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Full text of "Political essay on the kingdom of New Spain [microform] : containing researches relative to the geography of Mexico, the extent of its surface and its political division into intendancies, the physical aspect of the country, the population, the state of agriculture and manufacturing and commercial industry, the canals projected between the South Sea and Atlantic Ocean, the crown revenues, the quantity of the precious metals which have flowed from Mexico into Europe and Asia, since the discovery of the new continent and the military defence of New Spain"

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Researches  relatire  to  the  Geo- 
graphy of  Mexico,  the  Extent 
of  its  Surface  and  its  political 
Division  into  Intendancies.the 
physical  Aspect  of  the  Coun- 
try, the  Population,  the  State 
of  Agricultiirc  and  Manufac- 
turing and  Commercial  In- 
<lustry,  the  Canals  projected 

between  the  South  Sea  and 
Atlantic  Ocean,  the  Crown 
Revenues,  theQoantity  of  the 
precious  Metals  which  have 
flowed  from  Mexico  into  Eu- 
rope and  Asia,  since  the  Dis- 
covery of  the  New  Continent, 
and  the  Military  Defence  of 
Now  Spain. 














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H.  Bryer,  Printer,  Bridgc-Strwt,  Blacktriars,  Loudon. 

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:      ii 



The  conclusion  of  Humboldt's  Political 
Essay  on    New  Spain    is    now  laid  before 
the  Public.     The  Translator   in  these  con- 
cluding volumes  hhs  continued  to  convert 
the  weights,  measures,    and  coins  of  the 
original,  into  those  used  in  England,  with 
all  the  accuracy  in  his  power;  but  he  bag 
cautiously  and  perhaps  prudently  abstained 
from  taking  notice  of  any  seemii.if  over- 
sight or  inconsistency  of  M.  de  Humboldt, 
occurring  to  him  in  the  course  of  tra..sla- 
t«on.     It  is  hardly  possible  for  a  Translator 
of  the  ,„ost  obtuse  intellect  not  oc-ca«ionally 
to  perceive  a  vulnerable  point  in  his  original ; 
and  what  the  present  Translator  perceived 
or  imagines  he  perceives,  he  is  at  no  time 



■  I 


very  willing  to  keep  locked  up  from  others; 
but  wht;ther  from  his  former  notes  being 
intrinsically  without  merit,  or  from  its  being 
expected  that  so  humble  a  being  as  a  Trans- 
lator, should   steer  at  as    great  a  distance 
as  possible  from  the  higher  parts  of  author- 
ship,   the   Translator    candidly    confesses 
that  the  reception  of  these  notes  so  far  as 
he  has  had  occasion  to  learn,  was  not  such 
as  to  induce  him  to  resumse  the  office  of 
Commentator.  .       ,.  . 

From  an  idea  that  the  weights  used  in  the 
original,  where  the  contrary  was  not  ex- 
pressly stated,  were  French,  the  Translator 
uniformly  considered  marcs  to  mean  marcs 
of  France ;  and  it  was  not  till  near  the  end 
of  the  third  volume,  he  discovered  that 
the  author  meant  marcs  of  Castille,  which 
are  to  the  French  as  541  to  576 :  the  con- 
versions of  marcs  therefore  as  far  as  page 
394  of  the  third  volume  are  all  in  a  slight 
degree  erroneous,  and  to  be  reduced  to 
accuracy  require  to  be  multiplied  by 

Ti  others; 
:es  being 
its  being 
a  Trans- 
f  author- 
so  far  as 
not  such 
office  of 


The  Translator  in  printing  a  hst  of  Errata 
has  no  doubt  that  it  might  be  -^  ily  in- 
creased by  an  attentive  and  in  '.jgent 
reader.  Those  who  know  the  difficulty  of 
carrying  a  work  through  the  press  with  a 
tolerable  degree  of  correctness  will  not 
perhaps  be  the  most  forward  to  accuse  him 
of  inaccuracy. 

2d  in  the 
not  ex- 
in  marcs 
the  end 
ed  that 
e,  which 
the  con- 
as  page 
a  slight 
uced  to 
ied    by 


'  ,    .'t' 



3    I 






Vol.  Ill,  page  131  line    1  for  alluvious  read  ttttwviat. 

122    IS  for  grammalite,  read  grctmmatke. 

15  for  gyenats,  read  garnets* 

134    13  for  clayei/,  read  clai/. 

145    —    5  2nd  column,  for  7500,  read  ISCl 

153    6  {or  viirouSyTe&A  vitreous. 

181    —    2d  note,  for  9842,  read  384)2. 
,  261    —    6  dele  That, 


it  i 



.1  ■; 



-=)'J><VI':        -fit 

.    <  f    ;  i  ' 

Plants  supplying  raiu  materials  for  manufactures  and  com- 
merce—Rearing of  cattle — Fisheries^Agricultural  pro- 
duce estimated  from  the  value  of  the  tithes. 

Although    the    Mexican    agriculture,    like 
the  agriculture  of  every  country  which  supplies 
the  wants  of  its  own  population,  is  principal- 
ly   direfted    towards    alimentary   plants,    New 
Spain  however  is  not  less   rich  in  those  com- 
modities exclusively  called  Colonial ;  that  is  to 
say  in  the  productions  which  supply  raw  ma- 
terials for  the  commerce  and  manufacturing  in- 
dustry of  Europe.     That  vast  kingdom  unites, 
m  this  point  of  view,  the  advantages  of  New 
England  with  those  of  the  West  India  Islands. 
It    is    beginning    in    a  particular    manner    to 
enter  into  competition  with  these  islands,  now 
that  the  civil  war  of   8t.  Domingo    and    the 
devastation  of  the  French  sugar  colonies  have 
yeiidered  the  cultivation  of  colonial  commodi- 
ties more  profitable  on  the  continent  of  Ame- 

VOL.   III.  n 

2  POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE        [book  iv. 

rica.     It  is  even    observable    that    in    Mexico 
this    species   of   cultivation  has  made    a  much 
more  considerable  progress  than  that  of  corn. 
In  these  climates,  the  same  extent  of  g'round, 
for  example  an  acre  of  -5368  square  metres*, 
yields  to  the  cultivator  from  80  to  100  francs 
in  wheat,  250  francs  in  cotton,  and  450  francs 
in  sugar f.     The  diflference  in  the  value  of  the 
produce  being  then  so  enormous,  we  ought  by 
no  means    to  wonder  that   the   Mexican  colo- 
nist gives  to  colonial  commodities  a  preference 
o\er  barley  and  wheat.     But  this  predilection 
will  never  disturb  the    equilibrium    which   has 
hitherto  existetl  between  the  different  branches 
of    agriculture,    because,    fortunately    a    great 
part  of  New   Spain,  situated  under  a  climate 
niore    cold    than   temperate,    is  unfit    for    the 
production  of  sugar,  coffee,  cocoa,  iudigo  and 

The  cultivation  of  the  sugar  cane  has  made 
such  rapid  progress  within  these  last  yeaiis, 
thiio  the  exportation  of  sugar  at  the  port  of 
Vera    Ciiiz    actually    amounts    to   more    than 

*  57780  square  feet.      Trans. 

f  This  estimate  is  looked  upon  as  the  most  exact  by  the 
colonists  of  Louisiana  near  New  Orleans,  They  calculate 
on  20  bushels  of  wheat,  250  pounds  of  cotton,  and  1000 
pounds  of  sugar  per  acre.  This  is  the  mean  produce ;  but 
it  may  be  easily  conceived  that  these  result*  must  be 
modified  by  a  number  of  local  circumstances. 

CHAP.  X.]        KINGDOM  OF  NE,W  SPAIN. 



half  a  million  of  arrobas,  or  6,250,000  kilo- 
gramines*,  whicli  at  three  piastres  the  arroba, 
i.s  equal  to  seven  millions  and  a  half  of  francsf . 
We  have  already  observed  that  the  ancient 
Mexicans  were  only  acquainted  with  the  sirop 
of  honey,  that  of  the  metl  (agave)  and  the 
sugar  of  maize  cane.  The  sugar  cane,  culti- 
vated from  the  remotest  antiquity  in  the  East 
Indies,  in  ChinaJ,  and  in  the  South  Sea  Islands, 
was  imported  by  the  Spaniards,  from  the  Ca- 
nary Islands  into  the  Island  of  St.  Domingo, 
from  whence  it  was  successively  introduced  into 
the  Island  of  Cuba  and  New  Spain.  Peter 
D'Atienza  planted  the  first  sugar  canes  about 
the  year  1520§  in  the  environs  of  the  town  of 
Conception  de  la  Vega.  Gonzalo  de  Velosa 
constructed  the  first  cylinders ;  and  in  1536 
more  than  30  sugar  works  were  already  esta- 
blished in  the  Island  of  St.  Domingo,  of  whicli 
many  were  served  by  a  hundred  Negro  slaves, 

*  13,7937501b.  avoirtl.     Trans. 

t  jC  312,525  sterling.     Trans. 

J  I  am  even  tempted  to  believe  that  the  process  used  by 
us  in  the  making  of  sugar,  has  been  brought  from  Oriental 
Asia.  I  recognized  at  Lima  in  Chinese  paintings  repre- 
senting the  arts  and  trades,  cylinders  placed  horizontally 
and  put  in  motion  by  a  mill,  cauldrons  and  purifying  appara* 
tus  such  as  are  now  to  be  seen  in  the  West  Indies. 

§  Not  in  1506  as  is  generally  said. — Oviedo,  who  came 
to  America,  in  1513,  says  expressly,  that  he  saw  the  first 
sugar  works  established  at  St.  Domingo.  (HUtoria  naturai 
de  IndiaSf  Lib.  IV.  c.  8.) 

B  3 


4  POLirrCAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  Qbook  iv 

and  cost  tVoiii  10  to  12  thousand  ducats  in 
expense  of  erection.  It  is  remarkable  enouii^li 
that  an»oiiaf  the  first  sugar  mills  (fra- 
piches)  constructed  l>y  the  Spaniards  in  the 
be^innino-  of  the  16th  century,  some  of  them 
were  already  put  in  motion  not  by  horses  but  by 
hydraulical  wheels,  ilthonpfh  these  same  water 
mills  (irapiches)  or  molinos  de  a^na,  have  been 
introduced  in  our  days  into  the  Island  of  Cuba, 
as  a  foreign  invention,  by  refug^ecs  from  Cjipe 

In  \iV)Sthc  abundance  of  suyfar  was  already 
so  g'rcat  in  Mexico,  that  it  was  exported  from 
Vera  Cru/  and  vVcapuIco  into  Spain  and  Peru*. 
This  last  exportation  lias  long  ceased,  as  Peru 
produces    now   more  sugar    than  is    necessary 

*  "  Besides  gold  and  silver,  Mexico  furnisheg  also  much 
sugar  and  cochineal,  two  very  precious  commodities,  fea- 
thers and  cotton. — Few  Spanish  vessels  return  without  a 
cargo,  which  is  not  the  case  in  Peru,  that  has  however 
falsely  the  reputation  of  being  richer  than  Mexico.  This 
last  country  has  also  preserved  a  much  greater  number 
of  its  inhabitants. — It  is  a  very  fine  and  very  populous 
country,  to  which  nothing  is  wanting  but  more  frequent 
rains.— -New  Spain  exports  to  Peru,  horses,  beef,  and  sugar." 
—This  remarkable  passage  of  Lopez  de  Gomara,  who 
describes  so  v/ell  the  state  of  the  Spanish  Colonies  to- 
wards the  middle  of  the  16th  century,  is  only  to  be  found 
in  the  edition  de  la  conquista  de  Mexico,  published  at 
Medina  del  Caropo,  155S,  fol.  139.  It  is  wanting  in 
the  French  translation  printed  at  Paris  in  1587,  p.  191. 


[book  IV 

iucats  in 
le  enouirli 
lis  (fra- 
Is  in  the 
!  of  them 
ses  Init  l)v 
me  Avater 
have  been 
of  Cii})a, 
oni  Cjipe 

s  already 
rted  from 
id  Pern*, 
as  Peru 

also  much 
>ditie8,  fea- 
without  a 
s  however 
ico.     This 
r  number 
nd  sugar." 
nara,  who 
onies  to- 
be  found 
lished    at 
anting   in. 
p.  191. 

CHAP.   X.] 



for  its  own  consumption.  As  the  pojmlation  of 
New  Spain  is  concentrated  in  the  interior  of 
the  country,  we  find  fewer  sui^ar  works  along* 
the  coast,  where  the  i*-reat  heats  and  abundant 
rains  are  favoiu-able  to  the  cidtivation  of  the 
sugar,  than  on  the  ascent  of  the  Cordilleras,  and 
in  the  more  elevated  parts  of  the  central  table 
land.  The  principal  plantations  are  in  the  in- 
tendancy  of  Vera  Cruz,  near  the  towns  of  Ori- 
zaba and  Cordova ;  in  the  intendancy  of  Puebia, 
near  Guautla  de  las  Amilpas,  at  the  foot  of 
the  Volcan  de  Popocatepetl ;  in  the  intendancy 
of  Mexico,  to  the  westward  of  the  Nevado  de 
Toluca,  and  to  the  south  of  Cuernavacca,  in  the 
plains  of  San  Gabriel ;  in  the  intendancy  of 
Guanaxuato,  near  Celaya,  Salvatierra  and  Pen- 
jamo,  and  in  the  valley  of  Santiago;  in  the 
intendancies  of  Yalladolid  and  Guadalaxara,  to 
the  southwest  of  Pazcuaro  and  Tecolotlan. 
Although  the  mean  temperature  most  suitable 
to  the  sugar  cane  is  24°  or  25°  of  the  centigrade 
Thermometer*,  this  plant  may  however  be  suc- 
cessfully cultivated  in  places  where  the  mean  an- 
nual heat  does  not  exceed  19°  or  20°f .  Now 
the  decrease  of  the  caloric  being  nearly  a 
degree  of  the  Centigrade  Thermometer  for ''every 
200  metres  J  of  devation,  we  find  in  general, 

*  From  75"  to  77°  of  Fahrenheit.  Trans, 
t  From  66"  to  68'»  of  Fahrenheit.  Trans. 
t  200  metres  =:  656  English  feet    Trans. 



ii  I 



'        fii 

;  I 

6.  POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  iv. 

under  the  tropics,  on  the  rapid  declivitv  of  moun- 
tains, this  mean  temperature  of  20°  at  1000 
metres  of  elevation*  above  the  level  of  the  ocean. 
On  table  land  of  a  great  extent,  the  heat  is 
increased  to  such  a  degree  by  the  reverbera- 
tion of  the  earth,  that  the  mean  temperature  of 
the  City  of  Mexico  is  17°  instead  of  13^  Tf  ; 
that  of  Quito,  is  15°.  8  instead  of  11°.  ^J.  The 
result  of  these  data,  is,  that  on  the  central 
table  land  of  Mexico,  the  maximum  of  heat  at 
which  the  sugar  cane  vegetates  vigorously 
without  suffering  from  frost  in  winter,  is  not  1000 
but  from  1400  to  1500  iretres^.  In  favourable 
exposures,  especially  in  valleys  sheltered  by 
mountains  from  the  north  winds,  the  highest 
limit  of  sugar  cultivation  reaches  as  high  as 
2000  metres.  In  fact,  if  the  height  of  the  plains 
of  San  Gabriel  which  contain  many  fine  sugar 
plantations,  is  only  980  metres,  on  the  other 
hand  the  environs  of  Celaya,  Salvatierra, 
Irapuato  and  Santiago,  are  beyond  1800  metres 
of  absolute  elevation.  I  have  been  assured  that 
the  sugar  cane  plantations  of  Rio  Verde,  situated 
to  the  north  of  Guanaxuato  under  22°  30'  of 
latitude,  are  at  an  elevation  of  2200  metres  ||, 
in  a  narrow  valley  surrounded  by  high  Cordil- 

*  3280  feet.     Trans. 
t  62°  6  and  5^''  6  of  Fahr.      Trans. 
X  60°  4  and  52°  9  of  Fahr.     Trans. 
§  From  4592  to  4920  feet.     Trans. 
Ij  7211  feet.     Trans. 

[book    IV. 

'  of  nioun- 
at  1000 
the  ocean. 
le  heat  is 
eratiire  of 

la^  7t ; 
5t.  The 
e  central 
f  heat  at 
mot  1000 
tered  by 
3  highest 

high  as 
he  plains 
ne  sugar 
he  other 

ired  that 


°30'  of 
metres  II, 


CHAP.   X.J 


leras,    and    so  warm  that   its  inhabitants    fi*e- 
qiiently  suffer  from  intermittent  fevers.     I  dis- 
covered on  examining  the  testament  of  Cortez* 
that  in  the  time  of  this  great  man  there  were 
sugar  works    near  Cuyoacan  in   the  valley    of 
Mexico.      This    curious    fact    proves    what     is 
indicated    by    several  other    phenomena,    that 
this  valley  is  colder  in  our  days  than  it  was  at 
the  commencement  of  the  conquest,  because  a 
great    number  of  trees    then    diminished    the 
effect  of  the  north  winds  which  now  blow  with 
impetuosit3^     Those   accustomed  to  see  sugar 
cane    plantations    in   the   West    India    Islands 
will  learn  with  the  same  astonishment,  that  in 
the    kingdom    of   New    Granada  the    greatest 
quantity  of    sugar  is  not  yielded   in  the  plains 
oil  the   banks  of  the  river  de  la  Madalena,  but 
on   the  ascent  of  the  Cordilleras,  in  the  valley 
of  Guaduas,  on  the  road  from  Honda  to  Santa 
Fe,  in  a  district  which  according  to  my  barome- 
trical measurement,  is  from  1200  to  1700  metresf 
above  the  level  of  the  sea. 

*  "  I  order  an  examination  to  be  made  whether  in  my 
estados  lands  have  been  taken  from  the  natives  to  be  planted 
with  vines ;  I  wish  also  an  examination  to  be  made  as  to 
the  ground  given  by  me  in  these  last  years  to  my  domestic 
Bernardino  del  Castillo  for  the  establishment  of  a  sugar 
plantation  near  Cuyoacan."  (Manuscript  testament  of 
Hernan  Coriez,  executed  at  SexAUe,  the  l^th  August,  1548,  art 

t  From  3936  to  5576  feet.     Trans. 


,  < 


S  POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         Lbook  iv. 

Fortunately  the  introduction  of  Negroes  has 
not  augmented  in  Mexico  in  the  same  propor- 
tion as  the  sugar  produce.  Although  in  the 
intendancy  of  Puebla  near  Guautla  de  las 
Amilpas,  there  are  plantations  (haciendas  de 
can  a)  which  yield  annually  more  than  from 
twenty  to  thirty  thousand  arrobas*  (from  500,000 
to  750,000  kilogrammesf)  almost  all  the  Mexican 
sugar  is  manufactured  by  Indians  and  con- 
sequently by  free  hands.  It  is  easy  to  foresee 
that  the  small  West  India  Islands,  notwithstand- 
ing their  favourable  position  for  trade,  will  not 
be  long  able  to  sustain  a  competition  with  the 
continental  colonies,  if  the  latter  continue  to 
give  themselves  up  with  the  same  ardour  to 
the  cultivation  of  sugar,  coflee  and  cotton.  In 
the  physical  as  well  as  in  the  moral  world,  every 
thing  terminates  in  a  return  to  the  order  pre- 
scribed by  nature ;  and  if  small  islands,  of  which 
the  population  was  exterminated,  have  hitherto 
carried  on  a  more  active  trade  with  their  pro- 
ductions than  the  neighbouring  continent,  it  is 
only  because  the  inhabitants  of  Cumana,  Cara- 

*  This  produce  is  very  considerable,  and  it  is  only  to 
be  found  in  a  single  plantation  in  the  Island  of  Cuba  of  the 
name  of  Rio  Blancoy  belonging  to  the  Marquis  del  Arcos, 
between  Xaruco  and  Matanzas,  which  annually  produces 
40,000  arrobas  of  sugar.  There  are  not  eight  which  yield 
for  ten  years  in  succession  35,000. 

t  From  1,103,500  to  1,655,250  lib.  avoird.     Trans, 

CHAP.   X.] 



ras,  New  Granada  and  Mexico  began  very  late 
to  profit  by  the  immense  advantages  derived  by 
them  from  natnre.     But  ronsed  from  a  lethargy 
of  many  ages,  freed  from  the  shackles  which  a 
false  poli(;y  imposed  on  the  progress  of  agricul- 
ture,    the    Spanish    colonies  of    the   continent 
will  gradually  take  possession   of    the    different 
branches  of  the  West  India  trade.     This  change, 
which  has  been  prepared  by  the  events  of  St. 
Domingo,  will  have  the  most  fortunate  issue  in  the 
diminution  of  the  slave  trade ;  and  suffering  hu- 
manity will  owe  to  the  natural  progress  of  things 
what  we  had  a  right  to  expect  from  the  wisdom 
of  the  European  governments.   Thus  the  colonists 
of  the  Havannah,  well  informed  as  to  their  true 
interests,  have  their  eyes  fixed  on  the  progress 
of  sugar  cultivation  in  Mexico,  and  the  coffee  of 
the  Caracas.     They  have  long  dreaded  the  rival- 
ship  of  the  continent,  especially  since  the  want 
of  combustibles,  and  the  excessive  dearth  of  pro- 
visions, slaves,  metallick  utensils,  and  the  neces- 
sary  cattle,   have  considerably   diminished   the 
net  revenue  of  the  plantations.  " 

New  Spain  besides  the  advantage  of  its  po- 
pulation, has  still  another  very  important  one 
in  the  enormous  mass  of  capitals  in  the  pos- 
session of  the  proprietors  of  mines,  or  in  the  hands 
of  merchants  who  have  retired  from  com- 
merce. In  order  fully  to  feel  the  importance 
of  this  advantage,   we  must  recollect    that  in 



I   : 










POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

the    island    of   Ciiha    the    establishment    of    a 
great   suj^ar  plantation,    worked    hy    300    ne- 
groes,   and    yieldini»-    annunlly     500,000     kilo- 
grammes*   of   SHf^ar,    ref|nires    an  advance    of 
two   millions  of  livres   l^onrnoisf,  and   that   it 
brings  in  from  300,000    to  350,0(K)J  livres    of 
revenue.     The    Mexican    colonist  may    choose 
along  the  coast,    and  in  the  valleys  of  greater 
or  less  depth,  the  most  suitable  climate  for  the 
sugar  cane ;    and  he  has  less  to  fear  from  frost 
than  the  colonist   of  Louisiana.     But  the  ex- 
traordinary configuration  of  the  surface  of  New 
Spain  throws  great  obstacles  in    the   way   of 
transporting  sugar  to  Vera  Cruz.     The   plan- 
tations now  in  existence  are  for  the  most  part 
very  remote  from  the  coast  opposite  to  Europe. 
The    country    having  yet    neither   canals  nor 
roads  fit  for  carriage,  the  mule  carriage  of  the 
sugar  to  Vera  Cruz  increases  its  price    a   pi- 
astre per  arroba,  or  eight  sous  per  kilogramme  §. 
These    obstacles    will    be     much     diminished 
by  the   roads  now    making    from   Mexico   to 
Vera  Cruz  by  Orizaba   and  by  Xalapa,  along 
the    eastern  slope    of   the    Cordilleras.     It    is 
also    probable    that    the  progress    of    colonial 
agriculture  will  contribute  to  people  the  shores 

*  1,103,500  lb.  avoird      Trans. 

+  jg  83,340  sterling.     Trans, 

%  From  jg  12500  to  14581  Sterling.     Trans. 

§  About  3d.  per  2  lb.  avoird.     Trans. 

[book    IV. 

(Tient    of    H 
y    300    ne- 
1,000     kilo- 
advanrn    of 
ind   that   it 
I  livres   of 
lay    choose 
of  greater 
late  for  the 
from  frost 
ut  the  ex- 
ce  of  New 
le    way   of 
The   plan- 
most  part 
to  Europe, 
canals  nor 
Bige  of  the 
ice    a   pi- 
gramme  §. 
lexico   to 
ipa,  along- 
IS.     It    is 
the  shores 

CHAP.  X.] 



of  New  Spain,  which  fur  ages  have  remaine<l 
desert  and   uncultivated. 

It  is  obser\  ed  in  Mexico  that  the  vezouy  or 
juice  expressed  from  the  sugar  cane  is  more  or 
less  sugary,  according  as  the  plant  grows  in  the 
plain,  or  on  an  elevated  table  land.  The  same 
difference  exists  in  the  cane  cultivated  at 
Malaga,  the  Canary  Islands,  and  the  Havannah. 
The  elevation  of  the  soil  every  where  produces 
the  same  effects  on  vegetation,  as  the  difference 
i)f  geographical  latitude.  The  climate  has 
also  an  influence  on  the  proportion,  between 
the  (juantities  of  liquid  and  crystallizable  sugar 
contained  in  the  juice  of  the  cane;  for  some- 
times the  vezou  has  a  very  sweet  savour,  and 
yet  crystallizes  with  great  difficulty.  The  che- 
mical composition  of  the  vezou  is  not  always 
the  same,  and  the  excellent  experiments  of  M. 
Proust,  have  thrown  great  light  on  the  phe- 
nomena discoverable  in  the  American  sugar 
works,  many  of  which  are  to  the  sugar  refiner 
the  cause  of  great  despondency. 

From  the  most  exact  calculations  that  I 
could  make  at  the  island  of  Cuba,  I  find  that 
a  given  hectare  of  ground  yields  for  mean 
term  12  cubic  metres  of  vezou,  from  which  is 
drawn  by  the  processes  hitherto  in  use,  in  which 
much  sugary  matter  is  decomposed  by  fire,  at 
most  from  ten  to  twelve  per  cent,  or  1500 
kilogrammes*  of  raw  sugar.  They  reckon  at 
*  3310  lb.  avoird.     Trans, 


POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 


the  Havannah,  and  in  the  warm  and  fertile 
parts  of  New  Spain,  that  a  cahalleria  of  ground 
which  contains  18  square  c'orrf*?/<?*  (at  24  t?ar«.v), 
or  133,<517  square  metres*,  yiehls  annually  2000 
arrohas,  or  25,0(K)  kilofiframmes.f  The  mean 
produce,  however,  is  only  1500  arrobas,  which 
is  1400  kilogrammes  of  sugar  per  hectare  J. 
At  St.  Domingo,  the  produce  of  a  cnrreau  of 
ground  containing  3403  toises,or  12,900§  square 
metres  is  estimated  at  4000  pounds,  which  is 
equal  to  1550  kilogrammes  per  hectare.  Such 
is,  in  general,  the  fertility  of  the  soil  of 
equinoctial  America,  that  all  the  sugar  consumed 
in  France,  which  I  estimate  at  20  millions  of 
kilogrammes II,  might  be  produced  on  a  sur- 
face of   7  square   leagues^,   an  extent   which 

♦  1,437,163  square  feet.     Trans. 

f  Upwards  of  50,000  lb.  avoird.     Trans. 

X  3089  lb.  avoird.  p.  107,639  square  feet.     Tratis. 

§  138,854  square  feet.     Trans. 

H  44,140,0001b.  avoird.     Trans. 

f  France  drew  from  her  Colonies  in  1788,  a  total  of 
872,867  quintals  of  raw  sugar,  768,566  of  clayed  sugar, 
and  242,074  of  sucre  tite*.  Of  this  quantity  according  to 
M.  Peuchet,  only  434  thousand  quintals  of  refined  sugar  were 
consumed  in  the  kingdom.  We  learn  from  the  lists  pub- 
lished during  i;he  ministry  of  M.  Chaptal,  that  the  impor- 
tation  of  sugar  amounted  in  France  in  the  year  9,  to 
515,100  quintals. 


*  Sucre  lite  or  sucre  de  tete  is  that  which  is  taken  from  the  upper  part 
or  head  of  the  conical  pot  or  pan  {forme)  used  in  the  making  of  clayed 
sugar.     (Casaux  sur  l^art  de  cidlivez  la  cnnner,  p.  ^53.)     Trans. 

.BOOK    IV. 

1    fertile 


i  varas), 

lly  2000 

le  mean 

<,  which 

jctare  |. 

rreau  of 

^  square 

I'hich  is 

I.    Such 

soil    of 


lions  of 

a  siir- 


CHAP.   X.] 



total  of 
d  sugar, 
irding  to 
gar  were 
ists  pub- 

r  9,  to 

per  part 
)f  clayed 

is  not  the  thirtieth  part  of  the  smallest  depart- 
ment of  France. 

In  i^Tounds  capable  of  beinj^  watered,  and 
in  which  plants  with  tuberous  roots,  for  ex- 
ample hatales  and  ignaineSf  have  preceded  the 
cultivation  of  the  sugar  cane,  the  annual  pro- 
duce amounts  even  to  three  or  four  thousand 
arrobas  per  caballeria,  or  to  2100  and  2800 
kilogrammes  of  raw  sugar  per  hectare.  Now, 
in  estimating*  an  an'oba  at  three  piastres,  which 
is  the  mean  price  at  Vera  Crnz,  we  find  from 
these  data,  that  a  hectare  of  irrigated  ground, 
will  yield  to  the  amount  of  2500  or  3400 
livres  tournois  in  sugar*,  while  the  same  hec- 
tare would  only  yield  to  the  value  of  260 
livres  in  wheat,  supposing  a  decuple  return, 
and  estimating  100  kilogrammes  of  wheat  at 
1600  livres  touniois.  In  drawing  a  comparison 
between  these  two  species  of  cultivation,  we 
must  never  I'oi  get,  that  the  advantages  of  the 
sugar  cane  cultivation  are  very  much  diminished, 
by  the  enorn:ous  advances  required  in  the  esta- 
blishment of  a  sugar  plantation. 

The  greatest  part  of  the  sugar  produced 
in  New  Spain,  is  consumed  in  the  country. 
The  consumption  probably  amounts  to  more 
than  16  millions  of  kilogrammesf ;  for  that  of 
the  Island  of  Cuba,  undoubtedly  amounts  to 
from  25   to   30,000   chests   (caxas)   of  16  ar* 

*  Fromj«  104  to  *  141  p.  107,639  square  feet.     Trans. 
t  Upwards  of  35  millions  of  pounds  avoird.     Trans. 


POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 


i  ^ 

robas,  or  200  kilogrammes.  Those  who  have 
not  seen  with  their  own  eyes,  the  enormoa*^ 
quantity  of  sugar  consumed  in  Spanish  Ante- 
rica,  even  in  the  poorest  families,  will  be  as- 
tonished to  hear,  that  the  whole  of  France 
demands  for  its  own  wants  only  three  or  four 
times  as  much  sugar  as  the  Island  of  Cuba, 
of  which  the  free  population  does  not  exceed 
the  number  of  340,000  inhabitants.      • 

I  have  endeavoured  to  bring*  together  iit 
one  view,  the  exportation  of  sugar  from  New 
Spain,  and  that  from  the  West  India  Islands- 
It  was  impossible  for  me  to  reduce  all  its 
data,  to  the  same  period.  I  could  not  procure 
certain  information,  as  to  the  actual  [>roduce 
of  the  English  Islands,  which  has  prodigi- 
ously increased.  The  Island  of  Cuba  expor- 
ted in  1803  from  the  port  of  the  Havanniih, 
158,000  caxaSj  and  from  the  port  of  the  Trinity 
and  Santiago  de  Cuba,  including  the  contra- 
band 3000  caxas  ;  Hence : 

Total  exportation  of  Sugar  from  the  Island  Kilogr. 

of  Cuba  -  -  -  37,600,000 

Exportation  of  Sug«r  from  New  Spain,  500,000 

arrobas,  in  1803        -  -  -      6,250,000 

E*jK>nation  from  Jamaica,  in  1788  -    4-2,000,000 

Exportation  from  the  English  Virgin  Islands  and 

Antigua,  in  1788      -  -  -     4'y,610,00O 

Exportation  from  St.  Domingo,  in  1788  -    82>000,00O 

'• in  1799  -    20,400,000 

I  believe   we  may  admit,   that    the    whole 
of  the  American  Inlands  actually  sitj^ply  Europe 

SOOK   tV. 


10  have 




be  as- 


or  four 



ther   iit 

11  New 


all   its 








'  t » : 


iiogr.    ' 














CHAP.   X.] 



with  more  than  200  millions  of  kilogrammes 
of  r.  ,/  sugar,  of  which  the  value  even  in  the 
Colonies  is  40  millions  of  piastres,  or  more 
than  200  millions  of  livres  tournois*,  estima- 
ting the  caxa  at  40  double  piastres.  Three 
causes  have  concurred  to  prevent  the  rise  of 
this  colonial  commodity,  since  the  destruction 
of  the  plantations  of  St.  Domingo;  namely 
the  introduction  of  the  sugar  cane  of  Otaheite, 
which  on  the  same  extent  of  ground  y'v^hU- 
a  third  more  vezou  than  the  conr,iion  cane ; 
the  progress  of  agriculture  on  the  coast  oi 
Mexico,  Louisiana,  Caracas,  Dutch  Guyana  and 
Brazil ;  and  lastly  the  importation  of  suga»- 
from  the  East  Indies  into  Europe.     •     ' 

This  importation  especially  ought  to  fix  the 
attention  of  those  who  reflect  on  the  future 
direction  of  coinu.erce.  Ten  years  ago,  the 
Bengal  sugar  was  as  little  known  in  the 
great  market  of  Europe,  as  the  sugar  of  Nev* 
Spain,  and  now  both  of  them  compete  with 
the  sugar  of  the  West  India  Islands. 

The   United  States  have  received  sugar  from 
Asia,  as  follows 

■     ■ 

In  1800 

In  1801 

In  1802 

From  Manilla    - 
From  China  and  the' 
East  Indies     - 


■     310,020 





Total           526,472 



*  8  millions  Sterling.     Trans. 



POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  it, 


The  great  fertility  of  the  soil,  and  the  im- 
mense population,  gives  such  great  advantages 
to  Bengal  over  every  other  country  of  the  globe, 
that  the  sugar  exporte<l  from  Calcutta,  after  a 
passage  of  5200  leagues,  is  still  lower  at  New 
York  than  the  Jamaica  sugar,  which  comes 
only  from  a  distance  of  860  leagues.  This 
phenomenon  will  not  appear  so  astonishing,  to 
whoever  casts  his  eye  over  the  table  given  by 
me  in  a  former  part  of  the  work,  of  the  wages 
of  labour*  in  the  different  countries  of  the 
world,  and  who  reflects  that  the  sugar  of  Hin- 
dostan,  which  is  not  however  of  the  greatest 
purity,  is  manufactured  byfree-li  nr;  -vhile  in 
the  West  India  Islands  (in  the  Island  of  Cuba 
for  example)  to  produce  250,000  kilogrammes 
of  raw  sugar,  requires  200  negroes  wnose  pur- 
chase amounts  to  more  than  300,000  francs  f. 
In  the  same  Island  the  maintenance  of  a  slave 
costs  more  than  20  francs  per  month  {. 

According  to  the  curious  information  given 
by  M.    Bockford,    in    his    Indian  Recreations^ 

*  According  to  Mr.  Playfair,  (Statistical  Breviary  i  r  (.: 
p.  60.)  the  price  of  labour  in  Bengal  is  as  folloi^v^  n 
mere  workman  gains  12  shillings  per  month;  a  porter 
15;  a  mason  18^;  a  blacksmith  or  carpenter  221 ;  an  Indian 
soldier  20:  all  in  the  environs  of  Calcutta,  reckoning  the 
English  shilling  at  25  French  sous,  and  the  rupee  at  two 
•hillings  and  sixpence. 

t  rf  12501  Sterling.    Trans. 

%  16s,  8d,    Tram. 


[book  ir. 

tid  the  im- 
ad  vantages 
'  the  globe, 
tta,  after  a 
31*  at  New 
lich  comes 
lies.     This 
tiishing,  to 
n  given  by 
the  wages 
es    of   the 
r  of  Hin- 
e  greatest 
'vhile  in 
i  of  Cuba 
nose  pur- 
[)  francs  f. 
)f  a  slave 

ion  given 

mary  J?-^T;:'o;. 

foUoWc       it. 

;  a  porter 
;  an  Indian 
koning  the 
ipee  at  two 


CHAP.   3C.] 



printed  at  Calcutta,  the  sugar  cane  is  cuJtJ.vated 
11}  Bengal,  principally  in  the  districts  of  Ped- 
dapore,  Zemindar,  in  the  Delta  of  Godavery, 
and  on  the  banks  of  the  river  Elyseram.  The 
plantations  are  watered  there,  as  is  also  cus- 
tomary in  several  parts  of  Mexico,  and  in  the 
valley  of  Guines,  to  the  south  east  of  the  Ha- 
vannah.  To  prevent  the  soil  from  being  ex- 
hausted, they  cultivate  alternately  leguminous 
plants  with  the  sugar  cane,  which  attains  in 
general  three  metres  of  elevation,  and  from 
three  to  four  centimetres  in  thickness.*  In 
Bengal,  an  acre  (of  5368  square  metres)  yields 
2500  kilogrammes  of  sugar,f  amounting  to 
4650  kilogrammes  per  hectare:  consequently 
the  produce  of  the  soil  is  twice  as  great  as 
that  <ii  the  West  Indies,  while  the  price  of  the 
labour  of  a  free  Indian,  is  almost  three  times 
less  than  that  of  a  negro  slave  of  the  Island 
of  Cuba.  In  Bengal,  six  pounds  of  the  juice 
of  the  cane  yield  a  pound  of  crystallized  sugar, 
while  in  Jamaica  eight  pounds  are  requisite 
to  produce  the  same  quantity  of  sugar.  Con- 
sidering the  vezQU  as  a  liquid  charged  with 
salt,  we  find  that  in  Bengal  this  liquid  con- 
tains 16,  and  in  Jamaica  12  per  cent,  of  sac- 
charine matter.  Hence  the  sugar  of  the  East 
Indies  is    so  low    priced,  that    the   cultivator 

♦  9  feet  10  inches,  by  from  11  to  Ijl  inches.     Tram, 
'    t  5517  lb.  avoird.    Trans, 
VOL.   III.  C 

■"  Mb 

y     ^.^. 

1     ht 

'i:  ^ 


POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [b»ok  !▼. 

sells  it  at  4f  roiipees  the  quintal,  or  at  26  cen- 
times the  kilogramme,  which  is  nearly  the 
third  of  the  value  of  that  commodity  in  the 
Havannah  market.  Although  the  cultivation 
of  the  sugar  cane  is  spreading  with  astonishing 
rapidity  in  Bengal,  the  total  produce  is  still 
much  less  than  that  of  Mexico.  Mr.  Bockford 
supposes  the  produce  of  Jamaica  to  be  the 
quadruple  of  that  of  Bengal. 

Cotton  is  one  of  those  plants  of  which  the 
cultivution,  was  as  antient  among  the  Aztec 
tribes,  as  that  of  the  pite,  the  maize,  and  the 
quinoa.  There  is  some  of  the  -finest  quality 
n  the  western  coast,  from  Acapulco  to  Colima, 
and  at  the  port  of  Guautlan,  particularly  to 
the  south  of  the  Volcan  de  Jorullo,  between 
the  villages  of  Petatlan,  Teipa,  and  Atoyaque. 
As  they  are  yet  miacquainted  with  machines 
for  separating  the  cotton  from  the  seed,  the 
price  of  carriage  is  a  great  obstacle  in  the  way 
of  this  branch  of  Mexican  ag^culture.  An 
arroba  of  cotton  (Algodon  con  peppa)  which 
sells  for  8  francs  at  Teipa,  costs  15  at  Tal- 
ladolid,  on  account  of  the  mule  carriage.  That 
part  of  the  eastern  coast  extending  from  the 
moutlis  of  the  rivers  Guasacualco  and  d'Alva- 
rado,  to  Panuco,  might  supply  the  commerce  of 
Vera  Cruz,  with  an  enormous  quantity  of  cotton; 
but  the  coast  is  ahnost  uninhabited,  and  the 
waat  of  hands  occasions  a  dearth  of  provisions, 


[B90K   IT. 

26  cen- 
arly  the 
f  in  the 
e  is  still 
•  be  the 

hich  the 
e  Aztec 
and  the 

ularly  to 

edy  the 
the  way 

e.  An 
at  Val- 
•m  the 


erce  of 


nd  the 


CHAF.  X.] 



unfavourable  to  every  agricultural  establishment. 
New  Spain  supplies  Europe  annually  with 
only  25,000  arrohas,  or  312,000  kilogrammes* 
of  cotton.  This  quantity  though  in  itself  very 
inconsiderable,  is  however  six  times  greater 
than  that  exported  by  the  United  States,  of 
their  own  growth  in  1791,  according  to  the 
information  which  I  owe  to  the  kindness  of 
M.  Gallatin,  Finance  Minister  at  Washington. 
But  the  rapidity  of  the  increase  of  industry, 
among  a  free  people  wisely  governed  is  so 
great,  that  according  to  a  note  furnished  me 
by  the  same  statesman,  the  United  States  ex- 

Home  Cotton. 
In  1797     -     2,500,000  lib. 
1800     -      3,660,000      • 

1802  -      3,400,000     - 

1803  -     3,4<93,544<     - 

Foreign  Cotton. 

-  1.200,000  lib. 

-  14.,120,000 

-  24-,100,000 

-  37,712,079 

From  these  data  of  M.  Gallatin,  it  follows 
that  the  produce  of  cotton  has  become  377  times 
greater  in  twelve  yeai's.  When  we  consider  the 
physical  positions  of  the  United  States  and 
Mexico,  we  can  hardly  entertain  a  doubt  that 
these  two  countries  will  one  day  be  enabled 
to  produce  all  the  cotton  employed  in  the 
manufactures  of  Europe.  The  enlightened 
merchants  who  compose  the  chamber  of  com- 
merce   of    Paris,  have    asserted  in  a  memoir 

*  68Si,584<  lb.  avoird. 
c  2 



POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [hook  iv, 

i!  '      m 

f  .1... 

t  '^^ 

■r  ■:■} 

printed  a  few  years  ago,  that  the  total  impor- 
tation of  cotton  into  Europe,  amounts  to  30 
millions  of  kilogrammes*.  I  am  inclined  to 
believe  that  this  estimate  is  much  below  the 
truth;  for  the  United  States  alone  have  expor- 
ted annually,  more  than  22  millions  of  kilo- 
grammes of  cottonf,  amounting  in  value  to 
7,920,000  dollars,  or  nearly  40  millions  of  livres 

Flax  and  hemp  may  be  advantag'eously 
cultivated  wherever  the  climate  does  not  admit 
of  the  cultivation  of  cotton,  as  in  the  provincias 
internas  and  even  in  the  equinoctial  region  or 
table  land,  where  the  mean  temperature  is  under 
14  degrees  of  the  centigrade  thermometerj. 
The  Abbe  Clavigero  advances  that  flax  is  to  be 
found  wild  in  the  intendancy  of  Valladolid  and  in 
New  Mexico,  but  I  viery  much  question  whether 
the  assertion  is  founded  on  the  accurate  obser- 
vation of  any  botanical  traveller.  However  it 
is  certain  that  neither  flax  nor  hemp  have  to 
this  day  been  cultivated  in  Mexico.  Spain  has 
had  a  few  enlightened  ministers  who  wished  to 
favour  these  two  branches  of  colonial  industry ; 
but  their  favour  was  nothing  more  than  tem- 
porary. The  council  of  the  Indies,  whose  influ- 
tnce  is  durable  like  that  of  every  body  in  which 

*  62,100,000  lb.  avoird.  Trans. 
t  48,558,000  lb.  avoird:  Trans. 
X  BT^ofFahrenh.    Trans, 

l^flOOK   IV. 

tal  impor- 
iiits  to  30 
iclined  to 
below  the 
ive  expor- 
s  of  kilo- 
value  to 
sof  livres 


not  admit 


region  or 

eis  under 


X  is  to  be 

lid  and  in 

I  whether 

ite  obser- 

)wever  it 

have  to 

ipain  has 

i^ished  to 

ndustry ; 

an  tem- 

>se  influ- 

n  which 

<;HAP.  X.] 



the  same  principles  are  perpetuated,  have  ever 
wished  the  mother  country  to  oppose  the  cultiva- 
tion of  flax,  the  vine,  the  olive,  and  the  mulbeiTy. 
Unenlightened  as  to  its  true  interests,  the  govern- 
ment has  always  preferred  seeing  the  Mexican 
people  clothed  with  cotton  purchased  at  Manilla 
and  Canton,  or  imported  at  Cadiz  by  English 
vessels,  to  the  protection  of  the  manufactures  of 
New  Spain.  It  is  to  be  hoped  that  the  moun- 
tainous part  of  Sonora,  the  intendancy  of 
Durango  and  New  Mexico,  will  one  day  rival 
Galicia  and  the  AsturiaS  in  the  production  of 
-flax.  As  to  hemp,  it  would  be  of  importance 
not  to  introduce  into  Mexico  the  European 
species,  but  that  which  is  cultivated  in  China 
(cannabis  indica),  of  which  the  stalk  grows  to 
the  height  of  five  or  six  metres*.  We  have 
every  reason  to  presume,  however,  that  the 
cultivation  of  flax  and  hemp  will  spread  with 
great  difficulty  in  that  region  of  Mexico  abound- 
ing with  ootton.  The  steepinr/  requires  more 
care  and  labour  than  the  separation  of  cotton 
from  the  seed ;  and  in  a  country  where  there 
are  few  hands,  and  much  laziness,  the  preference 
is  naturally  given  to  a  cultivation  of  which  the 
the  produce  is  nmch  more  promptly  and  easily 
managed.  - 

The  cultivation  of  eoflee  in  the  island  of  Cuba 

*  16  or  19  feet.    Trans. 


POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  tv. 


i  ■^"H.: 

and  the  Soanish  colonies  on  the  continent,  com- 
mcnced  only  since  the  destruction  of  the  plan- 
tations of  Saint  Domingo*.     In  1804  the  island 
of  Cuba  produced  ah-eady   1 2,000  and  the  pro- 
vince of  Caracas  nearly  »3000  quintals.     New 
Spain    possesses  sugar    plantations    i:5     ^i^reater 
number,  and  more  considerable  llian  Terra  Firma 
possesses ;  but  the  production  of  coffee  amounts 
yet  to  nothing,  though  it  can  hardly  be  doubted 
that  this  species  of   cultivation  would  succeed 
perfectly  well  in  the    temperate   regions,   par- 
ticularly at  the  elevation  of  the  towns  of  Xalapa 
and  Chilpansingo.     The  use  of  coffee  is  still  so 
rare  in  Mexico,  that  the  whole  country  does  not 
consume  annually  more  than  four  or  five  hundred 
quintals;    while   the   consumption   of    France, 
where  the    population  is    scarcely    five   times 


♦  The  French  part  of  St.  Domingo  produced  in  178^ 

only  445,734  quintals  of  coffee ;  but  five  years  afterwards 

it  produced  762,865.     And  yet  the  price  in  1783  was  50 

francs  the  quintal,  and  94  francs  in  1788;  which  proves 

how  much  the  use  of  coiTee  has  been  spreading  in  Europe 

notwithstanding    the   advanced   price.     Yemen    furnishes 

annually  according  to  Raynal  130fOOO,  and  according  to 

Mr.  Page  150,000  quintals,  which  are  almost  all  exported 

to  Turkey,  Persia,  and  India.    The  Isles  of  France  and 

Bourbon  yield  45,000  quintals.     It  appears  to  me,  from  what 

information  I  have  been  able  to  procure,  that  all  Europe 

actually  consumes  annually,  nearly  53  millions  of  kilogrammes 

of  cofke  ( 1 16,971,000  lbs.  avoird.  Trans*)    The  coffee-tree 

yields  in  a  good  soil  one  kilogramme  of  cofTect  and  960  of 

them  maybe  planted  on  a  hectare  of  ground. 


«iIAF.  X.] 



it,  com- 
e  plan- 
3  island 
the  pro- 
a  Firma 
IS,  par- 
i  still  so 
oes  not 

in  173^ 

was  50 
h  proves 

rding  to 
nee  and 
)m  what 


960  of 

greater   than  that  of  New  Spain,   amounts  to 
nearly  230,000  quintals. 

The  cultivation  of  the  cocoa-tree  (cacari  or 
cacava  quahuill)  had  already  made  considerable 
progress  in  Mexico  in  the  time  of  Montezuma  ; 
and  it  was  there  where  the  Spaniards  obtained 
a  knowledge  of  that  precious  tree  which  they 
afterwards  transplanted  into  the  Canary  and 
Philippine  Islands.  The  Mexicans  prepared  a 
beverage  called  by  them  chocolatl,  in  which  a 
little  maize  flour,  vanilla  {tlilxochitl)  and  the 
fruit  of  a  species  of  spice  (mccaxochitl)  were 
mixed  with  the  co  oa  (cacahimtl)*.  They 
could  even  reduce  the  chocolate  to  cakes, 
and  this  art,  the  instruments  used  in  grinding 
the  cocoa,  as  well  as  the  word  cJiocolatl,  have 
been  transferred  from  Mexico  to  Europe. 
This  is  so  much  the  more  astonishing,  as  the 
cultivation  of  the  cocoa  is  now  almost  totally 

*  Hernandez,  Lib.  II.  c.  15;  Lib.  III.  c.  46;  Lib.  V. 
c.  13.  In  the  time  of  Hernandez,  they  distinguished  four 
varieties  of  cocoa,  called  quauhcahuatlt  mecacahuntl,  xochi- 
tucahuatl,  and  tlalcacahuail.  Thb  last  variety  had  a  very 
small  seed:  the  tree  which  produced  it  bore  an  analogy 
undoubtedly  to  the  cocoa,  whieh  we  found  growing 
wild  on  the  banks  of  the  Orinoca»  to  the  east  of  the 
mouth  of  the  Yao.  The  cocoa  tree  cultivated  for  cen- 
turies, has  a  larger,  sweeter,  and  more  oily  seed.  We 
must  not  confound  with  the  Theobrama  Cacao  the  T,  bicolor, 
of  which  I  have  given  a  drawing  in  our  Places  equinox' 
iales  (T.  I.  PI.  xxx.  a.eti.p,  104hJ  and  which  it  peculiar 
to  the  Province  of  Choco. 

POLinCAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         tsooK  tv. 

ir  Ml 

u ;  •■:i»J 


J:  '-'^Cf 

neglected.  With  tlifficnlty  we  can  find  a  few 
of  these  trees  in  the  environs  of  Colima,  and 
on  the  banks  of  the  Giiasaciiah*o.  The  cocoa 
phintations  in  the  Province  of  Tabasco  are  very 
inconsiderable;  and  Mexico  draws  all  the  cocoa 
necessary  for  its  consumption  from  the  Kingdom 
of  Guatimala,  Maracaybo,  Caracas,  and  Gua- 
yaquil. This  consumption  appears  to  amount 
annually  to  30,000  fanef/aSf  of  the  weight  of 
60  kilogTammes  each*.  The  Abbe  Hervas 
maintains  that  the  whole  of  Spain  consumes 
90,000  fanegas-\.  The  icsult  of  this  estimate, 
which  appears  to  me  too  low,  is  that  Spain  only 
consimies  the  third  part  of  the  coffee  annually 
imported  into  Europe.  But  according  to  the 
enquiries  made  by  me  on  the  spot,  from  1799 
to  1803, 1  found  the  annual  exportation  of 
coffee  to  be, 


In  the  Provinces  of  Venezuela  and  Maracaybo    -      145,000 

.In  the  Province  of  New  Andalusia  (Curaana)     -        1«,000 

In  the  Province  of  New  Barcelona    -        -        -  5,000 

In   the  Kingdom  of  Quito,  from  the  Port  of!       cq  qqq 

Guayaquil    -----        3 

The  value  of  these  eleven  millions  a 
half  of  kilogrammes  ot  cocoa,  amounts  in  Eu- 
rope in  time  of  peace,  estimating  the  fanega 
at  only  40  piastres,  to  the  sum  of  4-5,600,000 

*  110  lb.  avoird.     Trans. 

t  Idea  del  Universo,  T.  I.  p.  174^. 

SOOK    IV. 

CHAP.  X.] 



1  a  few 
na,  and 
e  cocoa 
ire  very 
r*  cocoa 
[1  Giia- 
iffht  of 
lin  only 
to  the 
ition  of 






&ad  a 
In  Eii- 

livres  toumois*.    In  the  Spanish  Colonies,  cho- 
colate is   not  considered  an   object  of   Uixury, 
Imt  of  prime  necessity.     It  is  in  fact,  a  very 
healthy  and  nntritive  aliment,  and  is  of  particular 
assistance  to  travellers.     The  chocolate  prepa- 
red at    Mexico  is  of    a  superior    quality,  be- 
cause the   commerce  of  Vera  Ciiiz  and  Aca- 
pulco,  brings  into  New  Spain  the  famous  cocoa 
of  Soconiisco,  (Xoconochco)  from  the  coast  of 
Guatimala;    the    cocoa  of    Gnalan    from  the 
gulph   of   Honduras    near  Omoa;  of    UrUiicti 
near  St.  Sebastian  in  the  province  of  Caracas; 
of  Capiriqual    in  the   province  of    New  Bar- 
celona; and  of  Esmeralda  in  the  Kingdom  of 
Quito.  '  '' 

In  the  time  of  the  Aztec  kings,  cocoa  seeds 
were  made  use  of  as  money  in  the  great  mar- 
ket of  Tlatelolco,  as  shells    were  in  the  Mal- 
divian  Islands.     The  cocoa  of  Soconusco,  cul- 
tivated at  the  eastern  extremity  of  the  Mexican 
Empire,  was  used  for  chocolate,  and  the  small 
seed  called  Tlalcacahuath     The  kinds  of  infe- 
rior quality  were  used  for  money.    "  Knowing,'' 
says  Cortez  in    his  first   letter  to  the   Empe- 
ror Charles  the  V.,  "  that  in  the  province  of 
"  Malinaltebeque,  there  was  gold  in  abundance, 
"  I    engaged    the    Lord  Montezuma    to  esta- 
"  blish   there  a  farm  for    your  Majesty.    He 
"  went  to  work    with  so  much  zeal,  that  in 

*  :€  1,900,152  Sterling.     Trans. 



■I:  i| 


f  . 



>!  ;i 



POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv 

"  less  than  two  months,  sixty  fanegas  of  maize 
"  and  ten  of  beans  were  already  sown.  Two 
"  thousand  cacap  trees  (cocoa)  were  also  plan- 
'*  ted,  yielding^  a  fruit  similar  to  the  almond^ 
**  which  is  sold  after  being  ground.  This 
"  fruit  is  in  such  estimation,  that  throughout 
*  all  the  country  it  is  used  as  money,  and 
employed  in  purchases  in  the  markets  and 
every  where  else*."  The  cocoa  is  still  made 
use  of  as  a  sort  of  inferior  coin  in  Mexico; 
and  as  the  smallest  coin  c>f  the  Spanish  Co- 
lonies is  a  demi-real  (un  medio)  equal  to  twelve 
sous,  the  common  people  find  the  emplo3rment 
of  cocoa  as  a  circulating  medium,  extremely 
convenient.  A  sou  is  represented  by  six  grains. 
The  use  of  vanilla  passed  from  the  Aztecs 
to  the  Spaniards.  The  Mexican  chr  .late,  as 
we  have  already  observed,  was  peri  d  with 
several  aromatics,  among  which  the  pod  of 
the  vanilla  occupied  the  first  place.  At  this 
day  the  Spaniards  deal  in  thi^  precious  pro- 
duction, for  the  purpose  of  selling  it  to  the 
other  European  nations.  The  Spanish  cho- 
colate contains  no  vanilla;  and  there  is  even 
a  prejudice  at  Mexico,  that  this  perfume  is 
hurtful  to  the  health,  especially  to  those  whose 
nervous  system  is  very  irritable.  Ihey  say 
quite  gravely  that  the  vanilla  occasions  ner- 

*  Lorenzana,  p.  91.  §  26.    Clavigero,  I.  p.  4;  II.  p.  209; 
IV.  p.  207. 


if  maize 
,     Two 
o  plan- 
jy,  and 
its  and 
11  made 
ish  Co- 
ate,  as 
d  with 
pod  of 
A.t  this 
is  pro- 
;o  the 
s  even 
ime  is 
y  say 

p.  209; 

CHAf  X.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.         27 

voas  disorders  (la  hayniUa  da  pasmo).  A  few 
years  ag;o  the  same  thing  was  said  of  the 
use  of  coffee,  which  begins  however  to  spread 
among  the  natives. 

When  we  consider  the  excessive  price  at 
Avhich  the  vanilla  has  constantly  been  sold  in 
Europe,  we  are  astonished  at  the  negligence 
of  the  inhabitants  of  Spanish  America,  who 
neglect  the  cultivation  of  a  plant,  which  nature 
spontaneously  produces  between  the  tropics, 
almost  wherever  there  is  heat,  shade,  and  much 
humidity.  All  the  vanilla  consumed  in  Europe 
comes  from  Mexico,  by  the  way  of  Vera  Cruz 
alone.  It  is  produced  on  an  extent  of  ground 
of  a  few  square  leagues.  There  is  not  a 
doubt,  however,  that  the  coast  of  Caracas,  and 
even  the  Havannah  might  carry  on  a  very 
considerable  trade.  We  found  in  the  course 
of  our  herborizations  very  aromatic  pods  of 
vanilla,  exceedingly  aromatic,  and  of  an  ex- 
traordinary size  in  the  mountains  of  Caripe, 
on  the  coast  of  Paria;  in  the  fine  valley  of 
Bordones  near  Cumana;  in  the  environs  of 
Portocabello  and  Guaiguaza;  in  the  forests  of 
Turbaco  near  Carthagena;  in  the  Province  of 
Jaen  on  the  banks  of  the  river  Amazons; 
and  in  Guayana  at  the  foot  of  the  granite 
rocks,  which  form  the  great  cataracts  of  the 
Orinoco.  The  inhabitants  of  Xalapa,  who  carry 
on  the  commerce  of  the  fine  Mexican  vanilla  of 


.■■■'I  '''Ml 


POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

Misantla,  were  struck  with  the  exceller:e 
of  that  brought  by  M.  Boupland  from  the 
Orinoco,  gathereil  by  n«  in  the  woods  which 
surround  th'j  Raudal  de  Maypnre,  Vanilla 
plants  are  to  be  found  in  the  Island  of  Cuba, 
(Epidendrum  Vanilla)  on  the  coast  of  Bahia, 
Honda,  and  at  Mariel.  That  of  St.  Domingo 
has  a  very  long  fruit,  but  is  not  very  odori- 
ferous; for  frequently  great  humidity,  while 
it  is  favourable  to  the  vegetation,  is  unfar dur- 
able to  the  deveicpement  of  the  aromatic. 
However  botanical  travellers  must  not  judge 
of  the  quality  of  the  vanilla,  from  the  odour 
which  it  gives  out  in  the  forests  of  America; 
for  this  odour  is  in  a  great  measure  owing 
to  the  flower,  which  in  the  deep  and  hu- 
mi€l  'allies  of  the  Andes,  is  sometimes  four 
cr  five  centimetres  in  length*. 

The  author  of  the  Philosophical  History  of 
the  East  and  West  Indies-\t  complains  of  being 
unable  to  procure  satisfactory  information  res- 
pecting* the  cultivation  of  the  vanilla  in  Mexico. 
He  did  not  even  know  the  districts  where  it 
was  produced.  Having  been  on  the  spots,  I 
was  able  to  obtain  more  accurate  and  c^atailed 

■J      .     -  ,  U    ' 

*  From  an  inch  and  a  iialf,  to  2  inches.    Trans. 

t  Raynal,  T.  II.  p.  68.  ^  16.  Thiery  de  MenomiUe,  de 
la  Culture  du  Nopal,  p.  14-2.  A  small  quantity  of  vanilla 
is  also  cultivated  in  Jamaica,  in  the  parishes  of  St  Anne 
and  St.  Mary.    J5rown,p.  326.  '  < 

[book    IV, 




rom    the 

Is  which 


of  Cuba, 


P  Bahia, 



•y  odori- 

.1         ,-■-_■ 

ff    while 






ot  judge 

/  ■' : 

le  odour 


e  owing 

and  hu- 


nes  four 


istory  of 


of  being* 

t  '■ 

ion  res- 


vhere   it 

spots,  I 



onviUe,  de 


of  vanilla 

■  - 

St.  Anne 

information ;  and  I  consulted  at  Xalapa  and 
Vera  Cruz  persons,  who  for  thirty  years 
have  carried  on  the  commerce  in  vanilla  of 
Misantla,  Colipa  and  Papantla.  The  follow- 
ing is  the  result  of  my  researches  as  to  the 
actual  state  of  this  interesting  branch  of  national 

All  the  vanilla  supplied  by  Mexico  to  Europe 
is  produced  in  the  two  intendancies  of  Vera 
Cr?iz  and  Oaxaci.  This  plant  principally 
abounds  on  the  eastern  slope  of  the  Cordillera  of 
Anahuac  between  19"  and  20"  of  latitude.  The 
natives  early  perceived  that  notwithstanding 
the  abundance,  the  harvest  was  very  difficult, 
on  account  of  the  vast  extent  of  ground  neces- 
sary to  to  be  gone  over  aimually,,  and  they  collect- 
ed a  great  p.umber  of  the  plants  into  a  narrower 
space.  This  operation  did  not  demand  much 
care;  it  was  merely  necessary  to  clear  a  little 
the  soil,  and  to  plant  two  slips  of  epidendrum 
at  the  foot  of  a  tree,  or  to  fix  parts  cut  from 
the  stalk  to  the  trunk  of  a  Liquidambar,  an 
Ocotea  or  an  arborescent  Piper. 

The  slips  are  in  general  from  four  to  five 
decimetres  in  length*.  They  are  tied  to  the  trees 
up  which  the  new  stalk  must  climb.  Each  slip 
yields  fruit  in  the  third  year.  They  calculate 
on  fifty  pods  on  each  for  thirty  or  forty  years, 
especially  if  the   vegetation   of  the  vanilla   U 

*  About  a  foot.     Trans. 


POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  if. 




i;  t 

not  checked  by  the  proximity  of  other  clasp- 
ers  'which  choke  it.  The  haynilla  cimarona 
or  wild  vanilla,  which  has  not  been  planted  by 
the  hand  of  man,  and  which  grows  in  a  soil 
overgrown  with  shrubs  and  climbing  plants, 
bears  in  Mexico  fruit  of  a  very  dry  nature, 
and  in  exceeding  small  quantity. 

In  the  intendancy  of  Vera  Cruz,  the  districts 

celebrated  for  the  vanilla  commerce,  are  the 

subdekgacion   de    Mtsantla,   with    the   Indian 

villages  Misantla,  Colipa,  Yacuatla,  (near  the 

Sierra  de   Chicunquiato)  and  Nautla,  all  for^ 

merly  belonging  to  the  AlcaMia  mayor  de  la 

Antigua;  the  jurisdiccion  de  PapantlOf  and  those 

of  Santiago  and  San  Andres  Tuxtla,    Misantla  ' 

is  thirty   leagues    distant  from  Vera  Cruz  to 

the  north  west,  and  twelve   leagues  from  the 

sea  coast.     It  is  a  charming  place,  in   which 

the  torment  of  the  Mosqultos  and  the  Gegen^ 

80  numerous  in  the  port  of  Nautla,  on  the  banks 

of  the   Rio  de  Quilate  and   at  Colipa,  is  quite 

unknown.     If  the  river  of  Misantla,  the  mouth 

of  which  is  near  the  Barra  de  Palmas,  werft 

rendered    navigable,  this    district  would  soon 

reach  a  high  degree  of  prosperity. 

The  natives  of  Misantla,  collect  the  vanilla 
in  the  mountains  and  forests  of  Quilate.  The 
plant  is  in  flower  in  the  months  of  February 
and  March.  The  harvest  is  bad,  if  at  this 
period  the  north  winds  are  frequent  and  ac- 

|book  If. 

p  clasp- 
tited  by 
[1  a  soil 


ire  the 


ear  the 

dl  for^ 

'  de  la 

d  those 


!ruz  to 

>m  the 




s  quite 








p  ac< 



companied  with  much  rain.  The  flower  drops 
without  yielding  fruit  if  the  humidity  is  too 
great.  An  extreme  drought  is  equally  hurtful 
to  the  growth  of  the  plant.  However  no 
insect  attacks  the  green  fruit,  on  account  of 
the  milk  it  contains.  They  begin  to  cut  it 
in  the  months  of  March  and  April,  after  the 
sub-delegate  has  proclaimed  that  the  harvest 
is  permitted  to  the  Indians:  it  continues  to 
the  end  of  June.  The  natives  who  remain 
eight  successive  days  in  the  forests  of  Quilate, 
sell  the  vanilla  fresh  and  yellow  to  the  gente 
de  razoriy  i.  e.  the  whites,  mestizoes  and  mu- 
lattos, who  alone  know  the  beneficio  de  la  hay^ 
nilla,  namely,  the  manner  of  drying  it  with  care, 
giving  it  a  silvery  lustre,  and  sorting  it  for 
transportation  into  Europe.  The  yellow  fruits 
are  spread  out  on  cloths,  and  kept  exposed 
to  the  sun  for  several  hours.  When  sufficiently 
heated,  they  are  w  >ped  up  in  woollen  cloths 
for  evaporation,  when  the  vanilla  blackens, 
and  they  conclude  with  exposing  it  to  be 
dried  from  the  morning  to  the  eveninoc  in 
the  heat  of  the  sun. 

The  method  of  preparing  the  vanilla  at 
Colipa  is  much  superior  to  the  beneficio  em- 
ployed at  Misantla.  It  is  asserted  nat  on 
unpacking  the  vanilla  at  Cadiz,  not  more  than 
six  per  cent,  is  found  to  be  damaged  in  that 
of  Colipa,  while  in  that  of  Misantla  the  quanr 


POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         Z^ooii  iv. 

tity  of  rotten  or  damag'ed  pods  amounts  to  at 
least   the  double.     This   last   variety   is   more 
difficult  to  dry,  because  its  fruit  is   larger  and 
more  aqueous  than   that  of  Colipa,   which   is 
produced  in  savannahs,  and  not  in  the  moun- 
tains, and  is  called  haynilla  de  acaquales.  When 
the  iuiny  season  does  not   permit  the   inhabi- 
tants of  Misantla  and  Colipa  to  expose  the  va- 
nilla to  the  rays  of  the  sun,    they  are  obliged 
to   recur  to  an  artificial  heat,  till  it  have  ac- 
quired a  blackish  colour,  and  is   covered  with 
silvery  spots  (manchas  plateadas)     They  form 
by  means  of  small  reeds  a  frame  which   they 
suspend  by  cords,  and  cover  with  woollen  cloth, 
and  on  which  they  spread  the  pods.     The  fire 
is  placed  below,  but  at  a  considerable  distance. 
The  pods  are   dried  by  agitating  slightly  the 
frame,  and  gradually  heating  the  reeds  and  the 
cloth.     Much  care  and  long  experience  is  neces- 
sary to  succeed    in  drying  sufficiently  the  va- 
nilla in  this  way,  which  is   called  beueficio  de 
poscoyol.     The    loss    is    generally   very    great 
when  artificial  heat  is  employed. 

At  Misantla,  the  fraits  of  the  vanilla  are 
collected  into  packets  called  mazos:  a  mazo 
contains  50  pods,  consequently  a  thousand 
(miliar)  twenty  mazos.  Although  the  whole 
of  the  vanilla  which  enters  into  commerce 
appears  to  be  the  produce  of  a  single  species 
of  epidendrum   (Tlihochitly)  yet  the  fruit   is 


CMAP.  X.3 



ts  to  at 

IS   more 

rer  and 

hich   is 

I  moun- 

.  When 


the  va- 


lave  ac- 

•ed  with 

ey  form 

ch  they 

;n  cloth, 

The  fire 


htly  the 

and  the 

is  neces- 

the  va- 

rficio  de 

f    great 

lilla  are 

a  mazo 





ruit    IS 

nevertheless  divided  into  four  different  classes. 
The  nature  of  the  soil,  the  humidity  of  the  air, 
and  the  heat  of  the  sun,  have  all  a  singular 
influence  on  the  size  of  the  pod,  and  the  quantity 
of  oily  and  aromatic  parts  contained  in  it.  The 
four  classes  of  vanilla  are  the  following,  begin- 
ning with  those  of  a  superior  quality :  haynilla 
fina  in  which  the  grande  fina  and  the  chicajina 
or  mancuema  are  again  distinguished;  the 
zacate ;  the  rezacate,  and  the  hasura.  Each 
class  is  easily  recognized  in  Spain  from  the 
manner  in  which  the  pacquets  are  made  up. 
The^ra^ide^ais  in  general  22  centimetres  in 
length*,  and  each  mazo  weighs  at  Misantla  ten 
ounces  and  a  half,  and  at  Colipa  from  nine  to 
ten  ounces.  The  chicajina  is  five  centimetres 
shorter  than  the  former,  and  is  purchased  one 
half  cheaper.  The  zacate  is  a  very  long  vanilla, 
extremely  slender  and  very  acqueous.  The 
hasura,  of  which  a  pacquet  contains  a  hundred 
pods,  serves  only  to  fill  the  bottom  of  the  pack- 
ages sent  to  Cadiz.  The  worst  quality  of  the 
Misantla  vanilla  is  called  haynilla  cimarona 
(wild)  or  haynilla  palo  ;  it  is  very  slender  and 
almost  destitute  of  juice.  A  sixth  variety  the 
haynilla  pompona  has  a  very  large  and  beautiful 
fruit.  It  has  been  several  times  sent  to  Europe, 
and  by  means  of  the  Genoese  merchants  into 


*  8|  inches.    Trans, 







34         POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book.  ir. 

the  Levant ;  but  as  its  odour  is  different  from 
the  vanilla  called  grande  fina  it  has  never 
hitherto  had  any  sale,      y-  .1  ..,4.  hi.- 

We  see  from  what  has  been  stated  respecting 
the  vanilla  that  it  is  with  the  g^oodness  of  this 
commodity  as  with  that  of  the  quinquina,  which 
not  only  depends  on  the  species  of  cinchona 
from  which  it  prucee.ds,  but  also  on  the  height 
of  the  country,  the  exposure  of  the  tree,  the 
period  of  the  harvest,  and  the  care  employed 
in  drying  the  bark*     The  commerce  of  both  the 
vanilla  and  quinquina  is  in  the  hands  of  a  few 
persons  called    habilUadores  because  they  ad* 
vance  money  to  the  cosecheroSf  i.  e.  to  the  Indians 
employed  in  the  harvest,  who  are  in  this  way 
under  the  jdirection  of  undertakers.     The  latter 
draw  almost  the  whole  profit  of  this  branch  of 
Mexican    industry.      The    competition   among 
the    purchasers  is  so  much    less    at  Misantla 
and  Colipa,  as  a  long  experience  is  necessary  to 
guard  against  deception  in  the  purchase  of  pre- 
pared  vanilla.     A  single  stained    pod  (man- 
chada)  may  occasion  the  loss  of  a  whole  chest 
in  the  passage  from  America  to  Europe.    The 
blemishes  which  are  thus  discovered  either  in 
the  pod  or  the  stalk  (garganta)  are  designated 
by  particular  names  (mqjo  negro,  mqfo  bianco, 
^arro,)    A  prudent  purchaser   examines   over 
and  over  the  pacquets  which  he  sends  in  the 
same  chest. 

i  Jl^'lf/»•i 

BOOK*  !¥• 

nt  frooai 
ts   never 

1)1'  <>'.»'; 


8  of  this 

a,  which 


\  height 

ree,  the 


both  the 

i  a  few 

hey  ad* 

\  Indians 

his  way 

he  latter 

ranch  of 



ssary  to 

of  pre- 


g  chest 

.    The 

ther  in 



s  over 

in  the 

CHAf .  &] 



The  kahiliiadwes  have  pm^chasiedi  foi-  tj^e 
ia&t  twelve  years,  the  thousand  oi  vanilla  of  the 
first  class  at  an  average  price  of  25  oir  35 
piastres ;  the  thousand  of  zac^te  at  ten,  and  ot 
rezacate  at  four  piastres.  In  1803  the  price  of 
the  grande  fina  was  50,  and  the  zacale  15 
piastres.  The  purchasers  far  from  paying  the 
Indians  in  ready  money,  supply  them  in  barter, 
and  at  a  very  high  price,  with  brandy r  cocoa, 
wine  and  more  especially  with  cotton,  cloth 
manufactured  at  Puebla.  In  this  barter  consists 
part  of  the  profits  of  these  monopolists. 

The  district  of  PapantlUf  formerly  ah  AlcaU 
did  mayor,  is  situated  18  leagues  to  the  north  ef 
Misantla;  it  produces  very  little  vanilla,  and 
that  little  is  besides  badly  <lried,  though  very 
aromatic.  The  Indian^'  of  Papantla  as  well  as 
those  of  Nautla,  are  accused  of  introducing 
themselves  ilirtively  into  the  forests  of  Quilate 
for  the  sake  of  collecting  the  fruit  of  the  epiden- 
drum  planted  by  the  natives  of  Misantla.  In 
the  intendancy  of  Oa^aca,  the  village  of  Teutila 
is  celebrated  for  the  superior  quality  of  tlie 
vanilla  produced  in  the  neighbouring  forests. 
It  appears  that  this  variety  was  the  fii'st  which 
was  introduced  into  Spain  in  the  sixteenth  cen- 
tury ;  for  even  at  this  day  the  haynilla  de 
Teutila  is  considered  at  Cadiz  as  preferable  to 
every  other.  It  is  indeed  dried  with  much  care, 
being  pricked    with    pins   and    suspended  by 

»  2 




POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  it. 

threads  of  the  Pite  ;  but  it  weighs  less  by  nearly 
a  ninth  than  that  of  Misantla.  I  know  not  the 
quantity  of  vanilla  produced  in  the  province  of 
Honduras  and  annually  exported  from  the 
small  port  of  Truxillo,  but  it  appears  to  be  very 

The  forests  of  Quilate  yield  in  very  abundant 
years  800  millares  of  vanilla ;  a  bad  harvest  in 
very  rainy  years  amounts  only  to  200.  The 
mean  praduce  is  estimated  thus       '-  f 

V  •.  iTii.ii 

Misantla  and  Coli'pa 





The  value  of  these  910  millares  is  at  Vera 
Cruz  from  30  to  40,000  piastres.      We  must 
add  the  produce  of  the  harvests  of  Santiago 
and  San  Andres  Tuxtla,  for  which  I  am  in  want 
of  sufficiently    accurate   data.      It    frequently 
happens  that  the  harvest  of  one  year  does  not 
pass  all  at  once  into  Europe,  but  that  a  part  of 
it  is  reserved  to  be  added  to  that  of  the  follow- 
ing year.     In  1802,  1793  millares  of  vanilla 
left  the  port  of  Vera  Cruz.     It   i^  astonishing 
that  the  total  consumption  of   Europe  is  not 
greater.  >      « 

The  same  eastern  slope  of  the  Cordillera  on 
which  the  vanilla  is  produced,  produces  also  the 
sarsaparilla  (zarza)  of  which  there  was  exported 

[book  it. 

by  nearly 
w  not  the 
evince  of 
from  the 
o  be  very 

larvest  in 
0.      The 



at  Vera 
We  must 
\i  in  want 
does  not 
a  part  of 
e  follow- 


is  not 

llera  on 
also  the 



CSAP.   X.] 



from  Vera  Cruz  in  1803  nearly  250,000*  kilo- 
grammesf  and  the  Jalap  {Purya  de  Xalapa) 
which  is  the  root,  not  of  the  mirabilis  jalapa,  of  the 
M.  longiflora,  or  of  the  M .  dichotoma,  but  of  the 
convolvolus  jalapa.  This  convolvolus  vegetates 
at  an  absolute  height  of  from  13  to  14  hundred 
metres^  on  the  whole  chain  of  mountains  extend- 
ing from  the  Volcan  d*Orizaba  to  the  Cofre  de 
Perote.  We  did  not  meet  with  it  in  our  herbo- 
rtzations  around  the  town  of  Xalapa  itself;  but 
the  Indians  who  inhabit  the  neighbouring  vil- 
lages brought  us  some  excellent  Voots  of  it 
collected  near  Banderilla  to  the  east  of  Sail 
Miguel  el  Soldado.  This  valuable  remedy  is 
procured  in  the  Suhdelegacum  de  Xalapa^  around 
the  villages  of  Santiago,  Tlachi,  Tihuacan  de 
los  Reyes,  Tlacolula,  Xicochimalco,  Tatatila, 
Yxhuacan,  and  Ayahualulco;  in  i\ie  jurisdicci&a 
de  San  Juan  de  los  Llanos,  near  San  Pedro 
Chilchotla  and  Quimixtlan ;  in  the  partidos  of 
the  towns  of  Cordoba,  Orizaba  and  San  Andres 
Tuxtla.  The  true  Purga  de  Xalapa  delights 
only  in  a  temperate  climate  or  rather  an  almost 

•  551,7501b.  avoird.    Trans, 

f  The  sarsaparilla  employed  in  commerce  proceeds  from 
several  species  of  smilax,  very  difierent  from  the  S.  Sarsa- 
parilla. See  the  description  of  the  ten  new  species, 
brought  by  us  in  the  species  of  M.  WiUdewno,  T.  iv.  P.  i. 
p.  773.  *' 

:t  From  4864  to  4592  feet.    Trans. 

■  I' '    ""'  ' 



lit  II 




POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         Cbook  iv. 

cold  climate,  in  shaded  valleys  and  on  the  slope 
of  mountains.  I  was  so  much  the  more  sur- 
prized, therefore  on  learning  after  my  return  to 
Europe  that  an  intelligent  traveller  who  has 
displayed  the  greatest  zeal  for  the  good  of  his 
country,  Thiery  de  Menonville*  had  asserted 
that  he  found  the  jalap  in  great  abundance  in 
the  arid  and  sandy  tracts  in  the  neighbourhood 
of  the  port  of  V^era  Cruz,  and  consequently 
under  a  climate  excessively  warm,  and  at  the 
level  of  the  ocean. 

Raynal  assertst  that  Europe  consumes 
annually  7500  quintals  of  jalap.  This  esti- 
mate a|>pears  too  much  by  one  half;  for  from 
the  most  accurate  information  which  I  was 
able  to  procure  at  Vera  Cruz,  there  was  only 
exported  from  that  port  in  1802,  2921  and  in 
1803,  2281  quintals  of  jalap.  The  price  at 
Xala^a  is  from  120  to  150  francs  the  quintal. 

We  did  not  see  during  our  stay  in  New  Spain, 
the  plant  which  it  is  pretended,  yields  the 
root  of  Mechoacan,  (the  Tactiache  of  the  Ta^ 
rasck  Indians,  and  the  TlalantlacuitlapUU  of 
the  Aztecs.)    We  never  even  during  the  course 

*  Thiery^  p.  59.  This  jalap  of  Ver»  Cruz  appears  to 
be  the  ^ame  with  that  foui^d  by  Mr.  Michaux,  in  Florida. 
See  the  Memoir  of  Mr.  DesfojQtaines,  on  the  Convolviulus 
Jalapa^  in  the  Annaijss  du  Museum  d*Hist<nrt  NatureUe. 
T.ii.p.  120. 

t  Hist.Philos.    T.ii.p.68.         .         ,.       ;. 

£book  IV. 

[  the  slope 
more  sur- 
retum  to 
who  has 
ood  of  his 
i  asserted 
indance  in 
Lnd  at  the 

rhis    esti- 

for  from 
ch  I  was 
was  only 
21  and  in 

price   at 
ew  Spain, 
yields  the 

the  Ta^ 
tlapilU  of 
;he  course 

appears  to 
in  Florida. 
;  NatureUe. 




of  our  travels  in  the  antient  kingdom  of 
Michoacan,  which  is  part  of  the  intendancy 
of  Valladolid,  heard  any  mention  made  of  it. 
The  abbe  Clavigero*  relates  that  a  physician 
of  the  late  king  of  Tzintzontzan,  communica- 
ted the  knowledge  of  this  remedy  to  the  re- 
ligious missionaries  of  the  expedition  of  Cortez. 
Does  there  really  exist  a  root,  which  under 
the  name  of  Mechoacan,  is  exported  from 
Vera  Cruz,  or  does  this  remedy  which  is  the 
same  as  the  jeticucu  of  Marcgravef,  come 
from  the  coast  of  Brazil?  It  appears  even 
that  antientlythe  true  Jalap  was  called  itfe- 
choacan,  and  that  by  one  of  those  mistakes 
so  frequent  in  the  history  of  medecines,  the 
denomination  has  been  afterwards  transferred 
to  the  root  of  another  plant. 

The  cultivation  of  Mexican  Tobcicco,  might 
become  a  branch  of  agriculture  of  the  very 
highest  importance,  if  the  trade  in  it  were 
free ;  but  since  the  introduction  of  the  mono* 
poly,  or  since  the  establishment  of  the  royal 
fyrm,  (el  estanco  real  de  Tabaco)  by  the  Visitor 
dor  Don  Joseph  de  Galvez  in  1764,  not  only 
4  special  perniission  is  necessary  to  plant  tobacco, 
s^d  the  cultivator  obliged  to  sell  it  to  the  farm, 
at  a  pvipe  arbitrarily  fixed  {Recording  to  the  worth 

♦  $toriq  anticq  di  Mesiico,  T.  ii.  p.  212. 
t  Lit^.  Mat.  Medica,  IT49,  p.  28.    Murray  Afparatm 
m«dicami»um,  T.i.  p.  62. 




POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         C»ooK  «▼• 

of  the  produce ;  but  the    cultivation  is  even 
limited    solely  to   the    environs  of   the  towns 
of  Orizaba  and  Cordoba,  and  the  partidos  of 
Huatusco   and  Songolica,  situated  in   the  in- 
tendancy   of  Vera    Cruz.     Officers    with    the 
title  of  guardas  de  tabaco,  travel  the  country 
for  the  purpose   of  pulling  up    whatever    to- 
bacco they  And   planted  beyond  those  districts 
which  we  have   named,  and   fining  those  far- 
mers  who   think  proper  to   cultivate   what  is 
necessary  for  their  own   consumption.     It  was 
believed    the   contraband  trade   would   be  di- 
minished,   by   limiting   the   cultivation   to    an 
extent  of  four  or  five  square  leagues.     Before 
the  establishment  of  the  farm,  the  intendancy 
of  Guadalaxara,  and    especially   the  partidos 
of  Autlan,   Ezatlan    and    Ahuzcatlan,   Tepic, 
Santixpac  and   Acaponeta,  were  celebrated  for 
the     abundance   and   excellent   quality  oi    tiie 
tobacco  which  they  produced.     These  formerly 
happy    and    flourishing    countries,   have    been 
decreasing  in  population  since  the  plantations 
were  transferred  to  the   eastern  slope  of  the 
Cordillera.     ,    ;     .  ,  „         ,         . 

The  Spaniards  first  obtained  their  knowledge 
of  tobacco  in  the  West  India  Islands.  The 
word,  adopted  by  all  the  nations  of  Europe, 
belongs  to  the  language  of  Hayti  or  St. 
Domingo;  for  the  Mexicans  called  the  plant 
yetlf  and  the    Peruvians  sayri*.     The  Indidns 

*  HemtndeZf  Lib.  v.  c.  51.  p.  173.     Clavigero,  T.  ii. 


[book  it* 

is  even 
be  towns 
irtidos  of 
1  the  in> 
^ith    the 

ever    to- 

hose  far- 

what  is 

It  was 

i  be  di- 

n   to    an 

f  Tepic, 
rated  for 
r  of  iiie 
ve  been 

of  the 

Is.  The 
or  St. 
le  plant 

•    * 

TO,  T.  ii. 

CHAP.  X.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.         41 

in  Mexico    and    Peru    smoked   tobacco,  and 
used  it  ground  into  snuff.    The    gpreat  lords 
at  the  court  of   Montezuma,  used   to  smoke 
tobacco  as  a  narcotic,  not  only  for  the  after- 
noon siestOt  but  to  procure  sleep  in  the  mor- 
ning immediately  after  breakfast,  as  is  still  tVie 
practice  in  many  parts  of  equinoctial  America. 
The  dried  leaves  of  the  yetl  were  rolled  up 
into  cigareSf  and  put  into  tubes  of  silver,  wood, 
4        or  reed;  and  frequently  they  mixed    with  it 
:^         the  resin  of  the  liquidambar  styraciflutty  and  other 
aromatic  matters.     The  tube  was  held  in  one 
hand,  and  with   the   other  the  nose  was  stopt 
up,  so  that  the  smoke  of  the   tobacco  might 
be  the  more  easily   swallowed.     Sevei*al  per- 
sons were   even    contented    With    drawing  in 
the  smoke  by  the  nose.     Although  the  picietl 
(nicotiana  rustica)  was  much  cultivated  in  the 
antient  Anahuac,  it  appears  however  that  per- 

p.  227.    Garcilasso,  Lib.  ii.  c.  25.    The  ancient  Mexicans 
used  to  recommend  tobacco  as  an  excellent  remedy  for 
the  tooth-ache,  colds  and  colics.    The  Carubs  used  mashed 
'tobacco    leaves  as  a  counter-pobon.    In  our  journey  on 
the  Orinoco,  we  saw  mashed  tobacco  successfully  applied 
to  the    bite   of  venomoufi  serpents.    After   the   famous 
Bejuco  del  Guaco,  the  knowledge  of  which  we  owe  to  M. 
Mutis,  tobacco  is   undoubtedly  the  most  active  counter- 
poison  of  America.    The  cultivation  of  tobacco  has  been 
propagated  with  so  great  rapidity,  that  in  1559  it  began 
to  be  sown  in  Portugal,  and  in  the  beginning  of  the  17th 
<  century  it  was  planted  in  the  East   Indies.    Beekmann*s 

Gachicte  der  Erfindungen,  B.  iii.  p.  S66. 





4%         FOUTICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         Cbook  !▼• 

ions  m  easy  circumstances  used  tobacco  alone ; 
for  we  see  at  this  day  that  the  use  is 
entirely  unknown  to  the  Indians  of  pure  ex- 
traction, because  they  almost  all  descend  from 
the  lowest  class  of  the  Aztec  nation*. 

At  Vera  Cruz,  the  quantity  of  tobacco  pro- 
duced in  tbfi    districts  of    Orizaba  and  Cor- 
dova, is    estimated  at  eight   or  ten  thousand 
tei'tOb\  (at  8  arrobas)  equal  to  1,600,000  or 
2,000,000  of  pounds;  but    this    estimate  ap^ 
pears  tc  be  a  great  deal  too  low.     The  king 
pays  for  the  pound  of  tobacco  to  the  culti^ 
TDjtor  21  reals»  that  is  to  say  21  sous  for  the 
kilo^ao^me.     We  shall  see  in  the  sequel  of 
this  work,  and  from  data  which  I  extracted 
from  o^ial  papers,  that  the  farm  of  Mexico 
of  tobacco  and  snuff,  is  annually  sold  in  the 
country  even  lor    more    than  38   millions  of 
irancst,    and  that  it   yields   to  the    king  a 
net  profit  of  more  than  20  millions  of  livres 
toumois;|;.     This    consumption   of   tobacco    in 
New  $pain  must  appear  enormous,  espeeiaUy 
yttfio.  vre  consider  that  from  a  population  of> 
4>,8OO,O0O  souls,  we  must  deduct  two  million» 
and  a  half  of  Indians  who  never  smoke.    In 
Mexico  the  farm  is  ai|  object  of  much  greater 
impojrt^OCje    to    the    public    revenue  t^ao  ip 

*  See  Vol.  i.  ch.  vi.  p.  155.  '    *    ' 

t  1»S83,46Q^.  sterling.     Trans. 
t  823,400^.  sterling.    Trans. 

CHA9.  1*3 



Feru^  because  in  the  former  the  number  of 
-whites  is  greater,  and  the  custom  of  smoking 
•cegars  is  much  more  general,  and  is  even 
practised  by  women  and  children.  In  France, 
where  according  to  the  researches  of  Mr. 
Fabre  de  TAude,  there  are  eight  millions  of 
iidiabitants  who  use  tobacco,  thd  total  con- 
sumption is  more  than  forty  millions  of  pounds ; 
but  the  value  of  the  foreign  tobacco  impor* 
ted,  only  amounted  in  1787  to  14,142,000  livres 

New  Spain  far  from  exporting  its  own  to- 
bacco, draws  annually  nearly  56,000  pounds 
from  the  Havannah.  The  vexations  which 
the  planters  experience,  added  to  the  prefer 
renoe  given  to  the  cultivation  of  coffee,  have 
iiowever  much  diminished  the  produce  of  the 
farm  at  Cuba.  At  this  day  that  Island  scmrcely 
supplies  150,000  mrohas^  whei*eas  be£»re  1794, 
in  good  years,  the  crop  was  estimated  at  315,000 
arrohas,  (7,875,000  poundsf)  of  which  160,000 
arrofoas  were  consumed  in  the  IsUuid*  and 
128,000  sent  to  Spain.  This  branch  of  co^ 
lonial  industry  is  of  the  very  greatest  impor- 
tance, even    in  its  actual   state  of  monopoly 

♦  P«icM,  p.  315  snd  409.  i       :.,;v 

t  Raynal,  (T.  ill.  p.  268.)  only  estimated  the  produce 
at  4,675,000  pounds.  Virginia  produced  annually  before 
1775  more  than  55,000  hogsheads,  or  35  millions  of  pounds 
of  tobacco.    Jefftnon^  p<  928. 


POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

and  constraint.  La  renta  de  tabaco  of  the 
peninsula,  yields  a  net  revenue  of  six  millions 
of  piastres,  a  revenue  arising  in  a  great  mea^- 
sure  from  the  sale  of  the  tobacco  of  the 
Island  of  Cuba  sent  to  Seville.  The  maga- 
zines of  this  city  sometimes  contain  stores 
of  18  or  19  millions  of  pounds  of  snoiF,  the 
value  of  which  amounts  to  the  exorbitant 
sum  of  200  millions  of  livres*.   » 

The  cultivation  of  Indigo,  which  is  very 
general  in  the  kingdom  of  Guatimala,  and 
in  the  province  of  Caracas,  is  very  much 
neglected  in  Mexico.  The  plantations  along 
the  western  coast,  are  not  even  sufficient  for 
the  few  manufactures  of  home  cotton  cloth. 
Indigo  is  annually  imported  from  the  kingdom 
of  Guatimala,  where  the  total  produce  of  the 
plantations  amounts  to  the  value  of  12  mil- 
lions of  livres.  This  substance  as  to  which 
Mr.  Beckman  has  made  such  learned  researches, 
was  known  to  the  Greeks  and  Romans  under 
the  name  of  itidicum.  The  word  anil,  which 
has  passed  into  the  Spanish  language,  is  de- 
rived from  the  Arabian  word  niz  or  nil,  Her- 
nandez speaking  of  the  Mexican  indigo  calls  it 
aniz.  The  Greeks  in  the  time  of  Dioscorides,drew 
indigo  from  Gedrozia;  and  in  the  13th  cen- 
tury Marco  Polo  carefully  described  the  mode  of 
its  preparation  in  Hindostan.     Raynal  is  wrong 

*  8,334,000/.  sterling.     Trans.  • 


CHAP.  X.] 



when  he  maintains  that  the  Europeans  intro- 
duced the  cultivation  of  that  -.aluable  plant 
into  America.  Several  species  of  indigo/era 
are  peculiar  to  the  New  Continent.  Ferdi- 
nand Columbus  in  the  life  of  his  father,  men- 
tions indigo,  among  tl:3  productions  of^  the 
Island  of  Hayti.  Hernandez  describes  the 
process  by  which  the  natives  of  Mexico  sepa- 
rated the  fecula  from  the  juice  of  the  plant, 
a  process  different  from  that  now  em*^ 
ployed.  The  small  cakes  of  indigo  dried  by 
fire  were  called  mohuitli  or  tleuohuilli.  The 
plant  was  even  designated  by  the  name  Xiuh- 
quilipitzahuac,  Hei*nandez*  proposed  to  the 
court  to  introduce  the  cultivation  of  indigo 
into  the  aouthern  pai*t  of  Spain.  I  know  not 
if  his  counsel  was  followed,  but  it  is  certain 
that  indigo  was  vei*y  common  in  Malta,  till 
towards  the  end  of  the  17th  century.  The  spe- 
cies of  indigofera  from  which  indigo  is  at  this 
day  procured  in  the  colonies,  are ;  The  indi^ 
gofera  tinctoria,  I.  anil,  I.  disperma,  and  I. 
argentea,  as  is  proved  by  the  most  antient 
hieroglyphical  paintings  of  the  Mexicans ;  even 
thirty  years  after  the  conquest,  the  Spaniards 
who  had  not  yet  found  out  the  materials  for 
making  ink^  wrote  with  indigo,  as  is  proved 

*  Hernandez,  Lib.  iv.  c.  12.  p.  108.  Clavigero,  ii.  189. 
Beckmanrit}.  c  IV,  47i-S32.  JBerthoUd,  Element  de  Part 
dela  teinture,  ii.  37. 




46        POLITICAL  E88AT  ON  THE        {vkm  n. 

by  the  papers  preserved  in  the  ^rMres  of  th« 
Duke  de  Monteleone,  who  is  the  last  descendant 
of  the  family  of  Cortez.  At  Santa  Fa  they 
still  write  with  a  juice  extracted  from  the  fruitt 
of  the  Uvilla  (Cestrum  Tinctorkm),  and  there 
exists  an  order  of  the  court,  prohibiting  the 
viceroys  from  using  in  their  official  papers, 
any  other  materials  than  this  blue  of  the  Uvilla, 
because  it  had  been  found  that  it  was  more 
indestractible  than  the  best  European  ink.  < . 

After  carefully  examining  those  vegetables 
which  are  of  importance  to  the  agriculture 
and  commerce  of  Mexico,  it  remains  foe  us 
to  give  a  rapid  view  of  the  productions  of 
the  tmimal  kingdom.  Although  one  of  these 
productions  in  the  greatest  request,  cochineal^ 
hekmgs  originally  to  New  Spain,  it  is  certain> 
h(ywever,  that  the  most  interesting  productions 
for  the  prosperity  of  the  inhabitants  have 
bten  introduced  there  from  the  antient  con- 
tinoDt.  The  Mexicans  had  not  endeavoured 
to  reduce  to  a  domestic  state  the  two  species 
<^  wiU  osea,  (Bos  Americtams  and  Bos  Mos* 
duEtus)  which  wander  in  h^ds  over  tiie  plains 
in  tlie  ueighboui^ood  of  the  JRto  del  Norte, 
They  were  unacquainted  with  the  lianaa, 
Whkh  in  the  Cordillera  of  the  Andes  is  not 
found  beyond  the  limits  of  the  Southern  He- 
Busphere.    ^They    made  no  use    of  the  wild 








CHAV.  Z.] 




sheep  of  California  ^  nor  of  the  goats  of  the 
mountains  of  Monterey.  Among  the  numerous 
varieties  of  dogsf  peculiar  to  Mexico,  one 
alone,  the  Techichi  served  for  food  to  the  in- 
habitants. Undoubtedly  the  want  of  domestic 
animals  was  less  felt  before  the  conquest, 
when  every  family  cultivated  but  a  small 
extent  of  ground,  and  when  a  great  part  of 
the  inhabitants  lived  almost  exclusively  on 
vegetables.  However  the  want  of  these  ani- 
mals compelled  a  numerous  class  of  the  in- 
habitants, the  Tlamama,  to  labour  as  beasts 
of  burden,  and  to  pass  their  lives  on  the 
highways.  They  were  loaded  with  large  lea- 
thern chests  (in  Mexican  Pettacalli,  in  Spa- 
nish petacas)  which  contained  goods  to  the 
weight  of  30  or  40  kilogrammes  J. 

Since  the  middle  of  the  sixteenth  century, 
the  most  useful  animals  of  the  old  con- 
tinent, oxen,  horses,    sheep,    and    hogs,    ha7e 

*  As  to  the  wild  sheep  and  goats  of  the  mountains  of 
Old  and  New  California,  see  Vol.   ii.  Chap.  viii.   p.   327. 

f  See  my  Tableaux  de  la  Nature,  T.  i.  p.  124< — 127. 
The  Cumanchisa  tribe  of  the  northern  provinces  employ 
dogs  in  the  carriage  of  tents  like  many  of  the  tribes  of 
Siberia.  See  Vol.  ii.  p.  286.  The  Peruvians  of  Sausa 
(Xauxa)  and  Huanca  ate  their  dogs  (runalco)  and  the 
Aztecs  sold  in  their  markets  the  flesh  of  the  mute  dog 
techichi,  which  was  castrated  for  the  purpose  of  fattening. 
Lorenzana,  p.  103. 

fFrom  66  to  88  lb.  svoird.    Trans, 

48         POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  it. 

multiplied  surprisingly  in  all  the  parts  of  New 
Spain,  and  especially  in  the  vast  plains  of 
the  Provindas  Internal  It  would  be  super- 
fluous to  refute  here  * .  the  rash  assertion  of 
M.  de  BufTon,  as  to  the  pretended  degeneracy 
of  the  domestic  animals  introduced  into  the 
New  Continent.  These  ideas  were  easily 
propagated,  because,  while  they  flattered  the 
vanity  of.  Europeans,  they  were  also  con> 
lected  with  brilliant  hypotheses,  relative  to  the 
ancient  state  of  our  planet.  When  facts  are 
carefully  examined,  naturalists  perceive  no- 
thing but  harmony  where  this  eloquent  writer 
announced  discordancy.      r  .   /. 

There  is  a  great  abundance  of  horned  cattle 
all  along  the  eastern  coast  of  Mexico,  es- 
pecially at  the  mouths  of  the  rivers  of  Al> 
varado,  Guasacualco,  and  Panuco,  where  nu- 
merous flocks  feed  on  pastures  of  perpetual 
green.  However,  the  capital  of  Mexico,  and 
the  great  cities  adjoining,  draw  their  animal 
food  from  the  intendancy  of  Durango.  The 
natives,  like  the  greatest  part  of  the  Asiatic 
tribes  to  the  East  of  the  Ganges  t»  care  very 

*  This  refutation  is  to  be  found  in  the  excellent  work 
of  Mr.  Jefferson  on  Virginia,  p.  109,  166.  See  also  C/aw- 
gero,  T.  iv.  p,  105,  160. 

•f  For  example,  in  the  South  Eust  of  Asia,  the  Chinese, 
and  the  inhabitants  of  Cochinchina.  The  latter  never 
milk  their  cows,  though  the  milk  is  excellent  under. the 
Tr^ica,  and  in  thp  warmest  regions  of  the  Earth.    Travels 


ii  ^ 



little  for  milk,  butter  and  cheese.     The  latter 
is  in  g^reat  request  among*  the  Casts  of  mixed 
extraction,  and  forms  a  very  considerable  branch 
of  exterior  commerce.     In  the  statistical  table 
drawi)  up  by  the    Intendant  of   Guadalaxara, 
in  1802,  which  I  have  frequently  had  occasion 
to  cite,  the  annual    value  of  dressed    hides  is 
estimated    at  419,000    piastres,    and    that    of 
tallow  and    soap    at    549.000   piastres.      The 
town   of  Puebla  alone    manufactures  annually 
200,000  arrohas  of  soap,  and  82,000  ox  hides; 
but   the  exportation    of  these   articles   at    the 
Port    of    Vera    Cruz,     has    hitherto    been   of 
very  little   importance.     In     1803,    it     hardly 
amounted  to  the    value    of    140,000    piastres. 
It  appears    that  even  in    the  16th   century 
before  the  interior  consumption  had  been  aug- 
mented by  the  number  and  the  luxury  of  the 
whites.  New  Spain  supplied  Europe  with  more 
hides  than  at  the  present  day.     Father  Acosta*, 
relates  that   a  fleet  which  entered  Seville  in 
1587,  carried  64,340  Mexican  hides.   The  horses 
of   the    northern    provinces,    and    particularly 
those  of  New  Mexico,  are   as   celebrated  for 
their  excellent  qualities  as  the  horses  of  Chili ; 

of  Macartney,  Vol.  ii.  p.  153,  and  Vol.  iv.  p.  59.  The 
Greeks  and  Romans  even  only  learned  to  make  butter 
from  their  communication  with  the  Scythians,  Thracians, 
and  the  Germanic  nations.  Beckmann,  1.  c.  B.   iii.  p.  289. 

*  Lib.  iv.  C.  3. 

vol..   III.  K 


'^         POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

both  descend,  as  it  is  pretended,  from  the 
Arab  race;  and  they  wander  wild  in  herds, 
in  the  Savannahs  of  the  Provincias  In" 
ternas.  The  exportation  of  these  horses  to 
Natchez,  and  New  Orleans,  becomes  every  year 
of  greater  importance.  Many  Mexican  families 
possess  in  their  Hatos  de  ganado,  from  thirty 
to  forty  thousand  head  of  horses  and  oxen. 
The  mules  would  be  still  more  numerous^ 
if  so  many  of  them  did  not  perish  on  the 
highways  from  the  excessive  fatigues  of 
journeys  of  several  months.  It  is  reckoned 
that  the  commerce  of  Vera  Cruz  alone,  em- 
ploys annually  nearly  70,000  mules.  More 
than  5000  are  employed  as  an  object  of  luxury 
in  the  carriages  *  of  the  city  of  Mexico. 

The  rearing  of  sheep  has  been  wonderfully 
neglected  in  New  Spain,  as  well  as  in  all 
the  Spanish  Colonies  of  America.  It  is  pro- 
bable that  the  first  sheep  introduced  in  the 
16th  century,  were  not  of  the  breed  of  travelling 
Merinos,  and  particularly  that  they  were 
not  of  the  Leon,  Segovian,  or  Sorian  breed. 
Since  that  time,  no  care  has  been  employed 
in  the  amelioration  of  the  breed ;  and  yet  in 
the  part  of  Mexico,  beyond  the  tropics,  it 
would  be  easy  to  introduce  the  system  of  ma- 





*  Havannah  has  2500  Calashes,  called  Volantes,  whicb 
require  more  than  3000  mules.  In  1802,  the  number 
.«f  hones  in  Paris  was  calculated    at  35,000. 



CHAP.   X.] 



nagement  known  in  Spain  by  the  name  of 
Mesta,  by  which  the  sheep  change  their  cli- 
mate with  the  seasons,  and  are  always  in 
harmony  with  them.  Nothing-  is  to  be  feared 
for  ages  from  the  prejudice  which  these  tra- 
velling flocks  might  occasion  to  Mexican 
agriculture.  At  present  the  finest  wool  is 
reckoned  to  be  that  of  the  Intendancy  of 

It  is  worthy  of  remark,  that  neither  the 
common  hog,  *  nor  the  hens  to  be  found  in 
all  the  islands  of  the  South  Sea,  were  known 
to  the  Mexicans.  The  Picari  (Sus  tajassu) 
to  be  frequently  met  with  in  the  cottages  of 
the  natives  of  South  America,  might  have 
easily  been  reduced  to  a  domestic  state;  but 
this  animal  is  only  fit  for  the  region  of  plains. 
Of  the  two   varieties  of  hog  which   are  now 

*  Pedro  de  Cie^a,  and  Garcilasso  de  la  Vega,  have 
preserved  in  their  works  the  names  of  the  Colonists  who 
first  reared  in  America,  the  domestic  animals  of  Europe. 
They  relate  that  in  the  middle  of  the  16th  century, 
two  hogs  cost  at  Peru  8000  livres.  a  camel  35,000,  an 
ass  7700,  a  cow  1200,  and  a  sheep  200  livres.  Ciega* 
Chronica  del  Peru  (Antwerp  1554)  p.  65.  Garcilasso^ 
T.  i.  p.  328.  These  enormous  prices  besides  proving 
the  scarcity  of  the  objects  sold,  prove  also  the  abundance 
of  the  precious  metals.  General  Belcalazar,  who  had  pur- 
chased at  Buza  a  sow  for  4000  francs  could  not  resist  the 
temptation  of  eating  her  at  a  feast.  Such  was  the 
luxury  which  prevailed  in  the  army  of  the  Conquistadores' 

E  2 


POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 


the  most  common  in  Mexico,  the  one  was  in- 
troduced from  Europe,  and  the  oi\er  from 
the  Philippine  Islands.  They  have  multiplied 
amazingly  on  the  Central  Table  Land,  where 
the  valley  of  Toluca  carries  on  a  very  lucrative 
trade  in  bacon. 

Before  the  conquest  there  were  very  few 
poultry  among  the  natives  of  the  new  continent. 
The  maintainance  of  these  birds,  require  par- 
ticular care  in  countries  recently  cleared, 
where  the  forests  abound  in  carnivorous  qua- 
drupeds of  every  kind.  Besides,  the  inhabitant 
of  the  Tropics  does  not  feel  the  want  of  do- 
mestic animals  so  much  as  the  inhabitant  of 
the  temperate  zone,  because  he  is  freed  by 
the  fertility  of  the  soil  from  the  necessity  of 
labouring  a  greut  extent  of  ground,  and  because 
the  lakes  and  rivers  are  covered  with  an  in- 
numerable quantity  of  birds,  easily  caught,  and 
yielding  an  abundant  nourishment.  A  European 
traveller  is  astonished  to  see  the  savages  of 
South  America  bestowing  extreme  pains  in 
taming  monkeys,  Manaviri  (Ursus  caudivol- 
vula)  or  squirrels,  while  they  never  endeavour 
to  tame  a  great  number  of  useful  animals, 
contained  in  the  neighbouring  forests.  How- 
ever, the  most  civilized  tribes  of  the  new  con- 
tinent, reared  in  their  stable-yards  before  the 
arrival  of  the  Spaniards,  several  gallinaceous 
birds,  as  hoccos,    (Crax  nigra,    C.  globicera, 

CHIP.    X.] 



and   C.  pauxi)   turkies,  (mdea^ris  gallo-pavo) 
several  species  of  pheasants,  ducks,  and  moor- 
hens,   yacoiis,   or   g^uans,    (penelope,   pava  de 
monte)  and  aras,  (psittacci  macrouri)  which  are 
considered   delicate    eating   when   young.     At 
this  period,    the   cock,    a  native    of  the   East 
Indies,  and  common  to  the   Sandwich   Islands, 
was  totally  unknown   hi   America.     This  fact, 
important   in  its  connection  with  the  migration 
of   the  Malay  tribes,  has   been     contested    in 
Spain    since    the   end    of  the    16th    century. 
Learned  Etymologists  proved  that  the  Peruvians 
must  have  had   hens  previous  to  the  discovery 
of  the  New   World,  because   the   language  of 
the  Incas  designates  the  cock  by  a  particular 
word,    gualpa.     They   knew    not    that  gualpa 
or  huallpttt   is    a    contraction     of  Atahuallpa, 
and  that  the  natives  of  Cuzco  gave  in  derision 
the  name  of  a  prince  detested  on  account  of 
the  cruelties    exercised    by  him    against    the 
family  of  Huescar,  to  the    cocks  brought  by 
the     Spaniards,      imagining,     which    appears 
strange  enough    to   the  ears  of    a  European, 
they    found   some    resemblance    between    the 
crowing  of  that  bird,  .and  the  name   of  Ata- 
huallpa.    This  anecdote,  to  be  found    in  the 
work  of  Garcilasso   (T.  i.  p.  331)  was  related 
to  me   in   1802,  at  Caxamarca,  where  I   saw 
in  the  family  of  the  AstorpilcOf  the  descendants 
of  the  last  Inca  of  Peru.    These  poor  Indians 

54         POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  it. 

inhabit  the  ruins  of  the  palace  of  Atahuallpa. 
Garcilasso  relates  that  the  Indians  imitated 
the  crowing^  of  the  cock,  by  pronouncing  in 
cadence  words  of  f<mr  syllables.  The  par- 
tisans of  Huescar  had  composed  burlesque 
songs  in  derision  of  Atahuallpa,  and  three 
of  his  generals,  named  Quilliscacha,  Chalchu- 
china,  and  Ruminavi.  When  we  consult 
languages  as  historical  monuments,  we  must 
carefully  distinguish  what  is  ancient  from 
what  has  been  naturalyzed  by  custom.  The 
Penivian  word  for  a  cat  micitu,  is  as  modern 
as  /mallpa.  The  Peruvians  formed  micitu  from 
the  radical  miz,  because  they  observed  that 
the  Spaniards  made  use  of  it  in  calling  the 
Cat,  and  they  believed,  therefore,  miz  to  be  the 
name  of  the   animal. 

It  is  a  very  singular  phisiological  pheno- 
menon, that  on  the  Table  Land  of  the  city 
of  Cuzco,  more  elevated  and  colder  than  that 
of  Mexico,  hens  have  only  begun  to  season  to 
the  climate,  and  to  propagate  within  the  last 
thirty  years.  Till  that  period,  all  the  chickens 
perished  immediately  after  hatching.  At  pre- 
sent, the  different  varieties  of  hens,  especially 
those  of  Mosanibique,  of  which  the  flesh  i^ 
black,  have  become  common  in  both  hemi- 
spheres, wherever  the  people  of  the  old  continent 
have  penetrated.  Several  tribes  of  Savage 
Indians,  who  live  in  the  vicinity  of  European 

CHAF.  x]        KINGDOM  OF   NEW    SPAIN- 




settlements  have  procured  them.  When  we 
were  at  Toniependa,  on  the  banks  of  the  river 
Amazons,  we  saw  several  families  of  Xibaros 
Indians,  who  had  established  themselves  at  Ta" 
tumbero  in  an  almost  inaccessible  place  between 
the  cataracts  of  Yaraqiiisa  and  Patornmi  ; 
and  several  hens  were  seen  in  the  huts  of  these 
savages,  when  thsy  were  visited  for  the  first 
time,  some  years  ag-o. 

New  Spain  has  supplied  Europe  with  the 
largest  and  most  useful  of  domestic  gallinaceous 
birds,  the  turkey  (totolin  or  huexolotl)  which 
was  formerly  found  wild  on  the  back  of  the 
Cordilleras,  from  the  Isthmus  of  Panama  to 
New  England.  Cortez  relates  that  several 
thousands  of  these  birds  which  he  calls  hens 
{gallinas)  were  fed  in  the  poultry-yards  of  the 
castles  of  Montezuma.  From  Mexico  the  Spa- 
niards carried  them  to  Peru,  to  Terra  Firma, 
{Castilla  del  Oro)  and  the  West  India  Islands, 
where  Oviedo  described  them  in  1515.  Her- 
nandez even  then  very  well  observed  that  the 
wild  turkies  of  Mexico  were  much  larger 
than  the  domestic  ones.  The  former  are  only 
now  to  be  found  in  the  northern  provinces. 
They  withdraw  towards  the  north  in  proportion 
as  the  population  increases,  and  consequently, 
the  forests  become  more  rare.  An  intelligent 
traveller  to  whom  we  owe  a  very  interesting 
description  of  the  countries  to  the   west  of  the 



POLIVICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 



Alleghany  mountains*,     M.  Michaux,  informs 
^        us  that  the  wild  turkey    of    Kentucky   some- 
times weighs    even   40  pounds,    an    enormous 
weight  for   a  bird  which  flies  so   rapidly,  es- 
pecially   when    pursued.     When   the   English, 
in  1584,   landed   in  Virginia,   turkies  had   for 
fifty  years  been  introduced    into  Spain,  Italy, 
and  England  f.     This   bird    did  not  then  pass 
from  the  United    States  into    Europe,    as  has 
been  falsely   maintained  by    many    naturalists. 
The  Pintades  (numida  melcagris)  designated 
so  happily   by  the  ancient;*  under  the  name  of 
aves  guttatae,  are   very  rare   in  Mexico,  while 
they  have  grown  wild  in   the  Island  of  Cuba. 
As  to  the  musk-duck   (anas  rnoschata)    called 
by    the   Germans,    Turkish  duck,    which   has 
become    so    common     in     our     poultry-yards, 
Europe    is    indebted    for  it  also    to    the    New 
Continent.     We    found  it   wild  on  the    banks 
of  the  river  Madelena,  where  the  male  grows 
to   a  prodigious  size.     The    ancient  Mexicans 
had  tame  ducks,  which  they  annually  plucked, 
as  the   feathers    w^re   an  important   object   of 
lommerce.  These  d  cks   apj  ear   to  have   been 
^'Voimt'A  with  the  species  introduced  into  Europe. 
The  goose  is  the  only  one  of  the   birds  of  our 
poultry-yards    which   is  no  where  to   be  found 
in  the  Spanish  Colonies  of  the  New  Continent. 

*  Voj'r'ge  de  Michaux,  p.  190. 

t  Beckmann,  1.  c.  T.  iii.  p.  238—270. 


CHAP.  X.] 



The  cultivation  of   the  mulberry,    and   the 
rearing  oi  silk  worms,  were  introduced  by  the 
care  of  Cortez,    a  few    years  after    the  siege 
of  Tenochtitlan.     There  is  a  mulberry   tree  on 
the  ridge  of  the  Cordilleras  peculiar  to  the  equi- 
noctial   regions,   the  rnorus  acuminata,   Bonpl. 
which  we  found  wild  in  the  kingdom  of  Quito, 
near  the  villages  of  Piso  and  Puembo.     The 
leaf  of  this  mulberry  is  not   so  hard   as  that 
of  the  red  mulberry,  (M.  rubra)  of  the  United 
States,  and  the   silk  worms  eat  it  like  that  of 
the  white  mulberry   of  China.     This  last  tree, 
which    according   to  Olivier    de   Serres,    was 
only    planted     in     France,    in    the     reign   of 
Charles  the  eighth,  about  the  year    1494,  was 
already  very  common     in   Mexico,  about   the 
middle  of  the    16th    century.     A   considerable 
quantity  of  silk  was  then  produced  in  the  In- 
tendancy  of  la  Puebla,  in  the  environs  of  Pa- 
nuco  *,  and  in  the  Province  of  Oaxaca,  where 
several  villages  of  the  Misteca,    still  bear  the 
names  of  Tepexe   de  la  Seda,  (Silk^  and   San 
Franrisco    de    la  Seda.     The    policy     of   the 
Co'incil  of  the   Indies,  constantly  unfavourable 
to  the  manufactures    of  Mexico,    on    the    one 
hand,  and  on  the  other,   ihe  most  active  com- 
merce  with  China,  and  the  interest  which  the 
Philippine  Company  har  e  in  selling  the  Asiatic 
silks  to  the  Mexicans,    seem   to    be  the  prin- 
cipal causes  of  the  gradual  annihilation  of  this 

*La  Florida  del  Inca  (Madrid,  1723)  T.  i.  p.258. 


POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  iv. 

branch  of  colonial  industry.  A  few  years  a^o, 
an  individual  at  Queretaro,  proposed  to  the 
government  the  making  of  large  plantations 
of  mulberry,  in  one  of  the  finest  vallies  of 
Mexico,  la  Canada  of  the  baths  of  San  Pedro, 
inhabited  by  more  than  three  thousand  Indians. 
The  rearing  of  silk  worms  requires  less  care 
than  cochineal,  and  the  character  of  the  natives 
renders  them  extremely  fit  for  every  sort  of 
labour,  which  requires  great  patience  and 
minute  care.  Tlw*  Canada,  which  is  two 
leagues  from  Queretaro,  towards  the  north  east 
constantly  enjoys  a  mild  and  temperate  climate. 
The  Lavrus  persea  is  only  now  cultivated 
there,  and  the  viceroys  who  dread  to  infringe 
on  what  is  called  in  the  colonies,  the  rights 
of  the  Mother  Country,  have  been  unwilling 
to  admit  the  substitution  of  mulberries  to  the 
present   species   of  cultivation. 

New  Spain  has  several  species  of  indi- 
genous caterpillars,  which  spin  silk  in  the 
manner  of  the  Bomhyjo  Mori  of  China,  but 
which  have  neVer  yet  been  suflficiently  e\a- 
mined  by  entomologists.  The  silk  of  the 
Misteca  derived  from  these  animals,  was 
an  object  of  co  i  merce,  even  in  the  time 
of  Montezuma.  Handkerchiefs  are  still  ma- 
nufactured in  the  intendancy  of  Oaxaca 
of  this  Mexican  silk.  We  purc^hased  some 
on  the   road     to   Acapulco,    at   Chilpanzinjj^o. 

«HAP.  X.]        KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN. 


The  stuff  feels  rough,  like  certain  Indian 
silks,  which  are  equally  the  produce  of 
very  difl'erent  silk-worms,  from  that  of  the 

In  the  provinces  of  Mechoacan,  and  in 
the  mountains  of  Santa  Rosa,  to  the  north 
of  Guanaxuato  bag's  of  an  oval  form,  resem- 
bling the  nests  of  the  Orialus,  (  Troupiales)  and 
the  CaciqueSf  are  seen  suspended  from  different 
kinds  of  trees,  and  especially  the  branches 
of  the  Arbutus  Madrono.  These  bags  call- 
ed capullos  de  madroTio,  are  the  work  of  a 
great  immber  of  caterpillars  of  the  Bombyx 
de  Fabricius  kind,  who  live  in  society,  and 
spin  together.  Each  capullo  is  from  18  to 
20  centimetres  in  length,  by  21  in  breadth*. 
They  are  of  a  brilliant  whiteness,  and  formed 
in  beds,  which  may  be  separated  from  one 
another.  The  interior  beds  ;ire  the  most 
slender,  and  of  an  extraordinary  transpa- 
rency.— The  matter  of  which  these  large 
bags  is  formed  resembles  Chinese  paper: 
the  tissue  is  so  dense  that  the  threads  which 
are  pasted  transversely  over  one  another,  are 
scarcely  percciveable.  I  found  a  great  number 
of  these  capullos  de  madroYwt  on  descending  the 
c<jfl"re  de  Perote  towards  las  Vigas  at  an  ab- 
solute height   of  3200  metrehf.     It  is  possible 

*  From  7  to  7i  Ihlices,  by  fJi  inches.    Tr^m. 
f  10,498  feet  linglish.     Tram. 


POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  ir. 

to  wnte  on  the  interior  beds  without  making* 
them  undergo  any  sort  of  preparation.  It 
is  a  true  natural  paper,  of  which  the  antient 
Mexicans  knew  the  use,  pasting  together  se- 
veral beds,  for  the  formation  of  a  white 
and  glossy  pasteboard.  We  brought  by  the 
courier,  living  caterpillars  of  the  bombyx 
madrono  from  Santa  Ros^  to  Mexico:  they 
are  of  an  olive  colour,  approaching  to  black 
and  covered  with  hair,  and  their  length  is 
from  25  to  28  millimetres*.  We  did  not 
see  their  metamorphosis,  but  we  perceived  that 
notwithstanding  the  beauty  and  extraordinary 
lustre  of  this  madrono  silk,  it  would  be  al- 
most impossible  to  employ  it  to  any  advan- 
tage on  account  of  the  difficulty  which 
would  be  experienced  in  winding  it.  As 
several  caterpillars  work  together,  their  threads 
cross  and  entangle  with  one  another.  I  have 
thought  proper  to  enter  into  these  details, 
because  persons  more  zealous  than  well  in- 
formed, have  lately  turned  the  attention  of 
the  French  Government  towards  the  indige- 
nou  silk  of   Mexico. 

Wax  is  an  object  of  the  highest  importance 
to  a  country  where  much  magnificence  prevails 
in  the  exterior  worship.  An  ei»ormous  quantity 
is  consumed  in  the  festivals  of  the  church,  both 
in  the  capital,  and  in  the  chapels  of  the  smallest 

*  From  .98  of  an  inch,  to  1.1  inch.     Tranf, 

CHAP.  X.]  KITTGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.         61 

Indian    villages.       The   hives    are    extremely 
productive  in  the   peninsula   of  Yucatan,    es- 
pecially in  the   environs  of  the  port    of  Cam- 
peachy,  which,  in  1803,  exported  582  arrobas 
of  wax,  for  Vera  Cruz.     They  reckon  from 
6    to   7    hundred    hives      in     one    colmenar. 
This    wax    of  Yucatan    is    the    produce    of 
a  bee  peculiar  to  the  New  Continent,  which 
is  said  to  be   destitute  of  a   sting,   no  doubt 
because  the  sting  is  weak  and   not  very  sen- 
sible.     From   this   circumstance   in  the   Spa- 
nish colonies,  the   name   of    little  angels  (an- 
gelitos,)  has  been  given  to  the  bees  described 
by    M.  M.  Illiger,  Jurine,  and   Latreille,  un- 
der the  name   of   Melipone   and   Trigone.     I 
know   not   if  the  bee    of    Campeachy   differs 
from  the  Melipona  Fasciatay  found  by  M.  Bon- 
pland   on  the  eastern   slope  of   the    Cordille- 
leras.*       It  is  certain  that  the    wax    of   the 
American   bees    is   more    difficult    to  whiten, 
than  the  wax  of  the  domestic  bees  of  Europe. 
New   Spain  draws   annually  nearly  25,000  or- 
rohas  of  wax   from   the    Havannah,  the    value 
of  which    amounts    to    more   than   2    millions 
of  livres  Tournoisf.     A  very  small  part  how- 

*  See  the  insects  collected  in  the  covuse  of  our  cxpedi* 
tion,  and  described  by  M.  Latreille  in  our  Heuieil  d* ob- 
servations de  Zoologie  et  d*Anutome  Comparee,  t.  i. 

t  iS83,340«terUng.     Trans. 

POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE        [book  it. 

ever  of  this  wax  of  the  island  of  Cuba,  ii 
the  produce  of  the  wild  Trigones  which  oc- 
cupy the  trunks  of  the  Cedrela  Odorata ; 
the  greatest  part  is  procured  from  the  bee  of 
the  north  of  Europe  (Apis  Mellificay)  the 
cultivation  of  which,  has  been  very  much 
on  the  increase  since  1772.  The  island  of 
Cuba  exported  m  1803,  including  the  contra- 
band, 42,670  arrohas  of  wax.  The  price 
of  an  arroha  then,  amounted  to  20  or  21 
piastres;  but  the  mean  price  in  time  of  peace, 
is  only  15  piastres,  or  75  livres  Tournois.J 
In  America,  the  neighbourhood  of  the  sugar 
plantations  is  very  prejudicial  to  the  bees. 
These  insects  are  so  exceedingly  greedy  of 
honey,  that  they  drown  themselves  in  the 
juice  of  the  cane,  which  puts  them  into  a 
state  of  inaction  and  intoxication  when  they 
drink   it  to  excess. 

The  rearing  of  the  cochineal,  (Grana  No- 
chiztlif)  is  of  great  antiquity  in  New  Spain ; 
and  it  is  probable  that  it  goes  beyond  the 
incursions  of  the  Toliec  tribes.  In  the  time  of 
the  dynasty  of  Aztec  kings,  the  cochineal  was 
more  general  than  at  present.  There  were 
nopaleries  not  only  in  Mixtecapan  (la  Misteca,) 
and  in  the  province  of  Huaxyacac  (Oaxaca), 
but    also    in    the    intendancy    of    Puebla,    ii)^ 

*  £5  2  6  sterling.    Trans, 

CHAP.  Z.3 



the  environs  of  Cholula  and  Huejotzingo. 
The  vexations  to  which  the  natives  were 
exposed  in  the  beginning  of  the  conquest, 
and  the  low  price  at  which  the  encomen^ 
deros  forced  the  cultivators  to  sell  the  co- 
chineal, occasioned  this  branch  of  Indian  in- 
dustry to  be  every  where  neglected,  except- 
ing in  the  intendancy  of  Oaxaca.  It  is 
scarcely  40  years  since  the  peninsula  of  Yu- 
catan still  possessed  considerable  nopaleries. 
In  a  single  night,  all  the  nopals,  on  which 
the  cochineal  lives,  were  cut  down.  The 
Indians  pretend  that  the  government  took 
this  violent  resolution  to  raise  the  value  of 
a  commodity,  of  which  they  wislied  to  secure 
the  exclusive  property  to  the  inhabitants 
of  Misteca.  On  the  other  hand,  the  whites 
maintain  that  the  natives  irritated  and  discontent- 
ed with  the  price  fixed  by  the  merchants  on  the 
cochineal,  came  to  a  general  understanding, 
to  destroy  at  once,  both  the  insect  and  the 

The  quantity  of  cochineal  which  the  inten- 
dancy of  Oaxaca,  furnishes  to  Europe,  may 
be  estimated  communibus  aunts  including 
the  three  sorts,  cjrana,  yraniUa  and  polvos 
de  grantty  at  4000  zurrones  or  32,000  arrobas, 
which,  calculating  the  arroba  at  75  double 
piastres,    amounts    to   2,400,000    piastres,    or 


POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  it. 

12  millions  of  livres  Tournois.*      The  cochi- 
neal exported  from  Vera  Craz,  was 

In  1802,  46,964<  arrobas  or  3,368,557,  p. 
1803,  29,610  arrobas  or  2,238,673  p. 

But  part  of   one   har>^est   being  frequently 
added  to  the  harvest  of    the  following  year, 
we  are  not  to  judge  of  the   progress  of  the 
cultivation,    from  the   exportation  alone.      It 
appears    that    in    general   the    nopaleries  in- 
crease very  slowly  in  Misteca.     In  the  inten- 
dancy  of  Guadalaxara,  there  is   scarcely  800 
arrobas    of    cochineal    produced    in    a    year. 
Raynalf   estimates   the    whole   exportation  of 
New    Spain    at    4000    quintals,    an    estimate 
too   low  by  one  half.     The  East  Indies  have 
only  begun  to  pour  their  cochineal  into  com* 
merce,    but    the    quantity    is  very  inconside- 
rable.    Captain   Nelson   carried  oft*  the   insect 
from    Rio  Janeiro    in    1793,    and    nopaleries 
have     been    established    in    the    environs    of 
Calcutta,     Chittagong,    and  Madras.      Much 
difficulty     was     experienced      in      procuring 
the    species    of    cactus    proper   for  the  nou- 
rishment  of    the    insect.       We  know   not  if 
this   Brasilian   cochineal  transported   to  Asia, 
be  the    mealy  species    of    Oaxaca,    or  if   it 
be  the  cotton  cochineal  (grana  silvestre), 

♦  £500,040  sterling.     Trant, 
t  T.ii.p.78. 

CHAP.   X.] 





I  shall  not  here  repeat  what  Thiery  de  Menon- 
ville,  and  other  naturalists  after  him  have 
published  on  the  cultivation  of  the  nopal» 
and  the  rearing  of  the  valuable  insect  which 
is  maintained  on  it.  M.  Thiery  has  displayed 
as  much  sagacity  in  his  researches,  as  cou- 
rage in  the  execution  of  his  projects.  His 
observations  on  the  cochineal  introduced  into 
St.  Domingo,  are  certainly  very  accurate; 
but,  ignorant  of  the  language  of  the  country, 
and  afraid  of  exciting  suspicion  by  a  display 
of  too  great  curiosity,  he  could  only  collect 
during  his  stay  in  the  intendancy  of  Oaxaca, 
a  very  imperfect  knowledge  of  the  Mexicin 
nopaleries.  I  had  occasion  to  observe  iiie 
wild  cochineal  in  the  kingdom  of  New  Gra- 
nada, Quito,  Peru,  and  in  Mexico,  though  I 
was  not  fortunate  enough  to  see  the  fine  co- 
chineal; but  having  consulted  persons  who 
"have  lived  long  in  the  mountains  of  Misteea, 
and»  having  had  at  command  extracts  from 
several  manuscript  memoirs,  drawn  up  by 
order  of  the  Count  de  Tessa,  during  my 
stay  at  Mexico,  by  alcaides  and  ecclesiastics 
of  the  bishoprick  of  Oaxaca,  I  flatter  my- 
self that  I  shall  be  able  to  communicate  some 
useful  information,  respecting  an  insect  which 
has  become  of  the  very  first  importance 
to  European  manufactures. 

Is  the  mmly  fine  or  Mistec  cophineal  (yra- 

VOL.   III.  F 


POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THife  [book  ir 

na  fimi)  specifically  different  from  the  cotton 
or  wild  cochineal  (ffrana  sUvestrc)^  or  is  tho 
latter  the  primitive  stock  of  the  former, 
which  consequently  would  only  be  the  pro- 
duce of  a  degeneracy,  originating  in  the  care 
of  man?  This  pro])lem  is  as  different  to  de- 
cide as  the  question,  whether  the  domestic 
sheep  descends  from  the  ovis  ammoiif  the  dog 
from  the  wolf,  and  the  ox  from  the  civrochs. 
Whatever  relates  to  the  origin  of  species,  to 
the  hypothesis  of  a  variety  become  constant, 
or  a  form  which  perpetuates  itself,  belongs 
to  problems  in  zoonomy,  on  which  it  is  wise 
to  avoid  pronouncing  decisively. 

The  fine  cochineal  differs  from  the  wild  one. 
not  only  in  size,  but  also  in  being  mealy  and 
covered  with  a  white  powder,  while  the  wild 
one  is  enveloped  in  a  thick  cotton,  which 
prevents  its  rings  from  being  distinguished; 
but  the  metamorphoses  of  the  two  insects  are 
the  same.  Iti  those  parts  of  South  America 
Ivhere  for  ag^s  the  wild  cochineal  hiui  been 
reared,  it  has  never  yet  lost  its  down.  It  is 
true  that  in  the  nopaleries  established  by  M. 
Thiery  at  fet.  Domingo,  it  was  thought  to  be 
observed,  that  the  inseet  under  the  care  of 
man  ineteased  in  size,  and  underwelat  a  sen- 
sible eha^e  in  the  thickness  of  its  cotton  co- 
vering; but  Mr.  Latreille  a  learned  entomo- 
logist,, who  is  inclined  to  look  upon  the  \rild 

cuAr.  x.] 

KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.         67 

cochineal,  as  a  diflferent  species  from  the  fine 
one,  beheves  that  this  diminution  of  down  is 
merely  apparent,  and  that  it  mast  be  attri- 
buted to  the  thickness  of  the  body  of  the  in- 
sect. The  rings  on  the  back  of  the  female 
beings  more  dilated,  the  hairs  covering  this 
part  must  appear  less  close  and  consequently 
clearer.  I  was  informed  by  several  persons 
who  had  long  lived  in  the  environs  of  the 
town  of  Oaxaca,  that  sometimes  among  the 
small  coccus  recently  brought  into  the  world, 
individuals  are  observed  covered  with  very 
long  hair.  One  might  be  tempted  to  consi- 
der this  fact  as  a  proof,  that  nature  when  she 
deviates  from  her  primitive  type,  returns  to 
it  from  time  to  time.  lu  this  way  the  seed 
of  the  fragaria  monophylla  of  M.  Duchesne, 
constantly  produces  some  common  strawberries 
with  parted  leaves.  But  we  must  not  for- 
get that  the  fine  cochineal,  on  leaving  the 
body  of  the  mother  is  wrinkled  in  the  back, 
and  covered  with  twelve  silks  frequently  very 
long,  which  disappear  when  it  becomes  adult. 
Tho»e  who  have  not  attentively  compared 
the  offspring  of  the  fine .  cochineal,  with  that 
of  the  wild  jcochineal,  are  naturally  struck 
with,  the  presence  of  these  hairs.  The  fine 
cochineal  appeal's  powdery  ten  days  after  its 
birth,  .when  it  frees  itself  from  its  fringy  dress 
of  small  silks,  whereas  the   wild  cochinea)  is 

p  2 












■tt  liU    12.2 

Is  IHh  U^ 














23  WIST  MAIN  STIir 





POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  ir. 

more  and  more  covereil  as  it  gets  older,  its 
down  thickens,  and  the  insert  resembles  a 
small  white  flake,  at  the  period  which  pre- 
cedes the  conjunction  of  the  two  sexes.      '   ' 

It  is  sometimes  observed  in  the  nopalericir 
of  Oaxaca  that  the  winged  male  of  the  fine 
cochineal  conples  with  the  female  of  the  wiM 
cochineal.  This  fact  has  been  cited  as  an 
evideiTt  proof  of  the  identity  of  the  species; 
but  we  commonly  see  in  Europe  coecinelles 
couple  together,  essentially  different  in  their 
form,  shape,  and  colour.  When  two  species 
of  insects  are  in  the  same  vicinity,  we  ought 
not  to  be  astonished  at  their  coupling  together. 

Are  the  fine  cochineal  and  the  pltint  on 
which  it  feeds,  both  to  be  found  in  a  wild 
state  in  Mexico  ?  M.  Thiery  thought  himself 
warranted  in  answering  this  question  in  the 
negative.  This  naturalist  appears  to  admit 
that  the  insect  and  the  nopal  of  the  planta- 
tions of  Oaxaca,  have  been  insensibly  modi- 
fied in  their  form  by  means  of  long  culture. 
This  supposition  however  appears  to  me  equally 
gratuitous  with  that  which  would  pronounce 
grain,  maize,  and  the  banana,  to  be  degenerated 
plants,  or,  to  take  an  example  from  the  animal 
reign,  the  llama,  which  is  not  known  in  a  wild 
state,  to  be  a  variety  of  the  Peruvian  sheep, 
{vicuna)  of  the  Upper  Andes.  The  coccu» 
cacti  has  an  infinite  number  of  enemies  among 


CHAP.  X.] 






the  insects    and  birds.     Wherever  the   cotton 
cochineal  propagates  of  itself,  it  is  not  to  be 
found  in   any  abundance,  from   which  we  may 
easily  conceive  that  the  mealy  cochineal  must 
have  been  still  more  rare  in  its  native  coun- 
try, because    it    is   nmch    more   delicate,  and 
not  being  covered   with   down,  is  more  sensi- 
ble to  the  cold  and  humidity  of  the  air.     In 
discussing  the  question^   whether    the  fine  co- 
chineal  would  propagate  without  the   care  of 
man,  the  subdelegate  of  the  province  of  Oaxa- 
ca,  Ruiz  de  ,Montaya*,  cites  a  very  remark- 
able fact    in     his    memoir,    "  that    at    seven 
**  leagues  distance  from  the  village  of  Nexapa, 
**  there  is  a  place,  where,  favoured  by  parti- 
**  cular  circumstances,  the  most  beautiful  yrana 
**  fina  is  to   be  found,  on  very  high  and  very 
**  prickly  wild  nopals,  without  any   pjtins   ha- 
"  ving  ever    been    bestowed  in   cleaning*   the 
"  plants,  or   in  renewing  the  offspring  of  the 
"  cochineal."     Besides  we  are  not  to  be   as- 
tonished that    even    in  a  country  where    this 
animal    is    indigenous,    it   should    seldom    be 
£ound    in    a  wild    state,   from    the   time   that 
it    began    to    be  in    request    among    the   iit- 
habitants,  and  to  be  reared  in  nopaleries.     It 
is  probable   that    the  Toultecs,  before  under- 
taking   so    troublesome    a  species    of  cultiva- 
tion, collected  the  fine  cochineal  on  the  nopals, 


*  Gazeta  tie  literatura  de  Mmco,  1794,  p.  228. 

90         POLITICAL  ESSAY  OK  THE         [b'*.*  it. 

which  grew  spontaneously  on  the  sides  of  Uie 
mountains  of  Oaxaca.  Gathering  tiie  females 
before  laying,  the  species  would  soon  be  de* 
stroyed;  and  to  obviate  this  progressive  de- 
struction,  and  prevent  the  mixture  of  the  cotton 
and  mealy  cochineals  on  the  same  cactus,  (the 
former  depriving  the  lattei*  of  all  nourishment,) 
nopaleries  were  establiahed  by  the  natives. 

The  plants  on  which  the  two  species  of 
cochineal  are  propagated,  are  essentially  dif- 
ferent ;  and  this  undoubted  fact  is  one  of  those 
which  indicate  a  primitive  and  specific  dif- 
ference between  the  jftana  fina,  and  the  yrami 
silvestre»  Is  it  probable  if  the  mealy  cochi- 
neal was  merely  a  variety  of  the  cotton  cochi- 
neal, that  it  would  perish  on  the  same  cactus 
which  serves  for  nourishment  to  the  latter, 
and  which  botanists  designate  by  the  names  of 
cactus  opuntia,  C.  tuna,  and  C.  ileus  indica  ? 
M.  Thiery  in  the  work  already  frequently  re- 
ferred to  by  us*,  asserts  that  in  the  plain  of 
Cul'de  Sac  in  Saint  Domingo,  the  cotton- 
cochiueal  does  not  live  on  the  cactus  tuna, 
but  on  the  C.  pereskia,  which  he  classes  among 
the  articalated  Indian  iigs.  I  am  afraid  that 
this  naturalist  has  .confounded  a  variety  of 
i>puntia,  with  the  true  pei*eskia,  which  i^  9- 
tree  with  large  and  thick  leaves,  and  on  which 
I  never  yet  iound  any  cochineal.    X  look  i\pon 

.     *  P.  275^282. 





it  also  as  extremely  doubtful,  that  the  plant  called 
by  Linneus  cactus  coccinellifer,  cultivated  in 
Europe,  is  the  nopal  on  which  the  Indians  of 
Oaxaca  rear  the  mealy  cocliineal.  M.  Decan- 
dolle^  who  has  thrown  nmch  light  on  this 
subject,  appears  to  be  of  my  opinion ;  for  he 
cites  the  wild  nopal  of  Thiery  de  Menouville, 
as  synonimous  with  the  cochineal  Indian  fig, 
which  is  entirely  different  from  that  of  the 
plantations.  In  fact  Linneus  gave  the  name 
of  cactus  coccinellifer  to  the  Indian  fig,  with 
which  several  botanical  gardens  of  Europe  had 
received  the  cotton-cochineal,  a  species  with  a 
purple  flower,  (Ficus  Indica  vermiculos  proferens 
of  Plukenet)  which  grows  wild  in  Jamaica, 
the  Island  of  Cuba,  and  almost  every  where 
in  the  Spanish  Colonies  of  the  Continent.  I 
have  shewn  this  cactus  to  welL  informed  per- 
sons, who  had  carefully  examined  the  nopale- 
ries  of  Oaxaca,  and  they  have  uniformly  told 
me  that  the  7iop€d  of  the  plantations  is  essen- 
tiuilly-^ifierent  from  it,  and  that  the  latter,  as 
is  also  afiii'med  by  M.  Thiery,  is  never  to  be 
found  in  a  wild  state.  Moreover  the  Abbe 
Clavigerot  who  lived  five  years  in  Misteca, 
expressly  says,  that  the  fruit  of  the  nopal  on 
which  the  fine  qochineal  is  reared,  is  siii^ll,  in- 
sipid, and  white,  while  the  fruit  of  the  caclus 

♦  Plantes grasses  de  M.M,  JRcdoute  ei  DecandoUefliyrmon 




t  T.i.p.  115. 


POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

coccinellifer  is  red.  The  celebrated  Ulloa 
advances  in  his  works  that  the  true  nopal  i.s 
without  prickles;  but  he  appears  to  have  con- 
founded this  plant  with  an  Indian  fig,  which 
we  have  frequently  found  in  the  g^ardens,  (conU" 
cos)  of  the  Indians  of  Mexico  and  Peiii,  and 
which  the  Creoles  on  account  of  its  gigantic 
size,  the  excellence  of  its  fruits,  and  the  beauty 
of  its  articulations,  which  are  of  a  blucish  green, 
and  destitute  of  prickles,  designate  by  the 
name  of  tuna  de  Castilla.  This  nopal,  the 
most  elegant  of  all  the  opuntia,  is  in  fact  fit 
for  the  nourishment  of  the  mealy  cochineal, 
especially  after  its  birth,  but  it  is  seldom  to 
be  found  in  the  nopaleries  of  Oaxaca.  If  ac- 
cording to  the  opinion  of  several  distinguished 
naturalists,  the  Uiiia  or  nopal  de  Castilhty  is 
but  a  variety  of  the  ordinary  cactus  opuntia, 
originating  in  cultivation,  we  must  be  surprized 
that  the  Indian  figs  cultivated  for  centuries 
in  our  botanical  gardens,  and  those  of  the  no- 
paleries of  New  Spain,  have  never  in  the  same 
manner  lost  the  prickles,  with  which  the  joints 
are  provided. 

The  Indians  of  the  intendancy  of  Oaxaca, 
do  not  all  follow  the  same  method  in  rearing 
the  cochineal,  which  M.  Thiery  de  Menonville 
saw  practised  in  his  rapid  passage  through  San 
Juan  del  Re,  San  Antonio  and  Quicatlan.    The 


CRAP.    X.] 



Indians  of  the  district  of  Sola  and  Zimatlan*, 
es^?.blish  their  nopaleries  ou  the  slope  of  moun- 
tains, or  in  ravins,  two  or  three  leaj^ues  dis- 
tant from  their  vilhigfes.  Tliey  plant  the  no- 
pals after  cutting*  and  burning  the  trees  which 
covered  the  ground.  If  they  continue  to  clean 
the  ground  twice  a  year,  the  young  plants  are 
in  a  condition  to  maintain  the  cochineal  in 
the  third  year.  For  this  purpose  the  proprie- 
tor of  a  nopalery,  purchiises  in  the  months  of 
April  or  May,  branches  or  joints  of  the  tuna  de 
Castitta,  laden  with  small  cochineals,  (semilla) 
recently  hatched.  These  branches  destitute  of 
roots,  and  separated  from  the  trunks,  preserve 
their  juice  for  several  months.  They  are  sold 
for  about  three  francs  the  hundred  in  the  mar- 
ket of  Oaxaca.  The  Indians  preserve  the 
semilla  of  the  cochineal  for  twenty  days  in 
caverns,  or  in  the  interior  of  their  huts,  and 
after  this  period  they  expose  the  young  coccus 
to  the  open  air.  The  branches  to  which  the 
insect  is  attached,  are  suspended  under  a  shed 
covered  with  a  straw  roof.  The  growth 
of  the  cocliineal  is  so  rapid,  that  even  in  the 
months  of  August  and  September,  we  find  mo- 
thers already  big  before  the  young  are  yet 
hatched.  These  mother-cochineals  are  placed 
in  Tiests,  made  of  a  species  of  tillandsia,  called 
paxtk.    They  are  carried  in  these  nests  two  or 



Informe  de  Don  Francisco  Ibanez  de  Coroera*  (M.  S  ) 

74  POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [oook  fr. 

three  leagues  from  the  village,  and  diitribii- 
teci  in  the  nopaleries,  where  the  young*  plants 
receive  the  semilla.  The  hiyinpf  of  the  mo- 
ther-cochineal lasts  from  thirteen  to  fifteen 
flays.  If  the  situation  of  the  ))lantation  is  not 
very  elevated,  the  first  harvest  may  be  expected 
in  loss  than  four  months.  It  is  observed,  that 
in  a  climate  more  cold  than  temperate,  the 
colour  of  the  cochineal  is  equally  beautiful,  but 
that  the  harvest  is  much  later.  In  tiie  plain, 
the  mother-cochineals  grow  to  a  greater  size, 
but  they  meet  with  more  enemies  in  the  innu* 
merable  quantity  of  insects,  (xicaritas,  perritos, 
aradoreSf  agujasf  armadillost  culebrittts,)  lizards, 
rats,  and  birds,  by  which  they  ai*e  devoured. 
Much  care  is  necessary  in  cleaning  the  branches 
of  the  nopals.  The  Indian  women  make  use 
of  a  squirrel,  or  stag's  tail  for  that  pivpose ; 
they  squat  down  for  hours  together  beside  one 
plant;  and  notwithstanding  the  excessive  price 
of  the  cochineal,  it  is  to  be  doubted  if  this 
cultivation  would  be  profitable,  in  countries  where 
the  time  and  labour  of  man  might  be  turned 
to  account.  At  Sola,  where  very  cold  rains 
occasionally  fall,  and  where  it  even  frequently 
freezes  in  the  month  of  January,  the  natives 
preserve  the  young  cochineals,  by  covering  the 
nopals  with  rush  mats.  The  price  of  the  se- 
mitta  of  gvana  Jina,  which  generally  does  not 
amount  to  more  than  five  francs  per  pound,  fre« 
qaently  rises  there  to  18  and  20. 

CHAP.  X.3  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.         75 

In  several  districts  of  the  province  of  Oaxaca, 
they  'have  three  cochineal  harvests  in  the 
year,  of  which  the  first  (that  which  gives 
the  semilla)  is  not  lucrative,  because  the  mother 
preserves  for  a  very  short  time  the  colouring 
juice,  if  she  dies  after  having  laid. 
This  first  harvest  furnishes  the  yrana  de  pastlt 
or  nesi  cochineal,  so  called  because  the  mothers 
after  laying  are  found  in  the  same  nests  which 
have  been  suspended  to  the  nopals.  Near  the 
town  of  Oaxaca,  the  cochineal  is  sown  in  the 
month  of  August ;  but  in  the  districts  of  Chon- 
tale  this  operation  does  not  take  place  till  the 
month  of  October;  and  on  the  coldest  table 
lands  not  even  till  the  months  of  November  and 

The  cotton  or  wild  cochineal  which  gets  into 
the  nopaleries,  and  the  male  of  which  according 
to  the  observation  of  Mr.  Alzate,  is  not  much 
'  smaller  than  the  male  of  the  mealy  or  fine  cochi* 
neal,  does  much  injury  to  the  nopals ;  and  accord- 
ingly the  Indians  kill  it  wherever  they  find  it, 
though  the  colour  which  it  yields  is  very  solid 
and  very  beautiful.  It  appears  thsit  not  only 
the  fruits,  but  also  the  green  branches  of  several 
species  of  cactus  will  dye  cotton,  violet  md 
red,  and  that  the  colour  of  the  cochineal  is  not 
entirely  owing  to  a  process  of  <mimaU;saiion  of 
the  vegetable  Juices  in  the  body  of  the  insect. 

They  reckon  at  Nexapa  that  in  good  years 




7t»  POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [koojc  iv. 

one  poiiiul  of  svmiUn  of  mealy  cocliineal  placed 
on  nopals  in  the  month  of  Oetoher,  in  \\\i' 
month  of  January  yiehls  a  harvest  of  12  |)ounils 
of  mother  (;ocliineals,  leavin<;;  suilieient  seinilla 
on  the  plant,  that  is  to  say  l>e^innin«;'  the  har- 
vest only  when  the  mothers  have  already  pro- 
dured  the  half  of  their  yonnjjf.  This  new  S(;- 
niilla  ag^ain  produces  till  the  month  of  May  3G 
pounds.  At  Zinuitlan  and  other  villages  of 
Misteea  and  Xieayan  they  scarcely  reap  more 
than  three  or  four  times  the  (juantity  of  cochineal 
sown.  If  the  south  wind  which  is  very  pernici- 
ous to  the  growth  of  the  insec*t  has  not  blown 
long,  and  the  cochineal  is  not  mixed  with  tlasole, 
that  is  to  say  with  the  spoils  of  the  winged 
males,  it  loses  only  two  thirds  of  its  weight 
when  dried  in  the  sun. 

The  two  kinds  of  cochineal  (the  fine  and  the 
wild)  appear  to  contain  niorc!  of  the  colouring 
principU^  in  temperate  climates,  especially  in  ^ 
regions  where  the  mean  temperatun^  of  the  air 
is  18  or  20  centigrade  degrees*.  As  to  the  wild 
cochineal  we  found  it  in  abundance  in  the  most 
opposite  climates,  in  the  mountains  of  Rio- 
bamba,  at  2900  metresf  of  absolute  elevation, 
and  in  the  plains  of  the  province  of  Jaen  de 
Bracamoros,  under  a  burning  sky,  between  the 
villages  of  Tomependa  and  Chamaya. 

•  64'»and68o  ofFahrenh.     Trans. 
t  9513feet£ngligh.     Trans. 


CHAP.    X.] 



Aroiiiid  the  town  of  Oaxarii,  nnd  cHprrially 
near  ()(>(»ilaii  tliere  are  plantations  (linciemlan) 
wliirh  <'ontain  from  •'>0  to  (KMKK)  nopals  planted 
in  linrs  like  pites  oi  mntfnejfs  de  puitfue.  The 
jjfreatest  part  of  the  cochineal  wliich  is  eniploye<l 
in  commerce  is,  howt^ver,  prodnci'd  in  small 
nopaleries  helonjrinjr  to  !»»  lians  of  extreme 
poverty.  The  nopal  is  seldom  allowed  to 
grow  higher  than  12  <lecimetres*  in  order  that 
it  may  be  the  more;  easily  cleared  of  the  inserts 
which  devour  tln^  <'ochineal.  The  varieties  of 
the  cactus  which  are  rouji^hest  and  most  prickly 
are  even  preferred,  because  these  arms  serve  to 
protect  th(^  cochineal  from  flying  insects ;  and 
the  flower  and  fruit  are  carefully  cut  to  pre- 
vent tliese  insects  from  depositing  their  eggs  in 

The  Indians  who  cultivate  the  cochineal  and 
who  go  by  the  name  of  nopalerosy  especially 
those  who  live  round  the  town  of  Oaxaca,  fol- 
low a  very  ancient  and  a  very  extraordinary 
practice,  that  of  making  the  cochineal  travel. 
In  that  part  of  the  torrid  zone,  it  rains  in  the 
plains  and  vallies  from  May  to  October,  while 
in  the  chain  of  neighbouring  mountains  called 
Sierra  de  Tstepeje,  the  rains  are  only  frequent 
from  December  to  April.  In  place  of  preserv- 
ing the  insect  in  the  rainy  season  in  the  interioi 
of  their  huts,  the  Indians  place  the  mother-co- 

fi  * 



*  4-7  inches.    Tram, 

7B         POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE        [book  iv. 

chinealsy  covered  with  palm-lenves  by  beils  in 
btskels  made  of  very  flexible  cln.s|>ers.  These 
baskets  (eoHaaioi/)  are  carried  by  the  Indians  on 
their  backs  as  quickly  as  possible  to  the  niouiv- 
tains  of  Istepeje,  above  the  village  of  Santa 
Catalina,  at  nine  leagues  distance  from  Oaxaca. 
The  mother  cochineals  produce  their  youngs  liy 
the  way.  On  opening  the  catuistos  they  are 
found  full  of  young  coccuSf  which  are  distributed 
on  the  nopals  of  the  sierra.  They  remain  there 
till  the  month  of  October  when  the  rainti  cease 
in  the  lower  regions.  The  Indians  then  return 
to  the  mountains  in  quest  of  the  cochineal  for 
the  purpose  of  replacing  it  in  the  nopaleries  of 
Oaxaca.  The  Mexican  in  this  way  withdraws 
the  insects  from  the  peraicious  effects  of  the 
humidity  in  the  same  manner  as  the  Spaniard 
travels  with  his  merinos  from  the  cold. 

At  the  period  of  the  harvests  the  Indians  kill 
the  mother  cochineals,  which  are  collected  on 
a  wooden  plate  called  chilcaipetl  by  throwing 
them  into  boiling  water,  or  heaping  them  up 
by  beds  in  the  sun,  or  placing  them  on  mats  in 
the  same  ovens  of  a  circular  form  (temazcaUi) 
which  are  used  for  vapour  and  hot  air  baths  of 
which  we  have  already  spoken*.     The  last  of 

*  See  vol.  ii.  p.  949.  M.  Alzate  who  has  given  a  good 
plate  of  the  temazcalli  (Gazeta  de  Literatura  de  Mexico. 
T.Ui.  p.  252.)  asserts  that  the  ordinary  heat  of  the  vapour  ill 
which  the  Mexican  Indian  bathes  himself  i»  66**  centigrade* 
(150  ofFahrenh.    Trans,) 

riiAP.  X.3 



these  methods,  which  is  leant  in  use,  preserves 
the  whitish  powder  on  the  body  of  the  insect) 
which  raises  its  price  at  Vera  Cruz  and  i.^.»diz. 
Purchasers  prefer  the  white  cochineal,  because 
it  is  less  subject  to  be  frauthilently  mixed  with 
parcels  of  gum,  wood,  maize,  and  red  earth. 
There  exist  in  Mexico  very  ancient  laws  (of 
the  years  1592  and  1591)  for  the  prevention  of 
the  falsification  of  cochineal.  Since  17C0  they 
have  even  been  under  the  necessity  of  establish- 
ing in  the  town  of  Oaxaca  a  jury  of  veadores 
who  examine  the  bags  (zurrones)  previous  to 
their  being  sent  out  of  the  province.  They 
appoint  the  cochineal  exposed  to  sale  to  have 
the  (/rain  separated,  that  the  Indians  may  not 
introduce  extraneous  matter  in  those  agglutinated 
masses  called  bodoques.  But  all  these  means 
are  insufficient  for  the  prevention  of  fraud. 
However,  that  which  is  practised  in  Mexico  by 
the  tiangueros  or  zanganos  (falcificadtyres)  is 
inconsiderable  in  comparison  of  thut  which  is 
practised  on  this  commodity  in  the  ports  of  the 
Peninsula,  and  in  the  rest  of  £urope. 

To  complete  the  view  of  the  animals  of  New 
Spain  we  must  bestow  a  rapid  glance  on  the 
pearl  and  whale  fisheries.  It  is  probable  that 
these  two  branches  of  fishery  will  one  day 
become  an  object  of  the  very  highest  import- 
ance  to  a  country  possessed  of  a  length  of  coast  pf 
more  than  1700  marine  leagues.    Long  before 



POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

the  discovery  of  America,  pearls  were  in  gi'eat 
estimation  among  the  natives.  Hernando  de 
Soto  found  an  immense  quantity  in  Florida, 
particularly  in  the  provinces  of  Ichiaca  and 
Confachiqui,  where  the  tombs  of  their  princes 
were  ornamented  with  them*.  Among  the 
presents  made  by  M onte/Aima  to  Cortez  before 
his  entry  into  Mexico,  which  were  sent  by 
Cortez  to  the  emperor  Charles  V.,  there  were 
necklaces  set  with  rubies,  emeralds,  and  pearlsf. 
We  know  not  whether  the  Aztec  kings  received 
any  part  of  these  pearls  by  means  of  trade 
with  the  barbarous  and  wandering:  tribes  who 
frequented  the  gulf  of  California.  It  is  better 
ascertained  that  pearls  were  fished  by  their 
orders,  on  the  coast  which  extends  from  Colima, 
the  northern  boundary  of  their  empire,  to  the 
province  of  Xoconochco  or  Soconusco,  and 
particularly  near  Tototepec,  between  Acapulco 
and  the  gulf  of  Tchuantepec  and  in  Cuitlateca- 
pan.  The  Incas  of  Peru  set  a  great  value  on 
pearls ;  but  the  laws  of  Manco-cap;i  prohibited 
the  Peruvians  from  exercising  the  calling  of 
diver,  as  not  very  beneficial  to  the  state  and 
dangerous  to  those  who  follow  it  j;. 

The  situations  which  since  the  discovery  o£ 

•  La  Florida  del  Inca,  Madrid,  1723,  p.  129, 185  and  140. 
f  GomaKi}  Conquista  de  Mexico  (Medina  del  Campo, 
1S33)  fbl.  25. 
$  Oarcilasio,  lib.  viii.  c.  23.  ^ 

CHAP.  X.3 

KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.         81 

the  New  Continent,  have  furnished  the  greatest 
abundance  of  pearls  to  the  Spaniards,  are  the 
following:  the  arm  of  the  sea  between  the 
islands  of  Cubagua  and  Coche,  and  the  coast  of 
Cumana ;  the  mouth  of  the  Rio  de  la  Haclia ; 
the  gulf  of  Panama  near  the  Iglas  de  las  Per  las; 
and  the  eastern  coast  of  California.  In  1587, 
316  kilogrammes*  of  pearls  were  imported  into 
Seville,  among  which  there  were  5  kilogram- 
mest  of  the  greatest  beauty  destined  for  king 
Philip  II.  The  pearl  fishery  of  Cubaguu 
and  Rio  de  la  Hacha  have  been  very  pi'oduc- 
live  but  of  short  duration.  After  tlie  com* 
mencementof  the  17th  century,  and  especially 
after  the  navigations  of  Yturbi  and  Pinadero, 
the  pearls  of  California  began  to  rival  in 
trade  those  of  the  gulf  of  Panama.  At  thai 
period  the  most  able  divers  were  sent  to  the 
shores  of  the  sea  of  Cortez.  The  fishery,  however, 
was  immediately  neglected  again ;  and  though 
at  the  time  of  the  expedition  of  Galvez  emlea- 
vours  were  used  to  restore  it,  these  endeavours 
were  rendered  fruitless  from  the  causes  already 
detailed  by  us  in  the  description  of  Californiaf. 
In  1803  only,  a  Spanish  ecclesiastic  residing 
at  Mexico  again  turned  the  attention  of  goverii- 



*  6971b.avoird.     Trans. 

f  Acosta,lib.  iv.c.  15. 

J  See  vol.  ii.  chap,  viii,  p.  329. 

VOL.    III. 





POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  iv. 

ment  to  the  pearls  of  the  coast  of  Ceralvo  in 
California.  As  the  divers  (buzos)  lose  much 
of  their  time  in  rising  to  breathe  on  the  sur- 
face of  the  water,  and  fatigue  themselves  to  no 
purpose  in  descending  several  times  to  the 
bottom  of  the  sea,  this  ecclesiastic  proposed  to 
employ  in  the  pearl  fishery  a  diving  bell  which 
should  serve  as  a  reservoir  of  atmospheric  air, 
and  in  which  the  diver  might  take  refuge 
whenever  he  felt  the  necessity  of  respiration. 
Furnished  with  a  mask  and  a  flexible  tube  he 
would  l)e  enabled  to  explore  the  bottom  of  the 
ocean  breathing  the  oXygen  supplied  by  this 
bell  at  which  the  tube  terminates.  During  my 
residence  in  New  Spain  I  saw  a  series  of  very 
curious  experiments  made  in  a  small  pond  near 
the  castle  of  Chopoltepec  in  the  execution  of 
this  project.  It  was  certainly  the  first  time 
that  a  diver's  bell  was  ever  constructed  at  a 
height  of  2300  metres*  equal  to  that  of  the 
pass  of  the  Simplon.  I  know  not  whether  the 
experiments  made  in  the  valley  of  Mexico 
were  ever  repeated  in  the  gulf  of  California, 
and  whether  the  pearl  fishery  has  been  renewed 
there  after  an  interruption  of  more  than  thirty 
years;  for  hitherto  almost  all  the  pearls  sup- 
plied by  the  colonies  come  from  the  gulf  of 

*  7545  feet.     Trans, 

CHAP.  X.] 



Among  the  marine  shells  of  New  Spahi,  I 
ought  also  to  mention  here  the  iimrex  of  the 
coast  of  Tehnantepec  in  the  province  of  Oaxaca, 
of  which  the  cloak  exudes  a  purple  colouring 
liquor,  and  the  famous  shell  of  Monterey  which 
resembles  the  most  beautiful  haliotis  of  New 
Zealand.  This  shell  is  to  be  found  on  the  coast 
of  New  California,  and  particularly  between  the 
ports  of  Monterey  and  San  Francisco.  It  is 
employed,  as  we  have  already  observed,  in  the  fur 
trade  with  the  inhabitants  of  Noutka.  As  to 
the  gasteropode  of  Tehuantepec,  the  Indian 
women  collect  the  purple  liquor,  following  the 
course  of  the  shore,  and  rubbing  the  cloak  of 
the  murex  with  cotton  stript  of  its  seed. 

The  western  coast  of  Mexico,  especially  that 
part  of  the  great  ocean  situated  between  the 
gulph  of  Bayonna,  the  three  Mary  islands,  and 
cape  Saint  Lucas,  abound  in  spermaceti^whales  or 
cachalots,  of  which  the  fishery  is  one  of  the  most 
important  objects  of  mercantile  speculation  on 
account  of  the  extremely  high  prices  given  for 
spermateci  (adipocire)  by  the  English  and  the 
inhabitants  of  the  United  States.  The  Spanish 
Mexicans  see  the  cachalot  fishers  aiTive  on  their 
coast  after  a  navigation  of  more  than  5000  marine 
leagues,  to  whom  they  incorrectly  enough  give 
the  appellation  of  balleneros  {whalers)  ;  but  they 
never  endeavour  to  share  in  the  pursuit  of 
these  great  mammi/erous  whales.     M.  Schneider 

G  2 




^4  POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         L^ook  iv 

who  is  as  good  a  naturalist  as  he  is  a  learned 
hclienist,  and  M.  M.  dc  T^cepedc  and 
Fleurieu*  have  j^iven  very  accurate  information 
as  to  the  whale  and  cachalot  fishery  in  the 
two  hemispheres.  I  shall  here  communicate 
the  most  recent  knowledj^e  which  I  could 
collect  during^  my  residences  on  the  shores  of 
the  South  Sea. 

Were  it  not  for  the  cachalot  fishery  and  the 
trade  in  furs  of  Sea  Otters  at  Noutka,  the  g-reat 
ocean  would  almost  never  be  frequented  by  the 
Anglo-Americans  and  Europeans.  Notwith- 
standing the  extreme  economy  practised  in 
these  fishing  expeditions,  those  beyond  Cape 
Horn  are  too  expensive  to  admit  of  the  hlach 
whale  being  the  object  of  them.  The  cost  of 
these  distant  navigations  can  only  be  compen- 
sated by  the  high  price  which  necessity  or 
luxury  fixes  on  their  returns.  Now  of  all  the 
oily  liquids  which  enter  into  trade,  there  are 
few  so  dear  as  the  spermaceti,  or  the  particular 
substance  contained  in  the  enormous  caverns 
of  the  snout  of  the  cachalot.  A  single  individual 
of  these  cetaceous  giants  yields  as  much  as  125 
English   barrekf    (of  321  gallons    eachj)    of 

*  Voycage  de  Marchand,  T.  ii.  p.  600, 64-1, 

f  A  barrel  contains  1.48  hectolitres  or  nearly  178|.  pints 
of  Paris  fRecherches  sur  la  Richesse  des  Nations  par  Adam 
Smith,  traduction  de  M.  Garnier,  T.  v.  p.  451.) 

X  This  is  supposed  to  be  Sl^.    Trans, 

CIIAF.    X.] 



spermaceti.  A  tun  containini^  eight  of  these 
barrels  or  1024  pints  of  Paris,  used  to  sell  in 
Jjondon  before  the  peace  of  Amiens  at  ^70  or 
J&80  and  during-  the  war  at  £95  and  ^100 

It  was  not  the  third  expedition  of  Cook 
to  the  north-west  coast  of  the  New  Continent, 
but  the  voyage  of  James  CoUnet  to  the  Gallapa- 
gos  islands,  which  made  known  to  the  Euro- 
peans and  Anglo  Americans  the  abundance  ot 
cachalots  in  the  great  ocean  to  the  north  of  the 
equator.  Till  1788  the  whale  fishers  only 
frequented  the  coasts  of  Chili  and  Peru.  Only 
12  or  fifteen  vessels  then  doubled  Cape  Horn 
annually  for  the  cachalot  fishery,  while  at  the 
period  when  I  was  in  the  South  Sea,  there  were 
more  than  GO  under  the  English  flag  alone. 

The  physeter  macroccphalus  not  only  frequents 
the  arctic  seas  between  the  coast  of  Greenland 
and  Davis  Straits,  it  is  not  only  found  in  the 
Atlantic  Ocean  between  the  banks  of  New- 
foundland and  the  Azore  Islands,  where  the 
Anglo  Americans  sometimes  carry  on  a  fishery, 
but  it  is  also  to  be  found  to  the  south  of  the  equator 
on  the  coasts  of  Brazil  and  Guinea.  It  would 
appear  that  in  its  periodical  voyages,  it  ap- 
proaches more  to  the  continent  of  Africa  than  to 
that  of  America ;  for  in  the  environs  of  Rio 
Janeiro  and  la  Bahia  whales  only  are  caught. 
However  the   cachalot  fishery  has  been  much 








POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

diminished  on  the  Guinea  coast,  since  naviga- 
tors have  become  less  afraid  of  doubling  Cape 
Horn,  and  since  more  attention  has  been  paid 
to  the  cetaceous  fish  abounding  in  the  great 
ocean.  Physeters  are  found  in  very  consider- 
able bands  in  the  channel  of  Mosanibique,  and 
to  the  south  of  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope  j  but 
the  animal  there  is  generally  small,  and  the  sea 
rough  and  agitated,  and  unfavourable  to  the 
operations  of  the  harpooners. 

The  great  ocean  unites  all  the  circumstances 
that  render  the  cachalot  fishery  both  easy  and 
lucrative.  It  is  richer  in  moUuscus,  fish,  por- 
poises, tortoises,  and  sea  calves  of  every  species, 
and  offers  more  nourisb»uent  to  cetaceous 
animals  than  the  Atlantic  ocean.  Hence  these 
last  are  there  in  greater  numbers  as  well  as  fatter 
and  larger.  The  calm  which  prevails  during 
so  great  a  part  of  the  year  in  the  equinoctial 
region  of  the  South  Sea  facilitates  very  much  the 
pursuit  of  cachalots  and  whales.  The  for  uer 
keep  generally  near  the  coasts  of  Chili,  Peru, 
and  Mexico,  because  the  shores  are  steep  (acan- 
tiladas)  and  washed  by  a  sea  of  great  depth. 
It  is  a  general  rqle  that  the  cachalot  avoids 
shallows,  whereas  they  are  sought  after  by  the 
whale.  For  this  reason  the  whale  is  very 
frequent  on  the  low  coast  of  Brazil,  while  the 
other  abounds  near  the  coast  of  Guinea,  which 
is  higher,  and  every  where  accessible  to  large 

C»AP.   X.] 



vessels.  Such  is  m  g-eneral  the  geological  con- 
stitution of  the  two  continents,  that  the  western 
coast  of  America  and  Africa  resemble  one 
another,  while  the  eastern  and  western  coasts  of 
the  New  Continent  exhibit  the  most  remarkable 
contrast  in  relation  to  their  elevation  above 
the  level  of  the  neighbouring  seas. 

The  greatest  number  of  £nglish  and  Anglo- 
American  vessels  which  enter  the  great  ocean 
ha/e  the  double  object  in  view  of  carrying  on 
the  cachalot    fishery  and  an    illicit  conmierce 
with  the  Spanish  colonies.     They  double  Cape 
Horn   after  attempting    to    leave    contraband 
goods  at  the  mouth  of  the  river  Plata,  or  at  the 
presidio  of  the  Malouin  Islands.     They  begin 
the  cachalot  fishing  near  the  small  deseil:  islands 
of  Mocha  and  Santa  Maria,  to  the  south  of 
the  Conception  of  Chili.     At  Mocha  there  are 
wild    horses    introduced     by    the    inhabitants 
of  the   neighbouring   coast,    which  sometimes 
serve  for  provisions  to  navigators.     The  island 
of  Santa  Maria  has  very  fine  and  very  abundant 
springs.     They  contain  wild  hogs,  and  a  species 
of  very  large  and  very  nutritive  turnips,  believed 
to  be  peculiar  to  those  climates.     After  remain- 
ing in  these  latitudes  for  a  month,  and  carry- 
ing on  a  contraband  trade  with  the  island  of 
Chiloe,  the  fishing  vessels  (halkneros)  generally 
coast  Chili  and  Peru   to  Cape  Blanc  situated 
in  4'*  18'  of   south   latitude.     The  cachalot  is 




POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [iooK  iv. 

li^'cry  where  common  in  these  latitudes,  to 
lo  or  20  leagues  distance  from  the  continent. 
Before  the  expedition  of  Captain  Coilnet,  the 
fishery  terminated  at  Cape  Blanc  or  near  the 
equator;  but  within  the  last  15  or  20  years» 
the  balleneros  continue  it  northwards  to  be- 
yond Cabo  Corientes,  on  the  Mexican  coast 
of  the  intendancy  of  Guadalaxara.  Near  the 
Archipelago  of  the  Galapagos,  where  it  is 
extremely  dangerous  to  land,  on  account  of 
the  strong  currents,  and  round  the  islands 
de  las  ires  Marias,  the  fish  is  most  frequent- 
ly to  be  found,  and  of  a  gigantic  size.  In 
spring  the  environs  of  the  Galapagos  are 
the  ren^'ezvous  of  all  the  macrocephalous 
cachalots  of  the  coasts  of  Mexico,  Peru,  and 
the  gulph  of  Panama,  which  come  there  to 
couple.  During  that  period  M.  Collnet  saw 
young  individuals  of  2  metres  in  length*. 
Farther  to  the  north  of  the  Marias  islands, 
in  the  gidf  of  California,  no  more  physeters 
are   to   be   found,   but  many   whales. 

The  whale  fishers  can  easily  distinguish  at 
a  distance  the  cachalots  from  the  whales,  by 
the  manner  in  which  the  foraier  spout  up  the 
brine  through  their  spiracles.  The  cachalots 
can  remain  longer  under  water,  than  the 
true  whale.  When  they  come  to  the  sur- 
face, their  respiration  is  more  frequet  ly    in- 

*  6i  feet.    Trans, 



terrupted ;  they  do  not  allow  iio  much  water 
to  remain  in  the  membranous  bags  placed 
below  their  nostrils;  and  the  spouts  are  more 
frequent,  more  in  a  forward  direction,  and 
more  elevated  than  those  of  the  other  whales 
The  female  of  the  cachalot  is  four  or  five 
times  smaller  than  the  male ;  and  its  head 
does  not  yield  more  than  25  English  barrels 
of  adipocire,  while  the  head  of  the  male, 
yields  from  100  to  125.  A  great  number 
of  females  (cow  wfuiles)  go  generally  together 
ted  by  two  or  there  males  (hull-wliales)  which 
are  perpetually  describing  circles  round  their 
ilock.  The  very  young  females  which  yield 
from  12  to  10  barrels  of  adipocire  matter 
called  by  the  English  fishermen  school-whales 
swim  so  close  to  one  another  that  they  fre- 
quently get  more  than  half  out  of  water.  It 
is  almost  superfluous  here  to  observe  that  the 
adipocire,  which  is  not  a  part  of  the  brain 
of  the  animal,  is  not  only  to  be  found  in 
all  the  known  species  of  cachalot  (catadon" 
tes  lac»)  but  also  in  all  the  physales  and  phy- 
seters.  The  spermaceti  extracted  from  the 
cavities  of  the  snout  of  the  cachalot,  and 
we  must  not  confound  these  cavities  with 
that  of  the  cranium,  is  only  the  third  pail 
of  the  thick  and  adipocirous  oil,  which  is 
furnished  by  the  rest  of  the  body.  The 
spermaceti    of    the    head   is    the    best,    and 

W   )> 

'I  II 



POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 


is  employed  in  the  making  of  candles; 
and  that  of  the  body  and  tail  is  only  used 
in    England,  to   give   a   gloss   to   cloth.     ' 

This    fishery,     to    be    profitable,     must    be 
conducted  on  the   most  economical  principles. 
Vessels   from   180   to   f300  tons   are  employed 
in  it,    and  the  crew  consists  only  of   16  or   24 
individuals,  including  the  captain  and  master, 
who    are    themselves    obliged    to    throw    the 
harpoon,   like  common   sailors.     The  expences 
of  equipment  of  a   vessel   of  180  tons,   lined 
with   copper,    and   provisioned  for    a   voyage 
of  two  years,  is  estimated  in  London,  at  7000/. 
sterling.       Each    South-Sea   fishing   vessel   is 
provided    with    two  canoes.       The   fitting   of 
each   canoe,    requires  4   sailors  and  a   boy,  a   , 
steersman,   a  cable  of  130  fathoms  in  length, 
3    lances,  5  harpoons,  an  axe,  and  a  lantern 
to  make  themselves  seen  at  a   distance   during 
the  night.     The  fitter  out,  gives  the  sailors  only 
their  food  and  a  very  small  sum  of  money  under 
the  name  of  advance.    Their  pay  depends  on  the 
produce   of  the  fishery;   for  as  the  whole  crew 
contribute  to   it,    every  individual  has  a  right 
to  the   profit.       The  captain   receives  a  six- 
teenth, the  master  a  twenty-fifth,  the  second 
master   a    thirty-fifth,    the    mate    a    sixtieth, 
and  the   sailor   an  eighty-fifth  of    the  whole 
produce.       The  season    is    reckoned   good    if 
a  vessel  of  200  tons,  returns  to  port,    laden 




with  800  barrels  of  spermaceti.  The  cacha- 
lot from  lieinff  so  incessantly  persecuted  has 
become  within  these  ftnv  years,  more  wild 
and  difficult  to  takt^  But  to  favour  the  navi- 
gation of  tlie  South  Sea,  the  British  govern- 
ment allows  advances  to  each  vessel  fitted 
out  for  tlie  chachalot  fishery:  these  advances 
are  from  300/.  to  800/.  sterlin<r,  according  to 
the  tonnage  of  the  vessel.  The  Anglo-Ame- 
ricans carry  on  this  fishery  with  still  more 
economy  than   the   £nglish. 

The  ancient  Spanish  laws  prohibited  whale 
vessels  as  well  as  all  other  foreign  vessels 
from  entering  the  ports  of  America,  except 
in  cases  of  distress,  or  want  of  water  and 
provisions.  The  Galapagos  islands  on  which 
the  fishers  sometimes  land  their  sick,  are 
provided  with  springs,  but  these  springs  are 
very  poor  and  very  inconstant.  The  island 
of  Cocos  (liat.  5**.  35  north)  is  very  well 
supplied  with  water;  but,  in  running  from 
the  Galapagos  northwards,  this  small  insulated 
island  is  difficult  to  find,  on  account  of  the 
force  and  irregularity  of  the  currents.  The 
whalers  have  more  powerful  motives  for  prefer- 
ring to  take  in  water  from  the  coast ;  and  tliey 
seek  pretexts  to  enter  the  ports  of  Coquim- 
bo,  Pisco,  Tumbez,  Payta,  Guayaquil,  Rea- 
lejo,  Sonzanate,  and  San  Bias.  A  few  days, 
and  frequently  even  a  few  hours,  are  sufficient 


POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         C»oo«  !▼• 

for  the  crews  of  fishing  vessels  to  form  con- 
nections with  the  inhabitants,  for  the  sale  of 
English  goods,  and  to  take  in  ladings  of 
copi»er,  Peruvian  sheep,  qninquina»  sugar,  and 
cocoa.  This  contraband  trade,  is  canned  on 
between  persons  who  do  not  speak  the  same 
language,  frequently  by  signs,  and  with  a  fi- 
delity very  uncommon  among  the  most  po- 
lished people  of  Europe. 

It   would  he   superfluous  to   enumerate  the 
advantages  the  inhabitants  of  the  Spanish  colo- 
nies would   possess  over  the  English  and  the 
people    of    the    United   States,   if    they   were 
to   enter  upon    the    cachalot    fishery.       From 
Guayaquil    and  Panama    the  parallels  where 
this  fish  abounds,  is  not  more  than  a  voyage 
of  ten  or  twelve  days.     The  navigation  from 
San   Bias  to  the  Marias    islands,    is    hardly 
36  hours.        The   Spanish  Mexicans  employ- 
ed   in    this    fishery    would    have     a     shorter 
passage  by  4000  leagues  than  the  Anglo-Ame- 
ricans ;    they  could  be  supplied  with  provisions 
at    a    cheaper  rate;     and    they    would   every 
where  find    ports    where    they   would  be   re- 
ceived   as    friends,    and    supplied    with    fresh 
provisions.      It  is   true  the  spermaceti  is    not 
yet    in    great    request    on    the    continent    of 
of  Spanish   America.      The   clergy  persist   in 
confounding   adipocirc   with   tallow,     and    the 
American    bishops  liave  declared  that  the  ta- 


CHAP,  x.l 



pers  which  burn  on  tho  altars,  can  only  he 
made  of  bee-wax.  At  lama,  however,  they 
have  begun  to  deceive  the  vigilance  of  •  .0 
bishops,  by  mixing  a  little  spermaceti  «'**4 
the  wax.  The  merchants  purchasing 1 
l^rizes,  had  it  in  great  quantities,  and  the 
adipocire  employed  in  church  festivals,  is 
become  a  new  branch  of  very  lucrative  com- 

It  is  not  the  want  of  Iiands  which  pre- 
vents the  inhabitants  of  Mexico  from  apply- 
ing to  the  cachalot  fishery.  Two  hundred 
men  are  sufficient  to  man  ten  fishing  ves- 
sels, and  to  procure  annually,  more  than  a 
thousand  tons  of  spermaceti;  and  this  sub* 
stance  might  in  time,  become  as  impor« 
tant  an  article  of  exportation,  as  the  cocoa 
of  Guayaquil,  and  the  copper  of  Coquim* 
bo.  In  the  present  state  of  the  Spanish 
colonies,  the  sloth  of  the  inhabitants  is  ini- 
mical to  the  execution  of  similar  projects; 
and  it  would  be  impossible  to  procure  sai- 
lors willing  to  embrace  so  rude  a  business 
and  so  miserable  a  life,  as  that  of  a  cacha- 
lot fisher.  How  could  they  be  found  in  a 
country,  where  according  to  the  ideas  of  the 
common  people,  all  that  is  necessary  to 
happiness,  is  bananas,  salted  flesh,  a  ham- 
mock, and  a  guitar?  The  hope  of  gain  is 
too  weak  a  stimulus,    imder  a  zone,    where 



POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iV. 

beneficent  nature  provides  to  man  a  thou- 
sand means  of  procuring  an  easy  and  peaceful 
existence  without  quitting  his  country,  and 
without  struggling*  with  tlie  monsters  of  the 

For  a  long  time,  the  Spanish  go'^ernment 
has  looked  with  an  evil  eye  on  the  cacha- 
lot fishery,  which  draws  the  English  and 
Anglo  Americans*  to  the  coast  of  Peru  and 
Mexico.  Before  the  establishment  of  that 
fishery,  the  inhabitants  of  the  western  coast  of 
America,  had  never  seen  any  other  flag  in 
those  seas,  tiian  the  Spanisli.  Political  rea- 
sons might  have  engaged  the  mother  coun- 
try to  spare  nothing  for  the  encouragement 
of  the  national  fisheries,  not  so  much  per- 
haps with  a  view  oi*  a  direct  profit,  as  for 
the  sake  of  excluding  strangers,  and  pre- 
venting their  connections  with  the  natives. 
The  privileges  which  they  granted  to  a  com- 
pany residing  in  Europe,  and  which  has 
merely  existed  by  name,  could  not  give  the 
first  impulse  to  the   Mexicans  and  Peruvians. 

*  According  to  ofRcial  information,  which  I  owe  to 
M.  Gallatin,  Treasurer  to  the  United  States,  there  were 
in  tlie  South  Sea,  in  ISOO,  1801,  and  1802,  from  18  to 
20  whalers  (from  2800  to  3200  tons)  of  the  United 
States.  A  third  of  these  vessels  arc  fitted  out  annually  from 
the  port  of  Nantucket.  In  1805,  the  importation  of 
spermaceti  into  that  port,  amounted  to  1146  barreU. 

CHAP.   X.] 



The  fishing  vessels  ought  to  be  fitted  out 
in  America  itself,  at  Guayac|uil,  Panama,  of 
Sau  Bias.  There  is  constantly  on  that  coast 
a  certain  number  of*  English  sailors,  who 
have  abandoned  the  fishing*  vessels,  either 
through  discontent  or  for  the  purpose  of 
pushing  their  fortunes  in  the  Spanish  colo- 
nies. The  first  expedition  might  be  made 
by  mixing  those  sailors,  who  have  had  long  ex- 
perience in  the  cachalot  fishery,  with  the 
zamhos  of  America,  who  are  not  afraid  of 
singly    attacking   a   crocodile. 

We  have  thus  examined  in  this  chapter 
the  true  national  wealth  of  Mexico;  for  the 
produce  of  the  earth  is  in  fact  the 
sole  basis  of  permanent  opulence.  It  is 
consolatory  to  see  that  the  labour  of  man 
for  half  a  century,  has  been  more  directed 
towards  this  fertile  and  inexhaustible  source, 
than  towards  the  working  of  mines,  of 
which  the  wealth  has  not  so  direct  an  in- 
fluence on  the  public  prosperity,  and  mere- 
ly changes  the  nominal  value  of  the  annual 
produce  of  the  earth.  The  territorial  im- 
post levied  by  the  clergy,  under  the  name 
of  tenth,  or  tithe,  measures  the  quantity  of 
that  produce,  and  indicates  with  precision, 
the  progress  of  agricultural  industry,  if  we 
compare    the    periods,     in    the    intervals    of 

96        POLItlCAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

which  the  pr^ce  of  commodities  has  under- 
gone no  sensible  variation.  The  following 
is  a  view  of  the  value  of  these  tithes*. 
Taking"  for  example  two  series  of  years,  from 
1771   to   1780   and  from   1780  to    1789. 

Natsaes  of  Dioceses. 


Value  of 
Tithes  in 


Value  of 
Tithes  in 

Mexico     -    -    . 
Pucbia  de  losAn-  ? 

geles    -     i      S 
Valladolid    de     > 

Mechoacan      J 
Oax.ica     -    -     - 


1770— n-rg 














The  result  of  this  view  is,  that  the  tithes 
of  New  Spain,  have  amounted  in  these  six 

I  h 

'     From  1771  to  1779— to  13,357,157t  7  Double  Piastres 
1779—  1789 18,353,821^  j  or  pezzos  fuertes. 

•  I  have  extracted  this  view  from  a  manuscript  me- 
moir of  M.  Maniao,  drawn  up  from  official  papers,  and 
bearing  the  title  of  Estado  de  la  Renin  de  Real  Haci- 
enda de  Nueva  Espam,  en  un  a»o  commun  del  quinquenio 
de  ITS*  hasta  1789.  The  numbers  in  this  view  differ  a 
little  from  those  published  by  M.  Pinkerton  (vol.  iii. 
p.  234;  from  the  work  of  Estalla,  which  I  have  never 
yet  been  able  to  procure. 

f  162,880,141  sterling.    Trans, 

t  ^£4,015,219  sterling.     Tram, 

€HAP.  xO  KINGDOM  OF  N^W  SPAIN.         97 

Consequently  the  total  augmentation  has 
been,  in  the  last  ten  years^  five  imllions  «jf 
piastres,  or  two  fifths  of  the  total  produce. 
The  same  data  also  indicate  the  rapidity  of 
the  progress  of  agriculture,  in  the  intendan- 
cies  of  Mexico^  Guadalaxara,  Puebla,  and 
Valladolid,  compared  with  the  provinces  of 
Oaxaca  and  New  Biscay.  The  tithes  have 
been  nearly  doubled  in  the  archbishoprick  of 
Mexico;  for  those  which  were  levied  during 
the  ten  years  anterior  to  1780,  were  to  those 
levied  ten  years  afterwards,  in  the  propor- 
tion of  10  to  17.  In  the  intendancy  of 
Durango  or  New  Biscay,  this  augmentation 
has  been  only  in  the  proportion  of  10  to  11. 

The  celebrated  author  of  the  Wealth  of 
Nations*,  estimates  the  territorial  produce  of 
Great  Britain,  from  the  produce  of  the  land 
tax.  In  the  political  view  of  New  Spain, 
which  I  presented  to  the  court  of  Madrid 
in  1803,  I  had  hazarded  a  similar  valuation, 
from  the  value  of  the  tithes  payable  to  ths 
clergy.  The  result  of  this  operation  was, 
that  the  annual  produce  of  the  land  amounted 
at  least,  to  24  millions  of  piastres.  The 
results,  which  I  came  to  in  drawing  up  my  first 
view,  have  been  discussed  with  mueli  sagacity, 


:|:  Adam  Smithy  Traduction  de  M.  Gamier,  t.  iv.  p.  264 
Original  vol.  iiij.  p.  250. 

VOL.    ITT.  H 



,  >\i 


POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

in  a  memoir  presented  by  the  municipal  body  of 
the  townof  Valladolid  de  Mechoacan,  to  the  king", 
in  the  month  of  October  1805,  on  the  occasion 
of  passing  an  edict,  relative  to  the  property  of  the 
clergy.  According  to  this  memoir,  a  copy  of 
which  1  have  before  me,  we  must  add  to  these, 
24  millions  of  piastres,  three  millions  for 
the  produce  of  cochineal,  vanilla,  jaiap,  pi- 
mento of  Tabasco,  sarsaparilla,  which  pay  no 
tithes;  and  2  millions  for  sugar  and  indigo, 
which  yield  only  to  the  clergy  a  duty  of 
4  per  cent.  If  we  adopt  these  data,  we 
shall  find  that  the  total  agricultural  produce, 
amounts  annually  to  29  millions  of  piastres, 
or  to  more  than  145  millions  of  francs*, 
which,  reducing  them  to  a  imtural  meastire, 
and  taking  for  basis  the  actual  price  of 
wheat  in  Mexico,  15  francs  for  10  myria- 
grammes  of  wheatf,  are  equal  to  96  millions 
of  myriagrammes  o/wheat^.  The  mass  of  pre- 
cious metals  annually  extracted  from  the 
mines  of  the  kingdom  of  New  Spain,  scarcely 
represent  74  millions  of  myriagrammes  of 
wheat,  which  proves  the  interesting  fact, 
that  the  value  of  the  gold  and  silver  of  the 
Mexican  mines,  is  less  by  almost  a  fourth, 
than  the  value  of  the  territorial  produce. 

*  ^6,042,150  sterling.     Trans. 

f  See  vol.  ii.  p.  4<81.  "^ 

%  2128  millions  lb.  avoird.    Trans.  <  \ 

CHAP.  X.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.         09 

The  cultivation  of  the  soil,  notwithstanding 
the  fetters  with  which  it  is  every  where  shackled, 
has  lately  made  a  more  considerable  progress, 
on  accomit  of  the  immense  capitals  laid  out 
m  land,  by  families  enriched  either  by  the 
commerce  of  Vera  Cruz  and  Acapulco,  or  by 
the  working  of  the  mines.  The  Mexican 
clergy,  scarcely  possess  land  (bienes  rakes)  to 
the  value  of  two  or  three  millions  of  j)iastres ; 
but  the  capitals  which  convents,  chapters,  reli- 
gious societies  and  hospitals  have  laid  out  in 
lands,  amount  to  the  sum  of  441  millions  of 
piastres,  or  more  than  222  millions  of  livres 
toumois.  The  following  is  a  view  of  these 
capitals,  called  capitales  de  capellanias  y  ohras 
de  lajurisdiccion  ordinaria,  extracted  from  an 
official  paper* : 


Archbishoprick  of  Mexico    -        ^        .        .  9  000  000 

Bishoprickof  Puebla    -        -        .        .        .  6,600 fiOQ 

Bishoprick  of  Valladolid  (very  accurate  valuation)  4,500,000 

Bishoprick  of  Guadalaxara  -        -        -        -  3  OOO  000 

Bishopricks  of  Durango,  Monterey  and  Sonora  1 ,000,000 

Bishopricks  of  Oaxaca  and  Merida        -        -  2,000,000 

Ohras  Pias  of  the  regular  Clergy   -        -        .  2  500  000 
Endowments  of  Churches  and  Communities  of  7 

Monks  and  Nuns 



♦  Representacion  de  lot  vecinos  de  Valladolid  al  Excellen- 
tissimo  Senor  Virreyen  fecha  del  24  Octuhre  del  ano  1805. 

H  2 





100       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  it. 

This  immense  smn  in  the  hands  of  the  lane' 
proprietors,  (haciendados)  and  hypotecated   on 
real  property,  was  on  the  point  of  being  with- 
drawn from  the  Mexican  agriculture  in  1804. 
The  ministry  of  Spain  not  knowing  how  a  na- 
tional bankruptcy  brought  on  by  the  superabun- 
dance of  paper    money   (vales)  could  possibly 
be  avoided,  ventured   upon  a  very  hazardous 
operation.    A  royal  decree  was  issued  on  the 
26th  December,  1804,  appointing  not  only  the  es- 
tates of  the  Mexican   clergy  to  be  sold,  but 
also  all  the  capitals  belonging  to  ecclesiastics, 
to  be  recovered  and  sent  into  Spain,  to  be  there 
applied  in  extinction  of  the  royal  paper  (coxa 
de  consoUdacion  de  vales  reales).    The  council 
of  finance,  in  which  the  viceroy  presides,  and 
which  bears  the  title  of  Junta  Superior  de  Real 
Hacienda^  instead  of  opposing  this  decree,  and 
representing  to  the  Sovereign  the  injury  which 
its  execution  would  occasion  to  the  agriculture 
and  prosperity  of  the  inhabitants,  began  boldly 
to  levy  the  money.    The  resistance  however,  wai 
so  strong  on  the  part  of  the  proprietors,  that  from 
May  1805,  to  June  1806,  not  more  than  the  com- 
paratively small  sum  of  1,200,000  piastres  could 
be  recovered.    It  is  to  be  hoped  that  Ministers 
well  informed  as  to  the  true  interests  of  the  state 
will  have  since  put  an  end  to  an  operation,  the 
fatal  effects  of  which  would  have  been  at  last 
severely  felt.. 

tHAP.   X.] 

KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       101 

When  we  read  the  excellent  work  on  agra* 
I'ian  /«W5,  presented  to  the  council  of  Castille 
in  1795*,  we  perceive  that  notwithstanding  the 
difference  of  climate  and  other  local  circum- 
stances, Mexican  agriculture  is  fettered  by  the 
same  political  causes,  which  have  impeded  the 
progress  of  industry  in  the  Peninsula.  All  the 
vices  of  the  feudal  government  have  passed 
from  the  one  hemisphere  to  the  other;  and 
in  Mexico  these  abuses  have  been  so  much  the 
more  dangerous  in  their  effects,  as  it  has  been 
more  difficult  to  the  supreme  authority  to  re- 
medy the  evil,  and  display  its  energy  at  an 
immense  distance.  The  property  of  New  Spain, 
like  that  of  Old  Spain,  is  in  a  great  measure  in 
the  hands  of  a  few  powerful  families,  who  have 
gradually  absorbed  the  smaller  estates.  In  Ame- 
rica as  well  as  Europe,  large  commons  are 
condemned  to  the  pasturage  of  cattle,  and  to 
perpetual  sterility.  As  to  the  clergy  and  their 
influence  on  society,  the  two  continents  are  not 
in  the  same  circumstances ;  for  the  clergy  are 
much  less  numerous  in  Spanish  America,  than 
in  the  Peninsula.  The  religious  missionaries 
have  there  contributed  to  extend  the  progress 
of  agriculture    among  barbarous  tribes.     The 




*  M.  de  Laborde  has  given  a  translation  of  this  Memoir, 
in  the  fourth  volume  of  his  ItinerairedescnptifdeVEspagne^, 
p.  103—294. 

102       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

introduction  of  mayorazgos,  and  the  degradation 
and  extreme  poverty  of  the  Indians  are  more 
prejudicial  to  industry  than  the  mortmain  of  the 

The  ancient  legislature  of  Castille  prohibited 
convents  from  possessing  real  property;  and  al- 
though this  wise  law  has  been  frequently  in- 
fringed, the  clergy  could  not  acquire  very  con- 
siderable property  in  a  country  where  devotion 
does  not  exercise  the  same  empire  over  the  mind 
as  in  Spain,  Portugal,  and  Italy.  Since  the 
suppression  of  the  order  of  the  Jesuits,  few  es- 
tates belong  to  the  Mexican  clergy;  and  their 
real  wealth  as  we  have  already  stated,  consists  in 
tithes  and  capitals  laid  out  on  the  farms  of  small 
cultivators.  These  capitals  are  usefully  directed 
and  increase  the  productive  power  of  the  national 

It  is  surprizing  to  see  that  the  greatest  num- 
ber of  the  convents  founded  since  the  16th  cen- 
tury in  every  part  of  Spanish  America,  are  all 
crowded  together  in  towns.  Had  they  been 
spread  throughout  the  country  and  placed  on 
the  ridges  of  the  Cordilleras,  they  might  have 
possessed  that  salutary  influence  on  cultivation, 
of  which  the  effects  have  been  felt  on  the  North 
of  Europe,  on  the  banks  of  the  Rhine,  and  on  the 
mountains  of  the  Alps.  Those  who  have  studied 
history,  know  that  in  the  time  of  Philip  the 

CHAP.  X.]  KINGDOM  or  NEW  SPAIN.        103 

Second,  the  monks  were  no  longer  like  those  of 
the  9th  century.  The  luxury  of  towns,  and  the 
climate  of  the  Indies  are  unfavourable  to  that 
austerity  of  life,  and  that  spirit  of  order  for  which 
the  first  monastical  institutions  were  charac- 
terized; and  when  we  cross  the  mountainous 
deserts  of  Mexico,  we  regret  that  those  solitary 
asylums  in  which  the  traveller  receives  assist- 
ance from  religioas  hospitality  in  Europe,  are 
no  where  to  be  found.  •   -' 



-,'-;     .>,;.    S-,,,> 

104       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

''  :i.; 

'I J  ' /' 

•  it      '.  K-  'lii 


Siafe  qf  the  Mines  nf  Nm  Spain. — Produce  of  Gold  and 
Silver. — Mean  value  qf  the  produce  qf  the  Mines, — 
Annual  consumption  of  Mercury  in  the  process  qf  Amalga- 
mation.— Qiiantiti/  qf  the  Precious  Metals  ivhich  have  since 
the  conquest  qf  Mexico,  jUmed  from  the  one  Continent  into 
the  other,  v      1  ,  :  ; 

After  a  careful  examination  of  the  Mexican 
aorviculture    as    the  fii'st  source  of  the  natural 
wealth  and  prosperity  of  the  inhabitants,  it  re- 
mains for  us  to  exhibit  a  view  of  the  mineral  pro- 
ductions which  for  two  centuries  and  a  half  have 
been  the  object  of  working  the  mines  of  New 
Spain.     This   view  is  exceedingly  brilliant   to 
the  eyes  of  those  who  calculate  merely  according 
to  the  nominal  value  of  things,  but  is  much  less 
so  to  those  who  consider  the  intrinsic  worth  of 
the  metalh^  their  relative  utility,  and  the  influence 
wliich  they  possess  on  manufacturing  industry. 
The  mountains  of  the  New  Continent  like  the 
inouDtains  of  the  old,  contain  iron,  copper,  lead, 
and  a  great  number  of  other  mineral  substances, 
indispensible  to  agriculture  and  the  arts.     If  the 
labour  of  man  has  in  America  been  almost  ex- 
clusively directed  to  the  extraction  of  gold  and 
silver,  it  is  because  the  members  of  a  societv 

«iiAt.  xfO         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       106 

act  from  very  different  considerations  from  those 
which  ought  to  influence  the  whole  society. 
Whenever  the  soil  can  produce  both  indigo  and 
maizcy  the  former  prevails  over  the  latter^  al- 
though the  general  interest  requires  a  preference 
to  be  given  to  those  vegetables  which  supply 
nourishment  to  man  over  those  which  are  merely 
objects  of  exchange  with  strangers.  In  the  same 
manner,  the  mines  qf  iron  or  lead  on  the  ridge  of 
the  CordlUeraSy  notwithstanding  their  richness, 
continue  to  be  neglected,  because  almost  the 
whole  attention  of  the  colonists  is  directed  to 
veins  of  gold  and  silver,  even  when  they  exhibit 
on  trial,  but  small  indications  of  abundance. 
Such  is  the  attraction  of  those  precious  metals 
which  by  a  general  convention  have  become  the 
representatives  of  labour  and  subsistence. 

No  doubt  the  Mexican  nation  can  procure 
by  means  of  foreign  commerce,  all  the  articles 
which  are  supplied  to  them  by  their  own  coun- 
try; but  in  the  midst  of  great  wealth  in  gold 
and  silver,  want  is  severely  felt  whenever  the 
commerce  with  the  mother  country  or  other 
parts  of  Europe  or  Asia  has  suffered  any  inter- 
ruption, whenever  ^  war  throws  obstacles  in  the 
way  of  maritime  communication.  From  25  to 
30  millions  of  piastres  ar^  sometimes  heaped  up 
in  MexicOf  while  th#  manufacturers  and  miners 
are  suffering  from  th^  want  of  steel,  iron,  md 
mercury.    A  few  y^arts  b^iiodre  ui^^  arrival  m. 




106       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

New  Spain,  the  price  of  iron  roHC  from  20  francs 
the  quintal  to  240,  and  steel  from  80  francs  to 
VMH).      In  t'lose  times  when   there  is  a   total 
sts'g'nation  of  loreign   commerce,  the  Mexican 
inaustr}  is  awakened  for  a,  and  they  then 
beef  I II  to  manufacture  steel,  and  to  make  uso  of 
the  iron  and  mercury  of  the  mouatams  of  Ame- 
rica.    The  nation  is  then  alive  to  its  true  inte- 
rest, and  feels  that  true  wealth  consists  in  the 
abundance   of  (objects  of  consumption,  in    that 
oi  things ^  and  not  in  the   accumulation  of  the 
si^/n  by  which  they  are  represented.     During 
the  last  war  but  one  between  Spain  and  America, 
they  beg-an  to  work  the  iron  mines  of  Tecalitan, 
near  Colima,  inthe  intent .ancy  of  Guadalaxara. 
The  tribunul  de  mineria  expended  more   than 
150,000    francs    in    extnicting*    me  rem  ^    from 
the  veins  of  San  Juan  de    la  Chica;  but  the 
effects  of  so  praise-worthy  a  zeal  were  only  of 
short  duration;  and  the  peace  of  Amiens  put  an 
end  to  undertakings  which  promised  to  give  to 
the  labours  of  miners  a  more  useful  direction  for 
the  public  prosperity.     The  maritime  communi- 
cation   was  scarcely  well  opened,  when   they 
again  preferred  to  purchase  steel,  iron,  and  mer- 
cury in  the  markets  oi'  Europe. 

In  proportion  as  the  Mexican  population 
shall  increase,  and  from  being  less  dependent  on 
Europe,  shall  begin  to  turn  their  attention  to  the 
great  variety  of  useful  productions  contained  in 

•HAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       107 

the  bowels  of  the  earth,  the  system  of  mining 
will  undergo  a  change.     An  enlightened  admi- 
nistration   will  give    encouragement    to    those 
labours   which  are  directed  to  the  extraction  of 
mineral  substances  of  an  intrinsic  value;  indivi- 
duals will  no  longer  sacrifice  their  own  interests 
and  those  of  the  public  to  inveterate  prejudices; 
and  they  will  feel  that  the  working  of  a  mine  of 
coal,  iron,  or  lead  may  become  as  profitable  as 
that  of  a  vein  of  silver.     In  the  present  state  of 
Mexico,  the  precious  metals  occupy  almost  ex- 
clusively the  industry  of  the  colonists;  and  when 
in  the  subsequent  part  of  this  chapter,  we  shall 
employ  the   word  mine    (realf  real  de  minas), 
unless  the  contrary  is  expressly  stated,  a  gold 
or  silver  mine  is  to  be  uniformly  understood.       ^ 
Having  been  engaged  from  my  earliest  youth 
in  the  study  of  mining,  and  having  myself  had 
the  direction  for  several  years  of  subterraneous 
operations,  in  a  part  of  Germany  which  contains 
a  great  variety  of  minerals,  I  was  doubly  inte- 
rested in  examining  with  care  the  state  of  the 
mines   and  their  management  in  New  Spain. 
I  had  occasion  to  visit  the  celebrated  mines  of 
Tasco^  Pachuca.and  Guanaxuato,  in  which  last 
place,  where  the  veins  exceed  in  riclmess  all  that 
has  hitherto  been  discovered  in  other  parts  of 
the  world,  I  resided  for  more  than  a  month; 
and  I  had  it  in  my  power  to  compare  the  dif- 
ferent methods  of  mining  practised  in  Mexico, 

!    I     J 

108       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE        [book  iv, 

with  those  which  I  had  observed  in  the  former 
year  in  Peru;  but  the  immensity  of  materials 
collected  by  me  relative  to  these  subjects,  bein^^ 
only  of  utility  when  joined  with  the  geologrical 
description  of  the  country,  I  must  reserve  the 
detail  of  them  for  the  historical  account  of  my 
travels  in  the  interior  of  the  New  Continent. 
Thus,  without  entering  into  discussions  of  a 
minute  and  purely  technical  nature,  I  shall  con- 
fine myself  in  this  work  to  the  examination  of 
what  is  conducive  to  general  results. 

What  is  the    geographical  position  of   the 
mines  which  supply  this  enormous  mass  of  silver 
which   flows    annually  from  the  commerce  of 
Vera  Cruz  into  ilurope?     Is  this  enormous , mass 
of  silver  the    produce  of    a  great  number  oi, 
sj^attered  undertakings,  or  is  it  to  be  considered 
as  almost  exclusively  furnished  by  three  or  four 
metallic    veins    tf    extraordinary  wealth    and 
extent?    What  is  the  quantity  of  precious  me- 
tals annually  extracted  from  the  mines  of  Mex- 
ico?   And  what  proportion  does  this  quantity 
bear  to  the  produce  of  the  mines  of  the  whole  of 
Spanish  America?    At  how  many  ounces  per 
quintal  may  we  estimate  the  mean  richness  of 
the  silver  ore  of  Mexico?     What  proportion  is 
there  between  the  quantity  of  ore  which  under- 
goes melting,  and  that  in  which  the  gold  and 
silyer  are  extracted  by  the  process  of  amalgama- 
tion?   What  influence  has  the  price  of  mercury 

«HAP.  rii.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       109 

on  the  progress  of  mining',  and  what  quantity 
of  mercury  is  lost  in  the  process  of  Mexican 
amalgj"  lation?  Can  we  know  with  precision 
the  quantity  of  precious  metals  which  have 
passed  since  the  conquest  of  Tenochtitlan  from 
New  Spain  into  Europe  and  Asia?  Is  it  pro- 
bable, considering  the  present  method  of  work- 
ing, and  the  geological  constitution  of  the  coun- 
try, that  the  annual  produce  of  the  mines  of 
Mexico  will  admit  of  an  augmentation?  Or 
shall  we  admit  with  several  celebrated  writers, 
that  the  exportation  of  silver  from  America  h"' 
already  attained  its  mcueimumP  These  are  the 
general  questions  which  we  propose  to  discuss 
in  this  work.  They  are  connected  with  the 
most  important  problems  of  political  economy. 

Long  before  the  arrival  of  the  Spaniards,  the 
natives  of  Mexico,  as  well  as  those  of  Peru, 
were  acquainted  with  the  use  of  several  metals. 
They  did  not  content  themselves  with  those 
which  were  found  in  their  native  state  on  the 
surface  of  the  earth,  and  particularly  in  the  beds 
of  rivers,  and  the  ravins  formed  by  the  torrents  j 
they  applied  themselves  to  subterraneous  opera- 
tions in  the  working  of  veins;  they  cut  galleries 
and  dug  pits  of  communication  and  ventilation ; 
and  they  had  instruments  adapted  for  cutting 
the  rock.  Cortez  informs  us  in  the  historical 
account  of  his  expedition,  that  gold,  silver,  cop- 
per, lead,  and  tin,   were  publicly  sold-  in  the 



110        POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv, 

great  market  of  Tenochtitlan.  The  inhabitants 
of  Tzapoteca  and  Mixtecapan  *  two  provinces 
which  now  form  a  part  of  the  intendancy  of 
Oaxaca,  separated  the  gold  by  means  of  washing 
the  alluvions  lands.  These  people  paid  their 
tribute  in  two  manners,  either  by  collecting  in 
leathern  sacks  or  small  baskets  of  very  slender 
rushes,  the  grains  of  native  gold,  or  by  founding 
the  metal  into  bars.  These  bars  like  those  now 
used  in  trade,  are  represented  in  the  antient 
Mexican  paintings.  In  the  time  of  Montezuma, 
the  natives  had  already  begun  to  work  the  silver 
veins  of  Tlachco,  (Tasco)  in  the  province  of 
Cohui  SCO,  and  those  which  run  across  the  moun- 
tains af  Tzumpancof* 

In  all  the  great  towns  of  Anahuac,  gold  and 
sil\^r  vases  were  manufactured,  although  the 
latter  metal  was  not  held  in  such  estimation  by 
the  Americans  as  by  the  natives  of  the  old  con- 
tinent. The  Spaniards  on  their  first  arrival  at 
Tenochtitlan,  could  never  cease  admiring  the 
ingenuity  of  the  Mexican  goldsmiths,  among 
whom,  the  most  celebrated  were  those  of  Azca- 
pozalco  and  Cholula.  When  Montezuma,  se- 
duced by  an  extreme  credulity,  recognized  in 
the  arrival  of  white  and  bearded  men,  the  ac- 
complishment   of  the  mysterious  prophecy  of 

*  Espeeially  the  inhabitants  of  the  old  towns  of  Huaxya^ 
•IC  (Oaxaca)  Cojolapan,  and  Atlacuechahuayan. 
t  CtoTigero,  1.43;  IL  125, 165;  IV.  204. 


Quezalcoatl^,  and  compelled  the  Aztec  nobility 
to  yield  homage  to  the  king  of  Spain,  the  quan- 
tity of  precious  metals  offered  to  Cortez  was 
estimated  at  the  value  of  162,000  pesos  de  oro, 
"  Besides  the  great  mass  of  gold  and  silver,  says 
the  conquistador f  in  his  first  letter  to  the  empe- 
ror Charles  the  dthf,  I  was  presented  with 
gold  plate  and  jewels  of  such  precious  workman- 
ship, that  unwilling  to  allow  them  to  be  melted, 
I  set  apart  more  than  a  hundred  thousand 
ducats  worth  of  them  to  be  presented  to  your 
imperial  highness.  These  objects  were  of  the 
greatest  beauty,  and  I  doubt  if  any  other  prince 
of  earth  ever  possessed  any  thing  similar  to 
them.  That  your  highness  may  not  imagine 
I  am  advancing  fables,  I  add,  that  all 
which  the  earth  and  ocean  produces,  of  which 
king.  Montezuma  could  have  any  knowledge, 
he  had  caused  to  be  imitated  in  gold  and  silver, 
in  precious  stones,  and  feathers,  and  the  whole 
in  such  great  perfection,  that  one  could  not  help 
believing  he  saw  the  very  objects  represented. 
Although  he  gave  me  a  great  share  of  them  for 
your  highness,  I  gave  orders  to  the  natives  to 
execute  several  other  works  in  gold  after  designs 


*  See  my  work  entitled,  Vues  des  CordiUeres  des  Andes, 
«t  Montttnens  den  peuples  indis^enes  de  I'Amerique,  p.  30. 

f  Lorenzana,  jf.  99. — The  booty  in  gold  taken  by  the 
Spaniards  after  the  taking  of  Tenochtitlan.  was  only  esti- 
nated  at  130,000  casteliams  de  oro  (1.  c.  p.  301 ).      ^ , 


113       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [looK  tv. 

which  I  ftimished  them  with,  such  as  images  dl 
saints,  crucifixes,  medals,  and  necklaces.  As 
the  fifth  or  eighth  on  the  silver  paid  to  your  high- 
ness, amounted  to  more  than  a  hundred  marcs, 
l^ave  orders  to  thd  native  goldsmiths  to  convert 
them  into  plate  of  various  sizes,  spoons,  cups, 
and  other  vessels  for  drinking.  All  these  works 
were  imitated  with  the  greatest  exactness.*' 
When  we  read  this  passage,  we  cannot  help 
believing,  that  we  are  reading  the  account  of  a 
European  ambr^ssador,  returned  from  China  or 
Jilpan.  Yet  we  can  hardly  accuse  the  Spanish 
gener  j'  ^f  exaggeration,  when  we  consider  that 
the  em].  )r  Charles  the  5th,  could  judge  with 
his  own  eyes  of  the  perfection  or  imperfection  of 
(he  objects  sent  to  him. 

The  art  of  founding  had  also  made  considera* 
ble  progress  among  the  Muyscas  in  the  kingdom 
of  New  Grenada,  among  the  Peruvians,  and  the 
inhabitants  of  Quito.  In  this  last  country,  very 
precious  works  of  the  antient  American  gold- 
smiths,  have  been  preserved  for  severa»  centuries 
in  the  royal  treasury,  (en  caxas  reales).  With- 
in these  few  years,  from  a  system  of  economy 
which  may  be  stilcd  barbarous,  these  works 
which  proved  that  several  nations  of  the  New 
Continent  had  reached  a  degree  of  civilization, 
very  superior  to  what  is  generally  attributed  to 
tliem,  have  been  all  melted  down. 

The  Aztec  tribes  extracted  before  the  eon- 

CHAP.  XL]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        1 1-^ 

qnest,  lead  and  tin^  from  the  veins  of  Tlachco 
(Tasco)  to  the  north  of  Chilpansingo  and 
Izmiquilpan ;  and  they  drew  {cinnabar),  em* 
ployed  by  the  painters  as  a  colour,  from  the 
mines  of  Chihvpan.  Of  all  the  metals,  copper 
was  that  which  was  most  commonly  employed 
in  the  mechanical  arts;  it  supplied  the  place  of 
iron  and  steel  to  a  certain  extent;  and  their 
arms,  axes,  chisels,  and  all  their  tools,  were 
made  of  the  copper  which  they  extracted  from 
the  mountains  of  Zacotollan  and  Cohuixco. 
In  every  part  of  the  globe,  the  use  of  copper 
seems  to  have  preceded  that  of  iron;  and  the 
abundance  of  copper  in  its  natural  state  in  the 
most  northern  parts  of  America,  may  have  con- 
tributed to  the  extraordinary  predilection  which 
the  Mexican  tribes,  who  issued  from  those  re- 
gions, have  always  shewn  for  it.  Nature  exhi- 
bited to  the  Mexicans  enormous  masses  of  iron 
and  nickel;  and  these  masses  which  are  scat- 
tered over  the  surface  of  the  gi'ound,  are  fibrous, 
malleable,  and  of  so  great  a  tenacity,  that  it  is 
with  great  difficulty  a  few  fragments  can  be 
separated  from  them  with  steel  instruments. 
The  true  native  iron,  that  to  which  we  cannot 
attribute  a  meteoric  origin,  and  which  is  con- 
stantly found  mixed  with  lead  and  copper,  is 
infinitely  rare  in  all  parts  of  the  globe;  conr 
sequently  we  are  not  to  be  astonished,  that  in 
the  commencement  of  civilization,  the  Aineri- 

VOL.    Ill,  I 


114       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  iv. 

cans,  like  most  other  nations,  turned  their  atten- 
tion to  copper  in  preference  to  iron.  But  how 
did  it  happen,  that  these  same  Americans,  who 
wrought  by  means  of  lire*  a  great  variety  of 
minerals,  were  never  led  to  the  discovery  of  iron 
by  the  mixture  of  combustible  substances  with 
the  red  and  yellow  ocres1[,  extremely  common  in 
several  parts  of  Mexico?  If  on  the  other  hand, 
this  metal  was  known  to  them,  which  I  am 
inclined  to  believe,  how  happened  it  that  they 
never  learned  to  appreciate  its  just  value? 
These  considerations  seem  to  indicate  that  the 
civilization  of  the  Aztec  nations  was  not  of  a 
very  antient  date.  We  know  that  in  the  time 
of  Homer,  the  use  of  copper  still  prevailed  over 
that  of  iron,  although  the  latter  had  been  long 

Several  men  of  great  learning,  but  unac- 
quainted with  chemical  knowledge,  have  main- 
tained, that  the  Mexicans  and  Peruvians  pos- 
sessed a  particular  secret  for  tempering  copper 

*  According  to  the  traditions  collected  by  me,  near 
Riobamba,  among  the  Indians  of  the  village  of  Lican,  the 
antient  inhabitte.:t<i  of  Quito  smelted  silver  minerals  by  strati- 
fying them  with  charcoal,  and  blowing  the  fire  with  long 
bambou  reeds.  A  great  number  of  Indians  were  placed  circu- 
larly around  the  hole  which  contained  the  minerals;  so  that 
the  currents  of  air  proceeded  at  once  from  several  reeds. 

f  Yellow  ocre,  called  tecozahnitl,  was  employed  in  paint- 
ing as  well  as  cinnabar.  Ocre  ^as  part  of  the  objects  which 
•ompoted  the  list  of  tributes  of  Malinaltepec. 

CHAP.  X.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        115 


and  converting  it  into  steel.  There  is  no  doubt 
that  the  axes  and  other  Mexican  tools  were  al- 
most as  sharp  as  steel  instruments ;  but  it  was 
by  a  mixture  with  tin,  and  not  by  any  tempering 
that  they  acquired  their  extreme  hardness. 
What  the  first  historians  of  the  conquest  call 
hard  or  shaif  copper,  resembled  the  x*^xof  of  the 
Greeks,  and  the  Aes  of  the  Romans.  The 
Mexican  and  Peruvian  sculptors  executed  large 
^orks  in  the  hardest  greenstone  (gtiinstein),  and 
basaltic  porphyry.  The  jeweller  cut  and 
pierced  the  emeralds  and  other  precious  stones 
by  using  at  the  same  time  a  metal  tool  and  a 
silicious  powder.  I  brought  from  Lima  an 
antient  Peruvian  chisel,  in  which  M.  Vauquelin 
found  0.94  of  copper,  and  0.06  of  tin.  This 
mixture  was  so  well  forged,  that  by  the  close- 
ness of  the  particles,  its  specific  weight  was 
8.815,  while,  according  to  the  experiments  of 
M.  Bridie*,  the  chemists  never  obtain  this 
maximum  of  density,  but  by  a  mixture  of  16 
parts  of  tin,  with  100  parts  of  copper.  It  ap- 
pears, that  the  Greeks  made  use  of  both  tin  and 
iron  at  the  same  time  in  the  hardening  of  cop- 
per. Even  a  Gaulish  axe  found  in  France  by 
M.  Dupont  de  Nemours,  which  cuts  wood  like 
a  steel  axe,  without  breaking  or  yielding,  con- 
tains according  to  the  analysis  of  M.  Vauquelin, 
0.87  of  copper,  0.03  of  iron,  and  0.09  of  tin, 

*  Journal  des  mnes.  An.  5,  p*  8S1. 
I  2 



116       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  iv- 

Tin  being  a  metal  very  little  spread  over 
the  globe,  it  is  rather  surprising  that  it  should 
have  been  used  in  both  Continents  in  the 
hardening"  of  copper.  A  single  mineral  which 
has  been  no  where  tliscovered  but  at  Wheal 
Rock,  in  Cornwall,  the  mine  of  sulfuretted 
tin  (zinnkies)  contains  both  copper  and  tin  in 
equal  parts.  We  know  not  whether  the  Mexi- 
can nations  worked  veins  in  which  minerals 
of  copper  and  oxydised  tin  were  found  united, 
or  if  this  last  metal,  which  we  found  in  the 
alluvious  lands  in  the  intendancy  of  Guanaxuato, 
under  the  globulous  and  fibrous  form  of  wood 
tin  (holZ'Zinn)  was  added  to  pure  copper  in 
a  constant  proportion.  However  the  fact  be, 
it  is  certain  that  the  want  of  iron  would  be 
much  less  felt  among  nations  who  possessed 
the  art  of  forming  alloys  of  other  metals,  in 
a  manner  equally  advantageous.  The  edge- 
tools  of  the  Mexicans,  were  some  of  copper 
and  others  of  obsidian  (itztli).  The  last  sub- 
stance was  even  the  object  of  great  mining 
undertakings,  of  which  the  traces  are  still  to 
be  perceived  in  an  innumerable  quantity  of 
pits  dug  in  the  mountain  of  Knives,  near  the 
Indian  village  of  Atotonilco  e/  Grande  *. 

Besides  the  cocoa  bags,  each  of  which  con- 
tained three  xiquipilli  or  24000  grains,  besides 
the    patolquachtlif    or   small    bales    of   cotton 

*  See  Vol.  ii.  p.6a 

CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        H? 

cloth,  several  metals  were  used  by  the  antient 
Mexicans  as  money,  that  is  to  say,  as  re- 
presentative signs  of  things.  In  the  great 
market  of  Tenochtitlan,  all  sorts  of  goods 
were  purchased  with  gold  dust,  contained  in 
tubes  of  the  feathers  of  aquatic  birds.  It  was 
requisite  that  these  tubes  should  be  transparent 
for  the  sake  of  discoveruig  the  size  of  the 
grains  of  gold.  In  several  provinces,  pieces 
of  copper  to  which  the  form  of  a  T  was  given 
where  used  as  a  currency.  Cortez  relates  that 
having  undertaken  to  found  cannons  in  Mexico, 
and  having  dispatched  emissaries  for  the  dis- 
covery of  mines  of  tin  and  copper,  he  learned 
that  in  the  environs  of  Tachco  (Tlachco  or 
Tasco)  the  natives  employed  in  exchan  g, 
pieces  of  melted  tin  *,  which  were  as  thin  as 
the  smallest  coins  in  Spain. 

*  Cortez  complains  in  his  last  letter  to  Charles  the  5tli, 
that  after  the  taking  of  the  capital,  he  was  left  without 
artillery  and  without  arms.   "  Nothing,"  says  he,  "  sharpens 
"  the  genius   of  man  more   {no  hay  cosa  que  mas  los  irif 
*<  genios  de    los  hombres  avivaj  than  the    idea    of  danger. 
**  Seeing  myself  on    the  point  of  losing  what   had  cost 
**  us  so  much  labour  in  acquiring,  I  was  obliged  to  fall 
**  upon  means  of  making  cannons  with  the  materials  to 
"  be  found  in  the  country."    I  shall  transcribe  here  the 
remarkable  passage  in  which    Cortez    speaks  of   tin  as 
money :   "  Top6  entre  los  naturales  de  una  provincia  que 
**  se  dice    Tachco  ciertas  piecezuelas  de  estario,   a  manera 
**  da  moneda  muy  delgada  y  procediendo  en  mi   pesquisa 
(*  hall6  que  en    la  dicha  provincia  y   aun  en   otras,    se 
**  trataba  por  mvneda"  {Lorenzanot  p.  379.  §    XVII. 

118       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         L»«0'5  >v. 

Such  is  the  imperfect  idea  which  the  first 
historians  have  transmitted  to  us  of  the  use 
made  by  the  natives  of  Mexico,  of  gold, 
silver,  copper,  tin,  lead,  and  of  the  mercury 
mines.  I  thought  it  necessary  to  enter  into 
these  details,  not  only  to  throw  some  light  on 
the  antient  cultivation  of  these  countries,  but 
also  to  show  that  the  European  colonists  in 
the  first  years  which  succeeded  the  destruction 
of  Tenochtitlan,  only  followed  the  indications 
of  mines  given  them  by  the  natives. 

The  kingdom  of  New  Spair  m  its  actual 
state  contains  nearly  500  places  (reales  y  reali- 
tos)  celebrated  for  the  mines  in  their  environs. 
More  than  200  of  these  places  are  marked  in 
the  general  map  of  the  country  drawn  up  by 
me.  It  is  probable  that  these  500  reales  com- 
prehend nearly  three  thousand  mines  (minas), 
designating  by  that  name  the  whole  of  the 
subterraneous  works,  which  communicate  with 
one  another,  by  which  one  or  more  metallick 
depositories  are  worked.  These  mines  are  di- 
vided into  37  districts,  over  which  are  placed 
the  same  number  of  Councils  of  mines  called, 
JDiputaciones  de  Mineria.  V/e  shall  collect 
in  one  view  the  names  of  ther>3  Diputaciones, 
and  of  the  Reales  de  MinaSy  contained  in  the 
twelve  Intendancies  of  New  Spain.  The  ma- 
terials employed  for  this  purpose  are  partly  taken 
from  a  manuscript  memoir  drawn   up  by  the 

CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NRW  SPAIN.        119 

director  of  the  superior  council  of  mines,  Don 
Fausto  D'Elhiiyar  for  the  Count  de  Revillagi- 
(vedo,  one  of  the  viceroys. 




I.  Intendancy  of  Guanaxuato. 

From  the  20*  55'  to  the  21*  30'  of  north  lati- 
tude, and  from  the  102*  30'  to  the  lOS**/  45  of 
West  longitude. 

Diputaciones  de  JUineria,  or  Districts. 

1.  Guanaxuato. 

Realest  or  Places  surrounded  with  Mines: 

Guanaxuato ;  Villalpando ;  Monte  de  San  Ni- 
colas ;  Santa  Rosa ;  Santa  Ana ;  San  Antonio 
de  las  Minas ;  Comanja ;  Capulin ;  Comanjilla ; 
Gigante ;  San  Luis  de  la  Paz ;  San  Rafael  de 
los  Lobos ;  Durasno ;  San  Juan  de  la  Chica ; 
Rincon  de  Centeno ;  San  Pedro  de  los  Pozos ; 
Palmas  de  Vega;  San  Miguel  el  Grande; 
San  Felipe. 


120       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  i» 

II.  Intendauci/ of  Zacatecas. 

From  the  22"  20'  to  the  24"  33*  north  latitude, 
and  from  the  103"  12'  to  the  105"  9  of  west 

Diputaciones  de  Mineria,  or  Districts. 

2.  Zacatecas. 

3.  Sombrerete. 

4.  Fresnillo. 

6.  Sierra  de  Pinos. 


Reales,  or  Places  surrounded  hy  Mines  : 

Zacatecas;  Guadalupe  de  Veta  Grande;  San 
Juan  Bauptista  de  Panuco ;  La  Blanca ;  Som- 
brerete ;  Madrono  ;  San  Pantaleon  de  la  No^ria ; 
Fresnillo ;  San  Demetrio  de  los  Plateros ; 
Cerro  de  Santiago ;  Sierra  de  Pinos ;  La  San- 
ceda ;  Cerro  de  Santiago ;  Mazapil. 

III.  Intendancy  of  San  Luis  Potosi. 

From  the  22**  1'  to  the  27M1'  of  north  lati- 
ude,  and  from  the  100"  35'  to  the  103"  20'  of 
West  longitude. 

Dipukuiiones  de  Mineria,   or  Districts. 

6.  Catorce. 

'    7,  San  Luis  Potosi. 

8.  Charcas. 

9.  Ojocaliente, 

10.  San  Nicolas  de  Croix. 

CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        121 

RealeSf  or  Places  surroumlvd  fty  D^inm : 

La  Purissima  Concepcion  tie  Alamos  de  Ca- 
torce;  Matehnala;  Cerro  del  Potosi  ;  San 
Martin  Bernalejo ;  Sierra  Nej»Ta ;  Tule ;  San 
Martin  ;  Santa  Maria  de  las  Charcas  ;  Ramos  j 
Ojocaliente ;  Cerro  de  San  Pedro ;  Matan- 
zillas ;  San  Carlos  de  Vallecillo ;  San  Antonio 
de  la  Yguana;  Santiago  de  las  Sabinas; 
Monterey;  Jesus  de  Rio  Blanco;  Las  Sa- 
linas; Bocca  de  Leones  ;  San  Nicolas  de 
Croix  ;  Borbon ;  San  Joseph  Tamaulipan ; 
Nuestra  Senora  de  Guadalupe  de  Sihue;  La 
Purissima  Conception  de  Revillagegido ;  El 
Venado;  L.    Tapona;  Guadaleazar. 

IV.  Intendancy  of  Mexico. 

Prom  the  18°  10'  to  the  2V  30'  of  north  lati- 
tude, and  from  the  100*»  12'  to  the  103°  25' 
of  west  longitude. 

Diputaciones  de  Mineria,   or  Districts. 

11.  Pachuca. 

12.  El  Doctor. 

13.  Zimapan. 

14.  Tasco. 

15.  Zacualpan. 

16.  Sultepec. 

17.  Temascaltepec. 

Reales,  or  places  surrounded  hy  Mines  : 
Pachuca ;  Real  del  Monte ;  Moran  -,  Atolonilco 



122       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

el   Chico ;   Atolonilco   el   Grande ;    Zimapan  : 
Lomo   del     Toro;    Las     Canas;    San    Joseph 
del   Oro;    Verdozas;    Capuia;     Santa    Rosa; 
El   Potosi ;    Las   Plomosas;    El  Doctor ;    Las 
Alpujarras;  El   Pinal  or   los  Amotes;    Huas- 
cazoluya ;   San   Miguel   del   Rio  Blanco ;   Las 
Aguas;   Maconi;    San    Christobal;  Cardonal; 
Xacala ;    Jutchitlan   el    Grande ;    San  Joseph 
del   Obraje  Viejo;    Cerro   Blanco;    Cerro  del 
Sotolar ;  San  Francisco  Xirhu ;  Jesus    Maria 
de  la  Targea ;  Coronilla  or  la  Purissima  Con- 
cepcion  de  Tetela  del  Rio ;  Tepantitlan ;    San 
Vicente  ;     Tasco ;    Tehuilotepec ;     Coscallan ; 
Haucingo,  Huautla;  Sochipala;  Tetlilco;  San 
Esteban ;    Real  del    Limon ;    San   Geroni«no ; 
Temas  caltepec ;  Real  de  Ariba ;    La  Albar- 
rada ;    Yxtap^r ;     Ocotepec  ;     Chalchitepeque ; 
Zacualpan ;     Tecicapan ;     Chontalpa ;    Santa 
Cruz  de  Azulaques;  Saltepec;   Juluapa;   Pa- 
paloapa ;    Los    Ocotes ;     Capulatengo ;    Alco- 
zauca;  Totomixtlahuaca. 

y.  Intendancy  of  Guadalaxara. 

From  the  lO*'  0'  to  the  23*12'  of  north  lati- 
tude, and  from  the  103"  30'  to  the  108*  0'  of 
west  longitude. 

Diptitaciones  de  Mineria  or  Districts. 

18.  Bolanos. 

19.  Asientos  de  lb  arra. 

20.  Hostotipaqaillo. 


CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        123 

MealeSf  or  Places  surrounded  by  Mines  : 

Bolanos;  Xalpa  ;  San  Joseph  de  Guichichila; 
Santa  Maria  de  Guadalupe,  or  de  la  Yesca ; 
Aiientos  de  IbaiTa ;  San  Nicolas  de  los  Angeles ; 
La  Ballena;  Talpan;  Hostotipaquillo ;  Copala; 
Guaxacatan;  Aniaxac;  Linion;  Tepanteria; 
locotan ;  Tecomatan ;  Ahuatacancillo ;  Guiloti- 
tan;  Platanarito ;  Santo  Domingo ;  luchipila ; 
Mezquital;  Xalpa;  San  Joseph  Tepostitlan; 
Guachinango ;  San  Nicolas  del  Roxo;  Amatlan ; 
NativitWl;  San  Joaquin;  Santissima  Trinidad 
de  Pozole ;  Tule ;  Motage ;  Frontal ,  Los  Aillo- 
Ezatlannes;  Posession;  La  Serranilla;  Aqui- 
tapilco;  Eliso;  Chimaltitan;  Santa  Fe;  San 
Rafael ;  San  Pedro  Analco ;  Santa  Cruz  de  los 

VI.  Intendancy  of  IKrango. 

From  the  23**  55'  to  the  29  **5'  of  north  latitude, 
and  from  the  104**  40'  to  the  110°  0'  of  west  lon- 

Diputaciones  de  Mineria,  or  Districts. 

21.  Chihuahua. 

22.  Parral. 

23.  Guarisamey. 

24.  Cosiguiriachi. 

25.  Batopilas. 

RealeSf  or  Places  surrounded  by  Mines: 
San  Pedro  de  Batopilas ;  Uruachi ;  Cajurichi 
Nuestra  Senora  de  Loreto ;  San  Joaquiii  de  los 

124       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  iv. 

Arrieros;  El  Oro  do  Topag-o;  San  Juan  Nepo- 
muceno;  Nuestra  Senora  del  Monscrrate  del 
Zapote ;  Uriquillo  ;  San  Augustin ;  Nuestra  Se- 
nora del  Monserrate  de  Urique ;  Gnarisaraey  ; 
San  Vicente;  Guadalupe;  Gavilanes;  San  An- 
toino  Je  las  Ventanas ;  San  Dimas ,  San  Joseph 
de  Tayoltita;  Cosiguiriachi;  Riode  San  Pedro 
Chihuahua  el  Viejo ;  San  Juan  de  la  Cieneguilla 
Maguariclii ;  Caxurichi ;  San  Jose  del  Parral* 
Indeh^  ;  Los  Sauces ;  Nuestra  Seiiora  de  la  Mer- 
ced del  Oro ;  Real  de  Todos  Santos ;  San  Fran- 
cisco del  Oro ;  Santa  Barbara ;  San  Pedro ;  Huc- 
joquilla ;  Los  Penoles ;  La  Cadena ;  Cuencame  , 
San  Nicolas  de  Yervabuena ;  La  Concepcion ; 
Santa  Maria  de  las  Nieves;  Chalchihuites ;  Santa 
Catalina;  San  Miguel  del  Mezquital;  Nuestra 
Senora  de  los  Dolores  del  Orito;  San  Juan  del 
Rio;  San  Lucas;  Panuco;  Avinito;  San  Fran- 
cisco de  la  Silla;  Texamen;  Nuestra  Senora  de 
Guadalupe  de  Texanie;  San  Miguel  de  Coneto; 
Sianori;  Canelas;  Las  Mesas;  Sabatinipa  or 
Matabacas ;  Tt>pia ;  San  Rafael  de  las  Flores ; 
El  Alacran ;  La  Lagartija;  San  Ramon ;  Santi- 
ago de  Mapimi. 


*  On  some  proofs  of  my  general  map  of  New  Spain 
the  name  of  Parral  is  confounded  with  the  village  of  Valle 
San  Bartolome.  The  sign  by  which  the  chief  sect  of  a 
provincial  council  of  mines  is  indicated,  points  out  the  true 
position  of  Parral. 

CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        12.> 

vt?;    VII.  Intendauqf  of  Sonora. 

From  the  23«  15'  to  the  31"  20'  of  north  lati- 
tude, and  from  the  107°  45'  to  the  1 13«  20'  of 
west  longitude. 

*     Diputacioties  de  Mineriat  or  Districts. 

26.  Alauios. 

27.  Copala. 

28.  Cosala. 

29.  San  Francisco  Xavier  de  la  Huerta, 

30.  Guadalupe  de  la  Puerta. 

31.  Santissima  Trinidad  de  Pena  Blanca. 

32.  San  Francisco  Xavier  de  Alisos. 

RealeSf  or  Places  surrounded  Ivy  Mines : 

San  Joseph  de  Copala;   Real   del   Rosario; 
Plomosas;  Santa  Rosa  or  las  Adjuntas;  Apomas ; 
San  Nicolas  de  Panuco ;  Santa  Rita  ;  Trancito ; 
Charcas ;  Limon  ;    Santa  Rosa  de  las  Lagunas  : 
Tocusitita;  Corpus;   ^  ves;  CosJila ;  PaloBlanc<, ; 
El   Caxon;  Santiago  de    lo«    Caballeros;   San 
Antonio   de  Alisos ;   San   Roqne ;    Tal  ihueto  ; 
Norotal ;  Los  Molinos ;   Surutato;  Los  C:«rca- 
mos;  San   Juan  Neponiuceno;  Bacatopa;  Lo- 
reto;  Tenoriba;  Aguacaliente ;  Monserrate;  Si- 
virijoa;  Baroyeca;  Yecorato;   Zataque;   Cerro 
Colorado;  Los  Alamos;  Guadalupe;  B    -  Chico; 
La  Concepcion  de  Hay  game;  Santissima  Tri- 
nidad; La  Ventana  or  Gaudahipe;  Saracachi; 
San  Antonio  de  la  Huerta;  San  Francisco  Xa- 


126       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

vier;  Hostimuri;  Quisuani;  El  Aguage;  Higane ; 
San  Jose  de  Gracia ;  El  Gabilan ;  El  Populo : 
San  Antonio ;  Todos  Santos ;  El  Carizal ;  Naca- 
tabori ;  Racuach  ;  San  Ildefonso  de  Cienegiiilla ; 
San  Lorenzo ;  Nacumini ;  Cupisonora ;  Tetua- 
chi;  Basor'iuca;  Nacosari;  BacamUchi;  Cu- 
curpe ;  Motepore.  ,  «      .. 

VIII.  Intendancyof  ValladoUd. 

From  the  18°  25'  to  the  19'»50'  of  north  lati- 
tude, and  from  the  102**  15  to  the  104"  50'  of 
west  longitnde.  ■  ■     *(. 

Diputaciones  de  Mineria,  or  Districts. 

33.  Angangueo. 

34.  Inguaran. 

35.  Zitaquaro. 

36.  Tlalpujahua. 

ReakSf  or  Places  surrounded  hy  Mines : 

Angangueo;  El  Oro;  Tlapaxahua;  San  Au- 
gustin  de  Ozumatlan;  Zitaquaro;  Istapa;  Los 
Santos  Reyes;  Santa  Rito  de  Chirangangeo;  El 
Zapote;  Chachiltepec ;  Sanchiqueo;  La  Joya; 
Paquaro;  Xerecuaro ;  Curucupaseo ;  Sinda ;  In- 
guaran; San  Juan  Guetamo;  Ario;  Santa  Clara; 
Alvadeliste;  San  Nicolas  Apupato  ;  Rio  del  Oro ; 
Axuchitlan ;  Santa  Maria  del  Carmen  del  Som- 
brero ;  Favor ;  Chichindaro. 

CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       127 

IX.  Intendancy  of  Oaxaca, 

Prom  the  \&^  35'  to  the  17"  55'  of  north  lati- 
tude, and  from  the  98*'  15' to  the  100°  0'  of  west 

Diputaciones  de  Mineria,  or  Districts. 
37.  Oaxaca. 

ReakSfOr  Places  surrmnded  by  Mines: 
Zologa;  Talea;  Hueplotitlan;  La  Aurora  de 
Ixtepexi ;  Villalta ;  Ixtlan ;  Betolatia ;  Huite- 
peque  ;  Rio  de  San  Antonio ;  Totomistla ;  San 
Pedro  Nesicho;  Santa  Catalina;  Lachateo; 
San  Miguel  Amatlan ;  Santa  Maria  lavecia ; 
San  Mateo  Capulalpa ;  San  Miguel  de  las  Peras. 

X.  Intendancy  of  Puebla, 

From  the  IS"  15.  to  the  20'>  25'  of  novih  lati- 
tude,  and  from  the  OQ**  45'  to  the  100°  50'  of 
west  longitude. 

Scattered  Mines: 
La   Canada^  Tulincingo;   San  Miguel  Te- 
nango;    Zautla;   Barrancas ;  Alatlanquetepec ; 
Temetzlaj  Ixtacmaztitlan. 

XL  Intendancy  of  Vera  Cruz, 

From  the  20°  C  to  the  21o  15'  of  north  lati- 
tude,  and  from  the  OQ^^O'  to  the  101«  5' of  west 



Scattered  Mines: 

[book  IV. 

Zomelaluiiiraii;  Giliiij)a;  Sail  Antonio  de  Xa- 

XJl.   Old  California. 
Mine.     Real  <lo   Santa  Ana. 

Those  mIio  have  stiniud  the  j^eok)«i(!al  eon- 
stitutioii  of  a  iTiinini»"  eoinitry  of  great  extent, 
know  tlie  difficnlty  of  reducing"  to  general  ideas 
the  ohservatiouN  niadc!  on  a  great  variety  of 
beds,  and  metalliferous  veins.  The  naturalist 
may  distinguish  the  relative  auti(]uit}  of  the 
tlifferent  formations,  and  he  is  enabled  to  dis- 
cover laws  in  the  stratifi(;ation  of  rocks,  in  the 
identity  of  l)cds,  and  often  evi  n  in  the  angles 
which  they  form,  either  with  the  horizon  or  the 
meridian  of  the  j)lace ;  but  how  can  he  recog^- 
nize  the  laws  which  have  determined  the  dis- 
position of  the  uu»tals  in  the  bosom  of  the 
earth,  the  extent,  the  direction,  and  inclination 
of  the  veins,  the  nature  of  their  wm«.y,  and  their 
particular  structure?  How  can  he  draw  ge- 
neral results  from  the  observation  of  a  multitude 
of  small  phenomena,  modified  by  causes  of  a 
purely  local  nature,  and  appearing  to  be  the 
effects  of  an  action  of  chemical  affinities,  cir- 
cumscribed to  a  very  narrow  space?  These 
difficulties  are  increased  when  it  happens,  as 
in  the  mountains   of  Mexico,  that  the  veins. 

CHAP.   XI.] 

KINGDOM  OF  NKVV  SPAIN.        129 

the  bedsy  tiiiil  the  masses f  ( Stock tverke)  are  scat- 
tered in  iiii  iiiHiiity  of  mixed  rocks  of  very 
different  formation.  If  we  possessed  an  accu- 
rate description  of  the  four  or  five  thousand 
veins  actually  wrought  in  New  Spain,  or  which 
have  l)een  wrought  within  the  two  last  cen- 
turies, we  should  undoubtedly  perceive  in  the 
mass  and  structure  of  these  veins,  analogies 
indicative  of  a  simultaneous  origin;  we  should 
find  that  tliese  masses  {(^anyausfiiUungen)  are 
partly  the  sanve  with  those  which  are  exhi- 
bited in  the  veins  of  Saxony  and  Hungary, 
and  on  which  M.  Werner  the  first  mineralo- 
gist of  the  age  has  thrown  so  much  light.  But 
we  are  yet  very  far  from  being  acquainted  with 
the  metalliferous  mountains  of  Mexico;  and  not- 
withstanding the  great  nundjer  of  observations 
collected  by  myself  in  travelling  through  the 
country  in  different  directions,  for  a  length  of 
more  than  400  leagues,  1  shall  not  venture  to 
sketch  a  general  view  of  the  Mexican  mines, 
considered  under  their  geological  relations.  I 
shall  content  myself  merely  with  indicating 
the  ro(;ks,  which  yield  the  greatest  part  of  the 
wealth  of  New  Spain. 

In  the  actual  state  of  the  country,  the  veins 
are  the  object  of  the  most  considerable  opera* 
tions ;  and  the  minerals  disposed  in  beds  or  in 
masses  are  very  rare.  The  Mexican  veins  are 
to  be  found  for  the  most  part    in  primitive   and 

VOL.  III.  K 




^'iO       POLItlCAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [boo*  iv. 

h'ansiiion  rocks  (nr-\md  ubcr^ans^-gebiirge), 
and  rarely  in  tlie  rocks  of  necondary  formation 
which  only  occupy  Ji  vast  extent  of  ^ound  to 
the  north  of  the  Tropic  of  Cancer,  to  the  east 
of  the  Rio  del  Norte,  in  the  basin  of  the  Missis- 
sippi, and  to  the  west  of  New  Mexico,  in  the 
plains  watered  by  the  rivers  of  Zaguananas 
and  San  Bm-naventnra  which  abound  in 
muriatic  salts.  Iii  the  old  continent  granite, 
ffnciss  and  micaceous  state  (giimma'-schiefer) 
constitute  the  crest  of  high  chains  of  mountains. 
But  these  rocks  seldom  appear  outwai^ly  on 
the  ridge  of  the  Cordilleras  of  America,  par- 
ticularly in  the  central  part  contained  between 
the  18"  and  2^"  of  north  latitude.  Beds  of 
amphibolic  porphyry,  greenstone,  amygdaloid, 
basalt  and  othei"  trap  formations  of  an  enormous 
thickness  cover  the  granite  and  conceal  it  from 
the  geologist.  The  coa<it  of  Acapulco  is  formed 
of  granite  rock.  Ascending  towards  the  table 
land  of  Mexico  we  see  the  granite  pierce  through 
the  porphyry  for  the  last  time  between  Zum- 
pango  and  Sopilote.  Fsdrther  to  the  east  in 
the  province  of  Oaxaca  the  granite  and  gneiss 
are  visible  in  table  lands  of  Considerable  extent^^ 
traversed  by  veins  of  gold. 

Tin  which  after  Tttanium,  Scheelin  and  Mb- 

'  lybden^  is  the  oldest  metal  of  the  globe,  has  never 

yet  as  far  as  I  know  been  observed  in  the  ginmites 

of  Mexico;  lor  the  ftbrom  tin  (wood-Hh) oi  ih^ 

CHAR  «.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       131 

Gigante  belongs  to  alluvions  lands,  and  the  veins 
of  tin  of  the  Sierra  de  Guanaxiiato  are  found  in 
mountains  of  porphyry.  In  the  mines  of  Co- 
manja,  a  tifenite  apparently  of  antient  formation 
contains  a  seam  of  silver;  the  mine  of  6ua- 
naxuato  the  richest  of  all  America  crosses  a 
primitive  slate  {thon'Schiefer)  which  frequently 
passes  into  the  talk-slate  (talksehiefer) :  the 
serptntine  of  Zimapan  appears  destitute  of 

The  porphyries  of  Mexico  may  be  considered 
for  the  most  part  as  rocks  eminently  rich  in 
mines  of  gdid  and  silver.  One  of  the  problems 
of  geology  the  most  difficult  to  resolve  is  the 
determination  of  their  relative  antiquity.  They 
are  all  characterised  by  the  constant  presence 
of  amphibole  and  the  absence  of  quartz,  so 
common  in  the  primitive  porphyries  of  Em*ope, 
and  especially  in  those  which  form  beds  in 
gneiss.  The  common  felspar  is  rarely  to  be 
seen  in  the  Mexican  porphyries ;  and  it  belongs 
only  to  the  mosi  antient  formations,  these  of 
Pachuca,  Real  del  Monte  |Ni4  Moran,  where 
the  vekis  furnish  twice  ms  nuteh  silver  as  all 
Saxony.  We  freqmently  diecover  only  vitre- 
ous felspar  in  tke  porphyries  of  Spanish 
America.  Tke  yock  which  is  intersected  by 
the  rich  gold  vein  of  Yillalpando  near  6ua- 
naxuato  is  a  porphyry  of  which  the  basis  is 
semewliat  a  kin  to  kUngstein  (phenoiite),  and 

K  2 




132        POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  iv. 

in  which  ainphihole  is  extremely  rare.  Several 
of  these  parts  of  New  Spain  bear  a  great 
analogy  to  the  problematical  rocks  of  Hungary, 
designated  by  M.  Born  by  the  very  vague 
denomination  of  mxum  metalliferum.  The 
veins  of  Zimapan  which  are  the  most  instruc- 
tive in  respect  to  the  theory  of  the  stratification 
of  minerals  are  intersected  by  porphyries  of 
a  greenstone  base  which  appear  to  belong  to 
trap  rocks  of  new  formation.  These  veins 
of  Zimapan  offer  to  oryctognostic  collections  a 
great  variety  of  interesting  minerals  such  as 
the  fibrous  zeolith,  the  stilbite,  the  grammalite, 
thii  pycnite,  native  sulphur,  spar  fluor,  baryte 
suberiform  asbestos,  green  grenats,  carbonate 
and  chromate  of  lead,  orpiment,  chrysoprase, 
and  a  new  species  of  opal  of  the  rarest  beauty, 
which  I  made  known  in  Europe,  and  which 
M.  M.  Karsteii  and  Klaproth  have  described 
under  the  name  of  (feuer-opal.) 

Among  the  transition  rocks  which  contain 
silver  minerals,  we  may  mention  the  transition- 
lime-stone  (ubergangs-kalkstein)  of  the  Real  del 
Cardonal,  of  Xacala  and  of  Lomo  del  Toro,  to 
the  north  of  Zimapan.  In  the  last  of  these 
places  what  is  worked  is  not  veins  but  masses 
of  galena,  of  which  some  nests  have  yielded  in 
a  short  space  of  time  according  to  the  observa- 
tion ^fl  M^  Sonneschmidt,  more  than  124,000 
quint^U/of  lead.     The  grauwakke  alternating 


CHAP.  «.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       133 

with  the  tfrauwakken  slate  is  equally  rich  in 
metals  in  Mexico  as  in  several  parts  of  Germany. 
In  this  rock  the  formation  of  which  im- 
mediately preceded  that  of  the  secondary 
rocks,  several  of  the  veins  of  Zacatocas  appear 
to  he  found. 

In  proportion  as  the  north  of  Mexico  shall 
he  examined  by  intelligent  geologists,  it  will 
be  perceived  that  the  metallick  wealth  of 
Mexico  does  not  exclusively  belong  to  primi- 
tive earths  aiid  mountains  of  transition,  but 
extend  also  to  those  of  sevondanj  formation. 
I  know  not  whether  the  lead  which  is  pro- 
cured in  the  eastern  parts  of  the  intendancy 
of  San  Luis  Potosi  is  found  in  veins  or  beds^ 
but  it  appears  certain,  that  the  veins  of  silver 
of  the  real  de  Catorce,  as  well  as  those  of  the 
Doctor  and  Xaschi  near  Zimapan,  traverse 
the  alpine  lime-stone  (alpenkalkstehi) ;  and 
this  rock  reposes  on  a  poudinc/ue  with  silicious 
cement  which  may  be  considered  as  the  most 
antient  of  secondary  formations.  The  alpine 
lime-stone  and  the  jura  lime-stone  (jurakalkstein) 
contain  the  celebrated  silver  mines  of  Tasco 
and  Teuilotepec  in  the  intendancy  of  Mexico ; 
and  it  is  in  these  calcareous  rocks  that  the 
numerous  veins  which  in  this  country  have  been 
very  early  wrought,  display  the  greatest  wealth. 
They  are  more  sterile  in  the  strata  of  primitive 
slate  (ur'thon-schiefer)  which  as  is  seen  in  the 


134       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [booc  iv. 

Cerro  tie   San  Ig^acio,  serves  for  base  to  th« 
^ewondary  formations. 

The  result  of  this  jfeiieral  view  of  the 
metalliferous  depositories  (erzfuhrcnde  lag'er- 
>tatte)  is  that  the  cordillcras  of  Mexico  contain 
veins  in  a  great  variety  of  rocks,  and  that  those 
rocks  which  at  present  furnish  almost  the  whole 
silver  annually  exported  from  Vera  Cruz,  are 
the  primitive  slate,  the  fjrauwakke,  and  the 
alpine  lime-stone,  intersected  by  the  principal 
veins  of  Guanaxuato,  Zacatecas  and  Catorce. 
Thus  it  is  in  a  primiitive  slate  (ur-t/ion  scliiefer)  on 
which  a  clayey  porphyry  containing  gi'enats 
reposes,  that  the  wealth  of  Potosi  in  the  king- 
dom of  Buenos-Ay  res  is  contained.  On  the 
other  hand,  in  Peru  the  mines  of  Gualgayoc  or 
Chota  and  that  of  Yauricocha  or  Pasco  which 
togethe.  yield  annnally  double  the  quantity  of  all 
the  German  mines,  are  found  in  an  alpine  lime' 
stone.  The  more  we  study  the  geological 
constitution  of  the  globe  on  a  lai'ge  scale  the 
more  we  perceive  that  there  in  scarcely  a  rock 
which  has  not  in  certain  countries  been  found 
eminently  metalliferous.  The  wealth  of  the 
veins  is  for  the  most  part  totally  independent 
of  the  nature  of  the  beds  which  they  intersect. 

We  observe  in  the  most  celebrated  mines  of 
Europe,  that  the  mining  operations  are  either 
directed  to  a  multitude  of  small  veins  as  in  the 
primitive  mountains  of    Saxony,  or  to  a  very 

ciiAF.  XJ.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        l^J 

small  number  of  depositorm  of  minerals  of  an 
extraordinary  power,  a»  at  Clausthal,  the  Harz, 
and  near  Schemnitz  in  Hungfary.  The  Cor- 
dilleras of  Mexico  ofter  frequent  examples  of 
these  two  methods  of  operation ;  but  the  dis- 
tricts of  mines  of  the  most  constant  and  con- 
siderable wealth,  Guanaxuato,  Zacatecas  and 
th«  Real  del  Monte,  contain  only  one  prin- 
cipal vein  each  (vela  mttdre).  The  vein  called 
haisbriikner  spath  of  which  the  extent  is  two 
metres^  and  which  has  been  traced  for  a  length 
of  6200  metrcsf  is  spoken  of  as  a  remarkable 
phenomenon  at  Freiberg.  The  veta  madre  of 
Guanaxuato,  from  which  there  has  been  ex- 
tracted during  the  com'se  of  the  last  ten  years 
tooi'e  Uian  six  millions  of  marcs  of  silver;]:,  is  of 
the  extent  of  from  40  to  4^  metres§,  and  it  is 
wrought  from  $anta  Isabella  and  San  Bruno  to 
Buena- Vista,  a  length  of  more  than  12700 
metres  Ij. 

In  the  Old  Continent,  the  veins  of  Freiberg 
and  Clausthal  which  intersect  mountains  of 
gneiss  and  {fva/uwakke  are  visible  in  table  lands 
of  which  the  elevation  above  the  level  of  the 
sea  is  only  from  3*^0  tp  570  metres  ;%  and  thL<; 

*  6  J  feet.     Trans. 

f  20,311  feet.     Trans, 

i  3,937,899  R)  troy.    Tram, 

§  From  131  to  147  feet.     Trans, 

II  41,665  feet.    Trans, 

f  From  1148  to  l«69fe«t.    Trans, 

"11  II 


V46       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  iV 

elevation  may  be  regarded  as  the  mean  height 
of  the  most  abundant  mines  in  Germany.  But 
in  the  New  Continent  the  metallic  wealth  is 
deposited  by  nature  on  the  very  ridge  of 
the  Cordilleras,  and  sometimes  in  situations 
within  a  very  small  distance  from  the  limit  of 
perpe  ual  snow.  The  most  celebrated  mines 
in  Mexico  are  at  absolut<i  heights  of  from  1800 
to  3000  metres*.  In  the  Andes  the  districts 
of  mines  of  Potosi,  Oruro  Paz,  Pasco  and 
Gualgayoc  are  in  regions  of  which  the  elevation 
surpasses  that  of  the  highest  summits  of  the 
Pyrenees.  Near  the  small  town  of  Micui- 
pampa,  the  great  square  of  which  according  to 
my  measurement  is  3618  metresf  above  the 
level  of  the  sea,  a  mass  of  silver  mineral  known 
by  the  name  of  Cerro  de  Gualgayoc  abounds  with 
immense  wealth  at  an  absolute  height  of 
4100  metresj. 

We  have  mentioned  in  another  j)lace§  the 
advantage  which  in  working  the  Mexican 
mines,  is  derived  from  the  most  important  veins 
being  in  a  middle  region  where  the  climate 
is  not  unfavourable  to  agriculture  and  vegeta- 
tion The  large  town  of  Guanaxuato  is  placed 
in  a  ravin,  the  bottom  of  which   is  somewhat 

*  From  5904  to  9842  feet.     Trans, 

t  11,868  feet.     Trans, 

X  13,451  feet.    Trans. 

$  See  vol  i.  p.  71,  and  vol.  ii.  p.  407. 


CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        13^ 

lower  tiuiii  the  level  of  the  lakes  of  the  valley 
of  Teiiochtitlan.  We  are  ignorant  of  the 
absolute  heii>hts  of  Zacatecas  and  the  Real  de 
Catorce ;  but  these  two  places  are  situated  on 
table  lands  seeming^ly  more  elevated  than  the 
level  of  Guanaxuato.  However  the  temperate 
climate  of  these  Mexican  towns,  which  are  sur- 
rounded with  the  richest  mines  in  the  world,  is 
a  contrast  to  the  cold  and  exceedingly  dis- 
agreeable climate  of  Micuipampa,  Pasco, 
Huancaavelica  and  other  Peruvian  towns. 

When  in  a  district  of  small  extent,  for 
instance,  in  that  of  Freiberg  in  Saxony,  we 
compare  the  quantity  of  silver  annually  coined, 
with  the  great  number  of  mines  constantly 
worked,  we  perceive  on  the  slightest  examination 
that  this  produce  is  derived  from  a  very  small  part 
of  the  mining  operations,  and  that  nine  tenths 
of  the  mines  possess  almost  no  influence  on  the 
total  mass  of  minerals  extracted  from  the 
bowels  of  the  earth.  In  the  same  manner  in 
Mexico  the  2,500,000  marcs*  of  silver  which  are 
annually  sent  to  Europe  and  Asia,  from  the 
ports  of  Vera  Cruz  and  Acapulco,  are  the  pro- 
duce of  a  very  small  number  of  mines.  The 
three  districts  which  we  have  frequently  had 
occasion  to  name,  Guanaxuato,  Zacatecas  and 
Catorce  supply  more  than  the  half  of  that  sum. 

1,640,791  lb.  troy.     Trans. 

138       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [aoo*  iv. 

The  vein  of  Guanaxuato  alone,  yields  more  than 
a  fourth  part  of  the  whole  silver  of  Mexico  and 
a  sixth  part  of  the  produce  of  all  America. 

In  the  general  view  already  presented  by  us, 
the  principal  mines  are  confounded  with  those 
from  which  a  very  small  quantity  of  metal  is 
extracted.  The  disproportion  between  the  two 
classes  is  so  great  that  more  than  {§  of  the 
Mexican  mines  belong  to  the  latter,  of  which 
the  total  produce  does  not  probably  amoiuiit 
to  the  sum  of  200,000  marcs*.  In  Saxony 
also  the  mines  which  surround  the  town  of 
Freiberg  produce  annually  nearly  50,000  maros 
of  silver,  while  all  the  rest  of  the  J^rz^ebirf/e 
does  not  yield  more  than  from  sev^n  to  eight 
thousand  marcs.  The  following  is  the  order 
in  which  the  richest  mines  cf  New  Spain 
foUow  one  ar»other,  arranging  them  according 
to  the  quantity  of  money  actually  drawn  from 


Guaiiaxuato,  in  the  Int^dancy  of  the  same 

Catorce,  in  the  Intendaucy  of  San  Luis  Potosi. 

Zacatecas,  in  the  lutendancy  of  the  same 

Keal  del  Monte,  in  the  Intendancy  of  Mexico. 

Bolanosi  in  the  Intendancy  of  Gn^id^axarA. 


*  131,263  lb.  troy.     Trant. 

CHAP.  X1.3  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SP-UN.       139 

Guarisamey,  in  the  Intendancy  of  Darango. 
Sombrerete,  in  the  Intendancy  of  Zacatecas. 
Tasco,  in  the  Intendancy  of  Mexico. 
Batopilas,  in  the  Intendancy  of  Duraiigt). 
Zimapan,  in  the  Intendancy  of  Mexico. 
Fresnillo,  in  the  Intendancy  of  Zacatecas. 
Ramos,  in  tlte  Intendancy  of  San  Luis  Potosi. 
Parral,  in  the  Intendancy  ofDurango. 

We  are  absolutely  in  want  of  accurate  ma- 
terials for  tracing  the  history  of  the  mining 
o|:)eraAions  of  New  Spain.  It  appears  certain, 
that  of  all  the  veins  those  of  Tasco,  Zultepeque, 
Tlapujahua  and  Pachuca,  were  firet  wrought 
by  the  Spaniiurds.  Near  Tasco,  to  the  west  of 
Tchuilotepec,  in  the  CWro  de  la  Campoaiia, 
Cortez  cut  a  level  across  the  nucaceous  slate 
which  is  as  we  have  already  i^ated  covered  by 
alpine  lime-stone.  This  gallery  called  el  socahtm 
del  rey  was  begun  on  such  a  large  scale  that 
one  may  go  through  it  on  horseback  for  a 
length  of  more  than  90  metres*;  and  it  haB 
been  lately  finished  by  the  patriotic  zeal  of  Don 
Vicente  de  Anza,  a  miner  of  Tasco,  who  wa« 
enabled  to  cut  the  principal  vein  -at  the  distance 
of  530  nieti'es,  from  tlie  mouth  of  tiie  leveL 
The  working  of  the  mines  of  Zacatecas  fol* 
lowed  very  dosely  those  of  Tasco  and  Pachuca. 



*  sas&et.   Xratu. 

140       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  ir. 

The  vein  of  San  Barnabe  was  begun  in  the  year 
1548,  twenty-eight  years  after  the  death  of  Mon- 
tezuma, a  circumstance  whicli  must  appear  so 
much  the  more  remarkable,  as  the  town  Zacatecas 
is  distant  in  a  straight  lino  more  than  100 
leagues  from  the  valley  of  Tenorhtitlan.  It 
is  said  that  the  silver  minerals  of  the  district 
of  Zacatecas  were  discovered  by  the  muleteers 
who  travelled  between  Mexico  and  Zacatecas. 
In  this  district  near  the  basaltic-hill  of  Cubilete 
the  mine  of  San  Barnabe  exhibits  the  most 
antient  mining  operations.  The  principal  vein 
of  Guanaxuato  (la  veta  marire)  was  discovered 
somewhat  later,  on  digging  tlie  pits  of  Mellado 
and  Rayas.  The  first  of  these  pits  was  bej»;un 
on  the  15th,  and  the  second  on  the  16th  of  April 
in  the  year  1558.  The  mines  of  Comanjas  are 
undoubtedly  still  more  antient  than  those  of 
Guanaxuato.  As  the  total  produce  of  the  mines 
of  Mexico  till  the  beginning  of  the  18th  century, 
has  never  been  more  than  600,000  marcs  of 
gold  and  silver  a  year,  we  may  conclude  that 
in  the  16th  century  they  did  not  labour  with 
very  great  activity  in  the  extraction  of  the 
minerals.  The  veins  of  Tasco,  Tlapujahua, 
Zultepeque,  Moran,  Pachuca,  and  Real  del 
Monte,  and  those  of  Sombrerete,  Bolaiios, 
Batopilas  and  Rosario  have  afforded  from 
time  to  time  immense  wealth;  but  their  pro- 
duce has  been  less  uniform  than  that  of  the 
mines  of  Guanaxuato,  Zacatecas,  and  Catorce. 

CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        Ml 

The  silver  extracted  in  the  37  districts  of 
mines,  into  which  the  kingdom  of  ^iew  S|)ain  is 
divided,  is  deposited  in  the  Provincial  Trea- 
suries, established  in  the  chief  places  of  the 
Intendancies  ;  and  it  is  from  the  receipts  of 
these  caxas  reales  that  we  are  to  judge  of 
the  quantity  of  silver  furnished  by  the  different 
parts  of  the  country.  The  following  is  an 
account  of  the  receipts  of  11  Provincial  Trea- 

From  1785  to  1789,  there  was  received  in  the  Caxaa 
Reales  of 

Marcs  of  Silvf-r. 

Guanajuato 2,469,000 

San  Luis  Potosi  (Catorce,  Charcas,    San  Luis 

Potosi) 1,515,000 

Zacatecas  (Zacatecas,  Fresnillo,  Sierra  de  Pinos)  1,205,000 

Mexico      (Tasco,  Zacualpa,  Zultepeque)  1,055,COO 

Durango  (  Chihuahua,  Parral,  Guarisamey,  4 

Cosiguiriachi)        -        -        -.  §22,000 

Rosario  (Roiario,  Cosala,  Copala,  Alamos')    -  668,000 

Guadalaxara     (Hostotipaquillo,  Asientos  de  r 

Ybarra) 509,000 

Pachuca    (Real  del  Monte,  Moran)        -        -    455,000 

Bola^os        -        - 364,000 

Sombrerete -  820,000 

Zimapan    (Zimapan,  Doctor)        ...  248,000 

i  Iff  I 

I.   ■;  II;'  n 

I : ».  i 

Sum  for  five  years,  9,730,000 

That  part  of  the  Mexican  mquntains  which 
at  present  contains  the  greatest  quantity  of 
siiver»    is  contained    between  the  parallels  of 



142       POLITICAL  ESSAT  ON  THiE       [book  iv. 

21  and  24|  degrees.  The  celebrated  mines 
of  Guanaxuato  are  only  distant  in  a  straight 
line  from  those  of  San  Lu's  Potosi  30  leagues^: 
from  San  Luis  Potosi  to  Zacatecas  the  distance 
is  34  leagues;  from  Zacatecas  to  Catorce 
31,  and  from  Catorce  to  Durango  74  leagues. 
It  is  remarkable  enough  that  this  metallick 
wealth  of  Mexico  and  Peru,  should  be  placed 
at  an  almost  equal  distance  in  the  two  hemi- 
f,  >eres  from  the  equator. 

In  the  vast  extent  which  separates  the 
mines  of  Potosi  and  Ja  Paz  from  those  of 
Mexico,  there  are  no  others,  which  throw  into 
circulation  a  great  mass  of  the  precious  metals, 
but  Pasco  and  Chota.  Advancing  from  the 
Cerro  de  Gualgayoc  northwards,  we  find  only 
the  gold  washed  down  at  Choco,  and  in  the 
province  of  Antioquia,  and  the  recently  dis- 
covered silver  veins  of  Vega  do  Supia.  It 
is  the  same  with  the  Cordillera  of  the  Andes, 
as  with  all  the  mountains  of  Europe,  in  which 
metals  are  very  unequally  distributed.  The 
province  of  Quito,  and  the  Eastern  part  of 
tbe  kingdom  of  New  Granada,  from  the  8?  of 
South  latitude,  to  the  T  of  Nordi  latitude;- 
the  Isthmus  of  Panama,  and  the  mountains  of 
Guatimala,  contain  for  a  length  of  600  leagues, 
mst  extents  of  ground  in  which  no  vem  has 
hitherto  been  wrought  with  any  degrfee  of 
fuccess     It  would  not,  however,  be  accurate 

CHAP.  XI.] 


to  advance  that  these  countries  which  have 
in  a  degree,  been  convulsed  with  volcanos  are 
entirely  destittite  of  g^old  and  silver  ore. 
Numerous  metalliferous  depositories  may  be 
concealed  l)y  the  super-position  of  strata  of 
basalt,  amygdaloid,  porphyry  with  greenstone 
base,  and  other  rocks  comprehended  by  geo- 
logists, under  the  general  name  of  trapp' 

With  respect  to  the  Mexican  mines  in  par- 
ticular, they  may  be  considered  as  forming 
eight  groups  (Erz-rejiere)  which  are  almost 
all  placed  either  on  the  ridg'e  or  on  the 
Western  slope  of  the  Corlillera  of  Anahnac. 
The  Jirst  of  these  groups  is  the  most  considera- 
ble in  produce;  it  includes  the  contiguous 
districts  of  Guanaxuato,  San  Luis  Potosi, 
Charcas,  Catorce,  Zacatecas,  Asientos  de  Ybar- 
ra,  Fresnillo,  and  Sombrerete.  The  mines  si- 
tuated to  the  West  of  the  town  of  Durang-o, 
as  well  as  those  of  the  province  of  Cinaloa, 
belong  to' the  second;  for  the  mines  of  Gua- 
risamey,  Copala,  Cosala,  and  Rosario  are  near 
(enough  to  one  another  to  be  classed  under 
the  same  geological  division.  The  third  ^rowp, 
the  most  northern  of  New  Spain,  is  that 
of  Parral,  which  comprehends  the  mines  of 
Chihuahua  and  Cosiguiriachi.  It  extends  from 
the  27*''tothe  29°  of  latitude.  To  the  north- 
north-east  of  Mexico,  the  Real  del  Monte  or 


1  !-i 




144         POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

Pachiica,  and  those  of  Zimapan,  or  the  Doctor, 
may    be    stiled    the  fourth   and  fifth   groups. 
Bolafios   (in  the   Intendancy  of  Guadalaxara) 
Tasco,   and   Oaxaca  are  the  central  points   of 
the  sixthy  seventh,  and  eighth  groiipes  of  mines 
of  New  Spain.  This  general  view  is  sufficient 
to  prove  that  this  kingdom,    like  the    antient 
Continent,    contains  vast    extents   of    country, 
apparently  almost    totally  destitute  of    metal- 
liferous veins.     No  considerable  operation   has 
been  hitherto  carried   on    in  the   Intendancies 
of  Puebla  and  Vera  Cruz,   or  in  tlie  plains  of 
secondary  formation,  situated  on   the  left  bank 
of  the  Rio  del  Norte,  or  in  New  Mexiro.       f  ^ 
The   following  table    indicates  not   the  re- 
lative wealth,   or  unequal    distribution     of  the 
metals  considered    in  a   geographical  point  of 
view,  but  the  quantity   of  money  \v  hich  in  the 
present   state  of  the  mines  is    extracted   from 
the   different  parts    of  the   kingdom    of   New 
Spain.     We   have  classed  the  mines  according 
to  the   order    already   laid    down,    indicating 
the    name   of  the    chief  place    which   is   the 
central  point  of  the   group,   and    the    surface 
of  the  country  in   which    the  different  works 
are  to  be  found.     Several  groupes   are   natu- 
rally divided  into  districts  which  form  so  many 
subdivisions  or  particular  systems.       ,  ,  .,ni«»    * 


..  '  i 

CHAP.  XL]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        14r> 



j  a  rt  «  fci 

Principal  miiusof  iMexico,  (5  ^.5  = 
divided  in  eight  groups       |C^  ■=  S  ^ 

I  W    w    o  ~" 

i!  s  s  S 

^  o  2  ~i 
1st.   Group    (Central\^  °  ^^ 
Group)    from21°0'/ 
to  24°  10'  north  lat.>  J  900 
and  from  102"  30  tol 
105"  15' of  west  long.  J 
2nd.    Group    (Group 
ofDurango  and  So 
nora)  from  23"  to  24'»  \^„^ 
45' of  north  lat.  and^^^^ 
from  lOSoSO'tolOg"! 
50' of  west  long.  ' 

^^^'^*'o^P    (Groups 
of  Chihuahua)   from  / 
260  50'  to  290  10'  of  L,^ 
»m  P^"" 

Places  which  may 
be  considered  as 
the  central  points 
ofthese  8    groups. 

)  \ 









of  eiK-h 
in  inarr:< 
of  silver, 




north  lat.    and  from 
106"  45'  to  108°  50'  \ 
of  west  long.  -' 

4th.    Group    (Group 
of  la  Biscaina)  from 
20«  51  to   20'  15'  of 
north  lat.  and  from 
100*  45'  to  100»  52' 
of  west  long. 
^'|j-    Group    (Group  n 
of  Zimapan)froni%y>  / 
40'  to21o30'  of  north  >  7500  Zimaoa 

lat.  and  from  loO-  30'  I  ^ 

to  102«0'ofwe8tlong.  ^ 
6th.     Group    (Group  \ 

ofNttvGa7licia)from  / 

21«  5'  to  22«  30'  of  V    /.*/^ 

north  lat.  and  from  i   ^  ^"         Bolanos 

lOS-O'to  I06°30'of  1 
west  long.  -' 

7th.  GrouA  (Group 
ofTasce)  from  18'' 10  f 
to  19°  20'  of  north 
lat.  and  from  lol°  30 
to  102»  45'  of  west 

«th  Group  (Group  of 

to  18°  0' of  north  lat./ 1400  7 
and  from  980  ,5/  to>  \ 

99"50,  of  west  long,  j 

^>i^      HI.       ^-^ 

Cosiquiriachi  1^,    .   n  , 
Parral         C  Doubtful 

Batopilas      ^ 

(  Real  del  Monte  I  ,«^^ 
i      (Pachuca)     5  ^^^»^^ 




f  Temascaltepec 






J  Doubtful 









146       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [iooiciv. 

Marcs  of  silver 

Mean  Produce  of  the  Mines  of  New 
Spain,  including  the  Mines  of  the 
northern  part  of  New  Biscay,  and 
those  of  Oaxaca,  above  2,500,000 

We  shall  afterwards  compare  the  produce 
of  the  silver  mines  of  Mexico,  with  that  of  the 
different  mines  of  Europe.  It  will  suffice  in 
this  place  to  observe,  that  the  two  millions  and 
a  half  of  marcs  of  silver  annually  exported 
from  Vera  Cruz,  are  equal  to  two  thirds  of  the 
silver  annually  extracted  Jrom  the  whole  globe. 
The  eight  groups  into  which  we  have  divided 
the  mines  of  New  Spain,  occupy  a  surface  of 
12,000  square  leagues,  or  a  tenth  of  the  whole 
extent  of  the  king  jm.  When  we  look  at 
the  immense  wealth  of  a  very  small  number 
of  mines,  for  example,  the  mine  of  Valenciana, 
and  that  of  Rayas  at  Guanaxuato,  or  the 
principal  veins  (vetas  madres)  of  Catorce, 
Zacatecas,  and  Real  del  Monte,  we  easily  per- 
ceive that  more  than  1,400,000  marcs  of 
silver  are  produced  in  an  extent  of  surface, 
not  equal  in  size  to  that  of  the  district  of  the 
mines  of  Freiberg. 

If  the  quantity  of  silver  annually  extract- 
ed from  the  mines  of  Mexico  is  ten  times 
greater  than  what  is  furnished  by  all  the 
mines  of  Europe,  on  the  other  hand,  gold  is 
not  much  more  abundant  in  New  Spain  than 
in  Hungary  and  Transylvania.    These  two  last 

CHAP.  XJ.] 

KINGDOM  UV  NEW  8PAIN.        147 


countries  annually  tlirovv  into  f.'irculation  nearly 
5,200  marcs  ;  and  the  gold  delivered  into  the 
mint  of  Mexico,  only  amounts  in  ordinary  years 
to  7000  marcs.  We  may  reckon  that  in  timei 
of  peace,  when  the  want  of  mercury  does  not 
impede  the  process  of  amalgamation,  the  annual 
produce  of  New  Spain  is, 

In  Silver f  22  millions  of  Piastres. 
In  Gold,      1 


The  Mexican  (/old  is  for  the  most  part  ex- 
tracted from  alluvious  grounds,  by  means  of 
washing.  These  grounds  are  common  in  the 
province  of  Sonora,  which  as  we  have  already 
observed*,  may  be  considered  as  the  Choco  of 
North  America.  A  gi*eat  deal  of  gold  has  been 
collected  among  the  sands,  with  which  the  bottom 
of  the  valley  of  the  Rio  Hiacpii,  to  the  east 
of  the  missions  of  Tarahumara,  are  covered. 
Farther  to  the  north  in  Pimeria  Alta,  under 
the  31°  of  latitude,  grains  of  native  gold  (pepitas) 
have  been  found  of  the  weight  of  from  five  to 
six  pounds.  In  these  desert  regions,  the  incur- 
sions of  the  savage  Indians,  the  excessive  price 
of  provisions,  and  the  want  of  the  necessary 
water  for  working,  are  all  great  obstacles  to 
the  extraction  of  gold. 

Another  part  of  the  Mexican  gold  is  ex- 
tracted from  the    veins,  which    intersect    the 

•  Voliii.p.299, 
L  2 



lis        POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE)  [book  iv, 

mountains  of  primitive  rock.  The  veins  of 
native  p^old  are  most  frequent  in  the  province 
of  Oaxara,  either  in  pfneiss  or  micaceous  slate 
((jUmmrrschiefer),  This  last  rock  is  particu- 
larly rich  in  gold,  in  the  celebrated  mines  of 
Rio  San  Antonio.  These  veins  of  which  the 
(jangvd  is  lacteous  quartz,  are  more  than  half 
a  metre  in  thicknessf ,  but  their  richness  is 
very  unequal.  They  are  frequently  strangled j 
and  the  extraction  of  gold  in  the  mines  of 
Oaxaca,  is  in  general  by  no  means  considera- 
ble. The  same  metal  is  to  be  found  either 
pure  or  mixed  with  silver  ore,  in  the  greatest 
number  of  veins  which  have  been  wrought  in 
Mexico ;  and  there  is  scarcely  a  single  silver 
mine  which  does  not  also  contain  gold.  Na- 
tive gold  is  frequently  found  crystallized  in 
i/€to  hedia,  lamina,  or  in  a  reticulated  form, 
in  the  sliver  minerals  of  the  mines  of  Vil- 
lalpando  and'  Rayas  near  Guanaxuato,  in 
those  of  Sombrero  (intendancy  of  Valladolid)^ 
Guarisamey  to  the  west  of  Durango,  and  Mez- 
quital  in  the  province  of  Guadalaxara.  The 
gold  of  Mezquital  is  looked  upon  as  the  pu- 
rest, that  is  to  say,  as  being  least  alloyed  with 
silver,  iron,  and  copper.  The  principal  vein  in 
the  mine  of  Santa  Cniz,  at  Villalpando,  which 
I  visited  in  the  month  of  September,  1803, 
is  intersected  by  a  great  number  of  small  rotten 

.     '  ■  '  ■  ■■     ^  \ 

*L6foot.     Trans 


CHAP.  XI.]        KINGDOM  OF    NEW  SPAIN.        149 

veins,  (hilos  del  dcsposorio)  of  exceetling  rich- 
ness. The  argilliceuus  slime  with  which  tliese 
small  veins  are  filled,  contains  so  great  a 
quantity  of  gold  disseminated  in  impalpable 
parcels,  that  the  miners  are  compelled  when 
they  leave  the  mine  nearly  in  a  state  of  naked- 
ness, to  bathe  themselves  in  large  vessels,  to 
puvent  any  of  the  auriferous  clay  from  being' 
carried  oft'  by  them  on  their  bodies.  The 
silver  mineral  of  Villalpando  generally  con- 
tains only  two  ounces  of  gold  per  load,  (carga 
of  12  arrobas);  but  it  frequently  contains  even 
eigtit  or  ten  ounces  per  load,  or  \-h  ounces 
per  quintal.  It  may  be  of  use  to  mention  here 
that  at  the  Harz,  the  pyrites  of  Rammelsberg 
contain  only  a  29  millionth  part  of  gold,  which 
is   however  extracted  with  profit*. 

The  District  of  the  mines  of  Guanaxuato, 
has  furnished  according  to  the  registers  of 
the  Provincial  Treasury f. 






Gold  con» 

tained  in 

the  silver. 

From  1766  to  1775 
1776 — 1785 
1796 — 180S 




0.  029 

In  38  years    -    - 




*  Brongniart,  Mineralogie,  T.  ii.  p.  345. 
f  Estado  de  la  Tresoreria  principal  de  Real  Hacienda  de 
Guanaxuatot  del  21  de  Novembre  de  1799,  (M.  S.) 


'H  '"ii 




■ti  I* 




150       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  it. 

The  result  of  this  table  is,  that  the  silver 
extracted  from  the  vein  of  Guanaxuato, 
contains  from  one  to  three  thousand  parts  of  its 
weight  in  gold. 

Platina  ?s  erroneously  stated  to  be  found  in 
the   auriferous  sands    of  Sonora.     This    metal 
has  never  yet  been  discovered  to  the  north  of 
the  Isthmus  of  Panama,  on  the   Continent   of 
North  America.     Platina  in  grains  is  only  found 
in  two  places   of  the   known  world;  in  Choco 
one  of  the  provinces  of  the  kingdom  of  New 
Granada^  and   near   the   shores    of   the   South 
Sea,   in   the   province   of  Barbacoas,    between 
the   T   and  6°  of  north  latitude.     It  is  peculiar 
to  alluvions  grounds  of  a  surface  of  600  square 
leagues,  the  extent  of  which  is  scarcely  equal  to 
two  of  the  departments  of  France.     The  Lava- 
deroSf  which  at  present  yield  the  greatest  quan- 
tity of  platina,  are  those  of  Condoto,  Santa  Rita, 
or  Viroviro,  and   Santa  Lucia,  and  the   Ravin 
(fjuehrada)  of  fro,  between  the  villages  of  Novita 
and  Taddo.     There   ure    several   lavaderos  in 
Choco,  (for   instance,  those  of  the  districts  of 
San  AiiguMtin,  and  Giiaicama,)  where  no  trace 
of  platina  is  to  be   found.     The  price    of  this 
metal    in   grain  on  the  spot  is   eight   piastres, 
or  40  francs  th<  pound,  while  at  Paris  it  is  gene- 
rally from    130  to  loO  francs.     I  shall  examine 
in  another  place  the  quantity  of  platina,  which 
in  the  present  state  of  the  mines  of  Choco,  Ame- 

CHAP.  XL]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        151 

rica  can  furnish  to  Europe.  It  is  also  an  abso- 
lutely false  assertion,  that  platina  has  ever  been 
found  near  Carthagena  or  Santa  Fe,at  the  Islands 
of  Porto  Rico  and  Barbadoes,  and  in  Peru*, 
althoug^h  their  different  situations  are  pointed  out 
in  the  most  esteemed  and  popular  works.  Per- 
haps it  will  one  day  be  proved  by  chemical  ana- 
lysis, that  platina  exists  in  several  silver  ores 
of  Mexico,  as  it  exists  in  the  fahlerz  (grey-cop- 
per) of  Guadalcanal  in  Spain. 

The  silver  supplied  by  the  veins  of  Mexico, 
is  extracted  from  a  great  variety  of  minerals, 
which  from  the  nature  of  their  mixture,  bear 
an  analogy  to  those  of  Saxony,  the  Harz,  and 
Hungary.  The  traveller  must  not  expect  to 
find  a  complete  collection  of  these  ores,  in  the 
school  of  mines  of  Mexico.  The  mines  being 
all  in  the  hands  of  individuals,  and  the  Mexican 
government  possessing  but  a  very  feeble  influence 
on  the  administration  of  the  mines,  it  was  not  in 





*  Hauy  Mineralogies  T.  iii.  p.  370.  In  a  memoir  inserted 
in  the  Annales  de  Ciencias  NaturaleSf  published  by  the  Abbe 
CavRiiilles,  we  read  that  platina  is  found  in  Chopo,  (Choco) 
at  /tnrbadoSf  (Barbacoas)  and  at  C&rthagena  a  sea  port,  a 
hundred  and  thirty  leagues  diitant  from  the  gold  lavaderos 
of  Taddo.  Yet  more  than  18  yoarg  ago,  M.  Berthollet  com*- 
municated  a  very  accurate  accc  ant  of  the  places  where  pla- 
tina is  procured  f  Annales  de  'i'himie,  Juillet  ny2)  I  brought 
to  Europe  a  pepita  of  platinv  of  an  ei^traordinary  sjze.  It 
weighs  1088  to  grains ;  and  itH  specific  weight  is  according  to 
M.  Tralles,  18,947.  (Karsien,  i^Iin,  TakUtn,  1808,  p.  96.) 


.  ■  <  I 

152        POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

the  power  of  the  professors  to  collect  whatever 
had  any  relation  to  the  structure  of  veinSy  beds, 
and  masses  of  ore.   At  Mexico  as  well  as  Madrid, 
the  public  collections  contain  the  rarest  mine- 
rals  of  Siberia  and  Scotland,  while  we  vainly 
seek  what  mighf  throw  light  on   the   minera- 
logical    geography  of  the  country.     We   must 
hope  that  the  cabinet  of  the  school  of  mines 
will  become  gradually  richer,  when  the  scholars 
of  this    fine   establishment   shall   be   sent  into 
the  most  distant    provinces   from   the    capital, 
and    have  proved    to  the   proprietors  of  mines 
how  much  it  is  for  their  interest,  that  the  means 
of   instruction   should  l>e  facilitated.     Without 
a  knowledge     of   the   localities   in  detail,   and 
without  a  deep  studv  of  the  minerals  of  which 
the  mass  of  the  vein,  or  the  contents  of  the  heaps 
and  beds  are  composed,  all  the  changes  which 
may  be  proposed  for  the  improvement  of  the 
process  of  amalgamation,  will   turn   out  mere 
chimerical  projects. 

In  Peru,  the  greatest  part  of  the  silver  ex- 
tracted from  the  bowels  of  the  earth,  is  fur- 
nished by  the  pacos,  a  sort  of  ores  of  an  earthy 
appearance,  which  M.  Klaproth  was  so  good  as 
to  analyse  at  my  request*,  and  which  consist 
of  a  mixture  of  almost  imperceptible  parcels 
of  native  silver,  with  the  brown  oxyde  of  iron. 

*  Klaproth,  Beitrage  zur  chemischen  KtnrUnisi  der  Mineral 
-^K'drper,  B.  iv.  §  4. 

CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       153 

In  Mexico  on  the  other  hand,  the  greatest  quan- 
tity of  silver  annually  brought  into  circulation, 
is  derived  from  those  ores  which  the  Saxon 
miner  calls  by  the  name  of  durre  erze*  espe- 
cially from  suljuretted  silver f  (or  \ itrous  c/laserz) 
from  arsenical  (jrey -copper  (fa/ilerz)  and  anti- 
moni/f  (graa  or  sckwarzijiltigerz)  from  muriated 
silver f  (hornerz)(ron\ prismatic  black  silver, {sprod- 
0laserz)t  and  from  red  silver  {rothgiltiifez).  We 
do  not  name  native  silver  among  these  ores, 
because  it  is  not  found  in  sufficient  abundance 
to  admit  of  any  very  considerable  part  of  the 
total  produce  of  the  mines  of  New  Spain  being 
attributed  to  it. 

Sulfaretted  silver,  and  hlack  prismatic  silver, 
are  very  common  in  the  veins  of  Guanaxuato 
and  Zacatecas,  as  well  as  in  the  vcta  Biscaina 
of  Real  del  Monte.  The  silver  extracted  from 
the  ore  of  Zacatecas,  exhibits  the  remarkable 
particularity  of  not  containing  gold.  The  richest 
fahlore  (fahlerz)  is  that  of  Sierra  de  Pinos,  and 
the  mii«es  of  Ramos.  In  the  latter,  the  fahlerz  is 
accompanied  with  (jlaserz,  with  pyritous  hepa- 
tic copper  (bunt  knpfererz),  sulfuretted  zinc  and 
vitrous  copper  (kvpferglas,)  which  is  only  wrought 

*  See  the  very  instructive  work  of  M.  Daubuisson,  under 
the  title  of  Description  ties  Mines  dc  Freiberg.  I  have  followed 
in  the  course  of  this  chapter,  in  wliatever  reljtes  to  the 
art  of  mining,  and  the  stratification  of  minerals,  the  termi- 
nology of  M.  M.  Brochafit,  paubuisspni  and  Ikpngniart, 










154       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

for  the  extraction  of  the  silver,  without  apply- 
ing the  copper  to  any  use.  The  graugiltujerz 
or  grey  antimoniated  copper  described  by  M. 
Karsten,  is  found  at  Tasco,  and  in  the  mine  of 
Rayas,  south  east  from  Valenciana.  The  mu- 
riated  silver  which  is  so  seldom  found  in  the 
veins  of  Europe,  is  very  abundant  in  the  mines 
of  Catorce,  Fresnillo,  and  the  Cerro  San  Pedro, 
near  the  town  of  San  Lui*^  Potosi.  That  of 
Fresnillo  is  frequently  of  an  olive  green,  which 
passes  into  leek-green  (vert  poireau).  Superb 
samples  of  this  colour  have  been  found  in  the 
mines  of  Vallorecas,  which  belong  to  the  dis- 
trict de  los  Alamos  in  the  intendancy  of  So- 
nor  a.  In  the  veins  of  Catorce,  the  muriated 
silver  is  accompanied  with  molybdat^d  lead, 
(gelh^hlei-erz)  and  phosphatedlead  {griinblei-erz). 
From  the  last  analysis  of  Mr.  Klaproth,  it  ap- 
pears that  the  muriated  silver  of  America,*  is 
a  pure  mixture  of  silver  and  muriatic  acid, 
while  the  Hornerz  of  Europe  contains  oxid 
of  iron,  alumine,  and  especially  a  little  sulphuric 
acid.     The   mineral  of  red  silver  constitutes   a 

*  The  Mineralogists  at  present  distinguish  four  kinds  of 
muriated  silver,  the  common,  the  terrcous,  the  conchoid,  and 
the  radiated.  The  two  last  species,  which  are  exceedingly 
beautiful,  have  been  described  by  M.  Karsten:  they  are 
among  the  minerals  brought  by  me  from  Peru.  Karsten, 
in  the  Magazine  der  BeiUner  GeHilschq/i  Natur/orschender 
Freunde,  B.  i.  §  156.     Klaproth' s  Beitragej  B.  iv.  §  lO. 

CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        155 

principal   part  of  the    wealth   of  Sombrerete, 
Cosala  and  Zolaoa,  near  Villalta,  in  the  province 
cf    Ouxaca.     From    this     mineral    more  than 
700,000  marcs   of  silver  have   been  extracted, 
in  the  famous  mine  of  la  Veta  Net/ra*  near  Som- 
brerete, in  the  space  of  from  five  to  six   months. 
It  is  affirmed  that  the  mine  which  produced  this 
enormous  quantity  of  metal,  the  greatest  which 
was  ever  yielded  by  any  vein  on  the  same  point 
of  its  fnusSf  was  not  thirty  metres  in  length^. 
The  true  uiine  of  7vhite  silver  (weissgiltig-erz) 
is   very  rare  in   Mexico.     Its  variety  greyish 
white,  very  rich  in   lead,  is  to  be   found   how- 
ever in   the  intendancy  of  Sonora,  in  the  veins 
of  Cosala,  where  it   is   accompanied   with  ar- 
gentiferous   galena,   red  silver,  brown    blende, 
quartz  and  sulfated  barytes.   This  last  substance 
which  is  very   unconmion  among  the  gnngues 
of  Mexico,  is  to  be   also   found  at   the   Real 
del     Doctor,  near    Baranca    de    las    Tinijas, 
and  at    Sombrerete,  particularly  in   the  mine 
called  Campechana.      Spar-fluor  has  been  only 
found   hitherto  in  the  veins  of  Lomo  del  Toro, 
near   Znuapun,  at  Bolanos     and   Guadalcazar, 
near  Catorce.    It  is  constantly  of  a  grass  gre^|\ 
or  violet  blue. 

In  some  parts  of  New  Spain,  the  operations 
of  the  miner    are    dir«M  tt^l    to   a   mixture    of 






*  See  Vol  i.  c.  vii. 
t  98fefit.     Trans. 



156       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv 

oxide   of  brown  iron   and   native   silver,   disse- 
minated in  molecules  imperceptible  to  the  naked 
eye.     This  ochreous  mixture   which   they    call 
paco  in  Peru,  and  of  which   we  have  already 
had  occasion   to   speak,  is  the  object  of  consi- 
derable operations  at  the  mines  of  Angangueo, 
in'  the  intendancy  of  Valladolid,  as  well  as  at 
Yxtepexi   in    the    province  of    Oaxaca.     The 
minerals  of    Angangueo,  known  by   the  name 
of  colorados,  have  a  clayey  appearance.     Near 
the  surface  J  the  oxidated  brown   iron   is  mixed 
with   native  silver,  with  sulfuretted  silver,  and 
black  prismatic  silver  {sprodg laser z)y  all  three 
in  a  state  of  decomposition.     At  great  depths* 
the  vein  of  Angangueo   contains  only  galena 
and  pyrites  of  iron,  possessing  but  a  small  quan- 
tity of  silver.     Hence  the  blackish  pacos  of  the 
mine   of  Aurora  d'Yxtepexi,  which   must  not 
be  confounded  with  the  negrillos  of  Peru,  owe 
their  richness    rather   to  the  glaserz,  than  to 
the  imperceptible  filaments  of  native  ramular 
silver.     The  vein  is  very  unequal  in  its  produce, 
sometimes  sterile,  and  sometimes  abundant.  The 
color  ados  of  Catorce,  particularly  those   of  the 
mine   of  Conception,  are  of  a  brick   red,  and 
mixed  with  muriate  of  silver.     In    general  it 
is   observed  both    in   Mexico    and   Peru,  that 
those  oxidated  masses   of   iron   which   contain 
silver,  are  peculiar  to  that   part  of  the   veins? 
nearest  to  the  surface  of  the  earth.    The  pacos 

CHAP.  XI.] 

KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        1-57 

of  Peru  present  to  the  eyes  of  the  geologist, 
a  very  striking*  analogy  with  the  earthy  masses 
called  by  the  miners  in  Europe  the  iroti  hat 
of  the   veins,  (eiserne  huth).  •  • 

Native  Silver ,  which  is    much   less  abundant 
in  America,    than  is   generally   supposed,   has 
been  found  in  considerable  masses,  sometimes 
weighing  more   than   200   killogrammes*,     in 
the  seams  of  Batopilas  in  New  Biscay.     These 
mines,    which   are   not   very   briskly   wrought 
at   present,   are  among   the   most  northern   of 
New  Spain.     Nature  exhibits  the  same  mine- 
rals there,     that   are   found    in    the    vein    of 
Kongsberg   in   Norway.     Those  of    Batopilas 
contain   filiform   dendritic    and    silver,    which 
intersects   that   of    carbonated  lime.      Native 
silver    is    constantly  accompanied    by  glaserz 
in  the  seams   of    Mexico,  as  well  as  in  those  of 
the  mountains  of  Europe.      These  very  minerals 
are   frequently  found   united  in   the  rich  mines 
of  Sombrerete,  Madrono,  Ramos,  Zacatecas,  Ha- 
pujaha  and  Sierra  de  Penos.   From  time  to  time 
small  branches,  or  cylindrical  filaments  of  native 
silver,  are  also  discovered  in  the  celebrated  vein 
of  Guanaxuato;  but   these   masses  have  nevei? 
been  so  considerable  as  those  which  were  for- 
merly drawn  from  the  mine  del  Encino  near 
Pachuca   and   Tasco,    where   native  silver    is 





*  4441b.   avoird. 

168       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         Lb«ok  »v. 

sometimes  contained  in  folia  of  selenite.  At 
Sierra  cle  Pinos  near  Zacatecas,  this  last  metal 
is  constantly  accompanied  with  blue  radiated 
copper  (strahlige  kupferlazur)  crystallized  in 
small  quadrilateral  prisms. 

A  great  part  of  the  silver  annually  produced 
in  Europe,  is  derived  from  the  argentiferous 
sulfuretted  lead  (silherhaltiger  bleiylanz)  which 
is  sometimes  found  in  the  veins  which  inter- 
sect primitive  and  transition  mountains^  and 
sometimes  on  particular  beds  (erzfloze)  in 
rocks  of  secondare/  formation.  In  the  king- 
dom of  New  Spain,  the  greatest  part  of  the 
veins  contain  very  little  argentiferous  galena; 
but  there  are  very  few  mines  in  which  lead 
ore  is  a  particular  object  of  their  operations. 
Among  the  latter,  we  can  only  include  the 
mines  of  the  districts  of  Zimapan,  Parral,  and 
San  Nicholas  de  Croix.  I  observed  that  at 
Guanaxuato,  as  well  as  several  other  mines  in 
Mexico*,  and  everywhere  in  Saxony,  the  galenas 
contain  the  more  silver,  the  smaller  they  are 
in  the  grain.  > 

*  We  may  adduce  as  galenas  extranely  rich  in  silver 
in  very  small  grains,  those  of  the  new  mine  of  Talpan, 
in  the  Cerro  de  las  Vegas,  belonging  to  the  district  of 
Hostotipaquillo.  This  galena>  which  sometimes  passes  into 
a  compact  and  antimonial  sulfuretted  lead  (hleischiueif)  is 
accompanied  with  miKch  coppery  pyrites,  and  carbonRted 

CHAP.  XI  ]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       159 

A  very  considerable  quantity  of  silver  is 
produced  from  the  $meltin<^  of  the  martial  py- 
rites (f/emeine  schwefelkiese)  of  which  New 
Spain  sometimes  exhibits  varieties  richer  than 
the  glaserz  itself.  It  has  been  found  in  the 
Real  del  Monte,  on  the  vein  of  Biscaina, 
near  the  pit  of  San  Pedro,  the  quintal  of 
which  contained  even  so  much  as  three 
marcs  of  silver.  At  Sonibrerete,  the  great 
abundance  of  pyrites  disseminated  in  the  min« 
of  red  silver,  is  a  great  obstacle  to  the  pro- 
cess of  amalgamation. 

We  have  described  the  minerals  which  pro- 
duce the  Mexican  silver,  and  it  remains  for  Ui<  to 
examine  into  the  mean  riches  of  these  minerals, 
considering  them  as  all  mixed  together,  it 
is  a  very  common  prejudice  in  Europe,  thai 
great  masses  of  native  silver  are  extremely 
common  in  Mexico  and  Peru,  and  that  in 
general,  the  mines  of  mineralised  silver,  des- 
tined to  amalgamation,  or  smelting,  contain 
more  ounces,  or  more  marcs  of  silver,  to 
the  quintal,  than  the  meagre  minerals  of  Sax- 
ony aod  Hungary.  Full  of  this  prejudice,  1 
was  doubly  surprised  on  my  arrival  in  the 
Cordilleras  to  find  that  the  number  of  poor 
mines  greatly  surpasses  those  of  the  mines  to 
which  in  Europe  we  give  the  name  of  rich. 
An  European  traveller  who  visits  the  famous 
mine  of  Valenciana  in  Mexico  after  examining 

I   i 





160       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 


the  metallifermis  veins  of  Clausthal,  Freiberg-, 
and  Scheninitz,  can  scarcely   conceive  how   a 
vein  which,    for   a   great   part    of   its    extent 
contains  sulfiiretted  silver,  disseminated  in  the 
fjantjue  in  almost  imperceptible  particles,  can 
regularly   supply   thirty   thousand   marcs,    per 
month,  a  quantity  of  silver  equal  to  the  half 
of    what    is    annually    furnished    by    all    the 
mines  of  Saxony.      It   is  no  doubt   true  that 
blocks  of  native  silver  (papas  de  plata)  of  an 
enormous   weight,    have    been   extracted   from 
the  mines  of  Batopilas  in  Mexico  and  Guan- 
tahajo  in   Peru;     but   when   we    study    atten- 
tively  the   history   of    the   principal   mines   of 
Europe,  we  find   that  the  veins  of  Kongsberg 
in   Norway,   Schneeberg   in   Saxony,  and   the 
famous  mass  of  minerals  of  Schlangenberg  in 
Siberia,    have   produced   much   more   conside- 
rable quantities.     We    are   not   in   general   to 
judge  from  the  size  of  the  blocks,  of  the  wealth 
of  the  mines   of   different   countries.      France 
does  not  altogether  produce   more  than    8000 
marcs  of  silver  annually ;     and  yet  there  are 
veins  in  that  country  (those  of  Sainte  Marie  aux 
Mines)  from  which  unshapen  masses  of  native 
silver  have  been  extracted,  of  the   weight  of  30 

It  appears  that   at   the   formation   of  veins 

*  661b.  avoird.    Trans. 


CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        ^^^ 

in  every  climate,  the  di!»tnbntion  of  silver 
has  been  very  unequal ;  sometimes  concen- 
trated in  one  point,  and  at  other  times  dis- 
seminated in  the  gancjiie,  and  allied  with 
other  metals.  Sometimes  in  the  midst  of  the 
poorest  minerals  we  find  very  considerable 
masses  of  native  silver;  a  phenomenon  which 
appears  to  depend  on  a  particular  operation  of 
chemical  aflinities,  with  the  mode  of  action, 
and  laws  of  which  we  are  completely  ignorant. 
The  silver  in  place  of  being  concealed  in  ga- 
lenae,  or  in  pyrites  in  a  small  degree  argen- 
tiferous, or  of  being  distributed  throughout  all 
the  mass  of  the  vein  over  a  great  extent,  is 
collected  into  a  single  mass.  In  that  case 
the  riches  of  a  point  may  be  considered 
as  the  principal  cause  of  the  poverty  of  ii  c 
neighbouring  minerals;  and  hence  we  may 
conceive  why  the  richest  parts  of  a  vein  are 
found  separated  from  one  another  by  portions 
of  gaiigue  almost  altogether  destitute  of  me« 
tals.  In  Mexico,  as  well  as  in  Hungary,  large 
masses  v/*'  native  silver  and  f/laserz,  appear  only 
in  a  reniform  shape  (par  rogn&ns  -,)  the  com* 
posed  rocks  exhibit  the  same  phenomena  as 
the  masses  of  veins.  When  we  examine  with 
care  the  structure  of  granites,  syenites,  and 
porphyries,  we  discover  the  effects  of  a  pa?- 
ticular  attraction  in  the  chrystals  of  ?/iica, 
aniphibole  and  felspar,  of  which  a  great  num* 

VOL.    HI.  M 





1 1 





■^121   121 
■u  Itt   12.2 

£f  Itf   12.0 


IL25  iu 

















1«2       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

ber  are  accumulated  in  one  point,  while 
the  neighbouring  parts  are  almost  eulirely 
destitute.  ,     ,      ,., 

Although  the  New  Continent,  however,  ha» 
not  hitherto  exhibited  native  silver  in  such 
considerable  blocks  as  the  Old,  this  metal  i» 
found  more  abundantly  in  a  state  of  perfect 
purity  in  Peru  and  Mexico,  than  in  any  other 
quarter  of  the  globe.  In  laying  down  this 
opinion,  I  am  not  considering  the  native  silver 
which  appears  in  the  form  of  lamellae,  branches, 
or  cylindrical  filaments  in  the  mines  of  Guan- 
tahajo,  Potosi,  and  Gualgayoc,  or  in  Bato- 
pilas,  Zacatecas,  and  Ramos.  I  found  my 
opinion  rather  on  the  enormous  abundance  of 
minerals  called  pacos  and  cohradosy  in  which 
silver  is  not  mineralizedf  but  disseminated  in 
such  small  particles,  that  they  can  only  be 
perceived    by  means  of  a  microscope. 

The  result  of  the  investigations  made  by 
Don  Fausto  d*Elhuyar,  the  director  general 
of  the  mines  of  Mexico,  and  by  several 
membei*s  of  the  superior  council  of  mines, 
is,  that  in  uniting  together  all  the  silver 
minerals  annually  extracted,  it  would  be  found 
from  the  mixture,  that  their  mean  riches  is 
from  0.0018  to  0.0025  of  silver,  that  is  to  say 
in  the  common  language  of  miners,  that 
a  quintal  of  ore  (of  one  hundred  pounds,  or 
10,000  ounces)    contains  from   three  to  four 

CHAP.  xi.J  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN-       163 

ounces   of   silver.       This   important    result    is 
confirmed   by  the  testimony   of  an  inhabitant 
of  Zacatecas,    who  had   the  direction  of  con- 
siderable  metallic   operations,    in   several   dis- 
tricts cf  mines  of  New   Spain,  and   who  has 
lately  published  a    very  interesting  work,    on 
the    American  amalgamation.        M.  Garces*, 
whom  we  have  already  had  occasion  to  quote, 
expressly    says,    "  that    the     great    mass     of 
"  Mexican  minerals  is  so  poor,  that  the  three 
"  millions  of  marcs  of  silver  annually  produced 
"  by  the  kingdom  in  good  years,  are  extracted 
**  from    ten  millions    of    quintals  of  mineral, 
"  partly   smelted,    and    partly  amalgamated.** 
According  to  these  numbers,  the  mean  riches 
would  only  amount  to  2j  ounces   per  quintal, 
a   result  which    differs    very  mnch   from    the 
assertion   of    a    traveller,    very    estimable    in 
other  respectsf,    who   relates  that    the   veins 
of  New  Spain  are  of  such  extraordinary  wealth, 
that  the  natives  never  think  of  working  them 
wheu   the  minerals  contain  less  than    a    third 
of    their  weight   in    silver,   or   seventy    marcs 
per  quintal.       As   the    most    erroneous    ideas 


*  Nueva  Theorica  del  beneficio  de  los  metales,  por  Don 
Joseph  Garces  y  Eguia,  Perito  fucukativo  de  minas  y 
primario  de  beneficios  de  hmineria  de  Zacatecas  (Mexico, 
1802,)  p.  121  &  125. 

t  The  Jesuit  Och  (Murrs  Nachrichten  vom  Spanischeu 
America,  t.  i.p.236.) 


M  2 

164       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

have  been  spread  through  Europe  respecting 
the  contents  of  the  minerals  of  America,  I 
shall  proceed  to  give  a  more  minute  descrip- 
tion of  the  districts  of  mines  of  Guanaxuato» 
Tasco,  and  Pachuca,  which  I  had  occasion 
to  visit. 

At  Guanaxnato,  the  mine  of  the  count  de 
la  Valenciana  produced  between  the  Ist  Ja- 
nuary, 1787,  and  the  11th  June,  1791,  the 
sum  of  1,737,052  marcs  of  silver,  which  were 
extracted  from  81,368  montones  of  minerals. 
In  the  table*  containing-  the  general  state  of 
the  mine,  a  monton  is  estimated  at  32  quin- 
tals, or  at  9i5o  cart/as;  from  whence  it  follows 
that  the  mean  riches  of  the  minerals,  was, 
twenty  years  ago  «>to  ounces  of  silver  per 
quintal.     Applying  the  same   calculation  to  the 

*  Estudo  de  la  mina  Valenciana^  remilido  por  mono  dil 
Excellentm.  Senor  virey  de  Nueva  Espana  al  Secretario 
de  Estttdo  Don  Antonio  Valdes.  (Manuscript.)  I  have 
followed  the  numbers  contained  in  the  table  drawn  up 
by  Don  Joseph  Quixano,  the  administrator  of  Valenciana. 
A  monton  (a  heap  oi  minerals  reduced  to  powder)  is 
reckoned  at  35  quintals  at  Guanaxuato;  at  thirty  at 
the  Real  del  Monte,  Pachuca,  Zultepeque,  and  Tasco ; 
at  Zacatecas  and  Sombrerete,  at  20;  at  Fresnillo  at  18; 
and  at  15  quintals  at  Bolanos.  The  carga  is  generally 
estink'*ted  at  Guanaxuato  at  14  arrohas;  so  that  10  cargaa 
Amount  there  to  a  mo»<on  (Garc«i,  p.  92.)  /U  the  wealth 
of  the  ore  is  determined  from  the  contents  of  the  monton^ 
the  exact  knowledge  isX  the  measure  is  of  great  import- 
ance  in  metallurgical  calculations. 

CHAP.  XI.1         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN-       166 

produce  of  the  single  year  1791,  we  shall 
find  9^  ounces  per  quintal.  At  this  period, 
when  the  mine  was  in  the  most  flourishing 
condition,  in  tlie  total  mass  of  minerals  thece 

M  ir.  Oit. 
■r,'^  of   rich    minerals    {polvillos    and  Xabunet,) 

containing  per  quintal    ••     ......223 

toSq  of  rich  minerals  (apolviUado)      ....       93 

44^9  of  rich  minerals    (bianco  hueno)  ....       31 

iSai    of     poor  minerals   (granzaSy  tierras  ordind- 

riast  8fc.)    -.---.. 3 

The  quantity  of  rich  minerals,  was  con- 
sequently to  that  of  the  poor  minerals,  nearly  in 
the  proportion  of  3  to  14.  The  minerals  which 
only  contained  3  ounces  per  quintal,  supplied 
in  1791  (we  are  always  speaking  of  the 
mine  of  Yalenciana  alone)  more  than  20,0000 
marcs  of  silver,  ^vhile  there  was  a  sufficient 
quantity  of  rich  minerals,  to  yield  a  produce 
of  more  than  400,000  marcs.  At  present,  the 
mean  wealth  of  the  whole  vein  of  Guanaxuato 
may  be  estimated  at  4  ounces  of  silver,  per 
quintal  of  minerals.  The  South  West  part 
of  the  vein,  which  intersects  the  mine  of 
Rayas,  yields,  however  minerals,  of  which  the 
contents  generally  amount  to  more  than  3 
marcs.  -' 

In  the  district   of  the  mines   of   Pachuca, 

'  ^'it 



1^       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

♦hey   divide    the    produce     of    the    scam     of 

Biscainn,  into  three  classes,  of  which  the  riches 

varied    in    1803,    from    4    to    20    marcs    per 

monton  of  30  quintals.    The  minerals  of  the  first 

class  which  are  the  richest,  contain  from  18  to  20; 

and  those  of  the  second  class  from  seven  to  ten 

marcs.  The  poorest  mines,  which  form  the  third 

class  are  only  computed  at  four  marcs  of  silver  per 

monton.  The  result  is  that  the  good  contains  from 

^h   ^  '^A>     the   middling f    from   Its  to  2/isi 

and  the  worst  about   Is'v  ounces  of  silver  per 


In  the  district  of  mines  of  Tasco,  the  mi- 
nerals of  Tehuilotepec  contain  in  a  tarea  of 
four  montones  or  100  quintals,  25  marcs  of 
silver;  those  of  Guautla  yield  45;  their  mean 
wealth  is  consequently  from  2  to  Sts  ounces 
of  silver  per  quintal  of  minerals. 

It  is  not  then,  as  has  been  too  long  be- 
lieved, from  the  intrinsic  wealth  of  t^e  mine- 
rals, but  rather  from  the  great  abundance  in 
which  they  are  to  be  found  in  the  bowels  of 
the  earth,  and  the  facility  with  which  they 
can  be  wrought,  that  the  mines  of  America 
are  to  be  distinguished  from  those  of  Europe^. 

*  The  silver  ore  of  Peru  does  not  in  general  appear 
to  be  richer  than  that  ot  Mexico :  The  contents  is  esti- 
mated not  by  the  monton^  but  by  the  caxon  (chest) 
which  contains  24  cargas,  reckoning  each  carga  at  ten 
arrobas  or  2\  quintals.  At  Potosi,  the  mean  lueaUh  o^ 
the  minerals  is  ,Vv;  in  the  mines  of  Pasco,  Ij^^  ounces 
per  quintal. 

CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        167 

The  three  districts  of  mines  which  we  have 
just  alluded  to,  furnish  alone,  more  than  a 
million  of  marcs  of  silver,  and  from  the  whole 
of  these  data  we  cannot  entertain  a  doubt  that 
the  mean  contents  of  the  Mexican  minerals* 
do  not  amount,  as  we  have  already  stated,  to 
more  than  from  three  to  four  ounces  of  silver, 
per  quintal.  Hence  these  minerals,  though 
somewhat  richer  than  those  of  Preiber)^,  con- 
tain much  less  silver  than  the  minerals  of  An- 
naberg,  Johann-Georgenstadt,  Marienberg,  and 
other  districts  of  the  Ohergehirge  in  Saxony. 
Prom  1789  to  1799,  there  have  been  extracted 
communihus  annis  from  the  seams  of  the  dis- 
trict of  Freiberg,  156,752  quintals,  which  have 
yielded  48,952  marcs  of  silver;  so  that  the 
mean  contents  were  2\\  ounces  per  quintal  of 
minerals.  But  in  the  mines  of  the  Ohergehirge 
the  mean  riches,  have  amounted  to  ten,  and 
at  very  fortunate  periods  even  to  fifteen  ounces 
per  quintal. 

We  have  taken  a  general  view  of  the 
rocks  in  which  the  principal  mines  of  New 
Spain  are  to  be  found;  we  have  examined 
on  what  points,  in  what  latitudes,  and  at 
what  elevations  above  the  level  of  the  sea, 
nature  has  collected  the  greatest  quantity  of 
metallick  wealth;  and  we  have  indicated  the 
minerals  which  furnish  the  immense  quantity 
of   silver  which  annually  flows  from  the  one 



[book   IV 

continent  to  the  other.  It  remains  for  m  to 
afford  some  details  relative  to  the  most  con- 
siderable mining  operations.  We  shall  con- 
fine ourselves  to  three  of  those  grtntpcs  of 
mines  which  we  have  already  described,  to 
,  the  central  gro«',  e,  and  those  of  Tasco  and 
Biscaina.  'Iho^j  who  know  the  state  of 
mining  in  F'lrope  will  be  stinick  with  the 
contrast  between  the  great  mines  of  Mexico, 
for  example,  those  of  Valenciana,  Rayas, 
and  Tereros,  and  the  mines  which  are  con- 
sidered as  \ery  rich  in  Saxony,  the  Harz, 
and  Hungary.  Could  the  latter  be  transported 
to  the  midst  of  the  great  works  of  Guanax- 
uato,  Catorce,  or  the  Real  del  Monte,  their 
wealth,  and  the  quantity  of  their  produce, 
would  appear  as  insignificant  to  the  iidiabit- 
ants  of  America,  as  the  height  of  the  Py- 
renees compared  with   the  Cordilleras. 

The  Central  group  of  the  mines  of  New 
Spain,  a  portion  of  ground  abounding  more  in 
silver  than  any  other  known  on  the  globe,  is 
situated  in  the  same  parallel  with  Bengal, 
under  a  latitude  where  the  equinoctial  is  con- 
founded with' the  temperate  zone.  This  group 
comprehends  the  three  districts  of  the  mines 
of  Guanaxuato,  Catorce,  and  Zacatecas,  the 
first  of  which  possesses  an  extent  of  220,  the 
second  of  750,  and  the  third  of  730  square 
leagues,  calculating  the  surfaces  from  the  po- 

CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        1<59 

sition  of  the  iiisulatecl  mines  (renlitas)  at  the 
greatest  di-stance  froni  the  chief  place  of  the 

The  district  of  Guanaantato,  the  most 
southern  of  this  group,  is  as  remarkable  for 
its  natural  wealth  as  for  the  git^antic  labours 
of  man  in  the  bowels  of  the  mountains.  To 
form  a  more  exact  idea  of  the  position  of 
these  mines,  we  invite  the  reader  to  call  to 
mind  what  we  have  already  stated  *  in  the 
particular  description  of  the  provinces,  and 
to  cast  his  eyes  over  the  physical  section  of 
the  central  table  land,  in  the  atlas  to  this 

In  the  centre  of  the  intendaucy  of  Guanaxuato 
on  the  ridge  of  the  cordillera  of  Anahuac, 
rises  a  group  of  porphyritic  summits  known 
by  the  name  of  the  Sierra  de  Santa  Rosa. 
This  group  of  mountains  partly  arid,  and  partly 
covered  with  strawberry-trees,  and  evergreen 
oaks,  is  surrounded  with  fertile  and  well  culti- 
vated tields.  To  the  north  of  the  Sierra,  the 
Llanos  of  San  Felipe,  extend  as  far  as  the  eye 

*  Vol.  ii.  p.  2(H>.  I  have  drawn  up  a  geographical  nap 
of  the  environs  of  the  towrn  of  Guanaxuato,  which  will 
appear  in  the  historical  account  of  my  travels  in  the 
Equinoctial  Regions  of  America.  This  map  is  partly  taken 
from  the  perpendicular  bases  measured  barometrically  See 
Vol.  i.  Introduction,  p.  xiii.  and  my  RecueU  d*Observa» 
tions  Astronomiques,  Vol.  i.  p.  372. 

no       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [iooic  iv. 

can  reach;    and  to  the    South,    the   plains  of 
Irapuato  and  Salamanca,  exhibit  the  delightful 
spectacle  of  a  r'lvh  and  populous  country.     The 
Cierro  de  hs  LlanitoSt  and  the  Puerto  de  Santa 
Rosa,  are   the  most   elevated   summits   of  this 
group  of  mountains.     Their  absolute  height  is 
from  2,800  to  2,900  metres  *,  but  as  the  neigh- 
bouring plains  which  are   part  of    the   g^eat 
central  table   land   of  Mexico,  are  more   than 
1800    metres  f    above   the    level  of  the    sea, 
these  porphyritic    summits  appear  but   as   in- 
considerable hills    to  the  eyes    of  a   traveller 
accustomed  to  the  striking  appearance  of  the 
Cordilleras.     The  famous  vein  of  Guanaxnato, 
which  has  alone,  since  the  end  of  the  sixteenth 
century,    produced    a  mass  of  silver  equal   to 
fourteen  hundred  millions    of  francs  |,   crosses 
the  southern  slope  of  the  Sierra  de  Santa  Rosa. 
In  going    from    Salamanca  to  Bnrras  and 
Temascntio,  we  perceive  a  chain  of  mountains, 
bounding  the  plains   which  stretch    from   the 
South-^ast  to   the  North-west.     The   crest  of 
the  vein  follows    this  direction.    At  the  foot 
of    the    Sierra,     after    passing    the    farm    of 
Xalapita,   we   discover  a  narrow    ravin    dan- 
gerous   to  pass,    at  the  period    of  the  great 

*From8985  to  9313  feet.  Trans, 

15904  feet:  Trans, 

t  jS57,754,620  Sterl.  Trans, 

CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        171 

swells  called  the  Canada  de  Marfil,  whirli 
leads  to  the  town  of  Giuiuaxuato.  The  popu- 
lation of  that  town,  as  we  have  already  ob- 
served, is  more  than  7(),(K)0  souls.  One  is 
astonished  to  see  in  this  wihl  spot,  lar^e  and 
beautiful  edifiees  in  the  midst  of  miserable 
Indian  huts.  Tb*^  house  of  Colonel  Don 
Diego  Rul,  who  is  one  of  the  proprietoi's  of 
the  mine  of  Valenciana,  would  be  an  ornament 
to  the  finest  streets  of  Paris  and  Naples.  It 
is  fronted  with  columns  of  the  Ionic  order, 
and  the  architecture  is  simple  and  remarkable 
for  great  purity  of  style.  The  erection  of 
this  edifice,  which  is  almost  uninhabited,  cost 
more  than  800,000  francs  *,  a  considerable  sum 
in  a  country  where  the  price  of  labour  and 
materials  are  very    moderate. 

The  name  of  Guanaxuato  is  scarcely  known  in 
Europe ;  and  yet  the  riches  of  the  mines  of  this 
district  is  much  superior  to  that  of  the  metallife- 
rous depository  of  Potosi.  The  latter  was  dis- 
covered in  1545  by  Diego  Hualca  an  Indian, 
and   has   produced  according  to  information  * 

*  je33,0(X),  Sterl.  Trans. 
f  Extract  Jrom  a  hook  of  accounts  of  the  Boyal  Treasury 
qfPotosif  made  on  the  spot,  by  Mr.  Frederic  Mothes  (Ra%on 
de  los  reales  derechos  que  se  han  cobrado  en  las  caxas  reales, 
de  la  plata  que  ha  produeido  el  Cerro  de  Potosi),  This  ma- 
nuscript memoir  in  my  possession  gives  the  produce  of 
Potosi  every  year  from  1558  to  1789.  The  treasury  books 
contain  no  information  relative  to  the  years  anterior  to 
1556,  although  two  miners  of  Porco,  Juan  de  Villaroel  and 
Diego  Centeno,  began  to  work  this  vein  in  the  year  ISib. 




127        POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         f^ooK  iv. 

never  yet  made  public,  in  the  space  of  two 
hundred  and  thirtv-threo  years,  788,258,512 
flouble  piastres,  which,  rcckonini^  eight  piastres 
and  a  half  to  the  marc,  gives  the  sum  of 
92,7a«,291  marcs  of  silver*,  viz.  •         * 

PinHti<!ii,  Mnrm  nf  lilvcr. 

From  1556  to  1578— 49,011,285  or  5,766,033 
lS7Qto  1736—611,899,451  —71,929,347 
J737to  1789^-127,847,776  —  15,040,914 

788,259,512        92,736,294 

During'  these  three  periods  then  there  has 
been  extracted  from  the  Cerro  de  Potosi  an- 
nually at  an  average 

Marcs  ofailver.  Pi«8t«««. 

From  lSS6to  1S78  —  262,  092  f  or  2,227,782 

1579  to  1736  —458,1481  —  3,994,258 

1737  to  1789  —  289,248  §  —  2,458,606 

The  produce  of  the  vein  of  Gtianaxuato,  how- 
ever, is  almost  the  double  of  that  of  the  Cerro 
da  Potosi.  There  is  actually  drawn  from 
this  vein,  for  it  alone  fiimishes  all  the  silver  of 
the  mines  of  the  district  of  Guanaxuato,  in 
average  years  from  Jive  to  six  hundred  thousand 
marcs  of  silver,  and  from  fifteen  to  sixteen 
hundred  marcs  of  gold. 

*  60,864,359  lb.  Troy.  Trans. 
+  172,0151b.  Troy.  Trans. 
X  300,524  lb.  Troy.   Trans. 
i  189,837  lb,  Troy.  Trans. 



CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        173 

Gold  Produce  of  the  District  of  Mines  of  Gua- 


liiilil  exti  iu-ted  hv  Ania 



Prrio(l».  C 


n.old  extracted  bv  SmelfiiiR.  | 

;.tMielluni».  1 

\>iiiiiie».  (I 

•  .UiU«.  (.. 

a!>tillauu<«.  T 

tmine*.  U.ruum.I 



























0    0 






0     0 





47 ''80 




































4  j  4  1 







3   1   3   ' 






6     3   ; 


fi  I  1  1  5 









29  1 23 
















8  ! 





208  "lO 


T  ! 






3     1 




























































































17  ys 


















2  J  83  3 




























174        POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  iv 

Silver  Produce    of  the    District  of   Mines    of 


1  Silver  exti< 

ictecl  by 




1   Amalgamation. 

1    Silver estracted  l>y  Sineltiii!;. 



>.|   Marcs.   Ounces  jToniinei 

..  Granos 






































2990 16 


































J  776 





.  1 

























































































































































































0  1 

CHAP.  21.] 

KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN-      17^3 

I  have  specified  in  these  tables  year  after 
year,  the  gold  and  silver  extracted  from  the 
mines  of  Guanaxuato  from  1766  to  1803;  and 
I  have  distinguished  the  metals  procured  from 
the  minerals  by  means  of  amalgamation,  from 
those  obtained  by  smelting.  A  marc  of  gold 
contains  50  castellanoSf  which  are  equal  to 
400  tomines,  or  4800  granos.  The  result  of 
these  tables,  which  are  framed  from  official 
papers*,  is  that  the  district  of  mines  of  Guanax- 
uato has  produced  in  38  years  gold  and  silver  to 
the  value  of  165  millions  of  piastres  t  and 
that  from  1786  to  1803,  the  annual  average 
produce  has  been  556,000  marcs  of  silver  J 
equal  to  4,727,000  piastres.  All  the  veins  of 
Hungary  and  Transylvania  together,  only 
yield  85,000  marcs  of  silver  §.  . 

Taking  four  averages  of  years,  of  which 
three  are  of  five  and  one  of  eight  years,  we 
shall  have  the  following  results  : 

*  Razon  de  los  Castettanos  de  oro  de  ley  22  quilates, 
y  marcos  de  plata,  de  12  dineros  de  los  heneficios  de  azogue 
y  JuegOf  mani/estados  en  la  tresoreria  principal  de  Real  Ha- 
cienda  de  Guanaxuato,  desd§  1®.  de  Enero  1766  hasta  SI  di 
Decietnbre  1803.  (Manuscript.)  We  have  computed  the 
marc  of  silver  at  8^  piastres,  and  the  marc  of  gold  at 
\96  piastres  (the  piastre   being  equal  to  5  livrea  5  sous.) 

t  12,720,061  lb.  Troy.  Trans, 

t  364,911  lb.  Troy.  Trans. 

§  55,686  lb.  Troy.  Trans, 



176       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  tHE         [book  iv. 

Value  ofthe 

total  produce 


of  gold  and 

for  an 

Value  of  gold  and 


silver  ex- 


silverforan  average 

tracted  from 



the  mines  of 


















^9,306, 11 7 



What  ibt  the  nature  of  the  rnetalUfenrus  de- 
pository,  which  has  furnished  these  immense 
riches,  and  which  may  be  considered  as  the  of  the  northern  hemisphere  ?  What  is  the 
position  of  the  rock  which  crosses  the  veins  of 
Guanaxuato  ?  These  questions  are  of  so  great 
importance  that  I  must  here  give  a  geological 
view   of  so  remarkable  a  country. 

The  most  ancient  rock  known  in  the  dis- 
trict of  Guanoaxuato,  is  the  clay  slate  (thon 
schiefer)  which  reposes  on  the  granite  rocks 
of  Zacatecas  and  the  Peiion  Blanco.^  It  is 
of  an  ash-grey  or  greyish-black  frequently 
intersected  t  hy  an  infinity  of  small  quartz 
veins,  which  fi:equ«itly  pass  into  talk-state  (talk 
schiefer)  and  into  schistous  chlorite,  I  consider 
this  clay  slate  as  a  primitive  formation,  although 

*  Sonneschm^**  Beschreibung  der  Birgnoerks'Refiere, 
von  Mexico,  p.  i94   &  292. 

f  In  the  queh-ada  of  San  Roquito, , which  communicates 
with  the  Ravin  of  Acabuca. 

CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN-        177 

the  beds  v>ith  verv  thin  folia  which  it  con* 
tains,  and  which  are  surcharged  with  carbon, 
appear  to  approximate  it  to  transition  clay 
slate.  These  beds  {oja  cle  libro)  are  for  the 
most  part  found  near  the  surface  * ;  but  some- 
times they  are  visible  j  at  considerable  depths. 
On  digg-ing-  the  gicat  pit  (tiro  (jcnerai)  of 
Valeiiciaiia,  they  discovered  banks  of  syenite 
of  Hornbknd slate  (llornblend  schitfer)  and  true 
serpentine,  aiterJiating  with  one  another,  and 
forming  subordinate  beds,  in  the  clat/  slate* 
This  extraordinary  phenomenon  of  a  syenite 
alternating  with  the  serpentine,  is  also  to  be 
seen  in  the  island  of  Cuba,  near  the  villaoe 
of  llegla,  where  the  latter  rock  abounds  in 
sckillerspar  (svhiUerspath,)  The  same  clinj  slate 
of  Guanaxuato  which  is  observed  at  the  bottom 
of  the  mine  of  Yalenciana,  re-appeais  at  the 
surface,  eight  hundred  metresj,  higher  up  on 
the  ridge  of  the  Sierra  de  Santa  x^osa,  but 
I  doubt  whether  it  has  ever  been  found  at 
greater  elevations.  These  strata  are  very  re- 
gularly .  directed  h.  8  to  9  of  the  miner's 
compass  § ;  they    are  inclined   from  4o  to   50 

»  In  the  mine  of  Valcnciana. 

f  In  the  mines  of  Mellado,  Anunasand  Rayas. 

X  2624  feet.   Trans. 

§  Or  from  South  East  to  North-West.  I  have  been  struck 
ever  since  1791,  with  this  great  law  of  the  parallelism  nf  the 
bedsy  which  are  discovered  in  immense  extents  of  country,  and 
which  may  be  regarded  a$  one  of  the  most  curious  phcno- 

VOIi.   III.  N 







178       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv 

degrees  to  the  south  west.  This  is  the  di- 
rection of  the  greatest  of  the  very  old 
rocks  of  Mexico. 

..  Two  very  different  formations  repose  on  the 
clay  slate :  the  one  of  porphyry  at  considerable 
elevations  to  the  east  of  the  valley  of  Mar- 
iil,  and  to  the  north  west  of  Valenciana ;  and  the 
other,  of  old  freestone  in  the  ravins,  and  table 
lands  of  small  elevation. 

Porphi/n/  forms  gi^^antic  stony  masses,  which 
appear  at  a  distance,  under  the  strangest  as- 
pect, frequently  like  ruins  of  walls  and  bastions. 
These  masses  are  perpendicular,  and  from  three 
to  four  hundred  metres'^,    elevated  above   the 

mena  of  geology ;  and  have  never  ceased  in  my  writings  from 
calling  the  attention  of  travellers  to  an  object,  with  regard 
to  which    it    would    be    easy  to  collect  in  a  very    short 
time,  a  great  number  of  observations.     See  my  experiments 
on  the   irritation   of  the  muscular  and   nervous  fbre   (In 
German)  vol.  i.  p.  8;  my  letter  to  M,  de  Fourcroift  dated  3 
Pluviose  an  6  ;  my  Tableau  Geologique  de  PAmerique  Meridi* 
onale    (Journal  de  Physique  1800;)    and  my  Geographie 
des  Plantes,  p.  117.       The  direction  of  high  chains  c^ 
mountains  appears  to  have  the  greatest  influence  on  the  di- 
rection of  the  beds,  even  at  considerable  distances  from  the 
central  crest.    This  influence  is  manifest  in  the  Pyrenees, ' 
Mexico,  and  especially  in  the  Upper  Alps.    See  the  judi- 
cious observations  which  M.  Ebel,  a  learned  mineralogist 
has  published  on  this  subject   under  the  title  of,    On  the 
CMstruation  of  the  Chain  of  the  Alps  (In  German)   vol.  i. 
p.  220 ;  vol.  ii.  p.  201—215  &  p.  357. 
*  From  984  to  1314  feet.  Trans, 

,  I.  . 

CHAF.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OP  NEW  SPAIN.       179 

surrounding  plains.  In  the  country  they  go 
by  the  name  of  buffa.  Enormous  balls  with 
concentrical  beds,  repose  on.  insulated  rocks. 
These  porphyries  give  a  sarage  character  to 
the  environs  of  Guanaxuato,  calculated  to  as- 
tonish the  f^uropean  traveller,  who  imagines 
that  nature  never  deposits  great  metallick  wealth 
but  in  mountains  with  round  tops,  and  in 
places  where  the  surface  has  a  gentle  and 
uniform  undulation.  This  porphyry  of  which 
the  Sierra  de  Santa  Rosa  is  chiefly  composed, 
is  generally  of  a  greenish  colour;  but  it  varies 
very  much  according  to  the  nature  of  its 
l?ase ;  and  the  chrystals  w  hich  it  contains. 
The  oldest  beds  appear  to  be  those  of  which 
the  base  is  homstone*  (hornstein)  or  compact 
felspar.  The  most  recent  on  the  other 
hand,  contain  vitreous  felspar,  inchascd 
in  a  mass,  which  sometimes  passes  into  the 
petrosilex  jadien,  and  sometimes  into  the 
pholonite    or     klhr/stein    of    Werner.        Tht? 


'   'I 

*  Being  a  scholar  of  Werner,  and  of  the  school  of 
Freiberg,  I  every  inhere  name  in  my  works  Hornstein  a  mine- 
ral which  forms  trandttidns  into  quartz,  calcedony,  and 
Jisuersttin  (pyromaque).  The  hornsteine  of  the  German 
mineralogists  are,  the  Quartz^agatheSf  grossier  et  xyloides 
of  M.  Haiiy,  the  neopetres  of  Saussure-  and  the  silex 
edtftes  of  M.  Brogniart.  This  note  appeared  to  me  indispen- 
sable, on  account  of  the  confused  synonomy  of  the  de- 
nominations proidHhx,  pierre  de  come,  and  roche  de  come. 

N   2 


180       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv, 

latter  bear  the  greatest  analogy  to  the  por- 
phyry slate  (porphyrschiefer)  of  the  mittelge' 
Urge  of  Bohemia.  One  would  be  tempted 
to  reckon  them  among  the  rocks  of  trapp- 
formation,  if  these  same  beds  did  not  contain 
at  Villalpando,  the  richest  mines  of  gold. 
All  the  porphyries  of  the  district  of  Guanax- 
uato  possess  this  in  common,  that  amphibole 
is  almost  as  rare  in  them  as  quartz  and 
mica.  The  direction  and  inclination  of  these 
beds,  are  the  same  as  those  of  the  clay 

On  the  southern  slope  of  the  sierra,  and 
generally  at  smaller  elevations  than  that  at 
which  porphyry  is  found,  in  the  plains  of 
Barras,  and  Cuevas,  especially  between  Mar- 
fil,  Guanaxuato,  and  Valenciana,  the  clay-slate 
is  covered  with  freestone  of  very  old  forma- 
tion. This  free-stone  (urfelsconghmerat)  is  a 
brescia  with  clayey  cement,  mixed  with  ox- 
ide of  iron,  in  which  are  imbedded  anguhms 
fragments  of  quartz,  Lydian  stone,  syenite, 
porphyry,  and  splintery  hornstone.  Beds  con- 
taining from  six  to  eight  centimetres*  in 
thickness  alternate  sometimes  (near  Cuevas) 
with  other  beds,  in  which  grains  of  quartz 
are  agglutinated  by  an  ochreous  cement. 
At    other  times  (in  the  ravin  of  Marfil  and 

*  From  2 19  9  lAchcff.    Tram* 

CMAP.  XI  ]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       181 

in  the  road  of  Salgado)  the   cement   becomes 
so  abundant  that  the  imbedded  fragments  en- 
tirely disappear,  and  banks  of  slate-clay  of  a 
yellowish   brown,    from   ei^ht  to  nine  metres 
in  thickness*   alternate   with   brescia,    having 
large  flints.     This  formation  of  old  free-stone 
is  the  same  with  that    which  appears  at  the 
surface  in  the  plains  of  the  river  Amazon,  in 
South   America,    and  which,    in   Switzerland, 
rises    to    more   than   a   thousand    metresf    of 
absolute   height,    in    the    Oltenhorn    and    the 
Diablerets,   has  no  regularity  in  the  direction 
of    its   beds.       Their  inclination   is   generally 
opposite  to  that  of    the   strata    of   clay  slate* 
Near  Guanaxuato,  the   formation  of  freestone 
is   at  the  back  of  the  porphyry  of   the  buifa; 
but    near    Villalpando,     the     porphyry    itself 
serves  for  base  to  the   antient  brescia,   which 
appears  at  the  surface  at  an  absolute  height 
of  2600  metres^. 

We  must  not  confound  the  brescia  which 
contains  imbedded  fragments  of  primitive  and 
transition  rock,  with  another  freestone,  which 
may  be  desigpnated  by  the  name  of  felspar 
agglomeration,  and  i^hich,  at  the  mountam  of 
la  Cruz  de  Serena,    is    superimposed   to    th« 


*  From  26  to  29  feet, 
t  9842  feet.  Trans, 
X  8529  feet.    Trans, 


182       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 


antient  brescia  (urfets  conylmnerat)  nhut  is  con- 
sequently of  a  njoie  recent  I'ormation.      This 
agglomeration    (lozero)  from  which  the  finest 
hewn  stone  is  manufactured,  is  composed  of  grains 
of  quartz,   small  fragments  of   slate,  and  fclspai- 
chrystals,  partly  broken,  and  partly  remaining 
untouched.       These  substances   are  connected 
together     by     an     argilo-ferruginous    cement. 
Probably    the    destruction  of    porphyries    has 
had    the   greatest   influence   on   the   formation 
of    this  felspar  freestone.       It  contrasts   with 
the  freestone   of  the  Old   Continent,  in  which 
some  chrystals  of  grenats  and  amphibole  have 
been  found,   but  never  as  far  as  I  know,    fel- 
spar in  any  abundance.    The  most  experienced 
n  neralog^st,  after  examining  the  position   of 
the   lozero  of  Guanaxuato,   would  be  tempted 
to  take  it  at  first  view,  for  a  porphyry  with 
clayey    base,     or   for    a    porphyritic    brescia 
{trummer-porphyr).      Near  Villalpando,  about 
thirty  very  thin  banks  of   slate  clay  (schiefer 
ikon)  of   a  blackish   brown  colour,  alternates 
"with  the  felspar  ayyhtneration. 

These  formations  of  old  freestone  of  Gua- 
naxuato, serve  as  bases  to  other  secondary 
beds,  which  in  their  position,  that  is  to  say  in 
the  order  of  their  mperposition,  exhibit  the 
greatest  analogy  with  the  secondary  rocks  of 
central  Europe.  In  the  plains  of  Temascatio 
(at  h  de  Sierra)    there    is    a   compact  lime- 

CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       183 

stone  (dichter  kuLstcin)  frequently  full  of 
vesicular  cavities,  wl:ich  are  coated  with  cal- 
careous spar,  and  mineral  of  manganese,  either 
earthy  or  radiated.  This  calcareous  stone^ 
which  from  its  even  and  almost  conchoidal 
fracture,  resembles  the  formation  of  jura,  is 
covered  in  some  ])oints  with  banks  of  fibrous 
gypsum   mixed   with   hardened    clay. 

We  have  thus  enumerated  the  various  rocks 
which  repose  on  the  clai/  slate  of  Guanax- 
uato,  and  which  are  on  the  one  hand  se- 
condary formations  of  freestone,  limestone, 
and  gypsum,  and  on  the  other  formations  of 
porphyry,  syenite,  serpentine  and  amphibolic 
slate.  The  ravin  of  Marfil,  which  leads 
from  the  plains  of  Burras  to  tht;  town  of 
Guanaxuato,  separates  as  it  were  the  por- 
phyritic  region  from  that  in  which  syenite 
and  greenstone  predominate.  To  the  east  of 
the  ravin,  very  steep  porphyry  mountains 
exhibit  the  most  whimsical  forms  from  the  manner 
in  which  they  are  torn  asunder;  and  to  the  west- 
ward we  discern  a  district  of  which  the  gently 
undulated  surface  is  covered  with  basaltic  cones. 

From  the  mine  of  Esperanza,  situated  to 
the  north  west  of  Guanaxuato,  to  the  village 
of  Comangillas,  celebrated  for  its  hot  springs, 
the  chi/  ^kUe  during  an  extent  of  more  than 
twenty  square  leagues  serves  for  a  base '  to 
beds  of  syenite  which  alternate  with  transition 




18^       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON-  THE         [book  iv. 

f/recnstone.     These  beds  are   in  general  from 
four    to    five    decimetres*   in    thickness;   and 
they   are    inclined    by    groups,    sometimes    to 
the  north  east,    sometimes    to   the    west,   and 
always  at   angles  of  from   50   to   60   degrees. 
In    travelling'   from    Valencin,na  to    Ovexeras, 
we   see   scleral   thonsancls    of  these   banks   of 
fjreenstonBt  alternating-  with  a  syenite,  in  which 
quartz    is    sometimes    in    greater    abmidance 
than  felspar  and  amphibole.       We  find  veins 
of    greenstone    in    this    syenite,    and    crevices 
filled   with   syenite  in   the   beds   oi  tjreev.stone, 
This  identity  of    the  mass  of  the  veins   with 
the  superimposed  rocks,  is  a  curious  fact  which 
seems   to   favour  the  theory  of  the   origin   of 
veins,  laid  down  by  Mr.  Wernerf.  Near  Chichi- 
mequillo,  a  columnar    porphyry  seems  to  re- 
pose on   syenite.      It    is    covered  with    basalt 
and  basaltic  brescia,  from  which  the  springs  of 
which  the   temperature   is  96"  3J  of  the  cen- 
trigrade  thermometer,  have  their  source. 

It  remains  for  me  to  give  an  account  of 
tvfo  partial  formations  v/\\\c\i  occupy  only  a  very 
small  extent :  a  compact  limestone  {el  caliche) 
of   a   blackish    grey,    belonging    perhaps    to 

*  From  15  to  19  inches.     Trans. 

+  Neue  Theorie  von  der  Entstehung  der  Gange^  I791>  p.  60. 

t  205"  of  Fahrenheit.     Trans, 

<.*4   .i 

CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        186 

transition  rocks*,  and  a  calcareous  brescia 
(friJoUilo).  The  latter,  which  I  saw  in  the 
mine  of  Anin\as,  at  a  depth  of  more  than 
1 50  metres t,  is  composed  of  round  fragments  of 
compact  limestone,  connected  together  by  a 
calcareous  cement.  The  vlay  slate  of  Valen- 
ciana  ser\es  for  base  to  tliese  two  partial 
formations,  one  of  which  appears  to  owe  its 
origin  to  the  destruction  of  the  other. 

Such  is  according  to  the  observations  made 
by  me  on  the  spot,  the  geological  constitution  of 
the  country  at  Guanaxuato.  The  vein  {vela 
mad  re)  traverses  both  clay  slate  and  porphyry. 
In  both  of  these  rocks,  very  considerable  wealth 
has  been  found.  Its  mean  direction  is  h.  8} 
of  the  miner's  compass | ;  and  is  nearly  the  same 
with  that  of  the  veta  yrande  of  Zacatecas,  and 
of  the  veins  of  Tasco  and  Moran,  which  are 
all  western  veins  {spathgdnge).  The  inclination 
of  the  vein  of  Guanaxuato,  is  45  or  48  degrees 
to  the  south  west.  We  have  already  stated, 
that  it  has  been  wrought  for  a  length  of  more 
than  12,000  metres;  and  yet  the  enormous  mass 
of  silver  which  it  has  supplied  for  the  last 
hundred  years,  sufficient  of  itself  to  produce  a 



'•  u 

*  Between  the  ravins  of  Scchd  and  Acahuca,  the  banks  of 
the  caliche,  have  the  same  direction,  and  the  same  inclina* 
tion  as  the  strata  of  clatf  slate, 

t  492  feet.     Trans,  - 

X  Or  N.  52«.  W. 

186       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE        [iook  iv. 

etiange  in  the  price  of  commodities  in  Europe, 
has  been  extracted  from  that  part  of  the  vein 
alone  contained  between  the  pits  of  ENperanza 
and  Santa  Anita»  an  extent  of  less  than  2600 
metres*.  In  this  part  we  find  the  mines  of  Va- 
lencinna,  Tepeyac,  Cata,  San  Lorenzo,  Animas, 
Mellado,  Fraustros,  Ray  as,  and  Santa  Anita, 
which  at  different  periods  have  been  very  highly 

The  veta  madre  of  Guanaxuato,  bears  a  u^ood 
deal  of  resemblance  to  the  celebrated  vein  of 
S^ital  of  Schemnitz,  in  Hungary.  The  Euro- 
pean miners  who  have  had  occasion  to  examine 
both  these  depositories  of  minerals,  have  been 
in  doubt  whether  to  consider  them  as  true  veins, 
or  as  metalliferous  beds  (erzlager).  If  we  exa- 
mine only  the  veta  madre  of  Guanaxuato,  where 
the  roof  and  the  wall  in  the  mines  of  Valenciana 
or  Ray  as,  are  of  clay  slate ,  we  might  be  tempted 
to  acquiesce  in  the  latter  opinion ;  for  far  from 
cutting  or  crossing  the  strata  of  the  rock  {querge- 
«lem^,the  veta  has  exactly  the  same  direction 
and  the  same  inclination  as  its  strata;  but  can 
a  metalliferous  bed  which  has  been  formed  at 
the  same  period,  as  the  whole  mass  of  the  moun- 
tain in  which  it  is  to  be  found,  pass  from  a 
superior  to  an  inferior  rock,  from  porphyry  to 
clay  slate?    If  the  veta  madre  wq,s  really  a  bedy 

*  8529  feet.     Trans. 

CHAP.  ZI.1        KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       187 

we  §hould  not  find  angular  fragments  of  its 
roof  contained  in  its  mass^  as  we  generally  ob- 
serve on  points  where  the  roof  is  a  slat  charged 
with  carbone,  and  the  wall  a  talc  Mf*..  In  a 
vein,  the  roof  and  the  wall  are  deemed  ante** 
vior  to  the  formation  of  the  crevice,  and  to  the 
minerals  which  have  successfully  filled  it;  but 
a  bed  has  undoubtedly  pre-existed  to  the  strata 
of  the  rock  which  compose  its  roof.  Hence 
we  may  discover  in  a  bed  fragments  of  the 
wall,  but  never  pieces  detached  from  the  roof* 

The  veta  madre  of  Guanaxuato,  exhibits  the 
extraordinary  example  of  *  a  crevice  formed 
according  to  the  direction  and  inclination  of 
the  strata  of  the  rock.  Towards  the  south 
east  from  the  ravin  of  Serena,  or  from  the 
mines  of  Belgi*ado  and  San  Bruno,  which  are 
very  fully  wrought,  to  beyond  the  mines  of 
Marisanchez,  it  runs  through  porphyritic  moun- 
tains; and  towards  the  north  east  on  leaving 
the  pits  of  Guanaxuato,  to  the  Cerro  de  Buena 
Vista,  and  the  Canada  de  la  Virgen,  it  tra- 
verses the  clay  slate  (thonscheifer).  Its  extent 
varies  like    that  of  all  the  veins  of  Europe. 

*  M.  Weraer  in  the  Theory  of  Veins,  §  2.  expressly  says, 
**  that  the  depositories  of  minerals  almost  always  out  the 
*(  banks  of  the  rock."  This  great  mineralogist  seems  to 
have  intended  to  indicate  by  these  words,  that  there  may 
be  true  veins  parallel  to  th«  folia  of  a  clay,  or  mkaceout 

188       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  xv. 

When  not  ramified  it  is  generally  from  12  to 
15  metres*  in  breadth;  sometimes  it  is  even 
strangled^  to  the  extent  of  half  a  metre ;( ;  and 
it  is  for  the  most  part  found  divided  into  three 
masses,  (cverpos)  separated  either  by  banks  of 
rock,  {cahallos)  or  by  parts  of  the  gangue  almost 
destitute  of  metals.  In  the  mine  of  Valenciana 
the  veta  madv.  has  been  found  without  rami- 
fication, and  of  the  breadth  of  7  metres§,  from 
the  surface  of  the  ground  to  the  depth  of 
170  metres II .  At  this  point  it  divides  into 
three  branches,  and  its  extent,  reckoning  from 
the  wall  to  the  roof  of  the  entire  mass /is  50 
and  sometimes  even  60  metres^f.  Of  these  three 
branches  of  vein,  there  is  in  general  but  one 
alone  which  is  rich  in  metals;  and  sometimes 
when  all  the  three  join  and  drag  one  ano- 
ther, as  at  Valenciana  near  the  pit  of  San 
Antonio,  at  a  depth  of  300  metres**,  the  vein 
contains  immense  riches  on  an  extent  (puissance) 
of  more  than  25  metresff.  li\  the  pertinencia 
de  Santa  Leocadia,  four  branches  are  observable. 

*  From  38  to  48  feet.     Tram. 

\  At  the  place  of  assemblage  of  the  pit  of  Santo  Christe 
de  Burgos,  in  the  Mine  of  Valenciana. 
%  19  inches.     Tram. 
$  22  feet.     Tram, 

11  557  feet.     Trans.  .      ' 

f  164  and  196  feet.     Tram.  r  ;j;,    f/r 

*♦  984  feet.     Tram.        .    , 
It  81  feet.    Trans, 

CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       189 

A  trum  of  which  the  inclination  is  65*  se- 
parates from  the  inferior  branch,  (cuerpo  hasro) 
and  cuts  the  folia  of  the  rock  of  the  watt. 
This  phenomenon,  and  the  great  number  of 
druses,  abounding'  with  amethyst  chrystals,  to 
be  found  in  the  mines  of  Rayas,  which  affect 
the  most  different  directions,  are  sufficient  to 
prove  that  the  veta  madre  is  a  vein,  and  not 
a  bed.  Other  proofs  not  less  convincing  might 
be  drawn  from  the  existence  of  a  vein,  (veta 
del  caliche)  wrought  in  the  compact  limestone 
of  Animas,  which  is  parallel  to  the  principal 
vein  of  Guanaxuato,  and  has  exhibited  the 
same  silver  minerals.  Is  this  identity  of  for- 
mation ever  found  between  two  metalliferous 
hedSf  which  belong  to  rocks  of  very  different 
antiquity  ? 

The  small  ravins  into  which  the  valley  of 
Marfil  is  divided,  appear  to  have  a  decided 
influence  on  the  richness  of  the  veta  madre  of 
Guanaxuato,  which  has  yielded  the  most  metal 
where  the  direction  of  ravins,  and  the  slope 
of  the  mountains,  {flaqueza  del  Cerro)  have  been 
parallel  to  the  direction  and  inclination  of  the 
vein.  When  we  stand  on  the  elevation  of  Mel- 
lado,  near  the  pit  which  was  dug  in  1558,  we 
observe  that  the  veta  madre  is  in  general  most 
abundant  in  minerals  towards  the  north  west, 
towards  the  mines  of  Cata  and  Yalenciana; 
and  that  to  the  south  east  towards  Rayas  and 


■  >  «♦ 

190       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

Santa  Anita,  the  produce  has  been  at  once 
richer,  rarer,  and  more  inconstant.  Besides  in 
this  celebrated  vein,  there  is  a  certain  middle 
region  which  may  be  considered  as  a  depositary 
of  great  riches;  for  above  and  below  this  re- 
gion, the  minerals  have  contained  an  inconside- 
rable share  of  silver.  At  Valenciana  the  rich 
minerals  have  been  in  the  Greatest  abundance, 
between  100  and  ^340  metres*  in  depth  below 
the  mouth  of  the  galery.  This  abundance  ap- 
peared at  Rayas  at  the  surface  of  the  earth ; 
but  the  galery  of  Valenciana  is  pierced  accord- 
ing to  my  measurementsf,  in  a  plain  which 
is  more  than  156  metresf  aboye  the  level  {ga» 
lerie  d^ecoulement)  of  Rayas ;  which  might  lead 
us  to  believe  that  the  depository  of  the  great 
wealth  of  Guanaxuato  is  found  in  this  part 
of  the  vein,  between  2130  and  1890  metres 
of  absolute  height  above  the  level  of  the 
ocean§.  The  deepest  works  of  the  mine  of 
Rayas,  (los  planes)  have  never  yet  reached  the 
inferior  limit  of  this  middle  region;  while  the 
Wtom  (das  tiefste)  of  the  mine  of  Valenciana, 
the  galery  of  San  Bernardo  has  unfortunately 
passed  this  limit  more  than  70  metres ||.    Hence 

*  Between  328  and  1115  feet.     Tram. 
t  See  my  Recueil  d*  Observations  Aitronomiques,  Vol.  i. 
p.  32*.  No.  33^—357. 
J  511  feet.     Trans. 

f  Between  6987  and  6199  feet,     trant, 
II  229  feet.     Trans, 

CHAF.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        191 

the  mine  of  Rayas  continues  to  furnish  ex- 
tremely rich  minerals,  while  at  Valenciana 
they  have  endeavoured  for  some  years,  to  supply 
by  the  extraction  of  a  greater  quantity  of  mi- 
nerals, the  deficiency  in  their  intrinsic  value. 

The  mineral  substances  which  constitute  the 
mass  of   the  vein  of  Guanaxuato,  are  common 
quartz,  amethyst,  carbonate  of  lime,  pearl  spar, 
splintery   hornstoiie,   sulfuretted  silver,  ramular 
native  silver,  prismatic   black  silver,  deep  red 
silver,  native  gold,  argentiferous  galena,  brown 
blende,  spar  iron,  and  pyrites  of  copper  and  iron. 
We  observe  besides  though  much  more  rarely, 
crystalized  felspar   (the  rhomboidal  quartz  of 
the    Mexican    mineralogists)   calcedony,  small 
masses  of  spar-fluor,  capillary  quartz  {haarfor^ 
miger  quartz),  grey  copper  ore    (fahlerz)  and 
bacillary  carbonated  lead.     The  absence  of  the 
sulfate  of  barytes   and  muriated  silver,   distin- 
guishes the  formation  of  the  vein  of  silver  from 
that  of  Sombrerete,  Catorce,  Fresnillo,  and  Za- 
catecas.    Those  mineralogists  who  are  interested 
in  the  study  of  regular  forms,  find  a  grrat  va- 
riety of  crystals   in   the  mines  of  Gaanixuato, 
and  especially  in  the  mines   of  red   and  black 
sulfuretted  silver,  and  in  the   calcareous  spars, 
and  the  brown  spar.* 

*  On  the  pearled  spar  of  Guanaxuato,  see  Klaprotk*s 
Beitrage,  B.  iv.  p.  128.  This  variety  of  browri'Spar  (brauns- 
path)  exhibits  microscopic  crystals  embricked  and  collected 




192      POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE        [book  iv. 

The  abundance  of  waters  which  filtrate  throug^h 
the  .crevices  of  the  rock  and  the  gangne,  vary 
very  much  in  the  difterent  points  of  the  vein. 
The  mines  of  Animas  and  Valenciana  are  en- 
tirely dry,  though  the  works  of  the  latter  oc- 
cupy a  horizontal  extent  of  1500,  and  a  per- 
pendicular depth  of  500  metres*.  Between 
these  two  mines,  in  which  the  miner  is  incom- 
moded by  the  dust  and  extreme  heat,t  lie  the 
mines  of  Cata  and  Tepeyac,  which  remain 
under  inundation,  because  they  do  not  possess 
sufficient  mechanical  force  to  draw  off  the  water. 
At  Rayas,  it  is  drawn  off  in  a  very  expensive 
manner  by  means  of  haritels  a  muletSy  placed 
in  the  interior  of  the  traverses,  and  raising  the 
water,  not  by  pumps,  but  by  the  action  oicha- 
pelets  de  caissons  of  a  very  imperfect  construction. 
One  is  astonished  to  see  mines  of  such  consi- 
derable wealth  without  any  levelj,  while  the 
neighbouring  ravins  of  Cata  and  Marfil,  and 

in  very  thin  rods.  The  interlacing  of  these  rods,  (parillas) 
is  so  regular  that  they  constantly  form  equilateral  triangles. 

*  4920  and  1640  feet.    Trans. 

t  From  22°  to 27°  centigrade,  (TPandSO".  Fahr.  Trnns,)\ 
the  temperature  of  the  exterior  air  being  17°  (62*'  Fahr. ) 

X  In  the  district  of  the  mines  of  Freiberg,  which  how- 
ever do  not  yield  annually  the  seventh  part  of  tl»e  money 
extracted  from  the  single  mine  of  Valenciana,  they  have 
executed  two  levels,  of  which  the  one  is  63,213  metres* 
and  the  other  57,310  metres  in  length  (207,390  and  188,023 
feet.  Tram.) 

CHAP.  XL]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       1^3 

the  plains  of  Tenascatio,  which  are  lower  than 
the  bottom  of  Valenciana,  appear  to  invite  the 
miners  to  undertake  works  which  would  both 
serve  to  draw  off  the  water,  and  to  tran8t>ort  tl;ie 
minerals  to  the  place  where  they  are  smelted 
and  amalgathated.       ..   •  :       ^^  r 

Valenciana  is  almost  the  sol6  example  of  a 
mine,  which  for  forty  years  has  never  yielded 
less  to  its  proprietors  than  from  two  to  thrcte 
million  of  francs  *  of  anntial  pi-ofit.     It  afpeafS' 
that  the    part  of    the    vein  Extending    from 
Tepeyac  to  the   North- West,    had  not    been 
much  wrought  towards  the   end  of  thfe  16th' 
century.     From  that  period  the  wholfe   coiititi^' 
remaihed  a  desert,  till  1760,  when,  a  Sjiahiaitf' 
who   went  over  very  young  to  AmericSi,  begtifi 
to  work  this  vein  in  otie  of  the  pointiS  wliitK 
had  till  that  time  been   believed  destitute  of 
metals  (emhorascado).  M.  Obregon  f  (the  name' 
of  this  Spaniard),  was  without  fottunfi;  but  ai 
he  had  the  reputation  of  being  a  woftfijr  man, 
lite  fotmd  friends  who  from  time  to  time  ad- 
vanced him  small  sums  to  carry  on  his  op6- 
rfelioti^.     Ih    1766,    the  works    we^e    already 
89  metres  in  dfepth  J,  and  yet  the    expfetices 
greatly  surpassed    the   value  of  th6  niettillicK 

J        .  .     .   ^  .■>■••        „-'--■  ■-■'       -^  ■ 

•  From  5^82,506  to  j£l 23,759  per  annum.     Trans, 
t  See  Vol.  i.  p.  226.  ,       . 

t  262  feet,  trans. 



194       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 



produce.     With  a  passion  for  mining  equa'.  to 
what  ^me  display  for  gaming^,    M.  Obregon 
preferred  submitting  to  every  sort  of  privation 
to  the  abandoning    his  undertaking.     In  the 
year  1767  he  entered  into  partnership  with  a 
petty  merchant    of  Rayas,    of  the  name    of 
Otero.    Could  he  then  hope  that  in  the  space 
of  a  few  years,  he  and  his  friend,  would  become 
the  richest  individuals  in  Mexico,   perhaps  in 
the  whole  world?    In  1768    they    began    to 
extract  a  very   considerable  quantity  of  silver 
minerals  from  the  mine    of    Yalenciana.     In 
proportion  as  the  pit    grew  deeper,  they  ap- 
proached that  region  which  we    have  already 
described  as  the  depository  of  the  great  me- 
tallick  wealth  of  Guanaxuato.    In   1771    they 
drew  from  the  pertinencia  de  Dolores  enormous 
masses  of  sulfiiretted  silver,  mixed  with  native 
and  red  silver.     From  that  period    till  1804, 
when  I   quitted   New     Spain,    the    mine    of 
Yalenciana,  has  continually  yielded  an  annual 
produce  of  more  than    14    millions  of  livres 
touraois  *.  There  have  been  years  so  productive, 
that  the    net  profit    of  the    two    proprietors 
of  the  mine,  has    amounted    to    the  sum   of 
six  millions  of  francs  f. 

M.  Obregon  better  known  by  the  name  of 

*  £  533|380  sterling.  Trans. 

t  About  £250,000  sterling.  Tram, 

CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN .       195 

Count  de  la  Valenciana,  presented  in  the 
midst  of  immense  wealth,  the  same  simplicity 
of  manners,  and  the  same  frankness  of  cha- 
racter, for  which  he  was  distinguished  previous 
to  his  success.  When  he  began  to  work  the 
vein  of  Guanaxuato,  above  the  Ravin  of  San 
Xavier,  goats  were  feeding  on  the  very  hill 
which  ten  years  afterwards  was  covered  with 
a  town  of  seven  or  eight  thousand  inhabitants. 
Since  the  death  of  the  old  Oount,  and  his 
friend  Don  Pedro  Luciano  Otero,  the  property 
of  the  mine  has  been  divided  among  several 
families  *.  I  knew  at  Guanaxuato  two  younger 
sons  of  M.  Otero,  each  of  whom  possessed  in 
ready  money,  a  capital  of  six  millions  and  a 
halff,  without  including  the  actual  revenue 
from  the  mine  which  amotttfted  to  more  than 
400,000  francs  J.  '! .  y.y     .^'i  V>  ^^ 

The  constancy  and  equality  of  the  produce 
of  the  mine  of  Valenciana,  is  so  mucli 
the  more  surprising,  as  the  abundance  of 
the  rich  mines  lias  considerably  diminished, 
and  the   expences  of  working  have  increased 

.  .  ;./>[;      •>^:i   ■  --f.  'l.-  .   i^(*■^>*      J-  *''    '    /-     <  ^    ■    'I  , 

*  The  property  of  Valenciana  is  divided  into  twenty-eight 
shares,  called  barres,  of  which  ten  belong  to  the  descendants 
of  the  Count  de  la  Valenciana,  twelve  to  the  family  of 
Otero,  and  two  to  that  of  Santana. 
t  16271,833   Sterling.   Trans, 
t  lei  6,600  and  upwards.     Tra?is. 
o   2! 



196       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

in  an  ahinning'  proportion,  when  the  works 
have  reached  a  perpendicular  depth  of  500 
metres*.  The  pierdng  and  walling  of  the 
three  old  draught-pits  cost  the  count  de  Ya- 
lenciana  nearly  six  millions  of  francs,  viz. 

-y-    '        ■■■    _  ■»  •  ,  '  ■  ■ 

The  square  pit  of  San  Antonio  or 

tiro  viejOf  227  metres  of  perpendicular 

depth,  and  four  baritels   a  chevaux      396,000 

The  square  pit  of    Santo    Christo    . 
de  Burgos  150  metres  in  depth  and 
two  baritels  a  clievaux  95,000 

The    hexagonal    pit    of    Nuestra 
Senora    de    Guadalupe   (tiro  nuevo) 
345  metres  in  perpendicular  depth  and 
six  baritels  a  chevoux 

Expence  of  the  three  pits. 


Within  these  twelve  years  they  have  begun 
to  dig  in  the  solid  rock,  in  the  roof  of  the 
vein  a  new  draughUpU  (tiro  general)  which 
will  have  the  enormous  perpendicular  depth 
of  514  metres  f,    terminating   at    the  actual 

*  1640  feet.  TVanf.  i 

t  1686  feet.    Trans,  , 

T  reduce  the  rtaras  tnexicatias  on  the  principle  that  a  vara 
is  equal  to  ©•  839  or  a  toise  =  2.    332  varas  mexkanaa 


CHAP,  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       197 

bottom  of  the  mine  or  at   the   planes  of  San 
Bernardo.     This   pit    which  will    be   in    the 
centre  of  the  works,  will  considerably  diminish 
the  number  of  the  980  miners  (tenateros)  em- 
ployed as  beasts  of  burden  to  carry  the  minerals 
to  the  upper  places  of  assemblage.    The  tiro 
general  which  will   cost  more  than  a  million 
of  piastres  *  is  octagonal  and  contains  26"°.  8 
of  circumference  f.    Its  walling  is  mpst  beau- 
tiful.   It  is  believed  that  they  will  reach  the 
vein  in  1815,  although  in  the  month  of  Sep- 
tember 1803    the    depth  was    not  yet    more 
than  184  metres  |.     The  piercing  of  this  pit 
is  one  of  the  greatest  and  boldest  undertakings 
to  be  found  in  the  history  of  mines.    It  may 
be  questioned,  however,  whether  for  the  sake 
of  diminishing  the  expences  of  carriage  and 
draught,  it  was  expedient  to  recur  to  a  remedy 
which  is  at  once  slow,  expensive,   and  uncer- 

(See  Vol.  ii.  p.  165).  In  that  country  they  consider  the 
mines  of  Valenciana  the  deepest  ever  dug  by  man.  At 
the  period  when  I  measured  the  jdanes  of  San  Bernardo, 
the  mine  of  Bcrchert  Gluck,  at  Freiberg  in  Saxony  had 
reached  447  metres  of  perpendicular  depth  (1465  feet 
Trans.)  It  is  believed  that  in  the  sixteenth  century  the 
works  of  the  Saxon  mines  on  the  vein  Alter  Thurmhqf 
went  as  far  as  545  feet  in  depth  (1787  feet.  Trans.),  Author. 

•i:218,767  Sterling. 

f  87  feet.  Trans. 

X  603  feet.    Trans, 




198       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [booi^  iv. 

The  expences  of  working  the  mine  of  Va- 

lenciana  have  been  on  an  average  annually  : 


From   1787  to  1791  -        •        -        -        410,000* 

From  1794  to  1802        .        -        -        -         890,000  f 

Although  the    expences    are   doubled,    the 

profits    of   the     share-holders    have   remained 

nearly  the  same.     The   following  table  contains 

an  exact  state  J  of  the  mine  for  the  last  nine 

years.  , 

•  1^89,694  Sterling.  Trans. 

t  1^194,708  Sterling.      ^     ? 

X  Estado  que  manifiesta  el  valor  de  los  Jrutos  que  ha  pro- 
ducido  la  mina  de  Valencianot  costa  de  ms  memoriae  y 
Hquido  productOf  a  Javor  dt  sus  duettos;  lo  presentb  Don 
Joseph  Antonio  del  Maso  al  Excellentissimo  Senor  Virey 
de  Nueva  Espana  Don  Joseph  de  llturigarray,  el  3  de  Julio 
1803.  (M.  S) 

■  f .'% 





















O   >«    U  'S 

<»    ai   2J    CJ    "^ 

W.2   fl    «    - 
























I— » 


<H§  Sp-S  £^ 

«  >  o  g  a  (u 

^''B  S'g  S^j 



900       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         >poK  iv. 

CHAP.   XI.. 

The  re8ult  of  this  table  is,  that  the  net 
profit  of  the  share-holders,  has  been  latterly  at 
an  average  of  640,000  piastres  per  annum.*  In 
1802  circumstances  were  extremely  unfavour- 
able. The  greater  part  of  the  minerals  were 
\evy  poor,  and  their  extra<!tion  attended  with 
great  expence  ;  and  besides  this,  the  produce 
was  sold  at  very  low  j)rices,  because  the 
want  of  mercury  impeded  the  amalgamation, 
and  all  the  mines  were  incumbered  with  minerals. 
The.  year  1803  promised  greater  advantages 
to  the  proprietors,  and  they  reckoned  on  a 
nett  profit  of  more  than  half  a  million  of 
piastresf.  I  saw  them  sell  weekly  at  Valen- 
ciaiia,  silver  minerals  to  the  amount  of  more 
than  27,000  piastres :  The  expences  amounted 
to  17,000.  At  Ray  as,  the  profit  of  the  proprietor 
was  greater,  though  the  produce  was  less;  for 
this  mine  furnished  more  than  15,000  piastres 
of  minerals  weekly,  while  the  expence  of 
working  only  amounted  to  4000  piastres. 
This  was  the  effect  of  the  richness  of  the 
minerals,  their  concentration  in  the  vein,  the 
inconsiderable  depth  of  the  mine,  ai^d  conse- 
quently a  less  expensive  draught.  ... 

*  Above  3,860,000  livres  tournois  (iC140,01I  sterliiig. 
Tram.)  The  proHit  distributed  annuaUif  amoog  the  share-* 
holders   of  the   district  Qf   Freiberg*    only  amounts  to 
S50,000  livres  (ifflO,417  Sterling.    Ircau.) 

f  1^109,383  Sterling.  Trojy.  ;  ^. 

To  fo 
it  is  suf 

Total  expe 

that  of 
The  nur 
to    1800 
bariiels  < 
rals  to 
shall  fin 
viduals  i 
of   the  > 
is  entru 
of  60,00 

v . 



CHAP.  XI.3         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN-       201 

To  form  an  idea  of  the  enormous  advances 

required   in  working  the  mine  of  Valencianay 

it  is  sufficient  here    to    mention,    that   in  its 

present  state,  there  must  be  laid  out  annually  y 

C  In  wages  of  miners,  triers,  n^sons, 
ivres.   I      ^^^  other  workmen  employed  in 

8,400,000)      »u       • 
»      '^^f      the  mme. 

( In  powder,  tallow,  wood,  leather, 
],100,000<      steel,  and  other  materials  neccs- 
/      sary  in  mining. 

Total  expence  4,500,000* 

The  consumption  of  powder  alone  has 
amounted  to  400,000  livres  annually  f;  and 
that  of  the  steel  destined  to  the  makiiig  of 
pointroles  and  fimrets  to  150,000  livres,J 
The  number  of  workmen  who  labour  io  th^ 
interior  of  the  mine  of  Yaleuciana  amounts 
to  1800.  Adding  1300  individuals  (men, 
women,  and  children)  who  labour  at  the 
baritek  a  chevawf,  in  the  carriage  of  mine- 
rals to  the  places  where  they  are  tried,  we 
shall  find  three  thousand  one  hundred  indi- 
viduals are  employed  in  the  different  operations 
of  the  mine.  The  direction  of  the  min^ 
is  entrusted  to  an  administrator  with  a  salary 
of  60,000§  francs.     This  administrator,  who  is 

*  iff  1S7,515  Sterling.    Tram, 
:■'-    t  1^16,668  Sterling.     Trans, 
%  £6260  Sterling.     Trans, 
§  £2300  Sterling.     Trans. 


202       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  ly. 

under  the  oontroul  of  no  one,  has  under  his 
orders  an  overseer  (obersteiger,  minero)  the 
under  overseers  {untersteigeVf  sottomineros)  and 
and  nine  master  miners  (mandones).  These 
head  people  daily  visit  the  subterraneous 
operations,  carried  by  men*  who  have  a  sort 
of  a  saddle  fastened  on  their  backs,  and 
who  go  by  the  name  of  little  horses  (caval- 

We  shall  conclude  this  account  of  the  mine 
of  Valenciana,  with  a  comparative  table  of 
the  state  of  this  Mexican  work,  and  of  that 
of  the  celebrated  mine  of  Himmelsfurstf,  in 
the  district  of  Freiberg.  I  flatter  myself 
that  this  table  will  fix  the  attention  of  those 
who  consider  the  study  of  the  management  of 
mines  as  an  important  object  in  political  eco- 

*  For  the  extraordinary  manner  of  travelling  on  men's 
backs,  see  my  Vues  des  Cerdilleres.    PI.  v. 

t  Whatever  relates  to  this  mine  (in  the  following  ta- 
ble) which  I  have  frequently  had  occasion  to  visit  in 
in  1791,  is  taken  from  the  work  of  ^.  Daubumon,  t.  iii. 
p.  6— 45. 

i.. , 

CMAP.  X.  ]        KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN. 


Comparative  table   of  the  mines  of   America 

and   Europe. 

Average  year  at  the 
end  of  the  eighteenth 




Mine  of  Valcnciana ; 
the  richest  of  the 
Mexican  Mines. 
At  the  surface,  2320 
metres  above  the  level 
of  the  sea. 

360000  marcs  of 

5000000    livres 



Mine  of  Himmelsrurst, 
the  richest  of  the 
Saxon  Mines. 

At  the  suifacc,  410 
metres  above  the  level 
of  the  sea. 

10000  marcs  of  sil- 

24<XXX)  livres  Tour- 


Total  expenccii  of? 

the  mme  -    -  j 

'^  sh^:  hoUe*1  »■««>.«««  «""       «»«> «"" 

The  quintalof  mi- 
nerals contain- }-  4>  ounces 
ed  in  silver 

fFrom    «    *T    7 

1^  ounces  su  jr 

3100  Indians  and  "v  700  miners,of whom 

Mestizoes  ISOOoff 
whom  are  in  the  i 
interior  of  the  J 

From     4*   to     6 
livres  Tournois 
r  400000     livres 
Expenceof  powder  <  Tournois  (near 

(.ly  1600  qmntals; 

Number  of  work- 

Wages  of  the  mi- 

550  are 






18  sous 

27000  livres  Tour- 
nois (nearly  270 

Quantity  of  rni-  ") 

nerals  smelted  C  720,000  quintals       14000  quintals 

and     amalga-  ) 



/  A  vein  frequent-  "\ 
i     ly  divides  into  i  Five       principal 
1     thin    branches  (veins,  from  two 
■/     of  from  40  to  ^'to  three  decime- 
i     50   metres  of  itres  of  extent  (in 
I     extent  (in  c/oy  jgnef^ss) 
\    slate)  "^ 

C  Eight  cubic  ieet 
)  per  minute.  Two 
"l  hydrauliciil 
^  wheels 
Depth  cf  the  mine  514  metres  380  metres 


No  water 

204       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE        [book  iv. 

They  reckoned  in  1803  in  the  whole  dis- 
trict of  mines  of  Guanaxuato,  five  thousand 
miners  and  workmen  employed  in  trying  the 
minerals,  in  smelting,  and  amalgamating*; 
Eighteen  hundred  and  ninety-six  arastrasy  or 
machines  for  reducing  the  minerals  into  powder, 
and  fourteen  thousand  six  hundred  and 
eighteeji  mules  destined  to  move  the  baritels, 
and  to  tread  in  the  place  of  amalgamation, 
the  flour  of  the  minerals  mixed  with  mercury^ 
The  arastras  of  the  town  of  Guanaxuato  hrny, 
when  there  is  an  abundance  of  mercury, 
eleven  thousand  three  hundred  and  seventy 
quintals  of  minerals  per  day.  If  we  recollect 
that  the  produce  in  silver  is  finr;!*?^^  from 
6  to  600,000  marcs,  we  shall  find,  by  this 
datum,  that  the  mean  contents  of  the  mine- 
rals are   extremely   small. 

The  celebrated  mine$  of  Zacatecas,  which 
Robertson*,  from  what  motive  I  know  not, 
calls  Sacotecas  are,  as  we  have  already  ob- 
served older  than  the  mines  of  Guanaxuato. 
They  began  to  he  worked  immediately  after 
the  veins  of  Tasco,  Zultepeque,  Tlapujah?;! 
a]i4  Paehuca.  They  are  situated  on  t]  ^^ 
central  table  land  of  the  Cordilleras,  which 
lowers  rapidly  towards  New  Biscay,  and 
towards  the  basin  of  the  Rio  del  Norte.    Tb« 




*  Histwy  tf  America,    Vol.  ii.  p«  389. 

CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       905 

climate  of  Zacatecas,  as  well  as  that  of  C^ 
torce    is   much    colder    than    the    climate    of 
Guanaxuato  and  Mexico.      Barometrical  mea- 
surements   will    one    day   determine  whether 
this   difference  is  owing"  to   a   more    northern 
position,  or  to  the  elevation  of  the  mountains. 
The   nature  of    the  former   has  been  exa- 
mined by  two   very    intelligent   mineralogists^ 
M.  M.  Sonneschmidtf   and  Valencia,  the  one  a 
Saxon,  and  the  other  a   Mexican.     Froihthe 
whole  of    their    observations  it   appears,  that 
the  distiict  of  mines  of  Zacatecas  bears  great 
resemblance  in  its   geological   constitution,   to 
that  of  Guanaxuato.     The  oldest  rocks  which 
appear   at  the  surface  are   syenitic;  and  cla^ 
slate  reposes  on  them,    which   from  the  beds 
of  Lydian    stone,    grauwakke,   and  greenstone 
which    it     contains,    has    a    resemblance     to 
transition  clay  slate.      The   most   part   of  the 
vein»    of   Zacatecas    are    found    m  this    clay 
slate.     The    veta  grande,    or    principal   vein, 
has  the  same  direction  as  the  veta  madre  of 
Guanaxuato;   the  others    are    generally   in    a^ 
direction   from    east   to  west.f     A  porphyry 
destitute  of  metals,    and  forming  those  naked 

■  .       ....    ■■'■  ■:  j' 

*  Beschre^ng  der  Bergwerh^refiere  van  Mexico,  jp.  169 
-^237.  Descripcion  geognostica  del  reed  de  ZaoatesaSf  par 
Don  Vicente  Valencia,  (M.  S.) 

f  Sobre  la  formactoa  de  las  vetas,  pdr  Doa  A^dfes 
del  Rios.   (Gageta  de  Mexico.)  T.xK  n.  5K  '^ 



206       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  iv 

and  perpendicular  rocks  which  the  nativefi 
call  buff  as,  covers  in  many  places  the  clay 
slate,  especially  on  the  side  of  the  Villu  de 
Xeres,  where  a  mountain  rises  in  the  midst 
of  these  porphyritic  formations,  in  the  form 
of  a  bell,  the  basaltic  cone  of  the  Campana 
de  Xeres*  Among  the  secoiidary  rocks  of 
Zacatecas  we  observe,  near  the  amalgamation 
works  oilaSauceda,  compact  limestone, in -which 
Mr.  Son^eschmidt  also  discovered  Lydian  stone, 
an  o\^  freestone  {urf el scoiiglomcr at)  containing 
fragm£nts  of  granite*,  and  a  clayey  and 
,  >lspar  agglomeration  which  is  easily  confounded 
Aih  the  yrauwakke  of  the  German  mineralo- 
gists. The  presence  of  the  Lydian  stone, 
•with  limestone,  might  tempt  us  to  believe- 
that  this  last  rock  belongs  to  transition  lime- 
stone (uberganys  kalkstein)  which  appears  at 
the  surface  in  the  Cerro  de  la  Tinaja,  eight 
leagues  to  the  north  of  Zacatecas;  but  I 
must  observe  here,  that  on  the  coast  of  South 
America,  near  the  Morro  of  New  Barcelona, 
I  found  kiesel  slate  forming  subordinate  be<ls 
in  a  limestone  which  was  undoubtedly  secon- 
dary. --''  ■  ■  •  .  ^rr^  ■  -^:''r  ^'  ^■:-:?^^^. 
The  savage  aspect  of  the  metalliferous  moun- 
tains of  Zacatecas,  are  a  singular  contrast  to 
the  g^eat  wealth  of  the  veins  which  they  con- 

*  In  the  Ravin  leading  from  Zacatecas   to    the  con* 
fent  of  Guadalupe.  *'*    <•'" 

€MAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        207 

tain,  This  wealth  is  displayed,  and  the  fact 
is  very  remarkable,  not  in  the  ravins,  and  where 
the  veins  run  along  the  gentle  slope  of  the 
mountains,  but  most  frequently  on  the  most 
elevated  summits,  on  points  where  the  surface 
appears  to  have  been  tumultuously  torn,  in  the 
antient  revolutions  of  the  globe.  The  mines 
ot  Zacatecas  produce  yearly  at  an  average, 
from  2500  to  3000  bars  of  silver,  at  134  marcs 
each*.  ..  .-•  -'    •■  ■  ■  ■•  • '  ••:!:■' 

The  mass  of  the  veins  of  this  districtt  con  • 
tains  a  great  variety  of  metals,  viz :  quartz^ 
splintery  hornstone,  calcareous  spar,  a  little  of 
the  sulfate  of  bary te  and  brown  spar  ;  prismatic 
black  silver  called  in  the  country  azul  ace- 
rado  ;  sulfuretted  silver,  (azul  plomilloso)  mixed 
with  native  silver;  fuligenous  silver  (the  silber- 
schwdrtze  of  the  Germans,  polvorilla  of  the 
Mexicans) ;  pearl  grey,  blue,  violet,  and  leek 
green  muriated  silver,  (plata  ])arda  azul  y  verde) 
at  very  inconsiderable  depths,  a  little  red  silver 
(petlanyue  or  rosicler) ;  and  native  gold,  parti- ' 

*  From  219,866  to  263,839  lib.  Troy.    Trans. 

f  Sonneschmidt,  p.  185.  The  minerals  called  by  the  in- 
habitants of  Zacatecas  copalillo,  metal  cenizo,  and  metal  a%ul 
de  pldtUf  appear  to  this  mineralogist  mixtures  of  galena, 
sulfuretted  silver,  and  native  silver.  I  have  thought  proper 
to  insert  these  synonimes  of  the  Mexican  minerals,  be- 
cause their  knowledge  is  very  important  to  the  mineralo- 
gical  traveller.  See  Garces,  Nueva  Tlieoria  del  benejcio  de 
hs  mctakft  P<  87, 124,  ftad  138. 



^08        POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  L»ooit  ir. 

ciilarly  to  the  south  west  of  the  town  of  Za- 
catecas;  argentiferous  sulfuretted  lead  (soroche 
plomosa  reluciente  y  tescatete)  5  carbonated  lead; 
black,  brown,  and  yellow  sulfuretted  zinc,  (esto- 
raque  and  ojo  de  vivora)  ;  pyrite  of  cop]>er  and 
iron  (bronze  nochistley  or  dorado^  and  bronze 
chino)  ;  magnetical  oxydula ted  iron;  blue  and 
green  carbonated  copper,  and  sulfuretted  anti- 
mony. The  most  abundant  metals  of  the  ce- 
lebrated vein  called  the  veta  (frande^  are  pris- 
matic black  silver  {sprodtflaserz),  sulfuretted  ro 
vitreous  silver,  mixed  with  native  silver  and 
$ilberschwarze,  '         '■''■  '^^^ 

The  Intendancy  of  Zacatecas  contains  ihe 
mines  of  Fresnillo,  and  those  of  Sombret^ete, 
The  former  are  very  feebly  wrought,  and  are 
situated  in  an  insulated  group  of  motitttahis^ 
which  rise  above  the  plains  of  the  central  table 
laiwL  These  plains  are  covered  with  porphy- 
ritic  formations;  but  the  metalliferous  gfronp 
itself  is  composed  of  tfrauwakke.  According  to 
the  observation  of  M.  Sonneschmidt,  the  rock 
is  traversed  there  by  an  innumerable  quantity 
of  veins,  rich  in  grey  and  green  mtiriated  silver. 

'liiC  mines  of  Sombrerete  have  become  cele- 
brated, from  the  immense  riches  of  the  vein, 
of  the  veta  negra,  which  in  the  space  of  a  few 
months  left  to  the  family  of  Fagoaga,  (Mar- 
ques del  Apartado)  a  net  profit  of  more  than 

CHAP.  XL]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       209 

520  millions  of  livres  touniois*.  The  most  part 
of  these  veins  are  found  in  a  compact  linie- 
8tone,  which  contains  like  that  of  the  Sauceda 
kiesel  slate,  and  lydian  stone.  The  dull 
red  silver  particularly  abounds  in  this  district 
of  mines ;  and  it  has  been  seen  to  form  the 
whole  mass  of  the  veins  which  have  Hiore 
than  a  metre  in  extentf  (puissance).  Near 
Sombrerete  the  mountains  of  secondary  calca- 
reous formation,  rise  much  above  the  porphy- 
ritic  mountains.  The  Cerro  de  Papanton  ap- 
pears to  be  more  than  3400  metres  J,  above 
the  level   of  the  sea. 

The  mineral  depository  of  Catorce,  holds  at 
present  the  second  or  third  rank  amon|^  the 
mines  of  New  Spain,  classing  them  according 
to  the  quantity  of  silver  which  they  produce. 
It  was  only  discovered  hi  the  year  1778.  This 
discovery,  and  that  of  the  veins  of  Gualgayoc, 
in  Peru,  vulgarly  called  the  veins  of  Chota, 
are  the  most  interesting  in  the  history  of  the 
mines  of  Spanish  America,  for  the  last  two 
centuries.  The  small  town  of  Catorce,  the 
true  name  of  which  is  la  Purissima  Concept 
cion  de  Alamos  de  Catorce;  is  situated  on  the 
calcareous  table  land,  which  declines  towards 
the    nuevo    reyno    de    Leon,  and  towards  the 

*  je  833,400  Sterling.     Trans, 

f  More  than  3  feet  3  inches.    Trans, 

X  11,184  feet.    Trans. 
VOL.    Ill,  P 

210       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  it. 

province  of  New  Santander.     From  the  bosom 
of  these   tnoiintains    *   of  secondary   compact 
limestone,  masses  of  basalt,  and  porous  amygda- 
loid rise  up  as  in  the  Vicentin,  which  resemble 
volcanic   productions,   and   which   contain   oli- 
vine,  zeolite,  and    obsidian.     A  great  number 
of  veins   of  small  extent,  and  very  variable  in 
their   breatlth  an<l  direction,  traverse  the  lime- 
stone, which  itself  covers  a  transition  clay  state  ; 
and  the  latter  perhaps  is  superimposed  to  the  sye- 
nitic  rock  of  the  Buffa  del  Fraile.    The  greatest 
number  of  these  veins  are  western  (spathgdnye) ; 
and  their  inclination  is  from  25"  to  30°  towards 
the    north   east.f      The  minerals   which  form 
the    fjam/ue  are  generally  found  in  a  state  of 
decomposition.   They  are  wrought  with  the  mat- 
lock,  the  pickaxe,  and  with  the  hore,(pointrole.) 
The  consumption  of  powder  is  much  less  than  at 
Guanaxuato,  and  at  Zacatecas.    These   mines 
possess  also  the  great  advantage  of  being  almost 
entirely  dry,  so  that  they  have  no  need  of  costly 
machines  to  draw  off  the  water. 

In  1773,  Sebastian  Coronado,  and  Antonio 
Oanas,  two  very  poor  individuals,  discovered 
veins  in  a  situation  now  called  Cerro  de  Ca- 
torce  ViejOf  on  the  western  slope   of  the  Pp' 

^  Near  the  mine  del  Padre  Flores,  and  on  the  road 
from  San  Ramon  to  Catorce,  ( Sonneschmidt,  p.  279.) 

f  Descripcion  del  Real  de  Catorce,  pw  Don  Jose  Manuef 
Gonzales  Cueto,  1800  (Manuscript). 

'I  I 

CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW   SPAIN-       211 

chaco  de  la  Variga  de  Plata.  Tliey  begun  to 
work  these  veins,  which  were  poor  and  in- 
constant in  their  produce.  In  1778,  Don  Bar- 
nabe  Antonio  de  Zepeda,  a  miner  of  the  Ojo 
del  Affua  de  Matchuala,  went  over  during  three 
months,  this  group  of  arid  and  calcareous 
mountains.  After  attentively  examining  the 
ravins,  he  was  fortunate  enough  to  find  the 
crest  or  surface  of  the  veta  grande,  on 
which  he  immediately  dug  the  pit  of  Guada* 
lupe.  He  drew  from  it  an  immense  quantity 
of  muriated  silver,  and  colorados  mixed  with 
native  gold;  and  he  gained  in  a  short  time 
more  than  half  a  million  of  piastres*.  From 
that  period,  the  mines  of  Catorce  were  wrought 
with  the  greatest  activity.  That  of  Padre 
F lores  alone  produced  in  the  first  year  1,600,000 
piastresf ;  but  the  vein  only  displayed  great 
riches  from  50  to  150  metresf  of  perpendicular 
depth.  The  famous  mine  of  Purissima  belonging 
.  to  Colonel  Obregon,  has  scarcely  ever  ceased 
since  1788,  to  yield  annually  a  net  profit  of 
200,000  piastres§;  and  its  produce  in  1796 
amounted  to  1,200,000  piastres,  while  the  ex- 
pences  of  working  did  not  amount  to  more  than 
80,000.     The  vein  of  Purissima,  which  is  not 






i-f  I . 

•  iff  109,385  sterlings    Trans. 
f  Upwards  of  jfi  350,000  sterling.    Tram*- 
X  From  164- to  328  feet.     Trans, 
J  it  43,752  sterling.    Trans, 
P  2 

iil'i        POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  iv. 

the  same  with  that  of  Padre  Flores,  sometime  s 
reaches  the  extraordinary  extent  of  40  metres*  ; 
unci  it  ^\HH  worked  in  1802,  to  the  depth  of 
180  metresf.  Since  1798,  the  value  of  the 
minerals  of  Catorce  has  singularly  diminished ; 
the  native  silver  is  now  rarely  to  be  seen; 
and  the  metalcs  colorados,  which  are  an  inti- 
mate mixture  of  muriated  silver,  earthy  car- 
bonated lead,  and  red  ocre,  begin  to  g'ive  place 
to  pyritous  and  coppery  minerals.  The  actual 
produce  of  these  mines  is  nearly  400,000  marcs 
of  silver  annually. J 

The  mines  of  Pachuca,  Real  del  Monte,  and 
Moran,  are  highly  celebrated  for  their  antiquity, 
their  wealth,  dnd  their  proximity  to  the  capital. 
Since  the  beginning  of  the  eighteenth  century, 
the  vein  of  la  Biscaina,  or  Real  del  Monte, 
has  alone  been  wrought  with  activity.  The 
working:  of  the  mines  of  Moran  was  onlv 
resumed  within  these  few  years;  and  the  mi- 
neral depository  oi  Pachuca,  one  of  the  richest 
of  all  America,  has  been  wholly  abandoned 
since  the  terrible  iire  which  took  place  in  the 
famous  mine  del  Encino,  which  alone  furnished 
more  than  30,000  marrs  of  silver  annually §. 
The  wooden  work  whic^i  supported  the  roof 

*  131  feet.    Tram, 
f  1574  feet.   Trans.        .  '   '■■ 
j  262,526  lib.  Troy.     Trans, 
i  19,689  lb.  Troy.     Trans^ 

CHAP.  XI.]        KINGDOM   OF   NEW  SPAIN.       'il-i 

of  the  galeries  was  consumed  by  fire,  and  the 
greatest  number  of  the  miners  were  suffocated 
before  being  able  to  reach  the  pit.  A  similar 
conflagration  in  1787,  put  a  stop  to  the  work- 
ing of  the  mines  of  Bolafios,  which  were  only 
again  begun  to  be  cleared  out  in  1792.      ,  . ., 

The  valley  of  Mexico  is  separated  from  the 
basin  of  Totonilco  el  Grande,  by  a  chain  of  por- 
phyritic  mountains,  of  which  the  highest  summit* 
is  the  peak  of  the  Jacal,  elevated  according 
to  my  measurement  with  the  assistance  of  the 
barometer,  3124  metresf  above  the  level  of  the 
sea.  This  porphyry  serves  for  base  to  the 
porous  amygdaloid,  which  sm*rounds  the  lakes 
of  Tezcuco,  Zumpango,  and  San  Christobal. 
It  seems  to  be  of  the  same  formation  with 
that,  which  in  the  road  from  Mexico  to  Aca- 
pulco,  immediately  covers  the  (granite  between 
Sopilote  and  Chilpansingo,  near  the  village  of 
Acaguisotla,  and  FAito  de  los  Caxones.  To 
the  north  east  of  the  district  of  Real  del 
Monte,  the  porphyry  is  at  first  concealed  under 
the  columnar  basalt  of  the  farm  of  Regla,  and 
farther  on  in  the  valley  of  Totonilco,  under 
beds  of  secondary  formation.  The  Alpine  lime^ 
stone  of  a  greyish  blue,  in  which  is  the  famous 
cavern  of  Danto,  called  also  the  pierced  mouu- 


'  '?■ 

*  See  my  Nivellement  Barometrique,^.  40— 42n,  290 — 312. 
t  10,248  feet.    Tram. 



21  «       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv, 

tain,  or  the  bridge  of  the  Mother  of  God*,  seems 
to  repose  immediately  on  the  porphyry  of  Moran. 
ft  contains  near  the  Puerto  de  la  Mesa,  veins 
of  galena,  and  we  find  it  covered  with  three 
other  formations  of  not  so  old  an  origin,  which 
naming  them  in  the  order  of  their  superposition, 
are  the  Jura  limestone,  near  the  baths  of  Toto- 
nilco,  the  shte-free-stone  of  Amojaque,  and  a 
(jifps  of  secondnri/ formation  mixed  with  clay. 
The  position  of  these  secondary  rocks  which  I 
carefully  observed,  is  so  much  the  more  remark- 
able, as  it  is  the  same  with  that  which  has 
been  discovered  in  the  Old  Continent,  accord- 
ing to  the  excellent  bbsei-vations  of  M.  M.  de 
Buch  and  Freiesleben.        >        '  >      .»    - 

The  mountains  of  the  district  of  mines  of 
Real  del  Monte,  contain  beds  of  porphyry, 
which  with  respect  to  their  relative  «*'  'Ui7y, 
differ  a  good  deal  from  one  another.  1.  -  *ock 
which  forms  the  roof  and  the  wall  of  the  ar- 
gentiferous veins,  is  a  decomposed  porphyry 
of  which  the  base  sometimes  appears  clayey, 
and  sometimes  analogous  to  the  splintery  horn- 
stone.  The  presence  of  hornblend  is  frequently 
announced,  merely  by  greenish  stains  inter- 
mingled with  common  and  vitreous  felspar.  At 
very  great  elevations,  for  example,  in  the  beau- 
tiful forest  of    oak   and  pine  of  Oyamel,  we 

*  Puente  de  la  Madre  de  Diot. 

CHAP.  XL]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN-       215 

find  porphyries  with  a  base  of  p.^arlcd  stone , 
containing  bedded  and  reniform  obsidian  {en 
couches  et  en  ro^nons)* 

What  relation  exists  between  these  hist  beds> 
which  several  distinguished  mineralogists  coii' 
sider  as  volcanic  productions,  and  the  porphy- 
ries of  Pachuca,  Real  del  Monte,  and  Moran, 
in  which  nature  has  deposited  enormous  masses 
of  sulfuretted  silver  and  argentiferous  pyrites? 
This  problem  which  is  one  of  the  most  diffi- 
cult in  geology,  will  only  be  resolved  when 
a  great  number  of  zealous  and  intelligent  tra- 
vellers, shall  have  gone  over  the  Mexican  Cor- 
dilleras, and  carefully  studied  the  immense  va- 
riety of  porphyries  which  are  destitute  of  quartz, 
and  which  auound  both  in  hornblend  and  vi- 
treous felspar. 

The  district  of  mines  of  Real  del  Monte, 
does  not  display  as  at  Freiberg  in  Saxony,  Derby- 
shire in  England,  or  as  in  the  mountains  of 
Zimapan  and  Tasco  in  New  Spain,  a  great 
number  of  rich  veins  of  small  extent,  on  a 
fimall  tract  of  ground.  It  rather  resembles 
the  mountains  of  the  Hartz,  and  Schemnitz 
in  Europe,  or  those  of  Guanaxuato  and  Potosi, 
in  America,  of  which  the  riches  are  contained 
in  a  few  mineral  depositions  of  very  consi- 
derable dimensions.  The  four  veins  of  Bis- 
caina,  Rosario,  Cabrera,  and  Encmo,  run  through 
the  districts  of  Real  del  IVfonte,  from  Moran 


'4.    " 


■  »  ■ 

216       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  m 

and  Pachiica,  at  extraordinary  distances,  with- 
out changing  their  direction,  and  ahnost  with- 
out coming-  in  contact  with  other  vein»  which 
trp.' erse  or  derange  them. 

The  vela  de  li  Biscaina  not  so  extensive,  but 
perhaps  still  richer  than  the  vein  of  Guanaxu- 
ato,  was  successfully  wrought  from  the  sixteenth 
to   the   beginning   of  the   eighteenth   century. 
In   1726  and  1727,  the  two  mines  of  Biscaina 
and  Xacal,  still  produced  together  542,700  marcs 
of  silver*.     The  great  quantity  of  water  which 
nitrated  through   the   cr^^vices   of  the   porphy- 
ritic  rock,  joined  to   the   imperfection   of   the 
means  of  drawing  it  off,  compelled  the  miners 
to   abandon   the   works   when    they  were   yet 
only  120  metresf  in  depth.     A  very  enterprising 
individual,  Don  Joseph  Alexandre  Bustamente, 
was    cour-^geous   enough   to  undertake  a  level 
near  Moran;    but   he   died  before    completing 
this    great    work,  which    is    2352    metresj  in 
length  from  its  mouth,  to  the    point  where  it 
crosses  the  vein  de  la  Biscaina,     The  direction 
of  this  vein  is  hor.  6;  and  its  inclinaiion  is  85" 
to  the  south:  its  extent    is   from    four   to  six 
metres§.     The    direction  of  the    porphyry  of 
this  district  is  generally  hor.  7-8,  with  an  incli- 

*  356,1 82  lib.  Troy.    Trans.  ^ 

t  393  feet.    Trans. 

i  7715  feet.    Trans. 

j  From  13  to  19  feet.    Trans. 

CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       217 

nation  of  60"  to  the  north  east,  particularly 
in  the  road  from  Pacliuca  to  Real  del  Monte, 
the  level  is  at  first  cut  throui>*h  the  solid  rock, 
{quer^cJilagsweise)  in  a  dircrtion  of  hor.  7,  to- 
wards the  west;  but  farther  on  it  takes  its 
way  over  three  different  veins,  hor.  11-12  of 
which  one  alone  the  veta  de  h  Soledad*,  has 
furnished  a  sufficiency  of  silver  minerals  to 
pay  all  the  expences  of  the  undertaking".  The 
level  was  only  finished  in  1762,  by  Don  Pedro 
Tereros,  the  partner  of  Bustamente.  The  for- 
i\!e;'  known  by  the  title  of  Count  de  Rej^la, 
as  one  of  the  richest  men  of  his  age,  had  al- 
ready drawn  in  1774,  a  net  profit  of  more  than 
25  millions  of  livres  tournoisf ,  from  the  mine 
of  Biscaina.  Besides  the  two  ships  of  war  which 
he  presented  to  King  Charles  the  Third,  one  of 
them  of  120  guns,  he  lent  five  millions  of  francs  J 
to  the  Court  of  Madrid,  which  have  never  yet 
been  repaid  him.  He  erected  the  great  amalga- 
mation work  of  Regla,  at  an  expence  of  10  mil- 
lions§ ;  and  he  purchased  estates  of  an  immense 

*  It  is  believed  that  this  vein  is  the  same  with  that  which 
M.  D*Elhuyar,  began  to  work  in  the  pit  of  Cambrera,  at 
Moran.  It  appeared  to  me  however  that  tho  vd'o  d-  Ca- 
brera, is  rather  the  same  with  that  of  Santa  Brigtda,  and 
that  its  principal  w.alth  is  to  be  found  in  following  it 
towards  the  mine  *  if  Jesus. 

t  jC  1,04.1,750  Sterling.    Trans, 

i  jf  208,350  Sterling.     Trans. 

5  jg  416,700  Sterling.     2'ratis, 



218       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

extent,  and  left  a  fortune  to  his  cliildren,  which 
has  only  been  equalled  in  Mexico,  by  that  of 
the  Count  de  la  Valenciana. 

The  level  of  Moran  traverses  the  vein  of  la 
Biscaina,  in  the  pit  of  San  Ramon,  at  a  depth 
of  210  metres*,  below  the  level  of  the  surface, 
on  which  the  baritels  a  chevaux  are  placed. 
The  profit  of  the  proprietor  has  been  annually 
diminishing  since  1774.  In  place  of  cutting" 
^aleries  of  investigation,  to  discover  the  vein 
on  a  great  extent,  they  continued  their  sinking 
operations  to  a  depth  of  97  metres  below  the 
levelf.  At  that  depth,  the  vein  preserved  its 
great  wealth  in  sulfuretted  silver,  mixed  with  na- 
tive silver,  but  the  abundance  of  water  increased 
to  such  a  degree,  that  28  baritels,  each  of  which 
required  more  than  40  horses,  were  not  suffi-> 
cient  to  draw  it  off.  In  1783,  the  weekly  ex- 
pence  amounted  to  45,000  francs  J.  After  the 
death  of  the  old  Count  de  Regla,  the  works 
were  suspended  till  1791,  when  they  ventured 
to  re-establish  all  the  baritels.  The  expence 
of  these  machines  which  drew  up  the  water, 
not  by  means  oi  pumps,hni  by  bags  suspended 
to  ropes,  then  amounted  to  more  than  750,000 
francs  per  annum  §.     At  length   they  reached 

*  688  feet.    Trans, 

t  317  feet.     Trana. 

i  rf  1875  Sterling.     Trans. 

§  iiS  31,252  Sterling.     Trans, 

CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       219 

the  deepest  point  of  the  mine,  which  according 
tO'iny  measurements*  is  only  324  metresf  above 
the  level  of  the  lake  of  Zumpango;  but  the 
minerals  which  they  extracted  did  not  com- 
pensate the  expence  of  the  process,  and  the 
mine  was  again  abandoned  in  1801. 

It  is  surprizing  that  they  never  thought  of 
substituting  to  this  wretched  plan  of  drawing 
off  the  water  by  bags,  proper  pump  apparatus, 
put  in  motion  by  horse  haritelsj  by  hydraulical 
wheels,  or  by  machines  moved  by  a  column  of 
water  (colonne  d'eau),  A  level  begun  at  Pachuca, 
or  lower  down  towards  Gazave  in  the  valley  of 
Mexico,  would  have  exhausted  the  mine  of  Bis- 
caina  at  the  pit  of  San  Ramon,  for  a  depth  of  370 
metres  J.  The  same  object  could  be  attained  at 
less  expence,  by  following  the  project  of  M.D*El- 
huyar,  in  placing  the  mouth  of  a  new  level  near 
Omitlan,  in  the  road  which  leads  from  Moran,  to 
the   place    of  amalg-amation   at   Regla.     ThidI 

*  I  found  the  ui>«*1utc  height  of  the  lake  of  Zumpango, 
2284  metres  (74-92  feet.  Truus.,\  the  pit  of  Ilaraon  2815 
metres  (9233  feet.  Trans.) ;  now  the  deepest  point  of  the 
mine  of  Biscaina  is  307  metres  ',1006  feet.  Trans.;  below 
the  upper  mouth  of  the  pit.  I  insert  these  esults  here, 
because  in  the  country  it  is  generally  believed,  that  the 
works  of  the  Real  del  Monte,  have  already  reached  the 
.level  of  the  salt  lake  of  Tezcuco. 

t  1062  feet.     TranSs 

X  1213  feet.    Trans. 

.  i'H 

220       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

last    level    before   reaching    3800    metres  *  in 
length,  would  cut  the  vein  of  Biscaina. 

The  very  wise  plan  which  the  Count  de  Regla 
at  present  follows  is,  to  leave  off  the  clearing  of 
the  old  works,  and  to  examine  the  mineral 
depository,  in  points  where  it  has  never  yet 
been  worked  (in  unverfahrenem  Jelde).  In 
studyii»^'  at  Real  del  Monte,  the  surface  and 
undulations  of  the  ground,  we  observe  that  the 
vein  of  Biscaina  has  furnished  for  three  cen- 
turies its  grejitest  riches  on  a  single  point, 
that  is  to  say,  in  a  natural  deepening  (etifonce- 
ment)  contained  between  the  pits  of  Dolores, 
Joya,  San  Cayetano,  Santa  Teresa,  and  Gauda- 
lupe.  The  pit  from  which  the  greatest  quan- 
tity of  silver  minerals  has  been  extracted,  is  that 
of  Santa  Teresa.  To  the  east  and  west  of 
this  central  point,  the  vein  is  strangle  for  a 
distance  of  more  than  400  metresf.'  It  pre- 
serves its  primitive  direction,  but  being  des- 
titute of  metals,  it  is  reduced  to  an  almost 
imperceptible  vein.  For  a  long  time  it  was 
believed  that  the  vein  of  Biscaina  was  in- 
sensibly lost  in  the  rock ;  but  they  discovered 
in  1798  very  rich  metals,  at  a  distance  of 
more  than  500  metresj,  to  the  east  and  west 
of  the  centre   of  the    old   works.     They  then 

*  12,466  feet.     Trans, 
t  1312  feet.    Trans. 
X  1640  feet.    Trons. 

CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       221 

sunk  the  pits  of  San  Ramon  and  San  Pe- 
dro; and  they  discovered  that  the  vein  re- 
sumed its  old  power,  and  that  an  immense 
field  was  opened  to  new  undertakings.  When 
I  visited  the  mines  in  the  month  of  May 
1803,  the  pit  of  San  Ramon  was  only  then  30 
metres  in  depth*;  and  it  will  be  nearly  240 
metresf  to  the  bottom  of  the  level  of  Moran, 
which  is  itself  still  distant  45  metresj  from 
the  point  which  corresponds  to  the  intersection 
of  the  new  pit,  and  the  roof  of  the  level.  In 
its  present  state,  the  mine  of  the  Count  de 
Regla,  annually  yields  more  than  from  50  to 
60,000  marcs  of  silver §. 

The  vein  of  Biscaina  contains  in  the  points 
of  the  principal  mines,  lacteous  quartz,  which 
frequently  passes  into  splintery  hornstone,  ame- 
thyst, carbonate  of  lime,  a  little  of  sulfate  of 
barytes,  sulfuretted  silver  mixed  with  native 
silver,  and  sometimes  prismatic  black  silver 
(sprod(f laser z),  dull  red  silver,  galena  and  py- 
rites of  iron  and  copper.  These  same  silver 
minerals  are  found  near  the  surface  of  the 
ground  in  a  state  of  decomposition,  and  mixed 
with  oxide  of  iron,  like  the  pacos  of  Peru. 
Near  the  pit  of    San    Pedro,   the  pyrites  are 

♦  98  feet.     Trans, 

t  787  feet.    Trans. 

%  147  feet.    Trans. 

§  From  32,815  to  39,378  lb.  Troy.  Trans. 

222       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  m 

sometimes  richer  in   silver  than  the  mine  of 
sulfuretted  silver. 

The  mines  of  Moran   formerly  of  great  ce- 
lebrity, have  been   abandoned  for    40  years, 
on  account  of  the  abundance  of  water  which 
they   could  not  draw  off.     In  this  district  of 
mines,  which  is  in  the  vicinity  of  that  of  Real 
del  Monte,  near  the  mouth  of  the  great  level 
of  Biscaina,  there   was  placed  in   1801  a  ma- 
chine  d  colonne  d'eau,  of  which  the   cylinder 
is    26  centimetres  in  height,  and  16  in  dia- 
meter*.    This  machine    the  first  of  the  kind 
ever  constructed  in  America,  is  much  superior 
to  those   of  the  mines   of   Hungary.     It  was 
executed  agreeably  to  the  calculations  and  plans 
of  M.  del  Rio,  professor  of  mineralogy  in  Mexico, 
who  has  visited  the  most  celebrated  mines  of 
Europe,  and   who   possesses  at  once  the  most 
solid    and    various  acquisitions.     The  merit  of 
the  execution  is  due  to  M.  Lachaussee  a  Bra- 
bant artist  of  great  talents,  who  has  also  fitted 
up  for  the  school  of  mines  of  Mexico,  a  very 
remarkable  collection  of  models,  for  the  use  of 
students    of  mechanics  and  hydrodunamicksf . 
.It  is  to  be  regretted  that  this  fine  machine,  in 
which  the  regulator  of  the  suckers;!:  is  put  in 

*  10.23  by  6.29  inches.    Trans. 
t  See  Vol.  i  p.  216. 
%  DtliuSftUs  mines  de  /ScAemni/^,  edition  of  M.  Schreiber, 
f  591. 

CHAP.  XL]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       223 

motion  by  a  particular  mechanism^  was  placed 
in  a  situation  where  there  is  great  difficult  yn 
procuring  a  sufficiency  of  water  to  keep  it  going. 
When  I  was  at  Moran,  the  pumps  could  only 
work  three  hours  a  day.  The  constiniction  of 
the  machine,  and  the  aqueducts  cost  80,000 
piastres*;  they  did  not  at  first  calculate  on 
more  than  half  of  the  expence,  and  they  ima- 
gined the  mass  of  water  to  be  very  considera- 
ble ;  but  the  year  in  which  the  water  w"s  mea- 
sured being  exceedingly  rainy,  it  was  be- 
lieved to  be  much  more  abundant  than  it 
actually  was.  It  is  to  be  hoped  that  the  new 
canal  which  was  going  on  in  1803,  and  which 
will  be  5000  metresf  in  length,  will  remedy 
this  want  of  water,  and  that  the  vein  of  Mo- 
ran (hor.  9^  inclined  84**  to  the  north  east), 
will  be  found  as  rich  at  great  depths,  as  the 
shareholders  of  the  mine  suppose.  M.  del  Rio, 
on  my  arrival  in  New  Spain  had  no  other  view 
but  that  of  proving  to  the  Mexican  miners  the 
efiect  of  machines  of  this  nature,  and  the  pos- 
sibility of  constructing  them  in  the  country. 
This  object  has  been  in  part  attained;  and 
it  will  be  much  more  evidently  attained 
when  such  a  machine  shall  be  placed  in  the 
mine  of  Ray  as,  at  Guanaxuato,  hi  that  of  the 

*  1^10,937  Sterling.    Irant. 
t  l^f^Oi  feet.  Trant. 


224       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         Lbook  iv. 

Count  de  Regla,  at  Real  del  Monte,  or  in 
those  of  Bolanos  where  M.  Sonneschmidt*, 
counted  nearly  4000  horses  and  mules  employed 
in  moving"  the  baritels. 

The  mines  of  the  district  of  Tasco,  situated 
on  the  western  slope    of  the  Cordillera,  have 
lost  their  antient  splendour,  since  the  end  of  the 
last  century ;  for  in  their  present  state,  the  veins 
of  Tehuilotepec,   Sochipala,  Cerro  del  Limon, 
San  Estevan,   and  Gautla,  do    not    altogether 
yield  more  than  60,000  marcs  of  silver  annually  f. 
During  the  year  1752  and  the   ten   following 
years,  the  mines  of  Tasco  were  wrought  with 
the  greatest  activity  and  success.      This  acti- 
vity was  owing   to  tlie    enterprising   mind  of 
Joseph    Laborde,    a    Frenchman,    who    came 
into  Mexico  very  poor,  and  who  in  1743,  ac- 
quired immense  wealth  in  the  mine  of  la  Ca- 
nada of  the  Real  de    Tlapujahua,       We  have 
already  spokenj    in   another  place  of   the  re- 
verses of  fortune  several  times  experienced  by 
this  extraordinary  man.  After  buildmg  a  church 
at  Tasco,    which  cost   him  400,000   piastres,^ 
he  was  reduced  to  the  lowest  poverty,  by  the 
rapid  decline  of  those  very  mines,  from  which 

*  Sonneschmid.  p.  241. 
t  39,378  lb.  troy.    Trans. 
%  Vol.  ii.  p.  186. 
§£81,501  Sterling.    Trans. 

CHAP.  %t.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.      225 

he  had  annually  drawn  from  2  to  300,000*  marcs 
of  silver.     The  archbishop  having   given  him 
permission   to  sell  a  golden  sun  enriched  with 
diamonds,  with  which  he  had  adorned  the  taber- 
nacle of  the  church  of  Tasco,  he  withdrew  to  Zaca- 
tecas  with  the  produce  of  this  sale,  which  amounted 
to  100,000  piastresf.  The  district  of  mines  of  Za- 
catecas  was  then  in  such  a  state  of  abandonment, 
that  it  scarcely  furnished  fifty  thousand  marcs;j: 
of  silver   annually    to    the    mint   at    Mexico. 
Laborde    undertook  to   clear  out  the  famous 
mine  of   Quebradilla^  in  which  undertaking  he 
lost  all  his  property,  without  attaining  his  ob- 
ject.    With  the  small  capital   which   remained 
to  him,  he  began  to  work  on  the  veta  grande, 
and  sunk  the    pit  of   La  Esperanzaf   when  a 
second    time   he     acquired     immense    wealth. 
The  silver  produce  of  the  mine  of   Zacatecas 
rose  then  to  500,000  marcs§  per  annum;  and 
though  the  abundance  of  metals  did  not  long 
continue  the  same,  he  left  at  his  death,  a  fortune 
of  nearly  three  millions  of  livres  Tournois||.  H« 
compelled  his  daughter  to  enter  into  a  convent, 
that  he  might  leave  his  whole  fortune  to  an  only 
son,  who  afterwards  voluntarily  embraced  th« 






*  From  131,263  to  ^96,894lb.  troy.    Trtim, 
f  je21 ,876  sterling.     Tram. 
X  32,8151b.  troy.    Trans, 
'    §  328,1531b.  troy. 

11  jSI  25*010  sterling.     Tram, 

VOL.  III.  a 

•226       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [boob  iy. 

ecclesiastical  office.  In  Mexico,  and  every 
where  else  in  the  Spanish  provinces,  it  is  ex- 
tremely rare  to  see  children  following*  the  pro- 
fession of  their  fathers;  and  we  do  not  find 
there,  as  in  Sweden,  Germany,  and  Scotland, 
families,  in  which  the  business  of  miner  is 
hereditary.  ■  *      .         ;   (>  t\  .    .,  • 

The  veins  of  Tasco,    and  the  Real  de  Te- 
huilotepec,    traverse  arid  mountains,  furrowed 
by  very  deep  ravins.     The  oldest  rock  which 
appears  at  the  surface  in  this  district  of  mines, 
is    the   primitive    slate    (thonschiefer,)    which 
passes  into  the  micaceous  slate.    Its  direction 
is  hor.  3 — 4;    and  its  inclination   40°    to    the 
north*-west,  as  I  observed  in  the  Cerro  de  San 
Ignacio,  and  to  the  west  of  Tehuilotepec,  in 
the  Cerro  de  la  Compana,  where  Cortez  began 
his  gallery  of   investigation.      Th«  micaceous, 
slate  probably  reposes  on  the  granite  of  Zum- 
pango,  and  on  that  of  the  valley  of  Papagallo ; 
and  it  appears  covered  near  Achichintla,  and 
Acamiscla,  with  a  porphyritic  formation,  which 
contains  both  common  and  vitreous  felspar,  and 
beds  of  blackish  brown  pitch  stone  (pechstein.) 
In  the  environs  of   Tasco,    Tehuilotepec,  and 
Limon,    primitive  slate  serves  for  base  to  the 
blui^-grey,  and  frequently  porous  compact  lime* 
stone  belonging  to  the  alpine  Jbrmation.     Thi» 
limestone  contains  many  subordinate  beds,  some 
•f    lamellar    gyps,   and   others  of  slate-clay^ 

CHAP.  XI.] 

KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       227 

(schieferthon)  chtirg-ed  with  carbon.  In  n«- 
cending  from  the  banks  of  the  lake  of  Tuspa 
to  the  Subida  de  Tosco  el  ViejOf  we  found 
petrifactions  of  trochites,  and  other  univalve 
shells  contained  in  this  limestone.  The  stra- 
tification was  very  marked,  but  its  banks  follow 
by  groups  different  directions  and  inclinations. 
A  grey  stone  with  a  calcareous  cement  reposes 
on  this  limestone  of  Tasco,  the  same  with  that 
which  covers  the  plains  of  Sopilote,  and  the 
fertile  table  land  of  Chilpansingo. 

The  district  of  mines  of  Tasco,  and  of  the 
Real  de  Tehuilotepec  contains  a  great 
number  of  veins,  which  with  the  exception 
of  the  Cerro  de  ia  Compana,  are  all  directed 
fvom  the  north-west  to  the  south-east,  hor.  7 
— ^9.  These  veins,  like  those  of  Catorce,  tra- 
verse both  the  limestone  and  the  micaceous 
slate  which  serves  for  its  base;  and  they  ex- 
hibit the  same  metals  in  both  rocks.  These 
metals  have  been  much  more  abundant  in 
the  limestone.  The  mines  have  become  ex^ 
tremely  poor  since  they  were  compelled  to 
work  the  veins  in  the  micaceous  slate.  A 
very  intelligent  and  a  very  active  miner,  Don 
Vicente  de  Anza,  wrought  the  mines  of  Te- 
huilotepec to  the  depth  of  224  metres^;  and 
he  cut   two    excellent  levels  for    a  length  of 





♦  734  feet.    Trans. 

228       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

1200  metres^ ;  but  unfortunately  he  found  that 
the  same  veins  which  had  furnished  consider- 
able riches  at  the  surface  of  the  earth,  were 
at  great  depths  as  poor  in  red  silver  minerals, 
as  abundant  in  galena,  pyrites,  and  yellow 

•  An  extraordinary  event  which  happened  on 
the  16th  February,  1802,  complv^ted  the  ruin  of 
the  miners  of  this  district.  The  mines  of  Te- 
huilotepec  like  those  of  Guautla,  have  at  all 
times  wanted  the  necessary  water  to  put  in 
motion  the  hocards  and  other  machines,  which 
prepare  the  minerals  for  the  process  of  amal- 
gamation. The  most  abundant  stream  used 
in  the  works,  issued  from  a  cavern  in  the  lime 
rock,  called  the  Cueva  de  San  Felipe*  This 
rivulet  was  lost  in  the  night  between  the 
i6th  and  17th  of  February,  and  five  days 
afterwards,  a  new  spring  was  found  at  five 
leagues  distance  from  the  cavern,  near  the 
village  of  Flatanillo.  It  has  been  proved  by 
researches  of  the  greatest  interest  for  geology, 
of  which  I  shall  speak  in  another  place,  that 
there  exists  in  this  country,  between  the  vil- 
lages of  Chamacasapa,  Platanillo,  and  Tehui- 
lotepec,  in  the  bosom  of  calcareous  mountains, 
a  series  of  caverns  and  natural  galleries,  and 
that    subterraneous    rivers,    like    those  of  the 

*  3936  feet.  Trans. 

tHAP.  II.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        d'^ 

courty  of  Derby  in  England,  traverse  thoHe 
galleries,  which  communicate  with  one  another. 
The  veins  of  Tehuilotepec  are  in  general 
western  (spatydnge) )  they  are  from  two  to 
three  metres  in  extent^,  and  being  separated 
from  the  rock  by  a  strip  of  clayey  slime, 
they  form  several  lateral  branches,  which  en- 
rich the  principal  vein  where  they  accompany 
(se  trainent)  it.  Their  structure  has  this  par- 
ticularity, that  the  metallick  mineral  id  rarely 
disseminated  throughout  all  the  ganffue,  but 
collected  in  a  single  band,  which  is  sometimes 
near  the  roof,  and  sometimes  near  the  wall  of 
the  vein.  In  general,  the  mineral  depositories 
of  Tasco  and  Tehuilotepec  are  extremely  in- 
constant in  their  produce.  As  to  the  nature 
of  the  mass  of  which  they  are  constituted,  I 
perceived    four    very    different  formations   Qf 

vemSf  VIZ.  i 


1.  Oxide  of  brown,  red,  and  yellow  iron,  iti 
which  native  and  sulfuretted  silver  are  disse- 
minated in  impalpable  parcels ;  mine  of  brown 
cellular  iron,  speculary  iron,  a  little  galena, 
and  magnetic  iron,  and  blue  carbonated  Gop*> 
per.  This  formation,  analogous  to  that  of  the 
p€U}os  of  Fuentestiana,  and  Pasco  in  Pem^  is 
designated  at  Tehuilotepec,  by  the  name  of 
tepostel.     It  is  found  at  small  depths  yrom  thfi 

f  ''4'' 


*  From  6  tv  9  iett.     TrMs. 

230       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [b©ok  it. 

surface  (in  ausgehenden)  in  the  mines  of  San 
Miguel,  San  Estevan,  and  La  Compafia,  near 
Tasco,  as  well  as  at  the  Cerro  de  Garganta, 
near  Mescala.  The  tepostel,  is  generally  not 
so  rich  as  the  Pasco  of  Peru ;  but  is  so  much 
the  richer  at  Tasco,  as  the  oxide  of  iron  is 
more  mixed  with  azure  of  copper;  but  it  ge- 
nerally, however,  does  n'>t  contain  more  than 
four  ounces  of  silver  per  quintal. 
-  2.  Calcareous  spar,  r,  little  galena,  and  trans- 
parent lamellar  gyps,  containing  drops  of  wate 
with  air  and  filiform  native  silver.  This  small 
iand  very  remarkable  formation,  which  has  been 
also  observed  in  the  mountains  of  Saltzbourg, 
is  found  at  the  depth  of  more  than  100  metres* 
on  the  vein  of  Trinidad,  which  is  the  continu- 
ation of  the  vein  of  San  Miguel,  in  a  point  where 
the  wall  is  not  gyps,  but  compact  limestone. 

3.  Quick  red  silver,  brittle  vitreous  silver 
(sprodglaserz),  much  yellow  blende,  galena, 
very  few  pyrites  of  iron,  calcareous  spar,  and 
lacteous  quartz.  This  formation  which  is  the 
richest  of  all,  displays  the  remarkable  pheno- 
menon, that  the  minerals  the  most  abundant 
in  silver,  form  spheroidal  balls,  from  ten  to 
twelve  centimetres  in  diameter,f  in  which  red 
silver,   mixed  with  brittle  vitreous  silver,   and 

♦  328  feet.  Trans, 

t  From  S.93— to  4.71  inchei.    Tram, 

CHAP.  XI.1         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       231 

native  silver,  alternate  with  bands  of  quartz. 
These  balls,  which  have  been  seldom  seen 
but  between  15  and  60  metres*  of  depth,  are 
glued  in  a  gangue  of  calcareous  and  brownish 
spar.  They  have  been  observed  in  the 
three  veins  of  San  Ignacio,  Dolores,  and 
Perdon,  of  which  the  masses  are  filled  with 
druses,  lined  with  beautiful  chrystals  of  car* 
bonate  of  lime. 

4.  Much  argentiferous  galena,  which  is 
richest  in  silver  when  the  separated  pieces 
possess  the  smallest  grains ;  much  yellow 
blende;  few  pyrites;  quartz,  and  calcareous 
spar,  in  the  mines  of  Socabon  del  Re,  and 
de  la  M  arquesa. 

All  these  veins  run  through  a  table  land  of 
from  17  to  1800  metres  in  elevationf  above  the 
surface  of  the  sea,  which  enjoys  a  temperate 
climate,  very  favourable  to  the  cultivation  of 
the  cerealia  of  the  Old  Continent. 

When  we  take  a  general  view  of  the  mining 
operations  of  New  Spain,  and  compare  them  with 
those  of  the  mines  of  Freiberg,  the  Hartz,  and 
Schemnitz,  we  are  surprised  at  still  finding  in  its 
infancy,  an  art  which  has  been  practised  in 
America  for  these  three  centuries,  and  on 
which,  according  to  the  vulgar  prejudice,   the 



*  Between  48  and  196  feet.    Trans, 
t  From  5556.  to  5910  feet.     Tram, 

232        POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

prosperity  of   these  ultramarine   establishments 
depends.   The  causes  of  this  phenomenon  cannot 
escape  those,  who  after  visiting  Spain,  France, 
and  the  western  parts  of  Germany,  have  seen 
that    mountainous    countries  still  exist    in    the 
centre  of  civilized  Europe,  in  which  the  mining 
operations  partake  of  all  the  barbarity  of  the 
middle  ages.     The  art  of  mining  cannot  make 
great  progress,  where  the  mines  are  dispersed 
over  a  great  extent  of  ground,  where  the  go- 
vernment   allows    to    the    proprietors   the    full 
liberty    of    directing    the    operations    without 
controul,  and  of  tearing  the  minerals  from  the 
bowels  of  the  earth,  without  any  consideration 
of  the    future.       Since  the  brilliant  period  of 
the  reign  of  Charles  the  5th,  Spanish  Ameri- 
ca  has    been    separa,ted    from    Europe,    with 
respect   to   the    commutiicatiou    of  discoveries 
useful  to  society.      The  imperfect  knowledge 
which  was  possessed    in    the  16th  century  re- 
lative .  to  mining  and   smelting,    in    Germany, 
Biscay,  and  the  Belgic  provinces,  rapidly  pass- 
ed into  Mexico  and   Peru,    on   the  first  colo- 
nizatioti  of  these  countries;  but  since  that  pe- 
riod,  to  the    reign  of    Charles  the  third,   the 
American    miners    have    learned    hardly    any 
thing  from  the  Europeans,  but  the  blowing  up 
with  powder*,    those    rocks  which   resist   the 



^  This  art  was    only  introduced    into    the  mines    of 
Europe  towards  the  year  1613  (Daubuissoa,  t.  i,  p.  05.) 

CHAP.  X1.3         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       233 

pointrole.  This  Kin§^  and  his  successor  have 
she>vn  a  praiseworthy  desire  of  imparting  to 
the  colonies  all  the  advantages  derived  by 
Europe  from  the  improvement  in  machinery, 
the  progress  of  chemical  science,  and  their 
application  to  metallurgy.  Germai?  miners 
have  been  sent  at  u.e  expence  of  the  court  to 
Mexico,  Peru,  and  the  kingdom  of  new  Gre- 
nada; but  their  knowledge  has  been  of  no 
utility,  because  the  mines  of  Mexico  are 
considered  as  the  property  of  the  individuals 
who  direct  the  operations,  without  the  go- 
vernment being  allowed  to  exercise  the  smallest 
influence.    -        ' -.  <    '!  .       -    ; 

We    shall   not  here  undertake  to  detail  the 
defects  which  we  believe  we  have  observed  irt 
the  administration  of  the  mines  of  New  Spain, 
but  shall  confine  ourselves  to  general  conside- 
rations,   remarking    whatever    appears    to    ua 
worthy  of  fixing  the  attention  of  the  European 
traveller.       In    the    greatest    number    of   the 
Mexican  mines  the  operations  with  the  point- 
rolCf  wiiich  requires  the    greatest    address   oh 
the  part  of  the  workman,  are  very  well  exe- 
cuted.    It  is  to  be  wished  that  the  ma22et  was 
somewhat  less  heavy  ;  it  is  the  saine  indtmment 
which  the  German  .ainers  used  in  the  time  of 
Charles  the  5th.      Small  moveable  forges  are 
placed  in  the  interior  of  the  mines,  to  reforge 
the  point  of    the    pointroles,    when    they   are 

■I    ;    ■. 





234       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  iv. 

unfit  for  working.       I   reckoned   16   of  these 
forges  in  the  mine  of  Valenciana ;  and  in  the 
district  of  Guanaxuato,  the  smallest  mines  have 
at  least  one  or  two.     This  arrangement  is  very 
useful,   particularly  in  mines  whidi  employ  even 
1500  workmen,  and  in  which  there  is  consequently 
an  immense  consumption  of  steel.     I  could  not 
praise    the  method    of    blowint/    with  powder. 
The  holes  for  the  reception  of   the  cartridges, 
are  generally  too    deep,    and   the   miners   are 
not    sufficiently  careful   in  stripping    the    part 
of  the  rock  intended  to  yield  to  the  explosion. 
A  great  waste  of   powder  is  consequently  oc- 
casioned by  these  defects.      The  mine  of  Va- 
lenciana consumed*  from  1794  to  1802,   pow- 
der to  the  amount  of  673,676  piastres  j ,  and  the 
ihines    of  New   Spain  annually  require    from 
12   to    14,000  quintals.     It   is    probable    that 
two    thirds  of   this    quantity  is    uselessly  em- 

*  In  179&— 63,375  piastres;  in  1800—68,493  piastres:  in 
1801—78,243  piastres;    in    1802—79,903    piastres.     The 
miner  is  paid  at  Guanaxuato,  for    a   hole    of    Im.  5  in 
depth  (4  feet  11  inches.     Trans.)  12 francs  (ten  shillings); 
for  a  hole    of  Im    9    (75.8  inches)  in  depth,  9  franci 
(7«.  6d.)    without    including    powder  and    tools,    which 
are    furnished  to  him.      In    the    mine   of   Valenciana, 
nearly  600    holes    by  two  men  each  are  made  every  24 

t  rfl  47,377  Sterling. 

CHAF.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       235 

ployed.  At  Chupoltepec,  near  Mexico,  and  in 
the  mine  of  Rayas  near  Guanaxuato,  some  ex- 
periments have  been  made  of  the  method  of 
blowififff  proposed  by  M.  Baden ;  a  method  by 
which  a  certain  volume  of  air  must  be  left  be- 
tween the  powder  and  the  wadd.  Although 
these  experiments  have  proved  the  great  ad- 
vantage of  the  new  method,  the  old  has  still 
continued  to  prevail,  on  account  of  the  small 
degree  of  interest  taken  by  the  master  miners 
in  reforming  the  abuses,  and  perfecting  the 
art  of  mining. 

The  lining   with    wood    is     very   carelessly 
performed,     though    it    ought    the    more    to 
engage    the    consideration    of  the  proprietors, 
as   wood   is   becoming  year   after  year    more 
scarce  on  the  table  land  of  Mexico.     The  mason 
work  employed  in  the  pits  and  galleries*,  and 
especially  the  walling  with  lime,  deserves  a  great 
deal  of   praise.      The  arches  are  formed  with 
great    care,   and  in  this  respect  the   mines  of 
Guanaxuato  may  stand  a  comparison  with  what- 
ever is  most  perfect  at  Freiberg  and  Schemnitz. 
The  pits  and  still  more  the  galleries  of  New 
Spain,  have  generally  the  defect  of  being  dug 
in  too  great  dimensions,  [{artstosshohe)  and  of 
occasioning,  by  that  means,  very  exorbitant  ex- 

■  ■'4: 


*  Especially  in  the  mines  of  Valenciana,  Guanaxuato^ 
and  the  Real  del  Moote. 

236       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

pences.  We  find  galleries  at  Valenciana*, 
executed  with  the  view  of  investigating  a 
sterile  vein,  of  a  height  of  eight  or  nine  metres  f. 
They  have  taken  it  ini(  their  heads,  that  this 
great  height  facihtates  the  renovation  of  the 
air;  but  the  ventilation  solely  depends  on  the 
equilibrium  and  difference  of  temperature  be- 
tween two  neighbouring  columns  of  air.  They 
believe  also,  equally  without  any  foundation, 
that,  in  order  to  discover  the  nature  of  a  very 
.^  3werful  vein,  very  hiv^e  galleries  of  investiga- 
tion are  requisite,  as  if  in  mineral  depositories  of 
from  twelve  to  fifteen  metres  {  in  extent,  it 
were  not  better  to  cut  from  time  to  time  small' 
cross  galleries  towards  the  wall  and  the  roofi  for 
the  purpose  of  discovering  whether  the  mass  of 
the  vein  begins  to  grow  richer.  The  absurd 
custom  of  cutting  evei'y  gallery  in  such  enormous 
dimensions,  prevents  the  proprietors  from  mul- 
tiplying the  labours  of  investigation,  so  indispen- 
sible  for  the  preservation  of  a  mine,  and  the 
length  of  dui'ation  of  the  works.  At  Guanaxuato> 
the  breadth  of  the  oblique  pits  dug  stair- 
wise,  is  from  ten  to  12  meires  §;  and  the  perpen- 
dicular pits  are  generally  six,  eight,  or  ten 
metres  ||    broad.       The  enormous  quantity   of 

*  Canon  de  la  Soledad. 
f  26  or  29  feet.     Trans. 
.     J      |.  From  38  to  48  fea.     TrUns.      '^  ■■'".■ 
§  From  32  to  36  feet.     Transi  .    *^ 

il  19,  26,  or  32  feet.     Trans. 

CHAf .  w.]        KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.         207 

minerals  extracted  from  the  mines,  and  the  ne- 
cessity for  the  cables  attached  to  six  or  eight 
horse  baritels  to  enter  them,  necessarily  occasion 
the  pits  of  Mexico  to  be  made  of  greater  dimen- 
sions than  those  in  Germany ;  but  the  attempt 
which  has  been  made  at  Bolanos  to  separate  by 
a  beam,  the  cables  of  the  baritels  has  sufficiently 
proved  that  the  breadth  of  the  pits  may  be 
diminished  without  any  danger  of  the  ropes 
entangling  in  their  oscillating  motion.  It  would 
in  general  be  very  useful  to  make  use  of  casktf 
or  rectangular  parallelopipeds,  instead  of 
leathern  bags  suspended  to  the  cables  for  the 
extraction  of  the  minerals.  Several  pairs  of 
these  casks  rubbing  with  their  wheels  against 
the  conducting  heam$,  might  ascend  and  descend 
in  the  same  pit. 

The  greatest  fault  observable  in  the  mines  of 
New  Spain,  ^nd  which  renders  the  working  of 
them  extremely  expensive,  is  the  want  of  com- 
municatipn  between  the  different  works.  They 
resemble  ill  constructed  builtlings,  when  to  pass 
from  one  adjoining  room  to  another,  we  must  go 
round  the  whole  house.  TJhis  mine  of  Valenciana 
is  very  justly  admired  on  account  of  its  wealth,  the 
magniticence  of  its  walling,  and  the  facility  with 
which  it  is  entered  by  spacious  and  commodious 
stairs;  but  yet  it  exhibits  only  a  union  of  small 
works  too  irregular  tp  merit  the  appellation  of 
gradual  uttdks  {ouara^a  gradms)  they  are  true 





238       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [booi  ir. 

sacks,  with  only  one  opening'  at  the  top,  and 
without  any  lateral  communication.     I  mention 
this  mine,  not  because  it  is  more  faulty  than  the 
others   in    the    distribution  of  its  labours,  but 
because  it  ought  naturally  to  be  believed  better 
organized.      As    subterraneous    geometry    has 
been  entirely  neglected  in  Mexico,  till  the  es- 
tablishment of  the  school  of  mines,  there  is  no 
plan  in  existence  of  the  works  already  executed. 
Two  works  in  that  labyrinth    of  cross  galleries, 
and  interior  pits  may  happen  to  be  very  near 
one  another,  without  its  being  possible  to  per- 
ceive it.  Hence  the  impossibility  of  introducing" 
in  the  actual  state  of  the  most  part  of  the  mines 
of  Mexico,  the  wheeling  by  means  of  barrows 
or  dogs,  and  an  economical  disposition   of  the 
places  of  assemblage.    A  miner  brought  up  in 
the  mines  of  Freiberg,  and  accustomed  to  see  so 
many  ingenious  means  of  conveyance  practised, 
can  hardly  conceive  that,  in  the  Spanish  colonies, 
where  the  poverty  of  the  minerals  is   united 
to  a  great  abundance  of  them,  all  the  taetal 
which  is  taken  from  the  vein,  should  be  carried 
on  the  backs  of  men.     The  Indian  tenateras 
who  may  be  considered  as  the  beasts  of  burden 
of  the  mines  of  Mexico,  remain  loaded  with  a 
weight  of  from  225  to  350  pounds*  for  a  space 
of  six  hours.     In  the  galleries  of  Yalenciana 

*  From  242  to  3771b.  avoird.    Tram. 

CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       239 

and  Rayas,  they  are  exposed  as  we  have  al- 
ready observed  in  speaking  of  the  health  of  the 
miners*  to  a  temperature  of  from  22'  to  25" f ; 
and  during  this  ^ime  they  ascend  and  descend 
several  thousand  \  of  steps  in  pits  of  an  inclina- 
tion of  45**.  Tu3  ft  tenateros  carry  the  minerals 
in  bags  (costales)  made  of  the  thread  of  the 
pite.  To  prevent  their  shoulders  from  being 
hurt,  (for  the  miners  are  generally  naked  to  the 
middle)  they  place  a  woollen  covering  (frisada) 
under  this  bag.  We  meet  in  the  mines  with 
files  of  fifty  or  sixty  of  these  porters,  among 
whom  there  are  men  above  sixty,  and  boys  of  ten 
or  twelve  years  of  age.  In  ascending  the  stairs 
they  throw  the  body  forwards,  and  rest  on  a 
staff  which  is  generally  not  more  than  three 
decimetres  in  length  J.  They  walk  in  a  zigzag 
direction,  because  they  have  found  from  long 
experience  {as  they  affirm)  that  their  respiration 
is  less  impeded,  when  they  traverse  obliquely 
the  current  of  air  which  enters  the  pits  from 

We  cannot  sufficiently  admire  the  muscular 
strength  of  the  Indian  and  Mestizoe  tenateros 

*  Vol.  I.  p.  125.  At  Paris  the  porters  called  Fortt  de  la 
HaUe,  are  generally  loaded  with  bags  of  flour,  which  weigh 
S25  pounds  (350  lb.  aToird.  Trans.)  To  b*  received  in 
their  corporation,  a  man  must  carry  for  25  minutes,  a  weight 
of850  pounds,  (916lb  avoird.    Trans.) 

t  From  71"  to  77"  Fahren.     Trant. 

X  About  a  foot.    Trans. 






V  ll 


240       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [*oo|c  iv. 

of  Guanaxuato,  especially  when  we  feel  our- 
selves oppressed  with  fatigue  in  ascending  from 
the  bottom  of  the  mine  of  Valenciana  without 
carrying  the  smallest  weight.  The  tenateros 
cost  the  proprietors  of  Valenciana  more  than 
15,000  livres  Tournois  weekly*;  and  they 
reckon  that  three  men  destined  to  carry  the 
minerals  to  the  places  of  assemblage  are  for  one 
employed  workman  (barenador)  who  blows  up 
the  gangue  by  means  of  powder.  These  enor- 
mous expences  of  transportation  would  be  per- 
haps diminished  more  than  two  thirds,  if  the 
works  communicated  with  one  another,  by 
interior  pits  (roUschdcht)  or  by  galleries  adapted 
for  conv^ance  by  wheel-barrows  and  dogs. 
Well  contrived  operations  would  facilitate  the 
extraction  of  minf'rals  and  the  circulation  of  air, 
and  would  render  this  great  number  of  tenateros 
unnecessary,  whose  strength  might  be  employed 
in  a  manner  more  advantageous  to  society,  and 
less  hurtful  to  the  health  of  the  individual. 
Interior  pits  communicating  from  one  gallery 
to  another  and  serving  for  the  extraction  of 
minerals,  might  be  provided  with  cranes  (haspel) 
to  be  wrought  by  men,  or  baritels,  to  be  moved 
by  cattle.  For  a  long  time  (and  this  arrange- 
i^efDit  undoubtedly  deserves  the  attention  of  the 
DttEopeaunL  miner^  mules  have  been  employed  in 

*  jSG24  Sterling.     Trans, 

CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       ^H 

the  interior  of  the  mines  of  Mexico.  At  Rayas 
these  animals  descend  e\ery  morning  without 
guides  and  in  the  dark,  the  steps  of  a  pit  of  an 
inclination  from  42^*  to  46".  The  m\des  dis- 
tribute themselves  of  their  own  accord  in  the 
different  places  where  the  machines  for  drawing 
up  the  water  are  placed;  and  their  s*ep  is  so 
sure,  that  a  lame  miner  was  accustomed  several 
years  ago,  to  enter  and  leave  the  mine  on  one 
of  their  l^cks.  In  the  district  of  the  mines  of 
Peregrino,  at  the  Rosa  de  Castilla,  the  mules 
sleep  in  subterraneous  stables,  like  the  horses 
which  I  saw  in  the  famous  rock  salt  mines  of 
Wieliczka  in  Gallicia. 

The  smelting  and  amalgamation  works  of 
Guanaxuato  and  Real  del  Monte,  are  so  placed 
that  two  navigable  yalkries,  the  mouths  of  which 
should  be  near  Marfil  and  Omitlan  might  serve 
for  the  carriage  of  minerals,  and  render  every 
sort  of  draught  above  the  level  of  the  galleries 
superfluous.  Besides  the  descents  from  Valen- 
ciana  to  Guanaxuato,  and  from  Real  del  Monte 
to  Regla  are  so  rapid,  that  they  wculd  admit 
of  the  making  of  iron  roads,  on  which  waggons 
loaded  with  the  minerals  destined  for  amalga- 
mation might  be  easily  rolled  along. 

We  have  already  spoken  of  the  truly  bar- 
barous custom  of  drawing  off  the  water  from  tlie 
deepest  mines,  not  by  means  of  pump  apparatus^ 
but  by  means  of  bags  attached  to  ropes  which 

YOt.  III.  » 


*il2       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  iv 

roll  on  the  drum  of  a  horse  baritel.  The 
8aiiie  bag's  are  sometimes  used  in  drawing  up 
the  water,  and  sometimes  the  mineral;  they  rub 
against  the  walls  of  the  pit  and  it  is  very  ex- 
pensive to  uphold  them.  At  the  Real  del  Monte 
for  example,  one  of  these  bags  only  last  seven 
or  eight  days;  and  it  commonly  costs  six  francs 
and  sometimes  eight  or  ten.  A  bag  full  of 
water,  suspendc^d  to  the  drum  of  a  barritel 
with  eight  horses  (malacate  doble)  weighs 
1 250  pounds :  it  is  made  of  two  hides  sowed 
together.  The  bags  used  for  the  baritels  called 
simple,  those  with  four  horses  (malacates  sencil' 
los)  are  only  the  half  of  the  size,  and  are  made 
of  one  hide.  In  general  the  construction  of  the 
baritels  i«  extremely  imperfect,  and  they  have 
besides,  the  bad  custom  of  forcing  the  horses,  by 
which  they  are  moved  to  run  wuh  by  far  too 
great  a  speed.  I  found  this  speed  at  the  pits 
of  San  Ramon,  at  Real  del  Monte,  no  less  than 
ten  feet  and  a  half  per  second  *;  at  Guanaxuato 
in  the  mine  of  Valenciana  from  thirteen  to  four- 
teen feet ;  and  every  where  else  I  found  it  more 

*  The  water  being  drawn  from  a  depth  of  eighty  metres, 
(262  feet.  Tram. )  The  malacate  doble  had  four  arms,  the 
extremity  of  each  arm  has  a  sh'^t  (timon)  to  which  two 
horses  are  yoked.  The  diameter  of  the  circle  described  by 
the  horses  was  seventeen  varus  and  a  half  (about  47$  feet. 
Trans.)  The  diameter  of  the  drum  was  twelve  (32  feet. 
Trans. )    The  horses  are  changed  every  four  hours. 

CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       2^'3 

than  eight  feet.  Don  Salvador  SeiM,  professor 
of  Natural  Philosophy  at  Mexico,  has  proved, 
in  a  very  excellent  paper  on  the  giratory  mo- 
tion of  machines,  that  notwithstanding  the  ex- 
treme lightness  of  the  Mexican  horses,  they  pro- 
duce only  the  maa'imnm  of  effect  on  the  baritels 
when,  exerting  a  force  of  17o  pounds,  they 
walk  at  a  pace  of  from  five  to  six  feet  in  the 

It  is  to  be  hoped  that  they  will  introduce  at 
last,  in  the  mines  of  New  Spain,  pump  apparatus, 
moved  either  by  horse  baritels  of  a  better  con- 
struction, or  by  hydraulical  wheels,  or  by  nm- 
chines  a  colonne  (Teau.  As  wood  is  very  scarce 
on  the  ridge  of  the  Cordilleras,  and  coal  has 
only  yet  been  discovered  in  New  Mexico,  they 
are  unfortunately  precluded  from  employing  the 
steam  engine,  the  use  of  which  would  be  of 
such  service  in  the  inundated  mines  of  Bolanos 
as  well  as  in  those  of  Rayas  and  Mellado. 

It  is  in  the  drawing  off  the  water  that  we 
particularly  feel  the  indispensable  necessity 
of  having  plans  drawn  up  by  subterraneous 
surveyors  (geometres).  Instead  of  stopping  the 
course  of  the  water,  and  bringing  it  by  the 
shortest  road  to  the  pit  where  the  machines  are 
placed,  they  frequently  precipitate  it  to  the 
bottom  of  the  mine*,  to  be  afterwards  drawn  off 




*  At   Rayas,    for  example,   where  they  draw  off  from 
A    depth  of  338  varus,  water,  which  might  be  collected 

R   2 



244       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

at  a  ^Teat  expeiice.  Moreover,  in  the  district 
of  mines  of  Guanaxuato  nearly  two  hundred 
and  fifty  workmen  perished  in  the  space  of  a 
few  minutes  on  the  14th  June,  1780,  because, 
not  having"  measured  the  distance  between  the 
Ivorks  of  San  Ramon  and  the  old  works  of  Santo 
Christo  de  Burgos,  they  had  imprudently  ap- 
proached this  last  mine  while  carrying  on  a 
gallery  of  investigation  in  that  direction.  The 
water  with  which  the  works  of  Santo  Christo 
were  full,  flovved  with  impetuosity  through  this 
new  gallery  of  San  Ramon  into  the  mine  of 
Valf^nciana.  Many  of  the  workmen  perished 
by  the  effect  of  the  sudden  compression  of  the 
air,  which  in  taking  a  vent  threw  (to  immense 
distances)  beams,  and  large  pieces  of  rocks. 
This  accident  would  not  have  happened,  if  in 
regulating  the  operations  they  could  have  con- 
(tulted  a  plan  of  the  mines. 

After  the  picture  which  we  have  just  drawn 
of  the  actual  state  of  the  mining  operations,  and 
of  the  bad  economy  which  prevails  in  the  admi- 
nistration of  the  mines  of  New  Spain,  we  ought 
not  to  be  astonished  at  seeing  works,  which  for 
a  long  time  have  been  most  productive,  aban- 
doned whenever  thi^y  have  reached  a  considera- 
ble depth,  or  whenever  the  vehis  have  appeared 

towards  the  .louth   east,  in    a  drain  at  the   depth  of  780 


CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       21o 

less  abundant  in  metals.  We  have  already  ob- 
served, thfit  in  the  famous  mine  of  Valenciana, 
the  annual  expences  rose  in  the  space  of  fifteen 
years  from  two  millions  of  francs  to  four  mil- 
lions and  a  half*.  If  there  were  much  water  in 
this  mine,  and  if  it  required  a  number  of  horse 
baritels  to  draw  it  off,  the  profit  which  it  would 
leave  to  the  proprietors,  would  be  in  fact 
nothing".  The  g-reatest  part  of  the  vices  of 
manag-emont  which  I  have  been  pointing  out, 
have  been  long  known  to  a  respectable  and 
enlightened  body,  the  Tribunal  de  Mineria  of 
Mexico,  to  the  professors  of  the  school  of  mines, 
and  even  to  several  of  the  native  miners,  who 
without  having  ever  quitted  their  country,  know 
the  imperfection  of  the  old  methods;  but  we 
must  repeat  here,  that  changes  can  only  take 
place  very  slowly  among  a  people  who  are  not 
fond  of  innovations,  and  in  a  country  where 
the  government  possesses  so  little  influence  on 
the  works  which  are  generally  the  property  of 
individuals,  and  not  of  shareholders.  It  is  a 
prejudice  to  imagine,  that  the  mines  of  New 
ISpain  on  account  of  their  wealth,  do  not  recjuire 
in  their  management  the  same  intelligence  and 
the  same  economy  which  are  necessary  to  the 
preservation  of  tht  mines  of  Saxony  and  the 
Harz.     We  must  not  confound  the  abundance 



••n  a 




*  From  rf9O,0flO  to  jei80,000  Sterling.     Tran. 

•246       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  iv. 




of  minerals  with  their  intrinsic  value.  The 
most  part  of  the  minerals  of  Mexico  being  very 
poor,  as  we  have  already  proved,  and  as  all 
those  who  do  not  allow  themselves  to  be  daz- 
zled by  false  calculations  very  well  know,  to 
produce  two  millions  and  a  half  of  marcs  of 
silver  an  enormous  quantity  of  gangue  impreg- 
nated with  metals  must  be  extracted.  Now  it 
is  easy  to  conceive  that  in  mines  of  which  the 
different  works  are  badly  disposed,  and  without 
any  communication  with  one  another,  the  ex- 
pence  of  extraction  must  be  increased  in  an 
alarming  manuv'^r,  in  proportion  as  the  pits 
(pozos)  increase  in  depth,  and  the  galleries 
(canones)  become  more  extended. 

The  labour  of  a  miner  is  entirely  free  through- 
out the  w  hole  kingdom  of  Xew  Spain ;  and  no 
Indian  or  Mestizoe  can  be  forced  to  dedicate 
themselves  to  the  working  of  mines.  It  is  ab- 
solutely false,  though  the  assertion  has  been 
repeated  in  works  of  the  greatest  estimation, 
that  the  court  of  Madrid  sends  out  galley  slaves 
to  America  to  work  in  the  gold  and  silver 
mines.  The  mines  of  Siberia  have  been  peopled 
by  Russian  malefactors;  but  in  tht  Spanish 
coldiiies  this  species  of  punishment  has  been 
fortiiiiately  unknown  for  centuries.  The  Mexi- 
I'HM  MMliM'  is  the  best  paid  of  all  miners;  he 
gains  at  the  least   from  25   to  30  francs*  per 

*  From  £1  to  £1  48.  Sterling.    Tra?is. 

CHAP,  xi.l         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       247 

week  of  six  days,  while  the  wages  of  labourers 
who  work  in  the  open  air,  husbandmen  for 
example,  are  seven  livres,  sixteen  sous,  on  the 
central  table  land,  and  nine  livres,  twelve  sous  * 
near  the  coast.  The  miners,  tenateros  and 
faeneros  occupied  in  transporting  the  minerals 
to  the  place  of  assemblage  (despachos)  frequently 
gain  more  than  six  francs  t  per  day,  of  six 
hours  J.  Honesty  is  by  no  means  so  common 
among  the  Mexican  as  among  the  German  or 
Swedish  miners;  and  they  make  use  of  a  thou- 
sand tricks  to  steal  very  rich  minerals.  As 
they  are  almost  naked,  and  are  searched  on 
leaving  the  mine  in  the  most  indecent  manner, 
they  conceal  small  morsels  of  native  silver,  or 
red  sulphuretted  and  muriated  silver  in  their 
hair,  under  their  arm-pits,  and  in  their  mouths ; 
and  they  even  lodge  in  tb  ir  anus,  cylinders  of 
clay  which  contain  the  metal.  These  cylinders 
are  called  hnganas,  and  they  are  sometimes 
found  of  the  length  of  thirteen  centimetres, 
(iive  inches).  It  is  a  most  shocking  spectacle 
to  see  in  the  large  mines  of  Mexico,  hundreds 
of  workmen,  among  whom  there  are  a  great 
number  of  very  respectable  men,  all  compelled 

*  68. 3d.  and  7s.  6d.     Trans. 

t  4s.  lOd.     Trans. 

I  At  Freiberg  in  Saxony  the  miner  gains  per  week  of 
five  days,  from  four  livres,  to  four  livres  ten  sous,  ( from  36.  3d. 
»e  3s.  8d.     Trans.) 



•  Ti: 



*-^48        POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  iv 

to  allow  themselves  to  be  searched  on  leaving 
the  pit  or  the  gallery.  A  register  is  kept  of  the 
minerals  found  in  the  hair,  in  the  mouth,  or 
other  parts  of  the  miners*  bodies.  In  the  mine 
of  Valenciana  at  Guanaxuato>  the  value  of 
these  stolen  minerals,  of  which  a  great  part  was 
composed  of  the  lour/anas y  amounted  between 
1774  and  1787,  to  the  sum  of  900,000 

In  the  interior  of  the  mines  much  care  is  em- 
ployed in  controuling  the  minerals  transported 
by  the  tenateros  from  the  place  of  operation  to- 
wards the  pit.  At  Valenciana,  for  example, 
they  know  to  within  a  few  pounds  the  quantity 
of  metalliferous  gamjue  which  daily  goes  out 
of  the  mine.  I  say,  the  gangiie,  for  the  rock 
is  never  there  an  object  of  extraction,  and  is 
employed  to  fill  up  the  vacancies  formed  by  the 
extraction  of  the  minerals.  At  the  place  of  as- 
semhiage  of  the  gicat  pits,  two  chambers  are 
dug  in  the  nallf  in  each  of  which  two  persons 
(despachcfi lores)  are  seated  at  a  table,  with  a 
book  before  them  containing  the  names  of  all 
the  miners  employed  in  the  carriage.  Two 
balances  are  suspended  before  them,  near  the 
counter.  Each  teimtero  loaded  with  minerals 
presents  himself  at  the  count*  v;  and  two  per- 
sons stationed  near  the  balances,  judge  of  the 

*  i£' 36*000  sterling.     Tram, 

€HAP.  XI.]        KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       249 

weight  of  this  load  by  raising  it  lightly  up.  If 
the  tenatero,  who,  during  the  road  has  had  time 
to  estimate  his  load,  believes  it  lighter  than  the 
despachador,  he  says  nothing,  because  the  error 
is  advantageous  to  him;  but  on  the  other  hand, 
if  he  believes  the  weight  of  the  mineral  which 
he  carries  in  his  bag  to  be  greater  than  it  is 
estimated,  he  then  demands  that  it  should  be 
weighed  in  the  balance ;  and  the  weight  which 
is  thus  determined  is  entered  in  the  book  of 
the  despachador.  From  whatever  part  of  the 
mine  the  tenatero  comes,  he  is  paid  at  the  rate 
of  one  real  de  plata  for  a  load  of  nine  arrobas, 
and  one  and  a  half  real  for  a  load  of  thirteen 
arrobas  and  a  haXi  i^ex  journey .  There  are  some 
tenateros  who  perform  in  one  day,  from  eight 
to  ten  journiest  and  their  pay  is  regulated  from 
the  bock  of  the  despachador.  This  mode  of 
reckoning  is  no  doubt  highly  deserving  of 
praise,  and  we  cannot  sufficiently  admire  the 
celerity,  the  order,  and  the  silence  with  which 
they  thus  determine  the  weight  of  so  mi'iiy 
thousand  quintals  of  minerals,  which  are  fur- 
nished by  veins  of  twelve  or  tifteen  metres*  in 
breadth  in  a  single  day. 

These  minerals,  which  are  separated  from  the 
sterile  rocks  in  the  mine  itself,  by  the  master 
miners    (qtiehradorea)    uudcigo    three  sorts  of 

*  38  or  48  feet      Trans. 







250        POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  it. 


preparation,  viz.  at  the  place  of  trial,  where 
women  work,  under  hocards,  and  under  the 
tahonas  or  araistras.  These  tahonas  are  ma- 
chines in  which  the  metalliferous  gangue  is 
triturated  under  very  hard  stones,  which  have 
a  giratory  motion,  and  which  weigh  more  than 
seven  or  eight  quintals.  They  are  not  yet  ac- 
quainted with  washing  with  the  tub  (setz  wasche) 
nor  washing  on  sleeping  tMes  (tables  dormantes) 
{liegende  heerde)  or  percussion  (stossheerde). 
The  preparation  under  the  bocards  (mazos) 
or  in  the  tahonas,  to  which  I  shall  give  the  name 
oi  mills,  on  account  of  their  resemblance  to  some 
oil  and  snuff  mills,  differs  according  as  the 
mineral  is  destined  to  be  smelted  or  amalga- 
mated. The  mills  properly  belong  only  to  this 
last  process ;  however,  very  rich  metallic  grains 
called  polvillos,  which  have  passed  through  the 
tritm*ation  of  the  tahona  are  also  smelted. 

The  quantity  of  silver  extracted  from  the 
minerals  by  means  of  mercury,  is  in  the  propor- 
tion of  3  i  to  1  of  that  produced  by  smelting. 
This  proportion  is  taken  from  the  general 
table  formed  by  the  provincial  treasuries,  from 
the  different  districts  of  mines  of  New  Spain. 
There  are  however,  some  of  those  districts 
for  example,  those  of  Sombrerete  and  Zimapan 
in  which  the  produce  from  smelting  exceeds 
that  of  amalgamation. 

CHAP.  xi;j 

KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       251 


Silver  (plata  quintada)  extracted  from  the 
mines  of  New  Spain,  from  the  1st  January, 
1785,  to  the  31st  December,  1789. 


Provincial  treasuries  receiving 
the  fifth. 

Silver  ex- 
tracted by 
tion, (mar- 

Silver  ex- 
tracted by 

cos  de  azo- 

(marcos  de 







Guanaxuato     .     . 



San  Luis  Potosi    . 



Durango     .... 






Bolanos     .... 



Sombrerete      .     . 



Zimapan     .     .     . 



Pachuca     .... 



Rosario     .... 



Total  in  n 





I  believe  we  must  augment  the  quantities 
stated  in  the  preceding  table  one  fifth  to  come 
at  the  real  state  of  the  mines.  In  times  of 
peace,  amalgamation  gains  a  gradual  ascendancy 
over  smelting,  which  is  generally  badly  ma- 
naged. As  wood  is  becoming  yearly  more 
scarce  on  the  ridge  of  the  Cordilleras,  which  is 





■  h':- 


■■■      ■*'U: 


252       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE        [book  iv. 

it  I 

the  most  populous  part,  the  diminution  of  the 
produce  of  smelting  is  very  advantageous  to  the 
manufactories  which  require  a  gTeat  consump- 
tion of  combustibles.  In  times  of  war  the  wuul 
of  mercury  arrests  the  progress  of  amalgamation 
and  compels  the  miner  to  endeavour  to  improve 
the  process  of  smelting.  M.  Velasquez,  the 
director  general  of  the  mines,  supposed  even  in 
1797,  before  the  discovery  of  the  rich  mines  of 
Catorce,  where  there  is  nearly  no  smelting,  that 
of  all  the  minerals  of  New  Spain  f  were  smelted, 
and  the  other  I  amalgamated. 

The  limits  prescribed  by  iis  in  the  execution 
of  thi.s  \\  ork,  do  not  permit  us  to  enter  into  any 
detail  of  the  processes  of  amalgamation  used  in 
Mexico.  It  may  be  sufficient  to  give  a  general 
idea  of  them,  to  examine  the  chemical  phe- 
nomena which  are  exhibited  in  the  greatest 
part  of  these  processes,  and  to  show  the  difficul- 
ties which  in  the  New  Continent  oppose  the 
introduction  of  the  method  invented  in  Germany 
in  1786,  by  Born,  Ruprecht,  and  Gellert. 
Those  who  may  desire  to  know  thoroughly  the 
practice  of  American  amalgamation,  will  find 
the  most  satisfactory  information  in  a  work 
which  M.  Bonneschmidt  proposes  to  publish. 
This  worthy  mineralogist  resided  in  New 
Spain  for  the  space  of  twelve  years;  he  had 
occasion  to  submit  a  great  number  of  minerals 
to  amalgamation ;  and  he  had  it  in  his  power 

OHAk\  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       253 

to  discover  by  his  own  experience,  the  advan- 
tages and  disadvantages  of  the  different  methods 
which  have  been  followed  since  the  sixteenth 
century  in  the  mines  of  America. 

The  antients  knew  the  property  which  mer- 
cm'y  possessed  of  combining  with  gold;  and 
they  made  use  of  amalgamation  in  gilding  cop- 
per, and  collecting  the  gold  contained  in  their 
worn  out  dresses,  by  reducing  them  to  ashes  in 
clay  vessels  *.  It  appears  even  certain  that, 
before  the  discovery  of  America,  the  German 
miners  used  mercury  not  only  in  washing 
auriferous  earths,  but  also  in  extracting  the 
gold  disseminated  in  veins  f ,  both  in  its  native 
state,  and  mixed  with  pyrites  of  iron,  and  with 
the  ore  of  grey  copper.  But  the  amalgama- 
tion of  silver  minerals,  and  the  ingenious  process 
now  used  in  the  New  World,  to  which  we 
owe  the  greater  part  of  the  valuable  metals 
existing  in  Europe,  or  which  have  flowed  from 

*  Plin.  XXXIII,  6.  Vetruv.  VII.  8.  Beckmann's 
Gesch.der  Erfindungen,  B.  I.  p.  44< ;  B.  III.  p.  307  ;  B.IV. 
p.  578. 

.,  f  For  example,  at  Goldcronach,  in  the  Fichtelgebirge, 
where  they  still  shew  the  situation  of  the  old  amalgamation 
mills  (quickmuhlen)  for  the  braying  of  the  auriferous  mine- 
rals. Valuable  documents  have  been  found  in  the  archives 
of  Plassenbourg,  which  I  had  occasion  to  study  during  a 
long  residence  in  the  mountains  of  Steeben  and  Wunsiedel, 
that  prove  the  antiquity  of  the  amalgamation  works  at 




254       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

Europe  to  Asia,  goes  no  farther  back  than  the 
year  1557.     It  was  invented  in  Mexico  by  a 
miner  of  Pachuca  of  the  name  of  Bartholome 
de  Medina.     From  the  documents  preserved  in 
the  archives  of  the  despacho  yeneral  de  Indias, 
and  from  the  researches  of  Don  Juan  Diaz  de 
la  Calle*,  there   cannot  remain  a  doubt  as  to 
the    true    author  of  the  invention,  which  has 
sometimes    been     attributed  f     to     the    canon 
Henrique  Garces,  who  in  1566,  began  to  work 
the  mercury  mines  of  Huancavelica,  and  some- 
times to  Fernandez  de  Velasco,  who  in   1571 
introduced  the  Mexican  amalgamation  into  Peru. 
It  is  not  so  certain  however,  that  Medina,  who 
was   born   in  Europe,  had  not    already  made 
experiments  in  amalgamation  before  coming  to 
Pachuca.     Berrio  de  Montalvo,  an  alcalde  de 
corte  at  Mexico  J,  and  author  of  a  Memoir  on 
the  metallurgical  treatment  of  silver  minerals, 
affirms,  **  that  Medina  had  heard  in  Spain  that 
silver  might  be  extracted  by  means  of  mercury 
and  common  salt ;"    but  this  assertioL  is  sup- 

*  Memorial  dirigido  al  Sen  or  Don  Felipe  IV,  (Madrid 
1646)  p.  49.     GnrceSf  del  heneficio  delos  metales,  p.  76 — 82. 

f  Solorzano,  Politica  de  las  Indias,  lib.  vi.  c.  vi,  n.  17. 
GarcilassOf  P.  i.  p.  225.  Acosta,  lib.  iv.  c.  ii.  Lumpadius 
Handbuch  der  Hiittenkunde,  B.  i.  p.  401 . 

\  Infbrme  al  ExceUentiss  Sen  or  Conde  de  Sahatierra, 
inrey  de  Mexicot  sohre  el  beneficio  descuUerto  por  el  Capitnn 
Pedro  Mendoza  Melendezy  Pedro  Garcia  de  Tapia  (Mexico 
1643)  p.  19. 

cHAr.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       255 

ported  l)y  no  convincing  proof.  Coltl  amal- 
giimation  was  found  so  profitable  in  Mexico, 
that  in  1562,  five  years  after  the  first  discovery 
of  the  process  of  Medina,  there  were  already 
35  works  at  Zacatecas*  in  which  minerals  were 
treated  with  mercury,  notwithstanding  Zaca- 
tecas  is  three  times  further  from  Pachuca, 
than  the  old  mines  of  Tasco,  Zultepeque,  and 

The  Mexican  miners  do  not  appear  to  follow 
any  very  fixed   principle,   in   the   selection   of 
the  minerals  submitted  to  smelting  or  amalga- 
mation; for  we  see  them  smelt  in  one  district 
of  mines,   the  same    mineral  substances  which 
in  another  they   believe  can  only  }>e  managed 
with    mercury.     The    minerals  which    contain 
muriate    of  silver,  for  example,  are  siyuietimes 
smelted    with  carbonate  of   soda   [tequesquite), 
and  sometimes  destined  to  the  processes  of  hot 
and  cold   amalgamation;    and  it  is   frequently 
only  the  abundance   of  mercury,  and  the  faci- 
lity in  procuring  it,  which  determine  the  miner 
«>  the  clioice  of  his  method.     In  general  they 
find  it  necessary  to  smelt  the  very  rich  meagre 
minerals,  tho*>e  which  contain  from  ten  to  twelve 
marcs,  of  silver  per  quintal,   argentiferous  sul- 
furetted  lead,  and  the  mixed  minerals  of  blende 
and  vitreous  copper.     On  the  other  hand,  they 


■  / 


*  Descripcion  de  la  chidad  de  Zacatecas,  por  el  Conde  de 
Santiago  d«  la  Laguna,  p.  4'2. 








■^  Uii   12.2 
£f   U£    12.0 

1^  illllM  m 








256       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

find  it  profitable  to  amalgamate  the  pacos  or 
cohrados*,  destitute  of  metalKck  lustre;  vitreous- 
red  black  and  horned  native  silver;  fahlore 
rich  in  silvei^;  and  all  the  meagre  ores  which 
are  disseminated  in  very  small  parcels  in  the 

The  minerals  destined  for  amalgamation  must 
be  triturated,  or  reduced  to  a  very  fine  powder, 
to  present  the  greatest  possible  contact  to  the 
mercury.  This  trituration  under  the  arastras 
or  mills,  of  which  we  have  already  spoken,  is 
of  all  the  metallurgical  operations  that  which 
is  executed  in  the  greatest  perfection,  in  the 
most  part  of  the  Mexican  works.  In  no  part 
of  Europe  have  I  ever  seen  mineral  flour  or 
schlich  so  fine,  and  of  so  equal  a  grain,  as  in 
the  great  haciendas  de  plata  of  Guanaxuato, 
belonging  to  Count  de  la  Yalenciana,  Colonel 
Rul,  and  Count  Perez  Galvez.  When  the 
minerals  are  very  pyritous,  they  are  burnt  (quema) 
in  the  open  air  in  heaps,  on  beds  of  wood,  as 
at  Sombrerete,  or  in  schlich  in  reverberating 
furnaces  (comalillos).  The  latter  I  found  at 
Tehuilotepec :  they  are  12  metres*   in  lengths 

*  Ahtaro  AlonxoBarha,  el  arte  de  beneficiar  metales,  16S9, 
Lib.  ii.  c  iv.  Felipe  de  la  Torre  Barrio  y  Limuy  miner o  de 
San  Jnan  de  Lucanas,  tratado  de  azogueria  (Lima  1 738^. 
Juan  de  Ordonez,  CartiUa  sabre  el  benejicvi  de  azogue  ( Mexico 
1758/  Francisco  Xavier  de  Soria,  Emayo  de  metalurgia 
(Mexico  1784;. 

t  38  feet.    Trans, 

cftAP.  Xt]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       '^ol 

they  ar6  without  chimneys,  but  managed  by 
two  fires  of  which  the  fla^ies  traverse  the  labo- 
ratory. The  chemical  preparation  of  tlie  mi- 
nerals is  however  very  rare  in  general;  the 
greatness  of  tiie  volume  of  substances  lo  be 
amalgamated,  and  the  want  of  combustibles 
on  the  table  land  of  New  Spain,  render  the 
process  equally  difficult  and  expensive. 

The  dry  braying  is  done  by  mazost  eight 
of  which  work  together,  kept  in  motion  by 
hydraulical  wheels  or  by  mules.  The  braye<l 
mineral  (granza)  passes  through  ;i  hide  pierce<i 
with  holes;  and  it  is  reduced  to  a  very  fine 
flour  under  the  arastras  or  tafiotms,  which  are 
called  sencillas  or  de  marco,  according  as  they 
are  furnished  with  two  or  four  blocks  of  ])or- 
phyry  or  basalt  (piedras  vol(tdoras)y  which  re- 
volve in  a  circle  from  9  to  12  metres  in  cir- 
cumference*. From  12  to  15  of  these  arastras 
or  mills,  are  generally  ranged  in  a  row  under 
one  shed;  and  they  are  moved  by  water,  or 
mules  which  are  relieved  every  eight  hours. 
One  of  these  machines  brays  in  the  space  of  24 
hours,  from  three  to  four  hundred  kilogrammes  j 
of  minerals.  The  humid  schlieh  (lama)  which 
leaves  the  arastras,  is  sometimes  washed  again 
in  ditches  (estanquesde  deslamar),  the  construction 
of  which  in  the  districtof  mines  of  Zacatecas, 

VOL.   111. 

♦  From  29  to  38  feet,    trans. 

t  From  662  to  882  lb.  avoird.    Trans. 



2i8       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

has  been  recently  carried  to  perfection  by  M. 
Garces.  When  the  minerals  are  very  rich,  as 
in  the  mine  of  Rayas  at  Guanaxuato,  they  are 
only  reduced  under  the  stones  of  the  mills  to 
the  size  of  gravel  (xalsonte),  and  they  separate, 
by  washing^,  the  richest  metallick  griiins(polvilios)t 
which  are  destined  for  smelting;.  This  very 
economical  operation  is  called  apartar  polvillos. 

I   have  been  assured,  that   in   destining  for 
Amalgamation   silver  minerals   which  arc   very 
poor  in  gold,  they  pour  mercury  into  the  vessel 
or   trough,  on  the  bottom  of  which  the  stones 
of  the  arastms  turn ;  and  the  auriferoas  amal- 
gamation goes   on   then   in  proportion  as  the 
mineral   is  reduced  to    powder,   the    giratory 
motion  of  the  piedras  vohderas  being  favour- 
able to  the  combination  of  the  metals.     I  had 
no  opportunity  of  seeing  this  operation,  which 
is  not  practised  at  Guanaxuato.     In  some  great 
amalgamation  works  of  New  Spain,  the  arastras 
are  still  unknown ;  they  are  contented  with  the 
braying  of  the  mazos;  and  the  schlich  which 
comes   from    under    them  is  passed    through 
sieves  (cedazos  and  tolvas).    This  preparation 
of  the  flour  is  very  imperfect;  for  a  powder 
of  an  unequal  and  coarse  grain  amalgamates 
very  ill ;  and  the  health  of  the  workmen  suffer 
greatly,  in  a  place  where  a  cloud  of  metallick 
dust  is  perpetually  flying  about.   - 

The   moistened  sehlick  is  carried  from  the 

ciiAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       259 

mills  or  arasttas,  into  the  court  of  amalgama- 
tion, (patio  or  galera)  which  id  grenerally  paved 
with  flasrs.    The  flour  is  ranged  in  piles  (mon' 
tones)  which  contain  from    15  to  35  quintali. 
Forty  or  fifty  of  these  montones  form  a  torta, 
by  which  name  they  call  a  heap    of  humid 
schlich,  which  they  leave  exposed  to  the  open 
air,  and  which  is  frequently   from    20    to  30 
metres  in  breadth,*  by  five  or  six  decimetres'l' 
\fk  thickness.    They  use  for  amalgamation  ia 
a  paved   court,   (en  patio)  which  is  the  most 
generally  used  process  in  America,  the  follow- 
ing materials;   muriate  of    soda,  (sal  blanca) 
sulphate  of  iron  and  copper,  (magistral)  lime 
and  vegetable  ashes. 

The  salt  used   in  New   Spain    is  of  very 
unequal  purity,  according  as  it  comes  from  the 
salt  marshes  which  surround  the  port  of  Co- 
lima  on  the  shores  of  the  South  Sea,  or  the 
famous  laguna  del  peflon  bianco,  between  San 
Luis  Potosi    and    Zacatecas.     This  lake  was 
visited  by  M.  Sonneschmidt.    It  is  situated  at 
the  foot  of  a  granite  rock,  on  tfic  slope  of 
the  Cordilleras ;  and  it  dries  Up  every  year  in 
the  month  of  December.    It  furnishes  annually 
to  the    revenue  nearly  250  thousand  fnnegas 
«f  impure  or  earthy  salt,  (sal  tierra)  which  u 

•  From  «5  to  98 feet.    Trant. 
f  ld|  or  23i  inche*.     Trans, 



.\  lO  .1     u  Ml 




^60       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  rv. 

all  sold  to  the  amalgation  works.  On  the 
spot  even  the  price  of  a  fanejsfa  is  half  a 
piastre.  The  districts  of  mines  of  the  inten- 
(lancy  of  Mexico,  receive  salt  from  the  coast 
of  Vok'n  Cruz,  and  the  springs  of  Chautla ;  and 
at  Tasco  the  muriate  of  soda  of  Vera  Cruz, 
sells  for  four  piastres  the  quintal.    /-^  rf :.  i . 

The  muffistral  is  a  mixture  of  pyritous  copper, 
{kupferkies)  and  sulphuretted  salt,  roasted  for 
some  hours  in  a  rever))erating  oven,  and  slowly 
cooled.  If  it  is  roasted  longer,  it  produces  an 
acid  sulphate  of  iron  and  copper,  mixed  with  iron 
oxidated  to  the  highest  degree.  Sometimes*, 
though  seldom,  the  azogueros  (the  name  given 
to  the  persons  charged  with  the  amalgamation) 
add  to  the  pyrites,  during  their  roasting  muriate 
of  soda ;  so  that  there  is  formed  sulphate  of  soda, 
and  muriate  of  copper  and  iron.  I  have  also  seen 
vitriolic  earths,  or  copperas,  (tierras  de  tinta  o  de 
alcaparosa),  which  are  ochreous earths  containing 
fa*on  oxidated  to  the  maximum,  and  sulphate  of 
Iron,  mixed  with  the  magistral.  In  the  dis- 
trict of  mines  of  Real  de  Moran,  they  employ 
in  the  preparation  of  the  magistral,  pyrites  of 
copper  of  San  Juan  Sitacora,  the  carga  of 
which  is  paid  for  at  the  rate  of  ten  piastres. 
The  lime  is  obtained  by  calcinating  very  pure 
limestone,  and   extinguishing  it  with    water; 

*  GarceSf  p.  90. 

CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       261 

and  very   rarely   alkaline  ashes  are  substituted 
to  calcinated  liniC. 

By  the  contact  of  these  different  substances, 
namely;  nioisieued  metallick  Hour,  mercury, 
muriate  of  soda,  sulphates  of  iron  and  copper, 
and  lime,  that  the  amalgamation  of  silver,  in 
the  process  of  cold  amalgamation,  (de  patio  y 
por  cruto)  takes  place.  They  begin  at  first  by 
mixing'  salt  with  the  metallick  flour,  and  they 
stir  (repassa)  the  paste  (torta).  According  to 
the  purity  of  the  salt  used,  they  give  each  quintal 
of  schlich,  a  quantity  which  varies  from  two 
and  a  half  to  twenty  four  pounds.  If  the 
muriate  of  soda  is  of  moderate  purity,  they 
take  from  three  to  four  per  cent.  They  call 
metales  salinerosy  those  which  are  believed  to 
require  a  great  deal  of  salt,  and  in  which  the 
silver  mineral  is  found  in  grains  of  considera- 
ble volume.  They  leave  the  mineral  mixed 
with  salt  {metal  ensalmorado)  to  repose  for  se- 
veral days,  in  order  that  the  latter  may  dissolve 
and  be  equally  distributed.  If  the  azoguera 
judges  the  metals  to  be  warm,  (calientes)  that 
is  to  say  in  a  state  of  oxidation,  and  naiurally 
charged  either  with  sulphates  of  iron  and  copper 
which  rapidly  decompose  in  the  air,  with 
muriate  of  silver,  he  adds  lime  to  cool  the  mass ; 
and  this  operation  is  called  curtir  los  metales 
con  cal.  But  they  use  magistral,  if  the  schlich 
appears  too  .cold  (fnos),  for  example,  if  they 

462       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

proceed  from  minerals  which  display  great  mc- 
tallick  luiitre ;  if  they  contain  sulphate  of  lead 
(netjrillos  offaknadcs),  or  pyrites  difficult  to  de- 
compose in  the  humid  air;  and  this  operation 
is  called  eurtir  con  magistral.  They  attribute 
to  the  sulphate  of  iron  and  copper,  the  property 
of  heating  the  mass;  and  they  only  consider  it 
as  well  prepared,  when,  moistened  and  held  in 
the  hand,  it  causes  a  sensation  of  heat.  In  this 
case,  the  sulphuric  acid  which  is  concentrated 
in  the  acid  sulphate,  attracts  the  water  and  com- 
bines with  it  in  getting  free  from  the  caloric. 

We  have  described  two  processes  of  chemi- 
cal preparation  of  minerals,  salting  (el  ensal- 
morar)  and  the  manner  of  tanning  (eurtir)  with 
lime  or  magistral.  After  some  days  of  repose, 
they  begin  to  incorporate,  (incorporar)  that  is  to 
say  to  mix  the  mercury  with  the  metallick  flour. 
The  quantity  of  mercury  is  determined  by  the 
quantity  of  silver  which  they  think  will  be 
drawn  from  the  minerals;  and  they  generally 
employ  in  the  incorporation,  (en  el  incorporo) 
six  times  the  quantity  of  mercury  which  the 
paste  contains  of  silver.  They  allow  from  three 
to  four  pounds  of  mercury  for  a  marc  of  silver; 
and  with  the  merciiry  or  shortly  afterwards,  they 
add  to  the  mass,  magistral,  according  to  the 
nature,  or  rather,  to  use  only  the  barbarous 
language  of  the  azogueros,  according  to  th^ 
temperature   of   the  minerals,  segun  los  grades 

eiiAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       2615 


(fe  friaklad.  They  allow  from  one  to  seven 
pounds  of  inaj^istrul  to  each  pound  of  mercnry ; 
and  if  tlie  mercury  assumes  a  lead  colour  {color 
4iplomado)f  it  is  a  mark  that  the  paste  is  work- 
ing, or  that  the  chemical  action  has  hegmi.  To 
favour  this  action,  and  to  augment  the  contact 
of  the  substances,  they  repass  (se  da  rcpasso) 
or  stir  the  mass,  either  by  causing  about  twenty 
horses  or  mules  to  run  round  for  several  hours, 
or  by  setting  workmen  to  tread  the  schlich,  who 
for  whole  days  go  about  barefooted  in  this  me- 
tallick  mud.  Every  day  the  azoguero  examines 
the  state  of  the  flour;  and  he  makes  the  trial 
{la  tentndura)  in  a  small  wooden  trough  {xicartt) 
that  is  to  say,  he  washes  a  portion  of  schlich 
with  water,  and  judges  fVom  the  appearance  of 
the  mercury  and  the  amalgam,  if  the  mass  is  too 
cold  or  too  warm.  When  the  mercury  takes  au 
ash  colour  {en  Us  cenicienta)  ;  when  a  very  fine 
grey  powder  is  separated  from  it  whic^h  sticks 
to  the  fingers,  they  say  the  paste  is  too  hot; 
and  they  cool  it  by  the  addition  of  lime.  But 
if  on  the  other  hand,  the  inercury  preserves  a 
met^llick  lustre ;  i^f  it  remainsi  white,  and  covered 
with  a  reddish  or  gilt  pellicle  {telilla  roxiza  o  de 
tornasol  morado  ot  an  lis  dorado);  if  it  does  not 
appear  to  act  upon  the  mass,  the  amalgama- 
tion is  then  considered  to  be  too  cold^  and 
they  endeavour  to  heiit  it  (calentar)  by  a  mix- 
ture of  magistral.  :  •'        r       ,. 









20 1        POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

III  this  manner,  during  the  space  of  two,  three, 
and  even  five  months,  the  paste  is  balanced 
between  the  magistral  and  the  lime;  for  the 
effects  are  very  different  according  to  the  tem- 
perature of  tlie  atvnosphere,  the  nature  of  the 
minerals,  and  the  motion  given  to  the  schlich. 
Do  they  imagine  that  the  action  is  too  strong, 
and  that  the  muss  is  working  too  much?  They 
allow  it  to  repose  :  and  in  doing  so  do  they 
*  wish  to,  accelerate  the  amalgamation,  and  in- 
crease the  heat  ?  They  repeat  oftener  the 
repassos,  sometimes  employing  men,  and  some- 
times mules.  If  the  amalgamation  is  formed 
too  quickly,  and  appears  in  the  form  of  small 
globules,  called  pasillas  or  copos,  they  feed  the 
paste  {si  ceha  la  torta),  by  again  adding  mercury 
with  a  little  magistral,  and  sometimes  with  salt. 
When  from  the  exterior  characters,  the  azoguerc 
judges  that  the  mercury  has  united  with  the 
whole  silver  contained  in  the  minerals,  and 
that  the  paste  has  yielded  {ha  rendido),  the 
metallick  muds  are  thrown  into  vats  of  wood 
or  stone.  Small  mills  provided  with  sails  placed 
perpendicularly,  turn  round  in  these  vats.  These 
machines  {tinas  de  cat  y  canto)  which  are  parti- 
cularly well  executed  at  Guanaxuato,  have  a 
resemblance  to  those  established  at  Freiberg, 
to   wash  the   remains   of  the   amalgamation*. 

♦  Fragoso  de  Segueirat  Description  de  Pamdlgamation  de 
Freiberg f  1800,  p.  36. 

CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN-       266 

The  earthy  and  oxidated  parts  are  carried  away 
by  tlie  water,  while  the  amalgam  and  the  mer- 
cury remain  in  the  bottom  of  the  vat.  Aa 
the  force  of  the  current  carries  away  at  the 
same  time  some  globules  of  mercury,  in  the 
great  works,  poor  Indian  w^men  are  to  be 
seen  employed  in  gathering  this  metal  from 
the  water  used  in  washing.  They  separate 
the  amalgam  collected  at  the  bottom  of  the 
Unas  del  lavadero  ii'om  the  mercury,  by  pressing 
it  through  sacks ;  and  they  mould  it  into  py- 
ramids which  they  cover  with  a  reversed  cru- 
cible in  the  shape  of  a  bell.  The  silver  is 
separated  from  the  mercury  by  means  of  dis- 
tillation. In  the  process  which  I  have  been 
describing,  they  lose  in  general  from  eleven 
and  twelve  to  fourteen  ounces  of  mercury 
for  each  marc  of  silver  which  they  extract^ 
that  is  to  say,  from  lA)  to  17^  kilogrammes  of 
mercury,  for  a  kilogramme  of  silver.  In  the 
process  of  amalgamation  introduced  into  Saxony, 
by  M.  M.  Gellert  and  Charpentier,  the  consump- 
tion of  mercury  is  ^xf  of  a  kilogramme  per 
kilogramme  of  silver,  or  eight  times  less  than 
the  proportion  used  in  Mexico*. 

*  In  an  ordinary  y^ar  they  amalgamate  at  the  work  of 
Halsbriicke,  near  Freiberg,  from  58  to  60  thousand  quintals 
of  meagre  minerals,  which  contain  from  seven  to  eight  lots  of 
silver  per  quintal  (two  lots  are  equal  to  one  ounce).  The 
waste  of  mercury  in  amalgamation  properly  so  called  (im  an' 

266       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

\Vc  have  descTilicd  the  cold  amalp^amation 
(por  cnidoydc  patio)^  without  roasting  the  mine- 
ra]8,  and  hy  expoHinp^  thcni  in  a  court  to  the 
open  air.  Medina  was  only  acquainted  with 
the  U8(;  of  salt,  and  sulphates  of  iron  and  cop* 
per ;  but  in  1586,  fifteen  years  after  his  pro- 
cess was  introduced  into  Peru,  Carlos  Corso  de 
Leca,  a  peruvian  miner*  discovered  the  hcnefi- 
cio  de  hierro.  He  advised  the  mixture  of  small 
plates  of  iron  with  the  luetallick  flour,  affirm^ 
ing  that  by  this  mixtiu'c  mere  than  nine  tenths 
of  the  mercury  would  be  saved.  This  process, 
as  we  shall  afterwards  see,  is  founded  on  the 
decomposition  of  the  muriate  of  silver  by  the 
iron,  and  on  the  attraction  of  this  metal  for 
the  sulphur.  It  is  now  but  very  little  followed 
by  the  Mexican  azogueros.  In  1590,  Alonzo 
Barba  proposed  the  hot  amalgamation  in  cop- 
per vats.  This  process  is  called  the  beneficio 
de  cazo  1/ cocimiento ;  and   it  is  that  which  was 

quicken  J,  and  in  washing  the  remains,  is  three  quarters  of. 
an  ounce  (or  a  lot  and  a  quarter)  per  quintal  of  mineral. 
In  the  evaporation  of  the  mercury  fausglUhenJ,  they  waste  ' 
a  quarter  of  a  lot  of  mercury,  for  a  quantity  of  silver  cor- 
responding to  a  quintal  of  mineral.  Hence  according  to 
M.  Heron  de  Villefosse,  for  every  60,000  quintals  of  mine- 
rals,  they  consume  or  destroy  25\  quintals  of  mercury,  {Lam- 
j}a</ti»,B.  ii.  p.  178.)  ^ 

*  Carta  de  Don  Juan  Carbajal  y  Sandi  presidente  de  la. 
real  audiencia  de  la  Plata,  al  excellentis,  SeHor.  Conde  de 
ChinchoUf  virey  del  Perut  1736,  ,,u,        i     ,,■-;. i 

CHAP,  ii.j         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       207 

proposed  by  M.  Born,  in  1780.  The  loss  of  mer- 
cury is  much  less  by  it  than  in  the  bent,' Ao 
porpatioy  because  the  copper  of  the  vessels  serves 
to  decompose  the  muriate  of  silver,  while  at  the 
same  time  the  heat  favours  the  ojieration,  either 
in  rendering  the  action  of  the  affinities  more 
energetic,  or  in  giving  motion  to  the  liquid 
ma.?s  which  enters  into  ebullition.  This  hot 
amalgamation  is  used  in  several  of  the  mines 
of  Mexico,  which  abound  in  horn-silver  (art/ent- 
corn6)  and  colorados*  Juan  de  Ordonez,  whose 
work  has  been  already  quot  d,  even  advised 
amalgamation  by  means  of  stoves.  In  1076, 
Juan  de  Corroscgarra,  discovered  a  process 
which  is  very  much  in  use  at  present,  called 
the  benejicio  de  la  pella  de  plata ;  and  in  which 
silver  already  formed  is  added  to  the  mercury 
of  the  amalgam.  It  is  said,  that  this  amalgam 
(pella)  lavours  the  extraction  of  the  silver,  and 
that  the  loss  of  mercury  is  so  much  less,  as 
the  amalgam  disseminates  itself  with  greater 
difficulty  into  the  mass.  A  fifth  method  is  the 
beneficio  de  la  colpa,  in  which  instead  of  an 
artificial  maffistral,  which  contains  much  more 
of  the  sulphate  of  copper,  than  the  sulphat^^  of 
iron,  they  use  colpa  which  is  a  natural  mixture 
of  acid  sulphate  of  iron,  and  iron  oxidated  to 
the  ift<mmttm.  This  beneficio  de  la  colpuy  ex- 
tolled by  Don  Lorenzo  de  la  Torre,  offers 
p?irt  of    the  advantages  whicli  we    have   just 



ft  f 

268       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 


pointed  out   in  speaking  of  the   amalgamation 
byiron.    ...:♦  ..      ,  ,s        .  •    ..       ,<....    ..  ^..  . 

The  process  invented  by   the  miner  of  Pa- 
chuca,   is   one  of    those    chemical   operations^ 
which  for   centuries  have   been  practised   with 
a  certain   degree   of   success,  notwithstanding 
the  persons  who   extract  silver  from   minerals 
by  means   of    mercury,  have    not  the  smallest 
acquaintance  either   of  the  nature   of  the  sub- 
stances employed,   or  the   particular   mode   of 
their  action.     The  azogueros  speak  of  a  mass 
of  minerals  as  of  an  organized  body,  of  which 
they    augment  or  diminish    the    natural  heat. 
Like  physicians  who  in  ages  of  barbarism,  di- 
vided all  aliments  and  all   remedies   into  two 
classes,  hot  and   cold,  the  azogueros  sor  nothing 
in  minerals,  but  substances  which  must  be  heated 
by  sulphates  if  they  are  too  cold,  or  cooled  by 
alcalies  if  too  warm.     The  custom  which  was 
already   introduced  in   the  time  of    Pliny,   of 
rubbing  metals  with  salt,  before  applying   the 
amalgam  of  gold,  has  undoubtedly  given  rise 
to  the  use  of  muriate  of  soda  in   the  process 
of  Mexican  amalgamation.     This  salt  accord- 
ing to    the   accounts  of  the  azogueroSy  serves 
to  clean  (Umpiar,  castrar)  and  to  unskin  (desen" 
zurronar)  the  silver,   which  is  enveloped  with 
sulphur,  arsenic,  and  antimony^  as  with  a  skm 
(telilla  or  capuz)f  whose  presence  prevents  the 
immediate  contact  of  the  silver  with  the  mer- 
cury.    The  action    of   this  last  metal  is  ren- 

CHAP.  XL]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       269 

dered  more  energetic  by  the  sulphates  with  which 
the  mass  is  heated;  and  it  is  even  probable 
that  Medina  only  employed  simultaneously, 
the  sulphate  of  iron  and  copper,  and  the  muriate 
of  soda,  because  he  discovered  in  these  first 
attempts,  that  salt  was  only  favourable  to  the 
process  in  the  minerals  which  contained  de-^ 
composed  pyrites.  Without  having"  any  clear 
idea  of  the  action  of  the  sulphates  on  the  mu- 
riate of  soda,  he  endeavoured  to  recompose  {re- 
/aire)  the  minerals,  that  is  to  say  to  add  ma- 
gistral to  those  which  the  miner  considers  as 
not  vitriolic. 

Since  the  practice  of  amalgamation  of  silver 
minerals  was  introduced  into  Europe,  and  since 
the  learned  of  every  nation  met  at  the  metallurgic 
congress  of  Schemnitz*,  the  confused  theory  of 
Barba,  and  the  Mexican  azogueros,  has  been  suc- 
ceeded by  sounder  ideas,  better  adapted  to  the  pre- 
sent state  of  chemistry.  It  is  supposed  that  the 
practice  of  Freiberg,  where  amass  of  roasted  mi- 
,nerals  is  amalgamated  in  a  very  few  hours,  will  be 
gradually  introduced  into  the  Mexican  amalga- 
mation, where  the  minerals  are  generally  not 
roasted,  and  where  they  remain  exposed  in 
the  open  air  to  the  sun  and  the  rain  for  se- 
veral months.  It  is  believed  that  in  the  moist- 
ened mixture  of  silver  minerals,  mercury,  salt, 



•  Properly  Szkleno  or  Gleshutte,  near  Schemnltz. 

270       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [aooic  iv. 

lime,  and  magistral,  this  last,  which  is  an  acid 
sulphate  of  iron  and  copper,  decomposes  the 
muriate  of  soda;  that  it  is  formed  of  sulphate 
of  soda,  and  muriate  of  silver,  and  that  the 
muriate  of  silver  is  decomposed  by  the  mer- 
cury, which  unites  to  the  disoxidated  silver. 
It  is  admitted  that  the  lime  or  the  potash,  are 
added  to  prevent  the  superabundant  sulphuric 
acid  from  acting  on  the  mercury.  According  to 
this  explanation,  the  silver  which  is  found  in  its 
mineral  in  the  metallic  state,  though  uni- 
ted with  sulphur,  antimony,  iron%  copper,  zincf, 
arsenic;|;,  and  lead§,  passes  into  the  state  of 
muriate  before  combining  with  the  mercury. 

M.  Garcesll  a  Mexican  author,  whom  we  have 
frequently  had  occasion  to  quote,  thinks  on  the 
other  hand,  that  no  mmiate  of  silver  is  formed 
in  the  process  of  amalgamation.  He  supposes 
that  muriatic  acid  only  combines  with  metals 
which  are  found  united  with  silver :  that  water 
carries  off  the  soluble  muriates  of  iron  and 
copper,  and  that  silver  freed  from  these  me- 
tallick   substances,  combines    freely  with  the 

*  In  prismatic  black  silver.  Klaprath*s  Beitrage,  T.  i. 
p.  166.    Bergbaukunde  B.  i.  p.  239. 

f  In  Jithhre,  ftieissgultigerz  and  graugiihigerx,  Klaproth^ 
T.  iv.  p.61. 

X  In  fahlore  or  argentiferous  grey  copper. 

§  In  weisgiiltigerz. 

II  Teoricadel  Beneficio,^>ll^^ll6» 

CHAP.  XI.1         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       271 

mercury.  But  this  explanation,  apparently  very 
simple,  is  contrary  to  the  laws  of  affinity.  If 
muriatic  acid  disengaged  by  the  action  of  sul- 
phates on  the  muriate  of  soda,  were  to  act  on 
any  silver  mineral  whatever,  for  example,  on 
the  ore  of  prismatic  black  silver,  which  con- 
tains silver,  iron,  antimony,  sulphur,  copper,  and 
arsenic,  muriate  of  silver  would  necessarily  be 
formed  whenever  the  acid  should  have  exhausted 
the  other  metals.  The  theory  of  M.  Garces 
is  equally  inapplicable  to  the  amalgamation  of 
sulphuretted  silver  minerals,  which  are  abundantly 
spread  throughout  the  most  part  of  the  veins 
of  Mexico. 

Without  entering  in  this  work  into  any  pro- 
found discussion  of  the  phenomena,  presented 
by  the  contact  of  so  many  heterogeneous  sub- 
stances; and  without  resolving  the  important 
question,  whether  cold  amalgamation  can  be 
carried  on  without  salt  and  without  magistral, 
I  shall  confine  myself  to  the  mention  of  se- 
veral experiments  made  by  M.  Gay  Lussac, 
and  myself,  which  may  tend  to  throw  some 
lia^iit  on  Mexican  amaloramation. 

It  is  not  true  that  the  mixture  of  sulphur, 
entirely  prevents  the  silver  from  uniting  with 
the  mercury,  and  that  a  sulphur  of  silver  only 
gives  cold  amalgam,  in  adding  muriate  of  soda 
and  sulfate  of  iron :  we  observed  on  the  con- 
trary, that  on  thiturating  mercury  and  artificial 


..  if 
' .,/  f 


«72       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         Cbook  iv. 

sulphur  of  silver,  the  mercury  is  quickly  ex- 
tinguished, and  that  a  small  quantity  of  silver 
is  obtained  by  the  distillation  of  the  amalgam. 
We  mixed  mercury  with  ore  of  vitreous 
silver  reduced  to  powder;  and  after  a  contact 
of  48  hours,  there  was  formed  a  small  quan- 
tity of  silver  amalgam.  In  this  experiment 
and  in  the  following,  we  acted  on  two  or  three 
grammes*  of  mineral,  the  temperature  of  the 
air  being  from  ten  to  twelve  centigrade  degreesf, 
and  the  mixtures  having  been  slightly  moistened. 
On  imitating  the  amalgamation  de  patio  used 
in  Mexico,  and  mixing  in  a  cold  state  sulphur 
of  natural  silver,  sulphate  of  iron,  muriate  of 
soda  and  lime,  we  did  not  find  a  vestige  of 
muriate  of  silver,  although  the  mixture  remain- 
ed in  contact  for  a  week;  but  we  obtained 
it  when  the  mass  was  exposed  for  some  hours 
io  an  artificial  temperature  of  from  30°  to  34® 
centigradej.  In  the  warm  regions  of  New 
Spain,  the  tort€is  exposed  to  the  sun  become  the 
most  heated,  and  it  is  observed  that  the  amal- 
gamation takes  place  a  great  deal  slower  on 
the  table  lands,  where  the  thermometer  de- 
scends to  the  freezing  point,  than  in  the  deep 
vallies,  and  in  the  plains  in  the  vicinity  of  the 
coast.    It  is  probable  that  the  muriate  of  silver 

-  ♦30  or  45  Englisli  grains.     Trans* 

\  From  50°  to  53°  Fahr.     Trans. 
X  From  86«  to  93°  Fahr.     Trans, 

CHAP.  XL]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       27;> 

which  is  promptly  formed  at  a  temperature 
of  34*",  would  form  in  a  long  space  of  time  at 
a  much  lower  temperature. 

By  mixing  muriate  of  soda,  sulphate  of  iron, 

and   mercury  in  a  cold  state  we  obtain  muriate 

of  mercury ;  and  this  muriate  is  also  obtained 

when   we  triturate    mercury   with   muriate  of 

artificial  silver.      We  may  easily   believe  that 

in  the    process  of  amalgamation   on    a    great 

scale,  a  part  of  the  mercury  is  converted  into 

muriate   by    two  distinct    ways,    viz.  by    the 

decomposition  of  the  muriate  of  silver,  and  by 

the  immediate   action    of    magistral  and    salt 

employed  in  too  great  abundance.     The  lime 

which   remedies  the  latter  mode  of  action  does 

not  carry  off  in  a  cold  state  the  sulphur  from 

the  silver ;    for  on   mixing   sulphur  of    native 

silver  with   lime,  sulphur  of  lime  is  not  formed, 

though   the  mixture    has  been    triturated  for 

several  days.      The   lime   opposes  in    a  very 

remarkable  manner,  the  combination  of  silver 

with  mercury.     We  observe  that  the  latter  is 

extinguished  with  difficulty,  when  we  triturate 

a  mixture  of  lime,  sulphur  of  silver  and  mercury. 

In  the  same  manner  on  forming  a  paste  of  silver 

mineral,  salt,  magistral,  and  mercury,  and  tri- 

turating  the  schlich  till  the   mercury  becomes 

invisible,  we  see  this  last  metal  separate  from 

the   metallick  flour,  and  unite   in  considerable 

masses  whenever  lime  is  added.     Globules  of 

VOL.   III.  "^ 

274       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [loox  iv. 

mercury,  which  gradually  increase  in  size, 
appear  wherever  the  molecules  of  lime  have 
touched  the  mixture ;  and  it  is  from  this  par- 
ticular action  of  the  lime,  that  the  azogneros 
assert  it  cools  the  mercury,  or  prevents  the  paste 
irovd  working,         '^  v     *> 

The  muriatic  acid,  disengaged  from  the 
muriate  of  soda  by  the  sulphate  of  iron,  attacks 
the  silver,  although  the  latter  is  found  in  its 
mineral  in  the  metallic  state.  On  treating 
vitreous  silver  with  muriatic  acid,  we  obtain 
muriate  of  silver  in  abundance ;  and  on  pour- 
ing the  same  acid  on  sulphur  of  natural  silver 
it  disengages  itself  from  the  sulphuretted  hy- 
drogen. M;  Proust  observed  whait  the  piastres 
which  fell  to  the  bottom  of  the  sea,  at  the  time 
of  the  memorable  shipwreck  of  the  San  Pedro 
Alcantara,  were  covered  in  a  short  space  of 
time  with  a  cruett  of  muriate  of  silver  of  half 
a  millimetre^  in  thickness;  and  I  made  the 
same  observation  during  my  stay  in  Peru  at 
the  time  of  the  shipwreck  of  the  frigate  Santa 
Leocadia  on  the  South  Sea  coast  near  Cape 
Saint  Helen.  M^  Pallas  affirmsf  that  on  the 
banks  of  the  Jaik  in  Siberia,  old.  Tartar  coins 
have  been  found  converted  into  muriate  of 
silver  by  the  contact  of  an  earth  wliich  ift 
impregnated  with  muriate  of  soda.    All  these 

*  .0196  of  an  inch.    Trans. 
f  Nordische  Beitriige,  B.  ill.  p.  64 

criAP.  *i.]     KIl^toOM  or  i^EW  SI»Am.  275 

facts  tend  to  j!)rove  that  in  many  circuittdtances, 
ihurifitic  kc'id  acts  upon  metallic  silver.    **  '       '* 

M.  Gay-Iiussac  and  myself  succeeded  com- 
pletely in  imitating  on  a  small  scale  the  benefirio 
de  hieri'Oy  a*n  ^^^hious  p^'ocess  known  in  Pertt 
'  since   the  end  of    the    sixteenth  century,  and 
introduced  by  M.   Gellert  into  Saxony.     We 
percerred  that    on    mixing    in    a    cold  stat^, 
sulphur  of  natural  silver,  salt,  magistral f  lime 
and  mercury,   the  aiA'algam   forms  in  greater 
abundance  When  we  added  to  the  paste  filings 
of  iron,     th  this  case  the  iron  not  only  serves 
to  decompose  the  muriate  of  silver,  as  in  the 
process  of  amalgamation  of  Freiberg,  but  also 
to  separate   the  sulphur  from  the  mineralised 
silver.     Leaving  iti  contact  for  24  hours  sul» 
phuretted  silver  and  filings  of  iron,  the  silver 
was    put    into    such    a  naked    state  that    we 
obtained  in  a  few  niiniites  a  considierable  quan- 
tity of  silver  amalgam.      If  we  pour  muriatic 
abid  on  the  mixture,  infinitely  more  sulphuretted 
hydrogen  is  disengaged  than  we  obtain  on  treat- 
ing acid  sulphuretted  silver  alone.     It  is  pro- 
bable thslt  the  oxide  of  iron  at  the  maximum t 
which  is  found  in  the  colcrados  or  pacos,  and  in 
mineral  mixed  with  decomposed   pyrites,  acts 
in  a  manner  analogous  to  the  filings  of  iron. 

The  enoilnoiil^  waste  of  rtiercury  which  we 
observe  in  th^  American  process  of  amalgama- 
tion j^roi^eeds  frbnr  seVeral  causes   which    act 

T  2 






27(J       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [■•<>«  «▼. 

simultaneously.  If  in  the  process  por  patio  all 
the  silver  extracted  was  owing  to  a  decomposi- 
tion of  muriate  of  silver  by  mercury,  there 
would  be  lost  a  quantity  of  mercury  which 
would  be  to  that  of  the  silver  in  the  muriate 
nearly  as  4 :  7.  6 ;  for  this  proportion  is  that 
of  the  respective  oxidations  of  the  two  metals. 
Another  and  perhaps  the  most  considerable 
part  of  the  mercury  is  lost,  because  it  remains 
disseminated  in  an  immense  mass  of  moistened 
schlich,  and  because  this  division  of  the  metal 
is  so  great,  that  the  most  careful  washing  is  not 
sufficient  to  unite  the  molecules  concealed  in 
the  remains.  A  third  cause  of  the  loss  of  the 
mercmy  i.;iust  be  sought  for  in  its  contact  with 
the  salt  water,  in  its  exposure  to  the  open  air 
and  the  rays  of  the  sun  for  the  space  of  three, 
four  and  even  five  months.  These  masses  of 
mercury  and  schlich  which  contain  a  great 
number  of  heterogeneous  metallic  substances, 
moistened  by  saline  solutions,  are  composed  of 
an  infinite  number  of  small  galvanic  piles,  of 
which  the  slow  but  prolonged  action  is  favour- 
able to  the  oxidation  of  the  mercury,  and  the 
action  of  chemical  affinities.  ui  »     .  ^ 

The  result  of  the  whole  of  these  researches 
was,  that  the  use  of  fire  would  sensibly  improve 
the  process  of  amalgamation.    If  the  minerals 
treated,  were  only  vitreous  silver,  filings  of  iron  , 
alone  would  be  perhaps  sufficient  to  render  the 

CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       2t7 

silver  naked,  and  separate  it  fi  om  the  sulphur 
which  retards  the  union  of  the  silver  with  the 
mercury.  But  as  in  all  the  other  silver 
minerals  there  are  besides  sulphur  different 
metals  combined  with  the  silver,  the  simul- 
taneous employment  of  muriate  of  soda  and 
sulphates  of  copper  and  iron,  becomes  necessary 
to  favour  the  disengagfement  of  the  muriatic 
acid  which  combines  with  the  copper,  iron, 
antimony,  lead,  and  silver.  The  muriates  of 
iron,  copper,  zinc,  and  arsenic,  and  even  that 
of  lead  remain  dissolved;  and  the  muriate  of 
silver  which  is  completely  insoluble  is  decom- 
posed by  contact  with  the  mercury. 

It  has  been  long  proposed  to  cover  the  sur- 
face on  which  the  pastes  repose  with  plates 
of  iron  and  copper  instead  of  flags ;  and  it  has 
been  endeavoured  to  stir  (repassar)  the  mass 
by  working  it  with  ploughs  of  which  the  share 
and  coulter  should  be  made  of  the  metals 
which  we  have  been  mentioning ;  but  the  mules 
suflered  too  much  from  this  work,  the  schlich 
forming  a  thick  and  by  no  means  ductile  paste. 
The  custom  of  treading  the  schlich  by  mules 
instead  of  men  was  only  introduced  into  Mexico 
in  the  year  1783.  Don  Juan  Comejo  brought 
from  Peru  the  idea  of  this  process ;  and  the 
government  granted  him  a  privilege  for  it, 
which  he  did  not  long  enjoy,  and  which  only 
brought  him  in  the  sum  of  300,000  livres  tour- 




VS       P0I4TICAI.  ESSiVy  QN  THE         [bck)^  iv. 

nois'fy  a  very  moderate  sum  when  we  coniii^er 
that  the  expences  of  amalgamation  have  been 
more  than  a  fourth  diminished  ^ince  it  has 
been  no  longer  necessary  to  emplpy  the  great 
number  of  workmen  who  trod  barefooted  on 
heaps  of  metallic  flour. 

The  amalgamation  such  as  we  have  described 
it)  serves  to  extract  all  the  silver  from  the 
minerals  which  haye  been  treated  by  mercury, 
provided  ^he  qzoifuero  b^  experienced*  and 
thoroughly  know  ^h^  aspect  or  exterior  charac- 
ters of  the  mercury,  by  wh.ich  to  judge  if  the 
paste  is  in  want  of  lin^e  oi^  sulphate  of  iron.  At 
Guanaxuato  where  this  operation  is  best  managed, 
miuei^als  are  successfully  amalgamated  which 
contain  only  tljiree  fo\;u;'ths  of  an  ovmce  of  silver 
per  qui;i;ii,tial.  M.  Sonnesch^idt  found  only  ^V  of 
an  oui\c,e  of  silver  ini;emai^sof  amalgamation 
proceediing  from  minerals,  of  which  the  quij^«- 
talf  contained  from  five  to  si;x  marcs  of  sili^er« 
In  the  works  of  RegUi  the,  schljtch  frequi^ntly 
updergo  washing  before  ijt^ercury  ha&  exi^racte4 
all  the  sijiver  in  the  paste ;  and  it  i|S  believed  at 
Mexico  l^hat  the  father  of  i)^  presient  propri(^t9r 
of  thfB  %nous  ix^iiie  of  B^scfajlna  t^i;e\v.  witl^ 
tl^e  remaips  an.  enprmous  ma^,  of  silver  ipp^ 
the  river.  . 

*  jei2,6«0  Sterling.     Trans. 
t  Sonnesckmidt,  Miner.  Beschreibung   der  Bergwerkt' 
Reviere,  p.  103. 

CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       279 

The  process  discovered  by  Medina  possesses 
the  great  advantage  of  simplicity :  it  requires 
no  construction  of  edifices,  no  combustibles,  no 
machines,  and  almost  no  impelling  force.  With 
mercury  and  a  few  mules  to  move  the  arastraa, 
we  may  by  means  of  amalgamation  por  patio 
extract  the  silver  from  all  the  meagre  minerals 
near  the  pit  from  which  they  are  taken  in  the 
midst  of  a  desert,  provided,  the  surface  be 
sufficiently  smooth  to  admit  of  the  establish- 
ment of  the  tortas ;  but  this  same  process  has 
also  the  great  disadvantage  of  being  si  w 
and  causing  an  enormous  waste  of  mercury. 
As  the  mercury  is  divided  in  an  extreme  degree, 
and  thousands  of  quintals  of  minerals  are 
wrought  at  a  time,  it  is  impossible  to  collect 
the  oxide  afid  muriate  of  mercury  which  are 
carried  away  by  the  water  in  washing.  In  the 
method  of  amalgamation  followed  in  Europe  which 
we  owe  to  the  learned  researches  of  M.  M.  Bom, 
Rupreoht,  Gellert,  and  Charpentier,  the  silver 
is  extracted  in  the  space  of  24  hours.  They 
employ  from  sixty  to  one  hundred  and  fifty 
times  less  time  than  in  the  Spanish  colonies, 
and  consume  as  we  have  already  said  eight 
times  less  mercuiy.  But  how  is  there  a  possibi* 
lity  of  inti<oducing  into  Mexico  or  j^eni,  the 
pi^oces^  of  Freiberg,  whidh  \i  founded  on  the 
roasting  of  the  minerals,  and  the  giratory  motion 
of  the  tubs  ?   At  Freiberg  sixty  thousand  quintals 





«80       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [aaoic  ir. 

of  minerals  are  annually  amalgamated ;  but  in 
New  Spain  the  quantity  is  nearly  ten  millons 
of  quintals ;  and  how  is  it  possible  to  contain 
this  enormous  mass  of  minerals  in  tubs.  How 
can  we  find  sufficient  power  to  turn  a  million 
of  these  casks  or  tubs  ?*  How  shall  we  work 
the  minerals  of  a  country  which  wants  com- 
bustibles, and  where  the  mines  are  on  table 
lands  destitute  of  forests  ? 
'  After  treating  of  the  amalgamation  in  use  in 
America,  it  remains  for  us  to  touch  upon  a  very 
important  problem,  that  of  the  quantity  of 
mercury  annually  required  by  the  mines  of 
New  Spain.  Mexico  and  Peru  depend  very 
much  upon  the  abundance  and  low  price 
of  the  mercury  for  the  quantity  of  silver 
which  they  produce.  When  the  mercury 
fails  them,  which  happens  often  in  periods  of 
maritime  war,  the  mines  are  not  so  briskly 
worked ;  and  the  mineral  accumulates  in  their 
hands  without  their  being  able  to  extract  the 
silver  from  it.  Rich  proprietors,  who  possess 
in  their  magazines  minerals  to  the  amount  of 
two  or  three  millions  of  francs,  are  frequently 
in  want  of  the  necessary  money  to  make  head 

*  It  would  undoubtedly  require  a  million  c|f  casks  to 
receive  at  once  the  17  quintals  of  minerals;  but  supposing 
that  we  could  amalgamate  as  rapidly  as  in  Saxony,  3330 
tubs  would  be  sufficient  to  supply  the  place  of  the  beneficio 
(iff/ jMi<to  of  all  Mexico. 

CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       281 

ag^ainst  the  daily  expenses  of  their  mines.  On 
the  other  hand  the  more  mercury  is  wanted  in 
Spanish  America,  either  on  account  of  th 
flourishing  state  of  the  mines,  or  the  proce.% 
of  amalgamation  followed  there,  the  more  the 
price  of  this  metal  rises  in  Europe.  The  small 
number  of  countries  which  nature  has  supplied 
with  it,  Spain,  the  department  of  Mont-Ton- 
nerre,  Carniola,  and  Transilvania,  gain  by  this 
rise;  but  the  districts  of  silver  mines  in 
which  the  process  of  amalgamation  is  the 
more  desirable,  as  they  are  in  want  of  the 
necessary  combustibles  for  smelting,  feel  very 
disadvantageously  the  effect  of  the  great  im- 
portations of  mercury  into  America. 

New  Spain  consumes  annually  16,000  quin- 
tals of  mercury*.  The  court  of  Madrid  having 
reserved  to  itself  the  exclusive  right  of  selling 
mercury,  both  Spanish  and  foreign,  entered  in 
1784,  into  a  contract  with  the  Emperor  of 
Austria,  by  which  the  latter  was  to  furnish 
mercury  at  a  price  of  52  piastres.  The  court 
sends  annually  in  time  of  peace  by  vessels 
of  the  Royal  Navy,  sometimes  9000,  and  some- 
times 24,000  quintals.  In  1803,  a  very  useful 
project  was  formed  of  supplying  Mexico  for 
several  years,  in  order  that  in  the  unforeseen 
case  of  a  war,  the  amalgamation  should  not  be 





*  2,100,312  lb.  troy.    Trans, 

282       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  it. 

impeded  by  the  want  of  mercury ;  but  this  pro- 
ject (del  repuesto)  shared  the  fate  of  so  many 
others  which  have  never  been  executed.  Before 
1770,  when  the  working  of  mines  was  far  from 
being  so  considerable  as  at  present,  New  Spain 
received  no  other  mercury  but  that  of  Alma- 
den  and  Huancavelica.  The  German  mercury 
furnished  by  the  Austrian  government,  of  which 
the  greatest  part  is  from  Idria,  was  only  intro- 
duced into  Mexico  after  the  falling  in  of  the 
subterraneous  works  of  Huancavelica,  at  a  time 
when  the  mine  of  Almaden  was  inundated 
in  the  greatest  part  of  its  works*,  and  yielded 
only  a  very  inconsiderable  produce.  But  in 
1800  and  1802,  this  last  mine  was  again  in 
such  a  flourishing  state,  that  it  could  alone  have 
furnished  more  than  20,000  quintals  of  mercury 
per  annum,  and  there  were  sufficient  grounds 
to  conceive  the  hope  of  not  having  any  neces- 
sity of  recurring  to  German  mercury,  for  sup- 
plying Mexico  and  Peru.  There  have  been 
years,  when  ten  or  twelve  thousand  (|iiintals 
of  this  last  mevcury,  have  been  imported  at 
Vera  Cruz.  Upon  the  whole,  from  1762  to 
1781^  the  amalgamation  works  of  New  Spain, 
destroyed  the  enormous  sum  of  191,405  quin- 

*  For  these  mines,  and  those  of  Almadenejos,  see  the 
interesting  researches  of  M.  Coquebert  de  Montbret,  a 
the  Journal  des  Mines,  No.  17>  p<  S96. 

€KAf.  yi.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  £|PAIN.       ^83 

tals^y  of  which  the  value  ui  America  amounted 
to  more  than  60  millions  of  livres  tournoisf. 

When  the  price  of  mercury  has  pro^essively 
lowered,  the   working  of  the    mines  has  gone 
on    increasing.     In   1590,  under   the    Viceroy 
Don  Luis  de  Velasco  II.,  a  quintal  of  mercury 
was  sold  in  Mexico  for  187  piastres.     But  in 
the  18th  century,  the  value  of  this  i^et^l  had 
diminished  to  such  a  degree,  that  in  1750,  the 
court  distributed   it  to  the  miners  at  82  pias- 
tres.    Between   1767   and  1776,  its  price  was 
62  piastres  the   quintal.     In    1777,  under    the 
administration  of  the  Minister  Galvez,  a  royal 
decree  l^xed  the  pi'ice  of  the  mercury  of  Alma- 
den  at  41  piastres,  two  reals,  and  that  of  Ger- 
many at  63,  piastres.    At  Guanaxnato,  these 
two  sorts  of  merci^ry  are  increased  by  the  ex- 
pensive carriage  on^  4e  backs  of  mules,  from 
2  to  2\  piastres  pei?  quintal,      ^h^  kiijig  gains 
on  the.  mercury  of  l^i»,  on   a«ccount  of  the 
di&rence  oi  the  wei^t  used:  in  Gj^rmany  and 
in  Mexico,  23  per    cent;  so  that  a*  wise  poll-* 
tioian  ought  to  engage  the  mother  country  to 
selL  it  at  a  cheaper  ra^-    Ac<;oFding<  to  ^n  old 
custom,  the  miners.  q£  certain  distd'icts  of  mine«f, 
for  example,  tJiQse  of  Guan^xuato  and  Za^car 
tecas,  are   allowed  tp   pufch^ise  two  thirds  oi 

\  -^ik 




*  25,124,200  lb.  Troy.     Tram- 
1   «.2ylpO,000  Sterling. 

284       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

Spanish  mercury,  and  only  one  third  of  Ger- 
man mercury.  Other  districts  are  forced  to 
take  more  of  the  mercury  of  Idria,  than  that 
of  Almaden.  As  the  former  is  the  dearest, 
there  is  a  repug;nance  to  taking  it,  and  the 
miners  affect  to  consider  it  as  impure.  * 

The  impartial  distribution  of  mercury  (el  re- 
partimiento  del  azogue)  is  of  the  greatest  conse- 
quence for  the  prosperity  of  the  mines  of  New 
Spain.     So   long  as  this  branch  of  commerce 
shall  not  be  free,  the  distribution  should  be  en- 
trusted to   the   Tribunal  de  Mineria,  which  is 
alone  in  a  condition  to  judge  of  the   number 
of  quintals,  indispensably  necessary  to  the  amal- 
gamation works  of  the  different  districts.     Un- 
fortunately, however,  the  viceroys  and  those  per- 
sons who  are  about  them,  are  jealous   of  the 
right  of  administering  themselves  this  branch 
of  the   royal  revenue.     They  know  very  well 
that  to  distribute  mercury,  and  especially  that 
of  Almaden,  which  is   one  third  cheaper  than 
that  of  Idria,  is  conceding  a  favour;    and   in 
the   colonies  as  every  where  else,  it  isprofit- 
able  to  favour  the  richest  and  most  powerful 
individuals.     From    this  state    of    things,  the 
poorest  miners,  those  of  Tasco,  Temascaltepec, 
or  Copala,  cannot  procure  mercury,  when  the 
great  works  of  Guanaxuato  and  Real  del  Monte 
have  it  in  abundance. 
The  general  superintendence  of  the  mines  in 

CHAP.  XL]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       285 

Spain,  is  charged  with  the  sale  of  the  mer- 
cury in  the  colonies  of  America.  The  minis- 
ter Don  Antonio  Valdes,  conceived  the  whim- 
sical and  audacious  project  of  regulating  him- 
self from  Madrid,  the  distribution  of  mercury 
among  the  different  mines  of  Mexico.  For 
this  purpose,  he  ordered  the  viceroy  in  1789,  to 
draw  up  statistical  tables  of  all  the  mines  of  New 
Spain,  and  to  send  to  Europe  specimens  of  the 
veins  which  were  worked.  The  impossibility  of 
executing  the  order  of  the  Minister  was  felt  in 
Mexico;  not  a  single  specimen  was  ever  sent 
to  Madrid;  and  the  distribution  of  the  mer- 
cury remained  as  formerly  entrusted  to  the 
viceroy  of  New  Spain.         ,^   ,  .  ;  , 

The  following  table*  proves  the  influence 
of  the  price  of  mercury  on  its  consumption. 
The  diminution  of  this  price,  and  the  free- 
dom of  trade  with  all  the  ports  of  Spain,  haye 
«ill  contributed  to  the  progress  of  mining. 



Price   of    a 

quintal      of 


Total     con- 
sumption of 


82  nasires 




b5750  quintals 


53000               ) 


*  Influxo  del  precio  del  azogue  sobre  su  consumo,  per 
Don  Antonio  del  Campo  Marin.  (M.  S.) 

t86       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  tHE       [fcod«  i*. 

'  It   was    known    in    Mexico  in   1782^  that 
China     possesses     mercury    mines;     and     it 
was  imagined     that    nearly    15,000    qiAritals 
might  be  annually  drawn  from  Cantoi^.     The 
Viceroy  Galvez  sent  there  a  cargo  of  beaver 
fars  by  Way  of    exchange  foi   the  mfercuty ; 
but  this    project  howeveif   wise   in   it^df  V^as 
very  badly  executed.     The  Chinese   inercury 
obtaineii  from   Canton  and  Manilla  was   im- 
pure and  contained  a  great  d^al  of  lead;  and 
it«    price  amounted  to  80  piastres  the  quin- 
tdL    And  yet  a  very  siMll^  quantity  could  be 
procured  at  this  pfic6.     Since  1703,  that  itt^- 
portsint  object  has  been  totally  loiit  sight  of; 
and  yet  it  would  be  of  importance  again  to 
atteiid  to    it)  e^pedally  at  a  time   when   the 
M<e^icans  experieil«fe  gt^ikt  difficulty  in  procu- 
ring mercury  frottir  the  Continent  of  Europe; 

From  all  the  researches  which  I  could  make, 
the  whole  of  Spanish  America,  naiiiely,  Mexico^ 
Peru,.  Chili,  and  the  Kingdom  of  Buenos  Ayres, 
(for  elsewhere  the  process  of  amalgamation  i!* 
unknown)  annually  consume  more  than  25,000 
quintals  of  mercury  of  which  the  price  iii  the 
Colonies  amounts  to  more  than  6,200,000  li  vres*'. 
M.  Heron  de  Villefosse,  in  an  interesting  table 
which  contains  the  quantity  of  each  mfetal 
wrought  over  the  whole  globe,  estimates  the 
mercury  annually  drawn  from    ike  mines  of 

♦  ^6240,800  Sterling.     Trans. 

CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       287 

Europe,  at  36,000  qnintals.  Hence,  ^oing"  oii 
this  dftta,  we  find  that  mercury  is  after  cobalt 
the  rarest  of  all  metals,  and  that  it  is  even 
twice  as  rare  as  tin.    '''•'*    ^     '•  *    •'    '-''' 

What  is  the  quantity  of  gold  and  silver  ac- 
tually produced  by  the  mines  of  New  Spain  ? 
And  w4iat  are  the  treasures  which  since  the 
discoveiy  of  America,  the  commerce  of  Mexico 
has  poured  into  Europe  and  Asia.  The  de* 
tails  which  I  procured  during^  my  stay  in  the 
Spanish  Colonies,  from  the  re^sters  of  the 
mints  of  Mexico,  Lima,  Santa  Fe,  and  Popayan, 
have  enabled  me  to  give  more  exact  infor- 
maition  with  regard  to  the  produce  of  the 
mines,  than  any  which-  has  hitherto  been  pub- 
lished. Part  of  the  results  of  the  fruit«  of 
my  researches,  have  been  already  published  in 
the  works*  of  M.  M.  Bourgoing,  Brongniart, 
Laborde,  and  Heron  de  Y  illefosse,  to  whom  1 
waii  eager  to  make  such  communication  im- 
mediately after  my  return  to  Europe. 

The  quantity  of  silver  anfinually  extracted 
from  the  mines  of  New  Spain,  as  we  have 
already  seen^  does  not  depend  so  much  on  the 
abundance  and    intrinsic  riches  of    the  mine- 

*  Bour^oingi  Tableau  de  TEspagne  moderne,  4°  edit* 
T.  it.  [k  215.  Brongniart,  Tratke  de  Mineraiogie,  T.  ii. 
p.  351.  Laborde,  Itineraire  de  I'Espagne,  V^  e6.\  T.  iv. 
p.  383  &  504.  Heron  de  ViUe/istef  de  la  richesse  mincrale. 
T.i.  p.  249— 256; 








288       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         L«ooK  w. 

rals,  as  on  the  facility  with  which  the  miners 
procure  the  mercury  necessary  for  amalgama- 
tion.    We   are    not  therefore  to  be  surprized 
that  the  number  of  marcs  of  silver  converted 
into  piastres,  at  the  mint  of   Mexico   varies 
very   iiTegularly.     When    from    the  effect  of 
a  maritime  war  or  some    other  accident,  the 
mercury  has  failed  for  a  year,  and  the  follow- 
ing year  it  has   arrived  in  abundance,  in  that 
case,  a  very  considerable  produce  of  silver  suc- 
ceeds to  a  very  limited  fabrication  of  money. 
In  Saxony,  where  the  small  quantity  of  mer- 
cury which  is  wanted  for  the  process  of  amal- 
gamation, is  procured  with  sufficient  facility, 
the  produce  of  the    mine;s  of  Freiberg  is  so 
admirably  equal,  that   from    1793  to  1799,  it 
was    never    below   48,300,  and  never  above 
50,700  marcs  of  silver.     In  that  country,  the 
great   droughts    which   prevent  the   going   of 
the  hydraulical    wheels,  and  the    water  from 
being  drawn  off,  have  the  same  influence  on 
the  quantity  of  silver  delivered  into  the  mint, 
as  the  scarcity  of  mercury  in  America.   .      ;,,.,'_ 
Prom   1777  to  1803,  the  quantity  of  silver 
annually  extracted  from  the  Mexican  minerals, 
has  almost  constantly  been  above  two  millions 
of  marcs  of  silver*,  and  from  1796  to  1799, 
it  was  2,700,000  marcsfj  while  from  1800  to 

*  1,312,633  lb.  troy.     Trans, 
t  1,772,053  lb.  troy.    Tram, 

«HA».  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       9^ 

1802,  it  remained  below  2,100,000  marts*.  It 
would  be  unjust  to  conclude  fiwn  thesei  data, 
that  the  mining  operations  in  Mexico  have 
not  been  so  flourishing  latterly.  In  1801,  the 
gold  and  silver  olStained  amounted  only  to 
16,568,000  piastresf ;  while  in  1803,  the  coin- 
age again  amounted  on  account  of  the  abundance 
of  mercury,  to  23,166,906  piastres];.      »   '  '^^   i"> 

Abstracting  the  influence  of  accidental  cauies, 
we  And  that  the  mines  and  washing  of  Kew 
Spain,  actually  produce  on  an  average  7000 
marcs  of  gold§,  and  2,500,000  marcs  of  silverf,, 
of  which  the  mean  value  amounts  altogether 
to  22  millions  of  double  piastres^.       -S  t -• 

About  twenty  years  ago,  this  produce  was 
only  from  ten  to  sixteen,  and  thirty  years  ago, 
from  elevea  to  twelve  millions  of  piastres.  In 
the  beginning  of  the  eighteenth  century,  itte 
quantity  of  gold  and  silver  coined  at  Mexico 
was  only  from  Ave  to  six  millions.  The  enor- 
mous increase  in  the  produce  of  the  min^s 
observaMe  in  latter  years,  ouglit  to  be  attri- 
buted to  a  great  number  of  causes,  all  acting 
aJt  the  same  time,  and  among  which  th%  tot 

♦  l,378i264lb.  troy.    Tram. 
•      ,     t  1^3,479,280  Sterling.    Trmr. 
t  1^4,865,050  Sterling.     Tram. 
§  4593  lb.  troy.     Tram, 
H  1,640,000  Ibrtroy.     Trant. 
f .  If 4f620,Q00  Stediog.    Trmu 

vol..  III.  u 






^290       POUTICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  it. 

place  must  be  attributed  to  the  increase  of 
population  on  the  table  land  of  Mexico,  the 
progress  of  knowledge  and  national  industry, 
the  freedom  of  trade  conceded  to  America  in 
.1778,  the  facility  of  procuring  at  a  cheaper 
rate  the  iron  and  steel  necessary  for  the  mines, 
.the  fall  in  the  price  of  mercury,  the  discovery 
of  the  mines  of  Catorce  and  Valenciana,  and 
the  establishment  of  the  Tribunal  de  Mirieria. 

The  two  years  in  which  the  produce  of  gold 
and  silver  attained  its  maximum,  were  1796 
and  1797.  In  the  former,  there  was  coined 
at  the  mint  of  Mexico,  25,644,000  piastres; 
and  in  the  latter,  25,080,000  piastres.  To  judge 
of  the  effect  produced  by  the  freedom  of  trade, 
or  rather  from  the  cessation  of  the  monopoly 
of  the  galleons,  we  have  merely  to  remember 
>hat  the  value  of  the  gold  and  silver  coined 
at  Mexico,  was  from  1766  to  1778, 191,589,179 
piastres,  and  from  1779  to  1791,  252,525,412 
piastres;  so  that  from  1778,  the  increase  has 
.been  more  than  a  fourth  part  of  the  total  produce. 

We  find  in  the  archives  of  the  mint  of 
Mexico,  very  accurate  accounts  of  the  quan- 
'  «ty  of  gold  and  silver  coined  since  1690,  from 
which  I  have  framed  the  two  following  ta- 
bles: the  first  indicates  the  value  of  the  gold 
and  silver  expressed  ip  double  piastres,  and 
the  second  exhibits  the  quantity  of  marcs  of 
silver  given  in  to  the  mint,  and  converted  into 
piastres.  ,    , 

CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       291 


Gold  and  silver  extracted  from  the  mines  of 
Mexico,  and  coined  at  Mexico,  from  1690  to 











,285  580 
9,802  378 


4,459  94 



379, 122 


.022  an) 


,62"  02 






1710  6,710  587 
1711 '5,666  085 

1712  6,(113,425 

1713  6,487,872 

1714  6,220,822 
1715,6,368  918 
1717  6,750,734 







7  874,323 


8  506,553 


8  663,000 
11,509  000 

1 7.iO 










1 1 ,594,00( 







1 1 ,938,784 

18  932,766 
14,245  286 


V  aUie 














22  011.031 
1798  24,004,589 

1800  18,665,674 

1801  16,563,000 

1802  18,798,600 

1803  23,166,90ii 

Totil  oFsroH  anH  si'vprfrom  1690  to  1803  1  3."»3, 452.020  piastres*. 

■     ■  ■  "  I  Ml  ii  r 

ieSSi^SS^yOS^  Sterling.     Trans. 

1    'ji.<l'iLij 










V  % 

«02       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [iook  iv. 

TABLE  11. 

io  \  Silver  drawn  from  the  mines  of  Mexico  from 

Qt\jQZi    rnoA  ,o    1690  to  1800.      Lat   .oniz:.!/* 

^»/*v  . 




























































■  3 





























































































1.01 6,96^ 













































































































































































































































































































41         J 

Total  in  silvnr  alone,  from  1690  to  1800  149,350,701  marcs*.| 

*  98,008,212  jb.  Troy.     Trans. 


CHAP,  xi.l        KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.         5^98 

It  appears  from  these  tables  that  the  mines 
of  New  Spain  have  produced  from  1690  to 
1800,  the  enormous  sum  of  149,350,721  marcs 
of  silver*  ;  and  from  1690  to  1803,  gold  and 
silver  to  the  value  of  1,353,452,020  double 
piastresf,  or  7,105,623,105  livres  tournois, 
estimating  the  piastres  at  105  sous,  French 
money.  " '  •  * 

For  a  hundred  and  thirteen  years,  the  pro- 
duce of  the  mines  has  been  constantly  on  the 
increase,  if  we  except  the  single  period  from 
1760  to  1767.  This  increase  becomes  mani- 
fest, when  we  compare  every  ten  years,  the 
quantity  of  the  precious  metals  given  in  to  the 
mint  of  Mexico,  as  is  done  in  the  fol- 
lowing tables,  of  which  the  one  indicates 
the  value  of  the  gold  and  silver  in  Piastres, 
and  the  other,  the  quantity  of  silver  in  marcs. 

*  98,008,2121b.  troy,     Trans, 
t  jS284»,224,924!  Sterling.    Trans, 



\  t 

'  J ' 

..     '  !, 

294       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         L»oo«  "^ 

Progress  of  the  mining  operations  of  Mexico. 
Table  I.     Gold  and  Silver,       *     .    . 




Value  of  Gold 



and    Silver    in 

From  1690  to  1699 























.  .  ,.             1770 







1799     231,080,214 

Total  from  1690  to  1799—1,276,232,840 

Table  II.   Silver  alone. 






From  1690  to  1699 
1700       1709 
1710       1719 
1720       1729 
1730       1739 
174a      1749 
1750       1759 
1760       1769 
1770       1779 
1780       1789 
1790       1799 















Total  from  1690  to; 
1799                        S 




CHAr.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        296 

When  we  distinguish  those  periods  in  which 
the  progress  of  mining  has  been  most  rapid* 
we  find  the  following  results : 


Value  of  Gold 
and  Silver,  for 
an  average  year 
in  Piastres 


Progressive  increase. 


Jnvesi*""  year,  3,700.000 


1791—1803  22,325,824 




This  table  along  with  the  preceding  one, 
proves  that  the  periods  during  ^hich  the 
wealth  of  the  mines  have  most  increased,  are 
from  1736  to  1745,  from  1777  to  1783,  and 
from  1788  to  1798 ;  but  the  increase  in  ge- 
neral has  been  so  little  in  proportion  to  the 
space  of  time,  that  the  total  produce  of  the 

mines  was : 

* . ■•  <    ,  '.''■' 

'    ;     4  millions  of    Piastres    in  1695  , 

;ft  -  -  1726 

'■     .;W"-'--  ;-■*••.,  ;    '-^^^ »  1747 

'  le  '  '   '^m  '-  '    H,«    ,•  1776 

.    >  jW)j;^':if'l.-   W''      >•!     ^  •■  1788    '•• 

24   *  -     '   '       -  1795 

from  whence  it  follows  that  the  produce  ha.«: 


a96       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  IHE         [book  it^ 

been  tripled  in  fifty-two  years,  and    sextupled 
in  a  hundred  years.  ...,,.,,) 

After   the    gold    and   silver,   it  remains  for 
us  to  speak  of  the  other  metals,  called  com- 
mon metals,    the    working   of    which,   as   we 
have  already  stated  in  the  beginning  of    this 
chapter,  has  been  very  much  neglected.     Cop- 
per is   found    in    a   native  state,    and  under 
the  forms  of  vitreous  and  oxidulated  copper,  in 
the  mines  of  Ingnran,  a  little  to  the  south  of  the 
Yolcan  de  JoruUo,  at  San  Juan  Guetamo,  in 
the  intemlancy  of  Valladolid,  and  in  the  province 
of  N^w  Mexico.     The  Mexican  tin  is  extracted 
by  means  of  washing,  from  the  alluvions  lands  of 
the  intendancy  of  Guanaxuato,  near  Gigante, 
San  Felipe,  Robledal  and  San  Miguel  el  Grande 
as   well    as    in  the  intendancy  of   Zacatecas 
between  the  towns  of  Xeres  and  Villa  Naeva. 
One  of  the  tin  mines  most  common  in  Mex- 
ico is  the  wood  tin  df  the  English  mineralogists. 
It  appears  that  this  mineral  is  originally  found 
in  veins  which  traverse  trap-porphyries ;   but 
the  natives,   instead   of   working  these  veins, 
prefer  the  extracting   of   tin  from   the   earth 
brought    down    the  ravins.      The    intendancy 
of  Guanaxuato  in  1802,  produced  nearly  9200 
arroban  of  copper,  and  400  of  tin.        ai 

The  iron  mine^  are  moi'e  abundant  ihan 
is  generally  believed,  in  the  intendadcies  of 
Valladolid,  Zacatecas,  and  GuadaUxara,  and 

CHAP.  XL]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       297 

especially  in  the  provincias  intenuu.  We 
have  already  explained*  the  reason  why  these 
mines,  th.  most  important  of  all,  are  only 
wrought  with  any  degree  of  spirit  during  a 
period  of  maritime  war,  when  a  stop  is  put 
to  the  importation  of  steel  and  iron  from 
Europe;  and  wc  have  already  named  the 
veins  of  Tecalitan,  near  C<$lima,  which  were 
successfully  wrought  ten  years  ago,  and 
afterwards  abandoned.  Fibrous  magnetic  iron 
is  found  in  conjunction  with  magnetic  pyrite 
in  veins  which  traverse  gneiss  in  the  kinp'dom 
of  Oaxaca.  The  western  slope  of  the  moun- 
tains of  Mechoacan  abounds  in  ores  of 
compact  red  iron  and  hematite  brown  iron.  The 
former  have  also  been  observed  in  the  inten- 
dancy  of  San  Luis  Potosi  near  Catorce.  I 
saw  christalized  micaceous^  iron, .  near  the 
village  of  Santa  Cru?.  east  from  Celaya,  on 
the  fertile  table  land  extending  from  Quere- 
taro  to  Guanaxuato.  The  Cerro  del  Mercado, 
situated  near  the  town  of  Durango,  contains 
an  enormous  mniss  of  ores  of  brown  mag- 
netic and  micaceous  iron.  I  enter  into  the 
detail  of  these  localities  for  the  sake  of 
proving  the  falsity  of  the  opinion  delivered 
by  Several  modern  natural  plulosophers,  that 
iron  almost  exclusively  belong^  to  the  most 
jiortliem  regions  of  the  temperate  tone.    To 

,  I*    u  i,>- 

*  Seep.  106  of  thi«  volumo. 

■  '^m 








208       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE        *  [bookiv    , 


M.  Sonneschmidt  we  owe  the  know  led  jy;o  of 
the  meteoric  iron*,  which  is  found  in  scvertd 
places  of  New  Spain,  for  example  at  Zara- 
tecas,  Charcas,  Durango,  and  if  I  am  not 
deceived  in  the  environs  of  the  small  town 
of  Toluca.    ^' '     {■         ^      '^tM  <      .        t 

Leadf  which  is  very  rare  in  the  north  of 
Asia,  abounds  in  the  mountains  of  calcareous 
formation,  contained  in  the  north  east  part  of 
New  Spain,  especially  in  the  district  of  Zima- 
pan,  near  the  Real  del  Cardonal  and  Lomo 
del  Toro;  in  the  kingdom  of  New  Leon, 
near  Linares;  and  in  the  province  of  New 
Santander,  near  St.  Nicholas  de  Croix.  The 
lead  mikies  are  not  wrought  with  so  nmch 
spirit  ;  s  we  could  wish  for  in  a  country 
where  the  fourth  part  of  all  the  silver  mine- 
rals are   smelted. 

Among  the  metals,  of  which  the  use  is 
the  most  limited,  we  have  to  name  zinc, 
which  is  found,  under  the  form  of  brown 
and    black    blende    in     the    veins   of  Ramos, 




*  Sonneschmidtf  p.  188  and  192.  The  mass  of  Zacatecas 
still  weighed  ten  years  ago,  near  2000  lib.  See  a  me- 
moir of  M.  Chladni  in  the  Journal  des  Mines,  1809, 
no.  151,  p.  79,  relative  to  a  meteoric  stone,  which  fell 
between  Cicuic  and  Quivira  according  to  the  testimony 
of  Cardanus  and  Mercati.  The  geographical  position  of 
Cicuic  and  Quivira,  names  which  recal  to  us  the  fablei 
of  the  £1  Dorado  of  South  America,  remains  still  un- 


>■<   ' 


CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       299 

Sombrerete,  Zacatecas,  and  Tasco  ;  antimony ^ 
which  is  common  to  Catorce  and  los  Pozuelos, 
near  Cuencaine ;  arsenic,  which  is  found  amon^ 
the  minerals  of  Zimapan,  combined  with 
sulphm'y  like  orpiment.  Cobalt,  as  far  as  I 
know,  has  never  yet  been  discovered  among* 
the  minerals  of  New  Spain ;  and  mant/anese*, 
which  M.  Ramirez  recently  discovered  in 
the  Island  of  Cuba,  appears  to  me  in  general 
much  less  abundant  in  Equinoctial  America, 
than  in  the  temperate  climates  of  the  Old 
Continent.  . 

Mercury ,  which  is  very  remote  from  tin, 
with  respect  to  its  relative  antiquity,  or  the 
period  of  its  formation,  is  almost  as  uncom- 
mon as  it,  in  every  part  of  the  globe.  The  inha- 
bitants of  New  Spain  have  procured  for  centuries, 
the  mercury  necessary  in  the  process  of  amal- 
gamation, partly  from  Peru,  and  partly  from 
Europe;  and  hence  they  are  accustomed  to 
consider  their  country  as  destitute  of  this  metal 
However,  when  we  consider  the  examinations 
carried  on  under  the  reign  of  Charles  the  4th, 
we  are  forced  to  admit  that  few  countries 
have  so  many  indications  of  cinnabar,  as  the 
table  land  of  the  Cordilleras  from  the  19" 
to  the  22*"  of  north  latitude.    In  the  inteudancies 

*  To  the  west  of  the  town  of  Cuenca,  in  the  kingdom 
of  Quito,  there  exists  earthy  grey  manganese,  which 
forms  a  bed  in  the  freestone. 

800       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE        [book  v, 

of  Guanaxuato  and  Mexico,  ^e  find  it  almost 
wherever  pits  are  dug  between  San  Juan  de  la 
Chica  and  the  town  of  San  Felipe ;  near  Rincon 
del  Centeno,  in  the  environs  of  Celaya ;  and 
fi'om  Dui'asno,  and  Tierra  Nueva  to  San  Loiis 
de  la  Paz,  especially,  near  Chapin,  Real  de 
Pozos,  San  Rafael  de  los  Lobos  and  la  So- 
ledad.  Sulphuretted  mercury  has  been  also 
discovered  at  Axuchitlan  and  Zapote^,  near 
Chirangangueo,  in  th^  intendancy  of  Yalladolid ; 
at  los  Pregones  near  Tasco,  in  the  district  of 
mines  of  the  Docior ;  and  in  the  valley  of  Te- 
nochtitla..  the  south  of  Gassaye  in  the 
road  from  i»iJxico  to  Pachuca.  The  works 
by  which  these  different  mineral  depositories 
were  proposed  to  be  discovered,  have  been  so 
frequently  inteniipted,  and  they  have  been 
conducted  with  so  little  zeal,  and  generally  with 
80  little  intelligence,  that  it  would  be  very  im- 
prudent to  advance,  as  has  been  often  done, 
that  the  mercury  mines  of  New  Spai^^  are 
not  woilh  the  working.  It  appears,  on  the 
contrary,  from  the  interesting  information  which 
we  owe  to  the    labours  of   M.  Chovel,    that 



;  *In  the  mines  of  Sao  Ignacio  del  Zf^ote,  where  the  cin- 
nabar is  constantly  mixed  with  blue  carbonated  copper, 
while  at  Schemnitz  and  Poratich  in  Hungary  the  anti- 
moniated  grey  copper  (graugultigerz)  contains  0*06 
iia^eory.    Khtproih,  iv  p.  65.      " 

(.     ,.!■ 

€HAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       301 

the  veins  of  San  Juan  de  la  Chica,  as  well  as 
those  of  the  Rincon  del  Centeno,  and  the  6i- 
gante,  are  very  ^desei-ving  of  the  attention  of 
the  Mexican  miners.  Was  it  to  be  expected 
that  sufierficial  "works  which  were  merely  be^n, 
should  in  the  very  fii^t  years,  yield  a  net  pro- 
fit to  the  shareholders? 

The  mercury  mines  of  New  Spain  are  of 
very  different  formations.  Some  are  found  in 
beds  in  secondary  earths ;  and  others  in  veins 
which  traverse  trap  porphyries.  At  Durasno, 
between  Terra  Nueva,  and  San  Luis  de  la 
Paz,  cinnabar  mixed  with  a  number  of  globules 
of  native  mercury,  forms  a  horizontal  bed 
{manta)  which  reposes  on  porphyry.  This 
Tiianto  which  has  been  pierced  by  pits  of  five 
or  six  metres  *  in  depth,  is  covered  with  beds 
of  slate  clay,  which  contains  fossil,  wood,  and 
coals.  On  examining  the  roof  of  ihe  mantOy 
we  find  from  the  surface,  first  a  bed  oi  slate 
clay  (schieferthon)  impregnated  with  nitrate  of 
potash,  and  containing  fragments  of  petrified 
vegetables ;  then  a  strata  of  slate  coal  (schie' 
ferkohle)  of  a  metre  f  in  thickness ;  and  lastly 
slate  clay  which  immediately  covers  the  cin- 
nabar mineral.  From  this  mine  there  was 
drawn,  eight  years  ago,  in  a  very  few  months 


•  16  or  19  feet, 
f  S.28  feet 





(H)2       POTJ.TICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  iv. 

nearly  700  quintals  of  mercury  which  were 
not  sufficient  to  pay  the  expences  of  working, 
although  the  ore  contained  a  pound  of  mercury 
for  every  load  of  three  quintals  and  a  half. 
The  carelessness  with  which  the  mine  .of  Durasno 
was  wrought,  has  been  so  much  the  more  pre- 
judicial, as  on  account  of  the  small  degrees 
pf  sol  dity  of  the  rock  of  the  roof,  and  its 
horizontal  position,  it  very  frequently  fell  in. 
The  mine  is  at  present  drowned,  and  to  resume 
the  operations  would  not  be  attended  with 
profit.  It  has  constantly  enjoyed  very  high 
celebrity  in  the  country,  Kot  on  account  of 
its  wealth  which  is  inferior  to  that  of  the 
veins  of  San  Juan  de  la  Chica,  but  because 
it  admitted  of  being  wrought  sub  dio,  and 
because  its  produce  was  very  abundant.  They 
attempted  in  vain  to  discover  a  second  bed 
of  mercury  ore    below  that  of  Durasno.  ^''^ 

The  cinnabar  vein  of  San  Juan  de  la  Chica, 
is  two  or  three  and  sometimes  even  six  metres 
in  extent  (puissance).  It  traverses  the  mountain 
of  hs  Calzones,  and  extends  to  Chichindara. 
Its  ores  are  rxtremely  rich  but  by  no  means 
abundant ;  I  have  seen  there  masses  of  compact 
and  fibrous  sulphuretted  mercury  of  a  bright 
red,  twenty  centimetres  in  length,  and  three 
in  thickness  *  j  and  these   specimens  resembled 

*  7.87  inches  by  1.18.  Trans. 


CHAP,  xi]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        303 

iVoiu  their  purity  the  richest  produce  of  Al- 
maden  and  Wolfstein   in   Europe.     The  mine 
of  Chica  has  been  only  yet    wrought    to  the 
depth  of  fifty  metres ;  *  and  it  is  found,  and  this 
geological  fact  is  very   remarkable,  not  in  free- 
stone or  slate,  but  in  a  tme  porphyritic pitch  stone 
{pechstein-porphyr)  divided  into  balls  with  con- 
centrical  beds  of    which   the   interior  is  lined 
with  mammelonneous  hyalite  {muUerisch-glass). 
The  cinnabar  and    a    little    native    mercury, 
are  sometimes  observed  in  the  middle   of  the 
porphyritic  rock  at  a  very  considerable  distance 
from  the  vein.    During  my  stay  at  Guanaxuato, 
ouly  two  mines  were  wrought  in  all  Mexico, 
those  of  Lomo  del   Toro,  near  San  Juan  de 
Chica,  and  Nuestra    Senora   de    los   Dolores, 
a  quarter  of    a  league    to   the    south-east   of 
the  Gigante.     In  the  first    of  these  mines  a 
load  of  mineral  yields  from  two  to  three  pounds 
of  mercury  J  and    the    expences    of    working 
are  very  moderate.     The  mine  of  the  Gigante 
from  which  there  is  even   drawn  six    pounds 
of  mercury    per  load  (cargo)  of  mineral,  fur- 
nished from  70  to  80  pounds  weekly ;    and  it 
is  wrought  on  the  account  of  a  rich  individual 
Don  Jose  del    Maso,    who  has  the    merit  of 
having  first  excited  his  countrymen  during  the 
last  war  to  the  working  df  mercury    mines, 
and  the  manufacture  of  steel.     The   cinnabar 



*16i  feet    Tram. 

304       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  T»E         [book  it^^ 

extracted  from  the  veins  of  the  mountain 
del  Fraile,  near  the  Villa  de  San  Felipe  is 
found  in  a  porphyry  with  hornstone  base  which 
is  traversed  by  veins  of  tin,  and  is  undoubtedly 
more  antient  than  the  porphyritic  pitchstone 
(pecfistein  porphyr)  of  Chica. 

America  in  its  present  state  is  the  tributary 
of  Europe  with  respect  to  mercury ;  but  it  is 
probable,  that  this  dependance  will  not  be  of 
long  duration,  if  the  ties  which  unite  the 
Colonies  with  the  mother  country  remain 
long  loosened,  and  if  the  civilization  of  the 
human  species  in  its  progfressive  motion  from 
East  to  West  is  concentrated  in  America^ 
The  spirit  of  enterprize  and  research  will 
increase  with  the  population;  the  more  the 
country  shall  be  inhabited,  the  more  they  will 
learn  to  appretiate  the  natural  wealth  whicR 
is  contained  in  the  bowels  of  their  mountains. 
If  they  discover  no  single  mine  equal  in  wealth, 
to  Huancavelica,  they  will  work  several  at 
once,  by  which  the  united  produce  will  ren* 
der  the  importation  of  mercury  from  Spain 
and  Carniola  unnecessary.  These  changes 
will  be  so  much  the  more  rapidly  operated, 
as  the  Peruvian  and  Mexican  miners  shall  feel 
themselves  impeded  by  the  want  of  the  metal 
necessary  for  amalgamation.  But  let  us  enquire 
what  would  be  the  consequence  to  the  silveir 

CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       305 

ii,[         Kir- 

mines  of  America,  if  in  the  midst  of  the  wars 
by  which  Europe  is  oppressed,  the  mercury 
mines  of  Almaden  and  Idria,  should  no  longer 
be  wrought.  ^r-f    '      ^ 

I  have  mentioned   the  mineral   depositories 
of  New  Spain,  which   if  examined  with    care, 
and  worked  with  constancy,  may  produce  one 
day   a  very  considerable  quantity  of   mercury. 
The  period  approaches  when  the  Spanish  Co- 
lonies   being    more  united    together,   will   be 
more  attentive  to  their  common  interests;  and 
it  becomes,  therefore,  of  consequence  to   take 
a  general  view  of  the  indications  of  mercury 
observable  in   South    America.     Mexico    and 
Peru,  instead  of    receiving    this    metal    from 
Europe,  will  one  day  perhaps  be   able  to  sup- 
ply the  old    world    with   it.     I    shall    confine 
myself  to  the  knowledge  which  I  could  obtain 
on  the  spot,    and  especially    during   my    stay 
at  Lima ;  and  I  shall  only  mention  the  points 
where  cinnabar  has  been  found,  either  in  veins 
or   beds.     In  several    places,  for    example,   at 
Portobello,  and    Santa    Fe    de    Bogota,    con-, 
siderable  quantities  of    native    mercury    have 
been   collected     at  small   depths  in   building 
houses ;  and  this   phenomenon  has    frequently 
fixed  the  attention  of  government.  They  forget 
that  in  a  country  where  for  three    centuries, 
bags  filled    with   mercury   have    been    trans- 
ported on  mules    from    province    to  province, 

vol..  III.  X 





306        POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  it. 

this  mercury  must  necessarily  have  been  scattered 
in  the  sheds,  under  which  the  beasts  of  burden, 
are  unloaded,  and  in  the  mercury  magazines  es- 
tablished in  towns.  The  mountains  in  general 
contain  mercury  in  its  native  state,  in  very 
small  portions  only ;  and  when  in  an  inhabited 
place,  or  on  a  great  road,  we  discover  in  the 
earth  several  kilogrammes  collected  together, 
we  must  believe  that  these  masses  originated 
in   accidental  infiltrations. 

In  the  kingdom  of  New  Granada,  "nlphuretted 
mercury  is  known  in  three  different  places, 
namely,  in  the  province  of  Antioquia,  in  the 
Valle  de  Santa  Rosa,  east  from  the  Rio  Cauca; 
in  the  mountain  of  Quindiu,  in  the  pass  of 
the  central  cordillera  between  Ibague  and 
Carthago,  at  the  extremity  of  the  Ravin  of 
Vermellon ;  and  lastly,  in  the  province  of  Quito, 
between  the  village  of  Azogue  and  Cuenca. 
The  discovery  of  the  cinnabar  of  Quindiu  is 
due  to  the  patriotic  zeal  of  the  celebrated 
traveller  Mutis^  who  in  the  months  of  August 
and  September,  1786,  at  his  ov/n  expense, 
caused  the  miners  of  Sapo  to  e^^amine  that 
part  of  the  granitic  Cordillera  wLich  extends 
to  the  South  from  the  Nevada  de  Tolima 
towards  the  Rio  Saldana.  The  mineral  of 
sulphuretted  mercury  is  not  only  found  in  round 
fragments  mixed  with  small  grains  of  gold  in 
the  alluvious     earth    with    which  the  IRavia 

CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN'       307 

(qtiebrada)  de  Vermellon  at  the  foot  of  the 
table  land  of  Ihague  Viejo  is  filled ;  but  they 
know  the  vein  also  from  which  the  torrent 
appears  to  have  detached  these  fragments, 
and  which  traverses  the  small  ravin  of  Santa 
Ana.  Near  the  village  of  Azogue  to  the 
North-west  of  Cuenca,  the  mercury  is  found, 
as  in  the  department  of  Mont-Tonnerre,  in  a 
formation  of  quartz-freestone  with  argillaceous 
cement.  This  freestone  is  nearly  1400  metres  * 
in  thickness,  and  contains  fossil  wood  f  and 
asphaltos  |.  In  the  mountains  of  Guazun  and 
Upar,  situated  to  the  North-east  of  Azogue, 
a  vein  of  cinnabar  traverses  beds  of  clay 
filled  with  calcareous  spar,  and  contained  in 
free-stone.  We  discover  there  the  remains  of 
an  old  gallery  of  120  metres  in  length,  §  and 
11  pits  very  close  to  one  another.  It  is  be- 
lieved in  the  country  that  this  mine  was  wrought 
before  Huancavelica,  and  that  it  was  the  dis- 





*  4592  feet.  Trans. 

f  I  found  beautiful  pieces  of  14  decimetres  (4|  feet 
English)  in  length  at  Silcai-Yacu  between  Delec  and 

$  At  Porche  and  the  Western  declivity  of  the  mountains 
'Of  Coxitambo,  I  was  singularly  struck  with  the  geological 
lelations  between  the  freestone  formation  of  Cuenca  and 
Azogue  and  the  freestone  of  the  mines  of  Wol&tein 
and  Mijnsterrappel  which  I  visited  in  1790,  and  wh^ch 
contain  also  cinnabar,  fossil  wood,  and  petfole. 

^393  feet  Trans. 

X  2 

808       POLITICAL  ESSAY  OK  THE         [book  it. 

covery  of  the  latter,  which  was  the  occasion 
of  its  abandonment.  The  learned  experiments 
of  Don  Pedro  Garcia,  and  the  works  executed 
by  M.  Vallejos  the  intendant  of  Cuenca  in 
1792,  have  not  proved  that  the  vein  of  cin- 
nabar of  Guazun,  may  be  successfully  wrought. 
At  five  leagues  distance  from  the  town  of  Po- 
payan,  to  the  North-west  near  Zeguengue 
there  is  a  ravin  which  is  called  the  mercury 
ravin  (quebrada  del  azogue)  without  the  origm 
of  the  name  being  known. 

In  Peru,  cinnabar  is  found  near  Valdivui 
in  the  province  of  Pataz,  between  the  eastern 
bank  of  the  Maranon  and  the  missions  of 
Ouailillas ;  at  the  foot  of  the  great  Nevada 
de  BeUiyatOf  in  the  province  of  Conchucos, 
to  the  east  of  Santa;  at  the  baths  of  Jesus 
in  the  province  of  Guamalies  to  the  South- 
east of  Guacarachuco ;  near  Huancavelica  in 
the  intendancy  of  that  name;  and  near  Gr.araz 
in  the  province  of  Guailas.  From  the  ax^count 
books  found  in  the  provincial  treasury  of  the 
town  of  Chachapoyas  (between  the  Rio  Sonche 
and  the  Rio  Utcubamba)  it  appears  that  at  the 
beginnmg  of  the  conquest,  mercury  mines 
were  wrought  in  the  moderately  elevated 
mountains  which  extend  from  Pongo  de  Man- 
seriche  to  near  Caxamarquillo  and  the  Rio 
Huallaga;  but  from  the  information  which  I 
obtained  during  my  stay    in  the    province    ojf 

CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       309 

Jaen,  the  place  where  these  mines  were  situa- 
ted is  at  present  totally  unknown.  The  veins 
of  cinnabar  of  Guaraz  were  worked  with  some 
degree  of  success  in  1802.  There  was  ex- 
tracted as  much  as  84  pounds  of  mercury 
from  a  mass  of  minerals  of  1500  pounds  weight. 
The  famous  mine  of  Huancavelica,  as  to  the 
state  of  which  so  many  false  ideas  have  been 
disseminated,  is  in  the  mountain  of  Santa 
Barbara,  to  the  south  of  the  town  of  Huan- 
cavelica,  at  a  horizontal  distance  of  2772  varas 
(or  2319  metres*).  The  height  of  the  tpwn 
above  the  level  of  the  sea,  is  according  to  Le 
Gentilf  3752  metres  (1925  toises)t.  If  we 
add  to  this  the  802  varas^  which  the  summit 
of  the  mountain  of  Santa  Barbara,  is  higher 
than  the  level  of  the  streets  of  Huancavelica, 
we   shall   find    the    absolute    height    of    this 

*  7606  feet.    Trans. 

f  This  height  is  calculated  agreeably  to  the  formula 
of  M.  La  Place,  supposing  a  temperature  of  10  centigrade 
degrees  (50<*  Fahr.).  According  to  Le  Gentil,  (Voyage 
aux  Indes,  T.  i.  p.  76.)  the  mean  height  of  the  barometer 
at  the  town  of  Huancavelica  is  IS^**.  1".  5.  In  the  ma- 
nuscript of  Mothes,  this  height  is  estimated  at  18(">.  7''. 
which  would  give  only  1814*  toises,  or  3535  metres  of 
absolute  elevation.  (11,596  feet.  Trans.)  The  great  square 
of  the  town  of  Micuipampa,  where  I  found  the  barometer 
18p».  4>'.  7,  would  then  be  84  metres  (275  feet.  Trans.) 
higher  than  the  level  of  the  streets  of  Huancavelica,  (Recueil 
^Observations  Astronomiguest  Vol.  i.  p.  316.) 

i  12,308  feet.    Trans, 

•  -.f 



*'■  ■    '     *i 



310       POJJTICAL.  EfifSAY  ON  THE         Lbow^  '▼• 

mountain  4422  metres*.  The  discovery  of 
the  great  mercury  mine^  is  ^eoderally  attributed 
to  the  Indian  Gonsalo  Abincopa  or  ^ayim- 
copa;  but  it  is  certain  that  it  goc^  back  to 
a  period  long*  before  1367,  since  the  Incas 
made  use  of  cinnabar  in  painting  themselves> 
and  procured  it  from  the  mountains  of  I'alcas. 
The  working  of  the  mine  of  the  Cerrode  Santa 
Barbara  on  account  of  the  Crown,  began  how- 
ever only  in  the  month  of  September,  1570, 
nearly  the  same  year  in  which  I^ernandez  de 
Velasco  introduced  the  Mexi^au  amalgama^ 
tion  into  Peru. 

Mercury  is  found  in  the  environs  of  the  town 
of  Huancavelica,  in  two  very  different  man- 
ners, in  beds  and  in  veins.  In  the  great  mine 
of  Santa  Barbara,  the  cinnabar  is  contained 
in  a  bed  of  quartz  freestone  of  nearly  400  metres 
in  thickness,  and  in  a  direction  of  hor.  10 — 11 

*  14,506  feet.  Trans.  This  measurement;  agrees  rery 
well  with  the  assertion  of  Ulloa,  who  relates  that  he  mw 
the  barometer  remain  at  the  bottom  of  tiie  mine  oi 
Hoyo  Negro  at  ITP".  2".  2;  from  which  we  may  con- 
clude that  the  bottom  of  the  mine  was  then  2159  toises, 
pr  4208  metres  of  elevation  above  the  level  of  the  ocean 
(liJ,805  feet  Trans. ).  ( Ulloa,  NoUcias  AmericanaSf  p.  279.) 
In  this  pit  then  the  miners  wrought  in  a  point  which  is  500 
metres  (1640  feet),  higher  than  che  sum^^it  pf  the  Peak  of 
TenerifFe.  In  the  Cerro  de  Hualgaypc,  I  have  seen  g£^.- 
leries  of  which  the  absolute  height  ei^oeeded  4)050  metres 
(13,287  feet.    Trans.). 

CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        311 

of, the  Gern^an  coiu|)Jiss,  with  an  innlinatioii 
of  64"  towards  tlie  west.  This  freestone,  ana- 
logons  to  that  .of  the  environs  of  Paris,  and 
the  morm tains  o^  Aroma  and  Cascas,  in  Peru, 
resembl^es  pure  cjuartz.  The  most  part  of  the 
speplmens  wliich ,  I  exaniined  in  the  geologi- 
cal cabinet  of  the  Baron  de  Nordenflycht, 
exhibit  very  little  clayey  cement.  The  quartz 
rock  which  contains  tne  mercury  liiinerals, 
forms  a  bed  in  a  calcareous  brescia,  from  which 
it  is  only  separated  in  its  wall  and  its  roof, 
by  a  very,  thin  stratum  of  slate  clay  (schiefer- 
tfion),  which  has  been  frequently  confounded 
with  primitive  slate.  The  brescia  is  covered 
with  a  formation  of  secondary  limestone,  and 
the  fragments  of  compact  limestone  contained 
in  the  brescia,  seem  to  indicate  that  the  whole 
mass  of  the  mountain  of  Santa  Bit^'bara  it- 
self  reposes  on  alpine  limestome  rock.  This 
last  rock  (alpenkalkstein),  is  in  fact  discovered 
on  the  eastern  slope  of  the  mountain  near 
Acobamba  and  Sillacasa.  It  is  still  found  at 
very  considerable  elevations,  and  is  of  a  blueish 
grey,  and  traversed  by  a  great  number  of  small 
veins  of  calcareous  spar.  Ulloa  observed  there 
in  1761  petrified   shells*,  at  a  height   of  more 



*  We  also  found  them  on  the  ridge  of  the  Andes,  near 
IVIontan  and  Micuipampa;  Geographie  des  Plantes,  p.  127. 
See,  as  to  the  Pelas|;ic  shells  observed  at  great  heights  in 
Europe  and  America,  Faujas  de  Saint-Fond,  Essai  de^Geo- 
logief  T.  ii.  p.  61  "—69. 

A   \'.  Cr 

'  I     .,       t      •    /•,.! 


[[book  ir. 

than  4300  metres*.     M.  de   Nordenflycht 

cardia  in 




bank  of 

liscoverea  pectinites 
shells,  between  the  villages  of  Acoria  and  Aco- 
bamba,  near  Huancavelica,  at  an  elevation  sur- 
passing by  more  than  800  metresf*  that  of  the 
bank  of  nummulites  found  by  M.  Ramond  on 
the  summit  of  Mont-Perdu. 

The  cinnabar  by  no  means  fills  the  whole 
quartz  bed  of  the  great  mine  of  Santa  Barbara; 
it  forms  particular  strata;  and  sometimes  it  is 
found  in  small  veins,  which  dreig  {se  trainent) 
and  unite  in  masses  (stockwerke)*  Hence  the 
metalliferous  mass  is  only  in  general  from  60 
to  70  metresj  in  breadth.  Native  mercury  is 
extremely  rare,  but  the  cinnabar  is  accompa- 
nied with  red  iron  ore,  magnetic  iron,  galena, 
and  pyrite;  and  the  crevices  are  frequently 
variegated  with  sulphate  of  lime,  calcareous 
i^par,  and  fibrous  alum  (Jederalaun),  with  cur- 
vilinear parallel  fibres.  The  metalliferous  bed 
at  great  depths  §,  contains  a  good  deal  of 
orpiment,  or  red  and  yellow  sulphuretted  arse- 
nic.    This  mixture    formerly    occasioned    the 

*  14,107  feet.     Trans.  '"  ;    " 

+  2624  feet.     Trans,  '        - 

%  From  196  to  229  feet.     Trans. 

§  Particularly  below  the  depth  of  230  varas  (629  feet. 
Trans.).  The  galena  is  found  nearer  the  surface  of  the 
earth,  and  even  40  varas  lower  thiM  the  gallery  of  San 
XaVjbr.  .      .         ^ 

CHAF.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       313 

death  of  many  workmen,  who  wrought  at  the 
distillation  of  minerals  of  cinnabar  mixed  with 
orpiment,  till  the  government  took  the  resolu- 
tion of  prohibiting*  the  carrying  on  the  works 
of  Cochapata,  in  whit;h  arsenic  abounds  the 
most.  I  suppose  that  the  vapour  called  umpef 
of  which  the  alarming  effects  are  described 
by  Ulloa,  is  arsenical  hydrogen  gas;  but  it  has 
been  much  more  rarely  felt  than  might  be  be* 
lieved,  from  the  accounts  of  the  Spanish  tra- 

The  great  mine  of  Santa  Barbara  ii^  divided 
into  three  stories,  (pertinencias)  which  bear  the 
names  of  Brocal,  Comedio,  Cochapata.  The 
depth  of  the  mine  is  349  varas;  and  its  total 
length  from  north  to  south  536  varas.  It  is 
reckoned  that  50  quintals  of  tolerably  rich  mi- 
nerals, yield  by  distillation  from  8  to  12  pounds 
of  msrcury.  The  mineral  depository  is  worked 
by  three  galleries,  viz:  the  Socahon  de  Ulloa, 
the  Socabon  de  San  Frai  sco  Xavier,  and  the 
Socahon  de  Nuestra  Senora  de  Belem,  begun 
in  1615,  and  finished  in  1642.  The  gallery 
cut  by  the  astronomer  Don  Antonio  Ulloa,  who 
as  governor  of  Huancavelica  directed  the  works 
for  some  years,  is  only  75  varas  in  length  and 
its  mouth  is  almost  level  with  the  great  square 
of  the  town.  It  would  require  to  be  still  pro . 
longed  2000  vara;^,  to  travei*se  the  pertintncia 
de   Cochapata.     It  is   the   only  gallery  wkich 






3^14f       TQW^ipAh  ESSAY  ON;  XHE         [apoK  ly. 

fplfp\f^  the  (Viryection  of  the  metalliferous  be4> 
fpy,  th^  two  ot^hers,  were  cut  in  the  solid  rock- 
TIJhe,  Socqbp%  t^  Beletifi,  the  most  useful  oC  all 
tj[|pse  dij^repl;  WP'^^^s,  is  625  varas  iii  length, 
a})fl  ci^^  the  mineral  depository  at  thp  deptl^ 
q(  17^  yajL'a^,,l?Qlo\^  th^  sui^mjit  of  the  raouu- 
tj^i^  of  S^nt^,  B^'t^ja.  Tl^  galj^iy  9f,  Sap 
X»J^yif^i>^^iished  ill  V^^v  ^:  112  varas,  al^o're 
thpiSiocajl>p|iof  Beleiifi.  4JJ  ^jh^ese galleries  which 
ha^ye  co?)l,  imuaeiise  s^ms,  be<?ause  they  are  naoi;e 
than  five  varas  in  breadth*,  are  merely,  foi: 
ifeiit^ila^Qn  {^i^d  inl^eriop  conveyance;  foi*  the 
nciine  is  absolutely  fr^e  from  water.  ..jt  ol" 
'^here  has  l^,een  extractedt  from  the  great 
if^if^^  pf  ^i^fincav^lica,  between  1570  an,d  178.9, 
tlfe   sum    oC  1,940,492    quints^ls   of  merciifiyjj, 

,;!S^vpyp  1570  to  1576  „r,j} J   9,137.  qjointals.   \„ 

'n^.hu',r.,)57,Q-   ,.  1586  ,vr, ,.60,000     ,,,.,,.,,,  v, 

\^^.^^   \      •lo.Sf?. 



;    y^-'i-^    Hi 

.i\.  i 1^90. 



^;\n'v-;^.      '-i*' 

.   .>;-.0      .•1^9 

1693  / 


^       .-rVv-  -y 

/ritr      1«P4 

1610     ; 


■       .';.  ■"        :\i 

.!  /         16U 

1615  i 


'-•'  ','''"■•• 

,,.,.,;    .,,J616 



,    *     i    » 

i..        h  ^6^3 



J                  '    ,      ' 

:f  ? 

*  More  than  13  feet.     Trans, 

f  Noticias  sobre  la  mina  de  Huancavelica,  (M.  S.  note  of 
M  Mothes). 
<  t  136,573,162  lb.  Troy.    Trans,,,  ,      .      ,\       . 

««Ai\  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       31%5 

;■*  *f 

]b646        1648  20,460  quintals. 


1048        1650 


:(  ' 

1(5.51         1666        109^120 

Accovding  to  this  table,  the  quantity  of  mer- 
cury extracted  front  the  great  mine  of  Muan- 
cavelica,  amounted  in  the  first  96.  yeans,  to 
the  sum  of  523,472  quintals*  There  has  be«a 
obtained  in  the  following  peviods,  >!  <  ;.■/'^v^n 
\i^Qm  1667  to  1672  49^026  quintals 

1^73  to  1683  60^000  '^^' 

We  tind  no  mention  in  the  archives  of  the 
treasury,  of  the  produce  of  the  mine  between 
1684   and  1713;  but  it   was      i^   '-      »•    -' 

From  1713  to  1724    ^    .41,283  quintals.  > 

-V.  :r^i     1725        1736    /I'?'   38,88^    ^J'     -'<'«' 

1737        1748  66,426    '       "'*'- 

From,  these  data,  it  appears  that  the  mine 
has  generally  yielded  from  four  to  six  thousand 
quintals  of  mercury  per  annum.  In  the  most 
abundant  years  between  1586  and  1589,  the 
produce  amounted  to  10^500  quintals.         '  ." 

Besides  the  cinnabar  which  is  contained  in 
the  bed  of  quartz  freestone,  of  the  €erro  de 
Santa  Barbara  de  Huancavelica,  there  is  also 
some  in  this  same  part  of  the  Cordilleras, 
especially  near  Siliacasa,  in  small  veins  which 
traverse  the  alpine  limestone  (alpenkalkstein); 
but  these  veins  which  are  frequently  full  of 
caloadony,  do  not  follow  regular  directions; 
they  cross  and  drag  frequently,  and  form  nests 



.1     '  T  c,l, 


316       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  iv. 

or  metallic  masses*.  For  these  fifteen  years, 
all  the  mercury  which  Huancavelica  supplies 
to  the  miners  of  Peru,  is  derived  from  these 
last  mineral  depositories,  the  metalliferous  bed 
(erzfloz)  of  the  great  mine  of  Santa  Barbara, 
having  been  completely  abandoned,  owing  to 
the  falling  in  which  took  place  in  the  perti- 
nencia  of  the  Brocah  Avarice  and  carelessness 
were  the  cause  of  this  unfortunate  accident. 
So  early  as  1780,  the  directors  of  the  mine  had 
difficulty  in  furnishing  the  quantity  of  mercury 
required,  for  the  continually  increasing  wants 
of  the  Peruvian  amalgamation.  The  deeper 
the  works  became,  the  cinnabar  grew  also 
more  impure,  and  mixed  with  sulphuretted  ar- 
senic. As  the  bed  forms  a  mass  of  an  extra- 
ordinary volume,  it  could  only  be  worked  by 
longitudinal  and  transversal^  galleries.  To 
support  the  roof,  pillars  were  left  from  distance 
to  distance,  as  is  practised  in  the  coal  and 
salt  mines.  An  intendant  of  Huancavelica,  a 
lawyer,  and  a  praise-worthy  man  in  other  res- 
pects for  his  knowledge  and  integrity,  had  the 
temerity  to  remove  these  pillars  to  increase  r 
the  produce  of  the  mine.  This  operation  had 
the  effect  which  every  intelligent  miner  might 
have  easily  predicted;  the    rock  deprived  of 


*  NidoSf  holsas  y  davos  {Zusammen-scharende  TrihnmerJ, 
t  Jn  querundj^eHeV'bau, 

CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       317 

support  yielded  to  the  pressure ;  the  roof  tumbled 
in,  and  as  this  falling  in  took  place  in  the 
greater  part  of  the  upper  pertinencia,  that  of 
the  Brocal,  the  works  in  the  two  inferior  per^ 
tinenciaSf  Comedio,  and  Cochapata;  were  also 
obliged  to  be  given  up.  The  master  miners 
accused  the  intendant,  of  having  removed  the 
pillars  to  ingratiate  himself  at  the  Court  of 
Madrid,  by  procuring  in  a  very  few  years 
a  great  quantity  of  mercury.  The  intendant 
on  his  part  affirmed,  that  he  had  acted  alto- 
gether with  the  consent  of  the  master  miners, 
who  thought  the  pillars  might  be  replaced  by 
heaps  of  inibbish.  In  place  of  taking  a  de- 
cisive part,  and  working  the  metalliferous  bed 
in  other  points,  they  lost  eight  years  in  sending 
from  tifme  to  time  commissaries  to  the  spot  to  in- 
stitute a  process,  and  dispute  about  vain  forma- 
lities. When  I  left  Lima,  they  were  waiting 
for  a  decision  of  the  Court;  the  great  mine 
was  shut  up;  but  they  had  given  free  per- 
mission to  the  Indians  from  1795,  to  work  the 
cinnabar  veins  which  traverse  the  alpine  lime 
stbne,  between  Huancavelica  and  Sillacasa. 
The  anmlal  produce  of  these  petty  operations, 
amounted  to  3200  or  3500  quintals.  Af  by 
law,  all  the  mercury  must  be  delivered  into 
the  treasury  (caxas  reales)  of  Huancavelica,  I 
shall  give  from  the  account  books  the  produce 
between  1790  and  1800. 



318       ^LIUCAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         L^ook  i^- 
III  1790    -    -    2021  quintals  37  pounds. 


1701  -    -     1795 

1702  -     -     2054 


'i  i-i 











•  •■.Si  A-. 






.       '.  .       ,  : 











■  '   -rrVi 
















It  has  been  asked  whether  in  the  present 
state  of  thing's  it  would  be  prudent  to  clear 
out  the  old  works  of  the  great  mine*,  or  if  they 
ought  to  en  gage  in  new  trials.  From  the 
memoirs  drawn  up  by  the  Baron  de  Norden- 
flycht,  it  appears  to  be  absolutely  false  that 
the  mine  of  Santa  Barbara  was  exhausted 
when  they  were  so  impinident  as  to  remove 
the  pillars.  In  the  pertinenca  de  Cochapata, 
at  228  varas  of  depth,  cinnabar  minerals 
have  been  found,  equally  rich  with  those  of 
the  Brocal;  but  as  for  ages,  the  works  have 
been  under  the  direction  of  ignorant  men, 
detitute      of    all     knowledge    of      subterra- 

♦  Before  the  year  1795,  seven  thousand  alpacas  and 
llamas  led  and  governed  by  intelligent  dogs  carried  the 
mercury  minerals  from  the  Cerro  De  Santa  Barbara,  to 
the  furnaces  supplied  with  aludel  which  are  situated 
near  the  Town  of  Huaucarelica.  <     :  ,  v  ,»* 

CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  or  NEVV  SPAIN.       319 

neoiis  geometry,  they   have    given    the    work 
the   iform    of    a    cylinder,    whose  axis    is  in- 
clined   from  north  to     south.     Near    the  sm*- 
face     in    the    Brcal,    the    metalliferous    bed 
has  almost  never  been  wrought  on   the    south 
side ;    but  on  the  other  hand,  in  the  depth  at 
Cochapata,    the  galleries  have  been  for  a  very 
small  way  <'arried  northwards.     This  particu- 
lar disposition  of  the  works  has  given  reason 
for  believing  the  cinnabar  is  lost  towards  the 
bottom  of  the  mine;  but  if  it  has  been  found 
in  less  abundance,  it  is  because,  in  perpetually 
deepening  towards  the  south,  they  entered  in- 
sensibly  into  the   sterile  part  of    the    bed    of 
qtiartz  or  freestone. 

Notwithstanding  the  justness  of   these  con- 
siderations,  it   seems    by    no    means    prudent 
to  advise  the  clearing  out  of   the  old  mine ; 
for  this  dperalion  would  require '  ^n   immense 
expense,    and    the   old  works  were  so   badly 
disposed  that  it    is   impossible  to  derive   any 
advantage  from  them.     The  metalliferous  bed 
of    the    Cerro    de    Santa    Barbara,    extends 
many  leagues  beyond  Sillac^sa,    even   as   far 
as  above  the  village  of  Guachiicalpa :  and  by 
beginning  to  work  on  points  which  have  hi- 
therto remained  untouched,  there  would  hardly 
be   a  doubt  of   the  success  of  the  operations ; 
for  nothing  can  be  a   stronger   proof  "of 'tfte 
abundance  of  the  mercury  in  this 'j[i1art"of  the 









820       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv, 

Cordilleras,  than  the  produce  of  the  petty 
labours  of  the  Indians.  If  small  veins  of 
cinnabar  merely  uncovered  at  their  surface  yield 
,  annually,  on  an  average  3,000  quintals,  we 
cannot  entertain  a  doubt  that  works  of  investiga- 
tion with  directed  intelligence  will  one  day  pro- 
duce more  merctiry  than  is  requisite  for  all 
the  amalgamation  of  Pern.  We  may  also 
hope  that  in  proportion  as  the  inhabitants  of 
the  new  world  shall  learn  to  profit  from  the 
natural  wealth  of  the  soil,  the  improvement  of 
chemical  knowledge,  will  also  discover  pro- 
cesses of  amalgamation  by  which  less  mercury 
will  be  consumed.  In  diminishing  the  con- 
sumption of  this  metal,  and  increasing  the 
produce  of  the  indigenous  mines,  the  Ameri- 
can miners  will  gradually  learn  to  dispense 
with  the  mercury  of  Europe  and  China. 

To  complete  the  view  of  the  mineral  sub- 
stances of  New  Spain  it  remains  for  us  to 
name  coal,  salt,  and  soda.  The  coal  of  which 
I  saw  in  the  valley  of  Bogota*  beds  at  2500 
metres  of  elevationf  above  the  level  of  the 
sea,  in  general  appears  to  be  very  rare  in  the 
Cordilleras.  In  the  kingdom  of  New  Spain  it 
has  only  yet  been  discovered  in  New  Mexico ; 

*  Near  Tausa,  Canoas,  and  in  the  Cerro  de  Suba,  in 
die  road  from  Santa  F^  de  Bogota  to  the  salt  mine  of 

t  8201  feet.     Trans, 

«HAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       321 

but  it  is  however  probable  that  it  may  be 
found  in  the  secondary  lands  which  extend 
to  the  north  and  north-west  of  the  Rio  Colo- 
rado, as  well  as  in  the  plains  of  San  1m\^ 
Potosi,  and  Texas.  There  is  already  a 
coal  mine  near  the  sources  of  the  Rio  Sabina. 
In  general  coal  and  rock  salt  abound  to  the 
west  of  the  Sierra  Verde  near  the  lake  of 
Timpanogos ;  in  Upper  Louisiana ;  and  in 
those  vast  northern  regions  contained  between 
the  stonif  mountains  of  Mackenzie,  and  Hud- 
son's Bay.*  ^;-^.,-  ,•  ,•>  .,, 
In  the  whole  inhabited  part  of  New  Spain, 
there  is  no  rock  salt  like  that  of  Zipaquira 
in  the  kingdom  of  Santa  Fe,  or  of  Wieliczka 
in  Poland.  The  muriate  of  soda  is  no  where 
found  collected  in  banks  or  masses  of  consi- 
derable volume;  and  is  merely  disseminated 
in  the  argillaceous  lands  which  cover  the  ridge 
of  the  Cordilleras.  The  table  lands  of  Mexico 
resemble  in  this  respect  those  of  Thibet  and 
Tartary.  We  have  already  obsei-ved  in  our 
description    of    the    valley    of     Tenochtitlan,< 



;  i 



*  There  are  salt  springs  on  the  banks  of  the  Lake 
Dauphin  and  the  Lake  of  Slaves  fdes  esclavesj.  Coals 
have  been  found  near  the  river  Mackenzie,  in  the 
latitude  of  66" ;  ai^d  at  the  foot  of  the  stony  mountains, 
in  the  52**,  and  56°  of  latitude  (Voyag«  de  Maftk«x«i«, 
▼ol.  iii.  pp.  332—334.) 

VOL.  III.  Y 


i^22       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE        [book  iy. 

that  the  Indians  who  inhabit   the    caverns   of 
the    porphyritic    rock    called    Peflon    de     los 
Bafios,  wash  their  jjroiinds  which  are  impreg- 
nated with  muriate  of  soda.     It   is  a  received 
opinion    in  the  country  that  this  salt  like  the 
nitrate  of  potash  is  formed  by    the    influence 
of  the  atmospheric  air;     and  it  in  fact  appears 
that  the  muriate  of    soda    is   merely  found  in 
the  upper  bed  of  earth  to  the  depth  of  eight 
centimetres.*      The  Indians  pay  a  small  sum 
to  the  proprietors  of  the  soil  for  the  permission 
of    carrying   off*   the    first    muriatiferous    bed, 
knowing   that   after   a   few   months    they  will 
iind  a  crust   of   clay  full  of  muriate   of   soda 
and    lime,    nitrate    of   potash    and   lime,   and 
carbonate  of  soda.     M.  del  Rio,  a  distinguished 
chemist  proposed   to    make    accurate    experi- 
ments    on     these     phenomena,     by     washing 
grounds  before  they  had   again   been  exposed 
to    contact    with    the   atmospheric    air.      The 
most   abundant   salt  mine  of   Mexico,    is  the 
lake  of  the  Penon  Blanco  in  the  intendancy  of 
San  Luis  Potosi,  of  which  the  bottom  is  a  bed  of 
argill  which  contains  from  12  to  13  per  cent,  of 
muriate  of  soda.  We  ought  also  to  observe,  that 
were  it  not  for  the  amalgamation  of  silver  mine- 
rals, the  consumption  of  salt  would  be  very  in- 
considerable in  Mexico,  because  the  Indians  who 

"*  3  inches.     Trans*  '  ' 

m  I 


•iiAP.  XI.]         KINGDOiM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       3:^3 

constitute  a  great  part  of  the  population,  have 
never  abandoned  their  old  custom  of  seasonintf 
meat  with  cAi/e*  or  pimento  instead  of 

In  taking  a  general  view  of  the  mineral 
wealth  of  New  Spain,  far  from  being  struck 
with  the  value  of  the  actual  produce,  we  are 
astonished  that  it  is  not  much  more  consider- 
able. It  is  easy  to  foresee  that  this  branch 
of  national  industry  will  continue  augmenting 
as  the  country  shall  become  better  inhabited, 
as  the  smaller  proprietors  shall  enjoy  more 
fully  their  natural  rights,  and  as  geolo- 
gical and  chemical  knowledge  shall  become 
more  generally  diifused.  Several  obstacles 
have  already  been  removed  since  the  year 
1777,  or  since  the  establishment  of  the  su- 
preme council  of  mines,  which  has  the  title 
of  Real  Tribunal  (general  del  importante  cuerpo 
de  Mineria  de  Nueva  EspaTia,  and  iiolds  its 
sittings  in  the  palace  of  the  viceroy  at  Mexico. 
Till  that  period  the  proprietors  of  mines  were 
not  united   into    a    corporation,   or  the   court 






*  Chilli  or  ahi.  Seevol.  ii.  p.  505.  If  we  estimate  the  annual 
consumption  of  muriate  of  soda  in  Europe  at  6  kilo- 
grammes a  head  (13.2 lib.  avoird.  Trans.)  we  dare  not 
estimate  the  consumption  of  the  copper  coloured  race  at 
More  than  half  a  kilogramme  (about  a  pound.  Trans.) 

T  U 



ii24       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

of  Madrid  at  least  would  not  recognize  them* 
as  an  established  body  by  a  constitutional 

The  legislation  of  the  mines  was  formerly 
under  infinite  confusion,  because,  at  the  be- 
ginning of  the  conquest,  under  the  reign  of 
Charles  the  oth,  a  mixture  c»f  Sppiish,  Bel- 
gic  and  German  laws  were  introduced  into 
Mexico,  f»^J  these  laws  from  the  difference 
of  local  circumstances  were  inapplicable  to 
those  distant  regions.  The  erection  of  the 
supreme  council  of  mines,  of  which  the  chieff 
bears  a  name  of  celel)rity  in  the  annals  of 
chemical  science,  was  followed  by  the  esta- 
blisl  ment  of  the  school  of  mines,  and  the  com- 
pilation of  a  new  code  of  laws,  published 
under  the  title  of  Ordonanzas  de  la  Mineria  de 
Nueva  Espana.  The  council  or  Tribunal 
general  is  composed  of  a  director,  two  depu- 
ties from  the  body  of  miners,  an  assessor, 
two  consultors,  and  a  judge,  who  is  head  of 
the  juzgado  de  alzadas  de  mineria.  On  the 
Tribunal  general  depend  the  thirty-seven  crnm- 
cils  of  provincial  mines  or  diputaciones  de  mi- 
nerittf   of  which  the  names  have  been  already 

*  Representacion  gug  a  nomhre  de  la  Mineria  de  esta 
Nueva  Espana  hacen  at  Rey  nuestro  Senor  los  Apoderados 
de  die.  D.  JUan  Lucas  de  Lassaga  y  D.  Joaquin  Ve» 
lasquez  etc  Leon  (Mexico  1774)   p,  40. 

f  Don  Fausto  de  Elhuyar. 

CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       325 

mentioned.  The  proprietors  of  mines  (mi- 
iieros)  send  their  representatives  to  the  pro- 
vincial councils,  and  the  two  general  deputies 
who  reside  at  Mexico,  are  chosen  from  among 
the  deputies  of  the  districts.  The  body  of 
miners  of  New  Spain  has  besides,  apoderudo9 
or  representative  proprietofs  at  Madrid,  for 
treating  immediately  with  the  ministry,  as  to 
the  interest  of  the  colonies,  in  whatever  res- 
pects the  mines.  The  students  of  the  colegio 
de  mineria,  instructed  at  the  expence  of  the 
state,  are  distributed  by  the  Tribunal  among 
the  head  towns  of  the  different  diputaciones. 
It  cannot  be  denied  that  the  representative 
system  followed  in  the  new  organization  of 
the  body  of  Mexican  miners,  possesses  great  ad- 
vantages. It  preserves  public  spirit  in  a  coun- 
try where  the  citizens,  scattered  over  an  im^ 
mense  surface,  do  not  sufficiently  feel  thp 
community  of  their  interests;  and  it  gives 
the  supreme  council  a  facility  of  collecting 
considerable  sums,  whenever  any  great  or 
useful  undertaking  is  proposed.  It  is  to  be 
desired,  however,  that  the  director  of  the 
tribunal  should  possess  more  influence  on  th^  prp- 
gress  of  the  operations  in  the  provinces,  aiid 
that  the  proprietors  of  mines  less  jealous  of 
what  they  call  their  liberty,  were  more  en- 
lightened as  to  their  true  interests. 
T^jne  ^upr$m^   Council   po^esfues  ^  iAcppqi^ 


i  ; 

i    ,, 






32(5        POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

of  more  than  a  million  of  livres  tournois*. 
The  kino-  granted  it  on  its  establishment  two 
thirds  of  the  royal  right  of  signiorage  which 
amounts  to  a  real  de  plata,  or  the  eighth  part 
of  a  double  piastre  per  marc  of  silver  deli- 
vered in  to  the  mint.  This  million  of  reve- 
nue is  destined  for  the  salariesf  of  the  members  of 
the  tribunal,  the  support  of  the  school  of  mines, 
and  to  a  fund  for  assistance  or  advances  (avios) 
to  the  proprietors  of  the  mines.  These  ad- 
vances as  we  have  already  observed  have  been 
given  with  more  liberality  than  discernment. 
A  miner  of  Pachuca,  at  one  time  obtained 
170,000  piastres  J ;  and  the  share  holders  of 
the  rnina  de  agua  of  Temascaltepec,  received 
214,000  piastres;  but  this  assistance  i^ ever  pro- 
duced any  thing§.  The  tribunal  during  the 
last  years  of  the  war  of  Spain  with  France 
and  England,  was  compelled  to  make  a  gra- 
tuitous present  to  the  court  of  Madrid,  of  two 
millioos  and  a  half  of  francs,  and  to  lend  it 
fifteen   millions    besides,    of     which    only    six 

•  1^40,816  Sterling. 

f  These  salaries  amount  to  25,000  piastres  ( ^^5250  Ster- 
ling. Trans.)  The  director  general  has  only  6000  (jei260;; 
and  the  seminary  or  school  of  mines,  in  which  the  Creole 
Spaniards  and  noble  Indians  are  educated,  consumes  only 
30,000  piastres  (jff6300  Sterling.  Trans.)  per  annum. 

%  £35,700  Sterling.  7rans. 

§  See  the  account  rendered  to  the  electors,  published 
tinder  the  title  ofEstado  general  que  manifiesta  a  los  vocales  los 
eaudales  del  Tribunal  de  Mineria  desde  1777  hasta  1788. 


CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       327 

millions    have     ever    yet    been     repaid.       To 
support     these     extraordinary    expences     they 
were  compelled  to  have  recourse  to  borrowing; 
and  at  present  the  half  of  the  revenues  of  the  su- 
preme council  of  mines  is  employed  in  paying 
the  interest  of  that  capital.  The^^  have  increased 
one   half  the    signorial  impost^  till  the  period 
of  the  liquidation  of  the  debts  contracted  by  the 
tribunal ;  and  in  place  of  e\g\ii  (jrainSt  the  miners 
are  obliged  to  pay  twelve*  per  marc  of  silver. 
In  this  state  of  things,  the  tribunal  can  no  longer 
make  advances  to  the  miners,  who  for  want  of 
funds  are  frequently  unable  to  carry  on  useful 
undertakings.  Great  capitals  formerly  employed 
in  mining,  are  now  destined  to  agriculture,  and 
the  proprietors  of  mines   would   again  require 
those  establishments  (buncos  de  plata,  compahias 
refaccionarias'f  c)  de  habiliiacion  y  avios)  which 
advanced    to  the  miners   considerable  sums  of 
money  at  a  large  interest. 

All  the  metallic  wealth  of  the  Spanish  colo- 
nies is  in  the  hands  of  individuals.  The  go- 
vernment possesses  no  other  mine  than  that  of 






*  Ocho  granos  de  Setioreoget  y  quatro  granos  temporalmente 
impuestos.  At  Lima  the  tribunal  receives  a  real  per 

f  Real  cedula  sobre  la  compania  refaccionaria  propuesta 
por  el  Genoves  Domingo  Reborato,  del  12  Marzo  1744. — 
Don  Josef  Bustamente,  Informe  sobre  la  htibilitacion  de  los 
Mineros,  1748. 

i328       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  iv. 

Huancavelica  in  Peru,  which  has  been  lonsr 
abandoned ;  and  it  is  not  even  proprietor  of  the 
great  levels,  as  several  sovereigns  of  Germany 
are.  The  individuals  receive  from  the  king 
a  grant  of  a  certain  number  of  measures  on  the 
direction  of  a  vein  or  bed ;  and  they  are  only 
held  to  pay  very  moderate  duties  on  the  mine- 
rals extracted  from  the  mines,  which  have  been 
valued  at  an  average  for  all  Spanish  America, 
at  11 1  per  cent  of  the  silver,  and  3  per  cent  of 
the  gold*. 

In  New  Spain  the  proprietors  of  mines  pay 
the  government  the  half  of  the  Jifth  or  tenth, 
the  duty  of  one  per  cent  (derecho  del  iino  poir 
ciento)  and  the  duty  of  coinayef  called  derecho 
de  monedage  y  seTioreage.  Ti'Js  last  duty  es- 
tablished in  1560  by  a  law  of  Philip  II. 
and  increased  at  the  end  of  the  17th  century ■[•, 
now  amounts  to  3i  reals  per  marc,  of  silver, 
68  reals  being  computed  in  the  marc  with  half 
a  real  of  expences,  and  the  proprietor  of  the 
silver  only  receiving  back  64  reals.  Of  this 
3i  reals,  2f  are  accounted  derecho  de  monedage 
and  1  real  derecho  de  seTioreage. 

The  revenue  which  the  crown  derives  from 

*  Bourgoing,  T.  ii.  p.  284. 

f  Recapilacion  de  leyes  de  Castilla,  de  1598,  Lib,  v.  I'll, 
xxi.  n.  9 — Lei^  8.  Tit.  xxiii.  Lib.  iv.  de  Indias — Real  cedida 
dirlgida  al  Virey  Conde  de  Moctezuma,  y  dada  en  Madrid  a 

CHAP,  xi.j  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       -529 

200,000    marcs    of   silver   equal    to  1,700,000 
piastres  *  is  estimated  f  thus : 


In  DerecJio  de  Diezmo  ....  160,000 
Derecho  de  unopor  Ciento  .  .  16,000 
Derecho  de  monedage  y  seTioreage      86,750 

Total     262,7.50  % 


nearly  16|  per  cent.  In  discounting  the  profit 
of  government  under  the  title  of  coinage 
or  the  totality  of  the  duty,  we  find  that  the 
duties  paid  by  the  proprietors  of  mines,  only 
amount  to  13  per  cent.  To  give  a  more  de- 
tailed explanation  of  the  duties  levied  by  the 
government,  we  must  distinguish  agreeably  to 
information  procured  by  me  during  my  stay 
at  Guanaxuato,  the  pure  silver  from  that  which 
is  mixed  with  gold  ;  for  if  the  silver  contains 
less  than  thirty  grains  of  gold  per  marc  of  silver, 
the  mint  does  not  pay  the  gold  to  the  indi- 

*  je  357,000  sterling.    Trans. 

f  Representacion  de  la  mineria  de  Nueva  £lipaaa,  de 
1774.,  p.  53.  §^5, 
X  jfi  55,177  sterling.   Trans* 




830       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

An  ingot  of  silver  unmixed  with 
gold,  extracted  by  the  pro- 
cess of  amalgamation,  weigh- 
ing 135  marcs,  at  11  deniers 
22  grains      ....     value 


Duty  of  one  per  cent. 

and  tenth     .     .     127p.  6r. 
Duty  of  assi    "ng     .       4     0 
Duty  of  6oc«c*o levied 

in  the  treasury       .     1      0 
Duty  of  bocado  levied 

in  the  mint         .         0      4 
Duty  of  signiorage       13      6 

piastres,     renls. 

1171      6 

147       0 

Remain  to  the  proprietor     1024       6 

If  the  silver  is  procured  by  smelting,  and  be- 
low 11  deniers  19  grains,  we  must  add  the  ex- 
pences of  affinage,  which  amount  to  8  ma^ 
ravedis  per  marc. 

An  ingot  of  auriferous  silver 
at  the  rate  of  12  deniers,  19 
grains  of  silver,  and  50  grains 
of  gold,  weighing  133  marcs, 
2  ochavas     ....     value 

In  silver 

In  gold 

piastres,  reals. 

1133     3 
194    0 

1327     S 

•HAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        331 

Expences.  • 

Duty  of  one  per  cent 

and  tenth     .       .     123p.  6r. 
Duty  on  gold  at  3  per 

254     S 

cent     .... 



Duty  of  assaying 

.     6 


Duty  of  6oc«c/o  . 



Apartado       .      .     . 



Consumo     .     .     . 

.    12 


Senoreage  .     :     . 

.     13 


Remain  to  the  proprietor     1073    0 

If  the  ingot  is  so  rich  in  gold  that  it  contains 
more  than  a  half  of  its  weight  of  that  metal , 
the  expence  of  assay  rises  to  4  reals  per  marc. 
It  may  be  seen  from  these  examples  that  the 
individual  who  delivers  his  silver  into  the 
provincial  treasuries  of  Mexico,  in  exchange 
for  specie,  pays  in  the  first  case  to  govern- 
ment 121,  and  in  the  second  19  f  per  cent. 
This  impost  excites  the  proprietors  of  the 
mines  to  the  fraudulent  extraction  of  the 
precious  metals.  Notwithstanding  the  expe- 
rience of  so  many  ages,  the  court  of  Madrid 
has  several  times  attempted*   to   increase  the 

duty  of  signioragej  without  reflecting  that  this 

*  Representadon  de  la  mineria  de  Nneva  Espaha  sobrt  ia 
doUe  txacdon  del  Sgnoreage,  dt  1766. 


332       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

imprudent  step  would  discourage  individuals 
from  bringing'  in  their  metals  to  the  mint. 
It  is  the  same  with  direct  imposts  on  gold 
and  silver,  as  with  the  profit  which  the  go- 
vernment attempts  to  derive  from  the  sale  of 
mercury.  The  mining  operations  will  increase 
in  proportion  as  these  imposts  shall  diminish, 
and  as  the  mercury  which  is  indispensable  in 
the  process  of  amalgamation,  shall  be  fur- 
nished at  a  lower  price.  It  is  astonishing 
that  a  justly  celebrated  author,  who  had  the 
soundest  ideas  relative  to  the  exchange  of 
metals,  should  have  defended  the  duties  of 

From  the  information  given  by  us  in  this 
chapter,  it  is  almost  unnecessary  to  agitate 
the  question  if  the  produce  of  the  silver 
mines  of  Mexico  has  attained  its  maximum, 
or  if  there  is  any  probability  that  it  will  still 
augment  in  the  time  to  come.  We  have 
seen  that  three  districts  of  mines,  those  of 
Guanaxuato,  Catorce,  and  Zacatecas,  alone 
furnish  more  than  the  half  of  the  whole  silver  of 
New  Spain.  One  mine  which  has  only  been 
known  for  forty  years,  that  of  Valenciana  has 
sometimes  f  alone  furnished  in  one  year  as  much 

*  Adam  Smith,  Book  iv.  chap.  6. 
t  For  example  io  179Z. 

CHAP.   XI.] 

KINGDOM  OF  NEW  .SPAIN.       3*1^5 

silver  as  the  whole  kingdom  of  Peru.     It  is  but 
thirty    years    since    the  veins  of  the  Real  de 
Catorce  bej>an  to  be  worked,  and  yet  by  the 
discovery  of  these  new  mines  the  metallic  pro- 
duce of  Mexico  was  increased  nearly  one  sixth. 
If  we  consider  the  vast  extent  of  ground  oc- 
cupied   by    the    Cordilleras,   and  the  immense 
number    of   mineral   depositories    which    have 
never    ypt     been   attempted*,   we  may   easily 
conceive  that  New    Spain,  under  a  better  ad- 
ministration,   and  inhabited    by  an  industrious 
people,  will  alone  yield  in  gold  and  silver,  the 
hundred  and  sixty  three  millions  of  francs,  at 
present  furnished  by  the  whole  of  America.     In 
the  space  of  a  hundred  years,  the  annual  pro- 
duce of  the  Mexican  mines,  rose  from  twenty- 
iive,    to     one    hundred     and    ten    millions    of 
francs.       If   Peru    does    not   exhibit  an  equal 
augmentation  of  wealth,  it  is  because  this  un- 
fortunate   country   has  not  increased  its  popu- 
lation,    and    because     being    worse    governed 
than  Mexico,  industry  found  more  difficulties  to 
overcome.     Besides,    nature  has  deposited  the 
precious  metals   in   that   country  at  enormous 
elevations,  in  situations  where  on  account  of  the 
very  high  price  of  provisions,  the  working  be- 
comes  extremely  expensive.     The   abundance 


■'  If 

*  EspecMll/  Ibon  Bobnos  to  the   Presidio  de  Fren- 

834       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  it. 

of  silver  is  in  general  such  in   the  chain  of  the 
Andes,  that  when  we  reflect  on  the   mimhcr  of 
mineral  depositories  which  remain   untouched, 
or  which  have  been  very   superficially  wroug'ht, 
we  are  tempted  to  believe,  that  the  Europeans 
have  yet  scarcely  begun  to  enjoy  the  inexhausti- 
ble fund  of  wealth  contained  in  the  New  World. 
When    we  cast  our   eyes  over  the   district  of 
mines  of  Guanaxuato,  which  on  the  small  space 
of  a  few  thousand  square  metres,  supplies  an- 
nually   the    seventh  or    eighth  part  of  all  the 
American  silver,  we  shall  see  that  the  550,000 
marcs  which  are  annually  extracted  from  the 
famous   veta    madre    are   the  produce  of  only 
two  mines,  Valenciana  and  the  ii     le  of  the  Mar- 
quis de  Rayas,  and  that  more  than  four  fifths 
of  this  vein  have  never  yet  been  attempted.     It 
is  very  probable,  however,  that  in  uniting  the 
two  mmes  of  Fraustros  and  Mellado,  and  clear- 
ing them  out,  a  mine  would  be  found  of  equal 
wealth  with  that  of  Valenciana.     The  opinion 
that  New   Spain    produces   only   perhaps    the 
third  part  of  the  precious  metals  which  it  could 
supply    under   happier  political   circumstances, 
has  been  long  entertained  by  all  the  intelligent 
persons   who  inhabit  the    principal  districts  of 
mines  of  that  country,  and  is  formally  announced 
in  a  Memoir  presented  by  the  deputies  of  the 
body  of  miners  to  the  king  in   1774,  a  produc- 
tion drawn  up  with  great  wisdom  and  know^ 

CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       335 

ledge  of  local  circumstances.  Europe  would 
be  inundated  with  precious  metals,  if  they  were 
to  work  at  the  same  time,  and  with  all  the 
means  afforded  by  the  improvements  in  the  art 
of  mining-,  the  mineral  depositories  of  Bohinos, 
Batopilas,  Sombre:  ete,  Rosario,  Pachuca, 
Moran,  Zultepec,  Chihuahua,  and  so  many 
others  which  have  been  lon^  and  justly  cele- 
brated. I  am  not  ignorant,  that  in  thus  express- 
ing myself,  I  am  in  direct  contradiction  with 
the  authors  of  a  great  number  of  works  of  Poli 
tical  Economy,  in  which  it  is  iiffirmed  that  the 
mines  of  America  are  partly  exhausted,  and 
partly  too  deep  ever  to  be  worked  with  any  ad- 
vantage. It  is  true  no  doubt,  that  the  expences 
of  the  mine  of  Valenciana  have  doubled  in  the 
space  of  ten  years,  but  the  profits  of  the  pro- 
prietors have  still  remained  the  same  ;  and  this 
increase  of  expence  is  much  more  to  be  attributed 
to  the  injudicious  direction  of  the  operations  than 
to  the  depth  of  the  pits.  They  forget  that  iu 
Peru,  the  famous  mines  of  Yauricocha  or  Pasco, 
which  annually  supply  more  than  200,000  marcs 
of  silver,  are  yet  only  from  thirty  to  forty  metres 
in  depth  *.  It  appears  to  me  superfluous  to 
refute  opinions  which  are  at  variance  with  the 
numerous  facts  brought  forward  by  me  in  this 
chapter;  and  we  are   not  to  be  astonished  at 



*  From  98  to  131  f est.    Tram, 

aaO        POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [nooK  iv. 

the  extreme  levity  with  which  we  judge  in 
Europe  of  the  state  of  the  mines  of  the  New 
World,  when  we  consider  how  little  accuracy  is 
displayed  by  the  most  celebrated  politicians  in 
their  investigations  regarding  the  state  of  the 
mines  of  their  own  country. 

But  what  is  the  proportion  between  the  pro- 
duce of  the  Mexican  mines,  and  the  produce  of 
the  other  Spanish  colonies  ?     We  shall  succes- 
sively examine  the  wealth  of  Peru,  Chili,  the 
kingdom  of  Buenos  Ayres,  and  New  Grenada. 
It  is  known  that  the  oUier  great  political  divi- 
sions, namely,  the  four  capitanias  generates  of 
Guatimala,  the  Havannah,   Portorico,  and  Ca- 
racas,  contain   no    mines  which  are   wrought. 
I   shall    not    follow   the    vague  and  imperfect 
data  to  be  found  in  several  very  recent  works, 
but  shall  discuss  only  what   I  have  been  able 
to  procure  from  official  papers  communicated 

I.  There  has  been  given  into  the  mint  at 

marcs  of  silver.  marcs  of  goW. 

Prom  1764  to  1 772—6,102,139  and  129,080 
1772  —  1791--8,478,367   —    80,846 

The  value  of  the  gold  and  silver*  amounted 
in   the    first    of   these    periods   to   68,944,522 

*  Unanue,  Guiapolitica  del  Peru,  1790,  p.  45. 

CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       -337 

piastres*,  and  in  the  second  to  85,434^40 
piastresf,  which  on  an  annual  average  of 
gold  and  silver  is      . , 

Prom  1754  to  1772—3,830,000  piastresj. 
1772  — 1791— 4,496,000§. 

The  produce  of  gold  has  diminished  while 
that  of  silver  has  increased.  In  1790,  the 
produce  of  the  mines  of  Peru||  amounted  to 
534,000  marcs  of  silver  and  6,380  marcs  of 
gold.  Between  1797  and  1801  there  was 
coined  at  Lima  gold  and  silver  to  the  amoimt 
of  26,032,653  piastresf .  The  following  table 
points  out  the  produce  of  the  mines  year 
after  year**. 




*  iS14,478,349  Sterling.     Trans, 
t  iS17,941,308  Sterling.     Trans. 
X  4^804,300  Sterling.     Trans, 
'   ''     $  18943,026  Sterling.     Trans. 
'.;.;ii     II  Mercurio peruana.    Vol.  i.  p.  59. 
f  1^5,466,000  Sterling.     Trans 
**  Ttazon  de  lo   que  se  ha  acufiado  en  la  real  casa  de 
moneda  de  Lima.  (MS.) 




^'38       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 
Coinage  of  the  Mint  at  Lima. 


Value  of 
g^old  in 

Value  of 
silver  in 

Value  of 

^old  and  silver 

in  piastres. 






Total  in  5  years 




In  the  five  preceding  years  the  produce 
amounted  to  30  millions;  so  that  we  may  con- 
sider six  millions  of  piastres  as  the  meami  term 
for  one  year,  the  produce  of  gold  and  silver 
haviny:  declined  in  1800  and  1801  on  account 
of  the  maritime  war  which  impeded  the  impor- 
tation of  mercury  as  well  as  iron  and  steel  from 
Karopt'.  We  shall  adopt  however  a  smaller 
sum,  viz.  3,150  marcs  of  gold,  and  570,000 
marcs  of  silver,  the  value  of  which  amounts 
altogether  to  5,300,(^K)0  piastres '^^. 

The  places  in  I'tru  most  celebrated  for  their 
metallic  wealth,  or  the  magnitude  of  the  works 
are  in  following  the  cham  of  the  Andes  from 
north  to  south :  in  the  province  of  Caxamarcttf 
the  C.^rro  de  Gualgayoc,  near  Micuipampa, 
Fuentestiana,  and  Pilancones;  in  the  province 

*  j«l,U3,000  Sterling.     Trans, 

CHAP.  XL]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  J^P^iilN.       ii-3i> 

o^  ChachnpoyaSf  S.  TLomaa,  Las  Playas  tie 
Balzasy  and  the  Pampas  lei  Sacvanifinto, 
between  the  Rio  Gualla^a  and  VUcajale;  in, 
the  Province  of  Guamachucot  the  town  of 
Guamachuco  (with  the  Reales  de  San  Fi'an- 
cisco,  d'Angasmai'ca,  and  de  la  Mina  Hedi- 
onda),  Sogon,  Sanagoran,  San  Jose,  and  San- 
tiago de  Chucu ;  in  the  province  of  Pataz^ 
the  town  of  Parta^,  Vuldivuyo,  Tayabaniba, 
Soledad,  and  Chilia;  in  the  province  of  Con- 
chucos,  the  town  of  Conchncos,  Siguas,  Tani- 
billo,  Pomapamba,  Chacas,  Guari,  Chavni, 
Guanta,  and  Ruriquinchay ;  in  tht;  province 
of  HuamalieSf  Gualianca ;  in  the  jMrovince  oi 
Caxatamho,  Chanca,  and  the  town  of  Caxa- 
tambo;  in  the  province  ot  Tarmac  the  Cerro 
de  Yauricocha  (two  leagues  to  the  north  of 
Pasco)  Chaupimarca,  Areniliupaia,  Santa 
CathLilina^  Caya  grande,  Yanacanclie,  Santa 
Rosa ,  md  the  Cerro  de  Cohjuisirca ;  in  the 
province  of  Huarochiri* ,  Conchiipata ;  in  the 
province  of  Huancarflica,  San  .fiian  de  Luca- 
nas ;  and  lantly  in  the  confiiitb  of  the  (j^si  |t  of 
Atacama,  Huantajayti. 

I  have  followed  in  tliis  long  < ;  inneratiuii  tjie 
old  divisioii  of  Pern  into  provii  ces  ;  but  since 

ii j  ij  .......  ,1 

*  Tke    moufitftiiM    of   HuarochiH    kna     Canta    contain 

excellent  coal ;  but  on  account  of  tlie  high  price  of  car- 
riage, they  cannot  be  used  at  Lima.  Cobalt  and  Antiiuony 
have  also  been  discovered  at  Huarochiri. 

/   '2 








340       POLITICAL  KSSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

the  frontier  of  the  kingdom  of  Buenos- Ay  res 
has  been  made  to  pass  to  the  west  of  the  lake 
of  Chnctiito,  between  the  lake  and  the  city  of 
Cuzod,  and  since  on  the  one  hand  the  kingdom 
of  Qnito  and  the  provinces  of  Jaen  de  Braca- 
moros  and  Maynas,  and  on  the  other  tlie  govern- 
ments of  Paz,  Oruro,  Plata,  and  Potosi  have 
been  separated  from  Peru,  this  last  kingdom  is 
divided  into  seven  intend  ancies,  TruxillOt 
Tarma,  Huancavelicu,  Limaf  Gvamanya,  Are- 
(jmssa,  and  Cuzco,  of  which  each  comprehends 
several  departments  or  partidos*.  We  can 
only  aiTive  at  false  results  when,  as  has  been 
done  in  works  of  the  greatest  estimation,  we 
compare  the  produce  of  the  mines  of  old  Peru, 
with  that  of  the  present  Peru,  which  since  the 
year  1778,  includes  within  its  limits  neither  the 
Cerro  del  Potosi  nor  the  mines  of  Oruro  and 
Paz.  The  Peruvian  gold  partly  comes  from 
the  provinces  of  Patazf  and  Huailas,  where  it 

*  The  old  provinces  of  Pataz,  Guaraachuco,  and  Chacha- 
puyas  are  now  considered  as  jiartidos  of  the  intendancy  of 
Truxillo ;  and  those  of  Caxatambo,  Huailas,  Conchucos, 
and  H uunmlies,  belong  to  the  intendancy  of  Tarma.  The 
capitals  of  the  sRven  intendancies  are :  Limn  with  52,600 
inhabitants;  (hinmanga  with  26,000;  Arequipa  with 
'24,000;  TiiixiDo  with  /J800;  Huahcavelica  with  5200; 
Tarma  with  BGOl);  nnd  (Juzco  with  32,000.  (Guia  poll- 
ticiif  e.cchsiastica  y  rnUitar  del  Vireynato  del  Peruy  para  el 
at(o  n9tif  par  Don  Jose  HipoHtu  UnanucJ. 

t  Among  the  five  districts  of  mines  of  the   partido  of 

CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAINJ       341 

is  extracted  from  veins  of  quartz  which  traverse 
primitive  rocks,  and  partly  from  Lavaderos 
established  on  the  banks  of  the  Alto  Maranon, 
in  Xhid  partido  oi  Chachapoyas. 

As  in  Mexico,  almost  the  whole  produce  is 
derived  from  the  mines  of  Guanaxuato,  Catorce, 
Zacatecas,  Real  del  Monte,  and  New  Biscay, 
so  in  Peru  nearly  the  whole  silver  is  extracted 
from  the  g^reat  mines  of  Yauricocha  or  Lauri- 
cocha  (commonly  called  mines  of  Pasco  and 
the  Cerro  de  Bombon*)  and  those  of  Gualgayoc 
or  CliotUf  and  Huantajaya  (pronounced  Guan- 

The  mines  of  Pasco,  which  are  the  worst 
wrought  in  all  Spanish  America,  were  dis- 
covered by  Huari  Capca  an  Indian  in  1630; 
and  they  annually  furnish  nearly  two  millions 
of  piastres.  To  form  a  just  idea  of  the  enor- 
mous mass  of  silver  which  nature  has  deposited 
in  the  bowels  of  these  calcareous  mountains,  at 
an  elevation  of  more  than  four  thousand  metres 
(13  thousand  feet)  above  the  level  of  the  ocean, 

Pataz  which  we  named  above,  only  that  of  ChiUa  furnishes 

*  The  high  table  land  of  the  Cordilleras  on  which  we 
find  the  small  lake  de  los  Reyes,  to  the  south  of  the  Cerro 
de  Yauricocha,  is  called  the  Pamha  de  Bombon.  We  must 
not  seek  the  position  of  Pasco  on  the  map  of  La  Cruz,  but 
on  the  map  of  the  Rio  Huallagu,  drawn  up  by  Father 
Sobieviela,  and  published  in  1791  by  the  Sociedad  de  /os 
Amanies  del  pais  de  Lima. 







342       POUTICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  ir. 

we  must  bear  in  mind  that  the  bed  of  argenti- 
ferous  oxide  of  iron  of   Yauricocha  has   been 
wroug-ht  without  interruption  since  the  begin- 
ning of  the  seventeenth  century,  and  that  within 
the  last  twenty   years  more  than  five  millions 
of  marcs  of  silver  have  been  extracted  from  it, 
while  the  greatest  part  of  the  pits  are  not  more 
than  thirty  metres  in  depth,  and  none  oi  them 
one  hundred   and  twenty  metres.     The  water 
which    is    very   abundant    in    these    mines    is 
drawn  off,  not  by  hydraulical  wheels  or  horse 
haritels   as   in   Mexico,   but  by  pumps  moved 
by    men,   so  that    notwithstanding   the    small 
depth  of  these  miserable  excavations  which  go 
by  the  names  of  pits  and  galleries,  the  drawing 
off  the  water    from  the    mines   is   excessively 
expensive.     In  the   mine  of  Lima,  the  expence 
amounted  a    few  years    ago  to   more   than   a 
thousand    piastres  per    week.      The   mines    of 
Yauricocha  would  supply  the  same  quantity  of 
silver  as  Guanaxuato,  if  they   would  but  con- 
struct hydraulical  machines  or  steam  engines, 
for  which  tliey  might  make  use  of  the  turf  of 
the  lake  of  Giluacocha.     The  metalliferous  bed 
(manto  de  plata)  of  Yauricocha  appears  at  the 
surface  for  a   length  of  4800  metres*   and    a 
breadth  of   2-iOOt.      The  follow  uig   table  ex- 
tracted from  the  books  of  the  provincial  treasury 

<  i; 

I  T' 

•  15,747  feet.     Trnm. 
t  7217  feet.     Tram 

CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN-       343 

of  Pasco,  specifics  the  number  and  weight  of 
the  ingots  of  silver  smelted  at  Pa^co,  between 
the  years  1792  and  1801.        ■         ; 

Mining  operations  of  Yauricocha. 

Periods^    Ingots. 

Marcs  of  silver. 




;  n  1793 



.  1794 



.  1795  : 



■  1796 



.  1797 



!     1798 












Total  of  10  years 



It  appears  from  this  table  that  ^the  produce 
of  Pasco  has  almost  never  been  below  two  hun- 
dred thousand  marcs*  and  that  it  amounted  in 
1794  and  1801  nearly  to  the  sum  of  three  hun- 
dred thousand  marcs  of  silverf. 

The  mines  of  Gualgayoc  and  Micuipampa, 
commonly  called  Chota,  which  I  had  occasion 
to  visit  very  minutely  in  1802,  were  only  dis- 
covered in   1771  by  Don  Rodriguez  de  Ocaiio 



*  131,2631b.  troy.    Trans. 
t  19.6,894  ih.  troy.     Trans, 

344       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

a  European   Spaniard.      In   the    time  of  the 
Incas,  the  Peruvians  wrought  veins  of  silver  in 
the  Cerro  de  la   Lin  near  Cutervo,  at  Chupi- 
quiyacu,  to  the  west  of  the  small  town  of  Micui- 
pampa,  where  the  thermometer  descends  almost 
every  night  to  the  freezing  point,  and  which  is 
seven  hundred  metres*  higher  than   the  town 
of  Quito.     Immense  wealth  has  heen  found  even 
at  the  surface  both  in  the  mountain  of  Gualga- 
yoc,   which   rises  like  a  fortified  castle  in   the 
midst   of   the  plain,   and   at    Fuentestiana,  at 
Cormolache,  and  at  la  Pampa  de  Navar.     In 
this  last  plain    for   an    extent    of    more  than 
half  a  square  league  wherever  the  turf  has  been 
removed,  sulphuretted  silver  has  been  extracted 
and  filaments  of  native  silver  adhere  to  the  roots 
of  the  gramina.    Frequently  the  silver  is  found  in 
masses  (clavosy  remolinos)  as  if  smelted  portions 
of  this  metal  had  been  poured  upon  a  very  soft 
clay.     The  produce  of  the  mines  of  Gualgayoc 
or  Chota  is   very   unequal  in  proportion  to  the 
inconstancy  of     the    veins   which    traverse    at 
Fuentestiana  and  Cormolache,  calcareous  lime- 
stone;   at   Gualgayoc    and   the  Purgatorio    as 
well  as   at  the   Cerro  de  San  Jose,  horn-stone, 
called   pmiizo.     This  horn-stone    forms  a  sub- 
ordinate  bed    in    the    calcareous    rock   as  has 
been    clearly    recognized  on    digging  the    pits 
of  Chiropampa  to  the  east  of  the  Purgatorio» 

'  •  2296  feet.     Trans. 

CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       345 

near  the  Ravin  de  Chiguera.  All  the  mines 
comprehended  under  the  name  of  mines  of 
Gualgayoc,  on  the  Partido  de  Chota,  have 
furnished  to  the  provincial  treasury  of  Truxillo 
between  the  month  of  April  1774,  and  the  month 
of  October  1802,  the  sum  of  1,912,327  marcs 
of  silver*  or  at  an  average  67,193  marcs  an- 
nuallyf.   '.    ,     -*       ,:-  ,^:^r,  :<f         .'■:■;-{ 

*  1,189,456  lb.  troy.     Trans,  ■ 

n;      t  44,095  lb.  troy.     Trans, 




■  s 

346       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [^ok  iv. 

Produce  of    the    silver  mines    of  Gual^ayoc, 



ucoy  and 

i  iJoncni 

IC0».     1;- 



!.      ,      ./•■> 

.  .' .       • 

...,.,  J 

i  i 



•       ■  •  / 

of  ingots 

Duty  of 


'  \   i 

of  silver. 




'    "   '     T 

.  ".a.*:. I 









/   .  9 




















































































































































29  years. 



CHAP.  H.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       347 

This  table  which  was  framed  at  my  request 
in  the  offices  of  the  intendancy  exhibits  the 
quantity  of  silver  given  into  the  Cayana  de 
Truxillo,  as  well  as  the  .duties  of  tenth  and 
one  and  a  half  per  cent,  paid  to  the  king.  Of 
11,791  ingots,  nearly  an  eighth  part  or  1450 
came  from  the  partidos  of  Guamachuco  and 
Conchuco.  I  could  not  procure  tlie  produce  of 
the  Cerro  de  Gualgayoc  since  the  discovery 
of  the  mines  in  1771,  to  1774.  These  years 
were  undoubtedly  the  most  abundant  of  all ; 
but  as  the  money  was  sent  at  that  period  to 
Lima,  the  archives  of  Truxillo  could  furnish 
no  information  relative  to  them.  It  is  very 
reasonably  believed  that  under  a  more  en- 
lightened government,  the  Cerro  de  Gualgayoc, 
would  become  another  Potosi.  In  fact  its  mi- 
nerals are  richer  than  those  of  Potosi,  and  they 
are  more  constant  in  their  produce  than  those 
of  Huantajaya,  and  easier  to  work  than  those 
of  Yauricocha. 

The  mines  of  Huantajaya,  surrounded  with 
beds  of  rock  salt  are  particularly  celebrated 
on  account  of  the  great  masses  of  native 
silver  which  they  contain  in  a  decomposed 
gangue ;  and  they  furnish  annually  between  70 
and  80  thousand  marcs  of  silver*.  The  mu- 
riate of  conchoidal    sii^^er,  sulphuretted  silver, 







*  From  45,942  to  52,505  lb.  troy.   Tram. 

348       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  iv. 

galena  with  small  grains,  quartz,  carbonate  of 
lime,  accompany  the  native  silver.  These 
mines  are  situated  in  tlir  partido  of  Arica, 
near  the  small  port  of  Yquique  *,  in  a  desert 
entirely  destitute  of  water.  A  project  has  long 
been  entertained  of  carrying  fresh  water  to  it 
for  the  use  of  tlo  men  and  cactle,  and  water 
from  the  sea  for  the  amalgamation  works. 
In  1758  and  1789  two  pepitas  oi  massive  silver 
were  discovered  in  the  mines  of  Coronet  and 
Loysa,  the  one  weighing  eight  and  the  other 
two  quintals. 

The  gentle  elevation  of  the  mines  of  Huan- 
tajaya,  on  the  shore  of  the  Pacific  Ocean  is 
a  singular  contrast  with  the  masses  of  vitreous 
silver  found  on  the  summit  of  the  Cerro  de 
Gualgayoc  at  a  height  of  4080  metresf;  and 
it  proves  the  vagueness  of  the  systematical  ideas 
advanced  by  celebrated  geologists  relative  to 
the  distribution  of  the  metals  according  to 
the  variety  of  climates  and  latitudes.  UUoa 
after  travelling  over  a  great  part  of  the  Andes, 
affirms  that  silver  is  peculiar  to  the  high  table 
lands  of  the  Cordilleras,  called  Punas  or  Pa- 
ramoSf  and  that  gold  on  the  other  hand  abounds 
iu  the  lowest,   and   consequently   warmest  re- 

*  Along  the  coast  of  Taparaca. 
t  13,385  feet.    Trans, 

«HAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       349 

g-ions*  ;  but   this  learned   traveller  appears  to 
have   forgot  that   in  Peru  the  richest  provinces 
in  gold   are   the  particles   of   Pataz  and    Hu- 
ailas,    which  are  on  the     ridge   of    the   Cor- 
dilleras.     The   Incas  drew  immense  quantities 
of  gold   from  the  plains  of  Curimayo   to    the 
north-east  of  the  town  of  Caxamarca,  at  more 
than  3400  metres  f  of  elevation.     It   has   also 
been  extracted   from    the    right  bank    of   the 
Rio   de   Micuipampa,  between   the    Cerro   de 
San    Jose,    and    the    plain  called  by  the    na- 
tives, Choropampa  or  plain  of  shells,  on  account 
of  an  enormous  quantity  of  ostracites,  cardium 
and  other  petrifications  of  sea  shells  contained 
in  the  formation   of  alpine  limestone  of  Gual- 
gayoc.     Considerable  masses  of  gold  have  been 
found  there,  disseminated  in  branches  and  fila 
ments,  in  veins  of  red  and  vitreous  silver  at  more 
than  4000  metres  of  elevation  above  the  level 
of  the  ocean  J.     As  to    the    alluvions  grounds 
in  which  the  lavauy  »o«  of  gold  of  Choco  are  es- 
tablished, and  those  of  Sonora  and  Brazil,  are 
we  to  be  surprised  on  finding  them  rather  at 
the  bottom    than  the  tops  of   mountains  ?     If 
tin  §  appears  an  exception  to  the  law  of  nature, 

•  VUoa,  Noticias  Americanos.   1772,  p.  223  and  236. 
+  11,154  feet.     Trans. 
tl3,lS5  feet.  Trans. 

f  For  iisstarice,  tlie  tin  of  the   Lavaderos  (Waschxinn) 
of  th«  sumiuit  of  the  Fichtelgebirge. 



:\  m 





.^^  ^ 



I  I.I 

■ailM  125 

£   U£    12.0 

U   1 1.6 









WnSTIR.N.Y.  14SN 




305       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE        [book  !▼• 

it  is  undoubtedly  because  the  granitic  becl% 
in  which  it  was  primitively  contained,  have 
been  decomposed  in  their  place.  - '  v:^ 

The  process  of  amalgamation  of  silver  mi> 
nerals  followed  in  Peru,  since  1571,  is  the 
same  as  that  which  is  used  in  Mexico.  In 
the  two  countries  the  schlich  is  manufactured 
according  to  the  rules  prescribed  by  Medina, 
Barba  Corso,  de  Leca  and  Corosegan*a ;  but 
generally  speaking,  amalgamation  is  practised 
with  more  care  and  more  intelligence  by  the 
Mexican  miners  at  Guanaxuato  and  Zacateoaf;, 
than  by  the  miners  of  Peru.  In  New  Spain 
the  expence  of  amalgamation  is  generally  es- 
timated at  87  piastres  4  reals  for  one  hundred 
quintals  of  minerals  containing  four  ounces  of 
silver  per  quintal,  of  which  sum,  25  piastres 
go  for  waste  of  mercury.  As  three  hundred 
quintals  produce  fifty  marcs  of  silver,  which 
according  to  the  common  price  of  silver  * 
at  the  mines  are  worth  362  piastres,  it  follows 
that  the  expeuce  of  amalgamation  amounts 
nearly  to  24  per  cent,  of  the  value  of  the 
Mlver.     Bat  in  Peru,  where    the    mercury    of 

♦  At  •»  piastres,  2  reals.  Garces,  p.  144,  In  the  beginning 
of  die  serenteenth  century  the  expences  of  amalgamation  at 
Potosi,  for  a  caxon  of  ore  weighing  5  quintals,  and  containing 
20  marcs  of  silver,  were  only  estimated  at  30  piastres. 
or  90  per  cent,  although  the  pound  of  mercury  cost  a 
piastre.  Barba,  p.  118. 



Huancavelica  is  generally  sold  for  60  or  70 
piastres  the  quintal  *,  the  expences  unoiint  in 
several  districts  of  mines  to  30  or  38  per 
cent.  At  the  Ccrro  de  Gualgayoc  for  example, 
where  the  price  of  labour  is  from  three  to 
foitr  re'i:ls  (from  40  to  50  sous)  per  day,  a 
load  of  schlieh,  containing  from  two  to  three 
marcs  of  silver  costs  seven  piastres  in  the 
process  of  amalgamation,     viz*  .,       <m 


rt;  .'^'fV    ,    ■:/', 


In  roasting 

C  wood 
\  labour 

Muriate  of  Soda        .        .        . 

Lime        -        .        -        .        - 

Labour  in  treading  the  schlieh 

Consumption  of  mercury 



Reals  of  Silver. 


-       2 

-     •  -      12 

•     a* 

Total  56 

During  my  stay  in  the  Cordillera  of  the 
Andes,  there  were  only  two  districts  of  mines 
where  the  method  of  M.  de  Bom  of  amalr 
gamation  in  casks,  was  followed  with  any  degree 
of  success,  namely  the  Real  de  Requay,  iu 
the  province  of  Huailas,  and  Tallenga,  in 
the  province  of  Caxatambo  f*  To  judge  of 
the  considerable    loss    of   silver    annually  ex- 

^  Campomanea,  de  la  educacion  popular,  T  ii.    p.  132. 

t  The  mines  near  Requay,  where  a  German  amalga- 
mation work  has  been  constructed  Is  called  Ticapamba, 
and  bebngs  to  Don  Juan  Ignacio  Gamio.  The  work  of 
Tallenga  was  established  by  Don  Juan  Baptlsta  ArieU. 



352       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  iv. 

perienced    in  Peru  from  the  ignorance  of  the 
amalgamators,  it  is   enough    to   mention    the 
simple  fact  that  it  daily  happens  that  an  nzo- 
guero  extracts  15  marcs  per  caxon,  from  the 
same  mineral,  out  of  ^hich  hitherto  there  has 
never  been  extracted  more  than  ten  or  twelve 
marcs.     In  the  years  which  immediately   suc- 
ceeded the  discovery   of  the   mines    of    Yau- 
ricocha,  they  only  wrought  the  pacos  or  oxides 
of  iron,  mixed  with  native  silver,   and  muriate 
of  silver.  The  prismatic  black   silver  and   the 
argentiferous  grey  copper  were  thrown  among 
the  rubbish.     In  the  same  manner  on  building 
the  small  town   of  Micuipampa,    walls    were 
constructed  of  very  rich  pieces  oi  gangue,  and 
those  minerals  only   which  were  of  a  yellowish 
brown  or    of  an  earthy   appearance,    like  the 
pacoSf    were   considered    as  containing    silver. 
These  facts  will   not  appear  so  surprising  when 
we  consider  that  not   more  than   forty    years 
agOy  in  one  of  the  most  civilized   countries  of 
Europe,  calamine  was  employed  in  the  making 
of  roadst  without  its  being  perceived  that  this 
substance  which  was  soiled    with    clay    con- 
tained    zinc.  ^     .  .?'      f        ivrr.*.*    ^41 

II.  The  Prestdencia,  or  Capitania  general 
of  Chili  produces  annually  in  gold  and  silver, 
one  million  seven  hundred  thousand  piastres  *, 

j-> .' 


V I 

•  dS57,000  Sterling.  Tram. 


«HAP.  xiO         KINGDOM  OF  KEW  SPAIN.       353 

The  most  considerable  mines  of  gold,  are  Pe» 
torca,   ten  leagues  to    the  South  of  Chuapa ; 
Yapel  or  Villa  de  Cuscus,  Llaoin,    Tiltil  and 
Ligua,  near  Quillota.    Mines  are  also  wrought 
in  the  partidos    of    Copiapo,  Coquimbo  and 
Guasco.      The    silver   mining    operations    of 
Chili  are  in  general  by  no   means   productive. 
The    Cerro    de    Uspallata,    at    eight  leagues 
distance   to  the   north-west  of  Mendoza   con- 
tains, however,  paces  so  rich  that   they  yield 
from  two    to  three  thousand  marcs  per  chest 
{caxon)  of  5000  pounds,  or  40    or  60    marcs 
of  silver  per    quintaL     The    produce    of    the 
mines  of  Chili,   has  considerably  increased  of 
late  years.     In  1790  there   was  coined  at  San* 
tiago   721,000  piastres  in   gold     and   146,000 
in  silver. 

III.  The  great  mass  of  precious  metals, 
supplied  by  the  viceroyalty  of  Buenos  Ayres, 
is  entirely  derived  from  the  most  western 
part,  the  provincias  de  la  Sierra,  which  in 
1778,  were  separated  from  Peru.  We  may 
estimate  the  annual  produce,  which  is  almost 
wholly  silver,  at  four  millions  two  hundred 
thousand  piastres  *.  The  districts  which  supply 
the  most  are  Potosi,  Chaganta,  Porco  f,  Oruro, 





•  i'882,000  Sterling,    Trans. 

t  See  Alonzo  Barba,  Arte  de  los  Mdales  (ed"  1729J 
p.  48,  respecting  the  silver  mines  of  Porco  wrpught  b]^ 
the  Incas. 

VOL.    III.  !2    A 

354        POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

Chucuito,  la  Paz,  Caylloma,  and  Carangas. 
In  the  intendancy  of  Fiino,  the  mountains  of 
Ananca,  near  Caravaya  and  Azangara,  to  the 
north-east  of  the  lake  of  Titicaca  were  ce- 
lebrated in  the  first  years  of  the  conquest  on 
account  of  the  wealth  of  their  mines  of  gold  *. 
Thoughts  were  entertained  in  1803  of  re- 
suming the  old  operations  of  MorocoUo,  in 
the  Pampa  Fungoso  de  la  Rinconada,  and  on 
the  banks  of  the  lake  of  Communi.  They 
sought  also  to  continue  the  gallery  of  Vera 
Cniz,  in  the  famous  silver  mine  of  Salcedo, 
situated  in  the  mountains  of  Ycacota  and 

The  mountain  of  Potosi  f  has  alone  furnished, 
including  only  the  silver  which  has  paid 
the  royal  duties,  since  its  discovery  in  1545  to 
our  days,  a  mass  of  silver  equal  to  5750  millions 

*  Proclamacion  del  Intendentede  Puno,  D.  Jose  Gongalea, 
Platina  is  ako  said  to  have  been  discovered  near  Moroco  llo- 
but  the  fact  has   never  yet  been  confirmed  by  persons  de- 
serving of  credit. 

f  Potosi  properly  Potocchi,  Potossi  or  Potocsi*  The  old. 
Mtme  of  Huancavelica  is  Huanca-yillca.GamiaMOy  (7om- 
Reales,  lib.  viii.  c.  25.  Pedro  de  Ciega  de  Leon,  Chronic^ 
del  Peru,  c,  109.  The  porphyry  bed  which  crowns  [the 
mountain  of  Potosi,  the  Hatun-Potocsi,  gives  it  the  form 
of  a  sugar-loaf  or  basaltic  hill  ( See  p.  ) .  This  mountain 
is  1624  varas,  or  697  toises  above  the  neighbouring  plain. 
Acotta,  lib.  iv.  c.  6.  Hernandez,  p.  i.  lib.  xi.  c.  2.  H^mtp 
p.  65*122. 

V  1      •  . 

CHAP.  XI.]         KIKODOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       iiS& 

of  livres  tournois  *,  Ulloa  hat  communicated 
some  historical  information  respecting  this 
mining  operation,  M^hich  has  had  the  most  power- 
ful effect  on  the  commerce  and  price  of  com- 
modities of  Europe ;  but  he  could  only  collect 
very  incomplete  materials,  founding  his  cal* 
culations  on  the  consumption  of  mercury  in  th« 
amalgamation  works,  I  am  enabled  to  publish 
from  official  papers,  year  after  year,  between 
1556  and  1789,  the  value  of  the  A\A\e^  (derechoi 
de  reales)  paid  into  the  provincial  treasury  of 
Potosi,  on  the  silver  given  into  the  mint.  As 
the  proportion  which  has  existed  at  different 
periods  between  these  duties  and  the  value  of 
the  silver  extracted  from  the  mines,  is  known, 
we  may  deduce  from  the  three  following  tables 
the  annual  produce  in  piastres. 



'fr  1 

« 1^234,693,840  Sterling.     Trans. 

2  A  2 


POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  iv. 

ROYAL  DUTIES  (Derechos  Reales) 

Paid  on  the  sUrer   extracted  from   the    Cerro 

de  Potosi, 


First  j)tir"u>(l,  from  1st  January,  15.50,  to  31st 
December,  lo78,  tUuing  which  the  fifth 
alone  was  paid. 

1             I'ifth.           1               (            K.fili. 


Yoars.'  Pia'^trfs 



















5 1994 i 





























1561 405655 





















Total  of  the  23  years  9,801,906  piastres. 

rilAF.  XI.} 




Second  period  from  the  1st  January,  1579,  to  the  10th  July, 
1736,  during  which  at  first  one  and  a  half  per  cent,  de 
cobos  was  paid,  and  afterwards  the  filth  of  the  remaining* 
98  piastres  4  reals.  



















Uiie    iind     a    halt 
per  cent,  and  fifth. 
































Yiar  . 

One  and  .t  half 
per  cent.  an<l  fifth. 


1614  1,269,692 

1616  1,257,599 

1617  1,071,932 

1618  1,061,264 

1620  1,069,599 

1621  1,099,244 

1622  1,093,201 

1623  1,083,641 

1624  1,086,999 

1625  1,024,794 

1627  1,068,612 

1628  1,172,352 

1629  972,807 

1630  962,250 

1631  1,067,001 

1632  964,370 

1634  984,414 

1635  946,781 
1636 1,424,758 
1637  1,197,572 


































One  aiul   a    halt 
per  cent,  and  fitth. 




































P  ast  rc8. 







































[■OOK    IV' 




•*iie    and    a    hall 
jtrcenr.  andtifUi. 

Piastres.     Real*. 

1696  500,965 




OiM   and     a    liult 
per  cent,  and  Ufth. 


Piastre!!.     Reals 

1703  360,114 













One  and   a    halt 
per  cciit.niid  Tifth. 

Piastres.      Kuais. 


11  m 











283,593  3 

231,256i  7 

229,002  0 

228,208  5 

214,740  3 

24;:>>7<>3  4 

2-2.i.o83  3 

2  74,416  I 

28(i,o28'  3 

22(),(i98  1 

>6(>,414|  7i 

303,361j  6i 

293,497'  3 

308,1371  3i 

.104,7681  Si 

273,084  5  J 

271,62ll  6 

149,5671  Of 

Total  of  the  158  years,  129,417,273  piastres. 

CHAP.   XI.] 




Third  period  between  the  20»h  July,  1736,  and  the 
3 1st  December,  1789,  during  which  one  and  a  half 
per  cent,  and  the  half  of  the  fi^th  were  paid,  or  1 1 
piastres,  3  reals  per  100  piastres. 

OiH!  and  a  halt  per 
cent,  and  tliu  half 

Years.     Piastres.     Reals. 











One  and  a  halt  fier 
cent,  aiid  the  halt 

Years.   Piastres.     Real>. 





















One  and  a  hult  p< 
cent,  and  the  hal' 

Piastres.     lUeals, 













1783400,238   3i 








Total  of  the  54  years  14,542,684  piastres. 




^^*^       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  i^. 

The   result  of  these  three  tables  as  we  have 
already  observed*,  on   comparing    the    actual- 
produce  of  the  mines  of  Guanaxuato  in  Mexico, 
with  the  produce  of  the  mountain  of  Potosi^ 
is,  that  during  the  space  of  233  years,  from 
1556  to  1789,  there  has   been  extracted  from 
the  mines  of  Potosi,  in  silver  declared   at  the. 
Koyal  Treasury,  the   amount  of  788  millions 
of  piastres.     If  these  piastres  were  all  Mexican, 
piastres,  at   8  reals  of    Plata  Mexicana'ft  the 
produce  of  these  233  years   would  amount  to 
92,736,294  marcs  J.     But  we  shall  shoilly  see 
that  the  mass  of  silver  on  which  duty  has  been 
paid  is  still  greater. 

The  books  of  accounts  preseiTcd  in  the  ar-, 
chives  of  the  provincial  treasury  of  Potosi, 
do  not  go  farther  back  than  the  year  1556. 
It  remains  therefore  to  examine  what  was 
the  quantity  of  silver  supplied  by  the  mines. 
of  Potosi  before  that  period.  This  examina- 
tion is  the  more  important,  as  it  is  very  rea- 
sonably believed  that  the  first  years  which  fol- 

•  Seep.  171. 

f  We  must  take  care  not  to  confound  three  species^ 
of  reals  de  plata  g  viz.  the  real  de  plata  antigua  of  64  ma* 
ravedis  de  vellon ;  the  real  de  plata  nueva  or  provincial  of 
68  maravedis ;  and  the  real  de  plata  Mexicana,  of  85  ma- 
ravedis.  We  constantly  make  use  of  the  latter  in  thig 
work  (Damoreau  TraitSdes  Bangues,  1727,  p.  115.  Encyclop^ 
Methodijuet  Commerce,  T.  iii.  p.  211.) 

t  60,851,2311b,  troy. 

CHAP.  XI.3         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       361 

lowed    the  discovery  of    the    veins,   were  the 
most  productive  in  riches. 

Ulioa*  quotes  a  book  published  in  16.34,  by 
Don  Sebastiani  Sandoval  y  Guzman,  under  tho 
title  of  Pretensiones  del  Potosi,  in  which  the 
(luthor  specifies  the  iifth  paid  between  1545 
and  1633,  I  endeavoured  in  vain  to  procure 
this  work  during  my  stay  in  Peru;  and  not 
knowing  the  partial  data  which  it  contains, 
I  can  only  examine  the  results  stated  by  the 
Spanish  astronomer.  This  examination  becomes 
the  more  necessary,  as  the  assertions  of  Ulloa 
have  been  repeated  by  Raynalf,  and  by  all 
the  other  writers  who  treat  of  the  quantity  of 
gold  and  silver  imported  from  America  into 
Europe,  during  the  first  yeare  of  tlie  conquest. 
According  to  Sandoval,  the  fifth  paid  into  the 
royal  treasury  of  Potosi,  was  at  an  average 
from  15,45  to  1564,  four  millions  of  piastres 
of  13i  rentes  de  plata ;  from  1584  to  1585, 
1,166,000  piastres;  from  1585  to  1624,1,333,000 
piastres;  and  from  1624  to  16.33, 666,000  piastres. 
These  numbers  between  1564  and  1633,  do 
Bot  coincide  very  well  with  the  annual  sums 
staged  in  the  foregoing  tables ;  the  differences 
aye  sometimes  the  one  way,  and  sometimes 
the  other;  but  it  is  in  a  particular  manner  respect- 

*  Noticias  Americari'is,  Entretenimiento  xiv.  §  xvii.  p.  256. 
t  HuU  PhUosophiquct  (edit,  de  Geneve,  1780)  T.  W^ 








162       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

ing  the  fifth  of  four  millions,  for  the  period 
which  precedes  the  year  1564,  that  we  may 
most  reasonably  entertain  well  fowided  doubts. 

Were  this  sum  accurate,  the  produce  of  silver 
extracted  from  the  mine  of  Potosi,  and  regis- 
tered in  the  royal  treasury,  would  have  amounted 
in  nineteen  years,  between  1545  and  1564,  to 
641,250,000  Mexican  piastres*,  reducing  the 
piastres  of  13*  reals  to  piastres  of  8  reals. 
On  the  other  hand,  it  is  proved,  by  official  pa- 
pers in  my  possession,  that  the  produce  in 
eight  years,  from  1556  to  1564,  amounted  to 
28,250,000  of  these  same  Mexican  piastresf.  The 
result  of  these  data  of  Sandoval,  would  con- 
sequently be,  that  drring  the  first  eleven  years 
between  1545  and  1556,  the  Cerro  del  Potosi 
must  have  yielded  in  silver,  of  which  the  fifth 
was  paid,  613  millions  of  piastres;];,  or  at  an 
yearly  average,  55,726,000  piastres§,  equal  to 
6,556,000  marcs  of  silver||.  This  is  a  very 
extraordinary  result,  yet  it  contains  however 
nothing  which  may  be  considered  as  impossi*^ 
ble.  We  may  be  surprized  to  see  that  a  single 
mountain  of  Peru,  has  yielded  from  two  to 
three  times  more  silver  than  all  the  collected 

*  £  134,662,500  Sterling.     Trans, 

t  £  5,932,500  Sterling.     Trans, 

t  iS  128,730,000  Sterling.     Trans, 

j  jf  11,701,326  Sterling.    Trans, 

V  4,802,810  lb.  Troy.    Trans. 

CHAP,  xi.l         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN. 


mines  of  Mexico;  but  our  ideas  of  wealth  are 
merely  relative.  It  is  possible  that  we  may 
one  day  discover  mountains  in  ihe  centre  of 
Africa,  which  with  relation  to  their  abundance 
in  the  precious  metals,  may  bear  the  same  pro- 
portion to  the  Cordilleras,  which  the  Cordilleras 
bear  to  the  mountains  of  Europe.  The  mine 
of  Valenciana  supplies  annually  more  silver 
than  all  Saxony,  and  the  single  vein  of  Gua- 
naxuato,  wrought  throughout  its  whole  length, 
would  be  able  to  produce  more  than  two 
millions  of  marcs  of  silver  annually*.  We 
have  already  observed  that  there  has  been 
extracted  from  the  vein  of  the  veta  grande 
of  Sombrerete,  for  an  extent  of  30  metres  in 
five  months,  more  than  700,000  marcs.  When 
we  reflect  on  the  masses  of  native  red  and 
sulfuretted  silver,  discovered  in  our  days  at 
Huantajaya  in  Peru,  as  well  as  at  Batopilas 
and  the  Real  del  Monte  in  Mexico,  we  may 
conceive  what  a  prodigious  quantity  of  silver 
may  be  supplied,  by  a  mineral  depository  in  the 
Cordilleras  of  the  Andes,  when  the  abundance 
of  produce  is  united  to  intrinsic  wealth.  It 
is  not  then  the  enormous  quantity  of  silver 
which  is  supposed  to  have  been  extracted  during 
the  first  eleven  years,  which  induces  me  to 
call  in    question  the  testimony  of  Sandoval; 







•  1,312,633  lb.  Troy.     Tram* 

W4       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         Cbook  iv*, 

but  it  is  the  contradiction  which  exists  ben 
tween  this  testimony,  and  other  well  authen- 
ticated facts.  ^ 

Ulloa,  Robertson,  I^aynal,  and  the  writers  of 
the  Encyclopedic  Methodique,  have  not  attended 
to  a  passage  of  the  Chronicle  of  Peru,  written 
by   Pedro  Cie^a  de   Leon.     The   author  who 
writes  with  that  admirable  naivete,  which  cha- 
racterizes all  the  travellers  of  the  fifteenth  and 
and    sixteenth    century,  proposes    to  give  hi& 
countrymen  an  idea  of  the  prodigious   wealth 
of  the   mountain  of  Potosi.     He  was  the  better 
enabled  to  do  this  from  being  on   the  spot  in 
1549,   four  years  after    the   first  discovery  of 
these  celebrated   mines.     i{e  relates  what  he 
saw  himself,  while  Sandoval  speaks  of  a  period 
more  than  90  years  before.    If  we  are  to  sus- 
pect the  numbers  of  Cie^a  of  error,  we  ought 
rather  to   believe   that   the    error    lies   on  the 
side    of  excess;   for  a  traveller  who  aims  at 
effect,  and  who  hopes  to  astonish  his  readers 
is  naturally  inclined  to  exaggeration.     Let  us 
now  examine  what  the  historian  of  Peru  re- 
lates*.    "  The  wealth  of  the  Cerro  de  Potosi,^* 
says  he,  **  is  so  much  beyond  what  was  ever 
**  seen  in  former  times,  that  to  show  the  gi-eat- 
*'  ness  of  these  inines,  I  shall  describe   them 
"  as  I  saw  them  with  my  own  eyes,  when  I 

•  Cie9a,  Chronica  del  Peru,  Cap.  criti.  (ed?.  155^)  p.  26L 

CHA*.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       365 



passed  through  Potosi  in  1649,  at  the  period 
<*  when  the  Licentiate  Polo  was  Corregidor 
•*  of  the  town.  The  chests  (royal)  with  three 
"  keys  are   iiv  the  house   of  this  Corregedor. 

His  Majesty  received  every  week  from  twenty- 
**  five  to  thirty,  and  sometimes  even  forty  thou* 
**  sand  piastres.  They  complained  at  that  time 
**  that  the  mines  went  on  poorly,  when  the 
*'  fifth  only  amounted  to  120,000  castellanos 
**  monthly.  And  yet  all  this  money  belonged 
**  to  the  Christians  alone ;  for  the  Indians  stole 
**  a  great  deal  which  was  not  registered;  so 
**  that  no  where  in  the  world  was  there  ever 
•*  so  rich  a  mountain  and  no  where  did  any 
**  Prince  ever  draw  so  great  a  revenue  from 
"  a  single  town;  for  between  1548  and  1551, 
"  the  fifth  brought  into  the  King  more  than 
**  three  millions  of  ducats." 

To  understand  this  passage  which  contains 
three  distinct  valuations,  we  must  recollect  that 
the  pesos  or  piastres  of  that  time,  and  till  1580 
at  least*,  were  an  imaginary  money  of  480  ma- 
ravedis,  or  nearly  V6i  Reaks  de  plata  Mexicana, 
A  marc  of  silver  contained  dij  of  these  piastres. 
Five  piastres  made  a  ducat  of  111  reals.  Ac- 
cording to  these  data  then,  reckoning  the  fifth 
with  Cie9a,  at  30,000  piastres  per  week,   and 

*  Gardlasso,  Cement,  Reales,  T.  i.  in  the  second  preface 
which  bears  the  title  of  Advert fticias  geerca  la  Unguagentral 
del  Peru  ;  and  T.ii.  p.  51. 



366       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE        t«ooK  iv. 

120,000  castellanos  per  month,  the  total  produce 
of  the  mines  of  Potosi  was  (in  registered  silver), 
in  the  year  1549,  either  1,549,000,  or  1,440,000 
marcs.     The  same   produce  amounted  accord- 
ing to  Cie9a,  at  an  average  from  1548  to  1551, 
only  to   7,031,000  Mexican   piastres  of    eight 
reals  of  plata,  equal  to  827,000  marcs  of  silver. 
This  sum  forms  a  singular  contrast  with  the 
account  of  Sandoval  and  Ulloa;  but  it  agprees 
very  well  with  the  fifth  of  the  years  when  our 
first  table  commences.     It  might  remain  doubt- 
ful whether  Cie9a  speaks  really  of  the  totality 
of  the  royal  duties,  levied  between  1548  and 
1551,  or  whether  he   affinns  that  during  that 
period,  the  fifth  amounted  to  three  millions  of 
ducats    per    annum.     In    this   last    case,  the 
annual    produce    would     have    amounted     to 
21,093,000  Mexican  piastres,  or  2,481,000  marcs 
of  silver,  a  very   considerable  sum  no  doubt, 
but  still  very  much  below  the  calculation  of 
Ulloa  and  Raynal.     I  am  inclined  to  believe, 
that    the  historian  of  Peru  estimates  only   at 
three  millions  of  ducats,  the  sum  total  of  the 
fifths  of  the  four  years,  1st.  Because  this  va- 
luation is  more  agreeable  to  the  value  of  the 
fifth  of  1556;  2d.  Because  Cie9a  to  give  the 
highest  idea  of  the  wealth  of  the  mines,  says, 
that  the   fifth  sometimes    amounted  to  40,000 
piastres,  which  would  give  for  the  maximvm 
pf  annual   produce  at  that  time,  a  sum  not 

OHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       307 

above  2,481,000,  but  hardly  equal  to  2,065,000 
marcs;  3rd.  Because  Garcilasso*  relates  that 
about  the  same  period,  from  ten  to  twelve  mil- 
lions of  piastres  in  gold  and  silver  of  Peru, 
every  year  entered  the   Rio  Guadalquivir. 

Considering  these  data  of  Sandoval  as  accurate, 
and  combining  them  both  with  those  of  Cie9a, 
and  the  numbers  contained  in  the  official  papers 
published  by  me,  we  shall  find  the  following 
results  for  the  average  annual  produce  of  the 
mines  of  Potosi,  on  which  we  can  place  but 
small  reliance : 

From  1545  to  1548    23,284,000  marcs  of  silver. 
1548      1551  827,000 

1551       1556         621,000 
1556      1564         415,000 

The  following  is  the  foundation  for  this  cal- 
culation. Sandoval  and  UUoa.  estimated  the 
produce  of  the  Cerro  de  Potosi,  between  1545 
and  1564,  at  an  average  33,750,000  piastres 
per  annum,  or  3,970,000  marcs  of  silver.  Now, 
we  know  from  the  chronicle  of  Ciepa,  what^ 
was  the  amount  of  the  produce  between  1548 
and  1551;  the  registers  of  Potosi  contain  the 
produce  from  1556  to  1564;  and  supposing  for 
the  intermediate  period  from  1551  to  1556, 
a  decrease  in  arithmetical  progression,  it  is  easy 
to  find  from  the  641,250,000  Mexican  piastres, 



■1  •  ii 




*  CrarctAufo,  ii.p.  58. 

368       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

or  75,440,000  marcs  of  silver,  stated  by  San- 
doval as  the  total  proportion  of  the  first  19 
years,  the  proportional  amount  for  the  small 
interval  from  1545  to  1548. 

If  we  admit  ivhat  appears  equally  impro* 
bable,  that  Cie9a  indicated  the  fiflh  of  each 
of  the  four  years,  contained  in  the  period  from 
1548  to  1551,  we  find  by  an  analogous  opei'a- 
tion,  that  the  annual  produce  of  the  mines  of 
.  Potosi  amounted. 
From  1545  to  1 548  to  19,146,000  marcs  of  silver. 

1548      1551       2,481,000  ,    .. 

1551       1556       1,448,000 

1556  1564  415>000 
Thus  whatever  interpretation  we  give  to  the 
passage  of  the  chronicle  of  Cie9a,  we  shall 
find,  it  is  evident  in  both  hypotheses,  that  the 
produce  of  the  first  three  years  differs  so  much 
from  the  following  years,  that  we  ought  very 
much  to  suspect  the  account  of  Sandoval.  We 
ought  the  more  to  suspect  it,  as  on  examining 
^ythe  table  of  fifths  between  1556  and  1789, 
we  discover  in  this  long  series  of  numbers,  a 
law  according  to  which  they  uniformly  increase 
or  decrease.  Cie9a  visited  the  mines  of  Potosi, 
at  the  period  of  their  greatest  splendour ;  and 
he  expressly  says,  that  he  described  the  moun- 
tain as  he  found  it  in  1549,  *'  because  that 
**  wealth  like  every  thing  human,  must  vary 
"**  in  the  course  of  time,  either  increasing  or 

CHAF.  XL]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       369 

"  diminishing.'*  If  the  produce  of  1549,  was 
really  eight  or  ten  times  less  than  the  pro- 
duce of  1546,  how  should  the  traveller  have 
passed  over  this  enormous  diminution  of  wealth 
in  silence. 

We  shall  conclude  from  the  whole  of  these 
discussions,  that  the  total  produce  of  silver 
registered  during  the  eleven  years  which  are 
deficient  in  the  preceding  tables,  far  from 
amounting  to  72  millions  of  marcs,  as  we  miglit 
be  led  to  suppose  from  Ulloa,  and  the  cele- 
brated author  of  the  Recherches  Philosophiques, 
has  never  exceeded  the  sum  of  15  millions  of 
marcs.  We  shall  not  give  great  faith  to 
Solorzano"*^,  who  vaguely  says  that  Potosi 
yielded  between  1545  and  1628,  that  is  in  83 
years,  the  sum  of  850  millions  of  pounds  of 
silver,  which  is  almost  the  double  of  what  the 
mountain  supplied  in  two  centuries  and  a  half. 
We  may  be  surprized  to  see  a  M'riter,  who 
was  long  a  member  of  the  audience  of  Lima, 
so  very  ill  informed;  for  how  can  we  suppose 
during  83  years  an  annual  produce  of 
2,400,000  marcs,  when  the  registers  preserved 
in  the  treasury  of  Potosi,  prove  that  during  this 
period  the  mean  sum  of  the  produce  seldom 
amounted  to  800,000  marcs. 



*  Solorzano  Pereira,  de  IntUarum  Jure,  T.  ii«  Lib.  v.  c.  i. 
(edit.  Lugd.) 

VOL.  III.  2  B 


B70       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 





Moreover  Acosta*  who  went  over  both  Ame- 
ricas, and  whose  Vork  can  only  be  sufhciently 
appretiated  by  those  who  have  visited  the  same 
places,  confirms  the  assertions  of  Cie9a.  He 
relates  that  "  in  the  time  of  the  Licentiate 
"  Polo,*'  (consequently  before  the  year  1549), 
"  the  fifth  amounted  to  a  million  and  a  half 
"  of  piastres  per  annnmf.^*  He  adds  notwith- 
standing the  confusion  which  prevails  in  the 
hooks  of  accounts  of  the  first  yearsy  we  know 
"  from  tradition,  and  from  the  investigation 
carried  on  by  orders  of  the  viceroy  Don 
Francisco  de  Toledo,  that  the  quantity  of  regis- 
"  tered  j^'Ver  from  1545  to  1574,  amounted 
"  to  76  millions  of  piastres,  and  from  1574 
"  to  1585,  to  35  millions  of  piastres,  (at  13 
**  reales  and  one  quartillo),  which  in  forty  years 
**  amounts  to  111  millions."  These  111  mil- 
lions of  piastres  imaginary  money  (pesos  de 
minas),  only  suppose  an  annual  produce  of 
555,000  marcs,  which  differs  very  little  from 
that  of  the  vein  of  Guanaxuato.  There  is 
no  doubt  that  Acosta  speaks  of  the  whole 
quantity  of  silver  extracted  from  the  mines, 
and  registered  at  the  treasury.  He  says  ex- 
pressly: se  ha  metido  a  quintar,  monta  lo  que 

*  Historia  natural y  moral  de  las  /n(/«z«,(  Barcelona,  1591) 
p.  138. 

f  Which  supposes  a  produce  of  1,490,000  mares  {Herrera, 
Decada  viii.  1.  ii.  c.  xiv.) 

CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NE\v  SPAIN'.       371 

se  ha  quintado,  Solorzano  translates  this 
passage  of  the  natural  history  of  Acosta,  by 
the  following  words:  ex'  Potosiensi  fodina  ex- 
Iracti  sunt  centum  el  undecim  milliones. 

The   authors   whose    works     contain    exag- 
gerated valuations  of  the  quantity  of  the  precious 
metals    which    have    inundated    Spain    since 
the   middle    of    the   16th   century,   appear   to 
have  confounded  the  value  of  the  produce  of  the 
mines  with  the  fifth  paid  from   it.    Although 
they     had     no    knowledge    of     the      official 
papers  which    I    have    here   published,    they 
would  never  have    fallen   into    this  error   had 
they  only  read  attentively  the  works  of  Acos- 
ta,  Cie9a,  and  Alonzo  Barba*.    The  latter  v/ho 
filled  the  cure  of  a  parish  in  the  town   of  Po- 
tosi,  only  values  the  quantity  of  silver  extracted 
from   the  Cerro  de  Potosi  between    1545  and 
1636   at  450  millions    of   piastres  of    8  reals, 
a    sum    which    merely    supposes    an    annual 
produce     of    4,900,000  piastres,     or    576,000 
marcs,  which   forms   a  singular   contrast   with 
the  613  millions  gratjuitouijily  admitted  for  the 
first  periods  from   1545  to    1556.      However, 
Alonzo   Barba  had    no  motive    for   .lowering 
the   total  produce;  on  the  other  hai^l,  he  en- 
deavours to   prove  Ijbiat  a^n  extent  of    ground 
of  60  square  leagues  migbt  be  covered   with 

*JBaria.  Lib,  iifC.i. 





372       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

the  number  of  piastres  coined  from  the  silver 
of  Potosi. 

The  following  table  exhibits  the  state  of 
these  mines  from  the  period  when  the  fifths 
were   recorded  with  accuracy. 


Mines  of   the  Cerro    de    Potosi     (Hatun-Po- 



From  1556  to  1566  2 

1585  1595 

1624  1634 

1670  1690 

1720  1730 

1740  1750 

1779  1789 

Average  Years. 

Produce  in 

Marcs  of  silver  extract- 
ed  from  the  mines. 


the  piastre 

at  13^  reals. 



the  piastre 
at  8  reals. 


As  there  is  some  uncertainty  respecting 
the  period  at  which  they  ceased  to  reckon 
by  piastres  of  13^  reals,  of  which  5^^  make 
a  marc  of  silver,  I  prefer  giving  both  valu- 
ations t)f  the  piastres  till  1595;  and  we  thus 
obtain  the  maximum  of  wealth  which  we  are 
at  liberty  to  supple.  A  passage  of  the  com- 
mentaries of  Garcilassf),  already  quoted  by  us, 

CHAP,  xi.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       373 

would  lead   one   to   bt^lieve,   however,    that    a 
few  years  after  1580,   they  reckoned  at  Peru 
by  piastres  of    8  reals  de  plata.     During-  the 
whole  period  of  233  years,  from  lo50  to  1789 
the  mining  of  Potosi   never   attained  so  high 
a  degree  of  splendour  as  from  1585  to  1606. 
For   several  consecutive  years  the  fifth  was  a 
million   and  a    half    of  piastres,    which    sup- 
poses a  produce  of  1,490,000,  or  882,000  marcs 
according  as   we  value  the  piastre  at  131  or 
8   reals.     This  wealth  is  the  more  surprising, 
as   according  to  Acosta,    more   than   a  third 
of    the    silver    was    never    registered.     After 
1606  the   produce   has   been    gradually   dimi- 
nishing,    and     especially   since    1694.      From 
1606  to   1688   however,    it   was   never  below 
350,000   marcs.     During   the  last  half  of  the 
18th  century   the  mountain  generally  supplied 
from  three  to   four  hundred  thousand  marcs; 
and  this  produce  is  undoubtedly  still  too  con- 
siderable to  allow  us  to  advance  with  a  ce- 
lebrated   author^    that   the   mines    of    Potosi 
are  no  longer  worth  the  trouble  of  working. 
These  mines  in  their  present  state  are  not  the 
first  in  the  known   world;  but   we   may  rank 
them  immediately   after    the    mines    of  Gua- 

The    contents    of   the    minerals    of    Potosi 


*  Robertson't  History  of  Americat  b.  iv.  p.  339  and  399. 


37  1       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE       .  [book  iv. 

have  diminished  in  proportion  to  the  increase 
of  the  works  in  depth.  In  this  point  of 
view,  and  in  many  others  besides,  the  Cerro 
de  Potosi  bears  a  great  analogy  to  the  mines 
of  Giialgayoc.  At  the  surface  of  the  earth, 
the  veins  of  Rica,  Centeno  and  Mendiata, 
which  traverse  primitive  slate  were  full,  through- 
out their  whole  extent  (puissance)  of  a  mix- 
ture of  sulphuretted,  red,  and  native  silver. 
These  metallic  masses  rose  in  the  form  of 
crests  (crestones),  the  rocks  of  the  wall  and 
roof  having"  been  destroyed  either  by  the  ac- 
tion of  water,  or  by  some  other  cause  which 
has  changed  the  surface  of  the  globe.  The 
Veta  del  Estafio  on  the  other  hand,  contained 
at  its  surface  only  sulphuretted  tin,  and  the 
minerals  of  muriated  silver  only  began  to 
appear  at  great  depths*.  This  mixture  of 
two  formations  on  one  vein,  exists  also  in  the 
Old  Continent,  for  example,  in  several  mines 
of  Freiberg*  in  Saxony  f.  In  1545  minerals 
containing  from  80  to  90  marcs  per  quintal 
were  very  common;  but  we  must  not  admit 
with  Ulloa  that  the  whole  volume  of  mine- 
rals extracted  from  the  mine,  amounted  to 
this  degree  of  wealth.  Acosta  says  expressly 
that  in  1574  the  mean  contents  were  from 
8   to  9  marcs,  and  that   the  minerals  which 

♦  Barba,  lib.  i.  cap.  xxxii.  p.  56* 
t  Werner  Gangtheorie,  p.  24(8. 

CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       375 

yielded  60  marrs  prr  quintal  were  considered 
extremely    rich.     Moreover  accordinj^    to   t' 
report    of    Don    Francisco    Texada    or.    thr 
mines    of    Gundaleanal    in    Spain,     in     1(307 
the  mean  wealth  of  the  minerals  of  Potosi  was 
not  above  an  ounce    and  a  half.      Since     the 
commencement    of    the    18th    century,    they 
reckon  only  from    3    to   4  marcs   per    caxon 
of    5000    pounds,    or     from    ih    to   •♦^  per 
quintal.      The  muierals  of    Potosi  are  conse- 
quently extremely  poor,  and  it  is    on  account 
of  their  abundance  alone,  that  the   works  are 
still  in  such  a   flourishing   state.      It   is  sur- 
prising  to   see  that  from  1574  to   1789,    the 
mean  riches  of  the  minerals  have  diminished 
in   the    proportion   of    170    to     1,    while  the 
quantity    of    silver  extracted   from  the  mines 
of  Potosi,  has  only  diminished  in   the  propor- 
tion of  4  to  1. 

From  1545  till  1571  the  silver  minerals  of  Po- 
tosi were  all  smelted.  The  knowledge  of  the  con- 
quistadores  being  confined  to  military  aflairs,  they 
were  unacquainted  with  the  carrying  on  of  me- 
tallurgical processes.  They  did  not  smelt  the 
mineral  by  means  of  bellows,  but  they  adopted 
the  whimsical  method  employed  by  the  In- 
dians in  the  neighbouring  mines  of  fotpsi, 
which  had  been  wrought  on  account  of  the 
Inca>  long  before  the  conquest.  They  estab- 
lished  on   the  mountains  which  su^-round  the  , 

376       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  it, 

town  of  Potosi,  wherever  the  wind  blew  with 
impetuosity,  portable  furnaces,  called  huayres 
or  g-uayaras  in  the  Quichua  language!.  These 
furnaces  were  cylindrical  tubes  of  clay,  very 
broad,  and  pierced  with  a  great  number  of 
holes.  The  Indians  threw  in  bed  by  bed 
silver  mineral,  galena,  and  coal ;  and  the 
current  of  air  which  entered  at  the  holes 
into  the  interior  of  the  huayre  quickened 
the  flame,  and  gave  it  a  great  intensity.  When 
they  perceived  that  the  wind  blew  too  strong, 
and  that  too  much  fuel  was  consumed,  they 
carried  their  furnaces  to  a  lower  situation. 
The  first  travellers  who  visited  the  Cordille- 
ras, all  speak  with  enthusiasm  of  the  impres- 
sion made  on  them  by  the  first  appearance 
of  more  than  6000  fires,  which  illuminated  the 
summits  of  the  mountains  round  the  town  of 
Potosi.  The  Indians  extracted  the  galena  ne- 
cessary for  their  smelting,  from  a  smaller 
mountain,  in  the  vicinity  of  the  Cerro  de 
Hatun-Potocsi  called  the  child,  or  Huayna 
Potocsi*.      The    argentiferous    masses   which 

*  Properly  the  Father  mountain  and  the  son«mountain. 
The  different  summits  of  the  Volcan  de  Pichincha,  bear 
analogous  denominations;  and  it  is  because  the  French 
academicians  have  not  distinguished  in  their  works  the 
old  Rucu' Pichincha  from  the  young,  or  Guagua-Pichiticha, 
that  it  is  so  difficult  to  find  the  place  of  the  academical 
station  of  Bouguer,  La  Condamii^e,  and  d*Ulloa.  (See 
my  Recueit  d* Observations  Astronomiquts*  vol.  i.  p.  308.) 

CHAP,  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       377 

came  out  of  the  huayres  established  in  the 
mountains,  were  resmelted  in  the  cottages  of 
the  Indians,  by  means  of  the  old  process  of 
blowing-  the  fire  by  ten  or  twelve  persons  at 
once,  through  tubes  of  copper,  of  one  or 
two  metres  in  length,  and  pierced  at  the 
lower  extremity  with  a  very  small  hole.  It 
is  easy  to  conceive  what  an  enormous  quan- 
tity of  silver  must  have  remained  in  the 
scoria   without  combining  with  the  lead. 

Pedro  Fernandez  de  Velasco,  who,  it  is 
expressly  said  by  the  Jesuit  Acosta,*  "  had 
seen  in  Mexico  how  the  silver  was  extracted 
from  the  mineral  by  means  of  mercury,"  pro- 
posed to  Francisco  de  Toledo,  viceroy  of  Peru, 
to  introduce  amalgamation  into  Potosi.  He 
succeeded  in  his  attempts  in  1571 ;  and  of 
the  eight  or  ten  thousand  quintals  of  mercury 
produced  by  the  mine  of  Huancavelica  towards 
the  end  of  the  16th  century,  more  than  from  six 
to  seven  thousand  were  consumed  in  the  works 
of  Potosi.  The  minerals  which  during  the 
first  years  had  been  considered  too  poor  to  be 
smelted  in  the  ImayreSf  were  ^w  wrought  to 

The  abundance  of  rock  salt  wrought  on 
the  table  land  of  the  Cordilleras  near  Cuchu- 
ara,    Carangas,    and  Yocalla,   facilitates  very 





^  Aeosta,  p.   146. 


375       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

much  the  amalgamation  of  Potosi.  According' 
to  the  calculation  of  Alonzo  Barba,*  there 
was  consumed  between  1545  and  1637  the 
enormoas  quantity  of  234,700  quintals  of  mer- 
cury. From  1759  to  1763,  the  consumption 
was  between  sixteen  and  seventeen  thousand 
quintals  annually f.  Towards  the  end  of  the 
16th  century,  15,000  Indians  were  compelled 
to  work  in  the  mines  and  amalgamation  works 
of  Potosi,  and  there  was-  daily  brought  to  the 
town,  more  than  1500  quintals  of  salt  of 
Yocalla.  At  present  there  are  not  more  than 
2,000  miners,  who  are  paid  at  the  rate  of 
50  sous  J  per  day.  Fifteen  thousand  llamas, 
and  an  equal  number  of  asses  are  employed 
in  carrying  the  ore  from  the  mountain  of 
Hatuti'Potocsi  to  the  amalgamation  works. 
In  1790  there  was  coined  at  the  mint  of 
Potosi  4,222,000  piastres  ||,  viz.  299,246  piastres, 
or  2204  marcs  in  gold,  and  3,293,173 
piastres,   or  462,609  marcs  in   silver. 

When  we  reflect  on  the  history  of  the  precious 
metals,  ana  the  interest  taken  in  them  by  those 
who  engage  in  investigations  of  political  eco- 
nomy, it  will  not  be  deemed  surprising  that 
we  have  so    minutely    explained    those    facts, 

♦  Barba,  p,  12  md  65. 

f  UUoa  Notidas  Ammcanas,  p.  242. 

%  2s.  per  day.     Tre/m* 

11  iC886,620  Sterling. 

CHAP.  xi,T        KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.         379 

which  may  throw  some  light  on  the  quantity 
of  silver  extracted  dm'ins;  two  centuries  and 
a  half  from  the  mines  of  Potosi.  It  was  ne- 
cessary to  compare  the  testimonies  of  the  first 
Spanish  authors  who  visited  America ;  to  dis- 
ting'uish  between  the  produce  of  exportation, 
and  the  fifth  payable  to  the  crown;  and 
between  the  piastres,  an  imaginary  coin,  used 
in  the  beginning  of  the  conquest,  and  the  Pe- 
ruvian piastres  of  eight  reals.  Had  we  ne- 
glected these  investigations  which  have  never 
been  made  hitherto,  we  should  have  run  the 
risk  of  increasing  the  mass  of  silver  imported 
into  Europe  since  1492,  more  than  57  millions 
of  marcs  equal  to  two  thousand  live  hundred 
millions  of  livres  tournois*. 

IV.  The  Kingdom  of  New  Grenada  pro- 
duces on  an  average,  18,300  marcs  of  gold 
annually  f.  The  following  tables  specify  the 
coinage  in  the  mint  of  Santa  Fe,  between 
the  1st  of  January,  1789,  and  the  31st  Decem- 
ber, 1795,  and  in  the  mint  of  Popayan,  between 
1788  and    1794. 








*  i?102,010,800.  Sterling.  Trans, 
f  12,04f9  lb.  troy.  Trans. 

380        POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  iv. 

I.     Gold    coined    at   Santa   Fe  de   Bogota. 




Years.  Marcs 




O      Tomine 

Value  of  Gold. 





























































Average    year   8,573    (marcs     of   gold)    or 
1,165,980  piastres. 

II.     Gold  coined    at  Fopayan. 



of  Gold. 




















































Average  year  6830  (marcs  of  gold)  or  928,934 

CHAP.   XI.] 

KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN-       381 

Prom  1782  to  1789  the  quantity  of  gold 
coined  at  8anta  Fe,  was  at  an  average, 
below  7000  marcs  annually.  During  that 
period  the  most  abundant  year  was  that  of 
1787,  when  the  produce  was  981,655  piastres, 
or  7218  marcs  *.  In  1778,  the  coinage  amount- 
ed to  the  value  of  693,438  piastres.  At  Po- 
payan  the  quantity  of  coined  gold  never 
amounted  between  1770  and  1783  to  more 
than  5800  marcs.  In  1778  the  gold  coinage 
was  only  792,838  piastres;  but  in  1787  it 
amounted  to  981,655  piastres.  The  ingots  of 
gold  annually  exported  from  the  port  of 
Carthagena,  are  estimated  at  three  or  four 
hundred  thousand  piastres.  During  my  stay 
at  Santa  Fe  de  Bogota  in  1801,  the  total 
produce  of  the  gold  mines  of  the  kingdom 
of  New  Grenada  was  computed  at  2,500,000 
piastres  f ,  viz.  2,100,000  piastres  as  the  pro- 
duce of  the  two  mints  of  Santa  Fe  and  Po 




1  •  Jl*1fl 

t  'ffifl 








*  Relacion  del  goviemo  del  ExceUentiss.  Sefior  Don  Jose 
de  Espeletaf  Virrey  de  el  Nuevo  reyno  de  Grenada,  para 
entregar  el  mando  al  Senor  Don  Pedro  de  Mendiniieta, 
electa  Virrey.  This  manuscript  acjount  in  my  possession, 
contains  the  most  minute  and  accurate  statistical  infor- 
mation. It  is  the  production  of  a  man  of  distinguished 
talenta*  Don  jlgnacio  Texada,  a  native  of  Santa  Fe,  Se. 
cretary  of  the  Viceroyalty.  -    •         . . 

t  £50/7,000  Sterling.  Tran$. 

382       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

payan,  and  400,000  piastres  as  the  exportation 
of  ingots  anil  wrought  gold. 

All  the  gold  furnished  by  New  Grenada,  is 
the  produce  of  lavaderos  {washings)  established 
in  the  alluvions  grounds.  Gold  veins  have 
been  found  in  the  mountains  of  Guamoco  and 
Antioquia ;  but  their  working  is  almost  entirely 
neglected.  The  greatest  riches  in  gold  obtained 
by  washing  are  deposited  to  the  west  of  the 
central  Cordillera  *,  in  the  provinces  of  An- 
tioquia and  Choco,  in  the  valley  of  the  Rio 
Cauca,  and  on  the  coast  of  the  South  Sea  in 
t'le  partido  de  Barbacoas.  Dividing  the  au- 
riferous grounds  into  three  regions,  we  may 
reckon  for  Choco,  10,800  marcs  of  gold,  or 
more  than  the  half  of  the  total  produce  of 
the  viceroy alty  of  Santa  Fe  ;  for  the  pro- 
vince of  Barbacoas,  and  the  Southern  part  of 
the  valley  of  Cauca  (between  Chili  and  Po- 
payan)  4600 :  and  for  the  province  of  Antio- 
quia and  the  mountains  of  Guamaco  and 
Simiti,  3400  marcs  of  gold.  We  see  from  this 
valuation  that  the  alluvious  grounds,  which 
contain  the  greatest  quantity  of  gold  in  dust 
and  grains  disseminated  among  fragments  of 
greenstone  and  porphyry  slate  (porphgrschiefer) 
extend. from  the  western  Cordillera  almost,  to 
the   shores  of  the  Great  Ocean. 

*  See,  as   to    the    division   of  the    Andes  into  several' 
branches  my    Vties  des  Cordilleres,    PI.  V. 

IHAl'.   XI.] 

KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       -383 

It  is  very  remarkable  also  that  platina  is 
seldom  found  in  the  valley  of  Cauca,  or  to 
the  east  of  the  western  branch  of  the  Andes, 
but  solely  in  Choco  and  at  Barbacoas  to  the 
west  of  the  freestone  mountains  which  rise  on 
the  western  bank  of  the  Cauca.  These  moun- 
tains of  which  the  height  is  by  no  means 
considerable,  separate  the  famous  gold  washing 
places  of  Novita  in  Choco,  from  those  of 
Quilichao  and  Jelima,  situated  fifteen  leagues 
to  the  north  of  the  town  of  Popayan ;  and 
j'Ct  a  single  grain  of  platina  has  never  been 
found  in  these  last  washing  places  which  I 
examined  with  the  greatest  care  during  my 
journey  to  Quito.  At  Choco,  we  sometimes 
find  along  with  gold  and  platina,  hyacinth- 
zircons,  and  titanium.  This  mixture  brings  us 
in  mind  of  the  formation  of  the  sands  of  Es- 
pailly  in  Velay.  Near  the  village  of  Lloro 
some  years  ago,  a  pit  was  dug  in  an  auriferous 
ground,  to  examine  the  inferior  beds ;  and  at 
six  metres  of  depth  there  were  discovered 
large  trunks  of  petrified  wood  surrounded  with 
fragments  of  trap  rocks  and  gold  dust  and 
platina  *. 

The  province  of  Antioquia,  into  which  we 
can  only  enter  a  foot  or  on  the  shoulders  of  men, 
contains  veins  of  gold    in   micaceous   slate,  at 

*  Obieryation  of  Don   Thomas  Valencia  at  Popayan. 



I,  !/ 



384       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE        [book  tv. 

Buritoca,  San  Pedro,  and  near  Armas;  but 
these  veins  are  not  wrought  for  want  of  hands. 
Gold  is  collected  in  great  abundance  in  the 
alluvious  grounds  of  Santa  Rosa,  the  Valle  dc 
los  Orsos,  and  the  Valle  de  la  Trinidad.  Th» 
number  of  negro  slaves  who  collect  the  gold 
(negros  mazamoreros)  amounted  in  1770  to 
1462;  and  in  1778  to  4890  individuals.  The 
gold  of  Antiequia  of  which  the  town  of  Mom- 
pox  may  be  considered  as  the  principal  market, 
is  only  of  the  fineness  of  from  19  to  20  carats. 
At  Barbacoas,  it  is  generally  21^  carats.  In 
Choco,  the  northern  washing  places^  and  those 
of  the  district  of  Zitara  supply  a  liner  gold 
than  the  more  northern  district  of  Novita. 
The  gold  of  the  mines  of  Indipurdu  is  the 
only  gold  which  rises  to  22  carats;  for  the 
mean  wealth  of  the  gold  of  Choco  is  from 
20  to  21  carats.  The  produce  of  the  different 
washing  places,  is  so  constant  in  its  mixture, 
that  it  is  enough  for  those  who  carry  on  the 
trade  in  gold  dust  to  know  the  place  where 
the  liietal  was  procured  to  know  its  fineness. 
The  finest  gold  of  New  Grenada,  and  perhaps 
of  all  America,  is  that  of  Giron,  which  it  is 
affirmed  rises  to  23  carats,  and  i  of  a  grain. 
At  Marmato  to  the  west  of  the  river  Cauca, 
and  to  the  south  of  the  rivers  of  the  old 
Villa  de  Armas,  a  whitish  gold  is  procured 
which  does  not  exceed   12  or  13    carats  and 

•HAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        385 

v'hich  is  mixed  with  silver.  It  is  the  true 
eketrum  of  the  antients.  However,  although 
both  at  Choco  and  Barbacoas ,  platina  generally 
accompanies  gold,  they  have  never  yet  seen 
there  the  aurum,  pkitaniferum,  which  perhaps 
has  never  existed  but  in  our  sygtems  of  Oryc- 

At  Choco,  the  richest  river  in  gold  is  the 
Rio  Andageda,  which  with  the  rivers  of 
Quito  and  Zitasa,  forms  near  the  village  of 
Quibdo,  the  great  Rio  Atrato.  All  the  ground 
between  the  Andageda,  the  Rio  de  ^an  Juan, 
which  passes  near  the  village  of  ^No^nama, 
the  Rio  Tamana,  and  the  .Rio  San  Augustin, 
is  auriferous.  The  largest  piece  of,  gold  ever 
found  in  Choco,  weighed  25 ,  pounds.  .  Th« 
negro  who  discovered  it,  fifteen  years  ago, 
did  not  even  obtain  his  liberty.  His  master, 
presented  the  pepita  to  the  cabinet  of  the  kipg, 
in  the  hopes  that  the  court  in  recompense, 
would  grant  him  a  title  of  Castillcr  an  object 
most  ardently  desired  by  the  Creole  Spaniards ; 
but  he  hardly  succeeded  in  obtaining  payment 
of  the  value  of  his  gold  according  to  weight. 
It  is  said  that  a  piece  of, gold  was  found  in 
Pera  near  la  Faz  in  1730,  of  the  weight  of 
45.  pounds. 

Under  the    viceroyship  of  the    Archbishop 

. Gqngora,  an  enumeration   was. made   of   the 

VOL.   III.  %C 


386       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [iooiciy. 

negroes  employed  in  procuring"  gold  at  Choco* ; 
and  they  amounted    in    1778  only    to   3054. 
In  the  valley  of  Cauca  there  are  8000.     The 
province  of  Choco  might  alone  produce,  more 
than    twenty  thousand    marcs    of    gold  from 
washing,  if  in  peopling  this  region,  which   is 
one  of  the  most  fertile  of  the  New  Continent, 
the  government  would  turn  its  attention  to  the 
progress  of  agriculture.     The  richest  country 
in  gold  is  that  in  which  scarcity  is  continually 
felt.     Inhabited  by  unfortunate  African  slaves, 
or  Indians  who  groan  under  the  despotism  of 
the  Corregidors  of  Zitara,  Novita,   or  Taddo, 
the  province  of   Choco  remains  what  it  was 
three  centuries  ago,  a  thick  forest  without  trace 
of  cultivation,  without  pasturage,  and  without 
roads.     The  price  of  commodities  is  so  ejcor- 
bitant  there,  that  a  barrel  of  flour  of  the  United 
States  sells  from  64  to  90  piastres;  the  main- 
tenance of  a  muleteer  costs  a  piastre,  or  a  ^iiastre 
and  a  half  per  day ;  and  the  price  of  a  quini.£tl 
of  iron  amounts  in  time  of  peace  to  4Q  piastres. 
This  dearth  ought  not  to  be  attributed,  to  the 
accumulation  of  the  representative  signs,  which 
is  very  inconsiderable,  but  tothe  enormous. diffi- 
culty of  carriage,  and  to  that  miserable  state  of 
things,  in  which  the  whole  population  consumes 
without  producing. 

*  Rehcion  del  estado  del  nuew  reyno  de  Grenada  jjt^e 
kace  el  Arzobupo — Obispo  de  Cordova  a  su  successor  el  Ex, 
Fray  Don  Francisco  GUyLemos,  17S9,  (M.  S.) 

•HAP.  XI.1         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       ^8" 

The  kingdom  of  New  Grenada  possesses  veins 
of  silver  extremely  rich  in  the  Vega  de  Supia*, 
to  the  north  of  Quebraloma,  between  the  Cerro 
Tacon,  and  the    Cerro  de  Marmato.     These 
mines  which  supply  both  gold  and  silver,  were 
only  discovered  within  these  ten  years.    The 
operations  were  interrupted,  in  consequence  of 
a  law    suit  between    the  proprietors,   at  the 
very  time  when  the    most    abundant  minerals 
were  found.    The    working  of  the  old  silver 
mines  of  Pamplona,  and  Saint  Anne  near  Ma- 
riquita,  was  resumed    with  zeal,  at  the  period 
when    the    Court  of  Madrid  appointed   Don 
Juan  Jose  D'Elhuyar,  director  of  the  mines 
of  the  viceroyalty  of  Santa  Fe.    The  depo- 
sitory of  argentiferous  minerals  of  Saint  Anne, 
forms  a  bed  in  the  gneiss.    I  visited  the  mine 
of  M^nta,  the   produce  of  which  contains  on 
an  average  six  ounces  to  the  quintal.  M.  D'El- 
huyar the  brother  of  the  director  of  the  mines 
of  Mexico^  had  established  an  amalgamation 
work  with  fbur  barrels  like  that  of  Freiberg. 
The  works  were  conducted  with  great  intel- 
ligence; but  as  the  quantity  of  silver  between 
1791  and  1797,  only  amounted  to  8700  marcs, 







*  Mina  de  los  Morenos  or  Chachafrata.  From  Carthago 
to  la  Vega  de  Supia,  it  is  in  a  straight  line  only  SO 


388       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv 


while    the    cxpences*  amounted    to    216,000 
piastres,  the   viceroy  ordered  the  mine  to  be 
,  abandoned.  It  is  to  be  Hoped  that  in  better  times, 
the  government  will   again  endeavour  to   re- 
^sume  these  works,  as  well  as   the  works    of 
,  Santo   Christo   de  las  Laxas,  and  the   Real  de 
Bocaneme,  between    the  Rio    Guali   and  the 
.  Rio  Guarino,  which  formerly  furnished  consider- 
able quantities  of  silver. 

Resuming  the  results  we  nave  obtained,  we 
find  that  the  total  produce  of  the  gold  and 
silver  mines  of  the  Spanish  Colonies,  amounts  to 
the  sum  of  40,600  marcs  ingoldf,  and  3,206,000 
marcs  of  silver  Castille  wei&fhtt.  These  data 
differ  ye^y  little  from  those  communicated  by 
me  to  M.  Heron  Villefosse,  which  he  pub- 
jished  in  his  interesting  work  on  the  mineral 
wealth  of  the  principal  powers  of  Europe. 
The  following  table  was  drawn  up  from  the 
valuable    information  which  I  obtained  more 

recently  fram  ^pain,  aiid  the  kingdom  of  New 

f  ' 

*  Expences  of  subterraneous  works,  expences  of  amak 
gamation,  and  construction  of  amalgamation  works, 
t  25,026  lb.  troy.    Trans. 
.    .  i  1,976,290  lb.  troy.    Trattt. 

CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       389 

Annual  produce  of   tlie  Gold   and   Silver  on 
.   'which  the   fifth  ha^   been  paid. 

Names  of  ^rout   Political  S"*' °"''"; 

Divisions.  '^!'7„  °f 


Viceroyalty   of   New 

Spain      ... 
Viceroyalty  of   Peru 
Capitania  General  of 

Chili      -      -      . 
Viceroyalty  of  Buenos 

Ayres     -      -      - 
Viceroyalty  of  New 


Pine  Silver, 

Marcs      uf 


7.000  2,250,000 
3,400    513,000 








Value  of  Quid 

and   Silver   in 







In  this  table  the  gold  is  valued  at  145  iV* 
piastres,  and  the  silver  at  9^  piastres  per  marc 
of  Castille.  It  exhibits  the  quantity  of  pre- 
cious metals  extracted  from  the  mines,  and 
registered  in  the  royal  treasury;  and  it  confirms 
tljie  assertion  of  the  Count  de  Campomanes*, 
who  in  1775,  estimated  the  importation  of 
golc^  and  silver  into  Spain,  at  fSO  millions  of 
piastres;  but  it  merely  indicates  the  maximum, 
wljiich  we  may  suppose  to  have  been  furnished 
^y  the  Spanish  Colonies.  Let  us  examine  what 
ought  to  be  added  for  the  metals  which  are 
smuggled.  Hfitherto  very  exaggerated  ideas 
have  been  entertained,  respecting  the  quantity 
of  gold  and  silver  which  does  noi  pay  the  fifth, 

■  <  •    •  •     •-«  -•■•'  '       '■    •        --t  ,  *  '•-      till.)    )->Vi 

*  Educadon  PoptUar,  T.  ii.  p.  331. 



390       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

and  which  has  sometimes  been  computed  at  the 
half,  or  a  third  of  the  total  produce,  without 
reflecting  that  contraband  trade  varies  very 
much  in  its  activity,  according  to  the  localities 
of  different  provinces.  I  shall  state  here  what 
information  I  could  procure  on  the  spot  at  Mexi- 
co, New  Grenada,  and  Peru. 

New  Spain  has  only  two  ports,  by  which 
its  productions  are  exported.  The  bad  state 
of  the  coasts,  renders  contraband  trade  much 
more  difHcnlt  in  that  country,  than  in  the  pro- 
vinces of  Cumana,  Caracas,  and  Guatimala.  The 
quantity  of  unregistered  silver  embarked  at 
Vera  Cruz,  and  Acapulco,  either  for  the  Ha- 
vannahand  Jamaica,  or  for  the  Philippine  Islands 
and  Canton,  does  not  probably  exceed  the  sum 
of  800,000  piastres;  but  this  illicit  trade  will 
increase  in  proportion,  as  the  population  of  the 
United  States  shall  approach  the  banks  of  the 
great  Rio  del  Norte,  and  when  the  west  coast, 
that  of  Soiiora  and  Guadalaxara,  shall  be 
more  frequently  visited  by  English  and  Anglo 
American  vessels.  When  the  commerce  with 
China  and  Japan,  shall  be  freed  from  the 
fetters  of  the  odious  monopoly  under  which 
it  at  present  labours,  an  immense  quantity  of 
silver  will  flow  westwards  into  Asia.  The 
precious  metals  are  commodities,  which  are 
transported  to  those  places  where  they  are  dear- 




est.  In  Japan^,  which  abounds  in  gold,  this 
metal  is  ♦/>  silver  as  eight  or  nine  to  one. 
In  China  an  ounpe  of  gold  may  be  purchased 
for  }2  or  13  ounees  of  silver.  In  Mexico, 
the  proportion  of  the  two  precious  metals  is 
as  168r  to  1 ;  from  whence  it  follows,  that  it 
is  much  more  profitable  to  carry  silver  than 
gold  to  Manilla,  Canton,  and  Nagasaki.  I  have  . 
made  no  mention  yet  of  the  exportation  of 
wrought  plate  (plata  lahrada),  because  accord- 
ing to  the  registers  of  Vera  Cruz,  it  never 
exceeds  the  sum  of  twenty  or  thirty  thousand 
marcs  of  silver. 

Iii  the  kingdom  of  New  Grenada,  the  frau- 
dulent exportation  of  the  gold  of  Choco,  has 
very  much  increased  since  the  navigation  of 
the  Rio  Atrato  was  declared  free.  Gold  dust, 
and  even  ingots,  in  place  of  being  conveyed 
by  Cali  or  Mompox,  to  the  mints  of  Popayan 
and  Sant$iFe»  take  the  direct  route  of  Car- 
thagekia  ^and  Portobello,  from  whence  they  flow 
into  the  >  lEngliish  Colonies.  The  mouths  of 
the  Atrato.  and  the  Rio  Sinu,  where  I  renmined 
at  anchor  in  the  month  of  April,  1801,  serve 
as  stations  for  smugglers.  The  laws  which 
from  time. to  time  permit  the  importation  of 
negroes  from  Africa,  and  flour  from  Philadel- 





*  Voy^S^  o<<  7a/)o»,  do  Thunberg  (edit,  de  Langles)  T.  ii. 
p.  26*". 

392       POtlttCAL  ESSAY  ON  TH2         [book  if* 

phia  in  foreign  vessels,  are  favourable  to  this 
contraband  trade.  According  to  what  infor- 
mation  I  could  obtain  from  those  who  deal 
in  gold  dust  (rescatadores)  at  Carthagena,  Mdm- 
pox,  Blig^,  and  Popayan,  it  would  appear  that 
we  may  estimate  the  quantity  of  gold  supplied 
by  Choco,  Barbacoas,  Antioquia,  and  Popayan, 
on  which  the  fifth  has  not  been  paid,  at  2500 

fh  Peru,  the  exportation  of  silver  on  which 
the  fifth  has  not  been  paid,  is  not  so  much 
can'ied  on  by  the  South  Sfea  coast,  which  is 
frequeried  by  the  spermaceti  whale  fishers*, 
as  to  i He  east  of  the  Andes,  by  the  river  Am^ 
zons.  This  great  river  connects  two  coun- 
tries' where  a  great  disproportion  prevails  be- 
tween the  relative  value  of  gold  and  silver. 
Brazil  is  almost  as  profitable  a  market  for  the 
silver  of  Peru,  as  China  for  the  silver  of  Mexico. 
A  fifth,  and  perhaps  even  a  fburth  of  all  the 
silver  extracted  from  the  mines  of  Pasco, 
(Yauricochajfdand  Chota  (^Gnalgayoc),  is  exported 
in  contraband  by  Lamas  and  Chachapoyas,  in 
descending  the  river  Amazons.  There  are 
persons  at  Lima,  who  believe  that  on  quick- 
ening thv  tvade  on  that  river,-  the  fraudulent 
exportation  of  silrer  woulfd  become  still  greater. 
This    prejudice  has  been  very  pernicious  for 

*  See  p.  87  of  this  Vol. 


csHAP.  %t.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       30^^ 

the  fine  provinces  which  extend  along  the 
eii^ern  declivity  of  the  Cordilleras,  fer- 
tilized by  the  Guallaga,  the  Ucayale,  the 
Puruz,  and  the  Beni.  They  forget  that  the 
wildness  and  solitude  of  these  countries,  faci- 
litate very  much  the  operations  of  the  smug- 
glers. We  shall  estimate  the  unregistered 
silver  of  Pei-u,  at   100,000  marcs. 

I«n  Ghili  the  gold  which  pays  the  fifth  is 
to  that  which  does  not,  according  to  Ulloay  in 
the  proportion  of  3  to  2.  We  shall  only 
compute  it  at  a  fourth  of  the  total  pro- 
duce. Estimating  the  fraudulent,  exportation 
of  silver  in  the  kingdom  of  Buenos  Ayres, 
at  a  sixth,  or  67,000  marcs,  and  adding,  with 
M.  Gorrea  de  Serra,  for  the  total  produce 
of  Brazil,  where  alluvions  mines  are  only 
yet  wrought,  nearly  30,000  marcs  of  gold,  we 
shall  be  able  to  exhibit  in  the  following  tahle, 
the  whole  produce  of  all  America  in  gold 
and  silver. 



IT  I 



394       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  %t. 

Annual    produce    of    the  mines  of  the  New 

Continent,  at    the    beginning   of  the    19th 

.'it  1'  • » < 

Names  of  Great, 
Political   Divi- 

Viceroyalt^  of 

New  Spain  -    7>000 
Viceroyalty  of 

Peru    -    - 
Capitania  Ge 

neral  of  ChUi 
Viceroy  i^^  of 

Buenos         ' 

res    -    -    -     2,200 
Viceroyal^  ofj 

New  Grena 

da    -    -    -  20,50r» 





1,609  2,338,220  537,512  23,000,000 


3,*00      782 
12,21'J  2,807 



2P,900'  6,873 




Marcs  of     K"08'- 





Value  of  Sli- 
er in   Pias-I 




3,460,840795,581  43,500,000 

The  total  produce  of  the  mines  of  the  New 
World  consequently  amounts  at  this  day  to 
17,000  kilogrammes  of  gold,*  and  bOO,000 
kilogrammes  of  silver f,  reckoning  the  mark 
of  Castille,  by  which  the  produce  of  the  ■ 
mines  in  the  Spanish  Colonies  is  estimated, 
to  the  marc  of  France^  in  the  proportion  of  ^ 
541 '  to     576,     and    the     kilogramme    at    4 

*  45,580lb.  troy.  Trans. 

t  2,145,003  lb.  troy.     Tram. 

%  BomeoUk  Traits  des  Monnoies,  1806.  p.  31 


chap:  xiO         kingdom  of  new  SPAIN.       -395 

marcs f  5  ffrbss,  35.15  grains  old  French  weight. 
The  tin  furnished  by  all  Europe,  weighs  only 
three  times  as  much,  as  the  quantity  of  silver 
annually  extracted  from  the  mines  of  America. 
It  may  be  seen  also  from  the  preceding  table, 
that  it  is  erroneous  to  attribute  to  Brasil 
the  greatest  part  of  the  gold  with  which  the 
Old  Continent  is  supplied  by  the  New.  The 
Spanish  Colonies  supply  nearly  45,000  marcs 
of  gold,  while  only  30,000  are  extracted  from 
the  alluvions  grounds  of  Brasil.  If  the  go- 
vernment of  Santa  Fe  de  Bogota  begin  seri- 
ously to  turn  their  attention  to  the  population 
and  agriculture  of  Choco,  the  extraction  of 
gold  in  New  Grenada,  will  in  a  very  few  years 
rival  that  of  Brasil.  The  author  of  the  im- 
mortal work  on  the  Wealth  of  Nations,*  values 
the  quantity  of  gold  and  silver  annually  im- 
ported into  Cadiz  and  Lisbon,  at  only  six 
millions  of  pounds  sterling,  including  not  only 
the  registered  gold,  but  also  what  may  be 
supposed  to  be  smuggled.  This  estimate  is 
too  small  by  two  fifths. 

Bringing    together   the    results    which    we 
have  just  obtained  for  the  New  World,  with 








*  According  to  Meggens  (Postscriptum  du  Negociant  Uni" 
wrtdf  1756,  p.  15)  the  importation  into  Spain  and  Por- 
tugal was  from  1747  to  1753  at  an  average  5j74!6,000 
pounds  Sterling. 

^^       P0J.,ITICA;L  ESS^Y  on  T«E         [book  IV. 

tl^^,  Mrhich  axe  the  fruit  of,  the  laborious  re- 
s«9^ch^9  of  M.  Hjeron  d^  Villefosse  and  M- 
Georgi*,  we  ^nd  the  following  data :      , 

*  Geo.  phj/s.  Beschreibmg  des  Russischen  Reichs,  1797, 
Th.  6.  p.  368.  M.  Georgi's  valuation  is  for  the  year 
1796.  The  produce  of  the  mines  of  Koliwan  has  doubled, 
and  that  of  the  mines  of  Nertschink  has  dimmished  more 
tl^  a  third  between  1784  and  1794, 

1   ;i      1   ' 

.   I 


J  ■    .1' 


''»;(»   f. 

CHAP.  XI.]        ^KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.      ^97 



2       .  I 
«  ^  S 



t*4   X     -W 

^00  «  1^ 

QQ  CO  ;o 

00  CO  (O 


1-t  r-co 

M        M         M 



,  > 

...  V    d 

7  ;*  §4  00 
-*  •}  i- 

■*  0«  t^ 

1^     t* 





t^o  00 

of  i-H  to 

«o  w.o 

g     8 

11  *" 







^  »*H  Oi 
"V  »"•  00 

"*   1-1  a 



8^8  ^ 




?  <  r-.--   », 


^5  s 



^  2 


I    k< 

^   * 




J  a 


898       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [aooit  iv. 

In  this  table    the   gold   is  valaed  at    3444 
francs   44    centimes,   and    the  silver  at    222 
francs  22    centimes  per  kilogpramme.      It    in- 
dicates the  quantity  of  the  precious  metals  which 
annually  enters  into  circulation  among  the  ci- 
vilized nations  of  Europe.    It  is  impossible  to 
value  the  mass  of  gold  and  silver  at  present 
worked  on  the  whole  surface   of  the  globe; 
for    we    are    absolutely    ignorant  of   what  is 
produced  in  the  interior  of   Africa,    in  Cen- 
tral  Asia,  Tonquin,  China,  and  Japan.     The 
trade  in  gold  dust,    carried  on  on  the  eastern 
and  western  coasts  of   Africa,    and  the  infor- 
mation derived  by  Vs  from  the  antients  res- 
pecting the  countries  with  which  we  have  no 
longer  any   communication,  might  lead  us  to 
suppose  that  the  countries  to  the  south  of  the 
Niger  are  very  rich  in  precious  metals.  We 
may  make  the    same    supposition    respecting 
the  high  chain   of    mountains,    extending  to 
the  north-east  of    the    Paropamisus,    towards 
the  frontiers  of   China.     The  quantity  of  in- 
gots of  gold  and  silver  formerly  exported  by 
the    Dutch    from    Japan,    proves,    that    the 
mines  of  Sado,  Sourouma,  Bingo,  and  Kinsi- 
ma,  are   equal   in  wealth,  to   several  of  the 
mines  of  Ameriqa. 

Of  the  78,000  marcs  of  gold,  and  3,550,000, 
marcs  of  silver,  French  weight,  annually  ex- 
tracted since  the  end   of    the  18th  century, 

■   t. 

«iiAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       399 

from  all  the  mines  of  America,  Europe,  and 
^Northern  Asia,  America  alone,  furnishes  70,000 
marcs  of  gold,  and  3,250,000  marcs  of  silver, 
and  consequently  tiv  of  the  total  produce  of 
gold)  and  tin  of  the  total  produce  of  silver. 
rThe  relative  abundance  of  the  tvt^o  metals, 
differ  therefore  very  little  in  the  two  conti- 
nents. The  quantity  of  gold  drawn  from  the 
mines  of  America,  is  to  that  of  silver,  as  1 
to  46;  and  in  Europe,  including  Asiatic  Rus- 
sia, th*  proportion  is  as  1  to  40. 

These    results    may    serve    to    throw  some 
light  on  the  great  problem   of   political    eco- 
nomy,  examined  by  Mr.  Smith,    in  the  ele- 
venth chapter  of  the  first   book  of  his  work, 
.where  he  treats  of   the    causes  of    the  ilup- 
tuation  between  the  relative  value  of  the  pre- 
vious metals.    This  celebrated  author  supposes, 
that  for  every  ounce  of  gold,  there  are  more 
than  2^  ounces  of  silver  imported  into  Europe  ; 
and    if  this  supposition  was  correct,  the   Old 
Continent  ought  to  receive  from  the  New,  only 
1,554,000  marcs  of  silver,  instead  of  3,250,000 
which  it  really  receives.     However,  the  greater 
the   abundance  of    gold  in  proportion  to  sil- 
ver,  the  more  we  must  be  inclined  to  admit 
with  Mr.  Smith,  that  the  proportion  between 
^he  respective  values  of  the  two  metals  does 
not  alone  depend  on  the  quantity  in  the  mar- 
ket.   Since  the  discovery  of  Am,erica,  to  the 


*400       POLITICAL  ESS  ^ Y  ON  THE         [book  tv. 

present  day,  the  valoe  of; silver  has  fall€fn  so 
'tnueh  in  the  western  parts  of  Europe,  that 
the  proportion^  between  that  metal  and  gold, 
•which,  at  theerid  of  the  16th  century,  was  as  1 
to  11  or  1  to  12,  is  now,  as  1  to  14i  and  even  as 
1  to  151.  This  change  would'not  have  taken 
-place  if  the  increase  of  the  i*cspective  masses  of 
the  two  metals  had  been  at  all  times  as  unifoml'l' 
ms  at  present.  From  ^hat  has  juist  been  stated, 
it  is  not  accurate  to  advance,  as  has  frequently 
been  done,  that  the  fecundity  of  the  silver 
amines  of  America,  surpasses  that  of  the  mines 
of  the    Old  Continent,   in  much  greater  pro- 

'  portion  than  the  gold  mines.  It  is  true  that 
of  the  TOiOOO  marcs  of  gold  annually  supplied 

"by  America,  five  sixths  are  derived  from  wash- 
ing places,  ^estslblished    in  alluviou9   grounds; 

•but  these  washing  places  (hvaderos)  are  sur- 
'jWisingly  uniform    in  their  produce;    and  alll 

=  who  have '  visited  the   Spanish  or  -Portuguese 

*  Colonies,  *  know  that  the  exportatifon  of  gold 
^fiMm  'America,  'must  considerably  increase -with 

*  "the^  progress  • '  tof '  population  'and  agriculture. 

*  Till  1546,  when  •'the  Oerro  de  Potosi  bt^gan 

*  Under  Philip-le-Bel  a  marc  of  gold  was  current  for 
10  marcs  of  silver.  In  Holland,  the  proportion  in  1336, 
was  as  l0|  to  1.     In    France  it  was  in  1388  as  1(>|  to 

"^  i,(RS^hefches  htrle CaMmerce,  Amsterdam.  1778, t.ii. p.  iii^ 

•. .  ^^-  .  -  .f'Hine' Tenths*    '.V-..  >:'■        ■  ^•.;.- ':,!"* 

CHAP   XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN-       401 

to  be   worked,  Europe   appears    to  have   re- 
ceived much   more   gold  than  silver  from  the 
New  Continent.      Five    sixths    of   the    booty 
which  Cortez  acquired  at  Tenochtitlan,  and  the 
treasures  at  Caxamarca   and   Cuzco  consisted 
in  gold;    and    the    silver   mines  of    Porco  in 
Peru,  and  Tasco  and  Tlapujahua  in  Mexico, 
were   very    feebly    wrought    in  the   times  of 
Cortez  and  Pizarro.      It   is   only   since    1545 
that  Spain  has  been  inundated  with  the  silver 
of    Peru.      This    accumulation   produced  the 
greater    effect,   as  the  civilization  of  Europe, 
was  then  more  concentrated;    as  communica- 
tion was  less  frequent ;  and  as  a  smaller  por- 
tion of  the  precious  metals  were  re-exported 
for  Asia.     About  the  middle  of  the  16th,  and 
the  beginning  of  the   17th  century,    the  pro- 
portion between  gold  and  silver  rapidly  changed, 
especially  in  the  south   of   Europe.     In  Hol- 
land    it    was    still     in    1589     as     llf   to    1; 
but  under  the  reign  of  Louis  XIII.  in  1641,  we 
find  it  already  in  Flanders,  as  12i  to  1 ;     in 
France,  as  13i  to  1 ;  and  in  Spain  as  14  to  1,  and 
even  beyond  that.     The  extraction  of  gold  has 
prodigiously    increased  in  America    since  the 
end  of  the   17th  century;    and    although  the 
auriferous  grounds  of  Brazil  have  been  partly 
known  ever   since  1577,   the  working  of  the 
alluvions  mines  however,    only  commenced  in 
the  reigrn  of  Peter  II.  In  the  time  of  Charles  Y. 

'    VOL.  HI.  2d 

4M       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [mok  iv. 

a  quantity  of  gold  of  forty  or  fifty  thousand 
marcs  was  sufficient  to  produce  a  sensible 
change  in  the  proportion  between  gold  and  silver 
in  Europe.  On  the  other  hand,  this  influence 
was  hardly  felt  in  the  beginning  of  the  18th 
century,  when  commercial  relations  were  very 
much  multiplied.  The  gold  of  Brazil  divided 
over  a  vast  extent  of  country,  could  not  pro- 
duce the  effect  which  it  would  have  produced 
by  a  rapid  accumulation  on  a  single  point 
of  the  globe.  >  «.  *.» 

We  shall  now  enter  upon  a  very  important 
question,  which  has  been  very  variously  treated 
in  works  of  political  economy  :  namely,  the  quan* 
tity  of  gold  and  silver  which  has  flowed  from 
the  New  Continent  into  the  Old,  since  1492  to 
this  day.  Instead  of  examining  the  r  gresi 
of  mining:  in  America,  and  estimati  the 
produce  of  the  mines  of  each  colony  at  dif- 
ferent periods,  they  have  laid  down  a  hy- 
pothesis of  a  certain  number  of  millions  of 
piastres,  which  have  been  arbitrarily  enough, 
supposed  to  have  been  introduced  annually 
into  Portugal  and  Spain,  during  three  cenr 
turies.  It  might  have  been  easily  foreseen 
that  in  calculating  according  to  this  prin- 
ciple, they  would  obt3,in  results  differing  from 
one  another  in  several  thousands  of  millions 
of  livres  tournois,  according  as  the  annual  im- 
portation was  taken  at  ten  or  twelve  milliQQB 
of  livres   only,  either  below  or  above  the  tmth 

CMAF.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN-       405 

Besides,  the  greatest  number  of  the  mo«t  cele- 
brated authora  *  instead  of  investiju^atinjaf  for 
themselves,  contented  themselves  with  copying 
the  valuations  of  Don  Geronimo  de  Ustariz* 
as  if  merely  to  quote  the  particular  opinion  of 
a  Spanish  author  was  sufficient  to  inspire  con- 
fidence. Before  communicating  my  own  results 
let  us  examine  those  calculations  which  have 
been  hitherto  before  the  public.  '  • 

r  Ustariz  in  his  excellent  treatise  of  commerce 
mnd  navigation  f  founds  his  calculations  on 
those  of  Don  Sancho  de  Moncada  and  Don 
Pedro  Fernandez  de  Navarete.  The  former 
who  was  professor  in  the  Univei'sity  of  Alcala, 
affirms  vaguely,  that  "  according  to  a  repre- 
i*  sentation  made  to  the  king,  there  has  entered 
^  into  Spain  between  1402  and  1595,  in  gold 
*'  and  silver  extracted  from  the  mines  of 
**  America,  two  thousand  millions  of  piastres ; 
**  that  at  least  the  same  quantity  had  Entered 
without  being  registered;  and  that  of  all 
the  gold  and  silver  it  would  be  difficult  to 
^  find  in  Spain,  two  hundred  millions,  ont 
i*  hundred  in  coin,  and  another  hundred  in 
*<  hou^hold  furnitare."  Ustariz  adds  to  thesf 
two  thousand  millions,  the  quantity    imported 

*  Forboniutis,  Raynal,  Gerboux,  and  the  judicious  author 
of  the  Recherches  sur  le  Commerce  (Amst.  1778.) 

f  Edition  of  Paris  175S,  p.  lU  Toze,  kkiru  schri/ieni 
4791,  p.  99.-  '  •  >  .    .     .. 

2D  2 








404       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  m 

into  Spain,  between  1595  and  1724  which  he 
estimates  at  1536  millions,  so  that  the  total 
produce  of  Spanish  America  in  gold  and  silver, 
from  1492  to  1724  amounted,  according  to 
this  author,  to  5536  millions  of  piastres.:-:^; 
It  is  easy  to  prove  that  this  calculation 
does  not  rest  on  very  solid  foundations.  Four^ 
thousand  millions  divided  among  one  hun* 
dred  and  three  years  from  1492  to  lS95y 
suppose  an  average  annual  produce  of  more 
than  38  millions.  !Ng^v  ive  learn  from  the 
history  of  the  mines  of  America,  that  tiie 
quantity  of  gold  and  silver  introduced  into 
Spain  between  1492  and  1535  was  very  small,' 
and  at  most  cannot  be  estimated  at  more 
than  130  or  140  millions.  If  however  we 
admit  1$^  millions  of  piastres  per  annum,  for 
this  period  the  sum  which  Ustariz  fixes  for  the 
period  between  1595  and  1724,  we  shall  find 
that  the  annual  produce  between  .  1535  and. 
1595  ought  at  least  to  be  58  millions. 
All  the  estimates  are  four  or  five  times  too 
high,  as  we  may  be  convinced  of  by  casting 
our  eyes  over  the  registers  of  Potosi  and  re- 
collecting that  the  mines  of  New  Spain  till 
the  beginning  of  the  eighteenth  century,  never 
yielded  above  three  millions  of  piastres  per 
annum.  Moreover  Garcilasso  and  Herera,  ix^ 
speaking  of  the  great  wealth  of  the  mii^es^of 
the  New  Continent,  expressly  say  that  towards 




the  end  of  the  sixteenth  century  from  ten  to 
twelve   millions  of   piastres    annually    entered 
Spain  by  the  mouth  of  the  Guadalquivir.     The 
estimates  in    round    numbers    of  thousands  of 
millions,    far  from  being    entitled  to  be  con- 
sidered AS  the  fruits  of  accurate  research,  are 
merely  the   result   of  an  approximate    calcula- 
lation.     Hence   every  author  has  thought  him- 
entitled  to  fix   on  difterent  quantities,      jj^  .s:  | 
Solorzano   affirms  *  on  the  authority  of  Da- 
-vila  that  Spain  received  from  America,    from 
if:s  tdiscovery  in    1492  to  1628,  fifteen  hundred; 
millions  of  registered   piastres,    a  sum   which 
differs  nearly  by  one  half  from  that   adopted 
hy  Ustariz.     On  the   other  hand  we    fmd   iti^ 
the  political  treatise  of  Navarete  f,  that  between 
\^19  and  1617    according   io    registers  there 
was    imported    1536   millions.     According  to 
this   valuation    we  attribute    to  the  period  of 
9iB  years,     a    smaller    sum    of   piastres    than 
what  Solorzano  and  Davila,  admit  for  the  period 
of  136  years,    which    is    a    contradiction    so 
much  the  greater  as  the  one    of  these  periods 
composes  a  part  of  the  other.        '  vi   ?j^'<.i 
L  Baynal  in  the  first  editions  of  his  celebrated 
work  on  the  settlemonts    in   the    Indies  J   es- 

•  De  Indiarum  Jure,  T.  II.  p.  846.  Hut.  magna  Ma- 

trUensiSf  p.  472, 

^  Dt  la  conservacion  de  las  Monarquias,  Disc.  XXI.    ' 
^%  C<Knpare  the  changes  made  in  Liv.  viii.  ^  xlii.  •,  Tir. 

X.  §  liv. 



406        POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  it; 

timated  the  gold  and  silver  imported  from 
America  into  Em*ope,  since  the  discovery  of 
the  New  World  at  nine  thousand  millions  of 
piastres ;  but  in  1780  he  reduced  this  sum  to 
iive  thousand  millions.  He  supposes  that  the 
annual  importation  of  registered  gold  and  silver 
into  Spain  on  an  average  of  eleven  years  from 
1754  to  1764  only  amounted  to  13,984,185 
piastres,  while  we  know  from  the  registers! 
presei*ved  in  the  mint  of  Mexico,  that  at  that 
yety  period. .  New  Spain  alone  produced  an- 
liualljri  liearly  twelve  millions  of  piastres.?  I 
oaiiriot  Qonoeive  how  an  author  full  of  sagacity 
ted  gCtteraUy  well  informed,  can  have  allowed 
himstdbfttof  form  such  erroneous  notions  re- 
upectikig  th(^  commerce  in  the  precious  me* 
tak.  Raynal  gives  tables  apparently  the  result 
o£  very  extensive  labour  ;  he  estimates  separate- 
\y  the  quantities  of  gold  and  silver  from  each 
part  of  the  colonies ;  and  notwithstanding  this 
lipparent  accuracy,  a  great  number  of  these 
calculationH  rest  on  very  far  from  solid  foun^ 
dations.  He  aiiirms  *  that  Spain  drew  from 
1780,  every  year  from  the  continent  of  America, 
89,095,052  iivres  in  gold  and  silver,  or 
16)970,484  piastres;  because  from  an  average 
year  taken  during  the  period  from  1748  to  1753 
there  was  imported: 

•  Hut,  Philosophiquet  Geneva  Ed".  1780,  T.  II.  p.  3S9« 

9HAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       407 

il  I 



Prom  New  Spain    - 
From    Cartha^ena    or 

New  Grenada 
Fi'oih  Lima  or  Peru  - 
From  Buenos  Ayres  or 

the  kingdom  of    La 

From  Caracas 

Total  of  an  average  year. 






e,4 18,294 








It  is  surprisiong   to    see    Raynal    confound 
the  produce  of  1750  with  that  of  1780 :    for 
during  that  space  of  thirty  years,  the  export 
tation  of  silver  from    Mexico     had   increased 
more  than  a  fourth,  and  the  mines  of  South 
America  far  from  being  exhausted  were  become 
more  abundant.     In  1780  there  was  coined  at 
the  mint  of  Mexico,  alone,  the  sum  of  17,514,263 
piastres ;  while  the    Abbe    Raynal   estimates 
the  total  prod.        of  the    mines    of    Spanish 
America,  at  only  eigliteca  millions,     lie  ought 
to  have  known  from  tiie  tfistimon    of   a  states* 
man,  thoroughly  informed  respecting  the  com- 
merce of  Spain*,     that    in    1775    the    total 
produce  had  already    risen  to  30  millions    of 
piastres,   or  to   157,500>000  livres  tournois  per 

annum.  .  $       . 

...     ,  ..     .  .  .    ■-,      '-■■'■  --    ■  .       -■■■-•■- 

*  Campomanest  Discurso  sobre  la  Educacion  popular  de 
k*  artixanos,  Vol.  ii.  p.  ftSl. 

408       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

With  respect  to  the  quantity  of  precious 
metals  received  by  Spain  from  her  colonies, 
since  the  discovery  of  America,  Raynal  fixes 
it  at  25,570,279,924  liv.,  or  4,870,529,509  pi- 
astres. This  calculation,  which  \vould  inspire 
more  confidence  if  the  sums  were  expressed  in 
round  nuni03rs,  is  sufficiently  accurate ;  and  it 
proves  that  even  in  setting  out  from  the  falsest 
data,  we  may  sometimes  by  fortunate  compu- 
tations,   arrive  at  results  very  near  the  truth. 

Adam  Smith,  in  his  classical  work  on  the 
causes  of  the  wealth  of  nations  *  estimates  the 
silver  exported  from  the  New  Continent  into 
Cadiz  and  Lisbon,  at  six  millions  sterling, 
or  26i  millions  of  piastres  per  annum;  but 
this  estimate  was  too  small  by  two  fifths 
even  in  his  time,  in  1775.  The  English 
author  followed  the  calculations  of  Meggens, 
according  to  whom  during  1748  and  1753, 
Spain  and  Portugal  received  annually,  at 
an  average,  in  registered  precious  metals 
^5,746,000  sterling,  or  25,337,000  piastres. 
Reckoning  four  millions  for  the  importation 
of  gold  from  Brazil,  we  find  according  to 
Meggins,  21  millions  of  piastres  for  the  Spanish 
Colonies  alone,  and  consequently  three  millions 
more  than  Raynal  allows  for  the  year  1780. 
Mr.   Gamier,    the   learned    commentator    on 

*  Book  I  Chap.  I. 

CHAF.  3CL]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       409 

Smiths,  who  has  displayed  the  greatest  ac- 
curacy in  his  researches,  estimates  the  produce 
of  the  gold  and  silver  mines  of  Spanish  America, 
in  1802  at  159  millions  of  livres  tournois,  or 
90,285,000  piastres;  a  sum  which  approaches 
nearer  to  the  truth  than  all  the  calculations 
to  be  found  in  other  works  of  Political    Eco- 


I  Jv*l  b 


Robertson  in  the  History  of  America,  values 
the  amount  of  the  precious  metals  imported 
into  Spain,  between  1492  and  1775  at  the 
enormous  sum  of  two  thousand  millions  sterling, 
or  8800  millions  of  piastres ;  and  what  is  more 
singular,  this  justly  celebrated  author  considers 
his  calculation  as  founded  on  very  moderate 
suppositions,  though  he  estimates  the  annual 
produce  of  the  mines  during  283  consecutive 
years,  at  four  millions  sterling,  and  the  amount 
of  the  contraband  during  that  period  at 
968  millions  f-  When  we  compare  these 
data  with  those  of  the  work  of  Ustariz,  we  ob- 
serve that  the  sums  of  the  Spanish  author 
are  lower  by  one  half.  ^  -  .  *« 
•  In  the  Recherches  sur  le  Commerce,  pub- 
lished at  Amsterdam  in  1778 1  the  amount 
of  gold  and   silver    exported     from    Spanish 






*T.  V.  p.  137. 

f  Hiitory  of  America,  Vol.  iv.  p.  62. 

X  Liv.  i.  chap.  x.  (T.  i.  P.  ii.p«  124.) 

<10       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  C«ook  iv: 

America  between  1674  and  1723,  is  estimated 
at  672  millions  of  piastres.  Reckoning  at  the 
same  rate  the  283  years  between  1492 
and  177d»  and  adding^  a  third  for  the  con* 
traband|  we  find  the  total  of  all ,  the  metals 
imported  into  Spain  5072  millions  of  piaiitres. 
The  same  author  estimates  the  gold  imported 
from  Brazil  since  th«  discovery  of  that  country 
at  1350  millions,  a  sum  which  appears  nearly 
double  too  much,  as  we  shall  prove  in  the 
sequel  of  the  discussion. . i  j  w< .  - < '    ^iu /u:  -     >  » 

Mr.  Neoker  *  in  his  researches  respecting 
the  ea^istiiig  specie  in  France,  estimates  the 
gold  and  silver  received  at  Cadiz  and  Lisbon, 
from  1763  to  1777  at  1600  millions  of  livres 
tournois,  or  304,800^000  piastres.  According 
to  this  hypothesis,  the  total  exportation  of 
precious  metals  from  the  two  Americas  would 
have  amounted  to  21i  millions  of  piastres  per 
annum,  while  that  of  Spain  alone  according 
to  certain  information  was  more  than  BO 
millions  f.  On  the  other  hand,  M.  Ger- 
boux  in  his  discussions  on  the  effects  orf 
melting  down  the  go\d  coinage  (demonHi2i&iion 
de  Vor)X  values  the  importation  of  gold  and 
,    •.,..'4     <  ,,-:\     f  - '7'^  ''.    -'^'In'    I'f)   blo-»-^i";  .1 

*  Sur  k  commerce   des  grainst  Liv.    ii.  chap.   v.     De 
^administration  des  Jinances,  T.  iii.  chap.  vjH.  p.  71. 

+  Encycl,  methqd,  Economiepolit,  T.  M.  p.  fiSI. ; 

IGerboux,  p.  86, 66,  ,69^  70,     .  ,  ,      .    1 

CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       411 

silver  into  Europe  in  livres  toumois  as  follows  ^ 

^  From  1724  to  1766-:~4000  millions. 
1766  —  1800—4000  ^    ^ 
1789  — 1803— 1500  'f  r-  ' 

'io    •r'!0':!;r 

'¥      ' 

from  wHence  it  would  follow  that  the  annual 
importation  from  1724  to  1803  amounted  to 
21  millions  of  piastres.    '    >  ^  '^  -^^     ■::u...^j.:r'ji 

*"  Unitinjr  in  one  point  of  view  the  I'esults 
of  all  these  calculations,  which  are  founded 
on  nothing  more  than  mere  conjectures,  we 
find  that  the  mass  of  registered  precious 
metals  imported  into  Europe,  is  according  to : 


'  ' 

Names  of  Authors. 



Ustariz     -    -     - 


o536  miliions. 

Solorzano    -     - 

1492     1628 


Moncada    -     - 


2000   '      '^ 

Navarete     -    -    - 

1519     1617 


Raynal    -    -    - 



Robertson    -     - 


8800       .         ..; 

Necker    -    -    - 


304  . 

Gerboux      -     - 



The  author  of  Re- 

T   .            .;'■.■'' 

cherches    sur    le 




To  avoid  as  much  as  possible  in  these  re- 
searches the  causes  of  error  which  are  but  too 
numerous,    I  shall    follow   a  different    course 


412       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  m 

from  what  has  been  followed  b^  the  writers 
above-mentioned.  I  shall  first  state  the  quan- 
tity of  gold  and  silver,  which  according  to  the 
records  of  the  mints  and  the  royal  treasury 
we  know  to  have  been  extracted  from  the 
mines  of  Mexico  and  Potosi ;  I  shall  add  from 
the  historical  knowledge  which  I  acquired 
respecting  the  state  of  the  Mexican  mining 
operations,  the  amount  furnished  by  each  me- 
talliferous region  of  Peru,  Buenos  Ayres,  and 
New  Grenada;  and  I  shall  distinguish  what 
has  been  registered  from  what  has  been 
smuggled.  Instead  of  estimating,  as  has  hi- 
therto been  done,  the  total  produce  of  this 
contraband  trade,  at  a  third  or  a  fourth  of  the 
whole  of  the  registered  metals,  I  shall  make 
partial  estimates  according  to  the  position  of 
each  colony,  and  its  relations  with  the  neigh- 
bouring countries.  When  we  wish  to  judge  of 
the  greatness  of  a  distance  which  we  cannot 
measure  with  precision,  we  are  sure  of  com- 
mitting errors  of  less  consequence,  if  we  divide 
the  whole  extent  into  several  parts,  and  if  we 
compare  each  of  these  with  objects  of  u  known 
greatness.         -  V  i  v 



*.  C'    * ""  "> 

CHAP,  w.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       413 

1.  Quantity  of  Registered  Gold  and  Silver 
extracted  from  the  mines  of  America,  from  the 
year  1492  to  1803.        ?-!Vrfw        .  V  i    cl 

■  "^  *»    ^  ¥  I  ,*^.^».'^^*■ 

!*■!•        •■•-       .'7:_rfii  f- 






The  kingdom  of  New  Spain  has 

furnished  the  mint  of  Mexico,  -^ 

between  1690   and  1803,    ac- 

cording  to    the     register    al-  ,  .:.       i    r 

ready  given,  with    -    .    -     -  1,853,452,000 
The  mines  of  Tasco,  Zultepec, 

Pachuca,     and     Tlapujahua,  ,^ 

were    almost    the    only   ones 

which  were  worked    immedi- . 

ately  after  the  destruction  of  the  ,, 

city  of  Tenochtitlan  in   1521,  r 

and  from  that  memorable  period  . 

till  1548.     As  the  quantity  of ,      . 

gold  and  silver  coined  in  the  .;j- 

beginning  of  the  18th  century,   ,.,  i  u  v 

did  not  exceed  five  millions  of 

piastres  per  annum,  I   reckon  >     ,. 

from  the  conquest  by  Herman  ;  ,  .  r 

Cortez,    till     1548,     for     the 

total  produce  of  Mexico    -    -     40,500,000 


Carried  over     1,393,952,000 

414         POLITICAL  ESSAT  ON  THlfc  [Boolt  iV 

'  ,A^   r  •    ,:  '      ff  PiMtret. 

Brought  aver    ..-•--  1,393,052,000 

In   148   the  mines  of  Zacatecas  .         -^v, 

began  to  be  worked,  and    the  •   '^ ' 
mines  of  Guanaxuato  in  1558; 

and  nearly  at  the  same  period  -    '  ^^- 
amalgamation  was  invented  by 

Medina.  We  may  reckon  from  '^ 

1548  till  1600,    at  least    two  ^         ^-^^ 

millions,  and   from   1600    till  i«     ' 

1690,   three  millions   per   an-  -  .^»^si 

'  mim 374,000,000 

Themines  of  Potosi,  supplied  from  '      ••-   '*»3  • 

their    discovery    in  1545,   till  .;..<.-- 

the  year  1803,  1095*  millions  ♦    :  -  *r    : 

of    piastres,    or     128,882,000  ^iwV' 

marcs;    namely  from  1545  to  /=  v  ;.  iL 

1556,  nearly 127,500,000^ 

From  1559  to   1789,    according  •^;!^ 

to  the  registers  of  the  treasury  ^  *^ 

already  given    -----  788,258,500 

Add  on  account  of  the  value  of 

the  peso  de  minas,  from  1550  -        - 

to  1600 134,000,000 

Produce  of  Potosi,  from  1789  to  -        *^ 

1803 46,000,000 

Ov«^ '''--• ''^  -     ■-■  .^'''-f    '■■}     • ■  •     ■ 

Carried  over  2,863,710,500 

\  '.-        i  O  '.-.;'.">•    •  ^  ..    ••   .  .w.  .    -  — — i— «— — «»»^ 

6I4AP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  8?AIN.       4lS 

,   T    '    i  I    »  *    '   I    *■  = 

i,»HHiii'J  Piaatreg. 

Bronght  over %S6S,7\0,&0O 

The  mines   of  Pasco  or  Yauri-     ''••^'  " " 

cocha,    discovered    in     1680,       'iniM.;<( 

yielded    up    to    180S,    nearly     I  n'^-l'J 

800    millions   of   piastres,    or    /  »*>  m*^^  ^ 

35,300,000  marcs,  namely  fiom     «      ^  •  .  • 

1630  to  1792,  at  9Q0,000  marcs 

per  annum    -----      -    274,400,000 

Prom  1792  to  1801,    according 

to  the  registers  -  -  -  -  - 
Produce  of  the  CeiTo  de  Yau- 

ricocha,  from  1801  till   1803 
The  mines    of  Gualgayoc,   dis- 
covered in  1771,  yielded  from 

1773,  nearly  170,000  marcs  of 
'  of  silver,  per  annum  -  -  - 
From    1774    till    1802,    for  the 

mines  of  Gualgayoc,  Guama- 

chuco  de  Couchucofi  -  -  . 
Add  for  1803  .----. 
I   estimate   the  produce  of   the 

mines    of  Huantajaya,   Porco, 

and    other    less     considerable 

Peruvian  mines,  from  the  16th 

century  till  1803,    at   150,000 

or  200,000  niarcs  of  silver  per 

annum    -    - 350,000,000 

Cairied  over    3,703,156,000 






i  t\X  000,1- >'i  • 

L-;..'  .KK)/>^'?. 

■  'O      Ui^\'il^ 

•*..«•..»  .... 

410       l*OLITICAt  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  it. 

Brought  over 3,703,166,000 

Choco  was  peopled  in  1539;  the     ,  luun  ^a  i 
province  of    Antioquia,     then     ,     ,.  *I>0)   • 
inhabited    by    cannibals,    was  .»    i^Uhir 
conquered   in    1541.     The  al-  :;i;:{j    tK>(; 
luvious  mines  of  Sonora    and  -hx^  Ul>r>,C.« 
Chili   began    only    very    late  ;r  oM.W  ril 
to  be  worked.     If  we  reckon  nH^Kj;  ijq 
12,000  marcs  of  gold  for  the    !;fr;  i    worl 
total  produce  of   the  Spanish  o'^i  r^tjt  f>i 
Colonies,  not    including    the,    |o  .v^iU/rj, 
.     kingdom  of  New  Spain,    we,  *  ,*f1'^ 
may  add    -    - 332,000,000 

Registered  Gold  and  Silver  of") 

the  Spanish  Colonies,    from  [  4,035,156,000 
1492  to  1803     -      -    .    -  3 


Raynal  supposes  for  the  first  sixty 
years,  a  produce  the  double  of 
the  preser^.  He  admits,  that 
according  to  the  registers  of 
the  fleets,  since  the  discovery  \ 
of  the  mines  of  Brazil,  till 
1555,    there    has   come    into 


^    Europe,   in    gold,    the    value 

of    ---.--..    -     480,000,000 


Carried  over      480,000,000 

iiiAr.  xi.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       4l7 

Brought  over 480,000,000 

From  1756  to  1803,    reckoning 

only    an    annual    produce    of 

32,000  marcs 204,5 1 1,000 

Registered  gold  of  the  Portu- 
guese Colonies,  from  the  dis 
covery  of  Brazil,  till  1803 

is-  [     684,544,000 

II.  Clold  and  Silver  hot  registered,  extracted 
from  the  mines  of  the  New  Continent,  from 
1492   to  1803. 


i  reckon  for  New  Spain,   where 

the  furtive  extraction  was  very 

considerable    till    the     middle 

of    the   eighteenth  century,    A 

seventh  -  -  -  ^  -  -  ^  260,000,000 
For    Potosi,    the    fouith   of    this 

total  produce,    on   account  of 

the    enormous    contraband    at 

the  beginning  of  working  the 

mines     -     -     - 274,000,000 

Pasco,  Gualgayoc,    and  the  rest 

of  Peru,  where  the  silver  flows 

by  the  river  Amazons,  towards 

Brazil     - -     -     200,000,000 

Carried    over 


VOX..  HI. 

2    EV 




•lis       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  iv. 

Broiiglit   over    -     -     -     -     -       734,000^000 
For  the  gold  of  Chili,  New  Gre- 
nada,   and    the     kingdom     of 
Buenos  Ayres 82,000,000 


For  the  gold  of  Brazil    -     -     -     171,000,000 

Uia-egistered    Gold    and    Silver, 
from  1492  to  1803 

]  987,000, 



Value  of  Gold  and  Silver  extracted  from  the 
mines  of  America,  from  1499  to  1803. 

/"From    the     Spanish 
Registered^      Colonies     -     -     -  4,035,156,000 
No.  I.    y  From  the  Portuguese 

v^     Colonies     -     -     -     084,544,000 
/  From  the  Spa- 

Not  Registered  3    ^^'^  ^^^^^^"'     816,000,000 
Not  Registered  J^  ^^^  ^^^ 

No.  IL         i  ^  - 

\    tuguese  Colo- 
nies    -     -    -     171,000,000 

Total  5,706,700,000 

•ifAp.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       419 

This  sum,  which  I  believe  myself  warranted 
in     fixmg     on,      differs     more     than    sixteen 
thousand  millions  of  francs  from  thr^  sum  stated 
by     Robertson.        It    is   not    surprising    that 
It  approximates  the  estimates  of  several  other 
writers;    for  it   is   with  numbers    in   political 
economy,   as  with  the  positions    fixed  by  as- 
tronomers; when  we  first  observe  the  longitude 
of  a  place  amid  the  great  number  of  maps  in 
which  all  the  points   are    placed    at    random, 
we  are  sure  to  find    One   which   indicates  the 
true  position. 

It  appears  then  that,  of  the  5,706,700,000 
piastres,  or  29,960,175,000  livres  tournois 
furnif.hed  in  gold  and  silver  from  1492  till 
1803,  or  in  the  space  of  311  years,  we  owe: 

2   E*i 






Political  essaV  on  the       t^oo^  ^^' 













I— » 





05      «1 


?£)      00      0%      ^ 

<-"     W5     Ol     --T 



Q  O  O 

i  s  s. 

n  in  «i 

O  C  Q 

lO  ^  o 

irj  i^  ifj 

04        f-( 
















































1— 1 

































•  UK 











CHAP.xi.l  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       421 

As  the  Cerro  del  Potosi  belongs  from  its 
position  to  the  Cordilleras  of  Peru,  I  have 
brought  together  in  this  table,  the  mines  situa- 
ted on  the  ridge  of  the  chain  of  the  Andes, 
from  the  6°  to  the  21°  of  south  latitude,  for 
a  length  of  500  leagues.  The  metalliferous 
part  of  Mexico,  comprehended  between  the 
16"  and  31°  of  north  latitude,  at  present  sup- 
plies twice  as  much  silver,  as  the  two  vice- 
roy allies  of  Peru  and  Buenos  Ayres;  and  thia 
part  is  only  450  leagues  in  length.  The  fol- 
lowing table  specifies  the  proportion  between 
the  gold  and  silver  drawn  from  the  mines  of 
the  New  Continent  from  their  discovery,  till 

Political  Divisions. 

Gold    -      -     -     - 
From    the    Portuguese 

Colonies     -      -       - 
From  the  Spanish  Colo 

nies      -      -      -      - 

Silver       -     T     - 


Marcs  Castille 





512,700,000   -1,358,200,000 


According  to  this  estimate  which  is  merely  an 
approximate,  the  mass  of  silver  furaislied  by 
the  Cordilleras  of  America  for  three  centuries, 
amounts  to  117,864,210  kilagrummes*  in  weight. 

♦  316,  023,883  lb.  troy. 


422        POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE       [book  it. 

It  would  form  a  solid  sphere  of  a  diameter  of  27.8 
metres"^,  or  85t(j  Paris  feet.  When  we  re- 
collect that  the  iron  extracted  from  the 
mines  of  France  alone,  amounts  to  22o  mil- 
lions of  kilogrammes  per  annum,  we  see  that 
with  respect  to  the  relative  abundance,  or  dis- 
tribution of  the  substances  in  the  exterior  crust 
of  the  globe,  silver  is  to  iron  merely  in  the 
relation  of  magnesia  to  silice,  or  baryte  to. 

\^^e  must  not  however  confound  the  quan- 
tity of  precious  metals  extracted  from  the  mines 
of  the  New  Continent,  with  what  has  realty  flow- 
ed into  P]urope  since  the  year  1492.  To  judge  of 
this  last  sum,  it  in  indispensable  to  estimate,  1st. 
The  gold  and  silver  found  at  the  period  of 
the  conquest  among  the  natives  of  America, 
and  which  became  the  spoil  of  the  conque- 
rors; 2dly.  What  has  remained  in  circulation 
in  the  New  Continent;  and  3dly.  What  has 
passed  directly  to  the  coasts  of  Africa  and 
Asia,  without  touching  Europe. 

The  conquerors  found  gold  not  only  in  the 
regions  where  it  is  still  produced,  as  in  Mexi- 
co, Peru,  and  New  Grenada,  but  also  in  coun- 
tries of  which  the  rivers  actually  appear  to  us 
very  poor  in  auriferous  sands.  The  natives  of 
Florida,    Saint   Domingo,  and   the    Island   of 

91.206  feet  English,     Trans, 

CHAP.  XI.]    kingdo:m  of  new  spain. 



Cuba,  of  Darien,  and  the  coast  of  Paria,  had 
bracelets,  rinses,  and  necklaces  of  e^old ;  but  it 
is  probable  that  the  greatest  part  of  that  metal 
was  not  derived  from  the  countries  in  which 
these  tribes  were  found,  at  the  end  of  tl  e 
fifteenth  century.  In  South  America  as  wcH 
as  in  Africa,  commercial  communications  ex- 
isted, even  among*  the  hordes  the  most  remote 
from  civilization.  Coral  and  sea  shells  weie 
frequently  found  in  the  possession  of  men  who 
lived  at  a  ffreat  distance  from  the  coast.  We 
ascertained  during  our  journey  on  the  Orinoco, 
that  the  famous  Mahagua  stone,  the  jado  of 
the  Amazons,  comes  by  means  of  an  exchange 
establisheil  among  different  tribes  of  savages, 
from  Brazil  to  the  banks  of  the  Carony,  inha- 
bited by  the  Caraib  Indians.  Besides,  it  is  to 
be  remarked,  that  the  people  found  by  the 
Spaniards  in  Darien,  or  the  Island  of  Cuba, 
had  not  always  inhabited  the  same  coi.ntries. 
In  America,  the  great  migrations  have  taken 
place  fi'om  the  north  west,  to  the  soulli  east : 
and  frequently  whole  tribes  have  been  forced 
by  wars  to  quit  the  mountains,  and  settle  in 
the  plains.  We  can  conceive  therefore  in  what 
manner  the  gold  of  Sonora,  or  the  valley  of 
the  Rio  Cauca,  might  have  been  found  among 
the  savages  of  the  Darien,  or  the  mouths  ox 
the  river  Madalena.  Besides,  the  smaller  the 
population,   the  more    deceitful     the    appear- 

424       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE'        [book  ly. 

ance  of  wealth.  The  accumulation  of  gold  i^ 
particularly  striking,  in  countries  where  all  the 
metal  possessed  by  the  p  ople,  is  converted 
into  objects  of  ornament.  We  must  not  then 
judge  of  this  pretended  wealth  of  the  mines 
of  Cibao,  of  the  coast  of  Cumana,  and  the 
isthnuis  of  Panama,  from  the  recital  of  the  first 
travellers.  We  must  recollect  that  rivers  be- 
come less  auriferous,  in  proportion  as  during 
th  course  of  ages,  their  course  becomes  less 
rapid.  A  horde  of  savages  who  settle  in  a 
valley,  where  man  had  never  before  penetra- 
ted, iincl  grains  of  gold  accumulated  there  for 
thousands  of  years ;  while  in  our  days,  the  most 
careful  wasliing  hardly  produces  a  few  scattered 
particles.  These  considerations,  to  which  I.  wish 
to  limit  myself  in  this  place,  may  sprve  tp 
clear  up  the  problem,  so  frequently  agitated, 
why  those  regions  which  immediately  after 
the  discovery  of  America,  and  especially  between 
1492  and  1515,  were  considered  as  eminently 
rich  in  precious  metals,  furnish  no  longer  any 
in  our  days,  although  very  laborious  and  well 
directed  trials  have  been  made  in  several  of 

To  form  some  idea  of  the  spoil  in  gold  and 
silver,  transmitted  by  the  first  conquerors  to 
Europe,  before  the  Spaniards  began  to  work 
the  mines  of  Tasco  in  Mexico,  or  Porco  in 
Peru,  let  us    cast    our  eyes  over  the   facts  re^ 

CHAP.xi.']         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       425 

lated  by  the  historians  oi   the  conquest.     I  have 
carefully  examined  these  facts,  and  endeavoured 
to  collect  all  the  passages   where   the  wealth 
which  fell  into   the   hands   of  the    Europeans, 
is  estimated  in  pesos  ensayadoSy  or  in  castellanos 
de    oro;  for    it  is  from    these    data,   and   not 
from   the    vague,   and  frequently  repeated  ex- 
pressions of  "  enormous  quantity  of  yold  or  im- 
mense   treasiireSf*   that     we    shall   be   able   to 
obtfin  satisfactory  results. 
.   In  1502,  Ovando   sent   to   Spain  a  fleet  of 
eighteen  vessels,  commanded  by  Bovadilla  and 
Rojdan,  and    laden    with  a    great   quantity  of 
gold.    The  greater  part  of  these  vessels  perished 
in  the  tempest,  in  which  Christopher  Columbus 
nearly  lost  his  life,  in   his  first   voyage   on  the 
shores  of  St.  Domingo.     The  historians  of  the 
time  consider  this  fleet  as  one  of  the  richest; 
and   yet  they    all  agree    that  the    freight    in 
gold    did   not    exceed   200,<300   pesos*,  which 
reckoning  them  as  pesos  de  minas  at  14  reals, 
make  the    moderate     sum  of  1,750,000   livres 
tournoisf,   or  2560  marcs  of  gold.     The  pre* 
sents   which   Cortez   received    on   his    passage 
through  Chalco,  only  amounted  to  8000  pesos 
de  oroX,  or   to  38   marcs   of  weight   in  gold. 


*  Herreray  Decada  i.  Lib.  i.  Cap.  i.  (T.  i.  p.  126). 

•)•  ag  7 1,427  Sterling.     Trans. 

%  Cartas  de  Hernan  Cortez,  Carta  i.  §  xviii. 

W  iM4& 

426       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  ir. 

When  Montezuma  assembled  his  vassals  to 
take  the  oath  of  fidelity  to  the  Emperor  Charles 
the  Fifth,  who  as  they  were  made  to  believe 
descended  in  a  straight  line  from  Qaetzalcoatl*, 
the  Bouddha  of  the  Aztecs,  Cortez  demanded 
a  tribute  in  gold:  "I  feigned,'*  he  writes  to 
the  Emperor,  **  that  your  highness  was  in  great 
"  want  of  this  metal,  for  certain  works  which 
<*  you  wished  to  execute.'*  The  fifth  of  the 
tribute,  paid  into  the  chest  of  the  army,  amounted 
to  32,400  pesosf;  from  which  we  are  to  con- 
clude that  the  quantity  of  gold  collected  by 
the  stratagem  of  the  General,  amounted  to  2080 
marcs.  At  the  taking  of  Tenochtitlan, 
the  spoil  which  fell  into  the  hands  of  the 
Spaniards,  did  not  exceed  in  weight  accord- 
ing to  the  assertion  of  Cortez,  130,000  castel- 
lanos,  or  2600   marcs   of  goldj  ;    and  accord- 

♦  See  my  Vues  des  CordilUres,  and  Monumens  de  VAnie^ 
riquCf  PI.  vii.  ,,, 

f  Cartas  de  Hevmn  Cortez^  Carta  i.  §  xxix.  p.  98, 
\  Carta  iii.  §  li.  p.  301.  The  expression  se  Jun4io  mas 
de  138,0(X>  castellanos  is  doubtful.  We  are  ignorant  whe- 
ther Cortez  speaks  of  castellanos  as  a  weight,  or  as  an 
imaginary  coin.  I  follow  with  the  Abbe  Clavigero  the 
former  hypothesis,  {Storia  de Messicoy  T.  iii.  p.  232).  In  the 
second  case  the  spoil  would  only  have  been  1600  marcs 
of  gold;  for  Herrera  expressly  says,  that  "  Castellnno  y  peso 
"  es  uno,**  and  according  to  him  a  peso  de  minas  is  worth 
14  reals;  o, peso  ensayadOy\\iitieen  reals  (de  plata)  andonft 
quartillo.    Decada  viii.  Lib.  ii.  c.lO.  T.  v,  p.  41. 

tHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  JTEW  SPAIN.       427 

ing    to    Bernal  Diaz  it  amounted  to    380,000 
pesos,  which  are  equivalent  to   4890  marcs. 

The  two  periods  of  the  conquest  of  Peru, 
in  which  the  Spaniards  collected  the  greatest 
quantity  of  wealth,  are  those  of  the  proceed- 
ings against  Atahualpa,  and  the  pillage  of  Cuzco, 
The  ransom  of  the  Inca  which  was  divided 
in  1531,  among  60  cavaliers,  and  100  foot, 
amounted  according  to  Garcilasso,  to  3,930,000 
ducats  in  gold,  and  672,670  ducats  in  silver. 
Reducing  these  sums  into  marcs,  we  find  41,987 
marcs  of  gold,  and  115,508  marcs  of  silver, 
amounting  together  in  value  to  3,838,058  pias- 
tres, at  8  reah  de  plata  Mexicana,  or  20,149,804* 
livres  tournoisf.  This  treasure  which  was  col- 
lected together  in  one  house,  the  ruins  of  which 
I  saw  during  my  stay  at  Caxamarca  in  1802, 
had  served  as  ornaments  in  the  temples  of 
the  sun  of  Pachacamac,  Huailas,  Cuzco,  Gua- 
machuco,  and  SicUapampa.  GomaraJ,  only  esti- 
mates the  ransom  of  Atalhualpa  at  52,000 
marcs  of  silver,  and  at  1,326,500  pesos  de  oro, 
or  to  17,000  marcs  of  silver.  In  whatever 
relates  to  numbers,  it  seldom  happens  that  the 


*  ae 822,438  Sterling.     Trans. 

f  Garcilasso,  P.  ii.  Lib.  i.  c.  28  and  38.  (T.  ii.  p.  27  and  51 ) . 
Father  Bias  Valcra  reckons  4,800,000  ducados, 
%  Historia  delas  IndiaSfl55Sf^,67. 

428       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  iv, 

authors  of  the  16th  century  are  unauimous. 
The  spoil  of  Cnzco,  according'  to  Herrera*, 
was  more  than  two  millions  of  pesos,  or  above 
25,700   marcs  of  gold. 

From  these  data  it  appears  probable,  that 
the  conquests  of  Mexico  and  Peru,  did  not 
throw  into  the  hands  of  the  Spaniards  more  than 
80,000  marcs  of  gold.  The  greater  part  of 
the  treasures  were  buried  by  the  Indians,  or 
thrown  into  the  lakesf;  and  so  much  of  them 
as  have  been  found  fron^  time  to  time  in  raking 
with  Huacas,  and  paid  the  fifth  to  the  King,  have 
been  confounded  with  the  gold  extracted  from 
the  mines.  We  shall  add  to  these  80,000 
marcs  of  gold,  what  was  carried  off  in  small 
portions  from  the  Wc  <  India  Islands,  the  coast 
of  Paria  and  Saint  Martha,  Darien  and  Flor 
rida;  and  we  shall  have,  reckoning  two  tliou" 
sand  marcs  per  annum,  till  the  mines  of  Tasco 
and  Potosi  began  to  be  worked,  another  sum 
of  106,000  marcs  of  gold. 

The  quantity  of  specie  now  in  circulation  in 

♦  Dec.  V.  Lib.  vi.  c.  3. 

•j-  Into  the  lake  of  Tezeuco  in  Mexico;  into  Guatavita 
to  the  north  west  of  Santa  Fe  de  Bogota;  and  into  the 
lakes  of  Titicaca,  and  of  the  valley  of  Orcos.  This  last 
lake  is  supposed  to  contain  the  famous  gold  chain,  which 
the  Inca  Huayna  Capac  caused  to  be  made  on  the  birth 
of  his  son  Huescar,  and  which  has  so  much  occupied 
the  imagination  of  the  first  colonists  of  Peru, 


tHAP.  XI  3         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       429 

the  New  World,  is  much  less  than  is  com- 
monly supposed.  To  judge  of  this  with  any 
degree  of  accuracy,  we  must  recollect  that  the 
specie  of  France*,  is  estimated  at  2500  mil- 
lions of  livres  tournoisf  j  that  of  Spain  J,  at  450 
millions §j  and  that  of  Great  Britain||,  at  920 
millions^ ;  and  that  the  mass  of  gold  and  silver 
which  remains  in  circulation  in  a  country,  far 
from  following  a  proportion  to  its  population, 
depends  rather  on  the  prosperity,  and  civiliza- 
tion of  the  inhabitants,  and  the  quantity  of  pro- 
ductions which  require  to  be  represented  by 
pecuniary  signs.  Supposing  the  value  of  the 
precious  metals  existing  either  in  specie,  or  in 
Wrought  gold  and  silver, 




•  According  to  M.  Necker  in  1784,  at  2200  milHont 
of  livres;  according  to  M.  Arnoakl  in  1791,  t%vo  thousand 
millions  of  livres ;  according  to  M.  Desrotours  in  1 801,  at 
2290  millions;  and  according  to  M.  M.  Peucliet  and  Ger- 
boux  in  1805,  at  2550  millions  of  livres  tournois. 

f  Upwards  of  102  millions  Sterling.     Trans, 

■}(.  According  to  Ustariz  in  1724,  a  hundred  million  ot 
piastres,  and  according  to  the  assertion  of  M.  Musquiz, 
the  minister  of  finance,  cited  in  the  work  of  M.  Boar- 
going,  80  millions  of  piastres  in  1 782. 

$  jg  18,367/34-0  Sterling.     Trans, 

II  Adam  Smith  only  estimates  it  at  30  millions  sterling 
at  most. 

%  16  37.551,000  Sterling.     Trans, 

430       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv, 

livres  tournois* 
In  the  United  States,  including' 

English  Canada     -         -         -         180  millions 
In  the  Spaniih  Colonies*  of  the 

Continent      -         -         -         -         480 
In  Brazil  -         -         -         120 

In  the  West  India  Islands  25 

We  find  a  Total  of  ^         805  millionsf 

t)f  livres  tournois,  or  1 53,333,000  piastres. 

A  very  small  part  of  the  gold  and  silvei* 
extracted  from  the  mines  of  America,  passes 
immediately  into  Africa  and  Asia,  without 
first  touching  Europe.  We  shall  estimate  the 
quantity  of  precious  metals,  which  has  flowed 
from  Acapulco  into  the  Philippine  Islands,  since 
the  conclusion  of  the  16th  century,  at  600,000 
piastres  J  per  anmim§.     The   expeditions  from 

*  We  have  followed  in  these  valuations,  the  principlea 
laid  down  by  Adam  Smith  and  Nccker,  taking  for  basisT 
the  num  ber  of  inhabitants,  the  mass  of  imposts  paid  td 
the  government,  the  wealth  of  the  clergy,  and  the  relative 
activity  of  commerce.  These  calculations  are  the  more 
uncertain,  as  a  great  number  of  Negroes  and  Indians  aro 
mi)ced  with   the  whites. 

t  1632,858,137  Sterling.     Trans, 

%  jg  126,000  Sterling.     Trans, 

<^  I  am  aware,  that  Lord  Anson  found  in  the  Aca- 
pulco galleon  which  fell  into  his  hands,  the  sum  of 
1,357,454<  piastres.  (Anson*s  Voyage^  p.  384) ;  but  we  can- 
not estimate  the  annual  importation  at  more  than  600,000 
piastres,  when  we  consider  that  the  galleon  has  not  sailed 
every  year  siace  the  end  of  the  16th  century. 

^  ^ 

CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       431 

Lima  to  Manilla  have  been  very  rare,  even 
latterly.  The  vessels  sent  from  the  West  India 
Islands,  and  formerly  from  the  ports  of  the 
United  States  to  the  western  coast  of  Africa, 
in  the  slave  trade,  exported  not  only  fire  arms, 
brandy,  and  hardwares,  but  also  silver  in  specie; 
but  this  exportation  was  compensated  for  by 
the  purchase  of  gold  dust  on  the  coast  of 
Guinea,  and  by  the  lucrative  commerce  which 
the  An o'lo- Americans  carry  on  with  several 
parts  of  Europe. 

Now  if  we  deduct  from  the  570(5  millions 
of  piastres,  drawn  from  the  mines  of  the  New 
Continent,  since  its  discovery  by  Christopher 
Columbus,  till  the  present  day, 

153  millions  of  piastres  which  exist  either 

in    specie,   or  in  wrought    gold   and 

silver  in  the  civilized  part  of  America. 

133  millions  of  piastres  which  have  past  from 

the  western  coast  of  America  into  Asia, 



286  millions  of  piastres, 
we  find  that  Europe  has  received  from  the 
New  World  in  the  course  of  three  centuries,  5420 
millions  of  piastres*.  Taking  also  the  1 86,000 
marcs  of  gold,  which  have  passed  as  spoil  into 
the  hands    of    the   conquerors   at  25  millions^ 

*  £  1,138,200,000  Sterling.   Trans, 


POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  ly; 

it  follows  that  the  quantity  of  gold  and  silver 
imported  into  Europe  from  America,  betweeii 
1492  and  1803>  amounts  to  five  thousand  Jour 
hundred  and  forty -five  millions  of  piastres,  or 
to  twenty  eight  thousand  five  hundred  and  eighty- 
six  millions  oflivres  tournois*. 

This  calculation  like  all  those  of  Forbon- 
nais,  Ustariz  Necker,  and  Raynal,  is  partly 
founded  on  facts,  and  partly  on  mere  conjecture. 
It  is  easy  to  Csincc\\e  that  the  results  are  the  more 
accurate,  as  we  were  enabled  to  avail  ourselves 
of  a  greater  number  of  tacts,  and  as  the  con- 
jectures are  founded  on  a  more  intimate  ac- 
quaintance with  the  history  and  present  state 
of  the  mines  of  the  New  Continent.  It  is 
for  those  of  my  readers,  who  are  accustomed 
to  researches  of  this  nature,  to  judge  whether 
the  sums  fixed  on  by  me  are  nearer  the  truths 
than  those  which  have  been  hitherto  adopted 
in  the  most  esteemed  and  popular  works. 

Dividing  the  5445  millions  of  piastres,  among 
rtie  311  years  since  the  discovery  of  the  New 
Worlds  till  1803, wt  tind  that  the  average  annual 
importation  auiouiits  to  seventeen  millions  and 
a  htilf  of  piastres.  From  the  historical  researches 
^hich  it  has  hitherto  been  in  my  pow  er  to  make, 
it  appears  to  me  that  the  treasures  of  America 
bave  flowed  iuto  Europe  in  the  following  pro- 

*  rf  1,166,775,3^2  Sterljn{? 

CHAP,  j.i.2  KINGDOxM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.      43ii 


Average  an 
nual  impo.' 
&  silver  from 
America  in 
to  Europe. 


1500— 154-5 



'elattve  tothe  History  of  the  Mines. 

Discovery  of  the  West  India  Is- 
lands;  Gold  washing  places  of 
Cibao  ;  expedition  of  Alonzo  Nino 
to  the  coast  of  Paria;  voyage  of 
2£0,000  Cabral.  The  fleets  did  not  arriv« 
levery  year  in  Spain,  and  that  of 
Ovando  was  considered  as  immense- 
ly rich,  though  it  was  only  laden 
with  2560  marcs  of  silver. 

The  Mexican  mines  of  Tasco, 
Zultepeque,  and  Pachuca  wrought ; 
Peruvian  mines  of  Porco,  Caran- 
gas,  Andacava,  Oruro,  Carabaya, 
and  Chaquiapu  (or  la  Paz) ;  spoil 
at  Tenochtitlan,  and  at  Caxamarca, 
and  Cu  CO ;  conquest  of  Choco  and 



1600l_170OJ  16,000,000 



Mines  of  Zacatecas  and  Gua- 
naxuato  in  New  Spain  ;  Cerro  del 
Potosi,  in  the  Cordilleras  of  Peru  ; 
tranquil  possession  of  Chili,  and 
the  provinciaii  internas  of  Mexico. 

The  mines  of  Potosi  begin  to 
get  exhausted,  especially  after  the 
middle  of  the  17th  century;  but 
the  mines  of  Vauricocha  are  dis- 
covered. The  mining  produce  of 
New  Spain,  rises  from  two  to  five 
millionH  of  piastres  per  annum  ;  the 
gold  washing  places  of  Barbacoav 
and  Choco. 

The  alluvious  mines  of  Brazil 
wro  .ight ;  Mexican  mines  of  la  Bis- 
cairtu,  Xacal ;  Tiapujahua,  Sombre- 
re  e,  and  Hatopilas ;  importation 
of  gold  and  silver  into  Spain,  from 
n  hH  io  1753,  at  an  average  19 
millions  of  piasti  t's  annually.     •  - 







VOL.    Ill 




BOOK    IV. 


Average  an 
nual  impor 
8c  silver  from 
America  in- 
to Europe. 


1750—1803    35,300,000 

relative  to  the  History  of  the  Mines. 

Last  period  of  the  splendour  of 
Tasco  ;mine  of  Valenciana  wrought; 
discovery  of  the  mines  of  Catorce, 
and  the  Cerro  de  Gualgavoc ;  im- 
lortation  of  gold  and  silver  into 
{pain,  towards  the  comrnencement 
of  the  19th  century,  4S|  millions 
of  piastres. 

We  have  already  remarked  that  the  pro- 
portion  between  gold  and  silver  which  was 
before  the  discovery  of  America  as  10  to  .1, 
gradually  changed  to  16 :  1.  It  would  be  of 
importance  to  know  the  quantity  of  gold 
which  at  different  periods  has  flowed  fron^ 
the  one  continent  to  the  other ;  but  for  this 
we  want  accurate  data.  The  little  which  we 
know  is  reduced  to  the  following  facts. 

Till  1525  Europe  had  received  from  the 
new  world  little  else  than  gold;  and  from 
that  period  till  the  discovery  of  the  mines 
of  Brazil  towards  the  end  of  the  seventeenth 
centuiy,  the  silver  imported  exceeded  the  im- 
portation of  gold  in  the  proportion  of  60  or 
65  to  1.  In  the  first  half  of  the  eighteenth 
century,  the  commerce  in  the  precious  metals 
uinlerwenl  an  extraordinary  revolution;  the 
pioduce  of  the  silver  mines  experienced  fuhiIL 
variation ;    but   Brazil,  Choco,    Antioquia,    Po- 

CHAP.  XI.] 

KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       435 

pay  an  and  Chili,  have  furnished  so  considerable 
a  quantity  of  gold,  that  Europe  has  not  perhaps 
drawn  from  America  30   marcs  of  silver  for 
one  marc  of  gold.     In  the  last    half  of  the 
past  century  the  silver  has  again   increased  in 
the  market.    The  mines  of  New    Spain    sup- 
plied Spain  at  an  average  with  two  millions  and 
a  half  of  marcs  of  silver  annually,  instead   of 
the  six  hundred  thousand  which  they  furnished 
between  1700  and  1710.     As  the  produce  of 
gold  has  not  continued  to  increase  hi  the  same 
proportion,    the   result   is    that    from   1750  to 
>1800,  the  quantity  of  gold  imported  into  Europe 
was  to  the   quantity  of  silver    imported  *    in 
the  proportion  of  1  to  40.  The  mines  of  New 
Spain  have    as  it    were    counterbalanced   the 
effects    which  the   abundance  of  the    gold  of 
Brazil  would  have  produced.     In  general  we 
ought  not  to  be  astonished  that  the  proportion 
between  the   respective    values    of   gold    and 
silver  ^as  not  always  varied  in  a  very  sensible 
manner  according  as  one  of  these    may   have 
preponderated  in  the  mass  of    metal  imported 
from  America  into  Europe.  The  accumulation 
of  silver  appears  to  have  produced  its  whole  effect 




*  Meggenf  found  the  proportion  between  gold  and  silver, 
from  1748  to  1753  as  1  to  22^ ;  from  1753  to  1764  as 
1  to  26  4,.  M.  Gerimn  mffO^aiU  in  IS09  ai  I  to29|. 

?  F  2 

436       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  it. 

anterior  to  the  year  1650,  when  the  proportion 
*of  g-old  and  silver  was  in  Spain  and  Italy  as 
I  to  15.  Since  that  period  the  population  and 
conimercial  relations  of  Europe  have  experienced 
such  a  considerable  increase,  that  the  varia- 
tions in  the  value  of  the  precious  metals  have 
-depended  on  a  great  number  of  combined 
causes,  and  especially  on  the  exportation  of 
silver  to  the  East  Indies  and  China,  and  its 
consumptioh  in  plate.  -"' .^»*    r   ^r        ' 

If  Europe  at  present  produces  according 
to  M.  Heron  de  Villefosse,  215,000  marcs 
of  silver  for  5300  marcs  of  gold,  or  40  marc» 
of  silver  for  one  marc  of  gold,  it  appears  on 
the  other  hand,  that  in  the  fifteenth  and  six- 
teenth centuries,  the  proportion  was  more  in 
favour  of  the  silver.  The  produce  of  the 
mines  and  gold  washing  places  diminished 
in  Germany  and  Hungary  at  the  time  that 
the  silver  mines  were  most  successfully  wrought. 
The  mines  of  Freiberg  alone,  which  in  th« 
sixteenth  century  yielded  only  16,000  marcs 
per  annum,  yield  more  than  50,000  at  pre- 
sent. I  am  inclined  to  believe  that  even 
without  the  discovery  of  America,  the  value 
of  gold   would  have  risen  in   Europe. 

Let  us  examine,  before  concluding  this 
chapter,  what  has  become  of  the  treasiucvc 
drawn  from  the  New  Continent.  Where  are 
the  twenty   oi^ht   thousand    millions   of  livrm 

CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       407 

tournois,  which  Europe  has  received  for 
three  centuries  from  Spanish  and  Portu<^uese 
America?  Forbonnais  supposed  that  of  21  \  thou- 
sand millions  of  livres  which  according  to 
him  were  imported  from  the  one  continent 
into  the  other,  between  1492  and  1724,  the 
half  has  been  absorbed  by  the  Indian  and 
Levant  trade  j  that  a  fourth  was  used  in  plate, 
or  lost  in  melting,  or  by  the  minute  division 
in  trinkets;  and  that  the  remainder  was  con- 
verted into  specie.  He  estimated  the  precious 
metals  circulating  in  Europe  in  1766  at  7500 
millions  of  livres  tournois  *,  without  includingf 
in  this  sum  the  produce  of  the  mines  of 
Spanish  America  since  1724,  nor  the  specie 
existing  in  Europe  previous  to  the  discovery 
of  the  New  World.  M.  Gerboux,  in  an  in- 
teresting memoir  on  pecuniary  legislation, 
has  endeavoured  to  verify  and  extend  the 
calculations  of  Forbonnais,  He  believes  the 
actual  existing  specie  of  Europe  amounts  to 
10,6(00  millions  of  livi'es  tournois  f,  or  219 
i^illions  of  piastreN,  and  that  Ix^fore  1492 
there  were  only  600  millions  or  114  millions 
of  piastres.  J 

It  is  surprising   that    such    an    enlightened 
financier,    as     M.     Necker   should    have    ad- 



T  1 



*  tf 306,1 22,400  Sterling.     Trans. 
f  jg4.32,652,992  Sterling.     Trans. 
X  ie2i,489,792  Sterling.    Tr  «  s. 

438       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

vanced  in  1775,  that  the  specie  of  France 
constituted  nearly  the  half  of  the  coin  of 
Europe,  and  that  the  whole  of  Europe  only 
possessed  4,500  millions  of  livres  tournois*, 
in  specie.  The  inaccuracy  of  this  assertion 
has  been  proved  by  M.  Demeunier,  in  the 
Encychpedie  Methodique,  and  by  M.  Gerboux 
and  M.  Peuchet  f.  Indeed  M.  Necker  himself 
has  greatly  modified  it  in  his  work  on  the 
administration  of  the  finances. 

On  the  other  hand,  the  estimate  of  M.  Ger- 
boux, who  admits  that  the  actual  specie  of 
Europe  amounts  to  ten  thonsand  six  hundred 
millions  of  livres  |,  appears  a  great  deal  too 
high,  when  we  turn  our  attention  to  tl>e 
population  of  this  part  of  the  world.  It  is 
generally  believed  that  the  quantity  of  the 
precious  metals  which  circulated  in  anti- 
revolutionary  France,  is  known  with  considera- 
ble certainty  ;  and  on  account  of  the  losses 
occasioned  by  the  pecuniary  law  (loi  mone^ 
taire)  of  1803,  and  the  destruction  of  the 
colonial  commerce,  the  present    circulation    '\% 

*  jf  183,673,440  Sterling.     Trans, 

\  Demeuniery  Economic  politique,  T.  ii.  p.  325.  Ger' 
houx,  p,  75  &  92.  Peuchety  statisti^e  de  la  France^ 
p.  474.  Necker  de  P  administration  des  Jinances,  T.  iii* 
p.  75. 

•  15432,652,992  Sterling.    Trans. 

CHAP.  XI.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        4a9 

estimated  nt  1850  millions  of  livres  tournois  *. 
If  we  estimate  for  that  period,  the  population 
at  20,3(>3,O0O,  we  find  69  livres  for  each  inha 
bitant.  Now  Europe  contains  accordinjB^  to  the 
recent  researches  of  Mr.  Hassel  182,600,000  in- 
habitants, whereof  Russia,  Sweden,  Norway, 
Denmark,  and  the  Sclavonian  and  Sarma- 
tian  nations,  constitute  more  than  62  millions. 
Allowing  for  Great  Britain  and  for  the  West  and 
South  of  Europe,  or>  livres  per  individual,  and  for 
other  countries  less  advanced  in  civilization  f  30 
livres,  we  shall  find  that  the  total  specie  of  Eu- 
rope cannot  be  carried  beyond  8603  millions  J 
(16^37  millions  of  piastres)  a  sum  almost 
equal  to  the  half  of  the  debt  of  Gi'eat  Britain  §. 

*  je73,1^9,376  Sterling.     Trans, 

f  In  1805  the  effective  currency  of  the  Austrian  mo- 
narchy was  estimated  at  250  or  300  miUioDS  of  florins, 
admitting  a  population  of  25,548,000  inhabitanU.  C Hassel 
Statist.  Umriss.  von  Europa,  p.  29 J.  How  could  the  Abb6 
Raynal  estimate  the  specie  of  Portugal  at  only  18 
millions  of  livres,  and  that  of  Brazil  at  20  millions? 
CHisi.  philos.,  T.  ii.  p.  434  and  460).  Brazil  contains 
at  present  four  millions  of  inhabitanits,  among  whom  ther6 
are  ]  ,500,000  Negroes ;  and  how  could  he  suppose  that 
in  a  country,  where  even  the  Indians  enjoy  more  of  the 
benefits  of  life  than  in  the  Spanish  Colonies,  and  where 
there  are  very  populous  cities,  only  ten  livres  per  free 
individual,  when  in  the  northern  part  of  Europe,  we  must 
reckon  from  30  to  40.? 

X  1^351,142,800  Sterling.    Trans. 

§  Playfair,  Statistical  Breviary.  (1801.  p.  37.)  The 
debt  amounted  in  1802  to  562  millions  Sterling;  in  1810 
to  640  millions. 





440        POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  it. 

Hence  it  tne  population  of  France  is  actually 
in  the  proportion  of  one  to  five  to  that  of  Europe, 
the  quantity  of  precious  metals  which  it 
contains  is  to  that  which  is  spread  throughout 
Europe  as    1  to   3^. 

We  have  already  seen    that    the    mines    of 
Asiatic     Russia,    and    Europe,    annually   fur- 
nish a  produce   of  21    millions    of    livres    or 
four  millions  of  piastres     per   annum  *.     We 
learn  from  the  Dutch  authors   that   from  four 
to  five  thousand  marcs  of  gold  come  annually 
in   dust  from  Guinea   into    Europe.     We   es- 
timate the  produce  of  the   mines    of  Europe 
and  the  importation   from  Northern  Asia  and 
Africa,  since    the   discovery    of    America,    at 
only  six  millions  of  livres  per  annum  t ;  and 
hence  supposing  the   actual  specie   of  Europe 
8603  millions,  and  according  to   M.  Gerboux 
that  which  existed  in  1492  at  600  millions,  it 
follows    that    22,450    millions    of  livres    have 
been  carried  out  to  the  East  Indies,  converted 
into    plate,    and    lost    by    melting.     Dividing 
this  sum   among  213    years    we    find    at    an 
average,   an  annual  loss  in  gold  and    silver  of 
72  millions  of  livres  J    (13,700,000   piastres). 
It  has  been  already  proved   that   the    impor- 

*  iC840,000  SterliHg,  Trans. 
+  ie24-4,897  Sterling.  Trans. 
%  ig2,938,774  Sterling.    Trans. 

CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       411 

tation  from  America  during'  the  same  period, 
amounted  to  92  millions  of  livres  (Mk  millions 
of  piastres)  per  annum.       ^'' 

The  time  is  yet  so  recent  since  statistical 
researches  first  began  to  be  carried  on,  that 
it  is  impossible  to  know  in  detail,  the  value 
of  the  exportatioas  of  gold  and  silver  into 
Asia  in  the  sixteenth  and  seventeenth  centuries. 
We  shall  merely  then  take  a  rapid  view  of 
the  present  state  of  things,  and  observe  the 
periodical  flux  and  reflux  by  which  the  pre- 
cious metals  are  conveyed  from  one  continent 
to  the  other.  If  we  recollect  that  since  the 
conclusion  of  the  eighteenth  century,  Europe 
receives  annually  from  Europe  nearly  80,000 
marcs  of  gold,  and  nearly  four  millions  of 
marcs  of  silver  Castille  weight,  we  must  be 
surprised  not  to  observe  more  sensible  effects 
from  the  accumulation  of  the  metals  in  the 
old  world. 

The  gold  and  silver  of  Europe  flow  into 
Asia  by  three  principal  ways :  1st.  By  com- 
merce with  the  Levant,  Egypt  and  the  Red 
Sea ;  2nd.  By  maritime  commerce  with  the 
East  Indies  and  China;  and  3rd.  by  the  com- 
merce  of  Russia  with  China  and  Tartary. 

The  commerce  of  the  Levant  and  the 
Northern  coast  of  Africa  requires  a  considera- 
ble quantity  of  ducats,  piastres,   and    German 


"■rif^-  ^ 
■'•*.    I 



442       POLITICAL  £8SAY  ON  THE         t'ooKi^ 

crowns,  the  exportation  of  which  diminishes  the 
specie  of  Europe.  We  cannot,  however,  ^briug 
ourselves  to  estimate  this  Iom  at  more  than 
four  millions  of  piastres  per  annum  ^«  because 
the  balance  of  the  trade  of  the  Levant  is  at 
present  in  favour  of  England  f  to  th^  amount 
of  from  two  millions  and  a  half  to  three 
millions  of  piastres.  According  to  the  tables 
published  by  M.  ArnouldJ,  the  trade  was  in 
1789  from  three  to  four  millions  against 
France.  Spain,  the  nations  of  the  north, 
and  especially  Germany,  are  obliged  to  pay 
in  specie  in  the  ports  of  the  Ottoman  empire 
and  the  Barbary  coast.  The  expoi*tation  of 
silver  from  the  Austrian  monarchy  alone 
into  Turkey  and  the  Levant  is  estimated  at 
a  million   and  a  half  of  piastres.  ^  .,  . 

The  East  Indies  and  China  are  the  coun- 
tries which  absorb  the  greatest  part  of  the 
gold  and  silver,  extracted  from  the  mines  of 
America.  I  cannot  admit  that  before  1760, 
this  absorption  was  eight  millions  of  piastres 
per  annum§,  and  that    from    that  period  till 

*  1^840,000  Sterling.     Trans, 

f  According  to  the  tables  of  M.  Play&ir,  Great  Britain 
gained  in  1800,  in  her  trade  with  the  Levant  jCGOOiOOO 
Sterling ;  and  she  lost  in  her  trade  with  Turkey  £GOfiOO 
Sterling  ( Commema/  Atlas)  1801.  pi.  xiii.  ; 

X  De  la  balance  du  commerce,  T.  iii.  n.  ii. 

J  1^1,680,000  Sterling.    Trans, 

tiHAP,  jci.]         iCmODOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       443 

180S,  it  hail  g^rddnally  diminished  to  5  miU 
lions^.  AHbougfh  we  g-enerally  form  exag^^e- 
rated  ideas^^  of  the  loss  experienced  by  Eu- 
rope, from  the  balance  of  trade  with  Asia, 
it  is  not  the  less  certain  that  the  exportation 
of  specie,  greatly  exceeds  the  sum  specified 
by  the  estimable  author  whom  we  have  just 
now  quoted.  .,• 

The  luxury  of  Europe  at  present,  requires 
eleven  times  more  tea  than  in  1721;  but  on 
the  other  hand,  the  commerce  with  the 
countries  situated  on  this  side  the  Ganges, 
has  experienced  a  very  considerable  change, 
since  the  period  when  the  English  formed  a 
great  empire  in  India.  The  manufactor-p'  of 
Great  Britain  actually  furnish  to  the  commerce 
with  southern  Asia,  ficoods  to  the  value  of 
more  than  11,460,000  piastres  per  annumf. 
According  to  the  valuable  information  contained 
in  the  Travels  of  Lord  Macartney  J,  the  En- 



•n  ' 



*  GerbouXf  p  36  and  70.  Consult  also  the  researches  of 
M.  Gamier  respecting  the  commerce  of  India,  in  hit 
Commentary  on  Smithy  t.  v.  p.  361 — 375,  and  Toze^  p. 

•f"  Playfair's  Chart,  iii. 

X  Macartney's  travels  (French  Edit.\  vol  i.p.47  and 
58.  By  the  table  given,  page  73,  the  importation  of 
silver  by  the  English  East  India  Company  would  only 
kave  been  from  1775  to  1795,  jff3,676,000  Sterling  (I 
value  the  poimd  sterling  at  4i%^  piastres,   or  4t3  feouft 









^      ^ 





l^|21    125 

|50     ^^       ■■■ 

£  us   12.0 

IL25  i  1.4 












(716)  •72-4503 



444       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE        [book  iv. 

glish  imported  into  Canton,  in  1725,  in  the  pro- 
duce of  their  own  manufactories  and  Indian 
goods,  to  the  value  of  4,410,000  piastres.  They 
received  in  return  Chinese  goods  and  produce 
to  the  value  of  6,614,000  piastres.  Suppo- 
sing the  balance  of  ti*ade  with  China,  to 
have  been  more  unfavourable  for  the  other 
nations  of  Europe,  than  for  the  English,  we 
might  estimate  the  importation  of  the  preci- 
ous metals  into  China,  by  Canton,  Macao, 
and  Emoui,  at  an  average  of  4  or  5  millions 
of  piastres  per  annum*.  In  1766  it  only 
amounted  to  2,688,000  piasiresf.        -^     * 

Let  us  examine  more  narrowly  the  state  of 
the  trade  of  Canton.  Lord  Macartney  -in 
1795  valued  the  quantity  of  tea  purchased 
by  all  the  nations  of  Europe  only  at  34  mil- 
lions of  pounds,  of  which  the  English  alone 
took  20  millions.  But  according  to  the  inter- 
esting information  communicated  by  M.  de 
Sainte  Croix  J,  there  was  exported  from  Canton : 

touraois).     Author, 

The  author  in  a  note  to  page  16,  estimates  the  English 
shilling  at  25  sous:  now  20  shillingSsjClssSOO  sous. 
Tram.  ;j='  « 

*  1^640,000,  or  jf  1,050,000  Sterling.  Trans, 
f  iSoyna/,  t.  i.  p.  674.  ■.,....■ 

t  Voyage  commerdal  et  politique  aux  Indes  Orientates 
par  M,  Felix  Renouard  de  Saints  Croix,  1810,  t.  iii.  p.  153, 
161,  and  170.  The  price  of  a  pic  or  pickle  of  bou 
tea  at  Canton  is  from  12  to  15  taels  (at  7  francs  41  cent. 

CHAP.  XI.]        t:  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       445 




By  all  the  Nations 
pf  Europe,  and  by 
the  Anglo   Ame- 

■  • 

By    the    English 


In  1804 

■    '^'    -          1805 


411,149  pickles 



279,063  pickles. 




Average  Year. 



A  pickle  beingl 
120      pounds,  > 
Frenchweight.  J 

44,885,000  lib. 



The  cTtportation  of  tea  has  then  increased 
between  1795  and  1806  more  than  one  fourth. 
Yet  we  can  hardly  admit,  that  the  loss  of 
ffpecie  annually  experienced  by  Europe,  in- 
creases in  the  same  proportion  :  for  the  im- 
portation of  English  woollen  stuffs  alone  into 
China,  rose  from  (500,000  piastres  to  3  mil- 
lions of  piastres,  between    1787   and   1796. 

According  to  M.  de  Guignes,  who  had  the 
itiugular  good  fortune  of  penetrating  into  the 
interior  of  China,  the  quantity  of  specie  im- 
ported into  Canton  by  the  English,  did  not 
amount  in  1807,  to  more  than  3  millions  of 
piastres.    If    Great  Britain   did  not  possess  a 

the  tael).  Other  sorts  of  tea  are  much  dearer ;  the   cang- 

fbu  costs  from    25    to    27    taels ;     the  saoutchou   costs 

from  40  to  50 ;  the  haysuen  from  50  to  60  (Des  Guignes^ 

Voyage    a  Pekint   t,  iii.  p.  248.       Ephemerides  geogr.  de 

M.  de  Zach,  1798,  p.  179—191.) 


446       POLITICAL  KSSAY  ON  THE         [booic  iv. 

considerable  part  of  the  £arit  Indies,  her  loss 
in  specie  would  be  more  than  doublet! ;  for 
nearly  4  millions  of  piastres  are  annually 
paid  to  the  Chinese,  by  the  commerce  from 
one  part  of  India  to  another,  that  is  to  say 
by  the  cotton  of  Surat  and  Bombay,  by  the 
tin  (calin)  of  Malacca,  and  by  the  opium 
of  Bengal.  The  Dutch  paid  their  balatice 
with  1,300,000  piastres,  the  Swedes  and  the 
Danes  together,  with  a  million^w  France 
from  1784  to  1808  lost  in  general,  in  her 
commerce  with  the  East  Indies^  at  an  averagci 
6,968,000  livres  tournois,  or  1,327 ,000t  pilistres>. 
These  partial  data  agfree  very '  well  with  lh6 
general  result  which  we  fixed  on  above^  for 
the  exportation  of  silver  into   China.      -   -^^ 

It  is  more  difficult  to  estimate  the  loss  ex^ 
perienced  by  Europe  in  her  relations  with 
the  whole  of  Asia,  from  the  commerce  by 
the  Cape  of  Grood  Hope.  That  part  of  the 
loss  applicable  to  the  commerce  of  the  En- 
glish was  in  1800,  according  to  the  researches 
of  M.  Playfairt,  2,200,000  Sterling,  or 
9,701,000  piastres.  It  is  true  that  the  same 
author  estimates  the  value  of  the  exports  from 
all  lliiidostan,  at  30  millions  of  piastres;  but 

♦  De  Guignes,  iii.  p.  206, 207,  210,  215. 

f  Arnould  de  la  Balance  du  Cotnmerce,  t.  iii.  N".  13. 

X  Trade  to  and  from  the  East  Indies  (Atlas  pi.  iii.  p.  1^). 

CHAP,  xi.j         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       447 

this  vast  country  not  only  gains  in  its  com- 
merce with  Europe,  but  also  in  its  commerce 
with  the  other  parts  of  Western  Asia,  and 
the  islands  in  its  vicinity.  While  we  ac- 
knowledge the  great  uncertainty  of  these  cal- 
culations of  balance,  smd  national  accounts, 
we  Mre  forced  to  recur  to  them  to  obtain  re- 
sults which  approach  the  truth.  It  appears 
from  the  information  just  given,  that  the  ex- 
portation of  gold  and  silver  from  Europe,  by 
the  way  of  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope  amounts 
to  more  than  17  millions  of  piastres.  In  this 
calculation  we  have  attended  to  the  present 
state  of  the  trade  of  Madagascar,  Mokka, 
and  Banora,  as  well  as  the  auriferous  cop- 
per of  Japan,  supplied  by  the  Dutch  trade 
to  Nagasaki^,  and  the  treasures  which  the 
servants  of  the  East  India  Company  bring 
from  Bengal  into  England.  These  treasures 
were  valued  by  M.  Dundas  at  more  than 
4   millions  of  piastres  per  annum. 

If  a  part  of  China  should  have  the  mis- 
foi*tune  of  being  subjugated  by  some  warlike 
nation,  which  was  at  once  mistress  of  Mexico, 
Peru,  and  the  Philippine  islands,  this  conquest 
would  occasion  a  smaller  reflux  of  the  pre- 
cious metals  into  America  or  Europe,  than 
we   are  generally   inclined    to   believe.     We 










*  Thunberg,  Voyage  au  Japon,  t.  il  p.  8. 

448        POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  ir. 

see  from  the  accounts  of  Macartney,  Barrow, 
De  Guignes  and  other  intelligent  travellers, 
that  gold  and  silver  are  not  more  common 
in  China,  than  in  the  greatest  part  of  the 
countries  of  Europe.  The  annual  revenue 
of  the  state,  is  no  doubt  estimated  at  1584 
millions  of  francs*  (301,714,000  piastres)!;  hut 
the  greater  part  of  this  sum  is  paid  in  the 
produce  of  the  soil  and  Chinese  industry; 
and  according  to  M.  BarrowJ,  the  quantity 
which  enters  Pckin  in  specie  annually,  only 
amounts  to  36  millions  of  ounces  of  silver, 
which  arc  estimated  at  o2,91 4,000  piastres. 
The  Chinese  believe  that  large  sums  are  an- 
nually sent  to  Moukden,  the  capital  of  the 
country  of  tlie  Mantchoux  Tartars;  but  this 
opinion  is  not  founded  on  facts.  Several 
mandarins  are  in  the.  possession  of  im- 
mense wealth.  The  prime  minister  of  the 
Emperor  Tchienlong,  was  stript  of  10  mil- 
lions of  taels,  or  74,500,000  livres  tournois§ 
in  specie,  which  he  had  accumulated  by  ex- 
tortion ||;  but  the   emperor  is  very   frequently 

*  rf64.,653,000  Sterling.    Trans. 
f  According  to  Lord  Macartney ;  710  millions  according 
to  M.  De  Guisnes.  t.  ill.  p.  102. 

X  Barrow's  Travels   (French  Edit.)  t.  ii.  p.  198. 
§  163,040.815  Sterling.  Trans. 
Ij   BarroWf  U  ii.  p.  l7S. 

•*  , , 

CHAP.  n.l         Kl^DOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       449 

in  want  of  money.  What  Europe  loses  in 
the  balance  of  trade  with  China,  is  spread 
over  a  g^eat  population ;  a  considerable  quan- 
tity of  gold  and  silver  is  converted  into 
wire  and  leaf^;  the  accumulation  of  specie 
is  very  slow,  and  has  scarcely  begun  to  be 
felt  within  these  twenty  years,  in  an  increase 
of  the  price  of  commoditiesf . 

There    remains    to   be   considered    a  third, 
way   for  the  exportation  of  the  precious  me- 
tals from  Europe  into  Asia,  that  which  is  car- 
ried by  the  Russian  trade.    We  learn  by  the 
tables  published  by  the  Count  de  Romanzof» 
that   the    importation   from    China,   into  the 
government  of  Irkoutsk,  was,  from    1802  to 
1805,     at     an    average,    to    the    amount   of 
2,035,900  roubles   in   tea,    and    2,434,400    in 
cotton.     In  general^   the  balance  of   trade  of 
Russia  with  China,  Bucharia,  the  country 
Khiva,  and  the  banks  of  the  Rirghiskaisaks, 
was  in  favour  of  the  Russian  Empire,  during 
the  same  period,  more  than  4,216,000  roubles 
per  annum];.     We  see  from  these  data,  that 
in  estimating  the  contraband  at  a  sixth,  the 
exportation  of  specie,  by  means  of  the  Cas- 

*  Macartney^  vol.  iv.  p.  286. 

t  Arocortaey,  vol.  iM.  p.  1Q5 ;  vol  iv.  p^  9Sl. 

X  TahUoM,  du  Cmttmncf  th  fJ^nyirf  tk  Ruttk,  tnm» 
latedbyM.  Pfeiffer,   1808,    ikm.   9sqA.10.    Olnam^k 
Nord  Litteraire,  1799,  ae.  7,  p  909. 
VOL.  III.  2  O 




''■  '"  '  i 





460       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         C»Ook  iv. 

pian  sea,  Caucasus,  Orenburg,  Tobolsk, 
Tomsk,  Irkoutsk,  and  Kiachta,  cannot  amount 
to  more  than  4   millions  of  piastres. 

We  have   ascertained  then*,    from  sources 
which  must   be   considered   as  the   best,   that 
of  the 
43,500,000  piastres  which  Europe   at  present 

receives    annually   from    America, 

there  flows  nearly 

'4,000,000,  into  Asia,  by  means  of 
the  Levant  trade 

,  17,500,000,  into  Asia,  by  the  Cape 
•25^,000  j      „f  Good  Hope 

4,000,000  into    Asia,    by  the  way 
of  Kiachta  and  Tobolsk 

18,000,000  gold  and  silver  of  America,  which 
remain  in  Europe 
We  must  discount  from  these  eighteen 
millions  of  piastres,  or  94,500,000  livrei  tour- 
noisf ,  what  is  lost  by  melting  down  and  dis- 
sipated in  a  number  of  small  jewels  and 
trinkets,  as  well  as  what  is  used  in  plate* 
lace,  and  gilding.  It  was  ascertained  at  the 
mirJt  of  Paris,  that  from  1709  to  1759,  the 
increase  of  plate  was  in  the  proportion    of    1 

*  See  the  sketch  of  a  map,  exhibiting  the  flux  and 
reflux  of  the  precious  metals  from  one  continent  to  the 
other,  in  the  atlas  to  this  work. 

t  rf3,780,00O  Sterling.     Trans, 

CHAP.  XI.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        451 

to  7.  M.  Necker  thought  himself  warranted 
in  estimating*  previous  to  1789,  ut  i  millions 
of  piastres*,  the  amount  annually  consumed 
in  jewels,  lace,  and  embroidered  stuffs  manu- 
factured in  Francef.  Part  of  these  metals 
was  evidently  derived  from  melting  down  the 
old  plate  and  lace ;  however  the  annual  con- 
sumption by  the  goldsmiths  of  ingots  of  silver, 
is  very  considerable! ;  and  when  we  add 
what  disappears,  from  transportation,  and  the 
friction  of  daily  circulation,  we  may  estimate 
with  Forbonnais,  and  other  writers  on  poli- 
tical economy,  that  the  quantity  of  precious 
metals  which  disappear  in  Europe,  or  which 
are  converted  into  ,plate  and  lace,  amounts  to 
a  third  of  the  total  mass  which  is  consumed 
by  the  commerce  with  Asia,  that  is  at  six 
or  seven  millions  of  piastres  per  annum.  On 
the  other  hand,  the  mines  of  Europe  and 
Siberia  furnish  annually  nearly  4  millions  of 
piastres.  According  to  these  calculations,  which 
from  their  nature  can  only  be  approximate,  the 
increase  of  the  gold  and  silver  currency  of 
Europe  appears  only  to  be  fifteen  millions  of 
piastres,  or  78,700,000  livres  tournois§.  Xhos« 




*  jS840,000  Sterling.  Trans. 

f  Necker,  t.  iii.  p.  74,  Peuchet,ip,  4>S9. 

X  Smith,  t.  ii.  p.  60  and  79. 

$  iS  3,2  i  2,243  Sterling.    Trans, 

2  G  a 

462       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [booi  v. 

per5icii5  >vho  hare  longf  inhabited  the  north 
and  east  of  Europe,  and  attentively  followed 
the  progrress  of  civilization  among  the  lowest 
classes  of  the  people  in  Poland,  Norway,  and 
Russia,  will  enteilain  no  doubt  of  the  reality 
of  this  accumulation  of  specie.  Its  effects 
must  be  scarcely  perceptible,  because  the 
capital  of  all  Europe  is  only  increased  at  the 
rate  of  one  per  cent,  per  annum. 

The  view  which  we  have  exhibited  in  this 
chapter,  of  the  present  state  of  the  mines  of 
the  New  World,  and  of  those  of  Mexico  in 
paiticular,  ought  to  lead  us  to  entertain  a 
dread  of  the  rapid  increase  of  the  sum  of 
representative  signs,  when  the  Highlanders 
of  North  and  South  America,  shall  gradually 
rouse  from  their  profound  lethargy,  in  which 
they  have  so  long  been  plunged.  It  would 
be  remote  from  the  principal  object  of  this 
work,  to  discuss  whether  the  interests  of  so- 
ciety would  really  suffer  from  this  accumu- 
lation  of  specie.  It  is  sufficient  in  this  place 
ia  observe,  that  the  danger  is  not  so  great 
£^  it  appears  on  a  first  view,  because  tha 
quantity  of  comnM)dities  which  enter  into 
commerce,  and  which  require  to  be  repre- 
sented, increases  with  the  number  of  repre- 
sentative signs.  The  price  of  grain  it  is  true, 
has  tripled  since  the  treasures  of  the  New 
Continent    were  poured  into  the    old.      Thiv 

CHAP.  H.1         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       459 

rise,    which   was    not   felt   till  the  middle  of 
the    16th   century,    took    place    suddenly    be- 
tween  1570  and   1595,    when    the    silver    of 
Potosi,    Porco,  Tasco,  Zacatecas,    and  Pachu- 
ca,    began   to    flow   throughout    all   parts    of 
Europe.     But  betwei^a  that  memorable  period 
in   the    history   of  commerce,   till    1636,    the 
<liscovery  of  the   mines  of  America,  produced 
its  whole  efT'ect  on  the  value  of  money.     The 
price  of  grain  has  not  in  reality  risen  to  the 
present  day ;     and  if    the  contrary   has  been 
advanced  by  several  authors,  it  is  from  their 
having  confounded  the  nominal  value  of  coin, 
with  the  true  proportion  between  money  and 

Whatever  opinion  may  be  adopted  as  to  the 
future  effects  of  the  accumulation  of  the  re- 
presentative signs,   if  we  consider  the  people 
of  New  Spain  under  the  relation  of  their  com- 
mercial connections  with     Europe,  icannot  be 
denied  that  in  the  present  state  of  things,  the 
abundance  of  the  precious  metals,  has  a  power- 
r. '   miluence  on  the  national  prosperity.       It 
is  from  this  abundance,  that  America    is  en> 
abled  to  pay  in  specie,  the  produce  of  foreign 
industry,    and  to  share  in  the  enjoyments  of 
the  most  civilized  nations  of  the  Old   Conti- 
nent.   Notwithstanding  this  real  advantage,    it 
is  to  be  sincerely  wished,  that  the  Mexicans, 
enlightened  as  to  their  true  interest,   may  re- 





454       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  iv. 

collect  that  the  only  capital  of  which  the  value 
increases  with  time,  consists  in  the  produce 
of  agriculture,  and  that  nominal  wealth  be- 
comes illusory,  whenever  a  nation  does  not 
possess  those  raw  materials,  which  serve  for 
the  subsistence  of  man,  or  as  employment  for 
his  industry. 

jt>--,'     tit/'yAK.' 






Manufacturing  Industry — Cotton  Cloth— 'Woollen — Cegars — 
Soda  and  Soap— 'Powder- -^Coin— Exchange  of  Productions 
'"•Internal  Commerce'— Roads— Foreign  Commerce  by  Vera 
Cruz  and  Acapulco— -Obstacles  to  that  Commerce-''YeU(m 

If  we  consider  the  small  progress  of   ma- 
nufactures in  Spain,  notwithstanding  the  nu- 
merous encouragements  which  they   have  re- 
ceived, since  the  ministry   of  the  Marquis  de 
la  Ensenada,   we  shall  not  be  surprised  that 
whatever  relates  to  manufactures  and  manu- 
facturing   industry    is    still   less   advanced  in 
Mexico.      The  restless  and  suspicious   policy 
of  the  nations  of   Europe,  the  legislation  and 
colonial    policy   of  the  modems,   which    bear 
very  little  resemblance  to  those  of  the  Phe- 
nicians  and  Greeks,   have  thrown  insurmount* 
able  obstacles  in  the  way  of  such  settlements 





456       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  v; 

as  might  secure  to  these  distant  possessions, 
a  great  degree  of  prosperity,  and  an  exis- 
tence independent  of  the  mother  country. 
Such  principles  as  prescribe  the  rooting  up 
the  vine  and  the  olive,  are  not  calculated  to 
favour  manufactures.  A  colony  has  for  ages, 
been  only  considered  as  useful  to  the  parent 
state,  in  so  far  as  it  supplied  a  great  numi' 
ber  of  raw  materials,  and  consumed  a  number 
of  the  commodities  carried  there  by  the 
ships  of  the  mother  country. 

It  was  easy  for  different  commercial  na- 
tions to  adapt  their  colonial  system  to  is- 
lands of  small  extent,  or  factories  established 
on  the  coast  of  a  continent.  The  inhabitants 
of  fiarbadoes,  St.  Thomas,  or  Jamaica,  are 
not  sufficiently  numerous  to  possess  a  great 
number  of  hands  ^Dr  the  manufacture  of  cot- 
ton cloth;  and  the  position  of  these  islands, 
at  all  times  facilitates  the  exchange  of  their 
agricultural  produce,  for  the  manufactures  of 

It  is  not  so  with  the  continental  possessions  of 
Spain  in  the  two  Americas.  Mexico  beyond 
the  28°  of  north  latitude  cont^ns  a  breadth 
of  350  leagues.  The  table  land  of  New  Gre- 
nada communicates  with  the  port  of  Car* 
thagena  by  means  of  a  great  river  difficult 
to  ascend*    Industry  is  awakened  when  towns 

CHAP.  XII.J        KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       457 

of  fifty  and  sixty  thousand  inhabitants  are  si- 
tuated on  the  ridge  of  mountains  at  a  g^reat 
distance  from  the  coast;  when    a    population 
of  several  millions  can  only  receive  European 
goods,  by  transporting  them  on  the  backs  of 
mules,  for  the  space    of  five    or    six     months 
through  forests  and  deserts.     The  new  colonies 
were  not  established  among  people  altogether 
barbarians.     Before  the    arrival    of  the  Spa- 
niards,  the  Indians  were  already  clothed,    in 
the   Cordilleras   of  Mexico,  Peru,  and  Quito. 
Men  who  knew  the  process  of  weaving  cotton 
or  spinning  the  wool   of  the  Llamas  and   Vi- 
cunas were  easily  taught  to  manufacture  cloth ; 
and  this  manufacture  was  established  at  Cuzco 
in  Peru,  and  Tezcuco  in  Mexico,  a  few  years 
after  the  conquest  of  those    countries   on    the 
introduction  of  European  sheep  into  America. 
The  kings  of  Spain  by  taking  the  title    of 
kings  of  the  Indies,  have  considered  these  dis- 
tant possessions    rather   as    integral    parts    of 
their  monarchy,  as    provinces     dependent    ojx 
the  crown  of  Castille,  than  as  colonies  in  the 
sense  attached  to  this  word  since  the  sixteenth 
century,  by  the  commercial  nations  of  Europe. 
They  early  perceived  that  these  vast  countries, 
of  wuich  the  coast  is  less  inhabited  than  the 
interior,  could  not  be  governed  like    islands 
scattered  in  the    Atlantic  Ocean;    and    froth 
these  ^ircttmstances  the  coart  of  Madrid  was 







458       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  v. 

compelled  to  have  recourse  to  a  less  prohibitory 
i^ystem,  and  to  tolerate  what  it  was  unable  to 
prevent.     Hence  a  more   equitable   legislation 
has  been  adopted   in  that   country   than    that 
by  which  the  greatest  part  of  the  other  colonies 
of  the   New  Continent  is  governed.     In    the 
latter  for    example,    it  is    not    permitted    to 
refine  raw  sugar;    and  the     proprietor    of    a 
plantation  is  obliged  to   purchase  the  produce 
of   his  own  soil  from  the  manufacturer  of  the 
mother  country.     No  law  prohibits  the  refining 
of  sugar  in  the  possessions  of  Spanish  America. 
If  the    government   does  not   encourage    ma- 
nufactures, and  if  it    even    employs   indirect 
means  to  prevent  the    establishment  of    those 
of    silk,    paper,    and  crystal;    on    the   other 
hand,  no    decree    of   the    audience,  no    royal 
cedula,  declares  that  these  manufactures  ought 
not  to   exist  beyond  sea.     In  the  Colonies,  as 
well  as  every  where  else,  we  must  not    con- 
found the   spirit  of  the  laws  with  the   policy 
of  those   by  whom  they  are  administered. 

Only  half  a  century  ago,  two  citizens,  ani- 
mated with  the  purest  patriotic  zeal,  the 
Count  de  Gijon,  and  the  Marquis  de  Maenza. 
conceived  the  project  of  bringing  over  to 
Quito,  a  colony  of  workmen  and  artizans 
from  Europe.  The  Spanish  ministry  affected 
to  applaud  their  zeal,  and  did  not  think  proper 
to  refuse   them  the  piivilege    of  establishing 

CHAP.  X11.1         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        459 

manufiictories ;  but  they  so  contrived  to  fetter 
the  proceedings  of  these  two  enterprizina 
men,  that  they  at  last  perceived  that  secret 
orders  had  been  given  to  the  viceroy  and  the 
audience  to  ruin  their  undertaking,  which  they 
voluntarily  renounced.  I  could  wish  to  believe 
that  such  an  event  tvould  not  have  taken  place  at 
the  period  when  I  resided  in  these  countries; 
for  it  is  not  to  be  denied  that  within  these 
twenty  years,  the  Spanish  Colonies  have  been 
governed  on  more  enlightened  principles. 
Virtuous  men  have  from  time  to  time  raised 
their  voice  to  enlighten  the  government  as  to 
its  true  interest ;  and  they  have  endeavoured 
to  impress  the  Mother  Country  with  the 
idea  that  it  would  be  more  useful  to  encourage 
the  manufacturing  industry  of  the  Colonies, 
than  to  allow  the  treasures  of  Peru  and  Mexico, 
to  be  spent  in  the  purchase  of  fceign  com- 
modities. These  counsels  would  have  been 
attended  to,  if  the  ministry  had  not  too  fre- 
quently sacrificed  the  interests  of  the  nations 
of  a  great  continent,  to  the  interest  of  a  few 
maritime  towns  of  Spain ;  for  the  progress  of 
manufactures  in  the  Colonies  has  not  been 
impeded  by  the  manufacturers  of  the  peninsula, 
a  quiet  and  laborious  class  of  men,  but  by 
trading  monopolists,  whose  political  influence 
is  favoured  by  great  wealth,  and  kept  up  by 


;  .  ft  -, 







£boor  v. 

a  thorough   knowledge    of    intrigue,  and  the 
piomentary  wants  of  the  court. 

Notwithstanding  all  these  obstacles  the  ma- 
nufactures   have     not  been    prevented    from 
making  some  progress  in  three  centunes,  during 
which  time,  Biscayans,  Catalonians,  Asturians 
and  Valencians  have  settled  in  the  New  World, 
and  carried  there  the  industry  of  their   native 
provinces.    The  manufactures  of  coarse  stufis 
can  every  where  be  carried  on  at  a  low  rate, 
when  raw  materials  are   found  in   abundance, 
and  when  the  price  of  the  goods  of   Europe 
and  Oriental  Asia  is  so   much   increased    by 
carriage.     In  time  of  war,  the  want  of  com- 
munication with  the  Mother  Country,  and  the 
reg^ations  prohibiting  commerce  with  neutrals, 
have  favoured  the  establishment  of  manufactures 
of  calicoes,  fine  cloth,  and  whatever  is  connected 
with  the  refinements  of  luxury. 

The  value  of  the  produce  of  the  manu- 
facturinjg  industry  of  New  Spain  is  estimated 
at  seven  or  eight  millions  of  piastres  per 
annum '*^.  In  the  Intendaney  of  Guadalaxara 
cotton  and  wool  were  exported  till  1765,  to 
maintain  the  activity  of  the  manufactures  of 
Puebla,  Queretaro,  and  San  Miguel  el  Grande. 
Smce  that  period,  manufactories  have  been 
established  at    Guadalaxara,   Lagos,   and   the 

*  ifl,470,000,  or  if  1,680,000  Sterling.     Trans. 

CHAP,  xii.]        KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       401 

neighbouring  towns.  The  whole  intendancy 
which  contains  more  than  630,000  inhabitants, 
and  of  which  the  coast  is  washed  by  the 
South  Sea,  supplied  in  1802  *  cotton  and 
woolen  manufactures  to  the  value  of  1,601,200 
piastres  ;  tanned  hides  to  the  value  of  418,900 
piastres;  and  soap  to  the  amount  of  268,400 

We  have  already   proved,  speaking    of   the 
different  varieties    of  gossypiumy  cultivated  in 
tlie  warm  and  temperate  regions,   the  impor- 
tance   of  native  manufactures    of  cotton    for 
Mexico.     Those  of  the  intendancy  of  Puebia 
furnish  annually  in  time  of  peace,  for  the  in- 
terior commerce,    a  produce  to   the   value  of 
1,500,000    piastres.     However  this  produce  is 
not  derived  from    considerable    manufactures, 
but  from  a  great  number  of  looms,  (telares   de 
algodon)    dispersed  throughout   the    towns   of 
Puebia  de  los  Angeles,  Cholula,  Huexocingo, 
and  Tlascala.     At  Queretaro,    a  considerable 
town  situated  on  the  road  from  Mexico  to  Gua- 
naxuato,  there  is  annually  consumed  200,000 
pounds  of  cotton,  in  the  manufacture  of  man- 
ias and  rehozos.    The  manulacture  of  mantaSf 
or  cotton    amounts  annually  to  20,000  pieces 
of  32  varas  each.    The  weavers  of  cottons  of 





•"r     j 



*  Estado  de  la  intendenda  de  Guadalaxara,  communicad^ 
tn  1809  par  d  Sehw  intendlnite  eA  Comtikdo  4b  Vera 
Cmx    (offidal  manutcript  paper.) 

462       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  r. 

all  sorts   in    Puebla   were  computed    in  1802 
at  more  than  1200  *.    In  this   town    as    well 
as  in  Mexico,  the  printing  of    calicoes,    both 
those  imported  from  Manilla,   and    those  ma- 
nufactured in  New   Spain,    has   made    consi- 
derable progress  within  these  few  years.     At 
the    port    of     Tehuantepec    in    the    province 
of  Oaxaca,  the  Indians  dye    the    unwrought 
cotton  by  rubbing  it  against  the   cloak  of  a 
murex,  which  is  found  attached  to  the  granite 
rocks.    From  an  old  custom,  they  wash    the 
cotton  in  sea  water,  which  in  their   parallels 
is  very  rich  in  muriate    of  soda,  to  give  it  a 
bright  colour. 

The  oldest  cloth  manufactories   of  Mexicc 
are  those   of  Tezcuco.     They  were  in   great 
part  established  in  1592  by  the  viceroy  Don 
Louis  de  Yelasco   II.  the  son  of  the  celebrated 
constable  of  Castille,  who  was  second  viceroy 
of  New  Spain.     By   degrees   this    branch  of 
national    industry     passed    entirely    into    the 
hands  of  the  Indians  and  Mestizoes   of  Que- 
retaro  and  Puebla.    I  visited  the  manufactories 
of  Qaeretaro  in   the  month  of  August   1803. 
They  distinguish  there  the  great  manufactories 
which  they  c^ohrajes  from  the  small,  which 
go  by  the  name   of  trapiches.     There   were 

*  Infimne  del  intendente  Don  Manuel  de  Flon  conde  d$ 
la  Cadena  (M.  S.)  . 

CHAP.  X1.3  KINGDOJM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.        1(53 

20  obrajest  and  more  than  300  trapicfies  at 
that  time,  who  altogether  wrought  up  63,900 
arrobas  of  Mexican  sheep-wool.  According  to 
accurate  lists  drawn  up  in  1793,  there  were 
at  that  period  at  Queretaro  in  the  ohrajes 
alone,  215  looms  and  1500  workmen  who 
manufactured  6042  pieces,  or  226,522  varas 
of  cloth  {panos)'.  287  pieces  or  39,718  varas 
of  ordinary  woollens  {xerguatillas)  ;  207  pieces 
or  15,369  varas  of  baize  (hayetas)  ;  and  161 
pieces  or  17,960  varas  of  serge  (xergas). 
In  this  manufacture  they  consumed  46,270  arro- 
bas of  wool,  the  price  of  which  only  amounted 
to  161,945  piastres.  They  reckon  in  general 
seven  arrobas  of  wool  to  one  piece  of  cloth 
and  bayeta ;  six  arrobas  to  one  piece  of  xer- 
yuatilla,  and  five  arrobas  to  one  piece  of  xerga. 
The  value  of  the  cloths  and  woollen  stuffs  of 
the  ohrajes  and  trapiches  of  Queretaro  at  pre- 
sent amounts  to  more  than  600,000  piastres,  or 
three  millions  of  francs  per  annum.  * 

On  visiting  these  workshops,  a  traveller  is 
disagreeably  struck,  not  only  with  the  great  im- 
perfection of  the  technical  process  in  the  pre* 
paration  for  dyeing,  but  in  a  particular  manner 
also  with  the  unhealthiness  of  the  situation, 
and  the  bad  treatment  to  which  the  workmen 
are  exposed.  Free  men,  Indians,  and  people 
of  colour,  are  confounded  with    the  criminals 








4122,448  Sterling.  Tram. 

464       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE         [book  v. 

distributed  by  justice  among^  the  manufactories, 
in  order  to  be  compelled  to  work.  AH  ap- 
pear half  naked,  covered  with  ragi»  meagre, 
and  deformed.  Every  workshop  resembles  a 
dark  prison.  The  doors  which  are  double 
remain  constantly  shut,  and  the  workmen  are 
not  permitted  to  quit  the  house.  Those  who 
are  married  are  only  ulloWed  to  see  their 
families  on  Sundays.  All  are  unmercifully  flog- 
ged if  they  commit  the  smallest  trespass,  on 
the  order  established  in  the  manufactory. 

We  have  difficulty  in  conceiving  how  the 
proprietors  of  the  obrajes,  can  act  in  this  manner 
with  free  men,  as  well  as  how  the  Indian  work- 
man can  submit  to  the  same  treatment  with 
the  galley  slaves.  These  pretended  rights  are 
in  reality  acquired  by  stratagem.  The  manu- 
facturers of  Queretaro  employ  the  same  trick, 
which  is  made  use  of  in  several  of  the  cloth 
manufactoria*  of  Quito,  and  in  the  plantations, 
where  from  a  want  of  slaves,  labourers  are 
•jLtremely  vare.  They  chooie  from  among  the 
Indians  the  most  miserable,  but  such  as  show 
aik  aptitude  for  the  work,  and  they  advance 
them  a  smtll  sum  of  money.  The  Indi^  who 
lov«s  to  get  intoxicated,  spends  it  in  »  few 
dskysy  «nd  hftving  become  the  debtor  of  the 
]iMNiter»he  is  shut  up  in  the  workshop,  under 
the  pretence  of  paying  off  the  debt  by  the 
work  of  his  hands.    They  allow  him  only  a 


CHAP,  xii.l  KINGDOiM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       'i^o 

i*eal  and  a  half,  or  20  sous  tournois  per  day 
of  wag^es;  but  in  place  of  payiii<j  it  in  ready 
money,  they  take  care  to  supply  him  with 
meat,  brandy,  and  clothes,  on  which  the  manu- 
facturer gains  from  fifty  to  sixty  per  cent; 
and  in  this  way  the  most  industrious  work- 
man remains  for  ever  in  debt,  and  the  same 
rights  are  exercised  on  him,  which  are  believed 
to  be  acquired  over  a  purchased  slave.  I  knew 
many  persons  at  Queretaro,  who  lamented  with 
me  the  existence  of  these  enormous  abuses. 
Let  us  hope  that  a  government  friendly  to 
the  people,  will  turn  their  attention  to  a  spe- 
cies of  oppression  so  contrary  to  humanity, 
the  laws  of  the  counti'v,  and  the  progress  of 
Mexican  industry. 

With  the  exception  of  a  few  stuffs  of  cotton 
mixed  with  silk,  the  manufacture  of  silks  is 
at  present  next  to  nothing  in  Mexico.  In 
the  time  of  Acosta,  towards  the  conclusion  of 
the  sixteenth  century,  silk  worms  brought  from 
Europe  were  cultivated  near  Panuco,  and  in 
laMisteca,  and  excellent  taffeta*  was  there  ma- 
nufactured with  Mexican  silk.  We  have  al- 
ready observed  that  it  was  not  the  homhyx- 
mori,  but  an  indigenous  caterpillar  which  sup- 
plied the  raw  materials,  for  the  silk  handker- 




M  f 



*  Acosta,L\h.  iv,  c.  32. p.  179.— See  also  Chap. x. p.  57. 
•f  this  volume. 

VOL.  Ul. 

2    H 

466       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  y. 

chiefs  manufactured  by  the  Indians  of  Mis- 
teca,  and  the  village  of  Tistla  near  Chilpan- 

New  Spain  has  no  flax  or  hemp  manufac- 
tories; and  the  manufacture  of  paper  is  also 
unknown  in  it.  The  manufacture  of  tobacco 
is  a  royal  right.  The  expence  of  the  manu- 
facture of  cegars  an<l  snuff,  annually  amounts 
to  more  than  6,200,000  livres  tournois*.  The 
manufactures  of  Mexico  and  Queretaro  are  the 
most  considerable.  The  following  is  an  account 
of  the  whole  manufacture  during  the  yearf 
1801  and  1802. 

Tobacco  manufactured  in  New 

Value  of  Tobacco  manu- 
factured    agreeably  to 
sales  ------ 

Expence  of  manufacture 

Salaries  of  Officers  -     - 

Price  of  Tobacco  purcha- 
sed from  the  Mexican 
husbandmen      -     -    - 

Net  Revenue  (liguido)  of 
the  Crown,  on  the  sale  of) 
Tobacco       ,    -     -    -     |3,993,834|4,092i629 

In  1801. 



In  1802. 



On  my  passage  through  Queretaro,  I  visited 
the  great  manufactory  of  cegars    (fabrica  de 

•  i£  253,060  Sterlinif.  Trans.    . 

OHAK  xit.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       46? 

puros  y  cigarros),  in  which  3000  people,  inchi- 
dingf  1900  women  are  employed.  The  halls 
are  very  noat,  but  badly  aired,  very  small,  and 
consequently  excessively  warm.  They  consume 
daily  in  this  manufacture  130  reams  (resmas) 
of  paper,  and  2770  pounds  of  tobacco  leaf. 
In  the  course  of  the  month  of  July,  1803, 
there  was  manufactured  to  the  amount  of 
185,288  piastres;  viz.  2,654,820  small  chests 
{caxillas)  of  cegars,  which  sell  for  165,926 
piastres,  and  289,799  chests  of  pU,ros  or  cegars, 
which  are  not  enveloped  in  paper.  The  ex- 
p6nce  of  manufacture  of  the  month  of  July 
alori^,  afnounted  to  3 1,7S9  piastres.  It  appears 
that  the  royal  manufactory  of  Queretaro,  an- 
nually produces  more  than  2,200,000  piastres, 
in  piitos  and  cigarros. 

The  hidnufacttfre  of  hard  soap,  is  a  consi* 
derabl*  dbject  of  commerce  ait  Puebla,  Mexico, 
and  G'uadalaxara.  The  first  6f  thesie  towns 
produces  nearly  200,000  arrobas  per  ^nnlim; 
and  in  th6  intendancy  of  Gruadklaxara,  tlid 
^uacntity  mafiuikctured  is  computed  at  1,300,000 
lirre^  tbtimois.  Thfe  abundance  of  sodk  w^hrch 
We  fhid  almost  every  wher6  at  elevatibhd  ot 
JJ^O  of  2900  miBtres*,  in  the  interior  table 
land  of  Mexlito,  is  highly  feCvouf abl^  to  thi^ 
manufacture.    The    tequesquite   of  which    we 

*  At  6561  or  8201  feet.    Trans. 
2  H  2 

468        POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  v. 

have  several  limes  had  occasion  to  speak*, 
covers  the  surface  of  the  soil,  especially  in  the 
month  of  October,  in  the  valley  of  Mexico, 
on  the  banks  of  tiie  lakes  of  Tezcuco,  Zuni- 
pango,  and  8an  Christobal ;  in  the  plains  which 
surround  the  city  of  Pucbla ;  in  those  which 
extend  from  Zelaya  to  Guadalaxara;  in  the 
valley  of  San  Francisco,  near  San  Luis  Potosi, 
between  Durang-o  and  Chihuagua,  and  in  the 
nine  lakes  which  are  scattered  over  the  inten- 
dancy  of  Zacatecas.  We  know  not  whether 
it  derives  its  origin  from  the  decomposition 
of  volcanic  rocks  in  which  it  is  contained,  or 
to  the  slow  action  of  lime  on  the  muriate  of 
soda.  At  Mexico,  1600  arrobas  of  tierra  te- 
quesquitosa,  that  is  to  say  an  earth  impreg- 
nated with  much  carbonate,  and  a  little  of 
the  muriate  of  soda,  may  be  purchased  for 
62  piastres.  These  1600  arrobas  purified  in 
the  soap  manufactories,  furnish  500  arrobas 
of  carbonate  of  pure  soda.  Hence  the  quin- 
tal, in  the  present  state  of  the  manufacture, 
comes  to  50  sous  tournois.  M.  Garces,  who 
successfully  employs  carbonate  of  soda,  in  the 
smelting  of  muriates  of  silver,  has  proved  in 
a  particular  memoir,  that  in  improving  the 
technical  process,  they  could  supply  in  the  soda 

*  See  Vol.  11.  p.  170;  and  Del  Riot  Elenumtos  de  Orycto- 
gnosiat]^,  154. 

CHAP.  XII.]        KINGDOM  or  NEW  SPAIN. 


manufactorii^s  of  ^Nlfxiro  rnllod  tco>  vfnUrras, 
the  carbonate  of  sodi  at  less  tlia.  0  sous 
toiirnois  the  quintal.  The  price  oi'  ihe  car- 
Inmates  of  soda  of  Spain,  being  j^^rnerally  in 
France  durinq^  peace  at  20  and  25  livres  the 
quintal,  it  is  iuiag'ined  that  notwithstanding  the 
difficulties  of  carriage,  Kurope  will  one  day 
draw  soda  from  Mexico,  as  she  has  long  drawn 
potash  from  the  United  States  of  North  Ame- 

The  town  of  Pu(;])la  was  formerly  celebra- 
ted for  its  fine  manufactories  of  dclf  ware, 
(loza)  and  hats.  We  have  already  observed 
that  till  the  conmiencement  of  the  eighteenth 
century,  these  two  branches  of  industry,  enli- 
vened the  commerce  between  Acapulco  and 
Peru.  At  present  there  is  little  or  no  com- 
munication between  Puebla  and  Lima,  and 
the  delf  manufactories  have  fallen  so  much 
off,  on  account  of  the  low  price  of  the  stone 
ware  and  porcelain  of  Europe  imported  at 
Vera  Cruz,  that  of  46  manufactories  which 
were  still  existing  in  1793,  there  were  in  1802, 
only  sixteen  remaining  of  delf  ware,  and  two 
of  glass. 

In  New  Spain,  as  well  as  in  the  greatest 
number  of  countries  in  Europe,  the  manufac- 
ture of  powder  is  a  royal  monopoly.  To  form 
an  idea  of  the  enormous  quantity  of  powder 
manufactured  and  sold  in  contraband,  we  have 

470       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  v. 

only  to   bear  in  mind,  that  notwithstanding  the 
flourishing  state  of   the    Mexican   mines,  the 
king*  has  never  sold  to  the  miners  more  than 
three   or     four    thousand    quintals   of  powder 
per    annum*;    while   a  single    mine,   that    of 
Valenciana,  requires  from    15  t'*  16  hundred. 
It  appears    from    the  researches  made  by  me , 
that  the  quantity   of  powder    manufactured  at 
the   expence  of  the  king,  is  to  that  sold  frau- 
dulently  in  the  proportion  of   1   to  4.     As  in 
the   interior  of  New  Spain,  the  nitrate  of  pot- 
ash and    sulphur    are   every   where  to  be  had 
in  abundance,  and  the    contraband   manufac- 
turer can  afford    to  sell  powder  to  the  miner 
at  18  sous  toumois  the  pound,  the  government 
ought    either  to     diminish   the    price    of  the 
prod.uce    of  the    manufactory,  or    throw    the 
trade    in    powder    entirely    open.     How  is  it 
possible  to  prevent  fraud  in   a  country  of   an 
immense  extent,  in  mines  at   a   distance   from 
towns,  and  dispersed  on  the  ridge  of  the  Cor- 
dilleras, in  the  midst  of  the  wildest  and  most 
solitary  situations  ? 

The  royal  manufactory  of  powder,  the  only 
one  in  Mexico,  is  situated  near  Santa  Fe,  in 
the  valley  of  Mexico,  about  three  leagues  from 
the  capital,  surrounded  with  hiMs  of  argillous 
brescia,  which  contain  fragments  of  trap  por- 

*  In  1801,  only  255,455  lb.;  in  1802,  339,921  lb — See 
p.  201  and  234'  of  this  Volum^. 

€HAP.  xii]        KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN-       471 

phyry.  The  building's,  which  are  very  beau- 
tiful, were  constructed  in  1780  from  the  plans 
of  M.  CostanzOy  the  head  of  the  corps  of  en- 
gineers, in  a  narrow  valley  which  supplies  iu 
abundance  the  necessary  water  for  settings  hy- 
draulical  wheels  in  motion,  and  through  which 
the  aqueduct  of  Santa  Fe  passes.  All  the 
parts  of  the  machines,  and  chiefly  the  wheels 
are  disposed  with  great  intelligence.  It  is  to 
be  wished  however  that  the  sieves  necessary 
to  make  the  grairif  were  either  moved  by  water 
or  by  horses.  Eighty  mestizo  boys,  paid  at  the 
rate  of  26  sous  per  day,  are  employed  in  this 
work.  The  buildings  of  the  old  powder  ma- 
nufactory, established  near  the  castle  of  Cha- 
pul tepee,  are  only  used  at  present  to  refine 
nitrate  of  potash.  Sulphur  which  abounds  in 
the  volcanoes  of  Orizaba  and  Puebla,  in  the 
province  of  San  Luis  near  Colima,  and 
especially  in  the  intendancy  of  Guadalaxara, 
where  the  rivers  bring  down  considerable 
masses  of  it,  mixed  with  fragments  of  pumice 
stone,  comes  quite  purified  from  the  town  of 
San  Luis  Potosi.  There  was  made  in  the 
royal  powder  manufactory  of  Santa  Fe  in  1801, 
more  than  786,000  pounds,  of  which  part  is 
exported  for  the  Havannah.  It  is  to  be  re- 
gretted that  this  fine  edifice,  where  in  general 
more  than  half  a  million  of  pounds  of  powder 
is  preserved,  is  not  provided  with  an  diectrical 







472         POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE 

[book  v. 

conductor  During*  my  stay  in  New  Spain 
there  were  only  two  conductors  in  that  vast 
country,  which  were  constructed  at  La  Puebla 
by  orders  of  an  enlightened  administrator,  the 
Count  de  la  Cadena,  notwithstanding  the  im- 
precations of  the  Indians,  and  a  parcel  of 
ijynorant  monks.  ' 

While  mentioning  the  powder  manufactory 
of  Santa  Fe,  I  ought  not  to  pass  under  silence 
a  historical  fact  which  is  repeated   in  several 
works,  although  it  rests  on  no  very  solid  foun- 
dation.   It  is  said  that  the  valiant  Diego  Ordaz, 
penetrated  the  crater  of  the  volcano  of  Popo- 
Ctatepetl,  for   the  purpose   of  procuring  sulphur, 
and  by  that  means   enabled   the   Spaniards   to 
manufacture  the  powder    which  was   required 
for  the  siege    of   the    city    of    Mexico.     The 
falsity  of  this   assertion   is  proved  by  the  very 
letters,  which  the    general  in    chief  addressed 
to  the  Emperor  Charles  the  Fifth.     When  the 
united  army  of  Spaniards  and  Tlascaltecs,  in 
the  month    of    October,  1519,   marched   from 
Cholula  to   Tenochtitlan,  it  crossed    the    Cor- 
dillera of  Ahualco,   which  unites    the     Sierra 
Nevada,  or   the    Iztaccihuatl,   to  the  volcanic 
summit  of   Popocatipetl.     The   Spaniards  fol- 
lowed nearly  the  same  track,  which  the  courier 
of  Mexico  takes  in  his  way  to  Puebla,  by  Me- 
cameca,  which  is   traced  on  the  map    of    the 
valley  of    Tenochtitlan.     The    army    suffered 




CHAP,  xii.]         KINGDOM  (JF  NEW  SPAIN.       473 

both  from  the  cold,  and  the  extreme  impetuosity 
of  the  winds,  which  constantly  prevail  on  this  table 
land.  Cortez  speaking*  of  this  march  to  the  Em- 
peror, expresses  himself  in  the  following  man- 
ner* :  "  Seeing  smoke  issue  from  a  very  elevated 
mountain,  and  wishing  to  make  to  your  royal 
excellency  a  minute  report  of  whatever  this 
country  contains  of  wonderful,  I  chose  from 
"  among  my  companions  in  arms,  ten  of  the 
"  most  courageous,  and  I  ordered  them  to  as- 
"  cend  the  summit,  and  to  discover  the  secret 
"  of  the  smoke  (el  secreto  de  aquel  humo),  and 
"  to  tell   me  how  and  whence  it   issued." 

Bernal   Diaz   affirms  that  Diego  Ordaz  was 
of  that  expedition,    and    that  that  captain  at- 
tained the  very  brink  of  the  crater.     He  may 
have   happened  to  boast  of  it  afterwards,  for 
it  is  related  by  other  historians,  that  the  Em- 
peror gave  him  permission  to  place  a  volcano 
in  his  arms.     Lopez  de  Gomaraf,   who   com- 
posed   his   history   from    the   accounts   of  the 
conquistadores  and  religious  missionaries,  does 
not  name  Ordaz  as   the   chief  of  the  expedi- 
tion ;  but  he  vaguely  asserts  that  two  Sp  iniards 
measured  with  the  eye,  the  size  of  the  crater. 
However  Cortez  expressly  says,  "  that  his  people 
*'  ascended  very  high;  that  they  saw  much  smoke 

*  LorenzanUf  p.  70.     Clavigerot  T.  iii.  p.  68. 
f  Gomara.  Conquista  de  Mexico f  (Medina  del  Campo, 
553)  f  ol.  38. 



474       POUTICAL  ESSTAY  ON  THE  [book  v. 

*<  i^snc  out;  but  that  none  of  them  could  reach 
*♦  the  summit  of  the  volcano,  on  account  of 
**  ^he  enormous  quantity  of  snow  with  which 
"  it  wa»  covered,  the  rigour  of  the  cold,  and 
*  the  clouds  of  ashes  which  enveloped  the 
*<  travellers.**  A  hon'ible  noise  which  they 
he^fd  on  approaching  the  summit,  determined 
them  immediately  to  turn  back.  We  see  from 
the  account  of  Cortez,  that  the  expedition  of 
Ordas  had  no  view  of  extracting  sulphur  from 
the  volcano,  and  that  neither  he  nor  ITis  com- 
panions saw  the  crater  in  1519.  "  They  brought 
"  back,"  says  Cortez,  "  only  snow  and  pieces  of 
**  ice,  the  appearance  of  which  astonished  us  very 
"  mneh,  because  this  country  is  under  the  20** 
"  of  latitude,  in  the  parallel  of  the  island  jEs- 
"  panohi  (Saint  Domingo),  and  consequently 
"  aecording  to  the  opinion  of  the  pilots  ought 
"  to  be  very  warm." 

We  see  from  the  third  and  fourth  letter  of 
Corte?  to  the  Emperor,  that  that  general  after 
1^  taking  of  Mexico,  ordered  other  attempts 
to  be  mftde  for  the  discovery  of  the  summit 
of  the  volcano,  which  appeared  the  more  to 
f)X  his  altention,  as  the  natives  assured  him 
^m^  no.  me)M  was  permUM  to  approach  that 
siUmtiovk  of  had  spiritsi.  After  two  unsucces- 
ful  attempts,  the  Spaniards  at  length  succeeded 
in  1522,  in  seeing  the  crater  of  the  Popoca- 
tepetl.   It  appeared  to  them  three  fourths  ©f 

CHAP,  xii.]        KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       476 

a  league  in  circumference,  and  they  found  on 
the  brink  of  the  precipice,  a  small  quantity 
of  sulphur,  which  had  been  deposited  there  by 
the  vapours.  Speakings  of  the  tin  of  Tasco, 
which  was  used  in  founding  the  first  cannon, 
Cortez*  relates,  "  that  he  is  in  no  want  of 
"  sulphur  for  the  manufacture  of  powder,  be- 
"  cause  a  Spaniard  drew  some  from  a  moun- 
"  tain  which  perpetually  smokes  by  descending", 
"  tied  to  a  rope,  to  the  depth  of  from  70  to 
"  80  fathoms."  He  adds,  that  this  manner 
of  procuring  sulphur  was  very  dangerous,  and 
on  that  account  it  would  be  better  to  procure 
it  from  Seville. 

A  document  preserved  in  the  family  of  the 
Montauos,  and  which  Cardinal  Lorenzana  afHrmai 
he  once  had  in  his  hands,  proves  that  the 
Spaniard  of  whom  Cortez  speaks,  was  named 
Francisco  Montano.  Did  that  intrepid  man 
really  enter  into  the  crater  itself  of  the  Popor 
catepetl,  or  did  he  extract  the  sulphur  as  seve- 
ral persons  in  Mexico  suppose,  from  a  lateral 
crevice  of  the  volcano  ?  We  shall  discuss  this 
cpiestion  in  another  work,  when  giving  the 
geological  description  of  New  Spain.  M.Alzatef 


*  De  alii  (de  la  sierra  que  da  humo),  entrando  tin  Espanol 
setenta  y  ochenta  brazas,atado  a  la  bocca  abajo,  se  ha  sa- 
cado  (el  azufrej^  que  hasta  ahora  nos  hanas  susieuidOf 
fLoran%ana,Tp.  3S0.) 

f  Gazeta  de  Literatura  c?c  Mw/co,  1789,  p.  52. 








[book  V, 

with  very  little  foundation  affirms  that  Die^o 
Ordaz,  extracted  sulphur  from  tiie  crater  of  the 
old  volcano  of  Tuctli,  to  the  east  of  the  lake  of 
Chalco,  near  the  Indian  village  of  Tuliahualco. 
The  makers  of  contraband  powder  no  doubt 
procure  sulphur  there;  but  Cortez  expressly 
designates  the  Popocatepetl  by  the  phrase  "  the 
**  mountain  which  constantly  smokes."  How- 
ever this  matter  be,  it  is  certain  that  after  the 
rebuilding  of  the  city  of  Tenochtitlan,  and  not 
during  the  siege  as  Solis  affirms*,  thf  soldiers 
of  the  army  of  Cortez  ascended  the  summit 
of  the  Popocatepetlf,  where  nobody  has  since 
been.  Had  Condaminef  known  the  absolute 
elevation  of  this  volcano,  which  I  found  to  be 
5400  metres§,  he  would  not  have  believed 
himself  the  first  who  ascended  the  ridge  of 
the  Cordilleras,  to  the  height  of  4800  metres|| 
above  the  level  of  the  ocean.  The  expeditions 
of  Ordaz  and  Montano,  naturally  lead  us  to 
mention  the  intrepidity  of  Bias  de  Ifiena 
a  Dominican  monk,  who  in  an  osier  basket 
provided  with  a  spoon  and  an  iron  bucket,  was 
let  down  by  a  chain  to  the    depth  of  140  fa- 


'*  Solis,  Conquista  de  Mexico^  p.  142. 
f  ZiOrenrana,  p.  318. 

X  Bouguer,  mesure  de  la  terrcj  p.   167.     La  Condamine^ 
Voyage^  p.  58. 
§  17,716  feet.     Trans, 
H  15,747  feet.    Trans 


<  HAP.  XII.]        KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       477 

thonis,  in  the  crater  of  the  volcano  of  Grenada, 
called  the  Cerro  de  Messaya,  situated  near  the 
lake  of  Nicaragua,  for  the  purpose  of  extract- 
ing- the  lava  which    he  believed   to    be    gold. 
He  lost  his  iron  bucket,  which  was  melted  with 
the  excessive  heat,  and  he  had  no  small  diffi- 
culty in  savinjv  himself.     In  1551,  Juan  Alva- 
rez, dean  of  the  chapter  of  the  town  of  Leon, 
obtained    formal    permission*   from    the   court 
of  Madi'id  **  to  open   the  volcano,  and  collect 
"  the   g'old   which    it    contains."     It    must  be 
allowed  that  no  physical  traveller  from  a  zeal 
for  science  has   engaged  m   our   days  in  such 
hazardous    enterprizes    as  those   which     were 
attempted   in  the   beginning   of  the    sixteenth 
century  for  the  purpose  of  extracting  sulphur 
or  gold  from  the   mouth  of  flaming  volcanoes. 
We  shall  conclude  the   article  of    the   ma- 
nufactures of  New  Spain  with  mentiotiing  the 
working  of  gold  and  the  coining  of  money  M^hich 
considered  merely  in  the  relation   of  industry, 
and  mechanical  improvement,  are  objects  every 
way    worthy    of    attention.     There    are    few 
countries  in  which  a  more  considerable  number 
of  large  pieces   of  wrought  plate,    vases  and 
church  ornaments  are  annually  executed  than 
in  Mexico.     The  smallest    towns    have    gold 
and  silver  smiths  in  whose  shops  workmen  of 




"  it' 





*' Gomara,  Histom  de  las  Indias,  fol.  112. 

478       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  v. 

all  casts,  whites,  mestizoes  and  Indians  are 
employed.  The  academy  of  fine  arts,  and 
the  schools  for  drawing  in  Mexico  and  Xalapa 
have  very  much  contributed  to  diffuse  a  taste 
for  beautiful  antique  forms.  Services  of  plate 
to  the  value  of  a  hundred  and  fifty,  or  two 
hundred  thousand  francs,  have  been  lately 
manufactured  at  Mexico,  which  for  elegance 
and  fine  workmanship  may  rival  the  finest 
work  of  the  kind  ever  executed  in  the  most 
civilized  parts  of  Europe.  The  quantity  of 
precious  metals  which  between  1798  and 
1802  was  converted  into  plate  at  Mexico, 
amounted  at  an  average  to  385  marcs  of 
gold  and  26,80'^  marcs  of  silver  per  annum  *. 
The  wrought  ]^late  of  which  the  fifth  ^s  ex- 
itdted,  Was  declared    at  the   mint  as  follows: 




'      1799 






*  Castille  weight.  It  may  be  useful  to  obser^ie,  tha^ 
wherever  the'  contrtury  is  not  expressly  indicated  the 
word  mars  ia  this  work  meang  the  marc  of  Castille, 

CHAP.  XII.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       470 

The  mint  of  Mexico,  which  is  the  larf  dit 
and  richest  in  the  whole  world,  is  a  building 
of  a  very  simple  architecture  belong^in^  to 
the  palace  of  the  viceroys.  This  establishment, 
mider  the  direction  of  the  Marquis  de  Snn 
Roman*  an  enlightened  administrator,  and  a 
friend  to  the  arts,  contains  little  or  nothing 
remarkable  with  respect  to  the  improvement 
of  the  machinery  or  chemical  processes  j  but 
it  well  deserves  to  engage  the  attention  of 
travellers  from  the  order,  activity  and  economy 
which  prevail  in  all  the  operations  of  coining. 
This  interest  is  enhanced  by  other  considera- 
tions which  are  even  obvious  to  those  who  do 
not  turn  their  attention  to  speculations  of 
political  administration.  In  fact  it  is  impos'- 
sible  to  go  over  this  small  building  without 
recollecting  that  more  than  ten  thousand 
millions  of  livres  tournois  f  has  issued  from  it 
in  less  than  three  hundred  years,  and  without 
reflecting  on  the  powerful  influence  of  these 
treasures  on  the  destinies  of  the  nations  of 

The  mint  of  Mexico  was  established  fourteen 
years  after  the  destruction  of  old  Tenochtitlan, 
under  the  fii-st  viceroy  of  New  Spain,  An- 
tonio de  Mendoza,  by  a  royal    cedula  of  the 


*  Vez  S'uperintendente  de  la  real  casa  de  niontda. 
t  Upwards  of  jS408,000»000   Stevliog,    Trans^ 










1  111 

.fff  ' 




480       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  v. 

11th     May     1535.     The   coinage  "was  at  first 
carried  on  by   contract  by  several  individuals, 
to    whom   the   p^overnnient    had      farmed      it 
out.     Their  lease  was    not  renewed    in   17.'JJ3. 
Since  that  period  all  the  works  are  under  the 
direction  of  government  officers,   on    the    go- 
vernment account.      The  nundjer  of  workmen 
employed  in  this  mint  amounts  to  350  or  400 ; 
and  the  number  of  machines   is  so  great,  that 
it  is  possible  to  coin,  in  the  space  of  a  year, 
without  displaying   an   extraordinary  activity, 
more  than  thirty  millions  of  piastres,   that  is 
to  say,  nearly  three   times  as  much  as  is  ge- 
nerally performed   in  the  sixteen  mints  which 
exist  in  Prance.    At  Mexico  there  was  coined 
in  the  month  of  April  alone,  in  the  year  1796  the 
sum  of  2,922,185   piastres ;  and  in  tlie  month 
of  December,  1793,  more  than  3,065,000  piastres. 
At  Paris    in    the    year     1810,    the    strongest 
month  of  coinage  was  the  month     of  March, 
when  there  was  coined  in  pieces  of  five  francs, 
the  value  of  1,27 1,000  piastres.     Between  1726 
and    1780,   the    coinage    of    gold   and  silver 
amounted  to 

In  the  sixteen 

Mints  of  France  *. 

In  the  Mint 
of  Mexico. 

2,446,000,700  liv. 

3,364,138,060  liv. 

♦  Necker,  de  Vadmin,  des  Finances^  T.  iii.  p.  5?>. 

CHAP.  XII.]        KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       '*81 

To  give  an  idea  of  the  activity  of  the 
mint  of  Mexico,  we  shall  insert  here  one  of 
the  tables  which  the  government  orders  every 
year  to  be  printed  for  the  information  of  the 
public  respecting  the  state  of  the  mines,  that 
are  considered  as  the  reg^ilator  of  the  public 
prosperity.  I  shall  select  the  year  1796  when 
the  coinage  amounted  to  25,644,000  piastres  * 
although  it  had  been  24,593,000  in  1795,  and 
was   25,080,000  piastres  in  1797. 



of  the 

year  1796. 



Gold  and  Silver. 



.    . 













January    - 
February  - 
March    -   - 
April   -  -  - 
May    -    - 
June    -    • 
July    -    • 
August    -  - 
October    - 

m           m 


m            m 


m              m 







The  works  of  the  mint  of  Mexico  contain 
ten  rollers  (laminoirs)  moved  by  sixty  mu  es, 
fifty-two  cutters,  (coupoirs)  nine  adjusting  tables 
(bancs (Tajustaf/e)  twenty  machines  for  marking 





II".  I 




1 1^5,385,200  Sterling.     Trans, 
VOL.  III.  2  I 


482       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  v. 

the  edges  (^  creneler)  twenty  stampin^^  presses, 
(balancters)  and  five  mills  for  amalgamating 
the  washings  and  filings  called  mermas.  As 
one  stamping  press  can  strike  in  ten  hours 
more  than  15,000  piastres,  we  are  not  to  be 
astonished  that  with  so  great  a  number  of 
machines  they  are  able  to  manufacture  daily 
from  fourteen  to  fifteen  thousand  marcs  of 
silver.  The  ordinary  work  however  does  not 
exceed  from  eleven  to  twelve  thousand  marcs. 
From  these  data  which  are  founded  on  official 
papers,  it  appears  that  the  silver  produced  in 
all  the  mines  of  Europe  together  would  not 
suffice  to  employ  the  mint  of  Mexico  more 
than  fifteen  days. 

The  expence  of  carriage,  including  the  sa- 
laries of  the  officers,  and  the  loss  occasioned 
by  the  mermas,  amount  to  a  real  de  plata  or 
13  sous  per  Aiiarc.  This  loss  from  the  mermas 
which  was  formerly  computed  at  one  third 
per  cent,  is  now  reduced  to  the  half;  for 
instead  of  three  marcs  they  do  not  lose  more 
than  one  marc  and  three  ounces  in  each 
thousand  marcs  coined.  With  respect  to  the 
profit  derived  by  the  king  from  coinage,  it  is 
estimated  in  the  following  manner:  if  the 
coinage  does  not  exceed  fifteen  millions  of 
piastres  per  annum,  the  profit  is  only  six  per 
cent,  of  the  quantity  of  gold  and  silver  coined ; 
when    it   amounts    to    eighteen    millions    of 

CHAP.  XII.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       483 


piastres,  the  profit  is  6i  per  cent ;  aiul  it  rises 
to  seven  per  cent,  when  the  produce  of  the 
mines  is  still  greater,  as  was  the  case  during 
the  last  twenty  years.  We  shall  afterwards 
see  that  the  mint  of  Mexico,  and  the  house 
of  separation  (maison  du  depart)  uiake  an 
annual  profit  of  nearly  eight  millions  of 
francs  *.     . 

The  house  of  separation  (casa  del  apartado) 
in  which  is  carried   on  the  separation  of  the 
gold  and  the  silver,  proceeding  from  the  ingots 
of  auriferous  silver,  formerly  belonged    to  the 
family    of  the    Marquis  de    Fagoaga.     This 
important  establishment   was  only  annexed  to 
the  crown    in    1779.     The    building   is    very 
small  and   very  old;  and  it  has  latterly  been 
rebuilt  in  part  at  a  greater    expence    to  the 
government  than  if  its  place  had  been  supplied 
by  a  new  house,  not  situated    in  the  middle 
of  the  town,   and  in  which  the  acid  vapours 
would  have  been  better  directed.  Several  persons 
interested  in  the  works  of   the  apartado   re- 
maining in    their  present  situation,    maintain 
that  the  vapours   of  nitrous    acid  which    are 
diffused  through  the   most    populous  quarters 
of  the  town,  serve  to  decompose  the  miasmata 
of  the  suiTOunding  lakes  and  marshes.     These 




01  III 

.,1  f 


.'1  tl 


«( ■> 


*  je326,830  Sterling.    Trans. 
1  I  2 


484       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  [book  v. 

ideas  met  with  a  favourable  reception  after 
acid  fumigations  were  used  in  the  hospitals 
of  the  Havanah  and  Vera  Cruz. 

The  casa  del  apartado  contains  three  sorts 
of  works  which  are  destined.  1st.  to  the  ma- 
nufacture of  glass ;  2d.  to  the  preparation  of 
nitrous  acid;  and  3d.  to  th^ . separation  of  the 
gold  and  the  silver.  The  processes  used  in 
these  different  works,  are  as  imperfect  as  the 
construction  of  the  glass-work  furnaces,  used 
for  the  manufacture  of  retorts,  and  the  distil- 
lation of  aqua  fortis.  The  substance  of  the 
glass  (pasteladura)  is  composed  of  0.46  of 
quartz,  taken  from  the  veins  of  Tlapujahua, 
and  0.54  of  soda,  which  the  Indians  of  Xalto- 
can  and  the  Penol  procure  from  the  inciner- 
ation of  the  Sesuvium  portulacastrum  of  se- 
veral new  species  of  Chenopodium,  Atriplex, 
and  Gratiola,  which  will  be  described  in  the 
Flora  Mexicana  of  M.  M.  Sesse  and  Cen^an- 
tes,  and  of  the  Salsola  soda  of  Europe,  which 
is  cultivated  in  the  valley  of  Mexico,  both  to 
be  eaten  as  a  root,  and  to  be  reduced  to 
ashes.  This  soda  of  Xaltocan  is  mixed  with 
a  good  deal  of  sulphate  of  potash  and  lime; 
so  that  the  carbonate  of  soda,  which  is  every 
where  found  in  efflorescence  in  clay  grounds, 
would  be  much  better  adapted  tor  the  manu" 
facture  of  glass.  This  pasteladura  is  not  melted 
in  earthen  pots  as  in  Europe,  but  in  crucibles 

CHAP.  XII.]         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.      485 

of  a  very  refractive  porphyritic  rock,  procu- 
red in  a  quarry,  in  the  vicinity  of  Pachaca. 
{ore  than  15,000  francs  are  annually  consumed 
in  the  glass  house  furnaces  for  wood.  A  re- 
tort costs  nearly  14  sous  at  the  manufactory, 
and  more  than  50,000  are  annually  broken. 

The  nitrous  acid  used  for  the  separation,  is 
manulfactured    by   decomposing   raw  saltpetre> 
by  means  of    a   vitriolic  earth  (colpa)  which 
contains   a    mixture   of   alumine,    sulphate    of 
iron,    and    oxide    of    red   iron.      Th^*'    colpa 
comes   from   the    environs  of   Tula,    viiere  a 
mine  is  worked  at  the  expence  of  the  Farm 
of  Colours*.      The    saltpetre    is   furnished  to 
the  House  of  Separation,  by  the  royal  manu- 
factory of  powder.       Each  retort  is  charged 
with    eight    pounds    of   colpa,    and  the  same 
number   of  pounds  of  nitrate  of  impure  pot- 
ash;   the  distillation  lasts    from   thirty-six  to 
forty  hours.     The  furnaces  are  round,   and  un- 
provided with   grates.     The  nitrous  acid  which 
is  derived  from  the  decomposition  of  a  salt- 
petre surcharged  with  muriate,  necessarily  con- 
tains much  muriatic  acid,  which  is  carried  off 
by  adding  nitrate  of  silver.  We  may  judge  of  the 
€normous  quantity  of  muriate  of  silver  obtained 
in  this  establishment,   if  we  reflect  that  there 
is  purified,  a  quantity  of  nitrous  acid,  sufficient 

*  Estanco  red  dt  tinUs  y  cokret. 



nil  11' 








486       POLITICAL  ESSAY  ON  THE  Cbook  v 

to  separate  seven  thousand  marcs  of  gold  per 
annum.  They  decompose  the  muriate  of  sil- 
ver by  fire,  melting  it  with  small  lead  drops. 
It  would  be  more  profitable  undoubtedly,  to 
make  use  in  the  distillation  of  aqua  fortis,  of 
refined,  instead  of  raw  saltpetre.  They  have 
hitherto  followed  the  slow  and  laborious  me- 
thod of  purifying  the  acid  by  nitrate  of  silver, 
because  the  royal  establishment  of  the  apar- 
tado,  is  under  the  necessity  of  buying  the 
saltpetre  from  the  roi/al  manufactory  of  pow^ 
der  and  saltpetre,  which  will  not  give  out 
refined  saltpetre,  under  126  francs  the  quin- 
tal.  '" 

The  separation  of  gold  and  of  silver  re- 
duced to  grains,  for  the  sake  of  multiplying 
the  points  of  contact,  takes  place  in  glass  re- 
torts arranged  in  long  files  on  hoops,  in  gale- 
ries  from  five  to  six  metres  in  length.*  These 
galeries  are  not  heated  by  the  same  fire,  but 
two  or  three  matrasses  form  as  it  were  a  se- 
parate furnace.  The  gold  which  remains  at 
the  bottom  of  the  matrass,  is  cast  into  ingots 
of  fifty  marcs,  while  the  nitrate  of  silver  is 
decomposed  by  fire  during  the  distillation  in 
the  retorts.  This  distillation,  by  which  they 
regain  the  nitre  and  acid,  is  also  practised 
in  a  galery,  and  lasts  from  84  to  90  hours. 

*  From  16  to  19  feet.    Tram.     ' 

CHAP.  XII.]       KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       487 

They  are  obliged  to  break  the  retorts  to  ob- 
tain the  reduced  and  chrystallized  sUver.  They 
might  no  doubt  be  preserved,  by  precipitating 
the  silver  by  copper,  but  it  would  require 
another  operation  to  decompose  the  nitrate 
of  copper,  which  would  succeed  to  the  nitrate 
of  silver.  At  Mexico,  the  expence  of  sepa- 
ration, is  reckoned  at  from  two  to  three  reals 
de  plata  (from  26  to  39  sous  tournois)  pe*' 
marc  of  gold. 

It  is  surprising  that  none  of  the  pupils  of 
the  school  of  mines  are  employed  either  in 
the  mint,  or  in  the  casa  del  apartado  ;  and  yet 
these  great  establishments  ought  to  expect  useful 
reforms,  from  availing  themselves  of  mechanical 
and  chemical  knowledge.  The  mint  is  also  si- 
tuated in  a  quarter  of  the  town,  where  run- 
ning water  might  be  easily  procured  to  put 
in  motion  hydraulical  wheels.  All  the  ma- 
chines are  yet  very  far  from  the  perfection  which 
they  have  recently  attained  in  England  and 
in  France.  The  ameliorations  will  be  the 
more  advantageous,  as  the  manufacture  embraces 
a  prodigious  quantity  of  gold  and  silver; 
for  the  piastres  coined  at  Mexico,  may  be  con- 
sidered as  the  materials  which  maintain  the 
activity  of  the  greatest  number  of  the  mints 
of  Europe, 

Not  only  working  gold  and  silver,  of  which 
we  have  already   spoken,  has  been  improved 



1|;  I: 








[book  v. 

in  Mexico;  but  very  considerable  progress 
has  also  been  made  in  other  branches  of  in- 
dustry dependent  on  luxury  and  wealth. 
Chandeliers,  and  other  ornaments  of  great 
value,  were  recently  executed  in  gilt  bronze, 
for  the  new  cathedral  of  Puebla,  of  which 
the  bishop  possesses  more  than  550,000  livres 
of  revenue*.  Although  the  most  elegant  Ck>r- 
riages  driven  through  the  streets  of  Mexico 
and  Santa  Fe  de  Bogota,  at  2300  and  2700 
metresf  of  elevation  above  the  surface  of  the 
ocean,  come  from  London,  very  handsome 
Qiii  s  T  also  made  in  New  Spain.  The  cabinet 
makti  execute  articles  of  furniture,  remarkable 
for  their  form  and  the  colour  and  polish  of  the 
wood,  which  is  procured  from  the  equinoctial 
region,  adjoining  the  coast,  especially  from  the 
forests  of  Orizaba,  San  Bias,  and  Colima.  It 
is  impossible  to  read  without  interest  in  the 
gazette  of  Mexico  J,  that  even  in  the  proviti' 
cias  internas,  for  example  at  Durango,  two 
hundred  leagues  north  of  the  capital,  harp- 
sicords  and  piano-fortes  are  manufactured^ 
The  Indians  display  an  indefatigable  patience 
in  the  manufacture  of  small  toys,  in  wood, 
bone,  and  wax.     In   a   country  where  the  ve- 

f  9,387  and  11,020  feet.   Trans, 
%  Gazeta  de  Mexico,  t.  t.  p.  369. 

utj     I  > 

ri  I   ■•  If 

r     ,H.i 

^•■'.i'    'J  '!'..     Jf 




CHAP.  XII.]        KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       489 

gelation  affords  the  most  precious  productions*, 
and  where  the   workman   may  choose  at  will 
the  accidents  of   colour  and  form  among;  the 
roots,     the     medullary     prolongations  of    the 
wood,    and     the    kernels     of      fruits,     these 
toys  of   the  Indians,  may  one  day  become  an 
important    article   of  exportation   for  Europe. 
We    know   what    large    sums   of    money  this 
species  of    industry   brings  in  to  the  inhabit- 
ants  of  Nuremberg,   and  the  mountaineers  of 
Berchtolsgaden,  and  the  Tyrol,  who,  however, 
can   only    use   in   the   manufacture   of   boxes, 
spoons,  and  children's  toys,   pine,   cherry,  and 
walnut-tree    wood.      The    Americans     of   the 
United  States,  send    to    the   island  of    Cuba, 
and  the  other  West  India  Islands,  large  car- 
gos   of   furniture,     for    which    they    get    the 
wood   chiefly  from  the  Spanish  colonies.    This 
branch  of    industry  will  pass  into  the   hands 
of  the  Mexicans,   when,    excited  by  a  noble 
emulation,    they  shall  begin  to  derive  advan- 
tage from  the  productions   of  their  own  soil. 
We  have  hitherto    spoken    of  the   agricul- 
ture, the   mines,  and   the  manufactures,  as  the 
three  principal  sources  of  the  commerce  of  New 
Spain.       It  remains  for  us  to  exhibit  a  view 
of  the   exchansfes  which  are  carried  on  with 

'}     1  •; 

*  Swietenia  Cedrela  and  Caesalpinia  wood;  trunks  of 
Desmaathus  and  Mimosa,  of  which  the  heart  is  a  red, 
approaching  to  black. 



!     "! 



[book  v. 

the  interior,  the  mother  country,  and  with 
other  parts  of  the  New  Continent.  Thus  we 
shall  successively  treat  of  the  interior  com- 
merce, which  transmits  the  superfluous  produce 
of  one  Mexican  province  to  another ;  of  the 
foreign  commerce  with  America,  Europe, 
and  Asia,  and  the  influence  of  these  three 
branches  of  commerce  on  the  public  prospe- 
rity, and  the  augmentation  of  the  national 
wealth.  We  shall  not  repeat  the  just  com- 
plaints respecting  the  restriction  of  commerce, 
and  the  prohibitory  system,  which  serve  for 
basis  to  the  colonial  legislation  of  Europe. 
It  would  be  difficult  to  add  to  what  has  been 
already  said  on  that  subject,  at  a  time  when 
the  great  problems  of  political  economy  oc- 
cupy the  mind  of  every  man.  Instead  of  at- 
tacking principles,  whose  falsity  and  injustice  are 
universally  acknowledged,  we  shall  confine 
ourselves  to  the  collection  of  facts,  and  to 
the  proving  of  what  importance  the  commer- 
cial relations  of  Mexico  with  Europe  may 
become,  when  they  shall  be  freed  from  the 
fetters  of  an  odious  monopoly,  disadvantage- 
ous even  to  the  mother  country. 

The  interior  commerce  comprehends  both  the 
carriage  of  produce  and  goods  into  tha  inte- 
rior of  the  country,  and  the  coasting  along 
the  shore  of  the  Atlantic  and  Pacific  Oceans. 
This   commerce  is    not  enlivened  by    an  iu« 

CHAP.  XII.]  KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN-       491 

terior  navigation  on  rivers  or  artificial  canals; 
for  like    Persia,    the    greatest    part    of   New 
Spain  is  in  want   of   navigable   rivers.      The 
Rio  del  Norte,  which  from  its  breadth  hardly 
yields   to  the  Mississipi,  flows  through  regions 
susceptible     of    the    highest     cultivation,     but 
which  in  their   present  state,    exhibit  nothing 
but  a   vast  desert.       This  great  river  has  no 
greater  influence   on   the    activity   of    the   in- 
land trade,  than  the  Missouri,  the   Cassiquiare 
and  the  Ucayale,   which  run  through  the  Sa- 
vannahs,   and   uninhabited    forests    of     North 
America.     In  Mexico,   between   the  16"  and 
23**     of    latitude,    the    part   of   the    country 
where     the    population    is    most     concentra- 
ted, the  Rio  de  Santiago  alone,  can  be  ren- 
dered navigable  at  a  moderate  expence.     The 
length  of  its  course,*  equals  that  of  the  Elbe 
and  the   Rhone.     It  fertilizes  the  table  lands 
of  Lerma,  Salamanca,  and  Selaya,  and  might 
serve    for  the    conveyance  of  flour  from  the 
intendancies    of     Mexico     and     Guanaxuato, 
towards  the  western  coast.     We  have  already 
provedt,  that  if  on  the  one  hand,  we  must  re- 
nounce the  project  of    establishing  an  inland 
navigation  between  the   capital  and  the    port 
of    Tampico,   on  the   other,  it  would  be  very 
easy  to  cut  canals  in  the  valley  of  Mexico, 

«  The  Rio  Santiago,  the  old  Rio  Tololotlan,  is  more.than 
170  leagues  in  length, 
t  Chap.  iii.  and  viii. 


)  li 




[book  V; 

from  the  most  northern  point,  the  village  of 
Huehuetoca,  to  the  southern  extremity,  the 
small  town  of  Chalco. 

The  communications  with  Europe  and  Asia* 
being  only  carried  on,  from  the  two  ports  of 
Vera  Cruz  and  Acapulco,  all  the  object?  of 
exportation  and  importation  necessarily  pass 
through  the  capital,  which  has  become  through 
that  means  the  central  point  of  the  interior 
commerce.  Mexico,  situated  on  the  ridge  of 
the  Cordilleras,  commanding  as  it  were  the 
two  seas,  is  distant  in  a  straight  line  from 
Vera  Cruz  69  leagues,  66  from  Acapulco, 
79  from  Oaxaca,  and  440  leagues  from  Santa 
Fe  of  New  Mexico.  From  this  position  of 
the  capital,  the  most  frequented  roads,  and 
the  most  important  for  commerce,  are,  1st. 
the  road  from  Mexico  to  Vera  Cruz,  by  Puebla 
and  Xalapa;  2d,  the  road  from  Mexico  to 
Acapulco  by  Chilpanzingo ;  3d,  the  road  from 
Mexico  to  Guatimala,  by  Oaxaca;  4th,  the 
road  from  Mexico  to  Durango  and  Santa  Fe 
of  New  Mexico,  vulgarly  called  el  camino  de 
iierra  dentro.  We  may  consider  the  roads 
which  lead  from  Mexico,  either  to  San  Luis 
Potosi  and  Monterey,  or  to  Valladolid  and 
Guadalaxara,  as  ramifications  of  the  great 
road  of  the  provincias  internas.  "When  we 
examine  the  physical  constitution  of  the  coun- 
try, we  see,    that  whatever  may  oiie  day  bft 

'"    H'"^' 

CHAi..  XII.J         KINGDOM  OF  NEW  SPAIN.       49a 

the  progress  of  civilization,  these  roaiJs  will 
never  be  succeeded  by  natural  or  artificial 
nav^ations,  such  as  we  find  in  Russia,  from 
fet.  Petersbursfh  to  the  centre  of  Siberia 










'■i  '■    "i 


-  ^r      *:   i   r    "^ 



H.  Brye-  Printer, 
Bridge-gtreet,  Blaukfriars,  London.