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The     Elmwood     Eatons 



1  he    Elm  wood    Eatons 


Rev.  Arthur  Wentworth  Hamilton  Eaton,  B.  A. 



Privately  Printed 

1 1 

Printed  b1  Thr  Advertliicr  Olllce,  Kentville,  Nova  Scutia 


I  he   CImwood    Eatons 

THE  estutc  of  Elmwood  at  Keiitville,  in  tho  (Jouiity  ot  Kiii>,'.s 
Xovii  Scotiii,  comprising  a  Imndrod  iiiid  fifty  iioros,  wimo  into' 
possesHioii  of  our  mother's  family  iti  1808.  In"l852  our  futlior, 
Wiliiiim  Eiitoii,  purchased  it  from  the  heirs  of  our  grandfather,  the 
hite  Otho  Hamilton,  and  at  hisdeatii  in  1893,  it  came  into  the  hands 
of  Leslie-Seymour  Eaton,  his  youngest  son.  It  is  a  i)ictures<,ue 
place,  well  wooded  with  elms,  oaks,  maples  and  other  nativ..  Xova 
Scotian  trees,  and  uttording  many  delightful  views.  The  Kentville 
hrook  winds  through  it,  and  the  tides  of  Minas  Basin  Howing  uji 
the    ancient  Habitant  river  leave  their  rieli  deposits  on  its  dyk'i's. 

William  Eaton,  Esquire,  tho  founder  ot  this  distinct  l.nnudi  of 
the  Eaton  timiily,  was  the  second  son  ot  Ward  Eaton,  Es(,nire,  Jus- 
tice of  tho  Peace,  Ac,  *c.,  for  tho  township  of  Cornwallis.  He  was 
horn  in  Cornwallis,  September  thirtieth,  1828,  and  died  at  Elmwood, 
Kentville,  May  third,   1893. 

In  the  monograph  published  by  his  family  at  his  death  and  de- 
posited in  many  libraries  in  this  country  and  abroa.l,  the  details  „t 
his  public;  life  are  toM.  His  tombstone  in  "  T}ie  Oaks  "  Cemetery 
boars  the  following  inscription  : 

"  For  nearly  fifty  years  ho  was  a  respected  member  ol  this  i-orn- 
munity,  where  ho  held  many  public  positions,  both  local  an<l  pro- 
vincial Upright,  sincere,  kindly,  courteous,  he  did  his  duty  in  the 
fear  of  God,  ami  won  for  himself  an  abiding  place  in  the  hearts  of 
his  fellow  men.  " 

The  following  pages  contain  a  brief  record  of  the  family  he 
fou?ided  and  its  immediate  connexions. 



William  Eaton,  Esquire,  second  sou  of  Ward  and  Debcrali-Eatoii 
Eaton,  born  September  30,  1823,  died.  May  3,  1893.  He  married 
February  IS,  1H4!>,  at  8t.  James'  Olinrch,  Keiitville.Rev.  Jobii  Storrs, 
Rector,  Anna-Augusta-Wiliougbby  Ilnniilton,  fifth  and  youngest 
daughter  of  Otho  and  Maria-Starr  Hamilton,  born  September  11, 
1828.  died  September  23,  1883.  Former  Residence:  Elmwood! 
Kentville,  Xova  Scotia. 


Arthur-WentworthHamilton,  b.  Dec    lo,  1849 

|H.  A.  HiT-ard) 

KrancUHerbert  ••  July  29,  1851 

[  B.  A.  Harvard  ] 

Anna-Vlorton  "  Jan'y    i,  1853 

Rufus-William  ••  Aug.  ^3,  1856 

Ilarryllavelock  ••  Jan'y  23,  1858 

I-eslie-.Seymour  "   .May   17,  1865 

Emily-MariaHamiltun  "  Feb'y  14,  1868 

A  memorial  sketch  of  William  Eaton,  Esq.,  giving  an  account 
of  his  lite  ami  paidic  services,  was  printed  at  the  time  of  bis  deiitli 
and  may  be  found  in  all  the  loading  libraries.  Of  bis  sons,  Artbur- 
Wentvvorth-Hamilton,  B.  A.  Harvard,  is  a  clergyman  of  the  Episco- 
pal Church,  of  the  Diocese  of  Xcw  York,  and  an  author;  Francis- 
Herbert,  B.  A.  Harvard,  M.  A.  Acadia,  has  filled  important  e.lucii- 
tional  positions;  Rufus-William  (  took  a  partial  course  at  Acadia 
College  )  is  a  successful  merchant  ;  Harry-Havelock  (  also  to„k  11 
partial  course  at  Acadia  College)  studied  law  and  was  admitted 
the  Bar  ottlie  State  of  Illinois.  He  is  now  a  lawyer  and  I'ro.secutiiia- 
Attorney  in  ! be  State  of  Washington.  Leslie-Seymour  residi'.s  at 
Elmwood.  George-Albert  Laytou,  the  husband  of  Anna-Morton 
Eaton,  is  in  the  Customs  department  of  the  Camidian  (^ivi!  Service. 
He  is  a  well  known  provincial  shot  and  was  at  one  time  on  the  fnni- 
oiis  Camidian  Wimbledon  Team. 

Anna-Mortos  EATON,born  January,  1,1853, was  married  at  Elm- 
wood,   December  «,  1882,  to  George-Albert    Laytou,    eldest  son  of  ' 
Francis   Laytou,    Esq.*    ( Francis',    Francis'  )     Residence :   Ravens- 
wortli,  Truro.  Xovii  Scotia. 

i,5^  >ftt/.w;  A^  i.  c/y^.^A^^^'*^. 


Francis-Paut. Hamilton  b.  April  13,  1888 

RuFUS-WiLLUM  Eaton,  born  August  23,  1856,  married  Septem- 
ber 11,  1888,  in  St.  James'   Church,   Kontville.     Rev.  John-Owen 
Ruggles,  Rector,  officiating,  Anna-Laurie  Sutherland,  born   June  8 
1863,  only  daughter  of   Kenneth-Roualdaon  Sutherland,  formerly  of 
Edinburgh.     Residence  :  Dunrobin,  Kentville,  Nova  Scotia. 


b.  April  30,  1890 
bap.  July  14        " 

b.  Sept.  a;,  1891 
bap,  Dec,  a,         '• 

b.  May  30,  1894 
bap.  July  31        " 

Leslie-Seymour  Eaton,  horn  May  17,  1865,  marrie<l  June  16 
1887  (  at  Mrs  Thome's  house,  Kentville),  Rev.  Arthur- Wentworth- 
Hamilton  Eaton  and  Rev.  )ohn-Owen  Ruggles  officiating,  Augusta- 
Bilhng  Thome,  bom  Jan'y  26,  1866,  third  daughter  of  James-Hall 

and    Mary-Piper   Thome.       Residence :  Elmwood,  Kentville,  Nova 

Kenneth -Sutherland 
Jean  ■Hamilton 


Emily-Augusta-Thome  b.  March  7,  1889 

bap.  May    2,      •• 

Helen-Wentworth  Hamilton  "  J«4y-i«,  1891 
bap.  July  20,      '• 

a^  2/ 

Emily-Maria-Hamilton  Eaton,  born  February  14,  1868,  died  at 
Elmwood,  May  2,  1871,  of  croup,  and  was  buried  in  the  '  Familv 
Burial  Lot  at   "  The  Oaks." 

Of  the  American  Eatons  five  distinct  families  are  known  in  New 
England  and  one  in  New  Jersey.  That  there  is  any  close  connexion 
between  our  own,  the  family  of  John  and  Anne  Eaton  of  Hnverhiil, 
and  either  of  the  others  has  never  been  shown,  nor  has  it  so  far 
been  possible  to  discover  from  what  county  in  England  our  ancestor 
came.     He  first  appears  in  the  Haverhill,  Massachusetts  records  in 



June,  1640,  aiul  wo  know  absolutely  nothing  about  hint  prior  to 
that  time.  Nor  wouhl  it  perhaiis  be  at  all  an  easy  task  to  trace  his 
family  tar  in  England  if  we  could  know.  Tiio  name  "Eaton"  is  of 
Anglo-Saxon  origin  {  Ea  or  Aa-tun  ),  and  means  "the  town  or  vil- 
lage by  the  river,  "  and  it  is  believed  that  families  of  Eiitons,  taking 
their  name  from  the  little  river-towns  in  which  they  lived,  arose  in 
many  different  parts  of  the  country.  There  wore  Eatons  all  over 
the  midland  counties  of  England,  from  Suffolk  and  Kent  to  Cheshire 
ni  the  time  of  Queen  Elizabeth,  many  ot  them  bearing  arms  which" 
as  a  rule,  however,  aro  so  entirely  <lifferent  as  to  make  it  impossible 
by  their  means  to  trace  descent.  A  record  of  these  arms  will  of 
course  be  found  in  Burke's  General  Armory,  Two  Eaton  families 
at  least,  the  Cheshire  and  Shropshire  families,  may  be  traced  to  a 
very  early  period,  but  no  general  classification  of  the  English  Eatons 
has  ever  been  made.  Of  Jo/m  Eatons,  the  ancient  English  wills  that 
have  been  brought  to  light  show  that  there  were  probably  as  many 
as  fifty  living  in  England  in  the  time  of  James  I. 

Our  great-great-grandfather,  David  Eaton,  who  in  17(J0,  remov- 
ed from  Tolland,  Connecticut,  to  Cornwallis,  Nova  Scotia, was  a  great- 
groat-grandson  of  John  and  Anne  Eaton,  whose  names  firsc  appear 
ill  New  England  records,  in  Juno,  1640.  David  Eaton  was  born  in 
Haverhill,  Massachusetts,  and  from  there  in  early  life  went  to  Con- 
necticut,  where  he  married  in  his  twenty-third  year,  October  10 
1751,  Deborah,  daughter  of  Mr  Thomas  White,  a  descendant  of  Mr' 
John  White  one  of  the  first  settlers  of  Cambridge,  who  owned  part 
of  the  land  on  which  the  buihlings  of  Harvard  College  now  stand. 

The  circumstances  of  David  Eaton's  removal  with  his  family  to 
Nova  Scotia,  have  been  so  often  incidentally  told  in  print  that  I 
need  only  allude  to  them  here.  Together  with  our  Starr,  De- 
Wolf,  Bliss,  and  Rand  great-great-grandfathers,  and  the  progenitors 
of  nearly  all  the  other  Kings  County  families  of  note,he  came  in  1700 
by  invitation  of  the  Nova  Scotia  Government  to  settle  on  the  vacant 
lauds  of  the  exiled  Acadians.  He  received  bis  own  large  and  valu- 
able estate  in  Cornwallis,  and  at  his  death,  by  a  will  which  may  be 

I  I 

seen  i.i  the  Probate  Office  at  Kentville,  divi.led  it  anions  his  seven 
sons.  His  second  wife  was  Alice-English,  widow  of  Dr.  Samuel 
Willoughby,  but  by  her  he  had  no  family.  From  two  of  his  sons, 
John  and  Elislia,  we  are  descended,  our  Grandfather  Ward  a  son  of 
John,  having  married  his  first  cousin,  our  Grandmother  Eunice- 
Deborah,  daughter  of  Elisha.  The  wife  of  John  Eaton  was  Tabitha 
Uand,  a  daughter  of  John  and  Catherine  Rand,  of  an  honourable 
Massachusetts  family  ;  and  the  wife  of  Elisha  was  Irene  Bliss,  a 
daughter  of  Nathaniel  and  Eunice  Bliss,  who  also  came  to  Nciva 
Scotia  from  Connecticut,  and  of  whom  I  shall  have  something  more 
to  say. 

Our  grandparents,  Mr  and  Mrs  Ward  Eaton,  we  remember  with 
affection  and  pride.     Thej  were  recognized  in  this  county  as  people 
of  the  greatest    worth,  and  their  social    position  was  unqualified. 
Nothing  but  pleasant  memories  remain  to  us  of  them.     Thev  lived 
in  great  comfort,  and  their  hospitality  was  so  refined  and  generous 
that  it  has  passed  into  a  tradition.     Our  Grandfather,  "  the  Squire,  " 
as  he  was  usually  called,  had  strong  political  convictions,  and   was'  a 
great  friend  and  ardent  admirer  of  Judge  Johnstone  and  the  other 
Tory  leaders,  of  the  most  interesting  period  of  the  political  history  of 
Nova  Scotia.  At  his  house  we  saw  the  most  eminent  Nova  Scotiails  of 
theday,and  there  were  few  of  them  who  did  not  entertain  for  their 
genial  host  the  same  respect  with  which  we  now  remember  him.     Of 
our  dear  Grnudmother  we  can  never  say  too  much.     She  was  a  iioble 
woman,  firm  where  firmness  was  necessary,  yielding  where  it  was 
right  toyield,tenderand  thoughtful  towards  all  who  approached  her, 
and  as  free  from  faults,  I  believe,  as  it  is  possible  for  any  one  to  be! 
Her  memory  is  a  benediction,,  and  our  only  regret  is  that  we  were 
not  sufficiently  mature  when  she  was  alive   to  appreciate  her  as  we 
now  could  do. 

It  is  with  our  grandmother's  immediate  connexions  alone,  in 
the  Eaton  family,  that  we  have  ever  had  much  intercourse.  One  of 
her  nephews  was  Daniel  Lewis  Eaton,a  graduate  of  Bowdoin  College 


Ill  1851,  wlio  wa8  Paymaster  of  the  American  Army  during  part  of 
the  late  war   and  at  his  death  was  Cashier  of  the  Second  National 
Bank,  in  Washington,  D.  C.     Another  is  Clement  Belcher  Eaton   a 
prominent  merchant  of  St.Stephen,New  Brunswickjand  still  another 
was  the  late  Mr  George  Eaton,  of  St.  John,  one  of  whose  sisters  mar- 
ried   into   the   Portsmouth    Cutts  family,  one  becoming   the   wife 
of  Rov.  Thomas  D.  Howard,  a  Unitarian  clergyman  of  Boston,  and 
a  graduate  of  Harvard.     Oar  Grandmother's  nephew,  Brentou  Hal- 
liburton Eaton  is  a  well  known  lawyer  of  Halifax  ;  a  grand-nephew 
the  Hon.  George  Wheelock  Burbidge,  has  been  Deputy  Minister  of 
Justice  for  the   Dominion  of  Canada,  and  is  now  an  honoured  Judge 
at  the  Canadian  Court  of  Exchequer;  and  still  another  grand-nephew 
Dr^  Theodore  Harding  Rand,  was  for  years  Chief  Superintendent 
ot  Education  for  the  Province  of  Xova  Scotia,  an.l  then   for  New 
Brunswick.     Of  our  own  first  cousins,  Dr.  Benjamin  Rand  is  con- 
nected with  Harvard  College,  and  his  brother,  Mr  Frederic  C  Rand 
has  .succeeded  his  father  as  Collector  of  Customs  for  Kings  County' 

An  important  person  in  the  family,  three  generations  ago,  was 
Mr  John  Wells,  who  represented  the  County  of  Kings  in  the  Pro- 
vincial legistatnre  for  thirteen  years.     His  wife  was  Prudence-Eaton 
a  sister  of  our  great-grandfathers    Elisha  and  John,  and  he  was  the 
grandfather    of  the    present    High    Sheriff  of  Kings   County     Mr 
Stephen  Belcher.     Mr.  John  Manning,of  Falmouth,  married  Deborah 
Eatou,  another  of  our  Father's  great-aunts,  and  he  also  was  for  seven 
years  in  the  Provincial   legislature,  as  member  for  the  Township  of 
talmouth.  One  of  our  most  honoured  relations  to-day  is  Wyatt  Eaton 
the  painter,  who  belongs  to  a  l)ranch  of  the  family  that  remained  in' 
the  United  States ;  another  is  General  John  Eaton,  the  late  Com- 
missioner of  Education,  at  Washington.  D.  C. ;  and  another  is  Rev 
Dr.  Wilham  Hadley  Eaton,  a  New  Hampshire  clergyman 

Our  Grandmother's  brother  William,  married,  in  1809,  Nancy 
De  Wolf,  a  niece  of  the  Hon.  Bonjamin  Do  Wolf,  ot  Windsor  unil 
first  cousin  of  Mrs  Eraser,  the  mother  of  LadvGore,  wife  of  General 

the  Hon  Sir  Charles  Steplien  Gore,  whose  daughter  is  the  Countess 
of  Lrroll,  one  of  the  La.lies-in-Waiting  of  Her  Majesty  the  Queen 

Our  Grandmother's  brother  David  n.arrie.l,i„  1814,  Susannah  Strong 
and  her  brother  James,  in  1822,  Hannah  Strong,  who  were  seco.ul 
cousins  of  Lady  Gore.  Our  cousin  Brontou  Halliburton  Eaton,  who 
18  related  to  us  on  our  Father's,  and  through  the  DoWoIfs  also  on 
our  Mother's  side,  is  therefore  a  tliird  cousin  of  the  Countess  of  Er- 
roll,  who  IS  through  the  DeWoIfs,  our  sixth  cousin 


Few  more  distinguislr'farnih-es  are  represontod  in  America  than 
the  Ol.vestob  Hnmilto.m.  With  the  exception  of  Major  Otho  Hamil- 
ton, and  his  sons  John  and  Otho,  who  were  long  connected  with  the 
military  government  of  Xovn  Scotia,  the  father  late  in  life  assuminjf 

the  governorship  of  Placentia  in  Newfoundland,  our  grandfather  and 
his  children  have  been  the  only  representatives  of  the  family  in  this 
province.  Unfortunately  with  t'- death  of  our  two  unmarried  aunts 
in  1802  the  Hamilton  name  among  the  descendants  of  our  great- 
grandfather, became  extinct  in  America.  Of  the  grandchildren  of 
Henry  Hamilton  Ist,  our  great-grandfather,  but  throe  are  now  livin« 
Mary-Ehzabeth-Hamilton  Merr.l'.only  daughter  of  Henry  Hamilton 
2d.;  and  our  two  aunts,  Marguret-Maria  and  Josephine-Collins,  who 
are  mentioned  farther  on. 

Hk.nry  HAMii,To>f,of  the  Olivestol.  Ilamiltons,   born  in  Soothin.l 
in  1747,  m.  in  Berwick,  Maine,  October  5,  1780,  Eunice,  daughter 
of  Jeremiah  and    Sarah-Grant-Mamilton    Lord,   bap.  Juh"'"   17(51 
He  died  Febnary  21,  1819.     She  died  June  8,  1793.     Former  Resi^ 
dence  :  Sanford,  Maine. 



••^arah         b.    25  Oct., 


Olho           "     2  May, 


Jeramiah     "     8  Vlay, 


Henry         "     2  Not., 


Margaret     "     7  Aug., 


Simeon       "  22  Nov., 


Archibald  "   11  Feb'y, 


Otho  Hamiltov,  b.  2  May,  1784,  m.  in  Horton,Nova  Scotia,  Jm.e 
1!^,  1813,  Rev.  Robert  Norris,  Rector  of  St.  John's  Church,  Corn- 
walim  officiating,  Maria,  only  daughter  of  Samuel  and  Lvdia-De- 
Wolf  Starr  b.  Jan'y  1,  1795.  Mr.  Hamilton  d.  Muy  21,  1831, 
Mr.  i  fnmilton  d.  Jan'y  3,  1872.  Former  Residence  Kentvilie 
JNova  Scotia. 


Susan  b, 









Josephine  Collins  b. 

Anna  Augusta  Willoughby  b. 


Minetta  Bath 

Henry  Starr 

Margaret  Maria 

■o  March, 
17  Feb'y, 
15  March, 
13  Feb-y, 
■  8  August, 
9  May, 
«  Feb'y, 
2  Aug., 
24  March, 
II  Dec, 
M  Sept., 
23  Sept., 


Mah(}arkt-Mahia  Hamilton,  b.  Feb'y  6,  1821,  m.  Feb'y  19 
18S7,  toBrGnton-Halliburton,  fifth  son  of  Hon.  James-Delap  (M  L 
C.)  and  VVilholmina-\Veiny88-Campbell  Harris,  born  March  3  183]' 
N-o  children.  He  died  January  5,  1868.  Residence  :  Kentvilie',  Nova 



JosEPHrNE-OoLLiN-8  Hamiltov,  1,.  December  11,  182f5,  m.  Decein- 
l>er  1,1849  (Rev.  John  Storrs  officiating)    to  Jolni-Rutus    Euton 
tliird  son   of  Ward  and  Del)oral.-Eaton    Euton,     b.   July   3      182ti' 
d    m   Boston.   Xov.  4,   1851.      Former  Residence:  ClieleeH,' .Massa- 





h.    1 2  January,    185 1 
().     8  June, 
Grace-Hunnewell        b.   n  March,     1852 

Josepbine-CoJiins-Uamilton  Katon  ni  (  2  )  at  St  Ja 
Cburoh  Kentville,  by  Rev.  Jobn  0^ven  Rug^Ien.  August  o,' I863T 
Davu  -^tuart  Hamilton,  B.A.,  son  of  Jobn  and  Anne-Ricbard^on- 
Marsbftll  Kam.Iton,  born  September  1.  182:,,  Knulnate<l  at  Kin^. 
ColIep:e,  Windsor.  Jnno  30,  1847.  In  1868  be  received  tb.-  degree 
of  D.  C.  L.  from  tbe  Fniversity  of  Bedford  nt  Sbelbyville,  TenneLe 
and  May  18.  1873,  at  Mobile,  Alabama,  was  ordained  deacon  in  tbe 
Protestant  Episcopal  Cburcb,  be  bnving  originally  intended  to  take 
Holy  Orders,  He  died  suddenly  at  Tuscaloosa,  Abiba-nH,  .May  4 


Harold  Harris        b.      6  May,  ;S64 

^^ary  Stuart  ••    ,3   April,  1S65 

Jnnet  Gordon  "   12  Oct.,  1867 

Victor  I'rescotI         ••    19  Keb'y,  1870 

Charlei  Frederick     "  8     Nov.,  1872 

<<•    5     May,  1873 

a«ArK-Hr.VN™x  EATON(daugbter  of  Jobn  Rufusand  Josepbine 
ColI.ns-IFamdton  Eaton)  b.  ^rnrcb  12,  IS.-i^,  m.  October  7   187-'    to  Porter,  son  of  Judge  Josepb   I'orter,  of  WatertWrd 
New  Jersey.      He  died  October  28,  1882. 

WilllamnamiltDi)     U.    5   Dae.,       1871 
KrankUugKle'*  "  27  Keb'y,     187ft 


Grace-Hunnewcll-Eaton  Porter  m.  ( 2 )    Inno  2q    isan     .   q* 
Jan.s'  Church,  Atlantic  Cit,,  New  Jer^^^^lf '/Z'r-We  t 
worh  Hampton  Eaton,  to  WiUbrd-Henry,  born  M.rch  21 
1853   only  son  of  Leverett  deVeber   and   Nancy-Moore    Chipma..' 
Residence:  Kentville,  Nova  Scotia.  ^nipman- 


Leverett-deVeber       b.  17  April,  ,891 

bap.  12  July,          <• 

Reginald. Wemyss      b.  5  June,  ,892 

bap.  7  Aug,  .. 

Harold-Harris  HAMaxoN  (son  of  Rer.  D.  Stuart  and  Josephine- 

of  gI^/h     "'^"";t'  ^"'"  ''^''''  Winnifred-RebecciZgh  er 
of  Goorge-Henry  and  Mary  Adams,  ot  Concord,  New  Hampshire. 


Stuart-AJams     b.    17  April,     1893 
Beatrice  b.    29  July.       ,894 

in.  clZr  H°"°°r,  "*""■'"""''"«'■""  "f  ■*"■■  ^  smart  a„d  J„ 


Janet- Hamilton        b.  June  3,     ,888 

William-Stuart       b.   Augu.l    18,    1890 


Arm,  of  ,h.  Oli^lob  Hamilton,  registered  i„  1678  :  Gules  a 
martlet  between  three  „i,„„ef„iU  .rge„,  within  a  borjnr,  .mb.t,L 

lanuiy  will  be   found  in  manuscript  in  t  le  library  nf  the    .\ev.    |.'n»Un  I   u     .  ,. 

ogical  Society  in  Bo.ton.  »y"itlic    .New    L-nglanJ  His  tone -CJeneal. 



Tlie  Starr  tatnily,  from   wl.ioh  we    are  .lesce.ulo.l  tlirougl,  f,„r 
Qrandniothor  Ilatnilton,  traces  to  Ashfonl,  anciontly  the  Manor  ot 
I'^«l.eteHfor,l,  „ear  Canterbury,  in  Kent,  forty-five  miles  south  east 
of  Lon.ion.     "  The  eonspicuous  object  to  the  traveller  a«  h« 
imsses  through,  on  his  way  toor  from  the  continent,  "  says  the  author 
of  the  Starr  Oeneah.nj,   "and  the  most  interesting  to  all  who  love  our 
name,  is  the  grey  old  parish  chur,'!.  of  Ht.  Mary,  a  large    building 
with  a  transept,    three  aisles,  three  chancels,  and  a  beautiful    grey 
stone  tower.     Its  age  is  unknown.     It  had  already  stood  for  centuries 
wlien  early  m  the  seventeenth  century,  our  ancestor.  Dr.  Comfort 
Starr, worshipped  ^^ithin  its  walls  an.l  brought  his  children  to  its  altar 
for  baptism." 

The  well  known  arms  of  the  Starr  family  are  :  Az.ure,  a  pair  of 
scales  or  balances  within  an  orle  of  eight  estoiles,  or.  Crest,  A  liot> 
couchant,  or,  charged  with  an  estoilp  gules. 

Our  first  American  ancestor,  Dr.  Comfort  Starr,  was  bon,  in 
Ashford  ;  and  came  to  America  in  1634.  His  wife  Elizabeth  died  in 
Boston,  Juno  25,  1658,  aged  sixty-threo,  and  he  died  there  January 

;'  ,"'"f\„ ,'*'■•  ^^'"'^  ''"''  '""  ^^''^«  ''"•'  «'ff''f  ^I'Sl'lren  all  born  in 
England  :  Thomas.  Elizabeth,  Comfort,  Mary,  Job,.,  Samuel  (  buried 
in  Ashtord  churchyard),  Hannah,  and  Lydia.  Of  these  children 
our  ancestor  Dr.  nonu,>,  the  eldest,  like  his  father  was  a  Physician  • 
Comfort  gra.luate.!  at  Harvard  College  in  1647,returned  to  England' 
and  became  an  Independent  Minister;  John  married  Martha,  .laugh' 
tcr  ot  fJenrge  Bunker,  who  owned  Bunker  mil,  in  Bosto.>  ;  and 
Han.u.h  became  the  wite  of  .Nfr  )ohn  Cutts.  of  Portsmouth.  Dr 
Comfort  Starr  practised  i)oth  in  Englan.l  and  in  America. 

Tin,  Cluncl,  ,o  S..  Mary  th,  Vi,gi„,  ,U„,f,.„m  ,l,e  reign  of  Henry  HI  .n,l,  the,,le  of  ...e  ,Mr,ecn,h  een.ury.  h  i.  .  fin,  cruet™ 
«.n.M,„con....ryKn«l.,..,rchi,ec,u,e,     ,,,.  fee,     in     len«.h.    i.s  lo.,,e.,    ,..r,     ,00       ,. 




Our  first  Novji  Scotia  Starr  uiicustor  was  David,  youngest  child 
l)iit  oii(«,  of  Sanuicl  and    Aiiii-l?nsliiifll  Starr,  ot  Norwidi,  Comioc- 
ticut,  a  gruat-groat-graiidsoii  ot  Dr.  Tlionias  Starr,80ii  of  Dr.  Comfort. 
Ho  was  our  grcat-grwit-grandfatlior,  was  born  in  Xorwioh,  October 
Ki,  1742,  canio  to  Nova  Scotia  about  1760,  and  niarric<l  August  5, 
1770,  Susaiinali,  dauglitcr  of  Henry  and  Martiia  Potter,  born  in  Hali- 
fax, April,  1752,  died,  N-oveniber  5,  1817.     He  bad   tliirtoon  child- 
ren, ot  whom  our  great-grandfather  Samuel  was  tlie     These 
were  Samuel  and  Henry,  twins  ;  born,  August  fifth,  1771  ;  Elizabeth 
born  in  1778;  John,  Anne,  Sarah,  Josei^h,  Hannah,  Susannah,  David, 
"William,  James,  and  Daniel,  almost  all  of  whom  founded  families  ot 
considerable  importance.     Our  great-grandfather  Samii,-/,    married 
in  17ft4,  our  groat-grandmother  Ly«lia,  daughter  of  Jehiol  Sr.  and 
rhobe-Cobb    Do  Wolf,  who  died  at  KentviluC  in  ISoO,  aged  eighty- 
one,  and  was  buried  at  The  Oaks,  where  the  later  gouoratioiisofoiir 
family  also  lie.     Tliey  had  but  two  children,  Maria,  our  grandmother, 
and  Henry,  who  died  unmarried  in  the  West  Indies,  in  1822  ;   where  , 
as  it  singularly  happened,  his  father  also  did  in  1801.     The  place  of 
the  latter's  death  was  Januvica,  but  where  the  son  died  I  do  not  know. 
llo  liad  gone  for  his  health  to  the  West  Fiidies  and  died  of  tever 
rather  suddoidy.     Our  great-grandmother  Ly<lia  was  married  twice 
after  her  first  husband's  death,  ami  by  her  second  marriage  acipiirod 
the  estate   which   was  so  long    owned  i)y  our   F'atlier.      Our  great- 
grandmother,  Mrs  Samuel    Starr,  was  a  fine  commanding    looking 
woi.ian,  with  frosli  complexion,  and  light   hair  and   eyes.      She  and 
her  relative  and  intimate  frien<l.  Mrs  Stephen    DeWolf.   were  often 
spoken  of  as  two  of  the  moU  attractive  women  in  the  county.      In 
appearance  she  resembled  the  I)e Wolfs,  while  imr  grandmother,  her 
daughter  .Maria,  was  more  like  the  Starrs.      Her  last  days  wore  spent 
at  Kentville,  with  her  daughter  and  grandchildren,  all  of  whom  had 
(or  lier  the  utmost  Inveand  ri>verenci!.      Our  Mother  and  Aunts  have 
HO  often  ilescrihed  iier,  that  her  personality  stands  out  to  me  tar  more 
distinctly  than  that  of  any  other  of  our  ancestors  of  her  generation. 
She  was  a  woman  of  superior  sense  and  of  u  nnignetic  and  generous 



'  v> 


'  V' 

spirit.  \..t  ,.,ily  i.>.r  -.•aM.lrlnMivn.  I.nt  ail  lu-r  ofl.oth 
tl...  iK.Wuiranrl  Starr  fi,inili,.s,  a.lmin..l  and  lovo.l  her,  an.I  some  of 
tli.-M.,„,i.sfa.,tly  visitors  at  lioiiso.  SIi.Mii.Mi  of  i-an.'cr,  aftor 
f  l-Mi-nn,!  fryi..-  illness,  fl.n.ugl,  which  our  Mother  an.I  Aunts 
tenderly  nursed  her. 

Our  jrreat-unele,  Henry  Starr,  luinie.l  for  his  father's  twin  hrotlr 
<■'•,  i.'^  tli..ii,i,'ht  to  have  been  en,tca.,n.,l  to  Nfary,  -hunrhter  of  his  fourth 
eous.n,  Jnd.ire  Elisha  DeWolf,  win.  after  his  .leath   heeonje  the  wife 
of  Rev.  John  flark.  at  one  time  Rector  of  St.  John's  Chureii,  Corn- 
wallis.      Hut  it  was  also   believed  by  some  that  lie  was    cngaired  to 
Harriet  diuigliter  of  tlio  Loyalist  Col.    William  Moore.      Whatever 
may  liave  been  the  truth,  the  liandsom..  yoiinsr  fellow   went  for  his 
his  liealth  on  a  voyajre  to  the  West  Indies,    with  a  eonnexion  of  the 
family.Mr.  James  Rateliford  .if  I'arrsb.irou.-h,  an.I  there  die.l  of  fevor 
at  the  a-rc  of  twenty-six.     His  sister,  our  gran.lrnother  Maria,  thus 
be.'ame  the  sole  surviving  .les.-endant  of  her  father,  Samuel  Starr,  and 
the  el.lest    representative  of  our  branch  of  the  Starr   family  in  Xova 
Scotia,    the  chil.lren  of  her  aunt.   Klizal)eth    Willoughby,    rankiufr 
next  in  seniority,  and  the  ehil.lren  of  her  un.^le,  the  Hon.  John  Starr, 
next,      ft  will  thus  be  seen    that  .)ii  her   M.>thor's  side,  our  .Mother 
had  no  first  cousins.     From  our  great-grandmother,  Lydia-DoWolf 
Starr,  I  inherit    a  Family     Bible,  an.I   irynin     Hook,    while   among 
various  nier-ibers  of  the  family  was  .listributed  by  our  Aunt  Minetta, 
before  iier  .leath,  a  beautiful  oi.l  china  tea  set,   which  she    had    had 
t'r.)ni  her  gian.lmother. 

A7/,:(A,.//,  si'irr.  our  grail. Imotlier's  aunt,  was  married,  March 
sixth,  17!t4,  to  Augustnr.,  s..n  of  Dr.  Samu.'land  Alice-English  Wil- 
loughby,  b.  Feb'y.  secon.l,  1771,  at  ('ornwallis.  Their  ehii.lren  were 
.Minetta,  .Seraphina.  Lucretia,  Samuel-Augustus,  Elizabeth,  (Marissa, 
ami  Susannah-Alice,  all  baptize.!  in  St.  John's  parish,  CornwalliB. 
Of  this  family,  our  gran. Ini.nher's  cousin,  Sn,ini,-l-Aii.iH^lu«  \V ;iliui,ihl„i 
i).  Jan'y.  first,  ISOil,  move.l  to  Mro.,klyn,  \ew  Vork,  where  he  mar- 
ried, (1)  Margaretta  DufKel.l, daughter  of  Dr.  John  Duffield.of  Virgi- 
nia, and  Margaretta-Debevoisc,  a  la.iy  of  wealth,  ami  ha.l  two   .huigh- 


tors  wlio  lived,  Aunn.Aufluxta  (  for  whom  our  Mother,  lier  sccotid 
ooiiBiii,  wns  iiiimed),  who  bccaniL'  tlio  wife  of  tlie  Rev.  George  Diif- 
tit'hl,  D.  1).  ;  and  Mnriiai-ettn,  who  heeame  the  wifeof  tlie  lion.  Judge 
Eihviirds  Tierrepoiit,  D.  V,.  L.  (  Oxoii. ),  of  New  Yori<,  Attorney 
(lonerai  of  the  United  States,  and  from  1876  to  1878,  Minister  Pleni- 
potentiary of  tlie  United  States  at  the  Court  of  St.  James.  Mrs 
Picrrejioint,  is  still  living,  but  Judge  Piorrepont  died,  March  sixtii, 
1892.  Their  only  son  Edward,  a  graduate  of  Ciirist  Church,  Oxford, 
of  1882,  in  1884  was  appointed  Secretary  of  the  United  States  Lega- 
tion, at  Rome,  and  on  the  resignation  of  Mr  William-Waldorf  Astor, 
shortly  after,  Chm-i/e  d'Affum'»  o\' t\w  United  States,  in  Italy.  lie 
died  in  Rome,  greatly  lamented,  in  April  1885.  Their  only  daughter 
Mar;i'in-ff,i]\'!l!iiii<//i/,i/,  is  tlie  wife  of  Mr  Leonanl-Forhes  Bookwith, 
C.  E.,  of  Xew  York. 

Su,iuirl-Au;/iixfn.i  Willomjliliii  ni.  (2)  Mrs  Estello-r.*iusette  Cook, 
and  had  by  her,  one  son,  IIugh-Lau.sette  Willoughby.  Both  he  and 
his  mother  are  living,  their  residences  being  in  Newport  and  Phila- 
delphia. Samuel-Augustus  Willoughby  died  at  Saratoga  in  1880. 
Through  his  sisters  we  are  related  to  the  Baths  and  Fellows',  of 
Bridgetown,  tiie  Shannons  of  Halifax,  the  John  Lawrences,  of  Brook- 
lyn, and  the  Ballisters  of  Newton,  .Mass.  Judge  S.  L.  Shannon  mar- 
ried our  Mother's  second  cousin,  Anna-Starr  Fellows,  and  the  lato 
Mr  J.  F.  Ballisteran  undo  of  e.x-Governor  Russell,  of  Massachusetts, 
married  Mrs  Shannon's  sister,  Minctta-Bath  Fellows.  .Mr  Samuel- 
Augustus  Wiilonghhy,  who  founded  a  i>ank  in  Brooklyn,  and  gave 
bis  name  to  a  street,  \Vilh,H<jl,l,ii  Armw,  was  long  the  owner  of  a  fine 
olil  estate  on  Fulton  Avenue.  A  liict  of  .some  interest  to  us,  as  I 
have  already  slated,  is  timt  our  great-grear-grandfather  David  Eaton, 
the  first  of  our  name  in  Xova  Scotia,  married  for  his  second  wife, 
Alice-Knglish,  widow  of  Dr.  Samuel  Willoughby,  and  grandmother 
of  Samuel- August  us  V-'illoughby. 

Our  grandmother's  uncle,  //./»  ./.,lnt  SI. in-.  Iiecamo  a  wealthy 
merchant  and  ship-ow  ner  in  Halifax,  and  lor  some  time  represented 
the  County  of  Kings  in   iji,.    House  of  Assembly.      His  eommereial 









i^nj!,  nse.l  by  tlie  family  for  more  tluiii  half  a  ceiiturv,  was  white, 
witli  a  I)Iiie  star  in  the  centre.     In  the  Colie,i,'e  of  Anns,  London,  lie 
rogistere.1  a  separate  coat  of  arms,  which  is  carved  on  his  monument 
in  Halifax.     \  lino  portrait  of  him  may  he  seen  in  the  Starr  Gene- 
alogy.    Flis  wife  was   Desiah  Gore,  (hinghter  of  Moses  and  Mollie- 
Xewcoml.  (Jore.     I  lis  family  left  the  Church  of  England  and  became 
Wesh-yan  .Methodists,  thus  helping  establish  for  that   body  the  pres- 
tige it  has  ever  since  held  in  Halifax.     They  lived  at  "  I'oplarGrove," 
a  place  formerly    owned  by  the  Wontworth    family,  and   the    street 
since  cut    through  the  estate  is  known  as   "Starr   Street."     Hon. 
John  Starr  died,  December  80,  1827.     His  wife  died  15  .May,  184;J. 
OftJicir  thirteen  children  :  M<ir.iar,-t-Sn,,l,ia  became  the  wife  of  the 
Hon.  James  Ratchford,  .\I.  L.  C.      Hon.  JnhnUmuhr,  M.  L.  C,  who 
lived  handsomely  in    Halifax,  in   1829    was  commissioned    Col.    ot 
the  ;!d  Regt.  ot  .Militia  ;  in  1887  was  appointed  aide-de-camp  to  Gen. 
Sir  Colin  Campbell,  and  afterward  ai<le-de-camp  to  Lord  Falkland, 
(Tovcrnors  of  Xova  Scotia ;  and  later  was  made  a  member  of  the 
Legislative  Council.      WHien  in  England  with  his  second  wife  he  was 
presented  at  court.and  ill  Paris  dined  with  Louis-Philippe,  by  special 
invitation,  the  King  thus  recognizing  the  kindness  he  as  Provincial 
Aide-de-Camp,  had  shown  tlie  Frencli  princes   some  years   before, 
when  tlioy  had  visited  Halifax  in  a  French    man-of-war.      His  first 
wife,  whom  lie  marrie.l  Xov.  1,  I82:{,  was  .Mary-Sophia  Ratchford, 
sister  of  Hon.  James  Ratchford.      His  second  wife,  whom  he  nuirricd 
I)ec.  22,  18;50,  was  Frances-Barbcrie,  dau.  of  William  and  Catherine 
Throckmorton,  ot  New  Jersey.      WilUam-Jitseih  m.  (1),  l(j  Xov.  1880 
in  IJormuda,  .Mathilda,  dau.  of  the  Hon.  Riehard  and  Frances-Peni- 
ston-Peniston,  of  Peniston-Hall,  Poniston,  Uermnda,  (2),   September 
25,  1848,  .Mrs  Harriet,widow  of  Thomas  Hartlett,  Esq.,  and  daughter 
of  Timothy   Ruggles,    Esq.,    President    of  the  Congress  of  17(35,  ot 
the  United  American  Coloiiies.and  afterward  a  general  in  the  British 
army.     Mnrn-Kllza  was  m.  October  17,  182G,  to  Elisha,  son  of  Judge 
Elisha  and   .Margaret-ltatcbford  DeWolf     Su>>an-Ar,Lh,-lhi  became  the 


wife  of  Admiral  William-Henry  Jervis,  R.  N.,  (afterwards  knighted), 
a  relation  of  the  Earl  of  St.  Vincent.  Lucretia-Jaue  was  married  to 
the  Hon.  Judge  Charles  Young,  LL.  D.,  of  Prince  Edward  Island, 
son  ot  the  Hon.  John  Young,  M.P.  and  brother  of  the  late  Sir  Wil- 
liam Young,  of  Halifax.  Fredwlck-Itatchford,  who  married  (1)  Marj'- 
Jane  Jarvis,  of  a  Loyalist  family,  of  New  Brunswick,  (  2  )  Henrietta- 
Maria,  daughter  of  John  and  Henrietta-Mariu-Coffin  Atwood,  of 
Philadelphia,  was  the  owner  of  "Echo  Farm,"  the  widely  known 
dairy  farm  ot  Jersey  stock,  at  Litchfield,  Conn. 

Our  grandmother's  aunt,  Anne  Starr,  was  married  to  Walter,  son 
of  Ezra  and  Mary-Watrous  Reid,  of  Cornwallis.  Her  aunt  Sara/t  was 
married  February  sixth,  1800,  to  Benjamin  Belcher  of  Coniwallis,(2) 
April  17,  1805,  to  Walter  C.  Manning,  and  by  her  first  marriage 
had  a  son,  Clement- Horton  Belcher,  b.  March  5,  1801,  who  m.  June 
6, 1826,  his  first  cousin,  Mary-Jane,  born  December  19, 1806,  daughter 
of  Joseph  and  Mary-Qore  Starr.  Her  uncle  Joseph  married  (I),  Feb- 
nary  25,  1804,  Mary,  daughter  of  Moses  and  Moilie-Newcomb  Gore, 
born  January  29,  1778,  at  Cornwallis  ;  (2)  April  4,  1843,  Mrs.  Mar- 
garet-Maria Calkin,  daughter  of  Judge  Elisha  and  Margaret- 
Ratchford  DeWolf,  b.  September  22,  1793,  at  Horton.  Joseph 
Starr's  children  byw his  first  marriage  were:  {a)  John-Kdtoard,  b.  4 
Feb'y,  1805  m.  11  Nov.,  1828,  Mary-Anne  ,dau.  of  James-Russell  and 
Ann-Lousia-Chipman  Lovett  [  Children  :  Rev.  Jogeph- Herbert  Starr  ; 
Elieaheth-Anne,  widow  of  Dr.  Douglas-Nicholas  Tucker,  Surgeon  R. 
N. ;  AUda  Ellen,  wife  of  Frederick-Newton  Qisbonie,  C.  E.  ;  Mary- 
Qore,  ^iec^&iQA,  wife  of  Israel  Longworth,  Barrister,  of  Truro;  and 
Reginald- Heher-Starr,  D.  D.,  a  clergj-maii  of  the  Protestant  Episcopal 
Church  of  the  United  States]  ;  (b)  Marii-Jan,-  b.  December  19,  1806. 
m.  to  her  cousin  Clement-Horton  Belcher. 

Our  grandmother's  aunt,  Suxannah,  was  married  March,  1811,to 
Rev.  James  Irish  Wesleyan  minister.  Her  uncle  David, 
a  prominent  Halifax  merchant,  m.  February  1811,  Lavinia,  dau.  of 
Joseph    (  Samuel,    Samuel,  Jonathan,  Dr.  Thomas,  Dr.  Comfort  ) 





Rtid  Joaiina-Leffingwell  Starr,  iind  hud  :  Saruh-Elizabeth  ;  Joanna, 
wife  of  Rev.RoIand  Morton;  Mary  Sophia;  Fanny-Laviiiia,wife  of  Rev. 
Dr.Samuel  Dwight;  Harriet-AugUBta.wite  of  Rev.Dr.CharleH  Stewart; 
David-Henry,  and  John,  two  well  known  merchants  of  Halifax. 

Her  uncle  William  married,  January  31,  1815,  Harriot,  daughter, 
of  Francis  and  Bathsheba-Rugglcs  Hutchinson.  Her  uncle  Jam^t. 
married  May  19,1813,  Xancy.daughter  of  Miner  and  Martha- Walker 
Huntington,  and  had  two  daughters  :  Mary-Elizabeth,  wife  ot  Thomas 
Allen,  and  Susan-Martha,  wife  of  the  late  Sheriff  William-Kaines 
Dudman,  of  Yarmouth.  Her  uncle,  Daniel  m.  Septembers,  1825, 
Sarah-Alice,  daughter  of  Daniel  and  Lydia-Kirtland-Harris  Do  Wolf, 
born  July  29,  1802,  at  Horton,and  had  six  children,of  whom  George- 
Herbert  was  his  father's  successor  in  the  British  Vice-Consulate  at 
Portland  Me.,  and  Caroline-Jane,  was  the  first  wife  of  Dr.  Israel- 
Thorndike  Dana,  of  Portland,  a  brother  of  Mrs  William  Lawrence, 
of  Longwood,  Mass.  Joseph,  the  youngest,  married  Alice  Merkel  of 

It  will  thus  he  seen  that  we  are  in  the  line  of  the  eldest  son  of 
Dr.  Comfort  Starr,  and  that  we  and  the  children  of  our  aunt  Joseph- 
ine, are  the  sole  representatives  in  this  generation,  of  the  eldest 
branch  of  the   Nova  Scotia  David  Starr's  family. 

To  the  Starrs  of  our  line  are  of  course  closely  allied  the  descend- 
ants in  Nova  Scotia  and  elsewhere  of  Major  Samuel  Starr,  the  eldest 
brother  of  our  ancestor  David  Starr.  Major  Samuel  Starr,  son  of 
Samuel  and  Ann-Bushnell-Starr,  of  Norwich,  a  very  prominent  man, 
was  one  of  the  committee  appointed  and  sent  by  the  intending  New 
England  settlers,  to  Nova  Scotia,  to  survey  and  report  on  the  Acad- 
ian lands.  His  own  valuable  estate  was  at  Starr's  Point,  Cornwallis, 
and  the  Starrs  of  that  place,  including,  of  course,  John-Edward  Starr, 
who  married  our  aunt  Martha  Eaton,  and  his  sister  Pauline-Starr,  who 
■  was  the  wife  of  our  uncle,  Leander  Eaton,  are  his  dependants. 


De  wolf 

Our  first  American  DeWolf  ancestor  was    Balthazar   DeWolf, 
who  with  his  wife    Alice  appears  in  Wethersfield,    Connecticut,  iil 
1664,  and  then  in  Lyme  in  1668.     His  ancestry  was    no  doubt   Con- 
tinental, though  Mr  and  Mrs   Salisbury,  of  New  Haven,    the    emi- 
nent   genealogists   ot    the  DeWolf    and  many  other  Connecticut 
families,  tee!  convinced  that  he    came  directly'  from     Ensfland    to 
Connecticut.       His    family    consisted    of    six     children  :*E(hvurd, 
8imon,  Stephen,  Mary,  Susannah,  and  probably    Joseph  ;  of  whom' 
Edward  and  Stephen     have     descendants    in    Nova    Scotia.     We 
are     descended     from    Stephen,    whose    grandson     Je/>M    {  h     Ijc- 
tween   1727  and    1731,  m.  Phebe  Cobb)  in    1761,   came    with    his 
second  cousin  6Vw«,«,    a  grandson  of  Ar/man/,    and  his  second   cousin, 
once  removed,  Nathan,    a  great-grandson  of  AV<;w«/vi,  to  Horton.  Nova 
Scotia.     The  intermarriages  of  the  children  and  grandchildren  ot 
Balthazar  DeWolt;  in  Connecticut,  with  the  Lees,  Griswolds,  Water- 
mans,  Mathers,  and  other  families  of  note,  is  indicated  in  the  second 
volume  of  the  magnificent  "Family  Histories  and  Genealogies,"  ,.f 
Mr  and  Mrs  Salisbury,  and  in  the  first  of  their  two   DeWolf  charts. 
To  Mary  DeWolf  belongs  the  honour  of  having  been  the  grandmother 
of  Mathew  Griswold,  a  noted  governor  of  Connecticut. 

In  each  of  the  three  Nova  Scotia  families  of  DeWolf  are  some 
well  known  names,  and  in  every  generation  there  has  been  much 
friendly  intercourse  among  the  families.  The  pretty  college  town  of 
Wolfville,  in  sight  of  the  Basin  of  Minas  and  the  famous  Grand  Prfe, 
is  perhaps  the  family's  best  monument,  for  it  was  in  that  historical 
locality  that  its  earliest  members  settled,  and  it  is  there  that  it  hais 
left  its  most  abiding  traces.  It  is  impossible  for  me  to  follow  the 
families  in  detail,  but  in  the  Salisbury  Genealogies  and  in  the  manu- 
scripts of  Dr.  James  Ratchford  DeWolf  and  myself,  which  are  care- 
fully preserved,  will  be  found  complete  records  of  the  family,  to  our 
own  time. 




Our   own    ancestor,    Jeliiel  DeWolf,    wlio  avnu'  directly  from 
Killingworth,  Connecticut,  to  Nova  Scotiii  in  1761,marrieil,  us  I  have 
said,  about  1752,  Pheiie  Cobb.daughter  of  Elisha  and  Mary-Harding 
Cobb  of  Easthani,    Massachusetts.     Their   children  were :     Pliehe, 
Jehiel,  Jr,    Margaret,    Olirer,   Daniel,    Jerusha,    Eunice,  and    L'/diu. 
These  daughters  all  married  in  to  well  known  Kings  County  families, 
but  intimacy  between  tlieir  descendants  and  our  grandmother  Lydiu's 
family  ceased,  for  the  most  part,  at  the  lattor's  death.      With  the 
families  of  Jehiel,  Oliver,  and  Daniel,    the  three  sons,  wo  have  had 
more  to  do.       Jehiel,    Jr,    was  a  ship-owner,  and    died,  I  believe, 
in  Xew  York.     His  son  Aaron  dying  without  is.sue,  the  DeWolf 
name  in  his  branch  of  the  family  became  extinct,  but  he  had  several 
daughters,  Anna-Eliza,  wife  of  Daniel   Harrington;  Elizahefl,,  who  d. 
young;  A/un/,  who  m.  Josiah  Dana,  of  Eastport,  Maine,  and  had  one 
son  William  DeWolf,  for  many  years  in  the    Treasury  Departmon 
at  Washington;  Hannah,  who  m.  Jonathan  Bartlett,  a  cousin  of  the 
poet  Longfellow's  mother,  and  had,  among  other   children,    Annu- 
Maria,  who  became  the  wife  of  Daidel  T.  Granger,  of  Saco,   Maine; 
Phclw,  who  was  III.  to  John-Si  go  urney  Webster;  and  CUarUtftr,  who 
was  married  in  New  York,  first  to  a  Mr.  Brower,  and  then  to  a  Mr. 
Vanderpoel.     In  the  Harrington  family,  children  and  descendants 
of  Anna-Eliza  DeWolf,  daughter  of  Jehiel,  Jr,  there  have  been  matiy 
persons  well  known  in  this  province.     The  two  eldest  .Miss  Harring- 
tons, daughters   of  Anna-Eliza,  were  Charlotte-Leonora,  who  mar- 
ried   Dr.    Alexander  McDomild;  and  Eliza-Caroline,  who  married 
in  Eastport,  Me.,  Samuel   H.  Wadsvvorth,  uncle  of  the  poet  Long- 

Of  the  family  of  Ullvvr,  the  relation  whom  we  know  i)est  is 
Mrs.  Anna-Augnsta-Fitch  Brown,  of  Newburyport,  Massachusetts. 
Among  Oliver's  descendants  there  are  a  few  persons  of  the  DeWolf 
name  living,  but  very  few. 

The  most  prominent  of  the  DeWolf  uncles  of  our  grandmother 
ITamilton,  was  Dani,l,  born  May  28, 1701,  m.  Lydia  Kirtland  Harris, 





and  d.  January  31,  1837.     He  was  a  large  land-owner,  liaviiig  an 
estate  at  Wolt'ville,  on  whicli  he  lived,  and  a  great  deal  of  property 
besides.     For  many  years  he  held  tlie  office  of  Justice  ot  the  Peace, 
and  from  1806,  for  several  years  represented  the  Township  of  Hor- 
ton  in  the  Provincial  Assembly.     His  children  were:     Daniel   Kirt- 
land,  who  died  unmarried;  Thomas  Cochran,  Caroline  Sophia,  who 
became   the    wife  ot  Thomas  Ratchford,  of  Parrsborough;  Robert 
Dickson,  who  m.    Sophia    Dennison;   Sarah-Alice,  who  wan  m.  Sept.  3. 
1825,  to  our  ijrandim)the.r'g  uncle  vn  her/ather'n  nide,  Daniel  Starr,  und   be- 
came the  mother  of  Mrs.  Israel  T.  Dana,  of  Portland,  Me.;  Cat/ieriue- 
Antie,  who  m.  John  Scott,  and  whose  daughter  Anne  became  the 
second  wife  of  Eldward  Lawson,  of  Halifax;  and  Lucilla-olii>,\  who 
became  the  second  wife  of  Winckworth  Chipman.Esq.,  of  Kentvilie. 
Li/dla,  the  youngest  of  the  eight  children  of  Jehiel  DeWolf,  Sr,  was, 
as  I  have  said,  onr  mother's  grandmother;  her  first  husband,  our 
great-grandfather,  was  Samuel  Starr,  to  whom  she  was  ni.  in  1794. 
The  most  prominent  of  the  sons  of  Nathan  DeWolf  s  was  Jyd;i<i 
Elinha  DeWolf,  of  Wolfville,  who  m.  Margaret,  dau.  of  Capt.  Thomas 
Ratchford,  of  Comwallis,     He  was    for   many   years    an    Assistant 
Judge  of  the  County  Court,  and  held  other  important  officep.     His 
place  at  "Wolfville  was  one  of  the  handsomest  in  Kings  County,  or 
indeed  in  Nova  Scotia,  and  there  were  few  families  in  the  Province 
better  known  than    his.     His   son    Thoman-Andrew-Strani/e,    who    ni. 
Nancy  Ratchford,  also  a  well  known  man,  was  the  father  of  our 
valued  friend.  Dr.  James-Ratchford  DeWolf  of  Halifax.     His  daugh- 
ter Olivia   married   Captain   Joseph    Barss,    his   daughter   Sophia 
married  Simon  Fitch,  his  daughter  Margaret-Maria  (for  whom  our 
Aunt  Margaret  was  named)  married  (1)  James  Calkin,  and  (2)  Ji>.'<ej>l, 
Starr;  and  his  daughter  Mary  Lucilla  m.  the  Rev.  John  Clark.     The 
exact  relationship  of  our  grandmother  to  Judge  Elisha  DeWolf,  was 
fourth  cousin;  and  thus  our  mother  was  fifth  cousin  to  Mr.  Thomas. 
Andrew-Strange  DeWolf,  and  we  are  sixtli  cousins  to  Dr.  James- 
Ratchford  Do  Wolf.     An  older  son  of  Judge  Elisha  was  William,  whc 




in.  Amelia  Fitch,  and  had  a  daughter  Mary,  who  became  the  wife 
of  Zechariah  Chipman,  of  St.  Stephen,  X.  B.,  a  brother  of  Mr. 
Winckworth  Chipman,  who  was  aiso  related  to  us  through  the 
Simeon  DeWolf*  family.  Their  (laughter,  Alice-Starr-Chipman,  \h 
Lady  Tilley, wife  of  Hon.  Sir  Samuel-Leonard  Tilley;and  their  daugh- 
tor,  Laura,  was  married  to  a  son  of  Sir  William  Howland.  Lady 
Tilley's  mother  isour  sixth  cousin;  and  she  is  of  course  our  sixth  cous 
in  once  removed.  The  "  Stephen  DeWolts  "  of  WoUvillo,  repre- 
sented now  in  Kentville  by  Melville  G.  DeWoIt  and  his  wife,  are 
likewise  of  this  family,  and  so  are  our  distant  cousins. 

Simeon  DeVVoIf*,  the  third  of  the  earliest  Nova  Scotia  DeWolfs, 
was  a  second  cousin  of  our  great-great-grandfather  Jehieb.      He  m., 
in  Connecticut,  Parnell  Kirtland,  and  had  six  children:     Klizaheth, 
who  m.  William  Andrews,  and  was  the  grandmother  of  Winckworth 
and  Zechariah  Chipman,  and  the  great-grandmother  of  Judge  John- 
I'ryor  Chipman,  of  Kentville;  Hon.  lii-njamin,  who  settled  in  Windsor 
and  m.  Rachel  Otis.of  the  Massachusetts  Otises; /o/i«;  Jamen;  CharlM; 
and  Luetic  who  m.  Jonathan  Wilson,  and  was  the  grandmother  of 
the  third  Mrs.  Winckworth  Chipman.     The  marriage  of  the   Hon. 
Benjamin  DeWoIf,  at  Windsor,   to   Rachel    Otis,   allied    his  family 
closely  to  that  of  the  famous  "  Sam  Slick,"  Judge  Thomas-Chandler 
Haliburton,  and   his    family  were  all   well  known.     His   daughter 
Sarah-IIersey-Otis  m.  Major  Xathaniel-Ilay  Thomas,  a  cousin  of  Sir 
John  (or  Lady)  Wentworth,    his   daughter  Rachel  OtU  married  the 
iron.  James  Fraser,  M.  L.  C,  and  became  the  mother  of  .S'(mi//-yf(«;/(W, 
wife  of  Gen.  the  Hon.  Sir  Charles-Stephen  Gore;  and  his  daughter 
Harriot-Sophia  m.  the  Rev.  W.  C.  King,  of  Windsor.     Lady  Gore's 
daughter,  Eliza-Amelia,  is   the    CountimK  o/ Erro/I  (wife   ot    William 
Henry  Hay,  Baron    Kilmarnock    and    Karl    of  Erroll),   one    of  the 
liadies-in-waiting  ot  the  Queen.     Ijudy  Gore's  sister,  Catharine,  was 
the  wile  of  the  Rt.   Rev.  Thomas-George  Suther,   Bishop  of  Aber- 
deen, Scotland.      Latli/  Gon  and  licr  nutir  werf  aecordinijlij  imr  mot/iir't 
Ji/t/i  rfumitm,  and  theCoiinitim  11/ Krroll   in  i,ur  Kixth  eamin,     Mrs.    Henry 






Almon,  late  of  Windsor,  anil  her  brother,   Judge   Edgar   DeWoU', 
and  tlie  late  Mr.  Harry  King,  were  thus  also  our  relatioiiB. 

To  the  DeWolfrt  of  Bristol,  Rhode  Island,  we  bear  a  similar  re- 
lationship. The  founder  ot  that  prominent  family,  Mark-Anthony 
DeWolf  5  was  our  great-grandmother  Lydia's  third  eousin,  as  he  was 
also  third  cousin  to  Nathan  DeWolf  s  and  the  Hon.  Benjamin  De- 
Wolf '  of  Windsor.  Mark-Anthony  DeWolf  had  thirteen  children, 
from  the  eldest  of  whom,  Charles,  are  descended  the  Bristol  Colt 
family;  and  from  the  fourth,  Abigail,  Bishop  Mark- Anthony-De- 
Wolf  Howe.  Attorney-General  Samuel-Pomeroy  Colt,  his  wife 
Elizabeth-Bullock,  and  his  brother.  Judge  LeBaron-Bradford  Colt, 
of  this  family,  are  our  eighth  cousins  once  removed.  Mrs.  Mary- 
Amory  Howe,  wife  of  the  Rt.  Rev.  William-Hobart  Hare,  Bishop 
of  South  Dakota,  and  daughter  of  the  Rt.  Rev.  Mark-Anthony- 
DeWolf  Howe,  is  the  same  relation  to  us,  as  is  also,  of  course,  liis 
brother  the  Rev.  Reginald-Heber  Howe,  their  father  being  our 
eighth  cousin.  Professor  John  DeWoh;  who  m.  (1)  Elizabeth  James 
known  as  the  "goddess  of  beauty,"  and  (2)  Sylvia,  daughter  of  the 
lu  Rt.  Rev.  Alexander-Viets  Griswold,  is  our  mother's  seventh 
cousin;  and  Mrs.  Lloyd  Aspinwall  and  the  Hon.  William-Frederic 
DeWoU,  are  our  eiglith  cousins. 

•  ( 



Our  great-grandmother,  Irene-Bliss,  wife  ot  Elislm  Eaton,  was 
a  daughter  of  Nathaniel  and  Eunice  Bliss,  and  fifth  in  descent  from 
Thomas  Bliss,  born  in  Belstone  Parish,  Devonshire,  England,  and 
died  in  Norwich,  (Connecticut,  in  1688,  a  nephew  of  Lady  Elizabeth 
Calcliffe,  wife  of  Sir  John  Calclifte,  of  Belstone.  It  is  rather  curious 
that  Dr.  Samuel  Willoughby's  descendants,  to  whom  we  are  related 
through  the  Starrs,  on   our  Mother's   side,   are  also   our  relations 





through  the  BHsses.     Dr    Samuel  Willonghl)y'8  inotlier,  Thankfiil- 
Bliss,  was  tliinl  in  descent  from  Thomas  Bliss,  and  accordinglv  tiie 
late     Mr     Samuel-Augustus    Willoughby,    of   Brooklyn,    was   our 
Grandmother  Eaton's   fifth   cousin,   as    he    was   our   brand  mot  her 
Hamilton's  first  cousin.    Mrs    Edwards  rierrepont,Mr8   Dr  Dufiield, 
and  their  half  brother,  Mr   Hugh  Wilioughhy,  were  therefore  our 
Father's  sixth  cousins,  as  they  were  our  Mother's  second  cousins. 
In  another  line,  the  Hon.    Chief  Justice   Jonathan    Bliss,   a    noted 
Loyalist,  of  Fredericton,    New    Brunswick,   was   our   great   grand- 
mother Irene's  fourth  cousin,  hia  son,  the  well  known  Judge  Wil- 
liam-Blowers Bliss,  of  the  Supreme  Bench  of  Nova  Scotia,  was  our 
Grandmother  Eaton's  fifth    cousin,    his  daughters  Mrs     Odell,    ol 
Halifax,  Mrs  Binney,  wife  ot  the  late  Lord  Bishop  of  Nova  Scotia, 
and  Mrs   Kelloy,  wife  of  the  late  Bishop  of  Newfoundland,  are  our 
father's  sixth  cousins,  and  consequently  the  late  Major  Henry  Odell, 
of  the  British  Army,  and  his  sisters  are  our  seventh  cousins.     In 
still  another  line.  Judge  John-Murray  Bliss,  of  Fredericton,  was  our 
great-grandmother   Irene's  fourth  cousin;  and  his    great-graiuisons, 
Bliss  Carman,  and  Professor  Charles-Georgo-Doughis  Roberts,  two 
well  known  young  Canadian  poets,  are  our  seventh  cousins.     Sir 
Lemuel-Allan  Wilmot,  the  first  governor  of  N'ew  Brunswick   under 
Confederation,  whose  mother  was  Hannah  Bliss,  a  sister  of  Judge 
Jolin  Murray  Bliss,  was  our  Qrnndmother  Eaton's  fifth  cousin.     A 
well  known  representative  of   the  family  in  New    York,    Mr.    Cor- 
nelius N.  Bliss,  is  likewise  our  eighth  cousin. 


There  are  several  finnilios  from  whicii  we  are  descended  that  I 
have  been  unable  to  discuss  in  this  monograph,  such  as  the  White, 
LohD,  and  Grant  families.  On  our  Father's  side,  as  I  have  shown, 
we  have  a  White  ancestry,  and  on  our  Mother's  we  have  very  hon- 
ourable Lord  and  Grant  ancestries.  Our  great-grandfather  Henry 
Hamilton  ofOlivcstob,  married  in  Berwick,  Maine,  Eunice  Lord, 
daughter  of  Jeremiah  and  Sarah-(;rant-Hamilton  Lor<l.  Jeremiah 
Lord  was  the  seventh  son  of  Captain  Abraham  Lord,  a  very  notable 


11  I 




person  in  Kittery,  Maine,  and  Sarali-Grant-Hamilton  was  a  daugli- 
ter  of  Peter  Grant,  Esquire,  also  of  Kittery.  The  i,est  known  faniil- 
les  of  Lords  in  New  England,  probably,  are  those  descended  from 
our  ancestor,  Captain  Abraham,  and  his  elder  brother  Captain 
Samuel  Lord,  who  married  Martha,  daughter  of  Paul  Wontworth 
The  perpetuation  of  the  name  Wkntworth  in  our  family  is  sufficient^ 
ly  Justified  by  tlie  many  alliances  between  members  of  the  Lord  and 
Wentworth  families  in  New  England  in  successive  generations 
Soon  after  the  Revolutionary  War,  Sir  John  Wentworth,  Bart.,  of 
the  New  England  family,  was  made  Governor  of  Nova  Scotia,  which 
position  he  held  for  many  years. 

[  By  the  recent  marriages  of  three  of  the  children  of  William  Eaton.  Esquire  con- 
nexion has  been  established  between  the  Elmwood  Eaton,  and  the  families  of  I.ayton, 
Sutherland,  and  Thome  ].  ■' 

The  earliest  ancestor  of  the  Nova  Scotia  Layton,  was  Francis  Lavton-,  who  was  born 

'.ofT  .k'  v"'  c*^'  ■"  '^!^'  ■""""'  '"•  P'°'"''''yi"  '772.  Elizabeth  West,  and  came 
to  ralmouth  Nova  Scotm.  about  ,776.  liy  his  first  marriage  he  had  four  sons,  of  whom 
nanc„>.  w-ho  was  born  in  England  in  April.  .773.  „as  the  eldest.  Francis^  marrie.^ 
March  s.  .80..  Ab,ga,I  S.evens.of  Onslow,  of  a  Loyalist  family,  and  had  among  other 
children,  Fn,nc,s3  born  May  .8,  .808.  died  Nov.  2,,  ,87..  The  wife  of  Kranciti,  was 
Mary-Anne.  daughter  of  Joseph  Crowe,  Esq.  of  a  North  of  Ireland  family,  and  their 
children  were:  Helen-Maria,  Oeonje-Alher,.  Sarah-Crowe.  and  Norman-Joseph.  George 
Albert  Layton.  Esq.  married  December  6,  1882,  Anna-Morton  Eaton  of  Elmwood  The 
baptisms  of  at  least  two  of  Francis'  -  sons  are  found  in  the  Register  of  St.  Paul's  Parish 
Halifax.     Francis  2  was  undoubtedly  baptized  in  England, 

Arms  of  the  I  ayton,  of  Fast  and  West  Layton  :  Argent,  a  fesse  between  six  cross 
crossle ts  fitchee  sabl..  Crest :  Out  of  a  mural  coronet  tsvo  wings  expanded  argent,  each 
charged  with  a  cross  crosslet  fitchee  sable.     Motto:  /«  „„„„„  ,,„r„lus. 

The  Yorkshire  Laytons  are  all  descended  from  Odardus  de  Layton  or  Laton.  who 
as  we  learn  from  the  Domesday  Book,  in  the  time  of  King  Henry  I.  (.,00-1.35)  owned  an 
immense  estate  in  the  West  Riding  of  Yorkshire.  Shortly  after  the  Domesday  survey  the 
lord  of  the  manor  divided  his  lands  between  his  two  elder  sons.  John  and  Henry,  giving  the 
eastern  portion,  afterward,  known  as  Layton,  or  East  Layton.  to  hi,  eldest  son,  John,  and 
the  western  portion,  afterwards  known  a.  West  Layton.  to  his  second  son,  Henry.  In  the 
first  volume  of  the  magnificent  history  of  Yorkshire  by  Marshal-General  Plantagent-Hnrri- 
...n  «;      be  found  a  very  full  account  of  this,  one  of  the  oldest   and   once  most  important 





Yorkshire  families,  as  also  engravings  of  the  arms  of  the  family,  which  were  borne  by  both 
branches  alike,  and  of  the  ancient  manor  houses.  There  was  a  third  brother.  Sir  William 
Layton,  who  was  the  ancestor  of  a  well  known  family  in  Cumberland.  Durham,  and  North- 
umberland. The  representatives  of  this  branch  of  the  family  bore  the  honour  of  knight- 
hood for  five  successive  generations. 

The  Nova  Scotia  Laytons  are  undoubtedly  descended  from  Henry  Uyton  (who  is  called 
in  the  time  of  King  Henry  II.  "  Henry  de  West  Layton  "  ),  the  name  Krancis  transmitted 
in  the  family  to  the  present  time,  being  introduced  into  it  in  the  time  of  Henry  VIII.  or 
Eluabeth.  This  name  was  first  given  in  the  family  by  Roger  Layton  and  his  wife  Clara 
daughter  and  heiress  of  Giles  liurgh  of  their  son,  possibly  in  com' 
phment  to  1-rancis  Lascelles  of  Brakenburgh, whose  daughter  Margaret  became  the  wife  of 
John  Layton,  Roger's  brother.  The  first  Krancis  Layton  married  his  cousin  Anne  Layton 
daughter  ofjohn,  and  died  October  26,  1609,  aged  seventy.  He  is  called  "  of  Kirkby 
Ravensworth";  his  second  son  Krancis,  who  married  Margaret,  daughter  of  Sir  Hugh 
Hrowne  of  London,  being  a  resident  of  Newington  Butts,  Surrey. 

„„n^^"'^    ""'°fy°';  Yorkshire,    by   Marshal-GeneralPlantagenet-Harrison;    and    my 
3h    Zro"."]      ""         ^'°"     ^   ^'  '"  ""  P°""''°"  °'^""^'  ^-  ''"^'°"'  "f  ^^''^'- 



One   of  the  New    York    Loyalists   who  came  to   Nova  Scotia  after  the  Revolution- 
ary War,  was  Stephen  Thorne4  ol  Long  Island,  who  was  baptised  in  St.    George's    I'arish 
Hempstead,  L.  I.,  21  Keby,     1725,  and  married  (I)  Sybil,  daughter  of  Edward  Samis     (2)' 
Jane-LelTerts  Rapalje,  widow  of  Jeromimus  Rapalje,  of  New  York.      By  his   first    marriage 
Mr.   rhorne  had  five  sons,  by  his  second,  one,    Jamess,    who   married    Anna,    daughter   vf 
Stephen  Sneden  and  his  wife  Margaret-Townsend.     A  son  of  Jamess  was  Stephen-Snedene 
who  married  in  Granville,  Nova  Scotia,  Mehitable-l'nton  Hall,  and  from    1836    until    1854 
represented  the  county  of  Annapolis  in  the  House  of  Assembly.     During  a    portion  of  his 
eighteen  years  of  public  service  as  a  Representative,  he  was  a  member  of  the  Government  as 
Chairman  of  the  Board  of  Public  Works.     He  and  his  wife  are  both  buried  in    Camp    Hill 
Cemetery,  Halifax.     StephenSneden  ThorneC  had  four  children:     James-Halb     b     Sept 
38,  1818;  Stephen;,  b.  July  18,  1821;  Havilah-Jane?,  b.  April  .8,  1823;  Anna  Sneden  ,   b." 
July  15,  1825.      Of  the  daughters,  Havilah-Jane  was  m.  to  TimothyUwiglit  Ruggles,  l;;'sq., 
»,).  C,  of  Bridgetown;  Arna-Sneden  was  m.  to  Ur.  I.ewis  Johnstone. 

JaMKs-HallThornf.7,  Barrister,  b.  Sept.  28,  1818,  was  graduated  at  Kings  College 
Windsor,  in  1840,  and  in  1844  was  called  to  the  Nova  Scotia  Bar,  where  he  rose  to  the 
position  of  Master  of  the  .Supreme  Court.  He  was  created  a  Notary  Public,  April  30,  1847 
in  the  lieutenant-gover-.orship  of  Sir  John  Harvey;  and  August  15,  1863,  .luring  the  ad- 
ministration of  the  Earl  of  Mulgrave,  was  made  Deputy  Provincial  Secretary,  Chief  Clerk  in 
the  Secretary's  OfTice,  and  Clerk  of  the  Executiw  Council,  which  combined  olfices   he   held 



until  his  next  appointment  in  1879.  August  10,  1863,  he  was  also  created  Registrar  of 
the  Court  of  Marriage  and  Divorce,  which  office  he  held  until  his  death.  June  30,  1879,  in 
the  governorship  of  Sir  William-Kenwick  Williams,  he  was  made  Superintendent  of  the 
Money  Order  Office  at  Halifax,  a  position  which  he  ably  filled  until  the  office  was  finally 
abolished.  After  his  retirement  from  public  life  Mr.  Thorne  removed  from  Dartmouth, 
where  he  had  lived  for  many  years,  to  Kentville.  He  married,  October  13,  1847,  Mary, 
daughter  of  Dr.  Silas  and  Rhoda-Hurgess  Piper,  and  died  at  Kentville,  May  8,  1887,  his 
burial  being  in  Camp  Hill  Cemetery,  Halifax.  His  children  were:  Lydia-Anne,  married 
to  John  li.  Gray,  James-Hall,  Stephen-Sneden,  Edward- LetTerts,  Livingston-Morse, Sanc- 
ton, Sarah-Krances-Almon,  and  Auijux/aHillinij,  born  January  26,  l866,  married  to  Leslie 
Seymour  Eaton   ofElmwood. 

The  Thorne  family  in  America  is  descended  from  William  Thome",  who  first  appears 
at  Lynn,  Massachusetts,  May  2,  1638,  In  1645  ^*  ^^"^  °"s  °f  'he  eightean  patentees  of 
Flushing,  on  the  north  side  of  Long  Island,  two  of  the  ancestors  of  the  New  York  Lawren- 
ces, John  and  William,  and  the  ancestor  of  part  of  the  New  York  Tdwnsends,  John  Town- 
send  being  among  the  other  patentees.  In  1646  he  took  up  land  also  in  Gravesend,  and  in 
1657  in  Jamaica,  Long  Island.  His  wife's  Christian  name  I  believe  was  Sarah,  but  further 
than  that  I  know  nothing  of  her  except  that  she  bore  her  husband  four  sons  and  one  daugh- 
ter, all  of  whom  married  and  had  families  in  Long  Island. 

The  children  of  William'  and  Sarah  Thorne  were,  William^,  Johni,  Joseph^, Samuel', 
and  Susanah',  who  married  John  Kissam  and  became  the  ancestress  of  the  well  known 
Kissam  family  of  Hrooklyn  and  New  York. 

IVil/iam  Thorne  2  m.  Winifred,  dau.  of  Henry  Linington  (whose  will  was  made  in 
1691),  Krom  him  is  descended  Major  Richard  ThorneS  of  the  ReTolutionary  army,  a  son  of 
Richard  4  and  Alicia-Van  Wyck  Thorne  of  Long  Island,  whom,  in  St.  George's  I'arisli, 
Flushing,  January  9,  1768,  Sarah  Waters  of  Far  Rockaway. 

John  Thorut^  m.  Mary,  dau.  of  Nicholas  and  Sarah  I'earsall.  From  their  youngest 
son  Joseph  3  are  descended  Wil/iam-  Knapp  Thome,  8,  who  m.  for  his  second  wife  Emily  A. 
Vanderbilt,  a  daughter  of  Cornelius  Vanderbilt,  the  elder  ;  L'oimrit  Morlimtr  Thonit  s. 
his  brother,  for  many  year*  a  member  of  the  well  known  firm  of  Garner  •St'  Company  ; 
Fmineei-Oartier-FMwrencf  '°,  Lady  Vernon,  wife  of  the  Seventh  Lord  Vernon  (whn>e 
mother  was  a  dau.  of  the  Earl  of  Litchfield  ,  a  grand-niece  of  Leonard  M.  Thorne  ;  and 
Florence-Josephine  Garner,  a  first  cousin  of  Lady  Vernon,  who  was  m.  in  1891  to  Sir 
William-Gordon-Cumming,  Hart.  From  John  Thorne  •'  are  also  descended  the  late  Mrs. 
Wm.  Waldorf  Astor,  and  her  brother,  Mr.  James  W.   Paul  of  Philadelphia. 

Jof'.ph  Thorn  f  m.  at  Flushing,  L  I.,  Mary,  dau.  of  John  Bowne,  b.  in  1660,  and 
had  twelve  children,  eight  of  whom  were,  From  Joseph  3,  the  second  of  these  sons, 
comes  the  Nova  Scotia  family,  and  a  well  known  New  York  family,  the  Thornes  of  Mill- 
brook,  Dutchess  County. 

Snmne.l  Thome'',  of  Flushing  died  in  1732.  He  had  at  least  eight  children,  who  and 
whose  children  were  intermarried  with  the  Motts,  .Sands,  Kissams,  Townsends,  Willetts, 
Suvdams,  Van  Wycks,  Hicks'  and  HolTmans,  One  of  Samuel  Thome's  descendants  was 
Cdnnel  Ilennan  Thorne,  who  married  Jane-Mary,  niece  and  adopted  daughter  (it  William 

<  i 


Sn,.  'J.«';f    ■'"-'f'-'-ren.nnied   ,o    Krencl,   noble,.,,,,    Mary   to   .o,.,..   ,le 
ara,g„  .  Al„e  t,.  (  o„„t  ,|e  leinac,  a„,l  Jan.  ,«  i:,!.,,,,,,  lia,o„  ,le    Pierre.      Col      Mermu, 

>  4