil  the  Prrncj  of  thz  world  aUing  them,  in  Pride,    Rapines, 
Perfidioufijefs,  Murders  and  all  wickednefs?   who  -while   they  would  have  the 
Priefis  of  the  LORD  to  ficop  to  theii^ooifteps,  are  right lyejl  compared  to 
him  who  IS  head  of  all  the  Sons  of  priW,who  faid  even  to  Chrifi,  All  this  will 
J  give  thee,  if  thou  wilt  fall  down  and  worfhipme.  Who  donbtcth  but  that  the 
Priefis  ofChriji  arc  th;  Fathers  and  Mafiers  of  Kings  and  Princes,   and  of 
ail  the  faithful?     And  is  it  not  notorio  lu  miferable  madnefs  for  a  Scholar  to 
endeavour  tofiibjugate  his  Mafier,  and  a  Son  his  Father,  and  by  wrongful 
obligations  to  fubjeit  him  to  his  power,  by  whom  h:  bclieveth  that  he  may  be 
bound  or  loufed  both  in  Earth  and  Heaven? Did  not  Pope  Innocent  excommu- 
nicate Arcadius  the  Emperor?  and  Pope  Zachary  Jepsfe  front  his  Kingdot» 
the  King  of  France ^not  fo  much  for  his  inicjuities,  as  becaufe  he  was  not  meet 
for  fo  great  power-,  placed  Pepin  in  hisftead,  and  abfolve d  aH  the  French 
from  tue  Oath  offidslity?  Ambrofb  Jl.'eweth   that  Gold  is  not  fo  much  more 
pretious  Lead,  as  the  Pricfily  Dignity  is  higher  than  the  Kingly  Power. 
Pag.  1263-   Tea  even  th-exorcifls  have  power  over  Devils :  Haw  much  more 
over  thofc  that  are  Subject  to  the  Devils,  and  are  his  members?  And  if  the 
exorcifl  expel  fo  much,  how  much  more. the  Priests?  And  every  King  when  he 
Cometh  to  his  end,  d'/th  humbly  and  pitifully  beg  the  Priefis  help,  that  he  may 
fcape  the  prifon   of  Hell,and  Darknefs,  and  at  the  judgment  of  God  be  found 
abfolved.   But  is  there  either  Friefi  or  Laj-man  that  when  he  is  dying  begs 
help  of  the  King  for  the  faving  of  his  foul?  What  King  or  Emperor  can  by  his 
Office,  take  a  foul  by  baptifw  from  the  power  of  the  Devil,  and  number  him 
with  the  Sons  of  God,  and  fort  ifie  him  with  holy  Chnfm?  And  (which  is  the 
greateft  thing  m  the  Chriftian  Religion)  can  with  his  mouth  mak^  Chrifts 
body  and  blood?  Or  which  cf  them  can  bind  andloojetn  Heaven  and  earth''  By 
all  which  it  may  be  plainly  gathered  by  how  great  power  the  facer  dotal  digni- 
ty excelleth.  TVhich  of  them  can  ordain  one  Cler^  in  the  holy  Church?  How 
much  lefs  can  they  depofe  him  for  any  fault?  For  in  orders   exclefiafiical,  to 
depose  IS  an  acl  (f  greater  power  than  to  ordain:   For  Bijhopsmay  ordain  Bi' 
f'oops,  but  m  no  wijc  depofe  tkem  without  the  authority  of  the  Apoflolick^feati 
Who  then  that  hath  any  l^nowlcdg  can  doubt  but  that  Priefis  are  preferred  be- 


tl?eir  Councils  abridge  J.  262 

fore  Kings  ?  In  a  word,  we  mttfl  ^novv  that  all  goodChrifliara  arc  mere  fit-  V)  And 
ly  Kings    than  evtl   Vnnces:   For  thcfe  l>y  feek^ing  the  Glory  of  Cod  dojhcnu-  ff*^  ^''^' 
ettjlf  rule  themfelves  :  Bat  the  other  [eekjrg  their  oven,  ar.d  hehg  eremies  to  ^l^to 
themfelvesdo  tyrannically  opprcfs  others:   Thefe  (good  Chrifti.iKs^  arc  the  hcdy  that  ruJc 
ofChrifi.  The  other  (bad  Princes)  are  the  body  of  the  Dcvil.Thc\c  fa  rule  them-  ihe 
felves,  as  that  they  fioall  reign  eternally  with  the  higheft  Empctor.  But  the  ^}:^^^ 
power  of  the  other  brings  them  eternally  to  per  if o  by  ctrnuzl  damiutien,  with  \  I  ^^X 
the  Prince  ofdar^nefi,  who  is  King  over  all  the  Sons  of  Pride.    ^Ir.d  it  is  not  ofarcpro. 
to  be  wondered  at  that  (*)  bad  YreUtes  confent  to  an  unrighteous  Kinc,'\hom  I'-'tc  to  o- 
for  their  ill  got  preferments  by  him,    they  love  and  fear,  who  Simouiac^llj  or-  ^y  ^^''^ 
daintngany,do  for  a  bafe  price  fell  even  God  himfelf  For  as  the  ele&  arc  infcpc-  pa'in^^t]-,c 
rabiy  united  to  their  head,  fo  the  reprobate  are  pert  inacic;  fly  corf  derate  a-  Vonc  ? 
gainfl  the  good  with  htm  that  is  head  of  their  militia.(**)  Let  Emperors  and  ^^)  And 
Kings  fee  then  how  much  the  fmperial  and  Kmgly  dignity  is  to  be  feared,  in  ^'"'-'there 
which  very  few  are  faved  (b)  and  thofe  than  by  Gcds  mercy  come  to  falvation  "'(^pcs  fa- 
are  not  made  fo  good  (or  eminent)  at  many  of  the  p3or, the  Spirit  of  Godbeino  vca  ? 
judge  :  For  from  the  beginning  of  the  world  to  thcfe  times  of  curs,  we  find  not  (."'  How 
/«  all  the  amhentick^Scripture  any  Emperors  or  Kings  whofe  lives  were  fo  ad<n--  '■"^^Pofcs 
ned  with  great    (c)  virtue  and  miracles,as  were  an  innumerable  multitude  "/ \vrouchi: 
the  contemners  ofthelVorld;  though  I  believe  that  by  Gods  mercy  many  of  them  miracks/ 
have  been  faved:  For  to  fay  nothing  of  the  ^pcflles  and  Martyrs,  whit  Empe-  (•')  It's 
ror  or  King,was  ever  famous  far  miracles,  like  Marrin,AnrIiony  or  Beredivftf  ^^°"}^  ^^^ 
what  Emperor  or  King  did  raife  the  dead?  cleanfc  the  Lepers^,  illuminate  the  wh"t '^^ 
Blind?  Conftantinc  o/f/owi wfTOi'r;,Thcodoriu5,Honoriu5;,CharIes,  Lewis,  thercafon 
propagator's  of  Chrtflian  Religion,  defenders  of  the  Church,  are  praifed  and  ^-Jt  wc 
honoured  by  the  Church,  but  not  noted  to  h.tve  filmed  with  fuch glory  of  mi-  u^^^j"" 
racles.   Moreover  to  what  Kings  or  Emperors  names  (d)  are  Churches  or  uiU  Churches' 
tars  dedicated',  or  hath  the  Holy  Church  appointed  Aiaffes  to  be  celebrated?  or  MafTcs 
het  Kings  and  other  Princes  fear  Ufl  by  hew  much  in  this  life  they  would  be  named  tor 
preferred  before  other  men,  by  fo  m/ichthe  more  liable  they  be  to  eternal  bur-  '''C  honor 
nings.  As  it  is  written:   IVtfd.  c.  6.  Great  men  fh.ill  be  greatly  tormented.  °avc  a^^ 
For  they  have  as  many  men  to  be  accountable  for,   as  were  Subject  to  them,  few  of 
(*)  And  if  one  religious  m.m  fitid  it  fo  great  a  worl^toi^ep  his  own  foul,  bow  '-^tc  thar 
great  a  labour  bclongeth  to  Frinces,  for  fo  manf  thoufa  d  fouls?    (*)  And  ,y^^''^'^c  dc- 
the  judgment  of  holy  Church  fo  bind  a  man  for  killing  one;   what   will  become  \'^^-pQ^^ 
of  them  that  for  this  worlds  honour  murder  many  thoiif.inds  ?  Who  though  (')  Ah 
$hcy  fometimc  cry  Mea  Culpa /ev  kjHing  many,  yet  are  glad  at  the  heart  for  pnorFope 
the  extenfion  of  their  honow,  and  ari.  not  firry  that  they  did  what  is  done,  nor  ^^^^r}  ^''^' 
that  they  l>ave  driven  their  Brethren  into  Hell.  f\v'*   for 

The  left  of  the  Epiftle  exhurtcrh  Kings  ro  avoid  Pride  and  Tyranny:  As  nil  the 
I  cite  it  hiftorical'y  to  ftevv  you  the  Spirit  of  Papacy,  fo  fas  efi  et  ab  hofte  world  or 
docen.  There  is  fomewhat  in  if  worthy  the  reinemberin?,  that  creatneft  ^'^"'■';''» 
prove  not  pernicious  to  tiiemlelves  and  others,  for  want  ofgoodnefs.        thofc  at 
•     §    58.  Bur   fiirc  tliele  Papal  arguments  r*vocr  not  of  infallibility  :  the /?wn- 
•Maynota  mean  wir  difcem^   r.  That  goodne(«  g,ivetli  not  right  to  pla-i- /'-^''^ 

A  a  a  2  CCS  ^'^'^'^'^ 

564  Chwch'HiJhry  of  ^ijhops  and 

Pope  Z.I-  ^^^  °^  Government  without  a  call,  elfe  the  bcft  man  muft  be  ahvays 
chary  be-  King  ;  And  then  what  Pope  had  Title  to  his  Seat?  Right  to  Heaven,  will 
iicvcd  not  prove  a  right  to  Kingdoms:  Nor, e  contra.  Power  to  caft  out  Devils 
"°^-  will  not  prove  that  theexorcift  may  caft  out  the  King.norgive  him  Laws, 

youufeto  ^-  ^^^^  though  the  King  be  a  Scholar  to  a  Grammarian,  a  Mufician,  a 
fay  that     Phyficianfls  it  therefore  abfurd  that  he  be  King  over  thefe  Matters  ?  What 
Kincs  arc  though  he  muft  obey  his  Phjfftcian  for  his  life?   May  he  not  command 
r°  1  h       ^'"^  Phyficianfor  the  common  peace  ?  What  though  he  cannot  do  that 
for  the  ^    which  a  Phyfician,  a  Mufician  fc  can  do  ?  May  he  not  rule  them  for  all 
body.        that?  3.  What  a  difcontented  mind  hive  fuch  holy  Prelates,  that  cannot 
be  fatistied  with  their  Title  to  Heaven,  their  Miracles,  Sandity,  Church- 
Keys  G~c.  unlefs  they  may  alfo  be  above  Kings,  and  have  the  fecular 
power  alfo  ?  4.  And  what  caufehave  Kings  and  States  to  look  to  them-' 
(elves,  that  are  under  fuch  Priefts,   where  every  Clergy  man  is  their 
Mafter?  And  how  many  fuperiors  then  hath  every  Popifh  King  .?  Even 
as  many  as  he  hath  Prelates,  Priefts  or  exorcifts.  Yet  I  will  confefs  that 
if  Princes  had  been  as  bad  ftill  as  fome  of  them  have  been,  and  as  fuch 
Popes  pretended;  and  Popes  and  Prelate?,  and  Priefts  had  been  z% Infalli- 
ble, Holy,  Wife  and  Peaceable  as  they  have  pretended,  and  had  not  proved 
the  (hame  of  Religion  and  Incendiaries    of  the  Chriftian  World,  info 
many  generations,  it  would  have  tempted  men  ftrongly  for  the  intereft  of 
Religion  and  mankind,  to  wifh  that  all  power  had  been  committed  to  the 
Clergy,  and  that  Campanellas  Regnum  Dei,  or  V  if t- Monarchy,   by  Prieftly 
Government  of  the  World,  had  taken  place.  But  when  their  own  hiftori- 
ans  make  fourty  Popes  together  Monfters  of  wickednefs,  and  piety  at 
the  fame  time  to  be  tranflated  to  the  Princes,  this  turncth  our  thoughts 
another  way  :  Efpecially  when  we  find  ftill  that  a  proud,  worldly,  wicked 
Clergy,  are  the  great  confounders  of  the  World. 

§  j9.  Epift.  23.  He  fends  to  his  Legates  to  demand  of  the  King  of 
9^      France,  xXux.  every  houfe  do  give  a  penny  to  St.  Peter,  if  they  take  him  for 
their  Father  and  Pafior.  It  leemeth  the  Roman  Peter  muft  have  money. 
Rule  and  Honour  of  all  the  world,  though  he  cry  it  down  in  others. 

§  60.  Lib.  9.  Ep.  I.  He  fufpendeth  the  Arch  Bifhop  of  KtrtH^u  in 
Normandy,  from  confecrating  any  Bifhop  or  Pricft,  or  Church,  becaufe  he 
had  not  vifiied  the  Pope  at  Rome,  when  as  men  and  women  carne  to  him  from 
the  remoter  parts  of  the  Earth  ;  (The  Pope  loved  much  company,  and 
loved  not  privacy  fo  well  as  I  do.)  and  becaufe  he  had  not  fouc/ht  his 
pallium  ;  though  he  wrote  fubmifTively  to  him. 

§  61.  Even  this  Pope  Ep.  2.  /.  9.  ProfeflTeth  to  the  King  of  Spain 
\jhat  [a  Lye  is  a  fin  though  it  come  from  a  pious  intention  for  peace  j  but  in 
Priefis  it  is  a  kind  of  Sacriledg.']  And  if  fo,  Priefts  had  need  to  take  heed 
that  they  Lj^^e  not,  by  fweanng,  fub/cnbmg,  declaring  or profeffing  any  fal- 
Poocd  though  a  Pope  ftiould  command  them. 

§  62.  In  the  fame  £/?.  he  congratulates  that  5/»4;m  received  \\\s  Order 
of  fsrvice  or  Litttrgie,  becAufe  that  which  thry  ftfed  hitherto  had  fome  things 


their  Councils  abridged.  i  (5  c 

Contrary  to  the  Chrijiian  Faith.     What  ?  Was  the  old  Spanifh  Liturgy,     'ta 

§  63.  Ep.  3.  /.  9.  The  Pope  upon  the  death  of  ^oi^w//*/:-,  fearing  the 
Emperors  coming  into  Italy,  pretendeth  that  now  all  men  advifed  him  to 
receive  the  Emperor,  for  peace,  into  his  favour  and  mercy  ;  laying,  that. 
almofi  all  the  Italians  were  for  him,  and  that  his  Patronefs  Mathildis  ivus 
counted  ma^  by  her  own  Subje^s,  who  would  not  fight  for  her  and  hint;  and 
therefore  fends  to  try  whether  he  could  get  any  help  from  others  ;  charging 
them  to  fee  that  the  next  chofen  King  be  one  true  to  St.  Veta\  and  to 
that  end  fends  them  an  Oath  of  obedience  to  Saint  Peter  and  his  Ktcar  which 
the  King  muft  take. 

§  64.  Ep.  4.  He  employeth  his  agents  to  engage  the  Norman  Duke 
Robert  to  help  him  with  an  Army. 

And  Ep.  y.  His  Legate  having  depofcd  all  the  Bifhops  of  Normandy 
that  refufcd  to  come  to  his  Synod,  he  tells  him  that  WHUam  King  of  En- 
gland, and  Duke  of  Normandy,  though  he  was  not  fo  good  as  he  fhould 
be,was  more  ufeful  and  better  to  theChurch  than  other  Kings,and  there- 
fore muft  not  be  offended,  and  therefore  bids  him  rcftore  the  Bifhops :  '^ 
andalfo  to  pardon  (bme  Soldiers,  excommunicated  for  not  paying  tythcs, 
becaufe  they  muft  not  lofc  the  Soldiers. 

Ep.  8.  He  writeth  to  the  Duke  of  renice,  by  all  means  to  avoid  all 
excommunicate  perfons,  and  their  friendjl.yp  and/.jyow  left  they  came  in- 
to the  fnares  of  the  fime ion  :  For  Anathema's  were  the  arms 
by  which  he  fubdued  Emperors, and  wastodo  his  work. 

The  like  to  others  in  other  Epiftles.  And  Ep.  12.   He  brought  one 
Count  Berrr^M  tofwear  him  fidelity,  and  to  give  him  all  his  Countrey, 
and  honour  as  Earl  of  Provence,   and  this  for  the  pardao  of  his  own  and      "^ 
his  Fathers  fins. 

§  6)-.  Ep.  14.  He  congratulates  to  the  Kings  of  the  n/i^oths  their 
converfion  to  Chriftianity  ;  but  tells  them  they  muft  ofcfenJ  to  Rome 
for  furthtr  inftrudion. 

How  frequently  he  made  Arch-BiAiops  and  Bifhops  travel  to  him  out 
ef  other  Kingdoms  when  his  Legates  wronged  them,  many  other  Epiftles 

Ep.  17.  The  Norman  Duke,  Robert,  acquaintcth  the  Pope  with  a  Vic- 
tory which  he  had  got:  He  rcturneth  him  this  anfrer,  that  he  had  but 
done  his  duty  and  now  as  it  was  Saint  Peter  that  hadgtven  him, this  victory, 
if  he  would  not  make  him  angry,  he  mu^no-f  i>ethankjfil  to  SaiKt  Peter, and 
remember  what  he  owed  him,  tohelp  hiir.  againft  the  Emperor,  Henry, 
and  all  his  other  eneinie?, 

§  66.  Ep.zo.  He  writes  to  the  Arcb-Bifhopof  Crf/.-.'frZ'/^^  th.Tt  helud 
fhewed  liimfelf  guilty  of  which  t.<  as  IdJivry'm  that  he  h.d 
not  travelled  to  Roiue  to  viftt  the  Poj  e  when  he  commanded  himjond  ttlis  if  he  come  not  by  ^ll-Saints  day  n:xt  he  JImU  be  depofu  ;  jvr  ma'ty 
wsak^menthat  could  fc.trce  rife  out  of  their  brds, came  from  other  much  farther 
Countrcys :  and  \\e  Jl:ouid  lofe  Saint  Peter's  grace  if  he  failed  (^nrni^  they  do 
lo  alfo  from  the  Antipodes?)  Epijl.zz. 

66  Gmxh-Hiflory  of  'Bifhops  mii 

Ep.  22.  He  tells  the  Count  of  u4ngters  (or -r^;-;;//)  that  he  (hould 
hitve  obeyed  the  femenceof  his  Bi/hop,  though  it  w^s  finjujh.  And  fo  every 
wicked  Prelates  povvcr  over  Princes  and  all  others  (lull  be  abfolure. 

He  flattered  our  King  WiiUam  the  Conqueror  r.^.ore  than  other  Kings  j 
'but  f/J.  2-  /.  u.  He  comphiineth  of  his  punifhing  a  Bifhop,  telling  him 
that  God  takcth  thera  as  the  apple  of  his  eye,  and  faith, Touch  not  mine 
anointed;  and  though  they  are  naught  and  very  iinn-orthy  they  mult  be 
honoured,  and  being  called  Gods,  men  malt  not  meddle  with  them. 

Ep.\.y4pp:tjd.(Br,).p.ii'j8)hc  tells  Lanfran/^hrch-Bittwpoi'Canter^sirj, 
how  far  the  Church  was  from  purity  in  hisdays  ;  vtz..  that  [77:1^ Bifhops 
iwd  fuchasPoouLl  be  Paflorsof  Souls,  do  with  irfit table  dcjire  hunt  ajterthe 
CloY)  of  the  WorUiyinA  the  pleafures  of  the  fieji:.  And  do  not  only  themfelves 
confound  nil  things  that  are  holj  and  rtitgioiisjiut  bj  their  example  their 
Sutjicls  to  allnickedncfs;  Andthat  tolet  them  alone  is  unlawful,  and  to  refifi 
_•  thc>»  bow  difficult  1 

So  much  of  the  Epiftles  of  Greg.  7th.  who  feemeth  to  be  much  more 
againft  vice  than  his  predeceflbrs  for  many  ages,  but  more  for  tyrannical 
ufurpation  and  rebellion  than  ever  any  that  was  before  him:  And  if  the 
better  fort  of  them  be  fuch,  what  may  be  expefted  from  them? 

§  67.  CCCLIII.  An.  1074.  In  a  Council  at  .^c;wf  Priefts  were  for- 
bid marrying,  and  all  that  were  married  commanded  to  put  away  their 
Wives:  The  Arch-Bifhop  of  ^/f»/x.  trying  to  do  the  fame  in  Gcjtw.w/, 
the  whole  p-nty  of  the  Clergj  (faith  Lambert,  an.  1 074  )  raged  againft  it,  and 
called  the  Pope  a  downright  Heretickf/?4f  oppofedChriJh  Law,  who  {orhid 
putting  awayWives  e.\cept  for  fornication,  fiymg,  all  men  cannot  receive  this 
faying;  and  as  driving  men  to  fornication  :  They  went  from  the  Synod,  and 
feme  were  for  cafling  cut  the  Archbijhop  of  Mentz.  and  putting  him  to  death  : 
But  he  fpake  them  fair.  But  the  Pope  went  on. 

§  68.  CCCLIV.  In  a  Synod  at  Ccncfius,  the  Popes  Legate  and  Aafelm 
L»cf»/.  excommunicated  many  thathad  been  againft ^«/ir/w:  whereupon 
the  whole  City  was  enragqd,  andforfook  Mathildis,  and  Joyned  with  the 
Emperor,  and  expelled  the  Bifhop,  one  Peter  Sl  Canon  leading  them, 

§  69.CCCLV.^».io75.  a  Council  at  Rome  excommunicated  five  of  the 
Emperors  Family ;  unlefs  they  travelled  to  Rome  and  made  fatisfacflion  : 
It  excommunicated  FhiUp  King  of  France  MVi\tk  he  fatisfied  the  Nuntii 
of  the  Pope  :  It  fufpended  the  Arch  bifhop  of  Bremr,  the  Bifhop  of 
Strasbc.rg,  the  Bifhop  of  Spire,  the  Bifhop  of  Bamberge,  and  in  Lomburdie 
the  Bifhop  of  Papia,  the  Bifhop  of  Tunne,  the  Bifhop  of  Placentine^  and 
alfo  Robert  Duke  of  Apulia,  and  Robert  de  Rontcllo.  &rc. 

§  70.  an.  1075.  Was  the  forefaid  Synod  at  Af^wz,  where  the  Arch- 

Bifhop  fccking  to  bring  the  Clergy  to  obey  the  Pope  in  putting  away 

their  Wives,  was  fain  to  put  itoff  tofave  his  life  from  the  Clergies  rage. 

The  Englifh   Councils  I  omit  referring  you  to  Spelman ,   of  which 

one  depofcd  Wulftan  (  they  fay  ir.jurioyjly  )  Src. 

§  71.  CCCLVI.  an.  1076.  A  Council  at  I^^t/jw/ fentenced  the  Pope 
depofed,  Two  Bifhops  awhile  refufed  confenr,  but  at  lalt  yielded  :  And 


their  Cciincils  abridged.  1^67 

they  ftnc  to  the  Pope,  that  thenceforth  all  that  he  did  as  Pope  was  void. 

§  72.  CCCLVn.  Hercttpon  the  Pope  calls  a  Council  at  Kome,  which 
excommunicated  ail  the  German  Bifhops  that  depofed  him,  and  the  Bi- 
fhops  oi Lombardy  as  confpiring  againft  Sr.  Tetcr,  and  many  French -Bi- 
fhops:  And  with  them  the  Emperor  Henry,  anddepofed  him  ('^a.vititm 
infe)  from  all  his  dominions  :  and  abfolved  his  Subjedls  from  their  oaths 
(as  aforcfaid.) 

§  73.  CCCLVIII.  The  excommunicate  Bifliops  had  a  Council  at  Pa- 
pia,  where  they  retorted  the  Popes  Anathema  on  himfelf,  and  excom- 
municate him. 

§  74  CCCLIX.  The  Pope  calls  another  Council  at  Rome,  where  the 
ArchBifhops  of  MilUn  -mA  Ravenna  (the  Antipope)  are  excommuni- 
cate, and  the  Emperor's  caufe  and  party  again  condemned. 

§  7y.  CCCLX.  Another  Synod  at  Rome  an.  107S.  decreed  divers 
things  for  defence  of  the  Clergies  priviiedges.  And  it  isobfervable  that 
to  that  day  the  old  Canons  were  in  force  for  nulling  all  ordinations  not 
made  by  the  Ci?wwo«  Confent  of  theCierkj  and  People:  Ordinationes  cjii£  ^ 
intervenicnte  prctio  vel  precibus,  vel  ohfequio  alicujus  perfana  c.i  intentions 
impcnfj,  vel  qn£  nan  Communi  confcnfn  Clert  CT"  populi  Jccmidiim  Canonicas 
ftnciionsjJi.:nt,  &  ab  his  ad  qui  s  ia  pertinet,  non  comprobaintir,  in- 
firmas  &  irritai  ejfe  dijudicavfsts  ;  (jHontam  (j:iitaliter  ordin.mtur  nun  p:r 
oftium,  idefi,  per  Chnfium  intrant,  fed  ut  ipf.t  Veritas  tcfljtfir,  fares  pint  & 
l.itroncs.  Therefore  it  is  no  finful  reparation  to  difown  and  avoid  fuch  ob- 
truded Bifhops  or  Paftors  as  are  not  Co  ordained  by  the  Common  Con- 
fent  of  the  Clergy  and  the  People. 

§  76.  In  this  Council  the  Pope,  to  keep  up  fume  prercnfions  yet  ro  a 
power  in  the  £.?/?,  excommunicated  the  new  made  Emperor  Nicephurus 
Bctoniates  for  depofing  wrongfully  the  Emperor  yt//c/.)-»r/ and  his  Wife 
Af.iry,  and  his  Son  Cor.fiaKting  Porphptu,  and  putting  them  into  a  Mor.- 
ailery  and  invading  the  throne,  whom  the  Patriarch  Cofmus  Kittiv  fet  up 
by  Michael,  had  Crowned  :  Cat  thus  matters  were  then  often  carryed. 

§  77..  That  we  may  a  little  take  along  (bmc  of  the  Greek  atFair?,  note 
.  here,  xXutZimifces  being  dead  an.  975.  the  Empire  rct.irned  to  Bifl  and 
Cohfl-antins  the  Sods  of  Romamis  jri.i.  B  rfil  held  it  jo  years  ;  andC^./^.v- 
tins  three  more.  Againft  them  roie  tirft  Bard  is  StUros,  and  then  Bardas 
Phocas.  5.7/;/ overcame  and  fubjecfted  the  B/dgtrians:  An.  1028.  ^rgyim 
Romania  took  the  Empire  with  ^oe  Ci;.'i/?.i«//«f's  daughter  (puttin;];  away 
his  Wife  for  her  and  the  Empire.)  After  five  years  ;Io-"  killed  him,  and 
took  her  aduTterer  and  the  agent  Michael  Paphlago  to  her  bed  andEmpire. 
He  being  affliifled  in  body  penitently  turned  Monk,  and  reduced  'So-:  to 
(bme  order:  But  being  dead,  Che  took  Michael  Cakphaic  who  f.vare  lo 
obey  "iZoe  $  but  breaking  his  Covenant,  fhc  Jcpofed  him  and  put  out  his 
eyes.  And  an.  104.2.  She  took  to  her  bed  and  the  Empire  ConjLtntire 
Mo:iomacbus,  in  whofe  times  the  Greeks  had  divers  lohes  by  the  Sticves, 
.ind  by  the  N:>rnu'is  that  !^oc  /Ipuliu.  Ac  which  time  the  Turks  hciiii:  Soldiers  un- 
der the  Perfums,  revolted  ami  oft  overcame  them.  Zjc  and  her  S:lter  Tbendora 
having  ruled  ail,  <//(■■  hiConj1antinis\imiMuhn<;  of  Cuaji.  wrote 

*  .  againft 

5 68  Church' Hijhry  of  Bijhops   ttnd 

againit  ihc Church  of  l{ymi\  Theodorabcmg  dead,  hUib.ul Siratonicm  leigncdonc 
ycAr  :  who  was  torccd  to  rcfignto  Comncnus -.  loy/.  Who  being  itircalcd 
rur tied  Monk,  s.nA  \wi.<\'iCo>ijt.inttttc  Emperor:  an.  105-9.  He  dyed  1067 
Iwearing  liis  wife  Eudocia  not  to  m.irry  and  make  a  Father  m  Law  to  his  three 
Sojis ;  but  fhe  brake  her  oath  and  niarrycd  Homanns  Diogenes  and  made  hin)  Em- 
peror:  He  istiken  iiiiiglit  by  the  i'«/f.i;;,  andrcleafed,  and  when  he  came  home 
his  eyes  ^luioutby  his  own  Subjcdts ;  of  which  he  dyed  an.  107 1.  and  Eu.iocia 
is  thriiftinto  a  Aio«j/?«y.  }ilicbAelVaripmaciui,\.\\s.  Sonoi  Co>i[i.  Ducas  is  cholen 
Emperor:  The  Turks  and  others  greatly  weaken  the  Empire:  Two  Niccfhort 
ul'urp  :  One  called  Botomates,  helped  by  the  Turks,  getting  pofleirion,  Michael 
cntrtd  a  MoM^Jlery,  andtheother  Niceplnrus  Bye/imns  is  overcome  and  his  eyes 
put  out ;  Bot:H:.ucs  after  three  years,  isdepofcd  and  made  Monk  by  AiC.xiru  Coik- 
«f«;(.',whowasmadcEmperor,  rf«.  1081, and  being  woiftcd  by  MobertD.  oi /I. 
p:ilia,  and  having  dealt  :11  with  Godfrvy  and  his  army  going  for  P.tlcjh»e,znd  beaten 
ny  them  an.  1096.  living  70  years  and  reigning  37  hedycdjn.  1 118.  forfaken 
fit  ft  of  all,  and  luccceded  by  his  Ion  Calojahannes. 

Sed.  7S.  CCCLXI.  A  Roman  Council    an.    IC79.  Forced    Serengariiii  to 
rccsnt,  and  to  own  Tranfubftantiation. 

Se:{.  79.    CCCLXII.    /In.    1 080.  Another  Roman  Council  renewed  thede- 
pofition  of  the  Emperour,  and  gave  his  Empire  to  [{oduipb,  the  Pope  excommuni- 
cating Hf  wry,  and  laying  [  Co«/iWe»j  de  jiidicio  (3  tntfertcordia  Dei  cjufque  fitff.mte 
matrufimper  Virgin! s  Marine,  fultus  vejtra  authcnlate,  /.cfc  nommatiim  Henricum, 
^iiem  I{fgem  Aicuht,  ommfquef. tutor es  ejus  excommunicttioni  Jiibjicio,  (^  anathematis 
Tincuiii  alltgo  :  i^  itcriini  ^'gnnm  Teutonicorum  iS  Italiie  ex f arte  cmnifotentii  Dei 
05"       is  vcjlra,  interdicei  s  ei,  Omnem  Potejlatem  13  dignitatem  illi  regiatn  tollo,(3  ut  ntiltus 
Chnjiianorum  cificut  Hcgi  obcdtat,  interdico :  Omnefjiie  /]iiiei  juraverunt,vel]iirabunt 
de  regni  dcminatione  a  juratmnti  fromiJ]]one  abjoho:  Iffe  autem  Henriciis  cum/ins 
fautoribus  in  omni  congrejfwne  b^lli,  nullas  vires,  n:ilhtm]uc  in  vitafua  obti- 
neat.  Then  he  giveth  abfiluticnfrom  ^^11  their  fins  to  all  that  take -part  with  Rodulpb, 
and  blejjing  in  this  life  and  that  to  come.  Adding  f  Go  on  then  holy  Fathers  and  Princes 
tSj"       I  befcechyoii,  the  whole  tfjrld  may  underfland  and  k>iotP,  that  if  you  can  bind  and 
locfe  m  Heaven,  you  can  on  earth  both  take  aipay  the  Empires.,  Kingdoms,  Principalities, 
Diikcdomes,  M.irquifites,  Earldoim,  and  Pojpjjions  of  all  men,   according  to  their 
merits,  a/iif  grant  them  (  zo  others)  foryoii  have  often  tak^n  away  from  the  evil  and 
&       unworthy,  Patri.irchates,  Primacies,  Arcb-Bifioprickj,  Bijhopricks,  and  given  them  to 
ff5"       religious  men  :   For  if  ye  judge  (piritual  things,  what  mnft  men  be'ieve  that  yon  can  do 
about  things  fecular  ?  and  if  you  judge  the  Angels  that  rule  over  all  Proud  Prtnces,whai 
canyou  do  with  their  fervants  ?  Let  Kjngs  and  all/ecular  Princes  now  learn,  hew  great 
^      you  are  a/id  you  can  do  ;  and  let  them  he''er  be  afraid  to  fet  light  by  the  Com- 
mand of  your  Church  :   And  excrcifeyour  Judgment  fo  fpeedi'y  on  the/aid  Henry,  that 
all  tnay  know,  that  befalls  not  by  chance,  but  by  your  power  ;  /  wi/h  he  be  confounded  to 
repentance,  his  Spirit  nuiy  be  (aved  in  the  day  of  the  Lord.  ]   O  brave  Pope  .' 

From  this  Council  the  Pope  fent  R^dulph  a  Crown  wi:h  this  infcriptiofl--— •- 
Petra  dedit  Pctfo  Petrus  diaaema  {{odulpbn.   But  all  this  was  but  as  Balaam's  H- 
,   ~     f.     tempt;  It  dcftroyed  not  Henry,  nor  faved  the  life  of  !^dulph,ih^t  was  after  killed. 
(  )  Ihele       Seel.  80.  CCCLXIII.  An.   1080.  The  Emperor  called  a    Council  at  Brixia 
p^^^VP      wliich  depofed  Gregory  as  f  Aftl/e  monk,  thep^Jlileni  Prince  of  all  villante,  the  in- 
I'roteltaiit  ^.,.J,_.,  ^f  tlie  I^^  S:Jt,   vevn  chofin  of  Gjd,  tmpud'ntly  intruding  him/elf  by  fraud        .X 
Ciihops,      and  money,  fibverti)!^  all  Church-order,  perturbing  the  Kjngdom  of  aChriftian  Em-      ^B 
ana  ei-        ^/^^  .^tnun  the  death  of  So  //  arid  Body  to  a  quiet  Chrtjiian  Emperour  :  defending  a    ^H 
"^  ,    perjured  Kjng  j  /owing  difcord  where  tPas  concord,  and  ftrife,  where  there  was    ^| 

wrongcn  peac:,  fcmdals  among  brethren,  divorces  between  Husband  and  iVife,^  and  fli.iking  all 
nmi.ornc  thatfcemed  to  be  m  quietnijs  among  godly  men  ;  a  proud  preacher  of  Sacrtledgc  .tnd 
was  great"  fl:„ncs,  defending  perjuries  and  tmrders,  q-iej}ion'wg  the  Catholick,  doUrine  of  Chrijls 
ly  chan-  i,r,^y  and  blood,  an  old  Difciple  of  Bcrengarius  (*)  afollotper  of  divinations  and  dreams 
gcd.  ,j  m.uifeji  Cnnj'irer,pcjf  If'd  with  a  divifiiri;;  evl  Spirit,  and fr> [werving  from  the  true 

FjitL]   And  they  made  Guibcrt  Pope  in  his  (lead  ( as  was  aibrcfaid. ) 

Sed.  81. 


their  Councils  abridged.  269 

§81.    CCCLXIV.    A  Council  zt  Lymis,   An.  lo'io.   de^o^elh  ManaJJe 
Blfhop  of  Rhemes,  for  refiafing  to  give  account  to  the  Pope,  d^c. 

§  82.  CCCLXV.    Another  at  Avenicn^  maketh  Hugo  Bifhop  of  Gra- 

§  8  J.  CCCLXVI.  Another  at  Meaulx,  maketh  Armlpb  Bifliop  of  Sotf- 

§  84.  CCCLXVII.  Another  at  Rome,  An.  1081.  Excommuoicatcth  the 
Emperor  again. 

§  85:.  CCCLXVII  I.  An.  1083.  another  at  /Jowc,  the  Pope  kept  three 
days  in  fighsand  groans,  being  bclieged,  and  then  difmill  it. 

§  86.  CCCLXIX.  An.  1 084.  in  another,  the  befieged  Pope  again  exconi' 
municated  the  Emperor,  and  tke  new  Pope  Clement  (  Ginbert  Raven.  ) 

§  87.  CCCLXX.  An.  1085".  A  Council  at  J^intilmcbtirg  condemned  "tu 
two  Herefies :  The  Hi-ft  was  the  Royaliil  Hcrefie  of  Loyalty,  called  the  Hen- 
ricians,irom  Henry  the  Emperor,  who  thought  that  the  Pope  and  Prelates  had 
not  authority  to  depofe  Kings  and  Emperors,  but  were  to  be  Subje£ls  to  them. 
An  Herefie,if  (uch,that  moft  Kings  are  very  much  inclined  to,  as  taught  them 
by  St.  Vaul,  Rom.  i  3.  and  by  St.  Peter  himlclf.  You  fee,  O  Princes,  if  you 
will  be  the  Popes  and  Prelates  Executioners,  that  you  muft  come  at  laft  to  the 
Stake  your  felves,  and  fall  under  the  Law  flc  Herettcis  comburendu,  unlels  you 
will  be  Servants  your  felves,  or  truft  to  Ibme  peculiar  chalibcate  remedies. 

The  great  argument  of  the  Pope  waj  [  The  Difciple  is  not  above  his  Ma- 
fter.  One  Gunibcrt  undertook  to  prove,  That  the  Pope  had  nojuch  power^  but 
what  he  had  ufurped,  and  taken  to  himfelf,  but  inight  be  judged.  But  the  fore- 
laid  Argument  ftruck  all  dead.  But  might  not  theft  Prelates  have  undcrftood, 
I.  That  the  Pope  himftlf  may  have  a  Mailer  in  Philofbphy,  Phyfick,  d^r ? 
And  is  he  not  for  all  that.  Above  his  Alaftcr  ?  i.  Is  the  King  abo^-e  no  Ma- 
iler that  teacheth  iiim  in  any  Art  or  Science?  5.  Are  not  Chrift's  words  plain- 
ly to  be  underllood,  of  Superiority  and  Inferiority  tn  eodem  ^enere  ?  The  DiP 
ciple  as  fuch  is  not  above  his  Mailer  ;  but  as  a  King  he  may  :  or  cKe  Princes 
give  up  their  Kingdoms  to  every  Schoolmafter  that  they  chooft.  4.  This 
Doftrine  lets  not  only  Popes  and  Prclatcs,biic  every  teaching  Tricji  or  Preacher 
above  the  King  \  for  to  fuch  the  King  may  be  a  Difciple.  ^.  This  tendeth 
therefore  to  tempt  Princes  to  be  utterly  ignorant  and  brutidi ;  for  fear  left  by  "ft 
learning  any  thing  of  any  Mafter,  they  (hould  give  away  their  Kingdoms. 
And  if  Children  be  Kings  by  inheritance  ,  what  a  fhare  is  here  laid  to  undo 
tiicm  ?  6.  Doth  not  the  Holy  Ghoft  fay,  Let  every  Soul  be  fubjecl ;  and  were 
not  Feter  and  the  Apoftles  fome  of  theft  Souls?  Did  notChrift  himfelf  and  Pe- 
ter pay  Tribute  ? 

But  remember  again  you  that  arc  Sub')eiT:5  to  fuch  Councils  and  Prelate.-:, 
that  it  is  by  them  judged  Herejie  to  be  Loyal,  and  to  plead  for  the  Clergies 
lubjeftion  to  Kings. 

§  88.  The  Herefie  of  JVecilo  was  here  alli)  condemned,  th.;t  faid  (  as  they 
report  him  )  That  when  the  ftcular  Men  vo-e  Jpmled  of  their  Eflates  and  Goods, 
( it's  like  by  the  Ecclefiaftlcks )    they  were  not  bound  to  obey  the  Ecclefwftickj', 

B  b  b  and 

2-0  Chnrch-Hijiory  of  Bijhps  and 

and  might  he  recdvui  by  ethers,  when  they  were  Exconiwunkate.  It  was  there- 
c^-  fore  decreed,  \_That  ■u.'hoe'Vir  ivoi  Escommtmtcate  by  bts  B:^)o^,  that  B>JI)op?tot 
bein"  himfelf  Excommunicate,  or  Jeprit-ed  of  hts  Office,  though  it  wtre  unjufllj 
done, pould  by  fionJca?u  be  received  toComwunio?!  (  ij  atiy  other)  unlefi  ab- 
folved  lit  the  Ecclefiaftical  manmr.2  And  ib  God  muft  be  difobcycd,ihat  com- 
mandcth  the  Faithful  to  worfhip  him  in  Sacramental  Communion,  whenever 
any  proud,  malicious  or  drunken  Prelate  will  forbid  him :  And  mull  Co  live  and 
die,  unlefs  his  Mafters  will  repent  of  their  injuries,  ^^'hen  as  it  is  ulual  for 
one  injury  to  engage  a  Man  to  more,  or  to  continue  it,  for  the  juftification  of 

§  89.  Another  Decree  of  this  Hereticating  Qjuncil  was,  fT/?.??  ^<jjx  to  keep 
the  Spring  and  Summer  Fafis  on  ;  and  that  neve  eat  Cheefe  or  Eggs  in  Lent. 
This  is  the  Roman  holinefs,  and  way  to  Heaven. 

Many  Archbifhops  and  (everal  Cardinals  were  here  Excommunicate  alfb,for 
being  for  the  Emperor  againft  the  Pope. 

§90.  CCCLXXI.  But  the  Wars  of  Councils  continuing,  a  Council  was 
called  by  the  Emperor  at  Mentz,,  where  the  depofition  of  Gregory  ,  and  the 
fubftitution  of  Clement  ( whole  Legates  were  prelent  )  was  confirmed,  and 
the  Condemners  again  condemned. 

And  fo  we  have  done  with  the  Life,  Letters  and  Councils  of  Hildebran^. 

§  9 1.  Pope  Gregory  6y'mg,Clement  alone  was  Pope  one  year,  and  then  the 
Italians  chofe  De/iderius  an  Abbot,  called  FiBor  the  3d.  This  was  the  z^d 
Schlfm,  or  two  Popes  at  once.  FiBcr  lived  but  a  year  and  three  months,  and 
x4  days.  Hiftorians  teH  lis  of  Famines,  and  dreadful  Prodigies  in  tfaofe  days. 
In  that  little  time  he  railed  an  Army  which  beat  the  Saracens  in  Africk. 

§  91.  CCCLXXII.  A  Council  at  Capua  choftthis  ViUor,  An.  1087.  and 
when  he  was  brought  to  Rome,  they  found  Pope  Clement  in  pofleffion  ,  and 
keeping  it  by  Arms :  but  when  they  had  fought,  ViSlor's  Soldiers  proved 
Viftors,  and  his  T'itle  to  be  beft. 

§93.  CCCLXXIII.  Fiilor  hzd  a  Council  at  5f»ex'ew/,  where  he  damned 
Vope  Clement  and  his  Bifhops, -^».  1087.  The  grand  Controverfie  of  thofe 
times  of  the  Pope  againft  the  Emperor  and  other  Princes  was,  about  Prefenta- 
tions  to  Bifliopricks,  or  Inveftitures,  which  the  Pope  (iid,  belonged  to  no  Lay- 
man :  Victors  Council  again  judged  fiich  Prefentations  or  Collation  of  Biflio- 
pricks to  be  Sacriledge,  and  fiich  Simoniacs  that  ufed  them  :  And  here  it's 
worth  the  noting  that  they  decree,  (  Bin.  p.  1193-  )  That  Fenance  and  Com- 
munion may  he  received,  from  nmie  but  a  Catholic k  :  And  if  no  Catholick  Friejl 
be  there,  it  is  righter  to  perfifi  without  vifible  Communion,  and  to  communicate 
invifibly  with  the  Lord,  than  by  taking  it  from  aHeretick  to  be  feparated  from 
God.  For  there  ts  no  Communion  of  Chrifi  and  Belial ;  tior  of  a  Believer  with 
an  Infidel:  But  every  Heretick  is  an  Infidel  t  And  a  Simoniac  becaufe  an  Here- 
tick,  IS  an  Infidel :  For  though  Catholicks  becaufe  of  the  Hsreticks  being  over  them^ 
cannot  have  vifible  and  corporal  Communion,  yet  while  in  mmd  they  are  joined  to 
Chrifi,  they  invifibly  receive  his  Communion.  2 


their  Councils  abridged. 


Let  it  be  here  noted,  i .  That  this  Council  confefleth  that  the  Sacrament 
and  vifible  Communion  is  not  of  necefllty  to  falvation  ;  And  why  not  the 
lame  of  vifible  Baptifm,  when  it  cannot  be  had  on  lawful  terms  ?  x.  That  'ts 
therefore  it  is  no  fin ful  Separation  to  refufe  fuch  Church-Communion  as  can- 
not be  had  on  lawful  terms  ,  or  but  from  Hereticks ,  Simoniacs,  or  Sacrile- 
gious. 3.  That  this  fheweth  that  the  Church  of  Rotne  hath  their  Succeflion 
oft  interrupted  :  For  by  the  teftimony  of  their  moft  flattering  Hiftorians,  and 
of  General  Councils,  many  Popes  have  been  Simontacs .,  £r^o,(aith  this  Coun- 
cil, Hereticks  and  Infidels ;  Ergo  no  Popes :  Ergo  their  Fait b  failed.  4.  That 
this  maketh  their  Bi(hop5,Priefts,  and  Churches  in  all  their  own  Kingdoms 
where  Princes  have  the  prcftnting  and  inverting  of  Bifhops,  to  be  all  \oid 
and  null,  as  being  Infidels.  And  that  not  only  among  Protcftants  none  fliould  'ts 
communicate  with  any  Bifhops  that  have  their  Preftntation  and  Invcftiture 
from  Kings,  but  mufi:  (cparate  from  them  as  Infidels,but  even  in  Papifts  King- 
doms they  mult  do  the  fame. 

§  94.  FtBor  commended  Odo,  or  Otho  Oftienfis  for  his  Succeflor ;  who  is 
cholen  in  his  ftcad  againft  Clement,  and  called  Urban  the  id.  He  made  their 
old  Patroncls  Mathildts  in  her  age  to  marry  with  an  Italian  Duke  TVelpho,  on 
condition  that  they  (hould  never  have  Carnal  Copulation.  The  Emperor  came  "^ 
to /?owf,  and  fet  up  C/fW3(?»/' ;  Urban  {  or  0:ho)  being  one  that  before  had 
publifhed  the  Excommunication  of  the  Emperor,  Excommunicateth  him 
again, and  goeth  from  Rome,  into  Italy  and  France  \  and  feis  the  Princes  upon 
the  recovering  of  Jerufalem,  Lifting  3COC00  Men, and  fb  reconciled  moftof 
their  Strifes  at  home.  The  Hiftory  of  this  Expedition,  Tlatina  briefly ,  and 
many  Authors  largely  give  us,  to  whom  I  refer  you. 

Ccnrade  the  Emperor's  Son  rebcllcth  againft  his  Father,  encouraged  by  the 
Pope.  The  Papal  Hiftorians  pretend  that  his  Father  would  have  forced  him 
to  Inceft,  but  others  think  othcrwifc. 

It  was  this  Pope  (  faiih  Bin.  p.  1 193.  )  that  appointed  the  horary  Pray- 
ers, called  the  Office  of  the  Blejfed  Fbgiv,xo  be  u(ed  by  Clergy  and  Laity,  for 
(liccefi  againft  the  Saracens.  Having  Reigned  eleven  years,  and  four  montli5, 
he  died. 

§  95-.  CCCLXXIV.  j^n.  1089.  Urban  in  a  Council  at  Rome,  rcpcateth 
againft  the  Emperor  and  Pope  Clement  what  was  done  before  by  Grfp.the  7  th. 
Clement  is  expelled  Rome,  and  driven  to  renounce.  The  Holy  Wars  breed 
reconciling  thoughts.  The  Papal  Part}'  offer  the  Emperor  his  Crown,  if  lie 
will  depofc  Clement.  His  Biftiops  difluadc  him,  and  he  refufcth ;  being  other- 
wife  for  Peace  inclined  to  it. 

§96.  CCCLXXV.  A  Council  at  T/r;/ in  .^/i«/m  about  marriage  of  Kinf^ 

§97.  Jr.  1090.  A  Council  at  Tcloufe  dcpofed  the  Bifliop  as  criminal, 

§98.  Jn.  1090.  A  Council  of  Ur^4w'3  at  A/e,/f£*  decreed  again,  that  no 
Biftiop  receive  Inveflituie  from  any  Lay-man  ;  and  that  no  Lay-man  have 
right  or  authority  over  any  Clerk.     Alio  againft  falfe  Penance,  (  Hildclrand 

B  b  b   1  'KToiv 


■yyi  •  Church' Hijioryof  'Btjhops  and 

before  had  decreed  that  Penance,  and  Bapttffu,  fand  (b  Abfolutim)  profit  not 
impenitent  undifpofcd  Receivers. ) 

§  99.  CCCLXX\'I.  A  Council  at  Bemvent  condemned  Pope  Clement 

§  100.  CCCLXXVII.  Another  at  75-<y  did  conlult  for Ur/'Ws  intereft. 

§  I  01.  CCCLXXVm.  hr\ox\itr  zt  Cvnftame,  An.  1094.  againft  married 
Priefts  and  Siraonlacs,  and  about  the  number  of  Eafier  and  Whitftm  Holy- 
days.     And  the  Emprefi;  Vraxes  departed  from   the  Emperor,  accufing  the 
c^      Court  of  rnoft  filthy  Fornication  ;  perhiaps  the  caufc  of  their  Calamities. 

§  iGi.  CCCLXXIX.  An.  1094-  A  Council  ixOftto  \n  France  Excom- 
niunicatcd  their  own  King  Philip,  for  putting  away  liis  Wife,  and  marrying 
another ;  and  again  Excomniunicatcth  the  Emperor  and  Pope  Clement. 

§  103.  CCCLXXX.  Av.ic<)'y.  A  Council  at  P/<j««r/«  heard  the  Caule 
of  the  Emperor  of  Co7jft.  begging  help  againfl:  the  Infidels  ;  and  of  the 
King  of  France  \  and  the  Emprefs  complained  how  filthily  fhe  had  been  for- 
ced by  her  Husband's  command.  It  repeated  damnations,  and  decreed  that 
no  money  be  taken  for  Baptizings,  Chryfms  or  Burials. 

§  1 04.  CCCLXXXI.  A  Council  at  Clermont  for  the  lame  Caufes.  It  de- 
creeth,  That  if  one  injure  another  on  Monday^WeJnefday  orThurjday,it jliall not 
be  reputed  a  breach  of  Peace :  but  if  it  he  done  on  any  of  the  other  f cur  days,  it 
fl)all  be  judged  a  breach  of  holy  Peace,  and  be  pmijhed  as  fitall  be  judged.  C.  i . 

And  that  no  Clergyman  jiiall  receive  any  Honour  (or  Preferment  j  from  the 
hand  of  Lay-men.  C.  1 5'. 

And  C.  1 6.  That  no  Kings  or  Princes  make  invefiiture  of  any  Ecclefiafiick 
^  And  C.   17.  That  no  Bijlwp orPrieB  make  any  fromife  of  Allegiance  to  a 

King,  or  to  any  Layman  (  Ne  Regi,  'vel  alicui  Laico  in  manibits  Ligtum  fideh- 
tatem  faciat. )  Liguts  is  Liege,  or  Ligatm,  a  Valfal  or  full  Subjeft. 

And  C.  1 9.  That  no  Lay-labourer  keep  the  tenth  of  his  labour,  (  from  the 
Clergy;)  or  receive  (  from  the  Clergy  }  the  tenth  oj  his  wages. 

§  105".  It  fhcwethyou  that  ever  the  Sacrament  in  one  kind  was  not  intro- 
duced, in  that  the  x8th  Canon  of  this  Council  decreeth,  that  |^  None  commu- 
nicate at  the  Altar,  unlejs  he  receive  the  Body  by  itfelf,  and  the  Blood  by  it  felf 
unlefs  through  necejfity,  or  -with  cauteloufnefs.  3 

Can.  29.  Any  one  that  fled  from  his  Enemies  to  any  Crofi,was  to  be  there 
prote(3:ed  as  in  a  Church. 

But  the  Jertfahm  War  was  the  main  bufmels  of  this  Council,  by  which 
the  Pope  cunningly  turned  away  Animofities  and  Jealoufies  fi-om  himfelf,  and 
got  the  repute  of  a  Holy  Defender  of  the  Church. 

§  1 06.  But  in  an  Englifh  Council  all  the  Bifhops  in  the  Kingdom  faveone 
(  Rochejter  )  would  force  Archbiftiop  Anfclme  to  renounce  the  Pope  ;  which 
Anfelme  refuiing,  and  rcafbning  againft,  they  laid  that  he  blafphemed  the 
King,  letting  up  any  in  his  Kingdom  without  liis  confent ;  and  fb  they  jointly 
renounce  their  jubjettion  and  obedience  to  the  Archbiflmp,  and  abjure  the  unity  uf 
€t  brotherly  fociety  vjith  him.  Bin.  p.  i  301.  You  fee  Luther  was  not  the  firft  that 
renounced  the  Pope.  §  1 07. 

their  Councils  abridged.  272 

§  1 07.  CCCLXXXII.  A  Council  at  Tours,  for  the  Holy  \Wr :  where  the 
King  of  France  Philip  was  reconciled,  promifing  ftrvice  to  the  Pope. 

§  108.  CCCLXXXIII.  ylv.  1097.  A  Concilium  Barenfe  was  held,  for 
winning  the  Greek  Church  in  their  necellity ;  where  Avfelme  of  Canterbury 
got  the  honour  in  dlfputing  of  tlie  Proceirion  of  the  Holy  Ghoft.  The  liini 
of  which  Difputation  is  in  his  Works. 

§  1 09.  CCCLXXXIV.  An.  1 098.  A  Council  at  Rome  gave  the  King  of 
England  time  to  repent  u\\  Michaelmas,  the  former  Council  had  Excommuni- 
cated him,  if  Anfelme  hud  not  dclned  delay. 

§110.  An.  I C99.  Another  Roman  Council  for  the  Holy  V\'ar,  and  Rc- 
excommunicating  Pope  Clement,  (  but  what  Clement  did  all  this  whllc,is  part: 
over  here.  ) 

§  I  1 1.  An.  1099.  '^^^  ^'^"^'^  Council  at  Jerufalem  put  out  Amulpb  the 
Archbifhop  of  Jerujalem  as  a  wicked  Man  and  Ulurper,  and  gave  it  to  the 
Pope's  Lcgar. 

§  111.  An.  IC99.  Tafchal  the  id  is  made  Pope;  a  little  after  Pope 
Clement  dieth,  who  had  Reigned  with  his  Competitors  a  i  years :  Being  buried 
at  Rwvenna  after  five  years,  a  Council  caufed  his  Carkafi  to  be  dig'd  up  and 
burnt :  Decreeing,  Tljat  all  the  Bifwps  of  the  Henrician  Here  fie,  (  that  i.;,  who 
were  for  Emperors  being  above  the  Pope,  or  not  dcpolablc  by  him,  and  for  his 
power  of  Preftntations  or  Inveftiturcs }  if  thty  were  alife  fiiould  be  dtpofeJ ;  ^ 
if  dead,  Piould  be  digd  up  and  burnt,  (  which  were  moft  of  the  Bifliops  of 
the  W'eft,  if  Hddebrand  himfelf  miftook  not.  )  O  Military  BKhops :  that 
can  overcome  the  dead.  No  wonder  if  the  Church  and  Nations  be  confounded 
by  you,  that  cannot  let  each  others  Carkaflcs  reft  in  their  Graves ;  but  will 
dig  up  the  bones  of  the  Prelates  of  many  Kingdoms,  even  the  greateft  part. 
How  many  Princes  and  Prelates  now  Papifts,  are  guilry  of  the  Henrician  Ht- 
refie  ?  Should  not  their  bones  alio  be  burnt  if  you  duril  ? 

§115.  But  the  Schifin  continued,  three  peribns  fucceflively  being  made 
Anti-Popes  by  the  Emperoi-'s  party  ;  but  all  of  them  one  after  another  over- 
come by  Vafchal,  who  being  a  Military  Pope,  did  moft  of  his  v/ork  by  his 
Army,  which  he  fi-equcntly  had  on  foot.  In  his  time  Jtrufalem  ,  and  the 
Cities  about,  were  won  by  Godfrey  oi  BuIUn,  his  Brother  Baldwin,  Bocmund, 
Tancred,  and  the  reft  of  the  Chriftians ;  and  Godfrey  made  tirll  King ,  and 
Baldwin  next ;  Boemund  and  Tancred  having  Anticch ,  and  after  luffering 
great  loffeSjC^c.  as  you  may  read  in  theHiftories. 

§  1 14.  Never  did  the  Papal  Rebellion  work  more  unnaturally,  than  in  fer- 
ting  up  the  Emperor's  Son  Henry  againft  his  own  Fathcr,as  excommunicate  and      xn 
depofed  ;  who  being  cholen  in  his  ftead  by  the  Papal  Faction,  ovcrc.ime  him, 
and  took  him  Prifoner,  and  kept  him  till  he  dyed  (  naturally,  or  violently,  I 
know  not  )  at  Liege. 

§  1 1  5'.  Yet  was  the  Pope  deceived  of  his  hopes :  For  this  Henry  alfb  was 
of  the  Henrician  Herefie,  and  having  by  the  Pope's  order  kept  his  Fathers . 
Corps  live  years  unburied,  becaufe  Excommunicate,  he  came  with  an  Army 
after  to  RonK  10  be  crowned  Emperor,  and  getting  into  the  City,   ( the  Pope's 



Clmxh-Hiftory  of  ^ip^o^s  and 

Hiftjrians  (ay  by  jXTfidioufnefs,  and  others  lay  the  pertidioufncfs  on  the  Pope) 
he  took  the  Pope  and  Cardinals  ( that  were  for  him  )  Prllbners ,  for  deny- 
ing him  to  conKrm  the  Billiops  which  the  Emperor  had  promoted;  and  he  kept 
him  till  he  made  him  confirm  them,  and  grant  him  Invcftitures  under  his  hand 
and  leal,  andpromife  :  But  when  the  Emperor  was  gone,  the  Pope  took  his 
prc^mile  to  be  null,  and  brake  it,  (  he  that  can  difpenle  with  others,  may  diP 
penle  with  himftlf. ) 

§  1 1 6.  Bt7mim,  after  many  fijch  others,  doth  not  only  juftifie  the  Pope's 
depofmg  of  the  Emperor ;  but  lliamelcfly  faith,  that  even  the  Ncvatores  Ha- 
rctici,  ■(  as  he  calleth  the  Lxiyal  and  Orthodox)  will  not  deny  but  that  he  was 
juftiy  depofed,  becaule  ( faith  he  )  in  a  Letter  to  HiUtbrantl,  he  (aid  himftlf 
he  might  jufily  be  defofed  if  he  fell  from  the  Faith  ;  and  he  mas  depofed  for 
Herejie,  v'xt.for  defending  Vriefis  Marriage,  felling  Benefices,contemning  the  Pofes 
Excommunication,  end  faying  that  he  ought  not  to  regard  it. 

Aif.  I .  Doth  every  word  in  a  Letter  that  you  can  diftort ,  forfeit  a 
Crown  ? 

1.  Did  not  the  Apoftles  and  ancient  Chridians  obey  Heathens ,  and  com- 
mand it  ? 

3.  Was  it  to  the  Pope  that  he  forfeited  his  Crown  ?  How  prove  you 
that  ? 

4.  Were  thefe  Apoftolic  Do£t^rines,  (  that  Prlefts  may  have  Wives,as  Peter 
had,  d^c.  )  a  falling  from  the  Faith  ? 

5r.  Is  every  Princes  Crown  and  Life  at  the  Pope's  mercy,  becauft  he  may 
j  udge  him  to  be  an  Heretick  ? 

6.  Are  not  the  chief  Chriftian  Kings  now  that  are  Papifts  (efpeclally  the 
King  of  France  )  of  that  which  is  called.  The  Henrician  Herejie  ?  And  may 
they  be  fb  depofed  ? 

§  I  I  7.  But  one  thing  1  defirc  may  be  noted  of  this  Henrician  HereJie,  that 
^  the  Emperor  did  not  take  away  the  old  liberty  of  the  Clergy  and  People  in 
chufing  their  BiiTiopi :  Inveftiture  was  not  EleBton,OT  any  determining  Nomi- 
nation, but  like  our  Inductions  an  after-cojfent,  and  a  delivery  of  polTeiJion  by  a 
Staff  and  Ring,  as  may  be  leen  in  the  form  of  Pope  Pafchal's  Grant  in  Nau- 
claus.  Gen.  38.  p.  7  3  8.  [^  We  grattt  and  confirm  te  you,  that  you  may  bejiov-i 
Inveftiture  by  a  Staff  and  Ring  to  the  Btfl)ops  and  Abbots  m  your  Dominion, 
led  not  with  the  Presbyters,  but  was  only  a  Negative  power  of  freely  chofen 
Prelates  induftion ,  who  was  flill  chofen  by  the  inferior  Clergy  and  the 

§  1 1 8.  How  the  old  Emperor  was  bafely  deprived  by  the  three  Bifliopsof 
''^  Mentz,,  Colen  and  ll'ormes  ;  how  he  charged  their  Oaths  of  Allegiance  on 
them  ;  how  he  denounced  the  Revenge  of  God  againil  them;  how  he  was 
kept  in  iuch  poverty,  that  he  deGrcd  For  his  relief  to  have  been  but  an  Aflift- 
ant  in  the  Monaftery  of  Spire  which  he  had  built  him(elf,and  was  by  the  un- 
grateful Bifhop  of  Spire  denied  ;  how  in  his  mifery  he  confefled  it  was  the 
juIHce  of  God  for  the  fins  of  his  youth  (  Luft  )  you   may  fee   in  Sigon.  de 

t}?ch-  CoiOKils  ahridzed. 


Reg.  Ital.  An.  1 1  06.  Helmnld.  Hift. Sclav,  c.  3 1.  Sigebert  An.  1 1  c6.  Albert. 
Xrantz,.  Hifi.  Sax.  U.  5:.  r.  ao,  21,  xa,  23, 14.  compared.  Asalfo  how  his 
Body  was  digged  up  out  of  his  Grave,  and  kept  five  years  by  his  unnatural 
Son  in  an  unconftcrated  place,  and  after  buried.  Thus  ended  one  that  had 
fought  (  as  Hiftorians  fay  )  with  honour.  Sixty  two  Battels  (  more  than  Ca- 
far  had  done  )  a  Man  (  had  he  duly  maftered  his  youthfiil  lull  )  credibly  de- 
ftribed  as  of  laudable  endowments,  and  one  that  fhcwed  much  zeal  for  the 
Clergy,  though  he  was  not  willing  to  be  abfblutely  their  Subjeft. 

§  1 1 9.  CCCLXXXV.  Of  the  Councils  that  were  in  Pafcbah  days,  the 
firfl  was  at  Rome.,  An.  1 1  oi.  where  the  old  Emperor  Henry  the  4th.was  again 
Excommunicate,  and  a  form  of  Anathcmatifm  made  againft  all  Hcrefics ,  and 
in  rpecial  againft  that  Herefie  that  then  troubled  the  Church,which  was  [Tljat  "^ 
the  Churches  Anathema  s  and  Bonds  are  not  to  he  regarded.  J  It  was  time  for 
Pope  and  Prelates  to  call  that  a  Hercfic,  when  hy  Cwfrig  tliej  had  got  their 
Dominions,  and  conquered  lb  many  Emperors  and  Kings:  But  it's  a  wonder 
that  when  Tibi  daho  Claz/es,  would  not  keep  up  the  credit  of  the  Curlers,  that 
Curfing  again  fhould  be  able  to  do  it. 

Two  Councils  at  Louden,  partly  againft  the  Clergies  Incontinence,  and 
againft  Sodomy,  and  partly  to  depofc  fcveral  married  Priefts,  I  pals  by. 

§  no.  CCCLXXXVI.  f //«■»</>«, BIfhop  of  F/orfwcf,publi{hcd  that  Anti- 
chriji  -was  come.  Whether  he  told  them  who  he  was  I  know  not :  But  An.  '^ 
1 1  oy.  A  Council  of  340  Bifhops  was  there  called,  to  try  him  for  that  dange- 
rous do(fVrine  ;  and  finding  that  Prodigies  and  Calamities  drew  him  to  believe 
it,  they  chid  him  as  a  weak  Man,  and  warned  him  to  talk  lb  dangcroufly  no 
more,  (  you  may  know  why.  ) 

§1X1.  CCCLXXXVII.  When  the  young  Htmy  began  his  Rebellion 
againft  his  Father,  he  called  An.  1 1 05".  a  Council  at  .^inttlineburg.,  where  he 
folemnly  called  God  and  Angels  to  witnefs,  that  it  was  not  out  of  defire  to 
Reign  that  he  did  what  he  did,  nor  to  depole  his  Father,  but  to  reftore  them 
to  the  Obedience  of  the  Church,  lamenting  his  Father's obftinacy  againft  it : 
And  he  profeft  his  Obedience  to  the  Pope,  and  drew  divers  revolted  Arch- 
bifliops  to  do  the  like. 

§1X1.  CCCLXXXVm.  An.wo^.  A  Council  with  the  Nobility  or 
Princes  was  called  by  Henry  junior  at  Mcntz,,v/heTC  the  old  Emperor  again 
Excommunicated,  and  forced  to  rcfign  his  Scepter  to  his  Son  ;  and  this  by 
thofe  Princes,  Prelates  and  Nobles,  that  had  fworn  Allegiance  to  him,luppofing 
themlelves  ablblved  from  all  their  Oaths  by  the  Pope.  Now  it  was  that  die 
thi'ee  Archbifhops  violently  diverted  him.  W'hen  he  asked  them,  what  was  his 
fault,  and  they  laid.  Simony,  in  the  Collation  of  Bijlmpicks  and  Abbies,  he  adju- 
red them  fthe  Biihopsof  M'»f?.,  and  CVrw,  with  the  Bilhop  of  f^orwa  )  by 
the  name  of  the  Eternal  God,  to  fiy  ivhatcver  he  took  of  any  of  them  :  And 
they  (aid,  Nothing.  He  thanked  God  that  (b  far  then  own  tongues  juftified 
him,  when  their  Biftiopricks  might  have  brought  iiim  no  fmallSum. 

§  I X  3.  CCCLXXXIX.  The  Pope  in  a  Council  at  Waftallts  in  Lombardyy 
took  in  feme  (ubmitting  Bilhops, 


Church- Hijlory  of  ^ij})0ps   ami 

§  1 14..  CCCXC.  Two  Biftiops  at  yerufalem  ftriving  for  the  place  ;  one 
put  out  by  the  King,  but  rcftore  J  by  the  Pope,  died  in  his  return  ;  the  other 
by  a  Synod  at  fcyiijalem  was  put  out, but  madcBilhop  of  Cafarea. 

§  IX).  CCCXCI.  In  a  Council  at  7>w^,  the  Emperor's  Inveftitures  are 

§  ir6.  CCCXCII.  Another  at  Bet)e'vef}t,y4n.  11 08.  of  the  fame,  decree- 
ing, 7i6<if  ^jTrtwy  r<«^f  <?£e»f/jfej9ow  «L<//-wW/  Trefcntation,  the  Giver  and 
Taker  piall  be  JExconimtmicated. 

And  one  at  London  to  the  lame  purpofe,  made  King  Henry  confent  againft 
invefting  BliTiop  or  Abbots. 

Another  at  Lngc^ior  St.  Cuihert's  Elevation. 

§  127.  CCCXQII.  But  the  Pope's  I-flferrt«  Council  of  100  Bi/hops  is 
more  confidcrab!e,where  the  Pope  brcaketh  his  Oath  and  Covenant  to  the  Em- 
peror as  being  cor.rtralned,  and  this  by  their  approbation.  The  Hiftory  of  the 
occalion  before-mentioned,  is  here  again  recited  by  Einmm  out  of  the  Chron. 
Cajfwevf.  at  large ;  where  you  may  fee  that  the  Emperor  fware  to  the  Pope, 
and  the  Pope  was  thereupon  to  crown  the  Emperor  as  in  his  proper  Rights. 
The  Emperor  claimed  to  be  crowned  as  to  the  f;xmc  Rights  that  had  been 
granted  to  Charles,  Leivis,  Htnry,  and  other  former  Emperors  :  This  the  Pope 
denied  to  do,  and  fo  they  went  to  fight ;  where  on  both  fides,  between  the 
Rcmam  and  GcrmaJis,  fb  many  thouHinds  were  flain,  that  Tyber  was  coloured 
^  with  their  blood.  How  the  Earl  of  Mtllan  that  interpofed  his  perfbn  to  fave 
the  Emperor's  life  was  flain,  and  his  flefh  cut  in  pieces,and  given  the  Dogs  by 
the  Romans^  and  what  other  bloody  work  was  there  made,  the  faid  Chronicle 

The  Pope  when  he  crowned  the  Emperor,  and  made  the  Covenant  with 
him,  took  the  Body  of  ChriH  and  brake  it,  taking  fart  himfelf,  and  giving  the 
Emperor  the  other  part,  and  [aid,  fo  let  htm  be  divided  from  the  Kingdom  of 
Chrifl  and  the  Lord,  that  breaketh  this  Covenant  3  which  now  by  the  confent 
of  the  Bifliops  in  Council  he  brake. 

§  ii8.  CCCXC] V.  A  Council  at Benevent ,  to  decide  a  quarrel  about 

§  1 29.  CCCXCV.  In  a  Cyferan  Council  an  ArchbitTiop  complained,  that 
he  was  put  out  by  the  Prince  Ro^er  of  Sicily,  and  made  a  Monk  againft  his 
will ;  and  was  delivered,  bccaule  God  ivill  have  no  involuntary  Service  :  An- 
other Archbifhop  accufed,  fled. 

§130.  CCCXCVI  and  CCCXCVII.  A  Council  at  Beau-jOfs,not  known  for 

One  in  Spia  againfl:yfrw«/p.  Archbifhop  o{  Jcrufalem,  for  his  Crimes. 

§131.  CCCXCVIII.  yln.  1 1 1 6.  A  Council  at  Colen  Excommunicate  the 
Emperor,  (  or  declare  the  Popes  Excommunicate  i)  but  he  forced  fome  to 
receive  him. 

§  132.  CCCXCIX.  ^n.  1116.  In  a  L^;ew» General  Council  (as  they 
call'd  it  )  it  unhappily  fell  out,  that  the  Pope  who  had  before  call'd  the  Em- 
peror's claim  an  Hercfie,  (  as  Councils  had  before  named  it ,  The  Henrician 



thi'ir  Councils  abruln-J. 


Herejie  )  could  not  here  difclaim  and  revoke  his  A6>,  without  confcfling  his 
fault,  in  granting  that  power  to  the  Emperor,  and  confirmijig  it  by  Covenant 
and  Oath.  He  tells  them  that  he  is  but  a  Man,  and  (6  a  Sinner,  and  lament- 
ing his  fin,  begs  their  prayers  to  God  for  pardon,  and  then  anatheniatizeth  all 
that  he  had  written,  and  defircth  them  to  do  the  like.  Hereupon  a  crafty 
Biffiop  (  Brimo  Signitufs  )  faid.  Let  us  give  thanks  to  God,  that  ive  cur  jdves 
have  heard  the  Pope  condemn  thatVriviledge  that  contatmtb  Praz-irj  and  Here-  "tS 
fte  :  And  if  that  PrnjUedge  contain  Herejie,  then  he  that  made  it  7iv.'j-  an  Herc- 
tick.  "^  This  put  them  all  to  their  fliiftsi  and  'Joh.  Cajctan  angcrly  faid,  [Dcfi 
thou  call  the  Pope  an  Hcretick  here,  and  in  cur  hearing?  The  uritmg  that  our 
Lord  the  Pope  made  tvas  E-viU  but  ^ot  HercJIe.  Another  Bifliop  faid,  \^Nay 
it  ought  not  to  be  called  E-vd-,  Ftr  to  deliver  the  People  of  God  is  good,  by  the 
authority  of  the  Gcfpcl,  which  commandetb  us  animas  poncre,  to  lay  down  our 
Souk  for  the  Brethren  :  And  that  which  the  Pope  did,  :/•„-/  to  deliver  the  People 
of  God.  2 


O  holy  Bifhops  and  Councils,  that  take  it  to  be  no  fin  to  lye  and  forfwear,- 
if  it  do  but  deliver  the  People  of  God  .'But  the  Pope's  patience  would  not 
hold  at  the  charge  of  Herejie,  but  after  great  expectations,  he  told  thera  that 
{^That  Church  had  never  had  Herejie  :  yea,  the  fame  Church  had  cjuelkd  ail'  And  Ego  rogavi  pro  tc,  Pctre,  fecureth  it.  As  much  as  to  fay,  Ttiou^h 
I  confeji  an  Herefie  before  I  was  aware,  now  I  tell you,the  fame  thing  is  an  Hen- 
rician  Herefe  m  ethers,  and  none  m  me. 

§  I  3  5.  CCCC.  An.  II  16.  A  Roman  Synod  to  end  a'  ilrifc  between  the 
two  Monaflcries,  Cluniacenf.  Cf  Cajfmenf. 

§  I  34.  Platina  tells  us  how  the  Pope  fent  tiie  Ptfims  to  figlu  againft  the 
Saracens  at  Sea  ;  and  when  they  were  ab(ent,the  Lucenfcs  (ought  to  take  their 
City,  but  the  Flvrentines  honcftly  came  and  repelled  them  ;  for  which  the  Pi' 
fans  ga\c  them  two Porphjretice  Columns. 

AlQjth^it  Mat li'dis  (Ahud)  the  Pope's  great  Defender  now  dying  ,  cn- 
riclied  the  Pope,  with  bequeathing  her  Prir.c'palities  to  i?flwc.  And  that  Vin- 
centim,  an  excellent  Author,  faith,  Tloat  Jl)e  was  burnt  with  tvJO  thotfandmore 
tn  a  great  Fire  that  hapncd  at  Florence.  And  being  Sainted,  divers  places  lav, 
they  have  her  Body. 

Bernard  was  the  glory  of  this  Age. 

Pliitina  tells  us  alfb  of  a  bloody  War  and  Sedition  in  Rome,upon  the  Pope'.-- 
denying  a  Boy  of  ten  years  old,  to  fuccced  his  Father  as  Prefect  of  the  Cicy  . 
the  Pope  being  forced  to  remove  :  That  the  Emperor  came  with  an  Army 
again  to  Rome,  where  a  Bifhop  crowned  him  again,  the  Pope  being  in  Apulia^ 
who  after  returned  aiad  dyed. 

C  c  c  §  ^Sf* 


2  ;7  8  Chmxh-Htjhry  of  'Bijhcj^s  and 

§  I  2^.  Now  Cometh  the  14th  Schlfm,  or  two  Popes  at  once  ;  fob.  Caje- 
tan  Cardinal  Is  chofcn  at  Rome,  by  the  CLERGY,  SENATE,  and  PEOPLE  • 
of  Rome,  Bin.  p.  i  3  i  f-  The  Emperor  (ends  to  demand  the  confirmation  of 
Pope  Pafchars  Covenants  :  He  denieth,and  as  at  his  choice  a  great  Citizen, 
Cincius  Frangipanis,oSendcd  at  the  choice,  threw  him  down,  trod  on  him,  and 
imprilbned  him,  till  the  People  role  and  forced  Fra?igipaws  to  reftorehim  Cik; 
(b  the  Emperor  now  let  up  another  Pope,  Gregory  VIII.  And  C<j;>frt»,called 
Celajiits  the  id,  got  (bme  Italian  Princes  to  help  him,  and  when  the  Emperor 
was  gone  he  came  to  Rome,  and  fcuffling  awhile,  was  fain  to  go  to  France,  and 
dyed  after  a  year  and  five  days,  Gregory  reigning  three  years,  and  Ibme  being 
for  one,  and  (bme  for  the  other. 

In  this  time  King  Baldwin  zndTancred  had  a  great  overthrow  near  Jeru- 

§  I  5  5.  CCCCI.  Pope  Gehjitts  with  a  Synod  at  Capua,  Excommunicateth 
the  Emperor  and  Pope  Gregory  (  who,  it's  like,  requited  him.  ) 

After  at  Vima  in  France  he  called  a  Synod,  and  dyed. 

§  I  37.  TheBifhop  of  Vienna  In  France,  (  kin  to  the  Emperor  and  the 
King  of  France  )  is  cholen  Pope  in  France :  He  prevailcth  with  the  EmperOr 
to  give  up  his  Inveftiturcs ,  andfbmaketha  joy  Ril  Peace.  He  overcometh 
Pope  Gregory  VIII.  and  imprifoneth  him  in  a  Monaftery.  In  his  time  Bald- 
7i'in  was  again  overthrown  ,  and  the  Venetians  took  many  Idands  from  the 
Creek  Emperor,  for  hindering  them  to  relieve  yerujalem  by  Sea. 

§  I  5  8.  CCCCII.  The  firfl:  Council  under  Calixtm  the  ad  was  at  Rhemes, 
whither  went  7r/>y?(rw  cholen  Archbi (hop  of  Ttr^jUpon  promife  to  King  Hen- 
ry, that  he  would  not  receive  the  Tope's  hkjjinz :  But  he  ftuck  not  to  break  his 
word  j  therefore  the  King  banlfhcd  him,  or  forbad  him  his  Dominions. 

Here  four  Tenents  of  Guilbert  Porretane  a  Schoolman  were  condemned, 

5^_  1 .  77jat  DIvInltas  and  Deus  are  not  the  fame  { In  fignificatlon. ) 

x.  That  the  three  Terfons  are  not  unum  aliquld. 

3.  Hat  he  fides  the.  Terfotis  there  are  eternal  Relations,which  are  not  the  faint 
as  the  Ferfcns,  &c. 

4.  77jat  it  vas  not  the  Nature  of  God  that  was  incarnate. 

The(e  they  condemned,  whether  rightly  underftanding  Tcrretane  I  know 

not : 

their  Cowials  abridged.  jtq 



not :  But  if  Schoolmens  Quirks  muft  make  work  for  Councils,  and  Councils 
will  be  their  Judges,  what  work  wiU  there  be? 

§  159.  CCCCin.  Another  at  Co/e», ^w. 1 1 1 9.  the  Emperor  was  Excom- 

§  1 40.  CCCCrV.  In  a  Lateran  Council  called  General,  the  Emperor 
f  faith  Otto  Frijing.)  feeing  the  People  fall  from  him  when  he  w;is Excommu- 
nicate, and  fearing  his  Fathers  cafe,  yielded  to  rcfign  Inveftiturcs ,  which  he 
after  performed.  An.  iitx. 

And  An.i  1  la.CCCCV.A  Reman  Council  fetled  the  Cajfme  Monaftery  of 
BenedtSlines  in  their  Independency,  fave  on  tliePope  alone ,  againft  the  envy 
and  complaints  of  the  Biihops. 

§  141.  CCCCVI.  A  Roman  Council  finiltcd  the  Peace  with  the  Em- 

And  An.  1 1 14.  one  at  Tlioloufe  call'd  (bme  Religious  men  Hereticks. 

§  142.  Califtas  dying,  TbeobaUus^aWe^  CakfiiTte^^s  chofcn  by  the  Fathersj 
but  Lambert  called  Homriits  the  ^d,  by  the  help  of  Leo  Frangipants.,  a  great 
man,  came  after  him,  and  got  the  greater  power,  and  got  and  kept  poileiJion. . 
This  was  the  a5th  Scliilin,  which   the  Emperor's  reGgnation  of  Inveftitures 
prevented  not. 

§143.  CCCCVI  I.  An.  iixj.  A  French  Council  about  the  Templars 
Habit  :  And  one  at  London  11x5',  and  another  1117.  where  because  Afat. 
Fans  openeth  tlie  fhamc  of  the  Pope's  Nuncio,  and  others,  Bmniiis  reviletli 

§  144.  Armilfht4S,z  famous  Preacher,  was  murdered  in  Rome,  for  Preach- 
ing againlt  their  Pride,  Covetoulhcls  and  Luxury.     Flat  in. 

§  146.  Pope  Innocent  prefently  becomcth  a  Soldier,  and  gets  an  Avmv 
fight  with  Riga-  Prince  of  SiciIy,ior  claiming  Apulia  :  The'Pope  and  Can 



§  145:.  Two  Popes  are  next  chofen  :  (  the  a6thSchifin.  )   \. Gregory  cz\- 
led  7w»<;rfM;  the  ad.     x.  Peter  ca\kd  Anaclett/s.  .  OnupLtius  Panuinus'ialih, 
that  Inmcent  had  but  1 7  Cardinals  Votes,  and  Anackt  had  xi.  And  yet  /«-      ^ 
nocent  being  the  ftronger,  is  by  them  talvcn  now  for  the  true  Pope  ,  and  the 
Succcffion  is  from  him. . 


,  -  ..  -  ^     1  -       -    I  Cardi- 

nals at  the  iccond  B.ittel  are  taken  Prilbners,by  the  coming  of  Wt'diam  Duke  of 
CJdriAto  hup  his  Father...  Roger  gently  releafeih  them:    They  come  to.^ 

Cc.c  2._  Bjimc 


7  8o  Chwch-Jriijhry  of  'Bijl^u  and 

Rcme,  and  fmd  Pope  jinnclct  in  poffefilon  ;  who  got  Rcgcr  of  5»a/y,and  the 
People  of  Ronje  that  were  For  htmcait,  to  be  for  him,  (  ftith  I'latina. )  /wjc- 
cent  darts  not  ftay,  but  goeth  into  France  \  tlicnce  into  Germany,  where  Henry 
being  dead,  and  /m harms  made  Emperor,  the  Pope  got  him  to  f^-ear  to  help 
himT  The  Emperor  and  Pope  come  againft  Rcme  with  two  Armies.  The  An- 
ti-Pope j47iacktus  is  not  to  be  fcen  ;  till  the  Emperor  was  gone  home,and  Jtinc- 
roit  at  Pifa,  and  then  he  appcareth  as  Pope  again.  Lothariiis  cometh  with 
another  Ami)'  ,  and  dri\'cth  away  yJnaclettts ,  .and  Roger  of  Apulia  Into 

§  147.  The  Remans  now  rofe  up  againft  the  Pope,  and  claimed  the  Civil 
Government  of  JRowc  by  a  Senate.  The  Pope  hereupon  deprived  them  of 
their  \'otes  in  the  Election  of  Popes,  and  deprived  all  i<he  Clergy  al(b  of  theirs 
except  the  Cardinals,  and  confined  the  power  to  the  Conclave  of  the  Cardi- 
nals alone.  Tiiis  was  the  Hrft  ti  me  that  the  old  way  was  overthrown,  and  all 
the  Canons  broken  by  one  Pope  in  revenge  againft  the  Romans  for  rebelling 
againft  his  Ci\'il  Government,  and  helping  Anaclet.  Till  now.  Clergy  and 
People  chofc  the  Bifliops.  HiUehrand  began  to  ftt  up  the  Cardinals  power, 
but  denied  not  the  Clergy  and  People  their  Votes  in  Comitiis. 

§  148.  The  Greek  Emperor's  Legat  now  had  a  difpute  with  the  Pope's 
Party,  to  prove  the  Roman  Church  erroneous  for  the  Filicque,  of  which  (cc 
P!at.  in  Imjoc.  1. 

§  149.  CCCCVIII.  and  CCCCIX.  and  CCCCX.  The  Pope  Innocent 
being  above  feven  years  in  France  and  Germany,  damned  Pope  y^naclet  and 
his  Fautors  In  a  Council  at  Clermont,  and  in  another  at  /J/)f  wf  .f,  and  in  another 
at  Liege.  And  41 1, another  at  Vija  did  the  like.  And  41 1  one  at  Metitz,  was 
about  a  Bifhops  quarrels.  And  41  5,  one  at  EJlampcs  condemned  j47iaclet ; 
I?wocem''s  prelence  prevailing  there,and  ylnaclet'i  prclence  at  Rome. 

§  i5'o.  Lotharins  dieth,  znd  Conrade  Is  Emperor.  CCCCXIV.  InnctTTrf, 
/.n.  I'i  59.  calleth  a  great  Council  called  General  upon  his  return  at  Rome,ro 
condemn  Anaclet  again. 

§  1 5-9.  ..(^WvTf/ff  dying,  another  Pope  called  F/f/or  Is  chofcn  againft  7««o- 
cent,  and  the  Schlfm  continued  :  and  after  five  months  being  too  weak,  giveth 
it  up. 

§  160.  In  ErgJa',ii},{^M\\  William  A'laJmslury,  and  Binniiis  out  of  him,  f. 

1315-.  two  Biftiops  (  oi  Sallshury  2cnd'  Lincoln)  built  the  great  Caftles  of 

Nivark,  Shirburne,  Dci'ifes,  Malmesbtiry,  and  held  the  Caftlc  at  Salisbury,  &c. 

The  Nobles  complain'd  to  the  King  of  thtBIfhop's  greatnefs,  and  building  fo 

, -many  Caftles, as  of  111  dcfgn.     At  an  Ailcniblyor  Parliament  at  Oxford,  the 


their  Coimcih  abridged. 

Servants  of  fome  Earls  and  theft  Bilhops  fought  for  Qiiarters :  The  Biftiops 
Servants  prevailed,  and  Blood  v/as  fhed,  and  the  Nephew  of  an  Earl  wounded 
near  to  death,  and  all  was  on  an  uproar.  The  King  (Stephen)  took  the  ad- 
vantage, and  made  the  two  Bifhops  deliver  up  the  Keys  of  their  Cailles ,  left 
they  prepared  to  be  for  the  Emprefi  Maud  in  time.  The  Billiop  the  King's 
Brother  was  the  Pope's  Lcgat ;  he  calls  a  Council  at  Tf'mcheficr,  and  (iimnion- 
eth  the  King,  where  he  arid  other  BilTiops  pleaded  againft  the  King  ,  that  he 
violated  the  Canons,  wronged  the  Church,  in\'aded  the  Bifhops  Propriety,  (^c. 
But  a  F?rwc;6  Bifhop  of  iRc/zfw  pleaded  for  the  King,  that  no  Canon  allowed 
them  thofeCaflles,  and  that  in  danger  of  Wars  all  Princes  would  fccurc  fuch 
places  j  and  fb  far  got  the  better,  as  that  they  durft  not  proceed  againft  the 
King,  who  told  them  that  if  any  went  to  Rome  to  complain  againft  liim,  they 
muft  not  think  cafily  to  return  \ntoEnglatid. 

%  i6i.  CCCCXV.  ^n.  1 140.  A  Council  at  Soijfms  condemned  Peter 
■  ^hailard's  Books  to  the  Fire ;  but  (aith  Otto  Frifng.   (  df  Bin.  ex  eo  )  they 
"would  not  hear  him  Jpcak  for  himfelf,  fuJpeBmg  or  fearing   his  skill  in  disputa- 
tion, his  great  aciitenefs  heing;  famous.     His  Hcrcfie  was,  That  where  jn  (  (aith 
Otto  )  the  Church  hoLleih  theJhree  Perfons  in  the  Trinity  to  be  res  diftinttas*,  *  Sec' 
fliJiinB  things  ;  Voter  ufed  an  lU  Jimililiide,  and  did  tha.t  [_As  the  fame  argu- in   the 
went  or  /peech  is  Propofiion,  y^ffumption  and  Conclufion,  fo  the  fame  EJfence  is  the  ^'^^'^'^\- 
Father,  Son  and  Holy  Ghcfi  ]  and  this  was  judged  SabcUtanifm.     But  fure,  "|^^"  ^^ol J^ 
I.  Peter  never  meant  this  (imilitude  fliould  hold  in  all  refpecis.  i.  vSure  this  rarticu- 
aflerteth  unhappily  fiich  a  difference  as  is  between  the  if  hole  and  the  Parts,  if  larlyAff.v- 
he  had  meant  it  to  be  fully  fimile.     And  that  niaketh  a  greater  difference  inter  '''0^  .  '''■' 
fcrfonas,  than  the  Schools  allow.     But  be  the  Man  Hcrctick  or  not,  what  _And"/»'- 
juflice  Wits  in  thcfc  pitiful  Prelates  that  condemned  him,and  durftnot  hear  him  tn-.  de 
Ipeak?  Is  fuch  Hcreticating  much  rcgardablc  ?  Trimt. 

§  i6z.  CCCCXVI.  Another  Synod  (  Semnenfs )  got  St. £n7w;v/ among 
them,  who  debated  the  cafe  of  Peter,  and  he  appealed  to  the  Pope,  who  con- 
demned him,  and  yet  faith  thatPfffv  denied  many  of  the  words,   and  all  the 
fenfc  that  oi\is  charged  en  him :  but  naracth  five  Errors,  worthy  his  condemna- 
tion,if  his  indeed. 

§  16^.  Binnirts  from  If.  Afalmcshtiry  (  who  wa? prefent  )  reciteth  another 
Council  at//V«c/?f/?fr,King  Stevhen  being  taken  Prifoncr  by  fbme  Lords,  and 
the  Londoners  pleading  for  his  liberty,  his  Brother  the  Pope's  Legat  was  againft 
him,  and  acculed  him,  Excommunicating  divers  Lords  that  were  for  him. 

§  164.  CCCCX\"1I.  A  Synod  at  Jcrufalem  againft  the  Patriark  of  Jn- 
tioch,  tilt  Prince,  and  the  Pope's  Lcgat  being  againft  him  :  Accufed  of  many 
Crimes  he  would  not  appear,  and  was  depoled  and  imprifbncd,  and  fcapingout 
went  to  Rome  for  help,  and  was  there  poifbned.  An  unlearned  bad  I\lan 
Jla)meric:is\s  put  into  his  leaf.  §  165-. 

^  S 1  Church'Hijhry  of  Bijhops  and 




§  165:.  Inmcvit  dying,  Calefiine  tlic  ad  was  the  firll  Man  that  ever  was 
ordained  or  made  Pope  without  the  Peoples  Elcvflion,  (aith  Bmnnts  hiriifelf  tx 
Onuphr.  by  the  Cardinals  privately  alone,  according  to  Pope  Iimoccnt'i  Order. 
yin.  1 143.  in  Cw;rrt^/«'s  Reign  ;  he  dyed  within  fix  months.  In  his  time  the 
Q^iftians  loft  Edcjja  to  the  Turks. 

§  1  ^6.  Pope  Lucius  the  ad  cometh  next,  and  liveth  but  1 1  montlis.  In 
which  he  fct  the  Emperor  Conrade  on  a  fruitlefs  Expedition  towards  JerufaUmy 
to  the  death  of  multitudes. 

§  16  J.  A  Galilean  Gjuncil  againft  Abailardm,  who  is  laid  hyTlat.  ^  Vet. 
Cluniac.  to  repent  and  dye  a  holy  death. 

§  168.  Eugenhfs  the  3 d,a Companion  of  Ber»ards,is  next  Pope:  The  RO' 
mans  riling  for  their  Civil  Government,  expel  him :  He  goeth  into  France, 
maketh  an  Aixhbifhop  againft  the  King's  will,  who  fweareth  he  fhall  not  en- 
ter the  City.  Bernard  perfuadeth  the  King  to  repent,  and  to  expiate  his  fin 
by  an  Expedition  f  with  Conrade  )  to  Jcrufalem,  where  both  lo(e  men,  time 
and  coft.  The  Pope  overcometh  the  Romans,  and  maketh  them  promife  that 
the  Senators  fhall  hold  of  him :  he  again  withdraws,  and  dyeth. 

§  1 6g.  I .  Note  here,  that  the  Civil  Government  of  Rome  it  felf  fell  not 
till  lately  into  the  Pope's  hands,  and  that  by  the  (ame  means  as  he  conquered 

a.  Note  how  far  he  was  from  ruling  all  the  World,when  for  (b  many  Ages 
the  City  of  Rome  it  (elf  contended  againft  him.  But  the  dependent  Prelates 
in  all  Nations  of  Europe  were  his  ftrength,  who  perceived  that  Tibi  dabo  Cla-  - 
'ves,  might  be  abufed  for  ihemfelves,  as  well  as  for  the  Pope ;  and  the  Policy 
of  Popes  was  in  thofe  days  to  do  all  or  moft  by  Synods,  and  thereby  to  make 
the  Prelates  perceive  that  it  was  their  Power,  hitercft  and  Rule  as  well  as  his. 
But  now  the  cale  is  (^ite  changed  with  this  unchangeable  Church ;  Councils 
now  ai-e  needlels,  becaulc  fcarce  to  be  truftcd. 

§170.  Pafling  by  a  Council  at  TVefel  for  the  Jerufalem  War ,  a 
(CCCCXVIII)  Council  at  Taris  fell  again  upon  the  Scholaftic  BIfhop  of 
Poitiers,  Gilbert  Torretane.  In  his  Vifitation  he  fpalce  (bme  words  too  hard 
for  his  Hearers,  and  his  two  Archdeacons  getting  Bernard  on  their  fide,  (  a 
Man  more  devout  than  Scholaftically  acute  )  they  accufe  the  Bifliop  of  Here- 
fie  again.;  having  had  fiiccels  lately  againft  Peter  Abndard,  the  Bifhop  were 
ready  to  receive  the  Charge.     The  Articles  of  Accufixtion  were  thefe  ; 

I .  That  he  (aid,  Di'vmam  Effinttam  non  ej]'e  Deiim. 

1.  .^upd  Proprietates  perfonarum  non  ejj'cnt  ip[a  perfonce. 

3,  ^lodTheologica  perjona  m  jutUa  pradicarentur  Propojitione.  . 


their  Councils  abridged.  582 

4.  ^od  divina  natura  non  ejfet  ificamata. 

And  ibnie  lefler,  as  i .  Tliat  attenuating  mans  merits^  he  /aid  None  merited 
hut  Chrifi.  x.  Evacuating  the  Sacraments  of  the  Church,  he  [aid  None  were 
truly  baptized,  but  thofe  that  ivere  to  be  faved:  And  fuch  like  other  tilings. 
The  Pope  and  the  Prelates  heard  the  Charge  :  Two  Miftcrs  are  brought  out 
againfl:  him,  who  (ware  that  they  heard  fome  of  theft  things  from  his  mouth ; 
many  wondering  that  learned  Men  ufed  Oaths  inftcad  of  Arguments,  (  faith 
Otto  Frijing.  )  After  many  Charges  and  Urgencies,  he  (aid,  [_  Auda&cr  con' 
fiteor  Patrem  alio  e£e  Patrem,  alto  Deum,  nee  tamen  ejje  hoc  d^  hoc.  J  that  is, 
it  is  one  thing  to  be  God,  and  another  to  be  the  Father,  (  or  the  words  are  not 
of  the  fime  fignification  )  and  jet  God  is  not  one  thing,  and  the  Father  anotha- 
thing.  3  The  hardnefs  of  thefe  words  Teeming  a  prophane  Norclty,  provoked 
the  Bilhop  of  SoiJJons  to  (ay,  [_lVhat  fay  you  ,  Ihat  the  Being  of  God  is  no- 
thing?']  having  not  read  or  underflood  Aufiin,  that  (iith,  [  Stc  aliud  efi  Deo 
ejfe,  aliud  fubff  ere ;  Jicnt  aliud  Deo  cjfe,  aliud  Patrem  ejfe,  vel  Dominum  eJJe  : 
,^od  enim  eft  ad  fe  dicitur :  Pater  autem  ad  Filium,  d^  Dominus  adferznev 
tern  creaturam. "] 

The  Bifliop  of  Soijfons  midifing  a  (aying,  []  Cum  ejuis  diceret,  Socratem  eJfe 
nihil  diceret.  3  He  turned  the  Auditory  againil  himlcif ;  and  they  asked  Por- 
retane  to  open  why  he  (b  diftinguiflicd  thcPerfbnsj  who  an(wcred,  Z^^ia 
omnis  perfona  eff  per  fe  una.  J  which  puzled  or  amazed  them,  and  ended  that 
days  work. 

The  next  day  he  was  accu(cd  of  Novelty,  for  faying  that  [^Tl^e  three  fei- 
fons  were  tria  fngul.via.'^  The  ArchbiiTiop  of  Roucti  aggravating  it,  (aid  that 
t  God pould  ratljer  be  called  unum  fingulare,than  triafngularia.]  At  which 
many  were  oftend'cd,  bccauft  Hilary  faith,  \_  Sicut  duos  Decs  dicere  frofanum 
eH,  itafngularem&  fclitariutn  dicere  facrikgum  eft. — Et  n%il  folitarium  ex 
divinis  Saa-amentis  ad  fujpicionem  audientium  <i^  occafonem  blaffihemantium 
■proferamus.  ]  But  Porretane  tbld  them,  that  hy  fvguhr,  he  meant  nothing  but 
excellent  and  incomparable.  In  this  manner  Porretane,  Bifliop  of  Pcictiers, 
was  examined,  and  modcftly  anfwered  them  many  days;  till  the  Pope  per- 
ceiving that  thefe  School-niceties  being  too  hard  for  him,  durft  not  determine 
them,  nor  gratilie  Bernard  (though  his  Friend)  and  the  Hereticating  Bifliops 
and  Clergy,  but  craftily  put  it  oft  to  a  General  Council.  This  is  all  out  of 
Otto  Frifing.  recited  by  Bin.  p.  I'^'^z.. 

You  may  (ce  here  what  work  Hereticating  Prel^itcs  and  Councils  were  in- 
cllnated  to  make.  If  all  the  Schoolmens  (iibtile  Affcrtions  (  (bund  and  un- 
(bund  )  muft  thus  be  trycd  in  General  Councils,  and  all  that  was  difliked,cal- 
led  Hcrcftes,  though  it  would  have  fhamed  the  Prelates  ignorance ,  it  would 
hax'e  afrighted  daring  \Vits  from  their  predimption ;  and  fince  I  have  (een  the 
tendency  of  CarteJlmifm,GaJJendi.wfm,ixnd  other  Epicurean  Follies,!  did  not 
care  much  if  we  had  (bme  fuch  ignorant  Prelates  to  afright  thefe  bold  Pbilofb- 
phers  alio. 

I  have  oft  marvelled  why  General  Councils  that  undcrftood  not  the  He- 

284  Chuich'Hipory  of  Bijhops   Mid 

bicwTongue,  (  nor  the  Pope's  \\'eftcrn  Councils  the  Greek  )  have  no  more 
cxcicilcd  themdlvcs  In  Councils  to  judge  of  Scripture,  Copies, ind  Tranjlaticns. 
And  I  have  thought  in  what  words  and  manner  they  would  have  profecuted 
(uch  debates  :  lure  falfifying  Scripture  is  of  as  dangerous  confcqucnce  as  thefe 
School  prcliimptions.  Some  will  think  it  is  well  that  the  Councils  for  above 
1  coo  years  had  fo  few  that  underftood  the  original  language,  or  elfe  they 
would  have  (6  toft  and  torn,  and  (enfed  and  nonfenfcd  the  Scripture,  that  they 
would  have  made  it  quite  another  thing. 

§■171.  CGCCXIX.  Yet  we  have  not  done  with  Hcrefies.  A  Council  at 
Rhemes,  called  by  the  banifhed  Pope,  trycd  a  mad  man,  an  illiterate  Rufticlf, 
called  EuTf],  one  unworthy  to  be  called  an  Heretick,  (aith  Otto  FriJing,who  laid 
he  was  the  Son  of  God,  d^c.  whorujthcy  lent  to  Prilbn, where  he  dyed. 

In  the  lame  Council  Gib.  PorretaTie,B'\iho^  of  FoicI:ers,is  again  called,  whete 
their  Subtilties  were  difputed  over  again ;  and  Bernard  Abbot  ClarevaL  being 
his  chief  Adverlary,  upon  Vorretane's  exception  to  Ibme  of  his  words,  laying, 
Scribanttir,  went  and  drew  up  Ibme  Articles  of  Faith ,  feeming  contrary  to 
Vcrretanes,  and  got  many  Bilhops  to  fiiblcribe  them.  The  Roman  Cardinals 
took  this -heinoufly,  and  came  all  together  to  the  Pope,  and  told  him,  Jhat  it 
was  they  that  of  a  prifate  Man  maJe  him  Pope,  and  that  he  mufl  know  that  it 
was  they  that  were  the  Cardines,  on  which  the  Axis  of  the  whole  Chiinh  did 
twij,  and  that  he  muji  }jct  now  be  his  own,  but  theirs,  and  not  prefer  private  and 
new  Friends  before  his  old  common  ones.  And  that  his  Abbot  Bernard  with 
the  Gallicane  BijJjops,  had  audacioujlj  preftimed  to  lift  up  their  Necks  againfi  the 
primacy  and  top  of  the  Roman  Seat,  which  only  dothpiut  and  no  man  opens,and 
opens  and  no  rMn  pilots ;  which  only  may  difcufs  matters  of  Faith  :  And  even 
when  absent,  may  not  recei-ue  prejudice  of  this  honour  from  any.  But  ,  behold 
thefe  Frcnch-mcn,  contentning  our  faces,  (  or  prefence  )  have  prefumed  to  write 
their  Belief,  without  confiilting  tis,  as  if  they  would  pafs  a  definitive  Sentence  on 
the  matters  that  have  been  handled  before  us  :  which  had  it  been  done  at  An- 
tioch  or  Alexandria,  had  been  void— How  then  diirfl  thefe  ufurp  in  our  prefencet- 
We  will  therefore  that  you  prefintly  rife  up  against  this  temerarious  Novity,  ami 
delay  net  topimiflj  their  Contumacy.  ]  And  (b  they  had  like  to  have  run  into  a 
Schilfn  :  But  the  Pope  and  Bernard  l^^ake  them  fair,  and  Bernard  laid ,  Thty 
wrote  not  as  Determiners,  but  to  give  account  of  their  own  Faith,  when  provo- 
ked; and  lb  pacified  the  Cardinals.  But  this  Tumult  hindered  the  deciding 
of  the  Cafe  :  But,  faith  Otto,  whether  Bernard  was  dtcivcd  by  humane  infir- 
mity, or  Porretane  efcaped  by  hiding  any  thing  by  his  great  learning,  I  muB  not 

§  172.  CCCCXX.  Another  Council  y^«.  11 50.  the  baniflied  Pope  held 
.tt  Trevcrs,  where  Bernard  told  him  of  the  Revelations  of  a  Woman  Abbefs 
tailed  Hildegardis :  The  Pope  lent  Ibme  to  her  3  Ihc  returns  him  -a  writing  of 


their  Councils  abnd'rcd.  ;  8  5 

; ^ ; '— ^ •— 

her  Revelations,  which  he  read,  admired,  and  hy  Bemard^s  perflialion     1  cj.cud 
her  with  a  Letter  :  But  what  they  were  is  not  mentioned. 

§  175.  Conradtis,  Cdi\\t(^  Anoflajius  t\ie /^ih,  is  rext  Fope, sr.d  dycth  ^.ftcr  a 
year,  four  months,  and  14  days.  The  g!ory  of  his  tinr^e  is  fisid  to  he  Ru^r- 
dus  deSanclo  VtHore,  a  famous  Writer,  /feciaily  de  Trmiiate,  tnd  Cratscv, 
Lombard,  and  Ccmeficr. 

§  174.  Hadrian  the  4th,  an  En  glifh  man,  h  next  Pope.     The  Rimcvshy 
requeft  and  threats,  importune  him    to  permit  ihtir  CcnIuJs  to  govern  them  as 
heretofore.     He  rdblutcly  deniet  h  them.     Tl.ey  wound  one  of  his  Cardinals. 
He  Excommunicateth  and  Curfcth  them.     (Qij^re,   If  iMthtr  V^Lmt  VMts  tke      ^ 
CathoI:ck  Church  when  it  -Uiis  ExccmfKunlcaie  ?  )    Thty    h;,d   bf  fere  cellroi 
him  to  come  to  x.\\c  Lateran,  which  he.  refufed,  till  they  ihoukl  ilirn  out  one 
ylrtioldus  fi>7A.7<jw«j,  called  by  him  aHerttick  and  Difciple  of  y:bailard.     The 
People  (faith  Vlatina )  took  this  ill,  and  (b  h.isrt  the   i'aid  Cardinal  (I doubt 
the  ^owrt^^j  thcmfelves  were  for  Hereticks.)  The  P  ope  curfeth  William  of 
.S/a.^  for  invading  the  Church-lands.     The  Gre  k  Em  pcror  ofiereth  to  help 
the  Popc,and  to  give  him  much  Gold  al(b,if  he  fhall  but  have   three  Maritime 
Cities  in  Apulia,  where  he  hath  won  them.     This  afrightcth  If'tlUam  to  offer 
the  Pope  all  again,  if  he  may  but  be  called  King  of  Sicily.     The  Pope  dc- 
nieth  rt.     IVilliam  angr}',  ovcr-runncth  Italy.     The  Pope  repentin  g,  granteth 
him  his  defirc.     The  new  Emperor  Frederick  alio  coming  with  an  Army  into 
Italy,  took  fbmc  Cities  belonging  to  the  Church,  anJ  ga^'c  them  up  to  the 
Pope:  But  when  he  came  into  the  City  to  be  crowned,  the   Citizens  enraged 
at  the  Pope  for  denying  them  their  Civil  Government,  fliut  the  Gates  (the 
Emperor's  Army  being  without )  and  fell  on  many  ot  the  Pope's  Followers, 
and  the  Germans,  beat  (bnie,  and  killed  many.     The  Emperor  hereby  provo- 
ked got  in  his  Army,  and  killed  m.rny  of  the  Citizens,  and  had  done  more, 
but  that  the  Pope  difliiadcd  him :  Yet  was  the  Pope  and  he  fain  to  go  round 
about  to  the  Later  an,  to  avoid  another  Battel. 

riatma  mcntioneth  the  Pope's  Curfrng  JViHijm  of  Sicily,  and  abfolving  his 
Subjcfts  from  their  Oiths  that  they  might  Rebel,  but  (aith  nothing  of  the  Em- 
peror's after-quarrel  with  the  Pope,  occafroned  by  a  Letter  of  the  Pope's  re- 
buking him,  for  not  lielping  the  Bifliop  of  London,  liiith  Bi)ir,:;is,  and  reRiling 
an  offered  Biffiop  ot  Ravama. 

Tlie  Pope's  Epiftlcs  againft  the  Emperor,  c^c.  B.ttnius  leaveth  out.  At 
laft  the  Remans  again  riling  againft  him,  he  goeih  to  Avagria^^nA  dyeth. 

§  175'.  An.iiGo.  /?f/.j»// is  made  Pope,  caWeA  Alexander  the  3d;  and 
O.l avian,  called  Vicicr  the  4th,  is  made  Pope  by  others,  and  late  four  year.=-, 
and  (even  months.     Tnis  is,  Q.khOfiHpbriif.'^,  the  ^Jxh  Schifin,  or  double  P^- 

D  d  d  pacy. 

^8  6  Chioxh-Hiftory  of  Sijhcps  and 

pacy.     Three  more  lucceeded  Clement ,  to  keep   up   the  duplicate  before 
Mex^nder  dyed,  of  whom  one  Reigned  five  yeai-s,  and  another  feven. 

y4lexatjder  addrefleth  himfeif  to  the  Emperor  Ftrdertck  to  heal  the  Schifin  ; 
who  therefore  bids  both  the  Popes  come  to  him,  tliat  he  may  hear  the  Cafe  : 
But  Jlesfitidtr  himlelf  Rhilcth,and  gets  aWay.  The  Enipei-or  fendcth  twu 
Billiopsto  him  to  lummon  him  to  a  Council;  Alexander  rcfufeth  to  appear. 
The  Bidiops  go  to  Othivimi  ( I'iBor  )  and  the  Emperor  calleth  a  Council, 
and  this  Council  with  the  Emperor  make  Oclavian  the  confirmed  Pope.  (Qucr. 
Whether  tha  n'/is  not  f.s  good  Authority  as  Alcxander'j  greater  namber  of  the 
Cardinals  ?  )  Hereupon  Alexander  curftth  the  Pope  Victor,  and  the  Emperor, 
and  ftndeth  Letters  to  Chrifliian  Princes  to  tell  them  that  he  did  it  juftly : 
(  Wonderful !  that  Empires  and  Kingdoms  could  be  then  difpofed  of  by  Cur- 
pn^  ? )  The  Emperor  fc'.zcth  on  many  of  the  Church-Cities.  Alexander  re- 
turneth  to  Rome,  but  findeth  ib  many  againft  him  thathedurft  notftay  there, 
but  flieth  into  France,  invited  by  King  Vhilip;  and  there  again  at  a  Council, 
curfeth  the  Emperor.  The  Emperor  Frederick  deftroyeth  Milan,  and  tranlla- 
ttth  thence  to  (Jolen  the  fiippofed  Bodies  of  the  A'L!gi,  or  three  wife  men  that 
05"  came  to  Bethlehem  !  (  Is  it  not  flrange  what  brought  them  to  Milan  ?  and 
how  they  came  all  to  dye  there  together.''  and  how  all  their  Bodies  came  to 
be  known  ?  O  the  wifdom  of  Rowe  !  )  The  reft  of  the  Italian  Cities  and 
States  raifc  an  Army  againft  him  ;  he  (cnderh  to  the  King  of  France  to  end 
the  Schifm,  by  bringing  Pope  Alexavder  with  him  to  a  Council ,  where  he 
would  meet  him  with  Viclcr.  Di'vo  is  the  appointed  place  between  France 
and  Germany :  The  Emperor  with  Vi^or  and  fome  Kings  con>eth  to  the 
Council ;  Alexander  refulcth,  becaufe  he  cali'd  it  rot,  and  calls  another  at 
lours  in  France.  The  Emptor  angry  returneth  to  Germxvy,  and  fendeth 
Viftor  into  Italy,  where  he  dyeth,  and  Guido,  called  Pafchal  the  jd,  is  choftn 
after  him.  The  Romans  chofe  Confiils  that  were  Alexanders  Fricnds,and  feud 
for  him  to  Rome,  and  receive  him.  The  Italians  ihen  arm  againft  the  Empe- 
ror ;  who  conieth  v/Ith  an  Army  into  Italy,  and  takcth  Ancona.  The  Greek 
Emperor  is  drawn  to  promife  the  Pope  a  great  Army  againft  Frederick,  fb  he 
would  unite  the  Empire  and  Churches  again.  This  afrightcth  the  Emperor. 
The  Tiifculanes  and  the  Abanes  had  a  War  with  the  Romans  that  opprefled 
them  with  Tribute,  and  gave  the  Romans  a  grievous  overthrow.  The  Em- 
peror beliegeth  Rome;  William  of  Sicily  (ends  help  to  the  Pope.  The  People 
of  Rome  intreat  the  Emperor  for  Peace,  which  he  promiftth,  on  condition  the 
worthier  Pope  may  be  cholcn,  and  theSchifhi  ended.  The  Pope  Alexander 
hearing  of  this,  liieth  (ecretly  by  Ship.  The  Plague  drivecii  the  Emperor 
from  RcTne  ;  he  goeth  into  Germany.  The  Pope's  Friends  in  Italy  get  ftrength. 
The  Greek  Emperor  Emanuel  (t-ndeth  yet  larger  offers  to  the  Pope ,  if  he 
would  rcftore  him  the  Weftern  Empire  by  Rc-union.  Pope  Pafchal  dyeth. 
The  Tiifculane  Cardinal,  called  Califius  the  3d,  i?  cholen  in  his  ftead,and  reign- 
ed feven  years,  (  faith  Onu^hr. )  But  the  Tufculanes  refufmg  liim,  he  goeth  to 


their  Councils  abridged.  ^87 

Alexander,  and  refignerh  to  him  all  his  right  in  Tttfculum.  Whcreuprt  the 
Tufculanes  rcceivt  Alexander,  who  there  heard  the  Ambaflador  of  Hetiry  King 
©f  England,  purging  him  of  the  guilt  of  the  death  of  Tio.  Becket;  and  lent 
into  England  two  Cardinals  with  power  to  examine  all  the  matter ;  who  im- 
poftd  on  the  King,  though  (wearing  he  was  innocent,  that  for  Penance  he 
fliould  maintain  Soldiers  tor  Jerufalem,  and  for  three  years  fhould  haA'e  an  Ar- 
ray againft  the  Barbarians,  and  defend  the  Church-liberties  in  his  Land  ,  and 
not  hinder  Appeals  to  Rome  ;  All  which  he  fware  :  [  B)  v>h!ch,iM\\  Platht/t, 
he  merited  that  the  Title  of  the  Kingdom  of  England  Jliould  he  transferred  on  'tB 
him,  and  his  Heirs,  by  the  fo^^s  ccnfent :  whence  it  ts  ohferved  that  aU  the  Kings 
of  England  do  f^ecog?iize  (  or  acknowledge  )  the  Rights  of  tl}f  Kingdcm  from 
the  Pope  of  Rome.  ]  A  juft  Reward  for  their  fcrnng  the  Titular  Servant  of 
Servants  in  his  peftilent  Ambition  !  That  he  iliovild  thence  take  them  for  his 
Vallals,  and  take  himfclf  for  the  difpofer  of  their  Crowns ;  ftooping  to  fuch 
Priefts,  doth  make  them  Kings  of  Kings. 

Yet  Alexander  hath  not  got  polTellion  of  Rome  it  felf,  lb  far  was  he  from 
being  received  by  all  the  world  ;  and  (b  k)w  did  he  condefcend  as  to  o^er  the 
Citizens,  [  That  if  they  would  receive  htm,  he  would  come  in  peace,and  meddle 
•with  nothing  but  Divine  matters,  leaving  to  them  the  care  of  fccular  things: 
And  when  they  would  not  grant  htm  this  much,  he  went  to  Signia.  ]  Was  this 
man  tmly  the  Bifhop  of  Rome,  that  had  no  more  of  the  Citizens  confent  fo 
much  as  to  dwell  among  tlicm  ?  There  he  C.monizcth  the  Archbifhop  of 
Canterbury,  TIk.  Becket,  for  a  Saint.  The  EmpCTor  entcreth  Itafy,  and  ta- 
keth  many  Cities,  but  the  Ff»f//<»«.t  owning  the  Pope,  and  he  being  wearied 
with  Wars,  at  Papia  treateth  of  a  Peace.  But  this  not  taking,  the  Emperor 
(hortly  returned  with  another  Army  into  Italy,  but  was  Co  hard  put  to  it  by 
the  Millanois  and  others  in  one  fight,  that  he  narrowly  efcapcd  death  himfelh 
This  one  lofi  made  the  Nobles  that  followed  him  fiy,  77'^f  they  fiijftred  this, 
becaufe  they  fought  unlawfully  ai^ainil  the  Church  j  and  if  he  made  nr>t  his  peace 
prefently  with  the  Pope,  they  would  go  home :  So  that  the  Emperor  \ias  forced 
to  ftihmit  to  the  Pope,  for  fear  of  being  for(aken  by  his  Subjects  and  Soldiers.. 
At  Vinicethcy  met,  and  the  Emperor  killing  the  Pope's  feet,  credible  Hillori- 
ans  fay.  That  the  Pope  rrod  on  his  Neck  fcomfuUy,  and  profanely  repeating 
the  words  of  the'PfAm,[Thou Philt  treadon  the  Lim  and  Addtr,5cc.Pf.g  i.i  g.) 
But  Barcnius  znd  Pi:i»ius  will  not  believe  this,though  z^Fowlis  noteth,p.a6  r. 
it  is  recorded  by  Cificomu^,  Maffon.  and  abundance  more  of  their  own  Hifto- 
rians,  and  prefcrved  in  the  Archives  of  the  Library  at  Venici,  and  the  Picture 
of  the  Story  h;mg'd  publickly  in  the  Senate  Houfe. 

The  Emperor's  fcvcrity  againft  them  of  Milan  was  not  for  nothing  :  They 
not  only  brake  their  Oath  by  Rebellion,  but  when  his  wife  Beatrix  came  to  (ee 
the  City,  fct  her  on  a  Mule  backward  with  the  tail  in  her  hand,  and  fo  led  her 
in  (com  fi-om  one  Gate  oat  at  tlic  o^\^t>.  \V  lii t  may  VK>t  (bcli  provocatiorh;  do 
to  an  Emperor  ?  D  d  d  x  The 




3  8  8  Chnrch-Hijhry  of  &Jhops  and 


The  filv  that  there  was  about  the  Emperor's  holding  the  Stirrup  to  Pope 
Urhatt,  is  recorded  by  divers  Hiltorlans:  And  how  the  Kings  of  France  and 
Englard  did  the  like  hy  Jkxnndtr  ;  And  how  this  on  debate  was  laid  to  be 
their  due. 

Tlic  truth  is,  the  Papifts  Princes  of  Europe  ihcmfelvcs  are  beholden  to  the 
Proteftants,  for  redeeming  them  trom  Servitude,and  their  Kingdoms  from  the 
nicer  will  and  mercy  of  the  Pope. 

§  ij6.  The  Pope  having  conquered  the  Emperor  by  Curfing,is  pad  doubt 
now  of  Conquering  Rome,  (  for  (iich  Men  were  Bifhops  by  Cf)ni]ueft,and  not 
by  Conlent.  )  To  Tti((tili<ni  be  gocth,and  now  demandcth  of  the  Romans  , 
that  they  abrogate  the  Office  ol  ihe  Conlials :  But  finding  this  too  hard  a 
task  to  be  done  at  once,  hemakclh  a  bargain  with  them,  that  none  fliould  by 
the  People  be  chofen  Confu's,  till  they  hud  taken  an  Oath  of  Fidelity  to  the 
Pope,  in  his  own  propodd  words,  and  that  they  would  never  do  any  thing 
againft:  his  dignity.  And  fo  Akxafidtr  goeth  the  third  time  roi?ow£',and  calls 
a  Council ;  but  quickly  dyeth,when  after  twenty  years  contention,he  thought 
he  was  new  fctled  in  peace, ^?;.  1 1  85'. 

§  1 77.  Onu^hritK,  after  RaJaviciis  Frijing.  ^oan.  Cremon.  Abb.  Urfperg.&cc. 
fiith  that  it  was  th'isVope  Alexamier,  that  firll  ordained  that  the  Clergy  and 
People  being  excluded  from  the  Election  of  the  Pope,  (  and  i'o  he  was  no 
trueBifliop)  the  choice  (hould  be  iri  the  Cardinals  fhut  up  in  Conclave,  and 
goby  two  third  parts  of  their  Votes,  to  avoid  SoliiCns  for  the  time  to  come. 
Ojiupbrius  (aith,  that  he  had  the  writing  of  Vope  Lhciih  the  3d,  that  ftith,  lie 
was  the  Hrft  that  waschofen  by  the  Cardinals  Icrutiny,  (  though  the  Cardinals 
in  a  loofer  way  were  lately  made  Eleftors  before.  ) 

He  that  is  no  Bifliop,  is  no  Univcrfil  Rlfhop  or  Pope :  But  he  that  is  not 
chofen  by  the  Clergy  or  People  of  that  Church,  is  noBIlhop.  The  Minor  is 
proved  by  the  Canons  of  many  Councils. 

§  1 7  8.  The  Epiftlcs  of  Alexander  are  fo  full  of  Ufiirpation  and  Treafbn 
againft  Princes,  that  Binnius  thought  it  beft  to  omit  them,  and  give  you  but 
the  Titles :  But  thole  that  concern  England  arc  in  Mat.  Tans,  whom  Btn- 
niHs  referreth  you  to,  though  he  oft  reproach  him  for  fpeaking  truth.  Many 
are  about  Tbo.  Becket  Archblfhop  of  Canterburyfi.nd  againft  the  Emperor  and 
the  King  of  England,  forbidding  the  Coronation  of  Henry  the  3d ,  and  liil^ 
pending  Roger  Archbifhopof  York  for  Crowning  him,  and  luch  like,  to  iTiew 
how  he  was  King  of  Kings. 

§  179.  CCCCXXI.  Of  the  Councils  in  AUxander^%  time  recorded  by 
£;ww;«j,thefirft  is  y4».  1160.  at  P<?/>w  called  by  the  Emperor  which  voted 



their  CoiincHs  abrui'^cd.  -.  «  o 



Victor  Pope,  and  condemned  RoIantJ,  called  Akxandir.  The  Letters  of  the 
Emperor  and  the  BIfliops  tell  us,  that  this  Council  conlilled  of  mmimirable 
Bilhops  and  Abbots,  and  that  the  Emperor,  after  a  good  Speech,  departed,  and 
left  all  to  their  judgments :  And  that  it  was  there  proved  by  the  Oaths  of  ma- 
ny \^'itnefles,  that  ViHor  was  chofen  by  the  full  confent  of  the  People  and 
Clergy,  and  fome  Cardinals,  and  that,  twelve  days  before  Roland  was  cIio(cn  j 
and  that  Roland  was  prcftnt  and  contradiitcd  not,  but  bid  them  obey  him 
that  was  chofen  :  And  that  after  being  Chancellor  he  ftole  out  of  the  Citv, 
and  the  major  part  of  the  Cardinals  having  before  the  death  of  the  Lift  Pope 
entered  a  C-onfederacy,  to  choofe  none  but  one  of  thcm(clves  that  confedera- 
ted (againft  the  Emperor)  they  fccrctly  chofc /Jo/^W ;  the  People  and  Cler- 
gy (  a  multimdc  fubicrlbing  )  all  dedring  F/i?cr  ;  Three  or  four  Kings  alio 
coiifenting  to  accept  him,  when  the  Council  declared  him  the  onely  true  Pope,. 
and  Roland  a  perfidious  Uliirpcr. 

Here  is  all  the  Romans,  Clergy  and  People,  the  Emperor  and  many  Prin- 
ces, and  a  Council  of  innumerable  Prelates  of  Germany,  Italy^  &c.  againft  the 
"major  Vote  of  an  upftart  (brt  of  Men  called  Cardinals,  that  had  conti^derated 
treachcroufly  before  :  And  yet  the. jRow^w  Papacy  is  bySuccelVion  from  this 
Man,  that  was  no  true  Biihop  himlelf. 

ander got  a  Council  at  C/tTwowr,  and  another  at  Nenmarkct,  and  another  at 
Belrjacum  ;  and  A71.  i  i  64.  another  at  Tows,  to  curie  the  Emperor  and  Pope 
Viflor.  The  French  taking  his  part,  (  and  the  Englip  at  laft  )  kept  up  the 
Schilm  and  Contention. 

The  Reader  muft  take  tins  notice  by  the  way,  that  fuch  Meetings  as  wc 
call  Parliaments,  the  Popifh  Hiftorians  often  call  Cotmcils,  that  they  may  draw 
Men  to  think  that  what  Parliaments  did  was  done  bv  Ciergv  Power  ;  And 
when  Lords,  Commons  and  Bifliops  met  in  the  fame  Aflcmbh',  (omc  called  "^ 
them  Parliaments,  and  Ibme  Councils  i  And  as  Spehnati  lunh,  pjg.^z^.  The 
fame  Aftemblies  were  indeed  mixr,  jind  partly  Civil  or  Royal  (  as  he  callcth 
them,  becaufc  called  by  the  King  )  and  partly  Ecclefiaftical.  But  among  the 
Rcmanifls,  Councils  arc  greatly  advanced  by  this  alcribing  to  them  the  Ada 
and  Power  of  Parliaments. 

Accordingly  the  Parliament  2.1  Clarendon  is  called  a  Council  by  £;»»/«/, 
(CCCCXX\''I  )  by  the  reproachful  name  of  ConcilLibulum,  bccaufe  they  (et- 
led  the  Rights  of  the  King  as  Ruler  of  the  Clergy  ,  and  would  not  let  the 
Pope  be  King  of  England,  (  which  is  the  Henrumn,  or  Roval  Herefie,  to  be 
punifhed  by  Fire  or  other  death  on  Kings  themfelves,  when  the  Pope  is  big 
enough  to  do  it.  )  In  this  Council  or  Parliament,  7/jow.w  of  Canterbury  ,  and 
the  reft  of  the  Bilhops  concurred  with  the  reft  ('  for  fear.  )  But  Thomas  when 


^(jo  '  Chwxh'BiJhjry  of   '3iJ})0ps  and 

he  came  home  repented  ,  and  impofcd  (o  ftrlct  Penance  on  himfelf,  that  the 
Pope  hearing  of  it,  was  fain  to  ablolve  him. 

§  i8d.  CCCCXXVIL  Jn.  1171.  Bittnius\\that  Ireland  being  given 
to  the  Pope  as  Cxjn  as  they  became  Chriftians,  the  Pope  gave  It  to  King  Hen- 
ry the  id,  as  (bon  as  he  had  conquered  it  ;  and  a  Council  at  CaJJ'el  was  cal- 
led for  Reformation. 

Note  here,  i .  That  the  Pope  hath  great  reafbn  to  (cek  the  Convcrfion  of  the 
Kingdoms  of  the  world,  if  they  are  b'swhen  they  are  converted. 


I.  That  it  is  no  wonder  if  five  parts  of  fix  of  the  world  be  ftill  Infidels, 
or  at  leaft  that  they  are  unwilling  to  yield  to  Popifli  Chriftianity,  when  Hea- 
then and  Infidel  Kings  muft  lole  their  Kingdoms,  and  become  Subjedh  to  the 
Pope,  if  the;'  turn  to  Popifli  Chrillianlty. 

3.  That  it  hath  long  been  a  cunning  way  of  Bounty  with  Popes,  to  give 
Princes  their  own  Kingdoms  and  Conqudls,  when  they  cannot  take  them  from 

CCCCXXVm.  An.  1 1 79.  was  the  Synod  at  Venice  for  reconciliation. 

§  181.  CCCCXXIX.  An.  1180.  Alexander  he'mg  at  peace ,  called  a 
Council  at  jRowf,  which  they  call  General,  or  the  i  ith  General  Council  ap- 
proved at  Latcran  :  In  which  are  many  reforming  Canons,  and  many  for  the 
Papal  power.  The  firft  is  (as  aforefaid  )  te  confine  the  power  of  Pope-ma- 
king to  two  third  parrs  of  the  Cardinals  only.  Another  to  degrade  thofe  or- 
dained by  the  three  Anti-Popes.  Another  that  no  one  have  many  Churches, 
dfc.  And  the  laft  againft  fbme  called  Catbari,  Patrini,  or  Puhlicani  as  Here- 
ticks,  giving  thofe  Indulgences  that  will  fight  againft  them,  and  abfolving  all 
Inferiors  from  ail  Fidelity  and  Duty  to  them,  d^c.  Some  think  that  thefc  were 
the  Waldenjes^Qimt  the  Alhigenfes.  But  I  have  elfcwhcre  fhewed  (againft  Mr. 
Dan'vers  )  tliat  there  were  (everal  forts  then  in'thoie  Countries,  Ibme  Aiani- 
chee  Hereticks,  and  (bme  good  Chriftians  called  IValdenjei,  and  Alhigtnfes,  but 
againft  the  Pope  and  his  Superftitions,  whom  the  Papifts  would  jc.nible  to- 
gether to  difgrace  the  bcft :  who  were,  as  fome  of  their  own  Writers  (e.g. 
Sanders  lib.  7.  de  vif.  Mc-itar.  )  fay,  A  pnrtirn  cf  the  Hen;icians,\\-\it  is,  of  the 
Emperor  //<?»)-ys  Herefie,  that  held  the  Pope's  falfe  ufiirplng  Exco.-imunicatl- 
ons  were  to  be  contemned  (not  as  from  Henry  their  Teacher  )  th,.t  is ,  they 
were  Royalifts,  and  againft  the  Pope's  ruling  the  abufcd  world  by  the  Curfing 

§  i8x.  To  this  Council,  Crah  and  Binnius  have  annexed  a  voluminous 
Appendix  of  Decrees,  of  which  many  are  notable.     As   that  no  Brjlw^  may 


their  Councils  abridged.  3  9  i 

fujpend  a  Freshter  without  the  jttdgment  of  his  CLrpter.  That  a  Terjtired 
Clergy-man  is  to  be  perpetually  deprived,  and  may  not  govtm  a  Church.  That 
in  cafe  of  ambiguity  ofivords^wt  muH  have  recotirfe  to  the  common  underfiand- 
ing  of  them,  with  divers  othere. 


§  1^3.  Alexander  <^y'mg,  Lucius  the  jd  is  the  firft  chofen  by  the  Carcii* 
nals,  according  to  Alexander  i  Latcran  Council,  (as  is  aforcfaid.)  And  to  per- 
fect the  Papacy,  having  got  the  choice  of  the  Bifhop  out  of  the  hands  of  the 
Clergy  and  People  of  Rome,  his  Flatterers  next  perfuade  him  to  put  down 
the  Order  and  Name  of  Senators,  which  attempting,  his  Party  by  the  Cities  ,^ 
infiirreiStion  had  their  eyes  put  out,  and  the  Pope  forced  to  leave  the  City; 
and  at  Luca,  while  he  provoked  Princes  to  ftnd  Soldiers  to  ferufalcm  and 
Afia,  he  dyed. 

§  I  84..  CCCCXXX.  One  Council  this  Pope  had  at  Verona,  as  they  fty, 
where  the  Emperor  Frederick,  met  him,  and  (bllicitcd  him  to  reftore  all  the 
Bifhopsand  Clergy  depofcd  that  had  adhered  to  him  and  the  Anti-Popes.  The 
Pope  contented, but  (aid  he  could  not  do  it  without  another  Council:  (By 
which  it  appeaieth,  that  this  at  Verona  was  no  true  Council. } 

§  I  85-.  Urb  jn:ts  \.\\c  jd  isncxt  Pope,  called 7«r^rt«w/,  as  an  Ipccndiary,  by 
yli>.  Urffpergenf.  but  better  fpolcen  of  by  Platina  :,  he  (ate  above  one  year.  It's 
(iiid  that  he  dyed  of  grief  for  the  lo(i  of  Jerufalem  in  his  time. 

CCCCXXXI.  A  Council  he  had  at  Payis,thcy  ray,for  'Je>uJaUm,too  !ate. 

§  I  86.  Gregory  the  8ch  (ucceedeth  him  two  montlas,  and  dyeth. 

§  I  87.  An.  I  187.  Chment  the  ^d  (iicceeded  him,  who  importuneth  the 
Chiiftlan  Kings  to  reco\er  ycrufu'em.  The  Emperor  Frederick,  the  King  of  -ti 
France,  and  Richard  King  of  England,  go  in  per(bn.  The  Emperor  was 
drowned  in  Afa,  as  he  was  wafbing  himftlf  in  a  River.  The  reft  do  much, 
but  all  to  little  purpoie,  but  to  the  great  detlruftion  of  man)-  Chriftiai)s.  The 
Pope  lendeth  an  Army  into  Sicily  to  claim  it  for  the  Church,  becau(e  the  King 
dyed  childlels :  There  aUb  bloody  havock  is  made. 

Av.  1188.  An  AfTembly  at  Far  is  furthered  the  Holy  War,  (Birmius  will 
call  It  a  Council. ) 

§  I  88.  Though  this  Chmais  fate  but  three  years,  and  five  months,  he  end- 
ed the  long  War  between  the  Rowans  and  the  Popc,granting  them  their  Sena- 
tors, but  depoiing  their  Tatrictus  or  Head,  that  Union  might  not  (bengthcn 

§  189,  C^clejline  the  3d  cometh  nexr,  who  to  get  Sictly  from  Tanned,  gets 


5Q2,  Church-Hijlory  of  Bijl)Ol>s  caiJ 

out  of  a  Nunnery  a  devoted  Virgin  that  was  the  Hcirefs,  and  man-icth  her  to 
the  young  Emperor  Htnry  the  6ch,  and  givcth  him  with  her  the  Kingdoms 
ot  Sicily  and  Naples,  (when  he  can  get  them  )  and  Co  wholly  obligeth  him 
to  ihc  C  hinch  jand  to  liirrender  Tufcu I um, which  the  Rontiins  utterly  demolifh. 
Sicilj  the  Emperor  gets,  and  puts  out  Jancred^s  eyes,  but  Naples  was  too  liard 
for  liim,his  Soldiers  dying  or  the  Plague. 

How  the  King  of  France  znd  the  King  of  £»^/<7»// disagreed  mValefiine  \ 
and  how  ilic  King  of  Fratice  returned  home,  and  treacheroully  joined  with 
'/w/jw  the  King's  Brother,  to  invade  the  King  of  EnglancTi  Dominions,  and  lb 
called  him  from  attenipting  the  Siege  of  jerufalem,  and  how  he  was  taken 
Prifoner  by  the  way  home,  many  Hiftories  acquaint  you. 

§  1 90.  Binnius  out  of  Urfpergenf.  tells  us,  how  this  Pope  that  had  fcnt  the 
King  of  France  into  Pah/line,  ior  hJs  repudiating  his  Wife  after,  interdiiSted 
the  whole  Kingdom  of  France  the  ufe  of  holy  thing.  O  horrid  Villany, 
Cj"  worfe  than  Heathenifli  !  For  one  Man's  Family-lin,  to  forbid  lb  great  a  King- 
dom to  worfhip  their  God  and  Saviour.  Saladinc  when  he  had  taken  Ja-K/a- 
leni,  dealt  better  with  the  Chrirtians.  O  bewitched  Princes  and  People,  that 
by  their  degenerate  Prektcs  would  be  brought  to  fuffer  or  iiibmit  to  fuch  a 
wickednefs,  contrary  to  tl;e  nature  of  all  Religion  I  O  wicked  Prelates  and 
Clergy jihat  would  obey  an  Ufurper  in  fuch  a  wicked  Interdiul  .'  But  the  King 
of  France  grievoufly  puniflied  his  Clergy  tor  the  Fach  For  it  was  done  by 
the  Pope's  Legat  and  the  Bifhops  at  a  Council  at  Divion  :  (the  CCCCXXXII. 
here. ) 

§  191.  Next  Cometh  the  great  Pope  Innocent  the  3d,  (  a  young  man  of 
3 o  years  old  called Z,ori6«ri»j  j  y^n.  1198. 

§  191.  The  Duke  of  Saxonj,Otho  the  4th,(uccecdeth  the  Emperor  Hertij 
the  6th.  But  TljiUp  of  SiH'via  is  his  Competitor,  and  the  King  of  France  was 
for  Thitip  (  Htnrfi  Brother  )  and  the  Pope  for  Otho,  hating  Fre<lcrlck\  Line. 
Some  fay  PM;^  conquered  and  depoftd  Otho,  but  Petavius,  after  divers  others, 
ftith,  that  they  agreed  tliat  P/jtlip  fliould  Reign  quietly  during  his  life  ,  and 
O/Z'o  afterward  (ucceed  him.  After  ten  'years  0/Z'o,  a  Palatine  of  ihc  Rbine, 
killeth  /  l)ilip,  and  Oiho  again  Reigncth  quietly,  marrying  Ttnlip''s  daughter. 
But  (teking  to  poflcfs  yipulia  and  Calabria  by  Arms,and  not  obeynig  the  Pope's 
Prohibition,  the  Pope  Excommunicatcth  him  firll:,  and  after  Icntenceth  him 
deprived  or  depofcd,  which  at  his  command,  the  Archbifhop  of  Mcntz,  pub- 
lifheih  ;  which  OtLo  dtfpiling,  the  Pope  to  Ifiew  that  he  can  make  and  un- 
raukt  Emperors  and  Kings,  fets  u^  Fred.rick¥J\ng  of  Sicilj,  /itwy  the  (Jths 
Son  by  Cfmfiantia,  (the  Nun  formerly,  faith  Binnms,  w-hxchPaavius  denicth) 
and  commandeth  all  tf  take  him  for  Emperor.  The  King  of  France  Hands 
i  or  fm/tnt^,  and  the  King  of  £??»/<« W  for  O.'Z^o.     Ojho   is  overcome  bejng 


their  Coioicils  abridged.  207 

forfaken  and  dyeth  for  grief;  and  Fnderick^  (a  young  man  twenty  years 
old)  prevaileth. 

§  193.  Faffing  by  the  Englifli  ard  Scottifli  Councils,  (for  the  Sabbath 
or  Lords  day.)  CCCCXXXIII.  The  Roman  Council  that  dcpofcd  the 
Emperor  0/to  for  rebellion  againft  the  Pope  was,  yln.  1210. 

§  194.  This  Pope  excommunicated  our  K-ing  fohn  for  rejc<n;ing 
Stephen  Latightan  Arch-Bifhop  oiCmtertury  :  Yea,  he  depofed  him  ^nan- 
tum  infe,  and  interdt^ed  Gods  worjliip  to  the  whole  Kingdom,  for  fix  years  ^ 
three  months  and  fourteen  dayes.  (O  wicked  Bifliops  and  Priefts  that 
would  give  over  the  worfiiip  of  God  becaufe  an  UCurper  forbad  it/) 
The  Pope  gave  the  King  of  France  commifilon  to  <*ize  on  England.  King 
^ohn  is  conlfraincd  to  pleafe  tlic  Pope.  What  wars  were  hereupon  in  Ftig- 
/<t»«i,and  how  he  gave  up  his  Kingdom  at  laff  to  the  Popc,and  to  hold  it  as 
of  him,  our  own  Hiftorians  certifie  us,  yea,  and  how  he  offered  the  King 
of  Aiorocco  to  iarn  Mahometan  for  his  help. 

§  195.  CCCCXXXIX.  Next  Cometh  the  famous  4th.  Zaffr<jKf  Coun- 
cil called  by  the  Papifts  the  nth.  General,  approved  of  400  Bifhops  and  (")Thati"s 
800  other  Fathers  (for  others  they  have)  an.  12  ij.  Rcgn.  Frtdcr.i.         jocallcd 

In  the   firft  Cap.  is  the  Creed  and  their  Tranfubffantiation  aflerted,  as  i7iv|!s'""' 

*  the  way  of  Union  between  Chrift  and  us,  we  taking  bis  flcfh  as  he  thaniot 
'  took  ours :    and  that  no  one  cin    make  this  Sacrament  but  a  Pricfl:  only  the 

*  ritely  ordained  according  to  the  Keycs  cf  the  Church  which  Chrift  gave  '•''•'"ying 
'to  the  Apoftlesand  their fucccOburs.  But  the  Sacrament  ofBaptifin  fav-  I^VT"'- 
'eth  by  whom  foever  it  is  ritely  done.  ationbuc 

*The  zdyCap,  condemnetb  Abbot  /'r.<«c/;?;>«'sdo(flrine  who  oppofed  Lom-  alio  the 
'  Lvd  as  making  a  quaternity  for  faying  that  ^idam  fnmm.t  res  efi  Pater  Henncun 

*  Fiiifts  et  SpiritfJs  Sanctis,  et  ilia  (res)  nen  ejt  gcnerans^  nccgemta,  Hfc    j    ^    * 
' procedens,  which  the  Council  owneth.  Roy.uty 

'The  3d.  Cap,  is  this   |  We  excommunicate  and  anathematize  every  orthac 
•Herefie  C*)  extolling  itfelfagainft  this  holy  Orthodox  Catholick  faith  f^ingsarc 
'which  we  before  expounded,  condemning  all  Hercticks  by  what  names  j'^'^ '^? .''^^ 
•foever  called ;   having  indeed  divers  faces,  but  fails  lyed  together,  be-  by^Popcs 
'caufe  they  agree  in  vanity  in  the  (ame  thing,  ishert  m- 

'  And  being  damned  let  them  be  left  to  the  prefent  fecular  power  or  winded  j 
'  their  Bailiffs  to  be  punifhed  by  due  animadverfion  :   the  Clerks  being  l'"^  ^|' 
'firft  degraded  from  their  orders;    fo  that  the  goods  of  liich  damned  tobccx. 
'ones  if  they  be  Lay- men  be  confifcated ,  but  ifCletks,  let  them  be  ap-  termini- 
'  plied  to  the  Churches  from  which  they  had  their  ftipends.  ted  or 

'But  for  thofe  that  are  found  notable  only  by  fufpicion,  unlefs  they  ^'^ethe 
'fliew  their  innocency  by  a  congruous  purgation,  according  to  the  con-  bcd^tpo. 
'fiderations  of  the  (ufjiicioa  and  the  quality  of  the  perlbn,  let  them  be  fed  tor 
'  fmitten  with  the  fword  of  anathema  (curfed  from  Chrift)(.jj  and  avoid-  not  doing 
'ed  by  all  till  they  have  given  condign  fctisfadion:  fo  tb^it  if  they  re- ,'^" 

*  main  a  year  excommunicate,  they  be  then  condemned  as  Hereticks.  upo^'i{)r 

'And  let  the  fecular  powers  be  warned  and  induced,  and  if  need  be  picion;^  ' 

E  e  e  *  com- 

2Q^  Chiach-Hijhry  of  (Bijhcps  and 

'  compelled   by  ccclefiaftical  ccnfurc,  what  offices  Toever  they  are  in , 

*  that  as  they  defire  to  be  reputed  &■  taken  forbclievers/o  they  publickly 
'r^i^i-.-iw^  for  the  defence  of  the  faith,  that  they  will  ftudy  in  good 
'earmft  to  exterminate  to.  their  utmoft  power,  from  the  lands  futK 
'jtCt  to  their  jurifdidion,  all  Hereticks .denoted  by  the  Church;   fo  that 

*  every  one   that   is  henceforth  taken  into    any  power  either  fpiritual 
^      '  or  temporalj  fhall  be  bound  to  confirm  this  Chapter  by  his  oath. 

'But  if  the  temporal  Lord  rf quired  and  warned  by  the  Church,  (hali 
'  negled  to  purge  his  countrey  of  this  Heretical  tilth.let  him  by  the  Me- 

*  tropolitane  and  other  Comprovincial  Bifliops  be  tyed  by  the  bond  of 
.'excommunication:  And  if  he  contemn  to  fatisfie  within  a  year,  Ice 
'that  be  ttf^nified  to  the  Pope,  that  he  may  denounce  his  vafTals  thence- 
'  forth  abfolved  from  his  fidelity    (or  allegiance)  and    may  expofe  his 

*  countrey  to  be  feized  on  by  Catholicks  who  exterminating  the  Here- 

*  ticks  may  poffefs  it  without  any  contradiftion,  and  may  keep  it  in  the 
'  purity  of  faith,  fiving  the  right  of  the  principal  Lord,  fobeit  he  him- 
'  felf  put  no  obftacle  hereto  nor  oppofe  any  impediment:  The  fame  Law 
'notwithftanding  being  kept  about  them  that  have  no  principal  Lords. 

•  And  the  Catholicks  that  taking  the  badgt  of  the  Crofs  (hall  gird 

*themftlves  for  the  extermining  of  Hereticks,  fhall    enjoy  that  induf- 

(j^     'gence,andbe  fortified  with  that  holy  priviledge  which  is  granted  to  them 

*  that  go  to  the  help  of  the  holy  land. 

'And  we  decree  tofubjedtto  excommunication,  the  believers  and  re- 
'ceivers,  defenders  and  favourers  of  Hereticks;  firmly  ordaining,  that 
'when  any  fuch  an  one  is  noted  by  excommunication,  if  he  contemn  to 
'fatisfie  within  a  year,  let  him  thenceforth  be  ;/>/o;«rc  made  infamous, 
'and  not  be  admitted  to  any  publick  Offices  or  Councils,  nor  to 
'chofe  any  to  fuch,  nor  to  be  a  witnefs;  and  let  him  not  have  potvcr  to 

*  make  a  Will,  nor  to  witnefs,  nor  have  fucceffion  to  any  inheritance.  And 
'no  man  (hall  be  compelled  to  anfwer  him  in  any  bufinefs  (or  fuitj  but 
'he  (hall  be  compelled  to  anfwer  others:  And  if  he  be  a  iudgc,  hisfen- 
'^tence  (hall  be  void,  and  no  Caufes  fhall  be  brought  to  his  hearing:  If 
'he  be  an  Advocate,  his  plea  ('or  defence)  fhall  not  be  admitted:  If  a  Re- 
'gifter,  the  inftruments  made  by  him,  fhall  be  of  no  momenta!  all,  but 
'be  damned  with  the  damned  Author.  And  the  like  we  will  have  obferv- 
•ed  in  the  like  cafes.  But  if  he  be  a  Clergyman,  let  him  be  depofed 
'from  all  office  and  benefice,  that  as  he  is  in  the  greater  fault,  the  grcat- 
'cr  vengeance  may  be  exercifed  on  him. 

'And  if  any,  after  fuch  are  marked  by  the  Church,  fhall  contemn  to 
'avoid  them,  let  them  be  fmitten  with  the  fentence  ofexcommunicati- 
*on  till  he  give  due  (atisfadion.  And  let  no  Clergyman  give  fuch  pefti- 
'lent  perluns  the  ecclefiaftical  Sacraments,  nor  prefume  to  give  them 
'Chriftian  burial,  nor  receive' their  alms  or  otFcrings :  otherwife  let 
'them  be  deprived  of  their  offices,  and  never  be  thereto  reftored  with- 
'out  theefjecial  indulgence  of  the  Apoltolick  fcat.And  fo  theReguIars  on 
•whom  this  fhall  be  infiiited,  that  their  priviledges  be  not  kept  in  that 
cDiocefs,  in  which  they  prefume  to  commit  fuch  cxctflcs.  'And 

their  Comcils  abric^ed.  ^05 

'And  becaufcfbme  under  pretence  (or  form)  of  Piety,  denying  (is 
'the  Apoftle  faith)  the  f»r/*?  (or  power)  thereof,  challenge  to  them- 

*  (elves  the  authority  to  preach,  when  the  fame  Apoftle  faith  [how 
*fliall  they  preach  unlefs  they  be  fent:]  Let  ail  thofe  be  tyed  with  the 
'bond  of  excommunication,  who  being  prohibited,  or  not  fent  do  pre- 
'fumepublickly  or  privately  to  ufurp  the  office  of  preaching  without 
'authority  received  from  the  feat  Apoftolick  or  the  Catholick  Bifhop  of 
•the  Place  :  And  if  they  fpeedily  repent  not,  let  them  be  punifhed  with 

*  other  competent  punifhmcnt. 

•  And  we  moreover  add,  that  every  Arch- bifhop  or  BiHiop  by  himfcif 
*or  his  Arch-Deacon,  or  fit  honeft  perfons  fhall  twice  or  once  in  a  year^ 
*go  about  his  parifti  where  Fame  faith  that  Hereticks  dwelJ,  and  fhall 
'  there  compel  two  or  three  men  of  good  teftimon^',  or  if  he  fee  fit,  the 
'  whole  neighbourhood  to  fwear,  that  if  they  know  any  Hereticks  there  "^ 
'or  any  that  fcek  fecret  conventicles,  or  that  ditfer  in  life  or  manners 
'  from  the  common  converfation  of  the  faithful,  be  will  ftudy  to  tell 
'them  to  the  BiOiop.  And  let  the  Bifhop  himfelf  call  the  accufed  to  his 
'prefence,  who  unlefs  they  purge  themfelves  of  the  guilt  ob;e(fl:ed,  or 

*  if  after  purgation  made,  the^'  rclapfe  into  the  former  perfidie  (ball  be 
'Canonically  punilhcd.  And  if  any  of  them  refufing  by  damnable  obfti- 
'nacythc  bond  of  an  oath,  will  not  fwear,  let  them  be  for  this  very 
'thing  reputed  Hereticks. 

«We  will  therefore  and  command,  and  flridly  command  in  the  ver-  ^ 
*tuc  of  obedience,  that  the  Bifhop  do  watch  diligently  through  their 
'Dioccfs,  for  theefteilaal  execution  of  thele  things,  if  they  will  Efcape 
'Canonical  revrngc.  And  ifanyBilhop  be  found  negligent  and  remift 
'in  purging  his  Dii-.cefs  from  the  leaven  of  Heretical  pravity,  when 
'  this  appeareth  by  certain  figns,  let  him  be  depoled  from  his  Epifco- 
«pal  office,  and  another  fit  man  be  fubftituted  in  his  place,  who  will  and 
'can  confound  heretical  pravity. 

The  4th.  Ch.ip.  is  againft  the  Greeks  for  rejecfting  the  Roman  Pope,  and 
'and  fofar  abhorring  the  Latincs,  that  \f  Latme  Priefts  did  bur  celebrate 
'  at  their  Altars,  the  Grcekj  would  not  ufe  them  again  till  they  had  wafh- 
'ed  them,  as  being  dcfiledt:  yea,  they  rcbaptized  thofe  that  the  LMine 
'Priefts  baptized  (the  world  did  not  then  obey  the  Pope,  how  inlblent- 
ly  foever  he  trod  on  the  divided  Princes  of  the  Frt/?,  by  the  confpiracy 
of  their  Prelates.)  And  here  he  was  ufcd  in  his  kind,  and  hereticated  and 
excommunicated,  and  curfed  as  he  did  by  others. 

The  jtb,  C>:ap.  ['  was  to  confirm  the  old  Patriarchate  (*)  on  conditi-  (*)  O 
'on  they  receive  the  Pall  from  the  Pope,  and  fwear  fidelity  and  obedi-  ^^^'untifal; 
•ence  to  him,  and  make  thofe  under  them  to  do  the  like]  O  daring  chal-  P°r^' 
Icnge  and  innovation  ! 

And  yet  Ch^p.  the  9th.  they  grant  that  diverfity  of  Rites  by  Bifhops 
of  their  own  languages  and  cuiioms  be  ufcd^  fo  they  will  but  be  the 
fworn  valfais  of  the  Pope. 

E  e  e  2  And 

^^6  Chwch-Hijlory  of  'Bijhops  and 

And  yet  Cap.  8  *  in  their  direftion  for  inquifition,  even  this  Council 

'decreed  that  the  accufed  be  admitted  to  fpeak  for  himfelf/andnof  on- 

'  ly  the  words  of  the  witnefles  but  their  names  alfo  to  be  told  him  and 

'publiOied,    and  the    exceptions    and  rcplyes  admitte^d"^!  left  by  fup- 

05"     /preflng  their  names,  men  be  emboldned  to  defame,  and  by  excluding 

*  exceptions  emboldned  to  fwear  falfly.]] 

Becaufe  the  fuppofed  Hereticics  got  ground  by  preaching,  the  Caj>.io. 
(decreed  the  fetting  up  of  Preachers  inftead  of  the  BiQiops  or  to  help 
them,  becaufe  they  wanted  ability  or  time. 

The  13.  C;*/".  was  to  forbid  making  any  more  new  Religions,  there 
were  fo  many  made  in  their  Church  before. 

*  The  17.  Cap.\v3s  againft  Biftiops  that  fate  up  feafting,drinking,or  pra- 
ting till  after  midnight,  and  lie  in  bed  the  next  morning  and  come  not 
four  times  in  a  year  to  Mafs,  and  then  talk  with  at  the  time 
of  worfliip. 

Cap.  43.  forbids  all  Clergy  men  that  have  not  temporal  eftatesun- 
(fj.     der  them,  to  take  any  oath  of  allegiance  for  fidelity)  to  any  Lay-man. 

The  44.  is  to  invalidate  Lay- Ruler's  Laws  about  ecclefiaftical  mat- 
ters (as  Glebes,  Mortuaries,  d(C.)  the  reft  I  pafs  by, 

§  196.  In  ih\sConnc]]hei\ies  the  ^Ibigenfes  iud  Ahhot  foachtm,y4I- 
ntaricHi  a  learned  man  was  condemned ;  they  fay  he  faid  that  •  -^//  Chrift- 
C^  *  tans  were  C/rnJIs  members,  and  (they  add,  how  truly  is  doubtfu!l)//</';r- 
td  by  the  fens  with  him:thatChrifi's  body  was  no  more  in  thefacrament  than 
tit  another  thmg:  That  Incenfe  as  offered  in  the  Church  is  Idolatry:  That 
every  Chrtfiian  is  bound  to  believe  that  he  is  a  member  of  Chrifi :  That  if 
Adam  had  not  finned  there  Jhonld  have  been  no  generating  in  Faradife  nor 
difference  of  fexes.'}  We  muft  take  thefe  things  on  the  report  of  fuch  as 
Sanders,  with  fome  other  that  they  charge  on  himjfor  which  when  they 
had  killed  him  with  grief,  they  dig'd  up  his  corps  and  burnt  it,  as  they 
were  then  burning  multitudes  of  the  living. 

§  197.  In  this  CoancW  Stephen  Laughton  Arch-Bifhop  of  Canterbury 
was  depofed  for  taking  part  with  the  Barons  of  England  againft  King 
John;  whofecafe  was  now  become  the  Pope's  when  he  had  given  him 
his  Kingdom:  in  fo  much  that  when  the  ArchBilhop  confefled  and 
begged  abfolution,  his  Holinefs  anfwered  [^  By  St.  Peter,  Brother,  thou 
'Jhalt  not  [0  eafily  get  abfolation,  who  -haft  done  fo  and  fo  great  inju- 
eO*      *  /;es,  not  only  to  the  K,  <»/Englandj  but  to  the  Church  c/Rome.]. 

§  198.  Let  the  Reader  note,  that  1.  General  Councils  iirc  the  Pa- 
pifts  religion.  2.  That  this  is  one  of  tireir  greateft  approved  General 
Councils.  3.  That  therefore  by  their  Law  and  Religion,  they  are  bound 
to  exterminate  all  Proteftants,  and  that  all  Princes  niuit  be  depofed  that 
will  not  execute  it,  and  their  dominion  given  to  others  that  will.  4.  That 
all  Proteftants  and  others  called  Hereticks  are  dead  men  in  Law  and  want 


their  Cowicils  abridged.  ,oj 

but  ;udgmcnt  and  execution  where  their  Law  is  in  force.  5-.  That  tte  '^ 
HetiricUnherefie'xs  one  thiz  is  fudged  fuch  by  their  Councils.  6.  That 
therefore  not  only  all  ProceftantKings,but  allPapifts  that  are  for  the  fafe- 
ty  andpewer  of  Kings  againft  the  Popes  pretended  power  of  condemning 
and  depofing  them, are  Heretickstobe  exterminated  and  burnt  (by  many 
Canons.)  7.  Therefore  Kings  are  beholden  to  the  Proteftant  reformation 
(difabling  the  Pope  to  execute  his  Laws  and  Religion^  for  their  Crowns 
and  lives.  8.  That  when  ever  any  King  or  others  fet  up  Popery  and  the 
power  of  their  Laws  and  Councils  in  a  Kingdom  that  is  reformed,  the 
fubjefts  are  prefently  dead  men  in  Law,  being  to  be  dcftroycd  as  Here- 
ticks,  ('though  Policy  or  want  of  power  may  hinder  the  execution.) 
9.  ^.  Whether  it  be  lawful  for  any  King  ('or  in  his  authority)  fo  to  de- 
ftroy  his  Kingdom,  or  to  make  all  (or  the  generality  of)  his  rubie(fls 
dead  men  in  Law?  10.  Whether  by  thefc  Laws  the  Pope  and  his  content- 
ing Bifhops  have  not  publifhed  themfelves  to  be  hrftes  Regum  et  Regm- 
rnm,  if  not  humam  generis  j  and  are  not  fo  to  be  efteemed  ? 

§  199.  Note  alfo  that  D.  HejUn,  in  his  Certamen  EpijtoUre  againft  me, 
anlweretb,  that  it  is  not  Kings  but  temporal  Lords  that  are  mentioned 
in  this  Council  j  and  that  he  and  BiiTiop  Taylor,  and  Bifliop  Gunning,  and 
Bifhop  Pcarfon  in  their  difpute  publifhed  by  Terrct  or  fobifan,  and  others 
before  them,  have  maintained  that  thefe  Canons  were  but  propofed  by 
Pope  Innocent,  and  not  confented  to  and  paflcd  by  the  Council.  But  to 
the  firft  It  is  clear  i.that  by  Dommt  Temporalcs  Councils  ordinarily  meai 
Emperors  and  Kings  as  vvcll  as  any  others.  2.  That  the  words  of  the 
Council  are  exprefs  {fcddem  mhiiomtnus  lege  fervatd  circa  eos  qui  nenha' 
'  bent  Domtnes  principalej.'] 

And  to  the  2d.  I  anfwer  i.The  Church  of  Rome  atftuallv  taketh  this  for 
one  of  their  approved  General  Councils,  and  will  not  be  beholden  to  our 
Bilhops  for  their  friendly  favour  and  excufe:And  therefore  it  is  all  one  to 
Ls  whether  the  Council  confented  or  not.  2.  Mr.  Jlcmy  Dodwel  in  his 
•  late  confiderations  how  tapifis  mjy  be  trufled  by  Princes,  &c.  pag. 1 67  & 
pag.  174  &c.  hath  fully  anlWered  all  the  reafbns  given  by  thefe  Bifhops 
(as  Terret  did  in  part  before;)and  hath  added  abundant  proof  that  the(e 
Canons  were  pafled  in  that  Council.  1 .  From  the  Council  at  O.v/or^/ where 
Stephen  Laughton  himfelf  was.  2.  From  Mat.  Paris  who  is  alledged  for 
the  contrary,;  FtomGregorj  ^th's  decertals  .j..From  the  caCc of  fohn  Blmt 
eled  Bifhop  of  Cdnterbmj  recited  by  Mut,  Pans  an.  1232'  5-  From 
Orf  (7  the  Pope's  Legate,  in  A'f.  Pans  an.  1237.  and  that  London  Council* 
6.  From  the  Popes  Letter  to  Ottaa:.  izjS  in  A'/.  Paris.  7.  From  Hom- 
TiHs  the  3d's  condemnation  of  Rich,  d:  Aianfco  Bifhop  of  Durham.  8. 
From  P.  Clcm:Kt  the  5th's  Bull  for  King  Philip  the  Fair,  9.  From  the 
Council  of  Tarr.igon.  lo.  From  the  Council  at  ruiina  under  CUwent 
4th.  r  I,  From  the  General  Gotincil  at  Ljons  an^QX  Gregory  iotb.12.From 


1  p  8  Church- Hijlory  of  (BiJJmps  and 

the  Sahi»e  Council  in  Spain.  13.  From  a  Council  at  ToUtio unicr  Btttediil 
1 2th.  14.  And  from  the  Council  oi  Trent.  15.  From  the  Common  fenfe 
of  ihe  CiCc  of  ^I'iot  foacJjim.  16.  And  of  the  word  Tranfubftantiation. 
17.  And  of  annual  confefllon  :  All  taken  as  fetled  by  this  Council. 

So  that  as  the  Papifts  will  not  accept  of  this  Charity  of  our  Bifhops  ih 
excufing  their  Religion  from  this  part  of  guilt,  lb  there  is  little  place  in- 
deed for  an  excufe. 

§  200.  The  Papifts  themfelvcs  though  they  have  many  other  Coun- 
cils and  inftances  to  prove  the  Popes  Claim  and  Pradice  of  depofing  Prin- 
ces, yet  will  not  let  go  this  as  being  a  famous  General  Council  :  But 
when  here  in  £«^/^<i  they  would  excufe  their  Religion  from  Rebellion, 
they  ufe^  fay,  that  this  being  not  an  *  Article  of  Faith,  but  a  Canon  of 
"  Pradice,  they  are  not  bound  to  take  it  as  infalUhlc.To  which  the  faid 
MrMenr;  Dodwtli  ibid.  pag.  185.  hath  largely  anfwfred^to  which  I  refer 
the  Reader;  adding  only,  that  That  which  mult  be  Believed  to  be  of  God  is 
not  ahva^  matter  ofprafiice,  jet  what  mnfi  be  done  as  bj  the  VfiU  of  God, 
Ktujt  alwaies  be,  firfi  the  matter  of  faith:  we  mult  believe  that  it  is  Go£s 
will  before  we  can  obey  it  as  his  will.  The  full  anfwer  fee  as  aforecited. 

§  201.  In  the  performance  of  the  Laws  of  this  Council  multitudes 
called  bereticks  were  burnt:  Their  St.  Dow<«/ci^  preaching  to  the  people 
to  ferfwade  them  to  take  arm§  under  the  Sign  of  the  Crofs  to  deftroy 
tj.  the  Hereticks,  ibr  to  get  pardon  of  their  fins,  fo  that  from  firfttolaft 
many  hundred  thoufand  (fome  fay  two  millions,  but  that  feemeth  too 
muchj  were  killed  in  France,  Savoy,  Germany,  Italy,  and  Other  Coun- 
treys  :  fee  S^w.  C/er;^Martyrol.  and  Arch  Bi(hop  VJher  de  fuccejf.  Ec- 
def  Thus  hath  Papal  Rome  been  built  and  maintained  by  Blood,  Rebel- 
lion andConfufion,  under  pretence  of  Church  Purity,Unity  and  Govern- 
ment, and  all  by  the  pretended  KEYES. 

§  202.  Honorms  3d.  fucceedeth  Innocent'.  He  confirmeth  the  l>o- 
minican,  and  Fraiicifcan  Religions  and  Sainteth  Francis.  He  procureth  a 
new  expedition  towards  lertt/alem,  and  the  deftrudtion  of  many.  The 
Emperor  fnWency^followeth  his  predeceflbrs,  and  \madeth  Italy,  con- 
quereth  Sicily  and  Apulia  ('being  his  own  by  his  Mothers  title.)  But  the 
Pope  excommunicateth  him,  and  by  the  mediation  of  ^oi&«  King  offeru' 
falem  (in  titlej  he  is  abfolved. 

§  203.  CCCCXL.  Stephen  Laugitonhcmg  refioTcd,  a  Synod  at  Ox- 
tS"     ford  paflfed  many  general  excommunications,  and  there  numbered  all  the 
Holy-dayes  to  be  kept,  and  made  feveral  Canons  ;  One  good  one  was, 
£  that  every  great  Parijh  have  two  or  three  Prtsbpers,  becaufc  of  the  great- 
aefs  of  the  work,  and  if  one  (hould  be  fick,  &e.  Another  (repeated  ma- 

theiy  Councils  abridged.  ^^^ 

ny  old  Canons)  that  no  fees  he  taken  for  Sacraments  or  Burials  :  &c. 
Anotfier  that  no  Clergy-men  JkouU  keep  their  Concubitus  PVBLICKLT  tn 
their  lodgings,  nor  elfe  vrhere  go  to  them  with  fcandal^  (A  good  caution  ! 
for  their  credit  J 

§  104.  CCCCXLI.  A  German  Council  lamenting  that  Clergy-men 
kept  their  Concubines  puWickly  and  would  not  difmifs  them,  forbids 
this  publick  keeping  of  them,  C.  1,  2,  3,  5.  But  dealeth  gently  with 
them.  But  C.  6.  thofe  that  preach  when  the  Bifhop  filenceth  them,  it 
{maketh  infamous  and  mefiable^  casing  them  out  mthout  hope  of  mercj  or  "tD 
refiitution,  ab  officio  et  henejicio,  and  rendering  them  uncapable  for  the 
time  to  come. 

Here  the  Popes  Legate  demanded  out  of  every  Cathedral  two  Pre- 
tends to  be  given  to  Rome  (And  great  reafon  that  he  that  giveth  all,  even 
Bifhopricks  and  Kingdoms  fliould  have  fomc  again,  even  what  he  will.) 
But  it  was  denied. 

§  lOf.  CCCCXLII.  Alfo  in  a  Synod  at  Wefimtnfier  ^n.  1216.  the 
Pope  demanding  two  Prebends  out  of  every  Cathedral,  the  King 
anfwered  that  the  matter  belonged  to  all  Chrifiendom,  and  when 
he  fdw  what  other  Kingdoms  did  herein,  he  would  give  his  an- 
fwer.  JJ 

§  io6.  Gregory  j>th.  is  next  Pope:  He  commandeth  the  Emperor 
Frtdericl^  2d.  to  go  recover  ferufalem,  and  excommunicatech  him  as 
a  dilTembler  for  his  delaics:  He  re-Sainteth  St.  Francis  and  St.  Dommtck^. 
He   abfolveth  the  Emperor  upon    his    payment    of  an   hundred    and 
twenty   thoufand  ounces  of  Gold  for  damage.     The  greatcft  fcdition  The  Em- 
and  herefie  (faith  Platmu)   rofe    at    Rom:    chat  ever  was  there,  fo  pcror 
that  the  Pope  was  baniflied  ;  But  a  plague  ended  it  that  left  fearer  the  i-'ith  Ai^r. 
tenth  man  alive.    Again  the  Senators  and  the  Pope  agree  not  about  Le-  P'"^'^|^^^ 
giflation,  and  the  Pope  is  fain  to  be  gone  again,   and  gets  the  Emperor  return 
to  protnife  him  that  their  conjunift  forces  {hould  affaulc  the  Romans.  The  from  ye- 
Emperor  faileth,  and  bids  his  Souldiers  help  the  Romans,  himfelf  depar-  rnfUem, 
ting,  the  Pope  by  mony  hireth  them  to  help  him,  and  recovereth  Rovte.  ^"^  '"^^^ 
He  fendcth  preachers  abroad  to  call  men  to  the  holy  War  :  He  Sainteth  bccaule 
EUz.abetb  daughter  to  the  King  of  Hungary.    An  Army  goeth  into  ^fiu  the  Pojc 
with  T/xe^-iW  King  q(  Navam  and  others,  and  is  overthrown.  He  would  t^^okhis 
go  to  /?owf ,  but  is  kept  out  .•  The  Emperor  raketh  many  C'rries  in  It  Jr.  P""j* '" 
Gregory's  party  get  liim  into  the  City:  He  again  curfeth   the  Emperor,  fcn^g  jnj 
and  depo(crh   him  from   his  Empire  (by  his  prefumptuous  fenrence.j  fought  to 
The  Veneti.iiis  help  the  Pope.  The  Emperor  alHifteth  tliem  .    The  Italians  betray 
are  divided.  In  Pifiona  two  brothers,one  called'/^  was  for  the  Pope,  ^J'"g^? 
and  the  uther  called  Giial  was  for  the  Emperor,  the  Giry  was  diltrafted  \^^^ 


400  Church-Htjlory  of  ■Bip?ops  aiui 


and  the  naijie  oiGutlphs  and  Cibellines  filled  Italy  with  confufion.  The 
Romans  were  Jigain  falling  off  from  the  Pope,  but  he  went  amon^  them 
C(t)yjmg  the  heads  of  the  y:lpoj}  Us  (you  muft  believe  it,)and  by  fuppTication 
and  fpeeches  moved  the  People  to  pity  him,  and  got  them  to  fight  a- 
gjiinft  the  Emperor  J  which  coft  them  and  others  of  the  Church  party 
in  Itaiy  dear.  The  Pope  calleth  a  Council  to  depofe  the  Emperor  again 
(to  kin  one  man  twice.)  But  the  Emperor  way  layeth  them,  and  ta- 
keth  many  Cardinals  and  Bifhops,  and  Imprifons  them  by  the  Fi/anes 
help:  Gregory  dyed  for  grief  in  his  14th.  year  (or  i  jtb.) 

This  is  that  Pope  that  by  the  help  of  Raymund  made  the  Books  of 

Decretals.     So  much  out  of /'/<*/<«<z.  i?»««w  addeth  that   the   Emperor 

went  with  an  Army  into  ^Jli  in  performance  of  his  vow  and  received 

ferafilem  yielded  to  him  :  And  made  ten  years  truce  with  Saladine,  and 

'        therefore  was  again  excommunicated  by  the  Pope. 

hj-  §  207.  In  this  Popes  time,  faith  Bin,  the  Divines  of  Paris  after  long 

difputation  defined,  that  it  is  a  mortal  Jin  for  any  man  to  have  two  benefices, 

208.  Multitudes  of  the  uilbigenfcs  were  burnt  and  killed  as  Here- 
I  §  209.  CCCCXLIII.  A  Council  at  London  under  Otto  the  Popes  Le-" 

*  gate  was  held  yin.  1237.  the  King  fending  firft  to  charge  them  to 
do  nothing  againft  his  rights,  and  leaving  one  to  fee  to  it.  The  Legate 
was  in  danger  for  oppofing  Plnraltties,  the  Bifhop  of  Worcefier  and  muU 
ticudes  theatning  refiftance,  and  it  wasfufpcnded. 

§  2 10.  Ccelcfiine  the  4th  is  next  Pope,  but  not  by  the  Laterane  CanoH 
by  two  third  parts  of  the  Cardinals:  fo me  fay  he  lived  18  dales,  fome 
17  fome  i4,(bme  fay  two  Schifmaticks  were  between.   ^ 

§  211.  The  feat  was  void  a  year  and  eight  months  and  more:  the 
Emperor  keeping  many  Cardinals  in  prifon,  but  at  the  requeft  of  Baldwin 
.  of  Confiantinople  he  releafed  them. 

§  iiiJnnocent  4th.  is  next  chofenjWho  of  aCardinal-friend  became  by 
intereft  a  Pope-  enemy  to  the  Emperor  ;  and  daring  not  to  ftay  in  Italy, 
fled  into  France,  and  there  calleth  a  Council  of  Bifiiops  (with  thefc  he 
hunted  Princes,)  and  excommunicateth  or  curfeth  the  Emperor :  where 
faith  Matth.  Paris  An.  1245  one  Prieft  being  commanded  to  publifhthe 
curfe,  he  doth  it  thus.  ['  Good  People,  I  am  commanded  to  pronounce  excom- 
(j5>  wiunication  againft  the  Emperer  Frederick,f/'f  Candles  put  out  and  Bells  ring- 
ing:Btit  not  i^nowing  t  he  reafon,  though  I  know  the  hatred  between  them,&  that 
tne  doth  the  wrong,but  which  I  know  not;asfar  as  my  power  reachethj  excom- 
mmicate&  atiathematiae  himthat dotJ3verotigf&  abfolvebim  that [uffers  the, 



and  their  Council  Abridged,  ^o^ 

wrongs  ivhich  is  fo  hurtful  to  all  Chriflcndome.  An<3  at  Lyons  the  Pope  cmf- 
cth  him  again  :  The  Emperor  dcfpifed  the  Popes  depofition,  and  would 
not  give  up  his  Crown,  for  fear  of  his  curfe.  The  Popes  party  choofe 
Henry  Landgrave  of  7  W;'«^f  Emperor,  who  is  quickly  killed  bclicgingZ^/w, 
fas  lome  (ay J  that  party  chofe  JfilliamEzTlof  Najfau  after  him;  Henfy 
the  Son  of  Fridcrick^,  was  drawn  to  rebel,  and  being  overcome  by  his  Fa- 
ther loon  afterdicd.  And  the  Emperor  not  long  atter  him, by  what  death 
it  is  not  agreed,  fomc  fay  poyfoned,  others  fay  Ihflcd  by  A/^w/rci^his  bafe 
Son  i  fome  fay,  he  continued  impenitent  i  others  that  he  repented  of  his 
oppofing  the  Pope  ("not  probable):  feme  fpcak  ill  of  him >  others  extol 
him  for  Learning  and  wortbinefs. 

^  I5»3.  Frederick^  being  dead,  the  Pope  travels  Frj;;cf,  and  Matih,  Paris 
faith  that  at  his  leaving  Lyons,  a  Crytr  called  the  Citi7ens(who  had  long 
entertained  him)  to  his  farewcl  i  and  that  Cardinal  H«go  made  his  farc- 
'  wel  Speech,  telling  them  n>bjt  good  they  had  done  the  City:  For  when 
'  they  came  thither  they  found  three  or  four  barpdy  houjes,  but  at  their  drpjr-  e^-| 
'  tiire  tlxy  left  but  one :  But  that  one  reached  from  the  Eajl  Gate  of  the  City 

*  to  the  Tf^ejigatt. 

§  ip+.  The  Pope  returneth  into  7u/y,  and  fcekcth  to  get  men  toruinc 
Conrade  the  late  Emperor  Fridcrick^  Son  :   The  King  of  Englands  brother 
Richard  is  htll  invited,  but  denitd  due  help,  and  rcfufcthi  King  Hf/zr)!  the 
third  himfelf  at  laft  is  drawn  in,  and  furniflKth  the  Pope  with  a  great 
deal  of  money,  and  the  Croifado  Soldiours  are  turned  againft  Conrade  trom 
the  relief  of  PaUftine:  Bitter  accufations  againA  him  are  publilhcd  by  the 
Pope,  which  Conrade  anfwertth:    He  and  Robert  Crojihead   the  famous 
Learned  holy  Bilhop  of  L;'«M/n  dying  near  together,  the  Pope  Wi/f//^i»//  that  mm.  Parit 
belong  to  the  Church  of  Rome /»  rejayce  nitbhim,  becjujethefe  two  their ^reat-  «».  i2$4. 
eji  enemies  are  gone.     And  if  fuch  wife  and  holy  men  as  this  Bifliop,  wcre'.'^'J' 
rumbred  with   the  enemies  of  the  PofC,  we  may  conjtcfture  what  he  was 
and  did,  and  whether  all  thcChrillian  World  were  thtn  his  Subjects,  and 
whether  Rome  then  needed  reformation. 

§  ip5.  But  though  the  King  of  England  had  fo  far  fervcd  him,  it  was 
rot  enough :  Nothing  kfs  than  all  would  fcrvc,  as  Matih.  Pa'is,  tells  us, 
when  the  King  would  yet  bcKing,  and  did  not  fully  obey  thcl-'ope  :  which 
he  manifc/lcd  in  his  rant  againlT  this  rare  and  excellent  Bilhop  of  Lin- 
coin,  the  occafion  of  which  I  think  well  worthy  of  our  recital  >  as  it  is  in  Paris  Anno  1453.  p>'^.  S7 1.  S72.  f  A  credible  Monk  thougli  oft  re- 
viled by  Paron.  and  Bin  tor  telling  truth-^ 

This  Bifliop  wasoneof  the  lamouftft  men  in  the  whole  world  for  know- 
ledge, piety  and  juitice;  The  Pope  had  fcnt  him  an  order  (as  (mh  Matth. 
Paris,  he  ottcn  did  to  him  and  other  Englilh  Bifhop$)todo'e)m<-'what  which 
the  Bilhop  juJgcd  to  be  unjulK  It  was  not  fo  bad  as  an  jnterdicft  to  (Hence 
ChridsMinifivrsjbut  whether  it  was  the  promotingofbadMiniftcrSjorhinder- 
ing  01  cxci  n  sr^unicating  good  men,  fome  fuch  thing  it  was  as  you  niay  (ee  by 

♦  what  tdlowcth;  The  Eilhop  writcth  a  Letter  to  the  Popi  and  Cardinals 

Ggg  in 

41  o  QhuYcb^Hiflory^  of  BiJJjops 

'  in    which    he  tells  them  {Jthst  be  rvould  obey  the  Apoflolkal  precepts  :  hut 

ill^^  '  that  rvjs  not  Apojhlicd  n-hich  tvjt  contrary  to  the  dndrh  e  of  the  Apafihs  \ 

'  Chrijl  faying,  be  that   it  not  with  nr  ir  againfl  ns:  And  ti^at  cannot  be  A- 

'  pojhiical   thjt   it   againfl  Chriji  :    at  the  Tenonr  of  the   Popes   Lettert  were : 

*  H;f  non  obftantc/5  often  repeated,  flicwed  hit  inconjiancy  and  hit  blotting  the 
'  purity  of  tlje  Chrijlian  Religion,  and  perturbing  the  peace  and  quiet  of  So- 
*'cietiet'>  a  torrent  of  aitdacioufneft,procacity,  immodejly,  lying,  deceiving,  hard- 
'  ly  believing  or  trujling  any  one ;  on  which  innumerable  vices  follotv.  And 
'  next  after  the  Jin  of  Lucifer,  which  in  the  end  of  time  will  be  that  alfo  of 
'  Aiuichrij}^  the  Jon  of  perdition,  whom  the  Lord  will  dcflroy  with  the  Spirit 
'  of  hit  mouth  ,  there  neither  it  nor  can  be  any  other  Jort  of  fin,  fo  adverfe  and 

^1^  '  contrary  to  th  dotirine  of  the  ApojUet  and  the  Gofpel,  and  fo  hateful,  dete- 
'  jiable  and  abominable,  at  to  kjll  and  dcjhoy  fault  by  defrauding,  men  of  the 
'  care  of  the  Pajloral  office  and  Minijhj :  which  fin  thofe  men  are  known  by 
'  the  mrij}  evident  tefiimoniet  of  the  facred  Scripture  to  commit,  who  being  ph' 

l^^W''  '  <^'^^  '«  porvcr  of  pajhral  care,  do  get  the  falary  of  the  pajhral  office  and  mini- 
^Jiry,  out  of  the  milk^  and  the  fleece  of  the  fhetp  of  Chriji,  who  are.  to  be  quic. 
'  k^ned  and  faved,  but  adminijiei'  net    to  them  their  duet :  For  the  very  not  ad- 

*  minifh-ing  of  the  Pajhral  minijhriet,  is  by  the  tejhmon^  of  Scripture,  the  killing 
'and  dcftroying  of  thejheep:  And  that  tbejc  tjvojirts  of  ftut,  though  unexpeacdly 
'  are  the  very  worji,  and  beyond  all  comparifon  exceed  all  other  fort  of  fin,  it  manifejl  by 

*  ihit^  that  they  are,  in  the  two  exijient  foresaid  thingt,  though  with  difparity  and  dif. 
*■  fvnilitudet,  diredly  contrary  to  the  beji  thingt:  And  that  is  the  worji,  ivhich  is  contrary 
'  to  the  bcft:  And  as  for  thejefint,  at  much  at  in  them  lieth,  one  of  them  is  the  deJlruSli- 
'  oit  of  the  Godhead  it  felf,  which  k  fuperejfentially  and  fupcrnaturally  beji :  and  the 

*  ether  is  the  dcjiruaion  of  that  conformity  and  deifcation  foF  fouls)  by  the  gra- 
^  ciout  participation  of  the  Divine  beams,  which  is  the  beji  thing  ejfentially  and 
*-mturally.  And  as  in  good  thingt,  the  cauje  of  good  is  better  than  the  effect 
'  fo  in  ei'ilt,  the  cauJe  of  evil  U  arorfe  than  the  effed  is  manifcji,  that  the  in- 
'  troducers  in  the  Church  of  Cod,  of  fucb  moji  mifchievous  dejiroyers  of  CholyJ 
'■formation  and  deification  in  the  Jheep  of  Chriji,  are  worje  than  the  dejiroyers 
'  Cor  murderers)  thcmjelves  ;  the  nearer  to  Lucijcr  and  Antichrift,  and  in  the 
'  greater  degree  of  mijchief  (or  priority)  by  ho'V  much  the  more  juperexcelling, 
*and  by  the  greater  and  diviner  power,  given  by  God  for  edification  and  not  for 

*  dcjirucJion,  they  were  the  more  bound  to  exclude  and  extirpate  fuch  mtiji  mij- 
'  chievoiis  murderers  (  or  deliroyers  )  from  the  Church  of  God:  It  cannot  be 
« therejore ,  that   a  holy  Apoflolick^  Seat,  to  which  all  power   is  given   by  our 

*  Lord  Jej'm  Chriji  the  holy  of  holies,  for  Edification,  and  not  for  deliru&ion 
«  as  the  Apoftle  tejiified,  fliould  command,  or  require  any  thing  that  bordereth  on 

"  *  or  tendcth  towards  fo  hateful,  dete[iable,  aud  abominable  a  thing  to  Jcfus  Chriji 

*  and  fo  utterly  pcrnitious  to  mankind,  or  by  any  rvjy  endeavour  any  thina  that 

*  teiideth  thereunto.     For   this  were  either  a  difedion  or  a  corruption  or  an  *. 

*  bufc  of  Chrilis  oivn  power,  ivhich  is  evidently  moji  holy  and  moji  full ;  or  it 
*■  tvere  an  ahjolutc  elongation  frjm  the  Thrar.e  of  the  ulary  ef  our  Lord  Je. 
'//«  Chriji,  and  the  next  futir-.g  together  of  the  fve  fo.jh  J  Princes  of  darkncfs 


and  their  Councils  Abrido^ed^  4<i 

and  of  hellijh  puniffomcnts^  in  the  chiir  of  pefiilence.  Nor  can  any  one  trith 
unfpotted  and  fincere  obedience  (rvho  U  a  fuhjcci  and  fahhftfl  to  f.tme 
Seat,  and  not  by  fchijm  cut  off  from  Chnli,  and  that  holy  Seat  J  obey  the 
faid  mandates  and  precepts ,  or  any  endeavours  whatever  ,  and  tvhcnfocver 
they  come,  yea  though  it  ncre  from  the  highefl  order  of  Angels,  but  mrijl  ne- 
ctffarily  cont'-adici  them  and  rebel  tvith  all  his  flrcngth  (or  power  J  :  And 
therefore  Kcvcrind  Lords,  from  the  duty  of  obedience  and  fidelity,  in  trhich  I 
am  hound  to  both  the  parents  of  the  holy  ApoJiolicl\_  Seat,  and  from  the  Lovt 
Tvhich  I  have  to  Union  in  the  body  of  Chriji  with  it ;  I  do  only,  filiaiiy  and 
obediently  difobcy,  contradict  and  rebel,  to  iU  things  which  in  the  ferefaid 
Letter  are  contained,  and  fpccially,  hecaufe  as  is  before  touched,  they  do  mojl 
evidently  tend  to  that  fin  which  is  mofi  abominable  to  our  Lord  Jefiis  Chriji^ 
and  moji  pernitious  to  mankind,  and  which  are  altogether  advcrfe  to  the  San- 
dity  of  the  holy  Apoftolick^  Scat;  ard  are  contrary  to  the  Catholick^Faith.  Nor 
can  your  difcretion  for  this  hint  conclude  (o\  decree)  any  hard  thing  jgainjl 
me;  hecaufe  all  my  contradidinn  and  adion,  in  this  matter,  is  neither  contra- 
diction, nor  rebellion^  but  the  filial  honour  due  to  the  Divine  Father^  and  of 
you.  Briefly  recoiled ing  all  J  fay  >  the  fandity  of  the  Apofiick^  Seat  can  do  no- 
thing, but  ivhat  tendeth  to  edijication  and  not  to  dcflrudion:  For  this  is  the 
plcnittide  of  partter,  to  be  able  to  do  all  to  edification  :  But  thcfe  things  which 
they  call  provtfions,  are  not  to  edification,  but  to  mo(i  manifeft  dtjirudion.  There- 
fore the  bleffed  Scat  of  the  Apojile  cannot  accept  them,  becaufe  flep  and  bind 
hath  revealed  them  which  pofftfs  not  the  things  that  are  of  God ,  and  not  the 
Father  of  our  Lord  Jefm  Chriji,  who  is  in  Heaven. 

§  ip6.  When  the  Fdpc  heard  this  Letter,  faith  Mat. Pans  />.  872.  Not 
containing  himfdf  though  wrath  and  indignation,  with  a  writhin  afpe&and 
a  fraud  mind,  he  faith ;  who  is  this  doting  old  man  deaf  and  abfttrd,  rrho 
boldly  and  r.iflsly  judgeth  my  doings  ?  By  5/.  Peter  and  St.  Paul,  //  our  in-  eS^I 
nate  ingenuity  did  not  move  us,  I  would  precipitate  him  into  fi  great  confufi- 
on  that  he  fl:ould  be  to  the  whole  JForld,  a  Fable,  a  Stupor,  an  example  and 
a  prodicy.  IS  NOT  'J  HE  KING  OF  ENGLAND  OVR'^ 
SLAVE   HIM   7  0   REP^^.OACH. 

*  Jhefe  things  being  recited  among  the  Cardinal  brethren,  ritb  much  ado  af- 
fwaging  the  rage  of  the  Pope,  they  faid  to  him.  It  is  not  expedient,  0  Lord, 
that  we  decree  any  hard  thing  againji  this  Bifhop  hinifelf :  for  that  we  m.:y 
confcfs  the  truth,  the  things  are  true  which  he  fpeakeih :  IFe  cannot  condemn 
htm.  He  is  a  Catholitl{\  Tea  a  mojl  holy  man  ;  more  reliiious  than  we  are 
more  holy  and  excellent  than  we,  and  of  a  more  txcdlent  life  j  fa  that  it  is"" 
belii'jcd  that  there  is  net  among  all  the  Prelates  a  greater,  no,  nor  any  e^inal  t" 
him:  Ibis  is  \non-n  to  the  whole  Clergy  0/ France  and  England;  0«ra-/r 
tradidion  will  not  pmail :  The  truth  of  this  Epifile,  nhich  perhaps  is  alred^ 
dy  known  t»  many,  may  Jiir  tip  many  againji  us ;  For  he  is  efleemtd  a  sn-eat 
thilojopher,  fully  learned  in  Crcck^  and  Latine,  a  man  zealous  for  jufiice,   a 

Ggg  2  Trader 

412   -  Church' Hiftory  of^ifoopi 


'  Redder  of  Theology  in  the  Sclxiolt^  a  Preacher  to  the  people,  a  Lover  of  chj- 
' jf/>y,  a  perfeaitor  of  Simmiifr  :  Ihcfe  words  /aid  the  Lord  ^gidius,  a  SpS' 
^nijh  Cardinal  and  others,  rvhom  their  own  Confiences  did  touch.  They  coun- 
'■felled  the  Pope  to  »-ir\  at  all  thli.,  and  pjfs  it  by  with  difimttlation,  (.ft  tu- 

*  mults  (hould  be  rjifed  about  it:  efpecially  for  this  rejfon,  that,  17  IS 
'COME.]  fofar  Mat.PArit. 

§  ipy.  Yet  neither  this  Billiop  nor  the  Hiftorian  flattered  'Princes, 
but  both  ot"  thtm  ladly  lament  the  opprcflion  and  other  fins  of  King 
Henry :  And  the  Bithop  commanded  his  Presbyters  tn  denounce  excom- 
munication againrt  all  that  (hould  break  the  Magn^  Ch.irtj,  the  Charters 
heretofore  granted,  forcfccing,  faith  Mat.  Paris,  what  the  King  would  do. 
And  he  (harply  reprehended  the  Fryar  Minors,  that  vv^ould  not  tell  Great 
mtn  of  their  lln,  when  they  had  nothing  to  lofe  (Cantabit  Vacuus,  8cc.) 

^^  having  chofen  poverty  that  they  might  be  freer  from  hindering  tempta- 

»~3    tions, 

§  ip8.  When  he  lay  on  his  death  bed  at  !S«^(^s«  in  Huntingtofi/h/fe  ^  he 
told  Job.Mgidim  his  learned  friend,  that  he  took  them  for  manifcfrHe- 

*  reticks,  that  did  not  boldly  detedt  and  reprove  the  fins  of  great  men, 
'  and  thereupon  reprehended  and  lamented  the  fins  of  Prelate'',  but  e- 
'fpcciafly  the  Roman  i  reciting  their  putting  unworthy  and  bad  men  in- 
•to  the  Paftoral  office,  for  kindred  or  friendlhip  fake.  The  third  day  be- 
'  fore  his  death,  he  called  to  him  many  of  his  Clergie,  and  lamenting 

*  the  lofs  of  fouls  by  Papal  avarice,  groaning  he  faid  ,  ChriU  came  into 
'  the  world  to  win  fouls,  Is  not  he  then  dejirvcdly  to  be  called  Antichrijf,  who 
'■feareth  not  to  defiroy  fouls  ?  God  made  all  the  World  in  lix  dayes  j  but  to 
'  repairman  he  laboured  above  thirty  years:  And  is  not  a  defiroyeriof  fouls 

Cf"  '  then  judged  an  enemy  of  Gcd  and  Antichrid]  &c. 

Next  he  goeth  on,  to  fiiew   how  finfully  the  Pope  by  his  nnn  objiante 
overthrew  even  the  rights  that  his  Predcceffors  had  granted,  vainly  pre- 
tending   that  they  bind  nothing  bccaufc  par  in  parent  nen  l.ubet  potefiatem 
and  what  evils  to  the  Churches  he  had  done,   and  addcth  [7  faw  a  Let" 

*  ter  of  the  Popes,  in  which  I  found  infer  ted,  that  they  that  wake  their  IK  Us, 
'  or  that    undertake  the  Cr  ifado,  and  to    help  the  holy  land,  jhall  receive  juji 

>f-0'  par.    *f>  »"«^'-'  indulgence  ^  as  they  give  tnoney,&cc.  And  (o  gouth  on,  naminghis 
conin}.        impofing  men  that  cannot   preach,    or  /trangers  of  other  languages  as 

Pallors  on  the  people,  and  his    covetous  and  greedy  devouring  all  the 

wealth  he  could  get,  concluding 

Ejus  avaritie  totus  non  fufficit  orbU, 
Ejus  luxurie  Meretrix  non  fufficit  omnls. 

And  that  he  drew  Kings  in  for  his  own  ends,  ttiakirg  them  partakers 

*  of  the  prey.     Prophecying  [that  the  Church  will  not  be  freed  from  Eayp' 

*  tian  fervitiide,  but  by  the  mouth  of  the  bloody  Sword:  IhefethinTS  arejmall, 


and  tbeir  Councili  Abridged*  415 

but  tvorfe  will  follosv  rcithin  three  years'^  fighing  and  weeping  out  thefe 
'words,  his  fpcech  failed  him  and  he  died. 

And  ihid.Mat.farUimh^  that  the  fame  night  that  he  died  wonderful  '^• 

Mufical  founds  and  Ringings  were  heard  near  in  the  Air  by  feveral  friars, 
and  by  Vulk^  Biftiopof  London  (then  not  far  olTJ  who  faid  when  he  heard 
'  it,  tliat  he  was  confident  their  reverend  Father^  Brother  and  Majlcr,  the  Venerable 
^Sijhopof  V.ix\QO\nrViK  pajfing  out  of  the  IForld  to  Heaven. 

The  Bifliop  being  dead,  the  Arch-Ei(hop  of  Canterbury  3lVii1  the  Dean  and  ' 

Chapter  of  LincolnitW  out  inllriving,  who  in  the  vacancy  had  the  powcrof 
giving  Prebends  :  wherein  the  Arch-Bifhop  by  Power  utterly  oppreflld  them. 

And  M.  Paris  p.  S8o.  affirmcth  that  Miracles  were  done  after  the  death  of 
thisEiftiopby  his  virtues  at  Lincoln^  and  yet  confcffcth  fome  of  his  faults 
and  his  fliarp  thundring  agaiaft  Monks  and  Nuns.  &c.  «^3 

§  I  pp.  The  fame  Author  tells  us,  />.  883.  <m/w  1254.  that  the  Pope  was 
*/o  unmeafuresbhy  wrathful  againft  this  hol\  Learned  Ei!hop  ^  that  when 
'  he  was  dead,  he  would  haze  taken  up  his  bones  and  cali  them  out  of  the 
'  Church,  and  purpofed  to  precipitate  him  into  fo  great  infamy^  that  ke  fljould 
^  be  proclaimed  a  Heathen,  a  rebel  and  diCohcdient  to  the    whole  world;  and  he 

*  ■commanded  a  Letter  to  that  purpofe  to  be  written  to  the  King  of  England, 
'  k/iowing  that  the  King  would  be  mad  enough  againji  him  *  and  ready  enau<ih 

*•  to  prey  upon  the  Church :  But  the  next  night  the  j aid  Bijhop  c/ Lincoln  j//-  *  The  Ti~. 

*  peared  to  him  in  his  cpijcopal  attire,  with  a  fa'cre  countenance,  an  aujiere  lool{^  P'i  ""^ 

*  and  terrible  voice,  he  came  and  fpake  to  the  Pope  that  war  rcfllefs  in  hit  hed,.^".    ''^'i"* 
'pricking  him  in  the  fide  with  a  violent  thrufl  with   the  point    of   h;i    paihral  ,^t  counl 
^Jiaffe  which  he  carried,and  faid;  miferable  Pope  Sin£bi\6\   Dojl  thju  purpnfe  in  net!  lUeV'., 
'  di (grace  of  me,  and  the  Church  of  Lincoln /o  cajl  my  hones  out  of  the  Church.  ''"• 

'  iVhence  did  this  timerity  bcfal  thee.  It  ivere  better  that  thou,  advanced  and 
'  honoured  by  God,  fljould  honour  thofe  which  arc  z-.alouf  for  God ;  even  when 
'  they  arc  dead :  Henceforth  God  will  give  thee  no  more  power  <n<er  me :  /  wrott 
'  to  thee  in  the  fpirit  of  humility  and  love  v  that  thou  fliouldft  conwl  thy  maiv 
'  errours :  But  with  a  proud  eye  and  a  bewitching  Ijeart  thou  hajl  defhijed 
'  whole  fame  warnings  :  IFo  to  thee  that  dejpifpeji :  Shalt  ihm  not  be  defpifcdl 

*  And  the  Bifliop  Robert  depdrting,  jhiking  as  with  a  lance,  the  Pope,  %rho  when 
^  as  is  faid  he  WM  pricked,  groaned  aloud,  he  left  him  half  dead,  and  with  a 
'/nournful  voice  groaning  with fighs  i  His  Chamberlains  hearinghim,bein^  ajh- 
^nijhcd,  asked  him,   what  the  matter  tvas.     Ihe  Pope  anfwering^  with  fichs  and 

*  groans,  faid-,  Ihe  terrours  of  the  night,  have  vehemently  troubled  me\  \orJhaU 

*  I  ever  be  well  again  as  I  wai  !  Oh,  alas,  how  great  is  the  pain  of  mv  fide ! 

*  A  ghoji  hath  pierced  me  with  a  lance  :  And  be  neither  eat  nor  drani^  that  djy^ 
'feigning  that  he  was  inflamed  with  favours  that  fireiglHened  his  breathy  And 

*  Cods  revenge  and  wrath  did  not  fo  leave  him. 

'  Not  long  after  the  Pope,  not  Jenfible  of  Gods  warnings  by  his  Servants^  hut 

*  fitting  about  warlike  and  fecular  matters,  he  profpered  not  in  them,  though  iv 
^  hid  out  great  care  and  labjitr  and   coji :  But  IFars,  yea,  the  Lord  of  Ixjis 

*  being  againji  him,  his  armv  which    at  great  charges  he  bad  fent  agninfl  t!x 

Ggg  5  ■  '  Jpuli- 

4H  Qurcb  HiUory  of  Bifhopi, 

^  Jpiiliant,  if.ndcr  iht  conditCl  of  h'n  Nepherv  y^iWhir),  hehiz  fcattered,  conquered 
'  and  confounded^  fn-iflnd  n^iih  their  Capiain  mortaVy  rvoiindcd.     They  fi\  there 

*  were  there  fain  of  Snuldioii)  s  and  val/ant  jiipendiary's  of  the  Pope,  four  thonfani 
'  men  :    And  the  rvhoU  Coitntrey  of   the  Romans  lain^nted  the  Jhedding  of  fa 

*  much  Chriiiian  blood.  Ihe  Pope  then  went  to  Naples,  thjugh  irc.ik^ncd  of  with  a 
^pluriOe  in  bis  f-de^  or  as  wounded  with  a  lance:  And  Cardinal  Albiis  phyfKk^ 
«  coiiU  not  help  him.     For  Ivobcrt  of  Lincoln  /pared  «a/Siii'.bald  of  Genoa  > 

*  And  h:  that  would  not  hczr  him  earning  him  rrbcn  alive,  felt  him  peircing  him 
'  when  dead  ISl  >'  did  the  Pope  ever  after  enjoy  one  good  day  till  night  ^  nor 
'  one  ncod  ni/tH  uJ  day.    hut  jkcplcfs  and  molejied.     Thus  M.  Paris. 

§  2CO.  M.  Parif,  p.  8^,6  anno  1254.  faitli  tliat  Henry  the  third  of  England 
"^  ^7^4 'ffi  '  <^*5''gcd  hinifclt  and  hiS  Kingdome  wijujily  *  to  the  Pope,  under  pain  of 
Tfjric'la-  '  being  difinhcritcd  to  pay  all  the  ticafurc  which  the  Pope  fliould  lay  out 
ccic  po.  '  in  his  War  for  the  King  (that  is  ,  to  have  made  him  King  of  Sicily) 
tuir,  <■  And  that  the  Pope  having  no  mcicy  on  England  prodigally  wafkd  its 
debuit.        iiTiOncy,  but  thofevaft  fums  got  by  rapine  were  all  loir. 

§201.  The  fame  Author  faith  p.gpy.  that  when  Pope  7««ore/fi  lay  dying 
f  after  the  firukeof  the  Eilhop  of  Lincoln  and  the  lofs  of  his  ArmyJ  and  his 
followers  laycrying  about  him,  he  opened  hi;  dying  eyes,  and  did.,  what  do 
'  you  mmrnfor  you  wretches}  Do  I  not  leave  you  all  rich  >  what  would  you  have 
more'*    And  fo  he  died. 

^202.  CCCCXLIV.  ^^01245.  Innonccnt  calls  a  Council  called  Gene- 
ral ftheir  15?/^.  Approved  J  at  Lyons  of  140  Bifhops,  where  he  heaped 
up  acci-fations  againfi  the  Emperour,  whom  7/jijfl'ii'«f  his  agent  defended : 
And  at  lalf  pronounced  himlclf  an  excommunication  and  dcpolitioa,  ab- 
V^  folving  all  his  Sub)ed:s  from  their  Oaths  and  Allcgiacce,  and  excommuni- 
cating all  th^t  fliould  own  and  help  him. 

Here  you  fee  that  more  than  one  of  their  approved  General  Councils 
are  for  Rebellion  and  perjury,  and  the  Popes  depofing  Chriiiian  Empc» 

In  the  fame  Council  fad  Complaints  were  made  from  "England  of  the 
pillaging  or  woful  impovcrifliingof  the  land  by  the  Pope  and  King,  but 
the  Pope  heard  all  iilently  and  would  give  no  anfwer. 

&;03.  At  this  Council  the  Pope  importuned  the  Elcdors  to  choofe 

anotiur    Emperour:    fomc  rtfufed  and  Ihick  to   the  Emperour,   faying 

that  it   bdociged  not  to  the  Pope  to  make  or    unmake  Emperours:  O- 

x-OrNaf-    tj^ejs  obeyed  him,  and  fct  up  Hewj' of  Hijfia.  ^  But  the  Emperour  while 

fiuorHol-  j^^  ii^^j  |^|.pj  yp  ],i5  pofknion,  fo  far  as  to  make  the  Pope  repent,  and 

thejdiZrfly  faith  7rithemifis  was  a  weary  of  his  life:  But  zU  Germany,  It aly,&c.  were 

called  him,  confounded  by  the  fchim,  or  contention,  one  half  (as  isaforcfaidj  called  . 

Gtielphes  tbllowingthe  Pope  and  Henry.,  the  otiicr  called  Gibclines  cleaving  to 

the  Emperour  Frederick.,  to  the  fhedding  of  abundance  of  Chriltians  blood 

and  thedefolation  of  Countreys,  and  thefhan-ieof  Papal  tyranny. 

&  204.  Anno  1 1'^^.  Akxandet  the  4//^  was  Vo'pc.Maith.Parii  ld\suso£ 
£  terrible  dream  that  he  had  of  i'ope  In.ioccnts  damnation,  or  mifery ; 


and  their  Councils  ^bridged*  4»5  . 

But  the  fault  of  his  writing  is  that  he  was  too  credulous  of  drcanK  and 

vifions.     He  tells  us  alfo  of  twenty  Miracles  iionc  zt  Lincoln  for  the  fake 

of  the  late  Bifhop  Robert.     And  that  at  a  Parliament  in  LWm,  thegrcate(t 

which  hath  been  fcen,  all  the  Nobles  Ecclefiaflical  and  Civil,  demanded  oT 

the  King  that  the  chnice  of  the  Lord  CUkf  Jtiliice,  the  Lord  CkviccUor,  and   ^^ 

the  Lord  Treafurcr  Jlwtdd  be  in   the  Parliament  {or  their  common  Council)  js  of  ■'^•^'-  fi'if 

*  old  wof  ufual,  andjnfi\  and  that  they  Jhould  not  be  rcmoied  withmtt  nnoriom  f'^"4'?<^f' 

*  faults^  which  the  Kings  fccret  Conncellows  fcrftvadcd  him  to  deny.  Prelates  and 
'  Nobles  being  grieved  by  ex  tUions  exprefs  it,  &:c. 

§  205.  Here  the  faid  Mouk,  M.nth,  Parlf,  cxdaimeth  0  the  fleril  fnlici' 
'  tudc  of  the  Roman  Court .'  their  blind  ambition  !   Though  holy,  yet  often  deceived 

*  by  the  Council  of  bad  men  :  IVhy  doji  thou  not  learn  to  moderate  by  the  bridle 
'  of  difcretion,  thy  violence,  being  taught  by  things  pajl,  and  fo  often  chajrifed 
'  by  experience.     In  thy  lojfes  nre  are  all  punijhed.  Sec 

*  Thou  now  endejvottrejl  to  makf  ttvo  German  Emperottrs ,  which  mii'i 
'  cnfi  ineftimahle  treafitrc  tvhence  foever  taken,  and  both  uncertain  of  the  dig- 
'  nity,  ccc. 

^  2q6.  At  that  time  the  Lords  and  Prelates  of  England  crying  out  of 
the  King  Hen.^d.  as  falfe  and  opprclTive ,  and  piliaj^ing  Churches  and 
People  to  maintain  his  protulcncfs,  the   Eiihop  of    Hereford  laid  a  Plot 
which  the  King  accepted,  that  getting  tlie  hands  and  fcals  of  a  few  Ei- 
fliops  he  would  go  to  Rome,  and  get  power  from  the  Pope  to  gather  the 
King  as  much  money  as  he  needed.     SotnKowehe  went,  and  there  found 
the  Pope  in  great  grief  and  care  himfclf  for  money,  to  pay  valt  debts  that 
his  Wars  liad  coft  him:  The  Eifliop  told  him  ihat  the  King  who  had  en- 
gaged his  Kingdom  to  be  lorieited,  if  he  paid  not  the  Popes  debts,  wou'd 
help  him  to  money  if  he  would  be  ruled  by  him,  and  write  to  the  Bi-  ' 
ftiops  and  Churches  to  grant   the  King  fuch  help  as  they  could  well  <]u. 
The  Pope  gladly  gave  leave  to  the  BiQiop  to  write  what  he  wouU  i  And 
home  he  went,  and  Eiijlandusa.  Legate  was  fent  fromKowt' to  fcealldone; 
faith,  M.Paris,  p.pil.  anno  1255.  The  Legate  n-is  prepared  and  ready  in  all 
thine^s  to  the  dejhjtdion  ef  all  England  to  obey  the  will  of  theKin^  nchich  tfjf 
tyrannical,  and  to  bind  the  opprcffed  contradilhrs   in   the  bonds  of  Anathema. 
Ruflanduf  Cometh  witii  the  Arch-Bilhop  of  Canterbury,  and  the  Bifhop  of 
Hereford  is  empowred  by  tlie  Pope  togather  moneys, tbv  the  Pope  or  King  : 
A  Parliament  is  called   at  JFeliminjier :  They  rcfu(e  and  go  home.     The 
Popes  Letters  prefs  the  Collcd:ion  :  A  Council  of  Biftops  is  called  at  Lm- 
djn,  fo  much  money  is  denianJeJ,  faith  M.  Var.s,  as  would  have  enflavcd  or  ■ 
undone  all  the  Kingdome.     The  Bifliop  of  London  protefied  he  would  lofe  his 
head  rather  than  confent:  The  Bi(h.ip  of  JForccfler  iiiA  hewould  bchang'd 
fird  :  The  reft  follow  them.     The  King  i?;  angry  and  threatr.eth.     Tne 
Earl  Marjhal  in  anger,  when  the  King  called  hnii  Traytor,  ar^fwered,  thm 
liejl,  T never  rvis  aTriytor  nor  will  /v.'Thc  King  threatncd  to  fend  men  ro  thrtfh 
out  his  corn  and  fell  it  to  humble  him:  The  liar!  told  him,  if  he  did  "fo  he 

would ' 

^t6  Church- a iftory  of  'Bijbops 

woild  cnt  off  tlic  thrcflurs  heads  and  fend  them  him:  fomc  intcrpofed 
for  the  time:  The  Lords  refiifcd  to  middle  with  the  Kingdomcs  bufinefs, 
Or  to  impoverifli  thcn.fclves,  and  were  dilTblved. 

Ixjiftindm  again  Congrcgateth  the  Bilhops  at  London.  They  did  nothing 
*af:in  :  (ai'h  M.P.niSt  too  boldly,  f.  5117.  [_Si  enim  fnie  JHjh  fiveinjufie  per 
*■  diaum  M.tgilhitm  RfiltanJitni  J;(fpe>idtrrtHr  (ju'.f,    vd  txcommunkaretur  ^   Rex 

*  qiiifi  Leo  in  abfcondno,  qitxrcni  quern  daorjrct  poji  40  dies  omnia  direperit  in* 
'jifrata  :  Papa  y  velnt  Pajlor  &  Lnpus,  in  oviam  exterminium  confcederati, 
*■  nmnibm  rtiinam  minabantur.  And  then  faith  he,  /%  blind  men  groping  for 
'  the  tvall^  the  Council  ivere  divided^  and  as  EngliJJj  men  are  ufed  to  do^  every  one 
*Jhiftcth  for  hinifelf  (or  feekctb  to  fjve  bimfelf.)  Tithes  arc  now  paid  by  the 
'  (  lergy  to  the  Laity  ■,  Ihiy  are  granted  for  the  Magna  Charta  which  xpM  not  k^pt : 
'1  hey  are  granted  as  for  the  holy  land  and  turned  againji  Chrijiiani  in  Apu\ii  : 
'  Many  lies  and  falfe  oaths  are  impnfed,  faith  M.  Viris^p.p  1  p. 

The  next  year  theClcrgy  were  called  again,   1*55.  Kuflandm  the  Le- 

'  gate  faid,  AH  Churches  are  the  Popes:   Leonard  the Prolocut  r  anfn-ered^yes^ 

t-S'  *  to  defend  \  not  to  enjoy  and  appropriate  i  as  n'e  fay,  All  things  are  the  Princess  v 

'  that  if  to  defend ;  and  not  to  dijpcrje  ■,  And  this  rvas  the  ir^tent  of  the  founders. 

*  The  Legate  angry  at  this  anhver,  commanded  that  henceforth  without 
'a  Piolccutor  a'cry  man  (I^ould  Jpeak^for  himfelfthat  they  might  be  knopcny 
'which  artonilhcd   and    fJenced  all.      Ht  commanded   them  to  fubjcrihe   a 

*  Lie,  that  they  had  received  fush  funis  of  money  of  fcrreign  Merchants  and 
'  Vfurers  '-,  which  they  faid,  it  wax  good  Martyrdome  to  die  for  the  refufmg 
'■of  Pag. pic. 

Here  is  annexed  by  M,  Paris,  A  charter  of  King  John  confirmed  by 

Pope  Innocent  ^d.  ordering  that  all  Bifhops  be  freely  eleded  without  the 

Kings  hinderance  by  the  Church  vacant,  and  curling  all  that  othcrwift 

come  in,  pag.  pn. 

]iutVWma      ^  207.  At  that  time  the  Romans  imprifoned  a  great  Citizen  Braucalea 

fanh  this    foj.  j^J5  juftice.     The  Bononians  detain  iBany  Romans  pledges  for  him  : 

Viftor'JL"'  '^^^  Bononians  are  interdidcd  facrcd  things:  but  they  yield  not,  till  Brau- 

4ths.  d^jt.  calco  is  delivered.  M.  Paris  anno  iz<y6. 

The  Letters  of  Pope  Alexander  and  his  many  cxailions,  fee  farther  in  Af. 
Paris  this  year. 

§  2c8.  Anno  1257.  faith M.  Pjm,  fome  went  toKome  for  the  Bifhoprick 

of  Ely,  and  the  Church  of  Sr.  Edmunds,  and  gave  and  promifcd  fo  vart  fiims 

of  money  as  altonifhcd  men  with  wonder.   W  hereupon  the  Pope  made  a  new 

Law  that  every  Elecfl  Bilhop  fhould  come  perfonally  to  Rowe,  hoping  to 

^^j^  have  the  like  prey  from  others. 

d*  ^2cp.  Annoii'^^.  faith  M.Park,  p.pio.  The  Pope  that  claimed  the 
Kingdomcs  of  the  World  was  maitcrcd  in  Rome,  by  the  tbrefaid  Senator 
Braucaleo,  who  being  delivered  from Prifon,  was belovedof  the  people, ex- 
ecuted the  Malefadors  and  his  enemies  V  forced  the  Pope  to  flay  his  cxcom- 
tnuni<^ation  and  humble  hinifelf,  and  beg  his  mercy. 

^210.  The  fame  year  the  Pope  pretends  anger  to  the  King  of  England 


and  their  CcuticiU  Abridged ^  418 

for  not  tcmperatinghis  cxcefTcs '-,  and  threatncth  to  excommunicate  him  : 
The  King  is  afraid,  and  fends  him  money,  and  Uops  his  mouth,  ppio. 

^  21 1.  Againft  the  Parliaments  will  the  King  again  hearkeneth  to  the 
Pope,  that  offcrcth  now  theKingdomc  o(  Apulia  to  Ednuind  his  yoangci 
Son,  as  he  did  before  to  Edrvard  the  Elder.  But  the  Parliament  dcnicth  him 
money,  which  he  fcreweth  from  the  Abbeys  and  Churches. 
■  §  2  I  2.  faith  M.Farlf,  Servale  Arch-billiop  of  lor^  now  died  a  Martyr 
(though  without  bloc d  as  many  do^  having  conftantly  fought  againfl  the 
Tyranny  of  the  Roman  Court  opprelTcd  by  the  Pope,  wrote  carncUly  as 
Kob.oi  Lincoln  had  done  to  the  Pope  toccafchis  tyranny.  In  his  fickne fs 
ffath  M.  P.)  he  called  for  water  which  was  fctcht  out  of  the  Well,  and  it  was 
turned  into  excellent  Wine. /".p^p. 

§213.  How  the  Parliament  of  Barons  at  Ox/ord/  this  year  1258.  entered 
their  Confederacy  and  refolutionto  Hand  againft  the  King  for  their  Liber- 
ties, Charter  and  juflice,  iVf.Pjr;^, /».P72  and  many  others  tell  you.  And 
f,  P74  how  the  Londoners  joyncd  with  thcm>  and  how  many  of  (he  Lords 
were  po^foncd. 

§  :i4.  Braucako  the  Roman  Senator  having  humbled  the  Pop?,  pulFd 
down  theCafilcsof  the  Tyrants  and  Rebels,  put  to  death  the  kindred  of 
many  Cardinals,  and  died.  The  Pope  furbadc  the  Citizens  choofing  ano- 
ther without  hisconfcnt.  Tiiey  laugh  at  him  and  choofc  Brancalco's  unk'c. 
M.P.  p.pH- 

§215.  This  Pope /4/fxW(T  of  whom  A^  P^rif  fpcakcth  {o  much  cvii, 
fmhBinniM pojl obitiim  fuavemfui memo) ijm  reliqiiit, dyivg  1260.  And  PUtinn 
praifeth  hin.,  in  whom  you  may  (cc  more  of  hij  life,  and  VVais  againf^ 

l^  2\6.  Next  comcth  ^th.  Patriarch  of  Jerupilcm:  of  whom  no 
great  matters  arc  rccordtd.    He  ordained  Corpus  Cbri{h  day. 

I17.  Next  Cometh  Clim.  4th.  a  French  Lawyer  a  Widdower,  and  then 
Bifliop.  His  tirll  good  work  was  to  go  to  PerHfvmi  in  the  habit  of  a  beg- 
gar;  His  life  is  praifcd  by  PI Jtina,OHuphihf,BinniM,&c.  How  he  made  a 
Frenchman  Charles  Kmg  of  Sdcily,  and  Apulia,  and  how  Maufrcd  was 
kill'd  and  conquered,  &(.  I  need  not  trouble  the  Reader  in  rccitc- 

§11 8.  CCCCXLV.  In  his  dales  C.T«;;/7W  hath  found  a  fmall  Council  at 
Vienna  for  reforming  Ionic  thingsinthc  Cleigy,  Bin  f.  i4p5. 

§  lip.  Next  cometh  Gregory  loth.  But  the  Seat  was  vacant   firft  al-  *^ 
moll  three  years;  So  long  the  Church  4?f  Kowcwascxtindfjif  the  Pope 
be   an    tfftntial    part    fas  they  would    have    him    even    of  the    Uni- 

§  1 20.  CCCCXLVL  In  Iiis  time  a  Council  at  Lyont  (  called  the 
the  1 4'/'.  llnivcrfal  approved  one  by  themjwas  held:  in  which  the  p6or 
Empcrour  oi  Conjiantinople,  Michael  Paleolagiti  beini^  in  danger  at  his  wits 
end  came  in  pcrlbn  to  flatter  the  Pope  in  hope  of  help.  There  alfo  was 
decreed  the  (hutting  up  of  the  Cardinals  at  Elcdions  for  fearof  vacancies 

Hhh  as 

4\8  ChurchHiJlory  of'Bifoopi 

as  had  happened  by  difcord  and  delays.  The  I'ope  interdidrd  the  Flo- 
icmincs,  bccaufc  the  Gndpbcs  refilled  to  receive  the  Gibclincs,  which 
quarrel  fall  coft  bloody  Wars.  Rodulph  is  made  Emperour,  and  the  Pope 

0/iuphrius  (uvther  cpeneth  theReafcns  and  Rules  of  the  Cardinals  being 
fhut  up.)  viz.Cloft.thc  i\.th.  being  dead,  the  Cardinals  (as  is  aforefaid;  were 
all  fo  deiirous  to  bj  Popes  themfelves,  that  they  were  two  years  and 
nine  months  contending,  and  could  not  polTibly  agree.  Philip  King  of 
France  ind  C/;jr/i'/ Kingof  Sicily  came  themfelves  to Kffjwe  to  intreat  them, 
but  departed  without  fuccefs.  Yet  they  invoked  the  Holy  Ghoft  every  day 
to  help  them.  At  laft  the  Cardinal  Biihop  Jo/;.  Pjc/w/jfixdcridingly  pray- 
ed them  to  uncover  the  houfe?,for  the  Holy  Ghoit  could  not  cnmcin  through 
fo  many  covered  roofs  ;  At  lad  by  Bonaventurei  intreaty,they  chofe  Theohld 
a  Vifeount  and  Archdeacon  that  was  with  our  Prince  Edward  going  to  hght 
in  ?al>:^ine  :  And  the  /aid  Cardinal  Fortuenf.  made  thefc  Verl'cs  ou  tiieir 
choice,  anno  i  271. 

Fapatus  munus  tttlit  Archidiaconus  Vnus, 
^em  Patrem  pairum  fecit  difcm'dist  fratrHm. 

§321.  Inmcent  the  ^th,  cometh  nexti  the  firft  after  thefhutting  up  of 
the  Conclave.  He  fought  to  end  the  Italian  Wars,  but  died  before  fix 
moncths  reign. 

§  122.  CCCCXLVII.  A  Council  at  Saltzbnrge  is  publilhed  by  Canifiuf, 
as  in  Greg,  the  loths.  days,  but  itfcemcth  liker  to  bi  after  j  which  con- 
demned Pluralities,  nonrefidence  of  PricftSjand  their  being  in  Taverns  for 
Alchoufcsjand  playing  at  Dice, and  their  wearing  long  Hair  and  fineCloaths, 
and  retrained  fupernumerary  begging  Schollars,  and  ordered  that  the  Biihop 
Ihould  imprifon  fuchas  prophantd  holy  things  after  they  were  excommuni- 
cated or  fufpended :  It  fecmcth  that  Billiops  had  by  this  time  got  coer- 
cive power  V  but  they  ufcd  it  not  to  bring  the  unworthy  to  the  Sacra- 
ment,  but  to  keep  the  unworthy  from  it  and   from  other  profanations. 

^  323,  Next  Otiibonitf  ^  that  was  Pope  Innocent  the  4f/f>/.  Nephew, 
and  Legate  of  England  at  the  Barons  Wars,  is  chofcn  Pope,  but  died 
before  his  Coafecration,  within  forty  dayes,  but  got  the  name  of  Hadri^ 
an  the  ^th. 

§  224.  Next  cometh  Tope  John  the  22/^.  ^sTlatina,  the  i ptb.isBiniuf, 
and  the  2  ijl  as  moll,  the  20th.  by  Onuphrius^  i  276.  He  was  a  Ph)  iJtian,  made 
hiiho'p  invcrecundi  &  focordis  ingenii^  faith  P/<j»//w,  fofoolilh  that  he  boaftcd 
how  long  he  (hould  live,  when  pr.fenrly  the  houfe  tell  on  his  head,  and 
he  died  by  it  in  leven  days  after,  -ysjlfn^wr  (faith  Bi««f)  faith  that  he  was 
writing  an  heretical  pcrvcrfe  boo*,  when  the  room  fell,  and  crycd  out 
after,  O,  what  is  become  oi  my  book  ?  Who  will  linifh  it  ?  which  faith  B/nius, 
Ik  died  the  '^  ^''"*^'  file  weth  the  wonderful  Providence  of  God  for  his  Church,  Bur  had 
^rftj(,'.n      this  Pope  been  infalliblcj  had  lie  been  in  a  Council  ?  ■ 


and  their  Councils  Ahridged^  4jp 

His  Predccefibr  purpofed  to  revoke  the  decree  for  (hutting  up  the  Car- 
dinals in  Conclave,  and  this  man  tinilhed  the  revocation,  and  till  the  da)  cs 
of  Cele^ine  -yth.  that  renewed  it,  it  ftood  revoked,  (airh  Onuphrius. 

§  225.  Next  came  2V/cW^/ 3^.  after  fix  months  contention  and  vacancj-. 
King  Charles  as  Senator  preJiding  and  pleading  for  a  French  Pope.  He  is 
commended  much,  favcthat  he  (et  up  all  his  own  Kindred  too  much. 

§  1x6.  After  three  years  teign,  eight  months  and  hftccn  dayes  of  ATr- 
choUt  came  Sfart'm  id.vulgo  ^tb.  faith  Binius  and  0/uiphrius  a  Frenchman  ;  In 
his  time,  the  Greek  tmperour  Palcologm  (not  keeping  his  promifc  to  the 
I'opeJ  joyned  with  P«f)- King  of  ^rrjc;o«,  who  claimed  5'/«/y  as  his  Wives 
inheritance  i  and  though  the  toimei  Pope  had  ftt  him  en,  this  was  againf^ 
han,  refloring  King  C/>.ii7t'/ to  be  Senator  zt  Rome,  and  iidingwith  him, 
becaufe  he  was  a  Frenchman  :  But  the  fatal  Sicilian  Vefpers  killed  dll  the 
French,  and  Peter  overcame  Charles  and  took  his  Son,  and  Charles  and  the 
Popethortly  died  of  Fevers. 

But  before  he  died  the  Pope  played  the  old  Game,  excommunicating  ard 
curling  King  PrJec,  and  gave  his  Kingdom  for  a  prey  to  any  one  that  would  ''u^ 
get  it,  and  abfolved  all  his  Siibjcds  from  their  Oath  of  Allegiance,  and 
iigned  Croifado's  (  Soldiers  under  the  lign  of  the  Crofs  J  to  tiglitagainft 

§227.  HonoriMs  the  4//.'.  comcth  next  fhis  Brotiier  being  Senator  at 
'Rome)  He  confirmed  the  fame  Anathema  againit  Feter  King  ci  Arrag^on, 
who  (hortly  after  died  of  a  wound  received  in  hglu  by  thcFicnch.  The  Pope 
diet!)  C  and  the  feat  is  void  ten  monethsj   1287.  after  two  years  Reign. 

^  228.  Anno  12S7.  CCCCXLVIII.  A  Council  was  held  zt.H(i-bip»lishy 
the  Popes  Legate,  endeavouring  to  have  got  the  tenth  penny  of  the  t/htes 
of  (he  Clergy  for  the  Pope,  and  of  the  Laity  for  the  Empcro^ir  (  by  their 
joynt  confent.)  But  Siphridus  Arch-Bilhop  ot  Cflen,  and  licnry  Arch-Bi- 
Ihop  of  Trevers  /ioutly  oppolirg  ,  frullrated  be>th  their  Conciliary  ddigus. 
^  2  2p.  Anno  i2S8came  P.  Nicolas  ^th.  a  Religious  Man,  General  of  the 
Minors,  when  he  had  four  years  together  laboured  in  vain  to  flay  the  blood 
in  Italy,  between  the  Cudplei  and  Gibellins,  and  to  reconcile  the  Frcneii  and 
Engliih,  ind  to  relieve  the  Chriliians  in  P«/f/r/nf,  he  died :  And  the  Cardi- 
nals, though  fe^r  liberty  they  went  to  Vcrnfwin,  kept  the  Cinnch  hcadlefs 
two  years  and  three  months  by  contention,  though  Princes  in  vain  endea- 
voured to  perfwade  them  to  agreement.  (  Are  thcfc  no  interceiiions  of  the 
Succeifion }) 

In  this  time  died  MicJ>.  Taknlcgits  Empcrour  of  Conjiantinoplc,  and  the 
Clergy  and  Monks  would  not  fuffer  him  to  be  buried  in  holy  ground  ,  be-  e^-« 
caulc  in  the  Council  at  ly;"'.'',  he  had  confented  to  the  Church  ot  Romt\  ^^"^ 
i'latinj.     Was  this  a  true  Reconciliation  ot  the  Greek  Church  ? 

§  230.  Anro  J 280.  CC.CC.XLlX.  A  Council  at  Rofen/ia  (in  Honoriuj 
time)  made  I'ome  Canons  for  Retormation. 

^231.  Anno  I2j>i  .CCCCL.  A  Council  at  Saltslttrg  for  reconciling  fome 


Hhh  I  §  232. 

42-0  (hurch'Hiflory  of  Bi/hops 

§232.  yf/wo  i2j>2.  CCCCLI.  The  Arch-bilhop  of  Mentz,hc\di(2oun- 
cUit  Afchaffcnburgc  which  they  fay  did  many  good  things  i  It  is  not  known 

§  233.  Anno  12^4.  After  two  years  and  four  months  vacancy  Cxledfm  the 
5</>.  a  Religious  man  of  folirary  life  is  chofcn  Pope ,  It  ever  there  was  3 
good  Pope  it  is  likely  this  was  one  :  But  he  was  no  fooncr  fctkd  by  com- 
mon applaufe,  but  the  Cardinals,  dptchWy  ^ened.  Cijetsnuf  a  fubtilc  man 
pf  rfwadcd  him  that  his  fimpHcity  and  unskiltulncis  would  undo  the  Church, 
and  urged  him  to  rclign.  K\r\g  Charles  and  the  people  diiTwade  him,' and 
src  only  for  him  :  But  the  Cardinals  prevailed,  and  he  religncd  i  Andgoino 
to  his  (blicitude  again,  the  Cardinal  Ben.  Cajetani  that  got  him  to  religu, 
lent  him  Prifoncr  to  theCaftleof  Fnmo,  where  (at  bcll^  he  died  of  grief  .- 
Some  write  that  Cardinal  Cajetane  got  a  way  to  fpeak  through  a  Pipe  put 
into  the  Wall  as  if  it  wercfbme  Angel,  to  charge  him  to  rdign  >  He  was 
too  good  to  be  a  Pope. 

§254.  The  deceiver  that  got  him  out,  fuccccdcd  him,  c.\]kd  Boniface  the 
Sth. (by  Bin, yth.)  i2pi\..  This  is  he  of  w'lom  it  is  fiid,  Intraiit  utvulper^ 
rcgnavit  ut  Leo^exivit  ut  Cants.     He  raifcd  Wars  to  profecute  fome  Cardinals 
and  the  Gibciines :  While  he  lived  wickedly  he  fct  up  3  Jubilee,  proclaim.- 
ing  Pardon  of  all  fins  to  them  that  would  vifit  Umina  ^pojlolorum,  tliat  is, 
himfclf:  A  terrible  Earthquake  tnade  him  for  fear  fet  up  a  hut  of  boards  in 
aa  open  Meadow,  left  thehoufesfhould  fall  on  him;  He  digg'd  up  the  bo- 
dy of  one  Hertnane,  that  had  twenty  years  been  honoured  as  a  Saint,  and 
burnt  it  as  a  Hereticks.     He  fent  a  Eilbop  to  Philip  King  of  France  to  in- 
iieat  him  to  go  Hght  in  Talcjline,  and  threatened  him  when  he  could  not 
intrcat  him.     The  King  imprifoned  the  Eifliop.     The  Pope  lent  to  require 
I'iim  to  releafe  him,  laying  openly,  that  the  Kingdome  of  Fravce  was  divolv- 
t;^  ed  to  theChurch,  for  the  contumacy  of  Phillip  and  his  violating  the  Law 
of    Nations  i    and  bid  him  Anathemati7e  him ,  and  abfolve  all  French- 
men from  the  Kings  Oath.     The  King  let   go  the  Eilhop,  but  forbad  all 
his  Subjeds  going  to  Rome  or  fending  any  money  thither, 'and  not  en- 
during his  infolency,  he  affembled   his  Nobles  and   declared  the  Pope- 
dome  void  by  Ufurpation  and  unjuft  cntcranceof  Bow/Ijcf,  and  appealed  to 
a  Council ;  He  Coyned  money  with  this Infcription  [Perdam Babilonir  mmenl 
The  Pope  called  a  General  Council,  where  he  gave  the  Kingdom  of  Frj«ce 
10 Albert  the  Emperour,  Anathcmati2ing  the  King.    The  Kingwouldnot 
play  with  him,  but  fends  Sciarraznd  Nogarcte  to  Italy  to  prochim  his  Ap- 
peal:  But  Sciarrain  a  mean  habit  gets  together  many  friends,  that   the 
Pope  had  oppre/Ted  and  furprizeth  him  in  his  Fathers  houfe,breaketh  o- 
pen  the  doors,  carrieth  him  from  Avignia  to  Kome  a  Prifontr,  where  the 
thirtieth  day  he  died  ot  grief,  of  whom  faith  P 1  at  i  na  [thuf  died  Eori  face, rphg 
fiideavourcd  more  to  put  terroier  than  Religion  into  Enipirours ^  ^^"gf-,  Princes^  Na- 
ttont  and  People  ■■,  and  to  give  Kingdomcs  andtak$  thcmaipuy  to  expel  men  and 
reduce  them  at  hk-  pleafurt,  unfpcakahly  tbirjiiug  for  gold^  n'hich  may  ever  to  he 
gotten.     Let  all  Princet Ecclepjiical  and  Secuhr  (faith  lie;  harn  hy.thif  mant 


and  their  Councils  -^bridged,  411 


example  to  go  before  the  CUr^  and  people^nvt  proiuify  and  c9ntumjcioiifl)\  .w,  ^^X 
he  did,  bat  holily  and  modejily  at  Chrifi  und  his  d/fciples,  and  true  imitators, 
and  ehoofe  rather  to  be  loi'cd  than  feared,  from  n'hence  the  ruine  of  lyrants  de- 
ftrvedly  comet  h. 

§  235.  Anno  1297.CCCCLII.  Bin.dhh^i  Council  (Lttgditnenfe) decreed 
that  Pnnccs  fhould  not  tax  their  Clergy,  nor  the  Clergy  paythcin  without 
the  Popes  Confent. 

§  23d.  ^«Ho  1302.  CCCCLIII.  The  Popes  General  Council  at  Komeex' 
communicateth  the  King  of  France  as  atorefaid.  His  Army  follow  thcii 
Captain  Pope. 

§  237  BcnediU  the  I  \th.  alias  the  lot/;,  alias  the  pih.  is  next  chofcn  Pope, 
OrAich  praifed)  :  who  excommunicated  Scijrra,  and  abfolvcd  King  F/vV//', 
and  died  before  nine  Moneths. 

§  238.  Anno  505.  Entrcth  Clemensihe.  'jth.  the  Eifliop  of  Bourdeaiix,  who  f:=--| 
called  the  Cardinals  to  France,  and  fctled  the  Popes  Court  there,  where  it 
continued  fcventy  jears,  till  the  Church  and  great  buildings  ai  Ri/me  were 
defolate  and  ruinous,  faith  P/jf//M.  In  his  timey^/w.-rt  the  Empcrour  was 
kill'd  by  his  Nephew  :  7fa/y  confounded  by  Wars:  The  Pope  curfeth  and 
interdifteth  the  Venetians,  the  Florentines,  the  Luccnfes  :  Rcquircth  the 
ticw  chofcn  Emperor  of  L//a:«wW^e  to  come  to ivowc  for  Coronation  v  He 
entcreth  Itjly  \  fomc  Cities  fight  againft  him,  fome  yield :  At  Rome  demand- 
ing money,  they  rclill,and  it  cometh  to  force,  and  he  is  driven  back  ;  Af- 
ter many  bickerings  and  Cities  taken,  hcdieth,  as  is  fiid  f  faith  r/jf.J  Poy- 
loncd  in  the  Eucharift  by  a  Monk.  Two  fight  tor  the  Empire,  Lodovic.  Bj- 
vour  and  Frcdcrcc  Aitlhit :  Z.o</(7:7CKf  conquereth  and  n.aketh  himfolf  Em- 
perour.  Clement  burntth  two  as  Hereticks,  maketb  P.  CW<:/f/«t  the  '^th.  a 
Saint,  writeth  hisC/m/tvjf/nw^,  anddieth,and  again  there  was  no  Pot>c,  for  =^T^ 
two  years,  three  months  and  Icventeen  daycs. 

^25p.  CCCCLIV.  A  Council  it  Saltzbttrg!  to  get  money  CTentli;;;  for 
the  Pope. 

§240.  CCCCLV.  Another  there  Anno  1310.  declaring  fomc  pe-^ 

^  241.  CCCCLVI.  Another  at  ^ientz  to  extirpate  the  Templars, 
where  fomc  of  them  rufht  in  and  appealed  to  the  next  Pope,  protcf> 
ing  they  were  killed  and  burnt  wrongfully,  without  being  heard  fpcak  for 

§242.  CCCCLVII.  But  the  great  Council  called  by  them  the  i  5//J. 
General  Council  approved,  was  at  F/waj  near  France,on  thisoccation.  King 
Philip  having  got  thePopcdoirc,  for  Clem,  the  ^tb.  made  hiiij  piomifc  to 
condemn  Pope  Bi?«;/.  the  8//;.  and  all  his  Ads:  When  he  had- poiTt jrion,  he 
found  himfelf  in  a  flrcight,  and  Nichoi-is  Cardinal  Vratenfis  advjfcd  him 
to  plcafe  the  King  with  the  hopes  thar  a  Genera!  Council  would  do  it 
molt  cfie<fl:ually,and  to  get  the  Council  out  of  his  Country  arc?  power  ; 
which  being  done  the  Council  frulhated  the  Kin^s  expe^atie>ns :  The  ■ 
i^ing  accutcd  Pope  Boniface  of  Simonv,  Hercfie,  aiid  rerjui:y,  in  forty  Ar*  • 

Hhli3  ticks. 

<i|ii  church- Hijiory  of  Bi/bops 

ti.l:s.  His  crimes  were  not  dcnycd,but  they  juAiiicd  him  to  be  a  true  Pope, 
and  found  him  rot  an  Htrctick. 

In  this  Council  theTttnplars  were  condenrncd  and  put  down,  and  their 
Lands  given  to  rlic  JcntJ'jktn  Uo[p\iikis,  or  Knights  of  KWcx  (which  they 
la\  Kw^Fhilip  thoi'ghttohave  got)  fome  lay  the  Templars  wcrefalflyac- 
culcd  of  HercGcs  (  and  the  Mailers  and  others  burnt  )  :  Others  fay,  trucly. 
1  he  molt  probable  is,  that  fome  particular  Men  of  them  ("  no  new  thing 
among  Soldieis  )  committed  many  Villainies,  and  the  reA  fuflcri.d  for  their. 

In  this  Council  the  Hercfies  of  Petrus  a  Difciple  of  Abbot  Joachim^ 
were  condemned,  which  were  three,  i.  That  the Soul,  as  rational, 
is  not  the  form  "f  humane  bodies.  2.  "That  habitual  grace  is  not  infufed  in  Bap- 
tifm  ( that  is  alwayesand  to  Infants).  3.  Ibat  Chrijlr  fide  was  pierced  with 
the  Laitnce  before  he  tvas  dead. 

In  this  Council  the  Fratricclli  andDulcinifts  were  Condemned,  andalfo 
eight  H^refics  of  the  Bcguines  and  Bcguardsi  which  were  thcfe  (all  for  per' 
feaion^  which  Quakers  and  fome  Fryars  now  fccm  to  be  too  much  for  in 
profcir&n,  aswcallarein  defirej  i.  That  man  in  this  life,  mayget  fuch  a 
'  dcgiccofpcrtcdion,  as  that  hcmaybcccmc  impeccable  (ox  finlefs  J  and /« 
'  to  r//t  to  no  higher  a  degree  of  grace:  Elfe,  lay  they,  if  one  might  frill  in' 
'create  he  might  grow  better  than  Chriir. 

2.  'That  when  one  hath  atteincd  that  degree,  he  ought  not  to  faft  or 
'fray:  Eecaufc  then  fenfualityis  perf-dly  fubjedi  to  the  Spirit  andreafon 

'  io  tliat  a  man  may  then  freelj  grant  his  body  what  pleafcth  him. 

3.  '  That  they  that  have  gor  this  degree  of  perfcdiion  and  the  Spirit  of  li- 
'  beriy^  are  not  iubjcd:  to  humane  obedience,  nor  bound  ro  any  precepts  of 
'  the  Church,  for  where  the  Spirit  of  the  Lord  is,  there  is  liberty. 

4.  '  That  tiius  a  man  mayget  final  beatitiade  in  all  degrees  in  this  life,  as 
'  well  as  in  that  to  come. 

5.  '  That  every  intellcdlual  nature  is  naturally  bleflcd  in  it  felf,  and  the 
'  Ibu!  needeth  not  the  light  of  glory  for  the  feeing  and  enjoying  of  God. 

6.  '  That  to  exercifs  virtues  is  a  note  of  impcrtcdf  ion. 

7.  '  That  to  kilTc  a  W  oman  is  fin,  btcaule  nature  needs  it  not  j  but  copu- 
'  lation  is  not,  becaufe  nature  require  th  it,  when  one  is  tempted. 

8.  '  That  one  ought  not  to  rife  and  do  reverence  at  the  elevation  of  Chrifts 
'body,  becaufc  he  muft  not  defcend  from  the  altitude  of  his  contemplations 
'fo  as  to  to  think  of  the  Sacrament  or  Chrills  humane  body. 

Itfccms  the fc  were  fuchfanatiksas  fome  Fryers  are. 
In  this  Council  the  decrees  c  illed  Clementines  were  paffed  v  in  whic!^ 
are  fpeciaily  noted  by  E/«/h/,  Ibme  things  de  fide,  as  followeth. 

I.  '  Thit  it  is  hcrefie  to  call  indoubt,  or  aflent  that  the  fubftance  of  the 
'rational  or  intcllcdiive  foul  is  not  truly  and  pcrfcdl:  t!ie  form  of  mans  body. 

I I.  '  That  whereas  Divines  differ  about  the  efftdi:  of  Baptifmc,  fom,e  fiy- 
'  ingthat  to  Infants  fin  is  remittcd,but  not  Grace  conferred)  others  faying  that 
'  the  fault  i^rtiaittcd  and  virtues  or  informing  Grace  infufed  as  to  tiic  Ha- 


and  their  Councils  Abridged^  ^22 

"  kit,  though  not  yet  for  ufc,  wc  attending  the  general  Efficacy  of  Chrifts 
'  dc..  ;,  which  by  Baptifme  is  equally  applycd  to  all,  judge  the  fccond  opini- 
'  on  n.vK.  probable  an.i  agreeable  to  the  fayings  of  the  Saints  and  modern 
'  Dodors  of '7ijo%/e,  tliefacred  Council  approving  this,  which  faith,  that 
'both  to  adi^lt  and  infants  in  baptifme  informing  grace  and  virtues  arc 

III.'  Ifanyone  fall  into  fhiscrrourthatas  pertinacioufly  to  affirm  that 
'  Vfitry  »Vni>yi/j,wedecree  that  he  bcpunifhcdasan  Hcretikc.and  theordina- 
'  rics  and  inquilitors  for  hcrelic  may  prrcccd  againft  fuch  a';  agiinit  hcrcticks. 

I V.  '  And  it  is  decreed  that  if  any  Communities  or  Oihccrslhall  prcdime 
'to  write  or  di(flatcthat  iifury  ftiould  be  paid,  orbcing  paid  Ihould  not  be 
'fully  and  freely  rcllored,  let  them  be  excommunicate,  ami  they  llialJ  in- 
'cuir  the  fame  fcntcncc  that  do  not  as  far  as  they  can  blot  out  fuch  ftatutcs 
'  0L!t  ofthebookcsofthcfaid  Companies,  thst  (hall  keep  fueh  cuflomcs. 

Alfothat  Ufurersbe  compelled  to  (hew  their  books  of  accounts. 

^243.  Here  the  Popi  ^nd  th:  ^ijhops  in  a  General  Council  have  j  idgcd 
divers  points  to  be  hcrelie,  and  confcqucntly  their  contraries  to  be  Articles 
of  faith  ;  And  for  Hcrefic  they  curfc,  burn  and  damnc  men. 

1.  I  ovcrpafil'd  their  Article  that  Chrid  was  dead  before  his  fide  was 
pierced,  which  is  true:  But  whether  an  Article  of  our  Creed  neccffary  to 
be  undcrfiood  to  Salvation,  let  the  Church  Creed  bewitnefs. 

2.  Its  well,  that  the  poUibility  of  Hnlcfs  perfcdion  is  made  a  herefic  by 
them  (for  wc  mult  daily  pray  for  pardon  )  :  But  vvhy  then  do  they  talk  lo 
much  of  the  pollihility  ot  keeping  all  Gods  Law,  that  is  of  never  finning^ 
and  talk  of  pertedicn.  and  works  of  Supererogation  ? 

3.  Do  not  chcy  make  an  Article  of  Faith  of  a  Logical  Arbitrary  Notion 
C  that  intellectual  Souls bciiifr  the  Bodies  form)  who  knows  not  iiow  ambigu- 
ous the  word  /rtwj  is  }  An  Arifhtle  fuppofcth  a  Cor^;*/ i7r(rjr;fc«w,befides  the 
Soul  >  and  that  Ccr/)/!/  hath  its  form  <7«^  Corpus.  I  imagine,  that  thefe  Bi- 
fhops  meant  the  fame  thing,  thatldoi^  and  that  our  difference  is  but  of 
the  ritnefs  of  words  >  but  I  willfofar  venture  on  their  hcrcticationastofay, 
that/jrffM  Corp:rif^  fanitj  Ani,n£.  and/>»»«  Honiinis,  aredivers  :  That  Cor' 
pits  organicnm  ijua  t Ae  hath  its  proper  form,  which  dtnominatcth  it  fucl)i 
which  is  not  the  Soul:  That  the  Soul  biing  a  /«iib';a' hath  its  proper 
form  which  dcnomina'cth  it,  and  which  it  rctaineth,  wh:n  feparated  from 
the  Body  :  And  that  the  intellecfital  Soul  \s  formi  H.miinis^  but  improperly 
called  fcrnui  Corporis  :  I  will  venture  on  their  Heretication,  to  fell  them  my 
opinion,  and  1  think  their  Errour  and  Prcfumption  to  thruft  fuch  things 
on  Men  under  the  penalties  of  curling,  burning,  and  damnation, 

4  Thtir  Articlcof  Faith. about  the  effcdot  Biptifm  C'lhit  all  thn  .ire 
baptized  at  AgcznA  Infants  have  both  pardon  a/id  tnfitfed  infirming  habitual 
Grace,  I  take  for  unproved,  and  have  clfcwhcrc  proved  it  tobetalfe  in  all 
probability,  as  ttaiverfally  taken. 

5.  The  Article  of  Fauh,  Th:iiVrHry  is  a  Sin^  doth  hcrcticare  many  great 
Divines,  more  Larvyrrs^  and  ww'f  Cities^  Corporaiie-is^  and  Caupania  in  the 


4"»4  Qhurch  Hi^ory  of  Bifljops, 

World  :  Nodoubr,  but  all  Ufury  is  a  lin  that  is  againft  either  Aftrcy  or 
Jiifiice:  But  that  feme  Ufury  may  bean  Aft  oi  great  Chtrity,  many  wife 
iricn  think  paft  doubt:  W'c  have  known  feme  get  cliatcs  ot"  many  thou- 
iand  pounds  a  y-:ar  by  trading  with  money  taktn  upon  Ufury,  when  per- 
haps lome  that  Leant  that  money,  had  nothing  but  the  Ufe  to  bu>  them 
bread  and  courfc  cloathing,  and  keep  them  from  perilling.  How  many 
thoidand  Great  Men,  Lawyers  and  Citi7Cns*are  to  be  curfed,  burnt,  and 
damned  by  this  Canon,  for  holding  fomc  Ufury  to  be  Lawful:  Nay,  how 
many  tor  njt  rejicritig  it  when  taken  >  when  perhaps,  an  Orphan  took 
it  of  a  rich  man  to  fave  them  from  famine.  This  is  the  benefit  of  hc- 

§  244.  Anno  13 1 1.  Was  a  Council  at  Kavennt  CCCCVIIL  for 
Difcipliae  and  Rttormation  of  the  Churches  manners,  with  many  fuper* 

^245.  CCCCLIX.  Anno  1314'  Another  at  Ravenns,  was  like  the  for- 

^  24(5.  Next  comethPopey(?/;«  the  20//;  alias  an/-',  alias  22f6, alias  23^^. 
He  lived  ztAvinion:  He  thought  fouls  were  kept  in  fome  receptacles  from 
the  fight  of  God  till  the  Refurredion :  He  damned  thofe  that  held  that 
Clirill  and  his  Apoftles  poflefTcd  no  propriety  CP/j/;«j  thinks  contrary  to 
the  Gofpel.J  He  tormented  to  death  Hugo  Bifhop  of  Catnre  for  being  a- 
gainft  him.  He  curfed  and  excommunicated  the  Emperor  Lewis  of  Ba^ 
varia,  and  many  other  great  men  :  Italy  was  all  in  Wars  in  his  days. 
The  tmperor  fct  up  another  Pope  in  Italy  againlt  him,  Nkol.  the  5»J!>. 
which  was  faith,  Onufb.2%th.  Schifm  at  Kome^  was  not  he  that  was  at 
Rome  liker  to  bcBilhopof  Rcme^  than  he  that  was  in  Fwnc^.}  But  the  Pope 
NicelM  after  three  years  Reign  was  catched  by  one  that  would  merit  of 
Pope  John,  and  fent  to  him,  and  put  in  Prifon,  where  he  foon  died  :  and 
John  died  at  Ninety  years  Old  after  Nineteen  years  Reign,  leaving  more 
money  behind  him,  than  any  Pope  that  ever  went  before hira. 
Tiiei  forbad  His  procefs  againft  Lo^oi'.  theEmperor,you  may  fee  in  Frfi&cr/// Hiffory 
Mny  below  «.  Rer.  Eubem.  and  others  more  at  large- 

Brjhup  t»         ^  247.  CCCCLX.  Another  Council  at  Ravena,  Anno  i^iy.  to  the  fame 
examine  or  p^j^pof^.  vvith  the  former,  where  the  manners  of  thofe  times  may  benoted 
^erfeli  m  hu  '"  ^'^'^  crimes  forbidden  :  The  3^.  Can.  Ihevveth  that  men  had  then  the  place 
}rtlin.irj.      of  Archdeacons  befoje  they  were  ordained  Deacons,  and  the  places  or  be- 
nefices of  Abbots,  Deans,  Archpresbytcrs,   Prelates,  ^i'ri'jft''/'")  before  they 
were  ordained  Prielts:  And  the  Cannon  requireth  fuch  to  be  after  ordain- 
ed within  a  year. 

C<jn.  18.  Extommunicateth  all  Lay  MagiRrates,  that  take  a  Pric/l  or 
Clerk  in  arms  or  in  any  exeefs  or  fin,  and  keep  him,  fthat  is  imprifon 
him  or  punifli  hiiri)  and  Jo  not  fend  him  to  hisBilhopi  or  that  fending 
1  im  to  the  Bifhop  do  openly  lliamc  him,  by  fending  him  with  trumpets  or 
armed  men,  or  with  his  arins  hang'd  about  his  neck. 

§  248.  CCCCLxI.  Anno  1322.  A  Concilium  Sabinenfe  had  many  of  the 


and  their.  Councils  Abridged^  415 

like  orders  to  reftrain  the  vicious  Clergy,  and  yet  Cm,  3.  excommuntcatc 
fccular  judges  that  con"pcl  them  to  anfwcr  at  their  Bar.  Efpecially  they 
are  large  in  impoiing  penalties  on  thofe  that  publickly  keep  Concubmcs 
in  their  houles  (and  have  not  the  modefiy  to  fornicate  more  fecrctly.^  If 
they  put  not  away  their  Concubines  in  two  Moncths  they  mull  ]qfc  the  third 
part  of  their  tythcs,  and  after  other  two  months  another  third  part,  and  at 
iali  the  other  third  part,  and  after  be  uncapable  of  preferment,  c?-c,  Thefe 
are  gentler  penalties  than  a  differing  opinion  is  punilhed  with  under  the 
name  of  a  iicrefie. 

§  24^.  CCCCLXTI.  Jnnol^i^.  A  Council  at  ToUtane  tothelikc  pur- 

(j  250.  CCCCLXlII.  The  two  Popes  called  two  Councils  again/leach  «^ 
other  as  Htrcticks  fwere  neither  in  the  right.  J  Jo^^"  •"»  Council  ztAvigni- 
0)1  proved  Nicoloi  the  5//.'.  a  herctick  for  Iiolding  that  Chiilt  poff;fl(.d  nothing 
as  Proprietor  i  Nicolas  called  a  Council  in  //j/y  which  condemned  Johm<ii 
heretick  tor  holding  the  contrary  :  Thus  thchcrcticatois  were htretica ted. 

§  251.  ThcFrcnchnow  got  the  Power  of  the  Papacy,  and  another  FrmJi 
man  waschofen  Pope^/»ia  I3J4-  called  Biwi/<a.  1 1.  alias  12 ^/'.  He  renew-  "^^ 
ed  theexcomm-mication  and  dept  fition  ol  the  Emperor  LWw.  andclaim- 
ed  the  Empire  to  himfi.U,  cincludingtliat  being  vacant  it  fell  to  the  Church 
Cfec  to  whom  Kingdomes  cfcheat^:  whereby  he  (ct  all  Italy  in  Wars  in  all 
the  Cities,  giving  them  to  the  Rulers  as  the  Popes  Leiutenants,  and  per- 
fwading  tl.eRom.ans  alfo  tod.pofe  the  Senatorean  power  as  of  the  King, 
and  to  exercifc  it  thcmfclves  under  the  Church  :  He  lived  above  fevtn  years 

This  Pope  contrary  to  hisPrcdcccffor  dehned  that  (buls  fiiflicirntly  purged 
en)oy  the  clear viiion  of  God  bLforethc  refurrt(5tion. 

§252.  CCCCLXlV.  Anno  1335?.  A  Toletanc  Council  decreed  =^12 
other  things  that  every  KeSor  0/  a  Church  and  their  Vicars  wider  fain  of  rx- 
commutticjtion  do  every  year  write  the  names  of  all  their  Par/Jhioncrs  that  come 
to  years  of  difcretion^  and  confgn  (conhrm)  all  that  are  confejfed,  and  excite 
them  to  come  to  the  Sacrament  \  But  if  they  have  not  received  rt,  let  them  ab- 
Jiain  unJcfs  it  be  by  the  Ccunf'el  of  their  own  Frieft.  And  thofe  that  confejfe 
not ,  after  a  year  to  expel  fi\mt  the  Church,^  and  deny  them  eccleftaliical  burial, 
ij  2'^^.  Anno  1342.  Another  Frenchman(Ei(liopof  Ecw«)ismadePope  at 
Azic^nion  :  CIem.6.  Ail  Italy  and  Naples  was  put  into  the  flames  of  W  ars.  He 
forced  the  Geimanes  to  fetup  another  againll  the  Emperor  Lod»i:Bavar;u, 
which  was  Charles  Son  ot  John  the  1 1.  of  Bohemia.  Charles  fends  bound 
to  the  Pope,. a  new  Senator  Nicolas  Kentii  that  ruled  all  at  Kmie.  He  made 
a  new  Jubilee  >  he  laboured  in  vain  to  reconcile  King  Ef/wjiv^  of  England  to 
the  Frencli,  the  EngliOi  conquering  their  Navies  and  taking  Ci/;^,  &.c. 
The  Colenfes  and  Trevinuf..s  having  contributed  money  as  to  a  Turk- 
ifli  expedition  ,  Pope  liberally  rewarded  them,  by  granting  them 
licence  to  cat  Eggs  and  Milk-meats  on  any  (ailing  dajes  out  of  Lenr, 
^  254.  UZQ(^Lyi\'.Anno  J  j47«  A  Tolrtanc  Council  againU  Simony, c&"c. 

I"  ^.55. 

426  Church- tiiftory  of  Bifhops 


The  fiPft.  §255.  Anno  i^")!.  InriKAhcSth. hmzdcVopc o(  ylvignion:  AWItjtywdiS 
'^""duT  ^''"  '^'^P^  in  blood:  One  Barnacctus  Lordca  it  as  RuLr  acivs»«e;  Thel'opc 
craftily  lets Gencii  our  o(  Prifon  to  fct  up  againlt  him  i  A'/co/j*  gets 
the  better  and  killcth  him:  bi;t  domineering  too  much  is  nextliiU'ci  him- 
fdf.  1347-  The  new  Emperor  C/Mr/w  is  CrowncJ  in  Italy.  The  Ro- 
mans put  the  power  into  fcvcn  Citiiens  called  Reformers  of  tin  common 
n-eahh.  The  Pope  fets  Hugo  King  of  Cyrus  agiinll  the  Reformers,  and  bids 
him  pull  them  down.  But  trouble  came  near  him :  Our  King  Ed:v.ird  con- 
qcrcd  the  Frcnch.and  took  the  King  and  liis  Son  Philip  Priijncrs,  nobly  rcleaf- 
ing  thePrifoners  upon  piomife  that  they  would  fight  againft  him  no  more, 
nhich  they  prefently  brake  ;  The  Pcpcdieth. 

§  2  51^.  Having  long  faid  nothing  of  the  Greek  affairs,  I  here  only  briefly 
fay,  that  the  utter  confufion  of  their  imperial  Succeflions  by  murders  and  II- 
furpations,  and  the  continued  confufions  of  their  Church  aliFairs  ever  lince  the 
divifions  of  the  Orthodox  Ncfforians,  Eutychians,  Monsnheiifos,  &:  maketh 
ir  both  a  hard  and  unpleafant  task  to  give  any  exaCl  account  of  their 
Bifhops,  Synods  and  manifold  contentions,  which  furthered  the  mine  of 
the  Empire.  Tlieir  divifions  gave  the  Latincs  opportunity  to  take  Cmi^.tn' 
tinnple  1204.  which  they  kept  58  years,  and  then  loit  it.  Baldwin  was 
the  hrif  Latine  Emperour  whom  the  Bnlgjrians  conquered,  and  took  Pri- 
fencr  Ww."j  T  205.  and  kept  f?xtecn  months,  and  then  put  him  to  death. 
Henryhi'i  biothcr  fucccedcd  him  i2o5and  died  12  i5.  Pt-firfuccccdeth  him 
that  married  his  fi/kr  (  or  daughter  )  and  is  quickly  llain  by  Theodorui 
Lafcaris,  Robert  fucceedeth  his  Father  Peter  1261,  Ibeodore  L/ijc.nU  was 
En.peror  chofcn  by  the  Greeks  and  kept  Court  at  Nice:  He  dettatcd  the 
Tuiks,  and  flew  rhcir  Sultan,  and  died,  1222.  John  V/tcis  his  Son  in 
Law  fucceedeth  hiic,  and  1255.  his  Son  T/.w&Ve  L^/c-zr/V  fucceedeth  him 
and  died  12 5p.  leaving  a  Son  John  of  fix  years  old:  Michael  Palcologiis 
putting  out  Johns  eyes  at  ten  years  old,  ufurpeth  the  Empire,  and  by  a 
iiratagem  of  Alexius  defar  witii  See  men  taketh  Conjtantinople;  and 
feigned  a  recenciliation  with  Rome,  and  died  1282,  and  for  his  fecm- 
ing  reconciliation  with  Rmm  his  Son  Andmnictts  and  the  Clergy  denied 
him  Chri/iian  burial.  Andronicm  fucceedcd:  His  Son  M/aW/ dying,  his 
Gxzndi(on  AndronicHS  depofcth  and  banilhcth  him,  and  taketh  the  Throne  i. 
he  reigned  8  years,  and  died  154J.  He  committed  his  two  Sens  to  Jo/?. 
Ca/ttacuzenus :  ThcEldeif  Son  John  reigned  27  years,  and  Manuel  his  bro- 
ther fuccceded  hini  1384.  and  his  Son  jfo/7/1  fucceedcd  himi4ip.  Confian- 
iinet\\t  Sth,  began  1445,  and  Anno  1453,  Mty  2$th,  the  Turks  took  Con{ian~ 
tinoplci  and  fet  up  their  Empire 

^257.  Annoi^i^^,  Under  Innocent  the  6th.  was  another Toletanc Coun- 
cil:  fhort  and  fwecti  v;orth  thf  "lofing :  Tby  authority  of  Bl.ifiut  Arch- 
Eiflwpof  Toletan.  Viz.  \_Leji  faithful  Chrifiians  JhouU  be  burdened  with  the 
Kceight  of  fm  (or  fmltinefsj  by  tran/grefftng  provincial  Conjiitittions,  rvhen  T)i- 
tine  piety  hath  mercifnUy  put  them  nndtr  an  eafie  yoke  and  light  burden^  Tve 
ordain^  tJje  holy  Conmil  approving  it  thtt  the  Provincial  conjiittitioas  j/'  our  Pre- 


and  thdr  Councils  Abridged^  427 

d^ccffors  and  th  tt  (hall  be  midc hcreafta\  ttnlefs  it  he  otherwife  exprcjly  ordained 
in  JHch  Of  Jhallbc  made.  Iff  ill  oh'igethe  trangreffours  vnly  to  the  pnalty  of  them, 
but  not  ('ad  culpam)  to  faultindsfor  (inj 

Its  worth  the  Inquiry  how  far  all  other  Canons  and  humane  penal  Lawcs 
are  thus  to  be  expounded. 

§258.  Anno  1^62.  Another  French  man  is  made  Pope,  called  Z/'rJ'.fff 
the  5//.J.  He  fent  A'gidiuf  to  hght  for  him  in /f j/y  ^till  broil'J  in  Wars.) 
and  died. 

§  255?.  Anno  1570.  Fetriu  BtUfortis  that  was  made  Cardinal  bct()re  he 
was  17  years  old  is  made  Pope  of  Avignion^  and  called  Greg,  the  iiU'. 
So  far  wis  all  the  world  from  obeying  th;  Pope,  that  Itjly  lliil  fought 
againfthim:  Thither  he  fends  an  Army,  blooddicd  and  milery  overfprcad- 
eth  the  Country.  The  Pope  at  laft  faw  that  his  abfcnce  gave  his  Eni- 
mies  advantage,  and  not  daring  to  let  the  French  know  jell  they  Ibould 
have  ftopt  him,  he  flipt  away  to  Rome,  and  thither  remo%'ed  his  Seat, 
that  had  been  at  ^zvg/i/'un  70  years,  to  the  great  joy  of  thcCity,impovcrirh:d 
by  the  abfence  of  tiie  Court. 

§260.  Anno  I ^y^.  Gregory  the  u tb  being  dead,  the  People  of  R»'«f  flock 
to  the  Cardinals,  and  cry  to  them  to  choole  no  more  Frenchmen  lead  the 
Seat  be  again  removed,  but  an  Italfan ,  and  the  bell  man  that  could  be 
found,  lead  all  fliould  run  to  utter  coofufion.  Thirteen  Cardinals  were 
Frenchmen  and  four  Italians  :  The  French  were  for  a  trench  Pope  j  but 
they  fell  out  among  themfclvcs,  while  part  of  the  French  were  for  one,  and 
part  for  another,  by  which  it  fell  out  that  Barthol.  Epifc  Btrenfis,  a  Ncjpo- 
iitane  wascholen,  an  extraordinary  good  Pope.  The  Cardinals  crycd  out 
that  the  People  of  Ko»;c  had  by  tumult,  force,  and  arms  conftraincd  them 
to  thechoiceof  this  mz.n(Vrban6.J  and  they  fled  to  Urong  holds  i  butat 
lall  came  to  Rtfw«  and  owned  the  Pope:  But  when  he  told  them,  that  he 
would  not  go  to  Fr<»;;«,  and  reproved  their  wicked ncfs,  and  told  them  how 
fevercly  he  refolvcd  to  pHnifti  them  if  they  amended  not,  they  got  away  and 
declared,  tiiat  Vrban  was  a  falfe  Pope  ,  chofen  by  the  Peoples  tumults  and 
force,  where  the  Cardinals  were  not  free,  and  that  the  Scat  was  void,  and 
they  chef-  another  (  Cardinal  Gebennenfit  )  and  called  him  Clemtnt  "jth » 
And  fo  whereas  for  Icventy  years  there  had  been  a  Pope  at  Avignion,  and 
none  at  Kawf,  now  for  forty  years  more  there  were  two,  one  at  Avignion^ 
and  one  it  Rome  (  and  fometimes  thrcej.  And  indeed  it  pafleth  my  skill 
to  know  how  the  Av/gnhn  Popes  were  Billiops  of  Rome,  who  never  fiw 
Rome,  nor  any  ot  the  People  ,  any  more  than  he  is  a  true  Schoolmaltcr  that 
never  faw  the  School  or  Scholars. 

And  now  the  two  Popes  fall  to  lighting  for  it  >  and  the  French  Pope  fend- 
ing an  Army  of  Britons  againh  the  Italian  Popei  at  hrft  they  beat  the  Ro- 
mans, but  next  were  fo  deltroyed  by  them,  that  few  fcaped  home  to  bring 
the  news. 

The  7/j//jn  bloody  Wars  Hill  continue,  cfpecially  between  the  Venettjnt 
and  Genouefcs.     Then  had  the  Venetiantthc  fix  A  Guns:  The  KeafolitMs 

lit  2  alfo 

^iH  Qhurcb'Hiftory  of  Bi/Jjops 


alio  were  ruined  by  Wars,  their  Queen  fldin?,  with  one  Pope  (Clemtnt)  was 
dclhoyed  by  C/^jr/iv  that  was  for  the  other  (jnfily  iiianglcd,  as  (he  had  u- 
Icd  her  own  Husband).  The  Duke  of  Anjou  al(b  came  with  a  yrcat  Army 
into7/.//vrromPopcC/cmMf  todcftroy  Pope  Vrban-,  but  the  General  died 
and  the  Souldicrsfcattcrcd  and  returned  home:  The  Pope  then  dcflrcd  of 
li\ns,Chjrlcs  that  his  NepLcw  might  be  Prince  of  Naples  i  and  being  de- 
nied, threatned  Ch.irlcs,  and  cited  him  to  Nucena,  who  came  at  his  Summons 
but  will)  an  Army:  Tht  Pope  cfcapcd  to  Genoa;  and  King  Charl  j  upon 
his  Fathers  death  called  home  to  Hk«!tj»j,  was  murdered. 

ThePopeputtethfcven  of  his  old  Cardinals  in  rive  Sack?,  and  drown- 
fththem  in  the  Sea-:  But  to  be  ikong  enough,  he  makcth  no  fewer  than 
twenty  nine  new  ones  in  one  day.  He  went  to  Naples^  thinking  to  fur- 
prize  and  dcjedt  the  Kings  two  Sons,  but  v;as  defeated.  Italy  Itijj  flnmed 
xvith  War :  He  made  54.  Cardinals,  of  which  he  killed  five,  and  dcpofcd 
Tevcn,  and  died,  faiili  i^/^/wj,  little  lamented,  as  iiisEpitiph  (heweth  as 
being  ruftick  and  incjiorablc,  though  one  of  their  belt :  He  died  after  eleven 
years, /^«,  ijS'p. 

§.  a^i.  CCCCLXVI.  An.  \y:%.  A  Council  is  held  at  Palemine  in 
Spain  ^  under  theCaidinalsof  the  AntipopcC/rwiv;; ,  about  Shaving;  and 

§  261.  An.  1589.  Boniface  p.  aliarS.  is  chofcn  at  Rome,  and  Clement 
dead  in  France,  Pel.  de Luna  is  choLn  there,  called  Eemdia  15.  The  Jtalianr 
were  IHU  the  furthifl  from  Unity  and  peace,  all  the  Cities  almo/t  in  wara- 
gainlf  each  other  :  fofar  were  they  from  Emincncy  in  Religious  l-vc  and 
concord,  that  they  had  not  the  common  quictnc(s  of  Heathens.  The  Pope 
went  to  Pfr////.w/ to  leconcile  the:ii  there  i  where  to  rtiew  what  liis  power 
wasovcr  them,  the  people  killed  fourfcorcof  the  Nobles  before  the  Popes 
face,  which  he  tookill,  and  departed.  He  got  polk ilion  of  the  Government 
of  Rome;  he  required  Annals,  that  is,  half  a  years  value  of  every  B;ncficc 
of  him  that  received  it :  All,  faith  Platina,  five  the  Engli(h  granted  it  and 
they  would  yield  it  of  no  Benefices  but  B;llio|:ricks.  Had  the  Pope  indeed 
been  Head  of  all  the  World  ,  Annals  would  have  come  to  a  conllderabic 
Iknt ;  But  going  (b  far  as  the  Antipodes- to  gather  it,  would  have  made  it 
come  fhorter  home  thsin  the  Spanijh-GM  and  Silver  doth  from  the  ff^efim 
Indies.  of  winning  men  by  Preaching,  the  Popes  Arms  now  fubdue  Pe- 
rufmmzud  miny  Italian  Citic?  to  him:  Platina  laith,  that  his  own  Father 
that  faw  the,  told  him.  that  a  Priclicloathcd  in  white, carrying  a  Cru- 
cihx,  with  certain  Hymns  to  the  Virgin  May,  cjme  from  the  Alps  with  a 
gra\e  and  pious  look,  fo  preaching,  that  all  the  people  followed  him,  even 
Nobles  as  well  as  others  i  and  ihathe  pretended  that  he  went  to  vilic  the 
Holy  Fathers  at  Jl  we  i  but  the  Pope  fnfpedid  tl  at  he  meant  to  be  Pope,  or 
get  too  much  intcieii,  andfent  Souldiers  and  took  him,  and  burnt  him 
to  death  i  fome  faying  that  he  had  fome  erroir,  others  faying  no  fuch 
thing  was  ever  proved  by-hioi,  but  it  was  repotted  by- the  Popetohide' 
his  cruelty. .  j^ 

and  tbeir  Councils  -^bridged.  ^ly 



In  thefe  times,  faith  P/dti/u,C'.r)l,^/(?r J/  Byzantinus  brought  Gmi;^  Learn- 
ing into  7fj/y,  that  had  bicnfiknt  hvc  hundred  years. 

§.  263.  A/1. 1404.  Bjniface  dying,  Imwccnt  7.  is  chcfcn  at  Kamc^  cr.c  part 
of  Europe  being  tor  him,  and  another  for  the  Avignion  Pope.  Trtmnhiunte  m- 
ta  Itjlij,  faith  Platina,  T^otj  Julia  ad  arni.i  refpiciebat :  Five  and  twenty  (.i- 
ticsrcvolted  from  the  Vicccomitcs,  .and fct  up  rcw  Governments.  fW hat 
Concord  did  the  Pope  keep  in  the  World?  J  Phtinj  faith  he  was  net  only 
flothful,  but  could  not  endure  tobetc.ld  of  hisdiitv.  The  Citizens  of  RiV»te 
petitioned  him  tocndeavour  the  cndingot  the  Schifme,  the  King  of  Frj/ict 
and  the  Avignion  Pope  being  inclined  to  peace:  tor  anfwcr  he  fentthem  to  cS-r 
his  Nephew  LudovicHS  to  be  murdered,  who  prefcntly  killed  eleven  that 
came  to confult  with  him.  cafiing  them  out  at  a  window,  faying  that 
the  only  rvay  to  cure  Sedition  and  Schifme:  Upon  this  tlie  City  takes  Arms 
for  revenge  i  the  Pope  ar.d  his  Net  hew  tly  to  Vitcrbiimt  ■•,  Ltdiflms  King  of 
Apdiahc\ips  the  Citizens,  they  fall  upon  the  Courtiers,  take  the  Capitol, 
and  other  places,  &c.  Tlie  Pope  fends  an  Army  againfi  them  thst  ovcr- 
cometh  them,  and  forceth  tliem  to  beg  his  return  ;  He  dieth  I4c5.  after 
two  years  and  23  days  Reign  ">  and  fu  tlierc  was  only  the  Avignion  Pope. 

§,  ^6\,  An.  \^c6.  Gregory  12.  is  chokn  at  Bome^  taking  an  Oath  ('as 
Tiinoc.  7_did3  to  relign,  if  the  Unity  ot  th^  Church  required  it  :  The  Prin- 
ces of  Frjwc  had  made  ticir  Pope  Benedict  13  takeihe  like  Oath:  The 
Princes  and  Cardinals  afhamed  of  two  Popes,  and  twc  Churches,  prcfi  them 
both  to  fuiimon  a  Coi  ncil  '■,  they  cunningly  would  not  agree  of  the  place, 
and  To  forc(.d  the  doing  it  without  them. 

§.  26^.  CCCCLXVII-  To  put  a  Ihcw  on  the  bufincfs  Greg,  calleth  a 
Council  ^t  A(jtiil(ij,  whetlier  by  long  delays  he  crccpcth  with  a  few  to  do 
nothing.  * 

^  266.  CCCCLXVIII.  And  the  other  Pope,  Bened.  i^.Anno  140^,2!- 
f)  calleth  his  Council  m  Arragone  oi  his  Sub)c<Ss:  wliithcalkth  itfelf  a 
General  Council,  and  pronouiicc  him  the  true  Pope,  and  no  Schifir.a- 
tick  or  Heretick,  and  Greg,  to  be  th>.  Ufurpcr,  but  exhort  him  to  endea- 
vour Unity. 

§.  267.  CCCCLxTX.  The  two  Popes  giving  no  better  hopes,  fomc  of 
the  Cardiniknf  both  fide?  llipt  from  ihcm,  and  bj  the  (Countenance  ot  the 
yicrentines  and  King  LadiJJjits,  chofe  Fifj  for  a  General  Council,  wiicrc 
they  met  and  funimoned  both  the  Popes,  who  fcorned  thciri  •,  and  they  de- 
pofcd  them  both  asficrctickj  and  Schifin.itick^  ,  faith  BinJm  ,  forbidding  all 
Chridians  to  obey  them,  and  they  chofe  a  third,  Alcxjnd'ci"j.  and  tlic  twa 
old  ones  kept  up  liilli  and  fo  there  were  three  Popes  at  once. 

§.  2(58.  An.  .4cp.  Alex.  5.  iS  chofen,  much  commended,  but  died  in 
eighteen  Months,  iouic  fay>  faith  ^Htc«i/!.'fApoyfon(.d  by  a  Clvlier;  Cut  to 
Ihew  himfelf  a  I^-ipe,  in  that  little  time  he  dcpoied  King,  and  gave 
.^di  Kingdomc  to  LoW/Dukeof  An]oiu 

§.  26p.  Bj//»'upc  .;  0^/ isncxc  ciiofen,  called  by  ^oiv^  J>h.  21.  by  others 
a2    byothcrs2^.and  by  r/.i/r,v ^(j''.  -4.  ffo  lit'tle  are  they  agreed  of  their 


4 JO  Churcb-Hijlory  of ''Bifojps 


fucccnion)  Fhtir.x  faith  the  Cardinals  of  Gf«g.  w:rc  yet  poor,  and  he  hi- 
rrd  tlKin  witli  Money  to  Create  him:  He  got  S/fr^ifnnnd  King  ot  Bohcmij 
chofen  Empcnnir,  and  would  have  had  the  Council  to  be  at  Rome.  Itj- 
Jy  continued  liill  in  blood  ,  the  Topes  having  parcelled  it  into  fo  many 
iniall  Principalities,  to  fecure  it  againll  the  Empcroursi  no  part  of  the 
whole  World  livtd  Age  to  Age  in  fuch  continual  War  and  confiilion. 
This  Vopc,  {':i'nh  OnHpbri.'fS  Pjnviniif,  vh.  fuit  bcUo  &  armir  quam  Keligioni 
aptinr,  titpotequi  neqtte  fid(m  norat  ncqueKeligioncm,  rebus  profanis  magii  quam 
Vivino  citltit  accommcdjuis.  How  he  was  accufd,  dcpofed,  imprifoncd  i  hovv 
the  other  two  Popes  Greg,  i  2.  and  Bened.  15.  were  alldcpofcd  with  hiin> 
and  Martin  5.  chofen  i  the  next  Chapter  fhcweth. 

CHAP.   XII  I. 

The  Coimdlof  Coiiftancc ,  Bafil,  Midfime  others. 

§.  I.  CCCCLXX.  A  N.  1414.  the  Council  of  Co«/?<j«ce  was  called  by 
Jlx.  the  means  of  the  Einpcrour  Sigifmttnd,  and  the 
confent  of  Pope  John^  who  the  more  trufted  the  Emperour  becaufe  he  had 
promoted  him:  There  were  then  three  Popes,  Bcncd,  13.  in  France,  whom 
the  Kingdonics  of  Fxince.  Spain,  Arragon,  England^  and  Scotland  followed  i 
zndGreg.  12.  :ind  Johi:2^,  SilKome,  that  divided  the  reft  of  the  P.^/'j/incj-. 
It  was  not  certainly  to  rqirefcnt  the  Tm;;()',  hut  to  profane  the  Name,  and 
abufcthe  Kingdomeof  the  bltfled  Trinity.  03.28.  V.John  called  by  them 
Sancii[fjmns  Vominus  Nofier^  entereth  the  City,  "Nov.  5.  The  Pope  began  the 
Council.  ]V(7-^'. id.  was  thchrft  Siffion,  the  Pope  fpeaking  to  them,  and  his 
Bull  being  read,  (hewing  that  he  would  have  had  the  Council  at  Rome,  but 
thcmiferablecafeof  Rowe  (by  contention  and  confu(ion)  hindering,  it  was 
agreed  with  the  Emperour  to  be  at  Conjiance,  commanding  to  be  there  for 
the  peace  of  the  Church,  and  appointing  a  Weekly  Mafs  to  be  faid  for  ob- 
taining Gods  blclfing,  and  pardoning  a  years  penance  for  every  Mafs  to  eve- 
ry Mals-Pritft  that  faid  it,  exhortingall  to  fading  and  prayer  for  good  fac- 
ctfs,  charging  them  to  look  after  Errours,  efpecially  thofe  that  rofc  fiom 
one  John  JFicl^iff,  and  2K0  to  reform  the  Church,'e^<:. 

March  2.  1415.  The  Pope  took  an  Oath,  for  the  peace  of  the  Church, 
to  lay  down  his  Popcdomc,  if  the  other  two  Popes  would  do  the  fame,  and 
the  Emperour  kill  his  feet. 

The  Cardinal  of  Florence  read  thefc  Decrees:  i.That  the  Council  was 
lawfully  called.  2.  That  it  will  not  be  diffolved  by  thedeparture  of  the 
Fope,  or  other  Prelates.  3.  That  it  be  not  di/TblvLU  till  the  prefent  Schifme 
be  healed,  and  the  Chuich  relormed  in  Faith  and  Manners^  in  Head  and 
Members.  ^.ThaL  it  bc  net  rv'movcd  but  on  juft  caufc.  5. That  the  Bifbops 

and  their  Council i  ^bridged,  a^\ 

§  2.  In  tlic  fourth  Stflion  tluy  decreed  that  tlie  general  Council  rcprc 
'fcnting  themilitant  C.ithelick^ChnrcbJ'.2th  its  potvcr  immcdi itely  fromChrtll, 
« to  rvbich  every  man  of  tvhat  State  or  dignity  Joevcr,  though  it  be   Papjl,  is 
'  bound    ta  obey  in    the    things   that  belong  to  Faith  ,    and  the  extirhition  of 
'  the  f.iid  Sdvfm  and  the  reformation  of  the  Church  in  head  and  nKm- 
^  hers.     2.  Thst  the  Pope  withdraw  rot  himfch  or  the  Oiliccrs,  and  if  hj 
*  fljoidd^  or  fljould  thunder  out  Church  cenfures    againft  them  or  any  adherin? 
'■to  the  Council,  they  are  void,     5.  That  no  Tiinllations ,  Froir.otions,  or 
'  Cardinals  be  made  to  the  prejudice  of  the  Council.     4..  That  tl  rceot  eacfi 
*  Nations  be  chofen  to  judge  of  departures,  ^c  But  the  Pope  fled  andfcnt 
'  them  word  that  it  was  not  for  fears,  but  for  his  healtii. 

^  3.  Scir.5.  The  Emperor  being  among  them,  they  decreed  again  the  «:S~J 
Power  ot  the  Council  as  immediately  from  Chrili,  which  the  Pope  and  all 
muii  obcyi  and  that  the  Pope  is  punilliable  if  he  difobey  ;  that  he  is  bound 
to  furrendcr  in  anvcafc  of  great  and  evident  proht  to  the  Church  s  that 
he  unlawfully  departed  j  that  if  hu  will  return  and  perform  his  promifc, 

Next,  tliey  proceeded  to  condemn  the  Books  of  John  JFickliJf,  and  to 
profecute  John  Hufs, 

Next  they  applied  themfel\-cs  to  the  Empcrour  to  reduce  the  Pope,  who 
told  tlicm  he  vvasin  the  hands  of  th.c  Duke  oi  Anjlria'-,  but  if  they  pkafed 
he  would  write  to  him,  cr  try  to  fetch  him  by  force,  yc, 

^.4.  Stfl".  <5  They  order  the  Procuration  for  the  Popes  Refignation  tobe 
demanded,  and  Procefs  to  be  made  againll  John  Hufs  ,  and  Hieromc  of 
Trague.  A  Letter  is  read  from  the  Univerlity  of  Paris  to  the  Pope,  to  fiib- 
mit  to  the  Council. 

§.5.  Self.  7.  Theyaccufed  Hifw«f  of  Prague  for  not  appearing,  and  ft, m- 
moncelthc  Pope,  promiiingiiim  fafe  Conduct, /er^/j/ivi  ^/r/f/Vw  &c. 

§.  6.  Seff  8    They  condemned  ?#'/ci;/i'j^'s  Bones  to  bcdig'd  up,  upon  45  "^^3 
Articles, in/iead  of  260  which  they  had  gathered.  Art.  i.was: 

•i.  That  the  fiibl'tance  material  of  Bread  and  Wine  reir.ain  in  the  Sa- 
'  crament  of  the  Altar. 

'  2.  The  Accidents  of  Bread  remain  not  without  the  Lbffancc. 

'5.  Chriftis  not  identically  and  really  in  hisproper  bodily  prefcncc  in 

*  the  Sacrament. 

'4.  If  a  Eiihopor  Pricfilivein  mortal  (in,  he  Ordaincth  not,  Eapti^ctb 

*  not,  Confccrateth  nor. 

'5.  TheGofpel  faith  not  that  Chrift  inftitutcd  theMafs. 

'  6.  Cod  ought  to  obey  the  Devil.  *  *  ^  c.t~ 

*  7.  It  a  man  be  contrite  aright,  outward  confcllion  is  ncedlefs  and  un-  '•■'"v- 
'  prohtable 

'  8.  It  the  Pope  be  a  Reprobate,  and  wicked,  and  fo  a  Member  of  the 
'  Devil,  he  hath  no  power  over  the  faithful  given  him  by  any  but  Csfir. 

'  9,  Since  Vrban  1  he  6.  none  is  to  be  taken  for  Pope,  but   wc  mult  live  as  |  vder 
'  the  Crakj,  t  under  our  own  Laws.  the  ru-.ks 


4\i  Qhurth  HiUory  of  Di/Jjops, 

'  to.  It  is  awinft  S:ripturc  that  Church-men  have  polJcflion  (that  is 
'  they  (fjnuld  not  hhour  to  he  rich.) 

'ii.  No  Prelate  flioiild  excommunicate  anyone,  unlcfs  he  know  that 
•  God  hath  hrficxconimunicited  him:  And  he  that  fo  cxcommunicatcth 
is  thereby  a  Heretick  or  H.xcoirjmunicatc. 

'  12.  A  Prelate  that  cxcommunicatcth  a  Clerk  who  appealed  to  the 
'King,  crto  the  Council  of  the  Kingdome,  is  thereby  a  Traytor  to  the 
'King and  Kingdome. 

'  13.  They  that  give  over  Preaching,  or  hearing  Gods  Word,  for  mens 
'  F  xcomnitinication,  are  Excommunicate,  and  in  the  Day  of  Judgment  (hall 
•■  be  judged  Tray  tors  to  Chrifi. 

'  1 4.  It  is  lawful  for  a  Deacon  or  Presbyter  to  preach  the  Word  of  God- 
'  without  the  Authority  of  the  Apoftolick  Seal,  or  a  Catholick  Bilhop. 

'  1  5.  No  one  i,  a  Civil  Lord, or  a  Prelate,  or  a  Bifliop,  while  he  livcih  in 

'  mortal  lin.  (7be  meaning  of  this  is^no  open  wicked  man  is  a  Snljeci  ca^tbh  of 

■  '  fuch  Authority  given  by  Chriji,  as  Jhall  vojrrant  him  to  itfc  the  place,  bitt  his 

'  jcis  >n.iy  he  vilnedto  oihas  in  many  cafes)  Vifpofuio  materia  ejl  /scceffaria  ad  for- 

'■mamrecipicndam:  Asan  Inhdelcan  be  no  Bilhop  or  Pador.J 

'16.  Temporal  Lords  may  take  away  temporal  goods  from  the  Church, 
'from  a  roffeflbr  habitually  criminal,  and  not  only  in  acf.  (Not  from  the 
'■  Caere d  tife  m  general,  but  fi-um  that  man  that  forfeiteththem.J 

'  17.  The  people  may  corrcdt  their  Delinquent  Lords  (7his  is  not  to  he 
'■  heliu'edto  be  WickVid's  fenfe,  till  they  cite  his  otvn  tvordr,  which  no  doubt  limit 
'  it  to  the  cafes.) 

'18  Tythes  are  mecr  Alms,  and  the  Parifliioncrs  may  take  them  away 
'  for  their  Prelates  tins. 

^19.  Thelpecial  prayers  applied  by  Prelates  and  Religious  men  to  one 
'  per  Ion,  prnnt  him  no  more  than  the  general  ones,  cteteris  panbn;. 

'  20  He  that  giveth  Alms  to  Fryars  is  thereby  Excommunicate  (that  is, 
'  he  fins  by  cherijhing  r,-ilfnl  idlenefs.) 

'21.  He  that  enters  the  private  Religion,  cither  of  the  Poffefmg  or  the 
'  Mendicant  Fryars,  becomes  Idb  ht  and  able  to  keep  the  Commandments 
'  or  God. 

"  22.  Holy  men  that  made  private  Religions,  thereby  finned. 
'23.  TheReligious  living  in  private  Religion,  are  not  (therein)  of  the 
Chriliian  Religion. 

'24.  Fryars  are  bnurd  to  get  their  living  by  the  labour  of  their  hands, 
'and  not  by  begging. 

•■25.  They  are  SiinoniacJl  that  bind  themfelves  to  pray  fbrothcrs  for  a 
'  temporal  reward  (or  price. ) 

'  2<?.  Tie  prayers  of  lUprnh^tcs  ("mcked  men)  ataileth  not  to  any. 
'  27.  Ai'  thmgscome  topafs  by  neceliity. 

'  2b.  The  Conhrmationot  Ynuth,  the  Ordination  of  Cl-rks,  the  Con- 
'fccrationot  Places,  are  rcfcrved  to  the  Pope  and  tilhops  for  covctoufnefs 
'ot  tcmpoial  gain  and  honour. 

'  2^.  Univer- 


d  their  Councils  Abridged^  435 

'2p.  Univcrfitits,  Studies,  Colledgcs,Dcgrecs,  and  Maftcrfliips  in  them, 

*  are  introduced  by  vain  Gentility,  and  proht  the  Church  as  much  as  the 

*  Devil  doth. 

'30.  The  Excommunication  of  a  Pope,  or  any  Prelate,  is  not  to  be 
'  feared, bccaufc  it  is  the  Ccnfureuf  Antichrift. 

'31.  They  that  found  Cloyfters  fin,  and  they  are  Diabolicil  that  enter 

'32.  To  enrich  the  Clergy  isagainft  Chrifis  Rule. 

'33.  Pope  .?y/rf/?fr,  and  the  Empcrour  COT^/?jn/;«,  erred  in  inriching  the 

'34.  All  the  Order  of  Begging  Fryars  are  Hereticksi  and  thofc  that  give 

*  to  them  are  Excommunicate. 

'  3  5.  They  that  enter  Religion  (as  Fryars)  or  any  Order  (nf  them)  are 
'  thereby  difablcd  from  keeping  Gods  Commands,  and  fo  of  coming  to 

*  Heaven,  unlcfs  they  forfakc  them. 

'  3<J.  The  Pope,  and  all  his  Clergy  that  have  Poffeflions,  arc  therefore  He- 

*  reticks,  and  the  Secular  Lords  and  Laicks  that  conlcnt  to  them  (to  tlxir 

*  great  riches.) 

'  37.  The  Church  of  Kawe  is  the  Synagogue  of  Satan  i  and  the  Pope  is 
'  not  the  immediate  and  nearelt  Vicar  of  Chriil  and  the  Apoftlcs. 

'  38.  The  Decretal  Epiftles  are  Apocryphal,  and  feducc  from  the  Faith 
*of  Chrin,  and  tiic  Clerks  that  fludy  them  are  fools- 

*  3P.  The  Empcrour  and  Secular  Lore's  were  feduccd  by  the  Devil  toin- 
'  rich  the  Churcli  ( cxceftvcly  he  meaneth)  with  temporal  goods. 

'  40.  The  Eledion  olt  the  Pope  by  Cardinals  was  introduced  by  the 

'  41.  It  is  not  ncceffary  to  Salvation  to  believe  the  Church  of  V^ome  to 
'  be  the  Supreme  amongothcr  Churches. 

'  42.  It  is  fooliih  totruftto  the  Indulgences  of  the  Pope  and  Biftiops. 

*  43.  Oaths  made  to  lirengthen  humane  Contrails  and  Civil  Commerce, 

*  are  unlawful. 

'  44.  Attgufliiie^  Benedin^  Bernard  are  damned,  unlcfs  they  repented  of  ha- 
'  vingpoflcffions,  and  inditutingand  entering  ('/'rK'.irO  Religions  v  and  lb 
*from  the  Pope  lo  the  lowell  RcTigious  (Fryar)  they  are  all  Hereticks. 

'45.  All  Religions  (that  is  Orders  cf.  Fryars  )  were  introduced  by  the 

This  Article  about  Necefity  of  Events  ^  I  fee  in  ffici^i^s  Books  is  his 
ewn,  and  many  here  cited  are  true  i  but  no  doubt  b'.it  many  of  them  arc 
perverted  by  their  wording  them,  and  leaving  out  the  Explicatory  Con- 

The  Council  forbad  his  Books,  and  condemned  them  to  be  burnt,  and 
reprobated  every  one  o{  all  theft-  forcfaid  Articles,  with  all  the  260. 

The  Duke  of  At<pia  moft  hunibly  begged  the  tmpcrours  pardon  for  re- 
ceiving the  Pope. 

^,7.  ScfT.  p.  The  Citation  of  the  Pope  is  read,  and  CommilTaries  and 

K  k  k  k  Judges 



Church-  Bijlory  of  'Bi/bopi 

then, ; 

Judges  appointed  •>  and  a  Letter  read  from  the  Univcrfity  of  Varis^  inftiga- 
ting  the  Council  to  their  duty  ( for  their  honeft  Chancellour  Oerftn  was 
licre. ) 

(j.  8,  ScfT.  lo.  The  Popes  Sufpenfion  was  read.  Thc.^r]/:  n.  the  Ar- 
ticles againll  the  Pope  arc  read,  whidi  were  proved  i  whidi  were  in  tura 
as  follovveth. 

Art.\.  That  tlie  Pope  John  from  his  Youth  was  of  a  naughty  difpofici- 
on,  impudcHt  a  lyar,  rebellious  againft  his  Parents,  given  to  moil  Vices, 
2Tid  fo  was,  and  (HU  is  accounted  of  all  that  know  him  i  Cardinals,  Arch- 
Ei(hops,  Eifhops  &c.  witnefsit. 

2.  He  gathered  liches  by  Symony,  and  wicked  means. 

3.  Ey  thefe  Symoniacal  riches  he  purchafed  a  Cardinals  place  at  grtat 

4.  PcffclTing  Bono«/i*as  Legate  by  tyranny  and  cruel  exadion?,  inhu- 
manely and  impioufly  he  ruined  the  people,  without  all  Juftice  or  ?{ct)\&c. 

5.  Getting  thus  to  be  Popejike  a  Pagan  he  contemned  all  Divine  Offices. 

6.  That  he  is  the  oppreifor  of  the  poor,  the  perlccutor  of  Juftice,  the 
Pillar  of  the  unjuf^,  the  Statue  of  Simoniacks,  the  fcrvant  of  the  Flefh, 
the  dregs  of  Vices,  a  llranger  to  Virtue,  flying  publick  Confiliories,  wholly 
given  to  fleep,  and  other  flclhly  delires  i  wholly  contrary  to  Chrilf  in  life  and 
manners,  theGlafs  of  Infamy,  and  the  profound  Inventerof  all  wickcd- 
ntfTes  (or  malice)  fo  fcandalous  to  the  Church,  that  among  faithful  Chri- 
f^ians  that  knew  him,  he  was  commonly  called  "I HE  DEVIL  INm 

7.  That  as  a  VefTcl  of  all  ilns,  he  repulfed  the  worthy,  and  gave  all  Of- 
fices, Benefices  and  Charch-promotions  to  the  bad  that  would  give  moft 
Money  for  them.  * 

8.  Hereby  the  whole  Churchy  Clergy  aud  People,  fell  under  infamy  and. 

p.  That  of  all  thefe  he  was  oft  admonifbed  and  humbly  intreatcd. 

10.  That  he  was  worfe  after  than  before,  laying  all  pretence  of  Jufficc, 
and  openly  felling  all  to  the  worft  that  would  give  him  money. 

ii.  That  growing  yet  flronger  in  Vices,  he  made  divers  Officers  pur- 
pofely  to  manage  his  Simony  (as  his  Bailiffs)  for  all  fat  Cathedrals,  Abbeys  • 
Monafleries,  Priories,  and  vacant  Benefices  rcfervcd,  &e. 

1 2.  That  he  charged  his  Regiifers  to  receive  all  the  money  before  tliey 
granted,  &c, 

13.  That  he  appointed  certain  Merchants  to  put  vacant  Benefices  in  the 
Balance,  and  grant  their  Petitions  thatoflcrcd  moft  for  them. 

14.  Heordered  that  no  Petition  for  a  BeneSce  be  offered  him,  till  it  w^re 
figncd  by  the  Refundary  who  then  was  to  pay  it  out  of  his  own  Etlat€  if  he 
took  too  little. 

1 5.  That  againfi  God  and  hisConfcicnce  he  oft  fold  his  Bulls  to  Eminent 
men,  in  which  he  wrote,  that  they  that  had  Benefices  had  reflgnjrd  them  t6 
him,  and  that  by  lying  forged  Reiignation,  which  nevtr  was  made,  fold' 
tkcra  again  for,  great  llims,  and  beggar'd  n.any,  .  6.  By 

and  their  Coundls  ^bridged"  ^?c 

1  <J,  By  this  it  came  to  pafs,  that  without  all  difficulty  he  that  gave  moft, 
carried  it:  And  the  fame  courfe  was  held  in  Sacramfits,  Indulgences,  Di- 
fpenfations,  and  other Ecclelianical  and  Spiritual  Gifts. 

17.  That  heufually  fold  the  fame  Benefice  divers  times  over  to  divers 
perfons,  or  to  the  faire,  filencing  Claims  of  Right  \  whereby  the  whok 
Church  was  defiled  with  Simony,  *  hlled  with  the  unworthy,  both  in  *  Which 
higher  and  lower  Prelacies,  e!^c.  t'"""^''v  y 

i8.  That  he  refuted  to  Confirm  thofe  that  were  Canonically  Eleded,  ^'^',fif,^ 
unl^fs  even  to  fatiety  they  glutted  him  with  Money,  putting  the  unworthy 
in  their  (lead,  and  tranflated  men  againft  their  wills  from  their  Churci)es, 
that  he  might  fell  thtm  dearer. 

ip.  That  promifing  Church- Reformation  in  the  Council  at  P//i,  he 
called  one  at  Rome,  and  being  there  publickly  admonifhed,  being  incorri- 
gible by  the  Devils  inftind,  did  worfc. 

20.  That  he  fold  for  Money  Indulgences  at  the  hour  of  death,  the  Predi- 
cation of  theCrofs,  Abfolutionsfrom  fault  and  punifliment,  Conccllions 
ot  Churches  and  portable  Altars,  Confccrations  of  BiHiops,  Bcncdi<ftions  of 
Abbots,  Relicks  of  Saints,  Holy  Orders,  power  in  ConfciTion  to  abfolvc 
from  iins,  and  Ads  that  may  be  miniiired  only  by  the  Operations  of  the 
Holy  Glioft  for  Grace. 

21.  That  one  Mc.  Py/?(7rw/,  a  F/orf«ff  Merchant,  and  the  Popes  Secreta- 
ry, a  Lay  married  man,  was  made  by  the  Pope  his  Legate  Apollolical,  fcnt 
into  Brabant  to  cxad  and  receive  a  Subfidy,  which  was  the  tenth  part  of 
the  fruit  of  all  Benefices  in  divers  Cities  and  DiocelTes,  and  to  excommuni- 
cate the  rcfufers  by  a  certain  deputed  Sublegate,  t  and  fufpend  Colledgcs,  tl  Hk'  ■* 
Covents,  Chapters,  &c.  ^y  Chan- 

2  2.  That  Jie  authoriTcd  this  Nicholas  to  grant  to  all  perfons,  of  each  j'^ 'j^^',. 
Sex,  for  Money  to  choofc  their  Confcffors,  that  might  abfolve  from  fault  ^att. 
andpunilhmcnt,  by  which  the  Merchant  got  vaft  fums  of  Money,  fcducing 

the  people, 

23.  That  all  the  prcmifes  are  known,  true,  proved,  &c, 

24.  That  ^mo  1412.  Ambafladors  from  the  King,  Bifliops  and  Univcr- 
fities  of  France^  admoniflicd  him  charitably  of  this  fcandalous,  intatnous 

25.  That  ke  amended  not  by  it,  but  did  worfc. 

2d.  That  he  is  defamed  of  all  this  in  all  Kingdomcs  of  the  Chri(\ian 

27.  That  heabufcd  Kcwff  and  the  Churches  Patrimony,  cxhaufting  the 
people,  andimburfing  it  himlth,  by  Taxes,  Gabcls,  t^c  M.i»y  injianccs  arc 

28.  For  tlufe  things  many  Crimes,  Sacriledges,  Adulteries,  Murders, 
SfoilSjRapincand  Thefts  weie  committed  in  Kojwi',  through  his  fault. 

2p.  It  is  thecommon  voice,  opinian,  afTertion  and  belief,  that  in  tliefe, 
and  innumerable  other  evils*  he  is  the  grcatelt  Dilapidator  and  Diilipator 
cf  the  Church  Aflairs  that  ever  was,  fcandalous  to  theUnivctfal  Church,  a 

Kkk  2  Witch, 

4j6  Qhurcb^Hiftory  of  Bi/hops 

witch,  a  Murderer,  a  Killer  of  his  Brethren,  Incontinent,  in  all  things 
krvinpj  the  Vices  of  the  ficfh,  of  inhnite  crimes,  calkd  intamoi-fly  BJ. 

30.  That  all  this  is  notorious  by  common  fame,  repute,  dr<;. 

31.  Thac  he  hath  (old  the  goods  of  Cardinals,  iJilhopricks,  Parifhes.CoI- 
kdges,  Priories,  d^-c. 

32.  And  this  not  only  in  the  City  about  fmany  inrtanccs  named.) 

33.  That  he  deftroycd  llniverlity  Studies,  by  taking  the  Salaries  to 

34.  Befides,he  laid  fuch  burdens  on  the  Parfons,  as  forced  them  to  fJl 
tlie  Chuich-goods,  Ornaments,  and  Books. 

35.  That  hereby  the  whole  Church  was  notorioufly  fcandalizcd. 

3d.  The  Infamy  was  fo  great,  that  Princes  and  the  limperour  bcfought 
him  to  amend- 

37.  Hereupon  he  promifcd  to  amend,  and  to  call  this  Council. 

38.  But  he  went  on,  and  did  worferhan  before. 

3P.  He  forbad  the  righting  of  the  Injured  in  judgment. 

40.  That  thcBifhopof  Salisbury ^  and  other  Engl/Jh  Embaffadours,  ad- 
rnonilhed  him  to  amend,  and  he  gave  them  ill  word?,  and  threatned,  and  a- 
bu fed  them. 

4 1 .  That  at  Conflance  he fwore  to  refign  for  Peacr, 

42.  Andhepromifedto  fubmitto  tiiC  )udgincnt  of  the  Council. 

43.  He  bid  all  fay  what  they  would  againlthim. 

44.  He  was  huirjbly  intrcated  by  the  Council  to  perform  his  word. 

45.  Yet  thought  by  hiding  himlclf  to  evade. 

4#.  Yet  he  profcfied  before  that  he  intended  not  to  depart. 

47.  And  when  the  Church  longed  for  peace,  by  the  Council  he  plotted 
to  diflblve  the  Council,  and  fo  tied  in  a  difguiztd  habit. 

48.  Vic  SicA  to  Scbafbaiifen^  and  commanded  fome  Cardinals  and  Bifhops 
to  come  to  him. 

4p.  Thence  he  fled  fo  Lauffcnhcrge^  and  towards  Briftc. 

50.  The  Council  defircd  his  return, 

51.  He  denied  to anfwer,  butfled  to]V«m)Z>/rrg  to  fruftrate  the  Council. 

52.  He  is  an  obdurate  linner,  and  incorrigible  Fautor  of  Schifoi  &c. 

53.  That  all  fhis  is  notorious,  and  the  common  repute  of  men. 

54.  And  all  the  prcmifes  are  the  common  fame  and  voice.  Here  fomc- 
what  is  left  out. 

And  they  begin  as  anew  j  i.Dedatinghis  wickedncis  from  his  Youth. 

2.  That  lie  is  notorioufly  fufpeded  to  have  poyfoned  Pope  Alexander  and 
h's  Phyluian  Daniel, 

3.  "1  hat  he  con.mittcd  Incefi  with  his  Brothers  Wife,  and  with  the  holy 
Nuns,  and  nviflicd  Maids,  and  committed  Adultery  with  Wives,  and  o» 
thcr  crimes  of  Incontinence. 

3.  That  he  Simonaically  fold  fix  Paridi  Churches  in  Bmonh  to  Lay  men 
^ho  fct  Prjeiis  in  them  at  their  pltafurc. 

4..  TKat 

artd  their  Councils  abridged,  4^7 

4.  That  tor  Money  he  fo!d  the  Maftcrfhip  of  the  Order  of  S.  Jnbn  of  Je- 
rnfalcm\nC\fi-us  to  a  Child  of  rive  years  old,  Balhrd  to  the  King  of  Cy- 
pruf,  with  the  fruits  of  Vacancies,  and  fpoilsof  the  hft  Malkr,  d^c. 

5.  That  he  would  not  recall  this,  but  on  conditions- 

1.  That  the  K.of  C)/»rK/ Ihould  be  paid  fby  tiiem  that  fuccecdcd^  all  the 
Money  back  which  he  gave  to  the  Pope. 

2.  That  the  Pope  ihould  have  more ,  fix  thoufand  Florins  of  Gold, 
wliich  the  Prior  of  Rhodes  paid  >  and  for  which  the  Hofpitalkrs  arc  yet 
in  dkbf. 

3.  He  refcrvcd  for  the  faiJ  Bafiard  the  Magilrral  Chamber,  worth  two 
thoufand  Florins. 

4.  That  the  faid  Pope  John  gave  Fryar  Jacr>htts  d:  Vitrijco,  an  ancient 
man,  and  cxpfefly  profcfling  the  Hofpitallcrs  IlehrJon,  an  Abfokuion  from 
his  Vows,  Rule  and  habit  of  Religion,  and  rcduc.d  him  to  a  Se.ulan  hte, 
and  Marriage, £><:.  for  lix  hundred  Ducats. 

Many  other  Articks  I  pafs  by,  as  tedious  to  be  repeated:  Onc^was,  Ibjt 
hcivas a  iiMrioiis  Simo!ii.ic]{_,  .vida  pertinacious  Heretich^.  Another  was,  Jh.n 
often  before  d/iers  Vrchtes^  and  other  bontfi  men Jiy  tin  Vails  perftvjfunhc  pcr- 
tinaciotfjlyj'jtd,  ajjerled,  dogmatized,  and  mjintjincd^  there  is  nj  Life  Eta- 
njl^  nor  any  after  t!'is :  Andl.vftid,  and  pertinacioufy  belirued,  tbjt  mam  Soul, 
dieth  with  the  body-,  and  is  cxtinO^  as. are  the  Bruits :  And  hefiid^  that  the  "Dead 
rifi:  not,  contrary  to  tlx  Article  of  the  KrfurrcCiion^  &-c. 

He  fent  an  Epiille  to  the  Eniperour  to  beg  mercy  &c, 

ij.  p.  Sifl'.  I  i.  The  Articles  being  Hicwcd  the  F'opc,  his  Anfwcr  is  recited  : 
\'n.l bat  he  repented  of  bis  flthy  departure,  and  rat ifud  all  the  Councils  Proccjs. 
againji  him,  and  rvoald  giie mother  Anfh-er  to  their  Charge,  affirmi>:^^}b>;t  rve 
Conncil  of  Conllancc  iv.jj-  innii  holy,  and  could  not  err  \  and  nas  the  Pifane 
Council  continued^  and  he  troMd  nci'cr  contradi^  the  Cmtncil,  but  puhiicl\ly  con' 
ftfs  that  he  had  no  ri^Ji't  in  the  Pap  icy:  "that  he  irould  be  much  pie  i  fed  tl.ut  the. 
Sentence  agair.fl  him  might  be  quickly  pijftd,  and  fent  hiniy  tvhich  with  all  reve- 
rence be  would  receive^  and  as  much  as  in  him  lay  cv;prm,  r.itiie,  apprji'C,  and. 
divulges  and  did  tbenratifc,  approve,  and  confirm  all  their  Troccfi  againji  him, 
and  promife  never  to  gainjay  them. 

The  Council  decreed,  that  when  the  Papacy  was  void,  none  fiiould  b:. 
chofenwithuut  them,  and  they  that  attempted  it  Ihould  be  punilhed,  and 
the  tledion  be  void. 

Next  the  Definitive  Sentence  of  Depofrion  was  pafiagainft  him. 

Not  they  decreed,,  that  none  of  the  three  prefent  i-'opcs Ihould  ever  be 
cledcd  again. 

§.  10.  Scrt".  15.  The  Council  decreed,  that  though  Chri ft  after  Supper 
inftitutcd.  and  tohi<  DKcipIes  admmifired  the  Sacrjmi.nt  in  both  kinjs,. 
Bread  and  W  inc,  &c.  '  And  though  in  the  Primitive:  Chuich  the  faitluul  re- 
'ccircdit  iti  both  i%inds,  (>.•.  yet  the  contrary  cuftoine  ot  the  Ci)urcii  ihoitUl-,. 
*  be  a  Law,  whichmay  not  be  reprcbatcd  wirhout  the  Clmrchcs  AiKhcrity, 
'or  chang'.'d:  Ar.dto  fay  that  t!^s  isTacrilcgious  and  ual  jvvful,is  erro.ieouSv'* 

■  and  . 

41 8  Churcb-Htjlory  of  ^ifoops 

'and  the  pertinacious  AflTcrtors  fo  be  proceeded  againft  as  Hereticks  (that 
'  is,  Ijurnr.) 

Tiius  they  take  power  tochange  Chrins  Sacrament,  and  that  when  they 
fiippofc  it  to  be  his  very  blood  that  they  deny  men,  and  make  it  Herclic 
and  death  to  obey  God  before  them.    This  was  the  Reforming  Council. 

Next  they  decree,  that  any  Pricft  tha't  givcth  the  Sacrament  in  both 
kinds  (hall  be  excommunicated,  and  ufed  as  a  Herctick,  even  by  Secular 
rower,  that  is,  burnt. 

§•  Ti.  Sefl.  14.  Carolus  deMahteftis  recited  in  the  name  of  Gre^or)'  12, 
his  Renunciation  of  the  Papacy,  and  Greg,  approved  the  Council.  The 
Council  abfolvcth  all  men  from  his  obedience,  &c.  confirm  fbme  of  his 
Ads,  require  the  third  Pope  to  refign,  and  declare  him,  if  he  rcfule,  a  no- 
torious Schifmatick,  and  pertinacious Hcretick. 

fj'  I  2.  Scfi;  15.  After  a  fevere Decree  for  filence,  and  no  contradidion, 
the  Articles  of  Herefie  charged  on  JohnHufs  were  read,  the  fum  of  many 
is  as  followcth. 

1.  As  Chriii  it  both  God  and  Man,  fo  the  confecrated  Hojl  is  the  Body  of 
Chr/Jl,  at  kjfl  in  Figure^  and  trite  Bread  in  Nature. 

2.  That  he  dcclaretb  to  thehereticil  lyars  about  the  confecrated  Hofi^  that  they 
can  never  declare  or  uitderjland  an  accident  without  a  fitbjeff. 

3.  This  is  my  body ^  is  fuch  a  figurative  jpeech,  as]ohn  wj/Elias. 

4.  The  Kcidnefs  of  feigning  an  accident  rvithout  a  fubjeii,  blaffhemeth  God, 
fcavdalizctb  the  Saints,  and  deciiveth  the  Church. 

5.  Itt  foolijf}  and  prefumptuous  to  define,  that  the  Infants  of  the  faithful  are 
not  faved,  dying  n-ithout  the  Sacrament  of  Baptifm. 

6.  The  light  and  brief  Confirmation  by  Bipops ,  fokmnized  only  by  the 
Tvites  faid  over,  rvas  introduced  by  the  Da'il,  and  to  delude  the  people  in  the  be- 
lief of  tbi  Church,  and  that  the  folemnity  and  neceftty  of  Bijhops  may  be  tl>e  more 

7.  AgainiiOyl,  anointing  Children,  and  the  Linnen  Cloth,  as  a  light  Cert- 
many,  &:c. 

8.  Vocal  Confcffion  made  to  a  Triejl,  introduced  ^y  Innocent,  is  not  fo  necef- 
fary  as  he  defincth  :  He  that  by  thought,  word  or  deed  offendetbhis  Brother,  it  fiif- 
ficeth  him  to  repent  by  thought,  rrord  or  deed. 

p.  The  Prieli  hearirg  ConfeJJion  as  the  Lztinzs  do,  is  grievous  and grouniUfs , 

A  good  life  is  a  good  fign  of  a  true  Minijhr. 

The  ill  lifeof  afrclatc  fuhftracieth  the  SubjcUs  acceptation  of  Orders,  ando' 
ther  Sacraments ,  and  yet  in  cafe  of  nece^ly  they  may  receive  of  fuch,  pioufy 
praying  that  God  rvill  make  up  himfcif  by  theje  his  Diabolical  Minijiers,  the  xrerk^ 
or  end  of  the  Ojfce  which  they  are  jivorn  to. 

Ancient  pcrjons  that  dcjpair  of  children  may  lawfully  marry  for  temporal  com- 
modity^  or  mutual  help,  or  to  cxcufe  Lull. 

IVords  of  Marriage,  dc  prsfcnti,  I  take  thee  for  my  fFife  ,  frujirate  words 
de  future,  to  another,  I  will  tak^  thee  for  a  iF/fc,  ■  ■•  •"  .     ••    ■  •  » 


and  their  Council t  ^"^bridged^  ^jp 

"the  Tope  that  faljly  alls  himfelf  the  fenant  of  the  fervxnts  of  God,  it  in  no 
degrti  of  Evangelical  ferjice ,  but  rvorldly  i  and  if  he  be  in  my  order,  it  is  in 
that  »f  Devils,  fcrving  God  more  ciilpjbly  h%  fin. 

The  Pope  difpenfeth not  tvith Simony,  beingthe  Capital  Simoniijt-,  vowing  rafh- 
!y  to  k,eep  a  moji  damnable  ftate. 

"That  the  Pope  is  fummus  Pontifcx  is  riiicnlons  :  Chriji  nei-er  approved  fiich 
a  Dignity  in  Peter,  or  in  any  other.  t 

Jhe  Pope  is  the  Patron  of  Anti:hriji ;  not  only  that  fmgle  ptrfon,  but  thtmnt- 
tit ndt  of  Popes  from  the  time  of  the  Churches  Donation,  tlx  Cardinals,  Bijhops, 
and  other  their  Complices,  is  the  compounded  monjhnus  perfin  of  Antichriji :  And 
yet  Gregory,  and  ether  Popes  that  did  good  in  their  lives  fruitfully  repented  at 
laft :  Peter,  and  Clement,  and  other  helpers  in  the  Faith,  n-rre  not  Popes,  but 
Gads  helpers  to  edi(ie  the  Church  of  Chrili. 

Ihat  this  Papal  Preeminence  l-ad  its  rife  from  theCofpel,  is  as  falfe,  as  thai 
all  Err  our  arofe  from  thefirftJrteth. 

"there  are  trcelve  Procurators  and  Difciples  of  Antichrifis^  the  Pope,  Cardi- 
nals, Patriarchs,  Arch-bi(liops,  Biiiiops.  Arcli-dcacons  ,  OfliciaJs ,  Deans, 
Monks,  for}{cd  Canons, /j//c  I-  lyars,  and  Ql  eliors. 

Its  as  clear  as  the  light,  that  he  is  greateji,  and  next  Chriji  in  the  Church  Mili- 
tant, that  is  moj\  humble,  mc^l  fcrviceable,  and  moji  hveth  the  Church  in  the  love  of 

He  that  unjujily  pnjpjfeih  any  good  thing  of  God,  taksth  anothers  by  theft. 
Grace  is  neccffiry  to  dominion:  (He  meaneth,  i.  Not  of  right    before  men,  tut 
God.   i.Nor  of  fpecial  grace  only,  I  fifpfmfe, 

inthout  the  Litv  of  Chrifi  tnirarldly.  Charters  and  Papers  give  not  ability 
and  jrtjhce. 

fFe mujl not  by  gifts cherijh  aknoren  finner,  being aTraytor to  God. 
Di'icrs  arc  againii  temporal  poirer  or  right  in  tvickfd  men  in  mortal  fin  :   But  I 
fuppofe  that  he  meaneth  only  fucha  dcfeCi  as  n-tll  di fable  himfclf  before  God  to  re 
cfive  his  approbation  and  retvard,  but  not  fitch  vs  mil  difiblige  th  SubjeJ^  or  lofe 
his  property  in  forohumano. 

Many  more  there  be,  that  Fryarsand  the  fore Taid  twelve  Orders  of  Anti- 
chriftarenot  of  God,  and  foii^  Philofophical  Opinion;  s  vvhich  how  far 
Hkfs  held  them,  I  take  this  Catalogue  forno  proof  without  his  words,  tlie 
ConteKtand  Explication. 

All  thefe  are  nientiontd  as  taken  out  of  TFickli^fi  but  Hh/s  is  condemned 
for  thefe  following  Articks. 

1^ .  1 5 .  I ,  That  there  is  one  holy  Vniverfal  Church  of  all  the  Predcjit/iaiv. 

2.  7/)j*  Paul  rvas  nei'cr  a  Member  of  theDexil. 

3.  That  Reprobates  are  not  pxrts  of  th:  Ch'trch,  for  no  part  of  it  finally  fal^ 
leth  arvay,  PrcJtjiinating  Love  never  forfaking  him, 

4.  Ttvo  Natures,  the  Divinity  and  Humanity,  an  one  Chnji. 

5.  1  he  fame  as  af ere. 

«><  Taking  the  Church  for  the  PredetUnite,  it  is  an  Article  of  Faith, 
7>. Peter /vrfj  not^  ncriitk;  Head  of  theCathoiivk^  Chitreb. 

8.  Prtdjts 

44^  Church  HiUcry  of  Eifjops, 

8.  Frklls  of  wklied  lives  ft'.ute  tImVfi-'Vy  pomer. 

p.  li'e  P.ital  Ai^nity arcfe  from  the  Km^crour^  and  the  Popes prefcHure and  i>t' 
^^^  fiit;itii'n  fi wed  from  (^xiiK  fower.  ■ 

Diurs  of   Popes    and   Pricis   thjt  live  ivickfily  ate  nat  the  Apoflles  Succef- 

Veliveriinr  men  to  Secular  pnrvers  (hecjufe  excommunicate)  is  to  imitate  the 
Scribes  ar.d  Fbirifces  above  Ci.riji. 

Ecctcfujl/csl  obedience  is  obedience  after  toe  Prirjls  invention  rpithont  any 
exprefs  aiithrity  of  Scripture. 

All  humane  ASs  are  dijiini^uijl:cel  into  virtuous  and  viciouf. 
A  Pricji  of  Chriji  living  after  his  Laiv  and  underftjndiiig  the  Scripture,  and  de' 
firous  to  Ediflc  the  people,  ought  not  to  obey  the  Pope  or  any  Prelate  that  forbid/ 
bim  to  preach,  and  excommunic  ztcth  him. 
m^'       Every  one  made  a  Pricji  hath  a  command  to  preach  and  niufl  obey  it,  notveith' 
(ianding  cxcommunicjtioH . 

By  Chyrch  C.cnfures  of  excommunication,  fufpenfum  and  interdi&,  the  Clergy 
k^eps  the  Laity  under  their  feet  for  their  own  exaltation,  and  multiply  avarice, 
proteU  malice,  and  prep  ire  tbervjyto  Antichri[l\  It  is  an  nident  ftgn  that  fuch 
Cenjure,  proceed  frim  Antichrifi,  in  tduch  the  Clergy  principally  proceed  a^ainji 
■thofe  that  open  the  nakednefs  of  Antichrijis  rvickednefs,  tvhich  the  Clergy  will 
fur  themfclves  ufttrp. 

If  the  Popes  be  Kicked  men  and  reprobates,  then  as  Judas  an  Apnftle  n>as  a  thief 
and  trzitor  and  fon  if  perdition,  fa  they  are  no  heads  of  the  Church,  rehen  they  are 
uo  members. 

The  grace  of  prcdcjiination  is  the  bond  of  the  Churches  union  rvith  the  head. 
A  xvicked  and  reprobate  Pope  and  Prelate  is  equivocally  a  Pajior,  and  truly  n 
thief  and  robber. 

7 he  i'ope  fhouldnot  be  called  mojlholy. 

Kight  eledio/i  makes  not  him  that  cometh  not  in  by  Chriji  to  have  rigJxt. 
'VVickliils  40  Articles  n-cre  unjujily  condemned. 
y-A,       7herc  is  no  Jpark^  "f  appearance  that  there  muji  he  one  head  in  fpiritnals  to 
*~^     rule   tbewhd  e  Church,  that  muji   alveayes    converfe    n-ith  it ,    and  be  con- 

Chriji  Tailed  his  Church  better  throughout  the  world  by  his  true  Difciples  difperf- 
ed,  than  it  U  by  fuch  moiflrous  lyeads. 

7he  Apnjilcs  and  faithful  Pricji s  of  the  Lordy  did  (IrenuuMfly  regulate  the  Church 
in  things  necefjarv  ">  f.tlvation,  before  the  Office  "f  a  Pope  was  introduced,  and  fo 
would  do,  rvere  there  noPope,to  the  end  of  the  world. 

"There  is  no  Civil  Lord,  no  Preble,  no  Bifhop^  while  in  mortal  fm.  (Of  which 
oft  before.) 

Thcfc  Articles  are  mentioned  which  they  fay  were  proved  againflhim. 

r-^       It   is    to  be   noted  that  Hufs    called  God  to  witnefs  that  he  never 

*        preached    nor    owned    many  of  thefe    Articles  which    falfe    witnefles 

brought  in  againCt  him,  and  yet  renounccth  nothing  that  he  held.     And 

whether  he  or  his  accuftrs,  better  knew  his  mind  and  laith  its  ealic  to  con)c- 

dturc.  They 

and  their  Councils  Abridged^  441 

They  condemned  Hufs  to  be  burnt  i  and  condemned  another  Article, 
that  any  StibjeS  miykill  a'tyrant  f  that  is,  anllfurper)  by  any  fecrct  or  open 

Then  they  made  an  Order  againfi  Robbers  of  fuch  as  came  to  the  Coim- 
cil,  and  went  back. 

§.  14.  Sell".  i6.  Deputies  are  appointed  to  go  to  Arragon  to  the  third  re- 
maining Pope  Bened.i-^.to  refign  i  and  other  matters. 

The  SefT.  1 7.  was  an  honourable  dimiilion  of  the  Empcrour. 

The  SefT.  1 8.  about  the  Councils  Bulls,  &c. 

The  ip.  Seff.  was  againll  Hteromc  of  Pragne^  where  they  recite  a  long 
Recanta' ion  which  they  fay  he  made,  and  frem  which  they  faid  he  after- 
ward revolted. 

^Alfo  the  Council  decreed  that  the>  might  proceed  againfi  Hereticks,  noC- 
withllanding  the  fafe  conduds  and  promifcsof  the  Empcrour,  Kings,  or  «&-i 
Princes,  by  what  Bond  focvcr  they  tycd  thcmfclves  therein,  though  'the 
Hereticks  had  not  appeared,  but  trailing  herein:  And  that  the  faid  Empc- 
rour, Kings,  &c.  having  done  what  in  them  lieth,  are  no  way  obliged  by 
their  prom.ifes. 

The  20.  SciT,  Decreed  a  nonitory  againft  thtDukeof  ^«/?ruonbcbalf 
of  the  Bilhopof  Trewf,  about  c  Hate. 

The  I  eft  was  about  the  Ejedion  of  Pope  Bc«c(//fl  the  i^th.  Theyfworeto 
certain  Capitula  about  it. 

(j  15.  Hicrome  oi  Prague  having  recanted  through  fear,  repented  and  o- 
penly  profcffed,  that  he  diflcmbled  and  flood  to  his  fornKr  dodtrine  and  was 

§  1(5.  Many  following  Sellions  areagainft  Pct.Lmt  ^  oxBencd.thc  ii/A. 
and  treating  with  the  Airagnnians  about  him  :  He  refufed  to  refign,  being  left 
fokropeCI  think  chofen  by  moreCardinals  than  thcreli;  in  the  37  Sell, 
they  pafs  Sentence  againll  him. 

§  17.  Seff.  35).  It  is  decreed  that  there  fhould  be  henceforth  General 
Councils  celebrated,  One  five  years  after  this,  anotlxr  frjen  years  after  that 
and  thence  forrvard  ei'ery  ten  years  one :    Or  if  there  fall  oat  another  Schifm 
then  n-ithin  a  year,  none  oftJx  contending  Popes  being  prefidents  ;  with  much  more 
about  the  Councils. 

Next  they  frame  a  rrofLffion  wliich  every  Elcded  Pope  mufl  make  viz. 
'[That  hefirml>  believeth  and  holdeth  the  holy  Catholick  Faith, according* 
'to  theTiaditions  of  the  ApclUes,  of  General  Councils,  and  other  holy 
'  Fathers,  efpecially  the  eight  holy  General  Councils,  viz.  Nice,  Confi.  2. 
'  Efh.^.  Caked.  4  Conjiar.t.  5  and  6.  Nic.  7.  Conjiant.  8.  As  alfb  the  Late- 
*rane,Lt<gditne,dnd  Vicn.  and  to  hold  that  faith  unchanged  in  every  title 
'  and  to  eonhim  even  to  life  and  blood,  defend  it  and  predicate  it,  and  cve- 
*iy  way  to  profecute  and  ctfave  the  riteof  Lcclefiaftical  Sacraii.ents  ^deli- 
'  vcred  the  LatholickChirch. 

Self.  40.  There  are  eighteen  heads  of  reformation  named  :  And  the 
fonn  of   Eledirg  Popes  decreed.     SclT.41.  An  Oath  for  the  Eledors. 

L  1 1  Otho 

441  Church- Bi ft ory  of  'Bi/hops 

Othi)  Colitmnt  Cardinal  is  made  Pope:  If^tckliffes  crtoisz^rm  repeated,  and 

Hifffls,  feme  Conliitmions  of  frtdcrk.  2.  Conhrnxd,  ar.d  the  Council  dil- 


r^         ^  18.  Fhtina  tells  us,  that  Pope  Jolm  wasdcpofed  only  bythor;  thathad 

""^      adhered  to  him,  before  the  other  parties  came.     He  was  kept  Prifontr  three 

years,  none  b'Jt  Geiw.^nc/,  whom  he  uuderflood  not,attendinghim:  Gregory 

died  of  grief,  thit  Carolm  Mjlatefla  had  too  haliily  publilhcd  his  rcHgnaci- 

on,  which  he  hoped  to  fniftrate  by  tlelay.     Ber.eJiB  refufing  to  relign,  the 

Arragon'tMs  and  Sp.iiiiardf  foifook  him  as  obClinatc.     The  -Si'Mf  llucklall  to 

him:   Plnina  faith  Hufs  2nd  Hieromt  wcreburntfcr  faying  tiat  Church /w/i 

Jhauld'imitate  Chriji  in  poverty,  when  their  wealth  and  luxury  was  the  common 

Scandal.     There  was  great  joy  at  the  choice  of  Martin.  5.  btt  Rome  ind  Italy 

were  IHII  in  Wars  and  confulion. 

^  tp.  Gregory  was  preferred  till  he  died,  and  this  V.John  foodiop.ny  dcf- 
cribed  by  the  Council  is  yet  after  fome  years  imprifonmcnt  made  Cardinal 
Eilliop  ot  lufculum,     O  what  Bifl'.ops  then  had  the  Church ! 

^  20.  For  all  the  conHrmations  of  this  Council  tlic  decrees  of  a  Coun- 
cil being  above  the  Pope,  are  faid  by  mod  Papifts  to  be  unapprn'ed,  be- 
caufe  the  Council  of  Florence  and  Laterane  judged  the  contrary  to  be 

§  21.  Pope  Martin  found  Koine  decayed,  Italy  in  Wars,  and  at  five  yezts 
end  fummoned  his  promifcd  Council  at  Papia  :  Few  came,  and  the  plague 
forced  them  to  r<move  to  Scn£,  when  Alfhonfiis  King  of  Arragonknt  Ora- 
tors to  plead  the  C:fufe  of  "Bened.  1 3.  whereby  Martin  fcr  fear  of  aSchifm 
was  fain  to  difTolve  the  Council  i  and  appointed  the  next  (even  years  after 
at  Bafil^  not  truliing  7fa/y ',  where  he  had  long  Warshimfclf,  as  afterward 
he  fiirred  upagainft  the  Bohemian  Htt[frtes^  after  14  years,  aged  6^  died  of  an 
Apoplexy  i  much  praifed. 

§22.  CCCCLXXl.  This  Concilium  Senenfe  we  need  fay  no  more 

§  23.  One  would  have  thought  that  after  this  flir  one  more  foberPope 
fhould  have  been  chofen  :  Eugtniuf  ^th.-  was  the  next, of  whom  more  after. 
He  hath  prefently  a  War  and  much  bloodlbcd  in  thcltreets  of  Kome,  with 
the  Culumnenjes.  Italy  is  IHII  in  Wars:  Thel'ope  is  again  afTaul  ted  :  The 
Romans  fet  up  feven  agilhatcs  :  Eitgenim  flytth :  they  puifue  him  with 
ftcnesi  he  elcapeth  to  Florence;  leaveth  the  CalHegardcd,%vhich  continued 
the  City-War  a  while.  The  Emperor  coming  into  Italy  he  would 
have  reiificd  but  could  not,  who  peaceably  came  and  went.  It  were 
tedious  to  relate  all  his  and  others  Wars  in  Italy  y  Platina  ind  many  0- 
thers  do  it. 

The  Council  at  Bafil  beginning,  he  would  have  removed  it  toBononii'. 
The  Empcrour  and  Council  rchft,  and  threaten  him,  and  he  conhrmcth  it  i 
for,  faith  Platina.  he  hid  fearer  breathing  time  from  vexing  Wars.  Hi  re- 
covereth  Rome  fand  other  placcsj  Pulcelliis  a  Leader  he  hanged,  when  he 
had  puH'd  off  his  flcfli  with  hot  Pmcas  ;  He  turneth  his  War  againfl  Jl- 


and  tbeir  Councils  Mridged*  ^^^ 

phonfiisKm^oi  Amgms  the  Cityof  Prew^e  he  utterly  deftroyed,  as  rebel- 
iious  ;  7  he  Council  at  Bafil  frightened  him  i  but  Sigifmund  dying,  and  ^Z- 
^erf  D.of  ^«/?rwchofen  EmperoLr,  he  ventured  to  call  it  away  co  Ferrarw 
Joh  Paleoljgus  contrived  thither,  in  falfe  hope  of  fuccour  from  the  ^F<r/?,  pur 
fome  Reputation  on  his  Council  :  The  Plague  drove  them  to  Florvicc; 
there  the  pretended  Reconciliation  of  the  Gnekj  and  Ljtines  was  made,  of 
which  many  Hillorics  fpcak  at  large,  efpccially  the  Cjr«fi;_  Edition  of  that 
Flor.  Council.  The  Wars  (HII  continued  round  about  him ;  The  Council 
at  Bafd  depod'd  Engeni'ts^  and  made  Amadius  D.  of  Ssvay  ^ :  Pious  man) 
Pope,  called  FW/x  5.  Eugenim  held  on  and  yielded  not  ■■>  Blood  and  Murders 
Irill  hlling  Italy  :  He  died  aged  d^.  An.  14+7.  making  firft  twenty  feven 
Cardinals,  &c. 

§.24.  CCCCLXXII.  This  great  Council  at  Bjfl  began  1431.  and  end- 
ed 1442.  the  Hillory  of  it  is  too  large  to  be  much  recited  The  B)hemijnr 
exafpcrated  by  the  litriung  of  their  Teacbcrs^  and  the  Popes  Excommunications, 
and  the  Decrees  to  burn  them,  defended  thcmfelves  by  Aims  under  Zifcj. 
and  were  ufually  victorious :  Thty  were  therefore  invited  to  the  Synod, 
which  they  received  with  tears  of  joy  s  but  for  the  fake  of  the  cafe  of  Htifs 
and  Hierome^  durft  not  truft  their  fafe  Conduct,  till  after  the  promife  of  ma- 
ny Princes,  and  the  Synod.  They  fent  fifteen  i  the  Bohemians  four  dales 
pleaded  their  four  Articles  •.  'i.For  the  Sacrament  in  both  kinds.  2.  For 
'corrcdling  and  eliminating  publickiins,  or  crimes.  3.  For  liberty  to  preach 
'  Gods  Word.  4.  Ot  the  Civil  Power  of  the  Clergy. 

Joh.  Jl/»g«/i'i«x  anfwcrcd  the  firll, calling  them  Hereticks  5  and  oth^^rs  te- 
dioufly  (many  Jail  s  upon  one  point)  anfwered  therefl*  and  difpute  begat 
difpure,  and  fo  fome  motioned  a  reconciling  Conference:  But  tluy  could 
not  agr(e,  and  the  Bohemijns  returned,  and  the  Council  fent  many  of 
their  Members  with  th.nito  Prague,  whom  the  City  received  civilly,  and 
heard  them,  exhorting  them  to  their  Opinions  ">  but  they  fiill  delired  fi- 
tisfadion  in  their  tour  Articles.  Manv  Debates  there  were,  and  by  explica- 
tion of  the  terms  they  came  to  undertiand  each  other,  and  a  fair  beginning 
of  reconciliation  was  inadci  but  the  firli  Artickof  the  Sacrament  m  both 
kinds  (hick  fo,  tlwt  they  could  not  get  over  it,  though  the  Council  confef- 
f.d  that  they  had  power  to  difpenle  in  it.  But  the<ugh  there  be  rcafon  c- 
nough  for  all  thcle  rcqueftsCfor  theoppoGng  publick  wickednefs,  for  kave 
to  preach  Gods  Word,  and  for  Church- m  nstbrbearing  Civil  cocrciv^  Go- 
vernment, unlels  made  the  Magifiratcs  OlficersJ  yet  fuch  reafonable  things 
are  hardlier  obtained  than  more  difputable  inattersi  bccaufe  fl.fh  and 
blood,  worldly  interelr,  and  the  Devil,  is  moft  againlf  them  :  And  of  this 
great  famous  Council  of  Billiops,  after  Petitions  ,  and  fome  good  word?, 
and  hvipcful  appiojciKS,  thcv  could  never  one  of  them  be  obtjincd^  but  tricks 
weredcvifed  to  elude  their  hopes,  and  inconveniences  plcaJed  that  would 
follow  fuch  ConceiVionsi  (  ilij  ordinary  way  ot  the  carnal  CLrgics  hin- 
dering Retoimaaon.) 

§.25.  The  tirff  S-'iFion  being  for  introdudtion,  to  fhev  their  hwfulnefs, 

Llll  2  in 


444  (hurcb^Hiftory  of  BiJJjopi 

in  the  fecond  ScflTion  they  decreed,  as  did  that  at  Conflance,  that  a  General 
Council  is  above  the  Pope,  in  matter";  ot'  Fairh,  Schifme,  and  Reformation  : 
And  ScfT.  3.  that  the  Council  may  not  be  diflblved  ;  And  they  admonifli 
the  Fope  to  rctradl  his  Revocation,  and  to  own  and  aHift  the  Council. 

After  they  declare,  that  the  Pope  may  not  make  Cardinals,  &c.  during 
the  Council. 

^.  26.  Seff.  22,  They  cond>;mncd  a  Book  of  Aitgujiinuj  dt  Roma,  3  Bi- 
fliop  o(  Nazareth^  that  had  many  Phanafck  Expreilionsi  as  that  Chrift 
daily  finneti  in  us,  becaufe  ot  our  Union  witli  him,  though  llnlefsin  him- 
felfi  that  only  the  Llcdt,  and  not  all  theju/iihcd,  are  Members  of  Chrift -, 
that  btfides  the  Union  of  Love,  there  mu(t  be  another  Union  with  Chrift  i 
that  the  Humane  Nature  in  Chrift  is  truly  Chrift,  and  the  Perfon  of  Chrift 
and  ihe  Ptrfon  of  the  Word  >  that  Chrift  loveth  his  Humane  Nature  as 
much  as  his  Divine  i  that  the  two  Natures  are  equally  lovely;  that  the 
Soul  of  Chrift  feeth  God  as  clearly  as  the  Godhead,  &c.  Thus  worketh  the 
temerarious  n.indof  man. 

^.27.  Sefl^.a^.  There  is  a  Treaty  for  a  more  General  Council  and  Uni- 
on with  the  Greeksi  and  the  place  alligned  at  Bafil,  Avignion^  or  Savoy\  and 
rodefray  the  charges,  money  to  be  gathered  of  Chriftians,  who,if  they  give 

r^  as  much  as  will  keep  their  houfes  a  Week,  are  rewarded  with  the  pardon  of 
all  their  iins,  where  the  liberality  of  their  Pardons  is  expounded  i  liz.  it 
is  only  the  pardon  of  fuch  fins  de  quibns  cordc  conPriti^  &  ore  confeffi  fnerint 
nhich  their  hearts  are  contrite  for,  and  their  mouths  confefs '■,  and  thcfe  are  par- 
doned on  a  further  condition,  that  befides  this  money  given,  they  do  tor  a 
year  fait  one  day  every  Week  more  than  elfe  they  were  obliged  to  do  by  the 
Church  V  and  if  they  be  Clerks,  fay  every  fuch  day  f  ven  Plalms,  or  a  Mafs  i 
if  Laicks,  feven  Pater^Nojiers^  and  feven  Ave  Maries  :  And  it  it  had  not 
been  tor  the  Bilhops,  vn\g,ht  not  z  contrite  Confejfor  \uve  been  certainly  par- 
doned without  fi,ch  tormalities- 

^.28.  In  divers  following  SciJions  they  profe cute  Pope  E«gwi«j-j  and  de- 
clare the  Council  at  FcrrJry  to  be  but  a  Schifmatical  Conventicle,  and  they 
ellablith  thefe  Catbolick^  Ferities,  or  Articles  of  faith. 

j^;^  Seftl33.  l.lhat  a  General  Council  reprej'entetb  the  rphole  Church,  and  hath 
its  poxper  immediately  from  Chrift,  and  that  over  the  Pope,  and  every  other  perfon  ■, 
and  that  this  is  a  truth  of  CathoUck,  Faith. 

2.  I'hat  fuch  a  Council  lawfully  congregite,  may  not  without  their  own  cnnfent 
he  dijfolved,  prorogued,  or  transferred  i  and  that  this  is  an  Article  of  Catholick 

3.  Ihat  a  pertinacious  repugner  of  thefe  Verities  istohc  judged  a  Herrtick- 

§.  p.  Scii".  34.  Theydtpofe  Pope  Ewgtww/  as  a  lentenccd,  «9/orw«/,  oj- 
ftinate  perfifting  Rebel  againft  the  Precepts  of  the  Vniverfal  Church,  and  a  diily 
violater  and  contemner  of  the  Canons,  a  notorious  perturber  of  the  Peace  and  Vni- 
ty-of  the  Church  of  God,  and  a  notorious  fcandalizer  of  the  ivhole  Church,  a  nO' 
tarious  Simonift,  incorrigihl"  perjured  per[on^  devioits  from  the  Faith,  a  pertina- 
cious Hcretickj  ve.ith  ranch  more  fuch, 

§.30.  Here 

attd  their  Councils  ^i bridged,  44^ 

§.30.  Here  I  would  crave  the  Readers  conllderadon  :    i.  If  this  rxtra-      ^^ 
ordinary  Great  Council  erred  in  al  1  thefe  matters  of  fad,  whether  the  judg- 
ment of  a  Council  be  a  good  proof  of  the  Papilis  fortot  Tradition  f" 

2.  If  tiey  erred  in  thefe  Articles  of  Faith,  whether  it  weaken  not  both 
their  Tradition  and  grounds  of  their  fa  th  \  and  whether  luch  an  heretical 
perjured  Popes  confent  would  have  made  them  Infallible  ? 

3.  Whether  their  General  Councils  b:  not  contradidory  de  fide, is  this, 
and  that  at  Flerence  and  Lateraa  cxpreily  are.  j 

4.  Whether  a  great  part  of  the  Church  of  Rome,  and  their  laft  named 
Councils,  be  not  Hercticks  in  the  judgment  of  this  Council  ? 

5  Seeing  Pope  Eugenius  continued  when  the  Council  had  depofed  hira 
as  a  Simonilt,  and  perjured  pertinacious  Hcrctick,  and  all  their  following 
fucccfllon  is  from  him,  is  there  not  a  nullity  in  that  fucccHion  ? 

§•51.  Seir.  3<5.  They  decreed  the  Immaculate  Conception  of  the  Virgin     ^-j 
Mary,  as  a  point  of  Faith  v  and  yet  many  of  their  Dodors  take  it  yet  as  un^ 
determined,  and  many  ftillarcof  the  contrary  mind. 

1^.32.  After  this  follow  Decreesabout  Elcdfion  of  a  Pope,  and  they  make 
the  Duke  of  Savay  Pope,F<e//K  5.  and  fo  we  have  two  Popes  again. 

Onufhrins  calls  this  the  thirtieth  Schifme:  He  continued  Pope  above 
nine  years,  and  then  religncd  to  Eugeniiu  lor  Peace.  ScfT.  lall :  They  recite 
the  Heitfies  of  Pope  Ettgeniut,  as  againll  the  fbrtfaid  Verities. 

§.33.  Next  is  added  the  Bull  of  Pope  Nicbolas  the  5.  approving  the 
Ads  and  deeds  of  the  Council  ztBjfil-  And  then  aic  divers  Synodical  E- 
piftlcsaid  Anfwers,  fpecially  proving  Councils  abnve  the  Pope,  and  againft 
hisCrimes,  and  of  the  jurtncfsof  hisdepolltion,  very  large*,  as  aHo  agiinfi 
Ms  Conventicle  Council,  and  againll  his  Adl.erenrs,  that  is,  molt  ot  their 
Church  fince,  with  Anfwers  toir.slnvedives,  and  Monitories  todraiv  men 
from  his  obedience.  In  the  Appendix  are  many  more  Epiftles  and  Orations, 
and  a  Treatife  of  the  PatJ  larch  of  Antkcb,  to  prove  the  Pope  above  Coun  - 
cils.  There  are  many  Epiftles  of  the  Pope  againft  the  Council,  and  of  the 
Emperour  to  the  Council,  and  of  many  ether  Prmces. 

§.  34.  The  Bo/'cw/j«j- Epiftles  place  theii  main  caufe  upon  the  four  forc- 
rr.entoned  Articles  :  '  I.  The  S  acrament  in  hot'^kindr  II.  7'hat  ihe  Word  of 
'  Gcd  may  be  freely,  publickjv-,  and  ir;il\<  preached  iv  thofe  that  it  belongeth  to. 
'  (for  they  were  lilenced,  ji'-c.J  III.  That  Civil  Dominion  (they  mean  not  all 
'Propriety  butPonreroftheSreord  or  force  over  mens  E'iates  and  perfor.s, 
'  which  is  the  hlagiltratcs)  as  a  deadly  pyfon  be  takf"  frj.n  the  Clergy,  ( they 
'  fpakefrom  feeling,  j  IV.  7hat  ptibltck,  and  great  or  hcynitts  fins,  msybe  ex- 
'  tirpatid  from  among  the  vulgar  of  the  faithful  by  laarftcl  Powers.  This  was 
the  Religion  ot  the  Bohemians,  and  the  denying  of  thefe  was  the  caufe  of 
all  their  cruel  Perfecutions,  and  the  blood  there  ihcd, 

§.35.  Incontutation  ol  thefe  Demands  arc  ad)oyncd  four  Trcatif.s  of 
the  four  Preachers  that  fpakeagainll  them:  What  Caufe  (b  gteat  or  plain, 
tliat  ni?n  cjinnot  talk  againit  with  many  and  contdent  words.  I.  J,)h. 
Ka^nfiiis  actviiovvledgi-d  the  reguluing  fulHcieney  of  the  Scripture,  hath     ''113 


44<^  CbtirchBiflory  of ''Bifoopi 

t— ^ 

hatli  an  Oration  Cz  Trcatifc^  agiinft  the  Sacrament  in  both  kinds. 

II..  JEgiAi'.u  Carherius  Vtcanits  C jni:rjccn^if  luth  a  Treatife  CfouT  days  O- 
ration)  againll  their  requelt ,  (or  correlihg;  Ifeynout  pHhlick^  fins  ■,  where 
much  learnini;  and  reading  is  poured  out,  to  five  Im  ;  And  in  particular 
j_^  it  is  maintained,  that  the  Clergy  may  not  bepunifhed  by  the  Laity  ffome 
"  "  few  cafes  excepted)  not  being  therein  their  Subjcds.  (It  fcems  theBj/^fw?- 
atis  would  have  had  wicked  Priclis  punifhcdj  And  it  is  fpecially  pleaded, 
that  nowickcdntfsof  Clergy  or  Lairy  will  warrant  any  Nation  to  firparate 
from  tiieir  Unity  (that  is,  V.omsn  Government  i  ^  and  to  that  end,  the 
badnefs  of  the  Church  Militant  to  be  endured  isdclcribed. 

Wiicn  he  comcth  to  the  Popes  pardons,  he  denicth  that  Pardons  <7  cnl^a 
^ /^ar/w  are  ufually  the  Popes  ililc  ■>  whereas  I  have  before  cited  their  ex- 
prefs  words  fo  fpcaking  often  ;  And  he  honeftly  maintaineth  out  of  the 
Bin  f.i^.  School- men,  tliat  God  only  can  give  pardon  a  culpa,  five  as  any  Priell  as 
3'5*  vijlrnment/tma)iimjtn>nm^yvi  cLmiitin 6\ipo(c  the  TLCC'wer,   and  declare  Godt 

pardon,  and  remit  part  of  th:  temporal  pttniflyment  ;  bttt  fometimes  the  Pope  re' 
mittclh  part  of  the  Church  penances,  and  fo  it  ir  that  Priejii  jre  faid  to  forgive 
fins,  f  Mark  this,  againll  our  prefcnt  Papills,  that  reproach  the  ProteltantS 
for  this  Dodlrine.) 

III.  Next  is  Henr.  Kalteifen,  a  'Dominican  Inquifitors  Oration  againft  the 

free  preaching  of  Gods  IVord  by  Minillers  :  Cfor  this  would  have  imdonc  the 

t~^  Pope  and    his  Clergy:)  The  Bohemians  whom  he  confuttth,  maintained : 

Seethecld    '  I.  That  Gods  Word  is  fo  perfcdr,  that  nothing  fliould  be  added  or  dimi- 

Refmmirs    '  nifhcd.    2. That  the  wickcdnefs  of  Priells  is  the  great  caufe  of  the  pco- 

Voilitne.      «  pii.s  ruine.   3.  Againft  Venial  fin  as  againll  Gods  Counfels  differing  from 

'  Laws.    4.  That  every  Pried  and  Deacon  is  bound  to  preach  Gods  WorcJ 

'freely,  or  elfe  iins  n.oitally  i  and  after  Ordination  lie  ihould  not  ccafe 

'Ctiiat  i',  when  he  was  forbidden   by  lilcncing  Bidiops,  or  others^  no  not 

'  when  excommunicated,  beciufe  he  muft  obey  God  rather  than  mani  and 

'  that  Bifhops  are  bound  to  preach  as  well  as  Presbyters. 

The  Anfwer  hrlt  noterh,that  Paptnon  eft  nomcnOrdinisfed  JwifdiHionis'-, 
\\\3.tGo<i%yNQxA  h  Incarnate, infpiredwx'\\.icn\  that  it  is  expounded  by  the 
fame  Spirit  that  infpired  it :  fBiu  hath  the  Pope  the  fame  gifts  of  that  Spi- 
rit fj  That  the  In  fptred  IVord'x^  publick  or  private-)  that  the  Eifhops  De- 
crees in  Councils  are  Gods^wW/ei^  infpired  JVord :  fee  here  the  Enthufialhcal 
pretence  of  Epifcopal  Inlpiration,  is  the  ground  of  all  theilowi*;;  Ufurpa- 
tionsand  tyrannies,  and  depolition  of  PrincesJ  to  them  he  applicth,  He 
tljat  hearetb  ym,heareth  me  ■,  whence  he  gathereth  the  danger  ot  difobeying 
that  Council  (and  fo  the  Popes  Herclie.  J  The  relt  is  worth  the  reading,  but 
f-gt.  too  long  for  me  to  repeat :  Much  of  it  is  to  fliew,  that  treading  and  Malfing 
is  more  needful  than  Preaching,  and  that  every  Priell  that  MaiTeth  is  not 
bound  to  Preach  i  there  ncedeth  many  Mafs  Prielis,  and  not  lo  many 
Preachers',  and  that  filenced  excommunicated  Prieits  are  bound  to  ceafe 
preaching,  and  obey  the  Prelates  :  But  he  had  the  wit  to  add  C  if  filenced  for 
C^   arcafonahlecaufe)  and  tocontefs  that  Sententia  injiijie  lata  a  Juo  jiidice  fi  cr- 


ana  their  Councih  -^bridged^ 



rorem  inducat ,  vd  feccatum  mortjle  afcret,  nee  timendi  eji  nee  tcnenda. 

Pag.  3<54.  Hcdcnieth  that  it  is  any  Precept  of  Clirili:  i.To  receive  the 
Cup,  2. Or  that  Prie/ls  Preach,  3.  Orto  abolilh  all  mortal  fin,  4.0rforthe 
Clergy  not  to  be  Civil  Governours,  &c, 

IV.  Job.  de  P,>lecnjr  Arcbducon,  B-ircinon.  hath  a  Treatifc  of  three  days 
fpeechforthe  Civil  Power  ot"  the  Clergy,  in  which  he  mif-fpendcth  much 
rime  in  difputing  for  their  Propriety,  when  as  the  B^bemi jut  took  Djniinion 
(ox  Empire^  ot  civil  forcing piver of  Grrjer/iment,  and  i'oi  inordinate ptJfe^onT  of 
Lerdjhips  and  ff-eat  wealth. 

^•3(5,  The  Papiltsconfcfs  that  this  Council  wzs  Vniverf  J,  and  rightly 
called  and  confirmed  i  but  they  prctrnd  that  it  was  partly  reprobate  by  the 
Popes  removal  of  the  Council,  and  that  Pope  NichoLif  5.  approved  it  but  in 
parr.   It  begin  143  i. and  continued  above  eleven  years. 

§.37.  CCCCLXXlII.  ^'1.1438.  A  Council  at  Brii/^w  concurred  with 
this  at  &»/»/,  miking  the  Pragmirical  San(flion ,  decreeing  that  a  General 
Council  be  called  every  ten  years,  and  contirming  the  Council  itBafil. 

§.  38.  CCCCLXXlV.  Next  cometh  the  Anti-Council  at  Ffir/rv  and  Flo* 
fence,  where  theattempt  for  Union  with  the  diltrelfed  Greeks  Wis  made,  all 
the  paffages  whereof  are  fo  fully  opened  in  the  Grce\r  Hillory,  publilhcd  by 
Dr.  Creighton,  tiiat  I  IliiU  fay  no  more  of  it. 

Here  note,  that  there  were  two  Gf/iffj/ C  ■«««/// at  once  i  and  how  could 
they  both  for  cither  of  them  J  be  truly  llnivcrial:  The  Papills  call  it  the 

^.  3f.  After  many  Wars,  Eugeniiis  the  depofed  Pope  died  ,  An.  1447, 
fhaving  made  twenty  feven  Cardmals  Cagiinit  the  Council  of  Bifih  De- 
crees) from  whom  is  their  fucceili-jn)  and  Nichjlat  the  5.  fucceeded  him: 
Italy  /HIl continued  in  bloody  Wars  i  Pope  F^Ux  at  laft  rctigncd  i  and  Co 
there  was  once  more  but  one  Pope.  And  that  yoimay  fee  liill  how  far  the 
Pope  was  from  governing  all  the  World,  the  City  of  Rowe  was  again  feck-  *^]3 
ing  to  recover  their  Liberties,  and  had  3  Plot  againll  him,  one  Steph,  Hirca- 
nitis  being  the  Chief,  and  the  Pope  fecurcd  himfelf  by  hanging  many  of 

§  40.  TheEmpcrourof  Co/i(f^«</'/;i/'/e,  and  ihofe  Bidiops  that  pretended 
a  Union  with  K  mt,  fn  hope  of  help,  found  the  people  and  Clergy  there  vit- 
terly  averfe  to  come  under  the  Pope,  and  they  had  no  help  from  him,  nor 
any  of  their  dt fired  fuccefl'ts  4  for  now  the  Tr/r^y  took  the  City,  and  killed 
fhcEmperour,  and  many  tlwufands  more,  and  145 5.  the  Pope  died. 

§.41.  CCCCLXXV.  A  Council  at  To.-/--/ about  Church  Orders  decreed 
praying  oft  for  the  dead,  forbad  Clandeftine  Marriages,  and  Milling  in  un- 
confccratcd  places,  &c,  '. 

§.42.  CaC'XXX.VI.  A  Synod  at  Lyont  to  end  the  Schifins  between 
the  two  Popes  done  by  theEmpcrour  Frederick^^  who  delired  King  Charles 

f^.^^.An.  1,155:  Calixtus  l\\t  ^.  is  iradc  Pope  i  heraifctha  Sea  Army 
againll  ihcT'urks^  the  Patriarch  of  AquUiah:in^  Captain:  Zlav/?  was  Hill 


44^  Church  Hiilory  of  Bi/Jjops, 


in  War;  He  claimed  the  K'ngdome  of  N.ip!es  to  the  Church  for  want  of 
Heirs  •,  an  Anti-Pcpc  was  alfo  made,  called  C/f«Mf«f  8.  but  being  perfwaded 
to  rclign,  he  accepted  z  Bifhoprick  ;  Many  Cities  in  Ttjly  ruined  by  Earth- 
quakes, whcfc  ruine?  P/j(/>ia  faithhcfaw  with  admiration  :  Hemadeanew 
Holy. day  torChrifis  Transhguration. 

^.  44.  Ncxtcometh  JEneM  ^j/i/wr, called  Vius  2.  one  of  the  moft  learn- 
ed of  all  the  Popes,  efpecially  an  Orator:  He  was  againfl  the  Pope  tor  the 
fuperiority  of  Councils  at  Bafd  >  but  when  he  was  made  Pope,  he  recant- 
ed it.  In  his  Epiftlc  to  his  Father  he  cxcufuth  himftlf  for  having  a  Baliard, 
and  for  fornication,  (particularly  with  an  Englijh  Woman  that  lodged  in 
the  fame  houfe  with  him)  telling  him,  that  he  was  not  an  Eunuch,  andre- 
men;bcring  his  Father  what  a  Cock  of  the  Game  he  had  been  himfelfi  but 
am.ongthe  Popes  he  was  a  wonder  of  worthinefs:  He  wjs  vehement  for  a 
"War  with  the  T«)-j!y,  but  could  not  fo  far  quench  the. flames  of  War  at  his 
own  doors  in  Italy,  and  other  Chrirtian  Countries,  as  to  accomplilh  it. 
Platina  recordeth  many  of  his  Sentences,  among  which  are ;  l_Every  Seii 
cji.ib.'ilhed  by  Authority  ,  //  void  of  humane  reafon :  If  the  Chrijiian  Religion 
had  not  been  approved  by  Aliracles,  it  jhould  have  been  received  for  its  honefiy : 
Ihe  Mortals  meafiires  of  Heaven  and  Earth  are  more  hold  than  true :  Ajlronomy 
is  tmre  pkafant  than  profitable  :  Ihe  Friends  of  God  are  happy  here  and  hereafter  : 
7here  IS  no  fjtid  joy  n'ithoiit  virtue  :  7 hey  that  knon-  moji ,  doubt  mol}  :  Artificial 
Orations  move  fools,  not  wife  men  :  As  all  Rivers  florv  into  the  Sea,  fo  all  Vi- 
ces into  great  mens  Courts  :  Flatterers  rule  Kings  as  thcyli(l:  Princes  hear  none 
fo  readily  as  accufers :  Ibe  tongue  of  a  flatterer  is  the  xvorji  plague  to  a  King:  He 
thatruktb  many,  is  ruled  by  many:  He  is  unncorthy  the  name  of  a  King,  who 
meafureth  ihe  publick^  "ff^'irs  by  his  orvn  commodity^  8cc.  ///  Phyfitiars  kill  bodies^ 
-_5.  and  unskilful Pritfts fouls :  Virtues  enrich  the  Clergy,  Vice  impuverijhetb  them: 
*^  Marriage  n^as  for  great  reafons  forbidden  Priejis,  and  for  greater  is  to  be  reftored 
to  them  :  He  that  too  much pardoneth  his  Son,  chtrijheth  his  Enemy :  Thecovetous 
never  pleafe  men,  but  by  dying  :  Lying  is  a  Jervile  vice,  &c. 

You  may  (ce  his  Recantation  in  tinius^  where  his  Dignity  raifcd  him  fo 
high  as  to  fay,  That  the  Greek  and  Latin  DoUors  reith  one  voice  fay^  that  he 
cannot  be  Javed  that  holdeth  not  ihe  Vnity  of  the  Roman  Church,  and  all  tbofe 
Virtues  are  maimed  to  him  that  refufeth  to  obey  the  Pope,  though  lying  in  fack^loih 
and  afieshi  fall  and  pray  day  and  night,  and  fetm  in  other  things  1 0  fulfill  the 
Law  of  Cod,  bxaufe  obedience  is  better  than  facrifice,  and  every  foul  mujl  be 
fubjecr  10  the  higher  power  ;  and  it  is  manifji  that  ihe  Pope  of  Rome  //  placed  in 
the  top  (or  Crown)  of  the  Church,  from  n-hich  (his  power  of  Government j  we 
hiow  that  no  Sheep  of  Chriji  at  all  is  exempted. 

O  then  low  much  work  is  the  cafe  of  the  Abaffmes,  Armenians.^  Grcekj, 
Trotcjiants,  even  three  fourth  parts  of  the  chnitian  World,  than  of  the 
Heathens,  bcingall  certainly  dimned  for  not  bi.lii.ving  in  the  Pope:  How 
much  more  necdfary  to  Salvation  is  it  to  pltafc  and  honour  the  Fope ,  than 
any  Angel  or  Saint  in  Heaven  ?  But  how  lalfc  is  it  that  the  Greeks  and  La- 
/wcfathds  all  agree  in  this? 

§.45.  Pauhts 

and  their  Councils  Abri4gedj  449 

^.45.  FjhIiis  2.fucceedcth  Fitts,  a  man  juA  and  clement,  faith  Phtin-z 
Mmfelf  i  yet,  faith  he,  before  he  was  Pope,  he  could  get  wliat  he  would  by 
begging,  even  with  tears,  of  the  Pope  and  great  men:  And  when  he  was 
Pope,  all  about  him  founded  with  Wars,  and  Benefices  were  theirs  that 
would  givcmoft  for  them  »  and  in  his  fears  fome-body  muttering,  that  one 
Callinucbas  had  a  Plotagainll  him,  he  fct  all  on  tumult  to  find  out  thcCon- 
fpirators,  when  there  was  no  fuch  thing;  He  had  before  czi\  out  cf  their 
places  all  theCollcdgeof  Abbra'uus  that  had  bought  their  places  under 
Pitts,  oi  ■whom  Flat  in  a  being  one,  and  not  getting  Audience  and  relief, 
wrote  liim  a  Letter,  x\muhty  would  go  to  Trinccs,  and  get  j  Cottncil  caUcd  t» 
reliive  tbcm :  For  this  he  was  accufcd  of  Trcafon,  and  laid  in  Irons  by  a 
long  imprifonmcnt -■  And  after  his  rcJcafc,  upon  this  Dream  of  a  Plot,  he 
and  many  more  were  not  only  imprifontd,  but  tortured  and  tormented  to 
force  them  to  confefs  that  which  never  was  ;  Many  died  of  the  torments, 
even  of  the  worthicft  young  men  of  the  City.  After  a  long  time  poor  ?la- 
tina  with  a  broken  body  is  delivered,  but  the  Prifoners  at  lall  were  accufcd 
of  Herefie,  that  they  might  not  fcem  to  have  furtlred  for  nothing  .•  Pl.itinas 
Hercfie  was,  thathe  had  praifcd  P/.ito,  and  the  Gentile  Learning,  and  had 
difputcd  about  the  Godlicad,  which  was  a  qucftioning  iti  and  the  Popt 
hiiTifelf  was  fo  much  againfl  Learning,  that  heufcd  to  call  (ludious  men  Hc- 
reticks,  and  to  perfwade  men  that  their  Sons  mufl  learn  non. ore  than  to 
read  and  write.  HcreP/j«/'/)<*endcth  hisHifloryv  and  had  he  known  other 
Popes  as  well  as  he  d'd  this,  perhaps  he  would  have  praifcd  their  _7i(/?/c? 
and  C/f«jf/ic)i,as  hedojh  this  Pope,  by  thecffcd-s. 

.  ^.46.  Sixtuf  4.  is  next,  who  alfo  fpcnt  his  days  in  It.itijn  War  and 
blood  rtied  :  Wonderful.'  that  our  late  Papiiis  think  that  all  tlie  Chriftian 
"World  haih  ftill  obeyed  the  Pope,  when  none  have  foinuch  fought  againft 
him  astheCity  otKomf,  andthe //j/rwj  :  Onuphrius  (who  here  bcginncth 
the  Supplement  of  Thtina)  tells  you  modcftly  of  his  Wars,  and  ins  lior- 
fid  treachery  againll  the  Fhnntincs^  when  to  get  his  will  on  them,  he  ap- 
point!, th  Confpirators  to  n.urdcr  the  two  Brothers,  Julian  and  Laurence 
XWwj-jOf  whom  the  Archbiihopof  Fi ft  was  one;  They  alfault  them  in 
Gods  W'orrtiip  in  the  Temple,  and  kill  Jtilim  ■■>  but  Laurence  wounded,  is 
lockt  up  by  the  Church-Wardens  in  theVeftry ,  The  Citi7cns  rofe  bifore 
the  Execution  could  be  finiOicd,  and  hanged  the  Archbifliop,  and  Fnggiirr 
and  all  their  Companions  in  Ropes  out  at  the  W  indows,  ftranglingalfo  the 
rcrtof  the  Confpitators.  The  Pe^pes  Plot  being difappoinfed,  he  maketh 
War  againit  the  Floivitii:es  ,  and  intcrdideth  them  all  publick  »vorfliip: 
(the  Popes  ordinary  pr6faiie  Ufurpation,  forbidding  whole  Cities  and  King- 
doiTCS  all  fuch  publicti  vvorfliipot  God,  w\uch  Robert  Groffnad  faid  was  the 
part  cf  Antichriii,  and  the  Dcvil.J  The  wifdome  of  Laurence  Mcdices  ended 
the  War  whcnitfcemcd  near  the  confuming  flames  i  and  the  Twrty^  invading 
Italy,  terrified  tlie  Pope  i.'Uo  a  peace  with  the  Florcntincr :  £ut  flill  Italy 
was  imbrued  in  Wars. 

6 ,  47.  Though  the  Council  cf  Bafl  had  determined  the  Tmmacufafe 

M  m  m  Concep* 

45©  Church -Uiftory  of  Bidjop^ 

XI^  Conception  of  the  Virgin  Mary.,  yet  this  Pope  to  reconcile  the  Dominicjii 
ar)i  Francifcans  that  preached  againrt  each  other  as  Hcrcticks  for  differing 
about  it.  did  decree,  that  on  pain  of  fcxcommiinication  neither  Party 
fliould  call  one  another  Hercticks  for  it ;  By  which  it  appcareth  hovv  little 
indeed  the  Decrees de  fide  of  General  Councils  iignihe  with  Popes  them- 
Iclvcs  when  their  Intcreft  is  againll  them. 

§.  48.  CCCCLXXVIII.  ATolet.ine  Synod  renewed  divers  good  Canons 
for  retoriTiing  the  Clergy  •>  as  that  none  be  ordained  that  cannot  fpeak  La- 
tines  todiminiih  the  Pricfts  maintenance  that  fiill  publickly  keep  Concu- 
bines i  that  Clcrgy-mcn  play  not  at  Tables,  and  fucli  like. 

§.  4p.  Next  comes  Inivctnt  8.  the  Italian  Wars  continuing :  He  raifed  an 
d^    Army  to  get  the  Kingdome  of  Naples  as  his  own  ■■>  but  being  beaten,  and  re- 
penting, he  made  peace  J  yet  after  again  dcpnfed  the  King  for  not  paying 
him  his  Rent:  He  ruled  thofc  at  Zv.o;?j;  and  7fj/y  that  he  could  conquer,  as 
the  reli  of  the  Popes  did  before  him- 

§.  50.  JkxanJer the 6, isncxt,  who  (fi'ith  0/iupJmut)  having  four  Ba- 
ftard-Sons,  and  two  Daughteis,  f.t  himftlf  wholly  to  make  them  great: 
The  Cardinals  bribed,  cliofe  him  that  was  tlic'  worll  of  them  all ,  and  jultly 
See  Paid     were  deftroycd  by  him  ;  The  old  Italian  Wars  now  ran  in  the  proper  Chan- 
7r)v.u5,      nel  -•  Ciefar  Birgit^  one  of  the  Popes  Baflards,  being  a  Cardinal,  laid  by  his 
.indGuic-    iiojy  Order,  and  fethimfclf  to  conquer  all  the  Princes  of  7/.//)/;   Hidorians 
^^ardine.     ^]|  ^  Volume  with  his  Adts,  the  cruel  murders  of  Princes  and  people^  fur- 
prize  of  Cities,  bafeil:  treachery,  too  long  to  be  by  me  recited:  He  mur- 
dered hisown  Brother,  many  of  the  chief  of  Rwjs,  and  got  polTjIijn  of 
moli  of  I«^/y,  killing  the  former  Lords,  and  their  Sons:  The  Vrftn   over- 
threw his  Army,  and  the  Pope  flattered  them  with  confident  promifes  into 
a  Peace,  till  t'ley  foolilhly  trulf  ing  him,  he  got  them  into  his  power,  and 
murdered  them  :  Some  Cardinals  the  Pope  commanded  to  drink  poyfon, 
and  at  lull  having  more  great  men  to  difpatch.  Cardinals  and  Citizens   at 
a  purpofed  Feaft,  the  Pope  ordered  his  Butler  to  prepare  poyfoned  Wine  for 
them,  and  miihking  theCup,  he  gave  it  to  the  Pope,  and  his  Son  C^far  : 
The  Pope  died  of  it  i  but  C£far  being  young,  and  diluting  his  Wine,  was 
recovered,  but  his  Army  hereby  fcattered.   It  you  would  fee  the  Hiftory  of 
this  Monilers  cruelties,  read  Vaitlus  Jovius :  I  recite  now  but  what  0/i«- 
^^riiis  fiith,  who  concludeth  that  this  Popes  Virtues  were  equal  to  his  Vices^ 
(fo  far  gocth  a  little  in  a  Popc^  and  yet  that  he  had  the  grcateji  pcrfidionf- 
nefr,  favage  cruelty^  unmeafurabk  covetottfntfs  and  rapacity^  inexhaujied  lufi  of 
getting  Empire  to  his  Son  by  right  or  wrongs  when  bufinefs  permitted^  g'^'"S  ^ 
himfelf  to  all  pleajure  vpithoHt  difference^  hut  moji  given  tu  IFomen,  by  ivhom  he 
had  four  Sons,  and  two  Daughters  ■,  the  chief  was  Vannocia  Romana.  whom  he 
kfpt  as  his  lawful  JFife,  for  her  beauty  f  alluring  manners,  and  marvellous  fi-mt- 
f nines :  HisComedies,  Sports,Gladiators,  he  mentioneth  more  fully  :  Never 
if  as  there  greater, licenfe  to  H.ickers  and  Murdaers,  and  never  hfs  liberty  to  the 
people:  A  huge  number  of  Informers  {or  Accujers'-,)  death  tvas  the  punifhment  of 
'she  le^l  ill  n?ff/-^ (againll  him  '■>  )  all  places  were  full  of  robbers  or  ajfaitlters. 

and  their  Councils  ^bridged^  ^c, 

fo  that  there  tvas  no  ftfe  going  in  the  City  by  night,  noroutof  it  by  diy't  Rome 
that  was  the  refuge  and  fanciujry  of  all  other  people  heretofore,  was  now  become  a 
Slaughter-hoiffe,  or  Butchery.    Thus  Onuphrius  ot"  a  vinuous  Pope. 

§.51.  The  Pope  being  dead,  Cifar  Borgia  fcizeth  on  the  Ca(Hj,  and 
would  have  forced  the  Cardinals  (being  yet  lick  of  his  poyfon  himfclfi  ) 
but  by  therifingof  the  people  his  Souldiersare  ftopt,  and  he  agreed  to  de- 
part, and  P/KX  3.ischofen,faid  tobe  one  of  the  better  fort,  but  lived  but 
2(5  days,  and  died  of  a  fore  Leg,  fufpcftcd  to  be  poyfoncd. 

^.52.  NextcomethyK/zW  2,  a  Military  Pope,  who fpent  his  days  in  I- 
talian  Wzxs^  cfpecially  againft  Alphonfus  Duke  oi  Ferrary,  and  Ludr.'icm 
King  of  France:  In  a  cruel  Battel  2ocooare  faid  to  be  flain  naiRavenna, 
the  French  having  the  Viftory,  bat  loling  their  General,  and  multitudes  of 
Nobles  and  Commanders,  and  were  fo  weakened,  that  by  hired  Hcbctiani, 
and  the  Englijh  and  Spanijh  that  invaded  them  at  home,tIiey  were  driven  and 
drawn  back. 

§.  53.  CCCCLXXVIII.  A  Council  at  Tours  in  Frjnce  met  againft  the 

(j.  54..  CCCCLXXix.  A  General  Council  at  Pifa  1 5 1 1 .  gathered  againft 
him  to  call  him  to  account:  He  had  fworn  to  call  a  Council  within  two 
years,  and  did  not »  and  fo  fome  Cardinals  call  it,  by  the  Emperour  Maxi' 
milian  and  Ludov.  K.  of  France  his  will  Cas  they  faid.)  The  Pope  excom» 
municateth  the  King  of  France,  and  calleth  an  Anti-Council  to  Komcj  thi> 
of  Vifa  removed  hrll  to  Millan,  and  then  to  Lyons  in  France. 

^.55.  CCCCLXXX.  Now  comcth  the  great  Anti-Council  at  the  La- 
/owfl,  which  they  call  the  fcventccnth  approved  General  one,  1512.  begun 
by  Julius  :xg3'inl\  ihc  Pifane Council,  and  ended  15 17.  under  Leo  10.  The 
Pope  thought  Kw;c  the  fafeft  place  to  rule  them,  and  obtain  his  will  i  and 
for  qll  the  numerous  Bilhops  of  Italy,  this  General  Council  had  but  i  14. 
Bidiops;  ^.  whether  any  of  them  came  from  Abaj}i.t,  Egypt,  Armenia, 
Greece,  or  the  Antipodes,  and  were  the  Rcprefentativcsof  all  the  ChrilUan 
World  >  yet  they  had  a  dull  cheat  herein  to  deceive  the  ignorant,  and  put 
tlie  name  of  the  Alcxandrinian  and  Antioehian  Patriarch  on  two  Fellows  of 
their  own,  as  in  a  Play  the  parts  of  Princes  are  atfted  by  the  Stage-players  : 
But  when  the  Afww<A://<fj  had  a  Council  of  »«'iK/»crjt/e  Bi(l)ops  under  Philip- 
picits,  that  was  not  to  be  called  General.  He  that  is  fo  idle  may  reada  Vo- 
Jumn  of  the  twelve  Selllons  of  this  Council,  and  there  find  who  faid  Mafs 
fuch  a  day,  and  who  fuch  a  day,  and  who  fung  a  Gofpcland  1e  Vcitm,  and 
fuch  like ;  And  he  may  read  divers  Orations,  among  which  their  great 
learned  Cajctane's  is  the  chief,  condemning  the  Pz/jnc  Council,  and  confef- 
llng  that  ot  the  three  Popes,  Niillus  eorum  aut  certits  qxidtm  atit  abfque  ambi- 
guitate  verHS  Petri  Jiicce^or  exijiimaretur  :  Another  Oration  by  Chriliophcr 
Marcellus,  Scfl.  4.  tells  tlie  Pope  that  heis,  [t^/iwj  Trinccps  qui  fummam  in 
ierris  habct  potifiatcm,tcq!(e  omfiis  £vi,  omnium  jieculwun.  omniuti gentium  ?rin» 
c/pem  &•  caput  appellat~\  tante  rcipublice  unicus  &  fupremus  Princeps  cs ,  cni 
fumma  data  potejias,  ad  divinum  injanUum  imjerium,  tiuim  eji.    He  calls  the 

M  ni  m   2  Chureh 

4Ji  Qhurcb'Hiflory  of  Bi/hops 

Church  hit  Spoufe,  and  faith,  he  hath  given  fjlittem  vitam  &  fpiritHtn,  and 
faitli,  that  he  is  alter  Dens  in  tenis.    You  fee  what  Popes  are. 

Stephen  ,  Archbifliop  Patracens ,  and  BiQiop  lorccUjn^  doth  Poetize  iit 

Omnitt»rfpUneL)r,  deem  &  perenne 
Virginum  lumen,  genitrix  Jkperni, 
Gloria  humani  generis  Maria, 

V/iica  ni^rj. 
Sola  tu  Virgo  "Dominarjs  afiris^  -        - 

Sdla  tit  7err£,  Maris  atqtic  Cxli 
Lftmen,  inceptis  fjveas  ■.■..-      ; 

Inclyta  noiiris-.  ; 

Zlt  qu:am  facros  rcfccare  Jenfies, 
^ni  latent  chartis  nimiiim  Jivcris  \ 
liigredi  &  celfe-,  duce  fe,  benign  •  "> 

Mxnia  tcrrji. 

The  bufmers  cf  that  Cotmeil  was  tofruftratethatat  P//&,  and  condemn' 
i^-,  and  Ht  to  fave  thePope,  and  to  condenm  the  Frewt  pragmatical  San- 
dion,  as  injurious  to  the  Koman  power  i  to  which  end  they  read  a  Reniin- 
eiation  of  it,  of  Ludovicits  2.  to  Pope  Tins  2. 

Pope  Juliiis  died,  and  Leo  10.  was  chofen  in  themiirt  of  the  Councils- 
Seflions :  They  pretended  War  againll  the  T/zr/y,  but  in  vain. 

§.  56.  One  Decree  here  pali  which  nulicth  utterly  the  Papa!  Succedion 
:7r;$ciT.5.  (Ihjt  a  SimoniacdEledion  of  a  B.omm  Tope  is  plainly  mtll    anh 
doth  confer  noKight  or  Authority  tothe  elected)  which  is  plainly  declarative  i 
therefore  when  they  confcfs  the  Sirr.oniacal  Elcdion  ot  fo  great  a  number 
of  their  Popes  fucccilively,  \vl)crc  is  the  true  fucccilion. 

(j  57.  In  the  eighth  Self,  a  Decree  palt  againlt  them  that  fay  the  Soul  it 
-.nortal,  or  that  it  is  but  one  in  all  or  many  :  And  they  confute  the  truth  by 
pretending  to  C3nhrm  it,  {aying,  that' the  Soul  is  per  fe  &  ejfcntialiter  forma' 
corporis :  for  then  the  (cparated  Soul  loftth  its  cfl'cncc,  and  fo  is  no  Soul  or- 
clle  is  forma  coiporis,  wlicn  corpus  is  not  corpus organicnm. 

Forthecureof  this,  they  decree  that  none  Itudy  Philofophy  above  five 
years,  iinlcfs  they  joyn  Divinity  witii  it ;  And  they  forbid  Printing  and 
l^reaching  unlicenfcd.  ' 

§.  5S.  ThisLfJthc  tenth  was  excellently  prepared  far  the  Papacy  i  Wars 
had  dilpoffcfr  his  Father  at  F/tfrewcp,  and  the  King,  of  France,  Letvis  11.  for 
V^  his  Fathers  fake,  hadhonoured(or  difhonouredj  him  with  an  excellent  and 
rich  Arthbiihoprick,  v/.hcn  he  was  a  Child;  You  iriay  conjcdure  at  what 
jge,  when  as  he  was  fcarce  thirteen  when ////wcf«;  8.  inadc  liiin  a  Cardinal 
ro  gratihc  his  Father  Laurence  Medices,  who  had  f^iven  iiis  Daughter  to 
Francis  the  Popes  Son  i  but  becaufe  of  his  Non-age,  he  itaid  jxt  from  Rome: 
■   "Wjicn  he  w-as  Pope,,  he  would  lain  have  had  peace  in  Jtalyii  he  coidd,  bcl- 


artd  their  Councils  -^bridged,  ^o 


ing  wholly  addided  to  eafe  and  voluptuoufncfs ;  He  hired  the  Hehetuus 

for  \\\%  Militia  againft  Ft-jHcvx  King  of  Frj;;«,  but  they  were  deliroycd  by 

thcFrench    and  the  Pope  was  ghd  at  lall  to  beg  a  peace.   Having  unbound' 

ed  defires  of  Empire,  he  pickt  a  quarrel  with  the  Duiieof  Vrbaiie,  and  af- 

faultedhiiTi  with  Arms,  and  difpofitll  him  of  his  Counny,  whence  he  fled 

and  ungratefully  baniflied  Por//7j»/x,  and  his  Brother  Al^bonfui  a  Cardinal, 

who  liudying  revenge,  was  dcihoycd  byiuin;  The  Pope  fought  to  infnarc  ■> 

the  Duke  of  Ferr.iry,  but  failed  i  the  Fyencb  in  Itjly  conquer  the  Erriperour 

and  Helvetians-,  the  7«rJ;_  winneth  SymxnA  Fjyrt ,  the  Pope  lits  bare-tooc 

to  prayagainft  him,  bringing  forth  all  the  Conkcrated  Dilhe-",  the  Saints 

Rclicks.  Images,  e^c.  in  pomp,  and  the  Tyrant  prcfntly  died  of  a  Cancer; 

The  Pope  fallcth  on  divers  Cardinals',  Cardinal  Alphnnfus  he  imprifoncth* 

and  appointcth  a  B/j(ril^i/«.wr  to  breakout  hisChamb.r,  and  rtrangic  him.* 

Having  hereby  loll  the  love  of  manyot  the  old  ones,  in  one  d.ty  he  ma- 

kethoncand  thirty  new  Cardinals,  that  he  may  be  fuic  ot  help  i  Paulur 

B,il(on  he  beheaded,  Am.idc:ts  Kicinatlus  he  harg  d  :  It  was  thij  Pope  that 

is  commonly  faid  to  have  faid  to  Vet,Bcmbui  his  Secretary,  Ulxu  projh  doth 

this  Fable  of  Jefns  bring  us  in. 

f).  55?.  But  now  begins  the  fatal  time-,  Anno  15 17.  M<rtin  Lnthet  began  • 
to  cry  down  their  fin,  and  draw  the  people  ot  Ger,niny(xon\  them  i  and 
"Zuinglius,  and  many  others  doing  the  fame,  the  light  brake  forth,  and  xhs 
darkncfs  vanilh^d.    1  need  not  write  thcHillory  o[  it,  which  is  fo  common- 
ly known  or  pn!)linud :  The  Pcpe  publilhcd  a  Cull  againlt  him,  in  which 
•  he  numbered!  his  fuppofcd  trroursi  you  may  fee  them  in  Binins^pag,  6<y}. 
in  Leo  the  tenths  life,  how  John  F/Wi-r/ci^  Elcdtor  ot^  Sjxv:\'  borcLw/vr 
out,  how  f /.v//y' of  Hafra  feconded  him,  how  the  Univerlityot  IF'/itcnber^e 
clave   to  him,  and  efpecially   Philip  Melancibon^  that  excciknt  mans  hovv 
the  Free  Cixii-s,  with  many  Princes,  came  in  to  tlum,  and  joynedi    how 
many  Petitions  and  DifputatioES  tli^re  were  abovir>|^how  the  Au^nili^ie 
Confcflion  was  written,  and  the  Apology  for  it  v  howl^urned  toa  NNari 
how  the  Ekdor  of  ^j.xwn,  and  Philip  Liv.i^Ui\c  uf  hkfia,  wcrcuken  prir 
fonersi  ho\y  Maurice  oi'  Saxony.  Ikling  wiljbthc  Empcroufyvviai^made  B!e-  " 
<flor,  and  Jnhn  Frederick^  difpoillli  •,  how  the  fame  Mafirice  afrer,  to  vindl* 
cate  FhilipQt  Hajfta,  took  Arms  againftthe  Emperour,  and  forced  him  to 
di'ght,  and  final  y  to  fomc  degree  of  toleration  for  t lie  Proteltants.     All, 
thtfe  things  the  Hittory  of  ll.e  Reformation,  wriitenby  divers,  tcllcth  yoiu 
at  large  '■>  as  alfo  how  manv- great  and  exc».!lcnt  Divines  were  fuddenly  rai-i 
fed  uptftjftdjltgsj^eiormaiion,  as  foon  as  Tyranny  was  iu  (a-r  abated  as 
that  ittcq  hiigKSSI^ftiew  their  minds,itfcoa  aP()ean>ithdt  moA  had  been' 
long  fubjugatcdta  the  Pope  more  by  violence  than  byconfent:  when  the.- 
Emperour  was  nctelVitated  to  a  Toleration,  he  confulted  for  fomc  abate- 
ment to  procure  Concoid,  and  by  AgiiccUy  Sidonius^  and  Jnins  Pji:fi^  fart: 
Antinonuan  turned  back  to  ro,':'cry.;  drew  up  a  middle  form  of  worfliip,  call- 
e<i'the7«/(r/w,  which  he  would  have  all  conform  to  til!  a  General  Counci!,.- 
whii:Ii divided  the  Reformers  among, themf  Ives,  w-ile-fomt  asmodtrati'^ 


4^,4  ChurchHiftory  of  ^ifoopi 

See  the 


and  to  avoid  total  ruine  of  the  Church,  yielded  ro  parr,  and  others  rcfii- 
Ted,  and  multitudes  of  Miniliers  were  therefore  tjedcd  and  perfccutcd. 
This  great  Empcrour,  C/.ur/f/ the- Fifth,  after  long  Wars,  and  inany  Victo- 
ries, and  Iharp  Ferfeciitions,  was  at  lali  weary  of  all,  and  rcfigned  his  Em- 
pire, and  betook  himfelf  toa  private  life  inSpiin^  where  he  died,  ftrongly 
t\n.o"yoi  fiifpc'^t'd  of  repentance  and  inelination  to  the  Reformed  Dodrine  hitnfelf: 
Ch.irles,  He  bequeathed  nothingfas  wasufua!)  to  any  Religious  Hou(e,  or  Order: 
Prince  of  Tl.cre  were  found  papers  about  him  for  the  Proteftant  Do-ftrine  of  Juftih- 
5rd/ns  cation  >  his  Confi-flbr, and  another  Doctor  that  attended  him,  were  here- 
upon fufpcdlcd  of  Hercfie,  and  oneperfecutcd,  and  the  other  put  to  death 
by  the  Irquilition.  Thuserrour,  iin,  and  worldly  violence  arc  never  true 
to  thefmelve?,  butiTiuftbe  repented  of  at  lall,  and  none  can  ttand  to  them 
when  the  light  pievaileth. 

§.  6c.  But  to  return  toFopeLfo,  when  he  had  made  above  forty  Cardi- 
nals, exerciffd  many  cruelties,  and  made  a  League  with  the  Emperour  a-\ 
gainiUhe  Fmjir/^,  to  drive  them  out  of  haly^  when  his  Arms  had  prevail.'' 
ed,  and  the  French  were  expelled,  and  Milan  recovered,  and  fome  Cities  re- 
l^ored  tothe  Church  (that  is,  to  the  Pope)  the  exciilive  joyforthe  Vitftory 
r^  fo  moved  him, that  (faith  0/;k^/;,'»/j-J  he  fell  into  a  Fever,  of  which  he  di- 
ed, but  r.ot  without  fufpition  of  poyfon.  The  fame  Onapfmus  (whom  I 
follow}  faith,  that  ( he  Tvas  a  dilijTent  obfener  of  divine  things^  given  to  the  fa- 
cred  Ccnmoniis^  but  he  was  profufily  given  to  VoluptKOufneJs,  Huntings  Hatvk; 
ing.  Luxury^  Jplendid  Fealiings,  M///ci^,  and  to  get  money  fold  Cardinalfhips, 
invented  Offices^  dec.  and  yet  was  the  moji  liberal  of  all  the  Popes  that  ever  had 
lived  to  that  day^  excejjivcly  loving  /Mufick^^  &C.J  This  was  Papal  Piety,  by 
which  he  merited  a  Monument  infcribcd  OPTIMO  PRINCIPI 
L  E  0  N  I  X.  &c.  faith  Onuphrius  :  (In  alibis  life  he  defned  nothing  more  ar- 
dcntly  than  the  higheji  glory  of  liberality,  from  which  other  Priefis  ufe  to  be  very 
fiir  cjf.j  Perhaps  for  this  glory  Teceltus  murt  get  money  by  felling  Pardons, 
which  began  his  fall;  Verily  they  have  their  reward,  faith  Chrift  of  Hypo- 
crites, thatdo  their  Alms  to  befcenof  men. 

^.6t.  it  is  to  be  noted,  that  as  the  great  ignorance  and  wicked  lives  of 
>— ^  the  Roman  Clergy  were  the  great  advantage  to  Luthers  fucccfs ,  (as  the  grofs 
idolatry  and  wickednefs  of  Heathens  was  to  Chrifiianity  of  oldj  and  the 
Learning  and  Piety  of  the  Retormers  were  the  means  of  their  common  ac- 
ceptance-, fo  hereupon  the  Papacy  perceived  a  neccfilty  of  greater  Learn- 
ing, and  fome  Reformation,  for  its  own  defence  from  utter  ruinc  :  v/here- 
upun  many  were  awakened,  and  addidled  to  feek  Learning,  and  fome  Pro- 
vincial Cotincils  made  fome  Canons  for  amending  the  Clergies  lives  ■■>  fo  that 
their  encreafc  of  Learning,  and  fome  amendment  of  manners,  was  occali- 
oncd  by  the  Protcliants ,  yea,  the  Popes  themfelves  have  lince  then  been  far 
Icfs  vicious  and  turbulent  than  before. 
r-«a  ^,62.  Andall  Chrilliau  Princes  have  caufe  to  be  thankful  to  the  Refor- 
mers ,  and  to  acknowledge  that  from  them  they  have  now  the  fafe ty  of 
rheir  Crowns  and  Dignities,  and  their  peace  >  and  bj  them,  of  Subjedts, 


and  their  Council t  Abridged^  ^55 

they  are  reftored  to  a  great  degree  of  freedome,  1  mean  even  thofc  that  yet 
are  Papifts,  the  Pope  dare  not  now  damn  them  as  Hcnrician  Hcrcticl^^  as  he 
long  had  done  i  he  dare  not  be  fo  bold  in  taking  away,  and  giving  Kin"- 
domes  i  he  dare  not  execute  his  Laws  againfi  Princes  Invclliturcs,  nor  ex- 
communicate them, and  depofc  them,  and  abfolve  their  Subjedts,  nor  inter- 
dicft  vvhele  Kingdomes,  and  (hut  up  Church  doors,  nor  lomuch  as  openly 
profefs  that  he  hath  power  from  God,  and  S.  Fctcr,  to  depofc  Kings  accord- 
ing to  their  Merits,  and  to  fet  up  others  in  their  Itead.  O  how  much  quie- 
ter is  Italy,  Spjin,  Fr.ince,  Germany,  &i,  llncc  the  Reformation,  and  how 
much  lefs  troubled  with  Papal  tcrroursand  wars,  than  heretofore  ;  and  aM 
is  for  fear  left  if  the  Popefliould  anger  them,  thereltof  the  Princes  Ihould 
forfalie  him.  Heretofore  if  one  Kingdome  (lood  up  againlt  the  Pope,  the 
rclt  were  ready  blindly  to  obey  his  Commands,  to  fall  upon  them  and  dc- 
llroythcm:  Eut  now  the  Reformed  Nations  liave  more  ihcngth  to  defend 
^  themfclvcs,  and  thofc  that  Ihall  joyn  with  them  :  The  truth  is,  it  is  Refer' 
mation  that  hath  made  a'en  the  Papijis  Trinces  Free-men. 

^  dj.TheHiibry  of  all  horrid  bloody  cruelties,  by  which  they 
laboured  to  fupprcfs  Reformation,  I  here  omit,  bccaufc  ("as  it  well  defervcrhj 
it  is  written  in  many  large  volumns  by  it  felt ;  i  mean  the  bloody  murders 
of  the  Alhigenfcs^  Jf^jMenfes,  Bohemians,  the  cruellies  of  the  Inquilition  in 
Spain,  Belcij  and  other  parts  :  The  MalTacre  in  Frj/zcf.  The  burning  peo- 
ple in  Fncland  and  the  trurders  in  Ireland, 2nd  in  other  countries;  you  may 
read  them  at  large  in  many  Hillorics :  In  Ihuanm^  Slddan,  Illericus,  Mmiey, 
Terin,  Mercland,  the  Belgian,  and  Fnv/c^' Hillories  :'/ Acts  and  Monu- 
ments, and  fummarily  in  Mr.Sam.Clerkj  Marty rology ;  And  Carion,  M»- 
lanUon,  Micrelei4f,  D.  P.tneuf,  I'igneritis,,BuehIcer,  Fuadutt,  and  ma- 
ny others  give  you  an  account  of  the  Reformation.  And  the  Livesot  the 
German  Divines,  written  by  Mekhior  Adaitnes,  yea  and  of  Lawyers, 
Phylkiansand  Philofophers,  givcth  not  an  unpkafant  light  into  that  Hiltory: 
So  that  for  me  here  to  treat  of  the  Reformation  in  a  large  volumn  (to  do 
what  is  fo  often  donealreadyj  would  be  incojgruo'.is. 

The  making  of  Vrban  the  6tb.  theEmperours  Schoolmalter  Pope,  and 
the  Wars  in  his  times  The  Succcllion  of  Clement  ihc ~tb.  and  the  Italian  • 
Wars  in  his  time,  between  the  Emperour  and  the  French  and  others,  and  the 
taking  of  Kome  by  the  tmperour  {Charles  the  5*/^)  army  under  Charles  Duke 
oiBomhon,  and  all  the  progrcfs  of  their  broils,  Hiftorians  have  at  large  record- 
ed ■)  and  therefore  I  (hall  pretermit. 

^64.  The  day  htioxc  Charles  the  ^th.  was  chofen  Emperoi3r,  the  Senate 
of  Euclas  choCc  John  Frederick^  Duke  of  Saxony  i  but  he  ingentt  animo  rccuCa- 
vit,  refufed  it  i  and  being  asked  whom  he  thought  moit  eligible,  he  faid  • 
none  but  C/ui7f/ was  Ht.  For  this  noble  mind,  he  was  oflercd  30000  fJo- 
rens  of  money,  which  he  conlbntly  rejcded  :  And  when  they  urged  him  ■ 
that  loooo  might  begivento  his  fervants,  lie  faid,  let  them  that  will  take 
it,  bat  he  that  taketh  any  (lull  not'flay  to  morrow  with  me,  and  taking  horle 
went  his  waics,  left  they  further  troubled  him  ."Thus  faith  Erifnus,  EpiJi.Ii^. 

456  (^burch  HiUory  of  Bifhps, 

fp.4.  I  wasafTurcdof  bythcEifliop  of  I/fje  that  was  prefen  t]  Sec  Bucholt' 

z^y  Chronol.f.  533. 

kj  65.  The  Rct'ormation  forced  the  Cermin  Eifhopsto  make  many  reform-  . 
ing  Canons,  ziCole/:,&c.  Among  thofe  of  an  AHgnii'ine  Synod  our  own 
ftritc  about  communicating  maketh  me  think  of  no  lofs  of  time  to  recite 
their  Catalogue  of  perfonj  that  were  to  be  denied  the  Sacrament  of  Com- 
munion, f/e-  asfoUoweth. 

I.  Heathens, Infidels  and  [-Jcreticks.     i.  TheFxcommunicatc.     5.  All     ' 

men  at  a  time  of  common  Intcrdiif'.     4.  Men  that  go  from  their  own  Pa- 

lillics  fovit.    5.  Thofe  that  are  under  age  ;  And  diltradcd,  pofleflcd  ,  I- 

deots.     6.  Thofe  that  are  troubled  with  crudity  of  (iomacks  ftillcured.^ 

7.  Infamous  pcrfons,  as  Juglers,  Players,  Jelters,  &c.      8,  Women   that 

wear  Mens  apparel,     p.  Scparatifts  and  Convcnticlers.     10.  The  St d:  of 

,the  Beggars  of  Lyons,     ii.  The  fuperiiitious..     I2i  Thofe  that  have  not 

contrition  and  ccnftllion,  living  in  lin.     13.  That  live  in  notorious  wicked-    - 

refs,  as  Adultery  Alfury,  e>c.  till  their  actual  reformation.     14.  Dcferters 

of  Marriage  unallowed.     1 5.  Thofe  that  play  much  at  Dice.     1 6.  That  are 

given  tod-runkenncfs,  gluttony, coniefTations.fpcnd  daics  in  Tavernsi     And 

it  (hey  amend  not  thtyare  to  be  put  to  death.     17.  That  detain  other 

nuns  goods.     18.  That  break  dnd  fpoil  Temples.  "  ip.  That  encroach  on 

others  lands  and  ground?.     20.  Servants  that  being corredfed  rcfufc  their 

duty  to  their  Maftcr  after  it.-  21.  They  that   ufc  falfc  weights  and  mea- 

fures.     22,  That  pay  not  Tythcs.    23.  That  delay  to  execute  Telfamcnts. 

24.  That  obftinately  detpifc  the  Cultomes  of  the  Church,  and  meet  elfe- 

■where.     25.  That  dillurb  the  Preachers,  or  go  out  of  Church  Lontemptu- 

ouily.     2(5.  That  will  not  hear  Mafs  and  liay  theend.     2j.  That  ule  un- 

necelfary  labour  on  the  Lords  day  or  holy  dales.     28.  That  marry  fecret- 

ly.     2p.  T'liat  flothfully  or  contemptuoully  refufc  to  learn  the  Lords  prayer, 

and  Creed.     3c.  That  blafphemc  or  prophanely  fwear.   31.  That  reproach 

and  dilbonour  Pritlls.     32.  Murderers, Enemies, revcngetul and  opprcllbrs. 

35.  That  prefervc  not  carefully  their  Childrcns  Lives.      34.   That  make 

Lawsagainlt  Church  Liberties,or  Judge  by  fuchLaws,or  lay  burdens  and  ex- 

adions  on  Churchmens  pcrfons  or  goods.    3  5.  Thofe  that  judge  tiiat  money 

received  on  Ufury  is  not  to  be  rcftorcd. 

/§  66.  Tiie  Reformers  accufatibns  of  the  Popifli  Clergy  had  this  cflfed',  to 
make  them  conftfs  many  of  their  faults,  cfpecially  drunkennefs,  and  Whore- 
dome,  as  being  the  caufe  of  the  peoples  d iff aife  anddefcrtion  >  fee  the  O- 
rations  at  the  Councilsof  Augufia^zvA  Trn'trs-,  and  the  Council  zl'Trcvert 
made  lirid  Canons  agiinft  them,  efpecially  for  removing  Concubines  from 
the  Prielis.    And  one  at  Co/e/j  154^,  is  large  for  fome  reformation  >  but 
efpecially  careful  to  keep  out  true  Reformation,  forbidding  the  booksof  Pro  • 
tcflants  byname.    Among  other  things  they  forbid  baptizing  Children  in 
private  houfes,exc,pt  Kings  Children,  (i^c-.  And  another  Council  dii  Mentz 
hath  the  whole  luiTiOf  the  Kowj/)  Doctrine  and  Difcipline  at  thebeft,  favK 
the  matters  of  the  Papacy  •>  and  thefe  late  provincial  Councils  made  Canons 


and  their  Councils  Abridged ^  4^7 

in  the  Irame  of  them,  not  much  of  our  E/;^///&  Canons  and  our  Articles  of 
Religion  fet  together.  Arid  another  Council  at  "trevers  repeatcth  their  di(- 
ciplinary  Canons  in  part,  and  addcth  more. 

§  dy.The  HiHory  and  Canons  of  the  Council  of  'trcntzte  fufficiently  pub- 
lilhcd  i  aud  Pope  Fius  his  OatB  conjoyned  i  fo  that  I  need  not  fpcak  ot  that 
which  I  intend  not  to  make  any  part  of  the  matter  of  this  Epitome,  which 
cxtcndcth  but  tothe  time  of  Lk^/io-x  Reformation. 

6%.  Even  after  the  Feformation,  the  Pope  could  not  live  in  It^j/y  with- 
out fighting :  Pope  Julius  the  3^,  fought  witii  Odavhts  Farnefiuf  at  Parma , 
Pope  P<i?// tought  with  the  King  of  Spain:  but  was  beaten  :  He  letHxtccn 
Cardinals  over  the  Inquiiition  (the  defence  of  his  Kingdome);  Heimpri- 
foncd  Cardinal  Morrovius  fufpeclcd  of  hcrcHc,  abfolvcd  after  by  Pope  Tins  the 
a,th.  who  yet  lUangkd  Caraffa  ,  and  beheaded  Cardinal  Leonard,  Count 
Montarim,  &c. 

§  6p.  Cardinal  Charles Borrbemem  (dinted  by  them)  at  divers  Millanc 
Councils  ihewcd  a  great  deal  of  Reforming,  and  fomc  deforming  zeal.  In 
the  fiili  Council  Iftiall  note  that  they  decreed  that  rrten  once  admitted  to 
the  Communion,  and  returning  to  their  fin,  be  no  more  admitted  till  the 
PricA  fee  that  they  have  adually  r.tbrmed  their  lives.  And  that  before  a- 
ny  young  perfons  tirft  receive,  they  fhall  fome  daycs  be f.vjw/W,  and  taught 
tfie  ufe  and  reafon  of  the  Sacrament,  Priefls  notorioufly  criminal  mu(f  not 
fay  Mafs  till  they  amend  their  Jivts.  NoPhylician  muf>  give  phyfick  to 
any  after  four  dayes  ikkntfs  that  is  notconfcU  tothePrieft  fon  pain  of  ex- 
communication). BiQiops  are  foj bidden  to  Hand  when  Princes  fit,  no  not 
for  frying  Grace  at  meat:  nor  othcrwifc  todeprefsand  abje<ft  themfclvcs 
to  Princes.  Panfh  PricHs  muff  have  a  book  of  the  Names,  Sex,  Age,  and 
State  of  every  Parilhioncr.  W'hores  are  to  dwell  in  their  a/figned  places, and 
to  be  known  by  their  apparel  from  others.Dancing,  playcs,  Dice,  Selling, c^c. 
forbidden  on  the  Lords  dayes  and  holydaycs.  Indeed  the  Roman  Kdit^i- 
on  was  never  fet  out  with  greater  advantage  of  piety  and  reformation 
than  in  the  copious  Decrees  ut  Carolus  Borrbomens  in  the  A//7j«  Councils  : 
To  which  a  Council  at  Aqu'ilda  added,  cndcth  Binniits  his  Hiftory  of 

^70.  In  all  thisHiflorvrf  (our;cils,  Bilhops  and  Patriarchs  it  appcarcth 
that  Corruptio  sptimi  cji  pcffimj-,  As  the  fjcred  Miniilry  in  pious  humble 
wife,  peaceable  andfinccrc  men  been  Gods  great  meansof  planting, 
orderirg,  prefervingand  eiicreafi'-'  ii;s  Church,  and  converting,  edifying' 
and  faving  Souls,  and  fuch  toth,«-  d.y  aicasP^w/  called  Timothy  (not  rjie 
Church)  {ATillar  and  B.ifis  of  the  truth  in  the  Church,  rvhich  is  tlx  Hoiife  nf 
the  Living  God)  the  Husbandmen  iha:  itill  cultivate  the  Vineyard  of  the 
Lord,  while  with  fclf  denial,  and  fait'^,  and  h  aveiily  minds,  they  labour 
to  promote  holy  WISDOME ,  LOVE,  SPIRITUALITY  and  PEACE, 
abhorring  pride  and  worldly  dcligns,  and  being  mnfily  little  noted  in  the 
Hifioriesot  the  Church,  as  not  appearing  in  the  ruibulciit  and  puhlick  af- 
fairs of  the  world  ;  focontrarily  Trtde,  and  ivorldlincfs,  fecking  Dominion 

Nnnn  favour 

458  church-  Hi  [lory  of  'BilJjops 

favour  and  wealth,  to  feed  alfo  fcnfiialicy  with  fleflily  plcafure,  by  Satans 
great  diligence  have  corrupted  facred  Societies,  Dodtrinc,  Worfhip,  Difci- 
pline  and  Convcrfation »  and  when  the  Prince  of  pride  and  darknefs,  the 
God  of  this  World,  could  not  diredlyexpugne  Chriltianity,  he  hath  under 
pretence  of  Government,  Unity,  and  Advancement  to  the  Church,  fet  his 
Malignant  Minifters  in  the  Chairs  and  Pulpits  of  the  Church  to  do  his 
work,  and  fight  tlown  piety,  love  and  peace  in  the  name  of  Chril>,  and  as 
it  were  by  h's  Authority  ■>  andinftead  of  perfecuting  Heathens,  Satan  hath 
fet  up  co/itcnthns,  dividing,  and  fikncing,  and  perfecuting  Prelates  ,  to  finite 
the  trut  Shepherds,  and  fcatter  the  Flocks  \  and  as  for  i'aiib  and  Order,  to 
tread  down  the  true  life  of  Faith,  Love  and  Order,  and  to  be  the  Capital  E- 
nemics  of  the  Church,  while  they  would  make  thcmfelves  its  Heads,  Ad- 
vancers and  Defenders!  fo  that  the  chief  good  and  the  chief  mifclmf  hith 
ccme  to  the  Church  by  the  means  of  the  Paliors :  And  no  Schifmes,  no  He- 
rciics,  no  Perfeeutions  have  been  more  grievous,  than  thofe  that  have  been 
caufcd  by  a  tyrannical  and  contentious  Clergy  j  witncfs  all  the  Conciliary  E- 
pifcopal  Schifmes,  Wars,  and  Bloodlhcd  mentioned  in  this  ColIcdVion  >  wit- 
nefs  the  many  hundred  thoufand  Albigenfes,  IFaldenfes,  and  Bohemi.-iuf  vaui- 
dticd,  us  fot  the  Faith  and  Church  j  witness  the  30000.  or  40000.  at  once 
zmirdcrcd  at  iheFrfwc/^Mafracrev  witnefs  the  horrid  cruelties  of  the  Inqui- 
iltion  i  witnefs  the  Volumes  of  burned  and  otherwifc  murdered  Prote- 
ctants i  and  witncfs  the  7)vj^  Zeal  ftirr'd  up  by  their  Clergy,  that  murdered 
two  hundred  thoufand  in  (b  narrow  a  room  as  that  fmall  Country,  and  in 
fo  few  Weeks  :  And  whoever  is  the  Antichrifl,  certainly  in  Rome,  and  the 
Militant  Tyrannical  Church- Clergy  is  found  the  blood  of  the  Saints,  and 
-Martyrs  of  Jefus  >  and  as  proud  contentious  Patriarchs  and  Prelates  ruined 
Religion  and  the  Empire  in  the  Raii,  and  gave  [tup  to  Mahomet  an  dark- 
nefs and  cruelty,  fohave  they  under  the  name  of  ChrilHanity  impugned  the 
Chrillian  Intertlt  in  the  J^ff^    I  end  with  G,  Hecbcrt  : 

Only  the  ?^c(^  and  Rome  do  keep  them  free 

From  this  contagious  infidelity  : 

And  this  is  all  the  Rock  whereof  they  boaft, 

As  Rome  will  one  day  find  unto  her  cofii 

Sin  being  not  able  to  extirpate  quite 

The  Churches  here,  bravely  relolv'd  one  night 

To  be  a  Church  -man,  and  to  wear  a  Mitre, 

The  old  debauched  Rufiian  would  turn  Writer ; 

1  faw  him  in  his  Study,  where  he  fate 

Bufie  in  controverfie  fprwng  of  late  ; 

A  Gown  and  Pen  bccaine  him  wondrous  well,  . 

His  grave  afpcdhad  more  of  Heaven  than  Hell  ; 

Only  there  was  a  handfome  picture  by, 

To  which  he  lent  a  corner  of  his  eye  ; 

As  Sin  in  Greece  a  Prophet  was  before, 

And  in  old  Rom?  a  mighty  Empcrouri 


and  their  Councils  ^bridged-  4)59 

So  now  being  Prieft,  he  plainly  did  profefs 

To  make  a  Jeftof  Chrifts  three  Offices  i 

The  rather  lincc  his  fcattercd  juglings  were 

United  now  in  one,  both  time  and  fpherc  : 

From  ^g)ft  he  took  petty  Deities, 

From  Greece  Oracular  Infallibilities  i  T 

Andfromold  Kowe  the  liberty  of  pleafure, 

By  free  difpenfing  of  tlie  Churches  Trcafure : 

Then  in  memorial  of  his  Ancient  Tluonc, 

He  did  firname  his  Palace  Babylon  : 

Yet  that  he  might  the  better  gain  all  Nations, 

And  vrakc  that  name  good  by  their  rran(migration$, 

From  all  thcfe  places,  but  at  divers  times, 

He  took  five  Vizards  to  conceal  hisCrimes. 

From  lt.g)fi  Anchorifmc,  and  rctircdncfs. 

Learning  from  Gretce,  from  old  Rome  ftatclinefs  i 

And  blending  thcfe,  he  carried  all  mens  eyes, 

While  Truth  fate  by,  counting  his  Viftorics  > 

Whereby  he  grew  apace,  and  (corn'd  to  ufe 

Such  force  as  once  did  captivate  tlie  Jctvs  > 

But  did  bcwitcJi,  and  finely  work  each  Nation 

Into  3  voluntary  tranfmigratinn : 

All  pofttoKowfV  Princes  fubniit  their  Necks, 

Either  to  his  publick  Foot,  or  private  Tricks  : 

It  did  not  tit  his  Gravity  to  ftir. 

Nor  his  long  Journey,  nor  his  Gout  and  Fur  j 

Therefore  he  (cnt  out  ABLE  MINISTERS, 

States-men  within,  without  door  Cloyflcrcrs » 

Who  without  Spear,  or  Sword,  or  other  Drum,  Councils 

Than  what  was  in  their  Tongue,did  overcome  >  ^^  '*"'" 

And  having  conqutr'd  did  (o  Ihangely  rule, 

That  the  whole  World  did  fccm  but  the  Popes  Mule : 

As  new  and  old  Rome  did  one  Empire  twift. 

So  both  together  ate  one  ANTICHRIST  i 

Yet  with  two  Faces,  as  their  Jjiws  was, 

Being  in  this  their  old  cracktLookirg-glafs  : 

How  dear  to  mc,  O  God,  thy  Counfels  are  / 

W  homay  with  thee  compare  ! 
Thus  Sin  triumphs  in  irtjierns  Babylon, 
Yet  not  as  Sin, but  as  Religion  » 
Of  his  two  Thrones  he  made  the  later  beft, 
And  to  defray  his  journey  trcm  xhcEjJi, 
Old  and  new  Babylon  are  to  Hell  and  Night, 
As  is  the  Moon  and  Sun  to  Heaven  and  Light. 

N  n  n  2  CHAP. 


460  Qhurcb^Hiflory  of  Bifbops 


LEft  thistreatifc  be  miftaken&abufedtothediftionourofthe  Chiiftian 
Religion,  Church  or  Miniftry  I  adde  two  papers  which  I  longagoe 
publilhed  for  the  Minifiry  1.  Againft  profane  Mahgnants,  2.  Againft 
Sed-arians,  efpccially  thofe  called  vSeekers,  as  alfo  Papifts  &  others  that 
for  intereftor  fadion,  deny  or  vilifie  the  Paftors, 

One  fieet    fir   the   Minifiry  •■,  Againfl    the   Malignants    of  all 

AS  mans  firft  felicity  was  attended  with  the  malice  of  the  Ser- 
pent, fo  is  the  wonderful  work  of  hisReftauration.  The  promifc 
of  Reconciliation  by  the  feed  of  the  woman,  isjoyncd  with  a  proclamation 
of  open  war  with  the  Serpent  and  his  feed.  The  enmity  was  hotteft  in  the 
Devil  and  his  feed  agaiaft  Chrift  himfelf,  who  bare  and  overcame  it  j  and  is 
become  the  Captain  of  our  falvation,  that  his  Church  may  overcome  by 
hi?  Crofs  and  Strength,  and  Cordudt ;  The  next  degree  of  malice  is  a' 
gainft  his  officers:  the  mofl  eminent,  the  General  Officers  had  the  hotteft 
affaulti  and  his  ordinary  Officers  bear  the  next:  That  we  (hall  be  hated 
of  all  men  for  the  name  of  Chrift,  (NUt.  10.2a. ^  is  ftill  verified  to  our 
experience.  Not  only  the  openly  prophane  abhor  us  for  our  work  fake, 
but  falfe-hearted  profcfTors  that  turn  from  the  truth ,  do  prefently  turn 
Malignants  againft  the  Miniftry  ;  and  many  weak  ones  that  are  better 
minded,  aredangeroufly  feduced  into  a  guilt  of  the  fedition.  To  all  theft 
I  here  proclaim  in  the  name  and  word  o(  tlie  Lord,  Numb. 16.26.  [JDepjrt 
J  pray  you  from  the  ients  of  thefe  rp/ck^dme/i,  and  touch  nothing  of  their/,  l^ 
ye  be  confttmed  in  all  their  fins.  ~\  Which  I  (hall  now  open  to  you. 

1.  The  office  of  the  Miniiby  is  an  undoubted  Ordinance  of  God,  to 
continue  in  the  Chnrch  to  the  end  of  the  world.  No  man  can  pretend 
that  they  ceafcd  with  the  Apofiles,  for  it  is  Gods  will  that  ordinary  fixed 
Presbyters  (hall  be  ordained  in  every  Church,  ^S/.  14. 23.  T'it.i.'y.  i 
"iim.^.i.  2  7//M4  2.2 .  And  Faftors  and  Teachers  are  appointed  for  the  per- 
fedling  of  the  Saints^  for  the  work  of  the  Miniftry,  and  edifying  of  the 
body  ofChrift,  till  we  all  come  toapcrfed  man,  £/>/«/.'  4. 11, 12,  i  3.  A 
Miniftry  authorized  to  Difciple  the  Nations,  baptize  and  teach  them,  is 
inftituted  by  (;:hrift  as  King  and  Saviour,  and  have  his  Promifetobe  with 
them  alway  tothe  end  of  the  world,  Mat.  2%.  18,  ip,  20.  The  fame  ne- 
cellny  and  work  continucth  j  ftiil  fouls  are  born  and  bred  in  darknefs,  and 
how  (hall  they  be  faved  without  believing,  or  believe  without  hearing, 
01  h,cai  without  preaching,  or  we  preach  wuhout  fending?  Kom.  lo.  i?. 

M.  15- 

and  their  Councils  Abridged.  461 

14,15.  There  is  a  clearer  word  in  the  Gofpel  for  the  Minifiry  then  the 
Magiftracy  >  though  enough  for  both.  Oar  owa  call  I  fliiU  fp-ak  of 

2.  Thefe  Malignants  fet  themfelves  againft  the  Principal  members  of 
the  body  of  Chrift,  that  are  in  it  as  the  eyes  and  hands  to  the  nitural  body, 
1  Cor.  12.  i<5,  Ip,  27,  29.  Efhef.  4.  u,  15.  Tiie  Minilkrs  of  Chrill,  and 
Stewards  of  the  Myfteries  of  God,  1  Cor.  4.  i.  The  Ovcr-frcrs  of  the 
flock  that  is  purchafed  with  Chrifts  blood,  Aciu  20.2%.  They  are  the 
chief  members,  i.  in  office,  2.  ordinarily  in  gitts  for  cdirication  of  the 
body  :  3,,  and  in  grace.  Now  a  wound  in  the  ftomick  or  liver  i%  more 
mortal  to  the  body,  then  in  the  hand ;  and  the  lofs  ot  an  eye  or  hand  is 
worfc  then  the  lofsof  an   ear. 

3.  Thefe  Malignants  are  therefore  principally  enemies  to  the  Church 
it  felf.  They  take  on  them  to  be  only  again/t  the  Minillcrs,  but  it  will 
prove  moft  againfl  the  people  and  whole  Church.  If  they  finite  thc' 
Shepherds,  the  Ihecp  will  be  fcattcred.  How  can  they  more  fureiy  ruine 
Chrifls  family,  then  by  casing  out  the  Stewards,  that  mud  rule  ,  and 
give  the  children  their  meat  in  duefcafbn,  even  milk  to  thc  babes,  and 
ftronger  meat  to  them  of  full  age,  Heb.  5.12,13,14.  L?/^-.  12.  42.  Mit. 
24.45.  '^Vhat  readyer  waytoruinc  thcSchools  of  Chrhl,  then  by  cart- 
ing out  the  Teachers  that  he  hath  appointed  under  him.?  Or  to  ruine  his 
Kingdomc,  then  toreje<ff  his  officers?  Or  to  wrong  thc  body,  then  to  cut 
off  the  hand,  and  pull  out  thc  eyes,  or  to  deftioy  the  principal  parts  ? 
Was  it  not  Minilkrs  that  planted  the  Churches,  and  converted  the  world 
and  have  ever  born  off  the  alfaults  of  enemies  ^  Where  was  there  ever' 
Church  on  earth  that  continued  without  a  Minirtry  ?  Thc  great  Kingdom 
of  NiihU  fell  from  Chrillianity  for  want  of  Preacher^.  Thc  Nations 
that  have  thewcakeft  and  fevveft  Miniitcrs,  hivcthe  Icalf  of  Chr  Jlianity  i 
and  thofethat  have  the  moft  and  ableft  Minifters,  have  the  moft  tlouriih- 
ing  ftate  of  Religion.  All  over  thc  world  the  Church  doth  rife  or  fall 
with  the  Miniftry  :  Cut  down  the  Pillers,  and  the  building  lalir.  He  is 
blind  that  fees  not  what  would  become  of  the  Church  ,  were  it  not  for 
the  Miniliry  }  Who  (hould  teach  the  ignorant  ,  or  nbuke  th:'  oblHnatc, 
explain  the  word  of  truth,  and  ftop  the  mouths  of  proud  gain  faycrs  .^ 
What  work  would  hcrcfies ,  and  divilion  ,  and  prophancnefs  make,  if 
thefe  banks  were  cut  down  i  when  all  that  can  be  done  is  ftill  too  little. 
It  muft needs  therefore  be  nicer  enmity  againll  the  Chprch  ,  that  makes 
men  malignant  againftthc   Miniftry. 

./  4.  The  defign  of  the  maligners  of  the  Miniftry  is  plainly  againft  thc 
;  Gofpel  and  Chriftianity  it  (elf.  They  take  the  readyeft  way  in  the  world 
•  to  bring  in  Heatnenifm,  Infidelity  and  Athcifm,  which  Chriiiianiiy  hath 
fofarbinilhcd.  For  it  is  the  Miniftry  that  Chrift  ullth  to  bring  i;i  light, 
and  drive  and  keepout  this  damnable  darkncfs.  Alls  7.6:  i-j^  18.  £  Ifend 
lh:eto  open  their  eycf,  ani  turn  them  from  dar^.efs  to  //^/!'f,  <i>,-."]  Why  arc 
fo  many  Nations  Infidels,  Miho.nctjns,  and  Idolaters,  bac  for  want  of 

Mi.iifkis  ^ 


46 1  OmrchBiflorfof^ifoops- 

Minilrers  to  preach  the  Gofpel  to  tfiem  ••  Tlltfc  Malignants  therefore 
would  take  down  the  Sun  ,  ani  bini'h  CkrilUjniry  out  of  the 

5-  And  they  hinder  the  Converfion  of  particalar  foul';,  and  fo  are 
tlic  ci.iiclltll  wretches  on  (.arth.  Though  an  Angel  muft  be  fent  to  CorncH. 
i'.i^  it  is  not  to  be  inltead  of  a  Preacher,  but  to  fend  him  to  a  Preacher, 
AU-s  ic.  Tliouch  Chrift  would  wonderfully  appear  to  Saul^  it  is  to  fend 
him  to  Ananias  for  inlirr.Aion  ,  ASs  </.  Though  the  Jaylor  muft  ftol  an 
Earth-quake,  and  fee  Miracles,  it  is  but  to  prepare  him  for  the  Mini/icrs 
words,  Aasi6.  Philip  inuit  be  carried  by  an  Angel  to  expound  to  an 
Eunuch  the  Word  that  muit  convert  him.  The  Minifiry  is  Gods  infhtut-' 
ed  fettled  way,  by  which  he  will  convert  and  fave  the  world,  as  truly 
as  the  light  is  the  natural  way  by  which  he  will  corporally  enlighten  them 
Aas  2.  l8.  I  7im.  4.  16.  Mat.  5.  14.  Knm.\o.  14.  Do  you  think  fo  ma- 
ny fouls  would  be  converted  if  the  MiniOry  were  down  ?  Do  you  not 
fee  that  the  very  contempt  of  them,  that  the  fcornsof  the  ungodly,  and 
oppofition  of  Malignant  Apollates  have  occafioned,  dofh  hinder  inoft  of 
the  ignorant  and  prophanefrom  receiving  thefaving  benefit  of  the  Gof^ 
pel  ?  How  many  millions  of  fouls  would  thefc  wretches  fweep  away  to 
ilell,  if  they  had  their  will  ?  While  thoufands  are  in  damnation  for  want 
of  the  light,  they  would  take  it  from  you,  that  you  might  go  there  alfo. 
Do  you  not  undcrl^land  the  meaning  of  thcfe  words,  agaim'r  Chrifts  Mini- 
flers?  why  the  meaning  is  this:  They  make  a  motion  to  the  people  of  the 
Land,  to  go  to  Hell  with  one  confent,  and  to  hate  thofe  that  are  appoint- 
ed to  keep  them  out  of  it.  They  weuld  take  the  bread  of  life  from  your 
mouthcs.  They  are  attempting  an  hundred  times  more  cruelty  on  you, 
than  Hcrud  on  the  Jews  when  he  killed  the  Children,  or  the  Irifh  that 
murdered  the  Proteltants  by  thoufands  i  as  the  foul  is  of  greater  worth 
tiicn  the  body. 

6,  Thcfe  Malignants  againft  the  Miniflry  are  the  flat  encmiesof  Chrift 
hiiiifelf,  and  fo  he  will  take  them  and  ufe  thcni.  He  that  would  root  out. 
the  inferiour  Magilirates,  is  an  enemy  to  the  Soveraign  >  and  he  that  is 
againit  the  officers  of  the  Army,  is  an  enemy  to  the  Generah  Chrift  ne- 
ve'r  intended  to  Itay  vilibly  on  earth,  and  to  Teachand  Rule  the  world 
immediately  inperfoni  but  he  that  is  the  King  will  Rule  by  his  Officers  i 
and  he  that  is  Prophet  will  Teach  us  by  his  Officers i  and  therefore  he 
hath  plainly  told  us,  {Jin  hcarcthyoii,  beareth  m:  ■,  andhe  that  difpifctb yatf, 
dcfpijclh  me  H  and  he  that  dcjpijhhme,  dcjpifith'him  that  fait  me,  Lnkg  10.  16.] 
Ofearfulcafe  of  miferable  Mahgnants  .' Duili  thou  dcfpife  the  Lord  thy 
Maker  and  Redeemer,  it  he  appeared  to  thee  in  his  glory  !  to  whom  the 
.Sun  it  felf  isas  darknefs,  and  all  the  world  as  duft  and  nothing?  Remem- 
ber when  thou  ntxtfpeakell  againft  his  Ofhccrs,  or  hcarclt  others  fpcak' 
againU  tl.em,  that  their  words  are  Ipoken  again(t  the  face  of  Chrift,  and 
of  the  Father.  1  would  not  be  found  in  the  cafe  of  one  of  thcfe  Malig- 
nants, when  Cluilt  Ihall  come  to  judge  his  cntmitSj  for  a  thoufand  worlds. 

.      -  He 

and  their  Councils  Abridged,  a^i 

He  that  hath  fa  id,  \_Tanch  net  mine  annointtJ,  and  do  my  Prophets  na  hjrm  i 
and  hath  rebuked  Kings  for  tbtir  faks^,  P/J'-  *2  5-  »5'  will  dcriie  all  thofe 
that  would  hrcak^  his  bjnds  ,  and  will  brcak^  them  as  witharod  of  irjir,  and 
dj^  them  in  pieces  at  a  potters  vejfcl,  P/j/.  2.  5,  4,^.  And  as  he  hath  told 
them  plainly,  [  Who  fo  defpifeththe  Word  fliall  be  dejhoyed,  Prov.  13.  13."] 
And  (_hethjt  defpifeth^  defpifeth not  mm,  but  G»d,  i  "ihef.^.^.  So  he  huh 
told  us  that  it  Jhallbe  eafter  for  Sodom  J«i^  Gomorrah  in  the  day  of  Judze- 
ment,  then  for  fuch,  Mat.  10.15.  Many  a  thoufand  prouder  enemies  then 
you  hath  Chrirt  broken  >  and  look  to  your  (elves,  for  your  day  is  com- 
ing. If  you  had  but  ftumbled  on  this  jionc,  it  wonldhsi't  broken  you  in  pieces  ■, 
but  feeing  you  will  llrive  againH  ir,  it  will  fill  on  yxt,  and  grini  you  to 
ponder,  A/jf.  2i,+4.  And  then  you  (hill  fee  that  he  that  made  them  his 
EmbafTadors  ,  will  bear  them  out  and  fay,  \_In  is  much  as  ymt  did  it 
to  theje ,  yoti  did  it  to  me.  ~\  And  you  Hull  then  fay  ,  hkffcd  are  they  that 
trujl  in  him. 

7.  It  is  apparent  that  thefe  enemies  of  the  Minillers  are    playing  the 
Pa  pi  (Is  game.     Bccaufc  the  ju(l  difgracc  of  their  Minillry,  was  the  ruine 
of  their  Kingdom  i  therefore  they  hope  to  win  of  us  at  the  fame  game. 
They  know  that  if  the  people  w«re  brought  into  a  hatred  or  fulpicion  of 
their  guides,  they  might  the  calijr  be  won  to  them.     They   tell  us  in 
their  writings,  that  not  one  of  ton  of  our  people  but  takcthhis  fait'i  on 
truft  from  their  Teachers,  and   therefore  take  them  orf  from  them  and 
they  will  fail  :  but  they  delude  thcmftlvcs  in  this:  For  though  th.*  un- 
godly among  us  have  no  true  t'aith  of  their  own,   and  the  Godly  mu(t 
lean  on  the  hand  of  their  fupporters,  yet  there  is  in  them  a  living  prin- 
ciple >  and  we  do  not  as  the  Papills  priefts,  teach  our  people  to  fee  with 
our  eyes,  and  no  matter  for  their  own:  but  we  help  to  clear  their  ovv.i 
eye-fight.     Doubt  not  but  the  moll  ot  the  feds  in  th:  Land  thu  fall  a- 
gainil  the  Minillry,  arc  knowingly  or  ignorantly  the  agents  of  the  l^a- 
pifts.    For  the  principal  workot' aPapift  is  to  cry  down  the  Minillry  and 
the  Scripture,  and  to  fet  all  they  canon  the  fame  work. 

8.  Thele  feds  that  are  againft  the  Minillry  do  all  the  fame  work  as 
the  Drunkards ,  Whore  •mongers.  Covetous,  and  all  ungodly  perfons  in 
our  Pariihes  do:  And  therefore  it  feems  they  arc  guided  by  the  fame 
fpirit-  It  is  the  workof  Drunkards  and  all  thele  wicked  wretches  to  hate, 
and  defpife,  and  revile  the  Minillers,  and  to  teach  others  to  fayastiiey. 
And  jull  fo  do  Quakers,  Seekers,  Papilts  and  all  other  Malignants  re- 
proach the  fame  Minillers;  And  yet  the  blind  wretches  will  not  fee  that 
the  fame   Spirit  movcth  thtm. 

p.  It  is  apparent  that  it  is  the  Devils  game  they  play,  and  his  intcr- 
cft  and  Kingdom  which  they  promote.  Who  fights  againll  Chrilis  Of- 
iicers  and  Army,  but  the  G.ncral  of  the  contrary  Army/  What  greater 
fervice  could  all  the  world  do  for  the  Devils,  then  to  call  out  the  Mini- 
llers ofChrill?  and  what  more  would  the  Devil  himlelf  dclirc,  to 
fe:  up  his  Kingdom  and  lupprefsthc  Church  f  Wrctchts!  )0j  ihall  ll.cJily 


464  (^burcb-HiUory  of  BifJh^p, 

fee  your  Maftcr,  and  lit  will  pay  you  your  wages  contrary  to  yourexpcfta- 
tion.   Read  Go 'sword  10  a  Malignant,  Afis  13.  lO. 

10.  Thcfc  Enemies  do  reproach  as  faithful  a  Miniftryasthe  world  cn- 
joyeth,  and  their  malice  hath  fo  little  footing,  as  that  the  refultmuft  be 
theirown  (hame.   Among  the  Papifls  indeed  there  are  Mafs-Prieds  that 
can  but  read  a  Mafs,  wliofe  Office  is  to  turn  a  piece  of  Bread  into  a  God  : 
And  ya  thcfe  the  Malignants  either  let  alone,  or  liken  us  to  them.    The 
Greeks,  and  Ethiopians,  and  moft  of  the  Chrifiian  World,  have  a  Miniltry 
that  luldome  or  never  preach  to  them,  but  read  Common-prayer,  and  Homi- 
Jics.    The  rriollof  the  Protcflant  Churches  have  a  learned  Miniflry  that  is 
fo  taken  up  with  Controverfies,  that  they  are  much  Icfs  in  the  powerful 
preaching  and  piaftife  of  godlinefs:  Above  all  Nations  under  Heaven,  the 
Eiiglifl}  are  fctupon  Praftical  Divinity  ajii  Holincfs,  and  yet  even  they  are 
fay  Malignity  chofen  out  for  reproach.   Alas,  fcandals  in  the  Miniflry,  Cas 
drunkcnnefs,fwearing,eS"'c.)  among  other  Nations  are  but  too  common; 
but  in  Eflg/wi  Magilirates  and  Minilters  combine  againfl  them.   Minifters 
aie  ftill  (purring  on  the  Magiftrates  tocaft  out  theinfufficient,  negligent 
and  fcandalousi  and  delireand  ufc  more  feverity  with  men  of  their  own 
profcfl'ion,  than  with  Magiilrates ,  or  any  others  in  the  Land.    In  nothing 
are  they  more  zealous,  than  to  fweep  out  all  tbe  remnant  of  the  fcandalous  : 
And  for  themfelvcs,  they  are  devoted  to -the  work  of  the  Lord,  and  think 
nothing  too  much  that  they  are  able  to  perform,  but  preach  in  fcalon  and 
out  of  feafon,  with  all  long-fuffering  and  Dodtrine>  and  yet  Malignants 
make  them  their  reproach. 

n.  It  is  abundance  of  pride  and  impudency,  that  thcfe  Malignant  Ene- 
mies are  guilty  of.  They  are  moif  ot  them  perfons  of  lamentable  ij>no- 
rance  i  and  yet  they  dare  revile  at  the  Teachers,  and  think  themfelves  wife 
enough  to  rebuke  and  teach  them ;  Many  of  them  are  men  of  wicked 
Jives  i  and  yet  they  can  tell  the  world  how  bad  the  Minilkrsare.  A  Rai- 
kr,a  Drunkard,  a  covetous  Worldling,  an  ignorant  Sot,  is  the  Iikefi  perfon 
to  fail  upon  the  Minilkri  and  the  Owl  will  call  the  Lark  a  Night-bird. 
Alas,  when  wc  come  to  try  them,  what  dark  wretches  do  we  find  them !  Jtid 
lliould  be  glad  if  they  were  but  teachable  :  And  yet  they  have  learnt  the 
Devils  firftLtfTon,  to  defpife  their  Teachers. 

12.  And  O  what  barbarous  ingratitude  are  thefe  Malignant  Enemies  of 
the  Miniflry  guilty  of!  for  whom  do  we  watch,  but  for  them  and  others? 
Can  they  be  lb  blind  as  to  think  a  paihful  Minilfcr  doth  make  it  hisdelign 
to  feckhimlLlf,  or  to  look  after  great  matters  in  the  world?  Would  not  the 
time,  and  labour,  and  coll  that  they  are  at  in  the  Schools  and  Univcrlities, 
liave  fitted  them  for  a  more  gainful  trade  ?  Do  not  Lawyers,  Phyfitians,d''(r. 
live  a  fare  after,  and  in  the  world  a  more  honourable  plentiful  life?  Have 
not  thcMinifterstheiTifelves  beenthe  principal  Inflruments  of  taking  down 
Bilhops,  Deans  and  Chapters,  Arch-deacons,  Prebends,  and  all  means  of 
prctciment  ?  And  what  have  they  got  by  it,  or  ever  endeavoured  ?  ipeak 
malice,  andfparenot.   Is  it  any  thing  but  what  they  had  before?  Even  the 


and  their  Councils  Mridged^  4^5 

maintenance  due  to  their  particular  charge.  Unthankful  wretches !  It  i? 
for  your  fakes  and  fouls  that  they  ftudy,  and  pray,  and  watch,  and  fall,  and 
exljoxt,  and  labour,  to  the  confuming  of  their  (irength  i  and  when  they 
have  done,  are  made  the  Drunkards  Song,  and  the  fcorn  of  all  tlic 
wicked  of  the  Country  ,  and  when  they  fpcnd,  and  arc  fpcnt,  the  more 
they  love,  the  Icfs  they  are  beloved.  In  the  times  of  this  grcateft  profperity 
of  the  Church,  they  live  under  coniiant  hatred  and  fcorn,  from  thofc  tliac  ' 
they  would  favc,  and  will  not  let  alone  in  lin.  And  what  do  they  cndyrc 
all  this  f("n:  but  Gods  honour,  and  your  filvation  ?  Would  we  be  Minifteis 
for  any  lower  ends  Z  Let  (liame  from  God  and  man  be  on  the  face  of  fuch  % 
Minifter  !  I  profefs,  were  it  rot  for  the  belief  of  the  greatnefs,  and  ncccility^ 
andcxcelkncyof  thcTrutIi<.th3t  1  am  to  preach,  and  for  the  will  of  God, 
and  the  good  of  Soals,  I  would  be  a  Plow-man,  or  the  mcancft  Trade,  it 
not  a  Swecp^Chimney,  rather  thana  Minifter.  Muft  we  break  our  health, 
and  lay  by  all  our  worldly  interefi  ioxyou^  even  for  )w«,  and  think  not  our 
lives  and  labours  too  good  or  too  dear  to  further  your  Salvation  i  and  muft 
we  by  yon,  even  by  yen,  be  reproached  after  all  ?  God  will  be  Judge  between 
you  and  us,  whether  tins  be  not  inhumane  ingratitude >  and  whether  we 
dcfcrve  it  at  your  hands  ?  : 

i^.  Yea,  it  is  l/ijafl/ce  alfb  that  you  are  guilty  of.  Tlse  laboyrer,  faith 
Chrill,  //  tvorthy  of  his  hire,  Lukf  lO.  7.  (^Mark  iJiat,  you  that  call  them 
Hirilings)  The  Elders  that  rule  rrdl  are  worthy  of  double  honour^  i  Tim.  5.  1 7. 
EJpeciaHy  they  that  labour  in  the  IFord  and  Vodrine,  And  will  you  throw 
fioncs  at  their  heads  for  endeavouring  to  fave  your  fouls  ?  Will  you  fpit  in  ^ 

their  faces  for  fee  king  with  all  their  might  to  keep  you  from  Hell?  Is  that 
their  wages  that  you  owe  them  ?  But  bleiud  be  the  Lord,  with  whom  is 
our  reward,  though  you  be  not  gathered,  7/Jr.  4^.5.  But  as  you  love  your 
felves,  take  heed  of  that  Curfe,  Jer.  18.  20.  \_Sh.ill  evil  be  recompenctd  fir 
good?  for  they  haiie  digged  a  pit  for  my  foul  :  'Remember  that  I  flood  before  thee 
to  fpeak^  good  for  them,  and  to  turn  away  thy  tr rath  from  them,&c,~\  O  how 
many  a  time  have  we  bcfouglit  the  Lord  for  you  !  that  he  would  convert  • 
you,  and  forgive  you,  and  turn  away  the  evil  that  was  over  you;  And 
when  all  thefeour  prayers,  and  groans,  and  tears  flull  bercmembred  againft 
you,  O  miferable  fouls,  how  dear  will  you  pay  for  all ! 

14.  And  is  it  not  a  wonder  that  thefe  Malignants  do  not  fee  what  evi- 
dent light  of  Scripture  they  conrrad'dj  and  how  many  great  exprcfs 
Commands  they  violate?  They  brcik  the  htth  Commandment,  whidi  rc- 
quireth  honour  as  well  to  fpiritual  Ecclcfialiical  Parents,  as  to  Civil  and 
Natural.  And  he  that  curRth  Father  and  Mother,  his  Lamp  (hall  be  put 
out  in  datknefs,  Frot'.  20.20.  The  eye  tha:  mockcthat  his  Father,  and  de- 
fpifcth  to  obey  his,  the  Ravens  of  the  Valley  (hall  pic  kit  out,  and 
the  young  Eagles  fliall  eat  it,  Pm'.  5 o.  1 7.  Did  thcfr  wretches  never  read, 
I  Thcf.  5. 12.  ''Te  Itefiech  yon  brethreu^  to  kjOrv  them  n-bich  Uboitr  amonz,  you, 
and  are  over  you  in  the  Lord,  and  admoniJJf  ^tt  ■>  and  to  eflrm  them  very  highly  in 
Uvc  for  their  tpork^fak^^  and  to  be  at  peace  among  yonr  fihes.~\\adi  i^ih.i'^  17. 

O  0  O  [Obey 

466  Qjurch^mpory  of  Bijbops 

[Olny  thtm  that  have  the  rule  over  yoH,  and  fubmit  your  fehef,  for  they  tvatcb 
for  ymr  fmls  as  tltey  that  muH  give  account^  that  they  may  do  it  with  joy,  and 
not  rpiih  grief  ■,  for  that  is  unprofitable  for  youi^  And  Hcb.  13.  y.Remembtr 
them  Tchich  have  the  rule  over  you,  rvbo  have  fpok^n  to  you  the  Word  of  God.']  And 
fo  ver.  24.  And  i  Titn.  5.  17.  "the  Elders  that  rule  vcell  are  rvorthy  of  double 
honour,  &c,  ~\  with  abundance  more  fuch  paflfages  as  thefe  ?  E>o  not  you 
feci  thefe  fly  in  your  taces  when  you  oppofe  the  Minifters  of  Chrift  ?  Doth 
a  Thief  or  Murderer  finagainft  plainer  light  than  you  ? 

15.  Thefe  Malignants  fin  againft  the  confent  and  experience  of  the  Uni- 
veifal  Church  of  Chrift  till  this  day.  The  whole  Church  hath  been  for  the 
Miniftry,  andinftrudted  by  them  i  and  as  the  Child  doth  ftek  the  Breaft, 
fo  did  new-born  Chriftians,  in  all  Ages,  fcek  the  Word  from  the  Minifters, 
that  they  might  live  and  grow  thereby.  And  all  the  Nations  of  the Chri- 
llian  World  are  for  the  Miniftry  to  this  day!  Or  elfe  th«y  could  not  be  for 
Chrift,  and  for  the  Church,  and  Gofpel.  Is  it  not  plain  therefore  that  thefe 
Malignants  are  dead  branches,  cut  off  from  the  Church,  that  are  fo  fct  a- 
gainft  the  Spirit  and  intereft  of  the  Church  ? 

16.  Moreover  they  fin  againft  the  experience  of  all,  or  almoft  all  the 
true  Chriftians  in  the  world.  For  they  have  all  experience  ,  that  Minifters 
arc  cither  their  Fathers,  orNurfesin  the  Lord  :  And  that  by  their  means 
they  have  had  their  life,  and  ftrength,  and  comforts  >  their  fins  killed,  their 
graces  quickncd  ,  their  doubts  refolved  >  the  tafte  of  the  good  Word  of 
God,  and  of  the  powersof  the  world  to  come  ?  May  we  not  challenge  you 
as  Pi««/ oft  doth  his  Flock,  Whether  you  did  not  receive  the  illuminating 
fandifying  Spirit  by  theMiniftry,  if  ever  you  received  it?  I  tell  you,  it  is 
as  much  againft  the  new  and  holy  nature  of  the  Saints  to  defpife  theMini- 
flers  of  Chrift,  as  it  is  unnatural  for  a  Child  to  fpit  in  the  face  of  his  Father 
or  Motlier.  And  the  experience  of  found  Chriftians  will  keep  them  clo- 
f(:r,and  help  them  much  againft  this  inhumanity,  what  ever  Hypocrites 
may  do. 

17.  And  if  thefe  Malignants  had  not  Pharaoh  heart,  they  would  furc 
have  confidercd,  that  the  experience  of  all  Ages  tells  them,  that  ftill  the 
moft  wicked  have  been  the  Enemies  of  the  Miniftry,  and  the  moft  godly 
have  moftobeycd  and  honoured  them  in  the  Lord,  and  that  this  Enmity 
hath  been  the  common  Brand  of  the  rebellious,  and  the  fore-runner  of 
the  heavy  wrath  of  God  '-,  and  that  it  hath  gone  worft  with  the  Enemies, 
and  bcft  with  the  Friends  of  a  godly  Miniftry.  Do  I  need  to  prove  this, 
which  is  fo  much  of  the  fubftance  of  the  Old  Teftanient,  and  the  New  > 
Was  it  the  Friends  or  Enemies  of  all  the  Prophets,  Apoftles  and  Minifters 
of  Chrift,  that  Scripture  and  all  good  Writers  do  commend  ?  Do  not  the 
ramcs  of  all  Malignants  againft  the  godly  Miniftry  ftink  above  ground,  as 
the  ftiamc  ot  mankind,  except  thofe  that  are  buried  out  of  hearing,  or 
thofe  that  were  convcrfd  ? 

18.  Nay  fuch  as  are  noted  for  the highefl  fort  of  the  wicked  upon  Earth  > 
M-orfe  than  Drunkards,  Whoremongers,  and  fuch  hlthy  Beafts!  The  Perfe- 


and  their  Couniils  Abridged^  467 

cutors  of  GoHs  Minificrs  have  been  ever  taken  as  walking  Devils :  And 
the  hotted  of  Gods  wrath  hath  fain  upon  them.  Take  two  inrtances  i 
1.  When  the /«»>/ went  into  Captivity,  this  was  the  very  caufe,  2  Chron.'^6. 
15,  16.  [But  they  mackei  the  Meffengers  »/  God,  and  Jejpifed  his  rvords,  and 
mijufed  hit  Frophett^  till  the  rvrathof  the  Lord  arofe  againji  his  people,  till  then 
ivas  no  remedy.  2.  And  when  the  Jervs  were  cut  quite  off  from  the  Church, 
and  made  VagaboEds  on  the  Earth,  this  was  the  very  caufe,  ABi  :8.i8. 
Be  it  kjtotvn  therefore  to  you,  that  the  falvai ion  of  God  is  fent  to  //:>?  Gentiles, 
andthatthey  tvill  hear  it.']  1  Ihef.z.  l'),i6.  Thcfe  Jews  \J)oth  killed  the  Lord 
JefHS,and  their  own  frophtts,  and  have  perfceteted  us :  and  they  pkaje  not  God^and 
are  contrary  to  all  men,forbiddingut  to  fpetk^to  f/;e  Gentiles,  that  they  might  be 
fjvedto  fill  ftp  their  fin  alrvay  i  for  the  tprqth  is  come  upon  them  to  the  Httermojh] 
ip.  It  is  the  Devils  own  part  that  thtfe  Malignants  a(ft ;  For  it  is  hcthat 
is  the  great  Enemy  of  Chrif},  and  the  Saints,  and  he  that  is  the  Accufer  of 
theBrt^ren,  which  accufeth  them  before  God  d.iy  and  night:  And  is  not  this 
the  Work  of  Quakers,  Drunkards,  Papifts,  and  all  Malignants?  But  the 
JLord  will  rebuke  them,  and  be  the  glory  of  his  fervants,  Zic/;.  5.  i,  2.  [Ht 
fhev0td  me  Jofliua  the  Higb-Priejl  ftanding  before  the  Angel  of  the  Lord,  and  Sa- 
tan flanding  at  his  right  hand  to  re(ijl  him.  And  the  Lord  J'aid  unto  Satan  ;  Ibe 
Lord  rebuk^  thee,  0  Satan,  men  the  Lord  that  hathcbofen  Jerufalem.] 

20.  Thefe  Malignants  do  moft  of  them  condemn  themfclvcs  i  for  thcjr 
honour  the  Ancient  MiniAcrs  of  Chrift  that  are  dead,  even  while  they  op- 
pofe  and  hate  the  prefent  that  are  living,  who  arc  theneareil  Imitators  of 
their  Doiftrinc  and  life  that  arc  on  Earth!  The  name  of  Prt«r,  and  Foul,  and 
J^»fc«  they  honour,  and  fomc  of  them  keep  Holy-days  for  them »  and  at  the 
fame  time  hate  and  reproach  thofe  that  preach  the  fame  Dodlrine  ,  and 
that  bccaufcthcy  tread  in  their  fteps.  They  honour  the  names  of  ^«/?f»f, 
znd  Chryfoftom  andH/erom,  and  Other  Ancients  >  and  hate  thofe  that  preach 
and  live  as  they  did.  They  fpeak  honourably  of  the  Martyrs  that  were 
burned  to  death  for  thcDodVrineof  Chrift  i  and  at  the  fame  time  they  hate 
us  for  doing  as  they  did.  What  difference  between  the  Calling,  Do(firinc 
and  lives  of  thofe  Martyred  Minifters,  and  tliefe  that  are  now  alive  *  O 
wretched  Hypocrites !  do  you  not  know  that  thefe  Apoftles,  Fathers,  and 
other  Minifters  didfuffcr  in  their  time  fromfuchas  you,  as  we  now  do,  and 
more?  Hear  what  Chrift  faith  to  (uchas  you,  ^/Jt.  23.  2^,30, 31.  [JFbr  to 
you  Scribes,  Fharifees,  Hypocrites  i  becaufe  ye  build  the  Tembs  of  the  Prophets, 
and  gjrnijh  the  Sepulchres  of  the  Righteous,  and  fay.  If  we  bad  been  in  the  days 
cf  our  Fathers,  we  would  not  have  been  partakes  with  them  in  the  blood  of  the 
Prophets:  Te  are  witneffes  to  your  fches,  ye  are  the  children  of  them  which 
Ifilled  the  Frophets :  fill  ye  up  then  the  meafure  of  your  Fathers:  Te  Serpents,  ye 
Generation  of  Viper f,  how  can  ye  efcape  the  damnation  of  Hell  ?  "] 

21.  Moreover,  thcfe  Malignants  do  harden  themflvcsagamft  thefrefhcft 
cf  the  Judgments  of  God,  which  fomc  of  their  own  hinds  have  executed  i 
and  juiJihc  the  Pcrfccutois.  and  fuccecd  them  in  their  fury.  Flave  ycu  for- 
gotten what  God  hath  done  here  againft  the  Papal  Enemies  of  the  Gofpel 

Ooo  2  2nd 

^68  Church -Biflory  of  'Bi/bops 

and  Minillry,  in  88.  ana  the  Powder-plot,  and  many  other  times?  Have 
you  already  forgotten  how  the  pcrfccutors  of  a  godly  Miniflry  have  fped 
within  thcfc  lixtcen  years  in  Enghnd  and  Ireland^.  And  dare  you  now 
ftand  up  in  their  room  and  make  your  fclvcs  the  heirs  of  their  lln,  and 
puniQimcnt,  and  juliihe  them  in  all  their  Malignity?  What  do  you  but 
ju(iihethem,  when  you  rave  againfi  and  revile  the  fame  fort  of  Minlfters, 
and  many  of  the  fame  perfons,  whom  the  former  Malignants  perfecut- 
cd  ?  and  oppofethe  fame  fort  of  Miniflcrs  that  the  Papilfs  burned  ?  And 
would  not  you  do  the  like  by  them  if  you  had  Power  in  your  hands?  Can 
any  wife  man  doubt  of  it.  Whether  Papifts,  and  Quakers,  and  Drunk- 
ard?, that  now  make  it  their  work  to  make  the  Miniftry  odious,  would  not 
foon  difpatch  them  if  they  could  ?  Eleflcd  be  the  great  Protedor  of  the 
Church,  for  were  it  not  for  him,  our  lives  would  foon  be  a  prey  to  your 

22.  And  indeed  if  thefe  Malignants  had  their  wills,  they  wouldundo 
thcmfclves,  and  cat  down  the  bough  they  flard  upon,  anddeftroy  the  lit- 
tle hope  and  help  that  is  yet  left  for  their  miferable  fouls:  It  is  for  the 
fake  of  Gods  fervants  among  them  that  judgements  are  fo  long  kept  off 
them.  And  as  long  as  the  Golpel  and  Minillcrs  remains,  falvation  is  of- 
fered them  :  the  voice  of  mercy  is  calling  after  them,  Kcfent  and  live. 
They  have  the  light  fliining  in  their  eyes ,  which  may  at  lafl  convince 
them,  as  P-?«/ was  convinced  of  his  perfccntion:  the  voice  which  they 
dtfpife  may  polTibly  awake  them.  Though  they  have  lefs  hope  then 
others  >  ^[et  theie  is  fome,  But  if  they  had  their  will,  and  were  rid  of 
the  Miniftry,  alas  what  would  the  forlorn  wretches  do?  Then  they  might 
damn  thtmfelves  without  didurbance,  and  go  quietly  to  hell,  and  nobody 
nop  them,  and   ii^^  [}Vhy  do  yen  jo} 

23.  And  I  pray  yeu  confider  what  it  is  that  thefe  men  would  have? 
W  hat  if  the  Minifiers  were  all  calt  out  ?  would  they  have  any  to  do  Gods 
work  in  their  ftead,  or  none?  If  n<)«f,  you  may  lee  what  they  are  doing: 
\i  atiy^  Who,  and  where  are  they?  Is  it  not  horrible  Pride  if  all  thefe  fil- 
ly fouls  do  think  that  they  can  do  it  bettjer  themfelves  ?  And  what  elfe 
do  Quakers  and  all  thefe  feds  that  arc  the  enemies  of  the  Minirtry?  Do 
they  not  go  upanddownthe  Land,  and  fay  to  the  wifeft  holyeft  Teachers, 
as  if  they  took  them  by  the  fleeve,  \_  Comedotvn  and  let  me  f  reach  that  can  do 
it  better  :  Come  djwn  thou  deceiver  and  ignorant  man^  and  let  me  come  up  thai 
amwifer,  and  better,  and  h^oron  more:  Out  with  thefe  proud  Lordly  Preach- 
ers, and  let  us  be  your  "Teachers ,  that  are  holy,  and  humble ,  and  felf- 
denying  then  they.  ~\  Is  not  this  the  loud  language  of  their  adinns  ?   And 
can  you  rot  hcai  the  Devil  in  thefe  words  of  highcit  Pride  and  Arrngancy  ? 
But  really  Sirs,  do  you  think  that  thefe  men  would  teach  you  better?  And 
is  there  enow  that  are  wiler  and  better  then  wc  toiili  up  our  rooms,  if 
we  were  out?  Do  but  prove  that,  and  you  j  (hall  have  my  conlent  to  ba- 
ni!h  all  the  Mmillcrs  in  England,  to  fome  place  that  hath  greater  need  of 
their  labour»  that  they  may  no  more  trouljlc  you  that  have  no  need  of  thenv 
and  keep  out  better.  iQO      -  i4.  Lallly, 

and  their  Councils  Abridged,  A^g 

24.  Laflly,  conGder  on  what  fenflefs  pretences  all  this  enmity  againft 
the  Miniftry  doth  vent  it  felf.  You  thall  hear  the  word  that  they  hjv^ 
to  (ay  againft  us,  f  though  but  briefly  J  and  then  judge. 

I.  The  Quakers  fay  ,  We  are  idle  drones  that  Uho^it  not  ,   ani  there- 
fore jhoitld  not  eat.     Anfw.  The  worlt  I  vvifli  you,  is,  that  you  had  but 
my  cafe  inrtead  of  your  labour.     I  have  reafonto  take  my  felf  for  the  kaft 
of  Saints,  and  yet  I  fear  not  to  tell  the  accufer,  that  I  take  the  labour  of 
moft  Tradefmen  in  the  Town  to  be  a  plcafure  to  the  body  in  comparifbn 
of  mine  i  fthough  for  the  ends  and  the  plcafure  of  my  mind,  I  would 
not  change  it  with  the  greatcll  Prince)  Their  labour  preferveth  health,  and 
mine  coiftimth  it  :   They  work  in  cafe,  and  I  in  continual  pain :  They 
have  hours  and  dayes  of  recreation:  I  have  Ccarcctimc  to  cat  and  drink  : 
No  body  moleftcth  them  for  their  labour  i  but  the  more  I  do,  the  more 
hatred  and  trouble  I  draw  upon   me.     If  a  Quaker  ask   me,    what  all 
this  labour  is  ,   let  him  come  and  fee  ,  or  do  as  I  do  ,   and  he  fliall 

2 .  They  accufe  us  of  eovetoxfnefs  and  opprejpon,  bccaufe  tve  tak^  tithe/  or 
hirCy  Cas  they  call  it. )  Anftv.   i.  Is  ft  not  maUce  or  iacrilegious  covetouf- 
nefs  that  framcth  this  accufjtionr'  tf^hofc  arc  the  Tithes?  are  they  wrx  ot 
ihetrs^  The  faracl-awof  the  Land  that  makes  the  nine  parts  theirs,  doth 
make  the  tenth  ours.    If  we  have  no  title  to  the  tenth,  they  have  none 
to  the  rcfr.     We  ask  none  of  our  people  for  a  larthing.     They  ^ivek  not 
to  us  ;  It  was  never  t/x/V/.     When  thty  buy  or  take  kafcs  of  their  Land 
it  is  only  the  nine  parts  tlwt  they  pay  ior  ,  and  if  the  tenths  were   (old 
them,  they  fliould  pay  themfelves  a  tenth  part  more.     And  would  thcfe 
men  nukeall  the  people  thieves  and  covetous,  to  take  or  dellre  that  wliich 
never  was  their  own  ?  Nay  would  they  have  them  rob  God ,  to  whom 
for  his  fctvicc  the  Tithes  were  devoted?   Read,  M^/.  5   8,p,io.  Ram.  2. 
22.  (?£«.  14.20.  Hcb.y.d,p.  And  whether  Tithe  it  felf  be  of  Divine  in- 
llitution  fiill,  is  more  then  thfy  arc  able  to  difprove.     Sure  lam,  when 
Chritl  told  them  of  tithing  mint  andcHinmin^  iie  faitli,  "Ibcfe  ottfibt  you  to  bm.e 
donty  and  not  to  luvc  tiK  other  wi dune,   Mat'  i^.z^.  a.  But  molt  certain  I  am 
that  God  hath  made  it  our  duty  to  rmditate  qahis  word,  and  ^iva  our  fihtr 
wholly  thereto,    l7/m.  4.  15.  and  that  WC  may  (_  Ftfriwrrviir/^'^^,  and  not  so 
m  ivarfjrc  at  mr  own  charge ;  andj'nving  to.  nic/i  ffiritital  things,  JhotHdreap 
tlxir  carnal  things :  Do  ye  not  knoivtbat  they  which  tninijhr  aborit  holythinaj, 
live  of  the  things  of  tin  Je'Hplc  i  and  they  whtd)  wait  at  the  Altar,  are  par-^ 
takers  with  the  Alters'  E-jcn  Jo  hath.the  Lord  ordained,  that  they  mljic? preach 
the  Go/pel  fl}jit!d  liie  of  the  Cofpcl.']  i  Cor.  ?.  <5,  7, 13, 14.    3.   And   know 
you  not  that  the  primitive  Uuiltians  gave  not  only  tiic  tenths,  but  all 
that  they  had,  and  laid  it  at  the  Apollolcs  feet?  to  (hew  that  the  Golpi.1 
tcacheth  more  clearly  then  the  Law  ,  the  ncceihty   of  D^-Jicauag  our 
felves  and  all  ihat  we  have  to  God.  4.  And  yet  1  mult  ^y,  that  we  ate 
cment  with  fo'd  and  raymcnt.     MuJl  Minitl  in  Eitglojid  would  ■b:glad  to 
give  you  ail  thdr  titiics ,  it  you  wiil.  but  allow  them  food  and  ruii^icnt 


47 o  (^burcb  Hi^ory  of  Bifhops, 

fer  tliemfclves  and  families ,  and  fuch  education  for  their  children  as 
is  fitteft  to  make  themferviccableto  God.  And  I  hope  it  is  no  Cn  to  have 
mouths  that  mufl  be  fed,  or  backs  that  muft  be  cloathed.  W'hitfinuft 
Gods  Minificrs  above  all  others  be  grudged  food  and  rayment  ^  and  thit 
of  the  Lords  portion,  which  rone  ot  you  pay  for  ?  1  fear  not  to  imitate 
Taul  flopping  the  mouths  of  malicious  accufers,  and  to  tell  you,  that  the 
Minifttrs,  whofe  cxpences  I  am  acquainted  with,  do  give  500.  pence,  for 
50.  that  they  receive  by  gift  from  their  people:  and  that  thej  take  all  that 
rhcy,  have  as  Chrifts,  and  not  their  own,  and  if  they  have  never  fo much 
they  devote  it  wholly  to  him,  and  know  he's  not  beholden  to  them  for 
it:  and  fome  of  them  lay  out  in  charitable  ufes,  much  more  then  all  the 
tithes  that  they  receive  for  their  Minifterial  maintenance.  And  if  the 
Quakers  that  accufe  them  of  covetoufnefs,  would  caft  up  accounts  with 
them,  I  doubt  not  but  it  will  be  found  that  they  receive  more  by  gift 
then  Preachers ,  and  give  net  the  fourth  part  fo  much  when  they  have 

3.  Another  accufation  is  ,  that  we  preach  falfe  Dotirine^  and  deceive  the 
people.  Anftv.  It's  eafie  to  fay  fo  of  any  man  in  the  world:  But  wheiv 
they  come  to  prove  it,  you  will  fee  who  arc  the  deceivers. 

4.  Another  is,  that  we  zxt  perfccutors,  and  lik^  the  Priejls  of  old,  and  fi 
all  the  reproofs  of  them  and  the  Pharifees  belong  to  us.  Anfrv.  This  is  fbon 
faid  too  :  but  where's  tbe  proof!*  For  thcmfdvcs  we  have  no  mind  to  be 
houbled  with  them.  Let  them  let  us  alone,  as  long  as  we  will  let  theni 
alone.  But  ytt  they  (hall  be  taught  one  day  to  know,  that  if  the  Ma- 
giftrate  ftop  the  mouths  of  fuch  railers  and  abufcrs  of  God  and  men,  he 

'  doth  no  more  perfecute  them,  then  he  perfecuteth  a  thief  when  hehangeth 
him  i  or  then  Tanl  perfecuted  Hymentus  and  P/nktits  when  he  delivered 
them  up  to  Satan  >  or  Elymits,  A!3si$.  11.  or  then  Peter  perfecuted  An- 
anias and  Sapphira  ,  A£ls  5.  or  then  God  would  have  had  the  Churches 
be  perfecutors  againft  the  woman  Jezebel  that  was  fufFered  to  teach  and 
feducc  the  people,  or  againft  the  Doftrine  of  the  Nicolaitans  which  God 
hated,  Kev,  2.  i  5,  20.  If  hindering  fm^  be  perfecuting^  the  calling  of  a  Ms- 
gyrate  is  to  be  a  pcrfecutor,  Kom.  13.  4.  and  all  parents  mnft  peiecute  their 
own  children. 

5.  Another  accufation  is,  thtiv/tzKagainfi  the  preaching  of  any  but  our 
felves.  Anjtv.  Who  doth  not  defirc  that  all  the  Lords  people  were  Prophets  ? 

But  yet  we  know  all  are  not  Prophets,  i  C«r.  12  2p.  nor  Teachers,  We 
would  have  ncne  of  Gods  gifts  in  our  people  buried,  but  all  improved  to 
theuttermoft  for  his  glory.  But  we  would  not  have  men  turn  Ordinary 
Teachers,  thatare  neither  found,  nor  able,  norfentj  nor  every  felf-con- 
ccited  ignorant  man,  have  leave  to  abufe  the  name  and  word  of  God,  and 
the  fouls  of  men.  What  would  you  have  more  then  is  granted  you? 
When  any  unordained  man  that  is  judged  competent  by  the  CommifTi- 
oners  of  Approbation  (of  whom  fome  are  SouldicrsJ  may  be  a  conftant 
preacher,  and  have  fulled  maintenance,  as  well  as  Presbyttrs  ? 
"  6.  Another 

and  tbeir  Councils  Abridged,  ^^i 

6.  Another  Charge  is,  that  jpc  are  fome  wmiS^,  jni  fame  Ccandjloitr. 
Anfw.  We  do  al)  that  we  are  able  tocaft  out  fuch,  and  I  think  never  more 
was  done.  The  Magiilratc  fets  his  Guard  at  the  door ,  and  lets  in  none  but 
whom  he  pleafe  :  and  furc  if  he  knew  where  to  have  better  than  thofc  that 
are  in,  he  would  put  them  in,  or  elfe  he  is  too  blame  ;  If  he  do  not  know, 
will  you  blame  him  for  ufing  the  beft  that  he  can  get  >  But  if  you  will  come 
and  help  us  to  caft  out  any  that  are  vicious  and  unworthy,  we  will  give 
you  thanks. 

7.  Another  Accufation  is,  that  rre  difer  tmeng  our  felvei,  and  one  faith  one 
thing,  and  another  another  thing.  Anfiv,  j .  And  are  all  thefe  Seds  that  op- 
pofe  us  better  agreed  among  themfeives  >  Enquire  and  judge.  2.  Do  not 
all  preach  one  Gofpel,  and  the  (ame  EiTentials  of  the  Chriftian  Faith  ?  And 
we  exped not  pcrfedl Unity,  till  we  have  perfcft  Knowledge  andHolinefsi 
which  we  dare  not  boall  of,  whatever  §ljtak^s 6iO. 

8.  Another  Accufation  is,  that  we  iirc  not  true  Miniflers-  And  why  fb? 
Bccaufe  we  have  not  an  uninterrupted  fucccfTion  of  lawful  Ordination. 
An^tp^  This  Obje(ition  is  the  Papifts,  who  have  little  rcafon  to  ufe  ir,  while 
it  isfo  eafie  a  matter  to  prove  fo  many  interruptions  of  their  Papal  fucccf- 
fion.  At  large  and  often  have  we  anfwcred  them,  and  arc  ftill  ready  to  deal 
with  any  of  them  herein,  and  to  prove  i  i.  That  an  uninterrupted  fuccelfi- 
onof  right  Ordination,  is  not.  of  necelVjty  to  the  being  of  the  Mini/iry. 
2.  And  if  it  were,  wc  have  more  to  (hew  for  it  than  they.  If  others  flicit 
on  this,  let  me  tell  them,  that  Magirtracy  is  as  truly  from  God  as  the  Mini- 
ftry:  And  let  ever  a  King  on  Earth  fliew  me  an  uninterrupted  fucccffion 
giving  him  Title  to  his  Crown,  and  I  will  rticw  him  a  more  undoubted  fuc- 
artion  or  Title  to  my  Miniftry.  But  here's  no  room  to  difcufs  this  Q^e- 

9.  ObjedV.  But  you  arc  Farijh  Priejls,  and  no  true  Minijlert,  becau/eyou  hj-jt 
not  true  Churches.  Anfvp.  All  the  Chriliians  in  our  Parilhes  that  confcntare 
our  Flock :  And  wc  undertake  to  prove  the  truth  of  fuch  Churches,  not 
only  againft  fcorn,  but  againlt  all  the  Arguments  that  can  be  brought. 

10.  Objeft.  B«f  you  have  not  the  Spirit,  and  therefore  arena  true  Mini(ierf, 
Anfiv.  And  how  prove  you  that  we  have  not  the  Spirit  ?  The  approvers  ad- 
mit none  but  fuch  as  they  think  have  the  Spirit.  He  that  is  fandificd  hath^ 
the  Spirit:  Prove  us  unfandificd,  and  we  will  rcfign  our  Oificc  Ob-' 
jed^.  Tm  read  your  Sermons  out  of  a  Paper  \  therefore  you  have  not  the  Spirit. 
Anjtv.  A  ftrong  Argument !  I  pt-ay  you  takefcvcn  years  time  to  prove  the 
conCcquencc.  As  wifely  do  the  ^ak^rs  argue,  that  bccaufe  we  ufe  Spcfta- 
cles,orHour-glaires,  and  Pulpits,  we  have  not  the  Spirit.  It  is  not  want  of 
your  abilities  that  makes  Minilicrs  ufe  Notes  i  but  it's  a  regard  to  the. 
%vork,  and  the  good  of  the  Hearers.  I  ufe  Notes  as  much  as  any  man,  when 
I  take  pains  '■>  and  as  little  as  any  man  when  I  am  la7y,  or  bulie,  and  have 
rpt  leifure  to  prepare.  It's  eaiier  to  us  to  preach  three  Sermons  withouc 
Notes,  than  one  with  them.  He  is  a  fimplc  Preacher  that  is  nrt  able  to 
preach  all  day  without  preparation,  if  his  Arength  would  fcrvei  efpccially 
if  he  preach  at  your  rates. .  1 1 .  OhjeS. . 

472  Church- H' ft  or  J  of^ifuo^ 

ir.  Oii/rff.  But  ths  true  Miniftry  iSp.rffcuwd  »  Tsut  foare  not  you,  bu: 
are  Pcrfccutors  c^  o'thtrs.  Anjiv.  i,  For  our  perfccutingorherf,  be  fo  mer- 
ciful as  to  prove  it  to  us,  that  we  may  lament  it.  It  piiniiliing  wicked  men 
and  Seducers  be  perfccuting, not  only  Pjtf?  was  fuch,  thdt  wilhed  they  rvcre 
cut  off  thtttrmbhd  //if  Galatians  j  biit  God  himfelf  would  be  the  grcaccft 
of  ail  pcrltciitors,  tliat  will  lay -j on  in  He  11  without  repentance,  and  then 
you  willwilh  your  old  pcrfecution  again.  And  if  we  ')e  not  persecuted, 
what  means  the  reproaches  of  you  and  all  the  Drunkards  and  Malfgnanfs 
aboiTtus?  But  1  pray  you  envy  us  not  our  lives  and  liberties,  and  a  little 
breathing  time.  Do  you  not  read  that  \7hc  ChwcheT  had  rejl  throughout  all 
Judca,  and  Galilee,  and  Samaria,  and  were  edified,  androalk^ng  in  ihc  fear  of 
the  Lord,  and  in  the  comfort  of  the  H)ly  Ghi^l,  recre  multiplied?  j4^s  p.^i ,1 
Envy  not  a  little  profperity  to  the  Church.  Dotli  not  P-uil  pray  that  the 
G^fpel  may  rim  and  be  glorified,  and  that  we  may  be  delivered  from  unreafon" 
able  rpick^d  men,  2  Ihcf.  5.  1.  Sometimes  you  can  fay  that  more  glorious 
days  are  promifcdj  and  that  the  Saints  fliall  rule  the  world.  Unmerciful 
men  !  It  is  but  a  while  ago  lince  we  had  our  (hare  of  fufferings !  Since  that 
the  Sword  hath  hunted  after  us !  Many  of  our  Brethren  are  yet  in  America^ 
that  were  driven  thither :  at  this  time  in  Spain,  and  Italy,  and  Germany,  and 
Savoy:  Alas,  what  do  our  Brethren  fuffer  in  the  fame  Caulc  and  Calling  that 
we  arc  in!  And  do  you  reproach  us  with  our  mercies,  if  we  be  out  of  the 
Furnace  but  a  little  while,  in  one  corner  of  the  world  ? 

'  Objcdf.  12.  Ton  VDork^no  Miracles  to  confirm  your  VoHrine.  Anfrp.  It  is 
true  V  nor  do  we  need  :  It  is  confirmed  by  Miracles  long  ago.  If  we 
brought  a  newGofpel,  or  as  the  Papills,  gave  you  notour  Dodrmeon  the 
credit  of  Scripture,  but  Scripture  and  all  on  our  own  credit ,  then  you 
might  julUy  call  for  Miracles  to  prove  it ;  But  not  when  we  have  nothing 
to  do  but  expound  and  apply  a  Dodrine  fealed  by  Miracles  already. 

Again,  I  fay,  Let  any  Prince  on  Earth  that  quefiions  our  Calling,  (hew  his  Title 
to  his  Crown,  or  any  Judge  or  Magiflrate  to  his  Office;  and  if  I  jherv  not  as  ^oi 
a  Title  to  mine,  Utme  betaken  for  a  Deceiver,  and  not  a  Minijler, 

ChriiHan  Reader,  as  ever  thou  wouldelt  be  fanciified,  confirmed,  zxidfaved, 
hold  tail  to  Chriji,  Scripture,  Minijiry,  and  Spirit,  and  that  in  the  Church  and 
Communion  of  Saints ,  and  abhor  the  thoughts  of  feparating  them  from 
tach  other. 


and  their  Councils  Abridged-  4^5^ 

"  Afecoftd  Sheet  for  the  MINIS  TRY-,  Jufiif)h;g  our  Calhvg 
agaivji  Quakers,  Seekers,  and  Papifts,  ^^d  all  that  dcvy  us  to 
be  the  M'mijtcrs  ofChriJi. 

THe  corruption  of  the  Komifh  Church  being  moft  in  the  Frrours  and 
Vicesof  thePriefts,  which  made  men  abhor  the  ofi'ering  of  the  Lord 
Ci  Sam.  2.17')  the  reproach  which  they  brought  upon  thcmfelves,  did 
much  prepare  men  to  hcaii\en  to  the  Reformers;  Tiie  obfcrving  of  this, 
and  of  the  ncccflary  dcpcndance  of  the  people  on  their  Paftors,  hath  caufcd 
the  Papirts  to  bend  their  force  againft  the  Minifters  of  the  Reformed 
Churches,  and  toufeall  their  wit  to  defame  their  Perfonsand  CaUings,  and 
malte  them  fcem  ignorant,  unworthy,  or  no  Miniltcrs  to  the  people.  On 
this  Errand  they  (end  abroad  their  Agents  >  this  is  the  faving  Gofpcl  that 
the  Seeksn,  ^i^ks^s-,  and  their  Brethren  preach  i  that  the  Scripture  is  not 
theGufpeljOr  Word  of  God,  and  that  we  arc  no  true  Mini(t<r?.  Whatever 
Dodrinc  we  are  preaching,  theOppofcrs  workis  to  call  us  Deceivers,  and 
ask.  How  we  prove  our  felvcs  true  Minifkrs  ?  My  work  therefore  at  this 
time,  for  the  fake  of  the  ignorant  in  our  AlTemblies,  fliall  be  to  acquaint 
them  with  our  anfwer  to  this  demand.  And  I  (hall  give  it  you  in  order,  in 
certain  Prcpolitions. 

Prop.  I .  Both  in  the  Old  and  Nen>  "tejlament  there  if  mention  of  tvpo  diflinS 
fort  of  Minijicrs  of  Cods  apf ointment.  Firft,  fuch  as  received  fome  new  Rne- 
ljtion^( c'nhcx  a  Law,  or  a  particular  Melfage)  immediately  from  God;  Co  that 
the  people  could  not  be  fure  that  their  Dodtrine  was  true,  till  they  were 
fure  that  the  men  were  fcnt  of  God.  Thcfewcre  called  Prophett  in  the  Old 
Tcftament,  and  Jpojiles^  Frophctf,  &:c.  in  the  New.  So  Mofes  received  the 
Law  from  Gcds  and  the  following  Prophets  their  particular  Mcfliges.  So 
the  Apndles  received  the  Gofptl  fromChrifti  and  fo  did  the  Seventy,  and 
other  Difciples  tliat  convcrfcd  with  him  i  and  other  Prophets  and  Evangc- 
lilis  had  it  by  immediate  in(piration.  All  thefe  were  necefTarily  by  Mira- 
cles, or  fome  Infallible  Evidence  to  prove  their  own  Call,  before  the  Hear- 
ers could  receive  their  Dodirine  ;  tor  this  was  their  Mtffage  i  [Ihe  Lord 
hath  commanded  me  to  fay  thus  or  thus  to  yoH~\  or  [  Ihe  ivord  which  the  Lord 
fpakf  to  me  if  thus  or  thits^  Tiiis  fort  ot  MiniUtis  the.Papilts  and  Seeker'; 
docoHtef?.  .«    rirvi.T/.r 

But  bdidcs  thclc,  there  is  a  fecond  fort  of  true'Mimflers,  whofc  Office  is 
not  to  receive  froui  God  any  new  Dodrine,  Law,  or  Mcflagci  but  to  p,0' 
claim  the  Laws  already  delivered,  and  teach  men  the  Voarine already  mealed,  and 
to  cvajct  and  govern  the  Ch/trcbefof  C/.t//^  according  to  his  Laws,  and  to  go 
before  the  people  in  the  worlbipot  God;  The  Prophets  and  Apoliles  did 
both  thefe  ■>  both  reveal  theDi'drine  which  they  received  from  (  hriO,  and 
teach  and  guide  the  Church  by  it  when  they  had  donei  but  the  latter  fort 
of  MJnilicrsdo  but  the  latter  fort  of  the  work.  The  Papilis  and  Seekers 

Ppp  cheat 

474  Qburch^mpory  of  Bi/hops 

cheat  men  by  jumbling  all  together,  as  if  there  were  noMiniftcrsof  Gods 
appointment,  but  thofcof  the  former  fort  v  and  therefore  they  call  for  Mi- 
racles to  prove  our  Miniftry.  Here  therefore  I  (hall  firlr  prove,  ihattlic  fc 
f(;;(d//7«  of  Minifictsarcof  Gods  Inflitution.  2.  That  fiich  need  nut  prove 
theirCallinR  by  Miracles,  though  yet  God  may  work  Miracles  by  them  it  he 
plcafc.  3.  That  n-e  j)v  true  Miniilcrs  of  Chr/jl,  of  this  fin, 
'  I.  Chrifl  found  (uch  Minifiers  under  the  Law  that  were  to  teach  and 
rule  by  the  Law  before  received,  and  not  to  receive  new  Laws  or  Malfagcs  i 

1  mean  the  ordinary  Priejh  and  Lcviies ,  as  di/tinguiflicd  from  frophttt. 
Thefe  Prielts  were  to  keep  tlie  Law,  and  teach  it  the  pccple,  and  the  people 
were  to  feck  it  at  their  mouth,  and  by  it  they  were  to  judge  mens  Caufcs  : 
and  alfo  they  were  to  ftand  between  the  people  and  God  in  pubiick  wor- 
rtiip,  as  is  £xprcR,D«/t:  51.26.  Jofh.2^.6.  Arr/j.8.i,2>3,8,i8.  Sfp-j.  La-it. 
i.&:2.&  4.6c  5.&  7.  &  13.8c  1 4. throughout, N«w.  5. &d.  'Dait.  17.  12. 
Mai.  2.  7.  JFfr.18  18.  The  Prophet  had  Vihons  >  but  the  Pried  had  the  Law 
Zizf^7.2o.7/i.8.i<5j20.  Hi^.  2.  1 1, 12.  ZV>/m,  1.50  l  Cl.ron.p.26.&c  16.^ 
2Chron  ip.ii.  8c  .o.ip.diC  30.17,22,  He  was  called,  A  Teaching  Prielt^ 

2  Chroii.  15.3.  Lev.  10.  JO,  1 1.  PfKf.24.8.  2  Chron  17.7  p.  Ezcl{.  44. 2*5. 
iChmi.^-).^.  And  Chrill  himfclf  fends  the  cieanfed  to  the  Pricii,  and 
commar,deth  them  to  hear  the  Pharifcs  that  fat  in  Mofcs  Chair.,  though  they 
were  no  Prophets  ;  fothat  befidcs  the  Prophets  that  had  their  mcfTage  im- 
mediately from  God,  there  were  Prielts  tiiatwcre  ci'kd  the  Mi nijhrs of  the 
Lord,Jod  I. p. 2.  17.  and  Levites  that  were  not  to  bring  new  Revelations, 
but  (0  teach,  and  rule,  and  tvorfhip  him  according  to  the  old.  For  Mofcs  cf  old 
lime  hath  in  firrv  City  them  that  preach  him,  being  read  in  the  Synagnt^nes  ci'try 
Sabbath  day,  Atts  15.21.  The  J*'"'-''  rejcdicd  Chrift  hsczwk  xhty^k^ew  hitn 
)iot,  nm-  the  voice  of  the  Prophets  which  are  read  niery  Sabbath  day  ,  A<fls  I  5 . 2  7. 
Arid  even  tmto  this  day.,  when  Moksisread,  the  Vail  is  on  their  heart  2  Cor. 
3.15.  And  they  that  n7flKW«o//>f/if:'fMofes,^/7(i  the  Prophets  ("thus  read  and 
preaclicd^  neither  uill  they  be  ptrfivaded,  though  one  rofe  from  the  dead,  Luke  1 6, 
2;?,  3  I. 

2.  And  as  Priefts  and  Ltvitcs  were  dilHndl  from  Prophets  before  Chrifr 
fo  Chtilt  appointed  befidesthc  Apoftlcs  and  Prophetical  Kevealcrs  of  his 
Gofpel,  a  Ibnding  fort  of  Minifiers,  to  1.  Teach,  2.  Rule,  3.  And  worfhip 
according  to  the  Gofpel  which  the  foimcrliad  revealed,  and  atteflcd,  and 
proved  to  the  world.  Thefe  were  called  Overfeers,  01  Bijhops,  Presb^iers,  or 
Elders,  Pajhrs  and  leacbers '-,  and  alfb  the  Deacons  were  joyned  to  ajlill  thcm> 
Aci)  14  23.  Ihey  ordained  them  Elders  fnot  Prophets  or  Apoltlcsjw  every 
Church,  Tit.  i.  5 .  lims  was  to  ordain  Elders  in  every  Ciiy:  Timothy  hath  full 
direiflion  for  the  ordaining  of  Bifliops,  or  Elders  and  Deacons,  i  Tim  3.       '^ 

That  their  work  was  not  to  bring  new  Dodrinc,  but  to  teach,  rule  and 
worlhip  according  to  that  received,  I  now  prove,  i  Tim.  2.  2.1he  things 
that  thou  haji  heard  of  me  among  many  witneffes,  the  fame  commit  thou  to  faithful 
tuen,  irho  Jha'l  be  able  to  teach  others  alfo~\  Mark,  that  lis  the  fa  >7ie,  and  not 
a  atw  Doctrine  i  and  that  iS  heard  frotn  Paul  among  manywitneffes,  and  not 



And  their  Councils  Abridged^  475 

as  received  immediately  from  God  :  and  others  were  thus  to  receive  it 
dpwn  iioinT^ imotby.  And  v.  15.  Sttidy  to  flicrv  thy  Jlif  approved  unto  Go  J,  a 
rv.vkinan  that  necdetb  not  be  a.'iamed,  rightly  dividing  the  word  of  trittb.l  It  is 
rot  to  bring  new  Truths,  but  rightly  to  divide  the  old.  And  2  Tim.  1.13. 
Hold  fj}}  the  farm  of  words  which  thoit  baji  heard  of  me  fnot  which  thou  hadll 
immediately  from  God)  in  faith  and  love  which  is  in  Chrijl  Jcfits  \  that  good 
thing  which  was  committed  unto  thee^  k^ep,  by  the  Holy  Gljoji  which  dwclleth  in 
us.  The  Holy  Ghoft  is  to  help  us  in  keeping  that  which  is  committed  to  us, 
and  not  to  reveal  more,  iTim  6. 13»  14.  \_I  gri't  thee  charire  in  tlv  fight  of 
Gedy  that  thou  ksep  this  Commandment  without  fpot ,  unrcbul^ble,  till  the  ap' 
pejringj>f  our  Lord  Jcfus  Chrijl.  There  was  a  form  of  Dodrine  delivered  to  tlx 
Churcl}  of  Eome,  Rom.  6,iy.  And  I  Tim.  5.  i  7.  7 he  Elders  that  rule  well  art 
rvorthy  of  double  honour ,  efpecially  they  that  labour  in  the  Word  and  Doclrine. 
You  fee  their  work  was  to  rule  and  labour  in  the  Word  and  Do<flrine, 
I  Tim.  4.  13,  I4^t5,  i<5.  till  I  come,  give  attend ince  to  Reading.,  to  Exbor- 
tjtion^  te  Dodrine  ;  meditate  upon  thifc  things :  give  thy  felf  wholly  to  tben:.^ 
that  thy  prof  ting  may  appear  to  all :  lak^  heed  unto  thy  felf\  and  unto  the  Vj~ 
£hrine :  continue  in  them  i  for  in  doing  this,  thou  fl^alt  both  firve  thy  felf  and  them 
that  hearthce.~^  I  Tim.  5.  6.  [If  thou  put  the  brethren  in  remembrance  0f  theft 
things,  thou  flialt  be  a  good  hUni[hr  of  Jefus  Chrijl,  nnurifljcd  up  in  the  words 
of  faith,  and  of  good  doiirine,whireunto  thou  hjjl  attained,']  Mark  here  the  dc- 
fcription  of  a  good  Minificr  of  Chrifl  i  one  that's  nourilhcd  up  in  the  words 
ot  faith,  and  good  dodrinc,  fwhich  is  theufcof  Schools  and  Univerfitiesj 
and  having  attained  it,  makes  it  his  work  to  teach  it,  and  put  others  in  re- 
membrance of  it,  Tit.  l.y,9,  10,  1 1.  For  a  Bijhop  muji  be  b.'amelefs,  as  tlr 
Steward  of  Cod— -holding  faji  the  faithful  word  as  he  hath  been  f  .JWg^'f,  fmark 
thatj)  that  he  may  be  able  by  found  dodrine,  both  toex'^ort  and  convince  the  gain- 
foyers  :  For  there  are  many  ttnrtily  and  vain  tailors  and  deceii'crs,  wh.^fe  nuuths 
mull  be  flopped,  who  Jubvert  whole  houfes,  teaching  tlnngs  which  they  ought  not, 
&c.  ]  So  1  Tim.  3 .  1 , 5 .  The  Office  of  a  Billiup  is  to  rule  and  tak£  care  of  the 
Chitt-ch  of  God  :  ]  To  /j%  heed  to  themfelves,  and  to  all  the  F/Wi^,  gnd  feed  the 
Church  of  God-,  and  to  watch  hereunto,  according  to  the  word  of  Cods  grace, 
which  is  fully  and  wholly  delivered  by  his  ApolUcs,  and  ts  able  to  build  us 
up,  and  give  us  an  inheritance  among  the  fanaifed :  as  A3.  20.28,20,  27, 
35,32.  I  Ihef.  5.12,13.  If^e  befeech  you  brethren  to  k^iow  them  which  labour  ,»- 
mong  you,  and  jre  over  you  in  the  Lord,  and  admonifi  you  (this  is  thtir  Office) 
and  toijleemthem  vtryhighly  inlovtfor  their  work/  fik^  (and  not  revile  tliem 
as  the  lervantsof  Satan  do^  and  be  at  peace  among  yow  felves,  Hcb,  13.  7, 
17,24.  Remember  them  ivhich  have  the  rule  over  ^ou,  which  hjve  fpjk^n  to  you 
the  word  ofGcd:  Obey  thtm  that  haz'e  the  rulciner  you,  and  Jubmrt  your  fehri. 
for  thevwatch  for  )'our  fouls,  as  they  thjt  muji  give  account,  thai  they  may  do  it 
with  joy,  andnt  with  grief :  fv  that  is  unprofitable  for  you.  Salute  all  them 
that  have  the  Rule  ever  you  :  The  Elders  of  the  Church  aie  to  pray  with,  and 
for  the_f:ei^.  Jam.  5.14.  Thiy  mail  feed  the  Flock^  0/ God  among  th:m,  ta- 
king the  ovafigbt  of  it ,  1  Tet.J.  K2.  Thus  you  fee  ihciv  Office  and  work. 

P  P  P  a  1.  And 

4^8  Church  Hiflory  of  'Bifbopi 

2.  And  tliat  they  were  not  to  bring  any  mxi  DnSrine,  furriici  appears,  in 
that  they  have  a  charge  to  Frtict)  no  other,  i  Tim,  1.3.  Nor  to  he 
tolled  Jf  children  with  every  wind  of  dothinc,  Eph.4.14..  Noicjnwcd  jhut  ivith 
divers  and  jh.tnge  doUrines^  [4cb  .  1 3 .  J»  • 

3.  Yea,  it  any  vtin  bring  not  th:  doUrint  ofChrij}^  we  miijl  not  receive  bim 
into  our  hoitfeT,  or  bid  him  God  fjieed,  Itji  we  he  pjrtai^rs  of  hi:  evil  deedi^  fir 
he  thjt  abidcth  not  in  this  doHrine  hath  not  G»d,  2  John  p.  i o,  1 1 .  Gal.  1.8^. 
I  "though  we  or  an  Angel  from  heaven,  prejch  any  other  Gefpel  to  \on,  then  thst 
which  we  have  preached  unto  yo.'t,  let  him  be  accitrfed.  As  we  faid  before^  fo 
fiylnon'  a^ain:  If  any  min  preach  any  other  GoJJ<el  ty  yen  then  that  ye  hut 
received,  let  him  be  accuTfed.~\  And  Koj?f.  id.  17,18.  Norv  I  befeech  you 'Brethren, 
niark^  them  which  cjufe  divifions  and  offences,  contrary  to  the  Poarine  which  ye 
-'ji'c  learned,  and  avoid  th:m'j  i  Tim. 5. 3.  If  any  mtn  teach  otherwife,  and  ccn- 
ftnt  not  to  whol feme  words,  the  words  of  our  Lord  Jefits  Chrijt,  and  to  the  Do^ 
ttrine  which  is  according  to  Godliiicfs,  Ix  is  proitd,  l^owing  nothing,  but  doat' 
ing.  ] 

4.  And  it' all  Minifters  miift  be  receivers  of  new  Dbdrincs,  the  Church 
vvould  never  know  when  it  hath  all,  but  would  bs  IHU  obeying  an  irnp;rfcift' 
Law.  5.  And  it  would  be  an  opprcffion  to  the  Church  inltcad  of  a  Dire- 
clion.  to  be  fo  overwhelmed  with  new  Doflrines  and  Precepts.  6.  And  it 
would  accufc  Chrifi,  the  Lawgiver, of  fuch  mutability,  as  wife  Princes  arc 
not  gu.'lty  ofi  to  be  IHU  changing  or  adding  to  his  Laws.  7.  There  was 
great  occaiion  for  the  New  Teltament  or  Gofpe'i,  upon  the  great  work  of 
our  Rcdemotion  :  but  there  is  no  fuch  caufe  for  alterations  tincc.  8.  The 
'?riefts  before  Chrift  were  not  to  receive  new  Laws,  asislaid.  .p.  ThcCotn- 
panionsofthe  A  polllcs  that  wrought  M  racks,  had  not  all  new  Revelati- 
ons >  but  did  it  toLa!  uptliis  Golpel.  10,  What  need  we  more  then  adtual 
experience,  that  God  doth  not  give  New  Revelations  to  the  world,  and 
none  fince  the  Scripture  times,  have  firakd  any  other  by  Miracles. 

And  thus  I  have  proved  to  you  the  two  forts  ot-Minifters  .*  as  Pjf</ plain- 
ly diliinguithcth  them,  I  Co' ,3. 10,1 1,12.  Eph  2.20.  There  are  Plantersznd 
TFatcrcrs,  MMicr  builders  that  lay  the  fmndatinn,  and  others  that  build  thereon: 
Other  foundation  can  no  man  lay  then  that  which  is  laid :  but  every  man  fijat 
biiildeth  hay  or  Jluble  andlofeth  his  work,  doth  not  nullitie 'the  Miniftry. 
fFe  are  buili  onihe  fbundationof  the  Apnfiles and  Prophets,  Jeftes  Chrifi  being 
the  head  cormr-fionc :  but  we  are  not  built  on  the  foundation  of  every  Pa- 
ftor.  Teacher,  Elder,  Bifhop  or  Deacon  :  Though  both  in  their  places  (A- 
poftles,  Prophets,  EvangeliUs,  Paltors  and  Teachers)  are  given  tor  the  pf>-- 
feciing  of  the  Saints,  for  the  work,  of  the  Min/jhy,  for  the  Edifying  of  the  body  of 
Cbrili,  Eph. 4,11, 12.  That  we  might  be  one  united  Body,  having  one  fixed 
ihnding  doctrine,  ver.  14.15,  16,  And  hort'  (hall  we  efcapeif  wenegleKl  fo 
great  falvat ion '■)  which  at  thefirfi  began  to  be  fpol^en  bythe  Lordy  and  was  can- 
firmed  unto  us  by  them  that  heard  him :  fmark  whence  the  Church  receiveth 
itj  God  alio  bearing  them  witncfs  (  but  not  every  Elder  or  reach' r  J  both 
with  figns  and  tvonders^  and  with  divers  Miracles j  and  gifts  of  the  Holy  Glxifi 
aacordi/igtohis  ewnivill,  ilcb.  2,3,4.  Frop.  2.  And 

and  their  Council t  Abridged,  ^169 

Prop.   2.  An  J  now  that  tbefe  Liter  Minijlcrs  need  not  f,rovc  their  cjtlling  by  Mi  • 
r.jcles,  I  prove  thus:   i.  God  never  impofv-j  fiicha  task  upon  th:m,  nor 
commanded  the  people  to  require  fuch  a  proof,  and  not  to  b-lievc  any  but 
worker  of  Miracles.  2.  God  gave  not  all  the  gift  of  Miracles,  that  %vcre 
employed  in  his  work  even  in  the  Apollles  daics  ;  Are  jtll  tpork^err  of  Mirjcler} 
faith  Fanl'i  fome  had  by  the  Spirit,  the  rvordnfirifedom,  andnfh^iOn'kd-re^ 
and  others  'tongues^  and  otiicrs   Interpretation  ^  and  others   Miracles.,   i  Cor. 
i2.2^,7,8,p,io.    3.  They  that  have  the  Holy  Ghoft  arecwncd  by  Chrifrvand 
fo  have  many  without  working   Miracles. .Sec  Rom.i.p.  i  Cor.  J2^.  GjI.  5. 
18,2^,25,24. 1  Cdr.d.i  I,  J{/>/j.3.i^.6<:  5.p,i8.  i  Pcf.  1.2,22.  Rom.i'i.i^..  iS. 
Tit.^.^,    4.  Tiic  Law  o(  Mofcs  was  kept  and  taught  by  Prieftsand  Levites 
that  wrought  not  Miracle*.  5.  If  the  Laws  o;  all  Nations  iray  be  kept  with' 
out   Miracles,  Co  miy  thcLawsof  Chrilt.  d.  It"  humane  writings  are  kept 
without  Miracles,   (zs  Horner.,  Firtr/!^  Ovid,  Cicero,  Livy,  &c. )  fo  may   the 
Laws  of  God  much  more,  as  bring  the  daily  fubjed:  ot  the  belief,  medita- 
tion, conference,  preaching,  controvcrllcs,  dcvotionsofChriltians  through 
the  world,  and  tranflatcd  into  fo  many  Tongues.  7.  There  is  nothing  in 
tlie  Nature  ot  the  thing  that   rccjuircth  ordinary  Miracles.     Cannot  men 
fufliciently  prove  witliout  Miracles,  that  tlicrehave  been  fuch  men  asCir- 
far,  Pompey,  Arijhile, ox  v/hkhhc  Calvins  ot  Be//.»r/Ki/ia  writings,  &c.  Much 
more  evidently  may  (hey  prove  what  dodhinc  is  cfi'jntijl  to  Chriftianity, 
and  the  Scripture  that  contjius  the  whole.  8.  Elfe  I'arents  could  not  teach 
their  chddrcn,  nor  brinir  them  up  in  the  Nrirtttre  anda/mviition  of  the  Lord, 
iLph.6.^,  Nor  teach  then:  witli  'Timothy^  from  .t  child  to  l^nnxv  the  Scriptures., 
tehicb  .tre  ahleiomahe  men  wife  f<  falvjtion  through  fuitb  in  Chriir,    2  Tim. 5. 
75.  Mufl  no  Parents  teach  their   Children  to  know  Chrilt,  but  fuch  as  can 
work  Miracles  i"  p.  The  UoArine  which  we  preach  isfully  confirmed  by 
Miracles  already,  by  Chrilt  and  his  Apolllcs:  There  needs  no  greater  then 
Chrilf^own  Rtfurreiflion,  nor  more  then  were  done  i  vvh.ich  Univerfal  un- 
quLltionablcHiliory  and  Tradition  hath  brought  down  to  our  hands.  10.  It 
is  a  ridiculous  expecft^aticn  ,  that  every  per(on  lliould  fee  the  Miracles  before 
they  do  believe.     Then  if  Chrilt  hid  done  Miracles  before  all  Jerttfalem,  favc 
one  man  ,  that  one  man  ihould  not  be  bound  to  believe:  Or  if  I  could  do 
miracles  in  this  Town  or  Country,  none  mult  believe  mc  ever  the  more 
but  thofe  that  fee  it.     And  fo  you  may  as  well  fay,  Idiould  not  believe  that 
there   is  any  Sea  or  Land,  City  or  Kingdotn,  France,  Spain,  Rome,  bcc.  but 
what  I  fee.     Arethcfemen  worthy  tobc  talkt  with*"   that  believe  no  body, 
and  confefs  theinfclvcs  fuch  Lvars  that  they  would  have  no   body  believe 
them.   It  was  not  all  that  fiw  Corifls  Mirades  or  Refurreciion,  or  the  Apottles 
miraeles!  It  feems  the  refi  were  not  bound  to  be  Chriltians ''  Even  as  C/c/w  : 
Writer  told  Hie,  that  no  nun  is  bound  to  bclia'e  Chri{l  did  Rife  ag.iin,  ar 
the  r(jl  of  Chriffianit)/  ,    tbit  feeth  not  Mir.ules  himfelf  to  prove  it   :    adding 
withall,  that  iideed  Antichriji  mavdo  ^Tiraclcs  s  and  fo  it  lor  .all  the  talk, 
miracles  thcmlclves  would  not. Icrvc  it  they  taw  thcni.  11.  Isitnottoput 
afcornonGod  Almighty,  to  iaj  thit  the  Glory  of  all  hisiiioit  miraculous 


47  8  Q)urch  HiHory  of  Bi/Ijops^ 

works  fhoLild  be  buried  roall  that  fiw  them  not  i  and  tha^  Parents  Hiould 
rot  tell  tl, cm  to  their  Cliildrcn,  or  Children  fliould  not  believe  them  if  they 
do?  IS.  Irs  injurious  ta  Poflerity,  that  the  knowledge  ofthe  moll  won- 
derful works  of  God  fliall  be  only  for  the  good  of  them  that  fee  them  ; 
and  that  all  ages  alter  fliall  be  never  the  better.  13.  It  tends  to  makemcn 
mad  and  as  ldcots,that  w.uR  know  and  bclievenomore  then  they  fee  ;  what 
kind  ot  (oiks  muft  thcfe  be,  that  know  not  that  there  is  cither  Prince  or 
Parliament,  C  ity  or  Countrcy,  or  any  tblks  in  the  world  but  thofc  they 
have  fcen?  This  will  Hand  with  trading,  converfe,  Subjadtton,  Socic- 
ries  ■,  and  its  doubtful  whether  fuch  are  capable  of  managing  eftatesi  or 
fliould  not  be  put  under  others  as  Idcots^   14.  Children  cannot  learn  to 
read  nor  (peak  without  fbmc  kind  of  belief  of  them  that  teach  them;  nor 
can  they  obey  their  parents  nor  learn  any  trade,  nor  obey  Phyfitians  :  Co 
that  thiscon:citot  incredulity  is  againft  the  Nature,  livelihood,  andlifeof 
man.     15.  And  they  would  tie  God  to  beat  the  beck  of  every  unreafonaWc 
Inhdel  ">  that  fliall  fay,  \_'[hongh  allthe  T'orvn  have  feen  thy  Miracles,  yet  I  will 
fee  my  felf,  or  elfe  I  will  hot  believe.']  16.  They  cxped  that  God  fliould 
overturn  the  coutfe  ot  Nature  :    for  if  Miracles  be  as  ordinary  as  the 
operations  of  Nature  ,   they  are   confounded.     17.  And  by    this  they 
would  oofs    thcmlelves ,  and   make  Miracles  uncffeftual:   For  if  they 
were  ordinary  i  few  would    be  moved  by  them  ax  any  proof  of  a  Divine 
Tellimony  :  were  it  as  ordinary  for  the  Sun  to  go  backward  as  forward,  who 
"wnuld  take  it  for  a  Miracle  ?  To  xhisClem  :  JFr/'/er  anfwers  me,  that  [_Miracles 
ivere  convincing  in  the  firji  Age  rvhen  they  n^ere  common  ]]   Anfiv.    Ho  w  lom- 
mon  ?  Not  as  natural  operations:  Nor  fo  as  for  all  Countreys  or  perfons 
to  fee  them  i  50©fawChrilt  at  once  alter  his  Refurredion  :  5000.  were 
once  miraculoufly  fed  :  but  as  this  was  not  every  days  work.,  fo  what  was 
thisto  others?  And  in  that  it  was  but  for  an  age,  and  rarely  inafteragcs, 
(jicwsthat  they  wcre|not  for  every  mans  eyes.  18.  What  need  we  more 
proot  then  actual  experience,  that  God  doth  not  often  now  work  miracles! 
And  he  that  faith  thcGofpel,  and  Chriflian  faith,  and  Church,  and  Miniflry 
are  therefore  cea(ed,  its  like  will  not  take  it  ill  to  be  taken  himfdf  for  an 
Hcathenor  Inhdel.  ip.  And  we  have  experience  of  millions  that  flill  do 
actually  and  ftedtaflly  believe  in  Chrifl  without  Miracles:  and  many  have 
laiddown  their  lives  on  thatbelici;  therefore  vvithout  miracles  men  may 
believe.     But  to  this  Clem :  Writer  faith  to  me,  [Ibeje  believers  of  all  forts  con- 
demn each  other  as  Hereticksr\  Jifw.  But  not  as  Jnfidcls.     None  but  the  ig- 
norant or  paifionatc  condemn  all  other  forts  as  Hereticks.     The  iober  do 
not.     And  it  is  not  enough  to  prove  ycua  bafiard,  ifanangry  Brother  call  ' 
youfo.   20.  Becaufethis  flicct  alloweth  me  not  room,  I  intrcat  the  Reader 
to  perufc  t^efe  Texts,  which  tell  him  aloud  that  the  word  and  works  of 
God  muftbe  believed  by  Tradition,  though  without  Miracles,  Exod,  10.  i, 
2.  &  12.14,17,26,27,42. 2.  to  the  22.  &  2p. 22.  to 28.  Jujh./^e^ 
7.&  32.  ?falm.^%.i^.&(.  78.1.10^.  &  102.18.  6c  145.4. &  8^.1. 
Joe/.  1.2,  3,4.  .^^ffi  i.S.8f  2.32  6c  5.30, 31,32.  &  1 0.3 8. 1042.  &  13, 


and  their  Councils  Abridged,  479 

3©,  31.  &  1.22.  8c  4  55.  &:  22.15.  &2(5.i5.<x' 23. It.  2  7/m.2.2.  Johr.  20. 
25>.&  rp.35.  &  15.27.  &  12.17.  &  5.35.  &  1.15,32.54  Lriks^.  22. 
I  Fet.  5.  I.  And  that  you  would  read  my  Determination  ot  this  very  Qiic- 
llion  inmy  Book  againfi  Inridclity  :  I  proceed  fo  the  next. 

Piopoluion  3.  Thi^s  orJitury  Minijhy  frrteacbin^^  ri/liiic^and  pnbUck^  n'O)" 
fhh^rvjjordai/ud  by  Chrifi  to  continue  till  hit  coming,  and  dolhyct  cn»tiH/t(, 
and  did  not  ceaft  when  the  extntnrdinary  Miniflry  ceaffd.  I  prove  it ,  Mttth. 
l6.\%.  Vpon  ihisRcck^ivill  I  build  myClfurch,  and  the  Cater  of  Hell  JJ;a!l  not 
fraiail  ae^ainji  it.~\  The  Church  never  did  nor  can  fubfil't  without  its  Off- 
cers,  who  are  an  Effential  part  ot  it,  as  it  is  a  Political  Body,  and  the  f.xlx 
and  tnoft  eminent  part,  as  it  is  a  Community.  And  therefore  if  the  Miniftry 
be  extind,  the  Gj/c/ 0/ He// fcjT'e  prd'y/Zfrtfagainrt  the  Church;  And  then 
Chrift  is  overcome,  or  hath  broke  liis  promifc  ■>  and  then  he  were  not 
C  hrift  :  Sothat  if  Chrift  be  ChrilJ,  the  Church  and  Miriitry  continue.  So 
Luke  l.53»  He  Jhalt  reign  over  the  Houfe  of  Jacob  for  •ever  and  of  bis  K/n^:- 
dome  there  Jhall  be  no  end,  Ifa.p.  <5,  7.  0^  the  encreafe  of  his  government  and 
peace  there  jh all  tcnofHrf,  Pfalm  145.  13.  Thy  King'iomeisan  nerlajli/igKin;^. 
dome,  and  thy  Vominitn  endureth  throttghoHt  all  GerKrations.  Chrift  rulcth  by 
his  Officers  in  his  Church  >  if  Church  or  Miniflry  had  an  end,  his  KingdoiT)c 
had  an  end,  and  he  reigned  not  lor  ever,  Matth,  28  20.  Loe,  J  amvcitb  yoic 
ahvay.,  nen  10  the  end  of  1  Ik  world.  To  this  expref?  promife,  C/w;.  Jfritev 
Iiath  no  wifcran  anfwcr,  but  that,  \jt  it  cinditior.jl.  If  they  teach  men  to  ob- 
fcrie  all  things  that  Chrrti  hath  cvnin.inded,  then  he  will  be  rvith  them,  elfc  not^ 
Kr^/.  This  is  i  our  forgery  :  here  is  no  fuch  words,  but  .in  abfolutcprn;vii(c. 
His  being  with  them,  is  tofupport  and  help  them  in  his  work  ;  And  will  voir 
feign  Chrift  to  promile  them  iiclp  on  condition  they  do  it  without  ?  The 
further  Cavils  againftthis  Text  and  others,  the  London  Minilicrs  in  their 
Vindication  have  anfwered  at  large,  Eph.  4.  xi,  12,  13.  The  T.ifl  rr  and 
"fead'crt  arc  given  to  the  Church  for  the  perf'aing  of  the  Saints  for  the  rporl;^ 
of  the  Miniiiry,  for  the  edifying  of  the  body  of  Chrift,  till  we  all  come  in  the  ttnily 
of  the  faith,  and  of  the  kiicwlcdge  of  the  Son  of  Cod  to  a  perfect  man,  Sc€.~^  Ex- 
traordinary and  ordinary  Ofliccrs  arc  here  conjoyncd,  who  between  them 
jre  to  perfedt  the  building,  the  firfr  laying  the  foundation,  and  the  others 
building  thereon,  i  Tim.  d.  15,  14.  /  give  thee  ch.rrgc  in  the  fight  of  Gol—.- 
that  tl)ou  k^ep  this  Commandment  without  jpot,  unrcbu\able,  unto  the  appearing  of 
our  Lord  Jefus  Chrift ']  which  muil  needs  extend  to  his  Succelfors.  The 
faithful  and  tvifc  Stewards  that  give  the  children  their  meat  in  due  feifon, will  be 
fbund  fo  doing  by  the  Lord  at  his  coming,  Luke  li.  42,  43.  And  it  is  not  till 
thdaft  day  that  Chril^  will  give  up  the  Kingdome  to  the  Fjihcr,  i  C.or.  15.25, 
2.  The  Aportlcs  actually  Icilcd  an  ordinary  Miniiiry  in  tiicir  time!,  as  is  pro- 
ved. 3.  Tiure  are  Commands  for  (etling  SuccefTors  of  chcfc,  as  2  'Tim.  1.2, 
Jit.  J.  5.  as  is  proved.  4.  Thcfc  Mini/icrs  are  dcfcribcd,  and  tke  way  of 
their  Ordination  fetlcd  by  Canons,  i  T'm;.  3.  7"/.'.  i,  5.  \Vc  Hnd  the  fcverai 
Angels  of  the  Churches  in  their  places.  Revel.  2.  Se  3.  and  piomifcs  to  fbmc 
of  thcinfor  the  future,  with  a  Command  [^Holdfjjitill  I  come,  2.2^.1  and 

3  u-.. 

472  Church'Uiflory  of ''hifoop^ 

3.  10.  \_I  rvill  k{ep  thee  from  th.  hour  of  temptation  which  pall  come  on  all  the 

tr/)ild:  Bfbold,  Icome  <iiilckjy.~\  6  Chri(t  hath  comriiandcd  the  Minifterial 
ri'c>\  tocontiauc  to  the  end  :  As  the  Trcachin^  of  the  Word  mufi  be  to  all  Na- 
tions, and  every  Creature,  Matth.2%.  ip.  Mjrl^i6.i<).  And  thefc  inoft  cru- 
el iDcn  would  have  all  the  Preachers  give  over  their  work,  and  leave  the 
wc'rld  to  pcrilli  in  Infidelity.  So  for  the  aJfaHhlmg  cf  our  fclves  together^ 
and  e:<horting  one  another^  we  are  coinmanded  twt  to  forfike  it^  as  is  the  tiunner 
of  fame-,  and  fo  much  the  more^  as  tve  fee  the  day  approaching,  Heb.  10,25, 
24.,  25.  So  that  the  nearer  we  are  to  Chriils coming,  the  clofer  mu(i  we 
(\ick  to  Church  Communion,  and  holy  Affcmblies  i  confidering,  that  its  but 
a  Hi  tie  while,  *nd  he  that  comes  nvll  come,  andjhall  not  tairy,  ver.j  7,  God  doth 
on  purpofc  torbear  his  coming,  bccaufe  he  is  long-fuffmng,  and  will  continue 
the  means  to  call  rnen  to  repentance,  and  then  the  day  Gt  the  Lord  will  come 
fuddenlv,  2  Vet.  3.^,  10.  \7he  If^ord  of  the  Lord  endiireth  for  ever :  and  this  is 
the  xvurd  ivbich  by  the  Gofpel  is  preached  to  you,  I  Pet.  1.25.  The  Lords  Sup- 
per is  Inflituted  to  be  uCcdtopciv  the  Lords  death  till  he  come,  i  Cor.  i  r.  26. 
Church  government  orDifcipline  is  a  fixed  Ordinance,  Mat.  18. 15,  id,  17. 
And  if  the  ivork^  continue,  the  rcorkmen  murt  continue. "  7.  The  mercy  of 
God,  and  the  Efficacy  of  Chrifis  Blood,  and  the  necellities  of  the  Church 
continue;  we  (till  need  a  Teaching  Minirtry,  Heb. "j, 11.  SiXid  tot  oiirneed  it 
is  Infiituted  till  the  Church  be  pertcft,  that  we  be  not  as  children  tofs'd  up 
and  down,  Eph.  4. 13, 14.  What  enemies  to  us,  and  to  the  loveand  mercy  of 
God  are  they  that  would  perfwade  men,  that  he  fo  quickly  withdrew  fo 
great  a  mercy,  when  the  gifts  and  calling  of  God  are  tvithout  npentance  ? 
8. The  Law  and  its  PrieOhood  was  not  removed  but  by  the  glory  of  a  bet- 
ter Law  and  Miniliry:  AndChrirtis  the  Mediator  oi  3i  better  Covenant  and 
Promifcs, Hch.  7.  22.  8c  8.7,8.  Therefore  he  will  not  deal  fomuch  worfe. 
^.  Chrifi  telkth  us  that  a  wile  man  will  confider  whether  he  can  go  through 
with  it,  before  he  build  or  make  War:  Therefore  he  would  not  himfelf  be- 
gin to  build  his  Church,  and  enter  himfelf  the  Captain  of  our  Salvation, 
and  prefently  let  his  Enterprizefall.  10.  If  the  Miniitry  continue  not,  then 
the  Church  continueth  not  i  for  as  the  Head,  Liver,  and  Stomack,  or  Lungs 
areto  the  Body,  fo  is  the  Miniliry  to  the  Church,  I  Ci?)-.  12.13,  i^'j^O)  ^8, 
2p.  Tluy  plant  and  tvater  it,  1  Cor.  3.  <5,  and  bnild  it,  ver.  10.  For  botv  (hall 
we  believe  on  him  of  ivhom  n>e  have  not  heard  ?  and  hov  jhall  rve  hear  vcitbout  a 
Treacher}  and  hew  jh  all  they  preach  unlefs  they  he  fint  ?  Rom.  10.  14.  But 
the  Church  doth  continue:  for  firrt,  eli'e  Chrift  were  no  longer  ihcHcad 
of  it,  the  Kine^,  Frophet,  01  Prieil:,  and  fo  not  Chrill;  But  he  is  a  Priefi  for  e- 
ver,  abiding  continually  :  he  cuntintteth  ever,  and  hath  an  unchangeable  Pricjibood  i 
he  ever  livcth  to  make  intercefwn  for  thofe  that  came  to  God  by  him,  Heb.  7.3. 
22,24,25.  2. Thofe  that  deny  the  Church,  muil  necdsdcny  thea.ftlvcs 
Chri/tiansand  Mernbers  of  tliat  Church.  3-  There  is  no  Salvation  promifi-d 
but  to  the  Church,  Eph.  5,  23,  25,  26,  27.  Mark^id.  16.  4.  Blindnefs  is  on 
</A']ews  but  till  the  fubufs  of  the  Gentiles  Zie  como  in,  and  fo  all  li'tid  jJjall  be 
faicd  :  Therefore  it  is  molt  evident  that  the  Gentile  Church  fliall  not  ccafc 


and  their  Councils  Abridged ^  481 

till  the  fulnefs  have  prepared  for  the  re-ingraffing  of  the  Jerer, Rom,  it, 
25,26.  5.  It  is  an  nerlajiing  Kingdome^  which  cannot  be  moiled  and  the  City 
of  the  living  God,  the  heavenly  J.rulalem,  whereof  n>en  the  Angelt  and  pcrfeded 
Sfiritt  of  the  Jitjl  are  a  part,  to  which  we  come  by  Faith :  therefore  it  ccafctli 
not,  Heh.  12.  22,  23,  28.  6.  JFhen  that  which  if  ferfCt  it  come,  th:n  ihit 
which  is  in  part  fl:jll  be  done  away  ,  i  Cor.  15  IC  but  not  before.  7.  If 
nothing  can  Jcparate  hi  ft om  the  loie  of  God,  no  not  any  clillicf;  or  tribula- 
tion, then  are  not  ail  the  MiniRcrsand  Church  cut  orf,  Rom.  8.  54.  to  ^p. 
Yea,  tiiofcthacin  all  Ages  luftcr  for  his  fake,  arc  not  cutoff  from  him  i  hut 
ih  many  faithful  Minifttrs  do.  8.  But  wliat  (bould  I  fay  any  more  agamr^ 
that  AlTertion  which  carricth  Hark  Hcathenifm  or  Inhdclity  in  its  Fore- 
head, reproaching  ChriA  as  no  Chrilt,  and  teaching  men  that  chcy  are  not 
bound  to  be  Chiittians,  and  believe  the  Gofpcl,  and  perfwading  the  world 
to  defpife  Chrilis  Mcffengers  and  Ordinances  i  and  Miniftcrs  to  ca/t  off 
their  Mafters  w  ork  i  which  in  two  words  is ,  to  turn  Infidels,  or  Apo- 
liatcs.  I  mul\  refer  you  for  my  fuller  anfwer  to  fuch  men,  to  my  Book  a- 
griinii  Infidelity. 

Trop.  4.  God  hath  in  his  Law  appointed  a  flanding  way  for  the  calling  of 
thefe  ordinaij  Teaching,  Ruling,  wcrjhipping  Minilhrs,  in  all  Ages  i  and  dcth 
himfelf  call  them  in  this  tray.  1.  He  inliituteth  the  Oflicc.  2.  He  ccmmand- 
fth  that  tit  perfons  be  ordained  to  this  Office.  3. He  defcribeth  them  by 
their  ncccffary  Qi^ialitications.  All  this  is  at  large,  i  lim.  5.  Tit.  i.  Aa.20, 
I  Tct.-y  &c.  Thisishisworkby  his  ItandingLaw:  By  which  aif?  he  coin- 
mandtth  the  people  to  cbufe,  confcnt  to,  or  accept  the  fit,  and  to  hear  and 
.<ibey  them,  ./4fl.  14. 13.  ilkf.^  12.  Ad. 6.  ^,^.  f/?t.  13.  7,  17.  And  then 
by  Providence,  i.Hegiveih  tiicm  thofc  gifts  of  the  Spirit  that  may  com- 
petently qualific  thejn  tor  their  Office.  2.  He  aflidcth  the  Chufers  and  Or- 
dainers  to  difccrn  thofc  Qualifications,  and  do  their  duties.  5.Hccai;-retn 
fomefpccial  fitncfsof  a  Minillcr  to  the  fpeeial  Province  or  Charge  which  he 
is  toundertake,  and  fpecial  inviting  occations  and  opportunities,  and  oft- 
times  caufcth  Ncccflity  to  make  the  choice.  4.  He  bowcththe  heart  of  the 
perfon  called  ro  content,  and  ufirally  to  dclire  the  work  f  for  the  right  ends.J 
5.  And  if  he  be  called  to  be  thePafior  of  a  particular  Church,  he  irjovcth 
the  people  to  conltnt  or  accept  him.  And  thus  God  according  to  his  ap- 
pointed Order  dctli  call  bis  Min'lkrs  :  Bcfidcs  which,  he  afterward 
J. Helps  them  in  his  work  :  2.  And  procureth  them  liberty,  ind  oltcn  fi:r- 
thcrance  from  Chrillian  Maiiliratcs.  3.  And  givetli  them  fucccfs. 

Proportion  5.  The  faithful  Pajiort  of  the  Reformed  Chui-chts,  are  thefe  or- 
dinary Miniliers  ofChnjt,  approved  by  him,  and  given  in  great  mercy  to  his  peo- 
pL\  who  are  bound  to  k^vyv  honour,  and  obey  tlxm  in  the  Lurd. 

i  exclude  not  all  ochcrs,  but  I  now  prove  that  thefi  an  true  .Miniliers, 
ArauHiCnt  i.They  that  h.ive  all  that  is  cjfcntial  to  true  Mtnijiers  are  true  Mi- 
nifters  :  But  fuch  are  thefe  Pajiors  of  the  Reformed  ChxrchiS  >  as  I  prove  thus  ; 
If  the  C'ffice  it  felt  be  of  Gods  Inftituticn,  and  their  Qiialihcations  compe- 
tent, ar.d  their  entrance  right  in  every  point  of  flat  Niccility,  Jlicn  they 

Q_  q  q  havr 

i  8 1  Church  H  iftory  of  'Bi/hopi 

luve  all  tlntis  c?l'cn?hl  rocrueMinifters :  But  the  former  i 5  true,  a»I  (liall 
prove  in  the  three  fevcral  parts,    i.  That  the  (?;/:"«  ir  L-lt"  i»  ot  Gods  ap- 
pointrrxnt .  is  provud  fully  before,  and  ccntirflcd  by  all  ChrilHans  that  ever 
I  knew,  At/  14. .'.3.  1  Tim.  5.  lit.  i.  i  Prf.  5.  r,  2.    i  JheJ.  5,  i  2.  HXi^-7, 
17,24.  Alls  20.  2%,  ?.  For  ^.iHicaiinns  ^  they    have  i.  competent  X/)j»- 
!edge,  2.2nd'Vtterjncc,  5. and  (Jodlimfr :  and  tufe  arc  the  Qualihcations 
that  God  accepteth    iCnr.  12.8.  1  lim.  2.  15.  i  7im.^.  17.  Mark  the  Ca- 
nons of  the  Holy  Gholl,  2  Tim.  2.  2.  They  mull  be  i.  F.utbf:(l  men,  2.  Ahle 
to  teach  others :  But  fuch  arc  thofe  in  qucftion,  i  Tim.^.  A  Bijhop  mitjl  be 
biimclcf's  ("that  is,  not  fcandalousj  the  hitsbjndof  one  JFife.,   vigilant,  fiber,  of 
e^aod  behaviour,  qiven  to  hofpitality,  apt  to  teach^  not  j^ivc'i  to  JVine,  no  (iriker,  not 
^rccJy  of  fithy  lucre,  but  patient^  not  a  bran-ler,  not  covetous,  one  that  rulcth  well 
bis  oivnhottfe    havinghis  children  in  fnbjedion,  rvith  all  gravity.~^  To  which  is 
added,  Tit.  j.S.p.  A  loverof  good  men,  J()ber,jnfi^  holy    temperate,  holdingfajl 
the  faithful  rvord  as  he  hath  been  taught,  that  he  may  be  able  by  found  DoCirine 
both  to  exhort    and  to  convince  the  gain-faycrs.']  Let  all  here  note  :  I.  That 
here  is  not  only  the  mention  of  the  Vertucs  neceflary  to  the  Being,  but  to 
ihcreell-being  alfoofa  Minifler:  2.  And  yet  through  the  great  mercy  ot 
God,  all  thcfe  are  the  qualihcations  of  multitudes  of  the  Fallors  of  the 
Reformed  Churches,  as  malice  it  felf  muft  be  forced  to  confefs ;  But  if  any 
deny  it  of  any  particular  men,  as  that  is  nothing  to  the  reft  >  fo  an  unpro- 
ved accufation  is  not  by  honcfi  to  be  b:licvcd.    The  world  knows  that 
the  Ad  for  rcjccfting  fcandalous,  infufficicnt,  negligent  Miniftcrs  is  very 
liridl,  and  Commiilioncrs  in  each  County  forward  to  execute  it,  and  Mini- 
Itfrs  have  enemies  enough  to  {earch  out  their  faults,  and  yet  none  arc  more 
forward  than  Miniflers  themiclvcs  to  hove  the  A'£l  put  in  execution  j  fo 
that  their  Handing  julnhcs  thon  before  the  world  :  Or,  if  any  will  yet  deny 
them  the  neccffary  Qualihcations,  I  here  challenge  and  provoke  tiiem  to 
accufe  all  that  arc  guilty,  and  cart  them  out  i  or  elfe  to  confefs  themftlves 
mcer  flandcrcrs,  and  back-biters,  and  learn  more  truth  and  modefty  here- 
after.   3.  And  for  the  third  Y>omt,  their  entrance  into  the  Office:  They  have  all 
that  Cod  hath  made  necejfaryto  a  jiift  entrance,  as  I  prove  :  They  that  hjtvea  true 
Ordination,  and  the  Peoples  confent,  and  the  Magiftrates  allorvance,  have  all  that 
Cod  hath  made  neceffary  to  a  JHji MtUanse^  and  more  than  all :  Bntthefaid  Pa- 
yors of  the  Reformed  Churches  have  true  Ordination,  and  the  Peoples  confent,  and 
the  Magijirates  allorvance :   That  they  have  true  Ordination,  I  Ihall  fliew  anone 
in  anfwcring  all  that  can  be  faid  againfr  it.    The  Peoples  confent,  by  Elecling, 
or  Accepting,  is  kno'wn  by  the  fact ;  and  fo  is  the  Magijirates  by  Lan>  and 
faB  :  I  put  in  all  this,  though  more  than  neceffary.  that  all  Objedions  may 
befatisticd  at  once:  So  that  the  Enumerations  being  unqueiiionablc,  the 
Conclulion  is  lo  to.    In  fhort  ;  All  thofe  are  true  Miniliers,  that  are  in  an  Of- 
fce  of  Gods  orvn  Inliipitio/i,  and  arc  competently  fitted  for  that  Office  by  Know- 
ledge, Godlineft,  and  lUtterance,  and  have  all,  and  man  than  all  that  God  hath 
made  neceffary  to  aright  entrance  or  admiffion,  ez'en  true  Ordination,  confent  of  the 
Flacky,  aftl  the  Mjgijiratcs  allorpance.    But  (usb  are  the  faid-  Fajijrs  of  the  Jte- 
formd  Churches,  therefore  they  an  true  Minijhrs  of  Cbnji.  Argu  • 

^     and  their  Councils  -^bridged'  '  48^ 

ATgument  2.  TlMfe  that  hai'c  not  only  the  EJfentials,  hat  excel  all  other  Mi- 
nijierson  E.irtfcCthat  are  known  to  the  world^  <»«  certainly  tbt  true  Miniften 
ofCbriji.  But  fuch  are  the  Miiuliers  before-mentioned  of  tf.v  Reformed  Churches  i 
Er^o.  This  will  be  proved  at  once  with  the  next,  which  is, 
,  Argument  5.  Either  thefeVajiors  of  the  Reformed  Churches  arc  the  trttt  Mi- 
niflers  of  Chri(i,  or  elje  there  are  none  fuch  lif.ble  in  the  rvorld  :  But  there  are  fuch 
vtftbly  and  ca-tainly  in  the  tvorld,  as  was  proved  >  clfc  there  is  no  Cliurcli, 
no  Ordinances,  no  Chriftianity,  no  Chrilh  For  he  can  be  no  King  without 
Siibjeds  and  Laws  i  no  Mailer  without  a  School  a^nd  Scholars  v  no  Phyli- 
tian  without  Patients  i  no  Husband  witliout  his  Spoufe  i  no  Head  wifh- 
outaBody  \  nolntcrccflbr  without  a  Churcli  to  in'crccdc  for.  And  to  ht- 
lin^e  the  holy  Catholick^Chnrch^and  the  CommHnion  of  Saints,  is  part  ot  our  Be- 
lief i  and  therefore  the  Chridian  Faith  is  gone,  if  thefe  be  gone;  And  that 
either  nv,  or  None  are  Chrilh  true  Minilkrs,  I  prove  thus  /  i .  We  cliallengo 
the  Advcrfary  to  name  us  the  true  Church  and  Miniftry  i  if  thefe  be  none  ot 
them,  where  be  they,  and  who  are  they  ?  fpeak  out,  or  give  up  your  wicked 
Caufe.  If  you  know  not  who  they  be,  or  where,  then  how  know  you  thaf 
there  arc  any  fuch?  True  Minilkrs  are  like  a  light  that  Jhincth  to  all  the 
houj'e,  even  the  lights  of  the  rvorld,  .jnd  like  aCiiyona  Hill  that  cann.ic  be  hid, 
Mjr.5. 14,15, id.  2.  But  let  us  try  the  particulars;  i-Thc  Setk^s  hare  no 
Church  or  Miniftry.  2.  The  ^u.ih^rs  have  no  Ordination,  that  we  know  of, 
and  are  every  way  (b  unworthy,  and  had  no  being  in  the  world  till  a  tew 
years  ago,  that  hciscithcmo  Chrillian,  or  of  a  crazed  brain,  that  thinks 
Chrill  hath  no  CliUTch  or  Minillry  but  them.  ■^.  The  Anabaptilis  Socinians,  ~ 

Sn-enlfcldians,Fjmilijh,  Paracelfutns,  iydgelians ,  and  iuch  like,  have  no  mort" 
to  fhcw  for  their  Miniltry  and  Churches  than  we,  but  ihcir  ErrourSj  and 
are  fo  few,  and  fo  lately  fprung  up,  that  of  them  alfo  I  may  fay,  that  he 
thit  takes  them  for  the  only  Church,  or  Minificrs,  is  cither  out  of  the 
Faith,  or  much  out  of  his  wirs.  4.  The  Ealtcrn  and  Southern  Churches  have 
no  more  to  (hew  for  their  Miniliry  and  Churches  than  we  »  but  arc  incom- 
parably more  ignorant,  and  erroneous  :  few  of  them  doing  more  than  read 
their  Liturgies  and  Homilies,  and  (oadminifler  the  Sacrament?.  5.  All  the 
Controvcrlie  therefore  licth  between  us  and  the  Papillsi  either  they  arc 
true  Miniltcrs,  and  a  Church, or  not  i  if  not,  then  its  Ictt  to  m  :  [[they  are, 
then  jrc  are  lb  much  more-,  f^rwe  have  much  more  unqucllionrblc  Evidence 
of  our  Title,  i  .The  Office  of  a  Teaching,  (Guiding,  \Vorfhipping  Presby- 
ter which  we  are  in,  is  beyond  all  qucliion,  and  yiclacd  by  thcmfelvts  to 
be  of  Divine  In/titution.  But  the  ofHce  of  a  Mafs-PtieU,  to  make  a  God  of 
•piece  of  Bread,  and  turn  Bread  into  Fltlh,  fo  that  there  (hall  be  quantity, 
tolour,  tafle,  fi^c•.  without  bread,  or  any  fubjcCt  s  and  a  inans  eyes,  taftc,  or 
feeling,  fliallnot  know  that  its  bread  or  wine,  when  we  fee,  tafte,  and  feci 
it  i  as  alio  to  celebrate  publickworlhip  in  an  unknown  tongue  i  thisofHce 
is  more  quellionable  than  ours.  2,  It  remaineth  a  great  doubt,  whether  the 
Pope  be  not  the  Antichrift:  but  of  our  Minirtry  there's  no  fuch  doubt. 
3.  Fci  Knowledge,  Godlinefsand  Utterance,  and  all  true  Miniftcrial  abili- 

Q^qq  2  tics, 

484  Qburch-Hiflory  of  Bi/hopi 

ties,  as  its  well  known  what  an  ignorant  Rabble  their  common  fcciilai 
Mai's  Pricfts  arc  i  fo  thole  Military  Fryars  and  Jcfjitcs  that  arc  chofcn  of 
purpofc  to  play  their  Game  among  us,  and  credit  their  Caufc,  if  t.'rcy  have 
any  relicks  of  truth  ormodcliy,  will  conkls,  that  the  generality  of  our 
Minificrs  arc  much  beyond  theirs  for  Parts  and  Piety  ;  or  at  Icali,  that  wc 
cannot  be  denied  tobs  true  Minifiers  for  want  of  ncctlfary  abilities  :  Wc 
ihouldrcjoyceif  their  Minifiers,  Pricfls  or  Jcfuites  were  near  of  fucii  Piety 
as  thofe  of  the  Reformed  Churches.  Some  of  their  J^-futcs  andFryarsare 
learned  men  i  in  which  alio  wc  have  thofe  that  equal  the  beft  of  them :  but 
for  tlic  learning,  ability,  or  Piety  of  the  common  Minilkrs  on  both  fides 
there  is  no  ccmparifon  to  be  made.  4.  All  the  queliion  then  is  of  the  way  of 
entrance  :  And  there  i.Thc  Papifis  fcek  not  the  Peoples  confent  Co  much  as 
we  do.  2.  They  defpife  the  Migijirates  confint  ,  in  compari/on  of  us. 
3.  And  for  Ordinaiion^  which  is  it  that  all  the  frrefs  mUi'i  be  laid  on  wc 
bdvi;  it,  and  nearer  the  Riik  of  God  than  they.  Are  they  ordained  with 
falling,  Prayer,  and  Impolition  of  Hands  r*  foarewe.  Muftitbc  by  oneof 
a  Suptriour  Order  ?  V\  ho  then  (hall  Ordain  or  Confccrate  the  Pope  i*  And 
yet  a  n.ultitudeof  our  Minilters  are  ordained  by  Bilhops,  if  that  be  nccclTa- 
ry:  But  the  great  ObjedlioH  is,  tliatwe  have  not  an  nnintcrrHptcdfiicccjfim 
from  the  Apoftles,  and  fo  thofe  that  ordained  us  had  no  power  i  and  there- 
fc'ie  could  not  give  it  to  us. 

Piopolition  6.  Thcivant  of  un  ti/:i/itcrrrtJ'trJ  pccejpon,   and  fa  of  Paivcr  in 
the  Ordtiiicrs,  doth  not  dijabh  oy.r  Title  to  thi  Minijlry^  or  ft  tts  in  a  xvorft 
condition  than  the  Papijis.    for  it  it  be  only  ihc  Jitcccff^on  of  pojfcjpan  oF  tl'e 
Office,  there  is  no  man  of  brains  can  deny,  but  xve  have  an  itninterntptcd  fuc- 
cijfioii  down  from  the  ApojUcs,     Eat  it  it  be  a  fiiccejftoa  of  Right  Ordination 
that  is  qutlticncd,  i.ThcPapilts  have  none  fuch  themielvcs.  2- We  have 
irorcot  it  than  they.   3.  It  is  not  ncccffar)  that  this  be  ur.intcirupred.  All 
ihefc  I  prove;  i.  The  Popes  their.fclvcs,  froin  whom  their  power   /lows 
have  been  Hcrcticks,  denied  the  Immortality  of  the  Soul.  Whoremongers 
Sodon.ites,  Simonifis,  Murderersi  lb  that  (or  niany  of  them  (ucceilivcly 
thePapiilscontcfs  they  were  Apollaticil,  and  not  Apo'iolical.  See  in  their 
own  Writers  the  Lives  of  ^j/iv/f.  2.  Akxand,:^.  cc  6.  Jnhni^.oc  iz.Scz-^. 
Crcg.  7,  Vrban  7.  and  abundance  n.ore,  Job.  13.  was  proved  in  Council  to 
have ravilhcd  Maids  and  Wives  at  the  Apoliolick  doors   murdered  many 
drunk  to  the  Devil,  askt  help  at  Dice  ot"  Jnp/ter 2nd  Venus,  and  was  kill'd  in 
the  ad  of  Adultery.  Read  the  proofs  in  m>  liook  againit  Popery,  pag.  26^ 
270,  255, 101.  ThcCouncil  at  jP//jdcpofed  two  Popesatonce,  called  them 
Hercticks  departed  froin  the  Faith.  ThcCouncil  at  Co/;'b;;ce  depotcd  JoU^'^'i 
35.  as  holding  that  there  was/w  Eternal  Life,  hnmortality  of-  the  Soul    or  j^^jHe 
funeaioi! :  ThcCouncil  at  Ba/i/  dcpofed  Hngcnms  ^.  zsiSinsniji  and  per- 
jured wretch,  a  S chifnatich^,  and  objiinate  Heretic^    Now  thefe  men  are  un- 
capable  of  thcMiniliry    as  an  Intidelis,  for  want  ot  Efllntia!  Qeialihcati- 
«)ns  :  As  Copper  is  no  currant  Coyn,  though  the  flampof  the  Prince  againit 
his  will  b;  put  uponit;  llndifpofcd  matter  ca.:not  recive  the  form:  A  hr 


and  their  Councils  Abridged.  4S5 

man  unordaincd  is  nearer  the  Minidry,  rlian  fucli  a  man  ordained  .■  So  that 
here  was  a  Nullity.  2.  And  all  the  following  Popes  wsre  the  SuccefTors 
of  Eugenius  that  was  depofcd,  and  thus  judged  by  a  Gcneraltlouncil ;  but 
by  force  brought  them  tofubmit,  and  ^c!d  the  place.  3.  Either  the  Eltiiicn, 
OrdviJtion-,  or  both,  is  it  that  giveth  thetn  the  EfTence  of  their  Papacy;  It 
£/£a/o«5  then  there  hath  been  a  long  interruption:  for  fomc-while  the  Tfo- 
ple  chofe,  and  in  other  Ages  the  Empcroitrs  chofe,  and  in  thefe  times  the 
Cardinals  i  and  therefore  fome  of  them  had  no  lavvkil  choice :  And  for  Or- 
dination, or  Confecrstion  •,  i  .There  have  b'  en  three  or  tour  Popes  at  once,  and 
all  were  Cenfccrated^  tliat  yet  are  now  confclTcd  to  have  been  no  true  Popes. 
2.  Tnfemurs  only  Confccratcd.  3-  And  fuch  as  had  no  power  themfelves. 
Befidcs  that,  tiie  See  hath  been  very  many  years  vacant,  and  fome  fcore 
years  the  Pope  hath  been  at  Avignion,  and  had  but  the  name  of  P.  of  Rome. 
And  wlicn  three  or  four  have  been  Pope  at  once,  Bellarmi/ie  confcflbth, 
learned  men  knevv  not  which  was  the  Right,*  yea,  General  Councils  knew 
not.  The  (jiuncil  at  BjCiI  thought  F^lix  the  h(th  was  the  right  Pope,  but 
it  proved  otiicrwile  i  io  that  many  palpable  Intercilions  have  been  made 
at  Rome. 

2,  Our  Ordination  hath  b:en  kfs  interrupted  than  theirs. 
Objedf.  But  ym.  are  ust  ordained  by  Biflx^Si    Anfn\  I.  Almoft  all  in    E«^» 
/j«J  are  till  of  late,  if  that  will  fcrve-  i.Vresbytcrs  may  ordain  in  cafe  of 
ncccility,  as  the  generality  of  the  Old  Epifeopal  men  grant,  and  their  Or- 
dination is   not  null.   3.  Fresbyters   have  power  to  Ordain,  and  were  re- 
ihaincd  only  from  the  excrcije  by  humane  Laws,  as  many  of  the  Schoolmen 
confcfi.  i^..  preshyttrs  have  jhll  or^j?W(i  with  the Eilhopv  thercloic  they  had 
Authority  to  it,  and  the  work  is  not  Alien  to  their  I  undtion.   5.  Our  Pavilh 
Presbytcrj  are  Eilliops,  having  fome  of  them.  AiliHants,  and  Deacons  under 
them  i  or  2iGrotiiis  notes,  at  Icafl  they  arc  fo,  as  being  t'le  chief  Guides 
of  that  Church :  Their  own  Rule  is,  that  every  C.'ny  (hou1d  have  a  Bilhop  ; 
and  every  Corporation  is  truly  a  City,  toa/(,  and  therefore  mull  have  alji- 
lliop.    <5.  The  Juf  'Dii'iiiHitt  of  Prelacy  is   In  JUbj/idice,    7.   Eifhop  Vjh:r 
mamtaining  tome  the  validity  of  the  Ordination  of  the  Frejbvters  whhoM 
aBilhop,  told  me  how  lie  anfw(  red  King  C.  whoaskt  him  foi  an  inftancc 
in  Church-Hiltory,  viz.  That  Hxrom  ad  Evag.  tells  nsof  more  ",  that  the  Trtf- 
hyters  of  Akxindi'n,  till  the  days  of  Htvodas  and  D.onylius,  to\one  fro^n- 
among ihemfehes,  andnudchim  Eifl:op-,  therefore  thev  may  mal'c  a  I'rcsbyter, 
which  is  kfs.    S.Iis  at  lalt  conkllcd,  that  in  Scripture- tjViCS  thciewcrc  no 
PrtJ-tj'«(rj- under  Eifhops,  hot  tile  ling'e  Churchcshad  fingle  Paltc^rs.   5?  No 
man  can  prove  Ordination  by  fixed  liiihops  over  many  Cliurehcs  (now  call' 
ed  Vioccfan)  in  thehril  Age :  The  fixed  Bifliops   had  no  n.ore  at  hnt  but 
.fingle  Churehes.    Objctft.  But  )<in  mvcr  received  poiveir  from  toe  Bijhop  to  or- 
dain ■>  and  therefore  cannot  have  tl'Ut  which  wx  never  given   \om,    Anf'w.  iL,ihey 
put  men  into  that  Office,  to  which  God  hath  affixed  the  ;>3.tcc  of  OrdTiUii- 
on,  then  they  de  their  part  to  convey  the  power.    As  it  yuu  marry  a  cni- 
•)le,  and  cxprels  not  the  mans  authority  over  the  u-oman.  yet  he  :'«;!>  it 

n-v\.r  - 

486  Church-Biftory  ofBifnop^ 

pcverthelcfs  by|jcing  roajjc  her  Husband.    So  he  that  is  made  a  PaHor  in 
City  cr  Country,  tnay  do  the  work  ofa  Pallor,  though  each  particular  was- 
Kot  named.  '  ^    .,    .•„- 

Propsfiu'on  7,  Ordination  ii  ordinarily  necejfary  as  a  meant  of  out  rig!it  en~ 
tran'ct^  hut  not  abjolntdy  ntcejfary  tn  the  Being  of  onrOffie  or  Poteer.    For  i.GoJ 
having  already  fetlcd  the  Office,  Duty,  and  PoiVer,  and  whit  ^itijicatinni 
-ihallbencccfiary,  and  giving  tl>cfe  Qualirications  to  men,  hchachlct't  no- 
thing to  man  but  mutual  confcnt,  and  to  ']udge  of  the  perfon  qualified,  and 
foiemnly  introduce  him.   2.  God  hath  not  tyed  himrelt  or  us  absolutely  to  tlsc 
judgment  oi' Ordainers.   If  aBilhop  ordain  a  Heathen,  or'any  man  void  of 
E/Tcntial  QUialitications,  its  null,  as  being  againlla  flat  Command  of  God  ": 
And  if  Biniopsrf//</e  to  ordain  us  Pallors,  the  people  mufi  take  them  vvith- 
out  >  becaufe  the  Command  of  Preaching,  Hearing,  Sacraments,  crc.  is  greater 
than  that  of  Ordination,  and  hefere  it.    Poiltivcs  yield  toNatural  Morals,  and 
matters  of  Order  to  the  jubflsnce  and  end  of  the  Duty  ordered.    See  my 
Chrijiian  Concord,  pag.  82,  83,  S 4.    3.  Ordination  is  no  more  nccellary  to  the 
Miniliry,  than  Baptijmw  Chrijfianity :  As  thofe  that  arc  hrfi  Princes  by  Title 
inr.n  be  Crowned,  and  thofe  thatareSouldiers  by  Contrad,  mult  be  lifted, 
and  take  Colours,  and  thofcthat  are  Husband  and  Wife  by  Contract,  mull 
be  fokmnly  Married,  which  are  celebrating,  perfedfing  a(ftionsi  fo  they 
that  arc  iird  heart-Chriilians  by  believing,  or  by  Parents  dedicating  them 
to  God,  muft  be  fplemnly  entred  under  the  hand  of  the  Minilter :  And  thofe 
that  arc  by  approbation  and  confent  initially  Minifiers,  mull  by  folemnf?.!- 
tion  have  the  Office  publickly  delivered  them  by  the  Minifiers  of  Chrifi. 
So  that  as  a  man  isaChrilhan  indeed  before  Baptifm  initially,  and  is  ju- 
Itihed  initially  before,  and  in  cafe  of  nectility  may  befaved  without  it  ("the 
Papilts  confcihngthat  the  Vow  will  fervej  fo  is  it  in  the  cafe  of  Ordina- 
tion to  the  Minilirj. 

Propofition  8.  It  isonly  Chri(i,  and  not  the  Ordainers,  People  or  Magiflrates, 
that  give  us  cur  Office  and  Potver  :  Only  the  people  and  approvers  dclign  the 
perfon  which  ll,a!l  receive  it  from  Chrift",  and  our  own  confent,  and  the 
peoples,  is  of  ncccflTity  thereto  fand  our  own  as  much  as  theirsj  and  the 
Ordainers  do  inltrumcntallyinvclt  us  in  if,  but  the  Power  and  Duty  arife 
dircdly  from  Gods  InlHtution,  when  the  perfon  is  dcligned.  Now  I  pro- 
ceed to  prove  our  Calling. 

Argument  4.  JFe  have  a  far  clearer  Call  than  the  Priejis  before  Chrifi  had 
to  the  Pricfthood  :  For  they  were  not  of  tiie  true  Line  >  they  bought  the 
Pricllhood  j  they  corrupted  Dodrine  and  worfhip,  and  were  of  wicked  lives. 
And  yet  Chiiii  commanded  fubmiffion  to  their Miniliry;  Ergo. 

Argument  5.  If  rve  have  as  clear  a  Call  to  our  Office  as  any  Magiflrates  on 
"Earth  have  to  theirs^  then  rve  arc  true  Minifleri  of  Chriji :  For  they  are  true  Ma- 
giltrqtes',  and  God  is  the  fountain  of  their  Power  too  s  and  itsimpoilible 
ihcy  (hould  havc^any  but  from  him  ;  Or  from  him  but  by  his  means ;  Offi- 
cers have  no  power  but  from  the  Soveraign.  The  Prince  vvas  at  firll  cho- 
icn  by  God  immediattly,  as  well  as  the  Apofilcs  were  by  Chtili,  yet  no. 



and  their  Councih  Abridged,  ^%^ 

l*rince'cnnjpl4ad  an  iinintctriiptt3  futcctTiSh  flientc>  anS  if  fAsy  niay  R«;j/r 
witlioiu  i  .'  be'  Pafl&rt  vylthoiit'if ;  and  ye6-'I  ,<^fii3ot'~^V  that  we  arc 

vviihocft'  _yh  Princes  b*.    Kings  were  tormerlj-'a' 

Propljcts,  ^nd'vi^wcyro'^hecs'thcmfelves:  And  as  t!iecontimiancCiO|l'  this  i-; 
not  rfrt  (Tary  to  them,  fo  neither  to  us.  The  dificrcnccs  between  their  fiie:,- 
and  oxn,  makes  nothing  againlr  this  Argument :  It  Co/ujucji,  ox  the  peoples 
rimfciit,  or  Birth^  ox  dircSing  Trnidcnees  can  prove  tlicir  Title,  then  Coflfc//t, 
Ordinalian,  Troiidcncc^  with  due  ^ualijicjtioni,  will  fiirc  jarovc  ours:  were  it 
not  for  fear,  they  fliould  foon  hear  the  Arguments  more  fct  home  againft 
themfelves,  that  are  rxiw  bent  againil  the  Nlinilkrs. 

Argument  6.  If  befidtt  ali  this  God  on-n  us  by  fuch  a  blcjfing  on  our  Libnurs, 
that  he  mrf^th  us  the  meaiij  of  f>rop.jgiti>ig  and  cfntiiming  his  Gofpcl  and 
Church-,  and  brings  mofi  of  his  chofen  to  Union  ivilh  Chrij'f,  Reconciliation,  Ho' 
linefSf  and  to  Heaven  by  our  Minijlry,  then  certainty  rrc  arc  his  true  Minilhrs : 
Cut  experience  aiTurcth  us  of  the  former :  therefore— fo  much  for  Argument. 

Propofition  p.  If  a  Minijier  be  in  quiet  pnjfefun  of  the  place,  and  jit  for  it, 
the  people  are  bound  to  obey  him  as  a  Minijier,  tvithjut  kjotring  thit  he  tvas  juiity 
ordained  or  called.  Argtim.  i.  We  mul>  obey  a  Magijlrate  without  aflurancc 
of  his  Call  and  Title,  Rom.  15.  therefore  a  Minijier.  2.Chrirt  commanded 
hearing  and  obeying  them  that  were  not  called  as  God  appointed,  becaulc 
they  were  Priel\s,  or  fat  in  A/o/T/ Chair,  and  taught  the  truth,  Luk^  16.20. 
Mitth.2^,2.  Luks^'  !+■  Mattb.M-4-  A/ir^i-  44.  5.  Elfc  the  people  aie 
put  upon  impolVibiluics ;  C-in  all  the  poor  people  tell  b.'fore  they  fubmit  tr. 
a  Mini(icr-,\vhat  is  ElTcntialto  his  Call,  and  whetlier  lichivc  all  that  is  fo, 
and  whether  his  Orders  be  true  or  forged,  and  wlKthcr  they  that  ordained 
hira  were  truly  ordained,  or  chofcn  themfelves:  Not  one  of  twenty  thou- 
fand  knows  all  this  by  their  Pallors. 

Proposition  10.  Ihe  Ordinviccs  are  valid  to  the  people  tvhcn  the  Minijier  is 
uncalled  and  unordained,  if  they  l^'iorv  it  not:  He  that  hath  no  jujl  Call,  Jliall 
anftfer  for  vrhat  he  doth  as  an  Intruder  >  but  tit  people  fhall  have  for  all  thst 
the  fruit  of  his  Mimliraiion  ■,  and  Preaching,  and  Baptifm,  and  other  adis, 
fiiall  not  be  null  to  them.  i.  The  Papifts  themfelves  contefs  this.  2.EUc 
fcarce  a  man  could  tell  whether  he  be  baptized,  or  may  ule  any  Ordinance, 
becaufe  he  cannot  have  an  exadt  account  of  the  Minifkrs  Call,  no  nor  know 
that  lie  is  indeed  a  Chriflian.  I  knew  divers  in  the  Bifhops  day?  that  forged 
themfelrcs  Orders,  and  afted  long  before  it  was  difcovered.  3.  It  is  the 
Office  which  is  Gods  Ordinance  that  isblcl^,and  valid  to  the  people,  and  not 
his  Call  only.  4.  It  is  he  that  finncth  that  mullfuifer,  and  not  the  Inno- 
cent >  therefore  his  fin  depriveth  them  not  of  their  due.  5.  As  an  ufurping 
Magiflrate  oweth  us  protedtion,  though  he  (hall  anfwcr  tor  his  Ufurpation  i 
fo  an  ufurping  MiniiicrOA'eth  us  his  labour  i  fothat  the  people  are  bound  10 
hear  and  obey  men,  when  they  arc  uncertain  of  their  due  Call,  if  theypol- 
fcfs  the  place  ■-,  and  (hall  have  the  blefling  of  fuch  Adminiitrations :  for 
v/c  arc  fbirethe  Office  and  work  is  of  God. 

Propolition  n.  The  truth  »f  onr  DMnnc  depends  net  on  our  Calling.    Were. 


488  Qurcb  Hiflory^  of  Bifljops, 

we  no  Minificrs,  \vc  can  prove  the  Gospel  true  which  we  delivtr,  And  any 
man  naH  be  believed  ,that  brings  a  truth  that^concerncth  our  peace.  There- 
fore let  Qiiakers,  and  Seekers,  and  Papilis  hrfi  difprove  our  Dodtrine  if 
they  can  •>  and  not  cheat  the  people,  by  pcrfwading  them,  That  our  Calling 
mull  firfr  be  provcdi  as  a  Prophets mu.'i  be. 

Objeft.  Bttt  you  hive  yoHf  Icjr/iingonlyframBookj,  andVniverfities^  and»fo 
have  not  tmeMimjicrs.  Aitjiv.  We  have  it  from  God  in  the  ulcof  his  means 
even  by  prayer,  reading,  ftudy  and  learning  his  works  and  word  of  cur 
Teachers,  whether  at  Univcrfitics,  orclfcwhere.  And  we  are  commanded 
to  Jhidyznd  mcdii.ite  on  thefc  things^  and  give  our  felves  wholly  to  them  and  to 
pteditatcon  Cods  Latv  d.ty  and  night, Pfal.  i-2.  2  T/'w,  2.  15.  i  Tim,  4.12. 15. 
Ciirifis  Minifkrs  mull  be  Teachers  or  Tutors  to  others,  and  commit  the 
which  they  have  heard  to  faithful  men ,  who  Jhall  be  able  to  teach  others  alio 
2  Tim.  2.  1.  Good  Minilhrs  of  Chrift  are  nourijhed  uftn  the  words  of  faith  and 
good  BoSrine,  and  fo  attain  to  it,  1  Tim.  4.6.  All  Ihould  learn  according  to 
"ihcirt/we  ol  teaching,  W./'.  5. 1 1,  12,  14.  Wcfludy  noticing  but  the  If^ord, 
and  works  of  God:  And  is  not  that  a  Wretch,  and  not  a  man,  that  will 
reproach  usas  no  Minilkrs,  for  doing  that  which  we  have  our  Rcalbn  for 
and  which  mull  be  the  wnk  of  our  lives:  Poor  Chrifiians,  as  you  love 
God  and  your  Souls,  and  would  net  caft  orf  Chrif>  and  Heaven,  let  not 
Deceivers  draw  you  to  caftofJ  the  Miniflry,  Scripture,  or  the  Ordinances 
of  God.  ;■• 

f  J  N  r  s.