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Full text of "The mysterious stranger, or, Memoirs of the noted Henry More Smith [microform] : containing a correct account of his extraordinary conduct during the thirteen months of his confinement in the jail of Kings County, province of New Brunswick, where he was convicted of horse stealing, and under sentence of death, and finally pardoned and set at liberty, also a sketch of his life and character ... to which is added a history of his career up to 1841 ... selected from the most authentic sources, both public and private"

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I  I  ippww^mp 






^         OR, 

Henry  More  Smith. 


A  correct  account  of  his  Extraordinai  y  conduct  dut'ing  tke 
Thirte&n  Months  of  his  Confinement Jnthe  Jail  of  Kings  County  y 
Province  of  New  JJrunswick,  where  he  was  convicted  of  Horse- 
Stealing,  and  under  sentence  of  deathy  and  finally  pardoned 
and  set  at  liberty.  * 


^  M^UcUU  0f  Ms  %iU  mxA  G^UixxncUx. 

From  his  first  appearance  at  Windsor,  in  Nova  Scotia,  in  the 
year  1812,  <o  the  time  of  his  apyrehenssion  and  Confinement- 



Up  to  1841,  embraeing  an  aeeount  of  his 


Selected  from  the  most  Authentic  sources,  both  Public  and  private, 




4  s^ 



i  ■ 


Most  persons  after  r^^ading  llle  marvellous  achieve- 
ments recorded  in  thos6  Memoirs,  would  at  once  pro- 
nounce them  fabrictttioiis  and  imposibilities.  But 
rtiarvellous  and  wonderful  as  they  undoubtedly  are, 
they  are  nevertheless  strictly  true  records  of  actual 
facts  that  undoubtely  happened.  « 

Sheriff  Bates  was  a  man  of  unimpeachable  charac- 
ter, and  well  known  by  a  very  largo  number  of  per- 
sons at  homo  and  abroad ;  aud,  therefore,  it  is  not  at 
all  likely,  that  such  a  man  would  publish  a  tissue  of 
lies  to  ruin  his  character  and  standing,  for  the  sake 
of  a  few  paltry  doHors,  by  the  e<ale  of  the  Memoirs  of 
such  a  low  character  as  Henry  More  Smith  the  horse- J^ 
stealer.     It  is  an  old  eaymg  "  that  you  will  gain  Do- 
tting by  wrestling  with  a  Chimney  Sweep,  but  dirt." 

So  it  is  self-evident,  that  Sheriff  Bates  would  not 
publi^h^anythiiig  but  what  he  believed,  and  knew,  to 
be  true  in  every  particular.  But  Smith's  actions 
and  accomplishments  were  80  maiTellous  and,  appa- 
rently, superhuman,  tha*  he  wished  others  to  know 
them ;  and  there  is  an  abundence  of  evidence  to  con- 
firm the  tnith  of  Mr.  Bate's  narratives. 

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A  Correct  acronnt  of  his  Extraordinary  conduct  during  thr 
Thirteen  Montlts  of  tils  Confinement  in  the  Jail  of  Kini^s 
County,  Province  of  New  Brunswick,  where  he  was  con- 
victed of  Horse  stealing,  and  under  sentence  of  death. 


!^  Slictclx  jof  Mb  %iU  nn&  .mxiivncUx. 

Wrom  talA  lirmt  u]»i»earnn«e  at  '%Vin«lNor,  lulVova  Scotia,  ln< 
tbe  y«»r  AHl'i^  U»tH»  tiiue  of  Ul»  uppr«Ii«^n«iuu 
aiMl  confln«n:ient. 



Up  to  1§41,  embraciug  an  acconnt  of  Iii» 

laiprisonmeiits  aod  Escapes, 

Sclecicil  From  the  most  Aullientic  sources,  kl'a  Public  snil  prirak. 




SAINT  JOHN,  New  Brunswick. 

Orioinam^y  Prlnted  by  G^)kge  W.  Day,  4,  MARiiEX  Siiijii.i. 


s  I 


.  1         /l  .'v 


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UEl^RY  MORE  SDllTil. 

w'-.    '  •  • 


I:N11Y  more  smith,  the  noted  individual  Who 
formiiithe  subject  of  this  Narrative,  made  his  first 
appearance  amongst  us  in  the  year  1812.  Previous 
to  this,  wo  have  no  inibnnation  oonccrning  him. : 
Some  tiine  in  the  month  of  July,  in  this  year,  ho  ajj- 
poared  at  Windsor,  ia  Nova-Scotia,  looking  for  em- 
])loynicnt,  and  pretended  to  have  emigrated  lately 
from  Enj^Iand.  On  being  asked  what  his  ocruipation 
was,  he  stated  that  ho  was  a  Tailor;  but  could 
turn  his  hand  to  any  kind  of  mochani(;al  business  or 
cotintry  enipoyment  lie  was  decently  clothed,  gen- 
teel in  his  appearance,  and  prepossessing  in  hi» 
manner,  and  seemed  to  understand  himself  very  well. 

Althongh  an  entire  stranoer,  he  seemed  to  be  vtr" 
qnainted  with  every  part  of  the  Province,  but  studi- 
ously avoided  to  enter  into  close  intimacy  with  any 
person;  associated  with  few,  and  carefully  concealed 
all  knowledge  of  the  means  by  which  ho  came  to  the 
"ountry,  and  also  of  his  origin  and  connections,  keep- 
ing his  previous  life  and  history  in  entire  obscurity. 

Pindinor  no  better  employment,  he  engaged  tn  tho 
service  of  Mr.  Bond,  a  respectable  farmer  in  the  vil- 
lage of  Rawden,  who  agreed  with  him  for  a  month- 
on  trial,  during  which  time  ho  conducted  himself 
with  much  propriety  and  honesty;  was  industrious, 
careful.  ai?d  useful,  to  the  entire  satisfaction  of  Mi\ 

4  TlIK    MtSTIiUIOliS    DoiMI  OP 

Viji^d,  iuripin])loyor,  and  oven  I'oyonO  his  i^xpoctation. 
1!  wnyi  porltictly  inonbnsivc,  jiciitic,  ond  obIi^in<T: 
I'nd  no  iiitoxicutinerJiiiiiovH,  n^fVaiucd  IVoiu  .idle  oon- 
Vii>f»tron  and  «l!  inipropor  Iany:uap:e,  and  waw  ap- 
pircuri)  iivo  iroin  every  ovil  habit.  Jjein<!:  enj^aged 
lor  iconic  tiuio  in  workintr  on  n  new  road  with  aconi- 
pany  of  men,  whoso  lodging  was  in  a  caiii[);  rather 
than  Hnbjcet  liiniHcJl' to  the  pain  of  their  loose  con- 
versation in  the  camp,  lie  chose  to  retire  t^  .sonie 
neighboring  bain,  aK  he  pretended.  to8leej)in  quiet, 
and  wan  always  early  at  work  in  the  niornino" ;  but 
as  th()  sequel  will  show,  ho  wat*  very   ditrcrenily  en- 

A  ri'eady  conformity  to  Mr.  Bond's  religious  princi- 
ples, who  waf^  a  very  religious  niah  of  the    Baptist 
persuation,   formed  an  easy  yet  successful  means  of 
further    ingratiatiiig  himself  into  the  favor  of  Mr. 
Bond  and  his  faniily  :  his  attendance  ou  morning  and 
evening  prayers  was  always  marked  with    regularity 
and  seriousness;  and,  in  tin*  absence  of  Mr.  Bond,  ho 
would  himself  ofliciato  in  the  most  solemn   and  de- 
vout manner.     TLis  weJl  directed  aim  of  his  hypo- 
crisy secuied  for  lihn  all  ho  could  wish  or  expect  from 
this  famil}  ;  Ive  not  only  abtained  the.  full  confidence 
of  Mr;  Bond  himself,  but  gained  most  cfroctually  the 
affections  of  Iiis  favorite  daughter,  who  was   unable 
,  to  conceal  the  ,  i^trength   of  her   attachment  to   liim, 
and  formed  a  resolution  to  give  her   Jiand  to  him  in 
marriage.     Application  was  made  to   Mr.  Bond    for 
bis  concuiehcc,  and,  although  a  refusal  was  the  con- 
sequence, yet  so  strong'w  as  the   attachment,    and  eo 
firmly  were  tliey  determined  to    consummate  their 
wishe&i  that  noilitoj?  the  advice,  the   entreaties,  nov 


IIk.nuv  31ouk  Smith. 

the  roinoiirit ranees  of  her  fricuds,  \voro  of  tiiiv  avail. 
Sho  wont  with  him  from  her  father's  house  to  AViml- 
sor,  nn<l  inithH'  Iho  name  of  Frederick  ilonrv  More, 
he  ther(^  ni?irrir(l  hor  on  the  I'ith  of  Aiarcli,  18K5, 
liei-  name  iiavinj^  been  Elizabeth  P. 

While  Jie  reir.aind  at  Kawden,  althou'^Iilic  professed 
to  1)0  a  'i\iih)r,  he  did  not  pursue  hifi  ])UKinesH  :  but  "was 
chirlly  eiicra;2:ed  in  farming  or  country  o(?('upations. 
After  his  lemoval  to  AVindsor,  and  liis  marriage  to 
Miss  ]?ond,  he  ontered  on  a  now  line  of  business,  unitr 
inji' that  ol' the  Taih)r  and  pedhu*  tog^ether.  In  this 
ch'iracter  he  made  frerpient  visits  to  [Jalifox,  aKyaya 

Ibrinpfin;;  with  him  a  quantity  of  goods,  of  various  des- 
rnptions.     At  onetime  he  was  known  to  brinj^:  home 

|a  eonsiderable  sum  of  money,  and  upon  being  asked 
liowhe  procured  it  and  all  tliese  articles  and  goods  ho 

|l)r()ught  home,  he  replied  that  a  friend  by  the  name  of 
Wilson  supplied  Iiim  with  any  tiling  he  wanted  as  a 
Viilor.  It  is  remarka]>le,  however,  that  in  all  liis 
;ri|)s  to  Halifax,  he  uniformly  set  out  in  the  afternoon 
Knd  returned  the  next  morning.  A  certain  gentlenmn, 
speaking  of  him  as  a  tailor,  remarked  that  ho  cOuld 
ut  very  Vvell  and  make  up  any  article  of  clothing  in  a 
mj>erior  manner.  In  fact,  hir>  genius  was  extraordi" 
fiary,  and  execute  any  thing  well  that  he  turned  his  at- 
tention to.  A  young  man  having  apj)Iied  to  him  for 
new  coat;  he  accordingly  took  his  me/isnre,  and  pro- 
mised to  bnng  the  cloth  with  him  the  first  time  he 
went  to  Halifax.     Very  soon  after,  hemade  his  jour- 

[iiey  to  Halifax,  and  on  his  return,  happening  to  meet 
with  the  younirman.  1)6  showed  him,  from  his  port- 
nianteani,  the  cloth,  which  was  of  a  superior  quality, 
0^1  f  ruwiJ^Jid  to  have  it  made  up   on  a  certain  day^ 


Aftu'iiinond  Doi.NiiSoy 



which  ho  punctually  porformctl  to  the  ontrre  fiatisfao- 
tioiiofhiH  employer,  who  paid  him  his  price  and  car- 
iicd  ofr  tlie  coat. 

About  tliiri  tine  a  number  of  unaccountable  aud 
mvsteiious  thol't8  were  conunitted  in  Halifax  Arli- 
clesof  plate  were  inis«iiig  from  gcntlenien'sj  houses; 
silver  watches  and  manv  other  va.uable  articles  were 
tak(^n  from  silversinitirH  shops,  and  all  done  in  so 
mysterious  a  nuinner,  that  no  nuirks  of  the  robber's 
Jiands  were  to  be  seen.  Three  volumes  of  the  late  acts 
of  Parliauunit,  relating  to  the  Court  ot*  Ad'iilralty, 
Tvere  missinf^  from  the  ollice  of  Chief  Justice  fc^trange 
about  the  frame  ttme  :  ho  olTercd  a  reward  of  three 
guineas  to  any  person  who  would  restore  them,  with 
an  assuiance  that  no  cpiestions  should  le  asked,  lu 
a  few  d«ys  after,  Mr.  More  produced  the  volumes, 
which  ho  said  he  had  purchased  from  :i  stranger,  and 
received  the  three  guineas  reward  without  having  to 
answer  any  enquiries.  This  atl'air  laid  the  foundation 
for  strong  suspicions  that  Mr  More  nujst  have  been 
the  individual  who  conunitted  th'>se  secret  and  myslc- 
rious  thefts  which  produced  so  nnjch  astonishment  in 
various  quarters;  and  just  at  this  crisis,  these  suspi- 
cions received  not  on Iv  stronjj  corroboration,  but  were 
decidedly  conlinned  by  the  following  remarkable  fact. 
AVhile  the.  youno-  man  whom  he  had  furnished  with 
the  new  coat,  as  was  previously  noticed,  was  j)assing 
through  the  streets  of  Halifax  with  the  coat  on  his  back, 
he  wus  arrested  by  a  gentleman  w^ho  claimed  the  coat 
as  his  own,  aibrmingthat  it  had  been  stoleni  from  him 
some  time  since.  This  singular  aflair,  which  to  the 
young  man  was  extremely  n  ortifyiug  and  afliictivey 
t;hrew  imniediato  light  upon  all  thoiie  secret  and  an- 

llENRt  More  S>aTrt, 

)  b-atisfao- 
antl  cur- 
able aud 
X.  Arli- 
i  houses; 
L-Ies  were 
ne  in  so 
'  robber's 
?  late  acts 
?  K^traiigo 

"ked.     Id 


nger,  and 

laving:  to 


lavo  been 

id  niystc- 

iniient  in 

pse  su«|ii« 

])ut  were 

able  i'aet. 

ihed  with 

s  j)aiisin£j 

his  back, 

the  coat 

from  him 

ch  to  the 


t  and  uiL- 

accountable  robberies.  A  special  warrant  was  imire- 
diately  issued  for  the  apprehension  of  More  :  however, 
before  the  warrant  reached  Kawdcn,  he  had  made  his 
escape,  and  was  next  heard  of  as  travelling;  on  horse- 
lK)ck,  with  a  portmanteau  well  filled  with  articles 
which  he  offered  for  sale,  ais  he  proceeded  on  his  way 
by  tJie  river  Philip;  and  early  in  the  month  of  July, 
1814,  he  made  his  appearance  in  St.  John,  New  Brun- 
swick, by  the  name  of  Hkvry  More  Smith.  He  did 
not.  however,  enter  the  city  with  his  horse,  bui  put  up, 
and  took  lodging>i  at  the  house  ot  one  Mr.  Stackhouse, 
who  resided  in  a  bye-place  within  a  mile  of  the  City, 
and  came  into  the  town  upon  foot.  He  found  means 
to  become  acquainted  with  the  olllcers  of  the  OUth 
llogimeiit,  who,  finding  him  something'  of  a  military 
character,  and  well  acquainted  with  horsemanship, 
showed  him  the  stud  of  l)e longing  U)  the  regiment. 
Smith,  perceiving  that  the  pair  ef  horses  which  the 
Colonel  in  his  carriage  did  not  match,  they  being  of 
drlferent  colors,  and  one  of  them  black,  observed  to  the 
Colonel,  that  he  knew  of  an  excellent  black  horse  in 
Cumberland,  that  would  match  his  black  one  perfect- 
Iv.  The  Colonel  replied,  that  if  he  were  as  good  as 
his  own,  ho  would  give  him  fifty  pounds  for  him. 
Smith  then  proposed,  that  if  he,  the  Colonel,  would 
af^vance  him  fifteen, pounds^  he  would  leave  his  owij\ 
horse  in  pledge,  and  take  his  [wissage  in  a  sloop  bouud 
for  Ciunberland,  and  l)rinjr  him  the  black  horse.  To> 
this  the  Colonel  readily  consented,  and  paid  him 
down  the  fifteen  pounds.  This  opened  the  way  to 
Smith  for  a  most  flattering  speculation;  he  had  ol)- 
served  a  valuable  mnre  feedintj:  on  the  marsh  coti^u- 
ouft  to  the  ])lace  whore  he  had  taken  his  lodgings,  and 
Cjist  hi*  eve  uj[)Qn  f^  Hue  saddle  and  bridle  t)elonging 



1     I 

■ ''' 




Mystkiuous  Doings  ov 

to  Major  King,  which  ho  coulilptit  hin  Jiand  on  in  iho 
ni'^ht.  With  these  facililies  in  view.  Sr.iith  entered 
on  liis  8ccine;he  himself  in  j)osset?sion  of  the  sjuh.Ue 
and* bridle,  (letenniud  to  rfteal  the  muie  he  saw  feed- 
ing on  the  marsh,  ride  Iier  to  Nova  Scotia,  and  there 
sell  her,  then  steal  the  black  horse  ironi  OaMd)eriand, 
bring  him  to  the  Colonel,  receive  his  $2^)0  00,  and 
without  loss  of  time  transport  himself  within  the 
boundaries  of  the  United  States.  . ,         , 

This  scheme,  so  deeply  l.iid.  and  so  well  concerted, 
failed,  however,  of  execution,  and  proved  the  jneans 
of  his  future  apprehension.  Already  in  possession  of 
sddle  and  bridle,  he  spent  most  of  the  night  in  fruit- 
less efforts  to  take  the  mare,  which  was  running  at 
large  irt  the  pasture.  A))andoning  this  part  of  his 
plan  as  hopeless,  and  turning  his  borse-stcaling  geni- 
us in  a  different  direction,  he  recollected  to  have  seen 
a  fine  horse  feedinir  in  a  fiehl  near  the  hiohwav  as  he 
passed  through  the  Parish  ofTvorton,  about  30  miles 
on,  on  his  journey.  Upon  this  fresh  scheme,  he  set 
off  on  foot,  with  the  bridle  and  saddle  in  the  form  of  a 
pack  on  his  back,  passing  along  all  the  succeeding  dav 
in  the  charactt-r  of  a  ]iedlar.  Night  came  on,  and  put 
Iiim  in  possession  of  a  fine  black  horse,  whicli  ho 
mounted  and  rode  on  in  prosecution  of  Ids  design,^ 
which  he  looked  upon  now  as  already  accomplished. 
J]ut  with  all  the  certainty  of  success,  his  object  prov- 
ed a  failure,  and  that  through  means  which  all  his  vi- 
gilance could  neither  foresee  nor  prevent.  From  the 
WMUt  of  sleep  the  preceding  night,  and  the  fatigue  of 
travelling  in  tlie  day,  he  became  drowsy  nnd  exhaust- 
ed, and  stopped  in  a  ])arn  belonging  tc  William  Faypr- 
«\'eatber,  at  the  bridcre  that  crosses  the  Mill-stream,  to 


]!i;\!iY  MoiiR  S.Miin. 


take  1  short  sloop,  and  start  aaain  h\  the  uiLlit,  so  as 
to  pass  the  viilafio  before  dav  light.  I'ut,  as  f";itc  would 
have  il.  he  overslept:  and  his  horso  uas  dicjoovered  on 
tiie  ])arn  liooi"  in  the  mofiiinci-,  aiul  he  was  seen  cross- 
ing  the  ])ridti-e  hy  daylifrfit.  J  lad  he  siieeeeded  in 
erossinu'  in  the  nifdit.  lie  would  in  all  ]»i<'ba))}litv  liave 
carried  his  design ;  ibr  it  >\as  not  till  the  afte-uioeji  of 
the  same  daA%  t!»at  Mr.  Knox,  the  (,\\i;er()f  the  horse, 
missed  hiin  from  the  pasture.  Pursuit  was  innnedi- 
ately  made  in  quest  of  the  hors?,  aad  theeircunistance 
of  the  iH)>tber's  ]iavin<xput  him  up  at  the  barn  proved 
the  means  of  rostoiing  the  horsf"!  to  his  owner,  and 
committinpr  the  robl)er  toeijskuly;  for  there,  at  Mr. 
Faverweathers,  iufonnatitj  was  £riven  wnieli  dircet(Ml 
the  I  Tiisuit  in  the  ri<iht  track.  ]Mj\  Knox,  throu^;!) 
means  of  obtain  in  p- fresh  horses  on  the  way,,  j.'ursucd 
liim,  williout  Ios«  of  time,  throuoJi  the- Province  of  Tso- 
va-?eotia,  as  far  as  Pictou,  a  distance  of  one  hundred 
and  seventy  miles,  which  the  thief  had  perfosuted 
with  tlie  stolen  Ivorse  in  the  space  of  thiee  days. 
There  on  the  24th  July,  the  horse  having-  been  stolen 
on  the  2()th,  Knox  had  him  apprehended  by  tjjo  De- 
puty Sheriff,  John  Parsons,  Esq.,  and  taken  before  the 
County  Justices  in  Court  then  sittinc:  l^esides  the 
Iiorse,  there  were  a  watch  and  lifteen  lOfuineas  found 
with  the  prisoner;  and  a  warrant  was  issued  by  the 
Court  for  his  c<mvevaneo  thw>u<xh  the  several  Count' 
i  s.  to  the  paol  of  Kino-'s  County,  Province,  of  iSew 
Rrimswick,  there  to  take  his  trial. — Mr.  Kaox  stales, 
that  lie.  the  prisoner,  assumed  different  nanu^s,  and 
connnltted  several  robberies  ])v  the  wav;  that  a  watch 
and  j>iece  of  India  cotton  were  found  with  him  and  re- 
turned to  the  owners;  that  on  tlie  way  to  Kinfjston 
</aol  he  had   made   several   attem[)ts  to  cscepe  from 


ThT*    MTSTKKiOtS  DoiN'iS   Of 

I    I 


the  Shoriff,  and  but  for  bib  own  vi<^ilanco  he  i^ever 
would  have  boon  able  to  rcaf^h  the  piifcsou  with  him, 
ob«i'rviiig;  at  the  t^aiue  tin  e,  that  uuiens  he  were  well 
taken  caie  of  and  siecured,  ho  would  ceitainiy  make 
his  esca|<e.  Ho  was  received  inlo  prison  for  examin- 
ation on  iho  warrant  of  cenve^aiiee  witiiout  a  regular 

The  ]>rij*)ner  liad  rude  a!I  day  in  the  rain,  and  hav- 
ing had  no  opportunity  of  ehangina:  his  ciothoH,  which 
by  this  time  had  become  very  wet,  it  wa-*  thought  ne- 
cessary, least  he  shoukl  nustain  injury,  to  put  him  into 
the  debtor's  room,  hand  cufled,  where  lie  could  have 
an  opportunity  of  warming  and  drying  him&eif  at  tho 
lire;  the  stuve  having  been  out  of  repair  in  the  cri  ii- 
iiiaFs  i*oom.  The  day  following  he  was  removed  into 
tho  crimhiaTs  room,  where  irons  were  considered  un- 
necessary"; and  as  he  appeared  to  be  quite  peaceable, 
his  hand-cud's  were  taken  oU",  and  being  furnished 
with  a  comfortable  berth,  he  seemed  iticoncilcd  to 
his  situalion. 

On  tho  I3th  of  August,  T  received  the  following 
Letter  from  the  Clerk  of  the  €ircuit  Court : — 

Dkau  Sir  : — Mr.  KnovhaH  k>fl  with  ni«^  the  evamiiiatioM,  &c. 
rolniiiig  lo  More  Smidu  (he  liorsc-stealor,  now  in  yonr  K'lol; 
thrive sti'c  all  taken  in  the  Pioeinre  o^Nov:i-Sl^)tla,  Uiforu  Mngis- 
irates  tla're,  and  i  Mould  rci'oiiiiuriKi  that  liw  be-hrought  up  Uk 
foi*  thu  .Vkii»istrtos  in  your  Coi'nty,  and  examined,  aad  the  exaiu- 
inati. Ml  ("OMiniilh'd  to  writing.  I  tio  not  know  under  what  war- 
rant he  i«!  in  your  euxto  ly,  hut  I  think  it  wouM  be  us  W'-ll  f()l'  tho 
same  Mai/isirate.s  to  make  out  o  niitiuiu»<  alter  the  exainiiiatioii^ 
n.*i  it  Would  he  niwe  arciidinjr  to  form. 

1  reuiaiu,  dear  sir,  vours, 


Aflor  pro   '    iiotic»o,  Judges  Pickett,  Mr.  Jusiico 

TItNui  MoBB  Smith. 


Kclchum,  and  Mr.  Kiiox,  all  attonclod  hi»?  examina- 
tion; h\  the  course  ut"  wliioli,  ho  said  his  name  wua 
Jlonry  More  t^mith,  twenty  soars  of  age,  caiuo  from 
JOnixiarid  on  account  ol*  the  war,  had  been  in  America 
a  out  a  year  and  a  half,  that  he  was  born  in  Jhigh- 
ton,  that  his  father  and  mother  wore  iiving  there  now, 
and  that  he  expected  them  unt  to  Halifax  the  ensu- 
in<^  Spring ;  that  he  pnreehased  a  farm  for  them  on 
the  Hivcr  Philip,  and  had  written  for  them  to  come. 
He  also  stati^d  that  he  c<iine  to  St.  John  on  Ijusiness, 
where  he  fell  in  with  Colonel  Daniel,  of  the  iJiith 
Kof^intent,  who  proposed  to  give  him  two  hundred 
dobavs  if  he  would  brin^;  him  a  black  horsey  within  a 
fortniglit,  that  would  Sj»an  with  his  own  of  the  fc^ame 
colour;  that  ho  toid  the  Colonel  ho  knew  one  that 
would  match  his  pcrtV^ctly,  and  that  if  he  would  lend 
him  fifteen  guineas,  he  would  leave  his  own  maro  in 
pledge  until  he  would  brinif  the  horsi^,  as  ho  knew 
there  was  a  vessel  then  in  St.  John,  bpund  to  Cum- 
b^>rlaud,  where  the  horse  was.  To  this  proposal  hp 
said  the  Colonel  aijreed,  and  havinj?  received  the  liio- 
ney  and  left  the  mare,  went  to  his  lodgings ;  but  be- 
fore he  could  return,  tlio  vessel  left  him;  and  havinir 
110  other  conveyance  by  water,  he  was  obliged  to  set 
out  on  loot ;  and  having  a  long  journey  tu  travel,  and 
but  short  time  to  perform  it  in  ;  he  travelled  all  ni<4ht, 
and  at  davliiiht  was  overtnken  bv  a  stranijer  with  a 
large  horse  and  a  small  mare,  which  he  oifered  for 
Kale,  and  that  he  being  weary  with  walking  all  night, 
oifered  him  ten  pounds  for  tlie  mrire,  which  he  accept- 
ed. Tliat  they  continued  their  journey  some  time, 
xiw\  began  to  find  that  the  mare  would  not  answer  his 
purpose;  the  horse  being  a  good  looking  one,  vriiicb  be 
miijjit  tioU  n^ain  for  the  nionej;,  hftbaotered  the  t^trang- 


Tub  My  f.Rious  Doixiis  of 

or  Tor  a  swip,  wliicli  wan  ellected  hy  jiiving  the  mare 
mid  lifteon  poiiiul-i  in  oxcjliaiige  for  the  horse,  saddle 
and  bridhv  lie  thou- prod u/U'd  a  receipt  whioh  he  said 
tlie  str.'inLjer  uave  iiiin,  to  the  followiiiii'  ellect ;—      . 

Ueeciviu],  July  2')ai,  IRU,  of  Henry  More  Siiitli.  fifloon 
poiuids,  ill  !?\v;!p  ol'n  liisrso,  hotwtena  siiinti  iiiiire  and  a  larj^e 
horse  I  let  him  havi',  witli  a  p<Uir,  si\.  or  soveii  vcnrs  old. 

,  .   .,     .,     ,.     ..    ,,     JA>LES  CHUllMAN., 

Jle  then  stated  tliMt  ho  pi-oceodcd  on  to  Cuinl»er- 
land,  and  bargained  for  the  black  horse  which  was  the 
object  of  Iiis  pursuit;  and  not  having  money  cnoiigh 
to  pay  for  him,  without  sellinp;  the  one  ho  rode,  and 
lioaring  that  Ca]>tain  Dixon,  of  Truro,  wanted  to  pur- 
chase such  a  horse,  and  iinding  that  Mr.  Dixon  had 
gone  o^  to  Pictou,  forty  miles  fhrther,  to  att^^nd  ^ 
Court,  ho  was  obiifred  to  follow  him  with  all  sj)eed. 
That  the  next  d  ly  being  Sunday,  he  was  ^obliged  to 
wait  till  Monday  to  sell  his  horse,  and  was  there  ap- 
])rehended  by  Mr.  Knox,  and  chai^ged  with  stealiiitr 
his  horse;  that  he  was  taken  before  the  Court,  and 
had  all  his  mono ^%  his  watch,  and  his  horse,  taken 
from  him,  and  was  sent  back  to  King's  Cciunty  gaol 
to  take  his  trial ;  and  complained  that  as  ho  was  an 
entire  stranger,  and  had  no  one  to  speak  for  hhn,  un- 
less the  man  were  taken  who  sold  him  the  horse,  his 
case  might  be  desperate,  for  he  had  neither  friends 
nor  monov,  nor  anyone  who  knew  him  to  take  his 
part.  He  complained  also  of  having  been  badly  used 
by  Mr.  Knox  on  the  way,  :       .  •  :      w. 

Having  been  asked  by  Mr.  Knox,  in  the  course  of 
his  examination,  ^Miat  occuj)ation  he  followed  in  this 

"  d,  ''  IS^o  one  i 



Kuox  then  hastily  %sked  him  how  he  got  his    living 

liKNHY  MoHK  Smith. 


Ho  replied,  with  great  firiimes';  nnd  self- possession 
.-''.Hymy  Iion^esty,  feir."  Alter  t'lis  culmination,  a 
roLjular  co'miiitmont  was  made  out,  and  he  wturued 
to  prison,  lie  submitted  to  his  confinement  without  a 
murmer,  and  with  much  seeming  rv  signation  ;bnt  com- 
])lained  of  a  severe  pain  in,  his  side  occasioned  by  cold 
he  had  roeeived  He  seeniod  anxious  for  an  opi)ortii- 
nity  to  send  tor  Iiis  portmanteau,  which  h^said  Jie  had 
left  witli  some  other  articles  in  the  care  of  Mr.  Stack- 
honse  near  St.  John.  The  portmanteau,  ho  said,  con- 
tained his  clothes,  vhicli  he  would  I'C  oljliged  to  sell  to 
raise  money  for  the  purpose  of  procuring  necessaries 
and  engriging  a  lawyer,  repeatino-  ai;aiii,  that  as  he  was 
a  stranger  and  had  no  friends  to  helj)  him,  there  would 
be  but  little  chance  for  hiin,  though  innocont,  exce]»t 
tliii  thi^f  who  gtole  the  horse  wore  taken  and  brouj^ht 
to  justice.      ■'■'■'' 

It  so  happeried,  an  the  day  following,  that  I  had  oc- 
casion to  go  to  the  City  of  Saint  John  hi  company  with 
Ih".  Adino  Paddock,  senr.  when,  on  onr  Avay,  he  had 
occasion  to  etll  at  Mr.  T\athaniel  (jolding's  tavern,  in 
Hampton;  and  while  placing  our  horses  under  hi« 
shed,  we  perceived  a  man  mountinf]^  a  horse  in  great 
haste,  tiifit  WIS  standing  at  the  steps"  of  the  door,  who 
immediately  rode  off  with  all  ])ossibre  speed,  as  tJibugh 
he  were  in  fear  of  boing  overtaken.  On  inquiring  who 
he  was,  w^e  w'ei^o  informed  by  Mrs.  Goldnig  that  Jie 
was  a  i^h-anorer  who  had  c.dled  tlleVe  once  or  twice  be- 
fore,  and  that  she  believed  his  nanie  was  Chuinan  or 
Cliurmnn.  I  observed  tO  the  Doctor,  that  that  was 
the  name  of  the  man  from  whom  the  ]>risonnr,  Siniih, 
s^id  he  purohaaed  the  Jiorse ;  upon  which  Mrs.  Golding 
said  .that  she  could  ascertain  that  by  inquiring  iu  tlio 


Tint    MvsriiRiOLS    IJOINUO  OP 


otiior  room,  w.'iich  siv)  was  rcqucfctotl  to  do    an<I  tr.'ta 
:nisw Tcd  ill  liio  rtlliini.'itivL^  •      .    ' 

Wo  mule  fr  '(|iiont  iiiquiiics  ])y  thf>  wny,  as  wo  pio- 
<*,OfHli^tl  towinis  St.  John,  hut  rouJfl  ;iscertaiii  notliin^ 
fiirt!i(M*  of  the  striii'jicr  Ikv  t!)it  iKniio.     After  mv  rc^- 
turn  from  Ir^t.  John  f  inforinod  tho  prisoner  iSniith  of 
wiijit  iiaj)|K?m(l  Ijy  the  way;  ho  fn>poared  excoed- 
in*;jly  olatod  \vit!i  t!io  idea  of  hisbein;^:   Ifjo  man  that 
had  sold  him  the  horse,  and  said  if  he  had    money  or 
friends  ho  <;oiHd  have  him  taken  and  brought  to  jus- 
tice, and  wouhl  koou  be  restored  to  liberty  a rr.i in  him- 
self; but  that  if  ho  were  suflfered  to  make  his   CBca])o 
out  of  tho  country,  his  own  case  \\ou!d  bo  deplorabJo 
indeed,  though  he  was  innocent.    Ho  again  roitt+rat(  d 
his  complaint,  that  he  was  dortitute  of  money  and 
friends,  in  a  strange  country,  altliough  anxious  to  em- 
ploy a  lawyer,  he  did  not  know  of  any  to  whom  ho 
could   ipply  for  advice.     Ho  was   recomnundod  to 
Charles  J.  Peters,  Esq  ,   /\ttorney  in   St.  John,   with 
tho  assurance,  tliat  if  there  were  any  ])08^ibility  in  tlio 
case,  of  getting  him  clear,  ]Mr.  Peters  would   exert 
himself  ni  his  behalf  most  faithfully.     Tho   first  op- 
portunity that  offered,  he  sent  an  order  to  Mr.  Stack- 
iiouso  for  his  portmanteau,  with  instriicions  to   apply 
the  proceeds  of  certain  articles,  which   ho  had  loft 
with  him  for  sale,  if  disposed  of,  in  retaining  Mr.  Pet- 
ers as  his  Attorney.  Tho  return  brouglit  ahandsomo 
portmanteau  and  a  pair  of  boots,  lea\ing  a  small  sum 
in  tho  hands  of  ^h\  Peters^  as  part  of  his  retairtery 
which  was  to  bo  inereas'd  to  five  guinv»as  before  tho 
sitting  of  tlio  Court.     This  arrangement  soomod  lo 
be  prodctivo  of  much  satisfaction  to  tho  prisoner,  and 
for  tbo  purpos>  oT  fuliiling  the.  engigenoMit  witJi  ^r. 

Hknky  Moek  Smitu. 


PoUts,  lio  cxproKBOfl  a  (IfHiro  to  ilispofto  of  t'lo  con-  ' 
tents  of  his  portnianfonu,  as  far  as  n?c'^ssarv  for 
makinfj  np  t'lo  Huni.   H*^  give  nir  fiis  key,  \u\h  w'nc'i 
I  opcntfl  his   portinnnteaii,   and  foiiud  it  well    fill  d 
with  various  articles  of  valuaWt^  clothinjr;  *2  or  throe, 
trentoel  mats,  with  vests  and  pantnloons.  of  the  first 
quality  nnd   cut :  a  superior  top  cont,  of  the   latest 
fashion,  faced  with  black  silk;  with  silk  stockings  and 
C^loves,  and  a  variety  of  books,  consi.^tinir   of  a   neat 
pocket-lJiblo  and  Prayer-book,  a  London  Gazetteer, 
a  Ready-Reckoner,  and   several  other   useful  books. 
Ho  had  also  a  day  and  night  spy-^la^is  of  the  best  kind, 
and  a  small  magnifying  glares  in  a  tortoise-sliell  cabo. 
with  many  other  useful  ^'articles.     Siisjncions  of  bin 
not  having  come  honeijtly  by  t  jo  contents  of  his  port- 
manteau was  not  the  impression  that  was  made;  but 
rather  that  ho  had  been  handsomely  anci  res])ectably 
fitt»^d  out  by  careful  affectionate  parents,  anxious  for 
bis  comfort  and   happiness,  and  that   he  was,  in   all 
probability,  innocent  of  the  charge  allodged  against 
him.     Ho  soon  commencetl  selling  off  his  little  stock, 
and  for  the  purpose  of  affording  him  a  faciiitv,   per- 
sons, wishing  to  purchase  from  liim,  were  permitted 
to  come  to  the  wicket  door,  through  which  he  could 
make  his  bargain,  and  dispose  of  his  things.     He  nf'- 
ver  failed  to  endeavor  to  exite  ii^  ]niy  of  those  who 
came  to  visit  him  by  representing  his  deplorable  sit/- 
uation,  ill  being  reduced  to  the   necessity  of  selling 
his  clothing  to  raise  the  means  of  defending  his  inno- 
cence in  a  strange  country  from  the  unfortunate 
charge  preferred  against  him     Nor  did  he  fail  of  his 
purpose,  for  many,  from  pure  sympathy  for  ilia  un- 
fortunate situation,  purchased  from  him,  and  paid4ib* 
wallyv    Amojig  those  who  c«'ime  to  seohiinf  tli^^e  wi« 





TiiK  Mv.srMiiiOoS  DoiMis  of 

Is ' 

a  yoiiii*r  iii'iii,  who  K'i'u]  lio  IkuI  Lnowii  the  j)risonor  in 
St;  Joliii,  iind  |>rofi*H8o«!  to  visit  liinitVoin  motivcH  of 
IVir'Uflsliip  ;  Jit'  lind  {rccks  to  him  through  the  giatrs  ol' 
of  tho  window,  .ind  koiiic  of  the  [>lnK«  being  broken, 
ho  conhl  hoJd  fro"  conVLTHMtion  thrc»u<i:li  tho  gratt'8. 
Tho  I'VHt  time  h(;  canio  ho  cairicMl  oil  tho  iiij^ht  and 
day  «j;ia88  for  debt,  whicii  ho  said  ho  owed  hini  whilo 
in  l?^t  Jolui ;  but  tho  ]irobability  was  that  he  had  giv- 
en him  a  watcli  in  exciiangtj.      .    .    •     ■  ^    ,.       ;  ), 

The  prison  was  tlion  kept  by  Mr.  Dibble,  a  man 
of  learin'mr  and  talents,  who  for  several  years  liad 
been  jililicted  with  a  j»ainful  disease,  so  that  for  a 
^rcat  part  of  Iiis  time,  iio  was  conJined  to  tlie.  house, 
and  frequently  to  his  room,  in  tiie  County  Court 
House,  where lio  tau^htasc'iool,  by  whica  ineans.  to- 
gether with  the  i'ees  'jnd  perquisites  of  t!je  jaij  and 
courthouse,  alloi'ded  him  a  comfortable  livinu*  for 
himself  and  family,  (M)nsist!njj:  of  his  wile  and  vlangh- 
ter,  and  one  sun  named  John,  about  nnieteen  years 
.of  age,  who  constantly  attended  his  father.  ^  It  may 
bo  also  neces&ayr  to  mention,  that  Mi .  Dibble  was 
one  of  tho  principle  members  of  the  Masonic  Lodge 
licld  at  Kinf^ston,  and  was  in  hi<^h  esteem  anionic 
them;  besides,  he  Was  regarded  by  all  wiio  knew  Jiim 
as  a  man  of  li  nesty  and  integrity,  and  well  worthy 
to  till  any  situation  of  responsibility  <  r  trust.  1  am 
induced  to  advert  to  those  particulars  of  Mr.  isib- 
blv3's  character  bocauso  I  am  indebted  to  iiiui  for 
many  of  the  particulars  relative  to  th-^  jjrisonv-V,  and 
because,  having  iiad  a  person  who  cquM  hp  relied  on^ 
thero  were  the  less  necessity  for  my  visiting  the  pri- 
soner.very  frequenfly,  which  did  iiA  exct'cd  once  in 
d  week  generally,  except  upon  special  occasions.' 

.     H 


IIenrt  Morb  Smith. 



J  -------  -  r       ,  .     ; 

Shortly  nftcr  tho  coiiuiiitincnt  of  the  prisoner  lie 
was  visiud  by  Lieutenant  liaxter,  an  oflicer  in  the 
New  IJruiisvvick  lie  ginient,  llieii  recruiting  at  Kings- 
ton. This  officer  proj)08efl  to  the  jirisoner  to  enlist 
him,  as  a  means  by  which  he  might  be  released  from 
his  confinement.  This  idea  he  spurned  with  coiv- 
temj)t,  and  chose  rather  to  await  the  issue  of  his  trial, 
depending  <  n  his  profct-sed  innocence  of  tho  cnmo 
lor  which  he  stood  comnnttcd.  He  was,  however, 
prevailed  on  to  write  to  his  Attorney  on  tho  subject, 
and  received  for  his  answer,  that  such  a  nicasuro  was 
inadmissible,  and  advised  hi^ii  to  content  himself  and 
await  the  issue  of  his  trial.  He  appeared  much  dis- 
pleased with  tho  abruptness  of  his  Attorney's  answer, 
and  seemed  rather  tp  look  uj)on  this  short  and  sum- 
mary reply,  as  an  indication  of  his  dis[)leasuro  with 
him,  and  as  an  omen  that  he,  his  Attorney,  would  not 
interest  himself  much  in  his  behalf.  "    '    - '' 

About  this  time,  Sept.  7th,  I  received  a  letter  from 
the  Clerk  of  the  County  Court  enclosing  a  Precept  to 
summon  a  Court  of  Oyer  and  Terminer  and  General 
(jaol  Delivery,  to  be  held  at  Kingston  on  Tuesday  tho 
*27th  of  September.  On  the  approach  of  the  period 
for  his  trial,  he  was  encouraged  by  his  friends  to  rely 
with  full  confidence  on  his  Attorney,  with  repeated 
assurances,  that  he  would  give  his  case  all  possible 
attention;  but  with  all  his  professed  ignorance  of  tho 
law,  (and  this  ignoranct>  he  had  often  declared  with 
much  apparent  simplicity,)  tlie  prisoner  knew  too 
much  of  it  to  resign  himself  with  conlidence  to  the  is- 
sue of  a  cause  which  coukl  promise  hhn  nothing  but 
conviction  and  conhini  his  guilt.  He  therefore,  upon 
his  profefcsed  dissatisfaction  with  his  Attorney,  ap- 

1 1 


Mystkriois  l)oiN(;s  op 

!  I 


1 1 1 


]K'aiv(l  to  think  no  more  about  iiiiii,  nor  to  renew  his 
enquiries  conccrninfj  Iiim,  hut  set  about  a  more  sum- 
mary method  ofextricatiufT  himself  from  the  [lower 
of  the  law.  He  turned  his  attention  to  the  Hible,  and 
perused  it  with  an  aii*  of  mu(!i  seriousness,  as  thoujrh 
the  concerns  of  the  unseen  worhl  engrossed  all  his 
thouL^its  :  iio  bi'haved  himself,  in  every  respect,  with 
becoming  propriety,  .'uid  his  whob^  demeanor  wns 
sucli  as  to  i^maoe  niucli  inti'rcst  in  his  behalf. 

About  this  time  he  discovered  syptoms  of  a  severe 
cold,  being  troubled  with  a  hollow  sounding  cough, 
and  complained  of  a  pain  in  the  side,  l)ut  still  submit- 
ed  to  his  confmement  without  a  murmur  or  com- 
plaint. He  would  frequently .adv(^rt  to  the  ill  usitjo 
which  he  said  he  had  received  by  the  way  from  Pic- 
tou,  after  he  was  made  prisoner,  particularly  of  a  blow 
in  the  side  with  a  pistol,  given  by  Mr.  Knox,  which 
felled  him  to  the  ground,  as  he  expresswl  it,  like  a 
dead  man ;  that  when  he  hd  recovered  his  respira- 
tion which  had  for  some  time  been  suspended,  ho  rais- 
ed blood,  and  continued  to  raise  blood  occasionally 
by  the  way  for  two  or  tliree  days ;  that  the  pain  never 
left  him  since,  and  was  now  greatly  increased  in  con- 
sequence of  the  cold  he  had  received,  and  that  the 
wound  was,  as  he  believed,  approaching  a  gathering 
in  the  inside,  which  he  feared  would  finnlly  prove  fat- 
al to  him.  He  showed  a  bruised  spot  on  his  side 
which  was  swelled  and  much  discolored,  and  appar- 
ently very  painful.  All  t!iis  was  accompanied  with 
loss  of  a|)petite  and  increased  feebleness  of  body ;  but 
he  still  discovered  a  remarkable  resignation  to  his 
fate.  Hij^  situation  was  suc'i  as  to  excite  sympathy 
and  feeling,  so  that  an  endeavor  was  made  to  render 
him  ftp  comfortnble  as  possible,  by  keeping  his  apirt- 



llbNBY    Mo\{ii,    SmJIU. 



nioiit  properly  tempered  wilh  heat,  aiitl  proviiliiif^ 
liiiii  with  such  food  as  was  adapted  to  tlio  delicacy  of 
his  eoMstitutloii.    «     it   t     j'm  "  ...  «  •  •.;  »     •  w.» 

His  diseases,  Iiowevor,  continued  to  increase,  and 
Iiis  sjtrenjiitli  to  di'cline,  with  all  the  syniptoins  of  ap- 
proachini*  diissolution  ;  |)ain  in  the  head  and  eyes,  diz- 
ziness with  sickness  at  the  stoniacli,   fieqnent  raisinf;^ 
of  hlood,  and  of  increased   jiainfidneHs  of  the   eontn- 
sioJi  on  his  side.      It  was  now  considered  liioh  time  to 
apply  to  a  |»hysician,  and  on   the  1 1th  of  Septend)er 
sent  for  a  doctor,  who  examined  his  side,  and  the  gen- 
eral stJite  of  his  diseases,  and  g'lve  him   some   medi- 
cine.    On  t!io  12th,  appeared  a  little  better,  KJth   at 
eveninus  <»rew  worse.    Fourteenth,  unable  to  walk, — 
V(M'y  hi<^h  fever,  witli    frequent  ehills  of  aouc.     Fif-.   ; 
teenth,   vomitin*;  and  rai.sin<i:  blood  more  frequently.  .•■ 
Sivti'entli,   the   Kev.   ^Ir.   Scovil   visited  him   in  the    - 
niorniu!^,  found  him  very  ill,  and  sent  him   toast  and 
wine  and  some  other  cordials.     Same  day  the  doctor 
attended  him  at  ',)  o'clock,  and   fjave  him  medicine,    i 
At  0  .o'clock,  no  better,  and  voniitiniLj  whatever  ho 
took      J^jighteentii,i(ppo:n"ed  still  to  grow  worse;  vas  y, 
visited  by  Judge  Pickett  and  several  other  neighbors;  i 
and  being  asked  whither  he  wanted  anything,  or  wliat    : 
he  could  take,  answered   ''  nothing,  except  an  orange 
or  a  lemon."     IJsineteenth,  appeared  to   decline  very 
fast :  at  2  o'clock,  was   visited  by  the  Doctor,    who, 
said  the  man  must  be  removed  out  of  that  room,  that    . 
he  w;is  too  ill  to  be  kept  there,  and  that  it  wtis  of  no  ^? 
use  to  give  him  medicine  in  so  dnmp  a  place.     Tweii-    ' 
tieth,  in  the  morning,  found  him  still  declining;  at  10 
o'cl(x;k,  Mr  Thaddeus  Scribner  and  others  went  in  to   .■ 
see  him,  insj)ecting  the  room,  but  found  no  dampness  /' 
Ihat  could  injuraevcD  a  ^ickiuan  takinjx  medicine      rj 


TiiK  Mysteuiolh  Doing  of 





Tlio   Rev.   Mr.   Scovil  visited  Liiiii  in  the  nftcru  on, 
find  introduced  tlio  subjocl   of  bin  npiuo^tehing  end. 
TJie  priNoner  convf  i>ed  IVeely  (n  tlie  sul  ject.  .'nid  ex- 
pressed his  eonvic'tion  that  thoie  was  little  or  nolioj  e 
of  his  reeoverv.     lie  stated  to  Mr.  Yeovil  thnt  he  wan 
lorn  in  Knghind  tlint  his  parents  uere   formerly  at^ 
taehed  to  tlie  Chnrdi  of  Kn*»land.  ])nt  had  lately  join- 
ed the  Metiiodlsts;  that  lie  '^janie  from    England  on 
acronnt  of  the  war,  and  that  he  expeetrd  his  ])a  rents 
to  come  to  this  ronntiy  next  hj>ring,  which   last  cir- 
cun  stance  seemed  to   exite  in  him  strong  en  otions. 
Twenty-first,  the  Rev.  Mr    bcovil  witii  <  thers  of  tho 
neighborhood  visited  him  in  the   morning;  no  favor- 
able syn  ptoms.     Twenty-  second,  the  prisoner  very 
low  :  violent  fever,  accompanied  with  chills  and  ajiue. 
Inllantmation  of  the  bowels,  with  evacuations  of  blood 
for  the  last  two  days;  [extremities  cold,  and  strength 
jrreatly  reduced,   insomuch  that   he  could  only  just 
articulate  above  his  breath.     Was   understood  to  say, 
that  he  should  die  for  wint  of  medical  assistance,  as 
the  Doctor  had    refused  to  attend  him  any  n  ore   iu 
that  ])Iace,  and   the  ^'herifl'  rcfused^to  remove   him. 
His  situation   had  by  this  time  excited  general   s\m- 
pathy  and  ])ity;  his  seeming   simplicity,   passiveness, 
and  resignation,  greatly  contributed  to  produce  the 
ellect.     At  fi  o'clock,  the  Rev.  Mr.  Scovil  and  a  great 
number  of  the  neighbors   came  and  sat  with  him  till 
10  o'clock,  and   then  left  him   with   the   impression 
that  he  would  not  live  till  morning.  Friday  23d,  went 
to  the  gaol  early  in  the  morning,  and  found   the  pri- 
soner lying  on  the  floor,  naked,  and   seemingly  in 
great  distress  :  said  he  had  fallen,  through  pain  and 
weakness,  and  could  not  get  up  again.    He  was  taken 
\jp and  carried  to  his  bed;  ap[»eared  as  though   ho 

IIkmu  Mouk  S.mjtu. 


would  instantly  exjjiio;  cor.tinncd  in  alow  nud  ainioift 
lilolcsH  stat;Mill  5  o'r'lot'k  in  llio  nftc  riicoii,  win-n  he 
npjK'nrcd  to  all  proscMit  to  bo  really  dyinji;.  lUv  Mr 
Scovil  ^Ir.  IVrkiiiH,  ^I.  (i.  KaMiiond,  all  near  noi<ili- 
hors,  and  Mr.  I'Mdy,  IVom  St.  John,  who  haj)pcnd  to 
1)(^  in  Kingston  at  tho  tinio,  all  sii]»poscd  him  to  1)C  in 
tlio  a<^onios  of  doath.  Ho  foIJ  into  a  state  f)f  insonrsi- 
bility,  and  continind  so  until  a  pidal  of  hartshorn  was 
brouizht  from  an  adjoining;  room,  the  application  of 
which  seemed  to  revive  Jiim  a  iittle.  After  sonio 
time  he  recovered  so  far  as  to  be  able  to  speak,  and 
upon  its  heinjx  observed  to  him  that  ho  had  had  a  tit, 
he  replied  that  ho  was  sensible  of  it,  and  that  it  was 
liis  /f/;;//7//  inffrmifij,  and  that  many  of  his  connexions 
Iiad  died  in  the  same  way;  and  furUior  remarked,  that 
he  did  not  think  that  he  could  survive  another,  which 
would  proba]>ly,  come  njion  him  about  the  same  tinjo 
the  next  day;  that  he  was  sensibh^  he  should  not  re- 
cover;  but  that  (jod  would  have  him.  Ho  then  asked 
Mr.  Scovil  to  pray  with  Jiim;  his  desire  was  com- 
plied with,  and  prayer  was  offered  np  in  tlu?  most  so- 
lenm  and  devout  manner  :  the  occasion  was  deeply 
ntTectinLT,  and  all  <V^parted  with  tlu;  full  conviction 
that  the  patient  would  not  liu'^er  till  the  morning*. 

Previous  to  this,  no  regular  watchers  had  attended 

him :  but  it  now  considered  hijj»hly  necessary  tliat 

some  ])erson  should  sit  wit!i  him  till  the  morninu',  and 

consequentiv  John  Dildilce   and   Charles  Cam])reau 

wore  appointed  ])y  t!ie  ShcrilTto  watch  him   through 

the  night. 

Tsext  morninj^  the  followino:   letter  was  dis]  atched 
to  ]\rr.  Peter.<,  the  prisoner's  Attorney  : — 







Mtsti;u:ol's  Doincjs  of' 

DbAR  Sir  :  — I  fear  we  shall  be  (lisappointed  iti  our  ovpncln- 
tioiisof  the  trial  (.i"  the  i)ri,soiier,  More  Smith,  at  the  approatrh- 
iiij^  ConiM,  as  I  presume,  Iroiu  appearances,  he  will  be  removed 
by  death  before  that  time,  lie  is:  dviajr  in  eoiisequenee  of  a  blow 
that  h(!  received,  as  he  says,  iiom  Mr.  Knox,  ^^  ith  a  pistol,  which 
he  has  regulaly  com])laiiied  of  siiico  he  has  been  in  gaol,  and  is 
now  considered  past  rec^ovoi*}.  As  it  will  be  matter  of  enquiry, 
and  new  toiue,  1  will  tliank  you  to  let  me  konw  by  the  bearef 
what  would  he  the  necessary  steps  for  uie  tu  take;  and  not  fail, 
us  I  have  but  little  hopes  of  his  coniinuinj;  till  morning. 

iours&c.  WALTER  BAlKS. 

Tho  rctuini  of  the  bearer  brought  tlie  following 
an  swcr  : — 

St.  John,  Se])t.  24th,— Dear  Sir, —  Vour  favor  of  yesterday  I 
received  this  morninjjf,  and  I  am  sorry  to  hear  so  despoiidin;^  an 
atrcount  of  the  unfortunate  man  in  vour  custody.  It  will  be  vour 
duty,  1  conceive,  to  have  a  Corouer's  Inquest  on  the  body,  and 
then  have  it  decently  interred.  With  respect  to  the  cause  of 
death,  that  is  a  circiunstance  that  injist  rest  wholly  on  facts.  If 
any  ph>sician  should  attend  him,  Jet  him  be  particular  in  takinj^ 
down  in  writin«f  what  the  man  savs  in  his  last  moments,  as  to 
the  circumstance ;  and  if  a  Justict!  should  bo  then  present,  it 
would  not  be  amiss.     In  haste,  yours,  sincerelv. 

C.  J.  PETERS. 

Saturday,  24th. — The  watchers  reported  that  ho 
had  passed  a  very  restless  night,  and  but  just  surviv- 
ed the  morning;  that  he  complained  of  want  of  medi- 
cal assistance  The  following  note  v>as  tlien  sent  to 
the  Doctor  wlio  had  attended  him  : — 

Kingston,  Sept.  24th  1814. — Dear  Doctor  :— Smith,  the  pri- 
soner, sa>s  that  he  is  suffering  fnr  wan'  of  medical  assistance, 
and  that  you  will  not  attend  him  unless  he  is  reuioved  into  anot- 
her room,  which  cannot  be  jiermitted  :  he  must  take  his  fut<^ 
where  he  uoav  is,  and  if  he  dies  in  jail,  ati  enquiry  will  take  place 
which  may  prove  to  your  disadvantage.  1  must  therefore  re- 
quest your  attendance,  I  am  trtily  yours.  Sec. 
jjVDR.'A.  Paddock,  Jr.  '  WALTER  RATI-.S. 

Henry  More  Smith. 


lie  Jipj)i-oach- 

hv  Jenio\ etl 

nee  of  ji  blrnv 

[>is\ol,  wliicli 

yjio],  ;iiid  is 
V  ol"  c'iiqnirv, 
JJ  tlie  Ijearti' 

aii(J  not  luii, 


3S|)o/i<Jinr.  an 
wiil  he  voiir 
le  Imdy/imd 
the  ciuiso  of 
on  fact!;:.  If 
-u-  ill  taking 
nietits,  fi8  to 
present,  it 

At  this  tunc  the  sympathy  and  compassion  of  tho 
wlioh^  neiiihborlioofl  was  excited  to  the  hif^hestdetrree. 
Tho  tarn ily  of  the  Rev.  Mr.  iScovil,  especially,  mani- 
fested deep  concern  for  him,  and  sent  him  every  thing 
that  thev  thought  wonhl  either  comfort  or  relieve  him, 
as  did  also  the  family  of  Mr.  Perkins,  and  thit  of  Mr. 
Raymond;  all  thise  having  been  in  the  immediate 
nci^^hhorhood,  Hnt  the  })risoner  nsed  little  or  none 
of  their  coi-dials  or  delicacies.  Mr.  Perkins  visited 
liim  about  10  o'lock,  a.  m.,  and  kindly  ju'oposed  to 
watch  with  him  tho  ensning  niiiht,  for  which  lie  dis- 
covered much  thankfulness.  In  the  course  of  tho 
dav  the  Doctor  came,  and  j:iavc  him  some  medicine; 
he  found  iiim  so  weak,  that  ho  required  to  bo  lifted 
and  supported  while  he  was  receiving  it.  The  Doctor 
acknowlcdired  his  low  state,  but  did  not  think  him  so 
near  his  end  as  to  die  before  morning,  unless  he 
would  gooff  in  a  lit.  This,  the  patient  said,  was  what 
he  had  reason  to  fear  would  be  his  fate  before  moiri- 
ing,  and  therefore  wished  to  make  his  Will 

All  his  clothes,  at  his  death,  he  willed  to  John  Dib- 
bJee;  and  his  money — about  three  pounds,  which  he 
always  kept  by  him  in  his  ])erth,  ho  bequeathed  to  the 
Jailor,  for  his  kind  attention  to  him  in  his  sickness. 
The  money  Mr.  Dibblee  proposed  to  take  chargp  of; 
but  Smith  said  it  was  safe  where  it  was  for  the  pre- 

Mr.  T^.  Perkins  having  had  occasion  to  call  that  day 
on  Mr.  W.  M.  Lyon,  was  enquired  of  by  Iiim  concern- 
in<r  the  state  of  the  prisoner.  Mr.  Perkins  tnfornied 
him  that  he  was  alive  when  he  left  him;  but  thouolit 
he  would  be  dead  ])efore  night.  This  information  ]Mr 
Lyon  coiiniunicaled  the  sumo  evening  to  a  numbei  of 


Mysterious  1)oimjs  of 

persons  who  wore  ass(^irililetl  at  the  hoiKse  of  'Slv. 
Scribncr;  and  addiMl,  ho  was  dead,  for  tliat  vvhik> 
on  his  way  to  Mr.  Scrlbnci-'rt.  (it  h.jvinji-  h(^on  in  tliu 
dusk  of  tho  evening),  ho  had  scon  Smith's  Ghost  pass 
by  him  at  a  short  distance  off,  without  touchino  the 
ground.  This  singular  report,  as  it  came  from  a  quar- 
ter that  couhl  not  be  well  disputed,  very  nuich  alarm- 
ed the  whole  company,  and  formed  the  subject  of  their 
conversation  for  the  evening. 

But  to  return  to  our  narrative.  After  the  prisoner 
had  made  his  Will,  he  was,  for  a  short  time,  left  alone, 
with  the  probability  that  he  would  shortly  be  seized 
by  another  lit,  which  he  was  not  ex}>ectod  to  survive. 
About  G  o'clock  in  the  evening,  the  llev.  iNlr.  Scovil 
oljserved  to  his  family,  that  it  was  then  about  the 
same  hour  of  the  dav  at  whi(di  Smith  had  had  his  fit 
on  tho  preceding  day ;  that  he  thought  he  would  die 
suddenly;  he  would  therefore  walk  over  to  the  Court 
House,  and  he  ready  there  at  the  time,  as  it  must  be 
unpleasant  for  Mr.  Dibblee  to  be  alone.  This  so 
much  awakened  tlie  sensibilities  of  Mrs,  Scovil,  that 
she  could  not  bear  the  reflection,  that  a  child  of  pa- 
rents that  were  perhaps  respectable,  should  lie  so  near 
her,  in  a  strange  country,  sick  and  dying,  on  a  bed  of 
straw.  She  therefore  called  Amy,  her  wench,  ''here," 
said  she,  ''  take  this  feather  bed,  and  carry  it  to  the 
gaol,  and  tell  Mr.  Dibblee  that!  have  sent  it  for  Smith 
to  die  on."  Mr.  Scovil  had  been  in  tho  house,  and 
seated  with  Mr.  Dibblee,  but  a  very  short  time,  when 
anise  was  heard  from  Smith  in  the  jail.  John  Dib- 
blee, who  constantly  attended  on  him,  ran  in  haste, 
unlocked  the  prison  door,  and  found  him  in  the  ac^o- 
jioicsof  a  fit,  and  almost  expiring.  He  made  an  cff-rt 

JFtNRY  Moke  S>iitii. 


to  f?|)eak,  and  boiuoil  oT  John  to  run  and  hoat  a  l)iick 
that  was  uoar,  and  apply  it  to  his  foot,  to  givo  him 
one  moment's  rolioi*  whilo  iio  ^v.'^s  dyini,  for  that  hi.s 
leot  and  Iv^h  wonvilroady  cold  and  dead  to  hijs  kneos. 
John,  willlng^to  alibrd  what  volief  he  (ould  to  the  dy- 
ings man,  ran  in  orcat  fiaste  frojn  tlio  jail  through  tho 
passage  round  the  stairway  that  led  to  the  kitchen, 
wiiere  was  a  large  fire  of  coals  ir»to  which  he  east  tlie 
bri(;k,  waited  Imt  a  few  wiinutes,  and  returned  with 
t!ie  heated  brick  to  the  prison;  ])Ut  to  his  indesciih- 
able  astonishment,  and  almost  unwiilinjx  to  believe 
the  evidenct?  of  his  senses,  the  dyinii  man  had  disap- 
})eared,  and  could  not  i)e  found  !!  ,lolm  ran  with  the 
tidiuf/s  to  his  father  and  the  Ttev.  Mr.  Scovil,  who 
were  sitting  in  a  room  whicJi  the  prison(?r  must  have 
j)assed  in  makiiif]^  his  escape,  i'hey  weie  entirely 
incredulous  to  the  report  of  an  affair  so  unparalleled, 
and  would  not  vield  their  belief  until  they  searched 
every  corner  of  the  apartment  themselves,  and  found 
that  Smith  had  not  only  effected  his  escape,  but  had 
also  carried  his  money,  his  boots,  and  every  article;  of 
his  clothing  away  with  !! 

Tt  is  impojssible  to  conceive  or  describe  the  fcolincrs 
of  astonishment  with  which  everyone  about  the  house 
was  filled,  when  thev  found  that   the  man,  who  liad 


been  frroaninio:  and  agonizino:  under  the  pain  of  an  ac- 
cumulation of  diseases,  which,  night  after  night,  seem- 
ed to  have  been  wast-ng  his  strength,  and  bringing 
him  nearer  to  the  close  of  his  unhappy  life — had»  in 
a  moment,  and  at  the  very  moment  which  was  thought 
to  be  his  last,  seized  the  opportunity  of  his  prison 
door  ])eing  open,  and  rushed  from  his  confinen^ent, 
leaving;  not  a  vestige  of  his  movables  behind  him.  As 



Tnv,  MYsriiiiioLs  i)oiN(  s  of 

f^oon  as  a  SGi'irch  through  the  prison  confirmorl  the 
fact  of  his  olo[K'inoiit,  the  inmates  hastened  outside, 
and  continued  Iheir  search  around  the  premises  At 
this  moment,  Amy,  the  wench,  made  her  appearance, 
(arryin*!:  the  leather  bed  :  and  seeing  the  people  a- 
round  the  house,  she  said  to  thorn,  "  blisses  send  this 
bed  for  Smit  to  die  on"  Her  master  told  her  to  take 
it  home,  and  tell  her  mistress  that  Smith  was  jxone. 
Amy  ran  home  and  told  her  mistress  that  massa  say 
Smit  dead  and  gone — he  no  Avant  im  ))ed  !  '*  Ah  I" 
exclaimed  her  mistress,  '•  poor  man,  is  he  dead  ? 
Then,  Amv,  vou   mav   run  and  carry  this  shirt  and 

ft''   ^    •>  ft-  «/ 

Avindinir-sheet  to  lay  Smith   out  in."     Amy  instantly 

ft  ft'  ft' 

obeyed,  and  told  iiei*  master  accordingly.  "  You  may 
take  them  baok,"  said  he,  •'  Smith  is  gone  "  ''  where 
he  gone,  massa.?"  ''  I  don't  know,"  said  he.  "  except 
the  devil  has  taken  liim  oH."  Amy  hastened  back  to 
her  mistress,  and  told  her  that  '' massa  say  Smit  Ijo 
dead  and  orone,  and   the  devil  has  taken  him  away  !" 

O  ■  ,  -ft' 

So  much  was  tlie  mind  of  every  one  prepared  to  hear 
of  his  death,  that  the  expression,  ''  Smith  is  gone!" 
served  to  convey  no  other  idea.  The  Sheriff  himself, 
who  had  not  ])een  f)resent,  and  did  not  hear  of  tlio 
affair  immediatelv,  gave  the  sentence  tlie  same  in- 
terpretation. A  messenger  having  ])een  dispatciied 
to  him  with  the  tidings,  met  him  on  his  way  to  the  jail, 
expecting  to  witness  the  last  nmments  of  the  patient - 
On  being  informed  by  the  messenger  that  '-  Smith 
Avas  gone,"  "  Ah  !  poor  fellow,  '  he  exclaimed,  '^  1  ex- 
pected it.  What  time  did  ho  die  '/"  ''  Ihit  he  is  gone 
o{f  clear.  "  It  is  inijiossible."  rejoined  the  Sheril*, 
'•  that  he  can  he  far  from  his  sick  bed."  ''Why." 
replied  the  messenger,  '"they  were  all  about  the  jail 
looking  for  him,  and   no  one  couhl  tell  which  way  ho 

Hi;\RY  MuuE  S.MiTrr. 

:■■  V- 

had  gone."  ''  Uiiparalloled  and  aboniinable*  decep- 
tion !"  replied  the  Sherill',  *•  how  did  ho  y:et  out  of 
jail'/"  He  believed  John  Dibblee  left  the  door  opt>n 
while  he  ran  to  heat  a  brick,  and  then   Smith   made 

'  I  i  >  n  i 

liis  escape. 

This  was  to  us  tlic  first  dovolopnient  of  the  true  char- 
acter of  Henry  3Iore  Smith,  and  thus,  by  means  of  a 
counterfeit  illness,  vvhicJi  melted  the  feelings  and 
drew  the  sympathies  of  the  whole  neighborhood; 
wliich  ba/lled  every  power  of  detection,  and  imposed 
even  lipon'the  j)hysician  himself,  did  tliisaocomplislied 
villain  etfect  his  release,  and  was  now  again  running 
at  large,  glorying  in  the  issue  of  his  scheme.  But 
before  we  pursue  his  history  in  his  succeeding  adven- 
tures, it,  may  be  necessary,  i'or  those  who  are  unac- 
quainted with  the  local  situation  of  the  gaol,  from 
which  he  escaped,  to  give  a  short  description  of  it. 
Kingston  is  situated  on  a  neck  or  tongue  of  land* 
formed  by  the  Kiver  Saint  John  and  llellisle  Uay, 
running  north-east  and  south-west  on  the  western  side 
of  the  neck,  and  by  the  river  Kennebeckacis  running 
the  same  course  on  the  eastern  side,  leaving  a  tract 
of  land  between  the  two  rivers  about  five  miles  in 
breadth  and  tliirty  miles  in  length 

'rhc  winter  road  from  Fredericton,  the  seat  of  Gov- 
ernment, to  the  City  of  St  John,  crosses  the  land  at 
Kingston  to  the  Kenncbeckasis,  and  this  road  is  inha- 
bited on  both  sides  The  road  is  intersected  in  the 
centre  of  KinjTston  bv  another  road  runnin":  north'* 
easterly  to  the  head  of  Jk'llisle  Bay,  and  is  also  inha- 
bited on  both  sides.  At  the  intersection  of  tJiese 
roads,  on  an  eminence,  stands  the  Court  house,  (uu- 
der  which  is  the  prison,)   and   Church,   facing  each 




ThK    3.'vST,  RIOLS    lyOlNtiS    «JF 


oIIhu',  cast  and  wost,  at  the,  (.liftmen  of  about  eljiht 
rodrt.     At  a  distiui'/o  oriihcut  toil  rods   froiw  tlio  jail 
Htand."*  the  liouso  of  Mr.  1'.  N.  l*or!iiii?»,  to  tlio  north, 
and  ail  equal  distaiKM'  to  the  soistji  tlu^  hoiiso  of  tho 
Kov  E.  Scovil  is  situated,  with  various  oth^'r  houses 
iiidifFeroiit  diro  lions;  the  laud  clear  all  around  to  a 
coiiHidernl)lo     distance,   afiordiivj   no   hiding   placo. 
From  a  prison   thus  situated,  and  surnsunded   ^vith 
dwollin<x  houses,  did  our  Iiero  escape,  without  any  eyo 
liavingseen  hiu»,  and  leaviiinr  no  mark  nor  track  be- 
hind which  could  direct  in  the  pursuit  of  him.     Find- 
in<j  ourselves  i}na))le  to  pursue  in  any  ("ertain  direc- 
tion, our  conclusions  were  that  he  must  either  have 
taken  t'lo  road  to  St.  John  or  that   leadiu'j  to  Kova- 
Sootia,  tho  way  bv  which  he  came,  and  tho  only  road 
ho  was  known   to  1)0  acquainted  with.     ALV'nrdinfjly 
men  wore  desputched  in  pursuit  of  liini  on  the  St  John 
road,  and  others  sent  to  the  dilVerent  ferri>>s,  while  I 
myself,  with  Mr.  Moses  Foster,  the    l)e]>nty   ShorKf, 
took  the  road  to  Nova  Scotia,  with   all  speed,  in  the 
nijxht,  and  rode  on  until   we   benan  to  think  that  we 
must  have  surely  passed  him.     Havinqr   arrived  at  a 
house   which  he  could   not  well  pass   without   ])eiui!; 
seen,  wo  stationed  watchers  there  :  and  also  set  watch- 
ers in  other  stations,  and  Uiaintaiiied  a  close  look-out 
the  whole   night,  but  to  no  purpose.     At  daylight  I 
furnished  Mr.  Foster  with    money,  and  sent  him  on, 
uf)on  the  same  road,  with  directions  to  proeeed  as  far 
as  Mr.    McLeod's  tavern — distant  40  miles,   and  in 
ease  of  hearing   nothing  of  him,  to  discontinue   the 
])ursait  and  return.  At  the  same  time  I  returned  to 
King.^on  myself,  wliere  I  was   informr'd,  towards  ev- 
ening,  that  a  man,    who  answered    his  description, 
Jjiad  crossed  t'lc  ferry  over  the   Bcllislc   Bay  the  cv 

Urnuy  Mo«k  S.Mrrn. 





tl  to 




cnln^  before  in  groat  Iiasto,  i-tatino;  that  ho  was  go- 
incf  on  an  oxpross  to  Frcdeiicton,  and  inust  i^e  there 
h\  ten  o'clock  the  next  niorniny;.  This  account  com- 
pared  with  Mr.  Lyon's  story,  which  the  re?iucr  wiil 
recollect,  of  having- seen  ^miih'n  f/hoct  or  apparition 
the  same  evening  in  the  twiligiit,  contirnied  the  opin- 
ion that  we  had  now  got  upon  the  direction  of  our 
run-away.  And  when  we  renieinljer  further,  that  the 
apparUion  was  pastsinc  without  touchirKj  the  fjround, 
we  will  have  some  idea  of  the  rapidity  with  wliich  our 
self-re]ea!!ied  hero  was  scudding  along  as  he  carried 
his  neck  from  the  halter.  It  was  now  h^unday  even- 
ing, and  he  had  twenty-four  hours  of  a  start,  leaving  . 
little  hopes  of  his  l>eing  overtaken  by  me.  As  my  only 
alternative,  T  forwarded  advertisements,  and  popos- 
ed  a  reward  of  $20  for  his  apprehension  and  re-com- 
mitment to  custody;  but  with  very  little  prospect  of 
success,  knowing  that  ho  was  escaping  for  his  life, 
and  would  succeed  in  getting  out  of  the  country  bo- 
fore  he  could  be  overtaken. 

Monday  morning  the  26th,  Moses  Foster  returned 
from  his  route,  and  by  this  time  many  unfavourable 
reports  concerning  the  prisoner's  escape  had  begun 
to  bo  circulated.  The  Court  at  which  he  was  to  re- 
ceive his  trial  was  now  to  meet  on  the  Tuesday  fol- 
lowing, and  a  jury  summoned  from  different  parts  of 
the  county  for  the  express  purpose  of  tr}ing  the  horse 
stealer.  .        . 

My  whole  time  and  attention  were  now  required  to 
make  the  necessary  preparations  for  the  Court,  and 
T  felt  myself  not  a  little  chagrined  on  rejecting  on 
the  circumstancrs  in  which  T  was  placed.     This  ie^aX^ 



TliK    ]\IvSTi:i{IOLS    DulMaj  OF 

iiiii' ]j('C:imc  Iu'ii»liteiK'<l  loa  most  |>ninrul  (1(  jiTre  when  I 
cjiiiic  to  uiuliMsta'.Kl,  1)^-  K.  .loin's,  that  t!io  villain,  inf^loaii 
ol'L'sca[>i(iL»  I'or  liis  liCi-,  and  gottiiio-  out  ol' ni)  rcacli  with 
all  possible  haste,  jiad  only  travollod  about  ten  niilos  the 
Jirst  niLiht,  and  was  soon  l)in^oii  sonic  straw  boloro  llio 
harn  of  Air.  Kohort  iiaiios,  tho  no\t  niorniiHi,  on  the  road 
towards  (iai'ctown,  havinn-  lain  tlioro  till  twolvo  o'cl  oek 
in  tho  (lav.  Hnt  Sniitli  did  not  lio  on  his  hod  of  straw 
i'or  rost  nioroiv;  v\c\\  tiioro  ho  was  projoclinu  Irosh  seho- 
nios  ot"  villany,  wuitinL:  lor  an  opportunity  to  carry  away 
soino  l;()oty  Ironi  tho.  honsoid  A  r.  JJailos;  and  it  so  h.ap- 
])onod  tliat  ho  did  not  miss  his  aim,  for  Air.  and  Mrs. 
IJailos  had  occasion  to  loav(,'  tho  houso  to  ao  to  S(>nio  dis- 
tanco.  leaving-  tiio  door  nnlockod,  v\lion  the  rohljor  enlor- 
od,  |}r(dv0  opon  a  trunk,  and  carried  otla  silver  watch,  ^"8 
in  money,  a  ])air  of  ni^w  velvet  ])antaloons,  and  a  pocket 
hook,  with  soveial  other  articles,  lie  then  m  alkod  lei- 
i^uroly  on  his  wa},  stoppinjj;  at  tho  next  house,  and  to  all 
tho  houses  tinit  wore  contiunons  to  tho  road,  so  that  he 
<lid  not  make  more  tlnm  throe  or  four  miles  before  dark. 
When  Mr.  IJailes  returned  to  his  house  and  found  it  had 
1)oen  rohbed.  ho  immediately  iixed  his  suspicion  on  the. 
man  who  luid  lain  before  th<'  bai-n  door,  from  havin«x  seen 
tho  print  of  u  boot  Ijoel.  which  was  thoujilit  to  be  Ins,  and 
l»ave  the  alar?n  to  hi«s  uoi«jhbors.  ']  hey  immediately  set 
out  in  pursuit  of  him,  and  havinii-  heard  that  he  had  been 
seen  on  the  road  at  no  preat  distance  before  them,  they 
followed  on  in  hioh  spirits,  expoctinn-  shortly  to  seize 
liim;  but  in  this  they  were  disappointed,  for  the  rol)ber 
warily  turned  aside  from  the  road,  leaving  liis  pursuers 
to  exorcise  a  tedious  and  dilii>ent  search,  without  bein<r 
able  to  ascertain  which  which  way  he  had  oone.  liavinii' 
followed  as  far  as  fiaoetow  n,  they  posted  up  advertise- 
ments, descriptive  of  his  person,  and  also  of  the  watch, ; 
and  sent  some  of  th^Mu  on  to  l^^redericton. 

Late  on  8unday  nioht,  a  man  called  at  the  house  of  Mr. 
Groen,  wdio  resided  on  an  island  at  the  nioutli  of  the  Wuf- 




IIkxrv  Vouk  S>iitii. 




Imdemoflc  LuIvp.  lie  kumJ  lie  was  a  J'^niicliniaii,  on  liii^ 
way  to  Frodcrii'lon  about  land,  and  calli'd  for  tho  purpose 
oCciujuirino-  tl»e  way.  Mr.  (jicrii  InfornR'd  him  that  ho 
uas  on  an  ishind,  and  that  l;o  had  hotter  stay  until  i\nt 
niorninu,  and  tliat  lie  uoidd  then  direct  him  on  ids  jour- 
ney. He  made  on  u  Iuri»e  fire,  hv  \>hicli  lie  exanuued  his 
pocket  hook,  and  was  observe. I  to  east  several  piipers  into 
the  fire,  and  llnully  he  threw  in  the  poekct  book  also.  Mr. 
(Jreen  on  seeini;'  this,  had  an  immediate'  impression  that 
the  man  must  be  somi?  impro]»ei'  cliaracter,  which  idea 
Mas  streniithenM  by  the  circumstance  of  its  bein^-  a  time 
<  f  war,  III  the  morning-  therefore  he  took  him  in  his  ca- 
noe, and  carried  him  directly  to  Justice  Colwell,  a  neii>h- 
borinii"  jMaulstrate,  that  he  inijiht  aive  an  account  of  him- 
self.  (Jn  liis  oxaniiiiation,  he  answered  with  so  much  ap- 
parant  simplicity,  that  the  .Jnstic<>  could  find  nojnst  ground 
for  detainino- him,  and  con^e(|nently  disndssed  him.  llo 
then  made  his  way  to  un  Indian  camp,  and  lured  an  In- 
dian, as  he  said,  to  yjilot  him  to  J'^redericton  ;  and  crossing 
the  river,  he  wont  to  Vail's  tavern,  oji  Orimrosw  neck, 
where  he  ordered  breakfast  for  himself  and  his  Indian, 
and  had  his  boots  cleanc  d.  At  this  moment,  Mr.  Bailes, 
whom  lie  had  ro])be  I  the  day  precedino",  was  jjettinof 
breakfjist  at  Mr.  Vail's,  and  writin«v  advertisnients  in 
quest  of  the  roliber.  About  II  o'clock,  he,  Mith  Ins  Indi- 
an, started  aj^ain,  leavin',*"  Mr.  Vail's  unknown  and  unde- 
tected; but  not   without  takino' Avith   him  a  set  of  silver 

tca'^poons  from  a  side  closet  in  the  parlor. 

.  ■■  ..      ,  .,  .,'.". 

Tlie  time  was  now  come  for  the  sittino-  of  the  Court, 
and  about  II  o'lock  on  Tuesday  mornino,  the  Attorney 
General  arrived  from  Fredericton,  Avith  very  uufayoral»Ie 
impressions  on  his  mind,  hrinoini*-  informati(m  that  the 
rol)ber  Avas  still  traversing  the  country,  stealinijj  and  rol> 
binfr  wlierever  he  came,  Avithont  sufficient  eflort  being 
inadc  for  his  apprehension.  The  Jury  a'so  Avere  collecting 
from  the  different  Parishes  of  the  County,  bringing   a\  ith 


'Yup.  >!:s  l)oiN(is  or 

thoni  iinravor.iblo  ulcus.  Proni  the  iO{;()rts  iii  ciri'^IoH 
('oiicriniuLi  Iii^  i'S('U[)o,  Ainoiijir  t!io  maiiy  (jpinioiiis  tliut 
wen' loriMf*<l  oil  fho  s(il>jo/t,  oti(^  p.irliciilarly,  uns  vory 
iu:l;istrio:isiv  circulat'Ml.  r!i(»  |»r.M)inr  mhsu  I'lCiMJia- 
Hou,  hikI  it  \^iil  1)1'  r'i'()il<*cl«nl  ihil  .Mr.  l)il)!)ic(',  the  jailer, 
was  stated  in  «  forniei-  jiart  oft  he  iiarrah\('  to  l)0  a  Kn*t> 
mason  also,  ami  tliat  iUvAc  \uis  a  Frceujason  Lodj^o  held 
at  Kiivjston.  'J  lie  pul  lie  mind  was  shoii^ly  i>i'«*jiuliced 
aoaijist  us,  iijiwilliiig-  to  Relieve  the  real  eiieuinstanco  of 
liis  e'oneineiit :  ami  lliev  assembled  under  the  slrosiiiesl 
iinj)re>si(His  that  his  eseu|K'  \»asconiv<sl  at.  The  Honor- 
nhlcJudjro  ('hii)nian  |)resi<led  on  the  ocrusion 

The  Court  was  now  ready  »or  business,  l>ut  no  p^i^OIlo^  : 
vet  hiiih  exiKM'tations  were  cherished  that  every  hour 
would  briiiL>  tidiuiis  oi' his  appreheiisiou,  as  he  was  pur- 
sued in  evi  rv  direction.  Tiie  (irand  Jurv  was  euipanuell- 
cd.  and  the  ('(lurt  adjourned  till  next  day  at  H  o'eloek, 
waitino*  anxiously  Jor  the  j)roceeds  ot"  tl»o  internjediate 
time,  And  to  render  the  means  for  his  apprehension  as 
en'ectual  as  possible,  .Mr.  Henjandn  jMirnald,  >\  ith  a  l:oat 
well  manned,  was  des|)atched  in  the  pursuit  with  direc- 
tions to  I'ollow  on  as  lar  as  ho  could  «ret  any  account  of 

Wednesday,  the  Court  ajrain  met  and  commenced  oth. 
er  business:  but  nothin":  of  tSmitli  ^vJ.  In  the  i  fernoon, 
.Mr.  John  Pearson,  witness  au'ainst  him,  arrived  from 
Novu-k*'cotin,  a  distance  of  280  miles.  Toward  eveiiiejjf 
conclusions  were  bec»innini>-  to  be  drawn  that  he  had  rind- 
ed all  his  pnrsners,  and  was  maling  his  wack  back  to  ^o 
va  Scotia,  and  the  conjecture  ahuost  ann  unted  to  a  cer- 
tainty by  the  circumstance  that  of  a  man  bein'.r  seen  cross- 
inu:  the  NVashademoac  and  makiuL''  towards  Iiellisle  Bay. 

Nothing  more  was  heard  till  Thursday  mornino  early- 
when  Mv.  15.  Fnrnald  n^turned,  and  reported  tluit  he 
had  f<Hind  his  course  and  ])ursucd  him  tlirou<>h  A'auuei- 
ville  :  that  the  »i^:h*  before  bo  (.Mr.  l\)  leacl.ed  Manjjcr*' 


T^  TtTi^j^n 

JDiN&f  iMuRE  Smixu. 


yillo,  the  robber  liud  lodocd  at  Afr  Solomon  Pcrle^'s,  and 
stole  a  pair  of  ii«w  boot>»,  uud  bud  oflcrcd  the  silver  (eu- 
8|)()ons  lor  Hidt^  tbat  he  had  Htoleii  ut  Mr.  YujI'h.  That  he 
then  walked  up  hh  far  as  Mr.  ]5ttilcy'b  tavern,  whore  lie 
Htopped  K)iiie  tinje,  and  that  lie  Mas  aflerwads  eccn  to- 
wards <  ho  eveulii;^  under  a  hridjre,  counting- hiH  money. 
This  was  the  last  tbat  coidd  be  heard  of  him  in  this  place; 
it  was  now  believed  lliat  he  had  taken  an  Indian  to  pilot 
him,  and  had  <^(>ne  by  way  of  the  Washademoae  and  head 
of  J3elllele,  for  Nova  Scotia.  This  was  in  aec((rdance  with 
the  idea  enlertaiued  at  Kingston  before  Mr.  Furnald's 

'  At  10  o'Cit  ck  Thursday  morninjr,  the  Court  met  accord- 
iiifr  to  adjournment,  to  brinj^  the  business  then  before 
them  to  a  close,  wilhoul  mueh  hope  of  hearing^  anything 
farther  of  the  horse  stealer  at  this  time;  when  about  three 
in  the  afternoon,  a  servant  of  Mr.  Knox's,  (who  it  will  be 
remend)ered  \ias  the  Plaintiff  in  the  cjiuse.)  came  direct 
to  the  Court  with  information  to  his  master,  that  his  oth- 
er hoiTSe  was  missing  out  of  tjic  pasture;  that  ho  had  been 
known  to  be  in  the  pasture  at  one  o'clock  at  night,  and 
was  g-ono  in  the  moming;  and  tliat  a  strange  Jndian  had 
been  seen  about  the  place.  This  extraordinary  news  pro- 
duced much  exitement  in  the  Court;  and  the  coincidence 
of  the  Indian  crossing  the  country  with  tlic  robber,  with 
the  Indian  seen  at  Mr.  Knox's  confirmed  the  opinion  that 
Smith  had  made  himself  owner  of  Mr.  Knox's  other  horse 
also  !!!  Mr.  Knox,  on  hearing  tliis  news,  became  exceed-" 
ingly  Hgitated,  and  had  no  doubt  that  Smith  was  the  thief 
again — wonldn't  listen  to  the  Slicrilf,  who  was  not  just 
willing  to  credit  the  report  of  the  horse  being  stolen,  and 
aflirmcd  that  his  life  was  in  danger  if  Smith  was  suffered 
to  run  at  large.  His  Honor  the  Judge  expressed  his  opi- 
nion thatJgTeat  remissness  of  duty  appeared. 

A  general  Warrant  was  issued  by  the  Court,  directed 
to  all  the  Sheriffs  aud  ministers  of  Justice  throughont  tlve 
Province,  commanding  tl.em  to  apprehend  the  said  More 




Mysti  rious  Doings  op 


■  I 

Smith  and  bring  him  to  justice.  In  the  mean  time,  men 
were  appointed  to  commence  a  fresh  search  in  tpicst  of 
him,  to  go  in  diiferent  direction!?.  JWr.  Knox',  witii  Henry 
Lyon  and  Isaiah  Smith,  took  the  road  to  ISoyn  Srotia; 
,  and  Moses  Foster  and  Nathan  Deforest,  directed  their 
course  towards  Fredericton,'  by  tlie  head  <  f  Bellisle  Bay, 
with  orders  to  continue  their  search  as  far  as  they  conld 
get  information  ol  him,  or  the  Amtrican  settlement.  The 
Sheriff  then  wrote  advertisements  i'or  the  public  papers, 
offering  a  reward  of  $40  for  his  apprehension ;  and  the 
Attorney  General  iucreased  the  sum  to  $80.  Indictments 
were  prepared,  and  the  Grand  Jury  found  a  Bill  against 
the  Sheriff  and  Jailer,  for  negligence  in  suffering  the  pri- 
soner to  escupe.  'i'hey  were  then  he'd  to  Bail  to  appear 
at  the  next  Court  of  Oyer  and  Terminer  to  traverse  the 
indictments.  The  bushicss  of  the  Court  being  at  the  close, 
the  Sheriff  paid  the  witness,  Mr.  Pearson,  from  Nova- 
Scotia,  for  his  travel  and  attendance,  amounting  to  $100, 
after  which  the  Court  finally  adjourned.   ,.      ,;,., 

Ncthino*  was  heard  of  our  adventurer  till  after  the  re- 
turn  of  Mr.  Knox  with  his  party  from  a  fruitless  seai'ch 
of  ten  days  in  Nova  Scotia,  and  as  far  as  Richibucto.  The 
day  following,  Mr.  Foster  and  Deforest  returned  from 
their  chase,  and  reported  that  after  they  had  proceeded 
to  within  three  miles  of  Fredericton  they  heard  of  a 
stranger,  answering  to  his  description,  having  lodged  all 
night  at  a  private  house;  but  had  gone  on  the  road  toward 
Woodstock.  They  continued  their  pursuit,  and  found 
that  he  had  stopped  at  Mr.  Ingraham's  tavern  the  night 
following, — slept  late  in  the  morning  -  being  fatigued, 
paid  his  bill  and  went  off;  but  not  without  giving  another 
serious  proof  of  his  characteristic  villany.  He  broke  open 
a  trunk,  which  was  in  the  room  adjoining  the  one  he  slept 
in,  and  carried  off  a  full  suit  of  clothes  belonging  to  Mr. 
Itigraham,  valued  at  $40,  and  a  silk  cloak,fwith  other  nrtl- 
'  f  ies,  which  ho  Qohccaled  so  as  not  to  b<^  discovered.    Thig 

.'.  ,i'v 

'^;t' , 



Henry  Mohu  Smith. 


niforinotion  gave  his  pursuers  sufficient  proof  that  he  was 
indeed  the  noted  horse-steulor.  Jiut  Mr  Inirraham  iiot 
having  niissinji-  his  clothes  iminediutely,  the  robber  truT- 
cUeJ  on  uninole^ted,  and  the  next  day  went  only  as  far  as 
Mrs.  Kobertson's,  where  he  found  a  collection  of  young 
people  and  played  the  fiddle  for  them,  and  reinnincd  the 
next  day  and  night.  lie  then  proceeded  towards  Wood-* 
stoclv,  leaving  the  spoons  with  Mrs.  Robertson  in  exchange 
for  a  shirt,  and  taking  passage  in  a  canoe,  happened  to  fall 
in  company  with  another  canoe  that  had  been  at  Freder-* 
icton,  in  which  the  Rev.  Mr.  Dibblee,  Missionary  at  Wood- 
stock, was  passenger,  Avitli  a  young  man  poling  the  canoe. 
The  young  man  had  seen  Mr.  Bailees  advertisement  at 
Fredcricton,  describing  the  man  and  watch,  which  had  a 
singular  steel  chain ;  and  observed  to  Mr-  Dibblee,  that 
they  both  answered  to  the  appearance  of  the  stranger^ 
Mr.  Dib])lee  remarked  to  the  young  man  that  he  might 
be  mistaken,  and  asked  t!.  stranger  to  let  him  sec  tho 
watch.  The  stranger  handed  him  the  watch  with  all 
willingness,  and  it  was  found  so  exactly  to  answer  to  the 
murks  of  Mr.  Baile's  watch  that  Mr.  Dibblee  challenged 
it  as  the  property  of  Mr.  J3ailes,  Smith  very  gravely  re* 
plied,  that  it  was  a  favorite  watch  that  he  had  owned  for 
a  long  time;  but  that  he  had  hoard  of  one  like  it  having 
been  stolen,  he  had  no  objection  to  leave  it  with  him  till 
he  returned,  which  would  be  in  about  two  weeks.  Mr.  D, 
repliol  that  tlie  suspicion  was  so  stronif,  that  lie  thought 
he  would  detain  him  also,  until  he  ccndd  hear  from  Fre- 
derlcton.  Smith  rejoned  that  lie  was  on  important  busi-« 
nessaud  could  not  be  detained  :  but  if  he  would  pay  his 

expenses  and  nuike  himself  rcsponsilde  for  the  damage 

incurred  by  his  detention,  he  would   have  no  objection  to 

stop  till  ho  could  send  to   Frcdericton.      Otherwise,  he 

would  leave  the  watch,  as  he  proposed  before,  and  would 

return  in  tc:i  or  twelve  days,  during  which  time  Mr.    D, 

might  satisfy  himself  as  to  the  watch.     lie  appeared  sq 



The  MrsiEBious  Toinq  6f 


perfectly  at  case,  without  discovering  the  slightest 
indications  of  guilt,  that  on  these  conditions  they  suf- 
icred  him  to  pat^s  on.  He  continued  his  march  thro- 
ugh Woodstock  until  he  came  to  the  road  that  load- 
to  the  American  setth»mcnt,  and  as  it  drew  towards 
evening  he  enquired  of  a  resident  by  the  way  concersn 
ing  the  road  to  the  American  side ;  but  wes  asked  by 
the  man  to  tarry  till  morning,  as  it  was  then  near 
night  and  the  settlement  twelve  miles  distant.  Ho 
did  not  choose  to  comply  with  the  invitation,  and  ad- 
vanced, as  an  apology,  that  two  men  had  gone  on  be- 
fore him,  and  he  feared  they  would  leave  him  in  the 
morning  if  ho  did  not  proceed.  It  happened  in  a  very 
short  time  after,  that  two  young  men  arrived  there 
from  the  settlement,  and  being  asked  whither  they 
had  met  two  men  on  the  road,  they  answered  in  the 
negative.  It  was  then  concluded  that  ^mith  was  a 
deserter,  and  they  turned  about  and  followed  him  to 
the  American  settlement,  but  found  nothing  of  him. 
The  day  following,  Foster  and  DcForicst  arrived  at 
Woodstock,  and  linding  themselves  still  on  the  track 
of  him,  they  pursued  on  to  the  American  lines,  but 
could  hear  nothing  concerning  him.  They  then  in- 
formed the  inhabitants  of  Smith's  character,  and  pro- 
posed a  reward  of  $80  for  his  apprehension.  Tho 
people  seemed  well  disposed  and  promised  to  do  their 
utmost.  , 

Messrs.  F.  &  D.  then  made  their  way  lack  to  the 
river  St.  John,  and  there,  most  unexpectedly,  came 
across  the  path  of  our  adventurer  again.  They  found 
that  he  had  crossed  tho  river,  stopped  at  several  hou- 
ses for  refreshment,  and  called  himself  Bond.  That 
h  c  had  assumed  the  character  of  a  pursuant  in  quest 




11    '■■' 


UisNRr  MoKB,  Smith. 




■  t^' 


ol'tho  thief  who  had  broken  out  of  Kingston  jail;  and 
Haid  that  he  was  a  notorious  villain,  and  would  cer- 
tainly bo  hung  if  takon,  and  appeared  to  be  extreme- 
ly anxious  that  he  should  bo  ajjpreh ended.  Tiiey  tra- 
ced him  down  to  tho  river  where  the  Indians  wero 
encamped,  and  foimd  that  he  had  agieed  witli  an  In- 
dian to  conduct  him  through  tho  woods  to  the  United 
States,  by  tlio  way  of  Eel  River,  a  route  not  unfre- 
quently  travelled;  and  hence  had  baffled  all  the  eff- 
orts of  his  pmsnertj,  and  finally  esca[>ed  Messrs.  P. 
<fe  D.  t'tiought  it  was  now  time  to  return  and  make, 
tiieir  report.  It  afterwards  appeared  that  the  Indian, 
after  having  gone  about  two  days  on  the  route,  began 
to  bo  weary  of  his  task,  and  discovered  that  Smith 
carrif  d  a  pistol,  which  he  did  not  like  very  much,  re- 
fusetl  to  guide  him  any  longer,  gave  him  back  part  of 
his  money  and  returned.  This  turned  the  scale  with 
our  adventurer,  and  Ft)rtime,  that  had  hitherto  smiled 
on  his  enterprise,  refused,  like  the  Indian,  to  con- 
duct him  much  further.  Unable  to  pursue  his  joiu*- 
noy  alone,  ho  was  obliged  to  return,  aiid'had  now  no 
nltcrnative  butto  try  his  chance  by  the  known  road. 
It  was  now  the  10th  of  October,  and  he  re-apj»eared 
on  the  old  groimd,  wanting  refreshment,  and  in  quest 
ofadssortcr.  While  his  breakfast  was  pi'opanng, 
information  of  his  presence  was  circulated  among  tho 
inhabitants,  and  Dr.  E'Cc},  who  was  a  princij>al  char- 
acter in  the  place,  effected  his  approlmsion,  and  had 
him  secm'cd. 

Tho  clothes  he  had  stolen  from  Mr.  In<rra]iam  ho 
had  on,  excepting  the  pantaloons,  wliich  he  had  ex- 
changed for  a  pistol.  He  said  ho  had  jmrchased  the 
cloilies  very  cheap  from  a  man  who  ho  believed  was 
a  y.'mkec,     Ho  was  then  taken  in  charge  by  A.  Put- 




pi  ; 



nam,  and  Watson,  who  sot  out  with  their  prisoner  for 
Fredericton.  On  thoir  way  they  stoj)pod  at  the  At- 
torney General's,  three  miles  from  Fredericton,  and 
then  proceeded  into  town,  where  the  Supreme  Court 
was  then  sitting.  The  prisoner  was  brought  before 
the  Court  in  the  presence  of  a  large  number  of  spec- 
tators. The  Hon.  Judge  Saunders  asked  him  his 
name,  and  ho  unhesitatingly  answeied,  ''  Smith  " 
*'  Are  you  the  man  that  escaped  from  the  jail  at 
Kingston  f  "  Yes."  On  being  asked  how  he  effect- 
ed his  escape,  he  said  the  Jailor  opened  the  door  and 
the  Priest  prayed  him  out.  He  was  then  ordered  to 
prison  for  the  night,  and  the  next  day  he  was  remand- 
ed to  Kingston  jail,  Putnam  and  Watson  set  out  with 
him  in  an  Indian  canoe,  one  at  each  end,  and  the  pri- 
soner, handcuffed  nnd  pinioned,  and  tied  to  the  bar 
of  the  canoe,  in  the  centre.  They  were  obliged  to 
watch  him  the  first  night  at  the  place  where  they 
lodged,  and  the  next  day  they  reached  the  house  of 
Mr.  Bailee,  opposite  Sj  oon  Island,  where  he  had  stol- 
en the  watch  and  money,  &c.  It  wns  near  night,  and 
the  passage  to  Kingston  rather  difficult ;  and  they  be- 
ing strangers,  Mr.  Bailes  proposed  that  if  they  would 
stop  with  him  till  morning,  he  would  conduct  them 
to  Kingston  himself.  Tliey  willingly  complied,  and 
they  having  been  up  all  the  preceding  night,  Mr.  B. 
proposed  that  if  tliey  would  retire  and  take  some  rest, 
he  with  his  family  would  keep  wutch  of  the  prisoner. 
After  they  had  retired,  the  prisoner  enquired  the 
way  to  St.  John,  and  whither  there  were  any  ferries 
on  this  side  the  river.  He  then  xiskcd  for  a  blanket 
and  leave  to  lie  down.  Mrs.  Bailes  made  him  a  bed 
On  the  floor ;  but  before  he  would  lie  down,  he  said  ho 
bad  occasion  to  go  to  tjie  door,    Mr.  ^ailo»  awaken- 

Henry  More  Smith, 


cd  W'.itgon,  who  got  up  to  attend  him  to  the  door. 
Smith  said  to  him  that  if  he  had  any  apprehensions, 
he  had  bettor  tie  a  rope  to  his  arm,  which  he  accord- 
in^rlv  did,  fastening  it  above  the  handcuffs,  with  the 
other  end  wound  round  his  own  hand.  In  this  situ- 
ation they  went  out  of  doors;  but  in  an  unguarded 
moment,  Smith  watching  his  opportunity,  knocked 
him  down  with  his  handcuffs,  leaving  the  rope  in  the 
hands  of  his  keeper,  having  slipped  the  other  end  over 
his  hand  without  untieing  the  knot. 

Thus,  handcuffed  and  pinioned,  and  bound  with  a 
rope,  the  ingenious  horse  stealer,  by  anotlier  effort  of 
unfailing  ingenuity,  akin  to  his  mock  sickness  in  the 
jail,  had  effected  a  second  escape  from  his  keepers, 
leaving  it  a  matter  of  choice,  whither  to  institue  a 
hopeless  search  for  him  in  the  darkness  of  night,  or 
sit  down  in  snllen  consultation  on  what  plan  they  had 
best  pursue  in  the  morning.  Nothing  could  exceed 
the  chagrin  of  Putnam  and  Watson  on  finding  them- 
selves robbed  of  their  prisoner,  except  the  confusion 
which  filled  myself  and  the  Jailor  on  the  knowledge 
ofhi"^  unexampled  noted  eseape  from  the  jail.  To 
pursue  him  in  the  night,  which  was  unusually  dark, 
and  rainy  besides,  was  ])ot]i  hopeless  and  vain;  it  was 
therefore  thought  best  to  inform  the  Slieriff  in  the 
morning  of  what  had  taken  place,  and  receive  his  ad- 
vice as  to  future  proceedings.  In  the  morning  accord- 
ingly, Mr.  Putnam  proceeded  to  Kingston,  and  on 
Communicating  the  news  to  the  Sheriff,  received  a 
sujjply  of  money,  with  orders  to  pursue  the  road  to 
St  John,  while  the  Sheriff,  with  two  men,  proceeded 
to  Mr.  Bailes  There  they  received  information  that 
Smith  had  chincred  his  course,  and  crossing  the  Oak- 
nabockL^ko  in  the  night,  was  directhig  his  course  to- 




wards  Frcderckon  again  !     It  will  bo   remembored 
that  previous  to  his  escape,  while  a  prisoner  at  Mr. 
Bailes,  he  made  particular  enquiries  whither  there 
were  any  ferries  i]i  the  w.'iy  to  St.  John,  on  this  skle 
tho  river.     At  this  time  it  would  seem   that  he  had 
looked  upon  his  pK-hcmo  as  succt'ssful,  and  evidently 
irectv^d  those  enquiries  concerning  tho  road  with  a 
view  to  mislead,  while  it  was  his  policy  to  return  u- 
pon  the  courso  which  would  bo  judged  the  most  un^ 
likely  of  all  he  should  take.  But  to  return  toourstory. 
He  came  to  the  lake  tho  same  eveninjj  ho  had  j^ot 
clear  of  Watson  and  the  rope,  and  there  urged  as  a 
reason  of  his  haste  in  crossing  the  lake  in  the  night, 
that  he  was  on  his  way  to  Eredericton  to  purchase 
land,  and  that  he 'had  arranged  with   Putnam  and 
Watson,  who  had  gone  to  Kingston  with  the  thief,  to 
take  him  up  in  their  canoe  on  their  return,  and  was 
to  meet  tliem  at  tho  intervale  above,  earlv  the  next 
morning.      This  well  rarnisliv^d  and  characteristic 
story  procured  for  him  a  speedy  passage  for  him 
over  the  lake ;  and  now  our  adventurer  is'ln  undisput- 
ed possession  of  the  country,  at  liberty  to  cbooso 
which  way  he  should  turn  his  face. 

On  being  put  in  possession  of  these  particulars,  wo 
immediately  and  naturally  supposed  that  ho  was 
wisely  and  prudently  directing  his  course  to  the  Un 
ited  States,  by  the  way  of  the  Oromocto ;  and  so  we 
followed  up  his  retreat  accordingly;  but  in  thatdireo 
tion  no  intelligence  could  be  obtained,  and  we  remain- 
ed in  total  ignorance  of  his  proceedings  and- history 
up  to  the  2Gth  of  October.  At  this  date,  when  it  was 
supposed  that  he  had  trausported  himself  to  tho  Unit- 
ed States,  to  our  utter  astonishment  and  surprise  we 



IhsHf  xMouK  Smith. 


find  him  af^ain  in  tho  prosecution  of  usual  business  in 
the  immediate  vicinity  of  Fredcricton.  His  first  ap- 
pearance there  again,  was  in  a  bye  place,  at  a  small 
houso  not  then  occupied  as  a  dwelling.  It  was  draw- 
ing towards  night,  and  the  day  being  rainy,  ho  came 
to  ths  house  wet  and  cold.  An  old  man  by  the  name 
of  Wicks,  with  liis  eon,  was  engaged  in  repairing  the 
house,  in  which  they  hid  some  potatoes.  There  was 
also  a  quantity  of  dry  wood  in  the  house,  but  as  the 
old  man  was  about  quiting  work  for  the  day,  ho  had 
allowed  the  fire  to  bum  down.  The  stranger  was 
anxious  to  lodge  in  their  him.»blc  habitation  for  the 
night,  but  the  man  said  that  they  did  not  lodge  there  of 
night,  and  gave  him  an  invitation  to  the  next  house, 
where  they  could  accommodate  him  better.  He  did 
not  accept  the  invitation,  but  said  that  ho  must  go  ou 
eight  or  ten  mil'3s  that  night,  and  so  ho  departed. 

The  old  man  and  his  son.  secured  the  door  and  re- 
tired to  their  lotlgings;  but  when  the  mornin|roamo 
it  was  found  that  Smith  had  returned  to  the  old  hoase, 
spent  the  night,  burned  up  all  the  wood,  regaled  him- 
self on  roasted  potatoes,  and  again  took  his  depart- 
ure. The  following  night  he  paid  a  sweeping  visit 
at  the  house  of  Mr.  Wilniot,  seven  miles  from  Fred- 
ericton.  Finding  a  large  quantity  of  linens,  sprinkled 
and  ready  for  ironing,  ho  made  a  full  seizure  of  the 
whole,  together  with  a  newcont  belonging  to  a  young 
man  of  the  house.  The  plunderer  finding  his  booty 
rather  burdensome-  took  a  saddle  and  bridle,  which 
he  happened  to  discover,  put  them  on  a  small  black 
poney,  which  was  feeding  in  the  pasture,  and  thus 
rode  with  his  luggage  till  he  came  within  two  miles  of 
Fredoricton.  There  he  found  a  hovel,  or  barrack  fi^kd 


Tub  MysTEKiouiS  l)oi.\(;s  of 

with  hay  belonfring  (o  Jack  Patterson,  a  mulatto^ 
which  presented  a  convenient  retreat  where  he  could 
feed  his  horse  and  conceal  his  plunder.  Here  ho  re- 
mained some  days  undisturbed  ;  wouid  turn  his  horso 
out  to  feed  on  tiie  common  in  the  day,  concealing 
himself  in  the  hay,  and  would  catch  him  again  in  the 
nisi^ht,  ride  into  town,  make  what  plunder  ho  could, 
return  to  his  retreat,  and  conceal  it  m  the  hay. 

Our  adventurer  thought  it  was  now  hiyh  time  to 
pay  liis  respects  to  the  Attorney  General  himself,  who 
lived  about  three  miles  distant.  Here  he  was  not  al- 
together unacquainted,  having  ii^ade  a  previous  call 
on  his  passage  as  a  prisoner  from  Woodstock  to  Fre- 
dericton.  He  arrived  on  the  spot  about  nine  o'clock 
in  the  evening,  retaining,  no  doubt,  an  accurate  re- 
membrance of  the  entrance  to  tlie  house;  and  every 
thing  proved  propitious  to  the  object  of  his  visit :  for 
it  happened  that  there  was  much  company  at  the 
Attorney  General's  ou  the  same  evening,  who's  over- 
coats, cloaks, tippets,  comforters,  etc.  etc.,  were  all  sus- 
pended in  the  hall.  He  did  not  obtrude  himself  upon 
the  notice  of  the  company;  but  he  paid  his  respects  to 
their  loose  garments,  making  one  sweep  of  the  whole, 
consisting  of  5  topcoats,  3  plaid  cloaks,  a  numher  of 
tippets,  comforters,  and  other  wearing  articles  !  Hav- 
ing been  more  successful  than  perhaps  he  expected, 
he  rode  back  through  the  town  to  the  place  of  con- 
cealment, deposited  his  booty,  and  gave  his  hoise  a 
generous  allowance  of  ha  v.  This  generosity  to  his 
horso  led  to  his  delection,  for  Patterson  happening  to 
see  that  his  hay  was  lying  in  an  unusual  manner  out 
of  tb©  window  of  his  barrack,  imnicdiately  formed  an 
upittion,  that  some  per^;on  had  taken  up  his  iodgingg 


IlENnr  MoHK  Smith. 


h  the  Iiay,  and  in  this  ho  was  not  mistakon;  for  on 
coining  to  Ihe  «pot,  he  found  Smith  lying  in  the  hay, 
with  a  white  comforter  ahout  his  nock.  On  perceiv- 
ing him  to  be  a  stranger,  he  asked  him  where  ho  had 
come  from,  and  was  answered  that  he  came  from 
the  Kcnnebeckacis,  was  after  land,  and  gottin:^-  belat- 
ed had  taken  up  his  lodgings  in  the  hay,  and  hoped 
it  was  no  harm. 

After  Patterson  had  gone  into  his  house  be  per- 
ceived that  the  traveller  had  retired  from  the  barrack 
by  the  window  and  was  making  towards  the  woods. 
Upon  seeing  this,  the  idea  of  he  being  a  deserter  in- 
stantly presented  itself  to  his  mind,  and  calling  for 
assistance,  he  soon  made  the  stranger  a  prisoner, 
which  was  easily  effected,  as  he  did  nut  make  much 
effort  to  escape.  It  was  soon  discovered  that  their  pri- 
soner was  no  less  a  person  than  the  Air  famed,  and 
notorious  horse-stealer,  Henry  More  Smith,  and  no 
time  was  lost  in  cominitting  him  to  Fredericton  jail. 

Patterson,  not  seeing  tlie  comforter  with  him  which 
he  wore  round  his  neck  in  the  hay,  was  induced  to  ex- 
amine the  hay  if  perhaps  he  might  iind  it.  Tiiis  led 
to  the  discovery  of  his  entire^  deposit :  for  he  not  only 
found  the  com  brter,  but  alsd  all  the  articles  previ- 
ously mentioned,  with  many  more,  which  were  all 
restored  to  the  owners  respectively.  > 

Upon  the  examination  of  the  prisouer,  ho  gave  no 
proper  satisfaction  concerning  the  articles  found  in 
the  hay  ;  he  said  they  were  brought  there  by  a  soldier, 
who  rode  a  little  poney,  and  went  off,  leaving  the  sad- 
dle and  bridle  He  was  then  ordered  to  be  taken  by 
the  Sheriff  of  York  County  and  safely   delivered  iQ 


Tub    MYST;.HI0Ui5    DolMJS    OP 

tho  Shciift*  of  KingV  County  in  his  prison      Acronl- 
ingly,  the  SherilF prepared  for  his  Haib  conveyance  an 
inm  collar,  made  of  a  Hat  bar  of  iron,  an  inch  and  a 
half  wide,  with  a  hinfro  and   clapip,    fastened  ^vith  a 
padlock.     To  the  collar,  whicli  was   round  his  neck, 
was  fastened  an  iron  ehain,  ton  feet  long;  thus  pre- 
pared, and  his  hands  bound  toorother  with  a  pair  of 
strong  handcuffs,  aftor  examining:  his  j>erson  least  ho 
should   have  saws  or  otlic^r  instrnnteuls    concealed 
about  him,  ho  was  put  on  board  a  sloop  for  his  old  ro- 
sidenoo  in  Kingston.     They  started  with  a  fair  wind, 
and  with  Patterson  holdin;^  the  chain,  they  arrived 
witli  their  prisoner  at  Kingston,  a   distance  of  sixty 
miles,  about  12  oVlock  in  the  night  of  the  30th  of  Oc- 
tober, which  was  a  little  over  one  month  from  the  timo 
of  his  triumphant  escape  through   means  of  his  pre- 
tended indisposition.     On  his  reapperance  in  the  old 
spot  and  among  those  who  had  ministered  so  feeling- 
ly to  his  comfort  during  the  whole  period  of  his  af- 
fected illness,  and  whom  he  had  so  ettcctually  hoaxed, 
it  might  have  been  expected  that  he  would  have  be- 
trayed some  feeling  or  emotion ;  or  that  a   transient 
blush  of  shame,  at  least,  would  have  pissed  over  his 
<?ountenanco;  but  ah  !  no  :  his  conscience  had  long 
since   become  scared,  and  there    was'  no  sensibility 
within,  strong  enough  to  give  the  slightest  tint  to  hid 
shame-proof  countenance.      He  appeared  perfectly 
composed,   and  as   indifferent  and   insensible  to  all 
around  him  as  though  he  wore  a  statue  of  marble. 

On  the  ensuing  morning  he  was  conducted  to  the 
jail,  whioh  he  entered  without  hesitation  or  seeming 
regret.  After  his  former  escape,  it  had  been  cleared 
out  of  every  thing,  and  carefully  s^vopt  aioleoarohod. 






IIbnbt  More  SAiirn. 



In  tlio  course  of  the  search  there  were  found  aeveral 
broken  parts  of  a  watch,  and  among  the  rent,  the  lx)x 
which  (x)ntained  the  mainspring.  This  convinced  u» 
tliat  the  watch,  (which  ho  received  from  the  young 
man  before  his  escape,  in  exchange  for  the  spy-glass,) 
wa«  intended  to  furnish  him  with  the  materials  for 
making  a  saw,  in  case  all  other  plans  failed.  Mo 
found  a  large  dinner  knife  cut  iu  two,  which  was  sup- 
posed to  have  been  done  with  a  saw  made  of  the 
mainspring,  as  a  trial  of  its  utility. 

Having  by  this  time,  by  painful  experience,  become 
a  little  acquainted  with  tlie  ckjpth  of  his  genius,  we 
thought  it  not  not  impossible  nor  unlikely  that  be  still 
might  have  the  saw  concealed  alxmt  his  person^  al- 
though Mr.  Burton,  the  Sherill*  of  York  County,  had 
searched  him  before  his  removal  from  Fredericton 
jail.  We  were,  however,  determined  to  examine  him 
more  closely,  for  which  end  we  took  off  his  handcuffs, 
and  then  ordered  him  to  take  off  his  clothes.  With- 
out hesitation  or  reluctance  he  divested  himself  of 
his  clothes,  all  to  his  shirt :  we  then  searched  every 
part  of  his  dress — the  sieves,  wrist-bands,  collar  of 
his  shirt,  and  even  the  hair  of  his  head ;  but  found  no- 
thing. We  suffered  hnu  to  put  on  hia  clothes  again, 
and  we  carried  out  of  the  jail,  his  hat  and  shoes,  and 
every  article  he  brought  with  him. 

The  prison  in  which  he  was  confined  was  22  x  IG. 
feet;  stone  and  lime  walls  three  feet  thick  on  three 
sides,  the  fourth  side  having  been  the  partition  wall 
between  the  prison  rooms.  The  partition  was  of  tim- 
ber, 12  inches  thick,  lathed  and  plastered.  The  door 
was  of  2  inch  plank,  doubled  and  lined  with  sheet 
iron,  with  3  iron  bar  hinges,  3  inches  wide,  clasped 


TiiK  Mtsxkhioi's  Doim.o  op 

uvoi*  8taplo«  in  the  opposite  jwsts,  anrl  secured  by  3 
strong  padlocks;  and  having  also  a  small  iron  wicket 
door  Hccured  with  a  padlock.  'J'hero  was  one  window 
tlirongh  the  stone  wall,  grated  within  and  without, 
and  enclosed  with  glass  on  the  ontside,  so  that  no 
conimunication  could  be  luid  with  the  interior  undis- 
covered. The  passage  that  leads  to  the  prison  door 
is  20  feet  in  lejigtlj  and  three  feet  in  breadth,  secured 
at  the  entrance  by  a  padlock  on  the  door ;  the  out- 
side door  was  (dso  kept  hacked,  so  that  no  conimuni- 
cation could  be  had  tlnough  the  passace,  without 
passing  through  three  scciirtly  locked  doors,  the  keys 
of  which  were  always  kept  by  INlr.  Dibbloe,  the  jailor, 
who  from  his  in'fii'm  state  of  health,  never  left  the 
house  by  day  or  night. 

Having  learned  a  lesson  by  former  expcriance,  wo 
maintained  the  most  unbending  strictness,  ^utroring 
no  intercourse  with  the  prisoner  wliatever  In  this 
manner  secured,  we  put  on  his  right  leg  an  iron 
shackle,  with  an  iron  chain  no  more  than  long  enough 
to  allow  him  to  reach  the  necessary,  and  take  hi.s 
provisions  at  the  wicket  door  The  end  of  the  chain 
was  fastened  in  the  timber  of  the  floor  ])y  a  strong  sta- 
ple near  the  partition  wall,  so  that  he  could  not  reach 
the  grated  window  by  5  or  G  feet.  He  was  provided 
with  a  bunk,  straw,  and  blankets,  as  a  bed;  and  his 
wrists  being  much  swelled  by  the  handcuffs,  I  con- 
sidered it  unnecessary  to  keep  tbem  on,  especially  as 
he  was  so  thoroughly  secured  in  other  respects.  In 
this  situation  I  left  him,  with  instructions  to  the  jailor 
to  look  to  him  frequently,  to  see  that  he  remained  so- 
enro,  intending  to  visit  him  occasionally  myself. 

The  jailor  eamc  to  k^ok  at  him  frequently  at  the 


IJiiNRi   Murk  Smith. 





wicket  door,  as  directed,  and  always  found  him  quiet 
and  poaccaMo,  either  sittinjr  np  readin^:,  or  lying 
(h)wn  in  his  berth  ;  he  never  uttered  any  complaint.-, 
bu  cared  resigned  io  his  confinement.  1  visited 
hii*.  once  or  twice  a  week  to  see  that  his  irons  re- 
mained secure;  and  always  finding  him  tis  yet,  in  the 
snme  state  of  security  in  which  1  had  left  him ;  T  made 
up  my  mind  that  we  sliouhl  be  able  to  keep  him  with- 
out any  additional  trouble.  He  manifested  good  na- 
ture as  well  as  rep-i;^nation,  for  he  always  cnme  up  to 
the  wicket  door  when  1  wished  to  see  that  his  irons 
were  in  order,  with  the  greatest  seeming  willingness. 

On  the  12th  day  of  his  confinement,  I  was  inform- 
ed ♦  ,t  Mr.  Newman  Perkins  had  heard  an  unusual 
no  1  the  night,  which  induced  hhn  to  think  that 
Smitn  had  been  at  work  at  the  grates.  Or  making 
more  particular  enquiry,  I  learned  from  Mrs.  I'erkins 
that  she  had  hewrd  a  noise  like  rubbing  or  filing,  late 
in  the  night ;  and  by  liolding  her  head  out  of  the  win- 
dow, she  considered  /he  sound  to  proceed  from  the 
jail.  Knowing  the  situation  of  the  prisoner,  chained, 
that  he  could  not  reach  the  grates  by  5  or  6  feet;  and 
knowing  also,  that  after  the  search  we  had  made,  it 
was  impossible  that  he  could  have  retained  about 
his  person  any  thing  by  which  h©  cculd  operate  oa 
the  grates,  we  judged  ii  more  than  improbable  tha^ 
the  sound  could  have  proceeded  from  him.  Never- 
theless, we  did  not  treat  the  information  with  disre- 
gard or  neglect.  I  went  immediately  to  the  prison, 
accompanied  by  Moses  Foster,  Geo.  Raymond,  Allen 
Basen,  and  Mr.  Dibblee,  the  jailor,  with  several  othersv 
It  was  then  the  evening,  and  we  carried  with  us  two 
or  throe  candles   On  opening  the  door,  we  found  biiii 


The  Mtsterious  Doings  of 

.  * 

f  i 

Jvin^  in  his  berth,  chained,  just  as  1  had  left  him.  I  said 
to  him,  "  Smith,  you  have  uot  got  out  yot;"  ho  answered, 
"  no,  not  quite."  1  tlien  examined  every  bur  of  the  grates 
«s  closely  as  possible,  as  also  c'id  every  one  prcfient,  again 
and  again,  until  wc  "wore  nil  satisHed  that  the  cuuso  (tf  the 
alarm  was  only  iniagiuary.  Smith  all  the  while  lying 
quiet,  answering  readily  any  and  every  question  that  was 
pat  10  him, 

Mr.  Hasten  had  yet  continued  scratchinij  and  examininK 
the  inner  gTates,  when  it  was  discovered  that  a  small  chip 
lying  on  the  flat  bar  of  the  outer  grate,  which  was  suppos- 
ed to  have  .een  there  act*  lentally.  Mr.  Jiasten,  how- 
over,  being  fully  satisfied  that  the  inner  grate  remained 
secure,  was  led  to  reach  through  his  hand,  and  take  up 
V:  chip  that  lay  on  the  bar  of  the  outer  grate;  on  doing 
t?  r^,  he  thought  he  could,  percoirc  that  the  bar  was  in- 
clined to  hang  in  a  small  degree.  Tliis  led  to  further  ex- 
amination ;  and  to  the  utter  astonishment  of  all  present,  we 
found  that  the  bar  was  cut  one-third  off,  and  artfully  con- 
cer^'v\d  with  the  feather  edge  of  the  chip.  Our  astonish- 
ment was  increased  by  the  fact,  that  it  was  impossible  to 
reach  the  outer  grate  without  first  removing  the  inner. 
jThis  gave  th(;  hint  for  a  yet  more  effectual  examiiiation, 
when  it  was  found  that  he  had  cut  one  of  the  inner  bars 
so  neatly,  that  he  could  easily  remove  and  replace  it  at 
pleasure,  having  contrivCvi  to  conceal  the  incisions  in  such 
H  manner  as  almost  topreclud©  the  possibility  of  detection. 
There  is  little  or  no  doubt  that  in  in  two  or  three  nights 
raoi'O,  he  would  haver  effected  his  second  escape,  had  not 
his  worlvs  been  discovered,  through  the  very  means  which 
he  cnployod  to  conceal  them.  On  being  asked  what  in- 
strument he  used  in  euiting  the  grate,  he  answered  with 
perfect  indifference,  "  With  tliis  saw  and  fib  ;"  and  with- 
out hesitation,  handed  nie  from  hi*'  berth,  a  case  knifo,  the 
blade  neatly  cut  in  lino  teeth,  and  a  common  hand-saw 
file.  I  then  afalved  him  how  he  got  to  the  grates,  or  whi- 
ther ho  had  slipped  the  shacivles  off  his  feet  P  He  answer- 
ed me>  no;  but  that  ho  had  cut  the  chain ;  and  then  shois*- 

Kkkuy  More  Smith. 




ed  me  very  calmly  wliere  he  had  cut  the  clmin  m  the 
joint  ct'  t!i  )liiiks,  a  part  where  the  cut  could  not  be  seeu 
very  readily 

On  beino  asked  where  ho  got  his  tools,  he  answered 
that  he  left  them  in  the  jail  when  he  went  away,  and  that 
those  he  had  crive?i  me  was  all  the  tools  he  had  left.  But 
perceiving- from  the  shape  oftheknile,  (it  being  much 
thicker  on  the  back  tlian  the  edge,)  that  the  bars  could 
never  have  been  cut  eo  neatly  throught  with  that  instru- 
ment, we  were  induced  to  make  stricter  search,  and  we 
found  in  a  broken  part  of  lime  wall,  near  the  grates,  a 
very  neat  watch  spring  saw,  having  a  cord  tied  at  one 
end.  I  then  asked  him  who  gave  hira  these  tools;  to 
which  he  replied  with  great  lirmness: —  '*  Von  need  not 
ask  me  again,  for  I  will  never  tell  you."  After  I  had  fin- 
ished these  enquiries,  I  searched  his  bed  and  his  clothes, 
and  rencAved  the  chain  again  to  his  leg,  fastening  it  firmly 
to  the  floor  with  a  staple;  and  putting  on  a  pair  of  strong 
handcuirs  of  J  bolt.  We  then  left  him,  it  being  about  11 
o'clock  on  Saturday  night.  On  the  next  Snnday  at  4  p  m. 
I  visited  the  jail,  when  the  jailor  informed  me  that  the 
prisoner  was  lying  in  his  berth  with  «11  his  irons  on,  and 
had  been  inquiring  of  him  if  the  Sheriff  was  not  coming 
to  examine  his  chains  About  12  o'clock  the  same  night 
I  was  alarmed  by  a  man  sent  by  the  jailor,  that  Smith  had 
oot  loose  from  all  his  irons,  and  havino;  worked  his  wuv 
through  the  inner- lorate,  Avas  cutting  the  outer  grate,  and. 
had  nearly  escaped  !  lierei  at  the  dead  hour  of  midnight, 
when  it  might  be  expected  that  every  eye  would  be  sunk 
in  the  stillness  of  sleep,  through  the  vigilence  of  tlie  jailor, 
this  astonishing  beino-,  who  set  handcuffs,  shackles,  and 
chains  at  defiance,  had  nearly  efiected  another  escape. 
Mr.  Dibblee,  on  finding  him  to  be  at  work  at  the  grates, 
was  determined,  if  possible,  to  take  him  in  the  act;  and 
by  fastening  a  candle  to  the  end  of  a  stick  tliree  feet  in 
length,  ana  shoving  tlio  light  through  the  wicket  gate,  he 
itoF  enabled  to  discoyer  bun  at  work  before  he  could  haver 


:  '  , 


Mtstfbiocs  Domes  0¥ 

time  to  refroat  to  his  berth.  Mr.  Dibblec,  on  pcrcoiTing 
liow  ho  was  employed,  ordered  him  to  leave  everything 
he  hud,  and  take  to  his  berth;  he  iiKStantly  obeyed,  but  as 
suddenly  returned  to  the  grates  again,  placing  himself  in 
a  position  in  which  he  could  not  bes^en  by  the  jailor.  Re- 
maining here  but  a  moment,  he  went  quickly  to  the  ne- 
cessary, and  threw  something  down  which  was  distinctly 
heard,  and  linally  retired  to  his  berth.  Mr.  Dibbleo  main- 
tained a  close  watch  until  1  arrived  at  the  jail,  which  we 
immediately  entered,  and  to  onr  amazement  found  him 
extricated  from  all  his  irons.  He  had  cut  his  wav  througfh 
the  inner  grate,  and  liad  all  his  clothes  collected,  and 
with  him  ready  to  elope,  and  had  cut  the  bar  of  the  outer 
grate  S  off,  which,' no  doubt,  he  would  have  completed 
long  before  morning,  and  made  his  escape,  I  said  to  him, 
**  Smith,  you  keep  at  work  yet;"  he  answered  that  he  had 
done  work  now,  that  all  his  tools  were  dowu  the  necess- 
ary. The  truth  of  this,  however,  we  proved  by  letting 
down  a  candle  by  which  we  could  clearly  see  the  bottom; 
but  no  tools  were  to  be  seen  there.  His  return  to  the 
necessary  and  dropping,  or  pretending  to  drop  something 
down,  was,  no  doubt,  an  artifice,  by  which  he  attempted 
to  divert  our  attention  from  the  real  spot  wliere  his  tools 
were  concealed.  But  in  this  also,  with  all  his  cunning, 
he  overshot  the  mark,  by  his  over  egerness  to  tell  us 
where  he  had  cast  his  tools,  instead  of  allowinsr  us  rather 
to  draw  the  conclusion  ourselves,  from  his  return  to  the 
place,  and  dropping  something  down.  We  next  proceed- 
ed to  strip  off  and  examine  his  clothing;  carefully  search- 
ing every  hem  and  seam.  His  berth  was  knocked  all  to 
pieces,  examining  every  joint  and  split ;  we  swept  out  and 
searched  every  part  of  the  prison,  knoAving  (hat  he  must 
have  his  instruments  in  some  pai't  of  it;  but  all  to  no  pur- 
pose— nothing  could  we  discover.  Wo  next  replaced  all 
his  chains  with  padlocks  ;  put  on  him  a  pair  of  screw 
handcuffs,  which  confined  his  hands  close  tofljether,  and 
t)xns  left  him  about  4  o'clock  on  Monday  morninc^.     On. 


llKNttT    MORK    SaIITH. 





tho  d/iy  followmg-,  Mr.  JaiTiP,  the  blackbinitH,  haring  ro, 
paired  the  grutc)?.  came  to  put  them  hi,  when  we  found 
Smith  lying  on  the  floor  appareutlj  as  we  left  him;  but, 
on  cxuuiiiiiug  the  now  handcufrs  v/e  found  them  separated 
iu  such  a  inamicr  that  he  coukl  put  them  off  and  on  when 
he  pleased.  On  being  asked  why  he  destroyed  those  Tul* 
uable  handcuffs,  lie  replied,  "  because  they  are  so  stiff 
that  nobody  can  wear  them.-' 

No  doubt  then  remnined  that  he  must  hare  his  fiaws 
concealed  about  his  body,  and  having  been  ordered  to 
talvc  off  his  clothes,  ne  cou)[)lied  with  iiis  ir^ual  readiness. 
On  taking  off  his  fairt,  which  had  not  been  done  at  unv 
time  previous  in  r  ir  searches  about  his  body,  Ur.A.  Pad- 
dock discovered  a  small  muslin  cord  about  the  thigh,  cluso 
to  his  body,  and  drawn  so  close  that  it  could  not  be  felt  by 
the  hand  passing  over  it,  ^Aitbthe  shirt  between.  Thisi 
small  cord  was  found  to  conceal  on  the  inside  of  his  left, 
thigh,  a  fine  steel  saw  plate,  2  inches  broad  and  10  inches^ 
long,  th?  teeth  neatly  cut  on  b(  th  edoey,  no  donbt  of  his 
own  work.  After  this  discovery  we  piit  on  him  light 
himdcuffs,  secured  his  chains  with  padlocks  again,  and  set 
four  men  to  watch  him  the  whole  niglit.  The  next  day 
we  secured  the  inner  gi'ate,  filling  the  squares  with  hard 
brick?,  lime  Mud  sand,  leaving  a  spnce  at  the  upper  corner 
of  only  four  by  five  inches,  in  Avhieh  was  inserted  a  pane 
of  glass  i?i  the  centre  of  tlif  wall.  This  small  opening  in 
a  wall  three  feet  thick,  a:lmitted  litfle  or  no  light,  so  that 
the  room  was  rendered  almost  a  dungeon,  which  prevent- 
ed the  prisoner  Irom  being  seen  at  any  time  from  the  door 
without  tlie  ligl't  of  a  candle.  J.^Vom  this  time  we  never 
entered  the  priiaon  Mithout  candles  and  two  or  three 

On  the  13th  of  November,  T  addressed  a  h;ttcr  to  Jud<»e 
Chipman,  to  which  I  received  the  following  answer  : — 

•' JilAlNT  JoHX,  November  14,   1814.— Dear  Sh-,— I   received 
yow  lottcr  of  yesterday  relathig  to  the  new  attetiipts  of  Siuilb 




Tns  Mtsteriocs  Doinq  ov 

to  csrnpe.  I  Inive  furwrn  ded  the  Game  to  Fredcrictoii,  nnd  prc- 
piinie  that  a  Court  will  Le  ordered  for  liis  trial  ns  booh  iis  may 
be  wnvoliciiule  lor  the  slfite  oltiio  travelling,  j.'fid  tlie  necessity 
of  proouriiit;  tiie  witness  from  Nova  Srotia;  Uioiij^li  1  should 
KUpi>LSe  liOt  [)rol>iibly  before  the  ice  iiiukes.  In  llio  lueau  time  tl.e 
utiiiosl  vigilance  and  }ireci»utioM  ninst  be  made  use  of  to  aecuve 
itirn  ;  und}ou  will  be  justified  in  Jiny  measures  of  severity  that 
you  may  huu  it  necessary  to  adopt  lor  this  purpose. 

I  nm,  Dear  Sir,  taithfully  yours,    W.  CHII^MAX." 
W.  Bates,  Esquire. 

Wednesday  the  ICth,  wc  entered  his  prison  nnd  found 
that  he  had  been  ein|>luyed  in  brenking  the  pla^^ter  off' tlie 
partition  wall  with  his  chains,  and  Ijroken  one  of  the  pad- 
locks, and  appeared  to  have  been  loose;  and  seemed  very 
▼icious,  and  saidJi^  would  burn  and  destroy  the  building 
— would  make  it  smoke  before  he  left  it ;  and  that  we 
"would  see  it  smoke.  I  then  prepared  a  pair  of  steel  fef- 
ters,  case  hardened,  about  10  inches  long,  w  liich  we  ))ut 
on  his  legs,  w  itli  a  chain  from  the  middle,  seven  feet  long, 
wrhich  we  stapled  to  the  floor;  we  also  put  an  iron  collar 
about  Ills  neck,  with  a  cliain  about  8  feeth)ng,  stapled  also 
to  the  floor  in  a  direction  opposite  to  the  other,  and  also 
a  chain  from  his  fetters  to  his  neck  collar,  with  handcuffs 
bolted  to  the  middle  of  his  chain  in  such  a  manner  as  to 
prevent  his  hands  from  reachiug  his  head  and  feet  when 
standing,  leaving  it  just  possible  for  him  to  feed  himself 
when  sitting.  All  these  irons  and  chaius  he  received 
without  discovering  the  leastconcern  or  regard.  When  the 
blacksmith  had  finished  riveting  the  whole.  I  said  to  him, 
"  Now  Smith,  I  would  advise  you  to  be  quiet  after  this, 
for  if  you  are  not  you  w  ill  next  have  an  iron  land  put 
round  your  body  and  stapled  fast  dow  n  to  the  floor."  lie 
very  calmly  replied,  "  Old  man,  if  you  are  not  satisfled, 
you  may  put  it  on  now.  I  do  not  regard  it,  if  yon  will  let 
me  have  my  hands  loose  you  may  put  on  as  iiiuch  iron  as 
you  please.  I  c^ire  not  for  all  your  irons."  In  this  situa- 
tion wo  left  him,  loaded  with  irons,  the  enrire  weight  w an 

1 1 


Hkniii  Mouk  Smith. 





4GIbs,  and  without  aintliing  to  sit  or  lie  upon  but  the  na- 
ked floor.  Althoufili  he  was  thus  situated  and  in  an  en- 
tire  dungeon,  he  appeared  not  in  the  least  humbled ;  but 
became  more  troubleyoino  and  noisy,  and  exceedinly  vici- 
ous ajyainst  the  jniior.  JJcspair  und  madne?^s  seemed  now 
to  seize  him,  and  raving-  and  roaring  would  unite  with  the 
uttci'ance  ofpra3e:s  and  portions  of  the  Scriptures.  W  ith 
a  tremenduous  voice  he  would  cry  out,  *<  O  you  cruel  de- 
vils— you  murderers — you  manslayers — you  tormentors 
of  man  I  How  1  burn  to  be  revenged;  help,  help,  help 
me;  Lord  help  m«  to  be  revenged  of  these  devils;  help 
me  thnt  1  moy  tear  up  this  place,  th«t  I  may  turn  it  up- 
side down,  that  there  may  not  be  one  stick  or  stone  of  it 
left.  My  hair  shall  not  be  shorn,  nor  my  nails  cut,  till  I 
grow  as  strong  as  Samson,  then  will  I  be  revenged  of  all 
my  enemies.  Help,  help,  O  Lord  help  mc  to  destroy  these 
tormentors,  murderei"s  of  mon,  tormenting  me  in  chains 
and  darkness; darkness,  darkness,  O  darkness, — no  light 
to  read  the  AVord  of  God,  not  one  word  of  comfort  from 
any.  All  h — you  rogue,  you  fhief,  you  villain — you  de- 
serve to  be  hanged.  No  pity,  not  one  word  of  consolation 
— all  darkness,  all  trouble;"  singing,  *'  trouble,!trouble, 
trouble;  i)  God  help  mc,  and  have  mercy  upon  mc — I 
fear  there  is  no  mercy  for  me;  yes,  there  is  mercy,  it  is  in 
Jesus,  whose  arms  stands  open  to  receive :  but  how  shall 
\  dare  to  look  at  him  whom  1  have  offended  !"  Then  he 
would  call  upon  his  parents,  and  deprecate  his  wicked 
life;  then  rave  again,  "  murderers,  tormentors,  consider 
you  have  souls  to  save,  consider  you  have  souls  to  lose,  as 
M  ell  OS  T,  a  poor  prisoner;  consider  you  have  children  that 
may  be  brought  to  trouble  as  well  as  I ;  conaider  T  have 
paren  ts  as  well  a'^  they.  O  !  if  my  parents  knew  my  situ- 
ation, it  would  kill  them.  My  wife,  be  gone|from  my  sight; 
why  will  you  torment  me  !  It  is  for  you  that  I  nuffer  all 
my  sorrow^ — it  is  for  you  my  heurt  bleeds.  Noi  a  friend 
comes  to  sec  me — nothing  before  mc  but  pain  ami  sorrow, 
<5hninfi  and  darkness,  misery  and  death.  O  !  wretched  me. 


3fT87>.ftIOU8  DoiNn^  01* 

how  long  ^m  I  to  suffer  in  this  place  of  torincht  t  Am  1 
to  linger  a  life  of  ])aiii  and  sorrow  in  chains  and  nubory  F 
No,  1  will  cut  the  thread  of  life  and  be  relieved  fi*oin  tliis 
place  of  darkness  and  trouble;"  singing,  trouble,  trouble, 
trouble,  "  a  thousand  times  repeated.  In  this  manner  he 
continued  raving  till  he  bacame  very  hoarse  and  exhaust- 
ed,— would  take  no  notice  of  anything  that  was  said  to 
him,  and  finally  left  off  speaking  entir^y. 

The  weather  having  become  very  cold,  he  was  allowed 
his  berth  again,  with  a  comfortable  bed  of  straw  and  blan- 
kets; but  the  blankets  had  to  taken  away  from  him  again, 
on  account  of  hip  having  attempted  to  hung  himself  with 
one  of  them  made  into  a  rope.  He  next  tried  to  starve 
himself,  but  this  he  gave  over,  after  having  fasted  three 
or  four  days  Up  now  dropped  into  a  state  of  tpiietness, 
and  lay  in  his  bed  the  most  of  the  time,  day  as  well  as 
night;  but  on  the  16th  of  December  wc  found,  on  exam- 
inmg  his  prison,  that  he  had  broken  tl»e  iron  collar  from 
his  neck,  and  drawn  ihe  staple  from  the  timber;  but  re- 
placed it  again  so  as  to  prevent  detection. 

On  the  17tb,  we  put  a  chain  about  his  neck,  and  stapl- 
ed it  to  the  floor  in  such  a  manner  that  he  could  not  reach 
cither  of  the  staples.  In  this  situation  he  remained  se- 
cure and  rather  more  quiet,  yet  with  occasional  shouting 
and  screaming  until  the  15th  of  January.  The  weather 
having  become  very  cold,  and  no  fire  allowed  him,  fears 
were  entertained  that  he  might  freeze  :  to  prevent  which 
it  became  necessary  to  remove  his  irons,  which,  with  the 
exception  of  his  fetters  and  his  handcuffs,  w  ere  according- 
ly taken  off..  For  this  relief  he  showed  no  signs  of  thank- 
fulness, but  became  more  noisy  and  troublesome,  especi. 
ally  in  the  night,  disturbing  all  within  reach  of  his  voice, 
with  screeching  and  howling,  and  all  manner  of  hideous 
noises,  entirely  unlike  the  human  voice,  and  tremendous- 
ly loud,  even  beyond  conception.  In  this  manner  he  oon- 
liriued  for  five  n^ouths,  occasionally  committing  violence 



Hbnbt  Morv  S^ith. 


ii]K)n  himself  and  brealiing  IiIb  chains,  during  "which  peri- 
od he  could  nerer  be  surprised  into  the  utterance  of  one 
single  word  or  articulate  sound,  and  took  no  notice  of 
any  person  or  thing,  or  of  what  was  said  to  him,  no  more 
than  if  he  had  been  a  dumb,  senseless  auimal;  yet  per- 
forming many  curious  and  astonishing  actions,  as  will  bo 
related  hereafter.  ^  ^ 

In  the  New  Testament,  whirh  he  always  kept  by  him,  a 
leaf  was  found  to  bo  turned  down,  under  whicli  was  found 
the  following  :  "And  T,  brcthcrn,  could  not  speak  unta 
you,  &c."— 1  Corinth.  IIL 

The  weather  now  being  intensely  cold,  and  all  through- 
out January,  and  he  liaving  had  no  fire,  great  fears  were 
entertained  that  he  jniglit  perish;  but  astonishing  to  re- 
late, hfe  hands  and  feet  were  always  found  to  be  warm, 
and  oven  his  chains  !     In  February,  when  the  weather 
began  to  moderate  a  little,  he  becajue  more  troublesome^- 
beoan  to  tear  off  the  plaster  and  lathing  from  the  partiti- 
on, and  break  everything  he  could  reach.     A  strong  iron  . 
hooped  bucket  that  contained  his  drink  he  broke  all  to 
pieces;  the  hoops  he  broke  up  into  pieces   three   inches, 
fono-,  and  would  throw  tlie  pieces  with  sueli  dexterity, 
although  handcuffed,  as  to  put  out  the  candle  when  the  - 
jailor  would  bring  the  light  to  the  wicket  door  to  examine 
what  he  was  doing. 

As  the  weather  moderated  he  became  more  noisy  and 
vicious,  as  will  appear  by  the  following  letter  which  I  re- 
ceived from  the  jailor  on  the  10th  February  : — 

**  Dear  Sir, — There  must  be  something  done  with  Smith — 
he  is  determined  ts  let  n»e  know  what  he  is  if  no  one  else  does, — 
he  sleeps  in  the  clay  time,  and  when  I  go  to  tell  him  to  keep  still 
at  night,  he  yells  so  as  not  to  hear  what  I  sJiy  to  him.  Instead  oi 
thanks  for  taking  off  his  irons,  lie  nuikes  all  the  noise  he  can  by 
yelling  and  screaming  all  night,  smd  knockin[>-  very  loud  all  night 
with  some  part  of  his  irons.  I  wish  you  would  come  up  early 
iMid  advise  what  is  best  to  be  cbuo.  W^  DIBBLKE." 


Mysterious  Doings  or 

h  1: 

I  came  to  the  jail  accordingly,  and  found  tho  irons  un- 
injured, and  to  prevent  Iiim  from  usinsr  his  liands  8o  free- 
ly, locked  a  chain  from  his  fetters  to  liis  hundcuffs,  and  left 

On  Sunday,  two  gentlemen  from  Nova  Scotia,  at  the 
request  of  Smith's  wife,  came  to  make  iiKjqiry  after  liim. 
I  went  with  thcjn  to  f  he  jail  to  see  if  lie  would  speak  or 
take  any  notice  of  them,  or  of  Avliat  tJicy  woukl  i^ay  to  him 
from  his  wife.  They  told  liim  that  his  wife  wished  to 
know  if  he  would  have  her  come  to  see  him,  and  what  she 
would  do  with  the  colt  he  left;  that  she  would  sell  it  for 
$100,  and  have  the  money  sent  to  him.  ]}ut  all  they  said 
to  him  had  no  more  eftect  than  if  he  was  a  lift  loss  statue,  • 
which  convinced  us  all  that  he  would  go  to  the  gallows 
without  speaking  a  word  or  changing  hiscountcufyice. 

The  next  week  lit!  became  more  restless  and  vicious, 
and  on  Sunday,  on  going  into  the  jail  with  Mr.  Kulofson, 
from  Hampton,  and  Mr.  Griffith,  from  AVoodstock,  found 
he  had  broken  up  part  of  his  berth,  had  broken  his  chain 
from  his  handcuffs,  leaving  one  link  to  the  staple,  tho  part- 
ed links  concealed;  tore  np  part  of  his  bedding  and  stop- 
ped the  funnel  of  the  necessary.  It  had  appeared  also, 
that  he  had  been  at  the  grates;  but  how  he  got  there  was 
a  mystery,  for  the  ch;iin  by  Avhich  his  legs  were  bound, 
was  unbroken,  and  the  staple  fast  in  the  timber.  We  then 
raised  the  staple  and  again  pnt  on  the  chain  to  the  hand- 
cuffs, fastening  the  staple  to  another  place,  more  out  of 
his  reach.  . 

The  next  day  I  found  he  had  again  broken  the  chain 
from  his  handcuffs  and  torn  off  a  large  portion  of  th© 

flastering  and  lath  fi*om  the  middle  wall.  Finding  thisr 
determined  to  confine  him  more  closely  that  ever,  and  so 
ut  a  chain  from  his  feet  round  his  neck,  stapled  to' the 
ocr,  securing  the  handcuffs  to  the  middle  of  this  chaiii. 
He  had  already  given  such  mysterious  and  astonishing 
;}proofeof  his  strength  and  inrention,  that  I  feared  ho 

■iPpiP"P^"l?P!»Pf*:..!J'P!!'l'''|jil»l4''*  |I"«»KJI1*'«"."'  "■     :,'!P 

KiNiiT  More  Smith. 




gtaplo  iVoMi  tlie  timber,  wus  a  lout  thai  filled  every 
with  uondcr.     The  collar  wufl  made  of  a  Hat  1  ar  ol  ii 

vould  baffle  nil  my  uij>inuity  to  prevent  bis  escape.  Tli« 
twiatinir  of  tlic  iron  collar  from  bin  i^eck  and  drawing  flie 


1 J  inch  wide,  with  tbe  edges  rounded.  'J'bis  he  twisted 
as  if  it  were  a  piece  of  leatbcr,  and  broke  it  into  two  ]uirts, 
which  no  man  of  common  strength  could  hayo  done  with 
<me  end  of  the  bar  fa  tened  in  a  smitii's  yise.  The  broken 
vullar  was  kept  a  long  time  and  shewn  to  many  a  wonder- 
er.  As  might  be  expected,  his  wrists  were  frequently 
much  swelled  and  very  sore  from  his  exertions  to  break 
und  get  loose  from  his  chains;  yet  he  appeared  as  insensi- 
ble and  as  regardless  of  his  sitution  as  if  he  had  in  reality 
been  u  furious  maniac 

Notwithstanding  the  sceminw  insanity  Avhich  character- 
iscd  these  works  of  his  in  the  prison,  yet  other  parts  of 
his  performance  there  indicated  the  most  astonishing 
genius  and  invention,  perhaps  in  a  manner  and  degree 
unequalled  in  the  memory  of  man.  On  the  1st  of  March, 
on  entering  his  prison  in  the  evening,  we  found  him  walk- 
ing in  front  of  an  e^igy  or  likeness  of  his  wifa^  which  ho 
had  made  and  placed  fairly  against  the  wall  as  large  as 
life.  When  the  light  was  thrown  upon  this  scene,  which 
he  had  prepared  and  got  up  in  the  dark,  it  not  only  filled 
us  with  amazement,  but  drew  out  all  the  sensibilities  of 
the  heart  with  the  magic  of  a  tragedy,  not  so  much  imag- 
inary as  real.  This  effigy  he  intended  to  represent  his 
wife,  visiting  his  wretched  abode,  and  manifestirg  signs  of 
disconsolation,  anguish,  and  despair,  on  beholding  her 
wretched  husband  movinfj:  before  her  in  chains  and  let- 
ters,  with  dejected  mien,  and  misery  and  despair  depicted 
in  his  countenance.  The  effigy  was  formed  out  of  hiji 
bedding  and  the  clothes  and  shirt  he  tore  off  his  body, 
together  with  a  trough  three  or  four  feet  in  length,  wliich 
was  used  in  the  jail  to  contain  water  for  his  drink.  Hough 
as  the  moter'als  were,  yet  he  divSjjlayed  such  ingenuity  in 


The  Mystekioi-s  Doikus  of 

ha  fornmtion,  and  conducted  the  eccno  in  a  inttoi-cr  fo  af- 
fecting, that  the  clfect  it  produced  when  vioved  uith  the 
lijrht  of  the  caudles,  "wus  rcully  astonisliiug,  and  hud  rt 
Tiind  of  magical  ])owcr  in  drawing  out  tlie  Hympathics  of 
every  one  who  AvitncKscd  it. 

He  continued  noisy  and  troublesome  till  March  the  5th, 
when  we  took  his  irons  off,  and  caused  him  to  wash  him- 
self and  comb  his  hair,  whicli  liad  not  been  cut  since  Jie 
was  put  in  jail;  neither  had  his  beard  been  shaved.  On 
receiving  a  pierc  ot  soap  for  washinp-,  he  ate  a  part,  and 
used  tlie  rest.  AVe  then  gave  him  a  clean  shirt,  A\hich 
he  put  on.  himself  with  the  rest  of  his  clothes,  alter  ^Ulich 
we  replaced  his  irons,  Mhich  he  received  in  the  same  man- 
ner as  an  ox  would  his  yoke,  or  u  horse  his  harness. 

The  term  of  trie  Court  of  Common  Pleas  was  now  com- 
ing on,  which  recpiired  much  of  my  nttention  for  the  ne- 
cessary preparations;  and  Mr.  Dibbiee,  the  jailor,  being* 
jd)out  to  remove  to  Sussex  Vale,  to  take  charoe  of  the 
Aeademy  there,  my  situation  begun  to  look  rather  ackward 
jjnd  unpleasant.  Accordingly  the  jailor  moved  away  on 
the  11th  of  March,  after  the  sitting  ol  the  Court,  and  from 
the  extraordinary  tnmble  which  the  ]7risoner  was  known 
to  have  oiren,  I  had  little  hope  of  linding  any  one  who 
would  be  williuQ:  to  take  the  charge.  However,  I  prevail- 
ed on  one  Mr.  Jnmes  Reid  (a  nuui  in  whom  I  could  con- 
fide,) to  undertake  tluf  charge  of  him;  who,  with  his  fam- 
ily, moved  into  the  house  the  following  day. 

After  this.  Smith  appeared  more  cheerful,  and  became 
rather  more  quiet,  until  the  24lh  of  March,  when  1  was 
called  on  by  the  juilor,  and  informed  that  Smith  was  at- 
tempting to  break  through  the  partition  where  the  stove- 
pipe passed  through  into  the  debtor's  rooms^.  On  entering 
the  jail  we  found  him  loose  from  all  his  irons, — his  neck- 
dmin  ^vas  broken  into  three  pieces;  the  chain  from  his, 

«w»»«ti,  .h<ta»m.i,jni»  iTmtMmM\mitimHm»^tu*Aiifi!m,^jf:- 

IIknrt  MoTtK  Smith. 


neck  ti)  his  foet  into  three  pieces;  his  screw  httiidcufl's  in 
four  pieces,  and  nil  hanjiing  on  nails  Hi-  llie  partition.  JIi» 
great  coat  wus  torn  into  tuo  purts,  throui-h  the  hack,  and 
then  rent  into  small  strips,  one  of  which  lie  used  jis  a  ht'lt, 
and  supported  with  it  a  wooilon  sword  which  he  had 
funned  \mi  of  a  lath,  and  by  which  ho  ajnnst  d  himself  by 
going  through  the  *  sword  exercise,'  whieh  he  appeared 
to  understand  very  well.  The  chains  from  his  legs  wore 
disingaged  from  the  staplos,  and  tied  together  with  a 
strip  of  the  torn  coat.  His  hands,  his  feet,  and  his  c^fthcs, 
were  all  bloody;  and  liis  appearance  presented  that  of  an 
infuriated  njadman.  Tiicre  were  present  on  this  occasion, 
Messrs.  Daniel  Micheau,  Aloses  Foster,  George  Kaynltond, 
Walker  Tisdale,  James  lieid,  the  jailor,  and  some  others. 
1  then  raised  the  staple,  secured  him  by  the  leg  chain,  put 
on  a  pair  of  stiff  liandcuH*s,  and  added  a  chain  to  his  neck, 
stapled  to  the  floor.  Tn  this  siluation  wejefthim  until 
the  28tli,  when  I  was  again  called  by  the  jailor,  who  said, 
he  believed  thnt  he  was  loose  again  and  about  some  mis- 
chief. On  entering  the  jail,  1  accordingly  found  ]»im 
loose, — the  chain  from  hi.^  neck  in  three  part;  be  had 
beaten  the  plaster  off  the  wall  with  a  piece  of  his  chain 
three  feet  long.  We  left  him  for  the  purj)ose  of  getting 
his  chains  repaired  :  at  night  we  added  a  new  chain  from 
his  fetters  to  his  neck,  and  stapled  him  to  the  floor  with  a 
ahain  about  four  feet  long;  we  secured  his  handcuffs  to  the 
chain  between  his  neck  and  i'eeU  so  that  when  standing, 
he  could  not  reach  in  any  direction.  In  this  situation  ho 
I'cmained  until  the  3lst,  spending  the  time  singing  and 
hallooing  occasionally.  I  was  then  again  called  by  the 
jailor,  who  on  opening  the  wieket  door,  found  a  piece  of 
chain  hanging  on  the  inside.  1  went  immediately  to  the 
gaol  and  found  that  he  had  separated  all  his  chains — had 
»tied  his  feet  chain  to  the  staple  again,  and  was  lying'  in 
his  bed  as  unconcerned  as  if  nothing  had  happened,  hav- 
ing a  piece  of  chain  about  his  neck.  We  then  took  his 
tmuk  bed^stead  from  him,  and  remoed  everything  cut  Of 



TiiK   Mtktkuidus  ])oIN'(^S  01* 

I  i 

birt  rench,  but  could  not  cliscover  bv  what  uietmH  he 
KCparato  Im  chains;  no  link  in  hif<  dinins  fippoarecl  to 
bo  t\^istc'tl,  nor  woro  thcro  .'uiy  broken  links  to  bn 
Hccn,  from  this  we  inferred  that  he  Ktiil  must  have 
some  niean8  of  cutting  his  chainp.  At  tliis  nirment, 
however,  it  occurred  to  us  that  ho  niiofht  have  tho 
broken  links  concealed  in  tho  privy.  Wo  accordinfily 
lot  down  a  caudle,  by  which  wo  could  sec  tho  bottom, 
nndiivith  an  iron  hook  wo  brought  up  a  bunch  of  bro- 
ken links  which  he  hnd  tied  up  in  a  piece  of  his  shirt, 
toother  with  a  piece  of  his  neck  chain  a  foot  lonor. — 
Tnis  convinced  us  that  ho  did  not  destroy  his  chains 
by  cutting  them,  but  by  the  application  of  some  un- 
known niysteriousi^power.  T  then  determined  to  break 
the  enchantment,  if  stroUj^i'th  of  chain  would  do  it, 
and  added  to  his  fetters  a  laroe  timber  chain,  which 
liad  been  used  as  the  bunk-chain  of  a  bob-sled,  by 
which  four  or  five  logs  were  usuiilly  hauled  to  tho 
mill  at  once,  the  chain  wo  had  previously  used  wore 
of  a  size  between  that  of  a  common  ox  chain  and  a 
large  horse  trace-chain. 

Secured  in  this  manner  we  left,  and  on  tho  5th  of 
April  found  his  neck-chain  parted  again.  I  then  re- 
placed it  with  a  strong  ox  chain  about  seven  feet  long, 
firmly  stapled  to  the  timber.  The  next  morning  the 
jailor  informed  me  that  from  tho  uncommon  noise  he 
made  in  the  night,  he  was  convinced  ho  must  be  loose 
from  some  of  his  irons  or  chains  I  then  concluded 
that  he  must  have  broken  his  steel  fetters,  as  I  judged 
it  impos.sible  for  human  strength  or  invention,  in  hie 
situation,  to  break  cither  of  ox  chains,  but  to  my  ut- 
ter astonishment,  I  found  the  ox  chain  parted  and 
tied  with  a  string  to  the  staple;  l^is  handcufFs;  fetterft. 




;  j.:jw,  ijiit'ji^.Tiprxy, 

ilKNRT  MoRK  Smith. 


arid  log  chain  having  roinainod  uninjured.  We  fa«t- 
onod  tho  ox  chain  to  his  nock  again,  by  driving  the 
Btapio  into  another  link.  After  this,  ho  remained 
more  quiet,  his  wrists  h  iving  been  much  galK  d  and 
HWeHed  by  his  irons,  and  bruised  and  rendered  8ore 
by  his  exertions  to  free  himself  from  them. 

At  this  time  I  received  a  letter  from  tho  Clerk  of 
tho  Circuit,  of  which  the  following  is  a  copy  ; — 

Saint  John,  March  1-.— Dear  Sir  : — At  lenglli  I  enclose  you 
the  precept  fur  811  tnnioning  a  Court  ol"  Oyer  nnd  Terminer  and 
JHJl  Delivery  in  yoiir  Comity,  on  Thursday  tlic  20lh  of  April,  for 
Ui«  trial  of  the  heri?e-stoak-r— I  also  enclose  a  letter  from  Major 
King,  for  hiiJ  saddle  slolen  from  Iitni  at  the  same  time. 

Yours  &c.  WAKD  CAIPMAN. 

To  Walter  Batks,  Esq.,  High  Sheriff. 

After  this  our  prisoner  remained  for  some  time 
rather  more  peacca])!e,  and  amused  hiinself  with 
braiding  f^traw,  which  he  did  in  a  curious  manner, 
and  made  a  kind  of  straw  basket  which  he  hung  on 
the  partition  to  contain  his  bread.  Some  times  he 
would  make  the  likeness  of  a  man,  and  some  times 
that  of  a  woman,  and  place  them  in  postures  singular- 
ly striking;  discovering  much  curious  ingenuity.  At 
til'    '  Id  amuse  himself  in  the  day;  but  spent  tho 

iiouting  and  hallooing,  and  beating  tbo  fioor 
ill:     aains. 

On  entering  the  jail,  we  discovered  tho  image  or 
1  imess  of  a  woman,  intended  to  represent  his  wife. 
He  had  itplacc(  i  a  sitting  posture,  at  the  head  of 
his  bed,  with  th  ^«ew  Testament  open  before  her,  a» 
though  rcadinj^  him,  while  he  sat  in  the  attitude  of 
hearing  with  sei    ^us  attention.  I  was  induced  to  look 


V'.        ! 




TaK  MrsTEaioLS  1>oinuo  op 

into  the  New  Tcstamont,  and  found  it  open  at  Luke 
XII,  and  the  leaf  lurnned  down  at  verse  58,  which 
roads  : — "  When  thou  (joest  with  thine  adversary  lo  the 
Afatjistrate,  as  thou  art  in  the  icay^  r/ive  diligence  that  thou 
7nayest  be  de liver cd  from  him.:  hast  he  hale  thee  to  thi' 
judge  and  tJmfndge  deliver  time  to  the  officer,  and  the  offi* 
cer  cast  thee  into  prison''^  It  would  serni  as  though 
ho  had  intended  to  represent  her  as  reproaching  him 
for  iiis  escape  Iromthe  constables  on  his  way  to  King- 
ston, while  he  would  defend  his  eonduct  by  referring 
to  tlie  above  portion  of  Scripture.  JJe  produced  many 
other  likenesses,  which  he  would  place  in  different 
postures,  manifesting  the  most  remarkable  inoenui- 
ty  and  invention.  I 

A  special  Court  for  his  trial  had  been  summoned 
to  meet  i\t  Kingston  on  the  20th  of  x\pril ;  but  it  waa 
})osponed  until  tlie  4tb  of  May,  on  account  of  the  ice 
Iiaving  remained  unusually  late  in  the  river,  as  will 
appear  by  the  following  letters  : — 

S.VINT  John,  5tli  April  181:"). — Dear  Sir  — T  have  received  your 
loiter  detailing  the  very  extraordinary  coudiiet  of  the  culprit  in 
your  custody.  There  is  certainly  a  mystery  iu  this  m.aii's  means 
and  charjwternhich  is  unlathoinable,  and  I  tear  there  will  be 
<^ousideral)le  dilKculty  with  him  on  the 'trial.  Your  vijrilaHce 
and  exertions  of  cou?'sc  cannot  be  relaxed.  As  the  best  thing 
to  be  done,  I  despatched  yonr  letter,  wthoul  delay,  to  the  Attor- 
ney General,  that  they  might  adopt,  at  HokI  Quarters,  any  such 
measures  as  they  ini^ht  think  expedient  for  the  further  safe- 
jfuard  and  security  of  the  prisouor.        Very  respectfully  }ours. 

To  Walter  Batks,Esq.       /  '        W.  CIllPMAN 

Sunday,  16(h  April,  181,-. — Dear  Sir,— I  have  jnsf  received 
by  express  from  Frodcricltm,  a  letter  from  the  Attorney  Geuei*- 
»1.  stating,  that  from  the  state  of  the  river,  it  will  be  inipraclica- 
t)lc  frti*  hull  to  bo  at  Kingston  by  the  20tb.  and  as  bohashitlierto 



IlBxut  MoR«  Smith. 


t'lken  tlio  -whole  liurden  of  the  trial  tipoii  himself,  it  cvuiiiot  go  on 
without  him.  From  this  circimist{m(;e.  therel'urc,  and  fts  tho 
present  state  of  the  travelling  would  j:ioluu)ly  render  it  daiiger- 
0118  to  my  futlier's  liealth,  (who  is  not  now  very  well),  to  hold  the 
Conrt  thisweek,,he  has  determined  to  put  it  oH'  till  Tliursday  iho 
4th  of  May,  for  which  day  he  wishes  you  to  summon  your  jury, 
and  to  proclaim  the  holding  ol  the  Couit.  lie  regrets  much  ia 
givingyou  tJiJF  additioiial  trouble ;  but  it  nujst  he  attributed  to  the 
extraordinary  backwardnses  of  the  season,  which  wa8  not  fore- 
seen when  it  was  recommended  to  hold  the  Court  en  April  20th. 
1  have  not  time  to  forv/ard  a  new  precept  by  Ihl?  conveyance,  but 
1  will  forward  one  in  time,  or  the  one  you  have  may  be  then  al- 
tered.    This  can  be  easily  arranged  when  we  go  up  to  the  Court. 

Yonr's  truly,  S:c. 
To  Walter  Bates,  Ksq. 


Tho  Court  was  accordingly  proclaimed,  and  at  the 
sani'  time  I  wrote  a  letter,  enclosing  the  proclama- 
tion, to  Mr.  Dibblee,  the  former  jailor,  to  which  T  re- 
caived  the  following  answer  : — 

Dear  Sir — I  yesterday  received  your  letter,  enclo!^i;lg  tho 
proclamation  of  the  Circuit  Court,  for  the  trial  of  Smith,  the 
horse-stealer.  I  shall  he  sorry  if  Judge  Chipman's  health  should 
be  such  as  to  prevent  his  attending  the  trial.  If  the  Attorney 
General  attempt  to  prosecute  on  recofpii;!ance  for  the  escape,  I 
think  his  (the  Judge's)  influence  at  Court  would  prevent  it,  I  am 
quite  of  your  opinion,  that  it  will  be  the  most  difficult  case  that 
has  yet  come  before  any  conrt,  for  trial  in  this  country.  As  for 
liis  behaving  much  better  after  1  left  the  jail,  it  w;is  vVhat  T  ox- 
I  tcted  he  would  do,  to  put  Keid  off  his  guard.  Those  parts  of 
his  chains  that  were  hanging  in  cenvenient  situations,  were  pow- 
erfnll  weapons;  and  had  Keid  camo  into  the  jail  alone,  or  weak- 
handed,  I  think  he  would  have  felt  the  weight  of  them.  It  is  re- 
markable that  the  villain,  with  all  his  art  and  cunning,  should 
manage  it  so  ill ;  and  it  seems  altogether  providential,  that  iVoni 
tho  beginning,  (except  his  sickness,)  he  has  either  delayed  too 
long,  or  has  been  too  h'.sty,  which  lias  prevented  hi&  escape  be- 
fore, and  1  hope  and  trust  will  be  the  j-ame  with  you,  I  am  very 
Horry  for  the  trouble  you  must  have  with  him,  ai.d  confident ly 
hopcand  trust  he  will  not  evade  ^-oiir  ylgilaucr*..    You  are  too 


TUR    MykTKRIOUS    DoiNWS  Of 



well  acquainted  with  liis  eoutltutt  to  need  my  advice.     I  inu«t 
claim  from  you  the  pHrticiiiars  of  his  coiiduci  at  the  tri:il, 

I  Reu.iiiii  your's  truly,  W.  DJBBLEE.. 

To  Walter  Bates,  Esq. 

On  tho  30th  of  April,  I  went  into  the  joil  and  found 
Smith  lying  quietly  with  all  his  irons  and  chains  un- 
injured  J  and  told  him  tluit  on  Thursday  next,  the  4th 
of  May,  he  must  have  his  trial  before  tho  Court  for 
his  life  or  death ;  and  that  Mr.  Pearson,  the  Deputy 
Sh'ijritf  who  np[)rchonded  hii^i  at  Pictoii,  had  come  to 
witness  against  him ;  but  he  paid  no  attention  to  what 
I  said.  The  second  day  Mr.  Pearson  came  to  see 
him,  and  told  that  his  (Smith's)  wife  was  coming  to 
800  him  ;  but  he  took  no  notice  of  him,  no  more  than 
if  he  could  neither  see  nor  hear,  and  set  at  defiance 
all  attemjjts  to  extort  one  single  expression,  as  though 
he  were  destitute  of  every  sense.  i 

Tho  third  day  we  found  that  he  had  leen  at  the^ 
stone  wall,  his  face  bruised  and  bloody.  I  renewed 
mv  attemps  to  eJicit  something  from  him,  by  telling 
him  that  the  next  day  he  would  be  brought  before  the 
Coiirt  for  his  trial;  but  all  was  in  vain-  Ho  gave  me 
tho  most  decided  indications  of  conhrmed  insanity  ^ 
patted  his  hands,  hallooed,  sang  without  articulating, 
and  contiimed  to  sing  and  beat  the  floor  with  liis, 
chains  the  most  of  the  nic^ht. 

Tiie  4th  of  May,  the  day  appointed  for  the  trial, 
being  now  come,  the  Court  began  to  assemble  early 
in  the  morning,  About  11  o'clock  his  Honour  Judge 
Saunders,  and  the  Attorney  General  arrived  from 
Fredericton.  About  1  o'clock  the  whole  Court  mbv^ 
ed  in  procession  to  the  Court  House,  which  was  uuu- 

Hknuy  3foRK  Smitu. 



eually  crowded  with  si>cctators.  After  the  opening 
of  tJie  Court  in  the  usual  form,  the  prisoner  was  call- 
ed to  the  bar.  The  jailor  and  four  constables  brought 
him  and  placed  him  in  the  criminaFs  box.  He  made 
uo  resistance,  nor  took  any  notice  of  the  Court,  and, 
as  usual,  acted  the  fool  or  madman,  snapping  his  fin- 
gers and  patting  his  hands  :  he  hcm'd  and  ha'd,  took 
off  his  slwes  and  socks,  and  tore  his  shirt.  Every  eye 
was  fixed  on  him  with  wonder  and  astonishment.  Af- 
ter the  Attorney  General  had  read  his  Indictment^ 
the  Judge  asked  him  how  he  pleaded  to  that  Indict- 
ment, guilty,  or  not  guilty?  He  stood  heedless  and 
silent,  witliout  regarding  what  was  said  to  him.  The 
Judge  then  remonstrated  with  him,  and  warned  hink 
tJiat  if  he  stood  mute  out  of  obstinacy,  his  trial  would 
go  on,  and  he  would  be  deprived  of  the  opportimity 
of  putting  himself  on  his  country  for  defence;  and 
that  sentence  would  be  given  against  him  :  he  there- 
fore advised  him  to  plead  not  guilty.  He  still  contin- 
ued mute,  and  acting  tlie  fool  without  betraying  the 
slightest  emotion.  The  Judge  then  directed  the  Sher- 
iff to  empaunel  a  Jury  of  twelve  men,  to  inquire  whi- 
ther the  prisoner  at  the  bar  stood  nuito  wilfully  and 
obstinately,  or  by  the  visitation  of  God.  From  the  ev- 
idence  brought  before  the  Jury  on  this  inquiry,  it  ap- 
peared tliat  lie  had  been  in  the  same  state  for  three 
months  preceding,  during  wliich  time  he  could  not 
be  sur])riscd  into  the  utterance  of  one  word.  The 
Jury  consequently  returned  their  verdict  that  the  |Mi- 
soner  tood  mute  by  the  visitation  of  God. 

The  Judge  then  directed  the  Attorney  General  to 
enter  the  plea  of  not  guilty,  and  Counsel  for  the  pri- 
eoner  was  admitted.  The  Court  then  adjourned  till 
10  o^clock  the  next  morning.     The  morning,  Friday ^^ 


Mystfrious  Doings  op 

I  i 


the  Court  assoinblcd  accordingly,  and  the  prisoner 
was  again  brought  to  the  bar,  nnd  placed  in  the  crim- 
inal's box.  He  sat  down  quietly,  and  maintained  his 
usual  silence  and  inattention.  The  most  profound 
silence  reigned  in  the  Court,  which  was  still  crowded 
with  spectators,  and  every  eye  was  fixed  on  the  pri- 
soner with  the  most  caner  attention.  The  Judore 
then  arose  and  observed  that  the  prisoner  appeared 
more  calm  this  morning,  and  directed  the  Attorney 
General  to  proceed  with  his  trial.  - 

After  the  Jury  had  been  cmpannelled  and  had  tak- 
en their  seats,  and  the  witnesses  brouffht  before  the 
Court,  the  prisoner  was  ordered  to  stand  uj)  for  his 
defence,  iioki  up  his  hand,  and  hear  the  evidence; 
but  he  still  maintained  the  same  disregard  and  indif- 
ference, giving  no  attention  to  anything  that  was  said 
to  him.  The  constables  were  then  directed  to  hold 
up  his  hand  ;  but  to  this  he  offered  the  most  determi- 
ned resistence,  and  fought  and  struggled  with  them 
so  furiously,  that  they  were  unable  to  manage  him. 
They  then  procured  a  cord  and  pinioned  his  arms ;  but 
this  was  of  no  avail ;  he  would  flounce  and  clear  him- 
self from  them  all,  as  though  he  had  the  strength  of 
some  furious  animal.  .  .   s;^  .; 

They  then  procured  a  rope  and  lashed  hi  arms  back 
to  the  railing  of  the  box ;  but  he  still  continued  his 
struggling,  and  reaching  the  railings  before  him  he 
would  break  them  out  like  pipe  stems.  They  then 
procured  another  rope  and  bound  his  hands  together, 
and  secured  them  to  the  railing  in  opposite  dii'ections. 
Finding  himself  overpowered  in  hands,  he  immediate- 
ly availed  himself  of  his  feet,  with  which  he  kicked 
most  lustily,  and  soon  demolished  all  the  railing  in 



Henry  More  Smith. 


front  of  tlio  box,  notwithstanding  all  the  efforts  of  the 
constablots  to  prevent  him.  Another  rope  was  then- 
procured,  and  his  feet  bound  each  way  from  the  posts 
of  the  box,  so  that  ho  was  rendered  incapable  of  fiir- 
ther  mischief.  After  securinj^  him  in  this  manner,  all 
tlie  constables  boing  in  readiness  for  his  movements, 
while  he  sat  as  unconcerned  as  though  nothing  had 
happened;  the  Attorney  General  proceeded  to  read 
his  Indictment,  in  which  the  prisoner  stood  charged 
with  having  feloniously  stolon  a  certain  bay  horse,  the 
property  of  Frederick  Willis  Knox,  Esq.,  of  the  value 
of  thirty-five  pounds.  Mr.  Knox  having  been  swoin^ 
stated  the  manner  of  his  pursuit  after  the  prisoner^ 
with  all  the  circumstances,  until  he  came  to  Truro, 
as  has  already  been  detailed.  At  Truro  he  engaged 
Mr  Penrson,  Deputy  Sheriff,  to  pursue  on  to  Pictou, 
whither  he  was  informed  the  prisoner  had  gone  to 
sell  the  horse. 

Mr.  Peters,  Counsel  for  the  pjisoner,  on  the  cross- 
examination  of  Mr.  Knox,  asked  him  how^  he  wrote  his 
christian  name, — '  Willis,'  or  '  Wills.'  He  answered, 
"lam  christened  and  named  after  my  god-father. 
Lord  North,  the  Earl  of  Willsborough,  and  I  never 
^vrite  my  name  Willis."  Mr.  Peters  then  produced 
authorities  to  show  whore  one  letter  omitted  or  in- 
sorted  in  a  man's  name  had  quashed  an  Indictment, 

M'ul  moved  tlitit  the  prisoner  be  discliHrgcd  froin  tliis  in- 
dictiiieiit,  This  move  was  overruled  by  the  Judge;  but 
was  reserved  for  u  question  iu  ti.e  Court  above. 

The  witness  Pearson  having  been  SAvorn,  deposed  and 
said,  that  lie  pursued  after  the  prisoner  the  whole  night, 
and  early  the  next  morning  was  shown  the  prisoner,  and 
arrested  hiin  on  suspicion  of  having  stolen  the  horse,  and 
told  him  that  tlie  owner  of  the  horsQ  would  soon  be  pre-. 





■Vi^T'A^M'l'f     ' 


The  MrsTERious  Doing  of 

tent.  He  soei'ued  but  little  surprised,  aud  only  replied 
that  he  came  bontstly  by  the  horse.  'J he  m itnes^s  further 
stated,  that  he  then  asked  the  prisoner  where  the  horse 
was,  >vho  unhesitatingly  pointed  lo  the  house  where  wit- 
ness soon  after  found  him.  AVitness  went  on  to  state  that 
he  took  the  prisoner  before  a  Justice  for  examination,  and 
thenee  to  the  caol  in  Pictou.  That  he  then  went  to  the 
house  which  the  prisoner  had  pointed  out  to  him,  and 
there  found  the  horse;  that  he  returned  homewards  with 
the  horse  about  ten  miles,  and  met  Mr.  Knox,  who  imme- 
diately knew  the  horse,  and  called  his  name  "  lirittoin." 
That  theyf  then  returned  to  Picton,  where  the  prisoner 
remained  in  jail,  and  on  examination  was  found  to  have  in 
his  possession  a  watch,  and  about  fifteen  guineas,  with  a 
number  of  watch  seals  and  other  articles,  some  of  which 
it  appeared  he  had  stolen  on  his  way  as  he  escaped  with 
the  horse.  That  he  was  committed  to  the  charge  of  u 
constable  and  Mr.  Knox,  to  be  conreyed  by  a  warrant 
from  NoTa  Scotia  to  the  jail  at  Kings  County,  in  New 
Eruswick.  That  before  he  Avas  tuken  from  the  gaol  at 
Pictou  he  had  cut  the  bolt  of  his  handcuffs  nearly  throngh, 
and  had  artfully  concealed  it,  which  was  fortunately  dis- 
covered, and  new  handcuffs  provided,  otherw  ise  he^must 
certainly  have  escaped  from  nis  keepers  before  his  arri- 
val at  Kingston. 

The  circumstances  against  the  prisoner  were,  that  he 
gave  contradictory  statements  as  to  the  way  in  Avhicli  he 
came  by  the  horse;  at  one  time  asserting  that  he  bought 
him  from  a  pedlar,  at  another, from  a  Frenchman;  again, 
that  he  swapped  for  him:  and  at  Amherst  produced  a  re- 

,■■•;/'  -     _,      1    ■  -  .•  ,■.;■■ 

ceipt  for  money  paid  in  exchange. 

The  Counsel  for  the  prisoner,  in  cioss-exMniniug,  asked 
Mr.  Knox,  did  you  ever  see  the  prisoner  in  pcssef  si(  n  of 
the  horse  F  "  No;  but  he  acknowledged  it.*'  "  Pid  you 
ever  heal'  him  ucLncwledpe  that  he  w as  in  posgeseion  of 


IIsNBY  More  Smith. 


tlio  horse  ill  any  other  way,, than  by  paying  he  caiijd  hon- 
estly by  hini  P"  "  No." — Mr.  I'eareon  was  cross-exam- 
ined ill  tlie  same  manner,  and  answered  lo  the  same  ell'ect. 

Mr.  Peterp,  in  defence  of  the  prisoner,  produced  (lu- 
thoritioj*  to  show  that  by  the  evidence  the  prisoner  was 
not  taken  in  the  manner  as  stated  in  the  declaration,  and 
that  it  was  suificient  lor  liim  to  prove,  in  a  f>encral  way, 
how  he  came  in  possession  of  the  horse,  which  he  Was  a- 
hie  to  do  by  a  receipt  he  produced  for  the  money  paid  in 
exchange,  the  best  general  evidence  that  can  be  given,  as 
such  is  the  rouimon  way  of  dealing  in  horses.  He  acknow- 
ledged that  if  the  prisoner  had  been  taken  on  the  back  of 
the  horse  ho  would  then  have  been  taken  in  the  manner 
us  stated  by  the  Attorney  General,  and  consequently 
bound  to  prove  hou  he  came  in  possession;  but  in  the 
present  case,  he  himself,  or  any  one  present,  might  have 
been  in  this  unlortunate  prisoners  situation;  dragged  to 
the  prison,  to  Court,  and  to  the  gallows,  because  he  could 
not  produce  the  person  who  actnally  sold  him  the  horse^ 
The  prosecntor  had  not  produced  any  evidence  ot  the 
horse  ever  having  been  hi  the  possession  of  the  prisoner, 
any  other  way  tlian  by  his  own  confes^sion ;  and  he  trusted 
that  the  Jury  would  not  hesitate  to  find,  that  the  prisoner 
was  not  taken  in  the  manner  stated  in  the  dechiration, 
but  would  pronounce  him,  by  their  verdict,  '  Not  Guilty.' 

The  Judge,  in  his  charge  to  the  Jury,  overruled  the 
plea,  by  stating  to  the  Jury  that  his  having  been  taken  in 
the  manner,  was  proved  by  the  various  accounts  he  gave 
of  his  getting  possession  of  the  horse,  thus  renderln(i(  him- 
self liable  to  prove  how  he  came  by  hini!,  or  to  stand  guil- 
ty of  having  feloniously  taken  him,  as  stated  in  the  Indic- 
tment. That  they  had  heard  the  witnesses,  and  if  from 
the  evidence  and  circumstances  before  tliem  they  were 
fully  satisfied  that  the  prisoner  at  the  bar  had  taken  the 
horse  feloniously.  Jis  stated  in  the  Indictment,  tliey  would 
find  him  Guilty;  but  if  they  had  any  doubts,  that  leaning 
to  morcy,  they  would  find  him  Not  Guilty. 

T^+1«Tf  ]f 



Mysterious  Doings  op 

While  the  Jury  was  out,  the  Sheriff  invited  the  Court 
Hnd  other  gentlemou  to  visit  the  jail,  where  they  were 
shown  the  irons  and  chains,  and  the  situation  in  which  the 
prisoner  had  been  placed.  The  Judge  observed  that  it 
was  fortunate  the  prisoner  had  been  sent  to  Kingston  Jail, 
as  no  other  jail  in  the  Province  would  have  kept  him. 

The  Jury,  after  an  absence  of  about  two  hours,  return- 
ed with  a  Verdict  of  Guilty.  The  Judge  then  proceed- 
ed to  pass  upon  him  the  awful  sentence  of  the  law, — 
Death,  without  the  benefit  of  Clergy;  but  the  criminal  re- 
mained unmoved  and  unaflected,  and  continued  shouting 
and  hallooing.  The  Couit  asked  the  Counsel  for  the  pri- 
soner whither  he  had  anything  to  otter  in  arrest  of  judg- 
ment, or  why  the  sentence  of  Death  should  not  be  execu- 
ted upon  him.  Mr.  Peters  then  rose  and  produced  au- 
thorities to  show' that  the  present  law  that  took  away 
"  the  ]}encfit  of  Clergy  "  for  horse-stealing,  was  not  in 
force  in  this  Colony,  and  that  it  could  not  be  construed  to 
be  in  force,  and  must  be  a  question  <o  be  decided  in  the 
Higher  Court,  which  he  hoped  to  have  the  honour  of  dis- 
cussing it.  The  Judge  admitted  the  plea;  but  gave  his 
opinion  against  him. 

The  business  being  ended,  the  prisoner  was  returned 
to  his  cell,  where  he  received  his  chains  with  willingness 
and  apparent  satisfaction ;  and  the  Court  adjourned  with- 
out delay.  The  Attorney  General,  however,  gave  me  to 
understand,  that  the  prisoner  would  not  be  executed  im- 
mediately;  and  requested  that  I  would  observe  his  beha- 
vior, and  inlorm  him  by  letter  the  particlars  of  his  con- 
duct. The  next  morninp- 1  visited  him  and  observed  to 
him  that  he  was  now  under  sentence  of  death,  and  that  ho 
would  be  allowed  only  one  pound  of  bread  every  day,  with 
water,  during  the  short  time  he  had  to  live.  That  as  soon 
as  bis  death  warrant  was  signed  by  the  Judge,  he  wonld 
bo  executed,  and  that  a  short  time  only  was  left  him  to 
prepare  for  the  dreadful  event.  Bat  he  paid  no  attention ; 
patting  his  hands,  sang  and  acted  the  fool  as  usual.     Ono 

'(IJk  )  Wli" 

I.  ^<  '^'■'^■jfM^iipnvpiii 

Henry  Morb  Smitb. 




of  his  visitors  being  much  surprised  at  his  insensibility, 
observed  to  him,  "  Sinitli,  it  is  too  lute  lor  }  ou  to  deceive 
uny  more;  your  fate  is  tixed  now,  and  you  hud  better  oni- 
))loy  your  little  time  in  inakiiio-  your  peace  with  God, than 
act  the  fool  any  longer."  On  our  nxet  visit  to  the  jaij, 
which  was  soon  after,  we  found  his  Testament  open,  and 
a  leaf  turned  down  on  the  following*  ])asfeaj»e — "  If  any 
man  among  you  seemed  to  bo  wise,  let  him  become  a  fool,^ 
that  he  may  be  wise.**  From  this  it  would  appear,  that 
he  either  founded  his  pretended  insanity  on  Scripture 
precept,  or  afFccted  to  do  so;  yet  it  cannot  bo  supposed 
that  ho  intended  us  to  know  what  nse  he  made  of  the 
Scripture,  as  he  must  have  known  that  our  conclusion 
would  bo  thut  he  was  "  more  rogue  than  foo!.'* 

I  kept  him  nine  days  on  bread  and  water,  during  which 
time  he  manifested  no  sign  of  hunger,  more  than  when 
fed  with  four  times  his  allowance.  He  tore  off  every  par- 
ticle of  his  clothing,  leaving  himself  entirely  naked.  After 
this  time  I  allowed  him  other  provisions,  and  his  subse- 
quent behaviour  was  briefly  stated  in  a  letter  to  the  At- 
torney General,  and  afterwards  published  in  the  Koyal 
Gazette.  The  following  is  a  true  cOpy  of  the  letlcr,  as  it 
appeared  in  the  paper,  July  11,1815. 

Kingston,  June  26th  1815. — Having  henrd  nothing  from  you 
since  the  late  Gaol  DeUveryat  King*s  County,  I  beg  leave  tu 
state  to  you  some  circumstances  of  the  criminal,  Henry  More 
Smitb,  since  bis  trial  and  sentence.  After  securin«  him  with 
strong  chains  to  bis  neck  and  legs,  and  with  handcnffs,  he  conti- 
nued beating  the  floor,  hallooing  dny  and  night  with  little  inter- 
mission, ninldng  different  sounds;  sometimes  with  jinking  bis 
cbains,  and  som<times  without,  apparantly  in  different  pai'ts  of 
the  jail,  insomuch  that  tbe  jailor  frequently  sent  for  nie,  suppos- 
ing that  b  must  be  loose  from  all  bis  cbains,  which  I  conc^eived 
an  I  fre(|uently  observed  was  impossible,  being  far  beyond  the 
power  of  human  strength  or  invention,  in  bis  situation.  But  on 
the  24th  of  May,  going  into  the  jail  early  in  the  morning,  (after 
having  examined  h's  chains  at  2  p.  rU't  the  day  before,)  I  found 


MrsTRBiots  Doixus  of 

^three  links  of  hits  Iioiiviest  chain  iirokon  and  I}'ing  on  tbe  floor, 
being  piirt  of  tlio  chain  without  tlic  staple.    He  continued  in  tbe 
Ranio  way  until  the  2iid  of  Jiiao  wht^n  we  Ibinid  the  largest  chuirt 
parted  about  the   utiddio  and  tiovl  with  a  striii;^,  which  clearly 
proven  tint  irons  and  chains  are  no  sotuirity  for  him.     I  then 
put  on  him  a  light  chain,  with  whicli  he  ha«i  been  ever   since.     I 
never  discovered  him  at  any  work  at  aj»y  time,  but  he  frequently  , 
=l)rotluced  eftij^ies  or  likenesses,  very  striking,  representing  his 
wife.  II)  ujw  praduoed  an  elhgy  of  a  mau  in  perfect  sliripo,  with 
his  features  painted,  and  joints  to  all  his  limbs,  and  dressed  him 
in  clothes  that  he  had  made  in  good  shape  and  fashion  out  of  tbe 
clothes  he  had  lorn  off  himself,  (being  now  naked,)  which  was 
admired  for  its  ingeiuiity.     This  he  would  put  sometimes  in  one 
position  and  sometimes  in  another^  .'uid  seemed  to  amuse   him> 
self  with  it,  without  taking  the  least  notice  of  anything  else  ;  con- 
tinuing in  his  old  way  hallooing,  without  any  alteration,  tnitil  the 
13th,  when  the  jailer  informed  me  that  he  refused  to  eat,  and  no 
doubt  wais  sick.     1  wont  to  see  iiim  every  day — found  he  did  not 
eat — all  the  bread  and  other  provisions  conveyed  to  him  he  gave 
to  his  eflfigy,  strung  on  a  string,  ajid  put  in  his  hands.     He  lay 
perfectly  still  day  and  night,  and  took  uo  notice  of  anythitig — 
would  drink  tea  or  milk,  which  I  gave  him  twice  every  four  or 
five  days,  he  then  refused  to  drink  anything  for  two  days,  which 
made  seven  days  that  he  eat  nothing.     In  that  time  he  began  to 
ppeak — would  ask  question,  but  would  hold  no  conversation.  But 
most  extraordinary,  the  most  wonderfnl  and  mysterious  of  all  is, 
that  in  this  time  he  prepared,  undiscovered,  .and  at  once  exhibit- 
».ed  the  most  striking  picture  of  genius,  art,  taste,  and  invcution, 
H  that  ever  was,  and  1  presume  ever  will  be  produced  by  aay  hu- 
man being  placed  in  his  situation,  in  a  dark  room,  chained  and 
handcuffed,  under  senteace  of  death,  without  so  much  as  a  iiaii 
,  or  any  kind  of  thing  to  work  witli  but  his  hands,  and  naked.  Tlie 
exhibition  is  far  beyond  my  power  to  describe.  To  give  you  some 
faint  idea,  permit  me  to  ya}',  that  it  tonsisls  of  ten  characters — 
men,  women,  and  children, —all  raa'le  and  painted  in  the   most 
.  expressive  manner,  with  all  the  limbs  find  joints  of  man's  fi'anic 
— each  performing  different  parts ;  'heir  features,  shape,  and 
form,  all  express  their  different  offices  and  characters  ;   their 
-  dress  is  of  different  fashions,  and  suitable  to  the  stations  in.which 
-theyare.     To  view  them  in  their  stations,  they  appear  tis  per- 
-fect  as  though  alive,  with  all  the  air  and  gaity  of  actors  on    the 
-  Hstage*     Smith  sits  in  his  bed  ;  tlie  exhibition  begins  about  a  foot 

i  " 


lIiiNRT  More  Smith. 


from  the  floor,  and  c.onipjissies  tho  whole  spncc  to  tho  coiling.  Tlie 
uppcnnovt  isa  man  whom  he  calls  his  liiiuhunriiie  phijer,  or 
sometimes  Dr.  lUunt.  siaiuling  with  nil  tho  pride  aiul  iippoar- 
nnce  of  a  master  musician  ;  his  left  iiand  ukimbo,  liiis  ri^dit  hand 
on  his  tambourine,  dressed  in  Kiiiltible  unif.trm.  Next  hini«  bc> 
low.  is  a  lady  gentecllv  divssed,  {gracefully  Hitting  in  it  handsomn 
swing  }  at  her  left  hand  ^tniids  a  man,  ucntly  dressed,  in  the 
character  of  a  servant,  holding  tho  sido  of  the  swing  with  hia 
Tight,  his  left  hnnd  on  bis  hip,  in  an  easy  posture,  Maitinj^  the 
lady's  motion.  On  her  right  hand  stands  a  man  genteelly  dress- 
ed, in  the  character  of  a  gallant,  in  a  graceful  posture  for  danc- 
ing. Beneath  these  three  figuies,  sit  a  yonng  man  and  a  young 
girl,  (apparently  about  fourleen,^  in  a  posture  of  tilling,  at  each 
eii'u  of  a  board,  deaceully  drchsed.  Directly  under  these  stands 
one  wlioin  he  calls  Buonaparte,  or  s^mietimes  the  father  of  his 
family  ;  he  stauds  erect,  his  features  are  prominent,  his  cheecks 
red  ;  his  teeth  white,  set  in  order  ;  his  gunis  and  lips  red;  his 
nose  shaded  black,  representing  the  nostrils;  his  dress  is  that  of 
the  harlequin.  In  one  hand  he  holds  an  iufont,  with  Iho  other 
he  jdays  or  heats  music ;  before  him  stand  two  cJiildren,  ni)i>ar- 
cntly  three  or  four  years  old,  holding  each  other  by  tho  hand,  in 
the  act  of  playing  or  dancing,  which,  M'ith  a  man  dressed  in  fash- 
Jon,  who  appears  in  the  character  of  a  steward,  soaietimcs  in 
one  situation,  and  sometimes  in  another,  makes  up  tho  shov\-,  all 
of  which  you  have  at  one  vie  w.  Then  commences  the  perform- 

The  first  operation  is  from  the  tambourine  player,  or  master, 
who  gives  two  or  three  single  strokes  on  his  tambourine,  that 
may  be  heard  in  any  part  of  the  house  w  ithont  moving  his  body. 
He  then  dances  gracefully  a  few  steps,  without  touching  his  tam- 
bourine ;  the  lady  is  then  swung  two  oj*  three  times  by  the  stew- 
ard ;  then  the  gallant  takes  a  few  steps  ;  t'len  the  two  below  tilt 
a  few  times  in  the  most  easy,  pleasant  ujannor  ;  then  the  two  chil- 
dren dance  a  little,  holdingeach  other  by  the  hand  ;  after  this, 
Smith  begins  to  sing  or  whistle  a  time,  to  which  they  are  to  dance. 
Jit  which  the  tiimhourinc  strikes,  and  every  one  dances  to  the 
tune,  with  motion,  case,  and  exactness  not  to  be  described.  Ma- 
ny have  been  tho  observations  of  apectators;  amoiigst  them,  aji. 
old  German  observed,  that  «*  when  he  was  starving  tho  seven 
'days,  ho  was  making  a  league  with  tho  devils  and  that  he  helped 
u:„,  •>    ^n  acknowledge  with  rite,  that  it  exceeds  anything  they 


ever  saw  or  imagined.     His  whoio  conduct  from  the  first  had 


ThR    MtSTERIOVS  DolN'(i8   OF 

b«on,  and  is,  oaf  coiiliiiucd  scene  of  mastery.  He  has  i;cvor 
elioM'it  nil}'  Uoa  or  kiiuwlod^o  of  liin  trial  or  present  situutiou  ; 
lie  Heeiij{»hiij>py  ;  his  iioiiH  aiid  trhains  ure  nonppurcnt  inconveni- 
e;ico  ;  couteatcd  like  >i  do^  or  ninukoy  hroUc  tu  l:is  chain ;  Hho\vt> 
no  more  idoa  of  anytliing  (inst,  than  if  he  had  no  recoiled  ion. 
He,  ill  short,  is  a  mysterious  charatttrr,  poHscsHinj^  the  nrt  of  in- 
vention heyoiid  c.imiuon  cap.ioity.  Iain  alnioHt  aslianicd  to  for- 
Marl  yoso  long  a  letter  on  the  Biihiect,  and  ho  n.dnleliigihle  ;  I 
think,  if  I  conld  have  don'3  justice  in  doH(M'ihin:,r  the  cvhiirition, 
it  wonid  liavca  worth}' placu  in  ihe  Jtoyal  O.v/.vMc,  and  lii'tter 
worth  the  attention  of  the  pul/lie  tli:ni  all  the  wavwork  of  every 
exhibition  in  this  Province. 

I  am,  with  all  dnc  respeet,  dear  Sir, 

Your  very  hnmble  servant,        WALTiiH  Bati:s. 
To  Thomas  Wet  more,  Attorney  General. 

P,  S. — Wednefeiiay,  the  28th. — This  moriiin;,' I  ionnd  ho  had 
added  to  his  works  a  drummer,  placed  at  the  Iclt  of  his  tnmhoui- 
inc  player,  eijuai  in  appearance,  and  exceeding  in  iJerformanc©  ; 
beats  tUe  drum  with  either  liaiid,  or  holh  <fOci:ssioually,  in  con- 
cert willi  the  taml)onrrnc,  kecpin}^  time  witli  perfect  exactness; 
somstimcs  sitting,  at  others  siunding  or  danchig.  Ue  liud  also, 
in  a  most  striking  manner,  changed  the  positions.  Tlio  lady 
ahovedosri.'jed  to  l)e  sitting  so  tjraccl'nlly  in  hi'r  swinj^,  with  so 
many  attendants  and  admirers,  is  now  rcprcsetned  sitting  in  a 
dejected  posture  with  a  yoing  infant  iii  iier  arms  ;  her  gallant 
lias  left  her  and  is  taking  the  young  girl  hcfore  described,  about 
14,  by  the  liand,  with  an  air  of  great  gall.intri,  leading  lier,  and 
(lancing  to  tOe  with  perfect  exactne  8,  repi-esonl  more  than 
can  be  described.  On  vii^wing  this,  an  old  iScotchman  observed, 
'*  Some  say  he  is  mad,  others,  ho  is  a  fool  ;  but  I  say  he  is  the 
sharpest  man  Ihave  ever  seen;  his  [)eriorm  since  exctids  all  I 
have  ever  met  with,  and  I  dj  not  believe  he  was  ever  eqUMJied  by 
man,"  This  eveniiig,  a  gMtlemau  from  Boston,  having  heard 
the  above  description,  cane  to  see  tiie  porlormau'^e,  and  declar- 
ed he  could  say  as  llio  Queen  of  8!ieba  did  tiie  "  half  liad  not 
been  told  him." 

To  this  the  Editor  of  tbe  Gazette  adds  the  following 
renmrks  : — 

I."'.^'  'WJI 

Hknry  Mork  Smith. 



"  Wo  hftvo  given  :iii  ciilii-o  copy  of  the  uhove  letter,  wlilih  hi\» 
excited  our  aHtoniHiiiiient,  and  will,  prubably,  tlitit  oi  every  otii* 
er  person  wlio  liiiHint  Hceu  the  exhioiiioii  luid  perlorur  iice  dt- 
Hcrihed  in  it,  Those  who  iire  ucqtiainled  with  tlie  Shoiii)',  know 
hi:n  incupal)lc  ofntuting  ralueboods,  or  attempting  in  any  way  to 
j)iactice  a  deception,  and  will  of  couitse  ^ive  credit  to  the  titnte- 
ment  of  facts,  wonderful  us  they  may  appear  to  Le,  which  he  hns 

The  Suprome  Conrf,  m  July,  being  about  to  bo  held  ut 
Fredericton,  uud  froling  unxioun  to  know  the  fate  of  the 
prisoner,  I  attenicd  for  tiiin  purp)so;  and  liaviu<»  ascer- 
tained I'roni  the  Attorney  General  iliat  his  distiuy  would 
not  be  fatal,  I  returned  u<ri\in  to  Kingston,  when  the  jailor 
informed  ine  that  the  first  night  1  left  for  Kinj'ston,  Smith 
hud  drawn  the  staple  of  tiie  cliain  that  was  about  his  neck, 
and  had  so  concealed  ^l^em  both  that  they  could  not  be 
found;  and  the  gla^s  in  the  brick  wall  was  broken  at  the 
same  time;  but  that  the  chain  could  not  have  gone  through 
that  way,  as  the  outside  glass  in  the  window  Mas  whole; 
that  the  room  uud  every  pait  of  tbc  jail  hud  been  thor- 
oughly searched;  but  neither  the  chain  nor  the  staple 
could  be  found  ;.neither  could  it  be  imagined  how  he  broke 
the  glass,  as  it  was  far  beyond  the  i  each  of  his  Chains. 
On  my  entering  the  jail,  Smith  said  to  me,  "  The  devil 
told  my  drummer,  if  1  did  not  put  that  chain  out  of  the 
May,  you  would  certainly  put  it  about  my  neck  again;'* 
that  he  hated  it,  and  hatl  murdered  it,  and  put  it  under 
the  dirt;  but  he  feared  he  should  haye  no  peace  until  ho 
raised  it  again.  I  then  told  him  he  must  raise  it  again, 
and  if  he  behaved  himself  well  I  would  not  put  it  about 
his  nock  again.  The  next  morning  the  chain  was  se^n  ly- 
ing on  the  iloor;  but  where  or  by  what  means  he  conceal- 
ed it,  could  never  be  found  out.  I  then  took  off  his  hand- 
cuffs, and  gave  him  water  to  Avash  himself,  I  also  gave- 
him  a  clean  shirt  and  jacket,  and  a  young  man  who  was 
present  gave  him  a  black  handkerchief,  M'hich  he  put  a- 
bout  his  neck  and  seemed  much  pleaded;  and  said  if  he 







had  a  fiddle,  or  any  instrnmcht  of  inu.«ic,  he  could  play  for 
his*  family  to  da.^Ge;  if  he  hud  a  sot  of  bagpipes,  lio  could 
j>lay  on  tlioiii  \cr/  well,  and  that  if  wc  gave  liini  M'ood 
and  Ipfithor,  ho  would  inaKo  a  set.  lie  was  offt^'red  a  fife, 
•which  ho  handled  in  a  chinisy  way  •  but  he  said  he  believ- 
<»d  he  could  learn  to  pi  i/  on  it.  He  paid  the  boy  for  it, 
and  then  took  tlic  fife,  and  w  )u!<l  j)Iay  any  tune  either 
rin-iit  or  loft  handed.  I  then  tt.ld  him  if  he  behaved  well 
T  would  not  put  his  handciirt:  on  thnt  day.  He  replied 
that  he  \Aoiil(i  then  have  his  tainily  in  L'ood  order  for  my 
iJAiJi.  Hut  lu  observed  that  when  he  put  his  hfind  to  any 
thins",  the  other  would  follow  as  tliouirh  tlu^  haudculi'^ 
were  on  We  gave  him  some  materials  (hat  he  wanted, 
and  then  left  hiuA;  ilus  was  the  ITtli  of  July.  On  tlie  18, 
"we  fojmd  him  busily  emphjyed  with  his  family,  makmg 
improvements  for  the  hall,  1  gave  him  p(  n,  ink,  and  paint 
and  many  articles  for  clothing-,  &c.  ,      ,  ; 

Ml  his  fi.'iures  were  for. -nod  of  straAV  from  his  heddinj;-, 
cnriously  entwmed  and  interwoven.  The  collouring  ho 
liad  used  hefore  was  his  own  blood,  and  coal  ^vliich  ho  got 
from  a  pfecc  of  hurnt  timber  in  the  jail;  and  their  first 
clothing  was  n>ade  from  his  own  torn  clothes.  He  ndw 
1)egan  to  talk  more  coherently,  and  accomitcd  for  the  bro- 
ken glass.  Ife  said  to  me, ''  My  drummer  c-  icd  out  for 
more  air*"  ids  familv  stood  so  thick  about  him,  *^  Well," 
said  T,  '*  toll  me  how  to  s[ct  more  air  and  I  will  fro  work 
at  it.  H(  told  I'ue  to  make  a  sironi^-  wisp  of  straw,  long 
enru;oh  to  reaoi;  the  glass  and  break  it,  which  I  did,  and 
thoi  after  undoing  the  y:i>\)  ]n\t  the  straw  in  my  ]jed  a- 
gain."  li^  continued  i  nproving  his  family,  by  dressing 
and  painting-  thom  all  anew,  aid  by  adding  to  their  num- 
b:'r.  lie  said  there  whs  a  irontie;nrin  and  lady  oorainff 
from  Franco  to  attend  his  ball,  and  all  of  them  must  per- 
foi  ;U  well.  Witli  the  money  he  received  from  visitors, 
many  of  whom  I  lla^e  known  to  give  him  ^\.  for  one  ex- 
hibitio),   Iw  pn?*c]iased  calico    enough   for  a  curtain  or 

JIrnry  M^yRB  SviiTn. 








led  a- 




le  ex- 

Fcrccn.  In  front  of  the  ])artition  stood  all  his  family, 
which  he  continued  to  iniproTe  and  increase,  until  he  wiid 
they  were  all  present  that  were  coming  to  the  ball;  and 
about  the  lOth  of  Anoui-t  completed  hi^  8how  for  exhihl- 
tion.  The  whole  consisted  <»1  24  characters,  nifde  and  fo- 
mnle,  G  of  which  beat  music  in  concert  Mith  the  fiddle, 
while  10  danced  to  tlie  tune;  the  other  2  were  pni>iiists; 
JJuonaparte  with  his  sword,  fighting  an  Irish ninu  witli  his 
shillelah.  liis  nnisicijMis  were  dressed  in  their  proper 
uniform,  some  were  drummers,  some  were  tand)ourine 
players,  atid  some  were  l)ell-  lingers  In  the  centre  stood 
bis  dancing  master,  with  hat,  boots,  and  gloves  on.  lu 
un  adTaiiced  station  stood  an  <  Id  soldier  iii  Scotch  uni- 
form, acting  as  sentinel  wlule  Smith  himself  sat  before 
them,  his  feet  u.ider  the  curtain,  playing  a  tuue  (m  the 
fiddle,  to  which  tliey  would  all  dance  or  beat  in  perfect 
harmony  with  the  music.  The  one-half  on  the  right  to 
one  part  of  the  tune,  and  the  other  iialf  on  tlie  left  to  the 
other  part,  then  all  together  as  regular  and  ns  natural  as 
life-  The  dancing  master  with  his  right  hand  and  foot 
with  one  part,  and  his  left  hand  and  foot  Avitli  the  other; 
and  theu  with  the  Avhole  together  with  the  most  perfect 
ease  to  any  tuue  that  was  ]>layed.  So  ingenins,  and  I  may 
say,  so  V*  ondcrful  was  tliis  exhibition,  that  it  is  impossible 
to  do  justice  to  its  description;  and  numbers  of  persons 
from  difterent  parts  cwme  to  indulge^  their  curiosity  by 
witnessing  the  performance,  and  all  exjiressed  their  asto- 
nishment in  terms  the  most  unqualified.  Doctor  Prior, 
a  gentleman  from  I^'nnsylvania,  was  among  the  number 
of  his  visitors;  he  told  me  that  he  had  spent  most  of  his 
time  in  Foreion  parts,  travelliui>  for  oeneral  and  litorwv 
information,  and  had  made  it  a  ])(;int  to  examine  all  curi- 
osities, botli  natural  an df^ artificial,  find  ^hat  havino-  heard 
much  of  an  rxlraordinar}  person  1  had  in  prison,  he  came 
for  ihe  express  purpose  of  seeing  his  exhibition.  Hav- 
ing viowed  his  pejso?i  and  every  part  of  his  pcafovmaneej 
he  w  OS  pleased  to  say  tliat  he  had  travelled  through     11 


TlIK    MvSTKRIOUfi;    DoiNtiO  OF 



th(!  continent  of  America,  and  a  groat  part  of  Euro]  e,  Imt 
liud  nercr  met  unythinir  tlio  equal  of  what  he  there  Riw 
performed,  and  that  he  certainly  shouki  not  fail  to  insert 
a  notice  of  it  in  tde  journal  of  his  travels  and  observations. 
Another  centleman,  Doctor  C'ouglyn,  from  Ireland, 
who  haJ  been  Surge ni  in  His  Vlajesty's  service,  both  y)y 
land  and  sea.  came  also  to  visit  our  prisoner,  and  sec  his 
extraordinary  e\hib;ti(m,  and  after  havin<>'  viewed  it  occa- 
ssionally  for  several  d.'iys  w  Idle  he  renniined  at  Kingston, 
declared  that  he  had  lived  in  I'jUgland,  Irelond^  and  Scot- 
land: had  been  >n  France  and  lloll.tnd,  and  throuuh  a 
great  p.irt  of  bhirope;had  been  at  ]Iand)urg^  and  olher 
places  famous  for  numerous  exhibitions  of  various  hinds; 
but  had  never  met  with  any  that  in  all  repects  equalled 
what  he  there  p*aw  exhibited.  Tiie  Doctor  then  belon«r- 
ino-  to  the  Garrison  at  St  Andrew*^,  haviui)-  heard,  w  bile 
at  Head  Quarters,  from  the  Attorney  General,  ,iii  account 
of  this  e\traordinary  character,  took  his  tour  from  Fred- 
ericton,  by  way  of  Kingst»m,  for  the  express  purpose  of 
satisfying-  his  curiosity  by  seeing-  for  himself.  When  <m 
entering-  the  prison,  Smith  seeing-  the  Doctor  in  regimen- 
tals— said  to  himwitli  much  good  humour,  "  I  suppose 
you  are  come  here  looking-  for  deserters;  there  is  my  old 
drummer,  perhaps  he  Ims  deserted  from  some  regiment; 
all  the  rest  are  my  family."  He  seemed  very  much  plea- 
sed witli  his  new  visitor,  and  readily  exiiibited  every  part 
of  his  performance,  to  the  full  satisfaction  of  the  Doctor, 
who  expressed  his  astonishment  in  the  most  nnqualifiod 
terms,  and  ackuowledued  that  it  far  exceeded  his  antici- 

August  13, — At  evening-  we  found  that  he  h»id  improv- 
e  I  his  Scotch  se«itinel,  by  giviiig-  him  a  curved  wooden 
head,  finished  Mitli  the  naturni  features  of  a  bold  High- 
lander. This  was  the  first  of  his  carved  work.  He  had 
also  much  improved  his  ])ugili<ts,  Euonapjirte,  by  some 
unluckv  stroke,  had  killed  the  IrsishmMn,'  and  taken  off 
hu'  head  and  hui;g  it  up  at  hlti   right    hand      A  brawny 


IIknry  yUmn  Smith. 


bold  ^cotohniaii  had  taken  the  Iiisluiian's  ]uace,  and  was 
♦»ivin<r  the  Corsican  a  hard  time  of  it,  Ivnocking  him  dow  n 
as  often  as  he  got  ii]). 

Next  day  at  noon  1  called  to  pee  him  :  he  had  been  fid- 
diing  reniarhahly  well,  and  siiioino-  very  merrily;  bnt  on 
enterino-  T  found  him  busily  enf>aocd  at  carvino-  a  head 
which  was  to  take  Buona]uirtc's  plaee,  for  that  bold  Scot- 
chman Avonl'l  overpower  him  soon,  lie  obser/ctl  that  car- 
vinu"  was  a  trade  in  England,  and  that  he  did  not  expect 
..     to  do  so  well  at  it  before  he  made  the  trial;  and   further 
remarked  that  man  did  not  know  m  hat  he  could  do  until 
he  sot  about  it;  and  that  he  had  neycr  failed   in  accom- 
.   plishinsf  anvthin«'  he  umlertook.     lie  said  lu;  had  never 
seen  any  such  show  in  England,  as  that  he  was  n(»w  work- 
-in o-  at :  tliJit  he  had  only  dreamed  of  his  family,   and    had 
-    the  impression  that  he   must    '  go  to  work,"  and   make 
.  them  all;  that  if  he  did,  it  would  be  better  Avith  him,  and 
,     if  he  did  not  it  would   be  bad    with  him.     That   he  had 
....  '  worked  ever   since,  by  night   and  by  day,  and  had  not 
,^^  quite  completed  tliem  yet;  that  there  were  a  shoemaker 
•    and  a  tail«"r   hat  had  not  come  yet  for  want  of  room ;  that 
'      he  should  nmke  room  if  he  did  not  go  away;  that  he  had 
;    been  here  until  he  had  become  perfectly  contented;  and 
*'  contentment,"  he  said,  "  Avasthe  brightest  jewel  in  his 
life;"  and  that  he  never  enjoyed  himself  better  than  he 
.    did  at  present  with  his  family. 

In  the  evenings  T  went  to  see  him  again  ;  and  as  my  cu- 
riosity to  know  the  orioin  of  so  sinoular  a  cliaracter  was 
g-reatly  excited,  I  hoped  that  the  present  woidd  have  pro- 
ved a  favourable  opportunity  to  draw  some  information 
from  him;  but  he  cautiously  and  studiously  avoided  ans- 
wering aiiy  questions  relative  to  his  yirevious  life,  and  af- 
fected not  to  understand  what  I  said  to  him. 

Sometimes  he  would  talk  yerj  freely,  and  in  a  kind  af 
prophetic  strain,  f  hia  future  destinies.  Ife  said  he  knew 
he  was  going  from  home,  and  that  he  should  find  enemie«-; 
that  every  one  who  know  him  would  I  e  afraid   of  him, 


:   ' 


':                        , 













The  My8ti<:r:ol!$  Doixus  of 

aiid  Jook  upon  liini*^  itli  distrust  and  horror.  That  occa- 
ssioiially  he  was  distrcssod  in  his  sleep  with  all  kinds  of 
creatures  coming  about  him.  Great  l-.ogs  and  all  kinds  of 
cattle  and  crcepinjis  things :  snakes  and  adders,  iVojrs  and 
toads,  and  every  hateiul  thing.  That  lie  would  start  up 
iVoni  sleep  and  walk  about  the  prison,  then  lie  do\\n  and 
get  asleep,  and  he  anoyed  Avitli  them  again.  'Iluit  he 
would  sit  up  and  talk  to  his  family,  and  sometimes-  take 
hi:^  fiddle  and  play  to  anuise  himseir,  and  driv(>  a\^  ay  these 
dreary  hoars  of  night,  He  said  those  snakes  and  adders 
he  could  rca<l  verv  well:  that  he  hnew  what  they  all 
meant;  and  could  understand  soiwethiuo-  concerning  the 
others:  but  that  these  froiis  and  toads  comiuQ-  together 
he  could  not  understand  :  only  thai,  liv- k;u-\v  lie  was  to 
leave  the  place'and  go  on  the  water;  and  tliat  he  could 
nee  as  clearly  as  he  waw  me  standing  befor.)  him,  that  he 
should  find  enemies,  and  every  body  would  be  afraid  of 
lum ;  but  Ik-  would  hurt  no  one.  That  he  should  find  trou- 
ble, and  have  irons  on  hir»i,  but  tliat  t]iey  would  come  otf 
again  That  the  cricke.'s  came  and  would  pet  upon  his 
children  andwould  sinjj;-  amono- them,  that  he  liked  to 
hear  the  crickets;  that  his  mother  told  him  he  must  not 
hurt  them,  Ihey  were  harmless,  and  that  he  nnist  not  hurt 
any  body. 

His  mother,  he  continued  to  sav,  always  aave  him  o-ood 
advice;  but  he  had  done  rhat  which  he  ought  not  to  have 
done,  aiid  suftered  for  it;  but  he  forgavi3  all  Ids  enennes, 
The  Lord  snys  that  if  vou  ask  foruivene-s  of  him,  forgive 
thy  brother  also,.  We  cannot  cx))ect  forgiveness  exce})t 
w-e  repent  and  forgive  our  (iiemirs.  The  Word  of  God  is 
plain:  except  you  forgive  your  brother  his  tresspasses, 
neither  will  your  heavenly  father  forgive  your  trcFspasses 
when  you  a-^k  him  All  men  are  sinners  hefbre  G(d; — 
watch  therefore  and  pray  that  ye  enter  not  into  temptati' 
on.  I  watch  here  and  pray  with  my  f^unily  night  and 
day ;  they  cjinniiot  for  themselves.    But  1  shall  mrt 

stay   long.     Rq  co»      go  to  sea  as  supercargo  of  some 

1  .'•)) 

Hb!^rt  Mobb  Sum, 


▼ef<8oI;  or  bo  couid  got  hid  living  with  hi8  family^  a^  a 
show  in  amy  country  but  England,  and  ho  hod  never 
eoen  such  a  show  in  England  ;  that  he  had  never  en- 
joyed himself  better  than  with  hiy  family  at  present. 
He  did  not  care  for  himself  so  that  his  family  looked 
well;  ho  would  be  willing  to  die,  and  he  said  should 
like  to  die  hore,  rather  than  go  among  his  enemies; 
but  he  believed  he  had  one  friend  in  England, — old 
WilUo,  if  ho  is  yet  alive ;  he  was  always  his  friend,  and 
he  should  like  to  go  and  see  him.  And  he  had  one 
sister,  ho  said,  in  England,  that  he  wanted  to  see- 
She  played  well  on  tiie  pianoforte,  and  he  himself 
could  play  on  it  toc'»  She  was  marrietl  to  a  lieuten- 
ant in  the  army ;  but  ho  was  promoted  to  be  captain 
now.  If  ho  could  he  ivould  go  to  see  her  in  England, 
where  he  Jiad  friends. 

-  f'l.-' 

He  also  said  that  he  had  an  uncle  in  Liverpool,  a 
merchant;  tiien  looking  earnestly  upon  me,  he  said,. 
"  My  name  is  not  Smith, — my  name  is  Henry  J.  Moon  : 
I  was  educated  at  Cambridge  College,  England.  I 
understand  English,  French,  and  Latin  well,  and  can, 

,  speak  and  write  live  different  languages."     He  also ^ 
said  that  he  could  write  any  hand  as  hantlsome  or  as 
bad  as  1  ever  saw.     He  said  he  had  five  hundred, 
pounds  in  the  Bank  of  England,  which  was  in  the  care 
of  Mr.  Turner,  and  that  he  wished   to  have  his  wife 
get  it,  as  he  did  not  know  whero  he  might  go;  but  ho- 

.  knew  he  should  meet  with  trouble;  yet  he  did  not  fear- 
what  man  could  do  to  him,  for  he  could  but  kill  him, . 
and  he  would  like  to  die  here.     After  barkening  to 
these  incoherent  observations  for  a  length  of  time, 
without  being  al)le  to  obtain  an  answer  to  any  ques*-- 
tiou  I  put  to  him,  I  loft  him  for  thai  tiincv 



T — ■'  'i     •  J  a 






•I    ■:  ". 

Tho  next  morning,  whon  the  jnilor  went  to  see  him, 
Smith  said  lie  Iiad  boon  fishing  and  had  caught  a 
Jargo  fish.  Tho  jailor,  percoived  Iho  chain  which 
Smith  Jiad  formerly  wore  about  hin  neck,  and  had  been 
missing  a  long  time;  but  never  could  find  out  where 
or  by  what  means 'ho  concealed  it.  After  this  ho 
commenced  a  new  scene  of  mvstory — that  of  fortune 
telling;  in  which,  if  he  did  not  possess  tho  power  of 
divination,  ho  was,  at  least,  wonderfully  successful. 

'The  jailor  carried  him  his  breakfiist,  with  lea;  Smith 
observed  to  him  that  he  could  toll  him  anything,  past 
or  to  como.  Tho  jailor  then  asked  him  to  toil  bini 
something  that  had  happened  to  him  Smith  replied, 
"  Some  timoagoyou  rode  a  great  way  on  my  account, 
and  carried  letters  and  papers  about  mo  and  others 
too.  Again  you  went  after  a  man,  and  you  had  to  go 
on  the  water  before  you  found  him,  and  I  am  not 
sure  but  that  you  found  him  on  the  water.  While 
you  were  after  him,  you  saw  a  man  working  in  or  on 
the  highway,  and  you  enquired  of  him  for  the  man 
you  wanted.  He  told  you  what  you  asked.  You  then 
.a,sked   him  if  there  were  any  water  near,  that  you 

V could  drink.  He  told  you  of  a  place  where  he  bad 
drunk ;  and  you  went  to  it,  but  found  tho  water  so  bad 

.  that  you  did   not  drink   it."     The  jailer  was   greatly 

.  astonished  at  this,  knowing  the  whole  affair  to  be  true 
just  as  he  had  stated,  and  had  no  recollection  of  ever 
having  mentioned  the  circumstances  to  any  person. 
Perhaps  all  this  may  be  attempted  to  bo  explained 
away  in  some  manner,  or  may  bo  attributed  merely 
to  his  imagination,  or  the  hazard  of  an  opinion;  but  would  be  a  coincidence  not  to  bo  expected,  and 
very  unlikely  to  hanpen.  Besides,  ho  often  hit  upon 
ja  dovelopemont  of  facts,  which  could  not  be  account- 


IIknbi  Mobk  Smitb. 


•  oil  for  but  upon  the  supposition  of  some  myetorious 
*•  Knowlcflo^o    of  things  beyond  the  reach  of  common 
<!onc(^pticn,  as  the  following  particulars  will  show. 

The  next  morning,  August  13,  ho  tohl  his  own  for- 
tune out  of  his  toa-cup.  After  looking  into  the  cup 
for  some  time,  he  kissed  it,  and  loJd  the  jailor  ho  was 
going  away  from  this  ]>ljice,  that  he  was  going  over 
the  water,  and  must  have  a  box  to  put  his  family  in ; 
that  he  saw  throe  papers  that  were  written  and  sent 
about  him,  and  that  one  of  them  was  larger  than  the 
other  two,  and  contained  something  for  him  that  ho 
did  not  imdei*stand,  but  he  would  soon  know. 

The  next  morning,  August  14,  he  looked  in  hig 
cup  again,  and  told  the  jailor  that  these  three  papers 
were  on  their  way  coming,  and  would  be  here  this 
day  at  4  o'clock,  and  he  would  soon  know  what  they 
contained  al)out  him.  Accordingly  I  received  papers 
from  Fredericton,  containing  his  Pardon,  and  two 
letters  just  as  ho  had  predicted  ! ! 

~  Tn  addition  to  this,  the  following  must  be  regarded 
as  a  very  singular  and  remarkable  prediction,  which, 
in  depcndentiy  of  some  unknown  mysterious  means, 
cannot  bo  accounted  for.  Early  in  the  morning  he 
remarked  to  the  jailor  in  his  usual  manner —  "  The 
man  over  the  way  has  a  son  who  has  gone  to  sea,  and 
is  at  soa  now ;  but  he  will  be  hero  this  night,  and  you 
$hall  see  that  I  will  affront  him."  Now  mark  the  se- 
quel. It  so  happened  that  a  frt'sh  breeze  springing 
up  to  the  southward,  with  a  strong  Hood  tide,  the  ves- 
sel which  contained  the  young  man  was  alongside  in 
the  dock  in  St.  John,  on  the  same  day  alwut  2  o'clock. 
He  waa  there  informed  that  his  sister  lay  danger- 
otHly  ill  at  Kingston,  and  that  i>r.  Smith  was  just  go- 




!    i 



i  ■! 

*  H" 



t  m\ 

'«>    jH 


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.    t 

» B 

t  H 



TnB  MrsTBHioTj«  LMiKo  or 

ing  up  to  visit  her  Tii©  young  man  hired  a  horfto, 
and  ill  company  with  the  doctor  arrived  at  his  father's 
about  the  time  that  wo  usually  visit  the  prisoner  in 
the  evening.  I  called  at  Mr.  Porkin's,  and  found  that 
the  doctor  and  young  Perkins  had  just  arrived.  Tho 
Doctor  said  to  nie  that  he  liad  hoard  much  of  mv  ex- 
traordinary  prisoner,  andiflhadno  objection,  he 
certainly  should  be  much  pleased  to  see  him  and  his 
show  which  he  had  heard  so  much  about,  and  of  his 
great  performance.  Young  Perkins  said  that  he  also 
would  like  to  see  the  show,  and  all  went  with  him  into 
the  jail,  and  found  Smith  lying  on  his  bed  ;  but  with- 
out appearing  to  take  notice  of  any  one  present.  Mr. 
Perkins,  like  every  one  else,  was  much  astonished  at 
the  appearance  uf  his  show  as  it  was  exhibited  on  tho 
wall,  and  had  a  great  desire  to  see  the  perfornmce. 
He  put  dow'U  25  cents  by  Smith,  and  said  to  him  that 
he  would  give  it  to  him  if  he  would  make  his  puppets 
dance;  but  Smith  would  not  take  any  notice  of  him, 
and  young  Perkins  continued  to  urge  him  to  the  por- 
formanoc,  but  without  efi'ect,  until  be  was  qiiite  out 
of  patience,  and  finally  took  up  his  money  and  left 
the  jail  in  quite  an  ill  humour.  After  Perkins  liaclleft 
the  jail,  Smith  said,  "  now  if  any  of  you  want  to  see 
my  family  dance,  you  may  see  them  and  welcome ;" 
and  took  up  his  fiddle  and  went  through  the  perform- 
ance to  the  entire  satisfaction  of  all  present. 

Now  the  reader  may  account  fov  this  mysterious 
prediction  and  its  fulfilment  upon  whatever  grounds 
he  pleases ;  but  the  arrival  of  the  young  man  from 
sea  that  day,  his  coming  to  Kingston,  and  his  being 
j^rontedtby  Smith  in  the  jail,  are  facts  which  camjiot 
1)0  ditfputi&cl.     The  writer  is  aware  that  ho  may  injcui* 


llKXRt    Mottu   S^riTH. 





the  imputation  of  weakness  for  narrating  some  thiugn 
rulutive  to  the  prisoner,  which  may  seem  unimport- 
ant, 8tiil  thoy  are  all  characteristic  of  liim  in  a  high 
degree,  anr^  when  all  luiitctl,  set  him  forth  l^efore  the 
world  as  a  character,  euiiiiuiar  and  unpreccdeiited; 
ho  considered  that  every  jjart  of  his  sayings  and  do- 
ings had  their  interest,  and  were  necessary  to  be  nar- 
rated. After  closing  the  exhibition  of  his  family  for 
this  time,  he  wont  on  to  siy,  that  he  had  told  his  for- 
tune from  his  tea  cup,  and  that  it  canio  always  alike; 
that  he  could  leil  a  great  deal  by  dreams.  The  deyil 
helped  fortune  telling,  but  dreams  were  the  inspira- 
tion of  God.  Wiien  the  hogs  came  to  him  by  nighty 
he  could  tell  a  great  deal  by  them.  ''  Your  neigh- 
bor," he  said  to  me,  "  Jiad  a  black  sow  that  had  pigs, 
some  black;  and  some  all  white,  and  one  with  red 
spots  before  and  behind."  By  them  he  could  tell 
much.  T  was  aware  that  Mr.  Perkins  has  a  sow  with 
yoimg  pigs,  and  I  had  the  curiosity  to  look  at  them, 
but  they  did  not  answer  to  his  description,  and  I  con- 
sequently allowed  these  ren?arks  of  his  to  pass  for  no- 
thing. However,  in  the  evening,  as  I  was  leaving 
t!ie  jail,  Smith  said  to  me  (and  without  a  word  hav- 
ing been  said  about  my  looking  at  the  pigs,)  "  The 
pigs  I  told  you  are  not  those  you  examined,  they  were 
six  months  old."  I  made  the  reply,  knowing  that  Mr. 
Scovii  had  a  sow  with  pigs,  answering  to  his  descrip- 
tion in  every  particular.      .;        t  ,  .  ; 

'  On  Saturday  morning.  Smith  said  to  the  jailor, 
"  Your  neighbor  over  the  way  there,  has  a  sow  that 
has  gone  away  into  the  vvgods,  and  she  has  pigs,  some 
all  black,  some  all  white  and  some  black  and  white, 
and  she  will  come  home  before  night,  and  when  she 
comes,  she  will  have  but  one  pig,  axid  that  will  be  a 


i  I 


MYrticRioua  IloiN<»B  or 

plump  black  pig,  and  they  will  never  know  what  \>&- 
camo  of  the  others."  Accordingly,  the  sow,  about  4 
o'clock,  camo  liomo  with  ono  black  pi<^,  and  was  im- 
niediatoly  drivou  back  into  tho  woods  bylho  way  which 
they  had  supposed  she  had  conic ;  but  according  to 
tho  precise  terms  of  Sjnith's  prediction,  the  others 
wore  never  found  !  »   -  .     .;, 

The  next  evening  after  I  had  received  liis  pardon 
from  Frcdcricton,  I  went  to  see  him,  and  found  him 
in  bod,  and  said  he  could  not  eat;  he  nsked  me  for 
now  pot'itoes,  and  remarked  that  the  jailor's  wife  Iiad 
now  potatoes  yesterdav.  He  did  not  appear  in  his 
usual  good  humour; although  he  would  both  talk  and 
act,  at  times,  rationally,  yet  he  had  never  jecovercd 
from  his  pretended  insanity,  nor  even  until  his  re- 
lease from  niy  custody ;  thus  carrying  out  his  scheme, 
in  perfect  wisdom  to  t!ie  last.  But  now,  with  the 
pardon  in  my  hand,  I  hoped  to  make  some  impress- 
ion upon  him,  and  if  possible,  bring  him  t^  some 
sense  of  his  situation,  by  comi»assionately  proposing 
my  assistance  to  get  him  out  of  the  Province.  I  then 
informed  him  that  I  had  received  his  Pardon,  that 
his  Attorney  had  proved  his  friend,  and  had  petition- 
ed tho  President  and  Court,  stating  that  he  was  a 
young  man,  and  this  having  been  the  first  instenco  of 
a  case  for  horse-stealing  before  the  Court  in  this  Pro- 
vince, prayed  that  mercy  might  be  extended  and  his 
life  spared ;  and  that  the  President  and  Council  had 
been  graciously  pleased  to  withdraw  tho  sentence 
and  grant  his  Pardon ;  and  that  T  was  now  authorizc^l 
toi  release  him  on  his  entering  into  rooognisance  to 
Appear  in  tho  Supreme  Court  and  plead  his  pard(  n 
iraon  oallcd  upon.     The  only  reply  ho  maclo  was,  ''I 

Uenvt  Morb  Smitb. 


wish  you  would  bring  nic  some  now  potutoos  when 
you  conio  again." 

1  proceedotl  to  tiay  that  as  soon  as  ho  was  roatly, 
and  would  lot  inc  know  where  he  wished  to  go,  I 
would  give  him  clothing,  and  would  give  him  time  to 
put  his  tnmily  in  order,  and  a  box  to  put  them  up  in; 
observing  tiiat  they  might  bo  a  means  of  getting  him 
a  living  until  he  could  find  better  employment,  with- 
out being  driven  to  the  necessity  of  stealing,  lie  re- 
plied, •'  Have  you  not  got  boys  and  girls  that  wish  to- 
see  my  family  dance  ?  \\v\\v^  all  your  family  to  see- 
them;  I  will  show  tliem  as  much  as  you  please,  but 
others  must  pay."  I  remained  with  him  nearly  an 
hour  afterwards  without  saying  any  more  on  the  sub- 
joot  of  hispAFi  DON':  during  which  time  he  continued 
talking  incoherently  afl  he  had  done  the  evening  be- 
fore. That  we  must  watch  and  i)ray  loist  we  enter 
into  tcmplMtion ;  that  he  i)r*xyed  with  his  family,  they 
could  not  pray  foi*  themselves.  That  we  must  be  spi- 
ually  minded,  for  to  be  spiritually  minded  was  life; 
but  to  bo  carnally  minded  was  death ;  and  much  more 
of  this  kind,  rcpeatinsr  largo  portions  from  the  Now 
Testament — nc:irly  whole  chapters.  Ho  observed, 
**  Now  you  see  T  can  road  as  well  to  you  without  the 
book  as  others  can  witli  the  book.  I  can  read  to  you 
almost  all  of  any  other  chapter  in  the  Hible  you  will 
name,  either  in  the  Old  or  New  Testament,  it  mikes 
not  muchidinbrenco — in  the  dark  as  vvell  as  in  the 
light.  My  wife  is  a  good  little  woman;  she  would 
read  in  the  }>ii)!e  on  Sunday  and  siy  to  mc, '  Henry, 
como  sit  down  and  hear  me  read  the  Bible;  but  T 
would  laugh  and  tell  her  I  fcould  read  better  witnout 
the  lK)ok  tha-n  she  could  witl^;  a.ud  would  go  out  aud 












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U    ill  1.6 










WEBSTER,  NY.  14580 

(716)  872-4503 



MlM<tfkioir*'  Doii««8  OF 

I  \ 


look  after  my.  horso,  or  do  any  thing  on  Sundays.  I 
liave  been  a  bad  fellow;  when  I  was  in  England  I 
gave  all  my  time  to  i-eading  the  Bible,  and  became  a 
great  Methodist,  and  wont  to  all  the  Methodist  meet- 
ings ;  and  wo^ld  pray  and  exhort  amongst  them,  and 
finally  became  a  Preacher,  and  preached  in  Brighton, 
Korthampton,  and  in  London ;  and  great  numbers 
came  to  hear  me.  I  was  sometimes  astonished  to 
gee  how  many  followed  to  hear  me  preach  the  Scrip- 
tures, wh'jn  I  knew  they  wei*e  deceived.  But  I  did 
not  follow  preaching  long  in  London."  He  went  oa 
to  state  his  reasons  for  giving  up  preaching,  or  rather 
the  reasons  that  prevented  his  continuing  to  preach — 
be  had  given  himself  up  to  the  company  of  lewd  wo- 
men, and  had  Contracted  the  disease  common  to 
6uoh  assosiations.  , 

A  course  like  this  could  not  remain  long  conceal- 
jed,  and  the  issue  was  that  ho  was  prevented  from 
preaching,  and  was  eventually  obliged  to  leave  En* 
gland,  and  come  to  this  countrj'.  He  went  on  to  say 
- — "  I  have  been  a  bad  young  man  I  am  young  now, 
-only  23  years — not  24  yet;  and  did  not  know  but  ho 
would  preach  again;  he  could  easely  find  converts; 
-mapy  would  like  to  hear  him  preach.  When  he  wis 
a  preacher,  ho  was  spiritually  minded,  and  all  was 
peace  and  heaven  for  him ;  but  over  since,  all  was  trou- 
ble, trouble,  and  misery  to  him.  Ho  never^ntended 
to  leave  this  place ;  he  was  contented  aud  willing  to 
ctay  here  untill  ho  died ;  ho  was  better  oflT  here  thaa 
anywhere  else,  and  never  wished  to  go  Into  the  world 
again  unless  ho  was  a  preacher. 

:k&vt  hearing  hitti  talk  in-this  manner  some  t^o> 

liKN&r  Mq&k  Shitb. 


I  left  hiin  till  the  Dcxt  day  at  noon,  when  I  wont  into 
the  jail  again,  and  gave  him  a  gooddmnor,  and  rend 
bis  Pardon  to  him.  When  he  saw  the  paper,  Jio  said, 
**  that  looks  liko  tho  paper  which  I  dreamed  I  Haw 
with  two  angels  and  a  ship  on  it,  with  something  tiiat 
looked  like  snakes  "  When  I  read  his  Pardon,  he 
paid  not  the  least  attention  to  the  nature  of  it,  but 
asked  questions  as  foreign  to  the  nature  of  the  sub- 
ject as  possible ;  only  ho  said,  he  wished  I  wouid  give 
him  that  paper;  ho  dreamed  it  was  coming.  I  told 
him  tiiat  as  soon  as  I  would  got  him  some  clothes 
made,  I  would  give  him  the  paper ;  and  that  I  would 
help  him  away  with  his  Show  in  a  box,  that  he  might 
not  be  driven  to  the  necessity  of  stealing;  and  in 
the  evening  I  w.  A  with  a  tailor  to  take  l^is  measuro 
for  a  coat.  Who.:  '  su*v  the  tailor  with-his  measure, 
he  said,  "  I  wish  you  wotxld  give  me  that  ribbon  in 
yonr  hand." — "  It  is  no  ribbon,"  said  the  tailor, "  but  a 
measure  to  measure  you  for  a  new  coat :  stand  up."' 
♦*  W^hat  !"  said  he,  "  do  you  think  you  are  tailor  en- 
ough to  make  a  coat  for  me  ?"  "  Yes  "  "  But  you 
do  not  look  like  it ;  let  me  look  at  your  hands  and  iiQ- 
ors;"  and  upon  seeing  them,  added,  "  you  are  no  tai- 
lor, you  look  more  like  a  blacksmith ;  you  shall  never 
nmke  a  coat  for  me ;"  and  would  not  bo  measured- 
But  he  said  lie  would  make  it  bettor  himself,  and  Wish- 
ed I  would  give  him  a  caudle  to  work  by,  and  he 
would  make  himself  a  waistcoat. 

He  said  I  need  not  be  afraid  of  his  doing  any  harm 
with  the  candle;  he  would  put  it  in  tho  middle  of  the 
floor,  and  take  care  tiiat  his  straw  and  chips  did  not 
take  fire  and  burn  up  his  family,  which  he  eould  not 
live  without,  as  he  could  not  labour  for  his  living.  Bo- 




TkR    MTSfKHlOUH  D0INU8   6t 




sides,  ho  said,  if  ho  wcro  so  diHposed,  he  coiUd  burn  ^ 
up  tho  hoiwo  without  a  candle;  for,  said  he,  I  can 
make  fire  ia  one  hour  at  any  time.  "  When  I  was  a 
boy,  every  one  took  liOtice  of  me  as  a  very  ibrward 
boy,  and  I  obtained  a  licence  for  sliooting  when  I  was 
but  15.  One  day  when  shooting,  I  killed  a  rabbit  on 
a  farmer's  iand  where  I  had  no  riifhl;.  The  old  farm- 
er  came  after  me,  and  1  told  bini  if  ho  came  near  me 
I  would  knock  him  down;  bnt  he  caught  me,  and  tied 
mo  fast  to  a  large  stack  of  fiiggots,  and  went  for  a  cor.- 
stable.  While  ho  was  gone,  I  made  fire,  and  burned 
up  the  whole  stack,  and  got  off'  clear;  but  the  old  far- 
mer never  knew  how  his  fajjaots  took  (ire.  You  do 
not  use  faggots  in  this  country ;  they  are  little  sticks 
tied  up  in  bundles,  and  sold  to  boil  the  tea-kettle  with; 
and  if  I  would  give  him  a  caudle,  he  would  make  firo 
to  light  it."  Accordingly  I  provided  materials  for 
his  clothes  and  a  lighted  candle  to  work  by.  He  con- 
tinued to  sew  by  the  light  of  the  candle  but  a  short 
time,  and  put  it  away  from  him,  and  said  he  could 
Koe  better  without  it;  and  he  completed  his  waistcoat 
in  thonoatent  manner,  and  occassionally  attended  to 
the  improvement  of  his  family. 

August  29,  at  evening,"  many  persons  came  to  see 
the  performanoe,  as  was  usual,  and  wheu  they  were 
all  gone  out,  he  told  me  that  he  had  carved  a  new 
figure  of  Buonaparte  ;  that  the  first  he  had  made  af- 
ter his  own  imatre  and  likeness,  for  he  was  the  man 
after  his  own  heart  :  but  he  had  fallen.  Uod.  he  said, 
made  man  out  of  the  dust  of  the  earth;  but  he  had 
made  uum  ont  of  tho  wood  of  the  earth. 

He  had  now  been  in  my  custody  more  than  a  year, 
(H|d  alniojit  every  day  developed  some  new  foaturo  oi 

L'.'t  1 

IIbnrt  Mors  Smitil 


hifi  churucter,  or  producod  some  frc^li  effort  of  his  genius 
1  httd  luuch  trouble  wiih  hi)n;uucl,  my  patience  often  t<e- 
▼ercly  tried;  but  now  [  viewed  liiju  rntljer  us  mi  object  ot* 
cominisserutioii,  and  could  not  think  of  turniu<^-  liiin  out  ai 
jai\y  naked^  destitute,  and  friendless,  in  such  a  situation 
he  must  either  starve  or  steal;  so  that  his  pardon  and  le- 
Icttso  would  becojne rather  a  curse  thin  a  liles^ing-.  I  re- 
presented these  things  us  feelin^l)  us  1  could  to  him  ;  and 
gave  him  a  box  to  put  his  family  in,  and  told  him  he  nmst 
bo  ready  to  leave  the  l*rovinco  on  Tuesday  morning,  and 
J|would  procure  him  a  passage  either  to  }iora  8cotia  or 
the  United  States.  To  all  this  he  gave  no  attention,  but 
asked  some  frivolourt  questions  abont. Mohawks  and  snakes, 
and  acted  the  fool  :  so  that  I  began  to  conclude  that  I 
would  now  have  more  trouble  to  get  him  out  of  jail,  than 
1  formerly  had  to  keep  him  in  it 

The  next  day  Judge  Pickett  and  Judge  Michoau  attend- 
ed at  the  Court  llouse,  to  take  the  recognl/ance  required 
of  him,  to  ap])ear  and  ple^d  his  pardon  when  ciille(l  up<»n 
to  do  so,  After  divesting  him  of  his  irons,  and  furnish- 
ing him  with  decent  clothing,  it  was  with  much  diiliculty 
1  could  prevail  on  him  to  leave  the  jail.  However,  he  fin- 
ally  took  one  of  his  family  in  one  hand,  and  a  pair  ofsissors 
in  the  other,  and  with  much  elfort  wo  got  him  up  into  one 
of  the  Jury  rooms,  when  Judge  Miclieau  read  his  pardon 
to  hirn,  and  explained  all  the  circumstances  w  hich  united 
to  produce  it;  to  which,  as  usual,  he  gave  no  attention; 
but  looked  about  the  room,  and  talked  of  soujcthing  else. 
Judge  Picket t  tiien  required  his  recognizance,  and  in- 
formed him  that  if  he  did  not  leave  the  Province  immed- 
iately, he  would  be  taken  and  tried  on  two  fndicmeutfi 
pending  against  him  in  the  County  of  York.  Ife  took  no 
notice  of  what  was  said,  hut  talked  and  danced  about  the 
room — told  the  J^idge  he  looked  like  a  tailor,  and  asked 
him  to  give  him  his  shoe-string.  His  pardon  lying  on  the 
table,  ho  oonglit  hold  of  it,  and  before  it  could  be  reCov- 
^•ed  from  him,  he  clip|)cd  off  the  sc:al  with  Ida  siss^nn  ho 


Tub  Mystkbiol'k  Doi}((»«  of 


I  t 

Baid  he  u'M.'itpd  the  nhip  thtit  wu^  on  it  to  curry  him  awaj- 
ivith  his  family,  lie  tore  the  coUnr  oil' his  his  cout,  nud 
cut  it  to  picccri  witii  the  sissors.  Finding  that  nothiug 
elgo  Could  hi!  done  Avith  him^  I  returned  him  again  into 
prison;  wlicn  he  said  to  hi*,  that  for  onr  using  him  so  well, 
he  would,  for  one  shilliu^,  shew  us  all  his  performance 
with  his  faaiily.  Upon  whidi,  Judge  Miclieau  gave  hiiu 
half  a  dullar,  and  told  him  to  re!  urn  a  quarter'bf  a  dollar 
ohangc,  and  then  he  would  have  more  than  a  shilling,  lie 
took  it,  and  said  it  was  a  nice  pieco  of  money,  and  put  it 
in  his  pocket;  but  tlie  Judge  could  not  make  him  under* 
stand  the 'Meaniu"- of  chaniye. 

He  then  performed  tlie  exhibition  in  fine  stylo,  hut 
when  we  were  leaving  him  lie  seemed  out  of  humor  with 
Judge  IMckett,^  and  told  him  tliat  he  had  thrown  stones 
at  him,  that  he  would  burn  his  house,  and  that  this  place 
would  bo  in  ilamcs  before  momiiig.  He  could  make  a 
fire  in  half  an  liour,  and  wanted  a  fire,  and  should  have 
fire,  and  1  would  see  that  he  could  make  fire.  We  then 
left  him,  without  apprehending  any  thing  from  his  threats 
more  than  usual.  15ut  the  next  day,  the  29tli,  when  en* 
toring  the  jail  for  the  purpose  of  preparing  for  his  remov- 
af,  I  perceive  J  that  t'lere  was  mucU  smoke  in  the  hall, 
wliicit  I  supposed  had  come  from  the  jailor's  room }  hat 
ho  fiaid  that  no  smoke  had  been  caused  tliat  morning,  but 
that  it  proceeded  from  the  prison  door.  I  imnicduitoly 
opened  the  door,  and  found  Smith  sitting  quite  uncon- 
riernod  before  a  fire  which  he  had  made  with  the  chips  of 
his  carved  wotk,  and  other  materials.  He  observed  t«» 
me  that  fire  was  very  comfortable,  that  he  had  not  seen 
any  before  f«)r  long  timt^,  that  he  had  made  the  lire  with 
his  own  hands,  and  that  ho  could  juake  it  again  in  ton  mi- 
nutt!s;  that  he  could  not  do  without  inc.  I  immediately 
extinguished  the  fireand  shut  him  npinsflffoCHtingsmokfy 
which  di;l  not  seem  to  give  him  the  least  inctnivcnience. 
The  account  of  his  having  maf]e  fire,  had  excited  Miefcai* 
of  the  neighb  .rs,  who  came  in  to  see  the  feat.     I^ptdocM 

5.,     M 

IISNRT   MORB   &Miril. 


biiii  to  pat  his  family  into  his  boTc  iiiimoilmtel} ;  he  (uoK 
no  notice  of  my  orders.  I  huHiiiy  took  down  one  of  thcin, 
und  laid  it  in  his  hox,  at  ^hich  he  geeind  piciif^rd,  and 
said  he  would  put  them  all  in  that  hox,  and  hooari  to  take 
therw^own  very  actively,  observing  that  ho  did  not  want 
ae»sistance  from  any  one,  but  leave  hiin  with  the  ligrht,  and 
he  would  have  them  all  ready  in  half  an  hour.  We  left 
him  with  the  candle,  and  returnino-  in  about  half  an  hour, 
found  him  walkin«jr  the  floor,  and  evcrythino-  he  had  pack- 
ed up  in  the  box  very  neatly.  It  wus  remarkable  to  Kee 
with  what  skill  and  ingenntty  he  had  packed  them  up.  I 
gave  him  a  pali*  of  new  phoes,  and  with  the'  box  on  his 
b'houlders  he  inarched  o(f  to  the  Iwat  I  had  prepared  tor 
his  conveyance,  and  with  tliree  men  in  the  Iwat  we  set 
out  with  him  for  the  City  of  8t.  John.  On  th-?  way  ho  told 
the  jailor,  thatJf  he  would  ^ive  him  $1,  he  wonld  teach 
him  the  way  to  make  fire  at  anv  time;  it  would  be  very 
convenient  for  him  to  know  how  to  make  lire  on  any  oc- 
casion. Beceivinjr  no  reply  from  the  jailor,  ho  commen- 
ced preaching,  praying,  and  wnoing  hymns,  and  some- 
times acting  as  if  crazy,  during  the  passage  down.  We 
made  no  stop  by  the  way,  and  reached  St.  John  about  8 
o'clock  in  the  evening. 

On  his  perceiving  the  moon  as  she  mnde  her  appear- 
ance between  two  clouds,  he  observed  that  there  was  u  re- 
lation of  his  that  he  was  glad  to  see;  that  lie  had  not  seen 
one  ofhis  name  for  a  longtime.  On  our  arrival  at  the 
prison  in  St.  John,  he  said  he  must  have  a  hot  supper  with 
tea,  and  then  wished  to  be  locked  up  in  a  strong  room, 
where  he  might  have  all  his  family  out  jo  ttdxe  the  air  to- 
night, else  they  would  nil  die  in  that  box  befoi-e  morning. 
However,  we  found  all  the  rooms  in  the  prison  occupied, 
or  under  repair?;,  so  that  there  was  no  place  to  confine  him. 
I  dire  cted  the  jailor  to  provide  him  his  supper,  while  T 

would  call  upon  the  Sheriff  to  know  what  would  bo  don** 
with  hiqi  for  the  night,  und  how  ho  would  be  disiposed  of 




m  tho  inoriiinu'.  I  iirKlcrsfood  from  the  SherilTtliat  there 
WHS  no  vefisstt  thut  woiil<.l  kjiiI  for  tlie  States  before  soitie 
days,  ttutl  tlierefore  iruKio  ii|>  my  mhid  that  I  should  scud 
him  to  Nova  ^colia.  ^Vhen  I  returned  to  the  jail  I  iotiud 
Smitli  at  his  supper;  Aviien  he  hud  finished  his  tea,  he 
looked  into  his  cup  imd  remarked  that  lie  must  not  di»^ 
.turb  his  family  to-night;  that  ho  saw  the  vessel,  then  ly- 
ing at  the  wharf,  that  Mould  carry  hiuj  to  his  wife — i«id 
there  Avould  bo  crying-.  AViiile  in  confinement,  the  fol- 
lowing letter  was  received  from  his  wife  : — 

♦•  Dbau  HirwRANi),— I  received  your  letter  of  Uie  22nd  OtUk  . 
1815  ;  you  8j»y  3011  have  scMit  ycvcmi  letters,  if  you  have,  1  never 
received  theat.  You  Mjsh  me  to  oonie  v.iul  see  vou,  which  I 
WQuld  have  dope,  ii  1  had  got  the  letteiB  in  time;  but  I  did  not 
know  whither  you  were  at  Kmgslon  oruor.  My  dear,  do  wot 
think  hard  of  lae  that  I  do  not  conie  to  see  you, — if  you  write 
back  to  me  I  will  come  ininiediately.  My  dear,  as  soon  as  you 
receive  this  letter  send  uie  an  answer,  thai  1  nmy  ^know  what  la 
do,  so  no  more  at  present,  but  that  I  reniniu  y^ur  loving  and  al- 
feclionate  wife.  ELIZABETH  P.  M.  S. 

H.F.  M.S.,  Kingston 

The  jailor,  by  the  direction  of  tho  Sheriff,  cleared  out 
a  small  room  up  stairs,  w  ith  an  iron  grated  window, 
wliere  we  confined  him,  wilh  his  family,  for  the  night.  Ou 
tho  next  morning,  the  30t]i  of  August,  fmding  that  there 
w  us  no  ves.^el  bound  for  the  States,  1  determined  to  send 
him  to  Nova  Scofia.  And  happening  to  meet  with  my 
friend,  Mr.  Daniel  Scovil,  he  info?niedme  that  he  had  a 
vessel  then  lying  at  the  wharf,  w  hieh  would  sail  for  Wind- 
sor, Nova  Scotia,  ui  half  an  hour  I  accordingly  prevail- 
ed with  him  to  take  Smith  on  bonrd,  which  was  done 
without  loss  of  time,  an<l  at  high  water  the  vessel  hatiled 
oil' from  the  wharf,  to  my  great  satisfaction  and  relief- 
While  tho  vessel  y\as  getting  under  weigh.  Smith  was 
in  the  cabin  alone,  and  smng  a  great  number  of  chain  tra- 
66*g  lying  on  tho  cabin  floor,  Tie  took  them  Qp  aud  threw 

Hknuy  MoRtt  Smitd. 


them  \ill  out  of  the  window !  '*  Bt^caupc,'*  fu'uI  J»e,  •*  they 
would  get  ulout  iny  ucck  ngain."  During  the  pus^u^e,  ho 
ttppeared  very  active;  lie  pluyetl  nn  lii«  iife,  und  wuk  quite 
an  Hgreeuble  pussenjicr.  But  on  the  vespcl's  arrival  at 
"Windsor,  he  left  her  ininiediately  A^ithout  any  ceremony; 
and  notwitliHtnndinojthe  very  strong  regard  which  he  hud 
always  possessed  for  his  family,  us  he  called  them,  he  left 
them  also,  and  every  thing  else  that  he  had  brought  with 
hini^  He  was  soon  only  a  very  short  time  in  Windsor 
before  he  entirely  disappeared,  and  never  was  Known  to 
be  there  afterwards,  but  was  seen  at  some  distance  from 
Windsor,  and  in  several  other  places,  and  recpgnized  by 
ninny,  but  always  carefully  evaded  being  spoken  to. 

After  having  made  his  appt^rnnce  indifferent  parts  of 
Nova  Scotia,  he  culled  at  a  certain  house  one  moriung, 
on  a  bye  road,  and  ordered  breakfast,  and  asked  for  i  tow- 
el also,  and  a  piece  of  soap,  that  he  might  wasdi  at  a  small 
brook  that  wtis  near  the  house.  The  wojnan  of  the  house 
and  a  maid,  were  the  ouly  persons  in  the  house  at  the 
time;  and  Smith  left  a  large  bundle  on  a  chist,  and  went 
out  to  wash,  Th<^-  bundle  presented  a  rather  singular  ap- 
pearace.  and  attracted  the  young  w  oman's  notice,  so  that 
she  Kaid  to  the  other,  "  I  wonder  what  is  in  that  bundle: 
if  you  will  keep  watch  at  the  window,  while  he  is  washing 
at  the  brook,  I  will  open  and  see  wha!  is  in  it."  They  did 
so,  and  found  a  great  number  of  watches,  of  which  they 
counted  15,  with  many  other  valuable  articles. 

They  tied  up  the  bundle  again,  and  placed  it  whero  he 
had  left  it,  and  said,  "  this  man  has  stolen  these  watches." 
When  he  came  in,  he  handed  the  tow  el  to  the  young  wo- 
xnan,  and  said,  "  there  were  just  lifleen  watches,  were 
there/*  and  with  such  expression  of  countenance,  that  she 
tould  not  refrain  from  answering  "  Yes."  "  J3ut  you  were 
mistaken  about  my  stealing  them,  for  I  came  honestly  by 
tliem.'*  Upon  which  the  yonng  woman  instantly  reog^ 
nixed  him  to  bo  Henry  Itf pre  Smith ;  and  concluded  that 


Tnn  MrsTt^RtoLS  Doinus  op 

I  < 


he  vru>(  c<Mlcctiiig  his  hidden  tr<)nHore,  wkich  ho  had  de- 
posited while  he  wa«  in  Kawdon  . 

This  ini<)rmution  I  revived  Iroiii  Mrs.  llccrkwith  ,  a  r^ 
pectublo  hidy  i'roiii  Nora  Scotia,  m  ho  resitlcd  at  tho  tiiuo 
in  that  nfiijrhborliood,  who  also  ^ai(I  it  wan  not  known  that 
he  had  eyer  seen  his  wife  ut  that  tiiutt,  tVoui  the  (inie  of 
his  roleaso  from  confinement.  The  next  account  J  heartl 
of  him  stated  that  he  had  been  petn  on  board  of  a  plaster 
vessel  at  iilastptrt^  but  he  was  not  known  to  have  been 
MJiore  durinj»-  the  time  she  roinaiacd  there.  He  employ- 
ed Jumyclf  while  on  board  cvpgrayinjj^  a  nnnibcr  of  small 
articlep,  some  of  whicli  he  made  presents  of  to  yoijng  la- 
dios  who  chanced  to  coin*  on  board. 

lie  wdS  next  foniHl  at  l*orlJand,  bj  a  genlleman  w ho 
had  known,  jihn  at  Kini^ston;  nothing,  Iwweyer,  transpir- 
ed hero  concerninuf  him,  only  tliat  he  was  (ravellintr  with 
♦•onsidcrable  weight  of  baogage,  through  tho  State  of 
Maine,  which  gave  rise  to  the  following  ludicrous  (story, 
which  I  saw  published  rtt  Eastport,  of  a  mysterious 
stranger  travelling  in  a  stage.  One  cold  n»id  ^t()^m'y 
night,  the  bur  room  of  a  hotel  was  tilled  with  sturdy  farm- 
ers surronnding  a  cheerlul  fire,  and  discussing  the  afijiini 
of  State  over  a  mug  of  flip.  The  night  having  been  tre- 
meudously  stormy  ami  wet,  tho  wind  whistling  all  ronnd 
the  honse,  and  making  etery  door  ond  window  rattle,  the 
landlord  ex))ressod  much  tear  for  the  safety  of  the  stage* 
cf»ach;  but  suddenly  the  sound  of  a  distant  stage  horn  an- 
nounced the  appronch  of  tlje  coach,  aud  removed  the  land- 
lord's anxieties.  He  replenislied  the  fire,  that  the  aj)- 
proaching  travellers  miglit  buve  as  warm  a  retreat  as  pos- 
uible  from  the  nnusual  inelemencv  of  the  nio'ht.  SoraO 
time  passed,  and  yet  the  expected  coach  did  not  came  up. 
The  landlord's  fears  got  up  anew,  and  with  an  espressiua 
of  concern,  put  the  question  around,  "  Did  not  some  «!* 
you  hear  a  horn  ?"  and  adden,  '*  I  have  expected  the  stage 
iji  long  time,  and  I  thought  tliMt  a  few  minutes  aijo,  i. 
heard  tho  horn  near  ut  hand;  but  I  fear  that  g^nnethjng 

i:    I 



Hbnry  Mork  Smith. 



liucl  hapi>eiie(l  in  the  g-alo  that  caused  it  <o  Lo  thus  belut- 
od."     "  1  thought  I  heard  the  stage-horn  soiuc^tiuie  ago," 
answered  }oiiny  farmer   Hopkins;   "  but  then  you  must 
know  that  ghosts  and  witches  are  very  busy  on  such 
nights  US  this,  am\  what  kind  of  pranks  they  may  cut  up 
we  cannot  tell.     Vou  knyw  the  okl  adage,  busy  as   the 
devil  in  a  gale  of  uiiid.     Now  who  knows  but  they   may 
liavc  r"' — llere  he  was  interrupted  l)y  the  sudden  opening 
of  the  door,  accompanied  by  a  viok^nt  gust  of  wind  and 
the  dashing-  of  rain,  when  in  rushed  from  the  fury  of  the 
storm,  drenched  w  ilh  wet  from  head  to-  foot,  a  tall  stran- 
ger dressed  in  a  fur  cap  and  shaggy  great  coat.  l^Vom  the 
impulse  of  politeness  and  respect,  not   unmingled  with 
fear,  all  arose  on   his  enterance, — the   expression,  '*  The 
iJevil  in  a  gale  of  wind,"  rushed  upon  their  mind,  with  n 
signification  to  which  a  profound  silence  gave  expressive- 
utterance.     TJie  stranger  noticed  their  reserved,  yet  vol- 
untary respect  with  a  slight  nod,  and  proceeded  to  dis- 
encumber himself  of  his  wet   clothes,  and  warm   his  fin- 
gers by  the  fire.     J]y  this  time  the  driver  entered,  bear- 
ing- the  baggage  of  his  passeenger.     "  The  worst  storm 
I  was  ever  troubled  with,  blowing-  rlg-Iit  in  my  teeth,  and 
I  ouess  the  oentleman  there  found  it  the  same."     llere 
a  low  whisper  ensued  between  the  driver  and  landlord, 
from  which  an  unconnecled  word  or  phrase  dropped  upon 
the  ear  of  the  inmates.     '  Don't  know, — came  in  the, — 
as  rich  tis  a  mine."  ttc.      l[po»i  this  information  the  land- 
lord im.'nediately  took  his  wet  garments  and  hung   them 
earefully  before  the  lire.     "  1  hope  that  your  wetting  will 
i.ot  injure  your  health,  sir  "     "  L  liardly  think  it  will  my 
good  friend;  I  am  no  child  to  catch  cold  J'rom  a  ducking." 
"  Shall  1  shoAv  you  a  room,  sir  P"     said  the  landlord  :  we 
can  let  you   have  as  good  a  loom   and  as  comfortable  a 
supper  as  in  the  country."     The  stranger  was  immediate- 
ly conducted  into  a   handsome  parlor  in  Aviiich  blazed  a 
cheerful  fire ,  and,  in  a  short  time,  a  smoking  supper  was^ 
placed  on  the  board.     After  supper  was  over,  he  called- 









i-    ii-l 
i  ' 

the  landlorcl  into  his  room,  and  sent  for  his  trunk.  '<*^  1 
liko  your  tfcconiinodutions,  and  if  yon  like  my  proposalfl 
equally  well,  I  shall  be  your  guest  for  some  time,  though 
I  know  not  how  long.  Nay,  J  shall  stay  at  any  price  yoii 
may  please — but  remember  I  must  liave  my  rooms  to 
myself,  aud  they  must  not  be  entered  without  my  leaye; 
and  whatever  I  do,  no  questions  to  be  asked.  Do  you 
consent  to  those  terms  f*  ''  I  do,  sir;  and  you  shall  not 
have  cause  to  complain  of  your  treatment."  "  Very  well, 
then  the  agreement  is  completed;  yon  may  go  now." 
"  Yes.  sir,"  replied  the  landlord,  '*  but  what  may  I  call 
your  name,  sir  ?"  "  Beware,  you  have  broken  the  bar- 
gain already;  I  forgive  you  for  this  once  only, — my  name 
is  Maitland;  now  ask  no  more  questions,  or  you  will  cer- 
tainly drive  me  from  your  house."  After  this,  the  land- 
lord returned  to  his  bar-room,  from  w  hich  the  merry  far- 
mers had  not  yet  withdrawn,  but  were  endeavoring  to  pe- 
netrate the  mystery  that  hung  around  the  stranger. 
'*  Well,  landlord,"  said  Hopkins, ''  what  do  you  make  him 
out  to  be  P"  "  That  is  a  question  I  can  hardly  answer. 
He  is  a  gentleman,  for  ho  does  not  grudge  his  money."  "I 
would  not  think  he  should,"  replied  Hopkins,  shaking  his 
head  mysteriously.  "  And  why  not,"  exclaimed  several 
of  the  company;  "  Ay,  just  as  I  thought."  returned  .Hop- 
kins, with  another  shake  of  the  head  and  significant  look 
at  the  landlord.  "  What  in  the  name  of  all  that  is  silly, 
is  the  matter  with  you,  Hopkins  .P"  exclaimed  the  land- 
lord. What  upon  earth  can  you  know  ?"  "  I  know  Avhat 
I  know."  was  his  reply.  "  Rather  doubtful  tliat,"  replied 
the  landlord.  "  You  doubt  it,"  returned  Hopkins,  rather 
warmly  :  "  then  I  will  tell  you  what  I  think  him  to  be, 
and  what  T  know  him  to  be;  he  is  nothing  more  or  less 
than  a  Pirate,  and  you  will  all  be  murdered  in  your  beds. 
Smith,  (which  was  the  landlord's  name,)  you  and  your 
whole  family,  before  morning.  Now  what  think  you  of 
your  guest  ?"  All  the  company  stood  aghast,  and  stared . 
.at  each  other  in  silence  for  some  time,  until  the  landlord 



Hrnry  Mork  Smith. 




interrupted  the  Kilencc  by  asking  Hopkins,  "  How  do  you 
know  ull  that  r"  Hopkins  answered,  in  n  rather  silly 
niuiiner,  "  I  guessed  ut  it;"  which  did  away  with  the  ertect 
which  was  produced  by  his  previous  assertions;  and  the 
landlord,  dismissing  his  fears,  exclaimed,  "  as  long  as  he 
pays  well,  be  he  man  or  devil,  lie  shall  stay  here"  "  A 
praiseworthy  conclusion,"  proceeded  from  a  voice  at  the 
back  part  of  the'room,  and  at  that  instant  the  mysterious 
stranger  stood  before  them.  All  started  to  their  feet, 
seized  their  hats,  and  and  went  home  and  told  their  wives 
of  Sjuith's  guest,  and  Hopkins  opinion  of  his  character. 
Every  woman  fastened  her  door  that  night  with  suspici- 
ous care,  and  the  mysterious  stranger,  and  the  delineation 
of  his  real  character,  by  Hopkins,  became  a  subject  of  ge- 
neral conversation  and  comment,  throughout  the  village, 
and  £>radnally  became  the  received  opinion  among  all  the 
settlers;  so  that  they  set  down  the  mysterious  stranger 
for  what  Hopkins  guessed  him  to  be,  and  concluded  that 
the  articles  whicli  composed  his  baggage  could  not  have 
been  obtained  lioncsfly. 

The  stranger  finding  how  the  conversation  turned  upon 
him,  did  not  think  it  prudent  to  protraet  his  stay  in  this 
piece,  and  proceeding  to  Boston  in  the  coach,  was  never 
known  from  that  time  by  the  name  of  Maitland.  He 
reached  Boston  about  the  1st  of  November,  where  it  was 
supposed  he  must  have,  in  some  way,  disposed  of  much  of 
his  treasures.  From  thence  he  proceeded  for  New  York, 
on  the  7th  of  November  arrived  at  New  Haven  in  the 
Boston  stage  coach,  iy  the  way  of  New  London,  with  a 
large  trunk  full  ofcTotliing,  a  siiiall  portable  desk,  and 
money  in  his  pockets.  He  was  dressed  in  a  handsome 
frockcottt,  with  breeches,  and  a  pair  of  top  boots ;  and  re- 
mained at  the  steamboat  hotel  several  days.  While  he 
remained  hero,  he  always  eat  his  meals  alone ;  and  pre- 
ferred being  alone  in  different  parts  of  the  hotel  at  differ- 
ent times;  every  part  of  which  he  had  an  opportunity  of 
becoming  acquainted  with,  while  he  remained  waiting  far 





The  Mysterious  Doing  of 

the  urrival  of  the  steamer  from  New  York.  ^ 

The  hotel  was  then  kept  hy  Henry  Jiutler,  and  as  it 
alto r wards  appeared,  the  traveller  found  his  way,  by 
means  of  keys,  into  Mr.  Butler's  desk  and  sideboards,  as 
well  as  every  part  of  the  house.  Jie  left  New  JIaven  in 
the  steamboat  at  5,  a.  m.,  on  the  lOth"  November,  181.5. 
After  his  departure  from  New  Haven,  Mv.  Butler's  ser- 
vants discovered  that  their  whole  quantity  of  silver 
spoons,  to  the  nuitdjcr  of  lour  or  five  dozen,  which  had 
b(  en  carefully  put  away  in  a  sideboard,  was  missing,  and 
not  to  be  fuond  on  the  premises;  and  it  was  found  upon 
fijrther  seuurch.thata  watch  and  several  other  articles, 
witii  money  from  the  desk,  had  gone  with  the  spoons. 
Mr.  Butler  imagined  that  the  theft  nuist  be  cliargeable  on 
some  lodger  in  the  hotel,  and  immediately  fixed  his  sus- 
pjcions  u})on  Smith,  whose  appearance  and  movements 
about  the  house  furnished  symptoms  too  strong  to  pass 
unnoticed!  Mr.  Butler,  without  lo^s  of  time,  set  out  for 
New  York,  and  arriviuG:  there  before  the  boat  that  had 
carried  his  adventurer,  he  furnished  himself  with  proper 
anthority,  and  boarded  the  boat  in  the  sream.  After  Air. 
Butler  had  made  some  enquiries  of  Captain  Bunker,  who 
could  not  identify  the  traveller  among  ull  his  passengers, 
Smith  made  his  appearanee  frou^somc  part  of  the  engine 
room  and  was  immediately  ordered  by  Mr,  Butler  to  open 
his  trunk,  with  which  he  complied  unhesitatingly ;  but 
the  trunk  did  not  disclose  thQ  expected  booty.  There  \rds, 
however,  in  the  trunk  a  very  neat  portaJjle  writing  desk, 
Avhich  he  refused  to  open,  and  Mv.  Butler  could  not  find 
out  how  it  wa.^  fastened.  He  calle(]*for  an  axe  to  split  it 
open,  upon  which  vSmith  said,  '^  I  will  show  you,"  and, 
touching  a  spring,  the  lid  flew  open.  Tho  desk  contained 
a  set  of  neat  enjiravino-  tools,  with  old  silver  rini>s  and 
jewcUry;  amongst  Avhich  Mr.  Butler  perceived  a  small 
car-ring, which  he  supposed  to  belong  to  a  yonng  lady  that 
had  slept  in  his  house,  and  had  laid  her  ear-rings  on  a 
stand  at  the  head  ofhcr  bed,  which  were  missing  the  next 


|P»»!(  !  ""HB 


IIkxry  ^Fore  Smith. 


inonuii«».  After  her  departure  one  of  the  rings  was  found 
at  the  door  of  the  botel.  Up(m  the  eyidendc  of  this  tsinji^le 
et/r-ring,  he  was  arrested  and  put  into  the  Bridewell  iu 
the  City  of  New  York.-  The  keeper  of  tlie  Bridewell  at 
that  time  was  Archimial  Allen,  an  old  friend  of  mine,  and 
a  man  of  respectable  charaoter.  On  my  visit  to  New 
York  afterwards,  1  called  upon  Mr.  Allen,  and  enquired 
the  particulars  concerning-  W.  H.  Newman,  (this  was  the 
name  he  had  assumed  tlien),  while  in  his  custody,  lie 
informed  me  that  when  he  was  put  in,  he  behaved  for 
some  time  very  well;  that  he  otfered  him  a  book,  but  he 
could  neither  read  nor  write  a  word.  He  soon  beG;an  to 
complain  of  beinjx  sick  from  confinement,  raised  blood, 
and  seemed  so  ill  that  a  doctor  atlended  him;  but  could 
out  tell  what  was  the  matter  with  him.  However,  he 
kept  up  the  farse  of  being  ill  until  he  was  removed  from 
Bridewell  to  New  Haven,  thereto  take  his  trial  at  the 
Supreme  Court  iu  January. 

Ifis  chaujnfe  of  situation  had  the  effect,  as  it  would  seem, 
of  restorino-  his  health,  which  broujrht  alon<r  with  it  that 
display  of  his  ingenuity  Avliich  the  peculiarity  of  his  new 
^itnation  seemed  to  call  forth.  During  this  period  of  his 
conlinemct  at  New  Haven,  he  amused  himself  by  carving 
two  inmges — one  representing  himrelf,  and  the  other 
Butler,  in  the  attitude  of  fightinir.  And  so  remarkable, 
and  mechanically,  had  he  adjusted  this  ]iroductIon  of  his 
genius,  that  he  would  actually  cause  them  to  fight,  and 
make  the  image  representing  himself  knock  down  that  of 
Butler,  to  the  wonder  and  amnsemeut  of  nmny  that  came 
to  see  him.  By  his  insinuating  maimer  and  captivating- 
address,  he  not  only  drew^  forth  the  sym])athies  of  those 
who  came  to  visit  him,  but  even  gained  f>o  far  upon   their 

.  credulity  as  to  induce  the  belief  tliat  he  was  innocent  of 
the  crime  -witli  which  he  was  charged. 

The  la])se  of  a  few  days,  however,  made  impressions  of 
a  very  different  nature;  tlie  January  Court   term   drew 

-  near,  at  which  our  prisoner  was  to  receive  his  trial,  but 



r  I 

i        ■!!; 


Mystekious  DoiN'ns  op 

on  the  vcrj  eve  of  his  trial  and  after  the  Court  had  l^een. 
euinmoneU,  he,  by  tlie  power  of  a  mind  which  seldom 
failed  him  in  the  hour  of  emergency,  contrived  and  ellect- 
ed  his  escape  in  the  following  curious  and  singular  man- 
ner. And  here  it  will  be  necessary,  to  give  some  descrip- 
tion of  the  prison,  with  the  situation  of  the  apartments^ 
which  the  writer  was  himself  bv  the  kindess  of  the  Keep- 
er permitted  to  examine.  There  was  a  wide  hall  leading: 
from  the  front  to  the  County  House,  and  from  this  hall, 
two  seperate  prisons  were  entered  by  their  respective 
doors;  between  these  doors,  a  timber  partition  crossed  the 
hall,  having  in  it  a  door  also,  to  allow  an  entrance  to  the 
inner  prison.  The  object  in  having  this  partition,  was  to 
prevent  any  intercourse  between  the  two  prison  doors, 
and  it  was  so  placed  as  to  loave  a  distance  of  about  two. 
feet  on  eacl^  side,  between  it  and  the  prison  doors  respec- 
tively. Newman  [Smith]  was  confined  in  the  inner  pri- 
son. The  doors  of  the  prison  opened  inwards,  and  when 
shut  were  secured  by  two  strono*  bolts  which  entered  inta 
stone  posts,  with  clasps  lapped  over  a  staple,  to  which 
were  fixed  strong  padlocks.  These  padlocks,  our  prison- 
or,  by  some  means,  managed  to  open  or  remove,  so  that 
he  could  open  the  doors  at  pleasure,  and  fix  the  padlocks 
again  ingeniously,  that  could  not  be  detected  from  their 
appearance,  Un  the  night  of  the  12th  of  January,  at  the 
usual  time  of  feeding  tb.e  prisoners,  Newman  availinghim- 
self  of  these  adjustiuojits.  (»])ejiod  his  door,  came  out,  and 
replacing  the  locks,  took  his  stand  behind  the  door  of  the 
partition,  which,  when  open,  would  conceal  him  from  ob- 
servation The  prisoners  in  the  other  apartments  re- 
ceived their  supply  first,  and  the  instant  when  the  servant 
was  proceeding  from  their  door  to  go  and  bring  Newman 
his  suppei*,  he  stepped  through  the  partition  door,  which 
had  been  first  opened,  and  not  shut  again,  and  followed 
the  servant  softly  througli  the  hall  to  the  front  door,  and 
walked  away  undiscovered  !  AVhcn  the  servant  returned 
with  his  supper  to  the  wicket,  she  called  him,  bnt  rcceiv- 



Uenrt  Mobe  8311111. 


ad  lieen. 

id  ell'ect- 
ur  luan- 
e  Keep- 

lis  Lall; 
ssed  the 
0  to  the 
,  was  to 
Jut  two 

iier  pri- 
d  wheu 
red  into: 

prison - 
so  that 
ri  their 
,  at  the 
lit,  and 
•  of  the 
'oin  ob- 
ints  re- 

)r,  and 

ing no  answer,  placed  his  supper  inside  the  wicket,  say- 
ing, "  you  may  take  it  or  leave  it;  1  am  not  going  to  wait 
here  ail  night."  She  then  secured  the  outer  door,  and 
so  the  matter  rested  till  the  morning. 

The  next  morning,  finding  that  the  prisoner  had  not 
taken  his  supper,  the  servant  observed  to  the  keeper,  that 
she  feared  New  man  was  dead,  for  he  had  not  taken  his 
supper;  and  she  called  him,  but  could  not  hear  or  see 
auythinjy  of  him.  Upon  tliis,  the  keeper  came  with  his  keys 
to  unloelv  the  door,  and  found,  to  his  utter  astonishment, 
bothjocks  broken,  and  the  prison  empty  !  !  The  keeper 
made  known  the  nuitter  to  the  Sheritf,  and  on  13th,  the 
day  subsequent  to  Jiis  escape,  the  following  notice  was  in- 
serted in  tlie  Connecticut  Joiirmil: — 

"  BiiWARE  OF  A  ViLLTAN  ! — die  of  the  most  accomplished  vii- 
hiiiisj  that  di.s,a"aee  our  country,  broke  from  the  jail  in  thia  City 
Oil  Friday  evening  last,  between  the  hours  of  five  and  six  o'clock, 
and  succeeded  in  inakiuf^  his  escape.  The  fellow  calls  himself 
Newman,  and  was  bound  over  for  trial  at  tlie  sitting  of  the  next 
Supreme  Court,  on  the  charge  of  burglary,  having  robbed  the 
hou'^e  of  Mr.  11.  Butler,  of  plate,  moiiey,  &c.  He  is  supposed  to 
be  an  Englislui<an,  and  is  undoubtedly  a  most  profound  adept  in 
the  arts  of  knavery  and  deception.  Hesj)eaksthe  English  and 
French  languages  fluently,  and  can  plav  off  the  air  of  a  genteel 
Frenchman  with  the  most  imposing  gravity.  He  is  of  middling 
sttiture,  slender  and  active,  and  appears  to  possess  an  astonish- 
ing variety  of  genius.  He  is  sick  or  well,  grave  or  gay,  silent  or 
loquacious ;  and  can  fence,  box,  fight,  run,  sing,  dance,  play,  talk, 
whistle,  ns  occasion  suits.  He  amused  himself  while  in  prison, 
by  making  and  managing  a  Puppet  Show,  which  he  performed 
apparently  wilh  such  means  as  to  excite  the  wonderof  the  credu- 
lous, having  a  ];iece  of  old  horse-shoe,  whetted  on  the  wall  of  his 
dungeon,  as  the  only  instrument  of  his  mechanism;  and  com- 
plaining only  of  the  scarcity  of  timber  to  complete  his  group- 
He  had  the  address,  by  an  irresistuble  flow  of  good  humour  and 
cheerfulness,  to  make  some  believe,  that  he  was  quite  an  inno- 
cent and  harmless  man  ;  and  excited  sympalhy  enough  in  tboso 
who  had  the  curiosity  to  see  him,  to  obtain  several  gratifications 
which  prisoners  do  not  usually  enjoy.  Vet  the  depth  of  bts  cun- 
uing  was  evince  I  in.acconiplisliing  his  means  of  egi'ape,.which  he 


t         * 



Mysterious  Doings  of 

efTccted  by  sawing  a  hole  i»  his  prison  door,  which  is  several  in- 
ches thick,,  so  neatly,  that  the  block  could  be  taken  out  and  re- 
placed witjiout  any  marks  of  violence.  Throujjh  this  hole  he 
could  tlinrst  his  arm,  and  by  wrenching  oflF strong  padlocks,  and 
shoving  back  the  bolts,  at  the  hour  of  supper,  when  ihG  person 
who  waited  on  the  prisoners  was  giving  them  their  food,  fonnd  a 
free  passage  to  the  hall  of  the  Counting  House,  aud  thence  to  the 

The  s.'iw  that  be  iisc(3  in  cutting  the  door  of  the  prison, 
is  suppesed  to  have  been  the  one  which  ho  stole  on 
board  the  steamboat  Fultox,  on  his  passage  from 
IS^ew  York  to  New  Haven;  and  so  artfully  did  ho  con- 
ceal the  saw,  though  repeatedly  searched  both  befoio 
and  after  his  confinement,  at  the  suggestion  of  Ca})t. 
Bunker,  that  he  retained  it  about  his  person  luitil  by 
its  means  he,  eflfected  his  escape. 

About  the  time  that  Newman  made  his  elopement, 
Mr.  ]3utler  happened  to  be  in  New  York,  and  on  his 
return  by  land,  he  met  Newman  travellintr  leisurely 
along,  a  few  miles  distant  from  the  City.  Mr.  Butler 
readily  recognized  him,  and  immediately  instituted 
a  pursuit;  but  he  iTaffled  his  attempt  to  apprehend 
him,  and  made  his  retreat  into  the  woods  Upon  this, 
Mr.  Butler  engaged  a  party  of  men,  with  dogs  and 
lire-arms,  to  ferret  him  out  if  possible ;  but  had  vigi- 
lence  enough  to  elude  all  their  efforts  to  take  him. 

The  next  morning  after  the  chase,  he  made  his  ap- 
pearance at  a  certain  house,  where  he  found  the  ta- 
ble placed  for  the  family  breakfast,  and  without  invi- 
ation  or  ceremony,  sat  down  at  the  table  and  began 
o  oat.  While  ho  was  eating,  he  observf»d  to  the 
family,  that  he  w  ''  not  let  them  take  him  yester- 
day;  referring  to  o  pursuers.  *' Was  it  you  they 
were  after  ?"     eiKjnired  some  of  the  family.     "  Yes, 



•Wwr  ftfrnt 

ITenry  MoiiK  Smith. 


but  I  would  not  lot  them  find  inc."  i'  How  eanio  yon 
from  New  Haven  r"  was  next  enquired.  ''  1  staid  a 
grcijt  while' but  they  did  not  iind  anything  ngainst 
me;  only  a  yonng  woman  pretended  to  p-ay  that  1 
an  ear-rino:  of  her's  whioh  belong:ed  to  my  wile,  whieh 
viaH  not  worth  waitiri<:r  for,  and  so  I  came  away." 
Here,  however,  he  waw  apprehended,  and  yent  again 
to  Bridewell;  but  when  he  came  there,  he  denied 
being  the  man;  and  so  altered  his  appearance  and 
dress,  that  no  one  knew  him,  until  Sir.  Allen,  the 
keeper  of  the  prison  at  New  Haven,  came  and  recog- 
nized him.  He'tookhim  in  charge  at  Hridewell,  and 
returned  with  him  to  New  Haven  in  the  steamboat. 
On  his  arrival  at  th«  County  House,  the  Sheriff  had 
tim  closely  searched,  to  see  that  ho  had  no  saws,  or 
any  other  instruments,  by  which  he  might  effect  an- 
other escape.  After  the  search  he  was  confined  in 
the  criminal's  roem,  handcuffed,  with  a  shackle  abont 
one  of  his  leji^s,  to  which  was  attached  a  lono  iron 
chain,  firmly  stapled  to  the  floor,  and  in  company 
with  two  negro  boys  who  were  confined  for  stealing 

In  this  situation  he  was  left  at  evening;  the  next 
morning,  when  the  keeper  came  to  the  door  of  his 
prison,  he  fotfnd  him  walkhig  the  room,  smoking  his 
pipe,  with  the  chain  on  his  shonlder.  and  the  hand- 
cuffs in  his  hand,  which  he  presented  to  the  keeper, 
saying,  "  you  may  take  these,  they  may  be  of  use  to 
you ;  but  they  are  of  no  use  to  me."  The  keeper  on 
attempting  to  open  the  door,  found  that  he  had  not 
only  drawn  the  staple,  but  had  raised  the  floor  also, 
which  was  of  strong  plank,  firmly  fastened  to  the 
sleepers  with  spikes  The  heads  of  some  of  the  spikes 
were  drawn  thronoh  the  pkmks  which  he  had  taken 




ThK    MtSTKEIOUS  DoiNb-8   OP 

!      , 


«  « 

up,  and  wilh  which  ho  had  so  barricaded  tho  door, 
the  keeper  attoiiiptod  in  vain  to  enter,  Uix)n  this,  ne 
called  upon  tho  Sheriff,  who  came  and  ordered  the 
prisoner  to  open  the  door ;  to  which  ho  replied  from 
within,  ''  My  house  is  my  castle,  and  none  shall  enter 
hero  without  my  leave.',  Tho  SluM-iff  then  ordered 
the  two  colored  boys  (who  stood  treniblino:  from  fear,) 
to  come  and  remove  tho  fastening  from  tho  door;  but 
the  prisoner  told  him  that  death  would  be  their  por- 
tion if  they  attempted  it. 

The  Sherifl' finding  him  determined  not  to  open  the 
door,  and  having  attempted  in  vain  to  get  in  by  other, 
means,  sent  for  a  mason  and  ordered  him  to  break 
an  opening  through  the  brick  partition  which  divided 
the  iow^r  room.  \Vhen  tln^  mason  comni'^nccd  opera- 
tions on  the  i^'all,  T^ewman  said  to  tho  Sheriff,  *•  It  is 
no  use  to  make  a  hole  through  that  wall,  for  I  could 
kill  every  vagabond  as  fast  as  they  put  their  heads  in ; 
but  if  the  Sheriff  will  bring  no  one  but  gentlemen,  I 
will  open  iho  door  for  him."  The  door  was  then  op- 
ened and  the  Sheriff  went  in  and  seciii^ed  him ;  and 
soon  after,  more  strongly,  with  additional  irons  and 
'chains.  Finding  himself  now  over[)owored,  and  ano- 
ther escape  rather  hopele8s,  he  had  resourse  of  yell- 
ing and  screamia'i  milike  the  human  vofhe,  and  seem- 
ingly in  every  part  of  tho  house.  This  he  kept  up 
all  night,  until  the  whole  tr»\vn  was  greatly  alarmed. 
A  Special  Court  was  therfore  imm"diately  called, 
and  in  a  few  days  ho  was  brought  to  trial 

After  I  arrived  at  New  JJaven,  where  I  was  put  in 
possession  of  these  particulars  concerning  hiin,  no 
person  was  known  in  the  United  States  who  could 
jiorf'T'ctly  identify  him  to  be  the  noted  Henry  More 
Smith,  but  myself,     1   was  consequently   requested 

Hknut  Mohk  Smith. 


for  the  f^ratificatioh  of  the  public,  to  go  to  the  Sims- 
bury  Mines  i^  see  him.  I  had  the  curiosity  to  see 
how  he  conducted  himself  at  New  Gato,*aiKl  proceed- 
ed to  Simsbury,  about  50  juilcs,  for  the  purpose.  On 
my  arrival  at  Simsbury,  I  enquired  of  Captain  Wash- 
burn, the  keeper  of  the  prison,  how  Newman  conduc- 
ted himself  He  answered  that  he  behaved  very  well ; 
that  he  had  heard  that  he  was  a  very  bad  fellow>  but 
he  had  so  many  that  was  worse  he  did  not  think  any 
thing  bad  in  Newman.  I  further  enqnired  what  ac- 
count he  gave  of  himself,  and  what  he  acknowledged 
to  have  be^^n  his  accupation.  His  answer  to  these  en- 
quiries were,  that  he  professed  to  be  a  tailor,  if  any 
thing,  but  that  he  had  not  been  accustomed  to  nmch 
hard  work,  as  he  always  been  subject  to  fits;  that  his 
fits  were  frightful,  and  that  in  his  agony  and  distress 
he  would  turn  round  on  his  head  and  shoulders  like  a 
top,  and  he  was  so  chafed  and  bruised  with  his  irons 
in  his  convulsive  agonies,  that  he  had  taken  the  shac- 
kles oirhis  leirs,  so  that  now  he  onlv  had  one  on  ono 
leg.  This  was  as  convincing  to  me  as  possible  that 
he  was  my  old  friend  Henry  ^Iork  Smith.  The  Cap- 
tmn  asked  me  if  T  had  a  wish  to  liberate  him,  I  re- 
plied, my  object  was  to  asc  i^rtain  whither  he  were  a 
prisoner  I  had  hnA  in  my  custody  more  than  twelve 
months,  and  that  if  he  were,  he  would  know  me  im- 
mediately, but  would  not  profess  to  know  me.  Ac- 
cordingly, when  he  was  brought  into  my  presence  in 
the  Captain's  room,  he  mahitained  a  perfect  indiffer- 
ence, and  took  no  notice  of  me  whatever.  I  said  to 
him, ''  Newman,  what  have  you  been  doing  that  has 
brought  you  here  f  "  Nothing,  only  I  had  an  ear- 
ring with  me  that  belonged  to  my  wife,  .and  a  young 
lady  claimed  it  and  swore  that  it  belonged  to  herj^ 


~ ,'•,(" . .' "— ■ 


I  OS 

Tub  MvsTKRioLS  Doixos  of 

and  I  had  no  friend  to  speak  in  favor  of  mo,  and  tlu^y 
Kont  me  tt  prison."  I  then  asked  him  whither  ho  had 
overseen  me  before.  He  looked  earne-stly  upon  mo 
and  said,  I  do  not  know  that  I  have  m^n  you  at  New 
Haven,  there  were  many  men  at  Court."  "  Where 
did  you  come  from  ?"  "  I  came  from  Canada."  "What 
rouutryman  are  yon  F"  "  A  Frenchman,  born  in 
Franco."  Hi?  had  been  in  London  and  Liverpool, 
but  never  at  Bri^fhton.  '^  Was  you  ever  at  Kinn:ston, 
Newbrunsvvick  ?"  *'  No,"  he  did  not  Imow  wh(To 
that  was,  with  a  countenance  unmoved  as  if  he  had 
spoken  in  all  the  contidence  of  truth. 

He  appeared  rather  more  fleshy  than  when  at  King- 
ston;  but  still  remained  the  same  subtile  mysterious 
being.  I  understand  that  he  was  the  first  that  ever 
effected  an  exemption  from  labour  in  that  prison  by 
or  on  any  pretence  whatever.  He  kept  himself  clean 
and  deacent,  and  atnong:  the  wretched  victims  who 
were  daily  brought  from  the  horrid  pit  in  chains  and 
fetters  to  their  dailyjlabour  of  making  nails  William 
Newman  appeared  quite  a  distinguished  character. — 
So  obtuse  was  he  that  he  could  not  be  taught  to  make 
a  nail,  and  yet  so  ingenious  w^as  he,  that  he  made  a 
jews-harp  to  the  greatest  perfection  without  being 
discovered  at  work  and  without  its  being  known  un- 
till  he  was  playing  on  it. 

It  was  in  the  city  of  New  Haven  that  the  .author, 
published  the  First  Edition  of  these  Memoirs,  being 
awar-3  that  here,  where  his  character  and  unprece- 
dented actions  were  perfectly  known  throughout  the 
country,  the  publication  of  his  doings  at  Kingston, 
and  his  career   throusfhtout  the  Province   of  New 

'^  J-:  t'jbt'utf.''."'-- 

,a  iMHiMi  i'"P'*i^(^' 

IIknut  Moke  Sjirin. 


Brunswick  and  Nova  Scotia  would  not  only  be  desira- 
ble and  acceptable;  but  wontd  also  be  received  with 
less  Hcrnpulousness,  when  brought,  as  it  were,  in 
contact  with  facts  of  a  similar  nature  publicly  kuown 
and  believed. 

While  these  papers  were  being  prepared  for  the 
press,  a  gentleman  from  Washington,  M:ijor  McDani- 
cl,  on  return  from  Boston,  boarded  for  some  time  in 
the  same  house  with  me — that  of  Joseph  Tsichols, 
and  having  heard  some  details  from  me  of  his  unpre- 
cedented character  and  actions  in  New  Brunswick, 
and  having  become  acquainted  with  the  facts  relating 
to  his  imprisonments  and  escapes,  <fec,  in  that  place, 
could  not  repress  his  curiosity  in  going  to  see  him, 
and  requested  me  to  ac'company  him  at  his  own  ex- 
pense. He  observed  that  it  would  be  a  high  gratifi- 
cation to  him,  on  his  return  to  Washington,  that  he 
woidd  not  only  have  oue  of  jny  books  with  him,  but 
would  also  bd  able  to  say  that  he  had  personally  seen 
the  Sheriff  from  New  Brunswick  that  had  written  the 
book,  and  had  seen  the  remarkable  character  in  the 
prison  in  New  Gate  that  constituted  the  subject  of 
the  book,  and  ihe  prison  in  New  Haven  from  which 
he  escaped.  Accordingly  we  set  out  for  New  Gate, 
and  my  friend  had  the  satisfaction  of  seeing  the  not- 
ed Honry  More  Smith,  now  William  Newman.  On 
our  leaving  hijri,  I  said  to  him,  ''  Now  Smith,  if  you 
have  any  thing  to  eomnuinicate  to  your  wife,  I  will 
lei  her  know  it."  He  looked  at  me  and  said.  "  Sir,  are 
you  going  to  the  Jerseys  ?"  Why  do  you  think  your 
wife  is  there  ?  "  I  hope  so,  I  left  her  there,"  was  his 
reply,  and  ihat  with  as  nuich  firmness  and  seeming 
earnestness  as  if  he  had  never  before    seen   my  face. 



I    !: 




1 ' 




TiiH  Mystkuiolis;  Doinoo  op 

Artorl  hu\  left  biiri  ami  rotnrnod  to  Now  Haven,  aiiM 
furnished  thi;  printer  with  this  atlditional  sketch, 
and  hud  thvi  Moirioirs  completed,  one  of  the  books 
wore  fc;h(Mvn  to  him,  vvhich  h(;  ])erused  with  much  at- 
tention, and  replied  with  seeming  indiffertMic^,  that 
Home  Qontlomin  travelling  in  the  Unittul  States  had 
run  whcrt  of  jiioiiyy,  and  invented  that  book  to  defray 
his  expenses. 

Immediately  after  he  had  read  the  Memoirs  of  his 
own  nnparalleled  life  and  actions,  «nd  pronounced 
the  whole  a  fiction,  as  if  to  outdo  anything  before  re- 
lated of  him,  or  attributed  to  him,  he  added  the  re- 
markable feat  to  the  list,  already  so  full,  of  his  singu- 
lar and  nnpr(^cedented  actions.  In  the  presence  of 
a  numb'?r  of  young  persons,  and  when  there  was  a 
fine  fire  burning  on  hearth,  ho  affected  to  be  sudden- 
ly seized  w  ith  a  violent  convulsive  fit,  falling  down 
on  the  floor  and  bounding  and  writhing  about,  as  if 
in  the  most  agonizing  snflerings  And  what  consti- 
tuted the  wonder  of  the  masterpiece  of  afiectation 
was,  that  in  his  spasmodic  contortions  his  feet  came 
in  contact  with  the  fire,  ajid  was  litterally  beginning 
to  bo  roasted,  without  his  appearing  to  feel  any  pahi 
from  the  burning.  This  circumstance  confirmed  the 
bolif^f  in  the  bystanders,  that  the  fit  was  a  reality; 
and  he  did  not  miss  his  aim  in  shew  ing  off  his  spas- 
modic attack,  which  was  indeed  done  to  the  life.  Ho 
w^as  consequently  exempted  from  hard  labour,  and 
was  permitted  to  employ  himself  in  any  t riffling  ap- 
plicalion  he  choose,  or  in  making  jews- harps,  pen- 
knives, knives  of  various  descriptions,  and  rings,  in 
the  mechanism  of  which  he  manifested  much  talent 
and  ingenuity.     Many  persons  from  mere  curiosity, 

■Ti^iiiniYvVi  "-;;-7ji 



Hknry  Mork  Smith. 


piir(^hasod  from  him  several  iirticIeR  of  \m  handi- 
work. From  among  the  re  Hi  may  bo  uistaneed  tho 
case  of  two  young  men,  who  very  much  admired  his 
small  penknives,  and  proposed  purchasing  two  of 
them  on  condition  of  his  engraving  his  name  on  th(; 
handles ofthcm.  He  immediately  engraved,  and  with 
perfect  neatn-.^ss,  '"  Heniy  More  Smith,"  on  the  sido 
ofoneofthem,  "  William  Newman,''  on  th'?  other 
side,  and  on  the  other  knife  ho  engraved,  "  Mysteri- 
ous Stranger.*'  These  knives  wsre  kept  by  their 
owners  as  a  curiosity,  and  many  persons  were  nuich 
gratified  by  seeing  them.  One  ofthcm  was  sometime 
after  broua^ht  to  Kingston,  and  I  had  the  uratificatiou 
of  seeing  the  name  of  my  old  Domestic,  engraved  on 
the  handle  very  neatly. 

Under  the  indulgent  treatment  he  received  in  New 
Gate,  he  becamu  perfectly  reconciled  tohis  situafion, 
manifesting  no  desire  to  leave  it.  "  Contentment," 
he  said,  *'  is  the  brightest  jewel  in  this  life,  and  I  was 
never  more  contented  in  my  life."  He  consequently 
never  attempted  any  means  of  escape. 

After  the  period  of  his  imprisonment  was  up  and 
ho  ha*d  received  his  discharge,  ho  left  with  the  keep- 
er of  the  prison,'a  highly  finished  pocket  knife,  mod- 
erate size,  the  handle  of  wliich  contained  a  w^atch 
complete  in  all  its  parts,  keeping  time  regularly. 
And  what  excited  much  wonder  in  reference  to  this 
ingenious  and  singularly  curious  piece  of  mechanism, 
w^as  the  fact,  that  he  had  never  been  found  at  work 
on  any  part  of  the  watch  or  knife,  and  yet  there  was 
no  doubt  on  the  minds  of  those  who  saw  it,  that  it  was 
in  reality  the  production  of  his  own  genius ,  and  the 
work  of  his  owji  hands. .  For  this  information  I  am 

iv^i'iwwi".  'i''n<rw<!»' 



TiiH  MvHriauoiM  l)uiNnii  of 




'  : 


«m1  ill  tlu>' noi^iih  >rIii)tMK  mmJ  who  stMlcd  tlint  iio  luiil 
N(MMi  tho  KnifiMuu)  wntrli,  and  (hit  it  wnn  rt^.irdod  hy 
•ill  MM  a  vri'v  cxtraordiinrv  pioro  ul'  iii^cmiily 

ll><  h^fl  Simslmry  diM'ondy  nppMi'ali-'d,  willi  >.(uiio  ino- 
uoy  in  his  pocKot,  mid  in  puMsrswion  orsomo  nrlirlcM 
of  his  own  liMndiworK.  Ho  diroilnl  hi-"!  conrx*  omnI- 
>v«U'd,  nn  1  Nv.'H  MptMi  in  Hoston  ;  hut  For  Honio  sJuM't 
tinu\  nolhinii' pii'Hcnijir  urslriKinn'  wiis  honni  of  him. 
*V\\o  first  thinii"  (MMi(ornin'4'  him,  th«H  took  lh(»  pnhli^ 
ottontion,  WHS  pnhlishi*;!  in  thc^  itostnn  /ftiffrtm,  and 
which  cMino  nndnr  my  own  (\vo  ;  '•  Howjiiu*  ol'  picKpi)- 
k>»ts  !  A  NtM<»o  coach  dost inod  for  this  citv,  nnd  full 
of  passi^np:  MN,  a  r»*w  «  NiMiinj^s  >inM^  whiMi  ono  oftho 
pMssrn^tM'N  i*un»4'  tht>  hell,  and  cried  ont  to  the  tirivcr 
to  stop  his  horses,  as  liis  pocKrt  had  hiMMi  piciviMl  of  a 
Iai'y,'o  sum  of  money  sinct>  h(>  tMitci'ed  the  coMrh  ;  and 
at  the  same  tim«>  r(M|Mo>t  m1  the  drivi^r  wonid  \\o\  h^t 
any  oftlio  pissMio-ei's  !>' »t  out  oftho  cijach,  it  htMnfjf 
<hn'K,  mitil  lu\  th(»  afort'SMiil  passt^noor,  should  hrin^ 
a  li»iht,  in  onhu'  to  hivt^  a  ocuvral  s(>ai'ch.  ThiscanK- 
od  a  ij[on(MMl  rocrmjL!;'  (^f  pock(^(s  amonn-  th(^  pass(>necrs, 
whtMi  am^thcr  pa5?stMii»'(*r  vriiMt  out  that  his  pjickct 
l)t>ok  htid  also  h(HMi  sti>l(»n.  The  driyor  diil  as  ho  \\i\h 
directed,  nntil  tlu>  li'tMHliMnan  w  h«»  had  first  spokiMi 
should  hav(>  tinuM'o  proeun*  a  lamp;  but  whither  ho 
ftuiud  it  t>r  not  rtMuains  (piite  uiKnu'tiin.  Hut  no  (Umbt 
he  (o)uid  th(»  liii'ht  he  inl(Mid(»d  should  aiiHwiu*  his  pui*- 
pose,  as  he  luul  not  sju^wn  his  app^^arance  in  'iny  otlicr 
li>»ht.  llowtntM*,  tho  p:is>uMiu:(n*  w!u>  iv^allv  lost  his 
]>ockot  b.>ok,  whicli  althouu:h  it  did  not  contain  but  a 
small  amount  ot*mon(\v,  thinks  he  shall  luMnNifter  un- 
dei stand  what  is  meant  when  a  man  in  ii  stMuo  cojk  h 


(  ? 


.'ji'llw iLj!ji|.  i'! j|i)iini.ww <i'-«-. ii.nmir 


■*»■  •^  ■•%.  m 


JIhnky  AIokh  Smith. 


rallri  out  Micir,  mid  tlmt  lieu  ill  piTft't*  (larKiirHN  rather 
(liaii  liulil,  il't^vrr  hucli  an  oil  joKtt  \h  <tll(«i'('(i  to  liu  jila^tHl 
wit  It  liiiii  ai*aiu.  '  •• 

Ah  Ii(«  whh  (Mintiniiallv  ^llall^ill^  IiIm  iiauu^  an  v>o\\  an  IiIk 
pla(M>,  wan  iin))OHHil)lo  al>va\Hto  iil(*iitil)  IiIh  prfNOii,  («h|hi« 
ciall)  aw  to>\  |>(M'Hoiih  in  tlio  lliiitrd  Stah^K  wiho  pn'Mtiially 
ao(|iiaiiit(Ml  with  him.  Thr  diniciiltj  of  nu*o^iii/iii|i[  him 
WHH  not  a  littlo  iii(M'(MiH(Ml  also  hy  tho  ('iiciimNtaiict^m  ol'  hin 
coiitimiallv  rhaiij^iipj;  his  (^xtfi'iuii  aniKMiraiicts  ami  tlu^  in- 

iiiiiitioiiH  iiKMiiiN  h\  \vhi<*h  Ik^  roiihl  ohtaiii  iiiomw  and 
chani**^  oi'apparid,  alwa>N  ali'ordrd  him  a  iM^i'loct  (acility 
oraHHumiui;  a  dillomil'  ap|)«*nrum*(v  In  addition  to  (Ik^m) 
cinMiniNtancoK  also,  an  a  loalnrt^orchanu'trr  which  no  Icnh 
oontrihutrd  to  tho  (]illi(*ully  td'  idonlir>iii^  him,  miiHt  ho 
takon  into  aiU'onnt  hin  mnM|nall«Ml  an<l  inimitahio  (mino  in 
ad'octinu  dilhTrnt  and  various  clwuiu'triH,  and  Iun  porloct 
and  umMuhai'i'nHM'd  comptiHuiM^  in  tlu^  niont  difiirnlt  and 
poplcxinu  riirumHlancoH.  To  tho  idiMitity  an<l  rcccntrici- 
ty  thoro(oi'(>,  (d'hin  actionn,  ratluM*  than  to  our  Knowl(MljLro 
(d'tlu^  identity  ol' his  pci'Non  and  nanu*,  wo  muHt  <lopond, 
in  our  Tuturo  attiMnptn  to  trace  hin  ioolsteps  and  nnirk 
their  charact(M'iHtic  printn. 

On  tluH  uround,  tlxM't^l'ore,  tlic^n*  is  not  the  nhadow  ofa 
douht  that  the  rohhery  c(nnmilt(Ml  in  tin*  Klaj;i*  coach,  and 
tluH>ri«>inal:ty  oftlKMneauK  h)  which  lie  c/irvied  oiriilH 
l)ooty,  pointed  with  certainty  to  tlu^  note<l  charactcM*  of 
our  narrative,  Altc»r  this  (l»»pre(latioii  in  the  coaeli,  with 
which  he  cann*  oil"  KuceeciHrnl,  it  >v«>nhl  appiMir  that  ho 
luMidtMl  his  conrne  in  tlisonise  thnniiih  tin?  Staten  of  (Con- 
necticut and  New  York,  assumini*  dillerent  charactei'H, 
and  committint»  many  rohherieH  undiHcovered  and  ev(!ii 
uiiKUpected  lor  a  lenyth  of  time,  and  allerwards  mad(^  hin 
appearnnciMn  Upper  Canada,  in  the  chnn»cter  of  a  y;vni- 
leinan  merchant  IVom  N(»w  IJrnnHW  ick,  with  a  laijio  <(iia- 

ntity  of  Smnjioled  (r  -mIs  from  New  Vorkj  which  ho  Haid 
wan  coining  on  after  luin  in  waiioiiK;  theHo,  lio  said,  ho  in- 






i  hHM 



:  !!!!  i 

liji ; 


!l) ' 
u  I 



i  if' 



Mystfrious  Doin«s  of 

tended  to  dispose  of  on  very  moderate  terms,  so  as  to  suit 
purcliusera  ^ 

Here  he  called  upon  my  l)rotlier,  Aiiir-ustus  I5ates, 
Deputy  Postmaster,  at  Wellington  Square,  head  of  Lake 
Ontario,  and  informed  the  family  that  he  was  well  acqua- 
inted with  Sheriff  Bates,  at  Kingston,  and  that  he  called 
to  let  them  know  that  he  and  his  family  were  well.  He 
regretted  very  much  that  he  had  not  found  Mr.  iJates  at 
home,  and  stated  that  he  was  upon  urgent  aud  important 
hnsiness,  and  could  not  tarry  with  them  for  the  nigh(, 
but  would  leave  a  letter  for  him.  This  he  accordingly 
did,  properly  addressed,  and  in  a  good  handwriting;  Imt 
when  it  was  opened,  and  its  contents  examined,  no  one  in 
the  place  could  make  out  the  name  of  the  writer,  or  road 
any  part  of  the  letter  !  It  appeared  to  have  been  written 
in  the  characters  of  some  foreign  language,  but  it  could 
not  be  decipliered.  This  was  another  of  his  characteris- 
tic eccentricities,  but  his  intention  remains  a  mystery. 

lie  did  not  appear  desirous  to  make  himself  known  to 
the  family,  nor  to  cultivate  any  further  acquaintance 
with  tliem,  but  proceeded  thence  to  the  princi[)al  board- 
inn  house  in  the  town,  a!id  enQfaoed  entertainment  for 
himself  and  thirteen  other  persons,  who,  he  said,  were 
enijfao'ed  in  brinuincf  on  waoons,  loaded  with  smugufled 
good<  Having  thus  llxcd  upon  a  residence  for  himself 
and  'lis  gang  of  waggoners,  lie  then  called  upon  all  the 
])rlno  pal  merchant-  in  the  town,  on  pretence  of  entering 
into  contracts  for  stormg  large  packages  of  goods,  and 
promising  to  give  great  bargains  to  purchasers  on  their 
arrival,  and  in  some  instances  actually  received  money 
as  earnest  on  some  packages  of  saleable  goods,  or  the  sale 
of  which  he  entered  into  contracts.  It  maybe  remarked, 
by  the  way,  that  he  w  rote  in  an  unknown  and  unintelligi- 
ble hand,  to  the  celebra'ed  1  'aptain  Brani,  the  same  as  ho 
had  written  to  Mr,  Bates,  but  with  what  view  was  equally 
^uyseidous  and  ■fuaccountable. 

1  I: 

IIkxry  Mork  Smith. 



as  he 

Notwithstimding  his  i»^eiitccl  and  respectable  appear- 
ance, there  was  a  siiiyjularity  in  his  manner  and  conduct 
which  with  a!l  his  tact  and  experience,  he  could  not  alto- 
gether conceal;  and  hence  arose  some  suspicions  as  to  the 
reality  of  his  pretentions.  These  suspicions  received  con- 
tirmation,  and  Avere  soon  matured  into  the  reality  of  his 
benii)-  a  genteel  impostor,  from  the  ftict  that  time  for  the 
arrival  of  his  waggons  was  now  elapsed,  and  they  were 
not  making  thier  appearance.  At  this  juncture,  when 
public  opinion  and  observation  were  directed  to  the  stran- 
ger to  observe  whicli  way  the  balance  would  turn,  an  indi- 
vidnal  named  Brown,  who  had  formerly  resided  in  New 
Brunswick,  and  had  moved  with  his  family  to  Canada, 
coniino'  into  contact  with  the  gentleman,  recognized  him, 
from  a  certain  mark  he  carried  on  his  face,  to  be  the  far 
famed  ll'^nry  More  Smith,  whom  he  had  known  and  seen 
when  in  the  jail  at  Kingston  !  .  ., 

This  report  passing  immediately  into  circulation,  gave 
the  impostor  a  timely  signal  to  depart,  without  waiting 
for  the  arrival  of  his  wao"t»ous  and  baorrajre,  and  without 
loss  of  time  he  took  his  departure  from  Canada,  by  way 
of  Lake  Erie,  tlirough  the  Michigan  territory,  and  down 
the  Ohio  to  the  Southern  States.  With  his  proceedings, 
durininf  this  course  of  his  travels,  we  are  entirely  unacquai- 
nted; therefore  the  reader  must  be  left  to  his  own  reflect- 
ions us  to  his  probable  adventures,  as  he  travelled  through 
this  immense  tract  of  country.  There  is  no  reason  for 
doubt,  however,  that  hs  had  by  this  time,  and  even  long 
before,  b 5)00 me  so  confirms  I  in  his  iniqnitious  courses, 
ihat  he  would  let  no  occasion  pass  unimproved,  that  he 
thought  ufforded  hiin  an  opportunity  of  indulging  in  the 

predominent  propensity  of  a  mind  which  seemed  to  glory 
in  prosei^ution  of  robberies  and  plunder,  a$  well  as  in  the 
variety  of  means  by  Avhich  he  eifectcd  his  unheard  of  and 

unprecedented  escapes. 


Tub  Mysterious  Doimj  of 

After  he  arrived  in  the  Southern  States,  wc  aro 
again  able  to  glean  something  of  his  life  and  history. 
While  Iw  was  yet  in  the  jail  in  King's  Connty,  it  will 
l)(5  rt^meiiibored,  that  he  said  he  had  been  a  preacher, 
and  that  ho  should  preach  again,  and  would  gain 
proselytes;  and  now  his  prediction  is  brought  about; 
for  undor  a  now  name,  thatof  Hexrv  Hopkins,  he 
a})poared  in  tlio  character  of  a  preacher  in  the  Sou- 
tliorn  States  !  And  what  wonder,?  For  Satan  him- 
self is  transformed  into  an  anael  of  liy^ht. — Here  ev- 
en  in  this  character,  he  was  not  without  success;  for 
he  got  many  to  follow'  and  admire  him;  yet  deep  as 
his  hypocrisy  was,  he  seemed  to  l^e  fully  sensible  of  it, 
although  his  conscience  had  become  seared,  and  was 
proof  against  any  proper  sense  of  wronir.  He  acknow- 
ledged that  he  had  been  shocked  to  see  so  many  fol- 
low him  to  bear  him  preach,  and  even  to  be  affected 
under  his  ^preaching.  Our  source  of  information 
dees  not  furnish  us  with  many  of  the  particulars  that 
marked  his  conduct,  while  itin*^rating  through  the 
South  in  his  newly  assumed  character ;  yet  general 
accoimts  w^ent  to  say,  that  he  had,  for  length  of  time, 
so  conducted  himself,  that  he  gained  much  populari- 
ty in  his  ministerial  calling,  and  had  a  cansiderable 
number  of  adherents.  However,  this  might  have 
been  the  case  for  a  length  of  time,  yet  as  the  assum- 
ption of  this  new  character  could  not  bo  attributable 
to  any  supernatural  impulse,  but  was  merely  anoth- 
er feature  of  a  character  already  so  singularly  diver- 
sified— intended  as  a  cloak,  under  which  he  might, 
with  less  liability  to  suspicion,  indulge  the  prevailing 
and  all-controling  propensities  of  his  vitiated  mind. 
It  was  not  to  be  expected,  with  all  the  ingenuity  he 
was  capable  of  exercising,  that  he  would  long  bo  ea- 


Hkxry  More  Smith. 


pablo  of  concealing  his  real  character.  Accordingly, 
some  high  misdemeanour  which  we  have  not  been 
nblo  to  trace,a  t  hngth  disclosed  the  hypocrisy  of  his 
character,  and  placed  him  before  his  deluded  follow- 
ers in  his  true  light. 

It  would  appear,  whatever  might  have  been  th'^ 
nature  of  his  crime,  that  legal  means  were  adopted 
for  his  apprehension ;  and  that  in  order  to  expedite 
his  escape  from  the  hands  of  justice,  he  had  seized 
upon  a  certain  gentleman's  coach  and  horses,  and 
was  travelling  in  the  character  of  a  gentleman  in 
state,  when  he  was  overtaken  and  apprehended  in 
the  State  of  Maryland. — Here  he  was  tried  and  con- 
victed, and  sentenced  to  seven  years  imprisonment 
in  the  State  prison  in  Baltimor^^,  which,  from  the  na- 
ture of  the  climate,  was  generally  believe(^  would 
terminate  his  career.  The  particulars  of  this  adven- 
ture I  received  in  the  city  of  New  York,  m  1827, 
where  T  took  nnieh  pains  to  obtain  all  possible  in- 
formation concerning  his  procedings  in  the  Southern 
States,  while  acting  under  the  character  of  a  preach- 

In  the  year  1833,  it  so  happened  that  I  had  occa- 
sion to  visit  the  city  of  IScw  Y^rk  again,  when  I  re- 
newed my  enquiries  concerning  him,  but  to  no  effect ; 
no  sourcr>s  of  information  to  which  I  had  access, 
yielded  any  account  of  him,  and  the  most  rational 
conjecture  was,  that  he  either  terminated  his  course 
in  the  state  prison  at  Baltimore,  or  that  one  day,  if 
he  outlived  the  period  of  his  confinement,  and  be  a- 
gain  let  loose  upon  the  peace  of  society,  some  fr<^sli 
developcMuent  of  his  character  would  point  out  the 
fi^^enc  of  his  renewed  depredations. 



Mysterious  Doixcjs  op 

'•:.     1 

I:   I 

In  this  painful  state  of  oLscurity  I  was  relurtantly 
obliged  to  leave  the  hero  of  our  narrative,  on  my  re- 
turn from  New  York. 

Another  year  had  nearly  ylapsed  before  any  addi- 
tioal  light  was  thrown  upon  his  history;  but  in  an 
unexpected  moment,  when  the  supposition  ofhishav 
ino'  ended  his  career  in  the  prison  at  Baltimore  was 
becoming  fixed,  I  received,  by  a  friend,  a  hie  of  the 
**  New  York  Times,"  one  of  the  nninbers  contained 
the  following  article,  bringing  our  adventurer  again 
into  full  view,  in  his  usual  characteristic  style  : — 


*'  Poll««^  Oflic*',— Ilol»l»ei*,  an<1  Siicedy  Arrewt.— 

A  French  {,'entlenian  from  the  South,  so  ropre«-euto(l  hy  liiniself, 
uho  has,  for  a  few  weeks  past,  under  tlie  name  of  H(Miry  iJond, 
been  running  n[)  a  hill,  and  runnintr  down  the  fare,  rit  tlie  Fiank- 
iin  House,  was,  tl)is  afternoon,  arrested  at  the  estahlisliment,  on 
ihe  ungentlemaniy  charge  of  pillaginiL;  tlie  trunks  of  hdgers.  Since 
hig  sojourn,  a  variety  of  articles  had  disappeared  from  the 
chambers  of  the  Hotel;  and  amongst  the  rest  about  two  hundred 
dollars  from  the  trui'k  of  (»ne  g(  ntleman.  >^o  one,  however,  had 
thought  of  susp(  rting  the  Fiench  gentjeniaii,  ^Ulo  w,  »  also  a  h  d- 
er,  until  this  morning,  whc  n  mifortunat^  ly  for  him,  his  face  was 
recognized  by  a  gentleman  vho  knew  him  to  hav»'  leen  in  tlie 
state  prison  at  Baltimore.  However,  on  seaiching  him,  whicli 
he  readily  complied  with,  not  one  cent  of  tlie  money  colud  he 
f  Mmd  either  in  his  baggage  or  upon  his  pei  S(  n:  hut  in  lieu  there- 
of, they  tound  him  jiossessed  of  a  hiiye  nnniher  of  small  keys, 
through  Avhich,  no  donht,  he  fauid  means  (;f  disposing  of  any  sur- 
plusage of  circulating  inedinin:  whereupon  his  quarters  were 
changed  to  JJridewell,  until  the  ensnir.g  term  of  General  Sessi- 

Here  he  remained  in  confinement  until  the  period 
of  his  trial  came  round;  ;^vhen,  for  want  of  sutlicient 
evidenc^^  to  commit  him  to  the  state  prison,  he  was 
thence  discharged,  and  the  next  account  we  hear  of 
him,  brings  him  befort?  our  view  luider  the  name  of 
Henrv  Pr^'ston,  arrested  in  the  act  of  atteinntinc  to 

Henry  More  Smith. 



rob  the  Northern  Mail  Coach,  as  will   appoar  by  the 
following  article,  uxtracted  from  the  "  Times  :" 

"  PoLiCK  Office.  Monday,  Fkbru.  22c1  183o.— Just  as  this 
ollicu  uas  closing  on  Salurdiiy  eveiiin*,',  ;i  vci*}  g-Mitleiiuiiily  louk- 
ii.^  iij;iii,  decenlly  dressed,  CMllin<>  hiiiiself  Henry  Preston,  was 
Ijioiiglit  up  ill  tile  custody  oltlie  driver  and  yjuard  oi'tlie  North- 
ern Mud  Stuge,  nho  ch.irj^'ed  iiiui  with  an  Jiitompt  to  rob  the 
Mali.  Tiie  actMisejs  testitied  tliut  witliin  a  sliort  distance  of 
l'ecl\skill,  they  discovered  tlie  prisoner  ahout  a  Ijundred  yards 
ahead  oi"  the  stage,  atid  on  approachhig  nearer,  tliey  siiw  him 
jump  over  a  fence,  evidently  to  avoid  notice.  Tliis,  of  course, 
e\ciled  llieir  suspicion,  aftd  they  kept  aii  ey(;  to  mad,  which  was 
iloposiled  in  the  hool.  In  the  course  of  ;i  short  time,  the  guard 
discovered  ihe  rat  nibbling  at  the  I  ait;  J  desired  the  driver  not 
to  stop  the  speed  of  his  horses,  i  quietly  le(  myself  down,  and 
fonnil  tlie  [jrisoner  actively  emitloud  loosening  tlie  strap  whicli 
«*ontines  the  Mtil  Bay.  He  was  instantly  arrested,  placed  in  the 
coach,  and  c-ji-iicd  to  town  I'l't^e  of  expense, 

Havi.ii'  nothinii  to  oiler  in  extenuutioiuof  his  offenee,   Henry 
J'reston  was  committed  to  liridewell  imtii  Mondav,  for  further 



"  I'oMci':  OrriCK,  Monday  Muiimnu. — This  morning,  Henry 
I'resion,  committed  lor  atleiiipting  to  rob  the  Northern  Mail, 
was  brought  u]<  belore  the  silling  Magistrates,  « hen  the  High 
Sheriff  ol  Orange  County  ajipeaicd  and  demanded  the  jtrisom-r, 
wnose  real  name  was  Jleniv  G.bnev,  as  a  fujiitive  i'vimi  justi«'e. 

He  stated,  that  on  Friilay  hist,  the  piisouer  was  to  have  been 
tried  for  (jrand  Jiurceny,  and  w.ts  lodged  in  the  House  of  Deten- 
tion, at  Xewlmrgli,  on  Tiinisday,  umiej-cnie  of  two  p(;rsons,  that 
in  the  course  of  night  he  contrived  t^)  elude  the  vigileiice  of  his 
keepers, —  escaped  from  conlinenienl,  and  crossed  the  river  on 
the  ice  and  had  got  down  as  far  as  iNeKskilJ,  wllere^he  says,  ho 
attempted  to  gel  on  the  top  of  the  stage  coach,  tliat  lie  mightget 
into  New  Yoi'k  as  soon  as  possihle." 

Jiy  Gi'dof  of  the  Jiidues,  the  prisoner  \va«  dt'liv^rpcl 
to  the  Hlhn-iir  of  (]ran<j,e   (>onnty,    to  b«*   roc  onized 
th'M-e  for  his  trial  for  th(»  oil'ence  with  which  he  was. 
oriiiina!lvchjir^e(J,  at  the  next  General   ^'etiHicny  of" 


Mysterious  Doings  of 


I  , 

the  Supreme  Court.  But  IxTor^  th*;  time  came  rouml, 
he  had,  as  upon  most  form  r  ^'ocasions,  coutrived  t^ 
make  his  escape,  iuid  drfected  his  course  towards 
Upper  Canada  ! 

Of  the  particular  manner  of  his  escape,  and  his  ad- 
ventures on  his  way  to  Canada,  we  can  static  nothing 
with  certainty ;  but  like  all  his  pevious  movcmonts, 
we  may  suppose  that  they  w'ere  such  as  wonhl  do 
the  usual  honour  to  his  wretched  profession.  Y^t 
vnth  all  his  tact,  he  could  not  always  escap.^  the 
hands  of  justice;  and  his  course  is  not  unfrequently 
interrupted,  and  his  progress  impeded  by  the  mis- 
fortunes of  the  prison.  It  was  owing  to  this  circum- 
stance that  we  are  enabled  to  keep  pace  w^ith  him  in 
Upper  Canada,  where  we  find  him  confined  in  the 
jail  of  Toronto,  under  the  charge  of  burglary. 

For  this  information,  the  writer  is  indebted  to  his 
brother,  Augustus  Bates,  residing  in  Upper  Canada, 
from  wdiose  letter,  dated  4th  of  August,  1835,  w^e 
make  the  following  extract,  which  w  ill  point  out  the 
circumstances  which  have  guided  us  in  endeavouring 
to  follow  up  the  history  of  the  Mysterious  Stranger 
to  the  present  time. 

"  Dear  Brother. — I  now  sit  down  to  acknowledge  the  receipt 
of  a  number  of  your  letters,  especially  your  last  by  Mr.  Samuel 
Nichols,  in  which  you  mentioned  that  you  were  writino^  a  new 
edition  of  Henry  More  Smith.  T  have  to  request  that  you  will 
suspend  publication  until  you  hear  from  me  again.  There 'is  a 
man  now  confined  in  Toronto  jail,  who  bears  the  desrciption  of 
More  Smith,  and  is  supposed  to  be  the  same.  Many  thinj/s  are 
toldofhlni  wh'ch  no  other  person  could  perform.  I  will  not  at- 
tempt  to  repeat  them  as  I  cannot  vouch  for  their  truth. 

"  From  current  reports,  I  was  induced  to  write  to  the  Sheriff, 
who  had  him  iu  charge,  requesting  him  to  give  me  a  correct  ac. 

liKNRY  MouK  Smith. 


couutjof  lii/11.  I  have  iiot  heard  from  the  Sheriff  since  1  wrote  ; 
perhaps  he  is  waiting  to  see  in  what  maimer  he  iri  to  be  disposed 
of.  Kcport  says  that  the  man  is  condemned  to  be  execnted  for 
sh()|)-breaking — he  wishes  the  Sheriff  to  do  his  duty  ;  that  he  liad 
much  ratber  be  hanged  than  sent  to  the  Penitentiary.  Many 
are  the  curious  stories  told  of  him,  which,  as  I  said  before,  I  will 
not  vouch  for, — Sliould  the  Sheriff  write  to  me,  his  information 
may  be  relied  on." 

Several  eomnninicat ions  from  Upper  Canada  have 
reached  ns  between  the  date  of  the  letter  from  which 
the  above  extract  is  made,  and  the  present  time ;  but 
none  of  them  contained  the  desired  information  as  to 
the  particular  fate  of  the  prisoner,  and  the  manner 
in  which  he  w^as  disposed  of,  until  the  18th  of  Sep- 
tember last,  (183G) 

]]y  a  letter  from  Mr.  Augustus  Bates,  bearing  the 
above  date,  it  would  appear  that  the  prisoner  hud  not 
been  exocuted,  but  had  been  sentenced  to  one  year's 
confinement  in  the  Penitentiary.  We  make  the  fol- 
lowing extract : — 

'*  I  give  you  all  the  information  that  1  can  obtiin  respecting 
the  prisoner  enquired  after.  The  Jailer,  who  is  also  the  Depu- 
ty Sheriff,  that  had  him  in  charge,  says  that  he  could  learn  no- 
thing from  him. — said  he  called  his  name  Smith, — that  be  was 
55  years  old,  but  denies  he  ever  was  in  Kingston,  New  liruns- 
wick.  The  jailer  had  one  of  your  books  and  s'howed  it  to  him, 
but  be  denied  any  knowledge  of  it,  and  would  not  give  him  any 
satisfacliun  to  the  enquiries  he  made  to  him. 

"  The  Sheriff  says  he  believes  the  person  the  same  Mysterious 
Stranger  ;  that  he  was  condemned  and  sentenced  to  the  Peni- 
tentiary for  one  year.     The  crime  was  burglary. 




TilK    ^[TS^Kl:lUL■^^   DoiNi.K    OF 

CoDcluding  Remarks. 


It  would  havc!  afforded  the  vvritor  of  tlios-?  Mcimo'in 
groMt  satisfaction,  and  no  doubt  an  oqufd  Fjilisfactiou 
to  the  reader,  liad  it  been  in  Ids  power  to  have  paid 
n  visit  to  Upper  Canada,  that  he  niiyht  bt^  able  to 
y'ate  from  his  own  cei'tain  and  p(U'son;d  knowiedffo 
of  the  j)risoi](^r  in  Toronto,  tliat  he  was,  indeed,  iho 
r(dfsanuMioted  individual  that  was  in  his  own  vUs- 
todv  22  years  aj^o  :  jiikI  whom  he  had  the  uratillration 
cf  seeln<j  and  recomd/inii"  ^u1)^(Mplentl^^  at  tl.e  hims- 
])ury  Mine-^,  uhere  ho  ])layed  off  his  affeetvd  1  ts  with 
such  art  and  coiiS(Mpient  advan1ag(\ 

But  alth')ui!;h'it  i;^  not  in  the  writer's  pow(M'  to  close 
up  his  INIeinoifs  witli  so  im])orlant  and  satisfactory  a 
discovery — yet,  kee])inc!:  in  view  1  h(^  cl  arcteristic  fea- 
tures  of  tJH^  man  — his  ])i"()fesse(l  iauurance  of  \iii\(r  - 
toil,  in  New  ]5runswi(k — his  denial  cf  ever  having 
seen  thi^  first  e.ition  of  the  Memoirs,  ar.d  thi^.  care 
which  he  took  to  k<'ep  hiniseli'  enveloped  in  mysti'ry, 
by  utierly  declininjn'  to  give  any  satisfactory  informa- 
tion conc(U'ning  himself;  all  these  circumstances  uni- 
ted, fonu  a  cond)ination  of  features  so  marked,  as  to 
carry  conviction  to  the  mind  of  the  reader  wlio  has 



lIliN'RV    MoUli    S-MITir. 


Irarotl  him  through  this  narralivo,  that  lie  is  no  ot!.- 
er  thnii  the  saiin;  inysteious  Henry  More  b^inith. 

There  is  another  feature  ia  th(^  prisoner  at  Toron- 
to, that  seems  strongly  cormbrativo  of  what  we  are 
desirous  to  establish  ;  that  is,  his  afrc.  He  acknow- 
letlired  to  bo  55  v(\'irs  of  a<xe ;  and  althoucih  this  wouhl 
make  him  somewhat  older  than  his  real  age,  yet  it 
iixes  this'point — that  tlie  prisoner  at  Toronto  is  well 
advanced  in  years,  ajid  so  must  the  subject  of  our 
^Memoirs  be  also. 

From  information  whicli  we  have  obtained  it  seems 
that  he  hiis  undergone  his  trial,  and  was  eommitted 
to  the  Ponitentiarylfor  a  year's  continejiiont.  Whi- 
ther  he  found  any  ineans  of  effectii^g-  an  (\\emption 
from  labour  in  the  Penitenti arv  and  then  reeoncilinu; 
himself  toliisconiinement,  or  whither  he  accomplish- 
(  d  one  of  Jiis  ingenious  depMrtures,  we  are  unable  to 
determine  (  ne  thing,  howevt  r,  is  highly  probable 
— that  he  is  auain  uoinu  ui)  and  do\An  in  tlie  earth, 
in  the  practice  of  his  villauy,  except  a   i\)wer  from 

Hi<j:h  hiisdin  cted  the  arrow  of  conviction  to  his  heart; 
for  no  inferior  impulse  would  be  ca}  able  of  giving  a 
new  direction  to  the  life  and  actions  of  a  num.  whose 
habits  of  iniquity  have  been  ripened  into  maturity, 
and  obtained  an  inimov(;able  aseenden  y  by  the  \  rac- 
tioe  of  so  ni'iny  successivu  year-j. 

It  iiHist  be  acknow.'edged  th- 1  th'^re  is  an   un|re- 




I  !l 

coilontod  (lo^rree  of  cleverness  in  all  his  ndveiitiiretji, 
which  casts  a  kind  of  illusive  and  momentary  cover- 
in<x  over  the  real  character  of  his  actions,  and  would 
seem  to  engage  an  interest  in  his  favour,  {and  this  is 
an  en'or  to  which  the  human  mind  seems  remarkably  pre- 
disposed  when  viee  presents  itself  bqf ore  it  in  all  its  ckve^r- 
iiess)y  yet  who  can  read  the  history  of  his  miserable 
career,  without  feeling  pained  at  the  melancholy  pic- 
ture of  depravity  it  presents  ?  Who  wonld  have  su|)- 
posed  that  after  condemnation  and  sentence  to  death 
at  Kingston,  and  his  life,  by  an  act  of  mercy,  had 
been  given  him,  he  would  not  have  hastened  to  his 
w  ife,  and  WMth  tears  of  compiuiction  mingled  with 
those  of  joy,  cast  himself  upon  her  neck,  and  resolved 
by  a  course  of  future  rectitude  and  honesty,  to  make 
her  as  happy  as  his  previous  disgraceful  and  sinful 
career  had  made  her  miserable  ? 

]}ut  ah  !  no,  his  release  was  followed  by  no  such 
effect ;  rendered  nnsuscoptible  of  every  natural  and 
tender  impression,  and  yet  under  the  full  dominion 
of  the  god  of  this  vAorld,  he  abandoned  the  wif'3  of  his 
bosom,  and  set  out  single  handed  in  the  fresh  pursuit 
of  crime. 

There  is,  however,  one  redeeming  feature  which 
stande  out  among  the  general  deformities  of  his 
character  ;  in  all  his  adventures  which  the  history  of 
his  course  presents  to  our  view,  we  arc  not  called 

Henry    Moub  JSmitu. 


upon  to  record  any  iiinrkB of  viulenco  and  blood;  and 
it  is  perhaps  owing  to  the  absence  of  this  repnlsivo 
trait  of  character,   thatve   do  not  behold  him   in  a 

more  relentless  light. 

Hi«H  Sheriff  of  Kixci's  County,  New  Brunswi'^k. 


ii     i 





I  i 














Whou  Henry  More  Sniifh  was  arrested  in  Pictou^ 
by  John  Pearson,  he  was  committed  to  the  custody 
of  John  W-  Harris,  E^sq..  then  Doputy  Sheriff  of  the 
District  of  Pictou.  Oh  his  arrival  he  had  taken  up 
quai^tfers  in  James  Pattersou's  barn;  he  went  totonw 
and  in  ten  minutes  returned  with  curry  comb  and 
brush,  which  he  stole  from  the  stables  of  Alexander 
Thfliin,  to  trim  his  horse, 

On  the  first  day  ho.  was  examined  before  George 
Smith  and  Dr.  Burton,  Esqrs.,  Justices  of  the  Pcaee, 
who  remanded  him  till  the  following  day,  when  he 
was  again  examined  before  Edward  Mortimer,  Esqr., 
and  Colonel  Pearson,  father  of  Sheriff  Pearson,  who 
granted  a  warrant  for  his  remoral  to  Cumberland 
County  jail  and  through  to  St.  John.  Whilst  he  was 
un^lergoing  his  examinatiorf  in  Pictou,  Murdoch- 
St'vwart  of  Mount  Thorn,  came  to  town,  and  accnsed 
him  of  having  stolen  two  watches. 

It  appears  that  Smith,  on  coming  to  Pictou,  called 
at  Stewart's,  and  priced  them  and  gone  bact  and 
stplen  them.  The  prisoner  affected  great  simplicity 
and  innocence,  and  asked  how  could  ho  have  stojenr 
the  watches,  as  he  wns  at  Patterson's  bam  the  even- 

« "m 




mg  previous,  ancl  also  early  in  the  morning  f  The 
fact  was,  he  had  gone  back  at  night  to  Mount  1  horn 
and  stolen  them.  He  was  very  highly  clad  in  Nan- 
keen, and  we  searched  him  minutely  in  vain,  but  ho 
had  previously  offered  a  w^atch  seal  for  sale,  and  it 
answered  Stewart's  descrfption,  and  he  had  watches 

in  his  pocket  when  he  came  here,  and  no  trace  of 
them  could  be  found,  and  he  stated  that  he  had  sold 
them  to  a  sailor  through  the  window. 

He  was  confined  in  the  lower  room,  the  floor  was 
of  an  inch  and  half  thick  strongly  spiked  to  the  sleep- 
ers on  the  ground,  and  sometime  afterwards  there 
was  occasion  to  remove  the  floar  in  order  to  clear 
the  drain,  and  George  McKenzie,  (known  at  whistling 
Geordie)  carpenter,  then  found  the  two  watches  and 
seal  on  the  ground  under  the  floor.  Mr.  McKenzie 
and  I  carefully  examined  to  see  how  the  watches 
trero  deposited,  but  could  not  contrive  how  Smith 
could  possibly  have  done  it.  The  watches  wore  re- 
turned to  Stewart,  and  he  gave  the  gold  seal  a  pro- 
sent  to  Mr.  McKenzie. 

"When  the  prisoner  came  to  Pictou  with  tho  horse, 
he  enquired  for  Colonel  Adamson  as  he  wanted  the 
Colonel  to  buy  the  horse,  but  as  the  Colonel  was  in 
Merigomish,  attending  a  muster  of  militia,  Smith 
had  to  wait  for  his  return,  and  w^hilst  so  waiting  ho 
was  arrested  by  Mr.  Pearson. 

'  The  description  given  by  Walter  Bates  is  correctr 
and  I  would  only  add  that  he  affected  gre^it  iniiioccncer 


rffTTinawgyrilinaai,  w^-^ — -^ 



and  simplicity  of  demeanor.     When  first  searclied, 
ho  had  fourteen  pounds  in  cash  which  Mr.  Knox  toot 
from  him.    Though  thoroughly  searched  before  leav- 
ing Pictou,  when  in  Trnro  on  his  way  to  jaM,  ho 410- 
cidentally  dropped  two  guineas  on  the  floor.    On  his 
-way  to  Truro,  his  handcuffs  were  separated  by  a  bar 
•of  icon  which  appearing  to  be  a  little  bent,  was  ex- 
amined and  broke  off  easily,  as  it  had  almost  been 
^  cut  through  and  the  cut  lilled  up,  but  no  one  conld 
tell  how  or  when  he  did  it. 

One  night  whilst  I  was  keeping  guard  over'  Smith, 
one  ^ason,  a  servant  of  mine,  went  to  the  dungeon 
window  and  said  in  my  hearing,  "  Smith,  tell  us 
where  the  watches  are  and  I  will  let  you  out,  I  have 
the  keys." 

Smith  said  ^^  Can  you  let'me  out  ?"  '^  Yes,  T  have 
the  kys." 

Smith  reflected  a  little  and  then  said,   ^'  Ah,  you 
•d— ' — d  scoundrel,!  will  have  you  punished  to-gior- 


row."     The  night  was  very  dark  and   Smith  did  not 

know  T^ason,  nor  did  he  know  I  was  there.     Next 

day  at  the  trial,  when  fJ^ason  came  into  Court,  Smith 

said  to  Mr.  .Mortimer  *'  there  is  the  mau  who  offered 

to  let  me  outlast  night.'" 

T  cannot  imagine  how  Smith  knew  Nason. 


John  McKinlai. 
Picteu,23rd  February,  185t. 





When  Henry  More  Smith  camo  over  Mount  Thohi 
with  the  horse,  he  tool*'  dinner  at  my  house   on  a  Eri- 
ilay ;  he  Kaw  the  watches  on  a  nail  near  the  window 
and  wanted  to  buy  the   silver  one.     He  oflfored  me 
seven  pounds,  but  I  wanted  eight.  On  Monday  morn« 
5ngl  missed  the  watches,  and  cQ.n»  town  as  I  sus- 
pected him.  I  accused  him  and  he  denied  it.  I  heard 
part  of  the  examination  of  Smith  by  the  Justices, 
and  on  Squire  Mortimer  remarking  that  he  pitied 
his  case.     Smith  said  it  was  not  as  bad  as  thai  of  the 
man  who  offered  to  let  him  ont  of  the  jail  if  he  would 
give  up  Stewart's  watches.     Ho  did  n6t  pay  his  bill, 
but  offered  a  Doubloon  which  was  clipped,  but  want- 
ed the  full  value,  but  we  did  not  take  it.     He  had  a 
bottle  of  wine  for  his  dinner      On  his   return  from 
Pictoii  m  custody,  he  wished  the  Sheriff's  officers  to 
pay  the  bill,  but  it  was  not  paid,  and  never  has  been 
|)aid.     My  watches  were  found  under  the  jail  floor 
about  eleven  years  afterwards.     Smith  had  attached 
a  gold  seal  to  one  of  them.     The  seal  was  not  min« 
and  George  McKenzie  of  Pictou  got  k.      McKenzie 
tooli^upthe  floor,  assisted  by*  Carriboo  man  then  in 
jail.     It  was  this  man  that  found  the  watches  when 
levelling  the  the  ground,  and  I  gave  him  thirty  diil- 
lings.     The  steel  works  of  the  watches  were  destroy- 
ed by  rust,  and  although  I  got  them  repaired  they  cost 
more  than  they  were   worth.     Richard  Masters  re- 
paired them  in  Pictou.     The  horse  stolen  was  a  very 
feie   one  with  a  beautiful   saddle.     I  groomed  hie 

,  V'l  f " 

1 1 









hors«,  and  all  the  pay  T  got  was  the  loss  of  my  watch- 
es.    I  heard  afterwards  that  Smith  paid  all:his  bills 
by  oflFering  the  clipped  Doubloon  at  full  value,  and 
stating  he  had  n  o  change. 



John  MoKinlay. 
Pictou,  10th  March,  1^57. 

Dear  Sir, — In  response  to  your  enquiry  regarding 
apersoliwho,  some  years  ago  was  distinguished  in 
*he  Province,  under  the  name  of  HenBy  More  Smith, 
jt  may  state  that  some  time  about  the  year  1816,  (I 
cannot  give  the  exact  date,)  while  myself  and  ail 
elder  brother  were  at  play  in  a  field,  where  my  fath- 
er's men  were  ploughing,  at  Cornwallis,  a  handsome 
well-dressed  young  man  jumped  over  the  fence  and 
accosted  us  by  saying,  *'Here,  my  good  fellows,  I 
tiave  lately  seen  your  brother  at  Woodstock."  The 
stranger  had  a  large  bundle  in  his  hand,  and  imme- 
diately joined  in  our  sports.  In  aJl  these  he  beat  us 
with  the  greatest  ease ;  and  he  made  us  acquaitited 
with  several  tricks  we  had  not  known  before.  We 
were  so  well  pleased  with  him  that  we  invited  him 
home,  and  he  took  tea  with  the  familv.  He  convers- 
«d  with  my  father  in  German,  and  read  French  rap- 
idly. He  played  the  violin  and  flute  and  delighted 
us  lads  with  his  fun  and  anecdotes.  But  he  did  not, 
it  seemed,  like  my  father,  and  although  we  offered  e- 
-yory  kindness  xind  hospitality,  .he  would  not  be  per- 





suadcd  to  remain  all  night;  but  went  to  the  house, of 
Thomas  Mee  and  asked  for  lodgings.    Ho  was  kindly 
received,  and  during  the  evening  he  opened  h  is  bun- 
"  ?clle  and  displayed  a  number  of  gold  and  silver  watch- 
es, much  to  the  surprise  of  our  kind  hearted  neigh: 
boT^     Next  morning  he  called  at  my  father's  housq 
to  take  leave,  and  from  the  hour  of  his  departure, 
my  mother  never  could  account  for  the  loss  of  a  large 
«ilvor  spoon.     "We  next  heard  of  our  visiter  at  the  re- 
sidence of  the  Jate  worthy  Holmes  Chipman,  whore 
ho  had  hired  as  a  blacksmith.     He  gave  every  satis- 
faction in  fbo  bushiess ;  he  could  shoo  a  horse,  or 
make  a  fox  trap,  or  anything  el^e ;  but  it  was  observe 
od  that  he  would  work  after  hours,  to  make,  as  he 
said,  some  Jittle  things  for  his  own  private  use.  Eve- 
ry person  was  pleased  w5th  the  stranger,  whose  man- 
ners were  very  polite  and  agreeable-     Afters  fort- 
night of  hard  labor,  he  left  Mr.  Chipman  very  sud- 
denly in  the  evening,     The  night  following  he   stole 
the  best  horse  from  the  stable  of  the  late  Hon.  C.  E. 
Prescott,  anfl  not  being  able  to  find  a  saddle,  he 
^trapped  the  gig  cushions  upon  the  horse's  back  and 
started.     He  was  next  heard  of  at  Annapolis;  but  be- 
fore his  pursuers  could  overtake  him  he  had  sold  the 
horse  and  departed  for  New  Brunswick.  The  person 
gave  his  name  as  Henry  More  Smith.     He  was  a 
gentleman  in  his  addres^s,  he  was  a  scholar  anS  an  . 
Artist.     Now,  the  a*est  of  thd  fects  of  this  man,  ade 






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they  not  written  in  a  pamphalet  published  years  ago 
in  the  Province  of  New  Brunswick,  whore  he  pep- 
formed  many  extraordinary  exploits. 

Yours  truly, 

James  M.  Eoss,  Esq., 
Halifax,  June  1st,  1863. 



