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Full text of "A Memorial of Sa-Sa-Na, the Mohawk maiden [microform] : who perished in the rail road disaster at Deposit, N.Y., February 18, 1852 : containing I. Obituary notice by Hon. C.P. Avery, II. Sermon preached in St. Thomas' Church, Hamilton, Feb. 29, 1852, by S.H. Norton, rector, III. Poem by W.H.C. Hosmer, Esq"

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TH  B 


Who  perished  in  the  Rail  Road  dieaster  at  Deposit,  N.  Y., 
February,  18,  1852, 


I.  Obituary  Notice  by  Hon.  C.  P.  Avery. 
II.  Sermon  preached  in  St.  Thomas'  Church,  Hamil- 
ton, Feb.  29,  1852,  by  S.  H.  Norton,  Rector. 
III.  Poem  by  W.  H.  C.  Hosmer,  Esq. 

»■•♦-  — ^•---v.,*.,-.^-vy\,*t 







AND  TO   TH09K 




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"  They  heard  the  story  of  the  Crow 
Beneath  the  evening  torches'  flare, 

And  of  their  people'8  grief  and  loss, 
And  all  the  sad  reproach  they  bear — 

Their  moumAiI  people,  and  the  Cross, 

The  pains  and  perils  of  the  Cross, 
They  gave  themselves  to  serve,  and  share." 

M.   H.    p. 


OP   8A-SA-NA. 

•"V.,^  ^-\^\,^/\/\r^/-K/-'\y\-  v/'N/^/v.-v/N.-'N  /"N/^-vy-N  r^/x<'-\/-\/'k>  > 

mmiL  OF  nwiL 



"It  is  the  spot  I  came  to  seek, 

My  fathers*  ancient  burial-place, 
Ere  fi-om  these  vales,  ashamed  and  weak, 
Withdrew  our  wasted  race. 

It  is  the  spot — I  know  it  well. 
Of  which  our  old  traditions  tell." 


There  comes  a  time  when  the  Morn  shall  rise. 

Yet  charm  no  smile  to  thy  filmed  eyes. 

There  comes  a  time  when  thou  liest  low. 

With  the  roses  dead  on  thy  frozen  brow. 

With  a  pall  hung  over  thy  tranced  vest. 

And  the  pulse  asleep  in  thy  silent  breast. 

There  shall  come  a  dirge  through  the  valleys  drenr, 

And  a  white-robed  priest  to  thine  icy  bier." 


"Woe  is  me  when  I  watch  and  pray. 
For  the  lightest  sound  '  f  thy  coming  foot. 

For  the  softest  note  of  thy  summer  lay, 
For  the  faintest  chord  of  thy  vine-strung  lute ! 

Woe  is  me  when  the  storms  sweep  by 

And  the  mocking  winds  are  my  sole  reply." 

— [Edith  May. 

The  announcement  of  the  appalling  tragedy  upon  the  New 
Y«rfc  and  Erie  Railroad,  at  Deposit,  on  Wednesday  of  last 
week,  following  so  soon  the  fearful  aceident  near  Equinunk, 
fell  solemnly  upon  the  ears  of  all. 

When  it  was  known  that  one  of  the  Mohawk  sisters,  Miss 
Sa-sa-na  Loft,  the  elder  of  the  two,  who  with  their  worthy 

♦First  published  in  the  Owcgo  Gazette,  of  Feb.  26th. 








A    M  K  M  O  R  I  A  L 

l)rothor,  had  so  recently  visited  our  place,  on  their  benevolent 
mission,  had  been  stricken  down  in  the  dawn  of  her  usefulness, 
a  feeling  of  sorrow,  too  intense  for  utterance,  sunk  to  the  heart, 
saddening  every  fireside  circle  where  her  unobtrusive  merit, 
and  the  desolate  condition  of  the  survivors  had  become  known. 

On  Tuesday  evening,  the  17th,  they  had  given  one  of  their 
interesting  Concerts  at  Deposit,  and  on  the  following  day,  upon 
the  arrival  of  the  mail  train  at  that  station,  from  the  West,  the 
two  sisters  took  seats  in  the  rear  car,  while  the  brother  went 
to  the  offce  for  the  purpose  of  procuring  tickets  for  his  party. 
That  being  the  usual  dining  station,  the  larger  part  of  the  pas- 
sengers were  at  the  table,  which  will  account  for  tho  loss  of 
but  three  lives,  although  the  rear  oar  was  almost  entirely  to^n 
in  pieces.  The  alarm  was  given  by  some  one  who  saw  the 
freight  train,  which  had  been  passed  by  the  passenger  train, 
eight  miles  back,  at  "The  Summit,"  dashing  forward  under 
the  fearful  momentum  gained  by  having  become  unmanageable 
on  the  downward  grade — some  portion  of  it  being  more  than 
sixty  feet  to  the  mile.  Having  rashly  lost  control  of  his  train, 
the  engineer,  finding  the  collision  inevitable,  in  dismay  aban- 
doned his  post — leaving  the  train  to  its  wild  fury.  Upon  the 
alarm  being  given  of  its  approach,  the  two  sisters  made  an  ef- 
fort to  escape ;  both  reached  the  platform  of  the  station,  but 
by  some  mysterious  providence,  the  elder  sister  fell  back  upon 
the  doomed  car,  which  was  then  crumbling  under  the  iron 
blows  of  the  uncurbed  engine.     Her  death  was  instantaneous. 

Saving  ourselves  from  a  contemplation  of  the  other  incidents 
of  this  mournful  mid-day  tragedy,  let  us  here  draw  a  veil  be- 
fore the  dreadful  scene. 

Full  of  sadness  indeed,  arc  all  the  facts  of  this  most  distress- 
ing occurrence  ;  but  there  are  circumstances  of  a  peculiarly 
sorrowful  character,  which  enshroud  the  tomb  of  the  Mohawk 
maiden  with  more  than  the  ordinary  gloom  of  the  grave. 






»  /*».       ..f  \  /       /■■».'•    ''\i^/\./%/\/   \./  \  /  ■  /   \j\y\/\,'*.  /  Kys   '  *  ^\  t   ,x\/% 

Oliild  of  an  unfortunati!  raco,  lior  life  had  bccu  spent  from 
early  youth,  in  an  unremitted  vffori  to  acquire  a  knowl"Igo  of 
the  Jilngli^h  language  and  its  literature,  for  the  purpose  of  en- 
abling her,  in  conjunction  witli  her  brother  and  sixterH,  to  dif- 
fuse civilization  and  the  principles  <»f  our  Christian  faith,  among 
the  people  of  their  nation  in  Canada. 

The  Reservation  whore  the  family  reside,  i«  known  an  The 
Mohawk  Woods,  townshi))  of  Thayendanegea,  on  the  Salmon 
river,  which  empties  into  the  bay  of  Quinte,  extending  along 
both  sides  of  that  river,  twelve  miles  in  length,  and  eight  in 
width.  Although  there  are  many  of  the  Mohawk  nation  to  be 
found  on  the  other  Reservations  in  Canada,  on  this  one  are 
found  exclusively  Mohawks-  of  unmixed  blood,  direct  descend- 
ants of  those  who  under  the  influence  of  the  Great  Thaven- 
DANEOEA,  (Brant,)  left  the  valley  of  the  Mohawk  river,  soon 
after  the  breaking  out  (jf  the  revolutionary  war.  At  that  time 
the  mother  of  this  unfortunate  girl  left  Canajoharie,  the  place 
of  her  birth,  in  company  with  the  rest  of  her  tribe,  and  has 
since  then  lived  in  Canada,  and  reared  a  family  ;  at  all  times 
expressing  a  most  ardent  wish  for  the  civilization  and  Christian 
education  of  her  children.  The  Indian  name  of  the  mother,  is 
the  same  as  that  of  the  youngest  daughter — Ya-go-we-j»  .  At 
the  time  of  the  last  departure  of  her  three  children  from  home, 
they  left  their  aged,  and  now  more  than  widowed  mother,  in 
the  care  of  an  elder  married  sister. 

In  the  efforts  of  the  deceased  to  acquire  an  education,  she 
was  guided  by  the  encouraging  example  of  her  brother  and  the 
elder  sister.  The  school  which  those  two  attended  having  been 
at  a  distance  of  eight  mile.»*  from  their  home,  it  was  only  by 
daily  and  constant  exertion,  fatigue  and  exposure  of  health, 
that  they  acquired  a  knowledge  sufficient  for  them  to  direct 
their  next  younger  sister,  Sa-.sana,  successfully,  in  her  ear- 
nest efforts  to  comprehend  the  abstruse  elementary  principles 



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of  our  language.  At  he  time  of  the  lost  visit  of  the  unfor- 
tunate girl  to  our  place,  she  had  profited  by  this  fraternal  and 
sisterly  guidance,  and  oth^r  important  aids,  so  far  as  to  be 
able  to  compose  in  our  language,  both  in  prose  and  poetry, 
gracefully  and  well. 

In  this  connection,  there  should  not  be  omitted  a  commenda- 
tory notice  of  the  great  assistance  which  both  she  and  her  elder 
sister  received,  at  the  hands  of  Mrs.  Givens,  the  estimable 
wife  of  the  Episcopal  clergyman,  formerly  of  Kingston,  Cana- 
da, who  was  at  one  time  a  resident  Pastor  upon  the  Reserve. 
In  his  family,  at  intervals,  the  two  spent  several  months,  en- 
joying the  excellent  intelIectuaJ[  and  moral  training  of  that 
devoted  lady. 

Having  thus  advanced  herself  by  the  aid  of  her  elder  sister 
and  brother,  and  by  the  kind  atitntions  of  Mri.  Givens,  in 
those  branches  most  essential  to  her  usefulness,  she  in  turn, 
became  the  principal  instructress  of  her  younger  sister,  Ya* 
oo-wE-A,  who  was  ,7ith  her  in  their  last  visit  among  us,  and 
from  whose  side,  she  was  torn  so  suddenly — so  painfully. 

By  the  joint  efforts  of  the  brother  and  sisters,  they  had 
caused  to  be  printed,  more  than  four  thousand  copies  of  a  sim- 
ple elementary  Book,  prepared  by  themselves,  in  the  Mohawk 
language.  Within  the  last  two  years,  these  have  been  industri- 
ously distributed  among  their  people,  with  encouraging  results. 
The  object  of  their  late  Oonccrts,  was  to  put  themselves  in 
possession  of  a  fund  sufficient  to  secure  the  printing  of  a  greater 
number  of  books — for  the  making  a  more  vigorous  and  extend- 
ed effi>rt  in  the  good  work  to  which  they  had  consecrated  their 
energies,  and  m  the  prosecution  of  which,  one  of  this  devoted 
band  has  now  offered  up  her  life — self-saorificed — a  pure 

It  may  be  interesting  to  those  whose  hands  this  oommnnioa- 
tion  may  reach,  to  know  that  the  translations  made  many  years 




■inoo,  by  the  renowned  Mohawk  Chieftain,  Joseph  Brant, 
(Tiiayendanboea)  have  been  of  great  servioo  in  evangelizing 
this  family,  if  noi;  the  originating  cause.  It  will  bo  recolleoted 
that  he  was  the  war-ohief  of  the  Six  Nations,  and  that  his 
name,  during  our  revolutionary  strife,  Hprond  terror  through- 
out our  frontier  settlements,  on  the  Susquehanna,  Delaware, 
and  Mohawk.  At  his  home  on  the  Reservation,  soon  after  his 
settlement  in  Canada,  he  having  become  a  sincere  and  penitent 
believer,  although  his  sins  had  been  ''as  scarlet,'*  turned  his 
attention  to  the  religious  improvement  of  his  people.  For  that 
purpose,  he  translated  into  his  native  tongue  the  gospels  of  St. 
Matthew,  Mark,  and  Luke,  the  Book  of  Genesis,  nnd  also  the 
Prayer-Book  of  the  Episcopal  Church.  These  fell  into  the 
hands  of  the  family,  whose  sad  bereavement  we  are  now  con- 
tudering.  The  illustrations^ioh  the  translations  contained,  by 
simple  and  imperfect  pictures  of  our  Saviour's  suffering, 
awakened  inquiry,  and  it  became  the  parent  of  a  fixed  determi- 
nation  to  know  more.  The  result  has  been  the  diffusion  of 
intellectual,  moral  and  reli^ous  light,  where  darkness  only 
reigned  before. 

Another  interesting  fact  may  be  also  appropriately  stated  in 
this  place.  So  great  has  been  the  zeal  of  this  and  other  con- 
verted &milies  upon  the  Reservation,  that  a  handsome  Church 
has  been  erected  there,  at  a  cost  of  $9,000.  To  ocure  the 
funds  to  meet  so  heavy  a  liability,  no  personal  sacrifice  has 
been  too  great  for  them — no  exertion  too  discouraging.  It 
stands  on  the  northerly  bank  of  the  river,  upon  which  the 
Reserve  is  situated,  a  monument  of  the  zeal  and  active  faith 
with  which  they  adore  the  Great  Spirit,  Ho-wen-nee-yu, 
whom  we  call,  with  like  reverence,  the  Supreme  Ruler  of  the 

The  surviving  brother  and  sister  felt  deeply  the  kindness  of 
our  citizens,  as  evinced   by  their  sympathizing  attendance 

Hi  B 


at  their  cister's  funeral.  They  also  appreciated  the  kind 
services  of  those  ladies  of  our  village,  who  assisted  so  ma- 
terially in  the  painful  duties  of  the  earlier  part  of  the  day. 

After  the  impressive  and  appropriate  ceremonies  at  the 
Church  and  the  grave,  had  been  concluded,  their  grateful  feel- 
ings found  expression  in  a  single  sentence  of  the  brother,  "one 
half  the  load  is  lifted  from  our  hearts."  They  found  such 
universal  sympathy — so  much  of  kind  intention  on  the  part 
of  every  one,  that  the  dark  cloud  of  sorrow  which  seemed  at 
first  to  have  enveloped  them  hopelessly,  was  relieved  of  much 
of  its  gloom. 

Sa-sa-na  Loft — a  youthful  ;Btranger — who  had  seen  but 
twenty-one  summers — of  a  different  race  from  the  present  occu- 
pants of  the  soil — a  timid  alien  }fjfon  the  domain  or  her  ances- 
tors, over  which  for  more  than  two  centuries,  they  had  exer- 
cised a  Roman  prowess  and  control — ^in  the  sight  of  the  beau- 
tiful river,  christened  by  her  forefathers,  the  Goo-kwa-oo 
branch  of  the  Delaware— died — cruelly  died  by  the  white  man's 

An  accomplished,  gifted,  and  noble-hearted  lady  has  fallen, 
in  the  midst  of  her  great  work — ^prostrate  upon  the  altar — a 
precious  sacrifice. 

"Hark !  in  the  holy  grove  of  palms, 

Where  the  stream  of  life  runs  free, 
Echoes,  in  the  Angels'  psalms,  ;tr      .    m- 

Sister  Spirit !  Hail  to  thee !" 

...„,,  I .  . .  / 







A  time  to  weep — a  time  to  mourn. — [Eccles.  Ill :  4. 

These  words  have  plaoa  among  the  aphorisms  put  forth  by 
the  preaoher-king  of  Israel,  under  the  general  proposition, 
"To  every  thing  there  is  a  season,  and  a  time  to  every  pur- 
pose under  the  heaven."  The  whole  discourse  owes  its  ut- 
terance to  the  ripe  experience  of  old  age,  directed  and  con- 
trolled by  the  Spirit  of  inspiration.  Its  deckrations  arc  not  to 
be  taken  as  mere  truisms — ^  word  of  God  deals  not  in  such 
— ^but  as  containing  a  seed  of  Divine  truth,  needful  to  be  sown 
in  the  hearts  of  men,  unto  spiritual  and  heavenly  wisdom. 
This  appears,  indeed,  from  their  connection  in  the  sacred 
preacher's  discourse ;  for  they  lead  very  directly  with  him,  to 
the  consideration  of  the  glorious  works,  the  gifts,  the  sove- 
reignty, the  eternity,  the  mysterious  Providence,  and  the  right- 
eous judgments  of  God.  They  must  be  regarded,  therefore, 
as  expressive  of  general  laws  of  this  life,  according  to  the  Di- 
vine ordinance,  and,  at  the  same  time,  indicative  of  human 
necessity,  duty  and  wisdom. 

These  three  things  arc  clearly  involved  in  the  propositions 
of  our  text.  For  tears  and  mourning  are,  in  their  season,  and 
for  their  causes,  of  the  necessity  of  our  common  nature.  The 
ties  of  kindred,  of  friendship,  of  brotherhood  in  the  faith,  nay, 
of  common  humanity — that  wide  brotherhood  in  which  we  all 
meet — ^make  tears  and  mourning  our  duti/j  as  well  as  our  neces- 
sity. And  that  they  arc  tha  part  of  wisdom^  too,  we  may 
fitly  own,  in  the  words  of  the  inspired  author  of  the  Book  of 



f'  ( 






Ecclesiastcs,  in  another  place :  "It  is  better,"  says  he,  "to 
go  t.0  the  house  of  moar.iing,  than  to  go  to  the  house  of  feast- 
ing ;  for  that  is  the  end  of  all' men,  and  the  living  will  lay  it 
to  his  heart.  Sorrow  is  better  Hian  laughter,  for  by  the  sad- 
ness of  the  countenance,  the  heart  is  made  better."  And  again, 
"The  heart  of  the  wise  is  in  the  the  house  of  mourning."* 

I  do  not  purpose  now  to  enter  upon  the  exposition  of  thes3 
several  truths,  but  suggesting  them  only,  as  demanding  our 
solemn  acknowledgment  in  the  fear  of  God,  at  all  times,  and 
especially  at  this  present,— >let  mci  turn  with  you  to  the  contem- 
plation of  the  melancholy  event  which  has  prompted  the  pres- 
ent discourse.  My  office  will  appropriately  be,  to  give  expres- 
sion— so  far  as  I  may  be  able— to  our  common  sorrow  over  a 
departed  young  sister,  stricken  down  in  the  bloom  of  youth,  in 
the  flush  of  joyous  hopes,  and  at  the  entrance  upon  a  career  of 
distinguished  usefulness, — our  mourning  sympathy  with  her 
bereaved  relatives, — and  our  religious  sense  of  so  afflictive  a 
visitation  of  God's  All-wise  Providence.  Your  hearts,  breth- 
ren and  friends,  bear  witness  that  it  is  for  tM,  with  many  others, 
"A  time  to  weep — ^a  time  to  mourn."  You  will  be  beforehand 
with  me,  in  the  thoughts  which  call  for  utterance  on  this  occa- 
sion, and  in  the  unaffected  sympathy  which  would  gladly  min- 
gle sorrow  and  tears  with  those,  who  under  ciroumstanoei  so 
fearful  and  distresuag  have  been  visited  with  afflicdon. 

Two  months  ago,  a  little  company  of  Indian  singers — ^b/other 
and  two  sisters,  from  the  Mohawk  Woods,  G.  W.— came  among 
us,  in  their  way  through  the  coimtry  giving  Concerts.  Their 
appearance  was  marked  by  great  simplicity  and  modesty.  In 
their  public  performances,  they  sought  no  aid— as  they  readily 
might,  if  they  had  chosen — from  fantastic  displays  of  the  garb 
and  the  customs  of  their  wild  forefathers.     They  made  no  high 

•Ecd.  VII 2-4. 

I . 



pretensions  to  musical  accomplishments.  But  they  endeavored 
to  please  their  audiences  by  a  variety  of  simple  songs  and  sa- 
cred melodies,  and  trusted  to  the  presentation  of  the  objed  for 
which  they  had  left  their  distaiit  and  retired  home,  to  commend 
their  efforts  to  our  people.  This  object  was  the  benefit  of  oth- 
ers, who  greatly  needed  their  help,  and  ours.  They  wished  to 
procure  religious  and  other  useful  books,  for  their  people  at 
home,  and  for  the  native  tribes  still  bqyond  them,  in  the  wilds 
of  Canada.  Such  a  work  could  not  fail  to  enlist  a  general  feel- 
ing of  interest,  and  to  secure  for  them,  if  it  had  needed,  a  gen- 
erous allowance  for  any  deficiencies  in  the  Concert-Room.  But 
it  did  not  need.  They  succeeded  far  beyond  their  professions 
of  ability,  in  delighting  the  crowds  who  listened  to  their  musio. 
There  was  a  sweet  breathing '  of  native  melody  throughout  it 
all,  that  brought  thoughts  of  Nature's  own  waving  woods. 
There  were  some  warbled  strains  (hushed  now,  till  they  wake 
again  in  the  angel  choir,)  that  were  free  and  clear  and  inspir- 
ing, as  the  song  of  the  oriole.  ., 

But  still  farther  were  these  interesting  strangers  commended 
to  us.  Their  life  and  conversation  while  among  us,  were  such 
as  not  only  to  draw  out  approbation  and  interest,  but  also  a 
deep  and  affectionate  regard.  I  may  speak  for  many  others  as 
well  88  for  myself  in  saying,  that  never,  in  so  short  a  time,  and 
with  so  transient  opportunity  of  acquaintance,  was  a  more  cor- 
dial esteem  and  love  awakened,  than  toward  this  little  family 
band.  A  Missionary  band  they  might  with  propriety  be  term- 
ed ;  for  however  the  nove%  and  interest  of  travel,  and  the 
opportunities  of  cultivated  society,  thus  opened  to  them,  may 
have  served  in  a  degree  to  prompt  their  zeal,  and  to  sustain  it, 
the  object  set  before  them  in  their  enterprise,  appears  to  have 
been  earnestly,  constantly  and  disinterestedly  pursued.  Indeed, 
the  advantages  they  derived  from  society  throughout  our  coun- 
try, were  designed,  no  less  than  their  pecuniary  profits,  to  be 


. .  m>mi^etaf3f»»iHMti,nutmmwmfA 





turned  to  account  for  the  benefit  of  th^ir  own  less  favored  na- 
tion. Thut  sincere  religious  principle  was  a  controlling  motive 
in  their  whole  life  and  pursuits^  none  could  doubt  who  had  the 
opportunity  of  discourse  with  them,  in  the  social  and  family 

A  peculiar  interest  could  not  but  be  felt  in  these  visitors  by 
those  of  our  own  household  of  faith,  from  the  fact  that  they  were 
all  members  of  our  Communion-  in  the  Church  in  Canada,  and 
that  on  the  sacred  festival  of  Christmas,  they  participated  with 
us  in  public  worship  and  in  the  Holy  Communion, — finding  in 
our  house  of  prayer,  the  same  wredthed  evergreen  upon  the  wall, 
and  the  same  familiar  services  and  customs  so  dear  to  them  at 
Christmas-tide  in  their  own  church  in  the  Mohawk  Woods.  It 
was  the  hearty  ejaculation  of  one  of  them,  as  they  entered  the 
church  on  Christmas  morning,  "We  are  at  home  now !" — 
It  was  a  glad  thing  for  us,  thus  to  have  these  children  of  the 
forest  with  us,  to  share  the  hallowed  joys  of  this  ever  dear  fes- 
tival, in  the  Courts  and  at  the  Table  of  our  common  Lord.  It 
was  something  to  call  forth  anew  devout  thanksgivings  for  the 
wide-reaching  mercies  of  the  Gospel,  and  to  stimulate  the 
missionary  spirit, — the  essential  spirit  of  Christianity.  But 
not  to  us  was  interest  in  this  company  confined.  They  found 
it  in  the  whole  community.  Tkey  found  it  especially,  and 
with  the  most  kindly  and  cordial  manifestations,  among 
Christian  friends  of  other  communions.  The  same  was  true, 
not  only  of  their  experience  in  our  town,  but  throughout  their 
extended  circuit  of  travel.  I  kno»that  they  deeply  appreciated 
all  this,  and  were  delighted  and  thankful. 

After  a  few  days  sojourn  among  us,  they  went  on  their  way, 
carrying  with  them  the  respect  and  well  wishes  of  all— the 
hearty  God-speed  and  fervent  blessing  of  some.  Two  of  this 
littie  band  may  be  expected  to  read  the  words  I  am  now  ad- 
dressing to  you.     Let  me  not  speak  more  particularly  of  them. 


■f^.y-y^  \y\^  \y^y'\y~\y 




Of  the  third  I  freely  may,  for  no  words  of  mine,  can  now  reach    I  [ 
her  ear,  to  wound  with  praises,  the  sensitiveness  of  modesty 
and  humility.  ,. 

Sa-sa-na  was  one  to  attract  attention  and  a  peculiar  interest,    I 
in  any  society.      Every  movement  and  every  word  were  char-    : 
acteristic  of  the  Indian  maiden  ; — her  conversation  full  of  vi- 
vacity, imaginative,  and  at  the  same  time,  discriminating,  shew- 
ed her  to  be  one  of  no  common  mind.     She  had  had  considerable 
advantages  of  education.     Doubtless  her  opportunities,  through 
society  and  travel,  had  served  in  addition,  to  give  a  rapid  de- 
volopoment  to  her  mental  powers ;    but  these  must  have  been 
naturally  strong  and  brilliant.    There  was  a  rich  vein  of  poetry, 
too,  in  her  thoughts,  and  language,  which  added  to  the  charm  of 
her  discourse.     These  peculiarities  of  mind,  prompting  alike  to 
the  eager  acquisition  of  information,  and  to  the  impulsive  expres- 
sion of  her  own  vivid  thoiights,  led  her  to  throw  off  very  much 
of  the  reserve  of  the  Indian  girl.     But  this  reserve  gave  place 
to  a  freedom,  at  once   modest  and  graceful,  which  won  the 
hearts  of  all  around  her,  both  old  and  young.     And  Sa-sa-na 
was  a  Christian  maiden.     So  far  as  we  might  judge  and  well 
believe,  hers  was  a  simple,  genuine,  unostentatious  piety, — the 
piety  of  one  who  as  a  "membfpof  Christ,  a  child  of  God,  and 
an  heir,  through  faith,  of  His  everlasting  Kingdom,"  could,  in 
the  light  of  such  a  relationship,  look  forth  upon  life  and  upon 
Nature ;   and,  in  consistency  wkh  the  penitence  and  humility 
of  the  Christian  walk,  be  ohatrful  and  joyous  in  the  spring- 
time of  being.     The  piety  of  youth — how  lovely  is  it  always, 
and  V^w  blessed  are  its  fruits !    Oh,  that  the  young  might  un- 
derstand^ that  pleasures  do  not  vanish  by  being  chastened,  nor 
joy  diminish  by  being  sanctified !    Still  more — that  they  might 
le;;m,  that  out  of  humble  penitence  alone,  can  be  the  spring  of 
real  and  enduring  joys ! 

Let  me  not  attempt,  with  too  much  minuteness  to  sketch 






<'\^'^^y\^  •<y\ 

the  character  of  this  interesting  Mohawk  maiden.  The  por- 
traiture must  necessarily  be  incomplete,  and  but  too  imperfect. 
I  will  only  add,  as  exemplifying  her  kindr  is  of  heart,  and  her 
affectionate  sympathy  with  the  afflicted,  that  a  touching  account 
was  given  mo  a  few  days  since,  of  her  devoted  attentions  to  one 
of  the  young  ladies  of  the  company  of  Blind  Vocalists,  whose 
acquaintance  was  made,  during  a  stay  in  one  of  the  vilbges  be- 
low us,  in  the  Chenango  valley. 

What  follows  in  this  brief  recital,  the  heart  shrinks  from  the 
thought  of,  and  the  lip  trembles  to  repeat.  Sa-sa-na  is  dead ! 
— in  the  mysterious  Provideooe  of  God,  not  permitted  to 
breathe  out  her  life  in  the  arms  of  affection,  amid  the  consola- 
tions of  friendship,  and  kindly  oare,  and  the  offices  of  our  holy 
religion, — ^but  smitten  down  ip  an  instant — crushed  before  a 
terrible  power,  which,  overleaping  often  all  human  oontrol, 
(sometimes,  alas !  through  human  negligence,)  overwhelms 
like  the  avalanche,  or  sweeps  away  like  the  whirlwind  its  help- 
less victims,  almost  before  one  agonized  prayer  can  be  offered 
up  !  Let  me  not  attempt  to  describe  the  anguished  scene,  nor 
to  tell— for  words  are  vain — the  horror,  and  then  the  fearftil 
weight  of  certain  wo.  which  sink  the  surviving  brother  and  sis- 
ter as  into  the  very  earth.  Does  not  their  heart-rending  situ- 
ation call  for  our  utmost  sympathy,  our  tears,  and  oar  prayers  ? 
— ^tbeir  own  distress  almost  too  heavy  for  them  to  bear,  and 
yet  upon  it  the  added  burden  of  carrying  these  agonized  tidings 
to  their  family,  and  above  all,  to  their  aged  mother.  Greater 
is  their  distress  than  that  of  the  despairing  son  of  Jaeob.  How 
shall  they  go  baok  to  their  mother,  and  Sa-sa-na  not  with 
them  }  lest  they  see  the  evil  which  shall  come  upon  their 
kiother !— And  that  lone  mother,  waiting  in  her  forest  home 
the  long  winter  months,  for  the  return  of  her  far-wandered 
children ; — weary  has  been  her  watch,  long  patient  her  listen- 
ing ear,  for  the  bounding  feet,  and  the  cheerful  voices  of  those 


loved  ones  hastoning  home.  Painfully  will  that  long  watch 
have  ending.  Heavy  and  Had  will  bo  the  foot-fall  that  conies 
to  her  door.  Evil  to  hei  will  bo  the  voice,  though  its  tones 
bo  in  love,  that  tolls  tho  fatal  news — her  children  will  not  all 
return ! 

Brethren  and  friends,  I  have  asked  you  to  pray  with  mo  for 
these  afflicted  hearts— for  all  the  bereaved  family  of  the  de- 
ceased ;  to  pray  *'our  merciful  God  and  heavenly  Father,  who 
has  taught  us  in  His  Holy  word,  that  He  doth  not  willingly 
afflict  or  grieve  the  children  of  men,  that  He  will  look  with  pity 
upon  their  sorrows ;    that  He  will  remember  them  in  mercy  ; 
sanctify  His  Fatherly  correction  to  them  ;    endue  their  souls 
with  patience  under  their  affliction,  and  with  resignation  to  His 
blessed  will ;  comfort  them  with  a  sense  of  His  goodness ;  lift 
up  His  countenance  upon  them,  and  give  thorn  peace,  through 
Jesus  Christ  our  Lord."*    Let  us  «till,  each  one  of  us,  pray 
for  this.     Let  not  our  symptvlhy  be  a  mere  vanishing  thing. 
Let  our  sorrow  and  tears  still  be  shared  with  them,  in  fulfilment 
of  an  Apostle's  exhortation  to  "weep  with  those  that  weep," 
and  of  the  Saviour's  own  blessed  example,  who  wept  with 
mourning  relatives  at  the  grave  of  Lazarus.     This  tribute,  you 
will,  I  am  persuaded,  willingly  yield.     And  it  will  be  some- 
thing  of  comfort — it  will  be  the  source  of  some  consolation  to 
their  wounded  hearts,  to  know  that  you  do  this.     Let  me  add, 
it  will  be  wisdom  in  us,  for  ourselves,  to  cherish  tlicse  emo- 
tions and  sympathies.     It  will  be  good  for  our  hearts  to  linger 
for  a  season,  in  that  far-off  hbi\se  of  mourning.     I  dwell  on 
their  grief  only,  for  though  I  am  assured  a  common  and  sincere 
sorrow  over  this  crushed  Flower  of  the  forest  affects  all  our 
hearts,  ours  is  as  nothing  in  comparison  with  their  affliction,  on 
whom  this  calamity  has  directly  fallen. 

It  is,  brethren,  "a  time  to  weep — a  time  to  mourn,"  yet. 

*Book  of  Common  Prayer, 


]>rai»C(I  })c  O'od,  not  ho  as  without  the  light  nnd  tho  liopcH  of 
our  holy  Faith.  While  therefore,  we  Hcek  to  »lmre  with  these 
nfliictoil  friends,  some  portion  of  their  sorrow,  and  to  communi- 
cate with  them  in  sympathy  and  in  prayers,  let  some  farther 
thoughts  also  be  given  to  the  sad  event  before  us,  for  our  es- 
tablishint;  in  Divine  doctrine,  and  our  comfort  of  hope  ;  and, 
may  it  please  God,  for  their  strengthening  and  comfort,  too . 

A»  Christians  we  say,  and  we  know,  that  the  ruling  hand  of 
0  od  is  in  every  event  of  mortal  life.  But  we  do  not  always  so 
fully  apprehend  this  truth,  as  we  are  allowed,  and  as  it  is  our 
wisdom  to  do.  It  is  fit  that  we  should  consider  widely,  in  the 
light  of  revelation,  the  contingent  purposes  of  Infinite  Provi- 
dence, in  dark  dispensations  like  this  we  are  now  called  to  oon- 
tcmplatc  ;  and  especially  that  we  should  rest  our  thoughts* 
and  our  faith,  on  those  certain  truths  which  His  word  gives  us 
to  know,  in  connection  with  tho  outward  and  visible  circum- 
stances of  death,  even  in  its  most  appalling  forms.  For 
the  former,  let  it  be  enough  now  to  dwell  upon  two  only,  among 
tho  most  evident  and  important  of  the  Divine  purposes.  When 
the  servants  of  Christ  are  thus  early  and  suddenly  called  away, 
there  is  this  clear  voice  to  surviving  relatives  and  friends,  from 
out  the  afflictive  dispensation.  It  is  a  call  to  them  anew,  to 
set  their  affections  supremely  there,  where  yet  another  treas- 
ure has  been  gathered  in  of  God,  as  it  were  to  draw  their  hearts 
on  after.  And  His  act  of  apparent  severity,  is  indeed  toward 
them,  but  the  loosing  of  one  mtye  band  that  bound  them  to 
earth,  to  link  it  in  the  chain  which  binds  them  to  heaven  and 
heavenly  things.  The  Christian  poet  realized  this,  when  be 
wrote  from  the  deep  calm  of  spiritual  contemplations, 

"  'Tib  swcot,  as  year  by  year  we  lose 
Friends  out  of  sight,  in  faith  to  muso, 
How  grows  in  Paradise  our  storp."* 

*Koble's  Christian  Year. 





"V^N  .^  >•v/-^  *'X^>.-'^  / 

OP   HA-8A-NA. 

'>''  ^./•X/"V^^^-\./-Vv'  XZ-XZ-N  /  N/^  /"N-'NrN>'X/--.  ^-•^y*-'  N 



Another  plain  indication  of  tho  gracioutj  purposo  of  God,  in 
taking  away  ono  and  another  in  the  niidtit  of  years  and  uueful- 
ncHH,  or,  as  in  tho  caKe  before  uh,  in  the  opening  day  of  hope 
and  of  distinguished  promise,  we  find  in  the  words  of  tho 
prophet  Isaiah,  "Tho  righteous  are  taken  away  from  tho  evil 
to  come."     Fr»m  how  much  of  sorrow,  trial  and  sin,  arc  such 
most  certainly  removed  ;    and  from  what  unknown  afflictions 
and  extremities  of  peril  may  they  thus  be  given  escape  !  What 
secret  mercy  may  *hero  be,  evon  in  the   most  saddening 
instances  of    iiudden  death! — mercy,  which,  could  we  see 
it  in  all  its  fulness,  as  one  day  it  may  be  permitted  us, 
would  cause  our  bowed  hearts  to  fling  the  load  of  grief  from  off 
them,  to  leap  for  joy,  and  to  cry  aloud  with  thanksgiving !  Our 
heavenly  Father — for  our  ohastesing — wills  not  now  to  open 
to  us  all  these  views.     He  bids  us  "walk  by  faith,  and  not  by 
siglit"-^to  bo  still  and  know  that  ho  is  God — that  "He  doeth 
all  things  well"— -that  all  things — seem  they  never  so  grievous- 
**work  together  for  good  to  them  that  love  him."    In  this  faith. 
Ho  would  have  us  resign  to  Him,  those  whom  Ho  takes  from 
earth,  by  what  wo  are  so  prone  to  call,  untimely  death.     Let 
us  then  fulfil  His  will,  in  owKing  tho  merciful  goodness  which 
we  oannot  see.     Let  the  faith  of  it  be  to  us,  and  especially  t9 
the  bereaved,  «,  foundation  tf  jpeace,  which  no  flood  of  sorrow 
can  remove. 

And  while  wo  confess  the  wislom  and  love  of  G  od,  which  such 
views  of  His  providential  purposes  reveal  to  us,  let  us  directly 
regard  and  apply  a  doctrine  which  our  holy  faith  specifically 
commends  to  us,  for  our  comfort  always  ;  and  which  so  relieves 
the  contemplation  of  the  terrors  of  mortality,  alike  in  its  gontloit 
approaches,  and  when  its  agencies  are  sudden  and  violcrrt. 

The  word  of  inspiration  by  tho  Psalmist,  dcclarcB  to  such  as 
make  the  Lord  their  refuge, 

"Q(m1  shall  charge  hia  nngcl  legions,  ! 

Watch  and  ward  u'cr  theo  to  keep." 




I  And  it  is  of  tho  Saviour's  own  teaching,  that  not  alone  docs  the 
I  soul  of  tho  faithful  go  forth  to  try  tho  mysteries  of  tho  unseen 
j  world,  but  ministering  angels  receive  it  as  it  parts  from  its  chy 
!  tabernacle,  and  carry  it  home  to  tho  Paradise  of  God.  Tho 
;  doctrine  is  one — tho  doctrine  of  the  angel  ministry  to  tho  heirs 
of  salvation. 

Brethren,  God  was  not  a  God  afur  off— He  had  not  forgotten  to 
be  gracious  to  this  child  of  His — that  thus  with  fearful  violence, 
the  silver  cord  was  loosed,  the  golden  bowl  broken,  the  life  He 
gave,  taken  away.    No!  in  that  crushing  shock.  Ho  was  present, 
OS  ever,  in  mighty  power,  in  wisdom  and  in  mercy.     And  hov- 
ering above  the  scene  of  rushing  rage  and  swift  destruction,  were 
those  agents  of  Omnipotence,  whom  He  sometimes  makes  winds 
and  flames  of  fire,  to  do  His  will ;    and  who  ever  go  forth  at 
His  command,  more  swiftly  than  on  telegraphic  wings,  to  min- 
ister to  His  chosen  in  their  hour  of  need.     Stooping  in  that 
moment  so  dread  to  mortal  nature,  those  blessed  spirits  fulfilled 
their  gracious  office.     Twofold  indeed  their  office  was.     Two 
sisters  were  together — alike  in  mortal  peril,  and  helpless,  be- 
fore the  maddened  element.    God  willed  to  spare  the  one,  and 
the  broad  shield  of  angel  power  was  interposed,  to  ward  off 
the  impending  blow.     God  willed  to  take  the  other  to  himself, 
and  the  fatal  shock  was  suffered.    But  as  the  earthly  house 
fell  before  it  in  ruins  at  their  feet,  angels  received  the  yielded 
spirit,  and  bore  it  heavenward  with  infolding  wing. 

God  be  praised,  brethren,  for  assurances  liko  these — mercy 
in  sparing  life,  through  so  glorious,  though  unseen  agencies- 
equal  mercy  in  taking  it  away — translating  it  by  the  same 
blessed  ministry  into  realms  of  light,  almost  before  the  shadows 
of  mortality  have  closed  around  its  earthly  phase. 

And  so  is  it  always.  They  who  are  truly  the  servants  of 
God,  are  never  in  danger  amid  the  uncertainties  of  human  life . 
God's  commissioned  messengers,  great  in  power  and  wisdom 


-  I 

op  8A-8A-NA. 


k  ^Ny-vy^^Kz-v^-v/ 

Vy^y>-/Ay^/^^X  /^  /N  A\  /^  /^   '"\  y 

— oxoollont  in  Htrongtii— arc  sent  forth  for  their  dofonco,— a 
tsiroling  hoHt  encamped  around  them.  No  evil  can  happen  to 
them,  no  plague  come  nigh  thcin,  but  as  Qod  allowH  it  for  their 
good.  The  mortal  Bummonn  will  come  indeed,  in  His  own 
time.  It  may  come  when  they  think  not.  It  may  como  by 
terrible  messengerH.  l^it  they  need  not  fear.  Nothing  can 
pluck  them  out  of  their  Futhorcs  hand.  Nothing  can  separate 
them  from  the  love  of  (Christ.  Nothing  can  deprive  them  of 
that  guardian  ministry,  which  the  abounding  goodness  of  the 
Lord  has  vouchsafed  them.  Death,  in  seeming  to  frustrate 
this,  does  but  give  occasion  for  the  crowning  charities  of  angtOs. 

These  truths  of  our  faith — how  do  they  change  the  aspect  of 
mortal  calamities !  IIow  they  brighten  like  golden  day,  upon 
the  darkness  of  sorrow !  How  they  pour  the  divine  oil  of  con- 
solation into  wounded  hearts,  and  infuse  joy  into  the  bitterest 
cup  of  grief !  How  they  cause  love  to  pour  forth  from  the 
welling  depths  of  our  souls,  to  that  Almighty  Father,  lledccm- 
cr  and  Sanotifier,  whoso  love  is  thus  shewed  us  !  And  what 
glorious  conjecture  do  they  cast,  as  a  bow  of  promise,  on  that 
veiling  cloud  which  hides  from  our  vision  the  surpassing  joys 
of  the  life  immortal— 'those  things  which  eye  hath  not  seen  nor 
ear  heard,  neither  have  entered  into  the  heart  of  man — the 
things  which  God  hath  prepared  for  them  that  love  him  !  May 
the  assurance  of  all  these  Divine  doctrines  be  abundantly  the 
portion  of  our  afflicted  friends,  in  this  present  bereavement. 
May  they  think  of  this  departed  child  and  sister,  as  mercifully 
removed  from  the  thronging  trials  and  pains  of  this  life,  and 
carried  by  angels,  to  a  blessed  rest  in  the  presence  of  the  Lord. 
And  may  their  hearts  be  set  supremely  on  things  above,  that 
at  length  they  may  be  partakers  with  her  of  the  heavenly 

Mingling  thoughts  of  the  Divine  consolations  with  our  sor- 
rowing sympathies,  let  us  also  lay  to  heart,-rand  especially  let 






'  >•  ■'  vyv/x^s  ^\^\^  \^\^*^' 

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mo  charge  it  upon  you,  my  young  friumlH— tlio  wolonin  Ichhou 
which  early  and  Huddcn  death,  ho  often  exeniplifled,  iH  doHignod 
to  teach  ufl.  Our  'Mifo  w  even  a  vapor,  that  appoaroth  for  a 
little  time,  and  then  vaniHhoth  nway."  "In  the  midtit  of  lifo  wo 
are  in  deatli."  No  froshnosH  of  youth,  no  health,  no  buoyancy 
of  Hpirits,  can  give  m  any  nHHuranoo  of  length  of  day«i.  Wo 
know  not  what  even  a  day  may  bring  forth.  The  slightest  flhook 
may  sever  the  thread  of  this  mortal  being.  The  gentlest  breath 
of  the  summer  breeze,  may  wing  the  shaft  of  death  to  our  bo- 
soms. We  all  know  this.  Wc  do  not  need  to  have  it  proved 
to  UH  anew.  But  oh,  how  many  are  living  as  though  it  wore 
not  so  !  Will  you  not  all  endeavor  to  urge  this  truth  nion^ 
earnestly  upon  yourselves,  with  its  instant  admonition  to  bo 
prepared  for  death  .'  Will  you  not  try  to  apprehend,  and  make 
your  own,  the  inspired  prayer  of  the  Psalmist,  "80  teach  us 
to  number  our  days,  that  wo  may  apply  our  hearts  unto  wis- 
dom." The  Spirit  of  God  is  graciously  waiting  to  teach  you 
all  that  true  wisdom,  which  to  know  is  lifo  eternal.  "Ask, 
and  it  shall  bo  given  you  ;  Hcek,  and  yc  shall  fil)4'" 


Let  a  brief  glance  over  the  circumstances  of  the  sad  event 
wo  have  been  contemplating,  serve,  in  conclusion,  to  improM 
its  solemn  admonitions  upon  us,  and  to  draw  our  hearts  out 
still,  toward  tho  house  of  mourning. 

A  little  while  ago,  and  the  heart  of  the  Indian  girl  was  glad 
in  the  thought  of  an  early  return  to  her  homo  in  tho  woods. 
And  wo  heard  her  tell  of  the  joy  it  is,  to  bo  at  home  with  Na- 
ture in  the  early  spring— when  the  brooks  are  murmuring  again, 
and  the  buds  unfold,  and  the  soft  winds  whisper  in  the  troe- 
tops,  and  the  early  birds  return,  and  all  nature  is  beautiful  and 
smiling,  beneath  tihc  hand  of  our  Father,  and  seems  to  bo  vocal 
with  his  praise. — That  longed-for  season  is  coming  soon ;  and 
its  life,  its  beauty,  and  its  niulody,  will  spring  anew  in  the  Mo- 




Ol-   HA-8A-NA. 


'v.^\' vvyv 

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hawk  woo»1k  ;  hut  tlio  Iron  footBtopH  of  Sa-ha-na  will  not  lio 
roaming  there,  her  joyoiw  voioo  will  no  nioro  thrill  in  tho  hcurtn 
of  loving  kindred  and  fricndH,  nor  her  wnrblings  echo  the  wild 
bird'rf  Hong.  ChccrlosH  and  lonely  will  bo  tho  foroHt  path — 
Hilont  and  Had,  will  bo  "the  wigwam  at  homo."— A  little  later 
— perhaps  before  the  green  loaf  is  grown— and  in  the  Christian 
temple  which  Indian  piety  has  reared  there,  there  will  bo  a 
Horrowful  gathering  f;om  out  those  wilds,  for  solemn  funeral 
rites.  And  prayer  will  be  said,  and  holy  song  bo  sung,  and 
Chriit  proolaimod  as  tho  Resurrection  and  tho  Life— and 
then  in  the  quiet  churchyard,  the  mortal  remains  of  the  Mo- 
hawk Maiden  will  be  committed  to  tho  ground, — "Earth  to 
earth,  ashes  to  ashes,  dust  to  dust,"— and  the  blessed  words  of 
the  Faith  will  be  spoken  above  them :  "I  heard  a  voice  from 
heaven  saying  unto  me,  Write  from  henceforth,  blessed  are  the 
dead  who  die  in  the  Lord  ;  even  wo  sai.h  tho  Spirit ;  for  they 
rest  from  their  labours. " 

So  change  tho  scenes  of  life — so  fail  its  visions — so  fade  its 
hopes.  Ours  is  the  tribute  of  mourning  and  tears,  liut  while 
wo  yield  it,  on  cmr  own  or  others'  behalf,  let  us  bless  the  Word 
that  bids  us  look  beyond  these  dissolving  views,  to  tlic  bright, 
unchanging  scones  of  the  life  above.  There,  sorrows  shall  be 
known  no  moro ;  tears  shall  forever  bo  wiped  away ;  and 
mourning  will  bo  but  a  dim  rcmembraacc,  as  of  the  shadow  of 
a  cloud  on  the  morning  path  of  existence.  In  the  faith  of  that 
life,  let  pious  hands  close  the  grave  of  this  departed  child  of 
God,  and  gently  press  the  turf  upon  its  raised  mound.  There 
sleep  the  precious  dust,  till  in  the  resurrection  at  the  last  day, 
it  is  raised  in  power  and  glory,  spiritual  and  immortal. 

"Sweetly  their  bodies  rest 

Beneath  tho  green  sod, 
Whoso  souls  are  with  tho  blo&l) 


May  it  be  ours  allj  so  to  lio  down  to  tho  long  stilly  slumber 
of  tho  grave—  and  to  wake  in  the  springtime  of  the  life  immor- 
tal, in  the  likeness  of  Jesus,  and  to  the  joys  of  His  presence, 
in  His  everbsting  kingdom. 

I.    V-       '**■ 

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BY  W.  H.  C.  H08MER. 

"I  dsr«  not  tnmt  a  hurg«r  U7, 
But  imtber  loosen  fimn  the  lip 
Short  ■wallow-flights  of  sonc.  thatdia 

Their  wings  in  toars."— 


When  hearts  all  joy,  and  cheeks  all  bloomy 
'rhe  Paroee  mark  for  an  early  doom, 
And  ties  are  clipped  by  their  cmel  shears 
That  bound  us  to  the  yonng  ip  /ears— 
His  dirge  in  vain  the  Poet  nngs, 
Waking  the  wildly-wailing  strings ; 
Fo::  die  tearless  alienee  of  dec^air, 
Not  words,  can  loss  so  dread  declare. 


V  ^s  >x-A.  y-\  /-v  y  "X 



Though  sad  to  witness,  day  by  day, 
Our  loved  ones  waste  with  slow  decay, 
While  the  features  warm  with  a  hectic  glow, 
More  bright  than  Painting  will  ever  know — 
Thrice  mournful  is  the  stroke  of  Fate, 
Leaving  us  wholly  desolate. 
That  falls,  unheralded,  to  sever  ^• 

An  idol  from  our  souls  forever. 


Though  mine  is  not  a  practiced  ear. 

Oh  !  how  I  loved  her  song  to  hear :—  . 

Her  teachers  were  the  tuneful  rills, 

And  airy  voices  from  the  hills  ; 

The  lay  she  breathed  was  Nature's  own, 

Melting  the  soul  with  its  liquid  tone. 

And  caught  from  water-fall,  and  bird. 

Were  notes,  by  the  spell-bound  listener  heard. 



Her  large,  black  eye  wa9  ev^r  bright 
With  flashes  of  eleotrip  %^t, 
And  her  cheek  with  a  glo^iifig  sian-sdt  red 
Like  summer  twilight,  overspread. 






The  shade  of  woods  was  in  her  hair, 

The  blue-bell's  grace  in  her  queenly  air, 

And  the  proudest  willing  homage  paid 

To  the  matchless  charms  of  the  Mohawk  Maid. 


Ah  !  gathered  was  this  Rose  of  ours 

When  Life  was  in  its  Moon  of  Flowers, 

Ere  canker  soiled  one  tender  leaf, 

Or  frost  had  done  the  work  of  grief : 

She  perished,  like  some  worthless  weed, 

In  the  track  of  the  White  Man's  Iron  Steed  ; 

And  strangers  in  the  tomb  have  laid 

The  crushed  remains  of  the  Mohawk  Maid. 


Poor  widowed  mother  of  the  dead ! 

Thou  wilt  hear  no  more  her  bounding  tread, 

But  let  one  soothing  thought  control 

The  grief  that  rends  thy  tortured  soul. 

When  sang  of  Heaven  thy  forest  child. 

What  transport  breathed  in  each  'wood-note  wild'; 

The  path  of  a  blamelcH  life  she  trod, 

And  the  pure  in  thought  shall  look  on  God. 





Let  velvet  mofm  o*er  the  Blumberer  creep 
Where  the  bones  of  her  red  forefvlhera  sleep, 
And  the  spot  be  marked  wfth  no  other  sign 
Thftn  some  old  familisr  oak,  or  pine  :— 
Better  a  quiet  place  of  rest, 
With  the  turf  of  home  upon  her  breast, 
Than  the  proudest  tomb  that  trophied  Art 
Could  build  to  cover  her  mouldering  heart.