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Full text of "Historic records of the fifth New York Cavalry, First Ira Harris Guard [microform] : its organization, marches, raids, scouts, engagements and general services, during the rebellion of 1861-1865 : with observations of the author by the way, giving sketches of the armies of the Potomac and of the Shenandoah : also, interesting accounts of prison life and of the secret service : complete lists of its officers and men"

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AMD  or  TBI 


Complete  IiistB  of  its  Officers  and  Men. 

.  /  pan 

By  Bbv.  LOUIS  N'  BOUDRTE, 
OEAn^iR  ov  nn  sMnnnn. 


ALBANY,  N.  T. : 



I  4 



Xntered  Aeeonling  to  Act  of  Coofren  in  the  Tmt  188B,  t^ 

havn  N.  Bousna, 

In  tb«  Olwk't  Office  of  th«  District  Oonrt  ct  the  United  SUtet  for  th* 

Iforthem  District  of  New  Torlc 

Uf3  2>  /  4. 


f .  MUMUiXi  nnran. 




A.  -».-jiv><^>M9]f-  ^. .. 


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to  ofUn  d^gfiayed  uniurpamd 

PatrioUtm,  FarMudt 

and  Valor  in  fl« 
tri/ini/ t)iei$tUude»  of 
Military  Lift;  and  uha, 
en  to  many  Noody  Fiddt 
cf  BcMe,  hone  heniecMy  up- 

M  ihtBtarry  Banner  t  and  June 

itt  auOiffrO^  in  (he  pret- 
<if  itt  onemiei,  are  (heie 
torie  Beecrdi  tf  (Mr 
1.  BLE    DEEDS' 

DEDIOATED  by  fheir 



"-■»«, -M*ar»ja-^, 

HiAD  QtTABTimi,  Fifth  N.  T.  CMftlrjr,  \ 
Near  SUunton,  V».,  Junt  Hlk,  1866.  J 
Rmt.  Louis  K.  Boddrti, 

ChapUin,  Fifth  N.  T.  Ca-ralry, 
Z)«ar  5ir:  We,  the  offioera  J  the  Fifth  New  York  C«T»lry, 
desirous  to  possess  true  and  full  Historio  Reoords  of  the  Regiment, 
since  its  organiiation,  do  respeotfully  request  you  to  prepare  tha 
same  for  publication  in  such  form,  that  ourselves  and  the  men  of 
this  Command  may  te  able  to  procure  them. 

Pledging  you  our  assistance  in  the  accomplishment  of  this  diffi- 
cult  labor,  wb  remain 

Respectfully  Tours, 
(%««</).— A.  H.  Wbiti,  Col.;  T.  A.  Boici,  Lt.  Col. ;  E.  J.  Bae- 
K»,  Major;  H.  A.  D,  Mimsirr,  Mijor;  0.  W.  ARMSTkoio, Sur- 
geon, and  others. 

Caisf  Fifth  New  York  Cavalry,  \ 
Nea?  Otaunton,  Va.,  Junt  m,  18G6.  / 

Col.  A.  H.  Wbiti,  Lt.  Col.  T.  A.  Boioi,  Md  others. 

Dear  Sir$ :  I  cbeerftiUy  undertake  the  "  difficult  labor,"  which 
you  request  me  to  perform  for  several  reasons,  vis;  first,  because 
you  request  it.  Second,  because  I  believe  it  to  be  the  duty  of 
every  regiment  'o  prepare  a  correct  hiitory  of  its  services  in  this 
war,  for  ftiture  reference.  Third,  bqoause  my  services  as  chaplaia 
of  the  regiment,  for  nearly  three  years  of  its  active  campaigning, 
have  afforded  me  an  ample  opportunity  to  know  its  character  and 
history.  A  diary  of  all  tha  remarkable  events  of  that  pecriod, 
written  during  the  lull  of  battle ;  — in  the  halt  of  the  march ;  — 
through  the  respite  of  hospital  labor;  —  in  the  lonellneGs  of  the 
prison  (where  I  was  confined  three  months),  and  during  the  quiet- 
ness  of  the  camp, —  will  be  invaluable  in  this  enterprise.  I  pledge 
mj  self  to  search  out  diligently,  and  to  state  faithfully,  the  faett  of 
our  eventftil  history.  Hoping  that  uiong  these  records  in  future 
days,  we  may  spend  many  happy  and  profitable  hours,  living 
over  again  some  of  the  glorious  experiences  of  our  military  life, 
I  remain,  Very  Respectfully  Tours, 

Louis  N.  Boudkyb, 
Chaplain,  Fifth  N.  T.  Cavalry 












I.  Chaplain  Louis  N.  Boudrye Frontigpieoe. 

IL  Colonel  0.  DeForest, 29 

in.  Colonel  John  Hammond 76 

IV.  Colonel  A.  H.  White 117 

V.  Lieutenant  Culonel  T.  A.  Boioe 186 

VL  Surgeon  L.  P.  Woodt, 288 


L  Battle  of  Brandy  Station, 81 

II.  Burial  of  Sergeant  8.  W.  Sortore 182 

in.  Our  Chapel  Tent 247 

IV.  Libby  Prison,  Biohraoni',  Va., 267 

V.  Interior  View  of  Libby  Prison 267 

VI.  Our  Soout,  Approaching  Hagorstown,  Md., 281 








I.  Offioen  «t  Time  of  Muster  Out, 202 

II.  CommandMita  of  the  Regiment, 204 

III.  Non-Commiuloned  Staff, -•••  S*^* 

IV.  Streugth  of  Command  at  Various  Datee, 206 

V.  Full  Statistloe -  206 

VI.  Engafemenle  and  their  CaeualOes, ~  2l2 

VII.  Men  Killed  ia  Action 216 

VIII.  Men  Mortally  Wounded  in  Action, -  218 

IX.  Men  Discharged  by  Reason  of  WouadB «  ?19 

X.  Retired  Officers 221 

ZI.  Men  who  Died  in  Rebel  Prisons, 27'» 










Our  CaTkiry  Deficient  kt  Bull  Run. — This  Arm  Recruited. —  Org*n- 
ixation  of  the  Fifth  Mew  York  Cayalr/. —  Hon.  Ir»  Hftrris 
lends  his  Name  and  Influence. —  Early  History  of  Regiment. — 
On  Staten  Island,  New  York.— -Flag  Presentation, —  Speech  of 
Senator  Harris. —  Regiment  LeaTes  the  State. —  In  Baltimore.— 

In  Annapolis At    Camp  Harris.— Jwjy  26<A   to  Dee.  81«(, 

1861 17 


Discipline  and  Drill.  —  First  BiTouao.  —  At  Harper's  Ferry.  —  Win* 
Chester.  —  Its  Appearance  then. — First  Capture  made  by  the 
Regiment.  — Col.  Turner  Ashby  (Rebel)  in  the  Valley.  — Fight 
with  him  »t  Harrisouburg.  —  Qallant  Conduct  of  the  Fifth. — 
First  Casualties.  —  Caralry  towing  Infantry  across  a  Riyer  by 
hanging  on  the  Horses'  Tails.  —  Battle  of  Front  Royal. —The 
Flanker  Stonewall  Jacksoc. — The  Regiment  Engaged. — A 
Portion  of  it  out  oiT.  —  Qreat  Daring.  —  Belle  Boyd,  the  female 
Rebel  Spy.  —  Letter  of  Charles  H.  Oreenleaf. — How  Gen. 
Backs  sared  his  army. — ^R«sult  of  Retreat. — Jan,  to  May  26(A, 
1862 28 


Bebbl  Army  Crossing  South  of  Blue  Ridge. —  Suceessftal  Advapie 
on  Martlnsbnrg.—  Serrices  ftnd  Sufferbgs  of  the  CaTalry.— 

■*"*«■'««<.  aSfwewBk 

-  ^ji^O'l:''  "■^*^^^* 





■  II 




X  Contents. 

Cavalry  Battle  of  Orange  Court  House. — Fifth  New  York  BoyB.— 
Terrible  Dealers  in  Hardware. —  R'iconuoiBsanoe  to  Louisa 
Court  House. —  Qen.  Stuart's  Adjutant  General  and  Important 
Diapatohes  Arom  Gen.  Lee  Captured.- — Reconnoissanoe  through 
Snicker's  Gap  and  to  Berryyille. —  Capture  cf  a  Rebel  Camp, 
one  Stand  of  Colors  and  much  Spoil. —  Charge  on  a  Sutler's 
Shanty. —  Sword  Presented  to  Qen.  J.  P.  Hatch. —  Interesting 
Correspondenoe. —  ifay  Zlit  to  December  Biit,  1862, 86 


Mosby,  the  Guerrilla. —  His  men. —  Picketing  against  him  at  Chan- 
tilly. — Building  Winter  Quarters  at  Germantow:a.  —  Descrip- 
tion. —  Mosby  at  Fairfax  Court  House.  —  Fight  at  Chantilly.  — 
At  Warrenton  Junction.  —  Congratulatory  Order  of  Command- 
ing General. — Fight  at  GreapwioL.— Capture  of  a' Howitxer. 
—  Gallant  Conduct  of  Lieut.  Barker. — Jan,  lit  to  June  J14(A, 
1868 0 4« 


Uen.  Lee  Inv.ides  Maryland  and  Pennsylvania. — Breaking  Camp 
at  Fairfax  Court  House. —  Fidelity  of  the  Horse. —  March  over 
Bull  Run  Battle  Field. —  Reorganization  of  the  Ca  /airy  Corp^. — 

Kilpatriok  in  Command  of  the  Third  Division Caralry  Battle 

of  Hanover,  Pennsylvania. —  Battle  of  Gettysburg,  Third  Day. — 
Attack  on  Rebel  Train  in  Monterey  Pass. —  Battle  of  Hagera- 
town. —  Battle  of  Boonsboro'. — Attack  on  Rear  Guard  of  Rebel 
Array  at  Falling  Waters. —  The  Invaders  Expelled  from  Free 
Soil.     June  19tA  to  July  Uth,  1868 61 


Lee's  Invasion,  a  great  Failure. —  He  is  not  Pursued  very  Vigor- 
ously.—  Reasons  Why. —  We  Reoross  the  Potomac The  Qun- 

Boat  Expedition. —  Battle  of  Culpepper  Court  House. —  Lee 
flanks  Meade. —  We  Retreat  from  the  Robertson  and  Rapidan 
Rivers. —  Kiipatrick  Surrrounded  at  Brandy  Station. —  His 
Brilliant  Charge. —  Battle  of     Buckland  Mills. —  The  Armies 




uina.->«a»-a««i  jti-'-"' 

th  New  York  Boys.— 
|oiR8anoe    to  Louisa 

aeral  and  Important 
lonnoissanoe  through 
V  cf  a  Rebel  Camp, 
bhargo  on  a  Sutler's 
IHatch. —  Interesting 
\t.  1862 85 

gainst  him  at  Chan- 
lantowa.  — Desorip- 

ightatChantilly. — 
)rder  of  Command- 
»ture  of  a  Howitxer. 
n.  Itt  to  June  J4tA, 

ia. — Breaking  Camp 
Horse. —  March  over 

the  Cn/alry  Corps. 

on — Catralry  Battle 
sburg,  Third  Day.— 
—  Battle  of  Hagers- 
Rcar  Guard  of  Rebo! 
Expelled  from  Free 
• 61 

Pursued  Tery  Vigor- 

otomao The  Gun- 

]!ourt  House. —  Lee 
rtson  and  Rapidan 
ndy  Station.— His 
lills.— The  Armies 




Swing  like  Pendulums. —  Skirmish  at  Stevensburg. —  Several 
Days'  Fighting  at  Raocoon  Ford. — Change  is  the  Soldier's  Lite.— 
Excitemeut  about  Re<>nlisling  as  Veteran  Volunteers Build- 
ing Winter  Quarters Jul;/  16M  to  Deembtr  31»<,  18f>3,..      72 


Life  in  Winter  Quarters. —  Its  Duties  and  Pastimes, —  Its  Interest- 
ing Scenes. —  Dangerous  Picketing  between  the  Rappahannock 
and  the  Rapidan. —  Frequent  Attacks  by  Guerrillas. —  Kilpat. 
rick's  Second  Raid  to  Richmond. —  Col.  Dahlgren's  Part  of  the 
V/ork. —  Full  Account  by  Lieut.  Merritt,  who  accompanied 
Dahlgren. —  Object  of  the  Raid. —  General  Plan. —  Dahlgren's 
Command. —  Successful  Capture  of  Rebel  Pickets  on  the  Rapi- 
dan.—  Honor  to  Lieut.  Merritt's  Command. —  Capture  of  a  Rebel 
Court  Martial. —  Conduct  of  Prisoners. —  The  Faithless  Negro 
Guide. —  He  is  Hung.— -Property  of  Mr.  Seddon,  Rebel 
Secretary  of  War. —  His  Negroes. —  Their  Depredations. —  Our 
Soldiers  falsely  Accused  of  Pillaging. —  Henry  A.  Wise  wisely 
Skedaddles. —  Within  a  few  Miles  of  Richmond. —  CoHperation 
with  Kilpatriok  Impossible. —  Preparation  to  Attack  Richmond. 
—  Nature  of  the  Fight. —  Withdrawal. —  Casualties. —  Terrible 
Night's  March. —  Meet  a  Rebel  Ambulance  Train. —  Crossing 
the  Panunkey. —  The  Mattapony. —  Marching  and  Fighting. — 
The  Ambuscade. —  Dahlgren  Killed. —  Road  Barricaded. —  In 
Straits. —  Ammunition  Exhausted. —  Preparation  to  Disperse. — 
The  Party  Broken  up. — The  Cabin  in  the  Woods.— The  Surren- 
der.—  A  Baptist  Preaoher.->-  The  Parson's  Bobbery  and  Apolo- 
gy.—  Dahlgren's  Rem<\in8. —  Arrival  atLibby  Prison. —  Casual- 
ties of  the  Fifth  New  York. —  Synopsis  of  Kilpatricks  March. — 
The  Terrible  Tornado.— Tcnuary  1«(  to  May  2d,  1864 90 


Army  of  the  Potomac.  —  Good  Condition.  —  First  Steps  of  th« 
Great  Campaign  under  Gen.  Grant.  — The  Fitth  New  York  opens 
the  Battle  of  the  Wilderness  at  Parker's  Store.— Detailed  at  Army 
Headquarters.  —  Scenes  at  the  Hospital.  —  Lines  of  Battle.  — 
Second  Day.  —  Lee  breaks  our  Lines  twice.  —  Is  Repulsed.  — 




V  '■^'^•c^^^i^-ijit^-ias'i 




Col.  Hammond  Ordered  to  Qermania  Ford.  —  Ib  Placed  in  Coa- 
mand  of  ProTisicual  Brigade  of  Cavalry. — Brings  up  Rear  on 
First  Left  Flank  MoTement.  —  SkirmislieB  on  the  My  and  Po 
RiverB. —  Affair  at  the  Maitapony.  — Sergefcnt  Sortore  Killed. — 
Hi*  Burial.  —  Battle  jt  Milfurd  Station.  —  A  Stratagem  at  Little 
River.  —  Vast  Forests  uf  Virginia.  —  Battle  of  Ashland  Station 
—  Dark,  Muddy  March  along  the  Pamunkey — Tedious  Marcnin 
Rear  of  a_  Supply  Train.  —  Men  Sleep  on  their  Horses.  —  At 
Charles  Ciiy  C.  H.  —  Fight  at  White  Oak  Swamps.— ifay  3d 
to  June  IQth,  1864, 120 


Crossing  the  James  River. —  Pleasant  Scene. —  The  WiUon  Raid, — 
First  Day.—  Battle  of  Nottoway  Court  House.—  The  Danville 
Railroad. —  What  we  D<*Btroyed. —  The  Contrabands. —  Battle 
of  Reams  Station.— The  Swift  Retreat. —  Awful  Scenes.- The 
Author's  Personal  Adventures. —  Is  Diamounted  in  the  Woods. — 
Travels  by  Night  and  Rests  by  Day. —  Narrow  Escapes. —  Assist- 
ed by  Negroes. —  Reaches  our  Lines  Safely. —  Casualties  of  tbe 
^aid. —  The  Division  Ships  for  Qeisboro' Point,  D.  C. —  June 
I7lh  to  Auguet  9(A,  1864, 143 


To  the  Shenandoah  Valley.  —  Exciting  Scene  in  Snicker's  Qap. — 
Battle  of  Summit  Point.  —  Battle  of  Keameysvill'  Station.  — 
Crossing  into  Maryland. —  Old  John  Brown  air  in  Charlcstown. — 

Skirmishes  near  the  Opequan Battle  of  Winchester.  —  Drive 

the  Enemy  through  Front  Royal.  —  Up  Luray  Valley.  —  Raid 
to  Staunton  and  Waynesboro'. — Cavalry  Fight  at  Tom's  Brook. — 
Battle  of  Cedar  Creek. —  Sheridan's  Ride.  —  Unparalleled  Cap- 
turos  by  the  Regiment.  —  Gi.  j.  Custer's  Congratulatory  Order.  — 
Reconnoissance  to  Rood's  Hill. —  Spirited  Engagement  near  Mt. 
Jackson.  —  Regiment  Detailed  Escort  of  Qe&eral  Sheridan.  — 
The  Fruit  of  Sheridan's  Work  in  the  Valley.  — August  I2th  to 
December  81«^  1864, „ 162 



Is  PUoed  in  Coai- 
rings  up  Rear  on 
n  the  Ny  and  Po 
t  Sortore  Killed. — 
Stratagem  at  Little 
of  Aehland  Station 
Tedious  Marcnin 
their  Horses.  — At 
Bwamps.  —  May  Zd 

The  Wiloon  Baid. — 
use. —  The  Danville 
>ntraband8. —  Battle 

wfu!  Scenes. —  The 
nted  in  the  Woods. — 
w  Escapes, —  Assist- 
. —  Casualties  of  tiie 

Point,  D.  C—  June 


in  Snicker's  Gap.  — 
neysTill'  Station.  — 
lir  in  Cbarkstown. — 
Winchester.  —  Drire 
uray  Valley.  —  Eaid 
ht  at  Tom's  Brook.— 
—  Unparalleled  Cap- 
gratnlatory  Order.  — 
Ingagcment  near  Mt. 
Seneral  Sheridan.  — 
ey.  — Augutt  12lh  to 
„ 1C2 

*:--<»*^-^»^igi<t  „ 


General  Sheridan's  Last  Raid,  —  Up  the  Valley  —  Battle  of 
Waynesboro'.  —  Many  Prisoners.  —  In  Charge  of  the  Regi- 
ment.—  Rosser  Annoys  Rear  of  Column.  —  Battle  of  Rood's 
Hill.  —  Rosser  Defeated. — Fall  of  Richmond.  —  Lee  Surren- 
ders. —  Suburbs  of  Winchester.  —  Rebel  Soldiers  Anxious  to 
bo  Paroled.  —  Expedition  to  Staunton.  —  Preparation  to  Muster 
out  the  Regiment. — Camp  Illumination.  —  Last  Order  of  Col. 
White.  —  Journey  to  Hart's  Island,  N.  T.  Harbor.  — The  Fifth 
New  York  Cavalry  is  No  More.--./afluary  1«(  to  July  26th, 
1866, 190 


Regimental  Items.  —  Tables  :  Officers  at  Time  of  Muster  Out.  — 
Commanding  Officers.  —  Non-eommissioned  Staff.  —  Exhibit  of 
Strength  on  Monthly  Returns.  —  Full  Statistics.  —  Former  0< 
oupations  of  our  Men.  —  Their  Places  of  Birth.  —  Marches  of 
the  Regiment.  —  Counties  Traversed. — Escort  Duty.  —  Gen- 
erals under  whom  we  Served.  —  Burial  of  Our  Dead.  —  Tables: 
Engagements  and  their  Cttsualtics —  Men  Killed  in  Action.  — 
Mortally  Wounded.  — Discharged  by  Reason  of  Wounds.  —  List 
of  Retired  Officers 200 


Mementos  to  Officers. —  Col.  0.  DeForest. —  Col.  John  Hammond. 
— Surgeon  Lucius  P.  Woods —  Major  A.  H.  Krom. —  Major  E. 
J.  Barker.— Capt.  L.  L.  O'Connor,. 224 


Influence  of  Campaigning  on  our  Men. —  Who  can  best  Resist  the 

Evils. —  Means    Employed. —  The    Mail    Bag The    8p<)lling 

School. —  Literary  Classes. — Our  Chapel  l^nts. —  Our  Tempe- 
radce  Club. —  Meetings  for  Religious  Worship. —  The  Effect  on 
our  Discipline, 242 






Life  In  Southern  Prisons.  —  Personnl  Experience  of  the  Author.  — 
Capture.  — Gen.  Stuart. — Incidents  of  March  to  Staunton,  Va., 
from  PennsylTania.— Libby  Prison,  Eiohmond.  — Cruelties  of 
Managers.  —  State  of  Rooms.  —Vermin.  —  Rations.  —  The  Soup. 
-Water.— Richmond  Papers. —  "  Sltirmishing."  — Bone  Cut- 
ting.—The  Debating  Club.— "Libby  Lice-I-see-'em,"  (Lyceum). 
—  The  Weekly  Libby  Chronicle. —Utenty  Classes.  —  Religious 
Services.  —  The  Author  Preaches  to  our  Prisoners  in  Pember- 
ton  Castle.  —  Wretched  Conditicn  of  our  Men.  —  Release. — 
What  he  Brought  with  him.  — Diary  of  Sufferings  at  Salis- 
bury, N.  C  —Untold  Wretchedness  at  Andersonville,  Ga.— 
List  of  Men  who  Died  in  Rebel  Prisons, 261 


Our  Scout.— With  Gen.  Stahel.  —  Guides  Cayalry  Corps  from  Fair- 
fax C.  H.  to  Frederick  City,  Md.,  June,  1868.— Ordered  to  Watch 
Movements  of  Rebel  Army,  Marching  on  its  Grand  Invasion  of 
Pennsylvania.  — In  Disguise  he  Visits  Rebel  Gen.  Stuart. — 
Captures  Rebel  Army  Mail,  with  Important  Dispatches,  at 
Hagerstown,  Md.— Carries  Dispatches  from  Gen.  Grant  to 
President  Lincoln,  during  Battle  of  the  Wilderness.  —  Among 
the  Rebels  near  Weldon  &  Petersburg  R.R.  — Hard  Tramp 
through  Woods  and  Swamps. —The  Colored  Guide.  —  Gladly 
Reaches  our  Lines  Again, — 276 


Company  Registers.  —  Organiiations.— OflSoers.  —  Interesting  In- 
cidents in  Personal  Adventures  of  the  men 287 


Complete  Roster  of  the  Regiment ;   each  company  given  alpha- 
.   betioally - 81" 

•i-««»«»«i«i^»asssSi^^« ! 

ice  of  the  Author.  — 
ch  to  Staunton,  Va., 
nond.  —  Cruelties  of 
lationg.  —  The  Soup, 
shing."  —  Bone  Cut- 
-see-'em,"  (Lyceum). 
Classes.  —  Religious 
'risoners  in  Pember- 
'  Men.  —  Release.  — 
Sufferings  at  Salis- 
Lndersonville,  Qa. — 

»lry  Corps  from  Fair- 
1.— Ordered  to  Watch 
;s  Grand  Invasion  of 
ebel  Gen.  Stuart.  — 
rtant  Dispatohes,  at 
From  Gen.  Grant  to 
Wilderness.  —  Among 
R.R.  — Hard  Tramp 
>red  Guide. — Gladly 

lers.  —  Interesting  In- 
1 287 


lompany  giren  alpha- 
„ 810 

ra<*«<swa»g»»ss^BS^  aw**^ 

^-^  ;a^^i*i&V'*  ■■  -tiaj; 

;  irt«,r-*iW*v*  '-^  rv'->.,:*:Ki;?-'^:^-»i 

i^.-:..l'73*^i>-*Mifi'^«l*^  I     'l"J     L  'I  life! 

;t»saw;iii£i£^:£K'a««b«^Si!^^'' . 


Our  Cayalry  Deficient  at  Bull  Run.— This  Arm  Recruited.—  Organ- 
iiation  of  the  Fifth  New  York  Cavalry.— Hon.  Ira  Harri* 
lenda  his  Name  and  Influence.— Early  History  of  Regiment.— 
On  Staten  Island,  New  York.— Flag  Presentation.— Speech  of 

■  Senator  Harris.—  Regiment  Leaves  the  State.—  In  Baltimore.— 
In  Aaaapolig.- 'At  Camp  Harris.— /u/y  26M  to  Dee.  81«t,  1861. 

Tho  first  battle  of  Bull  Run  clearly  demonstrated  the 
importance  of  the  cavalry  arm  of  the  serrice,  and  that  the 
enemy's  cavalry,  including  his  notorious  Black  Horse,  was 
far  superior  to  ours.  Fully  aware  of  our  deficiency  the 
authorities  went  directly  to  work  to  reenforce  this  weak  arm 
and  to  invigorate  it  with  new  life  and  discipline.  Recruit- 
ing officers  at  once  appeared  in  every  section  of  the  loyal 
north,  whose  calls  were  made  for  cavalrymen,  who  would 
bo  expected  to  take  the  field  against  the  proud  chivalry, 
whose  success,  thus  far,  had  made  them  more  defiant  and 
confident  than  before. 

On  the  twenty-sixth  of  July,  1861,  the  secretary  of  war 
authorized  Col.  Othniel  De  Forest,  of  New  York  city,  to 
raise  a  regiment  of  cavalry  for  the  field  service.  With 
earnest  zeal  the  colonel  began  the  work  assigned  him,  and 
by  the  last  of  September  he  had  gathered  on  Staten 
Island,  New  York,  the  nucleus  of  a  fine  cavalry  brigade. 
From  this  assemblage  of  recruits  Col.  De  Forest  organized 



Historic  Records. 

tlio  Fifth  New  York  Cavalry,  known  as  the  F.rc t  Ira  Kar- 
ris Guard,  in  honor  of  Senator  Ira  Harris,  of  Albany, 
under  whose  patronage  the  organiiation  wa«  commenced 
and  completed.  New  York  City  had  contributed  liberally 
of  men,  though  whole  companies  and  parts  of  companies 
were  raised  in  Essex,  Wyoming,  Allegany,  Tioga  and 
0/ange  counties.  A  few  men  were  also  obtained  from  the 
states  of  Massachusetta,  Connecticut  and  New  Jersey.  No 
bounties  were  then  paid  to  recruits,  and  a  bounty  of  only 
one  hundred  dollars  was  promised  to  be  paid  by  the  United 
States,  at  the  expiration  of  term  of  service. 

On  the  Sist  of  October,  on  Staten  Island,  New  York,  the 
field  and  stafiF  of  the  regiment  were  mustered  into  the  service 
of  the  United  States  for  three  years,  by  Capt.  L.  8.  Larned, 
of  the  United  States  army.  The  muster  took  effect  from 
that  date.  The  regiment  was  now  quartered  in  common,  or 
A  tents,  furnished  by  the  United  States,  and  the  place 
where  the  boys  received  their  first  lessons  in  discipline  and 
drill  was  called  Camp  Scott,  after  the  old  veteran,  who,  at 
that  time,  was  closing  his  active  military  labors.  The  first 
and  tice^nd  battalions  received  their  horses  during  the  month 
of  October,  and  began  to  be  instructed  in  mounUd  drill. 

October  81«<.  The  regiment  was  inspected  for  the  first 
time  by  Lt.  Col.  D.  B.  Sackett,  of  the  United  States  army. 
The  last  company  had  now  been  mustered  in,  and  the  com- 
mand stood  with  a  strength  of  1,064,  besides  the  oflicers. 
On  this  day  of  inspection  the  regiment,  was  also  mustered 
in  for  pay,  preparatory  to  receiving  its  first  remuneration 
from  the  government,  which  came  on  the  sixth  of  Novem- 
ber. At  that  time  the  government  had  not  yet  learned  to 
deal   in   paper   money,   and   the   boys  received  their  pay 

*.;iV---V.a-  XX'rt**'?5 


the  First  Ira  Ilar- 
larris,  of  Albany, 
n  wu  commenced 
itributed  liberally 
)arts  of  companies 
ogany,  Tioga  and 
obtained  from  the 
1  New  Jersey.  No 
1  a  bounty  of  only 
)aid  by  the  United 

nd,  New  York,  the 
red  into  the  service 
Capt.  L.  8.  Lamed, 
or  took  effect  from 
ared  in  common,  or 
tes,  and  the  place 
18  in  discipline  and 
Id  veteran,  who,  at 
y  labors.  The  first 
!8  during  the  month 
Q  mouvfid  drill, 
pected  for  the  first 
Inited  States  army, 
id  in,  and  the  com- 
besides  the  officers. 

was  also  mustered 
I  first  remuneration 
he  sixth  of  Novem- 
,d  not  yet  learned  to 

received  their  pay 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


wholly  in  gold  and  silver,  though  it  was  the  last  time  they 
were  cumbered  with  the  precious  metals. 

Monday,  November  Wth,  was  a  memorable  day  for  the  regi- 
ment, which  was  Ihon  presented  with  two  beautiful  flags, 
one  by  the  common  council  of  the  city  of  New  York,  and 
ilio  other  from  the  hands  of  Misses  Kate  Harris  and  Mary 
F.  Klake.  A  stand  had  been  erected  in  the  centre  of  the 
plain,  at  Camp  Scott,  in  front  of  which,  at  the  appointed 
time,  the  regiment  was  formed  into  a  hollow  square,  the 
officers,  some  thirty  in  number,  in  full  dress  uniform, 
advancing  to  the  front,  Col.  De  Forest  occupying  the  centre 
of  the  group. 

At  the  unfurling  of  the  colors.  Senator  Barris,  who  was 
present,  arose  on  the  stand,  and  spoke  as  follows: 

Col.  De  Forest,  Officers  and  Soldiers  of  tJte  Ira  Harris 
Guard: — I  am  here  to-day  to  perform  a  most  pleasing 
service.  It  is  one  of  the  proudest  moments  of  my  life. 
To-morrow,imany  of  you  will  depart  for  the  seat  of  war, 
there  to  take  part,  actively  and  successfully,  I  trust,  in  the 
great  encounter  in  which  our  country  is  now  engaged  with 
treason  and  rebellion.  The  rest  of  you  will  soon  follow. 
Before  you  go,  I  desire  to  place  in  your  hands  and  commit 
to  your  keeping  a  most  sacred  deposit  —  one  which  I  am  sure 
you  will  be  ready  to  defend  with  your  hearts'  best  blood, 
liook  upon  that  standard.  Behold  these  stars  and  stripes. 
As  the  star  of  Bethlehem  has  been,  for  ages,  the  great 
centre  of  religious  hope,  so  these  stars  and  stripes  are  the 
emblem  of  all  we  hold  dear  as  Americans.  Upon  these  the 
patriot  rests   his  best  hopes.     They  are  the  great  beacon- 

1  The  regiment  did  not  go  as  was  expected. 



1   ■ 






IIisTortio  Records. 

light  of  oppressed   humuuity  throughout  the  world.     And 
yet  those  Btara  and  stripea — so  preciouH  in  the  eyes  of  every 
true  American — and  now  tenfold  more  precious  than  over 
before  —  were,  a   little  while  ago,  at  Fort  Sumter — in  one 
of  the  states  represented  by  these  stars,  basely,  ignomini- 
ously  »hot  down.     This  outrage  was  oummittcd,  not  by  a 
foreign  foe --this  could  have  been  endured — but  by  the 
coward  hands  of  traitors.     This  was  too  much  to  bear.     At 
their   country's   call,   hundreds  of  thousands  of  patriotic 
men  have  gone  forth  to  revenge  the  insult  and  suppress  this 
most  atrocious  rebellion — the  most  atrocious  that  the  world 
ever  saw.     Hundreds   of  thousands   more  are  ready  to  go 
whenever   their   country   needs   them.     Neither  men   nor 
money  shall  ever  be  wanting  until  this  great  rebellion  is 
uttorly  extinguished.     This  is  the  great  and  noble  errand 
upon  which  you  go.     I  think  I  know  the  men  to  whom  I 
speak.     They  are  brave  men  —  they  are  patri(  tic  men.     I 
trust  and  believe  there  is  not  one  of  you  who  would  not 
pour  out  his  blood  like  water,  to  save  his  country  from 
destruction  and  dishonor.     How   gladly  would  I  go  with 
you.     Did  my  circumstances  permit,  I  would  march  with 
you  to-morrow,  and  share  with  you  the  perils  und  the  glory 
of  the  patriot  soldier.     But  though  I  cannot  go,  I  rejoice 
that  my  name  and  honor  are  to  go  wl'h  you.     I  know  they 
will  be  safe  in  your  hands.    Col.  De  Forest,  as  the  represent- 
ative and  leader  of  this  noble  band  of  men,  I  commit  this 
standard  to  your  hands.     Keep  it  —  stand  by  it — defend  it, 
even  with   your  life.     Let  it  be  rent  and  marred  in  the 
intensify  of  the  conflict  to  which  you  go,  but  let  it  never  be 
dishonored  by  the  polluting  touch  of  a  traitor's  hand.    And 
I  ask  you — both  you  and  the  men  of  your  command — now 


r?.**-*.',:'.  ^■^;'W  .V-flV^ 


FiFTU  New  York  Cavalry. 


the  world.  And 
tho  eyes  of  every 
rociouB  than  over 
Sumter — in  one 
baiioly,  ignoiuini- 
amitted,  not  by  a 
ired — but  by  the 
luch  to  bear.  At 
lauds  of  patriotic 
and  suppress  this 
>UB  that  the  world 

0  are  ready  to  go 
Neither  men  uor 
great  rebellion  is 
and  noble  errand 
10  men  to  whom  I 

patri(tio  men.  I 
)u  who  would  not 
his  country  from 
would  I  go  with 
would  march  with 
srils  und  the  glory 
in  not  go,  I  rejoice 
^ou.  I  know  they 
t,  as  the  represent- 
len,  I  commit  this 

1  by  it — defend  it, 
and  marred  in  the 

but  let  it  never  be 
'aitpr's  hand.  And 
jr  command — now 

and  here,  in  the  presence  of  this  large  assemblngo,  to  record 
your  vow,  that,  God  helping  you,  this  banner  shall  not  pass 
from  your  hands  until  it  shall  wave  in  graceful  triumph 
over  the  very  grave  of  treason.  And,  colonel,  I  have  yet 
another  equally  delightful  office  to  perform.  The  duty  has 
been  assigned  me  of  presenting  to  you  this  other  flag.  It 
conies  from  delicate  hands.  It  is  the  united  gift  of  love 
and  patriotism.  Take  it  with  you,  and,  when  far  away 
upon  the  tented  field,  let  it  be  to  you  for  a  memorial  of  tho 
Kjved  ones  you  leave  behind  you.  And  when  you  come  to 
meet  the  foe  in  battle,  let  it,  with  talismanio  power,  neive 
your  arm  to  strike  heavier,  deadlier  blows  in  your  country's 
cause.  And  now,  colonel,  officers  and  men,  farewell  I  I 
shall  watch  your  movements  with  the  intensest  interest. 
Whatever  my  humble  efforts  can  occomplish  for  your  wel- 
fare or  comfort  shall  be  done.  But  the  life  of  a  soldier  is 
no  holiday  life.  I  know  you  will  endure  hardships  as  good 
soldiers  —  that  you  will  brave  even  death  itself  in  a  cause 
BO  glorious.  Some  of  you  will  fall  in  battle.  Oh,  it  is  a 
glorious  death  thus  to  die.  Some  of  you — most  of  you,  I 
hope — will  live  to  return.  But  come  not  back,  I  charge 
you,  until  you  come  covered  all  over  with  glory,  to  receive 
tho  plaudits  of  a  grateful  country." 

To  this  profoundly  impressive  address,  which  was  fre- 
quently interrupted  by  cheers  from  the  whole  regiment, 
(Jol.  Do  Forest  made  a  very  touching  and  appropriate  response. 
This  was  ibllowed  by  an  outburst  of  enthusiastic  cheering. 

November  IHth.  The  regiment  took  its  departure  from 
the  state,  and  after  a  pleasant  journey  by  rail  road  without 
accidents,  reached  Baltimore  on  the  19th.  During  their 
stay  ill  tl»e  Monumental  city  the  3d  battalion  drew  horses 


.V'A*  -i^asfji'j^sii''' " 

i"«  '.<e.t&s^i<-^«6k*ii 



HiSTOBic  Records, 

and  equipments,  and  on  the  25th  the  regiment  made  ica 
first  march,  from  Baltimore  to  Annapolis.  During  their 
stay  here  most  of  the  men  were  quartered  in  St.  Mary's 
College  and  yard.  On  the  28th  they  left  this  capital  and 
pitched  their  tents  about  three  miles  from  the  city,  and 
named  the  place  Gamp  Harris. 


■  *S«'SA-<i?8]^;«®S«*i»*>- 

[imeiit  made  ics 
During  their 
in  St.  Mary's 

|thi8  capital  and 
the  city,  and 


Discipline  and  Drill.  —  First  Bivouao.  —  At  Harper's  Ferry.  —  Win- 
chester. —  Its  Appearance  then.  —  First  Capture  made  by  the 
Uegiment. — Col.  Turner  Ashby  (Rebel)  in  thff  Valley. — Fight 
irith  him  at  Harrisonburg.  —  Gallant  Conduct  of  the  Fifth. — 
First  Casualties.  —  Cayalry  towing  Infantry  across  a  River  by 
hanging  on  tha  Horses'  Tails.  —  Battle  of  Front  Royal. — The 
Flanker  Stonewall  Jackson.  —  The  Regiment  Engaged.  —  A 
Portion  of  it  cut  off.  — Great  Daring.  —  Belle  Boyd,  the  female 
Rebel  Spy.  —  Letter  of  Charles  H.  Qreenleaf.  —  How  Gen. 
Banks  savtid  his  army. — Result  of  Ketreat. — Jan.  to  May  26M,  1862. 

The  winter  at  Camp  Harris  was  not  spent  in  vain. 
Under  the  instructions  of  a  thorough  disciplinarian,  and  of 
excellent  drill  masters,  the  regiment  had  become  versed  in 
the  tactics  of  war.  Horses  as  well  as  men  had  learned  the 
"  certain  sounds"  of  the  bugle,  and  were  masters  of  evolu- 
tions and  dispositions  required  of  them.  Thus  the  founda- 
tion of  a  career  destined  to  be  important  and  glorious  was 
laid,  and  the  command  was  only  waiting  for  the  opportunity 
of  practicing  in  the  field  what  it  had  learned  in  camp,  and 
of  achieving  what  had  been  fondly  hoped  by  its  friends.  That 
time  soon  came.  The  last  day  of  March,  1862,  found  them 
breaking  up  their  winter  quarters  and  preparing  for  the 
realities  of  field  service.  On  that  day  the  1st  and  2d 
bnttalions  marched  to  Annapolis  Junction,  and  entered  into 
their  first  bivouac.     The  first  April  they  were  at  the  Relay 

V-i^A  4«K.'«A»igKRaW»«' 



Historic  Records. 

House,  and  on  the  2d  at  Harper's  Ferry.  Until  the  ninth 
April  the  battalions  wore  separated  from  each  other,  and  sent 
from  one  post  to  the  other  as  though  the  authorities  did  not, 
know  where  they  were  really  needed.  They  alternated 
between  EUicott  Mills,  Washington  and  Harper's  Ferry,  until 
at  length  the  whole  regiment  bivouacked  together  amid  the 
rough  scenes  of  the  John  Brown  raid.  On  the  10th  Cos. 
F  and  L  escorted  Maj.  General  Roseorans  to  Winchester, 
Woodstock,  Paris,  and  returned  again  to  Harper's  Ferry. 

During  aheavy  rain,  which  made  the  roads  almost  impassa- 
ble, and  the  weather  uncomfortable,  the  regiment  marched, 
on  the  20th  April,  to  Winchester.  This  was  then  a  beautiful 
town.  "  Grim  visaged  war,"  with  her  fire  and  sword,  hr.d 
not  yet  desolated  the  fine  public  buildings,  nor  destroyed 
the  beautiful  shrubbery  and  foliage  of  the  streets.  But 
Wir.chester  was  then  as  rebellious  and  aristocratic  as  it  was 
beautiful.  Thoroughly  loyal  Union  families  were  there, 
but  they  were  like  angel's  visits,  "few  and  far  between." 
It  is  true  it  cost  something  to  be  loyal  there,  but  the  virtue 
of  loyalty  is  a  possession  well  worthy  its  expense. 

The  regiment  remained  not  long  to  luxuriate  in  this 
pleasant  locality,  but  moved  on  the  22d  to  Strasburg,  where 
it  remained  two  days,  moving  to  Woodstock  on  the  24th. 
On  the  26th  the  men  received  their  pay  from  the  govern- 
ment, and  were  prepared  to  march  to  New  Market  the  next 
day.  On  the  29th,  while  on  a  scout,  they  captured  four 
prisoners.  This  was  the  first  capture  the  regiment  ever 
made,  and,  at  that  time,  it  was  considered  a  big  thing. 

May  2d.  Co  A  made  a  reconnoissance  from  Harrisonburg 
toward  Port  Republic,  running  into  General  Jackson's  camp. 
In  the  skirmish  and  flight  that  followed,  they  had  one  man 

■  'Sj*jrs-ti-5Jt»l«M-i\««'-'*?*-rf^i 

y  tfSy^mi'^^-.'i^i^^^f^y'M^- 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


Until  the  ninth 
idh  other,  and  sent 
authorities  did  not 

They  alternated 
irper's  Ferry,  until 
together  amid  the 
)n  the  10th  Cob. 
ins  to  Winchester, 

Harper's  Ferry, 
ids  almost  impassa- 
regiment  marched, 
as  then  a  beautiful 
ire  and  sword,  hr.d 
ttgs,  nor  destroyed 

the  streets.  But 
ristocratic  as  it  was 
nilies  were  there, 
and  far  between." 
lere,  but  the  virtue 

)  luxuriate  in  this 
to  Strasburg,  where 
[stock  on  the  24th. 
ly  from  the  govern- 
w  Market  the  next 
they  captured  four 
the  regiment  ever 
3d  a  lig  thing. 
from  Harrisonburg 
iral  Jackson's  camp. 
I,  they  had  one  man 

captured,  the  first  man  ever  lost  from  the  regiment  in  an 

i/fiy  Sd.  The  regiment  advanced  to  Harrisonburg,  and 
reported  to  Brig.  Gen.  John  P.  Hatch,  commanding  cavalry 
in  the  valley.  On  the  5th  the  whole  force  fell  back  to  New 
Market  and  bivouacked. 

Mai/  Qth.  Col.  Turner  Ashby,  a  young  dashing  Rebel 
officer,  with  a  force  of  picked  cavalry,  had  been  playiiig  mis- 
chief with  our  outposts  for  several  weeks.  His  exploits  had 
been  so  daring,  quick,  and  so  generally  successful,  that  he 
had  made  himself  a  great  name,  and  become  a  terror  to  our 
forces.  During  the  day  it  was  reported  that  Ashby  with 
his  men  was  coming  down  the  pike  from  Harrisonburg.  lu 
the  afternoon  a  detachment  of  the  Fifth  New  York  was  sent 
out  to  check  any  advance  that  might  be  made.  Within 
about  five  miles  of  Harrisonburg,  they  encountered  the  re- 
doubtable Ashby.  Our  men  all  eager  for  a  fight,  fell  like  a 
whirlwind  upon  theenemy,and  using  their  sabres  with  terrible 
effect,  soon  scattered  and  turned  thera  back  in  confusion. 
And  now  commenced  a  scrambling  race.  Clouds  of  dust  arose 
from  the  road,  which  almost  entirely  enveloped  both  the 
pursued  and  the  pursuers.  Occasionally  the  Rebels  rallied, 
but  were  swept  away  again,  and  finally  chased  into  the  sub- 
urbs of  the  town,  badly  defeated.  The  conflict  cost  thera 
3  men  killed,  5  wounded  and  7  prisoners,  besides  several 
good  horses  captured.  On  our  side  we  lost  Asahel  A.  Spencer, 
Go.  E,  killed,  who  was  the  first  victim  of  the  regiment, 
offered  to  the  God  of  battles.  William  Mills,  Co.  I,  was 
wounded.  Sergeant  Wm.  H.  Whitcomb,  Co.  M,  was  cap- 
tured, butesoaped  through  dint  of  Yankee  ingenuity.  "  The 
Rebels  hud  stripped  off  his  arms  and  were  using  the  inde- 




IIisTORic  Records. 

coruB  language  with  whicli  tbo  Yankee  prisonar  is  usually 
saluted,"  when  he  informed  them  that  they  had  been  pursued 
by  only  a  dozen  Yankees  whom  they  might  all  capture  by 
dashing  back  upon  them .  They  charged  back,  were  scattered, 
and  some  of  them  captured  by  our  boys,  and  Whitcomb 
escaped.  Adjutant  Hasbrouck  was  here  captured  and  taken 
to  Ricb^rond. 

One  correspondent  says  of  the  affair:  "The  brilliant 
charge,  of  which  you  were  informed  by  telegraph,  has  estab- 
lished beyond  a  cavil  the  reputation  of  the  Ira  Harris  Guard. 
Hereafter  the  Rebels  will  not  forget  that  there  is  cavalry 
in  this  division  capable  of  driving  back  their  mounted 
guerrillas  in  confusion  and  consternation;  capable  of  using 
the  sabre,  the  proper  instrument  of  the  trooper,  in  close 
hand  to  hand  conflict.  This  is  the  firsi  time  that  we  have 
heard  from  this  body  of  New  York  cavalry,  and  they  have 
made  a  good  report  of  themselves,  and  done  honor  to  their 

Another  writer  says:  "I  asked  one  of  the  prisoners, 
if  he  thought  our  boys  could  fight  well.  He  said :  '  Only 
that  regular  cavalry )  they  fought  like  devils.'  That  regu- 
lar cavalry  was  the  glorious  New  York  Fifth," 

After  returning  from  this  successful  encounter,  some  of 
our  men,  while  bathing  In  the  river  near  New  Market,  were 
attacked  by  bushwhackers,  and  two  men  of  Co.  I  were  killed 
and  one  of  Go.  L  captured. 

The  day  following  this  affair,  the  news  was  received  of 
the  evacuation  of  Yorktown,  and  the  army  was  in  a  great 
jubilee  of  rejoicing.  Consolidated  bands  visited  Generals 
Banks,  Williams  and  Hatch,  and  made  the  town  echo  with 
patriotic  music.     They  also  visitei  and  serenaded  tbo  Fifth 

I*'  n 


a.««fAV.- -v  orf 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


prisoner  ie  usually 
had  been  pursued 
rht  all  capture  by 
ck,  were  scattered, 
9,  and  Whitcomb 
;aptured  and  taken 

:  "The  brilliant 
legraph,  hasestab- 
Ira  Harris  Guard. 
b  there  is  cavalry 
ik  their  mounted 
;  capable  of  using 
trooper,  in  close 
time  that  we  have 
ry,  and  they  have 
)ne  honor  to  their 

of  the    prisoners, 
He  said :  *  Only 
evils.'    That  regu- 

noounter,  some  of 
New  Market,  were 
)f  Co.  I  were  killed 

ws  was  received  of 
rmy  was  in  a  great 
8  visited  Generals 
he  town  echo  with 
erenaded  the  Fifth 

New  York  in  honor  of  their  gallant  charge  yesterday.  As  that 
had  been  the  first  cavalry  charge  of  the  war,  where  sabres  were 
used,  and  with  such  signal  success,  the  affair  created  much 
comment  at  the  time  in  military  circles. 

On  the  12th  the  whole  force  fell  back  to  Woodstock,  and 
continued  aa  far  as  Tom's  Brook  on  the  14th,  at  which  time 
quite  a  skirmish  was  fought  at  Woodstock  by  our  cavah-y. 
As  our  army  fell  back,  ita  rear  was  closely  followed  and 
frequently  attacked  by  Ashby's  force.  Consequently  a  strong 
guard  was  required.  On  the  21st,  Gen.  Hatch,  with  about  150 
of  the  Fifth,  made  a  successful  attack  upon  this  force,  drivin,; 
them  many  miles,  killing,  wounding  n.ud  capturing  several 
and  returning  without  the  loss  of  a  man. 

Meantime,  Co.  H,  which  had  been  detached  with  Brig. 
Gen.  Sullivan  in  the  Luray  Valley,  during  the  last  of  April, 
had  fought  several  spirited  skirmishes  with  the  enemy  and 
now  rejoined  the  regiment.  While  in  the  Luray  Valley 
they  had  witnessed  a  curious  modus  operandi,  where  a  force 
of  our  infantry  and  cavalry  was  hard  pressed  by  the  enemy 
on  the  bank  of  the  Shenandoah  river,  which  was  so  high  as 
to  be  unfordable.  As  a  last  resort  the  cavalrymen  plunged 
into  the  stream,  swimming  their  horses,  and  towed  across 
the  infantrjrmen  who  clung  to  the  animals'  tails. 

Matf  23rf.  Gen.  Banks  had  been  lying  securely  a  few  days 
a  and  about  Straiburg,  when  he  was  unexpectedly  informed 
uy  messengers  oi'  the  Fifth  N.  Y.  Cavalry,  that  a  sudden 
attaik  h^'*  oeen  made  by  the  great  flanker,  Stonewall 
Jackson,  upon  Col.  Kenly's  force  at  FrontRoyal.  Companies 
B  and  D  had  been  sent  to  Col.  Kenly  during  the  afternoon 
arriving  just  as  the  Rebels  began  to  pour  down  the  valley 
and  the  hills  upon  this  devoted  garrison.     The  cavalry  was 


^tfitfA"-':  >';-!»a 



Historic  Records. 




iminediataly  ordered  to  charge  the  enemy.  Qu'ckly  obeying 
the  order,  a  splendid  charge  iras  made  with  great  force. 
Had  bravery  been  sufficient  to  win,  the  Ira  Harris  Quard 
would  have  again  succeeded,  but,  greatly  outnumbered, 
flanked  and  almost  surrounded,  with  a  large  number  killed. 
wounded  and  captured,  the  remnant  was  driven  back  upon 
our  main  force  which  was  now  retreating  at  a  rapid  rate. 
In  this  charge  fell  the  young  and  brave  Lieutenant  Dwyer, 
Co.  B,  mortally  wounded.  Capt.  A.  H.  White,  Co.  D  (after- 
ward Colouel),  and  Adjutant  Griffin,  while  gallantly  leading 
their  men,  fell  into  the  enemy's  hands. 

Gen.  Banks,  in  his  report  to  the  war  department,  says: 
"  Information  was  received  on  the  evening  of  Blay  28d,  that 
the  enemy  in  very  large  force  had  descended  on  the  guard 
at  Front  Royal,  Col.  Kenly,  First  Md.  Regiment,  commanding, 
burning  bridges  and  driving  our  troops  through  Strasburg, 
vtritb  great  loss.  Owing  to  what  was  deemed  an  extravagant 
statement  of  the  enemy's  strength,  these  reportii  were  received 
with  some  distrust;  but  a  regiment  of  infantry,  with  a  strong 
detachment  of  cavalry  and  a  section  of  artillery,  were  imme- 
diately sent  to  reenforce  Col.  Kenly." 

Meanwhile  preparations  were  made  to  fall  back  to  Win- 
chester aa  rapidly  aa  possible.  Col.  De  Forest  with  six 
companies  of  the  regiment  and  Col.  Tompkins  with  an  equal 
number  of  his  regiment — the  First  Vermont,  with  a  detach- 
ment of  Zouaves  d'Afriqne  (Gen.  Banks'  body  guard),  and 
a  section  of  Hampton's  battery,  were  ordered  to  cover  the 
rear  and  to  destroy  stores  not  provided  with  transportation 
at  Strasburg.  But  before  this  oonld  be  accomplished  the 
enemy  had  pushed  a  force  between  our  main  army  and  this 
rear  guard.     Swift  and  desperate  charges  were  made,  but 

f.  Qj-'ckly  obeying 
e  with  great  force. 
I  Ira  Harris  Guard 
eatly  ontnumbered, 
arge  number  killed. 
s  driven  back  upon 
ng  at  a  rapid  rate. 
)  Lieutenant  Dwyer, 
White,  Co.  D  (after- 
lile  gallantly  leading 

ir  depftrtatat,  aajn: 
ing  of  May  28d,  that 
cended  on  the  guard 
riment,  commanding, 
through  Straaburg, 
smed  an  extravagant 
reports  were  received 
fantry,  with  a  strong 
irtillery,  were  imme> 

1  fall  back  to  Win- 
De  Forest  with  six 
fipkins  with  an  equal 
■mont,  with  a  detach- 
es' body  guard),  and 
ffdered  to  cover  the 
with  transportation 
be  accomplished  the 
main  army  and  this 
;e8  were  made,  but 






«:ii!*«j._?#*j;2'f-(i,  ,V,t'»'iuvjiK"j« 



Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


a  junction  could  not  be  cffooted  and  our  men  wore  threatened 
with  annihilation.     Middlotown  and  Newtown  CrosH  Roads 
were  the  scenea  of  fearful  encounters,  but  the  noble   band 
was  beaten   back   every  time.     At  length,  breaking  away 
from  the   enemy,  this  guard  took  to  the  fields  toward  the 
Little  North  Mountains,  hoping,  by  a  circuitous  route  around 
the  enemy's  flank,  to  be  able  to  join  Gen.  Banks  at  Winches- 
ter, where  Col.  Tompkins   with  some  artillery  joined  him 
next  day.     Col.  De  Forest,  encumbered  with  a  train,  was  not 
80  fortunate,  but  was  compelled  to  pass  over  the  rugged 
mountain    roads    for    several    days,    reaching   our  army 
at  last  by  way  of  Cherry  Run  and  Clear  Spring,  and  bringing 
in  with  him  a  train  of  82  wagons  and  many  stragglers.    Gen. 
Banks,  after  a  hasty  and  disastrous  retreat,  fell  back  into 
Maryland  at  Williarosport  and  Falling  Waters.     Belle  Boyd, 
the  noted  Rebel  female  spy,  was  undoubtedly  instrumental 
in  causing  our  defeat.     It  was  afterwards  ascertained  that 
she  was  the  bearer  of  an  extensive  correspondence  between 
Rebels  outside  and  inside  our  lines. 

The  following  letter  from  one  of  our  brave  boys,  will 
show  how  Gen.  Banks  saved  bis  army  from  utter  destruc- 
tion at  Strasburg : 

WiLLiAMBPORT,  Md.,  May  26,  1862. 

Dear  Father  and  Motlter :  You  have  probably  heard  by 
this  time  of  the  three  days'  fighting  from  Strasburg 
and  Front  Royal  to  Martinsburg.  Our  company  and  com- 
pany B  were  ordered  to  Front  Royal  in  the  mountains, 
twelve  miles  from  Strasburg,  last  Friday,  and  when  we  got 
within  two  miles  of  our  destination  we  heard  cannonading. 
The  majori  ordered  the  baggage  to  stop,  and  our  two  oom- 

'  Mai.  P.  G.  Vought,  oommanding  Detachment. 




Historic  Records. 

1  if 

puniea  danhod  on,  and  found  soveral  companies  of  our 
infantry  and  two  pieces  of  artillery  engaged  with  Hevcral 
thousands  of  the  enouiy.  Just  as  we  arrived  on  the  field, 
Col.  Kenly,  who  had  command  of  our  Torces,  rodo  up  to  uie, 
and  ordered  me  to  take  one  man  and  the  two  best  horMes  in 
our  company,  and  ride  for  dear  life  to  Gen.  Banks'  head- 
quarters in  Htrasburg  for  reenforeement.  The  direct  road  to 
Strasburg  was  occupied  by  the  enemy,  so  I  was  obliged  to 
ride  around  by  another,  seventeen  miles.  I  rode  the  seven- 
teen miles  in  tiily-five  minutes.  Gen.  Banks  did  not  seem 
to  think  it  very  serious,  bat  ordered  one  regiment  of  infantry 
and  two  pieces  of  artillery  off.  I  asked  Gen.  Banks  for  a 
fresh  horse  to  rejoin  my  company,  and  ho  gave  me  the  best 
horse  that  I  ever  rodo,  and  I  started  back.  I  came  out  on 
the  Front  Royal  turnpike,  about  two  miles  this  side  of 
where  I  left  our  men.  Saw  two  men  standing  in  the  road, 
and  their  horses  standing  by  the  fence.  1  supposed  they 
were  our  pioketij. 

They  did  not  halt  me,  so  I  leked  them  if  they  were 
pickets.  They  said  no.  Says  I, "  who  are  you  ?"  "  We  are 
part  of  Gen.  Jackson's  staff."  I  supposed  they  were  only 
joking.  I  laughed,  and  asked  them  where  Jackson  was. 
They  said  'he  was  in  the  advance.  1  left  them  and  rode 
toward  Front  Royal,  till  I  overtook  a  soldier,  and  asked  him 
what  regiment  he  belonged-  to.  He  said  he  belonged  to  the 
Eighth  Louisiana.  I  asked  how  large  a  force  they  had,  and 
the  reply  waa  "  twenty  thousand."  1  turned  back  and  drew 
my  revolver,  expecting  either  a  desperate  fight  or  a  southern 
jail;  but  the  ofiBcers  in  the  road  did  not  stop  me,  and  I  was 
lucky  enough  not  to  meet  any  of  their  pickets.  But  if  it 
was  not  a  narrow  escape,  then  I  don't  know  what  is.    When 

■  i^ 

lib  I 

'ZM»  .vt<«^Wiisjrt;i.i<4^fis^ai>&UF-«^iVi 

— ""^ 

•iiiiipnnies   of  our 

iiKfid  with  Hovcral 

ived  on  the  field, 

ea,  rodo  up  to  me, 

two  best  horses  in 

jlen.  BankH'  heiul- 

The  direct  road  to 

3  I  was  obliged  to 

I  rode  the  seven- 

tanks  did  not  seem 

sginientof  infuntry 

Gen.  Banks  for  a 

3  gave  mo  the  best 

ck.     I  oanie  out  on 

miles  this  side  of 

audiug  in  the  road, 

I  supposed  they 

;hem  if  they  were 
eyou?"  "We  ore 
led  they  were  only 
here  Jackson  was. 
eft  them  and  rode 
iier,  and  asked  him 
he  belonged  to  the 
"orce  they  had,  and 
rned  back  and  drew 
fight  or  a  southern 
stop  me,  and  I  was 
pickets.  But  if  it 
3W  what  is.    When 

Fifth  New  York  Cavaley. 


I  (;ot  out  of  the  enemy's  lines,  I  rode  as  fast  as  the  horse 
could  carry  me  to  Ocn.  Banks,  and  reported  what  I  had 
Hcuu  and  heard.     Ho  said  I  had  saved  the  army. 

In  less  than  an  hour  the  whole  army  was  in  motion 
toward  Winchester.  After  I  left  Front  Royal  to  take  the 
(lispatch  to  Strasburg,  our  two  companies  of  cavalry,  who 
were  covering  the  retreat  of  infantry  and  baggage,  were 
attacked  on  three  sides  by  about  three  thousand  of  the 
enemy's  cavalry.  Our  boys  fought  like  devils,  till  nearly 
half  of  them  were  killed  or  wounded,  and  then  retreated  to 
Winchester.  Capt.  White,  William  Watson,  Ileury 
Appleby,  and  nine  or  ten  men  of  my  company  are  killed  or 
taken.  William  Marshall  is  all  right,  except  a  slight  sabre 
cut  in  the  shoulder. 

Wo  had  a  fight  at  Winchester,  got  licked  and  retreat- 
ed. Our  company  hud  company  E  were  ordered  to  cover 
the  parrot  gun  batl/Ory,  and  bring  up  the  roar.  We  rode 
all  the  way  from  Winchester  to  Martiusburg,  with  caun^/u 
shot  and  shell  flying  around  us  faster  than  it  did  at  Bull 
Kun.  W<i  crossed  the  Potomac  last  night.  It  was  so  dark 
that  we  could  not  find  the  ford,  and  had  to  swim  our  horses 
across.  We  have  got  our  batteries  in  position  on  this  side, 
and  the  rear  of  the  army  is  crossing. 
From  your  son, 

Charley  H.  Oreenleaf, 

Co.  D.  Fifth  N.  Y.  Cavalry. 

Thus  ended  this  famous  retreat.  It  cost  the  govern- 
ment about  50  wagons,  which  were  either  abandoned  or 
destroyed,  about  nine  hundred  European  rifles  left  at  Stras- 
burg  and  large  quantities  of  medical  and  hospital  stores, 
including  surgeons'  instruments,  destroyed  and  abandoned  at 







Historic  Kecoeds: 

Strasburg  and  Winchester.  The  army  waa  conoiderably  demo- 
ralized. Discouraged  with  their  defeats  raauy  of  the  boya 
took  advantage  of  their  sojourn  in  Maryland  to  take 
French  furloughs,  though  some  of  them  afterward  returned 
to  their  commands. 


i  'l' 





Iraauy  of  the  boys 

laryland   to    take 

ftorward  returned 


Kebel  Army  Cri/ssing  South  of  Blue  Ridge. —  Successful  Adyance 
on  Martinoburg. —  Services  and  Sutferingg  of  tlie  Ctvalry. — 
Cavalry  Battle  of  Orange  Court  House. —  Fifth  New  York  Boys. — 
Terrible  Dealers  in  Hardware. —  Reoonnoissanoe  to  Louisa 
Court  House. —  Qen.  Stuart's  Adjutant  General  and  Important 
Dispatches  from  Gen.  Lee  Captured. —  Reoonnoissanoe  through 
Snicker's  Gap  and  to  Berryville. —  Capture  of  a  Rebel  Camp, 
one  Stand  of  Culors  and  much  Spoil. —  Charge  on  a  Sutler's 
Shanty. —  Sword  Presented  to  Gen.  J.  P.  Hatch. —  Inieresting 
Correspondence.^  May  31«(  to  Decembtr  9\»t,  1862. 

With  the  valley  cleared  of  the  Yankee  army,  the  Bebels 
began  to  throw  their  forces  across  the  Blue  Kidge  to  attack 
our  main  force  in  front  of  Washington,  leaving  only  a 
strong  picket  line  at  the  foot  of  the  valley,  opposed  to  our 
army  in  Maryland.  It  soon  became  necessary  to  advance 
across  the  river,  and  ascertain  what  was  in  our  front.  The 
regiment,  which  had  been  divided  in  the  retreat,  now 
advanced  from  Harper's  Ferry  and  from  Williamsport. 
The  former  column  met  the  enemy  at  Gharlestown,  and 
(IroTe  him;  and  the  latter  advanced  on  Martinsburg,  drove 
the  pickets  through  the  town  and  cantured  several  prisoners, 
a  wagon,  musketa,  ammunition  and  an  American  flag. 
They  also  recaptured  several  of  our  officers  and  men  lost  at 
l*Vont  Royul,  among  them  Adjutant  Griffin.  Several 
engines  and  cars  were  also  captured  from  the  enemy,   who 

tJ,»itj.'vS*{.i  -.ifafi^^i^SS^*' ' 





Historic  Records. 

appearea  to  have  been  taken  wholly  by  surprise.  This 
encouraging  advance  took  place  the  last  day  of  May.  On 
the  fourth  of  June  the  regiment  advanced  to  Winchester, 
where  ita  fragmenta  were  reunited.  However,  companies 
B  and  D,  which  had  distinguished  themselves  at  Front 
Royal,  were  detached  from  the  regiment,  to  serve  on  a  bat- 
tery. (See  register  of  companies).  Not  much  was  accom- 
plished during  the  month. 

On  the  '•'xieenth  the  regiment  received  pay,  marched  to 
Midd.  ♦'^\T  the  twenty-seventh  and  to  Front  Royal  the 

thirtieth.  This  march  was  continued  to  Flint  Hill,  the 
fifth  of  July,  and  on  the  sixth,  at  Sperryville,  a  squad  of 
Rebel  cavalry  was  encountered  and  a  fight  ensued,  our  boys 
scattering  the  enemy.  The  regiment  was  here  joined  by 
Major  Gardner,  who  had  been  detached  with  Companies  C, 
¥,  G,  and  L,  on  the  19th  of  June. 

July  %th.  The  regiment  marched  to  Gaines'  Cross  Roads, 
advancing  on  Culpepper  Court  House  on  the  twelfth,  where 
it  had  a  skirmish  with  the  enemy,  drove  them  through  the 
town  and  captured  fifteen  prisoners.  The  sixteenth  the 
boys  enjoyed  an  all-day  march  through  an  all-day  rain,  to 
Rapidan  Ford.  The  next  day  they  marched  into  Orange 
Court  House,  expel'  ^rter  a  short  skirmish,  the  enemy 
that  was  in  town,  t^  .,  the  first  Union  troops  that  had 
ever  visited  this  /)la.  le^  were  objects  of  excited  obser- 
vation. But  to  the  iuti  "  satisfaction  of  the  people,  they 
left  on  the  eighteenth,  auu  returned  to  Rapidan  Ford. 
While  on  picket  at  Barnctt's  Ford,  a  large  portion  of 
Company  A  was  captured. 

This  was  a  season  of  great  suffering  among  our  men  and 
horses  for  want  of  rations  and  forage,  especially  the  former. 

<i-:<,..4SiA^KS».    .^*'***i 



Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


)y  surprise.  This 
day  of  May.  On 
sed  to  Winchester, 
owever,  companies 
emselves  at  Front 
to  serve  on  a  bat- 
t,  much  was  accom- 

d  pay,  marched  to 
to  Front  Royal  the 
to  Flint  Hill,  the 
yville,  a  squad  of 
it  ensued,  our  boys 
'as  here  joined  by 
with  Companies  C, 

aines'  Cross  Eoads, 
1  the  twelfth,  where 
3  them  through  the 
The  sixteenth  the 
an  all-day  rain,  to 
arched  into  Orange 
:irmish,  the  enemy 
ion  troops  that  had 
M  of  excited  obser- 
)f  the  people,  they 
to  Kapidan  J"ord. 
a  large  portion  of 

imong  our  men  and 
peeially  the  former. 

IJeing  iilnioRt  constantly  on  the  move,  and  most  of  the  time 
on  the  extreme  out-posts,  it  was  not  possible  to  bring  them 
supplies.  Of  the  cavalry  in  general,  one  correspondent 
makes  this  remark  : — "  They  picket  our  outposts,  scout  the 
whole  country  for  information,  open  our  fights,  cover  our 
retreats,  or  clear  up  and  finish  our  victories,  as  the  case 
iiiiiy  bo.  In  short,  they  are  never  idle,  and  rarely  find  rest 
lor  either  men  or  horses."  And  he  might  have  added, 
"are  often  sadly  in  want."  During  the  remainder  of  July 
uo  force  of  the  enemy  was  encountered,  but  the  regiment 
was  almost  constantly  on  the  march,  having  passed  and 
bivouacked  by  the  following  places: — Sperryville,  Wood- 
,ille,  Culpepper  Court  House,  James  City,  Wolftown,  and 
into  the  Luray  Valley,  by  way  of  Swift  Run  Grap,  to  Luray, 
Woodville  again,  and  back  to  Culpepper  Court  House  near 
which  they  bivouacked  until  the  1st  of  August.  On  this  day 
tbey  marched  to  Raccoon  Ford.  At  this  place  was  concen- 
trated quite  a  force  of  cavalry,  under  Gen.  Crawford,  pre- 
paratory to  an  important  movement.  During  the  month 
Gen.  Hatch  was  removed  from  the  command  of  the  cavalry 
in  this  department.     Gen.  John  Buford  succeeded  him. 

August  2d.  Gen.  Crawford  with  the  Ist  Vermont,  1st 
Michigan  and  the  5th  New  York  advanced  at  an  early  hour 
to  reconnoitre  the  force  and  position  of  the  enemy  about 
Orange  Court  House.  Scarcely  a  Rebel  appeared  until  the  col- 
Tiinn  approached  the  town.  Without  opposition  the  advance 
entered  the  town,  whose  streets  they  found  deserted,  while 
u  stillness  like  that  of  death  seemed  to  reign  all  around. 
lUit  suddenly  volley  after  volley  broke  the  stillness,  and 
proclniniod  the  presence  of  a  heavy  force  of  the  enemy. 
On  reaching  the  suburbs  of  the  town,  a  strong  flanking  party, 




^i«.V '    .-n.^fe'.e-^*- 




Historic  Rkcorus. 

consisting  of  Cos.  G  and  H,  under  command  of  Capt. 
Hammond,  was  ordered  around  to  the  left  toward  the  Gor- 
donsville  road,  whither  they  dashed  off  with  spirit,  under 
their  gallant  leader. 

The   main  column  encountered  a  b^avj  charge  of  the 
enemy  in  the  street,  which,  at  first,  drove  our  fellows  back  a 
littie.    Rallying  from  the  first  shock,  they  now  dashed  back 
upon  the  enemy^  and  a  fierce  conflict  from  pistols  and  car- 
bines followed.    Shots  flew  in  every  direction,  killing  horses 
and  men  alike.    The  fight  waa  furious  in  the  narrow  streeta ; 
and  just  as   the  enemy's  column  began  to   waver,  Capt. 
Hammond,  who  had  fought  the  enemy  at  the  depot,  and  was 
now  partially  surrounded,  with  drawn  sabres  charged  upon 
the  rebels  in  his  front,  crying  as  he  flew  forward,   "  give 
them  your  hardware,  boys  1"     And  they  did  the  work  most 
heroically.     Tremendous  were  the  blows  they   dealt,  and 
the  street  was  strewn  with  unhorsed  men  whose  heads  dis- 
^  played  fearful  gashes  from  the  Yankee  sabres.     Lieutenant . 
Penfield,  Co.  H,  with  a  thorough  knowledge  of  sabre  exer- 
cise, with  a  long,  strong  arm,  and  a  courageous  heart,  did 
terrible   exocution   in  this  fray.      The  enemy   could   not 
stand  these   "  hardware "  dealers,  and  fit  J  in   the  utmost 
confusion,  leaving  their  dead  and  badly  wounded  in  our  hands. 
The  great  number  of  these  only  showed  how  determined 
and  gallant  had  been  our  attack.     Fifty  prisoners  were  cap- 
tured, including  a  major,  a  captain,  and  two  lieutenants. 

During  this  fight.  Col.  De  Forest  had  a  very  narrow  escape 
with  his  life,  and  wa3  indebted  for  his  preservation  to  bugler 
Bohrer,  of  Co.  I.l 

>  See  Register  of  Co.  I. 

Sito*-jv^.-„;iJi>'.c<.i'3^iH^^f-^s^*--^-?'i*  '^'*-' 



Fifth  Nbw  York  Cavalry. 


imand   of  Capt. 

toward  the  Gor- 

[ith  spirit,  under 

'y  charge  of  the 

nr  fellows  back  a 

now  dashed  back 

pistols  and  car- 

on,  killing  horses 

le  narrow  streets ; 

to   waver,  Capt. 

he  depot,  and  was 

>res  charged  upon 

¥  forward,   "  give 

lid  the  work  most 

1  they   dealt,  and 

whose  heads  dis- 

tbres.     Lieutenant , 

dge  of  sabre  exer- 

■ageous  heart,  did 

enemy   could   not 

:J  in   the  utmost 

nded  in  our  hands. 

how  determined 

irisoners  were  cap- 

70  lieutenants. 

ery  narrow  escape 

lervation  to  bugler 

This  engagement  clearly  proved  our  superiority  over  the 
enemy's  cavalry,  which,  in  this  instance,  consisted  of  their 
best  Virginia  regiments  lately  under  Col.  Ashby. 

Heavy  reinforcements  having  been  received  by  the  enemy, 
and  our  work  having  been  accomplished,  our  cavalry  fell 
back  to  the  Rapidan,  where  the  Rebels  ceased  pursuing. 
Here  were  rested  our  victorious  squadrons. 

On  the  4th  the  regiment  marched  to  Culpepper  a'jd  to 
Madison  Court  House  on  the  5th,  bivouacking  near  the  town. 
From  Wolftown  to  Stannards  on  the  7th  we  formed  a  line  of 
pickets;  and  on  the  9th  was  fought  the  memorable  battle  of 
Cedar  or  Slaughter  Mountain.  Only  a  few  of  the  regiment 
were  engaged  in  this  battle,  one  of  those  being  killed.  A 
slight  skirmish  was  fought  with  the  enemy  on  the  10th  as 
they  fell  back  toward  Gordonsville. 

Avgmt  Wth.  The  regiment  marched  to  Culpepper  Court 
House  and  found  the  town  full  of  our  wounded  from  the  battle 
of  the  9th. 

AiigrMt  \2th.  On  a  reconnoissance  to  Barnett's  Ford  on 
the  Rapidan  and  back  to  Culpepper.  Paid  ofif  on  the  15th 
and  marched  to  Mitchell's  Station  on  the  16th,  preparatory 
to  a  Bwifl  move  on  the  enemy's  lines. 

August  nth.  Detachments  of  the  Fifth  New  York  and 
First  Michigan,  Col.  Broadhead  commanding,  marched  out 
early  on  a  bold  reconnoissance  to  Louisa  Court  House,  where 
they  captured  Gen.  Stuart's  Adjutant  General  and  several 
ycjTf  important  dispatches.    Gen.  Pope  in  his  report  speaks 


this  affair  as  follows: 

"  The  Cavalry  expedition  sent  out  on  the  16th  in  the  direc- 
tion of  Louisa  Court  House,  captured  the  Adjutant  General 
of  Gen.    Stuart,  and  was  very  near  capturing  that  officer 




Historic  Records. 

himself.  ^  Among  the  papers  taken  was  an  autograph 
letter  of  Gen.  Kobert  E.  Lee  to  Gen.  Stuart,  dated  Gordons- 
ville,  August  15th,  which  made  manifest  to  me  the  disposi- 
tion and  force  of  the  enemy  and  their  determination  to 
overwbe'm  the  army  under  my  command  before  it  could  be 
recnforced  by  any  portion  of  the  army  of  the  Potomac." 

Having  spent  a  night  in  chasing  through  the  confederate 
lines,  our  men  returned  to  their  own  side  of  the  Rapidan. 
Gen.  Pope's  army  was  falling  back  across  the  Rappahannock, 
and  the  regiment  marched  to  Barnett's  Ford  on  that  river, 
and  held  the  crossing. 

Auffust  20/A.  The  regiment  advanced  to  Kelly's  Ford, 
and  took  part  in  a  general  engagement.  They  were  ordered 
to  support  :'  battery,  which  vaa  exposed  to  a  fearful  fire. 
The  colonel  encouraged  his  men  by  a  short  address,  and  they 
did  their  work  well. 

On  the  22d  we  marched  to  Fayetteville,  continued  the 
march  to  Warrenton  the  next  day,  and  on  the  24th  partici- 
pated in  a  severe  engagement  at  Wat«rloo  Bridge.  Our 
men  suffered  from  the  Rebel  batteries  which  were  brought 
to  bear  upon  them.  During  the  fight  a  shell  took  effect  iu 
our  ranks  killing  instantly  three  horses  belonging  to  the 
three  officers  of  Go.  I  but  fortunately  only  a  few  men  were 

On  the  27th  Cos.  I,  K,  &  L,  were  detached  as  orderlies 
and  escort  of  Gen.  Heintzelman;  the  balance  of  the  regiment 
was  made  escort  of  Gen.  Pope.  On  the  28th  Gompai^y  M 
was  detailed  escort  of  Gen.  Banks,  and  the  main  body  of  the 
regiment  marched  to  Bull  Run  Bridge  and  camped. 

>  His  belt  wati  captured. 



Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


18  an  autograph 
,  dated  Gordons- 
»  me  the  disposi- 
determination  to 
tefore  it  could  be 
he  Potomao." 
h  the  confederate 
of  the  Rapidan. 
le  Rappahannock, 
ord  on  that  river, 

to  Kelly's  Ford, 

rhey  were  ordered 

d  to  a  fearful  fire. 

address,  and  thoy 

[lie,  continued  the 
n  the  24th  partici- 
rloo  Bridge.  Our 
hich  were  brought 
shell  took  effect  iu 
}  belonging  to  the 
ly  a  few  men  were 

;ached  as  orderlies 
loe  of  the  regiment 
28th  Company  M 
e  main  body  of  the 
id  camped. 

Augutt  29th.  To-day  commenced  what  has  generally  'jeen 
known  as  the  second  Battle  of  Bull  Run,  better  named 
Groveton.  The  Rebels  were  in  overwhelming  force,  driving 
Gen.  Pope  before  them.  Our  lines  fell  back,  and  on  the  80th 
the  conflict  was  renewed  on  the  field  of  the  first  Bull  Run. 
The  field  though  hotly  contested,  was  again  won  by  the  enemy, 
and  though  not  panic-stricken  we  were  compelled  to  retreat. 
Gradually  on  the  31st  our  forces  fell  back  toward  Washington. 

September  l$t.  Generals  Kearney  and  Stevens  distin- 
guished themselves  on  the  bloody  field  of  Chantilly,  and  both 
lost  their  lives.    The  regiment  reached  Fairfax  Court  House. 

The  retreat  was  continued  and  the  regiment  cajnped  at 
the  Arlington  House  on  the  5th.  !rhe  Rebel  army  now 
moved  into  Maryland,  and  on  the  17th  and  19th  was  fought 
the  memorable  battle  of  Antietam. 

October  Sth.  Lt.  Col.  Johnstone  with  one  hundred  and  ten 
men  went  out  with  the  brigade  on  a  reoonnoissance  to  the 
Rappahannock,  returning,  without  meeting  the  enemy,  on 
the  11th. 

October  Ibth.  Another  expedition  went  ouv  under  Maj. 
Hammond,  marching  the  firat  day  to  Chantilly,  then  on  to 
Aldie,  White  Plains,  and  back  to  Centreville  on  thvi  19th. 
During  this  expedition  skirmishes  were  fought  at  Leesburg, 
Upperville  and  Thoroughfare  Gap,  ending  with  a  running 
fight  from  Haymarket  to  Warrenton  whither  we  drove  the 


On  the  20th  the  regiment  was  ordered  on  picket  at  Chan- 
tilly, where  it  continued  patrolling  and  picketing  the 
country  until  the  twenty-eighth,  when  it  went  to  Centre- 
ville, and  next  dav  to  Manassas  Junction  and  back  to 








Historic  IIecouds. 

October  SOlh.    We   patrolled   to   Pleasant   Valley,   and 
closed  the  month  by  picketing  by  detachments  at  Pollock's 
Church,  Anandale  and   Centreville.     This  work  wag  very 
dull,  and  yet  very  wearing.     The  weather  was  becoming 
cold  and  unpleasant,  and  picketing  and  scouting  were  not 
very  desirable.     However,  the  month  of  November  was 
wholly  devoted  to  this  work,  so  that  there  was  scarcely  a 
day  of  rest.  The  journal  of  movements  runs  as  follows :  on 
the  first  to  Centreville ;  second  to  Bull  Run  battle  field  and 
picket;  third  to  Gainesville;  fourth  to  Buckland  Mills;  fifth 
to   New   Baltimore   and  have  a  fight;  sixth  to  Buckland 
Mills;  leventh  to  Gainesville;    eighth  through  Hopewell 
Gap,  after  a  skirmish;   ninth  to  Aldie  and  Middleburg; 
tenth  to  Hopewell  Gap;   eleventh  through  Thoroughfare 
Gap  with  a  fight,  and  to  Aldie;  twelfth  to  Middleburg  on 
patrol;  thirteenth  to  Hopewell  Gap;  fourteenth  to  Aldie, 
where  we  rested  on  the  fifteenth.     Such  was  the  cavalry 
service  in  those  days.     On  the  sixteenth  we  had  a  skirmish 
at  Upporville,  and  returned  to  Hopewell  Gap  next  day,  and 
on  to  Chantilly  the  eighteenth.     Here  we  met  with  a  little 
rest,  the  monotony  of  which  was  broken  by  an  expedition  to 
the  Blue  Ridge  and  into  the  Shenandoah  Valley  and  back. 
This  expedition,  in  command  of  Gen.  Stahel,  commenced  its 
march  November  29th.    The  men  of  the  Fifth  New  York 
Cavalry  were  commanded  by  Capt.  Krom,  Company  G.   In 
Snicker's  Gap  a  Rebel  picket  was  captured.   On  arriving  at 
the  Shenandoah  river  at  Snicker's  Ferry  the  Rebels  annoyed 
our  men  and  prevented  rapid  crossing,  by  firing  from  the 
houses   beyond  the  river.      Capt.  Krom,  with   his  men, 
dashed  across  the  river,  though  the  water  was  deep  and  the 
current  swift.     On  reaching   the   bank  the   Rebels  were 

:"  ^?if.'iK^fe*^-^:!i*S':-'i**' 


isant  Valley,  and 
ments  at  Pollock's 
tig  work  wag  verj 
:,her  was  becoming 

scouting  were  not 
of  November  was 
lere  was  scarcely  a 
runs  as  follows :  on 
lun  battle  field  and 
lokland  MilU;  fifth 
sixth  to  Buckland 
through  Hopewell 
I  and  Middleburg; 
»ugh  Thoroughfare 

to  Middleburg  on 
urteenth  to  Aldie, 
jh  was  the  cavalry 

we  had  a  skirmiRh 

Gap  next  day,  and 
ne  met  with  a  little 

by  an  expedition  to 
h  Valley  and  back, 
ahel,  commenced  its 
he  Fifth  New  York 
m,  Company  G.  In 
red.  On  arriving  at 
the  Rebels  annoyed 
,  by  firing  from  the 
)m,  with  his  men, 
er  was  deep  and  the 
k  the   Rebels  were 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


furiously  charged  and  driven.  Our  men  pursued  them  at 
the  utmost  speed  of  their  horses  for  about  three  miles, 
when  they  came  upon  the  Rebel  camps,  which  the  enemy 
attempted  to  defend.  Their  effort  failed.  Our  men  being 
reenforoed,  the  enemy  was  beaten  and  fled,  leaving  in  our 
hands  one  captain,  two  lieutenanto,  thirty-two  men,  one 
stand  of  colors  and  several  wagons,  one  of  them  filled  with 
tents,  and  others  with  provisions.  Several  ambulances  also 
were  taken  laden  with  articles  which  had  been  taken  by 
White's  men,  in  a  recent  raid  into  Poolsville,  M..-yland. 
Sixty  horses  and  fifty  head  of  cattle  were  also  captured  in 
this  gallant  charge.  The  expedition  returned  on  the  80th 
through  Leesburg,  Goose  Creek,  Broad  Run  to  Chantilly. 

December  1«<.  To  our  old  duty  again  on  picket  until  the 
4th,  near  Chantilly.  On  the  10th  we  picketed  at  Centre- 
ville,  and  did  the  same  duty  on  the  Bull  Run  battle  field, 
on  the  12th.  Marched  to  Chantilly  the  13th  and  picketed 
till  the  28th.  Being  relieved  from  this  duty,  we  were 
immediately  sent  on  a  scout  to  Union  Mills  and  Fairfax 
Station,  spending  the  night  at  Fairview. 

December  29lh.  Stuart's  raiders  came  through  our  lines 
and  passed  near  our  camp  on  their  return.  The  regiment 
wa.s  sent  in  pursuit.  We  followed  them  about  six  miles, 
but  found  their  force  too  strong  for  us  to  attack.  On  the 
30th  we  returned  to  Chantilly  on  picket,  and  ended  the 
year  by  falling  back  to  Fairfax  Court  House,  where  the 
boys,  actuated  by  mischief  and  with  a  desire  of  having 
something  with  which  to  celebrate  the  coming  New  Year, 
made  a  charge  upon  a  sutler's  shanty,  which  resulted  in 
the  capture  of  much  spoil  and  in  a  general  victory. 
The  following  correspondence  will  explain  itself : 



Historic  Records. 

2i>  Catalrt  Bbioadi,  8d  Army  Corpi^  1 
Near  Fort  Scott,  Va.,  Dersmbor  8d,  1862.  > 

To  Brig.  Oen.  John  P.  Hatch  : 

General :  The  accompanying  sabre  is  presented  to  you  by 
the  officers  of  the  First  Vermont  and  Fifth  New  York  Cav- 

We  have  served  under  you  while  you  commanded  the 
Cavalry  in  Virginia  —  a  period  of  active  operations  and 
military  enterprise — during  which  your  courage  and  judg- 
ment inspired  us  with  confidence,  while  your  zeal  and 
integrity  have  left  us  an  example  easier  to  be  admired  than 

We,  who  have  passed  with  you  beyond  the  Rapidan,  and 
through  Swift  Run  Gap,  are  best  able  to  recognize  your 
qualities  as  a  commander. 

Accept,  therefore.  General,  this  testimonial  of  esteem, 
offered  long  after  we  were  removed  from  your  command, — 
when  the  external  glitter  of  an  ordinary  man  ceases  to  affect 
the  mind,  but  when  real  worth  begins  to  be  appreciated. 

On  behalf  of  the  Officers  of  the  Fifth  New  York. 

Robert  Johnstone, 
Lt.  Col.  5th  New  York  Cavalry. 
Otweffo,  N.  r.  Deo.  16th,  1862. 
To  the  Officers  of  the  Fifth  New  York  and  First  Vermont 
Regiments  of  Cavalry : 

Gentlemen :  A  very  beautiful  sabre,  your  present  to  my- 
self, has  been  received.  I  shall  wear  it  with  pride,  and  will 
never  draw  it  but  in  an  honorable  cause. 

The  very  kind  letter  accompanying  the  sabre  has  caused 
emotions  of  the  deepest  nature.  The  assurance  it  gives 
of  the  confidence  you  feel  in  myself,  and  your  approval  of 




Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


)■,  8d  Army  Corpi^  1 
Dersmber  8d,  1862.  > 

presented  to  you  by 
ifth  New  York  Cav- 

^oa  commanded  the 
tive  operatiunB  and 
ir  courage  and  judg- 
'hile  your  zeal  and 
r  to  be  admired  than 

nd  the  Rapidan,  and 
lo  to  recognize  your 

itimonial  of  esteem, 
im  your  command, — 
'  man  ceases  to  affect 
a  be  appreciated. 
1  New  York. 
'  Johnstone, 
Jew  York  Cavalry. 

r.  Deo.  16th,  1862. 
k  and  First  Vermont 

my  course  when  in  command  of  Banks'  Cavalry,  is  particu- 
larly gratifying.  You,  actors  with  myself  in  those  stirring 
Bconcs,  are  competent  judges  as  to  the  propriety  of  my  course, 
when  it  unfortunately  did  not  meet  with  the  approval  of  my 
superior;  and  your  testimony,  so  handsomely  expressed, 
artcr  time  has  allowed  opportunity  for  reflection,  more  than 
compensates  for  the  mortification  of  that  moment. 

I  have  watched  with  pride  the  movements  of  your  regi- 
ments, since  my  separation  from  you.  When  a  telegram 
has  announced  that "  in  a  Cavalry  fight,  the  edge  of  the  sabre 
was  successfully  used,  and  the  enemy  routed,"  the  further 
announcement  that  the  Fifth  New  York  and  First  Vermont 
were  engaged,  was  unnecessary. 

Accept  my  kindest  wishes  for  your  ftiture  success, — 
sharp  sabres  and  a  trust  in  Providence,  will  enable  you  to 
secure  it  in  the  field. 

Very  truly,  my  friends, 

Your  obedient  Servant 

John  P.  Hatch, 
Brigadier  General. 

your  present  to  my- 
1;  with  pride,  and  will 

the  sabre  has  caused 
e  assurance  it  gives 
nd  your  approval  of 


cnAPTER  rv. 

Mosby,  the  OiierriUs —  His  men Picketing  Against  him  at  Chan- 

tilly. — Building  Winter  Quarters  at  Qerraantown.  —  Descrip- 
tion. —  MoBby  at  Fairfax  Court  House.  —  Fight  at  Chantilly.— 
At  Warrenton  Junction. — Cougralulatory  Order  of  Command- 
ing General.  — Fight  at  Greenwich.  —  Capture  of  a  Howitser.  — 
Gallant  Conduct  of  Lieut.  Barker. —  Jan.  lit  to  June  lith,  1868. 

The  campaign  of  1862  had  ended,  and  the  two  great  armies 
had  constructed  their  winter  quarters  facing  each  other, 
al'  be  line  of  the  Rappahannock,  the  Rebels  occupying 
tl  '\  bank  above  and  below  the  heights  of  Fredericks- 

burg, and  the  Federals  stretching  .(heir  camps  for  man; 
miles  on  the  northern  shore  above  and  below  Falmouth. 
Between  this  line  and  that  uf  the  defenses  of  Washington 
lies  a  vast  territory,  which  abounds  in  creeks,  marshes,  deep, 
sombre  forests,  with  only  here  and  there  a  village  or  settle- 
ment. A  little  to  the  west  runs  the  chain  of  the  Bull  Run 
Mountains,  with  their  ravines  and  caverns.  This  is  a  very 
fit  hiding  place  for  guerrillas  and  bushwhackers,  who,  in  con-, 
siderable  numbers,  infest  the  country,  and  commit  their 
depredations  on  our  lines.  These  guerrillas  consist  mostly 
of  farmers  and  mechanics,  residents  of  this  region  of  country, 
who  are  exempt  from  the  Rebel  conscription.  They  gene- 
rally follow  their  usual  avocation  during  the  day,  and  congre- 
gate at  certain  localities  at  night  ready  for  any  work  proposed 


-V-  '■..i/>-.r-s^-'' 

:;  v,^  f«  t.***,-.  f.<^  ,>>a:.i*s3:Sa.:.^A«W»v.-.^«a:«.iaJi8K-»?*i6S^^ 



ing  Against  him  at  Chan- 
SerinantowD.  —  Desorip- 
—  Fight  at  Chantilljr.— 
ry  Order  of  Command- 
apture  of  a  Howitier.  — 
.  Ui  to  JuM  lith,  1868. 

id  the  two  great  armies 
rs  facing  each  other, 
the  Rebels  occupying 
beights  of  Fredericks- 
heir  camps  for  manj 
alid  below  Falmouth. 
efcDses  of  Washington 
creeks,  marshes,  deep, 
ere  a  village  or  settle- 
shain  of  the  Bull  Run 
'ems.  This  is  a  very 
whackers,  who,  in  con-- 
ry,  and  commit  their 
lerrillas  consist  mostly 
this  region  of  country, 
loription.  They  gene- 
ng  the  day,  and  congre- 
for  any  work  proposed 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


by  their  leader,  though  each  is  often  found  to  act  quite 
inde|H!udently  of  the  rest.  Their  commander-in-chief  is 
John  S.  Moeby,  who,  aa  a  Rebel  soldier  who  had  known  him 
from  childhood  up  informed  the  writer,  had  always  been  a 
sort  of  guerrilla  —  deserting  from  his  homo  in  mere  boyhood 
—  fighting  duels  as  a  pastime  —  rowing  the  country  far  and 
wide  in  search  of  pleasure  or  profit — andfiudingnow  hischicf 
delight  in  the  adventures  of  guerrilla  life.  Under  such 
ifuJorship  this  guerrilla  force  has  become  very  formidable, 
mid  a  strong  picket  line  was  necessary  at  some  distance  from 
the  defenses  of  Washington. 

January  1»<,  1868.  The  regiment  celebrated  this  anni- 
versary by  marching  from  Fairfax  Court  House  to  Chantilly, 
and  was  there  posted  .u  picket,  to  guard  against  the  incur- 
sions of  M'  y  and  his  gang.  The  peculiar  nature  of  the 
force  opposed  to  us  requires  special  pains  in  the  picketing. 
The  main  reserve,  established  from  one  to  two  miles  from 
the  line  of  videttes,  is  so  situated  as  to  be  within  easy  striking 
distance  of  each  picket  relief — at  least  when  this  can  be 
done  —  so  as  to  render  speedy  assistance  in  case  of  an  attack 
on  any  portion  of  the  line. 

The  boys  will  not  soon  forget  the  dreary,  dangerous  hours 
they  spent  along  this  picket  line.  In  fancy  they  will  see 
themselves  shivering  around  a  miserable  fire  among  the 
plies,  compelled  often  to  sit  or  lie  down  in  mow  or  mud. 
In  this  plight  they  hear  the  summons  to  be  ready  to  stand 
post.  Mounted  upon  their  shivering  horses,  the  poor  fel- 
lows with  nothing  cheering  but  their  courage,  go  out  to  sit 
in  the  saddle  for  two  hours,  facing  the  biting  wind,  and 
peering  through  the  storm  of  sleet,  snow  or  rain,  which  pelts 
them  in  the  face  mercilessly.     Happy  if  the  guerrilla  does 









Historic  Records. 



not  creep  through  bushes  impenetrable  to  the  sight,  to  in- 
flict  his  cruel  blows.  The  two  hours  expired,  relief  come? 
and  the  vidette  returns  to  spend  his  four,  six,  or  eight 
hours  off  duty  as  best  he  may. 

January  bth.  At  a  post  called  Frying  Pan,  the  pickets 
were  attacked  by  guerrillas,  and  quite  a  number  of  men 
were  captured.  The  nature  of  the  country  is  such  as  to 
afford  the  enemy  the  greatest  possible  advantage.  Deep 
ravines,  skirted  by  massive  foliage  summer  and  winter,  give 
him  shelter,  while  his  knowledge  of  every  road  and  foot- 
path gives  him  a  fine  opportunity  to  escape  with  his  booty 
in  case  of  pursuit. 

January  Qth.  Several  men  were  captured  and  one  wounded 
on  picket  near  Cub  Run.  The  guerrillas  are  very  active. 
The  utmost  vigilance  on  our  part  cannot  secure  us  perfectly 
from  their  depredations.  The  only  way  to  rid  ourselves  of 
this  plague  would  be  to  scour  the  entire  country  with  a 
large  force,  arrest  every  male  inhabitant  able  to  carry  a 
musket,  and  burn  to  the  ground  every  building,  including 
housf-  where  these  bushwhackers  reside  or  find  refuge.  To 
so  stern  a  punishment,  falling  upon  innocent  and  guilty 
with  like  terror,  the  government  is  not  willing  to  resort. 
If  the  war  is  to  continue  long  this  would  prove  to  be  true 
policy,  saving  the  lives  of  many  of  our  brave  boys. 

January  10th.  From  the  Chaotilly  mansion,  owned  by 
one  of  the  Stuarte,  the  regiment  moved  to  Germantown, 
pitching  camp  on  a  pine-covered  knoll.  The  streets  are 
laid  out  quite  regularly  by  companies,  a  space  averaging 
about  25  or  30  feet  being  occupied  by  each  company.  Tho 
men  construct  ptockades  of  logs  about  3  feet  high,  on  which 
they  place  their  tents,  called  A  tents,  on  account  of  resem- 

j^..^^; _:_^  .^.-.j^ i*,^^,ii^_^j...  ^j^^-  .,^^  -^.-^'i.';iS':..^d^-4ii^'^:M3!h^'t^^-  ihiS^M 

to  the  sight,  to  in- 
cpired,  relief  come? 
four,  six,  or  eight 

g  Pan,  the  picketa 
a  number  of  men 
tntry  is  such  as  to 
advantage.  Deep 
ler  and  winter,  give 
very  road  and  foot- 
eape  with  his  booty 

ed  and  one  wounded 
las  are  very  active. 

secure  us  perfectly 
■  to  rid  ourselves  of 
ire  country  with  a 
ant  able  to  carry  a 

building,  including 
I  or  find  refuge.  To 
nnocent  and  guilty 
t  willing  to  resort, 
lid  prove  to  be  true 
brave  boys, 
mansion,  owned  by 
ed  to  Germantown, 
1.  The  streets  are 
,  a  space  averaging 
ach  company.  Tho 
feet  high,  on  which 
□  account  of  reseni- 


Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


blauce  to  that  letter.  Chimneys  are  made  of  stone,  or  of 
bricks  found  in  the  remains  of  destroyed  houdes  in  the 
neighborhood,  and  sometinaes  of  sticks  of  wood  carefully 
laid  in  mud,  which  is  by  no  means  very  inferior  mortar. 
With  this  material  the  crevices  of  the  stockades  are  also 
vfell  plastered,  making  the  soldier's  cabin  quito  tight  and 
\sarm,  if  he  is  not  too  idle  to  supply  himself  amply  with 
i'uel.  In  front  of  the  tents  is  a  street  which  has  to  bo 
corduroyed  or  it  will  become  impassable  for  mud,  and  just 
across  the  street  are  the  stables  for  *he  horses.  These  are 
u.sually  covered  with  a  thick  thatchirg  of  pine  boughs,  which 
atiord  a  tolerable  shelter  for  the  cavalryman's  crusty  friend 

January  11th.  The  regiment  went  on  a  scouting  party 
to  Brentaville,  and  returned  by  way  of  Bristoe  Station  and 
Manassas  Junction. 

January  12lh.  A  false  alarm  aroused  the  entire  camp, 
which  consists  of  a  brigade  of  cavalry,  composed  of  the 
First  Virginia  (Union),  Eighteenth  Pennsylvania  aud  Fifth 
New  York  regiments  of  cvalry. 

January  l%th.  Another  false  alarm  disturbed  our  usual 
rest;  and  before  quieting  down  again  we  were  sent  on 
picket,  to  remain  about  five  days.  We  were  relieved  on 
the  17th. 

January  llth.  Sergt.  Maj.  Oall  and  1st  Sergt.  Bryant, 
Company  G,  went  to  Buckland  Mills  with  a  flafc  of  truce. 

January  20th.  Companies  E  and  Or  went  on  picket  at 
Frying  Pan,  dismounted,  that  they  might  be  the  better 
prepared  for  guerillas  should  they  appear. 

January  94th.  The  same  companies  were  ordered  out 
on  a  scouting   party  to   Ilerndon  Station,  and  captured  a 




.,4l^j^^i0^Z%f^jfili^S4i-^%i-*-*^^  -^  ■*-  ^1*^''a^^  -^sb. 


Hif-TORio  Records. 

sutler's  wagon,  which  was  being  smuggled  iu«)  the  Rebel 
lines,  and  some  prisoners. 

January  2Qth.  ^losby  made  an  attack  on  the  18th  Pa. 
on  picket  near  Chautilly  Church,  capturing  11.  The  Fifth 
N.  Y.  was  sent  in  pursuit  of  the  guerrillas.  Having  reached 
Middleburg,  Maj.  Hammond,  in  command,  ordered  a  charge 
through  the  town,  which  was  executed  handsomely  and  with 
entire  success,  resulting  in  the  capture  of  25  prisoners 
and  the  scattering  of  Mosby's  men.  The  entire  party,  save 
one  man  captured,  returned  safely  to  camp,  after  a  journey 
of  84  miles. 

January  29<A.  We  resumed  picketing  this  morning, 
only  a  small  portion  of  the  regiment  remaining  in  camp. 

January  30<A.  The  regiment  was  relieved  from  picket 
until  further  orders.  The  object,  doubtless,  is  to  give  us  other 
work  to  do. 

February  2d.  We  were  ordered  out  on  a.  scout.  Passed 
through  Centreville  about  sundown.  Followed  the  pike 
over  the  Bull  Run  battle  field,  by  Gainesville  and  New  Balti- 
more, arriving  at  Warrenton,  as  the  town  clock  struck  12 
of  the  night.  No  force  of  the  enemy  was  found  in  town. 
One  hundred  muskets  were  captured  and  destroyed.  Patrols 
were  sent  to  Waterloo  Bridge  and  Sulphur  Springs.  The 
country  appeared  to  be  clear  of  the  enemy.  Having  accom- 
plished the  object  of  our  scout  we  returned  to  camp,  after 
a  cold,  dreary  journey. 

February  9th.  The  regiment  was  again  sent  out  to  scout 
the  country.  At  Bristoe  Station  companies  F  and  H,  with 
Capt.  Penfield  in  command,  vere  sent  to  Warrenton.  On 
their  way  at  New  Baltimore  they  encountered  quite  a  force 
of  the  enemy,  with  which  they  had  a  spirited  skirmish, 



Fifth  New  York  Cayalry. 


led  iuM)  the  Rebel 

k  on  the  18th  Pa. 
ng  11.  The  Fifth 
a.  Having  reached 
1,  ordered  a  charge 
ndsomely  and  vith 
e  of  25  prisoners 
I  entire  party,  save 
np,  after  a  journey 

jng  this  morning, 
oining  in  camp, 
lieved  from  picket 
a,  is  to  give  us  other 

)n  A  scout.  Passed 
Followed  the  pike 
rille  und  New  Balti- 
wn  clock  struck  12 
foa  found  in  town, 
destroyed.  Patrols 
bur  Springs.  The 
ly.  Having  acoom- 
rned  to  camp,  after 

in  sent  out  to  scout 
lies  F  and  H,  with 
:o  Warrenton.  On 
ntered  quite  a  force 
I  spirited  skirmish, 

which  Kas  repeated  but  with  less  energy  at  Warrenton, 
next  day.  The  main  body  of  the  regiment  on  the  10th 
Jiove  in  the  enemy's  pickets  near  Spotted  Tavern,  where 
they  captured  two  prisoners. 

February  \ith.  The  regiment  moved  to  within  four 
iiiilo-s  of  Falmouth,  and  then  turned  northward  throughT 
Stafford  Court  House.  It  pursued  its  journey  through 
Dumfries,  Wolf  Run  Shoals,  Fairfax  Station  and  Court 
House,  reaching  camp  on  the  13th,  after  a  very  fatiguing 

February  \%th.  Company  G  was  sent  on  a  scout  to  Hern- 
don  Station. 

February  2lst.  Rec«ived  orders  to  resume  picket  duty. 

February  25(h.  During  the  night  the  18th  Penn.  lost 
twenty  men  and  thirty  horses  on  picket,  by  Mosby. 

February  2Qth.  Major  Bacon,  with  one  hundred  and  fifty- 
one  men,  started  on  a  scout,  passing  through  Centreville. 
Not  being  able  to  oross  the  Bull  Run  bridge,  he  returned  to 
Centreville,  wher    were  rendezvoused  other  cavalry. 

Februari/  21th.  The  whole  .imnand  under  Col.  Wynd- 
ham  m<  to  Hcaleton  Station  and  thence   to  Falmouth. 

The  going  <s  horribly  muddy,  many  horses  trivii  '  out  by 
the  way.  This  was  tlio  mos^t  remarkable  1  ituie  of  the 
expedition.  After  r  in?  ourselves  aitJ  animals  for  a  few 
(Jays  at  Falmouth,  the  exp  iition  retun..  1  to  camp  by  way 
uf  SUifford  Court  House  and  Wolf  Run  Shoals,  arriving 
March  3d,  very  much  exhausted. 

March  1st.  Capt.  Farley  with  ?■  my  two  men  was  sent 
on  a  Bcout  to  Aldie,  and  returned  without  meeting  the 

March  9lh.  About  three   o'clock 


A.    M     Mosby   and  his 




Historic  Records 


'•  IP     * 


gang,  led  by  Sergeant  J.  F.  Ames,'  formerly  of  company  L, 
of  this  regiment,  having  safely  passed  by  the  pickets, 
entered  Fairfax  Court  House.  Without  scarcely  firing  a  shot, 
they  captured  fifty  fine  horses  and  about  thirty  prisoners, 
including  Brig.  Gen.  Stoughton,  and  Capt.  Barker,  Fifth 
New  York  Cavalry.  The  brigade  was  sent  in  pursuit  of 
the  dashing  party,  each  regiment  taking  different  routes  j 
but  they  returned  at  night  unsuccessful,  the  Fifth  New 
York  having  gone  to  Herndon  Station.  Such  a  raid,  five 
or  six  miles  within  our  lines,  resulting  in  such  a  heavy  loss 
to  us,  reflects  very  uncreditably  upon  some  of  our  military 
leaders,  while  it  shows  how  wily  a  foe  we  have  to  contend 
wi' a.  It  ia  thought  that  not  a  few  of  the  inhabitants  of 
the  region  are  more  or  less  engaged  in  the  business  of  giv- 
ing Mosby  important  information,  which  lays  the  founda- 
tion of  his  success. 

March  \  We  sent  two  hundred  men  on  picket, 
averaging  the  number  fro-j;  the  dififerent  companies.   . 

March  lith.  Maj.  White  with  first  battalion  went  out  at 
night  as  a  reserve  for  the  pickets.  We  are  almost  constantly 
on  duty.  One  small  brigade  of  cavalry  is  doing  the  duty 
t^at  one  division  should  do. 

March  \bth.  We  moved  our  camp  a  little  below  Fairfax 
Court  House  on  a  fine  elevation,  which  overlooks  the  sur- 
rounding country.  Before  night  snow  and  hail  began  to  fall, " 
and  a   terrible  night  was  experienced.     The  mercury  at  5 
p.  M.  stood  at  28°  30'. 

March  18/A.  The  regiment  went  on  picket  for  24  hours. 


»Ame8,   after  deserting   to  Mosbj,  was    called  Big  Yankee. 
He  became  efficient  for  the  UebcU  and  was  finally  killed. 

■*!<!!!«»  ■S»*S'*»'»8f^*t' 

aaerly  of  company  L, 
ed  by  the  picketa, 
scarcely  firing  a  shot, 
out  thirty  prisoners, 
Capt.  Barker,  Fifth 
IS  sent  in  pursuit  of 
ng  different  routebj 
sful,  the  Fifth  New 
1.  Such  a  raid,  five 
in  such  a  heavy  losa 
some  of  our  military 
we  have  to  contend 
)f  the  inhabitants  of 
the  business  of  gir- 
lich  lays  the  fouuda- 

red   men   on   picket, 
nt  companies.   . 
battalion  went  out  at 
are  almost  constantly 
iry  is  doing  the  duty 

little  below  Fairfax 
ih  overlooks  the  sur- 
nd  hail  began  to  fall, ' 
I,     The  mercury  at  5 

I  picket  for  24  hours. 

i8    called  Big  Yankee. 
B  finnlty  killed. 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


March  1M.  Wont  out  on  picket  again.     About  5  P.  M. 
Mosby  made  an  attack  on  the  pike,   introducing   himself 
liy  Hhooling  the  first  vidette  he  came  to   through  the  head. 
The  main  reserve  being  alarmed,  and  pursued  this 
lorce  about  three   miles.     Here   a  barricade   of  trees   is 
thrown  across  the  road,  back  of  which  the  guerrillas  had 
iormed  themselves.     Our  column  was  stopped  by  a  fire  of 
carbines  and  pistols,  and   by  a  flank  fire  from  the  woods. 
At  this  inopportune  moment  the  Rebels  made  a  charge, 
which  broke  our  column.     Our  boys  were  then  driven  back 
furiously.     Some  horses  giving  out,  the  hapless  riders  were 
captured.     By  the  heroic  exertions   of  Major  White  and 
the  arrival  of  the  reserve  from  Frying  Pan,  the  boys  were 
rallied  and  the  Rebels  again  driven  back,  and  pursued  for 
eight  miles.    But  they  escaped  after  inflicting  upon  us  very 
serious  injury.     For  some  reason  the  regiment  never  acted 
with  so  little  concert,  and  was  never  so  badly  beaten  by  so 
small  a  force,  supposed  to  be  about  eighty  strong.     Every 
one  felt  mortified   at  the  result  of  this  day's   work,   and 
resolved   to   retrieve  our  fortunes  on  some  more  fortunate 


March  ^hth.  Maj.  G*n.  Stahel  took  command  of  this 
cavalry  division,  composed  of  three  brigades.  The  third 
bvi-ade  is  composed  of  the  1st  Vir9;inia,  18th  Pennsylvania 
and  Fifth  New  York. 

March  Tith.  We  went  on   picket  with  Maj.  Bacon  for 

2  \  hours. 

March^Oth.  Picket  duty  again  with  Maj.  White. 

April  M.  Maj.  Bacon  went  out  again  with  the  regiment 
on  picket.  The  three  rt^'imenta  of  the  brigade  do  picket 
duty  by  turn,  being  on  duty  one  day  and  off  two. 






f  ! 






Historic  Kbcoeds. 

April  Gth.  We  sent  out  one  hundred  men  for  picket. 

April  12tL  The  3d  brigade  paraded  for  piuster,  under 
orders  from  Col.  De  Forest,  who  was  assigned  to  the  com- 
mand as  acting  brigadier  general,  the  seventh  inst.  His 
command  appeared  well  on  parade.  He  rides  his  htr"-* 
beautifully,  and  presents  a  very  soldierly  bearing. 

April  nth.  The  18th  Pennsylvania  was  transferred  to  the 
2d  brigade,  and  the  Ist  Virginia,  with  which  we  were  eo 
often  associated  in  1862,  waa  trancferred  to  the  3d  brigade. 

April  ISth.  Our'  brigade  made  a  reconnoissance  to  Cat- 
lett's  fStation. 

April  21tt.  The  regiment  received  the  new  and  beautiful 
flag,  ordered  for  us  by  the  city  of  New  York,  in  November, 
1862.  For  some  rea»)n  unknown  to  us,  it  has  been  long 

April  2Tth.  Gen.  Stahel,  with  the  2d  and  3d  brigades  and 
a  ;;jrht  battery  of  four  guns,  moved  out  about  6  A.  M.  on  a 
reconuoissance.  As  each  regiment  wended  its  way  from  its 
camp  to  Fairfax  Court  House,  the  place  of  concentration, 
presenting  the  appearance  of  a  vast  serpent,  winding  ita 
folds  through  ita  accustomed  path  among  the  hills,  the 
morning  sunlight  fell  with  magical  effect  upon  the  scene, 
producing  an  impression  which  the  beholder  does  not  soon 
forget.  The  force  moved  on  to  two  piiles  beyond  Middle- 

AprU  2Sth.  The  regiment  being  detaohed,  moved  out  two 
miles,  sent  patrols  to  Upperville,  and  rejoined  the  division, 
with  which  we  moved  to  Rectortown,  Salem,  White  Plains, 
and  back  to  Middleburg.  Thirty-five  prisoners  were 
captured,  mostly  guerrillas  of  Mosby's  gang. 

April    29th.  The   division    moved   east   of   Aldie  and 


Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


len  for  picket, 
for  muster,  under 
signed  to  the  com- 
eventh  inst.  His 
[e  rides  his  h?r"'> 

i  transferred  to  the 
irhich  we  were  so 
to  the  3d  brigade, 
moissance  to  Cat- 
new  and  beautiful 
ork,  in  November, 
it  has   been  long 

ad  8d  brigades  and 
nbout  6  A.  M.  on  a 
ed  ite  way  from  its 
I  of  concentration, 
rpent,  winding  its 
ong  the  hills,  the 
3t  upon  the  scene, 
}lder  does  not  soon 
es  beyond  Middle- 

led,  moved  out  two 
oined  the  division, 
lem.  White  Plains, 
e   prisoners    were 


aat  of   Aldie  and 

bivouacked  for  a  few  hours.  After  dark  we  moved  back  to 
our  camps  at  Fairfax  Court  House,  arriving  after  midnight. 
The  boys  made  the  old  hills  ring  with  shouts  of  delight  on 
returning  to  their  tented  homes. 

May  Ut.  Col.  De  Forest,  with  the  3d  brigade,  moved  to 
Bristoe  Station.     The  command  had  two  days'  rations. 

Mat/  2d.  The  regiment  was  ordered  to  reconnoitre  as  far 
as  Rappahannock  Station;  and  having  accomplished  ita 
task,  returned  to  Warrenton  Junction. 

Mai/  Sd.    At  an   early  hour  the   Ist  Virginia  cavalry, 
while  feeding  and  watering  their  horses,  were  surprised  by 
a  force  of  Rebels,  consisting  of  detachments  of  the  Black 
Horse  Cavalry,  Mosby's  and  other  guerrilla  forces,  with 
Mosby  commanding  in  person.     Our  boys,  being  thus  dis- 
mounted, fled  to  a  house  near  by,  where  they  fought  with 
terrible  earnestness,  but  to  great  disadvantage.     All  eflforts 
of  Mosby  to  make  them  surrender  were  in  vain.     Finding 
that  he  could  not  intimidate  them  with  bullets,  he  ordered 
the  torch  to  be  applied,  and  the  house  was  set  on  fire.     At 
this  critical  moment,  the  Fifth  New  York,  which  had  bivou- 
acked in  a  grove  at  a  short  distance  from  the  scene  of  action, 
with  Maj.  Hammond  commanding  in  person,  descended  Jike 
an  avalanche  upon   the   guerrillas.     Mosby  was  heard  to 
exclaim,  "  My  God !  it  is  the  Fifth  New  York  !"     A  hand 
to  hand  encounter  now  took  place,   where  Yankee  sabres 
were  used  with  fearful  effect,  and  soon  the  Rebels  broke  p   j. 
fled,  entirely  demoralized  and  panic-stricken.     Gen.  Str  jcI, 
in  his  dispatch  to  Gen.  Heintzelman,  says :  "  The  Rebels,  who 
fled  in  the  direction  of  Warrenton,  were  pursued  by  Maj. 
Hammond,  Fifth  New  York  Cavalry,  who  has  returned  and 
reports  our  charge  at  Warrenton  Junction  a»  being  so  terrific 

I  J^SS^f-  •-  '•fe#.«».*iJ-i.U*s«5*r« 



Historic  Recoiids. 

as  to  have  thoroughly  routed  and  scattered  them  in  every 
direction.  I  have  sent  in  23  prisoners  of  Mvisby's  command, 
all  of  whom  are  wounded  —  the  greater  part  of  them  badly. 
Dick  Moran  (a  notorious  bushwhacker)  is  among  the  number. 
There  are  also  three  oflScers  of  Mosby'a.  The  loss  of  the 
enemy  was  very  heavy  in  killed  besides  many  wounded,  who 
scattered  and  prevented  capture.  I  have  no  hopes  of  the 
recovery  of  Maj,  Steele,'  of  the  1st  Virginia.  Our  loss  is 
one  killed  and  fourteen  wounded." 

Tenipleton,  a  Rebel  spy,  was  killed.  In  the  Richmond 
Sentinel  of  May  16th,  we  find  this  interesting  notice  of  the 
fight : — "  About  the  Ist  of  May,  near  Warrenton  Junction, 
Mosby,  with  his  company,  fell  in  with  the  First  Virginia 
regiment,  so  called,  which  haa  been  a  long  time  looking  for 
him.  A  fight  ensued,  which  resulted  in  the  capture  of  the 
whole  regiment.  As  Mosby  was  making  off  with  his  prize, 
however,  the  First  Vermont^  and  Fifth  New  York  beset 
him  and  recaptured  the  Virginia  Yankees.  Mosby's  loss 
was  small,  and  he  wanta  to  know  whether  the  First  Virginia 
is  looking  fo.  him  again." 

The  following  Complimentary  Order  was  issued: 

Head  Qrs.  Stahel's  Cavalry  Division,  'X 

Department  of  Washington,  V 

Fairfax  Court  Uotue,  May  6,  1863.  J 

Special  Obdbbb  No.  30. 
When  soldiers  perform  brave  deeds  a  proper  acknowledg- 
ment of  their  services  is  justly  their  due.    The  commanding 

>  He  was  a  noble  officer  and  a  splendid  soldier.  His  wound 
proved  mortal.  His  funeral  services  were  attended  with  military 
honors,  Sunday,  May  31  gt, 

'  The  First  Veiinont  was  not  engaged. 


Fifth  New  Yoek  Cavalry. 


red  thorn  in  every 
Mvwbj's  command, 
art  of  them  badly, 
mongthe  number. 
The  I088  of  the 
any  wounded,  who 
e  no  hopes  of  the 
inia.     Our  loss  is 

In  the  Richmond 
sting  notice  of  the 
arrenton  Junction, 
the  First  Virginia 
ig  time  looking  for 
the  capture  of  the 
J  off  with  his  prize, 
1  New  York  beset 
ees.  Mosby's  loss 
r  the  First  Virginia 

'as  issued : 

VAIBY  Division,  ) 
t  of  Washington,  !■ 
M«,  May  6,  1863.  J 

proper  acknowledg- 
The  commanding 

ioldier.     His  wound 
;euded  with  military 

general  therefore  desires  to  express  his  gratification  at  the 
oonduot  of  the  officers  and  men  of  Col.  De  Forest's  oom- 
maud,  who  were  engaged  in  the  fight  at  Warrenton  Junction, 
on  Sunday,  May  8d,  1863.  By  your  promptness  and 
gallantry  the  gang  of  guerrillas  who  have  so  long  infested 
the  vicinity,  has  been  badly  beaten  and  broken  up.  The 
heavy  loss  of  the  enemy  in  killed,  wounded  and  prisoners, 
proves  the  determination  of  your  resistance  and  the  vigor  of 
your  attack. 

Deeds  like  this  are  worthy  of  emulation  and  give  strength 
and  confidence  to  the  command. 

By  command  of 

Maj.  Gen.  StaheIi. 
Henry  Baldwin,  Jr.,  Major  and  A.  A.  O. 

This  order  was  followed  by  another  of  similar  import  by 
Maj.  Gen.  Heintiolman,  commanding  the  department. 

May  Sth.  Gapt.  Mo  Masters,  with  six  men,  was  attacked 
and  pursued  by  a  squad  df  the  Black  Horse  Cavalry,  while 
on  his  way  from  the  picket  lines  to  Fairfax  Court  House. 
One  of  his  men  was  captured,  and  another,  Sergt.  Mur- 
phy, Company  C,  was  drowned  while  endeavoring  to  ford 
Bull  Run. 

May  11th.  \  scouting  party  of  the  regiment  went  to 
Eappahannock  Station.  They  saw  a  few  Rebels,  but  had  no 
encounter  with  them. 

May  15th.  The  pickets  were  driven  in  by  the  enemy, 
with  some  confusion.  Bands  of  guerrillas  like  so  many 
ravenous  beasts  and  birds  of  prey,  hover  around  our  lines, 
attacking  wherever  an  opportunity  offers  plunder. 

May  Ibth.     We  were   ordered  to  Kettle  Run,   a  little 


^^g^^^i^i^e^te^;j2J8^^  ' 


Historic  Records. 

south  of  Bristoe  Station,  and  wo  camped  along  the  rail 

May  VJih.  A  scouting  party,  under  Capt.  Ilasbrouck, 
wentto  Brentsville,  and  toward  Dumfries,  and  returned  with- 
out meeting  any  force  of  the  enemy. 

May  2bth.  While  the  main  portion  of  the  regiment  wqb 
picketing  along  the  rail  road  a  sufficient  number  of  men 
remained  in  cump  to  care  for  it.  To-day  the  camp  vian 
moved  about  a  half  mile  north  into  a  piece  of  woods,  with  » 
clean,  grassy  field  just  in  front. 

Mat/  30<A.     Between  seven   and  eight  o'clock  a.  m.  the 
cavalry  pickets  and  reserves  were  startled  by  artillery  firing, 
just  below  them  on  the  rail  road.      A  train  laden  with 
rations  and  forage  had  passed  on  its  way  to  the  Rappahan- 
nock, but  a  few  moments  before.     It  was  soon  ascertained 
that  the  guerrillas  had  carefully  unfastened  one  of  the  iron 
rails,  in  the  woods,  and  by  means  of  a  wire  fastened  to  it, 
and  extended  at  some  distance  fiom   the  road,  a  man  had 
drawn  the  rail  out  of  place  just  as  the  engine  was  approach- 
ing it,  and  thus  stopped  the  whole  train.     A  mountain  how- 
itzer   had   been   placed    in   position,   which  immediately 
plunged  a  shell  through  the  train.     The  infantry  guard  ou 
board  the  train  fled  in  confusion,  leaving  the  whole  ground 
to  the  Rebels,  who  destroyed  the  train  by  fire.     But  the 
cavalry   had  been  aroused,  and  detachments  of  the  First 
Vermont  and  Fifth  New  York,  each   in  separate  routes, 
commenced  a  vigorous  pursuit  of  the  enemy.    Mosby,  who 
commanded  in  person,  did  not  anticipate  so  sudden  an  attack 
as  was  made.     The  detachment  of  the   Fifth,  after  going 
about  two  miles,  came  within  range  of  the  howitzer,  which 
sent  a  shill,  that  exploded  in  the  midst  of  the  solid  column. 


K>s&S**iSiw*  -■  -  =,i>4i&^B«*i^®««fefe««*»sfe'^^ 


upcd  aloDg  the  rail 

r  Gapt.  Ilasbrouck, 
H,  and  returned  with- 

of  the  regiment  was 
iunt  number  of  men 
o-day  the  camp  wan 
ioce  of  woods,  with  a 

ght  o'clock  A.  M.  the 
ed  by  artillery  firing, 
A  train  laden  with 
fay  to  the  Rappahan- 

was  soon  ascertained 
«ned  one  of  the  iron 
L  wire  fastened  to  it, 
the  road,  a  man  had 
engine  was  approach- 
n.     A  mountain  how- 

which  immediately 
he  infantry  guard  ou 
ng  the  whole  ground 
in  by  fire.  But  the 
jhments  of  the  First 
I  in  separate  routes, 
enemy.  Mosby,  who 
t«  so  sudden  an  attack 
he  Fifth,  after  going 
f  the  howitzer,  which 
t  of  the  solid  column. 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


Fortunately  no  one  was  hurt,  except  that  Lieut.  Bouteile, 
('umpany  A,  was  suddenly  dismounted  by  the  killing  of  his 
hurse.  The  nature  of  the  ground  was  unfavorable  for  u 
cavalry  charge.  The  enemy,  however,  showed  no  disposi- 
tion to  fight  but  fled  toward  Warronton  as  rapidly  as  possible, 
firing  an  occasional  shot,  but  without  inflicting  injury. 
Eagerly  the  boys  spurred  on  their  chargers,  and  were  soou 
joined  by  the  Vermonters,  who  added  fresh  excitement  to 
the  pursuit.  The  Rebels,  finding  themselves  too  closely 
t'ullowed,  and  knowing  that  something  desperate  must  bo 
done,  suddenly  turning  at  the  head  of  a  narrow  lane,  brought 
their  artillery  into  position  and  commenced  firing.  "  That 
gun  must  bo  silenced  or  captured,"  cried  Lieut.  Barker, 
of  Company  H,  "an  J  who  will  volunteer  to  charge  it  with 
me?"  About  thirty  brave  men  promptly  responded,  and 
suiting  the  action  to  the  words,  "  charge,  boys !"  he  rushed 
furiously  forward  at  their  head,  but  rell  severely  wounded 
before  a  murderous  discharge  of  grape  and  canister,  which 
killed  three  men  and  wounded  several  others.  But  before 
the  piece  could  be  reloaded  the  surviving  comrades  were 
crossing  sabres  with  the  gunners  over  the  gun.  The  con- 
flict was  a  fierce  one,  but  of  short  duration;  the  boys  in  blue 
retaking  the  twelve  pound  howitzer,  which  had  been  cap- 
tured by  the  Rebels  from  the  lamented  Col.  Baker  at  Ball's 
Bluff.  Among  the  enemy's  wounded  and  captured  was  a 
Capt.  Haskins,  formerly  in  high  rank  in  the  British  army, 
who  had  run  the  blockade  and  espoused  the  Rebel  cause, 
lie  received  his  death  wound  as  follows :  Having  wounded 
Geo.  H.  Jenkins,  private  of  Company  F,  he  loughly  cried 
out,  "  Surrender,  you  damned  Yankee."  "  I  will  see  you 
damned  first,"  was  Jenkins'  characteristic    reply,  at    the 





^■8isS*fe?*-.'>  rS'*<fi.S»  *    -  ■' '" 


/:'i^^^i^MMMiiMM^X^f^i:m^i&..  ii^ " 



lIisTORio  Records. 

ume  time  lodging  a  piiitol  ball  in  the  captain'n  neck.  The 
Uebols  were  completely  routed,  and  pursued  as  far  us  the 
jaded  condition  of  our  horHes  would  permit.  In  the  corre- 
spondence of  Mr.  George  H.  Hart,  we  find  the  followini; 
quotable  sentence  :  "  The  troops  fought  gallantly,  and  the 
Fifth  New  York  ably  suHtained  its  claim  to  the  title  of  the 
Fighting  Fif^h;  nor  were  the  First  Vermonters  behind- 

This  engagement  has  been  known  as  the  battle  of  Green- 
wich, from  a  little  village  near  by,  bearing  that  name. 

Jwic  lOth.  Adjutant  Gail,  with  a  small  party,  encoun- 
tered a  squad  of  Mosby's  men  at  Middleburg  and  captured 
Lieut.  Turner  in  command. 

June  lith.  Tho  regiment  returned  to  camp  at  Fairfax 
Court  House,  from  Kettle  Run,  and  awaited  further  orders. 


captain'd  neok.  The 
pursued  aa  far  as  the 
irmit.  In  the  corre- 
we  find  the  foUowini; 
ht  gallantly,  and  the 
Im  to  the  title  of  the 
Vermontera   behinJ- 

8  the  battle  of  Green- 
ring  that  name, 
small  party,  encoun- 
dloburg  and  captured 

d  to  camp  at  Fairfax 
raited  further  orders. 


Oen  Lee  Inrsdes  Maryland  and  PennBylvania—Breaking  Camp 
«t  Fairfax  Court  House.- Fidelity  of  the  Home.- March  OTer 
Hull  Ran  Battle  Field.— Reorganiiation  of  the  Caynlry  Corps — 
Kilpntriok  in  Command  of  the  Third  Diyision.- Cavalry  Battle 
of  llnnover,  Pennsylvania.-  Battle  of  Gettysburg,  Ihird  Day.- 
Aiiack  on  Rebel  Train  in  Monterey  Pass.- Battle  of  Hagers- 
,„„„_  Battle  of  Boonsboro'.- Attack  ou  Rear  Guard  of  Rebel 
Army  at  Falling  Waters.— The  Invaders  Expelled  from  Free 
Soil.     June  nth  to  July  Uth,  ISeS. 

The  disastrous  battle  of  Chancellorsville  bad  been  fought 
and  Gen.  Lee  resolved  upon  a  grand  invasion  of  the  north- 
em  states.  His  intention  was  fairly  understood  in  the 
early  days  of  June.  It  now  became  necesnary  to  concentrate 
w>  large  a  force  as  possible  to  meet  and  drive  back  the  invad- 
ers. Consequently  General  Stahel's  cavalry  division  was 
detached  from  the  defenses  of  Washington,  to  be  incorpo- 
rated  into  the  great  Army  of  the  Potomac. 

June  mh.  Orders  for  breaking  up  camp  were  received 
and  the  work  immediately  commenced.  Surplus  baggage, 
which  always  accumulates  during  winter  quarters,  was  put 
into  parcels  and  sent  to  our  northern  homes,  by  express,  or 
boxed  up  to  be  sent  to  Alexandria  for  storage,  under  the 
charge  of  the  quartermaster  of  that  post.  This  done,  our 
t«nts°were  soon  struck  and  sent  to  the  rearwith  the  baggage, 
and  we  were  left  to  bivouac  as  best  we  could,  until  the 



Pi!  4 




i?^V?°'^«n^fr'     "sC'%.'~  u»    4  r  it  "*'«?*.&<  •*."•  '"f^    '  "   ■..»>- 


■  ■/,-.:i'.'-;*,W'™ 


Historic  Records. 


I?    li 

orders  to  march  should  he  received.  To  the  young  soldier 
this  was  a  new  era  in  military  li*";.  Wa  tec*  now  is  bounded 
only  by  the  far  off  horizon,  and  covered  by  the  canopy  of 
heaven.  Rolled  up  in  his  woolen  blanket  or  rubier  poncho, 
having  sought  the  shelter  of  a  leafy  tr^e  (if  such  a  desirab'o 
spot  was  accessible),  he  lies  down  with  a  stone,  or,  perhaps, 
his  saddle  for  a  pillow,  while  his  faithful  horse  stands  as  a 
watchful  guardian  by  his  side.  It  is  often  the  case,  that  a 
cavalryman  htfsuothing  to  hitch  his  ho^se  to  but  his  own  hand, 
and  though  the  animal  will  walk  all  around  him,  eating  tLo 
grass  U8  far  as  he  can  reach,  yet  it  is  worthy  of  note,  that  an 
inftance  can  scarcely  be  found  where  the  horse  has  been 
known  tj  step  upon  his  master, 

Jinie  21st.  The  regiment  moved  with  the  division  abont 
noon  on  the  Little  Kiver  turnpike.  Passed  through  Cen- 
treville,  and  over  the  Bull  Run  battle  field,  the  aceldama 
of  America.  Evidences  of  the  terrible  conflict  of  the  past 
are  still  visible  on  every  hand.  Unexploded  shells  and 
pieces,  solid  shot,  broken  muskets,  and  remains  of  gun- 
carriages,  graves,  and  bones  of  unburied  heroes,  tell  their 
sad  stories  as  we  pass.  A  skull  is  kicked  along  by  the 
horses  as  they  move  over  the  muddy  way  I  No  one  seems  to 
care  much  about  it,  for  worse  sights  have  so  often  been 
seen  before. 

After  passing  through  Gainesville,  wo  bivouacked  near" 
Buckland  Mills. 

June  22d.  The  line  of  march  was  resumed  with  the 
early  simlight,  passing  through  New  Baltimore,  and  arriv- 
ing at  the  beautiful  village  of  Warrcnton  about  noon.  No 
force  of  the  enemy  was  here  encountered,  as  had  been 
expected.     Small   scouting  parties  were  sent  out  in  various 



To  the  young  soldier 
!3  ttic*  now  is  bounded 
3red  by  the  canopy  of 
iket  or  rubier  poncho, 
•«  (if  such  &  desirable 
li  a  stone,  or,  perhaps, 
hful  horse  stands  as  a 
1  often  the  case,  that  a 
se  to  but  his  own  hand, 
round  him,  eating  the 
rorthy  of  note,  that  an 
re  the  horse  has  been 

ith  the  division  abont 
Passed  through  Ceo- 
;tlp  field,  the  aceldama 
blc  conflict  of  the  past 
Fnexploded  shells  and 
and  remains  of  gun- 
iried  heroes,  tell  their 
)  kicked  along  by  the 
my  !  No  one  seems  to 
have   so  often   been 

,  we  bivouacked   near" 

ras  resumed  with  the 
Baltimore,  and  arriv- 
iton  about  noon.  No 
intered,  as  had  been 
ere  sent  out  in  various 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry, 


directions,  arJ  the  division  bivouacked  for  the  afternoon  and 
night  in  the  fields  adjacent  to  tlie  town. 

June  2M.  Journeyed  back  to  Ifairfax  Court  House  after 
making  quit«  a  halt  at  Gainesville  to  issue  rations,  and  rest 
our  animals.     It  was  after  midnight  when  we  arrived. 

June  24th.  Division  moved  about  3  p.  M.  toward  Lces- 
burg,  stopping  for  the  night  about  one  mile  beyond  Draines- 

June  25th.  The  march  was  resumed  at  an  early  hour. 
A  little  beyond  Broad  Run  the  column  turned  to  the  right, 
striking  the  Potomac  a  little  below  Edward's  Ferry,  where 
we  forded.  On  reaching  the  Maryland  shore,  the  3d  brig- 
ade with  a  section  of  the  9th  Michigan  battery  and  one 
brigade  of  infantry,  was  stnt  to  Poolsville,  and  thence  by 
MoDocacy  Ford  to  Licksville,  where  we  bivouacked. 

June  2Gth.  This  force  moved  on  to  Adamstown,  Jefferson, 
Birkinsville,  through  Cramj^/con's  Gap,  where  the  infantry 
and  artillery  remained,  though  the  cavalry  ipoved  on  near 
Rhorersville,  where  we  spent  the  night. 

June  27th.  The  brigade  moved  at  4  P.  M.  to  Birkinsville, 
Middletown,  Frederick  City,  and  three  miles  and  a  half 
north  on  the  Emmettaburgh  road,  where  we  bivouacked 
with  the  remainder  of  the  division,  at  daybreak. 

June  2Sth.  Gen.  Pleasanton  reviewed  the  division,  and 
reorganized  the  entire  force.  We  are  now  the  Third 
Division  of  the  Cavalry  Corps,  Army  of  the  Potomac,  with 
il>e  gallant  Kilpatrick  in  command.  The  first  brigade 
consists  of  the  Ist  Vermont,  Ist  Virginia,  18th  Pennsylva- 
nia and  5th  New  York,  Brig.  Gen.  Farnsworth  command- 
ing. Brig.  Gen.  Custer  commands  the  2d  brigade,  com- 
posed of  Michigan  regimenta. 


^•,,^^J^,(;  JiS(i!j,»  v>i-,.„  !■'  ■  • 


HisTOKic  Records. 

.''IF'  \ 

Gen.  Buford  commands  the  first  division  and  Gei,.  Gregg 
the  second  division;  the  whole  force  forming  the  most 
eflBcient  cavalry  corps  ever  organized  on  this  continent. 
To-day  Gen.  Meade  superseded  Gen.  Hooker  in  the  com- 
mand of  the  Army  of  the  Potomac. 

June  29th.  At  10  A.  M.,  with  its  new  commander,  the 
division  moved  to  Pennsylvania,  passing  through  Walkers- 
vi'.le,  Woodsboro',  Ladiesville,  Mechanicsville,  Taneytown, 
and  finally  Littlestown,  Pa.,  where  we  were  received  with 
the  greatest  demonstrations  of  joy  by  the  people.  A  large 
group  of  children,  on  the  balcony  of  a  hotel,  waving  hand- 
kerchiefs and  flags,  greeted  us  with  patriotic  songs,  while 
the  men  made  the  welkin  ring  with  their  cheers.  How 
different  was  such  reception  from  that  we  had  been  accus- 
tomed to  have  given  us  by  the  inhabitants  of  Virginia, 
villages ! 

June  30th.  The  column  moved  early  to  Hanover,  whore 
wo  were  again  enthusiastically  received  by  the  citizeni^,  wiio 
furnished  refreshments  liberally  to  the  troopers,  as  each  regi- 
ment entered  and  passed  through  the  town.  This  enjoyable 
state  of  things  continued  until  about  10  o'clock ;  and  while 
the  Fifth  was  receiving  the  attentions  of  the  people,  the 
sudden  report  of  a  cannon  was  heard  from  one  of  the  neigh- 
boring hills.  At  first  this  was  taken  as  a  friendly  salute 
for  our  troops,  but  the  deception  was  soon  removed  by  a. 
fierce  charge  of  Rebel  cavalry  under  immodiate  command  of 
Gen.  Stuart,  upon  the  unsuspecting  coiui  m  in  the  street, 
sending  terror  to  the  people,  especially  to  the  dies  and  chil- 
dren, who  were  paying  their  compliments  to  thir  defenders. 
With  his  accustomed  coolness  and  bravery,  Ma,  Hammond, 
in  command  of  the  regiment,  quickly  withdrew  from  the 

h.;S«.*te5&    -   ~"v<-»4  ,tT.   '&'*•* '.»',     *--*-.'!,<.,■!        l'' 

ision  and  Gei,.  Gregg 
forming  the  most 
on    this  continent. 

Hooker  in  the  corn- 
new  commander,  the 
ng  through  Walkers- 
aicsville,  Taneytown, 
3  were  received  with 
the  people.  A  large 
I  hotel,  waving  hand- 
patriotic  songs,  while 
i  their  cheers.  How 
t  we  had  been  accug. 
ibitants  of  Virginia . 

y  to  Hanover,  where 
1  by  the  citizeniS,  who 
troopers,  as  each  ragi- 
own.  This  enjoyable 
10  o'clock ;  and  while 
as  of  the  people,  the 
rom  one  of  the  neigh- 
1  as  a  friendly  salute 
5  soon  removed  by  a 
mediate  command  of 
coiui  1  in  the  street, 
to  the  jies  and  chil- 
ita  toth.  ir  defenders, 
ery,  Maj  Hammond, 
withdrew  from  the 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalrt. 


street  to  the  open  field  near  the  rail  road  depot,  ordered  the 
boj8  into  line  and  led  the  charge  upon  the  Pebels,  who 
then  possessed  the  town.  The  charging  columns  met  on 
Frederick  street,  where  a  hand  to  hand  conflict  ensued. 
For  a  few  momenta  the  enemy  made  heroic  resistance,  but 
linally  bro'-.e  and  fled,  closely  pursued  by  our  men.  They 
rallied  again  and  again  but  were  met  with  irresistible  onaetn, 
which  finally  compelled  them  to  retire  behind  the  hills 
under  cover  of  their  guns.  . 

In  less  than  fifteen  minutes  from  the  time  the  Rebels 
charged  the  town,  they  were  all  driven  from  it,  and  were 
skulking  in  the  wheat  fields  and  among  the  hills  of  the 
viciDtty.  The  dead  and  wounded  of  both  parties,  with  many 
horses,  lay  scattered  here  and  there  along  the  streets,  so 
covered  with  blood  and  dust  as  to  render  identification  in 
many  cases  very  difficult.  Meanwhile,  Gen.  Kilpatrick, 
who  was  several  miles  beyond  the  town,  at  the  head  of  the 
column,  when  the  attack  was  made,  arrived  upon  the  field, 
and  took  personal  charge  of  the  movements.  These  were 
ordered  with  consummate  skill,  and  executed  with  prompt- 
iiessand  success.  His  artillery,  well  posted  on  the  hills  facing 
the  Rebels,  and  well  supported,  soon  silenced  the  guns  of 
the  enemy,  and  compelled  him  to  retire  in  the  direction  of 
Lee's  main  army.  He  left  not  less  than  25  dead  in  the 
strsets  and  fields,  and  his  wounded  by  far  exceeded  this 
number.  We  captured  75  prisoners,  including  Lt.  Col. 
Payne,  who  commanded  a  brigade,  and  one  stand  of  colors, 
the  flag  of  the  13th  Virginia  cavalry.  This  was  the  trophy 
of  Sergt.  Burke,  Company  A.  Our  entire  loss  was  nine 
liillod,  thirty-one  wounded  and  a  few  prisoners.  Among 
the   killed  was  Adjutant  Gall,   who  fell  while   gallantly 









Historic  Records. 


charging  the  enemy  in  the  street.  The  fatal  ball  entered 
his  left  eye,  and  passed  through  his  head,  killing  him  in- 

The  citizens  of  Hanover,  who  so  nobly  cared  for  our  wound- 
ed in  the  hospitals  during  and  after  the  battle,  and  assisted 
us  in  burying  tlie  dead,  will  long  remember  that  terrible 
last  day  of  June. 

The  brave  boys,  who  had  so  valiantly  defeated  the  enemy, 
though  taken  by  surprise,  built  their  bivouac  fires  and  spent 
the  night  on  the  field  of  their  recent  victory. 

Julj^  Irt.  At  11  A.  M.  the  Ist  brigade  moved  to  Abbotts- 
town,  to  Berlin,  and  pursued  Rebel  cavalry  from  this  place 
to  Rosetown,  capturing  several  prisoners,  and  returned  to 
Berlin  at  midnight  and  bivouacked. 

July  2d.  The  division  moved  to  within  two  miles  of 
Gettysburg,  thence  to  New  Oxford  and  Hunterstown,  where 
we  fought  till  dark.  This  was  the  extreme  right  wing  of 
our  army,  while  engaged  in  that  great  conflict,  which  decid- 
ed the  fate  of  the  Rebellion  and  saved  the  Republic  from 

July  Sd.  During  last  night  we  moved  from  the  right  to 
the  left  flank  of  our  army,  about  2§  miles  from  Gettysburg, 
near  Little  Round  Top.  The  remaining  portion  of  the 
sjavalry  corps  was  left  to  attend  to  Stuart  and  his  troopers, 
who  still  threatened  our  right.  Kilpatrick's  work  waa  with 
infantry.  His  division,  however,  was  reenforced  by  Gen. 
Merritt's  regular  brigade  of  the  first  division.  About  10  A. 
M.  Kilpatrick  sent  out  his  skirmishers  upon  the  Rebel  right 
flank  and  rear.  The  design  was  to  create  a  panic,  if  possi- 
ble, and  force  the  enemy  back  upon  his  trains.  About  3 
p.  M.,  during  the  most  terrific  cannonade  ever  known  upon 




Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


fatal  ball  entered 
;ad,  killing  him  in- 

ared  for  our  wound- 
battle,  and  assisted 
imber   that  toirible 

lefeatcd  the  enemy, 

ouao  fires  and  spent 


moved  to  Abbotts- 

ilry  from  this  place 

irs,  and  returned  to 

yithin  two  miles  of 
lunterstown,  where 
reme  right  wing  of 
inflict,  which  decid- 
the  Republic  from 

d  from  the  right  to 
38  from  Gettysburg, 
ng  portion  of  the 
xt  and  his  troopers, 
ick's  work  was  with 
reenforced  by  Gen. 
ision.  About  10  A. 
pon  the  Rebel  right 
te  a  panic,  if  possi- 
18  trains.  About  3 
ie  ever  known  upon 

this  continent,  a  large  force  of  Rebel  infantry  was  seen 
advancing,  with  the  evident  intention  of  sweeping  away  the 
cavalry,  and  of  then  turning  our  position  on  Little  Round 
Top,  occupied  by  our  artillery  with  infantry  support.  To 
defeat  this  design  of  the  Rebel  chief,  became  Kilpatrick's  all 
animating  theme.  Quickly  making  the  best  possible  disposi- 
tioD  of  his  command,  he  ordered  Gon.  Famsworth  to  charge 
these  serried  ranks,  which  must  be  broken.  Placing  the  Fifth 
New  York  in  support  of  Elder's  Battery,  which  was  exposed 
to  a  very  hot  fire,  and  ordering  the  First  Vermont,  First 
Virginia  and  Eighteenth  Pennsylvania,  into  line  of  battle, 
he  led  them  gallantly  on  to  the  unequal  contest. 

Though  this  charge  was  not  entirely  a  success,  its  well 
directed  blow  prevented  the  flank  movement,  which  prison- 
ers asserted,  was  the  intention  of  their  leader,  and  thus  the 
cavalry  added  another  dearly  earned  laurel  to  its  chaplet  of 
houoT,  dearli/  eanicrf  because  many  of  her  bravest  champions 
fell  upon  that  bloody  field.  Gen.  Kilpatrick,  in  his  official 
report  of  this  sanguniary  conflict,  says:  "In  this  charge 
fell  the  brave  Farnsworth.  Short  and  brilliant  was  his 
career.  On  the  29th  of  June  a  general,  on  the  1st  of  July 
he  baptized  his  star  in  blood,  and  on  the  3d,  for  the  honor 
of  bis  young  brigade  and  the  glory  of  hia  corps,  he  yielded 
up  his  noble  life." 

During  this  charge  a  shell  passed  through  the  body  of 
Daniel  Huriey,  Company  C,  killed  a  horse,  and  afterward 
exploded,  wounding  John  Buckley  of  the  same  company, 
and  several  others.  Elder's  battery  was  handled  with  \m 
usual  skill,  and  with  wonderful  effect,  silencing  two  or  three 
times  a  Rebel  battery  that  coiihl  not  hn  »een,  a  thing  but 
very  seldom  accomplished. 






HiBTOiuc  Kecokds. 

Before  the  sun  went  down  on  that  day  of  carnage,  it  was 
evident  that  the  Uniou  arms  had  been  victorious,  after  three 
days'  almost  inceavmt  fighting,  and  our  tired  and  nearly 
worn-out  boys  that  uight  rested  quietly,  upon  the  fields  so 'I 

dearly  won. 

July  4th.  Having  gathered  his  troopers  together,  Kilpat- 
rick  addressed  them  a  few  words  of  cheer,  assuring  them 
that  their  noble  deeds  would  not  be  passed  by  unrequited, 
and  that  he  tru8t«d  their  future  conduct  would  be  but  a 
copy  of  the  past.     Havi»>g  received  orders  to  intercept  the 
Rebel  trains,  which  were  known  to  be  on  the  retreat  south- 
ward, the  whole  division  was  moved  to  Emmettsburgh,  to 
Monterey  Springs  and  to  the  summit  of  the  South  Moun- 
tains, where  the  train  was  encountered,  passing  through  the 
gaps.    The  night  was  pitchy  dark,  and  the  rain  fell  fast, 
before  the  train  guards  were  met.     For  some  time  they 
kept  up  a  desultory  fire  upon  us,  but  finally  yielding  to 
our  superior  skill  and  determination,  a  train  of  200  wagons, 
mostly  loaded  with  plunder  from  the  stores  and  granaries 
of  Pennsylvania,   fell  into  our  hands,   and  about  1,600 
prisoners,  among  whom  were  several  wounded.    Most  of 
the  wagons  were  destroyed. 

July  bth.  Moved  to  Smithburg  about  8  A.  M.,  and  sent 
the  prisoners  to  Boonsboro'.  About  sundown  we  shelled  the 
forces  of  Gen.  Stuart  approaching  us  from  the  mountain 
passes.  This  done,  we  marched  to  Cavetown,  and  thence  to 
Boonsboro',  where  we  bivouacked  and  rested. 

July  Qth.  Moved  to  Hagerstown  and  held  the  place  in 
advance  of  Gen.  Stuart.  His  approach  was  met  with  deter- 
mined  resistance,  and  a  heavy  battle  was  the  result.  Had 
not  Gen.  Ewell's  corps  come  down  upon  us  we  could  hove 

':*.«  V'<   i^^^'rf.' a**5S-'JiWift'^iJU,«ii«5.<*  <•«''»■  i  ■*^»«*    '^ 




day  of  carnage,  it  vag 
I  victorious,  after  three 
car  tired  and  nearly 
otlyupon  the  fields  bu  'I 

opers  together,  Kilpat- 
'  cheer,  assuring  theu 
passed  by  unrequited, 
induct  would  be  but  a 
orders  to  intercept  the 
be  on  the  retreat  south- 
I  to  Emmettsburgh,  to 
t  of  the  South  Moun- 
3d,  passing  through  the 
,  and  the  rain  fell  fast, 
For  some  time  the; 
but  finally  yielding  to 
,  a  train  of  200  wagons, 
,h6  stores  and  granaries 
inds,  and  about  1,500 
ral  wounded.    Most  of 

about  8  A..  M.,  aad  sent 
sundown  we  shelled  the 
us  from  the  mountain 
IJavetown,  and  thence  to 
ad  rested. 

t  and  held  the  place  in 
lach  was  met  with  deter- 
le  was  the  result.  Had 
upon  us  we  could  have 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


managed  the  cavalry  alone,  though  they  were  compelled  to 
fight  desperately ,  as  this  was  their  only  way  of  retreat.  C!flarge8 
and  counter-charges  were  frequent  during  the  day.  One 
reporter  says,  "  Elder  gave  them  grape  and  canister,  and 
the  Fifth  New  York  sabres,  while  the  First  Vermont  used 
their  carbines." 

In  one  of  these  charges,  made  in  the  face  of  a  very 
superior  force,  Capt.  Penfield,  at  the  head  of  his  company 
(H),  had  his  horse  shot  down  under  him,  and,  while  strug- 
gling to  extricate  himself  from  the  animal,  was  struck  a 
fearful  blow  of  a  sabre  on  the  head,  which  came  near  fatal.  Thus  wounded,  with  the  blood  running  down 
upon  his  long  beard  and  clothes,  he  was  made  a  prisoner. 
It  was  here  the  gallant  Captain  Dahlgren  lost  his  leg 
while  leading  a  charge. 

Before  the  heavy  infantry  force  which  was  now  attacking 
us,  we  retreated  to  Williamsport,  fighting  all  the  way. 
From  Williamsport,  having  joined  Gen.  Buford,  we  fell 
back  to  Timball's  Cross  Roads. 

July  7th.  The  division  moved  to  Boonsboro'  and  bivou- 

July  Sth.  The  Rebel  cavalry  under  Gen,  Stuart,  supported 
by  Hood's  infantry,  attacked  our  pickets  along  the  Antietam 
Creek,  and  drove  them  in  with  some  confusion. 

About  noon  a  furious  battle  was  raging  near  Boonsboro'. 
Buford  and  Kilpatrick  united  their  respective  divisions  in 
the  work  of  repelling  this  attack.  Over  the  broad  plains, 
it  was  a  splendid  sight  to  witness  the  manceuvrings  of 
these  cavalry  chiefs.  The  struggle  was  desperate — Stuart 
fighting  for  the  safety  of  t)  .e  Rebel  army,  and  our  boys  for 
the  South  Mountain  pass.    About  sundown,  after  a  brief  con- 

11. 5 





Historic  Kecords. 

Bultation  between  Bulbrd  and  Kilpatrick,  their  bugles  were 
ringing  with  the  order  for  a  concentrated  and  united  charjre; 
and  with  a  wild  shout  those  invincible  squadrons  fell  upon 
the  enemy,  driving  his  broken  lines  from  the  field,  which 
he  left  strewn  with  his  dead  and  dying.  With  the  laurels 
of  another  glorious  victory,  our  boys  returned  to  their 
bivouac,  and  sought  the  repose  they  had  so  well  earned. 

After  the  battle  Col.  De  Forest  assumed  command  of 
the  brigade,  having  been  ill  several  days. 

Julii  10<A.   The   regiment  moved   to  Jonathan  Doub's 
house  and  bivouacked. 

July  Wth.  Wo  moved  out  two  miles,  drove  in  the  enemy's 
pickets,  and  returned  to  our  bivouac. 

July  \2th.  Gen.  Kilpatrick  moved  his  division  to  Hagers- 
town,  and,  after  a  skirmish  with  the  enemy,  occupied  the 


July  Wth.  At  4  A.  M.  the  division  moved  in  pursuit  of 
the  retreating  Rebel  army,   which,   it  was  ascertained,  was 
crossing   the  Potomac  as  rapidly  as   possible.     The  third 
division  swept  away  what  vestiges  of  it  remained  at  Wil- 
liamsport,  and,  following  it  down  the  river,  struck  the  rear 
guard,   under   Gen.  Pettigrew,  at  Falling  Waters.     The 
battle   was  short,   but  disastrous  to  the  Rebels.    Many  a 
poor  fellow  never  gained  the  long  looked-for  Virginia  shore.  ^ 
One  brigade  of  infantry,  two  battle  flags,  and  two  pieces  of 
artillery  fell  into  our  hands.     Gen.  Pettigrew  waa  mortally 
wounded.    In  the  charge  made  upon  the  Rebel  earthworks, 
constructed  to   protect  this   important  crossing,  the  6th 
Michigan   cavalry.    Major  Weber    commanding,   covered 
itself  with   immortal  honor.     By   the  boldness  of   their 
charge,  and  by  the  destructive  fire  of  Pennington's  battery, 


FiFTU  Nkw  Youk  Cavaluy. 


k,  their  bugles  were 
i  and  united  charjre; 
squadrons  fell  upon 
•om  the  tiold,  which 
r.  With  the  luureU 
]  returned  to  their 
d  80  well  earned, 
iisumcd  command  of 

to  Jonathan  Doub's 

drove  in  the  enemy's 

is  division  to  Hagera- 
enemy,  occupied  the 

these  remains  of  the  once  boastful  invading  army,  were 
uiade  to  feel  tbat  they  could  fight  us  at  much  better  advan- 
tage upon  their  own  soil  than  upon  ours. 

As  the  last  foot  of  the  invaders  disappeared  on  the 
southern  shore  of  the  Potomac,  our  boys  built  their  bivouac 
fires  and  rested  themselves  and  their  weary  animals  near  the 
suene  of  their  victorj 

moved  in  pursuit  of 
was  ascertained,  was 
possible.  The  third 
F  it  remained  at  Wil- 
river,  struck,  the  rear 
illing  Waters.  The 
the  Rebels.  Many  a 
ed-for  Virginia  shore, 
igs,  and  two  pieces  of 
Bttigrew  waa  mortally 
the  Rebel  earthworks, 
at  crossing,  the  6th 
commanding,  covered 
10  boldness  of  their 
Pennington's  battery, 


i  — . 



Lee's  InTMion,  •  groat  Failure.—  He  is  not  Pursued  very  Vigor, 
ously.— Ueasons  Why.— We  Recioss  the  Potomac— The  Gun- 
Boat  Expedition.— Battle  of  Culpepper  Court  House.— Lee 
flanlis  Meade.—  We  Retreat  from  the  Robertson  and  Rapidan 
Rivers.— Kilpalrick  Surrrounded  at  Brandy  Hiation.— His 
Brilliant  Charge.— Battle  of  Buokland  Mills.— The  Armies 
Swing  like  Pendulums.— Skirmish  at  Steyensburg.- Several 
Days'  Fighting  at  Raccoon  Ford.— Change  is  the  Soldier's  Life.— 
Excitement  about  Re^nlisting  as  Veteran  Volunteers.  —Build- 
ing Winter  Quarters Julif  15th  to  December  81«t,  1863. 

The  enemy  waa  uow  fairly  expelled  from  the  free  states 

which  he  had  insolently  entered  a  few  days  before.     His 

losses  had  been  immense  in  men  and  material  of  war.     lie 

had  failed  in  all  the  important  minutiae  of  his  plan.     Instead 

of  weakening  the  Union  cause  as  he  fondly  hoped  by  the 

pomp  and   promise  of  his   entry  into  Maryland,   he  hud 

increased  our  numbers  and  strengthened  our  hands  in  the 

good  work.     He  was  now  returning  to  hit  own  place,  with  a 

demoralized  and  beaten  army,  whose  ranks  had  been  thinned 

by  det-i  rtions  and  by  unprecedented  casualties  in  battle.    He 

had  barely  escaped  annihilation.    To  pursue  him  as  closely 

as  possible,  harrass  his  rear  and  do  him  all  further  damage 

in  our  power;  was  the  course  adopii;d  by  the  commanding 

general ;   the  main  body  of  the    Rebel  army   escaping  as 

best  it  could   through   the  valley  towards  Staunton  and 


i-  trJHj£!4»Ai^>Mf«^iiA^s^'i^^'*^ 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


Pursued  very  Vigor. 

'otomao The  Qun- 

('ourt  (louse. —  Lee 
ertson  and  Rapidan 
andy  Hiation. —  His 
Mills.— The  Armies 
evensburg'. —  Several 
sthe  Soldier's  Life. — 
Volunteers.  — Build- 
6«r81*r,  1863. 

prom  the  free  states 
r  days  before.  His 
tterial  of  war.  lie 
r  his  plan.  Instead 
)ndly  hoped  by  the 
Maryland,  he  had 
i  our  hands  in  the 
i  own  place,  with  a 
ks  had  been  thinned 
ilties  in  battle.  He 
irsue  him  as  closely 

all  further  damage 
f  the  commanding 

army  escaping  aa 
irds  Staunton  and 

fiordonsville,  their  cavalry  meanwhile  taking  possession  of 
the  gups  in  the  Blue  Kidgu  to  prevent  flunk  ujovonicnts. 
Our  pursuit  was  not  as  vigorous  as  it  would  seem  it  might 
have  been.  But  it  must  bo  rumembcrod  that  our  infantry 
had  made  many  foro'il  marches,  describing  in  its  route  a 
line  resembling  the  circumference  of  a  circle,  while  that  of 
the  llebel  army  was  like  the  diameter.  Our  cavalry  had 
not  only  defeated  the  Rebel  cavalry  in  many  battles  and 
xkirraishes,  but  it  had  met  the  solid  columns  of  their  infantry 
also,  as  at  Gettysburg.  Con80(|uently  our  movements  were 
nut  as  rapid  as  they  might  otherwise  have  been,  owing  to 
the  fatigue  of  our  men. 

Juli/  I5th.  The  division  moved  up  the  river  to  Williams- 
port,  swung  around  to  Tlagerstown,  and  bivouacked  for  the 
night  at  Boonsboro';  men  and  horses  oame  to  their  rest  with 
a  wonderful  relish. 

Juljjf  IGth.  "Boots  .iiid  saddles"  at  an  early  hour,  and 
the  whole  division  wn  soon  in  the  saddle,  where  we  might 
be  said  to  live,  move,  and  have  our  being,  and  we  were  cgain 
on  the  march.  We  revisited  Rhorersville,  recrossed  Cramp- 
tun's  (iap,  and  bivouacked  near  the  Potomac  at  Berlin. 
Before  night  the  first  brigade  moved  to  Harper's  Ferry  and 
bivouacked  in  the  yard  of  the  ruined  arsenal. 

Juli/  nth.  This  morning  we  crossed  the  Shenandoah  on 
the  new  wire  bridge,  passed  around  the  foot  of  Loudon 
Heights,  and  followed  the  Potomac  to  opposite  Berlin, 
where  we  were  joined  by  the  second  brigade,  which  crossed 
on  pontoons.  The  division  then  moved  to  Lovettsville, 
Wheatland,  Purcelville,  Va.,  and  halted  for  the  night. 

July  I9th.  The  division  moved  to  the  following  places  : — 






tvi>ki.fft»:i  w;*;- 



Historic  Records. 

SniokersTille,  Bloomfield  »nd  Upporville,  where  we  itopped 
and  rested. 

July  2fdth.  The  5th  and  6th  Michigan,  with  the  6th  Now 
York,  under  Col.  Town,  of  the  Ist  Michigan,  marched  to 
Aflhby'B  Gap,  expelled  therefrom  a  force  of  the  enemy, 
after  a  brief  akirniiRh,  and  occupied  the  Uap.  The  Fifth 
New  York  returned  to  Upperrille.  From  this  time  until 
September,  the  headquarters  of  the  third  division  were 
near  Warrenton,  while  picketing  was  performed  by  the 
regiments  in  rotation,  along  the  line  of  the  Rappahannock, 
opposed  to  Stuart's  cavalry,  whose  headquarters  were  at 

September  4<A.  To  break  the  monotony  of  picketing,  and 
to  subserve  the  cause,  a  most  novel  scheme  was  now  under- 
taken, known  as  Kilpatrick's  Gun-boat  Expedition.  The 
object  was  to  destroy  a  part  of  the  Kebel  navy  (?)  anchored 
in  the  Rappahannock,  near  Port  Conway,  opposite  Port 
Royal.  This  peculiar  warfare,  which  required  dath  and 
boldness,  was  waged  by  the  troopers  with  complete  succeKs, 
and  they  returned  to  their  old  bivouac  fires,  to  enliven  tho 
weary  hours  with  stories  of  the  long  march  down  tho  river, 
and  their  successful  attack  upon  the  gun-boats  of  the  enemy. 

September  \ith.  A  grand  advance  of  the  Union  army 
had  been  ordered  by  its  chief,  ia  which  the  cavalry  was  to 
take  a  prominent  part.  Accordingly,  at  an  early  hour,^ 
Gen.  Pleasanton  moved  bis  corps,  crossing  the  Rappahan- 
nock with  Gregg's  division  at  Sulphur  Springs,  Buford's  at 
Rappahannock  Bridge  and  Kilpatrick's  at  Kelly's  Ford. 
The  enemy's  pickets  were  easily  driven  before  this  mighty 
iiost,  and  dispositions  were  made  to  attack  Stuart  at  Culpep- 
per,  a  naturally  strong  and  fortified  position.     Pleasanton. 


le,  where  wo  stopped 

n,  with  thfl  6th  Now 
iohigan,  marohed  to 
force  of  the  enemy, 
the  Gap.  The  Fifth 
ETrom  this  time  until 
third  division  were 
M  performed  by  the 
f  the  Rappahannook, 
leadquarters  were  at 

jny  of  picketing,  and 
heme  waa  now  under- 
lat  Expedition.     The 
bel  navy  (?)  anchored 
lonway,   opposite  Port 
h   required  dash  and 
rith  complete  Huccesa, 
J  tires,  to  enliven  the 
narch  down  the  river, 
in-boats  of  the  enemy. 
i  of  the  Union  army 
oh  the  cavalry  was  to 
y,  at  an  early  hour,, 
rossing  the  Rappahan- 
r  Springs,  Buford's  at 
ick's  at  Kelly's  Ford, 
iren  before  this  mighty 
tack  Stuart  at  Culpep- 
position.     Pleasanton. 






Fifth  'New  Yoek  Cavalry.  7T 

with  the  first  and  second  divisiojiB,  moved  directly  on 
the  anemy  from  Brandy  Station,  where  they  had  ooBoeu- 
trated.  Over  the  plaina  they  moved  on,  sweeping  eveiy- 
fhing  before  them,  unti!  within  a  inile  of  the  town,  where 
diey  were  checked  by  the  stubborn  and  determined  reaiist- 
ance  of  the  Rebels.  Not  long  had  this  equal  contest  eon 
tiiiued,  when  Kilpatrick's  artillery  wan  heard  thundering  in 
the  enemy's  right  flank  and  rear,  on  the  roud  from  Stevens- 
burg,  whither  he  had  led  his  swift  BC|iiflidron3.  Under  thta 
well  directed  fire  the  enemy  fell  back  into  the  town;  and, 
before  ba  had  time  to  reform  liis  broken  line,  and  in  spit« 
of  a  heavy  fire  fromi  bia  artillery,  the  Fifth  New  York  and 
First  Vermont,  with  detachmeata  fVom  other  i-egimeats,, 
('(larged  into  the  streets  of  the  town,  capturing  three 
Blakely  giio-?,  and  thiowing  the  boafjt  of  the  chivalry  into  a 
perfec'c  rout.  They  hastily  rotreat-esd  in  the  direction  of 
Pony  Mountain  and  Rapidan  Bridge,  whither  they  were 
pursued  olosely  by  our  viotorioun  boys.  Several  prisoners 
fell  into  our  hands.  The  way  having  thus  been  prepared, 
the  Army  of  the  Potomac  advanoed  norosa  the  Rappahan- 
nock, Gen.  Mfade  making  his  headr^uarters  at  Culpepper. 

September  lAih.  The  cavalry  advanced  and  took  posses- 
sion of  the  fovih.  along  the  Rapidim  and  the  Robertwa 
rivers.  This  wa«  not  done  wilhout  opposition,  the  enemy 
defending  these  iinportfinfc  crossings  with  vigor  md  perti- 
nacity. The  regiment  oncountei'ed  a  tremendoua  shellirg 
at  SomerviUe  Ford,  on  the  Robertson, 

September  S2d.  While  on  a  leoounoiiiBance  in  Madison 
County,  the  •r(jgiment  had  quite  a  skirmish  at  Brookin's 
Fo-rd,  on  the  Eapida/n. 

Septenhher  2lHh.  A  detachment  of  the  regiment,  Captain 

.^■■■^     i 




Historic  Rkcords. 

Farley  commanding,  while  on  a  scout,  encountered  a  cou- 
sidorable  force  of  the  enemy  at  Hazel  River  Brid';,-3,  and  a 
sharp  skirmish  ensued. 

October  8ch.  The  regiment  reconnoitred  along  the  Rob- 
crtaon  river,  and  met  the  enemy  at  Ceighrsville,  where  a 
short  light  followed,  resulting  in  the  retreat  of  the  enemy 
across  the  river. 

While  we  were  thus  picketing  and  scouting  along  these 
streams,  living  sumptuously  on  a  country  that  had  not  yet  been 
impoverished  by  the  march  of  armies,  Geu.  Lee,  whose  army 
lay  mostly  south  of  the  Rapidan,  crossed  the  river,  moveJ 
to  Mudisou  Court  House,  and  by  a  rapid  flank  movement  on 
our  right,  compelled  us  to  beat  a  hasty  retreat,  which  was  con- 
tinued until  Gen.  Meade's  main  army  occupied  the  heights 
of  Centreville. 

October  lOth  In  the  early  morninpr  a  heavy  force  of  the 
enemy  came  down  upon  the  regiment,  picketing  along  the 
Robertson  river,  at  Russell's  Ford.  The  flank  movement  of 
the  enemy  was  discovered  and  quick  work  was  required. 
Swift  messengers  from  officers  in  high  command  brought 
orders  to  retire  with  promptness,  but  in  good  order,  if  possi- 
ble. Our  men,  in  many  instances,  were  compelled  to  leave 
their  palatable  breakfasts  of  roast  lamb,  sweet  potatoes,  fine 
wheat  bread,  milk  and  honey,  &c.,  with  which  the  country 
abounded,  and  to  attend  to  the  stern  and  always  unpleasant 
duties  of  a  retreat,  with  the  enemy  pressing  heavily  apon 
us.  A  sharp  skirmish  had  taken  place  at  the  ford,  which 
wa«  continued  at  intervals  on  our  march  to  James  City, 
where  a  battle  raged  with  fury  and  slaughter.  Though 
engaged  for  many  hours  during  the  day  the  casualties  of  the 
regiment  were  not  very  great. 

""S'WJWJLag — ' 


Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


ntered  a  cou- 
Brid-i^-i,  aud  a 

long  the  Rob- 
ille,  where  a 
of  the  enemy 

g  along  these 
.d  notyet  been 
I,  whose  army 
river,  moveJ 
movement  on 
'hich  was  con- 
i  the  heights 

r  force  of  the 
ing  along  the 
movement  of 
was  required, 
land  brought 
rder,  if  possi- 
elled  to  leave 
potatoes,  fiue 
the  country 
vs  unpleasant 
heavily  upon 
i  ford,  which 
James  City, 
ter.  Though 
ualties  of  the 

October  11th.  Skirmishing  was  continued  to-day  at  almost 
every  step  of  our  march.  On  the  Sperryville  pike  to  Cul- 
pepper, the  enemy  pressed  us  closely.  From  this  point  the 
cavalry  corps  separated,  Gregg  with  his  division,  falling 
back  by  way  of  Sulphur  Springs,  Buford  by  Stevensburg, 
leaving  Kilpatrick  on  the  main  thoroughfare  along  the  rail 
road  by  Brandy  Station.  Scarcely  had  Kilpatrick  moved 
out  of  Culpepper,  when  Hampton's  division  of  cavalry  made 
a  furious  attack  on  his  rear  guard  with  the  hope  of  breaking 
through  upon  the  main  column  and  scattering  it,  or  of 
retarding  its  progresa,  so  that  a  flanking  column  might  fall 
upon  him  ere  he  could  reach  the  safe  shore  of  the  Rappa- 
hannock. Gallantly  repelling  every  attack  the  command 
moved  on,  without  expending  much  of  its  time  or  material, 
nutil  opposite  the  residence  of  the  Hon.  John  Minor  Botts, 
wben  a  few  regiments,  including  the  Fifth  New  York,  sud- 
denly wheeled  about,  and  facing  the  pursuing  foe,  charged 
iiim  with  pistol  and  sabre,  thus  checfcin</  bis  advancing  lines. 
On  arriving  at  Brandy  Station  Kilpatricl.  found  his  com- 
m?.ad  to  be  in  a  most  critical  situation. 

Already  Gen.  Fitzhugh  Leu's  division  of  cavalry  held  the 
only  road  upon  which  it  was  possible  for  Kilpatrick  to 
advance.  Stuart,  with  a  portion  of  Lee's  and  Hampton's  forces, 
threatened  his  left  flank,  assisted  by  artillery  well  posted  on 
tl^e  hills.  Behind  him  were  Hampton's  Legions.  Buford, 
having  fallen  back  more  rapidly  than  Kilpatrick,  had  before 
passed  on  toward  the  Rappahannock,  leaving  hie  right  flank 
perfectly  exposed,  where  sharpshooters  were  already  making 
themselves  a  source  of  great  annoyance  from  the  woods. 

This  was  a  situation  to  try  the  stoutest  hearts.  Nothing 
daunted  by  this  formidable  disposition  of  an  onemy  very 



.:i^  ■  r'%^J^m^i^Siiii}i^^ii&\V^i^i'lv  'pik.^-^^^^ 

ifi      -    ■ 

[  :-^;^^mAm*^^P^ 



llisToiuc  Kkcokds. 

Buperior  in  numbers,  Kilpatrick  showed  himself  worthy  to 
command  the  bravo  men  who  composed  his  division.  Fttrm- 
ing  his  force  in  three  lines  of  battle,  assigning  the  right  to 
(ieii.  Davies,  the  left  to  Gen.  Custer,  and  placing  himself 
in  the  centre,  he  advanced  with  terrible  determination  totbe 
contest.  Having  approached  to  within  a  few  hundred  yards 
of  the  enemy's  lines,  his  band  was  ordered  to  strike  up 
Yankee  Doodle,  to  whose  inspiring  notes  was  added  the 
blast  of  scores  of  bugles,  ringing  forth  the  charge.  Fired 
with  a  sort  of  frenzy,  and  bearing  aloft  their  colors,  this 
band  of  heroic  troopers  shook  the  air  with  their  battle  cry, 
while  their  drawn  and  firmV  grasped  sabres  flashed  in  the 
light  of  the  declining  sun.  Gen.  Custer,  pulling  oflf  his  cap, 
gave  it  to  his  orderly,  and  thus  led  on  the  charge,  while  his 
yellow  locks  floated  on  the  breeze.  Ambulances,  forges  and 
cannon,  with  pack  trains,  non-combatants  and  others,  all 
joined  to  swell  the  on-flowing  tide,  before  which  the  Rebel 
lines  broke  in  wild  alarm.  Kilpatrick  thus  escaped  serious 
injury,  defeated  his  pursuers,  and  presented  to  the  beholders 
one  of  the  grandest  sights  ever  witnessed  in  the  Nevf 

His  divi  jion  soon  after  joined  that  of  Buford,  and  together 
they  engaged  the  enemy  in  a  series  of  brilliant  charges,  which 
materially  checked  his  advance.  At  night  they  recrossed 
the  Rappahannock  in  safety. 

The  cavalry  continued  its  retreat,  covering  the  rear  of 
the  infantry,  to  the  old  field  of  Bull  Run,  where  it  was 
expeci/id  a  third  battle  would  be  fought.  One  night,  while 
the  regiment  lay  bivouacked  near  Bristoe  Station,  a  caisson 
was  accidently  set  on  fire,  causing  a  rapid  explosion  of  the 
ammunition  it  contained.     The  consequence  was   a  wide- 

.^-i»s¥'*^»ffi^«*i'?f"^'^' -i"''"^"  '^ 

^  ^■^<'iTC^^--^f'i'''y'-''>y'^'^'^'^^X~^Jl^^K^ 

iiself  worthy  to 
ivision.  Form- 
n?  the  right  to 
placing  himself 
ruiuation  tothe 
hundred  yards 
i  to  strike  up 
vaa  added  the 
iharge.  Fired 
jir  colors,  this 
leir  battle  cry, 
flashed  in  the 
ing  off  his  cap, 
irge,  while  his 
ices,  forges  and 
ind  others,  all 
lich  the  Rebel 
iscaped  serious 
the  beholders 
ia   the  Ne>f 

1,  and  together 
barges,  which 
hey  recrossed 

ig  the  rear  of 
where  it  was 
3  night,  while 
bion,  a  caisson 
plosion  of  the 
was  a  wide- 

■«'*l"   '  Jill    HilW'iH 

rf^yr  I/'     t    '  ■"  "'■  ■!"■''"! 



»1 ' 

--Om  -•'i- 




Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


Hpreiid  alarm,  which  brought  every  cavalryman  to  his  horse, 

reuily  to  meet  the  foe,  who  was  supposed  to  have  made  a 

powerful  attack. 

October  With.     The  regiment  was  sent  to  test  the  Rebel 

pickets  at  Groveton,  with  whom  we  had  a  slight  skirmish. 
Octoher  17 th.     The  work  of  yesterday  was  repeated. 
October  ISth.     A  third  time  the  regiment  skirmished 

with  the  pickets  at  Groveton  and  advanced  to  Gainesville. 
October  19th.     The  Rebel  army  having  spent  its  time 

in  tearing  up  and  destroying  the   rail  road,   refusing  to 

uttttck,  Gen.  Meade  ordered  a  general  advance.  Kilpat- 
rick  marched  through  Groveton  and  Gainesville,  meeting 
the  enemy  in  overwhelming  force  at  Buokland  Mills.  Had 
it  not  been  for  great  skill  and  daring  his  entire  command 
would  have  been  annihilated.  As  it  was,  he  narrowly 
escaped,  saving  all  his  guns,  but  leaving  some  of  his  men 
in  the  enemy's  bands. 

Before  our  advancing  army,  Gen.  Lee  gradually  retreated, 
receiving  a  terrible  shock  at  Rappahannock  Station,  which 
sent  the  remains  of  his  army  across  the  Rappahannock. 
It  is  quite  singular  to  remark  how  these  great  armies  have 
been  swinging  like  huge  pendulums  during  the  present 
season.  In  June  they  swung  from  the  Rappahannock,  Va., 
to  the  Susquehanna,  Penn.;  then  back  to  the  Rapidan; 
afterward  almost  to  the  Potomac,  then  back  to  the  Rapidan 
a^ain.  It  is  encouraging  to  notice  that  the  swing  of  the 
Rebel  army  toward  the  north,  shortens  at  every  move, 
giving  indications  of  its  waning  power. 

In  the  early  part  of  November  our  army  laid  its  pontoons 
across  the  Rappahannock,  and  advanced  upon  the  enemy, 
drlvin"  him  from  the  line  he  had  selected  for  his  winter 


V;*ifeW>'Si^'^•;t■w.iVr:.^*J^•iia?'i^f4^^  -.■*...-:■-,-     ii»«Vi4 




Historic  Records. 

quarters.     Many  of  their  huts,  already  completed,  fell  into 
our  hands. 

November  9th.     The    regiment  had  a  spirited  skiriuish 
with  the  enemy,  in  driving  him  from  Steveiisburg. 

From  a  correspondent  of  a  New  York  daily,  we  quote  tho 
following  description  of  this  affair.  "  I  must  be  allowed  to 
mention,  that  Kilpatrick's  division,  or  rather  Davies'  brig- 
ado  of  that  division,  was  engaged  in  quite  a  brisk  encounter 
with  Hampton's  division  of  Rebel  cavalry,  on  Sunday  the 
8th  inst.,  in  tho  vicinity  of  Stevensburg.  I  allude  to  it 
here,  because,  as  yet,  it  has  scarcely  been  noticed  at  all  in 
any  papers  that  I  am  aware  of,  although  it  was  one  of  the 
most  spirited  and  handsomely  managed  affairs  that  has 
occurred  during  the  late  movements.  There  was  no  very 
severe  fighting,  it  is  true,  but  the  ease  with  which  the 
enemy  was  driven  from  his  position,  and  the  short  duration 
of  the  fight,  were  mainly  attributable  to  the  adroitness  used 
in  the  disposition  of  our  forces,  and  the  intense  eagerness 
and  animation  with  which  our  men  went  up  to  th6  attack. 
A  battery  of  the  enemy  which  occupied  a  commanding 
position  at  Stevensburg,  right  in  the  line  of  our  advance, 
was  started  off  at  a  double  quick,  almost  without  firing  a 
dhot,  by  sending  a  regiment  round  to  the  right,  which  came 
in  upon  it  from  an  unexpected  quarter,  and  threw  the  gun- 
ners into  instant  alarm  for  the  safety  of  their  guns;  and 
■when  they  had  taken  up  a  new  position  and  were  busily 
shelling  our  troops  coming  upjn  front.  Major  Hammond, 
commanding  the  regiment  just  mentioned,  with  about 
twenty  of  his  men,  again  compelled  them  to  decamp  by 
coming  up  under  cover  and  unseen  to  within  easy  carbine 
range  of  them,  and  thus  picking  off  the  artillerists." 

« mm ' , 



Fifth  New  York  Cavalut. 


ett'd.  ffill  into 

ted  Bkinuish 

we  quote  tho 
be  allowed  to 
Diivifs'  brig- 
isk  eiioounter 
a  Sunday  the 
allude  to  it 
iced  at  all  in 
as  one  of  the 
irs  that  has 
was  no  very 

[h  which  the 
lort  duration 
roitness  used 
ise  eagerness 
to  th^  attack, 
our  advance, 
iout  firing  a 
which  came 
rew  the  gun- 
r  guns;  and 
were  busilj 
■  Hammond, 
with    about 
decamp  by 
sasy  carbine 

The  rogiment  camped  among  the  pines,  whenccf  tlioy  had 
driven  the  enemy. 

Xitvmbcr  llth.  The  regiment  was  ordered  to  picket 
aluii{<  the  Kapidan,  extending  uur  videttee  from  Morton's 
lord  near  to  German ia. 

November  X'ith.  A  squad  of  Hampton's  cavalry,  dressed 
in  uur  overcoats,  surprised  and  attacked  the  18th  l^ennsylvii- 
iiiu,  near  Qermania  Ford,  capturing  many  prisoners,  and  their 
headquarters  wagon.  Capt.  McQuinn,  Company  A,  in  char{;e 
ut'  the  nearest  reserve,  assisted  in  beating  back  the  Rebels, 
who  fled  across  the  river. 

November  21«/.  The  paymaster  appeared  with  his  green- 
backs, and  though  the  rain  has  fallen  almost  incessantly 
nnoe  have  been  heard  to  murmur.  Whatever  trouble  or 
liifficulty  the  soldier  has,  pay-day  is  sure  to  take  it  all 
away —  at  least  if  his  accounta  are  all  right. 

N'uivmber  22d.  Th  men  are  sending  their  money  homo 
to  their  friends.  Some  foolishly  squander  theirs  away,  but 
moat  men  of  the  rugiment  put  a  proper  estimate  ou  their 

November  2ith.  A  grand  movement  of  the  army  toward 
the  Bapidan  was  commenced,  at  an  early  hour.  Our  divi- 
siuD  moved  toward  Raccoon  Ford.  A  heavy  rain  having 
set  in,  the  troops  were  countermarched  to  their  wet 
•bivouacs.   • 

November  26th.  The  movement  commenced  and  aban- 
doned on  the  24th  was  to-day  resumed.  Gen.  Meade, 
desiring  to  cross  his  main  force  at  German  ia  Ford,  ordered 
the  cavalry  to  attack  the  Rebel  lines  along  the  upper  fords, 
and,  if  possible,  compel  them  to  busy  themselves  with  us. 
Our  division  broke  camp  early,  and  reached  the  river  about 







ill  11^ 



40   mil  2.0 




:      1 


< 6"     















WEBSTER,  <«I.Y.  ' 'oSO 

(716)  872-4503 

,^    ''/Air.  A 

f    C'.i 








Collection  de 


Canadian  fnstituto  for  Historical  Microreproductions  /  Institut  Canadian  de  microreproductions  historiques 









Historic  Records. 

nine  o'clOok  at  Morton's  Ford.  The  fortifications  on  the 
high  hills  along  the  river  swarmed  with  Rebels.  They 
opened  their  heavy  batteries  upon  us.  The  division  moved 
up  the  river  toward  Raccoon  Ford,  most  of  the  time 
e:£posed  to  the  artillery  fire.  Shells  fell  fast  near  the  solid 
column,  spattering  mud  all  over  our  Thanksgiving  suits, 
for  this  was  Thanksgiving  day.  Our  flying  artillery  occa- 
sionally replied.  This  artillery  duel  was  continued  all  the 
day,  and  yet  not  a  man  was  injured.  How  wonderful  is 
the  preservation  of  human  life  on  occasions  like  this !  At 
night  we  bivouacked  in  the  woods  about  a  mile  from  the 
ford.  The  ground  was  wet  and  the  weather  cold,  and  we 
were  compelled  to  make  fires  sparingly,  lest  the  enemy 
aight  discover  our  position,  and  give  us  a  Thanksgiving 
supper  of  shells,  as  he  had  done  for  our  dinner. 

uVovember  llth.  Early  in  the  morning  the  division 
crossed  the  river  at  Raccoon  Ford,  having  discovered  that 
the  enemy  had  abandoned  his  works  in  the  night.  Fitz- 
hugh  Lee's  cavalry,  however,  waa  encountered  approaching 
at  no  great  distance  from  the  river,  compelling  our  boys  to 
return  after  a  sharp  skirmish. 

November  SOth.  We  still  continue  by  the  river,  exchang- 
ing occasional  shots,  and  sometimes  volleys,  with  the  pickete 
on  the  other  side.  Now  and  then  the  batteries  open. 
Just  before  sundown  the  Rebels  sainted  us  with  a  rapid 
shelling,  which  made  the  woods  and  hills  resound.  Wc 
bivouac  among  the  pines,  when  off  duty,  where  moss  is 
plentiful  for  our  carpets.  Our  fare  would  be  quite  pleasant 
if  it  were  not  for  the  biting  frosts  of  the  nights. 

December  2d.  Gen.  Meade  is  returning  from  his  uusuc- 
eessful   affair  in   the   wilderness  about   Mine   Run.      His 


ibrtifications  on  the 
ith  Rebels.  They 
rhe  division  moved 
most  of  the  time 
I  fast  near  the  solid 
'hanksgiving  suits, 
yiiig  artillery  occa- 
s  continued  all  the 
How  wonderful  is 
ons  like  this !  At 
ut  a  mile  from  the 
iather  cold,  and  we 
y,  lest  the  enemy 
us  a  Thanksgiving 

aing  the  division 
ng  discovered  that 
n  the  night.  Fitz- 
l^ered  approaching 
Jelling  our  boys  to 

the  river,  exchang- 
s,  with  the  pickets 
be  batteries  open. 
i  us  with  a  rapid 
lills  resound.  Wc 
tj,  where  moss  is 
i  be  quite  plea.sant 

a;  from  his  uusuc- 
Mine   Run.      His 


Fifth  ISiEw  York  Cavalry. 


expedition  has  been  attended  with  great  fatigue  and  suffer- 
ing, and  some  losses. 

December  Sd.  As  vas  expected,  we  were  relieved  from 
til  is  position  and  taken  back  to  our  old  camps,  near  Stevens- 
burg.  Our  euuip  began  to  assume  a  delightful  appearance, 
with  it!i  rows  of  shelter  tents,  and  an  occasional  wall  tent, 
when  about  3  p.  M.  the  woods  were  ringing  with  bugles, 
soiimling  "  boots  and  saddles."  Tents  were  taken  down, 
and  the  brigade  moved  out  in  the  direction  of  the  river  to 
meet  the  enemy,  who  was  supposed  to  be  crossing  the  river 
to  attack  us  in  heavy  force.  It  proved  to  be  a  fright  of  the 
pickets  stationed  along  the  river.  We  were  soon  back  in 
our  old  spot  again,  putting  up  our  shelters. 

Change  is  the  soldier's  life.  It  marks  his  daily  experi- 
ence. Now  he  lies  securely  in  his  wood-surrounded  home, 
then  he  revels  in  the  pomp  and  terror  of  the  battle ;  now 
he  suffers  from  the  long  march  or  the  extra  duty,  then  he 
grows  weary  with  long  waiting  and  anxious  fears.  His  life 
is  a  moving  panorama,  which  presents  every  shado  of  color- 
ing, and  every  phase  of  human  experience. 

December  ith.  Quite  an  excitement  was  created  among 
the  men,  by  an  effort  made  to  ascertain  what  number  of 
them  are  willing  to  reenlist  under  the  orders  recently  issued 
by  the  War  Department,  respecting  Veteran  Volunteers. 

A  large  majority  of  the  men  present  are  ready  to  reenlist 
for  a  new  term  of  service.  Though  they  have  seen  hard 
service,  and  long,  they  are  unwilling  to  return  to  the  quiet 
pursuits  of  civil  life  while  the  conflic*  goes  on.  They  want 
to  join  in  the  last  conflict  am'  to  swell  the  final  shout  of 
victory,  over  the  downfall  of  ti\is  Rebellion.  Every  one 
appears  to  be  in  the  best  of  spirits, 



:!    ■'  -VJii-V 

I    i' 


Historic  Records. 

December  5f.h.  A  large  mail  was  received,  after  a  sus- 
pension of  several  days.  These  are  always  occasions  of  great 
rejoicing,  in  camp  life.  Our  mail  bags  are  great  instruments 
of  power. 

December  8th.  A  large  detail  of  the  regiment  went  out 
on  picket  to  the  Rapidan.  A  squad  of  eighteen  recruits  for 
the  regiment  was  received  this  evening. 

December  15th.  Our  boys  on  picket  near  Germania  Ford 
are  becoming  quite  familiar  with  Rebel  pickets  on  the  other 
side  the  river.  Papers  are  exchanged,  coffee  is  given  for 
tobacco;  and  visits  of  the  Rebels  among  us,  and  of  our  boys 
among  them,  are  quite  frequent. 

December  llth.  A  cold,  freezing  rain  has  fallen  all  day; 
and  the  men,  wet,  cold,  hungry  and  tired,  returned  from 
picket.  The  pines  were  lighted  up  with  the  lurid  light 
of  our  5res  at  night. 

December  ISth.  Moved  camp  to  the  hill  known  in  this 
region  as  The  DeviVs  Leap,  where  we  expect  to  build  our 
winter  quarters. 

December  2Qth.  The  main  portion  of  the  regiment  went 
out  on  picket. 

December  2,M.  The  cold  is  intense  and  we  are  suffering 
for  the  went  of  winter  quarters.  We  have  just  received 
orders  to  buiid  them.  Wc  are  camped  on  a  crest  of  hills, 
which  was  very  thickly  wooded  with  fine  timber  just  before 
we  took  possession.  The  wood  had  been  purchased  by  the 
Rebel  authorities  at  a  high  price,  with  the  hope  that  this 
would  be  their  winter  quarters.  The  forest  is  quickly 

December  27th.  The  men  are  busily  engaged  in  the  work 
of  constructing  their  log  cabins.     Every  man  has  suddenly 

sived,  after  a  sus- 
occasions  of  great 
great  instruments 

egraent  went  out 
hteen  recruits  for 

IT  Germania  Ford 
ekeis  on  the  other 
offee  is  given  for 
i,  and  of  our  boys 

las  fallen  all  day; 
d,  returned  from 
1  the  lurid  light 

ill  known  in  this 
pect  to  build  our 

B  regiment  went 

we  are  suffering 
ve  just  received 
a  crest  of  hills, 
mber  just  before 
lurchased  by  the 
e  hope  that  this 
)rest   is   quickly 

»ged  in  the  work 
lan  has  suddenly 

i;»'  --^^i^S^^pJJ^^^^^^SiSJs^'-a^ftlf^^ 

Fifth  Nkw  York  Cavalky. 


become  a  mason  or  a  carpenter,  and  the  hammer,  the  axe 
and  the  trowel  are  being  plied  with  the  utmost  vigor,  if  not 
with  the  highest  skill. 

December  8lst.  The  Adjutant's  quarters  are  crowded  with 
work  >i  o  is  making  out  or  giving  instructions  to  others  to 
make  ov:'^,  discharge  papers,  muster  out  and  muster  in  rolls 
for  the  men,  who  are  enlisting  as  Veteran  Volunteers. 
A  gentle  rain  fell  this  morning,  and  has  continued,  with  some 
wind,  80  that  all  day  Jong  the  Heavens  have  wept  over  the 
departing  year. 



itS,^'^  L. 


Life  in  Winter  Quarters —  Ita  Duties  and  Pastimes. —  Its  Interest- 
ing Scenes. —  Dangerous  Picketing  between  the  Uappahannock 
and  the  Rapidan. —  Frequent  Attacks  by  Guerrillas. —  Kilpat- 
rick's  Second  Raid  to  Richmond. —  Col.  Dahlgren's  Part  of  the 
Work. —  Full  Account  by  Lieut.  Merritt,  who  accompanied 
Dahlgren. —  Object  of  the  Raid. —  General  Plan. —  Dnhlgren's 
Command. —  Successful  Capture  of  Rebel  Pickets  on  the  Rapi- 
dan.—  Honor  to  Lieut.  Merritt's  Command. —  Capture  of  a  Rebel 
Court  Martial. —  Conduct  of  Prisoners. —  The  Faithless  Negro 
Guide. —  He  is  Hurg. —  Property  of  Mr.  Seddon,  Rebel 
Secretary  of  War. —  His  Negroes. —  Their  Depredations.- -Our 
Soldiers  falsely  Accused  of  Pillaging. —  Henry  A.  Wise  wisely 
Skedaddles. —  Within  a  few  Miles  of  Richmond.— Cofiperatiou 
with  Kilpatrick  Impossible. —  Preparation  to  Attack  Richmond. 
—  Nature  of  the  Fight. —  Withdrawal. —  Casualties. —  Terrible 
Night's  March. —  Meet  a  Rebel  Ambulance  Train — Crossing 
the  Pamunkey. —  The  Mattapony. —  Marching  and  Fighting. — 
The  Ambuscade. —  Dahlgren  Killed. —  Road  Barricaded. —  In 
Straits. —  Ammunition  Exhausted. —  Preparation  to  Disperse. — 
The  Party  Broken  up. —  The  Cabin  in  the  Woods. —  The  Surren- 
der —  A  Baptist  Preacher. —  The  Parson's  Robbery  and  Apolo- 
gy.—  Dahlgren's  Remains. —  Arrival  at  Libby  Prison. —  Casual- 
ties of  the  Fifth  New  York. —  Synopsis  of  Kilpatrick's  March. — 
The  Terrible  Tornado.— January  Ut  to  May  2d,  1864. 

After  the  great  excitement  of  an  active  campaign  with  ita 
long  marches  and  almost  constant  fighting,  life  in  winter 
quarters  seems  quite  too  dull.  For  some  weeks  at  least, 
until   somewhat  accustomed  to  his  new  home,  the  soldier 

''Ss"T?',S»"*»'<?*.*^5*ir>»rTr^n+S2fr''!r*;,'  »*  '. 


Fifth  New  Yobk  Cavalry. 


. —  Its  Interest- 
rillas. —  Kilpat- 
m's  Part  of  the 
0  accompanied 
n. —  Dnhlgren's 
kB  on  the  Rapi- 
)ture  of  a  Rebel 
FaithlesB  Negro 
Seddon,  Rebel 
A.  Wise  wisely 
—  Cobperatiou 
ack  Richmond, 
ties. —  Terrible 
■ain  — Crossing 
md  Fighting. — 
arricaded. —  In 
to  Disperse. — 
. —  The  Surren- 
ery  and  Apolo- 
isou. —  Casual- 
rick's  March. — 

paign  with  its 
life  in  winter 
eeks  at  least, 
le,  the  soldier 

feels  more  or  less  uneasiness.  However,  this  life  is  not 
without  its  duties  nor  its  opportunities  for  employment. 
Several  days  are  consumed  in  making  our  quarters  comfort- 
able  and  convenient.  Our  northern  friends  would  wonder 
to  see  the  skill  and  taste  exhibited  in  the  construction  and 
internal  arrangprneots  of  our  cabins. 

The  day  is  u^^hen  .'  'n  with  the  reveille,  well  executed  by 
the  bugle  corps,  wL  'a  has  been  reorganized,  and  drilled 
for  the  purpose.  At  he  blast  of  these  bugles  we  are  called 
to  our  breakfast,  dinner  and  supper.  Koll  call  is  sounded 
and  the  men  of  each  company  fall  into  line  and  are 
accounted  for.  The  bugle  sounds  to  call  the  orderly  ser 
geantsto  assemble  at  the  adjutant's  quarters  to  receive  any 
special  orders  he  may  have  to  communicate.  By  the  bugle 
the  camp  guard  is  assembled,  inspected  and  ordered  to  its 
posts  of  duty.  At  water  cill  the  men  lead  out  their  horses 
to  the  watering.  Drill  call  sends  them  to  the  field  to  learu 
the  tactics  of  war. 

Thus  call  after  call  to  duty  is  sounded  at  intervals 
throughout  the  day,  ending  with  the  taps,  which  calls  for 
the  blowing  out  of  lights,  and  the  seeking  of  rest,  which 
night  demands.  To  these  duties  and  excitements  come  the 
days  of  picketing,  when  a  large  detail  is  sent  out,  leaving 
behind  a  number  just  suflScient  to  care  for  the  camp.  These 
are  generally  men  too  sick  for  hard  duty,  or  whose  horses 
are  un.serviceable. 

While  in  camp  checkers  and  cards  afford  a  pastime  to 
many,  but  a  large  number  spend  their  hours  in  reading  and 
writing.  We  usually  receive  a  daily  mail  Thus  our  time 
is  filled  with  some  kind  of  employment,  and  even  our  camp 
life  is  far  from  monotonous. 


i  \M: 


-fi-i  J  4  ' 


lIisTouic  Rkcouds. 

January  \st.  The  morning  was  fair  and  beautiful,  but 
the  day  ended  with  the  coldest  weather  ever  known  to  our 
veterans,  wliile  in  Virujinia.  The  reiinlisted  men,  nmnber- 
hv^  one  hundred  and  eighty-one,  were  mustered  in.  Others 
will  recnlist  before  many  days. 

January  M.  The  paymaster  has  paid  his  compliments  tc 
the  veterans,  and  they  abound  in  greenbacks. 

January  "ilh.  Sent  out  a  picket  detail  of  three  officers 
and  fifty-six  men. 

January  \Qth.  The  camps  of  this  grand  army  occupy  a 
large  territory,  stretching  from  Stevensburg  to  two  or  three 
miles  beyond  Brandy  Station.  The  roads  are  becoming 
almost  bottomless.  However,  long  trains  of  forage  and 
commissary  wagons  may  be  seen  passing  to  and  fro  with 
horses  and  mules  in  mud  from  "  stem  to  stern."  Caval- 
cades of  mudded  horses  and  riders  traverse  the  camps  and 
adjoining  fields  in  various  directions.  Large  flocks  of 
crows  with  their  bi^.V -perched  videttes  when  alighted,  or 
their  regular  line  oi  march  when  on  the  wing,  leave  an  im- 
pression upon  the  soldier's  mind.  These  sights  are  of  daily 

January  Idth.  The  regiment  is  picketing  near  the  Rapi- 
dan,  a  little  below  Germania  Ford.  A  line  of  pickets  ex- 
tends across  to  the  Rappahannock  a  little  below  Fields' 
Ford.  The  peninsular  territory  below  this  line  and  be- 
tween the  rivers  abounds  in  thick  underbrush  and  deep 
ravines,  through  which  guerrillas  creep  up  and  attack  our 
pickets.  Patrols  are  sent  oat  daily  from  the  picket  reserves, 
on  the  main  roads  to  the  fords  of  the  rivers,  to  drive  out 
any  force  of  the  enemy  that  might  seek  to  advance  upon  us 
from  that  direction.     To-day  our  patrol  was  attacked  by  a 

^-<-^f^«f^»?*»*SI»«Viift;v,^j-  -•^..f'.^^.s.v:-..  ■•.y'^ii^^^.,^,^^: 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


jcautiful,  but 
known  to  our 
lieu,  nuuiber- 
ad  in.  Others 

implinients  tc 

three  officers 

my  occupy  a 
two  or  three 
ire  becoming 
f  forage  and 
ind  fro  with 
irn."  Caval- 
lie  camps  and 
;e  flocks  of 
alighted,  or 
leave  an  ira- 
i  are  of  daily 

ir  the  Rapi- 
f  pickets  ex- 
elow  Fields' 

ine  and  be- 
ih  and  deep 
d  attack  our 
ket  reserves, 

to  drive  out 
ince  upon  us 
ttacked  by  a 

considerable  force  concealed  in  bushes  by  the  road  side. 
Under  very  great  disadvuntage,  our  boys  defended  them- 
selves as  best  they  could,  but  suffered  quite  severely.  This 
was  near  Ely's  Ford,  Rapidan. 

Januarj/  22d.  Our  boys  were  out  again  patrolling  towaid 
the  Rappahannock,  and  were  attacked  by  bushwhackers  near 
Ellis'  Ford.  As  on  the  19th  inst.,  one  man  was  killed, 
several  wounded  and  captured.  Among  the  latter  were 
several  veterans,  who  were  daily  looking  for  their  35  days' 
furlough  promised  in  their  reiJnlistment.  They  will  have  a 
dreary  furlough  in  southern  prisons. 

January  'ilst.  Our  chapel  tent  was  dedicated  this  even- 
ing by  Chaplain  E.  P.  Roe,  2d  New  York  Cavalry,  who 
preached  an  excellent  sermon  to  a  large  audience. 

February  Gth.  The  2d  Corps  made  a  demonstration  on 
the  Rebel  lines  at  Raccoon  and  Morton't.  Fords,  fighting  all 
day.  Gen.  Hays  greatly  distinguished  himself  in  some 
of  the  charges  made  on  the  enemy's  fortifications.  Mean- 
while Kilpatrick's  cavalry  crossed  the  river  at  Culpepper 
Mine  Ford,  and  reconnoitred  along  the  plank  road.  At 
Hampton's  Cross  Roads  a  squad  of  the  enemy  was  encoun- 
tered and  quickly  dispersed.  A  few  prisoners  fell  into  our 

February  7th.  The  regiment  returned  to  camp  at  2  p.  M., 
after  a  journey  of  about  35  miles. 

February  ISth.  Sixty-eight  recruits  joined  the  regiment. 
Our  ranks  are  thus  being  filled. 

February  21st.  A  large  temperance  meeting  in  the  chapel, 
and  a  large  number  signed  the  pledge. 

February  2Sd.  A  grand  review  of  a  portion  of  the  army 
before  Generals  Meade,  Pleasanton,  Kilpatrick  and  others, 

I  t 

I'f, :;;;:; 



-:«Wn  -v:?f;  TiCT^  • :  :  r  :t:JI-  V;  i:Tr:^];i:j  "'  J£^"^J     >  ' 

iSft  Lj3»i  i*" 


IIiSToiiic  Records, 

took  place  on  the  plains  between  Stevensburg  and  Pony 
Mountain.  The  infantry,  artillery  and  cavalry  appeared  in 
their  best  uniform  and  with  flying  colors,  prosentiug  an  im- 
posing spectacle.  The  exorcises  closed  with  a  cavalry  skir- 
niish  and  charge. 

February  2Ath.  The  paymaster  occupies  the  chapel  for 
paying  the  regiment. 

February  26th.  The  long-looked-for  veteran  leaves-of-ab- 
scnce  and  furloughs  made  their  appearance,  but  had  not 
been  in  camp  thirty  minutes  before  they  were  sent  for  from 
brigade  headquarters.  They  are  doubtless  detained  for 
some  wise  purpose,  but  many  fail  to  see  the  point. 

February  2Sth.  The  whole  division  under  Kilpatrick, 
accompanied  by  Col.  Dahlgren,  who  was  intrusted  with  a 
very  important  position  in  the  expedition,  set  out  on  a  great 
raid  to  Richmond.  We  append  the  following  full  and 
interesting  narrative  of  the  raid,  by  Major  Merritt  (then 
Lieutenant),  who  accompanied  Col.  Dahlgren,  and  was  with 
him  at  his  death. 

Narrative  of  Dahlgren's  Raid. 

Kilpatrick's  second  raid  upon  Richmond  was  made  with 
the  purpose  of  releasing  our  officers  and  men  confined  in 
Libby  Prison,  Castle  Thunder  and  Belle  Island,  and  to 
destroy  the  mills,  workshops,  materials,  stores  and  govern- 
ment property  of  the  Rebels  in  that  city  and  vicinity,  and 
the  rail  road  communications.  The  plan  also  comprehended 
the  capture  of  Lee's  reserve  artillery  at  Frederick  Hall 
Station  or*  the  Virginia  Central   rail   road. 

'!^i^'  ,•>- ,. ;  -'i^iY  -  ; 

■g  and  Pony 
(  appeared  in 
cntiug  an  iiu- 
.  cavalry  Bkir- 

be  chapel  for 

1  leavea-of-ab- 

but  had  not 

sent  for  from 

detained  for 


r  Kilpatrick, 
rusted  with  a 
out  on  a  great 
ing  full  and 
Uerritt  (then 
and  was  with 


IS  made  with 
n  confined  in 
sland,  and  to 
and  govern- 
vicinity,  and 
rederick  Hall 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


In  the  execution  of  this  general  plan,  Col.  Dalilgrcn's 
command,  diverging  from  the  main  column  to  the  right  at 
Spottsylvania  Court  House,  was  to  march  by  Frederick 
Hall,  capture  and  destroy  the  artillery,  cross  the  James 
river  at  Columbia  Mills,  send  a  party  to  destroy  the  rail 
road  bridges  where  the  Danville  road  crosses  the  Appomat- 
tox river,  and  move  upon  Riclmond  from  the  south,  in  the 
hope  of  gaining  possession  of  the  bridges  spanning  the  river 
between  Munchester'and  the  city  by  surprise,  dash  over  and 
release  the  prisoners,  while  the  main  force  under  Kilpatrick 
occupied  the  enemy's  attention  on  the  north  side  of  the 

The  expedition  of  Col.  Ulric  Dahlgten  marched  from 
Gen.  Kilpatrick's  headquarters  at  Stevensburg,  Va.,  on  the 
evening  of  Sunday,  February  28th,  1864.  It  comprised 
detachments  from  the  2d  New  York,  5th  New  York,  1st 
Vermont,  1st  Maine  and  5th  Michigan  regimento  of  cavalry 
of  the  3d  division  cavalry  corps,  army  of  the  Potomac,  in 
all  four  hundred  men.  The  detachment  of  the  Fifth  New 
York  under  command  of  Lieut.  Merritt,  Co.  K,  consisted  ot 
Lieut.  Robert  Black  and  forty  men  selected  from  companies 
I  and  K.  This  party  left  camp  about  3  P.  M.,  being  sent 
in  advance  with  orders  to  capture  the  enemy's  videttes  at 
Ely's  Ford  on  the  Kapidan  river,  and,  if  practicable,  their 
picket  reserve  also,  the  object  being  to  secure  the  passage 
of  the  river  and  open  the  way  for  the  march  without  the 
alarm's  being  communicated  to  the  enemy. 

We  proceeded  to  within  two  miles  of  the  ford  and  halted 
until  dark,  when  Lieut.  Merritt,  with  fifteen  dismounted 
men  and  two  scouts,  sent  from  headquarters,  waded  the 
river  about  one  mile  above  the  ford,  and,  aided   by  the 


:  ^ 


lIisTOHic  Records. 

durkness,  the  night  boin^  slormy,  succeeded  in  aj)proachinj» 
and  Heeuriiig  the  two  videtUjs  guarding  the  ford,  and,  after 
much  difficulty,  ascertained  the  position  of  the  reserve.  A 
iurge  fire  built  in  a  ravine  on  the  banics  of  the  river  some 
distance  below  the  ford,  evidently  intended  to  deceive  us, 
caused  some  delay ;  but  we  finally  discovered  that  their 
picket  reserve  were  in  a  house  some  distance  buck  from  the 
river.  We  proceeded  silently  to  this  house,  surrounded  it, 
and,  rushing  in,  after  a  brief  struggle,  captured  the  whole 
piirty,  sixteen  men,  a  lieutenant,  and  the  officer  of  the  day, 
who  had  halted  for  the  night  on  nis  tour  of  inspection. 
His  report  of  the  vigilance  and  efficiency  of  his  picket  was 
probably  never  made.  Oaly  two  shots  were  fired,  and  no 
alarm  raised,  as  we  afterward  ascertained  that  the  enemy 
were  not  aware  that  we  had  crossed  the  river  until  the 
column  had  passed  Spottsylvania. 

Lieut.  Black,  with  the  remainder  of  the  men,  was  left 
on  the  opposite  bank  of  the  river,  with  directions  to  throw 
out  a  few  skirmishers  on  the  edge  of  the  stream,  and  move 
down  as  close  as  possible  without  discovery,  and  to  be  pre- 
pared either  to  cross  or  cover  our  party  as  circumstances 
rendered  necessary.  Securing  our  prisoners  we  returned  to 
the  river  and  found  the  advance  of  Dablgren's  column 
across,  we  having  immediately  communicated  our  success. 
Twenty-three  of  our  men  were  sent  to  the  rear  in  charge  of 
the  prisoners.  Col.  Dahlgren,  in  recognition  of  our  success, 
assigned  to  us  the  advance  of  the  expedition,  which  duty 
we  performed  throughout. 

Taking  the  Chancellorsville  road  we  passed  through 
Spottsylvania  Court  Hovse  and,  bearing  to  the  right, 
marched  without  iucident,  until  we  came  to  the  vicinity  of 

Fifth  Ninv  Yokx  Cavamiy. 


n  approachin," 
rd,  and,  after 
e  reserve.  A 
le  river  some 
to  deceive  us, 
red  that  their 
buck  from  the 
surrounded  it, 
ed  the  whole 
ir  of  the  day, 
of  inspection, 
lis  picket  was 
fired,  and  no 
it  the  enemy 
iver  until  the 

men,  was  lefl 
ions  to  throw 
am,  and  move 
md  to  be  pre- 
re  returned  to 
ren's  column 
our  success. 
r  in  charge  of 
f  our  success, 
,  which  duty 

ssed  through 
to  the  right, 
he  vicinity  of 

Frederick  Hall  Station,  about  3  p.  M.   Monday.      Here   wo 
found  the  reserve  nrtillery,  numbering  83  pieces  of  every 
calibre,  parked,  with  a  small  brigade  of   infantry  guarding 
it.     Approaching  through  the  woods  with  the  utmost  cir- 
eumapection,  we  came  within  300  yards  of  the  camp   with- 
out discovery.     A  rapid  but  thorough  reconnoissance  demon- 
strated the  impossibility  of  capturing  their  guns   with  our 
small  force,  and  we  saw  the  necessity  of  withdrawing  from 
the  dangerous  vicinity  without  attracting  the  notice  of  the 
enemy.     To  accomplish  this  we  had  to  pass  around  the  base 
of  a  small  hill  on  the  edge  of  the  camp.     Here  there  was  a 
house,  and  we  observed  a  number  of  men  moving  about, 
and  from  the  character  of  tlie  ground  suspected   the  pres- 
ence  of  a   battery   also.     It  was   of  course  necessary  to 
ascertain  whether  this  suspicion  was  correct,  and  to  capture 
the  men.     In  order  to  save  the  valuable  time  it  would  have 
required  to  deploy  skirmishers,  and  as  the  only  probable  way 
of  preventing  the  alarm  of  the  camp,  our  detachment  vol- 
unteered to  charge  the  hill,  Major  Cooko,  2d  New  York 
deploying  a  squadron  to  cover  us  in  case  of  nood.     Separat- 
ing in  two  parties  we  charged  on  opposite  sides  of  a  gorge 
running  into  the   hill,  and  approached  the  small  house  in 
such  a  manner  as  to  surround  it.     After  a  few  shots,  the 
party  who  had  retired  inside  the  building,  when,  to  their 
utter  amazement  they  discovered  ou      haracter,  surrendered 
themselves  prisoners,  and   we  learn   1  with  almost   equal 
astonishment  and  no  little  amusement,  that  we  had  captured 
a  court  martial,  securing  the  entire  party,  president,  judge 
advocate,  members  of  the    court,  witnesses,  prisoner,  and 
orderlies  in  attendance.  Among  them  was  a  Col.  Jones,  1st 
Maryland  Light  Artillery,  two  majors  and  the  usual    com- 




Historic  Records. 

pleraent  of  captaina  and  lieutenants,  the  whole  party 
numbering  about  thirty,  with  several  fine  horses.  The 
Rebels  were  engaged  in  artillery  practice  when  we  approached 
their  camp,  and  the  regular  and  continued  discharge  of  their 
•runs  served  to  inform  us  that  wo  remained  undiscovered. 

Nearly  all  the  prisoners  subsequently  escaped  from  us 
during  the  night,  as  we  were  unable  to  guard  them  properly, 
and,  in  fact.  Col.  Dahlgren  did  not  desire  to  be  encumbered 
with  them.  The  judge  advocate,  Lieut.  Blair  and  another, 
however,  adhered  to  us  most  faithfully  until  the  finul  break- 
ing up  of  the  expedition.  Lieut.  Blair  afterwards  visited  us 
in  Libby  Prison,  and  tendered  his  testimony  in  our  favor, 
but  without  mitigating  the  severity  of  our  imprisonment  in 
any  way. 

The  rail  road  was  torn  up  about  one  mile  from  Frederick 
Hall,  and  we  then  proceeded  on  our  march.  A  heavy  storm 
prevailed  during  Monday  night.  The  rain  fell  in  iorrents 
and  rendered  the  roads  almost  impassable.  Men  and  horses 
wore  beginning  to  suffer  for  rest  and  refreshment.  The 
woods  being  dense  increased  the  difficulties  of  the  march, 
and  about  three  o'clock  Tuesday  morning,  it  became  neces- 
sary to  make  a  brief  halt  in  order  to  close  up  the  column, 
which  was  scattered  several  miles  in  the  rear,  struggling 
through  tliP  mud  holes  of  the  miserable  swamp  road.  At 
the  halting  p!  ,co  we  captured  six  wagons  loaded  with 
forage  for  Lee's  army. 

We  now  learned  that  we  were  about  three  miles  from 
Dover  Mills,  and  ten  miles  below  CoLxmbia  Mills.  The 
guide,  a  negro,  had  misled  us  during  the  night,  and,  to 
obviate  the  delay  of  retracing  our  steps.  Col.  Dahlgren,  on 
the  representations  of  the  negro  that  an  excellent  ford  was 

"'  ^    -  -•^i!.f>S''Y  ****  » A>^' 

•f^lf'i'kjj^^?!',  ,   ',^. 

Finn  New  Yokk  Cavalry, 


whole  party 
horses.  Tbc 
te  approached 
barge  of  their 
aped  from  ua 
hem  properly, 
I  encuaibered 
and  aaother, 
le  fin<  J  break- 
irds  visited  us 
in  our  favor, 
prisonment  in 

om  Frederick 
\.  heavy  storm 
ill  in  torrents 
en  and  horses 
shment.  The 
of  the  march, 
became  neces- 
p  the  column, 
ir,  struggling 
mp  road.  At 
loaded  with 

ee  miles  from 
a  Mills.  The 
night,  and,  to 
Dahlgren,  on 
silent  ford  was 

to  be  found  at  Dover  Mills,  concluded  to  cross  at  that  point. 
After  two  hours'  halt  we  again  moved  on.  and  soon  reached 
.  Dover  Mills,  but  only  to  meet  disappointment.  The  negro 
bad  deceived  us,  no  ford  existed  at  this  point  nor  any  means 
of  crossing  the  river.  He  then  stated  that  the  ford  was 
tl'.ree  miles  below:  this  was  obviously  false,  as  the  river  was 
evidently  navigable  to  and  above  this  place,  as  we  saw  a 
sloop  going  down  the  river. 

This  man  was  sent  from  headquarters  to  guide  us  and  was 
cunsiaered  faithful  and  reliable.     I  afterwards  learned  that 
he  came  into  our  lines  from  Richmond,  in  company  with 
several   officers  who  escaped   from  Libby  Prison   by  Col. 
Streight's  tunnel,  and  whom  he  piloted  through.     He  was 
born  and  had  always  belonged  in  the  immediate  vicinity  of 
Dover  Mills,  was  very  shrewd  and  intelligent,  and  it  would 
seem   impossible  that  he  should  not   know  that  no  ford 
existed  in  the  neighborhood,   where  be  had  seen  vessels 
daily  passing.     Col.   Dahlgren   had   warned   him   that  if 
detected  acting  in  bad  faith,  or  lying,  wo  would  surely  hang 
him,  and  after  we  left  Dover  Mills,  and  had  gone  down  the 
river  so  far  as  to  render  further  prevarication  unavailing, 
the   colonel  charged  him  with  betraying  us,  destroying  the 
whole  design  of  the  expedition,  and  hazarding  the  lives  of 
every  one  engaged  in  it,— and  told  him  that  he  should  be 
hung  in  conformity  with  the  terms   of  his  service.     The 
negro  became   greatly  alarmed,  stated  confuseflly  that  he 
was  mistaken,   thought  we  intended  to  cross  the  river  in 
bouts,  and  finally  said  that  he  had  done  wrong,  was  sorry, 
etc.     The  colonel  ordered  him  to  be  hung, — a  halter  strap 
was  used  for  the  purpose,  and  we  left  the  miserable  wretch 
dangling  by  the  roadside.     His  body  was  afterwards  cut 

jjj'i  S' 


HiSTOKic  Records. 

down  and  buried  by  Capt.  Mitchell  who  had  remained 
behind  some  time  to  complete  the  destruction  of  some  mills 
and  grain. 

At  Dover  Mills  we  halted  about  two  hours  on  the 
property  of  Mr,  Seddon,  the  Eebel  secretary  of  war.  No 
Union  troops  had  ever  been  here  before,  and  our  appearance 
created  great  excitement  and  consternation  among  the 
whites, —  while  the  contrabands  flocked  about  us  in  great 
numbers,  nearly  wild  with  joy.  The  negroes  invariably 
came  with  the  request  that  we  would  visit  their  master  or 
overseer,  and  arrest  or  punish  him  fo"  his  cruelty.  We  of 
course  declined  the  office  of  redressers  of  grievances  of  this 

The  ties  of  affection  we  sometimes  hear  about,  binding 
master  and  slave  together  under  the  patriarchal  institution, 
evidently  did  not  exist  in  Mr.  Seddon's  neighborhood,  how- 
ever it  might  be  elsewhere. 

At  this  point  we  destroyed  a  number  of  fine  mills,  several 
<janal  boats  with  army  supplies,  and  a  large  amount  of  flour, 
meal  and  grain.  A  lock  of  the  Richmond  and  Lynchburg 
canal  was  also  blown  up.  Besides  this,  we  captured  a  large 
number  of  5ne  horses.  In  fact  our  command  had  been 
able  to  keep  well  mounted  from  the  number  of  horses 
fiecured  up  to  this  time.  The  barn  of  Mr.  Seddon  was 
burned,  whether  by  accident  or  design  is  not  known.  It 
was  not  done  by  order  of  Col.  Dahlgren  The  negroes  on 
this  estate,  as  well  aa  those  of  a  Mr.  Morson  near  by,  were 
greatly  excited  and  exasperated,  and  invited  the  soldiers  to 
plunder,  themselves  setting  the  example.  Some  excesses 
were  committed  but  the  oflicers  exerted  themselves  to  the 
utmost  to  drive  the  soldiers  from  both  these  houses.     The 

.fun'^-fSs^.,  ".■'■-. »';fl 




Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 

I  ] 


ad  remained 
)f  some  mills 

ours  on  the 
of  war.  No 
ir  appearance 
1  among  the 
;  us  in  great 
es  invariably 
leir  master  or 
elty.  We  of 
ranees  of  this 

30ut,  binding 
al  institution, 
)orhood,  how- 
mills,  several 
lountof  flour, 
i  Lynchburg 
jtured  a  large 
nd  had  been 
)er  of  horses 
.  Seddon  was 
t  known,.  It 
le  negroes  on 
near  by,  were 
he  soldiers  to 
Some  excesses 
nselves  to  the 
houses.    Tho 

•rrcatest  damage  was  done  by  the  negroes,  who  seemed 
frantic  for  plunder  and  revenge;  it  was  especially  so  with 
ttie  women.  They  invaded  both  mansions  screaming  for 
silk  dresses,  breaking  furniture,  and  tearing  everything  to 
pieces  they  could  lay  hands  upon.  Pantries  and  closets 
wore  thoroughly  ransacked,  judging  from  the  appearance 
of  tho  ground  outside  the  house.  They  said  they  were 
nearly  starved,  overworked  and  cruelly  beaten  without 
cause,  and  certainly  exhibited  a  most  miserable  condition. 
The  extent  of  the  damage  I  did  not  observe,  having  been 
sent  by  Col.  Dahlgren  to  search  a  house  near  by  for  Rebel 
correspondence,  upon  information  given  by  negroes,  and 
only  returned  a  moment  before  we  resumed  the  march. 
But  it  is  certain  that  nothing  of  the  character  charged  upon 
us  by  the  Richmond  authorities  and  newspapers,  ever 
occurred^  such  as  wholesale  plundering,  wanton  destruction 
of  private  property,  carrying  off  plate  and  jewelry,  etc. 
On  the  contrary  the  soldiers  were  restrained  to  the  utmost, 
and  were  forced  to  return  such  plundered  articles  as  were 
found  in  their  possession.  It  was  impossible  to  prevent 
some  acts  of  disorder  being  committed  upon  the  pro- 
perty of  so  prominent  a  Rebel  official  as  Seddon,  espe- 
cially under  the  example  and  imitation  of  his  own  house 
servants;  but  as  to  carrying  off  his  plate  and  his  wife's 
jewelry,  I  can  say  that  I  observed  in  the  possession  of  one 
soldier  only,  anything  resembling  such  articles.  One  man 
had  a  sugar  basin,  cake  basket,  and  rouple  of  candlesticks, 
all  apparently  plaited  ware  of  a  very  cheap  description,  of  a 
pattern  found  in  every  shop  window.  These  I  ordered  the 
man  to  throw  down  upon  the  lawn,  and  they  were  left  lying 

therie.     If  Mrs.  Seddon's  plate  and  jewelry  were  all  of  the 


It     i 




HiSTOHic  Eecords. 

same  character  and  value,  she  will  be  able  to  replace  them 
without  difficulty  and  at  very  slight  expense. 

Sergt.  D.  n.  Scofield,  company  K,  learned  that  Gen 
Henry  A.  Wise  was  stopping  in  the  neighborhood,  and,  after 
some  search,  discovered  his  whereabouts.  He  went  to  the 
place  just  as  the  redoubtable  ex-governor  mounted  his 
horse.  Scofield  made  after  him,  and  quite  an  exciting  chase 
ensued.  The  hero  of  Hatteras  Island  was  not  inclined  to  a 
personal  encounter  even  with  a  single  man,  and,  being  well 
mounted,  succeeded  in  making  his  escape  into  the  woods. 

Unable  to  cross  the  James,  there  was  but  one  way 
open  to  us — the  western  pike,  running  along  the  river  and 
approaching  llichmond  from  the  west.  Leaving  a  small 
force  under  Capt.  Mitchell,  2d  New  York  cavalry,  to  burn 
some  mills  and  stores,  Bahlgren  pushed  rapidly  on  with  the 
rest  of  his  command  (halting  only  to  dispose  of  the  negro 
guide)  until  we  arrived  within  seven  miles  of  the  city  and 
■in  sight  of  the  outer  line  of  fortifications.  Here  we  halted 
about  three  P.  M.  at  a  cross  road.  Kilpatrick  had  been 
engaged  on  the  Brook  pike,  the  northern  approach  to  the 
city,  during  the  morning.  We  heard  his  guns  for  some 
time,  but  they  had  finally  ceased,  earlier  in  the  day.  Bahi- 
gren  immediately  dispatched  scouts  to  communicate  with 
him ;  they  never  returned.  We  ascertained  that  the  outer 
line  of  work  in  our  front  was  held  by  a  picket  only,  and  made 
preparations  to  attack  at  dark.  We  had  little  hope  of  ac- 
complishing more  than  a  reconnoissanoe.  Kilpatrick  had 
evidently  withdrawn,  and  we  could  not  hope  to  enter  the 
city  with  our  small  party  from  this  direction.  Thi  locomo- 
tive whistles  on  the  opposite  side  of  the  James  indicated 
thatreenforcements  were  rapidly  ccniing  in  from  the  direc- 

;0  replace  them 

ned  that  Gen 
liood,  and,  after 
He  went  to  the 
r  mounted  his 

exciting  chase 
ot  inclined  to  a 
and,  being  well 
to  the  woods. 

but  one  way 
;  the  river  and 
saving  a  small 
avalry,  to  burn 
dly  on  with  the 
le  of  the  negro 
of  the  city  and 
Here  we  halted 
trick  had  been 
pproach  to  the 
guns  for  some 
he  day.  Bahi- 
imunicate  with 
1  that  the  outer 
only,  and  made 
tie  hope  of  ac- 
Kilpatrick  had 
ipe  to  enter  the 
Th3  locomo- 
nmes  indicated 
from  the  direc- 

•5*e««a,w<,^.treSJ?1^f,'^|J»2  fr**«*!-«''  «i.-*««-<«,-.-«^-<^,"'^.'-.j^,.,,„,5^*„ 

Fifth  New  Yokk  Cavalry. 


tion  of  Petersburg.  But  Ddhlgreu  observed  chat  we  could 
gain  some  information  of  the  ground  and  character  of  the 
defenses  which  might  be  useful  at  a  future  day.  and  besides, 
•yt  were  all  unwilling  to  withdraw  without  at  least  an 
attempt  to  carry  out  the  object  of  the  expedition,  however 
improbable  the  chances  of  success.  We  learned  from  per- 
sons coming  from  the  city,  whom  we  arrested,  that  Gen. 
Kilpatrick  had  retired  after  the  attack  in  the  morning,  and 
the  scouts  having  failed  to  report  Lieut.  Reuben  Bartley, 
United  States  signal  corps  who  accompanied  the  expedition. 
wa«,  towards  evening,  sent  out  with  a  party  to  endeavor  to 
find  Kilpatrick  or  communicate  with  him.  He  proceeded 
across  the  country  to  the  Brook  pike  and  approached  to  within 
'd  few  miles  of  the  city,  but  without  success.  He  ascertained, 
aowever,  that  a  large  force  of  Eebel  cavalry  was  out,  and 
iiad  great  difficulty  in  avoiding  several  parties.  As  soon  as 
evening  set  in  Lieut.  Bartley  endeavored  to  open  communi- 
cation with  rockets  but  his  signals  were  not  replied  to. 

Before  attacking  the  enemy  it  was  necessary  to  dispose 
of  the  ambulance  containing  signal  rockets,  materials  for 
biirning  bridges,  &c.,  together  with  the  negroes — several 
hundreds  having  followed  us,  on  foot  and  mounted,  some 
with  bundles  containing  their  movable  possessions,  some 
with  an  extra  horse  taken  from  the  plantation  in  renumera- 
tion  for  services  rendered,  others  barefoot  and  almost  naked, 
but  all  happy  in  the  conviction  that  they  werr  free.  They 
were  sent  off  in  the  direction  of  Hungary  Station  and 
awaited  us  near  an  old  church  which  the  signal  officer  had 
selected  for  observations. 

Arrangements  being  completed,  at  dusk,  we  moved  down 
upon  the  enemy's  pickets,  who  hastily  retired,  evidently  in 





_3I     U,J 


Historic  Record?. 

surprise.  Wo  pursued  them  rapidly  inside  the  outer  line 
of  defenses  —  earthworks  aubstantialiy  constructed,  but 
not  mounted.  The  first  real  opposition  we  met  was  near  the 
second  line.  Here  they  had  rallied  a  considerable  force, 
and  evidently  intended  to  make  a  stand  under  the  protec- 
tion of  a  piece  of  woods  where  the  road  made  a  bend.  Our 
charge  in  column  was  received  with  a  heavy  volley,  and  it 
became  necessary  to  deploy,  to  dislodge  them.  Our  men  in 
the  advance  were  quickly  formed  on  the  right  of  the  road 
as  skirmishers,  and  by  gaining  a  position  well  up  on  the 
flank  of  the  enemy,  assisted  materially  in  driving  them  out, 
which  was  done  after  three  chc.rgea  led  by  Col.  Dahlgren 
and  Major  Cooke.  The  Rebels,  consisting  entirely  of  in- 
fantry, including  the  Richmond  City  battalion,  broke  across 
the  fields  for  the  town.  Our  men  were  dismounted  and 
pursued  them  with  the  utmost  impetuosity.  The  small 
column  kept  mounted  on  the  pike  alone  maintaining  their 
forui.ition.  It  was  a  scrub  race, —  across  fields,  fences  and 
stone  walls,  we  pressed  after  them,  rallying,  and  scattering 
them  repeatedly  as  they  attempted  to  dispute  our  advance 
whenever  a  wall  or  house  aflForded  shelter.  Between  for- 
midable works,  over  rifle  pits,  ditches  and  every  obstruction, 
with  a  cheer,  a  run  and  a  volley  from  our  Spencers,  we 
crowded  them  back  to  the  edge  of  the  city.  Here  we 
encountered  a  heavy  force  formed  in  line  of  battle.  It  was 
now  dark  and  the  gas  lights  burning.  We  were  inside  the 
city  limits,  though  the  houses  were  scattered.  Many  of  our 
boys  expected  at  last  to  see  the  inside  of  the  Rebel  capitol. 
But  the  force  in  front  was  soon  found  to  be  too  great  for  ua 
to  contend  with.  Formed  in  skirmish  line  we  could  not 
entirely  cover  them.     Still  our  men  advanced  gallantly  to 

.:!<*vn!'  -■■ 


he  outer  line 
structed,  but 
t  was  near  the 
lerable  force, 
jr  the  proteo- 

a  bend.  Our 
volley,  and  it 
Our  men  in 
it  of  the  road 
ell  up  on  the 
ring  them  out. 
Col.  Dahlgren 
jntirely  of  in- 
1,  broke  across- 
imounted  and 
The  small 
itaining  their 
Is,  fences  and 
and  scattering 
>  our  advance 

Between  for- 
ry  obstruction, 

Spencers,  we 
ty.  Here  we 
attle.  It  was 
ere  inside  the 
Many  of  our 
Rebel  capitol. 
DO  great  for  ua 
we  could  not 
d  gallantly  to 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


the  attack,  and  even  forced  them  back  somewhat  from  their 
position,  stubbornly  hok!>Qg  all  we  gained.  Their  right 
rested  upon  a  hill  descending  abruptly  into  a  swampy  flat. 
This  we  could  not  turn  in  consequence  of  our  small  num- 
bers, and  the  colonel  soon  decided  to  withdraw.  He  said 
we  hr.d  gone  "  far  enough  " —  and  indeed  had  militia  ardor 
been  any  of  the  most  ardent,  we  would  have  found  it  quite 
too  far.  Leaving  Capt.  Mitchell  with  a  strong  party  to 
cover  our  rear  and  check  either  pursuit  or  attack,  Dahlgren 
proceeded  to  collect  his  scattered  force,  picking  up  a'l  the 
wounded  we  could  find  in  the  dark.  Having  no  means  of 
conveyance,  the  assistant  surgeon  of  the  2d  New  York  was 
left  in  charge  of  them,  and  fell  into  the  enemy's  hands. 

We  retired  leisurely  and  without  the  slightest  annoyance 
from  the  enemy.  Their  loss  was  variously  stated  by  their 
newspapers  to  be  from  forty  to  seventy  killed  and  wounded, 
including  several  oflScers.  We  h^d  but  one  officer  wounded, 
Lieut.  Harris,  5th  Michigan  cavalry.  Our  losses  in  all 
could  not  be  ascertained  but  probably  did  not  exceed  a 
dozen  or  fifteen. 

The  route  now  pursued  was  in  the  direction  of  Hungary 
Station,  on  the  Central  rail  road,  taking  up  the  signal  officer 
and  the  rest  sent  away  in  the  afternoon.  Wo  were  obliged 
to  force  a  citizen  to  become  our  guide,  as  the  scout,  sent  from 
headquarters  for  that  purpose,  although  assuring  us  that  he 
kne'^  every  foot  of  ground  within  thirty  miles  of  Rich- 
mond, proved  utterly  inefficient.  No  one  engaged  in  that 
night's  march  will  ever  forget  its  difficulties.  The  storm 
had  set  in  with  renewed  fury.  The  fierce  wind  drove  the  rain, 
snoT7  and  sleet.  The  darkness  was  rendered  more  intense  by 
the  thick  pines  which  overgrew  the  road,  and  which  dashed 



u  \ 

1 1'  ; 

i     f 

"^  if 




Historic  Recoeds. 

into  our  faces  almost  an  avalanche  of  water  at  every  step. 
Using  unfrequented  wood  roads  we  were  halted  frequently 
to  remove  trees  fallen  across  the  path,  and  to  trace  the  course 
with  our  hands,  for  even  the  sagacity  of  the  horses  was  often 
at  fault.  Tired  and  exhausted  the  men  fell  asleep  upon  their 
horses.  It  became  necessary  to  march  by  file,  and  at  every 
turn  of  the  path  to  pass  the  word  down  to  "turn  to  the  right" 
or  keep  to  the  left  of  the  tree.  It  was  utterly  impossible  to 
see  a  yard  in  advance.  Slowly  and  laboriously  we  toiled 
through  ^ — the  jaded  animals  stumbling  and  falling  down, 
and  when  we  finally  reached  Hungary  Station,  discovered 
that  Capt.  Mitchell  and  his  party  had  become  separated 
from  us.  They  were  unable  to  track  us,  although  following 
close  in  our  rear,  but,  more  fortunate  than  ourselves,  suc- 
ceeded, after  hiding  in  the  woods  all  night,  in  making  their 
way  to  Kilpitrick,  whom  they  joined  next  day  near  White 

Lt.  Bartley  had  been  informed  by  contrabands,  that  Gen. 
Kilpatrick  had  gone  down  the  peninsula,  with  a  large  force 
of  the  enemy  in  his  rear.  Concluding,  therefore,  that  it 
was  impracticable  to  join  him,  Dahlgren,  after  consultation, 
decided  upon  making  for  Gloucester  Point  to  join  Gen.  But- 
ler's army.  We  crossed  the  Chickahominy  at  McClellan's 
bridge,  and,  soon  after,  came  upon  a  rebel  ambulance  train 
returning  to  Richmond  with  wounded  from  the  scene  of  an 
attack  made  that  night,  upon  the  2d  Brigade  of  Kilpatrick's 
Division.  For  some  time  they  were  not  aware  of  our  char- 
acter, but  were  loud  in  their  boasts  that  they  had  driven  off 
the  Yankees  —  their  surprise  was  ludici^us  when  Col.  Dahl- 
gren  informed  them  that  we  were  Yankees,  and  asked  "  if 
they  did  not  think  they  were  a  nice  lot  of  fellows." — De- 

,t  every  step, 
cd  frequently 
ice  the  course 
irses  was  often 
ep  upon  their 
,  and  at  every 
1  to  the  right" 
impossible  to 
3ly  we  toiled 
falling  down, 
n,  discovered 
ome  separated 
mgh  following 
lurselves,  suc- 
I  making  their 
ly  near  White 

ads,  that  Gen. 
1  a  large  force 
•efore,  that  it 
r  consultation, 
join  Gen.  But- 
at  McClellan's 
[ibulance  train 
be  scene  of  an 
of  Kilpatrick's 
:e  of  our  char- 
had  driven  oflf 
[len  Col.  Dahl- 
nd  asked  "  if 
ellows." — De- 


Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


taining  them  long  enough  to  enable  us  to  close  up  our  own 
men,  and  after  conversing  with  some  of  our  wounded  in  the 
ambulances,  but  failing  to  gain  any  inforrxtion  to  guide  us, 
we  dismissed, —  t  anticipating  immediate  pursuit, 
proceeded  rapidly  towards  the  Pamunkey  river.  Wo  reached 
Hanovertown  ferry  about  8  o'clock  A.  M.  Wednesday.  The 
river  was  very  high,  and  the  flat-boat  used  at  the  ferry  had 
been  removed,  but  we  discovered  it  hidden  among  the 
bushes  on  the  opposite  bank.  Several  of  the  boys  stripped 
oflF  their  clothing  and  two  succeeded  in  swimming  over  and 
bringing  back  the  boat.  The  tow  rope  was  found,  and  quick- 
ly stretched  across  and  made  fast. —  Several  hours  were  con- 
sumed in  crossing.  As  soon  as  all  hands  were  over  we 
continued  our  march  for  the  Mattapony  river,  encountering 
and  dispersing  several  small  parties  of  the  enemy. 

After  driving  out  a  party  of  Rebels  at  Ayletts,  we  crossed 
the  Mattapony  about  2  p.  m.  using  the  ferry  boat,  (fortu- 
nately discovered  some  distance  down  the  river),  for  the 
men,  and  swimming  the  horses.  The  crossing  was  effected 
in  about  an  hour.  When  half  the  party  had  crossed  an 
attack  was  made  upon  us,  but  it  was  easily  repulsed  by  a 
few  skirmishers. 

After  crossing  the  Mattapony  until  we  reached  the  scene 
of  final  disaster,  we  were  engaged  in  constant  skirmishing 
with  the  enemy  who  had  collected  from  every  point  to  op- 
pose our  march.  But  a  single  road  was  available,  and  at 
every  point  of  woods  we  were  assailed  by  a  volley  from 
shot  guns,  carbines  and  rifles.  Our  flankers  were  captured 
almost  as  soon  as  sent  out.  The  enemy  invariably  declined 
coming  to  close  quarters,  scattering  before  our  repeated 
charges.      Notwithstanding  the  annoyances,  our  progress, 

.,    ! 

11  t 



Historic  Records. 

though  slow,  was  Htoady  until  about  6  p.  M.,  when  wo  were 
forced  to  make  a  long  halt  to  feed  both  horsea  and  men, 
both  being  utterly  prostrated  with  fatigue  and  hunger.  We 
stopped  soon  after  crossing  the  Anseamancock  creek,  and  a 
few  miles  from  King  and  Queen  Court  House.  Cora  was 
procured  in  oviple  quantity  from  a  barn  near  by, and  the  men 
prooeedc(^  to  cook  their  first  meal  for  nearly  thirty-six  hours. 
Our  party  had  become  reduced  to  about  seventy  men.  Seve- 
ral had  been  captured  during  the  day,  and  a  few  wounded 
and  left  from  necessity.  Nearly  all  the  effective  force  was 
with  Capt.  Mitchell,  and  consequently  lost  the  night  before. 
One  hundred  to  one  hundred  and  fifty  contrabands  still  ad- 
hered to  us.  Ammunition  was  mostly  exhausted,  the  ma- 
jority of  the  men  having  none  at  all.  Some  were  slightly 
wounded,  or  so  much  exhausted  as  to  be  useless,  but  we 
still  hoped  to  succeed  in  reaching  Gloucester  Point,  opposite 
to  which  we  would  find  some  of  Gen.  Butler's  army.  After 
three  hours' rest  we  aroused  the  men,  not  without  exertion, 
and  after  getting  them  mounted,  resumed  the  march.  The 
night  was  again  -tioririy,  a  drizzling  rain  falling.  The  road, 
as  usual,  rar  through  thick  pine  woods,  rendering  every  ob- 
ject invisible. 

The  first  evidence  of  the  enemy's  being  in  advance  was 
the  absence  of  three  men  sent  upon  picket  a  short  distance 
ahead  of  our  halting  place.  Very  soon  after  the  discovery 
we  were  challenged.  The  advance  guard  consisted  of  but 
six  men,  all  that  could  be  spared  from  the  column.  Col. 
Dahlgren  had  ridden  to  the  head  of  the  advance  guard  a 
momvJit  before  we  were  challenged  by  the  enemy.  He  was 
immediately  followed  by  Major  Cooke.  I  responded  to  the 
challenge  by  demanding  "  who  are  you  ?"  The  word  was  re- 


_^-rnarw^*^r?f  >^'  ^.-t*''  rv,: ... ,  ,-.,  r,:;-.  .... . .  ..,»..,»„5p_^,,  _,^.,,,.^    ,, 

Fifth  New  Youk  Cavalry. 


lien  we  were 
ae8  and  men, 
hunger.  We 
creek,  and  a 
).  Cora  was 
■,and  the  men 
irty-six  hours, 
y  men.  Seve- 
Few  wounded 
ive  force  was 
night  before, 
lands  still  ad- 
sted,  the  ma- 
were  slightlj 
sless,  but  we 
'olnt,  opposite 
army.  After 
.out  exertion, 
march.  The 
g.  The  road, 
ring  every  ob- 

advance  was 
short  distance 
the  discovery 
isisted  of  but 
jolumn.  Col. 
vance  guard  a 
imy.  He  was 
ponded  to  the 
i  word  was  re- 

peated and  the  colonel  immediately  culled  out,  "  surrender  or 
we  will  shoot  you  "--and  snapped  his  pistol,  the  cap  only 
exploding.  The  next  instant  a  heavy  volley  was  poured  in 
upon  us.  The  flash  of  the  pieces  aflbrded  us  a  momentary 
glimpse  of  their  position  stretching  parallel  with  the  road 
about  fifteen  paces  from  us.  Every  tree  was  occupied,  and 
the  bushes  poured  forth  a  sheet  of  fire.  A  bullet  grazing 
my  leg  and  probably  .striking  my  horse  somewhere  in  the 
neck,  caused  him  to  make  a  violent  spring  sideways.  I  was 
aware  of  some  one  dropping  beside  me,  and  attracted  by  a 
movement  upon  the  ground,  demanded  who  ii  was.  Major 
Cooke  replied,  that  his  horse  had  been  shot.  Neither  of 
ns  knew,  at  the  moment,  of  the  death  of  Dahlgren,  though 
he  was  not  four  feet  from  us  when  he  fell.  A  scout 
who  had  been  somewhat  in  advance,  new  returned  and 
reported  that  the  road  was  barricaded  two  hundred  yards 
ahead,  and  wiis  impassable.  In  a  moment  a  heavy  fire  was 
opened  upon  the  flank  and  rear  of  our  column.  Major 
Cooke  desired  me  to  go  back  and  assist  the  colonel  to  take 
care  of  it.  We  both  supposed  he  had  escaped,  as  not  a 
groan  was  heard,  and  everything  was  invisible  in  the  dark- 
ness. Leaving  Major  Cooke,  who  was  extricating  himself 
from  his  horse,  I  rode  back  to  the  column.  Dahlgren  waa 
not  there,  and  I  now  knew  that  he  had  fallen,  as  there  were 
but  four  in  the  group  ahead  when  the  volley  was  fired 

Instantly  ordering  all  who  had  ammunition  to  fire  into 
the  bushes  to  check  a  charge,  which  would  have  routed  us, 
the  column  was  moved  ahead,  until  a  slight  opening  in  the 
thick  woods  enabled  us  to  turn  off  the  road  and  form  into 
line.  The  road  was  graded  down  about  four  feet  with 
perpendicular  banks  supported  by.  cedar  boughs  interlaced. 


.'    .i 





Historic  Recobds. 

in  a  manner  tUMjuently  soon  in  Virginia.  OrJoring  the 
fence  thrown  down,  the  men  were  immediately  brought  into 
line,  lacing  the  road.  Major  Cooke  had  now  returned. 
Wo  soon  dincovered  that  we  were  in  a  small  clearing  on 
rising  ground  surrounded  by  the  forest.  Moving  back  a 
few  yards  for  more  space,  we  massed  the  negroes  compactly 
in  the  rear,  and  awaited  the  enemy.  The  men  stood  per- 
fectly firm  though  almost  all  of  them  were  utterly  destitute 
of  animunition,  and  fully  aware  of  the  hopelessness  of  our 
position.  After  a  time  we  discovered  that  the  enemy  did 
not  propose  to  attack  us.  We  wore  aware  that  two  battalions 
of  cavalry  were  at  King  and  Queen  Court  House,  which  we 
hoped  to  flank  by  a  road  about  two  miles  from  the  town.  Wo 
were  now  cut  ofiF  from  this  road  by  the  force  ahead  and  the 
barricades.  There  was  no  other  road  in  the  vicinity  but  the 
one  we  had  been  marching  upon.  The  country  was  broken 
up  in  rough  hills,  thickly  wooded,  or  dense  jungles,  render- 
ing it  utterly  impracticable  to  make  our  way  across  the  coun- 
try mounted.  We  were  also  cut  off  from  the  rear,  and  could 
not  retrace  our  steps,  and  soon  discovered  that  we  were 
entirely  surrounded.  The  two  prisoners,  during  the  cou- 
fusion,  had  made  their  escape,  as  well  as  thu  citizen  guide 
whom  we  had  pressed  into  service,  and  th"  enemy  were 
aware  that  our  ammunition  was  exhausted.  An  inspection 
showed  that  less  than  thirty  rounds  remained  in  the  whole 
party.  I  had  but  a  single  pistol  cartridge  myself,  which  I 
had  reserved  for  a  last  recourse. 

Uader  these  disastrous  circumstances,  Major  Cooke,  after 
a  consultation  with  Lt.  Bartley  and  myself,  decided  upon 
the  necessity  of  breaking  up  the  party  in  the  hope  of  get- 
ing  through  the  enemy's  line  dismounted,  and  by  spreading 

FiFTU  New  York  Cavalry. 


Ordering  the 
y  brought  into 
now  returned, 
ill  clcuring  on 
Moving  back  a 
;roe8  compactly 
men  stood  per- 
tterly  destitute 
lessuess  of  our 
the  enemy  did 
,t  two  battalions 
)U8e,  which  wo 
the  town.  Wo 
ahead  and  the 
vicinity  but  the 
try  was  broken 
uugles,  render- 
icross  the  coun- 
rear,  and  could 

that  we  were 
uring  the  cou- 
li  citizen  guide 
h"  enemy  were 

An  inspection 
id  in  the  whole 
nyself,  which  I 

jor  Cooke,  after 
decided  upon 
le  hope  of  get- 
ad  by  spreading 

out  in  twos  and  threes,  to  baffle  pursuit,  and  accomplish  the 
remaining  twenty-five  miles  which  we  estimated  to  be  the 
distance  to  Gloucester  Point.  Major  Cooke  and  myself 
together  made  a  careful  reconnoissauce,  and  found  that  we 
were  closely  surrounded  by  a  large  force.  Their  fires  could 
be  seen  at  several  pointa,  and  so  near  were  they  that  their 
voices,  in  conversation,  were  plainly  audible.  The  men  were 
dismounted,  and  ordered  to  drive  tlieir  sabres  into  the 
ground  and  picket  their  horses  to  them,  it  being  impossible  to 
kill  the  animals  without  attracting  notice.  The  Spencer  car- 
bines were  destroyed  by  removing  and  throwing  away,  or 
burying  the  chambers,  and  breaking  the  magazine  tubes. 
The  me'ii  were  instructed  to  take  only  their  bolts,  revolvers 
and  haversacks,  that  they  might  not  be  impeded  b/  a  heavy 
load  which  would  be  soon  abandoned,  affording  evidence  of 
the  trail,  and  assist  pursuit.  As  soon  as  these  arrangements 
were  silently  made,  we  desired  them  to  select  companions 
ind  to  form  into  parties  of  three  or  four,  when  we  gave  them 
the  points  of  direction  as  nearly  as  could  be  determined, 
and  bade  them  good  bye.  One  of  the  men  made  a  collec- 
tion of  cartridges  and  brought  me  a  charge  for  two  revolvers. 
I  shall  never  forget  the  kind  act. 

About  forty  men  departed  in  this  manner,  the  rest,  being 
too  much  exhausted,  remained  on  the  ground  and  surren- 
dered themselves  next  morning.  The  negroes  we  had  to 
abandon  to  their  fate.  After  all  who  could  do  so,  had  with- 
drawn, Major  Cooke,  Lieut.  Bartley,  myself  and  three 
scouts,  took  our  departure,  which  we  effected  by  creeping 
on  hands  and  knees  for  about  half  a  mile,  between  the 
different  parties  and  posts  of  the  Rebels.  We  traveled 
until  daybreak  when  we  secreted  ourselves  in  a  jungle  of 

i)  . 


1  m 


Historic  Records. 

young  pines,  where  we  passed  the  day  principally  in  sleep, 
which  we  greatly  needed.  When  night  returned  we  re- 
sumed our  journey.  After  traveling  several  miles  we  con- 
cluded to  stop  at  an  isolated  cabin  to  procure  food.  We 
entered  the  place  and  found  an  old  man,  overseer  of  the 
plantation,  and  his  wife.  They  consented  with  apparent 
willingness  to  give  us  supper,  and  prepare  a  supply  of  food 
to  carry  with  us,  for  which  we  offered  to  pay  liberally.  The 
old  man  built  a  blazing  fire  and  we  all  gathered  around  the 
hearth  to  infuse  a  little  warmth  into  our  benumbed  limbs. 
Suddenly  the  door  was  opened  and  before  we  could  grasp 
our  pistols  from  beneath  our  clothing,  where  we  bad  carried 
them,  to  keep  them  dry,  the  room  was  filled  with  soldiers, 
who  demanded  our  surrender,  and  we  were  forced  to  comply. 

The  lead  •  of  the  party  was  the  owner  of  the  plantation, 
captain  of  home  guards,  and  Rev.  Mr.  Bagley,  pastor  of  a 
Baptist  church.  This  gentleman  of  three-fold  calling  took 
us  to  his  own  house  near  by,  where  a  plentiful  supper  was 
already  prepared  for  his  band,  who  had  been  beating  the 
woods  all  day  in  search  of  our  fugitives.  The  chagriu 
occasioned  by  our  escape  from  their  well  contrived  ambush 
had  stimulated  their  exertions,  and  they  had  been  rewarded 
with  almost  comploto  success,  only  three  of  our  party 
making  good  their  escape.  The  country  was  completely 
aroused.  Every  man,  and  even  women,  children  and  dogs 
took  part  in  the  search. 

We  were  apparently  objects  of  great  interest.  Numbers 
came  to  gratify  their  curiosity  with  a  view  of  us.  Our 
captors  guarded  us  most  assiduously,  pistol  in  hand,  or,  while 
engaged  at  supper,  kept  them  beside  their  plates.  Major 
Cooke  asserts  that  the  parson  said  grace  with  a  cocked  revol- 

■''•.' ^  ■■-■■•' -'?^^s«»^jss*a^!igi«%fi^iii^ji^^  ^ 

TiFTH  New  York  Cavalry. 


pally  in  sleep, 
turned  we  re- 
miles  we  con- 
re  food.  We 
verseer  of  the 
with  apparent 
supply  of  food 
liberally.  The 
:ed  around  the 
lumbed  limbs, 
ve  could  grasp 
(re  had  carried 
with  soldiers, 
ced  to  comply, 
the  plantation, 
y,  pastor  of  a 
id  calling  took 
ul  supper  was 
en  beating  the 
The  chagrin 
trived  ambush 
been  rewarded 
of  our  party 
as  completely 
dreu  and  dogs 

ist.  Numbers 
J  of  us.  Our 
land,  or,  while 
plates.  Major 
,  cocked  revel- 

er in  his  hand.  After  supper  we  were  removed  to  the  "best 
room,"  where  shake  downs  were  prepared,  and  we  viewed 
with  great  satisfaction  the  arrangements  for  a  good  right's 
rest.     Our  slumbers  were  guarded  by  five  vigilant  parti- 
sans, sitting  cross   kneed   with  leveled  revolvers.     Twice 
(luring   the   night  I   was   aroused   by   the   ceremony    of 
changing  guard,  but  found   them  always  on  the  alert,  a 
pistol  being  brought  to  bear  upon  me  the  moment  my  eyes 
opened.     They  were  .withal  courteous  enough,  except  that 
tliey  would  inflict  upon  us  their  views  on  the  secession  and 
war  questions,  and  scoff  at  the  folly  of  attempting  to  conquer 
the  South,  and  while  treating  us  with  no  small  degree  of 
deference,  would  assert  their  profound  contempt  for  Yankees 

Next  morning,  after  a  breakfast  the  precise  counterpart 
of  supper,  and  which  1  hold   in  grateful  remembrance  to 
this  day,  and  reverted  to  in  imagination  many  a  time  during 
subsequent  days  of  short  commons,  the  parson  politely  but 
firm'y  demanded  our  watches,  and  other  articles  of  personal 
property,  which  were  handed  over  with  no  little  reluctance 
and  indignation.     Seeming  to  think  that  some  apology  was 
necessary  for  conduct  so  plainly  in  violation  of  both  clerical 
and  military  character,  he  explained  that  his  loss  had  been 
very  great,  and  "  that  it  was  his  only  means  of  making  him- 
self whole."     Besides,  he  remarked,  if  he  did  not  get  the 
plunder  it  would  be  taken  from  us  in  Richmond,  and  he 
might  as  well  have  it  as  the  officials  there,  who   were  all 
thieves  and  raacals.  "Well,  perhaps  the  parson  was  right.  He 
certainly  estimated  his  Richmond  friends  at  tht'  true  stand- 
ard of  morality. 

From  these  people  we  learned  .the  particulars  of  Dahl- 


'      1  • 

t ' 


-•  Iff 


Historic  Records. 

gren's  fate.i  His  body  was  found  perforated  with  five 
bullets,  and  his  death  had  been  instantaneous.  One  of  them, 
a  physician,  au  intelligent,  and  in  appearance,  respectable 
man,  assured  me  that  the  remains  were  buried  in  a  decent 
manner.  He  said  that  the  best  joiner  in  the  neighborhood 
had  been  employed  to  make  the  coffin,  which  was  of  stained 
wood,  the  best  material  available.  He  alro  stated  that  it 
was  the  universal  wish  to  give  a  fitting  burial  to  so  gallant 
a  soldier.  It  was  an  after  thought  which  doubtless  eminated 
from  Richmond,  to  disinter,  and  heap  wrath  and  indignity 
upon  the  senseless  corpse  of  a  dauntless  foe.  We  were 
subsequently  informed  that  the  body  had  been  mutilated 
before  burial  by  a  Lieut.  Hart,  7th  Virginia  cavalry,  who 
severed  one  of  the  fingers  to  possess  himself  of  a  valuable 
ring  worn  by  tie  colonel;  but  the  act  was  regarded  as  so 
disgraceful,  that  several  soldiers  of  the  same  regiment  who 
witnessed  the  act  and  informed  us  of  it,  said  that  the 
scoundrel  deserved  to  be  shot. 

After  breakfast  Friday  morning,  March  4th,  we  were 
turned  over  to  Capt.  Magruder  of  the  cavalry,  who  escorted 
us  to  Biohmond,  a  distance  of  forty  miles,  where  we  arrived 
Saturday  evening,  foot  sore  and  hungry,  to  be  transferred  to 
the  tender  mercies  of  Major  Thomas  P.  Turner,  and  his 

1  As  our  book  goes  to  press  (November,  1866)  we  find  a  telegram 
in  the  papers,  relating  to  the  remains  of  Col.  Dahlgren,  which  we 
gladly  insert  in  our  pages.  The  search  for  his  remains  was  long 
and  earnest,  and  finally  successful.  *'  Philadelphia,  Penn.,  Nov. 
Ist.  The  remains  of  Col.  Ulrio  Dahlgren  laid  in  state  in  Inde- 
pendence Hall  during  the  night  and  the  funeral  took  place  this 
morning.  Among  the  distinguished  mourners  were  Admiral 
Dahlgren,  Generals  Meade  and  Humphries  and  Major  Henry." 


ted    with  five 
One  of  them, 
se,  respectable 
id  in  a  decent 
was  of  stained 
stated  that  it 
1  to  so  gallant 
tless  euiinated 
and  indignity 
be.     We  were 
een  mutilated 
i  cavalry,  who 
of  a  valuable 
regarded  as  so 
regiment  who 
said  that  the 

4th,  we  were 
J,  who  escorted 
lere  we  arrived 
8  transferred  to 
urner,  and  his 

e  find  a  telegram 
tlgren,  which  we 
emains  was  long 
ihia,  Penn.,  Nov. 
in  state  in  Inde- 
took  place  this 
8  were  Admiral 
[ajor  Henry." 




Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


fellow  Samaritan,  Inspector  Dick  Turner,  who  provided  us 
with  a  dungeon  in  the  cellar  of  Libby  Prison,  where  we 
were  considerately  informed  we  should  remain  until 
arrangements  were  completed  to  hang  us. 

It  would  be  improper  to  conclude  this  paper  without 
alluding  to  the  good  conduct  of  the  men  of  the  Fifth  New 
York.  Through  the  entire  raid  their  behavior  elicited  fre- 
quent and  earnest  commendation  from  Col.  Dahlgren,  and 
reflected  credit  upon  the  regiment.  But  all  connected  with 
the  expedition  did  their  duty  well,  and  if  gallantry  or 
endurance  could  have  won  success  they  would  not  have 
failed  to  grasp  it.  All  entered  ardently  into  the  spirit  of 
the  enterprise,  inspired  by  the  example  of  the  "  one  legged 
colonel,"  whose  noble  memory  no  Eebel  vandal  can  ever 
mutilate  or  tarnish. 

Casualties  of  the  5th  N.  Y.  Cavalry. 

Lieut.  H.  A.  D.  Merritt,  Co.K,  captured,  escaped  from  prison,  Co- 
lumbia, S.  C,  November  28,  1864. 
Corp.  Alfred  Richards,  Co.  I,  captured,  survived,  and  was  exch'd. 
Pvt.  Charles  F.  Smith,  "    "        "  «  <•       «        « 

"  John  A.  Lundin, 
Corp.  George  Munroe, 
Pvt.  John  Phillips, 

"     James  D.  Dowd, 

"      David  Howe, 

"  Franz  Briell, 
Sgt.  John  Hardy, 
Pvt.  Frank  Wood, 

"      Herman  Harmes, 
Farrier  James  Welsh,     •«   K, 
Pvt.  George  Tresch,        "   " 

March  4<A.  A  detail  of  the  regiment  for  picket  remained 

"  K, 

<<  <i 

(<  (( 

II  it 

f«  (I 

"  I, 

i<  <( 






died  at  Andersonville,  Qa. 

11    II  II              II 

i<    II  II              II 

II    II  II              II 

'I    II  II              « 

K  », 


t  ^\ 



■ii.n'ST-s.Sff-faifs  :.■ 



Historic  Records. 

here  when  the  raiders  left.  To-day  they  were  attacked 
near  Fields'  Ford,  by  bushwhackers,  and  severely  handled. 

March  Wth.  Our  pickets  were  again  attacked  near 
Southard's  Cross  Roads,  but  succeeded  in  driving  the  eueuiy 
away,  after  a  brief  engagement. 

March  12</t.  Judt  before  dark,  our  weary  raiders  returned 
to  camp,  making  the  hills  resound  with  their  shouts  of  joy. 
From  them  we  learn  the  following  particulars.  Kilpatrick 
moved  his  command  rapidly,  reaching  the  fortifications  of 
llichmond  in  the  afternoon  of  March  1st.  A  vigorous 
attack  was  made  on  these  fortified  lines,  while  the  general 
waited  to  hear  from  Dahlgren,  who,  by  the  perfidy  of  a 
guide,  failed  to  fulfill  his  part  of  the  programme.  At  night 
Kilpatrick  withdrew,  crossed  the  Ghickahominy  at  r>I«adow 
Bridge,  and,  in  the  midst  of  a  drizzling  storm  of  sleet  and 
hail,  bivouacked  with  his  weary  troopers.  Scarcely  had 
the  bivouac  fires  begun  to  illuminate  the  darkness  of  tho 
night,  when  Hampton's  Legions  made  a  desperate  attack 
upon  our  forces.  All  that  dreary  night  our  men  marched, 
and,  continuing  their  journey  the  next  day,  they  passed  by 
Old  Church,  where  they  scattered  the  last  band  of  Rebels 
that  hung  upon  their  rear.  The  march  was  continued 
down  the  Peninsula.  Annoyed  only  occasionally  by  bush- 
whackers on  their  way,  our  boys  finally  found  safety  and 
rest  in  the  department  of  General  Butler,  near  Yorktown. 
The  division  was  brought  in  transports  to  Alexandria, 
whence  it  marched  to  its  camps  at  Stevensburg. 

March  14/A.  The  veterans  left  this  morning  for  home  on 
their  thircy-five  days'  furloughs.  They  were  a  happy  com- 

April  22d.     Our  division  of  cavalry,  with  a  large  force 

ri>»jitw;-^)iJj?^^^|S5V?y  Jg?»'%»!s!>r,0>^->«^'- -^^^  ,-~t^ 


;re  attacked 
iy  handled, 
tacked   near 
g  tlie  enemy 

lers  returned 
liouts  of  joy. 
^ifications  of 
A  vigorous 
the  general 
perfidy  of  a 
ne.  At  night 
y  at  Meadow 
of  sleet  and 
Scarcely  had 
•kness  of  the 
)erate   attack 
uen  marched, 
dey  passed  by 
md  of  Rebels 
as   continued 
ally  by  bush- 
ad  safety  and 
ar  Yorktown. 
I  Alexandria, 


;  for  home  on 

a  happy  com- 
a  large  force 





c,        »=.-  ' 

_  ;  '        ^ 





II     ' 


Ih  ■  ■  :«is    Recovds. 

{..■rf.    «'.  :.    i;j«    ■■  .-iit-r'.    '>••».     To  J":?    !^u^y  wern   attack«.-i 
■j«u:   F  ■ :  ■     '-i   '*'  .mrfhwH^ti.-*'!*.  »U''' severely  hiiDdle<J 
^     ^     ufrf     Our    ;(..Uf#    wuro    a:iT*in    attacked    u-mr 
t- ,*s  Roau>4,i.iit.  suoceoded  it.  siriviug  the  eaeuij' 
j;  brief  eimagei««ttt. 
./«:,.;/.  1'2<A..  .1iiK«  bel'ore  dark,  oar  weury  raiders  rctunwd 
;,...  *-amp,  makiug  the  hills  resound  with  tUeir  sbouts  of  juy 
!■  rem;  tl>«u!  wa  leara  the  following  part.iottI(»rr .     Kilpaipck 
moVKil  his  couuiiaud  rapitily,   reachiug  thu  furtificationv  of 
'li.hiuond    in   the  aftAirnoou  of   March  Ist.      A  vigo^.•}* 
att^ick  wuF  made  on  Uicsa  fortified  Ymua,  while  the  geii<.rjii 
waited,  t'^   hear  fro la  Dtthlgren,  who,' by  the  prQdy  wf  * 
guide,  fmUid  s^.i  fuifill  hi  part  of  the  prugrttir.iuo    At  lUjc^A 
Ktiy..M'!k  withurevv.  cTt«js<jd  ih«  ChJck^hosniiiV  at  Mea>i«w 
}ti.'i"f ,  »u<i.  so  the  laidst  of  a  drizaiiug  storm  of  aleet  aiul 
hail,  I  ivoufiokod  with  his  weary  trooper.^j.     Scarcely  htfi 
thebivi.unc  fire."   begun  to  illuminate  .ho   darUrK'-^s  of  tiw 
niiiht,  «hen  ILiOiptots'ti  Legions  made  a  de;-p'riit.'    att«-.i 
upon  our  ioroca.     AH  that  dieary  night  our  m<in  U'.aroht:;. 
au'l,  continuing  their  journey  the  neit  day,  ihey  passed  i'\ 
Old  Chnroh,  where  they  Hoatt^red  the  last  ijaud  of  Rebt  i& 
that  Ming  v.]mju   tbcir  roar       The   maroh    '.viw   coutinu.-i 
.,t.'>wn  the  l'<iniu!»ula.     AuDoyid  only  oeoasionally  by  bush- 
wh>tcker«  oa  ib^F  «sy,  our    boj8  finally  fouud  isifety  aui 
raft!  in  the  departwsnt  of  acnoral  Butler,   near  York  town 
The   diviaioii    was    bruu^ht  in    transports  to  Alesundriii, 
.(■hence  it  njarched  to  it"'  ",amps  at  Stov6n*burg. 

'^a-  "  Hth.  The  veterans  le^t  this  Dio-aiug  for  home  vU 
tht"./  thirty  five  daya'  furloughs.  They  were  a  happy  com- 

Aprif  SJ.<i     Our  division  of  cavalry,  with  a  large  forte 


roly  hiiodleri 
att<)(;keil    u-imr 
iug  the  cuctji- 

liders  rctunwi 
sboutfl  of  joy 
r.     Kilpatr'i^i;. 
)rtifications  oi' 

le  the  gen<.»ai 
e  parfidy  i,i  % 
niu«  At  nifc'jl 
iiiV  at  Mea-irw 
tu  of  sleet  a) id 
Scarcely  hud 
larkhiv^s  of  tiw 
iip^'riit.'   attn;4 

in<in  U'.arohti. 

ihey  passed  b.^ 
band  of  Ilel>.  ia 

T^'AA  coutirju>"i. 
jually  by  hw&h- 
luud  Kiifety  au.i 
near  York  to  wn 
to  Alfsundiiii, 

ug  for  lionie  vU 
■e  a  hiippy  c(nw- 

th  a  large  fortft 




1:1  I'' 

A         4- 

si   3 

1  la 


I.   \4 
F   Is 

I   t 


'.  ruL,:- -^^^^t:.:  ^  ■-:    ■       >,. 



Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


of  infantry,  appeared  in  review  before  Lieut.  General 
Grant,  on  the  Plains  of  Stevensburg.  The  army  is  very 
unthusiastic  over  its  oommander-in-chief.  Some  change 
lijLs  recently  taken  place  in  our  cavalry.  Gen.  Eilpatrick 
iia8  been  asHigned  to  a  larger  command  in  the  west,  and  Gen. 
.John  H.  Wilson  succeeds  him.  Gen.  Davies  is  also  removed 
to  some  other  position,  and  Col.  Molntosh  commands  the 
first  brigade,  which  is  now  composed  of  the  18th  Pennsyl- 
vania, Ist  Connecticut,  2d  New  York,  and  5th  New  York. 

April  29t/t.  Orders  were  issued  early  this  morning  to 
break  up  winter  quarters,  preparatory  to  the  campaign, 
which  is  about  to  open.  The  regiment  moved  about  half  a 
mile,  near  brigade  headquarters,  which  are  in  the  house  of 
a  Mr.^  Rosa. 

^Vay  2d.  The  day  had  been  fine  until  about  five  P.  M., 
with  only  an  occasional  cloud,  which  floated  lazily  through 
the  sky.  At  this  time  a  terrible  commotion  of  the  elements 
was  observed  in  the  west,  and  heavy  clouds  of  dust  arose 
from  the  hills  about  Culpepper,  and  swept  down  over  the 
plains  in  the  direction  of  our  camps.  In  an  incredibly 
short  time  from  its  appearance,  the  tornado  struck  us,  with 
a  fury  and  force  seldom  witnessed.  Scarcely  a  tent  was  left 
standing,  while  pieces  of  tents,  shelters,  boards,  articles  of 
clothing,  papers,  &o.,  were  flying  on  the  wings  of  the  wind. 
At  times  the  dust  suffocated  and  blinded  us.  Horses  broke 
loose  from  their  fastenings  and  ran  about  in  wild  dismay. 
Men  laughed  at  each  other's  calamities  or  ran  to  each 
other's  relief.  This  carnival  of  winds  continued  about  twenty 
minutes,  and  was  followed  by  a  cold  rain,  which  fell  upon  our 
unsheltered  heads.  With  much  difficulty  some  shelters  wero 
replaced,  and  a  tolerable  night's  rest  was  enjoyed. 

'i  i 




■  %    ^  A'S*4»V  TS'-Zi 



Array  of  the  Potomac.  —  Qood  Condition.  —  First  Steps  of  the 
Great  Campaign  under  Qen.  Qrant.  — The  Fifth  New  York  opens 
the  Dattle  of  the  Wilderness  at  Parlter's  Store. — Detailed  at  Army 
Headquarters.  —  Scenes  at  the  Hospital.  —  Lines  of  Battle.  — 
Second  Day.  —  Lee  breaks  our  Lintr  twice.  —  Is  Repulsed.  — 
Col.  Hammond  Ordered  to  Qermania  Ford.  — Is  Placed  in  Com- 
mand of  Provisional  Brigade  of  Cayalry. — Brings  up  Rear  on 
First  Left  Flank  Movement.  —  Skirmishes  on  the  Ny  and  Po 
Rivers. —  Affair  at  the  Maltapony.  — Sergeant  Sortore  Killed. — 
His  Burial.  —  Battle  of  Milford  Station.  —  A.  Stratagem  at  Little 
River.  —  Vast  Forests  of  Virginia.  —  Battle  of  Ashland  Station 
—  Dark,  Muddy  March  along  the  Pamunkey  —  Tedious  March  iu 
Roar  of  a  Supply  Train.  —  Men  Sleep  on  their  Horses.  —  At 
Charles  City  C.  H.  — Fight  at  White  Oak  Swamps.  — Jfay  8d 
to  June  16M,  1864. 

The  Army  of  the  Potomac  had  never  been  in  as  good 
condition  as  Gen.  Grant  found  it  in  the  spring  of  1864. 
All  winter  long  its  ranks  had  been  filling  up,  and  its  drill 
grounds  around  the  camps  had  been  thoroughly  trodden. 
"  Numbers  and  thorough  discipline"  had  been  the  motto  of 
its  masters.  The  rank  and  file  were  largely  made  up  of 
veterans,  who  had  seen  service  for  three  years  of  hard  cam- 
paigning, and  who  had  reenlisted  for  three  yxirs  more,  if 
their  services  were  needed  all  that  time.  This  was  a  great 
element  of  power.  The  supplies  from  the  quartermaster 
and  commissary  departments  Wf^re  abundant  and  generally 

^««!»f.Wi»»«»»w  >»fsnr!^"5'A-3^ 

Fifth  New  Youk  Cavalry. 


.  First  Steps  of  the 
ifth  Now  York  opens 
). — Detailed  at  Army 

Lines  of  Battle.  — 
le.  —  Is  Repulsed.  — 
—  Is  Placed  in  Com- 
-Brings  up  Rear  on 

on  the  Ny  and  Po 
int  Sortore  Killed. — 
\.  Stratagem  at  Little 
B  of  Aehland  Station 
■  —  Tedious  March  in 

their  Horses.  — At 

Swamps.  —  Jfay  3rf 

r  been  in  aa  good 
16  spring  of  1864. 
ng  up,  and  its  drill 
horoughly  trodden. 

been  the  motto  of 
largely  made  up  of 

years  of  hard  cam- 

hree  jp<\rs  more,  if 

This  was  a  great 

the  quartermaster 
dant  and  generally 

pr.tisfactory.  Great  confidence  was  reposed  in  our  military 
leaders,  who  had  shown  themselves  worthy  of  the  positions 
tlii'y  occupied.  The  Lieutenant  General,  under  whoso  im- 
mediate superintendence  this  army  was  about  to  move,  was 
everywhere  received  with  the  most  enthusiastic  applause, 
while  no  one  doubted  but  that  he  could  plan  a  campaign 
and  execute  its  movements  with  an  ability  equal  to  any 
general  of  the  ago. 

Such  was  the  Army  of  the  Potomac  on  the  3d  of  May, 
when  it  received  orders  to  bo  ready  to  move  at  12  o'clock 
that  night.  Day  by  day,  as  we  had  watched  the  smoke 
ascending  from  the  camp  fires  of  the  Rebel  army  just  across 
the  rapid  river,  we  had  gathered  fresh  inspiration ;  and  we 
knew  that  but  a  shoit  journey  would  bring  ns  face  to  face 
with  our  confident  enemy,  whom  we  expected  to  drive  be- 
fore us. 

The  order  for  preparation  to  move  was  obeyed  readily 
throughout  our  camps,  and  but  a  few  minutes  past  12  at 
night  the  bugles  sounded  "  To  Horse,"  and  the  cavalrymen 
were  ready  for  the  march.  The  third  division  moved  down 
to  Germania  Ford,  where  it  forded  the  stream  early  on  the 
morning  of  the  4th,  and  the  rising  sun  shone  upon  its  flags, 
already  borne  over  earthworks  which  the  enemy  had  used 
on  former  occasions,  but  which  we  now  found  deserted. 
The  enemy's  plan  seems  to  have  been  this — to  place  no 
obstacle  to  our  advance,  and  when  the  army  was  fairly 
across  the  river,  and  had  entered  the  wilderness  country,  to 
fall  upon  it,  break  its  ranks,  and  compel  a  hasty  and  disas- 
trous retreat.  But  in  this  he  had  mistakenhissubjects,  aa 
the  sequel  proved. 

The  cavalry  advanced  on  the  plank  road  toward  Ghan- 





lIisTouic  Records. 

oollorsville,  just  beyond  WilJcrnoss  Tavern,  where  the  plank 
road  from  Orange  Court  House  intercepts  thif.  Here  the 
Fifth  New  York  wan  detached  from  the  division  and  ordered 
to  proceed  to  Parker's  store,  where  it  was  to  establish  a 
Btrong  line  of  pickets.  Meanwhile  the  cavalry  corps,  now 
under  command  of  Gen.  Sheridan,  set  out  on  a  grand  raid 
toward  lliohmond,  often  meeting  and  defeating  the  enemy's 
cavalry,  and  killing  its  chief,  Oen.  J.  E.  B.  Stuart, 

May  5th.  Occasional  shots  were  fired  during  the  night, 
and,  at  the  break  of  day,  a  heavy  column  of  Rebel  infantry 
made  ita  appearance  on  our  front.     The  whole  line  soon 
became  desperately  engaged.      This  was  the  first  blow  of 
the  great  battle  of  the  Wilderness.     For  this  honor  the 
regiment    paid    dearly.      Having    sent   word    to   General 
Meade  that  a  heavy  column  of  infantry  was  advancing,  and 
that  he   would   "  check   them  as  long  as  possible,"  Col. 
Hammond  kept  the  regiment  well  in  line,  encouraging  the 
men  with  his  presence  and  action.     Many  of  the  men  were 
dismounted,  and  their  Spencer  carbines  made  the  dense 
woods  ring,   and  told  with  fearful  effect  upon  the  enemy. 
Prisoners,  afterwards  captured  from  this  attacking  division, 
swore  that  a  whole  brigade  must  have  been  in  their  front. 
Fighting  with  a  during  rarely  equaled,  and  compelled  to  fall 
back  belbre  superior  numbers,  we  nevertheless  held  them  at 
bay  for  five  hours,  until  relieved  by  a  portion  of  the  Gth 
Corps.      Our  service  had  been  most  important  to  our  army, 
but  the   regiment  had   suffered   a   loss  of  13   killed,  22 
wounded,  and  24  known  to  have  been  inpturcd,  besides  15  or 
20  from  whom  tidings  have  never  since  been  heard.     They 
were  probably  killed.  Among  those  known  to  have  been  killed 
was  Captain  L.   McGuinn,  Co.    A,  a  most  gallant  young 




Fifth  New  Youk  Cavalry. 


,  where  the  plank 
thif.      Here  the 
ision  and  ordered 
ras  to  CBtablirih  a 
avalry  corps,  now 
;  on  a  grand  raid 
iting  the  enemy's 
i.  Stuart, 
luring  the  night, 
of  Rebel  infantry 
whole  line  soon 
the  firBt  blow  of 
ir  this  honor  the 
word   to   General 
as  advancing,  and 
as  possible,"  Col. 
,  encouraging  the 
r  of  the  men  were 
I  made  the  dense 
t  upon  the  enemy, 
attacking  division, 
en  in  their  front, 
i  compelled  to  fall 
eless  held  them  at 
portion  of  the  Gth 
irtani  to  our  army, 
of  13   killed,  22 
urcd,  besides  15  or 
been  heard.     They 
to  have  been  killed 
lost  gallant  young 

officer.  A  correspondent  of  the  N.  Y.  Ilerald  makes  his 
bow  to  the  regiment,  on  this  occasion,  and  says: 

"  The  Fifth  New  York  Cavalry  was  detached  from  Colonel 
Mcintosh's  command  for  duty  under  the  immediate  orders 
of  General  Meade.  This  was  a  compliment  well  earned  by 
its  gallant  conduct  at  I'arker's  store.  It  is  under  the  com- 
mand of  Colonel  Hammond,  one  of  the  best  officers  in  the 

The  regiment  'having  reported  to  General  Meade,  was 
ordered  to  bivouac  just  in  the  rear  of  the  old  Wilderness 
Tavern.  But  now  came  the  care  of  the  wounded.  In  am- 
bulances, when  they  could  bo  secured,  or  on  stretchers,  they 
were  conveyed  to  the  hospital,  established  only  about  a  milo 
in  rear  of  the  line  of  battle,  at  a  small  house  in  the  woods. 
Some  of  the  poor  fellows  were  fearfully  mangled.  Private 
Anson  Jones,  Co.  A,  had  his  left  arm  completely  fractured 
from  the  elbow  to  the  shoulder.  He  died  from  the  ampu- 
tation. 1st  Sergeant  Cross,  Co.  L,  had  likewise  a  broken 
arm.  Private  Charles  Westerfiel4,  Co.  13,  had  a  fractured 
thigh,  which,  however,  was  saved  from  the  amputating  blade. 
But  the  most  terrible  wound  to  look  upon  was  that  of  pri- 
vate John  W.  Slyter,  Co.  K.  A  ball  had  passed  through 
his  mouth,  tearing  it  out  at  least  one  inch  back  on  both 
sides,  breaking  out  most  of  his  teeth,  and  cutting  the 
tongue  down  to  the  root,  though  the  end  still  hung  to  its 
place,  a  helpless  appendage.  He  survived  the  awful  shock, 
and  was  afterwards  transferred  to  the  Invalid  Corps,  subse- 
quently known  as  the  Veteran  Reserve.  But  time  would 
fail  us  to  specify  even  a  hundredth  part  of  the  mutilation 
which  was  presented  at  the  hospital  on  that  terrible  day. 
In   the    deep   wilderness  the"  battle  was   raging   fiercely. 

I,  ■ .  ■ 


II  i:l V 



Historic  Records. 

From  the  battle  line  to  the  hospital  was  constantly  passing 
a  train  of  ambulances  laden  with  our  suflForing  comrades, 
wounded  in  cv.^ry  conceivable  manner  from  the  crown  of  the 
head  to  the  soles  of  the  feet.  Occasionally  a  groan  escaped 
from  some  poor  dying  follow,  whose  last  word  or  little  token 
of  remembrance,  such  as  a  daily  perused  Testament,  or  cher- 
ished portrait,  had  been  deposited  with  some  more  fortunate 
comrade  to  be  sent  to  friends  far  away,  to  testify  that  even 
in  death  they  were  not  forgotten.  Remarkable,  however,  is 
the  stillness  of  the  hospital.  How  calmly  the  brave  boys 
endure  the  wounds  received  in  defense  of  their  beloved 
country  I  How  cheerfully  even  they  approach  the  amputat- 
ing taole,  to  awake  from  the  operation  with  the  painful 
consciousness  of  loss  of  limbs,  which  no  artificer  cau 
fully  replace. 

Now  and  then  there  comes  from  the  battle  field  a 
wounded  man  who  is  able  to  falk,  and  who  supports  with 
one  hand  its  bloody,  mangled  mate.  At  times,  two  men 
may  be  seen  approaching^  supporting  between  them  their  less 
fortunate  companion,  whose  bloody  garments  tell  that  he  had 
faced  the  foe.  By  every  means  possible  our  wounded  were 
brought  from  the  field  of  carnage  to  be  cared  for  at  the 
hospital,  but  in  the  vast  multitude  of  disabled  ones  many 
were  left,  who  afterwards  sufiered  from  fires  which  broke  out 
and  ran  far  and  wide  among  the  dry  leaves  of  the  woods. 

The  line  of  battle  to-day  was  somewhat  in  the  form  of  a 
horseshoe.  General  Grant  having  the  inner  circle.  His 
headquarters,  near  General  Meade's,  were  well  up  toward 
our  extreme  right.  General  Lee's  attack  was  mostly  on  the 
extremo  wings,  but  with  greater  fury  on  our  left.  Amid 
the   roaring  of  the  musketry,  which  continued  till  late  at 

instantly  passing 
foring  comrades, 
the  crown  of  the 
a  groan  escaped 
rd  or  little  token 
stament,  or  cher- 
le  more  fortunate 
testify  that  even 
cable,  however,  is 
f  the  brave  boys 
of  their  beloved 
)ach  the  amputat- 
with  the  painful 
no    artificer    cau 

[le  battle  field   a 
rho  supports  with 
t  times,  two  men 
;en  them  their  less 
its  tell  that  he  lad 
aur  wounded  were 
cared  for  at  the 
aabled  ones  many 
es  which  broke  out 
es  of  the  woods. 
,t  in  the  form  of  a 
inner   circle.     His 
ire  well  up  toward 
:  was  mostly  on  the 
1  our  left.     Amid 
ntinued  till  late  at 



Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


night,  the  regiment  sought  rest  not  a  mile  from  the  line  of 
battle,  near  our  left  flank. 

May  Qth.  The  opening  day  looked  on  the  renewal  of  the 
conflict.  Each  antagonist,  rousing  every  slumbering  element 
of  power,  seemed  resolved  upon  victory  or  death.  All  day 
long  they  struggled  for  the  mastery.  So  dense  was  the 
forest  where  they  fought,  that  artillery  could  scarcely  be 
used,  and  the  lines  of  battle  were  only  a  few  yards  apart. 
About  noon  General  Lee  threw  a  heavy  force  upon  our  left 
with  the  design  of  turning  our  position.  The  onset  was 
partially  successful.  The  9th  corps  (General  Burnside's)  re- 
ceived the  shook,  and  was  broken ;  but  the  repulse  was  only 
■momentary.  Bringing  up  his  reserve  and  gathering  his 
broken  lines,  the  general  hurled  them  against  the  exultant 
foe,  driving  him  bacK,  and  regaining  the  ground  which  had 
been  lost. 

Gen.  Lee,  having  failed  upon  our  left,  repeated  the 
operation  with  redoubled  fury,  upon  our  right,  just  at  night. 
His  endeavor,  for  a  time,  gave  promise  of  success.  The 
old  6th  corps,  in  which  the  utmost  confidence  had  been 
placed  by  the  commanding  general,  was  posted  in  this  im- 
portant position.  Notwithstanding  its  former  prestige,  it 
could  not  withstand  the  terrible  blows  that  were  dealt  upon 
it.  For  a  time,  the  rout  that  followed  threatened  disaster. 
General  Grant's  headquarters  were  soon  within  musket 
range  of  the  advancing  Rebels,  and  doubtless  would  have 
been  removed  to  a  safer  place,  had  not  the  general  "  resolved 
to  fight  it  out  on  this  line."  His  band  was  quickly  advanced 
in  the  woods  as  far  as  possible,  where  it  struck  up  Yankee 
Poodle.  Inspired  by  the  notes,  which  sounded  clearly  on 
the  evening  air,  our  men  were  reformed,  and,  with  a  wild 



>♦  i-fi 

'  i^ 

.•!  ii 

IT"  ^ 


Historic  Rkcohds. 

shout  of  battle,  they  charged  the  enemy,  and  drove  him 
back  to  his  former  lines. 

The  regiment  had  been  ordered  from  the  left  to  the  right 
wing,  just  in  time  to  prevent  the  stragglers  from  our  broken 
lines  passing  far  to  the  rear.  After  our  position  was 
reestablished  we  rested  for  the  night. 

May  1th.  Early  this  morning,  the  following  order  was 
received : 

;  li^AD  QtJABTBES,  6th  Army  Corps,  ") 
May  7th,  1864.    / 

Col.  Hammond,  Commanding  5th  N.  Y.  Cavalry : 

Gen.  Sedgwick  directs  (in  accordance  with  orders  from 

headquarters  Army  Potomac  and  General  Grant)  that  you 

move  forward  and  remain  as  far  as  possible  near  Germania 

Ford,  and  report  immediately  any  movements  of  the  enemy. 

Be  sure  that  no  force  of  the  enemy  crosses  the  plank  road 

without  notifying  General  Sedgwick  at  once. 

By  command  of  Major  General  Sedgwick, 

C.  A.  Written, 

Major  and  A.  A.  A.  G. 

The  regiment  marched  to  th  ^ vl  on  receiving  the  order, 
and  picketed  the  road,  with  >  >  nthax  cavalry  regiments, 
which  we  found  posted  on  m.-  .  ,  .^i  2  p.  M.  an  attack 
was  mr,de  with  cavalry  and  ligut  v-  .<j:y,  on  the  two  regi- 
ments above  mentioned.  They  bro)^  and  fled,  exposing 
our  left,  thus  compelling  us  also  to  fall  back,  which  we  did 
quite  rapidly  down  the  river,  nearly  as  fi^r  as  Ely's  Ford. 
On  our  way  toward  the  plank  road  again,  at  no  great  dis- 
tance from  the  river,  Colonel  Hammond  received  another 

,  aud  drove  him 

left  to  the  right 
from  our  broken 
ar  position   was 

lowing  order  was 

Army  Corps,  "» 
ay  7th,  1864.    / 

Cavalry : 

rith  orders  from 

Grant)  that  you 

le  near  Germania 

ata  of  the  enemy. 

es  the  plank  road 



^..  Whitten, 

li  A.  A.  A.  G. 

'.ceiving  the  order, 
savalry  regiments, 
2  p.  M.  an  attack 
J,  on  the  two  regi- 
and  fled,  exposing 
ck,  which  we  did 
f£^r  as  Ely's  Ford, 
in,  at  no  great  dis- 
d  received  another 


Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


Hbad  Quabtkes,  6th  Army  Corps,  "1 
May  7th,  1864.  j 

Commanding  Officer  of  22d  N.  Y.  and  2d  Ohio  Cavalry : 

You  will  report  immediately  to  Lt.  Col.  Hammond,  Fifth 

New  York  Oavalry,  who  is  hereby  ordered  to  take  command 

of  all  the  cavalry  on  the  Germania  plank  road. 

By  command  of  Major  General  Sedgwick, 

C.  A.  Whitten, 

Major  and  A.  A.  A.  G. 

Having  made  such  disposition  of  his  command  as  was 
necessary  to  check  any  further  advance  of  the  enemy,  Ooi. 
Hamriond  moved  the  regiment,  near  the  spot  where  we 
bivGiacked  last  night,  arriving  late.  While  we  were  cook- 
ing our  suppers  by  our  bivouac  fires,  suddenly  the  wilder- 
ness before  us  became  vocal  with  deafening  cheers,  extending 
up  and  down  our  vast  army  lines.  Lee  had  been  outgene- 
raled, hia  lines  driven  back,  his  right  almost  broken,  and 
Grant  was  prepared  for  his  first  left  flank  movement.  Be- 
fore we  slept,  still  another  important  order  was  received. 

Head  Qcabtbrb,  6th  Corps,  't 
May  7th,  1864.  / 

Col.  Hammond,  Commanding  Cavalry : 

You  will  please  remain  with  your  command  near  the  old 

Wilderness  Tavern,  until  you  are  notified  by  Maj.  Gen. 

Hancock,  that  his  corps  and  pickets  are  withdrawn.     Gen. 

Hancock's  pickets  are  to  be  withdrawn  at  2  A.  M.  (two 

o'clock  A.  M.)    Upon  being  so  notified  you  will  follow  the 

2d  Corps. 

By  command  of  Major  General  Sedgwick, 

C.  A.  Whitten, 

Major  and  A.  A.  A.  G. 

V   '  , 




HisTOPxc  Eecokds. 

Ma;/  Sth.  The  night  had  heen  occupied  in  removing  the 
wounded  to  Fredericksburg.  But  for  want  of  transporta- 
tion,— so  great  was  the  number  of  woandet', —  a  considerable 
number  of  the  worst  ones,  who  probably  could  not.  have 
borne  the  journey,  and  others,  were  left  behind.  A  surgeon 
and  a  corps  of  nurses  were  ordered  to  remain  with  them. 
The  remains  of  those  hospitals  presented  one  of  the  most 
sickening  sights  ever  witnessed.  Here  were  some  recent 
dead,  some  dying,  and  some  of  the  most  mangled  and  torn 
which  the  battle  leaves  living.  Resigned  to  their  fate  we 
left  them  to  move  forward  to  other  scenes  of  conflict.  As 
soon  as  we  had  fallen  back  they  fell  into  the  enemy's  hands. 
About  eight  o'clock  our  rear  guard  left  old  Wilderness 
Tavern,  and  moved  on  to  Chancellorsville,  which  became 
our  extreme  right  wing. 

Mai/  dth.  Sent  out  on  a  reconnoissance  to  Ely's  Ford. 
Returned  to  Chancellorsville  to  bivouac  at  night 

Mai/  lOth.  Our  "horses  had  long  been  denied  their  usual 
allowance, — in  fact,  we  had  been  without  grain  for  several 
days.  We  were  compelled  to  search  for  the  best  grazing 
the  country  afforded,  which  we  found  near  Mr.  McQee's,  on 
the  Fredericksburg  road.  At  night  we  were  ordered  on 
picket  at  the  Old  Foundry. 

May  llth.  Returned  to  McGee's  to  graze  our  horses  and 


May  12th.  Moved  to  Chancellorsville,  and  found  grazing  in 
the  neighborhood.  The  fields  and  woods  show  signs  of 
Hooker's  great  battle  here  a  year  ago.  Bodies  and  bones 
of  unburied  men,  and  of  those  only  partially  buried,  may  be 
found  on  every  hand. 

May  Uth.  All  these  days  the  grand  arniy  has  been  fighting 


in  removing  the 
at  of  transporta- 
— a  considerable 
could  not,  have 
lind.  A  surgeon 
main  "ffith  them, 
one  of  the  most 
ere  some  recent 
langled  and  torn 
;  to  their  fate  we 
I  of  conflict.  As 
le  enemy's  hands. 
t  old  Wilderness 
e,  which  became 

k  to  Ely's  Ford, 

enied  their  usual 
grain  for  several 
the  best  grazing 
Mr.  McQee's,  on 
were  ordered  on 

ize  our  horses  and 

d  found  grazing  in 
is  show  signs  of 
Bodies  and  bones 
;ly  buried,  may  be 

y  has  been  fighting 

-^^•SS^"??s^sg!3?**i%»-i'^!!^w?»>'»r>»«*j^^^  , 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


about  Spottsylvania  Court  House.  Just  at  night  the  regi- 
ment march'^d  through  terrible  mud  and  dark  forests,  near 
army  headquarters,  not  far  from  Spottsylvania. 

May  Ibfh.  The  regiment  was  ordered  to  the  extreme  left. 
Grazed  our  ho'rses  near  Massaponax  Run,  and  advanced  near 
the  church  that  bears  this  name,  where  we  had  a  slight 
brush  with  the  enemy. 

Mai/  16th.  Advanced  beyond  the  church,  and  drove  the 
enemy's  cavalry  across  the  Ny  river,  after  a  lively  skirmish. 
A  heavy  force  of  the  enemy  was  found  on  our  front. 

May  nth.  The  following  order  in  General  Meade's  own 
handwriting  was  received  and  preserved  : 

Headquarters,  Army  of  the  Potoraivo,  "l 
1,  30  p.  M.,  May  17th,  1864.  f 

Col.  Hammond,  Fifth  New  York  Cavalry : 

Colonel :  Your  dispatch  reporting  a  superior  force  of  the 

enemy   at   Guineas  Station   received.     I  send  you  Lieut. 

Col.  Chamberlain,  Ist  Massachusetts,  with  1,200  men  from 

Dismounted  camp.     You  will  take  command  of  these  men 

and  endeavor  to  drive  back  the  enemy's  cavalry  and  destroy 

the  depot  at  Guineas.     Also  advance  on   their  right  flank 

and  ascertain  all  you  can  of  the  enemy's  position  and  force. 

Respectfully  Yours, 

Gbo.  G.  Meade, 

Major  General. 

Among  the  men  above  mentioned  were  about  one  hun- 
dred and  fifty  of  our  veterans.  This  combined  force 
advanced  as  ordered,  and  found  the  enemy  strongly  posted 
on  the  banks  of  the  Po  river.  A  severely  contested  engage- 
ment followed,   in  which  we  lost  Capt.  Bryant  (captured, 

'  » 

4.  r'N 



Historic  Recohds. 

though  at  first  supposed  killed),  and  others.  The  main 
force  returned  to  its  bivouac,  and  the  Fifth  spent  the  night 
on  picket. 

May  \%th.  Another  reconnoissance  was  made  to  the  Po, 
where  the  enemy  still  continues  iu  force.  A^hort  skirmish 
followed.     Our  men  returned  unhurt. 

May  19/A.  Orders  were  received  this  afternoon  to  be 
ready  to  move  at  eleven  at  night.  The  column  of  cavalry, 
with  a  battery  of  artillery,  moved  out  precisely  at  the  hour, 
ic  the  direction  of  Bowling  Green.  Having  gone  about 
four  miles,  the  main  column  was  countermarched,  though 
the  Fifth  continued  to  near  Fredericksburg,  and  returned, 
traveling  all  night. 

May  20</t.  At  noon  our  mail  arrired,  the  first  we  have 
received  since  the  campaign  opened.'  There  were  at  least 
two  bushels  of  letters !  And  what  eager  boys  waited  for 
the  home  messages,  as  each  company's  mail  was  being 
sorted  out !  Scarcely  a  man  but  had  a  letter,  and  some 
had  ten  or  twelve.  A  large  mail  was  sent  away  before 
night.  Orders  were  received  this  p.  m.  to  be  ready  to  move 
for  the  accomplishment  of  the  task  which  was  abandoned 
last  night. 

May  2\it.  Expecting  to  move  in  the  night  the  men 
had  sought  an  early  sleep,  as  usual,  upon  the  lap  of  earth, 
from  which  they  were  aroused  about  one  o'clock,  and  were 
Boon  on  the  inarch.  The  night  was  pleasant.  A  few  shots 
with  scattered  pickets  were  exchanged  on  the  way,  until  we 
reached  the  Mattapony  river,  at  a  point  below  Guineas 
Station,  where  the  road  on  which  we  were  marching  crosses 
the  rail  road.  Here  quite  a  force  of  the  enemy  made  its 
appearance.     The  day    had  now  dawned.     The   Fifth  New 

Iiers.     The  main 
Ii  spent  the  night 

made  to  the  Po, 
A  'short  skirmish 

afternoon  to  be 
olunin  of  cavalry, 
sisely  at  the  hour, 
iving  gone  about 
rmarched,  though 
rg,   and  returned, 

the  first  we  have 

lere  were  at  least 

r  boys  waited  for 

mail    was  being 

letter,   and  some 

sent  away  before 

0  be  ready  to  move 

ch  was  abandoned 

le  night  the  men 
n  the  lap  of  earth, 
e  o'clock,  and  were 
sant.  A  few  shots 
a  the  way,  until  we 
int  below  Guineas 
re  marching  crosses 
le  enemy  made  its 
!.     The   Fifth  New 

''M^^irw,f:-*"iit?»<.*-\^^  ?^.'-a^.p»'r^(t^,p^;^3:  .,,^ 






*  13 

-^[  •  r  iiiiii-ffi'Ttfi^r  ■•"-"•■  "■■■■■  ■'■•""' 

'.  ;:i 



-,^-:-    _.    -._;!   ..^,  ^ 

■.■.■/■^^v-^.'^'-'^Wl*i^t«/i':i.rlg^^"rM"'-.\  A 


Fifth  New  York  CavajuKv. 


York  had  the   advance.     Flankers  were  seni  out,  and  the 
advance  guard  was  placed  in  command  of  Ist  Sergt.  S.  W. 
Sortore,  Company  E,  who  moved   boldly  forward.     Enter- 
iiig  the  woods,  which  skirt  the   river,  along  whose  banks 
runs  the  road  to  Bowling   Green,  another  road  was  found 
turning  to  the  right  across  the  river,  which  the  fleeing 
Rebels  had  taken.      The   sergeant  advanced  to  cross  the 
bridge,  but  found  that  a  portion  of  it  had  been  removed, 
rendering  it  impassable.     He  had  no  sooner  halted,  than  a 
fatal   bullet  from  a  Rebel,  concealed  in  the  thicket  beyond, 
pierced  his  manly  breast.     In  less  than  fifteen  miuutes  he 
was  dead.     Wrapped  up  in  his  blanket,  we  buried   him 
under  a  beautiful  swamp  willow,  only  a  few  of  his  many 
friends  being  permitted  to  assist  in  his  burial.     While  this 
was  being  done,  the  bridge  had   been  rebuilt,  companies  A 
and  B  had   been  sent  out  to  drive  the  Rebels  back  and 
picket   this  road,  and  the  column   had  passed  on  toward 
Bowling  Green.     A  short  halt  was  made  m  this  pleas.:nt 
little  village;    and  the   column   moved  again  to  Milford 
Station,  which  was  taken  after  a  severe  engagement.     The 
regiment  behaved  handsomely  in  this  fight,  which  resulted 
in  the  capture  of  six  officers  and  sixty-si's  privates,  and  the 
dispersion  of  the  entire  force  which  guarded  the  station. 
In  the  depot  were  found  some  stores  of  the  Rebel  quarter- 
master and  commissary,  which  were  readily  appropriated. 

On  the  ground  whence  we  had  driven  the  enemy  by  hard 
fighting,  we  built  our  bivouac  fires  and  rested. 

May  22d.  About  3  p.  M.  we  were  ordered  to  New  Bethel 
Church,  across  the  Mattapony,  where  we  found  excellent 
grazing  for  our  horses. 

May  23J.  "Boots  and  sadc^es"  sounded  at  three  o'clock. 


'  I* 


1 . 







IIiSToiiic  Rkcoeds. 

and  by  daylight  the  column  was  in  motion,  toward  Hanover 
Junction.  Not  fur  from  the  North  Anna  river,  just  below 
Mt.  Carmel  Church,  the  enemy  in  force  was  encountered. 
A  desperate  fight  ensued,  which  resulted  in  a  general  en- 
gagement, during  which  the  Rebels  were  driven  from  thoir 
strong  position  along  the  North  Anna.  The  battle  contin- 
ued till  nine  o'clock  at  night,  ending  with  a  terrible 

May  2ith.  We  were  ordered  to  the  extreme  right,  where, 
after  crossing  the  North  Anna,  we  had  a  flying  skirmish 
with  the  enemy's  cavalry. 

Mat/  2bth.  The  regiment  reconnoitred  the  enemy's  po- 
sition on  the  Little  river.  Fell  back  from  the  river  to  the 
Virginia  Central  rail  road,  which  our  men  are  effectually 
destroying.  The  fire  of  the  ties,  culverts  and  bridges  makes 
a  line  of  lurid  light  along  the  evening  sky. 

May  26th.  We  rested  in  bivouac  until  about  sundown, 
when  we  were  joined  by  the  division,  just  returned  from 
Sheridan's  great  raid,  which  commenced  with  the  opening 
of  the  campaign.  At  night  we  skirmished  with  the  enemy 
at  some  of  the  upper  fords  of  the  Little  river,  and  made  a 
feint  of  crossing.  To  complete  the  deception,  fences,  boards, 
and  everything  inflamable  within  our  reach,  were  set  on 
fire  to  give  the  appearance  of  a  vast  force,  just  building  its 
bivouac  fires. 

While  we  were  thus  making  a  feint  of  lively  work  on  the 
right,  and  keeping  the  attention  of  the  enemy,  General 
Grant  effected  his  third  left  flank  movement,  which  brought 
his  base  of  supplies  at  W  bite  House  Landing. 

After  the  accomplishment  of  our  stratagem  we  fell  back, 
crossed  the  North  Anna  river  on  a  bri<lge,  which  we  de- 

toward  Hanover 
river,  just  below 
jvas  eucountered. 
a  a  general  en- 
Iriven  from  tlunr 
ho  battle  contiii- 
with   a   terrible 

me  right,  whore, 
flying  skirmish 

the  enemy's  po- 
i  the  river  to  the 
sn  are  effectually 
ind  bridges  makes 

1  about  sundown, 
ist  returned  from 
with  the  opening 
1  with  the  enemy 
river,  and  made  a 
on,  fences,  boards, 
lach,  were  set  on 
just  building  its 

lively  work  on  the 

3  enemy.  General 

•nt,  which  brought 


igem  we  fell  back, 

ge,  which  we  de- 

„_.  .i#»»v»»'»'»»--*«»«9ftp.f«aB|i>"--v/7i;io»:^^^^  f,,   .ti-f....^- 

"^^^^i^>  ''**^r^  ?• 

.Fifth  Nkw  York  Cavalhy. 


fitroyed  behind  us,  and  bivouacked,  about  two   hours  past 

Mdj/  21th.  Throe  or  four  hours  only  had  the  weary  boys 
to  rest,  and  the  bugles  sounded  the  advance.  Over  vast 
jilains,  generally  thickly  wooded,  the  column  passed,  and, 
after  seeini:  the  smoking  ruins  of  Chesterfield  Station,  it 
halted  for  another  rest.  As  we  travel  from  point  to  point 
over  this  Old  Dominion  we  are  peculiarly  impressed  with  the 
viistness  of  its  fijrests,  which  cover  thousands  of  acres  of  as 
fine  arable  land  as  can  be  found  upon  the  continent.  How 
different  is  this  from  the  impressions  we  had  formed  of 
Virginia  when  reading  of  its  early  settlement,  and  of  its 
agricultural  advantages.  But  when  we  look  into  its  system 
of  land  owning — wherein  we  find  one  individual  monopo- 
lizing a  vast  territory, — and  into  its  worse  system  of  labor, 
we  need  search  no  further  for  the  causes  of  this  backward- 
ness in  agricultural  pursuits.  Who  does  not  sincerely  hope 
that  the  time  is  at  hand  when  the  rich  acres  of  this  great 
state  shall  be  more  properly  divided  among  its  inhabitants, 
and,  when  freed  from  a  burden  and  curse  which  has  long 
paralyzed  their  energies,  instinct  with  new  life  and  enter- 
prise, the  people  will  realize  the  true  dignity  of  labor. 
Then  will  the  almost  interminable  forests  disappear,  and  in 
their  places  the  industrious  yeoman  will  behold  his  rich 
fields  of  waving  grain.  Then  too,  along  its  now  useless 
.-streams  and  swift  water  courses,  will  spring  up  the  factory 
and  the  mill,  whose  fabrics  will  bring  wealth  and  prospe- 
rity io  the  nation. 

May  2%th.  Our  march  was  resumed  at  an  sarly  hour,  and 
continued  as  usual  through  vast  woods,  with  only  here  and 
there  a  plantation.     For  want,  of  forage  and  rest,  many 


i  4 




lllSTOUIC    llKCORDb. 

horHCH  ).^ave  out  by  the  way.  It  is  womlorful  bow  long  tbeso 
faitbl'ul  animals  carry  tboir  riders  witb  tbeir  kit,  oven  after 
overtaxation  of  muscles  bos  nearly  destroyed  tbem.  Ou 
they  plod,  fearful  of  being  abandoned  by  their  mates,  until 
strength  has  entirely  departed,  and  they  qu'vcr  beneath 
their  load,  and  would  fall,  if  not  relieved. 

On  a  march  like  this,  these  "  played  out "  horses  are 
invariably  shot,  lest  they  might  fall  into  the  hands  of  the 
enemy,  and,  in  a  few  weeks  of  care,  become  serviceable. 

The  column  halted  for  the  night  at  a  small  settlement 
called  Mangohick,  where  a  good  rest  was  enjoyed. 

Miiy  20th.  A  pleasant  march  brought  us  at  an  early  hour 
to  Locust  Grove,  '^ar  the  Tamunkey  river.  Some  corn  was 
foraged  from  tl  --ounding  country  for  our  horses. 

Mat/  30//t.  C  -y,  by  almost  constant  fighting,  our 

noble  army  has  been  advancing  through  the  enemy's 
country,  until  to-day  our  artillery  is  plunging  its  shells 
very  near  the  door  of  the  Rebel  cupitol.  Our  forces  have 
taken  possession  of  Mechanicsville,  and  established  their 
lines  not  far  from  Cold  Harbor. 

About  ten  A.  M.  the  regiment  was  detailed  to  march  to 
Dunkirk,  to  guard  a  supply  train,  which  was  expected. 
The  journey  was  performed  and  the  train  brought  in 
before  night.  ^ 

May  Slst.  We  moved  early  to  Dabney's  Ferry,  where  we 
crossed  the  Pamunkey  on  pontoons,  and  advanced  toward 
Hanover  Court  House.  The  enemy's  outer  cavalry  pickets 
were  encountered  at  Signal  Hill,  whence  they  were  driven, 
after  a  lively  skirmish.  Gen.  Rosser,  a  Rebel  cavalry 
chieftain,  here  took  a  prominent  position  against  us,  "  fight- 
ing," in  the  language  of  his  friends,  "  for  his  altars  and  his 

il  bow  long  those 
ir  kit,  oven  after 
oyed  them.  On 
:hcir  mates,  until 
quivci"  beneath 

out "  horses  ore 
the  hands  of  the 
.0  serviceable, 
small  sottleuient 

8  at  an  early  hour 
f.  Some  corn  was 

our  horaes. 
ant  fighting,  our 
gh    tho    enemy's 
unpins;   its  shells 

Our  forces  have 

established  their 

tailed  to  march  to 
3h  was  expected, 
train  brought  ia 

3  Ferry,  where  we 
advanced  toward 
ter  cavalry  pickets 
they  were  driven, 
a  llebel  cavalry 
against  us,  "  fight- 
•  his  altars  and  his 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


fires."  Ilis  residence  was  in  tlio  neighborhood.  So  waa 
also  that  of  Gen.  Wickbum,  another  llebel  cavalryman. 
After  Hcuutiiig  the  neigiiborhood,  and  picketing  the  main 
mads,  till  dark,  tlio  whole  division  was  moved  toward 
Hanover  Court  House. 

June  Ist.  Tho  enemy  strongly  contested  our  advance, 
and  quite  a  skirmish  was  fought  at  the  Court  House.  In 
tiie  early  morning  this  force  was  driven,  and  the  division 
moved  on  to  A.'<hlaiid  Station  on  tho  Virginia  Central  rail 
road.  The  object  of  this  move  was  to  destroy  the  two  rail 
road  bridges  across  the  South  Anna  river.  The  second 
brigade  was  sent  to  do  th  .  work  of  destruction,  while  the 
first  was  to  eng:i  the  enemy.  The  plan  succeeded,  but  a 
fierce  battle  wnis  fought  at  Ashland,  by  the  first  brigade. 
Several  times  our  boys  were  partially  surrounded ;  but  the 
ceaseless  fire  of  their  carbines  and  the  grape  and  canister 
of  the  artillery,  mowed  fearful  gaps  in  the  enemy's  lines, 
and  strewed  the  ground  with  slain.  While  gallantly  riding 
up  and  down  our  lines,  directing  the  operations  and  encour- 
aging the  men.  Major  White,  of  the  Fifth,  received  a 
dangerous  wound  through  the  body,  which  was  feared  would 
prove  fatal  to  his  valuable  life.  Col.  Hammond  received  a 
bullet,  which  flattened  upon  his  scabbard,  but  cracked  the 
bone  just  above  the  ankle  joint.  It  was  a  narrow  escape. 
When  the  force  fell  back,  Dr.  Armstrong  volunteered  to 
remain  with  Major  White,  who  could  not  be  removed.  This 
iioble  act  was  never  forgotten.  Crowned  with  recent  victory 
the  division  returned  to  Signal  Hill,  and  bivouackei^. 

June  2d.  After  so  hard  fighting  and  marching  the  boys 
very  naturally  expected  a  little  rest.  Well,  they  got  a  little, 
and  a  vvry  little  rest  it  was.     The  time  for  an  abundance  of 


Historic  Records. 

that  luxury  had  not  yet  come.  The  day  was  spent  broiling 
under  a  scorching  sun.  At  5  p.  M.,  just  as  rain  began  to 
fall,  the  bugles  sounded  for  another  move.  Compelled  to 
throw'  away  preparations  for  supper,  which  could  not  be 
taken,  we  were  soon  in  line  waiting  the  word  to  march. 
Tae  rain  fell  faster,  and  a  cold  wind  arose,  which  made  the 
prospect  of  a  march  through  mud  and  darkness  rather  un- 
pleasant. But  wrapped  up  carefully  in  our  rubber  coats  or 
pcnchoes,  the  soldier's  invaluable  garments,  from  which 
rolled  the  rain  drops  that  pattered  upon  us,  we  were  kept 
comfortably  dry  and  in  tolerably  good  humor.  However, 
the  march  waa  a  hard  one.  We  moved  to  Dabncy's  Ferry, 
and  turned  to  the  right  down  the  river,  arriving  at  Liuney's, 
where  we  stopped,  about  12  o'clock  that  night. 

June  Zd.  About  10  A.  M.  firing  was  heard  in  the  direc- 
tion of  Salem  Church,  and  messengers  soon  announced  that 
the  Rebel  cavalry  had  advanced  and  attacked  our  pickets. 
The  division  was  immediately  moved  to  the  scene  of  action, 
and  the  Rebels  wf  again  beaten  and  repulsed  in  a  fair  open 
field  fight.  They  had  the  advantage  of  some  hastily  con- 
structed breastworks,  from  which  our  men  drove  them  with 
a  charge.  In  this  fight  was  killed  the  gallant  Col.  Preston, 
of  *he  Ist  Vermont;  and  Col.  Chamberlain,  of  the  8th  New 
York,  was  wounded.  The  regiment  spent  the  night  on 

June  ith.  After  we  were  relieved  from  picket,  this  morn- 
ing, we  bivouacked  on  an  eminence  called  Mt.  Pisgah. 
Here  a  large  mail  was  received. 

June  Qth.  We  have  passed  those  few  days  pleasantly. 
Our  horses  are  improving  on  newly  brou^lxt  forage,  and  the 
men  rejoice  in  full  rations.     Bands  of  music  have  enter- 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


s  spent  broiling 
as  rain  begun  to 
.  Compelled  to 
3h  could  not  be 

word  to  march, 
which  made  the 
;ness  rather  un- 

rubber  coats  or 
ts,  from  which 
18,  we  were  kept 
mor.  However, 
Dabney's  Ferry, 
iving  at  Liuney's, 
rd  in  the  direo- 

1  announced  that 
ked  our  pickets. 

2  scene  of  action, 
sed  in  a  fair  open 
omc  hastily  con- 
drove  them  with 

lant  Col.  Preston, 
n,  of  the  8th  New 
nt  the   night   on 

picket,  this  morn- 
Ued    Mt.  Pisgah. 

days  pleasantly. 
]i.t  forage ,  and  the 
lusic  have  enter- 

tained us  with  patriotic  airs  during  our  evening  hours,  and 
wo  liave  gained  new  strength  and  inspiration  for  coming 

Ileveill6  was  sounded  about  daylight,  arid  the  regiment 
was  marched  to  Old  Church,  whence  we  were  sent  to  picket 
aloTig  the'Pamunkey. 

June  1th.  Continued  all  day  on  picket.  The  line?  are 
quiet  and  our  work  is  pleasant. 

June  Ml.  lldieved  from  picket  by  the  3d  New  Jersey 
Cavalry,  a  regiment  that  has  quite  recently  been  assigned  to 
our  brigade.  The  regiment  moved  near  brigade  r  "adquar- 
ters,  and  went  into  camp. 

June  10th.  The  whole  brigade  was  called  out  this  after- 
noon to  repel  an  attack  upon  the  pickets.  After  a  brief 
skirmish,  the  lines  were  reestablished  and  the  brijiade 
returned  into  camp.  A  brigade  of  colored  troops  occupy 
Old  Church.  They  have  fortified  themselves  with  strong 
and  beautifully  constructed  earthworks.  They  are  fine 
appearing  soldiers. 

Ju7ie  11th,  The  brigade  was  aroused  by  an  early  reveille, 
and  moved  out  toward  Cold  Harbor.  At  Shady  Grove  the 
enemy's  infantry  was  encountered,  charged  and  driven  into 
their  earthworks.  Our  boys  behaved  gallantly  iu  the 
charge,  some  of  them  urging  their  horses  over  the  fortifi- 
c  tions.  A  few  of  them  never  returned.  The  regiment 
was  in  camp  again  about  noon.  The  few  days  past  have 
presented  signs  of  another  flank  movement. 

June  12th.  Wr  were  ordered  on  picket  about  three  miles 
from  Old  Church. 

Jtme  ISth.  We  began  to  withdraw  our  pickets  about  two 
o'clock  this  morning,  and  an  advance  guard  was  pushed  to 



Historic  Records. 

Allen's  Mill.  By  daylight  the  whole  brigade  concentrated 
there,  and  moved  on  through  woods  and  fields,  over  deserted 
camps  and  fortifications,  making  but  a  short  halt  for  break- 
fast. A  few  prisoners  v/ere  captured  by  our  advance  and 
flankers.  At  noon  we  halted  again  a  few  minutes  near 
Ilupkiu's  Mill  on  Black  Creek.  Our  march  was  continued 
across  the  Richmond  and  York  river  rail  road,  between 
Dispatch  and  Summit  Stations,  and,  about  sundown,  we 
crossed  the  sluggish  Chickahominy,  on  pontoons,  at  Long 
Bridge.  One  can  never  forget  the  sombre  appearance  of 
the  dense  and  gigantic  forest  through  which  we  passed, 
known  as  the  White  Oak  swamps.  This  name  can  never 
be  spoken  without  a  shudder  by  those  who  have  campaign- 
ed it  loi-;,'  in  these  malarious  woods. 

When  night  came  on  we  were  ordered  to  be  rear  guard 
of  a  large  train.  And,  Oh !  deliver  cavalfy  from  such  a 
job  €%s  this,  especially  when  the  roads  are  almost  impassable, 
and  in  the  night.  Our  progress  was  exceedingly  slow,  and 
had  it  been  steady  it  would  have  been  more  tolerable.  But 
it  was  halt,  advance,  halt,  advance,  with  this  variety  occur- 
ring at  every  five  or  ten  rods,  and  the  halts  were  frequently 
much  longer  than  the  advances.  To  relieve  the  tired  horses, 
wlien  a  halt  occurred,  some  men  would  dismount,  and  sink- 
ing to  the  ground  through  exhaustion,  would  quickly  fall 
asleep.  With  the  utmost  difficulty  they  were  aroused  when 
the  column  moved.  Others  slept  in  their  saddles,  either 
leaning  forward  on  the  pommel  of  the  saddle,  or  sitting  quite 
erect,  with  an  occasional  bow  forward,  or  *.o  the  right  or  left, 
like  the  swaying  of  the  flag  on  a  signal  station.  The  horse 
of  such  a  sleeping  man  will  generally  keep  his  place  in  the 
column,  and  the  m  in  will  very  seldom  fall ;  though  occa- 


Ill  1  ;<  li  I  »M  iib«Li»i'«.fc^i»n.i«,aM'tr 


Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


e  concentrated 
3,  over  deserted 
lialt  for  brcuk- 
r  advance  and 
minutes  near 
was  continued 
road,  between 
;   sundown,  we 
itoons,  at  Long 
3  appearance  of 
lich  we  passed, 
lame  can  never 
have  canipaign- 

0  be  rear  guard 
Ify  from  such  a 
most  impassable, 
dingly  slow,  and 
5  tolerable.  But 
lis  variety  occur- 

1  were  frequently 
!  the  tired  horses, 
mount,  and  sink- 
rould  quickly  fall 
ere  aroused  when 
}ir  saddles,  either 
le,  or  sitting  quite 
)  the  right  or  left, 
ation.     The  horse 
p  his  place  in  the 
all  J  though  occa- 

sionally this  will  happen,  and  the  poor  fellow  tiwakes  only 
to  find  himself  deep-set  into  a  mud  hole,  while  general  mer- 
riment is  produced  among  the  beholders.  As  no  one  is 
hurt,  the  man  is  soon  remounted,  and  the  journey  pursued. 

With  all  these  experiences  we  traveled  until  after  mid- 
night, and  finally  bivouacked  and  sought  rest. 

June  \Aih.  Four  hours'  rest  was  all  we  got,  not  half  what 
weary  men  needed.  But  to  the  bugle's  shrill  call  every  one 
must  answer.  -After  a  very  hasty  meal  the  march  was 
again  resumed,  and  we  finally  halted  at  Charles  City  Court 
House,  in  sight  of  the  flags  and  tents  of  army  headquarters. 
While  resting  here,  by  the  crumbling  walls  and  chimneys 
of  once  opulent  and  tasty  dwellings,  we  read  in  the  scorched 
trees  and  in  the  general  desolation,  a  few  pages  of  Rebellion's 
record  of  sorrow.  Having  grazed  our  horses,  and  received 
forage  and  rations,  we  moved  back  to  St.  Mary's  church, 
where  we  bivouack'  1  about  eleven  o'clock  at  night.  So 
near  to  us  were  tli'  jnekets  of  the  enemy  that  we  were 
ordered  to  V  'Id  no  fires,  and  the  boys  ate  their  supper 
without  the         i'  coffee. 

Tune  \bth.  'ILe  division  m  ved  by  daybreak  towari  the 
,'*  hite  Oak  swamps.  ^  beyond  Smith's  stoic,  in  the 
edge  of  the  swamps,  a  strong  olunin  of  R>  'lel  infanfry  was 
encountered.  So  masterly  had  been  conducted  this  flank 
movement  across  the  James  river,  that  the  R<  Is  were 
deceived  as  to  its  object.  Expecting  'hat  a  strong  force 
would  advance  on  Richmond  by  way  *  Malvern  Hills,  on 
the  north  side  of  the  James,  they  had  sent  a  corresponding 
force  to  meet  it.  It  was  this  force  which  we  met.  A 
hotly  contested  battle  followed.  Engageil  ith  numbers 
far  greater  than  our  own,  and  infantry  a      ,.it,  wo  suffered  a 



'  if'i'ii 


?■**<!*•.■  ,■ 

.■?>C*Tfift^'5yfaw(.' . 


IlisTORic  Records. 

heavy  losp  and  were  compelled  to  fall  back,  which  we  did  in 
good  order,  bringing  most  of  our  dead  and  wounded  from 
the  field.  At  St.  Mary's  Church  was  established  a  hospital, 
and  in  the  fields  and  woods  adjoining,  the  division  went 
into  bivouac.  A  heavy  picket  line  was  thrown  out  in  the 
direction  of  the  swamps. 

June  \&th.  The  regiment  was  detailed  on  picket  this 
morning,  where  it  remained  all  day.  At  night  all  the 
pickets  were  withdrawn,  and  the  division  was  moved  to 
Wyanoke  Landing  on  the  James,  where  we  arrived  after  a 
long,  toilsome  match,  a  few  hours  before  day. 


?liich  we  did  in 
wounded  from 
ihed  a  hospital, 
!  division  went 
own  out  in  the 

on  picket  this 

t   night  all  the 

was   moved  to 

arrived  after  a 



CroBging  the  JamQS  River. —  Pleasant  Scene. —  The  Wilson  Raid. — 
First  Day. —  Battle  of  Nottoway  Court  House. —  The  Danville 
Railroad. —  What  we  Destroyed. —  The  Contrabands. —  Battle 
of  Reams  Station.— The  Swift  Retreat— Awful  Scenes.- The 
Author's  Personal  Adventures. —  Is  Dismounted  in  the  Woods. — 
Travels  by  Night  and  Rtsts  by  Day.—  Narrow  Escapes. —  Assist- 
ed by  Negroes. —  Reaches  our  Lines  Safely. —  Casualties  of  the 
Raid. —  The  Division  Ships  for  Geisboro'  Point,  D.  C. —  June 
nth  to  August  9th,  1864. 

June  nth.  After  about  three  hours'  rest  we  were  started 
on  the  march  again,  and  about  a  mile  below  Wyanoke,  and 
a  little  above  Fort  Powhatan,  the  division  crossed  the  James 
on  a  pontoon  bridge.  This  was  as  pleasant  a  scene  as  we 
had  ever  witnessed.  The  broad,  smooth  river,  the  crafts  of 
various  kinds  which  had  collected  at  this  point  and  floated 
BO  quietly  on  the  water,  the  long  brid'^e,  which,  swayed  by 
the  current  of  the  stream,  formed  a  gentle,  graceful  curve, 
the  long  lines  of  cavalry  slowly  moving  to  the  opfosite 
shore,  and,  poured  over  all,  the  glad  sunshine  of  tho  Sab- 
bath morning,  presented  a  scene  so  much  in  contrast  to 
those  rough  experiences,  through  which  we  had  just  passed, 
that  every  one  was  delighted,  a  short  rest  was  enjoyed  on 
the  southern  bank,  during  which  were  issued  forage  and 
rations.  At  three  p.  m  ,  under  a  sweltering  sun,  our  march 
was  resumed  in  the  direction  of  Petersburg.    Great  destruc- 









Historic  Records. 

tion  of  property  was  visible  on  the  march.  People,  frijrht- 
eneJ  by  the  advance  of  the  Yankee  army,  had  forsaken 
their  houses  and  fled.  Such  places  were  destroyed.  Had 
the  inhabitants  remained  at  home,  the  houses,  at  least, 
would  not  have  been  molested.  About  sundown  we  passed 
Prince  George  Court  House  and  bivouacked  about  two 
miles  beyond.  With  great  difficulty  the  boys  obtained 
water  for  their  coffee,  most  of  them  being  compelled  to 
take  it  from  the  tracks  of  the  horses  where  they  had  been 
led  to  watering,  in  the  swamps  near  by. 

June  18/A.  The  division  moved  early,  in  a  southeasterly 
direction,  to  the  region  of  the  Black  Water  swamps.  The 
regiment  was  sent  on  picket  not  far  from  Mt.  Sin"i  Church. 
As  the  country  abounded  in  milk,  honey,  corn,  wheat,  meat 
and  sorghum,  the  command  lived  well. 

June  2\st,  These  days  have  been  spent  quietly  on  picket. 
This  afternoon  an  order  was  issued  to  prepare  to  move  early 
to-morrow  morning. 

June  22(1.  About  three  o'clock  A.  M.  Gen.  Wilson's 
division,  reenforced  by  Gen.  Kautz's  brigade  of  cavalry 
with  fourteen  pieces  of  flying  artillery,  including  two 
mountain  howitzers,  was  ready  for  a  raid.  At  a  rapid  rate, 
principally  through  by-paths,  and  unfrequented  ways,  to 
avoid  any  force  of  the  enemy,  the  command  advanced, 
striking  the  Wcldon  rail  road  at  Reams  Station.  Here  the 
depot  and  about  a  mile  of  track  were  destroyed.  This  work 
was  quickly  done,  and  we  moved  on  in  a  westerly  course  to 
Dinwiddie  Court  House,  where  we  turned  our  faces  north- 
ward. At  Gravelly  Run  a  short  halt  was  made  and  our 
horses  were  watered.  About  sundown  the  Southside  rail 
road  was  reached  a  little  west  of  Sutherlauds,  and  destruc- 



Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


People,  frijrht- 
had  foreakeu 
jstroyefi.  Had 
)uses,  at  least, 
lown  we  passed 
ked  about  two 
boys  obtained 
I  compelled  to 
they  had   been 

a  southeasterly 
:  swamps.  The 
t.  Sinni  Church. 
)rn,  wheat,  meat 

uietly  on  picket, 
re  to  move  early 

Gen.  Wilson's 
gade  of  cavalry 

including  two 
At  a  rapid  rate, 
uented  ways,  to 
mand  advanced, 
ation.  Ilere  the 
oyed.  This  work 
'esterly  course  to 
1  our  faces  north- 
as  made  and  our 
he  Southside  rail 
uds,  and  destruc- 

tion of  ties,  rails,  culverts,  bridges,  &o.,  began  in  earnest. 
The  night  was  soon  illuminated  by  the  destroying  fires. 
Our  march  now  lay  along  the  rail  road,  and  was  continued  as 
far  as  Ford's,  where  we  halted  about  eleven  p.  M.,  after 
capturing  two  trains,  one  passenger  and  one  freight.  The 
engines,  having  been  set  on  fire  by  means  of  rails  and 
boards  piled  around  them,  made  the  night  hideous  with 
their  unearthly  shrieks,  which  continued  for  several  hours, 
disturbing  the  rest,  which,  weary  and  sleepy,  we  sought  in 
vain  to  enjoy. 

June  23<i,  At  early  light  we  were  on  the  move  again, 
engaged  in  the  work  of  destruction.  The  great  heat  and 
drought  were  very  favorable  to  our  enterprise,  though  men 
and  beasts  sufiered  much  for  the  want  of  water.  A  few 
rails  or  sticks  of  wood  laid  along  the  track  and  ignited,  suf- 
ficed to  make  the  destruction  complete.  Here  and  there  the 
road  was  torn  up,  the  ties  heaped  together  and  set  on  fire, 
while  the  iron  rails  were  laid  crosswise  upon  the  burning 
piles.  They  were  thus  efiectually  destroyed.  Telegraph 
posts  were  cut  down,  and  the  wire  was  twisted  and  broken. 
One  regiment  after  another  was  detailed  to  perform  this  labor, 
and  such  was  the  wisdom  of  the  arrangement,  that  the  main 
column  was  not  impeded  in  its  progress,  while  the  work 
was  going  on.  Uninterrupted  in  our  progress,  we  advanced, 
beyond  Blacks  and  Whites,  crossed  the  Little  Nottoway 
creek,  and  encountered  the  enemy  in  pretty  strong  force, 
not  far  from  Nottoway  Court  House.  Intent  on  harassing 
our  column,  the  enemy  engaged  us  with  spirit  and  determi- 
nation. The  battle  continued  until  about  eleven  p.  m.  The 
regiment  was  on  the  skirmish  line  and  fought  with  its  usual 
vigor.     While  the  main  force  of  the  enemy  was  here.en- 

I '.,ti 

■<rl: . 

•  ;-f''''"**^>'i!®^f 


HrsTOHic  Records. 

gapped,  a  feebler  attack  was  made  on  our  rear  guiird  at 
Blacks  and  Whites.  Meanwhile,  Gen.  Kautz,  who  had  been 
detached  during  the  night  from  the  main  column  at  Ford's, 
hud  made  a  successful  detour  around  the  enemy,  who  vainly 
supposed  he  was  fighting  the  whole  force  of  raiders  at  Not- 
toway, and  without  opposition,  was  destroying  the  junction 
of  rail  roads  at  Burkesville.  Thus  far  Gen  Wilson's  plana 
had  worked  admirably,  and  success  followed  in  our  train. 

June  24</t.  As  our  object  was  not  to  fight  the  enemy  un- 
less compelled  to  do  so  for  defense,  and,  having  driven  him 
as  far  from  our  line  of  march  as  suited  our  purpose,  wo 
abandoned  this  road,  and  struck  out  through  the  country  by 
Hungrytown,  and  reached  the  Danville  rail  road  at  Meher- 
rin  Station  about  four  o'clock  p.  M.  Here  Gen.  Kautz 
rejoined  the  division,  and  the  whole  force  bent  its  energies 
to  the  destruction  of  this  important  thoroughfare.  The 
work  was  comparatively  easy,  owing  to  the  peculiar  con- 
struction of  the  road.  Across  the  ties  a  heavy  timber, 
generally  of  pine,  is  notched  in  and  fastened,  upon  which 
lie  the  rails, — thin  pieces  of  iron  similar  to  the  tire  of  a 
heavy  wagon  wheel.  The  labor  of  tearing  up  and  burning 
could  be  done  in  half  the  time  it  would  take  on  the  ordinary 
roads.  Decidedly  encouraged  by  such  advantages,  the  boys 
applied  themselves  faithfully  to  the  accomplishment  of  their 
task.  Every  foot  of  the  road  was  destroyed  from  Meherrin 
to  Keysville,  where  we  arrived  about  eleven  p.  M.  and 

June  25<A.  The  Keysville  depot  and  a  store  near  by  it 
were  burned  this  morning.  The  day  has  been  very  warm. 
Many  horses  "played  out"  by  the  way.  They  were  invari- 
ably shot,  and  replaced  by  horses  and  mules  captured  in  the 

,;,;  r-f''"«!'»;J'iK-f' ■'";■: 

Fifth  New  Youk  Cavalry. 


ur  rear  guard  at 
atz,  who  had  bcea 
column  at  Ford's, 
nenty,  who  vainly 
3f  raiders  at  Not- 
ying  the  junction 
m  Wilson's  plana 
id  in  our  train. 
;ht  the  enemy  un- 
aving  driven  him 

our  purpose,  we 
gh  the  country  by 
lil  road  at  Meher- 
[lere  Gen.  Kautz 
e  bent  ita  energies 
loroughfare.  The 
the  peculiar  con- 

a  heavy  timber, 
tened,  upon  which 
'  to  the  tire  of  a 
ig  up  and  burning 
ke  on  the  ordinary 
vantages,  the  boys 
iplishment  of  their 
ed  from  Meherrin 
eleven  p.  M.  and 

i  store  near  by  it 
s  been  very  warm. 
They  were  invari- 
ies  captured  in  the 

country.  Scouting  parties  and  flankers  are  constantly  re- 
pleuishinj,'  the  column  with  installments  of  fresh,  fat  animals, 
which  the  people  have  not  the  time  or  adroitness  to  hide 
from  the  swift-moving  Yankees.  This  afternoon  our  ad- 
vance, commanded  by  Gen.  Kautz,  reached  the  Staunton 
liver,  and  made  a  desperate  assault  upon  the  force  guarding 
tiie  rail  road  bridge.  For  a  time  there  was  a  promise  of 
success,  and  our  men  took  possession  of  the  bridge,  but 
before  the  torch  oould  be  eflFectually  applied  they  were  com- 
pelled to  fall  back  before  murderous  discharges  of  grape 
and  canister  from  a  Rebel  battery.  The  project  of  destroy- 
ing this  valuable  bridge  had  to  be  abandoned.  In  the 
vicinity  of  lloanoke  Station,  the  division  bivouacked  late 
at  night. 

June  26</t.  Up  to  this  time,  including  Roanoke  Station, 
we  had  burned  ten  important  stations,  and  several  smaller 
depots.  About  fifty  miles  of  rail  road  track,  including 
several  bridges  and  culverts,  had  been  completely  destroyed. 
Though  we  had  lost  many  horses,  our  numbers  were  made 
good  from  our  captures  by  the  way.  Our  column  had  been 
reenforcod  6y  hundreds  of  contrabands,  who  flocked  to  our 
banners  from  the  country  far  and  near.  Our  loss  of  men 
had  been  very  slight,  and  mostly  in  wounded  and  captured. 
Our  train  had  been  enlarged  by  the  addition  of  several  fine 
carriages  and  barouches,  in  which  our  worst  cases  of  sick 
and  wounded  were  carried.  Our  tout  ensemble  was  encour- 
aging, and  though  far  out  in  the  enemy's  country,  hopes 
were  entertained  of  a  safe  and  speedy  return.  Ji'rom  Roa- 
noke Station  the  column  moved  before  daylight,  in  a  south- 
easterly direction,  by  Wylliesburgh,  and  thence  to  Christian- 
ville,  a  fine  little  village,  where  was  found  a  great  abundance 



Historic  Records. 


of  corn  for  our  horses.  From  this  place  our  course  wns  ili- 
rcctly  "  facing  tho  enst,"  aud  about  cloven  r.  M.  wo  halted  for 
rest  along  a  nearly  dried  up  stream  called  Buckhorn  creek. 

June  27th,  Our  journey  was  resumed  early,  and  at  ten 
A.  M.  we  crossed  the  Mcherrin  river  at  Stafford's  Bridjje 
Our  course  bearing  a  little  to  the  north,  brought  us  at  night, 
after  receiving  a  refreshing  shower,  in  the  vicinity  of  Siur- 
geonville,  where  we  halted 

June  2Sth.  As  usual  we  were  in  the  saddle  before  tho 
lawn,  and  on  our  march  homeward.  About  twelve  M.  wo 
crossed  the  Nottoway  river  at  Double  Bridges.  Our  course 
■now  became  a  little  more  northward,  and  contrabands 
flocked  to  us  in  unusual  numbers.  There  was  no  end  of 
the  interesting  tales  they  had  to  tell,  which,  at  times,  excited 
our  admiration,  and  then  incited  to  tears.  To  us  most  of 
them  came  destitute  of  all  things,  except  the  hope  of  liberty. 
This  was  the  circle  of  all  their  thoughts.  For  this  the 
gray-haired  slave,  bending  with  the  infimities  of  many  toil- 
some yeara,  was  "  toting"  his  grandchild  on  his  arm  and  on 
his  head  by  turns,  along  the  column.  The  mother,  with 
her  young  babe  clinging  to  her  breast,  traveled  through 
the  woods  and  brush,  the  heat  and  dust,  hoping  for  better 
days.  Young  men  and  maidens,  with  more  of  the  European 
than  the  African  in  their  features  and  complexion,  plodded  on 
their  way,  happy  to  be  among  those  whom  they  recoguiEed 
as  their  deliverers. 

At  night  the  column  encountered  a  heavy  force  of  Rebel 
infantry  at  Stony  Creek  Station  on  the  Weldon  rail  road. 
All  night  the  battle  raged  fiercely,  with  only  now  and  then 
an  interval  of  rest.  Those  who  were  not  engaged  on  the 
battle  line    were  compelled  to  stand  to  horse,  and  to  shiver 

Jb'u-TH  New  Youk  Cvvalrv: 


ir  coursf  wns  di- 
M.  WO  halted  iVir 
Buckhorn  creek, 
iarly,  and  at  ten 
mglitusat  niglit, 
vicinity  of  Siur- 

addle  before  tlio 
)ut  twelve  M.  wo 
jes.  Our  course 
ind  contrabands 
e  was  no  end  of 
,  at  times,  excited 
To  us  most  of 
he  hope  of  liberty. 
ts.  For  this  the 
ties  of  many  toil- 
m  his  arm  and  on 
fhe  mother,  with 
traveled  through 
hoping  for  better 
1  of  the  European 
lexion,  plodded  on 
\  they  recognized 

vy  force  of  Rebel 
Weldon  rail  road, 
nly  now  and  then 
it  engaged  on  the 
)rsc,  and  to  shiver 

with  the  cold,  which  was  peculiarly  felt  in  that  locality,    Tt 
waa  an  awful  night  of  fatigue  and  doubt. 

June  '^dth.  Before  the  dawn  of  day  Gen.  Wilson  moved 
forward  such  a  portion  of  his  force  as  ho  thought  might  bo 
spared  from  the  skirmish  line,  leaving  tho  second  brigade  to 
bring  up  the  rear.  The  enemy  made  a  desperate  charge  on 
tiiis  brigade,  which  threatened  it  with  annihilation  A 
large  number  fell  into  the  enemy's  hands,  and  the  remainder 
were  thrown  into  much  confusion,  but  es-caped.  About  ten 
A.  M.  tho  whole  command  was  within  three  or  four  miles  of 
llearas  Station,  on  ground  made  familiar  by  our  outward 
pfwsage  just  one  week  previous.  It  was  hoped  that  assist- 
ance would  be  rendered  us  by  our  main  army,  as  we  were 
not  far  from  its  left  wing.  This  had  been  promised  us  by 
Qeu.  Meade.     But  assistance  failed  to  come  in  time. 

Regiments  were  deployed  to  ascertain  the  position  and 
strength  of  the  enemy.  It  was  soon  found  that  he  was  not 
only  able  to  resist  our  passage,  but  also  to  surround  and 
annihilate  us  if  we  remained  long  within  his  reach.  At 
noon  orders  were  issued  to  abandon  the  entire  train.  Forges 
and  wagons  were  burned,  and  the  ambulance  train  was 
parked  near  the  banks  of  Rowanty  creek,  and  hospital 
flags  placed  over  it.  All  wounded  and  sick  who  could  ride 
were  mounted;  all  others  must  be  left  behind.  It  was  a  sud 
hour.  Never  had  the  boom  of  cannon  sounded  more 

The  advance  of  the  retreating  column  moved  about  one 
mile  from  the  ambulances  and  there  awaited  orders.  The 
road  was  literally  packed,  and  for  rods  in  the  woods  on  either 
side,  wherever  a  man  could  ride,  was  a  mass  of  human 
beings  with  anxious,  throbbing  hearts.     About  three  o'clock 


Historic  Records. 

Gen.  Wilson  passed  through  the  column,  though  it  was  diffi- 
cult to  make  a  wuy  for  him,  and  us  soon  as  lie  reached  the 
front  the  entire  crowd  moved  forward.  What  followed  can- 
not be  described.  Think  of  such  a  force  of  cavalry,  at  the 
utmost  speed  of  their  horses,  over  a  road  with  six  inches  of 
dust  in  places,  on  one  of  the  warmest,  sultriest  days  !  There, 
too,  were  the  contrabands  mostly  dismounted,  men,  women 
and  children,  who  knew  that  to  be  captured  was  death,  oi 
worse  than  death  !  It  was  well,  perhaps,  that  the  blinding 
dust  should  partially  hide  the  scone  from  view. 

No  halt  was  made  until  we  came  to  Stony  creek,  a  dis- 
tance of  five  or  six  miles  from  llowanty.     Here  the  creek 
is  quite  deep,  and  the  bunks  rocky  and  precipitous.     The 
bridge  is  very  narrow.     It  was  hoped  that  no  heavy  force 
of  the  enemy  had  followed  us.     The  scattered  fragments  of 
regiments  were  called  together,  with  design   to  hold  the 
bridge.     The  men  were  almost  completely  demoralized,  at 
least  one  third  having  either  thrown  away  or  lost  their  arms 
in  the  flight.     Scarcely  had  the  work  of  reorganization  been 
completed,  when  the  pursuing  foe,  with  cavalry  and  artil- 
lery, came  upon  us.     Wo  wore  in  no  condition  to  resist  him, 
though  some  men  fought  bravely.     Panic-stricken,  nearly 
all  soon  broke  ranks,  and  fled  as  best  they  could.      And 
such  a  sight!  .  Down  the  steep  banks  of  the  creek,  men 
urged  their  weary  steeds,  until  they  fell  headlong  into  the 
splashing  water.     Some  were  pushed  off  the  bridge,  falling 
on  others  in   the  stream.     Men  and  horses   mingled  in  al- 
most every  conceivable  shape,  struggled  to  reach  the  oppo- 
site bank,  while  bullets  whizzed  among  the  trees,  and  shells 
screamed  over  our  heads.     (Diverging  from  the  main  tenor 
of  this  narrative  at  this  point,  the  author  wishes  to  give  a 

Fifth  New  Youk  Cavalry. 


a^h  it  was  diffi- 
lie  reuclied  tliu 
at  followed  cuii- 
'  cavalry,  at  the 
th  six  inches  ut' 
t  days  I  There, 
ed,  men,  women 
td  was  death,  oi 
[lat  the  blinding 

my  creek,  a  dis- 
Here  the  creek 
recipitous.     The 
no  heavy  force 
•ed  fragments  of 
ign   t«  hold  the 
f  demoralized,  at 
)r  lost  their  arms 
irganizatiun  been 
avulry  and  artil- 
ion  to  resist  him, 
3-8tricken,  nearly 
ley  could.     And 
'  the  creek,  men 
eadlong  into  the 
lie  bridge,  falling 
es   mingled  in  al- 
I  reach  the  oppo- 
)  trees,  and  shells 
m  the  main  tenor 
wishes  to  give  a 

few  days  of  personal  adventures  and  experiences.  He  is 
coiistraini'il  to  do  this,  as  it  will  represent,  in  the  main, 
the  experience  of  hundreds  of  others). 

Driving  down  as  far  as  my  horse  would  go  without  fall- 
ing, I  dismounted,  and,  as  I  knew  the  animal  could  not 
carry  mo  much  further  on  account  of  exhaustion  and  lame- 
ness, I  concluded  to  leave  him.  Down  the  crevice  of  the 
ro'jks  near  the  water's  edge,  I  reached  a  retreat  safe  from 
fulling  horses  iin4  flying  bullets,  and,  for  a  moment,  thought, 
/  will  surrender.  But  I  had  tasted  the  prisoner's  bitter 
cup,  and  I  resolved  to  go  forward  so  long  as  I  could  put 
one  foot  before  the  other.  I  stepped  into  the  stream,  with 
water  to  my  waist.  Near  the  opposite  bank  the  water  was 
deeper,  and,  striking  a  slimy  log  on  the  bottom,  I  fell  prone 
into  it.  Struggling  toward  the  shore,  the  branch  of  an 
overhanging  tree  caught  my  hat  ajid,  flung  it  down  the 
stream.  At  length  upon  dry  ground  I  stood,  a  sorry  picture 
of  a  sorry  Yankee,  weak  from  exhaustion,  heavy  with  water 
in  my  clothes  and  boots,  and  hatless !  liaising  my  right 
foot  by  the  toe  of  my  big  boot,  I  poured  out  the  water  at 
the  knee,  and  while  endeavoring  to  do  the  same  thing  with 
my  left  boot,  I  beheld  a  large  riderless  bay  horse,  rising 
from  the  creek  and  coming  toward  me.  I  seized  him  by 
the  bridle  and  mounted  into  the  saddle,  joining  the  column 
with  new  hope. 

This  horse  belonged  to  the  1st  District  of  Columbia  cav- 
alry, as  I  knew  by  the  sixteen  shooter  that  he  carried.  I 
had  not  gone  far  before  I  discovered  that  he  was  nearly 
exhausted,  and  would  soon  give  out.  While  reflecting  on 
my  own  wretchedness,  I  saw  a  man  a  little  to  the  left  of 
the  column,  riding  a  mule  that  had  neither  saddle  nor  bri- 
13  lO 


Historic  Eecords. 

!       I 

die,  aud  the  man  himself  had  nothing  on  hut  an  army  rhirt  i 
I  was   compelled   to  laugh  in  spite  of   myself,  aud  soon 
became  willing  to  be  hatless  and  destitut ,.     I  had  cut  away 
all  the  baggage  from  the  saddle,  to  make  the  burdf  n  of  my 
horse  as  light  as  possible.     However,  on  arriving  near  Sap- 
pony  creek,  he   failed  me  completely.     Two  men  of  the 
regiment,   Charles  T.  S.  Pierco,  company  G,  and  Oscar  L. 
Bardeu,  company  B,  were  near  me  at  the  time.     Their 
horses  were  nearly  m  the  condition  of  mine.     We  resolved 
to  share  each  other's  fate,  to  leave  the  column,  and  on  foot, 
by  night  marches,  to  reach  our  lines  if  possible.     We  were 
in  a  dense  forest.     Imploring  Dime  aid  in  our  hazardous 
journey,  we  moved  about  a  mile  from  the  road,  and  stopped 
for  the  night  among  thick  bushes.     We  heard  the  rear  of 
our  column  as  it  passed  Sappony  bridge,  we  also  heard  the 
pursuers,  who  fired  into  the  woods  in  every  direction,  but 
we  were  quiet  and  safe. 

Ju7ie.  SOth.  We  suffered  from  the  chill  of  the  night. 
The  day  has  been  spent  in  Wood-tick  bivouac,  so  named 
from  the  numberless  wood-ticks  that  Lave  infested  the 
place.  N  thing  but  a  wild  pig,  with  which  these  forests 
abound,  came  near  our  resting  place.  We  are  not  much 
burdened  with  luggage,  having  but  one  overcoat,  two  pon- 
choes,  two  haversacks  and  one  canteen.  I  have  a  good  map, 
but  we  have  no  compaas.  We  have  also  matches  and  ink.  I 
carry  my  journal  and  Greek  Testament,  Pierce  carries  a 
Bible  and  Hymn  book  and  Barden  has  thread  and  needles. 
Our  store  of  eatables  consists  of  about  a  half  pint  of  rice,  a 
quarter  pound  of  coffee  and  sugar  mixed  (no  cup  to  cook 
these  in),  five  pounds  of  flour  and  a  little  salt. 

As  soon  as  night  came  on  we  began  to  travel,  guided  by 


I'lFTH  New  York  Cavalry. 


,t  an  army  rbirt  i 
yself,  aud  soon 
I  had  cut  away 
le  burden  of  my 
riving  near  Sap- 
?wo  men  of  the 
G,  and  Oscar  L. 
iie  time.  Their 
B.  We  resolved 
mn,  and  on  foot, 
sible.  We  were 
a.  our  hazardous 
road,  and  stopped 
jard  the  rear  of 
Tie  also  heard  the 
jry  direction,  but 

11  of  the  night, 
vouac,  so  named 
ave  infested  the 
ich  these  forests 
Ve  are  not  much 
ivercoat,  two  pon- 
have  a  good  map, 
atehes  and  ink.  I 
Pierce  carries  a 
iread  and  needles, 
lalf  pint  of  rice,  a 
(no  cup  to  cook 
travel,  guided  by 

the  stars,  which  here  and  there  peeped  through  the  thick 
foliage  of  the  forest.  Our  course  was  northeast.  At  eleven 
o'clock  we  came  to  Sappony  creek,  which  we  crossed 
yesterday.  Bad  as  was  the  water,  we  drank  of  it  freely, 
liaving  had  but  one  canteen  of  water  since  yesterday  about 
seven  v.  M.  Here  we  mixed  about  half  of  our  flour  into 
dough.  Fearful  that  if  we  built  a  fire  we  might  be  disco- 
vered by  the  scouting  parties  that  were  hunting  for  us,  we 
repaired  to  a  deep  rapine,  skirted  with  many  bushes,  where 
we  made  a  small  fire  of  dry  sticks  and  leaves,  on  which  we 
laid  our  dough  which  was  smoked  and  charred  horribly. 
This  was  our  only  staff  of  life,  and  all  we  h»d  to  eat  for 
nearly  forty-eight  hours.  Thus  ended  with  .us  the  month 
of  June  on  the  banks  of  the  muddy  Sappqay. 

July  1st.  About  one  o'clock  A.  M.  we  crossed  the  Sappony 
on  a  fallen  tree.  We  afterward  traveled  as  rapidly  as  we 
could,  through  swamps,  tangled  brushwood  and  briars,  occa- 
sionally through  a  field,  until  daylight,  when  we  sought  the 
shelter  of  tall,  thick-grown  brackberry  briars,  in  the  edge 
of  a  field.  At  nine  o'clock  p.  M.  we  came  out  of  our  hiding 
and  resting  place,  and  moved  on  as  the  night  before. 
Emerging  from  a  thick  wood,  we  came  upon  a  herd  of 
cows  in  a  yard,  where  we  vainly  sought  to  get  some  milk. 
As  they  were  doubtless  accustomed  to  be  milked  by  women, 
as  are  cows  generally  in  Virginia,  we  could  not  approach 
them.  Following  a  footpath  we  found  a  cherry  tree  with 
cherries,  which  relished  well. .  But  we  had  no  sooner  com- 
menced regaling  ourselves,  than  a  tall,  heavy,  shadowy  man 
dressed  in  light  gray,  was  moving  toward  us  up  the  path. 
On  discovering  us  he  moved  away  rapidly.  We  traveled  on 
probably  quite  as  rapidly  as  he,  as  we  soon  saw  that  the 

■ijUi.Ui_3m«ti"iiWMj<>'i:i  iiiiiiiili  I'   "'  '  "'■'■"■""'•'"'""■'    '  icffi'ii-   II ''I'll     M  11.11-    • 


Historic  Records. 

nei<'hborliood  had  been  alarmed.  Lights  were  seen  at  the 
houses,  and  dogs  made  hideous  howlings.  With  terrible 
pictures  of  blood-hounds  before  our  thoughts,  we  quickened 
our  steps.  This  danger  passed,  and  we  were  thankful;  and 
our  joy  was  still  more  increased,  when,  led  by  the  voice  of  ^ 
sinTino-  frogs,  w:)  found  excellent  water  in  a  field.  On 
leaving  this  place  of  refreshing  we  entered  the  woods  under 
a  beautiful  arch  of  foliage  and  soon  came  to  Stony  creek. 
Laying  aside  our  garments,  and  rolling  them  up  in  tight 
bundles,  we  crossed  safely  oyer.  The  water  was  about  four 
and  a  half  feet  deep. 

Ju?y  2d.  About  three  A.  M.  we  came  in  sight  of  several 
picket  fires  just  ahead  of  us.  We  flanked  them  by  turning 
to  the  left.  At  daybreak  we  came  into  a  large  field,  and 
sought  refuge  in  a  thicket,  though  not  far  from  a  house. 
We  had  but  just  fallen  asleep,  when  we  were  aroused  by 
footsteps  approaching  and  voices  distinctly  heard.  Soon 
the  black  faces  of  two  slaves  appeared  through  the  bushes. 
This  "ave  us  hope.  One  of  them  afterward  disappeared, 
the  other  continued  coming  toward  us.  Before  he  had  seen 
us,  I  spoke  at  a  high  whisper,  "  come  here,"  when  his  big 
black  eye,  with  its  surrounding  pure  white,  fell  excitedly 
upon  us. 

"You're  not  afraid  of  Yankee  soldiers,  are  you?"  I  inter- 

"  Oh,  no,  massa,"  and  he  walked  up  by  our  side. 

"  What's  your  name  ?" 


"  Tom  what  ?     Have  you  no  other  name  ?" 

"  Dunne,  massa,  dey  allers  calls  me  Tom." 

<'  Well,  who  lives  here  ? 

'^iS&'V.'^'j^.jfCvi^.  ;■ 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


rere  seen  at  the 
With  terrible 
i,  we  quickened 
B  thankful;  antl 
by  the  voice  of  ^ 
in  a  field.  On 
the  woods  under 
to  Stony  creek. 
;m  up  in  tight 
was  about  lour 

sight  of  several 
them  by  turning 
large  field,  and 
r  from  a  house, 
'ere  aroused  by 
y  heard.  Soon 
(Ugh  the  bushes. 
ird  disappeared, 
fore  he  had  seen 
,"  when  his  big 
e,  fell  excitedly 

•e  you  ?"  I  inter- 

)ur  side. 


"  Major  Malone,  whose  son  is  in  the  Rebel  army." 

"  IIow  far  is  it  to  Reams  Station  ?" 

"Two  miles  an'  half." 

We  no'^saw  that  we  were  in  a  critical  position,  within 
the  Rebel  army  lines,  and  on  the  premises  of  a  prominent 
Rebel.  From  Tom  we  learned  that  Rebel  soldiers  frequently 
came  to  the  house  during  the  day,  though  not  generally  at 
night.  He  promised  to  get  us  some  bread,  which  he  did, 
for  which  we  gave  him  some  money.  He  also  promised 
to  guide  us  at  night  across  a  ford  of  Rowanty  creek,  by  a 
way  that  would  soon  lead  us  across  the  Weldon  rail  road. 
The  time  set  for  starting  was  nine  o'clock.  During  the 
day  several  cavalrymen  were  seen  passing  on  the  road, 
which,  at  one  point,  was  visible  to  us,  and,  at  one  time,  a 
cavalryman  rode  directly  toward  us,  stopping  only  a  few 
paces  from  us.  We  could  hear  the  breathings  of  his 
horse,  as  we  lay  almost  breathless,  on  the  ground.  In  this 
condition  we  longed  for  the  night.  It  came  at  length,  but 
with  it  came  no  Tom,  for  what  reason  we  never  learned. 
This  was  a  sore  disappointment. 

Jitli/  '6d.  Having  waited  for  Tom,  in  vain,  until  after 
midnight,  we  finally  started,  guided  only  by  the  stars. 
Rowanty  creek  was  soon  reached,  but  at  a  place  so  wide 
and  apparently  deep,  that  we  durst  not  undertake  to  ford. 
We  followed  it,  until  day  brought  us  into  a  large,  muddy 
dismal  swamp.  We  crossed  as  we  had  done  at  Stony  creek. 
After  retiring  in  the  depths  of  the  swamp,  we  kindled  a  fire 
at  the  roots  of  an  ancient  oak,  and  cooked  the  last  flour  we 
had  into  bread.  Until  evening  we  remained  in  the  swamp, 
disturbed  now  and  then  by  the  cries  of  wild  hogs,  eagles 
and  foxes.     When  darkness  came  we  moved   out  of  the 

''      "  -'■        rV- nil  111  miitiiiTii iTi  T^'V/"'^''''''  '    •^V^-'.  g'-"'"  •■'•;»^'-' 


Historic  liEcoiiDS. 




woods,  passed  by  a  farm  house,  and,  having  crossed  a  well 
traveled  road,  arrived  at  the  Wcldon  rail  road.  This  was 
at  a  deep  cut,  where  we  could  not  cross.  A  picket  fire 
could  be  distinctly  seen  at  our  left.  Rapidly  we  followed 
the  road  to  the  right,  until,  coming  to  a  depression  in  the 
bank,  we  slid  down  to  the  track  below.  We  now  found  the 
opposite  bank  too  steep  and  high  to  climb.  Undaunted,  we 
moved  on  along  the  track,  and  found  a  place,  where,  by 
means  of  bushes  and  roots  of  trees,  we  got  out  of  this  dan- 
gerous spot.  After  traveling  a  few  hours  the  heavens 
became  overcast  with  clouds,  and  we  were  compelled  to 
advance  by  guess,  and  finally  to  stop  altogether. 

July  4th.  We  had  waited  for  the  morning  sun  in  vain, 
for  clouds  so  obscured  the  light  as  to  render  the  points  of 
the  compass  very  doubtful.  However,  as  we  had  lost  time 
during  the  night,  we  concluded  to  travel  as  best  we  could. 
Along  a  swamp  we  found  some  ripe  berries,  which  we  en- 
joyed. We  had  not  marched  long  before  two  Rebel  soldiers 
were  seen  advancing  in  a  path  that  would  intersect  ours  at 
no  great  distance.  We  were  quickly  hidden  under  the 
bushes,  which  abounded.  While  the  boys  slept  I  made  a 
short  reeonnoissance,  in  which  I  ascertained  that  we  were 
only  a  stone's  throw  from  the  Weldon  rail  road  again,  and 
near  the  picket  post,  whose  fire  it  was  probable  we  had  seen 
the  night  before.  Cautiously  we  moved  out  of  this  place, 
and  continued  through  the  woods  to  a  plantation.  In  a 
cornfield  a  negress  was  at  work.  Of  her  we  inquired  for 
direction.     Said  I,  "which  way  is  east?" 

"Dunno,  mossa." 

"  Which  way  is  west  ?" 

A  like  answer. 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


crossed  a  well 
id.     This  was 
A  picket  fire 
y  we  followed 
jression  in  the 
now  found  the 
Undaunted,  we 
ace,  where,  by 
lut  of  this  dan- 
's the   heavens 
8  compelled  to 

ig  sun  in  vain, 
ir  the  points  of 
e  had  lost  time 
best  we  could. 
3,  which  we  eu- 
ro Rebel  soldiers 
intersect  ours  at 
iden  under  the 
slept  I  made  a 
}d  that  we  were 
road  again,  and 
ible  we  had  seen 
lUt  of  this  place, 
lantation.     In  a 
'  we  inquired  for 

"  Well,  where  does  the  sun  rise  ?" 

"  There,"  pointing  with  her  finger. 

Her  master's  name  was  John  Slay.  Beyond  that  she 
seemed  to  know  very  little. 

Our  next  point  of  interest  was  the  Jerusalem  Plank  Road. 
While  standing  in  the  edge  of  the  woods,  consulting  as  to 
whether  it  were  best  to  travel  much  more  by  day,  out  rode 
from  the  thick  forest  a  cavalryman,  whose  giugling  sabre 
and  accoutrements  bespoke  danger  to  unarmed  men.  He 
rode  quite  rapidly  by,  within  three  rods  of  us,  and  we 
rejoiced  to  have  escaped  his  observation.  As  he  disap- 
peared we  lost  no  time  in  seeking  a  quiet,  secluded  spot, 
where  we  waited  for  the  night.  Night  came  on  with  bright 
stars,  and  we  journeyed  joyfully.  At  nine  p.  M.  we  arrived 
at  another  plantation.  A  light  was  seen  through  the  cre- 
vices of  a  log  shanty,  and  the  low  voices  from  within  were 
taken  for  those  of  negroes.  I  knocked  at  the  door,  and  a 
voice  said,  "come  in."  Opening  the  low  door,  I  invited  a 
pure  African  out,  and  learned  that  there  were  none  but 
slaves  present.  With  haste  the  women  began  to  prepare  ua 
some  supper,  while  we  waited  without.  We  were  soon 
invited  in,  and  sat  down  to  a  dish  of  fried  pork  and  corn 
bread  hot  from  the  ashes,  to  which  we  did  ample  justice. 
This  was  the  first  meat  we  had  tasted  since  the  morning  of 
June  29th.  After  supper  we  paid  them  well,  their  eyes 
sparkling  with  delight.  From  them  I  obtained  a  hat.  The 
faithful  man  Alison  then  guided  us  through  Jonds'  Hole 
Sw^p,  and  we  crossed  thti  .Jerusalem  Plunk  Road  near  Dr. 
Proctor's.  Alison  then  left  us,  wishing  us  all  prosperity, 
and  returned  to  his  master,  Fred  Raines. 

July  5th.  We   traveled  spme  during  the  morning  at   the 

;;t''.*T  .-'■'w  -;5'.*',f-»',i;>t4i)ai(«j«-^-if.7,-»,.. 


Historic  Rkcokdd. 

ii  ,'. 

right  of  the  phmk  road,  and  rested  but  little  durinj^  the 
day.  At  STi.idown  we  made  inquiries  of  some  colored  people, 
and  of  a  Union  white  man,  a  rare  article  in  that  part  of 
Virginia,  who  informed  U3  that  our  pickets  were  only  about 
three  miles  ahead  of  us  near  Lee's  Mills,  and  that  the 
country  abounded  with  guerrillas.  We  were  cautioned  to  keep 
in  the  woods  and  avoid  the  road.  V/hen  darkness  came, 
we  advanced.  Weary  of  briars  and  busUes,  on  reaching  the 
road,  we  followed  it,  carefully  watching  every  suspicious 
object.  Soon  something  was  seen  moving  ahead  of  us, 
which  was  afterward  discovered  to  be  a  man.  Hoping  it 
might  be  one  of  our  own  men,  we  quickened  our  footsteps, 
and  on  overtaking  him,  what  was  our  surprise  to  find  him 
to  be  a  Rebel  soldier,  with  his  musket  on  his  shoulder. 
My  first  thought  was :  this  is  doubtless  a  guerrilla,  and 
though  alone,  by  a  whistle  or  other  signal,  up  will  spring 
from  the  thick  bushes  along  the  way  as  many  helpers  as  ho 
desires.  However,  I  knew  that  alone  he  could  not  harm  us 
materially,  as  we  walked  up  by  his  side,  so  near  that  he 
could  not  take  his  musket  down,  before  we  could  seize  him. 
On  approaching  him,  he  turned  his  head  about,  and  said, 
"  You're  Yankees,  I  reckon."  We  made  no  reply  but 
walked  on  in  sad  silence.  On  making  a  turn  in  the  road  wo 
came  in  sight  of  several  fires.  I  broke  the  oppressive 
silence  by  saying,  "  There's  a  Yankee  camp,  I  think." 
"  Yes,"  replied  the  stranger,  "and  there's  a  Yankee  picket 
just  ahead  of  us,  and  I  am  going  to  give  myself  up  to  them 
as  a  prisoner."  The  vail  was  at  once  lifteid  from  our  pros- 
pect, and  we  entered  into  a  friendly  conversation.  I  found 
that  he  belonged  to  the  2d  North  Carolina  cavalry,  and  had 
come  from  IJcants  Station,  since  our  ught  there.     While 


•Fifth  Nkw  Yokk  Cavalry. 


little  during;  the 
le  colored  people, 
B  in  that  part  of 
1  were  only  about 
Is,  and  that  the 
cautioned  to  keep 
I  darkness  came, 
s,  on  reaching  the 

every  suspicious 
ng  ahead  of   us, 

man.  Hoping  it 
sued  our  footsteps, 
•prise  to  find  him 

on  his  shoulder. 
8  a  guerrilla,  and 
al,  up  will  spring 
nany  helpers  as  he 

could  not  harm  us 
I,  so  near  that  he 
ve  could  seize  him. 
d  about,  and  said, 
lade  no  reply  but 
turn  in  the  road  wo 
)ke   the  oppressive 
B  camp,  I   think." 
'b  a  Yankee  picket 
5  myself  up  to  them 
fteid  from  our  pros- 
versation.     I  found 
na  cavalry,  and  had 
dght  there.     While 

conversing  together,  wo  suddenly  came  to  a  stop,  at  the  cry  : 
"  Halt '.  Who  comes  there  ?"  "  Friends,"  cried  I.  We 
were  soon  safely,  with  our  Rebel  friend,  within  the  lines  of 
the  3d  New  Jersey  cavalry,  where  we  found  old  acquaint- 
ances, and  received  all  proper  attention. 

Almost  completely  exhausted,  we  were  gladly  welcomed 
to  tbe  leafy  abodes  of  our  old  comrades,  where  we  enjoyed 
full  rations  and  undisturbed  sleep. 

Jiili/  Sth.  We  reached  the  regiment,  encamped  near 
Light  House  Point,  this  afternoon.  From  them  we  learned 
that  June  29th,  Gen.  Wilson  retreated  south  to  Jurrett's 
Station,  crossed  the  rail  road,  then  by  an  east,  northeast, 
north  course,  reached  our  lines  after  two  or  three  days.  Gen. 
Kautz,  more  familiar  with  the  country,  struck  through  the 
woods  north  of  Stony  creek,  reaching  our  lines  the  morn- 
ing of  the  30th.  The  loss  of  the  command  was  nearly  one 
thousand  men  (mostly  captured),  with  the  whole  artillery 
and  train.  Nothing  was  saved  that  went  on  wheels.  The 
loss  is  less  than  had  been  feared,  as  many,  who  were  account- 
ed lost,  afterward  came  in  as  did  the  writer  of  these  lines. 

Juli/  I2th.  As  it  needed  it,  the  cavalry  has  been  recruit- 
ing its  energies  in  quiet  camps  for  several  days.  However, 
many  of  our  men  were  disabled  by  the  raid  and  have  been 
sent  to  hospitals,  and  many  dismounted  fellows  have  gone 
to  Camp  Stoneman,  at  Geisboro'  Point,  D.  C.  These  latter, 
numbering  a  little  less  than  one  hundred,  were  engaged 
in  those  memorable  battles  and  skirmishes  with  the  Rebel 
invaders  of  Maryland  and  the  Jistrict  of  Columbia,  com- 
mencing with  the  battle  of  Maryland  Heights,  July  6th, 
and  ending  with  the  battle  of  Kernstown,  the  24th,  at 
which  time  Col.  Mullignn  was  killed. 

^.j    ;• 


Historic  Records. 

What  remained  of  the  regiment  with  the  division,  was 
sent  out  at  half  past  three  P.  M.,  to  picket  along  Powell'a 
creek  at  Cooke'd  Mill,  several  miles  down  the  river.  This 
duty  was  very  easy. 

July  Ibth.  Wo  were  relieved  from  picket,  and  returned 
to  camp  again  near  Light  House  Point. 

Juli/  25th.  The  brigade  moved  at  dusk,  to  the  picket 
lines  at  the  Gurley  House,  nearly  south  of  Petersburg.  The 
regiment  went  on  duty,  after  arriving,  establishing  its  lines 
nearly  parallel  with  the  Weldon  rail  road.  We  found  the 
Rebel  pickets  very  quiet  and  friendly,  and  a  pleasant  inter- 
course was  enjoyed. 

Juli/  30th.  The  dawn  was  ushered  in  with  a  terrible 
explosion  and  cannonade,  making  the  earth  tremble  beneath 
our  feet.  To  these  was  added  a  rapid  musketry.  Expecting 
an  attack,  the  cavalry  withdrew  its  pickets,  and  made  pre- 
paration for  any  emergency.  The  enemy  did  not  make  his 
appearance  on  our  front.  Our  infantry  lines  were  engaged 
for  several  hours,  but  the  great  mine  explosion  ended  very 
disastrously  to  our  cause,  with  a  loss  of  many  men.  Wa 
returned  on  picket  at  night. 

August  1st.  We  were  relieved  from  picket,  and  went  into 
camp  near  brigade  headquarters. 

August  bth.  For  some  days  the  first  division  of  cavalry 
has  been  leaving  this  department,  and  taking  transports  for 
Camp  Stoneman,  District  of  Columbia.  This  morning  the 
third  division  received  orders  to  march  to  City  Point,  where 
we  were  embarked  on  transports,  with  our  horses.  This 
was  a  slow,  toilsome  job.  It  was  nine  o'clock  p.  M.  before 
we  were  aboard. 

August  %th.  The  men  have  enjoyed  the  day's  sail,   down 


■iFi-VE^^'^Sr*^'^!;^^-'''^-^-^''  -"' 


the  division,  was 
it  along  Powell's 
I  the  river.     This 

:ot,   and  returned 

sk,  to  the  picket 
'  Petersburg.  The 
tablisbing  its  lines 
d.  We  found  the 
d  a  pleasant  inter- 

n  with  a  terrible 
th  tremble  beneath 
sketry.  Expecting 
3ts,  and  made  pre- 
r  did  not  make  his 
lines  were  engaged 
ilosion  ended  very 
'  many  men.     Wa 

sket,  and  went  into 

iivision  of  cavalry 
iking  transports  for 
This  morning  the 
a  City  Point,  where 
I  our  horses.  This 
o'clock  p.  M.  before 

he  day's  sail,   down 

Fifth  New  York  Cavaluy. 


the  James,  up  Chesapeake  Bay  and  the  Potomac,  to  Kettle 
Bottom,  where  we  cast  anchor  for  the  night. 

August  7th.  We  weighed  anchor  at  early  light,  and  about 
three  P.  M.  we  were  landed  at  Geisboro'  Point.  We  went 
into  camp  near  Camp  Stoneman. 

August  9th.  The  boys  were  made  glad  by  the  presence  of 
the  paymaster  and  his  greenbacks.  Our  time  is  mostly 
occupied  in  exchanging  our  poor  horses  for  good  ones,  and 
remounting  our  dismounted  men.  This  looks  like  work 
ahead  for  the  cavalry. 





To  the  Sbcnfimlofth  Valley.  —  Exciting  Scene  in  Snicker's  Gap. — 
Battle  of  Summit  Point.  —  Hattle  of  Kearneysville  Station. — 
Cro.s8inj{into  Maryland. —  Old  John  Urown  air  in  Charlestown. — 
Skirmislics  near  the  Opoquau.  —  Battle  of  Winchester. — Drive 
the  Enemy  through  Front  Royal.  —  Up  Luray  Valley.  —  Raid 
to  Staunton  and  Waynesboro'. — Cavalry  Fight  at  Tom's  Brook. — 
Ba(tle  of  Codar  Creek. —  Sheridan's  Ride.  —  Unparalleled  Cap- 
tures by  the  Regiment.  — Gen.  Custer's  Congratulatory  Order.  — 
Keooiinoisaance  to  Rood's  Hill. —  Spirited  Engagement  near  Mt. 
J  .ckson. — Regiment  Detailed  Escort  of  General  Sheridan. — 
The  Fruit  of  Sheridan's  Work  in  the  Valley.  —August  12ih  to 
December  8Ut,  1864. 

Augimt  I2th.  Orders  were  issued  to  the  division,  to  bo 
ready  to  move  at  sundown  to  its  new  field  of  duty.  At 
the  appointed  hour  the  bugles  were  ringing  clearly,  and 
the  rested  cavalrymen  were  soon  gladly  on  the  march.  It 
was  after  nine  o'clock  before  these  well  equipped  and  tho- 
roughly disciplined  squadrons  had  traversed  the  streets  df 
the  .vtion's  iipital,  laden  with  the  hopes  of  every  loyal 
heart.  We  were  now  to  enter  upon  a  field  of  operations 
the  glory  of  which  would  eclipse  all  that  the  cavalry  had 
yet  accomplished. 

Until  eleven  o'clock  we  continued  our  march  up  the  Poto- 
mac to  Chain  Bridge,  where  we  crossed  into  Virginia  again, 
and  bivouacked  about  three  miles  from  the  river. 

Aiiiju^f  IStJi.    Before  daylight  the  n^iximent  was  detailed 

Fifth  Xew  York  Cavalhv. 


ne  in  Snicker's  Gap.  — 
larneysville  Station.  — 
D  air  in  Charlestown.— 
}f  Winchester. —Drive 
Luray  Valley.  — Raid 
Fight  at  Tom's  Brook. — 
e.  —  Unparalleled  Cap- 
ongratulatory  Order.  — 
d  Engagement  near  Mt. 
f  General  Sheridan.  — 
alley.  —Auguit  12th  to 

the  division,  to  bo 
w  field  of  duty.     At 

ringing  clearly,  and 
lly  on  the  march.  It 
3II  equipped  and  tho- 
.verscd  the  streeta  of 

hopes  of  every  loyal 
a  field  of  operations 
I  that  the  cavalry  had 

ur  march  up  the  Poto- 
>d  into  Virginia  again, 
in  the  river, 
ro^iment  was  detailed 

to  escort  Col.  Chipnian,  a  dispatch  bearer  to  Gonciul 
Sheridan  in  the  Shenandoah  Valley.  Great  spec<i  was 
neoessary,  and  the  regiment  moved  accordingly.  'I'liu 
line  ol'  march  led  us  through  PraincMville,  Leesburg, 
Hamilton,  Purcelville  and  Snicker's  Gap.  A  very  brief 
halt  was  made  near  Goose  creek,  where  we  forded  in  pretty 
deep  water.  Near  Lcesburg  a  slight  attack  was  inade  on 
(lur  rearguard  by  a  squad  of  White's  guerrillas,  who  were 
easily  dispersed 

IJofore  reaching  Snicker's  Gap,  we  were  informed  by 
the  inhabitants,  that  Mosby  with  a  strong  force  was  in 
the  vicinity.  We  expected  to  meet  him  in  the  gap.  It 
was  night,  and  not  a  breath  of  air  stirred  the  heavy  foliage 
of  the  trees.  No  sound  was  heard  save  the  song  of  the 
katydid  and  the  heavy  trcnip  of  our  horses  on  th»  hard 
road.  The  moon  shone  brigli  ly,  flooding  the  mountain  tops 
with  her  silvery  beams.  The  woods  wore  that  sombre, 
weird  appearance,  so  often  spoken  of  in  fairy  tales.  Our 
feelings  were  (ioubly  excited  by  the  expectation,  that  from 
the  shady  nooks  or  dark  crevices  of  the  rocks,  would  flash 
the  deadly  weapons  of  our  enemy.  But  our  passage  was 
performed  without  meeting  him.  Prom  the  summit  of 
the  gap,  the  Shenandoah  Valley,  filled  with  the  hazy  light 
of  the  moon,  presented  a  scene  that  was  perfectly  enchant- 
ing. We  forded  the  broad  shining  Shenandoah  'river,  at 
Snicker's  Ferry.  Near  Berryville  we  saw  the  burning 
remains  of  a  supply  train  which  Mosby  had  captured  and 
destroyed  that  day.  We  entered  within  our  lines  near  the 
Opequan  creek,  and,  tired  and  sleepy,  we  halted  about  three 
A.  M.  within  two  miles  of  Winchester.  This  was  the 
longest  march  ever  performed  by  the  regiment  in  the  same 



Historic  Records. 

I     ':  k 

tiiiio  :  we  hud  trave)e<l  about  Hcventy-fivo  miles  in  twenly- 
two  bourn. 

August  \Alh.  Tbis  afternoon  wo  moved  througb  Win- 
cboBter,  to  Milltown,  and  camped  near  tbe  creeic. 

Auguit  \Qth.  Reveille  sounded  before  daylight,  and, 
breaking  camp,  at  sunrise,  we  moved  to  Borryville.  Hero 
we  joined  the  division,  with  which  wo  moved  toward 
Ashby's  Gap,  marching  till  midnight. 

August  nth.  Moved  through  White  Post,  and  back  to 
Winchester.  Gen.  Sheridan's  army  was  falling  back  from 
Cedar  creek.  The  third  division  was  detailed  to  picket  the 
main  roads,  which  centre  at  Winchester  and  to  bring  up 
the  rear  of  the  army.  The  Fifth  was  sent  on  the  Ilomney 
pike  to  Petticoat  Gao.  The  picketing  was  quiet  until  dark. 
The  Rebels  now  advanced  upon  us  at  nearly  every  point. 
From  a  high  hill  near  Milltown,  our  artillery  opened  upon 
the  advancing  column  of  the  enemy.  In  consequence  of 
our  line's  retreating  on  the  Valley  pike,  before  we  could 
be  apprised  of  the  fact,  the  Rebels  entered  the  town,  thus 
flanking  us  completely.  No  time  was  lost,  however,  in  full- 
ing back  over  the  hills,  northwest  of  town,  passing  through 
the  embankments  of  Fort  Milroy.  We  rejoined  our  forces 
on  the  plains  below,  and  together  we  continued  retreating 
toward  Summit  Point,  on  a  dirt  road,  east  of  the  pike. 
About  midnight  we  halted  for  rest  not  far  from  Wadesville. 

August  ISth.  The  column  was  set  in  motion  early,  and  a 
heavy  rain  came  down  upon  us.  The  division  halted  at 
Summit  Point,  and  the  regiment  was  sent  back  to  picket 
along  the  Opequan. 

August  19th.  Our  boys  on  picket  were  attacked  by  a 
strong  party  of  Rebel  cavalry,  and  forced  back  nearly  two 

I  miles  in  twenty- 

-ed  through  Win- 
e  creek. 

re    daylight,   and, 

Berryville.     Hero 

we   moved   toward 

Post,  and  back  to 
falling  back   from 
(tailed  to  picket  the 
jr  and  to  bring  up 
ent  on  the  Romney 
fas  quiet  until  dark, 
nearly  every  point, 
tillery  opened  upon 
la  consequence  of 
ke,  before  we  could 
jred  the  town,  thus 
ost,  however,  in  fall- 
wn,  passing  through 
J  rejoined  our  forces 
jontinued  retreating 
d,  east  of  the  pike, 
far  from  Wadesvilie. 
motion  early,  and  a 
le  division  halted  at 
sent  back  to  picket 

were  attacked  by   a 
rccd  back  nearly  two 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry.  166 

miles.     Rciinforccnicnta  were  sent  out   and  t\m  Rebel  ad- 
vunoo  was  checked. 

Amjust  20th.  Relieved  from  picket,  and  bivouacked  near 
Sunmiit  Point.     The  linos  were  quiet. 

Aiiffmt  2l8C.  As  has  been  so  often  the  case  on  the  Sab- 
bath, it  was  not  possible  to  pass  the  day  without  an  ongngo- 
n.ent.  About  eight  o'clock  our  pickets  were  driven  iniand^nt 
nine  a  strong  force  of  infantry  and  cavalry  confronted  us  at 
tho  Point.     Boldly  they  came  out  of  the  woods  into  an  open 
licld,  and  flaunted  their  miserable  flag  into  our  faces.     But  a 
well  directed  shell  from  our  artillery,  which  exploded  among 
'hem,  sent  them  "  kiting"  to  the  woods  again.     However,  a 
force  far  superior  to  ours  in  numbers  compelled  us  at  length 
to  retreat,  which  we  did  in  good  order.  We  arrived  at  Charles- 
town  about  sundown,  but  left  the  village  to  our  right,  and 
halted  in  the  fields  almost  in  sight  of  the  steeples  of  its 
churches.      Here  we  found  our  infantry  also  falling  back, 
with  its  main  column  headed  toward  Halltown. 

August  22d.  Our  horses,  which  had  stood  all  night 
saddled  and  ready  for  a  move  at  a  moment's  warning,  were 
in  use  with  tho  first  light  of  morning.  The  enemy's 
cavalry,  displaying  a  Httio  more  daring  than  was  their  wont, 
advanced  upon  us  with  considerable  show  of  fight.  Their 
infantry  was  within  short  supporting  distance.  A  spirited 
skirmish  took  place,  and,  under  the  circumstances,  we  fol- 
lowed the  advice  of  the  poet,  who  sings  : 

"  He  who  fights  and  runs  away, 

Will  live  to  fight  another  day." 

We  retreated  to  Halltown,  and  moved  with  the  head  of  the 

column  to  the  left,  and  finally  halted  pretty  well  up  the 

river,  opposite   Maryland  Heights.      Within   our  bivouac 

■  ■^■^ — 'Tr  iTs'.r.  nfjKmnk  'lyyt^-j 


Historic  Rkoorus. 

was  planted  the  Rebel  battery  that  had  killed  Col  Miles, 
comniandiiig  Harper's  Ferry,  ou  a  former  occasion.  '1  lie 
spot  was  pointed  out  to  us  by  a  Mr.  M.,  a  citizen  in  the 
neij^hborhood,  who  presented  us  an  anomaly  commonly  met 
with  in  this  region  of  country,  of  a  man  making  high  j)r()- 
fi-ssioiis  of  Unionism,  and  yet  earnestly  pleading  for  Se- 

August  2'id.  Under  light  marching  orders,  the  division 
went  out  on  a  reconnoissauce  in  the  vicinity  of  Duffield's 
Station,  on  the  Baltimore  and  Ohio  rail  road,  and  engaged  a 
heavy  force  of  the  enemy's  infantry.  The  fight  was  spirited 
but  brief,  and  our  forces  returned  to  camp  after  a  few  hours 
of  marching  and  fighting. 

Auijust  2bth.  One  day's  uninterrupted  rest  had  been  en- 
joyed as  a  rare  luxury  ;  but  this  morning  at  three  o'clock  the 
hills  and  woods  were  ringing  with  reveille.  At  five  the 
division  was  in  motion  in  the  direction  of  Shepardstown,  not 
far  from  which  we  were  joined  by  the  first  division  of  cavalry. 
This  united  force  moved  to  Kearneysville  Station,  near 
which,  the  enemy,  under  Breckenridge,  was  met  advancing 
towards  Maryland  in  heavy  force.  Seldom  are  forces  so 
suddenly  and  furiously  engaged.  The  artillery  of  both 
parties  was  immediately  brought  into  position,  and  the  hills 
resounded  with  the  rapid  discharges  of  screaming  shell  and 
sweeping  grape  and  canister.  Before  the  quick  firing 
of  our  Spencers,  and  our  swift  charges,  the  enemy's 
column  at  first  recoiled  and  gave  us  a  decided  advantage 
over  him.  But  we  were  at  lengtl.  compelled  to  retreat 
before  superior  numbers,  ihat  were  lapping  around  our 
flanks.  In  this  engagemenc  the  regiment  behaved  with  its 
usual  gallantry.    Lieut.  Greeuleaf,  in  command  of  Co.  A,  fell, 

illcd  Cul  Mil.^s, 
occasion.     'Hit: 
a  citizeu  in  the 
y  commonly  met 
laking  high i""- 
pleading  for  Se- 
ers, the  division 
lity  of  Duffield'a 
.d,  and  engaged  a 
fight  was  spirited 
after  a  few  hours 

rest  had  been  en- 
;  three  o'clock  the 
ill6.      At  five  the 
Shepardstown,  not 
iivision  of  cavalry, 
lie    Station,    near 
ras  met  advancing 
lorn  are  forces  so 
artillery  of  both 
tion,  and  the  hills 
;reaming  shell  and 
3  the  quick  firing 
rges,   the   eneu)y's 
decided  advantage 
mpelled  to  retreat 
pping   around   our 
it  behaved  with  its 
maud  of  Co.  A,  fell, 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry.  167 

mortally  wounded,  but  waa  carried  from  the  field.  Nearly 
all  our  dead  and  wounded  remained  in  our  own  hands,  and 
were  taken  back  with  us.  We  returned  to  our  old  bivouac 
and  erected  our  tents  with  hopes  of  a  good  night's  rest. 
]3ut  before  dark  we  were  ordered  to  pack  up  and  make 
prepar  '  for  a  night's  march. 

At  ttn  p.  M.,  the  regiment  alone,  accompanied  with  a 
brigade  staflF  ofiicer,  moved  to  the  Potomac,  which  wo  crossed 
on  pontoons  at  the  foot  of  3Iaryland  Heights.  The  division 
moved  also,  but  by  some  other  route.  We  marched  until 
three  A.  m.,  and  halted  to  rest  our  weary  animals  and  our- 
selves at  the  memorable  Antietam  creek,  near  Antietam  Fur- 

August  2Qth.  At  one  P.  m.  we  resumed  our  march  to  Sharps- 
burg,  nearly  every  house  of  which  bears  marks  of  the  great 
battle  that  was  fought  here  in  1862.  Turning  to  the  right, 
the  column  passed  over  the  main  portion  of  the  battle  field, 
and  bimacked  a  few  rods  beyond  Keedysville.  At  half  past 
nine  p.  M.,  through  pitchy  darkness,  we  were  counter- 
marched to  Sharpsburg.  On  the  way  we  encountered  one 
of  the  worst  thunder  storms  ever  witnessed.  The  rain  fell 
in  torrents,  driven  by  a  strong  wind.  The  frequent  light- 
nings cleft  the  darkness,  and  left  us  blinded  and  in  greater 
darkness  than  before.  The  thunder  roared  and  shook  the 
earth  beneath  us.  Some  of  our  horses  became  quiw  un- 
manageable, and  rendered  our  march  perilous  as  well  as  un- 
comfortable. On  the  wet  ground,  after  this  shower,  we 
bivouacked  in  the  fields  near  the  town,  having  sent  out  a 
few  pickets  towards  the  river. 

Auffiis.   21th.  We  pi'-keted  in  front  of  Sharpsburg  till 
twelve  M.,  and  were  then  sent  ap  the  river  about  three  miles, 




Historic  Eecords. 

to  picket  some  fords  near  Mercersville,  where  we  continued 
till  next  morning. 

..I'j'Uit  2Sth.  Sunrise  found  us  with  our  pickets  with- 
drawn, und  in  line  of  march  towards  Sharpsburg,  where  we 
joined  the  division.  Again  our  faces  were  turned  towards 
Virginia,  and  we  were  soon  on  its  "sacred  soil,"  having  forded 
the  Potomac  a  short  distance  below  Shepardstown.  Slowly 
and  safely  we  advanced  to  Charlestown,  halting  by  the  rail 
road  to  allow  the  infantry  to  pass  through  the  town  before 
us.  With  flying  colors  our  brave  boys  entered  this  very 
rebellious  village,  and  the  bands  struck  up  the  air  cf  Old 
John  Brown,  and  played  lustily  as  they  marched  through 
the  streets,  where  but  a  ibW  years  past  gathered  the  chivalry 
to  witness  the  execution  of  Old  Ossawatomie.  The  cavalry 
at  last  marched  on  in  rear  of  the  infantry,  and  encamped  in 
the  woods  not  fur  from  town. 

Up  to  this  time  our  work  in  the  valley  had  been  very 
discouraging.  It  had  been  constant  marching  and  fighting, 
but  always  retreating.  The  Rebels  had  had  things  nearly 
all  their  own  way.  However,  we  had  prevented  their  cross- 
ing again  into  Maryland ;  and  now,  for  some  reason,  they 
were  falling  back  to  the  line  of  the  Opequan  creek.  Gen. 
Sheridan,  with  some  reiinforcements,  v/as  now  advancing  to 
make  battle  in  terrible  earnest,  and  to  push  the  enemy,  if 
possible,  far  from  the  states  he  was  so  anxious  to  invade. 

Avgust  'idth.  The  x'egiment  was  made  sad  this  morning 
by  the  departure  of  Col.  Hammond  from  its  command. 
(See  Mementos),  lo  a  ^eld  near  our  camp,  the  regiment 
waa  formed  into  a  hollow  square,  and  the  colonel  took 
formal  leave.  He  undertook  to  speak  a  few  words,  but  was 
choked   by  emotion.     He  rode  fc  -'ard  to  the  officers,    who 

re  we  continued 

ir  pickets  with- 
sburg,  where  we 
B  turned  towards 
I,"  having  forded 
istown.  Slowly 
Iting  by  the  rail 

the  town  before 
■ntered  this  very 
ip  the  air  of  Old 
inarched  through 
ered  the  chivalry 
lie.     The  cavalry 

and  encamped  in 

y  had  been  very 
liing  and  fighting, 
had  things  nearly 
jrented  their  cross- 
uonie  reason,  thejr 
j[uaw  creek.     Gob. 

now  advancing  to 
ish  the  enemy,  if 
sious  to  invade. 

gad  this  morning 
rom  its  command, 
amp,  the  regiment 

the  colonel  took 
few  words,  but  was 
:o  the  officers,    who 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


were  formed  in  front  and  centre,  and  shook  hands  wifh 
them.  He  then  addressed  a  few  parting  words  to  the  luen, 
and  with  three  cheers  proposed  by  Lieut.  Col.  Bacon,  he 
pa.ssed  out  of  the  square,  and  left  us.  The  regiment  was 
immediately  formed  in  lino  of  march,  and,  with  the  division, 
advanced  to  Berryville,  where  we  made  an  early  bivouac. 

September  2d.  As  we  have  not  full  feed  for  our  horses, 
our  men  are  compelled  to  fi^rage  through  the  country,  and 
occa^id  ually  squads  of  them  are  attacked  and  captured. 

During  the  night  our  poeition  wrni  flanked  on  f.he  right, 
and  this  morning  early  we  retreated  on  a  back  road  by  way 
of  Myerstown,  and  returned  to  the  pike  not  far  from 
Charlestown.  It  was  hoped  we  might  here  have  a  few  days' 
rest,  and  preparations  were  made  for  comfortable  shelters, 
but  about  sundown  the  v/oods  rang  with  "  boote  and  sad- 
dles." Again  we  advanced  on  Berryville,  which  we  reached 
about  ten  P.  M.  We  fouad  the  place  occupied  by  the  e?iemy, 
who  retreated  after  a  brief  skirmish. 

September  ?,d.  The  division  advanced  this  morning  to 
Millwood  and  Whit«  Pest,  encountering  a  heavy  force  of 
the  enem.y  a  little  beyond,  from  which  we  retired  without 
an  engagement.  The  rear  of  the  column  spent  the  night 
near  Millwood. 

Scptemhiir  'kth.  The  command  was  made  happy  this 
morning  with  the  news  ;  '■'  AAhmU  is  oura  !"  The  enemy's 
cavalry,  hjvjng  taken  possession  of  the  pike  betM'cen  us 
anci  Berryville,  we  retreated  to  its  vicinity  by  means  of  a 
circuitous  route  toward  the  Blue  Ridge,  (Jn  arriving  we 
found  that  the  enemy  held  the  td^wn  in  force,  CMir  artillery 
was  used  qwha  extensively,  the  rcgimeul:  supporting  a  bat- 
fery^     Theire  was  son:e  musketry  on  the  skirxaish  line,  on 




Historic  Rkcoeds. 

which  the  regimeut  lay  all  night,  having  been  relieved  from 
the  battery. 

September  5th.  The  enemy  was  expelled  from  Berryville, 
and  retired  to  the  Opequan.  The  Fifth  New  York  was 
sent  on  picket.  A  cold  rain  storm  made  mud  for  us  and 

Si'ptcmher  1th.  Th"!  day  dawned  bright  and  beautiful, 
after  the  storm.  The  division  went  out  on  the  White  Post 
road  some  distance,  and  turning  to  the  right,  proceeded  as 
far  as  the  Opequan,  where  we  had  a  heavy  skirmish  with 
the  enemy.     Returned  to  Berryville  at  night. 

Septcmhcr  dth.  The  regiaient  spent  yesterday  and  to-day 
on  picket.     The    division  has  gone  into  camp  on  the  north 
side  of  the  pike.     A  large  force  of  our   infantry  is  also 
camped  near  by;  and  some  of  them  arc  busy  building  earth 
works  across  the  pike  about  one  mile  eiist  of  Berryville. 

/September  10th.  The  regiment  was  relieved  from  picket 

September  ISth.  The  first  brigade  advanced  toward  Win- 
chester on  the  pike,  encountering  the  Rebel  pickets  at  the 
Opequan.  A  quick  dash  was  made  upon  their  reserve, 
within  two  miles  of  Winchester,  which,  after  a  short 
skirmish,  resulted  in  the  capture  of  the  8th  South  Carolina 
volunteers.  Sixteen  officers,  including  their  colonel,  fell 
into  our  hands,  and  also  their  battle  flag.  The  brunt  of  the 
engagement  was  borne  by  the  3d  New  Jersey  and  the 
2d  Ohio  regiments  of  cavalry. 

At  the  expiration  of  eight  hours  from  the  time  the  brigade 
moved  out,  we  were  back  into  our  camps.  This  was  one 
of  the  most  brilliant  exploits  ever  performed  by  the  brigade. 

September  15th.  The  regiment  went  out  again  to  the 
Opequan  and  skirmished  with  the  enemy's  pickets. 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


en  relieved  from 

from  Berryville, 
New  York  was 
mud  for  us  aud 

it  and  beautiful, 
the  White  Post 
ht,  proceeded  as 
y  skirmish  with 

(crday  and  to-day 
imp  on  the  north 
infantry  is  abo 
.sy  building  earth 
of  Berryville. 
eved  from  picket 
accd  toward  Win- 
bel  pickets  at  the 
lOn  their  reserve, 
■h,   after   a   short 
1th  South  Carolina 
their  colonel,  fell 
The  brunt  of  the 
V  Jersey  and   the 

he  time"  the  brigade 
ps.  This  was  one 
led  by  the  brigade, 
out  again  to  the 
fa  pitkets. 

September  IGtk.  Spent  the  day  on  picket 

September  llth.  At  one  A.  M.  several  regiments  of  the 
Ist  brigade  made  another  reconnoissance  to  the  Opequan. 
The  Fifth  went  mostly  through  the  woods  and  fields. 
Crossed  the  creek  at  Burnt  Factory,  where  a  skirmish  com- 
menced and  continued,  until  we  returned  to  the  creek,  on 
the  pike.     We  then  fell  back  to  camp  near  Berryville. 

Scptcmher  \^.th.  Regiment  on  picket. 

September  idth.  General  Sheridan  had  at  length  per- 
fected his  arrangements  for  a  general  move  upon  the  enemy. 
Atone  A.M.  the  "  general  call"  was  sounded,  tents  were 
struck,  and  all  due  preparation  made  for  the  march.  At 
tv^o  o'clock  a  splendid  force  of  infantry,  cavalry  and  artil- 
lery, was  advancing  toward  Winchester.  The  2d  New  York 
had  the  advance,  followed  by  the  Fifth.  Before  daylight 
the  Rebel  cavalry  pickets  were  charged  at  the  Opequan, 
and  driven  hastily  before  us.  Believing  that  this  was  noth- 
ing more  than  a  repitition  of  the  many  reconnoissancea 
and  raids,  we  had  recently  made,  the  Johnnies  were 
scarcely  prepared  for  the  onset  that  was  made  upon  them. 
Passing  around  a  heavy  barricade  across  the  pike,  the 
cuvalry  waited  not  for  the  infantry  supports,  but  dashed  up 
the  road,  and  charged  the  enemy's  fortifications.  Before 
they  had  fairly  time  to  recover  from  this  unexpected  blow, 
they  were  struck  by  the  strong  lines  of  our  eager  infantry- 
men, and  shells  from  our  batteries  just  in  position,  fell  fast 
among  them.  And  now  commenced  one  of  the  mo?it  brilliant 
engagements  of  the  war. 

Our  first  attack,  so  unexpected  and  furious,  gave  us  the 
enemy's  first  line  of  works.  This  was  a  decided  advantage, 
both   in  demoralizing   the  foe,  and  in  giving  us  a  better 

:,  HfiSiiee:-.:. 


Historic  Records. 

position.  The  contestants  soon  became  engaged  throughout 
the  entire  line,  extended  for  four  or  five  miles  across  the 

About  ten  o'clock,  by  a  persistent  effort  to  keep  his  army 
well  in  hand,  and  by  planting  his  artillery  on  the  hills  and 
chosen  positions  in  front  of  Winchester,  General  Early, 
commanding  the  Rebel  forces,  succeeded  in  checking  our 
advance.  A  terrible  contest  now  followed.  Forward  and 
backward,  advancing  and  receding,  uurged  those  living  lines' 
of  men  like  the  foaming  waves  of  ocean.  But,  at  length, 
the  cavalry,  the  first  division  on  the  right,  the  third  on 
the  left,  succeeded  in  driving  in  and  enveloping  the  extreme 
wings  of  the  Rebel  army.  At  this  the  centre  of  their  line 
began  to  waver,  and,  ere  long,  the  whole  force  was  in  a 
swift  retreat  through  Winchester,  leaving  their  dead  and 
wounded  behind  them.  The  battle  had  raged  from  morning 
till  nearly  sundown,  and  the  field  was  strewn  thick  with 
the  wrecks  of  recently  prou  1,  brave  men. 

Five  distinct  charges  had  the  regiment  made  during  the 
day,  four  of  these  against  infantry.  In  one  of  these  charges, 
Capt.  Farley,  company  C,  while  gallantly  rallying  his  men, 
lost  his  right  leg,  which  was  taken  away  by  a  solid  shot 
or  shell.  It  was  amputated  above  the  knee.  In  another 
charge,  led  by  Gen.  Mcintosh  in  person,  the  general 
received  a  fearful  gunshot  wound  in  the  left  leg,  which  was 
nriipiifated  below  the  knee.  We  had  sustained  a  heavy  loss, 
the  bitterness  of  which  was  mitigated  by  the  glorious  success 
which  had  crowned  our  effort. 

Notwithstanding  the  fatigue  of  our  horses  and  men,  we 
were  sent  in  pursuit  of  the  retreating  army.  Swinging 
around  Winchester  to  ihe  left,  we  came  up  1o  the  pike  just 


Fifth  Njsw  York  Cavalry. 


iged  throughout 
iiiles  across  the 

0  keep  hia  army 
on  the  hills  and 

General  Early, 
in  checking  our 
I.  Forward  and 
those  living  lines' 

But,  at  length, 
bt,  the  third  on 
iping  the  extreme 
itre  of  their  line 
le  force  was  in  a 
ig  their  dead  and 
^ed  from  morning 
trewn  thick  with 

t  made  during  the 
e  of  these  charges, 
rallying  his  men, 
,y  by  a  solid  shot 
knee.  In  another 
rson,  the  general 
left  leg,  which  was 
tained  a  heavy  loss, 
the  glorious  success 

lorses  and  men,  we 
g  army.  Swinging 
up  to  the  pike  just 

above  Milltown,  and  advanced  beyond  Kernstown,  where  we 
bivouacked  for  the  night. 

September  20th.  The  division  advanced  to  Newtown, 
and,  turning  to  the  left,  struck  the  Front  Royal  pike  at 
Nineveh,  which  we  followed  to  Cmoked  Run,  where  the 
enemy  was  met,  and  a  slight  skirmish  followed. 

The  command  bivouacked  early  in  the  grassy  fields. 

September  21st.  The  division  was  early  on  the  move. 
The  morning  was  chilly  and  foggy.  The  North  Fork  She- 
nandoah was  crossed  without  opposition,  and  the  enemy  was 
found  in  considerable  force  on  the  South  Fork.  He  was 
quickly  driven  from  his  strong  position,  leaving  his  spades 
and  pickaxes  in  the  trenches  he  was  constructing.  We 
pursued  him  rapidly  through  Front  Royal,  and  halted  to 
feed  our  horses  in  the  fine  corn  fields  beyond  the  town.  At 
three  p.  M.  we  moved  up  the  Luray  pike  to  Asbury  Church. 
This  road  is  exceedingly  romantic,  with  the  broad,  clear 
river  on  one  side,  and  the  lofty,  precipitous  rocks  on  the 

At  the  church  we  halted,  and  received  one  of  the 
most  fearful  shellings,  through  which  we  ever  passed,  from 
the  Rebel  batteries  posted  on  a  high,  commanding  hill. 
Several  regiments  of  the  brigade  broke  before  this  fire,  but 
the  Fifth  New  York  received  high  commendation  for  stand- 
ing firm.  We  built  our  bivouac  fires  by  the  church  at 

September  22d.  In  the  night  the  Rebels  retreated  up  the 
valley,  and  early  in  the  morning  we  gave  them  pursuit. 
We  followed  them  to  Milford  creek,  where  we  found  them 
strongly  intrenched  in  an  impregnable  position.  All  day 
we  skirmished   and   fought  with   them.     The  Fifth   New 


IIisTOiiic  Recohus. 

It  ^ 


York  was  engaged  till  night,  when  the  division  fell  back, 
and  left  us  on  picket. 

September  2orf.  This  morning  the  whole  division  moved 
back  toward  Strasburg,  stopping  by  the  river  near  Water- 
liok  Station,  Manassas  Gap  rail  road.  Uere  we  received 
Gen.  Sheridan's  dispatches  announcing  his  great  victory  at 
Fisher's  Hill.  They  were  read  to  the  division,  and  the  air 
was  rent  with  the  vociferous  cheering  of  our  mei .  At  night 
we  were  again  advanced  up  the  Luray  Valley,  halting  after 
midnight  near  Milford  creek. 

Septemher  24<A.  During  our  absence  the  enemy  had 
abandoned  his  strong  position  at  Milford,  and  was  fleeing  up 
the  valley.  Before  sunrise  wo  resumed  our  march.  Near 
Luray  where  the  valley  becomes  broad  and  beautiful,  the 
enemy  was  encountered  in  force  and  driven,  about  one  hun- 
dred prisoners  falling  into  our  hands.  They  were  all  loud 
in  their  denunciations  of  Gen.  Early,  the  "apple-jack 
bibber,"  as  many  of  them  called  him.  On  the  hills  beyond 
Luray  we  went  into  camp.  But  scarcely  had  we  cooked 
our  suppers,  when  "boots  and  saddles"  hurried  every  man 
to  his  horse,  and  in  an  incredibly  short  time  the  whole 
force  was  in  motion.  This  move  was  made  in  hopes  of  cap- 
turing the  enemy,  who  had  gone  up  the  mountains  toward 
the  Shenandoah  Valley,  but,  finding  it  occupied  by  our 
forces,  was  compelled  to  descend  to  the  Luray  again.  How- 
ever, night  came  on  too  soon,  and,  in  the  darkness,  the  enemy 
slipped  out  of  our  hands.  We  forded  the  river,  and 
bivouacked  about  nine  o'clock,  in  a  settlement,  called  JMas- 

September  25th.  This  bright  Sabbath  morning  found  us 
vigorously  pursuing  our  march  over  the  Massanutten  moun- 

7'moa  fell  back, 

I  division  moved 
ver  near  Watcr- 
[ere  we  received 
3  great  victory  at 
ision,  and  the  air 
rinei.  Atuiglit 
lley,  halting  after 

the   enemy  had 
nd  was  fleeing  up 
Dur  march.     Near 
md  beautiful,  the 
m,  about  one  hun- 
hey  were  all  loud 
the    "apple-jack 
n  the  hills  beyond 
ly  had  we  cooked 
lurried  every  man 
rt  time  the  whole 
de  in  hopes  of  cap- 
mountains  toward 
b  occupied  by  our 
iuray  again.     How- 
larkness,  the  enemy 
ed  the   river,   .ind 
lement,  called  ^laa- 

1  morning  found  us 
Massanutten  moun- 

FiFTH  New  York  Cavalry. 


tains,  through  a  gap  from  which  a  splendid  view  is  obtained 
of  the  two  valleys,  which  this  range  separates,  the  Luray 
and  Shenandoah.  About  ten  A.  M.  we  arrived  in  the 
vicinity  of  New  Market,  where  we  met  our  supply  train. 
Commissaries  and  quartermasters  were  in  great  repute  just 
then,  as  were  also  the  sutlers  with  their  scanty  supplies  at 
enormous  prices.  We  were  camped  a  few  hours  in  the 
woods.     Here  we  received  a  good  mail. 

About  2  p.  M.  the  whole  command  started  up  the  valley, 
halting  near  our  vast  infantry  camps  at  Harrisonburg,  about 
eleven  o'clock. 

September  2Qth.  This  morning  the  cavalry  moved  up 
the  valley,  reaching  Staunton  at  dusk.  Not  far  from  town, 
on  the  road  to  Waynesboro',  we  bivouacked,  after  a  very 
fatiguing  journey. 

September  21th.  At  ten  A.  M.  the  regiment  was  detailed 
to  escoH  Gen.  Custer  to  his  new  command,  lately  Gen. 
Averill's,  known  among  us  as  the  Second  division.  This  com- 
mand was  near  Port  Kepublio.  On  the  way  the  regiment  had 
a  fearful  skirmish  with  the  enemy  at  Mt.  Meridian.  How- 
ever, it  succeeded  in  getting  through,  with  the  general  unhurt. 

September  2%th.  The  boys  were  early  on  their  way  to 
rejoin  the  division,  which  they  did  at  night,  just  after  the 
battle  of  Waynesboro',  in  which  a  good  number  of  the 
regiment  were  engaged.  The  division  was  now  retreating, 
and  a  long,  dreary  march  was  before  us.  We  passed 
through  Staunton,  and  followed  the  pike  down  about  two 
miles ;  then  turning  to  the  left,  we  followed  a  rough,  crook- 
ed road  that  led  us  to  the  Glade,  a  small  valley  near  the 
foot  cf  the  North  or  Shenandoah  mountains.  We  journeyed 
all  night  long,  and  halted  for  breakfast  at  Spring  Hill 

^^  "i^^ju-:- 


HisTOHic  Records. 

September  29<A.  From  this  halt  the  regiment  waH  rear- 
guard of  the  coluiun.  A  Hlight  attack  was  made  on  us  and 
repelled.  Many  of  our  horses  gave  out  bj  the  way  and 
were  shot.  The  divi.>*ion  took  possession  of  Bridgewuter 
about  noon.  The  regiment  was  on  picket  till  night,  when 
it  camped  near  the  town. 

October  2d.  During  our  rest  hero  our  horses  have  fared 
well  with  the  forage,  which  is  abundant  all  around  us,  and 
the  men  have  obtained  very  comfortable  subsistence  from 
the  country.  Meanwhile,  General  Wilson  has  been  removed 
to  a  large  command  in  the  western  army,  and  General 
Custer  has  superseded  him  in  the  command  of  the  Third 

At  noon  the  command  broke  camp,  and  soon  after  the 
enemy's  cavalry  made  a  dash  on  our  pickets  and  succeeded 
in  penetrating  the  town.  They  were,  however,  driven  back 
with  some  loss.  Nearly  all  the  aflernoon  skirmishing 
and  cannonading  have  been  going  on.  The  regiment 
had  a  dark,  unpleasant  night's  picketing  along  this  danger- 
ous line. 

October  3 J.  On  picket  till  five  P.  M.  We  then  joined 
the  brigade  near  Dayton  and  went  into  camp. 

October  ith.  In  retaliation  for  the  murder  of  Capt.  Meigs, 
son  of  Quartermaster  Gen.  Meigs,  near  Dayton,  by  some 
citizen  guerrillas,  the  regiment  was  ordered  to  report  to 
Capt.  Lee,  provost  marshal  of  the  division,  to  burn  every 
building  within  a  circle  of  three  miles  from  the  scene  of 
the  murder.  This  was  the  most  heart-sickening  duty  we 
had  ever  performed.  Splendid  mansions  in  great  number, 
in  the  vicinity,  were  laid  in  ashes;  but  before  the  work 
of  burning   the  town  commenced,  the  order    was  oouu- 

Fifth  Nisw  Youk  Cavalry. 


a'mient  was  rear- 

8  Tuado  on  us  and 

by  the  way  and 

I  of  Bridgewater 
t  till  night,  when 

borses  have  fared 

II  around  us,  and 
subsistence  from 

has  been  removed 
my,  and  General 
land  of  the  Third 

,nd  soon  after  the 
ets  and  succeeded 
(vever,  driven  back 
moon  skirmishing 
I.  The  regiment 
along  this  danger- 

We  then  joined 

•der  of  Capt.  Meigs, 
:  Dayton,  by  some 
dered  to  report  to 
sion,  to  burn  every 
from  the  scene  of 
-sickening  duty  we 
IS  in  great  number, 
ut  before  the  work 
J  order   was  coun- 

termanded. The  execution  of  such  orders,  however  just 
and  right,  has  a  very  demoralizing  effect  upon  tho  men. 

October  <oth.  On  falling  back  from  the  upper  portion  of 
the  valley,  Gen.  Sheridan  ordered  all  stacks  or  ricks  of  hay 
or  grain,  or  the  same  in  burns,  to  be  destroyed  by  fire. 
Grist  mills  were  to  share  the  same  fate.  This  precaution 
was  to  prevent  the  enemy's  ever  returning  to  subsist  his 
army  on  this  fruitful  country.  The  march  of  our  army 
could  now  bo  traced  by  the  heavy  smokes,  which  rose  on 
the  air. 

On  leaving  Dayton  this  morning  two  grist  mills  were 
destroyed.  The  enemy  followed  very  closely  on  our  rear. 
Not  far  from  Turleytown  near  Brock's  Gap,  he  made  a 
strong  attack,  in  a  \  ?ition  very  advantageous  to  himself. 
By  dint  of  effort  and  Sne  fighting  he  was  prevented  from 
doing  us  much  injiry.  The  regiment  lay  all  night  on  the 
skirmish  line. 

October  7th.  We  continued  falling  back  on  the  moun- 
tain road,  and  were  rejoined  by  a  squadron  of  the  regiment, 
that  was  sent  to  Brock's  Gap  last  evening,  was  cut  off,  but 
succeeded  by  great  exertion  and  good  fortune,  to  pass 
unhurt  through  the  enemy's  lines.  At  Forestville  our 
column  was  attacked  by  a  strong  force.  During  the  skirm- 
ish we  lost  seven  forges,  including  ours,  several  ambulances, 
and  a  few  men.  Here  Sergeant  Whitney,  company  F,  then 
in  command  of  the  company,  lost  his  life  by  a  fatal  bullet, 
while  gallantly  struggling  to  repel  tho  enemy. 

We  continued  our  march  to  Columbian  Furnace,  near 
which  we  bivouacked  for  the  night. 

October  Sth.  As  usual  we  were  early  on  the  move.  The 
rear  guard  was  attacked  several  times  on  the  way.     We 









HO    nil  2.0 

















^>  '"'"^ 





WEBSTER,  N.Y.  14530 

(716)  877-4503 



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Collection  de 

Canadian  Institute  for  Historical  Microreproductions  /  Institut  Canadian  de  microraproductions  historiquos 

y  m 



HisTOKic  Hecords. 

rei:ched  Fisher's  Hill  b.!f'ore  tiuudovn,  and  were  sest  on 
picket  toward  Tom's  Brook. 

October  9ih.  Annoyed  by  the  frequent  attacks  of  the 
enemy  on  our  rear  guards  and  pickets,  Gen.  Custer  resolved 
to  drive  him  from  the  vicinity.  So  facing  about  with  his 
division,  this  morning  he  advanced  upon  Generals  Rosser 
and  Lomax  in  a  nn*^  position  nf^ai  Tom's  Brook.  This 
wiis  'i  pure  cavalry  fight,  and  one  of  the  most  spirited  of 
the  war.  Having  properly  planted  his  artillery,  and  dis- 
posed his  forLe  as  advantageou.sly  as  possible,  the  general 
ordsr6d  the  bugles  on  the  entire  Hue  to  sound  the  advance, 
and  leading  the  Fifth  Now  York  in  person,  he  made  p.  dash 
on  tho  enemy's  central  position  in  the  road.  Our  color 
bearer,  Sergeant  Buckley,  company  C,  displayed  his  usual 
bravery,  bearing  our  flag  close  by  the  side,  and,  at  times, 
ahead  of  the  general  b.  With  a  shout  and  a  dash,  with 
thundering  artillery  and  gleaming  sabres,  with  trusty  car- 
bines tnd  Yankee  grit,  our  boys  scattered  the  enemy  before 
them,  and  won  a  complete  victory.  On  the  pike  the  First 
division,  GKan.  Merritt  commanding,  made  a  clean  sweep  of 
the  enemy's  cavalry  on  t/ieir  front. 

October  llth.  This  afternoon  we  moved  to  the  pike, 
passed  through  Strasburg,  and  camped,  aller  dark,  near 
Be'ie  Grove,  Gen.  Sheridan's  headquarters. 

October  13<A.  The  enemy  made  an  attack  on  our  cavalry 
pickets  on  C<.dar  creek.  The  regiment  was  sent  oat  to 
recnforce  the  pickets.  After  some  cannonading  and  skirm- 
ishing, the  enemy  withdrew,  and  the  pickets  were  reestab- 

October  14<A.  The  regiment  wont  on  a  reconnoissance  to 
Lebanon  church,  where  the  enemy  was  met,  and,  after  a 



Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


and  were  sent  on 

nt  attacks  of  the 
n.  Custer  resolved 
ing  about  with  his 
n  Generals  Rosser 
m's  Brook.  This 
e  most  jpirited  of 
artillery,  and  dis- 
aiblo,  the  general 
ound  the  advance, 
n,  he  made  a  dash 
road.  Our  color 
splayed  his  usual 
de,  and,  at  times, 

and  a  dash,  with 
,  with  trusty  car- 

the  enemy  before 
he  pike  the  First 

a  clean  sweep  of 

red  to  the  pike, 
after  dark,  near 

k  on  our  cavair; 
was  sent  oat  to 
ading  and  skirm- 
ets  were  reestab- 

•econnoissance  to 
let,  and,  ailter  a 

^ii:;ht  skirmish,  we  returned  to  the  north  bank  of  Cedar 

October  15th.  Went  on  piclcot  along  the  creek. 

October  IQth.  We  were  relieved  by  the  1st  Connecticut, 
nnd  came  back  to  the  brigade,  where  we  went  into  camp. 

October  10th.  About  four  o'clock  A.  M.  we  were  aroused 
Irom  our  slumbers  by  an  attack  on  our  cavalry  pickets  at 
die  right  of  our  line.  This  was  followed  by  the  discharire 
•jf  signal  guns  down  the  Rebel  lines,  ending  with  a  feurtul 
and  surprise  attack  on  the  8th  corps  (Gen.  Crook's),  which 
iiecupied  our  left.  Here  the  men  were  killed  and  captured 
in  their  tfints,  and  nearly  the  whole  camp,  with  sutlers' 
wagons,  trains,  and  several  pieces  of  artillery,  fell  into  the 
eucniy's  hands.  Drivpu  back  in  confusion,  panic-stricken, 
the  left  of  the  19th  corps  (Geu.  Emory's)  was  uncovered 
and  exposed  to  a  withering  fire  from  the  exultant  foe.  Many 
of  our  brave  fellows  fell  while  contesting  this  central  and 
important  position.  But  our  forti^ed  lines  had  to  be 
abaadoued,  and  the  old  6th  corps  (Gen.  Wright's)  came 
under  the  flaiik  fire  of  the  advancing  columns. 

Nine  o'cIocIl  and  our  lines  had  been  driven  back  about 
three  miles,  and  disaster  had  followed  us  at  every  step.  A 
deep  gloom  had  settled  upon  the  army.  The  absence  of 
Gen.  Sheridan  was  deeply  felt  by  all.  But  about  ten  o'clock, 
loud  cheering  in  the  rear,  taken  up  by  centre  and  front, 
announced  that  the  hero  of  the  Shenandoah  had  arrived 
upon  the  field  of  carnage.  His  blacL  charger,  reeking  with 
foam,  and  covered  with  dust,  had  brought  him  in  qu'  ^k 
Iwste  from  Wiuphester. 

"  The  flfBt  that  the  general  saw  were  the  groups 
Of  gtriigglois  and  the  retreaiing  troops. 

;n  1- 

» ■ 

•7     i«5F> 


II18T0R10  Records. 

What  was  done,  what  to  do,  a  glance  told  Lim  both  ; 

Then,  striking  hie  spurs  with  a  terrible  oath, 

He  dashed  dourn  the  line  mid  a  storm  of  huzias, 

And  the  ware  of  retreat  checked  its  course  there,  because 

The  sight  of  the  master  compelled  it  to  pause." 

The  tide  of  battle  immediately  turned.  Every  man  became 
suddenly  transformed  into  two  men,  and  the  general's  pres- 
ence gave  a  foretaste  of  victory.  The  meeting  of'  the 
generals  was  exceedingly  affecting.  Hata  and  caps  were 
thrown  into  the  air,  and  tears  fell  from  their  eyes  like  rain. 
Old  gray-headed  heroes  sobbed  like  girls.  Custer,  the  dar- 
ing, terrible  demon  that  he  is  in  battle,  caught  Sheridan  in 
his  arms,  but  was  unable  to  utter  a  word  I  It  was  no  time 
for  sentiment.  While  consulting  with  his  generals  the 
alarming  intelligence  reached  Sheridan  that  the  enemy's 
cavalry  was  rapidly  moving  to  flank  him  on  the  right. 

"  Custer,  I  can  trust  you  with  the  work  of  driving  back 
this  force,"  he  said,  after  looking  around  him  for  a  moment. 
No  time  was  lost,  and  the  work  was  successfully  performed. 
Inch  by  inch  the  Rebel  lines  gave  way,  until  about  sun- 
set, when  our  artillery  opened  along  our  entire  line  with  a 
galling  fire.     Then  came  the  impetuous  charge  of  our  entire 
force,  with  the  usual  war-cry,  more  terrific  than  cannon's 
awful  bellowing,  and  then,  too,  came  the  disastrous  rout  of 
the  enemy.     At  this  juncture  the  ever-ready  Third  division 
of  cavalry  made  a  grand  dash  at  the  fugacious  Johnnies. 
A  glance  to  the  rear  showed  them  closed  in  a  solid  body, 
their  sabres  flashing  dimly  through  tbe  smoke  of  that  terri- 
ble  field.     No  cheering  now ;  nothing  but  the  thundering 
tread  of  the  coluFnns,  announcing  our  approach  to  the  enemy, 
as  we  swept  into  the  fire.     The  creek  had  been  forded,  and 



Fifth  Nkw  York  Cavalry. 



'e,  beoanso 

sry  man  became 
general's  pres- 
aeeting  of  the 
and  caps  were 
eyes  like  rain. 
!a8ter,  the  dar- 
;bt  Sheridan  in 
It  was  no  time 
s  generals  the 
it  the  enemy's 
the  right, 
driving  back 
for  a  moiaent. 
illy  performed, 
intil  about  sun- 
ire  line  with  a 
;e  of  our  entire 
than  cannon's 
[StrouB  rout  of 
Third  divisioD 
lous  Johnnies, 
a  solid  body, 
of  that  terri- 
,e  thundering 
to  the  enemy, 
in  forded,  and 

only  half  a  mile,  before  we  could  reach  the  guns  that  were 
belching  shot  and  shell  at  our  troopers.  The  bugles  again 
sounded  the  charge,  and  with  a  cheer  ire  rode  straight  for 
the  foe.  It  was  a  maddening  timn.  The  Kebals  delivered 
one  fierce  volley,  and  the  next  ini^aLi,  the  pitiless  sabres  of 
our  men  and  the  iron  heels  of  the  horses  were  doing  their 
work.  For  three  miles  the  charge  continued,  the  bloody 
ground,  the  broken  m\iskets,  the  dead  and  wounded,  told 
its  ferocity.  Only  the  darkness  of  night  put  an  end  to  the 
slaughter.  Never  in  this  war  was  so  much  gained.  Sheri- 
dan's victory  was  complete. 

Interesting  accounts  of  extraordinary  valor  in  the  regiment 
may  be  found  in  the  chapter  of  registers  of  companies. 
The  following  artiole,  with  receipt,  from  t  New  York  daily, 
ffill  show  how  the  regiment  behared  on  this  memorable  day  : 

Among  the  regiments  that  participated  in  Sheridan's  vic- 
tory of  October  19th,  none  equaled  the  success  of  the  Fifth 
New  York  Cavalry.  The  followiug  interesting  and  important 
receiptforproperty,oapturedbytheregimontha8  been  issued : 

Headquarters  First  Brigade,  1 
Third  Cavalry  Division.Oot.  2lBt,  1864.  / 

Received  of  the  Fifth  New  York  Cavalry,  commanded  by 
Major  A.  H.  Krom,  twenty-two  pieces  of  artillery,  fourteen 
caiesons,  one  battery  wagon,  seventeen  army  wag6ns,  six 
spring  wagons  and  ambulances,  eighty-throe  sets  of  artillery 
harness,  seventy-five  sets  of  wagon  harness,  ninety-eight 
Iiorses,  sixty-seven  mules,  captured  in  action  in  the  buttle 
of  the  19th  of  October,  1864,  on  Cedar  creek,  Va. 
A.  C.  M.  Penninqton,  Jr., 

Colonel  Commanding  Brigade. 
Adjutant's  General's  Ofiice,  Oct.  25,  1864. 

[A  true  copy.]  E.   D.  TOWNSEND,  A.  A.  G. 



HisTORio  Records. 

To  this  receipt  mighi  have  been  added  tvro  battle  flags 

and  many  prisoners.     The  following  congratulatory  order 

was  issued   and   promulgated   to   h's  divisiou  by  General 

Custer : 

Headqisarrcra.Third  Division,  Cavalry  Corps,  'l^ 
Middle  Military  Division,  October  21,  1864.  j 

Soldiers  of  the  Third  Cavalry  Division : 

With  pride  and  gratification  your  commanding  general 
congratulates  you  upon  your  brilliant  achieveme nbs  of  the 
past  few  days. 

On  the  ninth  of  the  present  month  you  attacked  a  vastly 
superior  force  of  the  enemy's  cavalry,  strongly  posted,  with 
artillery  in  position,  and  commanded  by  that  famous  "savior 
of  the  Valley,"  Bosser. 

Notwithstanding  the  enemy's  superiority  in  numbers  and 
position,  you  drove  him  twenty  miles,  capturing  his  artillery, 
six  pieces  in  all ;  also  his  entire  train  of  wagons  and  ambu- 
lances, and  a  large  number  of  prisoners.  Again,  during 
the  memorable  engagement  of  the  nineteenth  instant,  your 
conduct  throughout  was  sublimely  heroic,  and  without  a 
parallel  in  the  annals  of  warfare.  In  the  early  part  of  the 
day,  when  disaster  and  defeat  seemed  to  threaten  our  noble 
army  upon  all  sides,  your  calm  and  determined  bearing, 
while  exposed  to  a  terrible  fire  from  the  enemy's  guu8, 
added  not  a  little  to  restore  confidence  to  that  portion  of 
our  army  already  broken  and  driven  back  on  the  right. 

Afterwards,  rapidly  transferred  from  the  right  flank  to 
the  extreme  left,  you  materially  and  successfully  assisted  in 
defeating  the  enemy  in  his  attempt  to  turn  the  left  flank  of 
our  army.  Again  ordered  on  the  right  flank,  you  attacked 
and  defeated  a  division  of  the  enemy's  cavalry,  driving  him 

*i«t^«fti>=#»S5si-  - 

Fifth  Nbw  York  Cavalry. 


tro  battle  flags 
jratulatory  order 
sion  b^  General 

!avalry  Corps,  I 
ober  21,  1864.  j 

Handing  general 
evemeita  of  the 

attacked  a  vastly 
igly  posted,  with 
'  famous  "saTior 

in  numbers  and 
ing  his  artillery, 
tgons  and  ambu 

Again,  during 
tb.  instant,  your 

and  without  a 
arly  part  of  the 
•eaten  our  noble 
mined  bearing, 
I  enemy's  guus, 
that  portion  of 
I  the  right. 

right  flank  to 
fully  assisted  in 
;he  lefl  flank  of 
k,  you  attacked 
ry,  driving  him 

in  confusion  across  Cedar  creek.  Then  changing  your  fVont 
to  the  left  at  a  gallop,  you  charged  and  turned  the  left 
flank  of  the  enemy's  line  of  battle,  and  punned  his  broken 
and  demoralized  army  a  distance  of  iGive  miles.  Night 
alone  put  an  end  to  your  pursuit. 

Among  the  substantial  fruits  of  this  great  victory,  you 
can  boast  ot  having  captured  five  battle  flags,  a  lar*  aum- 
ber  of  prisoners,  including  Major  Gen.  Ramseur,  an*  .brty- 
five  of  the  forty-eight  pieces  of  artillery  taken  fro.  a  the 
enemy  ou  that  day,  thus  making  fifty-one  pieces  of  artillery 
wliich  you  have  captured  from  the  enemy  within  the  short 
period  of  ten  days. 

This  is  a  record  of  which  you  may  well  be  proud,  a  record 
won  and  established  by  your  gallantry  and  perseverance. 
You  have  surrounded  the  name  of  the  Third  cavalry  division 
with  a  halo  as  enduring  as  time. 

The  history  of  this  war,  when  truthfully  written,  will 
contain  no  brighter  page  than  that  upon  which  is  recorded 
tiie  chivalrous  deeds,  and  glorious  triumphs  of  the  soldiei-s 
of  the  Third  division. 

G.  A.  Custer, 
Brigadier  General  Commanding. 
Official :  Chs.  Siebert,  Captain  aud  A.  A.  Q. 
On  the  19th  of  September  we  gave  the  Rebels  a  thorough 
whipping  at  Winchester;  on  the  19th  of  October  we  repeated 
the  operation  with  a  double  dose  on  Cedar  creek,  each  time 
with  the  19th  corps  in  the  centre  of  the  line,  giving  us  an 
arithmetical  assemblage  worthy  of  remembrance  by   the 
American  people. 

It  was  quite  late  at  night  when  the  pursuit  was  disoon- 
tinued,  and  the  troops  returned  to  their  "old  campground." 

:  i. 



Historic  Records. 

October  20th.  The  division  wont  out  on  a  reconnoissaDoe 
to  Tom's  Brook  on  the  mountain  road,  but  captured  only  s 
few  stragglers.  The  column  returned  to  camp  but  the  Fifth 
wac  left  on  picket  at  the  Cedar  creek  neighborhood.  Migor 

Boice  took  command.  i4;^,.ii->.^*-v  »-*>.••        * 

October  2Ut.  The  2d  OTklo  reheTed  vm  about  sundown, 
and  we  came  near  brigade  headquarters  iuto  camp. 

On  the  25th  and  Slst  we  took  our  tour  at  picketing. 

.November  6th.  The  regiment  went  out  on  a  reconnoissance 
toward  Romney.  It  returned  at  night,  atter  a  tedious,  cold 
and  fruitlens  march. 

November  Sth.  The  whole  army  broke  camp  and  moTed 
near  Kernstown,  where  it  is  expected  we  may  build  winter 

November  9th.  The  first  brigade  waa  sent  out  on  the 
mountain  road  near  Zion  Church,  where  •  picket,  Una  wu 
established.  .4  1  .  v\,c  ^.,j..!l.    '^' 

November  12th.  The  enemy's  cavalry  (Irore  in  our  pickets 
this  morning,  and  made  their  appeal »  ^  very  near  oor 
camp.  The  First,  brigade  went  out  and  drove  them  beyona 
Cedar  creek,  after  an  exciting  engagement.  Col.  Hull,  of 
the  2d  New  York,  while  pushing  on  at  the  head  of  his  men, 
was  killed.  He  was  a  gallant  young  officer,  who  had  but 
recently  borne  the  eagle.    He  was  generally  lamented. 

We  returned  to  our  eamps  at  night,  after  aerer^ly 
punishing  the  enemy,  c  i; !►.  .  ii  .     s&5'5-?E 

November  ISth.  A  reoonneissance  was  made  to  Cedar 
creek,  but  the  enemy  was  not  discovered. 

Novemher  21»<.  The  Second  and  Third  divisions  started 
up  the  valley  on  a  reconnoissance.  The  whole  force  bi- 
vouacked in  and  about  Woodstock  at  night. 



on  a  reconnoissanoe 
but  captured  only  a 
camp  but  the  Fifth 
)ighborhood.  Major 

OB  about  sundown, 
into  camp. 
ir  at  picketing. 
:  on  a  reconnoissanee 
utter  a  tediona,  cold 

s  camp  and  moved 
e  may  build  winter 

18  sent  out  on  the 
)  a  picket  line  was 

'Irore  in  pur  picketa 
■'^  very  near  onr 
drove  them  beyona 
nt.  Gol.  Hull,  of 
he  head  of  his  men, 
icer,  who  had  bat 
ally  lamented. 
:ht,  after  severely 

ts  made  to  Cedar 

d  divisions  started 
le  whole  force  bi- 

•;  {-At 



!■;'?>  •■■;^- 

•■<     J* 






:*;!iS8aaMsii^.^,  '^^^^^s^^^im^em^f^^i^iSmMiimi^^^M^ 

Fifth  Nkw  Yohk  Cavalry. 



November  22il.  The  advance,  at  Edinburg,  captured  the 
Rebel  outpust  of  pickets  this  uiorning,  and  as  rapidly  as  pos- 
sible the  wbule  furco  advanced  to  the  Shenandoah  beyond 
Mt.  Jackaun,  where  a  strong  picket  lino  was  encountered. 
The  Second  divisiun  was  moved  across  the  river,  with  a 
portion  of  the  Third  division,  and  advanced  in  skirmish  line 
near  Hood's  Hill,  where  it  developed  the  power  of  the  enemy, 
who  came  out  in  three  well-formed  lines  of  battle.  To 
ascortain  the  position  and  force  of  the  enemy  was  pU  we  had 
iutcndod.  Having  accomplished  this  to  our  satisfaction,  all 
we  desired  was  to  escape  from  this  force  with  the  least  possi- 
ble injury.  This  was  not  done,  however,  without  a  hard- 
fought  balt!e.  In  this  engagement  the  regiment  performeu 
deeds  of  the  most  wonderful  daring,  preventing  a  flank 
movement  on  the  column  by  the  enemy's  cavalry.  About 
three  P.  M.  we  succeeded  in  dealing  our  pursuers  such 
a  blow,  aa  to  enable  us  to  fall  back  unmolested.  The  main 
force  returned  to  Woodstock,  and  halted  for  the  night 
The  Fifth,  however,  was  left  to  picket  the  rear  along  Stony 
creek.     The  night  was  very  cold,  occasioning  some  suffering. 

November  2'&d.  A  cold  march,  over  frozen  ground,  brought 
UH  buck  agcin  to  our  camp  near  the  sources  of  the  Opequan, 
about  three  miles  from  Kernstown. 

November  24<A.  This  evening,  after  feasting  on  our 
Thanksgiving  chickens  and  turkeys,  sent  us  by  our  friends 
iti  the  north,  the  regiment  was  made  doubly  thankful  by 
receiving  an  order  from  General  Sheridan  detailing  ua  for 
bis  escort. 

November  2bth.  Obedient  to  the  order,  we  reported  to 
General  Sheridan  at  nine  A.  M.,  and  were  ordered  into  camp 
near  bis  headquarters  at  Kernstown. 

j;ffli,  iwff, 

::  W. 




188  HiSTObIC  Recobds. 

Quite  an  effort  wn3  made  by  some  high  olSoials  to  get  the 

regiment  back  to  the  brigade,  but  the  general  sai^,  "  What 

I  have  written,  I  have  written." 

As  our  campaigning  is  now  ended  for  the  season,  with 

pleasure  we  append  the  following  result  of  Qen.  Sheridan's 

work  in  the  valley : 

Pnionert  oapturod  at  Wiiioheiter  (well) 2,200 

Priaoners  captured  at  TVinobeater  (wounded) 2,000 

PriBonera  oaptured  at  Fisher's  Hill 900 

Prisoners  captured  on  ttie  march  beyond  and  since  and 

before  the  battio 1,600 

Prisoners  captured  at  Cedar  creek 2,000 

Total  prisoners 8,600 

CaunoD  ovptured  near  Martinsburg 2 

Cannon  captured  on  the  Opequan 6 

Cannon  captured  at  Wisher's  Hill 21 

Cannon  captured  in  cavalry  battle 11 

Cannon  captured  at  Cedar  creek 60 

ToUl 89 

Small  arms  captured  at  Winchester 6,000 

Small  arms  captured  at  Fisher's  Hill 1,100 

Small  arn:s  captured  at  Cedar  creek  (say) 6,000 

Total 12,100 

Cai8<;ons  captured  at  Winchester 4 

Caissons  captured  at  Fisher's  Hill 9 

Caissons  captured  at  C:<lar  creek  (s»,> „        22 

Total 36 

Wagons  captured  at  different  points 160 

Wagons  captured  at  Cedar  creek 100 

ToUl 260 

December   1st.    The   regiment  escorted  the   general  to 
Sheridan   hospital  near  Winchester,  where  we  witnessed 

■  •■AJfU. 

]•-'■',  i-H^Kr-fi^^^-i^j'     -riia-.'|^g«ivl^.^(S^iVj^..i,,;;it.4,.^irf,;^i:V5s^^ 


Ii  3ffioial8  to  get  tlie 
meral  said,  "  What 

r  the  seasoQ,  wit,h 
of  Qen.  Sheridan's 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


the  ceremony  of  a  flag  raising,  a  flag  presented  by  the  Union 
ladies  of  the  f«WD.  There  was  a  largo  and  brilliant  assem- 
blage of  smiling  ladies,  andgayly  dressed  officers,  and  not  a 
few  of  our  brave  boys  seated  on  bench«^8  and  chairs,  who 
had  lost  arms,  legs,  health,  &c.,  for  the  proud  flag,  whose 
floating  to-day  they  cheered  with  happy  toices, 

December  Uth.  We  escorted  the  general  to  his  iiew  head- 
quarters  at  the  Logan  mansion  in  Winchester.  The  regi- 
ment  was  ordered  to  build  wibteic  quarters,  which  work  was 
begun  near  >h»j  town  on  west  side  of  the  road  to  Martins- 
burg.  Nearly  the  whole  army  has  constructed  or  is  con- 
structing  its  winter  qnai  ters. 

December  81rt.  The  old  year  is  dying,  with  the  pure 
white  snow  for  her  winding  sheet  and  the  hoarse  winds  for 
her  requiem.  These  are  solemn  hours  to  the  Christian 
soldier.  Memory  recalls  the  terrible  dangers  through 
which  he  has  passed  and  the  awful  scenen  he  has  witnessed. 
His  heart  swells  with  gratitude  to  the  Great  Preserrer  for 
the  gift  of  safety,  and  he  prays  for  courage  and  strength  to 
be  faithful  and  efficient  until  his  work  is  done. 




tieneral  Sheridan's  Last  Raid.  — Up  the  Valley  — Battle  o( 
Waynesboro".  —  Many  Priftoners. — In  Charge  oi"  the  Regi- 
ment.—  RosBer  Annoys  Rear  of  Column.  —  Battle  of  Rood'i 
Hill. — RoBser  L'e'oated.  —  Fall  of  Riohuond.  —  Lee  Surren- 
ders.—  Suburbs  of  Winchester.  —  Rebel  Soldiers  Anxious  to 
be  Paroled.  —  Expedition  to  Staunton.  — Preparation  *.o  Muster 
out  the  Regiment.  —  Camp  Illumination.  —  Last  Order  of  Col. 
White.  — Journey  to  Hart's  Island,  N.  Y.  Harbor. — The  Fifth 
New  Yorlt  Cavalry  is  No  More  — January  l.t  to  July  26M,  1885. 

January  IQlh.  Several  of  General  Sheridan's  B<^outs,  ac- 
companied by  a  detail  of  the  regiment,  made  a  domonstrii- 
tion  on  the  Rebel  pickets,  near  Edinburg,  capturing  a  good 
number.  Keturuiug  tjiey  tarried  too  long  at  Woodstock, 
where  they  were  attacked  by  a  large  force,  the  prisoners 
liberated  and  some  of  the  party  captured. 

January  22d.  An  affair  quite  similar  to  the  above  oc- 
curred at  Edinburg     Our  loss  was  larger  than  before. 

February  23rf.  The  regiment  went  out  on  a  reconnois- 
sance  to  Newtown,  White  Post,  Millwood,  and  returned  at 
eleven  o'clcsk  at  night,  without  seeing  even  the  semblance 
of  an  enemy. 

February  27th.  A  grand  cavalry  movement  was  com- 
menced to-day,  the  fruit  uf  vhich  will  compare  favorably 
with  any  other  movement  during  the  war.  Gen.  Sheridan, 
with  the  cavalry  of  the  valley,  moved  out  toward  Staunton 


«--i  -f^tCA^^M 




alley  —  Battle  of 
ge  oi"  the  Rcgi. 
Battle  of  Rood's 
d.  —  Lee  Surren- 
iiers  Anxious  to 
aration  '.o  Muster 
ast  Order  of  Col. 
rbor.— The  Fifth 
!o  July  26M,  1885. 

ian's  Bi^outs,  ac- 
de  a  domoostru- 
!aptur:ng  a  good 
;  at  Woodstock, 
>,  the  prisoners 

I  the  above  oc- 
tian  before, 
jn  a  reconnois- 
nd  returned  at 
the  semblance 

nent  wa3  com- 
ipare  favorably 
Gen.  Sheridan, 
award  Staunton 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry.  191 

about  ten  o'clock.  The  regiment  accompanied  him.  Tho 
column  moved  as  rapidly  as  possible  up  the  Valley  pike, 
which  is  one  of  the  finest  highways  of  the  country,  and  in 
good  condition  at  all  seasons  of  the  year. 

March  \st.  The  advance  reached  the  vicinity  of  Waynes- 
boro',  the   headquarters   of   General   Early,   commanding 
Kobel  forces.     Here  the  Third  clivision  again  proved  itself 
worthy  of  the  renown  it  had.  acquired.     With   his   usual 
daring  Gen.  Custer  advanced  his  division  upon  the  Rebel 
camp.    All  resistance  was  fruitless.    Our  men  swept  around 
this  ill-starred  army  and   enveloped   them   like  fish  in  a 
net.    Gen,    Early  barely  escaped,  by  cunningly  dodging 
into  a  thicket,  pursued  closely  by  the  horsemen.     His  staff 
officers  and   nearly  his  entire  force  fell  into  our  hands, 
making  a  total  of  about  1,400  prisoners.     His   artillery, 
camp  and  garrison  equipage  and  stores  were  either  appro- 
priated  to  our  own  use  or  destroyed,  mostly  the  latter.   This 
was  but  the  beginning  of  achievements,  which  place  the 
name  of  Sheridan  among  the  first  heroes  of  modern  times. 

Encumbered  by  so  great  a  crowd  of  prisoners,  the  general 
concluded  to  send  them  to  the  rear  by  way  of  Winphester. 
This  was  no  small  task,  to  guard  upward  of  a  thousand 
men  nearly  a  hundred  miles  through  a  country  infested  by 
guerrillas,  and  by  the  forces  of  General  Rosscr.  This  task 
was  committed  to  the  Fifth  New  York,  with  detachments  of 
other  regiments,  and  a  promiscuous  lot  of  dismounted  men, 
and  of  men  whose  horses  were  wcil-nigh  "played  out," 
making  a  command  about  on'3  thousand  strong. 

Retaining  with  himself  such  of  the  regiment  as  were 
orderlies  for  his  staff  officers,  messengers,  color  bearers,  &o., 
tlic  general  pursued  his  journey  over  the  Blue  Ridge,  cap- 


Historic  Records. 

tured  cities  and  prisoners,  destroyed  rail  roads,  canals  and 
other  public  property,  eluded  the  enemy  by  the  swiftness  of 
his  motion,  and,  after  inflicting  irreparable  injury,  rested 
his  brave,  tired  squadrons  near  White  House  Landing. 
But  he  was  ready  for  the  orening  campaign  near  Peters< 
burg,  where  he  covetod  himself  and  his  men  with  glory,  at 
Dinwiddie,  Five  Forks  and  Appomattox,  surrounding  the 
enemy  at  last  and  compelling  him  to  a  hasty  surrender, 
From  this  digression  we  return  to  the  main  body  of  the 

The  roads  from  Waynesboro',  cut  down  by  the  train,  the 
pontoon  wagons  and  the  artillery,  and  trampled  by  the  ioog 
lines  of  cavalry,  were  almost  impassable.  Along  these  the 
guard  and  prisoners  floundered,  traveling  in  the  fields 
where  they  could,  and  finally  rejoiced  to  have  struck  the 
firm  macadamized  pike  near  Staunton.  Here  supplies  of  floar 
and  meat  were  obtained  in  abundance,  and  the  command 
was  prepared  to  undertake  its  long,  perilous  march  to  Win- 

At  Mt.  Sidney  a  considerable  body  of  Rossor's  men 
made  their  appearance,  and  attacked  the  rear  guard.  They 
were  repelled  after  a  brief  skirmish,  during  which  Edward 
M  uton,  company  M,  had  a  ball  wound  his  horse  and  another 
pass  through  his  canteen  full  of  sorghum,  letting  out  the 
contents.  Occasional  shots  were  exchanged  with  these 
pursuers,  who  hung  on  our  rear,  all  the  way.  At  Laccy 
Springs,  their  numbers  having  been  increased,  they  made 
quite  a  demonstration.  This  was  renewed  with  new  zeal 
and  numbers  at  New  Market,  while  the  force  was  gathering 
on  every  side  to  contest  the  passage  of  the  Shenandoah  near 
Mt.  JacLson.  On  the  morning  of  the  seventh  of  March,  the 


Fifth  Nbw  York  Cavalry. 


roads,  canals  and 
by  the  swiftness  of 
ible  icjury,  rested 

0  House  Landing. 
)aign  near  Peters- 
men  with  glory,  at 
:,  sarTounding  the 

1  hasty  surrender, 
main  body  of  the 

n  by  the  train,  the 
impled  by  the  long 
Along  these  the 
ling  in  the  fields 
o  have  struck  the 
ire  supplies  of  flour 
and  the  command 
ous  march  to  Win- 

of  Rossar's  men 

ear  guard.     They 

ing  which  Edward 

lorse  and  another 

letting  out  the 

ged   with  these 

way.     At  Laccy 

reased,  they  made 

ed  with  new  zeal 

tree  was  gathering 

Shenandoah  near 

th  of  March,  the 


command  was  ready  to  cross  the  river.  The  Fifth  was 
sgain  rear  guard.  Gon.  Rosser,  intent  on  releasing  the 
prisoners,  had  collected  his  force,  and,  coming  down  Rood's 
Hill,  charged  on  the  column.  Col.  Boice,  commanding  tho 
regiment,  suddenly  changed  direction,  held  his  men  in  good 
line,  each  reserving  his  fire  uatil  the  enemy  had  approached 
within  a  few  rods,  then  ordering  and  leading  the  charge, 
be  fell  with  a  crushing  blow  upon  the  enemy.  The  John- 
nies, not  expecting  such  a  dash,  wneoled  about  and  under- 
took to  fly,  but  were  prevented  doing  so  rapidly  on  account 
of  the  mud  of  the  field  where  they  were.  A  band  to  hand 
contest  of  unusual  excitement  followed,  in  which  the  most 
daring  deeds  were  done.  Col.  Boice,  having  emptied  every 
chamber  of  his  revolver,  unhorsed  six  Rebel  troopers  with 
the  butt.  The  affair  resulted,  not  in  the  release  of  the 
prisoners  as  fondly  hoped  by  Rosser,  but  in  tho  capture  of 
thirty-  five  of  his  men,  the  killing  of  quite  a  number,  and 
the  dispersion  of  his  entire  force.  Our  boys  went  on  their 
way  rejoicing,  and  crossed  the  river  unmolested,  while  a 
few  0^  the  beaten  Rebels  grinn  ad  at  them  from  Rood's  Hill, 
beyond  carbint  range. 

The  remainder  of  the  march  was  quite  pleasant,  and  the 
arrival  of  the  column  at  Winchester,  the  eighth  of  March, 
was  hailed  with  a  salute  from  the  First  Maine  battery. 

The  regiment  returned  to  camp,  and  the  prisoners  were 
sent  on  to  Harper's  Ferry.  The  regiment  was  now  subject 
to  orders  from  Oen.  Hancock,  who  had  the  temporary  com- 
mand of  the  forces  in  and  about  Winchester. 

March  18th.  The  regiment  went  on  a  reconnoissance  to 
Berryville.  Deserters  from  the  Rebel  lines  are  daily  coming 
in  our  own,  and  giving  themselves  up. 






Historic  Kecords. 


'March  16<A.  The  paymaster  is  making  us  a  friendly  call, 
and  is  relieving  bimsolf  freely  of  "  stamps,"  as  the  boys 
call  his  greenbacks. 

March  29th.  The  regiment  had  the  honor  of  being 
reviewed  by  two  generals  with  their  staffs,  nac'ely,  Hancock 
and  Torbert.  Gen.  Hancock  was  heard  to  say,  "  Well 
done,"  on  witnessing  some  swifl  evolutions,  which  gave 
the  boys  peculiar  satisfaction. 

April  'Ad.  Swift  telegrams  announce  Gen.  Sheridan's 
victorious  battles  below  Petersburg,  and  the  fall  of  Rich- 
mond !  Batteries  rend  the  air  with  their  salutes,  aad 
bands  of  music  fill  the  intervals  with  joyful  airs.  The 
evening  has  been  made  luminous  with  fireworks  from  the 
signal  tower  on  Logan  mansion,  and  bonfires  in  the  streets. 

April  9th.  Midnight!  and  the  booming  cannon  announce 
the  surrender  of  General  Lee  and  the  army  of  Northern 
Virginia.  Aroused  from  their  slumbers  the  soldiers  and 
some  citizens  rush  to  Gen.  Hancock's  headquarters,  a  happy, 
almost  crazy  throng.  The  Logan  mansion  shines  with  an 
illumination,  the  signal  tower  blazes  with  fireworks,  bt'ls 
ring,  bands  discourse  patriotic  music,  flags  are  paraded 
through  the  streets,  &nd  the  multitude  grows  hoarse  with 
cheering.     The  whole  night  is  filled  with  jubilation. 

April  \bth.  All  are  filled  with  gloom  at  the  news  of  the 
assassination  of  our  beloved  President  Ifst  evening.  Thus 
the  bitterest  cup  is  tendered  to  the  lips  of  the  people  in  the 
midst  of  their  highest  joy  over  past  victories.  Freedom's 
noblest  champion,  a  nation's  great  chief,  falls  a  martyr  to 
his  cause ! 

April  27th.  It  has  been  a  busy  day,  breaking  up  winter 
quarters,  and  removing  into  a  grassy  field  about  a  mile  from 

a.-ev»  J.  'jW  *^,«-  Uii 




FiFTU  Nkm-  York  Cavalry. 


;  ua  a  friendly  call, 
imps,"  as  the  boys 

e  honor  of  being 
h,  nas'ely,  Hancock 
ird  to  say,  "Well 
iitions,  which  gave 

e  Gen.   Sheridan's 

td  tho  fall  of  Rich- 

their  salutes,  and 

I  joyful   airs.    The 

fireworks  from  the 

ifires  in  the  streets. 

[ig  cannon  announce 

army  of  Northern 

s  the  soldiers  and 

idquarteiB,  a  happy, 

ion  shines  with  an 

ith  fireworks,  h  Us 

flags   are  paraded 

rows  hoarse  with 


at  the  news  of  the 

3t  evening.    Thus 

P  the  people  in  the 

tories.     Freedom's 

falls  a  martyr  to 

Ireaking  up  winter 
about  a  mile  from 

town  near  tho  llomney  pike.  We  are  now  merged  into  a 
IVovisional  brigade  of  cavalry,  under  command  of  Col. 
Keno.  Before  leaving  sight  of  Winchester,  we  should  say, 
that  though  it  does  not  appear  as  when  first  visited  by  tho 
regiment  in  1862,  it  still  presents  some  objects  of  interest. 
Near  by  it  on  the  Romney  pike  are  the  ruins  of  the  man- 
sion of  Jomes  M.  Mason  (Mason  and  Slidell),  once  the 
!  eadquarters  of  Gen.  Banks. 

On  the  north  side  of  the  town,  in  an  old  cemetery,  is  the 
i;rave  of  "  Major  Gen.  Daniel  Morgan,  who  died  in  1808," 
of  revolutionary  fame.  The  marble  slab  is  of  poor  quality, 
and  has  been  wantonly  broken  piece  by  piece,  for  tho  sake 
of  relics,  until  the  inscription  is  partially  obliterated. 

To  the  east  of  this  cemetery  is  the  Union  soldiers'  sleeping 
place,  a  parterre  enclosed  with  a  neat  board  fence,  and 
ffliose  straight  rows  of  graves  with  their  uniform  head- 
boards, painted  white  with  black  inscriptions,  present  a 
scene  thrillingly  interesting.  This  graveyard  is  contiguous 
•o  the  Winchester  cemetery,  whose  monuments  and  tomb- 
stones show  marks  of  the  many  battles  which  have  been 
fought  in  this  vicinity. 

April  29th.  Fragments  of  the  Rebel  army  are  constantly 
coming  in,  even  guerrillas,  who  ^ere  scarcely  expected  to 
give  up  their  work  so  soon.  They,  too,  are  eager  for  their 
parole,  sick  at  heart  with  the  war,  and  glad  to  return  to 
more  peaceful  pursuits. 

A  salute  was  fired  to-day  on  the  reception  of  a  telegram 
announcing  the  surrender  of  Johnston  and  his  army  to 
Gen,  Sherman. 

Mai/  ith.  At  seven  this  morning  the  regiment  moved  out 
with  a  brigade  of  infantry,  the  whole  in  command  of  Brig. 

:  m-'tt 


Historic  Records. 

Geo.  Duval,  on  the  way  to  Staunton.  The  march  was  per> 
formed  quietly,  resembling  more  a  picnic  party,  than  an 
assemblage  of  warriors. 

Wo  were  everywhere  received  with  cordiality,  having 
nothing  to  offer  but  "  pettce  and  good  will "  to  all  law- 
abiding  oitisens.  Farmers  are  in  their  fields,  mechanics  in 
their  shops,  merchants  display  their  scanty  stores,  and  a  new 
lifti  is  manifested  on  every  side. 

May  9<A.  The  expedition  reached  Staunton,  and  camped 
in  and  about  the  town.  It  is  remarkable  how  readily  paroled 
Rebel  soldiers  a£Eiliate  with  us,  and  how  anxiously  those  who 
are  not  paroled  seek  their  papers.  The  rank  and  file  of  tba 
llebel  Hrmy  will  return  to  a  cordial  submission  to  our  lawi, 
more  readily  than  the  people  generally,  who  have  simplj 
looked  on  the  conflict. 

May  19 'A.  The  re^in.<jnt  went  out  with  two  days'  rations 
and  forage,  under  light  marching  orders,  to  Lexington, 
where  they  captured  or  arrested  Ex-Governor  Letcher,  and 
brought  him  to  Staunton,  arriving  on  the  20th.  This  ex- 
pedition was  quite  a  relief  from  the  monotonous  life,  which 
we  are  now  living.  There  is  not  enough  to  do  to  keep  up 
our  energies.  And  as  the  war  is  over,  and  we  have  aooom- 
plished  the  work  we  came  out  to  do,  there  is  a  very  general 
desire  that  we  may  be  mustered  out  and  sent  home  at  an 
early  day.  Several  officers  and  men  have  sought  to  dissi- 
pate the  ennut  of  our  situation,  by  visiting  Weyer's  Cave, 
near  Port  Republic  on  the  South  Fork  Shenandoah. 

June  9th,  Under  order  No.  83,  Adjutant-General's  Office, 
mustering  out  all  men  whose  term  of  service  expires  pre- 
vious to  October  1st,  we  lost  quite  a  large  number  of  our  men 
to-day,  who  left  us  for  home.     It  was  hard  in  many  in- 




The  march  was  per 
}ionio  party,  than  an 

h  cordiality,  having 
od  will "  to  all  law. 
■  fields,  mechanics  in 
iOty  stores,  and  a  new 

Mnnton,  and  camped 
I  how  readily  paroled 
'  anxiously  those  who 
)  rank  and  file  of  th« 
bmission  to  oar  lawi, 
f,  who  haye  simplj 

jith  two  days'  rations 
ders,  to  Lexington, 
vernor  Letcher,  and 
the  20th.     This  ex- 
lotonous  life,  which 
to  do  to  keep  ap 
>nd  we  have  acoom- 
re  is  a  very  geBeral 
sent  home  at  an 
e  sought  to  dici- 
ng Weyer's  Cave, 
t-General's  Office, 
rrice  expires  pre- 
umber  of  our  men 
ibard  in  manv  in- 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


stances  to  sever  the  attachments  that  have  been  formed 
during  our  peculiar  life  and  acquaintance. 

June  \2th.  The  regiment  gladly  obeyed  ordv  'S  to  i  rm 
tu  Winchester.  We  commenced  our  march  at  five  P.  M.,  with 
the  design  of  marching  mostly  in  the  cool  of  evening  and 
night,  and  of  resting  during  the  heat  of  day.  Our  uiarch 
was  pl'idjantly  performed,  and  we  reached  Winchester 
about  noon  of  the  15th,  and  vitohed  our  tenta  in  Caiup 
Ihmmond,  which  we  had  left. 

Juli/  Ibth.  Busy  preparations  are  being  made  and  are 
nearly  completed  for  the  mustering  out  of  the  regiment. 
Consequently  general  gladness  prevails  in  camp.  This 
inward  joy  was  manifbci^d  this  evening  by  a  grand  camp 
iiiumlDation.  Candles  were  placed  in  rows  upon  the  tents 
aud  carried  up  into  the  trees  of  the  woods  where  we  are 
eucamped.  Bon^res  were  built  in  the  company  streets,  and 
torches  were  carried  in  procession.  Several  oflScers  of  the 
field  and  staff  were  cheered,  and  Col.  White  was  called  out 
for  a  speech,  which  he  made.  The  entertainment  closed  by 
banging  and  burning  Jeff.  Davis  in  e&gy.  Those  who  wit- 
nessed the  novel  scenes  of  the  evening  will  not  soon  forget 

Juli/  l&th.  This  morning  the  regiment  received  the  last 

general  order  ever  issued  to  it. 

Head  QuAimRa  Fifth  N.  Y.  Cavalry, 

In  the  Field  near  Winobester,  7a., 
July  18th,  1866. 

In  compliance  mth  orders  from  the  commanding  general 
the  regiment  will  leave  Stevenson's  Station  this  p.  m.  at 
three  o'clock,  en  route  to  New  York  city,  for  final  discharge. 

Transportation  will  be  furnished  for  ofilcers'  horses  to  place 
of  muster  out.     The  regiment  will  march  for  the  depot  at 





UisTOHio  Records. 

twc'.ve  M.  Every  officer  and  enliHted  iran  will  be  in  c»nip 
to  march  promptly  at  that  hour.  Ku  route  homo  and  UDtil 
final  dinchurgo,  it  is  earuontly  hoped  the  regiment  will  nus- 
tain  its  good  name.  • 

After  four  years  of  hardship  and  honor  yon  return  u> 
your  state  to  be  honorably  mustered  out  of  service  and  t(/ 
return  once  more  to  a  peaceful  I  le  among  your  friends  and 
loved  ones.  In  a  few  days  you  will  be  scattered  and  the 
Fifth  New  York  Cavalry  will  be  no  more.  The  hardships 
you  have  endured ;  the  comforts  of  which  you  have  been 
deprived ;  the  cheerful  and  prompt  manner  in  which  jou 
have  always  done  your  duty,  and  the  successes  you  have 
met  with  on  the  battle  field,  have  won  the  admiraticn  of  ever; 
general  officer  under  whom  you  have  served.  Surpassed  bj 
none,  equaled  by  fbw,  your  record  as  a  regiment  is  a  glo- 
rious and  an  honorable  one. 

May  your  future  lives  be  as  prosperous  and  as  full  of 
honor  to  yourselves,  as  the  past  four  years  have  been  to  your 
country,  to  your  state  and  to  the  Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 

A.  H.  White, 

Col  Comd'g 

6th  N.  Y.  Cavalry. 

The  regiment  was  ready  to  move  at  the  appointed  hoar, 
and  at  three  p.  M.  the  train  that  bore  many  a  happy  heart, 
moved  from  Stevenson's  Station  toward  Harper's  Ferry. 

Jul}/  I9th.  Our  muster  out  papers  all  bear  this  date. 
In  the  City  of  Brotherly  Love  at  "  Cooper  Shop,"  the  regi- 
ment waf  entertained  with  an  excellent  supper.  Cheerfnil; 
we  pursued  our  journey  to  the  metropolis,  where  we  tarried 
not  long,  and  on  the  afternoon  of  the  20th,  we  were  neatly 
encamped  on  Hart's  Island,  New  York  harbor,  awaiting  our 

■;.  ill 


•«isj(^,  ^-Sr^A,  ^  .M>^^  ~.^m»x-^   '  ,.«i*^a^*^' 


Fifth  Nfw  York  Cavalry. 


run  will  be  in  camp 
oute  homo  nnd  until 
e  rcginiont  will  gus- 

honor  you  return  to 
it  of  service  and  tu 
>ng  your  friends  and 
e  scattered  and  the 
>re.  The  hardships 
lich  you  have  been 
inner  in  which  jou 
successes  you  have 
I  admiration  of  every 
rved.  Surpassed  by 
a  regiment  is  a  glo- 

-ous  and  as  full  of 
rs  have  been  to  your 
New  York  Cavalrj. 


N.  Y.  Cavalry. 

le  appointed  hour, 

lany  a  happy  heart, 

arper's  Ferry, 
bear  this  date. 
3T  Shop,"  the  regi- 
upper.    Cheerfully 

where  we  tarried 

1,  we  were  neatly 
irbor,  awaiting  our 

tuiu  with  the  paymaster.  The  Fifth  Regiment  of  Cavalry, 
I'il'ih  Infantry  and  Fifth  Artillery,  N.  Y.  Vols ,  met  to- 
gether for  the  first  time  on  Hart's  Island. 

Juljf  2bth.  The  first  and  second  battalions  and  Co.  I  of 
the  third  were  paid  this  afternoon  and  evening,  and  many 
of  the  men  took  boat  from  the  island  for  home. 

July  '16th.  The  remaining  three  companies  of  the  regi- 
ment were  paid  this  morning,  and  the  Fifth  New  York 
Cavalry  was  no  more,  except  in  story. 

\  I 




CHAPTER  Xn.       . 

RegimenUl  Ilemi.  —  Tablet :  Oifioeri  at  Time  of  Mutter  Out.  — 
Coniin»nding  Officeri.  —  Non-oomniitiioned  Staff.  —  Exhibit  of 
Btrengib  on  Monthly  Returnt.  —  Full  Htatittioi.  —  Former  Oo- 
oupationt  of  our  Men.  —  Their  Placet  of  Birth.  —  Marob^  of 
the  Regiment  — Countiet  Traterted.  —  Etoort  Duty.  —  Q«a- 
erali  under  whom  we  Served.  —  Burial  of  Our  Dead.  —  Tablu: 
Engagement!  and  their  Caiualtict.  —  Men  Killed  in  Action. — 
Mortally  Wounded.  —  Diioharged  by  Reaion  of  Woundt. — Lilt 
of  Retired  Offioeri. 

In  passiog  from  the  diary  of  the  regiment,  we  intro- 
duce the  reader  to  what  may  seem  more  dry  and  uninterest- 
ing, yet  not  less  important,  to  a  vast  array  of  statistios.  To 
any  one  but  a  member  or  friend  of  the  regiment  it  may 
seem  to  have  been  unnecessary  to  appropriate  so  much  space  to 
these  numbers.  Our  apology — if  indeed  any  be  needed— 
shall  bo  brief.  We  look  upon  such  tables  as  invaluable  to 
correct  and  full  history.  Figures  often  reveal  more  than 
narration.  Great  pains  have  been  taken  lo  present  them  iu 
an  attractive  form,  and  one  convenient  for  reference,  and 
no  time  has  been  spared  in  making  them  reliable.  Not  less 
than  three  months  of  hard  labor  have  been  consumed  in  tbe 
compilation  of  these  tables,  one  of  them  Jone — "eugage- 
ments  and  their  casualties" — having  occupied  nearly  one- 
third  of  that  time. 

Were  the  historian  supplied  with  such  data  from  eacb 

fi  ,'■■ 


:-i-iiiiLJ>f'i^tiij^giijiim^ai^^A^^&it^^i:.!^  M  ■'■.•iiSkiii^^^'- 

YiTTH  New  Yobk  Cavalhy. 


le  of  Muster  Out. — 
1  Buff.  — Exhibit  of 
istios.  —  Former  Oo- 
Birth.  —  Marob*!  of 
Isoort  Duty.  —  Gen- 
Our  Dead.  — T»blMi 
Killed  in  Action. - 
in  of  Wounds. — Liit 

igiment,  we  intro- 
Iry  and  nninterest- 
r  of  Btatistios.    To 

regiment  it  may 
te  so  much  space  to 
'.  any  be  needed— 
i  as  invaluable  to 

reveal  more  thso 

0  present  them  iu 
for  reference,  and 
eliable.     Not  less 

1  consumed  in  the 
itlone — "  engage- 

upied  nearly  one- 

rcjrimont,  which  htm  participated  in  our  terrible  struggle 
an  incalculably  interesting  and  valuable  history  of  this 
rebclliun  might  be  compiled  at  no  distant  day.  But  it  is  to 
bo  feared  that  in  many  instances  uot  even  the  number 
mach  less  the  names,  of  our  noble  defenders,  who  have 
fillen  in  the  conflict,  will  ever  be  known  to  posterity. 
While  it  is  a  noble  thing  to  die  for  one's  country,  it  is  an 
iiinobie  thing  for  survivors  not  to  chronicle  the  deeds  and 
iianieH  of  their  loss  fortunate  companions.  We  have  en- 
deavored to  do  juiitice  to  the  memory  of  our  comrades  in 
these  pages,  and  if,  in  any  way,  we  have  failed  to  do  it  well, 
let  it  not  be  attributed  to  a  want  of  devotion  to  them  or  to 
the  facts  of  history. 

With  thoughts  like  these  we  are  doubtless  prepared  to 
enter  upon  the  perusal  of  the  following  statistics. 

data  from  each 



Historic  Recobds. 

Officers  of  the  Regiment  at  Time  of  Muster-out,  July  19,  '65. 




Amo!<  H.  White,» 

Theodore  A.  r.oioe,* 

Elmer  J.  Barker,' 

Henry  A.  D.  Merritt,* 

Liberty  C.  Abbott 

Fred   M.  Sawyer,' 

Dewitt  H.  Diokineou, 

Joseph  A.  Phillips, 

OrlanJc  W.  Armstrong,*... 

Isaac  N.  Mead,,.. 

Kicbard  H.  Goodoll 

Louis  N.  Boudrye,^~»..».,.. 

Co.  A. 

Frazer  A.  Boulelle,'. 

Michael    Hayes,* 

William  T.  Boyd,"" 

Co.  B. 

Jabei  Chambers,"... 

Samuel  McBride," 

Edward  Price, 

Co.  C. 
Benj.    M.  Whittemore,".... 
William   Leahey,'* 

Colonel,  ... 
Lieut.  Col,, 


Eegt.  Q.  M.,. 
Hegt,  Comm., 


Ass.  Surgeon, 
If         (I 

Chaplain,  .> 

Captain, .... 
1st  Liout.,.., 
2d  Lieut., .., 

1st  Lieut.,., 
2d  Lieut 

Captain,  ... 
1st  Lieut.,.., 

Rank  at 
Tm  or 

Tmi  ov  EsTw, 

1st  Lieut. 

As.  Surg. 
As.  Surg 


Private, . 
Hosp.  St. 
















■  Aug. 

26,  1861. 
15,  1861. 
19,  18til. 
9,  1861. 
26,  1861, 
22,  1861. 
18,  1862. 

8,  1862, 

18,  1863, 
26,  1862 

9,  1864. 
81,  1863. 

15,  1861. 

19,  1863. 

21,  1861. 
28,  1861. 
12, 1861, 

10, 1861. 
11,  1861. 

I.  Captared  Mar  *8,  '63,  Front  Royal.  Wonnded  In  foot  Jnne  80,  '61,  Hts- 
over.  Fa.    Shot  through  body  June  1,  'M,  Aehland,  aiid  captnred. 

5.  Capturwl  July  18,  '63,  Barnett'g  Ford.  Again  captnred  Oct.  36,  '68,  by 
Moiby,  and  received  Ave  wounds  while  eBcaplnc  from  captor. 

8.  Severely  Injured  by  falling  of  horse,  In  chaive,  Feb.  9,  '63,  New  B«ltl- 
more.    Received  two  grape  »hot  wonnda  May  80,  '&,  Grierwlch. 

4.  Received  three  sabre  cuts  March  '3S\  '68,  Chantllly,  and  ciptpml. 
Captured  again  March  3,  '64,  near  Richmond  with  Col.  Dahlgren.  Eac*p(4 
n-om  priBon,  Columbia,  S.  C,  Nov.  36,  '64,  uiii  wa«  80  days  In  reachhig  our 

6.  Captured  July  18,  '68,  Orao-:*  C.  H.  Wonnded  In  right  hand  ilighUr, 
Oct.  19,  '68,  Bockland  Milli. 

6.  Remained  voluntarily  with  Major  White,  who  wai  suppoced  to  be  mor- 
tally wonnded,  June  1,  '64,  Aehland,  and  captnred. 

7.  Captnred  July  C,  '63,  Monterey  Pass,  Pa.    Released  Oct.  7,  '63. 

8.  Severely  Injured  by  falling  of  horse,  in  charge,  June  80,  '63,  Hanover,  P». 
».  Wounded  Hllghtlj  and  captured  June  80,  '63,  Hancver,  Pa. 

10.  Captured  Juno  39,  '64,  Reams  Mtatlon.  Escaped  from  priaon,  ColimiUl, 
3.  C,  Nov.  4,  '64,  and  was  31  dsys  lu  reaching  our  Unci. 

II.  Captnred  July  8,  'm.  Hsgerstown,  Md. 

13,  Severely  wounded  Mav  3,  'KS,  Wairenton  Junction. 

18.  Captured  June  30,  '64.  'Reams  Station.  Escaped  from  prison,  CnlomUi, 
B.  C,  Nov.  4th,  '64,  aud  was  81  days  lu  reaching  our  lines. 

14.  Wonnded  in  arm  March  33,  '63,  Cliautltly. 


uittr-out,  July  19,  '65. 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


Rank  at 



o»  Bntbt. 




26,  1861. 



15,  1861, 



19,  18til. 



9,  1861. 



26,  1861. 



22,  1861. 



18,  1862. 



3,  1862. 

A3.  Surg. 


18,  1863. 



26,  1862 

As.  Surg. 


9,  1864. 



81,  1863. 

Private, . 





15,  1861. 



10,  1863. 

Private, . 


21,  1861. 

losp.  81. 


28,  1861. 

'rivate. . 


12, 1861. 

'rivate, . 


10, 1861. 



11,  1861. 

ed  In  foot  Jone  80,  '68,  Ha- 
aiid  captured. 
In  captured  Oct.  S6,  '88,  by 
rrom  captor. 

;e,  Feb.  9,  '68,  New  »«ia- 

ChautlllT,  and  captured. 
Col.  Bahlgren.  Eacaptd 
80  days  in  reacniDg  out 

kded  In  right  band  iUghtljr, 

|o  was  snpposed  to  be  moi- 

keaaed  Oct.  7,  '68. 

1  June  30,  '63,  Hanorer,  Pi. 

^ancvcr.  Pa. 

Bd  fi-om  priaott,  ColumbU, 


I  from  prison,  Colombtti 
r  Hneii. 

Offiiert  of  the  Regiment  at  Time  of  Muster-ovt,  July  19,'  65. 



Kank  at 



TixB  or  Entbt. 

Patrick  Tiffany,... 

Co.  D. 

lUnsoni  A.  Perkins 

.leremiiib  J.  Callanan,'.. 

Co.  B. 

Foster  DickinsoD,' 

Miiilhew  Strait,' , 

.Vddison  S.  Thompson,*, 

Co.  F. 

William  D.  Lucas,* 

Merritt  N.  Chafey, , 

John  K.  Jeffrey,* , 

Co.  O. 

John  H.  Wright,' , 

William  H.  Knight,' 

.Abijih  Spafford, 

Co.   H. 
Eugene  B   Hayward,*... 

I.ucins  F.  Renne,'" 

Clark  M.  Pease, 

Co.  I. 
Edmund  Blunt,  Jr.,"... 

t'hristopber  Heron, 

William  M.  Conklin, 

Co.  K. 
Laurence  L.  O'Connoa,.. 

Thomas  O'Keefe, 

Nathaniel  M.  Talmage,. 

Co.  L. 
George  C.  Morton, 

2U  Lieut.,. 

2d  Lieut.,.. 

Captain,  ... 
1st  Lieut.,.. 
2d  Lieut.,., 

Captain, ... 
let  Lieut.,.. 
2d  Lieut., .. 

Captain, ... 
1st  Lieut.,., 
2d  Lieut.,.. 

Captain, ... 
Ist  Lieut,,., 
2d  Lieut.,. 

Captain,  ... 
Ist  Lieut., 
2d  Lieut.,.. 

Captain, .... 
Ist  Lieut., 
2d  Lieut.,.. 

Captain, , 


Private, . 



2d  Lieut, 



2d  Lieut. 


2d  Lieut. 

2d  Lieut, 

Aug.     8,  1861. 

Sept.  26,  1861. 
Sept.  28,  1861. 

Aug.  26,  186L 
Aug.  81,  1861. 
Aug.  26,  1861. 

Aug.  30,  1861. 
Sept.  12,  18<U. 
Oct.      6,  1862. 

Aug.  22,  186'1. 
Sept.  1,  1861. 
Cept.    9,  1861. 

Oct.  1,  i861. 
Oc...  1,  1861, 
Oct.      1,  1861. 

Sept.  26,  1862. 
Sept.  4,  1861. 
April   8,  1863. 

Oct.  16,  1861. 
Sept.  16,  1861. 
Oct.      9,  1861. 

Sept.    3,  1861. 

1.  Sabre  cnt  In  right  hand  June  80,  '68,  Hanover,  Pa. 
'i.  Wounded  in  left  le^  June  1,  '84,  Ashland. 

3.  Sabre  cnt  ou  wrixt  Oct.  11,  '68,  Brandv  Station.  Gun  shot  in  thlsh 
March  1,  'M,  near  Kichmund.  Wounded  slightly  In  hand  Sept.  19,  '64,  Wm- 

4.  Captured  March  3.3,  '63,  Ch&ntllly.  Escaped  from  guards  the  34th.  Re- 
citpiiirfn  iind  nuroled  the  35th. 

a.  (Aptiircd  July  7.  '63,  near  Tllllameport,  Md.    Released  March,  1866. 

t).  Wounded  slightly  Oct.  11,  '68,  Brandy  SUtlon. 

7.  Captured  June  3t),  '68.  Hanover,  Pa. 

s.  Ciiptured  Sept.  8,  '64,  White  Post.  Escaped  ftt)m  prison,  Colombia, 
S  (' ,  Dec.  •*(,  'H4,  and  was  18  duya  in  reaching  our  lines. 

!•  Wounded  in  left  arm  Aug.  3.  '63.  Orange  C.  H.,  and  by  a  shell  slightly 
in  the  ihlL'h  March  1,  'tM,  near  Richmund. 

10.  !<liKluly  wounded  by  enerrillaei  In  left  shoulder  May  IS,  '6S,  Tom's  Brook. 

11.  Wounded  la  left  ear  Aug.  3S,  '64,  Kearneysvllle    tation. 






Historic  Records. 

Officer*  of  the  Regiment  at  Time  of  Muster-out,  July  19,  '65 



Rank  AT 

TlMB  OF      TllM  or  EXTRr. 


William  H.  WJiitoomb,' 

Peter  MoMullen,' 

let  Lieut., «... 
2d  Lieut 


lit  Lieut., 

2d  Lieut 


Privace, . 

Oct.  1,  1861. 
Not.   18,  1861. 

Co.  M. 
Wilbur  P.  Oaklev.' 

Oct.    28,  1861. 

Wrr.iaM  0.  Peckham,* 

JuBius  Travis 

Aug.  31,  1861. 
Sept.  20,  1881, 

1.  Captnrrd  M>7  6, '63,  HiUTiiionbnrK.  E»capedbyi>trat«Kein.  Again  ctptared 
July  6,  'ttS,  IlaKcnitoivD,  Hd.  Wounded  Id  Deck  elightly,  Hay  6,  '04,  Pirker't 

St.  HIlKbtW  wonnded  iu  left  hand,  May  S,  '64,  Parkor'o  Store. 

8.  Wdiimiod  in  head,  Oct.  10,  '63,  JameaCtty;  arain  in  head  Aug.  96, 'M, 
KeariicyHvillo  Statiou. 

4.  Wounded  In  breaot,  June  1,  '64,  Ashland. 

Officers  who  have  Commanded  the  Regiment. 


John  Hammond, 
William  P.  Bacou 
Abram  H.  Krom, 
Kliiier  J.  Barker. 
Theo.  A.  Boice, 
Amos   H.  White, 

Rank  at 

Time  of 




Lt.  Col., 
Lt-  Col., 
Lt.  Col, 

Rank  at 

Time  of 



Date  of  Taking 

Date  of  Rellrf 
from  Cummiuid. 

Lt.  Col., 
Lt.  CoL, 
Captain , 
Major,...!  Uct. 
Colonel,.' Ueo. 







1,  18U1. 
10,  18«1. 

1,  1868. 
80,  18C4. 
12,  1864. 
19,  1864, 
2\,  1864. 
19,  1804. 









10, 1862. 
1,  1863. 
80,  1864. 
12,  1864. 
19,  1864. 
21,  1864. 
19,  1864. 
28,  1865. 

Non- Commissioned  Staff,  July  19,  1865. 



Rank  at 
Tme  OF 
Kntbt  in 

Tina  or  KNTBT. 

Dennis  O'Flaherty,' 
William  C.  Page,'... 
Klicbael  Dunigaa,'.. 
Cliarles  B.  Thomas, 
Stephen  D.  Oreen,*.. 
David  F.  Woloott,... 
Dennis  O'Brien, 

Sergt.  Maj., 
Ilosp.  St.,.. 
Q.M.  Sergt., 
Com'y  Sergt 
Saddler  Sgt. 


July  2,  1861 

Jan.  16,  1868 

Sept.  16,  1861,.. 
Sept.  21,  1861,... 
Aug.  22,  1861,... 
March  10,  1862,. 
Aug.  22,  1862,... 

1.  Captured  Hanover,  Pa.,  Juno  no, '68.  Again  Oct.  S9,  ■B8,Thoronghl!«reO«p. 
—  9.  Captured  Oct.  11,  '6.3,  Brandy  Station.—  3.  Ca_ptnred  Oct,  10,  'tS,  HusmU  i 
Ford.—  4.  For  a  lung  time  Krigudc,  aud  Uiviaion  Bugler. 


■;^-i:X,»l^^^iiiimA^i^^f^'M>-^^^^'^'  -i^^'SaSi**" 

ler-out,  July  19,  '65 


>(  or 

Tun  o»  EKTur. 



Oct.      1,   1861. 


NoY.    18,  1861. 

▼ai«, . 

Oct.    28,  1861. 


Aug.  31,  1861. 


Sept.  20,  1861. 

tratapem.  Again  capfured 

htly,  May  6,  "W,  Parkeri 

pr'a  Store. 

tin  in  head  Aug.  %,'U, 

\e  Regiment. 


Dnto  of  Relief 


firom  Cumnuuid. 


Sept.  10,  1862. 


June    1,  1863. 


Aug.  30,  1864. 


Sept.  12,  1864. 


Out.    19.  1864. 

1864.'Oot.   21,  1864. 

1864.  Deo.   10,  18C4. 

1864.  July  28,  1865. 

19,  1865. 

Tim  OF  INTBT.  £  fc  3 


iiy  2,  laei 


n.  16,  1863 


pt.  16,  1861,.. 


pt.  21,  1861,... 


ig.  22,  1861,... 


irch  10,  1862,. 


ig.  22.  1862,... 


FiFi'H  New  York  Cavalry. 


The  folloicing  will  exhibit  the  Nion-ComtniMioned  Staff  in  the 
order  in  which  they  were  appointed  from  the  orffunixatioH 
of  the  regiment : — 

Sergeants  Major, — John  Greenback,  Reg't,  from  Co. 
K ;  James  Seddinger,  Ist  Battalion,  B ;  George  T.  Smith,  Ist 
Batt.,  B;  Richard  C.  Stananought,  2d  Batt.,  G;  Warner 
Miller,  3d  Batt.,  I;  Alexander  Gall,  SdBatt.,  I;  Richard  C. 
Stananought,  Reg't;  Alexander  Gall,  Reg't;  Fred  M.  Saw- 
yer, Reg't,  C ;  Lewis  J.  Gorham,  Reg't,  H. 

Hospital  Stewards, — Samuel  McBride,  Joseph  Par- 
melee,  Richard  Marion,  Isaac  N.  Mead. 

Quarter  Master  Sergeants, Simpson,  Reg't;  W. 

F.  Haviland,  Ist  Batt. ;  Fred  Paul,  2d  Batt. ;  Alfred  K. 
Wil8on,  3d  Batt. ;  Dewitt  H.  Dickinson,  Reg't;  David  H. 
Scofield,  Reg't,  K. 

Commissart  Serqeants, — Miles  L.  Blanchard,  1st 
Batt. ;  William  Banta,  2d  Batt. ;  Daniel  Hitchcock,  3d  Batt. ; 
Merritt  N.  Chafey,  Reg't,  F. 

Chief  Buglers, — Luke  3.  Williams,  P ;  Conrad  Bohrer, 
I ;  Julius  G.  Lamb,  I ;  Robert  Heisser,  D ;  Louis  Erdman,  M. 

Saddler  Sergeants, — John  J.  Bush,  Ist  Batt. ;  William 
B.  Vincent,  2d  Batt.,  G  ;  Asahel  S.  Loliman,  3d  Batt.,  M. 

Veterinary  Surgeon, — John  Young,  B. 

Veterinary  Sergeants, — James  Jelly,  1st  Batt,  B. ; 

A.  D.  Styles,  2d  Batt.,  P.;  William  G.  Edwards,  3d  Batt.  L 

Whole  number  on  Mutttr  Rolli,  a*  thovm  by  monthly  rttum*  of  th* 
folloicing  dates; 


fiS,  ThoronghfBrt'  Gup. 
c'd  Oct,  10,  'tis,  KamwU  1 

October,  1861,. 
Janiiiiry,  1862,. 

April,  1862 

July,  1862 

October,  1862,. 
Jaiumry,  1863,... 
.\pril,  1863, 
July,  1803,.. 






















October,  1863,.. 
January,  1864,. 

April,   1864, 

July,  1864,. 

October,  1864,.. 
January,  1866,. 

April,   1866 

July,  19,  1866,.. 






y.\-i^^i  v.rrJv^  ;-.-ti^-:S_S:iVr:-.. 


IIisTOBic  Records. 

II  ! 

Stattsticaf  Recorc 

of  the 


Original  number  of  men 1064, 


men  discharged  by 

ReoruitB  added 1074, 

reason       of ■ 

Original  number  of  offioerB, 


wounds, 25, 

Whole  number  of  officers,... 



•«    discharged  for 

Original  officers  remaining. 



Officers  from  the  Ranks, 


Dinikbility, ..  295, 


killed  and  mortally 


"    discharged  at 







of  term, 802, 





"    discharged  by 


died  of  Disease 


order         of 


dismissed  by  Court 

President,,..      2, 




"    transferred  to 


discharged  by  order 

other    Com- 

War Department,. 


mands,  103, 






"    deserted 826, 


discharged    at    ex- 

*<   recnlisted     in 

piration  of  term,.. 


1864 212, 

Enlisted    men    killed    and 

Number  of  Battles  fought, ..    62, 


■tally  wounded 



"  Skirmishes  "    ..  119, 

Enlisted  mou  wounded 



"  Wounds  receiT- 


*'    captured 


ed  in  action,.  820, 


'•    killed       acci- 

Men   lost    in    action     and 

dentally,  .... 



beard  from 18. 


"    died  in   Rebel 

Men  remaining  July  19,  '66,  694, 




Veterans   remain- 


"    died    of   Dis- 

ing,  .. 


ease, O0,l0riginal  horses  remaining,.. 

Former  Occupationt  of  Us  Menibers. 

That  the  regiment  might  have  constituted  a  very  respect- 
able colony  in  itself,  fnlly  able  to  go  and  possess  the  laud 
and  to  establish  therein  the  various  trades  and  occupations 
necessary  to  progress  in  all  the  departments  of  human  thought 
and  activity,  may  be  inferred  from  the  following  avocations 
which  it  represented,  with  the  comparative  number  of  men 
belonging  to  each.  Farmers  578,  laborers  226,  olorks  65, 
boatmen  54,  blacksmiths  50,  carpenters  88,  sailors  88,  shoe- 
makers 29,  teamsters  28,  mechanics  25,  painters  16,  soldiers 
16,  machinists  14,   tailors   14,   butchers   13,  printers  12, 


Fifth  Nhw  York   Cavalry 



sn  discharged  by ' 
reason  of  • 
wounds, 25 

'    discharged  for 
Disability, ..  295, 

'    discharged  at 
of  term, 802, 

'  discharged  by 
order  of 
President,,..     2, 

'  transferred  to 
other  Com- 
mands,    108, 

deserted 825, 

reculisted     in 
1864 212, 

Hfittles  fought, ..    62, 

Skirmishes  "    .,  ng^ 

Wounds  receiv- 
ed in  action,.  820, 

n    action     and 

fd  from 18, 

ng  July  19,  '66,  m, 

terans  remain. 


ses  remaining,.. 


ted  a  very  respcct- 
d  possees  the  laud 
I  and  occupation; 

of  human  thought 
llowing  avocations 
9  Dumber  of  men 
«  226,  dorks  65, 
I,  sailors  88,  shoe- 
intera  16,  soldiers 

13,  printers  12, 

coopers  11,  masons  9,  molders  9,  millers  9,  bakers  9,  stu- 
dents 8,  lumbermen  7,  tinsmiths  6,  harness  makers  6,  stage 
drivers  6,  showmen  5,  hatters  5,  merchants  5,  engineers  5, 
hostlers  5,  barbers  5,  artists  5,  stone  cutters  5,  wagon 
aakcrs  5,  ministers  4,  lawyers  4,  spinners  4,  bartenders  4, 
ivhcelwrights  -i,  mariners  '4,  book  keepers  4,  carmen  4, 
cigar  makers  4,  tobacconists  3,  ship  carpenters  3,  sleigh- 
nmkers  3,  sawyers  3,  peddlers  3, seamen  3,  curriers  3,  coach- 
men 3,  carriage  makers  3,  farriers  3,  wagoners  3,  saddlers 
3,  wool  carders  3,  bricklayers  2,  wire-workers  2,  bloomers  2, 
vaiters  2,  sawmakers  2,  sailmakers  2,  jewelers  2,  upholster- 
ers 2,  expressmen  2,  grocers  2,  shoebinders  2,  spinners  2, 
cabirntmakers  2,  musicians  2,  brushmakers  2,  joiners  2, 
teachers  2,  riiiners  2,  veterinary  surgeons  2,  firemen  1,  en- 
gravers 1,  fishermen  1,  papermukers  1,  wood  choppers  1, 
roofers  1,  file  cutters  1,  telegraph  operators  1,  apothecaries  1, 
clothiers  1,  mill  hands  1,  salesmen  1,  burnishers  1,  tanners 
1,  boiler  makers  1,  grooms  1,  brewers  1,  lithographers  1, 
gardeners  1,  porters  1,  morocco  dressers  1,  packers  1,  jailors 
1,  locksmiths  1,  grainers  1,  dressers  1,  confectioners  1,  cooks 
1,  druggists  1,  .doctors  1,  travellprs  1,  coppersmiths  1, 
colliers  1,  iron-masters  1,  pailtnakers  1,  millwrights  1,  book- 
binders 1,  drovers  1,  cobbler?'  l,  watchmakers  1,  cotton 
makers  1,  caulkers  1,  manufacturers  '',  hewers  1,  curry- 
comb makers  1,  minstrels  1,  hotel  keepers  1,  blockmakcrs  1, 
gilders  1,  axemakers  1,  making  in  all  126  different  occupa- 

State*  and  Countries  represented. 
It  is  not  strange  that  so  many  men,  representing  so  many 
and  varied  walks  of  life,   should  have  sprung  from  many 
different  states  and  countries ;   nor  is  it  a  matter  of  minor 




HiSTORio  Recohos. 

importance  to  ascertain  what  regions  have  contributed 
thought  and  muscle  for  the  great  work  of  crushing  this 
gigantic  rebellion.  The  men  of  the  Fifth  New  York  GaTairy 
had  their  birth  in  the  following  places : 

New  York  797,  Pennsylvania  91,  New  Jersey  39,  Massa- 
chusetta  32,  Vermont  31,  Connecticut  18,  Ohio  8,  Mary- 
land 4,  Michigan  4,  Maine  8,  New  Hampshire  3,  Illinois  2, 
South  Carolina  2,  North  Carolina  I,  Mississippi  1,  Pelaware 
1,  District  Columbia  1,  Bocky  Mountains  1,  Ireland  221, 
Qermany  75,  Canada  65,  England  62,  Scotland  12,  Prussia 
12,  France  8,  Switzerland  3,  Poland  2,  Wales  2,  Spain  2, 
Sweden  2,  Australia  1,  Italy  1,  Belgium  1,  Denmark  1, 
Saxony  1,  Nova  Scotia  1,  New  Brunswick  1. 

The  tallest  man  ever  in  the  regiment  was  Jacob  H.  Ten 
Eyok,  Co.  M,  6  feet  4  inches ;  the  shortest,  John  Catlin, 
Co.  A,  4  feet  5  inches. 

Joumeyingt  of  the  Regiment. 
If  you  take  a  map  of  the  United  States  or  a  good  War 
map,  and  a  pencil,  I  will  enable  you  to  trace  the  contoar  of 
the  country  in  which  the  regiment  has  fought  its  battles 
and  made  ita  marches.  Place  your  pencil  on  the  memorable 
field  of  Gettysburg,  Pa.,  and  move  due  east  to  Hanover, 
thence  southeasterly  to  the  head  oi^  Chesapeake  bay.  Follow 
the  bay  to  the  mouth  of  James  river,  and  up  the  river  to 
Fort  Powhatan  on  south  side.  From  the  fort,  strike  a 
straight  line  to  Jarretts  Station  on  the  Weldon  and  Peters- 
burg rail  road,  and  bearing  due  west,  pass  through  Christian- 
ville,  thence  a  lijtle  north  of  west  to  Roanoke  Station,  where 
the  Danville  and  Bichmond  rail  road  crosses  the  Staunton 
river.  Here  you  may  rest  awhile  for  you  are  more  than 
half  way  round.  Following  the  rail  road  northward  to  Burkes- 

'■■"^mm'tH'-rft  ■xm^f^iit^iM^e^i»§0A'- 


G  have  contributed 
)rk  of  crushing  this 
h  New  York  Cavalry 

w  Jersey  39,  Massa- 
18,  Ohio  8,  Mary, 
ipshire  3,  Illinois  2, 
isissippi  1,  Delaware 
lins  1,  Ireland  221, 
Scotland  12,  Prussia 
,  Wales  2,  Spain  2, 
ium  1,  Denmark], 

was  Jacob  H.  Ten 
rtest,  John  Catlio, 


ates  or  a  good  War 

race  the  contour  of 

fought  its  battles 
il  on  the  memorable 
5  east  to  HanoTer, 
peake  bay.  Follow 
ttd  up  the  river  to 

the  fort,  strike  a 
'eldon  and  Peters- 
through  Christian- 
oke  Station,  where 
Mses  the  Staunton 
>u  are  more  than 
rthward  to  Burkes- 

Fiprn  Nbw  York  Cavalry. 


TJlic,  we  will  go  west  to  Appomattox  Court  House ;  strike  a 
straight  line  to  Lexington  on  the  James,  west  of  the  Blue 
ridge  and  thence  north  to  Moorefield.  Now  draw  your  line 
northeastly  through  Martinsburg;  continue  it  through 
Hafjerstown,  Md. ,  and  back  again  to  Gettysburg.  The  ter- 
ritory inclosed  by  this  line  has  been  traversed  by  the  regi- 
ment, and  some  portions  of  it  many  times. 

I  insert  the  counties  through  which  the  regiment  has 
marched,  beginning  with  those  we  have  traversed  most  fre- 
quently and  with  which  we  are  best  acquainted  :— 

Fairfax,  Va.,  Culpepper,  Frederick,  (in  these  the  regi 
ment  spent  three  successive  winters,)  Clarke,  Jefferson, 
Loudon,  Prince  William,  Fauquier,  Madison,  Orange,  Spott- 
syivania,  Shenandoah,  Rockingham,  Augusta,  Warren,  Page, 
Stafford,  Rappahannock,  Berkeley,  Hampshire,  Hardy,  Ca- 
roline, Hanover,  King  William,  New  Kent,  Henrico,  Charlea 
City,  Louisa,  Rockbridge,  James  City,  York,  Gloucestei, 
Prince  George,  Dinwiddle,  Nottoway,  Prince  Edward,  Ap 
pomattox,  Charlotte,  Mecklenburg,  Lunenburg,  Brunswick 
Sussex,  and  King  George ; — Montgomery,  Md.,  Frederick, 
Carroll,  and  Wash"  -;^'tonj — York,  Pa.,  and  Adams. 

Escort  Duty  for  Oenerah. 
The  regiment  was  appointed  escort  for  Gen.  Pope,  August 
27,  '62,  and  served  till   Sept.  4,  '62.     It  was  appointed 
eecort  for  Gen.  Sheridan,  Nov.  24,  '64,  and  occupied  the 
position  till  April,  '65. 

Oenerah  under  whom  the  Regiment  has  served. 
Gen.  N.  P.  Banks,  commanding  Army  of  the  Shenandoah 
Gen.  John  Pope,  commanding  Army  of  the  Potomac. 
Gen.  Heintzelman,  commanding  Defenses  of  Washington 



UiSTOBio   Records. 


Gens.  Hooker  and  Meade,  commanding  Army  of  the 

Gen.  P.  H.  Sheridan,  commanding  Army  of  the  She- 

Gens.  Stoneman,  Pleasanton  and  Torbert,  commanding 
Cavalry  Corps. 

Gen.  John  P.  Hatch,  commanding  Cavalry  with  Gen, 

Gen.  John  Buford,  commanding  Cavalry  with  Gen.  Pope. 

Gen.  Stahel,  commanding  Cavalry  Division  under  Gen. 

Gens.  Kilpatriok,  John  H.  Wilson,  George  A.  Custer 
commanding  3d  Division,  Cavalry  Corps. 

Gens.  Elon  J.  Farnsworth  (killed  July  8,  '63,  Gettys- 
burg), Henry  E.  Davies,  Jr.,  J.  B.  Mcintosh  (wounded  in 
left  leg,  amputated,  Sept.  19,  '64,  Winchester),  commanding 
Ist  Brigade,  3d  Division,  Cavalry  Corps. 

The  following  Colonels,  acting  Brigadier  Generals,  have 
also  commanded  us,  Wyndham,  De  Forest,  John  Hammond, 
and  0.  M.  Pennington. 

Burial  of  our  Dead. 

By  reference  to  the  table  of  "  Men  killed  in  Action,"  it 
will  be  seen  that  many  of  our  brave  comrades  were  left  un- 
buried  on  the  bloody  fields  were  they  fell,  many  of  whose 
bones  have  doubtless  bleached  in  the  sun  and  rain,  throngh 
the  wilderness  and  along  the  river  courses  of  Virginia.  But 
fortunately  we  were  permitted  to  perform  the  solemn  rites 
of  burial  and  pay  the  last  honors  to  some  of  them,  the 
memory  of  whose  graves  will  frequently  call  forth  the  sym- 
pathetic tear,  and  stimulate  us  to  the  performance  of  heroic 
deeds.     To  thee,  0  land  of  our  birth  !  and  to  thee,  proud 

!^^^      411 

■«-Va>-a>    v-.fc4<a#A.ftA^Sf»i*»«^«^^5i^M^Sffi^*ift^ 

ding   Anny  of  the 

Army  of  the  She- 

•rbert,  commanding 

Cavalry  with  Gen. 

Iry  with  Gen.  Pope. 

division  under  Gen. 


George  A.  Custer 

aJy  8,  '68,  Gettyg. 
[ntosh  (wounded  in 
ester),  commanding 

tier  Generals,  hare 
t,  John  Hammond, 

lied  in  Action,"  it 

rades  were  loft  un- 

many  of  whose 

and  rain,  through 

of  Virginia.   But 

the  solemn  rites 

•me  of  them,  the 
ill  forth  the  sym- 

brmance  of  heroic 
d  to  thee,  proud 

J^iFTH  New  Yohk  Cavalry. 


Flag  of  the  free,  we  feel  unwonted  love,  since  you  have 
both  been  bathed  with  the  pure  blood  of  our  nuble  dead ! 

Wo  have  endeavored  to  indicate  the  resting  places  of  our 
companions  by  rude  head-boards  with  their  names  engraved 
or  cut  thereon,  though  often  nothing  has  been  left  to  iden- 
tify the  precious  remains,  except  the  tree  that  waved  in 
mournful  requiem  over  them,  or  the  rock  that  stood  as  their 
eternal  safeguard.  Around  those  quick-made  graves  we 
were  often  compelled  hastily  to  assemble,  and  from  them, 
perhaps,  more  hastily  to  retire,  with  no  funeral  note  or  word, 
but  not  without  a  purpose.  Occasionally  the  military  salute 
baa  been  fired,  the  brief  eulogium  and  prayer  been  pronuno- 
ed,>  and  we  have  left  our  comrades  to  slumber,  hvJ,  not  to  be 
forgotten.  In  some  instances  we  have  learned,  with  satis- 
faction, that  the  enemy  had  given  our  dead  a  decent  inter- 
ment, and  we  are  conscious  of  having  often  returned  tho 
favor.  Whenever  it  has  been  possible  the  remains  of  our 
comrades  have  been  embalmed  and  sent  home  to  their 
friends,  to  molder  by  the  side  of  kindred  dust. 

'  See  Burial  of  Sergt.  Sortore,  p.  188. 





Historic  Records. 

Engnge.mentt  and  their  Catualtien. 

I'   I 

Placi  or  ENOAomMT. 

Port  Kepubllc 

Coiirad'H  Store,  l.nmj  Valley, 
ItockliiKhiim  Kumace,      " 

Conrad  «  Htore 


rohimbia  Bridge,  Lorajr  Vy, 



Front  Koyal, 


Newtown  Croci  Roadi, 


Ilan«'r'«  Ferry,  




Culpepper  C.  H., 

Orange  C.  H., 

Liberty  Mllla, 

Rapldnn  Statlonj. 

Itarnott'i!  Ford,  Rapidan,.. 

Orange  C.  U., 

Cedar  Mountain, 

Cedar  Mountain, 

Louisa  C,  H., ^... 

Kelly's  Ford,  Rappahannock, 

Waterloo  Bridge, 

CentrevUle, , 


Bull  Run 



Ashby's  Gap, 



Tboroughfore  Gap, 

Hay  Market, 

New  Baltimore, 

Cedar  Hill 

Hopewell  Gapj. 

Thoroaghhre  Gap, 




Snicker's  Gap, 


Aldle,. , 

Cub  Ron, , 

Prying  Pan, , 

Ctjb  Ron , 


New  Baltimore, 

Warren  ton, 


I  Jan.   6,  n.%. . 

I  Jan.  6,  "63, . 
Jan.  86,  'fi.3, . 
58  Feb.  9,  '8.3, . 
68  IFeb.  10,  '63, . 

Battle,  .. 
Battle,  . . . 


1  I  May   9,  '««,.,  Skirmish,.. 

9  !.M»y    3.  "O'J, 

8  May    4,  'M, 

4  May    B,  '««, 

6  May    6,  'SU, 

n  Muy    8,  'Ba, 

T  May  14,  'IK, 

R  May  SI,  '««, 

0  May  28,  'B», 

in  May  M,    BS, 

11  May  !M,  'tt«, 

IS  M«v!i5,  '68, 

18  I.May  28,  '62, 

14  May  31.  "6% 

15  May  81,  '62, 
lA  July   6,  '62, 

17  July  12,  '62, 

18  July  17,  m, 

19  July  17,  '62, 
90  JulylH,  '62, 
81  July  18,  '62, 
99  Aug.  9,  '69, 
88  Aug.  9,  '69, 
94  Aug.  10,  '68, 
96  Aug.  17,  '68, 

26  Aug.  90,  '62, 

27  Aug.  94,  '89, 

88  Aug.  88,  '62, 

89  Aug.  89,  '69, 
m  Aug.  80,  '68, 
81  H«pt.  1,  '68, 
32  Sept.  19,  '62, 

83  8ept.39,  '68, 

84  Oct.  16,  '62, 
SS  Oct.  17,  '68, 

86  Oct.  18,  '68, 

87  Oct.  18,  '68, 

88  Nov.  6,  '68, 

89  Nov.  6,  '68, 

40  Nov.   8,  '62, 

41  Nov.  11,  '68, 

43  Nov.  18,  '62, 
48  Nov.  16,  '62, 

44  Nov.  29,  '62, 
46  Nov.  80, '62, 

46  Nov.  30,  '62, 

47  Dec.  18,  '62, 

48  Dec.  81, '89, 

Comm.  I'SnTIttl 
Ofllcem.l     Mea. 


g  5,g.ii=  s  a. 

BatUe, . . . 



Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 



Engaijementt  and  their  Ca»ualtie»,  Rontinued. 



II    Mm. 


tie.    .. 

tie,  . . . 


Plaoi  or  Knoaoimikt. 




Spotted  Tavern, 



W'lilu  mln« 

Warrentun  JunctlOD, 

i  Irci'n  wlch, 


Ilmiover,  Pn 

Iluiiti'ri'town,  P«., 

(Mlynbuiv,  Pft.^. 

Monterey  I'bsh,  P»., 

!*inlthhurg,  Md., 

IIat,t!ri>towD,  Md 

BoonKboro',  Md., 

UaKemtowD,  Md., , 

A»Bbv'«  G»p, 

Pnrt  ronway, 

Culpepper  C.  H., 

Soniervllle  Ford,  Robertson,. 

Broukin'8  Ford,  Rapldan, 

Ilszel  Klver  Bridge, 


RiiMell's  Ford,  Robertson,. . . 


Hiwrryvllle  Pike, 

Bnndy  Station, 





Bufkland  Mill 


Oermaula  Ford,  Rapldan, .... 

Raccoon  Ford,  Rapldan, 

KuccooQ  Ford, 

EIt's  Pord,  Rapldan 

Ellis'  Ford,  Rappahannock, . . 

Ilsrapton's  Cross  Roads, 

Ui'fiimes  of  Richmond, 

llHuover  Town, 



Field'it  Ford,  Rappahannock, 

Suuthard'e  Cross  Roads 

I'apker's  Store, 


fiermnnla  kofd, 

MsBoaponax  Chorch, 

Ny  River, 

Pii  River 

Po  River .'." 

Msttapony  River 

Milford  SuiUon, 



M    Feb. 
SB  {March 
S6  I  March 






































10,  '08, 

4,  '««, 
98,  'fiS, 

80. 'BS, 

10,  '(«, 
80,  'BS, 

5,  'B8, 
4,  '«8, 
B,  -BB, 
8, 'B8, 

11,  "BS, 
M, '88, 

4,  '88, 
18, '68, 
14,  '68, 
M, '68, 
». '68, 

8, '68, 
10, '68, 
10, '88, 
11,  '68, 
11,  '8.S,, 
IB,  '6«,i 
IT.  '63, 
18, '88, 
18, '68, 
19,  '68, 

8, '63, 
18,  'fl.3, 
88,  '0.3, 
*I, '83, 







Jan.  19, 
Jan.  as, 
Feb.  6, 
March  1, 
March  3, 
March  3, 
March  a, 
March  4, 
March  11, 
May       6. 

Battle.  . . . 
Mattle,  . . . 

Battle,  . . . 

Battle,  . . . 

BatUe, . . . 


May  15, 

May  16, 

IMay  17, 

May  18, 

jMay  81, 

IMay  21, 


'64!  Battle,  ... 
'M,  "  ... 

Battle, . 

Comm.    SulUt'd 
Officers.     Men. 



















1  ii 




Historic  Records. 

EngagemenU  and  £!atuaUie$,  oontinoed. 

Plaoi  or  RNOAosKairr. 

Mt.Otnnol  Church,. 

Morlli  Anna  Hirer,. 

Mttic  Klvor 

HlKnnl  Hill 

IlMUovrrC  H 

A'lilaml  HUtloa, 

Palcni  I'hurch 


Hiiuly  drove 

White  Oak  Hwamm,.   .. 
White  llimae  Ijindloff,.. 

Blacka  and  White* 

Nottoway  C.  It 

Koani>k«  Station, 

Htony  ( 'reek  Htatlon,. . . . 

Kt^ama  Htatlon 

Rowanty  Oeek, 

Htony  Cruek 

Maryland  Hcl(;htf 

Maryland  Ilclghta, 


Toll  Gate. 


Siilckor'n  Ferry, 



Opo|uan  Creek, 

Biiiiuiilt    Point, 


DntHold  Htatlon. .. 

Ki-nrni'yavllle  S'iatlon,  , 

Perry  ville, 


Oimqaan  Creek, 

Opeqiian  Oreek, 

0|M'<|uan  Creek, 

Obeqnan  Creek, 


Crooked  Uun, 

Fnint  K<>val 

/  "^ury  Ciiurch, 

Aili^ra,  Luro"  Valley,. 

I'.t.  dorldlan, 

\Vft /Ueaboro', 

H-idce  water 

'trock'B  Oap, 


Tom'a  Brook, 

Cedar  Creek, 

L<!lianon  Church, 

Cedar  Creek, 

Cedar  Creek, 

Ut,  Jackaon, 






























































M, '64, 

86,  '64, 

81,  '64, 

1. '64, 

1. '64, 


10, '61, 

11,  '61, 

16,  '64, 
10,  '64, 
88,  '64, 

88,  '64, 
85,  'M, 

89,  ••», 

80,  "64, 
88,  "64, 

6, 'tM. 

7,  M, 
10,  '64, 
15, 'O^- 
18, 'M. 
!M,  'M,. 

17,  •"•■ 
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81,  'M.. 
88, '64, 
88, '64,- 
85,  'M,. 

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4,  "Bl- 
7  'M.- 

15,  '64.. 
17  'M,- 
10,  '«*<■ 
80, '64.- 
31,  '64,- 
81,  '64.  ■ 
83, '64,. 

87, '«.■ 

88^ 'W.  • 


«^  Si'' 

7,  '64,. 

9.  '64,. 
18, '64,. 
14,  'M.- 
10. '*»,, 
IS, '64, 
88,  "tM, 

Battle.. . . . 

Battle,  . . . 


Battle, . 

Battle, ... 

Battle,  . . . 



Battle, . . . 

Battle, .... 





Battle.  .... 

Battle,.  ..' 



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Historic  Records. 

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arles  J.  Smi 
arles  R.  Pet 
lliam  Runn 
nry  Earle,.. 
bert  Perry,  . 
G.  Horton,- 
ram  S.  Gray 




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Anson  Jones,  . 
Amos  Brown,  . 
Clark  Winch,. . 
Martin  V.  Hog 
Wm.  Greenwoc 
Aaron  Wright, 
Kdmund  Barbe 
Curtis  E.  Pierc 

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Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


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Historic  Records. 










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Fifth  Nkw  Yokk  Cavalry. 



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'.'     t 

i:  ' 

Mementos  to  Officers, —  Col.  0.  DeForest. —  Col.  Jolin  Ilammond. 
— Surgeon  Lucius  P.  Woods. —  Major  A.  II.  Krom. —  Major  E. 
J.  Darker Capt.  L.  L.  O'Connor. 

No  pains  have  been  spared  by  the  author  to  secure  doca- 
nients  in  which  honorable  mention  had  been  made  of  officera 
and  privates  for  meritorious  conduct  in  battles,  but  with 
only  partial  success.  Such  as  have  been  obtained  are 
inserted,  though  many  names  ought  to  have  been  added  to 
this  list,  Tfhose  deeds  were  glorious,  and  would  embellish 
the  pages  of  any  history. 

CoLONKL  0.  Deforest. 

We  have  been  furnished  with  an  interesting  account  of 
the  presention  of  a  horse  to  Col.  DeForest,  clipped  from  a 
New  York  daily,  which  we  are  pleased  to  give  in  this  place. 
It  is  as  follows : 

"  The  friends  of  Col.  DeForest  met  yesterday  (October, 
1861),  in  front  of  his  dwelling.  No.  97  East  Forty-ninth 
street,  and  presented  him  with  a  very  acceptable  token  of 
thei'  appreciation  of  him  as  an  officer,  and  also  of  hia 
unequaled  efforts  in  raising  the  brigade  to  which  he  is 
attached.  The  present  was  a  splendid  light  dappled  gray 
stallion,  well  known  as  the  <  General  Jackson '  of  Cherry 
Valley.     He  is  seven  years  old^  a  noble  animal,  and  was 

■-^^^  ^mi^>-  rM^M^ 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


Col.   John  Hammond. 
H.  Krom — Major  E. 

hor  to  secure  docu- 
een  made  of  officers 
battles,  but  with 
been  obtained  are 
ave  been  added  to 
d  would  embelliHh 

resting  aoconnt  of 
St,  clipped  from  s 
give  in  this  place. 

isterday  (October, 
East  Forty-ninth 
Beptable  token  of 
and  also  of  his 
9  to  which  he  is 
ight  dappled  gray 
skson '  of  Cherry 
animal,  and  was 

purchased  specially  for  his  new  owner.  About  1.500  men 
of  the  brigade  almost  entirely  from  the  country,  fully 
uniformed,  and  preceded  by  their  own  splendid  band  of  twenty- 
eight  pieces,  wore  drawn  up  in  front  of  the  block  in  which 
Col.  DeForest  resides,  the  intended  present  held  by  a  groom, 
being  immediately  in  front.  The  Hon.  D.  B.  Taylor  then 
stepped  out  upon  the  front  steps  of  the  building  and  form- 
ally presented  to  the  colonel,  who  was  standing  by  his  side, 
the  donation,  accompanied  by  the  following  remarks  : 

"  Colonel  De  Forest:  The  kind  partiality  of  your  immediate 
friends  and  neighbors  have  imposed  upon  me  the  pleasing 
duty  of  presenting  to  you  in  their  name  something  which 
shall  be  calculated  to  keep  their  memories  ripe  with  you  in 
the  midst  of  the  excitements  and  dangers  to  which  you 
have  so  gallantly  dedicated  your  immediate  future.     *     * 

"  These  men,  you  will  in  a  few  short  days  lead  into  a  battle 
field  such  as  the  good  people  of  this  heretofore  favored  land 
would  give  all  but  their  country's  life  to  avoid.  But  the 
sad  fiat  has  gone  forth;  it  is  a  struggle  between  our 
country's  existence,  with  all  the  bright  hopes  of  returning 
happiness,  and  its  death  with  the  surest  certainty  of  ever- 
lasting woe  and  ruin.  Terrible  is  the  issue,  but  we  must 
contemplate  it  solely  with  the  stern  eye  of  philosophy,  and 
that,  too,  quickly.  Our  independence  was  achieved  by 
precious  blood  and  countless  treasure,  and  by  the  same  con- 
sideration can  it  now  only  be  preserved.  It  seems  that  the 
tree  of  Liberty  must  be  nourished  by  the  blood  of  its  sub- 
jects ;  to  this  conclusion,  however  sad,  must  every  honest 
conviction  turn.  You,  sir,  will  soon  lead  your  column  to 
its  position  in  the  long  line  of  battle,  and  to  bear  yoa 
proudly  on,   we,  whoso  every  pulse  beats  high  with  hopes 









for  your  success,  place  you  upon  the  back  of  this  Jield  horn 
and  pru;  that  the  God  of  Battles  may  hold  the  rein,  until 
victory  shall  bo  proclaimed  throughout  our  whole  country. 
Should  ProTidonoo,  in  it«  inscrutable  wisdom,  cause  you  to 
perish  in  the  great  conflict  before  you,  we  feel  a  holy  assur- 
ance that  you  will  fall  with  your  face  to  the  heavens,  and 
your  feet  to  the  foe.  Oo  on,  then :  adieu !  but  the  living 
God  grant  that  your  mission  may  be  fulSlled,  and  your 
glorious  and  happy  return  give  us  cause  for  a  day  joyout, 
far  more  joyous  than  this  ;  let  this  be  the  day  of  hope,  that 
the  fulfillment. 

"  Col.  DeForest  then  mounted  the  horse  as  theband  struck 
up  an  appropriate  air,  and  when  the  music  ceased,  evidently 
with  a  good  deal  of  emotion,  very  happily  returned  his 
thanks  for  the  nianifestation  toward  him,  and  fully  pledged 
himself  that  if  the  God  of  Battles  spared  his  life  he  would 
faithfully  fulfill  the  wishes  of  his  friends. 

"  After  the  cheering  had  ceased,  a  call  was  made  for  Sen. 
Ira  Harris  of  Albany,  after  whom  the  Guard  take  their 
name.  He  soon  appeared  upon  the  balcony,  and,  being 
presented  by  Mr.  Taylor,  addressed  the  ofiicers  and  soldiers 
for  a  few  moments  with  much  feeling,  telling  them  that 
although  he  was  too  far  advanced  in  life  to  join  them  as  a 
soldier,  he  felt  great  satisfaction  in  being  able  to  send  hia 
name.  He  doubted  not  it  would  be  seen  where  rebellion  was 
strongest  and  treason  most  defiant,  and  he  was  perfectly  will- 
ing to  trust  it  in  the  keeping  of  such  officers  and  such  men." 

(Copy.)  Washimgtoh,  Omi.  W,  J884.  B.  M.  Stamtok,  Secrttary  qf  War. 
Dear  81r— Col.  O.  DeForent  served  under  me  tn  the  Shenanaoah  Valley  In  180), 
for  nearly  a  year.  Ho  waa  Uien  colonel  of  6th  New  York  Cavalry,  and  pot- 
formed  hla  duty  willingly,  ftilly,  and  with  great  energy.  HU  re^ment  win 
the  beet  under  my  command.  Aa  an  officer,  then  and  there,  be  showed  mnch 
ability,  and  I  do  not  heBltate  to  recommend  him  to  the  favor  of  the  Dep't. 

(Signed)  N.  P.  Banks,  M.  O.  V. 

,.-i- .-. .  ■i/,»4f«*s*tt!«#^«w?',f^'«^f^S^^ 



h&cV  o{  thhjield  hom 
ly  hold  the  rein,   until 
mt  our  whole  country, 
J  wisdom,  cause  you  to 
,  we  feel  a  holy  assur. 
B  to  the  heaTons,  and 
adieu  I  but  the  living 
«   fulfilled,  and  your 
use  for  a  day  joyoui, 
the  day  of  hope,  that 

vrscas  the  band  struck 
usio  ceased,  evidently 
happily  returned  his 
11,  and  fully  pledged 
ired  his  life  he  would 

Jl  was  made  for  Sen. 
le  Guard  take  their 
balcony,  and,  being 
officers  and  soldiers 
,  telling  them  that 
ft  to  join  them  as  a 
ng  able  to  send  his 
where  rebellion  was 
e  was  perfectly  will- 
cers  and  such  men." 

"TON,  Stcrttary  qf  War. 
lenanaoMh  Valley  In  18(9, 

York  Cavalry,  and  per- 
fxy-    HIg  regiment  was 

there,  he  ahowed  much 

•  fevorofthe  Dep't. 

•  P.  Banks,  M.  Q.  V. 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


Col.  John  Hammond. 
The  application  of  Col.  Hammond  for  muster  out  was 
{endorsed  as  follows: 

HiAD  QuABTBBS,  TLifd  Cavalry  Division,  \ 
Auguit  80M,  18(54.  > 
[Rcnpeotfully  forwarded,  approved]. 
Cul.  Hammond  is  a  most  valuable  and  worthy  officer  and 
I  has  nerved  with  great  credit  to  himself  and  benefit  to  the 
hervice  —  but  the  regiment  would  be  left  in  the  hands  of  a 
<.'i)o<l  officer  '  should  he  bo  mustered  out,  while  the  reasons 
urged  by  Col.  Hammond  for  his  leaving  service  are  of  so 
<:nive  a  character  as  to  deserve  the  serious  consideration  of 
I  the  major  general  commanding  the  department. 

J.  H.  Wilson,  Brig.  Gen'l. 

Head  QuAETKBg,  Cavalry  Forces, 

Middle  Military  Division, 

Cliarlestown,  Va.,  Aug.  80(A,  1864. 

I  am  constrained  to  approve  this  application  under  the 

circumstances ;  but  I  am  pleased  to  mention  from  personal 

observation  that  he  is  one  of  the  most  accomplished  officers 

I  have  known  in  service,  and  the  country  can  ill   afford  to 

lose  the  services  of  such  an  officer  at  this  time. 

Respectfully  submitted, 

A.   T.   A.   TORBERT, 

Brig.  Gen.  Vols.  Com'd'g  Cav'y. 

A  few  days  after  Col.  Hammond  took  leave  of  his  com- 

luand,  he  reoeived  the  following  letter : 

H«AD  QuABT«a»,  Third  Cavalry  Division,  \ 
Near  Berryville,  Aug.  ZUt,  1864.  / 

My  Dear  Colonel:  I  am  sorry  you  todk  your  final  fare- 
well from  the  division  without  letting  me  see  you  again ;  I 
cannot,  however,  allow  your  absence  to  prevent  my  sending 

'  U.  Col.  Wm.  P.  Bacon      « 



.^      --ytkimml. 


Historic  Record8. 


after  you  my  Rinoere  regrets  at  loeing  you,  and  ray  bestl 
wishes  for  your  prosperity  and  happiness. 
.    It  ifl  no  flattery  to  say,  your  loss  cannot  be  repaired  k\ 
this  oonmiand  except  by  yoar  return  to  it,  and  I  must  earn- 
C8t)y  hope  for  its  sake  and  the  cau»e,  that  circumstances  may  I 
so  shape  themselves  as  to  allow  you  speedily  to  rejuin  lu 
with  increased  rank  and  authority. 

There  may  be  something  personal  in  it,  but  your  absence  I 
gives  uio  special  pain.  Our  cause,  the  country's,  needs  not 
only  the  support  of  stout  arms  and  br^ivo  hearts,  but  that  of 
every  pure  and  moral  nature  in  the  land.  When  ooe  such 
OS  yourself  leaves  the  service,  there  is,  therefore,  a  double 
loss,  with  more  than  the  ordinary  diffi'  'Hies  to  overcome  in 
repairing  it.    There  are  plenty  of  m  o  wish  to  advance 

themselves,  but  few  that  are  worthy  j  places  to  whlcii 

they  aspire. 

In  writing  you  this  letter  permit  me  to  assure  you  the 
sentiments  I  express  are  shared  by  Qen.  Sheridan  aswdlu 
by  every  member  of  my  staflF. 

With  sentiments  of  the  highest  regard,  I  am,  Colonel, 
Very  Truly  Your  Friend, 

J.  H.  Wilson, 
*  Brig.  Gen'l. 

Shortly  after  his  departure  from  the  regiment,  the  fol- 
lowing letter  appeared  in  the  Essex  County  (N.  Y.)  Rt- 
vublican.  Its  contents  wore  approved  by  those  who  had 
been  the  colonel's  military  oompitnions. 

It  is  seldom  we  are  called  upon  to  chronicle  as  painful 
an  event  as  that  which  separated  Col.  John  Hammond  iVom 
the  Fifth  New  York  Cavalry.  /  fler  so  long  a  term  of 
service  with  him,  we  had  learned  not  only  to  respect,  but  to 


.^       ''^M«.J 


«ing  you,  and  ray  best  I 


i  cannot  bo  repaired  in 
1  to  it,  and  I  must  earn. 
that  circumstances  niaj 
I  speedily  to  rejoin  u 

in  it,  but  your  absence  | 
bo  country's,  needs  not  I 
ravo  hearts,  but  that  of  | 
land.     When  one  such 
is,  therefore,  a  double  j 
V  'Hies  to  overcome  la 
0  wish  to  advance 
-  places  to  which 

me  to  assure  you  the 
en.  Sheridan  asvdias 

ard,  I  am,  Colonel, 


H.  Wilson, 

Brig.  Gen'l. 
the  regiment,  the  fol- 

Count^  (N.  Y.)  Re- 
d  by  those  who  had 

chronicle  as  painful 
Tohn  Hammond  from 

so  long  a  term  of 
ily  to  respect,  but  to 

Fifth  Nrw  York  Cavalry. 


>vt'  hill),  while  we  admired  the  great  virtues  which  so  hap- 
>,lj  blond  in  him.     It  is  no  wonder  that  there  wa.<t  not  a 

liiryeyo  among  the  officers  who  shook  his  hand  In  furuwell 
letiug  yesterday,  nor  difficult  to  account  for  the  emotion 

\ii\\iA\  choiced  his  utterance  wheu  he  undertook  to  address 
1-  a  i'uw  parting  words. 

It  is  not  often  we  comment  upon  the  private  or  publio 

wrtuos  of  liviii!/  men,  but  in  this  case  our  justification  lies 

11  iluro^ating  from  our  general  rule. 

The  early  call  of  our  country  for  patriot  soldiers,  found 

I  iwhcre  a  heartier  response    than  in  the  heart  of   John 

I  llumuioud,  of  Grown  Point,  Essex  Co.,  N.  Y.  Gathering 
iicelher  the  young  men  of  his  neighborhood,  a  <  lupany 
hI  as  effective  men  as  ever  drew  a  sabre  was  formed,  known 

I  a  company  H,  Fifth  New  York  Cavalry,  and  John  Ham- 
mund  was  chosen  its  captain  and  leader.  To  his  men  the 
captain  devoted  his  attention  and  means.    Mutual  confidence 

j  and  respect  increased  with  discipline  in  camp  and  service 
in  the  field.  It  was  soon  discovered  that  Capt.  Hammond 
was  no  ordinary  military  leader.  Gradually  he  rose  from 
one  post  of  trust  to  another.     While  a  major  he  had  com> 

I  mand  of  the  regiment  more  than  a  year.  At  the  earliest 
vacancy  he  was  commissioned  lieutenant  colonel,  and  soon 
thereafter  colonel,  and  no  man  ever  bore  the  spread  eagle 
more  worthily.  Had  not  his  term  of  service  expired  at  a 
time  when  the  call  of  his  family  was  nearly  imperative,  we 
'•ubt  not  lie  would  soon  have  borne  the  star.  The  com- 
iiiendaiions  he  has  received  from  both  division  and  brigade 
wuianders,  are  known  to  its  all,  and  are  such  as  any  man 
might  be  proud  of.  His  fame  is  unsullied  and  extensive, 
liii  record  fuir  and  imperishable. 


^■^^Ai^**^''^i»!i^'«K;.^>-*fcw*»^--^*'  ;'5tV'!":v'sv;;;,-:?,s-; 

-  ^"-ai  y^t:^?^^' 



Historic  Records. 

Few  men  combine  in  thcmgelves  so  many  qualifications 
of  the  true  man  8"d  soldier.  His  patriotism  was  not  h 
mere  matter  of  name,  aa  the  sacrifices  he  ma(^e  for  his  coun- 
try fully  attest.  All  who  came  in  contact  with  him  felt 
that  this  was  the  ruling  motive  of  all  his  action.  As  a 
disciplinarian  he  was  str>t  without  being  severe,  and  thor- 
ough. In  preparation  for,  and  during,  a  battle,  none  could 
excel  him. 

His  plans  were  quickly  made  and  well  executed. 
His  selection  of  positions,  and  disposition  of  forces  always 
exMbited  great  sagacity  and  military  genius.  He  held 
his  men  in  perfect  control.  His  clear  voice  went  like 
magic  through  the  ranka,  while  his  manly  form,  always  in 
the  thickest  of  the  fight,  elicited  the  warmest  enthusiasm. 
His  equanimity  of  mind  was  never  overcome  by  his  celeriij 
of  motion,  but  seemed  to  be  equal.  Rarely  is  so  great  pru- 
dence found  with  so  undaunted  courage,  fie  had  an 
indomitable  will  that  would  not  brook  defeat.  The  word 
impoi»ibU>  he  never  knew,  when  diflicu'^'os  came  between 
him  and  duty.     He  was  ambitious,  yet  humble. 

Added  to  all  these  mental  qualifications  vras  that  perfect 
phi/sique,  which  made  John  Hammond  the  model  soldier. 
As  an  equestrian  we  have  never  soeu  his  superior.  His 
pc«ver  of  endurance  also  vas  very  great.  For  three  long 
years  of  active  service  he  has  stood  with  the  regiment  mid 
storm  and  sun,  mid  fatigue  and  danger.  He  was  no  wan- 
derer from  his  men,  nor  lover  of  ease  at  the  expense  of 
duty.  For  this  the  men  honored  him;  and  they  loved  him 
because  in  all  his  promotions  he  never  forgot  their  waata, 
nor  stood  aloof  from  them.  He  was  always  the  affable  yet 
dignified  John  Hammond  they  had  known  in  days  past, 





Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


so  many  qualifications 
patriotism  was  not  a 
he  ma(?9  for  his  coun- 
contact  with  him  felt 
all  his  action.  As  a 
eing  severe,  and  thor- 
;,  a  battle,  none  cuuld 

and  well  executed. 
tion  of  forces  always 
iry  genius.  He  held 
3lear  voice  went  like 
manly  form,  always  in 
I  warmest  enthusiasm, 
ercome  by  his  celeriij 
larely  is  so  great  pru- 
turage.  fie  had  an 
)k  defeat.  The  word 
icu'^'os  came  between 
t  humble. 

tions  was  that  perfect 
id  the  model  soldier. 
iu  his  superior.  His 
eat.  For  three  long 
ith  the  regiment  mid 
;er.  He  was  no  wan- 
ISC  at  the  expense  of 

and  they  loved  him 
er  forgot  their  wants, 

ways  the  afifablfl  yet 
knowu  in  days  past. 

We  hope  the  men  of  his  late  command  w'll  never  forget  his 
last  words  to  them: — "  God  bless  yoa." 

Long  live  Col.  John  Hammond,  and  long  be  remembered 
among  us  his  military  and  social  virtues. 

Surgeon  Lucius  P.  Woods. 

Hba"  Qcahtbbs  Fifth  New  York  Cavalry, "» 
Winchester,  V».,  July  10th,  1865.  / 

Intelligence  having  been  received  of  the  death  of  Dr. 
I.ueius  P.  Woods,  late  surgeon  of  this  regiment,  a  meet- 
in;;  was  this  day  convened,  and  a  committee,  consisting  of 
Mjjor  H.  A.  D.  Merritt,  Chaplain  L.  N.  Boudrye  and  Capt. 
L.  C.  Abbott  was  appointed  to  prepare  fitting  resolutions 
eipressive  of  our  sorrow.  The  following  were  submitted 
and  approved. 

Resolved,  That  we,  the  officers  of  the  Fifth  Regiment  of 
Cavalry,  New  York  State  Volunteers,  have  heard  with  most 
profound  sorrow,  of  the  death  of  our  late  surgeon,  Dr. 
Lucius  P.  Woods,  at  Wiiosted,  Conn.,  May  30th,  1865, 
and  desire  to  convey  to  his  bereaved  wife  and  fiiends  our 
sympathy,  and  to  express  our  sentiments  of  esteem  and 
respect  for  the  memory  of  our  late  comrade  and  friend. 
Appointed  to  this  regiment,  December  24th,  1861,  he 
shared  with  us,  during  three  years'  active  service,  its  vicis- 
situdes, dangers  and  privations.  Devoted  to  the  duties  of 
his  vocation,  he  added  to  rare  profb^sional  skill  the  most 
untiring  industry.  Insensible  to  fea;*,  indefatigable  to 
alleviate  suffering,  he  was  ever  to  be  found  where  the  battle 
raged  most  fiercely,  ministering  to  the  wounded,  shunning 
not  the  post  of  danger,  if  it  were  but  the  post  of  duty. 

Conscious  of  declining  health,  and  viewing  with  calmness 
and  resignation  the  rapidly  approaching  termination  of  his 

•'■*  •.«;;:■ 






Historic  Records. 

W  '> 

life,  De  persevered,  until  strength  failed  him,  in  the  dis 
charge  of  his  responsible  and  arduous  duties.  F-lua'iiy, 
enfeebled  and  dying,  he  returned  to  the  peaceful  scenes  of 
home,  and  to  the  loved  home  circle,  to  meet  the  final  change 
Happily  his  earnest  patriotis'u  was  rewarded  with  a  know- 
ledge of  the  triumph  of  the  cause  to  which  he  gave  his  lite 

Retolved,  That  in  the  several  positions  of  surgeon  of  the  | 
Fifth  New  York  Cavalry,  surgeon-in-chief  of  the  First  brig- 
ade. Third  oavalry  division,  surgeon-in-ohief  of  the  Third 
cavalry  division  and  medical  director  of  the  Cavalry  corpe, 
Army  of  the  Shenandoah,  Dr.  Woods  earned  the  commen- 
dation, respect  and  affection  of  all  who  knew  him,  A-om  the 
soldier  in  the  ranks  to  the  major  general  commanding. 

Resolved,  That  as  a  friend  we  found  in  him  every  qoalitj 
that  could  endear  him  to  us  a..!  embalm  his  memory  in  our 
minds.  To  the  refinement  of  the  gentleman  he  added 
social  and  Christiac  virtues  rarely  equaled,  and  while  ha 
loss  will  bo  deplored  by  all,  to  ourselves,  peculiarly  his 
friends,  it  is  irreparable.  We  will  cherish  his  memory  and 
strive  to  imitate  his  example. 

ReMolved,  That  a  copy  of  these  resolutions,  signed  by  the 
officers  of  the  regiment,  be  transmitted  to  Mrs.  L.  P. 
Woods,  to  whom  we  tender  our  sincere  condolence.  Ma; 
"He  who  tempereth  the  wind  to  the  shorn  lamb,"  comfort 
and  sustain  her ;  and  may  the  blessed  thought  that  he  has 
given  his  life  for  his  country  mitigate  the  aoguish  of  her 
bereavement.       „-.^;i;i,i,  .U-',- ..\;„  ;,  •,,,i.^*-^f  .■-,t,. 

Interesting  extraota  from  Dr.  Woods'  letters  from  the 
army,  are  here  inserted. 

"  Haetwood  Chdboh,  Va.,  *Sep<.  bth,  1868." 

*'  I  returned  yesterday  after  a  three  days  expedition  after 


»^— «|- 


I«d  him,  in  the  dis. 

IU8    duties.      Fliiailj, 

le  peaceful  srenes  of 
leet  the  final  change. 
varded  with  a  know- 
lich  he  gave  his  life 
ns  of  surgeon  of  the 
ief  of  the  First  brig- 
Q-chief  of  the  Third 
f  the  Cavalry  corps, 
earned  the  oommen- 
}  knew  him,  fVom  the 
d  commanding, 
in  him  every  quality 
n  his  memory  in  our 
;entleman  he  added 
taled,  and  while  hi« 
lives,  peculiarly  hi« 
ish  his  memory  and 

tions,  signed  by  the 
ted  to   Mrs.  L.  P. 

condolence.  May 
orn  Iamb,"  comfort 

lought  that  he  has 
the  anguish  of  her 

letters   from  the 

?ep<.  5th,  1868." 
lys  <.xpedition  afWr 


*rS    /^/A.^Mi 


t     r^y/'^.. 


.:-;'«*?S>Sp«^^.W.»^^  j..r.c»i?S^ISKi  ^^'iiSlBi«^ 




ii'-ii  ,  ^'~<^<w^*^'*  "? 





Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


gun-boats !  *  We  all  laughed  at  the  order,  Bending  cavalry 
after  such  craft,  but  I  am  happy  to  say,  that  the  object  of 
the  expedition  was  accomplished.  We  left  camp  at  two 
o'clock  A.  M.,  marched  all  dy  and  all  night,  till  three 
o'clock  next  morning,  when  we  made  a  furious  charge  upon 
Rebel  infantry.  They  ran  so  fast  as  to  disarrange  the  gen- 
eral's plan  of  attack.  The  morning  was  so  dark  we  could 
not  see  one  rod  in  advance.  We  captured  twelve  or  four- 
teen prisoners,  and  Gen.  Kilpatrick  gave  orders  in  their 
hearing  to  have  the  whole  command  fall  back,  stating  that 
the  gun-boats  would  be  alarmed  and  the  expedition  be  a 
failure.  The  general  took  particular  pains  to  allow  half 
the  prisontirs  to  escape  and  get  across  the  Rappahannock. 
After  falling  back  two  miles,  we  wero  counter-marched 
toward  the  river,  near  which  we  were  formed  in  line  of 
battle.  We  sat  there  on  our  horses  waiting  for  daylight. 
Then  the  flying  artillery  of  ten  guns,  supported  by  the  old 
Fifth  New  York  and  First  Michigan,  dashed  at  a  full  run 
down  to  the  river  bank,  wheeled  into  position  and  gave  the 
Rebels  a  small  cargo  of  hissing  cast  iron,  which  waked  them 
up  racie  effectually  than  their  ordinary  morning  call.  They 
soon  came  to  their  senses,  and  for  half  an  hour  sent  over  to 
us  what  I  should  think  to  be,  by  the  noise  they  made,  tea- 
kettles, cooking  stoves,  large  cast  iron  hats,  &o.  But  our 
smaller  and  more  active  guns  soon  silenced  theirs  and  drove 
their  gunners  away,  when  we  turned  our  attention  to  the 
boring  of  holes  in  their  boats  with  conical  pieces  of  iron, 
vulgarly  called  solid  shot.  I  assure  you  I  can  recommend 
them  as  first  class  augers,  for  they  sank  the  boats  in  time 

•  See  page  74. 






Historic  Records. 

for  all  hands  to  sit  down  to  breakfast  at  half  past  nine 
o'clock.  The  repast  consisted  of  muddy  water,  rusty  ult 
pork  and  half  a  hard  cracker,  termed  by  us  '  an  iron  clad 
breakfast.'  We  were  absent  from  camp  three  days  and  had 
only  nine  hours'  sleep." 

"  August  29th,  1864." 

"  I  was  quite  astonished  yesterday  at  receiving  a  paper, 
signed  by  nearly  all  the  officers  of  the  regiment  and  approved 
by  Gen.  Mcintosh,  offering  me  the  colonelcy  of  the  regi- 
ment.   I  am  now  surgeon-in-ohief  of  the  division." 

"  February  12th,  1865." 

"  To  Colonel  Hammond :  My  official  business  is  done  by 
a  clerk  and  I  simply  sign  my  name.  The  reason  :  a  terrible 
cough,  drenching  night  sweats,  swollen  feet  and  limbs  and 
diarrhoea.  Are  not  these  sufficient  to  palsy  the  brain  and 
band?  Often  have  I  tried  with  my  will  to  arouse  wj 
system  to  action  and  my  mind  to  its  duty,  but  as  I  crawled 
to  bed  I  almost  cursed  the  sluggish  brain  that  balked  my 

We  gladly  insert  the  following  tribute  to  Dr.  Woods,  in 
a  letter  from  Col.  Hammond  to  Dr.  H.  M.  Knight,  of  Lake- 
ville.  Conn. 

"  It  will  be  impossible  for  me  to  think  of  writing  any- 
thing that  would  do  justice  to  the  memory  of  one  I  loved  so 
much.  I  could  but  poorly  give  yon  an  idea  of  the  many 
trials  and  hardships  as  well  as  incidents  of  a  pleasing 
character,  through  which  myself  and  dear  friend  have 
passed  together. 

"His  frankness  and  determination  won  him  a  host  of 
friends  wherever  ho  went.  He  was  ever  quick  to  appre- 
ciate worth  and  kindness,  and  ever  as  ready  to  resent  a 

'  •■M'i^. 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


;  at  half  past  nine 

water,   rusty  gait 

r  ufl  '  an  iron  clad 

three  days  and  had 

nut  29/A,  1864." 
receiving  a  paper, 
meat  and  approved 
neloy  of  the  regi- 
try  12th,  1865." 
usiness  is  done  by 
reason:  a  terrible 
3et  and  limbs  and 
ilsy  the  brain  and 
rill  to  arouse  n;y 
,  but  as  I  crawled 
1  that  balked  my 

to  Dr.  Woods,  in 
Knight,  ofLake- 

:  of  writing  any- 
of  one  I  loved  so 
idea  of  the  many 
ts  of  a  pleasing 
ear  friend  have 

I  him  a  host  of 
quick  to  appre- 
ady  to  resent  a 

m  *  *  *  *  * 

wrong  or  injury.  ^^  "^  »  f  f  »  j  ^[\\  dose  by  saying  that 
Dr.  Woods  was  ever  in  my  mind  the  most  perfect  type  of  a 
man  I  ever  met." 

Dr.  Woods  graduated  at  the  medical  college  of  Pittsfield, 
Mass.,  in  November,  1855. 

Captain  (afterward  Major)  A.  H.  Keom. 

From  the  Oweyo  Timei  of  May,  1864,  we  clip  the  follow- 
ing memorial : 

Hbad  Quabtibs  Fifth  New  York  Cavalry,  l 
Fairfax  Court  House,  Va.,  Map  19tA,  1868.  / 

This  has  been  a  high  day  for  the  officers  and  men  of 
company  G ;  and  well  might  it  be  so,  for  the  boys  were 
about  to  consummate  a  noble  enterprise,  and  true  merit  was 
about  to  be  rewarded.  We  may  as  well  tell  the  story  plain- 
ly. Capt.  Krom  had  distinguished  himself  as  a  man  and 
soldier  in  camp  and  in  battle.  On  the  8d  instant,  during  a 
severe  engagement  with  Maj.  Mosby's  Rebel  band,  at  War- 
renton  Junction,  Va.,  Capt.  K.  narrowly  escaped  with  his 
life,  bearing  away  two  fearful  wounds,  one  in  his  left  leg, 
the  other  in  the  face.  His  horse  was  killed  under  him; 
but  he  had  used  his  sabre  with  terrible  effect  upon  the 
enemy,  as  only  the  man  with  a  brave  heart  and  strong  arm 
can  do.  From  that  time  he  has  been  a  cheerful  sufferer  in 
our  hospital.  He  will  doubtless  recover,  as  is  the  strong 
desire  of  all  his  companions  in  arms.  His  absence  from  the 
company  did  not  obliterate  his  memory  from  the  boys. 
They  have  been  busy  raising  funds  among  themselves, 
every  man  in  the  company  contributing  freely,  and  to-day 
we  see  the  result — a  beautiful  $ash,  sword  and  belt  for  the 
captain.    At  six  o'clock  p.  M.  the  ceremony  of  presentation 


—         -f 



Historic  Rkcokds. 


.1      I 

took  place.  The  company  were  all  prrsont,  drawn  up  in 
line  before  the  captain,  who  had  been  brought  to  his  camp 
quarters  on  a  stretcher,  and  seated  in  a  large  arm  chair  8e- 
cured  for  the  occasion.  Many  officers  of  the  regiment  nrere 
present,  while  ladies  assisted  in  making  the  company  coui- 
pK'te.  The  sword  was  presented  by  Lieut.  Krohn,  company 
G,  who  read  the  following  address : 

" Etteemed  Commander:  The  men  who  have  the  plea.«iure 
and  honor  of  being  under  your  command ;  men  who  have 
learned  to  respect  you  for  your  uniformly  kind  and  generoos 
conduct  toward  them,  who  have  learned  to  love  you  as  only 
soldiers  can  love  their  benefactor  in  the  midst  of  danger 
and  trial ;  men  who  now  admire  you  for  your  tried  courage 
and  undaunted  bravery  in  battle ;  these  men  have  gathered 
around  you  to-day  to  express  their  deep  gratitude  to  the 
kind  Providence  that  has  preserved  your  life  to  this  hour, 
and  to  present  to  you  a  token  expressive  of  their  high  ap- 
preciation of  your  military  genius  and  valor.  And  what 
better  could  we  give  to  one  who  has  distinguished  himself 
with  the  sabre  in  so  many  engagements,  and  especially  on 
the  8d  instant,  at  Warrenton  Junction,  Va.,  where  you 
valiantly  fought,  and  gUriously  fell,  bleeding  from  the 
wounds  that  remove  you,  only  temporarily,  we  trust,  from 
our  mdist? 

What  better  could  we  present  to  such  a  hero  than 
this  sword  ? 

"  Captain,  take  this :  I  present  it  on  behalf  of  these  men, 
who  desire  never  to  have  a  better  commander ;  who  pray 
God  to  restore  you  speedily  to  strength  and  to  command 
again,  that,  with  you,  they  may  march  on  to  conquest  and 
to  victory,  and,  if  need  be,  to  death,  scattering  the  enemies 

,i^'-- -f'^iitm 

■  -«?..x.5^-&«?riUi^'iii^^-*4^^4^*iM* 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


rriiont,  drawn  up  m 
brought  to  his  camp 
large  arm  chair  se- 
f  the  regiiuont  -rere 
J  the  company  corn- 
it.  Krohn,  company 

0  have  the  pleasure 
ad;  men  who  have 

kind  and  generoua 
to  love  you  as  only 
le  midst  of  danger 
rour  tried  courage 
tnen  have  gathered 
)  gratitude  to  the 
r  life  to  this  hour, 

of  their  high  ap- 
ealor.  And  what 
nguished  himself 

and  especially  on 

Va.,  wheire  you 
eeding  from  the 
Ij,  we  trust,  from 

ich  a  hero  than 

alf  of  these  men, 
nder ;  who  pray 
md  to  command 
to  conquest  and 
ring  the  enemies 

of  our  beloved  country,  and  bearing  aloft  the  '  Stare  and 
Stripes'  in  proud  triumph." 

The  captain  not  being  able  to  respond  on  account  of  his 
wounds,  the  chaplain  of  the  regiment,  who  stood  by,  spoke 
as  follows : 

"  In  behalf  and  by  request  of  the  captain,  I  wish  to  make 
a  few  remarks  in  response  to  the  sentiments  expressed  by 
the  company  and  the  gift  presented.  He  looks  upon  this 
a«  one  of  the  proudest  days  of  his  history,  and  the  most 
memorable  since  he  entered  the  service  of  his  country.  B'or 
nearly  two  years  he  has  been  your  commander,  while  the 
very  best  of  feeling  has  existed  between  you  and  him  from 
tho  first  to  the  present,  only  with  an  increase  of  respect  and 
affection.  He  has  occasion  to-day  to  ent«rtain  the  hope  that 
the  future,  in  this  respect,  will  be  but  a  repetition  of  the 

"  As  to  his  gratitude  for  your  kindness  so  generously  ex- 
pressed in  the  gift  of  this  hour,  it  cannot  be  told.  When 
a  man  is  overwhelmed  with  a  sense  of  thankfulness,  words 
arc  not  adequate  to  the  task  of  uttering  the  pent-up  emo- 
tion. And  his  gratitude  is  greatly  multiplied  as  he  recog- 
nizes in  this  gift  an  expression,  not  only  of  personal  regard 
toward  him,  but  also  of  devoted  loyalty  to  the  cause  of  the 
Union,  and  of  attachment  to  the  good  old  flag,  which  he 
feels  you  are  determined  to  bear  forward  until  it  shall  wave 
in  triumph  over  every  land  and  sea.  Men,  you  behold 
your  captain,  wounded  and  disabled ;  but  he  wishes  me 
to  say  to  you  that  he  hopes  the  time  is  not  far  distant, 
when  his  wonted  strength  and  vigor  will  return  to  his  now 
somewhat  withered  limbs  —  when  again,  at  the  shrill 
battle-notes  of  the  bugle,  he  shall  be  permitted,  with  you, 




Historic  Recurds. 

to  leap  forward  to  ^lorioufi  conflict.  Though  wounded 
he  ii  not  killed.  In  concluHion,  allow  me,  on  hia  behalf,  to 
bow  to  jou  uU  most  heartfelt  thanks." 

After  this  ceremony,  the  numerous  guests  and  all  the 
company  were  richly  entertained  with  a  sumptuous  supper, 
gotten  up  by  the  captain.  Thus  ended  an  intcreBting 
chapter  in  the  auiials  of  company  Q,  Filth  Now  York 



LlKUTBNANT  (afterward  Major)  E.  J.  Barker. 

From  of  the  April  (1804)  numbers  of  the  Etux 
County  Republican,  we  extract  an  interesting  account  of 
a  sword  presentation  to  Lieut.  Barker,  at  a  largo  meeting, 
held  at  Hammond's  Corners,  Crown  Point,  when  the  vete- 
rans of  uompaoy  II  were  welcomed  by  the  people,  on  their 
veteran  furloughs. 

Hervey  Spencer,  Esq.,  having  been  requested  by  com- 
pany H,  on  behalf  of  the  company,  presented  to  Lieut.  £. 
J.  Barker  a  beautiful  sword,  purchased  by  the  members 
of  the  company  for  gallant  conduct  in  battle,  particulurly 
that  of  Greenwich,  May  80th,  1863. 

Mr.  Spencer,  in  an  able  manner,  addressed  the  young 
lieutenant,  giving  a  short  sketch  of  his  gallant  and  manly 
bearing  since  entering  the  .service,  reminding  him  of  the 
due  appreciation  of  hia  conduct  and  bravery,  by  the  brave 
men  of  his  command,  and  as  a  testimonial  of  their  love  and 
esteem  of  him  whiioi  they  had  followed  even  to  the  can- 
non's mouth,  presented  him  with  this  beautiful  sword. 

Lieut.  Barker,  made  a  short  but  eloquent  reply. 

He  thanked  them  for  this  token  of  their  regard  for  him. 
He  said  he  had  simply  done  his  duty.     That  without  their 



Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


Though   toounded 
,  on  hifl  behalf,  to 

guests  and  all  the 
iuniptuous  supper, 
3d  an  interesting 
Fifth   Now  York 

couporation  he  oould  have  done  nothing.  IIo  again  feel- 
ingly thanked  them  for  thoir  beautiful  present,  and  assured 
them  that  when  they  returned  to  tho  field,  that  it  should  be 
faithfully  wielded  by  him  in  the  defense  of  his  country,  aa 
lung  as  armed  treason  existed  within  her  borders. 

Tho  gallant  lieutenant  was  heartily  cheered  and  congratu- 
lated fur  his  very  appropriate  and  elegant  remarks. 

J.  Barker. 
era  of  the  Euex 
Bsting  account  of 
t  a  large  meeting, 
t,  when  the  vetc- 
people,  on  their 

(quested  by  com- 
Bted  to  Lieut.  E, 
by  the  members 
ittle,  particularly 

essod  the  young 
illant  and  manly 
ling  him  of  the 
7,  by  the  brave 
•f  their  love  and 
3ven  to  the  can- 
iful  sword. 
■  reply. 

regard  for  him. 
It  without  their 

LiEDT.  (afterward  Capt.)  Laurenok  L.  O'Connor. 

Wak  DiPAKTMiNT,  Washington  D.  C,  Y 
April  2d,  1888.  / 

St'r:  I  am  directed  by  the  secretary  of  war,  to  acknow- 
ledge the  vigilance  and  fidelity  with  which  it  is  reported, 
jou  have  in  the  discharge  of  your  duty,  as  Provost  Mar- 
shal at  Fairfax  Court  House,  watched  contrabandists  and 
prevented  or  broken  up  their  disreputable  and  disloyal 

Your  integrity  and  oflBciency  in  the  discharge  of  your 
duties  merit  and  will  receive  the  commendation  of  this 

Very  respectfully  your  obedient  servant, 

P.  H.  Watson, 
Assistant  Secretary  of  War. 
Lieut.  O'Connor,  5th  N.  Y.  Cavalry,     ) 
Provost  Marshal,  Fairfax,  C.  H.,  Va.  J 







Iaili)<>noe  oi  Csmpnigning  on  our  Men. —  Who  can  best  Rieist  (bt 
EtUs. —  Mear.8  Employed. —  The  Mail  Bap, —  The  SpelliBg 
School. —  Literary  Classrtg. — Our  Chapel  Tents. —  Our  Tempo- 
ranee  Club. —  Meetings  for  Ueligious  Worship. —  The  Effect  ot 

•     our  Discipline. 

Many  unavoidable  influences  have  a  very  detrimental 
effect  upv^n  the  niind  of  the  soldier.  His  frequent  expo- 
sures to  the  extremes  of  heat  and  cold,  of  hunger  and  thirst, 
of  fatigue  and  excitement,  with  the  general  wear  and  tear 
of  military  life,  debilitate  body  and  mind  together.  OdIj 
men  of  the  most  steady  habits,  and  of  naturally  strong  phy- 
sical constitutions,  can  at  all  resist  these  influences;  and 
even  such  m^n  are  more  or  less  affected.  Such  influences 
the  soldier  experiences  on  the  diflicult  and  daugeroiu 
picket;  on  the  long,  tedious  march,  through  ruin,  dust,  or 
snow ;  in  the  fierce  conflict  of  battle,  and,  more  emphaticail; 
still,  in  the  dreary  dungeon,  and  by  the  barbarous  treatment 
of  the  enemy  while  a  captive  in  his  hands.  Under  th« 
above  exigencies,  the  cavalry  suffers  more  than  the  infantry- 
it  is  more  constantly  on  duty,  and,  when  in  captivity,  feels 
more  poignantly  the  effects  of  the  weary  foot  marches  to 
which  our  prisoners  have  been  so  often  subjected. 

Aside  from  these  influences,  affecting  the  entire  mental 
manhood,   are   others  which   have   only  a   moral  bearing. 

.*-'■  V*  ■-W^-^'^V 



...    ■WiiMniMM 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 



Who  can  best  Rieisttht 
il  Bag — The  SpelliDg 
lel  TentB.—  Our  Tompe- 
i^orship.—  The  Effect  oa 

e   8  very  detrimrnfal 
.     His  frequent  expo- 
of  hunger  aad  thirst, 
general  wear  aud  tear 
uind  together.    Onlj 
naturally  stxong  phy- 
;hese  influences;  and 
Such  influences 
icult   and   dangerous 
hrough  rain,  dust,  or 
more  emphatically 
>arbarou8  treatment 
hands.     Under  ths 
than  the  infantry— 
in  captivity,  feels 
iry  foot  marches  to 
g  the  entire  mental 
a   moral  bearing. 


First.  t:ia,  perhaps,  most  important  of  these,  w  the  remo- 
val of  the  wkoletomt  and  normal  restraints  of  virtuous  soci- 
(ty,  of  home  and  its  hailowed  associations.  These  influences 
ifliiy  not  be  entirely  fo. gotten  by  the  soldier,  but  in  few 
cases  onlj  do  they  control  him.  Neither  must  it  be  ig- 
nored that  his  business,  in  great  part,  is  demoralizing.  He 
is  taught  and  disciplined  for  one  thing— to  destroy  and  kill. 
Moreover,  he  is  often  compelled  to  execute  orders  of  re- 
taliation for  acts  of  brutality  and  murder,  perpetrated  by 
the  enemy.'  However  noble  may  be  the  object  sought,  or 
wholesome  the  influence  of  the  chastisement  visited  upon 
the  evil-doers,  these  military  necessities  are  far  from  being 
promoters  of  morality  in  the  actors.  While  we  doubt  not 
that  the  ultimate  influence  of  war  is  salutary  on  the  body 
politic  and  social  of  a  nation,  yet  it  must  be  conceded  that 
the  actors  in  war, —  soldiers  in  camp  and  field,  are  them- 
selves more  or  less  demoralized.  And  this  must  be  said 
evea  of  our  army,  the  most  intellectual  and  moral  army 
ever  known  in  the  history  of  nations.  Soldiering  makes 
tome  men ;  it  unmakes  many. 

This  regiment  has  had  occasion  to  feel  a  due  proportion 
of  evil  influences,  which  are  inseparably  connected  with 
active  military  service.  But  there  has  been  displayed  a 
strong  disposition  to  resist  and  overcome  themj  so  that 
while  evils  Lave  abounded  among  us,  we  are  not  without 
some  tokens  of  mental  and  moral  strength,  as  well  as  growth 
and  development.  These  have  been  manifested,  while  in 
camp,  through  the  mail-bag,  which  carried,  on  an  average, 
aboat  one  hundred  and  twentv-five  letters  per  day ;  also  in 

'See  page  176. 






I  K 


Historic  Records. 

literary  classes,  established  in  the  spring  of  1863,  in  men- 
tal arithmetic,  phonography  and  French,  which  were  kept ! 
up  as  long  as  camp  life  permitted,  and  evinced  remarkable 
application  and  scholarship.  Mention  must  also  be  mode  of 
what  the  boys  of  the  Old  Fifth  will  never  forget,  of  the 
spelling  school,  which  was  held  regularly  once  a  week,  and 
called  out  crowded  audiences  of  happy,  thoughtful  fellows. 
The  following  account  of  "Our  First  Spelling  School  in 
Gamp,"  is  drawn  partially  from  my  diary  and  was  publiHhed 
in  February,  1864,  in  the  New  York  Christian  Advocate 
and  Journal. 

Efforts  had  been  put  forth  for  several  weeks  to  get  the 
men  out  to  the  newly-erected  chapel  tent  for  religious  ser- 
vices ;  also  for  classes  in  reading,  writing,  spelling,  arith- 
metic, phonography,  etc.,  but  the  number  scared  did  not 
appear  commensurate  to  the  occasions.  Finally,  while  re- 
peatedly asking  myself  the  question,  "What  can  I  do 
more?"  my  mind  alighted  upon  what  promised  to  meet  the 
exigency  of  the  times.  Immediately  I  announced  at  the 
meetings,  and  to  individuals  whom  I  met,  that  on  Mondij 
night,  Feb.  15th,  there  would  be  a  epelling  school  in  the 
chapel.  By  the  sparkle  of  many  an  eye  I  quickly  saw  that 
T  had  pulled  on  the  right  string.  The  appointed  time  for 
our  first  spelling  school  in  camp  drew  near  but  too  tardily. 

The  evening  was  fine  and  the  chapel  full.  We  soon 
addressed  ourselves  to  the  business  of  the  occasion.  It  was 
a  season  of  intense  enjoyment.  The  "  choosing  of  sides" 
and  the  "  spelling  down,"  how  much  they  reminded  us  of 
schoolboy  days  1  Every  one  was  happy  in  that  remem- 
brance, and  joyful  in  the  new  throbbings  of  intellectual  life. 
The  short  intermission  for  rest,  after  the  severe  conflict,  in 


'■"■""—"'•■■"""  lllVWnTiM' 


ng  of  1863,  in  men- 
h,  which  were  kept 
evinced  remarkabis 
never  forget,  of  the 
•Jy  once  a  week,  and 
thoughtful  fellom. 
Spelling  School  in 
'  and  was  published 
Vhriftian  Advocate 

weeks  to  get  the 
t  for  religious  8er- 
ng,  spelling,  arith- 
ir  scared  did  not 

Finally,  while  re- 
'What  can  I  do 
)nnsed  to  meet  the 
announced  at  the 
t,  that  on  Mondaj 
ling  school  in  the 
[  quickly  saw  that 
Jpointed  time  for 
•  but  too  tardilj. 

full.  We  soon 
occasion.  It  was 
oosing  of  sides" 

reminded  us  of 
in  that  remem- 
intellectual  life, 
ivere  conflict,  in 

FiFTU  New  York  Cavalry. 


ihicb  troop  "A"  missed  fire  eleven  times,  and  troop  "B" 
CD,  was  spent  in  social  parky,  and  ended  with  the  "  Star- 

9gled  Banner,"  Bung  with  an  unusual  zest. 

Spelling  was  continued  with  such  interest  that  the  shrill 

II  call  took  us  all  by  surprise,  and  we  dispersed,  each 
Ifrtiing  that  long  would  be  remembered  the  spelling  school, 
lit  which  our  pedagogue  was  the  chaplain,  and  our  spelling- 
|iiook,  the  Army  Regulations ! 

I  regard  this  enterprise  as  a  great  success  in  my  line  of 

atj  as  chaplain.     For, 

FxTit.  Anything  that  will  stimulate  the  mind  toward 
Uneral  improvement,  must  be  beneficial.  The  peculiar 
trials,  habits  and  labors  of  the  soHier,  very  naturally  be- 
I  Dumb  his  intellect,  and,  in  a  great  measure,  incapacitate 
him  for  mental  and  moral  improvement.  Hence  ordinary 
influcDces  fail  to  reach  him.  Something  peculiar  must  be 
iried.    This  was  furnished  by  the  spelling-school  movement. 

Second.  Memories  of  childhood's  innocence  and  youth's 
isipressive  lessons  at  the  home  fireside,  at  the  church  and 
khool,  are  the  most  potent  influences  which  can  be  brought 
to  bear  on  the  soldier's  heart  and  conduct.  Those  may  be 
iroused,  to  a  certain  extent,  by  the  chaplain's  ordinary  labor, 
but  to  a  much  greater  extent  by  this  novel  spelling-school 

Third.  The  ohapli'n's  influence  in  the  regiment  is  pro- 
portionate to  his  real  >.  luaintance  with  the  men.  This  he 
may  gain  by  various  m  ans :  by  distributing  pape  "  from 
tent  to  tent;  by  visitin  the  sick  at  the  hospital  and  at 
tlieir  quarters;  by  the  public  services  for  preaching;  by 
iae  Sunday  school  or  Bible  class,  and  other  social,  religious 
a.^tcmblies  ;  but  in  all  these  he  appears  in  his  official  capa- 


V'5'>«t»l-^-'ray-V'*>S".-:^W.BJ.1V<rJ*9.    i'A-    -^.a>'-'.      if»^  .».V>^Jl  -.^^'V         ■■-      V*-:(*t\^-j;SiaS.,  .  ...       .^.Jj^-r 

•.r^V.*»'tl^.    " 




lIisTouic  Records. 

city,  and  tbo  soldier  who  is  so  disposed,  has  ample  opportn- 1 
nity  to  prepare  himself  to  repel  every  approach.    Not  so ! 
whea  the  chaplain  comes   as  the  schoolmaster,  the  good- 
natured  schoolmaster  of  bygone  days.     The  chaplain  thus, 
though  not  with  the  intention  of  the  spy,  approaches  una- 1 
wares  to  the  heart  of  the  soldier,  and  then  has  power  to  do 
him  good.     While  I  do  not  ignore  any  ordinary  means  of 
chaplain's  service,  I  heartily  rejoice  in  the  spelling-school 

Our  second  spelling  school  in  camp,  Providence  per- 
mitting, ,  will  be  held  on  Monday  evening,  Feb.  22d,  the 
anniversary  of  Washington's  birthday. 

For  all  these  privileges  we  were  much  indebted  to  the 
U.  S.  Christian  Commission,  which  furnished  us  with 
large  flies  or  paulons  and  stoves,  with  which  we  were  able 
to  construct  rude,  but  comfortable  chapel  tents.  These 
tonts  were  built  of  large  logs  or  trees,  notched  at  the  ends, 
and  thus  fitted  one  on  the  other,  for  the  walls,  while  the 
whole  was  covered  over  by  means  of  the  flies  furnished  by 
the  Commission.  By  a  careful  application  of  mud — that 
Virginia  mortar  with  which  every  soldier  is  so  familiar— 
to  the  crevices  between  the  logs,  then  by  flooring  with  pine 
boughs,  or  boards,  as  opportunity  allowed,  we  secured 
places  for  our  public  assemblies,  resembling  those  of  our 
pioneers  in  the  wdstern  wilda,  and  rivaling  for  comfort,  if 
not  for  architecture,  those  of  our  northern  homes.  In 
these  chapels  were  also  evidenced  our  moral  and  religious 
tendencies.  Not  only  to  the  classes  and  schools  did  the 
boys  turn  their  attention,  but  night  after  night  many  could 
be  seen  wending  their  way  from  their  tents  to  the  meetings 
for  temperance,  and  for  religious  worship.     An  honorable 

■^^■m'c  yafe^i*iv<it ; '  M^^m^^^ 



i,  has  ample  opportn- 
•y  approach.  Not  so 
oolniaster,  the  "ood- 
The  chaplain  thus, 
spy,  approaches  «H(i- 
then  has  power  to  do 
ly  ordinary  means  of 
n  the  spelling-school 

ip,  Providence  p«r- 
ning,  Feb.  22d,  the 

uch  indebted  to  the 
furnished  us  with 
which  we  were  able 
apel  tents.     These 
lotched  at  the  ends, 
the  walls,  while  the 
B  flies  furnished  by 
tion  of  mud —  that 
ier  is  so  familiar— 
r  flooring  with  pine 
owed,    we  secured 
bling  those  of  our 
lag  for  comfort,  if 
rthern   homes.    In 
loral  and  religious 
id  schools  did 
night  many  could 
nts  to  the  meetings 
ip.     An  honorable 



^fcx^  ■■ '  «Wt#BM*M 

■■,rti,>r.--;v.'*  ;,)f.^--i^;^;^jr.ji-':>„-   ^^y.i.  ■•:■■.;•  „ 

I'iFTH  New  York  Cavalry. 


ncroll,  superscribed  with  a  total  abstinence  pledge,  contains 
the  names  of  upward  two  hundred  men  of  the  regiment. 
On  this  subject  I  quote  from  my  diary. 

Fehruarjf  21st,  1864.  It  is  gratifying  to  see  that  notwith- 
standing the  almost  universal  custom  of  dram  drinkin(f  in 
the  army,  the  subject  of  temperance  meets  with  general  ac- 
ceptation when  it  is  fairly  presented  to  soldiers.  On  Wed- 
iicsday  evening,  the  17th  instant,  I  lectured  on  the  trite  sub- 
ject of  the  "  physical  and  mental  influences  of  intemper- 
ance." A  lively  interest  was  awakened.  I  at  once  pro- 
[losed  the  organization  of  a  temperance  society.  At  least 
one-half  the  audience  voted  for  it.  A  committee  was  ap- 
pointed, who  drafted  the  following  preamble  and  pledge : 

"  We,  the  undersigned  members  of  the  Fifth  New  York 
Cavalry,  desiring  to  strengthen  each  other  against  the  evils 
of  intemperance  and  to  save  therefrom  our  comrades  in 
arms,  if  possible,  do  hereby  form  ourselves  into  a  society 
to  be  known  as  '  The  Fifth  New  York  Cavalry  Temperance 
Club,'  and  agree  to  conform  to  the  following  pledge:  I 
hereby  solemnly  pledge  myself,  on  the  honor  of  a  gentleman 
and  soldier,  to  abstain  entirely  from  the  use  of  all  intoxicat- 
ing liquors." 

This  evening  our  chapel  was  crowded  for  a  temperance 
meeting.  Chaplain  Roe,  Second  N.  Y.  Cavalry,  gave  us  a 
spicy  talk  on  the  degrading  influences  of  intemperance. 
Mr.  James  H.  Bond,  of  Co.  A,  followed  him,  giving  us 
"  bits "  of  personal  experience,  and  deepening  the  interest 
already  awakened.  I  then  offered  the  pledge.  The  invi- 
tation was  promptly  responded  to  and  by  greater  numbers 
than  had  been  expected  by  the  most  sanguine.  Several 
maue  remarks  as  they  came  up  to  the  noble  work.     One 

;  -.:)f^iitTO«!«''«'.'^'*'^«'»C--l*^'*M<».-«inK  **,hl.! 

^  .Mnpi.«*;i-  ->^-xtuft*ie^t:.<*i'*;imnitiitMiM>Sil''''- 

^fif  (MftMrtiKOiH-^ 


Historic  Records. 

said,  "  How  glad  will  mother  be  when  she  hears  of  this." 
Another,  "  My  wife  would  rejoice  to  know  what  I  am  doing." 
Some  one  asked,  "  When  a  soldier  deserts  the  country's 
cause  we  shoot  him ;  what  shall  we  do  to  him  who  deserts 
this  cause  ?"  '  "  Shoot  him,"  was  the  almost  unanimous 
reply.  One  officer  came  forward,  saying,  "  he  could  not 
bear  being  stumped  by  a  private."  The  work  went  ou 
gloriously.  Forty-seven  names  were  on  our  list  before  the 
meeting  closed ;  forty-three  in  the  column,  "  for  life,"  and 
four,  "  for  term  of  service." 

The  meeting  was  one  of  intense  interest— I  think  we 
never  can  forget  it.  At  a  later  date  I  wrote  as  follows : 
ninety-five  have  given  their  names.  Our  meetings  are 
large  and  interesting.  A  pledge  also  against  profanity  is 
being  circulated  with  success. 

ATprU  29<A,  1864.  Before  leaving  our  old  camp  ground, 
this  morning,  the  two-hundredth  man  signed  the  pledge,  in 
consequence  of  which,  Mr.  Doggett,  the  owner  of  the 
place,  who  was  present,  changed  the  name  of  the  eminence 
from  "The  Devil's  Leap"  to  "Temperance  Hill,"  a  name 
which  it  truly  deserved  and  which  should  go  down  to  his- 
tory. Some  remarkable  instances  of  reform  from  intemper- 
ance as  w  jll  as  from  profanity  might  be  mentioned,  while 
the  Christian  would  delight  to  hear  recitals  of  reforms  even 
more  radical  and  far-reaching.  Meetings  for  divine  wor- 
ship, which  have  been  numerous  during  winter  quarters, 
whether  held  in  chapels,  rudely  constructed  by  our  own 
hands,  or  under  "the  clouded  canopy  or  starry  decked 
heaven,"  in  woods  or  fields,  have  been  generally  well  at- 
tended. These  agencies  have  had  no  small  influence  on  the 
discipline  and  consequent  efficiency  of  the  regiment. 

-  f-HS     '  ^      1     ffiiv 

e  hears  of  this." 
nrhat  I  am  doing," 
rts  the  country's 
>  him  who  dflserts 
ilmost  unanimous 
g,  "  he  could  not 
16  work  went  ou 
lur  list  before  the 
in,  •'  for  life,"  and 

rest — I  think  we 
Krrote  as  follows: 
lur  meetings  are 
ainst  profanity  is 

)ld  camp  ground, 

led  the  pledge,  in 

le   owner  of  the 

of  the  eminence 

ce  Hill,"  a  name 

go  down  to  his- 

m  from  intemper- 

mentioned,  while 

of  reforms  even 

for  divine  wor- 

winter  quarters, 

ted   by  our  own 

or  starry  decked 

eneraliy  well  at- 

influence  on  the 



Life  in  Southern  Prisons.  —  Personal  Ezperienoe  of  the  Author.  — 
Capture. — Gen.  Stuart. —  Incidents  of  March  to  Staunton,  Va., 
from  Pennsylvania. —  Libby  Prison,  Richmond.  — Cruelties  of 
Managers.  —  State  of  Rooms.  —  Vcriiin.  —  Rations.  —  The  Soup. 

—  Water. — Richmond  Papers. — '■  Skirmishing."  —  Bone  Cut- 
ting.—The  Debating  Club. —  "Libby  Lice- (-see-' em,"  (Lyceum). 

—  The  Weekly  Libby  Chronicle. — Literary  Classes.  —  Religious 
Seryices.  — The  Author  Preaches  to  our  Prisoners  in  Pemher- 
lon  Castle.  —  Wretched  Condition  of  our  Men.  —  Release.  — 
What  he  Brought  with  him.  —  Diary  of  Sufferings  at  Salis- 
bury, N.  C Untold  Wretchedness  at  Andersonville,  Ga. — 

List  of  Men  who  Died  in  Rebel  Prisons. 

Life  in  southern  prisons  presents  us  by  far  the  darkest 
picture  of  the  war.  The  cruel  treatment  of  prisoners  during 
the  dark  ages  of  the  past,  seems  but  as  a  pleasant  pastime, 
compared  to  that  inflicted  upon  our  brave  men  at  Richmond, 
Salisbury,  Columbia,  Andersonville,  and  at  other  places,  by 
the  professedly  chivalrous  people  of  the  south.  The  statis- 
tics of  these  pages  show,  that  while  the  enemy  killed  but 
wventy-five  of  our  men  in  battle,  he  killed  one  hundred  and 
fourteen  in  his  prisons.  Though  this  proportionate  loss 
may  not  exist  in  every  regiment  which  has  participated  in 
this  struggle,  yet  the  world  will  stand  aghast  at  the  figures, 
—if  a  correct  computation  is  ever  made,  —  exhibiting  the 
amount  of  mortality  occasioned  by  this  cause  alone. 

The  outlines  of  prison  life 'are  too  well  known  throughout 
1'  16 




•    'i4?'M5'i^Vij'*.S!l^-*'i';S>««l2JM^-'*»'V'-»'*«?*-^»'»-<^^ 

-y  jHfa>tJ-  ■.-.^-r-r  <W«V^> 


IIiSTOuic   Records. 

the  country  to  warrunt  us  in   givin<^  uiore  than  a  brief 

uketch  of  pergonal  uxperioDco,  by  men  of  tho  regiment.     The 

author,  who,  with  hundreds  uf  others,  sojourned  lor  a  season 

in   the  t'uuious  Libby  Prison,  rejoices  in  an  opportunity  ot 

publishing  in  these  records,  a  few  letters,  which  set  forth 

what   he  saw,  what   he  did   and  what  he  endured  while 

among  the  ilebels. 

NiAB  Stacntoh,  V».,  ■> 
July  nih,  18G3.  / 

Mif  Dear  P.  R. :  I  never  wrote  you  under  so  embarrassing 
and  peculiar  circumstances;  nor  do  I  know  that  my  letter 
will  e\«r  be  of  any  avail.  I  am  a  poor,  wretched  prisoner 
of  war  1  Sunday   morning,  tho    6th    instant,  near 

Monterey  (x  ^  .  Pa.,  during  Gen.  Kilpatrick's  raid  on  the 
Rebel  train,  retreating  from  Gettysburg,  I  was  surrounded 
by  the  enemy  and  captured.  Others  with  me  shared  the 
same  fate.  It  was  hard  to  say,  I  surrender."  It  vas 
Jenkins'  cavalry  that  had  done  the  deed.  Being  a  chap- 
lain and  my  horse  my  own  and  not  the  government's,  it  wia 
promised  me  that  as  soon  as  I  reached  Gen.  Stuart's  head- 
quarters, I  would  be  released  and  none  of  my  property 
would  be  molested.  True  as  the  chivalry  are  able  to  bo  to 
their  promises,  on  reaching  the  general,  I  was  immediately 
released —  of  my  horae  and  of  all  hopes  of  liberty.  A  per- 
sonal interview  with  the  general  and  earnest  pleadings  were 
in  vain.  Gen.  S.  is  a  fine  looking  officer.  His  features  arc 
distinct  in  outline,  his  nose  long  and  sharp,  his  eye  kceu 
and  restles-sly  on  the  lookout.  His  complexion  is  florid. 
He  wears  a  gray  plush  hat  with  a  black  feather ;  has  plain 
uniform,  and  a  short  bowie  knife  by  his  side  with  ivory 
handle,  attached  to  his  person  by  a  golden  chain.  He  seems 
to  trust  no  man  to  do  what  he  can  possibly  do  himself.   But 

^> ' 


■^''.--^iM-^iisr*-^'*?-'..,  ^5^,  ^K>i. 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


>  than  ft  brief 
Of^inient.  Tlie 
led  lor  a  scasun 
opportunity  ot 
'hich  set  forth 
endured  while 

HINTOH,  Va.,  \ 
I  17M,  18tt8./ 

30  embarrassing 

that  my  letter 
3tched  prisoner 

instant,  near 
's  raid  on  the 
vas  surrounded 
me  shared  the 
ider."     It  Wis 

Being  a  chap- 
nmcnt's,  it  wtu 
Stuart's  head- 
r  my  property 
•e  able  to  be  to 

erty.  A  per- 
ladings  were 

is  features  arc 
his  eye  kceu 

xion  is  florid. 

ler;  has  plaiu 

de  with  ivory 
■tin.    He  seenu 

himself.   But 

there  is  more  chivalry  in  the  exterior  than  in  the  interior,  I 

HafT.  1  at  every  point,  dismounted  and  dispirited,  I  spent 
n  miserable  Sabbath,  I  assure  you,  traveling  nearly  all  day 
uver  the  Gatoctin  mountains  into  Maryland. 

Monday  evening,  the  6th,  after  a  dreary  day  of  marching 
and  filling  —  for  our  rations  were  short  and  poor,  —  the 
(uluiun  had  halted  and  the  prisoners  sought  sleep  on  the 
!^oft  grass.  I  had  just  fallen  into  a  doze,  when  I  was 
nmscd  up  by  a  strange  voice,  calling  '•  Chaplain  Filth  New 
York  Cavalry."  Looking  up,  I  beheld  a  Rebel  lieutenant, 
with  whom  I  had  oonverHi-d  a  little  during  the  day,  who 
(topped  up  toward  me  with  a  cup  of  smoking  hot  coffee  and 
afine  piece  of  warm  bread.  "There,  chaplain,  I  thought  you 
might  be  hungry,  and  brought  you  this  for  your  supper." 
I  was  quite  overcome  with  gratitude  at  an  act  so  unexpected 
and  80  rare,  and  my  heart  leapt  up  for  joy,  as  at  the  sight  of 
the  first  flower  of  spring.  That,  I  think,  was  a  noble  man, 
though  he  was  a  Rebel,  and  I  have  not  found  another 
among  them  like  him.  On  Wednesday,  the  8th,  we  were 
pat  across  the  Potomac  at  Williamsport.  The  Rebel  army 
was  very  much  discouraged  -  and  demoralized.  The  officer 
of  the  guard  on  reaching  the  "  Old  Virginy  Shore,"  flung 
his  sword  on  the  ground,  exclaiming  with  much  feeling, 
'Lie  there,  and  I  never  will  cross  this  river  again  on  an 
expedition  of  this  kind."  Many  Rebels  appeared  to  feel  aa 
he  did. 

Near  Washington  Springs,  not  far  from  Winchester,  we 
Sfient  two  days  to  rest.  There  were  about  200  officers,  prison- 
era,  with  me,  and  about  4,000  privates.  While  at  the 
Springs  we  heard  of  the  fall  of  Vicksburg.     An  amusing 








HiBTORio  Records. 

m-  m 

Hid  intoreating  incident  here  took  place.  A  little  slave 
mulatto  boy,  about  twelve  years  of  ago,  wai«  asked  wliom  he 
liked  bcBt,  the  "  Rebs  "  or  the  "  Yanks  ?"  Soarooly  willing 
to  answer,  as  there  were  more  llubels  around  him  than 
Yankees,  he  hung  his  head  down  a  little  while,  but 
finally  looking  up  with  his  large,  intelligent  eyes,  he  said, 
*'  The  Yanks."  All  joined  in  a  hearty  laugh  over  the  un- 
expected answer.  I  then  asked,  "  Why  do  you  like  the 
Yanks  best?"  "Because  they  don't  sell  me,"  was  the 
quick  and  emphatic  reply,  astonishing  us  all  at  his  wisdom 
and  understanding. 

At  Winchester  I  had  an  interview  with  Gen.  luiboden. 
I  failed  to  obtain  relief,  but  obtained  a  storm  of  abusive 
words.  With  varied  experiences  I  have  come  up  this  valley, 
traveling  in  all,  since  my  capture,  about  200  miles,  on  an 
average  of  twenty  miles  per  day.  The  soles  of  my  feet  are  a 
complete  blister.  To-morrow  we  .expect  to  take  the  oars  at 
Staunton  for  Richmond.  If  I  ever  get  a  chance,  I  will 
send  you  my  letter,  if  not,  I  will  try  to  preserve  it. 

Ever  yours, 
L.  N.  B.,  Chaplain  6th  N.  Y.  Cav. 

LiBBT  Pbison,  Richmond,  Va., ) 
September  Itt,  1868.  / 

Jl/y  Dear  P.  R:  I  hope  you  have  received  my  former 

letter  which  I  sent  secretly  by ,who  was  more  fortunate 

than  the  most  of  us,  and  got  away  on  a  special  exchange. 

On  the  23d  ultimo,  I  received  two  of  your  letters.    Oh! 

what  joy  they  were  to  me  in  my  prison  house;     Every  flag 

of  truce  boat  brings  and  carries  mail,  but  we  have  to  write 

only  one  page  for  a  letter,  and  it  has  to  be  read  in  the  ofliee 

below,  before  it  can  pass.   '  Yours  meet  the  same  fate  before 


Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


.  A  little  Hiave 
a8ked  wlioin  he 
Soaroolj  willing 
ound  him  than 
ittle  while,  but 
it  ejros,  he  said, 
igh  over  the  un- 
lo  jou  like  the 
1  me,"  was  the 
1  at  hia  wisdotu 

1  GeD.  Imboden. 

Aitm  of  abusive 

e  up  this  valley, 

iOO  milea,  od  an 

of  my  feet  are  a 

take  the  cara  at 

chance,  I  will 

rve  it. 



Y.  Cav. 

|hmond,  Va.,  'I 
er  III,  1868.  / 

ed  my  former 

more  fortunate 

ecial  exchange. 

letters.    Oh! 

e;     Every  flag 

have  to  write 

i  in  the  oflice 

me  fate  before 

reaching  me.  You  say  you  are  very  anxious  to  know  how 
wo  fare.  I  will  tell  you.  As  we  expected  when  I  wrote 
you,  we  reached  this  place  on  Saturday  evening,  the  18th 
July.  From  the  depot  we  were  marched  to  the  priaun, 
which  stands  on  the  corner  of  20th  and  Gary  streets.  It  is 
a  largo  brick  building,  about  185  feet  long  and  105  foot 
wiilo,  three  stories  high  on  Gary  street,  and  four  stories 
hiifh  back  on  the  canal.  Next  to  the  street  is  a  row  of  cells 
uo'lcr  ground.  On  the  corner  of  the  building  is  a  sign 
with  "  Libby  &  Son,"  from  which  the  prison  takes  its  name. 
Two  heavy  walls  divide  the  building  into  three  nearly  equal 
parts  making  nine  large  rooms  above  ground.  By  means 
of  openings  or  doors  through  these  walls,  access  may  be 
bad  from  one  room  to  the  other.  You  will  shudder  when 
I  tell  you  that  these  rooms  are  so  infested  with  vermin,  you  cannot  escape  their  loathsome  presence.  The 
windows  around  us  are  mostly  barred,  though  some  are  not. 
So  much,  then,  for  the  place  where  we  live,  I  mean,  stay. 

I  will  now  give  you  some  specimens  of  the  men  who  rule 
over  us.  On  arriving  at  the  prison,  we  were  unceremoni- 
ously introduced  to  Dick  Turner,  who,  having  conducted  us 
,  into  the  reception  hall,  fell  to  pillaging  ue.  I  was  quickly 
delivered  of  my  poncho,  haversack  and  cant«en.  My 
money  was  not  taken,  for  what  little  I  had  was  Gonfed.; 
that  they  did  not  want.  Those  who  had  greenbacks  were 
soon  relieved  of  their  burden,  unless  their  treasure  waa 
concealed.  While  this  work  was  going  on,  Turner  took  a 
piece  of  shell  from  a  lieutenant's  pocket,  which  he  was 
patting  in  his  own.  The  robbed  man  said,  "  I  did  not 
know  that  you  had  a  right  to  take  such  things."  "  No 
light  ? "  retorted  Dick  angrily,  and  at  the  same  time,  hit 





Historic  Rkcouds. 

the  lieutenant  a  fearful  bio  v  with  his  hand  upon  the  faco, 
nearly  knocking  him  down,  and  then  ordered  him  to  be 
put  into  a  cell. 

During  the  warm  summor  days,  the  prisoners  discovered 
a  scuttle  hole  through  the  roof,  through  which  we  could 
climb  by  means  of  a  ladder,  where,  in  the  cool  of  the  even- 
ing, wo  could  spend  a  few  moments,  freed  from  the  stench 
and  heat  of  the  rooms  below,  and  hav3  an  opportunity  of 
looking  at  the  bright  sky  overhead.  Dick  Turner,  having 
learned  that  we  could  thus  obtain  a  few  inspirations  of  pure, 
fresh  air,  came  into  our  rooms  furiously  mad,  and  forbade 
our  going  on  the  roof  again.  They  sometimes  say  they 
starve  us  because  they  have  not  suflScient  bread,  but  why 
can't  they  give  us  aii-  ?  The  guards  who  patrol  about  the 
prison  and  live  in  tents  across  the  way,  are  generally  aft«r 
the  same  pattern  of  Turner.  If  a  man  steps  near  the  win- 
dow, to  view  the  scene  beyond,  or  breathe  a  purer  atmos- 
phere, he  is  at  once  ♦  .d  to  step  back,  or  is  fired.on.  These 
are  the  men  (if  it  be  proper  to  call  them  so),  at  whose  beck 
we  are  driven  to  and  fro,  and  on  whose  cruel  hands  we 
depend  for  our  daily  bread. 

I  will  now  tell  you  what  they  furnish  us  to  eat.  In  the 
morning  they  bring  us  about  twelve  ounces  of  broad  and 
three  ounces  of  boiled  beef.  At  night  they  bring  us  about 
a  pint  of  rice  soup,  in  such  pails,  and  of  such  sort,  that  to 
get  it  down  at  all,  we  must  do  so  without  either  seeing, 
smelling  or  tasting.  This  is  all  we  have  to  live  upon,  not 
enough  to  average  one  meal  per  day.  I  have  been  so  \reak 
fx-om  hunger,  as  to  be  compelled  to  lie  down  much  of  the  time, 
and  unable  to  rise,  without  a  painful  dizziness  in  my  head. 

One  night  they  brought  our  soup  to   us    late.     It  was 


hand  upon  the  face, 
1  ordered  hiui  to  be 

prisouers  discovered 
igh  which  we  could 
ihe  cool  of  the  even- 
eed  from  the  stench 
3  an  opportunity  of 
)ick  Turner,  having 
inspirations  of  pure, 
y  mad,  and  forbade 
sometimes  say  they 
ient  bread,  but  why 
ho  patrol  about  the 
,  are  generally  after 
.  steps  near  the  wiu- 
athe  a  purer  atmos- 
•  is  fired,on.  These 
1  so),  at  whose  beck 
)8e  cruel  hands  m 

k  us  to  eat.  In  the 
unoes  of  broad  and 
they  bring  us  about 
f  such  sort,  that  to 
bout  either  seeing, 
'e  to  live  upon,  not 
t  have  been  so  \reaic 
'0  much  of  the  time, 
ziness  in  my  head. 
)   us    late.     It  was 


rfri---  '■i-^.*^A^*S.iv-i.' 



Fifth  New  York  Cavaluy. 


dark  and  could  not  be  seen.  The  next  morning  wherever 
a  sediment  could  be  found  ia  pails  or  ciapa,  big  maggots 
took  the  place  of  rice.  The  soup  was  made  of  old  bacon . 
JIany  prisoners  were  sick  at  the  thought  of  what  they  had 

The  water  we  have  to  drink  is  from  JaincH  river,  and  in 
consequence  of  recent  rains,  it  is  so  roily,  that  to  fill  a  cup 
and  let  it  stand  an  hour,  you  can  find  half  an  in<ih  of  mud 
on  the  bottom.     It  is  with  difficulty  we  can  use  it  at  all. 

After  we  had  been  in  prison  about  a  week,  they  brought 
in  stoves  and  wood,  gave  us  our  rations  raw,  bread  ex- 
cepted, added  e  little  salt  and  vinegar,  and  we  did  our  own 
ccKjking.  Though  this  adds  much  to  t\xn  heat  of  our  rooms, 
we  prefer  to  malto  our  own  soup.  The  prisoners  are  divided 
into  messes,  each  using  the  fitoves  by  turns.  A  tabk  haa 
also  been  constructed,  with  benches  along  side,  which  ren- 
der our  meals  more  acceptabio.  These  are  the  only  seats 
in  our  !fo<jms,  except  in  one  room,  where  they  have  bunks, 
which  are  used  for  sitting  and  sleeping. 

About  the  last  of  July  an  arraugemcnt  was  made,  whei-e- 
by  we  could  seud  out  money  by  the  prison  authorities,  and 
purchase  such  groceries  w  ws  chose.  Some  had  money, 
md  they  have  been  living  well  For  one  dollar  green-- 
backs,  we  can  get  from  five  to  ten  dollars  CJonfed.  Capt, 
Hamlin  had  five  dollars  eeui:  him.  from  homo,  which  tho 
authorities  deUiiued,  and  for  which  they  gavo  him  t'hirty- 
iive  dollars  Confed.  At  this  rate  of  oschnngo,  tho  einor- 
mous  figures  attached  to  the  things  we  purchase,  are  not 
1-0  very  large  prices  after  all.  Piles  of  vc^oUibles,  bread 
and  fruit,  are  brought  in  about  every  other  morning,  and 
it  is  estimated  that  the  60D  officers  now  confined  iu  Libby, 






r."      />»-*jt-';-JT 


lIisToiiic  Recouds, 

expend  on  nn  avorapje  of  3650  Confed.  daily.  Thin  ig  u 
great  privilege  which  most  of  the  prisoners  enjoy.  How- 
ever, some  have  no  money,  and  are  compelled  to  live  on 
their  scanty  rations. 

Yours,  at  times  very  lonely, 

L.  N.  B.,  Chaplain  5th  N.  Y.  Cav. 

LiBBY  Peison,  Riolimond,  Va.,  I 

tetober  6th,  1803.  ( 

J/y  Dear  P.  R.:  In  my  last  I  gave  you  a  description  of 
our  fare,  I  will  now  tell  you  how  we  spend  our  time.  Wc 
ore  generally  roused  in  the  morning  by  the  cry  of  black 
Ben: — "All  four  copies  of  de  morning  papers!  Great 
news  in  de  papers  1"  He  finds  a  ready  sale  for  his  insigni- 
ficant sheets,  which  are  as  free  of  literary  taste  as  they  arc 
of  truth,  though  we  have  to  pay  twenty-five  cents  per  copy 
Between  the  reading  of  these  and  tho  performance  of  our 
toilet,  the  morning  hours  pa^s  away.  Then  comes  the  work 
in  bones,  bones  from  the  beef  supplied  us.  You  would 
wonder  to  see  the  crosses,  rings,  books,  boxes,  stars,  hearts 
&c.,  which  I  have  already  manufactured  with  an  old  jack- 
knife  and  a  little  file.  of  the  prisoners  spend  all  their 
time  in  this  work.  In  fact,  hone  on  the  brain  is  a  diseiuse 
almost  as  universal  as  that  other  which  prompts  to  "skir- 
mishing," a  habit  the  prisoners  have  of  taking  oflF  their 
clothes  and  picking  them.  This  is  done  to  keep  down  fl»u'- 
mal  life,  which,  here,  is  very  exuberant.  But  this  mere 
change  between  bone  cutting  and  "skirmishing,"  became  too 
monotonous,  and  some  of  ua  have  organized  a  debating  society, 
which  is  known  as  "  The  Libby  Lice-I-see-'em,"  (Lyceum). 
In  this  body  grave  questions  are  discussed,  besides  those 
that  are  not  so  grave,  and  many  momeuts  are  whiled  awny 

— ■iimwMWffiiwg'^'-'-' 

Fifth  Xew  York  Cavaluy. 


3njoy.     How- 
ed  to  live  on 

^f.  Y.  Cav. 

lond,  Va.,  1 
5th,  18(58.  f 

escriptiou  of 

ir  time.     Wo 

cry  of  black 

jera !     Great 

r  his  iusigni- 

!  na  thoy  arc 

Qts  per  copy. 

jance  of  our 

les  the  work 

You   would 

stars,  heartvS 

an  old  jack- 

2nd  all  their 

is  a  disease 

3ts  to  "skir- 

ig  oflF  their 

p  down  ajit- 

it  this  mere 

'  became  too 

ting  society, 


sides   those 

liiled  away 

filoa.santly.  The  subject  of  Mesmerism  attracted  very  able 
(libatera,  who  entertained  us  several  days  with  instructive 
speeches  and  some  amusing  experiment's.  From  these 
debates  sprang  the  idea  of  mock  trials  aud  lectures,  which 
liavo  displayed  no  little  amount  of  humor,  wit  and  literary 

The  debating  club  have  also  organized  a  newspaper  af»so- 
elation,  and  have  appointed  me  editor-in-chief  of  the 
weekly  Jyibbj/  ChronkleA  This  is  now  the  great  focus  of 
attraction.  Friday  morning  of  each  week  at  ten  o'clock,  if 
you  could  peep  into  the  east  room,  upper  floor,  you  would  see 
It  filled  with  an  attentive  audience,  while  the  columns  of  the 
Chronicle  are  being  read,  of  course,  from  manuscript. 

To  aid  in  the  quickening  of  our  intellectual  life,  a  few 
days  ago,  an  opportunity  was  offered  for  purchasing  books 
from  the  city,  and  immediately  Libby  Prisoa  was  converted 
into  one  of  the  highest  literary  institutions  of  the  south, 
i'ou  will  hardly  believe  m^,  when  I  tell  you  that  we  have 
classes  in  arithmetic,  algebra  and  geometry,  in  philosophy, 
history,  theology  and  medicine,  while  the  languages,  Greek, 
Latin,  German,  Italian,  Spanish  and  French,  are  each  stu- 
"died  with  peculiar  delight.  My  French  class  alone  numbers 
about  one  hundred  members.  And  last,  but  not  least,  comes 
tiie  class  in  phonography,  which  can  boa«t  of  nearly  two 
hundred.  In  this  we  have  no  books.  But  by  means  of  a 
poncho,  thrown  over  a  shelf,  a  narrow  blackboard  is  made, 
on  which,  with  a  piece  of  chalk,  I  delineate  the  mysterious 
taaracters,  which  the  prisoners  readily  learn.  Already 
articles  for  the  Chronicle  have  been  received,  in  phonographic 

'  Wee  Appendix. 


t*>t«v-iV!^*'-itaf*'jiB«%i(»'w^4A , 


HisToiuc  Records. 

You  see  that  many  of  us  are  very  busy,  especially  when 
vou  add  to  the  above  studies  and  oooupations,  the  houra 
spent  in  singing  and  in  religious  worship.  From  two  to 
four  sermons  are  preached  per  week,  alternating  between  the 
nine  chaplains  who  are  prisoners  here.  Every  evening  an 
hour  is  devoted  to  a  meeting  for  social  worship  in  which 
many  take  a  lively  interest.  These  interesting  seasons  are 
often  followed  by  a  reunion  for  singing,  during  which  the 
prison  walls  are  made  to  echo  with  our  best  patriotic  airs, 
sung  with  a  aest  seldom  known  elsewhere.  Chaplain 
McCabe,  one  of  the  most  impressive  singers  I  ever  heard, 
generally  takes  the  lead.  I  have  often  wondered,  that  the 
authorities  did  not  veto  this  privilege,  as  the  guards  around 
the  prison  are  oilen  heard  to  curse  and  hiss  with  madness, 
at  the  sentiments  of  our  songs. 

Having  thus  spent  the  day  and  evening,  we  seek  rest 
upon  tke  hard  floor,  along  which  the  prisoners  lie,  close- 
packed,  like  sardines  in  a  can.  To  the  hard  Poor  and  t\v, 
"  pesky  varmints"  many  sleepless  hours  are  (!•.. oted,  which, 
however,  are  licqaeutly  beguiled  by  the  cracking  of  jokes, 
and  the  calling  iiji,  by  mnans  of  catechetical  questioning 
and  answering,  ))||  ijiii  Immurous  scenes  and  incidents  of 
the  day.  Sleep  at  last  comes  with  dreams  of  home  and  bet- 
ter days;  but  we  awake  ngain  to  the  reality  of  prison  life. 

Yesterday — which  was  Sunday — I  was  permitted  to  visit 
Pemberton  Castle,  across  tl^e  way  from  Libby,  where  I 
preached  to  about  1,800  of  our  brave  boys,  who  were  cap- 
tured at  Chiokauuiuga,  and  whose  officers  are  in  Libby. 
I  found  these  men  in  the  most  wretched  condition.  On 
being  brought  here  they  were  stripped  of  overcoats,  blank- 
ets, ponchoes,    haversaoks  and  canteens.     Their  rooms  arc 


Fifth  Nkw  York  Cavalry. 


pecially  when 
ns,  the  hours 
From  two  to 
g  between  the 
y  evening  an 
hip  in  which 
ig  seasons  are 
Dg  which  the 
patriotic  airs, 
e.  Chaplain 
I  ever  heard, 
ered,  that  the 
;uards  around 
rith  madness, 

we  seek  rest 
iTS  lie,  close- 
f'oor  and  t\u 
.  )ted,  which, 
iug  of  jokes, 
1  questioning 
incidents  of 
rome  and  bet- 
prison  life, 
uitted  to  visit 
bj,  where  I 
rho  were  cap- 
re  in  Libby 
ndition.  On 
■coata,  blank- 
ir  rooms  are 

filthy  and  full  of  vermin,  evev?  worse  than  Libby.  The 
stench  from  the  rear,  unchecked  by  any  doors,  floods  the 
rooms  with  a  nausea  the  most  sickening  and  deadly.  These 
poor,  half-naked  men,  spend  their  nights  walking  to  and  fro 
in  the  rooms,  unable  to  sleep  from  the  cold,  which,  at  this 
treason  of  the  year,  is  quite  intense.  Their  rations  are  less 
than  those  given  to  the  officers  in  Libby.  During  my  stay 
ill  the  Castle  I  found  nearly  200  men,  so  siok,  that  they 
were  not  able  to  raise  their  heads  I'rom  the  dirty  floor, 
where  they  lay  without  blankets,  nor  even  a  stick  of  wood 
t'ur  a  pillow.  I  was  so  much  afi'eoted  on  seeing  them  as 
almost  to  incapacitate  me  to  preach  to  them.  At  the  close 
of  the  services  they  brought  me  a  package  of  about  175 
letters  for  their  friends,  which  the  authorities  refused  to 
transmit  for  them,  and  which  I  promised  to  send  —  a  few 
at  a  time  —  through  the  channel  open  to  the  officers.  I 
enjoyed  the  walk  to  and  from  the  Castle,  and  rejoiced  on 
reaching  my  room  in  Libby,  that  my  condition  was  so  de- 
sirable, compared  to  that  of  others. 

There  are  some  rumors  that  the  chaplains  are  soon  to  be 
unconditionally  released.     It  may  be  so. 

Yours  hopefully, 
L.  N.  B.,  Chaplain  6th  N.  Y.  Cav.     . 

On  Board  Flag-of-'f  race  Boat,  New  York, 
In  the  James,  off  City  Point,  Va 
October  7<A,1868 

I  am  free 


Mj/  Dear  P.  R. :  1  am  free  I  This  morning  about  three 
o'clock,  the  sergeant  of  the  prison  guard,  entering  my  room 
with  a  candle  in  his  hand,  cried  out,  "  Are  there  chaplains 
in  this  room?"  I  quickly  answered  in  the  affirmative. 
"  Pack  up,  and  come  down,"  was  quickly  said  in  his  usual- 




Historic  Recouds. 

ly  griiflF  way.  Such  packing  up  1  it  took  not  many  momenta. 
I  hastily  stuffed  the  files  of  the  Libhy  Chronicle  in  mj 
boot  'egs,  carefully  secured  in  my  ooat  pocket  123  letters 
from  the  prisoners  of  Pembertoa  Castle  and  of  Libby, 
which  were  brought  me  as  soon  as  it  was  known  I  wa« 
going,  put  my  Spanish  grammar  under  my  arm,  hid  inj 
treasures  of  worked  "  bones  "  in  my  pants  pockets,  and  drew 
around  me,  over  all,  a  shawl  which  they  had  not  purloined 
from  me.  There  were  fears  that  we  would  be  searched  as  we 
had  been  upon  entering  Libby.  Those  of  my  friends,  who 
knew  how  many  documents  and  letters  I  had  on  my  person, 
sought  to  have  me  leave  them,  as  their  discovery  by  the 
authorities  would  cost  me  prolonged  imprisonment,  and, 
doubtless,  too,  in  a  dingy  cell.  But  T  had  promised  our 
poor  fellows  in  the  Castle  that  I  would  care  for  their  letters, 
and  was  bound  to  do  so  at  any  cost,  nor  was  I  willing  to 
leave  behind  me  the  pages  to  which  I  had  devoted  so  many 
hours  of  careful  study.  I  ran  a  fearful  risk.  We  were 
not  searched,  and  the  precious  relics  are  mine.  The  letters 
I  will  seal,  put  stamps  on  them,  and  mail  thei^  on  reaching 
Washington.  A  little  before  daybreak  we  bade  good  bye 
to  our  friends  and  fellow-sufferers,  sad  to  leave  them  there, 
and  turned  our  backs  on  Libby.  On  passing  to  the  street, 
the  guard  were  crying  out,  as  was  their  custom  at  stated 
periods  of  the  night,  "Post  No.  1,  all's  well,"  "Post  No. 
2,  all's  well,"  &c.  It  was  the  first  time  we  had  seen  the 
"  all's  well "  in  the  light  it  then  appeared. 

Only  eight  of  us  were  released,  Chaplains  Jos.  T.  Brown, 
6th  Md.  Vols.;  E.  C.  Ambler,  67th  Pa.  Vols.;  D.  C.  Eber- 
hart,  87th  Pa.  Vols.;  James  Harvey,  110th  Uhio  Vols.; 
E.  W.  Brady,  116th  Ohio  Vols;  Geo.  H.  Hammer,  12th 




Fifth  New  Youk  Cavalry 


many  moments. 
'hroHicle  in  mj 
sket  123  letters 
and  of  Libby, 
18  known  I  wag 
f  arm,  hid  inj 
ckets,  and  drew 
I  not  purloined 
searched  as  we 
y  friends,  who 
on  my  person, 
Boovery  by  the 
onment,    and, 

promised  our 
•r  their  letters, 
aa  I  willing  to 
i'oted  80  many 
sk.  We  were 
.  The  letters 
4  on  reaching 
Jade  good  bye 
3  them  there, 

to  the  street, 
lorn  at  stated 
"  "  Post  No. 
had  seen  the 

)s.  T.  Brown, 
D.  C.  Eber- 
tihio  Vols.; 

immer,  12tb 

Pa.  Cavalry;  0.  Taylor,  5th  Mich.  Cavalry,  and  myself. 
Chaplain  C.  C.  McCabe,  122d  Ohio  Vols.,  was  compelled 
to  remain,  sick  in  the  hospital.  Before  sunrise  we  left  the 
Rebel  capital  for  Petersburg,  where  we  changed  cars  for 
City  Point,  and  at  twelve  M.,  fo  the  first  time,  after  many 
liinjj  days  df  waiting,  we  beheld  our  glorious  starry  flag, 
floating  at  Toast  head  on  the  flag-of-truce  steamir.  A  few 
moments  more  and  we  were  beneath  its  protecting  folds 
and  among  our  friends.  Too  much  cannot  be  said  in  praise 
of  Major  Mulford,  agent  of  exchange,  on  board  the  New 
York,  who  sought  by  every  means  in  his  power  to  make 
U8  comfortable  and  happy.  The  rest  of  the  story  I  will 
tell  you  when  I  come,  as  I  expect  a  leave  of  absence  on 
arriving  at  Washington. 

Yours,  for  Home  and  the  Flag, 

L.  N.  B.,  Chaplain  5th  N.  Y.  Cav. 

Thti  following  account  of  prison  experience  will  be  found 
full  of  interest : 

I  was  captured  in  the  fight  at  Cedar  creek,  the  12th  No- 
vember, 1864,  by  the  4th  Virginia  Cavalry.  They  took  my 
liorse  equipments,  pocket  book,  knife,  trinkets,  boots  and 
Kpurs,  and  marched  aie  off  with  about  150  other  prisoners 
from  our  division,  to  Rosser's  headquarters  near  New  Mar- 
ket, where  was  served  out  to  us  a  pint  of  flour  each,  all  we 
got  for  thirty-six  hours.  Hero  we  were  stripped  and 
searched.  When  remonstrance  was  made,  they  said  they 
were  looking  for  commissions.  Our  good  clothes  were  taken 
from  us  and  we  were  obliged  to  take  their  filthy  rags.  On 
the  15th  we  were  sent  from  New  Market  to  Staunton,  a 
distance  of  forty-three  miles,  where  we  arrived  the  17th, 





'■■«•»««■•'.«/««)«*' »W  J- 

.w»«««i  ■■  ■^Jf'*' 


IIisTouic  Records. 

almost  nakod,  having  been  robbed  and  plundered  the  whole 
of  the  way,  even  to  the  cutting  off  of  our  buttons.  Here 
we  were  served  with  rations,  four  crackers  and  one  quarter 
pound  of  beef  to  each  man,  and  closely  confined  iu  a  strung 
log  guard  house.  The  21st  we  were  put  on  a  iVeight  train 
and  sent  to  Richmond,  being  eighteen  hours  on  the  cura. 
Here  we  wore  confined  in  Libby  Prison  one  night.  Next 
morning  we  were  stripped  and  searched  again,  meanwhile 
receiving  the  greatest  abuse.  After  the  search  we  were 
placed  in  Pemberton  Castle.  Wo  suffered  very  much  for 
want  of  food  and  clothes,  it  being  piercing  cold. 

December  2>d.  Serveu  out  two  days'  rations,  consisting 
of  one  small  loaf  of  bread  and  one  fifth  of  a  cod-fish.  Next 
day  we  were  crowded  in  freight  oars  and  sent  to  Danville, 
where  we  arrived  at  eight  o'clock  p.  M.,  and  were  confined 
in  the  cars  all  night,  without  being  able  to  get  a  drink  of 
water ;  and  some  of  the  men  were  in  the  greatest  filth. 

December  5th.  Changed  cars.  A  few  others  and  myself 
were  put  in  a  car  with  fifty  embalmed  bodies.  Changed 
cars  again  at  Greensboro',  and,  at  ten  o'clock  at  night,  were 
put  on  a  freight  train,  with  one  hundred  men  in  each  car, 
and  so  closely  packed  that  it  was  not  possible  to  sit  down. 
Two  men  died  in  the  night  from  suffocation.  At  three 
A.  M.  next  day  we  arrived  at  Salisbury,  N.  C.  and  made  a 
stand  in  the  road,  mud  ankle  deep,  until  nine  o'clock,  when 
we  were  marched  to  prison.  It  was  once  a  cotton  mill,  sur- 
rounded by  a  high  fence,  strongly  guarded,  and  commanded 
by  three  twelve  pounders.  It  is  a  hard  place.  Being  the 
last  batch,  we  have  no  tents  nor  any  kind  of  shelter  yet,  and 
from  sixty  to  eighty  dying  every  day  from  actual  starvation. 

DeceTnher  1th.  It  ruined  and  froze  hard  last  night,  and  poor. 


Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


3red  the  whole 
uttuns.  Here 
id  one  quarter 
0(1  iu  a  strong 
I  freight  train 
s  on  the  cars. 

night.  Next 
in,  meanwhile 
irch  we  were 
iry  much  for 

US,  oonsistiog 
d-fiah.  Next 
i  to  Danville, 
were  confined 
St  a  drink  of 
est  filth. 
i  and  myself 
iS.  Changed 
at  night,  were 

in  each  oar, 

to  sit  down. 
1.     At  three 

and  made  a 
•'clock,  when 
A)Q  mill,  8ur- 
1  commanded 
Being  the 
Iter  yet,  and 
il  starvation. 
;ht,  and  poor, 

half-naked  men  are  in  a  miserable  plight.  It  is  heart- 
rending to  see  some  of  them,  with  their  famished  looks  and 
mere  skeleton  forms. 

December  Slh.  The  guard  (68th  N.  C.  regiment)  received 
orders  to  fire  on  any  of  us  seen  walking  about  the  yard,  or 
|{oing  *iO  the  rear  after  nundown.  That  night  they  killed 
two  men  and  wounded  another.  In  the  morning  they  shot 
a  man  in  a  tent  asleep.  I  reported  the  sentry  to  Major 
Gee,  in  command.  He  questioned  the  sentry  about  it, 
whose  excuse  was,  that  he  had  three  niggers  in  line  and 
never  expected  such  a  shot  again,  but  he  happened  to  miss 
them  and  killed  this  man.  He  was  praised  for  the  act  and 
received  a  forty  days'  furlough. 

December  10th.  We  feel  the  cold  very  much.  The  groand 
is  covered  with  snow.  Men  are  to  be  seen  almost  froitni 
to  death  —  hands  and  feet  frozen,  in  several  cases  —  in 
every  direction.  A  great  many  died  during  the  night  fVom 
exposure  and  want  of  food.  We  have  been  kept  seventy- 
five  hours  without  rations,  and  in  the  meantime  the  Rebels 
tried  to  persuade  us  to  enlist,  by  offering  a  bounty  of  fifty 
dollars,  one  loaf  of  bread,  and  a  canteen  of  whiskey  —  "  the 
isrgest  bounty,"  they  said,  "  ever  offered  in  the  Confede- 
racy." They  got  some  recruits  —  men  who  were  afraid  of 
starving  to  death,  and  enlisted  to  save  their  lives. 

December  IQth.  Several  escaped,  myself  in  the  number.  I 
got  within  twenty  miles  of  our  lines,  was  recaptured,  and 
brought  back  to  prison  again.  We  are  tunneling,  and  ex- 
pect soon  to  make  another  break. 

January  ith.  Eighty-six  men  in  the  dead  house,  who 
died  during  the  night.    Thirty  of  my  men^  died  since  I 

'  He  had  charge  of  a  division  of  one  thousand  men. 


V  ^^'' 

r-a^jre(&-i^aain%«?*»?*«W^!SSI^f^^<!^*--*^  -.^^LA-a-jteS^^'' 










r  ^c! 











Vki  iMidiK- 




Ki  1^    1122 

::  MS  1112 






1.25      1.4       j6 





WEBSTER,  NY.  H580 

(716)  873-4503 

i.|i  II  .1111  IK  i.i!.ai.).<i,j;i,iJt  ■ff>ir!i«l|S!.,iJI.-il»ilJJ.W,IIMIl>fV''-.Wj!j»>ffJ)!^^l^^^ 








Collection  de 



Canadian  institute  for  Historicai  l\/licroreproduction8  /  Institut  Canadian  de  microreproductiont  hiatoriquea 


:--*-■*.■..■  ■■■•-•mi*       I  -■■■.i'l,' 



Historic  Recouds. 


came  here.  Four  companies  of  Yanks  that  were  enlisted 
here,  from  time  to  time,  and  fully  equipped,  in  Florence 
killed  their  Rebel  officers,  hung  their  Sergeant  Major  for 
interfering  seiied  four  pieces  of  artillery,  and  effected  their 
escape  to  3ep.  Sherman's  lines. 

January  Qth.  Quarter  rations,  consisting  of  meal,  made 
from  corn  and  corn-cobs  groucd  together,  and  baked  into 

January  12th.  I  have  several  men  without  any  kind  of 
shelter.  A  great  many  have  dug  holes  in  the  ground  to 
live  in,  working  at  them  with  a  part  of  a  canteen,  a  nail,  or 
piece  of  iron,  or  any  thing  they  can  get,  not  being  allowed 
any  tools.  Thirty-nine  men  died  last  night.  The  commis- 
sairy  has  nothing  to  issue  to  the  prisoners,  no  food  of  any 
kind.     There  is  plenty  outside  the  prison,  but  not  for  us. 

January  IHtfi.  Three  table-spoonfuls  of  molasses  issued 
to  each  man,  and  one  quart  of  vinegar  to  every  hundred 

January  20tk.  One  of  my  men  dropped  dead  while  trying 
to  eat  some  soup,  made  of  rice  and  water.  Another  tunnel 
is  finished.  Ten  of  us  escape  from  prison,  are  seen  snd 
fired  on  by  the  guard.  Three  men,  with  myself,  got  wi  far 
as  Morgantown,  a  distance  of  eighty-four  miles,  when  we 
were  recaptured  and  brought  back  to  prison  again. 

January  2Sth.  A  men,  sent  out  to  the  dead  house  for 
dead,  comes  to  life  in  tho  dead  cart  on  his  way  to  be  buried, 
and  is  brought  back  to  the  hospital,  where  he  recovers. 

January  SOth.  The  Rcbs  are  trying  to  get  more  recruito. 
Last  night  a  man  was  robbed  of  seventy  dollars  in  green- 
backs and  three  hundred  in  Confed.  that  he  was  fortunate 
enough  to  secure,  in  hopes  of  sometime  making  his  escape. 

irijr»i-.w  mm^iimM'mi 

mt  were  enlisted 
)ed,  in  Florence, 
rgeant  Major  for 
ad  effected  their 

g  of  meal,  made 
and  baked  into 

out  any  kind  of 
n  the  ground  to 
iQtecn,  a  nail,  or 
Dt  being  allowed 
t.  The  comrnis- 
no  food  of  any 
>ut  not  for  OS. 
molas&cs  issued 
every  hundred 

ead  while  trying 
Another  tunnel 
n,  are  seen  and 
yself,  got  Rfi  far 
miles,  when  we 

dead  house  for 
ay  to  be  buried, 
e  recovers. 
it  more  recruite. 
illars  in  green- 
le  was  fortunate 
cing  his  escape. 

Fifth  New  York  Cwalby. 

February  Sd.  Two  men  only  allowed  to  go  once  a  day  to 
bring  the  allowance  of  wood  for  each  hundred  men. 

Februory  f)th.  Sixty-five  men  escaped  over  the  fences  last 
night.  It  is  thought  the  guard  assisted  them,  as  some  of 
them  also  are  missing. 

February  Hth.  There  have  been,  up  to  this  date,  five  thou- 
sand seven  hundred  and  fifty  deaths  in  this  prison,  out 
of  nine  thousand,  in  less  than  three  months. 

February  llth.  Men  suffering  very  much  from  scurvy. 
The  small-pox  has  also  broken  out.  Got  one  quart  of  vine- 
gar to  each  hundred  men  to-dr-y. 

February  lith.  Capt.  Porter,  18th  Mass.,  Maj.  Howard, 
4th  N.  Y.  Mounted  Rifles,  and  a  Capt.  of  the  146th  N.  Y. 
S.  Vols.,  whose  name  I  don't  remember,  commenced  issuing 
a  iew  blanket*  the  government  sent  us  last  November,  but 
were  kept  in  Richmond,  until  the  cold  is  nearly  over,  by 
tl    Rebel  authorities  there. 

February  ISth.  Three  hundred  prisoners  came  here  from 
Andersonville  and   Charlotte.     Pants,   blouses   and   shirta 
were  issued  by  the  above-named  officers,  one  hundred  of 
.each   to  a  division,  consisting  of  one  thousand  men. 

February  20th.  I  am  making  out  rolls  of  the  men  able 
to  bear  a  journey.  We  are  going  to  to  be  paroled  when 
these  rolls  are  finished. 

February  22d.  Sending  sick  to  Richmond.  The  rest 
were  fallen  in  on  the  square ;  a  parole  was  read  to  us  and  about 
noon  we  left  the  prison,  marched  to  South  Atkia,  six  miles 
rom  Salisbury,  and  camped  for  the  night. 

FAruary  23rf.  Marched  out  early.  Passing  through 
Lexington  a  lady  gave  me  a  gingerbread  cake  that  was  most 
acceptable.     Four  miles  beyond  the  town  wo  camped. 



Historic  Bscords. 

Fehruarit  2\lh.  Marched  along  the  railroad.  A  great 
many  men  gave  out,  not  being  able  to  stand  the  march.  We 
passed  through  Thomasville,  then  on  to  High  Point, 
where  we  camped  for  the  night. 

February  2,Qth.  Having  reached  Greeasboro'  we  were 
put  on  the  oars  and  sent  to  Goldsboro'  by  way  of  Ra- 
leigh, where  we  had  to  wait  until  parole  papers  were  made 
out.  I  had  to  pay  forty  dollars  (Confed.)  for  my  dinner 
there  on  the  27th.  Parole  papers  made  out,  we  were  put 
on  board  oars  for  Wilmington,  where  we  arrived  safely. 
The  moment  we  beheld  the  Old  Glory,  three  enthusiastic 
cheers  burst  Arom  one  and  all.  It  was  gladdening  to  think 
we  wore  under  ita  protection  once  more.     The  dear  old 

^,  may  it  never  lose  tt  star ! 

On  getting  into  town,  the  U.  S.  Sanitary  Commission  did 
everything  they  could  to  alleviate  our  suffering. 

March  lit.  I  drank  my  first  cup  of  coffee  since  my  im- 
prisonment. It  ia  reported,  that  when  Gen.  Schofield, 
commanding  department,  saw  our  wretched  condition  from 
starvation,  he  gave  orders  to  put  the  prisoners  he  took  on 
capturing  Wilmington,  on  quarter  rations,  and  reduce  them 
to  skin  and  bones. 

March  8d.    Left  Wilmington  on  the  Esoort. 

March  bfh.  Crossed  the  Bar  and  embarked  on  the  Her- 
man Livingston  for  Annapolis,  Md.,  via  Fortress  Monroe. 

March  10th.  Disembarked  at  our  destination,  received 
compensation  money,  Ac,  Ac,  and  got  things  comfortable 
once  more.  (Extracts  from  the  Diary  of  John  Evans,  Esq., 
of  the  Fifth  New  York  Cavalry). 

Chaplain:  You  can  never  know  how  much  we  have  suf- 
fered.   Tongue  cannot  tell  nor  pen  describe  the  suffering  and 


d  on  the  Hei- 
ress Monroe, 
tion,  received 
^  comfortable 
1  Evans,  Esq., 

I  we  have  suf- 
I  suffering  and 


Fifth  Nbw  Yoek  Cavalry. 


oad.     A  great 

be  march.    We 

High    Point, 

boro'  we  were 
y  way  of  Ra- 
lera  were  made 
for  my  dinner 
t,  we  were  put 
iriived  safely, 
ee  enthusinstio 
jning  to  think 
The  dear  old 

ommission  did 

since  my  im- 
en.  Sohofield, 
ondition  from 
ars  he  took  on 
1  reduce  them 

misery  endured  by  our  soldiers  at  Andersonville,  Qa., 
where  I  was  confined.  Yoa  would  not  believe  it,  if  it  were 
told.  I  would  not,  t.3A<  v  not  been  there.  But  Qod  has 
been  good  to  me  in  sparing  my  life.  (Extract  from  a  letter 
of  William  P.  Smith,  company  C,  Fifth  New  York  Cavalry, 
dated  Parole  Hospital,  Yicksburg,  Miss.,  April  12,  1865). 

The  following  list  of  the  men  of  the  regiment,  who 
died  in  Rebel  prisons,  h>>.s  been  prepared  with  much 
care,  and  must  prove  intensely  interesting  to  their  friends 
and  surviving  comrades.  These  important  data  were  mostly 
secured  from  men,  who  had  retoroed  to  ns,  and  who  had 
watched  their  less  fortunate  fellow-suffeiers,  as  mind  and 
body  gave  away  under  the  Bufferings  and  destitution  of 
their  wretched  imprisonment. 

Some  information  was  also  obtained  from  official  docu- 
ments from  the  War  Department,  at  Washington,  D.  G. 


Historic  Recoudb. 






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IIisioRio  Records. 


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Our  Scout. —  With  Gen.  Stahel.  —  Quides  Cavalry  Corps  from  Fair- 
fax C.  H.  to  Fredericlc  City,  Md.,  June,  1868.— Ordered  to  Watcli 
Movementa  of  Kebel  Army,  Marching  ob  its  Qrand  Invasion  of 
I'onnsylvauia. —  In  Disguise  he  Visit!  Rebel  Gen.  Stuart.— 
Captures  Ilebel  Army  Mail,  with  Important  Dispatches,  at 
H'igerutown,  Md. — Carries  Dispatches  from  Gen.  Grant  to 
President  Lincoln,  during  Battle  of  the  Wilderness.  —  Among 
the    Rebels  near  Weldon   &   Petersburg  R.R.  —  Hard    Tramp 

'  through  Woods  and  Swamps. --The  Colored  Guide. — Gladly 
Reaches  our  Lines  Again. 

At  the  time  of  the  Rebel  inTasion  of  Maryland  and 
Peunsjivania,  in  1863,  I  was  chief  scout  of  Gen.  Stahel, 
commanding  division  of  cavalry  in  Defenses  of  Washington. 
June  24,  1863,  I  guided  the  cavalry  from  Fairfax  Court 
House  on  ita  way  into  Maryland.  We  forded  the  Potomac 
at  Young's  Island,  two  miles  below  the  mouth  of  Qoose 
creek,  and  marched  to  Frederick  City.  I  put  up  at  the 
Dill  Hotel,  the  headquarters  of  the  general.  At  eleven  p. 
M.  the  general  sent  for  me.  Obeying  the  summons,  I  found 
him  with  Major  Kephart,  Captains  Kidd  and  Chauncoy,  of 
his  staff,  engaged  in  drawing  sketches  and  routes  of  the 
enemy*  from  a  large  map,  spread  out  before  them.  Rising 
from  his  seat  the  general  bade  me  a  pleasant  "  good  eve- 
ning," and  added : 

"  Sergeant,  I  have  a  very  hard  trip  for  you.     If  you 



J'lFTii  New  York  Cavalry. 


ry  Corps  from  F»ir- 
—  Or(iered  to  Witch 
Grand  Invasion  of 
el  Gen.  Stuart.  — 
mt  Dispatches,  at 
>m  Gen.  Grant  to 
Iderneas,  —  Among 
R.  —  Hard  Tramp 
d  Guide. —Gladl/ 

f  Maryland  and 
of  Gdn.  Stahel, 
8  of  Washington, 
n  Fairfax  Court 
ded  the  Potomao 
mouth  of  Goose 
I  pnt  up  at  the 
I.  At  eleven  p. 
immons,  I  found 
nd  Chauncoy,  of 
d  routes  of  the 
them.  Rising 
saut  "  good  eve- 

ir  you.     If  you 

think  it  can  be  accomplished,  I  wish  you  to  commence  it 
to-night,  for,  if  it  is  to  bo  done  at  all,  now  is  the  time." 

"Well,  general,"  I  replied,  saluting  him,  "  I  am  readj^  to 
do  all  in  my  power  to  help  the  cause,  and  if  we  are  to 
commence  the  work  to-night,  the  sooner  we  get  to  business 
tho  better." 

He  then  directed  me  to  repair  to  the  Potomac  near 
Williamsport,  to  watch  the  movements  of  the  enejiiy,  to 
aseerttiin  his  strength  and  the  routes  taken  by  the  different 
columns,  &c,,  and  to  communicate  all  serviceable  informa- 
tion to  himself,  or  to  Gen.  Meade,  who  bad  just  assumed 
command.  I  was  to  Uke  aa  many  men  as  I  needed,  to 
mount  them  on  horses  secured  by  his  order,  to  take  such 
routes  as,  in  my  own  judgment,  were  best,  and  to  return  only 
when  I  thought  tho  interest  of  the  service  so  required,  or  I 
should  receive  further  orders  from  him. 

My  horse  was  aoon  ready,  and,  after  receiving  the  gene- 
ral's order  for  ten  picked  men  out  of  Col.  Price's  brigade,  I 
bade  him  good  bye,  and  set  out  to  Middletown,  near  which 
Col.  Price  was  then  encamped.  It  was  ten  A.  M.  when  I 
presented  my  order  to  the  colonel,  with  the  request  that  the 
-  men  should  be  taken  from  the  1st  Michigan  Cavalry,  each  of 
ten  companies  to  furnish  its  bravest  and  best  man.  Those 
gallant  troopers  were  soon  ready,  and,  having  reported  to 
me  in  due  style,  we  began  our  toilsome  march  over  the 
South  Mountain  for  Boonsboro',  which  we  reached  at  four 

A.  M.  next  day. 

Here  we  learned  that  the  Rebels  were  crossing  the  river 
at  two  points,  Falling  Waters  and  Williamsport,  but  their 
advance  had  not  yet  entered  the  town.  We  spent  the  day 
riding  up  and  down  the  river  on  different  roads,  watching 


«-.-"  «^4.fflti..l  1'  Jiff'      .     '«,v.^!       1^^, 



Historic  Records. 

their  moTcmenta.  At  night  I  left  my  men  at  the  United 
States  Hotel,  kept  by  a  good  Union  man  namcni  Smith,  and 
started  for  Hagorstown.  I  soon  found  that  the  main  bodj 
of  thoir  army  was  moving  towards  Ghambcrsburg,  Pt. 
Having  spent  the  night  in  the  vicinity,  I  returned  eirlj 
next  morning,  and  dispatched  a  messenger  to  the  general 
with  what  information  we  had  obtained. 

These  proceedings  occupied  our  time  until  Saturday  night 
of  that  week,  when  Qec.  Stuart,  commanding  Rebel  oavalrj, 
came  into  Hagerstown. 

I  was  very  anxioui  to  learn  all  about  his  force,  and  the 
movements  contemplated,  and  resolved  upun  a  plan  to  see  the 
general  himself,  or  some  of  his  btaff. 

Of  a  Union  man  1  procured  a  suit  of  raglingt,  knocked 
off  one  boot  heel  to  make  one  leg  shorter  than  itc  mate,  and 
put  a  gimblet,  a  tow  string  and  an  old  broken  jack-knife  in 
my  pockets.  My  jewelry  corresponded  with  my  clothes.  I 
adopted  the  name  of  George  Fry,  a  harvest  hand  of  Dr. 
Farney's,  from  Wolitown,  on  the  north  side  of  the  mountain, 
and  I  was  a  cripple  from  rheumatism.  Having  completed 
arrangements  with  Dr.  Farney,  Mr.  Landers  and  other  Union 
men,  that  they  might  be  of  service  to  me  in  case  the  Rebels 
were  suspicious  of  my  character,  I  hobbled  away  on  my 
perilous  journey,  and  entered  the  city,  by  leaping  the  high 
stone  wall  which  guards  it  on  the  north  side,  near  the 
depot,  just  as  the  town  clock  struck  one. 

It  was  a  clear  starlight  night,  and  the  glistening  bayo- 
nets of  the  sentries  could  be  seen  as  they  walked  their 
lonely  beat  Scarcely  had  I  gained  the  sidewalk,  leading 
to  the  centre  of  the  town,  when  the  sentry  cried,  ''Halt I 
who  goes  there?"   "A  friend,"  I  replied.    "  A  friend  to 


Fifth  Now  York  Cavalry. 


aen  at  the  United 
aampd  Smith,  and 
bat  the  main  bodj 
lambcrsburg,  Pa, 
I  returnod  early 
er  to  the  generti 

til  Saturday  night 
ing  Rebel  cavalry, 

lis  force,  and  the 
D  a  plan  to  see  the 

'Offh'ngi,  knocked 
han  its  mate,  and 
i^en  jack-knife  in 
h  my  clothes.  I 
est  hand  of  Dr. 
of  the  moantain, 
having  completed 
and  other  Union 
a  case  the  Rebels 
led  away  on  my 
leaping  the  high 
1  side,  near  the 

glistening  bayo- 
ey  walked  their 
dewalk,  leading 
J  cried,  "Halt! 
"  A  friend  to 

north  or  south?"  "To  south,  of  course,  and  all  right." 
"  Advance  then,"  wan  the  response.  I  told  him  I  had  come 
in  to  see  our  brave  boys,  who  could  whip  the  Yankees  so 
liandBomely,  &o.,  and  we  fell  to  discussing  the  war  ques- 
tions of  the  day.  In  the  midst  of  our  ooUoqny,  up  came 
thd  officer  of  the  guard,  who,  afler  asking  me  a  few  ques- 
tions, said :  "  Had  you  not  better  go  with  me  to  see  Gen. 
Stuart?"  "  I  should  reelly  like  ter  git  a  sight  of  the  gini- 
r;il,"  I  quickly  replied,  "  for  I  never  seen  a  reel  giniral  in  all 
my  life."  I  was  soon  in  the  presence  of  the  general,  who 
received  me  very  cordially.  I  told  him  who  I  was  and 
where  I  lived  when  at  home.  "  Wolftown  J"  remarked  the 
[general,  "  have  not  the  Yankees  a  large  wagon  train  there?" 
I  told  him  they  had,  and,  turning  to  one  of  his  utaff,  he  said, 
'I  must  ha>e  it,  it  would  bo  a  fine  prise."  I  noted  bis 
words,  and  I  determined,  if  I  possessed  any  Yankee  wit,  to 
make  use  of  it  on  this  occasion.  "  Qiniral,"  said  I,  "you  aU 
don't  think  of  capterin'  them  are  Yankee  wagons,  do  you?" 
"  Why  not  ?  I  have  here  5,000  cavalry  and  sixteen  pieces  of 
artillery,  and  I  understand  the  train  is  lightly  guarded." 

I  told  him  they  came  there  that  afternoon,  with  twelve 
•big  brass  cunnoo  and  three  regiments  of  foot  soldiers,  and 
if  he  was  to  try  to  go  through  the  gap  in  the  mountain, 
they  would  shoot  all  the  cannon  off  right  in  the  gap,  .d 
kill  all  of  his  men  and  horses.  The  general  laughed,  t^d 
said  I  had  a  strange  idea  of  war,  if  I  thought  so  many  men 
would  be  killed  at  once,  and  added,  that  I  would  not  be  a 
very  brave  soldier.  I  replied,  that  many  times  I  had  felt 
like  going  into  the  Confederate  army,  but  my  rheumatism 
kept  me  out. 

After  8  while  the  general  concluded  not  to  try  the  train, 


'i  +*^     yHi   ^  -> 



■,-v«^!,'-*';'*'^,v-=v  - 



Historic  Records. 




and  I  was  heartily  glad,  for  he  would  have  taken  2,000 
wagons  easily,  as  they  were  guarded  by  not  more  than  three 
hundred  men. 

He  then  gave  orders  to  hav3  the  main  body  of  his  cav- 
alry move  toward  Green  Castle,  and  I  distinctly  heard  him 
give  orders  to  the  major  to  stay  in  town  with  fifty  men  m 
rear  guard,  and  to  send  on  the  army  mail,  which  was  ex- 
pected there  about  six  the  net  evening.  I  made  up  my 
mind  thnt  it  would  be  a  small  mail  he  would  get,  as  I  pro- 
posed to  myself  to  be  postmaster  for  once. 

After  seeing  the  general  and  his  cavalry  move  out  of 
town,  I  went  directly  for  my  horse,  which  I  had  concealed 
in  a  safe  place  some  distance  from  the  city,  and  surveyed 
the  ground  to  see  which  way  I  could  best  come  in  to  cap- 
ture the  mail,  and  determined  to  charge  the  place  ra  iho 
pike  from  Boonsboro'  and  made  my  arrangements  to  that 
efiFect.  I  got  a  Union  man  by  the  name  of  Thornburgh  to 
go  into  the  town  and  notify  the  Union  people,  that  when 
the  town  clock  struck  six  p,  m.  I  would  charge  in  and  cap- 
ture the  Rebel  mail,  -vt  the  risk  of  losing  my  own  life  and 
every  man  with  me.  I  had  now  but  eight  men,  two  hav- 
ing been  sent  to  the  j^  aeral  with  dispatches. 

I  then  returned  to  Boonsboro',  and  found  my  men  waiting 
for  me.  I  told  them  my  intentions,  and  offered  to  send 
back  to  his  regiment  any  man  who  feared  to  go  r.ith  me. 
But  every  one  bravely  said  he  would  not  leave  me,  nor 
surrender  without  my  order.  I  ordered  them  to  bring 
their  horses,  and  we  were  soon  on  the  road.  It  wa.",  a 
moment  of  thrilling  interest  to  us  all,  as  we  approached 
Hagerstown,  and  lingered  to  hear  the  signal  strokes  of  that 
monitor,  in  the  old  church  tower.     At  the  appointed  time 

lave  taken  2,000 
it  more  than  three 

n  body  of  his  cav- 
itinctly  heard  him 
with  fifty  men  m 
lil,  which  was  ex- 
;.  I  made  up  my 
)uld  get,  as  I  pro- 

ralry  move  out  of 
h  I  had  concealed 
ity,  and  surveyed 
st  come  in  to  cap- 
I  the  place  rn  iho 
ngements  to  that 
jf  Thornburgh  to 
people,  that  when 
harge  in  and  cap- 
f  my  own  life  and 
ht  men,  two  hav- 

d  my  men  waiting 
d  offered  to  send 
3d  to  go  r.ith  me. 
lot  leave  me,  nor 
1  them  to  bring 
road.  It  wa.s  a 
IS  we  approached 
>.al  strokes  of  that 
ic  appointed  time 



■>   f 

'  t 







Hill!  wii.iiuu'wiikiaji'!  I'll, -fflsuggg^-^bagg/' 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalky. 


(we  had  entered  the  edge  of  the  town),  with  a  wild  shout 
we  dashed  into  the  street,  and  the  major  and  his  fifty  braves 
fled  without  firing  a  shot.  We  captured  sixteen  prisoners, 
twenty-six  horses,  several  small  arms,  and  a  heavy  army 
mail,  which  contained  three  dispatches  from  Jeff.  Davis, 
and  two  from  the  Ilebel  secretary  of  war,  to  Gen.  Lee. 
All  this  substantial  booty  we  safely  carried  within  our  lines, 
without  the  loss  of  a  man  or  a  horse. 

Many  thanks  are  due  to  Dr.  C.  R.  Doran,  and  to  Robert 
Thornburgh,  for  their  kind  and  timely  assistance,  and  also 
to  Misses  Susie  Carson  and  Addie,  who  did  so 
much  for  the  comfort  of  our  bravo  men.  I  still  have  in  my 
possession  some  choice  flowers,  preserved  from  a  bouquet, 
presented  me  by  Miss  Cirton  the  evening  we  captured  the 
Kebei  mail ;  and  though  the  flowers  have  faded,  ine  good 
deens  done  by  the  giver  will  ever  grow  bright  through 
coming  time.     All  honor  to  the  brave  Union  ladies. 

Saturday,  May  7th,  1864.  I  left  Gen.  Grant's  headquar- 
ters, accompanied  by  G.  M.  Cline,  Gen.  Meade's  chief  of 
scouts,  with  importaut  dispatcbea  for  President  Lincoln, 
Quartermaster  Ge".  Meigs,  Surgeon  Gen.  Barnes,  and 
.others  of  the  Department.  The  fighting  was  terrific  on  the 
right  and  left  wings  when  we  started.  It  was  two  P.  M. 
Crossed  the  Rappahaunoek  at  U.  S.  Ford.  We  traveled]  all 
night  through  the  enemy's  country.  We  could  see  their  sig- 
nal rockets,  sent  up  along  the  line  of  signal  stations,  from  Belle 
Plain  to  Guineas  Station,  on  the  Richmond  and  Fredericks- 
burg rail  road.  We  reached  the  Potomac  at  four  next 
morning  at  Acquia  creek.  Fearing  the  guerrillas,  should 
we  remain  on  the  Virginia  shore,  we  constructed  a  raft  of 
drift  wood  and  boards,  on  which,  by  great  exerticu,  pad- 



IIiSTORic  Records. 

dling  under  a  broiling  sun,  we  succeeded  in  crossing  the 
river,  which,  at  this  point,  is  several  miles  wide.  By  trav- 
eling afoot  about  five  miles,  we  met  a  Union  guard,  who 
conducted  us  to  Gapt.  Bussell,  company  A,  First  Purneli 

The  captain  entertained  us  with  a  good  dinner,  which 
relished  well  afler  over  twenty-four  hours'  hard  toil,  miniu 
our  rations.  After  dinner  we  hailed  a  schooner,  bound  lip 
stream,  and  Gapt.  Russell  sent  us  out  to  her  in  his  row- 
boat.  It  proved  to  be  the  General  Hunter  of  Baltimore, 
The  captain  informed  us  that  he  had  a  case  of  smallpox 
aboard,  and  strove  to  warn  us  away.  But  we  were  too 
anxious  to  get  to  Washington  with  our  dispatches  to  be 
delayed  by  one  case  of  small-pox.  Light  breezes,  or  no 
breeze  at  all,  delayed  us,  and  we  did  not  reach  the  capital 
till  seven  A.  M.  on  the  9th.  We  were  knded  at  the  navy 
yard,  whence  we  were  sent  to  the  War  Department  in  the 
private  carriage  of  the  officer  in  command. 

The  authorities  had  not  heard  from  the  army  in  three 
days — and  eventful  daye  they  had  been — as  Mosby  had 
cut  off  all  communication  by  way  of  the  Orange  and  Alex- 
andria rail  road. 

After  delivering  our  messages  and  receiving  answers, 
with  other  dispatches  for  Gen.  Grant,  Gen.  Meigs  sent  us 
down  the  river  aboard  the  steamer  Lizzie  Bake?.  We 
were  landed  at  night,  near  Acquia  creek,  and  traveled  to 
Fredericksburg.  Seeing  camp  fires  in  and  about  the 
town,  we  expected  to  meet  the  Rebels^  but  were  gladly 
disappointed  in  finding  them  to  be  our  own. 

The  next  morning,  the  10th,  we  had  the  pleasure  of  tak- 
ing breakfast  with  Lieut.  F.  A.  Boutolle  of  the  Fifth  New 

Is     • 



i  in  crossing  the 
I  wide.  By  trav- 
nion  guard,  who 
A,  First  Purnell 

»d  dinner,  which 
hard  toil,  minu» 
looner,  bound  up 
)  her  in  his  row- 
ter  of  Baltimore, 
3086  of  smallpox 
Jut  we  were  too 
dispatches  to  be 
it  breezes,  or  no 
reach  the  capital 
nded  at  the  navy 
apartment  in  the 

he  army  in  three 
— as  Mosby  had 
)range  and  Alez- 

oeiving  answers, 
sn.  Meigs  sent  us 
zie  Bake  ■.  We 
and  traveled  to 
and  about  the 
but  were  gladly 

i  pleasure  of  tak- 
)f  the  Fifth  New 

Fifth  New  York  Cavaluy. 


York   Cavalry,    chief  ambulance  officer  of  the  division 
Having  secured  horses  and  an  orderly,  we  started  for  Gen. 
Grant's  headquarters,  which  we  reached  about  eleven  A.  M., 
near  Spottsylvania  Court  House.     The  fighting  was  very 
heavy  during  the  day,  and  continued  through  the  night. 

May  11th,  near  SpoUxi/lvania  Court  House.  Our  men  cap- 
ture eight  generals,  forty-five  pieces  of  artillery,  and  seven 
thousand  prisoners. 

4.itffust  30lh,  1864.  It  had  been  reported  that  the  Rebels 
were  constructing  a  cross  rail  road  from  Stony  Creek  Station, 
Woldon  &  Petersburg  rail  road,  to  the  Southside  rail  road- 
I  was  sent  to  ascertain  the  fact,  in  company  with  James  Hat- 
tan,  one  of  Greneral  Grant's  scouts.  As  neither  of  us  knew 
the  country,  we  procured  a  darkey  guide.  We  had  pro- 
ceeded but  a  short  distance  from  our  lines,  at  a  point  near 
Lee's  mills,  on  the  Blackwater  river,  when  a  squad  of 
Rebels  saw  us,  and  gave  us  chase.  Being  on  foot,  we  soon 
reached  thick  woodfi,  and  escaped.  We  traveled  nearly  all 
night,  and,  getting  near  our  destination,  we  started  for  a 
large  farm  house,  to  make  some  inquiries,  when  a  picket 
cried  out  "  halt !"  As  we  did  not  obey  him,  he  fired,  and 
thus  aroused  a  whole  regiment,  that  was  soon  in  the  saddle. 
We  took  to  the  woods  again.  We  spent  considerable  time  in 
trying  to  cross  the  Indian  swamp,  but  in  vain.  Here  we  lost 
our  guide,  who,  desiring  to  visit  his  wife  at  her  master's,  Mr. 
Dunn,  whose  house  was  under  Rebel  guards,  was  either 
killed  or  captured.  By  a  new  route  we  traveled  on  toward 
Stony  Creek  Station,  till  daybreak.  At  this  time  we  sought 
the  nearest  ravine,  where  we  crept  into  a  few  bushes,  and 
sought  rest.  Though  we  were  much  exposed  during  the 
day,  much  Rebel  cavalry  prowling  about,  and,  some  of  the 



Historic  Records. 

time,  very  near  us,  yet  from  a  faithful  da'key,  whom  we 
saw,  we  secured  both  food  and  drink,  and  received  all 
needed  information  about  the  new  cross  rail  road,  which  was 
not  yet  being  built. 

Under  the  darkness  of  night,  we  8tarte(i  back  for  our 
lines,  and  crossed  the  Indian  swamp  near  Mr.  Sterling 
Saunder's  farm,  and  soon  arrived  at  Mr.  Charlos  Kean's, 
where  we  found  a  darkey  prepared  for  a  promenade  with  big 
Dinah,  it  being  Sabbath  evening.  He  was  dressed  in  grand 
style,  with  black  coat,  white  panta  and  vest,  standing  collar, 
and  a  splendid  beaver.  He  sported  a  big  cane,  with  a  brass 
knob  on  the  handle.  Thus  caparisoned,  he  did  not  relish 
the  idea  of  becoming  guide.  But  excuses  were  useless,  and 
he  must  show  us  across  the  big  swamp  called  Jones'  Hole. 
The  night  became  very  dark,  and  we  were  compelled  to/ee/ 
our  way  much  of  the  time.  This  was  no  easy  task^  as  we 
were  obliged  to  walk  on  fallen  trees,  some  lying  in  the  water, 
and  others  three  or  four  feet  above.  By  a  misstep,  Mr. 
guide  went  oflF  one  of  these  logs  into  mud  and  water.  It 
was  difficult  to  restrain  laughter,  when  the  poor  fellow 
crawled  out,  to  think,  had  it  been  day,  what  a  sudden  change 
of  color  his  white  pants  and  vest  must  have  undergone. 
Having  reached  terra  firma  on  the  opposite  side  of  the 
swamp,  we  gave  the  guide  a  five  doHar  greenback,  and  sent 
him  back  to  his  Dinah.  We  crossed  the  Jerusalem  plank  road 
just  south  of  Captain  Proctor's  farm  house,  and  reached  our 
lines  about  twelve  M.,  at  Burnt  Mills,  near  the  Norfolk  rail 
road.  We  wero  furnished  horses  and  an  orderly,  and  made 
our  way  to  General  Grant's  headquarters,  glad  to  be  within 
our  own  lines  once  more.  C.  A.  P. 

Co.  G,  Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 



rkey,  whom  we 
1(1  received  all 
road,  which  was 

a  back  for  our 
r  Mr.  Sterling 
::)harl<js  Kean'fl, 
nenade  with  his 
ressed  in  grand 
standing  collar, 
ae,  with  a  brass 

did  not  relish 
ere  QMless,  and 
d  Jones'  Hole, 
•mpelled  to /eel 
asy  task,  as  we 
ig  in  the  water, 
a  misstep,  Mr. 
nd  water.  It 
le  poor  fellow 
sudden  change 
ve  undergone, 
ite  side  of  the 
iback,  and  sent 
Jem  plank  road 
nd  reached  our 
le  Norfolk  rail 
erlj,  and  made 
d  to  be  within 

A.  P., 
ork  Cavalry. 


Company  Kegisters.  — Organizations. —  Officers.- 
cidents  iv  Personal  Adventures  of  the  men. 

•  Interesting  In- 

In  tL.s  connection  is  given  only  an  epitome  of  each  com- 
pany, in  which  may  be  found  the  dates  of  the  appointments 
or  commissions  of  its  officers ;  an  account  of  its  organiza- 
tion ;  the  leading  events  of  its  history,  and  a  brief  mention 
of  a  few  men,  who,  for  special  acts  of  bravery,  or  for  pecu- 
liar misfortunes,  are  deemed  worthy  of  this  notice.  It  would 
be  a  pleasure  to  mention  here  all  those  men,  who  possessed 
the  "  stuff  of  which  heroes  are  made,"  and  who  have  always 
performed  their  duty  so  well,  but  the  space  allotted  us  will 
not  permit  it 

Company  A. 



Augustus  P.  Green,  Captain,  August  15th,  1801. 
signed,  November  5th,  1862. 

Thomas  Burns,  1st  Lieutenant,  August  15th,  1861.  He- 
signed,  May  2lBt,  1862. 

Henry  Wilson,  2d  Lieutenant,  August  15th,  1861.  Ist 
Lieutenant,  May  21st,  1861.  Captured,  July  18th,  1862, 
Barnett's  Ford,     Resigned,  December  28th,  1862. 

Luke  McGuinn,  2d  Lieutenant,  May  23d,  1862.    Captain, 


im  ' 


Historic   Kkcords. 

November  5th,  1862.  Killed,  May  5th,  1864,  Parker's  Store. 

Frazer    A.   Boutclle,   2d    Lieutenant   from    Sergeant, 

September  10th,  1862.     1st  Lieutenant,  December   20th, 

1863.  Discharged,   Expiration    of  Term,   September   Ist, 

1864.  Captain,  November  14th,  1864. 

Theodore  A.  Boice,  1st  Lieutenant  from  Ist  Sergeant, 
December  29th,  1862,  Captain,  Company  B,  December 
20th,  1863. 

William  T.  Boyd,  2d  Lieutenant,  December  20tb,  1863. 

Michael  Hayes,  1st  Lieutenant  from  Ist  Sergeant, 
November  14th,  1864. 

This  company  formed  the  original  nucleus  of  the  regi- 
ment, and  was  raised  by  Captain  Green,  in  New  York  city. 
It' was  mustered  iu  the  » jrvico  of  the  United  States,  August 
15th,  1861,  at  Staten  Island,  N.  Y.,  by  Captain  L.  S.  Lamed, 
5th  U.  S.  Infantry.  The  first  recruit  of  the  company  was  Fra- 
zer A.  Boutelle,  ite  present  captain.  It  was  engaged  alone  io 
the  first  action  recordpd  in  our  history.  May  2d,  1862,  near 
Port  Kspublio.  It  there  lost  the  first  prisoner  ever  made 
from  the  regiment  —  John  Beaumont. 

Sergeant  C.  A.  Maguire,  August  30th,  1862,  distinguished 
himself  as  bearer  of  dispatches  from  Gen.  Pope  to  Gen.  Mc- 
Dowell, having  to  traverse  the  enemy's  lines  between  Ma- 
nassas Junction  and  Gainesville,  compelled  to  fight  much  of 
the  way,  assisted  by  only  ten  men,  yet  accomplishing  his 

Sergeant  T.  McGiveran  bad  three  horses  killed  under 
him,  and  Sergeant  W.  Murray  fou  ,  A  solid  shot  taking 
away  the  horse's  head  of  the  latter,  June  Ist,  1864,  at  Ash- 
land, while  falling,  he  coolly  exclaimed,  "  Be  jabers,  this  is 
a  fine  way  to  dismount  a  man  I" 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


Parker's  Store, 
rom  Sergeant, 
'ecember  20th, 
Boptember   Ist, 

a  Ist  Sergeant, 
B,  December 

er  20th,  1868. 
Ist    Sergeant, 

us  of  the  regi- 
'Jew  York  city. 
States,  Angnst 
n  L.  S.  Lamed, 
mpany  was  Fra- 
igaged  alone  in 
2d,  1862,  near 
ner  ever  made 

2,  distinguished 
)pe  to  Gen.  Mo- 
8  between  Ma- 
0  fight  much  of 
omplishing  his 

3s  killed  under 
lid  shot  taking 
,  1864,  at  Ash- 
'e  jabers,  this  is 

Sergeants  T.  Burke  and  W.  Herrick,  June  80th,  1363, 
at  IlanoTer,  Pa.,  captured  a  Rebel  battU  ut;sg  and  several 

John  Catlin,  bugler,  a  boy  8ixt«en  years  old,  March  7th, 
1865,  Rood's  Hill,  captured  General  Rossor's  chief  bugler, 
a  tall  man,  and  secured  his  bugle  as  a  memento  of  the  war. 

Nearly  the  whole  company  was  captured,  on  picket,  at 
Barnett's  ford,  Rapidan,  July  18th,  1862. 

Original  number  of  men,  at  time  of  muster  in,  76;  whole 
number,  183  ;  luen  killed  in  action,  2 ;  mortally  wounded,  2 ; 
wounded.  26 ;  number  of  wounds,  35 ;  men  captured,  58 ; 
missed  in  action  and  never  heard  from,^  2 ;  died  in  Rebel 
prisons,  6;  died  of  disease,  7;  veterans,'  13;  veterans  re- 
maining, July  19th,  1865,  12;  whole  number  of  mea 
remaining,  63. 

.  Company  B. 


Lyon  Isaacs,  Captain,  August  21st,  1861.  Resigned,  May 
18tb,  1862. 

David  Abohbot,  1st  Lieutenant,  August  2l8t,  1861.  Re- 
signed, May,  1862. 

Philip  Dwyer,  2d  Lieutenant,  August  21st,  1861.  Mor- 
tally wounded.  May  23d,  1862,  Front  Royal.  Died,  May  25th. 

Alfred  W.  Creamer,  Captain  from  Ist  Lieutenant  Co.  E, 
May  2d,  1862.     Resigned,  January  12th,  1863. 

Jeremiah  Collins,  2d  Lieutenant  from  1st  Sergeant,  May 
24th,  1862.     Left  by  Special  Order,  December  13th,  1862. 

'  These  men  were  probably  killed. 

'  These  velerana  are  men  who  were  originally  with  the  regi- 
ment, and  who  reenlisted  in  the  early  part  of  1864. 


Historic  Records. 



Abrorn  II.  Hagbrouck,  Captain  from  2d  Lieutenant  Co. 
G,  January  12th,  1868.  Left  by  Special  Order,  December 
26th,  1863. 

Samuel  MoBride,  2d  /'ieutenant  from  Iloapital  Steward, 
December  13th,  ISfi?.     Ist  Lieutenant,  July  27th,  1863. 

Llewellyn  N.  Stevens,  Ist  Lieutenant,  January  9th,  18t)3. 
Itesigned,  June  Ist,  1868. 

Frederic  Von  Klitiiing,  2d  Lieutenant,  May  19th,  1863. 
Resigned,  September  6th,  1863. 

Jabex  Chambers,  2d  Lieutenant  from  Ist  Sergeant,  Sep- 
tember Ist,  1868.  Ist  Lieutenant,  March  28th,  1864.  Cap. 
tain,  December  9th,  1864. 

Theodore  A.  Boice,  Captain  from  1st  Lieutenant  Co.  A, 
December  20th,  1863.  Major,  September  15th,  1864. 
Lieutenant  Colonel,  November  14th,  1864. 

Edward  Price,  2d  Lieutenant  from  1st  Sergeant,  Decem- 
ber 9th,  1864. 

Capt.  Isaacs  organized  this  company  in  New  York  city, 
commencing  the  work  in.  July,  1801.  It  was  mustered  into 
the  service  of  U.  S.,  August  21st,  1861,  Long  Island,  N. 
Y.,  by  Capt.  A.  P.  Green. 

The  company  suffered  terribly  with  company  D,  May  23d, 
1862,  at  Front  Royal. 

These  two  companies  were  afterward  detached  from  the 
regiment,  to  serve  on  Crosby's  battery,  which  they  did 
till  October  Ist,  1862.  Meanwhile  they  were  engaged, 
September  19th,  at  Antietam. 

October  9th,  1864,  the  company  aasiafed  in  capturing  six 
pieces  of  artillery  and  the  enemy's  train.  October  19th, 
1864,  it  captured  four  pieces  of  artillery. 

Capt.  Chunibcrg,  September  19th,  1864,  captured  seven 

"■  .    ,iJTiJj)g|Mljlgl|W«jw^»jllili)iili^i|Bili|iy 


Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


2d  Lieutenant  Co. 
i  Order,  Docembor 

Hospital  Steward, 
uly  27th,  1868. 
Fanuary  9th,  18t)3. 

May  10th,  1863. 

Ist  Sergeant,  Sep- 
28th,  1864.  Cap- 
Lieutenant  Co.  A, 
iber   15th,   1864. 

Sergeant,  Deoem- 

1  New  York  city, 
was  mustered  iuto 
Long  Island,  N. 

janyD,  May  23d, 

itached  from  the 

which  they  did 

jr   were   engaged, 

i  in  capturing  six 
.    October  19th, 

I,  captured  seven 

prisoners.     Sergeant  0.  Statley  was  twice  wounded  and  onco 
captured,  but  escaped  from  his  guards. 

Johu  Braden  was  twice  captured,  but  effected  his  escape 
each  time,  and  has  had  three  horses  killed  under  him  in 


Original  number  of  men,  84;  whole  number,  190;  men 
killed  in  action,  5;  mortally  wounded,  2  ;  wounded,  27  ; 
number  of  wounds,  83 ;  men  captured,  44;  missed  in  action 
and  never  heard  from,  2;  died  in  Rebel  prisons,  10  ;  died  of 
disease,  2 ;  killed  iccidentally,  8 ;  discharged  by  reason  of 
wounds,  7;  veterans,  12;  veterans  remaining,  July  19th, 
1805,  8;  whole  number  of  men  remaining,  59 

Original  horses  remaining,  1. 

Left  by  Special 

Company  C. 

Ira  Wrighi,  Captain,  August  8th,  1861. 
Order,  Septemlwr  22d,  1862. 

Henry  L.  Bogardus,  Ist  Lieutenant,  August  8th,  1861. 
Resigned,  June  Ist,  1862. 

Charles  J.  Farley,  2d  Lieutenant,  August  8tb,  1861. 
Captain,  September  22d,  1862.  Wounded  twice,  October 
19th,  1863.  Wounded  in  foot,  August  25th,  1864.  Lost 
right  leg,  and  slight  wound  in  head,  September  19tb,  1864. 
Discharged,  Expiration  of  Term,  Jtvnuary  16th,  1865. 

Edward  Whiteford,  1st  Lieutenant,  June  1st,  1862. 
Resigned,  November  12th,  1862. 

Benjamin  M.  Whittemore,  Ist  Lieutenant  from  Sergeant, 
November  13th,  1862.     Captain,  January  16th,  1865. 

Joseph  B.  Grice,  2d  Lieutenant  from  Sergeant  Co.  L, 
September  22d,  1862.  Left  by  Special  Order,  May  7th,  180.'} 





UisTonic  Uecords. 

Robert  tiarper,  2d  Lioutoiiant  from  1st  Sergeant,  May 
7th,  1H68.  LoJl  by  Special  Order  877  A.  G.  0.,  NovemW 
l«t,  1804. 

William  I^ahoj,  2d  Lieutenant  from  Ist  Sergeant,  No- 
vember 14th,  1SG4.     Ist  Lieutenant,  January  IGth,  1865. 

i'litrick  Tiffany,  2d  Lieutenant  from  lat  Sergeant,  Janu- 
ary 16ih,  1805. 

This  oomprny  was  raised  in  Now  York  city,  ly  Capttia 
Wright,  and  was  mustered  into  the  sorviae  of  the  United 
Sutos,  September  8d,  1801,  at  Staten  Island,  N.  Y.,  by 
Captain  L.  S.  Lamed.  It  won  great  praise  during  the 
second  battle  of  Bull  Run,  by  carrying  dispatches  at  night 
through  the  enemy's  linos,  from  General  Pope  to  General 

Sergeant  McNulty  was  severely  wounded  and  captured, 
March  ISth,  1804,  Ely's  Ford,  but  escaped,  saving  his 
money,  h  oontiderable  amount,  in  the  bottom  of  one  of  hit 
boots.  The  Rebels  undertook  several  times  to  take  his 
bootfi  from  him,  as  was  their  custom  to  do,  but  be  plead 
successfully  on  account  of  his  wounds.  He  was  captured 
again,  June  28th,  1864.  Escaped  from  prison,  Greensboro', 
S.  C,  and  was  five  weeks  in  reaching  our  lines. 

The  following  captures  were  made  by  the  company, 
October  19th,  1864,  at  Cedar  creek  : 

Lieutenant  Leahey,  one  headquarters  medical  wagon; 
Sergeants  Tiffany  and  Highland,  two  pieces  of  artillery  and 
twenty  prisoners  j  Harvey  Ricknrt,  one  piece  of  artillery ;  P. 
J.  Geraty,  seven  prisoners  and  one  wagon  ;  Sergeant  W.  H. 
Norcott,  one  caisson  and  six  prisoners ;  Corporal  J.  Farrell, 
one  gun  and  limber  and  six  horses ;  Sergeant  John  Tluckley, 



L«S*/w'«i>«'^  ".'^ 


Fifth  Nkw  York  Cavaliiy. 


Ist  Sergeant,  Ihy 
•  Q-  0.,  Movembtr 

l»t  Sergeant,  No- 
uary  IGth,  1865, 
It  Sergeant,  Janu- 

c  city,  Ijr  CapUin 
i«e  of  the  United 
[sland,  N.  Y.,  by 
raiae  during  the 
ispatchea  at  niplit 
Pope  to  General 

od  and  captured, 
iped,  saving  big 
om  of  one  of  his 
mes  to  take  big 
io,  but  he  plead 
He  was  capture  d 
fon,  Greensbori)', 
r  the  company, 

ncdical  wagon;  > 
of  artillery  and 
oof  artillery;  P. 
Sergeant  W.  H. 
•oral  J.  Farrell, 
;  John  Tluokley, 

one  gun  and  six  horHCH ;  tlio  same  by  James  Pc-ry,  who  waa 
accidentally  and  mortally  wounded,  February  27 tb,  18»ift. 

John  Stein  was  four  times  captured,  and  died  in  prison. 

Original  number  of  men,  76;  whole  number,  188;  men 
l(illod  in  action,  7;  mortally  wounded,  2;  wounded,  28; 
number  of  wounds,  29;  men  captured,  48;  missed  in  action 
and  never  heard  from,  2  ;  died  in  Rebel  prisons,  9 ;  died  of 
disease,  6;  killed  acoidenUiUy,  8 ;  veterans,  22 ;  veterans  re- 
maining, July  19th,  1865,  14;  whole  number  of  men  re- 
maining, 00. 

Original  horses  remaining,  1. 

Company  D. 

Thomas  Coyle,  Captain,  August  2l8t,  1861.  Died  of  dis- 
ease, November  24th,  1861. 

Amos  H.  White,  Ist  Lieutenant,   September  21st,  1861. 
Captain,  December  9th,  1861.     Major,  January  30th,  1863 
Lieutenant  Colonel,  September  15th,  1864.     Colonel,  No- 
ember,  14th,  1864. 

Seth  B.  Ryder,  2d  Lieutenant,  September  29th,   1861. 

-  Ist  Lieutenant,  June  11th,  1862.      Captain,  January  30th, 

1863.     Captured,  October  10th,  1868,  and  a  prisoner  till 

March,  1865.     Discharged,  Expiration  of  Term,  May  15th, 


George  H.  Nichols,  Ist  Lieutenant.  March,  1862.  Re- 
signed, June  11th,  1862. 

William  Watson,  1st  Lieutenant  from  Ist  Sergeant, 
February  13th,  1863.  Left  by  Special  Order,  July  27th,  1863. 

Edward  J.  McArdlo,  2d  Lieutenant,  February  2d,  1863. 
Kesigned,  June  Ist,  1863. 



[Isb-^.-'  *' 



Historic  Recouds. 




Henry  J.  Appleby,  2d  Lieutenant  from  Q.  M.  Sergeant 
June  Ist,  1863.  let  Lieutenant,  July  27th  1863.  Di^ 
charged.  Expiration  of  Term,  September,  1864. 

Charles  H.  Greenleaf,  2d  Lieutenant  from  Ist  Sergeant, 
July  27th,  1863.  Mortally  wounded,  August  25th,  1864. 
Died  next  day. 

Ilansom  A.  Perkins,  2d  Lieutenant  from  Commissar; 
Sergeant,  September  15th,  1864.  Ist  Lieutenant,  Novem- 
ber 14th,  1864. 

Jeremiah  J.  Callanan,  2d  Lieutenant  from  Sergeant, 
November  14th,  1865. 

This  company  was  formed  by  Captain  Coyle,  of  men  en- 
listed in  the  states  o'  ..ilaBsachusetts  and  Conueotiout,  and  vos 
mustered  into  the  senrise  of  the  United  States,  October  Ist, 
1861,  at  Staten  Istand,  N.  Y.,  by  Col.  D.  B.  Sacket,  U. 
S.  Army. 

With  company  B,  it  performed  the  peculiar  work  attached 
to  a  battery,  from  June  to  October,  1862. 

Sergeant  C  H.  Groenleaf,  May  23d,  1862,  carried  dis- 
patches from  Front  Boyal  to  G3n.  Banks  at  Strasburg.i 
By  bravery  and  skill,  he  gave  timely  notice  of  Stonewall 
Jackson's  flank  movement,  whereby  he  saved  Gen.  Banks' 
army,  which  led  the  general  to  recommend  him  for  promotion 
He  was  mortally  wounded  in  action,  while  in  command  of 
company  A,  fighting  bravely. 

H.  A.  Smith  received  four  sabre  cuts,  May  2Sd,  1862, 
and  was  captured.  Wounded  again  and  captured,  Jtfne 
23d,  1864,  at  Nottoway  Court  House. 

Corp.  John  Walsh,  October  19th,  1864,  at  C^^^-ar  creek. 

>  See  liis  letter,  page  31. 


Fifth  New  Yobk  Cavalry. 


>m  Q.  M.  Sergeant 
r  27tli  1863.  Du. 
,  1864. 

from  1st  Sergeant, 
Vuguflt  26th,  1864. 

from  Commissary 
■lioutenant,  Noveni- 

at   from   Sergeant, 

Coyle,  of  men  en- 
)nnecticut,  andwas 
States,  October  1st, 
D.   B.   Sacket,  U. 

iliar  work  attached 

1862,  carried  dis- 
ks at  Strasbnrg.i 
otice  of  Stonewall 
aved  Gen.  Banks' 
iim  for  promotion 
e  in  ooiumand  of 

May  23d,  1862, 
i  captured,  JlAie 

,  at  C^''.ar  creek, 

recaptured  the  colors  of  the  15th  New  Jersey  Vols.,  for 
which  he  received  the  "  Medal  of  Honor,"  awarded  by 

Original  number  of  men,  82 ;  whole  number,  161 ;  men 
liilled  in  action,  3 ;  mortally  wounded,  1 ;  wounded,  23 ; 
lumber  of  wounds,  27 ;  men  captured,  59 ;  missed  in  action 
auil  never  heard  from,  3  j  died  in  Rebel  prisons,  10 ;  died 
of  disease,  7 ;  killed  accidentally,  1 ;  discharged  by  reason 
of  wounds,  1 ;  veterans,  16 ;  veterans  remaining  July  19th, 
1!<65,  15 ;  whole  number  of  men  remaining,  45. 

Company  E. 
Willium  P.  Pratt,  Captain,  August  15th,  1861.     Major, 
July  Ist,  1862.     Resigned,  January  80th,  1863. 

Alfred  W.   Creamer,  1st  Lieutenant,  September  17th, 
1861.    Captain  Company  B,  May  2d,  1862. 
William  H.  Williams,  2d   Lieutenant,  November   7th, 

1861.  1st  Lieutenant,  May  2d,  1862.     Captain,  May  28th, 

1862.  Resigned,  February  7th,  1863. 

William  P.  Dye,  2d  Lieutenant  froifi  1st  Sergeant,  May 
2d,  1862.      1st  Lieutenant,   May  28th,   1862.      Captain, 
.  February  7th,  1863.    Resigned,  September  3d,  1864. 

Daniel  B.  Merriman,  2d  Lieutenant  from  1st  Sergeant, 
May  28th,  1862.  1st  Lieutenant,  February  7th,  1863 
Discharged  for  physical  disabillity,  March  29th,  1864. 

Liberty  C  Abbott,  2d  Lieutenant  from  Q.  M.  Sergeant, 
June  30th,  1863.  Ist  Lieutenant,  March  29th,  1864. 
Captain,  November  14th,  1864.     Major,  May  2d,  1865. 

Foster  Dickinson,  2d  Lieutenant  from  let  Sergeant,  May 
21st,  1864.  Ist  Lieutenant,  November  14th,  1864.  Cap- 
tain, June  1st,  1865. 



Historic  Records. 



Matthew  Strait,  2d  Lieutenant  from  Corporal,  November 
14tb,  1864.     Ist  Lieutenant,  June  Ist,  1865. 

Addison  S.  Thompson,  2d  Lieutenant  from  Ist  Sergeant, 
June  Ist,  1865. 

Major  Davidson  raised  this  company  in  Allegany  county, 
N.  Y.,  and  it  was  mustered  into  the  service  of  the  United 
States,  August  3  Ist,  1861,  at  New  York  city,  by  Capt&ia 
S.  B.  Hayman,  U.  S.  Army. 

Asahel  A.  Spencer  was  the  first  man  of  the  regimen',, 
killed  in  action,  May  6th,  1862,  Harrisonburg. 

The  company  has  lost  two  1st  Sergeants,  killed  in  action, 
£.  S.  Dye  and  S.  W.  Sortore,  and  their  commissions  of 
2d  Lieutenants  reached  the  regiment  just  after  their  deaths. 

John  Lciser  deserted  irom  the  Rebel  army  and  joined 
this  company.  He  was  a  true  and  brave  soldier.  (See 
Table — Men  who  died  in  Rebel  Prisons.) 

Henry  W.  Monroe,  June  30th,  1863,  at  Hanover,  Pa.,  re- 
ceived a  gunshot  wound  through  his  body,  so  that  stones  of 
cherries  he  had  eaten  that  morning  passed  through  the 
wound.    He  got  welk 

Corporal  Charles  A.  Miner,  October  9th,  1864,  Tom's 
Brook,  while  pursuing  the  enemy,  emerged  from  a  piece  of 
woods,  in  sight  of  eight  Rebels.  He  cried  out  "  Come  on 
boys  1"  looking  back  as  though  he  were  leading  a  company 
of  men.  Without  firing  a  shot  the  Rebels  fled,  leaving  a 
wagon  loaded  with  hay,  and  six  mules.  He  was  killed  by 
the  falling  of  the  walls  of  Union  Hotel,  Winchester, 
December  16th,  1864. 

Major  L.  C.  Abbott,  October  9th,  1864,  captured  six  pri- 
soners, by  making  a  sabre  charge  upon  thorn. 

Lieutenant  M.  Strait,  September  lOtb,  1864,  had  a  button 



Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


Jorporal,  November 


from  1st  Sergeant, 

1  Allogany  county, 

'ice  of  the  United 

city,  by  Captain 

of  the  regimentj 

8,  killed  in  action, 
r  oommissions  of 
after  their  deaths. 

army  and  joined 
ive  soldier.    (See 

Hanover,  Pa.,  re- 
,  so  that  stones  of 
ised  through  the 

Jth,  1864,  Tom's 
1  from  a  piece  of 
id  out  "  Come  on 
nding  a  company 
Is  fled,  leaving  a 
le  was  killed  by 
tel,    Winchester, 

captured  six  pri- 


'64,  had  a  button 

of  his  poat  driven  into  his  left  hand,  by  a  bullet.  Ho 
fought  bravely,  October  9th,  1864,  capturing  General 
Kosser's  headquarters  wagon,  and  securing  the  general's 
private  saddle.  October  19th,  he  captured  a  brass  battery 
of  six  guns. 

S.  K.  Ford  joined  the  company,  August,  1861,  but  dis- 
played no  soldierly  qualities  until  October  9th,  1864.  He 
then  captured  five  prisoners,  and  October  19th  ho  fought 
desperately,  eliciting  general  admiration,  but  was  stiverely 
wounded  through  the  right  lung. 

Lieutenant  A.  8.  Thompson,  October  6th,  1864,  Brock's 
Gap,  had  his  horse  killed  under  him  and  was  surrounded  by 
the  enemy.  He  managed  to  secrete  himself  in  bushes  until 
night,  though  so  near  the  Bebels  as  to  hear  them  converse, 
and  escaped  through  their  picket  line,  under  cover  of  the 
darkness.  He  has  had  three  horses  killed  under  him.  Ser- 
geant S.  T.  Uptegrove,  October  6th,  1864,  was  captured, 
stripped  of  all  his  clothing,  and  only  old  rags  replaced,  and 
almost  starved.  He  escaped  from  Rebels  daring  the  fight  at 
Tom's  Srook,  October  9th. 

David  F.  Woloott  was  promoted  to  Saddler  Sergeant,  for  his 
fidelity  as  a  soldier  ind  a  man. 

L.  C.  Smith  had  three  horses  killed  under  him  in  action. 

Original  number  of  men,  94;  whole  number,  169;  men 
killed  in  action,  5;  mortally  wounded,  2;  wounded,  27; 
number  of  wounds,  39 ;  men  captured,  41 ;  died  in  Uebcl 
prisons,  7 ;  died  of  disease,  7  ;  killed  accidentally,  2 ;  dis- 
charged by  reason  of  wounds.  1 ;  veterans,  36 ;  veterans 
remaining  July  19th,  1865,  31 ;  whole  number  of  men  re- 
maining, 60. 

Original  horses  remaining,  1.  • 


.  ^>.<^3f^-*^ 


HisTOBic  Records. 

Company  F. 
Washington    Wheeler,    Captain,    August    80th,   1861. 
Major,  July  Ist,  1862.      Besigned,  September  26th,  1862. 
Levi  Curtis,  1st  Lieutenant,  August  80th,  1861.     Cap- 
tain, July  Ist,  1862.     Resigned,  January  22,  1883. 

William  D.  Lucaa,  2d  Lieutenant,  August  30th,  1861. 
1st  Lieutenant,  July  1,  1862.      Captain,  January  22,  1863. 
£dward  D.  Tolles,  2d  Lieutenant  from  Commissary  Ser- 
geant, July  Ist,  1868.     Ist  Lieutenant,  July  22d,  1863. 
Resigned,  October  29th,  1863. 

William  B.  Pickett,  2d  Lieutenant  from  1st  Sergeant, 
January  22d,  1863.  Ist  Lieutenant,  October  80th,  1863. 
Discharged,  Expiration  of  Term,  October  15th,  1864. 

Walter  C.  Smith,  2d  Lieutenant  from  private,  October 
80th,  1863.  Discharged,  Expiration  of  Term,  October  16th, 

Merritt  N.  Chafey,  Ist  Lieutenant  from  Regimental  Com- 
missary Sergeant,  November  14th,  1864. 

John  K.  Jeffrey,  2d  Lieutenant  from  Ist  Sergeant,  No- 
vember 14th,  1864. 

This  company  was  organized  in  Wyoming  county,  N.  Y., 
by  Captain  Wheeler,  and  was  mustered  into  the  service  of  the 
United  States,  September  2l8t,  1861,  at  New  York  city,  by 
Captain  S.  B.  Hayman,  U.  S.  Army. 

George  H.  Jenkins  May  30th,  1863,  shot  an  English 
officer,  who  was  working  a  Rebel  howitzer.  (See  account  c" 
that  engagement,  page  69). 

Q.  M.  Sergeant  D.  J.  McMillan  has  been  six  times 
wounded,  receiving  three  sabre  cuts,  June  30th,  1863,  and 


Fifth  New  Yokk  Cavalry. 


ist  80th,  1861. 
aber  26th,  1862. 
th,  1861.  Cap. 
12,  1888. 
;u8t  30th,  1861. 
inuary  22,  1863. 
lommissarj  Ser- 
luly  22d,  1863. 

a  Ist  Sergeant, 
ber  80th,  1863. 
5th,  1864. 
)rivate,  October 
1,  October  16th, 

Regimental  Com- 

t  Sergeant,  No- 

;  county,  N.  Y., 
le  service  of  the 
n  York  city,  by 

lot  an  English 
(See  account  c' 

been  six  times 
tOth,  1863,  and 

thretf  gunshot  wounds  afterward,  one  through  the  left 
lung,  October  19th,  1863. 

Eugene  Pratt  received  eight  wounds  in  one  engagement, 
March  11th,  1864,  from  the  musket  of  a  guerrilla,  three 
Diusket  balls  and  five  buck  shot. 

William  H.  Nieman,  captured,  October  19th,  1863,  was 
not  released  till  April  28th,  1865. 

Original  number  of  men,  92 ;  whole  number,  189 ;  men 
killed  in  action,  5 ;  mortally  wounded,  4 ;  wounded,  23 ; 
number  of  wounds,  84 ;  men  captured,  48 ;  missed  in  action 
and  never  heard  from,  2;  died  in  Rebel  prisons,  10;  died 
uf  disease,  6 ;  killed  accidentally,  8 ;  discharged  by  reason 
of  wounds,  4 ;  veterans,  9 ;  veterans  remaining  July  19th, 
1865,  8 ;  whole  number  of  men  remaining,  66, 


Abram  H.  Krom,  Captain,  August  1st,  1861.  Wounded 
twice.  May  8d,  1863.  Major,  December  5th,  i868.  Dis- 
charged, Expiration  '^f  7erm,  October  21st,  1864. 

Wallace  M.  Boyer.   Ist  Lieutenant,  August  30th,  1861. 
,  Resigned,  July  Ist,  1862. 

Eugene   B.   Gere,  2d   Lieutenant,  Augt'.st  27th,  1861. 
Lieutenant,   July  1st,    18(^2.      Wrjnded,  August  2d, 
1862.     B«8igned,  Novembci  19th,  1862. 

Abram  H.  Hasbrouck,  2d  Lieutenant,  September  20th, 
1862.     Captain,  company  B,  January  12th,  1863. 

James  Bryant,  Ist  Lieutenant  from  1st  Sergeant,  Novem- 
ber 19th,  1862.  Captain,  December  5th,  1883.  Captured, 
May  18th,  1864.  Discharged,  Expiration  of  Term,  Janu- 
ary 18th,  186fit 


t  ^ 



Historic  Records. 

Philip  Krohn,  2d  Lieutenant  from  Sergeant,  Jannary 
12th,  1863.  Ist  Lieutenant,  December  6th,  1863.  Dis- 
charged, Expiration  of  Term,  May  15th,  1865.  Three 
times  captured,  July  17th,  1862;  August  10th,  1863; 
June  1st,  1864. 

John  H.  Wright,  2d  Lieutenant  from  let  Sergeant, 
March  29th,  1864.     Captain,  Jan\ary  12th,  1865. 

William  H.  Knight,  2d  Lieutenant  from  Sergeant,  Janu- 
ary  12th,  1865.     Ist  Lieutenant,  ^  une  1st,  1865. 

Abijah  Spafford,  2d  Lieutenant  from  Ist  Sergeant,  June 
Ist,  1865. 

Captain  Krom  enlisted  this  company  in  Tioga  county, 
N.  Y.  It  was  mustered  into  the  service  of  United  States, 
September  30th,  1861,  Staten  Island,  N.  Y.,  by  Captain 
'  Lyon  Isaacs. 

John  Mooney  had  five  horses  killed  under  him  in  action, 
during  campaign  of  1864,  yet  was  not  wounded  nor  hurt 

Sergeant  Charles  A.  Phelps  has  been  employed  in  the 
secret  service,  as  scout,  by  Generals  Stahei,  Kilpatiick, 
Pleasanton  and  Meade. 

Sergeant  N.  W.  Barnum,  at  the  battle  of  Five  Forks, 
bore  General  Sheridan's  flag,  which  wau  pierced  by  two 
bullets,  and  the  standard  grazed. 

Oscar  E.  Farnham,  captured,  June  27th,  1864,  made 
his  escape  by  jumping  from  cars,  while  moving  at  the  rate 
of  twenty  miles  an  hour,  between  Augusta,  Ga.,  and  Savan- 
nah. He  wa£  thirty-four  days  in  reaching  General  Sher- 
man's army,  assisted  by  negroes,  on  his  way. 

P.  H.  White  and  R,  Dinehart,  October  9th,  1864,  cap- 
tured one  piece  of  artillery. 

>B^iwii,imi  II  iiiiiuimn,iiiiimiMijiiJMi'Hii'i!t-WgifW»ir-"w.iiiinM. 


Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


Sergeant,  January 
r6th,  1863.  Dig- 
th,  1865.  Three 
iguat   10th,   1863; 

rom   lat  Sergeant, 

Ith,  1865. 

im  Sergeant,  Jauu- 

3t,  1865. 

Ist  Sergeant,  June 

in  Tioga  county, 
s  of  United  States, 
N.  Y.,  by  Captain 

ider  him  in  action, 
wounded  nor  hurt 

n  employed  in  tbe 
Jtahel,  Kilpattick, 

le  of  Five  Fori^s, 
uj  pierced  by  two 

27th,  1864,  made 

uoving  at  the  rate 

a,  Ga.,  and  Savan- 

ing  General  Sher- 


r   9th,  1864,  cap- 

8.  Lynch,  October  19th,  1864,  captured  one  piece  of 

John  Evans,  March  7th,  1865,  had  a  ball  pass  through  a 
pack  of  cards  and  several  plugs  of  tobacco,  lodging  against 
the  skin  opposite  his  heart. 

Sergeant  B,  G.  Wilmot  was  captured,  rejoined  the  regi- 
ment, and  was  captured  again  the  same  day,  May  17th,  1864. 

Original  number  of  men,  95;  whole  number,  155;  men 
killed  in  action,  6;  wounded,  22;  number  of  wounds,  82  ; 
men  captured,  48 ;  missed  in  action  and  never  heard  from, 
2 ;  died  in  Rebel  prisons,  9 ;  died  of  disease,  7 ;  discharged 
by  reason  of  wounds,  2 ;  veterans,  27 ;  veterans  remaining 
July  19th,  1865,  25 ;  whole  number  of  men  remaining,  56. 

Company  H.  • 


John  Hammond,  Captain,  September  14th,  1861.  Major, 
September  26th,  1862.  Lieutenant  Colonel,  March  24th, 
1864.  Colonel,  July  3d,  1864.  Discharged,  Expiration  of 
Term,  September  3d,  1864.  Fore-finger  of  his  right  hand 
broken  by  a  pistol  ball,  September  13th,  1863  ;  Leg  bone 
jost  above  right  ankle  cracked  by  a  Mini6  ball,  June  Ist, 
18G4,  at  Ashland. 

Jonas  A.  Benedict,  1st  Lieutenant,  October  22d,  1861. 
Died  from  amputation  of  right  arm,  resulting  from  the  bite 
of  a  man  on  thumb,  December  11th,  1861. 

James  A.  Penfield,  2d  Lieutenant,  October  22d,  1861. 
1st  Lieutenant,  December  11th,  1861.  Captain,  September 
2Gth,  1862.  Wounded  by  sabre  cut  in  head,  and  captured, 
July  6th,  1863.  In  prison  till  March,  1865.  Commis- 
sioned Major,  March  29th,  1864.     Resigned,  May  2d,  1865. 

John  G.  Viall,  2d  Lieutenant,  December  11th,  1861.     Ist 


Historic  Records. 


Company  M,      ■ 

I  1 

Lieutenant,  September  26th,  1862. 
April  2d,  1864. 

Elmer  J.  Barker,  2d  Lieutenant  from  Sergeant,  Septem- 
ber 26th,  1862.  Ist  Lieutenant,  November  6th,  1868.  Cap- 
tain, March  29th,  1864.     Major,  November  14th,  1864. 

Eugene  B.  Hayward,  2d  Lieutenant  from  Ist  Sergeant, 
November  6th,  1868.  lat  Lieutenant,  March  29th,  1864. 
Captain,  November  14th,  1864. 

Lucius  F.  Renne,  Ist  Lieutenant  from  1st  Sergeant,  No- 
vember 14th,  1864. 

Clark  M.  Pease,  2d  Lieutenant  from  Ist  Sergeant,  No- 
vember 14th,  1864. 

This  company  was  organized  in  Crown  Point,  Essex 
county,  N.  Y.,by  John  Hammond,  assisted  by  C.  F.  Ham- 
mond, Esq.,  who  furnished  all  the  original  horses  for  the 
company  to  the  number  of  one  hundred  and  eight.  It  was 
mustered   into   the  United  States  service,   October   18th, 

1861,  at  New  York  city,  by  Captain  Bankhead,U.  S.  Army. 
It  was  detached  from  the  regiment,  to  cooperate  with  in- 
fantry in  the  Luray  Valley,  during  the  early  part  of  May, 

1862.  While  there  it  participated  in  several  sprightly 
skirmishes  with  the  enemy. 

Lieutenant  E.  J.  Barker  distinguished  himself.  May 
80th,  1868,  by  leading  a  charge  on  one  of  Mosby's  how- 
itzers, where  he  fell  wounded  with  two  grape  shot. 

Abram  Folger,  June  30th,  1868,  captured  Lieut.  Colonel 
Payne,  Rebel,  in  a  tan  vat,  where  the  colonel  had  fallen. 

Sergeant  S.  J.  Mason,  with  nine  men,  guarded  the  neu- 
tral ground  between  the  two  armies,  where  General  Lee 
surrendered  his  army  to  General  Grant,  April  9th,  1865, 
at  Appomattox  Court  House 


in,  Company  M, 

argeant,  Septem- 
6th,  1868.  Cap- 
r  14th,  1864. 
m  Ist  Sergeant, 
aroh  29th,  1864. 

St  Sergeant,  No- 

st  Sergeant,  No- 

n  Point,  Essex 
I  by  C.  F.  Ham- 
1  horses  for  the 
d  eight.  It  was 
October  18th, 
ittd,  U.  S.  Army, 
jperate  with  in- 
rly  part  of  May, 
leveral  sprightly 

1  himself.  May 
if  Mosby's  how- 
e  shot. 

d  Lieut.  Colonel 
el  had  fallen, 
uarded  the  neu- 
re  General  Lee 
^pril  9th,  1865, 

Fifth  Nkw  Yokk  Cavalry. 


John  P.  Durno,  0.  T.  Cornell,  D.  H.  Robbins,  all  en- 
listed in  this  company  at  Winchester,  Va.,  in  the  spring  of 
1862,  and  were  all  discharged  at  the  same  place,  at  expira- 
tion of  term  of  service,  without  ever  having  been  wounded 
or  hurt,  except  that  Robbins  was  a  prisoner  about  five 

Original  number  of  men,  106;  whole  number  198;  men 
killed  in  action,  6j  mortally  wounded,  2;  wounded,  81; 
number  of  wounds,  34  ;  men  captured,  65;  missed  in  action 
and  never  heard  from,  2 ;  died  in  Rebel  prisons,  15 ;  died 
of  disease,  12 ;  killed  accidentally,  2 ;  discharged  by  reason 
of  wounds,  4 ;  veterans,  28  ;  veterans  remaining,  July  19th, 
1865,  22 ;  whole  number  of  men  remaining,  47. 

Original  horses  remaining,  4. 

George  A.  Bennett,  Captain,   September,   1861.      Be« 
signed,  June,  1862. 

Edward  C.  Woodruflf,  1st  Lieutenant,  September,  1861. 
Resigned,  April  6th,  1862. 

George  C.  Morton,  2d  Lieutenant,  September  3d,  1861 
Ist  Lieutenant,  May  6th,  1862.     Captain,  June  2l8t,  1862. 
Disouarged  by  Special  Order  70  A.  G.  0.,  February  12th, 


William  B.  Cary,  2d  Lieutenant  from  Sergeant,  May  6th, 
1862.  1st  Lieutenant,  June  21st,  1862.  Captain,  March 
17th,  1864.  Discharged,  Expiration  of  Term,  October 
23d,  1864. 

Eugene  Sullivan,  2d  Lieutenant  from  Sergeant,  June 
2l8t,  1862.  Left  by  General  Orders  No.  7  Army  of  Poto- 
mac,  March  24th,  1864. 

•„i^ '.       j~^— -■--    -1  j^'.-spi,^ 'I  ,-•"■' -^ 



Historic  Rkcords. 

Robert  Black,  Ist  Lieutenant  from  2d  Lieutenant,  com- 
pany K,  March  17th,  1864.  Discharged  by  Special  Order 
No.  471  A.  G.  O.,  December  28th,  1864. 

Christopher  Heron,  2d  Lieutenant  from  Ist  Sergeant, 
March  29th,  1864.     Ist  Lieutenant,  January  18th,  1865. 

William  H.  Conklin,  2d  Lieutenant  from  Ist  Sergeant, 
January  13th,  1865. 

£dmOnd  Blunt,  Jr.,  Captain  from  Captain  company  M, 
June,  1865. 

This  company  was  formed  by  Captain  Bennett  of  men 
enlisted  in  New  York  city,  Orange  county,  N.  Y.,  and  in 
Plainfield,  N.  J.  It  was  mustered  into  the  service  of  the 
United  States,  September  27th,  1864,  at  Staten  Island,  N. 
Y.,  by  Captain  L.  S.  Lamed.  It  was  the  escort  of  General 
Heintcelman,  then  in  command  of  Defenses  of  Washington, 
from  August  27th,  1862,  to  September  1st,  1863.  A  por- 
tion of  the  company  was  in  the  advance  with  the  lamented 
Colonel  Dahlgren,  on  General  '  Kilpatriok's  raid  to  Bioh- 
mond,  March,  1864.    (See  account,  page  94). 

Bugler  Conrad  Bohrer,  August  2d,  1862,  saved  the  life 
of  Colonel  DeForest,  who  was  beset  by  a  dozen  Rebels. 
But  Bohrer's  horse  being  shot,  he  fell,  and  an  enemy  thrust 
him  through  the  body  with  a  sabre.  The  enemy,  being 
finally  beaten  and  driven,  the  body  of  this  dauntless  bugler 
was  recovered  and  honored  with  a  military  burial,  where 
he  fell. 

Robert  Campbell,  October  20th,  1864,  captured  fourteen 
prisoners  in  a  squad  near  Cedar  creek. 

Lewis  H.  Crandall  was  poisoned,  October,  1864,  at  Hani- 
vonburg,  dying  soon  after. 

Original    number   of   men,   90;    whole   number,   190; 

-gwi-Btif^  r'/^fW?;-,' 


FiFTu  New  York  Cavalky. 


leutenant,  com- 
^  Special  Order 

I   Ist  Sergeant, 
^  18th,  1805. 
n  Ist  Sergeant, 

lin  :^oinpany  M, 

iennett  of  men 
N.  Y.,  and  in 
service  of  the 
taten  Island,  N. 
cort  of  General 
of  Washington, 
,  1863.  A  por- 
;h  the  lamented 
s  raid  to  Bioh- 


S,  saved  the  life 
I  dozen  Rebels, 
in  enemy  thrust 
)  enemy,  being 
launtless  bugler 
ty  burial,  where 

ptured  fourteen 

1864,  at  Harri- 

number,   190; 

men  killed  in  action,  8  ;  wounded,  6 ;  number  of  wounds,  8  ; 
men  captured,  20;  died  in  Rebel  prisons,  10;  died  of  dis- 
ease, 10;  discharged  by  reason  of  wounds,  2;  veterans,  8; 
veterans  remaining,  July  19th,  1865,  3;  whole  number  of 
men  remaining,  57. 

Company  K. 
William  P.  Hallett,  Captain,  October  1st,  1861.     Re- 
signed,  December  16th,  1862. 

Zolman  J.  McMaaters,  Ist  Lieutenant,  October  9th,  1861. 
Captain,  December  16th,  1862.     Died  of  dUease,  September 

24th,  1863. 

Laurence  L.  O'Connor,  2d  Lieutenant,  October  16th, 
1861.  1st  Lieutenant,  December  9th,  1862.  Resigned, 
August  16th,  1863.     Captain,  March  5th,  1864. 

Henry  A.  D.  Merritt,  2d  Lieutenant  from  Sergeant,  com- 
pany L,  December  9th,  1862.  1st  Lieutenant,  August  16th, 
1863.    Captain,  November  14th,  1864.   Mojor,  November 

14th,  1864. 

Robert  Black,  2d  Lieutenant  from  Sergeant,  September 
1868.     1st  Lieutenant,  company  I,  March  17th,  1864. 

William  H.  Whitcomb,  2d  Lieutenant  from  1st  Sergeant, 
company  M,  May  2l8t,  1864.  Ist  Lieutenant,  company  L, 
November  14th,  1864. 

Thomas  O'Keefe,  2d  Lieutenant  from  Ist  Sergeant,  No- 
vember 14th,  1864.     Ist  Lieutenant,  June  Ist,  1865. 

Nathaniel  M.  Talmage,  2d  Lieutenant  from  Ist  Sergeant, 
June  1st,  1865. 

Captain  Hallett  organized  this  company  in  New  York 
city,  and  it  was  mustered  into  the  United  States  service, 


\^t      .1 



lIisTuiiiu  Ukcurus. 

September  27th,  1801,  at  Staten  iHland,  N.  Y.,  by  Captain 
L.  8.  liurned.  It  waa  liotailod  a«  Body  Uuard  for  Qon^ral 
HeiDtzelman,  August  27th,  1862,  until  kSepteniber  l:;!th, 
1802,  and  ait  escort  for  General  Euiory,  oouiuianding  10th 
Army  Corps,  September,  1804,  and  continued  with  the 
general  until  April,  1805. 

Lieiitouant  H.  A.  D.  Mcrritt,  in  command  of  part  of  this 
company,  and  of  company  I,  distinguished  himself  with  Col- 
onel DahJgron,  by  whoso  side  he  rode,  witen  the  Colonel 
was  killed,  on  Kilpatrick's  raid  to  Richmond,  March,  1804. 
(See  his  narrative  of  the  raid,  page  94). 

Sergeant  D.  11.  Scofield,  October  19th,  18G4,  captured  the 
colors  of  the  12th  Virginia  Infantry,  for  which  labor  he  re- 
.ceived  from  the  Secretary  of  War,  the  "  medal  of  honor," 
awarded  by  Congress. 

Mit'hael  Ke::ney  has  driven  a  team  of  six  mules  since 
the  organization  of  the  regiment,  and  retains  four  of  the 
original  animals. 

Original  number  of  men,  104 ;  whole  number,  164 ;  men 
killed  in  action,  2 ;  mortally  wounded,  1 ;  wounded,  8 ; 
number  of  wounds,  13 ;  men  captured,  81 ;  missed  in  action 
and  never  heard  from,  2 ;  died  in  Rebel  prisons,  11 ;  died  of 
disease,  5;  killed  accidentally,  1;  discharged  by  reason  of 
wounds,  1 ;  veterans,  17 ;  veterans  remaining,  July  19th, 
1805,  9 ;  whole  number  of  men  remaining,  60. 

Company  L. 
Charles  Arthur,  Captain,  September  27th,  1861.      Left 
by  Special  Order,  October  24th,  1802. 

Charles  C.  Suydam,  Ist  Lieutenant,  September  27th, 
1801.     Resigned,  May  0th,  1802. 


i.  y.,  by  Onptain 
luard  for  Oerferal 
iSepteniber  I2th, 
ouiuianding  lOth 
itinued  with  the 

id  of  part  of  this 
himself  with  Col- 
hen  the  ColoDel 
od,  March,  1864. 

8G4,  captured  the 
rhich  labor  he  re- 
medal  of  honor," 

'  six  mules  since 
4iiDs  four  of  the 

amber,  164 ;  men 
Ij  wounded,  8; 
;  missed  in  action 
sons,  11;  died  of 
;ed  by  reason  of 
ining,  July  19th, 
,  60. 

'th,  1861.      Left 
September  27th, 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 

Augustus  Barker,  2d  Lieutenant,  September  27th,  1861. 
]8t  Lieutenant,  May  6th,  1862.  Captain,  October  24th, 
mi.  Captured  by  Mobby,  March  9th,  1863,  at  Fairfax 
Court  House.  Killed  by  guerrillas,  at  Kelly's  Ford,  Sep- 
tember 14th,  1863. 

Frank  A.  Monson,  Ist  Lieutenant,  October  24th,  1862. 
CapUin,  September  14th,  1868.     Wounded  in  arm,  May 
3d,  1863,  at  Warrenton  Junction.  Resigned,  July  12th,  1864. 
Albert  B.  Waugh,  2d  Lieutenant  from  Sergeant,  October 
24di,  1862.     Ist  Lieutenant,  September  14th,  1863.     Dis- 
charged, Expiration  of  Term,  October  28d,  1864. 
George  C.  Morton,  Captain,  July  19th,  1864. 
William  H.  Whitcomb,  1st  Lieutenant  from  2d  Lieutenant 
Company  K,  November  14th,  1864. 

Peter  McMullen,  2d  Lieutenant  from  1st  Sergeant,  No- 
vember 14th,  1864. 

The  original  men  of  this  company  were  mostly  from  New 
York  city.  Captain  Arthur  organized  the  company,  and  it 
was  mustered  into  the  United  States  service,  September 
27th,  1861,  at  Staten  Island,  N.  Y.,  by  Captain  L.  S. 
Lamed.  It  has  been  in  all  the  engagements  of  the  regi- 
ment. It  was  detailed,  with  companies  I  and  K,  as  Body 
Guard  for  Qeneral  Heintzelman,  August  27th,  1862,  report- 
ing to  the  regiment  again,  with  company  K,  September 
13th,  1862. 

John  McEwan,  on  picket  near  the  Rebel  lines,  accompa- 
nied and  directed  General  Lee  to  the  house  where  he  held 
his  first  interview  with  General  Grant,  and  surrendered  his 

Original  number  of  men,  79 ;  whole  number,  164 ;  men 
killed  in  action,  4 ;   mortally  wounded,  1 }   wounded,  9 ; 


A  .^^  n 



i4''i%^S^^M(L^^><rM'^i^-ierti^>J'^m'^^^  •^■**'  * 




Historic  IIecokds. 



number  of  wouuds,  12;  E:en  captured,  39;  missed  in  action 
and  never  heard  from,  1 ;  died  in  Rebel  prisons,  10 ;  died 
of  disease,  12;  discharged  by  reason  of  wounds,  2 ;  vete- 
rans, 12 ;  veterans  remaining,  July  18th,  1865,  10 ;  vhole 
number  of  men  remaining,  44. 

Company  M. 

James  P.  Foster,  Captain,  October  1st,  1861.  Resigned, 
August  28th,  1862. 

Samuel  Ten  ^loeuk,  7st  Lieutenant,  October  Ist,  1861. 
Captain,  August  28th,  18G2.  Died  of  disease,  July  4th, 

George  S.  Clough,  2d  Lieutenant,  October  Ist,  1861. 
Resigned,  May  6th,  1862. 

Eugene  D.  Dimmiok,  2d  Lieutenant  from  1st  Ser^'eaot, 
May  9th,  1862.  Ist  Lieutenant,  August  28tb,  1862.  Cap- 
tain,  July  4th,  1863.  Wounded  in  right  hand,  July  6th, 
1863.    Discharged  by  reason  of  wound,  November  6th,  1863. 

Edmund  Blunt,  Jr.,  2d  Lieutenant,  September  26th, 
1862.  Ist  Lieutenant,  July  4th,  1863.  Captain,  Novem- 
ber 14th,  1864.    Transferred  to  company  I,  June,  1865. 

Wilbur  F.  Oakley,  2d  Lieutenant  from  Isi  Sergeant, 
July  4th,  1863.  let  Lieutenant,  November  14th,  1864. 
Captain,  January  12th,  1865. 

John  Q.  Yiall,  Captain  from  1st  Lieutenant  company  H, 
April  2d,  1864.  Appointed  Assistant  Quartermaster  of 
Volunteers,  June  18tL,  1864. 

William  G.  Peckham,  Ist  Lieutenant  from  Sergeant 
company  E,  January  12th,  1865. 

This  company  was  raised  by  Captain  Foster  in  New  York 

.  ;S!.:.'-.J.fc-ii 

nant  company  H, 
Quartermaster  of 

i  from    Sergeant 

ter  in  New  York 


Fifth  Nkw  York  Cavaluy. 


>  J  missed  in  action 
1  prisons,  10;  died 
■  wounds,  2 ;  vete- 
i,  1865,  10;  whole 

1861.    Resigned, 

October  1st,  1861. 
disease,  July  4th, 

cfcobor  Ist,  1861. 

Tom  Ist  Serj'eant, 
J8th,1862.  Cap. 
t  hand,  July  6th, 
vomber  6th,  1863. 
September  26th, 
Captain,  Novem- 
I,  June,  1865. 
m  Isi  Sergeant, 
aber  14th,  1864. 

city,  and  in  the  counties  of  Greene  and  Columbia,  and  it 
wag  mustered  into  the  service  of  the  United  States,  October 
;]lst,  1861,  at  Staten  Island,  N.  Y.,  by  Captain  A.  H. 
Krom.  It  was  escort  for  General  Banks,  from  August 
28th,  1862,  till  September  2l8t,  1862,  when  it  reported  to 
ihe  regiment. 

E.  B.  Warner  had  five  horses  killed  under  him  in  action, 
in  one  day,  September  19th,  1864,  at  Winchester.  He 
was  not  hurt  himself 

Sergeant  W.  H.  Whitcomb  had  two  horses  killed  under 
him  in  action,  and  six  mortally  wounded 

Original  number  of  men,  86;  whole  n-.mber,  186;  men 
killed  in  action,  2;  mortally  wounded,  2;  wounded,  11; 
number  of  wounds,  14 ;  men  captured,  26 ;  died  in  Rebel 
prisons,  7  ;  died  of  disease,  9;  killed  accidentally,  3;  vete- 
rans, 13 ;  veterans  remaining,  July  19th,  1865,  10 ;  whole 
number  of  men  remaining,  77. 





CHAiTEi;     'VHI. 

Complete  Roster  of  the  Regiment ;    each  company  giren  alpha- 
be.  "cally. 

T»ie  following  abbrevlatlonB  are  need :— Veterans,  by  small  capitaw  ;  Priioii- 
or»  of  War,  by  the  letter  a  ;  Died  of  disease,  by  the  letter  «  ;  Killed  accidentally, 
by  the  letter  e  ;  Missed  in  action  and  never  heard  from,  by  the  letter  d  ;  Num- 
oer  of  woimds  received  in  action,  by  the  ngnres  1,  8,  8,  Ac. 

Allen,  Solomon, 
AUIaou,  John, 
Avery,  Sdward, 
Bolt,  James  V.,  1. 
Brandt,  Qeorge, 
Babby,  Justin,  a 
Bemhardl,  Fred.  W.,  a 
Burke,  Tbomae, 
Beanmont,  John,  a 
Bond,  James  H., 
Br",  Joseph, 
Barwick,  Thomas, 
Branch,  Kuthvin  L., 
Brown,  Amos,  3. 
Boyd,  William  T.,  a 
Boioi,  Tbko.  a.,  6.  a 
Bates,  Qeorge,  a 
Bradford,  Landon, 
Backman,  Augustua 
Brlttell,  Erwln, 
Bradley,  Peter, 
Bibbins,  John  E., 
Bums,  Michael, 

Company  A.* 

Boutelle,  Frazer  A., 
Calvin,  Uenry, 
Cavanangh,  Jamea, 
Cbadwick.  William, 
Crowley,  James, 
Catlik,  John,  a 
Clark,  WiUlam.  1 
Coon,  Samuel  C, 
Crandall,  Charles  A., 
CbafTeo,  Alpheus,  b 
Ctuidwick,  Francis  B,, 
Clooney,  John  J.,  1. 
Cooper,  Edward, 
Clinton,  Robert, 
Donohne,  Patrick, 
Donohuo,  James, 
Duncan,  Alexander, 
Dougherty,  Charles, 
Day,  Edgar,  6 
Douglass,  John, 
Eldridge,  Thomas, 
Fl«mmlugs,  David, 
Fiagg,  Hubert, 

Freeman,  Winiam, 
Farley,  James,  a 
Goodwin,  Rollln  C,  a 
Qallagher,  James  H.,  1. 
Ulodell,  John, 
Oolng,  James,  a 
Gillefcple,  Patrick, 
G< '  'a-"'   niiarles,  a 
'.    "i  ,  KJiimrd, 
>' ->'   '■  ;:    JaJdn  J., 
.  ^     tre  >rge  A, 
H..  .,,.•-   Jr-     -■!•, 
Hall,  >>   ,    .ninF.,  a 
Hare,  Oomci  us, 
Hacket,  Uri, 
Hay,  Asa, 

Hatks,  Hicbacl,  1.  a 
Hennessey,  William, 
Hathaway,  Cl-acies  A., 
Holloway,  William  R, 
Hanberry,  John, 
Haesett,  William, 
Hallenbeck,  'I'unis, 

'  This  Company  had  In  all  la?  Men. 

.'  ?>^;=4;^^^5 


.v.i,rt',»^S*i!*S--  »,  .(atitei^w*.-Sl'i| 

Fifth  New  Yoek  Cavalky. 


ompany  giTen  alpha- 

f  small  CAPiTAu ;  Pri»oii- 
er  b  ;  Killed  accidentally, 
n,  by  the  letter  d ;  Niuii- 
8,  &c. 

Froeman,  Winiam, 
^rley,  Jamea,  a 
Goodwin,  Rollln  C,  a 
Gallagher,  Jamea  H.,  1. 
[ilodell,  John, 
QolDg,  James,  a 
Gillekpte,  Patrick, 
QoVv'v  niiarlei,a 
;  -t)'^.  t.jhirard, 
A-  X  ■■  i,  :AJdn  J., 
.  ^     George  A., 
bt.  ...     Jr      .)', 
Hall,  ij    ,   -.iilii  F.,  a 
Bare,  Oornci.  us, 
Backet,  Vri, 
Hay,  Aaa, 

flATSS,  HlCBACL,  1.  0 

tlenneseey,  William, 
flathaway,  Cl-aries  A., 
Holloway,  William  R, 
Hanberry,  John, 
Hassett,  William, 
HalleDbeck,  'I'nnis, 

Haut,  Patbiok,  a 

IlKKKICK,  WlIXlAM,  1. 

Ililnfler,  Henry, 
lleilcr,  John,  a 
llcipklna.  Merlin  J.,  a 

llDDaKINfl,   JOUN, 

llu|>kiu»,  William  H., 
l»dell,  John  B., 
Inuulla.  Robert, 
irwin,  Robert, 
JoueB,  Auaon,  1. 
Joues,  Luther  W., 
Jonen,  JnlluB, 
Johnston,  Robert,  a 
Jeuks,  George  K.,  1. 
Kennpy,  Thomas  8., 
Kelley,  John, 
Lamport,  John  H.,  a 
Leary,  Daniel, 
Leddy,  Bernard, 
Lively,  William  H., 
Lougeway,  Antolue,  a 
Lord,  William  B., 
Uppan,  William  H., 
MnKRAT,  WujjAJi,  a 
Halley,  John,  a 
HcGkabt,  Babtlit, 
Michaels,  Charles  A.,  b 
Marron,  John,  6 
McCarron,  WUUam  J., 
Moon,  John, 

HcOlTEBiJI,  Tboxai,  a 
MAauiHK,  Cbab.  a.,  3, 
HcKcon,  Arthur, 
McNere,  Patrick,  1.  a 
Martin,  Danixl,  a 
McDonald,  Jeb.,  S.  a 
Mkrbux,  Cuaoiccbt, 

Mailer,  Charles, 
Morehouse,  Edward  A., 
Merrill,  Henry, 
Morgan,  William, 


Milspaugh,  WilUam, 
Mohan,  James, 
McCauley,  Robert,  o 
McCormick,  Michael,  a 
McCormack,  William, 
McDermott,  Thomas, 
Mnrphy,  WUUam, 
Nell,  Arthur,  1.  a 
Normati,  Merritt, 
Nealo  J,  Patrick,  a 


O'DoNNiLL,  Patbiok, 
O'Connor,  Thomas,  a 
O'Farreil,  James, 
O'Flahbbtt,  DiNKiB,  a 
O'Brien,  John, 
O'Counell,  James, 
Otis,  Henry, 
Feck,  Jeremiah, 
Pierson,  William  H., 
Pulcipher.  William  P., 
Pbtebson,  John, 
PhlilipB,  Christopher,  d 
Pierre,  Frangols, 
Plunkett,  Robert, 
Peet,  Edward  D.,  6 
Rickey,  James, 
Ritchie,  Thomas,  t. 
Bodgem,  William, 
Romaine,  Constantine, 
Ryan,  Peter, 
Reed,  Alexander  E., 
Ryan,  Thomas, 

Ryner,  John, 
Stickney,  Moses, 
Bimmonds,  Chas.  F.,  d 
Bchreldner,  George, 
Sinclair,  Donald, 
Bmlth,  Charles  A., 


Stevenson,  John  Q., 
SulUran,  John, 
Satherland,  Charles, 
Sinclair,  Robert, 
Smith,  David, 
Salter,  Alexander, 
Spargl,  Francis, 
Taylor,  William,  a 
Taylor,  Alexander, 
Thompson,  James, 
Tripp,  John, 
Tappan,  WUUam  H., 
Terbosh,  Laancelot  B. 
Tyrrell,  Beth,  d 
Tv'ofi  Abel  T., 
Van  Kirk,  Thomas  W., 
Van  W«rt,  Jas.  C,  b 
Vun  Osdale,  Lewis,  a 
Williamson,  George, 
Wandell,  Andrew,  a 
Wetmore,  Dennis, 
Wales,  Selden  O., 
Wilbur,  George  F.,  a 
Wtnn,  Jamss,  1.  a 
Walksb,  Gkobor, 
WInchell,  James  N., 
Wilson,  John, 
Whitiiobb,  Albx., 
Woods,  WUUam, 
Woods,  John, 
Zimmerman,  Baldwin, 









Historic  Records. 

Avlst,  Henry  P., 
Alderdice,  Wtlllam, 
Abel,  Fredrick,  1. 
Billtngg,  Cklvln, 
Brown,  William, 
Brsdshaw,  Giifit'R.  W., 


Beebv,  Chaulbb, 
Bont,  Edwards.,  a 
Bkadin,  John,  a 
Brown,  George, 
Browm,  Jomr, 
Burnap,  Tracy, 
Balcom,  Myron  B., 
Burt,  Bdmand,  Jr., 
Barden,  Oscar  L., 
Bufnn);ton,  Henry  P., 
Bufflngtnn,  Nathan  H., 
Bonxcrlee,  John, 
Bradshaw,  John, 
BnrriUa,  Francis, 
Chambbbs,  Jabiz,  a 
Cooney,  William, 
Crlddle,  William,  e 
Col<>mBn,  Mifihael, 
ChrlHtlan,  Robert,  a 
Chaffee,  Hanson  Q.,  1. 
Chaffee,  Otis  H., 
Chaffee,  Edwin  B.,  1. 
Cole,  Orlando,  1. 
Cole,  Avery, 
Corbin,  Levi  H., 
Cortes,  William, 
Cann,  Edward,  b 
Cram,  Henry, 
ColOn,  Oerman, 
Curaher,  Peter, 
Carlos,  Jotin, 
Collins,  Jeremiali, 
Dyke,  Jolin, 

Company  B-* 

Dewey,  Matthew, 
Dillon,  John, 
Driscoll,  James, 
Denniston,  Saml.  H.,  1. 
Da  'enport,  Keyes, 
Doij^herty,  William,  a 
Decker,  Charles, 
Day,  Michael, 
Duffcy,  James, 
Dana,  Henry  L., 
Dubois,  John  B.,  a 
Depow,  Job,  1. 
Dncat,  Joseph,  Jr. 
Dulrais,  Henry, 
Ellis,  Charloa, 
Eddy,  Albert, 
French,  James, 
Ford,  William  V.,  a 
Fceney,  Thomas, 
Freeman,  Hugh, 
FeiyuBon,  John  H., 
Fowler,  John  A., 
Fero,  Pet«r  H.,  1. 
Ooggana,  John, 
Oabdklle,  Obotmi,  1. 
Gorton,  Cornelius,  a 
Graham,  Edward,  1. 
Green,  Jackson, 
Green,  John, 
Hayes,  Charles,' 
Holler,  Christian, 
Hank,  Edward, 
Hogan,  James, 
Horr,  John, 

Hntchlns,  Simeon,  A.,  a 
Hogle,  Martin  V., 
Hay,  Wellington, 
Hay,  William, 
Hannan,  James, 
Isaacs,  David, 

'  This  Company  had  in  all  190  Men. 

Jones,  Joei, 
Jelley,  James,  ' 

Kelley,  James,  a 
King,  Lonls, 
Leech,  Thomas  S., 
Lamarsh,  Peter, 
Leno,  Thomas, 
Laren,  John, 
I«tonr,  Joseph,  a 
Latonr.  Solomon,  Jr., 
lAthrop,  Mervin,  1. 
Lewis,  Cyrus  B., 
Lewis,  James,  1.  a 
Lynch,  John, 
Lanney,  Patrick  H., 
Levy,  Bernard,  1. 
Lagnna,  Migtiel, 
Miles,  SiUs,  a 
McChale,  Michael, 
McCormick,  Robert, 
McXalley,  Edward, 
McChale,  James, 
McCaw,  John, 
McHanns,  John, 
HcCarty,  James, 
Miller,  Amos, 
Morse,  John  L.,  a 
MIIId,  Francis, 
Martin,  Edward  A.,  d 
M4]or,  Benjamin, 
Mnrpliy,  Daniel, 
More,  Adam, 
Mowbray,  William  R, 
Moran,  William, 
Manning,  Mortimer  F., 
Mahar,  Robert, 
Morriseey,  John, «' 
Newland,  Frandi, 
Northaway,  Sraetns, 
Neddo,  John  U 



roDea,  Jmi, 
Jelley,  James,  ' 

Selley,  Jamei,  a 
Qng,  Loaii, 
^ch,  Tbonuw  S., 
iJtmsnsh,  Peter, 
[<eno,  Tbomai, 
Jiven,  John, 
Atonr,  Joaeph,  a 
^toar.  Solomon,  Jr., 
Athrop,  Hervin,  1. 
.cwl»,  Cyrus  B., 
.ewiii,  James,  1.  a 
•ynch,  John, 
•anney,  Patrick  H., 
-evy,  Bernard,  1. 
a^na,  Miguel, 
[ties,  Silas,  a 
luChale,  Hlchael, 
:cCormlck,  Robert, 
:cNalIey,  Bdward, 
cChale,  James, 
:cCaw,  John, 
icUanuB,  John, 
cCarty,  James, 
lller,  Amos, 
oree,  John  L.,  a 
ttlf,  Francis, 
artin,  Edward  A.,  d 
iioT,  Benjamin, 
urphy,  Daniel, 
ore,  Adam, 
owbray,  William  R, 
oran,  William, 
annlng,  Hortlmer  F., 
fthar,  Robert, 
orrigeey,  John, «' 
iwland,  Francis, 
irthawsy,  Erastns, 
iddo,  John  B 


Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


O'BlenIa,  Charles, 
O'Connell,  Lewis, 
O'Donnell,  James, 
O'Connell,  James, 
Page,  WUlUm  C,  a 
Putnam,  Charles  K., 
Pbici,  Edward, 
Pahlow,  EBaMinB  E., 
Perrt,  Josbpr, 
Place,  Armstrong  B., 
Pray,  John  H., 
(|uiun,  Joseph, 
Reeves,  William  P., 
Reed,  John, 
Reed,  Gorman  H., 
Rosenbrock,  Joseph, 
Kichnrds,  Samuel, 
Koacb,  James  M., 
Rlx,  Silas  A.,  a 
Ranclman,  John  R.,  a 
Richards,  Thomas, 
Richards,  Herman,  a 
Rooney,  John,  a 
Rooney,  Michael, 

Statlbt,  Ch>s.,  S.  a 
Snyder,  Edward, 
Sheardown,  J.  M.,  1.  a 
Smith,  John  S.,  1. 
Stewart,  Charles, 
.  SAMPsoir,  WuxiAM  H.,  a 
Surprise,  Nelson,  it 
Scafe,  Robert, 
Smith,  Amos  B., 
Stafford,  John,  1. 
Scully,  William, 
Son,  William  H., 
Strong,  Harvey  J., 
Smith,  George  T., 
Smith,  Edmund, 
Seddlnger,  James, 
Schorry,  Jacob, 
Sauerwein,  Alliert, 
Shugare,  Daniel,  1. 
Tonnerhlll,  James, 
TiBRNBT,  Patrick, 
Updyke,  John  R., 
Ward,  Edward, 

Walsh,  William, 
Waghom,  Jotm.  3.  a 
Whalen,  James, 
Wood,  Oscar, 
Wliklns,  David,  1. 
Welsh,  Andrew, 
Waggoner,  George, 
Walsh,  Jaius, 
Whaley,  George  T.,  b 
Winch,  Clark,  1. 
Wilbur,  WIUlB,  1.  <5 
Whipple,  EliBha  W., 
Whipple,  Frank, 
Wheeler,  Ellas  W., 
Williamson,  William, 
Whitaker,  Aaron, 
Walsh,  James, 
Wayne,  William, 
Walker,  Charles  H., 
Westerfield,  Charles,  1. 
West,  William, 
Young,  John, 
Young,  WUllam,  1.  d 




Historic  Kecords. 


AdHinH,  JanieB, 
BatcRoD,  John, 
BakeniAo,  William  H., 
Brothers,  Charles,  a 
Blrtiell,  Abner, 
BillliigR,  Calvlo, 
Bureau,  Joseph  B.,  a 
BUROEM,  A.  D.,  1.  a 
BucKLxr,  JORX,  1. 
Brennan,  William,  1. 
Bogue,  Fred  S.,  a 
Barry,  ■William. 
BIgelow,  Ephralm,  d 
BIgclow,  Henry,  b 
Beardsley,  William  P., 
Browu,  Charleti, 
Curtis,  B.  N., 
CovrKB,  Hiciuni, 
Clarke,  James  W., 
Cooklln,  Oardner,  1,  a 
Crolghton,  William, 
Cooper,  Louis, 
Caldccott,  Joseph, 
Church,  Charlea  L.,  a 
Campbell,  Levi  C, 
Cavanangh,  Joseph, 
Caple,  Elijah, 
Clare,  Simon, 
Duvall,  Robert  H., 
Doty,  George  W., 
Douglass,  Joseph, 
Dailey,  Anthony, 
Doyle,  Cornelius, 
Doyle,  James, 
Drlscoll,  John, 
Donohue,  Florence, 
Dovoe,  John, 
Dudley,  John, 
Durand,  Ferdinand, 

Company  C* 

Doslletz,  Fellr,  1. 
Evans,  Jok.j  W.,  a 
Flitchard,  George, 
FarroU,  James, 
Fuller,  Perclval, 
Fitch,  Edward  H.,  a 
Falrchlld,  Uenry, 
Fbkntkr,  Tuomas, 
Ferris,  Almon  F., 
Finan,  Patrick,  a 
Flnley,  Martin,  b 
Graham,  Robsbt  W., 
Geratt,  Phiup  J., 
Gaffuey,  Philip, 
Greenwood,  Wlllbun,  1. 
Grugoire,  Himla, 
Gardner,  John, 
Haley,  Michael, 
Hnlley,  MIchsel, 
Ilodge,  ('harles, 
Ilogan,  Philip, 
Hickok,  George  C,  1.  a 


Hogan,  Patrick, 

QiailLAHD,  Jamkb, 
Hayes,  Timothy,  c 
Haley,  Michael, 
Hurley,  Daniel, 
Holdrtdge,  William, 
HIckey,  William, 
Hand,  Lanrence,  a 
Hill,  Henry, 
Hughes,  Michael, 
Harrington,  Philip, 
Johnson,  Charles, 
Jones,  David, 
Jones,  William,  a 
Jeandro,  Elijah, 
Keefe,  Edward, 

King,  Theodore, 
KIstner,  John,  1. 
Ketchum,  Charles,  b 
Kelley,  William, 
Kamahan,  Patrick,  a 
Kenney,  Patrick, 
Leeney,  George,  a 
LEAnrr,  William,  1, 
Leonard,  Bartholomew, 
IJncoln,  Patrick  ^,  a 
Lucas,  Jobn  C, 
Lauray,  George  C, 
Lncha,  John,  a 
Lahne,  Napoleon,  a 
Murphy,  MIciiael,  r 
Meagher,  John, 
Martin,  Edward, 
Michaels,  James,  a 
Morrell,  Isaac, 
Mornemeut,  Mark  D., 
Meade,  Sylvester,  S.  a 
Montgomery,  Thomas,  o 
Manor,  William,  a 
Miller,  Rockwell  D.,  d 
Moore,  Orlando,  1. 
:.Iorau,  Edward, 
Mead,  Edward,  b 
Mitchell,  Thomas, 
Mack,  Michael, 
Marshall,  Miltoa  C, 
Mason,  George, 
McCormick,  Willlaro, 
McCoy,  Alleu  B., 
McComb,  James,  b 
McKlssIck,  David, 
McCAin.ET,  OWKN,  1.  a 
McNijLTT,  Owen,  7.  a 
McGlade,  Joseph, 
McLane,  John, 
McDade,  James,  1. 

*  This  Company  had  In  all  166  Men. 

\.^t'^^tX-'--'^-:%^^Vl^^  ■  •■ 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalky. 


J,  Theodore, 
ner,  John,  1. 
chum,  Charles,  b 
ej,  WUIlam, 
AH4if,  Patiucx,  a 
ney,  Patrick, 
ley,  George,  a 
DBT,  WlIXIAV,  1, 

lard,  Bartholomew, 
oin,  Patrick  Q.,  a 

k»,  JOBN  C, 

ay,  George  C, 
la,  John,  a 
le.  Napoleon,  a 
[ihy,  Michael,  r 
gher,  John, 
TIN,  Edward, 
laels,  Jame«,  a 
-ell,  Isaac, 
lemeut,  Mark  D., 
le,  Sylvester,  S.  a 
tgomery,  Thomas, « 
)r,  William,  a 
tr.  Bock  well  D.,  d 
V,  Orlando,  1. 
u,  Edward, 
1,  Edward,  b 
lell,  Thomas, 
:,  Michael, 
hall,  MUtoii  C, 
>n,  George, 
jrmick,  Willlaro, 
>y,  Alleu  B., 
)mb,  James,  b 
Issick,  David, 
LUI.ET,  0WI!N,  1.  a 
JLTT,   OWBN,  7.  d 

ade,  Joseph, 
me,  John, 
kde,  James,  1. 

McNeamey,  Charles, 
HcOrath,  William, 
Norman,  Adeodat, 
Norman,  Edward, 


Newton,  Horace, 
Nolan,  Thomas, 
oMcara,  Daniel, 
O'Connor,  Timothy, 
O'Connor,  Patrick, 
Owen,  Leonard,  Jr.,  a 
P«i«e,  Henry  W. 
I'erty,  James,  e 
I'TRis,  Uenrt,  a 
Qi'iNuiN,  Patrick, 
KIckcrts,  John  B., 
Rlckerti,  Harvey  H., 
Kensing,  Bgnotc,  1. 
litymer,  Fredrick,  a 
Riches,  James  II., 
Ttoach,  William. 
Reynolds,  Thomas, 
Bock,  John, 

Riley,  Martin,  1. 
Riche,  Ix>nis,  1. 
Stananaught,  Richard, 
Smith,  Sherman  U., 
Smith,  Jolin, 
Smith,  John, 
Smith,  William  ?.,  a 
Smith,  George  W., 
Smith,  James, 
Stinson,  George, 
Sackett,  Edmand,  a 
Southard,  Matthew,  a 
Sawtbr,  Frio  M.,  1 
Shea,  John, 
Stein,  John,  1.  a 
Snyder,  John, 
BhsUey,  Thomas, 
Spaoldtng,  Nelson  W., 
Soper,  Briggs, 
Schoolcraft,  Perry,  1. 
Shaver,  Samuel  M., 
Sketton,  John, 
BuUlvan,  James, 

Tiflkny,  Patrick,  a 
Taylor,  John  W., 
Tench,  James,  a 


Titus,  WUIlam  H., 
Touhill,  John, 
'Van,  Nicholas, 
'Vreclond,  James, 
Wr'  lit,  Aaron,  1. 
Willard,  Charies  W„ 
Wilbur,  George  H., 
Wilter.  WUIlam, 
Whittemoro,  Be^J.  M.,  a 
Wissells,  George, 
WlUiams,  Charles, 
Weaver,  Charles, 
Whaien,  Michael, 
Withers,  John,  a 
WUUams,  John, 
Wescott,  Brastu, 
Wood,  James, 
Whitney,  Oeois*, 






Historic  Records. 



Alberty,  Jamea  F., 
Armstrong,  James  n., 
Allen,  Alonzo  F., 
Appleby,  Uenry  J.,  1. 
Adams,  Joseph, 
ilnsh,  Thomas, 
Billings,  peury  C, 
Bellows,  Qeorge  H., 
BalUrd,  Geoige  W., 
Btngham,  Charles  K.,  a 
BowuiB,  Patrick,  1. 
Barber,  Edmnnd,  1. 
Bakeman,  William  H., 
Bennett,  Edwin, 
Bnnn,  Oeorgo  A., 
Brooks,  Keaben, 
Collins,  Thomas, 
Courtney,  John  C,  a 
Cnrran,  John  C, 
Chaffee,  Wilson,  b 
Cady,  Michael, 
Chapman,  Tarquin,  a 
C'rltchley,  Kdward, 
Cadwcll,  Jerome, 
Colo,  John  P., 
Caixanan,  Jib.  J.,  1. 
Ciuoamon,  C.  H.,  1.  a 
Cinnamon,  Pbtsb, 
Cook,  Ira  J., 
Caroli,  Frederic, 
Cringer,  David  E.,  6 
Cardelle,  Samuel, 
Davis,  Henry, 


Duren,  Henry  M., 
Dovoe,  Comelins,  a 
Elliott,  John  H., 
Eastman,  Cuarlrs  h., 
Fancier,  Thomas, 

Company  D.* 

Fox,  Thomas,* 
Geary,  Michael, 
GRKSuir,  8.  H.,  1.  a 
Gallagher,  Patrick,  a 
Grosvenor,  Charles  H., 
Goyette,  John, 
Oarrow,  James, 


Hurlbert,  Ira  O., 
Hants,  John  G.,  Jr., 
Hathaway,  William, 
IIeisskii,  Robiht, 


HoKiRK,  Obobub  B 
Higgins,  Peter,  a 
Ileam,  Joseph, 
Hastings,  Edward,  a 
Hazleton,  Norman,  a 
Hard,  Henry,  a 
Jordon,  Walter, 
Jandrew,  Francis,  1 
Kenwell,  Richard,  a 
Kelley,  Patrick, 
Lee,  James, 
Lester,  Oharies  F., 
Laspen,  Germanio, 
Llndee,  Francis,  d 
Latham,  Joseph, 
Langdon,  John, 
Lanlgar,  John, 
Lather,  Allen  D., 
Lynch,  Thomas,  a 
Marehall,  WlUiam  H.,  1. 
Matthews,  Peter, 
HoiTATT,  Jambs, 
Mahoney,  Dennis,  1.  a 
Matthews,  Charios,  a 
Murphy,  Michael  J.. 
Malone,  Edward, 
Morehouse,  Frank,  a 

McDormott,  John, 
M'Olnluy,  J«».  A.A.n 
McCarthy,  Patrick,  b 
McSweeney,  Engcne,  a 
McGovem,  Peter,  1.  a 
McNeil,  John  T., 
McDuugall,  Horace, 
McCoy.  Thomas, 
Newell,  Nelson  M.,  a 
Ortman,  Henry, 
Preston,  Edwin,  b 
Preston,  Homan, 
Perry,  Abraham, 
Preble,  Clark, 
Pitcher,  William, 
Pinkham,  Andrew,  a 
Pierce,  Henry  C,  1. 
Perry,  Arthnr,  a 
Pbllbtt,  Hbnbt  H., 
Pbrkinb,  Ransom  A., 
Parris,  George  W., 
Quinu,  John,  1.  a 
Riley.  Thomas, 
Ross,  Thomas  H., 
Rhine  vault,  Orman,  a 
RIloy,  Patrick, 
Randall,  A.  M., 
Reed,  James  W.,  b 
Retnolss,  Thomas, 
Rogers,  Harman,  a 
Bhearer,  Sanford  L.,  a 
Stone,  Henry,  a 
Smitb,  Hibak  a.,  5.  d 


Smith,  James,  d 
Smith,  Nelson, 
Smith,  Henry  J., 
Scrtpter,  Cyril  E.,  a 
SuLUTAN,  John,  a 
Saunders,  Reuben,  a,  i 

•  This  Comiiany  had  in  all  161  Men. 

^  *-«s^ 

f  cDormott,  John, 
ilcdlnlcy,  J«».  A..  1.  n 
IcCarthy,  Patrick,  b 
IcSweeney,  Eagene,  a 
IcGoTern,  Peter,  1.  a 
IcNell,  John  T., 
[cDougalt,  Ilorace, 
[cCoy.  Thomas, 
fewoll,  Nulson  M.,  a 
rtman,  Henry, 
reaton,  Edwin,  b 
reiton,  Iloman, 
erry,  Abrnham, 
reble,  Clark, 
Itcher,  WiUlam. 
Inkham,  Andrew,  a 
lerce,  Ilenry  C,  1. 
erry,  Arthnr,  a 

tLLSTT,  HlNBT  H., 
RRIUHB,   IUn*OX  a., 

irriB,  Oeorg^  W., 
ainu,  John,  1.  a 
lley.  Thumaa, 
088,  Thomaa  H., 
tiinevaalt,  Orman,  a 
lloy,  Patrick, 
indall,  A.  M., 
eed,  Jamea  W.,  b 
ETNOLOB,  Thomas, 
tgera,  Harman,  a 
learer,  Sanford  L.,  a 
one,  Henry,  a 
QTB,  HiBAX  A.,  6.  a 

lith,  James,  d 
ilth.  Nelson, 
iltb,  Henry  J,, 
ripter,  Cyril  E.,  a 
iLUTAM,  John,  a 
nnders,  Beuben,  a,  b 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 

Sheebey,  William,  a 
Stone,  Fred.  B.,  (i 
Schermerhom,  K.  L.,  a 
8chermerhom,  Peter,  a 
Schaltz,  Henry,  e 
!(lnne,  Oardner, 
Tuflleld,  Labare, 
Tcrliune,  John  J., 
Tnieey,  Eira  B., 
TiiERMCT,  John,  a 


Ttnner,  James  H., 
Taylor,  Robert,  a 
Tucker,  John,  a 

Trendon,  John  B.,  1 
TucI,  David, 
Talnter,  Charies, 
Thomas,  Highland,  1.  a 
Underhlll,  Frederick, 
Van  Valkenburgh,  U., 
Van  Orman,  William  D., 
Van  Marter,  William  W., 
Van  Harter,  Alh«d  A.,  a 
Vanghn,  John, 
Walsh,  Jamis,  a 
Walsh,  John,  a 
Wasbbnm,  Albert,  i 
White,  Jamea, 

White,  Joel  J., 
Wright,  Charles, 
Williams,  John  P.,  a 
Watkins,  William  W., 
Wyatt,  DaTid  K., 
Watson,  William,  a 
Watson,  John,  1. 
Washbnm,  NichoUa,  a 
Wheeler,  Garry  D., 
White,  Addison  D„  1.  <f 
Wales,  Rnssell, 
Wamor,  Ebenezer, 
Welsh,  Thomaa, 
Goodrich,  Warren  D. 




Abbott,  Libkitt  C, 
Avrrat,  Botal  Q.,  a 
Auitlu,  Flank, 
AuzAMDia,  B.,  1.  a 
AtUmi,  Leonard, 
Aldricb,  Annon, 
Andrew*,  Ellas  N., 
Ileardaley,  Charlea  B., 
Bamnm,  Godfrey,  Jr., 
Balgard,  Edward, 
BIzby,  Daniel  C,  a 
Boyle,  James, 
Blood,  Aognstas  C, 
Bronson,  Lafoyette, 
Berdan,  Albert, 
Bennett,  Lyman  H., 
Bennett,  Hilton  H., 
.  Bcardsley,  Charles  W., 
Brown,  Ell  P.,  b 
Hrown,  George  R.,  b 
Brown,  Ueury  C, 
Byinoton,  R.  N.,  1. 
Bnrke,  John, 
Broniion,  Frank, 
fioylBlon,  Edgar  0., 
Breunan,  John, 
Bernard,  Jnlea, 
Chase,  Jamis  H.,  1. 
Campbell,  Dennis,  a 
Cnff,  Charles, 
Crowley,  James, 
Clark,  Fred  J.,  a 
Crawford,  Rochester  W., 
CnmpbeU,  Owen, 
Dragon,  Frank, 
PavU,  Leroy  F., 
Dcvanna,  John  H., 
Dolph,  Aaron, 
Dolph,  Joseph, 
Dickinson,  D.  R.,  b 

Company  E.* 

Dye,  William  P., 
Dye,  EUm  8., 

DlCKIKBOM,  FoaTBH,  1. 
DaTIS,  WlLUAM  U.,  1 

Davis,  L.  Uberto, 
Dillon,  Michael, 
Batoh,  Aaron  0., 

EaTOM,  WlUiAM  A.,  a 

EnaAN,  CmusTiAN,  1. 
Ehinan,  Fred  J.,  Jr.,  a 
Ehman,  Jeremiah, 
Elliott,  William  J., 
Euber,  Lewis, 
KItch,  John  P., 
Flak,  Frank,  b 
FiLKiNS,  Isaiah  V.,  a 
FoBD,  8hbr>ah  K.,  1. 
Gould,  Adelbert  E. 
Gallup,  Joseph  O., 
Gallup,  Gordon, 
Gleason,  Jonathan, 
Gordon,  Jefferson  T., 
Granger,  James, 
Hams,  Edward,  b 
Heady,  John,  7. 
Bahoe,  John, 
ntles,  Francis, 
Uuestls,  John, 
Hall,  Archibald,  S. 
Hall,  WiUlam, 
Hamilton,  John  B., 
Hnssey,  John, 
Howard,  William, 
Johnson,  Emstns, 
Jabert,  James, 
Jackson,  William,  a 
Jackson,  Andrew,  a 
King,  Joshua, 
King,  Reuben  T., 
Keyes,  Orson  S.,  a 

Katun,  BuiuiBB  S., 
Kennedy,  John  0., 
Leslie,  William  J., 
Laromy,  Bartomie, 
Lawrence,  Hiram  M., 
LItynskI,  Joseph, 
Lakb,  OcoRaB  W., 
Lollls,  John  E., 
Lamarsh,  Charles, 
Leiser.  John,  a 
Long,  George, 
Marsh,  Daniel  W., 
Merrtman,  Daniel  B., 
Merrlman,  D.  W., 
Morris,  Charles  A.,  1. 
MiNKB,  Chas,  a.,  I.  e 
Miner,  Henry,  a 
Miner,  Cornelius  W., 
HoBOAN,  James  K.,  1. 
Monroe,  Henry  W.,  1, 
Morris,  Edward  L., 
Maloney,  Michael,    . 
Montz,  William, 
Mulligan,  John,  1. 
Mortimer,  Henry,  b 
Magai,  Johannis, 
Hahia,  Charles,  b 
Mackey,  Patrick, « 
Hasten,  Paul, 
Myott,  Oliver, 
Moran,  John,  I. 
MachUng,  Debold,  1.  a 
McMin.uni,  Chabucs, 
HcELastnniT,  A.  J., 
McGrolgan,  Charles, 
McCallon,  George,  a 
Newtoh,  Cbas.  M.,  1. 
Nash,  Halcom  H., 
Olmsted,  Franklin, 
Osborn,  Joseph  R.,  a 

*  This  Company  had  in  all  1U9  Hen. 

LiixK,  Bcmm  K., 
mnedy,  John  C, 
■lie,  WUlikm  J., 
romy,  Bcrtomle, 
wrence,  Oiram  M., 
tynekl,  Jo«eph, 
KB,  QCOMI  W., 
Ilia,  Jobii  K., 
morsb,  Cbtrlet, 
Iter,  John,  a 
ng,  Oeorife, 
nh,  Daniel  W^., 
irlman,  Daniel  K, 
rrlman,  D.  W., 
rrls,  CUrle*  A.,  1. 
jr«B,  Cha*.  a.,  1.  e 
ner,  Henry,  a 
ler,  Cornelioa  W., 
ROAN,  Jaui  K.,  1. 
nroe,  Henry  W.,  1. 
rrls,  Edward  L., 
loney,  Michael,    . 
lU,  William, 
lligan,  John,  1. 
•timer,  Henry,  b 
;ai,  Johannlt, 
ila,  Charlea,  b 
key,  Patrick,  e 
ten,  Paul, 
)tt,  Oliver, 
an,  John,  1, 
:hling,  Debold,  1.  a 
Awixtt,  Chablzs, 
ifl«KNBT,  A.  J., 
trolgan,  Charles, 
'allon,  George,  a 
rTOH,  Chai.  H.,  1. 
b,  Halcom  H., 
8ted,  Franklin, 
>rn,  Joseph  R.,  a 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


Porter,  John  C, 
Filmer,  Alonio, 
Pierce,  Cnrtla  B..  !■ 
Peiinei,  Francli, 
P»CKHA«,  W.  O.,  1. 
Paokabd,  LomK  F.,  !• 
Paddock,  Bo«w«ll  A,,  I 
Pabcblui,  T.,  1.  o 
Rew,  Hn/roK  D.,  a 
Rew,  Newton  0.,  1,  a 
liatbbone,  John, 
Raaey,  LorencoU, 
Rubertaon,  J.  Kllphalet, 
Ryan,  John  A.,  a 
Richard!,  Godftay, 
Rlcbardi,  Thomaa  B., 
RobertMm,  Alex.  L., 

Btaanton,  Henry, 


BoRToiia,  Hamtoro  H., 
Sortore,  John  D., 
Sortore,  Blliba, 
Swart,  FRAmtuir  9., 
,  Btrait,  Matthbw,  S.  a 
Bnow,  Andrew  J.,  1. 
Beaman,  Henry, 
Bherrer,  Henry, 
Spencer,  Aaaliel  A., 
Smith,  Lafliyette  0., 
Thoiowon,  a.  B.,  a 
Tbraix,,  Eownr,  a 
Thrall,  Ira, 
Trowbridge,  John  B.,  1. 

Tonrrtllon,  Adolph, 
Uftrohotr,  B.  T.,  ».  a 
Vsnderrtlle,  John.  1. 
Whipple,  Walter, 
Woodward,  Jacob, 

WoRTBUtOTOIl,  L.  U.,  a 
Woi^corr,  Datid  F., 
Watuuiousr,  W.  H.,  a 
Walsh,  Michael, 
Wood,  John  L., 
Well,  John, 
Wells,  Richard  M., 
Wemette,  PanI,  a 
Williams,  Bdwin  0., 


iM^M^'  -^j«iSSSS&*>fe^--^'*«  .>*^<^*^  A'^-x'^-'  *" 



IIiBTORio  Records. 


Atiatln,  Merritt,  a 
Arnold,  Corrtogton  F., 
Aztetl,  Jdneph, 
Acklor,  Wtlltiun  v., 
Aiken,  Iloraco, 
Atwood,  HIlM  H.,  1. 
Ayleiwortb,  C.  0«  K., 
Aiken,  WiUUm, 
Arnold,  Addison  C, 
Baker,  SamDel, 
Bush,  Amos, 
BaUit,  Homnel, 
Benton,  ThomM, 
Butler,  Hamtioi, 
Brand,  Clurleii, 
B'loor,  Charlet, 
Babcock,  Samuel, 
'B«m,  Alunzo,  a 
Bkldvrin,  LTtnan, 
Bbown,  Wiluam  J., 
Brown,  Ira,  1.  6 
Brown,  John, 
Bernard,  John  W.,  a 
Brooka,  Ilenry  J.  a 
Bennett,  Wlnant  H.,  a 
Brady,  John  R., 
Brink.  Perley, 
BrlRter,  Elijah,   1. 
BrUler,  Ira, 
Bagley,  Avory  E., 
Bostwick,  Jndaon, 
BInke,  WllUam,  1. 
Bullock,  Samuel, 
Briggs,  William  K.,  b 
Benaon,  Peter, 
Bngley,  Daniel  E., 
Cumminga,  Nelaon  B., 
Conlon,  John,  a 
Carney,  Philip,  a 
Clark,  Theodore, 

Company  F.* 

Carl,  Frank  W., 
CaUln,  Thomaa  N..  t 
CnA*aT,  UmMMm  ^., 
Clark,  Nelaou, 
Cnig,  Jotm, 
Churchill,  Homer, 
CuggcD,  Joseph,  1. 
ClauB,  John  W., 
Co'ilatoo,  WilUun  0., 
Cralfi,  John, 
Clongh,  Clarence  H., 
Curtia,  Henry,  e 
Davli,  WtUUm, 
Dodge,  Ooorga  W., 
Doulon,  Th'      «,  a 
Davanna,  i,  U 

Daries,  V  , 

De  Mott,  . ..,  1.  a 

Dennta,  George  W.,  b 
De  La  Loaa,  Yaldro,  e 
Sari,  Hinun  U.,  a 
Bpaal,  Qabriol  F., 
Eogalla,  Peter,  a 
Edwards,  Albert, 
Enaign,  Nelaon, 


Freeman,  Poter  B., 
Fowler,  Illckson  A., 
Fowler,  William  U., 
Freeman,  James, 
Ferris,  John  P., 
Gregg,  Jolin,  a 
Galnsha,  Waterman,  a 
Griffith,  Lucini, 
Galplu,  William,  1. 
Goodale,  Ezra  M., 
Graves,  Pliny  A., 
Hogan,  James, 
Hanley,  Michael, 
Hooper,  John, 

HaTM,  John  W., 

BAtLmWARTR,  P..  a 
Uatton,  WnUam  B.,  a 
nawley,WU]lBm,  a 
Holmes,  John, 
Hawley,  Erarett  A.,  1 
Harrington,  Charles  U., 
Ilurlburt,  Riley  A., 
Haeatla,  Franl^ 
Hai:,  Warren  A., 
ToNM,  John  B.,  1.  a 
Jackson,  Jokx  W.,  a 
Jeffrey,  John  K.,  1. 
Jenkins,  George  H.,  1, 
Jackson,  Francis  A., 
Knowlton,  Clark  C,  a 
Kinney,  Edward, 
Kimball,  Horton,  a 
Leek,  Horace  F., 
Logan,  Charles  H., 
Lawrence,  George  D., 
Lntlier,  Asa,  a 
Levria,  Charles, 
Leiloua,  Henry, 
HcMuxAH,  D.  J.,  fl. 
Hcitlllan,  John,  B.,  a 
HcQowan,  James, 
HcDonald,  Bernard, 
Moroy,  William  C, 
Horoy,  Homer  A., 
MooRB,  Jakm, 
Hoore,  Wallace,  1. 
Moore,  Franklin  B.,  a 
MadUon,  John, 
Meade,  AJonzo  H,,  1. 
Mullen,  William, 
Metcair,  A.  Jndson, 
Metcair,  George, 
Morton,  Henry  A., 
Moore,  Victroy, 

*  This  Company  had  in  all  180  Men. 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


m»,  John  W., 
iLmwAnTB,  P.,  a 
iton,  WllUam  B.,  a 
vl«r,-WUlUm,  a 
mot,  John, 
tiej,  KT«reU  A.,  t 
rlugton,  Chiu-lM  U., 
Iburt,  Riley  A., 
latia,  Frank, 
!,  Warren  A., 
u,  John  B.,  1.  a 
K«oN,  iroHX  W.,  a 
tej,  John  K.,  1. 
kinii,  George  H.,  1, 
Icaon,  Fraud!  A., 
)wlton,  Clark  C,  a 
ney,  Edward, 
ibsll,  Horton,  a 
k,  Horace  F., 
nn,  Charlei  H., 
rrence,  George  D., 
ber,  Asa,  a 
rli,  Charles, 
QUI,  Henry, 
11IU.AS,  D.  J.,  fl. 
mUao,  John,  B.,  a 
lowan,  Jamea, 
)osiaId,  Bomard, 
«y,  William  C, 
Dy,  Homer  A., 
na,  Jakm, 
ire,  Wallace,  1. 
)re,  Franklin  B.,  a 
lUon,  John, 
de,  Alonzo  H,,  1. 
len,  WlUiam, 
•M,  A.  Jadaon, 
calf,  George, 
ton,  Henry  A., 
ire,  Vlctroy, 

Mnpea,  William  W., 
Murpm,  Daniel, 
Mniiteraon,  Jamea, 
Mlllnr,  Jacob, 
NIeman,  William  H.,  o 
Nimrae,  Alfred  W., 
Niiiton,  Samnel  K., 
Mihola,  Wallace, 
Nufh,  Orvln  D., 
0<h<)m,  Calvin  W.,  8.  a 

Oedcn,  William, 

Oliver,  Jadaon  S.,  a 

Olnpy,  Marvin, 

I'rini,  Kwald, 

Vslmcr,  Henry, 

Pctpraon,  Mahlon  J.,  1. 

Pnrklna,  Samuel  8. 

Fettle,  Ralph,  6 

Prince,  Henry  A., 

Pickett,  William  B., 

PbATT,  KtJOBNB,  8.  a 

Porter,  Charlea  H., 
Pettia,  Zepbanlah, 
Plnney,  Henry  A.. 

Parka,  William  U., 
Pratt,  Gardner,  1. 
Partridge,  Heneklah  D , 
Portler,  Kralle,  1. 
Poyer,  Henry, 
Roff,  John  F., 
Rtchardaon,  Charlea  H., 
Riley,  John, 
Rogera,  Edward  A.,  1. 
Hathbone,  George  D., 
Hhodea,  Jnllna  D., 
SOWKBtBT,  Wm.  W., 
Smith,  Victor  D.,  6 
Smith,  Peter  W., 
Smith,  Walter  C 
Stewart,  HoeeaB., 
Saylea,  William  > 
Stevena,  Victor  M., 
Stilea,  Addlaon  D., 
Steama,  Rolltn  A., 
Snmner,  Byron,  a 
TBOHAt,  Cbaxum  B., 
Tntblll,  Jamea  H., 

rracey,  Walter  J., 
Tollea,  Edward  D., 
Tollea,  Ralph  N.,  <J 
Tallmaa,  Frank, 
Updyke,  Nelaon, 
Wallo,  Darwin, 
WIckham,  Jamea  B., 
Whitmnrah,  Kniatna,  b 
Wight,  Marvin,  a 
WlOHT,  DAwmL,  a 
Wnlla,  MIlea, 


Whitney,  Ellaha, 
Whitlock,  Thaddena  K., 
Wl!        .,  LnkeS., 
Wella,  Georg*,  o 
Wella,  William  H.,  a 
Wllcoi,  Charlea  F., 
White,  Andrew  J.,  a 
White,  Henry, 
Waterman,  Nelaon  E.,  d 
Toanga,  Silaa  A., 
Zahler,  Mlcholas, 


v' ,'!: 

n  >' 


,  -,*^^*w%'y^^fM*5*-' 

,  sj-^A,    ^  f 




Historic  Recobds. 


Adamg,  Williiim,  a 
AniU,  Frederic  D., 
Addorley,  Jamen. 
Byron,  Theophlloi, 
Bowden,  William, 
Italify,  David,  a 
Bailey,  MMIHsm  V.,  a 
BllTANT,  Jamkc,  a 
BiTMAK,  William, 


Babnby,  Aluin, 
BAHNim,  N.  W.,  8.  a 
BnAiNABD,  H.  £.,  a 
Bamen,  Bnger.e  B.,  a 
Banner,  Philip  H., 
BroolclnB,  Fred  O., 
Bnfflngton,  Channcey, 
'  Bidwell,  JoJ>n  W.,  1.  a 
Billinga,  Jamea  9. 
Ca»e,  noaston  h., 
ConrtwrlgJit,  Richard,  a 
Cai>w>.ll,  Eobbbt  B., 
Conlon,  Peter,  a 
Campbell,  Philip, 
Clarlc,  David  A.,  . 
Cox,  AnguRtaa, 
Cnrry,  John, 
Camp,  W.  nABBignr, 
Cabpkntbb,  Rybon  R., 
Culver,  Lewis  J.,  9. 
Dunn,  Michael, 
Dinbrabt,  Robbbt, 
DiNEBABT,  Jab,  a.,  8. 
Devine,  John, 
Davis,  Henry  T.,  o 

DatISON,    EflBBBT, 

Dooij^N,  Timothy,  a 
Dobimhb,  Theodobk, 
DiNQMAN,  John, 
Dan»u,  John  L., 

Company  G.* 

Daro,  Chadnckt,  b 
Dx  TnoMPaoN,  Oko.  E., 
Doyle,  John,  a 
Dlngman,  Ahram, 
Fverett,  James  H., 
Evans,  John,  S. 
Fox,  Jefferson,  1. 
Falrrhtld,  Mason  A., 
Fabnhax,  Oscab  E.,  a 
Fuller,  Corydon, 
Forsyth,  Augustus, 
Foster,  Johnson,  a 
Fnmhnm,  Charles  P.,  a 
Gatefield,  Edmund  M., 
Grant,  James, 
Grkkn,  Wmni.sB  C,  9. 
Obibn,  Stkphkn  D., 
Qordon,  Samuel,  d 
Green,  Calvin  E., 
Goodwin,  Edward  H.,  a 
Horgan,  John. 
Hlbbard,  Ku,rard, 
Hoyt,  Andrew  J.,  1. 
Hayden,  Alben,  B., 
Hunt,  James, 
Hnlett,  Benjamin  A.. 
Hulett,  Abram  H.,  a 
Hazen,  Alfred  B., 
Hazkn,  John  H.,  a 
Johnson,  Horace  P., 
Knuppeubnrg,  John,  1. 
Enigbt,  WnxuM  H.,  a 
Kbohn,  Phiup,  a 
Knapp,  Joseph,  ft 
Lane,  David,  1. 
Lane,  Cherter  J..  1. 
Lloyd,  John, 
Lowe,  William  T.L,  1.0 
Lynch,  Stephen, 
Markham,  Chester  C,  b 

Mooney,  John,  c 
Moran,  William, 
McBride,  John, 
Harkell,  James, 
Marikle,  James, 
Mallory,  James,  3.  a 
Meddangh,  George, 
MsUoty,  Warren,  1,  o' 
Noble,  Asa  S., 


Nareh,  Marvin  A., 
Narsh,  John  W., 
Overocker,  DeWitt  C,  a 
Osborne,  Richard, 
PntBcx,  Chablbs  T,  8., 
Payne,  George,  a 

PuLLABO,  JkMES  M.,  1, 

Phblfs,  CHARues  A., 
Phelps,  John  H., 
Phelps,  Jeremiah  W., 
Phelps,  Theodore  A., 
Prince,  George  H., 
Qninn,  John, 
Rowley,  James, 
Roberta,  Lnclus,  d 
Rush,  Richard, 
Ryan,  Philip,  a, 
Roberts,  Philemon, 
Rhlnevault,  8.  P., 
Romans,  George  H.,  a 
Russell,  Ralph  L., 
Rogers,  Martin  8.,  1.  a 
Steele,  Seth  A.,  b 
Smith,  Schuyler  F.,  a 
Smith,  John, 
Shaw,  WlllUm, 
SpArroBD,  Abuah, 
Sullivan,  Daniel,  b 
Snow,  George  W., 
Spencer,  Nathan  0., 

*  This  Company  bad  in  all  166  Men. 

Fifth  Nkw  York  Cavalry. 


joney,  John,  4, 
Dran,  WUlUm, 
:Bride,  John, 
irkell,  Jamet, 
irikle,  Junet, 
lUory,  Jameg,  3.  a 
^dangh,  G«orge, 
iUor7,  Warren,  I.  a' 
>ble,  Asa  S., 
>RTON,  Ctbus  B., 
ireh,  Marvin  A., 
ir»h,  John  W., 
ferocker,  DeWltt  C,  a 
borne,  Richard, 

CSCS,  CnABLKB  T.  8., 

yne,  George,  a 
iLLARO,  JkMia  M.,  1, 
[KLF8,  CHARUeS  A,, 

lelps,  John  H., 
elp«,  Jeremiah  W,, 
olp«,  Theodore  A., 
ince,  Qeorge  H., 
linn,  John, 
iwley,  James, 
>bert«,  Lnclna,  d 
i8b,  Richard, 
an,  Philip,  9, 
bertg,  Philemon, 
linevanlt,  8.  P., 
imana,  Qeorge  H.,  a 
meell,  Ralph  L., 
gero,  Martin  8.,  1.  a 
sele,  Seth  A.,  6 
lith,  Schnyler  F.,  a 
lith,  John, 
aw,  William, 
4rroBD,  Abuah, 
Ulvan,  Daniel,  b 
ow,  Qeorge  W., 
encer,  Nathan  0., 

SotiAwick,  Qeorge, 
Taylor,  Benjamin  V., 
TlKRIHT,  Jo««PH,  a 
Trum,  John,  a 
Thorn,  John, 
Turner,  William,  a 
Towiier,  Lent  H.,  f 
Thompson,  I»!aic  M., 
Vincent,  William  B.,  b 
Van  Marter,  F.  W., 
Van  Mabtrb,  J.  C,  1, 
Vandirhabk,  LnoAB, 

Vandermark,  Natlian,  1. 
Vandbrmabk,  John, 
Van  WiNKLB,  C.  O., 
Wrioht,  John  H.,  a 
Wn-ooi,  Chablm  R.,  a 
Wn^oT,  Btron  G.  a 
Wbmb,  Josbpb,  a 
Whits,  Pbtib  H.,  1," 


Wbitb,  Hbnbt  v.. 
White,  Barney  H., 
White,  Charlea, 

WWte,  Amoa, 
White,  Squire, 
Wilson,  John  A.,  b 
Williams,  John  A., 
Witter,  John,  B., 
Witter,  William  A.,  a 
Witter,  William, 
Wintibld,  Hbnbt, 
Weston,  Nathan,  S. 
Wiggins,  Frank, 
Wright,  William, 

:a,*Saaaa5feai^^i8^tt«^^  " 



Historic  Records. 

Andrews,  Thonuc, 
BriKlln,  Pntrick, 
Bottnmly,  Wtlilam, 
Beobe,  CsWn  L., 

nARXER,  El.HKR  J.,  i. 

Brydkn,  Jaxss,  1. 
Bakkr,  GsoBes  A.,  1. 
Baker,  Rosseix.  W., 
BnowN,  Wkslit,  a 
Barrows,  Wltllam, 
Boudrye,  Charles  A., 
Barton,  M'tlliam  H., 
Baker,  Fayette  H.,  1.  a 
Baker,  Caleb  C, 
Oarrett,  Alvin,  a 
Barber,  William  N., 
Barber,  George  D., 
Black,  George, 
Blgelow,  Amos, 
Brittell,  Gay, 
Baker,  George  W., 
Benedict,  Jonas  A.,  b 
Bnrlingame,  Henry  H.,  b 
CkunrET,  Jaxcs, 
Ctrkindajx,  Waltsb, 
Cnrtls,  Charles  W.,  S. 
Cornell,  Oliver  T., 
Chlllson,  Charles  N.,  1. 
Cook,  William  II.,  1. 
Culver,  Coolidge  B., 
Carr,  Dnransie  8.,  a 
Connor,  John,  d 
Chaffee,  Rnftas  A.,  a 
Conway,  John, 
Conway,  John,  Jr., 
Oronk,  Abram, 
Davis,  WiujAit, 
Dtckerson,  Nelson  11., 
Decatur,  Samuel  0., 
Dawes,  Oraon  J., 

Company  H.* 

Durno,  John  P., 
Dnmo,  George  C,  a 
Dn  Chene,  George  C,  1. 
Dnnlap.  Robert  A.,  a 
Dolbeck,  Cloophas, 
Darling,  Truman, 
Dwinelle,  Nehemlah  B., 
Daniels,  Andrew  J., 
Drake,  Orlando, 
Davis,  Almeron,  a 
Edwards.  R,..","Tt  W. 
Ellis.  Richard  R., 
Elliott,  Robert, 
Fuller,  Nelson,  e 
Ferby,  John, 
FtTLUtR,  Warren  R.,  1. 
French,  John  C.  C,  a 
Folger,  Abram,  1.  a 
Finney,  Thomas,  1. 
OoRBAM,  Lewis  J., 
GriUln,  Henry, 
Graves,  Horace, 
Gilleo,  Henry,  b 
Gilleo,  Charles, 
Glldden,  Stephen  T„ 
Gillett,  Mark, 
Hildreth,  Charles  H.,  d 
Hildreth,  Hartwell  H., 
Howland,  Arthur, 
EowLAiTD,  Warren, 
Hahchett,  Elbert  E., 
HoLOOMB,  Charles  H., 
Hatward,  EiroENB  B., 
Hayward,  Monroe  L., 
Hart,  Frank,  a 
Hoyt,  Irvln  P.,  1. 
Hammond,  Jobn,  S. 
Howe,  Lowell  G., 
Hayes,  Blum, 
Howke,  Phineas, 

Hayford,  Edwin  T.,  b 
Holden,  Ira  S., 
Habcau.,  Busha  F  , 
Ives,  George, 
Jackson,  Richard, 
Joiner,  Henry  M., 
Jordan,  Carlos  A.,  a 
Johnson,  Walker  E.,  a 
Johnson,  Perry, 
Johnson,  Warren, 
Johnson,  Henry  F., 
Jordan,  Alfkado, 
Jones,  Irving  W.,  a 
Keach,  William  H.,  b 
Kilmer,  Reuben, 
Knisbt,  Jabec,  a 

KeLLET,  WiLLIAlt  B., 

lAne,  Zadoc  F., 
Laverty,  William, 
Laverty,  Allen, 
Lbtson,  Tboxas, 
Lamb,  Joseph  J., 
Lafhmce,  Frank, 
Larason,  William  P.,  I, 
Lyford,  Erakine  W., 
Lively,  James, 
Lively,  William,  S. 
Labonnty,  Louis,  a 
Leach,  George  W,, 
Maloney,  Nelson, 
Mead,  Abner  B., 
Moncrief,  Albert, 
Miller,  David  B., 
MrLLBR,  Harmon  C„ 
Murdock,  James  A., 
Marshall,  Charles  E.,  b 
Moore,  Viceroy, 
Moore,  Orville  J., 
MOORB,  Alpbabis  H., 
Miner,  John  J.,  Jr.,  a 

*  This  Company  had  in  ail  100  Hen. 

[ayford,  Edwin  T.,  i 
olden,  Ir&  E., 


'eg,  Qoorge, 
tckson,  Itlchnrd, 
Jiner,  Henrjr  M., 

}RnAN,  CARLO!  A.,  a 

ihnnon,  Walker  B.,  a 
3bnM>n,  Perry, 
ohneon,  Warren, 
)hnson,  Henry  F., 
3rdan,  Alftsdo, 
)neg,  Irving  W„  a 
Bach,  William  H.,  b 
llmer,  Benben, 
nsBT,  Jabkz,  a 
nj,BT,  WnxiAK  E., 
»ne,  Zadoc  F., 
iTerty,  William, 
iverty,  Allen, 
rraoif,  Tboxas, 
imb,  Jbaeph  J., 
iftance,  Frank, 
meon,  William  P.,  8. 
ford,  Er«kine  W., 
vely,  James, 
vely,  William, ». 
ibonnty,  l«Qii,  a 
*ch,  Qeorge  W., 
jloney,  Nelson, 
sad,  Abner  B., 
>n<:rief,  Albert, 
Her,  David  B., 
UAR,  Harmon  C, 
irdock,  James  A., 
rshall,  Charles  B.,  b 
•ore.  Viceroy, 
lore,  OrvUIe  J., 
osta,  Alpharir  H., 
NBR,  John  J.,  Jr.,  a 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry 

Mason,  SrLAB  J.,  a 
McCartt,  Tihotht,  a 
McCauohh,  Patrick, 
McMancs,  Edward,  a 
McConley,  John,  o 
McKenile,  Walter  J., 
McGlnnisg,  Warren. 
McGowen,  Erastug,  1. 
Nelson,  Jameg,  a 
Ozlcr,  Jogeph  J.,  1. 
Odell,  Henry,  a 
Orb,  Horack.  1.  a 
Oaks,  NxLgoN  8.,  3. 
Ober,  William, 
Oliver,  Edward  A., 
Oakley,  John, 
Payllng,  William, 
Porter,  Zely  W., 
Palmer,  Allen, 
Perking,  Igalah,  b 
Perkins,  GUman,  ft 
Porter,  Robert  W.,  1  a 
PxASK,  Clark  M., 
PcDfleld,  Jameg  A.,  1.  a 
Pierce,  Amos,  a 
Potter.  Allen  L., 
Peasoly,  Henry,  a 

Page,  Benjamin  F.,  a 
Parmenter,  George,  ft 
Palmer,  Peter  W., 
Rbnnk,  Lucius  P.,  1. 
Ralne,  James  H., 
Bobbins,  David  H..  a 
Redman,  John,  1.  a 
RuBh,  John,  ft 
Sickler,  Isaac, 
Smith,  George  E., 
Smith,  Henry  V.,  ft 
Smith,  George  W., 
Smith.  George  W., 
Smith,  Charles,  a 
Sdlth,  John,  a 
Swift,  WlUlam  W., 
Shepard,  Edgar  C,  e 
Sherman,  Abram, 
Starling,  Edgar, 
Sartwell,  William,  1. 
Btarks,  John  E.,  1.,  a 
Staot,  Jamss,  o 
Spaiildlng,  Heiir-',  a 
Spaalding,  J         ■  .  n 
Spanldlng,  J  >*'  . 

"hattack,  Albert  h  ,  1. 

Stone,  Harry  L., 
SCHSNK,  Charlm, 
Town,  George  L., 
Town,  Simon, 
Thrasher,  Orlando  F., 
Todd.  Henry  D., 
Uhdkrbiix,  Hiram, 
L'nderhill,  Charles, 
ViAix,  John  G., 
Van  Wert,  Jameg  E., 
WeRCott.  Jogeph  J.,  1. 
Wegtcott,  Jonathan, 
WKJ.M,  Charlbs, 
Wtmak,  Hbnrt  E., 
Watbrmam,  Johh,  a 
Washbum,  Ben].  F., 
Woster,  Jogeph  E.,  S. 
Warner,  Samnel  8., 
Wellg,  Edgar  J., 
Wells,  Nathaniel, 
Wiley,  Henry  A., 
Winters,  Edward  A    a 
Wright,  Abner  Z.,  b 
Wilcox,  Charles  H.,  1. 
Warren,  Joseph  B., 
I    iVoodward^  ZephanUh, 






Historic  Records. 


Adami,  William, 
Adams,  Henry, 
Andoraon,  Robert  S., 
Arnold,  0«orga, 
Beylsn,  John, 
BrookB,  John, 
BcU,  Richard, 
Banrer,  AaKUit, 
Babbitt,  William  L.,  a 
Barbt,  Jxifxs,  1. 
Barry,  Edward, 
Banlier,  Oeorge  R., 
Barlow,  Nathaniel  A., 
Banfield,  Michael,  6 
Bennett,  Joseph  H.,  a 
Behrendt,  John, 
Blanvelt,  John  H. 
Boland,  William, 
Bolirer,  Conrad, 
Beyer,  John, 
Boyle,  Michael, 
Bly,  Reuben, 
Battles,  Isaac  D.,  a 
Calhonn,  Samael, 
Oary,  WllUam  B., 
Carroll,  Thomas,  1. 
Carpenter,  Oeorice  A., 
Clarkson,  James  B., 
Cleeland,  William, 
Coddington,  Job, 
Conroy,  Frank, 
Conway,  Jacob, 
Connolly,  John, 
Conklln.  WlUlam,  H., 
Crandall,  Lewis  H.,  b 
Crawbnck,  Richard  V., 
CnnnlDgham,  Thomas,  a 
Crooks,  Jacob  C, 
Clynton,  William  H., 
Cliutoa,  Robert, 

Company  I.* 

Cammings,  Robert  B,, 
Campbell,  Robert, 
Drake,  William, 
Donglass,  John, 
Dempsey,  Charles, 
Dowdy,  James, 
Daly,  William,  a 
Darsy,  Nicholas,  1. 
Day,  Patrick. 
Dov,  Bdward  S., 
Duuu,  WUliam  B., 
Dnnn,  Joseph,  b 
Danliam,  Randolph,  i 
Edwards,  Isaac, 
Edwards,  Charles, 
Edwards,  William  O., 
French,  Jamt., 
Fairweather,  Jolm  B. 
Fennely,  Martin, 
Frazer,  Lewis  A.,  b 
Ferguson,  John  H., 
Freeman,  Albert  S., 
Flynn,  Lanrence, 
Fuller,  Ira  W., 
Oall,  Alexander, 
Gale,  Harrison, 
Oarrln,  Frank  B., 
Gai^ner,  David,  a 
Grist,  John  P., 
GBaHAII,  Elus  J., 
Gray,  Asa, 
Green,  Robert, 
Garrigao,  James, 
Garanger,  Stephen, 
Hughes,  Francis, 
Harding,  Alonzo, 
HaTens,  Ransom  W., 
Henderson,  William, 
Hand,  Laurence, 
Hill,  Henry, 

Haney,  George  H., 
Harris,  Oeorge  H., 
Harris,  George  W., 
Hart,  Joseph, 
Herox,  CasiSTorKn, 
Hamnee,  Herman,  a 
Haupert,  Jacob, 
Heck,  Henry, 
Howe,  Lowell  8., 
Havens,  Thomas, 
Harder,  John,  fr 
Herriman,  Edson, 
Houston,  Jamos, 
Jordan,  Christopher, 
Johnson,  Daniel  R., 
Kino,  CtLkxuu, 
Koch,  John, 
Elette,  Henry, 
Lowrey,  Harvey, 
La  Fountain,  Gabrid 
Lnndin,  John  A.,  a 
Lewis,  Geoisie  C, 
Lovejoy,  Isaiah  H., 
Lamb,  Julius  C, 
Lynch,  James, 
Mann,  James, 
Meeken,  Henry, 
Mdjs,  Wnxiax,  1. 
Miller,  Georgo, 
Miner,  Peter, 
Morrison,  WUliam,  a 
McNallen,  James, 
McMlnn,  Samuel, 
McDonald,  James, 
McEenney,  Edward, 
Mundrane,  John, 
Monlther,  Charles, 
Moore,  J.  Bnel, 
Mattlson,  Dwlght  L., 
Miller,  Warner, 

*  ThU  Company  had  In  aU  100  Men. 

Fifth  New  Yokk  Cavalry. 


lanejr,  0«orge  H., 
Sanis,  George  H., 
larria,  0«orge  W., 
lart,  Joceph, 
Seroh,  CHsiaTorRn, 
larmeK,  Bennan,  a 
Uupert,  Jacob, 
leek,  Henry, 
lowe,  Lowell  8., 
laveDB,  Thomaa. 
larder,  John,  i> 
terriman,  Bdaon, 
[onston,  Jamoa, 
ordan,  Chrlatopher, 
ohnaon,  Daniel  R., 
LiNe,  Crabuh, 
Coch,  John, 
□ette,  Henrjr, 
lOwrey,  Harvey, 
a  Fonntain,  Oabrlel 
,andla,  John  A.,  a 
ewla,  Oeorge  C, 
ovejoy,  Iiatah  H., 
amb,  Jollna  C, 
ynch,  Jamea, 
[ann,  Jamee, 
'eeken,  Henry, 

[CU,  WlUJAK,  1. 

lller,  Oeorgo, 
:iner,  Peter, 
orrlaon,  WUIIam,  a 
cNallen,  Jamea, 
cHlnn,  Samnel, 
cDonald,  Jamee, 
cKenney,  Bdward, 
nndnme,  John, 
oulther,  Charles, 
oore,  J.  Bnel, 
attlaon,  Dwlght  L., 
llier,  Warner, 

Mack,  Jamea  D.,  b 
Mmire,  A.  B., 
Nonnan,  Adeodat, 
Nickcrgon,  Daniel, 
JJ-ionan,  Edward, 
O'HsUoran,  Daniel  C,  a 
O'Relly,  William, 
O'Meara,  Daniel, 
Olmeted,  John  A.  H., 
Olmeted,  Orman  B., 
O'Mellle,  Matthew, 
Pierce,  Henry, 
Parsons,  Thomaa  C, 
Phillipe,  John, 
PhllllpB,  Kdward, 
Ponlson,  Jacob  C, 
Port,  John  H., 
Peaseley,  Amaaa  H., 
Randolph,  cTonathan  D., 
Randolph,  WUIIam  H., 
Richards,  Alfred,  a 
Roach,  Charlee, 
Riley,  Martin,  a 
Ryan,  Patrick, 

Rnnyon,  Angb^ins, 
ilcardon,  Daniel, 
Stlmpson,  George  B., 
Scott,  John  J., 
Santabar,  FrancU,  a 
ShlfTer,  Morgan,  a 
8now,  John,  b 
Schwartz,  John, 
Shay,  Jamee, 
Smith,  Charlea  P.,  a 
Smith,  John  W., 
Sovut,  Pbteb,  1. 
Spencer,  Robert,  1. 
Springsteen,  John, 
Southard,  Aaahel, 
Shalley,  Thomas, 
Sabring,  Alfred,  b 
Tracey,  George  W.,  b 
Townsend,  Thomas, 
TItns,  William  U., 
Townsend,  N., 
Tool,  John, 
Tlmmons,  Stephen, 

Van  Iderstein,  Peter  J., 
Van  Gorden,  Ell, 
Van  Allen,  Benjamin  F., 
Vaeblnder,  William  H., 
Treeland,  Stephen  K., 
Vreeland,  John  T., 
White,  William, 
Wedding,  WUIIam, 
WermeUter,  Francis, 
Wlltse,  Isaac, 
Wilts*,  W.  Kslbst, 
Wlltse,  Robert  L,, 
Wood,  Frank,  a 
Wriobt,  Jairs  O.,  a 
Whitfield,  Nathan  A., 
Wcsterrelt,  Benjamin, 
Wolfe,  John, 
Wilson,  William, 
Wool,  Lnther, 
Woodward,  Philander, 
Yonug,  Abner  8.,  a 
Yates,  Henry, 
Zimmerman,  Bennan, 


"?t?-^^*teSte^4'.VJ*<«^''  .„'.t«.,-«*4»wi^**.i  v^-sva*- .;-•  VA*.-*****- 

HisTOi  ic  Records. 

Aldrtch,  Aaron, 
Abbey,  Alansou  L., 
Bate;,  John, 
Black,  Robkrt,  1. 
Briden,  Domlnlck, 
Brown,  Leonard, 
Brlell,  Frans, 
Beach,  Henry  C, 
Butts,  Horace  D., 
Barber,  WlllUm, 
Baltey,  Amoa,  d 
Colea,  William  P., 
Connets,  John, 
Culllon,  William, 
Coleman,  John, 
Clark,  John, 
Clark:,  John  C, 
Conner*,  Michael, 
Currier,  Andrew, 
Conway,  Jacob  J., 
Carter,  RoUln  W.,  4 
Campbell,  Ed.  A.,  1.  a 
Cole,  George  W.,  b 
Coggiua,  Tbomaa  E., 
Condlyea,  Edward, 
Ducat,  Hoeea, 
Daly,  Philip, 
Dlnamore,  Qeorge  W.,  a 
DoouNe,  John,  1. 
DoMALD,  John, 
Dowd,  Jamse  D.,  1.  a 
Doty,  WUUam, 
Dougherty,  John, 
Daley,  Timothy, 
Doegan,  John, 
DuboiB,  Henry, 
Dikeman,  Oeorge  R., 
Erregger,  Charles, 
Englieh,  Oeoi'ge  C, 
Flaherty,  Tbomaa,  a 

Company  K.* 

Fox,  Jobn. 
Fuller,  Robert, 
Pealey,  John, 
Oriffln,  Patrick  H., 
Garroty,  Jamea, 
Greenback,  John, 
Gleaaon,  Patrick,  a 
Galen,  Michael, 
Qeahaw,  Dennis, 
Holden,  John,  tt 
Howard,  Abraham,  a 
Howe,  Darid,  a 
Hemble,  Michael, 
Hecker.  Frederick  L.. 
Howard,  Oeorge, 
Howard,  Charles  W., 
i.  '«ting8,  Chester  C, 
Bola;>n,  Thomas  M., 
Harper,  James, 
Haley,  Michael, 
Hobart,  Albert, 
Head,  William, 

Hoover,  Bamael, 
Herriman,  Reuben  D., 
Hall,  James  A., 

Henley,  Frederick,  e 

Harris,  John, 

Jasper,  Robert,  a 

Jadah,  Theodore, 

Jones,  John,  a 

Kmskmt,  Miohail, 

Keeley,  Michael, 

Kennedy,  William, 

Keiley,  Patrick, 

Kingsley,  James  M.,  a 

Keeler,  Horace, 

Latterall,  Charles, 

Lahiff,  Jamee, 

Lockwood,  Edmund, 

Mack,  John,  a 

Monroe,  Oeorge  W.,  • 
McCnllongh,  WiUlam. 
McDonald,  Edward, 
MoCne,  Alonzo, 
Mclntyre.  James, 
Martin,  Joseph, 
|fooney,  Terence, 
Myers,  Joseph  D,, 
Maddon,  John, 
Martin,  Thomas, 
Maddon,  James. 
Mallory,  Thomas, 
Mazfleld,  Oeorge, 
Maban,  Bei^amin,  d 
Merton,  Robert  R, 


Nadow,  Michael, 
O'Enra,  Thomas, 
O'Nin,,  MioBAU,,  a 
O'Brien,  John, 
O'ReiUy,  WlUiam, 
O'Connor,  Henry, 
Otis,  Horace, 
PRtLUFS,  John,  a 
Perry,  Oeorge  W., 
Perry,  Alamanza, 
Perry,  Antoine, 
Porter,  Marvin  B., 
Parsons,  Nelson  R.,  1. 
Parker,  TjCwIb  B., 
Falmatler,  Daniel, 
Pecot,  Eugene, 
Pecot,  Josepli, 
Pease,  WlUlam  H., 
Quinn,  Francis,  a 
Quern,  Carl, 
Rouse,  Peter, 
Rouse,  Alvin, 
Rhodes,  Ludns, 

This  Company  had  in  aU  164  Men. 


lonroe,  George  W,.  • 
ilcCnUoagh,  Wmiun. 
IrDonald,  Bdward, 
[oCne,  Alonzo, 
[clntTre.  Jamea, 
Urtin,  Joseph, 
fooney,  Terence, 
lyera,  Joseph  I)., 
taddon,  John, 
Isrtin,  Thomaa, 
Uddon,  Junei, 
[allory,  Tbomu, 
lazfleld,  Oeorge, 
tahan,  Bei^amln,  i 
[erton,  Robert  R., 

flAXOM,   JaKU, 

Udow,  Michael, 


I'Nia^  MioBAU,,  a 
'Brlen,  John, 
I'RelUy,  WlUlam, 
'Connor,  Henry, 
tig,  Horace, 
RILLIF8,  John,  a 
Brry,  Qeorge  W., 
irry,  Alamanza, 
Brry,  Antolne, 
)rter,  Marvin  B., 
trsona.  Nelson  R.,  1. 
uker,  T^wts  B,, 
ahnatler,  Daniel, 
9cot,  Eugene, 
icot,  Jofteph, 
laee,  William  H., 
^nn,  Francis,  a 
iiem,  Carl, 
rose,  Peter, 
rase,  Alvin, 
lodes,  Lucius, 

Fifth  Nkw  York  Cavalry. 


Reed,  John, 
Kuwell,  Warren, 
Keynoldn,  Bdwarl  D., 
Stunton,  Amos, 
Sure*,  Anthony  H., 
RMTea,  Peter, 
ScoriBLD,  David  H., 
Schaffer,  Charles, 
Stockton,  Thomas, 
Stafford,  Thomas, 
Sherwood,  Nathan, 
^Myter,  John  W.,  1. 
Shaw,  James,  a 
Schaeffer,  Frederic 
Scott,  Qeonte,  a 

Bnddard,  DaTid  H., 
Smith,  Charles  J.,  A 
Talmask,  Nath'l  M., 
Talmadge,  Oliver,  b 
Tons,  GioBsa  W., 
Telfer,  James. 
Turley,  WlllUm. 
Tmesdale,  Laclns, 
Treach,  George,  a 
Tyrrell,  Patrick, 
Van  Valkenborgh,  R., 
Vllandre,  Theodore,  1. 
Watson,  Qeorge, 
WIlUamROD,  James, 
Wilcox,  Edward,  A 

Wilson,  William  J., 
Wmis,  Charles  H., 
Ward,  Richmond, 
Weatherwax,  John,  a 


WUklns,  Amos,  1. 
Walker,  Charles  H.,  a 
WUklns,  James,  1.  a 
Walsh,  James, 
Welch,  James,  a 
Whltmore,  James, 
Tonng,  John, 
Yonng,  WlUett, 
Young,  Henry  Y. 






^  fi 


k^s.^teJ*^"^^**-^'"'^*'^      .,,^^i«8je«^- 



Historic  Records. 

Aikani,  Hngb, 
Allen,  HeDi7  M., 
Alexander,  Charlei, 
Ames,  James  F., 
Akers,  Charles, 
Avery,  Hora'ie  G., 
Aotlsdale,  FrederUk, 
Anttsdale,  Qeorge,  a 
Barton,  Jcieph, 
Bowen,  Eseck, 
Booker,  Joseph, 
Brown,  Henry, 
Brown,  William, 
Boyd,  James, 
Boyd,  John, 
Brady,  Thomas,  b 
Brennan,  John, 
Bridges;  Charles  D., 
Boate,  Qeorge,  b 
Companion,  Rdward, 
Caine,  William, 
Craoo,  Frank, 
Compton,  Lewis, 
CoixxsKia,  John,  1.  i 
Cross,  Antliony,  1. 
Cooper,  Lewis,  a 
Coles,  WilUam  T.. 
Carman,  Archibald, 
Comes,  William, 
Cooley,  Horatio  0., 
Cameron,  Eli,  a 
Connell,  Dennis,  a 
Clark,  Job  D.. 
Connor,  Thomas, 
Crow,  Bei\]amin, 
Davknpobt,  H.  L.,  a 
Driesecs,  Julias, 
Dann,  John,  b 
Darling,  Thomas, 
Dorsey,  Edward, 

Company  L.* 

Dorman,  James, 
Earle,  Robert, 
Earle,  Ilenry, 
EIneson.  Richard, 
Bastou,  Theodore  M.,  a 
Fraser,  William, 
Fraser,  Archibald,  1. 
Fobs,  Gottlieb, 
Fitzpatrick,  Oomellns, 
FItzRimmons,  Patrick, 
Gartland,  John, 
GoBDON,  John,  a 
Oenard,  Augaata,  a 
Oorth,  Henry, 
Orleser,  John, 
Grice,  Joseph  B., 
Gable,  Michael, 
Qerock,  Charles, 
Harvey,  Frederick,  ft 
Hlcka,  Frederick  H.,  a 
Holm,  Louts,  a 
Hedland,  John,  a 
Hegeman,  William, 
Ualnes,  John  T.,  ft 
Hatch,  Orrin  8.,  ft 
Holm,  Martin, 
Hambleton,  WllUam, 


Uewltt,  James, 
Hnrd,  Joseph, 
Holford,  William, 
Hibbard,  Gardner, 
Hedricb,  Ferdinand, 
Jocknm,  AdoU^ 
Keffer,  Earl,  1. 
Enarr,  Jamm, 
Kemon,  Jamea, 
Elotz,  Julias, 
Kellett,  Robert  J., 

Knapp,  llieodore  X., 
Keefer,  Frank, 
Lindsay,  James, 
Leigh,  James  D., 
Lee,  Henry  R., 
Lavoisier,  Frederic, 
Lockwood,  Sidney  B., 
Lalor,  Flnton, 
Lamb,  Georga,  a 
Lang,  George, 
Lehman,  Henry, 
Lawrence,  Edwin  C,  ft 
McMVULBI,  Pbtib, 
McKnlght,  Mortimer, 
McEwan,  John, 
McManns,  Hngh, 
Merton,  Curtis, 
Merritt,  H.  A.  D.,  &  a 
Marland,  Charles,  <t 
Miner,  John  8., 
Metzler,  Joaepb, 
Mahoney,  John, 
Morse,  Ezra, 
Nelson,  Peter, 
Needham,  William, 
O'BaniN,  Dennis, 
O'Brien,  Thomas,  a 
Perry,  Albert, 
Perry,  Alhannan, 
Plade,  Henry,  ft 


Porter,  Clandloa, 
Pratt,  Albert  Y., 
Place,  Philip  U.,  a 
PeUe,  Charles  R., 
Quest,  John  P.,  ft 
Rooney,  Daniel, 
Rnnney,  William, 
Riley,  James, 
Robinson,  Calvin, 

*  This  Company  bad  in  all  164  Men. 

h,u&,-;    .,   A. 

pp,  Theodore  X., 
'er,  Frank, 
Iu7,  James, 
b,  Jamei  D., 
Henry  K., 
)lsler,  Frederic, 
cwood,  Sidney  B., 
r,  Finton, 
b,  George,  a 
r,  Georife, 
omn,  Henry, 
rence,  Bdwin  0.,  b 

[VUMX,    PlTIB, 

nigbt,  Mortimer, 
fftn,  John, 
[anni,  Hngh, 
on,  Cnrtta, 
Itt,  H.  A.  D.,  <.  a 
and,  Charles,  d 
ir,  John  8., 
ler,  Joseph, 
}ney,  John, 
le,  Ezra, 
on,  Peter, 
Iham,  William, 
ats,  Denmis, 
en,  Thomas,  a 
r,  Albert, 
r,  Alhannan, 
>,  Henry,  b 

IT,  JlBSB, 

ir,  Clandlus, 
,  Albert  Y., 
,  Philip  H.,  a 
,  Charles  B., 
t,  John  P.,  b 
ey,  Daniel, 
ey,  WiUiam, 
,  James, 
ison,  Calvin, 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


Rrsssix,  WiujAM  P., 
KnKg,  Hilss. 
Richards,  Frank, 
Reynolds,  Charles  J., 
Bkith,  Jaios  Q,,  a 
Smith,  John,  a 
Smith,  Darid  A., 
Sythofi;  Henry  A., 
8iH>,  PmB  A., 
Bterens,  George, 
Simpson,  Bei^amin, 
Sparlr,,  Elijah, 
St.  Clair,  Nelson,  a 
Sandlspree,  Paul,  1. 
Slmonson,  Frederick,  a 

Bchlapfsr,  John, 
Stmts,  Charles  O.,  a 
Stone,  Nelson  J., 
Scott,  William  J., 
Sweeney,  John  D,, 
St.  Clair,  Joseph, 
Starks,  William,  b 
Taft,  Henry, 
Tardy,  Aoguste,  a 
Trainor,  Michael,  b 
TuKKiB,  Bnt/Ainif, 
Tittle,  Frederick,  a 
Townsend,  Samnel,  a 
Taylor,  John, 
Utter,  Jamsi, 


Unwin,  Edward,  a 
Watson,  William, : 
Wells,  AlArod, 
Waogh,  Albert  B., 
Walders,  Charles,  b 
White,  Charles  H., 
Williamson,  James, 
Walker,  Albert  G., 
White,  Isaac, 
Wallace.  Matthew  L.,  a 
Wharton,  Robert,  a 
Tagle,  Joseph,  1.  a 
Tonta,  William,  a 
Zimmerman,  Baldwin, 
Cratty,  John  Ii. 


r  * 



Historic  Records. 


AnwiD,  Jededlnh  D., 
Akeni,  David, 
Arvt,  MHrlln, 
AljitRr.  Alunxn, 
Acker,  l)e  Witt, 
Acker,  Wallace, 
IllrdMall,  Cheater  K., 
Bot;ardn«,  (ieorge  A., 
I><>KardaB,  Joreinlali, 
HogardiiH,  William  U.,1. 
Burn*,  JamcR,  1. 
BlHliup.  Walter  J., 
Blunt,  Edmund,  Jr., 
Bebon,  Juaepli,  a 
Brown,  Abnun  T.,  a 
Bruwn,  John, 
Blanchard,  Ilenry  B., 
Burton,  Ezra, 
Brando,  Lewia, 
BitiiwEMAN,  Andrew, 
Crani,  William,  1. 
Colo,  John  J.,  a 
Coon,  Alfred, 
Cole,  John, 
Clongh,  George  8., 
Cloagh,  Jeremiah  J., 
Chapman,  \  ''illiam, 
Crandall,  Edwin, 
Conine,  William  H., 
Dx  Witt,  Oblian,  S.  a 
Uongherty,  John,  a 
Davis,  Michael, 
Cuvall,  John  W., 
Daines,  Arnold  P., 
Deitz,  Arthur  H., 
Deer,  Jacob, 
Dimmick,  Eugene  O.,  1. 
De  Long,  Ira, 
Dennis,  William  H., 
Delano,  Charles, 

Company  M.* 

DepfiW,  Munes, 
Drixcoll,  James, 
Dp|)«w,  James, 
Dowllng,  llcnry, 
Erdman,  Louis,  a 
Edwards,  James, 
Edwards,  William  H., 
Fricke,  Charles, 
Flemming,  Samuel, 
Frank,  OonrHKY,  a 
Frazler,  Francis  U., 
Feen,  John,  1. 
Fryhoon,  James  H.,  a 
Frvellug,  John,  e 
Fulton,  Philip  8., 
Foster,  James  P., 
Finlay,  James, 
Fenner,  Charles, 
Fenner,  James, 
Ficro,  James, 
Gardner,  Leslie, 
Goodscll,  Timothy  M., 
Graves,  Hiram  T., 
Garvcy,  James, 
Hcddle,  William, 
Hoover,  James, 
Haines,  John  H.,  b 
Howe,  Ralph,  1. 
Hoover,  Augustus, 
Hulman,  Helvln, 
Horton,  J.  Goodrich, 
Havey,  Jotm, 
Heckerman,  Thomas, 
Holleubecl^  Eugene, 
Hawes,  Leroy,  1. 
Hoilenbeck,  Charles  W., 
Haley,  John  F., 
Ilaney,  John  D., 
Hoyt,  William  F., 
Hayes,  Peter, 

Jones,  William  A.,  a 
Jackson,  John, 
Johnson,  William  H., 


Kceler,  Egbert, 
Knhn,  Bttrnard, 
Kulin,  Daniel,  b 
LowiK,  Oliver  C, 
Locke,  John, 
Lutb,  Charles, 
Lewis,  Jocob  8., 
Lawrence,  Natlutnlel, 
Lohman,  Axel  8., 
Lowe,  Abraham, 
Lucklow,  Philip, 
Lowe,  Levi  F., 
Lee,  Jotu  H,, 
Lee,  George  8.  W., 
Lucas,  C'liarles  B,, 
Lynch,  John, 
Moore,  Philip  H,,  a 
Moore,  Franklin, 
McCann,  John  F.,  a 
McAllister,  Peter,  a 
Mc(jrady,  James,  b 
McGready,  Hugh, 
McCarthy,  Daniel, 
Morton,  Edward, 
Myles,  John, 
Markham,  William  S., 
Murray,  Thomas, 
Morris,  Henry,  b 
Magher,  John, 
Morse,  Harrison, 
Harston,  Brastue  D., 
Mahue,  Joha, 
Matthews,  OeorgeA., 
Matthews,  Laurence  A., 
Mead,  William  H., 
Hickle,  Peter, 

•  This  Company  had  in  all  186  Men. 


Fifth  Nkw  York  Cavalry. 


in(-«,  Wim»mA.,  o 
ii'ksun,  John, 
uhiiiun,  WDliam  H., 

IVII.AND,  niNBT,  a 

eoler,  Stcbcrt, 

iilin,  B<Timr(l, 

aim,  Daniel,  A 
,  Oliver  C, 

(K-ke,  John, 

iith,  Cliarlea, 

■wl«,  Jocob  8., 

wroiico,  Mattuuilel, 

uliDisn,  Axel  8., 

)we,  Abraham, 
ucklow,  Philip, 
i>we,  Levi  P., 
BO,  John  H., 
!0,  Geot^e  8.  W., 
ica»,  Charles  B., 
'Dch,  John, 
oore,  Philip  R„  a 
oore,  Franklin, 
cCann,  John  F.,  a 
cAIIUter,  Peter,  a 
cGrady,  Jamea,  4 
cGready,  Hugh, 
cCarthy,  Daniel, 
>rton,  Itdward, 
rica,  John, 
irkham,  William  D., 
irray,  Thomas, 
irrla,  Henry,  b 
igher,  John, 
irgo,  Harrleoo, 
rston,  Brestns  D., 
hue,  Joha, 
tthewa,  George  A., 
tthewa,  Lau'ence  A^ 
ad,  William  H., 
:kle,  Peter, 

Mliini'fli'y,  ChArlea, 
Maliar,  John, 
Martin,  Hawley,  ft 
MiirrtiHin,  WluUm, 
Noef.  I'nilo, 
O'hiiiirkit,  Patrick, 
OilHl,  Oliver,,  Wilbur  F.,  3. 
(Nbom,  George  C,  6 
Piiiiltney,  Robert, 
Pllmley,  George  P., 
P»mK,  Oln«t, 
."iTfHiB,  Saji'l  T.  B., 
I'lli'lcr,  Samuel,  a 
(Jiilmby,  Ephralm, 
KafTiTly,  Petor,a 
HiMit,  Ocorge  O., 


Riiwell,  William, 
Ri-yniildd,  John  C,  1. 
Ryan,  Michael,  6 
Rice,  George  P., 
Raliiuy,  James, 

Ryan,  John, 
Rowe,  John, 
RiKkafeltow,  Horace, 
hugif,  George,  W.,  a 
Reevoa,  William,  o 
Bhopard,  Chnrlea, 
Smith,  Charles  D.,  a 
Smith,  Henry,  1. 
Smith,  Frank, 
Smith,  Charles  R., 
Sharkey,  Edward,  e 
Scntt,  Ellsha  B., 
Strent,  Jacob, 
Swintz,  Jacob,  a 


Shoemaker,  John  W., 
Saunders,  Carmine, 
Spencer,  Andrew  K., 
Seaman,  Samuel, 
Swan.  Thomas  H., 
Sbonksat,  Jamks.  1 
Schadler,  Ixiuls, 

Ten  Broeck,  8amu':l,  tt 
Thavir,  Ji;sTtT*,  1. 
Th<>ruton,  J.  Chauncey, 
Ten  Byck,  Jacob  II., 
Ten  Byck,  Edward. 
Tripp,  Usvl. 
Van  Ness,  Harmon  R., 
Van  Loan.  Jacob  U.. 
Van  Gorder,  Ellas, 
Whitcomb,  W.  H.,  \.a 
Winnie,  Peter, 
Wallace,  Edward, 
Walt,  Richard,  B., 
Warner,  Edward  B., 
Warner,  William, 
Werner,  William, 
Williams,   Samuel, 
Woodbridge,  Henry  N., 
Waldolph,  William  P., 
Tence,  John  E., 
Zimmerman,  Fred, 
Zimmerman,  Jacob, 


NoTi  1. — Great  labor  has  been  bestowed  upon  this  Hnstor.  Should  Inac- 
cnracies  occur,  or  some  men  foil  to  recive  due  notice  or  their  casualties,  it 
mnat  be  attributed  to  the  want  of  documents  for  reference.  In  some  Instan- 
ce!,—as  in  Gen.  Banks'  Retreat  flrom  Strasbnrg, — company  papers  were  lost. 
However,  it  Is  to  be  lamented  that  fbU  documents  were  not  kept  more 

Note  3.— Many  of  the  men  marked  Vktbbans,  were  not  originally  with 
the  regiment,  bnt  Joined  it  after  iiavlng  aarved  two  years  or  more,  in  soma 
other  organization. 







#  N  '■ 








Yielding  to  an  urgent  desire  and  request  of  my  many 
subscribers  and  friends,  I  append  to  these  Records  the  fol- 
lowing selections  from  the  files  of  the  weekly  journal,  which 
I  pulilished  or  road,  to  the  prisoners,  while  confined  in 
Libby  Prison.  It  may  serve  to  illustrate  more  clearly  than 
it  has  been  done  in  the  body  of  the  work  the  tout  entemhle 
of  that  dark  period  in  the  history  of  thousands  of  our 


Vol.  I.]    Xi66y  Priton,  Richmond,  Va.,  Augutt  2Ut,  1868.     [No.  I. 

The  Ziiiy  Chronicle  will  be  issued  weekly,  from  Prisoner 
k  Co.'s  steam  press  of  thought.  Such  will  be  the  equali- 
lation  of  labor  among  those  engaged  in  the  enterprise,  that 
this  publication  can  be  afforded  at  very  low  rates.  Price  of 
subscription,  weekly,  one moment's  good  attention,  in- 

'  Eight  numbers  of  the  Chroniele  were  issued. 




'u5 1 3 


'  I!  It 

'  r* 



^mt.^!^i  M^**~4^  ^'^ 

jSjM'C^^kfi^S'v  (.^A-^Wi'SSMtast-S 



Historic  Records. 


14*"  If 




1 1 




f  I 

variably  in  advance.     These  terms  being  comp'led  with,  the 
paper  will  be  forwarded  postage  free. 

With  such  facilities  before  the  public  foi-  obtaining  UBef'al' 
knowledge,  it  is  needless  to  state  that  wo  expect  an  extensire 
patronage.      Our  adherence  to  facts,    vhich  are  always  the 
most  stubborn  arguments,  ard  ta  the  motto  that 
"  A  little  nonsense  now  and  then, 
Is  relished  by  the  wisest  men," 

is  a  full  gur.rantee  to  our  patrons  that  they  will  ever  obtain 
an  ample  equivalent  for  their  subscription  price.  We  can- 
not very  well  forbear  mentioning  that  the  contributors  to 
our  columns  are  among  the  most  eminent  of  the  land,  in- 
cluding the  skillful  lawyer,  the  sedate  judge,  the  erudite 
priest,  the  amusing  comedian,  the  renowned  legislator,  and 
BCOi-es  of  others  from  the  various  walks  of  life,  whose  cou- 
uection  with  our  periodical  places  success  beyond  a  doubt. 
As  we  make  our  humble  bow  to  the  public,  we  hope  that 
progress  may  mark  our  course  in  every  department  of  our 
work,  until  the  /  ibb^  Chronicle,  its  editor  and  publisher, 
its  friends  and  patrons,  will  find  themselves  sailing  toward 
the  North  Laud  of  liberty  and  civilization. 

Kansas  Brigade's  Version  of  John  Brown. 

John  Brown's  body  lies  mouldering  in  the  grave, 

While  weep  the  sons  of  bondage  whom  'ae  ventured  all  to  save, 

And  though  he  lost  his  life  in  strugglirig  for  the  slave, 

His  soul  is  marching  on. —  CnoBtis. 
John  Brown  was  s  hero,  undaunted,  true  and  brave, 
Kansas  knew  his  valor  when  he  fought  her  rights  to  save, 
And  though  the  grass  grows  green  hbove  his  northern  grave, 

His  soul  is  maroliing  on. —  Chobhs. 


Ig  conip'ied  with,  the 

c  foi-  obtaining  useful  ■ 
fc  expect  an  extensire 
hich  are  always  the 
lottc  that 
od  then, 
t  men," 

Iicy  will  ever  obtain 
'oa  price.      We  can- 
t  the  contributors  to 
ent  of  the  land,  in- 
e  judge,  the  erudite 
wned  legislator,  and 
H  of  life,  whose  ecu- 
cess  beyond  a  doubt, 
public,  we  hope  that 
•y  department  of  our 
iitor  and  publisher, 
selves  sailing  toward 

John  Brown. 


ntured  all  to  gave, 

the  slave, 

!  on. —  Caoacs. 

I  brave, 
ghts  to  save, 
northern  grave, 
on. —  Chorus. 

Fifth  New  York  Cavaluy. 


He  captured  Harper'c  Ferry  with  bis  nineteen  men  so  few, 

And  frightened  "Old  Virginny"   till  she  trembled  through  and 

They  hung  him  for  a  traitor  —  ihorai'ulveH  a  traitor  crew. 

But  his  sotil  18  marching  on. —  Chorus. 

The  conflict  that  be  heralded  he  looks  from  heaven  to  view. 
On  the  army  of  the  Union  with  her  Hag,  rod,  while  and  blue. 
And  heaven  shall  ring  with  anthems  o'er  the  deeds  we  mean  to  do, 
As  we  go  marching  on. —  Chobvs. 

0  soldiers  of  Columb'a,  then  strike,  while  strike  you  .nay, 
The  death-blow  of  oppression  in  this  better  time  and  way, 
And  the  dawn  of  old  John  Brown  will  brighten  into  day. 
As  we  go  marching  on. —  Cuoius. 

"South  Window,"  Libby  Prison; Rich.mond,  Va. 
No.  1. 

Mr.  Editor :  Who  among  your  hearers  have  not  felt  as 
the  writer  feels  to-day,  weary  and  worn  out  with  the  dull 
monotony  of  prison  life  ?  There  is  no  future  here ;  night 
and  day  succeed  one  another  with  but  the  same  scene,  the 
same  fruitless  longing  for  liberty.  Even  these  more  than 
precious  letters,  brief  mementos  of  the  dear  ones  at  home, 
make  the  bitterness  of  captivity  but  the  deeper.  Many,  if 
not  all  of  us,  have  faced  death  on  the  battle  field  and  are 
willing  to  do  so  in  our  Country's  cause  again ;  but  who, 
once  released;  would  yield  to  see  the  walls  of  Libby  Prison 
or.ce  more  ?  True,  thi  i  rome  have  been  unfortunate  enough 
to  now  be  prisonerp  of  war  a  second,  and,  in  one  instance, 
we  believe,  a  third  time, — such  are  entitled  to  our  sympathy. 
They  are  indeed  sufferers. 





1  Ki 





*■■♦*•  ^^i-j^aii  ■■  *A  y^K,  ■■«-«^.-SiJSB-.*i**n*?{»„if- 





jiijiiiwlii ' 


Historic  Rkcords. 

it^  ^ 

Am  I  harping,  Mr.  Editor,  on  a  threadbare  theme  ?  I 
crave  pardon.  A  fit  of  the  blues  is  on  me  to-day,  and  what 
I  write  partalces  of  it.  Even  the  heavens  are  overcast  with 

"  The  autumn  days  haye  come 
The  saddest  of  the  year.—" 

We  take  a  sidelong  glance  from  our  "south  window,"  and 
see  away  off  in  the  distance  a  portion  of  Belle  Isle,  occupied 
by  thousands  of  our  brave  men.  Poor  fellows!  There  lot 
is,  while  it  lasts,  even  worse  than  ours. — 

Hark,  what  sound  breaks  from  the  depths  below  our  feet  ? 

"Mess    No. ,  dinner."     We  go,  Mr.  Editor,  we  go. 

Sorrowfully  we  lay  our  pen  aside,  hoping  when  we  write 
.again,  to  reach  a  more  cheerful  result. 

Au  revoir.     Black  bean  soup  awaits  us. 

Captain  P. 


Q.  In  what  respect  do  the  officers  confined  in  Libby  re- 
semble Dives  in  the  parable  ? 

Ans.  They  are  looking  to  Abraham  for  comfort. 

Q.  Why  is  an  elephant  like  a  pile  of  brick  f 

Ans.  Because  neither  can  climb  a  tree. 

Q.  Why  •■«!  our  soup  in  Libby  like  the  stuff  of  which 
dreams  are  made  ? 

Ans.  Because  it  is  a  body  without  substance. 



idbare  theme  ?  I 
to-day,  aad  what 
are  overcast  with 


nth  window,"  and 
ille  Isle,  occupied 
diows !   There  lot 

18  below  our  feet  f 

.  Editor,  we  go. 

when  we  write 

Captain  P. 

aed  in  Libby  re- 



stuff  of  which 

Fifth  New  Yokk  Cavalry.  889 

Castlb  Thunder. 


On  Gary  street,  in  Richmond,  there  is  a  mongrel  den 

Of  thievee,  sneaks,  and  cowards,  mixed  up  with  gentlemen. 

Oh,  it  is  a  shame  to  huddle  in  together 

Men  and  beasts,  wild  and  tame,  like  birds  of  every  feather. 

The  Eeb.  authorities  scared  up  this  living  wonder, 

Made  it  a  prison,  and  named  it  Castle  Thunder. 

Here  they  tumble  in  characters  of  every  hue, 

Reprobates  steeped  in  sin  with  the  Christian  and  the  Jew. 

Conscripts  by  the  dozen,  at  daylight  and  after  dark. 

Come  pouring  in  the  Castle  like  animals  in  the  ark  ; 

Some  are  small,  some  are  great,  some  show  pluck,  some  white  liter, 

Some  from  Mississippi  state  and  "  Goobers"  from  Tar  river. 

Substitutes  and  deserters  come  in  in  sorry  plight, 

And  sub-gents,  too,  are  hero  quartered  for  the  night. 

Blockade  runners,  also,  are  shut  up  for  a  warning. 

But  seldom  leave,  as  promised,  early  the  next  morning. 

While  on  Potomac's  banks  both  parties  try  to  nab  'em, 

If  they  escape  the  Yanks,  old  JefiF.  is  sure  to  grab  'em. 

So-called  spies  are  castled  here,  who  think  it  real  hard  luok, 
They  are  all  from     mkeedom,  excepting  one  Kennuck  ; 
Disloyalists  are  also  here,  and  one  for  being  a  gnide, 
9  boys  call  him  Doodlebug,  for  piloting  Burnside. 
V    also  have  an  oyster  man,  who  the  oflioers  discover, 
Ws.  Union  on  the  York  but  Seoesh  on  James  river. 
Par:  first  tells  you  where  the  Castle  is  and  who  are  there, 
Part  second  will  disclose  the  manner  of  our  fare. 

We  have  a  doten  rooms  or  more,  *ndin  some  two  or  three, 

The  boys  wear  handoufifs,  balls  and  chains  —  Confederate  jewelry. 

Some  rest  on  cots,  on  boards,  with  blankets,  some  without  them, 


tf  i„ 

1     >    I 



^k        !.t*>t>V., 

K  f 

4   1 

>  1,1 



Historic  Rkcords. 


'  i- 

1'       ' 


5  *     ''' 


*  t  ' 

a  ' 

*    J 



And  when  (hey  get  to  sleep  the  big  hugs  often  rout  them; 

They  never  sleep  in  quiet  though  ever  so  much  drowsy, 

For  the  vermin  are  so  thick  and  big,  the  lice  themselves  are  loiigy. 

We  have  eighteen  kinds  of  food,  though  'twill  stagger  your  belief, 

We  have  bread,  beef  and  soup,  and  bread,  soup  and  beef; 

Then  we  separate  about,  with  twenty  in  a  group. 

And  get  beef,  soup  and  bread,  and  beef,  bread  and  soup ; 

For  our  dessert  we  obtain,  though  it  costs  us  nary  red, 

Soup,  bread  and  beef,  and  beef,  soup  and  bread. 

The  bread  we  usually  get  is  of  a  very  good  sort, 

True,  it  is  the  staff  of  life,  but  our  staff  is  rather  short. 

Our  beef's  so  lean  and  dry,  that,  swallowing,  it  will  bound  back, 

Unless  we  recollect  afore,  to  try  to  grease  the  track. 

It  is  too  tough  and  strong,  for  our  noses  or  our  knives. 

The  cattle  were  so  poor  aud  thin,  were  killed  to  save  their  lives. 

The  hides  are  made  up  into  shoes,  the  sinews  into  strings, 

The  mcrrow  into  soup,  and  the  bones  in  pretty  rings. 

Our  soup  is  much  too  weak,  to  please  a  very  high  liver, 

'Tis  made  of  beans,  bugs  and  rice,  and  extract  of  James  river. 

Now  I've  told  you  what  we  eat,  whether  we're  well  or  sick, 
What  we  drink  is  never  strong  though  sometimes  rather  thick. 
Our  drink  is  rarely  river  water,  except  to  save  from  death, 
And  then  for  want  of  whiskey  we  smell  an  officer's  breath. 
Meat  and  drink  are  now  so  scarce  as  to  raise  a  serious  doubt, 
Whether  the  Confederacy  is  not  about  played  out. 
Number  one  and  two  you've  heard,  and  now  in  division  third, 
I  will  say  a  word  about  the  way  we  are  officered. 


Military  officers  of  the  very  meanest  stuff, 

For  every  local  post,  are  oontidered  good  enough. 

In  officering  Richmond  they  varied  not  the  general  rule, 

To  appoint  a  drunkard,  a  tyrant,  a  coward  or  a  fool. 

It  is  plainly  to  be  seen  that  in  a  little  while 

When  Salnn  fccoopes  his  jewels  up,  in  Biohmond  he'll  get  a  pile. 



Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


rout  tbem; 
I  drowsy, 

hem  selves  are  lougy. 
stagger  your  b«Uef, 
p  and  beef; 

and  soup ; 
lary  red, 


er  short. 

t  will  bound  back, 
'  knives. 

to  save  their  lives. 
Into  strings, 
r  rings, 
igh  liver, 
of  James  river. 

well  or  sick, 
nes  rather  thick. 

from  death, 
cer's  breath. 
I  serious  doubt, 

a  division  third, 


aeral  rule, 
a  fool. 

id  he'll  get  a  pile. 

At  the  head  of  Richmond  post  they've  placed  a  Marylander, 

And  like  the  devil  in  regions  lost  there  sits  General  Winder. 

He  snaps  and  snarls,  he  rips  and  swears,  whether  sober  or  tight, 

The  old  villain's  heart's  as  black  as  his  bead  is  white. 

All  through  this  vicinity  they  hate  him  as  hard  as  they  can, 

Kor  ever  slander  him  with  epithet  of  decent  man. 

However  mean,  he's  a  patriot,  that  may  be  undertttond. 

For  when  he  left  the  Yankee  land,  'twas  for  his  country's  good. 

We  come  to  Major  Griswold.  who  is  our  Provost  Marshal, 
He's  a  little  prejudiced,  which  makes  him  rather  partial ; 
15ut  when  compared  to  Winder  he  seems  no  virtue  to  lack. 
As  green  is  almost  white  by  the  side  of  jet  black. 

And  there's  Judge  Baxter,  who  also  is  a  queer  old  case, 

He  has  so  large  a  centre  he  can  hardly  change  his  base. 

He  says  whiskey's  adangerous  thing  to  have  about  the  town, 

So,  with  all  his  might,  he's  for  putting  whiskey  down. 

Whiskey  is  fifty  cents  a  drink,  and  of  the  meanest  sort, 

The  Judge,  to  get  his  money's  worth,  swallows  it  by  the  quart. 

I  win  slyly  tell  you,  boys,  if  your  money  you  begrudge, 

How  to  get  your  whiskey  cheap  —  step  up  and  tap  the  judge. 

In  the  door  of  the  castle,  like  a  stopple  in  a  jug. 

To  shut  the    prison's  mouth,  they've  stuck  a  Baltimore  plug ; 

It  is  Captain  Alexander,  who  is  so  cross  and  spunky, 

He  is  certainly  not  fit  to  command  an  oyster  pungy. 

The  captain  is  such  a  case  as  may  be  often  seen, 

Wlio  thinks  he's  very  smart;  but  is  invisible  green  | 

He  is  a  thundering  blower,  but  would  not  dare  lo  flght. 

As  dogs  that  bark  the  loudest  are  seldom  known  to  bite. 

Yet  he  has  streaks  of  good,  as  well  as  mean,  miKsd  for  relitf, 

The  first  are  scarce  and  thin  like  fat  in  Confederate  beef. 

He  also  came  from  Maryland,  ami  meen  as  Nick  can  make  him, 

And  the  reason  why  we  keep  him  is  because  the  devil  won't  tak* 


1,(5  ,1 

If    J 





'll  I 


IIisToiuc  Records. 

Allen  18  a  smooth  old  rat,  that  is  truthfully  said, 

He  shines  with  blnck  from  boots  to  hat,  his  face  shines  with  red; 

He  pours  down  whiskey  double-quick,  there  is  no  doubt  of  that; 

Sometimes  he  makes  believe  he's  sick  but  it's  a  brick  in  his  hat. 

Uld  Allen  is  a  villam  of  the  Tery  darkest  stripe, 

He'll  go  home  to  purgatory  as  soon  as  he  is  ripe. 

And  if  he  does  not  blow  off  steam  and  soon  shut  down  the  brakes 

In  a  dream  of  delerium  he'll  find  his  boots  are  full  of  snakes. 

He  has  an  oily  tongue  and  face  full  of  deceit  and  evil. 

And  should  Old  Nick  miss  that  scape-grace,  there's  no  need  of  a 


A  Pkivatb. 

Facts  and  Fun. 

I  am  one  of  those  who  have  derived  much  information 
from  the  facta  which  have  been  demonstrated,  and  much 
amusement  from  the  fun  which  has  been  generated  in  the 
columns  of  the  Chronicle.  We  have  been  favored  with 
statements  and  demonstrations  of  facts  pertaining  to  almost 
every  subject  of  public  interest.  Creeds  of  religion  and  po- 
litical faith  have  wisely  been  excluded  from  the  /act  depart- 
ment of  this  association.  No  one  could  consistently  with 
tne  objects  of  the  association  and  the  courtesy  due  individual 
members  thereof,  lead  off  with  a  bigoted  or  partisan  state- 
ment and  denunciation,  which  would  necessarily  be  offensive 
to  others,  and  would,  if  replied  to  in  the  same  spirit,  lead 
here  as  elsewhere,  to  recriminations,  disputes  and  disunion. 

We  are  gratified  to  observe  that  this  principle  has  com- 
mended itself  to  all,  and  that  such  questions  have  not  been 
obtruded  upon  ground  sacred  to  instruction. 

Success  to  the  "stubborn"  department  of  the  Ljceum, 
and  may  matters  of  personal  experience,  travels,  history, 



Fifth  Nbw  York  Cavalry. 


shines  with  red ; 
0  doubt  of  that ; 
irick  in  his  hat. 

down  the  braltes, 
ill  of  snakes. 
I  evil, 
re's  no  need  of  a 

A  Pbivatb. 

iich  information 
tted,  and  much 
«nerat«d  in  the 
n  favored  with 
lining  to  almost 
religion  and  po- 
the  fact  depart- 
onsistently  with 
y  due  individual 
•r  partisan  atate- 
irily  be  offensive 
Eime  spirit,  lead 
iS  and  disunion, 
nciple  has  com- 
is  have  not  been 

)f  the  L;)ceum, 
travels,  history, 

science  witb  its  innumerable  branches,  extending  from  the 
depths  of  the  earth  to  regions  above  and  beyond  our  ken, 
the  arts  and  graces,  Christianity  and  patriotism,  never  lack 
for  able  defenders  and  expounders,  and  the  meetings  of  the 
association  will  not  lack  in  interest,  nor  the  speakers  or 
readers  for  appreciative  listeners.  In  tbe  stubbornness  of 
fact  is  found  a  self-suppoi  ting  dignity. 

Fun,  on  the  contrary,  is  apt,  inside  and  outside  of  our 
circle,  to  degenerate  into  folly.  The  harmless  play  of  seven 
and  eight  P.  M.  has,  at  nine  or  ten,  degenerated  into  pro- 
fanity  and  obscenity,  which  wisely  await  darkness  before 
coming  forth  to  disturb  the  sleep  and  sensibilities  of  the 
majority  of  the  officers  here  confined.  Inside  our  circle 
great  care  is  necessary  lest  the  joke  grate  too  harshly  on 
rough  edge  or  straight  edge. 

Of  this  food  so  healthful  for  body  and  mind  we  should 
seek  the  highest  and  best,  by  keeping  watch  and  ward  over 
our  unruly  members,  and  carefully  analyzing  and  examining 
those  specimens  which  are  recognized  models  of  wit.  When 
well  executed  the  burlesque  is,  perhaps,  the  happiest  style 
of  wit.     May  our /an  never  grow  less  in  quantity  or  quality. 

Yive  la  Bagatelle. 

Major  P. 

Newb  of  Libbt. 

Monday,  September  28tb,  12  M. 
Rumored  that  the  exchange  oommissioners  did  not  meet 
yesterday  as  was  expected. 

Four  P.  M.  Rumor  says  that  the  United  States  commis- 
sioners, having  heard  of  Spencer  Kellogg's  execution,  imme- 
diately returned  without  awaiting  the  arrival  of  the  Confede- 


'11  ' 



^  ii 







h>1  n 


Historic  Records. 


L-'  1 


rate  States  troop,  and  that  there  will  be  no  exchange  of 
prisoners  soon. 

September  29th.  As  a  result  of  yesterday's  news  tlie 
spirits  are  drooping  in  all,  except  those  of  the  huxtering 
fry,  who  seem  to  have  renewed  their  diligence. 

September  SOth.  We  have  news  from  a  reliable  source, 
that  all  the  Federal  officers  are  to  be  paroled  and  sent  north 
on  the  next  truce  boat. 

Three  p.  m.  Since  receiving  the  above  telegram  we  have 
received  information  that  no  exchange  or  parole  is  to  occur, 
as  the  exchange  agents  have  not  acceeded  to  any  proposi- 
tions yet  oflFered,  and  that  the  next  truce  boat  will  bring 
blanketfi  and  clothing  for  the  Libby  family. 

October  1st.  The  huxtering  fry  say  they  will  allow  fruit 
to  be  conveyed  down  Red  Lane  pike,  if  the  teamsters  will 
allow  them  a  profitable  remuneration. 

Latest  from  the  hospital,  four  and  one  half  p.  M.  A  United 
States  gun-boat  brought  dispatches  that  no  exchange  even 
of  privates  would  be  allowed  until  the  case  of  Kellogg  is 
satisfactorily  explained. 

Still  later,  nine  P.  M.  The  commissioners  are  to  meet  on 
the  3d  October.  The  United  States  commissioner  will  bring 
six  gun-boats  along  to  protect  the  white  flag. 


Jack  Rumortrap. 

"South  Window." 
No  2. 

Shall  I  tell  you  why,  Mr.  Editor,  that  ensconced  in  this 
out-of-the-way  corner,  close  to  this  cross-barred  frame,  why 
I  call  it  my  South  Window  ?     Because  memory  reverts  to 


,>   '^ 


Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


no  ezchango  of 

rday's  news   tlie 
of  the  huxtering 


»  reliable  source, 
ed  and  sent  north 

telegram  we  have 
parole  is  to  occur, 
sd  to  any  proposi- 
boat  will  bring 

sy  will  allow  fruit 
he  teamsters  will 

If  P.  M.  A  United 
0  exchange  even 
use  of  Kellogg  is 

rs  are  to  meet  on 
issioner  will  bring 


nsconced  in  this 
irred  frame,  why 
emory  reverts  to 

another  scene  and  time  in  by-gone  days,  when  a  fair  bright 
face  oft  watched  adown  the  road,  the  first  to  welcome  the 
toiler  home.  I  wonder  if  she  sits  in  that  "south  window" 
nuw  and  waits  the  wanderer's  return  ? 

Ah,  Mr.  Editor,  whose  heart  so  cold  it  would  not  warm 
with  thoughts  like  these  ?  Ever  as  memory  goes  back  to 
those  fast-growing  far  distant  hours  1  picture  my  happy 
lionie.  Situated  a  few  miles  away  from  the  busy  hum  of 
the  metropolis  on  a  little  bay,  nestled  among  a  magnificent 
1,'ruve  of  chesnuts,  hid  by  them  from  the  sight  of  the  passer 
by,  is  my  home. 

There  at  night,  after  the  work  of  the  day,  have  I  retired 
in  keen  enjoyment  of  the  comforts  of  a  happy  home,  sur- 
rounded only  by  those  who  love.  Such  a  life  is  almost  the 
poet's  dream  of  Elysium.  There  in  the  early  mists  of  the 
morning  have  I  mounted  my  horse  for  a  ride  along  the  sea- 
Bhore,  or  through  the  clover  fields ;  or  In  the  moonlit  sum- 
mer's evening  have  unfurled  the  sails  of  my  "Bonny"  yacht 
and  glided  on  the  smooth  surface  of  the  bay,  hour  ailer 
hour,  happy  in  forgetfulness  of  all  save  the  present.  This, 
in  all  its  wide  meaning,  is  home. 

And  here,  Mr.  Editor,  the  ofVrepeated  prayer  arises,  may 
the  day  soon  come,  when  you  and  I,  and  all  of  r^,  shall 
leave  our  prison  abode,  and  be  permitted  to  clasp  our  loved 
ones  in  a  warm  embrace,  when  the  dismal  clouds  of  war  are 
scattered,  and  the  sunshine  of  peace  shall  fall  upon  a  reu- 
nited land. 

Once  more,  Au  revair. 

Capiain  p. 



•^  •IJK^®;3iift®ssMtS'i^K^^*s»SbM.i.--j-^*^^ 



Historic  Eeoobds. 

(Written  exprewly  for  the  LlDby  ChronUtt.) 

"Of  Libby'sjioe  to  us  th«  direful  apring 
Of  woM  annumbar«d,  heavenl/  muaes  iiing." 

Homer  moderniied. 
Think  not  mj  theme  lo  trifling,  none  you  can  meution, 
Ueoeivea  in  Libby  half  lo  muoh  attention. 
A  phonographic  clan  of  half  a  doien  score, 
In  one  short  week,  falls  off  a  half  or  more ; 
French,  too,  and  Spanish,  as  all  can  plainly  see, 
Lose  their  students  in  the  same  degree ; 
But  who  so  laiy,  so  busy,  or  so  nice, 
Neglects  to  giT«  an  hour  each  day  to  lice, 
Will  be  beset  with  troubles  great  and  small. 
And  have  hard  scratching  to  get  along  at  all. 
If  poeU  write  of  battles  'twixt  ftrogs  and  mice, 
Why  not  of  skirmishes  'twixt  men  and  lice  T 
And  while  these  Terses  rude  we  are  enditing. 
Look  'round  to  see  the  different  styles  of  fighting. 

Watch  Fngilisticus,  he  in  a  trice, 
Pulls  off  his  dirty  shirt  to  fight  his  lice ; 
His  muscles  thus  of  cumbrous  duds  bereft. 
See  with  what  science  he  "  puts  in  his  left" 
Upon  the  bodies  of  his  luckless  brood, 
And  Pngilisticns  has  gained  '<  first  blood." 
With  double  i  .ry  he  "puts  in  his  right," 
And  PugilisticuB  has  "  won  the  fight." 

And  there's  Historious,  with  scabby  back. 

Would  trace  their  history  as  he  hears  them  crack  ; 

Wonders  if  these  lice  bear  the  same  description, 

As  those  once  scratched  by  Pharaoh  and  the  Egyptians. 

He  tries,  in  vain,  from  facts  and  from  analogy. 

To  thread  their  lineage  and  genealogy. 




omer  modtrniied. 

au  oaa  m«ulio&, 




ainly  lee, 



at  all. 

d  mios, 



of  fighting. 




hem  oraok ; 


id  the  Egyptian!. 


Fifth  New  York  Cavaluy.  347 

He  learns,  ImweTer,  irith  rery  little  paine, 

The  proudoal  blood  of  Llbby  is  flowing  in  their  veini. 

He  marks,  too,  that  the  death  ')f  tli«He,  his  little  foes. 

Is  not  as  ignominious  as  thoughtless  men  suppose. 

Siscra,  a  great  warrior,  was  slain  by  Jael, 

With  those  unwarlilte  weapons,  a  hammer  and  a  nail, 

While  to  slay  these,  so  very  much  abused. 

Although  tlicr.  be  no  hammer,  two  nails  are  always  used. 

Mark  now  Gallantrlous,  that  nice  young  man, 
With  taper  fingers  made  to  wi-^ld  a  lady's  fan. 
Much  disgusted,  see  him  huiuing,  half  ashamed  of  being  seen, 
Thinks  it  "  very  unprelty,"  lico  should  stay  in  «hirt  so  clean. 
See  now  his  handsome  visage,  wnat  contortions  and  grimaces! 
As  if  to  scare  the  nasty  things,  by  making  ugly  faces. 
What  would  she  think,  his  would-be,  future  spouse, 
To  see  him  strip  and  squat  and  grin  and  louse  ? 

Behold  TheologiouB,  with  reverend  lace, 

Peering  with  care  in  every  hiding  place. 

And  while  his  little  flock  crawls  'round  through  heaps  of  slain, 

Such  thoughts  as  these  come  crawling  through  his  brain: 

What  if  'midst  all  the  creeds  and  doctrines  which  so  stagger  us, 

That  should  be  true  announced  by  old  Pythagoras  I 

That  after  death  men's  souls  instead  of  going 

To  heaven  or  hell  according  to  the  showing 

Uf  orihodosy  teachers,  simply  go  forth 

To  inhabit  birds  and  beasts,  insects  and  so  forth 

Base  or  noble  as  their  lives  may  show  forth. 

Most  in  this  prison,  if  I  judge  aright, 

Will  live  in  noble  beasts  and  birds  of  lofty  flight. 

But  some  there  are,  who'U  live  again  as  hogs. 

Some  skunks,  some  asses,  some  as  snappish  dogi. 

A  very  few  have  souls  so  small  and  base 

That  even  such  as  these  they  would  disgrace. 

Crammed  in  this  loathsome  prison,  scorned  like  slaves, 



1,  j' 

I     'irf   . 
1       \* 


I 'SI'." 





'   ll 
'      I, 



Historic  Records. 

IniuUed,  slarTcd  by  coward  traitor  knaTei, 
The  men  who  in  our  lufferini;  have  betrayed  ua, 
And  fawn  on  tboie  who  brutally  degrade  ui, 
Even  auch  email  aouls,  will  find  a  fitting  nice, 
And  lire  hereafter,  in  loathsome  Libby'a  Hoe. 

There'a  Philosophious,  with  thoughtful  brow. 

Who  know*  the  "  why"  of  eyerything,  the  "  what"  and  "  how." 

He  watched  his  louse  to  learn  each  aecret  habit. 

Before  with  bloody  fanga  he  proceeda  to  grab  it. 

Beea  it  in  ita  ooiy  neat  recline, 

Marka  it  making  love  and  obaerTea  it  dine. 

With  wise  diaorimination  he  can  trace 

The  difference  'twixt  the  louae  and  bedbug  race  — 

But  I'll  cease  aoratihing  linea  and  acratoh  •'  Sootoh-fiddle" 

At  aomething  crawling  in  my  pantaloona. 


Libby  Prison,  Richmond,  Va.,  September  26th,  1863 
To  His  Excellency,  Augustus  W.  Bradford, 

Governor  of  Maryland, 

Sir:  We,  the  undersigned  officers  of  your  state,  now 
suffering  the  privations  of  prison  life,  though  conscious  that 
we  are  not  forgotten  by  you,  would  nevertheless  urge  upon 
your  consideration  the  importance  of  making  ft  personal 
effort  for  our  release,  should  such  effort  be  found  practi- 
cable. Our  imprisonment  has  become  almost  intolerable. 
Depri-'ed  as  we  have  been,  so  long,  of  the  sweet  sunshine 
and  pure  air,  also  of  our  accustomed  diet  when  fretv  we 
have  gradually  sunken  under  the  debilitating  influence. 

Scrofulous  and  dropsical  diseases  have  already  manifested 
their  alarming  syroptons  among  us,  and  will  doubtless  prove 
fatal  in  many  cases,  unless  we  are  soon  released.     Our  fel- 



Fifth  New  York  Cavaihy. 


lyed  ui, 



"  what"  »nd  "how." 

grab  it. 

low-Bufferer,  Major  Morris,  but  recently  fell  a  Tictim  to  our 

wretched  condition.     OtherH  will  probably  soon  follow  him. 

Can  anything  be  done  for  us  ?     Our  prayer  is  brief,  but 


We  are,  respected  Sir, 

Your  obedient  servants,  &0. 

(Signed  by  many  officers  of  the  state  of  Maryland). 

ug  raoe — 

h  "  Sootoit-fiddU" 


nber  26th,  1863 


ernor  of  Maryland, 
)f  your  state,  now 
lugh  oonsoious  that 
rthelesB  urge  upon 
naking  ti  personal 
b  be  found  practi- 
almost  intolerable. 
;he  sweet  sunshine 
let  when  free;  we 
ting  influence, 
already  manifested 
ill  doubtless  prove 
eleased.     Our  fel- 


It  is  with  much  regret  that  we  announce  the  fact  to  the 
readers  of  the  Chronicle,  that  there  are  those  among  the 
officers  now  confined  in  this  delectable  (?)  locality,  ycleped 
Libby,  who  are  uttering  curses,  "not  loud,  but  deep," 
against  our  government,  for  permitting  them  to  remain  here 
»o  long.  These  officers  evince  more  of  the  spirit  of  spoiled 
I'liiUlren,  than  of  that  manly  courage  and  patience  which 
bhould  characterise  the  actions  of  the  American  officer  and 

The  officer  who  utters  complaints  against  our  government 
fur  his  continued  incarceration,  shows  that  he  does  not  under- 
Htund  the  principles  involved  in  the  controversy,  in  relation 
to  the  exchange  of  prisoners,  or  else  he  is  prompted  by  mo- 
tives altogether  selfish  and  unpatriotic.  The  exchange  of 
officers  was  suspended  in  consequence  of  the  unfair  proceed- 
ings of  the  Bebel  authorities,  about  the  first  of  June,  in 
retaining  certain  officers  in  an  unjust  and  arbitrary  manner. 
Among  those  thus  retained  were  Colonel  Streight's  officers, 
Captain  McKee,  of  the  Fourteenth  Kentucky  Cavalry,  and 
Lieutenant  Conn,  of  the  Second  Virginia  Cavalry.      Our 


,; 'I 

J;  "I 


■     -./>««.»?5f»i:'ai 

•;i'';-i*Vi»* ■*-'-*  •' 



Historic  Records. 




commissioner,  o  i  discovering  this  injustice,  respectfully  in- 
formed the  ReVel  commissioner,  that  all  exchange  of  officers 
would  be  suspended,  until  the  Rebels  would  exchange  officer 
for  officer  and  man  for  man,  according  to  rank  and  to  date 
of  capture. 

The  Rebels,  at  that  time,  were  anticipating  a  series  of 
successes,  which  they  have  not  realized,  though  they  persist, 
with  a  dogged  obstinacy,  in  the  unjust  course  which  they 
had  marked  for  themselves.  Instead  of  removing  obstacles 
which  they  had  thrown  in  the  way  of  the  cartel,  they  con- 
tinue to  increase  those  obstacles,  by  high-handed  acts  of 
injustice  and  cruelty,  and  make  the  affair  more  complicated. 
All  that  ii  necessary,  is  to  return  to  the  cartel  and  proceed 
as  formerly.  When  the  Rebels  do  this,  our  government  is 
ready  to  exchange,  but  until  then,  it  acts  properly  in  refus- 
ing to  "xchango.  A  partial  or  special  exchange  would  leave 
many  an  unfortunate  prisoner,  exposed  to  even  worse  insults 
and  indignities,  than  now.  The  suspension  of  the  cartel 
will  doubtless  continue  until  the  Rebels  are  willing  to  con- 
duet  the  exchange  on  fair  principles,  and  every  patriotic 
officer  should  submit  to  his  sad  fate  with  manly  fortitude. 

Our  government  has  not  forgotten  us,  but,  on  the  con- 
trary, it  is  pursuing  that  course  which  will  result  to  our 
advantage.  Should  partial  exchanges  be  made,  a  portion 
of  the  officers  would  be  held  as  hostages,  confined  in  wretched 
cells,  and  reserved  for  hanging  or  sheeting,  for  the  amuse- 
ment and  recreation  of  the  chivalry.  Such  exchanges 
would  add  to  the  comfort  of  some,  but  would  increase  the 
Bufferings  of  others.  What  officer  is  so  devoid  of  humanity 
ae  to  be  willing  to  accept  his  personal  liberty  at  such 
expenso?     If  there  be  any  such  in  Idbby,  ttry  had  better 


Fifth  Kew  York  Cavalry. 


le,  respectfully  in- 
^change  of  officers 
exchaflge  officer 
I  rank  and  to  date 

ating  a  series  of 
ougli  they  persist, 
urse  which  they 
emoving  obstacles 
3  cartel,  they  con- 
i-handed  acts  of 
more  complicated, 
irtel  and  proceed 
)ur  government  is 
properly  in  refus- 
lange  would  leave 
even  worse  insults 
sion  of  the  cartel 
re  willing  to  con- 
id  every  patriotic 
lanly  fortitude, 
but,  on  the  con- 
rill  result  to  our 
made,  a  portion 
fined  in  wretched 
?,  for  the  amuse- 
Such   exchanges 
lid   increase  the 
oid  of  humanity 
liberty  at  such 
ttfj  had  better 

tender  their  "immediate  and  unconditional"  resignation,  as 
soon  as  possible,  and  retire  to  their  own  place.  But,  in  the 
language  of  Holy  Writ,  let  us  "  endure  hardness  as  good 
soldiers,"  trusting  in  nr  God  of  battles  to  deliver  us;  assured 
also  that  we  are  not  forgotten  by  father  Abraham,  who  is 
evidently  doing  all  that  justice  and  mercy  can  prompt  him 
to  do  for  our  relief.  While  it  is  well  for  us  to  invite  the 
aid  of  our  influential  friends  in  th^  north,  in  this  matter  of 
exchange,  it  is  equally  proper  to  bide  our  time  with  patience 
and  resignation. 

"South  Window." 
No  8. 

October,  1st,  1863. 

Amidst  the  excitements  of  ''fresh  fish"i  (and  this  is  ever 
a  fishy  place)  and  exchange,  there  has  been  little  time  of 
lato  to  write,  and  even  now  your  correspondent  knows  of 
little  that  will  interest  your  htirers.  "Changing,  forever 
clianging;  so  runs  on  the  petty  pace  from  day  to  day,"  says 
the  poet,  and  how  has  its  truthfulness  been  proven  during 
the  few  weeks  Victory  and  defeat  have  hovered  o'er 
our  country's  banners,  and  as  we  watch  to  see  the  smoke 
of  battle  roll  away,  we  see  the  red  result — a  result  which 
we,  men  of  war,  have  seen  but  too  often. 

■  Whenever  a  company  of  prisoners  was  seen  approaching  Libby, 
the  cry,  "fresh  fish  1"  "  fresh  fish  1"  was  made  within,  followed  by  a 
nmh  to  the  fi'ont  windows,  to  get  a  glimpse  of  the  uew  comers.  As 
they  generally  had  friends  in  the  prison,  and  were  bearers  of  the 
If»t!»st  reliable  news  from  the  army,  on  being  introduced  into  the 
rooms,  they  were  surrounded  by  an  eager  tlirong,  and  a  shower 
of  questions  was  raincJ  upon  them.  Those  were  seasons  of  great 



"^  1     I 

•'.'    f. 



ilisTouic  Records. 


Vast  armit  umbered  by  ibeir  tens  of  thousands,  j»o 
crashing  togetiu  ■ ,  steel  clashes  against  steel,  fire  responds 
to  fire ;  the  one  recoils,  and  again  amid  the  whistling  ball 
and  hurtling  shell,  the  scene  is  rctinacted,  until  the  one, 
weaker  and  worn  out,  is  hurled  back,  whipped,  defeated, 
routed.  They,  who  were  brave  men  an  hour  before,  on 
losing  hope,  fly  for  safety  under  some  impregnable  fortress. 
Thus,  though,  Mr.  Editor,  has  it  not  been  with  our  valiant 
army  of  the  Cumberknd. 

Forced  into  a  battle  without  position,  what  did  our  brave 
Rosecriiiis?  Witli  numbers  small  ir  comparison  to  those 
of  his  foe,  we  see  him  day  after  day  stubbornly  fighting. 
At  length  his  linos  are  driven  back,  for  they  cannot  reiiist 
the  foiee  that  is  hurled,  coofident  in  their  weight  of  num- 
bers, against  them.  Back,  back  they  fall,  and,  in  a  few 
moments  more,  all  will  be  lost;  but  see  I  a  form,  well  knowa 
and  love<l  by  each  of  that  gallant  army,  dashes  forward, 
scarcely  an  hundred  yarda  from  the  advaacung  foe;  and 
there,  amid  a  storm  of  buU.ets,  which  they  who  were  there 
tell  UH  they  never  saw  equaled,  right  in  the  jaws  of  (Jieath, 
between  the  two  combatants,  their  lender  ifidea ;  his  hat  is 
raised  aloft,  and  he  shouts,  "  Forward  men !  Will  you  let 
Hebels  drive  you  back  ?  Forward !  Crive  them  the  bayonet ! " 
And  they  did  ;,  the  day  was  saved. 

Night  came  on  apace,  and,  bo  quietly  that  the  enemy 
knew  it  not,  he  fell  back  to  ChattarKM.)ga,,  where  Braxton 
IJragg,  with  all  the  appropriat-eneas  of  hia  aame,  will 
not  attempt  to  attack  him.  .Better  far,  and  none  know 
it  better  than  he,  to  be  content  with  what  he  lay  call  a 
vict^jry, — a  victory  indeed  in  one  sense,  but  certainly  a 
very  barren  one. 



thousands,  go 
1,  fir'.i  respom^B 
whistling  ball 
until  the  one, 
pped,  defeated, 
our  before,  on 
gnable  fortress. 
Tith  our  valiuut 

t  did  our  brave 
ttvison  to  those 
(ornly  fighting, 
ej  cannot  reuist 
weight  of  num- 
,  and,  in  a  few 
inn,  well  kuowa 
iashes  forward, 
ncing  foe;  and 
who  were  there 

jaws  of  death, 
'dea;  his  hati.s 

I  Will  you  let 
J  the  bayonet ! " 

flat  the  eneuij 
ivboro  Braiton 
ii«  'jame,  will 
Qd  none  know 
ho  lay  call  a 
at  certainly  a 

KiFTii  New  Yobk  Cavalry. 


AN  Officeb  and  a  Gentleman. 

lit  lIBUTBH/iNT  COLOBBl  8. 

It  Btill  runs  in  the  memory  of  many,  wheni  to  be  an  officer 
of  the  American,  army,  was  to  be  as  a  covtsequence,  ii  iijen-  and  a  man  of  honor.  The  claimant  to  official  rank, 
„f  whatever  grade,  waH  ever  the  vecipient  of  marked  atten- 
tion.  The  announcement  of  his  arrival  was  paraded  in  the 
jounialB  of  the  day,  and  the  blandest  smiles  of  mina  host, 
and  the  cosiest  chamber  of  "  mim  inn,"  were  instr.ntly  at 
l>is  command.  From  the  great,  the  learned,  the  wealthy 
and  the  lair,  'hospitaUtiea,  invitations  and  favors  of  every 
kind  were  tendered  him,  and  his  sojoura  in  town  or  coun- 
try, was  a  continuation  of  f^te  days,  culmi-aating  in  intensity 
as  his  leave  of  absence  drew  near  its  close. 

"All  mevi  r«»ore-l  hirn,  all  women  loved." 
To  impugn  his  character,  or  to  doubt  his  honor,  Hubjeoted 
the  utterer  'to  the  closest  investigation,  or  to  the  stern  ar- 
bilrameot  of  arms,  while,  to  him,  to  fall  from  his  high 
position,  was  a  descent  second  only  to  that  of  Lucifer.  In 
camp,  courteovB  to  bis  subordinates,  he  was  ever  respectful 
to  his  superiors;  and  in  the  field,  ho  faced  the  foe,  because 
the  path  to  glory  k  through  the  field  of  dangtr. 

For  his  associates,  with  whom  ho  had  encoimtered  many 
vicissitudes  "through  field  aud  flood,"  he  entertained  an 
affection  dearer  than  the  tiei*  of  r«ktionf,hip ;  aiul  wai^  ever 
ready  to  aid,  support  and  ddeud  them  at  all  hazards.  Such 
were  the  life,  character  and  nttribat,^s  of  au  Amcriean  officer 
at  the  commencement  of  this  contest ;  and  whether  enroUci 
iu  defense  of  constitutional  right  and  a  juivl  governracn!:, 
or  engaged  in  ma-rshalling  the  ranks  of  the  disloyal  and  the 




M  I 


Historic   Kecords. 

traitor,  to  this  day  he  retains,  in  an  eminent  degree,  most,  if 
not  all,  of  tLise  virtues. 

Let  us  now  turn  to  the  volunteer.  Called  to  arms  by  his 
country's  need,  the  gifted,  the  honored,  the  brave,  throwing 
off  the  lethargy  of  peace,  donned  the  uniform  of  his  govern- 
ment, and,  pledging  his  life  and  his  sacred  honor,  rushed  to 
th  'I  defense  of  a  time-honored  flag,  and  the  beloved  inatitu- 
tions  of  his  forefathers.  A  hearty  volunteer  in  a  glorious 
cause,  he  brought  with  him  the  enthusiasm  of  the  patriot, 
and  the  loyalty  of  the  citizen;  accustomed  to  comfort  and 
nurtured  in  luxury,  he  endured  the  privations  of  the  camp 
and  the  bitter  experiences  of  martial  life,  with  cheerfulness 
and  obedience ;  proud  of  his  cause,  his  country  and  his  uni- 
form, he  strove  so  to  guide  his  steps,  that  each  and  all 
might  be  honored  by  his  advocacy.  Acquainted  with  the 
amenities  of  civil  life ;  filled  with  the  recollections  of  the 
social  distinctions  accorded  to  the  oflicer  of  former  day.s, 
and  a  firm  believer  in  the  attributes  of  the  chivalric  soldier, 
he  naturally  turned  to  his  immediate  associates  in  arms,  for 
an  e'^'nbition  of  those  characteristics,  which  have  garnishuJ 
the  pages  of  history  and  peopled  the  world  with  heroes. 

The  chiR  which  nightly  awakens  the  denizens  of  Libby 
by  its  eager  search  after  the  paternal  Teet;'  to  whom  the 
knowledge  of  light,  air,  and  impalpable  being,  is  but  a  thing 
of  yesterday,  is  yet  old  enough  to  chronicle  the  downfall  of 
theso  expectations ;  and  could  he  answer,  young  as  he  is, 
his  youthful  visage  would  rival,  in  intensity  ^f  color,  his 
spanked  extremity,  after  a  severe  flagellation  by  his  irate 

'Cnptain  Joha  Teed  could  imitate  the  crying  of  a  iittle  child  so 
perfectly,  as  to  render  detection  almost  impossible.  Hours  of 
intense  merriment  were  occasioned  by  this  thing  alone. 



Fifth  New  York  Cavalrv. 


U  degree,  most,  if 

ed  to  arms  by  his 
e  brave,  throwing 
nu  of  his  govern- 
honor,  rushed  to 
e  beloved  institu- 
tecr  in  a  glorious 
lai  of  the  patriot, 
d  to  comfort  and 
tiou8  of  the  camp 
with  cheerfulness 
intrjr  and  his  uni- 
hat  each  aud  all 
juainted  with  the 
icol  lections  of  the 
r  of  former  days, 
chivalric  soldier, 
iates  in  arms,  for 
i  have  garnisht'ii 
with  heroes, 
enizens  of  Libby 
tj'  to  whom  the 
ig,  is  but  a  thing 
the  downfall  of 
young  as  he  is, 
ity  :>f  color,  his 
;ion  by  his  irate 

of  a  little  child  no 
ssible.  Hours  of 
;  alone. 

ancestor,  while  recounting  the  reverse  of  the  picture.  For, 
did  he  speak  truly,  he  would  tell  of  the  lie  bandied,  in  lieu 
of  the  sacred  word  of  honor  ever  implied;  of  the  act  and 
fresture  of  filth  and  indecency,  iu  place  of  the  manly  joke 
uiul  good  humored  repartee ;  of  the  blasphemous  response 
1 1  the  authorized  command  of  the  superior,  instead  of  the 
(graceful  obedience  of  the  subordinate ;  but,  worse  than  all, 
ho  would  t*ll  of  the  rights  invaded,  the  property  purloined, 
and  the  pocket  rifled  of  one  officer,  by  his  fellow. 

Mr.  Editor,  had  such  a  statement  been  made  in  any 
journal  as  respectable  as  your  own,  previous  to  my  advent 
tij  Libby,  i  would  have  deemed  it  my  duty  to  hunt  the 
anonymous  slanderer  from  Lis  secret  lair,  and  nail  the  cal- 
umny to  his  forehead ;  but  now,  alas,  a  short  but  painful 
experience  in  a  military  prison,  has  revealed  to  me,  that  an 
officer  and  a  gentleman  are  no  longer  synonyms ;  that  the 
uniform  of  the  soldier  may  cover  the  car  ass  of  the  sneak, 
and  the  shoulder  straps  of  the  officer  may  serve  to  conceal 
the  brand  of  the  thief.  Dare  any  one  deny  this  ?  If  any 
such  there  be,  let  them  dispassionately  investigaie  the  record 
of  the  past  two  weeks,  and,  ere  venting  their  virtuous  indigna- 
tion, inquire  of  the  first  officer  they  meet  of /*('«  experience; 
or,  better,  let  them  consult  the  official  announcement,  affixed 
to  these  walls,  proclaiming  the  loss,  by  theft,  of  one  hundred 
and  eighty  dollars,  within  the  past  fortnight;  or  they  may 
be  enlightened  by  the  recital  of  innumerable  petty  larnenies, 
minor  scoundrelisms  and  sneaking  pilferings,  unworthy  the 
talent  J  of  the  meanest  thief  that  ever  graduated  from  the 
Fi-  -  Points.  Even  the  honor  which  obtains  among  rogues, 
is  forgotten,  for  we  have  it  on  record,  that  thief  has  robbed 
Uiief,  and  the  sneak  preyed  upon  his  brother.     And  yet. 

'\  ■■ 



t<*  i^ 


Historic  Records. 

y  si 

•'  Q 



forsooth,  these  miscreants  bear  a  commission,  hold  a  com- 
mand, and,  by  my  manhood,  even  sport  a  sword.  Of  such 
men  the  immortal  Shakespeare  has  written  thus : 

"  He  will  steal,  sir,  an  egg  out  of  a  cloister.  He  pro- 
fesses not  keeping  of  oaths ;  in  breaking  them  he  is  stronger 
than  Hercules.  He  will  He,  sir,  with  such  volubility,  that 
you  would  think  truth  were  a  fool.  Lrunkenness  is  his 
best  virtue,  for  he  will  be  swine-drunk,  aud  in  his  sleep  he 
docs  little  harm,  save  to  his  bed  clothes  about  him ;  but 
they  know  his  conditions  and  lay  him  in  straw.  I  havo 
but  little  more  to  say,  sir,  of  his  honesty ;  he  has  every- 
thing that  an  honest  man  should  not  have,  what  an  honest 
man  should  have,  he  has  nothing." 

I  would  not  have  it  understood,  Mr.  Editor,  that  a  ma- 
jority, or  even  a  tenth  of  our  number,  are  open  to  these 
charges.  The  bad  among  us  are,  I  am  proud  to  say,  nu- 
merically small,  but  that  they  are  killful  and  proficient 
their  present  concealment  evidences.  Brought  from  the 
rariuus  armies  of  the  north  and  west,  we  are,  in  a  degree, 
^otal  strangers  lo  a  large  number  of  the  present  inmates  of 
IIiIh  prison.  The  very  man  who  shares  our  plank,  is  un- 
K  nown  to  us,  by  name  or  state,  and  may  be,  for  all  we 
jcnow,  the  mirror  of  knighthood,  or  the  veriest  poltroon. 

A  sufferer  by  the  peculations  complained  of,  we  turn  in 
querulous  bas^e,  with  jealous  eye,  upon  the  first  comer,  and 
arc  more  likely  to  suspect  the  innocent,  than  to  detect  the 
guilty;  and  we  ourselves,  while  seeking  our  despoiler,  are 
in  turn  susoected  by  a  fellow-sufferer,  who  deems  the  eager 
looks  of  the  loser,  the  preying  scrutiny  of  the  thief  For 
cur  own  sakes,  then,  let  us  combine  to  purge  our  body  of 
this  moral  blot,  to  rid  our  profession  of  this  UMVel  stain 



FiFTU  New  York  Cavalry. 


[ssion,  hold  a  com- 

a  Bword.     Of  such 

in  thus : 

cloister.  He  pro- 
them  he  is  stronger 
ich  volubility,  that 
Drunkenness  is  his 

at>d  in  his  sleep  he 
es  about  him;  but 

in  straw.  I  havo 
sty ;  he  has  every- 
ve,  what  an  honest 

Editor,  that  a  ma- 
are  open  to  these 
n  proud  to  say,  nu- 
Iful  and  proficient 
Brought  from  the 
re  arc,  in  a  degree, 
present  inmates  of 
our  plank,   is  un- 
may  be,  for  all  we 
ericst  poltroon, 
led  of,  we  turn  in 
be  first  comer,  and 
than  to  detect  the 
our  despoiler,  are 
0  deems  the  eager 
)f  the  thief.     For 
surge  our  body  of 
f  this  novel  st-ain 

To  one  or  the  other,  the  condition  and  opinion  of  each  and 
every  man  are  known.  The  knave  and  the  coward,  under 
a  close  surveillance,  must  inevitably  be  discovered,  while 
the  brave  and  the  honorable  can  rarely  be  misunderstood. 
Murk  then  every  man,  by  his  words  and  actions.  Scan 
closely  the  unguarded  movements  and  desultory  remarks 
ut'  the  suspected.  Meet  cunning  with  stratagem,  and  ply 
the  rogue  to  his  ruin.  The  cause  we  advocate  and  the 
uniform  we  wear,  demand  that  we  should  expose  the  un- 
worthy and  unmask  the  dishonest;  and  it  is  the  duty  of 
every  honest  man,  to  bring  the  r''  "ant  thief  to  that  justice 
he  so  much  needs  and  fears. 

Written  expressly  for  the  Chronidt). 

Thk  Irruption.* 


'Twas  night,  and  Rebel  Libby,  wrapped  in  sleep, 
Was  hushed  to  quiet,  weird,  sublime  and  deep  : 
Along  the  floor  the  moon's  pale,  flickering  beam, 
Athwart  each  visage,  shot  with  fitful  gleam, 
As  if  in  pity  she  did  stoop  to  bless, 
And  cheer  each  prisoner  with  a  fond  caress. 

And  what  a  sight  that  moon-lit  floor  displays  t 
In  each  pale  face,  upturned  to  meet  her  rays, 
She  shines  resplendent,  and  paints  in  colors  bright 
A  cheerful  soul  within,  content  and  light ; 
Tet  through  its  workings,  now  in  fit  and  start, 
Unfolds  the  sorrows  of  an  anguished  heart. 





*  This  poem  was  written  eoon  after  the  arrival  of  oar  ofllcen,  captured  at 




IliSTonic  Records. 

f.  I 

From  scene  like  this  wo  turn  our  weary  bead, 
To  court  unwilling  Sleep  to  bless  our  bed ; 
When,  hark  !  upon  the  stillness  harshly  breaks 
A  sound,  that  to  the  base  old  Libby  shakes ; 
Like  to  the  war  of  billows,  tempest-clad, 
That  beat  old  Ocean's  shore,  in  foment  mad. 

Or  cannon's  thunders  loud,  when  heard  afar. 
In  battle's  dreadful  strife,  "  grim-visaged  war.' 
It  nearer,  louder  comes.     "  What  can  it  be  ?  " 
Each  wakened  dreamer  cries,  and  starts  to  see. 
And  what  a  sight  meets  their  astonished  gaze, 
By  light  of  moon  and  candle's  flickering  blaze  1 

The  vandal  Yankees,  in  "  irruption  "  bold, 

In  numbers  seventy  and  one  all  told. 

Are  in  a  horde  dark  Libby's  cells  invading. 

And  'long  its  files  with  stealthy  tread  are  raiding; 

Their  guide  a  contraband :  deceitful  black. 

To  thus  direct  the  cunning  Yankees'  track. 

Surprised,  awaked  by  the  in-coming  foe. 
The  inmates  rise  to  strike  a  mortal  blow  : 
Aloft  they  rise  in  majesty  so  grand 
These  dreamers,  this  incarcerated  band ; 
With  mingled  crios  of  joy,  of  fear  and  rage, 
They  quickly  haste  the  coming  fight  to  wage ; 

When,  lo t  above  the  din  cries  out  a  wag: 
"'Tis  not  the  vandals,  only  Braxton  Bragg, 
Who  comes  to  reinforce  the  garrison. 
With  gobbled  troops  of  Teuton  Rosy'a  men  " 

5  foe, 
blow : 

id  rage, 
>  to  wage ; 

8  men  " 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 



No.  1. 


Day  dawnf>,  and  light  falls  upon  the  adjacent  fields  and 
waters,  and  struggles  through  the  barred  windows  of  Libby. 
How  many  it  arouses  from  sweet  dreams  of  home  and  dnys 
of  liberty,  to  look  upon  solemn  prison  walls,  bare  rafters 
under  the  roof,  and  naked  posts  and  beams.  What  a  con- 
trast to  the  waking  scenes  of  other  days ! 

Scarcely  have  you  made  yourself  believe  that  you  are  a 
prisoner  of  war,  when  your  ear  is  greeted  by  a  clear  voice 
Id  a  broken  tongue,  which  cannot  well  be  mistaken,  "  All 
four  copies  of  de  mornin'  papers ! "  And  occasionally,  for 
mirth's  sake,  the  voice  exclaims,  "News  from  Ireland!" 
"  Full  account  of  de  flyin'  mule ! "  etc.  But  when  our 
sable  friend,  "  Old  Ben,"  cries  out,  "  Full  statement  of 
exchange  of  prisoners ! "  there  is  a  general  resurrection  of 
heads  and  bodies  throughout  the  room,  and  a  large  patronage 
is  enjoyed  by  the  poor  slave,  who  so  often  has  cheered  the 
inmates  of  this  doleful  place  by  his  musical  voice  and  plea- 
sant laughter.     This  is  a  part  of  our  matinee. 

Now  there  is  a  pounding  and  a  grating,  and  no  little 
rumbling  and  ratiling.  You  need  not  wonder,  the  cooks 
have  commenced  their  work.  The  stoves  fairly  groan  under 
their  loads  of  pots  and  kettles  for  coflfee  and  soup,  while  their 
ovens  are  pregnant  with  the  accustomed  bash  and  toast. 
All  day  loag  this  is  a  source  of  annoyance  or  diversion. 
There  is  pounding  on  the  floor  for  water  from  below,  when 
the  faucets  have  been  closed ;  there  is  haste  to  secure  the 
best  pots,  kettles  and  pans  for  public  and  private  uses ;  there 







Historic  Records. 


is  gouge  game  and  grab  game,  from  head  cooks  to  young 
apprentices,  and  from  those  who  are  not  cooks  at  all,  while 
selfishness  and  profanity,  meanness  and  brute  force  miD};le 
too  frequently  in  dreadful  confusion. 

This  is  only  a  part  of  our  culinary  arrangcmentfl.  Long 
tables  stretch  across  the  room.  How  munificent  the  supply 
of  spoons,  knives  and  forks,  as  one  mess  after  another  appears 
fur  its  refreshments  I  Our  silver  and  porcelain  sets  have 
turned  into  rusty  tin ;  and  even  worse,  for  one  man  is 
reduced  to  eat,  d  la  Turque,  with  his  fingers ;  another  by 
hiu  side  gulps  his  soup  with  a  rough  wooden  spoon,  carved 
out  with  his  dull  jack-knife.  Yet,  after  all,  this  eating  is  s 
great  institution,  in  which  many  continually  abide,  living  to 
eat,  not  eating  to  live,  at  least  if  their  stores  hold  out. 

Simultaneously  with  the  close  of  the  morning  meal  ap- 
pears the  "general,"  a  colored  prisoner,  whoso  chief  employ 
seems  to  be  to  disinfect  the  rooms,  by  means  of  his  "  Union 
smoke,"  as  he  loyally  calls  his  fumigations,  made  from  burn- 
ing tar.  Groups  gather  around  his  smoking  skillet,  enjoy- 
ing the  "  general's "  spicy  Union  talk  quite  as  well  as  his 

Once  a  week  about  this  hour  a  voice  is  heard  announcing 
from  room  to  room :  "  Meeting  of  the  .Debating  Club  in 
upper  east  room."  Then  there  is  a  stampede,  and  a  rush  to 
secure  the  best  seats  !  These  consist  of  the  dirty  floor,  upon 
which,  in  semi-circles,  the  crowd  sits  like  Indian  chiefs  at  a 
war  council.  The  scenes,  at  times  presented,  are  worthy  the 
pencil  of  a  Raphael,  and  the  pen  of  an  Irving.  On  his  way 
to  his  exalted  seat,  on  a  level  with  the  audience,  the  chair- 
man detaches  from  the  bulletin-board  the  following  notice, 
which  will  suggest  the  order  of  exercises : 



Fifth  New  Yoek  Cavalry. 


lad  cooks  to  young 
t  cooks  at  all,  while 
brute  force  ininfjle 

rangcments.  Long 
unifioont  the  supply 
fler  another  appears 
porcelain  sets  have 
le,  for  one  man  is 
fingers ;  another  by 
Doden  spoon,  carved 

all,  this  eating  is  a 
ally  abide,  living  to 
ores  hold  out. 

morning  meal  ap- 
whose  chief  employ 
eans  of  his  "  Union 
18,  made  from  burn- 
)kiDg  skillet,  enjoy- 
[uite  as  well  as  his 

9  heard  announcing 
jOebating  Club  in 
ipede,  and  a  rush  to 
he  dirty  floor,  upon 
9  Indian  chiefs  at  a 
ited,  are  worthy  the 
rving.  On  his  way 
mdience,  the  chair- 
he  following  notice, 

Libhy  Lyceum  t 
First  Discussion— Tuesday,  Aug,  4th,  10  A.  M.    Question  : 
Reaulvcd,  that  the  Fear  of  Punishment  has  a  greater  in- 
fluence on  mankind  than  the  Hope  of  Reward. 

LllUT.   8.   H.   B/.LtABD,    1     _,.  .   n-       .      . 

„  t    Chtef  Duputantt. 

LiiCT.  Jamis  Burns,      J  •'        "^ 

LiEPT.  CoL.  F.  F.  Cavada,    1  subttilulti. 
LiKUT.  H.  D.  Chambbblaim,  J 
All  members  are  requested  to  prepare  themselves  for  the 

By  order, 

H.  Rees  Whiting,  Secretary. 
Louis  N.  Boudrye,  I\esident. 

From  fifteen  to  twenty  participate  m  the  spirited  debate, 
which  elicits  no  little  amount  c  general  intelligence,  good 
oratorical  ability,  wit  and  humor.  With  the  chairman's 
decision,  the  choice  of  another  question,  appointments  and 
miscellaneous  business,  the  parties  disperse,  feeling  that 
their  time  has  been  admirably  spent. 

We  have  received  the  following  from  our  special  corre- 
spondent, at  Havanna : 

Sefior  Redactor  del  LMy  Chronicle:  Por  el  prdcsimo 
vapor,  por  via  de  Nueva  York,  enviar6  d  vd.  diez  mil  tobacos 
superiores,  para  el  uso  de  los  prisioneros  Federales  en  la 
cdrcel  de  Libby. 

Su  seguro  servidor, 

Que  sus  manoB  besa, 

Juan  Snooks. 









,l  1 













.  > 



J  a 





Historic  Records. 

Why  do  Gentlemen  Smoke  ? 

The  chewing  of  tobacco,  although  u  filthy  practice,  may 
oe  defended  on  the  ground  that  if  the  chewer  be  careful  to 
use  the  spittoon,  he  annoyb  or  injures  no  one  but  himself, 
and  every  man  has  »  right  to  amuse  himself  as  he  pleases, 
provided  he  does  not  interfere  with  his  neighbor.  But  can 
as  much  be  said  in  defence  of  smoking?  We  think  not, 
especially  in  Libby,  where  at  least  /our  hundred  mtinking 
pipes  pollute  the  air  most  villainousli/.  This  stench  may 
counteract,  it  is  true,  the  noxious  and  sickening  effluvia 
from  the  sinks,  but  in  this  case  the  remedy  seems  even  worse 
than  the  disease. 

Erom  the  earliest  dawn  of  the  gray  morning,  until  long 
after  we  have  sought  sleep  on  the  verjiin-infested  floor,  this 
choking  and  offensive  smoke  loads  all  the  air,  permeates 
every  nook  and  corner  of  the  prison,  and  irritates  our  luijg>' 
at  every  breath.  At  meals  we  have  it  thick  about  our  heads. 
It  mingles  with  our  hash,  lends  its  hateful  flavor  to  our 
Rio  C?)  coffee,  settles  in  "  puffs  "  and  circles  into  our  soup ; 
in  jhort,  we  are  forced  to  eat  it  with  overy  mouthful  of  our 

At  "  roll  cull "  we  seek  a  place  in  the  ranks,  where  no 
pipe  is  near,  but  v  o  scarcely  get  into  "  position,"  when  pop 
comes  a  German  gentleman  in  our  rear,  protruding  his  long- 
handle  pipe  over  our  shoulder,  while  its  hot,  reeking  stench 
slowly  ascends  to  our  very  nostrils.  The  call  over,  we  hasten 
to  a  window  to  catch,  if  possible,  one  breath  of  the  sweet 
morning  air,  and  we  have  gained  but  one  inspiration,  when 
we  are  saluted  with,  "  Fine  morning,  captain."  We  try  to 
answer,  "  yes,"  but  are  choked  off  by  the  dense  cloud  of  the 

'     .i. 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 




thy  practice,  may 
wer  be  careful  to 
one  but  himself, 
ilf  as  he  pleases, 
ighbor.  But  can 
We  think  not, 
hundred  stinking 
fhis  stench  may 
iekening  effluvia 
seems  even  worse 

rning,  until  long 
ifested  floor,  this 
e  air,  permeates 
•ritates  our  luug>' 
about  our  heads, 
'ul  flavor  to  our 
8  into  our  soup ; 
mouthful  of  our 

ranks,  where  no 
ition,"  when  pop 
trud;ng  his  long- 
i,  reeking  stench 
1  over,  we  hasten 
ith  of  the  sweet 
nspiration,  when 
in."  We  try  to 
inse  cloud  of  the 

"  fumes  of  the  weed,"  which  surround,  envelop  and  engulf 
us,  and  we  stand  aghast  to  find  ourself  flanked  on  either 
side  by  an  old  "  black  stager "  of  a  long-used  clay  pipe. 
Retreating  from  this  dilemma,  we  pass  into  the  kitchen, 
aud,  the  morning  being  cool,  we  try  to  hover  near  the  stoves 
a  moment,  when  we  are  startled  by  an  authoritative  voice 
behind  us,  calling  out:  "There's  too  much  crowd  around 
these  stoves!      Are  these   gentlemen   all   cooks?"      Not 
belonging  to  that  fraternity  on  this  occasion,  we  hastily 
retreat,  fearing  wtj  have  intruded,  when  the  speaker,  with 
all  the  insolent  nonchalance  of  an  acting  a»»istant  adjutant 
general,   steps   up   to   the    stove    bnd  —  lighU    hi$   pipe! 
Amused,  we  turn  to  leave,  but  are  attracted  by  a  gentleman 
who  is  chopping  meat  for  hash.     A.  well-filled  pipe,  at  tho 
end  of  two  feet  of  cane  reed,  hangs  down  and  rer.ches  nearly 
to  the  meat,  while  at  every  blow  of  the  knife,  the  jotting 
motion  shakes  a  little  ashes  and  tobacco  into  the  dish.     A 
queer  condiment,  we  think ;  but,  then,  perhaps  his  mess  all 


As  we  leave  the  kitchen  we  pause  to  read  the  "  Hints  for 
Cooking,"  kindly  posted  for  our  uoe,  but,  lo !  the  title  page, 
frontispiece,  and  a  part  of  the  first  page,  are  torn  away:  for 
wiiat?  To  light  the  pipes,  forsooth  1  Disheartened,  we 
turn  again  to  a  window  foi  »n  instant's  relief  from  the  ever- 
lasting pipe.  But  here  also  we  find  a  commissary  peeling 
cold  potatoes  to  make  his  hash,  and  as  he  works  he  is 
"crooning  o'er  some  auld  Scotch  sonnet,"  and  ever  and 
anon  the  motiou  of  his  lips  shakes,  from  his  over-loaded  pipe, 
small  flakelets  of  the  burning  weed,  which  sprinkle  each 
potato  thoroughly.  But,  then,  he  is  making  private  hash, 
80  that's  all  right. 




!  .It ' 



i<.s«5SiJj,jji'iSv»l3ii-''*  mirtfiHi^' 

l-f  f^ 

'  II 



Historic  Rucohos. 

We  hear  the  sound  of  music,  and,  turning,  see  two  good 
singers  holding  the  book.     Fond  of  music  we  approach  to 

have  a  treat,  when,  whew!  each  in  his  left  hand  holds  a 

pii^e  I  and  at  every  "  rest"  ia  the  tune,  each  takes  a  hearty 
whiff.  Choked,  tired  and  disappointed,  we  turn  away  to 
pray  that  Gen.  Meredith  would  hurry  up  the  exchange. 


1  -m 

The  Beautiful. 

Beauty  is  not  confined  to  nature,  to  trees,  to  flowers,  and 
to  the  material  world.  It  is  the  prime  element  of  spirit iial 
life.  It  manifests  itself  in  its  highest  and  most  subli  -^ 
form,  in  the  nobler  traita  of  human  character  aud  conduct. 
The  only  really  tubstantial  beauty  in  the  world  is  truth, 
mercy  and  love.  The  natural  rose  soon  fades,  but  the  roses 
of  moral  conduct  and  spiritual  life  bloom  forever. 

The  highest  typa  of  beauty  this  world  ever  saw,  is  con- 
tained  in  the  life  and  death  of  Jesus  Christ.  There  is 
beauty  in  the  heavens,  the  stars,  the  clouds  and  the  arch  of 
blue;  in  the  wide  waste  of  old  ocean,  in  the  hills,  plains, 
mountains  and  valleys  of  the  earth.  But  there  is  nothing 
in  these  to  compare  with  the  feeblest  effort  for  the  elevation 
and  welfare  of  the  down-trodden  and  oppressed,  the  poor 
and  despised,  the  ignorant  and  unfortunate,  the  erring  and 
lost  of  the  Luman  race.  What  beauty  in  a  fault  forgiven, 
in  a  tear  dried,  in  an  error  corrected,  in  a  want  supplied ! 

There  is  sublime  beauty  in  Niagara,  but  a  sublimer  in  the 
widow's  gift  of  mites,  or  in  the  heavenly  mission  of  Florence 
Nightingale ;  more  beauty  in  tii.  refmal  of  Moses,  than  in 
the  pomp  and  splendor  of  Pharaoh ;  more  in  the  ragged  and 

-H^,'^.'!-    "^    ■> 

'V»«i"-'        f  ,     ■>         *6 




Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 



niDg,  see  two  good 
sic  we  approach  to 

it  hand  holds  a 

lach  takes  a  hearty 
we  turn  away  to 
the  exchange. 

ees,  to  flowers,  and 
lenient  of  spirifiial 
and  most  subli  «^ 
icter  aud  conduct. 
Qe  world  is  tnith, 
iides,  but  the  roses 

ever  saw,  is  con- 
Christ.      There  is 
s  and  the  arch  of 
the  hills,  plains, 
there  is  nothing 
■  for  the  elevat'on 
pressed,  the  poor 
«,  the  erring  and 
a  fault  forgiven, 
Tant  supplied ! 
1  sublimer  in  the 
ssion  of  Florence 
'  Moses,  than  in 
1  the  ragged  and 

despised  Lazarus,  than  in  the  purple  and  fine  linen  of  Oives ; 
more  in  visiting  widows  and  orphans,  than  in  the  glory  of 
vain  princes.  Such  are  the  beauties  of  the  soul,  which 
reflect  the  brightness  of  heaven.  These  beam  with  the  rays 
of  eternity. 

S.  G.  H. 

Lights  and  Shades  in  Libby. 
No.  2. 

TIow  truo  is  the  saying  that  a  man  cannot  long  hide  his 
real  character.  Remove  him  to  the  antipodes,  or  utterly, 
change  the  circumstances  of  his  life,  and  he  is  still  the 
same.  Bayard  Taylor  once  thought  that  if  he  could  ever 
tread  the  sacred  soil  of  Palestine,  he  would  be  a  holier,  bet- 
ter man,  but  be  writes  that  when  he  stood  in  the  consecrated 
ground  of  Gethsemane,  he  was  the  same  Taylor  still.  The 
soldier  will  be  a  soldier,  place  him  where  you  will.  Who 
can  doubt  ihis,  who  looks  out  upon  the  teeming  multitudes 
of  Libby,  some  bright  morning,  after  the  light  of  day  has 
aroused  the  miserable  eleeperfe .  Fcr  then,  even  without 
orders,  and  thus  making  himself  liable  to  a  court-martial, 
every  man  sets  himself  to  "skirmishing."  The  better  to 
accomplish  his  work,  like  the  racers  in  the  Olympic  games, 
I'o  casts  aside  all  his  loose  garments,  which  frequently  in- 
cludes his  entire  wardrobe,  and  great  preparations  are  made 
fur  the  conflict.     The  soldier  must  be  a  soldier. 

Wo !  wo  now  to  the  enemy  that  may  chance  to  linger  in 
the  open  fields,  for  the  sharp-shooter  will  certainly  dismount 
him.  A  dash  is  made,  the  grounu  is  cleared,  all  flank 
movements  are  prevented,  and  now  there  is  a  falling  back  to 




■  'V?;»«ii^^y<:^■^-.^1•'■'&«NU»Jia«*^iBW»»^.^^■-W  !1.1M..  «>ivlW.i 



Historic  Records. 

the  fences  and  ravines,  which,  in  prison  parlance,  are  called 
"seams  of  shirts  and  pants."  The  battle  now  deepens. 
The  reports  of  the  missiles  of  death  are  numerous.  Hunan 
blood  is  spilt.  The  casualties  are  mauy.  for  the  black  flag 
is  raised ;  no  quarters,  no  prisoners,  death  or  victory.  Thii 
battling  for  human  rights  against  brute  force  is  going  on  in 
every  room  of  the  prison  throughout  the  day,  unless  it  be 
on  those  fortunate  days,  when  the  call  is  made,  spreading 
like  wild  contagion  from  room  to  room :  "  The  mail !  the 
mail !"  Whatever  men  are  doing  is  laid  aside,  and  a  rush 
is  made  generally  to  the  upper  west  room,  where  one  of  our 
officers  reads  aloud  the  addresses.  Every  one  hopes  for  a 
letter  from  the  dear  ones,  a  brief,  yet  precious  memento. 
Eagerly  each  one  listens  for  the  calling  of  his  name,  though 
but  a  few  are  ever  gratified  with  a  message.  The  bustle  of 
distribution  over,  each  man  regains  his  accustomed  place, 
when  an  unusual  quiet  reigns.  The  disappointed  are  com- 
muning with  their  own  thoughts,  while  others  are  busy  with 
words  from  their  loved  and  distant.  As  we  pass  from  place 
to  place,  how  easily  we  learn,  without  inquiring,  what  news 
has  been  received.  Here  a  countenance  glows  with  a 
delightful  delirium  over  words  of  love  and  pleasant  intelli- 
gence, but,  there,  hidden  away  as  far  as  possible  from  the 
crowds,  is  one  whose  flowing  tears  fall  upon  the  page  that 
tells  of  ominous  sickness  or  sorrowful  death.  Fain  would 
he  retire,  as  Joseph  did  from  his  brethren,  co  weep  alone, 
unseen  by  any,  save  by  Him,  who  gives  and  takes  away,  who, 
though  He  afflict  on  the  one  hand,  always  comforts  on  the 

Thus  mid  hopes  and  fears,  sorrows  and  joys,  mid  scenes 
of  strife  and  toil,  the  day  wears  away.    We  have  "skir- 



)arlance,  are  called 
ittle  now  deepens, 
umerous.     Hunan 
for  the  black  flag 
1  or  victory.     Thij 
rce  is  going  on  in 
e  day,  unless  it  be 
is  made,  spreading 
"  The  mail !  the 
aside,  and  a  rush 
,  where  one  of  our 
ry  one  hopes  for  a 
precious  memento. 
F  his  name,  though 
5e.     The  bustle  of 
accustomed  place, 
appointed  are  com- 
hers  are  busy  with 
we  pass  from  place 
uiripg,  what  news 
ice   glows   with  a 
d  pleasant  intelli- 
possible  from  the 
)on  the  page  that 
ath.     Fain  would 
m,  io  weep  alone, 
I  takes  away,  who, 
comforts  on  the 

!  joys,  mid  scenes 
We  have  "skir- 

i^iFTH  New  York  Cavalrv. 


mished,"  ont  bones,  studied  books,  recited  lessons,  heard 
numberless  and  contradictory  rumors  about  exchange,  wit- 
nessed new  arrivals  of  "  fresh  fish,"  swept  our  rooms,  cooked 
and  eaten  our  scanty  allowances,  formed  new  and  long-lasting 
acquaintances,  and  the  twilight,  at  length,  with  its  mellow 
haze,  settles  down  around  us,  to  hide  the  weary  day.  This 
is  the  most  sacred  hour  in  the  history  of  man.  Manual  and 
purely  intellectual  labors  are  laid  aside  to  give  place  to 
higher,  nobler  toil.  Now  the  weightier  thoughts,  which  lay 
deepest  during  the  day,  rise  to  the  surface,  and  become 
ruling  forces.  The  ruder  passions  hide  themselves,  or.  at 
least,  keep  silence,  while  the  finer  sentiments  claim  control. 
It  is  now  that  the  better  angels  of  our  natures  fold  us  in 
their  wings.  Memory,  with  her  buely  hands,  gathers  the 
richest  fruita  of  by-gone  days,  and  imagination  paints  the 
loveliest  pictures  of  the  friends  we  cherish.  Who  can  por- 
tray the  prisoner's  depth  of  feeling  in  this  hour,  his  deep 
study,  his  sad  ennui,  his  brilliant  poesy  ? 

His  heart  surcharged  with  the  rushing  currents  of  emo- 
tion, seeks  some  object  of  contact  upon  which  to  cast  its 
burden,  and  the  mind,  conscious  of  vreakness,  desires  to 
rest  upon  a  foundation  broader,  surer  than  itself,  and  ha 
cries,  "  Lead  me  to  the  Bock,  that  is  higher  than  I."  It  is 
the  natural  hour  of  prayer,  and  Libby  becomes  a  sanctuary 
of  worship.  Most  of  the  prisoners  gla  lly  welcome  the  call 
to  "  evening  prayers,"  and  what  a  moral  m  the  scene  I  Men 
who  had  never  met  before,  of  every  shade  of  creeds,  seem 
moved  by  one  common  impulse,  and  absorbed  by  one  great 
desire  to  worship  God.  The  numl  ?r  of  those  who  take  no 
interest  or  part  in  the  solemn  servic  3  is  nightly  growing  less. 

They  gather  in  a  circle  and  a    arailiar  hymn  is  sung  by 









"^ .  T|ii**j^j^ii^4«**';"iiVrrfvr-^-5w»^*'><^ 



lIisToivic  Records. 

all  with  unusual  zest.  IIow  appropriate  for  us  to  make 
these  old,  dingy  walls  echo  with  sacred  song !  Would  they 
might  repeat  the  strain  to  their  cruel  owners !  Wc  kueel 
in  prayer,  while  one,  appointed  by  his  brethren,  leads  tha 
devotions.  Well  it  is  for  us  all  thai  we  can  join  in  an 
exercise  which  has  so  often  calmed  the  troubled  heart,  sent 
joy  among  the  disconsolate,  inspired  the  reformer  in  his 
noble  work,  nerved  the  warrior  in  his  dangerous  path,  and 
crowned  the  dying  Christian  with  victory.  Memories  of 
homo  come  crowding  thickly  upon  the  heart,  as  loved  ones 
are  commended  to  the  care  of  God.  Humility  is  felt  as  sins 
and  shortcomings  are  confessed.  Hope  spreads  her  wings, 
and  moral  vigor  is  imparted  to  faith,  as  precious  promises 
are  pleaded.  Patriotism  kindles  brilliant  fires  upon  her 
altars  as  dear  country  becomes  the  burden  of  petition. 
Hearts  glow  with  intense  enthusiasm  as  the  fervent  prayer 
to  "  Our  Father  "  arises  for  our  release  from  this  coafiue- 
ment,  which  is  becoming  so  oppressive. 

The  well-known  doiology  is  sung,  or  tha  oft-repeated 
prayer  of  childhood,  "  And  eow  wc  lay  us  down  to  sleep," 
etc.,  rendered  to  the  tune  of  Hebion,  and  the  worshipers 
disperse  with  "strength  renewed"  and  "joys  divinely 
sweeteued."  Darkness  now  enshrouds  the  landscape  around 
Libby,  and  like  caged  birds  we  sit  by  the  Wrred  windows 
gi-.zing  on  the  stars  that  shine  in  the  distance.  Under 
.  similar  circumstances,  undoubtedly,  the  poet  traced  upon  the 
walls  of  a  house  used  for  a  hospital,  during  and  after  the 
battle  of  Chantiily,  the  following  touching  lines : 

I  nm  far  from  my  home  to-n^g^t, 
No  cherished  friend  I  see, 






Fifth  New  York  Cavalry, 


for  us  to  make 
|ng !     Would  they 
"ners!     Wc  kueel 
Jrethren,  leads  the 
■e  can  joia  in  an 
)ubltd  heart,  sent 
i  reformer  in  his 
agerous  path,  and 
y.      Memories  of 
art,  &s  loved  ones 
lility  is  felt  as  sim 
spreads  her  wings, 
precious  promises 
ut  fires  upon  her 
irden  of  petition. 
;he  fervent  prayer 
from  this  confine- 

■  the  oft-repeated 
8  down  to  sleep," 
nd  the  worshipers 
I  "joys  divinely 
I  landscape  around 
e  Wrred  windows 
distance.  Under 
et  tracea  upon  the 
ing  and  after  the 
lines  : 

Though  all  th9  star-  'n  heaven  are  bright, 

They  are  not  as       /ht  to  me 
As  once  they  seeraei     n  days  gone  by, 

Before  I  learned  tt  roam, 
Bespangling  all  the  valley  o'er, 

Above  my  distant  homn. 

But  my  Flag  and  Country  bade  me  go, 

And  I  will  not  repine. 
In  all  my  wanderings  to  and  fro, 

Whatever  lot  be  mine, 
For  still,  perohanoe,  the  day  may  oome. 

When  I  no  more  shall  roam. 
When  those  who  sigh  that  now  I'm  gone. 

Will  bid  me  welcome  home. 


Barber  and  Hair  Dreiser. 
Adjt.  Lombard  respectfully  informs  the  inhabitants  of 
Libby,  that  he  has  opened  a  new  Tonsorial  Shop  on  Main 
street,  four  doors  north  of  Sanderson's  eating  saloon.   Thank- 
ful foi  past  favors,  he  solicits  the  patronage  of  the  public. 

Attortuy  and  Couniellor-at-Lav. 
Major  Rogers  would  announce  to  the  publio,  that  he  has 
retired  from  military  life,  and  resumed  the  more  important 
business  of  the  bar.  He  may  be  found  on  Egan  street,  one 
door  south  cf  Ryan,  Lii  'hfield  and  Go.'s  Soap  manufactory. 
All  business  promptly  attended  to. 

Important  Appointment. — We  are  happy  to  learn  that 
Hon.  John  Haldeman  has  been  appointed  Prosecuting  Attor- 
ney for  the  Common  wealth  of  Libby. 












^-^  '^' 

*^    r^ 


*!-        1 

^  f  t^i 

i^  t 



Recovering.— We  are  informed  that  Hon.  Judge  Willets 
is  rapidly  recovering  from  hia  dangorous  illness,  supposed  to 
have  been  occafiioned  by  bathing  at  a  Jate  hour  at  night. 
He  vrill  be  able  to  resume  hia  duties  in  a  few  days. 

A  Card. — Dr.  Uhler,  Physician  and  Surgeon,  after  a  long 
and  successful  practice  in  the  armies  of  the  United  States 
has  returned  to  Libby,  and  located  opposite  Mitchell's  gym- 
nasium.    Will  attend  all  calls  in  his  profession. 

The  AndefsonVillk  Post  Office. 

rrhe  followlnu  tonchtit  '•■  '»,  descriptlTe  of  an  Incident  In  the  Pen 
Union  prieoncrfi  Kt  AndenijUTlUe,  0».,  are  attributed  to  0.  H.  HoIIlster, 
of  Litchfield,  Conn.    The  war  has  yet  eUclted  nothing  of  ladder  Inf  ereit 

No  blanket  round  his  wasted  limbs, 

Under  the  rainy  sky  he  slept; 
While  pointing  his  envenomed  ahafts. 

Around  him  Death,  the  archer,  crept. 
He  dreamed  of  hunger,  and  held  out 

His  hnnd  to  dutch  a  little  bread, 
That  a  white  angel  with  a  torch. 

Among  the  living  and  the  dead, 
Seemed  bearing,  smiling  as  he  went; 

The  vision  waked  him,  as  he  spied 
The  post-boy  followed  by  a  crowd 

Of  famished  prisoners,  who  cried 
For  letters  —  letters  from  their  friends 

Crawling  upon  his  hands  and  knees 
He  hears  hia  own  name  called,  and  lo  1 

A  letter  from  his  wife  he  sees  t 

Gasping  for  breath,  he  shrieked  aloud, 
And,  lost  in  nature's  blind  eclipse, 

Faltering  amid  the  suppliant  crowd, 
Caught  it  and  press'd  it  to  his  lips. 

of  tht 

■  € 
'    r 



<\.«4^jAj>'  .l.V\\.At^  /««>>C):«S"S^  rA\i!^^ 


I.  Judge  WilleU 
less,  supposed  to 
hour  at  night. 
n  days. 

eon,  after  a  long 
I  United  States, 
Mitchell's  gym- 


nt  In  the  Pen  of  the 
a.  H.  nollistsr,  Esq., 
ladder  Interett.] 

Fifth  Nkw  York  Cavai-ky. 

A  guard  who  followed,  red  and  wroth, 

And  flourishing  a  rusty  braud, 
Reviled  him  with  a  taunting  oath, 

And  snatched  the  letter  from  his  hund. 
"First  pay  the  postage,  whining  wretch !" 

Despair  had  made  the  prisoner  brave, 
"Then  give  me  back  my  money,  sir  I 

I  am  a  captive  —  not  a  slave  I 
You  took  my  money  and  my  clothes ; 

Take  my  life  too  —  bu»  lot  me  know 
How  Mary  and  the  children  are. 

And  I  will  bless  you  ere  I  go." 

The  very  moonlight  through  his  hands, 

As  he  stood  supplicating,  shone. 
And  his  sharp  features  shaped  themselves 

Into  a  prayer,  and  such  a  tone 
Of  anguish  there  was  in  his  cry. 

For  wife  and  children,  that  the  guard — 
Thinking  upon  his  own—  passed  by. 

And  left  him  swooning  on  the  sward. 
Bpyond  the  "  dead  line"  fell  his  head  — 

The  eager  sentry  knew  his  mark, 
And  with  a  crash  the  bullet  sped 

Into  hia  brain,  and  all  was  dark  t 
But  wl'.en  they  turned  his  livid  cheek 

Up  toward  the  light,  the  pale  lips  smiled, 
Kissing  a  picture  fair  and  meek, 

That  held  in  either  hand  a  child. 


[Reported  for  .Th»  lAbbn  Chrcniei*.'\ 

The  Mock  Trial. 
Thursday,  August  20, 1863,  will  long  be  remetnbered  by 
the  denizens  of  Libby,  for  the  fun  and  general  mirth  occa- 
sioned by  the  trial,  at  a  mock  court,  of  one  of  their  number. 









!'  -I 

ft'  I 

V  ^f 

'\  ^' 



IIisTonic  Records. 

About  eleven  o'clock  the  esciting  affair  was  announced  by 
the  stentorian  voice  of  the  quati  sheriff,  "  Hear  ye !  hear 
ye ! !  hear  ye  ! !  1  the  honorable  court  for  the  county  of 
Libby,  and  state  of  Imprisonment,  is  now  open.  All  ye 
who  have  business  therein,  draw  near  and  ye  shall  bo  heard." 

A  motley  crowd  at  once  assembled  at  the  call,  and  beheld 
a  solemn-faced,  grey-headed  cavalry  captain,  who  was  to  play 
the  rok  of  judge,  seated  upon  a  lofty  arm-chair,  made  of  a 
partly  broken  barrel.  His  mock  dignity,  professional  air 
and  shrewd  humor,  frequently  convulsed  the  court  and 
lookers  on  with  laughter,  during  the  proceedings.  To  the 
right  and  left  of  him  were  seated  on  impromptu  benches  of 
broken  boards,  sticks  of  wood,  or  on  the  floor,  the  district 
attorney,  sheriff,  under  sheriff,  counsels,  sergcant-at-arms, 
clerks,  etc. 

The  impaneling  of  the  jury  was  rendered  amusingly  diffi- 
cult to  correspond  with  the  other  movements.  Foreigners, 
with  the  longest  and  worst-sounding  names,  had  been 
selected  for  the  bench,  from  the  French,  Germans  and 
Hungarians,  some  of  whom  could  scarcely  understand  a 
word  of  English.  The  foreman,  when  called  up  to  be 
sworn,  feigned  he  did  not  understand  the  questions  of  the 
judge,  and  responded  in  French.  Every  word  filled  the 
audience  with  merriment,  and  seemed  to  puzzle  the  court. 
At  last  this  barbarian  was  ruled  out,  as  he  did  not  know 
the  language  of  the  court.  Meanwhile  a  bystander  inter- 
rupted proceedings  by  vociferating  that  the  fault  was  not 
the  juryman's  but  the  court's,  as  they  ought  to  be  com- 
petent  to  understand  him.  The  judge  thereupon  ordered 
the  arrest  of  the  offender  for  contempt  of  court,  and  the 
sergeant-at-arms  cleverly  executed  the  order.      The  next 

>-*>*  " 

anoouDced  by 
Hear  yo !  hear 
the  county  of 
open.     All  ye 
shall  bo  heard." 
call,  and  beheld 
who  was  to  play 
ibair,  made  of  a 
professional  air 
the   court  and 
edings.     To  the 
optu  benches  of 
oor,  the  district 

amusingly  difE- 
ts.     Foreigners, 
imes,   had  been 
I  Germans  and 
Y  understand  a 
illed   up   to  be 
[uestions  of  the 
word  filled  the 
zzle  the  court, 
did  not  know 
ystander  inter- 
fault  was  not 
;ht  to  be  com- 
eupon  ordered 
court,  and  the 
r.      The  next 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


juryman  questioned  was  as  deaf  as  an  adder,  and  tho  third 
was  a  Dutchman,  who  carried  out  the  figure  most  charmingly, 
and  for  some  time  kept  the  room  in  an  uproar  of  laughter 
and  applause.  At  length  a  jury  was  duly  impaneled,  and 
a  grave-looking  prisoner  was  brought  to  tbo  bar,  charged 
with  having  disturbed  the  peace  of  the  place,  by  seeking  to 
enjoy  the  raptures  of  a  clandestine  bath,  contrary  to  tho  laws 
of  the  people. 

As  the  witnc-ises  were  brought  upon  tho  stand,  they  were 
required  to  raise  their  left  foot  or  both  feet,  and  to  subscribe 
to  the  following  oath  ;  "  You  do  pompously  swear  that  you 
will  tear,  tatter,  transmogrify  and  torture  the  truth,  the 
whole  truth,  and  everything  but  the  truth,  so  help  you  Jeff. 
Davis."  If  the  witness  was  a  Quaker,  and  did  not  wish  to 
swear,  he  could  affirm  under  the  pains  and  penalties  of  being 
put  into  the  sink. 

The  accused  soon  became  the  butt  of  all  the  mischievous 
witticism  of  the  occasion,  but  conducted  himself  in  a  manner 
becoming  the  best  good  nature.  The  trial  was  continued 
for  several  days  with  ui;abated  interest,  in  which  was  dis- 
played no  little  amount  of  juridical  knowledge,  and  con- 
summate skill  and  ingenuity  in  managing  a  case.  The 
counsel  for  the  defence  were  indefatigable,  and  succeeded  in 
presenting  the  laughable  arguments,  with  no  little  array  of 
evidence,  that  the  prisoner  had  not  been  known  even  to 
wash  his  face,  since  he  had  taken  his  abode  in  this  county, 
and  that  he  was  subject  to  fearful  attacks  of  hydrophobia. 
Witnesses  were  also  subpoenaed,  who  proved  a  case  of  aft"6t, 
by  testifying  that  on  the  night  in  question  the  accused  was 
seen  coming  out  of  an  ice-cream  saloon  on  Main  street, 
Richmond,  with  a  Confederate  lady  on  his  arm.     In  proof 

i-:     •?■ 



Historic  Kecords. 

I  Tj 

of  thia,  tho  fragment  of  a  letter,  found  near  the  wash  tub, 
was  produced,  signed  "  Susan,"  tho  contents  of  which  greatly 
defamed  the  marital  fidelity  of  the  aged  warrior,  and  revealed 
some  highly  ludicrous  incidunts  of  hie  amatory  experience. 

Tho  respondent  listened  to  all  thes;  personal  jokes  with 
excellent  good  temper,  and  none  seemed  to  enjoy  more  than 
himself  the  comical  buffoonery  of  witnesses  and  lawyers. 
But  notwithstanding  the  artful  pleadings  of  his  counsel,  a 
verdict  of  «/«%  was  at  last  rendered,  and  he  was  sentenced 
by  the  court  to  imprisonment  for  forty-eight  hours  in  the  tivk. 
This  severe  punishment  was  afterward  commuted  to  a  public 
promise  of  good  behavior  in  future,  he  having  entered 
into  a  recognizance  to  treat  the  judge,  jury  and  counsels, 
whepever  they  should  get  out  of  Libby,  which  obligation 
will  undoubtedly  be  faithfully  kept. 



N  i 



•  Important  Letter. 

Libby  Prison,  Richmond,  Va.,  August  31,  1863. 
Hon.  James  A.  Seddon, 

Secretary  of  War, 

Sir :  I  take  the  liberty  of  addressing  you  on  behalf  of 
myself  and  fellow-prisoners,  in  relation  to  our  situation. 

About  six  hundred  of  us  are  confined  here,  with  an 
average  space  of  about  twenty-eight  square  feet  each,  which 
includes  our  room  for  cooking,  eating,  washing,  bathing  and 
sleeping.  Our  rations  consist,  as  nearly  as  I  can  judge  as 
to  quantity,  of  about  one-fourth  pound  of  poor  fresh  beef, 
one-half  pound  of  bread  and  one-half  gill  rf  rice  or  black 
peas,  for  each  man  per  day.     Thi-  amount  has  been  found 

HaTS^^w- '^i' Ai«WM8*i**'<*«5^W'^?!»«'''<i'''»*«*^'" -'* 

Fifth  New  York  CAVAiiRY. 


nr  the  wash  tub, 
of  which  greatly 
■ior,  and  revealed 
ory  experience, 
flonol  jokes  with 
onjoy  more  than 
es  and  lawyers, 
jf  his  counsel,  a 
le  was  sentenced 
bours  in  the  link. 
mted  to  a  public 
having  entered 
ry  and  counsels, 
rhich  obligatiou 


ust  31, 1863. 

u  on  behalf  of 
r  situation, 
here,  with  an 
eet  each,  which 
ig,  bathing  and 
I  can  judge  aa 
wor  fresh  beef, 
^  rice  or  black 
las  been  found 

insufficient  to  sustain  life  and  health  in  our  close  prison 
confinoiuent.  Scorbutic  diseases  have  already  appeared, 
proving  fatal  in  one  instance  (Major  Morris),  and  impairing 
seriously,  if  not  permanently,  the  health  of  many  others. 

Our  sanitary  condition  would  have  been  much  worse  than 
it  now  is,  but  for  the  large  purchases  of  vegetables  and  other 
provisions,  amounting  to  nearly  one  thousAnd  dollars  [Con- 
t'liderate]  per  day,  which  we  h&ve  been  allowed  to  make. 
But  as  nearly  all  our  money  was  taken  from  us  when  we 
entered  the  prison,  the  daily  expenditure  of  this  large  sum 
has  at  length  about  exhausted  what  was  left  us.  We  have 
also  been  notified  that  we  would  not  be  allowed  to  receive 
any  portion  of  the  money  taken  from  us  here,  nor  to  receive 
such  sutnt  a$  have  been  $ent  to  u$  from  home  since  our  im- 
prisonment, though  before  writing  for  these  moneys,  we  were 
expressly  assured  by  your  officers,  having  us  in  charge,  that 
we  would  be  allowed  to  receive  them. 

It  will  be  perceived  from  the  above  statement,  that  our 
immediate  prospective  condition  is,  to  say  the  least,  that  of 
semi-starvation.  The  rations  furnished  ■.  your  government 
may  be  as  good  and  as  much  as  it  can  afford,  under  the 
circumstarices,  but  in  that  case  it  does  seem  that  we  Ghould 
be  allowed  to  purchase  the  necessary  amount  to  sustain  us. 
It  cannot  possibly  be  that  it  is  intended  to  reduce  to  a 
famishing  condition,  six  hundred  prisoners  of  war.  Humanity 
cannot  contemplate  such  a  thing  without  feelings  of  the 
deepest  horror.  Sayiug  nothing  of  our  rights  as  prisoners 
of  war,  even  criminals,  guilty  of  the  blackest  crimes,  are  not, 
among  civilized  people,  confined  for  any  length  of  time  on 
insufficient  food. 
I  wish  further  to  state  to  you,  that  previous  to  my  sur- 





Historic  Records. 

(  i 

'  If. 

render,  I  made  a  stipuktion  with  General  Forrest,  to  whom 
I  surrendered,  that  all  private  property,  including  money, 
belonging  to  my  officers  and  men,  should  be  respected. 
This  stipulation,  in  the  hand-writing  of  General  Forrest, 
o\-or  his  own  signature,  is  now  in  the  hands  of  General 
Winder,  having  been  taken  from  me  here.  Notwithstanding 
this,  my  officers  (ninety -five  in  number)  have  been  notified 
with  the  balance,  that  their  money  has  been  turned  over  to 
Confederate  authorities. 

For  the  purpose  of  avoiding  further  loss  of  money,  or 
misunderstanding,  and  if  possible  to  obfaiin  relief  from  the 
unhappy  situation  in  which  we  are  placed,  you  are  most 
respectfully  requested  to  state  in  your  answer  to  this  com- 
munication, the  manner  in  which  we  will  be  allowed  to  obtain 
the  necessary  food  and  clothing  to  render  us  comfortable. 
I  have  the  honor  to  be,  sir, 

Your  most  obedient  servant, 
A.  D.  Streight, 
Colonel  of  fifty-FirBt  Indiana  Volunteers. 

Lights  and  Sha&ks  in  Libby. 
No.  8. 
As  we  sit  at  a  safe  distance  from  the  window,  to  avoid  the 
sentry's  notice,  and  gaze  on  the  bright  stars,  we  can  but 
reflect  on  the  purity  of  the  Architect  of  the  universe,  whose 
"  all-seeing  eye  the  sun,  moon  and  stars  obey,  and  under 
whose  waiclifal  care  even  the  comets  perform  their  stu- 
pendous revolutions,"  and  yet  who  condesi  nds  to  dwell  in 
the  heart  of  the  lowly  and  contrite,  even  among  the  wretched 

Fifth  If ew  York  Cavalry. 


Forrest,  to  whom 
ncluding  money, 
Id  be  respected. 
General  Forrest, 
ands  of  General 
ive  been  notified 
a  turned  over  to 

)8S  of  money,  or 
n  relief  from  the 
d,  you  are  most 
3wer  to  this  corn- 
allowed  to  obtain 
la  comfortable. 



na  Volunteers. 


dow,  to  avoid  the 
tarS)  we  can  but 
B  universe,  whose 
obey,  and  under 
irform  their  sta- 
nds to  dwell  in 
ong  the  wretched 

creatures  who  inhabit  this  dingy  prison.     How  true  is  the 
poet's  riiyn  a,  which  we  never  so  fully  understood  before  • 
While  blest  with  a  sense  of  hie  love, 

A  palace  a  toy  would  appear ; 
And  prisons  would  palaces  prove, 
If  Jesus  would  dwell  with  me  there. 

While  thus  we  muse  we  are  accosted  by  a  fellow-prisoner, 
who  has  recently  been  converted  in  our  evening  meetings, 
one  of  a  largo  number  who  have  thus  passed  «  from  death 
unto  life,"  and  found  this  dungeon  a  Bethel  to  their  bouls. 
What  a  privilege  it  is  to  witness  in  this  place  such  a  work 
of  reformation !  Like  the  old  apostle  we  can  say,  "  The 
things  which  happened  unto  me  have  fallen  out  rather  unto 
the  furtherance  of  the  gospel;  so  that  my  bonds  in  Christ 
arc  manifest  in  all  the  palace.  End  in  all  other  places." 

Taking  this  young  disciple  by  tho  arm  we  will  saunter 
through  the  different  wards  of  the  prison  for  exercise,  con- 
versation and  observation.     A  few  flickering  candles  here 
and  there  light  our  way.     Objects  of  interest  meet  us  on 
every  hand.     No  place,  perhaps,  presents  greater  contrasts. 
Here  are  the  noisy  and  the  quiet,  the  studious  and  the  care- 
less, tho  sad  and  the  happy,  until  you  are  led  to  exclaim 
"  How  strangely  are  the  lights  and  shades,  the  joys  and 
sorrows,  the  good  and  bad,  of  this  world,  mingled  in  one 
mysterious  mass !"     Already  at  this  early  hour  of  the  night 
lies  a  man  upon  the  dirty  floor  for  a  bed,  with,  perhap<»,  a 
poor  lousy  blanket  under  Lim.     At  his  side  are  those  who 
sing  loudly,  or  whistle  for  their  amuseuient.     Yonder  is  a 
group  busy  in  conversation.     Here  an  individual  is  striving 
to  study  by  the  pale  light  of  the  moon,  or  by  the  light, 
nearly  ."W  palo,  from  a  distant  candle. 




,  **M<^I 

1  i 


Historic  Rkcoeds. 

\  i 


At  length  we  are  attracted  to  a  noisy  group  around  a 
candle,  whose  singular  occupation  is  a  subject  of  no  little 
query.  Their  attention  seems  to  be  wholly  given  to  a 
pack  of  little  papqr  billets,  strangely  figured  outside  and 
inside.  One  would  naturally  suppose  these  things  to 
answer  for  a  baby's  playthings,  or  a  child's  pictura  primer. 
Suddenly  one  of  the  party  takes  up  the  bunch,  shakes  or 
shuffles  them  rapidly,  und  then  distributes  or  deals  them 
out  to  his  comrades.  T,et  us  watch  and  listen,  and  thus  we 
may  loam  something  new.  We  huar  one  speak  of  "  hearts." 
We  draw  nearer,  for  we  begin  to  think  that  they  have  hearU 
after  all  that  has  been  said  of  men  following  their  occupa- 
tion. "  Diamonds,"  shouts  another.  We  draw  still  nearer, 
for  if  these  men  have  true  hearts  and  deal  in  diamonds,  they 
are  not  as  dangerous  as  they  have  been  represented  to  be. 
We  are  becoming  favorably  impressed,  when  one  says, 
"  high,  low,"  another,  "jack  and  the  game."  What  strange 
words  I  We  are  startled,  and  look  upon  the  operation  with 
astonishment.  What  are  they  talking  about?  "High, 
low  I"  do  they  mean  high  and  low  thoughts?  Truly  we 
isee  nothing  very  elevating  yet.  Is  it  high  and  low  cards  ? 
We  look  in  vain  to  see  one  card  much  higher  than  another. 
We  cannot  understand  this  jargon.  Suspicion  seizes  upon 
U3.  We  fear  they  are  "  jacks  "  at  all  games,  making  use  of 
"  low  "  as  well  "  high  "  principles  to  carry  out  their  designs. 
Soliloquizing  upon  the  singular  scene,  one  of  the  party  cries 
out,  "  clubs ! "  Our  suspicions  were  not  groundless.  These 
men  who  profess  to  have  hearts,  and  to  appreciate  the  beauty 
of  diamonds,  carry  with  them  clubs,  doubtless  to  assassinate 
either  strangers  or  one  another.  Trembling  with  fear  we 
start  to  leave,  when  the  party  cries  out  for  "  spades."     We 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


;roup  arouDd  a 
ect  of  no  little 
ply  given   to  a 
id  outside  and 
lese   things   to 
picture  primer, 
nch,  shakes  or 
or  deals  them 
>Q,  and  thus  <re 
ak  of  "hearts." 
hey  have  hearts 
g  their  occupa- 
•aw  still  nearer, 
diamonds,  they 
resented  to  be. 
hen   one   says, 
What  strange 
operation  with 
3ot?     "High, 
ts?    Truly  we 
ind  low  cards  ? 
than  another, 
on  seizes  upon 
making  use  of 
their  designs, 
he  party  cries 
dless.     These 
ite  the  beauty 
to  assassinate 
with  fear  we 
pades."     We 

are  correct,  these  men  are  professional  murderers,  for  they 
have  clubs  to  slay  their  Tiotims  and  spades  to  dig  their 
graves,  and  what  else  we  are  not  advised,  and  as  we  fly  in 
terror  from  the  scene,  we  hear  them  speak  of  "  trumps." 
Poor  fools !  we  think  they  are  vastly  mistaken,  if  they 
believe  that  they  can  kill  one  another  with  clubs,  dig  one 
another's  graves  with  their  sp&des,  and  then,  Gabriel-like, 
call  one  another  to  life  again  with  their  trumps.  The  men 
must  be  either  crazy  or  very  childish,  and  their  conduct,  it 
geems  to  us,  can  be  justified  only  on  the  ground  that,  espe- 
cir'ly  here,  "a  little  nonsense  now  and  then  is  relished  by 
the  best  of  men." 

As  we  pass  into  another  room  we  meet  quite  a  procession, 
representing  &  country  caravan  on  a  small  scale.  The  ele- 
phant is  none  other  than  two  officers,  bent  forward,  with  a 
blanket  thrown  over  them,  while  two  stickb  of  wood  pro- 
trudiog  from  the  blanket,  make  the  tusks.  One  man 
mounted  upon  another  is  the  camel,  and  another  on  all-fours 
the  bear.  These  are  paraded  through  the  rooms,  headed  by 
bearers  of  torches,  and  a  band  of  music,  performing  Yankee 
Doodle  and  other  airs  on  split  quills,  hair-combs,  tin  plates 
and  oups.  Accompanying  the  show  are  hideous  iraitations 
of  all  kinds  of  fowls  and  beasts,  with  a  menagerie-like  effect, 
which  would  do  honor  to  Barnum's  American  Museum. 

Having  passed  by  this  amusing  scene,  we  hear  a  rustling, 
grating  coise,  with  the  tramping  of  many  feet,  and  a  rush 
is  made  toward  ji.  We  step  aside  to  avoid  the  shook.  It 
is  a  "  raiding"  party  d  la  cavalrie.  Twenty  or  more  of  the 
most  desperate  oharacte)  i  among  us  form  the  squad.  They 
dash  through,  armed  with  broooi>8ticks,  and  other  like 
weapons,  sweeping  all  before  them,  upsetting  evorything 


.in  ' 

:  ^? 



and  every  body  that  comes  in  their  ^vay.  These  raiders  are 
the  terror  of  the  more  sedate  of  our  community,  and  their 
rude,  not  to  say,  heathenish  practice,  resulting  in  the  dis- 
comfort and  hurt  of  resny,  is  justly  worthy  of  the  severest 

In  another  room  we  are  drawn  to  a  crowd,  who,  at  inter- 
vals, shout  and  laugh  aa  though  frantic  with  joy.  Wo 
elbow  our  way  through  the  press  to  get  a  sight  of  the  fi:n, 
when,  oh !  shades  of  the  feathery  king  of  the  barn  yard ! 
here  are  fowls  without  feathers,  spurs  or  crcits,  engaged  in 
a  "  cock-fight."  Two  individuals  hive  submitted  themselves 
to  the  process  known  as  "  bucking,"  and  now  within  a  ring, 
marked  with  chalk  on  the  floor,  hop  around,  crow  and  butt 
each  other  in  a  "  rooster-like  "  style,  which  results  in  one  or 
the  other,  and  sometimes  both  tumbling  over  in  a  most 
laughable  manner.  Each  "  bird "  has  his  ring  of  betters, 
who  lend  no  little  amount  of  excitement  to  the  play. 

But  our  evening  ramble  is  quite  sufficient,  and  now  weary, 
"  like  a  quarry  slave  at  night  scourged  to  hia  dungeon,"  we 
wend  our  way  to  our  humble  pallet,  which  we  welcome, 
though  far  from  being  equally  satisfactory  to  our  former 
lodgings  upon  the  hard,  cold  ground.  We  lie  down,  bnt  not 
to  sleep  at  once,  for  we  have  not  yet  recited-  our  catechism. 
How  like  the  days  of  childhood,  though  great  is  the  con- 
trast between  the  subjects  presented.  Still  it  is  well  here 
to  be  reminded  of  these  domestic  animals,  cat-echism  and  its 
mate  dog-m&tism.  They  are  species  of  very  ancieut  descent. 
The  one  has  cleared  the  centuries  of  the  past  of  their  rats 
and  mice  of  religious  folly,  and  the  other  has  kept  at  bay 
infidelity's  beasts  of  prey.  The  keen  eye  of  the  one,  and 
the  hoarse,  threatening  voice  of  the  other,  have  given  evi- 

rhese  raiders  are 
Qunity,  and  their 
[ting  in  tho  dis- 
y  of  the  severest 

d,  vho,  at  intfr- 
with  joy.  Wo 
sight  of  the  fun, 
the  barn  yard! 
rcits,  engaged  in 
aitted  themdelres 
>w  within  a  ring, 
d,  crow  and  butt 
results  in  one  or 
over  in  a  most 
ring  of  betters, 
the  play. 
,  and  now  weary, 
is  dungeon,"  we 
eh  we  welcome, 
J  to  oiur  former 
ie  down,  bni>  not 
[■  our  catechism, 
reat  is  the  con- 
I  it  is  well  here 
ct-echism  and  its 
ancieut  descent, 
ast  of  their  rats 
las  kept  at  bay 
>f  the  one,  and 
have  given  evi- 

FiFTH  New  Yobk  Cavalry.  881 

dence  ot  their  usefulness.     Time  honors  their  labors,  and 
from  them  history  borrows  important  lessons.    It  is  well 
that  the  fire-side  and  Sunday-school  are  not  the  only  legiti- 
mate  fields  of  theii  operations.      Catechism,  at  least,  has 
found  its  way  into  Libby.     We  cannot  sleep  until  we  have 
recited,  whether  the  task  be  pleasant  or  otherwise.     Now 
the  gray-haired  sire  lifts  bis  venerable  head,  and  with  his 
ancient,  solemn,  eepulchral  voice,  propounds  his  important 
q  lestions  to  bis  listening,  numerous  family,  who,  by  tho 
promptness  of  their  replies,  evince  a  thorough  study  of  the 
lesson.     No  subject  is  allowed  to  escape.     The  whole  course 
of  Libby  experionce  is  thoroughly  canvassed,  and  wo  to  the 
man  who  has  made  himself  subject  of  remark.    Whatever 
men  hivve  on  the  brain  (if  they  have  ani/  brain),  whether 
bread  or  bones,  French  or  Spanish,  exchange  or  escape,  all 
must  be  reviewed.    Whatever  one  has  done  publicly,  pri- 
vately or  secretly,  by  some  magic  power  of  the  caiechist,  is 
brought  to  judgment.     Such  questions  as  these  are  asked, 
"  Who  hid  behind  the  big  gun  ?  "     "  Wac  bos  Star  en  the 
brain?"     "Who  oflFered  to  enlist  in  the  Kebel  army  to 
escape  imprisonment?"      "Who   undertook  to  wash   his 
clothes  in  the  coffee-kettle  ?  "  etc.     The  names  of  the  several 
offenders  are  thWn  out  in  answer,  much  to  the  amusement 
of  the  crowd.    Thus  many  sleepless  moments  are  whiled 
away  in  the  midst  of  jokes  almost  too  severe  to  be  mirthful, 
and  of  facts  almost  too  startling  to  be  true. 

Gradually  the  pounding  on  the  floor  with  fists  and  feet 
dies  away,  the  roars  of  laughter  cease,  and  "Sleep,  tired 
nature's  sweet  restorer,"  comes  to  drive  away  our  oares  and 
to  put  our  sorrows  in  oblivion.  We  now  wander  througa 
dreamland,  where  kind  friend^-are  met,  loved  ones  held  m 


Historic  Records. 

fond  embrace ;  battles  too  are  fought,  and  bloody  viotoiies 
won,  until  tha  morn  shall  hreak  again. 

THRitLiNQ  Sketches.* 

Rotigh  and  TSitnbU. 

During  Banks'  retreat  from  Winchester,  on  May  24, 1862, 
four  companies  of  the  Fifth  New  York  Cavalry,  under  com- 
mand of  Captain  Wheeler,  were  moving  on  the  left  flank  of 
the  retreating  column,  to  protect  it  from  any  attacks  from 
the  Rebel  cavalry.  Emerging  from  a  thick  wood,  Captain 
Hammond,  who  had  the  advance  with  four  or  five  men, 
suddenly  came  upon  a  squad  of  mounted  Rebels,  and  imme- 
diately called  on  them  to  surrender.  However,  they  fled, 
closely  pursued.  Captain  Hammond  succeeded  in  approach- 
ing the  hindmost,  a  large,  powerful  man,  and  again  demanded 
a  surrender.  Both  had  their  pistols  drawn.  Hammond 
fired,  but  missed  his  mark,  owing  to  the  fearful  gait  of  his 
horse  down  a  steep  hill..  The  Rebel  did  the  same  thing. 
Hammond  now  found  that  the  cylinder  of  his  pistol  would 
not  revolve,  and  he  attempted  to  deal  a  blow  with  it  upon 
his  antagonist's  head,  but,  missing  his  mark  again,  the  wea- 
pon fell  from  his  hand. 

Quick  work  was  now  necessary.  Another  spurring  of  his 
horse  brought  him  within  arm's  length  of  the  flying  Rebel, 
whereupon  he  caught  hold  of  his  coat  collar  with  both  hands 
and  dragged  him  backward  from  his  saddle.  Holding  firmly 
his  grasp,  both  horses  went  from  under  them,  and  they  fell 

>  These  details  were  not  received  In  time  to  be  embodied  in  their 
appropriate  places  in  the  Reoords. 

nH  >      I  .««*,*, 

T-Hu  t  '-^^'ii'- 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


bloodj  Tiotories 

m  May  24, 1862, 
airy,  under  com- 
the  left  flank  of 
iny  attacks  from 
ik  wood,  Captain 
inr  or  five  men, 
ebcls,  and  imme- 
wever,  they  fled, 
ded  in  approach- 
again  demanded 
iwn.     Hammond 
sarful  gait  of  his 
the  same  thing, 
his  pistol  would 
low  with  it  upon 
:  again,  the  wea- 

:  spurring  of  his 
;he  flying  Rebel, 
with  both  hands 
Holding  firmly 
m,  and  they  fell 

embodied  in  their 

pell-mell  to  the  ground.  Luckily  Hammond  was  uppermost, 
and,  seizing  his  foe  by  the  throat  with  one  hand,  he  sought 
with  the  other  to  gain  possession  of  his  pistol.  Now  com- 
menced a  fearful  struggle  for  the  mastery  of  the  weapon. 
The  Rebel  being  the  heavier,  stronger  man,  the  result  seemed 

But  just  at  this  moment  one  of  company  F  boys  rode  up, 
iind.  from  his  horse,  fired  at  the  upturned  face  of  the  pros- 
trate foe,  the  ball  grazing  his  scalp,  and  causing  him  to 
reiin(|uish  his  hold  of  the  pistol.  Thus  ended  one  of  the 
most  exciting,  and,  withal,  amusing  contests  of  the  war. 

Straight  and  yarrow  Way. 

One  dark  und  stormy  night,  during  the  same  march  men- 
tioned in  the  preceding  sketch,  while  rain  fell  in  torrents, 
and  the  artillery  of  heaven  as  well  as  that  of  Maryland 
Heights,  shock  the  mountains  around  Harper's  Ferry,  and 
the  only  light  which  penetrated  the  darkness  was  the  fitful 
gleams  of  lightning,  and  the  flying  and  bursting  shells, 
which  madi;  the  scene  t«rribly  grand  and  frightful,  four 
companies  of  the  regiment  led  their  horses  safely  across  the 
rail  road  bridge  on  a  tingle  plank,  laid  upon  the  iron  frame. 

This  was  threading  the  "  straight  and  narrow  way"  under 
trying  circumstances,  and  yet  the  difficult  task  was  accom- 
plished by  those  who  felt  that  one  of  the  cardinal  virtues,  is 
obedience  to  orders. 

Danger  and  Daring. 
In  October,  1863,  while  the  Fifth  was  picketing  Thorough- 
fare and  Hopewell  gaps,  Lieut.  T.  A.  Boice,  while  scouting 
with  his  orderly  a  short  distance  from  camp,  was  captured 





HiBTORio  Records. 


by  a  dozen  Rebel  guerrilla,  dressed  in  Federal  uniforms. 
Boice,  aa  usual,  waa  thoroughly  armed,  with  two  revolvers 
in  his  saddle-bow,  one  in  his  bolt,  and  oae  in  each  boot-leg. 
In  their  ha8t«  to  leave  what  his  captors  deemed  to  be  a 
dangerous  proximity  to  the  Yankee  camp,  they  did  not 
disarm  him,  but  fled  in  a  by-way,  where  they  were  compelled 
to  go  by  twos,  Boice  being  lucki'y  in  the  rear  with  a  Rebel 
guard  at  his  left.  Having  called  the  attention  of  his  careless 
keeror  from  himself,  with  his  characteristic  dexterity  he 
drew  ti.?  pistn  1  from  his  right  boot-log,  and  the  next  moment 
the  doomed  Rebel  waa  tumbling  from  his  horse,  a  dying 
man.  In  quick  succession  shot  shot  was  discharged  at 
the  frightened  cavaliers,  who,  supposing  that  they  had  fallen 
in  an  ambush,  fled  at  a  break-neok  speed. 

Boice's  orderly,  who  was  just  before  him  in  the  column, 
on  discovering  the  game,  wheeled  his  horse  and  fled  in  the 
direction  of  the  camp  j  but  Boic6  himself,  forgetful  of  all 
danger,  and  intent  only  on  punishing  the  enemy,  remained 
in  the  road,  firing  with  both  hands  at  the  deceived  and 
flying  foe,  until  at  length  they  discovered  who  waa  the  cause 
of  their  casualties  and  fright,  and,  turning  upon  him  with 
exasperation,  they  swooped  down  like  eagles  after  tbeir  prey. 
It  waa  now  uo  time  for  re&iatance.  Mounted  upon  such  a 
charger  aa  only  Boice  would  ride,  he  wheeled,  and,  like  a 
bird,  flew  in  hia  race  for  life.  He  waa  closely  pursued  for 
several  miles,  receiving  three  bloody  wounds  through  the 
body  above  the  waist,  also  one  in  the  hand  and  another 
through  the  thumb,  but  he  waa  confident  of  having  killed 
one  and  of  wounding  at  leact  three  of  his  captora  and  pur- 
aaers,  and  finally  escaped.  His  faithful  horse  received  one 
alight  wound.     He  came  into  camp  faint,  and  bathed  with 





'i'-    / 

j/>|S*  ^-"a 

Fifth  New  York  Cavalry. 


oderal  uniforms. 
ih  two  revolvers 
n  each  boot-leg. 
deemed  to  be  a 
p,  thej  did  not 
f  were  compelled 
ar  with  a  Rebel 
}D  of  his  careless 
tie  dexterity  he 
the  next  moment 
I  horse,  a  dying 
as  discharged  at 
b  they  had  fallen 

1  in  the  column, 
and  fled  in  the 

forgetful  of  all 
inemy,  remained 
e  deceived  and 
10  was  the  cause 

upon  him  with 
after  tbeir  prey, 
ed  upon  such  a 
iled,  and,  like  a 
iely  pursued  for 
ds  through  the 
id  and  another 
f  having  killed 
»ptors  and  pur- 
•se  received  one 
ind  bathed  with 

his  own  blood.  Being  temperate  in  hia  habits,  and  poBseBS- 
ing  an  iron  constitution,  with  a  vivacious  mind,  in  the  short 
space  of  three  months  he  was  well  and  again  on  duty, 

Testimonial  of  an  Enemy. 

In  Blachcood'M  Magazine  for  Febru"ry,  1&66,  wo  find 
the  following  scrap  of  history,  in  a  series  of  articles  entitled 
"  Memoirs  of  the  Confederate  War  for  Independence,  by 
'Horos  Von  Borcke,  chief  of  staff  to  Gen.  J.  E.  B.  Stuart. 

"Reconnoissance  in  force,  and  fight  near  Emmettsville, 
Va.,  Nov.  10,  1863. 

"  About  ten  o'clock  our  advance  guard  came  up  with  the 
enemy,  with  whom  we  were  soon  hotly  engaged,  the  Yankees 
falling  back  slowly  before  ub.  I  could  not  help  admiring  on 
this  occasion  the  excellent  behaviour  of  a  squadron  of  the 
Fifth  New  York  Cavalry,  who  received  with  the  greatest 
coolness  the  heavy  fire  of  our  battery,  maintaining  perfect 
order  while  shell  after  shell  exploded  in  their  ranks,  and 
saddle  after  saddle  was  emptied,  quietly  filling  the  gaps  in 
their  lines,  and  finally  only  giving  way  when  wo  charged 
thorn  with  several  squadrons." 

