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Full text of "The Welch Indians, or, A collection of papers respecting a people whose ancestors emigrated from Wales to America in the year 1170 with Prince Madoc (three hundred years before the first voyage of Columbus) [microform] : and who are said now to inhabit a beautiful country on the west side of the Mississippi"

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rt-       i-.  »     MUVIir 































•  l> 




OR,     ' 






(three  hundred  VEARS  before   the    first  VOYAGE 

OF  Columbus), 

And  who  arc  laid  now  to  inhabit  a  beautiful  Country  on  the 
Weft  Side  of  the  MississiPi. 


TO  THE  ' 





NO,    151,    !•  I.F.ET-STREET. 

Price  One  Shilling. 





TO  THE  . 





YOU  arc  engaged  in  ihe  moft  honour- 
able of  all  purfuits,  the  difFufion  of  evangelical  know- 
ledge among  the  benighted  heathen.  With  unex- 
ampled liberality  you  have  difpalched  a  number  of  Mif- 
fionaries  to  Otaheite,  and  other  iflands  of  the  Pacilic 
Ocean.  You  have  now  in  contemplation  the  benevo- 
lent plan  of  chriflianizing  the  poor  opprefled  Africans. 
May  the  Almighty  Saviour  fucceed  your  philanthropic 
labours ! 

Permit  me  to  introduce  to  your  compafTionaie  no- 
tice a  numerous  and  long-neglefted  race  of  men,  origi- 
nally Britons,  and  ftill  retaining  the  ancient  Britiih 
language ;  but  feparated  by  the  vaft  Atlantic  from  this 
illumined  ifle  for  more  than  fix  hundred  years. 

If  we  may  credit  the  mod  rcfpedable  telHmonies, 
they  preferve  among  them,  with  religious  veneration,  a 
manufcript  volume,  which  is,  with  the  greatefl:  proba- 
bility, fuppofed  to  be  The  Bible,  that  blcfled  book 
which  is  able  to  make  us  wife  to  falvatlo!^  They 
cannot  read  it,  yet  long  to  know  its  contcius  ;  tliey 
have  wept  when  Grangers  have  vKifed  them,  unal)le  like 
themfelves  to  perufe  it.  Tradition  has  taught  them  to 
exped  that  fome  meffenger  of  God  will  one  day  come 
among  them,  and  unlock  the  iacred  cabinet.  I  in- 



C     Ivr     ) 

dulge  the  hope  that  this  honour  is  referved  for  the 
Englifli  Miflionary  Society.  Thrice  happy  fliall  that 
man  be  efteemed,  who,  (landing  up  among  them,  and 
holding  the  Bible  in  his  hands,  fhall  cry  in  the  Britifh 
tongue,  "  I  am  come  from  Madoc's  country  to  read 
and  explain  to  you  this  holy  book  of  God,  and  to 
preach  among  you  the  unfearchable  riches  of  Chrift.*' 

Gentlemen,  the  following  pages  contain  hiflorical 
relations  of  the  emigration  of  Prince  Madoc  from 
Wales,  with  a  numerous  train  of  his  followers  in  the 
year  1170;  together  with  a  variety  of  remarkable  cir- 
cumflances  reported  by  travellers,  and  corroborating 
proofs  from  writers  of  different  nations,  all  uniting  to 
confirm  the  faft  of  their  exiftence  on  the  banks  of  the 

If  this  publication  fhould  draw  forth  further,  and 
ftill  more  i'atisfaclory,  information  concerning  them, 
and  efpecially  if  it  Ihould  induce  you  to  extend  your 
generous  and  compaflionate  regards  to  their  diftant 
abode,  it  will  afford  the  mofl  cordial  joy  to, 


Your  humble  Servant, 


Mai  ch\0,  1191. 



No.  I. 

'flit  Difcoz-ery  ef  America  //v  the  Welch,  from  The  Univerjal 
Ilijlory,  Vol.  xliv.  p.  'J. 

WF,  miift  not  omit  mat.  the  lVe!chc\o.\i-n  a  more  ancient 
dUcovcry  than  any  y<'t  })n)clucC(J  ;  ailcrling  tluit 
Prince  Madoc,  lun  otOwen  Guincth,  was  caft  on  tiie  coaft 
of  KloiicUi  as  early  as  1 ITO  or  1 190.  'Jliough,  indeed,  lomc 
Itxik.  on  this  relation  as  fabulous,  it  has  a  2;cat  many  t:ovru- 
horating  ciixumihmccs  thai  make  it  appear  not  iuipiobablc  ; 
for  Meredith  ap  I-Jheiic,  who  gives  us  tlie  aeeount,  was  prior  to 
Oliinibus,  and  died  in  the  year  1477,  whieh  is  fifteen  years 
l,efore  Columbus  began  his  expedition.  To  this  we  may-_ 
add  the  affinitv  between  tlie  language  of  the  Welch,  and  oi 
fome  of  the  lettlements  in  thoi'e  parts,  whicli  receives  fome 
weight  from  the  evidence  of  Nir.  Davies,  who  tells  us  he  met 
with  a  whole  fettlement  that  fpoke  the  Welch  language  in  its 
uttermoft  puvitv  ;  and  Irom  the  tradition  of  lome  of  the  inha- 
bitants, whoaliert  tiiat  their  anceftors  eauic  from  u  country 
l:('V(;nd  the  great  waters,  nearlv  about  the  lame  time,  from 
the  lame  i)jinl  of  the  eompals,  ur  fiom  the  riling  of  thj? 

Xo.  11. 

^lic  fcllo'-'^.nn^^  icas  f'y.fud  (iniony^  the  Piipcrs   of  thi  late  Ludy 
Fiajti,  cf  Crtjty  Ihnje,  in  Lnuchijhhe  *• . 

Columbus's  Discovery  or  America  quf.stiowed. 

THK  chief  thing  lliat  indui  cd  nie  to  look  into  fome  authors 
Jicre  mentioned,  was  my  reading  a  fmall  book   iu  oftavo, 

Gentleman's  Magiuuie.  \i»<.),  Vol.  il.  i .  i')6-. 


(     6      ) 

lent  me  by  a  French  gentlemnn  lo  perufe  about  twenty-five 
years  ago  ;  it  was  tranilated  into  Knglifh,  and  gave  an  ac- 
count oi'  a  great  nation  of  Indi-ms  within-land  from  Cape 
Florida  that  a>5laiil!v  fpcak  Welch. 

1.  Plcal'e  to  look  into  James  Howell's  Letters,  vol.  ii. 
p.  71.  concerning,  the  ancient  Britlaines,  and  you  will  find  that 
Maddocap(Jv\en,  a  Prince  of  Wales,  made  two  voyagesfmm 
Wales  to  America,  the  fiiil  in  the  year  1  HO,  -vvhich  is  three 
hundred  and  fixLeen  years  before  Columbus  faw  it.  He  died 
at  Mexico,  and  tliis  following  epitaph  was  found  engraven  on 
liis  tomb  in  the  Welch  language  : 

**  Madoc  wifmio  ydie  wedd, 
Jawn  y(  nan  Owen  Gwynedd, 
Ni  fennum  dvi  i'lg  enricldocdd, 
Ni  dv  mawr  ondy  mcrvedd." 


•*  Madoc  ap  Owen  was  1  calTd, 
Strong,  tall,  and  comely,  not  cnthralVd 
With  home-bred  pical'ures  ;  but  for  fame, 
Through  land  and  fea  1  fought  the  iame.  " 

2.  See  iliird  volume  of  the  Voyages  of  the  Englifh  Na- 
tion, by  Uichard  llackluyt,  Student  of  Chrifl  Cliurch,  in 
Oxford,  p.  1. 

3.  ice  i^agett's  Chrifiianography,  p.  47. 

4.  See  the  third  and  kill  volume  of  the  Turkifh  Spy, 
p.  2u'i. 

5.  See  Purchas's  Pilgrimage,  book  viii.  p.  9,99. 

6.  Sec  Brougliton,  who  afiirnis  that  the  laith  of  Chrlft  was 
preached  in  America  by  fome  of  our  lirrt  planters  that  preach- 
ed in  Britain. 

7.  See  George  Abbot,  Lord  y\rchbifliop  of  Canterbury's 
Hiftoryof  the  V\  orld,  p.  255,  56,  and  57,  who  inforuis  us, 
that  King  Arthur  had  fome  knowledge  of  America,  and  that 
a  Prince  of  Wales  iirft  f'jund  it  out. 

8.  See  the  Welch  Cambria,  wrote  by  David  Powtll,  and 
Sir  John  Price,  Knt.,  tranflated  into  ICr.glilh  by  Humphry 
Lloyd,  Gent.  ;  iliivc  you  will  lee  the  reafons  that  induccq 
the  Prince  Madoc  ap  Owen  Ciwvnedd  to  tr.ivch 

9.  See  Sir  Walter  Kaleigh's  I'liltorv  of  tlie  World,  an4 
the  w(  r  s  il.e  n  :ti".  csufcd  whentl.ey  talked  fogclhcr.  They 
fay  the.'e  cjid  the  iikc  words :  gwruiuJo,  which  is  hearken, 
or  liften,  in  VV  ek  h  ;  a  bud  with  a  white  hca^l,  they  call 
pengwyn  ;  tm.  while  rock,  carcgwen  ;  a  jiver,  gwndwr;  an4 


(    ^    ) 

there  is  a  promontory,  not  far  from  Mexico,  called  Cape 
Breton,  ail  which  are  Brililh  words  ;  and  many  more  words 
of  like  nature  ;  which  does  manifelHy  Hicw  that  it  was  that 
country  that  Frince  Madot's  people  inhabited. 

No.  III. 

The  following  Account  cf  Madoc  and  his  Family^  taken  frohi 
IVetch  Jli/hrians  and  Poet^.,  appeared  in  the  Monthly  Mui(a'^ 
zine  for Deiember,  \.19(i,Ji^ncd Meiron. 

OWAIN,  Prince  of  6^j«fz,  who  died  in  the  year  11C9, 
had  nineteen  children  ;  the  names  of  the  fons  were,  Hhodrit 
Cyuoric,  Jiiryd,  Mcrcdyz,  EdiL-nl,  ('yuan,  '/t/V«,  Mael^ony 
^Lywelyn,  JorwerthyDav^z^Ccidwiillofi^  liynicll.  Cade!!.  Madoc^ 
jLifiien,  iind  Phylip;  of  tlicle,  Ji/iodri,  IJywcII,  Davyr.,  and' 
Madoc  were  the  moll  diftincuiflicd.  Hywcll  was  a  fine  poet, 
as  appt^ars  by  his  compohtions,  of  which  eight  are  prc- 
ferved.  His  mother  was  a  native  of  Ireland  ;  and,  tliouch 
not  born  in  wedlock,  he  was  the  firft  who  afpircd  to  the 
crown  after  the  death  of  Owain,  which  event  no  looner  took 
place,  but  his  brother  Daiyz  became  his  competitor,  under 
the  fanflion  of  a  legitimate  bivth.  The  coiuecjuencc  was^ 
that  the  country  became  embroiled  in  a  civil  war. 

Inriuenced  by  dilguft  at  the  unnatural  dilien^ions  among 
his  brothers,  Madoc,  who  is  reprefented  of  a  very  mild  dil- 
pofilion,  refjlvcd  upon  the  matchleis  entcrprlze  of  exploring 
the  ocean  weftward,  in  fcarch  of  more  tranquil  icenes.  The 
event  was,  according  to  various  old  documents,  the  difcover- 
ing  of  a  nev/  world,  from  which  he  cfFciSlcd  his  return,  to  in- 
form his  country  of  his  good  fortune.  I'he  conlcqucnce  of 
which  Wits  the  fitting-out  of  a  iecond  expedition  ;  dxxAMadoCf 
with  his  brother  Hit  yd.  Lord  of  Clocran,  in  Ireland,  prevailed 
upon  ft)  many  :o  accompany  them,  as  to  fill  feven  Ihips;  and 
failing  from  the  IHc  of  Lundy,  they  took  an  eternal  leave  of 
Wales,  'i'herc  is  a  large  book  of  pedigrees  flill  extant, 
Written  by  JmoH  Sre^va,  who  llourilhcd  in  the  age  pieccd- 
ing  the  time  of  Coluvdius,  where  the  above  event  is  thus  no- 
ticed, in  treating  of  the  genealogy  of  Owain  Gwynez^ 
**  Aladoc  a  Riryd  a  ^awfant  dlr  yn  mpcll  yn  y  Merzucryzy  ac 
ytto y  cyvannezafanty  Madoc  and  Riryd  found  land  far  in 
the  fea  of  the  weft,  and  there  they  fettled.     '/^w«ry,  the  fon 

b  2  of 

(  «  ) 

o{*L\iveIyny  fccms  to  have  cotnpofed  two  trf  Ms  po6ims  in 
the  time  between  the  firftand  the  lecond  of  the  two  vovagcs 
of  Madoc.  One  of"  thele  pieces  mufl:  be  confidercd  of  groat 
importance  and  curiofitv  :  it  is  an  invocation,  as  if  he  were 
undergoing  tlic  iicry  ordeal,  to  exonerate  himfelf  fiom  hav- 
ing any  knov.'lcdgc  of  the  fate  of  Madoc  \  the  fccond,  being 
a  panegyric  upon  /iV/o//;/,  another  brother,  has  a  remarkable 
allufion  to  the  fame  event.     It  is  thus  tranllated  : 

"  Two  princes,  of  ftrong  palhons,  broke  off  in  wrath  ;  be- 
loTcd  by  the  muUitiide  of  tlic  earth.  One  on  hind,  in  Arvju, 
allaying  of  arabition  ;  and  another,  a  placid  oiie,  on  the  bo-* 
fom  of  the  vail  ocean,  in  great  and  ininiealurable  trouble, 
prowling  after  a  poflelfion  eafy  to  be  guarded,  cflranged  from 
iW  for  a  country."  ^ 

No.  IV. 

Ohfcrvauons  on  the  Madawciwvs,  by  IViliiam  Given.     Pul~ 
lijhcd  in  the  Gentlonan's  Magazhu.,    17yi,   Vol.  i.  p.  32L'. 

TMK  ernigratitm  and  confoqucnt  fettlemcnt  of  iMadawg 
ab  Owain  Owvncdd  on  the  Amciicancontinent,  v;!s  an  event 
which,  considering  the  period  when  it  is  reported  to  have 
happened,  it  is  no  wonder  Ihouid  have  been  diieredited,  not- 
withflanding  the  proc^fs  of  hiftorical  documents,  and  the  more 
explicit  evidence  of  the  fa£t,  that  the  dclccndants  of  fuch 
t-migration  do  now  exill:  as  a  diftinft  race,  unmixed  from  the 
aboriginal  natives.  Indeed,  one  of  the  kevicws  of  laU 
month,  unfortunately  for  its  credit  as  a  prophetic  oracle,  in 
paffing  its  judgment  on  Dr.  W'illiams's  inquiry  refpeding 
Madawg's  voyage,  calls  it  a  revival  of  the  ainioll  exploded 
fvibjeft :  however,  I  have  the  latisfaftion  of  having  received 
fuch  proofs  refpe(?\ing  the  lurious  occurrence  in  the  hillorv 
of  antient  Britons.  :i..  will  pmcuie  it  the  full  credit  from  the 
world  it  has  licrctwfore  received  from  myieif  and  many  of 
mv  friends. 

Within  tlicfe  hill  two  years  i  have  received  no  lefs  than 
three  feveral  accounts,  pcrfc£lly  agreeing  with  one  another, 
proving  the  cxiftente  of  an  extenh\e  nation  of  white  ]ieo})ie, 
fpeukhig  the  \\  elch  language  ;  and  we  find  them  even  no- 
ticed in  our  connuon  maps,  under  the  name  of  the  White 
Padoueip:,  the  centre  of  tliembeijig  about  hit.  40,  long,  luo, 
rliwaj-h  \\\L.  curious  circuuiflancc  of  a  white  people   being 



placed  here  hath  not  atliac^cd  the  public  notice.  Thofe  tit^ 
counts  aic  now  mull  dccifivcly  co:  rftboratcd  by  tlie  telliniony 
of  Mr.  Bowles,  and  the  companions  of  his  expedition  to  this» 

'1  hcMadawgwys,  or  the  people  of  Madawg,  are  very  well 
known  to  the  Creeks,  and  tlie  other  Indians  in  general,  and 
;u'e  called  indifcriininately  the  Padoucas,  and  the  White  hiJ 
dians.  Mr.  liowJcs  deicribrs  them  to  be  as  nx'hite  asivcate, 
\\ji\\ng  foil. c  nd,Jome  Jundv,  and  Joi:,e  black  Iwir.  'J'hey  arc 
very  numerous,  and  one  of  the  mod  warlike  nations  on 
the  Continent,  lie  travelled  their  ibuthern  boundary  from 
one  end  to  the  other.  The  tradt  they  inhabit  is  rather  hig.'i 
nnd  hilly;  but  one  of  the  tnoj}  f)u'itf:d  and  diiightj'ul  coun- 
t)iii  ht  liud  t'vcr  Jftu.  Vour'.^,   ice. 

w  ILLIAM  o^VE^^ 


((it-nthnutns  Ma^az:nf,    IT:.'!,   ¥<;!.  i.   p.  o97.^ 

'rMl''a(  counts  whi:  h  were  received  prior  to  Mr.  Bowles's 
conuuunieaUons  lud  not  furniilied  mc  with  the  name  by 
which  the  W  elch  Indi.ins  weie  known  :  but,  on  compvuing 
Lliem  together,  1  was  fully  of  opiiuon  that  the  Padoucas  wcic 
thule  ]>eople  ;  efpecidly  as  that  name  was  but  a  lliglit  de- 
viation in  found  from  Madawgwys,  the  real  appellation  which 
we  may  julUv  iup])o1o  thev  give  ihemrdvcs,  'riierctore  it 
made  a  verv  ri);\ible  irvtorrHion  on  mv  mind,  when  the  rirlt 
tiling  Mr.  Bowles  laid  v,\:s,  ih.'.  y  are  called,  tlic  Padou- 
cas, in  conlimialion  of  the  idea  i  IkuI  formed,  prior  tu  any  iu- 
(]uiry  being  made  at  all  on  the  iubj'\'l.  And  ns  to  the 
muii  important  point,  wlietlu  r  the  luuguagc  i"p<.kcn  by  tjioic 
people  wris /fVA//,  the  proois  I'.ddiicod  wctf  ■.■(ju.nlv  (a  .t;n.- 
torv  and  clear  :  there  was,  faid  Mr.  ii,  a  W  witli  mc 
at  lioine,  who  eic  aped  ironi  the  Spaniards  in  iNkxico,  Iw 
making  his  wav  acrois  the  Continent,  pailing  tlrruugh  the 
rouiitrv  of  the  P.;dut.icas  ;  where,  to  his  lirear  furpnfe,  h« 
foinid  hinilflfwith.1  people tpeakiiighisown language.  Me  re- 
m.'.incd  among  ilicm  for  foine  tin-.c,  -.nd  hnnu!  they  I:  -.t  fou;f 
books,  \vhii.h  were  wrapped  uy  in  llins.  and  religiouilv  pre- 
ferwd,  and  coiifidi.vcd  to  be  fome  kind  of  !n\tlciie;i.  as  Uiertt 
wasa  tradiiioii  thai  tliok  things  coiitaijied^an  aee<nint  rrorn 
whenci-  tiiev  had  conn-.  'I  the  Padouias  ipeak  the 
W'elen  language  is  fuillur  <  onrirnied  by  Ur.  Price,  one  of 
the  com],  nions  of  Ml .  InusU^.  who  was  burn  anwnalr  iLt-;" 


(      10     ) 

He,  after  obfcrving  his  being  acquainted  with  Welch  him- 
felf,  declared  that  his  t"..thcr,  wiio  was  a  Wdchman,  had 
opportunities  of  frequent  interviews,  and  convcifcd  with  the 
Padouras  in  his  native  hingiiagc,  ns  he  had  Hvcd  thegreateil 
part  of  his  Hfc,  and  died  in  the  Crcelc  Country. 

iVIf.  Bowles,  in  eon'equcnce  of  being  told  at  what  period 
Mada'v:'s  emigv..tion  t(Kik  phue,  obTervcd,  that  his  fol- 
lowers could  nj'.  have  in  rcaled  to  fo  numerous  a  people, 
conhdeiing  haw  few  rhev  were  when  they  emigrated.  But 
the  arecunts  of  Mr.  Pi  ice  and  of  the  Rev.  Mr.  Rankinr  of 
Kentucky,  agiee  in  faying,  that  the  Fudoucas  have  lately 
lellened  their  number,  through  the  rage  of  civil  difcord. 

Mr.  Rankin  aifo  rcprefcnts,  that  there  are  evident  traces 
of  their  having  fovnieriy  inhabited  the  country  about  Ken- 
tucky i  partieul.irly  vjftis  dug,  which  flill  remain  unfilled, 
and  rxi'itu  «/'  bmlumgs^  neither  of  v^-hich  were  the  works  of 
the  Indians.  From  the  luft  particulars  wc  may  infer,  that 
the  Welch  Indians,  found  by  Morgan  Jones  in  North  Caro- 
lina, about  one  I:undi\  d  jnd  thirty  years  ago,  were  the  Pa- 
doucas,  or  at  leafl;  a  p.irt  of  them  ;  who,  receding  into  fuch 
of  the  interior  parts  .is  were  unpolieiled  by  the  natives,  as 
the  European  CulonilLs  fpic.d  over  the  maritime  countries, 
remained  ftationar;,  for  a  lime  on  the  banks  of  the  Ohio  ; 
but,  in  confecjiience  of  exploring  that  river  to  its  junt 'on 
with  the  Minilhpi,  and  lUil  preifing  onward,  they  dik-ov*  "- 
ed,  and  finally  fettled  in,  the  beautiful  region  where  wcn-A 
Und  them. 


This  letter  concludes,  by  lamenting  the  fubjeft  has  not 
excited  more  attention  ;  but  oblcrves,  that  there  are  now 
two  or  three  pcrft;ns,  properly  qualified,  delh-ons  to  fct  out 
upon  the  expedition,  but  deltituio  of  the  necellary  rcquiiue — 
money— to  carry  it  into  elicih 

No.  V. 

'fhc foUjiv'ing  h  extfai^ed  from  a  Letter  of  the  Rev.  Mr^ 
Lynn.,  of  A'oifc/i,  to  a  Mr.  IVilllam  Owen. 

I  HAVE  bellowed  fomc  attention  upon  the  fame  fubjpft  ; 
fcut  itispoffbic  I  am  pohefled  of  very  little  relating  to  it  that 
is  new  to  you.     I  have  Icea  icveral  letters  from  a  refpec'l- 


{    n    ) 

able  inhabitant  of  Kentucky,  from  f'«ne  paflagcs  of  which 
I  could  not  help  concluding,  that  Ivladawg  and  his  attend- 
ants niuit  have  landed  foinevvhcre  on  the  Ihores  of  Florida, 
Georgia,  or  one  of  the  Carohnas,  and  from  thence  pailed 
by  degrees  to  Kentucky  ;  and  afterw  ;;.(.'s  wcitward,  acrofs 
the  MilTilTipi,  till  they  iinally  fettled  in  that  country  which 
thcv  nmv  inhabit.  In  one  of  tlic  above-nicnlioucd  letters  I 
met  with  the  following  paffage  : 

"  You  requeft  an  account  of  the  Welch  Indians.  Such  a 
people  I  believe  there  is  far  to  the  wclhvard  of  us,  on  tlie 
Milfouri  river,  the  main  branch  of  the  MiiilHipi.  1  have 
fomc  authentic  accounts  of  fuch  a  people,  ca:led  the  White 
Panes,  or  bearded  Indians.  Indeed  the  dilcoveries  made 
among  us,  by  abundance  of  nice  earthen  ware,  &c.  &c. 
often  ploughed  up  in  fomc  of  our  fields,  indicate  that  our 
country,  iieretofore,  has  been  fettled  by  whites.  "Jut  of 
late,  Sir,  a  report  has  prevailed,  that  a  number  of  our  peo- 
ple, exploring  that  part  of  the  country,  came  to  a  cii/Ierent 
tribe,  and  could  not  talk  with  them.  I'hcy  came  back  with 
pur  people  to  fomc  others  they  had  at  a  camp.  A  VVcIch- 
nrin,  that  was  in  the  camp,  could  talk  with  tliom  ;  but  they 
excee<kd  Inin,  as  not  being  li)  corrupt  in  their  hniguage. 

ft  has  been  reported  tliat  miliionaries  were  to  be  fent,  if 
they  could  be  got,  to  fee  if  it  was  them. 

1  muil  not  forget  to  tell  you,  that  I  am  in  polTcirion  of  the 
copy  of  a  curious  letter,  from  a  Mr.  Crochan  to  the  late 
Governor  Dinwiddie,  on  this  fame  fubjcft.  The  original  is 
depolited  in  one  of  the  public  otiiccs  ;  and  a  copy  of  it  was 
fome  tin^e  ago  procured  by  iVI.iurice  Morgan,  Efi].  late  Se- 
cretary to  Sir  Guy  Carleton,  and  is  as  follows ; 

IVinchcJier,  Augujl  24,   I753y 

•*  Mav  it  pleask  your  Honour, 

"  LAST  year  i  underfcood,  by  Col.  Lomax,  tliat  youf 
Honour  would  be  glad  to  have  lomt;  infornuilion  of  a  nation 
of  people  letlied  to  the  welt,  on  a  ■'  large  livcr  that  runs  to  the 
Pacitic  <.3cean,  commonly  culled  the  IVclch  Ituiums.  As  i  had 
an  opportunity  of  gathering  fome  account  of  ihofe  people, 
I  m;ike  bold,  at  the  inilance  of  Col.  Crelilip,  to  fend  you 
the  following  accounts.  As  I  formerly  hod  an  opportunity 
of  being  acquainted  with  ievcral  French  traders,  and  parti- 
cularly with  one  tliat  was  bred  up  from  his  infancy  amongft 

f  The  tint  Oregan. 


'  • .' 

(     -12     ) 

the;  Wcflcrn  ladians,  on  the  weft  fide  of  the  lake  I'.rie, 
he  informed  me,  that  the  tirft  iutelHgencc  the  French  had 
of  them  was  by  fo:ne  Indians  feuled  at  the  baek  of  \ew 
Spain  ;  who,  m  tlieir  way  hi)me,  happened  to  lofe  thein- 
felves,  and  fc.l  dovvn  on  this  fettlement  of  people,  which 
they  took  to  be  r'lcnch,  bv  their  talking  vi-ry  quick  :  fo,  on 
their  return  to  Canada,  tliey  informed  the  Governor,  that 
there  was  a  large  fettlement  of  French  on  a  river  that  ran 
to  the  fun's  fettiiig;  that  they  were  no  Indians,  althoup;h 
they  lived  within  tiicmielves  as  Indians  ;  for  they  could  not 
perceive  thattiuy  traded  vith  any  people,  or  had  any  tr<ide 
to  fea,  for  the V  had  no  boats  or  Ihips  as  thev  could  lee  ;  and 
though  they  had  guns  amone,ft:  them,  vet  thev  v.ere  fo  old, 
and  fo  much  out  of  order,  that  they  made  no  ufe  of  them, 
but  hunted  with  their  bows  and  arrows  for  the  fupport  of 
their  families. 

On  this  account,  the  Governor  of  Canada  determined  to 
{end  a  partv  to  difcover  wluLlicr  thev  were  French  or  not  ; 
and  had  300  men  railed  for  that  purpol'e.  But  when  they 
were  ready  to  go,  the  Indians  would  nol  go  with  them,  but 
told  the  Governor  that  if  he  lent  hut  a  few  men,  thev  would 
go  and  Hiew  thciu  the  c<Hintrv  :  on  which  the  (Governor 
lent  three  voung  priells,  who  diclfcd  thenifelves  in  Indian 
dLCiTcs,  and  went  with  thofe  Indians  to  the  place  wliere  thefe 
people  were  fettled,  and  found  them  to  he  Welch.  They 
brouj^ht  foiue  old  JVcic/!  liib/es  ^  to  fatisfy  the  Governor 
,  that  they  were  there  ;  and  ihey  told  the  Governor  thnt  tliefc 
people  had  a  gieat  avcrfion  to  the  I'rench  ;  for  ihcy  found 
bv  them,  that  they  had  been  at  fidl  fettled  at  the  mouth  ut' 
the  river  Mi'.iiiiipi,  but  had  been  almoll  cut  off  by  the 
French  tlu-re.  So  that  a  fmall  remnant  of  them  efcaped 
back  to  where  they  were  then  lettled,  but  had  huce  be- 
come a  numerous  people.  The  Govei  .nor  of  Canada,  on  this 
account,  determineil  to  ruife  an  armv  of  Irench  Indians  to 
r i  ii'id  cut  them  jiF;  but,  as  the  French  have  been  eni- 
barralied  in  ^v•ith  feveral  other  nations  nearer  home,  I 
bi.'lievc  thev  have  laid  that  projett  alidc.  — '1  he  man  who 
furnilhc  1  nie  with  this  account  told  me,  that  the  mellen- 
?;crs,  who  A\  ent  to  make  this  difcoverv,  weie  gone  llxtecn 
nionth.s  In-i'erc  they  returned  to  Canada,  fo  that  thofe  peo- 

•  Lfff  tlu'ni  b\-  Wflclimen,  wiio  f-ll  in  with  ihcm  at  different  limes.     They 
h.ive  A  lioo;-',  Id  tiiaiiuscripl,  vvliicii  t  ev  wi  uld  not  part  wiiii. 

I  am  inJucccI  Ij  liilnk  ii  wa>  a  dctu'lied  iribe  of  ilusi'  people  lliat  was  f  iiind 
. ,   there,  ;uid  h  ivi'  pr.'ul  to  ...i.  tliiTc  arc  pait  of  tlit'in  reiiviiiriiff  iiniJjr  tlid  iiiimc 
»f  Kaiu'.z,  lu  11  i..-;  f.ili  of  tlit  river  Akatis.i  inly  Uie  .Vlississipi. 



(     13     ) 

pie  muft  live  at  a  great  diflance  from  thence  due  weft.  This 
is  the  moft  particular  account  I  ever  could  get  of  thofe  peo- 
ple as  yet.     I  am 

Your  Honour's 

Moft  obedient  humble  Servant, 
(Signed)         GEORGE  CHROCHi\  N. 

N.  B.  Governor  Dinwiddle  agreed  with  three  or  four  of 
the  back  traders  to  go  in  queft  of  the  Welch  Indians,  and 
promifed  to  give  them  ,£500  for  that  purpofe  ;  bufhe  was 
recalled  before  they  could  let  out  on  that  expedition. 


No.  VI. 

Further  Accounts  of  the  Welch  Indians,  publijlied  in  the  Gen-- 
tleman's  Magazine  for  1792,  Vol.  ii.  p.  597. 

MUCH  has  been  faid  for  fome  time  paft  with  refpeft  to 
the  exiftencc  of  the  above  tribe  of  Indians,  inhabiting  a  traft 
of  country  bordering  on  the  MifTouri,  in  the  province  of 
Louifiana,  or  New  France,  in  North  America,  who  are  fup- 
pofcd  to  be  defcendants  of  a  party  of  the  Welch  nation,  who 
left  Wales  with  Madoc,  Prince  of  that  country,  in  the  year 
1 170,  which  is  a  period  of  322  years  prior  to  the  difcovcrv  of 
America  by  Chriftoplier  Columbus.  It  is  a  pleafing  futisfac- 
tion  to  the  contemplating  mind  of  the  curious,  to  alcertain  a 
proofof  intereftingcircumftances,  which  has  hitherto  refifted 
the  invciUgation  of  ages.  The  Society  of  Gwincddigion, 
hold  at  the  George,  in  George-yard,  Lombard-ftreet,  have 
Lad  the  matter  in  contemplation  for  a  length  of  time  ;  and 
however  defirous  their  inducement  mightbe  to  bring  the  mat- 
ter to  ■•  '"vilis,  nothing  effectually  h:isbecn  hitherto  done.  In 
riccompulhing  an  undertaking  where  there  is  fome  rill;,  two 
objefts  will  naturally  arile,  which  will  require  much  delibe- 
ration: Theftrft,  to  adopt  a  wcU-digcfted  fyftem  ;  2dly,  to 
find  ways  and  means  to  carry  that  lyllem  into  cfFcft.  It  ap- 
pears to  me  highly  worthy  of  being  remarked,  that,  Ihould  an 
attem[)t  ever  be  made  to  invcftigate  this  interefting  period  of 
hiftory,  with  regard  to  the  firft  difcovcry  of  America  by  Eu- 
ropeans, the  lending  perl'ons  prr)perly  qualified  to  thofe 
tribes  called  the  Welchor  White  Indians,  would  be  attended 
with  very  little  expcnec,  and  ftill  IcCs  danger. 

As  evcrv  information  touching  what  I  have  before  faid,  I 
am  well  alfurcd,  will  bo  plf-afing  to  the  curious  inquirer,  I  beg 
leave  to  give  verbatim  the  copy  of  u  letter  1  received  from  a 

C  ijtntleman 

(  1+  ) 

gentleman  who  has  lived  at  New  Orleans,  and  on  the  banks 
oi^  the  Mifliflipi. upwards  of  twehty  ycavs,  and  who  is  now  in. 
London :  .    ^  ^ 

Dear  Sir,  '        "  '  Cheapfick,  January  28,    1791:;. 

1  now  return  you  the  pamphlet,  written  by  Dr.  Williams, 
on  the  rubjcit  ot  the  Padoucas,  or  Welch  Indians. 

If  .\h".  loncsdid  inlfiCiOfind  atribeof  Indians  in  the  ncit>h- 
bourhood  of  Carohna,  who  Ipokc  the  ^Velch  language,  it  Is 
very  certain  that  for  thcfc  many  years  patl  no  vellige  of  it 
rcmainsamong  the  tribes  inhabiting  that  country,  or  its  ncigli- 

On  the  other  hand,  it  is  well  known  that,  within  thefc  fifty 
years paft,  a numbcrof  tribes  have,  fromwarand  debauchery, 
become  cxtinft,  and  that  others  (as  encroached  on  by  tlie 
white  people)  have  removed  weftward  ;  I  myfelf  having 
known  within  thefc  twenty  years  fevcral  fmall  tribes  of  the 
ancient  Indians  to  have  removed  to  the  weftcrn  iide  of  the 
?.iifrilTipi ;  am«)ng  thofe,  and  in  the  neighbourhood  of  the  Spa- 
nilh  fettlements,  there  yet  remains  the  remnant  of  a  once 
powerful  nation,  called  the  Mobilians,  reduced  at  prefent  to 
iibout  twenty  families.  ^I'heir  language,  with  refpedl  to  the 
dialcifls  of  the  Creeks,  Chatilaws,  and  Chickefaws  (the  moft 
powerful  tribes  now  inhabiting  the  back  of  (jeorgia,  llic 
Carolinas,  and  Virginia),  would  appear  a  mother  tongue  \ 
for  they  can  undcrftand,  andconvcrfe  with  all  thofe  tribes  in 
their  different  dialects,  but  yet  fpeak  a  language  which  no 
other  tribes  undcrfland.  'I'his  has  been  frecjuently  proved 
bv  thofe  French  who  have  acquired  the  Mobilian  language. 

That  the  natives  of  America  have,  for  many  years  pail, 
emigrated  from  the  caflward  to  the  weftward,  is  a  known 
fi(ff.  That  the  tribes,  mentioned  by  Mr.  Jones,  who  fpokc 
the  Welch  tongue,  may  have  done  fo,  is  much  within  the 
order  or"  probability ;  and  that  a  people,  called  the  Welch 
or  White  Indians,  now  rcfidc  at  or  near  the  banks  of  the 
Miffouri,  1  have  not  the  leaii-  doubt  of,  having  fo  often  been 
aiTured  of  it  by  people  who  have  traded  in  that  river, 
and  wlio  could  have  no  pofTibic  inducement  to  relate  fuch  a 
flory,  unlefs  it  had  been  founded  in  faft. 

Since  writing  the  above,  a  merchant  from  the  ».;inois 
country,  and  a  pciibn  of  reputation,  is  arrived  in  London, 
lie  afliires  me  there  is  not  tiie  fmallell  doubt  of  a  people 
pxifting  on  the  wellern  fiaeof  the  Millifiipi,  called  by  the 
[rcnch  the  White  bearded  Indians,  none  of  the  natives  of 
America  wciiriog  beards ,  thiit  tliefe  people  arc  seally  white  ; 




(      J5      ) 

that  they  arc  faid  to  confift  of  thirty-two  villages  or  towivs ; 
are  exceedingly  civilized,  and  vuflly  attached  to  certain  re- 
ligious ceremonies  ;  that  u  Mr.  Cli.,  a  merchant  of  reputar 
tion  at  the  Illinois,  has  been  to  their  country,  which  is, 
as  he  fuppofes,  upwards  of  a  thoufand  miles  from  the 

Having  been  prevented  from  calling  on  you  as  I  intend- 
ed, 1  now  return  you  the  pamphlet,  and  will,  at  any  time 
you  pleafe,  procure  you  a  meeting  with  that  gentleman. 

Yuur's,  6cc. 


I  have  the  fatisfaftion  to  add,  that  I  have  met  the 
nbovc  gentleman  fevcral  times  ;  that  he  conlirms  the  lat- 
ter part  of  this  narrative;  that  Mr.  Ch.  is  a  near  relation  ot 
his  i  that  when  Mr.  Ch.  was  intro«Iuced  to  the  Chief  of  the 
Padouca  nation,  he  was  received  with  much  ioicmnitv,  ow- 
ing to  his  being  of  white  complcxiv^ii,  and  by  which  circum- 
Aance,  as  far  as  Mr.  Ch.  could  underlliind  by  being  amongil 
lliem,  he  was  deemed  an  angel  of  (iod,  his  hands  ii.nd  feet 
being  walhcd  by  order  of  the  Chiettain,  who  appealed  much 
atlvanced  in  years,  his  hair  being  lon^  and  perfectly  white  ; 
that  the  ])eopU;  chiefly  fubfiil  by  the  prodiRc  of  the  cha(  e  ; 
that  the  inilriiments  they  nfe  on  the  occaiion  are  generallv 
bows  and  arrows;  that  tlie  further  he  advar.ced  from  the 
frontiers,  the  different  tribes  lie  palfed  through  were  the  more 
civilized;  that  he  fuppolcd  the  realon  to  l)e  (which  1  am 
afraid  is  the  cale)  owing  to  the  continual  encroachment 
made  on  their  land  by  the  white  peo^  'e  in  thiMe  parts  con- 
ti^^uousto  them. 

'J  he  late  trani'atStions  on  tlie  back  frontieis  <  f  the  I'nitcd 
States  of  America,  it  is  probable,  are  owing  to  the  lame  cir- 
(  umdanie.  U  may  be  necefiarv  to  remark, that  the dil'^ancc; 
from  the  mouth  of  the  Miniiripi  to  the  entr.mce  of  the  .Mil- 
fouri  into  it,  is  about  I'JOO  miles;  that  the  navigation  of  die- 
Miilifiipi  ujiw.irds  is  fedious  and  difncult,  ovving  to  the  cur- 
rent coi\iinually  running  the  iame  way,  by  which  means  tho 
velfels  employed  on  the  occafion  feldom  make  that  diilancc 
in  lefs  lliau  tliive  months;  a  light  boat,  v>.-ell- manned,  how 
ever,  might  go  from  New  Orleans  to  the  Milfouiis  in  fix 
weeks,  and  from  Kentucky  on  the  Ohio  in  Iris  tlum  three 
weeks,  whereas,  on  their  return,  the  fame  diilance  is  made 
in  a  few  days  ;  that  '.he  country  burdtriiig  on  thojc  rivers 
is  extremciv  fcriile  ;  that  in  very  feveie  winteis  they  ate 
fubjctlt  to  froil,  which  is  generally  of  lliert  ciiiiat^yn  • 

C2  t«U; 

'     ■  (     !<»     ) 

every  article  for  the  ufe  of  man  grows  almofl  fpontaneoufly ; 
that  large  numbers  of  buffaloes  are  taken ;  the  hides  and  tal- 
Jow  of  thole  animals,  as  well  as  deer-ikins,  beaver,  6cc.  arc 
carried  down  the  Mifliffipi  to  New  Orleans,  from  whence 
they  are  exported  to  different  parts  of-l'iurope  ;  that  all  forts 
of  timber  and  naval  llores  are  to  be  had  in  abundance  ;  that 
during  the  late  war,  had  the  Minifters  or  the  public  fervants 
of  the  Crown  of  the  country,  had  its  real  intereft  at  heart, 
they  would,  in  preference  of  the  bufinefs  of  St.  Kuftatia,  have 
taken  pofleflion  of  New  Orleans,  the  key  of  the  MifTiffipi, 
and  by  that  means  have  opened  the  navigation  of  that  river, 
which,  in  the  hands  of  the  mercantile  genius  of  the  Britifh 
nation,  would  be  opening  a  mine  of  wealth  which  would  have 
filled  the  channels  of  commerce  of  this  country.  It  would 
alfo  have  tended  to  another  grand  objeft — it  would  have  af- 
forded an  afvlum  to  the  American  Loyalifts  (with  whom  I 
have  ever  differed  in  political  opinion),  were  they  inclined 
really  to  relieve  them,  inftead  of  fending  them  to  the  ba'rren 
rocks  of  Nova  Scotia,  where  they  find  it  difficult  to  raifc  a 
common  fized  cabbage,  where  it  is  deemed  a  wonder  to  fee 
a  field  of  twelve  acres  abound  with  grafs  fix  inches  long.  In 
this  it  will  be  a  pleafure  to  me  to  be  controverted. 


No.  VII. 

^  Letter  from  Mr.  Edward  JVil/iaws.  GentlemarC  s  Magazinf, 
1791,  Vol.  ii.  p.  6-l;3. 

ABOUT  twenty  years  ago  I  became  acquainted  with  a 
Mr.  Dinon,  of  Covty,  in  the  county  of  Glamorgan.  He  had 
"  been  about  thirty  years  abfent  from  his  native  country,  and 
during  a  great  part  of  that  time  an  Indian  trader  from.  Phila- 
delphia. Being  once  with  fomc  friends  in  his  company,  and 
the  iV  elch  langu^igc  being  the  fubjeft  of  convcriation,  he 
told  us  that  there  was  in  North  yXmerica  a  tribe  of  Welch 
Indians,  who  fpokc  the  Welch  language  with  much  greater 
purity  than  we  fpeak  it  in  Wales.  Indulgingmy  natural  inquifi- 
tivctiirnof  mind,  Idcfiiedhimtofavour  me  with  an  accountof 
wlialhckncvv  of  tholc  people,  upon  which hegave  me  the  fol- 
lowing information,  vi%.  that  about  Uie  year  1750,  being  oi->e 
of  u  party  of  live  or  fix  traders,  thev  penetrated  much  farther 
than  uluii  into  tlic  rcmo'e  parts  of  the  continent,  far  beyond 
the  MillJliipi,  where,  to  tlicir  great  I'urprile,  they  found  a  na- 

(    n    )        .      -*• 

tion  of  Indians,  who  fpokc  the  IFeul'i  tongue ;  they  gave 
Mr.  Binon  a  very  kind  recc[)tion,  but  were  very  Jufplcious  of 
h'is  Engl'ijh  companionsy  and  took,  them  for  Spaniards  or 
Frenchmen,  with  whom  theyfeemcd  to  be  at  w«r  ;  but  Mr. 
Binon  foon  removed  their  doubts,  on  which  a  friendly  in- 
tcrcoLirfc  enfiied.  'Ihofe  Indians  had  iron  amongft  them, 
hved  in  ftonc-built  villages,  and  were  better  cloathed  than 
other  tribes.  'I'herc  were  fome  ruinous  buildings  amongft 
them  :  one  appeared  like  an  old  W  elch  caflle  ;  another  Jike 
a  ruined  church,  bcc.  ihey  flicwtd  Mr.  Binon  a  MS. 
book,  which  they  carefully  kept,  believing  that  it  contain- 
ed the  myftcrics  of  religion,  and  laid,  that  it  was  not  long 
fmcc  a  man  had  been  among  them  who  underllood  it.  This 
man  (whom  they  eftccnicd  a  prophet)  told  them,  they  faid, 
that  a  people  would  fome  time  vii'it  tlicm,  and  explain  to 
them  the  myl\crics  contained  in  tlicir  book,  which  would 
make  them  completely  happy.  'J  hey  very  anxiouily  alked 
Mr.  Hinun  if  he  underftood  it ;  and,  hcir.g  anlWcicd  in  ihe 
jicgative,  appeared  very  lad,  and  carncilly  clefired  him  to 
fend  one  to  them  who  could  explain  it.  At'tcr  he  and  his 
fellow  Knglilh  travellers  had  been  for  fome  time  amongft 
them,  they  departed,  and  were  conduced  by  tholi;  friendly 
Indians  for  man^  days  through  vq/i  dejcrts,  and  were  pku- 
tifully  fupplied  by  them  with  a  profujioncf  provijion,  which 
the  woods  afforded  ;  and  after  they  had  been  brought  to  a 
place  they  well  knew,  they  parted  with  their  numerous  In- 
dian guides,  ivhc  wept  bitterly  on  th.eir  taking  leave  of  thcirij 
and  very  urgcnih  intreaicd  Mr.  Binun  to  tend  a  perfon  to 
them  who  could  interpret  their  bonk.  On  his  arrival  at  Phi- 
ladelphia, and  relating  the  llorv,  he  found  that  the  inhabit- 
ants of  tlic  'Welch  tra^t  had  feme  knowledge  of  thefc  Indians, 
juid  that  fome  Wcichmen  lu:d  before  been  amongft  them. 


Captain  Cook  found  plenty  of  iron  at  Noolka  Sound,  that 
did  not  appear  to  be  of  I'.uropean,  Spanilh,  American,  or 
Afiatic  manufafture. 

The  I'adoucas  arc  in  about  1 10  degrees  weft  longitude, 
according  to  moft  maps  ;  Nootka  Sound  is  IL'5  weft,  accord- 
ing to  Cuptain  Meares  ;  by  whole  difcovcrics,  it  appears 
that  thofe  two  Indian  nations  have  an  cafy  communication 
with  each  other  by  the  ftraits  of  Juan  dc  luca  and  the 
river  Orcgan,  which  apj)cars  to  have  been  difcovcrcd  as  tar 
as  ten  degrees,  at  leaft,  eaft  of  Nootka. 

In  Coxe's  Defcription  of  I.ouifiana,  &:c.  1722,  it  is  faid, 
pa^c  Mi  (fee  ahu  p.  It)),  that  the  I3an>n  La  Hontan  having 


(      IS      ) 

traced  the  MifTiuiii  for  eight  hundred  miles  due  wcrt:, 
found  a  vail  lake,  on  which  inhahitcd  two  or  three  great 
nations,  much  raorc  civilized  than  other  Indians  ;  and  favs, 
that  out  of  this  lake  a  gr^'al  river  difcmbogues  itfelf  into  the 
South  Sea. — '2ucr\- — Docs  not  tliis  river  fccm  to  be  the 
Oregan  of  Captain  \Uarcs  ? 

Charlevoix,  vol.  ii.  p.  l;2.t  of  the  K.nglilh  tranflation, 
mentions  a  great  lake  very  far  to  the  weft  of  the  Milhfhpi, 
»n  the  banks  ofwhic/i  are  a  people  rtjimhlhig  ilic  I'Venc/i,  u-it/i 
kuttans  on  their  clo.iths,  living  in  cities,  and  n//>:^  horfcs  in 
hinting  the  buffalo  :  that  they  are  cloathcd  -u.-ith  the  fkins  of 
that  animal ;  but  vjithov.t  any  arms  but  the  bovj  and arrovj. 

BolTu,  in  his  account  of  f.ouiliana,  vol.  i.  page  182,  fays 
that  he  had  been  informed  by  the  Indians  of  a  nation  of 
cloathcd  people,  far  to  the  wclhvavd  of  the  Miililhpi,  who 
inhabited  great  villages  bud'  ivitli  zvhite  Jiones,  navigated  in 
great  piragnas  on  the  great  [alt  Zfati  r  lakes,  and  were  govei  ned 
iy  one  grand defpotie  cJtiej,  iv/io  foit  great  armies  into  the  field. 

It  deferves  attention  that  the  Maftotatas  of  Charlevoix, 
and  the  Matocantes  of  Coxo  leein  to  retain  fomcthing  of 
Madoc  in  their  qames. 

Boflii,  page  30:5,  obfervcs  that  "  Powel,  an  Knglifli  wri- 
(rr,  mcuuons,  in  his  Hiftory  of  Wales,  that,  in  the  year 
i  170,  there  was  a  w'ar  in  that  country  for  the  luccellion  to 
the  throne.  A  baftard  took  the  crown  from  the  legitimate 
children  :  one  of  the  latter,  whofc;  name  was  Mad k,  em- 
barked in  ordt  r  to  make  new  diiroverics.  Divc*5ting  his 
courfe  to  the  weftward,  he  came  to  a  country,  the  fertility 
and  beautv  of  which  was  amazing.  As  this  country  was 
without  inhabitants,  Madar.  fettled  in  it.  llalluii  aflints 
us  that  he  made  two  or  three  voyages  to  Kngland  to  fetch 
inhabitants  ;  who,  upon  the  account  he  gave  of  that  fine 
rounti-y,  went  to  lettle  witli  him.  The  l''nghlh  believe  that 
this  Prince  difcovered  I'i^gniia.  Peter, Martyr  icems  to  give 
a  proof  of  it,  when  he  lays  that  the  nations  of  I'irginia  and 
thole  of  Guatimala  celebrate  the  memory  of  one  of  thcFr 
ancient  heri)es,  whom  they  call  Madoc.  Several  modern 
ttMvellcrs  have  teund  ancient  Britifh  words  ufcd  bv  the 
North  American  nations.  'J  he  celebrated  Bifliop  Nirholfon 
btlievcs  that  the  Welch  language  has  formed  a  conliderablc 
part  of  the  languages  of  the  American  nations.  'J'hcrearc 
antiquarians  who  pretend  th;'t  the  Spaniards  got  tl'iCir  double 
or  guttural  /  fll)  from  the  Americans,  who,  according  to 
the  Englifh,  mull  luivc  gut  it  tloni  the  Welch." 

(  li>  ) 

No.  VIII. 

Jn  Outiitie  of  the  Uijlory  of  the  Madaw^mys,    by  Mr.  IV. 
Oivcn.     Gentleman's  Ma^aziuf.      1191.    Vol.  i.   p.  3'J9.'- 

IN  the  yczx  1170,  Mudawg,  a  younger  ion  of  Owen 
(JwvnecUl,  piincc  of  AValcs,  oblciving  a  continual 
itrife  icign  among  his  bixlhrcn  for  a  fcanty  inheritance  of 
barren  rocks,  determined  to  try  his  fortune  in  fcarch  of  a 
moie  peaceful  country.  He  accordingly  fitted  out  two 
lliips,  iind  failed  weihvard,  and  diicovered  the  fouthcru 
Ihores  of  North  America,  as  the  event  has  proved.  Leav- 
ing part  of  his  followeis  there,  he  was  enabled  providen- 
tially to  return  to  Kurope  ;  and,  on  reprefenting  to  his 
countrymen  what  had  hunpened,  lb  many  of  them  were 
induced  to  Iharc  in  his  cntcrpri/.e,  that,  in  his  fecond  emi- 
gration, he  failed  nearly  in  the  fame  direction,  with  lea 
Ihips,  completely  filled,  but  without  beiiig  lb  furtunate  as 
to  fall  in  with  them  he  had  left  behind  in  his  firfl  voyage. 
'I'hcrc  arc  good  grounds  to  alTert  that  Madawg,  in  this  fe- 
cond voyage,  fell  in  with  the  coall  of  the  Carolinas  ;  for^ 
the  firll:  difcovcry  of  the  defcendants  of  that  emigration  was 
made  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Morgan  Jones,  in  1685,  who  found 
them,  or  at  leaft  a  part  of  them,  up  Fontigo  river.  \n 
coniequence  of  the  iluropean  colonics  fprcading  over  that 
country,  or  for  fome  other  caufes,  they  removed  up  the  coun- 
try to  Kentucky,  where  evident  traces  of  them  have  been  late- 
ly found;  fuch  as  the  ruins  of  forts,  miilllones,  earthen  w;!re, 
2tc.  It  is  prcfumed  that,  as  their  fituation  was  fecluded,  and 
not  liable  to  be  molcflcd,  they  left  it  only  inconfcqutMicc  of 
diicovcring  a  more  inviting  country  ;  and  none  could  be 
jnore  fo  than  where  they  finally  li  ttlcd.  The  centre  of  the 
lountry  of  t!ie  Madawgwys,  and  their  villages  arc 
moil  numerous,  is  about  ?,6  degrees  north  latitude,  and  102 
«iegrees  well  longitude  of  London  ;  but  they  extend  (pol-- 
ilhlv  in  detached  connnunitics)  from  about  31  degrees  north 
latitude,  and  .0"  degrees  well  longitude,  to  43  degrees  uorih 
jatitude,  and  110  degrees  well:  longitude.  'I'lic  general 
name  of  Cvmry  is  not  loft  among  them,  thougli  they  cali 
llicmfelves  Madavvgwys,  ALidogiaid,  Madagiaint,  and  Ma- 
dogian  ;  names  of  the  lame  import,  meaning  the  people  (.f 
MadaWG:.    Mence  the  French  travellers  in  Louifiana   Iv.v.k: 

<alled    them     Padoucas,     Matocantcs,    and    other    namvi 
bciiring  ii  llmilitudc;  tu  what  tiicy  call  tiicmfelves,  and  i>> 



I     20     ) 

which  they  arc  known  to  the  native  Indians. — From  the 
countrv  of  the  Madawgwys  fome  of  the  rivers  run  eaftward, 
and  oUu'is  to  the  weft  :  by  the  former  they  come  into  the 
MiHouvi,  :inj  fo  inio  the  MifTiffipi,  bringing  with  them  ikins, 

Eickled  l)L»ftalo-tongn(-s,  and  other  articles  for  traffic  ;  and 
V  the  Litter  they  liavf  a  cv):T;niunication  with  the  Pacific 
ocean,  from  a  grtat  filt  water  lake  in  their  country,  down 
tl)e  Orcgan,  or  the  great  river  cf  the  weft,  through  the 
^ftrailsof  fuuii  de  luca,  and  other  openings.  The  charafter 
of  thcll'  iniuhited  Cambrians,  who  are  a  numerous  people, 
is  that  they  arc  very  warlike  ;  are  more  civilized  than  the 
Indians  ;  live  m  large  villages  in  houfes  built  of  flone  ;  arc 
commodiouily  clad  ;  ufc  horfcs  in  hunting.  They  have  iron, 
of  which  they  make  tools,  but  have  no  fire-arms  ;  and  they 
navigate  tlie  lake  in  large  piragnas.  'I  heir  government  is  on 
the  feudal  fyilem,  and  their  princes  are  conlidered  as  the  di- 
rect defiendanis  of  Madawg. 

No.  IX. 

ji  Letter  concerning  t/:e  IVclcJi   Indlaus   by  the  Hev.  JoJJium 
Thninas^    of  l.comhiJ}''r,  "xitii  addillonal  Remarks  by  Mr. 

Lcominftcr,  .//</)' 30,  1791. 
THr^  Ivcv.  Thomas  Jones,  of  Nottage,  in  the  county  of 
Glamorgan,  .vent  to  America  In  17  37.  His  fon  Samuel  was 
then  tinee  vears  of  age.  He  gave  him  a  liberal  education 
in  I'hiladelphia,  where  he  took  the  degree  of  Dof^or  of  Di- 
viaitv.  He  (J)r.  Samuel  Jones)  wrote  lately  to  the  Rev. 
Mr.  'Wiliiam  Richards,  of  Lynn,  m  Norfolk."  In  that  letter 
lie  iavs,  Ipeaking  of  the  Madocian  Indians,  "  the  finding 
of  them  would  be  one  of  the  joyfulleft  things  to  me  that 
could  liLippen.  I  think  I  fhould  immediately  go  among 
tluin,  t!u)ugh  I  am  now  turned  55  ;  and  there  are  in  Ame- 
rica N\'clch  picaciiers  ready  to  fct  out  to  vilit  them  as  foon 
j.s  the  way  to  their  cuunlry  is  difeovcred." 

I'he  Rev.  Morgan  J'Mwards,  yV.  M.  went  over  to  Phila- 
delphia in  ITiil.  He  is  a  native  of  Monmouthlhire.  In  a 
Jt.tter  1  had  from  him,  dated  Newark,  in  Pcnnfylvania,  fuly 
1j,  176ti,  he  lays,  in  your  book  (Hancs  y  Bcdyddvvyr) 
you  take  notice  of  the  Welch  who  emigrated  with  Madoc 
ap  Owen  (nvvnedd  to  Ameri<.  i  in  1170.  One  Mr.  John 
I-jjloii   has  lately  (17S1;  publillied  a  book,  iiUituled,''"'l'he 


rom  the 

;  aft  ward, 

into  the 

m  Ikins, 

fHc  ;  and 

e  Pacific 

y,  down 

ugh  the 


s  people, 

than  the 

one  ;  arc 

avfc  iron, 

and  they 

nentis  on 

as  the  di- 

V.   JoJIlUM 

'is  by  Mr. 

',  1191. 
coiintv  of 
imucl  was 
lor  of  Di- 
the  Hcv. 
:hat  letter 
le  rinding 
me  til  at 
50  among 
;  in  Amc- 
111  as  foon 

to  Phila- 
le.  In  a 
ania,  July 
th  Madoc 
Mr.  John 

(     21      ) 

Difcovcry,  Settlement,  atid  prcfcnt  State  of  Kentucky ; 
wherein,  after  mentioning  the  ftory  of  Madoc  ap  Owen,  he 
has  tilde  words:  J  his  account  has  fcveral  times  drawn  the 
attention  of  the  world  ;  but  as  no  velllgcs  of  them  (the 
^Vclch)  had  then  been  found,  it  was  concluded,  perhaps  too 
ralhly,  to  be  a  fable,  or,  at  leaft,  that  no  remains  of  the 
colony  <'xiftcd  ;  but  of  late  the  Wellern  fettlers  have  re- 
ceived freciuent  accounts  of  a  nation  at  a  great  diftancc  up 
the  Milluiri  (a  branch  of  the  Milfiflipi),  in  minners  and  ap- 
pearance icItMiibling  other  Indians,  but  fpc  iking  Welch, 
and  retaining  ibme  ceremonies  of  the  Chriitian  wodhip  ; 
and  at  lenj^ih  this  is  univerlally  believed  to  be  a  f:i£t.  Cap- 
tain Abraham  Chaplain,  of  Kentucky,  (a  gentleman  whole 
veracity  may  be  depended  upon)  alfurc'l  nie  that  in  the  late 
war,  being  with  his  company  in  ganilon  in  Kaikalki,  fome 
Indians  came  there,  and,  fpeaking  the  Welch  language, 
were  perfectly  undeiftood,  and  converled  with,  by  two 
Welchnien  in  his  company  ;  and  that  they  informed  them 
of  their  iltuation  as  above." — Thus  far  tranfcribcd  out  of 
Mr.  I'ilfon's  book. 

Then  Mr.  M.  I'.dwards  proceeds: — j'he  fiiid  Miflliuri 
river  is  faid  to  run  a  courle  of  'MMO  miles  before  it  falls 
into  the  Milhlfipi.  Kentucky  was  difcovered  by  one  James 
M'l'ride  in  175  K  Since  the  peace  abundance  of  people 
have  emigrated  there.  This  country  was  certainly  inhabit- 
ed by  white  people  many  years  ago,  as  appears  by  the 
remains  of  two  regular  fortifications,  the  plowing  up  of 
broken  earthen  ware,  a  pair  of  millllones,  &c.  ;  all  which 
were  unknown  to  the  Indians.  Mr.  Kilfon  afcribes  them  to 
the  Welch,  who  removed  from  thence  to  the  MilTouri,  as 
he  fuppofes. —  I'hus  far  Mr.  Morgan  Edwards. 

As  this  is  a  new  affair,  or  rather  a  fubject  long  and  deep- 
ly buried  in  oblivion,  and  of  late  thus  railed  up,  1  can  fay  no 
more  to  it  of  any  importance.  I  have  heard  fome  hints  of 
Welch  people  being  about  the  Mifliflipi  about  forty  years 
ago,  and  fome  other  hints  of  no  ufe  now  ;  becaufe  1  do  not 
pcrfedtly  remember  the  particulars  and  authority  of  them. 

1  am,  &e. 


In  addition  to  the  above  account  of  Mr.  Thomas,  I  here 
add  a  palTage  from  his  Hanes  y  Bedyd  durgr,  i.  e.  The  Hif- 
tory  of  the  Baptills  in  Wales,  mentioned  above.  In  Englifh 
thus : — "  Many  authors  mention  this  Welch  nation  (in 
America).    The  following  words  are  in  a  letter  from  Mr. 

J>  Reynold 

(      22      ) 

Kcvnold  Ilowells  to  Mr.  Miles,  dated  Philadelphia,  17.^2: 
'^J  Ik;  Welch  Indians  arc  found  out ;  they  arc  Tuiiatcd  on  the 
weft  fide  of  the  great  river  MifTiliipi." 

Mr.  Owen  and  Mr.  \V'illiams  had  an  opportunity  hitely 
of  eoniulting  Mr.  William  Priehard,  bookleller  and  printer, 
of  Philci'lelpliia,  who  is  now,  or  lately  was  in  London,  about 
the  Wek  h  Indians.  He  told  them  that  he  had  often  heard 
of  them,  and  that  they  were,  in  Pennlylvania,  univer- 
I'ally  believed  to  be  very  far  vvellward  of  the  Miililhpi,  and 
that  he  had  often  heard  of  people  that  had  been  anionglt 
them ;  but  the  moft  particular  account  that  he  had  receiv- 
ed was  what  he  heard  within  thcfe  very  i'cw  years  of  ])r. 
Samuel  Jones  (who  is  mentioned  in  Mr.  Jofliua  Tliomas's 
letter).  He  knows  now,  he  fays,  fevcral  in  Pennlvlvania 
who  have  been  aojongll  t.hofe  Indians  ;  and  is  very  aflivc  at 
prefent  in  that  country  in  endeavouring  to  obtain  all  the  in- 
formation pofhble  on  this  curious  fubjeft  ;  and  fays  that,  if 
he  Ihould  be  but  very  little  alTillcd,  he  would  iuunediately 
vifit  thefe  Welch  tribes. 

No.  X. 

Jnj'crmatlon  re  [pelting   the   Welch    hid'wnsy  obtained  by  /a'» 
Ameyiecni  MiJJiojiariei,  in  the  lent   lltiC. 

IN  the  year  1766,  the  Rev.  Meflis.  Ikatty  and  Duffield 
were  fent,  by  the  Synod  of  New  York  and  I'hiladclphia,  (o 
vifit  the  inhabitants  on  the  frontiers  of  Pennfylvania,  and 
the  Indians  fituatcd  beyond  ihcm  *.  Their  errand  to  the  for- 
mer was,  to  inquire  what  aliiftance  llicy  needed  with  rel"pc(i\ 
to  their  religious  concerns,  in  confequenees  of  the  diftrcllcs 
occafioned  by  the  late  war  ;  and  by  viliting  the  latter,  to  ex- 
;imine  whether  they  difcovered  any  favourable  difpofition  to 
receive  ihe  miniftry  of  the  Golpel. 

In  the  courfe  of  their  journey  they  met  with  a  Benjamin 
tStitton,  a  pcrlon  who  had  betn  taken  captive  by  the  Indians, 
liad  been  in  different  nations,  and  lived  many  years  among 
them.     From  him  they  had  the  following  relation  : 

"  When  he  was  with  the  Chaftaw  Nation,  or  tribe  of 
Indians,  at  the  Miffiiripi  river,  he  went  to  an  Indian  town, 

*  About  joo  miiej  v.cst  of  Philadclpliid. 


A  vciy 

(      23     ) 

a  very  confidcrablc  diftancc  from  Kcw  Orleans,  whole  in- 
habitants were  of  different  complexions,  not  fo  tawny  as 
thole  of  the  other  Indians,  and  who  fpoi«;e  Welch.  He  faid 
he  law  a  book  among  them,  which  he  fuppofed  was  a  Welch 
Bible,  wh.ich  thev  careful Iv  kept  wrapped  up  in  a  Ikin,  but 
that  they  could  not  read  it ;  and  that  he  heard  fome  of  thoic 
Indians  afterwards,  in  the  Lower  Shavvanaugli  town,  fpeak 
AV'elch  with  one  Lewis,  a  Welchman,  captive  there.  This 
"Welch  tribe  now  live  on  the  welt-fide  of  the  Milfillipi  river, 
a  great  way  above  New-Orleans." 

On  the  lame  journey  thev  alio  met  with  a  I.ev'i  Hicks, 
wlio  had  been  captive  with  the  Indians  from  his  youth,  and 
w!io  allured  thcMii,  that,  when  attending  an  embalfv,  he  liad 
been  in  a  t(nvn  of  Indians  on  the  weft-lidc  of  the  Milfilhpi 
river,  the  inhabitants  of  wnich  talked  Welch  (as  he  was 
told,  for  he  did  not  underftand  them)  ;  and  their  interpreter, 
Jofcpli,  law  lome  Indians,  whom  he  lUppoled  to  be  of  thii 
fame  tribe,  who  talked  Welch,  and  repeated  fome  of  their 
words,  which  he  knew  tu  1."^  Welch,  as  lie  had  been  ac- 
quainted with  fome  \Velch  people. 

"  Correfpondent  hereto  (adds  Mr.  Beatty),  I  have  been 
informed,  that,  many  years  ago,  a  cler(j,yman  went  from 
Ihitain  to  Virginia,  and  having  lived  fome  time  there,  went; 
from  thence  to  Soutli-Carolina  ;  but,  cither  becaufcthe  cli- 
mate did  not  agree  vvil!)  him,  or  for  fome  other  realon,  re- 
lolved  to  retur,i  to  Virgtuia,  and  accordingly  fet  out  by  land, 
iiccompanied  with  fome  other  pcrfons  ;  but  travelling  through 
the  back  parts  of  the  country,  which  was  then  very  thinly 
inliabited,  fuppoling  verv  probably  this  was  the  neareft  wav, 
Ik;  fell  in  with  a  partv  ot'  Indian  warriors,  going  to  attaelc 
the  inhabitants  of  Virginia,  againlt  wliom  they  had  declared 

"  The  Indians,  upgn  examining  the  clergyman,  and  find- 
ing tliat  lie  was  going  to  Virginia,  looked  upon  him  and  his 
rompanions  as  belonging  to  Virginia,  and  therefore  took 
them  all  prifoners,  and  lei  them  know  tliey  mull  die.  The 
ell  rgyman,  in  preparation  for  another  world,  went  to  prayer, 
and.  being"  a  Welchman,  praved  in  the  Welch  language  ; 
poHiblv  becaufe  this  language  was  mofl  familiar  to  him,  or  to 
pi'event  the  Indians  underllanding  him.  One  or  more  of  the 
party  of  the  Indians  was  lurprilcd  to  hear  him  piav  in  their 
language.  Upon  this  they  Ijioke  to  him,  and  linding  that 
he  could  underftand  their  Ipeech.  they  got  the  lentence  of 
death  reverlcd :  and  thus  tliis  happy  (.iicuuilhin<,e  was  the 
means  gf  I'uvine  his  life. 

J:)  2  ■  "  They 

(      24     ) 

"  They  took  lilin  h;u:k  witli  them  into  ihcir  country, 
where  he  found  ;i  tribe  whofe  native  hmguage  was  Weieh, 
though  tlie  diiilecl  was  a  Ultle  dili'ovent  from  his  own,  which 
lie  loon  came  to  undcribuul.  TIr-v  lliewed  a  book, 
which  he  found  to  be  the  Diblc,  but  which  tliey  could  not 
read  ;  and,  if  1  laiilake  not,  his  ability  to  read  it  tendfd  to 
raife  their  rec^ard  for  Iiiin. 

"  Me  ilayed  fonie  lime  among  them,  and  endeavoured  to 
inftruft  them  in  the  Chriftian  reh'gion.  lie  at  length  pro- 
pofed  to  go  b:a:k  to  his  own  countrv,  and  return  to  (hem 
with  fome  other  teachers,  who  would  be  able  to  infuuft 
them  in  their  own  language ;  to  wiiich  propofal  they  conlent- 
ing,  he  actovdinglv  let  out  from  thence,  and  arrived  in  Bri- 
tain with  full  intention  to  ictuvn  to  them  with  fome  of  his 
countrymen,  in  order  to  te;ich  thefe  Indians  Cluillianity. 
But  I  was  ac(]u;tinti;a  that,  not  long  after  his  arrival,  he  was 
taken  lick  and  died,  which  put  an  end  to  his  fchemes." 

SitttoH  farther  laid,  that  he  oblerved  iome  culloms  among 
the  Dcliiwarc  Indians  relembling  thofe  of  the  Jews;  and 
that  from  fome  of  their  aged  men  he  had  the  following 
tradition  : — That  of  old  time  their  people  were  divided  by  a 
river,  nine  p:irts  of  ten  palling  over  the  .ivcr,  and  one  part 
tarrying  behind  ;  that  thev  knew  not,  certainly,  how  they 
firft  came  to  thiii  continent,  but  account  tl\us  for  Ihei'-  fettling 
where  they  now  are :  that  a  k'ng  of  their  nation,  when  they 
formerly  lived  far  to  the  weft,  left  his  kingdom  to  his  two 
Ions  ;  that  the  one  making  war  upon  the  other,  the  latter 
determined  to  fee k  anew  habitation,  and  accordingly  let  out 
with  a  number  of  his  })eople  ;  and  that,  after  wandering  to 
and  fro,  for  the  Ipace  of  forty  years,  they  came  to  Delaware 
Mver,  where  the/  fettled  Lilo  years  ago  ;  that  they  kept  an 
account  of  tliis  by  putting  a  bhick  bead,  every  year  iince,  on 
a  piece  of  wampum  kept  for  th;u  purpoie  *. 


•  Dr.  CoKim  Af.i.'i.T,  \nh\i  Mdffmlla  CbrLii  .Imrr'nar.-i,  p.  3,  q'lotc"!  an  author, 
whom  he  docs  not  nami',  who  says,  "  It  ut  may  cndit  any  re;-or(ls  bfsidfs  the 
Holy  .Scripture,  I  know  it  iriii>,hl  bo  said  and  provt"!  well,  that  this  new  world 
was  known,  ami  u/irtly  inliahncd  bv  Bnl.uns,  or  by  iitrDnt,  from  l-.n;^:am{,  three 
or  four  huriilr-'d  years  b^jfoie  the  Spjn^arJs  ^-owmi^  ihiilir  ;"  wiiieh  ascition, 
tlie  Doi'tor  adds,  ia  dcinon>trated  from  ll,(?  disciursfs  oetw.eii  the  MrMuant  and 
the  i'ptniiirJt  al  their  lirst  arrival,  a:id  ihr  Popish  rfli(|U,s,  a^  well  as  JJrili^^ 
words  and  trrii'.s,  which  the  Sttaniiinls  tl  vn  found  amouR  ih'"  Mttlcnns  ;  as  well 
as  from  undoubcd  paasagcs,  not  only  in  other  authors,  but  in  tlie  Brihtb  annals 

Dr.  Mather,  after  cbservinp  that  mankind  geiu-ially  agr-'c  to  give  ilic  honour 
of  discovorinpr  America  to  Columbus,  addx,  «♦  ,  vnd  yet  the  siory  ol  Coiumbut  liiui- 
uil  inuti  be  corie(:i£d  truni  ttiw  iutvrmvdvii  of  U*  k  F'S'^t  that  one  Smi-hx,  a 



ild  not 
ided  to 

(     25     ) 

[Taken  fiom  a  pamphlet,  entitled  "  The  Journal  of  a 
Two  Months'  "^four,  with  a  View  of  promoting  ReHgion, 
&c.  &c."     By  Charles  Beattv,  A.  M.  London.  1768.] 


THE  reader  has  now  'v^forc  him  all  the  information  I 
have  been  able  to  collcft  on  this  curious  and  difputcd  fubjcft; 
upon  which  1  beg  leave  to  offer  a  few  remarks.  It  is  diffi- 
cult to  fuppofe  that  hiftorians  and  poets  Ihould  have 
combined  to  impofe  on  the  world  by  a  fabricated  fiory  of 
Madoc's  emigration.  It  is  admitted  that  tlie  art  of  naviga- 
tion was  very  imperfeflly  undcrftood  in  the  twelfth  century  ; 
yet  furely  it  is  polfible  that  the  voyages  here  related,  might 
be  performed  '.     The  idea  of  a  wellcrn  hcmifphere  might 


n.ilivr  of  flt'tii,  in  Sf),mt,  did  boforc  liim  find  out  these  reginns.  He  tells  us,  that 
£iinchz,  usinp  to  trade  in  a  small  vossel  to  tin'  Cmaries,  was  driven  by  a  furiou« 
and  tedioub  tempest  over  unto  these  western  rounirii^  ;  and  at  his  return  lie  gave 
to  Calen,  or  Coivmhus,  an  account  of  what  lie  had  seen,  but  soon  after  died  ol  a 
disease  he  had  got  on  Ins  dangerous  voyai^e."  He  further  add.s,  "Indeed  the  twa 
( tb.Hr,  father  and  soti,  under  the  coiiniiission  of  our  King  Uer.ry  VH.  entering 
upon  iheir  ))Cllerou^  undertakings  in  the  year  1497,  made  further  discoverie* 
ol  Aineriea  ttian  either  tV/wmiur  or /'irf/iHrtuj.  Yea,  since  the  ('aii;/x  tnjde  a  Jii- 
rovery  of  tliis  CoNTlNi  VT  m  1497,  and  it  was  l4yS  before  Co/umAw  discov.  retl 
any  part  of  the  ("ontiiient,  I  know  not  why  the  ftpan'uri  should  go  uniivalied  in 
the  claim  of  this  tiew  work!." 

•  Since  the  above  went  to  the  press,  the  following  communicaiion  has  been 
received  from  a  fiiend. 

"  It  is  much  more  iniprnbable,  that'therc  should  be  no  foiiiidaliosi  for  all  the 
reports  that  have  been  made  of  Mad.'c's  voyijjes,  and  tiie  existence  of  Welcti 
Indians  in  North  America,  than  that  an  expedition  should  have  been  uiiderta- 
Ken  ill  Ilie  12th  centurv,  siinilarto  those  which  were  lepeatedlv  pcrloriiud  in  'ht? 
15th.  'I'he  niariner's  compass  was  probiM)  known  at  the  furuiir  period  ;  fur 
it  ih  described  by  a  French  poet,  who  wrotv  ciriy  in  tue  1  jili  century  :  but  the 
applicalicin  of  astr(  nomy,  which  had  been  customary  Iron)  leniole  antiquity, 
mi^ht  have  sulliccd  for  a  voyage  to  America  witii  persons  who  had  cour.i);? 
enouj;h  Ibi  the  enterprise.  Brhaiti  was  at  that  time  celebrated  for  its  marine; 
and,  indeed,  bad  b  en  so  600  years  before.  In  the  lleet  which  Kichard  I. 
equipped,  in  the  yiar  1190,  wire  more  than  160  thiee-masted  ships.  Hcnctf 
the  expressions  of  Matthew,  of  sS'cstminsii  r,  who  wrote  in  the  1  4tli  contiir., 
need  not  be  considered  as  very  hyperbidical  :  "  O  l'.n|j|and !  lliou  wast  lately 
n|ual  to  the  ancient  Cl'.aldcjns  in  power,  piosperitv,  and  filory.  Tlie  ships  of 
'I  .irshisli  could  not  be  compared  uitli  thy  ships,  which  brought  thee  spiies,  .Mid 
every  precious  lhiii(f»  from  the  four  corners  ol  the  world."  There  were  many 
ten-ports  tdvbritted  furcumnieive,  and  none  more  «9  than  Unstolj  at  the  p«riu<i 


(      2.i      ) 

have  occurred  to  Madoc  as  wr!l  :is  to  Columbus  ;  and;  by 
tlie  aid  of  Inch  knowledge  as  mariners  could  then  attain,  he 
might  be  enabled  to  maintain  a  wcftcrly  courfc,  provided  he 
had  fufficicnt  courage  to  pcrievcre  in  it. 

'I'hc  numerous  tcrtimonics  ot"  rei'peftable  perfons,  totally 
tmconnef^ed  with  each  othej-,  ;inci  who  have  actually  cun- 
vcrfed  with  the  Welch  Indians,  can  Icarcely  be  uuertioncd  ; 
for  they  could  have  no  poffiblc  interell  in  the  invention  and 
propagation  of  a  falfchood. 

It  is,  indeed,  fomcwhat  remarkable  that  more  pains  have 
not  been  taken,  bv  the  inhabitants  of  the  new  or  old  world, 
to  invelligatc  a  fubjeft  of  fo  much  curiofity  and  imporlance. 
The  complete  dil'covery  of  this  nation  may  prove  highly  in- 
tcrefting.  A  new  and  extenlivc  fource  vf  commerce  may 
po'hbly  be  opcMied  by  a  friend'v  intcrcourfe  with  them  ;  and. 
what  is  infinitely  nrore  important,  we,  as  Chriilians,  may 
become  the  happy  inllrumcnls  ofconvcving  to  them  the  in- 
eftimablc  blefTmgs  of  the  Gofpel  of  Chrill. 

Unaccountable  and  criminal  fupincncfs,  in  this  rcfpeft,  li 
chargeable  upon  almoft  all  Chriftian  countries.  "I'he  great 
command  of  our  Saviour  has  been  already  forgotten — "Go 
yc  into  all  the  world,  and  preach  the  Clofpel  to  every  crea- 
ture." Commendable  diligence  has  been  exerted  in  making 
geographical  difcoveries  ;  and  tlie  mercantile  world  has  not 
tailed  to  extend  its  commeicial  efforts  to  the  ends  of  the: 
earth  ;  but  our  infidelity  has  led  us  to  undervalue  the  glorious 
Gofpel  at  home,  and  to  be  carelefs  about  its  univerfal  fpread. 
This  conduft,  however,  is  inexcufable,  if,  according  to  the 

of  Madoc's  voy.ige  ;  previous  to  wliicli  (he  Flemings  had  been  settled  liy  Hen- 
ty  I.  in  I'embroJvL'sliire.  It  Is  probable  that,  from  either  of  these  places,  Madoc 
might  obtain  siifricieiit  assistance  for  the  equipment  of  iiis  vcistis,  if  he  needed 
it.  For  tliciie  and  many  otiier  instances  of  the  early  maritime  power  of  Britain, 
liie  reader  may  refer  to  Hackluyt's  Voyages,  and  I)r,  Henry's  History. 

"That  modern  writers  have  concvirred  to  disrreiHt  the  whole  account  ^^  ill  not 
appear  surprisiiif?,  nor  of  much  consecjuencc,  whc))  it  is  considered  that  ihoaj;e 
in  '.vliich  we  live  is  remarkably  prone  to  disregard  the  evidence  of  fatjis,  to 
which  any  natural  imprubabilily  is  attributed.  It  is  often  the  case  that  cavils 
arise  from  the  ignorance  of  those  who  make  them  ;  and  one  of  the  objeclions 
that  has  been  raised  against  the  proofs  of  Madoc's  expedition  ali'ords  a  striking 
instance  ofthistiuth.  Amoi>gst  several  Welch  words  ih  it  are  said  to  be  Ui^ed 
by  Amerioin  Indians,  is  the  name  given  to  a  well-known  sca-f'ow',  the  Penguin, 
l^hich,  in  the  Britisli  lansjuage,  signifies  u-hiit  l;e,id.  To  oppose  this  argu'iient, 
it  has  been  confidently  asserted  that  the  Penguin  is  not  an  iidiabitaiit  of  the 
northern  hemisphere  ;  although  it  is,  in  fact,  the  most  coitinon  bird  upon  the 
coasts  of  North  America.  There  is  more  scirihlance  of  force  in  the  objection, 
that  the  Peii^^uin's  head  is  not  white,  but  bla.-k.  Yet  as  the  rest  of  the  bird, 
when  it  swims,  appears  of  the  latter  colour,  and  it  has  a  white  patch  about  th« 
«ye,  it  might  be  so  called  on  that  account  :  and  this  derivation  is  at  least  mor« 
kkeljr  than  that  whivh  is  substituted  by  the  obje^tur),'' 

~    opinion 

(      27      ) 

opiiiion  of  the  late  celebrated  Dr.  Johnfon,  *'  to  oinit  for  a 
year,  or  for  a  day,  the  moft  clFu-acious  methods  of  ad- 
vancing Chriftianity  is  a  crime  of  the  greateft  magnitude  ■■■.'* 
J'lic  recent  formation  of  fcveral  focieties  in  England,  Scot- 
land, and  America,  for  the  purpole  of  fending  Millionarics 
among  llic  Heathen,  mufl  afford  finccre  pleaiure  to  tlie  gc- 
jiuinc  dilciplcs  of  Chrill  ;  and  I  cannot  hut  think  that  the 
W'clcli  Indians  have  the  ftrongefl:  claim  imaoinable  to  the 
regard  of  thofe  Societies,  i  indulge  a  hope,  that  the  exill- 
cnce  of  ilich  u  people  will  be  ellablilhed  bcyor.d  a  doubl, 
an»l  that  fome  effectual  means  will  be  devifed  to  fend  Welch 
pieachers  among  them. 

I  have  been  credibly  informed,  that,  in  the  year  17n;5,  a 
Mr.  John  Evans,  a  native  of  Wales,  who  had  relided  lomc 
years  in  London,  was  {Irongiv  inclined  to  recognize  his 
IJritilh  brethren  on  the  Milfouri ;  and  aec(jrdingly  went  to 
America.  1  know  it  to  be  a  fact,  that,  ha\ing  obtained 
proper  letters  of  recommendation,  he  left  the  houfe  of  J)r. 
Jones,  near  Philadelphia,  early  in  the  Ipriiig  of  that  year, 
and  let  out  upon  his  long  journey,  through  Kentucky,  to  the 
Milliflipi.  Eor  a  long  fcalon  nothing  was  lieard  of  him,  and 
his  friends  began  to  fear  that  he  had  periOied.     But  I  have 

a  letter  fnnu  the  Rev.  Mr.  1) ,   of  Somerfetlliire,  who 

received  information  from  his  fon  in  America,  that  Mr. 
Jvvans  had  returned  in  I'afety,  having  fully  accomplifhed  the 
ob)e£t  of  his  iournev.     'I  he  following  is  an  extract : 

"  He  ftates,  that  a  young  Welchman  is  returned  from  a 
long  journey  which  he  had  undertaken,  with  a  view  to  dif- 
covcr  whether  luch  a  people  exillcd  as  the  Welch  Indiajis. 
lie  faith,  this  perfon  has  dilcovered  fuch  a  tribe,  inhabiting 
the  country  wert  of  tlie  mouth  of  the  Milfouri  about  700 
miles ;  that  they  treated  hiu^  with  friendlhip  and  holpitality, 
ami  adopted  him  as  their  ion.  Their  language  is  the  old 
IJriiilh,  and  he  particularly  noticed  the  conunon  words  io  be 
the  fame  as  are  now  in  ufe  in  Wales  to  defcribe  the  fame 
ohjccls  ;  i'uch  as  houfes,  light,  windows,  water,  bread,  &c. 
^('.  The  hirtory  thefe  Indians  give  of  thcmfelvcs  is  this: 
'I'liat  their  anceilors  came  from  a  far  countrv.  and  landed  at 
ihe  mouth  of  the  MiffilTipi  from  thirteen  lliips,  about  the 
year  ut'C'hriil  1018  ;  there  tliey  built  a  town  ;  but  lincc  that 
jeriod,  their  delccndants  have  been  falling  back  to  their 
j.ieleut  refidence.'' 

*  ,9ee  a  Lrtter  on  (his  tubi«(.^  hi  Bgswcll's  Life  ufDr.  Johnson,  vol,  i.  p.  2S6. 



(      28      ) 

It  is  more  than  a  year  flncc  I  received  this  intelligence. 
I  have  made  the  moft  diligent  inquiries  concerning  Mr. 
Evans,  but  have  received  no  further  information  ;  but  hope 
Ifoondiall,  in  anfwer  to  Icveral  letters  fent  to  America. 
Should  no  certain  information  be  received  of,  or  by,  Mr. 
Evans,  I  trull  that  the  very  ftrong  probability  of  the  cxift- 
cnce  of  fuch  a  people,  as  evinced  bv  the  preceding  papers, 
will  induce  the  Miflionary  Society,  or  fomc  other  body  ot 
Chriitians  in  England,  or  America,  to  lend  a  fufficient  num- 
ber of  perfons,  properly  informed  and  provided,  fully  to  in- 
vcftigate  a  matter  lb  replete  with  curiolity  and  importance. 


(     29     ) 


T  S  C  R  I 


SINCE  the  foregoing  pages  were  font  to  the  prcfs,  I  have 
procured  Dr.  Williams's  p- -iphlct,  entilicd,  An  In- 
quiry into  the  Truth  of  the  Traut^ian,  concerning  the  Difco- 
•uery  of  America,  by  Prince  Aladog  ab  Owen  Givynedd,  and 
which  I  had  long  fouf;!it  for  in  vain,  not  knowing  its  proper 
title.  To  this  trad,  and  another  he  has  fuioe  publifhed  '', 
I  gladly  refer  the  reader  who  wilhcs  fur  further  information 
concerning  the  Welch  Indians.  'I'he  Dodtor  appears  to  be 
a  pcrfeft  mafter  of  the  fubjeft,  and  has  beftovvcd  much 
learned  labour  upon  it.  Moll  of  the  circuniftani,:cs  here  re- 
lated are  contained  in  his  pamphlets  ;  the  ancient  hiitovians 
and  bards,  who  fufl;  recorded  the  exploits  of  iMadog,  are 
cited,  and  their  charaders  defended.  The  author  alio 
largely  aniwers  the  objedions  of  Dr.  Kobertlon,  Lord  Lvt- 
tleton,  and  others,  againft  their  authority.  Iroiii  thefe  pub- 
lications I  fhall  take  the  liberty  of  making  the  foliovvini-, 
extracts,  tending  to  enlarge  and  confirm  the  teilimoniei.  al'- 
ready  adduced. 

No.  XI. 

The    Firfi    Difcovcry  of  the    Welch    Indians,    by  the   Rev. 
Morgan  Jona,  in  the  rear  loGO. 

'•  TMF.vSK  prefents  may  certify  all  perfons  whatever,  tliat 
in  the  year  KitiO,  being  an  inhabitant  of  \'irg;nia,  and 
C:hapUiin  to_ Major  General  Hrnnet,  of  Maafonian  Countv, 
the  laid  Major  Hcnnct  and  Sir  AViiliam  Be'keiev  lent  iwo 
Ihips  to  Port  Royal,  now  called  South  Carolina,  which  is 
(ixty  leagues  to  the  louthward  of  Ca[.etair,  and    I   was  fent 

Entit'cl,    Farther  C^jerrMicnsm  the  Discoiiry  if  ..'mfriciiby  tie  I'.uri'b  an.r.      1792. 

SoM  bv  VViiite  and  boiis   flca-tucct ,  and  J.  Joliiistn,  fct.  i'aiil'a  Cliur,  ii- 
yard,  l.omlon. 

K  therewith 


(     50     ) 

therewith  to  he  their  miniftcr.  Upon  the  8th  of  April  \vc 
fet  out  from  Virginia,  and  arrived  at  the  harbour  s  ra  ;U'h  of 
Port  Royal  the  IDlh  of  the  fame  month,  v.  here  we  waited 
for  the  refl  of  the  fleet  that  was  to  fail  from  i'aib^oocs  and 
Bermuda,  with  one  Mr.  VVeit,  v/ho  was  to  1a  Deputy  Go- 
vernor of  the  fald  place.  As  foon  .is  the  f.c^ei,  m,  tho 
fmalleft  \  elfeis  that  were  with  us  lailed  \!p  the  river  to  u  place 
called  the  Oyfter  Point.  There  I  conti'.uied  about  eight 
months,  ail  which  time  being  ahnoll:  llarved  for  want  of 
provifions  ;  I  and  iivc  more  travelled  through  the  wildcrncfs 
till  we  came  to  the  Tufeorara  coi.ntrv.  There  the  Tiifco- 
rara  Indians  took  us  prifoncrs,  bccauie  we  told  tlicm  that 
we  were  bound  to  Roanock.  That  niglit  the/  carried  us  to 
their  town,  and  fhut  us  up  clofc.  to  our  no  Imall  dread. 
The  next  ckivthey  entered  inlo  a  conlultation  abou*^  us,  which, 
after  it  v.-p.s  over,  their  interpreter  told  us  that  we  muft  pre- 
pare ourii-lves  to  die  the  next  morning.  Thereupon  being 
very  much  dejefled,  and  fpeaking  to  thiseffccl:  in  ilie  Bn\M(h 
tongue,  "  Have  I  elcaped  fo  many  dangers,  and  mult  1  now 
be  knocked  on  the  like  a  dog  !"  than  prcft'iitly  an  In- 
dian came  to  me,  which  afterwards  appeared  to  be  a  war 
captain  belonging  to  the  Sachem  of  the  Doegs  (whofe  ori- 
ginal, I  find,  muif-  needs  be  from  the  old  Britons),  and  took 
me  up  by  tlie  middle,  and  told  me,  in  the  Rriiifli  tongue, 
"  I  Ihouid  not  die  ;"  and  thereupon  went  to  the  Kmperor  of 
'J'ufeorara,  and  agreed  for  my  ranfom  and  the  men  that  were 
witii  me.  'I  hey  then  welcomed  us  to  their  town,  and  enter- 
tained us  vevv  civilly  and  coidialiy  lour  months  ;  during  winch 
time  1  had  tlie  opportunity  of  convcrhng  with  them  f.mii- 
liarly  in  the  Eritilti  language,  and  did  preach  (o  them  three 
times  a-wcek  in  the  fame  language  ;  and  they  would  ( onfer 
with  me  about  any  thing  that  was  dillieult  therein:  and,  at 
our  departure,  they  abiindantlv  Aipplied  us  with  whatever 
was  neceffary  to  our  hipport  and  well-doing.  'J  hey  are  fei- 
ded  upon  Pontigo  *  river,  not  far  from  Cape  Atros.  This 
is  a  brief  recital  of  my  travels  among  the  Doeg  Indians. 


"  Son  of  John  Jones,  of  Bafaleg,  near 
Newport,  in  the  county  of  Mon- 

*  I'cntign  mw  bodfiivpd  from  llie  Wolrli  P, n/ 5  jfc,  Tlie  Smith's  Bridff-;  or 
Pani y  qo,  The  biuitli's  V  alley.  Dotg  Indians  isf  robably  a  corriiptioiiof  il/auV^'f 

«f  I  am 

(     31     ) 

<*  I  am  ready  to  conduft  any  Welchman,  or  others  to 
the  countrv. 

"  New  York,  March  10,    16S5-6*." 

It  can  fcarcely  be  doubted  that  Mr.  Jones  was  the  clergy- 
man of  whom  Mr.  Ikatty  liad  heard  Ibme  unperfedt  account, 
and  which  vvc  have  related  page  23. 

No.  xir. 

The  TeJl'nnoyi;j  of  Captain  Tfaac  Steuiart. 

CAPTAIN  STEWART  gave  the  following  account,' 
March  r(H2,  and  which  was  publliln^d  in  the  Public  Adver- 
tiler,  Odl.  S,  1785.  He  was  taken  prifoner  in  the  year 
n<' i,  by  the  Indians,  about  50  miles  well:  of  Fort  i*itt,  and 
fortunately  delivered  from  the  cruelties  luffered  by  his  com- 
panions. Picing  redeemed  from  his  Captivi*--,  which  conti- 
nued two  years,  he  accompanied  a  VV'ciJiraan  atid  a  Spa- 
niard to  the  welhvard,  crolfing  ihe  Millilhpi  near  Rouge,  or 
Red  River,  up  "  hich  they  travelled  700  miles,  when  Jiey 
found  a  nalioi  ,  i'  Indians  remarkably  while,  'f'he  \V'elch- 
man  was  dcL,  imined  to  remain  with  thcni,  becaufe  he  un- 
dcrftood  their  language,  which  differed  but  little  from  his 
own.  The  chief  men  of  the  town  laid,  taat  their  ancollors 
came  from  a  foreign  country,  and  landed  on  the  eaft  lide 
of  the  MilhlTipi,  dclcribing  particuhuiy  the  countrv  now 
called  Florida  ;  and  that,  on  the  Spaniards  tnking  poiiellion 
of  Mexico,  they  tied  to  their  then  abode.  And  as  a  proof 
of  the  truth  of  what  they  advanced,  he  (the 
brought  forth  rolls  of  parchment,  which  were  carefuUv  tied 
up  in  otters'  ikins,  on  which  were  large  chara6^ers  *vritten 
with  blue  ink.  Captain  Stewart  could  not  underlland  theib 
charaftcrs,  nor  could  the  \Velchman,  as  he  could  not  read 

«'  I  am 

*  This  letter  was  sent,  or  given,  to  Dr.  Lloyd,  of  Teunsylvniiia,  hy  whnin  it 
vas  ininsniitteil  to  CMvirk's  Llwyil,  Esi].  of  Dul  y  f'r.iu,  in  M.jr  i^omery.l'ire  ; 
and  afterwards  to  Dr.  Pioit,  of  tlic  Ashmoleai;  Museum  in  (ixvid  ;  and  in- 
serted ill  tlif  Cjentlcman's  Mag.n^ino,  1740,  by  tlic  Ktv.  'f  liiophilita  Evans,  wiio 
observes,  that  several  British  words  used  by  the  Mexicans,  when  their  country 
was  discovered  by  the  Spaniards,  tend  to  confirm  the  Iniih  of  Madoir's  voyajre  : 
for  instance,  Fingvyn,  While-head,  the  name  n'H  i  nly  ef  a  hire,  but  of  a  higli 
and  bare  rock;  (.iroeio,  Welcunic ;  Gxvtihihi.r,  While  or  hnipid  v.a'pf;  ff,jra, 
15  re  id;  To,!,  Futlur;  Mam,  Mother;  B:iJj,  a  Cow;  Cig-Jar,  a  Partridge, 
&c.  &c. 

E  2  even 

(     32     ) 

tycn  his  own  language  *.  The  people  appeared  to  be  bold , 
hardy,  and  intrepid,  very  warlike,  and  the  women  beautiful 
when  compared  with  other  Indians.  .         • 

No.  XIII. 

*''  TeJl'tDionies  of  various  Traders^  isfc. 

MR.  RICHARD  BURNELL,  a  gentleman  who  went  to 
America  in  Ho:},  and  has  (incc  returned,  informed  Mr. 
Williams,  that  during  his  refidencc  at  Philadelphia,  he  be- 
came acquainted  with  many  ancient  Britons,  who  aflured 
him  that  the  \Velch  Indians  were  well  known  to  many  in 
that  city  ;  and  that  a  Mr.  Willin,  who  obtained  the  grant  of 
a  large  traft  on  the  MilTilTipi,  took  with  him,  among  nii-ny 
other  fctdcrs,  two  Welchmen,  who  perfeftly  underllood  the 
language  of  the  Indians,  and  convcrfed  with  them  for  hours 
together,  'riiefe  Welchmen  aflured  Mr.  Willin  that  the 
Indians  fpokc  W^elch  ;  that  fome  of  them  were  fettled  in 
thofe  parts  (in  the  diftrifl:  of  the  Natches),  others  on  the 
the  wcft-fidc  of  the  Miffilfipi,  and  fome  in  very  remote 

Mr.  "WlLi.TAMs  had  an  interview  with  Sir  John  Cald- 
well, Barr.  who,  dining  the  laft  war,  was  Rationed  on  the 
eaft-lide  of  the  Mifiilhpi,  who  laid  there  were  fome  Welch- 
men  in  his  cumpany,  who  undcrftood  the  language  of  the 
Indians  (the  Panis,  or  Pawnees),  which  was  >Velch ;  and 
that  they  are  a  people  conliderahly  civilized,  living  in  hcufes, 
cultivating  the  ground,  and  brought  up  in  habits  of  induflry, 
which  other  Indians  are  llrangers  to. 

Mr.  Rimingtok,  an  Knglifhman,  who  had  been  among 
t!ic  Indians,  informed  Mr.  Williams,  that  being  at  an  Indian 
mart  at  tlie  forks  of  the  Ohio,  fome  llrange  Iniiians  came  there 
from  the  wcfl  of  the  MiiiiiTipi,  who  were  not  underftood  by 
the  Shawanefc   Indians  ;  but  one  Jack  Hughes,  a  Welch- 

•  It  is  pos?iI)!c  'hat  the  .MSS.  FJiblc  (if  such  it  was)  might  be  written  in 
Crtt':  chara<'"fC'r.-,  abbelny  thou;,'ht  more  sacred,  whicli  accounts  for  theC.iptain 
iiij:  bung  able  to  leac!  tlieiii  ;  but  the  Clerg_vman,  befori;  alluded  to,  ii  said  to 
li;!>'e  ttcunmicudcd  liiuiicif  to  the  Indians  byrcadiiig  them,  which  is  very  pro- 



(     33     ) 

man,  who  was  with  Mr.  Rimington,  underftood  them  well, 
and  was  tlieir  interpreter  while  they  llaid.  He  immedi- 
ately recognized  them  as  the  Welch  Indians. 

Mr.  Gir.soN,  a  trader,  told  Mr.  Kennedy,  a  gentleman 
now  in  London,  that  he  had  been  among  Indians  who  fpoke 
W'cicli  ;  and  that  he  had  eonverfed,  at  different  times,  with 
very  many  others,  who  afTured  liim  that  tliere  is  I'ueh  a  peo- 
ple. 'I'he  cultivation  of  their  e(juntry,  and  the  eiviiization 
of  the  people,  is  a  niatter  of  aftoniihment  to  the  traders  in 

Dr.  Wii.mams  alfo  relates  the  particulars  of  a  convcr- 
fation  between  Mr.  Owen  and  General  Bowles,  a  Cherokee 
Chief,  who  was  in  London  a  few  years  ago.  The  General 
liad  travelled  all  along  the  ioulhcrn  boundary  of  thecountnr 
inhabited  by  the  Welch  Indians,  and  abundantly  confirmed 
tlie  accounts  we  have  already  given  of  tlurn.  This  is  the 
convcrfation  referred  to  in  pages  8  and  9  of  this  ])amphlet. 

I  Ihall  only  add,  from  Dr.  Williams's  intcrctling  publica- 
tions, fome  oblcrvations  he  makes,  in  anivver  to  ih.c  fup- 
pofed  impratSVicability  of  Madoe's  voyage  at  lo  early  a  pe- 
riod as  the  year  I  nu. 

Ileobfervcs,  that  the  maritime  force  of  the  Britons  was 
very  coniidrrabic  in  the  days  of  jul'us  (Ja:far,  and  that  tlic 
realbn  (jf  his  invading  this  ifland  was,  bccaufe  the  Britoiia 
alliflcd  tlie  Gauls  by  land  and  lea  ;  that  their  naval  powv.r 
iiiiifl  have  been  very  relpedable,  when  "  Vincula  dare 
Oecano,"  and  "  Briiannos  fubjugarc,"  were  convertible 
terms.  Me  alfo  obft  rves,  it  is  admitted  that  "  the  Phoeni- 
cians and  others  i'ailcd  to  Britain,  and  other  countries,  for 
tin  «nd  lead,  and  to  the  Baltic  fea  for  amber  ;  voyages 
which  feem  as  dithcult  as  that  of  Madog's,  and  a  longer  na- 
vigation. It  was  hardly  poffiblc  for  the  Britons  not  to  learn 
how  to  navigate  fliips,  when  they  faw  it  was  done  by  others  *."■ 
Me  admits  that,  probably,  chance  firft  threw  Prince  Madog 
on  the  American  eo.iO: ;  and  fuppofes,  that  on  his  return  to 
AV'alcs  (for  he  made  two  voyages)  he  might  fall  into  the 
current;  which,  it  is  laid,  runs  from  the  Weft  India  Iflands 
northward  to  Cape  Sable  in  Nova  Scotia,  where,  interrupted 
b  ■{  the  laiid,  it  runs  eaitward  towards  Britain. 

In  t!ie  nin;li  ccnlary,  AlfieJ  the  Great  liad  a  very  formidable  fleet. 



(31.     )  • 

But  I  refer  again  to  the  Doftor's  pamphlets,  in  which  the 
reader  will  find  a  lunJ  of  entertainment,  and,  if  I  mitlake 
not,  verv  fatista£lory  proof  of  the  voyages  of  Prince  Madog, 
and  the  prefcnt  exiitence  of  the  W'cirh  Indians  in  America. 
I  cannot  hut  unite  with  him  in  wilhiiig  that  a  fubfcription 
were  opened,  for  the  purpofe  of  fending  proper  perfoi.s  to 
afeertain  the  fn't,  beyond  the  pcfhbiiity  of  doubt  ;  hoping 
that  the  difcoveiy  would  lead  to  the  moft  important  and 
falutury  ends. 

,_    '■  ,  .  ylpiU  10,    1797. 

THE  reader  will  rccollet^,  thai  a  Mr.  Evans  fet  out  in 
the  year  17P3,  determined,  if  poffible,  to  find  out  his 
Cambri-Ameriran  brethren.  I  am  happv  to  be  able,  in 
tonfequence  of  a  letter  1  received  yefterday  from  the  Rev. 
Mr.  'J  homas,  of  Eeominflcr,  to  give  the  public  fome  fur- 
ther account  of  him,  and  of  his  journey  ;  fiom  which  it 
will  appear,  that  Mr.  D.  was  miJintbrmcd  when  he  wrote 
to  England  (as  mentioned  page  14),  "that  John  Evans  had 
fully  accomplilhcd  the  objeA  of  his  journey :"  it  may  be 
iiopccf,  howevci-,  that  he  is  in  a  fair  way  of  lb  doing. 

Mr.  Thomas  informs  me,  that  John  Evans  was  born  near 
Carnarvon  ;  that  he  is  the  fon  of  a  Welch  preacher,  in  con 
nexion  with  the  Mcthodifts  ;  and  that  he  is  a  young  man  of 
very  good  character,  prudent,  good-natured,  and  much  in- 
clined to  travel.  Mr.  Morgan  '\.ees,  an  intelligent  perfon, 
who  went  to  America  in  the  year  1794,  has  written  to  his 
friend  at  Hala,  in  Merionethlhire,  giving  the  following  ac- 
count of  this  adventurous  traveller. 

"  John  Evans,  is,  at  laft,  gone  up  the  river  MifTouri,  in 
quell:  of  the  Welch  Indians.  He  was  taken  by  the  Spaniards, 
una  impriloned  at  St.  Louis,  on  the  MilhlTipi.  By  the  in- 
lercelhon  of  a  Welclunan,  living  at  that  place,  he  was  li- 
berated. About  that  time.  Judge  Turner  came  into  the 
province  of  Cahokia  and  Kafkalkia,  on  the  MiifiiTipi,  ex- 
ecuting his  office  in  the  country  N.  \V .  of  the  Ohio.  The 
Spanii'h  Ccernor  paid  him  a  vifit,  and  in  converfation  men- 
tiuned  a  John  I'A'anr>,  who  thought  to  go  up  the  Miflbuii  ; 
but  added,  that  he  had  detained  him  till  Le  could  get  further 
account  of  hiux  and  his  defign.     Judge  'lurxaer,  it  feems, 


{     35     )      ■ 

iiad  prcviuufly  hcHvd  fomcthing  of  Jolin  Evans,  and  rcquefl- 
cd  the;  Govcvnov  to  permit  liim  to  proceed  on  his  journcv  ; 
obl'ervinf;,  that  if  he  could  not  lind  out  the  people  in  view, 
yet  his  joui;i/:v  might  prove  a  common  bcnciit  to  the  woild. 
in  confequcnce  of  this  requtft,  the  Ciovcrnor  not  only  pro- 
niifed  Mr.  Evans  pcmilfion  to  proceed,  but  to  give  him  a, 
letter  of  reeommendati(jn,  written  in  Spaniih,  French,  and 
Knglifli,  to  be  prefcnted  as  occalion  might  require  ;  toge- 
ther with  fume  articles  that  would  be  acceptable  to  the 
Iiidians  uc  might  meet  ^ilh  on  his  way.  Judge  Turner  was 
alfu  fo  obliging  as  to  give  him  every  needful  inftru6tit)n  how 
to  conuu(-t  himt'clf  among  the  Indians,  with  dircdlion  to 
keep  a  journal,  &c.  So  tiiat  now  he  is  more  likely  than 
ever  to  fuccced.  Before  he  returns  he  is  to  follow  the  Mif- 
fouri  up  to  the  very  fpring-head  ;  to  viht  the  Volcano  ;  and 
to  bring  proof,  if  lie  can,  that  he  has  touc'ied  upon  the 
Pacific  Ocean.  He  is  then  to  receive  uooo  dollars  of  thij 
Spaniih  Government. — Thus  the  W'elchman,  ihould  he  live 
to  return,  whether  he  fucceed  or  not  in  difcovering  the 
Welch  Indians,  will  obtain  a  comfortable  fupport  for  his 
life,  and  his  diary  may  probably  be  worth  a  very  confiderable 
ium.^'      . 

Tiie  Editor  onlv  adds,  that  he  will  thankfully  receive 
any  communications  on  this^t  from  AV'ales,  America, 
or  any  other  part  of  the  world  ;  and  intends  to  communi- 
cate to  the  public  the  iiitcrefting  intelligence  he  may  be 
favoured  with,  lie  alfo  holds  himfelf  in  readinefs  to  alFift, 
as  far  as  he  mav  be  able,  in  furthering  any  attempt  for  the 
4ilcovering,  civilizing,  or  Chriftianizing  the  Welch  Indians. 



r    ' 

JuJ! piihlijlied,  by  T.  Chapman,  Flcet-Jlreety 




July  28,   1796, 

On  occafion  of  the  Deilgnation  of  the  First  Missionariet. 

to  the  Iflands  of  the  South-Sea. 
The  Sermon  by  Henry  Hunter,   D.  D.  Minhler  of  the 

Scots  Church,  London  Wall  ; 

The  Charge  by  Edward  Williams,  D,  D.  Minifter  at 

Rothcrham,  Yorklhire. 

To  whicli  is  prciixeJ, 


Of  the  Order  of  the  Solemnity  of  that  Day. 

Price  One  Sruliivr. 


preached  in  London  at  the  Formation  of  the 

September  22,  2  >,  24,    1795, 

By  the  Rev.  Dr.  Haweis,  Aldwinckle, 
Rev.  George  Burder,  Coventry, 
Rev.  Samuel  Gre:i'.'u:ed,   NVoburn, 
Kcv.  John  Hey,  Driltol, 
Rev.  Rowland  Hill,  ^L  A.  Surry  Cliapel, 
Rev.  David  Boguc;  Cofport. 

To  wiilch  are  preiixed.  Memorials  refpedling  the  Eftabliflt- 

nu/nt  and  lirll  yVttempts  of  that  Soeiety. 

Price  Two  ShUlni^^  ar.d  i'ixpcMcc. 


Prcaclied  in  London  at  the  Second  General  Meeting  of  the 


May  II,  12,  13,  ]19b, 
Bv  the  Rev.  Mr.  Lambert,  Mull. 

Rev.  Mr.  IVntverols,  \VallIngford, 
Rev.  Mr.  Jay,  Bath,  and 
Rev.  Mr.  Jones,  Llangan. 

To  which  arc  preiixcd,  the  Rroceedings  of  the  Meeting,  and 
the  Report  of  the  Oiredtors, 

^Vit.h  a  i\iriralt  of  Captain  Wilson. 

Pr'u-r  TixQ  Shlil'ino^i  and  Sixpence. 



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