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Full text of "The articles of agreement between the King of France, the Parliament, and Parisians [electronic resource] : with a list of the names of those who signed thereunto, on the King's, Parliaments, and citizens behalfe"

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Adam  Thonif  ll.  d. 


AOAM    THOrvI,    LL.D. 

KIK!ST     KIX'OKIJIOK    OF     Hiri»IORT\S    I^AXl), 

Born,  April  -.'.Ut.  Ksoj.    Diud  l-Vb.  :il:,t,  IS'.W. 


"THK  2!st  (lay  of  February,  1890,  is  a  date  of  exceptional  signitioance   in  the 
'  legal  history  of  Western  Canada.       On  tiiat  day,  at  the  advanced   age 

of  eighty-seven,  in  Ttirrington  Hnuare,  London,  died  Adam  Tiiom,  LL,1).,  the 
first  Recorder  of  Rupert's  Land,  and  the  fatiier  of  the  Bencii  and  Bar  of  West- 
ern Canada.  He  was  horn  in  Brechin,  ami  educated  at  King's  College,  Aber- 
deen, wiience  he  graduated  M.  A.  in  lSi4.  About  the  year  1832,  he  emigrated 
to  Canada,  and  in  1833  established  and  was  tirst  editor  of  tiie  Settler.  He  was 
subsequently  editor  of  the  Montreal  Herald  in  1S36-38,  read  law  in  Montreal 
with  Mr.  James  Charles  Grant,  and  was  called  to  the  bar  of  Lower  Canada  in 
1837.  The  celebrated  report  of  the  Earl  of  Durham,  on  the  state  of  British 
North  America,  was  drawn  up  by  Mr.  Charles  BuUer,  with  the  assistance  of 
Mr.  Thorn.  In  fact  according  to  the  Law  Times  of  March  Ist,  1890,  Mr.  Thoni 
was  considered  to  be  the  chief  autlior  of  tJie  report.  Under  the  novi  de  plume 
of  "Camillus,"  he  wrote,  in  1836,  the  memorable  "Anti-Gallic  Letters,"  ad- 
dressed to  the  Earl  of  (iosford,  Governor-in-Chief  of  the  Canadas. 

Some  few  j'ears  after  the  establishment  of  the  Governor  and  Council  of  As- 
siniboia,  it  became  apparent  to  the  Hudson  Bay  Company,  that  jurlicial  pro- 
cedure should  be  instituted  in  Rupert's  Land,  on  a  more  substantial  basis,  and 
in  a  more  efficient  manner,  than  liad  been  the  case  in  the  past.  Accordingly, 
the  General  Quarterly  Courts  were  formally  established  in  18.39,  and  Mr.  Thorn 
arrived  in  the  spring  of  that  year  at  Red  River,  and  entered  upo""  his  duties  as 
Recorder  of  Ri-.pert's  Land,  with  a  salary  attached  to  the  office  of  £7U0  per  an- 
num. In  addition  to  the  Recordership,  he  was  the  legal  adviser  to  the  (iov- 
emor  of  Assiniboia,  who  was  inslructe<l  to  be  guided  by  Mr.  Thorn's  advice  in 
in  matters  of  law.  He  was  also  senior  member  of  the  (Jovernor's  Council,  and, 
as  such,  virtually  presided  at  the  general  court.  The  difficulties  of  Ijis  posi- 
tion were  many  and  of  no  trifling  nature.  The  settlers  persistied,  and  perhaps 
they  might  Ije  excused  fordoing  so,  in  looking  upon  him,  as  not  only  the  Re- 
corder, but  the  paid  servant  of  the  Hudson  Bay  Company;  and  while  none 
ventured  to  iaipeuch  his  uprightness  and  integrity,  yet  the\'  maintained 
thit,  be  he  never  so  impartial,  his  interest  being  inseparable  from  that  of  the 
company,  he  could  not  be  completely  unbiased  in  his  holdings.  Be  this  as  it 
may,  there  can  be  no  doubt  that  l.e  conscientiously  discharged  his  duties  in  a 
manner  that  could  scarcely  be  more  satisfactory  under  the  existing  circum- 
stiinces,  which  required  no  little  degree  of  tact  Events  progressed  with  as 
little  friction  as  could  be  expected,  till  the  famous  trial  of  (iiiillaume  Sayer, 
who  in  1849  was  charged  with  trading  furs  with  the  Indians.  The  display  of 
armed  force  b^-  the  French  half-breeds  during  the  trial,  and  the  demonstration 

whicli  took  place  after  it,  brought  matters  to  such  a  crisis  that,  in  orde 
avoid  a  collision,  Mr.  Thoni  retired  from  the  bencli  till  some  time  in  1850. 
the  space  of  about  a  year  justice  was  mlministered  by  Major  Caldv/ell 
(Jovernor  of  Assiniboia.  A  very  complicated  case  of  great  importance — 
V.  Felly — having  arisen,  Mr.  Thorn  again  resumed  his  office  for  the  purpoi 
the  trial.  The  (Jovernment,  however,  disagreeing  with  Mr.  Thorn  on  his 
ing,  probabl}'  because  he  would  not  find  as  the  (iovernor  wanted,  man 
either  to  secure  liis  permanent  removal  or  to  force  him  to  resign.  He  then 
1854— about  four  j'ears — acted  as  clerk  of  tlie  court  over  which  he  had  for 
ly  preside<l,  and  with  the  same  salary.  In  tlie  beginning  of  September  of 
year,  Ije  left  Red  River  witli  his  wife  and  son  and  returned  to  Scotland,  sa 
from  York  Factory  on  the  18th  of  October  by  H.  B.  ship  Prince  of  Wales.* 
ISoO  he  received  the  honorary  degree  of  LL.D  from  his  old  University, 
busy  life  did  not  prevent  his  retaining  an  interest  in  his  former  literary  ca 
or  from  pursuing  his  studies,  for  in  1848  he  published  a  work  entitle-^  ' 
Chronology  of  Prophecy."  It  will  not  be  out  of  place  to  make  a  few  exti 
from  (cmtemporary  writers  and  travellers  in  regard  to  him.  Major  J.  Wi 
Bondt  who  visited  Red  River,  speaks  of  iiim  as  "a  very  leading  man," 
was  "very  active,  energetic  and  possessed  of  considerable  talent."  Bi 
Mountain^  found  him  "an  exceedingly  able  man,  possessing  a  varied  ranj 
information,  and  deeply  engaged,  latterly,  in  biblical  studies."  Alex.  Ri 
who  considered  the  appointment  of  a  Recorder  rather  in  the  light  of  a 
take,  and  was  sometimes  opposed  to  Mr.  Thorn,  yet  states  tha  the  was  a  * 
of  talent  and  high  attainment  in  his  profession, "§  The  Rev.  John  Ryt 
says  that  lie  was  "a  gentleman  of  learning  and  superior  ability  in  the 
profession."  Hargrave  thus  feelingly  refers  to  iiim:  "I  cannot  close  this 
sory  glance  at  the  official  career  of  the  pioneer  of  the  law  in  the  Red  I 
Settlement  without  stating  that  at  the  close  of  his  long  and  often  unquiei 
journ  of  fifteen  years  in  this  singularly  situated  place,  he  left  behind  him 
reputation  of  great  ability,  and  of  kindly  hospitality'  in  his  private  rela 
among  those  of  his  acquaintances  best  able  to  appreciate  the  former,  and 
had  shared  in  the  latter."  Mr.  Thorn  is  principally  known  to  the  legal 
fession  by  his  careful  and  elaborate  judgment  on  the  jurisdiction  and  po 
of  the  Hudson  Bay  Company,  delivered  in  the  celebrated  case  of  James  Ca 
on  the  17th  of  August,  1848,  contained  in  one  of  the  old  record  books  oi 
Quarterly  Court.  This  judgment  is  of  much  value,  and  is  entitled  to 
weighty  consideration  than  it  has  so  far  received;  doubtless  the  fact  c 
never  having  been  printed  is  mainly  responsible  for  this  Quite  irrespecti 
the  merits  of  Mr  Thorn,  an  especial  interest  attaches  to  him  because  o: 
having  been  the  first  lawyer  in  Rupert's  Land,  and  of  the  unicjue  positio 
occupied    •  A  halo  of  romance  is  thrown  around  his  name,  when   we  pau 

*Hargrave's  h'ed  River,  pp.  90.    Ryer  son's  Hudson  Bay,  pp.  62,  106  et  seq 
\ Miune'iola  and  its  Kesoiirces       I',  appendix  Cainp  Fire  Sketches. 
XJournal  of  the  Bi'ihop  of  .Montreal,  pp.  '6'1. 
ifA'ed  A'iver  Settlerient,  pp.  224. 
%Hiidscn  Bay,  pp.  63. 



















e  of 



think  of  tlie  vast  extent  of  his  jurisdiction,  and  the  wild  and  peculiar  people 
over  whom  that  jurisdiction  was  exercised,  anil  that  to  the  extent  of  capital 
punishment.  How  wonderful  the  change  since  then!  Mr.  Thoni  liad  l)een  for 
so  many  jears  a  stranger  to  this  country,  tiiat  his  name  was  hut  rar-ily  men- 
tioned, even  in  legal  circles,  and  most  of  those  wlu)  thought  of  him  regarded 
him  as  no  longer  among  the  living.  None  the  less  is  he  entitled  to  a  prominent 
place  in  the  early  historv  of  Rupert's  Land,  whose  Itest  interests  he  faitiifully 
strove  to  serve.  The  members  of  tlie  bar  of  Western  Canada  mtiy  congratulate 
themselves  that  they  have  Mr  Thoin  as  their  precursor;  and  it  is  no  di*par- 
ageinent  to  the  Bench  to  say,  that  his  life  will  bear  favoralde  comparison  with 
any  judge  who  has  succeeded  him.  —  Western  Law  Times,  May,  1S9(>. 

In  the  winter  of  1S82,  while  staying  in  London,  wliich  the  subject  of  tliis 
.^ket>!h  used  facetiously  to  c  dl  "the  wen  of  tiie  world,"'  the  writer  often  met  a 
retired  old  gentleman  frequently  known  as  "  ludge  Thom,"  wiio  had  more  than 
40  years  before  made  his  entree  to  Red  River  Settlement  as  Hrst  Recorder  of 
Rupert's  Land.  At  the  time  of  meeting  in  London,  tiie  judge  had  entered  his 
eightieth  year.  He  was  tall,  and,  though  walking  with  a  slight  stoop,  was  of 
connnanding  presence.  He  was  what  people  usually  call  a  man  of  marked  in- 
dividuality His  opinions  were  all  formed;  he  had  views  on  any  matter  that 
came  up  for  discussion;  aud  was  very  fond  of  a  talk  with  a  passing  friend.  In 
conversation  with  the  old  gentleman,  it  would  be  at  once  noticed  that  he  liad  a 
large  fund  of  information,  and  to  any  visitor  from  Manitoba  it  was  surprising 
to  see  how  the  lapse  of  .30  years' absence  from  the  country'  had  not  effaced  a 
line  from  memory  in  regard  to  the  affairs  of  all  the  families  of  that  time  resi- 
dent in  Red  River.  In  fact.  Judge  Thom  had  a  marvellous  mind  for  details. 
Some  would  no  doubt  have  calle<l  him  loquacious,  but  to  most  he  was  a  very 
interesting  man.  Dr.  Thom's  Aberdonian  accent  had  not  been  greatly  soften- 
ed by  his  colonial  residence,  nor  by  his  subsequent  sojourn  in  London.  In 
speech  and  ideas  the  judge  was  a  strong  man,  an<l  it  will  be  our  pleasing  duty 
this  evening  to  have  the  outlines  of  his  somewhat  eventful  life,  which  endeil 
a  little  more  than  two  months  ago. 

Adam  Thom  was  born  in  Brechin,  Forfarshire,  on  the  31st  August,  1S(I2, 
and  had  the  remembrance  to  the  last  of  having  ^een,  in  his  third  year,  the 
great  rejoicing  that  took  place  after  Nelson's  great  victory  at  the  battle  of 
Trafalgar,  October  21st,  1805.  In  the  year  1819,  young  Thom  entered  King's 
College,  Aberdeen,  where  he  was  a  successful  student    and  graduated  in    18J4 

The  following  are  a  list  of  his  prizes  during  his  University  career: 
2nd  prize  for  Latin,  April,  1820.  1st  prize  for  Nat. Philosophy,. \p  1822. 

1st         "  Greek,  April,  1820.  2nd       "         (Jreck,  April,  1822. 

Ist         •'  Nat. Philosophy.Ap.  1821.   Prize  for  Latin,  April,  1822. 

1st         "  Latin,  April,  1821.  1st  prize  for  Moral  Philosophy.Ap   '23 

3rd        ••         Greek,  April,  1821.  Lst  prize  for  (ireek,  April,  1823. 

Prize  for  Latin,  April,  1823. 

w  ith  the  degree  of  Master  of  Arts.  It  was  in  the  secoml  year  of  his  coi 
Al>er(leen  that  lie  met  with  one  who,  far  away  on  the  plains  of  Rupert's 
was  to  be  his  intimate  frieml  and  companion,  whom  indeed  he  was  to  o 
"alter  ego  "  Tliis  was  John  McCallum,  of  whom  we  shall  speak  more 
and  who  it  will  be  remembered  founded  the  school,  which  became  in  tin 
dohn's  College  in  this  city.  Scotland  was  then,  as  now,  sending  up  its 
men  to  the  great  metropolis,  which  contains  more  Scotchmen  tliau  Edinl 
and  in  18*25  both  Thorn  and  liis  fellow  student  McCallum  found  then; 
earning  their  bread  there  as  classical  masters  in  schools  at  \^  oolwic 
Blackheath  respectively. 

About  this  time,  a  greit  outflow  of  the  British  people  was  taking  plr 
the  New  World.  In  the  year  1831,  upwards  of  .30,000  people  left  the  } 
Isles  for  Canada.  Over  pressure  of  population  and  political  discontent  w 
doubt  the  chief  factors  in  this  great  emigrati(m.  In  the  fcdlowing  year,  . 
ular  movemei;t  to  (Canada  was  headed  in  the  south  of  England  by  Lord 
mont,  and  three  ships  carried  the  Sussex  colony  to  the  St.  Lawrence  ' 
enterprising  mind  of  j'oung  Thorn  the  opportunities  said  to  be  afforded  b^ 
ada  were  a  great  attraction,  and  so  taking  the  last  ship  of  the  season 
tlie  Kosaliihi,  from  London,  after  a  rougli  passage,  the  vessel  running  ag 
at  Anticosti  in  the  St.  Lawrence,  the  young  adventurer  reached  Mor 
Carried  away  by  the  New  World  fever  in  the  following  year,  his  friend 
Calluin  also  accepted  tlie  task,  under  the  patronage  of  the  Rev.  David  , 
the  Hudson  Bay  Chaplain  at  Red  River,  of  founding  a  boarding  school  f 
chililren  of  the  Hudson  Bay  ciuupany  officers  and  others  at  the  headqu 
of  the  company;  and  sailed  by  the  company's  siiip  early  in  1833  t>  cor 
way  of  Hudson  Bay,  to  the  scene  of  his  future  labors.  Young  Thorn 
lished  in  .Montreal  a  paper  called  T>'ie  Settler,  of  which  he  was  the  chief 
and  principal  contributor,  aided  by  some  members  of  the  "'Beefsteak 
which  then  e.xisted  there,  of  which  the  late  James  Charles  (Jrant  was  on£ 
also  entered  on  the  study  of  law  in  Montreal,  and  with  such  diligence 
having  his  time  shortened  by  one  year  because  of  his  degrees,  he  was  adi 
to  the  bar  of  Lower  Canada  in  the  year  1837. 

To  any  of  Mr.  Thorn's  friends  it  was  evident  that  there  was  in  him 
end  of  his  life  a  strange  restlessness  of  disposition.  It  agrees  completelj 
this  that  he  should  not  have  settled  down  to  the  routine  of  a  lawyer's  life, 
disposition  led  him  to  take  great  interest  in  public  affairs.  He  was  in  r 
characteristics  something  of  an  independent  thinker,  and  yet  his  concl 
were  usually  rather  stai<l  and  ordinary.  His  mental  bias  was  evidently 
of  a  radical,  while  ids  social  disposition  leil  him  to  somewhat  cling  to  :pi 
ing  ideas  and  customs.  In  method,  he  was  a  radical;  in  fa«t,  he  wai 
servative.  It  will  be  necessary  to  bear  in  mind  this  somewhat  striking 
inoniousmess,  in  order  to  understand  some  of  the  episodes  of  his  life.  Affi 
Montreal  at  this  time  were  in  a  strained  condition.  It  was  shortly  befo 
rebellion  of  1837.  The  British  colony  in  Lower  Canada  held  the  reins  of  p 
the  French  Canadians  were  in  a  highly  dissatisfied  state.  Louis  Papinea 
stirring  up  his  French  compatriots.     In  liis  .^editions  career  he  came  out  1 

DP  Republican  principles.  "Tlie  time  ha<l  grme  by,"  said  Papineau,  "when 
Europe  could  give  monarchs  to  America.  The  epoch  is  approaching  when 
Imerica  will  give  republics  to  Europe."'  Now  Adam  Thom,  though,  no  doubt 
yinpathising  with  the  just  claim  of  the  French  Canadians  for  stlf  government, 
ras  intensely  British  in  feeling,  and  therefore  entered  with  grea'-  ardour  into 
he  discussions  then  going  on.  Well  educated,  fond  of  society,  w  hich  in  Mon- 
real  was  entirely  under  the  contnd  of  the  ruling  powers,  an<l  with  his   career 

0  make,  the  young  lawyer  threw  himself  into  the  wordy  warfare,  and  wrote 
he  Anti-Gallic  Letters,  signed  "Camillus,"  remembered  for  many  a  <lay  for 
heir  anti-French  fervor  and  power;  and  also  those  signed  "Anti-Burtaucrat," 
riticising  the  petition  of  the  revolutionists  of  Lower  Canada,  presented  to  the 
»ritish  House  of  Commons;  l)oth  of  which  series  of  letters  were  afterwards 
ublished  in  separate  form.  For  a  time  he  oocunied  tiie  position  of  editor  of 
he  leading  English  journal  of  Lower  Canada,  the  Montreal  Herald.  His  prom- 
lence  as  a  publicist  naturally  drew  to  him  the  attention  of  the  Earl  of  Dur- 
am,  who  arrived  in  Canada  on  his  mission  of  pacification  on  Maj'  '29tli,  1838. 
'his  brilliant  nobleman,  whose  manliness  and  earnestness  in  assailing  the  ex- 
iting abuses  in  Canada  called  forth  from  a  French-Canadian  writer  the  acknow- 
sdgement  that  "he  was  one  of  the  truest  friends  misruled  Canada  ever  had," 
nd  who  did  more  for  Canada  in  the  short  six  months  cf  his  stay  in  the  New' 
^'orld  tiian  any  other  (iovernor-(ieneral  in  his  full  term,  had  the  faculty  of  as- 
jciating  with  himself  men  of  the  greatest  ability.     As   to   the   great    report, 

hich  was,  at  the  time,  described  "as  one  of  the  ablest  and  most  important 
tate  papers  of  this  age,  "Justin  McCarthy  says  of  him  in  his  "History  of  our 
•wn  Times,"  "His  policy  for  the  Canadas  was  a  great  success.  It  established 
le  principles  of  a  colonial  government."  With  him  cm  his  staff  Lord  Durham 
ad  brought  over,  as  secretaries  and  assistants,  tlsree  men  of  exceptional  abil- 
;y — Mr.  Charles  Buller  (after«ards  the  Right  Hon.  Charles  Buller,  member 
f  tlie  British  House  of  Commons);  the  brilliant  though  somewhat  wayward 
Idward  (iibbon  Wakefield;  and  Thomas  Turton,  a  very  clever  barrister.  To 
vis  group  of  able  assistants  the  young  lawyer,  Adam  Thom,    was  added,  and 

1  the  train  of  the  great  Liberal  Statesman  he  returned  to  (ireat  Britain  in  the 
utuma  of  1838,  where  he  spent  the  winter  in  London. 

In  1835  the  Hudson's  Bay  C'ompeny  received  from  the  Earl  of  Sel- 
irk's  heirs  the  transfer  of  the  District  of  Assiniboine,  which  had  been  sold 
)  the  Earl  in  181 1.  As  the  population  of  the  Settlement  had  grown  by  this 
me  to  about  5,000  souls,  it  was  deemed  wise  to  have  established  some  simple 
>rm  of  legal  institutions.  A  council  of  fifteen  members  appointed  by  the  Hud- 
)n  Bay  Company  met  at  Fort  Garry  on  the  12th  of  February  of  that  year,  and 
assed  certain  ordinances;  .\mong  these  was  one  dividing  the  settlement  into 
mr  districts,  and  establishing  a  quarterly  court  in  each  of  these  competent  to 
eal  with  small  amounts.  Each  of  thesis  courts  was  empowered  to  refer  a'ly  case  of 
Dubt  or  difficulty  to  the  Court  of  (iovernor  and  Council  of  Assiniboine,  as  the 
ed  River  Legislature  and  Judicial  body  was  called.  The  establishment  of  a 
ourt  of  Appeal,  such  as  had  Ijeen  decided  on,  and  the  fact  that  the  Governor 
"  the  Colony  was  sometimes  a  trader  and  at  other  times  a  military  officer,  le<l 
le  Company  to  consider  the  necessity  of  appointing  a  trained  lawyer  to  adju- 

(licate  in  such  cases  as  might  arise,  and  to  give  legal  ailvice  to  the  Company  in 
its  complicated  business.  Alexander  Ross  argues  at  some  length  against  the 
need  of  this,  hut  his  reasons  shov  he  had  little  comprehension  of  the  principles 
im  which  alone  communities  can  advance.  Sir  (ieorge  Simpson  had  met  the 
young  lawyer  and  political  writer  in  Montreal,  and  offered  Mr.  Thorn,  on  the 
completion  of  his  engagement  with  Lord  Durham,  the  new  judgeship  then  de- 
cided on;  and,  accordingly,  the  first  Recorder  of  Rupert's  Land,  or  he  is  also 
called  the  President  of  the  Red  River  Court,  left  England,  came  by  May  of 
New  York,  and  reached  Fort  (iarry  in  the  spring  of  1839  Sir  (ieorge  Simpson 
was  credited  with  great  shrewdness  in  making  the  appointments  for  the  Hud- 
son Bay  Company.  It  is  evident  from  the  very  considerable  salary — £7(10 
sterling  a  year— paid  the  new  jiulge  at  a  time  when  incomes  were  ridiculously 
low  on  Red  River,  as  well  as  from  tiie  unanimous  opinions  of  Ross,  Bishop 
Mtmntain,  Rev.  John  Ryerson,  an<l  James  Hargrave,  the  historian  of  the  Hud- 
s(m  Bay  Company,  that  A<lam  Tliom  was  a  man  of  decided  ability,  upright 
character  and  very  extensive  reading  It  would  seem  to  one  now  that  a  law- 
yer w  ho  had  practised  longer  at  the  bar,  and  who  had  not  been  so  pronounced 
as  a  publicist  in  Montreal,  would  hive  made  a  more  impartial  judge;  but  the 
fact  that  for  ten  years  he  administered  law  in  the  courts  without  complaint, 
would  seem  to  show  that  the  troubles,  which  arose  in  the  later  years  of  his 
judgesiiip,  arose  rather  from  the  inevitable  conflict  between  the  Company  and 
the  people  than  from  an}-  fault  of  his. 

We  turn  aside,  for  a  little,  to  look  at  the  career  of  Mr.  Thom's  college 
fiiend,  John  McCallum,  who,  as  we  have  seen,  came  in  1833  to  Red  River,  to 
establish  what  to-day  lias  become  St.  John's  College,  with  its  affiliated  schools; 
and  it  may  lie  premised  that  >n  him  we  hive  one  of  the  truest  and  most  practi- 
cal men  of  the  old  Red  River  Settlement.  With  the  aiil  of  his  superior,  Rev. 
Mr.  Jones,  buildings  were  erected  between  the  soutliwest  corner  of  the  pres- 
ent St.  John's  ciiurchyard  and  the  river  bank.  In  the  year  1836,  Mr.  McCal- 
ium  married  the  daughter  ui  Chief  Factor  Charles,  of  the  H.B.  Co.  The  school 
steadily  grew ,  and  five  years  afterits  founding,  Rev.  Mr.  Jones  returned  to  Eng- 
land. Mr.  McCallum  then  became  head  of  the  institution,  so  that,  when  the  old 
friends  from  Aberdeen  met  at  Red  River,  the  one,  Judge  Thom,  was  the  head 
of  the  legal,  the  other,  McCallum,  of  the  educational  interests  of  the  wide  ex- 
tent of  Rupert's  Land.  Originally,  the  boarding  school  had  been  begun  under 
the  auspices  of  tiie  Chiircii  .Missionary  Society,  but  at  the  time  of  the  visit  to 
Red  River,  in  1844,  of  Dr.  Mountain,  Bishop  of  Montreal,  a  change  had  taken 
place,  for  he  says,  "It  is  now  conducted  by  Mr.  McCallum  on  his  own  accouut 
with  the  help  of  an  allowance  from  the  company.  It  is  really  a  nice  establisl' 
ment,  and  the  premises  attached  to  it  have  more  neatness  and  finish  than  is 
common  in  young  and  remote  settlements.  The  youths  have  a  separate  gar- 
den for  their  own  amusement."  Mr.  McCallum  had  by  his  patience  and  indus- 
try taken  such  a  hold  on  the  community,  that  on  the  visit  of  the  Bishop  of 
Montreal  it  was  deemed  advisable  to  onlain  him,  wh^ch  event  took  place  on 
on  the  7th  of  July,  1844.  Mr.  McCallum's  duties  not  only  included  the  school 
but  for  the  next  three  years  the  incum!)ency  of  the  parish  church,  which  then 
reckoned  amongst  its  hearers  all  the  people  of  Kildonan.     Judge  Thom  had  for 

several  years  taken  up  his  abode  at  Lower  Fort  Garry.  Tn  1846,  the 
British  Government,  being  in  the  midst  of  the  contention  v.ith  tlie  United 
States  over  the  Oregon  (jiiestion  and  probably  on  account  the  enforce- 
ment of  the  Company's  claims,  thought  it  wise  to  send  t)ut  tlie  6th 
Royal  regiment  to  Red  River.  The  Lower  Fort  being  recjuired  for  the  troops, 
.Judge  rhoni  was  compelled  to  seek  quarters  elsewhere,  and  seems  to  have 
lived,  for  a  year,  three  or  four  miles  to  the  north  of  the  fort.  In  1847,  he 
purchased  the  house,  then  just  built  by  Chief  Factor  Charles,  now  known  as 
Bishop's  Court,  the  seat  of  the  Metropolitan  of  Rupert's  Land.  Judge  Thorn 
refers  with  peculiar  pleasure  to  the  changes  which  had  made  him  "door  neigli- 
bor"  to  his  old  friend  McCallum,  "with  nothing  but  a  paddock  between  " 
The  school  was  now  at  its  height  for  there  were  in  it  more  than  fifty  paying 
pupils,  including  girls.  From  it  came  A.  K.  Isbister,  one  of  the  most  distin- 
guished men  born  in  Ri.pert's  Land,  and  to  the  "MeCalliun  school"  members 
of  the  older  generation  of  Red  River  settlers  look  back  witli  fond  affection  Sad 
indeed  was  it  for  education  and  religion  on  Red  River  that  .\Ir.  McCallum  died 
in  1849.  Judge  Thorn  became  his  executor,  and  Bishop  Anderson,  the  first 
bishop  of  Rupert's  Land,  arrived  just  in  time  to  perform  the  funeral  services  of 
the  worthy  teacher. 

On  Mr.  McCallum's  death,  the  school  immediately  began  to  decline.  Bishop 
Anderson  was  so  busy  with  the  other  duties  of  his  office,  that  the  institution 
was  suffered  to  languish  In  1855,  a  reorganization  was  attempted,  a  number 
of  the  leading  people  of  the  country  were  formed  into  a  college  board,  the  name 
of  St.  John's  College  was  chosen,  and  the  coat  of  arms,  with  tlie  beautiful 
motto,  "In  Thy  Light  shall  we  see  Light,"  adopted.  In  three  or  four  years, 
the  want  of  success  compelled  the  closing  of  the  college.  In  1865  the  present 
Bishop  of  Rupert's  Land  arrived  at  Red  River.  The  McCallum  school  build- 
ings had  become  a  ruin.  On  his  leaving  on  his  first  journey  in  his  diocese,  the 
bishop  gave  ordere  that  they  should  be  pulled  down.  This  was  partially  done, 
but  the  central  building  was  thought  good  enough  to  be  preserved.  It  was  ac- 
conlingly  spared,  and  those  who  have  come  to  Manitoba  even  in  recent,  years 
may  remember  the  house  occupied  by  the  Rev.  Samuel  Pritchard— the  remnant 
of  the  McCallum  buildings.  Bishop  Machray  refounded  St.  John's  College  in 
1860,  from  which  time  it  has  had  an  ever  increasing  and  prosperous  existence. 
In  memory  of  Mr,  McCallum,  his  widow  an<l  daughter  presented  at  various 
times  to  St.  John's  College  an  excellent  anemometer  a  good  microscope  and 
other  instruments,  etc,  J  udge  Thorn  always  took  a  deep  interest  in  St.  John's 
College,  being  one  of  its  honorary  fellows;  and  was  also  a  benefactor  of  the 
Manitoba  (Presbyterian)  College. 

From  his  high  position  and  public  sympathies,  Ju<Ige  Thom  became  a  most 
iniluential  man  in  the  Red  River  Settlement,  He  had  a  marvellous  gift,  of  lan- 
guages. He  was  exceedingly  approachable,  and  his  ardent  temperament  led 
him  to  do  all  sorts  of  kind  services  for  those  who  sought  his  assistance.  When 
the  Bishopric  of  Rupert's  Land  was  founded  he  became  the  Registrar; 
when  the  Kildonan  church  wanted  a  deed,  he  drew  it  up,  and  made  it  so  firm 
in  its  provisions  that  when  changes  were  necessary  a  few  years  ago  in  the  ten- 


ure  they  were  very  difficult  to  make.  Though  the  agent  of  the  Hudson  Bay 
Company,  atnd  therefore  bound  to  carry  out  the  policy  of  the  Company,  as  to 
not  encouraging  the  entrance  of  too  many  religious  bodies  on  Red  River,  he  is 
said  to  have  Imd  a  hand  at  the  same  time  in  framing  tlie  petitions  forwarded  to 
London  by  the  Presbyterians  of  Kildonan.  The  Rev.  John  Ryerson,  on  his 
visit  to  Reil  River  in  1854,  tells  of  bis  going  down  to  Kildonan  to  hear  a  lec- 
ture from  Judge  Thom  "On  the  state  and  progress  of  the  Red  River  Settle- 
ment," and  the  hearer  says  that  the  subject  was  treated  "with  great  eloquence, 
beauty  and  ability."  In  the  Council  held  at  Fort  (larry,  the  judge  was  a  lead- 
ing spirit;  and  we  are  told  that  by  the  people  generally  "his  influence  was  re- 
garded as  disproportionately  great  "  The  Council  being  looked  upon  as  the  in- 
strument of  the  Hudson's  Bay  Company,  it  is  quite  evident  that  his  being  a 
ruling  influence  in  that  body  would  subject  him  to  severe  criticism  by  the  peo- 
ple, and  that  to  a  certain  extent  his  influence  as  a  Judge  would  be  lost.  As  al- 
ready stated,  the  relations  of  the  settler«  on  the  Red  River  to  the  Hudson 
Bay  Company  had  Income  very  unsatisfactory.  The  Companj',  b}'  their  char- 
ter, no  doubt  had  a  monopoly  of  the  fur  trade.  But  the  mass  of  the  people  be- 
ing hunters,  and  finding  it  difficult  to  gain  a  living  otlierwise,  hardly  recognized 
this— and  indeed  the  Company  had  not  enforced  their  claim.  For  some  reason, 
according  to  some,  on  Judge  Thom's  advice — it  was  decided  to  enforce  the 
right  of  Company.  Accordingly,  in  1844,  Governor  Christie  issued  two  procla- 
mations, one  of  them  requiring  each  settler,  before  the  Company  would  carry 
any  goo<ls  for  him,  to  make  a  <leclaration  that  for  the  past  winter  he  had  not, 
directly  or  indirectly,  engaged  in  the  fur  trade;  the  other  proclanvition  re- 
quired the  writer  of  any  letter,  which  was  sent  by  post  to  write  his  name  on 
the  outside,  an<l  should  he  not  have  made  the  declaration  required  as  to  trading 
in  furs,  then  his  letter  must  be  deposited  in  the  office,  open,  to  be  examined 
before  being  sent.  These  were  tyrannical  and  severe  enactments.  Cases  are 
cited  in  wliich  settlers,  traders  and  even  missionaries,  were  caused  much  incon- 
venience and  loss  by  these  stringent  regulations.  The  governor  and  the  legal 
adviser,  Judge  Thom,  nature lly  received  the  greater  part  of  popular  disappro- 
val. The  French  half-breeds  took  the  lead  in  the  agitation  against  the  Com- 
pany. A  strange  story  is  related  as  to  the  way  in  which  the  English  half- 
breeds  who  had  Jiitherto  supported  the  claim  of  the  Company,  came  to  throw 
in  their  lot  with  their  French  fellow-countrymen.  A  company  officer  had  left 
his  two  daughters  at  Fort  (iarry  to  be  educated.  One  of  them  was  the  object 
of  the  affection  of  a  young  Scotch  half-breed,  apd  at  the  same  time  of  a  young 
Highlander.  The  young  lady  is  said  to  have  preferred  the  Metis,  but  the  fond 
parent  favored  the  young  Highlander  The  Scotchman,  fortified  by  the  fa- 
tlier's  approval,  proceeded  to  upbraid  the  .Metis  for  his  temerity  in  aspiring  to 
the  hand  of  one  so  high  in  society  as  the  lady.  As  love  ruined  Troy,  so  it  is 
said  this  affair  joined  French  and  English  half-breeda  in  a  union  to  defeat  the 

During  the  five  years  after  the  publication  of  the  proclamation,  a  constant 
agitation  was  going  on  among  the  French.  The  leader  of  this  uproar  bore  a 
name  better  known  to  the  present  generation  as  that  of  his  son,  Louis  Riel. 
Riel,  the  elder,  was  born  at  Isle  a  la  Crosse,  and  was  the  son  of  a   French-Ca- 


nadian  father  and  a  French  half-breed  mother.  He  was  educated  in  Lower- 
Canada,  came  to  the  Northwest  to  enter  the  service  of  the  Company,  and  was 
for  two  years  a  novice  in  the  Oblate  order.  He  afterwards  l)uilta  water  mill 
on  the  Seine,  three  or  four  miles  from  St.  Boniface,  made  a  canal  nine  miles 
long  to  feed  it,  and  was  married  to  one  of  the  well-known  Lagimodiere  family, 
and  from  this  union  sprang  Louis  Riel  of  rebellion  notoriety.  The  miller  of 
the  Seine  was  a  very  capable  man;  had  a  great  power  over  his  fellow-country- 
men, and  was  a  born  agitator.  When  popular  feeling  had  been  thoroughly 
roused,  it  happened  that  in  1849  (iuillaume  Sayer,  a  French  half-breed  trader, 
bought  goods,  intending  to  go  on  a  tra<ling  expedition  to  Lake  Manitoba.  It 
was  determined  to  arrest  Sayer  and  three  of  his  associates.  This  was  done, 
but  Sayer  alone  was  kept  in  prison. 

As  the  day  of  the  trial  drew  near,  the  excitement  grew  intense.  (Governor 
Caldwell  was  known  to  be  obstinate.  Judge  Thorn,  it  was  rememl)ere(l,  had 
written  the  famous  "Anti-CJallic  letter"  in  Montreal;  he  was,  moreover,  said 
to  be  the  director  of  the  policy  of  rotriction,  and  a  strong  Company  man.  The 
day  of  trial  had  been  fixed  for  Ascension  day.  May  17th,  and  this  was  taken 
as  a  religious  affront  by  the  French.  The  court  was  to  meet  in  the  morning. 
On  the  day  of  the  trial,  hundreds  of  French  Metis,  armed,  came  from  all  the 
settlements  to  St.  Boniface  church,  and,  leaving  their  guns  at  the  door  of  the 
church,  entered  for  service.  At  the  close,  they  gathered  together,  and  were 
addressed  in  a  fie"y  oration  by  Louis  Riel.  A  fellow-countryman  writing  of 
the  matter  says:  "Louis  Riel  obtained  a  veritable  triumph  on  that  occasion, 
and  long  and  loud  the  hurrahs  were  repeated  by  the  echoes  of  the  Red  River." 
Crossing  by  way  of  Point  Douglas,  the  Metis  surrounded  the  unguarded  court 
house  at  Fort  Garry.  The  governor  and  Ju<lge  arrived  and  look  their  seats  at* 
eleven  o'clock.  A  curious  scene  then  ensued,  the  magistrates  protesting 
against  the  violence,  Reil  in  loud  tones  declaring  that  they  would  give  the  tri- 
bunal one  hour,  and  that  if  justice  was  not  done,  then  they  would  do  it  them- 
selves     An  altercation  then  took  place  between    Judge  Thom  aud  Riel,  and 

with  his  loud  declaration:  '■'■  Et  je  declare  que  dis  ce  moment  Sayer  est  lihre" 

drowned  by  the  shouts  of  tlie  Metis,  the  trial  was  over,  and  Sayer  and  his 
fellow  prisoners  betook  themselves  to  freedom  while  the  departing  Metis  cried 
out:  *'•  Le  commerie  at  lihre  !  le  commerce  est  lil'te !  V've  la  Hire!"  This  crisis 
was  a  serious  one.  Judge  Thom,  at  the  suggestion  of  Sir  (ieorge  Simpson,  did 
not  take  his  place  on  the  bench  for  a  year,  though  he  still  held  his  position  and 
his  emoluments.  It  was  the  end  of  the  attempt  of  the  Company  to  enforce  its 
distasteful  monopoly 

The  constitution  of  the  Court  at  Fort  Garry  made  it  quite  possible  for 
the  Recorder  to  absent  himself,  and  for  the  (iovernor  and  associated  magis- 
trates to  carry  on  the  business.  About  a  year  after  the  Sayer  affair,  a  very 
complicated  case  arose  in  which  what  would  be  called  the  leaders  of  society  at 
Fort  Garry  Mere  involved.  It  was  a  quarrel  of  Company  officials,  Capt.Foss, 
staff  officer  of  the  pensioners,  brought  an  action  for  defamation  of  character 
against  Trader  Pelly  and  his  wife  and  two  other  persons  for  connecting  his 
name  dishonorably  with  the  family  of  the  gentleman  in  charge  of  Fort  Garry. 


fJovernor  Simpson  an<J  Jiulge  Tliom  examined  into  tlie  case  privately,  and  on 
the  occasion  of  the  trial  Judge  Thorn  took  his  seat  again  as  Recorder,  though 
apparently  much  to  the  displeasure  of  Governor  Caldwell.  After  this,  for  a 
year,  with  the  approval  of  Simpson,  the  Recorder  did  not  sit.  Records  of 
other  cases  tlian  those  mentioned  are  found  to-day  in  proceeilinijs.  Up  to  the 
year  184"  the  work  done  by  Judge  Thorn  seems  to  have  been  very  satisfactory 
and  efficient.  Col.  Crofton  testified  that  in  1S47  the  legal  business  was  done 
in  a  perfectly  smooth  and  successful  manner.  In  1848,  Judge  Thom  delivered 
judgment  on  the  Calder  case,  involving  the  jurisdiction  of  the  Hudson's  Bay 
C  jnipany,  and  that  has  been  quoted  with  approval  as  an  important  opinion  in 
tlie  Supreme  Court  of  Canada  by  a  prominent  Q    C.  of  this  city. 

Fifteen  j'ears  of  service  in  the  remote  and  ir^olated  settlement  of  Red  River 
had  enabled  the  Recorder  to  accumulate  a  handsome  competence  His  friend 
McCallum  was  dead,  and  the  troubles  between  the  Company  and  the  people 
made  it  disagreeable  for  the  well  abused  judge  to  remain  in  his  New 
World  sphere.  He  accordingly  resigned,  and  returning  by  way  of 
York  Factory  sailed  from  that  port  in  the  Company's  ship,  "The 
Prince  of  Wales,"  on  the  20th  of  September,  1854,  with  his  wife  and 
son.  On  the  vessel  was  the  Arctic  explorer,  Dr.  Rae,  who  had  just 
found  the  first  traces  of  Sir  John  Franklin;  and  also  the  Rev.  John  Ryer- 
son,  who  has  left  a  written  account  of  the  voyage,  which  proved  to  be  tedious 
and  dangerous,  taking  nearly  six  weeks  to  London.  In  the  second  year  after 
his  return.  Judge  Thom  received  the  honorary  degree  of  L.L.D.,  from  his  own 
University  at  Aberdeen,  in  recognition  of  his  attainments;  and  on  the  granting 
of  a  constitution  for  a  university  of  Manitoba,  in  1877,  he  was  nominated  one 
of  the  first  six  Honora:7  Fellows  of  St.  John's  College,  He  lived  at  Edinburgh 
in  what  might  seem  to  be  his  declining  years,  but  removed  to  London  in  3870, 
an<l  took  up  his  abode  in  his  well  known  residence,  49  Torrington  Square,  a 
score  of  years  longer.  The  family  of  his  departed  friend  were  a  constant  care 
to  him.     For  them  he  always  showed  a  passionate  regard. 

The  Bishop  of  Montreal,  on  his  visit  to  Fort  Garry,  in  1844,  mentions  that 
at  that  time  Recorder  Thom  "was  deeply  engaged  latterly  in  Biblical  studies." 
In  1821,  at  Al)erdeen  he  had  joined  the  Hebrew  class.  But  like  num- 
bers of  great  students  he  had  become  involved  in  the  seemingly  hopeless 
mazes  of  the  interpretation  of  the  prophecies  of  Scripture.  In  1847,  he  com- 
pleted for  publication  liis  work,  entitled  "The  Chronology  of  Prophecy,"  on  the 
typical  character  of  what  he  calls  "Abraham's  430  years."  An  active  mind  like 
that  of  Judge  Thom  must  have  something  on  which  to  work.  In  not  having 
enough  to  till  up  his  time  and  utilize  his  energies,  he  must  have  some  abstruse 
line  of  study.  His  mind  seems  to  have  had  a  bent  towards  mathematics,  and 
his  inclination  and  probably  early  training  led  him  to  a  minute  study  of  the  Bi- 
ble, even  in  the  original  tongues.  As  showing  his  bent  toward  figures,  the 
writer  remembers  Judge  Thom  saying  that  he  never  got  into  a  London  omnibus 
—many  of  whose  figures  run  up  into  the  thousands  —  without  resolving  the 
number  into  its  factors,  and  combining  them  in  every  possible  manner. 
Nothing  delighted  him  so  much  as  to  get  an  appreciative  listener,  and  to  refer 


for  an  hour  at  a  time  to  the  marvellous  events  of  history,  and  to  show  that 
they  were  not  isolated,  but  were  part  of  a  great  system  of  development. 

In  summing  up  the  life  of  the  first  Judge  of  Rupert's  Land,  it  is  evident  we 
are  dealing  \\ith  a  man  of  great  activity  and  capacity.  He  was  perfectly  at 
home  in  the  Greek  and  Latin  classics;  he  was  a  Hebrew  scholar  and  well-  ac- 
quainted with  our  own  literature.  He  was  well  versed  in  law ,  and  gave  his 
opinions  with  fullness  and  decision.  An  active  newspaper  writer  in  his  earlier 
days,  he  always  maintained  a  lively  interest  in  public  affairs.  It  was  liis  mis- 
fortune to  be  ousted  between  the  two  strong  forces  of  a  great  trading  com- 
pany's interest,  and  the  natural  aspirations  of  a  people  after  freedom.  No  doubt 
this  wounded  his  proud  spirit  deeply,  and  prevented  him  from  ever  visiting 
the  Red  River  again  as  he  would  have  liked  to  have  done.  He  was  no  trimmer; 
he  was  not  even  politic.  He  had  strength  of  feeling  and  tenacity  of  purpose 
Though  somewhat  difficult  to  work  with,  yet  he  was  open  and  at  heart  kind 
and  considerate.  Passing  away  as  he  did  on  the  '21st  of  February  of  this  year 
(1890),  in  his  eighty-eighth  year,  in  a  quiet  old  age,  we  may  well  drop  a  sym- 
pathetic tear  to  the  memory  of  the  honest  old  warrior. — From  the  Records  of 
the  Historical  and  Scientific  Society  of  Aianitoba  (iSgo.) 

P.S. — In  our  former  sketch  of  the  life  of  this  very  able  man,  so  inseparably 
connected  with  the  early  history  of  this  country,  we  expressed  a  desire  to  ob- 
tain his  portrait.  We  have,  we  are  very  glad  to  say,  been  able  at  last  to  do  so, 
and  have  had  the  same  repro<luced  for  the  benefit  of  the  profession  and  the 
public.  We  can  inform  our  readers  that  the  likeness  is  a  faithful  one,  chosen 
for  that  special  reason,  and  is  taken  from  an  amateur  photograph  of  Dr.  Thorn 
when  "at  ease"  in  his  sitting  room,  and  in  his  72nd  year. —  llestern  Law  'limes. 


The  following  appeared  in  the  Fergus  News- Record,  to  which  the  late  Mr.  A. 
Dingwall  Fordyce  contributed  articles  on  "Old  time  Incidents  in  Fergus," 
with  allusions  to  various  families  and  persons  wlio  lived  there.  Among  them  is 
the  following  reference  to  the  late  Mr.  John  Tullideph  Thorn:  — 

"An  imexpected  concurrence  of  circumstances  has  given  me  the  opportunity 
of  saying  something  of  this  family,  beyond  wliat  v\as  shown  previously  in  con- 
nection witli  these  Old  Times  incidents  They  did  not  reniain  more  than  a  few 
months  in  Fergus,  but  moved  at  once  to  Cleveland,  Ohio,  where  Mr.  Thorn  died 
in  less  than  a  year,  on  14th  of  July,  1849.  They  had  returned  to  Canada  on 
the  husband  am',  father's  death.  A  son  of  a  former  marriage,  wliose  mother,  I 
believe,  died  in  18;W  at  Lockport,  has  now,  I  understand,  an  appointment  in 
the  (Government  dockyard  in  San  Francisco.  In  connection  with  the  foregoing 
statement  a  passing  word  is  due  to  an  elder  brother  of  Mr.  Jolin  T.  Thom— tiie 
more  especially  as  they  were  referred  to  as  cousins  of  the  late  Hon.  Adam  Fer- 
gusson,  a  fact  which  no  doubt  iiad  led  the  younger  to  contemplate  establishing 


liiinself  in  lousiness  in  Fergus.  They  would  not  unnaturally  be  called  cou&ins 
of  Mr.  p'ergusson.  iiltliough  tliere  was  no  actual  l»loo<l  relationship  An  aunt  of 
Mr.  Fergusson's  li;i<l  been  tiie  first  wife  of  the  Rev.  Dr.  Bisset,  for  forty  years 
mi  lister  of  Logic  l^ait,  Pertlisliire,  whose  second  wife  (a  daughter  of  the  Rev. 
T.  Tullideph,  Principal,  for  nearly  forty  years,  of  St.  Andrew's  University, 
Scotland,  and  also  one  of  the  Royal  C  liaplaina  for  fifteen  years  before  hi;«  death 
in  ITT'i,  was  the  maternal  gran<lmotlier  of  the  brothers  Adam  and  John  T. 
'lhon>.  The  uncle  by  marriage  of  these  two,  and  the  full  cousin  of  the  Hon. 
.Adam  Fergusson,  was  Robert  Bisset,  LL  T).,  known  in  his  day  as  the  author  of 
several  historical  works.  Adam  Thorn,  LL. I).,  the  ehler  brother,  died  in  Feb. 
1890,  in  London,  Kiigland,  at  tlie  age  of  87.  He  was  a  man  of  much  ability, 
energy  and  independence  of  mind,  accompanied  by  purity  of  motive  in  all  rela- 
tions, pulilic  or  })rivHte.  At  his  death  he  was  Father  of  the  Bench  and  Bar  in 
Western  Canada.  For  sixteen  years  he  was  Judge  of  Rupert's  Land,  from 
which  he  retired  in  l8oo,  when  he  left  Canada  for  his  native  land.  He  pro- 
Tuoted  every  effort  to  ailvance  the  cause  of  education  and  morality  in  his  adopt- 
ed country  while  he  remained.  He  was,  besides,  a  student  of  Hebrew,  and  in 
1848  publisiie<l  a  work  entitled  the  "'Chronology  of  Prophecy,"  and  he  was  very 
liighly  and  universally  respected.  This  at  least  may  be  either  gathered  or  in- 
ferred from  a  sliort  memoir  which  appeared  in  the  IVestern  Law  Times,  and 
whicli  also  contains  several  interesting  and  well  considered  charges  addressed 
to  (jran<l  -Juries  on  some  important  trials  during  his  official   life." 

The  Rev.  Tliomas  Bisset's  first  wife  was  Ann,  daughter  of  the  Rev.  Adam 
Fergusson,  minister  of  Moidin,  and  Moderator  of  the  (Jeneral  Assembly  of  the 
Kirk  of  Scotland  in  1772,  by  Amelia,  daughter  of  Captain  James  Menzies,  of 
Comry,  and  niece  of  Sir  Robert  Menzies,  of  Weem,  Bart.,  and  of  John,  first  Earl 
of  Breadalbane  Mrs.  Bisset's  brother  was  Neil  Fergusson,  of  Pitcullo,  Sheriff 
Depute  of  Fife,  who,  by  his  wife  Agnes,  daughter  of  Sir  George  Colquohoun, 
Bart.,  had  a  son,  the  Honorable  Adam  Fergusson,  of  Woodhill,  Upper  Canada, 
Member  of  the  Legislative  Council  of  Upper  Canada,  and  one  of  the  founders 
of  Fergus,  Out. 

JAMES  BISSET,  Clerk  of  the  Regality  Court  of  Athol,  about  1720,  had 
three  sons:  — 

I. — Thomas  Bisskt,  of  Glenalbert. 

n. — Patrick  Bii^skt. 

III. — Rev.  Robkkt  Bisset. 

I.— Thomas  Bisskt,  of  Glenalbert,  near  Dunkeld,  Perthshire,  first  ("old") 
Commisiary  of  Dunkeld,  and  Baron  Baillie  to  the  Duke  of  Athol. 
He  married,  the  31st  of  May,  1713,  Margaret,  daughter  of  Alexander 
Stewart,  second  si>n  of  Patrick  Stewart,  of  Ballechin,  in  the  parish  of  Logierait, 


Perthshire  (grandson  of  Sir  James  Stewart,  of  Ballechin,   by  Marie,  sister  of 
the  "admirable"  Chrichton),  and  died  in  Feb.  1774,  leaving:  — 

1.  James  Bisset,  the  "young"  Commissary. 

2.  Charles  Bisset,  M.D.,  born  at  Glenalbert,  1717,  author  of  a  "Narrative 
of  Experiments  on  a  Chalybeate  Spring  at  Knayton."  Die<l  at  Knayton, 
near  Thirsk,   Yorkshire,  in  1791,  leaving  two  daughters,  Penelope,    married 

to    Rev.   Dr.    Addison,   Thirsk;  and ,  married  to  William  Walker, 


3.  Thomas  Bisset,  born  June  1722.  left  (1)  Thomas;  (2)  Charles;  (3)  Rear 
Admiral  James  Bisset,  R.N.,  born  1760,  died  at  Edinburgh,  1824. 

4.  Robert  Bisset,  born  July,  1729.  Captain  5l8t  Foot:  Commissary-general 
in  tlie  armj-;  aide-de-camp  to  (Jcmeral  Lord  (reorge  Sackville  at  the  battle  of 
Minden.  He  died  on  May  27,  IHll,  at  (xreat  Pulteney  street,  London,  leaving 
a  son  Robert,  Major  42nd  Regt. ;  killed  in  Egypt;  d.  s.  p. 

5.  David  Bisset,  d.  s.  p. 

6.  Margaret  Bisset,  married  1st,  Mr.  Dick,  and  had  a  daughter  married  to 

the  Hon.  Mr.  Maitland.     2ndly, Duncan,  of  Tippermalloch,    and   had 

a  daughter  Bessie,  married  to Fleming,  of  Moness. 

7. Bisset,  married  to  Robert  Stewart,  in  Strath  Tay. 

II.     Patrio;  Bisset,  a  farmer  in  Logierait,  Perthshire,  had: — 

1.  Thomas  Bisset,  second  Commissary  of  Dnnkeld;  born  1722;  married 
Mrs.  Janet  Mack,  and  died  in  1788,  leaving:~(l)  John  Bisset,  Major  9th  Foot, 
died  1814,  leaving:— John  James  Patrick  Bisset,  Lieut.  R.  M.  A.,  killed  in  ac- 
tion at  the  seige  of  Algiers,  under  Lord  Exmouth.  in  1816;  Daniel  Bisset, 
Colonel  R.  Art.;  Caroline  Bisset,  married  to  John  Mackenzie,  Lieut.  1st  W,  I. 
Regt.,  bv  whom  she  had  Rev.  John  George  Delhoste  Mackenzie,  M.  A.,  Incum- 
bent of  St.  Paul's  Church,  Yorkville,  and  afterwards  Inspector  of  (irammar 
Schools  for  the  Province  of  Ontario.  (Among  his  children  are  (Jeo.  A.  McKen- 
zie,  barrister,  Toronto;  Ernest  Mackenzie,  and  J.  B.  Mackenzie,  author  of 
'•The  Six  Indian  Nations  in  Canada,"  etc.  (2)  Thomas  Bisset;  (3)  Jean,  mar- 
ried Dec  30,  1787,  Alexander  Stewart,  of  Bonskied. 

2  Patrick  Bisset,  n.erchant  in  Perth.  He  had  ( 1)  Sir  JohnBisset,  K.  C.  H. , 
K.  C  B.,  of  Rickup,  near  Duukeld,  Commissary  of  the  Forces  during  the 
Peninsular  War.  Died  in  Perth  1854.  (2)  James  Bisset,  in  the  army.  (3) 
Thomas  Bisset,  of  Demerara.  (4)  Patrick  Bisset,  a  lawyer  in  Dunkeld;  for 
twenty  years  clerk  of  the  ancient  commissariat  of  Dunkeld,  and  afterwards  for 
31  years  clerk  of  the  Commissariat  of  Perlhshire.  Born  1779  at  Dunkeld, 
ilied  unmarried  in  1855.  (5)  Helen.  (6)  Marjory.  (7)  Isobel.  (8)  Elizabeth. 
(9)  Margaret,  married  to  David  Ford,  and  had  a  daughter  married  to  Mr.  Dou- 
gall,  whose  daughter  married  the  Rev.  J.  Howell  a  Congregational  minister. 

3,  Margak-et  Bisset  married  —  Campbell. 

4.  Mary  Bisset  married  —  Blackie,  Aberdeen. 


5.  Isobel  Bisset  marrieil  —  Thomas. 

6.  Jean   BisBet  mariied  —  Duff. 

III.  Rev.  Robkrt  Bisset.  born  1696.  A.  M.,  St.  Andrew's  University, 
1718.  Minister  of  Kirkmichael  1720-25,  of  Blair  Athol  1725-39.  He  married 
Elizabeth  Crichton,  and  dying  in  Feb.  1739,  left  : 

1.  Rev. Thomas  Bisset,  born  1731,  A.M.,St.  Andrew's  University  1750,  D.D. 
J787.  Minister  of  Lngierait,  Perthshire,  lv54-1800.  He  published  a  volume  of 
sermons  m  Inch  have  been  described  as  "practical  and  useful, "and  also  translated 
Mylius'  "History  of  the  Bishops  of  Dunkeld.  He  died  in  October,  1800.  He 
married,  first,  in  April,  1758,  Ann  Fergusson  (died  June  8,  1759)  daughter  of 
Rev  Adam  Fergusson,  Minister  of  Moulin,  and  Mo<lerator  of  the  general  As- 
sembly of  the  Kirk  of  Scotland  in  1772,  and  sister  of  Neil  Fergusson,  of  Pit- 
cullo,  Sheriff  Depute  of  Fifeshire  (father  of  Hon.  Adam  Fergusson,  of  Uood- 
hill.  Upper  Canada,  Member  of  the  Legislative  Council  of  Upper  Canada,  who 
died  in  1862),  and  had  by  her:— (1)  Robert  Bisset,  LL.D.,  Edinburgh  Univer- 
sity, author  of  The  Life  of  Edmund  Burke,  The  Reign  of  George  III.,  A 
Sketch  of  Democracy,  etc.  He  married  .Mary,  daughter  of  Robert  Robinson, 
and  grand  daughter  of  David  Gavine,  of  Langton  Park,  Berwickshire,  and  had 
two  daughters,  Catharine,  a  pianist  of  some  celebrity,  and  Elizabeth,  a  harp- 
ist and  composer  of  great  talent. 

The  Rev  Tliomas  Bisset  married,  secondly,  in  April,  1767,  Mary  (died 
1785),  daughter  of  Rev.  Thomas  Tullideph,  D.  I)  ,  Professor  of  Divinity  in  St. 
Andrew's  University;  Principal  of  the  University  1739-77;;  Moderator  of  the 
General  Assembly  of  the  Kirk  of  Scotland  in  1742;  one  of  the  Royal  Chaplains 
in  Scotland  of  (ieorge  III,  1761-77  (son  of  Rev.  John  Tullideph,  Minister  of 
Drumbarnie,  1691-1714,  by  Jean,  daughter  of  Rev  John  Knox,  Minister  of 
Nortii  Leith,  and  grandson  of  William  Tullideph,  Principal  St.  Leonard's  Col- 
lege, St.  Andrews,  Fife,  1691-95).  The  Rev.  Thomas  Bisset  had  by  his  second 
wife  (2)  Thomas,  bom  Mar.  1,  1768,  drowned  at  Perth;  (3)  John  Bisset,  born 
22  May,  1769,  died  Dec.  1783;  (4)  Adam  Bisset,  born  August,  1770;  a  wine 
merchant  in  Leith  (Somerville  &  Co. ^i  had  among  others: — Alexander  Bisset, 
married  his  cousin,  Frances  Thom;  James  Somerville  Bisset,  of  Spring  Gardens, 
Jamaica,  died  1826;  Ellen  Bisset,  who,  by  her  marriage  with  Captain  Robert 
Stewart  Mcdrregor,  Portobello,  near  Edinburgh,  had  Major  Robert  Stewart 
McGregor,  50th  Regt.,  died  1885  at  Portsmouth.  (5)  Alison  Bisset,  born  Dec. 
1771.  (6)  Eliza  Bisset,  born  May  1773,  married  to  Andrew  Thom,  Brechin, 
and  had  a  son  Adam  Thom.  (7)  Anne,  born  Oct  1774.  (8)  Margaret  Bisset, 
born  July,  1776,  died  April,  1779.  (9)  Jean  Bisset,  bom  June  1778,  died  Mar. 
1893.  (10)  David  Bisset,  born  Dec.  1779.  died  Nov.  1,  1780.  (11)  Charles 
Bisset,  born  July,  1781.  (12)  Thomson  Bisset,  of  Leith,  born  March,  1783, 
married  in  1812,  daughter  of  Dr.  Young,  Hull. 

2.  Henr3'  Bisset,  died  at  sea. 

3.  Margaret  Bisset,  married  —  Thomson.  Their  daughtei,  Janet  Thom- 
son, was  married  to  Peter  Anderson,  pioneer  in  opening  up  the  Highlands,  ad- 


mitted  a  procurator  in  Inverness  in  1796,  and  had,  among  otliers,  Joiui  Ander- 
son, a  writer  to  the  Signet,  author  of  "Essay  on  the  State  of  Society  and 
Knowledge  in  the  Highlands,"  and  of  "A  History  of  the  Family  of  Fraser," 
and  Peter  Anderson,  compiler  of  the  well  known  series  of  "(Juides  to  the  High- 
lands, (father  of  Peter  John  Anderson,  Librarian  of  the  University  of  Aberdeen, 
and  Sec.  New  Spalding  Club;  and  of  l8al)el  H.  Anderson,  author  of  "An  Inver- 
ness Lawyer  and  His  Sons." 

4.  Isabel  Bisset,  married  —  Scott,  of  Bogmill. 

5.  F.lizabeth,  married  to  —  Young,  a  fanner  in  Perthshire. 

Andrew  Thom,  Brechin,  had:  — 

1. — Adam  Thom,  A.  M.  King's  College,  Aberdeen,  Honorarj-  LL  D.,  lSo3, 
Judge  of  Rupert's  Land,  B.  N.  A.,  1839-55.  Born  at  Brechin,  31  August,  1802; 
married  first,  Isobel,  daugliter  of  George  Bisset*  A.  M.,  Rector  of  Udny  Acad- 
emy, Aberdeenshire,  and  sister  of  Rev.  James  Bisset,  D.  D.,  Minister  of  Bour- 
tie,  Aberdeenshire,  and  Moderator  of  the  General  Assembly  of  the  Kirk  of 
Scotland  in  1862;  Secondly,  in  1839,  Miss  Anne  Blachford  (died  Jan.  23,  1876) 
and  had  by  her  an  only  son,  Adam  Bisset  Thom,  born  at  Fort  Garry,  Winni- 
peg, Manitoba,  Aug.  2,  1843,  i;ducated  at  the  Edinburgh  University;  autlior 
of  "Elocution,  Voice  and  (Gesture,"  (16th  Thousand:  Marcus  Ward  &  Co., 
London),  and  compiler  and  editor  of  "Garry's  Elocutionist,"  (12th  Thousand: 
Marcus  Ward  &  Co.,  London),  Churchwarden  of  Trinity  Church,  Gait,  Ont., 
Canada,  189! -1895;  Lay  Delegate  for  Trinity  Church,  Aylmer,  Ont.,  to  the 
Synod  of  Huron;  elected  in  1900,  a  member  of  tlie  C-'.nadian  Society  of  Au- 
thors. Married,  14  July,  1896,  Jessie  Monro  Howard,  daughter  of  the  late 
Richard  Howard,  Niagara,  and  has: —  Howard  Bisset  Thom,  born  14  May, 
1897,  and  Dorothy  Anne   Bisset  Thom,  born  23  Sept.  1898. 

II.     Frances  Thom  married  her  cousin,  Alexander  Bisset,  shipmaster,  Leith. 

III.     Alison  Thom,  born  1801.  died  1879,  married  to  H.  Cant. 

I>  .     John  Tullideph  Thom,  died  in   Cleveland,  Ohio,  U.  S.  A.,  in    1849, 
married  to  Amelia,  granddaugliter  of  Henri  Le  Page,  a  Huguenot  emigre. 

*  George  Bisset,  Rector  of  Udny  Academy,  married  Mary  Anderson,  Stri- 
chen,  and  had  among  others: — 

i.  John,  M.D.,  Newburgh,  Sussex,  d.  s.  p. 

2.  Tames,  Minister  of  Bourtie;  v.  i. 

3.  Thomas,  LL.D.,  Cantab,  Vicar  of  Pontefract,  Yorkshire;  d.  s.  p. 

4.  Charles,  B   D.,  Cantab,  Vicar  of  Upliolland,  Lancashire. 

5.  William,  Colonel  Madras  army.  • 

6.  Udny,  d.  s.  p. 


7.  Mary,  married  to  Mr.  William  Rose,  Auchterless;  afterwards  of  Hun- 
tingdon, Canada,  (father  of  late  Sir  John  Rose,  Bt.,  0.  C.  M.  (J  ) 

8.  Margaret,  married  to  Sir  Arthuur  Nicolson,  ninth  Bart. 

9.  Isobel,  fiist  wife  of  Adam  Thorn. 

George  Bi-sset  tlied  in  1812,  and  was  succeeded  in  the  parish  school  and 
academy  by  his  son,  James  Bisset.  He  was  well  trained  by  his  father,  and  en- 
tering Marischal  College,  Aberdeen,  took  his  degree  at  the  early  age  then  com- 
mon for  graduates.  He  was  not  quite  seventeen  when,  at  his  father's  death, 
he  took  the  responsibility  of  so  large  an  establishment;  but  he  was  greatly  aid- 
ed by  his  widowed  mother  and  oldest  sister.  He  must  have  appeared  a  little 
older  than  this.  There  is  a  good  anecdote  told  of  Mr.  Bisset  When  the  mo- 
ther of  (her  afterwards  famous  son)  James  Outram  came  to  place  him  under 
his  care,  she  was  struck  with  his  youthful  appearance  and  said  he  was  a  vary 
young  man  to  have  the  charge  of  so  large  an  estal)lishment,  he  could  not  be 
above  twenty-five  years'of  age.  "I  did  not  tell  her,"  said  Mr.  Bisaet,  "that  I 
was  not  quite  out  seventeen  !"  But  though  young,  he  was  a  tUooghtful  youth, 
and  had  the  energy  of  more  advanced  years.  He  was  the  stay  of  his  widowed 
mother,  and  proved  himself  more  than  a  father  to  all  his  brothers  and  sisters, 
whom  he  carefully  brought  up  and  educated,  and  placed  them  in  positions  of 
life,  which  under  Providence,  they  entirely  owed  to  him.  Under  Mr  Bisset's 
care  the  Academy  flourished,  and  its  fame  attracted,  as  has  l)een  already  men- 
tioned, a  large  number  of  boarders  and  scholars.  He  kept  always  a  very  effi- 
cient staff  of  teachers,  among  whom,  besides  Dr  Thorn,  already  meadgned, 
were  James  Melvin,  afterwards  LL  T).  and  Rector  of  the  Grammar  School, 
Aberdeen,  and  his  brother  George,  head-master  of  Gordon's  Hospital,  and 
aferwards  schoolmaster  at  Tarves,  who  began  their  early  labors  at  Udny.  Like 
all  schoolmasters  of  that  period,  Mr.  Bisset  studied  for  the  ministry  of  the 
Church  of  Scotland,  studying  partly  in  Edinburgh,  and  in  1826  he  became  min- 
ister of  the  small  parish  of  Bourtie  in  Aberdeenshire.  The  small  amount  of  duty 
needed  by  the  parish  gave  him  leisure  to  continue  his  studies, which  however, he 
only  utilised  for  the  education  of  his  children.  He  took  great  interest  in  public 
aCFairs,  became  an  ardent  politician,  civil  and  ecclesiastical,  on  the  constitutional 
side.  He  was  very  zealous  in  every  cause  he  espoused,  indeed,  the  force  of 
character  which  enabled  him,  at  so  early  an  age  at  his  father's  death,  to  under- 
take so  serious  responsibilities,  never  forsook  him.  He  was  instant  in  season 
and  out  of  season.  He  was  a  prominent  figure  in  the  Church  courts  during 
the  prolonged  struggle,  that  ended  in  the  secession  of  those  who  formed  them- 
selves into  the  Free  Church  of  Scotland.  In  1850,  his  University  of  Marischal 
College  conferred  on  him  the  degree  of  D.D,,  and  in  1862,  he  was  chosen  Mod- 
erator of  the  General  Assembly,  the  highest  ecclesiastical  position  in  Scotland. 
— "The  Thana^e  of  Fermariyn^''  by  Rev.  Wni.  Temple,  Ai.  A.