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1  2  3 

'V.:  ■.•..;':t; 








Btbliotl)cca    Americana. 


Vol.  XIX. — Schedel  to  Sim 


**  'i 




Books    tclnting    to    America, 



Volume  XIX. 

jint.  a  Wood,  Prifae€  (•  iht  Histtr    of  Oxfata. 

SABIN,  21  &  23  ANN  STREET 
I  89  I 

•<■■(  f  y\  y  ■ 

Entered  according  to  Act  oi  Congress,  in  the  year  1891,  b> 

M.   J.    SABIN, 

In  the  Office  of  the  Librarian  of  Congress,  at  Washingt«n,  D.  C. 

Edition,  5Z5  Copies,  8vo,  of  which  25  are  for  Presentation, 
And  no  Copies  on  Large  Paper,  of  which  10  are  for  Presentation. 

A   Dictionary   of   Books 


CHEDEL  (H.)  Registrum|huius  ope-| 
ris  libri  cro- 1  nicarum  |  cu  figuris  et  y ma- 
gi-1  bus  ab  inicio  mudi :  |  [Recto  of 
second  preliminary  leaf:]  Tabula  operis 
hui9  de  temjporibus  mundi.  vt  historian: 
reruqj  ceteraru  ac  |  vrbiu  in  se  sparsim 
varieq3  SscriptaK.  ExoptSti  |  singula 
facilia  inuentu  sint  iuxta  seriem  Alpha-  | 
beti  nomia  rerum  sut  ordinata.  E  directoq3  cu-|ius  rei  nominis 
nuerus  apparens  charta  folio  |  rum  indicat.  |  [Colophon  on  recto  of 
folio  ccLXVi :]  Completo  in  famosissima  Nurembergensi  vrbe  Operi\ 
de  hystorijs  etatum  tnutidi.  ac  descriptione  vrbium.  fe-\Ux  imponitur 
finis.  Collcctum  breui  tempore  Auxilio  docto\ris  hartmdni  Schedel. 
qua  fieri  potuit  diligentia.  Anno  xpi  |  Millesimo  quadringentesimo 
nonagesitnotercio.  die  quarto  |  mensis  yunij.  |  Deo  igitur  Optimo,  sint 
laudes  infinite.  |  [Colophon  on  verso  of  large  map  at  the  end  :] 
Ahest  nunc  studiose  lector  finis  libri  Cronicarum  per  |  viam  epithomatis 
X  breui arij  compilati  opus  qdem\preclarum.  X  o  doctissimo  quoq^  com- 
parandum.  Continet  \  em  gesta.  queciiq'^  digniora  sunt  notatu  ab  initio 
miidi  ad  |  banc  vsq^  teporis  nostri  calamitatet.i.  Castigatuq'^  a  viris  \ 
dcctissimis  vt  magis  elaboratum  in  lucem  prodi,  et.  Ad  in  \  tuitu  autem 
X  preces  prouidoru  ciuifl  Sebaldi  Schreyer  |  X  Sebastian!  kamermaister 
hunc  librum  dominus  Antho  \  nius  koherger  Nuremberge  impressit.  Ad- 
hibitis  tame  vi  |  ris  mathematicis  pingendiq"^  arte  peritissimis.  Michaele 
\wolgemut  et  wilhelmo  Pleydenwurjf.  quarii  solerti  acu-\ratissimaq'^ 
animaduersione  turn  ciuitatum  tum  illustrium  |  virorum  figure  inserte 
sunt.  Consummatil  autem  duodeci-  \  ma  mensis  fulij.  Anno  salutis  nre. 
1493. 1    Folio.  i-nS'^l 

VOL.    XIX.  I 



Collation;  20  prellmin;iry  Iravcs,  contaminir  flit"  tltlr  ft'  ilii;  n-jri^ti'i,  vrtso  Mink, 
nml  tlie  .ilpliabetical  t.ible  ot'  tlic  wmk,  in  iloiiliic  ixluinii.;  itxt  nt  llii;  ilirnnKJc, 
leaves  I  fci.xvi,  verso  blank;  "  l)e  S.irm.uii  Hj;iunt'  liiir<ipf,"  ett,,  5  uiimiinbi'ieil 
leaves,  ami  one  blank  Icaf'j  rontinuation  of  llie  t  hion'u  ir,  leaves  cci.xvii  (txiix,  with 
a  double-page  map  ot  Central  luiiope  tilling:  the  vrrso  ot  this  leaf'  and  the  leiCo  of'  the 
next  (unnunibercil)  leat,  which  has  the  luloplion  um  the  \erso.      No  sigiiitiiie  niaiks. 

The  Nuremberg  Chmniile,  as  this  work  is  grnerilly  called,  cont.iiiis  upwaids  of' 
2000  woodcuts  designed  and  engraved  liy  Mii  ha.d  Wol^i'nnitii  and  Wiliirliii  I'leydcn- 
WiirlV.  Kidios  cci  vim,  I'ci.x  and  cci.xi  were  purposely  left  blank  on  ImiIi  sidrs,  the 
reason  tor  which  is  given  in  a  pa.s»agc  on  tlie  vcrdo  ol  tolio  rci.viii  :  "Caita^  alii|u,is 
sine  scriptura  pro  sexta  etacu  deinccps  rrliiii|ueie  coiiueiiit.  iudicio  pi;steriol(.  (]  eniiilare 
addere.  atq^  gesta  principum  •J  priu  itoruni  tuccedeiitiuin  persciibere  povsunt."  A 
double-page  map  ot  the  ancient  world  is  on  folios  xii  and  xiii.  On  the  veiso  of'  folio 
fcxc  is  a  brief'  account  of"  the  Foitugucse  voyage  of"  discovery  along  the  coast  of' Africa 
in  1483  [1484],  under  the  direction  of'  Dieg.)  Cam  and  IVIaitin  Ueliaim  ot'  Nurem- 
berg, which  has  been  used  as  a  basis  for  the  unw.irratited  theory  that  the  expedition 
readied  America. 

"In  14S4  King  John  sent  an  expi-ciition  under  Diego  Cam,  as  Barros  calls  him, 
Caao  according  to  others,  10  protecule  discoveries  along  the  coast  of  Africa.  In  this 
expedition  Biihem  sailed  as  cosmogr.ipher.  They  crossed  the  equinoctial  line,  discov- 
ered the  roast  of  Congo,  advanced  to  twenty-two  ilegrees  fiirty-fire  minutes  of  south 
l.ititude,  and  erected  two  ccduniii?,  on  which  were  engraved  the  arms  of  Portugal,  in 
the  mouth  of  the  river  Zigra,  in  Africa,  wliich  thence,  for  some  time,  took  the  name 
of  the  River  of  Columns.  ...  The  assertion  that  Ueliem  had  discovered  the  western 
worl.l  previous  to  Columbus,  in  the  course  of  the  voyage  with  Cam,  was  fnuiided  on  a 
misinterpretation  of  a  passage  interpol.ited  in  the  chronicle  of  Haitmann  Schedel,  a 
contemporary  writer.  This  passage  mentions,  that  when  the  voy.igers  were  in  the 
Southern  Ocean  not  far  from  the  c(>:ist,  and  h.ul  passed  the  line,  they  came  into  another 
hemisphere,  where,  when  they  looked  towards  the  east,  their  shadows  t'ell  towards  the 
souti),  on  their  right  hand;  that  here  they  discovered  a  new  woild,  unknown  until 
tiien,  and  which  for  many  years  had  never  been  sought  for  except  by  the  Genoese,  and 
by  them  unsuccessfully.  ...  These  lines  are  part  of  a  passage  which  it  is  said  ia  inter- 
polated by  a  different  hand,  in  the  original  manuscript  of  the  chronicle  of  Schedel. 
De  Murr  assures  us  that  they  are  not  to  be  found  in  the  German  trinslation  of  the 
book  by  George  Alt,  which  was  finished  the  5lh  October,  1493.  But  even  if  they 
were,  they  relate  merely  to  the  discovery  which  Diego  Cam  made  of  the  southern 
heiTiisphere,  previously  unknown,  and  of  the  coast  of  Africa  beyond  the  equator,  all 
which  appeared  like  a  new  world,  and  as  such  was  talked  of  at  the  timi;.  ...  This 
interpolated  passage  of  Schedel  was  likewise  inserted  into  the  work  De  Europa  sub 
Frederico  in.,  of  /Eneas  Silvius,  afterwards  Pope  Pius  n.,  who  died  in  1464,  long 
before  the  voyage  in  question.  The  misinterpretation  of  the  passage  first  gave  rise  to 
the  incorrect  assertion  that  Beliem  had  discovered  the  New  World  prior  to  Columbus; 
as  if  it  were  possible  such  a  circumstance  could  have  happened  without  Behem's  laying 
claim  to  the  glory  of  the  discovery,  and  without  the  world  immediately  resounding  with 
so  important  an  event.  This  eiror  had  been  adopted  by  various  authirs  without  due 
examination;  some  of  whom  had  lilrewise  taken  from  Magellan  the  credit  of  having 
discovered  the  strait  which  goes  by  his  name,  and  had  given  it  to  Bchem." — Ikvino's 
ColumhuSy  Appendix  xiii.  See  alio  Major's  "Lite  of  Prince  Henry  of  Portugal,"  pp.  326, 
327,  and  Winsor's  "Narrative  and  Critical  History  of  America,"  ii.  34,  35. 

[Schedel.]  Liber  cronicarum  |  cum  figuris  et  yn)a|ginibus 
ab  inicio  mu|di  vsq3  nuc  temporis.  |  [C'olophoii  :J  ...  hupre^sutri 
ac  finitw^  \  in  vigilia  purijicatidis  Marie  in  ifn\}  \  ialt  vrhe  Augusta  a 
lohanne  Schen-  \sperger.  Anno  ab  incarnatioe  <a'(?OT/«/|  M.cccc.xcvii.  | 
Folio.  A.  77524 



('oll.itiiin  :  iq  prclimiii.ny  If.ivca,  containing  the  "Taltul.!  ojimis  liiii';  ilt  tcin|ii>rilius 
niunili  5"  tfxr,  Iimvch  1-191,  192-338.  Also  one  blank  If. if,  anil  a  doulile-p.ine  niap 
itf  l:uriipr. 

This  riliriiii)  uf  the  Nuiemhcrg  Chronicle,  printed  at  Aiignluirg  in  1497,  contains  the 
sinie  text  .IS  the  eHitinn  of  i^>)'\,  hut  ni)t  tlie  ii.inie  woDiicuta.  The  passage  relating  to 
Dirgi)  C.ini  ami  Martin  Bchaiiri  in  <>n  the  verso  of  folio  326. 

[ScHEUFi..  1  Register  tles|huchs  der  C'ro-I  niken  viul  g'jschich- 
tens  I  mit  Hgiirc  unci  |)il(lnus|sin  von  anln-gifi  tier  wilt  |  bis  auf 
disc  vfiseie  Zeit.  |  [(\)Iophon  on  verso  ot  folio  ccixii  :*|  Jusz 
(rotlichem  heystmul  endct  s'lch  alh'ie  das  hi'ich  von  den  geu'h'ichten  der 
(liter  der  luerlt  |  vtid  von  heschreihiiu:;  der  heriimhtiiteu  Vfid  namhaf- 
tigisten  stett  sagende  ditrch  Georgi\uni  alt  deszmals  losungschreiher  der 
k(ii<!erHchc  reichstatt  Niirtnherg  aurz  hitein  in  teiitsch  |  gehracht  vnd 
besihlosza  nach  der gepurt  (h-ist't  'Jhesu  i-uszers  haylands.  Al.cccc.xciij. 
lar  I  am  fi'inften  tag  des  mcnats  Ocfohris,  |  Alt'ithrono  shit  perpetue 
landes.  ag.  alt.\  [Colophon  on  verso  of  map  at  the  end  :  I  Hie  ist 
entlich  heschlossen  das  huch  der  Cronicken  vnd'  gedechtnus  wtrdigern  \ 
geschichtv  vo  anbegyti  d*  werlt  bis  auf  dise  vnszere  zeit  vo  hochgelerte 
viannc  in\latein  mit  gros2.em  fieis%  vnd  rechtfrrtigung  versamelt.  vnd 
durch  Georgium  al  |  ten  deszmals  hstingschreiber  zit  Niirmherg  ausz 
dcselben  latein  zu..zeiten  von  |  maynung  zu  maynung  vnnd  beytveylen 
{rtit  on  vrsach)  auszzugs  weise  in  diss  I  teutsch  gebracht.  vnnd  darnach 
durch  den  erbern  vnnd  achtpcrn  Anthonien  |  kohergcr  daselbst  zu 
Niirmberg  gedruckt.  aus  anregfig  vnd  begem  der  erbern  \  vnd  weysen 
Sebolden  schreyers  vnd  Sebastian  kamermaistcrs.  burgern  da  |  selbst. 
vnd  auch  mit  anhangung  Michael  ivolgemutz  vnnd  It'^ilhelm  pleyden  \ 
wurlf's  tnaler  daselbst  auch  miilurger  die  diss  werck  mit  figuren  werck- 
licb  gc\ziert  haben.  Volbracht  am.  yyiij.  tag  des  monats  Decetnbris 
Nach  der  gepurt\  Cristi  vhszers  haylauds  M.  cccc.yciij.  tar.  [1493.]  I 
Folio.  IIS'^S 

Collation:  10  preliminary  leaves,  containing  the  title  of  the  register  and  the  table; 
text,  leaved  i-cclxxxvi,  followed  on  the  verso  of  this  leaf  and  on  the  recto  of  the  next 
(unnumbered)  leaf  by  a  map  of  Central  Europe,  with  the  colophon  on  the  verso. 
Numerous  woodcuts  in  the  text. 

The  German  translation  of  Scliedel's  chronicle  contains 'the  same  woodcuts  as  the 
Latin  original.  The  passage  relating  to  the  voyage  of  Diego  Cam  and  Martin  Behaim 
is  on  the  verso  of  folio  cclxxxv. 

[ScHEDEL.]  Das  buch  der|Croniken  vnnd  ge-|schichten  mit 
figu-|ren  vnd  pildnusz|sen  von  Anbeginnjder  welt  bis  aufF|dise 
vnsere  Zeyt.  |  [Colophon  :]  ([  Hie  tudet  sich  das  buch  der  Cronick 
vn  ge  I  schichten  mit  figure  vn  pildniszen  vo  anbegih  |  d'  welt  bisz  auf 
dise  vnser  zeit  Gedruckt  vn  volet  |  in  <-/'  kayserlichen  statt  Augspurg 
durch  Han-  \  sen  schonsferger  Intjar  nach  Cristi  geburt.  \  M.  cccc.ycvi. 
am  l.yviij.  tag  des.  herbstmonats.  [1496.]  |    Folio.  IIS'^'^ 





1 1 

('olblii)n  I  li'jviii  CCCxxii  [i.r.  517],  irrr^iul.iily  niniln'inl  j  uni'  liliiik  U-it'}  M.<|> 
of  Oerm.iny,  with  deicri|itive  text,  on  1  Ic.i  et  |   Krgiaici  in  11  leave*.      Wooilt  uti. 

[ScHEDEL.]  Das  bikh  der|C'ii)i)ikc*u  vnnd  ge-|scliiilm'n  init 
figii-|ien  vnd  pildmisz  [sen  voii  Anlnginn  |(li'i  welt  bis/  :iiitt"|disc 
vnsorc  Zcyt.  |  [Colophon  :)  {[  Hif  endft  slch  duf  hiiih  dtr  Cron'nk 
v>l\geschuhti'  tnit  flgufi-  vud  Jiildniixm  vo  /ud>enin\d'  xvtlt  hisz  auf 
disc  VHser  zeit,  gedruikt  vfi  vAct  \  in  d*  kapttiuhiri  statt  /lugspurg 
dutch  H(ifisfn\  S(hdfiff>irgi'r  Im  iar  nach  Cristi  gihurt  vn\sers  fnrru, 
M.ccccc,  [l^OO.'W      Folio.  77527 

CdlUtion  ;  rrrxvii  numhricj  leaves;  one  leaf;  M-i|>  df'  Oermany,  with 
deicrlptive  text,  on  2  leaves;   Kc^^iiitrr  in  11  leaves.      Woodiuta. 

The  passage  relating  to  the  ('X)H-(iitiiin  of  Cini  and  Beliaim  is  on  the  veiso  of'  folio 

Schedule  exhibiting  the  Condition  of  the  Banks  of  Massachu- 
setts for  every  year  from  1803  to  18^7  inclusive.  \^Boston?  1838.] 
8vo,  pp.  30.  .s.  77528 

Senate  Document  No.  3S.     Jan.  17,  1838. 

A  Schedule  of  the  Ancient  Colored  Inhabitants  of  Charles- 
town,  Mass.,  on  record  prior  to  1800.  (Privately  reprinted  from 
the  Charlestown  Chronicle  of  January  i,  1870.-)  [n.  p.  1870?] 
8vo,  pp.  4.  B.  77529 

"Ye  Scheepe-Thiefe:"  an  Historical  Hallad,  in  Eleven  Bleats, 
by  "Ye  Grecshian  Poette." 

"Baa!   Baa!  black  sheep; 
Have  you  got  any  wool.'" — Lamb. 

(Seventh  Edition.)    Concord:  Ramsbottomy  Publisher^  iS^^.    24mo, 
pp.  30,  (2),  and  covers.  7753° 

A  satirical  poem  on  George  Gilman  Fogg  of  the  "  Independent  Democrat,"  written 
by  Mr.  John  C.  Moore  of  the  "  New  Hampshire  Patriot."  Among  the  so-called 
"Opinions  of  the  Press"  on  the  back  cover,  are  the  following  :  "The  greatest  poem 
since  the  days  of  John  Milton." — Keene  Daily  Siniine/.  "No  library  should  be  with- 
out a  copy  of  this  splendid  production." — Coos  Diiily  Democrat,  etc. 

ScHEFFER  (A.)  Histoire  des  Etats-Unis  de  I'Amerique  Sep- 
tentrionale.  Par  Arnold  Schctter.  Pans:  Raymond.  1825. 
i2mo,  pp.  312.  H.,  s.  77531 

ScHEFFER  (J.  G.  de  Hoop).  Vriendschapsbetrekkingcn  tus- 
schen  de  Doopsgesinden  hier  te  laiide  en  die  in  Pennsylvanie.  ... 
[^Amsterdam.    1869.]    8vo,  pp.  26.  7753^ 

This  account  of  the  friendly  intercoursi;  of  the  Dutch  and  American  Baptists  gi\en 
by  Prof,  de  Hoop  Scheffer  is  entirely  founded  on  authentic  documents  taken  (rum  the 
archives  of  the  Mennonite  Church  at  Amsterdam. 


8CHEI.IHA.  9 

SiHKiKKRT  ( j.)  Dcr  Biiigc'ikricg  in  ilt-n  Nonlamerilcanischen 
Staatcn  ..  vuii  J.  Schcrbcit.  Mit  i  Kuite  von  Virginim  iiiul  3 
Planen.  Herlin^  •^74'  Ernst  Siegf'ritd  Alittler  und  Sohn.  Hvo, 
pp.  (4),  182.      Map  and  3  Plates.  B.  77533 

ScHEiBKRT.  La  '^jucrrc  civile  aux  £tats-Unis  d'Aniciique 
(gueiic  lie  la  Seression)  coiisidcree  an  point  de  vnc  militaire  pour 
les  officicrs  dc  I'arntee  allcmande,  par  J.  Sthcibcrt.  Traduit  par 
J.  Hornecqnc.  Paris.  1876.  8vo,  pp.  vi,  320.  Map  and  3 
Plates.  77534 

ScHEiBERT.  Sieben  Monate  in  den  Rcbellen-Staaten  wahrend 
dcs  nordamerikanischen  Krieges  1H63  von  Scheibcrt.  Hier/u 
vicr  Gefechts-  nnd  Situationsplanc.  Stettin^  i8()8.  I'erlug  von 
Th.  von  tier  Nahmer.      8vo,  pp.  126.      2  Mi;ps.  77535 

ScHEiBERT.  Das  Zusammenwirken  der  Armee  und  Marine. 
Eine  Studic  illustrirt  durch  den  Kanipf  urn  den  Mississippi  1861- 
63.  Von  J.  Schcibert  ...  .  Mit  zahlreichen  Karten  und  Plancn. 
Rathenoiv.  f^erlag  von  Mar  Babetizien.  [n.  d.]  8vo,  pp.  (6),  64, 
(4).     7  Maps  and  Charts.  b.  77536 

ScHEiBLER  (C  K.)  Geschichte  derer  von  den  Evangelischen 
in  Frankrcich  nnternomnu-nen  Seereisen  und  Colonicanstalten  in 
Siidamerika.  Entworfcn  von  Carl  Kricdrich  Scheibler.  Dessau 
und  Leipzig,    1783.     8vo,  pp.  144.  H.  77537 

Scheibler.  Reisen,  Entdeckungen  und  Unternehmungen  des 
Schifs-Capitain  Johann  Schmidt  oder  John  Smith  ;  wdche  den 
wahren  Ursprung  derer  Englischen  Colonien  in  Nord-Amerika 
bewiikt  haben,  und  ihn  deutlich  vor  Augt-n  stellen  :  Grosten- 
theils  aus  desselben  eigenen  Schritten  beschrieben  von  Carl  P'ried- 
rich  Scheibler  ...  .  Berlin^  bei  Sigesmund  Friedrich  Hesse,  178 1. 
l2mo,  pp.  232,  (2).  -\-  \^lbid.\  1782.  l2mo,  pp.  232.  J.c.B.  + 
[/^V/.]    1783.     l2mo,  pp.  232.  J-C.B.  77538 

ScHELECHOF  (G.)  Grigori  Schelechof  Ruszischen  Kaufmanns 
Erste  und  Zweyte  Reise  von  Ochotsk  in  Sibirien  durch  den  ost- 
lichen  Ocean  nach  den  Kiisten  von  Amerika  in  den  Jahren  1783, 
bis  1789.  Aus  dem  Ruszischen  iibersetzt  von  J.  Z.  Logan. 
St,  Petersburg:  Johann  Zucherias  Logan.    1793.     8vo,  pp.  104.    C. 


von).       A   Treatise   on   Coast- Defence  : 

based  on  the  experience  gained  by  ...  Engineers  of  the  Arniy  of 
the  Cojifederatc  States,  and  compiled   from   Official   Reports  of 



■      I 

Officers  of  the  Navy  of  the  United  Statps.  , 
Von  Scheliha  ...  London:  E.  ^  F.  N.  Spon. 
xviii,  326.     12  Plates. 

.    1861-62.      By 

1868.     8vo,  pp. 

fl.,  c.  77540 

ScHELLiNGER  (W.)  't  Volmaeclcte  en  toe-geruste  Schip, 
bestaende  in  fraye  gedichten,  en  aerdige  liedelcens  ...  voor  alle 
liefhebbers  der  groote  Zeevaert.  ...  Amsterdam^  M.  de  Groot. 
1680.    Sm.  8vo,  pp.  123.  7754* 

A  popular  book  of  songs  for  the  seamen,  among  which  are  several  relating  to  the 
voyage  to  Terrencuf"  and  Greenland  'or  whale-fishing. 

ScHEM  (A.  J.)  The  American  Ecclesiastical  Almanac,  for 
Ministers  and  Laymen  for  1868.  By  Prof.  Alexander  J.  Schem. 
...   New  Tork :  Fredk.  Gerhard^  Agt.   [1868.]     8vo,  pp.  80.       H. 

Schem.  Schem's  Statistics  of  the  World,  containing  Area, 
Form  of  Government,  Head  of  Government,  Population,  Ex- 
penses, Debt,  Paper  Money,  Standing  Army,  Navy,  Merchant 
Vessels,  Imports,  Exports,  Chief  Produce,  Coins  and  their  Value 
at  the  U.  S.  Mint,  ...  Capitals  and  Principal  Cities  of  all  Coun- 
tries, and  side  tables  showing  Statistics  of  Christianity,  ...  Relig- 
ious Statistics  of  the  U.  S.,  Postal  Statistics  of  the  World,  the 
Telegraphs  of  the  World,  the  Presidents  of  the  U.  S.,  Presiden- 
tial Elections  from  1788  to  1872,  General  School  Statistics  of 
the  U.  S.,  School  Statistics  of  Fifty  Cities.  Edited  by  Prof. 
Alexander  J.  Schem.  Semi-Annual  Publication.  November, 
1873.  New  York:  G.  J.  Moulton.  1873.  ^oX\o,  8  leaves.  + 
Third  revised  edition.  Boston:  Lee  is  Shepard.  1875.  f\)lio,  8 
leaves.  77543 

Schem.  Schem's  Universal  Statistical  Table,  cont.iining  Area, 
Form  of  Government,  ...  Capital  ar.d  Principal  Cities  of  all 
Countries,  on  the  basis  of  Hubner's  Statistical  Tables.  Edited 
by  Prof.  Alex.  Schem.  Nnv  y'ork :  R,  Brinckerhoff'.  1873. 
Folio,  folded  sheet.  77544 

Scheme  (By  striking  Twenty  Thousand  Pounds,  Paper  Money) 
to  Encourage  the  Raising  of  Hemp,  and  the  Manufacturing  of 
Iron  in  the  Province  of  New  York;  with  Some  Observations, 
shewing  the  Nfcessity  and  Advantages  thereof.  \New  Yorkl\ 
1737.     Folio,  pp.  6.  77545 

Title  from  Haven's  list  of  ante-revolutionary  publications. 

A  Scheme  for  improving  the  Mines,  the  Mineral  and  the  Bat- 
tery Works  in  New  England.     \_London^  about  1710.?]    410. 


I  I 

A  Scheme  for  the  General  Good  of  the  Nation.  See  Stratio- 

A  I  Scheme  |  For  The  |  Revival  |  of  |  (Christianity.  |  ^ew-  y'ork  :  | 
Printed  and  Sold  hy  Hugh  Gaine^  at  the  Printing  \  Office^  opposite  the 
Old  Slip  Market^  '753-1     ^^o,  pp.  24.  N.  77547 

Title  furnished  by  Mr.  WiUiim  Kp|l>y. 

Scheme  of  a  Convention  between  His  Most  Christian  Majesty 
[of  France]  aii'^  the  United  States  for  regulating  the  Functions 
and  Privileges  of  Consuls,  etc.     [n.  p.    179-?]     Folio.        7754^ 

Scheme  of  a  Lottery,  consisting  of  Three  Classes.  ...  No- 
vember 3,  1769.      [^New  7'ork?   1769.]     Folio,  I  page.  P. 

For    relief'  of  the   bondsmen   of  George   Remer,  a   derelict   sheriff  of   Somerset,   in 
New  jersey. 

Scheme  of  a  Lottery,  for  disposing  of  the  following  Houses, 
Plate,  Furniture,  &c.  &c.    \^New  Tori,  Jpril,  '772.]     4to,  I  page 

Scheme  of  a  Lottery  for  disposing  of  the  following  Houses. 
[Meiu  Tork,  April,  ^ll'^-^     4^"?  '  P^ge.  P.  7755' 

Scheme  of  a  Lottery.     For  raising  the  Sum  of  Seven  Hundred 

and  Fifty  Pounds,  for  the  B^iiefit  of  the  Presbyterian  C h  in 

Richmond  County,  on  Staten  Island.     \^Neiu  Tori,  Jpril,  1772.] 
4to,  I  page.  P.  77552 

Scheme  of  a  Lottery  to  raise  ^39,900. 
John  IVoods.    1 794.     4to,  i  leaf. 


Printed  by 

The  Scheme  of  Christ-Church  Lottery.  ...  New-York,  No- 
vember 20.  1 77 1.  \^Ne%v  Tork:  Printed  by  S.  Inslee  and  A.  Car,  on 
Beeh.ian^s  Slip.    1771.]     Folii),  1  page.  p.  77554 

A   Scheme  to  drive  the  French  out  of  all  the  Continent  of 

America.     Humbly  offered  to  the  Consideration  of , 

Esq;     \^London,']    1754.     l2mo.  bm.  77555 

Signed  at  the  end  by  T.  C. 

A  Scheme  to  Drive  the  French  Out  of  All  the  Continent  of 

America.     Humbly  offered  to  the  Consideration  of , 

Esq ;  This  pamphlet  came  in  the  last  ship  from  London  to  a 
Gentleman  in  Boston  ;  and  we  hear  it  has  been  highly  approved 
of,  and  is  recommended  as  very  useful  at  this  Time  to  every 
Friend  of  Liberty.  Boston,  New  England,  Reprinted  and  sold  by 
D.  Fowle  in  Ann  Street,  near  the  Conduit.    1755.     8vo,  pp.  20.     B. 




Signed  at  the  end  by  T.  C.  "This  well  laid  and  well  wiitten  Scheme  was  probably 
privately  printed  for  the  use  of'  the  Government  and  thuse  interested.  It  was  in  a 
great  measure  adopted,  especially  that  part  relating  to  New  Ycrk,  Lake  Get  rgc,  Cham- 
plain,  and  the  employment  of  the  Indians,  but  circumstances  generally,  and  tlic  French 
at  Monongahela  in  particular  knocked  it  all  to  pieces  the  next  year." — Stevens. 

A  Scheme  to  pay  off  the  National  Debt  by  a  Repeal  of  the 
Marriage  Act.     London.   1767.    8vo.  77557 

The  Schemer;  or,  Universal  Satirist.  By  that  Great  Phil»)so- 
pher  Helter  von  Seeker.  Illustrated  with  nctcs  critical  and 
explanatory,  by  some  of  the  first  personages  of  Europe.  Lon- 
don.  1763.     i2mo.  BM.  77558 

By  J.  Ridley.  From  May  13,  1760,  to  December  2S,  1762.  Contains  an  account 
of  the  visit  of  the  Cherokee  Indians  to  London. 

ScHEMERiNG  (Daniel).  Nova  Zemla,  sive  descriptio  contracta 
navigationvm  trium  admirandarum,  a  Belgis,  per  mare  hyperbo- 
reum  in  Chinam  et  Indiam  Orientalem  iter  afFectantibus^  annis 
supra  sesquimillesimum  nonagesimo  quarto,  quinto,  sexto  irrito 
conatu  tentatarum.  ...  Fl'tssingae^  S.  Venterre.  163 1.  Sm.  4to, 
22  leaves.  c.  77559 

This  hexameter  poem  commemorates  the  voyages  of  Barentz,  Linschoten,  Hecms- 
kirk,  etc. 

ScHENCK  (A.  H.)  Reply  of  Abraham  H.  Schenck  in  Vindi- 
cation of  his  Character  against  the  Slanderous  Charges  made  on 
the  Floor  of  Congress  by  Churchill  C  Cambreleng.  New  York. 
1828.    8vo.  77560 

Schenck  (J.  H.)  Album  of  Long  Branch  :  a  Series  of  Pho- 
tographic Views,  with  Letter-Press  Sketches,  by  J.  H.  Schenck, 
...  New  York:  John  F.  Trow.  1868.  8vo,  pp.  161,  including  38 
Photographs  on  19  leaves.  775^* 

Schenck.  A  Complete  Descriptive  Guide  of  Long  Branch. 
With  Maps,  Directory,  etc.  By  J.  H.  Schenck.  New  York: 
Trow  l^  Smith  Co. ^  Printers.   1868.     i6mo,  pp.  173.  775^2 

Schenck  (N.  H.)  Abstract  of  an  Address  delivered  before 
the  Young  Men's  Christian  Association,  of  Chicago.  By  the 
Rev.  N.  H.  Schenck.  June  20,  1859.  [n.  p.  1859. J  ^^'^i  PP* 
H-  77563 

Schenck.  Christian  Moderation  ;  the  Word  in  Season,  to  the 
Church  and  the  Country.  A  Sermon,  ...  May  19,  186 1.  By 
Noah  Hunt  Schenck  ...  .  Baltimore:  Entz  &  Bash.  i86l.  8vo, 
pp.  27.    -f  Set  »nd  Edition.    [/^/V,]   1861.     8vo,  pp.  27.  B. 



ScHENCK.  Correspondence  of  Congregation  and  Vestry  with 
Rev.  Noah  Hunt  Schenck,  d.d.  on  occasion  of  his  Resignation 
of  Rectorship  of  Emmanuel  Church,  Baltimore,  Published  by 
the  Vestry.  Baltimore:  I't^illiatn  K.  Boyle^  Printer.  1867.  8vo, 
pp.  12.  BA.  77565 

Schenck.  "  Epochs  of  Transition."  An  Oration  delivered 
before  the  American  Whig  and  Cliosophic  Societies  of  the  Col- 
lege of  New  Jersey,  Tuesday,  June  26,  1866.  By  Noah  Hunt 
Schenck,  d.d.  ...  Philadelphia:  McCalla  ^  Stave/y^  Printers. 
1867.     8vo,  pp.  53.  B.  77566 

Schenck.  ...  Farewell  Address.  By  the  Rev.  Noah  Hunt 
Schenck,  d.d.,  Brooklyn,  New  York.  Delivered  at  the  close  of 
the  Valedictory  Services  in  the  Academy  of  Music,  New  York, 
Sunday  Night,  October  12,  1873.  {^N'e'W  York:  Harper  &'  Broth- 
en.    1873.     ^vo,  pp.  707-713.  '  77567 

"From  the  Evangelical  Conference,  1873.      Harper  &  Brothers." 

Schenck.  God's  Gauge  of  National  Health.  A  Thanks- 
giving Sermon,  preached  by  Rev.  Noah  Hunt  Schenck,  d.d.. 
Rector,  St.  Anns  Church,  Brooklyn.  November  26th,  1868.  ... 
Brooklyn:  Daily  Union  Steam  ...  Presses.    1868.     8vo,  pp.  21. 

Schenck.  The  Grateful  Sacrifice.  A  Thanksgiving  Sermon 
preached  in  Baltimore,  November  24,  1864.  By  Rev.  Noah 
Hunt  Schenck.     Baltimore.    1864.     8vo,  pp.  15.  77569 

Schenck.  The  Memory  of  Washington  :  An  Oration,  by 
the  Rev.  Noah  Hunt  Schenck,  a.m.  ...  delivered  in  Baltimore 
on  ...  February  22nd,  1861.  ...  Baltimore:  Entz  ^  Bash.  1861. 
8vo,  pp.  32.  77570 

Schenck.  The  Ornament  of  Great  Price.  A  Sermon- 
Memoir  of  Mrs.  Harriet  Cutler,  given  to  The  Congregation  of 
St.  Ann's  Church,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.  ...  June  8th,  1873,  by  Noah 
Hunt  Schenck  ....  Brooklyn:  J.  T.  Bolles.    1873.     8vo,  pp.  20. 

Schenck.  Pastoral  Fidelity;  or  Walking  in  the  Light.  A 
Sermon  commemorative  of  the  Life  and  Labor  of  the  Rev. 
Charles  Ridgely  Howard,  late  Rector  of  Memorial  Church,  Bal- 
timore. Preached  in  Emmanuel  Church,  ...  March  16,  1862, 
by  N.  H.  Schenck,  Rector.  With  Appendix  containing  ...  a 
brief  memoir  by  the  Rev.  James  May,  d.d.  ...  Baltimore: 
Printed  by  W.  M.  Innes.    1862.     8vo,  pp.  35.  IISI"^ 



'<   ' 

l.-lf   < 

ScHENCK.  The  Perfect  House  ;  A  Sermon  preached  on  the 
Opening  of  the  Memorial  Church,  June  12th,  1864.  By  Rev. 
Noah  Hunt  Schenck  ....  Baltimore.    1864.     8vo,  pp.  36. 

ScHENCK.  "The  Preaching  of  Jesus."  A  Sermon  preached 
at  the  Consecration  of  Trinitv  Church,  Chicago,  III.,  on  Sunday, 
April  24,  1864.  By  Rev.  Noah  Hunt  Schenck  ...  .  Chicago: 
Tribune  Boook  and  Job  Office  Print.    1864.     8vo,  pp.  34.  n. 

Schenck.  Songs  in  the  Night.  A  Thanksgiving  Sermon, 
preached  in  Emmanuel  Church,  Baltimore,  Nov.  26,  1863.  By 
Rev.  N.  H.  Schenck,  Rector.  Baltimore :  Entz  i5  Bash.  1863. 
8vo,  pp.  16.  77575 

Schenck.  A  Steadfast  People  the  Pastor's  Jov  and  Crown. 
A  Valedictory  Sermon,  preached  in  Trinity  Church,  Chicago,  on 
Christmas  Night,  Sunday,  Dec.  25th,  1859,  By  the  Rev.  Noah 
Hunt  Schenck,  a.m.  Rector.  Chicago:  Scott  and  Company.,  Print- 
ers.  1859.    8vo,  pp.  25.  7757^ 

Schenck  (P.  H.)  Frauds  on  the  Revenue  :  addressed  to  the 
People  of  the  United  States,  and  to  their  Representatives  in  Con- 
gress. B)  Peter  H.  Schenck.  ...  New  York:  Printed  by  John 
M.  Danforth.   1830.     8vo,  pp.  13.  b.  77577 

Schenck  (R.  C.)  Internal  Tax.  Speech  of  Hon.  Robert 
C.  Schenck,  of  Ohio,  In  the  House  of  Representatives,  June  i, 
1868.    [n.  p.   1868.]    8vo,  pp.  32.  7757^ 

Schenck.  No  Compromise  with  Treason.  Remarks  of  Mr. 
Schenck  of  Ohio  in  Reply  to  Mr.  Fernando  Wood  of  New 
York  in  the  debate  on  the  resolution  to  expel  Mr.  Long.  De- 
livered in  the  House  of  Representatives,  April  11,  1864.  [^IVash- 
ington  :  Printed  by  L.  Powers.    1864.]     8vo,  pp.  15.  B.,  ba. 

Schenck.  Public  Credit — Gold  Contracts.  Speech  of  Hon. 
Robert  C.  Schenck,  of  Ohio,  delivered  in  the  House  of  Repre- 
sentatives, February  22,  1869.  Washington :  F.  &  J.  Rives  isf 
Geo.  A.  Bailey^  Reporters  and  Printers.    1869.     8vo,  pp.  8. 

Schenck.  Speech  of  Mr.  Schenck,  of  Ohio,  on  the  Bill  to 
refund  General  Jackson's  Fine,  in  the  House  of  Representatives, 
January  8th,  1844.     [Washington?   1844.]    8vo,  pp.  15.  B. 

Schenck.  Speech  of  Mr.  Schenck,  of  Ohio,  on  Internal  Im- 
provements. Delivered  in  the  House  of  Representatives,  Dec. 
15,1847.     [Washington.    1847?]    8vo,  pp.  7.  B.,  s.  77582 



ScHENCK.  Speech  of  Mr.  Schenck,  of  Ohio,  in  Reply  to  Mr. 
Giddings  in  the  House  of  Representatives,  Dec.  27,  1849,  in 
debate  on  a  Resolution  to  appoint  the  Standing  Committees. 
Washington:  Printed  by  Gideon  i5f  Co.    1 850.     8vo,  pp.  16.      B.,  M. 

Schenck.  The  Tariff.  Speech  of  Hon.  Robert  C  Schenck, 
of  Ohio,  delivered  in  the  House  of  Representatives,  March  31, 
1870.  Washington:  F.  &  J.  Rives  Iff  Geo.  A.  Bailey.,  Reporters 
and  Printers.    1870.     8vo,  pp.  16.  775^4 

Also:  Life  of  Major  General  Robert  C.  Schenck.  [n.  p.  n.  d.]  8vn,  pp.  i6. — 
Robert  C.  Schenck,  U.S.A.,  Major  General  of  Volunteers.  ...  [A  biography.  )  Pub- 
lished by  order  of  Unkn  Central  Committee,  31/  Con^ressionul  District,  Ohio.  [n.  p.  186-?] 
8vo,  pp.  32.      B. 

Schenck  (W.)  An  attempt  to  deleniate  the  Character  |  and 
reward  of  the  faithful  servants  of  |  Christ,  in  |  a  |  Sermon,  |  preached 
at  the  Funeral  of  |  The  Rev.  Noah  Wetmore,  a.m.]  late  Minister 
at  Brookhaven,  |  Long-Island,  |  March  lO,  1796.  |  By  William 
Schenck,  a.b.  &  m.v.d.  |  at  Huntington,  Long-Island.  |  ...  {Sag- 
Harbor:  I  Printed  by  David  Frothingham.  \  [1796.]     8vo,  pp.  27. 

Schenck  (W.  E.)  A  Discourse  on  Church  Extension  in 
Cities,  preached  ...  in  the  Second  Presbyterian  Church,  Philadel- 
phia ...  April  6,  1853.  ^^y  **'^  ^G\.  William  Edward  Schenck, 
...  Philadelphia  :  For  the  Committee.    1853.     8vo,  pp.  32.  B. 

Schenck.  The  Faith  of  Christ's  Ministers  an  Example  for 
his  People.  A  Discourse  commemorative  of  Benjamin  Holt 
Rice,  D.D.  Preached  in  ...  Princeton,  New  Jersey,  ...  July  20, 
1856  ...  .  By  the  Rev.  William  Edward  Schenck  ....  Philadel- 
phia:  William  S.i^  Alfred  Martien.    1856.     8vo,  pp.  32. 

Schenck.  An  Historical  Account  of  the  First  Presbyterian 
Church  of  Princeton,  N.  J. :  A  Sermon,  preached  on  Thanks- 
giving Day,  December  12,  1850.  By  Rev.  William  Edward 
Schenck.  Princeton.,  N.  "J.:  Pr.nted  by  John  T.  Robinson.  1 850. 
8vo,  pp.  iv,  78.  N.,  s.  77588 

Schenectady,  N.  T.  An  Act  to  Incorporate  various  Socie- 
ties in  Schenectady  ...  New  Tork.    1805.     i2mo,  pp.  12.  N. 

First  Annual  Report  of  the  Board  of  Education  of  the 
City  of  Schenectady.  Presented  April  23,  1856.  [n.  p.]  Keyser., 
Printer.    1856.    8vo,  pp.  60.  h.  77590 

Charter  and  Ordinances  of  the  City  of  Schenectady. 
tady.    1869.     8vo. 




I  •    I 

:    I 


f  I  i 

'   >, 



Extracts  from  the  Doop-Boek,  or  Baptismal  Register  of  the 
Reformed  Protestant  Dutch  Church  of  Schenectady,  N.  Y. 
Albany:  J.  MumtlL    1864.     8vo,  pp.  14.  77592 

Manual  and  Directory  of  the  First  Reformed  (Dutch) 
Church,  organized  a.  d.  1680.  Schenectady,  N.  Y.,  February, 
1878.  Schenectady^  N.  T.:  The  Union  Book  and  Job  Printing 
Office.    1878.     i6mo,  pp.  56.  77593 

Also:  1680.  Nisi  Domiiius  Frustra.  Two  Hundredth  Anniversary  of  tlie  First 
Retormed  Protestant  ...  Dutch  Church,  of  Schenectady,  N.  Y.,  June  aoth  and  list. 
Eendracht  niaakt  macht.    1880.      [^Schenectady.   1880.]     8vo,  pp.  264.. 

Journal  of  the  Common  Council  of  the  City  of  Schenectady, 
April,  1868,  to  April,  1869.      Schenectady.    1869.     8vo,       77594 

Law  of  the  State  of  New  York,  relating  to  the  City  of  Sche- 
nectady, and  the  Laws  and  Ordinances  of  the  Common  Council. 
Schenectady.   18 1 7.     8vo.  s.  "J^S^S 

Regulations  of  the  Common  Council  for  the  Citizens  watch- 
ing in  Rotation,  in  1803.     [n.  p. .?   1803.]    8vo.  nS9^ 

A  Remonstrance  adopted  by  the  Inhabitants  of  the  City  of 
Schenectada,  at  a  Meeting  held  on  the  25th  of  February,  1836, 
against  the  change  of  the  route  of  the  Erie  Canal,  proposed  by 
the  Common  Council  of  the  City  of  Albany  :  with  the  Proceed- 
ings of  the  Meeting.  Schenectada :  Printed  at  the  Reflector  Office. 
1836.     8vo,  pp.  16.  B.  77597 

Corrected  title  of  No.  22753,  Vol.  vi. 

A  Report  [of  a  Committee  of  Citizens  of  Schenectady]  on  the 
Present  Alarming  State  of  our  National  Affairs,  [n.  p.  n.  d.] 
8vo,  pp.  15.  B.  77598 

Schenectady  Directory  and  City  Register  for  the  years  1841- 
42.     Schenectady.   1841.     i2mo,  pp.  46.  s.  77599 

Schenectady  Directory  ...  for  1857,  by  W.  H.  Boyd.  Hcbcnectady .  1856.  lamo, 
pp.  148. 

Schenectady  City  and  County  Directory;  with  a  Business  Directory  and  Gazetteer  of 
Schenectady  County.  1864-5.  Compiled  by  Andrew  Boyd.  Schenectady:  7'ouiig  (sf 
Graham.    [1864.]     I2mo,  pp.  17-171.      c. 

The  Schenectady  Directory  for  1865.  CoiiipileJ  by  H.  V.  Bradt.  Schenectady: 
Star  Office.  [1865.]     8vo,  pp.  92,  16. 

Schenectady  City  Directory  for  1866.  With  a  Business  Directory,  a  County  Direct- 
ory, etc.     Schenectady:  Bradt  Csf  Hart.   [1866. J     8vo,  pp.  98,  16. 

Schenecjady  City  Directory  for  1867-8.  With  Business  Directory,  County  Direct- 
ory, etc.      Schenectady:  Bradt  &  'I'ruax.   [1867. J     8vo,  pp.  118,40. 



Sclieneclaiiy  Directory  Cur  1868-9.  With  Busiiu-ss  Piicitory  of  Anntrrdani,  mi 
Si  henectady  County  Dinctory.  f.  U.  Fitzgerald,  Compiler.  Alhany  :  yan  Btntbupen 
&  Hons,  Printer!.   [1868.]     Svo,  pp.  144,  37. 

Catalogue  of  the  Teachers  and  Pupils  of  the  Schenectady 
Institute,  Schenectady,  N.  Y.  For  the  Term  commencing 
Nov.  1847,  2"^  ending  March,  1848.  Instituted,  February  21, 
1847.      Schenectady :  Riggs.^  Printer.    1847.     8vo,  pp.  8.  B. 

Constitution   of  the   Social   Socie'iY 

Schenectady.    1 800. 

Annual  Report  of  the  President  of  the  Young  Men's  Asso- 
ciation for  Mutual  Improvement  in  the  City  of  Schencctada, 
Presented  May  13,  1840.  Schenectada :  E.  H.  Kincaid^  Printer. 
1840.     Svo,  pp.  18.  M.  77602 

Prepared  by  John  B.  Clute.     See  also  Union  College. 

Award  of  the  Commissionecs  ...  Schenectady  and  Troy, 
Utica  and  Schenectady,  Albany  and  Schenectady  Railroad  Com- 
panies.     Troy^  N.  T.    1847.     ^^o.  s.  77603 

A  Communication  to  the  Legislature,  in  Reply  to  a  Statement 
of  the  Schenectady  and  Troy  Railroad  Company.  Jlhany. 
1846.    8vo.  77604 

Proceedings  of  the  Schenectady  County  Bible  Society; 
with  an  Address,  and  the  Constitution  of  the  Society.  Schenec- 
tady.   1823.     Svo.  77605 

Scherdiger  (Abel).     See  Benzoni  (G.),  Vol.  11.,  No.  4799. 

Scherer  (Henricus).  Tabellae  Cieographicas,  hoc  est  regio- 
num,  provinciarum  locorumque  mcmorabilium  succincta  dispo- 
sitio.  ...  Monacbii.^  M.  Ranchin.  1 703.  8  vols.,  4to.  Maps  and 
Copperplates.  77606 

The  second  volume  cont.iins .  '•  Geographia  hierarchica,  sive  status  ecclesiastici 
romano-catholii  i  per  orbeni  uiiiv^rsum  distributi,  Asia,  Africa,  America  borealis  et 
australis  "  The  third  volume:  "Atlas  Marianus,  sive  praecipuae  totius  orbis  imagines 
et  statuae  Dei  genetricis  Matris  bencficiis  ac  prodigiis  inclytae."  There  was  another 
edition  published  in  1737,  in  7  vols.,  4to. 

Scherer  (H.)  Histoire  du  commerce  de  toutes  les  nations, 
depuis  les  temps  anciens  jusqu'a  nos  jours.  Traduit  de  I'allcmand 
par  MM.  Henri  Richelot  et  Charles  Vogel,  avec  dcs  notes  par 
les  traducteurs  et  une  preface  par  M.  Henri  Richelot  ...  Paris: 
Capelle.   1S57.     2  vols.,  Svo.  77607 




S(HERER  (J.  B.)  Rccherchcs]  Histoiiqu(;s|ct  Cjeographic|ucs| 
siir|le  Nouveau-Monde.  I  Par  Jean-Beiiott  Scherer,  Pensionnaire 
<lu  Roi  ;| ...  I  //  Pfirisy]  Chez  lirunet^  Lihraire,  rue  des  Ecrivalns.  \ 
M.  i)cc.  Lxxvir.  I    8vo,  pp.  xii,  (4),  352.     Map  and  8  Plates,    a. 

A  portion  ot"  the  work  relate*  to  the  language!  of'  America. 

ScHERMERHORN  (J.  K.)  (ind  MiLi.s  (S.  J.)  A  Concct  View 
of  that  Part  of  the  United  States  which  lies  West  of  the  AIlc- 
ganv  Mountains,  with  regard  to  Religion  and  Morals,  By  John 
F.  Schermerhorn  and  Samuel  J.  Mills.  Hartford :  Peter  B.  Glea- 
son  y  65.,  Printers.    1 8 14.     8vo,  pp.  52.  H.,  M.  77609 

Schermerhorn.  Report  to  the  Society  for  Propagating  the 
Gospel  among  the  Indians  and  others  in  North  America.  Report 
resfiecting  the  Indians,  inhabiting  the  Western  Par's  of  the 
United  States.  Communicated  bv  Mr.  John  F.  Schermerhorn 
to  the  Secretary  of  the  Society  for  Propagating  the  Gospel  among 
the  Indians  and  Others  in  Nor«th  America.  \_Boston.  18 14.] 
8vo,  pp.  48.  B.,  H.  77610 

From  the  "  Collections  of  the  Massachusetts  Historical  Society,"  second  series,  vol. 
II.,  pp.  1-48. 


Society,  .. 




A  Sermon   ...  before  the  Schoharie  Bible 
By  John  F.  Schermerhorn.    Jlbany.  1817. 

7761 1 

Schermerhorn  (J.  W.)     Essay  before  the  Literary  Societies 
of   the   State   Normal    School,  January  31,   1852.     By  J.   W. 

Schermerhorn.     Albany.    1852.     8vo,  pp.  9. 


ScHERPF  (G.  A.)  Appeal  to  the  Public  ;  or,  a  Story  without 
Fiction.      By  George  A.  Scherpf.     New  York.    1851.     Tvo. 

ScHURK  (Johannes).  Das  Trauerspiel  in  Mexiko  ...  Lelpxig. 
1868.     8vo.  77614 

ScHERZER  (K.)  Bericht  an  die  Kaiserliche  Akademie  der 
Wissenschaften  uber  eine  wissenschaftliche  Reise  nach  Amerika 
in  den  Jahren  1852  bis  1855,  von  Dr.  Karl  Scherzer.  Wten. 
1856.    8vo,  pp.  27.  77615 

Scherzer.  Ein  Besuch  bei  den  Ruinen  von  Quirigua  im 
Staate  Guatemala  in  Central- Amerika.  Von  Dr.  Karl  Scherzer. 
(Aus  dem  Aprilhehe  der  Sitzungsberichte  der  philos.-histor. 
Classe  der  kais.  Akademie  der  Wissenschaften  [xvi.  Bd.,  S.  228 
ft',]  besonders  abgedruckt.)     \Wien.    1855.]    8vo,  pp.  15. 



Schi:r/p.r.  Die  Iiuliaiicr  von  Santa  Catalina  Istlavacan 
(Frauenfiiss),  von  Karl  Sihcr/.cr.      IFieti.    1856.     8vo.        77617 

ScHKRZKR.  Mitihcilungi'n  iiWcr  ili('  handschiif'tlichen  VVeikc 
(les  Patlix-  Kranci.'.co  Ximencz  in  der  Universitats-Bibliothck  zu 
Guatemala;  von  Dr.  Kail  Schci/.er.      IFteu,    1856.     8v(). 

[ScHKRXER.J  Rfise  der  Ocstcncichischen  Ficgatte  Novara 
um  die  Erde,  in  den  Jahrcri  1857,  185S,  1859,  iintcr  den  Bef'eh- 
len  des  Coniniodore  \\.  von  VV'ulIcrstorf-Uibair.  (  BeschreiUcn- 
der  Thcil.]  ...  IVien.  Aus  der  Ka'iurl'uh-Khuglichen  Hof-  utul 
Staatsdruikerel.  1 861- 1862.  In  Cofuf/iisslon  hei  Karl  GeroU^s  Sohn. 
3  vols,,  8vo,  pp.  X,  (2),  3^)8,  37,  «.ul  2  Tables,  each  on  1  leaf, 
24  Maps  and  Plates;  vi,  (2),  454,  20,  and  4  folded  Tables,  24 
Maps  and  Plates  ;  vi,  (2),  436,  (2),  3,  and  2  folded  leaves,  pp.  8, 
and  2  folded  leaves,  1  leaf,  pp.  8,  (i),  with  2Q  Maps  and  Plates. 
Atlas  in  folio,  Maps  i-vii,  and  iibls.  a.  77619 

WitS  .1  prefatory  note  by  B.  von  Wiillerstorf-Urbair.  A  popular  edition  of  this 
narrative  ot  tiie  vcyage  was  also  publisiied  in  2  volumes,  8vo.  Kor  Dr.  Sciierzer's 
otlitr  contributions  to  the  history  ot'  this  voyage,  see  Wullerstort'-Urbair  (H.  von). 

ScHERZKR.  Narrative  of  the  Circumnavigation  of  the  Cslobe 
by  the  Austrian  Frigate  Novara,  ...  Undertaken  by  order  of  the 
Imperial  Government,  in  the  Years  1857,  '^S^i  ^"^^  '^'59'  ••• 
By  Dr.  Karl  Scherzer  ...  .  London:  Saunders^  Otley^  and  Co, 
1861-63.     3  vols.,  8vo,  pp.  1,  484,  (2),  I  folded  Map,  7  Charts; 

tx,  62 




A  translation  <>t"  the  preceding  work. 

BA.    77620 

[Scherzer.]  Viaggio  intorno  al  Globo  della  Fregatta  Aus- 
triaco  Novara,  negli  anni  1857-59,  sotto  ...  B.  de  WiillerstorfF- 
Uibair   ...    Vienna.    1862.     3  vols.,  8vo.  77621 

Scherzer.  Sprachen  der  Indianer  Central-Amerika's.  Wah- 
rend  seinen  m'*hrjahrigen  Reisen  in  den  verschiedenen  Staaten 
Mittel  Ainerika's  aufgezeichiiet,  von  Dr.  Karl  Scherzer.  ... 
yiVien.    1855.]    8vo,  pp.  11.  77622 

Separately  printed  fVom  the  "  Sitzungsberithte  der  Philosophisch-Historischen  Klasse 
der  Kaiserlichen  Akademic  der  Wissenschaften,"  vol.  xv.,  pp.  28-37. 

Scherzer.  Statistisch-Commerzielle  Ergebnisse  einer  Reise 
um  die  Eide,  unternommen  an  Bord  der  osterreichischen  Fregatte 
Novara  in  den  Jahren  1857-1859,  von  Dr.  Karl  von  Scherzer. 
...  Leipzig  und  li'ien:  F.  A.  Brockhaus,  1867.  8vo,  pp.  xii,  797. 
4  Maps.  B.  77623 

For  the  large  edition  of  this  work  see  under  Wiillerstorf-Urbair  (B.  von). 




;   I'l 

I  f 

SiHERZKR.  Wanderungcn  diirch  Hit-  mittcl-amcrikanischcn 
Ficistaatcn  Nicaragua,  Honduras  uiul  San  Salvador.  Mit  Hin- 
Mick  auf  dcutsche  Kmigratioii  und  deiitschcn  Handel,  von  Dr. 
Carl  Schcrzer.  Mit  zwei  Karten.  Brautischiveig :  Dnuk  und 
Ferlag  von  Georg  irestennaHn.  1857.  Hvo,  pp.  xviii,  5:6.  2 
Maps.  A.  Jjtl^ 

ScHERZER.  Travels  in  the  Free  States  of  Central  America, 
Nicaragua,  Honduras,  and  San  Salvador.  By  Dr.  Carl  Scherzcr. 
...  London:  Longman^  Broivn^  (ireen^  Longmans  ^  Roberts.  1857. 
2  vols.,  post  8vo,  pp.  320  J   253.  B.,  BA.,  c.  77625 

Set  alio  Warner  (Motitz)  and  Scherzer  (Karl). 

ScHKTKY  (George  F.)  Valedictory  Sermon  ...  on  Fifteenth 
Sunday  after  Trinity.  Hy  George  P.  Schetky.  Philadelphia, 
i860.    8vo.  jjb2b 

Schets  van  een  ontwerp  ...  van  Suriname.  iS"^^  [Lans  (W. 
H.)],  Vol.  X.,  No.  38934. 

Schetsen  en  Portretten.      See  [Irving  (VV.)],  Vol.  ix.  35201. 

ScHEURER  (C.  A.)     Das  jetzige  Kalifornien. 

Bern.    1 854. 


ScHEVicHAVEN  (S.  R.  J.  v.)  De  Noord-Amerikaansche  Staat 
Minnesota  beschrevcn.   ...  Jmsterdom.    1872.     8vo.      Map. 

ScHiAFFiNATi  (N.  A.")  Dccreta  Rfni  Patris  Mag.  Rcgentis 
Fr.  Nicolai  Antonii  Schiaffinati,  totius  Ordinis  Generalis  expedita 
pro  Provincia  Mexicana  S.  Nominis  Jesu.      Die  12  Martii,  a.d. 

1739.    [n.  p.?   1739.]    4to. 


Die  Schicksale  und  Abentcuer  der  aus  Sachscn  nach  Amerika 
ausgewanderten  Stephanianer.  Ihre  Reise  nach  St.  Louis,  ihr 
Aufeiithalt  daselbst  und  der  Zustand  ihrer  Colonie  in  Perry- 
County.      Dresden.    1H39.     i2nio,  pp.  viii,  124.  77630 

ScHiEFFEi.iN  (S.  H.)  The  President  and  Congress.  A  Hint 
to  the  South.  A  Warning  to  the  North.  By  Samuel  B.  Schief- 
felin.  New-Y'ork:  "John /l.  Gray  I3' Green^  Printers.  1867.  8vo, 
pp.  16.  BA.  77631 

ScHiEL  (J.)  Reise  durch  die  Felsengebirge  und  die  Hum- 
boldtgebirge  nach  dem  Stillen  Ocean.  ...  Schaffhausen.  1859. 
Sm.  8vo.  77632 












Schiffbruch  ...  von  John  Byron.  See  [Hakcn  (J.  C.  L.)]» 
Vol.  VII.,  No.  29590. 

Schiller  [Kiiedrich].  The  Ghost-Seer;  or,  Apparitionist : 
from  the  German  of  Schiller.  Nnv  fork:  7.  dlf  J.  Swords. 
1796.     i2mo,  pp.  120.  77633 

"From  the  Loni'on  editiun  of  1795  — the  firit  Engliih  traniUtiun."-    fRUMauLL. 
Intntduced  here  on  account  oi  the  imprint. 

ScHiLTRERGER  (J.)  Reisen  des  Johannes  Schiltbcrgcr  aus 
IVIiinchen,  in  Ekiropa,  Asia,  iind  Afrika,  von  1394  bis  1427. 
Zum  ersten  Mai  nach  der  gleichzeitigen  Heidelherger  Hand- 
schrift  hcrausgegeben  und  erlautcrt  von  Karl  Friedrich  Neumann. 
Miinchen.    1859.     8vo.  77^34 

The  introduction  by  Neumnnn  contains  an  account  of  the  Jesuit  missions  in  Cali- 

ScHiNER  (J.  R.)     See  Wiillerstorf-Urbair  (B.  von). 

[ScHiRACH  (G.  B.  von).]  Historisch-statistische  Notiz  der 
Grossbrittannischcn  Colonien  in  America,  mit  politischen  An- 
merkungen,  die  gegenwartigen  Americanischen  Unruhen  betref- 
fend.  Frankfurt  und  Leipzig.  1776.  8vo,  pp.  96.  -{-Hanover: 
Hahn.    1776.     8vo.  77^35 

ScHiRMBECK  (A.)  Messis |  Paraqvariensis |  A  |  Patribvs  Socie- 
tatisjjesv  per  sexennivm  in  Paraqvaria  collecta,|  Annis  videlicet  | 
M.DC.xxxviii.  xxxix.  XL.  xLi.  XLii.  xLiii.  |  Conscripta  a  |  P. 
Adamo  Schirmbeck  j  Societatis  eivsdem  |  Sacerdote.  |  Permissu  Supe- 
riorum.\Monachii^\  Formis  Lvcae  StravbiiAImpensis  loannis  Wag" 
neri,  Ciuis  £5*  Bihliop.  \  Anno  M.  DC.  XLix.  |  Sm.  i2mo,  half-title, 
title,  pp.  (8),  366,  Errata  (i).  A-<^in  twelves,  including  two 
blank  leaves  at  the  end.  L.  77636 

Schism  among  the  Quakers ;  Shewing  the  treatment  Wm. 
Dean  received  ...  and  his  Expulsion  ...  .  Poughkeepsie.  1823. 
8vo.  77637 

Schism  the  Offspring  of  Error,  illustrated  in  Historical  Sketches 
of  the  Warsaw  Presbyterian  Church,  Genesee  Co.,  N.  Y.     Buf- 

falo.   1 84 1.     8vo,  pp.  26. 


Scn^.AGER  (£.)  Die  sociale  und  politische  Stellung  der  Deut- 
schen  in  den  Vereinigtcn  Staaten.  Ein  Beitrag  zur  Geschichte 
des  Deutsch-Amerikanerthums  der  letzten  25  Jahre.  ...  Berlin: 
Puttkamer  und  MUhlbrecht.    1874.     8vo.  77^39 

VOL.    XIX. 




*   ' ' 


ScHi.AOiNTWKiT  (R.  von).  Ciliforiiicn.  f/iiul  iiiui  Knitc. 
Vun  Robert  von  Schlagintwcit.  Mit  Illuiitrationen.  Coin  una 
Leipzig.   1 87 1.     lamo,  pp.  380.  77640 

ScHLAOiNTWEiT.  Califoiriic  oil  zijne  bevolking.  ...  Uit  het 
Hoogduitsch  door  VV.  ten  Kntcl  Jr.  Deventer :  A,  ttr  Gunnt, 
1873.     8vo.      Plates.  77641 

ScHLAOiNTWEiT.  Die  Pacific-Eisciibahn  in  Nord-Amerika. 
Von  Robert  von  Schlagintweit.  New  York :  L,  IV,  Schmidt. 
1870.     i2mo,  pp.  xiv,  203.      Map  and  Table.  c.  77642 

Schlatter  (Charles  L.)     See  Vol.  xiv.,  No.  60608. 

Schlatter  (M.)  Getrouw  Verhaal|van  den  waren  toestantj 
dcr  mcest  herderIo/,e|Gemeentens|in  Pensylvanien  |  En  aangren- 
sende  Provintien,  |  Voorgestcit  en  Opgedragen,  |  met  nedrig  ver- 
zoek  om  hulpe  en  bystand,|aan|  De  H.  Eerw.  Christelyke  Syno- 
dens|  van]  Nederland,|en  voorts|aan  alle  milddadige  Christenen,  | 
door  I  Michael  Schlatter,  |  Predikant  te  Philadelphia.  |  Met  ene 
aanpryzende|  Voorrede|  van  de  |  Gecommitteerde  des  Classis|  Van 
Amsteldam.  |  T* Amsteldam.,  \  By  yacobus  Loveringh^  \  Boekverkoper 
voir  aan  op  den  Nieuxvendyk.    1751.  |    4to,  pp.  xxii,  56.     J.c.u.,  L. 

The  author  of  this  "account  of  the  true  situation  of  the  most  shepherdleas  congre- 
gations in  Pennsylvania  and  adjacent  provinces,"  was  sent  by  the  Synod  of  Holliind  to 
Fenniylvania,  in  order  to  visit  the  difl-'erent  congregations  throughout  the  land.  The 
volume  contains  extracts  from  the  journal  of  his  travels  in  New  England,  New  Nether- 
land,  New  Jersey,  Pennsylvania,  Maryland  and  Virginia,  1746-1751;  and  an  account 
of  the  State  of  Pennsylvania  and  of  the  numerous  Reformed  congregations  there  and 
in  the  adjacent  provinces,  which  he  found  mostly  without  ministers.  Mr.  Brinley's 
copy  sold  for  $17. 

ScHLECHTENDAL  ( ).      Plantae  Lechlerianae  Chilenses  et 

Peruvianae.    ...   [n.  p.    1856-57.]    Svo,  pp.  92.  77644 

ScHLECHTENDAL.  De  plantis  variis  Mexicanis.  ...  [n.  p. 
1854.]    8vo.  77645 

ScHLEGEL  (J.  F.  W.)  Neutral  Rights:  or,  An  Impartial 
Examination  of  the  Right  of  Search  of  Neutral  Vessels  under 
Convoy.  And  of  a  Judgment  pronounced  by  the  English  Court 
of  Admiralty,  the  nth  June,  1799,  In  the  Case  of  the  Swedish 
Convoy ;  With  some  Additions  and  Corrections,  by  Mr.  J.  F. 
W.  Schlegel.  ...  Translated  from  the  French.  Philadelphia. 
1801.     8vo,  pp.  162.  BA.  77646 

ScHLEGEL.  Sur  la  Visite  des  Vaisseaux  Neutres  sous  Convoi ; 
ou  examen  impartial  du  jugemcnt  prononce  par  le  tribunal  de 



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.  77646 

IConvoi  i 
)unal  de 

Tamirautc  Aiigloisc,  Ic  11  Juin,  1799,  dans  Taftairc  du  convoi 
Sui'dois.  ...  Par  J.  F.  W,  Schlegcl.  Truduit  du  Danois,  par 
Mr.  De  Jugc.     Coptnhague.    1 800.     i2mo.  77^47 

ScHLEGKL.  Upon  the  Visitation  of  Neutral  Vessels  under 
Convoy;  or,  an  Impartial  Examination  of  a  Judgment,  ...  in  the 
Case  t)f  the  Swedish  C<  uvoy.  With  some  Additions  and  Cor- 
rections, by  Mr.  J.  F.  W,  Schlegel.  ...  Translated  from  the 
Danish,  ...  by  Mr.  Dc  Juge.  ...  London:  Printed  for  J.  Dtbrett. 
1801.     8vo,  pp.  187.  BA.,  H.  77648 

The  Danish  original,  entitled,  according  to  Nyerup  and  Kraft  :  "  Frimodig  PriWelie 
a>°  den  cngeltke  Admiraiitetiircta  Dom,  afsagt  d.  I2  Jul.  1799  i  Jen  bekjendte  ivenike 
Convojtag,  tilligrmed  en  foreiohig  Skildring  at'  det  curupaiike  iicrr  Kaperiyitem,"  wai 
puhliihed  in  the  periodical  magazine  *' Astr.x-a,  et  Tidtikrif't,"  vol.  111.,  part  I,  pp.  I- 
156,  and  part  1,  pp.  214-160,  Copenhagen,  1800. 

[ScHF.KiDEN  (R.)  and  KuLENKAMPFF  (J.  S.)].  On  the  Com- 
mercial Intercourse  between  the  United  States  and  Germany, 
[n.  p.    1856.]    8vo,  pp.  18.  77^9 

ScHi.EiuEN.  Reise-Flrinnerungen  aus  den  Vereinigten  Staaten 
von  Amerijpa.  Von  Dr.  R.  Schleiden.  IVew  York:  E.  Steigtr. 
1873.     i2mo,  pp.  107.  77650 

ScHLEsiER  (G.)  See  IClcncke  (P.  F.  H.)  and  Schlesier  (G.), 
Vol.  IX.,  No.  38047. 

[Schley  (J.)]  Our  Position  and  Our  True  Policy.  [^Augusta. 
1863.]    8vo,  pp.  II.  BA.  77651 

Signed  on  page  11  :  "John  Schley — Augusta,  February  a,  1863." 

Schi-ey  (W.)  Digest  of  the  English  Statutes  in  force  in  the 
State  of  Georgia.  By  William  Schley.  Philadelphia.  1826. 
8vo.  c.  77652 


ScHLicHTHORST  (C.)  Rio  de  Janeiro  wie  es  ist.  Beitrage 
zur  Tages-  und  Sitten-Geschichte  der  Hauptstadt  von  Brasilien. 
Mit  Rucksicht  auf  die  Lage  des  dortigen  deutschen  Militars. 
Von  C.  Schlichthorst.      Hannover.    1829.     8vo.  77^53 

Schlieben  (Wilhelm  Ernst  August  von).  Atlas  von  Ame- 
rika,  in  30  Charten  und  einem  erlauternden  Texte.  ...  Leipzig: 
G.  J.  G'dschen.    1830.     Folio,  pp.  (4),  54,  (2).     30  Maps.         c. 

Schlosser  (F[riedrich]  C[hristoph].)  Geschichte  des  Acht- 
'/ehnten  Jahrhunderts,  und  des  Neunzehnten  bis  zum  Sturz  des 
franzoslschen  Kaiserreichs.   ...   Von  F.  C.  Schlosser  ...   Heidel- 






hrg:  7.  a  B.  Mohr.   1836-48,     7  vols.,  8vo.     f  [//;/V/.]   1843- 
48.     7  vols.,  8vo.     B.    -j-  [/fr/V.]   1853-60.     8  vols.,  8vo.     ba. 

ScHLOSSER.  History  of  the  Eighteenth  Century,  and  of  the 
Nineteenth  till  the  Overthrow  of  the  French  Empire :  with  par- 
ticular Reference  to  Mental  Cultivation  and  Progress.  By  F.  C. 
Schlosser.  ...  Translated,  with  a  Preface  and  Notes,  by  D.  Davi- 
son, M.A.  London:  Chapman  and  Hall.  1843-52.  8  vols.,  8vo. 
+  [/t/V.]   1850-52.    8  vols.,  8vo.  77656 

Schlosser.  Histoire  des  Revolutions  Politiqiies  et  I>itteraires 
de  I'Europe  au  i8«  Siecle.  Par  F.  C.  Schlosser.  Traduit  de 
TAllemand  par  W.  Suckau.   ...   Paris.   1825.     2  vols.,  8vo. 

ScHLozER  (A.  L.)  August  Ludwig  Schlozers  Biiefwechsel 
mcist  historischen  und  politischen  Inhalts.  ...  Gottingen^  im  Fer- 
lage  der  Vandenhockschen   Buchhandlung.    1777-1 78 1.      lO  vols., 

8vO.  BA.   77658 

Relates  partly  to  America. 

ScHLozER.  Neue  Erdbeschreibung  von  ganz  Amerika.  Von 
August  Ludwig  Schlozer.  Aus  dem  Englischen.  Goiiingen  und 
Leipzig^  in  der  fVeygandschen  Buchhandlung.  1777.  2  vols.,  l2mo. 
Maps  and  Plates,     c.    -{^  Bern.    1777.    4  vols.,  i2mo.         j.c.B. 

Ein  Schmackhaftes  Gericht  fur  Loyale  Manner.  Philadelphia. 
1863.     8vo,  pp.  16.  77660 

ScHMAUS  (L.)  Lucubrati|uncula  de  morbo  Gallico  |  et  cura 
eius  nouiter  re-|perta  cu  ligno  Indico]  Leonard!  Schmausj  Medi- 
cine profes  I  soris.  |  [Colophon  :]  In  Officina  Sigismundi  Grim  medi- 
cine doc  tor  is^  '''|?3  J^orci  wyrsung  Auguste  vindelicorum  Anno  Xc. 
M.  D.  xviii.  die  vera.  xvii.  Decembris.  \    410,  6  unnumbered  leaves. 

A  reference  to  America  is  on  the  verso  o{  ihe  first  leaf  and  recto  of  the  second, 
concerning  which  see  Harrisse's  Additions,  pp.  71,  72. 

ScHMETTOw  (W.  F.  von).  Auch  Fragmente.  Von  W.  F. 
von  Schmettow.     Philadelphia.    1783.     8vo.  77662 

A  spurious  imprint.     The  book  was  printed  at  Hamm.'irich  in  Altuna. 

ScHMiD  (T.)  Vocabulary  and  Rudiments  of  Grammar  of  the 
Tsoneca  Language.  By  Theophilus  Schmid.  Bristol,  i860. 
i2mo,  pp.  47.  77663 

The  Tsoneca  is  the  language  of  Patagonia. 

ScHMiDEL  (Huldericus).     See  Schmidt  (Ulrich). 






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.  77M 

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et  cura 

ScHMiDT  (C.)  Biiete  aus  und  iiber  die  Vereinigten  Staaten 
von  Nord-Amerilca.    Von  Carl  Schmidt.    Jltenburg.  1857.    8vo. 

Schmidt.  Dies  Buch  gehort  dem  Deutschen  Auswanderer. 
Eine  geographisch-statistische  und  geschichtliche  Beschreibung 
der  Vereinigten  Staaten  von  Nord-Amerika  mit  besonderer  Riick- 
sichtnahme  aiif  Auswanderung  und  Colonisation.  Von  Carl 
Schmidt.     Leipzig.   1853.    8vo.     Map.  77665 

Schmidt  (C.  C.  G.)  Kurzgefaszte  Lebensbeschreibungen 
der  merkwiirdigsten  Evangelischen  Missionare,  nebst  einer  Ueber- 
sicht  der  Ausbreitung  dcs  Christenthums  durch  die  Missionen  in 
Ostindien  und  in  Af'rika.  Von  Carl  Christian  Gottlieb  Schmidt. 
Leipzig:  J.  C.  Hinrichs.    1836-41.     5  vols.,  i2mo.         c.  77666 

The  fourth  and  fifth  volumes  contain  lives  of  Fliny  Fislc,  David  Zeisberger,  John 
Eliot,  and  David  Brainerd. 

Schmidt  (E.  R.)  Der  amerikanische  Burgerkrieg.  Ge- 
schichte  des  Volks  der  Verei.iigten  Staaten  vor,  wahrend  und 
nach  der  Rebellion.  Von  Dr.  Ernst  Reinhold  Schmidt.  ... 
Leipzig:  Schafer  ^  Koradi.  1867-69.  2  vols.,  8vo,  pp.  Ixxxv, 
322,  2  Portraits,  2  Maps,  2  Charts  ;  327,  2  Portraits,  2  Maps,  I 
Chart.  c.  77667 

Schmidt  (F.)  Alexander  von  Humboldt.  Ein  Lebensbild 
fiir  Jung  und  Alt.      Von  Ferdinand  Schmidt.  ...  Berlin.  [1869.] 

B.  77668 

Ein   Lebensbild   fiir  Jung 

..    Berlin.   Verlag  von  Hugo 

B.  77669 

24mo,  pp.  {4),  149.     2  Plates. 

Schmidt.  Georg  Washington, 
und  Alt.  Von  Ferdinand  Schmidt. 
Kastner.  [n.  d.]    24mo,  pp.  1 50. 

Schmidt.  Versuch  uber  den  politischen  und  moralischen 
Zustand  der  Vereinigten  Staaten  von  Nord-Amerika  im  Jahr 
1 821.  Von  Friedrich  Schmidt.  ...  Stuttgart  und  Tiibingen  in  der 
J.  G.  Cottaschen  Buchhandlung.  1822.  2  vols.,  8vo,  pp.  xiv,  (2), 
584,  (i),  14  folded  Charts;  xii,  663,  20  Plates.         p.,  s.  77670 

Schmidt  (G.)  The  Civil  Law  of  Spain  and  Mexico;  arranged 
on  the  Principles  of  the  Modern  Codes,  with  Notes  and  Refer- 
ences; preceded  by  an  Historical  Introduction  to  the  Spanish  and 
Mexican  Law;  and  embodying  in  an  Appendix  some  of  the  most 
important  Acts  of  the  Mexican  Congress.  By  Gustavus  Schmidt, 
Counsellor  at  Law.     New  Orleans.    1851.     8vo,  pp.  392.     A.,  c. 

Schmidt  (H.  J.)  Antritts-Rede  in  der  Kapelle  des  Columbia 
College  am  7.  Marz  1848,  gehaltcn  von  H.  J.  Schmidt,  m.a.  ... 




;  i 

;  \ 

Auf  Befehl  der  Curatoren   gedruckt.     New-Tork :  Gedruckt  bet 
H.  Ludw'tg  u.  Co.   1848.     8vo,  pp.  32.  B.  77672 

Schmidt.  Congregational  Singing ;  a  Report  presented  to 
the  Evangelical  Lutheran  Ministerium  of  the  State  of  New 
York,  at  their  Sixty-second  Sy nodical  Session,  Utica,  N.  Y. 
Sept.  8,  1857.  By  Henry  J.  Schmidt.  Albany:  J.  Mumell. 
1857.    8vo,  pp.  8.  77673 

Schmidt.  Education.  Part  i.  History  of  Education,  Ancient 
and  Modern.  Part  11.  A  Plan  of  Culture  and  Instruction  based 
on  Christian  Principles,  and  designed  to  aid  in  the  right  Educa- 
tion of  Youth,  Physically,  Intellectually,  and  Morally,  ...  by 
H.  J.  Schmidt,  a.m.  ...  New  York:  Harper  &  Brothers.  1844. 
i8mo,  pp.  340.  BA.  77674 

Schmidt.  Inaugural  Discourse,  delivered  in  the  Chapel  of 
Columbia  College,  March  7,  1848.  By  Rev.  H.  J.  Schmidt, 
A.M.  ...  Printed  by  order  of  the  Trustees.  New-Tork:  Leavltt^ 
Trow  and  Company.    1848.     8vo,  pp.  34.  B.  77675 

Schmidt  (Johann).     See  Smith. 

Schmidt  (Marcus  Fredericus).  Disputatio  Theologica  de 
Missionibus  in  Indias  Apostolicis  et  recentioribus.  Von  alter 
Apostolischer  so  wohl  als  neurer  und  zeither  angewandter  Muhe 
in  Bekehrung  der  Heyden  in  Ost  und  West  Indien  ...  Coburgi. 
1722.     4to.  77676 

Schmidt  (U.),  and  others.  Ander  theil  dieses  Welt-|buchs 
von  SchiiF-|fahrten.  |  Warhafttige  Be-|schreibunge  aller  |  vnd 
mancherley  sorgfeltigen  Schif-lfarten,  auch  viler  vnbekanten 
erfundnen  LandtschafFten,  Insu-|len,  Konigreichen,  vnd  Stedten, 
von  derselbige  gelegenheyt,  wesen,  gebreuchen,  |  sitten.  Religion, 
kunst  vnd  handtierung.  Item  von  allerley  gewachsz,  |  Metallcn, 
Specereyen,  vnd  anderer  dinge  mehr,  so  von  jhnen  in  vnsere| 
Lande  gefuhrt  vnd  gebracht  werden.  |  Auch  von  mancherley 
gefahr,  streitt  vnd  scharmutzeln,  so  sich  zwischen  jnen  vnd  |  den 
vnsern,  beyde  zu  Wasser  vnd  Lande,  wunderbarlich  zugetragen. 
Item  von|erschrecklicher,  seltzamer  Natur  vnd  EygenschafFt  der 
Leuthfresser,  Dergleichen  vorhin  in  keinen  |  Chronicken  oder 
Historien  beschrieben,  mit  schonen  Concordantzen  vnd  einem 
voll-|komnen  Register,  zur  fiirderutig  des  gemeinen  nutzes| 
zusamen  getragen.  j  Durch  Vlrich  Schmidt  von  Straubingen,  vnd 
andern  mehr,  so  daselbstjin  eigener  Person  gegenwertig  gewesen, 



vnd  solches  erfaren.  |  [Two  woodcuts.]  |  Getruckt  xu  Franckfurt 
am  Mayn^  Anno  1567.I  [Colophon  at  end  of  second  part:]  Ge- 
truckt xu  Franckfurt\am  Mayn^  bey  Martin  Lechler^  in  verle~\gunv 
Sigmund  Feirahendi\vnd  Simon  Hii-\ters.\  [Printer's  mark.]  \yinno 
M.  D.  Lxvii.  I  Folio,  title  printed  entirely  in  black,  verso  blank, 
Vorrede  in  4  leaves,  i  blank  leaf,  leaves  i-iio;  WarhafFtige  vnd 
liebliche  Beschreibung,  leaves  1-59,  and  colophon  on  i  leaf,  verso 
blank.  Signatures  )(  in  six,  a-r  in  sixes,  s  in  eight,  and  b-l  in 
sixes.  L.  77677 

Corrected  title  of  No.  25472,  Vol.  vi.  For  the  title  of  the  companion  volume, 
which  contains  the  "Weltbuch"  of  Sebastian  Franck,  see  No.  25471.  They  were 
published  together  at  the  expense  of  Sigismund  Feyerabend  and  Simon  Hiiter,  book- 
sellers of  Franckfurt.  Leaves  i-iioof  this  volume  contain  accounts  of  Portuguese 
voyages  to  the  East  Indies.  The  second  part  begins  with  the  following  heading  : 
"  WarhafFtige  vnd  liebliche  Be-|schreibung  etlicher  fiirnemen  Indianischen  Landt- | 
schafften  vnd  Insulen,  die  vormals  in  keiner  Chronicken  gedacht,  |  vnd  erstlich  in  dvr 
Schiffart  Vlrici  Schmidts  von  Straubin-|gen,  mit  grosser  gefahr  erkiindigt,  vnd  von 
jhm  sel-|ber  auffs  fleissigst  beschrieben  vnd  { dargethan."  This  division  contains  the 
voyage  of  Ulrich  Schmidt  or  Schmidel  to  Brazil  and  Rio  de  la  Plata,  leaves  1-26  j 
and  the  voyage  of  Hans  Staden  to  Brazil,  leaves  27-59.  Some  copies  were  issued 
separately  with  the  following  special  title  : 

Schmidt,  and  others.  Neuwe  Welt:  Das  ist,  WarhafFtige 
Beschreibunge  aller  schonen  Historien  von  erfindung  viler  vnbe- 
kanten  Konigreichen,  LandschafFten,  Insulen  vnnd  Stedten,  von 
derselbigen  gelegenheit,  wesen,  brauchen,  sitten.  Religion,  kuns- 
ten  vnd  handtierungen,  Auch  allerley  gewechsz,  Metallen,  Spe- 
cereyen  vnd  anderer  Wahr,  so  von  jnen  in  vnsere  Lande  gefuhrt 
vnd  gebracht  werden.  Auch  von  allerley  gefahr,  streitt,  vnd 
scharmutzeln,  so  zwischen  inen  vnd  den  vnsern,  beyde  zu  Was- 
ser  vnnd  zu  Lande,  sich  wunderbarlich  zugetragen.  Item  von 
erschrecklicher,  seltzamer  natur  vnd  Eygenschaft  der  Leuthfres- 
ser,  dergleichen  vorhin  in  keinen  Chronicken  beschrieben,  mit 
schonen  Concordantzen  vnd  einem  vollkommenen  Register,  zur 
furderung  des  gemeinen  nutzes  zusamen  getragen.  Durch  Vlrich 
Schmid  von  Straubingen,  vnd  andern  mehr,  so  in  eigner  Person 
gegenwertig  gewesen.  [Woodcut.]  Getruckt  zu  F^ranck/urt  am 
Mayn^  Anno  1567.  [Colophon:]  Getruckt  zu  Franckfurt  am 
Mayn^  hey  Martin  Lechler^  in  verlegung  Sigmund  Feirabends  vnd 
Simon  Haters.  Anno  M.  D.  Lxvii,  Folio,  title  printed  in  jed  and 
black,  verso  blank,  Vorrede  in  4  leaves,  I  blank  leaf,  leaves  i- 
iiO;  WarhafFtige  vnd  liebliche  Beschreibung,  leaves  1-59,  and 
colophon  on  i  leaf,  verso  blank.  j.c.b.  77678 

A  reissue  of  No.  77677,  with  a  new  title.  A  copy  was  priced  by  Leclerc  in  1878 
(No.  213)  at  100  francs.  The  narrative  of  Uliich  Schmidt's  voyage  was  also  included 
in  the  seventh  part  of  De  Bry's  large  voyages,  both  in  Latin  and  German. 




Schmidt.  Vera  historia,  |  Admirandae  cvivs-|dam  iiauiga- 
tionis,  quam  Hul-|dericus  Schmidel,  Straubingensis,  ab  Anno 
1534.  I  usque  ad  annum  1554.  in  Americam  vel  nouum  |  Mun- 
dum,  iuxta  Brasiliam  Sc  Rio  delta  Plata,  confecit.  Quid  |  pcr 
hosce  annos  19.  sustinuerit,  quam  varias  Sc  quam  mirandas  | 
regiones  ac  homines  viderit.  Ab  ipso  Schmidelio  Geimanice,  | 
descripta :  Nunc  vero,  emendatis  &  correctis  Vrbium,  Regio-  j 
num  &c  Fluminum,  nominibus,  Adiecta  etiam  tabula  |  Geugra- 
phica,  figuris  &  alijs  notationi- |  bus  quibusdam,  in  hac  for- 1  ma 
reducta.  |  [Vignette.]  |  Noriberga^  \  Impensis  Levini  Hulsij.  I  599.  | 
4to,  title,  verso  blank,  and  pp.  i-ioi,  verso  blank,  a-n  in  fours. 
Portrait,  Map  in  2  sheets,  and  1 5  Plates  on  separate  leaves.       l. 

The  vignette  on  the  title  represents  the  author  riding  on  a  lama,  with  an  attendant 
in  front  and  another  behind.  At  the  head  of  the  dedication  on  page  i  is  an  engraved 
coat  of  arms.  The  portrait  is  entitled  "Contrafactur  Ulrichs  Schmidels."  The  map, 
which  is  in  two  sheets,  usually  pasted  together,  has  the  following  title  on  the  upper 
margin  :  "  Nova  et  exaita  delineatio  Americse  partis  avstralis.  que  est :  Brasilia,  Cari- 
bana,  Gviana  regnum  Nouum  Castilia  del  Oru,  Nicaragva,  Insulx  Antillas  et  Perv. 
Et  sub  Tropico  Capricorni,  Chile,  Rio  della  Plata,  Patagonv,  &  Fretv  Magellaniiv, 
Noribergte.  per  Leuinum  Hu/sium.  Anno.  I  599."  The  fifteen  copperplates  are  lettered 
on  the  upper  corners  as  follows:  Cap.  8,  Cap.  9,  Cap.  11.  Par.  13,  Cap.  17,  Cap.  20, 
Cap.  21,  Cap.  25,  Cap.  28,  Cap.  30,  Cap.  36,  Cap.  42,  Cap.  44,  Cap.  47,  and  Cap.  54. 
This  edition  forms  the  fourth  nart  of  Hulsius's  collection  of  voyages  in  Latin. 

II    i 

!  / 


Schmidt.  Vierte  Schiffart.  |  Warhafftige  Historien  |  Einer 
Wunderbaren  I  SchifFart,  welche  Vlrich  Schmidel  von  Straubing,  | 
von  Anno  1534.  bisz  Anno  1554  in  Americam  oder  Newenwelt,  | 
bey  Brasilia  vnd  Rio  della  Plata  gethan.  Was  er  in  diesen 
Neuntzehen IJahren  auszgestanden,  vnd  was  fur  seltzame  Wun- 
derbare  Lander  vnd  |  Leut  er  gesehen  :  durch  ermelten  Schmidel 
selbs  beschrieben,  An  jetzt  a-|ber  an  Tag  geben  mit  Verbesse- 
rung  vnd  Corrigierung  der  Statt,  |  Lander  vnd  Fliisz  namen,  desz- 
gleichen  mit  einer  nothwendi-|gen  Landtaffel,  Figuren,  vnd 
anderer  mehr  |  Erklerung,  gezieret,  |  Durch  |  Levinvm  Hvlsivm.  ( 
[Vignette.]  \NQriberga^  \  Impensis  Levini  Hulsij  1599.]  [Colo- 
phon:] GedrUi\t  zu  NUrnberg^  Durch  Christoph  \  Lochner^  Im  lar 
1599. 1  4to,  pp.  (9),  1-103.  A-o  in  fours.  Map,  Portrait  and 
15  Plates.  L.  77680 

Part  IV."  of  the  collection  of  Hulsius.  The  vignette  on  the  titl»;,  the  coat  of  arms 
on  the  second  leaf,  the  map  in  two  sheets  pasted  together,  the  portrait  and  15  pl.ites, 
are  the  same  as  those  in  the  Latin  edition,  and  have  the  same  marks.  The  pagination 
begins  on  the  verso  of  the  fifth  leaf,  and  is  continued  in  that  way,  the  even  numbers 
on  the  right-hand  side,  to  page  103,  which  is  on  the  verso  of  the  last  leaf.  There  is 
another  copy  of  this  edition  in  the  Lenox  Library  which  ddes  not  contain  the  words 
"Vierte  Schiffart"  at  the  top  of  the  title,  but  a  close  examination  shows  that  they 
have  been  erased. 




Schmidt.  Vierte  SchifFart.  |  Waihafftige  Historien.  |  Einer 
Wunderbaren|Schiffart,  welche  Vliich  Schmidel  von  Straubing,  | 
von  Anno  1534.  bisz  Anno  1554,  in  Americam  oder  Neuwewelt, 
I  bey  Brasilia  vnd  Rio  della  Plata  gcthan.  Was  er  in  diesen 
Neuntzehen  |  Jahren  auszgestanden,  vn  was  fiir  seltzame  Wun- 
derbare  Lander  vnd  |  Lcut  er  gesehen  :  durch  ermelten  Schmidel 
selbst  beschrieben.  An  jetzt  |  aber  an  Tag  geben  mit  Verbesse- 
rung  vnd  Corrigierung  der  Statt,  |  Lander  vnd  Fliisz  Namen, 
deszgleichen  mit  einer  nothwendi- jgen  LandtafFel,  Figuren,  vnd 
anderer  mehr  |  Erklerung,  gezieret,  |  Durch  |  Levinvm  Hvlsivm.  | 
Editio  Secvnda.  I  [Vignette.]  \Notiheiga.  I  Impensis  Lev'ini  Huhij 
Anno  1602. 1  4to,  pp.  (9),  1-103.  a-o  in  fours.  Map,  Portrait 
and  15  Plates.  L.  77681 

The  portrait  and  fifteen  plates  are  the  same  as  in  the  preceding  edition,  but  the  map, 
which  in  this  copy  is  in  two  sheets  not  pai,feH  together,  some  additions  on  the 
lower  part.  In  the  left-hand  corner  has  been  engraved  "N". -2,"  and  under  the 
inscription  in  the  right-hand  corner,  the  additional  words  "Per  Leuin;  Hulsium.  A". 
1602."  Three  small  islands,  with  the  inscription  "  Francisci  Draco  Ins:"  have  been 
added  below  the  lower  border.  Page  I  is  on  the  <vcrio  of"  the  fifth  leaf,  and  page  103 
on  the  verso  of  the  last  leaf. 

Schmidt.  Vierdte  SchifFart.  |  Warhafttige  Historien.  |  Einer 
Wunderbaren  |  SchifFart,  welche  Vlrich  Schmidel  von  |  Straubing, 
von  Anno  1534  bisz  Anno  1554.  in  A-|mericam  oder  Neuwe- 
welt,  bey  Brasilia  vnd  Rio  della  Plata  ge- 1  than.  Was  er  in  diesen 
Neuntzehen  Jahren  auszgestanden,  vn  was  |  fiir  seltzame  Wun- 
derbare  Lander  vnd  Leut  er  gcsehcn  :  durch  ermel-|ten  Schmidel 
selbst  beschrieben.  An  jetzt  aber  an  Tag  geben  mit  |  Verbesse- 
rung  vnd  Corrigierung  der  Statt,  Lander  vnd  Fliisz  |  Namen, 
deszgleichen  mit  einer  nor^  wendigen  Landt- 1  tafFel,  Figuren,  vnd 
anderer  mehr  Er- 1  klerung,  gezieret.  |  Durch  |  Levinvm  Hvlsivm.  | 
Editio  Tertia.  I  [Vignette.]  \Gedruckt  %u  Franckfurt  am  Mayn^ 
hey  Erasmo  Kempffiern^  \  In  Verlegung  Leuini  Hulsii  IVittihe.  \  Im  lahr 
1612. 1  4to,  pp.  104.  A-N  in  fours.  Map  in  2  sheets,  Portrait, 
and  15  Plates.  L.  77682 

The  map  and  plates  of  this  edition  are  like  those  in  the  edition  of  1602  in  every 

Schmidt.  Gedenkwaardige  |  Scheeps-togten  |  na  |  Rio  de  la 
Plata,  I  in  't  Zuyderdeel  van  America,  en  verscheydene  andere 
voorname  |  Americaansche  Landschappen,  verrigt  onder  den  | 
Spaanschen  Admiraal  |  Pedro  de  Mendosa,  |  Anno  1535,  en  de 
volgende  Jaren.,  |  Bevattende  ongemeene  Bysonderheden  van  Lan- 
den,  Volkeren,  |  en  voorgekomene  wonderlijke  Gevalleii.  |  Be- 
schreven  door  |  Ulrich  Schmidt  |  van  Straubingen :  |  Die  alles  in 



eygener  persoun  heeft  bygewoond  en  waargenomen.  |  Nu  alder- 
eerst  uyt  't  Hoogduytsch  vertaald.  |  Met  schoone  kopere  Platen, 
en  een  volkomen  Register.  |  Te  Leyden^  \  By  Pieter  Vandir  Aa^ 
Boekverkoper^  1 706.  |  Met  Priv'tlegie.\  Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (2),  74,  (6). 
Map  and  3  Plates.  l    77683 

In  Vander  Aa's  "  Naaukeurige  Versameling  der  Gedenk-waardigste  Rcysen,"  viil. 
XIV.      Also  included  in  the  folio  edition  of'  the  eame  work, 

[Schmidt.]  Historia,  y  Descubrimiento  de  el  Rio  de  la  Plata, 
y  Paraguay.     \_Madrid.    1749.]     Folio,  pp.  31,  (9).  77684 

From  the  third  volume  of  Barcia's  "  Historiadores  Primitives,"  1749. 

Schmidt.  Viage  al  Rio  de  la  Plata  y  Paraguay,  por  Ulderico 
Schmidel.     Buenos-Aires.    1836.    4to,  pp.  vi,  61,  xii.  77685 

From  the  third  volume  of  the  "Coleccion  de  Obras  y  Documentos"  of  Pedro  de 

Schmidt.  Voyages,  Relations  et  Memoires  originaux  pour 
servir  a  I'histoire  de  la  decouverte  de  I'Amerique.  Publics  pour 
la  premiere  fois  en  Fran^ais,  par  H.  Ternaux-Compans.  His- 
toire  veritable  d'un  voyage  curieux,  fait  par  Ulrich  Schmidel  de 
Straubing.  Nuremberg. —  1599.  Paris.  Arthus  Bertrand^  Li- 
braire-Editeur  ..  M.  DCCC  xxxvii.  8vo,  pp.  (4),  viii,  264,  and 
printed  covers.  l.  77686 

Number  five  of  Ternaux's  collection  of  voyages.  Second  title :  Histoire  veritable 
d'un  Voyage  Curieux,  fait  par  Ulrich  Schmidel  de  Straubing,  dans  I'Amerique  ou  le 
Nouveau  Monde,  par  le  Bresil,  et  le  Rio  de  la  Plata,  depuis  I'annee  1534,  jusqu'en 
1554.  Ou  Ton  verra  tout  ce  qu'il  a  souffert  pendant  ces  dix-neuf  ans,  et  la  description 
des  pays  et  des  peuples  extraordinaires  qu'il  a  visiles.  Outrage  ecrit  par  lui-meme,  et 
puplie  [ir'c]  de  nouveau  apres  corrections  des  noms  de  villes,  de  pays  et  de  rivieres,  par 
Levinus  Hulsius.  Nuremberg.  Aux fraii  de  Le-vinus  Hulsius,  1599.  "Ulrich  Schmi- 
del, the  author  of  this  narrative,  was  a  common  soldier  who  ,  ccompanied  Mendoce  and 
Cabefa  de  Vaca  in  their  conquest  of  the  countries  south  of  Brazil.  His  history  bears 
internal  evidence  of  veracity,  which  is  further  attested  by  contemporaneous  accounts. 
Its  pages  are  one  continuous  record  of  massacre  and  enslavement  of  the  Indians.  Of 
the  fifty-five  chapters,  eleven  are  descriptive  of  these  battles  or  rather  slaughters.  Two 
we  rejoice  to  read,  because  they  narrate  some  considerable  retributive  killing  of  the 
Spaniards  by  the  Indians.  Thirteen  chapters  are  filled  with  descriptions  of  the  various 
tribes  and  nations  he  encountered.  Ternaux  published  this  work  translated  into  French 
in  his  collection  of  voyages,  with  many  corrections  of  names.  Not  the  least  of  its 
interest  to  us  is  contained  in  his  account  of  the  character,  adventures,  and  imprison- 
ment of  Cabefa  de  Vaca." — Field.  For  an  English  version  see  Purchas,  vol.  iv.,  pp. 
1 347-1 366. 

Schmidt-Phiseldek  (Conrad  PViedrich  von).  Europa  und 
Amerika,  oder  die  kiinftigen  Verhaltnisse  der  civilisirten  Welt. 
Von  Dr.  C.  F.  von  Schmidt-Phiseldek.     Kopenhagen :  F.  Brum- 

mer.    1820.     2  vols.,  i2mo. 

Auflage.     ybid.']   1820. 

1 2  mo. 





-\-  Zweite 
s.  77687 



Schmidt-Phiseldek.  L'Europe  ct  I'Amerique,  ou  les  rap- 
ports futurs  du  monde  civilise.  ...  Traduit  de  I'allemand  par  ***. 
Copenhague :  A.  Seidelin.    1820.     Hvo,  pp.  xiv,  265.  c.  77688 

Schmidt-Phiseldek.  Europe  and  America  or  the  relative 
state  of  the  civilized  world  at  a  future  period.  Translated  from 
the  (lerman  of  D^  C.  F.  von  Schmidt-Phiseldek,  ...  by  Joseph 
Owen.  Copenhagen  l^lO^  Printed  by  Bernhard  SchUsinger.  8vo, 
pp.  (12),  viii,  257,(1).  BA.,  c,  p.  77689 

Schmidt-Phiseldek.  Europa  og  America,  eller  den  civili- 
serte  Verdens  fremtidige  Forhold.  Af  C.  F.  von  Schmidt-Phi- 
seldek. Oversat  og  forsynet  med  Anmaerkningen  af  D.  Did- 
ricksen  og  H.  A.  Martensen.     Kj'dbenhavn.    1820.     8vo.     77690 

Schmidt-Phiseldek.  Europa  en  Amerika,  of  de  toekomstige 
Betrekkingen  der  Beschaafde  Wereld.  ...  In  het  Nederduitsch 
vertaald,  door  T.  Olivier- Schilperoort.    Amsterdam.    1820.     8vo. 

Schmidtmeyer  (P.)  Travels  into  Chile,  over  the  Andes,  In 
the  Years  1820  and  1821,  with  some  Sketches  of  the  Produc- 
tions and  Agriculture;  Mines  and  Metallurgy;  Inhabitants,  His- 
tory and  other  features  of  America,  particularly  of  Chile  and 
Arauco  ;  illustrated  with  Thirty  Plates.  ...  By  Peter  Schmidt- 
meyer. London:  Longman  ...  1824.  410,  pp.  (2),  378,  (2).  30 
Plates.  A.,  c,  H.  77692 

Schmidts  (C.  L.)  Histoire  raisonne  des  fonds  public  de  tous 
les  £tats  de  I'Europe  et  de  I'Amerique.  Par  C.  L.  Schmidts. 
Tome  I.     Amsterdam :  Schmidts  et  Cie.   1824.     4^0-  77^93 

Schmiedlein  (J.)  Kurtze  |  Beschreibung,  |  des  jLebens  und 
Todtes  ]  von  IJacob  Schmiedlein,  |  aus  |  Wollhausenjim  Lutzerner 
Gebiet  in  der  Schweitz,  |  welcher  im  Jahr  1747  im  Monath  May 
die  I  Woche  vor  Pfingsten  zu  Lutzern  |  verbrandt  worden.  |  Ger- 
manton  gedruckt  bey  Christoph  Saur,  |  1748.  |   i6mo,  pp.  16.     h.s.p. 

Title  from  Hildeburn. 

Schmolder  (B.)  Neuer  praktischer  Wegweiser  fiir  Auswan- 
derer  nach  Nord-Amerika  in  drei  Abtheilungen  mit  Karten,  Pla- 
nen  und  Ansichten.  Erste  Abtheilung  enthalt :  Oregon  und 
Californien  und  Allgemeines  iiber  das  Mississippi-  und  Missouri- 
Thai,  ferner :  Anweisungen  mit  Zeitgcwinn  die  besten  und 
billigsten  Landereien  und  Pachtungen  von  Farmen,  wie  auch 
verschiedene  Gewerbszweige  in   Stadten   ausfindig  zu  machen, 


[.i  I 



IV  I 





Klinia,  Bodcn,  Produkte,  Agrilcultur-  und  Handeisverhaltnisse, 
Kosten-Uebcrschlag  der  vortheilhaftestcn  Reise-Routen  zu  Was- 
ser  und  zu  Land  nach  alien  neuen  Staaten  und  Gebieten  bis  an 
die  West-Kuste  von  Capitain  B.  Schmolder,  Landereien-Agent 
der  vereinigten  Staaten  von  Nord-Amerika.  Mainz^  1848. 
Selhstverlag  des  yerfasstn.  8vo,  pp.  120.  -\- [^lbid.'\  1849.  8vo, 
pp.  120.     Portrait  and  4  Plates.  77^95 

Schmolder.  Neuer  praktischer  Wegweiser  fiir  Auswanderer 
nach  Nord-Amerika  in  drei  Abtheilungcn  mit  Karten,  Planen 
und  Ansichten.  Zweite  Abtheilung  enthalt :  Die  mittleren 
Staaten  der  Union.  Topographische  Beschreibung  der  Staaten 
von  Missouri,  Iowa,  VViskonsin,  Illinois,  Michigan,  Indiana, 
Ohio  und  Arkansas,  im  Anhang:  Boden-Werth  und  Preis-Ver- 
hiiltnisse  der  in  Kultur  gesetzten  Farmen  und  LanJereien  eines 
jeden  Staates  und  Cantons  der  Missouri-,  Mississippi-,  Illinois-, 
Ohio-  und  Arkansas-Fluszgebiete,  Texas,  die  Postrouten,  Kanale 
und  Eisenbahnen  nebst  den  Entfernungen  der  Hauptstadte  obiger 
Staaten  von  einander.  Von  Capitain  B.  Schmolder,  Landereien- 
Agent  der  vereinigten  Staaten  von  Nord-Amerika.  MainZy  1848. 
Selbstverlag  des  Ferf assets.  8vo,  pp.  152.  +  [/6/V.]  1849.  ^^o, 
pp.  154.     Map  and  Plate  of  St.  Louis.  77696 

Schmolder.  Neuer  praktischer  Wegweiser  fiir  Auswanderer 
nach  Nord-Amerika  in  drei  Abtheilungen  mit  Karten,  Planen 
und  Ansichten.  Die  Dritte  Abtheilung  enthalt:  Die  Beschrei- 
bung des  Staats-  oder  Congress-Landes  in  Iowa  ...  von  Capitain 
B.  Schmolder  ...  Alcinz.   1849.    8vo,  pp.  106.  77^97 

Schmolder.  Neuer  praktischer  Wegweiser  fiir  Auswanderer 
nach  Nord-Amerika  ...  mit  Karten,  Planen  und  Ansichten  ... 
von  Capitain  B.  Schmolder.  Zweite  Ausgabe.  Mainz,  1855. 
8vo.  77698 

Schmouth  (J.  E.)  Direction  pour  la  Culture  du  Tabac  ... 
^ebec.    1865.     8vo,  pp.  24.  77^99 

Schmucker  or  Smucker  (S.  M,),  b.  1823,  d.  1863.  Arctic 
Explorations  and  Discoveries  during  the  Nineteenth  Century, 
conducted  by  Ross,  Parry,  Back,  etc.,  including  the  First  Grin- 
nell  Expedition  and  the  Final  Effort  of  Dr.  Kane  in  Search  of 
Sir  John  Franklin.  Edited  and  enlarged  by  Samuel  M.  Smucker 
...  New  York.   1857.     i2mo.     b.     -j-  New  Y'ork.   i860.     i2mo. 

Schmucker  or  Smucker.  A  History  of  all  Religions ;  con- 
taining a  Statement  of  the  Origin,  Development,  Doctrines,  and 



Government  of  the  Religious  Denominations  in  the  United  States 
and  Europe.  With  Biographical  Notices  of  Eminent  Divines. 
Edited  by  Samuel  M.  Smuckcr,  a.m.  Philadelphia :  Duane  Ruli- 
son,    1859.     i2mo.  77701 

ScHMUCKER  or  Smucker.  History  of  all  Religions;  contain- 
ing a  Statement  of  the  Origin,  Development,  Doctrines,  Forms 
of  Worship  and  Government  of  the  Religious  Denominations  in 
the  World.  With  Biographical  Notices  of  Eminent  Divines. 
Edited  by  Samuel  M.  Schmucker.  Revised  and  enlarged  by 
Charles  Drew.  Philadelphia :  Quaker  City  Publishing  House. 
1870.     lamo,  pp.  352.     12  Plates.  c.  77702 

Schmucker  or  Smucker.  A  History  of  the  Civil  War  in 
the  United  States  ;  with  a  Prelimmary  View  of  its  Causes,  and 
Biographical  Sketches  of  its  Heroes.  By  Samuel  M.  Schmucker, 
LL.D.  ...  Philadelphia:  Bradley  i5}  Co.  1863.  2  vols.,  8vo,  pp. 
512  i  511.     Portraits  and  Illustrations.  lll^Z 

Schmucker  or  Smucker.  The  History  of  the  Civil  War  in 
the  United  States:  its  Cause,  Origin,  Progress  and  Conclusion. 
...  By  Samuel  M.  Schmucker  ....  Revised  and  completed  by  Dr. 
\j.  P.  Brockett  ...  Illustrated  with  over  One  Hundred  and  Fifty 
Fine  Portraits  of  Generals,  Bj-tt!°  Scenes,  Maps  and  Diagrams. 
Philadelphia:  Jones  Brothers  l^  Co.  [1865.]  Rl.  8vo,  pp.  1021. 
Portraits  and  Plates.  b.  77704 

Schmucker  or  Smucker.  A  History  of  the  Four  Georges, 
Kings  of  England  ;  containing  personal  incidents  of  their  lives, 
public  events  of  their  reigns,  and  biographical  notices  of  their 
chief  ministers,  courtiers  and  favorites.  By  Samuel  M.  Smucker, 
LL.D.  New  York :  D,  Appleton  ^  Co.  i860.  i2mo,  pp.  xii,  454. 
-f  New  York:  James  Miller.    1875.     i2mo,  pp.  xii,  454.     77705 

Schmucker  or  Smuckisr.  The  Life  and  Times  of  Alexander 
Hamilton.      By  Samuel    M.   Smucker   ...   .   Philadelphia.    1857. 

i2mo.  Portrait,  c.  \-  Boston. 
+  Philadelphia.  1859.  l2mo. 
E.  Potter  and  Company,  [n.  d.] 

Schmucker  or  Smucker. 
Washington.     By  Samuel  M. 

1857.  i2mo,  pp.  408.  Portrait. 
Portrait,  -f-  Philadelphia  :  John 
i2mo,  pp.  408.     Portrait.      ba. 

The  Life  and  Times  of  George 
Smucker  ...    Philadelphia:   J.E. 


Potter,  [n.  d.]     i2mo.     Portrait.  77707 

Schmucker  or  Smucker.     The  Life  and  Times  of  Henry 





Clay.      Hy  Samuel  M.  Snuirker   ...    Philafielph'ia.    i860,     iimo. 
Portrait,    -f  Philadtlphia.    1867.     i2mo.      Portrait.  77708 

ScHMUCKKR  Of  Smuckhh.  The  Life  and  Times  of  Thomas 
Jefferson.  By  Samuel  M.  Smuckcr,  a.m.  ...  Philadtlphia :  J. 
ly.  Bradley.  1857.  •  21110,  pp.  400.  Portrait.  +  Philadtlphia. 
1859.  i2mo,  pp.  400,  Portrait,  -f  Philadelphia,  i860.  i2mo, 
pp.400.     Portrait.    -\-  Philadelphia,   [n.  d.]     lamo.  111^^ 

ScHMUCKER  or  Smucker.  The  Life  of  Col.  John  Charles 
Fremont,  and  his  Narrative  of  hlxplorations  and  Adventures  in 
Kansas,  Nebraska,  Oregon,  and  California.  The  Memoir  by 
Samuel  M.  Smucker,  A.M.  Neiv  York  and  Auburn.  1856.  i2mo, 
pp.  494.     Portrait  and  Plates.  c.  "JTJXO 

Schmucker  or  Smucker.  The  Life  of  Dr.  Elisha  Kent 
Kane,  and  of  other  Distinguished  American  Explorers  ...  By 
Samuel  M.  Smucker,  a.m.  ...  Philadelphia:  J.  IV.  Bradley.  1858. 
i2mo,  pp.  406.  Portrait,  -f  \.ihid.'\  1859.  i2mo,  pp.  406. 
Portrait.    -\- Philadelphia,  [n.  d.]     i2mo.     Portrait.  777*  i 

Schmucker  or  Smucker.  The  Life,  Speeches,  and  Memo- 
rials of  Daniel  Webster  ...  By  Samuel  M.  Schmucker,  ll.d.  ... 
Philadelphia:  D.  Rulison.  1859.  8vo,  pp.  548.  2  Plates,  -f 
Philadelphia  :  Quaker  City  Publishing  House.  1867.  8vo,  pp.  552. 
2  Plates.  -{-Philadelphia:  J.  B.  Lippincott  Iff  Co.  1 877.  i2mo. 
Portrait.  777^2 

Schmucker  or  Smucker.  The  Religious,  Social,  and  Polit- 
ical History  of  the  Mormons,  or  Latter- Day  Saints,  from  their 
Origin  to  the  Present  Time  ;  Containing  full  statements  of  their 
.Doctrines,  Government  and  Condition,  and  Memoirs  of  their 
Founder,  Joseph  Smith.  Edited,  with  Important  Additions,  by 
Samuel  M.  Smucker,  a.m.  ...  New  Tork  and  Juburri.  1856. 
iimo,    pp.    viii,    17-460.       12    Plates,      -f  Philadelphia.     1858. 

12    Plates.     -\- Neiv  Tork.    i860.      i2mo,  pp. 
17-460.      12  Plates,     -i  New  Tork :  Hurst  ^  Co.    [1881?] 


i2mo,  pp.  460. 

i2mo,  pp.  viii,  17-466. 

Originally  written  by  Henry  Muyhuw,  and  published  anonymously  in  London. 

Schmucker  or  Smucker. 
Five   Acts.       By    Samuel    M. 
i2mo,  pp.  96. 

The  Spanish   Wife.     A   Play  in 
Schmucker.     New   York.    1854. 


AUibune  mentions:   Election  of  Judges  by  the  People,  1852,  8vo. — Constitutionality 
of  the  Maine  Liquor  Law,  1852,  8vo. 




ScHMUCKKK  (S.  S.)  Addrt'ss  on  the  Annivi-rsary  of  Wash- 
ington's Hirth-dav,  delivered  before  the  Gettysburg  Ciuards^  Feb. 
22,  1839,  by  S.  S.  Sihniueker,  d.d.     Gtttysburg :   IVtnttd  hy  H. 

C.  Ne'tmttdt.    1839.     8vo,  pp.  24. 


ScHMUCKF.K.  The  American  Lutheran  Church,  Historically, 
Doctrinally,  and  Practically  Delineated,  in  several  Discourses. 
By  S.  S.  Schmuclcer  ...  Springfield^  ().  1851.  1  2mo.  +  Fourth 
Edition.  Springfield^  O.  1852.  i2mo.  4  Fifth  Edition.  Phil- 
adelphia :  E.  W.  Miller  ...  1852.     i2mo,  pp.  286.      Portrait. 

ScHMUCKEK.  Antrittsrede  ...  bey  seiner  Einsetzung  in  die 
theologischc  Professur  im  theologischen  Seminariums  ...  zu  Get- 
tysburg ...  Nebst  die  Einfiihrungsredc  von  D.  V .  SchiifFer.  York- 
Town.   1827.    8vo.  777 '7 

ScHMUCKER.  Appeal  to  the  American  Churches,  with  a  Plan 
for  Catholic  Union.  By  S.  S.  Schmuclcer,  d.d.  ...-  Nexv  Y'otk: 
Gould  l*t  Newman.   1838.     8vo,  pp.  (2),  99.  ba.  77718 

ScHMUCKER.  The  Christian  Pulpit,  the  Rightful  Guardian  of 
Morals,  in  Political  no  less  than  in  Private  Life.  A  Discourse 
delivered  at  Ciettysburg,  Nov.  26,  the  day  appointed  by  the  Ciov- 
frnor,  for  Public  Humiliation,  Thanksgiving  and  Prayer.  By  S. 
S.  Sch mucker,  d.d.  ...  Gettysburg:  Printed  by  H.  C.  Neimiedt.     8vo,  pp.  32.  777'9 

ScHMUCKER.  Discourse  in  commemoration  of  the  glorious 
Reformation  of  the  Sixteenth  Century.  By  S.  S.  Schmucker, 
D.D.     Second  Edition.     New  Tork.    1838.     i6mo.  77720 

ScHMUCKER.  Fraternal  Appeal  to  the  American  Churches, 
with  a  Plan  for  Catholic  Union,  on  Apostolic  Principles.  By  S. 
S.  Schmucker,  d.d.  ...  Second  Edition,  enlarged.  New  Tork: 
Taylor  ^  Dodd.    1839.     i2mo,  pp.  149,  xvi.  777^1 

For  the  first  edition  tee  No.  77718,  supra. 

("Schmucker.]  Fraternal  Appeal  to  the  Friends  of  the  Evan- 
j^clical  Alliance  and  of  Christian  Union  generally,  [n.  p.  n.  d.] 
8vo,  pp.  12.  B.  77722 

Schmucker.  An  Inaugural  Address,  ...  before  the  ...  Gen- 
eral Synod,  ...  by  S.  S.  S'^mucker,  at  his  Litroduction  into  the 
Professorship  of  Christian  Theology  ...  .  Carlisle^  Pa.  1826. 
8vo,  pp.  40.  77723 



i  I 











ScMMtJCKi-K.  I.chcn  iiud  VViikcn  ilcs  Ji)hami  Frictlrirh  Obcr- 
lin.  Von  S.  S.  Schmuckcr.  Pittsburg:  Luke  Loomis  iJ  Co.  1831. 
limo.  77724 

ScHMUCKEK  and  Smith  ((i.)  Letters  of  Rev.  Dr.  Schmucker 
and  Gerritt  Smith,  Esq.     [n.  p.    1838.]    8vo,  pp.  7.  77725 

From  the  *' Coloniz^tiun  Herald."  Concerning  (he  American  Culonication  and 
Anti-Slavery  Society. 

Schmucker.  The  Papal  Hierarchy,  viewed  in  the  f  jght  of 
Prophecy  and  History  :  bcinf»  a  Discourse  delivered  in  the  Eng- 
lish Lutheran  Church,  (Jettysburg,  Feb.  2,  1845.  By  S.  S. 
Schmucker,  d.d.  ...  Second  Edition.  Gettysburg:  Printed  by  H. 
C.  Neimtedt,  mdcccxlv.    8vo,  pp.  32.  b.  77726 

Schmucker.  The  Poace  of  Zion  :  A  Discourse  preached 
before  the  (jeneral  Syncd  of  the  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church 
in  U.  S.  Winchester,  Va.,  May  22,  1853.  By  S.  S.  Schmucker, 
...  Gettysburg:  Printed  by  H.  C.  Neimtedt.    1853.     8vo,  pp.  40. 

Schnake  (F.)  Monte/.uma.  Historisches  Schauspiel  in  fiinf 
Akten  von  Friedrich  Schnake.  AV.  Louis^  Mo.  1870.  8vo,  pp. 
73.  h.  77728 

Schnake.  Unabhangigkeitserklarung  der  Vereinigten  Staaten 
von  Amerika.  Ein  dramatisches  Gedichr  von  Friedrich  Schnake. 
St.  Louis:  C.  F.  Lammers  isf  Co.    1864.     i8mo,  pp.  353.  c. 

Schnap  (J.),  pseudon.  Old  Times  and  New;  or,  A  Few  Raps 
over  the  Knuckles  of  the  Present  Age.  By  Julius  Schnap  and 
Hans  \^an  Garretson,  the  Orange  Blossoms  of  Niew  Amsterdam. 
...  \^New  York  :'\  Printed  for  the  Publishers.  1846.  8vo,  pp.  viii, 
93,  and  covers.  c.  77730 

Schneck  (B.  S.)  The  Burning  of  Chambersburg,  Pennsyl- 
vania. By  Rev.  B.  S.  Schneck,  d.d.,  an  Eye- Witness  and  a 
Sufferer.  With  Conoborative  Statements  from  the  Rev.  J.  Clark, 
Hon.  A.  K.  McClure,  J.  Hoke,  Esq.,  Rev.  T.  G.  Apple,  Rev. 
B.  Bausman,  Rev.  S.  J.  Niccolls,  and  J.  K.  Schryock,  Esq.  In 
Letters  to  a  Friend.  Philadelphia:  Lindsay  isf  Blakiston.  1864. 
i2mo,  pp.  72.  -|-  Second  Edition,  Revised  and  Enlarged,  with  a 
Plan  of  the  burnt  portion  of  the  town.  [/&/V.]  1864.  i2mo, 
pp.  76.  Plan.  +  Third  Edition,  Revised  and  Enlarged,  with  a 
Plan  of  the  burnt  portion  of  the  town.  [/t/V/.]  1864.  i2mo,  pp. 
76.     Plan.     +  Fourth  Edition,  Revised  and    Enlarged,  with  a 



I  i 




Plan  of  ihc  burnt  portion  of  the  town.    [/i*/</.]  1865.     i2mo,  pp. 
(2),  76.     Plan.  77731 

Ste  a/10  Vol.  XV,,  No,  65711. 

ScHNi-ERKRUER  (A.)  Diis  Rabcn-Gcschrcy,  durch  Br.  An- 
dreas Schnecberger  |  auf  Antctum,  I7"'6. 1  [^Philad*lphiaf  1776.] 
8vo,  pp.  2.  77732 

ScHNEEBKROER  (B.)  Die  Stimme  dcr  Turtcltaube,  durch 
Sch.  Barbara  |  Schnecberger  auf  Antctum.  1776.  |  [^Phitadtlphta. 
1776.]    8vo,  pp.  2.  77733 

Titlei  from  Hildeburn. 

Schneider  (I/.)  Dcr  Kricg  der  Triplc-Allianz  (Kaiserthum 
Brasiiien,  Argcntinischc  Confoderation  und  Republik  Banda 
Oriental  del  Uruguay)  gcgcn  die  Rcgierung  der  Republik  Para- 
guay. Mit  Karten  und  Pliinen  von  L.  Schneider.  Berlin.  B, 
Bel'r'scht  Buchhandlutig  {E.  Bock).  1872.  4to,  pp.  iv,  217,  70, 
234,71-118.  BA.  77734 

ScHNELLF.R  (J.  A.)  A  Discourse,  delivered  on  the  occasion 
of  organizing  a  Catholic  Total  Abstinence  Association  in  St. 
Peter's  Church,  Troy,  on  Friday  Evening,  January  6,  1843.  By 
the  Rev.  J.  A.  Schneller  ...  Albany:  Louis  Endi.  1843.  8vo, 
pp.  22.  B.  77735 

Schneller.  Letters ;  being  an  Answer  to  "  Papal  Rome," 
by  the  Rev.  J.  N.  Campbell ;  and  "  Protestant  Christianity  con- 
trasted with  Romanism,"  by  the  Rev.  Wm.  B.  Sprague.  By  the 
Rev.  J.  A.  SchneUer.     Albany.    1838.     8vo.  77736 

Schneller.  Letters,  being  an  Answer  to  "The  Christmas 
Holidays  in  Rome.  By  the  Rev.  Wm.  Ingraham  Kip  ..."  By 
the  Rev.  J.  A.  Schneller.  ...  Albany:  Printed  by  fVeed^  Parsons. 
1846.    8vo,  pp.  108.  B.  77737 

ScHOBERT  {le  baron).  Paix  a  L'Amerique  par  Le  Baron  Scho- 
bert  Officier  Superieur  d'Infanterie.  Paris:  E.  Dentu.  1862. 
8vo,  pp.  32.  B.,  BA.  77738 

ScHOBRi  (G.)     See  Vol.  ill.,  No.  10623. 

ScHOEFFER  (C.  H.)  El  comercio  de  Cafe.  Traducido  del 
aleman  por  el  joven  Diego  Bautista  Urbaneja.  Publicado  por 
orden  y  a  expensas  del  Ejecutivo  Nacional.  Caracas^  enero,  1869. 
8vo,  pp.  37.  77739 

vol.    XIX.  3 






J  ' 

ScHOELCHER  (V.)  Abolition  de  TEscIavage :  Examcn  critique 
du  Prejuge  centre  la  couleur  des  Africains  ct  des  sang-meles ;  par 
V.  Schoelcher.     Paris:  Pagnerre^  editeur.   1840.     24010,  pp.  187. 

ScHOELCHER.  Die  Antilleii.  ...  Uebersetzt  von  G.  Fink. 
Stuttgard.    1851.    3  vols.,  i2mo.  7774 ' 

Probably  a  translation  of  No.  77743,  infra. 

Schoelcher.  L'arrete  Gueydon  a  la  Martinique  et  I'arrete 
Husson  a  \r  Guadeloupe.  Far  Victor  Schoelcher.  Paris.  1872. 
8vo,  pp.  82.  77742 

Schoelcher.  Colonies  etrangeres  et  Haiti  Resultats  de 
I'emancipation  Anglaise.  Par  Victor  Schoelcher.  ...  Paris:  Pag- 
nerre.  1842-43.  2  vols.,  8vo.  +  \Ibid.'\  1843.  ^  vols.,  8vo, 
PP-  (8),  390;  488.     Map.  B.,  p.  77743 

Contents :  Colonies  anglaises ;  lies  espagnoles ;  (^"^^"'^  mots  sur  la  Traite  et  sur 
son  origine ;  Colonies  danoises ;  Haiti  j  Coup  d'ceil  sur  r6tat  de  la  question  d'afFran- 

Schoelcher.  De  I'esclavage  des  noirs  et  de  la  legislation 
coloniale.     Par  Victor  Schoelcher.     Paris.   1833.    8vo,  pp.  160. 

Schoelcher.  Des  Colonies  Fran^aises ;  Abolition  immediate 
de  I'Esclavage.  Par  Victor  Schoelcher.  Paris :  Pagn err e.  1842. 
8vo,  pp.  lii,  443.  B.,  p.  77745 

Includes  some  proverbs  in  the  Creole  lun  ^uage. 

[Schoelcher.]  L'Esclavage  aux  £tats-Unis  et  la  loi  sur  les 
esclaves  fugitifs.     \Paris.    1850?]    8vo,  pp.  21.  H.  ']']'] ^t 

Schoelcher.  La  grand  conspiration  du  pillage,  de  I'incendie 
et  du  meurtre  a  la  Martinique.  Par  Victor  Schoelcher.  Paris. 
1875.     8vo,  pp.  142.  77747 

Schoelcher.  Histoire  de  I'esclavage  pendant  les  deux  der- 
nieres  annees.  Par  Victor  Schoelcher  ...  Paris:  Pagnerre.  1847. 
8vo,  pp.  (4),  567.  +  Deuxieme  partie.  \Jbid^  ^847.  8vo,  pp. 
486.  B.  77748 

[Schoelcher.]  Loi  du  18  Septembre  1850  sur  les  esclaves 
fugitifs  aux  £tats-Unis.  [Colophon  :]  Paris.  Imprimerie  de  E. 
Briere.  [n.  d.]    8vo,  pp.  31.  ba.  77749 

Schoelcher.  Proces  de  Marie-Galante  (Guadeloupe).  Par 
Victor  Schoelcher.     Paris.   1851.    8vo,  pp.  92.  77750 

ScH0Ea.CH^r,     La  Verite  aux  ouvriers  et  cultivateurs  de  la 



Martinique,  suivie  dcs  Rappurts,  Decrets,  Arretes,  Projets  de 
Lois  ct  d* Arretes  concernant  Tabolition  immediate.  Par  Victor 
Schoelcher  ...  Paris:  Pagnerre.    1840.     8vo,  pn.  470.     B.  77751 

ScHOEi.L  ([Maximilian  Samson]  Friedrich).  Archives  Histo- 
riques  et  Politiques,  011  recueil  de  piece,  officielles,  memoires  et 
morceaux  historiques,  inedites  ou  peu  connus,  relatifs  a  Thistoire 
des  i8e  et  ige  siecles.  ...  Par  F.  Schoell  ...  Par'ts^  A  la  Itbra'tr'ie 
Grecque- Latine-AlUmand.  1818-19.  3  vols.,  8/0,  pp.  420 ;  (8), 
vi,  312;  (8),  ii,  304.  H.  77752 

Schoell.  Cours  d'Histoire  des  £tats  Europeens,  depuis  le 
Bouleversement  de  I'Empire  Romain  d'occident  jusqu'en  1789. 
Par  Max.  Samson- Fred.  Schoell.  ...  Parisy  Librairie  de  Gide  fits. 
1830-34.    47  vols.,  8vo.  B.,  s.  77753 

See  alio  Vol.  ix.,  No.  38201. 

ScHOEFF  (J.  D.)  Beytrage  zur  mineralogischen  Kenntnisz 
des  ostlichen  Theils  von  Nordamerika  und  seiner  Geburge  von 
D.  Johann  David  Schopf  ...  Erlangen^  verlegt  von  Job.  Jakob 
Palm.    1787.    8vo,  pp.  (12),  194,  Druckfehler  (i).         a.  77754 

ScHOEPF.  The  Climate  and  Diseases  of  America.  By  Dr. 
Johann  David  SchoepfF,  Surgeon  of  the  Anspach-Bayreuth 
Troops  in  America.  Translated  by  James  Read  Chadwick,  m.a., 
M.D.     Boston:   H,  O.  Houghton  and  Company.    1875.     Sm.  4to, 

PP-  3'^ 

and  covers. 


Cover-title :  The  Climate  and  Diseases  of  America  during  the  Revolution. 

ScHOEPF.  D.  lo.  Davidis  Schoepf  Seren.  Marggrav.  Brand. 
Onold.  et  Cvlmb.  Med.  Avl.  et  Milit.  Coll.  Med.  Membr.  Ma- 
teria Medica  Americana  potissimvm  Regni  Vegetabilis.  Erlangae 
Svmiibvs  lo.  lac.  Palm'ti.  mdcclxxxvii.    8vo,  pp.  xviii,  170. 

Schoepf.  Reise  durch  einige  der  mittlern  und  sudlichen  ver- 
einigten  nordamerikanischen  Staaten  nach  Ost-FIorida  und  den 
Bahama-Inseln  unternommen  in  den  Jahren  1783  und  1784  von 
Johann  David  Schopf.  ...  Mit  einem  Landschartchen.  Erlangen 
bey  Johann  Jacob  Palm.  1788.  2  vols.,  8vo,  pp.  (24),  644, 
Druckfehler  (i),  Map;  (8),  xxxii,  552.  a.  77757 

There  are  copies  on  thick  paper. 

ScHOEPPE  (P.)  The  Schoeppe  Murder  Trial.  The  Trial  of 
Dr.  Paul  Schoeppe  ...  charged  with  the  murder  of  Miss  Maria 
M.  Stennecke,  by  Poison.  ...  May  24th,  1869.  Carlisle^  Pa. 
Printed  at  the  ^''Herald  Office?^  [1869.]    8vo,  pp.  61.         77758 




i   .  I 

I:  f 

■i'  ' 

I   J)l 

ScHOEPPE.  The  Trial  of  Dr.  Paul  Schocppr  for  the  murder 
of  Miss  Maria  M.  Stennecke,  in  the  Court  of  Oyer  and  Termi- 
ner of  Cumberland  County,  Pa.,  May,  1869.  Philadelphia. 
1869.    8vo.  ms9 

ScHOFiELD  (G.)  Sketch  of  the  History  of  Congregationahsm 
in  St.  John's,  Newfoundland  ...  By  G.  Schofield.  St.  John's. 
1851.    8vo,  pp.  18.  77760 

Schofield  (W.)  Organization  of  the  Educational  Forces  in 
Society:  a  System  of  Universal  Education.  An  Address  before 
the  Pennsylvania  State  Teachers'  Association,  at  its  twenty- 
second  annual  session  at  Wilkesbarre,  August  10,  11,  12,  1875. 
By  William  Schofield.  ...  Lancaster.,  Pa.:  Pennsylvania  School 
Journal  Print.    1875.     8vo,  pp.  14,  (2).  b.  77761 

Schofield  (W.  J.)  The  Prospector's  Manual  for  the  Dis- 
covery of  Quartz  and  Placer  Indications  of  Gold  and  Silver 
Mines,  also,  a  Description  of  Mineral-Bearing  Rocks ;  Indica- 
tions of  the  Mineral  Districts  in  all  the  New  England  »State>  rd 
the  Neighboring  Provinces  ;  the  Characteristics  of  California, 
Nevada,  and  other  Mines;  ...  By  W.  J.  Schofield.  Boston:  W. 
J.  Schofield.    1875.     i6mo,  pp.  96.  77762 

Schoharie,  N.  T.  Account  of  Knoepfel's  Schoharie  Cave. 
See  Vol.  IX.,  No.  38136. 

Catalogue  of  the  Officers  and  Students  of  Schoharie  Acad- 
emy, during  the  year  ending  April  14th,  1856.  Albany:  J.  Mun- 
sell.   1856.    8vo,  pp.  16.  77763 

Fifty-second  Annual  Report  of  the  Schoharie  County  Bible 
Society  ...  1865.    Albany:  J.  Munsell.   1866.    8vo.  77764 

Catalogue  of  the  Schoharie  County  Teachers'  Institute, 
held  at  Sharon  Springs,  commencing  Oct.  26,  and  closing  Nov. 
I,  1861.     Albany:  J.  Munsell.    1862.    8vo,  pp.  16.  77765 

Also :  Catalogue  of  the  Teachers'  Institute  in  the  Second  District  of  Schoharie 
County,  held  at  Cobleskill,  N.  Y.,  commencing  Oct.  20  and  ending  Oct.  31,  1862. 
Albany :  J.  Mumell.  1863.  8vo,  pp.  20.  By  Augustus  Smith.  —  Schoharie  County 
Teachers'  Institute,  held  at  Schoharie  Court  House,  October,  1850.  Albany.  1850. 

The  Scholar's  Manual;  containing  the  Declaration  of  Inde- 
pendence, the  Constitution  of  the  United  States,  and  Washing- 
ton's Farewell  Address  to  the  people  of  the  United  States.    With 





Questions  for  the  use  of  Schools.    By  a  Teacher. 
Samuel  ^  William  Wood.    1 837.     l2mo,  pp.  1 08. 

New-  York : 


See  Schoelcher. 

A  Second  Letter  to  the  Right  Hon.  Earl 
<if  Liverpool  in  reply  to  that  from  the  Rev.  H.  H.  Norris,  ... 
By  the  Rev.  James  Scholefield,  a.m.  New  York :  John  P.  Haven, 
1823.    8vo,  pp.  67.  B.  77767 

ScHoLER  (L.)  Observationes  super  morbis  Surinamensium. 
...  Goettingae.    1781.    4to.  777^8 

Circular  and  Catalogue  of  Scholfield's  Commercial  Col- 
lege, No.  81  in  1846.  Fifth  Edition.  Providence:  Knowles, 
Jnthony  iff  Co.,  Printers.    1864.     8vo,  pp.  38.     3  Plates.       77769 

The  Scholiast  Schooled.  An  Examination  of  the  Review  of 
the  Reports  of  the  Annual  Visiting  Committees  of  the  Public 
Schools  of  the  City  of  Boston  for  1845,  ^7  "Scholiast."  By  a 
Bostonian.     Cambridge:  Metcalf  and  Company.    1846.     8vo,  pp. 

65.  BA.,  M.  77770 

Improved  title  of  No.  6763,  Vol.  11. 

[ScHOLTE  (Henry  P.)]  American  Slavery,  in  reference  to  the 
Present  Agitation  of  the  United  States.  By  an  Adopted  Citizen. 
Pella.^  Iowa:  Printed  at  the  Gazette  Book  and  Job  Office.  1856. 
8vo,  pp.  88.  77771 

ScHOLTE.     Schetsen  voor  een  ontwerp  van  Kolonisatie  in  de 

vereenigde  staten  van  Noord-Amerika.  ...  [n.  p.  n.  d.] 

{vo,  pp. 


ScHOLTE.  Eene  Stem  uit  Pella,  Iowa.  ...  Met  twee  platen. 
Amsterdam.    1848.     8vo,  pp.  61.  77773 

ScHOLTE.  Tweede  Stem  uit  Pella,  Iowa.  ...  Met  twee  pla- 
ten.    Bosch.   1848.    8vo,  pp.  35.  77774 

[ScHOLTE.]  To  the  Honorable  the  Senate  and  House  of  Rep- 
resentatives of  the  United  States.  {^Pella :  Printed  at  the  Office 
of '■'■Pella' s  Weeiblade."   1861.]     Folio,  i  page.  H.  77775 

Relating  to  slavery.     Dated  "Pella,  Iowa,  Nov.  30,  1861." 

ScHOLTENs  (G.)  De  Nieuwe  |  Bereysde  Wereldt  |  ofte  |  Een 
korte  en  bondige  Beschryvinghe  |  Van  alle  Landen  en  Coning- 
rijcken  van  dien.  |  Waer  inne  yder  bysonderlijck  zijn  manieren 
van  Leven,  Re-|ligien,  Huyshoudinge  en  Vruchtbaerheyt  haerder 




f       1 



.   , 


1 ' 



f  1'' 



I  ' ' 

Landen  I  werden  aengewesen  :  Mitsgaders  aller  Pausen,  Krysers, 
Ko-|ningen  en  Vorsten  Successie,  begin  en  eynde.  |  Beschieven 
door  den  seer  Vermaerden  |  Godefreed  Scholtens.  |  Ende  met 
Koopere  Figueren  daer  toe  dienende  verrijckt.  |  [Engraving.]  | 
In  'sGraven-hage^  by  Johannes  Tongerloo^  Anno  1662.]  4to,  pp.  (6), 
152.  A-T  in  fours,  besides  the  three  prel.  leaves.  3  Plates, 
marked  to  go  opposite  pp.  21,  67  and  121.  l.  77776 

On  pages  65-68,  "Volght  de  beschryvinge  der  nieuwe  Werelt,  of  West-Indien. 
Voor  soo  veel  den  Koningh  van  Spanjen  daer  over  gebiet."  The  plate  opposite  page 
67  represents  Indians  worshipping  and  feasting.  The  engraving  which  appears  on  the 
title  is  repeated  on  page  138. 

ScHOLTz  (K.  A.)  Die  Vereinigten  Staaten  von  Nord-Ame- 
rika,  in  wissenschaftlicher,  staatsrechtlicher  und  oconomischer 
Beziehung.   ...   Zweite  Auflage.     Baltimore.   1859.    8vo. 

ScHOMBERG  (I.)  Naval  Chronology ;  or,  an  Historical  Sum- 
mary of  Naval  and  Maritime  Events,  from  the  time  of  the  Romans 
to  the  Treaty  of  Peace,  1802.  ...  By  Isaac  Schomberg.  ...  Lon- 
don: Printed  for  T.  Egerton  ...  1802.    5  vols.,  8vo.         N.  77778 

Schomberg.  The  Naval  Chronology,  or  an  Historical  Sum- 
mary of  Naval  and  Maritime  Events,  including  authentic  accounts 
of  the  most  remarkable  engagements  in  which  the  British  flag 
has  ever  been  so  eminently  distinguished.  ...  By  Isaac  Schom- 
berg.  ...   London.   1815.     5  vols.,  8vo.  a.  77779 

Schomburgk  (R.)  Reisen  in  Britisch-Guiana  in  den  Jahren 
1 840- 1 844.  Im  Auftrag  S^.  Majestat  des  Konigs  von  Preussen 
ausgefuhrt  von  Richard  Schomburgk.  Nebst  einer  Fauna  und 
Flora  Guiana's  nach  Vorlagen  von  Johannes  Miiller,  Ehrenberg, 
Erichson,  Klotzsch,  Troschel,  Cabanis  und  andern.  Mit  Abbil- 
dungen  und  einer  Karte  von  Britisch-Guiana  aufgenommen  von 
Sir  Robert  Schomburgk  ...  Leipzig:  J.  "J.  fVeber.  1847-48.  3 
vols.,  imp.  8vo,  pp.  viii,  x,  469;  xiii,  530,  (2);  viii,  (2),  533- 
1260,(1).     2  Maps  and  16  Plates.  7778o 

Some  copies  were  printed  on  large  paper.     The  third  volume,  which  relates  to  the 
fauna  and  flora,  is  often  Imnd  separate. 

Schomburgk  (R.  H.)  Commercial  Statistics  of  the  Repub- 
lics in  South  America.  By  Sir  Robert  H.  Schomburgk.  Lou- 
don.  1848.    8vo.  711^^ 

Schomburgk.  A  Description  of  British  Guiana,  Geograph- 
ical and  Statistical :  Exhibiting  its  Resources  and  Capabilities, 
together  with  the  Present  and  Future  Condition  and  Prospects  of 



the  Colony.      By  Robert  H.  Schom burgle,  Esq.     London :  Simp- 
kin,  Marshall,  and  Co.    1840.     8vo,  pp.  (4),  155.     Map.     A.,  c. 

ScHOMRURGK.  Description  of  the  Murichi,  or  the  Ita  Palm 
of  Guiana.  By  Sir  R.  H.  Schomburgk.  London.  1845.  8vo. 
Woodcut.  77783 

Schomburgk.  Geographisch-Statistische  Beschreibung  von 
Britisch  Guiana  ...  ubersetzt  von  O.  A.  Schomburgk  ...  Mag- 
deburg.   1 841.    8vo.     Map.  77784 

Schomburgk.  The  History  of  Barbados  ;  comprising  a  Geo- 
graphical and  Statistical  Description  of  the  Island  ;  a  Sketch  of 
the  Historical  Events  since  the  Settlement ;  and  an  Account  of 
its  Geology  and  Natural  Productions,  By  Sir  Robert  H.  Schom- 
burgk, PH.D.  ...  London:  Longman,  Brown,  Green  and  Longmans. 
1848.  Rl.  8vo,  pp.  XX,  725.  Illustrated  title  and  8  Plates. 
Large  Map.  a.,  b.,.c.,  p.  77785 

The  large  folded  map  is  usually  found  separate  in  a  case.  It  is  entitled  "A  Topo- 
graphical Map  of  the  Island  of  Barbados,  based  upon  Mayo's  original  survey  in  1721, 
and  corrected  to  the  year  1846.  By  Sir  Robert  H.  Schomburgk,  k.r.e.  London  t 
Longman,  Broivn  (^  Co.    1 847." 

Schomburgk.  Journal  of  an  Expedition  from  Pirara  to  the 
Upper  Corentyne  and  from  thence  to  Demerara.  By  Sir  R.  H. 
Schomburgk.     London.    1845.     8vo.     Map.  777^6 

Schomburgk.  Lake  Parima  (the  "  El  Dorado"  of  Sir  Wal- 
ter Raleigh)  and  the  Geography  of  Guiana.  By  Sir  R.  H. 
Schomburgk.     London.    1845.     8vo.  777^7 

Schomburgk.  The  Natural  History  of  the  Fishes  of  Guiana. 
...  By  Robert  H.  Schomburgk,  Esq.  ...  Edinburgh:  IV.  H. 
Lizars  ...  S.  Highley  ...  London;  and  W.  Curry,  Jun.  and  Co. 
Dublin.  1841-43.  2  vols.,  fcap  8vo,  pp.  iii,  (6),  ix-xvi,  (2),  slip 
of  erratum,  17-263;  iii,  (4),  xi-xv,  (2),  17-214,  (2).  Engraved 
titles,  2  Portraits,  and  61  colored  Plates.  L.  77788 

Besides  the  above  title,  each  volume  has  the  engraved  and  printed  titles  of  the  series, 
the  latter  as  follows:  "The  Naturalist's  Library.  Conducted  by  Sir  William  Jardinf, 
Bart.  F.R.S.E.,  F.L.S.,  ice.  &c.  Ichthyology.  Vol.  iii.  [and  v.]  Fishes  of  Guiana. 
Part  1.  [and  ii.]  By  Robert  H.  Schomburgk,  Esq.,"  with  the  same  imprints  and 
datrs  as  the  other  titles. 

Reissued  without  the  special  titles,  with  only  the  engraved  and  printed  titles  of  the 
series,  as  "The  Naturalist's  Library.  Edited  by  Sir  William  Jardine,  Bart.,  r.R.s.E., 
F.L.S.,  etc.,  etc.  Vol.  xxx.  [and  xxxi.]  Ichthyology.  Fishes  of  British  Guiana. 
Part  1st.  [and  Part  2d.]  By  R.  H.  Schomburgk,  Esq.,"  with  tlie  same  imprints  as 
above,  but  with  both  volumes  dated  1843,  z  vols.,  fcap  Svo,  pp.  (2I,  ix-xvi,  slip  of 
erratum,  17-263;  (2),  xi-xv,  (2),  17-214.  Engraved  titles,  2  Forttaits,  and  61 
colored  Plates,      l. 

'  li 

1  r 

I  If 






;■;  i 

■,  [ 



Reiiiued  again  at  *'The  Naturalist's  Library.  Edited  by  Sir  William  Jardine,  Bart. 
r.R.s.i.,  r.L.s.,  etc.,  etc.  Vol.  xxxix.  [and  Vo!.  xl.J  Ichthyology.  Fishes  of  British 
Guiana.— Part  i.  [and  Part  ii.]  By  R.  H.  Schomburgk,  Esq.  Edinhurgb :  W.  H. 
Lissars,  3,  St,  JameC  Square.  London :  Henry  G.  Bohn,  Tori  Street,  Covent  Garden. 
i860.  1  vols.,  fcap  8vo,  pp.  (8),  17-163;  (8),  17-114.  Engraved  titles,  1  Portraits, 
and  61  colored  Plates,     l. 

Schomburgk.  On  the  Natives  of  Guiana.  By  Robert  H. 
Schomburgk.     [^Edinburgh.    1 846.]    8vo,  pp.  24.     Plate. 

Schomburgk.  On  the  Urari,  or  Arrow  Poison  of  the  Indians 
of  Guiana.     By  Sir  R.  H.  Schomburgk.     London.    1857.     ^^*^' 

Schomburgk.  Robert  Hermann  Schomburgk's  Rcisen  in 
Guiana  und  am  Orinoko  wahrend  der  Jahre  1835-1839.  ...  Her- 
ausgegeben  von  O.  A.  Schomburgk,  mit  einem  Vorwort  von 
Alexander  Von  Humboldt  und  dessen  Abhandlung  (iber  einige 
wichtige  astronomische  Positionen  Guiana's.  Mit  6  colorirten 
Ansichten  und  einer  Karte.  Leipzig.,  1841.  Ferlag  von  Georg 
IVigand.     Rl.  8vo,  pp.  xxiv,  510.     Map  and  6  Plates.  a. 

Some  copies  were  printed  on  large  vellum  paper. 

Schomburgk.  Remarks  to  accompany  a  Comparative  Voca- 
bulary of  eighteen  languages  and  dialects  of  Indian  Tribes  inhab- 
iting Guiana.  By  Sir  Robert  H.  Schomburgk.  London.  1848. 
8vo,  title,  and  pp.  20.  77792 

Schomburgk.  Report  of  an  Expedition  into  the  Interior  of 
British  Guayana  in  1835-6.  By  Robert  Hermann  Schomburgk, 
Esq.   ...  [London.   1837.?]    8vo,  pp.  6i.  ba.  77793 

From  the  "Journal  of  the  Royal  Geographical  Society  of  London,"  vol.  vi.  The 
cover-title  reads  "Expedition  into  the  Interior  of  British  Gu.iyana  in  1835-6.  By 
Robert  H.  Schomburgk,  Esq.  ...  " 

Schomburgk.  Researches  in  Guayana  in  1837-9.  By  R. 
H.  Schomburgk,  Esq.  London:  "John  Murray,  1840.  8vo,  pp. 
109.     Map.  77794 

From  the  "Journal  of  the  Royal  Geographical  Society,"  vol.  x. 

Schomburgk.  Resena  de  los  principales  puertos  y  puntos  de 
anglaje  de  la  costa  de  la  Republica  Dominicana.  Por  Sir  Robert 
H.  Schomburgk.  Traducido  de  la  reimpresion  del  original  que 
se  halla  en  el  Nautical  Magazine  de  Londres,  ano  1853,  y  publi- 
cado  poi  F.  A.  R.     Santo-Domingo.    1853.     ^^'  4^°>  PP*  3^' 

Schomburgk.  Twelve  Views  in  the  Interior  of  Guiana ; 
from  Drawings  executed  by  Mr.  Charles  Beiitley,  after  Sketches 
taken  during  the  Expedition  carried  on  in  the  years   1835-39. 

i:    )l 



With  descriptive  Letter-Press  by  R.  H.  Schomburgk,  Esq.  Lon- 
don:  jickerman  ^  Co.  1 84 1.  Rl.  folio,  pp.  (8),  38.  Map  and  12 
colored  Plates.  c.  77796 

Some  copies  were  printed  on  Urge  paper. 

ScHOMBURGiC.     Versuch  einer  Fauna  und  Flora  von  Britisch- 
Guiana.     iS"^^  No.  77780,  supra. 

Also:  Anegada  Island  and  Reef  ...  London.  1R34.  4.10.  —  Die  Barbacenia  Alex- 
iindrinee  und  Alexandra  Iinperatricis  entdeckt  und  beschrieben  ...  Braunschweig.  1845. 
4to.  Plate.  —  Beschreibung  dreier  neuen  Pflanzen  aus  deni  Flussgebiete  des  Carimani 
...  [n.  p.  n.  d.]  8v().  —  Description  of  CalycophyDum  Sranleyanum  ...  London. 
1844.  4to.  Plate.  —  Description  of  some  Grasses  and  Sedges  from  the  East  Coast  of 
Demerara  ...  \^LondQn.  n.  d.j  8vo.  —  Karte  von  Britiscli-Guiana  ...  Berlin.  1846. 
Folded.  —  On  two  new  Species  of  Laurineae  from  Guiana  ...  London,  [n.  d.]  4to. — 
Die  Rapatea  Friderici  Augusti  und  Saxo-Frideritia  Regalis  entdeckt  und  It'schiieben 
...  Braunschweig.  1845.  4to,  Plates.  —  Sobralia  Elisabeths,  eine  neue  Species  der 
Orchideen  ...  [n.  p.  n.  d.J  4to.  Plates.  —  Utricularia  Humboldtii,  eine  neue  Pflan- 
zen-Species  ...   [n.  p.    n.  d.]    4to.     Plate. 

£in  schon  weltlich 
1764.]    Folio,  I  leaf. 

Lied.  I  [^Philadelphia :  Anton  yirmhruester. 

H.s.p.  77797 

Title  from  Hildeburn. 

Ein  schone  Newe  zeytung.     See  Vol.  iv..  No.  16956. 

ScHONER  (J.),  b.  1477,  d.  1547.  Appendices  Joannis  Schoner 
Cha-|rolipolitani  in  opusculum  Globi  |  Astriferi  nuper  ab  code 
editu.  I  [Colophon  :]  ^  Nurenherge  ex  officina  lohannis  Stuchs.  \  Anno 
G&m//,  1518.1    4to,  6  leaves.  7779^ 

Title  from  Coote's  bibliography  of  Schoner's  works,  from  a  copy  in  the  British  Mu- 
seum, containing  but  five  leaves.  This  tract  is  described  in  Leclerc's  "  Bibliothera 
Americana,"  1878,  No.  535,  as  containing  on  the  recto  of  the  second  leaf  and  also  on 
the  verso  of  the  last  leaf  an  engraving  of  a  terrestrial  globe  with  the  inscription  Typ-vs 
globi  Astriferi.  The  work  to  which  it  is  a  supplement  is  described  under  No.  77808, 

ScHONER.  Appendi|ces  loannis  Schoner  |  Charolipolitani  in| 
opusculum  Globi  Astriferi  nu|per  ab  eodem  seditum.  |  [Colo- 
phon:] \  Antuerpia  ex  officina  typographica  Marti\ni  Casaris. 
impensis  honesti  viri  Rolandi\  Bollardi.    1 527.  |     i2mo,  32  leaves. 

Title  from  Coote,  No.  10,  from  a  copy  in  the  British  Museum.  This  edition  also 
contains  a  reprint  of  the  "Solidi  ac  Spheric!  corpovis  ...  canones,"  following  the 

ScHoNER.  De  Nvper  |  svb  Castiliae  ac  Portvga- 1  liae  Regibus 
Serenissimis  repertis  Insulis  ac  Regi-|onibus,  loannis  Schoner 
Charolipolitani  epistojla  &c  Globus  Geographicus,  seriem  nauigaj 
tionum   annotantibus.     Clarissimo  at-jq;  disertissimo  uiro  Dno 


•WMiffyfrl'l' •"'"■'■* '™**™^"'*''"""" 



i   i 



Reyme-|ro  de  Stieytpergk,  ecclesise  |  Babenbergensis  Cano|nico 
dicatae.  | 

Cum  noua  delectent,  fama  tettantc  loqtuci, 
Qux  recreare  queunt,  hie  noua  lector  habri. 

Cum  priuilegio  Imperiali  denuo  |  robuiato  ad  aniios  octu  &cc.  | 
[Colophon:]  Timiripa^  Anno  Incarnationis  do\minica  Millesimo 
qu'tngente-\stmo  uigesimoter\tio,\  [1523.]  Sm.  8vo,  4  unnumbered 
leaves.  77800 

The  name  Timiripa,  "which  ia  the  grxcised  equivalent  for  Schoner's  rural  abotte  on 
the  bankt  of  the  Ebrenbach"  hat  been  identified  by  Mr.  C.  H.  Coote  of  the  Uritinh 
Museum  as  the  village  of'  Kirih-ehrenbach,  situated  about  four  miles  south-east  of 
Bamberg.  It  is  probable  that  the  tract  printed  there  on  the  author's  own  printing- 
press.  Attention  was  first  called  to  this  extremely  rare  piece  by  Senhor  Varnh.igen  in 
his  "  Nouvclles  Recherthcs"  concerning  Amerigo  Vespucci  (Vienna,  1869^),  p.  20, 
where  he  described  a  copy  in  the  Imperial  Library  at  Vienna.  A  copy  is  alto  in  the 
British  Museum.  A  third  copy,  bound  with  a  Honter  of  1549,  was  sold  at  auction  in 
Paris  in  1867  (Lederc's  "  Bibliotheca  Americana,"  No.  733);  and  again  in  1869 
(Maisonneuve's  "Bibliotheca  Historica,"  No.  1186).  The  work  contains  a  brief 
sketch  of  the  Spanish  and  Portuguese  voyages  to  the  East  and  West  Indies,  from  Vnsco 
de  Gama  to  Ferdinand  Magellan.  It  has  been  reprinted  in  Dr.  Wieser's  "  Magalhaes- 
Strasse,"  pp.  1 1 8-1 22,  and  also  by  Henry  Stevens  and  Senhor  Varnhagen  as  described 
below,  under  Nos.  77803  and  77807. 

The  terrestrial  glolie  to  which  it  relates  is  a  woodcut  engraving  measuring  about 
24^(4  XII  inches,  printed  on  two  leaves  and  divided  into  twelve  gores,  to  be  cut  and 
mounted  on  a  sphere.  It  contains  the  earliest  cartographical  representation  of  the  dis- 
coveries of  Magellan  in  the  first  voyage  round  the  world  in  1 5 19-1522,  the  path  of 
which  is  lined  out  from  beginning  to  end.  In  this  globe,  as  Mr.  Stevens  reniarks, 
Schoner  "projected  and  worked  out  the  360°  of  the  wutid  in  a  far  more  correct  and 
intelligible  manner  than  ever  had  been  done  before.  The  discoveries  of  Columbus 
were  placed  in  their  true  positions,  the  duplicate  Cuba  was  eliminated ;  the  discoveries 
of  Juan  Ponce  de  Leon  of  1512-13  were  posted  up.  The  Voyages  of  Hernandez  de 
Cordova  1 5 17-18,  Grijalva  of  1518,  Cortes  and  Garay  1519,  were  all  given  a  place,  as 
well  as  those  of  Nunez  de  Balboa  in  151 3.  Then  the  Globe  was  blown  out  and  all 
the  length  and  breadth  of  the  Pacific  put  in,  Ptolemy's  world  shrivelled  up,  and  the 
islands  of  the  sea  drummed  together;  Florida  is  iiere  named  for  the  first  time  in  piint, 
and  the  Moluccas  have  found  a  local  habitation  and  their  true  places  as  well  as  many 
of  the  real  isles  of  the  sea  :  while  all  the  monsters  and  bogus  elements  of  American 
geography  are  made  to  disappear."  The  name  A'tfierica  was  also  purposely  omitted, 
although  it  had  been  used  by  Schoner  on  his  two  earlier  globes.  The  only  copy  known 
of  this  globe-map  was  brought  to  light  in  1884,  by  Ludwig  Rosenthal,  a  bookseller  of 
Munich,  who  offered  it  for  sale  in  1885  (Catalogue  xlii,  No.  136).  It  was  first  iden- 
tified in  1884  as  the  long  lost  ihirJ  globe  of  Schoner  by  Dr.  Franz  Wieser  of  Inns- 
bruck, who  published  an  account  of  the  map  in  1888.  Its  great  importance  was 
afterwards  recognized  by  the  late  Mr.  Henry  Stevens,  who  purchased  and  subsequently 
sold  it  for  a  very  large  sum  to  Mr,  Charles  H.  Kalbfleisch  of  New  York,  in  whose 
unrivaled  collection  it  now  remains.  A  fac-simil^  accompanies  Dr.  Wieser's  paper, 
and  another  was  published  with  Stevens's  "  Johann  Schoner," 

Schoner.  Globi  Stel-|lifeii,  sive  sphoers  stel|larum  lixaru 
usus,  &  explicationes,  quibus  quicquid  j  de  primo  mobili  demon- 
strari  solet,  id  uniuersum  |  piope  continetur,  Directionum  aute 
ipsarum    quas  |  uocant,   ratio    accuratiss.    est    exposita.     Autore 



toanne|Schonero  Carolostadio,  atq3  hxc  omnia  mu)t6|quam  ante 

cmendatioia  Sc  copiosiora  singula- 
fuere|Anno  Christ!  |  m.  n.  xxrciii. 

ri  cura  ac  studio  in  luceni  edita 
luach.  CamerarijI  [ten  lines  in 

verse.]  |  [Colophon:]  Excudebatiir  Norimbtrga  anno  1533.     4^"> 
28  leaves.  nM.  77801 

A  hand-book  to  accompany  Sclioncr'i  celestial  globe.  The  dedication  it  dated  "E 
Norico  nonii  Junij."  A  copy  of  this  work,  bound  witli  the  "Opuaculum  Geographi- 
cum  "  of  1533,  is  described  in  I.edcrc's  "  Bibliothrca  Americana,"  1878,  No.  536,  as 
containing  on  the  verso  of  the  title  the  same  tctiititrial  globe  that  appeared  in  the 
"Appendices"  of  1518.  It  was  reprinted  in  154.8  as  an  appendix  to  the  work  of 
Gemma  Phryiiui.     Ste  Vol.  vii.,  No.  26856. 

ScHONER.  loannis  Scho- 1  neri  Carolostadii  Opvscv- 1  Ivm  Geo- 
graphicvm  ex  diversorvni  lijbris  ac  cartis  suinnia  cura  &  diligentia 
colle-|ctum,  accomodaium  ad  recenter  ela-|boratuni  ab  eodem 
globum  de-|scriptionis  terrcnae.  |  loachimi  Camerarii.  | 

Forte  oculis  cluri  tpectas  qui  sidera  coeli 

In  subiectum  etiam  lumina  Hecte  solum 

Non  est  res  indigna  tua  ista  cupidine  lector, 

Ilia  magis  pulcra  est,  hxc  quoqj  pulcra  tnmen. 

(2uid  dubitas  :  si  de  sctheria  uitam  trahis  aura, 

Fabula  sed  tellus  &  tibi  praebec  iter. 

Hunc  uis,  quanta  patet,  breuibus  cognoscere  cartis. 

Hoc  modicum  lustrans  pcr^pice  lector  opus. 

Nee  quae  sunt  olim  nee  qua;  mudo  scripca  requires 

Cuncta  tibi  patuo  plana  futura  libro. 

[^Norlmbergae.    1533.]    4to,  22  unnumbered  leaves.       BM.,  j.c.h. 

On  the  verso  of  the  title  is  a  woodcut  of  the  globe  which  was  made  to  accomp  ly 
the  book.  The  dedication  is  dated  "Ex  urbe  Norica  Id.  Nouembris.  Anno  xxxiii.  ' 
Chapters  XX.  and  xxi.  relate  to  "  Regiones  extra  Ptoleinajutn,"  and  the  last  page  con- 
tains a  notice  of  Brazil.  This  work  i;xliibits  a  remaikable  chani;e  in  Schoner's  geo- 
graphical opinions.  The  claims  of  Vespuciua  and  the  name  yimerica  are  here  both 
rejected,  the  whole  new  waild  described  as  a  part  of  Asia,  and  the  city  of  Mexico 
identified  with  Quinsay  in  China.  See  Leclerc's  "  Bibliotheca  American^i,"  1878,  No. 
536,  note. 

The  only  known  copy  of  Schoner's yb«>7i6  globe  is  in  the  Military  Library  at  Wei- 
mar. It  is  without  date  or  name  of  the  maker,  but  has  been  identified  by  Dr.  Wieser 
as  the  globe  which  was  made  to  accompany  the  .-^bove  work  in  1533.  A  facsimile  of 
the  portion  containing  the  South  American  continent  is  given  in  Wieser's  "Magalhaes- 
Strasse,"  plate  v.     See  Winsor's  "Bibliography  of  Ptolemy's  Geography,"  p.  16. 

Sch5ner.  Johann  Schoner  Professor  of  Mathematics  at  Nu- 
remberg A  Reproduction  of  his  Cilobe  of  1523  long  lost  His 
Dedicatory  Letter  to  Reymer  von  Streytperck  and  the  '  De  Mo- 
Ivccis'  of  Maximilianus  Transylvanus  With  New  Translations 
and  Notes  on  the  Globe  By  Henry  Stevens  of  Vermont  ... 
Edited  with  an  Introduction  and  Bibliography  By  C.  H.  Coote 
Dept.  of  Printed  Books  British  Museum  ...  London  Henry  Stevens 
l^  Son  MDCccLxxxviii     i6mo,  pp.  xlv,  (49),  95-206,  (i).    Por- 








trait  of  Schuner,  Plate  opposite  p.    102,  and   Facsimiles  of  six 
Maps  on  3  sheets.  77^03 

Alio  printed  on  large  paper  in  octavo.  The  letter  of  Schflner  (No.  77800,  tufra,) 
and  the  work  of  Maximilianus  Trantylvanut  are  here  reproduced  in  exact  fatiimile, 
with  Englith  translationa.  The  t'aciiimile  maps  comprise;  (i)  The  Hunt-Lenux  Olobe 
of  IJ06-7;  (a)  the  Buulonger  Globe  accompanying  the  "  Cosmographiae  Introduc- 
tio"  of  1514-17;  (3)  the  western  half  of  Sch6ner's  first  globe  of  15155  (4)  the 
western  half  of  Schoner'i  second  globe  of  1510;  (5)  SchOner'i  third  globe  of  1513  J 
and  (6)  a  portion  of  the  "Cantino"  m.ip  of  150a. 

[ScH()NER.]  Luculentissima  quaedil  |  terrae  totius  descriptio  : 
cCi  multis  vtilissimis  Cus-|mographi<e  iniciis.  Nouaq3  &  q  ante 
fuit  verier  Europae  nostrx  forma- |tio.  Praeterea,  Fluuioru:  mon- 
tiu  :  prouintiaru  :  Vrbiu  :  Sc  gentium  qpluri- 1  moru  vetustissima 
nomina  recentioribiis  admixta  vocabulis.  Multa  etii\|qux  diligens 
lector  noua  vsuiq3  futura  inueniet.  |  Ad  Lectorc  Joannis  Hiltner 
Lichtenfelsefi.  |  Epigramma.  | 

j^ua  pateat  siccum  :  quaue  Acquora  parte  tegendo 

lampridem  ex  oculis  eripuere  solum 
Vtq3  suis  currant  quaeq3  in  regionibus  vnda* 

{^uu  niteat  tellus  vrbibus  ipsa  loco 
(2ui  seruent  Elicen  nautae :  quibus  imminet  Arctos 

£t  quos  opposita  sydera  parte  prirmunt 
Deniq3  quicquid  habet  terrae  spaciosiur  orbis 

Detcgit  hoc  paruum  candide  lector  opus. 

Cum  Priuilegio  Inuictis.  Romanoru  Impcra.  |  Maximiliani  per 
Octo  annos :  ne  quis  imprimat :  |  aut  impriniere  procuret  codices 
hos :  cum  Globis  |  Cosmographicis :  sub  mulcta  quinquaginta 
flore-|norum  Renefi.  et  amissione  omniu  exemplarium.  |  [Colo- 
phon on  leaf  65  :]  ^  Impressum  Nortberga  I  excusoria  ojjicina  | 
loannis  Stuchssen.  Jntio  domini.  1515.  |    4to.  L.  77804 

Collation:  14  preliminary  leaves,  and  a  slip  containing  eight  lines  of  errata;  leaf 
containing  a  large  woodcut  of  a  globe  entitled  "Orbis  Typvs,"  verso  blank;  and  leaves 
1-65,  verso  of  last  one  blank.  Sig.  a  in  eight,  b  in  six,  A  and  B  in  eights,  C-G  in 
fours,  H-K  in  eights,  and  L  in  six,  including  the  "Orbis  Typvs." 

On  the  verso  of  the  title  is  a  large  woodcut  coat  of  arms.  The  dedication,  *'  Reue- 
rendissimo  in  chrijsto  Hatri  ac  domino.  DAo  Georgio  ecclesiae  |  Babenbergcft.  Episcopo 
dignissimo  :  domino  ac  patrono  suo  grati-|osissimo  :  loannes  Si:honer  Charolipolitunus  : 
prxsbyter:  Mathemajticus  humilime  sese  cumendat,"  dated  at  Bamberg,  "NonoCalen- 
das  Aprilis,"  is  on  the  recto  of  the  second  leaf.  This  is  followed  on  the  verso  by 
another,  "Clarissimo  Viro  Bilijbaldo  Fyrckhaymer  Patricio  haudnu  Sejnatori  Norico : 
dAo  8c  amico  suo  venerando  ludochus  Rocho-jnierus  NoriburgeR.  Artium  &  Medicina; 
doctor;  felicitatem."  The  third  leaf  contains  on  the  recto  a  Latin  poem  with  the 
heading,  "  loann.  Stabivs  Avs.  Poe.  Lav.  de  Glo-|bo  Cosniographico  honorabi-|lis  viii 
domini  loannis  Scho|ner  .Sacerdotis  Baben|bergKnsis,'*  which  is  followed  on  the  verso 
by  another  with  the  caption,  "  Fratris  Niculai  Hortvlani|  Epigramma  in  Commfn  [i/'f]  | 
dationem  libri )  et  avctoris."  The  index,  with  the  heading  '*  Regionvm  Inventarivm," 
begins  on  the  recto  of  the  fourth  leaf,  and  ends  on  the  lower  part  of  the  recto  of  the 
thirteenth.  The  list  of  •*  Einendationes  erratuum  Calcographi"  begins  on  the  lower 
part  of  the  same  page,  and  ends  on  the  verso  of  the  fourteenth  leaf.     Between  these 




tWH  leave)  (hj  and  1)6),  in  the  Lrnox  copy,  is  paitfd  the  iilip  of  nii-n- 
tioned  in  the  uliuve  ciiil.iilon.  'I'liu  tiibt  leaf'  of'  lignatiire  A,  wliith  follows  iirxt,  con- 
tain! a  large  wuodcut  of'  a  glolii;  on  a  itand,  with  the  wordii  "Urhii  Typvi"  in  the 
upper  part.      Underneat'.i  are  the  following  lines ; 

Hexastichos  loannii  Cuclei  in  libcllum 

Ecce  liber  paruus,  rrs  magna,  ars  multa  Mathesii 

Pulcer  oput  pulcruni  condidit  arte  noua. 
Cernere  quippe  licet  tractus  terrae  urbe  sub  isto 

Quae  regio  Antipodas  niiraq^  munstra  f'erat 
Quae  ignutae  gentes  Ant.irctica  sydera  spectent 

Quai  calur  exurat,  Quas  praemat  nigur  iners. 

An  engraving  of  a  "Sphera  circulorum  "  is  on  the  vnso  of  leaf  4,  and  another  of  a 
globe  on  the  recto  of  leaf  16.  The  part  relating  tu  the  new  world  begins  on  the  recto 
of  leaf  60,  with  the  heading,  "Capitv.  xi.  De  America  qvarta  orbis  parte  cum  aliis 
nouis  insulis  appositis,"  and  ends  on  the  verso  uf  leaf  61.  In  this  chapter  the  sugges- 
tion of  WaltzemUller  in  the  "Cosmographiae  Introductio"  is  adopted,  and  the  name 
"America  siue  Amcrigen  nouus  mundus"  is  derived  "  ab  eius  inui'tore  Americo  Ves- 
putio  viro  sagacia  ingenii :  qui  earn  reperit  Anno  domini.  14V7."  Preceding  the  colo- 
phon on  leaf  65  are  eighteen  lines  of  Latin  verse  with  the  heading,  "  De  claristiimo 
quodam  Globo  loanjnis  Schoner  :  omnes  Astrorum  imagines  coiitinente  :|aliquot  versus 
loannis  Hiltner." 

There  is  a  copy  of  this  book  in  the  Library  of  Congress  at  Washington  (collection 
of  Peter  Force),  lacking  the  fouric-'n  preliminary  leaves,  which  has  been  described  by 
Mr.  Harrisie  in  his  •«  Bibliotheca  Americana  Vetustissima,"  No.  81,  as  "one  of  the 
forms  in  wliich  the  Luculentissima  is  sometimes  found."  It  does  not  seem  probable, 
however,  that  any  copies  were  originally  issued  in  such  an  imperfect  state.  A  perfect 
copy  was  priced  by  Quaritch  (Catalogue,  part  Xii.,  No.  28129)  'i^  1886  at  £25. 

This  geographical  description  of  the  world  was  prepared  to  accompany  the  terrestrial 
globe  mentioned  in  the  privilege  on  the  title-page  and  in  the  verses  on  the  third  leaf. 
Two  copies  of  that  globe  are  now  known  to  be  extant,  one  at  Frankfort  on  the  Main, 
and  the  other  in  the  Military  Library  nt  Weimar.  Although  undated  and  without  the 
name  of  the  maker,  they  have  both  been  identified  as  Schoner's  first  globe  made  at 
Bamberg,  and  ascribed  to  the  year  1515,  by  Dr.  Franz  Wieser  in  his  "Magalhaes- 
Strasse,"  Inmbrucky  188 1.  A  complete  facsimile,  colored  to  resemble  the  original,  is 
given  in  Jomard's  "Monuments  de  la  G6ographie,"  plate  xvii,  from  the  copy  at  Frank- 
fort, with  the  title,  "Globe  terrestre  de  la  i'''^'.  moitie  du  xvi*".  siecle  conservi  a  Franck- 
f'ort  sur  le  Mein."  Facsimiles  of  the  western  hemisphere  are  also  given  in  Wieser's 
work,  plate  2,  from  Jomard's  facsimile,  with  corrections  from  the  copy  at  Weimar  5 
in  Winsor's  "Narrative  and  Critical  History  of  America,"  vol.  11.,  p.  118;  and  in 
Henry  Stevens's  "Johann  Schoner,"  fig.  3,  from  Wieser.  The  globe  was  probably 
first  printed  on  paper  in  gores,  and  afterwards  cut  and  mounted  on  a  wooden  sphere. 
According  to  Dr.  Wieser  it  is  the  earliest  globe  bearing  the  name  America,  which 
appears  on  the  southern  continent,  with  Brasi/ie  Regio  on  another  continent  below. 
This  statement,  however,  has  been  controverted,  as  there  are  at  least  two  other  printed 
globe-maps  which  may  well  claim  precedence.  For  a  description  of  them  see  Waldsee- 
miiller  (M.) 

In  1520,  Schoner  brought  out  his  second  globe  at  Bamberg,  at  the  cost  of  his  friend 
Johann  Sayler.  Like  the  globe  of  151  5,  it  appears  to  have  been  first  printed  on  paper 
and  afterwards  mounted  on  a  wooden  sphere.  The  only  known  copy  is  in  the  town 
library  at  Nuremberg.  It  bears  the  inscription,  "  Perfecit  eum  Bambergae  1520.  Joh, 
Schotierus."  The  inscription  America  -vel  Brasilia  si-ve  PapagalU  terra  here  appears  on 
the  southern  continent,  and  the  name  Brasilia  Inferior  on  another  continent  below. 
Facsimiles  of  it  in  whole  or  in  part  are  given  in  the  atlases  of  Santarem  and  Lelewel, 
in  Ghillany's  work  on  Martin  Behaim,  in  Wieser's  "  Magalhaes-Strasse,"  in  Winsor's 


i  >i::, 




,  1 

"  N.irrj»ivr  .iniJ  Critical  Hiitory  of  Amrrii-4,"  ii.  119,  in  Stevrni'i  "Jiih^nn  Srhrtnrr,' 
anil  in  ntlicr  wurki,  ^1  Wiiiior'i  "Bibliography  ot'  Ftuleniy'i  Oeugrjphy,"  pp.  13, 
I  j,  16,  for  iilher  referencei. 

ScHoNEK.  Opera  |  Muthematicu  |  loannis  Schoneri  |  Carolo- 
stadii  ill  vnvm  volumeiilcongesta,  et  publicae  vtilitati|8tucli(>8orum 
umnium,  ac  celeUri  hmx  Nurici  j  numiiiis  d\czta.\ /mpressa  Norin- 
berga  in  officina  haunis  Montani  isf  yirici  Ntvbtri  Anno  Domini 
M.  D.  LI.     Folio.     Portrait  of  Schciiier.  a.,  bm.  77805 

Thii  collection  containi  tlie  tiratiiei  "Olobi  Strlliferl  ...  viui,"  "  De  Olobi  Terrei- 
trii  v»v,"  etc.  Mr.  C.  H.  Cu)te  ("Bibliography  of  Schdner'i  Worlci,"  No.  40,) 
Heicribei  another  edition  of'  I  lit!  m.ulieinitical  work)  printed  at  the  lame  place  and  in 
the  lame  year,  but  without  a  general  title.  Mr.  C.  H.  Knibfleiich  infurmi  me  that  he 
has  an  edition  of  Sch6ner'«  world,  thick  folio,  I  55 1,  which  ii  not  in  Mr.  Coote'i  liit. 

ScHoNER.  Opera  |  Matheniatica  |  loannis  Schoneri  |  Carolo- 
stadii  in  vnvm  volumen  |  congesta  ...  Denvo  ab  authoris  Filio 
correcta  &  locupleta.  Impressa  Noribtrga  in  officina  loannis  Afon- 
tar.i  i^ Fhici  Neuberi.   MDLXI.     Folio.      Portrait  of  Schoner.      A. 

Title  from  Coote'ii  bibliography,  No.  44. 

Schoner  Reimpression  fidele  d'une  lettre  de  Jean  Schoner  ^ 
propos  de  son  Globe,  £crit  en  1523.  St. -  Peter  sbourg :  Imprimerie 
de  Rbttger  isf  Schneider.  1872.  8vo,  6  unnumbered  leavf  includ- 
ing the  above  title  and  the  "advertencia."  "^7807 

A  reprint  of  No.  77S00,  supra,  edited  by  Senhor  Varnhagen,  and  limu>.u  10  an  edi- 
tion of  forty  copiei. 

Schoner.  Solidi  ac  Sphxrici  Corporis  siue  Globi  Astro  |  no- 
mici  Canones  Vsum  &  expedite  praxim  eiusde  exprometes.  | 
TotacQ  directionum  artem  ordinatissima  serie  edocentes.  |  Per 
loannc  Schoner  Charolipolitanu  Ostrofrancu|  Mathematicu  nuper 
in  lucem  editi.j  [Colophon:)  Nurenberga  ex  officina  solertis  viri 
lo.  Stuchs.   Anno  Christi  1517.     4to,  23  leaves.  BM.  77808 

Title  from  Coote's  bibliography.  No.  3.  See  the  note  to  the  "Appendices"  to  thii 
work,  No.  77799,  suf>ra.     Reprinted  as  a  part  of  Nos.  77805,  77806,  lufra. 

ScHoNiNG  (Gerhard).  A f handling  om  de  Norskes  og  endeel 
andre  Nordiske  Folkes  Opriiulelse  som  Inledning  til  den  Norske 
Historie.  Anhang  om  7'iids-Regningen  i  dem  gamle  Nordiske 
historic  til  Harald  Haarfager's  TiiJer  ...   Soroe.    1769.    410.      a. 

Contains  an  account  of  the  voyages  of  the  Northmen  to  America. 

ScHoNiNG.  Norges  Riiges  Historie  indeholdende  Riigets  aeld- 
ste  Historie  fra  dets  Begyndelse  til  Kong  Olaf  Trygguesons 
Ankomst  til  Regierungen  ...  Kiohenhavn.  1771-1781.  3  vols., 
4to.  A.  77810 



Vol.  I.  No.  3.  The  School  and  Family  Visitor,  a  M(»iuhlv 
Journal  for  'I'cachcrs,  Parents,  ami  Children.  Kditcd  by  W.  N, 
Hailinan.  Official  Oinaii  of  the  State  Superintendent  of  I*ublic 
Instruction.  June,  1864.  Lou'nvillt^  Ky.:  Bradlty  iff  Gilhirt. 
1864.    8vo,  pp.  99-139.  77^^" 

The  School  Boy's  Oration  (»n  the  State  of  the  Country, 
[^New  Totk^  March  17,  1863.]     8vo,  pp.  4.  7781a 

The  School  for  Colored  Girls,  Washington,  I).  C.  [Address 
of  the  Teacher,  M.  Miner,  to  the  Public]  Philadelphia :  Mtr- 
rih/w  Iff  Thompson* i  Steam  Power  Press.    1854.     i2mo,  pp.  12.    M. 

The  School  for  Husbands,  a  Scntintental  Novel.  In  Two 
Volumes.  ...  Philadelphia:  James  Humphreys^  junior.  1774. 
i2mo.  77^'4 

Title  from  Hildeburn. 

The  School  for  Orators  •,  or  a  Peep  at  the  Forum  :  a  Farce. 
...  (From  the  first  London  edition  of  1809.)  A^^tf  y'ork :  David 
Lougworth.   1810.     i6mo,  pp.  34,  (2).  B.  77815 

The  School  for  Politicians;  01,  Non-Committal.  A  Comedy 
in  Five  Acts.     New  Y'ork.   1840.     8vo,  pp.  v,  179.        a.  77816 

Altered  from  the  French  of  Eugene  Scribe. 

The  I  School  |  for  |  Scandal.  |  A|Comedv.  I ...  | The  Third  Edi- 
tion.  I ...  I  London :  Printed,  \  Philadelphia  ;  [  Re-printed  and  Sold  by 
Thomas  Bradford^  at  the\  Coffee-House.  \  M.  DCC.  LXXIX.  |  8vo,  pp. 
iv,  (2),  46.  j.c.B.  77817 

A  political  adaptation  of  Sheridan's  play.     Title  and  note  from  Hildeburn. 

The  I  School  for  Wives :  |  A  |  Comedy.  |  As  it  is  performed  at 
the  I  Theatre-Royal  |  in  |  Drury-Lane.  |The  Sixth  Edition.  | /%/7a- 
delphia :  \  Re-printed  and  Sold  by  John  Dunlapy  \  in  Market-street.  \ 
MDCCLXXiv.|     i6mo,  pp.  101,  H.s.P.  77818 

By  Hugh  Kelly.     Title  from  Hildeburn. 

The  School  Hymn-Book  ;  for  Normal,  High,  and  Grammar 
Schools.  F'ifth  Edition.  Boston  :  Crosby.,  Nichols  and  Company. 
1856.     i2mo,  pp.  xxvii,  236.  b.  77819 

The  School  Journal  and  Vermont  Agriculturist. 
1848-1850.     3  vols.,  8vo. 


The  School  Laboratory  of  Physical  Science,  Edited  by  Prof. 
Gustavus  Hinrichs.  ...  Published  Quarterly  by  the  Editor.    Iowa 





I    i 

City^  Inva :  Griggs^  IVation  isf  Day^  Printers.    1 87 1.     8vo,  pp.  28. 
Continued.  77821 

The  School  Magazine.  No.  i.  Boston:  Carter  and  Hendet. 
[1829.]     i6mo,  pp.  24.  B.,  M.  77822 

The  School  Master,  and  Advocate  of  Education  ;  for  the  use 
of  Families,  Teachers,  and  Schools.  Edited  by  J.  Frost  ...  . 
Philadelphia:  N.  Marshall  ^  Co.  [1836.]    8vo,  pp.  (2),  32. 

Vol.  I,  No.  I.     January,  1836.     See  also  SchoolmAstcr^  ifi/ra. 

Vol.  I.  No.  5.  The  School  Monthly.  Published  by  The 
Milwaukee  Teachers*  Association.  ...  Milwaukee.  [1868.]  8vo, 
pp.  153-184.  77824 

The  School  of  Good  Manners  ...  Fourth  Edition.  Boston: 
Sold  by  B.  Eliot.    1732.     i8mo.  77825 

The  School  of  Good  Manners,  composed  for  the  help  of 
Parents  in  teaching  cheir  Children  how  to  carry  it  in  their  places 
during  their  minority.  ...  [n.  p.]  Printed  in  1805.  24mo,  pp.  48. 
B.    -\-  fVindsor^  Vt.    18 15.     24mo.     -\- Providence.   1828.     i8mo. 

The  School  of  Good  Manners.  Composed  for  the  help  of 
Parents  in  teaching  their  Children  how  to  behave  in  Youth. 
Revised  and  umended.    ...    Boston:  Massachusetts  Sabbath  School 

Society.    1846.     -?'mo,  pp.  72 

H.  77827 

The  School  of  Reform,  or  Seaman's  Safe  Pilot  to  the  Cape  of 
Good  Hope.  By  the  Seaman's  Friend.  ...  Boston:  Printed  by 
John  Eliot.   18 1 6.     i6mo,  pp.  12.  h.  77828 

The  School  of  the  Guides,  for  the  Army  of  the  Confederate 
States.     Griffin^  Ga.    1861.     i2mo.  77829 

By  Colonel  Eugene  Le  Gal. 

The  School  of  the  Guides,  for  the  use  of  the  Army  of  the 
Confederate  States.  With  Questions.  Twenty-eight  Illustra- 
tions.    Richmond^  Fa.:  IVest  iff  "Johnston.   1862.     i2mo,  pp.  71. 

By  Colonel  Le  Gal.      For  another  edition  tet  Vol.  x.,  No.  39846. 

The  School  of  Wisdom  ;  or  American  Monitor.  Containing 
...  elegant  extracts,  ...  on  morals,  religion,  and  government.  ... 
Philadelphia:  Printed  for  Mathew  Carey.  1800.  l2mo,  pp.  xii, 
5-304.  B.,  P.  77831 

The  School  System  of  Maryland.     See  [Van  Bokkelen  (L.)] 



Schoolcraft  (H.  R.\  b.  1793,  </.  1864.  An  Address  deliv- 
ered before  the  Chippewa  County  Temperance  Society,  on  the 
Influence  of  Ardent  Spirits,  on  the  Condition  of  the  North 
American  Indians.  By  Henry  R.  Schoolcraft.  May  8th,  1832. 
Detroit :  Printed  by  Geo.  L.  [Vhitney.    1832.     8vo,  pp.  13.     B.,  BA. 

Schoolcraft.  An  Address  delivered  before  the  Was-ah 
Ho-de-no-son-ne  or  New  Confederacy  of  the  Iroquois,  by  Henry 
R.  Schoolcraft,  a  member,  at  its  third  Annual  Council,  August 
14,  1846.  Also  Genundewah,  a  Poem,  by  W.  H.  C.  Hosmer, 
a  member ;  pronounced  on  the  same  occasion.  Published  by 
the  Confederacy.  Rochester :  Printed  by  Jerome  ^  Brother.  1846. 
8vo,  pp.  48.  B.  77833 

Schoolcraft.  An  Address  at  Aurora,  Cayuga  County,  New 
York,  before  an  Association  of  Young  Men  for  investigating  the 
Iroquois  history.  By  Henry  R.  Schoolcraft.  Auburn.  1846. 
8vo,  pp.  35.  77834 

Schoolcraft.  Algic  Researches,  comprising  Inquiries  respect- 
ing the  Mental  Characteristics  of  the  North  American  Indians. 
First  Series.  Indian  Tales  and  Legends.  In  two  volumes.  ... 
By  Henry  Rowe  Schoolcraft.  ...  New  York:  Harper  £5f  Brothers.^ 
82  Cliff-Street.   1839.     2  vols.,  i2mo,  pp.  248;  244.     a.  77835 

"The  term  Algic  was  invented  by  Mr.  Schoolcraft,  to  indicate  the  Algonquin  race. 
He  composed  it  from  the  first  and  final  syllables  of  Alleghany  and  Atlantic.  He  dis- 
tinguishes the  intruding  tribes,  into  the  vast  territory  covered  by  the  nations  of  this 
race,  as  Ostic,  which  includes  the  Iroquois  and  Wyandots." — Field.  For  a  later  edi- 
tion, ste  "The  Myth  of  Hiawatha,"  No.  77861,  infra. 

[Schoolcraft.]  Alhalla ;  or,  the  Lord  of  Talladega.  A 
Tale  of  the  Creek  War.  [In  verse.]  By  Henry  Rowe  Col- 
craft  [sir].     New  York:  IViley^  Putnam.    1843.     *2mo,  pp.  1 16. 

Mr.  Schoolcraft's  great  grandfather,  who  came  from  England  in  the  early  part  of 
the  eighteenth  century  and  settled  in  New  York  colony,  was  named  Calcraft.  In 
his  old  age  he  taught  the  first  English  school  in  Albany  county,  from  which  circum- 
stance his  name  was  not  unnaturally  changed  by  the  usage  of  the  people  from  Calcraft 
to  Schoolcraft.  The  author  of  the  above  tale  attempted  in  his  own  person  to  revive 
the  old  family  name,  but  soon  abandoned  it,  and  concluded  to  retain  that  which  was 
begotten  upon  his  native  soil.  See  Duyckinck's  "Cyclopaedia  of  American  Literature," 
(1875),  I.  859-86Z. 

Schoolcraft.  The  American  Indians.  Their  History,  Con- 
dition and  Prospects,  from  Original  Notes  and  Manuscripts.  By 
Henry  R,  Schoolcraft.  Together  with  an  Appendix,  containing 
thrilling  narratives,  daring  exploits,  etc.  etc.  New  revised  edi- 
tion.   Auburn.    1850.    8vo,  pp.  495.     Plates.    -\- Buffalo.   1851. 

vol.    XIX.  4 



'*T-'.'«"^"*T''  '■  'iT  I 

1      i; 




8vo,  pp.  495.    Plates.   -{- Rochester :  IVanzer^  Foot  and  Co.    185 1. 
Svo,  pp.  495.     0  Plates.  ba.  77837 

A  new  edition  o:  ''The  Indian  in  his  Wigwam,"  with  some  additions.  For  a 
reissue  under  another  title,  see  "Western  Scenes  and  Reminiscences,"  No.  77882,  rn/rd. 

[Schoolcraft,]  Annual  Report  of  the  Acting  Superintend- 
ent of  Indian  Affairs  for  Michigan,  made  to  the  Bureau  of  Indian 
Affairs  at  Washington,  at  the  close  of  the  fiscal  year,  30th  Sep- 
tember, 1840.  Detroit :  Jsahel  S.  Baggy  Printer.  1 840.  8vo,  pp. 
28,  and  covers.  77838 

Schoolcraft.  Archives  of  Aboriginal  Knowledge.  Con- 
taining all  the  Original  Papers  laid  before  Congress  respecting 
the  History,  Antiquities,  Language,  Ethnology,  Pictography, 
Rites,  Superstitions,  and  Mythology,  of  the  Indian  Tribes  of  the 
United  States  By  Henry  R.  Schoolcraft,  ll.d.  With  Illustra- 
tions. ...  In  Six  Volumes.  ...  Philadelphia :  y.  B.  Lippiricott  & 
Co.  i860.  6  vols.,  4to,  pp.  xxviii,  13-575;  xxiv,  17-614;  642; 
xxvi,  19-674;  718;  xxviii,  25-756.     Plates.  c.  77839 

a  reissue  of  No.  77849,  infra,  with  new  titles  and  some  additional  pages.  This 
edition  is  numbered  by  "  Volumos"  instead  of  by  "  Parts."  The  engraved  titles  read 
as  follows :  Information  respecting  the  History  Condition  and  Prospects  of  the  Indian 
Tribes  of  the  United  States :  Collected  and  prepared  under  the  Bureau  of  Indian 
Affairs  By  Henry  R.  Schoolcraft,  l.l.p.  ...  Illustrated  by  C'j.."  S.  £.astman,  u.s.a.  and 
other  eminent  artists.  Published  by  authority  of  Congress.  Philadelphia :  J.  B.  Lip- 
pincott  6f  Co. 

[Schoolcraft.]  A  Bibliographical  Catalogue  of  Books, 
Translations  of  the  Scriptures,  and  other  publications  in  the 
Indian  Tongues  of  the  United  States,  with  brief  critical  notices. 
Washington  :  C.  Alexander ^  Printer.    1849.     ^^o,  pp.  27,  (l). 

Half-title :  "  Literature  of  the  Indian  Languages,"  with  a  prefatory  notice  on  the 
verso.  It  is  a  list  of  139  books  and  tracts  in  Schoolcraft's  possession,  many  of  which 
are  now  in  the  library  of  the  Boston  Athenxum.  A  reprint,  enlarged  to  150  titles,  is 
in  vol.  IV.,  pp.  543-551  of  Schoolcraft's  large  work  on  the  Indian  tribes. 

Schoolcraft.  Brief  Notices  of  a  Runic  Inscription  found 
in  North  America.  By  Henry  R.  Schoolcraft.  [^Copenhagen. 
1844.]    8vo.  •  77841 

From  the  "  Memoires  de  la  Societe  Royale  des  Antiquaires  du  Nord,"  1840-44. 

Schoolcraft.  Catalogue  of  the  Books,  Pamphlets,  Auto- 
graph Letters,  Original  Manuscripts,  Documents,  &c.,  belonging 
to  the  late  Henry  R.  Schoolcraft,  the  Indian  Historian  and  to 
Mrs.  Schoolcraft,  Lately  Deceased.  To  be  sold  at  Auction, 
Monday  and  Tuesday  afternoons,  November  15  and  16,  1880. 
By  Bangs  &  Co.   ...  [New  York.   1880.]    8vo,  pp.  34.  b. 





ScHooLCRAFT.  Constitution  of  the  Algic  Society,  instituted 
March  28,  1832,  for  encouraging  Missionary  Effort  in  Evangel- 
izing the  North  Western  Tribes,  and  promoting  Education, 
Ag  iculture,  Industry,  Peace,  &  Temperance,  among  them.  To 
which  is  annexed  an  Abstract  of  its  Proceedings,  together  with 
an  Introductory  Address  By  Henry  R.  Schoolcraft,  Esq.,  Presi- 
dent of  the  Society.     Detroit:  Cleland  l^  Sawyer.    1833.     8vo, 

pp.  23-  77843 

Schoolcraft,  Cyclopedia  Indianensis :  or  a  General  De- 
scription of  the  Indian  Tribes  of  North  and  South  America. 
Comprising  their  origin,  history,  biography,  manners  and  cus- 
toms }  language  and  religion  ;  their  numbers  and  divisions  into 
tribes,  their  ethnographical  affinities ;  territorial  possessions  and 
geographical  and  proper  names;  their  antiquities  and  monumental 
remains,  their  mythology,  hieroglyphics  and  picture-writing,  their 
allegories,  oral  tales  and  traditions;  their  civil  polity,  arts,  employ- 
ments and  amusements,  and  other  traits  of  their  character  and 
condition,  past  and  present ;  together  with  a  comprehensive  lexi- 
con of  Indian  words  and  phrases.  The  whole  alphabetically 
arranged.  By  Henry  R.  Schoolcraft,  assisted  by  a  number  of 
literary  and  scientific  gentlemen  in  America  and  Europe.  In  8 
Nos.,  to  make  2  Vols.  Royal  8vo.,  700  pages  each.  With  por- 
traits of  distinguished  Chiefs,  Engravings  of  Ancient  Ruins,  Hie- 
roglyphics, etc..  At  $1.50  per  No.,  $6  per  volume.  New-York : 
Published  by  Piatt  &  Peters^  at  the  office  of  the  American  Biblical 
Repository  and  the  American  Eclectic^  36  Park  Row.,  opposite  the  City 
Hall,  1842.  University  Press,,  'John  F.  Trow.,  Printer.  Rl.  8vo, 
pp.  16,  and  printed  covers.  a.  77844 

A  prospectus  of  a  work  which  was  never  published. 

Schoolcraft.  A  Discourse  delivered  on  the  Anniversary  of 
the  Historical  Society  of  Michigan,  June  4,  1830.  ...  By  Henry 
R.Schoolcraft.    Detroit:  Printed  by  Geo.  L.  Whitney.  1830.    8vo, 

pp.  44.  77845 

On  the  fortunes  and  history  of  the  Indian  race. 

Schoolcraft.  A  Discourse  before  the  Michigan  Historical 
Society  in  1831.  By  Henry  R.  Schoolcraft.  Detroit:  Printed 
by  G.  L.  Whitney.    1831.     8vo,  pp.  59.  77846 

Schoolcraft  and  Allen.  Expedition  to  the  North-west 
Indians.  Letter  from  The  Secretary  of  War  transmitting  a  Map 
and  Report  of  Lieut.  Allen  and  H.  R.  Schoolcraft's  Visit  to  the 
North-west  Indians  in  1832.    [^Washington.   1834.]    8vo,  pp.  68. 


'  1 


<  i 
'I  I 





i  i 

[Schoolcraft.]  Helderbcrgia :  or  the  Apotheosis  of  the 
Heroes  of  the  Antirent  War.  [In  verse.]  Jlbany :  J.  Mumtll^ 
78  State  Street.   1855.    8vo,  pp.  54,  and  covers.  l.  778.  , 

Schoolcraft.  Historical  and  Statistical  Information,  respect- 
ing the  History,  Condition  and  Prospects  of  the  Indian  Tribes 
of  the  United  States :  collected  and  prepared  under  the  direction 
of  the  Bureau  of  Indian  Affairs,  per  Act  of  Congress  of  March 
3d,  1847,  ^y  Henry  R.  Schoolcraft,  ll.d.  Illustrated  by  S. 
Eastman,  Capt.  U.  S.  A.  Published  by  Authority  of  Congress. 
...  Philadelphia:  Lippincott^  Grambo  &  Company y  (Successors  to 
Griggs  Elliot  y  Co.)   1851-1857.     6  parts,  410.  L.  77849 

Parti.,  1851.  Half-title,  "Ethnological  Researches,  respecting  the  Red  Man  of 
America;"  engraved  title,  "  Historical  and  Statistical  Information,"  etc.;  printed  title 
as  above;  pp.  iii-xviii,  13-568.  Plates,  colored  Lithographs  aitd  Maps,  numbered 

Part  II.,  1852.  Half-title  as  in  Part  i.;  engraved  title,  "Information  respecting 
the  History  Condition  and  Prospects,"  etc.;  printed  title,  "Information  respecting  the 
History,  Condition  and  Prospects,"  etc.;  pp.  (2),  vii-xxiv,  17-608.  Plates  and  Maps 
numbered  1-29,  31-78,  and  a  Plates  exhibiting  the  Cherokee  alphabet  and  its  appli- 

Part  HI.,  1853.  Half-title  as  in  Part  i.;  engraved  title  as  in  Part  11.;  printed  title 
as  in  Part  11.;   pp.  v-635.      Plates  and  Maps  numbered  1-21,  25-45. 

Part  IV.,  1854.  Half-title  as  in  Parr  i.;  engraved  title  ac  in  Part  11.;  printed  title 
as  in  Part  11.;  pp.  v-xxvi,  19-668.      Plates  and  Maps  numbered  1-42. 

Part  v.,  1855. 
as  in  Part  11. ;  pp. 

Half-title  as  in  Part  i.;  engraved  title  as  in  Part  11.;   printed  title 
vii-712.      33  Plates  and  Maps,  numbered  1-8,  10-36. 

Part  VI.,  1857.  Half-title,  "General  History  of  the  North  American  Indians;" 
printed  title,  "  History  of  the  Indian  Tribes  of  the  United  States  :  their  Present  Con- 
dition and  Prospects,  and  a  sketch  of  their  ancient  status.  Published  by  order  of  Con- 
gress, under  the  direction  of  the  Department  of  the  Interior — Indian  Bureau.  By 
Henry  Rowe  Schoolcraft,  ll.d.  ...  With  Illustrations  by  Eminent  Artists.  In  One 
Volume.  Part  vi.  of  the  Series.  Philadelphia :  J.  B.  Lippincvt'  &  Co.  1857;"  pp. 
(2),  vii-xxviii,  25-756.  Portrait  and  57  Plates,  partly  selected  from  the  other  vol- 
umes.    3  Tables. 

"Schoolcraft's  work  was  intended  to  be  a  great  encyclopaedia  of  information  relat- 
ing to  the  American  Aborigines  With  great  earnestness,  some  fitness  for  research, 
and  a  good  degree  of  experience  of  Indian  life,  Mr.  Schoolcraft  had  but  little  learning 
and  no  scientitic  training.  In  consequence,  his  six  volumes  are  little  more  than  a 
magazine,  of  such  matter  relating  to  the  Indians  as  fell  to  his  hand,  including  a  rehash 
of  all  which  he  had  before  written  and  printed  in  numerous  other  forms.  Badly 
arranged,  and  selected  as  it  is,  the  work  contains  a  vast  mass  of  really  valuable  mate- 
rial. It  has  indeed  performed  a  very  important  service  for  Indian  history,  in  collecting 
and  preserving  an  immense  amount  of  historic  data.  Vocabul.iries  of  Indian  languages, 
grammatical  analyses,  legends  of  various  tribes,  biographies  of  chie''s  and  warriots, 
narratives  of  captivities,  histories  of  Indian  wars,  emigrations,  and  theories  of  tluir 
origin,  are  all  related  and  blended  in  an  extraordinary  and  perplexing  manner.  A  very 
large  number  of  beautiful  steel  engravings,  representative  of  some  phase  of  Indian  life 
find  customs,  are  contained  in  the  work,  but  the  most  valuable  of  its  illustrations  are 



;;    I 

the  drawings  of  weapons,  domestic  utensils,  instruments  of  gaming  and  amusement, 
sorcery  and  medicine,  objects  of  worship,  their  sculptures,  paintings,  and  fortifications, 
pictograph  writing,  dwellings,  and  every  form  of  antiquities,  which  have  been  discov- 
ered."— Field.  A  partial  list  of  the  contents  of  the  first  five  volumes  is  given  in 
Triibner's  "Bibliographical  Guide  to  American  Literature,"  pp.  256-259.  For  later 
issues  of  the  work  see  "Information  respecting  the  History,"  etc.,  No.  77855,  infra, 
an</ "Archives  of  Aboriginal  Knowledge,"  No.  77839,  supra. 

Schoolcraft.  Historical  Considerations  on  the  Siege  and 
Defence  of  Fort  Stanwix  in  1777.  Read  before  the  New- York 
Historical  Society  June  19th,  1845.  ^y  Henry  R.  Schoolcraft, 
...  New- Tor k :  Press  of  the  Historical  Society.    1846.     8vo,  pp.  29. 

A  copy  in  the  library  of  the  Boston  Athenaeum  has  the  date  in  the  title  incorrectly 
printed  1776  instead  of  1777.  From  the  "Proceedings  of  the  New  York  Historical 
•Society,"  vol.  in.,  pp.  132-158. 

Schoolcraft.  Incentives  to  the  Study  of  the  Ancient  Period 
of  American  History.  An  Address,  delivered  before  the  New- 
York  Historical  Society,  at  its  forty-second  anniversary,  17th 
November,  1846.  By  Henry  R.  Schoolcraft.  ...  New-Tor k : 
Press  of  the  Historical  Society.    1847.     ^^o,  pp.  38.  L.  77851 

Schoolcraft.  The  Indian  in  his  Wigwam,  or  Character- 
istics of  the  Red  Race  of  America.  From  original  notes  and 
manuscripts.  By  Henry  R.  Schoolcraft  ...  New  Tork :  Dewitt 
y  Davenport.^  Tribune  Buildings.  1848.  8vo,  pp.  (2),  5-416. 
Frontispiece  and  2  Plates,  -f  Buffalo:  Derby  l^  Hewson.  184S. 
8vo,  pp.  (2),  5-416.     Frontispiece  and  2  Plates.  77^52 

Frontispiece  title:  "The  Red  Race  of  America.  By  Henry  R.  Schoolcraft."  Each 
one  of  the  two  woodcut  plates  represents  a  single  figure  standing.  For  the  edition  of 
1847,  in  which  the  two  plates  differ,  see  "The  Red  Race  of  America,"  infra  f  and  for 
later  editions,  see  "The  American  Indians,"  No.  77837,  supra. 

Schoolcraft.  Indian  Melodies.  ...  New  Tork:  Elam  Bliss. 
1830.    8vo,  pp.  52.  77853 

Title  from  Duyckinck's  "Cyclopaedia  of  American  Literature." 

[Schoolcraft.]  The  Indian  Tribes  of  the  United  States : 
their  History,  Antiquities,  Customs,  Religion,  Arts,  Language, 
Traditions,  Oral  Legends  and  Myths.  Edited  by  Francis  S. 
j^rake.  Illustrated  with  one  hundred  fine  engravings  on  steel. 
In  two  volumes.  ...  Philadelphia:  "J.  B.  Lippincott  ^  Co.  Lon- 
don: 16  Southampton  Street.,  Covent  Garden.  1884.  2  vols.,  410, 
pp.  458  ;  455.     100  Plates.  B.  77854 

"  In  the  following  pages  the  attempt  has  been  mude  to  place  before:  the  public  in  a 
convenient  and  accessible  form  the  results  of  the  life- long  labors  in  the  field  of  aborig- 
inal research  of  tiie  late  Henry  R.  Schoolcraft." — Preface. 








,.■  }- 

Schoolcraft.  Information  respecting  the  History,  Condition 
and  Prospects  of  the  Indian  Tribes  of  the  United  States :  col- 
lected and  prepared  under  the  direction  of  the  Bureau  of  Indian 
Affairs,  per  Act  of  Congress  of  March  3d,  1847,  %  Henry  R. 
Schoolcraft,  ll.d.  Illustrated  by  S.  Eastman,  Capt.  U.  S.  A. 
Published  by  Authority  of  Congress.  ...  Philadelphia :  Lippincotty 
Grambo  t5f  Company^  {Successors  to  Griggs  Elliot  ^  Co.)  1853-1857. 
6  parts,  4to.  77855 

This  differs  from  No.  77849,  sufra,  only  in  "  Part  i.,"  which  is  a  reissue  with  new 
titles  uniform  with  the  other  parts.  A  cheap  edition  of  the  work,  printed  from  the 
same  plates  on  smaller  and  thinner  paper  in  imperial  octavo  size,  was  also  published 
under  the  same  title  and  imprint;  but  it  comprises  only  the  first  five  volumes,  1853- 
1856,  and  therefore  is  incomplete. 

Schoolcraft.  Inquiries,  respecting  the  History,  Present 
Condition,  and  Future  Prospects,  of  the  Indian  Tribes  of  the 
United  States.  By  Henry  R.  Schoolcraft,  Office  Indian  Affairs, 
Washington,  D.  C.  Philadelphia:  Lippincott^  Grambo  &  Co.^  Pub- 
lishers.  1 85 1.    4to,  title,  pp.  523-568,  and  printed  covers. 

An  extract  from  Part  i.  of  the  "  Historical  and  Statistical  Information." 

Schoolcraft.  Iosco,  or  the  Vale  of  Norma.  ...  Detroit. 
1838.    8vo.  77857 

Title  from  Duyckinck. 

Schoolcraft.  Journal  of  a  Tour  into  the  Interior  of  Mis- 
souri and  Arkansaw,  from  Potosi,  or  Mine  a  Burton,  in  Missouri 
Territory,  in  a  South- West  Direction,  toward  the  Rocky  Mount- 
ains ;  performed  in  the  years  1818  and  1819.  By  Henry  R. 
Schoolcraft.  London:  Printed  for  Sir  Richard  Phillips  and  Co.  ... 
1821.     8vo,  pp.  102.     Map.  77858 

a  reprint  of  a  portion  of  Schoolcraft's  "  View  of  the  Lead  Mines  of  Missouri." 
Pages  92-102  contain  a  reprint  of  "Transallegania,  or  the  Groans  of  Missouri.  A 
Poem.  By  Henry  R,  Schoolcraft."  Some  copies  contain  additional  pages,  103-128, 
which  are  part  of  another  work.  The  volume  forms  I  o.  5  of  Vol.  iv.  of  Phillips's 
collection  of  voyages,  but  was  also  issued  separately. 

Schoolcraft.  The  Man  of  Bronze,  or  Portraitures  of  Indian 
Character,  delivered  before  the  Algic  Society  at  its  Annual  Meet- 
ing in  1834.      By  Henry  R.  Schoolcraft.     Detroit.   1834.     8vo. 

Schoolcraft.  A  Memoir  on  the  Geological  Position  of  a 
Fossil  Tree  discovered  in  the  Secondary  Rocks  of  the  River  Des 
Plaines.  Read  before  the  American  Geological  Society.  By 
Henry  R.  Schoolcraft.  ...  Albany:  E.  and  E.  Hosford.  1822. 
8vo,  pp.  18.  B.  77860 



Schoolcraft.     The  Myth  of  Hiawatha,  and  other  Oral  Le- 

fends,  Mythologic  and  Allegoric,  of  the  North  American  Indians, 
ty  Henry  R.  Schoolcraft,  ll.d.     Philadelphia :   J.  B.  Lippincott 
l^  Co.     London  :  Triibner  l*f  Co.    1856.     lamo,  pp.  xxiv,  13-343. 

A  reproduction  of  "  Algic  Researches,"  with  some  additions. 

Schoolcraft.  Narrative  Journal  of  Travels  through  the 
Northwestern  Regions  of  the  United  States  extending  from  De- 
troit through  the  great  chain  of  American  Lakes,  to  the  Sources 
of  the  Mississippi  River.  Performed  as  a  Member  of  the  Expe- 
dition under  Governor  Cass.  In  the  year  1820.  By  Henry  R. 
Schoolcraft  ...  Embellished  with  a  Map  and  Eight  Copper  Plate 
Engravings.  Albany :  E.  &  E,  Hosford.  1821.  8vo,  pp.  419, 
Index  (4),  Errata  7  lines.     Map,  engraved  title,  and  7  Plates,    a. 

Engraved  title  :  "  Narrative  Journal  of  Travels,  from  Detroit  Northwest  through 
the  Great  Chain  of  American  Lakes  to  the  sources  of  the  Mississippi  River  in  tite  year 
1820  By  Henry  R.  Schoolcraft.  ...  Albany,  Puhliibed  hy  E.  Gf  E.  Hosford  1821." 
"The  author  has  interwoven  with  his  narrative  a  large  number  of  incident;  of  Indian 
history,  personal  experiences  among  the  tribes  he  visited,  and  sketches  of  their  princi- 
pal characteristics,  derived  from  persons  living  among  them." — Field.  Partly  reprinted 
in  the  "Summary  Narrative,"  No.  77878,  infra. 

Schoolcraft.  Narrative  of  an  Expedition  Through  the 
Upper  Mississippi  to  Itasca  Lake,  the  actual  source  of  this 
River ;  embracing  an  Exploratory  Trip  through  the  St.  Croix 
and  Burntwood  (or  Broule)  Rivers;  in  1832,  Under  the  direc- 
tion of  Henry  R.  Schoolcraft.  New- Tor k :  Published  hy  Harper 
y  Brothers^  No.  82  Cliff-Street.    1834.     8vo,  pp.  (2),  307,  (i). 

5  Maps  and  Plans. 

A.,  B. 


"Most  of  this  narrative  is  occupied  with  interesting  incidents  of  Indian  life  and 
character,  extracts  from  manuscript  journals  of  the  fur-traders,  and  traditions  of  the 
aborigines.  Pages  169  to  zio  of  the  Appendix,  are  devoted  to  an  analysis  and  vocab- 
ulary of  the  Chippewa  language.  The  remainder  of  the  volume  is  filled  with  the 
ofKcial  reports  of  the  author,  to  the  government,  on  the  number,  disposition,  and  char- 
acteristics of  the  Indian  tribes  he  visited,  and  with  biographical  sketches  of  their  prin- 
cipal chiefs." — Field.  Partly  reprinted  in  the  "Summary  Narrative,"  No.  77878, 

Schoolcraft.  Notes  on  the  Iroquois :  or.  Contributions  to 
the  Statistics,  Aboriginal  History,  Antiquities  and  General  Eth- 
nology of  Western  New-York.  By  Henry  R.  Schoolcraft.  ... 
New-Tor k:  Bartlett  &  f'f^elford.,  Astor  House.  1846.  8vo,  pp. 
viii,  285,  Note  (i).  A.,  c,  H.,  P.  77864 

A  reissue  of  the  "  Report  of  Mr.  Schoolcraft,"  No.  77874,  infra,  with  a  special 
title  and  list  of  contents  prefixed. 

Schoolcraft.  Notes  on  the  Iroquois  ;  or  Contributions  to 
American   History,   Antiquities,  and   General   Ethnology.      By 




Henry  R.  Schoolcraft  ....  Albany:  Erastus 
Statt  Street.   1847.     8vo,  pp.  xiv,  (i),  498. 

H.  Pease  U  Co.,  82 
2  colored  Portraits. 

"A  much  more  pretentioui  but  leu  valuable  work  than  his  official  re|ii)rt  on  the 
lame  lubject.  It  wai  intended  to  be  a  popular  reproduction  of  the  material  t:mbudi(rd 
therein,  but  the  tubttitution  of  a  narrative  hiitory,  bated  upon  and  compuied  of  hyputh- 
etii,  for  lubitantial  facts,  even  in  the  unattractive  form  of  an  official  documrnt,  does 
not  compensate  for  the  lack  of  the  solid  structure  of  history." — Fiild. 

Schoolcraft.  Notices  of  some  Antique  Earthen  Vessels 
found  in  the  low  Tumuli  of  Florida,  and  in  the  Caves  and  Burial 
Places  of  the  Indian  Tribes  North  of  those  latitudes.  Read  at 
the  Monthly  Meeting  of  the  New  York  Historical  Society,  June, 
1846,  By  Henry  R.  Schoolcraft.  New  Tork :  William  Van  N or- 
derly Printer,   1847.     ^^°>  PP*  *5*     ^  Plates.  ba.  77866 

Schoolcraft.  Onedta,  or  Characteristics  of  the  Red  Race 
of  America.  From  Original  Notes  and  Manuscripts.  By  Henry 
R.  Schoolcraft  ...  New  York  ^  London:  Wiley  ^ Putnam.  1845. 
8vo,  pp.  vi,  5-512.  A.,  B.,  c.  77867 

Originally  issued  in  eight  numbers  of  64  pages  each,  with  brown  paper  coveis  bear- 
ing the  following  title;  "One6ta,  or  the  Red  Race  of  America:  their  History,  Tradi- 
tions, Customs,  Poetry,  Picture-writing,  &c.  In  Extracts  from  Notes,  Journals,  and 
other  unpublished  writings.  By  Henry  R.  Schoolcraft.  Ntiv  York:  Puhl'uhtd  hy  Bur- 
gess, Stringer,  &  Co.,  No.  222  Broadway,  corner  of  Ann  Street.  American  Museum  Build- 
ings." The  first  four  numbers  were  published  in  1844,  beginning  with  Number  i.,  in 
August;  the  other  four  appeared  in  1845.  For  later  editions  im  "The  Red  Race  of 
America,"  No.  77872,  infra ;  "The  Indian  in  his  Wigwam,"  No.  77852,  supra i 
"The  American  Indians,"  No.  77837,  supra;  and  "Western  Scenes  and  Reminis- 
cences," No.  77882,  infra. 

Schoolcraft.  Outline  of  the  Natural  History  of  Michigan. 
A  Lecture  delivered  before  the  Detroit  Lyceum  in  183 1.  By 
Henry  R.  Schoolcraft.     Detroit.   1831.    8vo.  77868 

[Schoolcraft.]  Outlines  of  the  Life  and  Character  of  Gen. 
Lewis  Cass.     Albany:  'Joel  Mumell.^  Printer.   1848.     8vo,  pp.  64. 

Schoolcraft.  Personal  Memoirs  of  a  Residence  of  Thirty 
Years  with  the  Indian  Tribes  on  the  American  Frontiers :  with 
brief  Notices  of  passing  Events,  Facts,  and  Opinions,  a.  d.  181 2 
to  A.  D.  1842.  By  Henry  R.  Schoolcraft.  Philadelphia:  Lippin- 
cotty  Grambo  and  Co.,  Successors  to  Griggs  Elliot  and  Co.  185 1. 
8vo,  pp.  xlviii,  17-703.     Portrait.  a.,  p.  77870 

[Schoolcraft.]  Plan  for  the  Investigation  of  American 
Ethnology;  ...  submitted  to  the  ...  Regents  of  the  Smithsonian 
Institution  ...  in  September,  1846.  New  Tori:  Printed  by  Ed- 
ward O.  Jenkins.    1846.     8vo,  pp.  13.  B.,  N.  7787 1 



Schoolcraft.  The  Red  Race  of  America.  By  Henry  R. 
Schoolcraft.  A^^m;  yori :  ff^m.  //.  Graham^  Tribune  Buildings^ 
i6i  Nassau  Street.  1847.  8vo,  title,  pp.  5-416,  and  printed  cov- 
ers.    2  Plates.  77872 

Cover-title  ;  "The  Indian  in  his  Wigwam,  or  Cliaracteriitici  of  the  Red  Race  of 
America.  By  Henry  R.  Schoolcraft.  Netv-Toii:  H^.  H.  Graham,  Tribunt  BiiilMngi, 
184-/."  One  of  the  woodcut  plates  contains  figurra  of  two  Indians  standing,  one  with 
a  tomaliawk)  the  otlier  represents  Pocahontas  Having  the  life  of  Capt.  John  Smith. 
This  is  a  new  edition  of  "Oneota."  For  later  editions,  with  ditferent  plates,  tee  "The 
Indian  in  his  Wigwam,"  No.  77851,  supra. 

Schoolcraft.  Remarks  on  Native  Silver  from  Michigan. 
By  Henry  R.  Schoolcraft.      New  York.    1825.     8vo.  77873 

Schoolcraft.  Report  Of  Mr.  Schoolcraft,  to  the  Secretary 
of  State,  transmitting  the  census  returns  in  relation  to  the  Indians. 
[J/bany.    1846.]    8vo,  pp.  285,  Note  (i).  77^74 

The  above  is  the  heading  on  page  3.  The  first  page  begins  :  "  State  of  New- York. 
No.  24.  In  Senate,  January  22,  1846.  Communication  From  the  Secretary  of  Stite, 
transmitting  the  report  of  Mr.  Schoolcraft,  one  of  the  agents  appointed  to  take  the 
census  or  enumeration  of  the  Indians,  Sec."  The  census  of  the  Iroquois  fills  pp.  V^^i 
and  the  supplementary  report  on  <intiquities,  history  and  ethnology,  pp.  2i-'28  5  This 
is  perhaps  the  most  valuable  of  Mr.  Schoolcraft's  works,  having  been  executed  after 
personal  examination  in  an  official  capacity  of  all  the  tribes  iniiabiting  New  York. 
The  appendix  contains  vocabularies  of  the  Tuscarora,  Muliawk,  Cayuga  an.i  Oneida 
languages.  For  a  reissue  with  a  special  title-page  and  a  list  of  contents,  see  "  Notes  on 
the  Iroquois,"  No.  77864,  supra. 

Schoolcraft.  Report  of  the  Aboriginal  Names  and  Geo- 
graphical Terminology  of  the  State  of  New  York.  Part  r. — 
Valley  of  the  Hudson.  Made  to  the  New  York  Historical 
Society — by  the  Committee  appointed  to  prepare  a  map,  etc.,  and 
read  at  the  stated  meeting  of  the  Society,  February,  1844.  By 
Henry  R.  Schoolcraft.  Published  from  the  Society's  Proceed- 
ings for  1844.  New  Tork :  Printed  for  the  Author.  1845.  8vo, 
pp.  43,  and  covers.  77^75 

Some  copies  have  the  imprint  altered  to:  New  York:  Printed  for  the  Society.  1845. 
Cover-title :  "  Mr.  Schoolcraft's  Report  on  the  Aboriginal  Names  and  Geographical 
Terminology  of  the  State  of  New  York.     Part  i. — Valley  of  the  Hudson." 

Schoolcraft.  The  Rise  of  the  West,  or  a  Prospect  of  the 
Mississippi  Valley.  A  Poem.  By  Henry  R.  Schoolcraft.  New- 
Tork :  William  Jpplegate.,  Printer.    1841.     i2mo,  pp.  20.      77876 

Duyckinck  mentions  an  edition,  Detroit:  G.  L.  fVhitney.  1827.     i2mo,  pp.  20. 

Schoolcraft.  Scenes  and  Adventures  in  the  Semi-Alpine 
Region  of  the  Ozark  Mountains  of  Missouri  and  Arkansas, 
which  were  first   traversed  by  De  Soto,  in   1541.     By  Henry 



i    ii 





1 ' ' 




Rowe  Schoolcraft.    Philadtlphla :  Lippincott^Gramboilf  Co.   1853, 
8vo,  pp.  256.     3  Plates.  77877 

A  new  edition  of  "A  View  of  the  Lead  Minei  of  Miiiuuri,"  No.  77881,  infra, 

Schoolcraft.  Summary  Narrative  of  an  Exploratory  Expe- 
dition to  the  Sources  of  the  Mississippi  River,  in  1820:  resumed 
and  completed,  by  the  Discovery  of  its  Origin  in  Itasca  Lake,  in 
1832.  By  Authority  of  the  United  States.  With  Appendixes, 
comprising  the  original  report  on  the  copper  mines  of  Lake  Supe- 
rior, and  observations  on  the  geology  of  the  lake  basins,  and  the 
summit  of  the  Mississippi }  together  with  all  the  official  reports 
and  scientific  papers  of  both  expeditions.  By  Henry  R.  School- 
craft. Philadelphia  :  Lippincott^Grambo,,  and  Co.  1855.  8vo,  pp. 
XX,  17-596.     2  Maps.  B.  77878 

Half-title  :  "  Diicovery  of  the  Source*  of  the  IVIissiiaippi  River."  It  contains  partial 
reprint!  of  the  "Narrative  Journal"  and  "Narrative  of  an  Expedition,"  Noi.  77862, 
77863,  tupra.     The  book  wai  afterwards  issued  without  the  maps. 

[Schoolcraft.]  Transallegania,  or  the  Groans  of  Missouri : 
a  Poem.  ...  New  Tori:  Printed  /or  the  Author  by  J.  Seymour. 
1820.     i2mo,  pp.  24. 

B.  77879 

Reprinted  in  the  "Journal  of  a  Tour,"  No.  77858,  tupra. 

Schoolcraft.  Travels  in  the  Central  Portions  of  the  Mis- 
sissippi Valley :  comprising  Observations  on  its  Mineral  Geogra- 
phy, Internal  Resources,  and  Aboriginal  Population.  (Performed 
under  the  Sanction  of  Government,  in  the  Year  182 1.)  By 
Henry  R.  Schoolcraft,  U.  S.  I.  A.  ...  New- Tor k :  Published  by 
Collins  and  Hannay^  230  Pearl-Street.  J.  i^  J.  Harper^  Printers. 
1825.     8vo,  pp.  iv,  459.     2  Maps  and  3  Plates.  H.  77880 

"A  large  portion  of  this  volume  is  devoted  to  descriptions  of  scenes  in  Indian  his- 
tory, occurring  at  localities  visited  by  the  author  during  his  tour,  as  well  as  incidents, 
illustrative  of  the  character  of  the  aboriginal  tribes  which  p  ssed  under  his  own  observ- 
ation. All  of  the  last  four  chapters,  pp.  337  to  459,  are  occupied  with  descriptions  ot 
ceremonies  and  incidents  he  witnessed,  attending  the  treaty  with  the  Octawas,  Fotta- 
watomies,  and  Chippewas.  Anecdotes  and  observations  illustrative  of  Indian  character, 
fill  chapter  xviii.  Chapter  xix.  contains  an  analysis  of  the  languages  of  the  tribes 
present  at  the  treaty,  a  vocabulary,  and  several  songs,  with  their  translations." — Field. 

Schoolcraft.  A  View  of  the  Lead  Mines  of  Missouri ; 
including  some  observations  on  the  Mineralogy,  Geology,  Geog- 
raphy, Antiquities,  Soil,  Climate,  Population,  and  Productions  of 
Missouri  and  Arkansaw,  and  other  sections  of  the  Western 
Country.  Accompanied  by  Three  Engravings.  By  Henry  R. 
Schoolcraft  ...  New-Tork :  Charles  IViley  ^  Co.  1819.  8vo,  pp. 
299.     3  Plates.  A.,  B.  77881 

»W<i)><»iirti"t>»*immi'       umi 



Fur  I  later  edicion 


Partly  reprinted  in  the  "Journal  of  .1  Tour,"  No.  77858,  mpra. 
"Sceneiand  Adventurei,"  No.  77877,  iw/.frt. 

[Schoolcraft.]  Western  Scenes  and  Reminiscences : 
together  with  Thrilling  Legends  and  Traditions  of  the  Red 
Men  of  the  Forest.  To  which  is  added  several  Narratives  of 
Adventures  among  the  Indians.  Auburn:  Derby  and  Miller. 
Buffalo:  Derby^  Orton^ Mulligan.   1853.     8vo,  pp.  495.   6  Plates. 

A  reliiue  of  ••The  American  Indians,"  No.  778 J7,  mpra.  Mr.  Schoolcr.ift's  firit 
Work  w«  a  treatije  on  Vitreology,  pultlished  .it  Utica  in  1 817,  a  lubject  to  which  hs 
wan  led  by  hit  father')  intereit  <n  glasa  nunuf.ictuie. 

Schoolcraft  [Mrs.  H.  R.)  The  Black  Gauntlet :  a  Tale 
of  Plantation  Life  in  South  Carolina.  By  Mrs.  Henry  R.  School- 
craft ....  Philadelphia :  J.  B.  Lippincott  ^  Co.  i860.  l2mo,  pp. 
569.     c.    -{-[Ibid.]    1861.     i2mo,  pp.  569.  B.  77883 

[Schoolcraft.]  Letters  on  the  Condition  of  the  African 
Race  in  the  United  States.  By  a  Southern  Lady.  Philadelphia : 
T.  K.  and  P.  G.  Collins.,  Printers.    1852.     8vo,  pp.  34,  and  covers. 

Schoolmaster,  pseudon.  A  Personal  Satire :  or  Satirical 
Epistle,  written  by  a  Schoolmaster  in  the  Eastern  Country  to  his 
Competitors.     [In  verse.]     Boston.    1804.     i2mo.  77885 

Vol.1.  May,  1854.  No.  i.  The  School-Master.  A  Half 
Dollar  Magazine,  devoted  to  the  Diffusion  of  Useful  Knowledge, 
for  Fireside  and  Way-side  Readers.  Published  under  the  auspices 
of  the  Friends  of  Universal  Education.  ...  A^^m;  York:  Spaulding 
y  Co.  [1854.]    8vo,  pp.  16.  77886 

See  also  "The  School  Master,"  No.  77823,  supra. 

The  Schoolmaster.  Essays  on  Practical  Education,  selected 
from  Ascham,  Milton,  Locke,  and  Butler,  from  the  Quarterly 
Journal  of  Education,  and  from  the  Lectures  delivered  before  the 
American  Institute  of  Education.  ...  London:  Charles  Knight. 
1836.     2  vols.,  i2mo.  77887 

The  Schoolmate.  A  Monthly  Reader  for  School  and  Home 
Instruction  of  Youth.  A.  R.  Phippen,  Editor.  Published  by 
George  Savage^  New  ')  j>  k.    1852.     i2mo.  77888 

Vol.  I.,  No.  3,  was  issued  in  May. 

The  Schools.     See  [Blaikie  (A.)],  Vol.  11.,  No.  5729. 

The  Schools  of  Ohio  at  the  Centennial  Exposition.  History 
of  the  effort  to  secure  representation  of  the  Educational  Institu- 
tions of  Ohio,  and  Rules  and  Regulations  governing  the  prepara- 







tion  of  schoul  work  to  be  exhibited  at  the  Exposition  at  Phila- 
delphia, 1876.  Columbus :  Ntvins  iJ  Alytrs^Statt  Ptinttn.  1876. 
8vo,  pp.  44.  77889 

ScHooNMAKBR  (M[ariu8].)  Speech  of  Hon.  M.  Schoonmaker 
of  New  York,  on  the  Disposition  of  the  Public  Lands  ...  June 
12,  1852.      IVashington.    1852.     8vo.  s.  7789O 

Schoonmaker.  Speech  of  Hon.  M.  Schoonmaker  of  N. 
York,  on  the  Slave  (^uesti«)n,  and  the  Position  of  Parties.  De- 
livered in  the  House  of  Representatives,  Aiigust  17,  1852. 
lyashington  :  Printed  at  the  Congressional  Globe  Office.  1852.  8vo, 
pp.  8.  B.  77891 

ScHOOTEN  (H.)  The  Hairy-Giants:  Or,  A  Description  of 
Tvfo  Islands  in  the  South  Sea,  Called  by  the  name  of  Benganga 
and  Coma :  Discovered  bv  Henry  Schooten  of  Harlem  ;  In  a 
Voyage  begun  January  1669,  and  finished  October  1671.  Also 
a  perfect  Account  of  the  Religion,  Government,  and  Commodi- 
ties of  those  Islands ;  with  the  Customs  and  Manners  of  the 
Inhabitants,  which  are  of  an  extraordinary  stature,  namely, 
Twelve  Feet  high,  or  thereabouts.  Written  in  Dutch  by  Henry 
Schooten  ;  and  now  Englished  by  P.  M.  Gent.  London^  Printed 
by  A.  Maxwell^  for  John  IVatson  ...  1671.  410,  pp.  (6),  16,  (4). 
Map.     A  in  three,  a  and  c  in  fours,  and  d  in  two. 

BM.,  c. 

Schooten.  The  Hairy  Giants :  or,  a  Description  of  Two 
Islands  in  the  South  Sea,  called  by  the  name  of  Benganga  and 
Coma  i  discovered  by  Schooten  of  Harlem,  in  a  Voyage  begun 
in  1669,  and  finished  167 1.  ^^ith  an  Account  of  the  Religion, 
Government,  &c.  of  those  Isi  ;ids  ;  the  Customs  and  Manners 
of  the  Inhabitants  who  are  Twelve  Feet  high,  or  thereabouts. 
Written  in  Dutch  by  Henry  Schooten,  and  Englished  )iy  P.  M. 
London:  Printed  in  167 1.  Reprinted  in  lybb^  for  J.  Spilsbury, 
8vo,  pp.  (2),  vii,  24,  (5).     Map.  *  77893 

See  "  Monthly  Review,"  xxxv.  471. 

ScHoPF  (Johann  David).      See  Schoepf. 

Schoppe  (A.)  Les  Emigrants  aux  Bresil  Imite  de  Mme 
Amelie  Schoppe  Par  Louis  Friedel  Cinquietne  edition.  Tours 
y/^  Mame  et  O'  Imprimeurs-Lihraires  1847.  iSmo,  pp.  140. 
Plate.  4-  Huitieme  edition.  [/^/V.]  1863.  i8mo.  -\-  Neuvieme 
edition.    Tours:  Mame  et  fits.   1870.     i8mo,  pp.  144.    Illustrated. 

The  Arst  edition  appeared  in  1837. 




li^iaiits  :ui  Hicsi 

StHoi'Pi:.     Ias  f,n 
raid.      Routu  ■  Fimout.    iSdo.     iimo. 

ScHOPPK.     Le  Roliinsoii  brcsilien 
raid.     Routn:  Mif^fitd  ,t  Git,    1862. 

I  ...  tiiuUiit  par  K.  C.  (ic- 

..  Traduit  par  V.  C.  G^- 
lamo.  77^96 

ScHOPPK  (S.  van).  Copie, 
Sigismvnd  |  Van  |  Shcippe  \sic\^ 
in  Brasilien  :  |  acn  |  1 1  arc  Hog 

van  den  |  Brief  |  gcschrrven  by  | 
(jcwcscnc  Generacl,  dcr  Mililie, 
Mog.  dc  riccren  Statcn  (jcncrael 
dcr  Vcrceni^dc|N((lcrlaiulfir;|  Alwacr  hy,  Sch(»ppc,  in  vcrtoont, 
den  miserabilcn  Stact  van  dc  voornoemdc  |  Mrasilien :  |  aU  mcdc| 
Klagendc  over  dc  sicchtc  assistcntic,  tot  ondcrhoud  van  dc  Mili- 
tic  i  I  ende  dc  onwilligheyd  der  oudc  Soldatcn.  |  Tot  MifUtlbyrg^\ 
By  Simon  dt  Klagtr^  woonendt  op  dt  Havin^  in  d«  Hoop  \  vol  Patitntie^ 
Anno  1654.1    4to,  pp.  6.  77*^97 

ScHOPPH.  Journacl,!  Van  ^^  Reysc  van  de  Vlotc  uyt  dc  Vcr- 
ccnighdc  Ncdcrlanden  na|  Brasilicn,(  Vervattcndc  alles  't  gene  is 
vooigcva  len  :|mitsgaders,|  I)e  Baialie  tusschen  den  Hceic  Ghc- 
neiacl  Sigis- |mundus  Schoppe,  ende  den  Ghencrael  van  de  |  Por- 
lugiescn.  |  Beginiiende  van  den  17  Januarij  Anno  1648.  tot  <len  | 
seven-thienden  May.  |  Alles  beschreven  door  cen  Capiteyn  Liiy- 
tenant  van  het  lycgher|van  den  voorsz  Heer  GencracI  Sigismun- 
dus  Schoppe.  |  t"  Jmstgrdam^\  Gedrukt  by  Jan  van  Hilttn^  Botkvtr- 
kooper  in  de  Beurs-itraet^  \  in  dt  gtborduyrdt  Handtschotn^  Anno  1648.  | 
4to,  4  leaves.  l.  77H98 

The  author*!  name  appnari  to  be  unknown. 

ScHORi  (P.)  Das  neueste  aus  dem  Staate  Ohio  in  Nord 
Amciika.  Vollstandiges  Tagebuch  einer  Rcise  aus  der  Schweiz 
iiber  Havre  und  New  York,  der  Niederlassung  im  Stark  Counti, 
Paris  Township,  ini  Staate  Ohio.  Mit  vielen  Bemerkungen, 
ilathen  und  Wiinschen  fur  dahin  Auswandernde,  und  cinem  Hin- 
blick  auf  Auswanderungcn  iiach  dem  Staate  Missouri.  Von  P. 
Schori,  aus  dem  Seeland,  Kantons  Bern.  Mit  einer  historisch- 
statistisch-geographischen  Beschreibung  des  Staates  Ohio.  Mit 
einer  J-yandkarte.  Berney  Thur  und  Leipzig.  1834.  i6mo,  pp. 
vi,  100.     Map.  77^99 

[ScHOTT  (Andreas).]  Hispaniae  Bibliotheca,  seu  de  Acade- 
miis  ac  Bibliothecis,  item  Klogia  et  Nomenclator  claroruni  His- 
paniae Scriptorum,  qui  latinc  disciplinas  omnes  illustrarunt,  tomis 
tribus  distincta  ...  Francvfurti.  1608.  3  parts  in  one  vol.,  410, 
pp.  649.  A.  77900 

An  account  of  Spanish  writers  and  their  works.  The  dedicatory  epistle  is  signed 
"A.  S.  Peregrinus." 





'I'  ;•, 

t    i 

«   If' 

t    I 


11  .r 


[ScHOTT,  (in(/  others,,  editors.'\  Hispaniae  |  Illvstratx  |  sev  |  Re- 
rvm  Vrbivmq.  Hispaiii<e,  |  Lvsitaniae,  i^thiopiae  et  Indiae  |  Sc*ip- 
tores  varii.  I  Partim  edit!  nunc  primum,  partim  aucri|atque  emen- 
dati.  [Quorum  Seriem  sequens  post  Praefationem  pagina|exhibet.  | 
Toinis  aliquot  divisi.  |  Opera  &  studio  j  Doctorvin  Hominvm.  j 
Accessit  rerjm  memorabilium  &  verborum  Index  copiosissimus.  j 
Francofvrti \  Apud  Claud'tum  Marn'mm^  Isf  Haredes \  lohann'ts  Aubrij. 

1  MDCIII.  I  Cum  Gratia  Csf  Pr'tu'ilegio  S.  Cas.  Maiest.  ad  decennium.  \ 
Folio^  pp.  (:2),  1189,  Index  (37),  and  leaf  with  printer's  mark. 

2  Maps.  L.  77901 

Improved  title  <■>"  No.  31005,  Vol.  viii.  The  two  maps — some  copies  are  described 
with  three — are  entitled,  "  Hispaniae  veteiis  descriptio.  Ex  conatibus  Geographicis 
Abrah.  Ortelij,"  and  "  Regni  Hispaniae  post  onmivm  editiones  locvpletissima  descrip- 
rio."  The  complete  work  consists  of  four  volumes,  of  which  this  volume  and  the  one 
following  were  edited  by  Andreas  Schott,  whose  name  is  at  the  head  of  the  preface. 

[ScHOTT,  and  Others^  editors.^  Hispaniae  |  Illvstratae  |  sev  |  Re- 
rvm  Vrbivmq.  Hispaniae,  |  Lvsitaniae,  i^thiopiae  et  Indiae  |  Scrip- 
lores  varii.  I  Partim  editi  nunc  primum,  partim  aucti|atque  emen- 
dati.  I  Quorum  Seriem  sequens  pagina  exhibet.  |  Tomvs  ii.  |  Opera 
&  studio  I  Doctorvm  Hominvm.  |  Accessit  rerum  memorabilium 
&  verborum  Index  copiosissimus.  |  Francofvrti  \  Apud  Claudium 
Afarnium^  tff  Haredes  |  lohannis  Aubrij.  \  mdciii.  |  Cum  Gratia  & 
Priuilegio  S.  Cas.  Maiest.  ad  decennium.  \  Folio,  pp.  (4),  1 378, 
Index  (72),  and  a  leaf  with  "Errata"  on  the  recto,  and  the 
printer's  mark  on  verso.  L.  77902 

Accounts  of  Columbus  are  on  page  821,  in  the  "  De  Academiis  Litteratisqve  viris 
Hispaniae  Apologetica  Nariatio  Alfonsi  Garsiae  Matamori  Hispalensis,  Rhetoris  Com- 
plutensis;"  on  page  1065,  in  the  "  De  Portvgaliae  conivnctione  cum  regno  Castella? 
Hieronymi  Conestaggii,  Patritii  Gcnuensis;"  and  on  page  1290,  in  the  "Fides,  Religio, 
Moresque  yEthiopum  Damiani  a  Goes."  Pages  1282-1284  contain,  "Christopheri 
Colom  de  Insvlis  nvper  inventis  in  mari  Indico  svb  Ferdinando  rege  Hispaniarvm  Epis- 
tola,  ad  magnificum  dominum  Raphaelem  Sanxis:  deinde  per  Alexandrum  de  Cosco 
latinitate  donatum." 

[Schott,  and  others.,  editors.^  Hispaniae  |  Illvstratae  |  sev  |  Re- 
rvm  in  Hispania  et|praesertim  in  Aragonia  gestarum  Scripto-|res 
varii.  |  In  Germania  nunquam  hactenus  excusi.  |  Ex  Bibliotheca 
Reverendissimi  Domini  |Ioannis  i^'istorii  SS.  Theologias  Doctjris, 
Cathedralis]  Vratislauiensis  Ecclesiae  Propositi,  S.  Caes.  |  Maiest. 
Consiliarii.  |  Tomus  iii.  |  Librorum  series  post  praefationem 
ascripta :  additae  regiarum  Aragonia;  |&  aliarum  Hispaniae  familia- 
rum  tabulae  genealogicae :  subiunctus  sub  |  finem  index  copiosissi- 
mus. I  Francofvrti,  \  Apud  Claudium  Marnium,  ^  Haredes  \  lohannis 
Aubrii.  I  MDCVI.  |  Cum  Gratia  tsf  perpetuo  Cas.  Maiest.  Priuilegio.  \ 



Folio,  pp.  (12),  1-840,  genealogical  tables  on  75  leaves,  pp.  841- 
1014,  (2)  Index  (22),  and  leaf  with  printer's  mark  on  verso.       L. 

This  volume  was  edited  hy  Juanncs  Pistorius,  whose  name  is  at  the  end  of  the 
"  Epistola  dedicatoria." 

ScHOTT,  and  others^  editors.  Hispanix  |  Illvstratae  |  sev  |  Vrbivm 
Rervmqve|  Hispanicarvm,  Academia-|rvm,  Bibliothecarvm,  Cla- 
rorvm  de-|niqve  in  omni  disciplinarvm  gene- 1  re  Scriptorum  Auc- 
tores  varii  Chronologi,  |  Historici,  |  partim  editi  nvnc  primvm, 
partim  avctio-|res,  melioresque  facti  studio,  &  opera  |  Andre* 
Schotti  Antverp.  |  Societatis  lesv.  ]  Tomus  mi.  |  Francofvrti  \  Apud 
Claud'ium  Marnium  iff  he-\redes  loan.  Juhrii.  \Jnno  M.  DC.  viil.  | 
Folio,  pp.  (8),  1-124,  135-14^  (0»  «53-i6o,  185-479,  Index 
(12).  [Followed  by:]  Ioannis|  Marianae  Hispa-|ni  e  Soc.  |  lesv  | 
Historiae  Hispanicae  |  Appendix.  |  Liber  scilicet  xxi.  &  nouem 
ceteri  ad  xxx.  vsque,  qui  viginti  illos  in  Tomo  |  hoc  ii.  Rerum 
Hispanicarum  ordine  se- 1  quuntur.  |  Additus  &  his  est  suus  Index.  | 
Francofvrti^  \  Apud  Claudium  Marnium.,  iff  ha-  \  redes  loan.  Aubrii.  \ 
M.  Dcvi.  I  Folio,  pp.  (2),  346,  Index  (4),  and  leaf  with  printer's 
mark.  L.  77904 

This  volume,  although  attributed  on  the  titie  to  Andreas  Schott,  was  edited  by  his 
brotiier  Franc.  Schott,  whose  name  is  at  the  head  of  the  preface.  The  chapter  entitled, 
"  Nauigatio  ad  Indos  occiduos  inclioatur,"  pp.  145-148,  contains  an  account  of  Colum- 
bus, Cortez  and  Pizarro. 

Schott  (C.  A.)  ...  Astronomical  Observations  in  the  Arctic 
Seas.  By  Elisha  Kent  Kane,  m.d.,  U.S.A.  Made  during  the 
Second  Grinnell  Expedition  in  search  of  Sir  John  Franklin,  in 

1853,  1854,  and  1855,  at  Van  Rensselaer  Harbor,  and  other 
points  in  the  vicinity  of  the  northwest  coast  of  Greenland.  Re- 
duced and  discussed,  by  Charles  A.  Schott,  Assistant  U.  S.  Coast 
Survey.  (Accepted  for  publication,  March,  i860.)  [Colophon:] 
Published  by  the  Smithsonian  Institution.,  Washington  City,  May., 
i860.     {^Collins.,  Printer.,  Philadelphia.']    4to,  pp.  (6),  49.     Chart. 

With  heading,  "  Smithsonian  Contributions  to  Knowledge."  Also  included  in  the 
"Smithsonian  Contributions,"  vol.  xii. 

Schott.  ...  Magnetical  Observations  in  the  Arctic  Seas. 
By  Elisha  Kent  Kane,  m.d.,  u.s.n.  Made  during  the  Second 
Grinnell  Expedition  in  search  of  Sir  John  Franklin,  in   1853, 

1854,  and  1855,  at  Van  Rensselaer  Harbor,  and  other  points  on 
the  west  coast  of  Greenland.  Reduced  and  discussed,  by  Charles 
A.  Schott,  Assistant  U.  S.  Coast  Survey.  (Accepted  for  publi- 
cation, May,  1858.)  [^fVashington :  Smithsonian  Institution.  1858. 
Collins,  Printer,  Philadelphia.]  4to,  pp.  (6),  66,  and  covers.  2 
Plates.  L.  77906 






With  heading,  "Smithsonian  Contrihutions  to  Knowledge."  The  cover  imprint 
reads:  IVaihiti^ton  City:  Publisbcd  hy  the  Smiibsonian  Institution.  No-vembtr,  1858.  Neiu 
Tori:  D.  Appleton  &f  Co.     Also  includt-d  in  the  "Smithsonian  Contributions,"  vol.  x. 

ScHOTT.  ...  Meteorological  Observations  in  the  Arctic  Seas. 
By  Elisha  Kent  Kane,  m.d.,  u.s.n.  Made  during  the  Second 
Grinnell  Expedition  in  search  of  Sir  John  Franklin,  in  1853, 
1854,  and  1855,  at  Van  Rensselaer  Harbor,  and  other  points  on 
the  west  coast  of  Greenland.  Reduced  and  discussed,  by  Charles 
A.  Schott,  Assistant  U.  S.  Coast  Survey.  (Accepted  for  publi- 
cation. May,  1858.)  [^IVctshingtm :  Smithsonian  Institution.  1859. 
Collins.,  Printer^  Philadelphia.'^    4 to,  pp.  (8),  112,  and  covers.     L. 

With  heading,  "Smithsonian  Contributions  to  Knowledge."  The  cover  imprint 
reads;  ffjshington  City  :  Puhlishfd  by  the  Smithsonian  Institution.  No-vember,  1 8  59.  New 
Tori:  D.  yippleton  &  Co.     Also  included  in  the  "Smithsonian  Contributions,"  vol.  xi. 

ScHOTT.  ...  Meteorological  Observations  in  the  Arctic  Seas. 
By  Sir  Francis  Leopold  McClintock,  r.n.  Made  on  board  the 
Arctic  Searching  Yacht  "  Fox,"  in  Baffin  Bay  and  Prince  Re- 
gent's Inlet,  in  1857,  1858,  and  1859.  Reduced  and  discussed, 
at  the  expense  of  the  Smithsonian  Institution.  By  Charles  A. 
Schott,  Assistant  U.  S.  Coast  Survey.  (Accepted  for  publication, 
April,  1 861.)  [Colophon:]  Published  by  the  Smithsonian  Institu- 
tion^ tVashington  City.,  May.,  1862.    [^Collins.,  Printer.,  Philadelphia."] 

4to,  pp.  xii,  5*,  146.     Chart. 


With  heading,  "Smithsonian  Contributions  to  Knowledge.  146."  Also  included  in 
the  "Smithsonian  Contributions,"  vol.  xiii. 

ScHOTT.  ...  Physical  Observations  in  the  Arctic  Seas.  By 
Isaac  I.  Hayes,  m.d.,  Commanding  Expedition.  Made  on  the 
west  coast  of  North  Greenland,  the  vicinity  of  Smith  Strait  and 
the  west  side  of  Kennedy  Channel,  during  i860  and  1861.  Re- 
duced and  discussed  at  the  expense  of  the:  Smithsonian  Institu- 
tion. By  Charles  A.  Schott  ...  .  (Accepted  for  publication, 
February,  1865.)  [Colophon;]  Published  by  the  Smithsonian  Insti- 
tution., Washington.,  D.  C.  'June.,  1867.  \ Philadelphia :  Collins., 
Printer.]    4to,  pp.  xi,  (2),  271.     Map,  2  Charts  and  3  Diagrams. 

With  heading,  "Smithsonian  Contributions  to  Knowledge.  196."  Also  included  in 
the  "Smithsonian  Contributions,"  vol.  xv. 

Schott.  ...  Results  of  Meteorological  Observations  made 
at  Brunswick,  Maine,  between  1807  and  1859.  ^X  Parker 
Cleaveland,  ll.d..  Professor  in  Bowdoin  College.  Reduced  and 
discussed,  at  the  expense  of  the  Smithsonian  Institution,  By 
Charles  A.  Schott  ...  .  (Accepted  for  publication,  December, 
1866.)  [Colophon :]  Published  by  the  Smithsonian  Institution,  Wash- 
ington City.,  May.,  1867.    4to,  pp.  v,  53.  779^0 





With  heading,  "  Smithsonian  Contributions  to  Knowledge.   204."     Also  included  in 
the  "Smithsonian  Contributions,"  vol.  xvi.     Improved  title  of  No.  1 361 2,  vol.  iv. 

ScHOTT.  ...  Results  of  Meteorological  Observations,  made 
at  Marietta,  Ohio,  between  1826  and  1859,  inclusive.  By  S.  P. 
Hildreth,  m.d.  To  which  are  added  Results  of  Observations 
taken  at  Marietta,  by  Mr.  Joseph  Wood,  between  18 17  and 
1823.  Reduced  and  discussed,  at  the  expense  of  the  Smith- 
sonian Institution.  By  Charles  A.  Schott  ...  .  (Accepted  for 
publication,  June,  1867.)  [Colophon:]  Published  by  the  Smith- 
sonian Institution^  IVashington  City^  September,  1867.  4to,  pp.  v, 
46.  7791 1 

With  heading,  "Smithsonian  Contributions  to  Knowledge.  120."  Also  included  in 
the  "Smithsonian  Contributions,"  vol.  xvi. 

Schott.  ...  Tidal  Observations  in  the  Arctic  Seas.  By 
Elisha  Kent  Kane,  m.d.,  u.s.n.  Made  during  the  Second  Grin- 
nell  Expedition  in  Search  of  Sir  John  Franklin,  in  1853,  *^54» 
and  1855,  at  Van  Rensselaer  Harbor.  Reduced  and  discussed, 
by  Charles  A.  Schott,  Assistant  U.  S.  Coast  Survey.  (Accepted 
for  publication,  July,  i860.)  [Colophon:]  Published  by  the  Smith- 
sonian Institution,  fVashington  City,  October,  i860.  [^Collins,  Printer, 
Philadelphia.']     410,  pp.  (6),  82,  (1).     4  Plates.  779*2 

With  heading,  "Smithsonian  Contributions  to  Knowledge."  Also  included  in  the 
"Smithsonian  Contributions,"  vol.  xiii. 

Schott  (G.  B.)  Poem,  by  Guy  Bryan  Schott,  and  the  Vale- 
dictory Oration,  by  Donald  G.  Mitchell,  ...  [at]  Yale  College, 
July  7,  1841.  ...  New  Haven:  Printed  by  B.  L.  Hamlin.  1841. 
8vo,  pp.  30.  B.  77913 

Schott  ( J.)  A  Statement,  by  James  Schott,  Jr.  [Baltimore ? 
1845  .?]    8vo,  pp.  49.  B.,  p.  77914 

In  relation  to  a  duel  .    tween  James  Schott,  Jr.,  and  Pierce  Butler. 

Schott  (T.)  Columbus  und  seine  Weltanschauung.  Vor- 
irag,  gehalt  n  im  Kaufmannischen  Verein  Stuttgart  von  Professor 
Dr.  Theodc  Schott.  ...  Berlin.  1878.  Verlag  von  Carl  Hahel. 
8vo,  pp.  32.  B.  77915 

Schouler  (J.)  History  of  the  United  States  of  America 
under  the  Constitution.  By  James  Schouler.  ...  Washington,  D. 
C:  W.  H.  iff  O.  H.  Alorrison.  1 880-1889.  4  vols.,  8vo,  pp. 
xvii,  523;  600;  XV,  472;  xiv,  539.  BA.  77916 

Vol.  I.  1783-1801;  Vol.  II,  1801-1817 J  Vol.  III.  1817-1831;  Vol.  IV.  1831- 

VOL.  XIX.  5 



'i    ( 

ScHOULER  (W.)  An  Address  delivered  before  the  MasSdchu- 
setts  Charitable  Mechanic  Association,  on  its  14th  Triennial  Fes- 
tival, Oct.  5,  1848.  By  William  Schouler.  ...  Boston:  Printed 
by  Button  and  tVentworth.    1848.     8vo,  pp.  28.  B.  77917 

ScHOULEK.  A  History  of  Massachusetts  in  the  Civil  War. 
By  William  Schouler,  late  Adjutant-General  of  the  Common- 
wealth. Boston:  E.  P.  Dutton  is  Co.  1868.  8vo,  pp.  xiv,  (2), 
670.     Portrait.  779' ^ 

Schouler.  A  History  of  Massachusetts  in  the  Civil  War. 
By  William  Schouler  ...  .  Vol.  11.  Towns  and  C'ities.  Boston: 
Published  by  the  Juthor.    187  I.     8vo,  j)p.  xii,  71 1.     Map.      77919 

ScHOUTEN  (W.  C.)  lovrnal  I  Ofte  I  Beschryvinghe  van  de  | 
wonderlicke  reyse,  ghedaen  door  Willem  Cornelisz  |  Schouten 
van  Hoorn,  inde  Iaren|  1615.  1616.  en  161 7.]  Hoe  hy  bezuyden 
de  Strate  van  Magel-|  lanes  een  nieuwe  Passagie  tot  inde  groote 
Zuyd-|zee  ontdeclct,  en  voort  den  gheheelen  Aerd-jkloot  omghe- 
seylt,  heeft.  |  Wat  Eylanden,  vreemde  volcken  en  wonderlicke  | 
avontueren  hem  ontmoet  zijti.  |  [Large  vignette  of  ships  and  a 
city.]  I'/  Amsterdam^\  By  IVillem  lansz.  op  '/  water  inde  Sonnewyser^ 
i6i8. 1  4to,  pp.  (8),  92,  A-L  in  fours,  and  M  in  six.  9  Maps 
and  Plates,  fo'ded.  JC.b.,  c.  77920 

The  first  edition  of  Schouten's  iiariative,  with  the  dedication  dated  September  25, 
l6i8.  It  can  be  easily  distinguished  frotn  the  October  edition  (No.  77921,  infra)  by 
the  first  word  of  the  title,  whicli  in  the  latter  is  "lovrnael"  instead  of  "lovrnal." 
The  publisher  and  editor  of  the  work  is  better  known  by  his  full  name  Willem  Jansz 
Blaeuw  or  Blaeu,  although  he  seldom  used  it  in  his  publications  before  1620.  He  was 
born  at  Uitgeest  near  Alkmaar,  studied  mathematics  and  astronomy  under  Tycho 
Brahe,  and  after  becoming  a  bookseller,  compiled  and  published  under  his  own  name 
several  important  works,  including  the  well  known  atlases.  The  copperplate  vignette 
on  the  title  represents  the  ships  of  the  expedition  sailing  from  {-locrn,  with  the  arms 
of  Holland  and  Hoorn  in  the  upper  corners.  The  dedication  to  the  chief  magistrates 
of  Hoorn  begins  on  the  recto  of  the  second  leaf,  and  ends  on  the  verso  with  the  above- 
mentioned  date  rnd  the  signature  of  Willem  lansz.  The  "voorreden"  or  preface  com- 
mences on  the  recto  of  the  third  leaf,  and  is  followed  on  the  verso  of  the  fourth  by  an 
anagram  on  Schouten's  name. 

The  nine  copperplate  maps  and  plates  are  as  follows : 

(l)  A  double-page  map  of  the  world  in  two  hemispheres  preceding  pige  i  of  the 
text,  with  portraits  of  Magellan  and  Schouten  above,  and  of  F.  Drake,  O.  van  Noort, 
T.  Candisch  and  G.  Speilbergh  at  the  sides.  In  the  upper  corners  are  figurts  of  the  two 
ships  of  the  voyage,  the  "Victoria"  and  "  Eendracht."  The  earliest  iinpreisions  of 
this  map,  which  are  found  in  some  copies,  do  not  contain  the  additioriil  names  which 
were  added  shortly  afterwards,  namely.  Tropicus  Cancri  and  Tropicus  Capricorni  on  the 
western  hemisphere,  and  the  four  names  Ltpd,  Banda,  C.  Bontt  Spei  and  S.  Heliim  im 
the  eastern  hemisphere.  On  the  back  of  the  first  leaf  of  the  map  are  verses  with  the 
heading  "  Klinckert,"  and  on  the  lower  margin  the  signature  mark  i^.     The  back  of 




the  second  leaf  alsu  contains  verses,  with  the  headings  "  Klinck-ghedicht "  and  "  Vier- 

(a)  Double-page  plate  of  Porto  Desire  or  Leeuwen  Eylandt  between  pages  i8  and 
19,  with  refer«nie  letters  A  to  N,  and  on  the  verso  of  the  first  half  the  descriptive 
text,  headed,  in  roman  /eiters,  '•  Vciklaringhe  sommigher  aenwysinghen  in  dese  vol- 
ghende  Caerte  van  Porto  Desire,"  and  the  signature  mark  Da  on  the  margin  below. 

(3)  Double-page  map  of  Tierra  del  Fuogo,  etc.,  between  pages  24  and  25,  with  the 
signature  mark  E  on  the  lower  margin,  and  the  title  in  Dutch  and  in  French,  "Caartc 
vande  nit.uwe  Pajsagie  bezuijden  de  Strate  Magellani,"  etc.,  and  "  Description  de  nou- 
veau  passage  vers  le  zud  du  destroict  de  Magellan,"  etc. 

(4)  Oblong  folded  map  of  the  South  Sea  between  pages  32  and  33,  with  the  signa- 
ture mark  F  on  the  lower  margin,  and  the  title  in  Dutch,  French  and  Latin,  "Caarte 
vande  Zuijdzee,"  etc.,  ««  Description  de  la  grande  Mer  de  Sud,"  etc.,  and  "Tabula 
Hydrtigraphira  Maris  Australis  vulgo  del  Zur,"  etc. 

(5)  Double-page  plate  of  an  Indian  sailing  canoe  pursued  by  the  Dutch,  between 
pages  40  and  41,  with  the  signature  mark  G  on  the  lower  margin.     No  inscriptions. 

(6)  Double-page  plate  with  the  inscriptions  Cocos  Eylandt  Isle  de  Cocot  and  Ferraders 
Eylandt  hie  dcs  traistres  between  pages  44  and  45,  with  the  signature  mark  G3  on  the 
lower  margin. 

(7)  Double-page  plate  with  the  inscription  Hoornse  Eijlandt  hie  de  Hoorn  between 
pages  56  and  57.  Most  copies  of  this  plate  contain  also  the  reference  letters  A,  B,  C 
(which  are  lacking  in  thir  earliest  impressions),  with  a  brief  descriptive  text  on  the 
back  of  the  first  leaf,  headed,  in  roman  letters,  "  Verklaringhe  van  sommighe  aenwy- 
singen  in  dese  Caerte  van  de  Rcede  aen't  Hoornsche  Eylandt,"  and  the  signature  mark 
H5  on  the  margin  below. 

(8)  Double-page  plate  of  a  meeting  with  the  Indian  kings  in  a  village,  between 
pages  60  and  61.  Most  copii-s  of  this  plpte  contain  also  the  reference  letters  A  to  L 
(which  are  lacking  in  the  eirliest  impressions),  with  the  descriptive  text  on  the  back  of 
the  first  leaf,  headed,  in  reman  letters,  •'  Verclaringhe  van  sommighe  aenteyckeninghen 
in  dese  volghende  Caerte,"  and  the  signature  mark  1 3  on  the  margin  below. 

(9)  Doubli-page  map  of  Nova  Guinea  betwcer.  pages  68  and  69,  with  the  signature 
mark  K3  on  the  lower  margin,  and  the  title  in  Dutch,  French  and  Latin,  "Caarte  van 
Nova  Guinea,"  etc.,  "  Description  de  la  coste  septentrionale  de  Nova  Guinea,"  etc.,  and 
"  Nov*  Guinex  Tabula,"  etc. 

I  am  indebted  to  Mr.  James  C.  Pilling  for  photographs  of  the  title  and  first  map  of 
the  copy  in  the  Library  of  Congress,  from  which  the  above  title  is  taken.  That  copy, 
contains  the  first  map  with  the  additional  names,  and  plates  (7)  and  (8)  tvitb  the  refer- 
ence letters. 

Some  copies  of  this  edition,  according  to  Tiele,  also  contain  a  large  map  of  the  world 
originally  published  by  Gul.  Jansonius  (Willem  Jansz)  in  1606,  but  with  the  strait  of 
Le  Maire  added.  A  copy  lacking  the  first  map  was  priced  by  Miiller  in  1872  at  40 

Although  entered  here  under  Schouten's  name,  it  is  quite  certain  that  he  was  not  the 
true  author  of  this  journal.  It  was  probably  compiled  in  his  interest  by  the  bookseller 
and  publisher  Willem  Jansz  Blaeu,  from  one  or  mor'-.  of  the  log-books  of  the  voyage, 
and  perhaps  mainly  from  the  one  kept  by  the  commissary  Aris  Claeszoon.  The  expe- 
dition was  undertaken  at  the  expense  of  some  of  the  chief  citizens  of  Hoorn,  princi- 
pally at  the  instigation  of  the  rich  merchant  Isaac  Le  Maire  and  his  son  Jacob  Le 
Maire,  the  latter  of  whom  sailed  as  director  of  the  enterprise,  while  Schouten  had  the 
command  of  the  ships.  The  results  of  the  voyage  were  very  profitable  commercially, 
and  many  import.tnt  geographical  discoveries  were  made ;  but  before  the  return  to  Hol- 
land young  Le  Maire  died  at  sea.     Much  jealousy  and  ill  feeling  was  caused  by  the  dif- 






ferent  claims  for  the  credit  of  the  enterprise,  which  undoubtedly  bclcingcd  in  p.irt 
to  the  elder  Le  Maire.  The  first  published  account  was  the  above  journal,  in  which  it 
is  made  to  appear  that  the  success  of  the  voyage  was  due  to  the  skill  and  sagacity  of 
Schouten.  Jacob  Le  Mairc's  journal  was  primed  in  i6z2,  under  the  title  of  "Spieghcl 
der  Australische  Navigatie,"  for  which  see  Vol.  xi..  No.  44059.  Schouten's  journal,  in 
whole  or  in  part,  is  also  appended  to  seveial  of  the  editions  of  Spilbergcn.  See  Tide's 
*'  Memoire  Bibliographiquc  sur  les  Journaux  dt-s  Navigateurs  Neerlandais,"  pp.  56-63. 

Schouten.  lovrnael  |Ofte  |  Beschryvinghe  van  de  |Wonder- 
iijcke  reyse,  ghedaen  door  Willem  Conielisz  |  Schouten  van 
Hoorn,  indc  laren  |  1615.  1616.  en  1617.  |  Hoe  hy  bezuyden  de 
Strate  van  Magel-|  lanes  een  nieuwe  Passagie  tot  inde  groote 
Ziiyd-|zee  ontdeckt,  en  voort  den  gheheelen  Aerd-|kloot  omghe- 
zeylt,  heeft.  I  Wat  Eylanden,  vreemde  volcken  en  wonderlickej 
avontueren  hem  ontmoet  ziiii.|  [Large  vignette  of  ships  and  a 
city.]  I  '/  Jmsttrdam^  \  By  IVilleni  Ians%.  opt*  water  inde  Sonnewyser^ 
i6i8.|  4to,  pp.  (8),  92.  A--L  in  fours,  and  m  in  six.  9  Maps 
and  Plates,  folded.  L.  77921 

A  reprint  or  reissue  of  No.  77920,  but  with  a  new  dedication  dated  October  12,  1618. 
The  maps  and  illustrations  are  fruni  the  same  cojjperplates,  and  have  the  same  positions 
and  signature  marks,  but  tlirec  of  them  contain  the  additional  names  and  reference  let- 
ters.    They  are  arranged  as  follows : 

(i)  Map  of  the  world  in  two  hemispheres  opposite  page  i,  with  the  additional  names 
Tropicus  Cancri  and  Tropicus  Capricurni  on  the  western  hemisphere,  and  lapri,  Banda, 
C.  Bona  Spei  and  5.  Helena  on  the  eastern  hemisphere,  all  of  which  are  lacking  in  the 
first  impressions  of  this  plate  On  the  backs  of  both  leaves  are  the  same  verses  as  in 
the  first  edition,  and  on  the  lower  margin  of  the  first  is  the  signature  mark  a5. 

(2)  Plate  of  Porto  Desire  or  Leeuwen  Eylandt  between  pages  18  and  19,  with  the 
reference  letters  A  to  N.  On  the  verso  of  the  first  half  is  the  descriptive  text  as  in  the 
first  edition,  with  the  signature  mark  D2  below. 

(3)  Map  of  Tierra  del  Fuogo,  etc.,  between  pages  24  and  25,  with  the  signature 
mark  E  on  the  lower  margin,  and  the  title  in  Dutch  and  French. 

(4)  Map  of  the  South  Sea  between  pages  32  and  33,  with  the  signature  mark  F  on 
the  lower  margin,  and  the  title  in  Dutch,  French  and  Latin. 

(5)  Plate  of  the  Indian  sailing  canoe  between  pages  40  and  41,  with  the  signature 
mark  G  on  the  lower  margin. 

(6)  Plate  with  the  inscriptions  Cocos  Eylandt,  etc.,  between  pages  44  and  45,  with 
the  signature  mark  G3  on  the  lower  margin. 

(7)  Plate  with  the  inscription  Hoornse  Eijlandt  Isle  de  Hoorn,  between  pages  56  and 
57.  Also  with  the  reference  letters  A,  B  and  C,  which  are  lacking  in  the  first  impres- 
sions of  this  plate.  On  the  verso  of  the  first  h:;If  is  the  descriptive  text,  headed, 
"  Verklaringhe  van  sommighe  aenwysingen  in  dese  Caerte  van  de  Reede  aen't  Hoorn- 
sche  Eylandt,"  and  the  signature  mark  H5  below. 

(8)  Plate  of  a  meeting  with  the  Indian  kings,  between  pages  60  and  61.  Also  with 
the  reference  letters  A  to  L,  which  are  lacking  in  the  first  impressions  of  this  plate. 
On  the  verso  of  the  first  half  is  the  descriptive  text,  headed,  "  Verdariiighe  van  som- 
mighe aenteyckeninghen  in  dese  volghende  Ci'-'te,"  and  the  signature  mark  1 3  below. 

(9)  Map  of  Nova  Guinea  between  pages  68  and  69,  with  the  signature  mark  K3 
on  the  lower  margin,  and  the  title  in  Dutch,  French  and  Latin. 



ScHOUTEN.  lovrnael  |  ofie  |  Beschiijvinghe  van  de  |  wonder- 
licke  reyse,  gedaen  door  Willem  |  Cornelisz.  Schouten  van  Hoorn, 
indc  laren  |  1615.  1616.  en  161 7.  |  Hoe  hy  bezuyden  de  Strate 
van  Magellanes  een  |  nieuwe  Passagie  tot  inde  groote  Zuyd-zee 
ontdeckt,  en  voort  den  [gheheelen  Aerdt-kloot  om  gheseylt  heeft. 
I  Wat  Eylanden,  vieemde  Volcken  en  wonderlijcke  |  avontueren 
hem  ontmuet  zijn.  |  [Large  vignette  of  ships  and  a  city.]  |  Tot 
Jrnhemy\  By  Ian  lansz.  Boeck-verkooper.  Anno  l6l8.|  4to,  pp.  (8), 
92.     A-L  in  fours,  and  M  in  six.     9  Maps  and  Plates,  folded. 

An  exact  reprint  of  the  original  edition  (No.  77920),  by  a  different  publisher,  with 
the  dedication  dated  September  25,  161S,  and  signed  Willem  lansz.  According  to 
Tlele,  Jan  Jansi  or  Janssen  of"  Arnheim  printed  in  that  town  as  early  as  1604  and  as 
late  as  1 637.  He  was  probably  the  tatlier  of  Jan  Jans/  and  Harmen  Jansz,  the  book- 
sellers at  Amsteid.mi.  The  vignette  on  the  title-page  and  the  nine  plates,  ,ill  of  which 
were  engraved  on  copper,  are  very  close  imitations  of  those  in  the  first  edition,  but  a 
few  variations  will  nevertheless  be  noticed  on  a  close  examination.  The  maps  and  plates 
are  arranged  as  follows : 

(i)  Map  of  the  world  in  two  hemispheres  preceding  page  I,  with  portraits  above  and 
at  the  sides,  but  without  the  additional  inscriptions  Tropicus  Cancri  and  Tropicus  Capri- 
corni  on  the  western  half,  and  without  the  names  lapd,  Banda,  C.  Borne  Spei  and  S. 
Helena  on  the  eastern  half.  On  the  verso,  the  same  verses  as  in  the  first  edition,  and 
the  signature  mark  35. 

(2)  Plate  of  Porto  Desire  or  Lceuwen  Eylandt  between  pages  18  and  19,  with  the 
reference  letters  A  to  N,  and  on  the  verso  of  the  tint  h.ilf  tlie  descriptive  text,  headed, 
ill  italic  letters,  "  Verklaringhe  somniigiier  aenvvijsinghen  in  dese  volghende  Caerte  van 
Porto  Desire,"  and  tiie  signature  mark  D2  on  the  margin  below.  At  lig'jre  K  on  the 
plate  three  persons  only  are  represented  killing  the  sea  lion;  the  head  of  a  fourtl),  which 
appears  in  the  original  edition,  being  omitted  here. 

(3)  Map  of  Tierra  del  Fuogo  between  pages  24  and  25,  with  the  title  in  Dutch  and 
French,  "Caarte  vande  nieuwe  Passage  [«f],"  etc.,  and  in  the  lower  left-hand  corner 
the  inscription  Fol.  24,  but  with  no  signature  mark. 

(4)  Map  of  the  South  Si'a  between  pages  32  and  33,  with  the  title  in  Dutch,  French 
and  Latin,  but  without  any  signature  ni.irk.  In  the  lower  right-hand  corner  is  the 
inscription  Straie  -van  La  Maire,  instead  of  Strate  -van  le  Maire  as  in  the  original  plate. 

(5)  Plate  of  the  Indian  sailing  canoe  between  pages  40  and  41,  with  the  inscription 
Fol.  41  in  the  lower  left-hand  corner,  but  without  signature  mark.  Only  two  persons 
are  represented  swimming  here,  instead  of  the  three  in  the  original  plate. 

(6)  Plate  with  the  inscriptions  Cocos  Eylandt,  etc.,  between  pages  44  and  45,  with 
the  inscription  Fol.  45  in  the  htwer  right-hand  corner,  but  without  signature  mark. 

(7)  Plate  with  the  inscription  Hoornse  Eijlandt  Isle  de  Hoorn  between  pages  56  and 
57,  with  the  reference  letters  A,  B,  C,  and  on  the  verso  the  descriptive  text,  headed,  in 
italic  letters,  "  Vcrklaringhe  van  sommigiie  aenvvijsinghen  in  dese  Caerte  van  de  Reede 
aen't  Hoornsche  Eylandt,"  with  the  signature  mark  H5  below.  On  the  right-hand 
portion  of  the  plate  two  of  the  natives  are  figured  seated  near  the  water,  instead  of  tlirec 
as  in  the  original  edition. 

(8)  Plate  of  a  meetin;^  with  the  Indian  kings  between  pages  60  and  61,  with  the 
reference  letters  A  to  L,  and  on  the  verso  the  descriptive  text,  headed,  m  italic  letters, 
"  Verklaringhe  van  sommighe  aen-teetkeninglien  in  dese  volghende  Kaerte,"  with  the 
signature  mark  1 3  below. 


I, I 





:    il 

'  i 




^9)  Map  of  Nova  Guinea  between  pagei  68  and  69,  with  the  title  in  Dutch,  French 
and  Latin,  but  without  signature  marlc.    The  latter  part  of  the  Latin  title  rra<li,  "  Her 
mano  Batavo,"  instead  of  "  Hornano  Batavo"  as  in  the  original  plate. 

According  to  Tiele,  some  copies  also  contain  the  large  map  of  the  world  liy  W.  Jansz, 
mentioned  in  the  note  to  No.  77920,  lufra. 

ScHOUTEN.  lovrnael  |  ofte  I  Beschrijvinghe  van  tie  |  wonder- 
licke  reyse,  gedaen  door  Vvillcm  |  Cornelitiz.  Schouten  van 
Hoorn,  indc  laren  |  1615.  1616.  en  1617.  |  Hoe  hy  beziiyden  de 
Strate  van  Magellanes  een  |  nieiiwe  Passagie  tot  inde  groott;  Zuyd- 
zee  ontdeckt,  en  voort  den  |  gheheelen  Aerdt-kloot  om-ghescylt 
heef't.  I  Wat  Eylanden,  vreemde  Volcken  en  vvonderIijcke|avon- 
tueren  hem  ontmoet  zijn.  |  [Large  vignette  of  ships  and  a  city.  1 1 
Tot  Jmstelredam^  \  Voor  Ian  Ians%.  Boeck-verkooper^  inde  Pas-kuert 
i6i8.|  4to,  pp.  (8),  92.  A-L  in  fours,  and  m  in  six.  9  Maps 
and  Plates,  folded.  l.  77923 

This  edition  is  the  same  as  the  preceding  (No.  77922),  the  only  ditference  being  the 
changs  of  imprint.  The  publisher  Jan  Jansz  or  Janssen  of  Amsterdam,  was  probably 
a  son  of  Jan  Jansz  of  Arnhcim.  He  was  the  son-in-law  of  the  map-maker  Judocus 
Hondius,  and  brother-in-law  of  Henricus  Hondius.  According  to  Tiele,  he  afterwards 
assumed  the  name  of  Janssonius.  In  the  Lenox  copy  two  of  the  plates,  (4)  ;md  (7), 
are  evidently  misplaced,  the  former  between  pages  40  and  41,  the  latter  between  pages 
52  and  53.  The  copy  described  by  Tiele  contained  in  addition  the  large  map  of  the 
world  'iy  W.  Jansz,  mentioned  in  the  note  to  No.  77920,  supra. 

Schouten.  lovrnael  |  ofte  |  Beschrijvinghe  van  de  |  wonder- 
lijcke  reyse,  gedaen  door  Willem  |  Cornelisz.  Schouten  van 
Hoorn,  inde  laeren  1 1615.  1616.  en  i6i7.|Hoe  hy  bezuyden  de 
Strate  van  Magellanes  een|nieuwe  Passagie  tot  inde  groote  Zuyd- 
zee  ontdeckt,  en  voort  den  |  gheheelen  Aerdt-kloot  om  ghescylt 
heeft.  I  Wat  Eylanden,  vreemde  Volcken  en  wonderlijcke  |  avon- 
tueren  hem  ontmoet  zijn.  |  [Large  vignette  of  ships  and  a  city.]  | 
Tot  Aniiterdam.^  \  By  Harmen  lansz.  Boeck-verkooper^  xvoonende  hide  \ 
Warmoes-straet^lnde  Meyrminne^  Anno  1619.  |  4to,  pp.  (8),  92. 
9  Maps  and  Plates,  folded.  11^^\ 

A  reprint  of  No.  77922,  with  the  dedication  dated  September  25th,  1618,  and  with 
the  same  plates.  According  to  Tiele,  the  descriptive  text  on  the  backs  of  the  plates  is 
also  reprinted.  The  publisher,  Harmen  Jansz  or  Janssen  of  Amsterdam,  was  probably 
a  son  of  Jan  Jansz  of  Arnhcim,  and  a  brother  of  Jan  Jansz  of  Amsterdam. 

Schouten.  lovrnael  |  Ofte  |  Beschrijvinghe  van  de  |  wondcr- 
licke  reyse,  ghedaen  door  Willem  |  Cornelisz.  Schouten  van 
Hoorn.  inden  laren  I1615.  1616.  en  1617. |Hoe  hy  bezuyden  de 
Strate  van  Magellanes  |  een  nieuwe  Passagie  tot  inde  groote  Zuyd- 
zee  ontdeckt,  en  voort  |  den  geheelen  Aerd  kloot  om  geseylt 
heeft.  I  Wat  Eylanden,  vreemde  Volcken  en  wonderlijcke  |  avon- 
turen  hem  ontmoet  zijn.  |  [Large  vignette  of  ships  and  a  city.]  | 



Tot  Amsterdam^  \  Foor  Ian  tansx.  Botck-vtrkooper^  inde  Paskoert 
1624. 1  4to,  pp.  (8),  56.  A-H  in  fours.  9  Maps  and  Plates, 
folded.  L.  77925 

A  reprint  of  No.  77911,  mpra,  with  the  dedication  dated  Septemher  asfh,  161 8. 
The  lime  niapi  and  platei  were  aUo  uied,  but  the  deicriptive  text  on  their  b.uki  wai 

ScHoUTF.N.  IournaeI|Ofte|  Bcschryvinghe  van  de  won-|der- 
lijcke  Reyse,  gedaen  door  Willem  Cornclisz  |  Schouten  van 
Hoorn,  inde  laren  1615.  1616.  en  1617.  |  Hoe  hy  bczuyden  de 
Straet  van  Magellancs  een  |  nieuwe  Passagie  ofte  Strate,  tot  in  de 
groote  Zuyd-zee  |  ontdeckt,  ende  voort  den  gheheelen  Aerdt-  | 
kloot  omghezeylt  heeft.  |  Wat  Eylanden,  vreemde  volcken  |  en 
vvonderlijcke  avontucren  hem|ontrnoet  zijn.  |  [Vignette  of  a  jar, 
with  an  inscription.]  |  /'  Amsterdatn^  \  By  Jan  Janssen  Boeckver- 
ceoper.  \  M.  DC.  xxxii.  |  4to,  pp.  56.  a-g  in  four«  9  Maps  and 
Plates,  folded.  l.  77926 

A  reprint  of  the  edition  of  1624  (No.  77925),  with  some  alterations  in  the  text, 
but  without  dedication  or  preface.  On  the  last  page  is  the  following  list  of  the  plates, 
with  their  respective  positions :  Werelt-Caeitgen,  fol.  3  ;  Leeuwen  Eylandt,  1  3  ;  Terra 
del  Fuogu,  aiidcrs  Scaten  Eylandt,  17;  Indiaensche  Schuyt  met  besaen,  Z7 ;  Cocos- 
Eylandr,  29;  Indiaeiischr  Koningh  onder  de  hut,  35}  Hoornsche  Eylandt,  40;  Nova 
Guinea,  49;  Caeiic  van  de  Zuyder-zer,  55.  The  plates  contain  no  descriptive  text  on 
the  backs. 

Schouten.  lovrnael  |  Ofte  |  Beschryvinge  vande  won-jder- 
lijcke  Reyse,  ghedaen  door  VVillem  |  Cornelisz  Schouten  van 
Hoorn,  inde  laren  |  1615,  1616,  ende  1617.  |  Hoe  hy  bezuyden 
de  Straet  van  Magellanes|cen  nieuwe  Passagie  ofte  Strate,  tot  in 
de  groote  I  Zuyd- Zee  ontdeckt,  ende  voort  den  gheheelen  Aerdt- 1 
kloot  om-ghezeylt  heeft.  |  Wat  Kylandeii,  vreemde  Volcken 
ende  I  vvonderlijcke  avontucren  hem  ont- 1  moet  zijn.j  [Small  vig- 
nette of  a  ship.]  I  Tot  Rotterdam^  Ghedruckt  hy  Isaack  van  IVaes- 
bfrghsn^  |  Bofck-verkonper  op  't  Stcyger  aende  Marckt  inde  Fame. 
1637. 1  4to,  pp.  53,  (i),  and  a  blank  leaf,  a-g  in  fours.  9  Maps 
and  Plates,  folded.  L.  77927 

A  reprint  of  the  edition  of  1631  (No.  77926),  without  the  dedication  and  prefacu. 
The  maps  and  illustrations,  however,  are  from  the  same  copperplates  that  were  used  in 
Willem  Jansz's  corrected  edition.  No.  77921,  supra.  They  have  no  descriptive  text  on 
the  backs.  On  the  la&i  page  is  a  list  of  them,  with  their  positions  at  pages  3,  13,  16, 
26,  28,  34,  39,  47,  and  53. 

ScHOUTKN.  Jouniael  ofte  Beschryvinge  vande  vvonderlijcke 
Reyse  gedaen  door  Willem  Cornclisz  Schouten  van  Hoorn,  inde 
Jaren  1615,  1616  ende  1617.  Hoe  hy  bezuyden  de  Straet  van 
Magellanes  een  nieuwre  Passagie  ofte  Strate,  tot  in  de  groote 
Zuyd  zee  ontdeckt,  ende  voort  den  gheheelen  Aerdt-kloot  omghe- 



i    I 

zeylt  hceft.  Wat  Kylanden,  vrcemde  volckcn  eiide  vvuiidfrlijcke 
avontueren  hem  ontmoet  zijn.  Rotttrdam.  1643.  410.  Maps 
and  Plates.  779^8 

A  cu(iy  Will  in  Mr.  S.  L.  M.  Barluw'i  collrctiun. 

ScHOUTEN.  lournaelj  OfteJ  Beschryvinghc  van  de  W(>n-|der- 
lijcke  Reyse,  gedaen  door  Willein  Cornelisz  |  Schuuten  van 
Hoorn,  indc  laren  1615.  1616.  en  1617.  |  Hoe  hy  bezuyden  de 
Straet  van  Magellanes  eenjnieuwe  Passagie  ofte  Strate,  tot  in  de 
groote  Zuyd-zee  |  ontdeckt,  ende  vooi  t  den  ghehcclen  Aerdt-  | 
kloot  omghezeylt  heeft.  |  Wat  Eylandcn,  vreemde  volcken  |  en 
wonderlijcke  avontueren  hem  |  ontmoet  zijn.  |  [Vignette*  t)f  a  jar, 
with  an  inscription.]  |  t*  Jmsterdam^  |  By  Jan  "Jamitn  Hotckver- 
cooptr.  I  M.Dt.xLiv.f  4to,  pp.  56.  A-o  in  fours.  9  Maps  and 
Plates,  folded.  L.  77929 

A  reprint  of  the  edition  uf  1631  (Nu.  77926),  wit!)  the  s.tri)c  plates,  a  list  uf  which 
is  on  the  last  page,  t(p  be  arranged  opposite  pages  3,  13,  17,  27,  29,  35,  40,  4(;,  55. 
A  copy  of  this  edition,  lacking  one  plate,  was  priced  by  J^uaritch  in  1874  at  &\  4s. 


ScHOUTEN.  lournael  |  ofte  |  Beschrijvinghe  van  de  won-|der 
lijcke  Reyse,  gedaen  door  VVillem  Cornelisz.  |  Schouten  vaj. 
Hoorn,  inde  laren  16 15.  1616  1  161 7.  |  Hoe  hy  bezuyden  de 
Straet  van  Magellanes  een  nieu- ,  we  Passagie  ofte  Strate,  tot  inde 
groote  Zuyd-zee,  ontdeckt, [ende  voort  den  geheelen  Aerdt-kloot 
omgezeylt  heeft.  |  Wat  Eylanden,  vreemde  Volcken  en  wonder- 
lijcke] Avontueren  hem  ontmoet  zijn.  |  Desen  laetsten  Druck  ver- 
betert,  en  uyt  eenige  geschreven  lournalen,  van  Aris|Claessz.  en 
andere,  gehoudcn  op  de  selfde  Reyse,  merckiljck  vermeerdert.  | 
[Large  vignette  containing  two  figures  standing,  a  ship  in  a  frame, 
etc.]  I  Tot  Hoorn^  Ghedruckt  by  Isaac  IVilleimz.  |  Foor  Marten  Ger- 
brantsz.  Boeckverkooper  inde  Kerck-straet  /n'/|  A.  B.  C.  Anno  1648.  | 
[Colophon  :]  Gedruckt  hy  Isaac  fVillemsz.  Boeck-drucker^  op  '/  Noort 
in  't  Schrijf-hoeck^  Anno  1648.  |  4to,  pp.  56.  a-c  in  eights,  and 
D  in  four.     9  Maps  and  Plates.  l.  77930 

A  new  and  improved  edition,  augmented  by  extracts  from  three  other  journals  of  the 
same  voyage,  and  by  the  following  vocabularies  from  Le  Maire's  journal  on  pages  53- 
56:  Voc.ibvlaer:  Ofte  Tale  van  de  Eylanden  die  VVillem  Cornelisz.  Schouten  inde 
Zuydt-Zee  aenghedacn  of  bcsocht  heeft.  Tale  vande  Eylanden  Salomonis.  Tale  van 
het  Cocos-Eylandt.  Tale  oft  spr.ike  v  in  de  Cuate  van  Guinea  Nova.  Sprake  v.m  't 
Eylant  Moyses.  Spraecke  van  't  Eylant  Moo,  op  twee  graden  :  daer  de  Flitzen  w.iren. 
On  the  verso  of  the  title  is  a  new  preface  "Tot  den  Leser,"  in  whitli  attention  is  called 
to  the  superior  merits  of  this  edition.  There  are  several  small  woodcuts  printed  in  with 
the  text.  On  page  52  is  a  list  of  the  nine  plates,  all  of  which,  without  exception,  were 
newly  engraved  on  cupper  after  those  of  the  original  edition  (No.  77920).  They  are 
arranged  as  follows : 

(i)  Map  of  the  world  in  two  hemibpheies  opposite  pige  3,  without  the  ulditional 
names,  verso  blank.      Inscribed  Nom.  I.   Ful.  3. 

II  "I 



(a)  Pl.ite  of  I'orto  Dejire  or  Lccuwi-n  l)Ctwern  yij^'s  \1  ami  15,  with  the 
reference  letteri  A  to  N.  Ih  Noin.  1.  Fo/.  13.  The  ilf  riptive  text  u  at  the 
top  uf  page  13. 

(3)  Map  of  Tiena  .lei  luogw,  ctf.,  bttwci-n  pages  16  and  17,  with  the  title  in  Dutch 
only,  "Caette  vamle  nicuwe  Pa^iagie  be/uydtn  dc  Stratc  Maijcllani,"  etc.  Imiribed 
Norn.  3.  Fol.  17. 

(4)  Plate  of  the  Imli m  jailing  canoe  between  page*  a6  and  17.  Inscribed  Nom.  4. 
Fol.  a 6. 

(5)  Plate  with  the  two  brief  inncriptioni  Cocot  F.ylunJi  and  Ftrraden  Eyiant,  between 
pagea  a6  and  17.      Inscribfil  !V"m.  5.    Fo/.  17. 

(6)  Plate  of  the  meeting  with  the  Indian  kings  in  their  village,  lit-twecn  ijagt'a  31 
and  33,  with  the  reference  letter!,  A  to  L.  InMiihed  Norn.  6.  Fol.  33.  The  dfscripfive 
text  it  at  the  top  of  page  33. 

(7)  Plate  with  the  single  inscription  Hoontu  EylanJl  between  pages  38  and  y),  with 
the  reference  letters  A  to  C.  Inscribed  Nom.  7.  Fol.  38,  The  descri|itiv('  text  is  at 
the  top  of  page  38. 

(8)  M^p  of  Nova  Guinea  between  pages  46  and  47,  with  the  title  in  Dutch  only, 
"Caerte  van  Nova  Guinea,"  etc.      Inscribed  Nun.  S.   Fol.  46. 

(9)  Map  of  the  South  Sea  between  pages  50  and  51,  with  the  title  in  Diiti  h  only, 
"Caarte  vande  Zuydzte,"  etc.  Inscribed  Nom.  9.  Fol,  51.  This  map  is  redund  in 
size  one  half. 

ScHOUTEN.  lournael  |  ofte  |  Beschrijvinghe  van  de  W()M-|der- 
lijcke  Reyse,  gedaen  door  NVillcni  Oornelisz.  |  Schouten  van 
Hoorn,  inde  laren  1615.  16 16.  en  1617.  |  Hoc  hy  bezuydcn  de 
Straet  van  Magellaiics  een  nit'u-|we  Passagie  ofte  Strate,  tot  inde 
groote  Zuyd-zee,  ontdeckt,  |ende  voort  den  gtheelen  Aerdt-kloot 
omgezeylt  heeft.  |  Wat  Eylanden,  vieemde  Volcken  en  wonder- 
lijcke|  Avontueren  hem  ontmoct  zijn.  |  Desen  laetsten  Druck  ver- 
betert,  en  uyt  eenige  geschievcn  lournalen,  van  Aiis|  Claessz.  en 
andere,  gehouden  op  de  selfde  Reyse,  mercklijc  k  vermeeidert.  | 
[Large  vignette  containing  two  figures  standing,  a  ship  in  a  frame, 
etc.]  I  Tot  Hoorn.,  Ghedruckt  h  Isaac  H'tllemsz.  |  Foor  A-Iieus  lansz. 
Jppel.,  Boeckverkooper  aen  de  Roo-steen.,  in  \  de  Nieuwe  Bybe/y  Anno 
1648. 1  [Colophon:]  Gedruckt  by  Isaac  ff^ll/ernsz.  Boeck-drucker^ 
op  't  Noort  in  *t  Schrijf-hoeck.,  Juno  1648.]  410,  pp.  56.  A-c  in 
eights,  and  d  in  four.     9  Maps  and  Plates.  l.  77931 

A  duplicate  of  the  preceding  edition  (No.  77930),  the  only  difference  being  in  the 
inipiint.     On  the  verso  of  the  title  is  the  new  preface  "Tot  den  Leser." 

Schouten.  louinael  |  ofte  |  Beschrijvinghe  van  de  won-|der- 
lijcke  Reyse,  gedaen  door  Willem  Cornelisz.  |  Schouten  van 
Hoorn,  inde  laren  1615.  1616.  en  161 7.  |  Hoe  hy  bezuyden  de 
Straet  van  Magellanes  een  nieu-  ]  we  Passagie  ofte  Strate,  tot  inde 
groote  Zuyd-zee,  ontdeckt,|ende  voort  den  geheelen  Aerdt-kloot 
omgezevit  heeft.  |  Wat  Eylanden,  vreemde  Volcken  en  wonder- 
lijcke  I  Avontueren  hem  ontmoet  zijn.  |  Desen  laetsten  Druck  ver- 







hetert,  en  uyt  eenigc  geschrrvrn  lournalen,  van  Aris|CUes!i/.  en 
andere,  gehuuden  op  dc  seWde  Reysc,  mcrcklijck  vermcerdcrt.  | 
[Large  vignette  containing  two  figures  standing,  a  ship  in  a  frame, 
etc.]  I  Tot  Hoorrty  (ihctiruckt  hy  Isaac  Ifilttmsz.  \  ynor  Ian  lamx. 
Deuttl^  Botckvttkooptr  op  '/  (hit  in  Bitstkens  |  Testaw/nt^  /fnuo 
1648. 1  [Colophon:]  Gtdruckt  by  Isaac  H^IUmsz.  Boeck-lrucktr^ 
op  't  Noort  in  't  Schrij/-hatcky  Anno  1648.  |  4to,  pp.  56.  A-t  in 
eights,  and  d  in  (bur.     9  Maps  and  Plates.  i..  77932 

A  (lu|i|icau-  of  flip  |ii'(;ci'iling  cditiutiii  (No.s.  77930,  77^31),  the  only  ch.ingi-  licing  in 
the  irr print,  'I'he  utub  of  tlic  canceled  ticlv,  t)n  whiih  the  above  title  it  p.iKtrd,  cjri  be 
I'jaily  teen  in  the  Lenox  copy.  On  the  verio  of  the  title  is  the  new  prcfjce  "'I'ot  tien 
Leaer,"  An  additional  le,if,  not  t'ound  in  the  other  editii>ns,  is  .ilio  inierti-d  in  the 
Lenox  copy,  between  the  title  and  tir^t  map.  It  bears  the  signature  mark  A2,  and  con- 
tain! a  reprint  of  the  original  dedication  of  September  2;,  1618,  nigncd  VVillem  lana/., 
and  the  anagram  on  Schouten's  name.  This  le.if  contains  34  lines  of  text  on  the  recto 
and  27  on  the  verso,  including  the  heading  and  catchwoid.  The  copies  of  this  edition 
ticscribed  by  Tiele  ("  Memoirc  Bibliographique,'  p.  50)  were  imperfect,  and  probably 
had  bome  of  the  plates  supplietl  from  other  editions, 

ScHOUTEN.  Journacl,  |  Ofte  |  Beschrijvinge  van  de  wonder-) 
lijcke  Reyse,  ghedaen  door  |  Willem  Coinelisz  |  Schouttin  van 
Hoorn.  I  In  de  laren  1615.  1616.  1617.  |  Hoe  hy  be/uyden  de 
Straet  Magellanes  eenen  nicuwen  door-|ganck  gevonden  heef't, 
streckende  tot  in  de  Zuyd-Zee,  met  de  |  vcrklaringe  van  de 
vreemde  Natien,  Volckcn,  Landen  en  Avonturen,|die  sy  gesien, 
ende  haer  wedervaren  zijn.  j  Hier  is  noch  achter  by-gcvoeght 
eenighe  Zee-Vragen  ende  Antwoordcn,  |  zijnde  seer  nut  ende 
geheel  dienstigh  alle  Schippers,  Stiermans  ende  Zeevarendu  maets.  | 
[Large  vignette  of  two  ships.]  \t* Jmsti'!re<iam^  \  f^oor  "Jocst  Hart- 
gerSf  Boeck-verkooper  in  de  Gasthuys-Ste/!gh^\bezij(hn  het  Stadt-huys.^ 
in  de  Boeck-winckel.    1648.  |    410.  ^^  77933 

This  fills  pages  67-120  (signatures  £2  to  H4  in  eights)  of  Hartgers's  edition  of 
"Oost-  en  West-Indische  Voy.'gie,  Duor  de  Strate  Magallines  Nacr  de  Moluques,  Met 
ses  Schepen  onder  den  Commandeur  Iiais  Spilbergen,"  etc.,  for  full  title  and  description 
of  which  see  Spilbergen  (J.)  Although  it  is  sometimes  found  separate  from  that  work, 
it  does  not  seem  probable  that  it  was  ever  issued  so  by  the  publisher.  In  the  folded 
plate  at  the  front  of  the  volume,  three  of  the  six  figuics  beli'ng  to  Schouten's  narrative, 
and  refer  to  pages  76,  80  and  100. 

ScHOUTEN.  lovrnael  |  Ofte  |  Beschryving  vande  won-|der- 
lijcke  Voyagie,  ghedaen  door  VVillem  Cor-|  nelisz  Schouten,  van 
Hoorn,  in  den  laerel  1615,  16 16,  ende  161 7.]  Hoe  hy  bezuyden 
de  Straete  van  Magellanes,  een  nieuwe  |  Passagie  ondeckt,  en  de 
geheele  Aerd-cloot  om-gezeylt  heeft.  |  [Vignette  of  a  ship.]  |  Tot 
Dockvm.  I  Gedruckt  hy  Louis  Flas-bloem^  Boeckdrucker  wonende  inde 
Kerc  I  straet  int  Schrijf-boeck  1649.  [  410,  pp.  (6),  7-56.  A-G  in 
fours.     6  Plates.  l.  77934 



Oi»  the  recto  ot  the  lecond  \rif  lipgins  the  "  Inleyiiinghe  tot  den  Ounittighen  Leier," 
whiih  ItlU  three  |ij(((-,.  The  vrro  of  tlir  thinl  le.if  h4»  ihr  heading,  "  Strit  ile  C.ieilrn 
■ililm,"  followeil  by  thf  numbeu  of  (he  iil.ilrj,  I  ti>  6,  to  hr  pUtiM  4t  \'.\^vi  7,  17,  jo, 
Jl,  p  >inil  41.  liti  till  tniitdlr  !(('  thf  ».inir  \\\^f  it  .1  tyimnr.ipli'u  il  itrnimrnt.  'I'hf 
cttp()«r|)late«  are  i)ii»tc  ditVctcni  tVuni  .my  in  the  editiiini  iliicrihnl  ahive,  *\\  exupl  the 
nnpi  being  riitniJ  iniitatiini  of  thntc  in  Willeni  J.uu/'«  correited  rdiii>'ri  (No.  77911, 
lufira).  They  a|i||'<Mr  Ki  have  been  tint  Uhnl  in  Vlai-bliem'»  Latin  edition  of  I  f)4K 
(No.  77959,  in/'-it),  whiih  Hre  for  a  fuller  di"-»ription.  In  thii  lopy  they  an;  not 
inicr'.bed  with  tiir  nuinbcrH  whiih  wric  altcrwanls  atUled,  but  .ire  arranged  as  tuliowi  1 

(1)  Map  of  the  wo.l'l  in  two  llenli^phcl'e!t  opposite  pj^c  7,  with  portrait!)  above  and 
at  tlif  lideii,  JU.i  witli  thf  addition  il  nanirs  Trfricut  Camti,  Tiofkui  Capiicrni,  etc., 
vurto  blank. 

(1)  I'l.ite  of  I'orto  DfiiiL-  or  LceuwiMi  Ivylandt  between  p.igea  18  and  19,  witli  thi; 
rcfert-nce  Wttcrj  A  to  N.  I'he  dfi>;riptive  text,  ••  Aenwijiin^  vande  kacrtc  No.  2,"  in 
at  the  top  of  page  18. 

(3)  Plate  of  the  Indian  siiliny  canoe  oppositi;  page  50. 

(4)  Plate  willi  the  inscriptioni  Ftrradert  iiij/dmit  Itlt  dtt  traittrit  and  Co((jt  Kijlandi 
Ittt  lit  Cncoi,  opposite  p.ige  3 1 . 

(5)  Plate  of  the  meeting  with  the  Icingt  between  pagea  36  nnil  37,  tvirhout 
the  refi.-rence  lettcri  A  to  L.  The  dttiriptive  text,  "  Verklarinjihe  van  dc  lijjure  No. 
6  [«V],"  la  at  the  top  of  pat,e  37. 

(6)  Plate  of  Hourn  1j1  and,  between  pai;es  41  and  43,  luiihout  the  name  of  tin;  place, 
and  ivithout  the  referenie  letters  A  and  U.  The  descriptive  tvxt,  "  Vi'rkl.iriiigc  van  dc 
Figuere  No.  7  [«V],"  is  at  the  top  of  p.ige  42. 

The  long  folded  map  of  the  Sviuth  Sea,  which  is  found  in  Vlaa-bloem'a  Latin  cditii'ni 
of  Schouten's  journal,  perhaps  ought  to  accompany  this  edition  also,  although  it  is  not 
included  in  the  list  of  plates.  The  following  edition  has  the  same  title,  but  contains 

ScHOUTEN.  lovrnael  |  Oftc  |  Bcschryving  vande  won-|der- 
lijcke  Voyagie,  ghedaen  dttctr  VVillcm  Cor-jnclisz  Schouten,  van 
Huurn,  in  den  laerel  1615,  1616^  tnde  i6i7.|Hoe  hy  bczuyden 
de  Straete  van  Magellanes,  ten  nieuwe  |  Passagic  ondeckt,  en  de 
geheele  Aerd-cloot  om-gezcylt  hecft.  |  [  Vignette  of  a  ship.]  |  Tot 
Dockvm.  I  Gedruckt  hy  Louis  F/as-hloem^  Hoeckdrucker  wonende  hidt 
Kerc  I  straet  int  Schrijf-boeck  1649.  |  410,  pp.  (6),  7-56.  a-g  in 
fours.     6  Plates.  77935 

This  edition,  although  it  has  the  same  title,  differs  from  No.  77934  in  several 
respects.  The  descriptive  text  for  two  of  the  plates  is  at  the  end  of  the  text  on  page 
56.  The  maps  and  illustrations  are  from  the  same  copperplates,  but  with  the  numbers 
and  reference  letters  added.     They  are  arranged  as  follows  : 

(i)  Map  of  the  world  in  two  hemispheres  opposite  pige  7,  containing  the  number  2 
in  the  lower  right-hand  corner. 

{z)  Plate  of  Porto  Desire  or  Lceuwun  Eylandt,  with  the  reference  letters  A  to  N, 
and  the  number  3  in  the  lower  right-hand  corner.  The  descriptive  text  is  on  pj'ge  56, 
where  this  plate  is  referred  to  as  No.  2. 

(3)  Plate  of  the  Indian  sailing  canoe,  unnumbered. 

(4)  Plate  with  the  inscriptions  firraJers  F.ijlanJt  Lie  dcs  irahtres  and  Cocoi  Eijlandt 
Jslt  de  Cocos,  with  the  number  4  in  the  lower  lefc-h.ind  corner. 



\t    li 

(5)  I'late  of  the  meeting  with  the  Indian  kings,  with  the  reference  letters  A  to  L, 
and  the  number  5  in  the  lower  right-hand  corner.  The  descriptive  text  is  on  page  56, 
where  this  plate  is  referred  to  as  No.  5. 

(6)  Plate  with  the  ;,ingle  inscription  Hoornte  EyIanJi  and  the  reference  letters  A  and 
B  (all  of  which  are  lacking  in  the  earliest  impressions  of  this  plate),  and  with  the  num- 
ber 6  in  the  lower  right-hand  romer. 

Concerning  the  map  uf  ti  '.>ath  Sea,  which  perhaps  ought  also  to  accompany  this 
edition,  see  the  note  to  No.  TJ^l^,  supra. 

ScHOUTEN.  lournael  Ofte  Beschryving  vande  wonderlijcke 
Voyagie,  ghedaen  door  Willem  Cornelisz  Schouten,  van  H)oin, 
inden  laere  1615,  1616,  ende  161 7.  ...  Tot  Dockum^  Louis  Vlas- 
bloetn.    1651.     4to.     Plates.  11 9^^ 

Schouten.  lournael,  |  ofte  |  Beschrijvingh  vande  VVon-|der- 
lijcke  Voyagie,  gedaen  door  Willem  |  Corneliszen  Schouten,  |  van 
Hoorn,  in  den  laere,  1615,!  1616,  ende  1617.  |  In-houdende,  hoe 
Hy  bezuyden  de  Straete  van  |  Magellanes,  een  Nieuwe  Passagie 
ontdect,  ende  dejgheheele  Aerdt-Kloot  om-geseylt  heeft.  |  [Vig- 
nette of  two  ships.]  1 1* Amsterdam^  \  By  Louis  Vlas-bloem^  Boeckver- 
koper^  1655.1    4to,  pp.48.     A~F  in  fours.     6  Plates.      L.  77937 

This  edition  contains  no  prefatory  matter.  The  plates  are  the  same  as  in  Vlas- 
bloem's  second  edition  of  1649  (No.  77935,  *"/"■")»  with  the  numbers  and  reference 
letters,  etc.     They  are  arranged  as  follows  i,"  the  Lenox  copy  : 

(1)   Map  o^  the  world  in  two  hemispheres,  numbered  2,  ojipoiite  page  3. 

12)    Plate  of  the  Indian  sailing  canoe,  unnumbered,  between  pages  4  and  5. 

(3)  Plate  of  Porto  Desire  or  Leeuwen  Eylandt,  numbered  3,  and  with  the  reference 
letters  A  to  N,  between  pages  12  and  13.  The  descriptive  text,  "  Verklaringne  vande 
Caerte,  No.  2  ["V],"  is  on  page  47. 

(4)  Plate  with  the  inscriptions  Vcrraden  Eijluiuit  Is,,  des  traisires  and  Cocos  Eijlandt 
Isle  de  Cocos,  numbered  4,  between  pages  20  and  21. 

(5)  Plate  of  the  meeting  with  the  Indian  kings,  numbered  5,  and  with  the  reference 
lettets  A  to  L,  between  pages  24  and  25.  The  descriptive  text,  "  Verclaringhe  vande 
Figuyre,  No.  5,"  is  on  pages  47,  48. 

(6)  Plate  with  the  inscription  Hoornse  Eyiandt,  numbered  6,  and  with  the  reference 
letters  A  an-^  B,  between  pages  32  and  33.  The  descriptive  text,  "  VerkLiringhe  van 
de  Figuyr,  No.  6,"  is  on  page  48. 

According  to  the  directions  on  the  last  page,  headed  "  Stelt  de  Caert'.-n  aldu-,"  the 
plates  as  numbered  there  l  to  6  should  be  placed  at  pages  3,  12,  21,  24,  28  and  33. 
The  map  of  the  South  Sea  is  not  in  the  Lenox  copy,  nor  is  it  included  in  the  number- 
ing ot  the  plates. 

Schouten.  Journael  ofte  Beschrijvinge  van  de  wonderlickc 
Reyse  gedaen  door  Willem  Cornelisz  Schouten  van  Hoorn,  inde 
Jaren  1615,  16 16  en  1617.  Hoe  hy  bezuyden  de  Stiaet  van 
Magellanes  een  nieuwe  Passagie  ofte  Strate,  tot  inde  groote  Zuyd- 
zee,  ontdeckt  ende  voort  den  geheelen  Aerd-kloot  omgezeylt 
heeft.  ...  [J^argc  woodcut.]    /'  J7nsterdam.,  Gedruckt  by  Ian  lacobsx 




BoumaH^  Boeckverkoopcr  op  '/  Water,,  inde  Lelye  omler  de  Doorneu. 
Anno  1658.    4to,  pp.  56.     6  Plates.  J.c.b.  77938 

This  edition  is  said  to  agree  exactly  with  the  edition  of  1661,  No.  77939,  '"/'"i 
which  see  for  a  description  of  tJK'  hocjk  and  plates. 

ScHOUTKN.  Journacl,  |  ofte  |  Beschrijvinge  van  de  wonder- | 
lijcke  Reyse,  gedaen  door  Willcm  Cornelisz  |  Schouten  van 
Hoorn,  in  de  laren  16 15.  16 16.  en  1617.  |  Hoe  hy  bezuyden  de 
Straet  van  Magellanes  een  nieuwe  |  Passagie  ofte  Strate,  tot  inde 
groote  Zuyd-'/ee,  ontdeckt  |  endc  voort  den  geheelen  Aerd-kloot 
omgezeylt  heett.  |  Wat  Eylanden,  vreemde  Volckeren  en  wondcr- 
lijcke|  Avontueren  hem  ontmoct  zijn.  |  Desen  laetsten  Druck  ver- 
betert,  en  uyt  eenige  geschreven  lournalen,  |  van  Aris  Klaessz  en 
andere,  gehouden  op  de  selfde  Reyse,  merckelijck  vermeerdert.  | 
[Vignette  of  king  David  in  battle,  with  an  inscription.]  \f  Jm- 
sterdam^  |  Gedruckt  hy  Ian  lacobsz  Bouman^  Boeckverkooper  op  '/ 
Water ^  in  \  de  Lelye  onder  de  Doornen^  Anno  1661.  |  [Colophon  :] 
f  Amsterdam^  \  Gedruckt  by  Broer  lansz  Bouf/ian^  woonende  op  V 
Water ^  Anno  i66i.|  4to,  pp.  56.  A-c  in  eights,  and  D  in  four. 
6  Plates.  L.  77939 

An  exact  reprint  of  the  Hoorn  eiiition  of  1648,  with  the  vocabularies.  On  the  verso 
of  the  title  is  the  preface  "Tot  den  Leser."  The  six  plates,  which  were  reengraved  on 
wood,  are  named  and  placed  as  follows  according  to  tile  "  Register"  on  page  52  : 

(i)   "  Werelt-Caertgen  "  opposite  page  3.      Inscribed  Folio  3. 

(2)  "Leeuv/en  Eylandt"  opposite  page  12,  with  the  reference  letters  A  to  N. 
Inscribed  FoUo  13.  The  descriptive  text,  "Aenwijsinge  van  de  Kacrte  N".  2,'  is  at 
the  top  of  page  I  3. 

(3)  "  Indiaensche  Schuyt  met  besaen"  opposite  page  26.      Inscribed  Folic  26. 

(4)  'Cocos  Eylandt"  opposite  page  27.      Inscribed  Folio  27. 

(5)  "  Indiaensche  Koningh  onder  de  Hut"  opposite  page  32,  with  the  reference  let- 
ters A  'o  L.  Inscribed  Folio  33.  The  descriptive  text,  '*  Verklaringe  van  de  Figure 
N".  5,"  is  at  the  top  of  page  33. 

(6)  "  Hoornse  Eylandt"  opposite  page  38,  with  the  reference  letters  A  and  B. 
Inscribed  Folio  38.  The  descriptive  text,  "Verklaringe  van  de  Figure  N".  6,"  is  at  the 
top  of  page  38. 

ScHouTKN.  Journael  |  Van  de  vvonderlijckc  Reyse,  |  Gedaen 
door|  Willem  Cornelisz.  |  Schouten  van  Hoorn,  |  In  de  Jaren  1615. 
1616.  en  1617.I  Verhalende  hoe  dat  hy  bezuyden  de  Straet  |  Ma- 
galanes,  eenen  nieuwen  Doorganck  gevonden  heeft,  streckende 
tot  I  in  de  Zuydt-Zee,  met  de  vreemdigheyt  der  Volckeren,  Lan- 
den  en  Won-|derhecden  die  men  aldaer  gesicn  hecft.  |  [Vignette 
of  ships.]  I  t  Amsterdam^  Gedruckt  |  By  Gillis  'Joosten  Saeghman^  in 
de  Nieitwe-straet^  |  Ordinaris  Drucker  van  de  lournalen  ter  'Lee^  en 
de  Landt-Reysen.\  [1663?]  4to,  pp.  48.  a-f  in  fours.  Folded 
map  of  South  America.  L.  77940 

J.  J I 

...  ,J»  .  A  : 



,  i! 


*  h 

i   i 

i  i' 





.     I' 



A  reprint  of  H.irtgors's  edition,  No.  77933,  lupra,  with  the  additii)n  of  some  of  the 
vocabularies  of  the  Hoorn  edition  of  1648  on  pages  47,  48.  It  forms  one  of  the  parts, 
usually  the  eleventh  in  order,  of  Sjeghman's  collection  of  voyages,  published  between 
1663  pnd  1670.  A  woodcut  portrait  of  Schouten  is  on  the  verso  of  the  title,  and  six 
engravings  are  printed  in  with  the  text,  which  is  in  double  columns. 

ScHouTKN.  Journael  |  Van  de  Wonderlijcke  Reyse,  |  Gedaen 
door|Willem  Coinelisz.  [  Schouten  van  Hoorn,  |  In  de  laren  1615. 
1616.  en  1617. 1  Verhalende  hoe  dat  hy  bezuyden  de  Straet  I  Ma- 
galancs,  eenen  nieuwen  Doorganclc  gevonden  heeft,  strec-|kende 
tot  in  de  Zuydt-Zee,  met  de  vreemdigheden  der  Volckeren,  I  Lan- 
den  en  Wonderheden,  die  men  aldaer  gesien  heeft.  |  [Large 
engraving  of  seven  men  with  guns,  etc.]  |  t" Amsterdam^  \  By 
M'tchiel  de  Groot^  Boeck-verkooper  op  de  Nieu-\wen-dijck^  tusschen 
heyde  de  Hacrletnmer-sluysen^  in  de  groote  BybeL  \  [1664?]  4to,  pp. 
48.     A-F  in  fours.  L.  77941 

A  poorly  printed  edition  in  double  columns,  without  maps  or  plates,  but  with  six  rude 
engravings  ir  the  text.  The  last  two  pages  contain,  "  Vocabulaer,  of  Tale  van  eenige 
Eyianden,  die  Willem  Cornelisz  Schouten,  in  He  Zuydt-Zee  aen  gedaen  heeft,"  /.  e.  of 
the  Salomon  islands,  and  of  the  islands  of  Cocos,  Moyse  and  Moo.  "  Dans  la  collec- 
tion de  pamphlets  de  la  Bibliotheijuc  Royale  de  la  Haye  [Bihlioth.  Duncanniana),  qui  fut 
de  bonne  heure  classce  dans  un  ordre  chronologique,  cette  edition  figure  parmi  des  traites, 
portmt  1.1  date  de  1664.     Michiel  de  Groot  imprima  vers  1 660-1 680." — Tiele. 

Schouten.  Journael  van  de  wonderlijcke  Reyse,  gedaen  door 
Willem  Cornelisz  Schovten  van  Hoorn,  in  de  Jaren  1615,  1616 
en  1 61 7.  Verhaelcnde  hoe  dat  hy  bezuyden  de  Straet  Maga- 
lancs  ...  t'  Amsterdam^  Gedruckt  by  Michiel  de  Groot^  Boeck-verkooper 
op  den  Nieuwendijck^  tusschen  beyde  de  Maerlemmer-sluysen^  in  de 
Groote  BybeL   [1664.?]    4to,  pp.  48.  j.c.B.  77942 

This  edition  appears  to  ditier  slightly  in  tlie  imprint  from  No.  77941,  iupra. 

Schouten.  Journael  Van  de  Wonderlijcke  Reyse,  Gedaen 
door  Willem  Cornelisz  Schouten  van  Hoorn,  in  de  Jaren  1615, 
1 6 1 6  en  1 6 1 7  ...  Amsterdam^  JVeduwe  van  Michiel  de  Groot. 
[1690.?]    4to. 77943 

See  Tiele'b  "  Memoire  Bibh.igraphique,"  p.  41,  ntte. 

Schouten.  Journael  Van  de  Wonderlijcke  Reyse,  Gedaen 
door  Willem  Cornelisz  Schouten  van  Hoorn,  in  de  Jaren  1615, 
161 6  en  1 61 7    ...    Amsterdam^  Gijsbert  de  Groot.    1 7 16.     410. 

Schouten.  Journael  |  Van  de  Wonderlijcke  Reyse,  |  Gedaen 
dour  I  Willem  Cornelisz.  |  Schouten  van  Hoorn,  |  In  de  Jaren  1615. 
1616.  en  16 1 7.  I  Verhalende  hv>o  dat  hy  bezuyden  de  Straet  Ma- 
gellanes,  cencn  nieuwen  |  dcntrganck  gevonden  heeft,  streckende 
tot  in  de  Zuydt-Zee,  |  met  de  vreemdigheden  der  Volckeren,  Lan- 
den   en  |  V/onderheden,  die   men  aldaer  gesien   heeft.  |     [Large 







engraving  of  seven  men  with  guns,  etc.]  |  t" Annterdom^  \  By  fie 

IVeduwe  van  Gijsheyt  de  Groot^  Boeck-verkoopster  op  den  \  N'leuwen- 

dijck^  in  de  Groote  Bybcl.  \  [1740?]     410,  pp.  48.     A-F  in  fours.     L. 

This  edition  agrees  in  text  p.ige  for  p.ige  and  column  for  column  with  the  undated 
one  published  by  Michiel  de  Groote,  No.  77941,  sufra.  There  is  some  variation  in 
the  woodcuts,  liowevir,  and  they  are  not  all  arr..nged  in  the  same  way. 

ScHouTEN.  Journaal  |  Van  de  Wonderlijke  Reyze,  |  Gedaan 
door  I  Willem  Cornelisz.  |  Schouten  van  Hoorn.  |  In  de  Jaaren 
1615.  1616.  en  1617.  j  Vcrhalende  hoe  dat  hy  Bezuyden  de  Straat 
Magellanes,  eenen  |  Nituwen  doorgank  gevonden  heeft,  strek- 
kende  tot  in  de  Zuyd-Zee,  |  met  de  Vreemdigheden  der  Volkeren, 
Landen  en  |  Wonderheden,  die  men  aldaar  gezien  heeft.  |  [Large 
vignette  of  a  ship.]  |  Tot  Amsterdam^  \  By  Joannes  Kannewet^  Boek- 
verkooper  in  de  Nes^  |  in  de  Gekroonde  lugte  Bybel.  1766.  |  4to,  pp. 
48.     A-F  in  fours.  L.  77946 

A  reprint  of  No.  77945,  supra,  but  with  dift'erent  woodcuts. 

ScHouTKN.  lovrnal  |  ov  |  Description  |  de  I'admirable  voyage  | 
de  Guillaume  Schouten  Hollandois.  |  Comme  par  luy  est  decouvert 
vers  le  zud  du  |  destroict  de  Magellan  un  nouveau  passage,  |  pour 
parvenir  en  la  mer  du  Zud,  jus-|ques  a  ce  temps  incognu.  | 
Ouelles  Terres,  Isles,  Gens  &  avontures  estranges  |  par  luy  sont 
trouvcz  en  la  dicte  Mer  du  Zud.  |  Illustre  de  belles  Cartes  & 
Figures  taillez  |  en  cuivrc.  |  [Small  vignette  of  two  globes  in  a  pair 
of  scales.]  I  A  Amsterdam.  \  Imprlme  ches  Guil/iaume  lanson.  \  [n.  d.] 
4to,  pp.  (6),  I  blank  leaf,  1-88.  a-m  in  fouio.  9  Maps  and 
Plates,  folded.  L.  77947 

The  first  edition  of  Schouten's  journal  in  Fiench.  It  was  probably  published  at 
about  the  same  time  as  the  first  Dutch  edition  (No.  77920,  supra),  in  the  latter  part  of 
September,  l6l8.  The  "  Avant-propos"  fills  the  second  and  third  of  the  preliminary 
leaves,  and  is  undated.  The  maps  and  plates  are  from  the  copperplates  of  the  original 
edition,  and  in  the  Lenox  copy  three  of  them  are  in  thw  first  state,  before  the  additional 
inscriptions  and  names  were  engraved.     They  are  arranged  as  follows  : 

(i)  Map  of  the  world  in  two  hemispheres  preceding  page  i,  with  portraits  above  and 
at  the  sides,  and  the  si!;nature  mark  B  on  the  lower  margin.  This  impression  of  the 
map,  verso  blank,  does  not  contain  the  additional  inscriptions  Tropicus  Cancri  and  Tro- 
picus Capricortii  un  the  wesfjrn  half,  or  the  names  lapOf  Baniia,  C.  Bona  Spei  and  S. 
Helena  on  the  eastern  half. 

(2)  Plate  of  Porto  Desire  or  Lceuwen  Eylandt  between  pages  14  and  15  [or  16  and 
17],  with  the  refer(!nce  letters  A  to  N,  and  on  the  verso  of  the  first  half  the  descrip- 
tive te-t,  headed,  "  Esrlarcisjement  de  quelques  demonstrations  en  la  Carte  suivante  de 
Porto  Desire,"  and  the  signature  mark  C4  on  the  margin  below. 

(3)  Map  of  Tierra  del  Fuogo,  etc.,  between  pages  18  and  19,  with  the  title  in  Dutcli 
and  French,  and  the  signature  in  irk  Da  on  the  margin  below. 

(4)  Map  of  the  South  Sea  between  pages  24  and  25,  with  the  title  in  Dutch,  French 
and  Latin,  and  the  sign.iture  marl:  E  on  the  margin  below. 


»-<ni.*i«  itgiMiJtikMt 

I       !. 

*  ■. 



(5)  I'l.ite  of  the  sailing  cariDC  between  pages  36  and  37,  with  the  signature 
mark  F3  on  the  margin  below. 

(6)  Plate  with  the  inscriptions  Cocos  Eylandi,  etc.,  between  pages  40  and  41,  with  the 
signature  mark  G  on  the  margin  below. 

(7)  Plate  with  the  inscription  Hoonise  Eijlandt  Isle  de  Hoorn,  between  pages  50  and 
51  for  48  and  49].  This  impression  o(  the  plate,  verso  blank,  contains  the  signature 
marit  Ha  on  the  lower  mart;in,  but  is  without  the  reference  letters  A,  B  and  C,  and 
has  no  descriptive  text. 

(8)  Plate  of  the  Indian  kings  and  their  village  between  pages  56  and  57.  This 
impression  of  the  plate,  verso  blank,  contains  the  signature  mark  I  on  the  lower  mar- 
gin, but  is  witliout  the  reference  letters  A  to  L,  and  has  no  descriptive  text. 

(9)  Map  of  Nova  Guinea  between  pages  64  and  65,  with  the  title  in  Dutch,  French 
and  Latin,  and  the  signature  mark  K  on  the  margin  below. 

A  copy  of  this  edition,  lacking  two  plates,  was  priced  by  Leclerc  in  1878  ("  Biblio- 
theca  Americana,"  No.  1989),  at  200  francs. 

ScHOUTKN.  lovrnal  |  Ou  |  Description  |du  merveilleux  voyage 
de  Gvilliavme  |  Schovten,  Hollandois  natif  de  Hoorn,  |  fait  es 
annees  1615,  1616  &  161 7.  |  Comme  (en  circumnavigeant  le 
Globe  terrestre)  il  a  dcscouvert  |  vers  le  Zud  du  destroit  de  Ma- 
gellan un  nouveau  passage,  |  jusques  a  la  grande  Mer  de  Zud.  | 
Ensemble,  j  Dcs  avantures  admirables  qui  luy  sont  advenues  en  | 
dcscouvrant  de  plusieurs  Isles,  &  peuples  estranges.  |  [Large  vig- 
nette of  ships  and  a  city.]  |  y/  Amstredam^  \  Che%  GuUlaume  lanson^ 
Van  1618. 1  4to,  pp.  (8),  88.  a-m  in  fours.  9  Maps  and  Plates, 
folded.  L.  77948 

A  reissue  of  No.  77947,  mpra,  differing  only  in  the  preliminary  matter  and  in  some 
of  the  plates.  Following  the  title  is  the  "  Preface  A u  Lecteur  de  bonnaire"in  five 
pages,  which  is  quite  different  from  the  "  Avant-propos"  of  the  undated  edition.  On 
the  verso  of  the  fourth  preliminary  leaf  are  two  epigrams  on  .Schouten's  voyage,  neither 
of  which  are  in  No.  77947.  Pages  I  to  88  of  the  text  are  not  reprints,  but  are  iden- 
tical in  both  editions.  The  maps  am*  illustrations  are  from  the  same  copperplates  and 
have  the  same  positions,  but  three  of  them  contain  variations. 

(i)  Map  of  the  world  in  two  hemispheres  preceding  page  I,  with  the  signature 
mark  B  on  the  lower  margin.  This  impression  of  the  map,  verso  blank,  contains  the 
additional  inscriptions  Tropicus  Cancri  and  Tropicus  Capricorni  on  the  western  half,  and 
the  names  lapd,  Banda,  C.  Borne  Upei  and  S.  Helena  on  the  eastern  half. 

(2)  Plate  of  Porto  Desire  or  Leeuwen  Eylandt  between  pages  14  and  15,  with  the 
reference  letters  A  to  N.  On  the  verso  of  the  first  half  is  the  descriptive  text  as  in 
No.  77947,  with  tlie  signature  mark  C4  below. 

(3)  Map  of  Tierra  del  P'uogo,  etc.,  between  pages  18  and  19,  with  the  signature 
mark  D2  on  the  lower  margin,  and  the  title  in  Dutch  and  French. 

(4)  Map  of  the  South  Sea  between  pages  24  and  25,  with  the  signature  mark  E  on 
tlic  lower  margin,  and  the  title  in  Dutch,  French  and  Latin. 

(5)  Plate  of  the  Indian  sailing  canoe  between  pages  36  and  37,  with  the  signature 
mark  F3  on  the  lower  margin. 

(6)  Plate  with  the  inscriptions  Cocos  Eylandt,  etc.,  between  pages  40  and  41,  with 
the  signature  mark  G  on  the  lower  margin. 

H   \r. 







(7)  Plate  with  the  inscription  Hoomse  Eijiandt  hie  de  Huorn,  between  pagcii  50  and 
51.  Also  with  the  reference  letters  A,  B  and  C,  which  are  lacking  in  the  first  impres- 
sion of  this  plate.  On  the  verso  of  the  first  half  is  the  descriptive  text,  headed,  "  De- 
claration de  (juelques  demonstrations  en  ceste  Caurte  de  la  Rade  de  I'lsle  de  Hoorne," 
and  the  signature  mark  Hi  below. 

(8)  Plate  of  the  Indian  kings  and  their  village  between  pages  56  and  57.  Also 
with  the  reference  letters  A  to  L,  which  are  lacking  in  the  first  impressions  of  this 
plate.  On  the  verso  of  the  first  half  is  the  descriptive  text,  headed,  "  Declaration  de 
quehjues  marques  en  ceste  Carte  suivante,"  and  the  signature  mark  I  below. 

(9)  Map  of  Nova  Guinea  between  pages  64  and  65,  with  the  signature  mark  K  on 
the  lower  margin,  and  the  title  in  Dutch,  French  and  Latin. 

Priced  by  Maisoimeuve  in  1881  ("  Bibliotheca  Americana,"  No.  2952),  at  200 
francs;  Dufosse  in  1(887  ("Americana,"  No.  22954),  at  85  francs.  A  set  of  the  nine 
plates  alone  was  priced  by  the  latter  bookseller  in  1888  (No.  29284),  at  50  francs. 

ScHoUTEN.  Jovrnal  I  Ou  I  Description  I  dv  merveillevx  voyage 
dc  I  Gvillavnic  Schovtcn,  Hollandois  natif  de  |  Hoorn,  fait  es 
annees  1615.  1616.  &  1617.  |  Comme  (en  circiim-navigeant  le 
Globe  tcr- 1  restif)  il  a  dcscouvert  vers  le  Zud  du  destroit  de  Ma- 
gellan vn  I  nouveau  passage,  jusques  a  la  grande  Mer  de  Zud.  | 
Ensemble,  |  Dcs  avantures  admirables  qui  luy  sont  advenues  en  | 
descouvrant  dc  plusieurs  Isles,  &  peuples  estranges.  |  [Large  vig- 
nette of  ships  and  a  city.]  |  a  Jmstredarn^  \  Chez  Ian  lansson^  Li- 
braire^  demeurant  siir  I  Eau^  \a  la  Carte  Marine.  1619.  |  410,  pp. 
(8),  88.     A-M  in  fours.     9  Maps  and  Plates,  folded.       l.  77949 

A  reprint  of  No.  77948,  by  a  different  publisher,  with  the  title  vignette,  maps  and 
plates  that  were  used  in  Jan  Janssen's  Dutch  editions  (Nos.  77922-77926,  supra)^ 
which  see  for  a  fuller  description.  The  second,  third  and  fourth  preliminary  leaves 
contain  the  "Preface.  Au  lecteur  debonnaire"  in  five  pages,  and  the  epigrams  on 
Schouten  on  one  page.     The  illustrations  are  arranged  as  follows  : 

(i)  Map  of  the  world  in  two  hemispheres,  verso  blank,  opposite  the  title.  Without 
signature  mark,  and  without  the  additional  inscriptions  Tropicus  Cancri,  etc. 

(2)  Plate  of  Porto  Desire  or  Leeuwen  Eyiandt  between  pages  14  and  15,  with  the 
reference  letters  A  to  N,  and  on  tlie  verso  the  descriptive  text,  headed,  "  Esclarcisse- 
nii'iit  de  quelques  demonstrations  en  1 1  Carte  suivante  de  Porto  Desire,"  and  the  signa- 
ture mark  C4  on  the  lower  margin. 

(3)  Map  of  Tierra  del  Fuogo,  etc.,  between  pages  24  and  25,  with  the  title  in  Dutch 
and  French,  and  in  the  lower  left-hand  corner  the  inscription  Fol.  24,  but  without  sig- 
nature mark. 

(4)  Plate  of  the  Indian  sailing  canoe  between  pages  40  and  41,  with  the  inscription 
Fol.  41  in  the  lower  left-hand  corner,  but  without  signature  mark. 

(5)  Plate  with  the  inscription  Cocos  Eyiandt,  etc.,  between  pages  44  and  45,  with  the 
inscription  Fol.  45  in  the  lower  right-hand  corner,  but  without  signature  mark. 

(6)  Plate  with  the  inscription  Hoomse  Eijiandt  Isle  de  Hoorn  between  pages  50  and 
51,  with  the  reference  lette's  A,  B  and  C,  and  on  the  verso  the  descriptive  text,  headed, 
"  Declaration  de  quelques  demonstrations  en  ceste  Carte  de  la  Rade  de  I'lsle  de  Home," 
and  the  signature  mark  H2  below.  In  the  other  French  edition  (No.  77948)  two  ot 
the  words  in  this  heading  are  spelled  "Caerte"  and  "  Hoorne." 

(7)  Plate  of  the  Indian  kings  and  their  village  between  pages  56  and  57,  with  the 
VOL.    XIX.  6 







reference  lettrra  A  to  L,  and  on  the  verso  the  descriptive  text,  hiMiieil,  '*  l^ecl.iiation  dc 
quelques  marques  en  ceste  Carte  suivante,"  and  the  sij:n  iture  I  below. 

(8)  Map  of  Nova  Guinea  between  pages  .  o  and  8i,  with  the  title  in  Dutch,  French 
and  Latin,  but  without  signature  mark. 

(9)  Map  of  the  South  Sea  between  pages  84  and  85,  with  the  title  in  Dutch,  French 
and  Latin,  but  without  signature  mark. 

Tiele  describes  a  copy  (No.  40  of  liis  list),  in  which  the  plate  of  Porto  Desire  was 
without  any  descrii)tive  text  on  the  verso. 

ScHOUTEN.  Jovrnal  I  Ou  I  Description  I  dv  mervcillcvx  voyage 
dc  I  Gvillavmc  Schovtcn,  Hollandois  natif  dc  |  Hooin,  fait  cs 
annees  1615.  161 6.  &  161 7.  |  Comme  (en  circum-navigeant  le 
Globe  tcr-|restre)  il  a  dcscouvcrt  vers  Ic  Zud  du  dcstroit  dc  Ma- 
gellan vn  I  nouveau  passage,  jusqucs  a  la  grandc  Mcr  de  Zud.  | 
Ensemble,  |  Dcs  avanturcs  admirablcs  qui  luy  sont  advcnues  en  | 
descouvrant  de  plusicurs  Isles,  &  pcuples  estranges.]  [Large  vig- 
nette of  ships  and  a  city.]  |  fi  Avntredam^  \  Chez  Harman  lamon^ 
Marchand  L'lhra'tre^  demeurant  j  en  la  VVormoes-itraet^  a  h  Sereine. 
1619.I  4to,  pp.  (8),  88.  A-M  in  fours.  9  Maps  and  Plates, 
folded.  J.C.R.,  I,.  77950 

This  edition  is  the  saine  as  tlie  preceding  (No.  77949),  the  only  diftercnce  being  the 
change  of  imprint.  The  maps  and  plates  are  lacking  in  the  Lenox  copy.  Priced  by 
Miilicr  in  1872  (No.  1956),  35  florins;  Dufosse  )n  1887  (No.  26327),  60  fr.mcs. 
One  of  these  Amsterdam  editions  in  French  was  sold  at  Bolton  Corney's  f.ile  in  1871 
for  ten  guineas. 

ScHOUTEN.  Jovrnal  |  ou  |  Description  |  dv  mervcillcvx  voy;igc 
dc  I  Gvillavmc  Schovtcn,  Hollandois  natif  dc  |  Hoorn,  fair  cs 
annees  1615.  1616.  h  ibiy.  |  Comme  (en  circum-navigeant  le 
Globe  tcr-|restre)  il  a  descouvert  vers  ie  Zud  du  dcstroit  dc  Ma- 
gellan vn  I  nouveau  passage,  jusques  a  la  grandc  Mcr  de  Zud.  | 
Ensemble,  |  Dcs  avanturcs  admirablcs  tjui  luy  sont  ad\enucs  en  } 
descouvrant  de  plusicurs  Isles,  &  pcuples  estranges.  |  [Large  vig- 
nette of  ships  and  a  city.]  |  J  Jtristredarn^  |  Chez  Pierre  du  Keere^ 
Tailleur  de  Cartes^  demeurant  en  \  la  Calverstraet^  a  Penseigne  du 
temps  incertain.  1619.  |  410,  pp.  (8),  88.  9  Maps  and  Plates, 
folded.  77951 

This  edition  is  the  same  as  the  two  preceding  (Nos.  77949,  77950),  the  only  ditVer- 
ence  being  the  change  of  imprint.  "  Pierre  du  Keere  ou  Pieiei  van  der  Keere,  dont 
nous  possedons  entre  autres  de  petits  Atlas,  a  probabienient  grave  les  cartes  de  ce  jour- 

ScHOUTEN.  Iovrnal|ov  Relation  [cxacte  dv  voyage  |dc  (j\ill. 
Schovten,  |  dans  les  Indes  :  Par  vn  nouucau  |  dcstroit,  &  par  les 
grandcs  Mers  |  Australc*.  qu'il  ii  dcscouuert,  vers  |  le  Pole  Antar- 
tique.  I  Ensemble  des  nov-|uclles  Terrcs  auparauant  incognues,  | 
Isles,  Fruicts,  Pcuples,  &  Animaux  |  estranges,  qu'il  a  trouue  en 









son  chcmin  :  |  Et  dcs  rarcs  obscruations  qu'il  y  a  fait  |  touchant  la 
dccliiiaisoii  dc  I'Aymant.  |  A  Par'n^  \  Chez  M.  Gohert^  au  Palais  en 
la  gallerie |  des  pr'isonn'urs  :  Et  les  Cartes^  chex  M.  |  Tauernier^  Gra- 
ueur  (In  Ro)\  de-  \  meurant  au  pont  Marchand.  \  M.  DC.  xviii.  |  Sm. 
8vo,  pp.  (14),  232.  Sig.  a  in  seven,  a  in  four,  and  b-p  in  eights. 
8  Maps  and  Plates,  folded.  L.  77952 

This  is  mainly  a  reprint  of  the  Amsterdam  French  edition  of  i6l8,  but  with  many 
alterations  and  improvements  in  the  text.  The  first  leaf  of  signature  a  was  probably  a 
blank.  Following  the  title  is  the  dedication  of  the  publisher,  "A  Monseignevr  Mon- 
seignevr  dv  V.iir,  Garde  dcs  Sceaux  de  France,  signed  M.  G.,  beginning  on  the  recto 
of  aiij  and  ending  on  the  recto  of  "liiij.  On  the  verso  of  the  latter  begins  a  new  preface 
"Av  lectevr,  Salvt,"  which  (ills  (''(.lit  pages,  the  verso  of  the  last  one  being  blank. 
The  "  Avant-prdpos"  on  p.iges  i -7,  verso  blank,  is  not  the  •' Avant-propos"  of  the 
undated  French  edition,  but  a  revision  of  the  "Preface  Au  Lecteur  de  bonnaire"  in  No. 
77948,  with  some  changes.  The  text  of  the  journal  begins  on  page  9.  Pages  56,  90, 
91,  94,  95,  9S,  99,  102,  103,  215  are  respectively  misnumbered  46,  100,  loi,  104, 
105,  108,  109,  112,  113,  115,  and  page  179  is  numbered  upside  down.  The  eight 
maps  and  views  are  close  imitations,  on  a  slightly  smaller  scale,  of  the  original  plates  in 
x\\tM  firtt  st.ite,  as  they  appi^ar  in  No.  77947,  but  all  the  views  and  figures  are  reversed. 
They  are  arranged  in  the  following  order,  each  one  except  the  first  being  inscribed  with 
the  number  of  the  page  opposite  which  it  belongs  : 

(i)  Map  of  the  world  in  two  hemispheres  opposite  page  9,  with  portraits  above  and 
at  the  sides.      Without  the  additional  inscriptions  Trupkui  Cancri,  etc. 

(2)  Map  of  Tierra  del  Fuogo,  etc.,  with  the  title  in  French.      lnscribed_/'"  57. 

(3)  Map  of  the  South  Sea,  with  the  title  in  French.      Insrribedy"  73. 

(4)  Plate  of  the  Indian  sailing  canoe.      Inscribed/"  103. 

(5)  Plate  with  the  inscriptions  isle  de  Cocos,  etc.     Inscribed/"  113. 

(6)  Plate  with  the  inscription  isle  de  Hoorn,  without  the  reference  letters  A,  B  and  C 
Inscribed/"  137. 

(7)  Plate  of  the  Indian  kings  and  their  village,  without  tiie  reference  letters  A  to  L. 
Inscribed/"  153. 

(8)  Map  of  Nova  Guinea,  with  the  title  in  French.      Inscribed/"  169. 

Priced  by  Lederc  in  1878  ("  Bibliotheca  Americana,"  No.  1990),  130  francs; 
Dufosse  in  1878  (No.  4909),  120  francs. 

ScHouTEN.  Iovrnal|ov  Relation |  exactc  dv  voyage | de  Gvill. 
Schovten,  |  dans  les  Indes  :  Par  vn  nouueau  |  destroit,  &  par  les 
grandes  Mers  |  Australes  qu'il  a  descouuert,  vers  |  le  Pole  Antar- 
tique.  I  Ensemble  des  nov-|uelles  Terres  auparau.nit  incognues,  | 
Isles,  Fruicts,  Pcuples,  Si  Aniniaux  |  estranges,  qu'il  a  trouue  en 
son  chemin  :  |  Et  des  rarcs  obscruations  qu'il  y  a  fait  |  touchant  la 
dcclinaison  de  I'Ayniant.  \  J  Paris .^  |  Chez  M.  Gobert.,  au  Palais  en 
la  gallerie  |  des  prisonniers :  Et  les  Cartes.,  che-z  M.  \  Tauernier,,  Gra- 
ueur  du  Roy.,  de-\tneuraut  au  pont  Marchand.  |  M.  DC.  xix.  |  Sm. 
8vo,  pp.  (14),  232.  Sig.  a  in  seven,  a  in  four,  and  b-p  in  eights. 
8  Maps  and  Plates,  folded.  L.  77953 

This  edition  is  the  same  as  the  one  preceding  (No.  77952),  the  only  ditference  being 
the  change  of  date  in  the  imprint.     There  are  two  copies  in  the  Lenox  Library,  both  of 




which  have  pages  56  and  115  wrongly  numberfi'  46  and  115,  .ind  p.^ir  179  niiiiibcrfd 
upside  down.  The  other  errors  of  pagination  tud  hcen  corrected,  but  th(fy  will  prolMbly 
be  found  in  some  copies  of  this  date. 

ScHouTEN.  Iovrnal|ov|  ReIation|cxactc  dv  voyage  |(lc  Gvill. 
Schovten,  |  dans  Ics  Indcs :  Par  vn  nouucau  |  dcstroit,  &  par  Ics 
grandcs  Meis  |  Australes  qii'il  a  dcscouucrt,  vers  |  le  Pole  Antar 
tiquc.  I  Ensemble  des  nov-|iielles  Teries  aupaiauant  incogiiues,  | 
Isles,  Fruicts,  Pcuples,  &c  Animaux  |  estranges  qiril  a  trouue  en 
son  chcmin.  |  Et  des  lares  obseruations  qu'il  y  a  fait  |  touchant  la 
dcclinaison  de  I'Aymant.  |  J Pfiris^\  Chez  lean  Gv'ignarfl^  Et  Henry 
le  Grcs^  I  au  premier  Pi /Her  de  la  grande  Sale  \  du  Palais.  |  M.  DC.  xxx.  | 
Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (14),  231.  Sig.  ;1  in  seven,  a  in  four,  and  h-p  in 
eights.     8  Maps  and  Plates,  folded.  l.  77954 

This  edition  is  the  same  as  ilic  two  pieccding  (Ncj3.  77952,  779S3),  the  only  difter- 
ence  being  in  the  substitution  of  a  new  title.  Tlicre  are  two  copies  in  the  Lenox  Library, 
in  one  of  which  pages  56,  90,  91,  94,  95,  9S,  99,  102,  103,  215  are  tespectively  niis- 
numbered  46,  loo,  lOI,  104,  105,  108,  109,  112,  113,  115,  and  page  179  is  numbered 
upside  down.  In  the  other  copy  all  the  errors  of  pagination  l..'d  been  corrected  except 
pagLi  56  and  215,  which  are  wnmgly  numbered  46  and  115,  and  paije  179,  which  is 
numbered  upside  down. 

ScHOUTEN.  Warhatt'te  Beschreibung|  Der  Wund'jrbarlichcn  | 
Riiyse  vnd  SchifFart,  so  Wilhclm  Schout  von  |  Horn,  ausz  Hol- 
land! nach  Siiden  gethan,  vnd  was  |  gestalt  er  hinter  der  Magel- 
lanischen  Enge,  cin  newel  vnd  zuuor  vnbekante  Durchfahrt  in 
die  Sudcrsee  |  gefunden.  |  Ncl)en  kurtzer  Anzeig  der  Landschaff- 
ten,  I  Insiiln,  Vtdckern,  vnd  deigicichen,  so  er  aiifF  ange-|denter 
Raysz  angetroftcn.  Sanipt  etlich  beyge-j  Icgten  Kiipfferstiicken.  | 
[Ornament.]  |  Gedruckt  %u  Arnheitn.,  Bey  Ian  lansen,,  Anno  i6l8.| 
4to,  20  unnumbered  leaves,  the  last  one  blank,  a-e  in  fours. 
9  Maps  and  Plates,  folded.  l.  77955 

The  title,  verso  blank,  is  foUoueil  by  the  "Vorred"  in  two  pages,  after  which  the 
journal  begins  on  the  third  V'.xi.  This  is  closely  printed  in  long  lini's,  and  does  not 
appear  to  be  abridged.  The  maps  and  iilustr.itions,  which  are  bound  at  the  end  of  the 
volume,  aie  from  the  same  cop)ierpIates  as  those  in  the  Dutcli  edition  of  the  s.inie  pub- 
lisher (No.  77922,  stifirii),  which  see  for  a  fuller  description.  They  are  as  follows,  the 
order  of  arrangement  varying  'n  ditferent  copies: 

(1)  Map  of  the  South  Sea,  with  the  title  in  Dutch,  Frendi  and  Latin. 

(2)  Map  of  the  world  in  two  hemispheres,  verso  blank. 

(3)  Map  of  Tierra  del  Fungo,  etc.,  with  the  title  in  Dutch  and  Fiench,  and  the 
inscription  Fo/.  24. 

(4)  Plate  of  Porto  Desire  or  Leeuwen  Kylandt,  with  the  i';ference  letters  A  to  N, 
verso  blank. 

(5)  Plate  with  the  inscription  Hoornse  Rijldiult  li/e  de  Ifaorii,  .md  the  reference  let- 
ters A,  [{  and  C,  and  on  the  verso  the  de,scri|itive  text,  headed,  "  Declaration  de  qiu  Iquc, 
demonstrations  en  ceste  Carte  de  la  Radc  de  I'lsle  de  f'')rne,"  with  the  signature  mark 
Hi  below. 



(6)  Plate  with  the  inscriptions  Cocos  Eylundt,  etc.,  and  Fol.  45, 

(7)  Plate  uf  the  meeting  with  the  Indian  Icings,  with  the  reference  letters  A  tu  L, 
veriu  blank. 

(8)  Plate  of  the  Indian  aailing  canoe,  with  the  inscription  Fol,  41. 

(9)  Map  uf'  Nuvu  Guinea,  with  the  title  in  Dutch,  French  and  Latin. 

One  of  the  two  copies  of  this  edition  in  tin;  Lenox  Library  contains  a  woodcut  por- 
trait opposite  the  "Vorred,"  probably  intended  for  Schuute.'i,  which  may  have  been 
inserted  at  the  time  of  publication. 

ScHOUTEN.  Die  scchtzehende  SchifFfahrt.  |  Journal,  |  Oder  | 
Beschreibung  dcr  wun-|dcrbarcn  Rcisc  Wilhclm  Schoutcn  |  ausz 
Hollaiidt,  im  Jahr  ifJiS-J  16.  viid  17.  [  Darinnen  cr  eine  nciiwe 
Durchfahrt  nchcn  dfni  |  Frcto  Magt-llanico,  welchc  biszhero  noch 
vnbfkaiint  |  gcwcscn,  in  die  Suyd  See  entdeckt.  |  Beneben  erzeh- 
lung,  was  tiir  Land,  Insuln,  Lcut,  allda|gefunden,  viid  sich  suns- 
ten  auft'  der  Reise  in  dcr  |  Suyd  See  zugetragen.  |  Mit  schiinen 
Land  Chartcn,  vnd  Kuptterstiicken  erklart.  |  [Vignette  of"  two 
natives,  etc.]  |  Gedruckt  zu  Franckfurt  am  Mayn^  durch  Nicolaum  | 
Hoffmann^  sumptibus  Hulsian'ts.  \  Im  lar  M.  DC.  xix.  |  4to,  pp.  (6), 
7-90,  and  one  blank  leaf,  a-l  in  fours,  and  M  in  two.  9  Maps 
and  Plates.  L.  77956 

The  sixteenth  part  of  Hulsius's  collection  of  voyages.  It  u  an  entirely  difterent  ver- 
sion from  No.  779  t^.  'I'lie  "  Vmredc  "  fills  tile  second  and  third  leaves.  The  maps 
and  plates  are  mostly  imitations  of  those  in  the  original  Dutch  edition,  with  one  excep- 
tion, and  wcie  engraved  on  cop[.   ■'  spe'  ially  for  this  eiiition.      They  are  as  follows  : 

(1)  Map  of  tiie  woild  in  two  iiiniispheres  between  the  title  and  "  Vorrede,"  with 
portraits  above  and  at  tiie  sides,  verso  blank.  This  does  not  contain  the  additional 
inscriptions  Tropicus  Caricri,  etc. 

(2)  Map  of  Tierra  del  Fuogo,  etc.,  between  peges  20  and  21,  with  the  title,  "Carte 
der  durchfahrt  so  Wil.  Sell,  ncben  dem  freto  Magellanico  Anno  i6if).  gefunden." 

(3)  Map  of  the  South  Sea  between  pages  30  ami  31,  v\'.iii  the  title,  "Caarte,  darin 
der  zuijd/.e  der  weg  gez.eiget,  den  Wilhelin  Schouten  gefaliren,  beneben  d'.:n  Insulcn  vnd 
landen  so  cr  darin  angetrotien." 

(4)  Small  plate  of  the  Indian  sailing  canoe  opposite  page  42,  with  the  inscription 
L.  A.  in  the  upper  left-hand  corner. 

(5)  Small  plate  of  Cocos  Eylandt,  etc.,  opposite  page  45,  with  the  inscription  L.  B.  in 
the  upper  left-hanu  corner. 

(6)  Small  plate  of  Hoornse  EijlanJt  h!e  <le  Hoorn  opposite  page  53,  with  the  inscrip- 
tion L.  C.  in  the  upper  left-hand  corner. 

(7)  Small  plate  of  the  meeting  with  the  Indian  kings  opposite  page  60,  witli  the 
inscription  L.  D.  in  the  upper  right-hand  corner. 

(8)  Small  plate  of  a  battle  between  the  Dutch  and  Indians  opposite  p.ige  74,  with 
the  inscription  /,.  E.  in  the  upper  left-hand  corner. 

(9)  Map  of  Nova  Guinea  between  pa^es  S4  and  85,  with  the  title,  "Beschreibung 
Nou;e  Gvinea!,  wie  die  von  Wilhelm  Schouten  vmbfahren." 

For  the  title  of  another  German  version,  in  De  Bry's  collection,  see  Vol.  in.,  p.  57. 




ScHOUTEN.  Novi  Freti,|a  parte  mcridionali  frcti  |  Magcllanici, 
in  Magnum  Marc  Australe  |  Dctcctio  ;  |  Facta  laborinsissimo  & 
periculosissimoj  itinere  a  Guiliclnio  Cornelij  Sihoutcnio  Hornano, 
jAnnis  1615,  1616,  Si  1617,  totum  |  Orbeni  terraruni  circum-| 
navigante.  |  [Large  vignette  of  ships  and  a  city.]  |  Anistirodatni^  \ 
Apud  Guilielmum  Innsonium.  1619.I  410,  pp.  (8),  95,  (l).  A-N  in 
/ours.     9  Maps  and  Plates,  folded.  L.   TJf^Sl 

The  vignette  on  the  title  is  from  the  lame  copperplate  that  was  used  in  the  Dutch 
editions  of"  the  same  publisher.  The  "  Prjffjtio  Ad  benevolum  Lectorem  "  begins  on 
the  recto  of  the  second  leaf  and  tills  four  pages,  followed  by  a  Latin  "Cirmen"  in 
two  pages  more.  Pages  94  and  91;  are  wrongly  numbered  8a  and  H7,  On  the  recto 
of  the  last  leaf  is  a  woodcut  of  a  compats,  and  on  the  verso  a  list  of  the  winds  in  Dutch 
and  Latin  The  maps  and  illustrations  arc  from  tlic  plates  of  the  second  Dutch  edition 
(No.  77911,  iupra),  containing  tlie  additional  names  and  reference  letters,  and  are 
arranged  as  follows : 

(i)  Map  of  the  world  in  two  liemispheres  preceding  page  I,  with  portraits  above  and 
at  the  sides,  and  the  signature  mark  B  on  the  lower  margin,  verso  blank.  With  the 
additional  inscriptions  Tropkui  Cancri,  etc. 

(2)  Plate  of  Porto  Desire  or  Lecuwen  Eylandt  between  pages  22  and  23,  witii  the 
reference  letters  A  to  N,  and  on  rhe  verso  the  descriptive  text,  headed,  "  Notatio  loco- 
rum  nonnullorum  in  Tabula  subsequent!,  de  Porto  Desire,"  with  the  signature  mark  D4 
on  the  lower  margin. 

(3)  Map  of  Tierra  del  Fuogo,  etc.,  between  pages  24  and  25,  with  the  title  in  Dutch 
and  French,  and  the  signature  mark  D2  (altered  by  a  pen  to  E)  on  the  lower  margin. 

(4)  Map  of  the  South  Sea  between  pages  36  and  37,  with  the  title  in  Dutch,  French 
and  Latin,  and  the  signature  mark  F3  011  the  lower  margin. 

(5)  Plate  of  the  Indian  sailing  canoe,  between  pages  44  and  45,  with  the  signature 
mark  G3  on  tlie  lower  margin. 

(6)  Plate  with  the  in  criptions  Cocos  Eylandt,  etc.,  between  pages  48  and  49,  with 
the  signature  mark  H  on  the  lower  margin. 

(7)  Plate  with  the  inscription  Hoornse  Eijlandt  Isle  de  lluorn,  bf-tween  pages  58  and 
50.  with  the  reference  letters  A,  B  and  C,  and  on  the  verso  the  dcbcriptive  text,  headed, 
♦'  N  )tatio  iocorum  in  Tabula  subsequenti,  scilicet,  statione  Insulic  Hornw,"  with  the 
signature  mark  I2  below. 

(8)  Plate  of  the  meeting  with  the  Indian  kings,  between  pages  62  and  63,  with  the 
reference  letters  A  to  L,  and  on  the  verso  the  descriptive  text,  headed,  "  Notatio  loco- 
rum  prycipuorum  in  Tabula  in  liac  subsequenti,"  with  the  signature  mark  I4  below. 

(9)  Map  of  Nova  Guinea  between  pages  70  and  71,  with  the  title  in  Dutch,  French 
and  Latin,  and  the  signature  mark  K  (altered  by  a  pen  to  K4)  on  the  lower  margin. 

There  are  two  copies  of  this  edition  in  the  Lenox  Library,  with  slight  variations  in 
the  positions  of  the  signature  marks  on  several  of  the  maps  and  plates,  showing  that 
they  were  probably  stamped  on  by  hand.  "Cette  edition  latine,  publiee  par  Blaeu,  a 
probablement  ete  traduite  par  Nicolaas  van  Wassenaer." — Tiele.  Priced  by  (^uaritch 
in  1874  (No.  10397),  £6  6s. 

Schouten.  DiarivmJ  vel|  Descriptio  laboriosissimi,  &  Moles- 
tissimi|Jtineris,  facti  a|Gvilielmo  Cornelii]  Schovteniu,  Hornano. 
I  Annis  1615.  1616.  &  i6i7.|Cum  a  parte  Australi  freti  Magel- 
ianici,  novum  ductuni,  aut  |  fretum,  in  Magnum  Mare  Australe 



detexit,  totiinu'ijl  Oihtin  tcrrariim  circumnavigavit.  |<^^ii:is  Insulas, 
Si  rc^ioncs^  iSc  popiil.j  Jdi-iit,  |  ^  (iii.x'  pcriciila  ul)it'iit.|  [Large 
vignette  ot  ships  and  a  city.]  |  Amsterdami,  Af^ud  Petrum  Ktftinm, 
A".  i6iy.  I  4to,  pp,  (H),  1-24,  17-71.  Sig.  .  and  a-k  in  tours. 
9  Maps  and  Plan  s,  folded.  I,.  77958 

A  translation  of'  the  ciunil  IJut.  h  cditinn,  No.  77911,  w/'ni,  ditferent  (Voni  No. 
77957  'Vhe  (icilicatiiin,  ••  Am()libsinii!i,  I'liuieni ii^iniis,'uiimis  DD.  Domino 
Pr«ti)i  Coniiulihua,  Sciliinis,  Rcctorihus  Famnsi  riiii-  Urbisi  Maritini.c,  Hoitia-,"  in 
two  page;  ilaffd  Octnlier  litli,  161X,  ami  signcil  (iiiiliclnivs  lansonius,  it  tollowed  by 
the  "  Fiii'tatii'  Ad  Lcctorcm  U'licvolurn  "  iti  fmn  pages  nioii-.  Heiiides  the  errors  if' 
pagination  no''  cd  in  the  ai)iivo  collation,  yv^si  14  and  15  o('  the  text  .iri-  misnumbercd 
4  and  5.  The  mijis  and  plates  ire  iilcniual  with  tl.ose  used  in  |an  J.ii>  hi'n's  Krcnth 
edition  (No.  77949,  suf'ia),  iiu  hiding  the  dLScriph .  ••  te.vt  in  i''reiicii  on  the  back*  of 
three  of  the  plates.     They  are  placed  as  follow!  1 

(1)  Map  of  the  world  in  two  ht-miipheres,  a^ter  the  preface,  verso  blank. 

(2)  Map  of  the  South  Sea  opposite  |'agi'  I. 

(3)  ['late  of  Porto  Desire  or  Leeuwen  £ylandt  between  pages  16  .tnd  17,  with  the 
detcriptive  text  in  French  on  the  verso. 

(4)  Map  of  Ticira  del  Fuogc,  etc.,  between  pages  14  and  i-jhit. 

(5)  Plate  of  the  Indian  sailing  canoe  between  pages  28  and  29. 

(6)  Plate  of  O-cot  Ey/unJt,  etc.,  between  pages  30  and  31. 

{7)  Plate  of  the  meeting  with  the  Indian  kings,  between  pages  31  and  33,  witli  the 
descriptive  text  in  French  on  the  verso. 

[i)    Map  of  Nova  (Jiiiiiea  between  pages  3S    iiid  39. 

(9)  Plate  of  Hunnne  EijUindt  hie  ile  Hoorii,  between  pages  46  and  47,  with  the 
descriptiv     text  in  Fren>  h  on  the  verso. 

Priced  by  Dufosse  in  1887  (No.  16326),  100  francs. 

ScHouTEN.  Diarivm  I  vel  I  Dcscriptio  '.ihoriosissimi,  &  Moles- 
tissinii|Itincris,  facti  a'Gviliclnio  Coniclii  |  Scliovtenio,  Hornano. 
( Annis  1615.  i^i6.  cV'  1617.  |  (Jui  a  parte  Australi  fVcti  Magel- 
lanici,  novum  ductum,  aut  |  fietum,  in  Magnum  Marc  Australe 
detexit,  totumq;]  Orhcm  terrarum  circumna\  igavit.  |  Editio  altera.  | 
[Large  vignette  of  ship.s  and  a  city.]  |  Amstcrdami^  Sumptibus  Lu~ 
dovici  Flas-bloem.  1648.]  4to,  pp.  (8),  1-24,  1 7-7 1.  Sig.  .*.  and 
A-K  in  fours.     7  Maps  and  Plates,  folded.  H.  77959 

A  reprint  of  No.  77958,  supra,  with  the  same  dedication  and  preface,  but  with  the 
former  dated  April  12,  1648,  and  signed  Lvdovicvs  Vlas-bloem.  The  vignette  on  the 
title  is  I  reversed  copy  of  that  in  tiie  original  Dutch  edition.  On  page  71  is  added  a 
list,  "Tabell.T  hoc  niodo  impingantur,"  numbered  I  to  6,  to  be  placed  at  pages  I,  20, 
29,  36,  36,  44,  52.  At  the  bottom  of  the  same  page  is  a  list  of  errata  in  seven  lines. 
The  seven  maps  and  plates  are  imitations  of  those  in  No.  7792 1,  newly  engraved  on 
copper  for  this  edition,  but  tile  views  and  figures  are  reversed.     They  are  as  follows : 

(i)  Map  of  the  world  in  two  Iiemispheres,  with  portraits  above  and  at  the  sides, 
and  the  additional  inscriptions  Tropicus  Cancri,  I'ropuus  Capricorni,  etc.  It  can  be  dis- 
tinguished from  the  other  editions  by  the  inscription  Bra\ii!ii.i  (instead  of  Bra\sHia)  on 
the  South  American  continent. 










£f   U&    12.0 

IL25  Mu 







WEBSTER,  N.Y.  14580 











M  i- 



(2)  Plate  of  Porto  Desire  or  Leeuwen  Eylandt,  with  the  reference  letters  A  to  N, 
verso  blank.  The  view  is  reversed,  so  that  the  figures  of  the  men  killing  die  sea  lion 
are  in  the  right-hand  corner  of  the  plate. 

(3)  Plate  of  the  Indian  sailing  canoe.  The  view  is  reversed,  and  the  boats  sailing 
towards  the  right-hand  side. 

(4)  Plate  of  yerradcrs  Eijiandt  Isle  det  traislres  and  Cocot  Eijlandt  hit  de  Cocot. 
The  view  is  reversed,  so  that  Cocot  Eijlandt  is  on  the  right-hand  side. 

(5)  Plate  of  the  meeting  with  the  Indian  kings,  without  the  reference  letters  A  to 
L,  verso  blank.  The  view  is  reversed,  so  that  the  large  standing  figures  are  on  the 
right-hand  side. 

(6)  Plate  of  Hoorn  island,  without  the  name  of  the  place,  and  without  the  reference 
letters  A  and  B,  verso  blank.  The  view  is  reversed,  so  that  the  men  in  the  boat  firing 
guns  are  on  the  right-hand  side. 

(7)  Long  folded  map  of  the  South  Sea,  with  the  title  in  Dutch,  French  and  Latin. 
It  can  be  distinguished  from  the  other  editions  by  the  three  (instead  of  two)  figures  ot 
ships,  and  by  the  word  ctmin  (instead  of  cbemin)  in  the  third  line  of  the  French  title. 
The  inscription  Strate  'van  le  Maire  is  properly  printed,  as  on  the  original  map. 

The  map  of  the  South  Sea  is  evidently  not  included  in  the  plate  numbers  on  page  71. 
and  is  probably  lacking  in  some  copies.  There  is  no  doubt,  however,  of  its  belonging 
to  the  book.  I  am  indebted  to  Mr.  Wm.  H.  Tillinghast,  of  Harvard  College  Library, 
for  the  ribove  title. 

ScHOUTEN.  DiarivmJ  veI|Descriptio  laboriosissimi,  &  Moles- 
tissimi  I  Itineris,  facti  a|Gvilielmo  Cornelii  |  Schovtenio,  Hornano. 
I  Annis  1615.  1616.  &  1617.  |  Qui  a  parte  Australi  freti  Magel- 
lanici,  novum  ductum,  aut  |  fretum,  in  Magnum  Mare  Australe 
detexit,  totumq;  |  Orbem  terrarum  ciicumnavigavit.  |  Editio  altera.  | 
Docseti.)  Sumptihus  Ludovici  Vlas-bloetn,  1648.  |  4to,  pp.  (8),  I-24, 
17-71.     Sig.  .".  and  a-k  in  fours.     7  Maps  i.nd  Plates.  bm. 

Probably  a  mere  reissue  of  the  preceding  edition  (No.  77959),  with  only  a  change  in 
the  imprint. 

ScHOUTEN.  Diarium,  |  vel  |  Descriptio  laboriosissimi,  &  moles- 
tissimi  |  Itineris,  facti  a  |  Guilielmo  Cornelii  |  Schoutenio,  Hornano. 
I  Annis  1615.  1616.  &  1617.  |  Qui  a  parte  Australi  freti  Magel- 
lanici,  novum  ductum,  |  aut  fretum,  in  magnum  Mare  Australe 
detexit,  totumque  I  Orbem  terrarum  circumnavigavit.  |  [Large 
woodcut  of  a  ship.]  |  Anuterdam't^  \  Sumptihus  Ludovici  Vlas-hlom^ 
1662  j  4to,  pp.  (8),  1-24,  17-71.  Sig.  .*.  and  a-k  in  fours. 
7  Maps  and  Plates,  folded.  l.  77961 

This  appears  to  be  a  mere  reissue  of  No.  77959,  supra,  the  only  difference  being  the 
substitution  of  a  new  title  in  place  of  the  canceled  one,  and  a  few  alterations  in  the 
plates.  The  dedication  is  dated  April  lath,  1648,  and  signed  Lvdovicvs  Vlas-bloem. 
On  page  71  is  the  list,  "Tabellae  hoc  modo  impingantur,"  numbered  I  to  6,  and  the 
list  of  errata  in  seven  lines.  The  seven  maps  and  plates,  in  the  Lenox  copy,  are  bound 
together  between  the  preface  and  page  i  of  the  text.     They  comprise  the  following  : 

(i)  Map  of  the  world  in  two  hemispheres,  with  the  number  2  added  in  the  lower 
right-hand  corner. 



(z)   Plate  of  the  Indian  sailing  canue. 

(3)  Plate  of  Porto  Desire  or  Leeuwcn  Eylandt,  with  the  reference  letters  A  to  N, 
and  with  the  number  3  added  in  the  lower  right-hand  corner,  verso  blank. 

(4)  Plate  of  yerraders  Kijlandt  Js/e  da  traistres  and  Cocoi  Eijlandt  Isle  de  Cocos,  with 
the  number  4  added  in  the  lower  left-hand  corner. 

(5)  Plate  of  the  meeting  with  the  Indian  kings,  with  the  reference  letters  A  to  L 
added,  and  with  the  number  5  added  in  the  lower  right-hand  corner,  verso  blank. 

(6)  Plate  of  Hoorn  island,  with  the  inscription  Hoorme  Eylandt  added,  and  with  the 
number  6, added  in  the  lower  right-hand  corner,  verso  blank. 

(7)  Long  folded  map  of  the  South  Sea. 

For  the  title  of  another  Latin  version,  in  De  Biy's  collection,  ice  Vol.  111.,  p.  44. 

ScHoUTEN.  The  I  Relation  of  |  a  Wonderfull  Voiage  made  by 
William  |  Cornelison  Schovten  of  Home.  |  Shewing  how  South 
from  the  Straights  of  Magelan,  in  |  Terra  Del-fuogo  :  he  found 
and  discouered  a  newe  passage  |  through  the  great  South  Sea,  and 
that  way  sayled|  round  about  the  world.  |  Describing  what  Islands, 
Countries,  People,  and  strange  |  Aduentures  he  found  in  his  saide 
Passage.  I  [Vignette  map.]  |  London  |  Imprinted  by  T.  D.for  Na- 
thanaell  Nevvbery^  and  |  are  to  be  sold  at  the  signe  of  the  Starre^  vnder 
S.  Peters\in  Corne-hiU^  and  in  Pope-head  j^lley.  1619.I  4to,  pp.  (8), 
1-36,  36-82,  verso  blank,  a-l  in  fours,  besides  the  first  two 
leaves.  l.  77962 

The  vignette  map  on  the  title  represents  Tierra  del  Fuogo  and  the  southern  p„rt  of 
America.  The  same  cut  is  repeated  on  page  22.  Following  the  title  is  the  one-page 
dedication,  "To  the  Right  WorshipfvU  Sir  Thomas  Smith  Knight.  Goueriour  of  the 
East  Indian  Companie.  &c.,"  signed  with  the  initials  of  the  translator,  William  Phillip, 
verso  blank.  "The  Preface"  begins  on  the  recto  of  the  •'hird  leaf  and  ends  on  the 
recto  of  the  fourth,  verso  blank.  This  edition  appears  to  have  been  published  without 
any  plates.  A  copy  in  the  John  Carter  Brown  Library  at  Providence  is  described  in  the 
printed  catalogue  as  containing  a  frontispiece  of  the  two  hemispheres  with  portraits  of 
Magellan  and  Schouten  at  top,  a  portrait  of  G.  de  Bloys,  admiral  of  Zeland,  and  3  maps 
and  6  plates,  all  of  which  were  probably  inserted.  Another  English  account  of  the 
voyage  is  in  Harris's  collection,  vol.  x. 

ScHOUTEN.  Relacion  Diaria.  j  Del  Viage  de  Ia-|cobo  de 
Mayre,  |  y  Gvillelmo  Cornelio  Schouten,  en  que  dcscubrieron 
nueuo  Es- 1  trecho  y  passage  del  mar  del  Norte  al  |  mar  del  Sur,  a 
la  parte  Austral  |  del  Estrecho  de  Ma  |  gallanes.  |  Am  [Vignette  of 
IHS.]  1 6 19  I  En  Madrid.  |  Por  Bernardino  de  Gitzman.  |  410,  26 
leaves.     Sig.  ^  and  a-e  in  fours,  and  F  in  two.       bm.,  l.  77963 

Improved  title  of  No.  44058,  Vol.  xi.,  which  see  for  a  note.  On  the  verso  of  leaf 
12,  in  the  margin,  are  the  words  "  Aqui  los  Mapas."  The  maps,  however,  are  not  in 
the  book. 

ScHOUTEN.  Giornale,  I  overo  I  Descrittione  |  del  faticosissimo,  | 
&  trauagliosissimo  viaggio,  |  Fatto  da  |  Gvlielmo  Cornelio  |  Scou- 
tenio  da  Hornalgl'anni  1615.  1616.  &  i6i7.|Quando  dalla  parte 


;  I 




Austiale  del  Mare  Magellanico  |  scopii  vn  nuouo  condotto,  oueio 
Mare  verso  il  |  gran  Marc  Australe,  &  nauigo  tutt'  il  |  Mondo 
intoriu).  |  Che  Isole,  &  Paesi,  &  Popoli  habbi  veduto,  &  |  in  che 
pericoli  sia  incorso.  |  Tradotto  di  Latino  in  Volgare.  |  [Small  vig- 
nette of  a  female.]  |  In  Venetia^  Appresso  Santo  Grillo^  e  Fratell't. 
1621. 1  Con  L'lcentia  cle*  Superiorly  & Priui/egio.  \  Sm.  8vo,  60  leaves. 
A-G  in  eights,  and  H  in  four.  L.  77964 

This  is  probably  the  rarest  of  all  the  editions  of  Schouten's  journal. 

Schouw-Tooneel  van  Wederwaardigheden  of  Verzameling  van 
rampspoedige  en  ongelukkigc  Reistochten,  van  en  naar  verschcide 
Gewesten  van  den  Aardbodem,  gcdaan  door  Nedcrlandsche  en 
anderc  Schepen,  uitvoerig  beschreven  en  met  Kunstige  Platen 
vertierd.  Amsterdam :  B.  Mourik.  [1780?]  4to,  pp.  (4),  270. 
13  Plates.  c.  77965 

For  a  list  of  the  contents  see  the  "Catalogue  of  Books  added  to  the  Library  of  Con- 
gress," for  1868,  p.  253. 

[ScHOYEN  (David  Monrad).]  Amerikas  Forenede  Staters  His- 
torie.     Tre  delarne.    ...  Chicago.   1 874-1 876.     3  vols.,  i2mo. 

ScHRAMKE  (T.)  Description  of  the  New-York  Croton  Aque- 
duct in  english,  german  and  french  by  T.  Schramke,  with  twenty 
plates.  New-Tork  and  Berlin^  at  the  Author's.  184.6.  On  stone  bf 
printed  by  Mundt  Berlin.  4to,  pp.  (4),  62,  and  folded  Table. 
Map  and  19  Plates,  a.  +  Second  Edition.  \lbid.'\  1855.  4to, 
pp.  (4),  62,  and  Table.     Map  and  19  Plates.  779t>7 

Schramm  (H.)  C.  F.  Ph.  v.  Martius.  Sein  Lebens-  und 
Characterbild,  insbesondere  seine  Reiseerlebnisse  in  Brasilien. 
Von  Hugo  Schramm.  ...  Leipzig:  Ludwig  Denicke.  1869.  2 
vols.,  i6mo,  pp.  X,  278;  iii,  164.  b.  77968 

ScHRAMMius  (J.  C.)  De  Philosophia  Canadensium  Populi  in 
America  Septentrionali  balbutiente  Dissertatio  quam  Introduction! 
in  Philosophiam  Publicis  Lectionibus  aggrediendap  przemittit  & 
simul  auditores  humaniter  invitat  Jonas  Conradus  Schrammius 
P.  P.  Helmestadii :  Georg  Wolfgang  Hamm.  [1707,]  4to,  (12) 
leaves.  j.c.b.  77969 

Ein  I  Schreiben  |  An  die  |  Einwohnt  |  der  (  Provinz  |  Quebec,  j 
Auszug  aus  dem  ProtocoU  des  Congresses.  |  Philadelphia.,  |  Gedruckt 
und  zu  haben  bey  Heinrich  Miller^  |  1 774.  |     8vo,  pp.  (2),  63-76. 

Title  from  Hildeburn. 

Schreiben  an   einen  guten   Frcund   iiber  den  Gedanken  vom 



Ursprunge  der  amerilcanischen  Volker  so  im  Danziger  Geschichts- 
calender  stehen.      Thorun.   1777.    8vo.  7797^ 

Schreiben  |  des  |  Evangelisch-Lutherisch  und  Ret"ormiiteii|  Kii- 
chen-Rathes,  I  wie  auch|der  Bcamtcn  der  Tcutschcn  Gcsellsc'iaft 
I  in  der  Stadt  Philadelphia,  |  an  die  |  Tcutschcn  Einwohncr  |  der 
Provinzen  I  von  Newyork  und  NorJ-Carolina.  |  Philadelphia^  \  Ge- 
(Iruckt  bey  tieinrich  Miller^  in  der  Rees-strasse^\  1775.I  l6mo,  pp. 
40.  77972 

Title  from  Hildeburn. 

ScHREiBERS  (K.  von),  Editor.  Nachrichtcn  von  den  kaiserl. 
osterreichischen  Naturforschern  in  Brazilien,  und  den  Rcsultaten 
ihrer  Betriebsamkeit,  ...  aus  den  Berichten  und  Briefen  der  Na- 
turforscher  [J.  Natterer,  H.  Schott,  J.  C.  Mikan]  an  den  k.  k. 
Hofnaturalienkabinets  Director,  Herrn  Karl  v.  Schreibers,  und 
nach  Untersuchung  und  Befund  der  eingesendeten  naturhistori- 
schen  Gegenstande  der  k.  k.  Hof-  Naturalienkabinets  Direction. 
Briinn:  J.  G.  Trassler.    1820.     8vo,  pp.  191.     Plate  and  Map. 

Improved  title  of  No.  7607,  Vol.  11.,  from  the  catalogue  of  the  Library  of  Congress. 
A  second  part  was  printed  in  1823. 

ScHREiNER  (H.  L.)  The  Beauregard  Songster,  being  a  Col- 
lection of  Patriotic,  Sentimental,  and  Comic  Songs,  the  most 
popular  of  the  day.  Arranged  by  Hermann  L.  Schreiner.  Pub- 
lished by  John  C.  Sch*-einer  iff  Son^  Macon  and  Savannah^  Ga.  1864. 
i8mo,  pp.  (2),  36.  B.,  c.  77974 

Schreiner.  The  Gen.  Lee  Songster,  being  a  Collection  of 
the  most  Popular,  Sentimental,  Patriotic,  and  Comic  Songs.  ... 
Macon^  Ga.:  J.  C.  Schreiner  Iff  Son.  1865.  i8mo,  pp.  (2),  36. 
-\- Jugusta.   1865.     i8mo.  1191 S 

Schrik  niet !  Schrik  niet !  De  Engelsche  Dog,  die  Holland- 
sche  Reutjes  en  Russische  Teefjes  Byt,  Vint  zich  opgeslooten 
door  een'  Americaanschen  Beer,  Deensche  en  Zweedsche  Hon- 
den,  een  Russische  Teef,  en  een  met  Goud  geklaauwden  Hol- 
landschen  Leeuw.  Zynde  Een  Dicht-Stukje  in  een  Staatkundige 
Satyrique  Samenspraak,  tusschen  Vraagal  en  Praatgraag  ;  Bevat- 
tende  het  begin  en  oorzaak  der  tegenwoordige  Engelsche  Oorlog 
tot  op  deegen  tyd  toe.  Alom  te  bekomen.  [Amsterdam.  1781  ?J 
8vo,  pp.  16.  BA.  119lb 

Don't  fear!  Don't  fear!  The  English  djg  ...  locked  up  by  an  American  bear, 
Danish  and  Swedish  dogs,  a  Dutch  liun  ...  cont:<ining  the  beginning  and  source  of  the 
present  war.  In  verse.  On  the  treaty  of  armed  neutrality  of  the  northern  nations 
during  the  War  of  Independence. 



1^^  r^ 


Ik  I 

i'  . 






Schrik  Wei  Decgelyk  !  De  Engelsche  hond  is  dol,  en  za! 
noch  meenigcn  Reu  en  "^Vcnf  een  Knaauvv  geeven,  eer  hy  door 
een  Americaanschc  Beer,  Deensche  en  Zwcedsche  Honden,  een 
Russische  Tecf  en  een,  met  goud  geklaauwde  Hollandschc  Leeuw, 
zal  opgeslooten  worden.  Dat  Veelligt  Nooit  Gebeuren  Zal. 
Zynde  een  Brief  van  Jan  Regtuit,  aan  zyn  vriend  Voor  dc  Vuist. 
Alom  Te  Bekomen.      [^Jtnsterdam.    178 1?]     8vo,  pp.  15.         BA. 

Take  care,  do !     The  English  dog  is  mad,  and  will  have  many  a  bite  before  he  gets 
locked  up  by  an  American  bear,  etc. 

ScHROEDER  (J.  F.)  A  Brief  Statement  touching  the  Rev* 
Dr  Schroeder's  Late  Publication  entitled,  Documents  concerning 
Recent  Measures  of  the  Vestry  of  Trinity  Church  in  the  City  of 

New  York.     New  y'ork.    1839.     8vo,  pp.  io. 


ScHROEDER.  A  Discourse  delivered  in  I'rinity  Church,  New- 
York,  on  Thursday,  November  24,  1825.  (The  day  of  General 
Thanksgiving  throughout  the  State.)  By  the  Rev.  John  Fred- 
erick Schrofder,  a.m.  an  Assistant  Minister  of  Trinity  Church. 
Neiu-Tork :  Puflhhed  by  Geo.  isf  Chas.  Carvlll  C.  S.  Van  IVinkle^ 
Printer.    1825.     8vo,  pp.  28.  B.,  M.,  N.  77979 

ScHROEDER.  The  Great  Man  in  Israel :  a  Discourse  on  the 
Character  of  the  P.ight  Reverend  John  H^^nry  Hobart,  d.d., 
delivered  ...  in  the  City  of  New-York,  September,  a.  d.  mdccc- 
XXX.  By  John  Frederick  Schroeder,  a.m.  ...  Second  Edition. 
New-Tor k :  Protestant  Episcopal  Press,  mdcccxxx.     8vo,  pp.  27. 

The  first  edition  lias  the  same  title,  date  and  number  of  pages. 

ScHROEDER.  The  Intellectual  and  Moral  Resources  of  Hor- 
ticulture. An  Anniversary  Discourse,  pronounced  before  the 
New  York  Horticultural  Society,  at  the  Annual  Celebration,  Au- 
gust 26,  1828.  By  John  Frederick  Schroeder,  a.m.  ...  New 
York.  1828.  8vo,  pp.  40.  H.  -|-  Third  Edition.  New  York. 
1838.    8vo.  N.  77981 

Schroeder.  Letter  to  the  Member--,  of  the  Congregations  of 
the  Parish  of  Trinity  Church.  By  the  Rev.  J.  F.  Schroeder, 
D.D.  With  an  Appendix.  New  York:  Scatcherd  and  Adains.^ 
Printers.    1839.     8vo,  pp.  24.  D.,  ba.  "J^C)^! 

Schroeder.  Life  and  Times  of  Washington :  containing  a 
particular  account  of  National  Principles  and  Events,  and  of  the 
illustrious  Men  of  the  Revolution.  ]iy  John  Frederick  Schroe- 
der, D.D.,  Author  of  "  Maxims  of  Washington,  collected  and 



arraiigcil."  lllustiiitcil  with  hio;hly-finishc(l  Steel  Eiij2;ravings, 
^rom  original  designs  of  Historical  Scenes,  and  full-length  por- 
traits. By  Aloiv/,o  C'happcl.  ...  New  Tork :  Johnson^  //y,  and 
Company.  [1857-1861.J  2  vols.,  410,  pp.  708  ;  (2),  9-762.  En- 
graved titles,  45  Plates,  and  8  pages  of  the  Declaration  of  Inde- 
pendence. L.  77983 

Originally  issued  in  forty-six  parts,  at  25  cents  each  part.  Dr.  Schroedcr  died  while 
the  fourth  part  was  in  the  press.  The  work  was  then  completed  by  other  writers, 
among  whom  was  Rufus  W.  Griswold.  A  new  eiiition,  revised  and  enl.-.rjjed  by  IJen- 
son  J.  Lossing,  was  brought  out  in  fifty-two  parts,  Neiv  7'ork :  II.  y.  yobnsori,  1S79. 

ScHROEDER.  Maxims  of  Washington  ;  Political,  Social,  Moral, 
and  Religious.  Collected  and  arranged  by  John  Frederick  Schroe- 
der,  D.D.,  a  citizen  of  the  United  States.  ...  New  Tork  :  D.  Apple- 
ton  and  Company.   M.  Dccc.  LV.     i2mo,  pp.  xxiv,  13-423.  L. 

ScHROEDER.  Memoir  of  the  Life  and  Character  of  Mrs.  Marv 
Anna  Boardman,  with  a  Historical  Account  of  her  Forefathers, 
and  Biographical  and  Genealogical  Notices  of  many  of  her  kin- 
dred and  relatives.  By  her  Son-in-law,  John  Frederick  Schroe- 
dcr, D.D.  Printed  for  Private  Distribution.  New  Haven:  1849. 
8vo,  pp.  478.     Portrait.  779^5 

[ScHROEDER.]  Memorial  of  Bishop  Hobart.  A  Collection 
of  Sermons  on  the  Death  of  the  Right  Reverend  John  Henry 
Hobart,  D.D.  Bishop  of  the  Protestant  Episcopal  Church  in  the 
State  of  New  York  :  with  a  Memoir  of  his  Life  and  Writings. 
New-Tor k:  T.  iff  y.  Swords.  MDCCCXxxi.  i2mo,  pp.  cxxiv,  250. 
Portrait.  H.  77986 

ScHROEDER.  Plea  for  the  Industrious  Poor  and  Strangers,  in 
Sickn-^ss.  An  Address  delivered  at  the  Opening  of  an  Edifice 
Erected  by  the  Trustees  of  The  New- York  Dispensary ;  January 
II,  1830.  Exhibiting  a  view  of  the  objects  of  the  institution, 
its  plan,  resources,  history  and  peculiar  claims  to  public  and  pri- 
vate benefactions.  By  John  Frederick  Schroeder,  a.m.  an  Assist- 
ant Minister  of  Trinity  Church,  in  the  City  of  New-York  ;  a 
life  member  of  the  dispensary.  ...  New- Tork :  Printed  by  IVilliam 
Van  Norden.   1830.     8vo,  pp.  28,  and  covers.  b.,  h.  77987 

The  cover-title  bears  the  imprint :  Neiu-  York :  Prime  J  at  the  Protestant  Episcopal 
Press,  No.  46  Lumber-Street,  1830. 

ScHROEDER.  Religion  and  the  State ;  or,  Christianity  the  Safe- 
guard of  Civil  Liberty:  An  Oration,  delivered  ...  [at]  St.  Paul's 
College,  ...  College  Point,  N.  Y.  on  the  Fifth  Day  of  July,  a.d. 






I  - 

if    ! 





1 84 1.      My  John  Frederick  Schroedcr,  d.d.  ...  flushing,  mdccc- 
XLi.     8vo,  pp.  46,  (2).  B.,  N.  77988 

Also:  Chart  of  the  Diocpsc  of  New  York.  ...  New  Tort.  1851.  Folilcd.  a. —  of  St.  Ann's  H.ill,  Flushing,  L.  I.,  devoted  to  the  Education  of  Young  Ladies. 
...  New  York.  1840.    8v<).     n. 

[ScHRoTER  (Jo.  Fred.)]  Algemeine  Geschichte|der|  Lander 
una  Volker  |  von  America.  | ...  |  Nebst  einer  Vorrede  |  Siegmund 
Jacob  Baumgartens  |  der  h.  Schrift  Doctors  und  offentl.  Lehrcrs, 
auch  des  theologischen  Seminarii  Directors  auf  der  konigl.  | 
preuszl.  Friedrichsuniversitiit  in  Halle.  |  Mit  vielen  Kupfern.  j 
//<v//^,  bey  Johann  Justirtus  Gebauer.  \  1 752-1 753.  2  vols.,  4to,  pp. 
(46),  688  ;  (22),  905,  Register  (63).     60  Maps  and  Plates. 

Compilpd  and  translated  by  J.  F.  Schroter,  whose  initials  are  at  the  end  of  the  dedi- 
cation. The  first  volume  is  mainly  a  translation  of  Lafiteau's  "  Mceurs  dej  Sauvages 
Amcriquain.'i."  The  platec  are  also  largely  copied  from  the  same  work.  The  second 
volume  contains  extracts  from  Rochefort,  and  other  writers. 

Schryvers  welke  over  de  kolonie  Suriname  geschreven  hebben. 
[n.  p.   1820.]    8vo,  pp.  16.  77990 

Contains  critical  observations  on  the  works  of  Herlein,  Fermin,  Hartsinck,  and  others. 

Schubert  (F.  W.)  Verfassungsurkunden  und  Grundgesetze 
der  Staatcn  Europas,  der  Nordamerikanischen  Freistaaten  und 
Brasiliens  ...  herausgegeben  und  erlautert  von  F.-W.  Schubert. 
...  Konigsberg.    1848-50.     2  vols.,  8vo.  7799* 

ScHUCKERS  (J.  W.)  A  Brief  Account  of  the  Finances  and 
Paper  Money  of  the  Revolutionary  War.  By  J.  W.  Schuckers. 
Philadelphia:  John  Campbell  iff  Son.   1874.     8vo,  pp.  128. 

Schuckers.  "  The  Currency  Conflict."  Address  of  J.  W. 
Schuckers,  Esq.,  before  the  Liberal  Club  of  New  York  City, 
On  Friday  Evening,  June  23d,  1876.  [n.  p.  1876.]  8vo,  pp. 
14.  B.  77993 

Schuckers.  The  Currency  Conflict.  A  Review  of  some 
portions  of  Gen.  Garfield's  Speech  on  Specie  Payments  in  the 
House  of  Representatives,  November  17,  1877,  particularly  with 
reference  to  resumption  in  Great  Britain  in  1819-22,  in  a  Letter 
of  J.  W.  Schuckers,  Esq.,  to  Hon.  William  D.  Kelley.  Phila- 
delphia: Henry  Carey  Baird  i^  Co.    1877.     ^^°»  PP*  24.         77994 

Schuckers.  The  Finances :  Panics  and  Specie  Payments. 
By  J.  W.  Schuckers.  Philadelphia:  John  Campbell  i^  Son.  1 874. 
8vo,  pp.  78.  -j-  Third  Edition.  Philadelphia :  Henry  Carey  Baird 
^  Co.  iSyj.    8vo,  pp.  90.  77995 




Sc  HUc  KERS.  The  ]j\fc  and  Public  Services  of  Salmon  Port- 
land Chase,  United  States  Senator  and  Governor  of  Ohio  ;  Secre- 
tary of  the  Treasury,  and  Chief-Justice  of  the  United  States. 
By  J.  W.  Schuckers.  To  which  is  added  the  Eulogy  on  Mr. 
Chase,  delivered  by  William  M.  Evarts,  before  the  Alumni  of 
Dartmouth  College,  June  24,  1874.  New  York:  D,  jlppleton 
and  Company.  1874.  8vo,  pp.  (4),  vii-xv,  669.  Portrait  and  6 
Plates.  77996 

Schuckers.  The  Oucstion  of  Resumption  t)f  Specie  Pay- 
ments stated  and  explained.  With  copious  Historical  Illustra- 
tions, and  an  exhaustive  Account  of  English  Hank  Suspension 
and  Resumption,  1797-1821.  By  J.  W.  Schuckers  ...  .  Phila- 
delphia:  Campbell  ^  Son.   1876.     iimo.  77997 

Schuckers.  Views  of  J.  W.  Schuckers,  Esq.,  of  Philadel- 
phia, delivered  to  the  House  of  Representatives,  on  Hanking  and 
Currency,  June  8,  1S78.  PVashington :  Government  Printing  Office. 
1878.     8vo,  pp.  22.  77998 

ScHULENBURGH  (J.)  Accusatlc  cnde  Conclusie | ovcrgegcven  | 
Acn  sijn  Furstelijcke  Dooriuchticheyt  den  Heer|  Prins|  Wilhelm 
Frederick  van  |  Nassauw,  &.c.  Stadthouder  van  Stadt  |cn  Lande| 
Ende  de  H.  Heeren  gedelegecrde  Richteren  |  van  beijde  Leden 
deser  Provintie.  |  Door  |  d'Avocaten  Fiscael  by  welgemelte  Pro- 
vincie  ge-constituecrt ;  |  Op  ende  Tegens  I  Den  gewesen  Staet 
Generael  |  Johan  Schulenborch  |  wegen  d^'sselfs  verscheijdene 
Crimes  geduyrende  sijn|  Ampt,  ende  tegens  de  Provintie  begaen.  | 
Als  mede  de  Sententie  daer  op  gevolght.  |  Dese  Editie  is  vermeer- 
dert  met  de  Instructie  en  den  Eedt  der  boven-|genoemde  H. 
Heeren  gedelegecrde  Richteren.  |  Gedruckt  tot  Leuwarden.,  \  By 
Pieter  Jellis.,  Boeckverkooper  in  de  Peper-straet  |  in  de  Gecroonde  Druc- 
kerije.\  [1662.]    4to,  pp.  88.  77999 

This  work  and  the  three  following  relate  in'  identally  to  the  war  in  Brazil  between 
Holland  and  Portugal. 

ScHULENBURGH.  Acte  |  Vande  |  Staten  van  |  Groeningen  |  Ende 
Ommelanden.  |  Daer  by  den  Heer  Johan  Schulcnburgh  Gecom-  | 
mitteert  inde  Staten  Generael,  van  alle  Ampten  Gede- 1  porteert 
wert,  en  hoe  dat  noch  gereserveert  is,  |  tegens  zyn  Persoon,  ende 
goederen  |  te  Procederen.  |  Item  |  Een  schriftelicke  Contestatie  van 
Groeningen  tegens  |  Hollandt,  wegens  de  Portugesche  Tractaten.  | 
Naer  de  Copye\  Te  Groeningen  voor  Hendrick  Bronswijck  \  An.  Ch. 
M  D  c  Lxii.  I    4to,  (4)  leaves.  78000 












Schui.enhur(;h.  Justificatic  |  van  dc  |  Rcsoliiticii  ciulc  Piocc- 
(liucii  l)y  (lc|Ecl.  Mug.  Hc'CTcn  Statcn  vanlStadt  Gronuigcii  |  En  | 
Omniflandcn  I  gchoiulen  tcgcn  cicn  Hccr  |  Johan  Schulenborch  I 
wegcns  het  gctractcerdc  met  cIcn  |  Ambassacicur  van  Portugal  | 
Ende  Refutatic  van  dc  Dcductic  van  dcnsclven  dacrjtegens  gcpub- 
liceert.|  [n.  p.]  /;/  */  /aer  onses  Hecren  1662.  |    4to,  pp.  36. 

ScHULKNnuRc.H.  Scntcntic  |  gcproniinchiccrt  tcgens  |  Johan 
Schulcnburgh  |  Gcwcscn  Stact  Gcnciacl  binnen  Grocningcn.  | 
t^  Utrecht  By  Anthony  Benedicti^  Recht  over  't  Paus-Huijs  1663.  | 
Folio,  I  leaf.  78002 

ScHULTZ.     See  also  Schulz  and  Shultz. 

ScHULTz  (C.)  Travels  on  an  Inland  Voyage  through  the 
States  of  New  York,  Pennsylvania,  Virginia,  Ohio,  Kentucky 
and  Tennessee,  and  through  the  Territories  of  Indiana,  Louisiana, 
Mississippi  and  New  Orleans;  performed  in  the  Years  1807  and 
1808  :  Including  a  Tour  of  Nearly  Six  Thousand  Miles.  With 
Maps  and  Plates.  By  Christian  Schultz,  Jun.  Esq.  In  Two 
Volumes  ...  New  Tork :  Printed  by  Isaac  Riley.  18 10.  2  vols., 
8vo,  pp.  xviii,  207 ;  viii,  224.     Portrait,  Plate  and  3  Maps.       a. 

Schultz  (C.  W.  H.)  New  York  in  September,  1873.  Wall 
Street  and  the  Stock  Exchange.  The  Panic :  its  Causes  and 
Effects.  By  C.  W.  H.  Schultz  ....  [J.  and  IV.  Rider,  Printers, 
London,  n.  d.]     i2mo,  pp.  62.  B.  78004 

Schultz  (J.  H.  S.)  Die  deutsche  Ansiedelung  in  Texas.  ... 
Bonn.   1845.    8vo,  pp.  60.  78005 

Schultz  (J.  S.)  The  Leather  Manufacture  in  the  United 
States;  a  Dissertation  on  the  Methods  and  Economies  of  Tan- 
ning. By  Jackson  S.  Schultz.  With  numerous  Illustrations.  ... 
New  Tork :  ^^  Shoe  and  Leather  Reporter"  Office.    1876.     8vo,  pp. 

305,  62.  B.  78006 

[Schultze  (Benjamin)  and  Fritz  (Johann  Friedrich),  editors.'\ 
Orientalisch-  und  Occidentalischcr  Sprachmeister  Welcher  nicht 
allein  hundert  Alphabcte  nebst  ihrcr  Aussprache,  So  bey  denen 
meisten  Europaisch-  Asiatisch-Africanisch-  und  Americanischen 
Volckern  und  Nationen  gcbriiuchlich  sind,  Auch  einigen  Tabulis 
Polyglottis  vcrschiedener  Sprachen  und  Zahlen  vor  Augen  leget, 
Sondern  auch  das  Gcbet  des  HErrn,  In  200  Sprachen  und  Mund- 
Arten  mit  derselben  Characteren  und  Lesung,  nach  einer  Geo- 





graphischen  Ordnung  initthcilct.  Aus  glaul)wurdig;fn  Au(  toribus 
/usimmcn  getragi-n,  uiul  mit  ilar/,u  nothigcn  Kuptcrii  vcrschcn. 
Af/y')z/if,  Z«  findi-u  hey  Christian  Friedrich  Gissnern.  1 748.  8vo, 
pp.  (20),  224,  128,  (14)  78007 

Improvtd  title  of  No.  2  5<;S6,  Vol.  vii.  The  pref.itory  epiatlf  is  l)y  B.  Schultze,  but 
the  c::m|)iliti.)n  of  the  text  is  m.iinly  tlic  work  of  J.  F.  Frit/,  under  whose  name  it 
pri)|HM'ly  lieloni;.!.  I'agrii  124- 1 17  of  the  seti  nJ  part  contain  specimens  of  the  Lord's 
Prayer  in  eiylit  Amrricin  Lmtuayes,  nimely,  Mexiiana,  Poioni  iiica,  Caraihita,  Savana- 
liica,  Viri;inianj,  Muh.igica,  Karivici,  and  Ouaranica  sive  Brasilica. 

ScHUL'i'AE.  Oricntalisches  und  occidentalisches  A.  B.  C. 
Biich  welches  lOO  Alphabcte  ncbst  ihrer  Aussprache  vor  Augcn 
leget.     Naumhta-g  und  Zeitx.    1769.     8vo.-    Plates.  78008 

ScHULTZK  (J.  A.)  A  Fair  and  Full  View  of  the  Votes  of 
John  Andic'w  Schultze,  in  the  Senate  of  Pennsylvania,  respecting 
the  Charter  of  the  Roman  Catholic  Congregation  worshipping  at 
St.  Mary's  Church  in  the  City  of  Philadelphia.  \ Philadelphia.'] 
1823.     8vo,  pp.  28.  78009 

Schultze  (J.  H.)  Dc  Ipecacuanha  Americana.  ...  Halae 
Magd.   1744.    4to,  pp.  32.  78010 

ScHULZ  (F.)  Aufsiitze  zur  Kunde  ungebildeter  Volker.  Von 
Friedrich  Schulz.  Weimar :  C.  R,  Hoffmanns  Wittwe  und  Erben. 
1789.     i2mo,  pp.  224.  j.c.B.  78011 

Pages  5-64,  "  Die  Abiponer  in  Sudamerika;"  pp.  64-165,  "  Die  Oron'>kesen,"  etc. 

ScHULz  (Johann  Ephraim).  [Letter  in  German,  dated  from 
Blewfields,  Mosquito  Shore,  Central  America,  July  20,  1847. 
n.  p.   1847?]    8vO'  78012 

ScHULZE  (J.  L.),  editor.  Nachrichten  von  den  vereinigten 
Deutschen  Evangelisch-Lutherischen  Gemeinen  in  Nord-Ame- 
rica,  absonderlich  in  Pensylvanien.  ...  Mit  einer  Vorrede  von  D. 
Johann  Ludewig  Schulze  ...  Halle^in  Verlegung  des  IVaisenhauses^ 
1787.  2  vols.,  4to,  pp.  (14),  700J  (12),  701-1518,  Register 
(20).  J.C.B.,  H.,  p.  78013 

A  collected  reprint  of  the  reports  of  the  Lutheran  missionaries  in  America,  who  were 
sent  out  fi-cm  Germany  subsequent  to  the  year  1742.  Prefixed  is  a  brief  historical 
account  of  the  Evangelical  Lutiieran  Congregations  in  America,  by  the  editor  Johann 
Ludewig  Schulze.     The  original  reports  have  the  following  titles : 

Kurtze  Nadiricht  von  einigen  Evangelischen  Gemeinen  in  America,  absonderlich  in 
Pensylvanien.  Halle.  1750.  4to.  +  Dritte  Fortsetzung  der  Nachricht  ...  Hiit//«.  1750. 
4to.  +  Sechste  Fortsetzung  ...  Halle.  1754.  4to.  -f  Dreizehnte  Fortsetzung  ...  Her- 
ausgegeben  von  G.  A.  Freylinghausen  ...  ^d//«.  1773.  4*°'  +  Funfzehntc  Fortsetzung 
...  Halle.  1776.    4to. 

VOL.    XIX.  7 

■!  5- 




'     I' 

?   t 

ScHur.ZE.  Nachrichten  von  den  vcreinigtcn  Dcutschcn  Evan- 
gelisch-Lutherischcn  Gemcincn  in  Nord-Amcrica,  absondcrlich 
in  Pcnsylvanicn.  Mit  einer  Vorrcdc  von  D.  Johan  Ludcwig 
Schulze.  ...  Hallc,  in  Vcrlegung  dcs  VVaiscnhauses,  1787.  Ncu 
herausgcgcbcn  mit  historiscncn  Eilautcrungcn  und  Mitthciliingcn 
aus  dcm  Archiv  dor  Franclccschen  Stiftungcn  zu  Halle  von  Dr. 
W.  ).  Mann  ...  und  Dr.  B.  M.  Schmuckcr  ...  und  Mitwirkung 
von  Dr.  W.  Germann  ...  Erstcr  Band  ...  Allentown^  Pa.y  Ferlag 
von  Brobst^  Diehl  isf  Co.  Halle  a.  S. :  Buchhandlung  ties  fVaisen- 
hauses.    1886.     8vo,  pp.  x,  (1),  723,  (i).  78014 

This   Vdlumt-  ends  with   the  "  Scchste  Furtsetzung  der  N.ichricht,"  1754.      Set  alio 
Vol.  VII.,  No.  15919. 

ScHULZE.  Neue  Nachrichten  von  dcnen  neuentdckten  Insuhi 
in  der  See  zwischen  Asien  und  Amerika  ;  aus  mitgethciltcn  Ur- 
kundcn  und  Auszugcn  verfasset  von  J.  L.  Schulz  [sic],  Ham- 
burg und  Leipzig^  by  Fr'iedrich  Ludwig  Gleditsch.  1 776.  l6mo, 
pp.  173.  H.  78015 

ScHULzii  (W.)  Reisf-  und  Lcbensbilder  aus  Neuholland, 
Neuscc'land,  und  Californicn.  Aus  dem  Tagtbuchc  eincs  Ver- 
wandten  herausgegebcn  von  W.  Schulze.  Zvveitc  verbcsserte 
Auflage.     Magdeburg:  Baemch.    1853.     8vo,  pp.  144.         78016 

Schumacher  (H.  A.)  Petrus  Martyr,  der  Gcschichtsschrei- 
ber  dcs  VVeltmceres.  Eine  Studic  von  Hermann  A.  Schumacher. 
Mit  einer  Karte  aus  dcm  Jahre  15 10.  New  York:  E.  Steiger. 
Leipzig :  B.  Hermann.  London:  Sampson  Low  fsf  Co.  Madrid: 
J.  Caspar  y  Ma.  Mailand :  U.  Hoepli.  Paris :  Hachette  iff  Co. 
1879.    4to,  pp.  vii,  (2),  152.     Map.  78017 

Schumacher  (J.  G.)  Government  of  Cities.  Speech  of 
Hon.  J.  G.  Schumacher,  of  Kings,  delivered  in  Convention, 
January  29,  1868.  Reported  by  Edward  F.  Underbill.  Albany: 
IVeed^  Parsons  and  Company.,  Printers.    1868.     8vo,  pp.  13.  H. 

Schumacher  (P.  H.)  Beschreibung  meiner  Reise  von  Ham- 
burg nach  Brasilien  im  Juni  1824  und  iiber  die  Auswandcrer  dahin 
von  P.  H.  Schumacher.     Braunschiveig.    1826.     8vo.  78019 

ScHURZ  (C.)  An  Address  delivered  before  the  Archaean  So- 
ciety of  Beloit  College,  July  13,  1858.  By  Carl  Schurz.  Beloit. 
1858.    8vo,  pp.  40.  78020 

ScHURz.  Admission  of  Georgia.  Two  Speeches  delivered  by 
Hon.  Carl  Schurz  of  Missouri,  in  the  United  States  Senate,  March 
18  and  April  19,  1870.    [n.  p.   1870.]     8vo,  pp.  15.     h.  78021 





I  by 



ScHURZ.  Die  Anklage-Acte  gcgcn  Stephen  A.  Douglas. 
Rede  von  Carl  Schurz.  Gehalten  im  Cooper-Institute  zu  New 
York  am  13  September  i860.  \^lVnu  Tori:  Democrat  Office. 
i860.]    8vo,  pp.  18.  H.  78022 

Schurz.  Annexation  of  San  Domingo.  Speech  of  Hon. 
Carl  Schurz,  of  Missouri,  delivered  in  the  Senate  of  the  United 
States,  January  11,  1871.  IVashington :  F.  &  J.  Rives  (jf  Geo.  A. 
Bailey.    187 1.     8vo,  pp.  20.  B.  78023 

Schurz.  The  Condition  of  the  South :  Extracts  from  the 
Report  of  Major-General  Carl  Schurz  on  the  States  of  South 
Carolina,  Georgia,  Alabama,  Mississippi  and  Louisiana :  Ad- 
dressed to  the  President,     [n.  p.    1865  ?]    8vo,  pp.  32.  H. 

Schurz.  The  Currency — Specie  Payments.  Speech  of  Hon. 
Carl  Schurz,  of  Missouri,  in  the  Senate  of  the  United  States, 
January  14,  1874.  IVashington :  Government  Printing  Office. 
1874.     i6mo,  pp.  33.  B.  78025 

Schurz.  Currency — National  Banks.  Speech  of  Hon.  Carl 
Schurz,  of  Missouri,  in  the  United  States  Senate,  Tuesday,  Feb- 
ruary 24,  1874.    [n.  p.    1874.]    8vo,  pp.  16.  B.  78026 

Schurz.  Douglas  and  Popular  Sovereignty.  Speech  of  Carl 
Schurz,  of  Wisconsin,  in  Hampden  Hall,  Springfield,  Mass.,  Jan- 
uary 4,  i860.  ...  [^Buell  &  Bianchard,  Printers^  IVashington^  D.  C. 
i860.]    8vo,  pp.  8.  B.  78027 

Schurz.  Douglas  and  Popular  Sovereignty.  Speech  of  Carl 
Schurz,  of  Wisconsin,  in  Hampden  Hall,  Springfield,  Mass.,  Jan- 
uary 4,  i860.  Also  Remarks  of  Senator  [James  R.]  Doolittle, 
of  Wisconsin,  on  the  occasion  of  the  late  Anniversary  of  the 
Landing  of  the  Pilgrims,  ...  Dec.  22,  1859.  fVashington^  D.  C: 
Buell^  Blanchard^  Printers,    i860.     8vo,  pp.  14.  H.  78028 

Schurz.  Enforcement  of  Fifteenth  Amendment.  Speech  of 
Hon.  Carl  Schurz,  of  Missouri,  in  the  Senate  of  the  United 
States,  May  19,  1870.  \^Printed  at  the  Congressional  Globe  Office^ 
IVashington.    1870.J     8vo,  pp.  8.  B.  78029 

Schurz.  Eulogy  on  Charles  Sumner.  By  Carl  Schurz.  Bos- 
ton :  Lee  and  Shephard.  1874.  i2mo,  pp.  87.  ■\- Boston:  Rock- 
well l5f  Churchill.   1874.    8vo,  pp.  80.  B.  78030 

Schurz.  "  For  the  Great  Empire  of  Liberty,  Forward ! " 
Speech  of  Maj.-Gen.  Carl  Schurz,  of  Wisconsin,  delivered  at 




!   1 



It  -. 


I  l< 



Concert  Hall,  Philailclphia,  on  ...  Sfptemhcr  t6.  1864.     \ Printed 
hy  "John  A.  Gray  &  Green^  New-Tori.    1864.]     Svo,  pp.  16. 

Also  printed  in  German. 

ScHURz.  General  Amnesty.  Speech  of  Hon.  Carl  Schiirz, 
of  Missouri,  delivered  in  the  Senate  of  the  United  States,  January 
30,  1872.  fVash'mgton :  F.  dff  J.  Rives  iff  Geo.  A.  Bailey.  1872. 
8vo,  pp.  14.  B.  78032 

ScHURZ.  ...  Juvige  Douglas — The  Bill  of  Indictment.  Speech 
by  Carl  Schurz.  Delivered  at  the  Cooper  Institute,  New- York, 
Sept.  13,  i860.     \^New  Tork.   i860.]     8vo,  pp.  23,  (i).     78033 

With  heading,  "  Tribune  Tracts. — No.  9." 

ScHURZ.  The  Life  of  Slavery,  or  the  Life  of  the  Nation  ? 
Speech  of  Hon.  Carl  Schurz,  at  ...  New  York,  March  6,  1862. 
...  Reprinted  from  the  Rebellion  Record.  New  Tork:  G.  P. 
Putnam.   1862.     8vo,  pp.  11.  b.  78034 

ScHURz.  Message  of  the  President  of  the  United  States  ... 
accompanied  by  a  report  of  Carl  Schurz  on  the  States  of  South 
Carolina,  Georgia,  Alabama,  Mississippi  and  Louisiana  ;  also  the 
Report  of  Lieut.  General  Grant  on  the  same  subject.  [^Wash- 
ington.  1865.]    8vo,  pp.  108.  B.  78035 

39th  Congress,  ist  Session,  Executive  Doc.  No.  2. 

ScHURz.  Political  Disabilities.  Speech  of  Hon.  Carl  Schurz, 
of  Missouri,  delivered  in  the  Senate  of  the  United  States,  De- 
cember 15,  1870.  JVashington :  F.  ^  f.  Rives  &  Geo.  A.  Bailey. 
1870.     8vo,  pp.  24.  B.  78036 

ScHURZ.  Reform.  Speech  of  Hon.  Carl  Schurz,  at  Nash- 
ville, Tennessee,  Wednesday,  September  20,  1871.    [n.  p.  1871.] 


vo,  pp.  23. 


ScHURZ.  Republican  Nominations.  Speech  of  Carl  Schurz, 
at  the  Milwaukie  Ratification  Meeting,  on  Wednesday  Evening, 
May  30,  i860.     [^Albany.   1861.]     8vo,  pp.  8.  7^03^ 

ScHURZ.  Sales  of  Arms  to  French  Agents.  Speeches  of 
Hon.  Carl  Schurz,  of  Missouri,  in  the  Senate  of  the  United 
States,  February  15  and  20,  1872.  [^Printed  at  the  office  of  the 
Congressional  Globe.,  Washington^  D.  C.   1872.]     8vo,  pp.  24.       b. 

Schurz.  Sales  of  Arms  to  French  Agents  and  how  they  are 
Officially  Justified,     Speech  of  Hon.  Carl  Schurz,  of  Missouri, 



delivered   in   the   Senate  of  the  United   States,  May  31,  1872. 
JVashington  :  F.  £3"  '/.  Rives  ^  Geo.  A.  Bailey.    1872.     8vo,  pp.  22. 

What  a  Country- 
H.  78041 

ScHURZ.     Senator  Schurz  and  his  Clock, 
man  thinks  of  it.    [n.  p.  n.  d.]    8vo,  pp.  8. 

ScHURZ.  Slavery  at  War  with  the  Moral  Sentiment  of  the 
World.  A  Speech  by  Carl  Schurz  of  Wisconsin.  Delivered  at 
St.  Louis,  Aug.  I,  i860.     [^Jlhany.    i860.]    8vo,  pp.  16. 

ScHURZ.  Speech  of  Carl  Schurz,  delivered  at  Verandah  Hall, 
St.  Louis,  Aug.  I,  i860.  [Printed  at  the  Missouri  Democrat  Book 
and  Job  Office.,  St.  Louis,    i860.]     8vo,  pp.  12.  H.  78043 

ScHURZ.  Speech  of  Carl  Schurz  at  Cooper  Institute,  New 
York,  Thursday,  September  13,  i860.  Douglasism  Exposed  and 
Republicanism  Vindicated.     \^j/hany.    i860.]     8vo,  pp.  16. 

ScHURz.  Speech  of  Carl  Schurz,  delivered  in  Brooklyn,  New 
York,  October  7,  i86|.  \_King  ^  Baird,  Printers,  Philadelphia. 
1864.]    8vo,  pp.  31.  78045 

ScHURZ.  Speech  ...  April  15,  1869,  on  Our  Claims  on  Eng- 
land.   ...    IVashington.    1869.     8vo.  78046 

ScHURZ.  Speeches  of  Carl  Schurz.  Collected  and  Revised 
by  the  Author.  Philadelphia:  J.  B.  Lippincott  &  Co.  1865. 
i2mo,  pp.  xi,  9-392.  BA.  78047 

ScHURz.  Usurpation  of  the  War  Powers.  Speech  of  Hon. 
Carl  Schurz,  of  Missouri,  in  the  United  States  Senate,  March  28 
and  29,  187 1.  [^Printed  at  the  Congressional  Globe  Office,  Wash- 
ington.  1 87 1.]     8vo,  pp.  24.  B.,  78048 

Schuster  (M.)  Q.  D.  B.  V.  Dissertatio  Geographica  de 
Terra  Australi,  quam  praeside  viro  Excellentissimo  et  Prseclaris- 
simo  Dn.  Julio  Reichelt  Maltron,  Professore  Publ.  Celeberrimo. 
Patrono  &  Praeceptore  suo  aetatem  colendo  publico  examini  sub- 
mittet  Michael  Schuster  Memminga-Suevus.  Argentorati.  Typis 
Johannis  Pastorii.  Anno  m.dc.lxix.    4to,  pp.  32,  (4).  J.C.B. 

ScHUTZ  (F.)  Fiir  die  Freiheit  Aller !  Fiir  die  Einheit  des 
Vaterlandes !  Reden  von  Dr.  Frederick  Schutz  und  Weil  von 
Gernsbach.     Philadelphia.    1865.     8vo,  pp.  ii.  78050 

Schuyler  (A.)  An  Address  before  the  House  of  Convoca- 
tion, of  Hobart  Free  College,  pronounced  at  the  Annual  Com- 



'   !| 

.'  I 

!    1 


!•  E 

1 06 


mencement,  July  15,  1857.     By  Anthony  Schuyler  ....  Roches- 
ter:  Steam  Press  of  Curtis,  Butts  iff  Co.   1857.    ^v°»  PP*  29.        h. 

Schuyler  (G.  L.)  Correspondence  and  Remarks  upon  Ban- 
croft's History  of  the  Northern  Campaign  of  1777,  and  the  Char- 
acter of  Major-Gen.  Philip  Schuyler.  By  George  L.  Schuyler. 
?/ew  Tork:  David  G.  Francis.  1867.    8vo,  pp.  47,  and  covers.    L. 

Two  hundred  copies  were  printed. 

Schuyler.  Letter  to  the  Hon.  W.  Gwin,  ...  concerning  the 
Steamship  Kamschatka.  By  George  L.  Schuyler.  \_New  Tork. 
1843.]    ^^°»  PP-  ^^-  ^•'>  ^'  7^053 

Schuyler.  Report  of  George  L.  Schuyler  to  the  Secretary 
of  War,  April  8,  1862.  {Hall,  Clayton  &  Medole,  Printers,  N.  T. 
1862.]     i6mo,  pp.  14.  B.,  h.  78054 

Schuyler  (L.)  Lecture  against  American  Slavery,  Delivered 
by  Lydia  Schuyler,  m.d.     Lawrence.   1859.     ^^Oj  PP*  ^4' 

Schuyler  (M.)  Historical  Discourse  delivered  at  the  Semi- 
centennial Celebration  of  Christ  Church,  St.  Louis,  on  All-Saints' 
Day,  1869,  by  the  Rev.  Montgomery  Schuyler,  d.d.  St.  Louis, 
Mo.   1870.    8vo,  pp.  85.  78056 

Schuyler.  The  Pioneer  Church ;  or,  The  Story  of  a  New 
Parish  in  the  West.  By  ...  M.  Schuyler.  ...  Printed  at  the  River- 
side Press  and  for  sale  by  Hurd  ^  Houghton,  New  Tork.  1867. 
i6mo,  pp.  vii,  211.  2  Plates,  ba.  -|-  Second  Edition.  New 
Tork :  Pott,  Toung  ^  Co.   1880.     i2mo,  pp.  (8),  211.  78057 

Schuyler.  A  Sermon :  on  the  Occasion  of  the  25th  Anni- 
versary of  his  Rectorship  of  Christ  Church,  Oct.  5th,  1879.  By 
M.  Schuyler  ...  Saint  Louis:  W.  B.  Chittenden.  1879.  8vo,  pp. 
26.  78058 

Schuyler  [Philip],  b.  1733,  </.  1804.  Proceedings  |  of  a  |  Gen- 
eral Court  Martial,!  Held  at  Major  General  Lincoln's  Quarters,) 
Near  Quaker-Hill,  |  In  the  State  of  |  New- York,  |  By  Order  of  his 
Excellency  I  General  Washington,  |  Commander  in  Chief  |  Of  the 
Army  of  |  The  United  States  of  America,  |  For  the  Trial  of  |  Major 
Gene  al  Schuyler,  |  October  i,  1778.  j  Major  General  Lincoln, 
Presi  ent.  |  Philadelphia :  \  Printed  by  Hall  and  Sellers,  in  Market- 
iVr^ci.  I  MDCCLXxviii.  I    Folio,  pp.  62.  BA.,  c,  p.  78059 

Very  rare.     Reprinted  in  the  "Collections  of  the  New- York  Historical  Society,"  for 
1879,  pp.  I-ZII. 




Schuyler.  Remarks  |  on  the  |  Revenue,  ]  of  the  |  State  |  of  | 
New-York.  |  By  Philip  Schuyler,  |  A  Member  of  the  Senate  of 
that  State.  |  Albany  :  \  Printed  by  Charles  R.  and  George  IVebster^  \  At 
their  Bookstore^  in  the  IVhite  House^  Corner  of  State  and  Pearl-  \ 
Streets^  opposite  the  City-Tavern.  |  mdccxcvi.  |    Sm.  410,  pp.  24.    B. 

See  also  Vol.  x.,  No.  41120. 

Schuyler  (P.)  Address,  before  the  Saratoga  Society  for  Pro- 
moting Agriculture  and  Domestic  Manufactures.  By  Philip 
Schuyler.      Saratoga  Springs.    1821.     8vo.  78061 

Schuyler  County,  N.  T.  Proceedings  of  the  Board  of 
Supervisors  of  the  County  of  Schuyler,  for  1864.  IVatkins. 
1865.    8vo.     Continued.  78062 

Schuylkill  River,  Pennsylvania.  Navigation  and  Advant- 
ages of  the  River  Schuylkill.  January,  1829.  Philadelphia. 
1829.    8vo,  pp.  8.  7^063 

Report  of  the  Common  Council  on  the  Navigation  of  the 
River  Schuylkill.      Philadelphia.    1832.     8vo.  78064 


A  Statistical  Account  of  the  Schuylkill  Permanent  Bridge. 
Philadelphia:  Jane  Ait  ken.    1807.     8vo,  pp.  84.     Plates.  c. 

To  the  Stockholders  of  the  Schuylkill  Permanent  Bridge  Com- 
pany.     Philadelphia.   [1805.]     8vo,  pp.  II.  78067 

See  also  Vol.  xiii.,  No.  56521 ;  Vol.  xiv.,  No.  59794;  Vol.  xv.,  Nos.  62151,  62229- 

Schuylkill  Canal.  An  act  to  enable  ...  the  Schuylkill  and 
Susquehanna  navigation  and  the  ...  Delaware  and  Schuylkill  canal 
navigation  to  raise  by  way  of  lottery  the  sum  of  four  hundred 
thousand  dollars  for  the  purpose  of  compleating  \jic\  the  works  in 
their  acts  of  incorporation  mentioned.     [^Philadelphia :  Printed  by 

A  Statistical  Account  of  Schuylkill  Permanent  Bridge. 
delphia.    1 806.     8vo.  P, 

Zachariah  Paulson^  junior,  ...  1795.]     8vo,  pp.  2. 


Address  of  the  Schuylkill  and  Delaware  Canal  Company,  to 
the  Committee  of  the  Senate,  and  House  of  Representatives. 
Philadelphia.   1 799.     8vo.  78069 

Appeal  of  the  Boatmen  of  the  Schuylkill  Canal  ...  for  Pro- 
tection against  the  Intended  Monopoly  of  the  Carrying  Com- 
panies from  the  Schuylkill  Coal  Regions,  [n.  p.  1864.]  8vo, 
cover-title,  and  pp.  7.  78070 




1    i 




li'  t 

Schuylkill  Canal  Navigator.  By  S.  Alspach.  Philadelphia  : 
Printed  by  Joseph  Raiestraiv,/or  the  Juthor.    1827.     i6mo,  pp.  8. 

To  the  Senate  and  House  of  Representatives  of  ...  Pennsyl- 
vania. The  memorial  of  the  ...  Schuylkill  and  Susquehanna 
Navigation,  and  of  the  Delaware  and  Schuylkill  Canal  ...  [n.  p. 
1810.J    8vo,  pp.  3.  78072 

The  Schuylkill  Coal  Company  organized  under  the  Laws  of 
the  State  of  Pennsylvania.  New  Tork :  Wm.  C.  Bryant  £3'  Co.^ 
Printers.   1864.      8vo,  pp.  21.  B.  78073 

See  also  Vol.  v.,  No.  1 80 1 5. 

Description  of  the  Schuylkill  County  Prison.  Extracted 
from  the  Journal  of  Prison  Discipline,  &c.  Published  by  the 
"  Philadelphia  Society  for  alleviating  the  Miseries  of  Public  Pris- 
ons."   [n.  p.   185- ?J    8vo,  pp.  8.  H.  78074 

Also :  Report  of  the  Board  of  Commissioners,  of  the  Schuylkill  County  Prison  for 
the  year  ending  Dec.  31,  1856.  Pottsville :  Printed  by  'J.  &  y.  Tt'oungman.  1857. 
8vo,  pp.  27.     H. 

Our  Schuylkill  County  Coal  Interests.  By  an  Observer.  Sep- 
tember, 1867.    [n.  p.   1867?]    8vo,  pp.  7.  B.  78075 

Schuylkill  Fishing  Company.  See  [Milnor  (Wm.)],  Vol.  xii., 
No.  49133;  and  Vol.  xv.,  No.  62232. 

Report  of  the  Commissioners  of  the  Schuylkill  Haven  and 
Lehigh  River  Railroad  Company,  with  Report  of  Survey, 
by  Alex.  W.  Rea,  Civil  Engineer.  Philadelphia :  T.  K.  ^  P. 
G.  Collins,  Printers.   1857.     8v°>  PP-  ^^*  78076 

An  Act  for  the  Protection  of  the  Creditors  of  the  Schuylkill 
Navigation  Company,  [n.  p.  n.  d.]  8vo,  pp.  4.  -j-  [n.  p. 
n.  d.]     i2mo,  pp.  4.  78077 

Acts  of  the  Legislature  of  Pennsylvania,  relating  to  the  Schuyl- 
kill Navigation  Company.  Philadelphia:  Printed  by  Lydia  R.  Bai- 
ley, ...  1826.  8vo,  pp.  35.  -{-Philadelphia:  Printed  by  "James 
Kay,  Jun.  b*  Co.  1830.  8vo,  pp.  43.  +  Philadelphia :  Printed  by 
Joseph  and  fVilliam  Kite,  ...  \^2t^.     8vo,  pp.  44.  78078 

Address  of  the  President  and  Managers  of  the  Schuylkill  Na- 
vigation Company,  to  the  Stockholders,  and  to  the  Public  in  Gen- 
eral.    Philadelphia.    181 7.     8 vo,  pp.  8.  7^079 

Continued  an.iual'y  until  1822,  and  then  as  "Report  of  the  President,"  etc.,  to  the 
present  time. 



An  Address  to  the  Stockholders  of  the  Schuylkill  Navigation 
Company  in  Reply  to  a  Pamphlet  circulated  by  the  Reading  Rail 
Road  Company.  Philadelphia:  Printed  for  the  Author.  1844. 
8vo,  pp.  20.  78080 

Address  to  the  Stock  and  Loan  Holders  of  the  Schuylkill  Na- 
vigation Company.  Philadelphia:  Printed  fur  the  Author.  1847. 
8vo,  pp.  12.  78081 

The  Committee  ...  of  the  Schuylkill  Navigation  Company,  to 
view  the  Improvements,  ...  of  the  Navigation  of  the  Connecti- 
cut River,  Report:    [n.  p.   1816.]    8vo,  pp.  12.  78082 

Correspondence  of  the  Watering  Committee  with  the  Schuyl- 
kill Navigation  Company,  in  relation  to  the  Fair  Mount  Water 
Works :  Together  with  the  Reports  of  the  Watering  Committee 
to  Councils,  made  Dec'r.  11,  1832,  and  P'eb'y.  n,  1833.  Phil- 
adelphia: Printed  by  Lyd'ia  R,  Bailey^  ...  1833.     8vo,  pp.  47. 

Enlargement  of  the  Schuylkill  Navigation.  No.  i.  Phila- 
delphia. 1845.  8vo,  pp.  31.  -f-  No.  2.  Philadelphia.  1845. 
8vo,  pp.  75.  78084 

Exposure  of  the  Schuylkill  Navigation  Company.  No.  i. 
[n.  p.   1840?]    8vo,  pp.  8.   -f- No.  2.    [n.  p.   1840.]    8vo,  pp.  7. 

In  the  inteiest  of  the  Reading  Railroad. 

Report  of  Edward  Miller,  Civil  Engineer,  on  the  Improvement 
of  the  Schuylkill  Navigation,  made  to  the  Board  of  Managers, 
March  II,  1845.  Philadelphia:  John  C.  Clark,  Printer.  1845. 
8vo,  pp.  33.  78086 

Report  of  the  Committee  and  Proceedings  of  the  Holders  of 
the  Schuylkill  Navigation  Company's  Boat  Loan  ...  Philadelphia : 
Crissy  i;f  Mar Jtley,  Printers.    1849.     8vo,  pp.  8.  78087 

Report  of  the  Committee  of  the  Stockholders  and  Loanholders 
of  the  Schuylkill  Navigation  Company,  [n.  p.  1852.]  8vo,  pp. 
6.    -|-  [Another  edition,    n.  p.   1852.]    8vo,  pp.  6.  78088 

Report  of  the  Committee  on  Tolls  to  the  Board  of  Managers 
of  the  Schuylkill  Navigation  Company.    August  2,  1847.    J^^i^- 

adelphia :  C.  Sherman,  Printer.   1847.     ^^^t  PP-  24. 


Report  of  th^  President  and  Managers  of  the  Schuylkill  Navi- 
gation Company  to  the  Stockholders.    January  2,  1826.     \Phila- 

y    n 










I  10 


delphia  :^  Printed  by  Lydia  R,  Bailey.    1826.     8vo,  pp.  12.     Con- 
tinued annually.  B.  78090 

Report  of  the  Watering  Committee  relative  to  the  Schuylkill 
Navigation  Company.     Philadelphia.   1832.    8vo.  78091 

The  Schuylkill  Navigation  Company.     Philadelphia :  Crissy  ^ 
Marileyy  Printets.    1852.     8vo,  pp.  35.  78092 

ScHWALBE  (J.  F.  G.)     Kurze   Statistische  Notizen   iibe;   die 
vereinigten  Staaten  von  Mexico  ...   Berlin.   1833.    8vo.     78093 

Schwartz  (Franz).     See  Vol.  xiii.,  No.  55306. 

Schwartz  {M.  [Joachim]),  pseudon.     Reflexions  sur  I'Escla- 


vage  des  Negres.     Par  M.  Schwartz.     Neufchatel.    1781.     8vo, 

pp.  XII,  99. 

By  the  Marquis  de  Condorcet. 


Schwartz,  pseudon.  Reflexions  sur  I'Esclavage  des  Negres. 
Par  M.  Schwartz,  Pasteur  du  Saint  Evangile  a  Bienne.  Nou- 
velle  edition  revue  &  corrigee.    Neufchatel:  Troulle.    1788.     8vo, 

pp.  viii,  86. 

a.,  j.c.b.  78095 

For  another  edition  see  [Condorcet  [Marquis  </*)],  Vol.  iv.,  No.  1 5 192. 

Schwartz  (J.)  Pennsylvania  Betrayed  by  the  Administra- 
tion, Necessity  of  Protection  to  American  Iron.  Speech  of  Hon. 
John  Schwartz,  of  Pennsylvania,  delivered  in  the  United  States 
House  of  Representatives,  May  7,  i860,  [n.  p.  i860.]  8vo, 
pp.  7.  78096 

ScHWARZ  (Eduard).     See  Wiillerstorf-Urbair  (B.  von). 

Schwarz  (J.  L.)  Beschreibung  der  Reisen  um  die  Welt  und 
Entdeckungen  im  Siidmeere.  Englisch  und  Deutsch  dem  Druck 
iibergeben  von  Hauckesworth  und  Schiller.  Historisch  zusam- 
mengefasset  und  beschrieben  von  J.  L.  Schwarz.  Hamburg. 
1775.    3  parts,  8vo.  7^097 

Schwarz  (J.  L.)  Briefe  elnes  Deutschen  aus  Kalifornien  ... 
Berlin.   1849.     ^vo.  78098 

ScHWARZE  (C.  A.)  De  veteris  quorundum  conjecturis  Chris- 
toforo  Columbo  viam  monstrantibus  ...   Gorlic.   1792.    410. 

ScHWARZENBERG  (F.  A.)  Alexander  Von  Humboldt :  or. 
What  may  be  accomplished  in  a  Lifetime.  By  F.  A.  Schwarzen- 
berg.     London:  Hardwicke.   1866.     Post  8vo,  pp.  207.        78100 

1 1 


-■--:  r^**;^A>r..m  «*■*! 



ScHWEiNiTZ  (E.  de).  The  Life  and  Times  of  David  Zeis- 
berger,  the  Western  Pioneer  and  Apostle  of  the  Indians.  By 
Edmund   de  Schwcinitz.     Philadelphia:  J.  B.  Lippiruott  ^  Co. 

1870.    8vo,  pp.  747. 

c.  78101 

ScHWEiNiTz.  The  Moravian  Manual ;  containing  an  Ac- 
count of  the  Protestant  Church  of  the  Moravian  United  Breth- 
ren, or  TJnitas  Fratrum.  By  Edmund  de  Schweinitz.  Phila- 
delphia: ^indsay  &  Blu'iiston.    1859.     i6mo,  pp.  178.       c.  781 02 

See  alto  Vol.  xii.,  No.  50520. 

Schweinitz  (L.  D.)  Specimen  Floras  Americje  Septentrio- 
nalis  Cryptogamica; ;  sistens  muscos  hepaticos  hoc  usque  in  Ame- 
rica Septentrionalis  observatos.  ...  By  Lewis  D.  dc  Schweinitz, 
D.P.      Raleigh:   Printed  by  J.  Gales,    182 1.     8vo,  pp.  27.      H.,  P. 

Schweinitz.  Synopsis  Fungorum  Carolinae  superioris  secun- 
dum Observationes  Ludovici  Davidis  de  Scweinitz  [sic\.  Edita 
a  D.  F.  Schwaegrichen.  E  Commentariis  Societatis  Naturae 
Curiosorum  Lipsiensis  excerpta.  \_Lipsia.  182-.?]  410,  pp.  105. 
2  colored  Plates.  78104 

Schweitzer  (Johann).  Reise  nach  Nord  America.  ...  Leip- 
zig.  18 — ?    Sm.  8vo.  78105 

ScHWENCKFELD  (Caspar).     See  Vol.  xiv.,  No.  60090. 

Schyn  (H.)  Historia  Christianorum,  qui  in  Belgio  Foederato 
inter  Protej  tantes  Mennonitae  appellantur :  In  qua,  prjeter  eorum 
Originem,  progressum,  statum  hodiernum,  &  fidei  Confessionem, 
simul  ostenditur  ingens  inter  hos,  &  Anabaptistas  Germanos  & 
Monasterienses,  discrimen  ...  .  Amstelodami.  1723.  i6mo,  pp. 
Ixxvi,  328.  Y.  78106 

Schyn.  Historian  Mennonitarum  Plenior  Deductio,  in  qua  De 
Origine,  Nominibus,  DifFerentiis,  Dogmatibus  propriis  &  peculia- 
ribus,  Confessionibus,  Auctoribus,  Itemque  De  hodierno  in  Belgio 
Foederato  statu  eorum  Christianorum,  qui,  a  Mennone  Simonis 
Mennonitae  appellantur,  fusius  agitur  ...  .  Amsteladami.  1729. 
i6mo,  pp.  xxvi,  366.  Y.  78107 

SciAN  Dubh,  pseudon.  Ridgeway :  an  Historical  Romance  of 
the  Fenian  Invasion  of  Canada.  By  Scian  Dubh.  Buffalo.  1869. 
i2mo,  pp.  262.  78108 


I  % 

V   > 

.  (. 

I  \i 




La  Science  I  du  Bonhomme  Richard,  |  on  |  Moycn  Facile  |  dc 
^cr  les  Impots.  |  Traduit  dc  i'Anglois.  |  J  Phihdelphie.  \  Et  se 

pay  .     ._       . 

trouve  I  A  Paris^  chez  Ruaulty  Libraire  \  rue  de  la  Harpe.  \  1777.  | 
i2mo,  pp.  151,  (i),  4,  and  covers.  c,  h.s.p.  78109 

The  first  edition  of  the  French  translation  of  Benjamin  Franklin's  "Way  to 
Wealth,"  by  MM.  j^ui-tant  and  Lecuy.  It  is  supposed  to  h.ive  been  printed  at  Lau- 
sanne. See  Hildcburn's  "Issues  of  the  Press  in  Pennsylvania,"  No.  3705,  and  the 
Brinley  Catalogue,  No.  3223.      For  other  editions  lee  Vol.  vii.,  Nos.  25583-15586. 

La  Science  |  du  bonhomme  Richard,  |  ou  I  Moyen  facile  |  de  payer 
les  Imputs,  I  traduit  dc  I'Anglois.  |  Seconde  edition,  |  exactemcnt 
semblahle  a  la  premiere.  |  J  Philadelphie.  \  Et  se  trouve  \  A  Paris^ 
chex  Ruaulty  Libraire^  \  rue  de  la  Harpe^  i']'j%.\  i2mo,  pp.  151, 
(5).  H.s.p.  781 10 

La  science  |  du  bonhomme  Richard,  |  moyen  r'acile  |  de  payer  les 
impots.  I  Traduite  dc  I'Anglois.  |  Troisieme  edition,  |  exactement 
semblabie  a  la  premiere.  |  A  Philadelphie.  j  Se  vend  a  Paris^  \  chex 
Ruault^  Libraire.^  rue  de  la  Harpe.  \  M.  Dec.  lxxviii.  |  i2mo,  pp. 
151,  (5).  H.s.p.  78111 

La  Science  |  du  bonhomme  Richard,  |  moyen  facile  |  de  payer  les 
impots.  I  Traduit  de  I'Anglois.  |  Quatrieme  edition.  \A  Philadelphie. 
I  Se  vend  a  Parisy  \^Chex  jfean-rranfois  Bastien^  \  Libraire^  rue  du 
Petit-Lion.  /".  5.-(j.  |  M.  Dcc.  lxxviii.  |    i2mo,  pp.  151,  (5).      l. 

La  science  I  du  bonhomme  Richard,  |  Par  M.  Franklin  :|Sui  vie  | 
des  Commandemens  |  de  I'Honnete-Homme,  |  Par  M.  Feutry  |  Prix 
quatre  sous.  |  Se  vend  a  Parisy  \  chex  Ruault^  Libraire^  rue  de  la 
Harpe\  1778.]     i8mo,  pp.  48,  and  covers.  b.  78 113 

La  Science  |  du  Bonhomme  Richard,  |  ou  |  le  1  :oyen  facile  |  de 
payer  les  Impots  dans  les  possessions  |  de  I'Amerique  Angloise  ;  | 
contenant  en  outre,  un  Discours  de  S.E.  Mr.  Jean  |  Hancock, 
president  du  Congres  de  Philadelphie.  |  L'Interrogatoire  que  Mr. 
Francklin  subit  au  mois  |  de  Fevrier  de  1 766  devant  le  Parlcment 
d* An- 1  gleterre.  La  Constitution  de  la  Republique  de  |  Pensyl- 
vania,  |  telle  qu'elle  a  ete  etablie  par  la  |  Commission  general  de 
Philadelphie  au  mois  de|Juillet  1776;  &  I'lnterrogatoire  de  Mr. 
Penn,  |  a  la  Barre  du  Parlement  au  mois  de  Novembre  de  la  |  meme 
annee.  |  Ouvrages  traduits  de  I'anglois  qui  |  mcttant  dans  tout  leur 
jour  les  I  principes  &  la  suite  |  des  Contestations  qui  divisent  les 
Insurgents  avec  |  la  mere  patrie.  |  A  Philadelphie^  |  et  se  trouve  a  Lau- 
sanne,  |  chex  Franfois  Grasset  &  Comp.  \  m.d.c.  c.  Lxxix.  |  i8mo, 
pp.  166,  and  covers.  h.s.p.  781 14 




fy:i|  Scicncc|fJii  I  Uuiihomnu'l  Richai(l,|  Moyt'ii  facili'  i\v  pay«*r 
k'S  Impots  ;  Avcc  I'liitfriogatoirc  de  M.  Franklin  &  |  pliisicurs 
Pieces  intcressantcs  <pii  n'ctoicnt  point  dans  les  editions  precc- 
dcntcs.  I  Ouvragcs  traduit  dc  TAn^f  ois.  |  A  Philadelphie^  \  Et  se  trouve 
rt  Parhy\  Chez  Royex^  Lihraire^  quai  des  AugusUm.\  1786.]  iSmo, 
pp.  15.  78115 

La  Sclencc|du|  Bonhomme  Richard  I  de  |  Benjamin  Franklin,) 
Precedce  d'un  abregc  de  la  Vie  dc  |  \  ranklin,  et  suivie  dc  son 
Inter-|  rogatoire  devant  la  Chambrc  des |  Communes.  | ...  |  y^  Par'a^ 
I  A r Imprimerie  des  Sciences  et  Arts^ \ rue  Th'erese^  pres  la  rue  Helv'e- 
tius.\L*an  II de  la  Republ'tqu  francoise.\  [1794.]  i2mo,  pp.  (2), 
Ixiv,  119,  and  covers.  781 16 

La  Science  |  du  |  bonhomme  Richard, | Par  Franklin.  |  A  R'toniy  \ 
d;  r Imprimerie  de  J.  C.  Salles,  \An  y.\  [1799.]  i8mo,  pp.  44. 
Portrait.  c.  781 17 

The  above  titles,  with  one  exception,  are  from  Ford's  "Bibliography  of  Franklin," 
where  the  following  editions  are  also  described  : 

Paris,  /^ihlphe  Riom  et  Compagnie.   [i8z-?]     izmo,  pp.  35. 

Paris,  Kleffer.    1822.     l8mo. 

Paris,  A.  BailUul.    l%li.     1 8 mo. 

A  Geni-ve,  Cbtas  Mangel  et  Ckerhulitv,  Imprimeur- Lihrairet.  1823.  l8mo,  pp.  xii,  95, 
and  covers. 

Paris,  Didot.   1823.     i2mo. 

Paris,  Sanson.   1824.     i8mo. 

Paris,  Sanson.    1 825.     i8mo. 

Paris,  A.  A.  Renouard.   1 825.     i8mo. 

Paris,  A.  A.  Renouard.   1826.     i8mo. 

Paris,  Imprime  par  C.  L.  F.  Panckoucke,  Chevalier  de  la  Legion  d'Homieur  m  dccc- 
XXVII,     Folio,  pp.  (4),  xvi,  16,  and  covers. 

Dijon,  Lagier.   1827.     1 8  mo. 

Paris,  Sanson.    1828.     l8mo. 

4*  EditirTi.    A  Paris  Chex  Pbillippart,  Libraire.   [183-.']     i8mo,  pp.  63,  and  covers. 

[Par/j]  Cbex  MontiMn,  imprimeur-lithograpbe,  place  Dauphine.  [183-?]  l8mo,  pp. 

Limoges  Eugene  Ardant  et  Ge,  Editeurs.    [183-?]     1 2 mo,  pp.  71. 

Paris,  A.  Hiard.   1830.     i2mo,  pp.  30. 

Nouvellc  Edition.  Paris,  Khfer,  Imprimeur- Libra! re.  1831.  i8mo,  pp.  122,  (2). 

Anneci,  A.  Burdet.   1835.     8vo,  pp.  24. 

Paris,  P.  H.  Kreble,  Libraire-Editeur.   1852.     l2mo,  pp.  35. 

Paris,  Jules  Renouard.   1865.     32mo,  pp.  (4),  32. 

La  sciencia  da  bon  homem  Riccardo,  ou  meios  de  fazer  for- 
tuna.     Paris :  A.  A.  Renouard.   1828.     i2mo,  pp.  32.  781 18 






^  I 

I  . 

I  I 

The  Scientific  American  ...  Vol.  i.  Nnv  York.  1845.  Folio. 
Continued.  7^1 19 

The  Sciertific  American  j  an  Illustrated  Journal  of  Art, 
Science,  and  Mechanics.  New  Series.  Vol.  i.  July-Dec. 
1859.     New  y'ork.   1859.     Folio.     Continued.  78120 

SciLLACio  (Niccolo).     See  Syllacius  (N.) 

The  Scimitar.  Containing  well-tempered  Reflections,  by  the 
Sharpc  Family.     Boston.   1840.    Sq.  i6mo,  pp.  32.  78 121 

In  verie. 

Scintille  d'un  brasiliana  di  Floresta  Augusta  Brasileira.  F'trenze^ 
Typ.  Barbhe^  Bianchi  ^  0>.    1859.     8vo,  pp.  85.  78122 

Scioto  Lands,  Ohio.  Avis  de  la  Compagnie  du  Scioto,  eta- 
blie  a  Paris  pour  Texploitation  Sc  la  vente  de  trois  millions  d'acres 
anglois  de  terrcs,  situes  dans  I'Amerique  Septentrionale.  [^Paris. 
1789.]    4to,  pp.  15.  78123 

Nu  title-pnge,  heading  only.     Mr.  Brinlcy's  copy  suld  for  $19. 

Edit  du  Congress  des  £tats-Unis  de  I'Amerique,  Traduit  de 
I'Anglois.  Pour  les  Terres  dependantes  des  dits  Etats,  Situees 
au  Nord  Quest  de  la  Riviere  de  I'Ohio,  dans  lesquelles  se  trouvent 
celles  dc  la  Compagnie  du  Scioto.  [^Paris ;]  De  I'Imprimerie  de 
Prau/tj  Imprhneur  du  Roi^  quai  des  yfugustins^  ^789. 

Improved  title  of  No.  21857,  Vol.  vi. 



H.  78124 

Nouveau  Prospectus  de  la  Compagnie  du  Scioto,  avec  plusieurs 
extraits  de  Lettres,  ecrites  du  Scioto  meme,  en  date  du  12  Octo- 
bre,  1790.     [Paris.]   1790.     8vo.  78125 

Mr.  Brinley's  copy  sold  for  $i6.  See  also  Vol.  i.,  No.  746;  Vol.  xiv.,  No.  58810; 
and  Vol.  XV.,  No.  66090. 

Scipio.  Avanturen  van  de  kleine  Scipio,  of  Historic  van  de 
bereisde  kat.  Een  zinnebeeldige  en  vermakclijke  geschiedenis, 
getrokken  uit  een  Ameiikaansch  handschrift.  Gedrukt  in  Holland. 
1783.    8vo,  pp.  93.  78126 

Adventures  of  little  Scipio,  or  history  of  a  travelled  cat.  An  emblematical  and 
pleasant  tale  from  an  American  manuscript. 

Scipio's  Reflections.     See  [Tracy  (Uriah)]. 

Scipio  Americanus,  pseudon.  An  Address  to  Sir  John  Cust, 
Speaker  of  the  House  of  Commons  ;  in  which  the  Characters  of 
Lord  Bute,  Mr.  Pitt,  and  Mr.  Wilkes,  are  set  in  a  new  Light. 


-  Mtm  Mn  M»if»m—»m»mmmtm 

■1  <:v)%W'm(nimmmmmm 



By  the  Author  of  the  r.etters  signed  Scipio  Americanus  in  the 
Gazetteer.     London :  (it etton.   [1762?]    8vo.  7^*27 

A'm  "Monthly  Rtview,"  xxviii.  47J. 

SciTUATE,  Mass.  Church  Manual:  or  the  History,  Standing 
Rules,  Discipline,  ...  of  the  First  Trinitariai  Congregational 
Church  of  Christ  in  Scituate,  Mass.  ...  Boston:  Printed  by  ff^ill- 
iam  S.  Damrell.    1844.     i2mo,  pp.  36.  B.  78128 

Document  of  the  Pilgrim  Conference  of  Churches,  containing 
an  Historical  Sketch  of  the  First  Trinitarian  Congregational 
Church  of  Christ,  in  Scituate,  Mass.  1853.  Number  3.  Boston: 
C.  C.  P.  Moody,  Printer.    1853.     I^tmo,  pp.  53.  78129 

Expenses  of  the  Town  of  Scituate  for  the  Year  ending  March 
I,  1846.    [n.  p.   1846.]    8vo,  pp.  12.  7^*30 

Report  of  the  Selectmen  on  the  Financial  Affairs  of  the  Town 
of  Scituate,  for  the  year  ending  March  5,  1865  ;  Also,  the  Re- 
ports of  the  Town  Cleric  and  School  Committee.  Boston :  "J.  E. 
Farwc'Il  and  Company,  Printers.    1865.     8vo,  pp.  39.         B.  78 1 31 

Report  of  the  Selectmen  on  the  financial  affairs  of  the  Town 
of  Scituate,  for  the  year  ending  March  4,  1866.  Including  indus- 
trial statistics  and  military  expenditures  during  the  war.  ...  Boston: 
Geo.  C.  Rand  i^  Jvery.    1866.     8vo,  pp.  44.  B.  78132 

A  Second  Series  of  Letters.    See  [Turner  (John  B.)  and  Wight 

(D.)>  Jr-] 

Scituate,  R.  I.  Valuation  of  Property  in  the  Town  of  Scit- 
uate, Rhode  Island.  October,  1863.  Providence:  Alfred  Anthony. 
1864.     i2mo,  pp.  27.  78133 

ScLATER  (Philip  Lutley).  Birds  from  Santa  Fe  ...  [From  the 
Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society.]     London.   1855.    8vo. 

ScLATER.  Catalogue  of  a  Collection  of  American  Birds 
belonging  to  Philip  Lutley  Sclater,  m.a.,  ph.d.,  f.r.s.  ...  Lon- 
don: N.  Triibner  and  Co.    1862.     8vo,  pp.  xiv,  (2),  368.     20  col- 

ored Plates. 

Very  few  copies  were  issued  with  the  plates. 

B.,  H. 


ScLATER.     Characters  of  New  Tanagers  ...  [From  the  Pro- 
ceedings of  the  Zoological  Society.]     London.    1854.     8vo. 

ScLATER.     Draft  arrangement  of  the  genus  Thamnophilus  ... 
Edinburgh.    1855.     8vo.  78137 


1  V  >■  m 


1  i  i 

1. 1 





Kxotu    Ornithology,  containing 

niral  and 

and  Osbcrt 

4to,  pp.  vi,  204. 

Sci.ATKk  atui  (().) 
Kiginc'.i  and  Dcsiiiptioiis  ot*  new  or  rare  Species  of 
South  I  American  Birds.     |{y  Philip  Liitley  Sclaterf 
Salvin   ...    London:   Het fhtrd  .^lunitih.    1869. 
100  colored  I'iates.  n.,  c.  7H138 

Originally  ibi>ucJ  in  tliiitun  p.utti,  uf  wliicli  ilic  firht  .ip|>c.irril  in  1866.  I'liicd  in 
1881,  Xia,  Hi)  .inJ  on  luige  piiur,  cuK<rril  in  a  lup.-rior  ni.innrr,  ,£17. 

SciATKK.  List  of  Zoological  Works  and  Memoirs,  1850- 
1875.     \  London.    1875.]     8vo.  78139 

Printed  f>ir  priv.itu  tliHtril)uti(in.  A  otilogiri;  of  Mr.  ScUter't  loulugical  wiitingi, 
muit  ut°  which  relate  lo  South  American  urnithology. 

ScLATKR.  Monograph  of  the  Birds  forming  the  Tanagrinc 
Genus  Calliste  ...  Loudon :  Van  Voont.  1857-58.  8vo.  Map 
and  45  colored  Plates.  78 140 

Uii£,inally  itiued  in  parti. 

ScLATKK  and  Salvin.  Nomenclator  avium  ncotropicalium 
sive  avium  quae  in  rcgione  neotropica  hucusque  rcpertac  sunt 
noniina  systcmaticc  disposita  adjecta  sua  cuique  spcciei  patria 
accedunt  generum  et  specicrum  novarum  diagnoses.  Auctoribus 
Philippo  Lutley  Sclater,  a.m.  ...  et  Osberto  Salvin,  a.m.  ... 
Londini.  MDCCCi.xxiii.    4to,  pp.  viii,  163.  b.  78 141 

Sclater  and  Salvin.  ...  On  Birds  collected  by  Mr.  George 
M.  VVhitely  on  the  Coast  of  Honduras.  By  P.  L.  Sclater,  M.A., 
PH,D.,  F.R.S.,  and  Osbert  Salvin,  m.a.  [London.  1870.]  8vo, 
PP-  835-839-  H.  78142 

With  heading,  "(From  the  Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society  of  London,  Dec. 
6,  1870.)" 

Sclater.  Oi  Birds  from  Duke  of  York  Island  ...  [From 
the  Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society.]     London.  1877.    8vo. 

Sclater.  On  the  present  state  of  our  knowledge  of  geo- 
graphical zoology.  Address  delivered  to  the  Biological  Section  of 
the  British  Association.  Bristol,  August  25th,  1875.  By  P.  L. 
Sclater  ...  .  [^London.   1875.]    8vo,  pp.  49.  b.  78144 

Sclatek.  Synopsis  Avium  Tanagrinum  :  a  Descriptive  Cata- 
logue of  the  known  Species  of  Tanagers  ...  [From  the  Proceed- 
ings of  the  Zoological  Society,  April  8,  1856.]  London.  1856. 
8vo.  78145 

Sclater.  Synopsis  of  American  Rails  ...  [From  the  Pro- 
ceedings of  the  Zoological  Society.]     London.   1868.    8vo. 







Sci.ATi'K.     Sytit)psis  of  the  Fissirostral  Family  liuccoiiida;  ... 
l/in<i'jn.    1H54.     Hvi).     4  colored  Plati-s.  7^*47 

Sci.A'ri'K.     'I'anagrarum  Catalogiis  Spccificiis    ...    tiasingstokt. 
1854.    Kvo.  78148 

Mr.  S.litfi  coDtrilmlrtl  in.iiiy  .irtiiici  >>ii  Smith  Ariiciii.iii   tiirils  tn  t\\v  frovfcilirigii  ii^' 
tilt!  /oiilii^icil  Siicli'ty\  tu  till-  Aiiiiil»  ,inil  Vl.igu/im-  of  N.itural  Hiatury,  jiiJ  tii  other 

tcicntilii.  pt'iiiid'Kalii. 

ScoHKM,  (Hcmy).  Dcclaracion  ilc  S.  A.  con  acucrdo  dc  su 
C'oiisijo  ruanifi'stado  por  parte  dcsta  Rcpublica  la  Justicia  dc  sus 
tair/as  cotra  Espafia,  Vicmcs  26.  de  Octubre  1^)55.  Oidcnado 
por  S.  A.  c'l  S.  Protector  v  el  Conscjo  mie  esta  declarasion  s 
iipre/a  y  Publicada.  Henri(|uc  Scobet  fm]  secretario  del  Co 
■jo.      liii  Londra  [i.  e.  Holland?   1655?]     410,  6  leaves. 




Kclativc  \\i  \\w.  hucc.iiu'citi. 

Scobic's  Canadian  Almanac,  and  Repository  of  Useful  Knowl- 
edge, ...   185 1.      Toronto.  [1851.]     8vo.  s.  78150 

[ScoHi.E  (John).]  American  Slavery,  [n.  p.  184-?]  8vo, 
pp.  12.  7^15 1 

Signed,  John  Scuble. 

Sconr.E.  British  (iuiana.  Speech  delivered  at  the  Anti-Slavery 
meeting  in  Exeter  Hall,  ...  4th  of  April,  1838,  by  John  Scoble, 
Estj.    ...    Londnu.  MDCccxxxviii.    8vo,  pp.  35.  B.  78152 

ScoBi.E.  Extractos  dos  Discursos  de  J.  Scoble  e  dc  J.  J.  Gur- 
ncy  acerca  das  Vantagens  obtidas  com  a  Emancipa^ao  dos  Escra- 
vos  nas  Colonias  Britannicas.     R'to  de  "Janeiro.   1841.     8vo. 

Scoble.  Texas  :  its  Claims  to  be  recognised  as  an  Independ- 
ent Power  by  Great  Britain  ;  Examined  in  a  Series  of  Letters. 
By  John  Scoble.  London  :  Harvey  and  Darton.  M  D  ccc  xxxix. 
8vo,  pp.  56.  78154 

Ste  alto  Anderson  (W.  W.),  Vol.  I.,  No.  1416. 

ScoFFERN  (J.)     The  Manufacture  of  Sugar,  in  the  Colonies 
and  at  home,  chemically  considered.     By  John  ScofFcrn.  ...  Lon 
don:  Longman.    1849.     8vo,  pp.  viii,  i6o.     Plate.  c.  78155 

ScoFiELD  (B.  B.)  The  Philosophy  of  Money,  or  a  System 
of  P'inance  Based  on  Natural  and  Common  Sense  Principles.  By 
B.  B.  Scofield.  Geneseo^  III, :  Printed  at  the  Union  Advocate  Book 
and  Job  Printittg  Establishment.    1862.     8vo,  pp.  8.  78156 

VOL.    XIX.  8 







ScOFiELD  (G.  W.)  Amendment  of  the  Constitution  to  pro- 
hibit Slavery.  Speech  of  Hon.  Glenni  W.  Scofieki,  of  Pennsyl- 
vania ...  in  the  House  of  Representatives,  January  6,  1865  ... 
[Washington^  D.  C.   Gibson  Brothers^  Prmters.   1865. J     8vo,  pp.  8. 

ScoFiELD.  The  Purpose  of  the  Republican  Party.  Speech 
of  Hon.  Glenni  W.  Scofield  ...  in  the  House  of  Representatives, 
July  14,  1868.      [fFashington.    1868.]     8vo,  pp.  8.  H.  78158 

Scofield.  Reconstruction.  Speech  of  Hon.  Glenni  W.  Sco- 
field, of  Pennsylvania,  in  the  House  of  Representatives,  April  28, 
1866.      [^Washington.    1866.]     8vo,  pp.  8.  B.  78159 

Scofield,  Resumption  of  Specie  Payments.  Speech  of  Hon. 
G.  W.  Scofield,  of  Pennsylvania,  on  the  Rill  to  provide  for  the 
gradual  resumption  of  specie  payments.  Delivered  in  the  House 
of  Representatives,  January  27,  1869.  [Washington.  1869.] 
8vo,  pp.  8.  B.  78160 

Scofield.  Shall  the  Republic  be  Divided  ?  Speech  of  Hon. 
Glenni  W.  Scofiekl,  of  Pennsylvania.  Washington^  D.  C.  1864. 
8vo,  pp.  8.  78161 

Scofield.  Speech  of  the  Hon.  Glenni  W.  Scofield,  of  Penn- 
sylvania, on  the  Bill  of  H.  Winter  Davis,  "To  Guarantee  to 
Certain  States,  whose  Governments  are  Usurped  or  Overthrown, 
a  Republican  Form  of.  Government."  Delivered  in  the  House 
of  Representatives,  April  29,  1864.  [Washington.  1864.]  8vo, 
pp.  8.  78162 

Scofield.  Suffrage  in  the  District  of  Columbia.  Speech  of 
Hon.  Glenni  W.  Scofield  ...  in  the  House  of  Representatives, 
January  10,  1866.     [Washington.    1866.]     8vo,  pp._8.         78163 

Also:  Speech   ...   January  20,  1868,   ...  on  Reconstruction.      [fVashington.   1868.] 
8vo,  pp.  8. 

Scofield  (S.)  A  Practical  Treatise  on  Vaccina  or  Cowpock. 
By  Samuel  Scofield,  m.d.  ...  New-Tork :  Printed  by  Southwick 
and  Pelsue.   i8io.     i2mo,  pp.  139.     Plate.  78164 

Scofield  (W.  C.)  A  Nation's  Joy  and  Jeopardy.  An  Ad- 
dress at  Koskonong,  Wisconsin,  July  4,  1865.  By  Rev.  Wm. 
C.  Scofield.  Milwaukie :  Daily  Wisconsin  Office.  1865.  8vo, 
pp.  16.  78165 

Scoperta  dell'  America.     See  [Biondelli  (B.)],  Vol.  11.  5515. 

iitMiin  itif  >mfi»>ini> 



Lo  scoprimento  dellc  Stretto  Artico  et  di  Mcta  incognita  retro- 
vato  nel  anno  M.  c.  Lxxvii  y  1578  [sic]  dal  capitano  Martino  For- 
biscro  inglesc,  posto  nel  italiano  dal  sign.  Lorenzo  Anania.  Na- 
poli.   1582.     i2mo.  78166 

Title  from  Tcrnaux,  No.  144.     Of  extreme  rarity.     See  Vol.  11.,  Nos.  5051-5053; 
iwd  Vol.  VII.,  Nos.  25y94-9y. 

ScoRESMY  (W.),  b.  1789,  d.  1857.  An  Account  of  the  Arc- 
tic Regions,  with  a  History  and  Description  of  the  Northern 
Whale-Fishery.  By  W.  Scoresby,  Jun.  f.r.s.e.  Illustrated  by 
Twenty-four  Engravings.  In  Two  Volumes.  ...  Edinburgh: 
Constable.  1820.  2  vols.,  8vo,  pp.  xx,  551,  Appendix  82;  viii, 
558.     24  Maps  and  Plates.  a.  78167 

"The  first  volume  of  this  work  relates  to  the  progress  of  discovery  in  the  Arctic 
regions,  and  the  natural  history  of  Spitsbergen  and  the  Greenland  sea ;  the  second  is 
devi)ted  to  the  whale-fishery  as  conducted  in  the  seas  of  Greenland  and  Davis's  Strait 
Mr.  Scoresby,  the  commander  of  a  Greenland  whaler,  has  here  displayed  much  judicious 
and  active  observation,  combined  with  no  ordinary  share  of  acquired  knowledge  and 
scientific  attainment,  and  prompted  by  an  ardent  and  generous  zeal  for  useful  discovery." 
— Rich.  "This  standard  work  comprises  all  that  most  persons  can  wish  to  know  of 
the  subjects  of  which  it  treats." — Macculloch.  "This,  together  with  a  voyage  to 
Greenland,  publisiied  subsequently  by  the  same  author,  is  full  of  most  valuable  informa- 
tion on  the  meteorology  and  natural  history  of  this  part  of  the  world,  besides  containing 
interesting  particulars  of  the  whale-fishery." — Stevenson.  It  is  also  highly  commended 
in  the  "Monthly  Review,"  xciii.  225,  361. 

Scoresby.  American  Factories  and  their  Female  Operatives  ; 
with  an  Appeal  on  behalf  of  the  British  Factory  Population,  and 
suggestions  for  the  improvement  of  their  condition.  By  the  Rev. 
William  Scoresby,  d.d.  ...  London:  Longman^  Brown^  Green^^ 
Longmans.  1845.  i2mo,  pp.  viii,  122.  -\- Boston :  William  D. 
Tick  nor  and  Co.  M  Dccc  XLV.     i8mo,  pp.  viii,  136.  e.  78168 

Scoresby.  The  Arctic  Regions ;  their  Situation,  Appearances, 
Climate,  and  Zoology.  By  Captain  Scoresby.  London :  The  Re- 
ligious Tract  Society.  [185-?]     i8mo,  pp.  192.  78169 

Scoresby.  The  Franklin  Expedition ;  or.  Considerations  on 
Measures  for  the  Discovery  and  Relief  of  our  Absent  Adventurers 
in  the  Arctic  Regions.  By  the  Rev.  William  Scoresby,  d.d. 
London:  Longman^  Brown  £ff  Co.   1850.     8vo,  pp.  99.     2  Maps. 

Also  issued  in  a  cheap  form  without  the  maps. 

Scoresby.  Journal  of  a  Voyage  to  the  Northern  Whale- 
Fishery  ;  including  Researches  and  Discoveries  on  the  Eastern 
Coast  of  West-Greenland,  made  in  the  Summer  of  1822,  in  the 
ship  Baffin  of  Liverpool.  By  William  Scoresby,  Jun.  ...  Edin- 
burgh: Constable.   1823.     8vo,  pp.  xliii,  472.     8  Plates.        A.,  c. 

h'    it 





K.  !l 

ScoRESBY.  Journal  of  a  Voyage  to  Australia  ami  Round  the 
World,  for  Magnetical  Research.  By  the  Rev.  W.  Scoresby.  ... 
Edited  by  Archibald  Smith.  ...  London:  Longman.  1859.  8vo, 
pp.  xlviii,  315.     Map  and  Portrait.  ba.,  c.  78172 

Scoresby.  Magnetical  Investigations.  By  the  Rev.  William 
Scoresby.  ...  Part  l.  London:  Longman^  Orme^  Broiun^  Green  i^ 
Longmans.  M.  Dccc.  xxxix.  8vo,  pp.  (6),  92.  2  Plates  -f  Part 
II.     [Ibid.']  M.DCcc.xLiii.     8vo,  pp.  xii,  97-364.  h.  78173 

Scoresby.  Magnetical  Investigations.  By  the  Rev.  William 
Scoresby  ...  London:  Longman.  1844-1852.  2  vols.,  8vo,  pp. 
xvi,  364;  XV,  448.     Plates.  B.,  c.  78174 

Scoresby.  Memorials  of  the  Sea.  By  the  Rev.  William 
Scoresby.     London.    1835.     i2mo.  p.  78175 

Scoresby.  Memorials  of  the  Sea :  Sabbaths  in  the  Arctic 
Regions.  By  the  Rev.  William  Scoresby.  Second  Edition. 
London:  Longman.   1850.     i2mo,  pp.  160.  c.  78176 

Scoresby.  Memorials  of  the  Sea.  The  Mary  Russell.  By 
the  Rev.  W.  Scoresby.  Second  Edition.  London :  Longman. 
1850.     i2mo,  pp.  viii,  153.  78177 

Scoresby.  Memorials  of  the  Sea.  My  Father :  Being  Rec- 
ords of  the  Adventurous  Life  of  the  late  William  Scoresby,  Esq., 
of  Whitby.  By  his  Son,  the  Rev.  William  Scoresby,  d.d.  Lon- 
don:  Longman.    1851.     i2mo,  pp.  viii,  232.     Portrait,     c.  78178 

Scoresby.  Narrative  of  the  Loss  of  the  Esk  and  Lively, 
Greenland  Whalers,  by  which  75  persons  perished,  with  a  Ser- 
mon on  the  Occasion.  By  William  Scoresby.  IVhitby.  1826. 
8vo.  78179 

Scoresby.  The  Northern  Whale  Fishery.  By  William 
Scoresby.     London,  [n.  d.]     i2mo.  78180 

Scoresby.  On  the  Greenland  or  Polar  Ice.  By  W.  Scoresby, 
Jun.     [London.   1815?]    8vo,  pp.  78.  c.  78181 

Scoresby.  Remarks  on  the  Probability  of  reaching  the  North 
Pole :  being  an  examination  of  the  recent  Expedition  under  Cap- 
tain Parry,  in  order  to  the  inquiry.  How  far  that  experiment  affects 
the  Practicability  of  the  Enterprize  ?  By  the  Rev.  W.  Scoresby 
...  From  the  Edinburgh  New  Philosophical  Journal  for  July 
1828.     [Edinburgh.   1828.]    8vo,  pp.  20.  h.  78182 



ScoRESBY.  Tagcbuch  eincr  Rcise  auf  den  Wallfischfang,  ver- 
bunden  mit  Uiitersuchungen  und  Entdeckungen  an  der  Ostkiiste 
von  Gronland  im  Sommer  1822.  Aus  dem  Englischcn.  Mit 
Zusatzen  und  Anmerkungen  veischen  von  F.  Kries.  Hamburg. 
1825.     8vo.     Map  and  Plates.  a.  78183 

Also:  Zoistic  Magnetism.  Two  Lectures  delivered  at  Torquay.  ...  London:  Long- 
man.   1849.     8vo.     c.     Hee  aim  Vol.  iii.,  No.  12410. 

William  Scoresby  the  father,  a  successful  arctic  navigator  and  whaler,  was  born  in 
1760  and  died  in  1829.  His  son,  the  author  of  the  above  works,  made  a  voyage  to 
Greenland  in  1800,  when  only  eleven  years  of  age.  From  that  time  until  1822,  he 
made  many  voyages  to  the  northern  whale-fisheries.  He  afterwards  retired  from  the 
sea,  studied  for  the  ministry,  and  was  ordained  a  priest.  In  1844,  and  again  in  1848, 
he  visited  America,  and  in  1856,  Australia.  A  list  of  his  numerous  works  and  scien- 
tific papers  is  appended  to  the  biography  written  by  his  nephew.  No.  78184,  infra. 

Scoresby-Jackson  (R.  E.)  The  Life  of  William  Scoresby, 
M.A.,  ...  Corresponding  Member  of  the  Institute  of  France,  etc. 
By  his  Nephew,  R.  E.  Scoresby-Jackson  ....  London:  T.  Nelson 
and  Sons,  mdccclxi.  Post  8vo,  pp.  406.  Portrait,  4  Plates,  and 
Map.  78184 

ScoRYER  (R.)  Truth  Owned  and  the  Lying  Tongue  Re- 
buked, or,  the  Author  of  the  Snake  in  the  Grass  Discovered,  to 
be  a  Publisher  of  Lyes.  By  Richard  Scoryer  ...  London.,  Printed 
for  Francis  Holden  ...  1698.     4to,  pp.4.  78185 

For  the  work  to  which  this  is  a  reply  iee  [Leslie  (C.)],  Vol.  x..  No.  40195. 

[Scot  (George),  of  Pitlocbie.']  The  |  Model  |  of  the  |  Govern- 
ment I  Of  the  I  Province  |  of  |  East-New-Jersey  |  in  |  America  ;  |  And 
Encouragements  for  such  as  Designs  |  to  be  concerned  there.  | 
Published  for  Information  of  such  as  are  de-|sirous  to  be  Inter- 
ested in  that  place.  |  Edinburgh.,  \  Printed  by  John  Reid^  And  Sold  be 
[sic]  I  Alexander  Ogston  Stationer  in  the  |  Parliament  Class.  Anno.  \ 
DOM.  1685. 1  Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (8),  272.  Sig.  a  in  four,  a  (repeated) 
to  o  in  eights,  and  p  to  u  in  fours.  78186 

The  first  (blank)  leaf  contains  only  the  signature  A  on  the  recto.  Following  the 
title  is  the  dedication  "To  James  Earl  of  Perth,  Lord  Drummond  and  Stobhall,  &c. 
Lord  High  Chancellor  of  Scotland,"  signed  by  "  George  Scot."  At  the  end  of  this  is 
an  advertisement  "To  the  Reader  from  the  Printer,"  requesting  him  "with  his  pen  to 
help  what  he  finds  amiss,  the  auth-'i's  pressing  aftairs  having  hindered  him  from  over- 
seeing the  press." 

Mr.  Whitehead  has  called  attention,  in  his  reprint,  to  a  variation  which  is  found  on 
page  37.  In  the  book  as  originally  issued  and  "  intended  for  circulation  in  Scotland," 
is  a  paragraph  which  "  was  modified  when  copies  were  circulated  in  England,  a  new  leaf 
being  inserted."  In  the  former,  of  which  copies  are  in  the  library  of  the  New  Jersey 
Historical  Society  and  in  tlie  Lenox  Library,  the  last  paragraph  on  page  37  begins  with 
the  words,  "  I  find  removal  likewise  allowable  in  case  of  persecution,"  etc.  In  the 
latter  issue,  of  which  copies  are  in  Harvard  College  Library  and  in  the  possession  of  Mr. 



Whitehead,  another  paragraph  was  substituted,  beginning  with  the  words,  "Where 
people  find  themselves  straitned  in  point  of  their  opinion,"  etc.  The  etKect  of'  tiie  pub- 
lication of  this  book  was  highly  beneficial  to  the  province  in  promoting  its  scttl'iiicnl, 
"  particularly  as  the  author  added  example  to  precept  by  embarking  himself  and  family 
for  East  Jersey.  Ke  was  accompanied  by  nearly  two  hundred  persons,  and  sailed  from 
Scotland  in  September,  1685,  but  both  himself  and  wife  died  on  the  passage."  &<  W. 
A.  Whitehead's  "East  Jersey  under  the  Proprietary  Governments,"  New  Tori,  1846 
(second  edition,  Newark,  1875),  where  Scot's  work  is  reprinted.  The  book  is  very 
rare.     Mr.  Murphy's  copy  sold  in  1884  for  $105. 

Scot  (P.)  Vox  Vera :  Or,  Observations  from  Amsterdam. 
Examining  The  late  Insolencies  of  some  Psevdo-Pvritans,  Sepa- 
ratists from  the  Church  of  Great-Brittaine.  And  Closed  vp  with 
a  serious  thre-fold  Aduertisement  for  the  generall  vse  of  euery 
good  Subiect  within  his  Maiesties  Dominions,  but  more  especially 
of  those  in  the  Kingdome  of  Scotland.  By  Patricke  Scot,  North- 
Brittaine.  ...  London,  Pjinted  by  Bernard  Alsop.  1625.  4to,  36 
leaves,     a-i  in  fours.  bm.  78187 

The  title  is  on  A2,  and  the  last  leaf  is  blank. 

Scot  (Phil.),  pseudon.     See  Scots  Settlement  at  Darien,  infra. 

Scot  (T.)  Philomythie  |  or  |  Philomythologie  |  wherin  |  Out- 
landish Birds,  Beasts,  |  and  Fishes,  are  taught  |  to  |  speake  true  Eng- 
lish I  plainely.  |  By  1  ho :  Scot  Gent.  |  Philomithus  est  aliquo  mo- 1  do 
philosophus :  fabula  enim  |  ex  miris  constituitur.  |  Arist.  |  London  \ 
for  Francis  Constable  j  at  the  white  Lyon  in  \  Paules  Church-yard.  \ 
1616. 1  Sm.  8vo,  engraved  title,  and  88  leaves.  Sig.  \  in  four, 
\  (repeated)  in  four,  \\  and  a-i  in  eights,  besides  the  title,     bm. 

In  verse.  The  engraved  title  by  Elstracke  is  in  compartments,  containing  figures  of 
birds  and  beasts,  with  portraits  at  the  top  of  yEsop  and  the  American  philosopher.  The 
dedications  to  the  respective  books  are  at  the  beginning  of  the  volume.  Among  the 
preliminary  pieces  is  one  on  Pandorsvs  Waldolynnatvs,  tlie  menie  American  FliilDSo- 
pher,  or  wise  Man  of  the  New  World.  A  second  division,  with  continuous  pagination, 
begins  on  signature  Fa  with  another  title:  Certaine  Pieces  of  this  Age  Paraboliz'd  ... 
London  Printed  by  lohn  Legatt  for  Francis  Comtable  ...  1615.  In  the  British  Museum 
copy  there  are  copperplate  engravings  on  pages  83  and  91,  and  a  blank  space  for  one  on 
page  104.  Blank  spaces  also  occur  in  the  text  on  pages  89,  126  and  127,  on  account 
of  defects  in  th(    >riginal  manuscript. 

Scot.  Philomythie  |  or  |  Philomythologie  j  wherin  |  Outlandish 
Birds,  Beasts,  |  and  Fishes,  are  taught  |  to  |  speake  true  English  | 
plainely.  |  By  Tho :  Scot  Gent.  |  Philomithus  est  aliquo  mo- 1  do 
philosophus  :  fabula  enim  |  ex  miris  constituitur.  |  T'he  second  edi- 
tion, much  inlarged.  I  London  |  for  Francis  Constable  \  at  the  white 
Lyon  in\  Paules  Church-yard.  |  1616.  |  Sm.  8vo,  engraved  title,  and 
92  unnumbered  leaves,  a-l  in  eights,  and  m  in  four,  besides  the 
title.  L.,  BM.  78189 

Following  the  engraved  title,  which  was  altered  for  this  edition,  is  "A  Fraemonition 



to  the  intelligent  Reader,"  on  one  leaf,  signed  by  Thomas  Scot,  and  "  Sarcasmos 
Mvnilo,  or  The  Frontispice  explancd,"  in  four  leaves.  Next  is  "A  Svpply  of  the 
description  of  Monsier  Pandorsvs  Waldolynnatvs,  that  merry  American  Philosopher,  or 
the  Wiseman  of  the  New  World,  being  Antipode  to  /Ksop,  placed  with  him  as  parallel 
in  the  front,"  etc.,  in  thi  !e  leaves.  An  adiircss  "To  the  oucr-wise,  ouer-wilfull,  ouer- 
curiuus,  or  ouer-captious  Reader"  fills  the  next  three  pages.  This  is  followed  by  the 
text,  beginning  on  the  verso  of  the  eleventh  leaf,  with  the  dedications  prefixed  to  the 
respective  books,  instead  of  being  colleited  at  the  front,  as  in  the  first  edition.  On  the 
first  ler.f  of  signature  I  is  the  title  of  the  second  division  :  Certaine  |  Pieces  of  this  |  Age 
Parabolizd.  |  viz.  |  DuL-llum  Britanicuni.  |  Regalis  Justitia  lacobi.  |  Aquignispicium.  |  Anti- 
dotum  Cecillianum.  |  By  Thomas  Scot  |  Gentleman.]  Scire  tuum  nihil  est.\Lontlon\  Printed 
for  Francis  Conslab/e,  and  are  to  be  iold\at  bis  shop  at  the  signe  of  the  ivhite\Lyun  in  Paules 
Church-\yard.  i6i6.|  With  seven  woodcuts  in  the  text.  Some  copies  of  this  second 
portion  have  a  dirt'erent  imprint :  London  Printed  hy  Edward  Grijfinfor  Francis  Constable 
...  1616. 

Scot.  Philomythie  |  or  |  Philomythologie  |  wherin  |  Outlandish 
Birds,  Beasts,  |  and  Fishes,  are  taught  |  to  |  speake  true  English  | 
plainely.  |  By  Tho  :  Scot  Gent.  |  Philomithus'  est  aliquo  mo-|do 
philosophus  :  fabula  enim  |  ex  miris  constituitur.  |The  second  edi- 
tion, much  inlarged.  I  London  \for  Francis  Constable  \  at  the  white 
Lyon  in\  Paules  Church-yard.  \  1622.]    Sm.  8vo.  bm.  78190 

The  engraved  title  is  the  same  as  in  the  other  editions,  the  only  alteration  being  in 
the  date.  The  second  division  is  dated  1 61 6.  There  are  two  copies  of  this  "second 
edition"  with  the  date  1622  in  the  British  Museum,  which  are  said  to  differ  from  each 
other,  and  also  from  the  "second  edition"  of  1616.  Hazlitt  mentions  still  another 
variety  with  this  date,  in  which  the  words  "second  edition,"  etc.,  do  not  occur.  The 
same  bibliographer  also  states  that  this  edition  is  sometimes  found  with  a  reprinted  title- 
page  bearing  the  date  1640. 

Scot.  The  Second  Part  of  Philomythie,  or  Philomythologie. 
Containing  certaine  Tales  Of  True  Libertie.  False  Friendship. 
Power  Vnited.  Faction  and  Ambition.  By  Thomas  Scot  Gent. 
Printed  at  Lonu^nfor  Francis  Constable.  i6i6.  Sm.  Svo,  20  leaves, 
the  first  one  blank.  A  and  B  in  eights,  and  c  in  four,  -f  London^ 
printed  by  lohn  Legatt  for  Francis  Constable.  1625.  Sm.  Svo,  20 
leaves,  the  first  one  blank.  bm.  78 191 

Scot  (Thomas),  of  Utrecht.     See  Scott. 

A  Scotch  Answer  to  a  Yankee  Question.  By  the  Scotch 
Poetic  Genius.     Clyde^  N.  IT.    1866.     i2mo,  pp.  36.  78192 

The  Scotch  Marine,  or  Memoirs  of  the  Life  of  Celestina,  a 
Young  Lady,  who,  secretly  deserting  her  family,  spent  two  years 
in  strict  amity,  as  a  Man,  with  her  beloved  Castor  ;  her  Marriage 
afterwards  with  Cario,  a  North  Briton,  in  New  England  ...  Lon- 
don:  y.  Robinson.  1754.  2  vols.,  i2mo.  -{-  London,  [n.  d.]  2 
vols.,  i2mo.  7^193 

>  J'' 




Scotland's  Grievances,  |  Relating  to  I  Daiien,  &c.  [  Humbly 
offered  to  the  Consideration  |  of  the  |  Parliament.  |  Vos  quibus 
potior  est  turpis  cum  securitate  servitus,  quam  |  honesta  cum  pcri- 
culo  libertas,  istam  quam  magni  |  cstimatis,  fortunam,  amplecta- 
mini,  Ego  in  Patria,  |  s^epe  defensa  liber  &  libens  moriar :  nee  me 
prius  I  ejus  caritas  quam  vita  relinquet.  Vallas  ad  Brus-|sium. 
Buchan.  Hist.  lib.  8.  Which  for  the  be-|  nefit  of  those  that  don't 
understand  Latin,  is  |  English'd  thus.  |  You  who  had  rather  like 
Cowards  submit  your  |  Necks  to  a  Yoke  of  Ignominous  Slavery,  | 
than  expose  your  selves  to  any  Danger  in  |  asserting  the  Public 
Liberty;  Hugg  that  For- 1 tune  which  you  value  so  highly:  For 
my  I  part,  I  shall  cheerfully  Sacrifice  my  Life  to  |  die  a  Free-man 
in  my  Native  Country,  which  j  I  have  so  often  Defended  :  Nor 
will  I  cease  |  to  Love  it,  till  I  cease  to  Live:  Wallace  to|  Bruce, 
when  he  join'd  with  the  English  a-|  his  Country.  |  [^Edin- 
burgh ?'\  Printed^  1700.  |  8vo,  "Errata"  on  i  leaf,  recto  blank; 
title,  verso  blank  ;  dedication  "Ordinibus  Regni,  Scotorum  gemi- 
tus  &  lamentabiles  querela;,"  pp.  (2);  text,  pp.  1-54.  Signatures 
B-G  in  fours,  and  H  in  three,  besides  the  three  prel.  leaves.    A.,  L. 

Improved  title  of  No.  18568,  Vol.  v.  The  authorship  has  been  attrihutcil  to  George 
Ridpath.  As  originally  printed,  the  dedication  leaf  formed  the  fourth  leaf  of  sig.  h, 
in  which  place  it  is  sometimes  found.  It  was  intended  to  be  detached  however,  and 
inserted  in  its  proper  place  after  the  title. 

Scotlands  Grievances  relating  to  Darien,  etc.  Humbly  offered 
to  the  consideration  of  Parliament,  [n.  p.  1700.?]  i2mo,  pp. 
(6),  112.  j.c.B.  78195 

Scotland's  Present  Duty.      See  Vol.  v..  No.  18569. 

Scotland's  I  Right  to  Caledonia  |  (Formerly  called  Darien)  |  And 
the  Legality  of  its  Set-|  tlement,  asserted  in  Three  |  several  Me- 
morials presen-|ted  to  His  Majesty  in  May|  1699.]  By  |  The  Lord 
President  of  the  |  Session  and  Lord  Advocate,  j  on  behalf  of  the 
Company  |  of  Scotland,  Trading  to  Afri-|ca  and  the  Indies.] ...  | 
Printed  in  the  Tear^  1700.]     8vo,  title,  and  pp.  34.  L.  78196 

Improved  title  of  No.  18570,  Vol.  v. 

Scots-Irishman, />j<?w</(9«.     See  [Bruce  (D.)],  Vol.  m.  8730. 
Scots  Settlemknt  at  Dakien. 

The  following  titles  relating  to  the  Scots  Settlement  at  Uarieii  are  supi>lement..ry  to 
those  already  given  in  Vol.  v.,  Nos.  18544.-18575. 

An  Abstract  of  a  Letter  From  a  Person  of  Eminency  and 
worth  in  Caledonia  to  a  Friend  at  Boston  in  New-England.    Bos- 

ton^ Printed  May  15.  1699.    4to,  pp.  2,  4. 

J.c.B.  78197 



The  letter  of  two  pages  was  written  from  Fort  St.  Andrew,  by  William 
Paterson,  the  projector  of  the  Darien  lompany.  'I'lic  la  t  four  piycs  mntain  :  "Cale- 
donia. The  Declaratit  n  ot'  the  Council  cr,n>tituted  by  the  .mil  Af'  Com- 
pany of  Scotl.ind;  for  the  (lovernment  and  direction  of  their  Coli;nies  and  Settlements 
in  the  Indies,"  siyned  "By  Order  of  the  Council,  Huyh,  Seiret.iry,"  and  dated 
"  New  Edinburgh,  Ueceniber  iS.  1698."  Mr.  Brinley's  copy  (No.  810)  sold  for  1?20. 
See  alio  Vol.  xiv.,  Nos.  59053 -55,  Syi37" 

An  Act  of  Parliament  for  encouraging  the  Scots  African  and 
Indian  Company.     [^Edinburgh,    1695. J    4to,  pp.  8.  j.c.B. 

Dated,  June  26,  1695.  It  was  under  this  act  that  the  Scots  Settlement  at  Darien 
was  founded.      For  another  edition  ite  Vol.  v..  No.  18544. 

Ad  amplissimos  simul  et  consukissimos  viros  Societatis  Scoti- 
canae  ad  Afros  ct  Indos  ncgotium  Rectores  et  Administratores 
xquissimos   ...   [^Ediuburgb ?   1700.]     8vo,  pp.  8.       j.c.n.  78199 

By  Gwalterus  Denniston.      A  curious  poem  relative  to  the  settlement  at  Darien. 

The  Application  of  the  Scots  to  Foreign  Trade,  Commended 
and  Encouraged  :  and  their  late  attempt  to  have  Settled  at  Darien, 
fully  Vindicated  from  all  that  hath  been  excepted  against  it.  [n. 
p.    1700.'']    8vo,  pp.  28,  214.  78200 

[Royal  arms.]  |  By  His  |  Richard  Earl  of  Bello- 
mont,  Captain  General  and  Governour  in  Chief  of  His  Majesties 
Province  |  of  New- York,  and  Territories  depending  thereon  in 
America,  and  Vice  Admiral  of  the  same,  ]  &c  |  A  Proclamation  | 
Whereas  His  most  excellent  Majesty  hath  received  Advice,  That 
several  Ships  of  Force,  fitted  out  of  Scotland,  were  designed  |  to 
settle  themselves  in  some  parts  of  America;  ...  .|  Given  at  P'ort 
William  Henry  in  New-York,  the  15th  Day  of  May,  1699.  and 
in  the  Eleventh  Year  of  his  Majesty's  Reign.  |  By  Order.  |  Bello- 
mont.JB.  Cosens,  CI.  Concilij.  God  Save  the  King.  |  [Colo- 
phon :J  Printed  by  IV.  Bradford.^  Printer  to  the  Kings  most  Excellent 
Majesty  in  New-Tor k^  ^^QQ'I    Folio,  1  leaf.  h.s.p.  7820 1 

Reprinted  with  No.  78202  at  Edinburgh  in  1699,  and  again  in  "The  Original 
Papers  and  Letters  relating  to  the  Scots  Company"  (No.  18563,  Vol.  v.),  pp.  44-48. 
It  relates  to  the  colony  in  Darien,  and  forbids  his  Majesty's  subjects  in  America  to  hold 
any  correspondence  with  the  emigrants,  or  to  assist  then>  in  any  way  by  provisions, 
arms,  ammunition,  etc.     Title  furnished  by  Mr.  Hildcburn. 

By  his  Excellency  Richard  Earl  of  Bellomont,  Captain  Gen- 
eral, and  Governour  in  chief  of  his  Majesty's  Provinces  of  the 
Massachusetts-Bay,  New- York,  &c.  in  America,  and  of  the  Ter- 
ritories thereon  depending,  and  Vice-Admiral  of  the  same.  A 
Proclamation.  Whereas  his  most  Excellent  Majesty  having 
received  Advice,  that  several  Ships  of  Force  fitted  out  in  Scot- 



?  .1 



land,  were  arrived  at  the  Island  of  St.  Thomas,  with  an  Intention 
(as  they  declared)  to  settle  themselves  in  some  parts  of  America 
....  Given  at  the  Council  Chamber  in  Doston,  the  third  day  of 
June  1699.  in  the  eleventh  year  of  his  Majesty's  Reign.  Hy 
Order  of  his  Excellency  and  Council,  I.  Addington  Seer.  Hel- 
lomont.  God  save  the  King.  [Colophon  :]  lioston^  Printed  by 
Bartholomew  Green^  and  "John  ^llen^  Printers  to  bis  Excellency  the 
Governour  and  Council.   1699.     Folio,  I  leaf?  78202 

An  edition  of  No.  78201  and  of  this,  with  the  cohiphon  :  EJinhurgb,  ReprinltJ 
exactly  according  to  the  Originals,  Anno  1699,  was  reprinted  in  "Tlie  Original  Fjpers 
and  Letters  relating  to  the  Scots  Company,"  pp.  44-48. 

Caledonia.  The  Declaration  of  the  Council.  See  No.  78197, 

Caledonia's  Complaint  and  Resolution,  With  the  Answer  to 
the  Complaint.     [Inverse,     n.  p.   1700.]    4to,  i  page.      78203 

The  Causes  of  Scotland's  Miseries.  A  Poem  in  Imitation  of 
the  VI.  Ode  of  the  Third  Book  of  Horace.  Edinburgh.^  Printed 
hy  James  Watson  in  Craig's  Closs^  1700.    4to,  4  leaves.  78204 

Certain  Propositions  Relating  to  the  Scots  Plantation  of  Cale- 
donia, and  the  National  Address  for  supporting  thereof,  briefly 
ofF^-ed  to  Publick  View,  for  removing  of  Mistakes  and  Preju- 
dices.    Glasgow^  Printed  in  tie  Tear  1700.      Folio,  pp.  2.     j.c.B. 

A I  Collection  |  of  |  Scarce  and  Valuable  Papers,  |  Some  whereof 
were  never  before  Printed,  viz.  |i.  A  Defence  of  the  Scots  Settle- 
I  ment  at  Darien,  with  an  An-|swer  to  the  Spanish  Memorial] 
against  it.  |ii.  An  Enquiry  into  the  Causes  of  |  the  Miscarriages  at 
Darien,  &c.  |  [etc.  72  lines.]  \  London;  Printed  /or  George  Saw- 
bridge^  at  the  I  Three  Golden  Flower-de- Luces  in  Little  Britain^  1 7 1 2.  | 
8vo,  pp.  (6),  240,  353-583-  78206 

The  ♦•Defence"  fills  pp.  1-51;  the  "Enquiry"  pp.  51-135.  The  running  page 
heading  of  the  book  is  "  A  Choice  Collection  of  Papers  Relating  to  State- Affairs  Vol. 
1."     It  is  probably  a  reissue  of  No.  12879,  Vol.  iv. 

A  Congratulatory  Poem,  On  the  safe  Arrival  of  the  Scots 
African  and  Indian  Fleet  in  Caledonia,  and  their  kind  Reception 
by  the  Natives,  with  an  Amicable  advice  to  all  concerned,    [n.  p. 

1699.]     Folio,  I  page. 


Signed,  "R.  A." 

Constitutions  of  the  Company  of  Scotland,  trading  to  Africa 
and  the  Indies.     \_Edinburgh.    1696.]     Folio,  pp.  3.  j.c.B. 

Corrected  title  of  No.  18547,  Vol.  v. 



A  I  Defence  I  of  the  |  Scots  |  abtlicatin'j;|  Daiien  :  |  Including  An  | 
Answer|to  thcj  Defence]  of  ihc|  Scots  Settlement  there.]  Aiithore 
Hritanno  scd  Dunensi.  )  ...  ]  { Er/iu/'tojrhf]  lYinteil  in  thi'  Teor^ 
1700.  8vo,  pp.  (20),  1-28,  13-20,  37-60,  1.15-165,  167-168, 
verso  >lank.     a-n  in  fours.  l.  78209 

"The  Epistle  Deilictory"  is  signtd  by  "  I'liil.  Scot."  The  .luthoiship  u  attributcil 
to  Janiea  Hodges  l>y  H.ilkett  .in.l  L.iiiig,  who  .uld  the  f'olldwiiig  note:  "One  Walter 
Herries  supposed  by  the  Scots  I'.olianient  to  have  been  (lie  author  o\'  this  Defence, 
whicli  was  ordered  to  be  burnt  by  the  hinds  of  tlie  h.\n(;ni.  n,  and  the  Lords  ot'  tiie 
Treasury  were  required  to  otter  a  reward  of  A! 6000  Scots  for  tlie  arrest  of  the  reputed 
author."  In  the  reply  entitled  "An  Emjuiry  into  the  Causes  of  the  Misc.irriage,"  the 
autiior  is  named  "H s."     In  soivcc  copies  pages  29-36  are  correctly  numbered. 

A  ]  Defence  ]  of  the  ]  Scots  ]  Abdicating  ]  Daricn  :  ]  Incluriing  An  | 
Answer  ]  to  the  ]  Defence  ]  of  the  ]  Scot's  Settlement  there.  ]  Authore 
Britanno  sed  Dunensi.]  \^Edl»hurgh  :^  Printed  in  the  Teaty  1700.) 
i2mo,  pp.  (12),  50.  78210 

The  dedication  is  signed  "  Phil.  Scot."  Mr.  Brinley's  copy  of  this  edition  (No. 
5327)  sold  for  $5. 

A]  Defence  ]  of  the  ]  Scots  ]  Settlement  at  Darien.  j  With  ]  An 
Answer  to  the  Spanish  Memorial  against  it.  ]  And  ]  Arguments  to 
prove,  That  it  is  the  interest  of  England  j  to  join  with  the  Scots, 
and  protect  it.  ]  To  wl::ch  is  added  j  A  Description  of  the  Coun- 
trey,  and  a  particular  Account  J  of  the  Scots  Colony.]  [n.  p.] 
Printed  in  the  Tear^  M.  DC  xc.  ix.  ]  4to,  pp.  (4),  60.  B  in  four, 
and  c-p  in  twos,  besides  the  two  prel.  leaves.  L.  7821 1 

The  dedication  "To  the  King's  Most  Excellent  Majesty"  is  signed  "  PhiloCaledon," 
who  is  supposed  to  be  George  Ridpath. 

A  ]  Defence  ]  of  the  ]  Scots  Settlement  ]  At  Darien.  ]  With  ]  An 
Answer  to  the  Spanish  ]  Memorial  against  it.  ]  And]  Arguments  to 
prove  that  it  is  the  j  Interest  of  England  to  join  with  the  ]  Scots, 
and  protect  it.  ]  To  which  is  added,  ]  A  Description  of  the  ]  Coun- 
try, and  a  particular  Account  of  I  the  Scots  Colony.  ]  Edinburghy\ 
Printed  in  the  Tear  M.  DC.  xc.  IX.  ]  8vo,  pp.  (8),  86.  a-m  in  fours, 
the  last  leaf  blank.  l.  78212 

Corrected  title  of  No.  18549,  Vol.  v. 

A  ]  Defence  j  Of  the  Scots  Settlement  ]  at  ]  Darien  ]  with  ]  An 
Answer  to  the  Spanish  Me-]morial  against  it.  ]  And  Arguments 
to  Prove  that  it  is  the  In-]terest  of  England  to  Joyn  with  the 
Scots,  ]  and  Protect  it.  ]  To  which  is  Added,  ]  A  Description  of  the 
Country,  and  a  parti-  ]  cular  Account  of  the  Scots  Colony.  ]  Eden- 
burghy  Printed  in  the  Tear.  \  MDCXCix.  ]  Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (4),  57. 
[a]-g  in  fours,  and  h  in  three.  l.  78213 




A  Description  of  the  Province  and  Bay  of  Darian  :  Giving  an 
full  Account  of  all  it's  Situation,  Inhabitants,  Way  and  Manner 
of  Living  and  Religion,  Solemnities,  Ceremonies  and  Products  ; 
Being  vastly  rich  with  Gold,  Silver,  and  various  other  Commodi- 
ties, liy  I.  li.  a  Well-wisher  to  the  Company  who  lived  there 
Seventeen  Years.  Edinburgh^  Printed  by  the  Heirs  and  Successors 
of  Andrew  Anderson^  Printer  to  the  King's  most  Excellent  Aliijesty. 
Anno  Dom.  ibgg.    4to,  pp.  (2),  16.  J.c.B.  78214 

The  uni'  pjgu  udUrcst  tu  tiic  reader  in  tinned  "Inauc  Bljckwcll,"  wliotu  init'uU  jppcjr 
un  the  title. 

An  I  Enquiry  |  into  |  The  Causes  of  the  Miscarriage  |  of  the  | 
Scots  Colony  at  Darien.  |  Or  an  |  Answer  |  to  a  |  Libel  |  Lntituled  |  A 
Defence  of  the  Scots  Abdicating  Darien.  |  Submitted  to  the  Con- 
sideration of  the  I  Good  People  of  England.  | ...  |  Glasgoiv.  1700.  | 
8vo,  pp.  (8),  112.     A  in  four,  b-g  in  eights,  h  and  i  in  fours,     l. 

Currected  title  ut'  Nu.  1S552,  Vol.  v.  The  authorship  has  been  attributed  to  George 

The  I  Golden  Island  |  Or  |  the  Darien  Song  |  In  Commendation 
of  I  All  Concerned  in  |  that  Noble  En-|terpri/e  |  Of  the  Valiant 
Scots.  I  Hy  a  Lady  of  Honour.  |  Edinburgh^  \  Printed  by  "John  Reid^ 
find  fire  to  |  be  sold  at  his  Printing- House  |  in  Bells- IVyntl^  1699.  | 
8vo,  pp.  8.  H.  78216 

An  Health  to  Caledonia,  To  the  Tune  of  Marin's  Trumpet 
Air.     Two  stanzas,     [n.  p.    ^699.]     Folio,  i  page.  78217 

The  I  History  |  of  |  Caledonia  :  |  or,  the  |  Scots  Colony  |  in  |  Darien  | 
In  the  West-Indies.  |  With  an  Account  of  the  Manners  |  of  the 
Inhabitants,  and  Riches  of  the|Countrey,  |  By  a  Gentleman  lately 
Arriv'd.  |  Dublin:  |  Re-printed  by  Stephen  Poivell^  at  the  back  of\ 
Dick's  Cojif'ee-House  in  Skinner- Row ^ for  \  Josias  Shaiv^  Bookseller^  fit 
RusseVs  Cojfee-\  House  on  Cork-hill^  near  the  Exchange.  |  mdcxcix.  | 
Sm.  8vo,  pp.  32.     A  and  e  in  eights.     Map.  l.  78218 

The  map  is  inscribed  :  "a  New  Map  of  ye  |  Isthmus  of  Darien  in|  America,  The  Bay 
of  Panama,  |  The  Gulph  of  Vallona  or  S'.  Michael, |  with  its  Islands  &  Countries  Adja- 
cent.] By  |W"'.  Hacke  &  R».  Morden."      For  another  edition  see  Vol.  v.,  No.  18556. 

The  Humble  Address  of  the  Right  Honourable  the  Lords 
Spiritual  &  Temporal  In  Parliament  Assembled,  Presented  to  His 
Majesty,  Feb.  12,  1699.  [And  His  Majesties  most  gracious 
Answer  thereunto.]     London.    1699.     Folio,  pp.  4.  7^219 

The  Address  urges  the  abandonment  of  the  Scotch  Colony  at  Darien,  it  being 
"  inconsistent  with  the  good  of  the  Plantation  Trade  of  this  Kingdom."  Mr.  Brin- 
ley's  copy  sold  for  $14. 



A  Just  ami  Motlcst  Vimliiatioii  of  the  Scots  I)isiij;n,  St;- 
[Hodges  (Janu's)J,  Vol.  vitl.,  No.  32340. 

Tlic  .lutliiirsliip  i>  .isirilii'.l  tu  Kol.iit  rcigusnii  ii>  tlif  tif  tlic  liiitisli  Mu- 
seum anil  l)i)illci.iti  lilir.irics. 

A  Letter  from  a  Mtiuhcr  of  tht-  Parliament  of  Scotlaiul  to  his 
friend  in  J/ondon,  concerning  tluir  late  act  for  establishing  a 
Company  of  that  Kingdom,  trading  to  Africa  and  the  Indies. 
Edinhurs;!} :  jludrnv  Jtuhrson.    i(k)().     4to,  pp.  19.  78220 

Dated  NovemluT  14,  1695.      Fur  aiiiitlicr  i'ditii)ii  sre  Vol.  v.,  Nd.  iS^6o. 

A  I  Letter,  I  from  the  |  Commission,  |  of  the  [General  Assembly,  | 
of  the  I  Church  |  of  |  Scotland  ;|  Met  at  Glasgow,  July  21.  1699.  | 
To  the  I  Honourable  Council,  and  Inhabitants,  of  the]  Scots  Col- 
ony of  Caledonia,  in  America.  |  Edhthuri^h^  |  Printed  by  Gi'orge  AIos- 
/na/iy  (Old  are  to  be  sold  at  his  |  Shop  in  the  P(irli<imeut-Closs.  ibgg.  | 
4to,  pp.  16.     A  and  K  in  fours.  L.  78221 

For  another  edition  stf  Vol.  v.,  No.  1S561, 

A  Letter,  giving|  A  |  Description  | of  the]  Isthmus  |  of  |  Darian  :  | 
(Where  the  Scot's  Colonic  is  settled  ;)  |  From  a  Gentleman  who 
lives  there  at  present.  |  With  an  Account  of  the  Fertilness  of  the 
Soil,  the  Ouality  |  of  the  Air,  the  Manners  of  the  Inhabitants, 
And  the  |  Natme  of  the  Plants,  and  Animals,  &c.  |  And  |  A  par- 
ticular Mapp  of  the  Isthmus,  and  Entrance  to  the  |  River  01 
Darian.  |  Edinburgh^  |  Printed  /or  "John  Mackie  ...  |  M.  DC.  xc.  ix.  | 

4to,  12  leaves,     a-c  in  fours.     Folded  Map.  B.  BM.,  c.h.k. 

A  I  Letter  |  To  a  |  Friend  |  at  |  Edinburgh  |  From  |  Roterdam,  |  Giv- 
ing an  account  of  the  Scots  affairs  |  in  Darien.  |  I3y|  James  Byres.  | 
...\Printed\j4nno\MDCCU.\     8vo,  pp.  171.  H.  78223 

Improved  title  of  No.  9724,  Vol.  in. 

Lettres  Patentes  du  Octroi  sous  le  grand  seau  du  Royaume 
Decosse,  pour  la  compagnie  du  commerce  de  I'Afrique  et  des 
Irides,  etc.  [n.  p.]  hnprime  pour  la  Compagnie.  M.  DC.  Lxxxxvil. 
[1697.]    4to,  pp.  8.  j.c.B.  78224 

Relates  to  the  Scots  Settlement  at  Darien, 

A  I  List  I  of  the  |  Subscribers  |  To  the  Company  of  Scotland, 
Trading  I  to  Africa  nd  the  Indies;  [Taken  in  Edinburgh  &c.  until 
the  27  of  March  1696.]  [^Edinburgh.    1696.]     Folio,  pp.  4. 

A  I  List  I  of  the  |  Subscribers  |  to  the  |  Company  of  Scotland,  | 
Trading  to |  Africa  and  the  Indies.  [Taken  in  Edinburgh  &c.  until 

I  i| 



the  2i  of  April   iiiclusivf  1696.]   [^Edinhurgh.    1696. J     Folio,  pp. 
12.  H.  78226 

Memoirs  of  Noith-Hritain  ;  Taken  from  Authcntick  Wiitincs, 
aswell  Manuscript  as  Printed.  In  whieh  it  is  Frov'd,  That  tne 
Scots  Nation  have  Always  been  Zealous  in  the  defence  of  the 
Protestant  Religion  and  I/ilierty.  Containing,  i.  An  account  of 
the  cruelties  exercis'd  by  the  Tories,  against  the  Protestants,  in 
King  Charles's  and  King  James's  reigns.  11.  Of  the  tryals  and 
murder  of  the  Karl  of  Argyle,  and  Robert  Hailic  of  Jerviswood 
Ks<|;  iir.  Of  the  Revolution,  and  Dundee's  rebellion,  iv.  Of 
(ilenc(»'s  ileath,  and  the  Darien  colony;  with  a  vindication  of 
King  VV^illiam's  honour  and  justice  therein,  v.  Of  the  designs 
of  the  Jacobites  in  opposing  the  Union,  and  of  their  invasion- 
plot  after  it.  vi.  The  agreement  between  the  English  and  Scots 
Tories,  since  the  change  of  the  old  ministry,  in  their  attempts 
against  the  Protestant  succession.  London:  Printed  for  J.  Baker 
...  and  J,  Graves  ...  mdccxv.     8vo.     a-u  in  eights.  78227 

By  Jolin  Ohiinixun.     Improved  title  ut'  No.  47571,  Vol.  xii. 

An  Ode  made  on  the  Welcome  News  of  the  safe  Arrival  and 
kind  Reception  of  the  Scottish  Collony  at  Darien  in  America. 
Edinhurghy  Printed  by  James  JVatson  in  Craig's  Closs  1699.  Folio, 
I  page.  78228 

Petition  of  the  Council-General  (of  the  Company  of  Scotland) 
Trading  to  Africa  and  the  Indies,  etc.  Signed  at  Edinburgh  the 
19th  of  October  1699.  With  the  reply  of  His  Majesty  King 
William  to  the  same.     [n.  p.    1699.]     Folio,  pp.  2.  J.c.B. 

Relative  to  the  "  l'l.\iit  ition  on  the  North  side  of  the  Isthmus  of  Darien." 

The  Recruits  for  Caledonia  of  the  Rysing  Sun  their  Farewell 
to  Old  Scotland  ...  [In  verse.]  Edinburgh:  Printed  by  James 
IVatson  ...  I    99.    4to,  1  page.  78230 

The  Representation  and  Petition  |  of  the  |  Council-General  |of 
the  I  Indian  and  African  |  Company  |  to  the  |  Parliament.  |  Edinburgh^ 
Printed  in  the  Year  1700.  |  8vo,  pp.  19.  a  and  B  in  fours,  c  in 
two.  L.  78231 

Improved  title  of  No.  18566,  Vol.  v,  and  No.  69993,  Vol.  xvii. 

A  Short  Account  from,  and  Description  of  the  Isthmus  of 
Darien,  where  the  Scots  Collony  are  Settled.  With  a  Particular 
Map  of  the  Isthmus,  and  Enterance  to  the  River  of  Darien. 
According  to  our  late  News,  and  Mr.  Dampier  and  Mr.  Wafer. 

A       \ 




Etlinbutfih.   Pr'iuttfl  and  sold  hy  John  rallange.    1 699.     410,  pp.  (6), 
19.     Map  ami  IMatc.  j.c.B.,  hm.  78232 

A  I  Short  anil  Impartial  |  View  [of  |  The  Manner  and  Occasion  | 
of  thc|Scots  C.'olonv's  I  Coming  away  from  |  Daricn.  |  In|  A  Letter 
to  a  Person  of  (^Juality.  |  ...  |  j  lidinhura^h :\  Printed  [by  Jdnus  It'iit- 
ion\  in  the  T'lur  M.l)C'.xc.ix.|     4to,  pp.  40.      A-K  in  fours.         I,. 

Siyneil  at  the  end  '*  I'.  C."     'I'lie  ii.iiiif  tif'  tin-  printtr  !»  written  on  the  title  of  the 
LfiKix  copy  in  a  tonti'm|iorary  hand. 

A  Short  I  Vindication  |  of  |  Phil.  Scot's  Defence  |  of  the  |  Scots 
Abdicating  Darien:  |  Being  |  in  Answer  to  the  Challenge  of  thc| 
Author  of  The  Defence  of  that  Settle-]  ment,  to  prove  the  Spanish 
Title  to  I  Darien^  by  Inheritance,  Marriage,  Do-|  minion.  Purchase, 
Reversion,  Surrender,  I  or  Conquest.  |  With  A  |  Prefatory  Reply,  to 
the  False  and  |  Scurrillous  Aspersions,  of  the  New  Au-|thor  of, 
The  Just  and  Modest  Vindicati-|on,  &c.  And  some  Animad- 
versions on  I  the  material  Part  of  it,  relating  to  the  |  Title  of  Da- 
rien. I ...  I  London  :  \  Printed  in  the  Tear^  1 700.  |  8vo,  pp.  48.  a-f 
in  fours.  H.  78234 

Improved  title  ot"  No,  18571,  Vol.  v. 

Some  Seasonable  and  Modest  |  Thoughts,  |  Partly  occasioned  by 
and  part  y  concerning  the  |  Scots  East-India  |  Company.  |  Humbly 
offered  to  R.  H.  Esq;  a  Member  I  of  the  present  Parliament.]  By 
an  unfeign  and  hearty  Lover  of  |  England.  |  [n.  p.]  Printed  in  the 
y'car  1696. 1    4to,  pp.  36.     a-d  in  fours,  e  in  two.  78235 

Signed  "C.  K,"  and  dated  Jan.  i,  i6<;{}.     Title  from  Mr.  Paul  L.  Ford. 

Some!  Seasonable  and  Modest  | Thoughts |  Partly  occasioned  by, 
and  partly  concerning  the  I  Scots  East-India  |  Company  |  Humbly 
offered  to  R.  H.  Esq.  a  Member  |  of  the  present  Parliament.  |  By 
an  unfeigned  and  hearty  Lover  of  |  England.  |  Edinburgh^  \  Re- 
printed by  George  Mosman^  and  are  to  be  Sold  at  his  |  Shop  in  the 
Parliament  Closs^  1699.]    4to,  pp.  31.     a-d  in  fours.      L.  78236 

Signed  .It  the  end  "  C.  K." 

A I  State  I  of  I  Mr.  Paterson's  Claim  |  upon  the  |  Equivalent ;  |  with 
[Original  Papers  and  Observations!  Relating  thereto.  |  London :\ 
Printed  in  the  Tear  mdccxii.|    410,  pp.  viii,  (4),  72.        H.  78237 

Relates  to  the  Darien  affairs.  Improved  title  of  No.  18573,  Vol.  v.  See  alio  Vol. 
v.,  No.  18565,  and  Vol.  xiv.,  No.  59053. 

A I  Supplement  |  Of  |  Original  Papers  |  and  |  Letters  |  relating  |  To 
the  Scots  Company  Tra-|ding  to  Africa  and  the  Indies.  |    [n.  p,~ 

Anno  Dom.  1700.  |    8vo,  pp.  16. 

For  another  edition  tee  No.  18574,  Vol.  v. 



.    !   'I 






I ' 

To  his  Grace,  Her  Majesty's  |  High  Commissioner,  and  the  | 
Right  Honourable  Estates  of  |  Parliament  |  The  Humble  Repre- 
sentation of  the  I  Council-General  of  the  Company  of  Scotland  | 
Trading  to  Africa  and  the  Indies.  |  [n.  p.    1706.]    Folio,  2  leaves. 

Title  from  Mr.  Paul  L.  Fiird.     See  a/so  Vol.  x.,  No.  40877. 

Scots  Sawney,  pseudou.  Letter  from  Scots  Sawney  the  Bar- 
ber, to  Mr.  Wilkes  an  English  Parliamenter.  Boston.  {Pricey 
Coppers.)  [1763?]     l2mo,  pp.  o.  w.  78240 

Dated  June  25,  1763,  and  signed  "  Fhilo-Britain."     First  printed  In  England. 

Scott  (A.)  Report  from  the  Committee  of  Claims  on  the 
Petition  of  Alexander  Scott  of  the  State  of  South  Carolina,  on 
behalf  of  himself  and  others,  ...  22  January,  1805.  ...  Wash- 
ington City:  Printed  by  IFilliain  Duane  iff  Son.    1 805.     8vo,  pp.  8. 

Scott  (A.  M.)  Chronicles  of  the  Great  Rebellion  from  the 
beginning  of  the  same  until  the  Fall  of  Vicksburg.  By  Rev. 
Allen  M.  Scott.  Seventh  Edition.  Cincinnati.  1864.  l2mo, 
pp.  344.  -f-  Fourteenth  Edition.  Cincinnati:  C.  F.  Vent  l^  Co. 
1864.     8vo,  pp.  344.  C.  78242 

Written  in  scriptural  style. 

ScoTT.  Chronicles  of  the  Great  Rebellion.  By  Rev.  Allen 
M.  Scott,  D.D.  Twenty-sixth  Edition.  Cincinnati:  C.  F.  Vent 
y  Co.    1868.     8vo,  pp.  344.  B.  78243 

ScoTT  (B.)  An  Hour  with  the  Pilgrim  Fathers  and  their  Pre- 
cursors. A  Lecture.  By  Benjamin  Scott,  f.r.s.a.  Second  Edi- 
tion.     London:  IV.  Thorn.    1869.     8vo,  pp.  40.  78244 

Scott.  Lays  of  the  Pilgrim  Fathers.  By  Benjamin  Scott, 
Chamberlain  of  the  City  of  London.  London.  1861.  8vo. 
Woodcuts.  78245 

Scott.  The  Pilgrim  Fathers,  neither  Puritans  nor  Persecutors. 
A  Lecture  delivered  at  the  Friend's  Institute,  London,  on  the 
1 8th  of  January,  1866.  By  Benjamin  Scott,  f.r.a.s.,  Chamber- 
lain of  the  City  of  London.  ...  London:  A.  JV.  Bennett.  M.D.ccc- 
Lxvi.  8vo,  pp.  39.  H.  +  Second  Edition.  London:  A.  W.  Ben- 
nett. M.D.CCC.LXIX.  8vo,  pp.  39.  B.  78246 
Also  reprinttd  in  the  Cleveland  "Herald,"  for  May  12,  1866. 

ScoTT  (C.)  Thoughts  on  the  Government,  Union,  Danger, 
Wants,  and  Wishes  of  the  Canadas  ;  and  on  the  proper  line  of 
policy  of  the  British  Parliament  in  these  respects :  being  a  Letter 
to   Mr.   Hitchings,  of  Toronto,  occasioned   by,  and   containing 


■  \ 


i      \ 



K  j 

■  \ 



strictures  on,  one  addressed  to  him  by  Dr.  Dunlop,  conveying  his 
thoughts  on  the  subject  of  Responsible  Government.  By  Charles 
Scott.     Montreal.    1839.     8vo,  pp.  135.  78247 

Scott  (C.  L.)  Address  of  the  Hon.  Charles  L.  Scott,  of 
California,  to  his  Constituents  on  the  Constitutional  Right  of 
Secession.  fVashingtoti^  D.  C:  IVilltam  H.  Moore^  Printer.  186 1. 
8vo,  pp.  16.  H.  78248 

Scott  (D.)  Calm  Examination  of  Dr.  McMaster's  Letters 
on  Civil  Government.  By  the  Rev.  David  Scott.  Newburgh : 
Printed  hy  Charles  U.  Cushman.   1832.     8vo,  pp.  44.        H.  78249 

Scott.  Distinctive  Principles  of  the  Reformed  Presbyterian 
Church.  By  the  Rev.  David  Scott.  Albany:  Joel Mumell.  1 841. 
i2mo,  pp.  324.  78250 

Scott.  An  Exposure  of  Dr.  McMaster's  "  Brief  Inquiry." 
By  the  Rev.  David  Scott.  ...  New-York :  Printed  by  H.  Bunce. 
1833.    8vo,  pp.  28.  H.  78251 

Scott.  Narrative  of  the  Division  in  the  Reformed  Presbyte- 
rian Church  in  1833.  By  Rev.  David  Scott.  Rochester.  1863. 
8vo.  78252 

Scott  (D.  B.)  Mar.ual  of  the  History  of  the  United  States. 
By  David  B.  Scott.  New  York.  1852.  i8mo.  +  New  Edition. 
New  Tor k.   1861.     i2mo.    -\- New  Tor k.   1866.     i2mo.     78253 

Scott.  A  School  History  of  the  United  States,  from  the 
Discovery  of  America  to  the  year  1870.  By  David  B.  Scott.  ... 
New  Tork :  Harper  ^  Brothers.  1 870.  i2mo,  pp.  xii,  425.  Plate. 
-f  [Ibid.'l   1872.     i2mo,  pp.  xii,  425,     Plate.  78254 

Scott.  A  Smaller  School  History  of  the  United  States,  from 
the  Discovery  of  America  to  the  year  1872.  By  David  B.  Scott. 
With  Maps  and  Illustrations.  New  Tork :  Harper  &  Brothers. 
1872.     i6mo,  pp.  235.  78255 

Scott  (D.)  The  Case  of  Dred  Scott.  In  the  Supreme  Court 
of  the  United  States,  December  Term,  1854.  [5/.  Louis.  1854.] 
8vo,  pp.  12.  B.,  H.  78256 

Scott.  The  Case  of  Dred  Scott  in  the  United  States  Supreme 
Court.  The  full  Opinions  of  Chief  Justice  Taney  and  Justice 
Curtis,  and  abstracts  of  the  opinions  of  the  other  judges  ...  New 
Tork :  Greeley  l^  McElrath.    1857.     8 vo,  pp.  104.       B.,  s.  78257 

VOL.    XIX.  Q 

t     I 



Scott.  The  Case  of  Drcd  Scott  in  the  United  States  Supreme 
Court.  The  full  Opinions  of  Chief  Justice  Taney  and  Justice 
Curtis,  and  abstracts  of  the  opinions  of  the  other  judges ;  with  an 
analysis  of  the  points  ruled,  and  some  concluding  observations. 
New  Tori:  Horace  Greeley  l^  Co.   i860.     8 vo,  pp.  104.  H. 

Scott.  The  Dred  Scott  Decision.  Opinion  of  Chief  Justice 
Taney,  with  an  Introduction  by  Dr.  J.  H.  Van  Evrie.  Also,  An 
Appendix,  containing  an  Essay  on  the  Natural  History  of  the 
Prognathous  Race  of  Mankind,  originally  written  for  the  New 
York  Day-book,  by  Dr.  S.  A.  Cartwright,  of  New  Orleans. 
Van  Evrie^  Horton  ^  Co.  ...  New  York.  1859.  ^^^^  PP*  4^1  2"^^ 
covers.  -|-  \New  York ;]  Published  by  Van  Evrie.,  Horton.,  fif  Co. 
1 860.  8vo,  pp.  48,  and  covers.  +  A^<?w/  York :  Van  Evrie.,  Hor- 
ton iff  Co.  1863.    8vo,  pp.  48,  and  covers.  78259 

Scott.  Historical  and  Legal  Examination.  See  [Benton  (T. 
H.)],  Vol.  II.,  No.  4785. 

Scott.  A  Legal  Review  of  the  Case  of  Drca  Scott,  as 
decided  by  the  Supreme  Court  of  the  United  States.  ...  Boston: 
Crosby^  Nichols,  and  Company.    1857.     8vo,  pp.  62.  78260 

Scott.     Remarks  on  a  Passage.     See  [Woolsey  (T.  D.)] 

Scott.  A  Report  of  the  Decisions  of  the  Supreme  Court  of 
The  United  States,  and  the  Opinions  of  the  Judges  thereof,  in 
the  case  of  Drcd  Scott,  versus  John  F.  A.  Sandford.  New  York: 
D.  Appleton  and  Company.    1857.     8vo,  pp.  393-633,  and  covers. 

See  also  Howard  (B.  C),  Vol.  vm.,  No.  33240. 

ScoTT.  A  Review  of  the  Decision  of  the  Supreme  Court  of 
the  United  States  in  the  Dred  Scott  Case.  By  a  Kentucky  Law- 
yer.    Louisville,  Ky.:  Morton  &  Griswold.   1857.     8vo,  pp.  47. 

See  also  Vol.  xvii.,  No.  69606 ;  The  Slavery  Question  j  and  Vermont. 

Scott  (F.)  [Half-title:]  Narrative|of|  Mrs.* Scott  and  Cap*. 
Stewart's  |  Captivity.  |  [Woodcut.]  |  [Title  on  verso :]  A  true  and 
wonderful  |  Narrative  |  of  the  surprising  Captivity  and  remarkable  | 
Deliverance  of  |  Mrs.  Frances  Scott,  |  an  Inhabitant  of  Washing- 
ton County,  in  the  |  State  of  Virginia  ;  who  was  taken  by  the 
Indians  |  on  the  Evening  of  the  Twenty-ninth  of  June,  1785. 1 
Containing  also,  |  A  particular  Relation  of  her  almost  unparralelled 
I  Sufferings,  and  the  Hardships  she  underwent  during  her  |  tedious 
and  painful  Travels  and  Perigrinations  of  Thir- 1  ty-two  Days  .... 
(  Likewise,  |  A  particular  Detail  of  the  horrid,  barbarous  and  cruel 



I  Massacre  of  her  Husband,  Mr.  Scott,  and  four  Chil-|dren,  and 
a  Lad  named  Ball,  who  were  most  inhu- 1  manly  murdered  by  the 
blood-thirsty  Savages,  on  [the  fatal  Evening  of  the  Twenty-ninth 
of  June.  ...  Boston:  Printed  by  E.  Russell^  next  Lib.  Pole^  1786. 
i6mo,  pp.  24.     Woodcuts.  M.  78263 

A  very  rare  narrative.  On  page  19  begins  "A  true  and  faithful  Narrative  of  the 
surprizing  Captivity  and  remarkable  deliverance  of  Captain  Isaac  Stewart,"  etc.  Ste  aho 
Vol.  IX.,  No.  38109. 

Scott  (F.  J.)  The  Art  of  Beautifying  Suburban  Home 
Grounds  of  Small  Extent  j  the  Advantages  of  Suburban  Homes 
over  City  or  Country  Homes ;  the  Comfort  and  Economy  of 
Neighbouring  Improvements ;  the  Choice  and  Treatment  of 
Building  Sites ;  and  the  Best  Modes  of  Laying  Out,  Planting, 
and  Keeping  Decorated  Grounds.  ...  With  Descriptions  of  the 
Beautiful  and  Hardy  Trees  and  Shrubs  grown  in  the  United 
States.  By  Frank  J.  Scott.  New  Tori :  D.  Appleton  and  Com- 
pany.  1870.     Sm.  4to,  pp.  618.  78264 

Scott.  The  Palaces  of  America.  By  Frank  J.  Scott.  Bos- 
ton:  Reprinted  from  The  Radical  for  April^  1869.     8vo,  pp.  9.    H. 

[Scott.]  Suggestions  concerning  a  National  Currency,  [n. 
p.   1873.]    8vo,  pp.  10.  H.  78266 

Scott  (G.  C.)  Fishing  in  American  Waters.  By  Genio  C. 
Scott.  With  one  hundred  and  seventy  Illustrations.  ...  New 
York :  Harper  &  Brothers.   1 869.    8vo,  pp.  484.     Plate.  c. 

Scott  (G.  G.)  ...  Speech  of  George  G.  Scott  ...  March  8, 
[1859,]  ^"  ^^^  Case  of  Hon.  William  G.  Mandeville  ...  the 
hnal  vote  March  16  ...  \_Jlbany.   1859.]    ^^°>  PP*  ^^*  ^-j  s* 

With  heading  "  N.  Y.  Legislature,  1859.     In  Senate." 

Scott  (G.  W.)  Naturalization  of  Aliens :  or  the  Alien's 
Guide  to  Citizenship ;  and  Court  Manual :  containing  a  Sketch 
of  the  Laws  with  Directions  and  Forms  of  Proceedirigs,  and  the 
Naturalization  of  Aliens,  in  the  United  States.  By  George  W. 
Scott.     New  York.   1847.    ^vo.  78269 

Scott.  New  York  Registry  Law  of  1859,  ^''^  instructions 
for  executing  its  provisions.  By  George  W.  Scott.  ...  Albany: 
IVeed^  Parsons  ^Company.   1859.     ^^o,  pp.  32.  H.  78270 

[Scott  (Helenus).]  The  Adventures  of  an  East-India  Rupee. 
Wherein  are  interspersed,  Various  Anecdotes  Asiatic  and  Euro- 



pean.    ...   Price  Half  a  Dollar.     Philadelphia  :  Printed  and  Sold  by 
Robert  Bell,  in  Third-Street,  m,dcc,  Lxxxiii.     8vo,  pp.  64.         p. 

Title  from  Hildeburn. 

Scott  (H.)  A  Complete  History  of  Fairfield  County,  Ohio. 
By  Hervey  Scott.  1 795-1 876,  Columbus,  Ohio :  Sicbcrt  &  Lilly, 
Printers.    1877.     8vo,  pp.  x,  304.     4  Illustrations.  78272 

Scott  (J.  W.)  An  Address  before  the  Athenian  Society  of 
Indiana  University,  September,  1838.  ...  By  Prof.  J.  W.  Scott. 
Oxford.   1838.     8vo,  pp.  32.  7^273 

[Scott.]  A  Statement  of  the  Causes  which  led  to  the  recent 
changes  in  the  Miami  University.  [^Oxford,  O.  1845.]  i2mo, 
pp.  23.  78274 

"  Prof.  Scott's  account  of  why  he,  and  Prof.  Waterman  were  removed  from  their 
Professorships  in  the  Institution." — P.  G.  Thomson. 

Scott  {Col.  J.  W.)  Letter  to  Judge  Nevis,  Mr.  Lupp  and 
Mr.  Wood,  of  New-Brunswick,  on  the  Constitutional  Organiza- 
tion of  the  Legislative  Council  of  New  Jersey,  October,  1841 
...  Trenton.   1840.     8vo,  pp.  30.  s.  78275 

Scott  (J.  W.)  A  Presentation  of  Causes  tending  to  fix  the 
Position  of  the  Future  Great  City  of  the  World  in  the  Central 
Plain  of  North  America,  showing  that  the  centre  of  the  world's 
commerce  now  represented  by  the  City  of  London,  is  moving 
westward,  to  the  City  of  New  York,  and  thence,  within  one 
hundred  years,  to  the  best  position  on  the  Great  Lakes.  By  J. 
W.  Scott.      Toledo:  Blade  Office  Print.   1868.     8vo,  pp.  28.       B. 

Scott  (J.  Walter).  American  Postage  Stamp  Album.  ... 
Second  Edition.  New  York:  J.  W.  Scott  ^  Co.  1870.  Oblong 
i6mo,  155  leaves.  78277 

Scott  (J.)  The  Regards  due  to  the  Memory  of  Faithful 
Ministers.  A  Sermon  preached  at  Stourbridge  and  Cradley,  De- 
cember, S'^h.  1816.  On  the  Death  of  The  Rev.  Benjamin  Car- 
penter. To  which  is  added  An  Address,  delivered  at  the  Inter- 
ment. By  James  Scott.  Stourbridge:  Printed  by  J,  Heming. 
[1816.]     Svo,  pp.  36.  B.  78278 

Scott  [Rev.  James).  The  Guardian  Angel.  [In  verse.]  ... 
New  Tori.   1859.     i2mo,  pp.  191.  78279 

Scott  (J.  L.)  A  Journal  of  a  Missionary  Tour  through 
Pennsylvania,    Ohio,    Indiana,    Illinois,    Iowa,    Wisconsin    and 



Michigan  ;  comprising  a  concise  description  of  different  Sections 
of  Country ;  Health  of  Climate  ;  Inducements  for  Emigration, 
with  the  embarrassments  ;  the  Religious  Condition  of  the  People ; 
Meetings  connected  with  the  Mission  ;  and  of  the  Great  West- 
ern Prairies.     By  Rev.  James  L.  Scott.     Providence:   Published 

hy  the  Author,    1843.     '2mo,  pp.  viii,  203. 

c.  78280 

Scott  (J.)  The |  Baptism  of  Christ, |  A  jGospel  Ordinance  :  | 
being  altogether  Inward  and  Spi- 1  ritual :  |  Not,  like  John's,  into 
Water  ;  but,  according  to  |  the  real  Nature  of  the  Gospel,  into 
the  very  |  Name,  Life,  and  Power,  of  the  Father,  and  |  of  the  Son, 
and  of  the  Holy  Ghost.  |  Shewing  that  the  Apostle's  Use  of 
Water  Baptism  |  was  by  no  Means  as  an  Ordinance  of  Christ,  | 
but  as  the  Baptism  of  John  ;  and  that  all  who  |  are  baptized  into 
Christ,  have  put  on  Christ,  |  not  only  professionally,  but  substan- 
tially— that  I  is,  have  put  him  on  as  the  whole  Armour  of  |  Light, 
and  walk  in  him  in  newness  of  Life.  |  By  Job  Scott.  |  Providence: 
Printed  by  J.  Carter,  \  M,DCC,xcill.  |  8vo,  pp.  vii,  185.  BA.  + 
Providence^  Printed:  London^  Reprinted  by  'James  Phillips,  1794. 
8vo,  pp.  viii,  193.  B.  -(-  Dublin:  Reprinted  by  Rachel  Maria 
Jackson.  1794.  8vo.  -j-  Chester:  Printed  by  W,  Minshull^  for 
iV,  Leicester.  1796.  l2mo.  -\- Printed  for  IV.  Leicester.,  IVar- 
rington.  1796.  i2mo.  A^  Providence  Printed :  London  :  Reprinted 
by  William  Phillips.    1803.     i2mo.  7828 1 

ScoTT.  A  Description  of  True  Religion  ;  extracted  from  the 
Journal  of  the  late  Job  Scott,  of  North  America.  London : 
Printed  by  W,  W  S.  Graves  ...  and  sold  by  E.  Fry.  [n.  d.]     i2mo. 

Scott.  An  Expose  of  some  of  the  Misrepresentations  con- 
tained in  a  Pamphlet,  entitled  :  "  A  Letter  from  a  Friend  in 
America  to  Luke  Howard."  By  Job  Scott.  Philadelphia,  1826. 
8vo.  78283 

Extracts  from  the  Journal  of  Job  Scott,  an  American 
Bradford :   Printed  by  IV,  H.  Blackburn.    1829.      8vo, 


pp.  40. 

late  of  North  America.      [By  L.  A.  Barclay.]     London:  Nos- 
worthy  and  Wells ^  Printers,  [n.  d.] 

Extracts  from  the  unpublished  Journal  of  Job  Scott, 

;  Nos- 


Scott.     Five  Letters  from  Job  Scott,  written  whilst  in  Europe, 
to  his  Relations  and  Friends.     New  Bedford:  Printed  by  Abraham 

Shearman^  Jr.    1 807.     i2mo,  pp.  28. 





Scott.  Journal  of  the  Life,  Travels,  and  Gospel  Labours,  of 
that  Faithful  Servant  and  Minister  of  Christ,  Job  Scott.  New- 
Tork :  Printed  and  Sold  by  Isaac  Collins,  No.  1 89,  Pearl-street.  1 797. 
1 2mo,  pp.  xii,  (2],  360.  +  New  Tork  Printed :  London  Reprinted, 
by  James  Phillips  bf  Son.   1797.     i2mo,  pp.  xiv,  354.   +  Wilming- 

A  New  Edition.    New 

ton.   1797.     i2mo.     w.    -f 

ybri  printed : 

London  Reprinted,  By  James  Phillips  ^  Son.  1798.  i2mo,  pp.  (2), 
xiii,  293.  H.  4"  New  Tork,  printed,  and  Dublin,  reprinted  by  John 
Gough.  1798.  i2mo.  -f  With  a  Supplement,  "The  Baptism  of 
Christ."      Re-printed  for,  and  sold  by  IV.   Leicester,  Warrington. 

1798.     i2mo,  pp.  281. 


Scott.  A  Journal  of  the  Life,  Travels,  and  Gospel  Labours 
of  that  Faithful  Servant  and  Minister  of  Christ,  Job  Scott.  With 
Corrections  and  Additions.  London:  William  Phillips.  18 15. 
Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (2),  xix,  (3),  388.  -j-  A  New  Edition.  London: 
Published  by  Charles  Gilpin.    1843.     i^mo.  78288 

For  a   note  concerning  this  work  itt  Joseph   Smith's 
Friends'  Books,"  vol.  11.,  p.  547. 

Descriptive   Catalogue  of 

Scott.  A  Letter  from  a  Friend  in  America,  to  Luke  Howard, 
of  Tottenham,  near  London,  in  which  the  character  of  our  late 
Friend,  Job  Scott,  is  vindicated  and  defended,  and  his  Doctrines 
shown  to  be  consistant  with  Scripture  and  sound  Reason.  In 
reply  to  a  Letter  addressed  by  Luke  Howard  to  the  Author,  [n. 
p.   1826.]    8vo,  pp.  54,  (i).  B.  78289 

Scott.  Letters  from  Job  Scott,  written,  whilst  in  Europe,  to 
his  Relations  and  Friends,  first  published  in  America.  Together 
with  extracts  from  other  of  his  Letters.  London :  Printed  and  sold 
by  William  Phillips.   1810.     i2mo.  78290 

Scott.  A  Memoir  of  the  Life  of  Job  Scott :  abridged  from 
his  Journal.     Sunderland :  Printed  by  H.  Burnett.  [1842. J     i2mo. 

Scott.  On  The  Knowledge  of  the  Lord,  the  only  true  God. 
To  which  is  added.  Remarks  upon  the  Doctrine  of  Perseverance. 
By  that  faithful  servant  and  minister  of  Christ,  Job  Scott.  Phil- 
adelphia: Published  by  Emmor  Kimber.   1824.     8vo,  pp.  viii,  68. 

Scott.  The  Power  of  Religion  ;  exemplified  in  the  life,  sick- 
ness, and  death  of  Job  Scott.  Principally  extracted  from  his 
Journal.  ...  Philadelphia.  [J.  R.  A.  Skerrett,  Printer.']  18 18. 
i2mo,  pp.  16.  BA.  78293 



Scott.  A  Short  Testimony  to  the  Efficacy  and  Sufficiency  of 
the  Teachings  of  Divine  Grace,  for  The  Salvation  of  all  Men. 
From  Job  Scott's  Journal,  1797.  [^Extracted  and  published  by 
G.  Gibson.]      Printed  by  Darton  and  Harvey  ...  London,  [n.  d.] 

4to,  I  leaf. 


Scott.  A  Treatise  on  Church  Discipline,  taken  principally 
from  the  Writings  of  Robert  Barclay,  William  Penn,  and  Isaac 
Penington.  Compiled  by  Job  Scott.  New  Bedford:  Printed  by 
Abraham  Shearman^  Jr.    1 805.      l2mo,  pp.  35.     -f  Philadelphia 

Printed  by  fVilliam  Brown.   1824.     i2mo,  pp.  26. 

H.  78295 

ScoTT.  The  True  Religion :  extracted  from  Job  Scott's 
Journal.     J.  Copland^  Printer^  Chelmsford,  [n.  d.]    4to,  4  leaves. 

The  same  as  "  A  Short  Testimony,"  etc. 

Scott.  War  Inconsistent  with  the  Doctrine  and  Example  of 
Jesus  Christ.  In  a  Letter  to  a  Friend.  Recommended  to  the 
perusal  of  the  Professors  of  Christianity.  By  J.  Scott.  Sharon., 
Conn.  1 80 1.  i2mo.  -\- Philadelphia.  1804.  i2mo.  -\- New 
Bedford:  Printed  by  Abraham  Shearman^  fr.  18 13.  l2mo,  pp.  31. 
-f  Third  Edition.    London.   1818.    8vo.   -\- London.   1828.    8vo. 

Scott.  The  Works  of  that  eminent  Minister  of  the  Gospel, 
Job  Scott,  late  of  Providence,  Rhode  Island.  ...  Philadelphia: 
Published  by  John  Comly ;  and  to  be  had  of  John  Townsend  ...  or 
Elijah  IVeaver^  Bookseller  . . .  Philadelphia ;  and  of  Isaac  T.  Hopper 
...   New  Tork.    1831.      2  vols.,  8vo,  pp.  viii,  534,(1);  vii,  (i), 

575,  (l).  B.   78298 

Also:  Salvation  by  Christ  ...  Philadelphia:  Published  by  Emmor  Kimber,  and  told  hy 
Isaac  Pugb  ...  William  Brotvn,  Printer.  1824.  8vo.  ■\- Dublin  ;  Primed  by  Benlbam 
and  Gardiner.  1825.  i2mo.  ■{■Philadelphia:  Published  by  M.  T.  C.  Gould  ...  J. 
Harding,  Printer.    1829.     8vo. 

Scutt  was  born  at  Providence  in  175 1,  and  in  the  course  of  his  labors  visited  almost 
every  part  of  the  United  States.  His  account  of  New  England  life,  and  the  progress 
of  religion,  is  very  curious. 

[ScoTT  (John),  of  Amwell.,  b.  1730,  d.  1783.]  The  Constitu- 
tion defended,  and  the  Pensioner  exposed  ;  in  Remarks  on  "The 
False  Alarm."  ...  London:  E.  and  C.  Dilly  ...  and  J.  Ridley. 
M.DCC.LXX.    8vo,  pp.  (2),  31.  78299 

In  reply  to  Dr.  Samuel  Johnson's  "  False  Alarm,"  No.  36296,  Vol.  ix. 

ScoTT.  The  Poems  of  Scott,  and  Logan.  Chiswick :  From 
the  Press  of  C.  fVhittingham.  [1822.]  i6mo,  pp.  (4),  268.  2 
Plates.  '        L.  78300 




The  above  title  it  preceded  by  the  title  of  the  series  :  "The  British  Ports.  Includ- 
ing Tranilationi.  In  One  Hundred  Volumei.  lxx.  Scott.  Logan.  Ctitwick ;  I'tinua 
by  C.  H^biitingham  ...for  y.  Carptnitr  [and  others].  1822."  Scott's  pocnu  till  p.iges 
SI-200,  with  a  life  of  the  author  by  R.  A,  Davenport  on  pages  7-20.  "The  Mexi- 
can Prophecy"  is  on  pp.  130-136. 

ScoTT.  The  Poetical  Works  of  John  Scott  Esq.  London. 
1782.  8vo,  pp.  viii,  341.  Plates,  -f  The  Second  Edition.  Lon- 
don :  J.  Buckland.  mdcclxxxvi.  8vo,  pp.  (2),  vi,  (2),  343. 
Frontispiece,  Portrait  and  Plates.  78301 

Includes  '*The  Mexican  Prophecy,"  an  ode. 

[Scott.]  Remarks  on  the  Patriot.  Including  some  Hints 
respecting  the  Americans :  with  an  Address  to  the  Electors  of 
Great  Britain.  London:  Richardson  and  Urquhart,  mdcclxxv. 
8vo,  pp.  (2),  46.  78302 

In  reply  to  No.  36301,  Vol.  ix.  An  answer  to  Dr.  Johnson's  "Taxation  no  Tyr- 
anny" ii  also  attributed  to  Mr.  Scott. 

Scott  [John].  Speech  of  Mr.  Scott  ...  on  the  Missouri 
Question.     Washington.   1820.    8vo.  p.  78303 

[Scott  (John).]  The  Indiana  Gazetteer,  or  Topographical 
Dictionary,  containing  a  Description  of  the  several  Counties, 
Towns,  Villages,  Settlements,  Roads,  Lakes,  Rivers,  Creeks, 
Springs,  &c.,  in  the  State  of  Indiana.  Alphabetically  arranged. 
Centreville.   1826.     i8mo,  pp.  143.  7^304 

[Scott.]  The  Indiana  Gazetteer,  or  Topographical  Diction- 
ary; containing  a  Description  of  the  several  Counties,  Towns, 
Villages,  Settlements,  Roads,  Lakes,  Rivers,  Creeks,  and  Springs, 
in  the  State  of  Indiana.  Second  Edition,  carefully  revised,  cor- 
rected, and  enlarged.  Indianapolis :  Douglass  and  Maguire.  1833. 
i2mo,  pp.  199,  (i).  B.  78305 

Scott  (J.)  Encarnacion,  or  the  Prisoners  in  Mexico.  Being 
an  Account  of  their  Capture,  Treatment,  and  Travels.  Also,  a 
description  of  the  Mexican  People  and  Country,  in  connexion 
with  the  above.  By  John  Scott,  Esq.,  of  the  Kentucky  Volun- 
teer Cavalry.  Louisville.^  Ky.  G.  H.  Monsarrat  ^  Co^s.  Steam 
Press.   1848.     i2mo,  pp.  123,  and  covers.  78306 

Scott  (J.)  Letters  to  an  Officer  in  the  Army,  proposing 
Constitutional  Reform  in  the  Confederate  Government  after  the 
close  of  the  present  War.  A  Supplement  to  "The  Lost  Prin- 
ciple." By  John  Scott  of  Fauquier,  C.  S.  Army  ...  Richmond: 
A.  Morris.   1864.    8vo,  pp.  82.  c.  78307 



[Scott.]  The  Lost  Principle  ;  or  the  Sectional  Kquilibrium  : 
How  it  was  created — How  dcstroycil — How  it  may  be  restored. 
By  "  Barbarossa."  ...  Richmond^  l^a. :  James  IVoodhouse  W  Co. 
i860.    8vo,  pp.  266.  78308 

Scott.  Partisan  Life  with  Col.  John  S.  Mosby.  By  Major 
John  Scott,  Of  Fauquier,  late  C.  S.  A.  ...  With  Portraits  and 
Engravings  on  Wood.  ...  New  York :  Harper  l^  Brothers.  1867. 
8vo,  pp.  492.  Map  and  3  Plates,  c.  -f  London  :  Sampson  Loxv. 
1867.     8vo.  78309 

Scott  (J.)  Extension  of  Ku  Klux  Act.  Speech  of  Hon. 
John  Scott,  of  Pennsylvania,  in  the  Senate  of  the  United  States, 
May  17,  1872.     \JVashington.    1872.]     8vo,  pp.  16.      H.  78310 

Scott.  Income  Tax.  Speech  of  Hon.  John  Scott,  of  Penn- 
sylvania, delivered  in  the  Senate  of  the  United  States,  June  22 
and  23,  1870.      IVashington:  F.  and  J.  Rives  Iff  Geo.  A.  Bailey. 

1870.  8vo,  pp.  15  B.  7831 1 

Scott.  Income  Tax.  Speech  of  Hon.  John  Scott  of  Penn- 
sylvania in  the  Senate  of  the  United  States,  January  25,  187 1. 
fVashington  :  F.  iff  J.  Rives  y  Geo.  A.  Bailey.    187 1.     8vo,  pp.  8. 

[Scott.]  Report  on  the  alleged  Outrages  in  he  Southern 
States.  By  the  Select  Committee  of  the  Senate.  ...  it^ashington : 
Government  Printing  Office.    1871.     8vo,  pp.  cxiv,  426.  H, 

[Scott.]  Testimony  taken  by  the  Joint  Select  Committee  to 
inquire  into  the  Condition  of  Affairs  in  the  late  Insurrectionary 
States.  North  Carolina.  fVashington :  Government  Printing  Office. 
1872.     8vo,  pp.  xvi,  592.  H.  78314 

Also:  Speech   ...   March   22  and  23,   1871,  on   the  Ku   Klux   Bill,      ff^aihington. 

1 87 1.  8vo. 

ScoTT  (J.  B.)  An  Appeal  to  the  People,  from  the  Decision 
of  the  Senate,  in  the  Case  of  the  Removal  of  the  Justices  of  the 
Marine  Court.  By  John  B.  Scott  ...  New  York:  fVm.  G.  Boggs. 
1840.    8vo,  pp.  29.  78315 

Scott  (J.  F.)  Brudder  Bones'  Book  of  Stump  Speeches, 
and  Burlesque  Orations,  also  containing  Humorous  Lectures, 
Ethiopian  Dialogues,  Plantation  Scenes,  Negro  Farces  and  Bur- 
lesques, Laughable  Interludes,  and  Comic  Recitations.  Inter- 
spersed with  Dutch,  Irish,  French,  and  Yankee  Stories.  Com- 
piled and  edited  by  John  F.  Scott.  New  York :  Dick  &  Fit%ge~ 
raid.   i868.     i2mo,  pp.  188.  78316 


.H  WW  >»»»»»»»l«»f 










^ft  1 






Scott  (J.  M.),  b.  1789,  </.  1858.  An  Address,  delivered,  by 
request,  before  the  Literary  Societies  of  Lafayette  College,  at 
Easton,  on  the  Fourth  of  July,  1834.  Hy  John  iVlorin  Srott. 
Philadelphia:  Printed  by  IVilliam  Brown.    1834.     8vo,  pp.  24.    BA. 

Scott.  Address  to  the  Pennsylvania  Volunteers  returned 
from  Mexico.  Delivered  July  24,  1848,  at  Philadelphia.  13y 
John  M.  Scott.     Philadelphia.' i^^^.     8vo,  pp.  24.  78318 

Scott.  An  Oration  delivered  before  the  Washington  Benev- 
olent Society  of  Pennsylvania  ;  at  their  Third  Anniversary  Meet- 
ing, February  22,  1815.  By  John  Morin  Scott,  Esq.  ...  Phila- 
delphia:  Printed  at  the  Office  of  the  United  States*  Gazette.  18 15. 
8vo,  pp.  32.  78319 

ScoTT  (J.  W.)  An  Historical  Sketch  of  the  Pine  Street,  or 
Third  Presbvterian  Church,  Philadelphia.  By  John  Welwood 
Scott.  With  an  Introduction,  by  the  Rev.  T.  Brainerd,  Pastor. 
Philadelphia.    1837.     i2mo,  pp.  84.  78320 

Scott  (J.  W.)  The  Times,  and  Signs  of  the  Times.  Bac- 
calaureate Sermon,  to  the  Graduating  Class  of  Washington  Col- 
lege, August  31,  1862,  By  John  W.  Scott,  d.d.  President  of  the 
College.  IVashington^  Pa. :  Printed  at  the  Reporter  and  Tribune 
Office.   1862.    8vo,  pp.  24,  and  covers.  78321 

Scott  {Rev.  Jonathan).  A  Brief  View  of  the  Religious 
Tenets  and  Sentiments  lately  published  and  spread  in  the  Prov- 
ince of  Nova  Scotia ;  which  are  contained  in  a  book  entitled, 
Two  Mites  on  some  of  the  most  important  and  much  disputed 
points  of  Divinity.  And  in  a  Sermon  preached  at  Liverpool, 
Nov.  19,  1782;  and  in  a  Pamphlet  entitled,  I'he  Antitraditionist, 
all  being  publications  of  Mr.  Henry  Alline,  with  some  brief  Re- 
flections and  Observations ;  Also,  a  view  of  the  ordination  of  the 
author  of  these  books :  together  with  a  discourse  on  external 
order.   ...  Halifax.   1784.    8vo,  pp.  334.  78322 

Scott  (J.)  The  Conquest  of  the  Last  Enemy ;  or.  Complete 
Victory  over  Death.  A  Discourse,  delivered  March  9,  1807,  at 
the  Funeral  of  the  Rev.  Samuel  Foxcroft,  a.m.  late  Pastor  of  the 
Congregational  Church  in  New  Gloucester.  By  Jonathan  Scott, 
Pastor  of  the  First  Church  in  Minot.  ...  Charlestown :  Printed  by 
Samuel  Etheridge.   1 808.    8vo,  pp.  44.  w.  78323 

ScoTT.  A  Sermon  delivered  at  Hallowell,  before  the  Maine 
Missionary  Society,  at  their  first  Anniversary,  June   15,   1808. 



By  Jonuthan  Scott,  v.d.m.  Pastor  of  the  First  Church  in  Minot. 
...  Hallowell :  From  the  Press  of  N.  Cheeuer.    l8o8.      8vo,  pp.  26. 

Scott  (J.  M.)     Hluc  Lights,  or  the  Coiivciitioii.     A  Poem, 

.    New-  York : 

[IM.]  1 82 1. 

B.  78325 

in  Four  Cantos.     Hy  Joniuhan   M.  Scott,  Esq. 
Charts  N.  Baldwin.    181 7.     i8mo,  pp.  (2),  150. 
i8mo,  pp.  (2),  150. 

Rrl.itei  ti)  the  Hartfi)rd  Conventii)n. 

Scott.     The  Sorceress,  or   Salem   Delivered, 
four  cantos.     Hy  Jonathan  M.  Scott,  Esq.  ...  Nnv 
N.  Baldwin.    1817 

A   Poem,  in 
y'orJt :  Charles 
i8mo,  pp.  120.    -f  [//>/>/.]   1818.     i8mo. 

On  Salem  witchcral't. 

ScoTT  (J.)  A  Geographical  Description  of  Pennsylvania.  By 
Joseph  Scott.     Philadelphia.    1806.     i2mo.  P.  78327 

ScoTT.  A  Geographical  Description  of  the  States  of  Mary- 
land and  Delaware  ...  With  a  List  of  the  Hundreds  in  each 
County.  By  Joseph  Scott.  ..  Philadelphia:  Printed  hy  Kimhery 
Conrad  ^  Co.    1807.     i8mo,  pp.  (2),  191.     2  Maps.        B.,  c,  s. 

Scott.  A  Geographical  Dictionary  of  the  United  States  of 
North  America ;  containing  a  General  Description  of  each  State 
...  By  Joseph  Scott  ...  Philadelphia  :  Printed  by  Jrchibuld  Bar- 
tram^  for  Thomas  Armstrong.    1805.    8vo.     Map.  c,  H.,  s. 

Scott.  The  New  and  Universal  Gazetteer,  or  Modern  Geo- 
graphical Dictionary  ...  and  wherein  upwards  of  five  hundred 
errours  are  corrected  in  the  Encyclopjedia  Britannica,  and  in 
Millar,  Payne^  Guthrie,  Watson,  Brooks,  Walker,  Morse,  &c.  ... 
By  Joseph  Scott.     Philadelphia.    1799-1 800.     4  vols.,  8vo.        s. 

Scott.  The  |  United  States  |  Gazetteer  :  |  Containing  an  |  Au- 
thentic description  |  of  the  |  Several  States.  |  Their  Situation,  Ex- 
tent, Boundaries,  Soil,  Produce,  I  Climate,  Population,  Trade  and 
Manufactures.  |  Together  with  the  |  Extent,  Boundaries  and  Pop- 
ulation I  of  their  |  Respective  Counties.  |  Also,  an  |  Exact  account  | 
of  the  I  Cities,  Towns,  Harbours,  Rivers,  Bays,  Lakes,  Mountains, 
&c.  I  Illustrated  with  Nineteen  Maps.  |  By  Joseph  Scott.  |  Phila- 
delphia :\  Printed  by  F.  and  R.  Bailey ^  at  Torick's\-Heady  No.  116, 
High  Street.\  1795.I  i2mo,  pp.  vi,  (i),  a  to  eb  2  in  sixes.  En- 
graved title  and  19  Maps.  b.,  h.  78331 

The  first  Gazetteer  of  the  United  States.  "  When  we  reflect  that  no  Gazetteer  has 
ever  been  published  of  the  United  States,  I  may  with  some  degree  of  justice  say,  I  have 
trodden  an  unbeaten  path.  ...  The  maps  I  have  drawn  and  engraved  myself,"  etc. — 




Scott  (J.)  A  Historical  Century  Sermon,  delivered  at  Derby, 
January  24,  1841.  Hy  Rev.  Joseph  Scott.  New  Haven.  1842. 
i8mo,  pp.  24.  78332 

Scott  (J.  M.)  Our  Early  Times.  Historical  Sketch  of  St. 
Albans  Township,  by  Joseph  M.  Scott.  Newark^  Ohio,  Clark 
isf  King^  Printers.    1873.     ^vo,  pp.  1 1.  7^333 

Licking  County  Pioneer  Pjinphlett,  No.  8. 

Scott  (J.  H.)  Poems.  By  Mrs.  Julia  H.  Scott.  Toj!;ethcr 
with  a  Hrief  Memoir  by  Miss  L.  C.  Edgarton.  Boston:  A.  Tomp- 
kins i^  B.  B.  Mussey.   1843.     i6mo,  pp.  216.     Portrait.  c. 

Scott  (L.)  New  Brunswick.  Early  Reminiscences:  a  Poem, 
by  L.  Scott.     New  Tork.   1864.     8vo.  7^335 

ScoTT  (M.  B.)  Antiquity  of  the  Name  of  Scott,  with  brief 
Historical  Notes.  A  Paper  read  before  the  Western  Reserve 
Historical  Society,  by  Martin  B.  Scott,  Cleveland,  Ohio.  Boston: 
David  Clapp  Isf  Son.    1869.     8vo,  pp.  15.  7^33^ 

Scott.     The  Crisis  ami  its  Demands.   ...  T     p.   n.  d.]    8vo. 

Scott.     An  Early  New  England  Marriage  jr,  with  Notes 

on  the  Lineage  of  Richard  Scott  of  Providence.     By  Martin  B. 
Scott.     Boston:  David  Clapp  iff  Son^  Printers.    1868.     8vo,  pp.  9. 

From  the  "New  England  Historical  and  Genealogical  Register." 

[ScoTT  (Michael).]  The  Cruise  of  the  Midge.  By  the  Au- 
thor of  "Tom  Cringle's  Log."  In  Two  Volumes.  ...  Edin- 
burgh: IVilliam  Blackwood  and  Sons,  mdcccxxxvi.  2  vols.,  8vo, 
PP- (6),  387  J  (6),  452-    -V  Edinburgh.   i^Si'    «vo.  78339 

The  author,  Michael  Scott,  resided  in  the  island  of  Jamaica  from  1806  to  i8z2. 
The  book  relates  partly  to  the  West  Indies,  and  was  originally  published  in  "  Black- 
wood's Magazine."     See  AUibone's  Dictionary. 

Scott  (M.  Y.)  The  Deaf  and  Dumb;  a  Poem.  By  Moses 
Y.  Scott.  ...  New  Tork:  y.  Seymour^  Printer.   1 8 19.    8vo,  pp.  23. 

Scott.  Fatal  Jest,  ?.nd  Other  Poems,  by  Moses  Y.  Scott. 
New  Tork:  E.  Bliss.   18 19.     i2mo,  pp.  142.  78341 

ScoTT  (N.)  A  Pica  for  the  Bible  in  the  State  Reform  School, 
Westboro,  Mass.  A  Farewell  Discourse,  by  Rev.  N.  Scott,  a.m. 
Delivered  April  27,  1862.     Boston.   1862.    8vo,  pp.  28.     78342 

ScoTT  (N.  N.)  A  Memoir  of  Hugh  Lawson  White,  Judge 
of  the  Supreme  Court  of  Tennessee;  ...  With  Selections  from 



his  Spci'chcs  aiitl  Coirj-spomlciui".  I'ditcd  by  Naiuy  N.  Scott  ... 
Phildili'lphid :  J,  II.  Ijppincott  W  Co.  1856.  Hvo,  pp.  x,  455. 
Portrait.  c.  78343 

Scott  (O.)  Address  to  the  (n-ncral  Conference  of  the  Meth- 
odist Kpiseopal  Church,  hv  the  Rev.  C).  Scott,  a  Member  of  that 
body;  presented  during  its  session  in  C'incinnati,  Ohio,  May  19, 
1S36.  To  which  is  added,  the  Speech  of  the  Rev.  Mr.  Scott, 
delivered  ...  May  27th,  1836.  Ni-w-th-Jt ;  H,  R.  Piercy^  lYniter. 
1836.     8vo,  pp.  24.  78344 

Scott.  An  Appcil  to  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church.  By 
Rev.  O.  Scott.  Part  i. — Slavery  and  the  Church  ...  11. — liible 
Argument  ...  iii.  —  General  Conference  ...  iv,  —  Conference 
Rights  ...  V. — Sundry  Articles  ...  Boston:  David  H.  Ela.  1838. 
8vo,  pp.  156.  78345 

Tlic  tovtr-iitic  riMils  ;   "No.  I.    1838.     The  Wcsleyan  Anti-Sl.»vcry  Review,  lon- 
tainiiii,'  ,111  ApiiL-il,"  etc, 

Scott.  The  (irounds  of  Secession  from  the  M.  E.  Church, 
or.  Hook  for  the  Times  :  being  an  Examination  of  her  connec- 
tion with  Slavery,  and  also  of  her  form  of  government.  Hy 
Rev.  O.  Scott.  Revised  and  corrected.  To  which  is  added 
Wesley  upon  Slavery.  New  Tork :  C.  PrindU.  1848.  i8mo, 
pp.  229.  B.  78346 

Scott  (R.)  The  Doctrines  and  Principles  of  the  People 
called  (j}uakers,  (As  exhibited  by  Thomas  Willis,)  Examined. 
By  Robert  Scott,  Preacher  of  the  Gospel.  Pougbkeepsie :  Printed 
by  C.  C.  Jdams.   18 12.     i2mo.  78347 

For  a  reply  lee  Willis  (Thomas). 

ScoTT.  A  Regular  Scries  of  Chronology,  from  the  Creation 
...  to  the  year  5813.  ...  By  Robert  Scott,  m.d.  ...  Pougbkeepsie. 
1810.    4to,  pp.  45.  H.  78348 

Scott  (R.)  History  of  England  during  the  Reign  of  George 
III.  By  Robert  Scott.  London.  1820-24.  6  vols.,  i2mo.  Por- 
trait and  Plates.  7^349 

"  Designed  as  a  continuation  of  Hume  and  Smollett.    It  has  been  styled  the  Roman 
Catholic  history  of  its  period." — Allibonk. 

Scott  (R.)  Confession,  History  and  Life  of  Robert  Scott, 
executed  for  the  Murder  of  Ann  King.  San  Francisco.  1854. 
8vo,  pp.  8.  78350 



I       I 

Scott  (R.  E.)  Speech  of  Robert  E.  Scott  of  Fauquier,  on 
certain  Resolutions  touching  the  action  of  Congress  on  the  subject 
of  Slavery.  Delivered  in  the  House  of  Delegates  of  Virginia,  on 
the  nth  day  of  January,  1849.  Richmond:  Printed  by  Shepherd 
and  Colin.    1849.     8vo,  pp.  24.  B.  78351 

Scott  (R.  K.)  Defence  of  Lieut.  Robert  B.  Riell,  presented 
and  read  October  5,  1857,  ^Y  '^'^  Counsel,  Robert  K.  Scott,  Esq., 
before  the  Naval  Court  of  Inquiry  ...  convened  at  Washington 
...  IVmhington,    1857.     8vo,  pp.  17,  (l).  B.  78352 

Scott.  Message  of  Robert  K.  Scott,  Governor  of  South 
Carolina,  to  the  General  Assembly,  Second  Session,  November, 
1868.     Columbia^  S.  C. :  John  W.  Denny.    1868.     8vo,  pp.  139. 

Scott  (R.  W.)  An  Address  delivered  at  the  request  of  the 
Franklin  Temperance  Society.  By  Robert  W.  Scott.  Frankfort^ 
Ky.   1829.    8vo.  P.  78354 

Scott  (S.)  A  Diary  of  some  Religious  Exercises  and  Expe- 
rience of  Samuel  Scott,  late  of  Hartford,  deceased.  ...  London: 
Printed  and  sold  by  IVilliayn  Phillips.  1809.  i2mo.  --[-The  Sec- 
ond Edition,  ilbid.']  181 1.     i2mo.    -\- Philadelphia.  181 1.    i2mo. 

Coiuains  an  account  of  his  travels  in  England  and  America.  Also  reprinted  in  the 
Friends'  Library,  vol.  ix.,  Philadelphia,  1845. 

[Scott  (Sarah).]  The  Man  of  Real  Sensibility ;  or  the  His- 
tory of  Sir  George  Ellison.  Philadelphia :  James  Humphreys^  jun- 
ior.  1774.  78356 

Title  from  Hildeburn. 

[Scott  (Thomas),  of  Utrecht.'j  The  |  Belgicke  |  Pismire :  | 
Stinging  the  slothfull  Sleeper,  |  And  |  Awaking  the  Diligent  |  to  | 
Fast,  Watch,  Pray;  |  And  j  Worke  Ovt  Their  Owne  |Temporall 
and  Eternall  Salvation  |  with  |  Feare  and  Trembling.  |  Prov.  30.  25. 
I  The  Pismires  are  a  people  not  strong,  yet  prepare  they  their  | 
meate  in  Summer.  |  Printed  at  London.  1622.  |  4to,  pp.  (12),  99, 
(i).    A  in  four,  aa  in  two,  b-n  in  fours,  and  o  in  two.     B.  78357 

There  are  two  editions  in  the  British  Museum  of  this  date  and  size.  The  work 
contains  several  references  to  America. 

[Scott.]  The  Belgicke  Pismire ;  stinging  the  slothfull  Sleeper 
and  awaking  the  diligent  to  fast,  watch  and  pray;  ...  Whereunto 
is  added  the  Projector  ...   [London F^    1623.     8vo.        bm.  78358 

Title  from  the  British  Museum  catalogue,  where  it  is  entered  under  the  author's 
name,  which  appears  perhaps  in  this  edition.  Lowndes  gives  a  title  thus:  "The  second 
Edition,  to  which  is  added.  The  Projector,  teaching  a  direct,  sure  and  ready  way  to 

title,  2 

iHliUliil  I 



restore  the  decaycs  of  church  and  state,  delivered  in  a  Sermon   before  the  Judges  in 
Norwich,  1620.      Lou  Jon.    1623.     lamo." 

[Scott.]  The  |  Bclgick  |  Sovldier:  |  Dedicated  to  the  |  Parlia- 
ment I  Or,  Wane  was  a  Blessing.  |  Printed  at  Dort.  |  1624.  |  4to, 
pp.  (2),  47.     A  in  three,  b-f  in  fours,  and  g  in  two.        ba.,  bm. 

[Scott.]  The  Belgick-Souldier ;  Warre  was  a  blessing. 
[Z)(?r/.]   1624.    8vo.  BM.  78360 

Without  pagination.     Title  (rcim  the  British  Museum  catalogue. 

[Scott.]  Certaine  Reasons  and  Argvments  of  Policie,  why 
the  King  of  England  should  hereafter  giue  over  all  further 
Treatie,  and  enter  into  warre  with  the  Spaniard,  [n.  p.]  Printed 
M.  DC.  XXIV.  4to,  15  leaves,  a  and  b  in  fours,  a  (repeated)  in 
four,  and  Aa  in  three.  bm.  78361 

[Scott.]  A  Choice  Narrative  of  Count  Gondamar's  Trans- 
actions During  His  Embassy  in  England.  By  that  Renowned 
Antiquary,  Sir  Robert  Cotton,  Knight  and  Baronet.  Exposed  to 
publick  Light,  for  the  Benefit  of  the  whole  Nation.  By  a  Per- 
son of  Honour.  London^  Printed  for  John  Gerfield  ...  1659.  410, 
20  leaves,     a-e  in  fours,  the  title  on  a2.     Portrait,     bm.  78362 

A  reprint  of  Scott's  "Vox  Popvli,"  first  published  anonymously  in  1620.  The  por- 
trait of  Count  Gondomar  was  engraved  by  Pass,  And  to  he  sould  by  Thomas  yeiwer. 
"The  person  of  honour  appears  to  have  been  John  Rowland,  Rector  of  Footscray  in 
Kent,  who  dedicates  the  tract  to  Sir  William  Pastons.  But  he  was  not  perhaps  aware 
that  it  had  been  printed  as  early  as  1620,  under  the  title  of  Vox  Populi,  Sec,  and  was 
not  by  Cotton  at  all." — Hazlitt.  Reprinted  again  in  1679,  for  which  see  "A  Narra- 
tive," No.  78366,  infra.     The  book  contains  several  references  to  America. 

[ScoTT.]  An  I  Experimentall  |  Discoverie  of  |  Spanish  Practises 
I  Or  I  The  Covnsell  of  a  |  well-wishing  Souldier,  for  the  good  of| 
his  Prince  and  State.  |  Wherein  |  is  manifested  from  known  |  experi- 
ence, both  the  Cruelty,  and  Policy  of  the  |  Spaniard,  to  effect  his 
own  ends.  |  Chiefly  |  Swelling  with  multiplicity  of  glorious  titles,  as 
one  I  of  the  greatest  Monarchs  of  the  earth,  that  being  admired 
of  I  all,  his  greatnesse  might  amaze  all,  and  so  by  degrees  |  seeking 
covertly  to  tyrannize  over  all.  When  |  as  indeed  and  truth,  the 
greatest  part  I  of  his  pretended  Greatnesse  is  but  a  |  windy  crack 
of  an  ambiti-jous  minde.  I  [^London?^  Printed,  j^nno.  1623.  |  4to, 
title,  and  pp.  54.  a-g  in  fours,  and  h  in  two,  the  first  and  last 
leaves  blank.  l.  78363 

The  book  relates  partly  to  America.     The  following  is  a  supplement : 

[Scott.]  A  Second  |  Part  of  Spanish  |  Practises.  Or,  |  A  Rela- 
tion of  More  I  Particular  wicked  plots,  and   cruel ,  in  |  humane, 





leaves.     Sig.  a  in  three,  and  b~f  in  fours. 

The  oration  ends  on  the  verso  of  sig.  D4  with  "  Finis." 

perfidi<  as,  and  vnnaturall  |  practises  of  the  Spaniards.  |  With,  | 
More  Excellent  reasons  of  greater  consequence,  de-|liuered  to 
the  Kings  iVIaiesty  to  dissolue  the  two  trea-|ties  both  of  the 
Match  and  the  Pallatinate,  |  and  enter  into  Warre  with  the  |  Span- 
iards. I  Whcrevnto  |  Is  Adioyned  a  Worthy  Ora-|tion  Appropri- 
ated, vnto  the  most  Mighty  and  Illu-|strious  Princes  of  Christen- 
dome,  wherein  the  right  and  |  lawfulncsse  of  the  Netherlandish 
warre  against  Phillip  [King  of  Spayne  is  approued  and  |  demonstra- 
ted. |...|  [London  f^  Printed,   m.dc.xxiv.  |    410,  23  unnumbered 

L.  78364 

On  the  next  page  begins, 
"An  Adioynder  of  Svndry  Other  Particvlar  Wicked  Plots  and  Cruell,  Inhumane,  Per- 
fidious ;  yen,  Vnnaturall  practises  of  the  Spaniards,"  which  fills  seven  leaves,  and  is 
signed  at  the  end  "  S.  O."  The  final  leaf  contains  a  prayer  in  ten  lines,  and  the  word 
"Finis,"  verso  blank.  See  Hazlitt's  "Collections  and  Notes,"  i.  396,  where  a  copy  is 
described  with  the  words,  "  Written  by  Tho.  Wood,"  in  a  contemporary  hand  on  the 

Scott.  The  |  High-Waies  |  of  God  And  |  The  King.  |  Wherein 
all  men  ovght  |  to  walke  in  holinesse  here,  to  |  happinesse  here- 
after. I  Deliuered  in  two  Sermons  preached  |  at  Thetford  in  Nor- 
folke,  I  Anno  1620.  |  By  Thomas  Scot  Baidielui  in  Diuinity.  | ...  | 
Printed  at  London.   1623.  |    4to,  pp.  88.     A-L  in  fours,     bm.,  w. 

One  of  the  sermons  is  a  reprint  of  "The  Projector,"  No.  78368,  infra. 

[Scott.]  A  Narrative  of  the  Wicked  Plots  carried  on  by 
Seignior  Gondamore  for  advancing  the  Popish  Religion  and 
Spanish  Faction.  Heartily  recommended  to  all  Protestants,  by 
Richard  Dugdale,  Gent.  ...  London^  Printed  1679.  Folio,  pp. 
16.  BM.  78366 

A  reprint  of  Scott's  "Vox  Populi,"  originally  published  in  i6zo.  See  also  No* 
78362,  supra.  The  editor,  Richard  Dugdale,  seems  to  insinuate  in  his  introduction' 
that  his  edition  was  published  from  a  manuscript.  The  book  contains  several  references 
to  America.  This  edition  was  reprinted  in  the  "  Harleian  Miscellany,"  vol.  viii. 
(1810),  pp.  231-249. 

[Scott.]  Newes  from  Pernassvs.  The  Politicall  Touch- 
stone, Taken  From  Mount  Peniassus  :  Whereon  the  Govern- 
ments of- the  greatest  Monarchies  of  the  World  are  touched. 
Printed  at  Helicon  \_Utrecht ?~\.  ibii.  4to,  48  leaves,  a-m  in 
fours.  BM.  78367 

Scott.  The  |  Proiector.  |  Teaching  a  Direct,  Svre,  |  and  ready 
way  to  restore  the  decayes  of  |  the  Church  and  State  both  in  | 
Honour  and  Revenue.  |  Deliuered  in  a  Sermon  |  before  the  Judges 
in  Norwich,  at  Summer  |  Assises  there  holden,  |  Anno  1620.  |  By 
Thomas  Scot  Batchelor  in  Diuinity.  | ...  |  Printed  at  London.  1623.  j 



4to,  pp.  (6),  39.    A-F  in  fours,  the  first  leaf  blank,    bm.,  w. 

[Another  edition.      London?!^   1623.     8vo. 

BM.  78368 

[Scott.]  Robert  Earle  of  Essex  His  Ghost,  Sent  from  Eli- 
zian :  To  the  Nobility,  Gentry,  and  Commvnaltie  of  England. 
Virtutum  Comes  Invidia.  Printed  in  Paradise.  1624.  410,  18 
leaves,  a-d  in  fours  and  e  in  two.  bm.  -f  [Another  edition.] 
Printed  in  Paradise.    1624.     4to.  BM.  78369 

In  two  parts,  each  with  a  separate  title-page  and  pagination,  but  with  continuous  sig- 
natures. The  second  part  is  entitled  ;  A  Postscript,  or  a  Second  Part  of  Robert  Earle 
of  Essex  his  Ghost.  To  the  Nobility,  Gentry,  and  Communalty  of  England.  Printed 
in  Paradise.  164Z  [/.  *.  1624].  This  division,  which  is  partly  in  verse,  contains  refer- 
ences to  the  Spanish  cruelties  in  America,  as  described  in  the  works  of  Las  Casas.  Re- 
printed in  the  "  Harleian  Miscellany,"  vol.  in.  (1809),  pp.  504-519;  and  in  the 
Somers  Tracts,  vol.  11.  (1809),  pp.  596-608. 

[Scott.]  Sir  Walter  Ravvleighs  Ghost.  1626.  5^^  Vol.  xvi., 
No.  67586. 

[Scott.]  Symmachia :  Or,  A  True-Loves  Knot.  Tyed, 
betwixt  Great  Britaine,  and  the  Vnited  Prouinces,  by  the  wise- 
dome  of  King  lames,  and  the  States  Generall  ...  for  the  Weale 
and  Peace  of  Christendome.  \^Utrecht?  1624?]  4to,  18  leaves. 
A-D  in  fours,  and  e  in  two,  besides  the  title  and  first  blank  leaf, 
and  including  a  blank  leaf  at  the  end.  bm.  78370 

[Scott.]  A  |  Tongve-Combat,  |  lately  happening  Be-|tvveene 
two  English  Souldiers  in  the  |  Tilt-boat  of  Grauesend,  |  The  one 
going  to  serve  |  the  King  of  Spaine,  the  other  to  serue  j  the  States 
Generall  of  the  Vnited  Provinces.  |  Wherein  the  Cause,  Course, 
and  Continuance  of  those  I  Warres  is  debated  and  declared.  |  Pro 
Aris  &  Focis.\  Printed  at  London.  1623.  |  4to,  pp.  (8),  104.  A-o 
in  fours.  ba.  78371 

[Scott.]  Votivae  Angliae :  Or,  The  Desires  and  Wishes  of 
England.  Contayned  in  a  Patheticall  Discourse,  presented  to  the 
King,  on  New-yeares  Day  last.  Wherein  are  unfolded  and  rep- 
resented manie  strong  Reasons  and  ...  motives  to  perswade  his 
Majestic  to  drawe  his  Royall  Sword,  for  the  restoration  of  the 
Pallatynat  and  Electorat,  to  his  Sonne  in  Lawwe  Prince  Frede- 
ricke  ...  Written  by  S.  R.  N.  I.  Printed  at  Ftrecht.  mdcxxiiii. 
4to.  BM.  78372 

Without  pagination. 

[Scott.]  Yotivae  Angliae :  |  Or,  |  The  Desires  |  and  Wishes  |  of 
England.  |  Contained  in  a  Patheticall  Discourse,  presented  |  to  the 
King  on  New-yeares  |  Day  last.  |  Wherein  are  unfolded  and  repre- 


VOL.    XIX. 





!     •/ 



scnted  many  strong  Rea-|sons  and  true  and  solide  motiues  to 
pcrswade  his  Ma- [icstie  to  drawe  his  Royall  Swc-  ,  for  the 
restoring  of  the  |  Pallatynat,  and  Electorat,  to  his  Sonne  in  Law  j 
Prince  Fredericke,  to  his  onely  Daughter  the  Lady  |  Elizabeth, 
and  their  Princely  issue.  |  Against  |  The  Treacherovs  V  svrpa- 1  tion, 
and  formidable  Ambition  and  Power  |  of  the  Emperour,  the  King 
of  Spaine,  and  the  |  Duke  of  Bavaria,  who  unjustlie  possesse|and 
detaine  the  same.  |  Together  with  some  Aphorismes  returned 
(with  I  a  Large  interest)  to  the  Pope  in  Answer  |  of  his.  |  Written 
by  S.  R.  N.  l,\  Printed  at  Vtrecht  [^London  F^.  MDCxxiiii.  |  4to, 
22  leaves.     *  in  four,  a-d  in  fours,  and  e  in  two.  ba.,  bm. 

This  edition  differs  very  slightly  from  the  preceding,  according  to  the  British  Museum 

[Scott.]  Vox  Coeli,  Or,  Newes  from  Heaven.  Of  a  Con- 
svltation  there  held  by  the  High  and  mighty  Princes,  King  Hen. 
8.  King  Edw.  6,  Prince  Henry,  ^ueene  Mary,  Queene  Eliza- 
beth, and  Queene  Anne.  Wherein  Spaines  ambition  and  treach- 
eries to  most  Kingdomes  and  free  Estates  in  Evrope,  are  vnmaskd 
and  truly  represented,  but  more  perticularly  towards  England,  and 
now  ...  especially  vnder  the^pretended  match  of  Prince  Charles, 
with  the  Infanta  Dona  Maria.  Whereunto  is  annexed  two  Let- 
ters written  by  Queene  Mary  from  Heauen,  the  one  to  Count 
Gondomar,  the  Ambassadour  of  Spaine,  the  other  to  all  the  Ro- 
mane  Catholiques  of  England.  Written  by  S.  R.  N.  L  Printed 
in  Elesium.   1 624.    4to,  36  leaves.     A-i  in  fours.  bm.  78374 

This  work  contains  a  section  on  "The  West  Indies,  or  New  Spaine,"  and  many  other 
references  to  America.      Reprinted  in  the  Somers  Tracts,  vol.  ii.  (1809),  pp.  555-596. 

[Scott.]  Vox  Coeli,  |  Or  |  Newes  from  [  Heaven.  |  Of  a  Con- 
sultation there  held  by  the  high  |  and  mighty  Princes,  King  Hen. 
8.  King  Edw.  6,  Prince  |  Henry,  Queene  Mary,  Queene  Eliza- 
beth, and  Queene  Anne,  |  wherein  Spaines  ambition  and  trecheries 
to  most  Kingdoms  and  free]  Estates  of  Evrope,  are  vnmasked  and 
truly  represented,  but  more  |  particularly  towards  England,  and 
now  more  especially  vnder  |  the  pretended  match  of  Prince  Charles 
with  the  I  Infanta  Dona  Maria.  |  Whereunto  is  annexed  two  Letters 
written  |  by  Queene  Mary  from  Heauen,  the  one  to  Count  |  Gon- 
domar, the  Ambassadour  of  Spaine,  the  |  other  to  all  the  Romane 
Catholiques  I  of  England.  |  Written  by  S.  R.  N.  \.\  Printed  in  Eli- 
sium.   1624. 1     8vo,  9  prel.  leaves,  pp.92,     a  in  four,  ^  in  four. 

in  two,  B— M  in  fours. 

BM.,   H. 


[Scott.]     Vox  Popvli.  |  Or  |  Newes  from  Spayne,  |  translated 
according  to  the  Spanish  Coppie.  |  Which  may  serve  to  forewarn 


i   I 



both  England  |  and  the  United  Provinces  how  farre  |  to  trust  to 
Spanish  pretences.  |  [Gorcum?^  Imprinted  in  the  yeare  1620.]  4to, 
14  leaves,  a-c  in  fours,  and  d  in  two.  b.,  ba.,  bm.  -{■  [An- 
other edition.]  Imprinted  in  the  yeare  \b20.  4to,  13  leaves,  bm. 
-f- [Another  edition.]   Imprinted  in  the  yeare  ibio.    4to.  bm. 

Of  these  three  editions  in  the  British  Museum,  twu  are  printed  in  black  letter,  one 
of  which  contains  an  address  to  the  reader  (not  in  the  other  editions),  and  has  a  por- 
trait of  Scott  prefixed.  The  book  contains  several  references  to  the  West  Indies  and  to 
America  in  general.  It  was  suppressed  by  the  royal  authority,  as  we  learn  from  the 
introduction  to  "Vox  Coeli"  (Nos.  78374-75,  supra).  Reprinted  in  the  collected  edi- 
tion of  Scott's  works  (Nos.  78378-79,  inj'ra),  in  1659  as  "A  Choice  Narrative  ...  by 
...  Sir  Robert  Cotton"  (No.  78362,  supra),  and  again  anonymously  in  1679,  edited  by 
Richard  Dugdale,  as  *' A  Narrative"  (No.  78366,  w^ra).  Also  reprinted  in  the  Somers 
Tracts,  vol.  11.  (1809),  pp.  508-524. 

[Scott.]  The  Second  Part  of  Vox  Popvli.  |  Or  |  Gondomar 
appearing  in  the  likenes  of  |  Matchiauell  in  a  Spanish  Parliament,  | 
wherein  are  discouered  his  treacherous  &  subtile  Practises  |  To 
the  ruine  as  well  of  England,  as  the  Netherlandes.  |  Faithfully 
Translated  out  of  the  Spanish  Coppie  by  a  well-wilier  |  to  Eng- 
land and  Holland.  |  Printed  at  G-'ricom  by  Aihuerm  Jansx.  1624.  | 
4to,  pp.  (6),  60.  A-H  in  fours  (including  a  blank  leaf  at  the  end), 
and  another  A  in  two  leaves  inserted  between  the  title  and  a2  of 
the  text.  B.,  BA.  -f-  The  second  edition.  Printed  at  Goricom  by 
Ashuerus  Jansz.    1624.    4to.  BM.  78377 

The  title  is  engraved  on  copper,  and  contains  a  full-length  portrait  of  Gondomar 
"The  Epistle  Dedicatorie"  to  Frederick  and  Elizabeth  of  Bohemia  is  on  the  two  leaves 
following  (marked  A  and  Ai),  signed  T.  S.  of  U.  There  are  two  copperplate  engrav- 
ings in  the  text,  the  first  on  page  I  representing  the  Spanish  Parliament,  and  the  other 
on  page  54  of  the  true  portraits  of  the  English  Jesuits  and  Priests.  At  the  end  on  page 
60  are  the  initials  of  T.  S.  The  book  contains  references  to  America.  It  was  reprinted 
in  the  fourth  number  of  J.  Morgan's  "  Phcenix  Britannicus,"  London,  1732. 

[ScoTT.l  Vox  Popvli.  Vox  Dei.  Vox  Regis.  Digitvs  Dei. 
The  Belgick  Pismire.  The  Tongve-Combat.  Symmachia  Or, 
The  Trve-Loves  Knot.  The  High-Wayes  of  God  and  the 
King.     The  Proiector.    \^London  ?  1622-24.]    410.     bm.  78378 

Collation  :  General  title  as  above  on  i  leaf;  portrait  of  the  author  on  i  leaf;  preface 
to  the  reader  in  3  leaves,  signed  "Thorn;  Scott;"  Vox  Popvli  (Part  1  only),  without 
a  separate  title,  in  16  leaves  (B-E  in  fours);  Vox  Dei,  half-title  and  explanation  of  the 
frontispiece  on  i  leaf,  plate  containing  1 3  portraits  on  I  leaf,  errata  on  i  leaf,  To  the 
Reader  in  4  leaves,  and  the  text  in  43  leaves  (A-L  in  fours,  besides  the  preliminary 
leaves,  and  including  a  blank  leaf  at  the  end) ;  Vox  Regis,  half-title  and  explanation 
of  the  frontispiece  on  I  leaf,  plate  on  i  leaf  of  King  James  sitting  in  Parliament,  To 
the  Reader  in  3  leaves,  and  the  text  in  37  leaves  (A-I  in  fours,  and  K  in  two,  besides 
the  preliminary  leaves,  and  including  a  blank  leaf  at  the  end) ;  Digitvs  Dei,  half-title 
on  I  leaf,  To  the  Reader  on  1  leaf,  and  the  text  in  2Z  leaves  (A-F  in  fours,  and  G  in 
two,  including  a  blank  leaf  at  the  front  and  another  at  the  end) ;  The  Belgicke  Pismire 
...  Printed  at  London,  1622,  title  on  1  leaf.  To  the  true-hearted  British  Readers  in  5 
leaves,  and  the  text  in   50  leaves  (A  in  four,  aa  in  two,  B-N  in  fours,  and  O  in  two) ; 



h   l 

I    1 

A  Tongvc-Combat  ...  Printed  at  London,  1623,  title  .mil  54  leaves  of  text  (A-O  in 
fuurs,  including  u  blank  leaf  at  the  end);  Symniachia,  |  n.  p.  n.  d.],  title  on  1  leaf 
with  a  hlank  leaf  before  it,  and  the  text  in  17  leaves  (A-U  in  fours,  .ind  K  in  two, 
besides  the  title  and  first  blank  leaf,  and  including  a  blank  leaf  at  the  end);  The  High- 
Waies  of  God  and  the  King   ...    Prinitd  at  London,  1623,  :itlc  and  43  leaves  of  text 

SA-L  in  fours);  The  Proiector  ...  Printed  at  London,  1623,  title  and  22  leaves  of  text 
A-F  in  fuurs,  including  a  blank  leaf  at  the  front). 

This  is  a  collection  of  Scott's  separately  printed  tracts  with  a  general  title  and  preface 
prefixed.  The  first  piecs,  "Vox  Hopvli,"  was  reprinted  for  this  edition,  but  most  of  the 
others  appear  to  be  the  same  editions  that  were  first  issued  separately.  All  except  the 
first  four  are  described  under  their  respective  titles,  iupra.  The  portrait  of  the  author, 
engraved  by  C.  de  Pas,  is  inscribed,  "Thomas  Scottvs  Geographvs  et  Thcologvs  Ang- 
Ivs,"  with  the  following  verses  below  : 

"  j^Uie  Draco,  quave  Magellanus  potuere  Britannis 
Prwstare,  hie  Scottvs  pra-stitit  ingenio." 

ScoTT.  The  Workes  of  the  most  famous  and  reverend  Di- 
vine Mr.  Thomas  Scot,  Hatcheler  in  Divinitic.  Sometimes 
Preacher  in  Norwich.     Printed  at  Vtrick^  1624.    4to.         7^379 

Contents:  Vox  Populi,  or  Newes  from  Spayne,  1620;  The  second  Part  of  Vox 
Populi,  with  full-length  portrait  of  Count  Gondomar,  and  plate  of  the  Devil  over- 
looking "the  Spanishe  Parliament,"  Goricom,  1624;  Vox  Dei,  with  the  rare  plate  of 
Christ  supporting  the  Royal  Family  of  Great  Britain  [n.  d.]  ;  Vox  Regis,  with  the 
scarce  frontispiece  [n.  d.];  Digitus  Dei  [n.  d.];  The  Belgicke  Pismire,  1622;  A 
Tongue-Combat,  1623;  Symmachia,  or  a  True-Loves  Knot  [n.  d.] ;  The  High-Waies 
of  God  and  the  King,  1623;  The  Projector,  1623;  Newes  from  Pernassus, />r/nrf(/ <j/ 
Helicon,  1622;  Experimental!  Discoverie  of  Spanish  Practises,  1623;  A  Second  Part 
of  Spanish  Practises,  printed  1624;  Vox  Cccli,  or  Newes  from  Heaven,  printed  in 
Eliiium,  1624;  Votiva-  Anglix,  or  the  Desires  and  Wishes  of  England,  Utrecht,  1624; 
Englands  Joy  for  Suppressing  the  Papists  and  Banishing  the  Priests  and  Jesuites,  1624; 
The  Spaniards  perpetuall  Di-signes  to  an  universal!  Monarchic,  1624;  Aphorismes  of 
Stale,  printed  at  Utrecht,  1 624 ;  Certaine  Reasons  and  Arguments  of  Policie  why  the 
King  of  England  should  hereafter  give  over  all  further  Treatie,  and  enter  into  Warre 
with  the  Spaniard,  1624;  Briefe  Information  of  the  Affaires  of  the  Palatinate,  1624; 
The  Belgick  Souldier,  Don,  1624;  Boanerges,  or  the  Humble  Supplication  of  the 
Ministers  of  Scotland  to  the  High  Court  of  Parliament  in  England,  Edinburgh,  1624; 
Robert  Earl  of  Essex,  his  Ghost,  sent  from  Elizian  to  the  Nobility,  Gentry  and  Coni- 
munaltie  of  England,  printed  in  Paradise,  1624;  A  Post-Script,  or  a  Second  Part  ot 
Robert  Earle  of  Essex  his  Ghost,  printed  in  Paradise,  1642  [/.  e.  1624];  Speech  in  the 
Lower  House  by  Sir  E.  Cicell  Colonell,  1624. 

This  "extraordinary  collection  of  twenty  -five  scarce  and  secretly  printed  Tracts  in  one 
volume,  with  the  very  rare  portrait  by  C.  de  Pas  and  a  general  title  page  ...  which  is 
probably  unique,  as  no  other  copy  is  known  with  it,"  bound  in  morocco,  super  extra,  gilt 
edges,  with  the  arms  of  P.  A.  Hanrot  stamped  in  gold  on  the  sides,  was  sold  with  the 
library  of  the  Rev.  Samuel  Prince,  m.a.,  of  Bunsall,  Derbyshire,  by  auction,  by  Messrs. 
Sotheby,  Wilkinson  &  Hodge,  in  London,  nth  December,  1865,  and  three  following 
days,  No.  1082  of  the  catalogue,  for  £9.  Lowndes  mentions  a  copy,  perhaps  the  same 
one,  as  having  been  sold  with  the  library  of  Dr.  Bandinel  at  Sotheby's,  in  London, 
August,  1861,  for  £7. 

Scott  (T.  P.)  "Authority  and  Free  Will."  A  Lecture 
delivered  before  the  Catholic  Institute  of  Baltimore,  Wednesday, 
February  nth,  1863,  by  T.  Parkin  Scott.  Baltimore:  Kelly. 
1863.     8vo,  pp.  10.  78380 



[Scott.]  The  Crisis.  New  Tork^  December^  i860.  8vo, 
pp.  7.  78381 

Scott  (W.)  Letters  on  Demonology  and  Witchcraft, 
addressed  to  J.  G.  Lockhart,  Esq.  Hy  Sir  Walter  Scott,  Bart. 
London:  John  Murray^  Albemarle  Street.  MUCCCXXX.  l8mo,  pp. 
(4),  ix,  402.     Frontispiece.  l.  78382 

Murray's  Family  Lihrary,  vol.  67.  A  brief  account  of  the  Salem  witchcraft  is  given 
in  Letter  viii.  To  some  copies  is  appended:  '•Twelve  Sketches  illustrative  of  Sir 
Walter  Scott's  Demonology  and  Witc'  '.-raft,  by  George  Cruikshunlc.  London :  Pub- 
liibed  for  'be  Artist,  hy  J.  Robins  and  Co.  I'vy  Lane,  Paternoster  Row.  1830."  i8mo, 
title,  12  Plates,  ;ind  12  leaves  of  descriptive  text.      L. 

Other  editions  :    New  Tori:   Harper  and  Brothers.    18 30.     l8mo. 

Second  Edition.      London:  yobn  Murray.    1831.     l8mo. 

New  York:  Harper  &  Brothers.    1836.     1 8 mo,  pp.  338. 

New  York:   Harper  &  Brothers.    1842.     l8mo. 

New  York;   Harper  (^Brothers.    1848.     l8mo,  pp.  338. 

London:  IVilliam  Tegg.    1856.     i8mo. 

New  York:   Harper  &  Brothers.   1858.     i8mo,  pp.  338.      Frontispiece, 

New  York:  Harper  and  Brothers,   [n.  d.]      l8mu. 

ScoTT.  Demonology  and  Witchcraft.  By  Sir  Walter  Scott, 
Bart,  Illustrated  with  six  full-page  steel  engravings,  by  Geo. 
Cruikshank.  London:  IVilliam  Tegg.  1868.  i8mo,  pp.  (4),  ix, 
396.     7  Plates.  L.  78383 

Scott  (Walter),  pseudon.  The  Lay  of  the  Scottish  Fiddle. 
See  [Paulding  (J.  K.)],  Vol.  xiv..  No.  59202. 

Scott  (W.)  O  Tempora  !  O  Mores  !  Or,  the  Best  New- 
Year's  Gift  for  a  Prime  Minister,  being  the  Substance  of  two 
Sermons  Preached  in  a  few  small  Churches  only,  and  published 
at  the  repeated  request  of  the  Congregations,  By  the  Rev.  Will- 
iam Scott,  M.A.  Late  Scholar  of  Eton.  Dedicated  to  Lord 
North.  N.B.  The  Pulpit  was  refused  at  eight  City  Churches, 
a  1000  copies  ordered  before  sent  to  Press  and  200  more  by  a 
Gentleman  for  one  of  our  North  American  Colonies.  London. 
1774.     8vo.  78384 

Scott.  O  Tempora  !  O  Mores  !  |  Or  |  The  best  New  Year's 
Gift  I  for  a  I  Prime  Minister,]  Being  the  Substance  of  two  Sermons 
preached  a::  a  |  few  small  Churches  only,  and  published  at  the  | 
repeated  Request  of  the  Congregations,  |  By  the  Rev.  William 
Scott,  M.A.  I  Late  Scholar  of  Eton,  |  Dedicated  to  Lord  North.  | 
The  Pulpit  was  refused  at  eight  of  the  most  capital  Churches  |  in 
London.  |  Philadelphia :  \  Reprinted  and  sold  by  Benjamin  Towne.  \ 
MDCCLXXiv.  I    8vo,  pp.  xii,  20.  p.  78385 






Scott.  O  Tempera !  O  Mores !  or  the  best  New  Year's 
Gift  for  a  Prime  Minister  ...  Norwich^  Conn.  1774.  i2mo.  -f 
Norwich.   1776.    8vo,  pp.  32.  78386 

Scott.  O  Tempora !  O  Mores  !  or  the  Best  New  Year's 
Gift  for  a  Prime  Minister.  A  Sermon  ...  By  the  Rev.  William 
Scott  ....  Sixth  Edition.  With  large  Additions  and  Alterations 
both  in  the  Dedication  and  Sermon,  occasioned  by  the  Ingenuity, 
amazing  Dexterity,  and  Humane  Proceedings  of  a  Scotch  Minis- 
try towards  the  Dreadful  Confusion,  Distresses,  Massacre  and 
Carnage,  now  Rioting  in  America.     London.   1775.     8vo,  pp.  xx, 

a8.  78387 

Scott  (W.)  Lessons  in  Elocution  :  or  a  Selection  of  Pieces, 
in  Prose  and  Verse,  for  the  Improvement  of  Youth  in  Reading 
and  Speaking.  By  William  Scott.  First  Hartford  Edition. 
Hartford.  1795.  i2mo.  -f  ^ith  Elements  of  Gesture.  New 
York.  1799.  i2mo.  4  Plates.  +  T"  this  Edition  are  prefixed 
Elements  of  Gesture.  Illustrated  by  Four  Elegant  Plates ;  and 
Rules  for  Expressing  ...  the  various  passions  and  emotions  of  the 
mind.  The  Eighth  American  Edition.  IVorcester^  {Massachu- 
setts) Printed  by  Mower  ^  Greenleaf  For  Isaiah  Thomas.  1800. 
i2mo,  pp.  436.  4  Plates,  w.  -|-  Twelfth  American  Edition. 
IVorcester^  Massachusetts :  Isaiah  Thomas^  Jt*"-  1803.  i2mo,  pp. 
406.  4  Plates.  +  Thomas's  Second  Edition.  Stockbridge :  Isaiah 
Thomas.^  Jun.  1808.  i2mo,  pp.  406.  -f  Thomas's  Third  Edi- 
tion. With  great  improvements  and  corrections.  Boston :  Pub- 
lished by  Isaiah  Thomas,  '/««.   N.  Cheever,  Printer,  Hallowell.  1 8 1 1 . 

i2mo,  pp.  407 
Thomas^  ^Jun. 

w.   -|-  Thomas's  Fourth  Edition. 
1814.      i2mo,  pp.  407.     4  Plates. 

Boston:  Isaiah 
-f-  Leicester : 
Printed  by  Hori  Brown.  1815.  l2mo,  pp.  407.  4  Plates,  -j- 
Leicester.  18 17.  12 mo.  4  Plates.  -\- Montpelier,  Ft.:  E.  P.i^ 
G.  S.  IValton.  1818.  i2mo,  pp.  383.  4  Plates,  -f  First  Mid- 
dletown,  from  the  Fifth  Hartford  Edition.  Middletown :  Thomas 
Spencer,  Jr.  18 18.  i2mo,  pp.  388.  -\-  Montpelier,  Ft.:  E.  P. 
IFalton.  1820.  i2mo,  pp.  407.  4  Plates.  +  Concord,  N.  H. 
Printed  by  Hill  and  Moore.  1820.  i2mo,  pp.  384.  4  Plates.  -|- 
Boston  Edition :  Lincoln  i^  Edmands.  1 820.  i2mo,  pp.  360.  -|- 
Plymouth,  Mass.:  Ezra  Collier.  1825.  i2mo,  pp.  372.  4  Plates. 
-\-  Fourteenth  American  Edition.  Hartford:  Lincoln  &  Co. 
18 — .?     i2mo,  pp.  382.    4  Plates.   -{-Philadelphia.  1849.     ^^mo. 

A  reprint  of  an  English  work.     The  later  American  editions  contain  extracts   from 
the  speeches  of  William  Wirt,  John  Randolph,  Patrick  Henry,  and  others. 

1'    r:,.< 

i#<>^#«-<%  »««>»<■«• 



Scott  (W.)  Letters  on  Superior  Education,  in  its  relation  to 
the  progress  and  permanency  of  Wesleyan  Methodism.  By  Rev. 
William  Scott.      Toronto,    i860.     8vo,  pp.  70.  78389 

Scott.  The  Principles  of  Strict  Temperance  ....  A  Dis- 
course delivered  By  the  Rev.  William  Scott,  before  the  Amherst, 
burgh  and  Sandwich  Total-Abstinence  Societies.  Detroit.  1840- 
izmo,  pp.  20.  M.  78390 

Scott  (W.  A[nderson]),  h.  18 13,  d.  1885.  The  Church  in 
the  Army;  or,  the  Four  Centurions.  ...  By  Rev.  Wm.  A.  Scott, 
D.D.     New  York:  Carleton.    MDCCCLXII.     i2mo,  pp.  443.  c. 

Scott.  Discourse  on  the  Character,  Life,  Genius,  and  Death 
of  Daniel  Webster  ...   \New  Orleans.   1852.]    8vo.       b.  78392 

Scott.  Documents  relating  to  certain  Calurtinies  against  the 
Hon.  Henry  Clay.  By  W.  A.  Scott,  d.u.  New  Orleans^  May^ 
1845.     «vo.  78393 

Scott.  The  Duty  of  Praying  for  our  Rulers ;  A  Discourse, 
delivered  in  ...  New  Orleans,  ...  21st  May,  1843.  By  the  Rev. 
W.  A.  Scott,  A.M.  ...  New  Orleans:  Toy.,  Printer.  1843.  8vo, 
pp.  38.  78394 

Scott.  The  Education  we  Want.  A  Discourse,  pronounced 
on  the  Twenty-third  of  November,  1844,  Before  the  Board  or 
Directors  of  the  Public  Schools,  of  Municipality  Number  Two, 
By  their  Request,  at  the  Dedication  of  the  Franklin  School 
House.  By  W.  A.  Scott,  d.d.  New  Orleans:  Printed  by  Besan- 
con.^  Ferguson  i^  Co.    1845.     8vo,  pp.  28.  78395 

Scott.  Emigration  of  Free  and  Emancipated  Negroes  to 
Africa.  An  Address  delivered  at  the  Annual  Meeting  of  the 
Louisiana  State  Colonization  Society,  in  the  Presbyterian  Church 
on  Lafayette  Square,  March  the  7th,  1850,  and  repeated  at  the 
request  of  the  same  Society  in  Lyceum  Hall,  Sunday  evening,  the 
19th  Dec,  1852,  by  Rev.  W.  A.  Scott,  d.d.  ...  New  Orleans: 
Printed  at  the  Office  of  the  Picayune.  1853.  8vo,  pp.  16,  and 
covers.  L.  78396 

ScoTT.  The  House  of  God  :  A  Discourse  delivered  at  the 
request  of  the  Officers  of  the  Second  Presbyterian  Church  ... 
Mobile,  Ala.,  the  21st  Nov.  1844,  on  the  occasion  set  apart  for 
laying  the  Corner  Stone  of  their  House  of  Worship.  By  Rev. 
W.  A.  Scott,  D.D.  ...  New  Orleans:  IVilliatn  H.  Toy.  1845. 
8vo,  pp.  40.  B.  78397 





ii  W 



Scott.  A  Lecture  delivered  before  the  Mercantile  Library 
Association  of  San  Francisco,  on  the  Influence  of  Great  Cities, 
...  June  16,  1854.  Hy  Rev.  Dr.  Scott,  of  New  Orleans.  ... 
San  Francisco:  IVhittony  Tnvne  lif  Co.^  Printers,    1854.     8vo,  pp. 

33-  B-  7«39« 

Scott.  Progress  of  Civil  Liberty.  A  Thanksgiving-Dis- 
course, ...  New  Orleans  ...  9th  Dec.  1847.  •••  ^^X  ^'-'v-  ^'  A. 
Scott,  D.D.     New  Orleans.    1848.     i2mo,  pp.  23.  M.  78399 

Scott.  Trade  and  Letters :  their  Journeyings  round  the 
World.  Three  Discourses  delivered  before  the  Mercantile  Li- 
brary Association  of  San  Francisco.  ...  By  W.  A.  Scott,  d.o.  ... 
New  Tork:  Robert  Carter  ilf  Brothers.    1856.     iinio,  pp.  168,  (i). 

[Scott  (William  B.)]  Essays  on  Taxation  and  Reconstruc- 
tion. By  "Diversity."  New  Tork:  C.  B.  Richardson.  1865. 
8vo,  pp.  22.    -(-  [^Ibid.']   1866.    8vo,  pp.  22.  78401 

Scott  (W.  K.)  An  Address  delivered  at  Union-Village,  De- 
cember 7,  1831,  before  the  Washington  Co.  Temperance  Society  ; 
By  Dr.  William  K.  Scott.  ...  Sandy-Hill,  N.  r.:  Printed  at  thr 
Temperance  Jdvocate  Office.    1832.     8vo,  pp.  19.  w.  78402 

Scott  [Winfield],  b,  1786,  d.  1866.  Abstract  of  a  Corre- 
spondence with  the  Executive,  relative  to  the  Rank  or  Command 
of  Major-Generals  Scott  and  Macomb,  [n.  p.  1828.]  8vo,  pp. 
60.  BA.  78403 

Scott.  Chippewa  Club  Ausgabe.  Kurze  Lebensbeschrei- 
bung  des  General-Majors  Winfield  Scott.  ...  Philadelphia :  King 
&  Baird.   [1852?]     8vo,  8  leaves.      Woodcuts.  H.  78404 

Scott.  Evening  Post  Documents. — No.  i.  Correspondence 
between  General  Winfield  Scott  and  the  Secretaries  of  War, 
William  L.  Marcy  and  Peter  B.  Porter.  [New  Tork.]  1846. 
8vo,  pp.  7.  H.  78405 

ScoTT.  General  Scott  and  his  Staff:  comprising  Memoirs  of 
...  Distinguished  Officers  attached  to  Cjcneral  Scott's  Army  ... 
and  other  Officers  distinguished  in  the  conquest  of  California  and 
New  Mexico ;  interspersed  with  Anecdotes  of  the  Mexican  War 
...  Philadelphia:  Grigg,  Elliot  i^  Co.  1848.  i2mo,  pp.  224.  Por- 
taits.  78406 

Contains  memoirs  of  Generals  Scott,  Twiggs,  Smith,  Quitman,  Shields,  Pillow,  and 





Scott.  Gen.  Scott's  Correspondence  with  Hon.  W.  L. 
Marcy,  Secretary  of  War  under  President  Folk.  [^fVashlngton  F 
1848.]    8vo,  pp.  16.  s.  78407 

Scott.  Illustrated  Edition.  Life  and  Achievements  of  Gen. 
Winfield  Scott,  the  Celebrated  Statesman,  (ieneral,  and  Pacifica- 
tor. Containinjr  an  authentic  account  of  his  Karlv  Life  and  Mili- 
tary Career,  including  a  minute  account  of  his  brilliant  career  in 
Mexico.     New  ror/t.    1852.     8vo,  pp.  63,  (i).  78408 

Scott.  Illustrated  Life  of  General  Winfield  Scott,  Com- 
mander-in-Chief of  the  Armv  in  Mexico.  Illustrated  bv  I).  H. 
Strother.     Ni-w  Tork :  A.  S.  Barnts  i^  Co,    1847.     i2mo,  pp.  144. 

Scott.  Incidents  taken  from  Mansfield's  Life  of  (ieneral 
Scott.  Life  of  General  Winfield  Scott,  Commander  of  the 
United  States  Army.  To  which  is  added  a  Sketch  of  the  Life 
of  Hon.  Wm.  A.  Graham.  With  Illustrations.  New  Tork: 
Published  by  A.  S.  Barnes  &  Co.  Boston  :  Redding  iff  Co.— Phila- 
delphia:  Peterson  is'  Co.  Baltimore:  Bur  a;  ess  .^  Toy  lor  ^  iff  Co. — Cincin- 
nati: H.  IV.  Derby  isf  Co.— New  Orleans:  J.  B.  Steel.  And  sold  by 
Booksellers  generally.    1852.     12 mo,  pp.  202.  78410 

Scott.  Infantry-Tactics  ;  or  Rules  for  the  Exercise  and 
Manoeuvres  of  the  United  States  Infantry.  Hv  Major-Gen. 
Scott.  fVashington.  1835.  i2mo.  +  New  Edition.  New  York. 
1854.  3  vols.,  l8nu».  -\'  New  fork  :  Harper  iff  Brothers.  1861. 
3  vols.,  i8mo,  pp.  202,  44,  21;  228,  47-119;  209,  123-181. 
64  Plates.  7841 1 

Scott.  Interesting  Biographical  Sketch  of  the  Lilliputian 
King  known  as  Winfield  Scott.  Second  Edition.  New  Y'ork. 
1854.     8vo.  N.  78412 

Scott.  [Leben  General  Scott's.  New  Tork.  1852?]  8vo, 
pp.  32.     Woodcuts.  H.  78413 

Scott.  Letici  to  the  Secretary  of  War;  or,  Review  of  the 
Controversy  on  a  question  of  rank,  between  CJenerals  Scott  and 
Gaines.     \^New  Tork.    1827.]     8vo,  pp.  88.  s.  78414 

See  also  Vol.  x.,  No.  40543. 

Scott.  ...  The  Life  and  Military  Character  of  Maj.  Gen. 
Scott,  Illustrated  with  Numerous  Anecdotes  and  Spirited  Engrav- 
ings. Together  with  his  Views  upon  the  Principal  Moral,  Social 
and  Political  Topics  of  the  Age.     With  full  Particulars  of  the 








Surrender  of  the  Castle  and  City  of  Vera  Cru/.  Boston:  John  B. 
Hall.  1847.  8vo,  pp.  36.  -\  Ntw  y'ork :  S,  French.  1H47.  8vo, 
pp.  36.  7H415 

Scott.  Life  and  Public  Services  of  Winfield  Scott.  Phila- 
delphia.  1852.     I2nu).  BM.  78416 

Scott.  Life  of  General  Scott.  New  y'ork.  [1852?]  8vo, 
pp.32.     M.    -f  [n.  p.  n.  d.]    8vo,  pp.  32.  78417 

Scott.  Memoirs  of  Lieut. -General  Scott,  ll.ij.  Written 
by  Himself.  In  two  volumes.  ...  New  Y'ork :  Sheldon  tif  Company. 
1864.  2  vols.,  i2mo,  pp.  (2),  xxii,  330,  Portrait;  (4),  331-653, 
Portrait.    +[//•///.]   1865.     2  vols.,  i2mo.  78418 

Two  hundred  und  Atty  cupiea  were  printed  un  large  paper  in  royal  uctavu  lite. 

Scott.  ...  Message  ...  communicating,  ...  the  correspond- 
ence of  Lieutenant  General  Scott.  [1860^  See  Vol.  xii..  No. 

Scott.  Political  I^ctters  and  Writings  of  Maj.  (Jen.  Win- 
field  Scott,  Reviewed,  Discussed  and  Compared,  [n.  p.  1848.] 
8vo  pp.  24.  78419 

Scott.  Proceedings  of  the  Court  of  Inquiry  in  the  Case  of 
Major  (jeneral  Scott,  and  Major  General  Gaines  in  1837. 
[^Ivashington.    1837.]    8vo,  pp.  734.  78420 

Relates  to  the  Seminole  War. 

Scott.  Proceedings  of  the  Military  Court  of  Inijuiry,  in  the 
Case  of  Major  General  Scott.  It'^ishington  :  Printed  hy  Galfs  and 
Seaton.    1837.     8vo,  j  p.  524.  ha.  78421 

Scott.  The  Proceedings  of  Two  Meetings,  held  in  Hoston, 
on  the  7th  &  14th  July,  to  protest  against  the  Nomination  of 
(jen.  Scott,  for  the  Presidency,  and  to  recommend  Hon.  Daniel 
Webster  for  that  Office.  JBoston  :  Printed  hy  Prentiss  iff  Sawyer. 
1852.    8vo,  pp.  24.  B.  78422 

Scott.  Report  of  the  Committee  on  Military  Affairs,  on  the 
Petition  of  Major-Cieneral  Winfield  Scott.  ...  January  27,  1829. 
[^Washington.    1829.]     8vo,  pp.  40.  s.  78423 

Scott.  Report  of  the  Joint  Special  Committee  of  the  Com- 
mon Council,  appointed  for  the  purpose  of  making  ...  arrange- 
ments for  the  Reception  of  Major-General  Scott  on  his  Return 
from  Mexico.  ...  New  Y'ork:  AlcSpedon  iff  Baker .^  Printers.  1849. 
8vo,  pp.  66.  78424 




Scott.  Scenes  in  the  Life  of  (icn.  Scutt.  [n.  p.  n.  d.]  410, 
I  leaf.     Wuodcuts.  m.  78425 

Scott.  Scott  and  Graham  Melodies;  heing  a  collection  of 
campaign  songs  for  1852.  As  sung  by  the  Whig  Chibs  through- 
out the  United  States.  Mew  I'ori :  Huestis  Uf  Coztins.  [1852.] 
Sm.  8vo,  pp.  72.  H.  78426 

Scott.  The  Scott  &  Taylor  Almanac  for  the  Year  1848: 
Calculated  for  Boston  and  New  York.  ...  Boston  ttnd  New  York. 
1848.    8vo.  H.  78427 

(.'ontdint  anecilutei  nf  Gen.  Scott. 

ScoTT.     The  Scott  Songster.     Cincinnati.   1852.     32mo. 

Scott.  State  Secrets  for  the  People.  The  Private  Letters  of 
Lieut.  (leneral  Scott,  and  Ex-President  Buchanan's  Reply.  New 
fork :  Hamilton^  "Johnson  Ss*  Farrdly.    1862.     8vo,  pp.  24. 

Scott.  Winfield  Scott  und  seine  Vcrliiumder.  Washington^ 
D.  C   1852.     8vo,  pp.  7.     Portrait.  h.  78430 

Ute  alio  Vol.  IX.,  No.  3S344- 

[ScoTTow  (Joshua),  editor?]  Massachusetts  |  Or  |  The  first 
Planters  of  New-England,  |  The  End  and  Manner  of  their  com- 
ing thi-|ther,  and  Abode  there:  In  several  I  Epistles ]  [Quota- 
tions, 17  lines.]  I  Boston  in  New-England^  Printed  by  B.  Green, 
and  I  y.  Alien.  Sold  by  Richard  IFilkins,  at  his  Shop  \  near  the  Old- 
Meeting-House.  1696. 1  Sm.  8vo,  title,  and  pp.  1-56.  a-c  in 
eights,  and  d  in  four,  besides  the  title.  L.  78431 

Contents;  "The  Humble  Request  Of  His  Majesties  Luyal  Subjects,  the  Governour 
and  the  Company  late  gone  for  New-England  :  To  the  rest  of  their  Brethren,  in  and  of 
the  Church  of  England,"  etc.,  dated  ••  From  Yarmouth  Aboard  the  Arbella.  April  7. 
1630,"  and  signed  by  Jo.  Winthrop,  Gov.,  Charles  Fines,  George  Phillips,  Rich.  Sal- 
tonstall,  Isaac  Johnson,  Tho.  Dudley,  William  Coddington,  &c.,  pp.  1-5;  Letter  of 
Thomas  Dudley,  "To  the  Right  Honourable,  My  very  good  Lady,  The  Lady  Bridget 
Countess  of  Lincoln,"  with  a  dedication  subscribed  "  Boston  in  New-England,  March 
lath.  1630,  Your  Honours  Old  Thankful  Servant,  T.  D.,"  pp.  7-27;  "The  Preface 
of  the  Reverend  Mr.  John  Allin,  of,  and  of  Mr.  Thomas  Shepard  of  Cam- 
bridge in  New  England,  before  their  Defence  of  the  Answer  made  unto  the  Nine 
j^uestions,"  subscribed  "From  New-England,  November  28.  1645.  John  Allin,  Thu. 
Shepard,"  pp.  28-40;  "In  Domini  Norton!  Librum,  ad  Lectorem  Prarfatio  Apologe- 
tica,"  subscribed  "Johannes  Cotton  in  Ecclesia  Bostoniensi  Presbyter  docens,"  pp.  41- 

56-        .  .  . 

"  It  is  not  unlikely  that  [this  volume]  was  printed  at  the  suggestion  of  Joshua  Scot- 
tow,  who  seems  to  have  been  the  earliest  person  in  the  Colony  who  had  an  antiquarian 
turn  of  mind." — Young's  Chron.  of  Mastacbuietti,  340,  note.  This  was  the  first  appear- 
ance in  print  of  Dudley's  Letter,  "  the  most  interesting  as  well  as  the  most  authentic 
document  in  our  early  annals." — J.  H.  Trumbull.  The  publication  of  the  volume 
has  also  been  attributed  to  Thomas  Dudley,  thu  grandson  of  governor  Thomas  Dudley. 


!   i 





Impnived  title  of  No.  21093,  Vol.  v.  Mr.  Brinley's  copy  sold  for  $32.50;  Mr. 
Murphy's  for  $50.  Dudley's  letter  was  also  printed  in  the  Collections  of  the  Massa- 
chusetts Historical  Society,  vol.  viii.,  pp.  36-47  j  in  the  Collections  of  the  New  Hamp- 
shire Hiitorical  Society,  vol.  iv. ;  and  with  "  expla;iatory  notes  by  Dr.  John  Farmer," 
in  Force's  Tracts,  vol.  11. 

[ScoTTow.]  Massachusetts!  Or  I  The  fiist  Planters  of  New- 
England,  I  The  End  &  Manner  of  their  coming  thither,  |  and 
Abode  there:  In  several  |  Epistles  |  [Quotations,  17  lines.]) 
Boston  in  New  England^  Printed  by  B.  Green,,  and  |  J.  Jlllen.  Sold 
by  Richard  If^ilkins,,  at  his  Shop  |  near  the  Old  Meeting  House. 
1696. 1  Sm.  8vo,  title,  and  pp.  1-36.  A-c  in  eights,  and  d  in 
four,  besides  the  title.  B.  78432 

I  am  indebted  to  Mr.  A.  P.  C.  Griffin,  of  the  Boston  Public  Library,  for  calling  my 
attention  to  this  variety  of  the  title,  which  I  have  not  seen. 

[ScoTTOW.]  Massachusetts  I  Or  I  The  first  Planters  of  New- 
England,  I  The  End  and  Manner  of  their  coming  thi-|ther,  and 
Abode  there:  In  several  |  Epistles |  [Quotations,  13  lines.]  | 
Boston  in  New-England^  |  Printed  by  B.  Green  and  J.  Allen.  \  Sold  by 
Richard  IVilkens,,  at  his  Shop\  near  the  Old  Meeting-House.  1696.  | 
Sm.  8vo,  title,  and  pp.  1-56.  b.  78433 

I  have  not  seen  this  variety  of  the  title. 

[ScoTTOW.]  A  ]  Narrative  |  Of  The  Planting  of  the  Massa- 
chusets|Colony  I  Anno  1628.  With  the  Lords  Signal  |  Presence 
the  First  Thirty  |  Years.  |  Also  a  Caution  from  New-Englands 
Apostle,  I  the  Great  |  Cotton,  |  How  to  Escape  the  Calamity,  which 
might  I  Befall  them  or  their  Posterity.  |  And  Confirmed  by  the 
Evangelist  |  Norton  |  With  Prognosticks  from  the  Famous  |  Df 
Owen.  I  Concerning  the  Fate  of  these  Churches,  and  Animad- 
versions I  upon  the  Anger  of  God,  in  sending  of  Evil  Angels  | 
among  us  |  Published  by  Old  Planters,  the  Authors  of  the  Old  | 
Mens  Tears.  |  ...  |  Boston  Printed  and  Sold  by  Benjamin  Harris.,  at 
the  I  sign  of  the  Bible  over  against  the  Blew- Anchor.    1694.]     Small 

8V0,  pp.  (4),  75,  (l).  B.,  M.,  W.   78434 

The  dedication  of  two  pages,  "  To  the  Honourable  Simon  Broadstreet,  Esq ;  Late 
Governour  r)f  tiie  Massachusets  Colony,"  is  signed  J.  S.  At  the  bottom  of  the  last 
page  are  two  lines  of  errata.  One  of  Mr.  Brinley's  copies  (No.  85^),  which  sold  f(jr 
1{!44,  contained  an  additional  page  of  errata  on  anotiier  leaf  at  the  end,  which  v:  iidt 
found  in  the  other  copies.  Reprinted  in  the  Collections  of  the  M.'jsachusetts 
Society,  fourth  seri'.-s,  vol.  iv.,  pp.  279-332. 

[ScoTTOW.]  Old  Mens  |  Tears  |  for  their  own  |  Declensions,  | 
Mixed  with  |  Fears  |  of  their  and  Posterities  further  falling  |  ofF  from 
New-England's  |  Primitive  Constitution.  |  Published  by  some  of 
Bostons  old  I  Planters  |  And  some  other.  | ...  |  Boston.,  Printed  by  Ben- 



jamin  Harris^  ami  \  'John  Allen  :   And  are  to  be  Sold  at  the  |  London- 
Coffee-House.    1691.I     Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (6),  23,  (i).     ha.,  w.  78435 

The  epistle  "  To  the  Reader"  is  signed  J.  S. 

[ScoTTOw.l  Old  Mens  |  Tears,  I  For  their  own  |  Declensions,  | 
Mixed  with  I  Fears  |  Of  their  and  Posterities  further  fal-|ling  off 
from  New-England's]  Primitive  Constitution.  |  Published  by  some 
of  Boston's  old  I  Planters,  |  And  some  other.  |  Printed  in  the  Year 
1 69 1. 1  ...  I  To  which  is  added,  an  Appendix.  |  Boston^  Re-printed  by 
J.Allen  ...  1715.     Sm.  i2mo,  title,  and  pp.  5-58.  B.  78436 

The  epistle  "To  the  Reader"  is  signed  J   S. 

[ScoTTOw.]  Old  Men's  Tears  |  For  their  own  |  Declensions,  | 
Mixed  with  |  Fcais  |  Of  their  and  Posterities  further  falling  offj 
from  New  England's]  Primitive  Constitution.  |  Published  by  some 
of  Boston's  old  |  Planters  |  And  some  others.  |  Boston :  Printed  in 
the  Tear  17 — .     Reprinted  for  B.  Gray.    I'J'^l.     l2mo,  pp.  20. 

An  edition  of  1749  is  mentioned  in  Haven's  list  of  ante-revulutionary  publications. 

[ScoTTow.]  Old  Men's  Tears  for  their  own  Declensions, 
mixed  with  Fears  of  their  and  Posterity's  further  Falling  off  from 
New-England's  Primitive  Constitution.  Published  by  some  of 
Bo^iton's  Old  Planters,  and  some  others.    Boston^  1691 :  reprinted^ 

N.  London^  ^7^9'     ^v"»  PP-  2t2. 


This  little  book  is  a  lamentation  for  the  sake  of  the  country.  The  writer  imagined 
that  the  prevalence  of  sin  had  called  down  the  vengeance  of  Heaven  upon  our  land, 
which  was  shown  in  many  instances  of  punishment,  as  "  strange  diseases,  not  suited 
formerly  to  the  pure  and  serene  air  of  our  climate  (whither  strangers  were  wont  to  have 
recourse  to  recover  tlieir  desired  health).  Not  only  with  the  infectious  small-pox,  but 
with  burning  and  spotted  fevers,  shaking  agues,"  etc.  For  a  memoir  of  Scottow  (born 
1615,  died  1698),  and  an  account  of  this  book  see  the  Massachusetts  Historical  Society's 
Collections,  second  series,  vol.  iv.,  pp.  100-104. 

S[coTTOw.]  The  |  Rise,  Spring  |  And  |  Foundation  |  Of  the  | 
Anabaptists,  |  Or  Re-baptized  of  our  Time.  |  Written  in  French 
by  Guy  de  Brez,  1565.  |  Minister  of  the  Word,  and  Martyr.  | 
And  Translated  for  the  use  of  his  Countrymen,  by  J.  S.  |...| 
Cambridge  :  \  Printed^  and  to  be  Sold  by  Marmaduke  Johnson.  1668.  | 
4to,  pp.  (4),  58.  c,  M.,  w.  78439 

Improved  title  of  No.  7785,  Vol.  11.     Mr.  Brinley's  copy  sold  for  $40. 

[ScouGAL  {Rev.  Henry),  b.  1650,  d.  1678.]  A  |  Sermon  | 
preach'd  |  on  the  25th  of  December,  being  the  |  Nativity  |  of  our  j 
Saviour.  |  By  the  Author  of  |  The  Life  of  God  in  the  Soul  of 
Man.  I  Boston^  N.  E.  \  Reprinted  in  the  Tear  1737.  |  l6mo,  pp.  (4), 
28.  B.,  M.  78440 

\    i 






'''     I 


[ScouGAi..]  Vital  Christianity:|  A  Brief  |  Essay]  On  the  Life 
of  God,  I  In  The  |  Soul  of  Man  ;  |  Produced  and  Maintained  by  a  | 
Christ  living  in  us  ;  JAnd  [The  Alystery  of  a  Christ  |  within,  Ex- 
plained. I  With  an  Exhibition,  in  which  all  that  |  Fear  God  and 
give  Glory  to  Him,  will  be  |  sanctified  J  ...  |  Printed  by  Samuel  Ke't- 
mer^  for  klenzer\  Phillips^  in  Charles-Town  in  New-England^\and 
sold  at  Rice  Peter's^  in  Chesnut-street^  Phi-\ladelphia.  1725.I  8vo, 
PP-  (6),  ZO,  (i).  B.,  M.  78441 

[ScouGAL.]  Vital  Christianity :  I A  Brief  |  Essay  |  On  the  Life 
of  God,  I  in  the  |  Soul  of  Man  ;  |  Produced  and  Maintained  by  | 
Christ  living  in  us  :  |  and  |  The  Mystery  of  Christ  |  within.  Ex- 
plained. I  With  an  Exhibition,  in  which  all  that  |  Fear  God,  and 
give  Glory  to  Him,  will  be  |  satisfied.  | ...  |  Philadelphia  :  Printed  by 
David  Harry.   1730.  |     i2mo,  pp.  (6),  26.  78442 

The  dedication  in  two  leaves  is  signed  by  Cotton  Mather,  and  addressed  "  To  all  who 
desire  to  worsliip  God  in  the  Spirit,  and  rejoiie  in  Christ  Jesus,  and  have  no  Confidence 
in  the  Flesh;  more  particularly  to  our  beloved  Friends,  who  desire  that  Christ  within 
may  have  due  Regards  paid  unto  him." 

[ScouGAL.]  Vital  Christianity.  A  brief  Essay  on  the  Life  or 
God  in  the  Soul  of  Man.  Boston^  reprinted.  1741.  Small  8vo, 
pp.  88.  78443 

[ScouGAL.]  The  I  Life  of  God  |  in  the  |  Soul  of  Man  :  |  or,  the  | 
Nature  and  Excellency  |  of  the  |  Christian  Religion.  |  Also  |  An 
Account  of  the  Beginnings  and  Advan-J  ces  of  a  Spiritual  Life,  | 
With  I  A  Recommendatory  Preface  by  |  Gilbert  Burnet,  Late  Lord 
Bi-|shop  of  Sarum.  |  Philadelphia :  |  Printed  and  Sold  by  IV.  Dun- 
lap^\in  Market-Street^  m.dcc.lxvi.]    Sm.  i2mo,  pp.  xxiv,  196. 

Title  from  Hildeburn. 

[ScouGAL.]  The  I  Life  of  God  |  in  the  |  Soul  of  Man  :  |  or,  the  | 
Nature  and  Excellency  of  the  |  Christian  Religion  :  |  With  the 
Method  of  attaining  I  the  Happiness  which  it  proposes.  |  Also,  |  An 
Account  of  the  Beginnings  and  Ad-|vances  of  a  Spiritual  Life.  | 
With  a  Preface,  |  By  Gilbert  Burnet,  d.d.  |  Late  Bishop  of  Sarum. 
I  ...  I  New-  York :  Printed  by  H.  Gaine^  at  the  |  Bible  and  Crown^  in 
Hanover-Square^\iA  iicchxwi.\     Sm.  i2mo,  pp.  ix,  158,  iv. 

ScouGAL.  Life  of  God  in  the  Soul  of  Man.  ...  Boston^  B. 
Edes  ^  Son.    1789.     i8mo.  78446 

ScouGAL.  The  I  Life  of  God,  |  in  the  |  Soul  of  Man,  |  or,  the| 
Nature  and  Excellency  |  of  the  |  Christian  Religion,  |  By  Henry 
Scougal, I ...  [To  which  is  subjoined, |  Rules  for  a  Holy  Life,]  By 

at  thi 


pp.  (2 

"  Froi 


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James  M. 
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March   16, 
^\'o,  pp.  1 6 



Archbishop  Lcighton.  |  Philadelphia  :  Printed  by  Ormrod  &  Conrad^ 
at  the  Old  FranklitCs  Head,    1795.     l2mo,  pp.  (2),  9-140,  28.     H. 

ScouGAL.  [Das  Lebcn  Gottes  in  der  Seele  des  Menschen. 
Von  Henry  Scougal.  Mit  2  Vorredcn  von  Gilbert  Burnett  und 
William  Wisshart.  Erste  Americanische  Auflage.  Germantoim. 
Gedruckt  und  %u  finden  bey  Christoph  Saur  itn  Jahre  1 755.]  l6nio, 
pp.  (21),  77.  H.s.P.  78448 

"From  a  manuscript  title  added  to  an  impcrfett  copy  by  Mr.  A.  H.  Cassel." — Hil- 


[Scougal.]  Das|Leben  Gottes | in | der  Seele  des  Menschen] 
oder  I  die  Natur  und  Vortrefflichkcit  |  der|  Christlichen  Religion,] 
den  1  Zerstreuten  Kindern  Gottes  und  verlohrnen  Scha- 1  fen  vom 
Hause  Israel  in  und  ausier  den  mancherley  |  Partien.zuni  Dienst,  j 
auf  ]  Veranstaltung  der  von  einer  liiblichen  Ge- ]  scUschaft  in  Lon- 
don ernanten  General  ]  Trustees  aus  dem  englischen  ins  teutsche  ] 
iibcrsctzt ;  |  Nebst  ]  einer  in  ihrcn  Namen  gestellten  Vorrede,  j 
worin  |  so  wohl  das  Vorhaben  dieser  loblichen  Gc-|sellschaft  als 
auch  die  eigentliche  Absicht  ]  dieser  gegenwartigen  Uebersetzung 
vor-jgeleget  wir('.  ]  Philadelphia  :  Gedruckt  und  %u  haben  bey  Benja- 
min I  Francklin^  Post-Meister  und  Ant,  Armbruester^  1756.]  8vo, 
pp.  (21),  78,  (i).  H.s.P.  78449 

Title  from  Hildeburn. 

The  Scourge.  In  two  Numbers.  Boston.  Reprinted.  1771. 
8vo.  7^450 

Title  from  Haven's  list  of  ante-revolutionary  publications. 

The  Scourge  of  Fashion.  By  Phylanthus.  [In  verse.]  New 
Y'ork,    iSoo.     i2mo.  78451 

Scourge  (H.),  p^  udon.  Tit  for  Tat, ) or  the]  Score  wip'd  off.  ] 
By  Humphrey  Scourge,  Esq;  |  Number  i.  ]  To  be  continued 
Occasionally.  I  [^Philadelphia:  Printed  by  James  Chattin.  1756.] 
Folio,  p,     4.  H.s.P.  78452 

Dated,  Philadelphia,  Nov.  i,  1755.     Title  from  Hildeburn. 

ScouTEMO  (Gulielmo  Cornelio).     See  Schouten. 

ScovEL  (J.  M.)  New  Jersey  for  the  Union.  Speech  of  Hon. 
James  M.  Scovel,  ...  upon  the  Bill  prohibiting  the  Enlistment  of 
Negro  Troops  in  New  Jersey,  under  a  Penalty  of  ;^500  ... 
March  16,  1864.  Trenton^  N,  J.:  Murphy  &  Bechtel,  1864. 
8\'o,  pp.  16.  H.  78453 

!  ;s 



ScovEL.  New  Jersey  for  the  War.  Speech  of  Hon.  James 
M.  Scovel,  of  Camden,  New  Jersey,  on  the  Peace  ResoKitions, 
delivered   in   the    New  Jersey   House  of  Assembly,  March   17, 

1863.  Camden^  N.J.    1863.     8vo,  pp.  11.  78454 

Scovel.  Our  relations  with  the  Rebellious  States.  Speech 
of  Hon.  James  M.  Scovel,  delivered  in  the  New  Jersey  Senate, 
February  27th,  1866.  [^Trenton  :  Murphy  l^  Bechtel.  i^tb.']  8vo, 
pp.  16.  H.  78455 

Scovel.  Speech  of  James  M.  Scovel,  Esq.,  at  the  Demo- 
cratic Mass  Meeting  at  Chester,  Pa.  Phonographically  reported. 
[^Chester?   1856?]     8vo,  pp.  7.  B.  78456 

Advocates  the  election  of  Buchanan  to  the  presidency  of  the  United  States. 

Scovel.  Speech  of  the  Hon.  James  M.  Scovel,  before  the 
Anti-Monopoly  Convention,  at  Trenton,  N.  J.,  Feb.  i,  1865. 
Trenton:  Murphy  &  Bechtel.    1865.     8vo,  pp.  12.  H.  78457 

Scovel.  Three  Speeches  13y  Hon.  Jas.  M.  Scovel,  delivered 
in  the  Senate  and  House  of  Representatives  of  New  Jersey.  ... 
I.  New  Jersey  for  the  War.  2.  New  Jersey  for  the  Union.  3. 
New  Jersey  for  Enfranchisement.  Camden^  N.  J.:  Horace  B. 
D;ck.    1870.     8vo,  pp.  64.  H.  78458 

Scovel  (S.  F.)  Always  Thankful.  A  Discourse  delivered 
in  Springfield,  Ohio,  November  27,  1862.  By  Sylvester  F.  Sco- 
vel.     [Spring field F   1862.]     8vo,  pp.  15.  78459 

ScovELL  (T.  P.)     A  Poem.  By  Thomas  P.  Scovell ;  and  a 

Valedictory  Oration,  by  Henry  C.  Deming.     Delivered  July  6, 

1836,  before   the   Senior   Class  of  Yale.     New  Haven.     1836. 

8vo,  pp.  10.  78460 

ScoviLL  (A.  L.)  A.  L.  Scovill  &  Co.'s  Farmers'  and  Me- 
chanics' Almanac  for  1866.  Calculated  for  the  New  England 
States.  ...  Juburn^  N.  T.:  Printed  by  IVm.  J,  Moses.  [1865.] 
i2mo.     Continued.  H.  78461 

[ScoviLLE  (Joseph  A.),  h.  181 1,  d.  1864.]  Marion.  By 
Manhattan.     Second  Edition.     London :  Saunders^  Otley^  and  Co. 

1864.  3  vols.,  i2mo,  pp.  xi,  300;   viii,  262;  viii,  268.       78462 

A  fictitious  account  of  New  York  Society,  dedicated  to  James  Gordon  Bennett.    The 
New  York  edition  is  said  to  have  been  suppressed. 

[ScoviLLE.]  Marion.  Beelden  uit  het  leven  te  New- York. 
Uit  het  Engelsch.   ...   Leiden.    1866.     2  vols.,  8vo.  7846^ 



[ScoviLLE.]  The  Old  Merchants  of  New  York  City.  By 
Walter  Barrett,  Clerk.  ...  New  York:  Carleton.  mdccclxiii. 
i2mo,  pp.  452,  Index  453-472.  b.  -)-  Second  Series.  [Ibid.'] 
1863.  i2mo,  pp.  406.  +  Third  Series.  [/&/'</.]  1864.  i2mo, 
pp.  351.  +  Fourth  Series.  [IhidJ]  1866.  i2mo,  pp.  255.  + 
Fifth  Series.    [Ibid.']   1869.     i2mo,  pp.  304.  78464 

[ScoviLLE.]  The  Old  Merchants  of  New  York  City.  By 
Walter  Barrett,  Clerk.  ...  New  Tork :  M.  Doolady.  1870.  3 
vols.,  i2mo,  pp.  (6),  9-472  i  (6),  9-406,  (2),  5-255  ;  (4),  9-351, 
(2),  5-308.  4-  [Ibid^  1872.  3  vols.,  i2mo,  Vol.  i.,  pp.  ^6),  9- 
472,  with  a  Plate  and  3  Portraits;  Vol.  ii.  Part  i.,  pp.  (6),  9- 
406,  with  3  Portraits,  Part  11.,  (2),  2-255,  with  a  Portrait ;  Vol. 
III.  Part  I.,  pp.  (4),  9-351,  with  a  Map  and  Portrait,  Part  11.,  (2), 
5-308,  with  2  Portraits.  78465 

The  edition  of  1870  was  published  without  the  plates. 

[ScoviLLE.]  Vigor.  A  Novel.  By  Walter  Barrett,  Clerk. 
...  New-York :  Carleton.  mdccclxiv.     i2nio,  pp.  428.  B.,  c. 

This  book  was  suppressed  by  the  publisher.     See  alio  Vol.  xi.,  No.  44253. 

ScRANTON  (E.)  A  Genealogical  Register  of  the  Descendants 
of  John  Scranton  of  Guilford,  Conn.,  who  died  in  the  year  1671. 
Compiled  by  Rev.  Erastus  Scranton,  a.m.,  of  Burlington,  Conn. 
Hartford:  Press  of  Case.,  Tiffany  and  Company.  1855.  8vo,  pp. 
104.  A.  78467 

Scranton  (G.  W[hitefield]),  b.  1811,  d.  1861.  The  Speaker- 
ship. Speeches  of  Hon.  George  W.  Scranton  and  Hon.  James 
H.  Campbell  of  Pennsylvania,  on  the  Political  Questions  of  the 
day,  delivered  in  the  House  of  Representatives,  January  11,  i860. 
[fVashington  :  Buell  &  Blanchard,  Printers,   i860.]    8vo,  pp.  8. 

Scranton,  Pennsylvania.  Report  on  the  Mt.  Pleasant  Coal 
Mine,  ...  at  Scranton,  ...  Penn.     April,  1864.     Boston:  Wright 


^  Potter^  Printers.  1864.  8vo,  pp.  ii. 
Scranton  City  Directory,  1867-68.  , 
The  Scrap  Table,  for  mdcccxxxi. 

.  Scranton.   1867. 
Boston  :  Carter  . , 




i2mo,  pp.  184. 

The  pieces  "Olden  Time"  and  "Ascot  Heath"  are  founded  on  revolutionary  inci- 

Scratchley  (A.) 
being  a  Treatise  on 
Scratchley.     London : 

VOL.    XIX. 

Industrial    Investment   and  Emigration ; 

Benefit    Building    Societies.  By  Arthur 

Parker  l5f  Son.    1851.     8vo.  78472 





r  if 

I!      t 

!4  fi 





ScRAWLENBURGius  (J.),  pseutloh,  Thc  Combustible  ;  a  Heroic 
Poem.  With  Notes  Critical  and  Explanatory.  By  Johannes 
Scrawlcnburgius.   ...   [n.  p.    i8i-?]    8vo,  pp.  i6.         ba.  78473 

[ScRiBANUs  (Charles),  S.  y.,  b.  1561,  d.  1629.]  Den  ver- 
nieuden  Nederlandschen  Wacrseggcr  ...  midtsgaders  de  macht 
van  de  Spaensche,  West-Indische  en  Nedcrlandsche  Provincien. 
Als  oock  den  heelen  Africaenschen  handcl.  Amsterdam:  jf.  Vese- 
ler.  [1620.]    8vo,  pp.  146.  78474 

The  New  Netherland  foreteller,  ...  the  forces  of  the  Spanish,  West-Indian  and 
Dutch  Provinces,  and  the  African  commerce.  Pages  97-144  contain  "  Den  Gherefor- 
mcerden  HoUandschen  Apocalypsis." 

Scribblings  and  Sketches.     See  [Watmough  (Edmond)]. 

ScRiBER  (Peter)^  pseudon.     See  Vol.  xiv.,  No.  61178. 

The  I  Scribler  |  Being  a  |  Letter  |  From  a  Gentleman  in  Town  | 
To  his  I  Friend  in  the  Country,  |  concerning  the  present  State  of 
Public  I  Affairs  ;  |  with  a  |  Lapidary  Character.  | ...  |  [^Philadelphia  ;] 
Printed  [by  Jnthony  Jnribruster']  in  the  Tear  MDCC,LXIV.  |     Smiill 

8vo,  pp.  24. 

H.s.P.  78475 

This  is  a  reply  to  the  epitaph  on  Franklin,  and  concludes  with  an  imitation  of  it  in  a 
"Lapidary  Character"  of  Dr.  Wm.  Smith.  Title  and  note  from  Hildeburn's  "Issues 
of  the  Press  in  Pennsylvania,"  No.  2060. 

Scriblings  and  Sketches.     See  [Watmough  (Edmond)]. 

[ScRiBNER  (B.  F.)]  Camp  Life  of  a  Volunteer.  A  Campaign 
in  Mexico,  or  A  Glimpse»at  Life  in  Camp.  By  "One  who  has 
seen  the  Elephant."  Philadelphia :  Griggs  Elliot  and  Co.  1847. 
Svo,  pp.  75.  H.  78476 

[ScRiBNER.]  A  Campaign  in  Mexico.  By  "One  who  was 
Thar."  ...  Philadelphia:  James  Gihon.  1850.  8vo,  pp.  5-75,  and 
covers.  B.  78477 

A  reissue  of  the  preceding  number. 

ScRiBNER  (F.  L.)  The  Ornamental  and  Useful  Plants  or 
Maine  :  affording  popular  Descriptions  and  practical  Observations 
on  thc  Habits,  Properties,  Uses  and  best  Methods  of  Propagation 
and  Culture,  of  nearly  all  the  ornamental  and  useful  Plants  found 
native  in  the  State.  By  F.  Lamson  Scribner,  b.s.  Augusta. 
Printed  for  the  Author.    1875.     8vo,  pp.  85.  B.  78478 

Scribner.  Weeds  of  Maine :  aff"ording  popular  Descriptions 
and  practical  Observations  in  regard  to  the  Habits,  Properties, 
and    best   Methods  of  Extermination,  of  nearly  all  the  weeds 

;f      '11 



found  in  the  State.  By  F.  Lamson  Scribner,  of  the  Second  Class 
of  the  Maine  Agricultural  College.  Augusta :  Sprague^  Owen  ^ 
Nash^  Printers  to  the  State.    1869.    8vo,  pp.  62,  and  covers. 

Scribner  (I[saac]  W.),  d.  1864.  Review  of  the  Rev.  U.  C. 
Burnap's  Sermon  on  Bible  Servitude.  By  I.  W.  Scribner,  m.d. 
...  Published  by  request  of  the  friends  of  the  slave  in  Lowell. 
[^Lowellf]  Printed  by  J.  G.  Pillshury.   1844.     8vo,  pp.  22.  H. 

Scribner  (J.  M.)  Scribner's  Engineers'  and  Mechanics* 
Companion ;  comprising  United  States'  Weights  and  Measures ; 
Mensuration  of  Superficies  and  Solids;  ...  the  Mechanical  Pow- 
ers ...  Steam  and  the  Steam  Engine.  Second  Edition.  ...  By  J. 
M.  Scribner,  a.m.  New-Tor k :  Huntington  &  Savage.  1845. 
i2mo,  pp.  240.  Plate.  +  New  Edition,  revised  and  enlarged. 
Hartford:  W.  J.  Hamersley.   1863.     i8mo.  7848 1 

Also :  The  Engineers',  Contractors',  and  Surveyors'  Pocket  Table-Book.     Seventh 
edition.     Hartford:  W.  J.  Hameriley.   1863.     1 8 mo. 

[Scribner  (J.  P.)]  Laconia :  or.  Legends  of  the  White 
Mountains.  By  an  Old  M'ountaineer.  Boston :  Lilly  ^  Brother. 
1856.     i2mo,  pp.  489.  c.  78482 

Scribner  (T.  T.)  Indiana's  Roll  of  Honor.  By  Theodore 
T.  Scribner.  Volume  ii.  Indianapolis  (^/nd.):  A.  D.  Streight. 
1866.    8vo,  pp.  652.     10  Plates.  c.  78483 

Scribner's  Monthly,  an  Illustrated  Magazine  for  the  People. 
Conducted  by  J.  G.  Holland.  ...  New  Tork :  Scribner  bf  Co. 
1 870-1 88 1.     22  vols.,  8vo.  78484 

Beginning  with  vol.  23,  in  i88i,  it  was  continued  as  "The  Century  Magazine." 

ScRiPPS  (J.  L.)  The  Undeveloped  Northern  Portion  of  the 
American  Continent.  A  Lecture  delivered  ...  before  Bell's 
Commercial  College,  Feby.  1856.     By  J.  L.  Scripps.     Chicago: 

''^Democratic  Press"  House,   1856.     8vo,  pp.  20. 

B.  78485 

Scriptum  Dominum  Protectoris  Reipublicae  Angliae,  Scotinae, 
Hiberniae  ....  Ex  consensu  atque  sententia  concilii  sui  editum  in 
quo  hujus  Reipublicas  causa  contra  Hispanos  justu  esse  demon- 
stratur.     London.    1655.    4to.  78486 

The  Scriptural  Deacon.  See  [Nightingale  (J.)],  Vol.  xiii., 
No.  55301. 

Scriptural  Enquiry  concerning  what  the  Friends  call  Scriptural 







1 68 


Baptism.    Being  an  Answer  to  a  Publication  of  a  Friend  in  Rhode 
Island  by  the  name  of  Moses  Brown  ...   Exeter.    1794.     8vo. 

The  work  to  which  this  ii  a  reply  is  entitled  :  "Observations  on  Samuel  Shcpard'i 
Three  Letters  on  Baptism  ...  By  M^ses  Brown."  Pro-viJenee,  R.  /.  1793.  "*"»  PP- 
12.     w. 

The  Scriptural  Interpreter.     Vol.  i.    July,  1831.     No.  i.   ... 
Boston:   Leonard  C.  Bowles.     IVaitt  and  Dow^  Printers.    [1831.I 


i2mo.     Continued. 

H.  7848} 

Scriptural  Notices  respecting  Bondmen  j  and  a  Plan  for  the 
Gradual  Manumission  of  Slaves.      London.    1823.     8vo,  pp.  9. 

A  Scriptural  Refutation.     See  Vol.  viii.,  No.  30492,  note. 

A  Scriptural  View  of  Politics.  Addressed  to  Serious-Minded 
Christians,     [n.  p.  n.  d.]     8vo,  pp.  8.  s.  78490 

On  Adams  and  Jackson. 

The  Scripture-Bishop  I  Or  |  The  Divine  Right  |  of  |  Presbyterian  | 
Ordination  Si,  (lovernmcnt,  Considered  in  a  |  Dialogue  [between  | 
Praelaticus  and  Eleutherius.  Boston:  N.  E.  Printed  for  D.  Hench- 
man^\in  Corn-Hill.    1732.  |     8vo,  pp.  (4),  ii,  58.  b.,  H.,  w. 

By  Jonathan  Dickinson.  For  a  reply  entitled  "Eleutherius  Eiiervatus," i««  [Wetmorc 

The  Scripture  Bishop,  |  or,  |  The  Divine  Right  |  of  |  Presbyterian  | 
Ordination  and  Government,  |  Consider'd  in  a  Dialogue  |  between  | 
Prelaticus  and  Elutherius,  |  Examin'd  in  |  Two  Letters  |  to  a  | 
Friend.  I  \_Boston  :'\  Printed  in  the  Tear^  1733' I    8vo,  pp.  48.     w. 

With  half-title:  "The  Scripture-Bishop,  |  Examin'd  in  |  Two  Letters  to  a  Friend." 
The  authorship  cf  thia  review  of  Dickinson's  work  is  attributed  to  Rev.  Moses  Brown 
of  Piscataqua.  This  is  the  same  work  that  is  entered  in  Haven's  list,  with  a  twisted 
title,  as  containing  52  pages.     The  above  title  was  furnished  by  Mr.  E.  M.  Barton, 

The  Scripture-Bishop  Vindicated.  |  A  |  Defence  of  the  Dialogue 
I  between  |  Praelaticus  and  Eleutherius,  |  Upon  |  The  Scripture- 
Bishop,  or  I  The  Divine  Right  of  Presbyterian  Ordination  |  and 
Government :  |  Against  |  The  Exceptions  of  a  Pamphlet,  |  Intitled,  | 
The  Scripture-Bishop  Examin'd.  |  By  Eleutherius,  v.d.m.  |  In  a 
Letter  to  a  Friend,  |  ,,,  |  Boston^  New-England :  \  Printed  by  S.  Knee- 
land  l^  T.Green.,  for  D.  Henchman\in  Cornhill.  1733.]  8vo,  pp. 
(4),  126.  B.  78493 

By  Jonathan  Dickinson.  With  half-title  :  "  Praelaticus  Triumphatus.  |  A  Vindica- 
tion of  I  Presbyterial  Ordination  &  Government.  |  In  Answer  to  |  The  Scripture-Bishop 
Examin'd,  |  And  to  |  Eleutherius  Enervatus." 



The  Scripture  Bishop.  Or  an  Answer  to  a  Pamphlet  Intitlcd 
The  Divine  Right  of  Presbyterian  Ordination  ...  Boston.  1773. 
8vo.  7^494 

Title  from  Dexter's  ••  Bibliography  of  Congregationalism,"  No.  3664.  For  the  book 
to  which  this  is  a  rrply,  entitli-J  "A  Vindication  of  the  Validity  and  Uivinn  Right  of 
Presbyterian  Ordination,"  ite  Welles  (N.) 

Scripture  Catechism  ;  by  a  Clergyman  of  Massachusetts. 
Cambridge.    1804.     1 2  mo.  78495 

A  Scripture-Catechism,  or,  The  Principles  of  the  Christian 
Religion  ...  in  the  Words  of  the  Bible.  ^Boston?  1 800?] 
i2mo.  78496 

The  Scripture  Doctrine  with  regard  to  Cidvery.  By  a  Clergy- 
man of  the  Protestant  Episcopal  Church.  PotisvilU :  Benjamin 
Bannany  Printer.  1854.  8vo,  pp.  10.  B.  -f  Second  Edition. 
Pottsvilte :  Printed  by  Benj.  Bannan,    1856.     8vo,  pp.  10.     78497 

The  authorship  has  been  attributed  to  Wm.  M.  Peyton. 

Scripture  Evidence  of  the  Sinfulness  of  Injustice  and  Oppres- 
sion.    See  [Dudley  (Mary)],  Vol.  v.,  No.  21086. 

The  authorship  has  also  been  attributed  to  William  Naish  [tee  Vol.  xii.,  No.  51733, 
tiote)^  but  he  only  paid  for  the  printing. 

Scripture  the  Friend  of  Freedom  ;  exemplified  by  a  Refutation 
of  the  Arguments  offered  in  Defence  of  Slavery,  in  a  tract  enti- 
tled. Scriptural  Researches  on  the  Licitness  of  the  Slave  Trade. 
London:  "James  Phillips,   mdcclxxxix.     8vo,  pp.  vi,  (i),  79. 

In  reply  to  No.  304(^2,  Vol.  viii. 

Scripture  Tract  for  the  Times.  By  Connecticut.  Hartford. 
1859.    8vo,  pp.  8.  7^499 

Scripture  Truths  and  Precepts.  A  Short  Catechism,  with 
Proofs  ...   Boston.   1791.    8vo.  78500 

Scrivener  {Dr.)  Republique  Argentine.  De  la  salubrite  du 
climat  des  Andes.  Par  le  docteur  Scrivener.  Angers :  Imp.  La- 
chese^  Belleuvre  et  Dolbeau.    1869.     8vo,  pp.  18.  78501 

ScRiVENOR  (H.)  A  Comprehensive  History  of  the  Iron  Trade 
throughout  the  World,  from  the  earliest  records  to  the  present 
period,  with  Official  Tables.  By  Harry  Scrivenor.  ...  London. 
1841.    8vo.  A.  78502 

Scrivenor.  History  of  the  Iron  Trade,  from  the  earliest  rec- 
ords to  the  present  period.     By  Harry  Scrivenor  ...  New  Edition. 





London:  Longman^  Brown^  Greeny  and  Longmans.    1854.     8vo,  pp. 
vlii,  327.  D.  78503 

ScROGGs  (G.  A.)  The  Duty  of  Americans.  Speeches  of 
General  G.  A.  Scroggs,  Dr.  S.  B.  Hunt,  and  others,  at  the  Amer- 
ican Meeting  held  at  Aurora,  N.  Y.,  August  4,  i860.  .  .  Uujf'alo: 
Patriot  Office,  [i860.]    8vo,  pp.  15.  78504 

ScRopii  (G.  P.  [Thompson]),  b.  1797,  d,  1876.  Considera- 
tions on  Volcanoes  ;  the  probable  Cause  of  the  Phenomena,  the 
Laws  which  determine  their  March,  the  Disposition  of  their  Pro- 
ducts, and  their  Connexion  with  the  present  State  and  past  His- 
tory of  the  Globe,  leading  to  the  Establishment  of  a  new  Theory 
of  the  Earth.  By  G.  Poulett  Scrope.  London:  IV.  Phillips. 
1825.    8vo.  7^505 

Scrope.  Extracts  of  Letters  from  Poor  Persons  who  Emi- 
grated last  Year  to  Canada  and  the  United  States  ...  Second  Edi- 
tion enlarged.     London.    1832.     8vo,  pp.  32.  78506 

Edited  by  G.  I'uulc'         rupe.      For  the  first  edition  ue  Vul.  in.,  No.  10444. 

Scrope.  Memoir  of  the  Life  of  the  Right  Honourable  Charles 
Lord  Sydenham,  ...  with  a  Narrative  of  his  Administration  in 
Canada.  Edited  by  his  brother,  G.  Poulett  Scrope,  Esq.,  m.p. 
London:  'John  Murray,   mdcccxliii.     8vo,  pp.  xii,  498.    Portrait. 

Scrope.  Memoir  of  the  Life  or  The  Right  Honourable 
Charles  Lord  Sydenham,  g.c.b.  ;  with  a  Narrative  of  his  Admin- 
istration in  Canada.  Edited  by  his  Brother,  G.  Poulett  Scrope, 
Esq.,  M.p.  Second  Edition.  London:  John  Alurray.  MDCCC- 
XLiv.     Post  8vo,  pp.  xii,  (1),  403.     Portrait.  78508 

Scrope.  Volcanos.  The  Character  of  their  Phenomena, 
their  Share  in  the  Structure  and  Composition  of  the  Surface  of 
the  Globe,  and  their  Relation  to  its  Internal  Forces.  With  a 
Descriptive  Catalogue  of  all  known  Volcanos  aiil  Volcanic  For- 
mations. By  G.  Poulett  Scrope,  m.p.  ...  Second  Edition,  revised 
and  enlarged  ;  with  a  Map  of  the  Volcanic  Areas  of  the  Globe, 
Frontispiece,  Woodcuts,  etc.  London :  Longman.^  Green.,  Long- 
mans^ attd  Roberts.    1862.     8vo,  pp.  xi,  490.  BA.  78509 

For  the  first  edition,  see  No.  78505,  supra. 

ScuDDER  (E.)  Memorial  Record.  In  Memory  of  Hon. 
Increase  Sumner,  of  Great  Barrington,  Mass.  A  Funeral  Dis- 
course, by  Rev.  Evarts  Scudder.     With  an  Appendix,  contain- 



inp  Obituary  Notices  ...  .   Brid^epon^  Conn.:   GoulJ  and  ,Stiies. 
1871.     8vo,  pp.  74.     Portrait.  0,78510 

ScuiiDKR  (H.)  The  Chrisiian's  Daily  Walkc  in  holy  Secviitie 
and  Peace  ...  Hy  Hinry  Scudilcr  ...  London.  1627.  i2mo,  pp. 
(24),  77^(2^^)-  7«5»« 

With  "An  Epistle  to  the-  RcaJer"  hy  John  Davenport. 

ScunoER.  The  Christians  Dailv  Walkc  ...  The  sixt  eilitioii, 
corrected  ...  by  the  Author.  Liudon^  Printed  h  M.  D.  for  H. 
Overton.  1635.  I2nu).  bm.  -|-  1  he  seventh  edition.  Londun. 
1637.     i2mo.  y^S'i 

Edited  by  JdIui  Divenport. 

ScuDDER.  The  Christian's  Daily  Walke  in  hoI\  Secuiitic  and 
Peace  ...  The  eighth  edition,  C(irrectcd.  LonJ^n^  Printed  hy  I. 
L,  for  Henry  Overton.    1642.     l2mo.  7^513 

With  a  long  preface  of"  21  p.jges  by  John  Davenport,  afterwards  of  New  Haven. 

ScuDDKR.  The]  Christians  daily  Walk  |  In  Holy  |  Security  and 
Peace.  |  Being  an  Answer  to  these  Questions,]  i.  How  a  man  may 
do  each  present  daies  work,  with  |  Christian  chearfullness  ?  | ...  j 
Containing  familiar  Directions;  Shewing  |  i.  How  to  walk  with 
God  in  the  whole  course  of  a  mans  lite.]  ...  |  By  Henry  Scudder, 
Preacher  of  the  word.  Rector  and  Pastor  of  the  Church  of  Col- 
lingbornducis  in  Wiltshire.  |  I'he  'linth  Edition,  corrected  and 
enlarged  by  the  .-Xuthor.  |  ...  |  London.,  Printed  for  Henry  Cripps^  and 
Lodoiuick  I  I'loyd^  and  are  to  be  sold  at  their  shop.,  at  the  |  entring  in 
of  Popes  head  Jlley  out  of\  Lu?nhard  street.  1652.  |  12mo,  pp.  (24), 
641,(17).  B.  (  Twelfth  Edition  revised.  London:  Printed  by 
John  fohnson.,  for  the  Society  for  Promoting  Religious  Knoivledge 
among  the  Poor,  mdcclxi.  l2mo.  B.,  ba.  -|-  The  Fourteenth 
Edition.  London,  1805.  i2mo.  +  With  an  Introductory  Essay 
by  Thomas  Chalmers,  d.d.  ...  Glasgow:  Printed  for  IViUiam  Col- 
lins ...  1826.     i2mo,  pp.  440.  L.  78514 

Probably  all  of  the  editions  contain  John  Davenport's  epistle  to  the  reader.  Al  i> 
printed  in  German,  Frankfurt,  1636,  8vo, 

ScuDDKR  ^H.  A.)  Argument  in  behalf  of  the  E.ast  Boston 
Ferry  Company  against  the  petition  of  Albert  Bowker  and  others, 
before  a  joint  special  committee  of  the  C^ity  Council  of  Boston, 
March  14,  1866.  By  Henry  A.  Scudder.  Boston:  1 1  right  ^ 
Potter.    1866.     8vo,  pp.  44.  H.  78515 

Scudder.  An  Oration  before  the  Cape  Cod  Association,  at 
their  First  Anniversary  Celebration  in  Boston,  Nov.  ii,  1851. 






I     i 

I!     I 


)  : 

(  ! 

I  i^ 


By  Henry  A.  Scuddcr.     liosten :  Eastbutn's  Pttss.    1852.     8vo, 
pp.  49.  11.  78516 

ScuDDEK.  Speech  of  Henry  A.  Scudder,  on  the  Troy  and 
Greenfield  Railroad,  in  the  Massachusetts  House  of  Representa- 
tives, April  16,  1863.     Boston.   1 S63.     8vo,  pp.  38.        h.  78517 

Sc  UDDER  (H.  J.)  An  Address  delivered  at  Glen  Cove  L.  I. 
at  the  C'elebration  of  the  sccoiul  Centennial  Anniversary  of  the 
Scttlcnicnt  of  that  village,  By  Henry  J.  Scudder,  Esq.,  May  25, 
1868.  With  an  Appendix.  iGlen  Cove  :  Printed  for  the  Cowmittee. 
1868.     i2mo,  pp.  195.     Frontispiece.  7^5^^ 

Scudder  (H.  M.)  The  Catholics  and  the  Public  Schools. 
By  Henrv  Martyn  Scudder,  d.d.  New  fork:  Mason^  Baker  isf 
Pratt.   1 1^73.     i2mo,  pp.  28.  1^S^9 

Scudder.  A  Discourse  delivered  in  the  Howard  Presbyterian 
Church,  San  Francisco,  Thanksgiving  Day,  November  29th, 
1866,  By  Henry  Martyn  Scudder,  d.d.  Pastor.  ...  San  Francisco: 
Edward  Bosqui  ^  Co.^  Book  and  Job  Printers.  1866.  8vo,  pp.  36, 
and  covers.  7^520 

Scudder  (H.  E.)  Life  and  Letters  of  David  Coit  Scudder, 
Missionary  in  Southern  India.  By  Horace  E.  Scudder.  New 
I'ork :  Hurd  iff  Houghton,  mdccclxiv.  i2mo,  pp.  vi,  402.  Por- 
trait, c,  H.  78521 

Scudder  (J.)  A  Companion  to  the  American  Museum ; 
being  a  Catalogue  of  upwards  of  Fifty  Thousand  Natural  and 
foreign  Curiosities,  Antiquities,  and  Productions  of  the  Fine 
Arts :  now  open  for  public  inspection,  in  the  New  York  Institu- 

tion, Park,  Broadway.  ...  Notes  and  Explanatory  Remarks,  B\ 
John  Scudder.  ...  First  Edition.  New  Tork :  Printed  by  G.  r. 
Hopkins.   1823.    8vo.     Plate.  h.  78522 

Scudder  [John].  Letter  from  Dr.  Scudder,  of  Ceylon, 
addressed  ...  to  the  young  men  in  the  Colleges  and  Seminaries  or 
Learning  in  the  United  States  of  America.  \^New  Tork.  184-?] 
8vo.  7^523 

Scudder  (M.  L.)  American  Methodism.  By  Rev.  M.  L. 
Scudder,  d.d.  With  an  Introduction  by  Rev.  Joseph  Cumming, 
LL.D.,  President  of  the  Wcsleyan  University.  Illustrated.  Hart- 
ford^ Conn.:  S.  S.  Scranton  and  Company.  1867.  8vo,  pp.  592. 
6  Plates.  7^524 



Sci'DDER  (S.  H.)     ...   Catalojiue  of  the  Orthoptcra  of  North 
America  described   previous  to  1867    ...    Hy  S.inuRl  H.  Studdcr. 
lyuihiu^ton :  Smithsonian  Institution.    1868.     8vo,  pp.  xx,  89.      n. 
With  heading,  "SinithsoMijii  MiicelUiieuua  Culkctiunit." 

8<UDDER.  ...  A  List  of  the  Huttcrflies  of  New  England. 
Uy  Samuel  H.  Scudder.     [Sa/t/n.    1863.]     8vo,  pp.  1 61-179. 

With  hr.i(iing,  "(From  tlio  I'rocerditijt*  of  the  EkseK  Institute,  Salrm,  Mam.  Vul.  ill,, 
Rvjtl  .It  the  Meeting  of  M^rch  lo,  iM6i,-'Fuhli8he>l  April,  1863.)" 

Scudder.  ...  Supplement  to  a  List  of  the  Butterflies  of  New 
England.     Uy  Samuel   H.   Scudder.     [^Boston,   1868.]     8vo,  pp. 

376-3«4-  7^5^7 

With  hciding,  •'  (From  the  Froteedingi  of  the  Boiton  Sot.  of  Nat.  Hilt.,  Vol.  xi., 
Jan.  11,  i86«.)" 

ScuDDi'K.  Materials  for  a  Monograph  of  the  North  American 
Orthoptera.  By  Samuel  H.  Scudder.  (From  the  M()ston  Journal 
of  Natural  History,  Vol.  vii.  No.  3.)  Camhri({ge :  Printed  h  H. 
O.  Houghton.   1862.     8vo,  pp.  410-4S0.  7^528 

Scudder.  Notes  on  the  Stridulation  of  some  New  England 
Orthoptera.  By  Samuel  H.  Scudder.  (From  the  Proceedings 
of  the  Boston  Soc.  of  Nat.  Hist.,  Vol.  xi.  April,  1868.)  [Bos- 
ton.  1868.]    8vo,  pp.  8.  78529 

Scudder.  Notice  of  some  North  American  Species  of  Pieris. 
By  Samuel  H.  Scudder.  (From  the  Proceedings  of  the  Boston 
Soc.  of  Nat.  Hist.,  Vol.  viii.,  Sept.,  1861.)  ^Boston.  1861.] 
8vo,  pp.  8.  78530 

Scudder  and  Burgess  (E.)  On  Asymmetry  in  the  append- 
ages of  Hexapod  Insects.  By  Samuel  ft.  Scudder  and  Edward 
Burgess.     [Boston?   1870?]     8vo,  pp.  282-306.     Plate.      78531 

Scudder.  Revision  of  the  hitherto  known  Species  of  the 
Genus  Chionobas  in  North  America.  By  Samuel  H.  Scudder. 
From  the  Proceedings  of  the  Entomological  Society.  Philadel- 
phia.    July,  1865.      [Philadelphia.    1 865.]     8vo,  pp.  28.      78532 

Scudder  (W.)  Journal  of  William  Scudder,  an  Officer  in 
the  late  New  York  line,  who  was  taken  captive  by  the  Indians  at 
Fort  Stanwix,  in  1779,  and  holden  a  prisoner  in  Canada  until 
1782  ...  [n.  p.]  Printed  for  the  Author,  mdccxciv.     i2mo. 

Very  rare. 


I   VI 

t.  '  I 

•  »>«  va-r*  »'»H 


!;    i. 



ScuDDER  (Z.)  Speech  of  Hon.  Zeno  Scudder,  of  Mass.,  on 
the  Fisheries  of  New  England,  and  the  Encouragement  and 
Growth  of  American  Seamen.  Delivered  in  the  House  of  Rep- 
resentatives, August  12,  1852.  IVashington :  Printed  at  the  Con- 
gressional Globe  Office.    1852.     8vo,  pp.  24.  7^534 

[ScuLi,  (Nicholas).]  Kawanio  Che  Keeteru  :  |  A  true  |  Rela- 
tion j  of  a  I  Bloody  Battle  Fought  |  between  |  George  and  Lewis,  |  In 
the  Year  I  1755.  |  {Philadelphia :']  Printed  [by  IVilliam  Bradford] 
in  the  Tear  M^\iCC^LV\.\  8vo,  pp.  16.  H.s.p.  -f  Si-'^^orid  Edition. 
Philadelphia :  James  Chattin.    IJS^-     ^^o.  7^535 

"Said  to  have  been  written  by  Nicholas  Scull.  A  poetical  attack  on  the  Quakers 
for  preventing  proper  measures  being  taken  to  defend  the  Province  from  the  French  and 
Indians."  Title  and  note  from  Hildeburn's  "  Issues  of  the  Press  in  Pennsylvania," 
No.  1476. 

Scully  (W.)  Brazil ;  its  Provinces  and  Chief  Cities ;  the 
Manners  and  Customs  of  the  People  ;  Agricultural,  (Commercial, 
and  other  Statistics,  ...  taken  from  the  latest  Official  Documents 
By  William  Scully.   ...   London:  Murray  i^  Co,    1866.     8vo, 

pp.  XV,  398.     Folded  Map. 

B.,  c. 


Scully.  Brazil  its  Provinces  and  Chief  Cities ;  the  Man- 
ners &  Customs  of  the  People;  with  ...  Useful  ...  Knowledge, 
for  the  Merchant  and  the  Emigrant.  By  William  Scully  ...  . 
London:  Triibner  iff  Co.   1868.     8vo,  pp.  xv.  Errata  (i),  398. 

ScWEiNiTZ  (L.  D.  de).     See  Schweinitz  (L.  D.),  No.  78104. 

The  Sea.  Narratives  of  Aaventure  and  Shipwreck,  Tales  and 
Sketches,  illustrative  of  Life  on  the  Ocean.  Edinburgh  :  Cham- 
bers.  1849.    8vo.  c.  78538 

The  I  Sea-Atlas  |  or  the  |  Water- World,  |  Shewing  all  the  |  Sea- 

a  general!  De- 
sters  &  Mates 

Coats  [sic]y  I  Of  y  Known  Parts  of  y  Earth,  with 

scription  of  the  same.  |  Verie  usefull  for  all  M?  • 

of  Shipps  &  likewise  for|  Merchants  newly  sett  Forth.  |  In  Jmster- 

dam^  I  Printed  by  "Jacob  and  Casparus  Loots-Man^  |  Booksellers  upon 

the  Water.,   in    the   Loots-Man.,    l6yi   |      Folio,   title    within    an 

engraved  border,  and  3  leaves  of  text.      20  Maps,  l.  78539 

The  title  and  text  are  curious  specinier.s  of  English  as  written  by  a  Hollander.  'I'he 
latter  has  the  heading,  "A  Short  Declaration  Of  the  aivision,  situation  He  qualities  of 
the  Earth,"  and  contains  an  account  of  America  on  the  last  page.  The  maps  jre 
arranged  as  follows,  each  one  being  on  two  leaves  : 

(i)   Nova  totius  terrarum  orbis  tabula  auctore  F.  de  Wit. 

(2)   Pas  Caart  van  de  Noort  Zee. 



^     1 

(3)  Pascaarte  vande  Oost  Zee  Van  t  Eylaniit  Rugen  of  van  de  hocck  van  Valsterbon 
tot  aen  Wyborg. 

(4)  Pascaart  van  de  Zee-custen  van  Rushindt,  Laplandt,  Finmarcken,  Spitsbergen  en 
Nova-zembla.    17. 

(5)  Pascaerte  van  Groen-landt,  Yslanilt,  Straet  Davids  pn  Ian  Mayi-n  oylindt;  hoe- 
men  de  selvige  van  Hitlandt  en  de  Noort  custcn  van  Sthotlandt  en  Ytlandt  beseylen 
much.    25. 

(6)  Pas-caerte  van  Texel  tot  aende  H()()fdi;n. 

(7)  Pascaart  vant  Caiiaal.  Btgrypcnile  in  i-ich  Engelandt,  Schotlandt,  en  Icrlandt, 
als  mcde  een  gedcelt  van  Francryjk.     8. 

(8)  Pascaerte  vande  Canael  tusschen  Engelandt  en  Vranckryck. 

(9)  Pascaerte  vande  Bocht  van  Vranckrytk,  Biscayen,  en  Galisscn,  tusschcn  Hey- 
sant  en  C.  de  Finesterre. 

(10)  Pas  Caart  van  Hisp-.ii.jien.     18. 

(11)  Pascaarte  Van  t'  westlyckste  deel  vande  Middelandsche  Zee.     I. 

(12)  Pascaarte  Van  't  Oostlyckste  deel  vande  Middellandsche'Zee.    2. 

(13)  De  Cust  van  Barbaria,  Gual.ita,  Arguyn,  en  Geneheo,  van  Capo  S.  Vincente  tot 
Capo  Verde.     28. 

(14)  Pascaert  vande  Carybes,  Nieu  Neder  landt,  Bra^il,  de  Flaemsche  cB  Soute 
Eylanden  j  en  de  landen  daer  oatrent  gelcgen. 

(15)  Pascaerte  van  Niev  Nederlant,  Viiginies,  Nieu  Engelant  en  Nova  Franci.i,  van 
C.  of  Faire  tot  C  Forchu. 

(16)  Pascaerte  van  West  I.ndicn  Van  do  Caribes  tot  aen  de  Gulfo  van  Mexico. 

(17)  Pascaerte  vande  Caribes  S.  luan  de  Porte  Rico,  de  oosthdeck  van  I.  Spagnula 
als  mede  de  vaste  cust  van  Nueva  Andalusia  met  de  eylanden  daer  omtrcnt  gelegen. 

(18)  Pascaerte  van  Gvinea,  en  Angola,  van  R.  de  Gambia  tot  Cabo  de  Bona  Espe- 

(19)  Pascaerte  Van't  Westelyikste  deel  van  Oost  Indien  En  de  Eylanden  daer  onder 
begrcpen,  van  C.  de  Bona  Esperan9a  tot  C.  Comorin. 

(20)  Pascaerte  Van  t'  Oostelyckste  deel  van  Oost-Indien  met  alli.  de  Eylanden  daer 
onder  gelegen,  van  Cabo  Comorm  tot  aen  lapan. 

The  first  map  has  the  imprint,  t'j^msterjam  hij  Frederick  de  Wit  in  de  Cal'ventraet 
nde  ffille  Paskaert,  1 666;  the  other  maps,  t'^msterdum  By  Jacob  Theumiss  Loots-man, 
Boeckverkoper  en  Graadbooghmaker,  op  'r  Water  inde  Loots-man  ,•  or  */  Amsterdam  By 
Tbeumis  lacohsz  op  t  -water  inde  Looisman  ;  or  Op  nieu  ivt  gege-ven  by  yJnthony  lacohsen 
inde  Loots-man ;  or  'l  Amsterdam,  By  Jacob  en  Casparus  Lootsman,  Boeck-verkoopers  opt 
Water  inde  Lootsman.  The  numerals  on  several  of  the  maps  probably  refer  to  some 
larger  work  in  which  they  first  appeared. 

The  Sea  Mirrour,  or  Lightning  Columne,  Containing  the  Sea 
Coasts  of  the  Northern,  Eastern  and  Western  Navigation,  with 
Discoveries  of  the  Chief  Countries,  ...  gathered  out  of  the  expe- 
rience and  practice  of  Pilots  and  Lovers  of  the  Art  of  Naviga- 
tion.   Amsterdam.   1689.     Folio.     Maps.  7^54° 

Sea  Officer,  pseudon.  See  [Pickersgill  (ZzV«/.)],  Vol.  xv.. 
Wo.  62660. 




The  Sea  Serpent,  or  Gloucester  Hoax.  A  Dramatic  Jeu 
d'Esprit,  in  Three  Acts.  ...  Charleston :  j1.  E,  Miller.  1 8 19. 
i2mo,  pp.  34.  BA.  78541 

In  verse.     By  William  Crafts. 

The  Sea-service :  or,  Popular  Sketches  of  Ship-building,  Navi- 
gation, and  Naval  Warfare  ;  from  the  earliest  period  to  the  pres- 
ent time.  By  the  Author  of  "A  Year  in  Spain."  London.  1834. 
iimo,  pp.  160.  78542 

By  Alexander  Slidell  Mackenzie.    Originally  printed  in  the  Encyclopaedia  Americana. 

Exhibit  of  the  Affairs  of  the  Seabord  and  Roanoke  Rail- 
road Company  ...  March,  1851.  New  York:  William  Van 
Norden.  [1851.]     8vo,  pp.  23.     Map.  7^543 

Seahorn  (A.)  Symzonia ;  A  Voyage  of  Discovery.  By 
Captain  Adam  Seaborn.  New-Tor k :  Printed  by  "J.  Seymour.,  49 
John-Street.    1820.     i2mo,  pp.  248,  including  the  sectional  view. 

The  original  lettering  on  the  back  reads,  "  Symzonia,  or  a  Voyage  to  the  Internal 
World."  "A  burlesque  on  '  Symmes' Tneory  of  Concentric  Spheres.'  He  gives  an 
ideal  voyage  to  the  interior  of  the  earth,  where  the  other  spheres— according  to  Symmts 
— are  located.  The  work  is  purely  fictitious  and  full  of  satire,  but  is  well  written. 
Reviewed  in  the  North  American  Review,  xiii.,  i  34-14.3." — P.  G.  Thomson. 

S[eabrook]  (E.  B[ayard].)  Ariel  refuted,  A  Complete  Ex- 
posure of  a  Pamphlet  entitled  "The  Negro."  By  E.  B.  S.  ... 
Charleston^  S.  C:  John  Russell.    1867.     8vo,  pp.  27,  (i).  H. 

In  reply  to  B.  H.  Payne's  pamphlet,  for  which  see  Vol.  xiii..  No.  52270. 

S[eabrook].  Who  shall  be  th<"  Republican  Nominee  for 
President  ?  Addressed  to  the  Republicans  of  the  U.  S.  Febru- 
ary, i860.     By  E.  B.  S.    [n.  p.   i860.]     8vo,  pp.  21.        78546 

Seabrook  (W.  B.)  An  Address  delivered  at  the  First  Anni- 
versary Meeting  of  the  United  Agricultural  Society  of  South- 
Carolina,  ...  at  Columbia  ...  6th  Dec.  1827.  By  Whitemarsh 
B.  Seabrook,  President.  ...  Charleston:  Printed  by  A.  E.  Miller. 
1828.     8vo,  pp.  40.  H.  78547 

Seabrook.  A  Concise  View  of  the  Critical  Situation,  and 
future  prospects  of  the  Slave-Holding  States,  in  relation  to  their 
Coloured  Population,  By  Whitemarsh  B.  Seabrook  :  read  before 
the  "Agricultural  Society  of  St.  John's  Colleton,"  on  the  14th  of 
September,  1825,  and  published  at  their  request.  Charleston: 
Printed  by  J.  E.  Miller.  1825.  8vo,  pp.  29.  w.  -\-  Second  Edi- 
tion.    \_Ihid.'\    1825.     8vo,  pp.  31.  BA.,  H.,  N.  78548 

f  - 



Sf.ahrook.  An  Essay  dii  the  Agricultural  Capabilities  of 
South  Carolina.  By  Whitcmarsh  B.  Seabrook.  Colu?nbia,  1848. 
8vo,  pp.  76.  78549 

Seabrook.  An  Essay  on  the  Management  of  Slaves,  and 
especially,  on  their  religious  instruction  ;  read  before  the  Agricul- 
tucal  \sic\  Society  of  St.  John's  Colleton.  By  Whitemarsh  B. 
Seabrook,  President.  ...  Charleston:  Printed  by  J.  E.  Miller.  1834. 
8vo,  pp.  31.  B.  78550 

Seabrook.  A  Memoir  on  the  Origin,  Cultivation  and  Uses 
of  Cotton,  from  the  earliest  ages  to  the  present  time,  w^ith  especial 
reference  to  the  Sea-Island  Cotton  Plant,  including  the  Improve- 
ments in  its  Cultivation,  and  the  preparation  of  the  Wool,  &c.  in 
Georgia  and  South-Carolina;  read  before  the  Agricultural  Society 
of  St.  John's  Colleton,  November  13th,  1843,  ^"'^  ^^'^  State 
Agricultural  Society  of  South-Carolina,  December  6th,  1843,  and 
by  both  societies  ordered  to  be  published.  By  Whitcmarsh  B. 
Seabrook,  President  of  the  State  Agricultural  Society  of  South- 
Carolina.  Charleston  :  Printed  by  Miller  h^  Browne.  1844.  8vo, 
pp.  (4),  62,  (1).  B.  78551 

Cover-title  :  "  Seal)roc>k's  Memoir  of  the  Origin,  Cultivation  and  Uses  of  Cotton." 

Seabrook.  An  Oration  on  Free-Masonry,  delivered  at  Edisto- 
Island,  on  the  27th  December,  1825.  By  Whitemarsh  B.  Sea- 
brook ...  .  Charleston  :  Printed  by  A.  E.  Miller.  1825.  8vo,  pp. 
25.  H.  78552 

Skabury  (S.),  b.  1706,  d.  1764.  A  I  Modest  Peply  |  To  |  A 
Letter  |  From  a  Gentleman  to  his  Friend  |  in  |  Dutchess-County.  | 
Lately  published  by  an  Anonimous  Writer.  |  By  Samuel  Seabury, 
a.m.  I  Missionary  from  the  Society  for  the  Propagation  of  the] 
Gospel  in  Foreign  Parts.  |  ...  |  Nexv  York.  \  Printed  in  the  Year 

MDCCLIX.  I      8vO,  pp.    18.  N.   78553 

Title  furnished  by  Mr.  Kelby.     The  pamphlet  treats  of  the  religious  state  of  the 

Seabury.  A  Sermon  Preach'd  at  New-London,  Sunday,  the 
2 1  St  of  February,  Anno  Domini,  1 741,  2.  ...  By  Samuel  Sea- 
bury, Missionary  from  the  Society  for  propagating  the  Gospel  in 
foreign  Parts.  A^.  i^ondon  :  Printed  by  T.  Green.  1 742.  i6mo,  pp. 
(4),  22.  B.  78554 

Seabury  (S.),  b.  1729,  d.  1796.  The |  Address] of  the |  Epis- 
copal Clergy  of  Connecticut,  |  to  the  Right  Reverend  |  Bishop 
Seabury,  |  with  the  |  Bishop's  Answer.  |  Ana,  A  j  Sermon,  |  Before 



the  Convention  at  Middlctown,  I  August  3cl.  1785.16/  the  Rev- 
erend Jeremiah  Learning,  a.m.  [Rector  of  Christ's  Church,  Strat- 
ford. I  Also,  I  Bishop  Seabury's  first  Charge,  to  the  |  Clergy  of  his 
Diocess,  I  Delivered  at  Middletown,  August  4th.  1785.  |  With  a 
List  of  the  Succession  of  Scot's  |  Bishops,  from  the  Revolution  in 
1 688,  to  I  the  present  Time.  |  New-Haven :  \  Printed  by  Thomas  and 
Samuel  Green.  \  [1785.]     8vo,  pp.  8,  18,  15,  5.  N.  78555 

Corrected  title  of  our  No.  15654,  Vol.  iv.,  furnished  by  Mr.  William  Kelby.  The 
second  p.irt  contains  Learning's  sermon,  pp.  18;  the  third  part  Bishop  Seabuiy's  First 
Charge,  pp.  15  j   the  fourth  part  a  list  of  Bishops,  pp.  5. 

Seabury.  The  Address  of  the  Episcopal  Clergy  of  Connec- 
ticut to  Bishop  Seabury  with  his  Answer.  Bp.  Seabury's  first 
Charge  ;  with  a  list  of  the  succession  of  Scot's  Bishops  from  the 
Revolution  in  1688.     Edinburgh.    1786.     8vo.  bm.  78556 

[Seabury.]  An  Address  to  the  Merchants  of  New  York  ... 
\_New  Tork?']    1 774.     8vo.  78557 

Title  from  Bishop  Seabury's  memorial,  quoted  in  the  note  to  No.  78581,  infra. 

[Seabury.]  An  |  Address  |  to  the  |  Ministers  and  Congrega- 
tions ]  of  the  I  Presbyterian  and  Independent  |  Persuasions  |  in  the  | 
United  States  of  America.  (  By  a  Member  of  the  Episcopal 
Church.  I  [n.  p.]  Printed  in  the  Tear  M.  dcc.  xc.  |  i2mo,  pp.  55. 
N.    4-  Boston.    I'J'^'J.     i2mo.  78558 

Title  furnished  by  Mr.  Kelby. 

[Seabury  and  Wilkins  (Isaac).]  An |  Alarm  to  the  Legisla- 
ture I  of  the  I  Province  of  New- York,  j  occasioned  by  |  The  present 
Political  Disturbances,  |  in  |  North  America  :  |  Addressed  |  To  the 
Honourable  Representatives  |  in  |  General  Assembly  |  Convened.  | 
...  I  New-Tor  k :  \  Printed /or  James  Rivington^  |  m,dcc,lxxv.  |    8vo, 

pp.    13,  (2).  ■  J.C.B.,  N.,  H.S.P.   78559 

Dated,  January  17,  1775.  The  last  two  pages  contain  a  list  of  "pamphlets  relating 
to  the  present  Controversy  between  Great  Britain  and  the  Colonies." 

Seabury.  Bishop  Seabury's  |  Second  Charge,  |  to  the]  Clergy  | 
of  his  I  Diocess,  I  Delivered  at  Derby,  |  in  the  |  State  of  Connecti- 
cut,] On  the  22d.  of  September,  1786.  |  Published  at  the  earnest 
desire  of  the  Convocation.  |  New-Haven  :  |  Printed  by  Thomas  and 
Samuel  Green.  \  [1786.]     8vo,  pp.  20.  N.  78560 

Title  furnished  by  Mr.  Kelby.      For  the  first  charge  see  No.  78555,  supra. 

Seabury.  The  |  Communion-Office,  |  or  Order  |  For  the  Ad- 
ministration I  of  the  I  Holy  Eucharist  |  or  |  Supper  of  the  Lord.  ( 
With  I  Private  Devotions.  I  Recommended  to  the  Episcopal  Con- 

the  Festiv 
Seabury,  ] 
Isaiah  Tho 



giegati-lons  in  Connecticut,]  By  the  Right  RcveiciKl|  Bishop  Sea- 
bury.  I  Nfzv-Loiiih/i :  I  Printed  by  T.  Green^  m,dcc,lxxxvi.  |  8vo, 
pp.23.  N.  78561 

Title  furnishe  I  by  Mr.  Kelliy.     A  new  edition  as  follows  : 
Bishc.p  ScaljUiy's  Communion  Orliii-.      Reprinted  in  f.ic-simile.      With  an  Hist(  rical 
Sketch  and  Notes  by  the  Rev.  Samuel  Hart,  m.a.    ...    Neiu  York:  T.  fVhittaker.    1K75. 
1 21110. 

[Seabury  and  Wilkins.]  The  |  Congress  |  Canvassed  :  |  or,  | 
An  Examination  |  into  |  The  Conduct  of  the  Delegates,  |  at  their  | 
(jrand  Convention,  |  Held  in  Philadelphia,  Sept.  i,  1774.  |  Ad- 
dressed, |  To  the  Merchants  of  New- York.  |  By  J.  IV.  Farmkr.  | 
Author  of  Free  Thoughts,  &c.|...|  \_New  Tork  :^  Priuted  [by 
Jaines  Rivhigton^  in  the  Tear  m,dcc,lxxiv.  |     8vo,  pp.  27,  (i). 

This  is  a  reply  to  Alexander  Hamilton's  *'  Full  Vindication  of  the  Measures  of  the 

[Seabury  and  Wilkins.]  The  Congress  Canvassed  :  or,  an 
Examination  into  the  Conduct  of  the  Delegates,  at  their  Grand 
Convention,  held  in  Philadelphia,  Sept.  i,  1774.  Addressed  to 
the  iVlerehants  of  New  York.  By  A.  W.  Farmer,  Author  of 
Free  Thoughts,  &c.  ...  New  York  Printed.  London.,  Reprinted 
for  Richardson  and  Urquhart.,  ^11 S'  ^vo>  half-title,  title,  and  pp. 
59-  78563 

Seabury.  A  |  Discourse  |  delivered  before  the  [Triennial  Con- 
vention I  of  the  I  Protestant  Episcopal  Church  |  in  the  |  United 
States  of  America,  |  In  Trinity-Church,  |  New- York,  |  on  the 
Twelfth  Day  of  September,  One  Thousand  |  Seven  Hundred  and 
Ninety-two.  |  By  Samuel  Seabury,  d.d.  |  Bishop  of  Connecticut 
and  Rhode-Island.  |  New-Tork :  \  Printed  by  Hugh  Gaine^  at  the 
Bible^  in\Hanover-iSquare,\lj()2.\     8vo,  pp.  27.  N.  78564 

Seabury.  A  |  Discourse  |  delivered  in  |  St.  James*  Church,  |  in 
New-London,  I  On  Tuesday  the  23d  of  December,  1794;!  before 
an  assembly  of  |  Free  and  Accepted  Masons.  |  Convened  for  the 
purpose  of  installing]  A  Lodge  in  that  City. )  By  Samuel  Seabury, 
D.D.  ]  Bishop  of  Connecticut  and  Rhode  Island.  ]  New-London ;  \ 
Printed  by  Brother  Samuel  Green^  ]  M.  DCC.  xcv.  J     8vo,  pp.  23.     N. 

This  title  and  the  one  preceding  were  furnished  by  Mr.  Kelby. 

Seabury.  A  Discourse  delivered  in  St.  John's  Church,  in 
Portsmouth,  New  Hampshire,  at  the  conferring  the  Order  of 
Priesthood  on  the  Rev.  Robert  Fowle,  a.m.  of  Holderness.  On 
the  Festival  of  St.   Peter,    1791.      By  the    Right  Rev.   Samuel 

Seabury,  d.d.   Bishop   of  Connecticut. 

Boston  :    Printed  by 

Isaiah  Thomas  and  Ebenezer  T.  Andrews.  MDCCXCI.     8vo, 



pp.  22. 

1 80 


Skabury.  a  I  Discourse  I  on  BrotlKily  Love,  |  Preached  before 
the  Honourable  Fraternity  |  of  |  Free  and  Accepted  Masons,  |  of 
Zion  Lodge,  I  At  St.  ^aul's  Chapel,  in  New  York,  |  On  the  Festi- 
val of  St.  John  the  Baptist  [June  24th],  |  One  Thousand  Seven 
Hundred  and  Seventy-sevei:.  I  By  Samuel  Seabury,  m.a.  |  N'ew 
Tork :  I  Printed  by  Hugh  Gaine^  tn  Hanover-Square^  \  M,  Dec,  Lxxvn. 
8vo,  pp.  20.  7^567 

Title  from  Mr.  Kelby. 

Skabury.  A  Discourse  on  11  Tim.  iii.  16.  Delivered  in  St. 
Paul's  and  St.  Cieorge's  Chapels,  in  New  York,  on  Sunday  the 
nth  of  Mav  1777.  By  Samuel  Seabury,  m.a.  New  Tork: 
Printed  by  Hugh  Gaine.    1777.     8vo.  78568 

"  The  above  sfrmoii  was  written  several  years  ago,  and  was  preached  in  Trinity 
Cliiircii,  in  this  city,  in  April,  1773.  Nn  person,  who  has  ever  felt  that  partiality 
which  most  men  hive  for  their  own  productions,  will  be  surprised  at  the  author's  saying 
he  was  pleased  with  the  composition.  However,  neither  his  vanity,  nor  the  importunity 
of  friends,  have  been  the  cause  of  its  public.ition.  Upon  preaching  it  lately  in  St. 
I'aul's  and  St.  George's  Cliapels  in  this  City,  it  fell  undei  the  censure  of  some  who 
heard  it;  the  author  hopes  tnl-j  becaue  it  was  misunderstood.  He  therefore  tai<cn 
the  liberty  to  send  it  into  .ne  world  to  speak  for  itself,  .md  recommends  it  to  the  pro- 
tection of  the  candid  .ind  imioiuible  part  of  mankind,  to  whose  judgment,  however  it 
ni.iy  m.ike  against  hiin,  he  sh.dl  evjr  p.iy  the  greatest  regard." — New  York  Gazette  and 
IVeekly  Mercury,  July  7,  1 77 7. 

Seabury.  Discourses  on  Several  Subjects.  By  Samuel  Sea- 
bury, D.D.  Bishop  of  Connecticut  ai'il  Rhode  Island.  ...  New- 
Tor  k :  Printed  by  T.  is'  J.  Swords.  1793.  2  vols.,  8vo,  pp.  x,  344; 
viii,  301.  BA.  78569 

Seabury.  Discourses  on  Several  Important  Subjects.  By 
the  late  Right  Rev.  Sannn-i  Seabury,  d.d.  ...  Neiv-Tork :  Printed 
by  T.  &  J.  Siuords.    1798.     8vo,  pp.  vii,  279.  B.,  BA.  78570 

Seabury.  Discourses  on  Several  Subjects.  By  Samuel  Sea- 
bury, D.n.  Bishop  of  Connecticut  and  Rhode-Island.  In  two 
volumes.  ...  Hudson  :  Published  by  Willia7n  E.  Norman.  18 15.  2 
vols.,  8vo,  pp.  298  ;  300.  Portrait  of  Bishop  Seabury,  engraved 
by  Gimbrede.  H.  78571 

Seabury.  The  Duty  of  Considering  our  Ways  :  A  Discourse 
preached  at  New  London,  at  the  Ordination  of  R.  Fovvle  to  the 
Holy  Order  of  Deacons   ...    New  London.    1789.     8vo.        7^572 

[Seabury.]  An  Earnest  Persuasive  to  the  Frequent  Receiv- 
ing of  the  Holy  Communion.  Second  Edition.  Middletown : 
Printed  by  T.  Dunning.    18 16.     i2mo,  pp.  23.  N.  78573 

Edited  by  the  Rev.  B.  G.  Noble  A  new  edition  was  subsequently  published,  edited 
by  Rev.  H.  Crosswell,  d.d.,  of  New  Haven. 




[Seabury  ami  Wilkins.]  Free  Thoughts,  |  on  |  The  Proceed- 
ings of  I  the  I  Continental  Congress,  |  Held  at  Philadelphia  Sept.  5, 
1774:  I  Wherein  |  Their  Errors  are  exhibited,  |  their  I  Reasonings 
Confuted,  |  and  |  The  fatal  Tendency  of  their  Non-Importation, 
Non-Ex- 1  portation,  and  Non-Consumption  Measures,  are  |  laid 
open  to  the  plainest  Understandings  ;  |  and  |  The  Only  Means 
pointed  out  |  For  Preserving  and  Securing  |  Our  present  Happy 
Constitution  :  I  In  I  A  Letter  |  to  |  The  Farmers,  |  and  other  Inhabit- 
ants of  I  North  America  |In  General,  |  And  to  those  of  the  Prov- 
ince of  New-York  |  In  Pai  Jcular.  |  By  a  Farmer.  |  Hear  me,  for 
I  WILL  speak  !|  \^Neiv  It'ork  :'\  Printed  \hy  James  Riv'tngton'\  in  the 
Tear  M.  dcc.  lxxiv.|    8vo,  pp.  24.  N.  78574 

Signed  "  A.  W.  Farmer"  on  page  23.  For  a  reply  to  this  pamphlet,  published  under 
the  title  of  "A  Full  Vindication  ot"  the  Measures  of  the  Congress,"  lee  [Hamilton 
(Alex.)],  Vol.  VIII.,  No.  29956.      See  alto  Ford's  "  Bibliotheca  Hamiltoniana,"  No.  I. 

[SiC/VBURY  and  Wilkins.]  Free  Thoughts  |  on  the  |  Proceed- 
ings! of  the  j  Continental  Congress,  |  held  at  |  Philadelphia,  Sept.  5, 
1774:  I  wherein  I  Their  Errors  are  Exhibited,  |  their  |  Reasonings 
confuted,  |  and  the  |  Fatal  Tendency  of  their  Non-Importation,  | 
Non-Exportation,  and  Non-Consumption]  Measures,  are  laid  open 
to  the  plainest  Under-]  standings  ;  | and]  The  Only  Means  pointed 
out  for  Preserving  I  and  Securing  our  present  Happy  Constitution  :  | 
In  a  Letter  to  the  F'armers,  and  |  other  Inhabitants  of  North 
America  I  in  general,  and  to  those  of  the  Province  of  New- (York 
in  particular.  I  Hv  a  Farmer.]...  New-Tork^  Printed  :\  London  Re- 
printed for  Richardson  and  |  Urquhart,,  at  the  Royal  Exchange,  1775. 
8vo,  half-title,  title,  and  pp.  50.  N.  78575 

Signed,  "A.  W.  Farmer"  on  page  48. 

Seabury.  St.  Peter's  Exhortation  J  To  fear  God  and  honor 
the  King,  j  Explained  and  inculcated  :  |  In  a  |  Discourse  |  addressed  | 
To  His  Majesty's  |  Provincial  Troops,  |  In  Camp  |  at  King's- 
Hridge,  |  On  Sunday  the  28th  Sept.  1777.  |  By  Samuel  Seabury, 
A.M.  I  Published  at  the  Desire  of  His  Excellency!  Major  General 
Try  on.  |  Nexu-y'ork  :  |  Printed  hy  H.  Gaine,  at  the  Bible  and  Crown  \ 
in  Hanover-Square.  \   [1777.]     8vo,  pp.  23.  BA.  78576 

[Seabury.]  A  Sermon  delivered  before  the  Boston  Episcopal 
Charitable  Society,  ...  March  25,  1788.  By  the  Right  Reverend 
Father  in  God,  Samuel,  Bishop  of  Connecticut.  Boston  :  Printed 
hy  Thomas  and  John  Fleet.    1 788.     8vo,  pp.  (4),  24,  6.         BA.,  W. 

Delivered  in  Trinity  Church,  Boston,  on  the  anniversary  of  Easter. 

yoL.  XIX.  it 


i  i 




Skabuky.     a  I  Sermon, 
and  I  The  other  Lodges  |  of 


Preached  before  the  |  Grand  Lodge,  | 
Ancient  Freemasons,  |  in  New  York,  | 

At   St.    Paul's   Chapel,  |  On   the  Anniversary  of   St.  John   the 

u-  Tork  :  |  Printed 
8vo,  pp.  23.    N. 

aul  s   i^napel,  |  Un   tne  Anniversary  of    at.  Jonn   tnc 
Evangelist,  |  1 782.  |  By  Samuel  Seabury,  d.d.  |  rJeiv-Tork  :  \  Printed 

by  Robertsons^  Mills  and  Hicks.  \  m.dcc.lxxxiii 

Title  (turn  Mr.  Kelby. 

[Searurv.]  a  Sermon  preached  in  St.  James's  Church,  New 
London,  Ash-Wednesday,  1789.  Hy  the  Rt.  Rev.  Father  in 
God,  Samuel,  Bishop  of  Connecticut.  New  Haven.  [1789.] 
8vo.  7^579 

[Seahury  and  WiLKiNs.]  A  |  View  |  of  the  |  Controversy  j 
between  I  Great-Britain  and  her  Colonies:  |  Including]  A  Mode  or 
Determining  their  present  Disputes,  |  Finally  and  Effecually  ;  [and 
of  preventing  |  All  Future  Contentions.  |  In  |  A  Letter,  |  To  the 
Author  of  I  A  Full  Vindicaticm  |  of  |  The  Measures  of  the  Con- 
gress, I  from  the  |  Calumnies  of  th'/ir  Enemies.  |  ...  |  \\\  J.  IT. 
Farmer.  |  Author  of  Free  Thoughts,  &c.  |  New-Tor k  :  |  Printed  hy 
James  Rivington.^\M^iiCC^i.\\iv .\     8vo,  pp.  37.  ba.  78580 

For  a  reply  to  this  see  [Hamilton  (Alex.)],  Vol.  viii.,  No.  29^55,  and  the  note 

[Seabury  and  Wilkins.]  A  View  of  the  Controversy 
between  ( ircat  Britain  and  her  Colonies  :  including  a  Mode  of 
determining  their  present  Disputes  finally  and  eft'ectually  j  and 
preventing  all  future  C'ontenfions.  In  a  Letter  to  the  Author  ot 
A  Full  Vindication  of  the  Nleasiues  of  Congress  from  the  Cal- 
umnies of  their  Enemies.  By  J.  IV.  Farmer.  Nexv-York  printed : 
London  reprinted :  Richardson  and  Urquhart^  MDCCL.xxv.  8vo,  pp. 
(4),  90.  s.  78581 

"The  revolution.iry  measures  advocated  by  the  Congress  were  far  from  receiving  gen- 
eral accept.mce,  and  in  New  York  they  elicited  some  sharp  and  vigorous  controversial 
pamphlets.  It  was  the  general  opinion  at  the  time  that  Samuel  Seabury  was  the  author 
of  two  of  the  ablest  of  these  tracts,  though  the  claims  for  their  autiiorship  are  now 
divided  between  Seabury  and  Isaac  Wilkins,  while  each  may  have  assisted  the  other  in 
a  joint  production  which  rendered  at  this  time  the  name  of  a  '  Westchester  Farmer ' 
famous." — Winsor's  Niirrati've  and  Critical  History  of  America,  vi.  104. 

The  authorship  of  the  pamphlets  signed  "A.  W.  Farmer,"  or  a  Westchester  Farmer, 
was  claimed  by  Dr.  Seabury  in  the  draft  of  a  petition  addressed  by  him  to  Commissioners 
Coke  and  Wilmot,  in  England,  about  the  year  1783,  in  which  he  declares,  that  "your 
Memorialist  ...  published  a  pamphlet  entitled  Free  thoughts  on  the  proceeilings  of  the  Con- 
gress at  Philadelphia  very  soon  after  the  first  Congress  broke  up,  iV  had  shown  by  their 
adopting  the  Suffolk  resolves  that  they  had  entered  into  a  deep  scheme  of  rebellion 
which  pamphlet  he  addresse  1  to  the  Fanners  &  landholders,  intending  to  point  out  in  .1 
way  accomodated  to  their  comprehension,  the  destructive  influence  that  the  measures  of 
the  Congress  if  pursued,  would  have  on  the  farmers  &  the  laboring  part  of  the  Com- 
munity.    That  as  no  pamphlet  at  tha'   "riod  seems  to  have  given  the  republicans  more 



unrusincst  than  this,  scvcijl  answers  to  it  were  pulilishe<l ;  which  ol.liged  your  mcmori- 
aiiat  to  write  aiiDthi-r  |iam|ihlct  in  support  of'  it  calleti  the  Congrtst  Canvutstil,  jiri-vious  to 
which  he  had  puhliiihcil  an  Addriii  to  the  Attrchamt  0/  New  Tor^,  in  which  iu;  had 
endeavored  to  convince  tbem  of  tlie  evil  tendency  of'  the  non-importation  &  non-eipur- 
tation  agreements!  tSc  that  their  happinesH  Sc  true  interests  depended  on  their  connection 
with  fc  subordination  to  G.  B. — That  at  the  Meeting  of  the  next  assembly  he  published 
iin  alarm  to  the  I.ej^itlature  of"  New  York — in  which  he  endeavored  to  show  that  by 
adipting  St  establishing  the  proceedings  of  the  Congress  as  most  other  assemblies  had 
done,  they  would  betray  the  rights  it  liberties  of  their  constituents,  set  up  11  new  sover- 
eign power  in  the  Province  &  plunge  it  into  the  horrors  of  rebellion  &  civil  war.  ... 
These  several  pamphlets  were  published  under  the  signature  of  A.  W.  Farmer,  it  that 
they  were  written  by  your  Memorialist,  he  refers  to  the  certificates  of  Dr.  M.  Cooper, 
hereunto  annexed,  St  to  the  testimony  of  Dr.  Chandler  St  I[nglis]."  Set  the  article  by 
D.  Williams  [i.e.  B.  F.  De  Cosfa]  oi>  "The  Westchester  Farmer,"  in  the  "  Maga/.ine 
of  American  History,"  vol.  viii.,  pp.  117-121;  alto  Ford'j  "  Bibliotheca  Hamiltoniana," 
Nos.  1-3. 

Mr.  Kelby  has  called  my  attention  to  several  articles  in  the  early  newspapers  which 
relate  to  the  controversy  concerning  the  authorship  of  tin  se  pamphlets.  The  writer  of 
two  articles  in  Shepard  Kollock's  "New  York  Gazetteer"  of  January  3d  and  17th, 
1786,  signed  "A  Whig,"  states  explicitly  that  Bishop  Seabury  "was  the  author  of  that 
infamous  pamphlet,  called  A.  W.  Farmer,  which  has  been  the  ruin  of  thousands,"  and 
that  he  "did,  in  the  day  of  British  power  and  insolence,  often  boast  of  that  perform- 
ance as  a  very  meritorious  one,  and  as  a  feather  in  his  cap,  which  justly  entitled  him  to 
the  sinicure  which  he  enjoyed  at  Richmond."  The  first  article  was  replied  to  in  the 
"  Daily  Advertiser"  of  January  12th,  1786,  by  "  Episcopus,"  who  denies  that  Seabury 
was  the  author,  and  adds  :  "  it  is  almost  universally  known,  that  the  said  pamphlet  was 
pub  <hed  by  the  then  representative  of  West-Chester  County  [/'.  e.  Isaac  Wilkins],  who 
is  now  lamenting  his  destiny  in  the  regions  of  Nova  Scotia."  In  Solomon  Southwick's 
"  Newport  Mercury"  for  November  21,  1774,  is  an  article  signed  "A  True  American," 
ill  which  the  A.  W.  Farmer  pamphlets  are  referred  to,  and  are  "said  to  be  the  produc- 
tion of  a  couple  of  'ncend.iry,  prostituted,  hireling  scriblers,  not  far  from  Hell  Gatj,  in 
the  province  of  New  V.rk." 

These  pamphlets  were  also  attributed  to  Isaac  Wilkins  alone,  by  many  of  his  friends 
.ind  contemporaries.  Mr.  John  Pintard,  the  founder  of  the  New  York  Historical 
Society,  and  a  scholar  well  acquainted  with  the  literary  and  political  history  of  his  timr,  also  of  this  opinion,  as  appears  from  a  memorandum  in  his  handwriting  on  one  of 
these  pamphlets,  now  in  the  library  of  the  Society.  In  the  biographical  sketch  of 
Wilkins,  by  his  grandson  Gouvc  neur  Morris  Wilkins  (Sprague's  "Annals  of  the 
American  Pulpit,"  vol.  v.,  p.  464),  it  is  stated  that  "he  was  the  leputed  author  of 
several  political  pamphlets,  which  rendered  him  odious  to  the  Whigs.  One,  'The 
West  (-hester  Farmer,'  lias  been  claimed  by  a  late  historian  as  the  product  of  another 
pen;  but  the  claim,  whatever  may  be  the  result,  does  honour  to  the  authorship.  But, 
until  some  documentary  evidence  disturbs  traditions,  and  the  testimony  of  otfier  writers, 
tiie  question  is  not  at  issue."  They  are  also  attributed  to  Wilkins  by  Mr.  Sabine,  in 
his  "  Loyalists  of  the  American  Revolution." 

For  the  title  of  the  sermon  preached  at  the  consecration  of  Bishop  Seabury,  in  Aber- 
deen, j«  [Skinner  (John)].  See  Beardsley's  "Life  and  Correspondence  of  the  Right 
Reverend  Samuel  Seabury,"  Boston,  1881.  See  also  "The  Psalter,"  Vol.  xvi.,  No. 
66462,  dn(/ the  Brinley  catalogue.  No.  6109,  note. 

Seabury  (S.),  b.  1801,  d.  1872.  American  Slavery  distin- 
guished from  the  Slavery  of  English  Theorists,  and  Justified  by 
the  Law  of  Mature.     By  Rev.  Samuel  Seabury,  d.d.   ...   New 

York  :  Mason  Brothers.    1 86 1.     l2mo 

Edition.     [^Ibid.'y   1861.     i2mo,  pp.  xii,  319 

pp.  X,  319. 

H.    4"  Second 

f  !! 


I,    IP  I 

I     :       i 



I     ) 

Skahurv.  a  Hrict' View  of  the  Origin  and  Results  of  K|)is- 
eopaey  in  the  Protestant  Episcopal  Church  In  the  United  States 
of  America.  A  Discourse  delivered  in  St.  Luke's  Church,  New 
York,  on  the  Sunday  after  the  decease  of  the  Right  Reverend 
William  White,  u.i).  Late  Senior  Bishop  of  said  Chinch.  By 
the  Rev.  Samuel  Seabury.  New-Tork :  Protestant  Episcopal  Press^ 
Print.   MFHCC  XXXVI.     8vo,  pp.  29.  A.  78583 

Seahury.  The  Continuity  of  The  Church  of  England  in 
the  Sixteenth  Century.  ...  By  the  Rev.  Samuel  Seaburv,  d.d.  ... 
New  Tori:  Pudney^  Russell.    1853.     ^^'N  PP-  ''j  '74i  (')•       "'^• 

Seahury.  The  Joy  of  the  Saints :  a  Discourse  on  the  third 
Sunday  after  Easter,  a.  n.  mucccxi.iv.  ...  [on]  the  Death  of  the 
Rev.  Arthur  Carey,  a.m.  An  Assistant  Minister  in  the  Church 
of  the  Annunciation,  New  York,  by  the  Rev.  Samuel  Seabury, 
D.D.  ...  New  Tork :  James  A.  Sparks.  1844.  8vo,  pp.  28.  -f- 
Second  Edition.  [/A/V/.]  1844.  8vo,  pp.  28.  b.  -|  I'hird  Edi- 
tion.    [/^/VA]   1844.    8vo,  pp.  28.  78585 

See  alto  Vol.  xv.,  No.  65970. 

Seabury.  A  Sermon  by  the  Rev.  Samuel  Seabury,  d.d.,  in 
reference  to  the  Trial  of  the  Right  Rev'd  Bcnj.  T.  Ondeidonk, 
D.D.,  Bishop  of  the  Diocese  of  New-York.  Preached  in  the 
Church  of  the  Annunciation,  on  Sunday,  January  5th,  1845. 
From  tlie  Churchman  of  Jan.  iith.  ...  [Colophon:]  Published 
and  for  sale  by  J.  A.  Sparks.,  at  the  Churchrna/i's  Hook-Store^  161 
Fulton  Street^  opposite  St.  PauTs,  New-Tori.  [1845.]     8vo,  pp.  7. 

Seabury.  The  Study  of  the  Classics  on  Christian  Principles, 
[n.  p.    1851.]     i2mo,  pp.  12.  N.  78587 

Signed  SamuL-1  Seabury,  and  dati.-d,  "Christian  Institute,  Flushing,  L.  I.  April  i§. 

Seabury.  The  Supremacy  of  Conscience :  considered  with 
reference  to  the  opposite  errors  of  Romanism  and  Protestantism. 
By  the  Rev.  Samuel  Seabury,  d.d.  ...  Nexv  Tork:  Daniel  Dana^ 
Jr.   i860.     8vo,  pp.  61.  B.  78588 

Seabury.  Witness  unto  the  Truth.  A  Sermon  preached  in 
Trinity  Church,  New  York,  on  Tuesday,  May  7th,  1861,  at  the 
funeral  of  the  Right  Reverend  Benjamin  Tredwell  Onderdonk, 
D.D.  ...  By  Samuel  Seabury,  d.d.  ...  New  Tork:  Mason  Brothers. 
1 86 1.     8v-j,  pp.  40,  BA.  78589 





Sermons  bcfoic  the  Bishop  Seahury  Association  of  Hrown 
University.     Nnv  Totk.    18^)9.     S   o,  pp.  68.  7^59° 

Mission.iry  Papci  by  the  Bishop  Skabury  Mission.  Number 
Twenty-Eight.  Christmas  i86j.  Faribault,  Minnesota.  The 
Indian  System.  luirilxiult,  Alinnt's^ta :  Central  Repuhiuun  ... 
Office.    1063.     8vo,  pp.  II.      Continued.  7^59' 

Also:  Mi»s'uni,irv  I'.ipcr  tif  tlu;  Bisliop  Se.ilmiv  Mls!iiiii\.  Number  Forty-one,  ,,, 
The  Work  of  the  Bishop  Seahury  Mijiiion.  Fanhault  t  I'rivitd  at  tbt  Ctntrjl  Rfi>uh/i- 
ctn  Olfiie.    1868.     8vi',  |>p.  5,  [1).     •Sf  a/10  Vol    XII.,  No.  49474. 

Skaghr  (1).  W.) 
1867.    8vo, 

The    Resources   of  Mexico.    ...    Afexico. 


Seager  (K.  S.)  The  Education  of  Woman  An  Address 
read  before  the  Young  Ladies'  Literary  SocieT'  {  the  (ienesee 
VVesleyan  Seminary,  by  Mrs.  E.  S.  Seager.  Second  Edition. 
Buffalo.    1852.     8vo.  78593 

Seagrave  (R.)  Remarks  upon  the  Bishop  of  London's  last 
Pastoial  Letter.  In  Vindication  of  Mr.  VVhitheld  and  his  par- 
ticular Doctrines.  By  Robert  Seagravc,  m.a.  London.  1739. 
8vo,  pp.  35.     -|-  Philadelphia :  Jndreiv  Bradford.    1740.     l2mo. 

A  copy  of  the  Fhihidclphij  edition  is  in  the  Congreg.itionjl  Library  at  Boston. 

Seagrave.  The  True  Protestant  :  A  Dissertation  shewing 
the  Necessity  of  .Asserting  the  Principles  of  Liberty  in  their  full 
T.' .      j^y  Robert  Seagrave  ...   Boston.    1748.     i2ino.      78595 


Seagravi:.  The  |  True  Protestant :  |  A  |  Dissertation,  |  Shewing 
I  The  Necessity  of  asserting  the  Principles  |  of  Liberty  in  their 
full  E,\tent.  I  By  Robert  Seagrave,  a.m.  |  ...  |  London  I^rinted :  \ 
l^hiladelphia  Re-printed^  and  Sold  by  //'.  Bradford^  \  at  the  Sign  of 
the  Bible  in  Second-Street.  \  mdccxlviii.  |    Sm,  8vo,  pp.  (2),  35,  ( l). 

Title  from  Hildeburn.  An  edition  with  a  simiLir  imprint,  but  dated  1747,  is 
liestribed  in  the  Brinley  catalogue,  No.  7842. 

Seall  (R.)  a  Commendation  of  the  Aduenterus  viage  ot 
the  wurthy  Captain  M.  Thomas  Stutely  Esquyer  and  others 
towards  the  Land  called  Terra  Florida.  [At  the  end  :]  Finis  qd. 
Robert  Seall.  Imprinted  at  London  at  the  long  Shop  adjoyning  unto 
Saint  Mildreds  Churche  in  the  Pultrie^  by  'John  Allde.  [1563.] 
Folio,  I  page.  7^597 

A  billad.  There  is  a  copy  in  Mr.  Christie- Miller's  collection  at  Britwell,  from  which 
it  was  reprinted  in  J.  P.  Collier's  "Old  Ballads"  (Perry  Society,  LonJon,  1840,  vol.  i.), 
!'!'•  73~77'  '''''  Arber's  "Transcript  of"  tin-  Regi>ttMs  of"  the  Company  of"  Stationers  of 
London,"  vol.  I.,  p.  215.  "Most  of"  the  existing  information  regarding  the  celebr.itrd 
adventurer  Thomas  Stutely,  or  Stukeley,  is  to  he   found  in  a  note  to   Dyce's   Feele's 

^  \r  ^. 













liilM    125 




JA  116 







VlflnSTIR,N.Y.  MSM 





H  ' 


!1  > 


i  J 

1 86 


Works,  II.  82.  The  name  of  Robert  Seall,  who  subscribes  the  ensuing  ballad,  is  new 
in  poetical  bibliography;  and  if  he  wrote  anything  else,  it  has  not  been  recovered.  John 
Allde  must  have  printed  this  broadside  at  an  early  date,  because  Stuteley's  voyage  to 
Florida  was  one  of  his  first  enterprises.  The  parallel  between  Stuteley  and  Columbus, 
near  the  end,  is  singular." — Collier. 

Seally  (John).  A  Complete  Geographical  Dictionary,  or 
Universal  Gazetteer  of  Ancient  and  Modern  Geography,  contain- 
ing a  full  ...  description  of  the  known  World  in  Europe,  Asia, 
Africa  and  America.  Maps  and  Plates  and  Extracts  from  the 
private  ms.  of  one  of  the  officers  who  accompanied  Capt.  Cook 
on  his  voyages.  The  Astronomical  Papers  by  Israel  Lyons. 
London.   1781-83.     2  vols.,  4to.    -\- London.    1786.     2  vols.,  4to. 

SiZALSFiELB  (Charles),  pseudon.  \t.  e.  Karl  Postl.]  La  prairie 
du  Jacinto.  Roman  traduit  de  I'allemand  par  Gustave  Revilliod. 
Geneve.    1861.     8vo,  pp.  xii,  445.  7^599 

For  other  works  by  this  author,  J«  Vol.  xv.,  Nos.  64533-64561. 

Sealy  (Celer),  pseudon.  Echoes  from  the  Garrett.  [In  verse.] 
By  Celer  Sealy.     Rochester.,  N.  T.   1862.     i6mo,  pp.  xii,  132. 

A  Seaman,  pseudon.     See  [Weaver  (Lieut.  W.  A.)] 

[Seaman  (Ezra  C),  b.  1805,  d.  1880.]  ...  The  Amend- 
ment to  the  Constitution  of  the  United  States,  and  the  interpret- 
ation thereof.  Powers  of  the  Federal  Government  to  protect 
the  colored  people ;  and  the  proper  functions  of  a  Freedmen's 
Bureau.     [^««  Jrbor.   1866.]     8vo,  pp.  8.  78601 

With  heading:   "From  the  Ann  Arbor  Journal,  of  March  15th  and  22d,  1866." 

Seaman.  The  American  System  of  Government.  Its  Char- 
acter and  Workings,  its  Defects,  outside  Party  Machinery  and 
Influences,  and  the  Prosperity  of  the  People  under  its  Protection. 
By  Ezra  C.  Seaman  ...  .  New  Tork :  C.  Scribner  &  Co.  1870. 
l2mo,  pp.  xii,  282.  B.,  H.  78602 

Seaman.  Argument  of  E.  C.  Seaman,  on  Judicial  Legisla- 
tion, and  the  General  Banking  Laws  of  Michigan.  Detroit :  0. 
S.  Gulley  y  Co.    1844.     8vo,  pp.  40,  6.  ba.  78603 

Seaman.  Commentaries  on  the  Constitutions  and  Laws,  Peo- 
ples and  History,  of  the  United  States  ;  and  upon  the  Great  Re- 
bellion and  its  causes.  By  Ezra  C.  Seaman,  Counsellor  at  Law, 
and  Author  of  Essays  on  the  Progress  of  Nations.     Ann  Arbor: 

Printed  for  the  Author.,  at  the  'Journal  Office.    1 863. 
287,  and  printed  covers. 




B.,  C.  78604 




Seaman.  Essays  on  the  Progress  of  Nations,  in  Productive 
Industry,  Civilization,  Population,  and  Wealth }  illustrated  by 
Statistics  of  Mining,  Agriculture,  Manufactures,  Commerce, 
Banking,  Revenues  ...  .  By  Ezra  C.  Seaman.  Detroit:  M.  Gei- 
ger  &  Co.,  Printers.  1846.  8vo,  pp.  viii,  455,  (i).  -f  New  Tork  : 
Baker  iff  Scribner.    1846.     8vo,  pp.  viii,  455,  (l).  H.  78605 

Also:  Supplement  to  Essays  on  the  Progress  of  Nations,  in  Fioductive  Industry, 
Civilization,  Population,  and  Wealth;  illustrated  by  Statistics.  ...  No.  i.  New  Tork: 
Baker  and  Scribner.  [1S47  ?]  8vo,  pp.  91.  B.  4-  No.  11.  \_IbiJ.~\  1848.  8vo,  pp. 

Seaman.  Essays  on  the  Progress  of  Nations,  in  Civilization, 
Productive  Industry,  Wealth  and  Population.  Illustrated  by  Sta- 
tistics ...  .  By  Ezra  C.  Seaman.  New  Tork:  Charles  Scribner. 
1852.     lamo,  pp.  xxvi,  631.  b.  78606 

Seaman.  Essays  on  the  Progress  of  Nations,  in  Civilization, 
Productive  Industry,  Wealth  and  Population.  Illustrated  by  Sta- 
tistics of  Mining,  Agriculture,  Manufactures,  Commerce,  Coin, 
Banking,  Internal  Improvements,  Emigration,  and  Population. 
By  Ezra  C.  Seaman.  First  Series.  New  Tork :  Charles  Scribner 
&  Co.  1868.  iimo,  pp.  xxvi,  645.  -f-  Second  Series.  [^bid.J^ 
1868.     :2mo,  pp.  xvi,  659.  b.  78607 

Seaman  (H.  I.)  Speech  of  Henry  I.  Seaman,  of  New  York, 
on  the  Tariff.  Delivered  in  the  House  of  Representatives  or 
the  U.  S.,  June  29,  1846.  IVashington :  Printed  by  J.  &  G.  S. 
Gideon.   1846.    8vo,  pp.  16.  78608 

Seaman.  Speech  of  Henry  I.  Seaman,  ...  on  the  Appropria- 
tion for  the  Fortification  at  the  Narrows  on  Staten  Island.  ... 
IVashington.    1846.     8vo.  78609 

Seaman.  Speech  of  Henry  I.  Seaman,  of  New  York,  on  the 
Navy  Appropriation  Bill,  which  passed  the  House  of  Reps,  on 
the  29th  of  Jan.,  1847.     \_fVashington.   1847.]     8vo,  pp.  7.      H. 

Seaman.  Speech  of  Mr.  Henry  I.  Seaman,  of  N.  Y.,  on  the 
Mexican  War,  and  other  measures  of  the  administration.  De- 
livered in  the  House  of  Representatives  ...  Feb.  13,  1847. 
IVashington  :  "J.  iff  G.  S.  Gideon,  Printers.    1847.     ^^°i  PP*  ^4* 

Seaman  (J.)  A  Copy  of  an  account  written  by  Jordan  Sea- 
man of  Jericho,  tracing  the  family  of  Seamans  descended  from 
Captain  John  Seaman  of  Hempstead,  [n.  p.  1870?]  Large  4to, 
6  leaves.  78612 

Dated,  January,  1800. 



Seaman  (L.)  What  Miscegenation  is !  and  [picture  of  a 
negro  kissing  a  white  woman]  What  we  are  to  expect  Now 
that  Mr.  Lincohi  is  Re-elected.  By  L.  Seaman,  ll.d.  Waller 
y  IVilletts^  Publishers^  New  York.  [1865.]  8vo,  pp.  8,  and  printed 
covers.  b.  78613 

Seaman  (V.),  b.  1770,  d.  1817.  An  Account  of  the  Epi- 
demic Yellow  Fever,  as  it  appeared  in  the  City  of  New  York  in 
...  1795  ...  By  Valentine  Seaman  ...  .  New  Yoik:  Printed  by 
Hopkins ^  IV ebb  ifS  Co.  1796.  Jjvo,  pp.  ix,  52.  B.  +  [/^/V/.]  1797. 
8vo,  pp.  ix,  246.  78614 

This  was  reissued  by  Noah  Webster  in  his  "Collection  of  Papers." 

Seaman.  A  |  Dissertation  |  on  the  |  Mineral  Waters | of  |  Sara- 
toga ;  I  containing  |  a  topographical  description  of  the  country,  and 
the  I  situation  of  the  several  Springs;  an  analysis  of  |  the  waters,  as 
made  upon  the  spot,  together  |  with  remarks  on  their  use  in  medi- 
cine, I  and  a  conjecture  respecting  their  |  natural  mode  of  forma- 
tion; I  Also,  I  a  method  of  making  an  artificial  mine-|ral  water, 
resembling  that  of  Sa-|ratoga,  both  in  sensible  qual-|ities  and  in 
medicinal  virtue.  |  By  Valentine  Seaman,  m.d.  |  Physician  in  the 
City  of  New  York.  | ...  |  New-York:  \  Printed  by  Samuel  Campbell.,  \ 
No.  37  Hanover  Square.  \  M,DCC,xciii.  |     8vo,  pp.  40.       H.  78615 

The  dedication  of  this  work,  to  Chancellor  Livingston,  is  dated  1st  mo.  ist,  1793. 
The  Dissertation  was  probably  written  in  1792,  or  earlier,  and  is  said  to  have  been  first 
read  as  a  thesis  at  Columbia  College. 

Seaman.  A  Dissertation  on  the  Mineral  Waters  of  Saratoga. 
Including  an  Account  of  the  Waters  of  Ballston.  Second  Edi- 
tion ...  Enlarged.  By  Valentine  Seaman,  m.d.  One  of  the  Sur- 
geons of  the  New-York  Hospital.  ...  New-York :  Printed  and 
sold  by  Collins  ^  Perkins.    1 809.     l6mo,  pp.  131.      Map.       78616 

Seaman.  A  Short  Account  of  the  Death  and  of  the  Charac- 
ter of  ...  Edward  Miller.  ...  By  V.  Seaman,  m.d.  ...  New-York : 
Printed  by  Collins  and  Co.    1 81 3.     8vo,  pp.  21.  B.  78617 

Also:  Discourse  on  Vaccination  ...  Neiu  York.  1816.  8vo.  —  Inaugural  Disserta- 
tion on  Opium   ...    Philadelphia.   1792.     8vo. 

Report  as  to  the  Finances  and  Mana<';ement  of  the  Seaman's 
Retreat,  from  its  establishment,  in  1831,  to  January,  1854. 
New  York  :  Printed  by  John  M.  Elliott.  1 854.  8vo,  pp.  55.  Con- 
tinued. B.  78618 

Search  (Simon),  pseudon.  Tne  Spirit  of  the  Times.  In  a 
Series  of  Observations  on  the  Important  Events  of  the  Age.     By 



Simon  Search.  Literature.  Containing  An  Eiujuirv  into  the 
Utility  of  a  Knowledge  of  the  Latin  and  Greek  Languages,  as  a 
Branch  of  Liberal  Education  ; — with  Hints  on  a  Plan  of  Liberal 
Instruction,  without  them  :  also.  Thoughts  upon  the  Amusements 
and  Punishments  which  are  proper  for  Schools ;  in  a  Letter 
addressed  to  George  Clymer,  Esq.  Hy  Dr.  Rush  of  Philadel- 
phia.    London:  H.  Gardner  ...  mdccxci.     8vo,  pp.  (2),  197-231. 

The  Searcher.     A  New  Monthly,  devoted  to  the  Investiga- 

tion  ...  of  the  Scriptures.     Edited  by  Rev.  P. 
Holland^  Michigan.    1 863.     8vo. 



No.  I. 

[Shares  (Alexander),  ««<3^  o/^^rj.]  An  |  Account  |  of  the |  Rea- 
sons I  Why  a  Considerable  Number,  (about  Fifty,  j  whereof  Ten 
are  Members  in  full  Communi-|on)  Belonging  to  the  New- 
North  Congregati- 1  on  in  Boston,  could  not  Consent  to|  Mr.  Peter 
Thacher's  Ordination  there.  |  Who  has  left  his  Flock  at  Wey- 
mouth, and  Ac-|cepted  of  a  Call  in  Boston,  without  the  Ap-| 
probation,  and  contrary  to  the  Advice  of  the  |  Ministers  in  this 
Town.  I  With  a  Declaration  of  the  Dissatisfied  Brethren  |  of  the 
Church,  &c.  | ...  |  [^Boston  ;]  Printed  in  the  I'ear  1720.  |  8vo,  pp. 
(6),  56.  B.,  H.,  M.,  w.  78621 

[Shares,  and  others.']  A  |  Vindication  |  of  the  |  New-North- 
Church  in  Boston,  |  From  several  Falshoods  spread  |  in  a  |  Pam- 
phlet j  Lately  Published,  |  Tending  to  their  Defamation,  |  Entituled, 
I  An  Account  of  the  Reasons  why  a  conside- 1  rable  Number 
belonging  to  the  New- 1  North  Congregation  in  Boston,  could 
not  I  consent  to  Mr.  Peter  Thacher's  Ordi- 1  nation  there,  &c.  | 
With  an  Invitation  to  the  Dissatisfyed  Bre-|thren  of  the  said 
Church  to  put  an  End  to  their  Con-|  troversv  in  a  Christian 
Way.  1  By  several  of  the  Members  of  that  Church.  |  Boston  : 
Printed  by  y.  Franklin /or  \  D.  Henchman.^  and  sold  at  his  Shop  over  \ 
against  the  Brick  Meeting  House.    1720.]     8vo,  pp.  (2),  14.  B. 

Improved  title  of  No.  42778,  Vol.  x. 

Searing  (E.)  President  Lincoln  in  History.  An  Address 
delivered  in  the  Congregational  Church,  Milton,  Wisconsin,  on 
Fast  Day,  June  ist,  1865,  by  Edward  Searing,  a.m..  Professor 
of  Languages  in   Milton  Academy.      Janesville :  Feeder  iff  Deve- 

20.  78623 

The  Character  and  Reward  of 

reux  ...  Printers.    1 865.     8vo,  pp. 

Searl  (J.),  b.  1723,  d.  1787 
a  good  I  and  faithful  Servant  of  Jesus  Christ.  |  A  |  Funeral  Sermon,  | 
occasioned  by  the  Death  of  the|  Rev.  Jonathan  Parsons,]  Minister 



)*    > 




1 90 



of  the  Presbyterian  |  Congregation  |  in  |  Ncwbury-Port,  |  Who 
departed  this  life|July  19th,  1776.  |  By  John  Searl,  a.m.,  v.d.m.  | 
Newbury-port :  \  Printed  by  John  My  call.   1 778.  |   8vo,  pp.  Ixvi.    ba. 

Searl.  A  |  Funeral  Sermon  |  delivered  at  Newbury-Port,  Dec. 
30,  1770,  I  Occasioned  by  the  Death  of  |  Mrs.  Phebe  Parsons,  | 
Consort  of  the]  Rev.  Jonathan  Parsons, |  Minister  of  the  Presby- 
terian Congregation  there :  |  Who  departed  this  life  on  Wednesday 
the  26th  instant,  |  in  the  55th  Year  of  her  Age.  |  By  Jjhn  Searl, 
a.m.  I  ...  I  Boston^  N ew- England :  \  Printed  by  T.  and  jf.  Fleet ^  for 
B.  Emerson^\in  Newbury- Port .^  ''77^' |     8vo,  pp.  54.       ba.,  c,  n. 

Searl.  Revelation  a  Guide  to  Reason  :  or,  |  The  Word  of 
God  our  supreme  Rule |  in  Religion.  |  A|  Sermon| delivered  at  the  | 
Ordination  I  of  the  |  Reverend  Mr.  Stephen  Peabody,  |To  the  Pas- 
toral Care  of  the  Church  in  |  Atkinson.  |  November  25.  mdcc- 
Lxxii.  I  By  John  Searl,  a.m.  |  ...  I  Boston^  New- England :  \  Printed 
by  Thomas  and  "John  Fleet.    1773.  |     8vo,  pp.  35.  ba.  78626 

Searle  (L.  C.)  Washington,  Our  Example.  The  Father 
of  a  Nation  will  restore  it  to  Peace.  By  Mrs.  L.  C.  Searle.  ... 
Philadelphia:  "Jatnes  Challen  &  Son.  1865.  8vo,  pp.  1 21,  and 
printed  covers.  78627 

Searle  (R.)  Discourse  on  the  Anniversary  of  St.  John  the 
Evangelist.     By  Rev.  Roger  Searle.     Hartford.    18 14.     8vo. 

Searles  (R.  a.)  Scraps  and  Poems.  By  Mrs.  R.  A.  Searles. 
Cincinnati.    185 1.     l8mo,  pp.  82.  78629 

Sears  (A.  F.)  Rv?-organization  of  Florida.  An  Address 
delivered  before  a  Meeting  of  the  Citizens  of  Nassau  County, 
Florida,  at  King's  Ferry,  on  St.  Mary's  River  ...  July  22,  1865, 
By  Major  Alfred  F.  Sears,  u.s.v.  Boston:  Geo.  C  Rand  &  Jvery. 
1865.     8vo,  pp.  25.  H.  78630 

Sears  (B.),  b.  1802,  d.  1880.  Catalogue  of  the  Library  of 
President  Barnas  Sears  ...  of  Brown  University.  ...  Boston:  Alfred 
Mudge  ^  Son.^  Printers.    1869.     8vo,  pp.  95.  B.  78631 

Sears.  Education:  an  Address  ...  to  the  Constitutional  Con- 
vention of  the  State  of  Virginia.  ...  January  23,  i868.  By  Rev. 
Dr.  Sears.     Richmond.    1868.     8vo,  pp.  18.  b.  78632 

Also  :  The  Ciceronian  :  or  the  Prussian  Metho4,„of  teaching  the  Elements  ot  the 
Latin  Language  adapted  to  the  use  of  American  Schools  ...  Boston.  1844.  i2mo. 
Dr.  Sears  was  the  author  of  other  educational  works.  See  also  Vol.  ix.,  No.  35496; 
and  Vol.  XIV.,  No.  59389. 



Sears  (C.  W.)  A  Sermon  on  the  Occasion  of  the  National 
Fast,  appointed  by  Proclamation  of  President  Lincohi,  September 
26,  1 86 1.  Preached  in  the  ist  Methodist  K.  Church,  Urbana, 
O.,  By  Rev.  Clinton  W.  Sears  ....  Springfield^  Ohio:  Republic 
Job  Printing  Rooms.    1861.     8vo,  pp.  16,  (i),  and  covers.     78633 

[Sears  (David).]  Contrabands  and  Vagrants.  [With  Plan 
for  Gradual  Emancipation,  published  in  New  York,  1857.]    ^i^iv- 

port^  R.  I.  July  23,  1 86 1.     i2mo,  pp.  42. 

B.,  H. 


The  article  is  written  as  a  letter  to   Hon. 
"  David  Sears." 

Henry   Wllsun,  and   signed  at  the  end 

[Sears.]  Proposals  for  a  Union  of  Churches  in  the  Spirit  of 
Charity.     [^Boston,   i860.]    4to,  pp.  30.  M.  78635 

See  Dexter 's  "  Bibliography  of  Congregationalism,"  No.  6583. 

Sears  (E.  H.),  b.  1810,  d.  1876.  An  Address  delivered  at 
Lancaster,  before  the  Washington  Total  Abstinence  Society,  Sun- 
day evening,  December  5,  1841.  By  Edmund  H.  Sears,  Minis- 
ter of  the  Congregational  Society  in  Lancaster.  ...  Boston:  Printed 
by  Isaac  R.  Butts.    1841.     i2mo,  pp.  23.  H.  78636 

Sears,  A  Discourse  occasioned  by  the  Death  of  Rev.  Isaac 
Allen,  of  Bolton,  Preached  at  Lancaster,  March  24th,  1844.  % 
Edmund  H.  Sears,  Minister  of  the  First  Congregational  Society 
in  Lancaster.  Worcester:  Printed  by  Jonathan  L.  Estey.  1844. 
8vo,  pp.  16.  H.  78637 

Sears.  A  Discourse  preached  at  Lancaster,  Sunday,  March 
19,  1843,  at  the  Funeral  of  Deacon  Samuel  F.  White,  By  Ed- 
mund H.  Sears  ....  Boston:  Benjamin  H.  Greene.  1843.  ^^"> 
pp.  20.  H.  78638 

Sears.  Hindrances  to  a  Successful  Ministry.  A  Sermon 
preached  at  the  Ordination  of  Jared  M.  Heard,  in  Clinton,  Mass., 
August  25,  1858.  By  Edmund  H.  Sears.  ...  Boston:  Leonard 
C.Bowles.   1858.     8vo,  pp.  18.  H.  78639 

[Sears.]     [Notices  of  the  Sears   Family.      Cambridge^  Mass. 

1855  -H     i2mo,  pp.  14. 


"This  little  pamphlet  of  fourteen  pages  I  bL'licvc  was  printed  at  Cambridge,  Mass., 
in  1855,  without  a  title-page.  The  same  matter  will  be  found  in  Burke's  'Visitation 
of  Seats  and  Arms,'  and  is  mainly  composed  of  information  obtained  by  Mr.  Somerby." 
— W.  H.   Whitmore. 

Sears.  Pictures  of  the  Olden  Time,  as  shown  in  the  For- 
tunes of  a  Family  of  the  Pilgrims.  By  Edmund  H.  Sears.  ... 
Boston:  Crosby^  Nichols^  and  Company.   1857.     i2mo,  pp.  viii,  342. 



^^B      ^' 

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1!        < 



Skars.  Pijtures  of  the  Olden  Time  as  shown  in  the  For- 
tunes of  a  Family  of  the  Pilgrims.  By  Edmund  H.  Scars.  ... 
With  a  Genealogy.  —  Private  edition.  Boston:  Crosby^  Nichols^ 
and  Company.  1857.  i2mo,  pp.  viii,  337;  "Appendix,"  I  leaf; 
Portrait ;  Genealogies  and  Biographical  Sketches  of  the  Ancestry 
and  Descendants  of  Richard  Sears,  the  Pilgrim.  ...  \^Ibid.^  *^57» 
pp.  96  ;  Plate  opposite  p.  64.  78642 

The  "  Private  edition  "  is  rare. 

Sears.  Revolution  or  Reform.  A  Discourse  Occasioned  by 
the  Present  Crisis.  Preached  at  Way  land,  Mass.,  Sunday,  June 
15,  1856.  By  Edmund  H.  Sears.  ...  Boston:  Crosby^  Nichols  i^ 
Company.     Ebenezer  Clappy  "Jun.    1856.     8vo,  pp.  16,  and  covers. 

Sears.  Voices  of  the  Past.  A  Discourse  Preached  at  Lan- 
caster, the  last  Sabbath  in  the  year,  Dec.  29,  1844.  By  Edmund 
H.  Sears.    ...  Printed  by  request,  not  published.     Boston:  Printed 

by  George  Coolidge.    1845.     8vo,  pp.  16. 

B.  78644 

Also:  Athanasia ;  or  Forfgleam:  of  Immortality  ...  Boston.  1857.  izmo,  pp.  xli, 
340.    +  Boston.    1870.     I2mu. 

Sears  (F.)  An  Oration,  on  the  Nature  and  Perpetuity  of 
American  Independencvj,  ...  at  Naticlc,  July  4,  a.d.  1809.  Be- 
fore the  Fifth  Regiment  of  the  First  Brigade  and  Third  Division 
of  the  Militia.  By  Freeman  Sears.  Dedham  :  Printed  by  H. 
Mann.    1809.     8vo,  pp.  18.  H.,  N.  78645 

Sears  (H.)  The  People's  Keepsake,  or,  Funeral  Address  on 
the  Death  of  Abraham  Lincoln,  late  lamented  President  of  the 
United  States,  with  the  principal  Incidents  of  his  Life.  Deliv- 
ered by  Rev.  Hiram  Sears,  a.m.  in  ...  Mount  Carmel,  111.  ... 
April  23,  1865,  and  dedicated  to  the  Loyal  Men,  Women,  and 
Children  of  all  Parties  in  the  Country.  Cincinnati :  Poe  i^  Hitch- 
cock.   R.  P.  Thompson.,  Printer.    1865.    8vo,  pp.  18.  78646 

Sears  (M.)  The  American  Politician  ;  containing  the  Dec- 
laration of  Independence,  the  Constitution  of  the  United  States, 
the  Inaugural  and  First  Annual  Addresses  and  Messages  of  all 
the  Presidents,  and  other  important  state  papers  ;  together  with  a 
selection  of  Interesting  Statistical  Tables,  and  Biographical  No- 
tices of  the  signers  of  the  declaration  of  independence,  the  sev- 
eral presidents,  and  many  other  distinguished  characters.  By  M. 
Sears.  Embellished  with  the  Portraits  of  the  Presidents,  from 
Washington  to  Tyler.  Boston:  Published  by  E.  Leland  and  IV.  "J, 
IVhiting.  1842.  8vo,  pp.  552.  Plate.  C,  H.  -f  Third  Edition. 
[Ibid.]   1842.     8vo.  78647 

„^^c«.b.4-«.*JU.A4i.kftii4Hi(.'&&^  ? 



Skars  (R.)  a  Discourse  (leliveied  in  the  Picshyterian  CMniich, 
New  Sct)tlaiul,  May  14,  1841  ;  the  Day  of  Public  Fasting  aiul 
Prayer,  on  Account  ot  the  Death  of  William  Henry  Harrison, 
late  President  of  the  United  States.  By  Reuben  Sears,  yllhdtty : 
J.  Mumell.    1 84 1.     8vo,  pp.  23.  78648 

SfcARS.  A  Poem,  on  the  Mineral  Waters  of  Ballston  and  Sara- 
toga, with  Notes  illustrating  the  History  of  the  Springs  and  adja- 
cent Country.  By  Reuben  Sears,  a.m.  Ballston  Spa:  Published 
by  the  Author }   'J.  Comstock^  Printer.    18 19.     l8mo,  pp.  108.      BA. 

Sears  (R.),  b.  1810.  A  New  and  Popular  Pictorial  Descrip- 
tion of  the  United  States  ...  Edited  by  Robert  Sears.  New 
York.    1848.     8vo.  M.  78650 

Sears.  A  New  and  Popular  Pictorial  Description  of  the 
United  States  ;  containing  an  Account  of  the  Topography,  Settle- 
ment, History,  Revolutionary  and  other  interesting  Events  ;  Sta- 
tistics, Progress  in  Agriculture,  Manufactories,  and  Population,  of 
each  State  in  the  Union.  Illustrated  with  Engravings.  ...  Edited 
by  Robert  Sears.  Second  Edition.  New  York :  Robert  Sears. 
MDCCCXLix.     8vo,  pp.  608.  7^^5' 

Si.ARS.  A  Pictorial  Description  of  the  United  States  ;  embrac- 
ing the  History,  Geographical  Position,  Agricultural  and  Mineral 
Resources  ...  of  each  State  ...  .  By  Robert  Scars.  New  edition, 
revised  and  enlarged.  New  York:  Robert  Sears.  1853.  ^^'^■^  PP« 
viii,  648.     Woodcuts.  H.  78652 

[Sears.]  The  Pictorial  History  of  the  American  Revolution  ; 
with  a  Sketch  of  the  Early  History  of  the  Country,  the  Consti- 
tution of  the  United  States,  and  a  Chronological  Index.  Illus- 
trated with  several  hundred  engravings.  New  York :  Robert  Sears. 
1845.  ^vo,  pp.  432.  -\- \^Ibid.'\  I'i^.  8vo,  pp.  432.  +  Thirty- 
sixth  Thousand.  [/6/V/.]  1853.  8vo,  pp.  432.  Engraved  title. 
Portrait,  and  folded  facsimile.    -\-  Boston,  [n.  d.]     8vo.        7^653 

Thi;  preface  is  signed  "  R.  S."  and  dated  "  New  York,  May  I,  1845." 

Sears.  Sears'  Pictorial  Magazine.  Containing  a  Description 
of  the  State  of  Ohio.     [New  York?   1^$-^    8vo.     Plate. 

Title  from  a  bookseller'-,  catalogue. 

Sears.  Thrilling  Incidents  of  the  Wars  of  the  United  States; 
comprising  the  most  Striking  and  Remarkable  Events  of  the  Rev- 
olution, the  French  War,  the  Tripolitan  War,  the  Second  War 





?  mI 




with  Great  Hritain,  and  the  Mexican  War  ;  with  Three  Hundred 
Kngravings.      Hy  Robert  Scars.      New  I'orA.    i860.     8vo. 

Sears.  The  Wonders  of  the  World,  in  Nature,  Art,  and 
Mind-,  ...  Library  of  Useful  and  Entertaining  Knowledge;  illus- 
trated with  several  hundred  Engravings.  ...  By  Robert  Sears  ... 
New  I'ork  :  Robert  Scars.   MDCCCXi-lli.     8vo,  pp.  528.  BA. 

The  Sears  Fund.      Sec  Vol.  11.,  No.  6672. 

Searson  (J.)  The  Art  of  Contentment,  with  Several  enter- 
taining Pieces  of  Poetry  descriptive  of  the  present  times  in  the 
U.  States  of  America.  By  John  Searson.  Baltimore  :  IV.  Pechin. 
[179-.']     limo,  pp.  226.  7^657 

Di'ilitatfd  to  General  Washington. 

Searson.  Mount  Vernon,  a  Poem  :  |  Being  the  seat  of  his 
excellency  (jcorge  Washington,  in  the  [  State  of  Virginia  ;  |  Lieu- 
tenant-general and  commander  in  chief  of  the  laiid  forces  of  the  | 
United  States  of  America.  |  8@^  This  rural,  romantic  and  descrip- 
tive Poem  of  the  seat  of  so  |  great  a  character,  it  is  hoped  may 
please,  with  a  copper-plate  like-|ness  of  the  Cieneral.  It  was 
taken  fVom  an  actual  view  on  the  spot  |  by  the  author,  15th  May, 
1799.  Also  a  cursory  view  of  George- 1  town,  city  of  Washing- 
ton, and  the  capitol.  |  By  John  Searson,  formerly  of  Philadelphia, 
merchant.  |  ...  |  Philadelphia :  |  Printed  for  the  Jiutbor  by  Folwell.\ 
[1799.]    8vo,  pp.  83.     Portrait  of  Washington.  l.  78658 

Dedi'jatcd  to  Wasliington.  Most  copies  contain  at  the  end:  Elegiac  Verses,  |  on  tlie 
decease  of  |  his  late  excellency,  the  illustrious  and  ever-memorable,  great  and  good  |  Gen- 
eral George  Washington,  |  of  immortal  memory.      [^Philadclpbia.    1800?]     pp.4. 

Searson.  Poems  |  on  ]  Various  Subjects  and  Different  Occa- 
sions, I  chiefly  adapted  to  |  Rural  Entertainment  |  in  the  |  United 
States  of  America.  |  By  John  Searson,  |  Formerly  of  Philadelphia, 
Merchant.  |  ...  |  Philadelphia:  \  Printed  by  Snowden  l^  M*-Corkle^ 
No.  47,  North  Fourth-street.]  I  jgy.l  8vo,  pp.  94,  Contents  and 
subscribers*  names  (8),  Advertisement  (i).  l.  78659 

[Searson.]  Two  |  Discourses  |  Delivered  in  the  Prison  of| 
Philadelphia,  |  On  the  two  following  Texts ;  |  Matthew  xv.  25. ) 
...  I  Isaiah  XLV.  i5.|...|By  a  Lay-Man  of  the  Church  of  Eng- 
land. I  ...  I  Philadelphia  :  |  Printed  and  sold  by  JVilliam  Evitt^  at  the 
Sign  of  the  |  Bible-in- Hearty  in  Strawberry- Alley .^  for  the  Benefit  of\ 
the  Prisoners  of  the  said  Prison.  [1770.]!    8vo,  pp.  17.  n. 

Title  from  Hildeburn. 

it  i 




A  I  Seasonable  I  Account  |  Of 'I'he|  Christian  and  Dying- Words, 
I  Of  Sonic  Young- Men  i  Fit  tor  the  consideration  |  of  all:  Mut 
Especially  of  the  Youth  of  this  |  Generation  ;  viz  :  j  William 
Fletcher,  17  Years  of  age,  |  Tudor  Hrain,  17  Years  of  age,  |  and 
Richard  Manlift'e.  |  With  a  short  Epistle  (by  Cieorge  Whitehead] 
Prefixed.  |  Published  for  Instruction  and  Caution  to  the  Youth  | 
among  Friends,  called  Ouakers.  |  ...  |  Printed  at  Philadelphia  hy 
Reynier  "Jamen    1700.  |     Sni.  4to,  pp.  19.  H.s.P.  78661 

Title  tri)m  Hililfburn's  "  Issues  i)(  the  Press  in  I'cnusylv.ini.i,*'  .unl  the  Drinley  i.ita- 
lugue.  "Whitehead's  Epistle  (pp.  9,  10)  it  prelixed  ti)  the  Aicnunt  of  Tudor  Br.iin, 
first  printed,  Lotuion,  1697  (ite  Smith's  Catal.  iif'  Friends'  Books,  11.  716).  William 
Flettiier,  of  Philadelphia,  died  Feb.  23,  1700." — J.  H.  Tkumhui.i..  Mr.  Brinley's 
copy  (No.  345 s)  «old  for  $30. 

Seasonable  Address  of  a  Militia-Man  to  those  of  his  Fraternity 
on  the  Prospect  of  a  Peace.  London:  lyUkie.  1761.  Hvo,  pp. 
48.  78662 

A  Seasonable  Advice  to  the  Inhabitants  of  the  Province  of 
Pennsylvania  against  the  guiles  of  the  Devil  and  Man.  [Phila- 
delphia.  1729.?]     Folio,  pp.  3.  7^6^3 

"  Mentioned  by  Du  Simetiere  in  his  list  of  Books,  etc.,  rel.iting  to  Pennsylvania." 
Title  and  note  from  Hildehurn,  No.  379.      Perhaps  the  same  as  No.  70292,  Vol.  xvii. 

Seasonable  Advice,  to  the  Members  of  the  British  Parliament, 
concerning  Conciliatory  iMeasures  with  America}  and  an  Act  of 
Perpetual  Insolvency  for  Pelief  of  Debtors  with  Some  Strictures 
on  the  reciprocal  Duties  of  Sovereigns,  and  Senators.  London  : 
J.  Beiv.  M,DCC,Lxxv.    8vo,  pp.  viii,  38.  h.  78664 

"This  writer  warmly  and  fluently  declaims  in  favor  of  the  colonists  and  of  confined 
debtors." — Ahnthly  Re-vietv,  Liv.  257. 

Seasonable  and  affecting  Observations  on  the  Mutiny  Bill,  Ar- 
ticles of  War,  and  use  and  abuse  of  a  Standing  Army.  London : 
Owen.    1750.     8vo,  pp.  67.  78665 

Seasonable  and  Candid  Thoughts  on  Human  Creeds  or  Arti- 
cles of  Faith,  as  Religious  Tests  ...  By  an  Orthodox  Clergy- 
man of  Massachusetts.     Boston.    1813.     8vo,  pp.  46.  M.,  w. 

Mr.  Brinley's  copy  (No.  6364)  was  marked,  "  By  Jacob  Norton,"  in  the  hand  of 
Rev.  Seth  Chandler.      For  a  reply  see  No.  78669,  infra. 

A  Seasonable  Caveat  against  Popery :  |  or,  an  |  Essay  |  on  the  | 
Merchandise  |  of  |  Slaves  and  Souls  of  Men  }  |  Revelations  xviii. 
13.  I  With  an  |  Application  |  Thereof  to  the  |  Church  of  Rome.  | 
By  a  Gentleman.  |  ...  |  Printed  at  Boston  in  New  England^  \  and  \ 


'  M\ 

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Rtptinted  at   l.ntuhn^  for  'Jouph  Poivuint;^  \  In   Bdrtheletntv-Clett^ 
near  If'est-Srnlth/itU^  '73;<-|     ^v"»  PP-  ^1  '-35i  {^)-  78667 

By  Paul  Diidlry,  chirf'-juiticr  of'  M.iiui  himrttii,  I'j^ij*  J?  in  wrunjjly  nunilirrrd  17, 
For  tlie  rtrit  rdition  tee  Vol.  v.,  No.  11087.  Tins  ei».iy,  .u  Dr.  'rrunihull  rrnurki, 
h4(  nothing  to  i,iy  uf'  African  tlavrty,  or  the  ibve-tradr ;  liut  W4i  ainird  at  "the 
church  of'  Home." 

Seasonable  Observations  on  the  Trailc  to  Africa,  in  a  Letter 
to  a  Member  of  Parliament.      I.ottdon,    1749.     4to,  pp.  18. 

A  Seasonable  Pica  for  the  Liberty  of  Conscience.  See  [Will- 
iams (Elisha)J. 

A  Seasonable  Testimony.     See  [Mather  (C.)],  Vol.  xi.  46498. 

Seasonable  Thoughts  on  Human  Creeds  or  A.ticles  of  Faith, 
by  an  Orthodox  Clergyman,  shewn  to  be  very  Unreasonable 
Thoughts;  in  a  Letter  to  a  Friend.  Boston.  1814.  i2mo,  pp. 
24.  78669 

In  rrply  to  No.  78666,  suf>ra. 

The  Seasons,  An  Luerlocutory  Exercise  at  the  South  CJranj- 
mar  School,  June  26,  1765.  Being  the  Day  of  the  Annual  Vis- 
itation of  the  Schools  in  Boston.  ...  Boston:  Printed  by  T.  £s*  J. 
Fleet.   MDCCLxv.    4to,  pp.  8.  h.  78670 

By  John  Lovell.      Improved  title  of  No.  42378,  Vol.  X. 

Skat  (W.  H.)  The  Confederate  States  of  America  in  Proph- 
ecy. By  the  Rev.  VV.  H.  Seat,  of  the  Texas  Conference.  Nash- 
ville^ Tenn.:  Printed  for  the  Juthor.    1 86 1.     i6mo,  pp.  144.        c. 

"  We  have  endeavored  to  show  the  United  States  were  not  only  'the  Ancient 
of  days,'  but  also  'the  Mountain.'  When  this  is  fully  made  out,  the  identification  of 
the  Confederate  States  as  the  sixth  power,  or  the  stone  cut  out  of  the  mountain,  is  easy, 
and  even  necessary." — Preface. 

Seat  of  the  Muses.  The  Columbiad  Parnassiad.  Koul  Jacob 
in  defence  of  the  Jewish  Religion  :  containing  the  arguments  of 
Rev.  C.   F.   Frey,  and  an   Answer  thereto.      New  York.    1816. 

8vo,  pp.  79. 


Seatsfield,  pseudon.  See  [Postl  (Karl)],  Vol.  xv.,  Nos. 

Seaver  (A.  M.)  Gold  tried  in  the  Fire;  or,  some  Acconnt 
of  the  Life,  Sufferings,  and  Death  of  Catharine  Downing  Will- 
iams. By  Anna  Maria  Seaver.  ...  Andover :  Warren  F.  Draper. 
186 1.     i6mo,  pp.  72.  H.  78673 

s  !■  A  y  I  l< . 


Si  avi:k  (B.)  ...  AiMitss  to  the  ...  Comiiu)!)  C'ouniil,  Hy 
lU'iijam".!  Scavi'i  ....  lioston :  J.  //.  Kaithuru^  /'rinter.  1H50. 
Hvo,  pp.   14.  B.  78674 

With  hiMiI'm^;  ;  "City  Dm  imn'iit.  —  Nn,  67."  AImi  s  Iiuui;  Aililreii  by  Bcnj.i- 
inii)  SiMviM,  M.iyor,  |.iiiii.iiv,  lH^j.  H"Sl"'i.  iH^I.  Xvo,  |<|>.  4. -- In.iU);  Aililrrii 
...  hy  Hfiijmiiii  .Sf.ivcr,  M.iycir  ...  |.iti.  ■\,  iS^^  ...  ll.tli  n  :  ''/.  II.  h',istl'iiin,  I'linttr. 
iS^].  Hvu,  |i|i.  ji. —  ...  Aililicss  lly  Hon.  lli'DJ.iiiiiii  Sf.ivrr  ...  dii  ...  rrtitinK  t'roni 
Ofliic,  Dc.fnilicr  ^1,  iKjj.  ...  Huiton  :  J.  II.  Euslhum,  I'linta.  185J.  8vi),  |>p.  11. 
With  hr.iuiim  I   "City  Dmumeiu. — Nd.  yi." 

Skavkk  (irif/ Cox  (S.  A.)  A  C'onimunicatitm  addressed  to  the 
Boston  Hoard  ot  'I'radi-,  My  Mcnjainin  Seavcr  and  S.  A.  Cox,  on 
the  ...  Scioto  and  Mocking  Valley  Railroad  anil  Mineral  Lands  in 
Ohio  ...  with  a  Report  of"  Preston  S.  Lincoln.  ...  lioston:  Printed 
hy  Dutton  and  IVentivorth,    1855.     8vo,  pp.  2^,  (l).  H.  78675 

Skaveu  (K.)  Statement  of  Votes  in  Congress  given  by  the 
lion.  Kbt'iie/er  Seaver.  Boston :  Printed  by  John  E/ioty  */««. 
1812.     8vo,  pp.  20.  H.  78676 

Skavkr  (H.)  An  Oration  delivered  before  the  Mechanic 
Apprentices'  Library  Association,  July  4,  1835.  Hy  Henry  Sea- 
ver.     lioston:  Tuttle  and  JVeeks.    1835.     l2mo,  pp.  22.  H. 

Seavkr  (J.  E.)  A  Narrative  of  the  Life  of  Mrs.  Mary  Jemi- 
siii,  who  was  taken  by  the  Indians,  in  the  year  1755,  When 
only  about  twelve  years  of  age,  and  has  continued  to  reside 
amongst  then\  to  the  present  time.  Containing  an  account  of 
the  murder  of  her  father  and  his  family;  her  sufferings ;  her 
marriage  to  two  Indians;  her  troubles  with  her  children;  Bar- 
barities of  the  Indians  in  the  P'rench  and  Revolutionary  VV^ars  ; 
the  life  of  her  last  husband  ;  And  many  Historical  Facts  never 
before  published.  Carefully  taken  from  her  own  words,  Nov. 
2qth,  1823.  To  which  is  added,  An  Appendix,  Containing  an 
Account  of  the  Tragedy  at  the  Devil's  Hole,  in  1 763,  and  of 
Sullivan's  Expedition  ;  the  Traditions,  Manners,  Customs,  &c., 
of  the  Indians,  as  believed  and  practised  at  the  present  day,  and 
since  Mrs.  Jemison's  captivity  ;  together  with  some  Anecdotes, 
and  other  entertaining  Matter.  Bv  James  E.  Seaver.  Hoivden : 
Printed  for  R.  Parkin:  Sold  by  T.  Te^g^  73,  Cheapside^  London; 
llilson  and  Sons,  York;  J.  Noble,  Hull;  IV.  IValker,  Otley ;  and 
hy  every  other  bookseller.    1826.      l8mo,  pp.  180.  78678 

[Seavkr.]  Narrative  of  the  Life  of  Mrs.  Mary  Jemison  ... 
to  her  death  at  the  Seneca  Reservation,  near  Buft'alo,  N.  Y., 
1833.    ...    Rochester.    1840.     8vo.  7^679 

VOL.   XIX.  13 


*|t  i 



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i.     1 




"  J 








Shaver.  Deh-he-wa-mis:  or  a  Narrative  of  the  lAfc  of  Mary 
Jemison :  otherwise  called  The  White  Woman,  who  was  taken 
captive  by  the  Indians  in  mdcclv;  and  who  continued  with  them 
seventy-eight  years.  Containing  an  account  of  the  murder  of 
her  father  and  his  family;  her  Marriages  and  Sufferings;  Indian 
liarbarities,  Customs  and  Traditions.  Carefully  taken  from  her 
own  words.  By  James  E.  Scaver.  Also  the  Life  of  Hiokatoo, 
and  Ebenezcr  Allen;  a  Sketch  of  General  Sullivan's  Campaign; 
Tragedy  of  the  "Devil's  Hole,"  etc.  The  whole  revised,  cor- 
rected and  enlarged  :  with  descriptive  and  historical  sketches  of 
the  Six  Nations,  the  Genesee  Country,  and  other  interesting 
Facts  connected  with  the  Narrative  :  By  Ebenezer  Mix.  Second 
Edition.  Batavia^  N.  T.  Published  by  Ifilliam  Seaver  and  Son^ 
1842.  i8mo,  pp.  192.  -f  Utica.  1842.  i8mo.  -f  Third  Edi- 
tion.     Batavia.    1844.     i8mo.  s.  78680 

Seaver.  Deh-he-wa-mis:  or  a  Narrative  of  the  Life  of  Mary 
Jemison:  otherwise  called  the  White  Woman,  who  was  taken 
captive  by  the  Indians  in  mdcclv;  and  who  continued  with  them 
seventy-eight  years.  Containing  an  account  of  the  murder  of 
her  father  and  his  family  ;  her  marriages  and  sufferings  ;  Indian 
Barbarities,  Custoiiis  and  Traditions.  Carefully  taken  from  her 
own  words.  By  James  E.  Seaver.  Also  the  life  of  Hiokatoo 
and  Ebenezer  Allen;  and  Historical  Sketches  of  the  Six  Nations, 
the  Genesee  Country,  and  other  interesting  facts  connected  with 
the  narrative;  By  Ebenezer  Mix.  Devon^  Published  by  S.  Thorne^ 
Prospect- Place^  Shebbear.  London^  IV.  ''J'egg^  "j  "^^  Cheapside.  1847. 
i8mo,  pp.  184.  78681 

Seaver.  Life  of  Mary  Jemison:  Deh-he-wa-mis.  By  James 
E.  Seaver.  Fourth  edition,  with  geographical  and  explanatory 
notes.  New  York  and  yiuburn  :  Miller^  Orton  Ssf  Mulligan.  Roch- 
ester:  D.  M.  Dewey.  1856.  i2mo,  pp.  312.  5  Plates,  a.  -| 
Fourth  edition  ...  New  Tork :  C.  M.  Saxton,  Barker  Sff  Co.  i860. 
i2mo,  pp.  312.  +  Fifth  edition,  with  appendix.  Buffalo.^  N.  If'.: 
Printing  House  of  Matthews  ^  IVarren^  Office  of  the  '*  Buffalo  Com- 
mercial Advertiser.*^   iSjy.    1 2mo,  pp.  (4),  7-303.     9  Plates. 

Seaver  (N.)  A  Discourse  delivered  at  the  Funeral  of  Hon. 
Solomon  Foot,  in  the  Congregational  Church,  Rutland,  Vt., 
April  3,  1866.  By  Rev.  Norman  Seaver,  Pastor  of  the  Church. 
Rutland:  Tuttle^  Gay  l5^  Company.    1866.     8vo,  pp.  26.  B.,  h. 

Seav£R.  The  Hand  of  God  as  seen  in  the  Fall  of  Richmond. 
A  Discourse,  delivered  in  the  Congregational  Church  in  Rutland, 



Vermont,  on  Sunday,  9th  of  April,  a.d.  1865.  By  Rev.  Nor- 
man Seaver,  Pastor.  Rutland:  Tuttle^  Gay  bf  Company.  1865. 
8vo,  pp.  16.  H.  78684 

Seaver  (VV.)  A  Historical  Sketch  of  the  Village  of  Batavia 
by  William  Seaver.  Batavia :  Printed  by  IVm.  Seaver  iff  Son. 
1849.     8vo,  pp.  56.  78685 

Seaward  {Sir  Edward).  See  [Porter  (W.  O.)],  Vol.  xv., 
No.  64323. 

Seaweeds  from  ...  Nantucket.     See  [Starbuck  (L.  C.)] 

Seaworthy  ((i.),  pseudon.  Bertie,  or  Life  in  the  Old  Field. 
A  Humorous  Novel.  Bv  Capt.  Gregory  Seaworthy.  ...  With 
a  Letter  to  the  Author  from  Washington  Irving.  Philadelphia : 
A.  Hart.    1851.     l2mo.  78686 

Seaworthy.  Nag's  Head;  or  Two  Months  among  "The 
Bankers."  A  Story  of  Seashore  Life  and  Manners.  By  Capt. 
Gregory  Seaworthy.      Philadelphia:  A.  Hart.    1850.     i2mo. 

Seba  (A.),  b.  1665,  d.  1736.  Locupletissimi  Rerum  Natura- 
lium  Thesauri  Accurata  descriptio,  et  Iconibus  artificiosissimis 
expressio,  per  Universam  physicis  historiam.  Opus,  cui  in  hoc 
rerum  genere  nullum  par  extitit,  ex  toto  terra.'um  orbe  collegit, 
digessit,  descripsit  et  depinxit,  curavit  Albertus  Seba  ...  Amstela- 
dami.  mdccxxxiv-mdcclxv.  4  vols.,  folio,  pp.  (33),  178,  with 
III  Plates;  (34),  154,  with  114  Plates;  (26),  212,  with  116 
Plates;  (4),  42,  214,  with  108  Plates.  A.,  H.  78688 

There  are  two  editions  of  the  text,  one  in  Latin  and  French  (as  in  the  Astor  Library 
copy),  and  the  other  in  Latin  and  Dutch.  The  natural  history  of  America  is  well 
represented.  Some  of  the  plates  exhibit  the  figures  as  large  as  life.  Some  copies  con- 
tain colored  plates,  of  which  there  are  two  kinds,  those  colored  by  the  original  pub- 
lisher, which  are  the  most  desirable,  and  those  colored  in  Paris  in  the  early  p' rt  of  the 
present  century. 

Seba.  Planches  de  Seba  (Locupletissimi  rerum  naturalium 
Thesauri  accurata  descriptio),  accompagnees  d'un  texte  explicatif 
mis  au  courant  de  la  science,  et  redige  par  une  reunion  de  savants: 
MM.  le  baron  Cuvier,  Desmarest^  J.  GeofFroy  Saint-Hilaire, 
Audoin,  Boisduval,  Guillemin,  Valenciennes,  le  baron  de  Ferus- 
sac,  Lesson,  Guerin,  Eudes  Deslonchamps ;  ouvrage  public  sous 
les  auspices  de  MM.  les  professeurs  et  administrateurs  du  Mu- 
seum royal  d'histoire  naturelle  de  Paris,  par  les  soins  de  M.  E. 
Guerin.      Paris  et  Strasbourg :  Levrault.    1727.     4to.  78689 

"Cette  edition,  qui  renferme  450  planches,  a  etc  publiee  en  45  livraisons  au  prix  dc 







,!    ay 


"I  m ;  i^ 

I      I 
.  I 




4  fr.  I'une.  Ces  450  planches  sunt  tirccs  He  I'ancii-nnc  edilidn,  {|)uant  au  texte,  la 
redaction  en  avaic  ete  entrepiise  par  M.  tie  Ferubsuc  ;  iii.iih  ii  cbt  iixiit  •\\>ivi  avoir  fait 
imprimir  la  premiere  feuille.  Deja  au  commencement  de  ce  siecle  le  iiliraire  Pougeni 
avait  annonce  une  nuuvelle  edition  du  Cabinet  de  Seba,  sous  le  litre  de  Descripiion  exacit 
dts  objttt  precieux  composant  le  cahinet  d'ihtoiie  naturelle  d'/ilhert  Seba.  Cetle  edition, 
qui  devait  ctre  publiee  en  50  livraisons  du  9  planclies.,  n'a  pas  nicme  rr9u  un  cum- 
mencement  d'exicution." — Querard,  La  France  Littiraire,  (Paiis,  1838),  tome  ix.,  p.  6. 

Sebastian  (Pedro  Cubero).  See  Cubero  Sebastian  (P.),  Vol. 
v.,  Nos.  17819-17821. 

[Seccombe  (John),  ^.  1708,  </.  1793.]  Father  Abbey's  Will.} 
To  which  is  now  added,  A  Letter  of  Courtship  to  his  virtuous 
and  amiable  Widow.  |  Cambridge  December,  1731.I  ...  \SoU  at 
the  Bible  and  Heart  in  Cornhill^  Boston.  \  [1731  ?]     4to,  I  leaf.     H. 

[Seccoi.^be.]  Father  Abbey's  Will;  to  which  is  added,  A 
Letter  of  Courtship  to  his  Virtuous  and  Amiable  Widow.  With 
Historical  and  Biographical  Notes.  Privately  Printed.  Cambridge. 
1854.     8vo,  pp.  14.  BA.,  K.  78691 

In  verge.     Edited  by  John  Langdon  Sibley. 

Seccombe.  A  |  Sermon  |  Occasioned  by  the  Death  of  the| 
Honorable  Abigail  Belcher,  |  Late  Consort  of  |  Jonathan  Belcher, 
Esq;  I  Late  Lieutenant  Governor  and  Commander  in  Chief,  |  and  j 
His  Majesty's  present  Chief  Justice  |  of  His  Province  of  |  Nova- 
Scotia,  I  Delivered  at  Halifax,  in  the  said  Province,  |  October  20. 
1 77 1. 1  By  John  Seccombe,  |  Of  Chester,  a.m.]  With  an  Epistle,  | 
By  Mather  Byles,  D.D.|Of  Boston.  | ...  |  5oj/(?«,  New-England :\ 
Printed  by  Thomas  and  "John  Fleet^  \']']2.\  8vo,  pp.  (2),  ii,  7-2.5, 
(2).  H.,  M.  78692 

Seccombe.  A  Sermon,  occasioned  by  the  Death  of  Mrs. 
Margaret  Green,  consort  of  the  late  Honorable  Benjamin  Green, 
Esq.,  delivered  at  Halifax,  in  the  Province  of  Nova  Scotia,  Feby. 
ist,  1778.     By  John  Secccmbe  ...  Halifax.    1778.     8vo,  pp.  21. 

Seccombe.  A  |  Sermon  |  Preached  at  Halifax,  July  3d,  1770,! 
At  the  Ordination  |  of  the  |  Rev.  Bruin  Romcas  Comingoe.  |Ta 
the  Dutch  Calvinistic  Presby- 1  terian  Congregation  at  Lunen-| 
burg,  I  By  John  Seccombe,  |  of  Chester,  a.m.  |  Being  the  First 
preached  in  the  Province  of  No- 1  va-Scotia,  on  such  an  Occa- 
sion. I  To  which  is  added  |  An  Appendix.  |  ...  |  Halifax  :  Printed  by 
A.  Henry.,  iyjO.\{Price  One  Shilling.)]     8vo,  pp.  (6),  31,  16.      L. 

Foll<  ving  the  sermon  is  "An  Appendix.  Containing  the  Reasons  of  the  Ordin 
tion  ot  the  Rev.  Mr.  Bruin  Romcas  Comingoe,  to  the  pastoral  Care  of  the  Uuti 
Calvin. sts  at  Lunenburgh,  in  the  Province  of  Nova-Scotia;   with   the  {^u^^tio^^  P"' 





|en- 1 

\d  by 



lickly  propounded  on  that  Occasion,  &c.  By  the  Rev.  Mr.  Murdoch."  "Anthony 
Henry  wjs,  in  1770,  the  only  printer  in  Nov.i  Scotia,  and  books  with  his  imprint  are 
rare.  This  tract  is  of'  special  interest,  as  •  the  Sermon,  and  the  Proceedings  in  the 
Ordination,  [were]  the  First  Efforts  of"  tiie  kind  to  promote  the  Dissenting  Interest  in 
this  Province.*" — J.  H.  Thumuuli.. 

Seccombe.  Eine  zu  Halifax  den  3ten  July  1770  gehaltene 
Predigt  an  der  Hochdeutsch-Reforniiitc  Gemeine  zu  Liincbuig 
in  Nova  Scotia,  bey  der  Ordination  des  Ehrw.  Herrn  Bruin 
Romcas  Comingoe.  Durch  Mag.  John  Seccombe  ;  nebst  einem 
Anhange.  Aus  dem  Englischen  iibersetzt.  Philadelphia :  Hen- 
rich  Miller.    1770.     8vo.  78695 

Advertised  in  "  Der  Pennsylvanische  Staatsbote,"  Feb.  5,  1 770. 

Title  from  Hilde- 

[Seccombe  (Joseph),  a.  1706,//.  1760.]  Business  and  Diver- 
sion I  inoffensive  to  God,  and  necessary  for  the  |  Comfort  and 
Support  of  human  Society.  |  A  |  Discourse  |  utter'd  in  Part  |  at  | 
Ammauskeeg-Kalls,  |  in  the  |  Fishing-Season.  |  1 739.  | 

Deep  in  the  Vale  old  Moniack  rolls  his  Tides, 

Romantick  Prospects  crown  his  reverend  Sides; 

Now  thro'  wild  Grotts,  and  pendent  Woods  he  strays, 

And  ravish'd  at  the  Sight,  his  Course  delays. 

Silent  and  calm — now  with  impetuous  Shock 

Pours  his  swift  Torrent  down  the  stcepy  Rock; 

The  tumbling  Waves  thro*  airy  Channels  flow. 

And  loudly  roaring,  smoke  and  foam  below. 

I.   W. 
Boston^  Printed  /or  S.   Kneeland  and  T.  Green  in  \  ^ueen- Street. 
Mdccxliii.|    8vo,  pp.  (2),  ii,  5-21,  (i).  c,  h.  78696 

Signed  "  Fluviatulis  Piscator." 

[Seccombe.]  On  the  |  Death  |  Of  the  Reverend  |  Benjamin 
Colman,  d.d.  |Who  deceased  August  29.  1747.  |  An  |  Eclogue.] 
Attempted  by  O —  E —  a  young  Student.  | ...  |  flo^/ow,  Printed 
by  Rogers  and  Fowle.\     [1747.']     8vo,  pp.  8.  B.  78697 

[Seccombe.]  A  |  Plain  and  Brief]  Rehearsal  |  Of  the  Opera- 
tions I  of  I  Christ  as  God.  | ...  |  Boston  :  Printed  by  S.  Kneeland  |  and 
T.  Green.   1740.    8vo,  pp.  (2),  ii,  23,  (i).  e.,  h.  78698 

The  dedication  is  signed  Joseph  Seccomb. 

Seccombe.  Reflections  on  Hypocrisy.  |  In  a  |  Sermon  |  Preached 
at  Kingston  in  |  New-  Hampshire  ;  |  And  now  printed  at  the  earnest 
Desire  of  the  people.  |  By  Joseph  Seccomb,  m.a.  |  Pastor  of  the 
Church  there.  | ...  |  Boston  :  \  Printed  by  S.  Kneeland  and  \  T.  Green. 
1 74 1.     8vo,  pp.  (4),  18.  B.,  ba.  78699 

[Seccomhe.]     Some  |  occasional  Thoughts  |  on  the  |  Influence 

I     'I 

:  il 


\    f.' 




J  It 

'J  .  i 

of  the  Spirit.  |  With  |  Seasonable  Cautions  against  |  Mistakes  and 
Abuses.  I ...  I  Boston :  Printed  and  sold  hy  S.  Kueeland  \  and  T.  Green. 
1742.     8vo,  pp.  (4),  ii,  16.  BA.,  H.  78700 

[Seccombe.]  a  Specimen  of  the  Harmony  of  Wisdom  and 
Felicity,  in  relation  to  our  civil,  moral,  and  spiritual  Behaviour  .  . 
Boston.    1743.     8vo,  pp.  iv,  29.  78701 

[Seccombe.]  The  Ways  of  |  Pleasure  |  and  |  The  Paths  of 
Peace,  |  Discovered  in  |  a  Discourse,  |  Which  was  written,  on 
board  |  A  Ship  at  Sea.  |  Never  before  published.  |  ...  |  Boston: 
Printed  by  B.  Mecom.\  [1760?]     i2mo,  pp.  14.  H.  78702 

Secession:  a  Folly.     See  [Ingersoll  (J.  R.)J,  Vol.  ix.  34748. 

La  Secession  aux  Etats-Unis  et  son  origine  Par  un  Journaliste 
Americain.    ...    Paris:  E.  Dentu.    1861.     8vo,  pp.  30.  a.,  H. 

A  statement  as  to  the  origin  of  the  war.  It  is  based  entirely  upon  slavery,  as  proved 
by  various  quotations  and  reference  to  the  Crittenden  Compromise,  Cameron's  Letter 
to  Butler,  Washington's  Farewell  Address.      Signed,  J.  M.,  /'.  e.  J.  Mortimer. 

Secession,  Coercion,  and  the  Civil  War;  the  Story  of  1861. 
Baltimore :  Armstrong  iff  Berry.    1861.     8vo.  7^704 

Secession,  Concession.      See  [Clarice  (J.  F  'j^  Vol.  iv.  1341  7. 

Secession  :  Considered  as  a  right  in  the  States  composing  the 
late  American  Union  of  States,  and  as  to  the  grounds  of  Justifi- 
cation of  the  Southern  States  in  exercising  the  right.  By  a  Gen- 
tleman of  Mississippi.      "Jackson.,  Miss.    1863.     8vo,  pp.  45.       b. 

Secession  in  the  Future.  Philadelphia:  King  iff  B air d^  Printers. 
1862.     8vo,  pp.  24.  78706 

Secession  of  a  Large  Body  of  Friends  from  the  Yearly  Meet- 
ing of  Indiana,  in  Consequence  of  Antislavery  Action  and 
Opinions  ...  .  Dublin:  Reprinted  by  tVebh  and  Chapman.  1843. 
i2mo,  pp.  28.  M.  78707 

The  Secession  of  the  Rats;  a  Fable  to  suit  the  times.  Trans- 
lated from  the  Coptic  and  rfespectfully  dedicated  to  the  Hoys  of 
the  U.  S.      By  a  Southerner.     tVashington.    1861.     8vo,  pp.  7. 

The  Secession  of  the  Whole  South  an  Existing  Fact.  A 
Peaceable  Separation  the  True  Course.  Its  Effect  on  Peace 
and    I'rade  Between  the  Sections.     [^Cincinnati.    1861.]     8v(),  pp. 

15,  {')•  7i^7^9 

Reprinted  trom  the  "Cincinnati  Daily  Hiebs." 



Secession  or,  Prose  in  Rhyme  and  East  Tennessee.  A  Poem 
By  an  East  Tennessean.  Philadelphia :  Printed  for  the  Juthor. 
1864.     i6mo,  pp.  64.  B.,  c.  78710 

Secession  Resisted.     See  [Ingersoll  (J.  R.)],  Vol.  ix.  34750. 

...  Secession:  The  Remedy  and  Result.  5^^  [Dodge  (R.)], 
Vol.  v.,  No.  20510, 

Secessionists ;  their  Promises  and  Performances  ;  the  Condi- 
tion into  which  they  have  brought  the  Country  ;  the  Remedy, 
etc.  A  Voice  from  North  Carolina.  AW  Tork :  Anson  D.  F. 
Randolph.    1863.     8vo,  pp.  21.  7871 1 

Seche  (Leon).  Le  Dies  irae  du  Mexique  [in  verse]  ...  Paris. 
1872.     i2mo,  pp    xxiv,  120.  787*2 

[Secker  (Thomas),  b.  1693,  d.  1768.]  An  Answer  to  Dr. 
Mayhew's  Observations  on  the  Charter  and  Conduct  of  the 
Society  for  the  Propagation  of  the  Gospel  in  Foreign  Parts. 
London^  John  Rivington^  m.dcc.lxiv.     8vo,  pp.  68.         H.  78713 

In  reply  to  No.  47140,  Vol.  xi.      For  Mayhew's  answer,  see  Vol.  xi..  No.  47144. 

[Secker.]  An  |  Answer  |  to|  Dr.  Mayhew's  Observations] on 
the  I  Charter  and  Conduct]  of  the  |  Society  |  for  the  |  Propagation  of 
the  Gospel  |  in  Foreign  Parts.  |  London :  Printed.  |  Boston :  Re- 
Printed^  and  Sold  by  R.\and  S.  Draper^  in  Newbury- Street ;  Edes\ 
and  Gill  in  ^een-street^  iff  T.  i£f  J.  Fleet^  \  in  Cornhill.  1764.  | 
8vo,  pp.  59.  c.  78714 

Secker.  An  |  Appendix  |  to  the  |  American  Edition  |  of  the| 
Life  of  Archbishop  Secker:  |  containing  |  His  Grace's  Letter] to | 
I'he  Revd.  Mr.  Macclanechan, |on  [The  Irregularity  of  his  Con- 
duct;  I  with  I  An  Introductory  i:"^. airdUve.\  New- Tor i  :\  Printed  by 
H.  Gainey  at  his  Book  Store  and  \  Printing-Office^  at  the  Bible  and 
Crowny  in\  Hanover-Square^  MDCCLXXIV.  |     8vo,  pp.  xx,  28.        L. 

The  introductory  narrative  is  by  Thomas  Bradbury  Chandler,  d.d.  For  the  work  to 
which  this  is  an  appendix,  see  Vol.  xv.,  No.  64328. 

Secker.     A  |  Letter] To  the  Right  Honourable  Horatio  Wal- 

|>oIe,  Esq.;  ]  Written  Jan.  9,  1 750-1,  ]  By  the   Right  Reverend 

Ihomas  Secker,  ll.  d.  ]  Lor*'   ^^'"^    )  of  Oxford  :  ]  concerning 

Bishops  in  America.  ]  London  :  J.  and  F.  Rivington^  M  Dec  lxix.  | 

8vo,  pp.  (4),  28.  H.  78716 

This  letter  was  found  amurv  the  papers  of  Archbishop  Secker  at  his  deciMse,  with  a 
note  upon  it  directing  it  to  be  printed  after  his  death.  For  a  reply  see  [Blackburne 
(F.)J,  Vol.  If.,  No.  5689;  a/so  Vol.  iii..  No.  11878. 




ii!  !• 




j    i 

1      i 




[Secker.]  a  Sermon  Preached  before  the  Incorporated  So- 
ciety for  the  Propagation  of  the  Gospel  in  Foreign  Parts;  at  their 
Anniversary  Meeting  in  the  Parish-Church  of  St.  Mary-Le-Bow, 
on  Friday,  P'ebruary  20.  1 740-1.  Hy  7'homas  Lord  liishop  of 
Oxford.  London:  J.  and  H.  Pemhertou^  M  DCCXLI.  4to,  pp.  38. 
-f  [Another  edition.  Ibid.']  1741.  8vo,  pp.  84.  +  (Another 
edition.  lbid.~\  \]^i.  8vo,  pp.  45;  Proceedings,  pp.  47-87; 
List  of  Members,  pp.  89-103.  ba.  78717 

Secker.  Sermons  on  Various  Subjects.  By  Thomas  Secker 
...  Published  by  B.  Porteus,  d.d.,  and  G.  Stinton,  d.d.  ...  Pre- 
fixed, A  Review  of  his  Grace's  Life  and  Character  ...  London. 
1770.     4  vols.,  8vo.  7^7'8 

Secker.  The  Works  of  Thomas  Secker,  ll.d.  late  Lord 
Archbishop  of  Canterbury.  To  which  is  prefixed,  a  Reviw  of 
his  Life  and  Character,  by  Beilby  Porteus,  d.d.  late  Lord  Bishop 
of  London.  A  new  edition,  in  six  volumes.  ...  Loudon:  Printed 
for  C.  and  y.  Rivington  [etc.]  1825.  6  vols.,  8vo,  pp.  (6),  Ixiv, 
460,  Portrait;  vii,  543;  vii,  568;  (8),  438;  (2),  v-viii,  525;  v, 
509,(1).  L.  78719 

The  sixth  volume  cmit.t'ms  tlie  "Answer  to  Dr.  Mayhew's  Observations"  and  the 
•'Letter  to  the  Rigiit  Hiini)ur.)l)li;  Hot.irio  W.ilpole  ...  conccniing  Bishops  in  America." 

Secker  (W.)  A  Wedding  Ring,  Fit  for  the  Finger;  or, 'I 'he 
Salve  of  Divinity,  on  the  Sore  of  Humanity.  With  13irections 
to  those  Men  that  want  Wives,  how  to  choose  them  ;  and  to 
those  Women  that  have  Husbands,  how  to  use  them.  A  Ser- 
mon at  a  Wedding  in  Edmonton.  By  William  Secker  ...  Bos- 
ton.   1750.     l2mo.  78720 

First  printed,  London,  1653,  or  earlier. 

Second  Address  of  the  Central  Committee  of  Fauquier,  to  the 
People  of  that  County,  on  the  Army  Bill.  IVashington :  Madi- 
sonian  Print.    i"|0.     8vo,  pp.  xii,  34,  11.  c.  78721 

Second  Address  to  the  People.  See  [Fox  (W.)],  Vol.  vi., 
No.  25378. 

A  Second  Address  to  the  Right  Reverend  the  Prelates  of  Eng- 
land and  Wales,  on  the  Subject  of  the  Slave  Trade.  London: 
Printed  and  Sold  by  J.  Johnson.    1795.     8vo.  7S722 

By  George  Harrison,  of'  Wandsworth.  For  the  first  address  iet  Vol.  viii.,  No. 

Second  Advent  Hymns :  designed  to  be  used  in  Prayer  and 
Camp  Meetings.     Third   Edition,  with  an  Addition  of  twenty- 



three    new    Hymns.     ...     Concord:   Alortill^  Silsh)\i3'  Co.     1 843. 
321110,  pp.  64.      H.     -h  Nashville.,  N,  H.    1S43.     321H0.       78723 

A  Second  and   Third  Letter.      iSV^  Vol.  x.,  No.  40548,  note. 

A  Second  Appeal.      See  [Lee  ( Arthur)],  Vol.  x..  No.  39704. 

The  Second  Hrigade  ;  or.  Camp  \M'c.  IJy  a  Volunteer.  ... 
Montpelier :  Pr'tited  fir  the  Author  hy  E  P.  Walton.  I  864,  I  2mo, 
pp.  224.  78724 

Tlif  copyriylit  is  in  the  iiaiiit-  of    K.  K.  P.ilmer. 

The  Second  Crisis  of'  America,  or  A  Cursory  View  of  the 
Peace  lately  concluded  between  Cireat  Britain  and  the  United 
States  ...  .  By  a  Citizen  of  Philadelphia.  Nexv-TCork :  Printed  by 
J.  H.  Sherman.    1815.     8vo,  pp.  87.  B.  78725 

A  Second  Defence  of  Chinch  Establishments:  being  a  second 
Review  of  the  Speeches  delivered'«in  Dr.  lieattie's  Chapel,  on  ... 
the  1 2th  November,  1S32,  by  the  leading  men  of  the  Voluntary 
Church  Association,  in  which  the  Argument  against  Establish- 
ments drawn  from  the  state  of  religion  in  the  United  States  of 
America  is  fully  considered,  and  ample  information  on  the  subject 
adduced.  By  a  Churchman,  author  of  the  former  review  of  the 
Speeches,  &c.  &c.     Glasgow.   Mncccxxxiii.     8vo,  pp.  71. 

Ily   |oliii  ().  Lnrinicr,  ii.n. 

A  Second  Dialogue  of  the  I3ead  ;  between  Ferdinand  Cortez 
and  William  Penn.  To  which  is  added,  a  Scheme  for  the  Abo- 
lition of  Slavery,  without  injury  to  trade  or  navigation.  fVorces- 
ter:   J.  Holt.    1781.     i2mo,  pp.  14.  BM.  78727 

By  Janifs  Johnstone,  M.n.,  of  Kidderminster. 

Second  Discours  d'un  bon  Hollandais  a  ses  compatriotes  sur 
diflerents  objets  interessants.     [n.  p.    1790.]    8vo,  78728 

On  the  insurrect'  )n  of  the  English  coh)nies  in  America. 

The  Second  Edition  of  The  Speech  of  The  D-ke  of  A  —  le. 
See  [Campbell  (J.)]i  Vol.  in.,  No.  10229. 

A  Second  Edition  (with  necessary  Improvements,  which  now 
render  the  Sense  entirely  plain)  of  the  Lawfulness,  Excellency, 
and  Advantage  of  Instrumental  Music  in  the  Public  Worship  of 
God,  but  chiefly  of  Organs.  .  ,  Philadelphia  :  Printed  by  Jndrew 
Steuart.    1763.     i6mo,  pp.  16.  M.  78729 

Corrected  title  of  No.  39342.  Vol.  x.  It  i.s  a  satire  on  No.  3y34l.  See  iilm  Hil- 
deburn's  "Issues  of  the  Press  in  Pennsylvania,"  Nus.  1883  and  11^06. 



A  Second  Essay  on  Free  Trade  and   Finance. 

See  [Webster 

A  Second  Familiar  Conference,  upon  some  Antinomian 
Tenets ;  occasion'd  by  Mr.  David  Judson's  Remarks  upon  the 
First.     New  Tork :  John  Holt.   1765.     8vo,  pp.  41.  7^730 

By  Rev.  John  Beach. 

Second  Festival  of  the  Sons  of  New  Hampshire,  celebrated  in 
Boston,  November  2,  1H53}  Including  also  an  Account  of  the 
Proceedings  in  Boston  on  the  Day  of  the  Funeral  at  Marshfield, 
and  the  subsequent  obsequies  commemorative  of  the  death  of 
Daniel  Webster  ...  .  Boston:  James  French  and  Company.  1854. 
8vo,  pp.  229.     2  Portraits.  h.,  s,  78731 

The  Second  Journal  of  the  Stated  Prea-her.  See  [Ely  (E. 
S.)],  Vol.  VI.,  No.  22384. 

A  Second  Letter  |  From  |  a  Minister  of  the  Church  |  of  |  Eng- 
land To  his  I  Dissenting  Parishioners,  |  In  Answer  to  |  Some  Re- 
marks |  made  on  the  former,  I  by  one  J[ohn].  G[raham].  |  i^oj/on  .- 1 
Printed  in  the  Year  1734.  |  8vo,  half-title,  title,  and  pp.  113, 
Errata  (1).  b.,  ba.,  m.,  w.  78732 

By  Rev.  Samuel  Johnson,  i>.d.,  of  Stratford,  Conn.  It  was  written  in  continua- 
tion of: 

A|Letter  |  from  |A  Minister  of  the  Church|of  England  [>'.  e.  Rev.  Samuel  Johnson]  | 
to  his  I  Dissenting  Parishioners.  {  Containing  |  A  brief  Answer  to  the  most  Material 
Objec-|tions  against  the  Establish'd  Church  that  |  are  to  be  found  in  De  Laune's  Flea,  | 
The  answer  to  the  Bishop  of  Derry,  The  plain|Reasons  for  separating,  &c,  and  others.  | 
Together  with  plain  Reasons  for  Confor-|mity  to  the  Church  of  England.  |  ...  |  Nfw- 
Tork,  Printed  by  John  Peter  Zenger,  1733.  izmo,  pp.  31.  s.,  w.  For  a  similar  title 
see  [Wetmore  (James)]. 

The  "  Second  Letter  "  elicited  :  Some  {  Remarks  {  upon  A  |  Seconu  Letter  |  from  the  | 
Church  of  England  Minister,  |  to  his  {  Dissenting  Parishioners.  |  By  J[ohn].  G[rahaMi]. 
v.D.M.  I  ...\  Boston:  D.  Henchman.    1736.     8vo,  pp.  (4),  128.      B. 

Dr.  Johnson  replied  to  Graham  in  :  A  Third  Letter  from  a  Minister  of  the  Church 
of  England  to  the  Dissenters,  containing  some  Observations  on  Mr.  J[ohn].  G[ra- 
ham]'s  Remarks  on  the  Second.      Boston:  Printed  in  the  Tear  1737.     8vo,  pp.  20. 

A  Second  Letter  From  One  in  the  Country,  to  His  Friend  in 
Boston.  [^Boston.  172^.]  Folio,  pp.  4.  C.  -\-  [^Boston.  1725. J 
Folio,  pp.  2.  H.  78733 

In  reference  to  the  proposed  payment  of  a  fixed  salary  to  the  governor  of  the  colony 
of  Massachusetts. 

A  Second  Letter  from  Phocion. 
VIII.,  Nos.  29964-65. 

See  [Hamilton  (A.)],  Vol 



A  Second  Letter  To  a  Friciul.  See  [Chauiiry  (C.)]»  Vol.  iii., 
No.  12328. 

Second  Letter  to  j.  Bellamy  occasioned  by  his  Fourth  Dia- 
logue ...  From  the  Parishioner.  New  Haven.  1770.  8vo,  pp. 
20.  78734 

In  reply  to  Bellamy's  pamphlet  entiled,  "The  Sjcraniental  Controverty  brought  to 
a  Point.  The  Fourth  Dialogue  between  a  Minister  and  his  Parishioner."  Ntw 
Hii-ven,  1770.  8vo,  pp.  34.  'I'lif  "Second  Letter"  is  a  continuation  of  "  A  Letter 
to  J.  Bellamy  Concerning  yu.ilirtcations  fur  the  CN)inn)union."  Nitv  Hifvtii.  1770. 
Svo,  pp.  24.     Titles  from  Dexter  ;•  "  Biblingiaphy  of  Congregationalism." 

A  I  Second  Letter  |  to  | 

1  Merchant  in  London,  |  Con- 
cerning a  late  Combination  in  |  the  Massachusetts-Bay  in  Ncw- 
Eng-|land,  to  impose  or  torce  a  private  |  Currency,  called  Land- 
Hank- j  Money.  |  {^Boston.    1741.]    8vo,  pp.  i6.  a.  78735 

Tlie  lett'.-r  is  dated  at  the  end,  Boston,  1 741.      For  the  first  letter  tee  Vol.  x.,  Nu. 

A  I  Second  Letter  |  To  the  Congregations  of  the  |  Eighteen 
Presbyterian  (or  New-Light)  |  Ministers,  |  Who  wrote  the  late 
Contradictory  Letter  to  the  |  Archbishop  of  Canterbury;  |  With 
some  Remarks  on  the | Two  Performances] that  have  appeared  in 
their  Defence.  |  By  an  old  Covenanting  and  true  Presbyterian 
Layman.  |  ...  |  Philadelphia :  |  Printed  by  Andrew  Steuart^  at  the 
Bible-in- Heart  in  \  Second-street :  1761.I    Sm.  8vo,  pp.  32.     M.,  w. 

See  alio  Vol.  \.,  No.  40462. 

A  Second  Letter  to  the  People  of  England.  See  [Shebbearc 

A  Second  Letter  to  the  Right  Hon.  Charles  Jenkinson.  See 
Vol.  X.,  No.  40520,  note. 

Second  Memorial  of  Joseph  W.  Brackett  and  Samuel  Leggett, 
laid  before  the  Honourable  the  Board  of  Commissioners,  appointed 
under  the  eleventh  article  of  the  Treaty  concluded  at  Washing- 
ton on  the  22d  of  February,  1819.  Between  the  United  States 
and  his  Catholic  Majesty,  in  the  case  of  the  Ship  Hunter,  Cap- 
tain William  Whitlock.  New- fori  :  Printed  by  IVilliam  A.  Mer- 
cein.    1823.     8vo,  pp.  36.  B.  78737 

ike  alio  Vol.  viii..  No,  33939. 

The  Second  Part  | of  |  South-Sea  Stock.  |  Being  |  An  Inquiry  into 
the  Original  |Of|  Province  Bills  |  or  |  Bills  of  Credit,  |  Now  in  use 
in  His  Majesty's  Plantations,  |  more  especially  in  New-England  }| 
With  Some  Thoughts  Relating  to  the  |  Advantage,  or  Hurt  done 

«  !■ 


tJ    ! 








by  I  Emitting  the  said  Hills.  |  Boston :  \  Printed  for  tif  Sold  by  D. 
Henchman.  \  1721.  |    Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (2),  26.  ba.  78738 

Signed  "One  tlut  never  Borrowed,  or  l.rt,  An  Hundred  Pounds  upon  Interebt,  fur 
Six  Months,  in  the  Course  of  my  Life." 

A  Second  Part  of  Spanish  Practises.  See  [Scott  ('l'homas)J, 
No.  78364,  supra. 

The  Second   Part  of  the  Tragedy  of  Amboyna.     See  Vol.  i., 

No.    1002. 

The  Second  Part  of  Vox  Populi.  See  [Scott  (Thomas)],  No. 
78377*  ^upf^' 

Second  Part.  The  Privilege.  See  [Binney  (H.)],  Vol.  11., 
No.  5482. 

Second  I  Protest,  I  with  a  |  List  of  the  Voters  |  against  the  |  Bill| 
To  Repeal  the|  American  Stamp  Act,(of  jLast  Session.  | // /'rt;/; 
[i.  e.  London  ?]^\  Chez  */.  /^.  Imprimeur^  Rue  du  Cotomb'ter  Faux-\ 
bourg  St.  Germain.,  a  I  Hotel  de  Saxe.  I  766.  |  Prix^  dix  huit  Sous.  \ 
Jvec  Approbation.,  i5f  Privilege.  \  8vo,  pp.  15,  errata  of  first  and 
second  protest,  14  lines.  7^739 

This  usually  .iccompjnies  the  •«  Protest  against  the  Bill,"  for  which  ste  Vol.  xv.,  No 
66103.  »*'"  "^'^  \i.A.  IV.,  No.  16S39,  tor  another  edition.  A  copy  of  the  "Second 
Protest,"  containing  manuscript  annotations  by  Benjamin  Franklin,  was  soM  in  the 
libr.iry  of  Mr.  T.  H.  Morrell  in  New  York,  Novemlier,  1866  (No.  538),  for  $85. 
At  the  Menzies  sale  the  same  copy  (No.  745)  brought  $57.50. 

Second  Recueil  de  Pieces.  See  [Pombal  (S.  J.  de  C,  Marquis 
o/*)],  Vol.  XV.,  No.  63905. 

The  Second  Spira  ;  Being  a  fearful  Example  of  an  Atheist 
who  apostatized  from  the  Christian  Religion,  and  died  in  Despair 
at  Westminster,  Dec.  8,  1692.  ...  Boston.,  reprinted  1 721.     i2mo. 

By  J.  S.,  a  Minister  of  the  Church  of  England.  Urigin.illy  published  in  London 
by  John  Dunton  in  1693.  The  thirtieth  edition  was  printed  in  London  .ibout  the 
year  1700. 

The  Second  Spira  j  or,  the  blasphemers  justly  reproved.  Set 
forth  in  a  sad  and  dreadful  example  of  God's  judgments  shown 
upon  six  most  profane  and  blasphemous  young  men  living 
the  town  of  Sandwich,  in  the  County  of  Kent,  within  four  miles 
of  Deal,  &c.     Boston.  [17 — ?]     8vo,  4  leaves.  78741 

Second  Thoughts.    See  [Chalmers  (G.)],  Vol.  in.,  No.  1 1767. 

A  Second  Treatise  on  Church-Government.  See  [Chaplin 
(E.)J,  Vol.  III.,  No.  11968. 




Thi'  Si'coiul  War  of  the  Revolution.  'I'hc  Case  of  thi-  llniti'd 
States  Hank.      My  a  Virginian.      lf''<iihington.    iSjg.     8vo. 

The  Second  Warning  or  Strictures  on  the  Speech  delivereil  by 
John  Ailanis,  President  of  the  United-States  of  America  at  the 
opening  of  the  Congress  of  said  States  in  November  last  l\irts. 
1798.     8vo,  pp.  28.  BA.  78743 

By  Juel  Bjriuw.     Curreitcd  title  uf  Nu.  343 1,  Vol.  1. 

Scconde  Adresse  a  TAssemblee  Nationale,  par  la  Societc  des 
Amis  des  Noirs,  etablie  a  Paris,     \^Patis.  1790.]    8vo,  pp.  7.     p. 

Stt  alto  "Reflexions  sur  le  Coile  Noir,"  Vol.  xvi,,  Nti.  6S751. 

Scconde  Note.     See  [Jomard  (E.  K.)],  Vol.  ix.,  No.  36435. 

Secondsight  (Solomon),  pseudon.  See  [M'Henry  (James)], 
Vol.  XI.,  No.  4331 1. 

Secondthoughts  (Solomon),  pseudon.  See  [Kennedy  (J.  P.)J, 
Vol.  IX.,  No.  37417. 

Secret  Anecdotes  of  the  Revolution.  See  [Ramel  (J.  P.)], 
Vol.  XVI.,  No.  676^3. 

The  Secret  "Customs."     See  Vol.  xv.,  No.  62236. 

...  The  Secret  History  of  the  Peninsular  Campaign.  Letter 
of  (General  H.  M.  Naglee  about  General  McClellan.  A  Mes- 
sage from  Old  Soldiers  to  the  Army.  The  Address  to  the  Army 
and  Navy,  adopted  ...  September  28th,  1864,  by  the  McClellan 
Legion.     [A^ew  Tori.    1864.]    8vo,  pp.  8.  7^745 

Witli  liendlng  :  "Document  11." 

Secret  History  of  the  Perfidies,  Intrigues,  and  Corruptions  of 
the  Tyler  Dynasty,  with  the  Mysteries  of  Washington  City, 
connected  with  That  Vile  Administration,  in  a  series  of  letters 
to  the  Ex- Acting  President,  By  One  Most  Familiar  with  the 
Subject.  Had  I  been  the  controlling  spirit  of  your  organ  here, 
obstinate  and  mulish  as  you  are,  I  could  have  forced  you  into  the 
Presidential  chair,  by  an  election  of  the  People,  in  1844;  but, 
thanks  to  my  presiding  genius,  or  the  Fates,  who  had  otherwise 
oidained,  -or  neither  God  or  my  Countrymen  would  ever  have 
forgiven  me  for  so  base  an  act.  fVashington  and  New  Tori  : 
Published  by  the  Author^  and  sold  at  all  the  Principal  Bookstores  in  the 
United  States.    1845.     ^^o,  pp.  64,  and  cover.  B.  78746 

1  ' 




Sccrt't  Histtny  ...  «>f  St.  I)ominj»c».  AV*-  [  Massall  (/1/mj)],  Vol. 
VIII.,  Nu.  30807,  ami  for  collation  read  :   |)p.  (4),  225. 

Secret  Institutions  of  the  Jesuits.  With  an  Historical  Kssay 
and  Notes,  by  the  PMitor  of  the  Protestant.  PrincetOHy  M  '/. 
1831.     i8mo.  7^747 

Secret  Instructions  of  the  Jesuits  :  with  an  Appendix,  contain- 
ing a  short  historical  account  of  the  Society  of  the  Jesuits  ... 
Philadelphia :  F.  C.  ff^'ilson.    1844.     l2mo,  pp.  72.  H.  78748 

Secret  Journals.      Sfe  Vol.  iv.,  No.  15594. 

Secret  Proceedings  and  Debates  of  the  Convention  assembled 
at  Philadelphia,  in  the  year  1787,  for  the  purpose  of  forming  the 
Constitution  of  the  United  States  of  America.  From  the  Notes 
taker)  by  the  late  Robert  Yates,  Esq.  C'hief  Justice  of  New- 
York,  and  copied  by  John  Lansing,  Jun.  Ksq.  late  Chancellor  of 
that  State,  Members  of  that  Convention.  Including  "The 
(lenuine  Information,"  laid  before  the  Legislature  of  IVlaryland, 
by  Luther  Martin,  Ksq.  then  Attorney  General  of  that  State, 
and  a  Member  of  the  same  Convention.  Also,  other  Historical 
Documents  relative  to  the  P'ederal  Compact  of  the  North  Amer- 
ican Union.  Albany:  Printed  by  ll^ebsters  and  Skinners.  1821. 
8vo,  pp.  308.  78749 

Editi'ii  by  Edmuru)  C.  Uciiet.      Other  editions  as  Folluws  : 
tFuibington  ;    Primed  for  G.  Temf>/eman.    1 8 36.     8vo,  pp.  308. 
RichmonJy  Fa.:  Publhbed  hy  H^ilbur  Curiiis.    1839.     limo,  pp.  xi,  335, 
Loitisi'il/f,  Ky.    1838.     izmi),  pp.  xi,  335. 

Louiii:ille,  Ky.:  Puhliibed  hy  /itsinn  Mfgatt.  1844.  limo,  pp.  xi,  335. 
Louisville^  Ky.:  Puhli'hed  hy  jilston  My^att.  1845.  i2mo,  pp.  xi,  335. 
Cincinnati:   Puhlished  hy  ytUton  Myytitt.   [n.  d.]     izmo,  pp.  xi.  335. 

Secret  of  Success ;  or.  Family  Affairs ;  a  Memoir,  by  a  Mis- 
sissippian.     Cincinnati.    1853.     i6mo.  c.  78750 

Secret  Societies,  their  Use  and  Abuse  ;  Knights  of  the  Golden 
Circle,  &c.      New  Tork :  Carleton.    1863.     8vo.  7^75' 

Secret  Springs  of  the  late  Changes  in  the  Ministry  fairly 
explained:  in  Answer  to  a  pretended  '*  Son  of  Candor."  Lon- 
don.   1766.     8vo.  78752 

The  I  Secret  Workes  |  Of  a  Cruel  |  People  |  Made  manifest ;( 
Whose  little  finger  is  become  hea-|vier  then  their  persecutors 
the  bishops  Loyns,  who  have  |  set  up  an  Image  amongst  them  in 


21  I 

Ncw-Kn(;lai)(l,  whit'h  all  |  that  wilt  not  bow  down  unto,  and  wor- 
ship, must  undi-i-|^o  all  such  Suft'crinus  us  can  be  invented  and 
in- 1  dieted  by  the  hiaits  and  hands  ot  such  men  |  whose  lender 
mercies  are  cruel.  |  Which  may  be  seen  in  this  short  relation  of 
their  cru-|elty,  which  was  presented  to  the  Parliament,  and  now 
re- 1  commended  to  the  consideration  of  all  sober  people,  that) 
they  may  see  how  th(>^c  professors  of  New- England  have  |  lost 
their  former  tendernes  ,  who  fled  from  persecution,] and  now  are 
become  the  chiefest  of  Persecutors.  |  W hereunto  is  annexed  a 
Copy  of  a  Letter  which  came  |  from  one  who  hath  been  a  Magis- 
trate among  them,  |  to  a  friend  of  his  in  London,  wherein  he  gives 
an  I  account  of  some  of  the  cuel  Suft'erings  of  the  |  people  of  God 
in  those  parts  under  the|  Rulers  of  New-Kngland,  and  their  un- 1 
righteous  Laws.  |  London^  Printed  in  the  Tear  1659.  |  Small  410, 
title,  verso  blank,  and  pp.  1-26.  a-c  in  fours,  and  another  c  in 
two,  besides  the  title.  p.  78753 

Kxtrcmt^ly  rarir.  The  tract  consUts  of  six  ilitTerent  Jriiilcb,  thf  first  <>rwliith  (■n(l^ 
(111  ii.igi"  1^  wiili  tlic  initials  of"  Ofornc  Kok.  The  aeconil  papi-r,  "To  the  't'owii  of 
lio:<tiin  it)  Ni'w-Kn^i.ind,"  is  bi^iU'il  [ohn  Rous,  and  cmU  on  p.i^i'  iS.  The  nlhii  |i.itl:i 
ate  not  signn).  Tlic  **Co|iy  of  a  Letter  wiruh  lanic  fmni  one  who  halh  lieen  a  Mag- 
i^t^.lIe  anion^  llii-iii,  to  a  tricnil  of  liiii  in  l.onilon,"  mentioned  in  the  lith-,  wasi  written 
liy  lames  C'udwoith  of  Siiluale.  This  letter  wan  also  printed  in  another  trait  of  the 
same  year,  for  whiih  ite  Rous  (  \.),  and  uihtn^  Vol.  xviii.,  No.  734K3.  The  title  given 
hy  Stevens  (Niig(!et!i  i<yKz)  was  from  a  copy  with  a  manuscript  title-page,  which  may 
account  for  aonir  alight  variations  in  the  wording  and  line  divisions. 

•    Secretary  of  State.      See  United  States,  State  Department. 

Secretary  of  the  Interior.  See  United  States,  Interior  Depart- 

Secretary  of  the  Navy.      See  United  States,  Navy  Department. 

Secretary  of  the  Treasury.  See  United  States,  Treasury  De- 

Secretary  of  War.     Sue  United  States,  fVar  Department. 

The  Secretary's  Guide,  or,  Young  Man's  Companion  ...  New 
York:  IV.  Bradford.    \b()\i  I     Sm.  8vo.  78754 

Compiled  by  William  Bradford,  the  printer.  See  the  note  to  the  edition  of  1728 
This  title  and  the  six  following  luve  heen  furnished  by  Mr.  Charles  R.  Hildeburn. 

The  Secretary's  Guide,  or.  Young  Man's  Companion  ...  The 
second  edition.     New  If'ork :  fV.  Bradford,    1705?     Sm.  8vo. 

The  Secretary's  Guide,  or,  Young  Man's  Companion  ...  The 
third  edition.      New  York:  fV.  Bradford.    1717.^     Sm.  8vo. 



II  I 

".     I 

n-  ! 




'  I 

I  > 





The  Secretary's  (juide,  |  Or  |  Young  Mans  Companion.  |  In 
Four  Parts.  |  Part  i.  Contains  Directions  for  Spelling,  Kead-jing 
and  Writing  True  English,  with  true  Pronunciation.  |  Part  ii. 
Arithmetick  made  easie,  and  the  Rules  |  thereof  explained  and 
made  familiar  to  the  Capacity  of  those  |  that  desire  to  Learn.  | 
Part  III.  The  Method  of  Writing  Letters  |  upon  most  subjects, 
as  from  one  Friend  to  another,  as  well  |  as  Trade,  Traffick  or 
other  Occasions.  I  Part  iv.  Contains  a  choice  Collection  of  Bills  | 
of  Parcels,  Bills,  Bonds,  Letters  of  Attorney,  Indentures,!  Bonds 
of  Arbitration,  Awards,  Umpirages,  Deeds  of  |  Sale,  Deeds  of 
Gift,  Assignments,  Leases  and  Releases,  Counter  Securities, 
Declarations  of  Trust,  Bills  of  Ex- 1  change.  Charter  party  of 
Affreightment,  with  many  other  [useful  Presidents,  Profitable  both 
for  Old  and  Young  to  j  Learn  and  Know.  |  This  Fourth  Edition 
is  much  Enlarged.  (  The  whole  adorned  with  Variety  of  other 
Matters,  as  will  [appear  by  the  Contents.  |  Printed  and  Sold  by  IV, 
Bradford  in  New-H'ork,,  \  and  A.  Bradford  in  Philadelphia,,  '/28. 1 
Sm.  8vo,  title,  i  leaf;  To  the  Reader,  pp.  (2);  Contents,  pp.  (6); 
text,  pp.  1-192.  N.  78757 

The  address  "To  the  Reader"  is  signed  "Thy  Real  Well- Wisher,  VV  B.;"ari<l 
begins:  "It  is  now  above  thirty  years  since  I  first  compiled  tiiis  short  Manuel,  dtiritif; 
which  time  several  Impressions  have  sold  otf,  and  each  time  it  has  been  Reprinted,  it 
has  been  enlarged,  and  now  this  fourth  Edition,  thou  wilt  tlnd  many  Additions,  in 
order  to  make  it  more  useful  tiian  heretofore." 

The  Secretary's  Guide,  |  or  |  Young  Man's  Companion,  |  In 
Four  Parts.  |  Part  1.  Contains  Directions  for  Spelling,  Read-|ing 
and  Writing  true  English,  with  right  Pronunciation.  |  Part  11. 
Arithmetick  made  easie,  and  the  Rules,  |  thereof  Explained  & 
made  familiar  to  the  Capacity  of  those  |  that  desire  to  Learn.  | 
Fatt  \jic\  in.  The  Method  of  Writing  and  Inditing]  Letters  upon 
most  Subjects,  as  from  one  Friend  to  another,  |  as  well  as  Trade, 
Traffick,  or  other  Occasions.  |  Part  iv.  Contains  a  choice  Col- 
lection of  Bills,  I  of  Parcels,  Bills,  Bonds,  Letters  of  Attorney, 
Indentures,  |  Bonds  of  Arbitration,  Awards,  Umpirages,  Deeds 
of  I  Sale,  Deeds  of  (jift.  Assignments,  Leases  and  Releases,  | 
Counter-Securities,  Declarations  of  Trust,  Bills  of  Ex- [change, 
Counter-party  of  Affreigtment ;  The  Copy  of  a  Will,  with  Legal 
Directions  concerning  the  same  ;  And  |  many  other  useful  Presi- 
dents, Profitable  both  for  Old  and  |  Young  to  Learn  and  Know.  | 
This  Fourth  Edition  is  much  Enlarged.  |  The  whole  adorned  with 
Variety  of  other  Mat-  [ters,  as  will  appear  in  the  Perusal  thereof.  | 
Printed  and  Sold  by  William  Bradford  in  New-  Tork^  •  729.  |    Small 



^vo,  List  of  Books    .  I     r       .  . 

^•<'".-.  PP.  ret- ;r;;.  '.t- ■  'ear.  t„  „..  «,,,„,  ^^  ^^^^ 

Bonds.  Le„e^-   °/ ;'>'=  ">"«  useful  Wmi„„   ,"'..?  P"  <=«,.  | 

Secrete  ResoJutien  van  de  P^  i    ^> 

van  Holland  en   wL7{^  ^e  Edele  Groot.  Moe  Heer.n  c 

/.  "  '^'~fcoi.   1717, 

;"'""'  to  ,7,3,  ,.„  ,^  ^^,  A.  ^^ 


I    I 




^  9 



deelen  der  Secrete  Resolutien  van  de  Heeren  Stajtcn  van  Holland  en  West-Vriesland, 
Beginnendu  met  den  jaarc  1653  en  eindigcnde  met  den  jauie  1751  beidc  iacluis.  ... 
Gedrukt  in  bet  jaar  1 7 58.  2  vols.,  4to.  For  the  importance  of  these  volumes  in  rela- 
tion to  the  history  of  the  Dutch  West-India  Company,  see  Asher's  "  Biiiliographical 
and  Historical  Essay,"  pp.  40-70. 

Secrets  of  the  American  Bastile.     See  [Winder  (W.  H.)] 

A  Sectarian  Thing.  See  [Sargent  (L.  M.)],  Vol.  xviii.,  No. 

Secundus  (Junius),  pseudon.  See  [Kelsall  (Charles)],  Vol.  ix., 
No.  37324,  and  for  m.  dcc.  xviii  read  m.  dccc.  xviii. 

The  Security  of  Englishmen's  Lives.  See  [Somers  {Lord 

The  Security  of  the  Rights.     See  Vol.  iv..  No.  15854. 

Seddon  [James  Alexander],  b.  1815,  ^.  1880.  Speech  of  Mr. 
Seddon,  of  Virginia,  on  the  Oregon  Question,  in  the  House  of 
Representatives  of  the  United  States,  April  15,  1846.  [IVash- 
tngton.   1846.]    8vo,  pp.  8.  H.  ySybi 

Seddon.  Speech  of  Hon.  J.  A.  Seddon,  of  Virginia,  on  the 
Wilmot  Proviso.  Delivered  in  the  House  of  Representatives, 
January  7,  1847.     [fVashington.    1847.]    ^^o,  pp.  8.     B.  78763 

Seddon.  Speech  of  Hon.  J.  A.  Seddon,  of  Virginia,  on  the 
action  of  the  Executive  in  relation  to  California.  Delivered  in 
the  House  of  Representatives,  January  23,  1850.      IVashington. 

1850.    8vo,  pp.  12. 

B.  78764 

Seddon.  Speech  of  Hon.  Jas.  A.  Seddon,  of  Virginia,  on  the 
President's  Message  of  August  6,  1850,  concerning  Texas  and 
New  Mexico.  Delivered  in  the  House  of  Representatives  ... 
August  13,  1850.     Washington.    1850.     8vo,  pp.  12.       B.  78765 

Also  :  Correspondence  between  Governor  Brown  and  the  Secretary  of  War  [of  tlie 
Confederate  States,  James  A.  Seddon],  upon  the  right  of  the  Georgia  Volunteers,  in 
Confederate  service,  to  elect  their  own  Officers.  Mil/edgt-viile,  Ga.:  Boughion,  Nist/ei, 
Barnes  &  Moore.    1863.     8vo,  pp.  16.      ba. 

Sedeno  (Gregorio).  Descripcio  de  las  funerales  exequias,  y 
sermon,  que  en  ellas  se  predico  en  la  muerte  de  la  muy  noble  y 
piadosa  Seflora  Dofla  Jacinta  de  Vidarte  y  Pardo  ...  En  la  Puehla 
de  los  Angelei^  en  la  Imprenta  de  la  Fiuda  de  Juan  de  Borja  y  Gandia^ 
Jno  de  1681.    4to.  78766 

The  Sedgely  Park  Schenr.e.     See  Vol.  xv.,  No.  62237. 



[Sedgewick  (J,)]  An  I  Impartial  I  Narrative  I  of  the  I  Proceed- 
ings I  of  Nine  I  Ministers  I  in  the  Town  of  |  Cornwall ;  |  and  of  the  | 
Facts  I  Which  originated  |  Their  |  Meeting.  |  Hartford:  Prin^ad  by 
Hudson  and  Goodwin  \  Near  the  Great  Bridge^  \  M,DCC,LXXXiii.  | 
8vo,  pp.  48.  H.  78767 

In  the  case  uf  the  Rev.  H.  Gold,  who  published  an  answer: 
Impartial  Narrative   ...  }^Neiu  Haven.    1783.]     8vo. 

Reply  to  Sedgewick'i 

Sedgewick  {Rev.  Robert).  The  Proper  Sphere  and  Influence 
of  Woman  in  Christian  Society;  a  Lecture  ....  Halifax.  1856. 
8vo,  pp.  47.  78768 

Also:   Amusements  for  Youth;   a  Lecture    ...    Halifax.    1858.     8vo,  pp.  29.  —  The 
Papacy:  the  Idolatry  of  Rome;  a  Lecture   ...    Halifax.    1859.     8vo,  pp.  59. 

[Sedgwick  (Catharine  Maria),  b.  1789,  d.  1867.]  Clarence; 
or,  a  Tale  of  our  own  Times.  By  the  Author  of  "  Hope  Les- 
lie," ...  Philadelphia :  Carey  t^  Lea.  1830.  2  vols.,  8vo,  pp.  302; 
286.  B.  +  London.  1830.  3  vols.,  i2mo.  +  London.  1830. 
8vo.  -f  Author's  Revised  Edition.  ...  New  Tori.  1849.  i2mo. 
-\- New- Tor k  :  George  P.  Putnam.  1852.  l2mo,  pp.  515.  H.  -\- 
New  Tork.   1856.     i2mo.  78769 

Sedgwick.  Facts  and  Fancies,  for  School-day  Reading.  A 
Sequel  to  "  Morals  of  Manners."  ...  New  Tork :  PViley  Q  Put- 
nam. 1848.  Sq.  i8mo,  pp.  (4),  216.  Plate,  c.  -\-  London: 
Knight  ^  Son.  1848.  i8mo.  -\- London.  1849.  i8mo.  -\- New 
Tork.   1854.     i8mo.  78770 

Sedgwick.  La  Famille  americaine  ou  TAmerique  il  y  a  soix- 
ante  ans,  traduit  de  I'anglais  par  De  Montbeillard.     Paris.    1837. 


2  vols.,  8vo 

[Sedgwick.]  Home.  By  the  Author  of  "  Redwood"  ... 
Boston  and  Cambridge :  J.  Munroe  iff  Co.  1835.  l8mo,  pp.  (8), 
158.  78772 

Sedgwick,  Home.  By  Miss  Sedgwick  ...  London.  1841. 
8vo.  +  London.  1844.  i8mo.  -f  New  Edition.  Boston  and 
Cambridge:  James  Munroe  and  Company.  MDCCCLiv.  i8mo,  pp. 
(6),  158.  78773 

Sedgwick.  Home.  By  Miss  Sedgwick.  Paul  and  Virginia, 
and  the  Indian  Cottage.  By  Bernardin  St.  Pierre.  Elizabeth ; 
or,  the  Exiles  of  Siberia.  By  Madame  Cottin.  London.  1853. 
8vo.  78774 



I  (■ 

•  in 

V  M 





[Sedgwick.]  Hope  Leslie  ;  or,  Early  Times  in  the  Massa- 
chusetts. By  the  Author  of  Redwood.  ...  New  Tork :  fVhite^ 
Gallaher^  and  IVhite.  1827.  2  vols.,  i2mo,  pp.  vii,  13-279;  296. 
-\-  London.  1828.  3  vols.,  i2mo.  -|-  New  York.  1842.  2  vols., 
i2mo.  c.  78775 

Sedgwick.  Hope  Leslie;  or.  Early  Times  in  the  Massachu- 
setts. By  Miss  Sedgwick.  London.  1850.  i2mo.  -\- New  Tork. 
1862.     2  vols.,  i2mo.  l^n^ 

Sedgwick.  Hope  Leslie  ;  of  Vorige  Tijden  in  Massachu- 
setts.   ...   Deventer.    1838.     8vo.  s.  78777 

Sedgwick.  La  jcune  Sauvage,  ou  Ics  premieres  annees  de  la 
province  de  Massachusetts,  roman  americain  de  Miss  Sedgwick ; 
traduit  de  I'anglais  par  Cohen.  Paris :  Mame  et  Delaunay-Vall'ee. 
1828.     4  vols.,  i2mo.  7^778 

Sedgwick.  Leben  der  Lucretia  Maria  Davidson.  Aus  dem 
Englischen  der  Miss  Sedgwick.  Leipzig:  F.  A.  Brockhaus.  1848. 
i2mo,  pp.  X,  200.  H.  78779 

Translated  from  the  nicmuir  in  Sparks's  Library  of  American  Biography,  Vol.  vii., 
pp.  ai 9-294. 

[Sedgwick.]  Letters  from  Abroad  to  Kindred  at  Home.  ... 
By  the  Author  of  "  Hope  Leslie,"  ...  In  two  volumes.  ...  Neiv 
Tork :  Harper  tff  Brothers.  1841.  2  vols.,  i2mo,  pp.  (2),  ix-275, 
(i);  (2),  7-297.     L.     -f  [//'/V.]   1845.     2  vols.,  i2mo.  b. 

Sedgwick.  Letters  from  Abroad  to  Kindred  at  Home.  By 
Miss  Sedgwick  ....  London:  Edward  Moxon.  mdcccxli.  2  vols., 
i2mo,  pp.  viii,  284;  (4),  316.  b.  78781 

Sedgwick.  Life  and  Letters  of  Catharine  M.  Sedgwick. 
Edited  by  Mary  E.  Dewey.  New  Tork :  Harper  &  Brothers. 
1871.     i2mo,  pp.  (2),  9-446.     Frontispiece  and  2  Portraits,    l. 

Sedgwick.  Life  in  Town  and  Country.  ...  London.  1853. 
8vo.  78783 

[Sedgwick.]  The  Linwoods;  or  "Sixty  Years  Since"  in 
America.  By  the  Author  of  "Hope  Leslie,"  ...  New-Tor k : 
Harper  i^  Brothers.  1835.  2  vols.,  i2mo,  pp.  288;  287.  a.,  B. 
-f-  New  Tork.    1861.     2  vols.,  i2mo.  78784 

Sedgwick.  The  Linwoods  ;  or  "Sixty  Years  since  in  Amer- 
ica." ...  London:  Churton.  1835.  3  vols.,  i2mo.  -\- London: 
W.  Smith.   1840.    8vo.  78785 


[bEDGWicK.J     Live  anci  l«»  r- 

Scent,  i„  N„  y^^i^  |.|.^  »A.   78786 

tJ^r'^"'^'  ^'""  ""<'  '«  live  •    or    I) 

'"'"'•   -  ^'"'"■-   .837      Isl^'i"™"'"^  Service  ill„s. 

[.^^S^T-^S      ^-^    -    -„.e„.     ...    ,^X: 
Sedgwick       f  r..,^  t^  1  7^7^^ 

Un^.:  4:    .^3T  \tZ.  ""  ^■''^"'--      %  Miss  Sedg^iC. 

«f"H:ruU"'^^"'^''^H.'='    A  Novel     Bv,h   /T' 
vols     lomo  '••••••  ^'-^-rork:  Harter  E^ fi ■  /^>' '*'^  Author 

vois.,  i2mo,  pp.  viii,  7_26i  •  oH..      7  Iv         ^''^'^^^-j.   i8c7      o 
llmo.  '7   2DI,   284.     +Nezorork.    1858.     a^^^,,.^ 

Sedgwick.     Marr;«^       o-     .  7^790 

Atet'^^„^„r  -^^f-V  «e.r.,r.„,„,.    HZ 

tof  *  A^    "".XPP-  ?7«.    ^- Boston.  \uZ\    \t^'"^  J^yonl^lvebb. 
t.on.    M«;  nr^.  |-,842  ?J     i8mo        '"'    '^'""-    +  Second  Edi- 

Sedgwick.     Mean<!  :,n^  ir  j  ^^^792 

re  °JV'     lomo,  pp.  viii    o-,^ 

[Sedgwick  1     IU        •     r  '    73* 

^e  Au,hor  ofJ"  £7:;/  fe  ^.  ^'""fe  >  Model  Man.     By 

tsrothen.    i8c8      iA,„„  ^nas,     ...   New- Tori  •   fj    ^      X 

*oio.     lomo,  pp.  200.  '^'JorK.    Harper  & 

Sedgwick.     Moral.:  «f  ft4  ^**  ^'  7^794 

feople.     By  Miss"   ;:,l^"""^''  "•  "'""  for  our  Yo„,„ 

-"•    ».    +'£^1-  .8"..+ tr'  ^'""■™-    f^^'  .8" 

Sedgwick,     a   NT^,.,  i?     i     .  78796 

_^-5ari„eM.SedgS.'^"S-r];j<=.and  A^scellanies.     By 


■J     if 






[Sedgwick.]  The  Poor  Rich  Man,  and  the  Rich  Poor  Man. 
By  the  Author  of  "Hope  Leslie,"  ...  New-Tfork :  Harper  is' 
Brothers.  1836.  i8mo,  pp.  186.  b.  -f  [Ibid.]  1837.  iSmo, 
pp.  186.     -f  \^Ibid.    1864.]     i8mo,  pp.  186.  c.  7S798 

Sedgwick.  The  Poor  Rich  Man,  and  the  Rich  Poor  Man, 
...  London.   1839.     i8mo.  7^799 

[Sedgwick.]  Redwood;  a  Tale.  By  the  Author  of  "A 
New  England  Tale,"  ...  New  York.  1824.  2  vols.,  i2nio.  -f 
London.  1824.  3  vols.,  i2mo.  -|-  Author's  Revised  Edition.  ... 
New-Y'ork :  George  P.  Putnam,  m.dccc.l.  i2mo,  pp.  457.  h. 
+  \Jbid.'\   1856.     i2mo.  78800 

[Sedgwick.]  Redvood,  roman  americin,  traduit  de  I'anglais 
...  Paris.,  Boulland.    1824.     4  vols.,  l2mo.  78801 

"  Traduction  i]ui  a  ite  publie  a  tort  sous  le  nom  de  Cooper." — ^uiRAKD.  It  was 
also  translated  into  Italian,  German  and  Swedish. 

[Sedgwick.]  Stories  for  Young  Persons.  By  the  Author  of 
"The  Linwoods."   ...    New  York.    1840.     i8mo,  pp.  185. 

Sedgwick.  Stories  for  Young  Persons.  By  Miss  Sedgwick. 
London.    1847.     i8mo.    -|-  London.    1850.     i8mo.  78803 

"  Editions  were  issued  in  London   by  three  ditl'erent  publishers." — Alliuune. 

[Sedgwick.]  Tales  and  Sketches.  By  the  Author  of  "  Hope 
Leslie."  ...  Philadelphia:  Carey^  Leal£  B'-iuchard.  1835.  l2mo, 
pp.  285.  c.  78804 

[Sedgwick.]  Tales  and  Sketches.  Second  Series.  By  the 
Author  of  "Hope  Leslie."  ...  New-Tor k :  Harper  iff  Brothen. 
1844.     i8mo,  pp.  396.     BA.    -f-  New  York.    1858.     i8nK). 

[Sedgwick.]  The  Travellers.  A  Tale.  Designed  for 
Young  People.  By  the  Author  of  "Redwood,"  ...  New-York: 
E.  Bliss  and  E.  IV bite.     1825.     i8mo.  ba.  78806 

Travels  in  the  United  States  and  Canad.i. 

Sedgwick.  The  Works  of  Catharine  M.  Sedgwick.  Con- 
taining Redwood ;  Clarence  ;  a  New  England  Tale,  and  Miscel- 
lanies. ...  New  York.  1849.  3  vols.,  i2mo.  a.,  p.  -^  New 
York.    1856.     3  vols.,  i2mo.  78H07 

Sedgwick  [Mrs.  C.)  A  Talk  with  my  Pupils.  By  Mrs. 
Charles  Sedgwick.  ...  New  York:  John  Hopper,  mdccclxiii. 
i2mo,  pp.  (10),  235.  78808 

.  r.rf,  tiJ.iiiiwiilii 




Sedgwick  (C.  B.)  Emancipation  and  Enrollment  of  Slaves 
in  the  Service  of  the  United  States.  Speech  of  Hon.  Charles 
H.  Sedgwick,  of  New  York,  delivered  in  the  House  of  Repre- 
sentatives, ...  May  23,  1862.  [^IFashington,  D.  C:  Scammfll  isf 
Co,y  Printers.    1862.]     8vo,  pp.  ll.  78809 

Sedgwick.  An  Eulogy  on  Abraham  Ivincoln  Sixteenth  Pres- 
ident of  the  United  States,  Pronounced  by  the  Hon.  Charles  B. 
Sedgwick,  on  the  Occasion  of  the  Obsequies  at  Syracuse,  April 
19th,  1865.  Syracuse:  The  Daily  'Journal  Steam  Book  and  "Job 
Office.    1865.     8vo,  pp.  16.  78810 

Sedgwick.  The  Republican  Party  the  result  of  Southern 
Aggression.  Speech  of  Hon.  C  B.  Sedgwick,  of  New  York. 
Delivered  in  the  House  of  Representatives,  March  26,  i860. 
\PVashington.^  D.  C. :  Buell  &  Blanchard.,  Printers,  i860. J  8vo, 
pp.  12.  B.  7881 1 

Sedgwick.  Speech  of  Hon.  C.  B.  Sedgwick,  of  New  York, 
on  Government  Contracts.  Delivered  in  the  House  of  Repre- 
sentatives, April  28,  1862.  [^IVashington:  L.  Towers^'  Co. ^  Print- 
ers.   1862.]    8vo,  pp.  16.  B.  78812 

Sedgwick.  State  of  the  Union.  Speech  of  the  Hon.  Charles 
B.  Sedgwick,  of  New  York.  Delivered  in  the  House  of  Rep- 
resentatives, February  7,  1861.  \^Washington :  IV.  H,  Moore^ 
Printer.    1 86 1.]    8vo,  pp.  8.  B.  78813 

Sedgwick  (C.  F.)  Fifty  Years  at  the  Litchfield  County  Bar, 
A  Lecture  delivered  before  the  Litchfield  County  Bar,  April  13, 
1870.  By  Charles  F.  Sedgwick,  Esq.  Litchfield.^  Conn.  1870. 
8vo,  pp.  15.  H.  78814 

Sedgwick.  General  History  of  the  Town  of  Sharon,  Litch- 
field County,  Conn.,  from  its  first  settlement.  By  Charles  F. 
Sedgwick.  Second  Edition.  Jmenia^  M  T.:  Charles  IValsh. 
1877.     ^v">  PP'  207.  78815 

Sedgwick.  A  History  of  the  Town  of  Sharon,  Litchfield 
County,  Conn.  From  its  first  settlement.  By  Charles  F.  Sedg- 
wick. Hartford:  Printed  by  Case.^  Tiffany  ^  Co.  1842.  i6mo, 
pp.  124.  B.  78816 

[Sedgwick  (E.)]  Stories  of  the  Spanish  Conquests  in  Amer- 
ica. Designed  for  the  use  of  Children.  ...  Boston:  Leonard  C. 
Bowles:  1830.  3  vols.,  i2mo,  pp.  237 ;  222,(2);  182.  Wood- 
cuts. B.  78817 






[Sedgwick  (Henry  Dwight),  A.  1785,  r/,  1831.]  An  Appeal 
to  the  People  of  the  City  of  New- York,  on  the  [>roposcd  Altera- 
tion of  the  Charter  of  the  City.  By  a  Poor  Citizen.  ...  Nirw- 
Tork :   Printed  by  J.  Seymour.    1821.     8vo,  pp.  24.  ha.  78818 

[Sedgwick.]  The  English  Practice  :  A  Statement,  showing 
some  of  the  evils  and  absurdities  of  the  Practice  of  the  English 
Common  Law,  as  adopted  in  several  of  the  United  States,  and 
particularly  in  the  State  of  New- York.  ...  By  a  Lover  of  Im- 
provement.     New-Tork :  Printed  by  "J.  Seymour.    1822.     8vo,  pp. 

71.  BA.   78819 

Sedgwick.  Refutation  of  the  Reasons  assigned  by  the  Arbi- 
trators, for  their  award  in  the  case  of  the  two  Greek  Frigates. 
By  H.  D.  Sedgwick.  New-Tork:  Printed  by  J.  Seymour.  1826. 
8vo,  pp.  viii,  43.  78820 

[Sedgwick.]  Remarks  on  the  Charges  made  against  the  Re- 
ligion and  Morals  of  the  People  of  Boston,  and  its  vicinity.  By 
the  Rev.  Gardiner  Spring,  d.d.  in  a  Sermon,  preached  before  the 
New-England  Society  of  New- York,  December  22,  1820.  Nnv- 
Tork :  Printed  by  C.  S.  f^an  IVinkle.    1820.     8vo,  pp.  21.  H. 

Sedgwick.  A  Vindication  of  the  Conduct  and  Character  or 
Henry  L'.  Sedgwick,  against  certain  charges  made  by  the  Hon- 
ourable Jonas  Piatt :  together  with  some  statements  and  inquiries, 
intended  to  elicit  the  reasons  of  the  award  in  (he  case  of  the 
Greek  Frigates.  New-Tork:  Printed  by  "J.  Seymour .  1826.  8vo, 
pp.  24.  -\-  Second  Edition,  with  a  Postscript.  \^Ibid.~\  1826. 
8vo,  pp.  32.  78822 

For  a  "  Postscript  to  the  second  edition  ot"  Mr.  Sedgwick's  Vindication,"  pp.  89-96, 
ttt  ContosMvlos  (A.),  Vol.  iv.,  No.  16173. 

Sedgwick  (H.  D.)  Address  at  the  Dedication  of  the  Sol- 
diers' Monument,  in  Stockbridge,  Massachusetts,  October  17th, 
1866.  By  Henry  Dwight  Sedgwick.  New  Tork :  Baker  ks'  God- 
win., Printers.    1867.     8vo,  pp.  20.  H.  78823 

Sedgwick.  The  Relation  and  Duty  of  the  Lawyer  to  the 
State.  A  Lecture  ...  before  the  Law  School,  of  the  University 
of  the  City  of  New  York,  February  9th,  1872.  By  Henry  D. 
Sedgwick.  New  Tork  :  Baker  i^  Godwin.,  Printers.  1872.  8v(), 
pp.  42.  H.  78824 

Sedgwick  (J.)  Antinoniianisme  Anatomized.  Or,  a  Cilasse 
for  the  Lawlesse ;  Who  deny  the  Ruling  use  t>r  the  Morall  Law 



unto  Christians  under  the  (jospd.  My  John  Sedgwick,  it.i).  and 
Pastor  of  the  Church  of  (ioil  at  Alphagc  near  Cripplc-gatc,  Lon- 
don. London^  Priutad  for  Samui'l  (iellibraud^  and  are  to  ht  sold  at 
his  shop  in  Pauls  Churchyard  at  the  sign  of  the  Ihaxen  Set  pent. 
1643.    4to,  pp.  (8),  46.  j.c.H.  78825 

Sedcjwick  (J.)  Description  of  the  Ceremony  of  Dedication 
of  the  Statue  of  Major-Ciencral  John  Sedgwick,  ...  at  West 
Point,  N.  Y.,  October  21,  1S68.  Including  the  Oration  of 
Hon.  George  W.  Curtis  ....  Mew  ll'ork :  D.  /'an  Nostrand^  Pub- 
lisher.   1869.     8vo,  pp.  tj.     Frontispiece.  H.,  H.  78826 

Sedgwick  (R.)  An  Orati')n  ...  before  the  Washington  He- 
nevolent  Society  ...  New  York  ...  Fourth  of  July,  1811.  My 
Robert  Sedgwick,  Ksquire.  ...  New-1'ori :  Printed  by  Largin  & 
Thompson.    181  I.     8vo,  pp.  16.  B.,  N.  78827 

See  alsn  Duet  (J.)  .;«./  Si'dywitk  (R.),  Vol.  v.,  Nd.  21108. 

[Skdgwick  {Mrs.  Susan  Ridley), />.  1789,^/.  1867.]  Alida  ; 
or,  Fown  and  Country.  Hy  the  Author  of  "Allen  Prescott." 
New  y'ork.  1844.  8vo.  -f-  London.  1845.  i6mo.  -j-  London. 
1861.     i6mo.  78828 

[Sedgwick.]  Allen  Prescott:  or,  the  Fortunes  of  a  New 
England  Hoy.  ...  New-York :  Harper  h' Brothers.  1834.  2  vols., 
l2mo,  pp.  (4),  212;    222.  BA.   78829 

Also:  Mor.ils  of  Flfasuie  ...  l'biliidel['l.<i,i.  1829. 
New  York.  1859.  I2mo. — Tin-  Young  Emigrants  . 
liun,   1853.     i6nnu. 

1  imo.  —  Walter  Thi-rnli'y    ... 
Jioston.    1X30.     I2mu.    -\- Lon- 

Sedgwick  [Theodore],  b.  1746,  d.  1813.  The  Honourable 
Mr.  Sedgwick's  Political  Last  Will  and  I'estament,  with  an 
Inventory  and  Appraisal  of  the  Legacies  therein  Bequeathed. 
To  the  Electors  of  the  first  Western  District  of  Massachusetts, 
published  for  the  particular  use  of  the  Legatees  and  th?  Cieneral 
Henefit  of  all  Mankind,     [n.  p.]   From  a  Republican  Press.   Anno- 

que  Domini.^  1800.     8vo,  pp.  21, 

BA.,  M. 


Sedgwick  (T.),  h.  1780,  d.  1839.  An  Address,  delivered 
before  the  Berkshire  Agricultural  Society,  October  7,  1830.  By 
Theodore  Sedgwick  ....  Pittsfield :  Printed  by  Phinehas  Allen  and 
Son.   1830.     8vo,  pp.  20.  H.  78831 

Sedgwick.  An  Address  of  Theodore  Sedgwick,  Esq.  deliv- 
ered before  the  Berkshire  Association  for  the  Promotion  of  Agri- 








I'':  ■  1 




1    I- 



culture  and    Manufactures,  at    Pittsficid,  October  2,    1823.    "• 
Pittsfitld :  Printed  hy  Phinehns  Alltn.    1823.     8vo,  pp.  32.  ha. 

[Sedowick.]  Brief  Remarks  on  the  Rail  Roads,  proposed  in 
Massachusetts.  By  Berkshire.  Stockhrid^e :  Printed  hy  Charles 
ff^ehster.    1 828.     8vo,  pp.  23.  11.,  W.  78833 

[Skdowicic.]  Hints  to  my  Countrymen.  By  an  American. 
...  New-Tork :  J.  Seymour.    1826.     i2mo,  pp.  v,  (2),  216.  h. 

[Sedgwick.]  The  Practicability  of  the  Abolition  of  Slavery. 
A  Lecture  delivered  at  the  Lyceum  in  Stockbridge,  Massachu- 
setts, February,  1831.  ...  New  Y'ork :  Printed  hy  J.  Seymour. 
1831.    8vo,  pp.  48.  7*^^35 

Sedgwick.  Public  and  Private  Economy.  By  Theodore 
Sedgwick.  Part  First.  New-Vork :  Harper  tsf  Brothers,  1836. 
i2mo,  pp.  263.  l^^Z^ 

Sedgwick.  Public  and  Private  Economy.  Illustrated  by 
Observations  made  in  England  in  the  year  1836.  By  Theodore 
Sedgwick.  Part  11.  New-Tork:  Harper  &  Brothers.  1838. 
i2mo,  pp.  210.    +  Part  in.    [/^/V.]   1839.     i2mo,  pp.  156.    h. 

[Sedgwick  (Theodore),  l>.  181 1,  d.  1859.]  Address  and 
Poem,  delivered  before  the  Columbia  College  Alumni  Associa- 
tion, at  Hope  Chapel,  October  27,  1858.  New  Tork :  John  F. 
Trow ^  Printer.    1858.     8vo,  pp.  34,  31.  A.,  B.  78838 

Sedgwick.  The  American  Citizen :  His  True  Position, 
Character  and  Duties,  a  Discourse,  delivered  before  the  Senate 
of  Union  College,  At  Schenectady,  26th  July,  1847.  By  Theo- 
dore Sedgwick.  ...  New-Tork:  (Vi ley  and  Putnam.  1847.  8vo, 
pp.  36,  and  covers.  a.  78839 

[Sedgwick.]  How  shall  the  lawyers  be  paid  ?  or,  Some  Re- 
marks upon  two  acts  recently  passed  on  the  subject  of  the  costs 
of  legal  proceedings  in  a  letter  to  John  Anthon.  New  Tork. 
1840.     8vo.  78840 

Sedgwick.  A  Memoir  of  the  Life  of  William  Livingston, 
Member  of  Congress,  in  1774,  1775,  and  1776;  Delegate  to  the 
Federal  Convention  in  1787,  and  Governor  of  the  State  of  New 
Jersey,  from  1776  to  1790.  With  Extracts  from  his  Correspond- 
ence, and  notices  of  various  members  of  his  family.  ...  By  Theo- 
dore Sedgwick,  Jun.  New  Tork  :  J.  t^  J.  Harper.  1833.  8vo, 
pp.  449,  (2),  7.     Portrait.  a.,  ba.,  h.  78841 




SKHCiwicK.  A  Statement  of  Facts  in  relation  to  the  Delays 
aik\  Arrears  of  business  in  the  Court  of  Chancery  of  the  State 
of  New- York.  With  some  Suj^gestions  for  a  C'hange  in  its 
Organizations.  My  ThiuMloie  Sedgwick,  Jun.  ...  Nttv  Y'ork : 
Altx.  S,  Goulci^  Printer,    1H3S.     Hvo,  pp.  80.      A.,  H.,  C,  s.  78842 

[Skdcjwick..]  Thoughts  on  the  Proposed  Annexation  of 
Texas  t«)  the  United  States.  First  I'liMished  in  the  New- York 
Fvening  Post,  under  the  Signature  of  Veto.  Nnv-y'ork  :  Pritited 
hy  I),  I'linshdw.    1 844.     8vo,  pp.  55,  and  covers.  7^^43 

Till'  |)tf  f.lif  ia  sigiitil  "  T.  S." 

Seijowkk.  'Fhoughts  on  the  Proposed  Annexation  of  'Fexas 
to  the  U.  S.  First  published  in  the  N.  Y.  Fvening  Post,  under 
the  signature  of  "Veto,"  (Theodore  Sedgwick.)  'l^ogcther  with 
the  Address  of  Albert  (jallatin,  1.1..U.  delivered-  ...  24th  of  April, 
1844.  Second  Edition.  New  Tf'ork  :  I'rintefi  by  S.  IV.  lienedict  isf 
Co.    1844.     8vo,  pp.  56,  and  covers.  ka.  78844 

[Sedgwick.]  What  is  Monopoly?  or  Some  Considerations 
upon  the  subject  of  Corporations  and  Currency.  Hy  a  Citi/.en 
of  New- York.      Nexu  Tori.    1835.     8vo.  s.  78845 

[Sedgwick  {Mrs.  Theodore).}  See  [Sedgwick  {Mrs.  Susan 

Sedi.ey  (H.),  a.  1835.  Marian  Rooke ;  or,  the  ^uest  for 
Fortune.  A  Tale  of  the  Younger  World.  By  Henry  Sedlcy 
...  London.  1865.  3  vols.,  i2nio.  -{-  New  Tork :  Sheldon  i^  Co. 
1865.     i2mo.  78846 

Seebohm  (B.)  Memoirs  of  William  Forster.  Edited  by  Ben- 
jamin Seebohm.  ...  London:  Alfred  IV.  Bennett  ...  1865.  2  vols., 
8vo.    -f-  Philadelphia  :  H.  Longstreth.    1868.     2  vols.,  8vo. 

William  Forster  was  a  minister  of'  the  Society  of  Friends.  He  visited  the  United 
States  IP.  1820,  and  again  in  1853,  for  the  purpose  of°  presenting  an  address  on  slavery 
to  the  president  and  the  governors  of  the  southern  States.  See  alto  Grellet  (S.),  Vol. 
VII.,  No.  28748. 

Seebohm  (F[rederick].)  The  Crisis  of  Emancipation  in  Amer- 
ica ;  being  a  Review  of  the  History  of  Emancipation,  from  the 
beginning  of  the  Ame'-ican  war  to  the  assassination  of  President 
Lincoln.  By  F\  Seebohm.  ..  London:  Alfred  IV.  Bennett.  [Rich- 
ard Barrett,  Printer.)   1865.     8vo.  78848 

Seeckere  naedeie  Missive.     See  Vol.  11.,  No.  7634. 



*    I 

^   : 



Sceckerc  Remonstrantic.     AV/  Vol.  11.,  No.  7635. 

Shf.okr  (C.  L.),  h.  1763,  d.  1848.  A  Lecture  on  the  Epi- 
demic Cholera,  delivered  in  Springfield,  on  the  id  of  August,  and 
in  Northampton,  on  the  9th  of  August,  1H32  ...  Hy  C.  L.  Sce- 
gcr,  M.D.  ...  Boston:  Printtd  hy  Andrtw  IVright.  1832.  8vo,  pp. 
a6.  B.,  w.  78849 

Sekof.k.  An  Oration,  pronounced  at  Northampton,  on  the 
sixth  of  March,  1810,  in  Commemoration  of  the  Inauguration 
of  Thomas  Jctt'erson  as  President  of  the  United  States.  Hy  C. 
L.  Seeger,  m.d.  ...  Northampton^  {Ms.):  Printed  at  the  office  of  the 
Anti- Monarchist.    1 8 10.     8vo,  pp.  20.  B.  78850 

Seegkk.  An  Oration,  pronounced  at  Northampton,  July  4, 
1810,  in  Commemoration  of  the  Anniversary  of  American  Inde- 
pendence. Hy  C.  L.  Seeger,  m.d.  ...  Northampton.,{Ms.)  Printed 
at  the  Office  of  the  Anti- Monarchist.  1 8 10.  8vo,  pp.  19.  -f  Sec- 
ond edition.     [/^'</.]    1810.     8vo,  pp.  19.  78851 

Dcr  Seekampf  zwischen  den  PanzcrschifFcn  Merrimac  und 
Monitor  auf  der  Rede  von  Hampton.  Leipzig :  G.  Poenicke. 
1862.     8vo,  pp.  16.  78852 

On  the  Petition  of  the  Sekkonk  Branch  Rail-Road  Co. 
A  Brief,  explained  by  a  Statement  of  the  Case.  [n.  p.  1837.'] 
8vo,  pp.  22.  BA.  78853 

Stt  also  Bur{{ea  (T.),  Vol.  in.,  No.  9235,  tioti. 

Report  and  Bill  on  the  Petition  of  the  Seekonk  Branch  Rail- 
road Company.     \_Boston.    1838.]    8vo,  pp.  61.  78854 

Massachusetts  Senate  Document,  No.  98. 

Reports  on  the  Petition  of  Tristam  Burges  and  others,  for  a 
Branch  Railroad  in  Seekonk,  &c.    [^Boston.    1836.]    8vo,  pp.  47. 

Substance  of  Argument  of  Respondent's  Counsel  on  the  Appli- 
cation of  the  Seekonk  Branch  Railroad  Company  to  the  Com- 
mittee of  the  Legislature  [of  Massachusetts,]  to  run  Locomotive 
Engines  on  the  Providence  and  Worcester  Railroads,  and  through 
the  Worcester  Merchandize  Depot.  Boston :  "John  H.  Easthurn^ 
Printer.    1838.     8vo,  pp.  46.  BA.  78856 

Seeley  (L.  W.)  An  Address  before  the  Literary  Societies  in 
Marietta  College,  Ohio,  July  30th,  1851.  By  the  Rev.  L.  W. 
Seeley  of  Midway,  Ky.  ...  Marietta:  Printed  at  the  Republican 
Offic/".    1 85 1.     8vo,  pp.  22.  78857 



R»;nV:^H''sfrr' «'«'"-.  will!:  ,;^^^^^^^^ 

"National  CVisir"         ^'  u  9'  '^'    '^^S-       A  Sermon 
ward  E.  Seclyc    '    VV  ^^"*'*^T'''^«y,  April,  186         Lr        iJ*!" 
'^'-'yt  ...  ^cheueetady.    1861.     8vo  ^       '^'  **'*'' 

J^fefel.YK   (\     \\\     L       ^i  '  7^y62 

State.     A  slrm        1  .•    '^^^-       '^^e   Christim    V\ 

ma,  t        ,„_        .^_,^,^^         cm  „f  M.«.ch„.e,.s  „  ,^h    a„- 

SeeLYE    (S    T  \       AC  7^*^63 

toiler  c    ,«cA   ^        '^  ^^''"lon  delivered  in  A  Ik 

of  Rev    K  I     '  ^"'""'emorative  of  Mrs    L:"    n  ''^.">''   -   ^^c- 

"f  Kev.  Edward  Aiken,  of  the  Z  .^^^"-  ?"san  D.  Aiken,  Wife 

Herald,  u„der\hi  e„mi,'„d"'?7  "^ .  "'5.  Voyage  of  H.   M    S 
""i.g  the  years  1845-5,      p^uVf'!.'"  "'"'•''  ^''""'.  «  "    c  » 

Wd.C      .    ,^„V/,"S^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 

5-483.   'X  Pl.t:'*-  '-""''""    ■«5.'-f857     tt^'l'!' 



Seemann.  History  of  the  Isthmus  of  Panama,  By  Dr.  Bert- 
hold  Seemarin.  Printed  and  puhlished  at  the  Office  of  the  Star  and 
Herald^  Panama.    1867.     8vo,  pp.  (2),  53.  B.  78866 

Seemann.  Narrative  of  the  Voyage  of  H.  M.S.  Herald  dur- 
ing the  Years  1845-51,  under  the  Command  of  Captain  Henry 
Kellett,  R.N.,  c.B. ;  being  a  Circuminavigation  of  the  Globe,  and 
Three  Cru'zes  to  the  Arctic  Regions  in  Search  of  Sir  John 
Franklin.  By  Berthold  Seemann,  f.l.s.  ...  In  tvo  volumes.  ... 
London:  Reeve  and  Co.  1853.  ^  vols.,  8vo,  pp.  xvi,  322;  vii, 
302.     Map  and  2  Plates.  a.,  c.  78867 

Seemann.  Reise  um  die  Welt  und  drei  Fahrten  der  Konig- 
lich  Britischen  Fregatte  Herald  nach  dcm  nordlichen  Polarmeere 
zur  Aufsuchung  Sir  John  Franklin's  in  den  Jahren  1 845-1851. 
Von  Berthold  Seemann.  ...  Hannover.  Carl  Riimpler.  1853.  2 
vols.,  8vo,  pp.  xi,  335  ;  vi,  294.     4  Plates.  78868 

Seemann.  Die  Volksnamerr*"  der  Amerikanischen  Pflanzen 
gesammclt  von  Berthold  Seemann.  The  popular  nomenclature 
of  the  American  Flora.  ...  Hannovtr.    1851.     8vo,  pp.  (10),  54. 

See  also  Pirn  (B.  C.  T.)  ami  Seemann  (B.),  Vol.  xv.,  No.  62871. 

The  Se'er,  or,  the  American  Prophecy.  A  Poem.  London: 
Harrison.    1779.     8vo.  78870 

*'  The  American  Se'er  is  full  brother  to  Nereus,  the  old  Sea-boy." — Monthly  Re-view, 
LX.  318. 

The  Seer.     See  [Pratt  (O.)],  Vol.  xv.,  No.  64961. 

Seer  gedenckwaerdige  |  Vojagien,  |  Van  |  Johan  Sanderson,  | 
Hendrick  Timberly,  en  |  Capt.  Johan  Smith,  |  Door]  Europa,  Asia 
en  America.  I  Nevens  een  pertinente  Beschrijvinge  van|'t  Heylige 
Landt,  |En  voornamelijck  van  het  Oudt  en  Nieuw|  Jerusalem  en 
Tempel  Salomons.  I  Als  oock  de  schrickelijcke  Belegeringen, 
Elendigen  Hongers-j  noot,  en  verscheyde  verwoestingen  der  sel- 
ver  Stadt,  volgens  |  de  Prophecye  van  onsen  Saligmaker  Jesus 
Christus,  |  En  hoedanigh  Jerusalem  van  de  hedendaeghse  j  Reysi- 
gers  bevonden  wordt.  |  Met  kopere  Platen  ver^'iert.  \t'Jmsterdam, 
by  'Jochem  van  Dyck^  Boeckverkooper  op  den  \  Dam^  bexijden  '/  Stadt- 
huysy  1678. 1  4to,  engraved  title,  printed  title,  4  other  prel.  leaves, 
pp.  1-157,  (i).      Plates  at  pp.  9,  29,  57,  and  77.  c.  78871 

Pages  90-104  contain  an  extract  tVom  the  travels  of  Captain  John  Smith. 

Seereise  eines  jungen  Officiers.  See  [Prenties  (S.  W.)],  Vol. 
XV.,  No.  65080. 





The  Seer's  Calcmlar  of  Events,  Containing  Zailkid's  Proph- 
ecy on  the  Great  Rebellion,  showing  the  fuiure  of  America. 
[New  York.    1863.]     i8mo,  pp.  22.  78872 

Sega  (James).  Componimenti  Poetici  d'un  Italiano  Profugo 
in  America.  Editi  Per  interesse  di  Giacomo  Sega  ....  Filadelfia: 
Dai  torchi  di  C.  Alexander.    1829.     8vo,  24  leaves.  B.,  ba.,  c. 

Sega.  An  Essay  on  the  Practice  of  Duelling,  as  it  exists  in 
Modern  Society.  Occasioned  by  the  late  lamentable  occurrence 
near  Philadelphia.  By  James  Sega,  ll.d.  Translated  from  the 
Italian,  by  the  Author.  ...  Philadelphia.    1830.     8vo,  pp.  (2),  45. 

Sega.  What  is  True  Civilization,  or.  Means  to  suppress  the 
Practice  of  Duelling,  to  prevent,  or  to  punish,  crimes,  and  to 
abolish  the  Punishment  of  Death.  By  James  Sega,  l.l.b.  ... 
Boston:  IVilUam  Smithy  Printer.   1830.     i2mo,  pp. '8,  iii-xiv,  243, 

(l).  B.,  BA.   78875 

Segak  (J.  [E.]),  b.  1804,  d.  1885.  Case  of  Joseph  Segar,  of 
Virginia,  claiming  seat  as  Representative  in  Congress  from  the 
State  at  large.     Notes  by  Claimant,    [n.  p.   1869.]    8vo,  pp.  8. 

Segak.  Great  Thoroughfares  and  their  National  Aspects. 
By  Joseph  Segar.  From  the  Richmond  Whig,  December  2, 
1868.     Richmond.    1868.     8vo.  78877 

Segar.  Joseph  Segar  vs.  United  States.  Claim  for  rent,  sup- 
plies, &c.     Abstract  of  evidence,    [n.  p.   1868.]    8vo,  pp.  8.    h. 

Segar.  Letter  of  Hon.  Joseph  Segar,  to  a  Friend  in  Virginia, 
in  Vindication  of  his  course  in  declining  to  follow  his  State  into 
Secession.  JVashington^  D.  C. :  IVilliam  H.  Moore^  Printer.  1862. 
8vo,  pp.  39.  B.  78879 

Segar.  Letter  of  Jos.  Segar,  Esq.,  to  Gen.  Dix  [on  his  proc- 
lamation to  the  people  of  the  eastern  shore  of  Virginia.  fVash- 
ington.   1 86 1.]    8vo,  pp.  9.  B.  78880 

Segar.  Letter  of  Joseph  Segar  to  Robert  Saunders,  Esq.,  of 
Williamsburg.  [Dated  Hampton,  June  28,  1861.  n.  p.  1861.] 
8vo,  pp.  15.  78881 

Segar.  Petition  of  Joseph  Segar,  of  Virginia.  To  the  Con- 
gress of  the  United  States :  [asking  that  a  special  act  be  passed 
for  his  relief,    n.  p.    1868.?]    8vo,  pp.  3.  H.  78882 






r"'      I. 


Segar.  Remarks  of  Mr.  Seger  [j'V],  In  Senate,  March  2ist 
and  22il,  In  Committee  of  the  Whole,  on  the  Black  River  Canal 
Bill.     [n.  p.    1846.]     8vo,  pp.  25.  78883 

Segar.  Ship  Canals.  Speech  of  the  Hon.  Joseph  Segar,  of 
Virginia,  in  the  House  of  Representatives,  P'cbruary  7,  1863. 
[n.  p.   1863.]    8vo,  pp.  12.  B.  78884 

On  the  bill  for  the  construction  of  a  Ship  Canal  from  the  Mississippi  river  to  Lake 

Segar.     Speech   ...   on  the  Subject  of  a  General  System  of 
Internal  Improvements,  delivered  in  the  House  of  Delegates,  ... 
1838.      Richmond.    1838.     l2mo,  pp.  50.  78885 

Segar.  Speech  of  Mr.  Joseph  Segar  ...  on  the  Wilmot  Pro- 
viso. Delivered  in  the  House  of  Delegates,  January  19,  1849. 
Richmond:  Printed  by  Shepherd  and  Colin.    1849.     8vo,  pp.  22.   B. 

Segar.  Speech  ...  on  the  Virginia  and  Tennessee  Rail  Road 
Belt,  delivered  in  the  House  of  Delegates  ...  February  ;? .;  -ind 
24,  1849.      Richmond.    1 849.     8vo,  pp.  48.  78887 

Segar.  ...  Speech  of  Joseph  Segar,  Esq.  ...  Delivered  in 
the  House  of  Delegates,  February  21st  and  24th,  i860,  on  the 
Bill  to  amend  the  Charter  of  the  James  River  and  Kanawha 
Company.     [^Richmond.    i86o.]     8vo.  h.  78888 

With  heading:   (From  the  Richmond  Enquirer,  o(  March  6th,  i860.) 

Segar.  Speech  of  Joseph  Segar,  Esq.  ...  in  the  House  of 
Delegates  of  Virginia,  March  the  30th,  1861,  on  the  Resolutions 
of  the  Senate,  directing  the  Government  of  Virginia  to  seize  by 
military  force,  the  U.  S.  Guns  at  Bellona  Arsenal,  and  on  the 
Secession  of  Virginia,     [n.  p.    1861.]    8vo,  pp.  23.       ba.  78889 

Segar.  Speech  of  Hon.  Joseph  Segar,  on  Re-Construction, 
at  Hampton,  July  27,  1867.     [n.  p.    1867.]     8vo,  pp.  21.       ba. 

Segar.  Speeches  of  Hon.  Joseph  Segar  and  Hon.  L.  H. 
Chandler,  in  the  House  of  Representatives,  May  17,  1864,  in 
defence  of  their  Claim  to  a  Seat  in  the  38th  Congress.  fVash- 
ington^  D.  C. :  IVilliam  H.  Moore^  Printer.  1864.  8vo,  pp.  28, 
23.  B.  78891 

Segar.  Substance  of  the  Remarks  made  by  Mr.  Joseph 
Segar,  at  a  meeting  of  the  Citizens  of  Northampton  County,  on 
the  twenty-second  of  February,  on  the  subject  of  the  removal  of 
the  Government  Deposites  from  the  Bank  of  the  United  States. 



...  Richmond:  Printed  by  Samuel  Shepherd  i^  Co.    1834.     8vo,  pp. 
34.  78892 

[Segar.]  To  the  Voters  of  the  First  Congressional  District 
of  Virginia.     [fVaihington.    1862.]    8vo,  pp.  7.  B.  78893 

Signed  "  Jos.  Segar." 

Segar.  Vindication  of  the  Union.  Speech  of  Hon.  Joseph 
Segar,  of  ...  Virginia,  before  the  Union  Meeting  in  Portsmouth, 
Va.  ...  May  31,  1862.  ...  IVashington :  Printed  by  IV.  H.Moore. 
1862.     8vo,  pp.  14.  B.,  c.  78894 

Also:   Speech  ...  on  the  Independence  of  Texas  ...  Richmond.   1837.     8vo,  pp.  26. 

Segar  (N.)  A  Brief  Narrative  of  the  Captivity  and  Suffer- 
ings of  Lt.  Nathan'l  Segar,  who  was  taken  prisoner  by  the  Indians 
and  carried  to  Canada,  during  the  Revolutionary  War.  Written 
by  Himself.     Paris.^  {Me.)   1825.     i2nio,  pp.  36.     H.,  w.  78895 

Segersz  van  DER  Brugge  (J.)  Joumacl,  |  Of  Dagh-Regis- 
ter,  gehouden  by  Seven  |  Matroosen,  |  In  haer  Overwinteren  op  | 
Spitsbergen  in  Maurits-Bay,  |  Gelegen  in  Groenlandt,  t'zedert  het 
vertreck  van  de  Visschery- 1  Schepen  der  Geoctroyeerde  Noordt- 
sche  Compagnie,  in  Nederlandt,  |  zijnde  den  30.  Augusty,  1633. 
tot  de  wederkomst  der  voorsz.  Schepen,  den  |  27.  May,  Anno 
1634. 1  Beschreven  door  den  Bevelhebber  |Jacob  Segersz.  van  der 
Brugge.  I  [Engraving  of  a  bear  hunt.]  \t' Amsterdam^  Gedruckt\By 
Giliis  "Joosten  Saeghman.^  in  de  Nieuwe-straet^  |  Ordinaris  Drucker 
van  de  'Journalen  der  Zee-  en  Landt-Reysen.  \  [1663  .^]  410,  pp.  48. 
6  Engravings  in  the  text.  L.  78896 

Segersz  van  der  Brugge.  Journael,  |  Of  Dagh-Register, 
gehouden  by  seven  |  Matroosen  ...  wederkomste  ...  Bevel-hebber 
...  [Engraving  of  a  ship.]  |  f  Amsterdam^  Gedruckt\  By  Gillis  Joosten 
Saeghman  ...\_ibb-^.^    4to,  pp.  48.  78897 

Title  from  Tide,  No.  253. 

Segersz  van  der  Brugge.  Twee  Journalen  |  Yeder  gehou- 
den by  Seven]  Matroosen.  |  In  haer  Overwinteren  op  |  Spitsbergen, 
I  Gelegen  in  Groenlant,  t'zedert  het  vertreck  van  de  Visschery- 1 
Schepen  der  Geoctroyeerde  Noortsche  Compagnie,  in  Nederlant  j 
zijnde  den  30.  Augusty  1633.  tot  de  wederkomst  der  voorsz 
Schepen,  den  |  27.  May,  1634.  Welcke  Maets  doen  zijn  afge- 
lost,  en  seven  andere  vry wil- 1  lige  daer  op  gebleven,  doch  dese 
zijn  al  t'  samen  gestorven.  |  Beschreven  door  den  Opper-bevel- 
hebber  |  Jacob  Segersz  van  der  Brugge.  |  [Engraving  of  a  ship.]  | 

VOL.  XIX.  15 



lL>j^.M\eMlSj^J i.'it  i,i„ '\.'l... 



J I 

'  '( 



li''  i    i 




t' /fmster{/am^\  By  Gillis  'Jooiten  Xaagman^  in  cle  Nieuwe-straet^\  Or- 
dinarii  Drucker  van  de  ^ournalen  ter  Zee-  en  Landt-reysen.  |  [167-?] 
4to,  pp.  36.  c.  78898 

Title  furnished  by  Mr.  James  C.  Pilling.  The  three  fullowing  titles  relate  tu  the 
same  affair  : 

Het  Tweede  Journael,  of  Dagh- register,  gehouden  by  seven 
Matroosei),  in  het  Overwintercn  op  Spitzbergen  in  Maurits-bay 
Geleghen  in  Groenlandt  ...  Amsterdam,  [n.  d.]  4to,  2  unnum- 
bered leaves.  7^^99 

Journael  Of  Dagh-Register  gehouden  by  seven  Matroosen,  In 
het  Overwinteren  op  't  Eyiandt  Mauritius,  in  Groenlandt,  In  't 
Jaer  1633  en  1634.  Mitsgaders  Een  kort  vcrhael  van  't  vangen 
der  WaTvissen,  en  andere  Avontueren  by  verscheyde  gelegenthe- 
den  In  Groenlant  voorgevallen.  [Jmsterdam.  n.  d.]  410,  pp.  24. 
Plate,  and  2  Engravings  in  the  text.  78900 

Pages  20-24  contain  the  journal  of  the  voyage  of  Dirck  Albertsz  Raven  to  Green- 
land in  1639,     This  edition  is  not  mentioned  by  Tiele. 

'  Journael  by  7  matroosen  in  *t  overwinteren  op  't  Eyiandt  Mau- 
ritius in  Groenlandt  in  1633,  en  34,  doch  syn  't  samen  aldaer 
gestorven  ...  Verhalende  de  wonderheden  van  de  Beeren,  only- 
delijcke  Koude,  ...  en  van  't  vangen  der  Walvisschen,  ...  Amster- 
dam^ G.  y.  Zaagman.  [167-?]    4to,  pp.  24.  78901 

Not  mentioned  by  Tiele.  See  alto  "  loernael,"  Vol.  ix.,  No.  34968;  "Twee  Jour- 
nalen,  Het  Eerste  gehouden  by  de  Seven  Matroosen ;"  and  "  Twee  Journalen,  Gehou- 
den by  seven  Matroosen." 

Segni  (D.  Diego  Raymundo).  Antiquario  Noticiosa  General 
de  Espana  y  Sus  Indios.    [n.  p.]   1769.     i2mo.  78902 

Title  from  the  "  Bibliotheca  Americana,"  of  1789,  p.  160. 

Segovia  (Miguel).  Arco  Triunfal  magniiico,  que  la  Sta. 
Iglesia  de  Antequera  de  Oaxaca  erigid  a  su  Obispo,  el  lUmo.  D. 
Alonso  de  Cuevas  Davalos  ...  Mexico,  por  Jgust'tn  Santistevan. 
1658.     4to.  78903 

Title  from  Beristain,  who  also  mentions  another  publication  by  the  same  author : 
"£1  nuevo  Sacerdote  y  Pontifice  Onias,  replandeciente  en  el  Tempio,  como  el  Sol." 

[Seguenot  {Father),  of  Montreal.']  A  j  Letter  |  From  a  | 
Romish  Priest  [Father  Seguenot]  |  in  Canada,  |  To  One  [Mrs. 
Christina  Baker]  who  was  taken  Captive  in  |  her  Infancy,  and 
Instructed  in  the  |  Romish  Faith,  but  some  time  |  ago  returned  to 
this  her  Native  |  Country.  |  With  an  Answer  thereto,  |  By  a  Person 
to  whom  it  was  Communicated  [Gov.  William  Burnett,  of  Mas- 


10.  D. 



[author : 

Im   a  I 


r,  and 

led  to 





sachusetts],  |  Boston  :  Printed  for  D.  Henchman^  at  \  the  Corner  Shop 
over  against  the  Brick  Meeting- \  House  in  Corn-hill.  Moccxxix.  | 
8vo,  pp.  (2),  ii,  26.  BA.,  M.  78904 

See  the  Biintey  catalogue,  Nu.  7750. 

Seguin  (Pascasiu  de).  Galicia,  Reino  de  Cristo  Sacramen- 
tado :  Santiago,  Principe  hercditario  de  este  Reino :  6  Idea  de  las 
Grandezas  de  dicho  Apdstol  y  del  Reino  de  Galicia  ...  Mexico. 
1750.     2  vols.,  4to.  78905 

Title  from  Beristain.     There  is  a  copy  in  the  Advocates'  Library  at  Edinburgh. 

Seguin.  Historia  General  del  Reino  de  Galicia.  ...  Habana. 
1847.    8vo.     Maps  and  Plates.  78906 

Segunda  Carta,  de  un  Americano  al  Espafiol,  sobre  su  numero 
XIX.  Contestacion,  a  su  respuesta  dada  en  el  num"  xxiv.  Lon- 
(ires :  En  la  imprenta  de  Guillexmo  Glindon.  18 1 2.  8vo,  pp.  200, 
(i).  H.  78907 

For  the  first  letter  tee  Vol.  in.,  No.  11094,  and  add :  Errata  (i). 

La  segunda  parte  de  la  historia  general.     See  [Gomara  (F.  ' 

...  Segunda  Relacion.  See  Vol.  xii..  No.  51243,  and  for  eol- 
ation read  :  pp.  (4).     See  also  Vol.  xvi..  No.  69235. 

Segunda  Representacion.  See  [Sancho  (J.  M.  G.)],  Vol.  xviii.. 
No.  7631 1. 

Segundas  Observaciones  sobre  el  Opusculo  intitulado  El  Impe- 
rio  y  el  Clero  Mexicano  del  Seiior  Abate  Testory,  ...  por  un 
Sacerdote  Mexicano.     Mexico.   1865.    8vo,  pp.  47.  78908 

Segundo  dictanrien  de  la  mayoria  de  las  comisiones,  de  Justicia. 
Negocios  eclesiasticos  en  el  Negocio  relativo  al  Breve  de  Su  San- 
tidad  el  Sr.  Pio  ix.,  en  que  constituye  Oelegado  en  esta  Repub- 
lica  a  Monsefior  Clementf.     Mexico.   1853.     Sm.  8vo,  pp.  23. 

Segundo  Quinze  de  Enero  de  la  Corte  Mexicana.  Mexico. 
1730.    8vo.  78910 

Title  from  H.  H.  Bancroft's  list  of  "  authorities  quoted  in  the  History  of  Mexico." 
See  also  Vol.  xviii..  No.  76167. 

Segundo  SueHo  del  Pensador  Mexicano.  El  decir  la  verdad  de 
varios  modos,  es  por  guisarla  al  paladar  de  todos.  [Colophon :] 
Mexico:  ano  de  1822.    Oficina  de[Betancourt.     Svo,  pp.  24. 

i   I 



1  h 






Segundo  (Vicente).  Demosliacion  de  la  impcricia  del  maris- 
cal  de  campo  D.  Juan  Maria  Echeverri,  para  Ilenar  las  institu- 
ciones  constitucionales.  Habana :  Imprtnta  de  D.  Jose  Bolona. 
1820.     Folio.  78912 

S^GUR  [Mgr.  Louis  Gaston  de). 
1 86 1.    i8mo. 

La  Revolution   ...   Paris. 

789' 3 

SiGUR.  La  revolucion,  por  MonseHor  Segur.  Traducida  at 
castellano  por  M.  P.  de  L.     Mexico.    1863.    Sni.  8vo,  pp.  132. 

Segur  {Count  Louis  Philippe  de),  b.  1753,  d.  1832.  Memoires, 
ou  Souvenirs  et  Anecdotes,  par  M.  le  comte  de  Segur  ...  Parisy 
A.  Eymery.  1824-26.  3  vols.,  8vo.  +  [/t/Vy.]  1825-27.  3  vols., 
8vo.  -f-  Troisieme  edition.  [^Ibid.'\  1827.  3  vols.,  8vo.  Por- 
trait and  Facsimile,  -f  Cinquieme  edition.  Paris^  Didier.  1842. 
2  vols.,  i2mo.  -\-  Cinquieme  edition.  Paris  Didier.  1844.  2 
vols.,  i2mo,  pp.  (4),  501,  (3);  (4),  494.  L.  78915 

This  work  contains  an  account  of  the  author's  services  in  the  American  revolution- 
ary war. 

Segur.  Memoires  Souvenirs  et  Anecdotes  par  M.  le  comte 
de  Segur  de  I'Academie  Fran^aise  Correspondance  et  Pensees 
du  Prince  de  Ijgne  Avec  avant-propos  et  notes  par  M.  Fs.  Har- 
riere  . . .  Paris  Librairie  de  Firmin  Didot  freres^  fils  et  Cie  1 859. 
2  vols.,  i2mo,  pp.  (4),  viii,  447;  (4),  219,  xx,  174.        l.  78916 

Tomes  xix.  and  xx.  of  Barriere's  "  Bibliotheque  des  Memoires." 

Segur.  Memoirs  and  Recollections  of  Count  Segur,  Ambas- 
sador from  France  to  the  Courts  of  Russia  and  Prussia,  Sec.  &c. 
Written  by  Himself.  ...  London:  Henry  Colburn.  1825-1827.  3 
vols.,  8vo,  pp.  xii,  442  ;  xii,  355  ;  xii,  499.  Portrait  and  folded 
Map.  B.,  BA.  -f  Boston :  IVells  and  Lilly,  and  E.  Bliss  and  E. 
White,  New  Tork.    1825.     8vo,  pp.  viii,  359.  7^9*7 

The  American  edition  was  probably  not  completed. 

Segur-Dupeyron  (P.  de).  Histoire  des  negociations  com- 
merciales  et  maritimes  du  regne  de  Louis  xiv,  considerees  dans 
leurs  rapports  avec  la  politique  generale.  ...  Paris,  B.  Duprat. 
1863.    8vo,  pp.  525.  78918 

Segur-Dupeyron.  Histoire  d'un  traite  de  paix  et  d'un  traite 
de  commerce  conclus  entre  la  France  et  I'Angleterre :  fragments 
d'une  histoire  du  commerce  et  de  I'industrie  de  la  France  pendant 
les  xvie,  xviie  et  xviiic  siecles.  ...  Paris,  Imprimerie  Panckoucke. 
1842.    8vo.  7S919 

» n-rnr::: 



Seoura  (Francisco  Ildephonso).  Consultas  varias  morales  y 
misticas  resueltas   ...   Puehla^  por  Ortega  Bon'tlla.    1728.     Hvo. 

There  is  a  copy  in  the  Bancroft  library  at  San  Francisco. 

Segura  (Juan).  Tratado  de  la  Humildad  y  Obediencia  ... 
Madrid.    1600.     8vo.  78921 

"  Fui  en  EspaAa  rector  del  colegio  de  Vulbdolid  ;  y  de  alii  salio  para  recibir  en  la 
Florida  la  corona  del  martirio." — Beristain. 

Seoura  (Miguel).  La  Boca  de  la  Iglesia,  Santo  Domingo  de 
Guzman    ...   Mexico.    1708.    410.  78922 

Title  from  Beristnin. 

Segura  (Nicolas  de).  Defensa  Canonica  por  las  Provincias 
de  la  Compaflia  de  Jesus  de  la  Nueva  Espafia  y  Kilipinas,  sobre 
las  censuras  impuestas  por  los  Jueces  Hacedores  de  las  Rentas 
Decimales  de  la  Iglesia  de  Mexico.   ...   Madrid'.    1737.     Folio. 

Segura.  Sermon  en  las  Exequias  de  Joseph  de  la  Puente.  ... 
Mexico.    1742.     4to.  7^924 

Segura.  Sermones  pancgiricos  y  morales  ...  Madrid.  1729. 
4  vols.,  4to.  7S925 

Also:  Sermones   ...   Salamanca y  yalladolid.    1738-39.     5  vols.,  4to. 

Segura.  Tractatus  de  Contractibus  in  genere  et  de  Testa- 
mentis   ...  Salamanticte.    1731.     410.  78926 

Segura.  Tractatus  Theologici  pro  variis  gravibusque  difiicul- 
tatibus  enodandis  ...  Matriti  excudente  Josepho  Gonza/ez.  1731* 
2  vols.,  folio.  7^927 

Nicolas  de  Segura  was  born  at  I'uebla  de  los  Angeles  in  1676,  and  wns  killed  in 
1743.  For  an  account  of  his  life  and  writings,  set  Beristain's  "  Bibliotcca  Hispano 
Americana  Setentrional." 

Segura  (V.)  Apuntes  para  la  Estadistica  del  departamento 
de  Orizava,  formados  por  Vincente  Segura.  "Jalapa.  1831. 
i2mo.  78928 

Segura  Troncoso  (Juan  Antonio).  El  Arbol  Genealogico : 
Elogio  de  la  Santa  Cruz   ...   Mexico  por  Ribera.   1718.    4to. 

Segura  Troncoso.  Elogio  de  S.  Pedro  Apostol  ...  Mexico, 
por  Hogal.   1 730.    4to.  7^93° 

Segura  Troncoso.  El  Milagro  de  la  Pintura :  elogio  de 
Nuestra  Senora  de  Guadalupe  de  Mexico  ...  Mexico,  por  Ribera. 
1720.     4to.  7893* 



>  I 







Segura  Troncoso.  Sermon  de  Capitulo  Provincial  ...  Afex- 
icoy  por  Hogal.    1737.    4to.  7^932 

Segura  Troncoso.  Sermon  de  Dedicacion  de  Iglesia  ... 
Mexico.    1738.    4to.  78933 

Titles  from  Beriitain. 

Seidler  (C.)  Brasiliens  Kriegs-  und  Revulutionsgeschichtc 
seit  dem  Jahre  1825  bis  auf  unsere  Zcit.  ...  Leipzig:  E.  Kum- 
mer.    1837.     i6mo,  pp.  (2),  214.  c.  78934 

The  Seigniorial  Question.  8ee  [Hincks  (F.)],  Vol.  viii.,  No. 

Scis  Noches  de  titeres  majicos  en  el  callejon  del  vinagre. 
Mexico.    1823.     Sm.  8vo,  pp.  iii,  120.  7893S 

Seiss  (J.  A.)  Address  at  the  Funeral  of  Mrs.  Susan  £.  Mus- 
ser,  Wife  of  William  Musser,  Esq.  September  i8th,  1867.  By 
Rev.  Joseph  A.  Seiss,  d.d.     Philadelphia.    1867.     i2mo,  pp.  16. 

Seiss.  The  Arts  of  Design,  especially  as  related  to  Female 
Education:   An  Address   ...   Baltimore.    1857.     8vo,  pp.  27. 

Seiss.  The  Assassinated  President,  or  the  Day  of  National 
Mourning  for  Abraham  Lincoln,  at  St.  John's  (Lutheran)  Church, 
Philadelphia,  June  ist,  1865.  The  Pastor,  Joseph  A.  Seiss,  d.d., 
officiating.  For  Sale  at  No.  42  North  Ninth  Street,  Philadelphia. 
1865.    8vo,  pp.  43,  closing  services  (i).  78938 

Seiss.  Government  and  Christianity;  A  Sermon  for  the 
Times.  By  Joseph  A.  Seiss,  d.d..  Pastor  of  St.  John's  (Luth- 
eran Church,  Philadelphia.  Philadelphia:  C.  Sherman  &  Son, 
Printers.   1 86 1.     8vo,  pp.  35.  7^939 

Seiss.  The  Last  Times  and  the  Great  Consummation.  An 
Earnest  Discussion  of  Momentous  Themes.  By  Joseph  A. 
Seiss,  D.D.  ...  Philadelphia:  Smith,  English  ^  Co.  1863.  i2mo, 
pp.  438.  B.  78940 

Seiss.  Remarks  made  at  the  Funeral  of  Henry  Bohlen,  Brig- 
adier-General, U.  S.  Army,  September  12th,  1862.  By  Joseph 
A.  Seiss,  D.D.  ...  Philadelphia :  C.  Sherman  &  Son.  1862.  8vo, 
pp.  16.  H.  78941 

Seiss.  Remarks  made  at  the  Funeral  of  Henry  Horn,  Phila- 
delphia, January  16,  1862.  By  Rev.  J.  A.  Seiss,  d.d.  Phila- 
delphia: J.  M.  Spangler.    1862.     8vo,  pp.  6.  H.  78942 



Seiss.  Remarks  made  at  the  P'uneral  of  Sarah  Campbell  Ran- 
dall, wife  of  Joseph  S.  Randall.  P'ebruary  8th,  1862.  By  Rev. 
Joseph  A.  Seiss,  d.d.     Philadelphia,   1862.     i2mo,  pp.  12.     ba. 

Seiss.  The  Threatening  Ruin  ;  or  Our  Times,  Our  Pros- 
pects and  Our  Duty.  A  Discourse  Delivered  in  St.  John's 
(Lutheran)  Church,  Philadelphia,  on  the  Occasion  of  the  Na- 
tional Fast,  January  4th,  1861.  By  Joseph  A.  Seiss,  d.d.  ... 
Philadelphia:  Smithy  English  Iff  Co.    1861.     i2mo,  pp.  38.  B. 

Seixas  (D.  G.)  Letters  to  C.  C.  Biddle  and  others  con- 
nected with  the  Dismissal  of  Daniel  G.  Seixas  and  the  late 
Founder  of  the  Pennsylvania  Institution  for  the  Deaf  and  Dumb. 
[^Philadelphia.']   1822.     8vo.  78945 

Seixas  (D.  R.)  Memoria  sobre  a  Salubridade  Publica  na 
Provincia  da  Bahia,  pelo  Doutor  Domingos  Rodrigues  Seixas 
Vaccinador  do  Municipio  da  Capital,  e  Tenente  Cirurgi^omor  do 
3"  Batalhao  de  Infantaria  da  G.  N.  Bahia:  Typographia  de  Epi- 
phanio  Pedroxa.    1854.     8vo,  pp.  (8),  66.     Table.  78946 

Seixas  (Francisco  Aguiar).  Edicto  Pastoral  sobre  los  dias 
festivos,  y  en  que  se  declaran  deber  serlo  en  el  Arzobispado  de 
Mexico  los  de  Sta.  Rosa,  S.  Agustin  y  S.  Hipolito  ...  Mexico. 
1688.    Folio.  "^8947 

Seixas.  Pastoral  para  la  ereccion  de  una  Cofradia  de  la  Doc- 
trina  cristiana  en  todas  las  Parroquias  del  Arzobispado  de  Mexico. 
...  Mexico.   1683.     Folio.  78948 

Titles  from  Beristain,  who  also  mentions:  "Constituciones  para  el  Colegio  Semi- 
nario  de  la  Santa  Iglesia  Metrnpolitana  de  Mexico,  hechas  en  1697,  y  reformadus  per 
el  Cabildo  Sede-vacante  mandadas  imprimir  en  1710." 

Seixas  (G.)  A  [Discourse,!  Delivered  |  in  the  Synagogue! in  | 
New  York,  I  on  I  the  ninth  of  May,  1 798,  |  observed  as  a  Dayjofj 
Humiliation,  &c.,  |  Conformably  to  a  Recommendation  |  of  |  the 
President  of  the  United  States  of  |  America.  |  By  Rev.  G.  Seixas.  | 
New-York :  \  Printed  by  William  A.  Davis  iff  Co.  \  1798.  |     8vo,  pp. 

32.  B.,  N.,  S.   78949 

Seixas.  A  Religious  Discourse  delivered  in  the  Synagogue  in 
this  city  ...  Nov.  26,  1789,  agreeable  to  the  Proclamation  of  the 
President  of  the  United  States,  &c.,  to  be  observed  as  a  Day  of 
Public  Thanksgiving  and  Prayer.     By  Rev.  Mr.  Gershom  Seixas. 

New  Tork :  McLean.    1789.     8vo,  pp.  16. 





S[eixas]  (M[anuel]  J[ustii)iHn()  dc]).  Vocahulario  tia  lingua 
indigeiia  gcral  para  o  usu  do  Seminario  episcopal  do  Para.  Ott'c- 
recido,  e  dedicado  ao  c\.^"  c  rev.'""  sfir.  d.  Jose  Aftoiiso  di-  Mo- 
raes  Torres,  d.  d.  bispo  da  diocese  paraensc,  ...  Pelo  paiire  M. 
J.  S.  ParOy  Typ.  de  Mattos  t  Co/up."  Imprtsso  por  'Joaqu'wi  Fran- 
cisco de  Mendonfd^  '^^53'     '^^-  8vo,  pp.  xvi,  66,  crratas  I  leaf. 

For  an  account  of  the  book  amt  its  author,  ice  Valle  Cabral'a  "  Dil)liogr.i|ihia  da 
lingua  Tupi  ou  Guarani,"  p.  10. 

Seixas  (R.  a.  dc).  CoIlec<^\lo  das  Ohras  do  ex.""'  e  rev.n>" 
senhor  D.  Romualdo  Antonio  de  Scixas.  ...  Pernanihuco^ 
Sanctos  ijf  C."  1839.  3  vols.,  8vo,  pp.  xxv,  348,  index  (5),  errata 
(2);  iv,  468,  index  (5),  errata  (5);  vi,  374,  index  (7),  errata  (2). 
-|-  Tomo  IV.  Bahia^  ^yp-  ^^^  Epiphanio  Pedrosa.  1852.  8vo,  pp. 
vi,  334,  (2).  -|-  Tomo  v.  Bahia^  Typ.  de  Camillo  de  Letlis  Mm- 
ion.    1858.     8vo,  pp.  iii,  357,  (2).  78952 

Tomo  VI.  is  also  mentioned  liy  Silva,  in  his  "  Diccion.irio  Uihiiographico  Portugucz," 
'^.'^1.  VII.,  p.  185,  which  itt  tor  an  account  of  the  rollection. 

Seixas.  Memorias  do  marquez  de  Sancta-Cruz,  arccbispo  da 
Bahia,  D.  Romualdo  Antonio  de  Seixas,  metropolitano  e  prima/ 
do  Brazil,  do  conselho  de  S.  M.  ...  Rin  de  'Janeiro.,  Tv/>.  Nacionnl. 
1861.     4to,  pp.  XX,  144,  (4).  78953 

Seixas.  Ora^Ao  funehie,  recitada  nas  cxequias  da  seiciiissima 
senhora  infanta  D.  Maria  Anna,  celcbradas  na  cathedral  do  Para. 
...  Rio  de  Janeiro.,  na  Typ.  Regia.    1814.     4to,  pp.  17.  78954 

[Seixas.]  Reprcsentac^no  dirigida  pelo  Arccbispo  da  Bahia  a 
Assemblea  gcral  do  Brasil,  sobre  o  privilegio  do  foro  ecclesiastico, 
extincto  pelo  codigo  do  processo  criminal  ...  Bahia.,  na  Typ.  de 
Moreira.    1832.     8vo,  pp.  42.  78955 

[Seixas.]  RepresentaCy'ao  dirigida  a  Assemblea  gcral  legisla- 
tiva  pelo  Arccbispo  da  Bahia,  sobre  um  projccto  de  lei,  relativo 
aos  impedimcntos  e  causas  matrimoniaes,  offerecido  a  Camaia  dos 
deputados.      Bahia.    1832.     8vo.  7^95^' 

[Seixas.]  Resposta  do  Arccbispo  da  Bahia  ao  dr.  Villela  Ta- 
vares  sobre  as  obriga^oes  mixtas  dos  parochos.  Bahia.  1853. 
8vo.  78957 

Seixas.  Sermao  de  ac^ao  de  gra(j;as,  que  no  dia  13  de  Maio 
celebrou  o  Senado  da  camara  d'esta  capital  pela  feliz  acclama^ao 
do  muito  alto  e  poderoso  senhor  I).  Joao  vi,  rei  do  reino  unido  dc 
Portugal,  Brasil  e  Algarvc  ...  Rio  de  Janeiro^  na  Typ.  Regia. 
1818.    4to,  pp.  22.  78958 



Sfixas.  Scrmocs  t-  paiu'fiviiros  iciitaclos  ...  C\»ni  dous  tlis- 
cursos  sobrc  a  philosophia.  Huhid^  nii  Typ,  de  Manuel  Antonio  da 
Silva  Servri.    1819.     Hvo.  7^959 

For  .in  .Kiiiuilt  of'  Scix.ia  .mil  lliii  ntlier  writillgi>,  itt  Silv.i's  "  DiitiniMiio  IliMiiif;!.!- 
phiio  l*ortii)(iiez,"  viil.  vii.,  p|).  1X4-  iSi'i.  Set  iilta  |  Kmlii^jiicb  ile  Atuiijn  (M.  do  M.)  |, 
Viil.  xvri.,  Nu.  7x505. 

Seixas  '  LovERA  (K.  (le).  l)csciipri(»ii|Cjcogiaphica,  y  Oci- 
rotcro  (If  la  |  Region  Avstral  Magallanica.  |  (^ve  se  Dirige  Al 
Rey  Nvestro  Sefior,  Ciian  |  iVlonaica  ile  Kspafia,  y  sus  Dominios 
en  Kuntpa,  Kmpt'iador  del  Niievoj  MimuIo  Americani),  y  Rey  de 
los  Reynos  de  las  Kilipinas, |y  Maine. is.  |  For  Maiio  del  Exeelen- 
tissimo  Sefioi  Marqves|de  los  Vele/,,  (ieiuilhombre  de  la  Oaniaia 
tie  su  Magestad,  de  siis  Con-|scjos  de  Kstado,  y  Guerra,  y  i^ie- 
sideiite  del  Real,  y  Supremo  Consejo  |  ile  Indias,  y  de  las  Reales 
luntas  de  la  Siiperinteiidencia  de  la  |  Real  Hazienda,  y  de  Arma- 
das, y  Presidios.  I  Alio  de  i6go.  [Compvesto  Vox  el  Capitan  Don  | 
Francisco  de  Seixas  y  Lovera,  Natural  de  la  Dioresis  de  |  la  Ciu- 
dad,  y  Obispado  de  Mondonedo,  en  el  Antiguo, |y  Noble  Reyno 
de  Cialicia.  |  Con  Priviitgio.  |  En  Madrid :  Par  Antonio  de  7,afra^ 
Criado  de  su  Magestad.\  [1690.)    410,  leaves  (20),  90.  H.,  L. 

"Seixas  arcump.miRd  T.ivcrnier  in  his  finli.issy  to  the  Orcit  iVIngul,  .tnd  c.iiiic  honic 
by  China,  the  South  Se.i,  .ind  the  Strrights  of  M.igcllan.  He  at'tcrw.irds  nudr  j  voy- 
,i^tf  frum  Holl.ind  to  China  through  the  same  Stieights  and  rctiiint'd  the  same  w.iy,  ao 
tiiat  the  greater  part  of  tliis  hook  is  from  his  own  observation." — Rini.  See  Led -re's 
*' Bibliotheca  Americana"  (187S),  No.  1992,  for  a  copy  containing  a  manuscript  1  up, 
drawn  and  colored  by  the  autlior,  with  the  inscription  :  "  liste  Mapa  dclineo  U".  Fran- 
cisco de  Seii.ii;  y  Luvera  afto  de  1690." 

Seixas  y  Lovera.  Theatro  |  Naval  Hydrographico,  |  de  los 
Klvxos,  y  Reflvxos,  y  dejlas  Corrientes  de  los  Mares,  Kstrechos, 
I  Archipielagos,  y  Passages  Aquales  del  Mundo,  y  dejlas  Difcren- 
cias  de  las  LJariaciones  de  la  Aguja  de  |  Marcar,  y  Ef'ectos  de  la 
Luna,  con  los  UientosjCiencrales,  y  Particvlares  qvc  Reynan  en 
las  I  ^uatro  Regiones  Maritimas  del  |  Orbe.  |  Dirigido  al  Rey 
Nuestro  Senor,  en  sv  Real  Consejo |de  Indias,  siendo  Presidente 
en  cl,  el  Excelentissimo  Senor  Marques  de|los  Velez,  &c.  |  Com- 
pvesto por  el  Capitan  Don  |  Francisco  dc  Seyxas  y  Lovera.  |  Con 
Privilegio.  |  En  Madrid:  Por  Antonio  de  Zafra^  Criado  de  su  Ma- 
gestad. I  Aiio  de  1688. 1  4to,  leaves  (8),  I  leaf  folded,  leaves  i- 
104,  (8).  H.  78961 

Seixas  y  Lovera.  Theatro  naval  hidrographico.  ...  Parisy 
P.  Gissey.   1703.    410,  2  titles,  pp.  (12),  239,  table  of  the  winds. 

Seixas  y  Lovera.     Theatre  naval  hydrographique,  des  flux 



!    \ 

et  reflux,  des  courans  dcs  mcrs,  dctroits,  Archipels  ct  Passages 
aquatiqucs  du  Monde,  et  dcs  variations  du  Conipas  niarin,  ct 
eftets  de  la  Lune  ;  avcc  les  Vents  generaux  et  particuliers  qui 
regnent  aux  quatre  Regions  maritimes  de  I'Univers.  Parls^  Pierre 
Gtssey.  1704.  i2mo,  2  titles,  pp.  (16),  281,(8).  2  Maps,  Plate, 
and  a  folded  Table.  78963 

The  two  maps  exhibit  the  coaats  of  New  England  and  a  portion  of  the  loutht-rn 
continent  ("terrci  magellaniquei"). 

The  Seizure  of  the  Bark  Maury.     See  Vol.  xiii.,  No.  53594. 

Sci/.ure  of  the  Ship  Industry.     See  Vol.  vi..  No.  25368. 

The  Seizure  of  the  Southern  Commissioners  considered,  with 
reference  to  International  Law,  and  the  Question  of  War  and 
Peace.     London :  J.  Ridgeway.   1862.    8vo,  pp.  45.  78964 

'SiEhKH^  pseudon.     See  Vol.  v..  No.  18939. 

[Selby  (Benjamin).]  Report  of  the  Auditor  of  Public  Ac- 
counts to  the  Senate  of  Kentucky,  made  in  compliance  with  a 
resolution  of  Dec.  17,  1839.     Frankfort.   1840.     8vo.        78965 

Selby  (W.)     Two  Anthems,  for  Three  an-  ur  Voices. 

Composed   ...   by  Wm.  Selby,  Professor  of  Ml  ,  mi   Boston. 

To  be  Sold  at  the  Author's  House,  in  Boston.  [180-?]  Oblong  410, 

title  and  8  unnumbered  leaves  of  engraved  music.  78966 

Selden,  pseudon.  Letters  Addressed  to  the  Members  of  the 
Eighteenth  Congress.  By  Selden.  First  Published  in  the  Na- 
tional Intelligencer,  in  1823.  fVashington  Printed,  [n.  d.]  8vo, 
pp.  34.  B.  78967 

On  nullificatiun,  etc. 

Selden  (Almira). 
1820.    i6mo. 

Effusions.      [In  verse.]    ...    Bennington. 


Selden  (D.)  Conveyances  on  record  in  the  Register's  Office 
by  Dudley  Selden,  from  the  ist  January,  1825,  to  the  ist  Janu- 
ary, 1838.  [New  Tork  :'\  Printed  by  Alexander  S,  Gould,  144  Nas- 
sau-street, N.  T.  1838.  8vo,  pp.  175.  Map  of  the  Harlaem 
Commons  in  4  sections.  78969 

On  page  117  is  the  following  half-title:  "  Deduction  of  the  title  to  Harlaem  Com- 
mons. The  title  to  Harlaem  Common:!,  commences  with  a  Grant  from  Governor 
Richard  Nicolls,  dated  IVlay,  1666,  which  was  afterwards  confirmed  by  him  and 
extended  on  the  nth  October,  1666.  The  last  patent  of  Nicolls,  was  confirmed  by 
Governor  Thomas  Dongan,  on  the  7th  March,  1686,"  etc.     The  book  is  very  scarce. 



Sblden  (H.  R.)  Can  an  obligation  for  the  payment  of  "gold 
or  silver  coin"  be  discharged  by  a  tender  of  'treasury  notes? 
An  Argument  submitted  to  the  t>ecretary  of  the  Treasury,  May 
1866.  By  Henry  R.  Sclden,  Rochester,  N.  Y.  [n.  p.  1866.] 
8vo,  pp.  33.  H.  78970 

Selden  (J.)  loannis  Seldeni  |  Mare  Clausum  |  seu  |  De  I)o- 
minio  Maris  |  Libri  Duo.  |  Primo,  Mare,  ex  Jure  Naturae  seu 
Gentium,  omni- 1  um  hominum  non  esse  Commutic,  sed  Dominii  | 
privati  seu  Proprietatis  capax,  paritcr  ac  Tcllurem,  |  esse  dcmon- 
stratur.  |Secundo,  Sercnissimum  Magnac  Hritanniae  Regem  |  Ma- 
ris circumflui,  ut  individuae  atque  perpetuae  |  Imperii  Hritannici 
appendicis,  Dominum  esse,  |asseritur.  |  Pontus  quoquc  Scrviet  Illi. 
I  Londiniy  |  Excudtbat  fVill.  Statitsbtius^  pro  Richardo  Aleighen.  \ 
MDCXxxv.|     Folio,  pp.  (26),  304,  (14).     Woodcuts.         ba.,  h. 

Writtun  in  reply  to  the  "  Mare  liberum  "  ut°  Hugo  Orutiui.     Uther  edltiunt  i 

LugJuni  Baiavorum.   1636.     4tu.      a. 

Lugduni  Batavorvm,  Afiud  'foanntm,  Qf  Tbiodurvm   Muirt.    Cl3l.icxxxvi.      Xvii,  pp. 
(11),  244.      Woudcuti.      H. 

LugJuni  Bata-vorum.    1636.     I4m(>.      a. 

/imitirJam,   1636.     8vu. 

[n.  p.]   yuxta  exemplar  Londinttiie.    1636.     iimo. 

Selden.  loannis  Seldeni  |  Mare  Clavsvm  |  sev  De  |  Dominio 
Maris  |  Libri  Duo.  |  i.  Mare,  ex  lure  Naturae  seu  Gentium, 
omnium  |  hominum  non  esse  Commune,  sed  Do-|minii  privati 
seu  Proprietatis  capax,  pa-|riter  ac  Tellurem,  esse  dcmonstratur.  | 
II.  Serenissimum  Magnae  Britanniae  Regem  |  Maris  circumflui, 
ut  individuae  atque  per-|petuae  Imperii  Britannici  appendicis, 
Do-Jminum  esse  asseritur.  |  Accedunt  |  Marci  Zverii  Boxhornii 
Apologia  I  Pro  navigationibus  Hollandorum  adversus  |  Pontvm 
Hevtervm,  |et|Tractatvs  Mvtvi  Commercii|&  navigationis  inter 
Henricvm  vii.  Regem  |  Angliae  &  Philippvm  Archiducem  Aus- 
triae.  |  Londini,  |  luxta  Exemplar  Will.  Stanesbeii  pro  Ri-\chardo 
Meightn.  mdcxxxvi.  |    Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (24),  504,  61.      b.  78972 

Selden.  Of  the  I  Dominion,  |  Or,  |  Ownership  of  the  Sea  | 
Two  Books.  I  In  the  First  is  shew'd,  that  the  Sea,  by  the  Law  of 
Nature,  or  Nati-|ons,  is  not  common  to  all  men,  but  capable  of 
Private  Dominion  or  Pro- 1  prietie,  as  well  as  the  Land.  |  In  the 
Second  is  proved,  that  the  Dominion  of  the  British  Sea,  or  that  | 
which  incompasseth  the  Isle  of  Great  Britain,  is,  and  ever  hath 
been,  a  |  Part  or  Appendant  of  the  Empire  of  that  Island.  |  Writen 
at  first  in  Latin,  and  Entituled,  |  Mare  Clausum  |  Seu,  |  De  Do- 

i   :» 

I     i 




minio  Maris, |  By  John  Selden,  Esquire.  | Translated  into  English-, 
and  set  forth  with  som  Additional  [Evidences  and  Discourses,]  By 
Marchamont  Nedham.j  Published  by  special  Command.  |Z>on^i7n| 
Printed  by  IVilliam  Du-Gard^  by  the  appointment  of  the  Council  of 
State :  and  are  to  bee  sold  at  the  \  Sign  of  the  Ship  at  the  New  Ex- 
change. Anno  Domini  1652.]  Folio,  pp.  (46),  1-176,  179-274, 
279-500,  (10),  37.     Engraved  Frontispiece  and  Woodcuts,      h. 

Selden.  Mare  Clavsvm  ;  The  Right  and  Dominion  of  the 
Sea  in  Two  Books.  ...  Written  at  first  in  Latin  by  that  late 
Famous  and  Learned  Antiquary  John  Selden,  Esquire.  Formerly 
Translated  into  English,  and  now  perfected  and  restored  by  J. 
H.  Gent.  ...  London^  Printed  for  Andrew  Kembe  and  Edward 
Thomas  ...   mdclxiii.     Folio.     Frontispiece.  7^974 

Selden.  J.  Seldeni  Opera  omnia  tam  edita  quam  inedita. 
Collegit  ac  recensuit ;  vitam  auctoris,  praefationes,  et  indices 
adjecit  David  Wilkins,  s.t.p.   ...  London.   1726.     3  vols.,  folio. 

Selden  (R.  E.)  An  Address  before  the  Middlesex  Associa- 
tion, for  the  promotion  of  Temperance  ;  delivered  at  Essex,  Feb- 
ruary 17th,  1829.  By  R.  E.  Selden,  Jr.  Esq.  ...  Middletown^ 
Conn.:  Parmelee  iff  Greenfield.  [1829.]     8vo,  pp.  22.       H.  78976 

[Selden.]  Criticism  on  the  Declaration  of  Independence,  as 
a  Literary  Document.  By  Mon  Droit.  New  York.  1846.  8vo, 
pp.  44.  H.  78977 

De  Seldsaame  en  noit  gehoorae  Wal-vis-vangst,  Voorgevallen 
bij  St.  Anna-Land  in  't  jaar  1682.  de  7.  October.  Midsgaders, 
Een  Pertinente  Beschriivinge,  Van  de  geheele  Groen-landse- 
vaart.  Verhandeld  in  Prose,  en  Versen.  ...  Door  P:  P:  v:  S. 
Tot  Leiden  InU  Jaar  1684.    410.  7^97^ 

"a-c2  in  fours;  then  6  leaves  not  paged,  but  marked  No.  2-N0.  7;  D2-D4,  e,  4 
leaves;  r,  3  leaves;  g,  2  leaves;  h,  4  leaves;  i,  3  leaves;  Notitie  van  de  Schepen 
Gedestineert  uit  dese  Landen  naar  Groen-Land  In  't  Jaar  1683,  5  leaves;  6  plates." 
Title  and  collation  from  the  Huth  catalogue.  Fur  a  sec(md  edition  see  Vol.  xviii., 
No.  74630. 

Select  Cases,  adjudged  in  the  Courts  of  the  State  of  New- 
York.  Vol.  I.  Containing  the  Case  of  John  V.  N.  Yates,  and 
the  Case  of  the  Journeymen  Cordwainers  of  the  City  of  New- 
York.    New  York  •  Isaac  Riley.    i8i  I.     8vo,  pp.  (2),  278.     H.,  s. 

A  Select  Collection  of  Poems,  and  other  elegant  Poetical  Ex- 
tracts, on  Subjects  Miscellaneous,  Moral,  and  Religious.  ...  Bos- 



ton:   Printed  for   "Joseph   Bunistead^  Printer  and  Bookseller.     1807. 
I2mu,  pp.  300.  H.  78980 

A  Select  Collection  of  Scarce  and  Valuable  Tracts  on  Com- 
merce, from  the  originals  of  Evelyn,  Defoe,  Richardson,  Tucker, 
Temple,  and  others.  With  a  Preface,  Notes,  and  Index.  Lon- 
don:  MDCCCLix.     8vo,  pp.  xvi,  623.  A.  78981 

One  hundred  and  fifty  copies  printed.  On  the  verso  of  the  half-title  is  printed  : 
"This  volume  has  been  printed  by  Lord  Overstone  for  distribution  among  his  friends: 
it  has  been  edited  by  J.  R.  McCulloch,  Esq." 

A  Select  Collection  of  Scarce  and  Valuable  Tracts  on  Money, 
with  preface,  notes  and  index  by  J.  R.  McCulloch.  London: 
Political  Economy  Club.    1856.     8vo.  78982 

One  hundred  and  twenty-five  copies  printed.     Priced  by  Quaritcli  in  1887,  £5  15s. 

Select  Discourses  from  the  American  Preacher  ...  By  some  of 
the  most  eminent  Evangelical  Ministers  in  the  United  States.  ... 
Edinburgh.    1 796-1 80 1.     2  vols.,  8vo.  7^9^3 

Edited  by  J.  Erskine,  D.D.  "  With  a  supplement  containing  ...  separate  discourses 
...   published  at  different  times   ...   in  America." 

Select  Dissertations  on  Colonies  and  Plantations.  By  those 
celebrated  authors.  Sir  Josiah  Child,  Charles  Davenant,  ll.d., 
and  Mr.  William  Wood.  Wherein  the  nature  of  Plantations, 
and  their  Con.sequences  to  Great  Britain,  are  seriously  Consid- 
ered. And  a  Plan  proposed,  which  may  settle  the  Unhappy  Dif- 
ferences between  Great  Britain  and  America.  London :  W.  Hay. 
mdcclxxv.     8vo,  pp.  v,  113.  j.c.B.  78984 

Select  Essays:  |  Containing:  |  The  Manner  of  raising  and] 
dressing  Flax,  and  Hemp.  |  Also,  The  whole  Method  of  |  Bleach- 
ing or  Whitening  I  Linen-Cloth.  I  Likewise,  Observations  on  |  the 
Management  of  Cows] and  Sheep.  |  The  Manner  of  raising  Rad-| 
ishes.  Turnips,  Cabbage] and  other  such  Plants.  |  And  an  Enquiry, 
concerning  |  the  materials  that  may  be  |  used  in  making  Paper.  | 
With,  Valuable  Dissertati- 1  ons  on  other  useful  Subjects.  |  Col- 
lected from  the  Dictionary  of  Arts  and  |  Sciences,  and  from  vari- 
ous modern  Authors.  |  ...  |  Philadelphia:  \  Printed.^  by  Robert  Bell^ 
next  Door  to  |  S*.  PauPs  Churchy  in  Third-Street^  Philadelphia.  \ 
M,DCC,Lxxvii.|  8vo,  pp.  (8),  159,  List  of  Books  (i).  Folded 
Plate.  78985 

Title  from  Hildeburn's  "Issues  of  the  Press  in  Pennsylvania." 

Select  Essays,  With  some  few  |  Miscellaneous  |  Copies  of  | 
Verses |  Drawn  by  |  Ingenious  Hands.  | ...  |  [^Bostont'^  Printed  in  the 
Year  1714.  |     8vo,  pp.  47.  M.  78986 















Contains,  among  other  things,  .\  poem  "To  the  Reverend  Mr.  Peter  Thjcher,  Pas- 
tor ut'  the  Chu  ii  of  Milton;"  and  "  Epitaph  on  Benjamin  Thompson,  a  famous  Poet 
in  New-Engla    .1." 


:    '.i^     ■» 


i      p    ;: 

n    : 

Years  1 763,  4,  5,  6,  7,  and  8.  |  London  |  Printed  by  If^.  Bowyer  and 
J.  Mf^o/j.  |mdcclxxiv.|    8vo,  pp.  (2),  vii,  85.  m.  78987 

See  alio  Vol.  ii.,  No.  4925,  fur  other  editions. 

Select  Pamphlets.  ...  Philadelphia:  Mathew  Carey.  1796.    8vo. 

A  collection  of  remainders  bound  together,  with  a  general  title  prefixed.  Contents  : 
The  Political  Progress  of  Britain,  1795  [see  Vol.  111.,  No.  10066);  A  Bone  to  Gnaw, 
for  the  Democrats,  1795  (see  Vol.  iv..  No.  13875);  The  Guillotina,  [1796]  [set  Vol. 
IV.,  No.  13885);  The  Democratiad,  1796  (see  Vol.  iv..  No.  1 3879);  Trial  of  Mau- 
rice Margarot,  London:  FrinreJ,  Neio  7'ort :  Reprinted,  1794;  A  Poem  on  Industry, 
1794  (see  Vol.  VIII.,  No.  33813);  Observations  on  a  Pamphlet,  entituled  "Consider- 
ations on  the  Order  of  Cincinnati"  (another  edition  of  No.  9280,  Vol.  in).  See  also 
Vol.  HI.,  No.  10883. 

Select  Passages  from  the  Holy  Scriptures.  The  Creation,  and 
the  fall  of  man.  Genesis  i-iii.  [The  ten  commandments ;  the 
birth  of  Jesus  Christ ;  parable  of  the  prodigal  son  ;  the  rich  man 
and  Lazarus ;  the  Pharisee  and  the  Publican ;  the  Lord's  Supper. 
Park  Hill?   1836?]     24mo,  pp.  24.  ba.  78989 

In  the  Cherokee  language.     Improved  title  of  No.  12475,  ^'^^-  m- 

Select  Poems  on  Kindness  to  Animals  ...  New  York.  1846. 
i8mo.  7S990 

Select  Reviews,  and  Spirit  of  the  Foreign  Magazines.  By  E. 
Bronson,  and  others.  Vol.  i.  Philadelphia :  From  the  Lorenzo 
Press  of  E.  Branson.  Published  by  Hopkins  and  Earle,  [z^^-]  i8og. 
8vo.  H.,  N.  78991 

Continued  to  vol.  viii.,  18 12,  and  afterwards  as  the  "Analectic  Magazine." 

Select  I  Tracts  |  relating  to  |  Colonies.  |  Consisting  of  1 1.  An 
Essay  on  Plantati- 1  ons.  By  Sir  Francis  |  Bacon  Lord  Chan- 1 
cellor  of  England.  |  11.  Some  Passages  taken  |  out  of  the  History 
of  I  Florence,  &c.  |  in.  A  Treatise.  By  John  |  De  Witt  Pensioner 
I  of  Holland.  |  iv.  The  Benefit  of  Plan- 1  tations  or  Colonies.  |  By 
William  Penn.  |  v.  A  Discourse  concer- 1  ning  Plantations.  By  | 
Sir  Josiah  Child.  |  London^  |  Printed  for  f.  Roberts  at  the  Oxford- 
Arms  in  I  Warwick- Lane.  \  Price  Six-pence. )\  [174-?]  8vo,  pp. 
(8),  40.  L.  78992 

James  Roberts  printed  as  early  as  17 14  and  as  Utc;  as  1 744. 




Selectae|e  Veteri  |Testamcnto|  Historise.  |  Ad  usum  Eorum  qui 
Latina;  Lingua:  Ru- 1  liimciitis  imhuuiUur.  |  Nova  Kditiu.  |  Prioribus 
niulto  emendatior.  |  Philadelphia :  |  Excuderunt  Prichard  et  Hall^ 
t:co  vulgariter  dido  Market  |  Street^  et  J.  James^  vico  Cheitiut 
Street^  \  m,dcc, Lxxxvii. ]  lamo,  pp.  xi,  (i),  154,  (i).  -f  ^'""^ 
York:  Printed  by  'James  Oratn^  102  IVater-street^  for  the  New- 
Tor  k  Association  of  Booksellers.  1801.  l2mo,  pp.  ix,  157.  -^Phil- 
adelphia :  Printed  for  Hugh  Maxwell^  T.  and  IV.  Bradford^  'J"^^ 
Conrad  and  Co.  'Jacob  'Johnson.^  and  Mathew  Carey.  1804.  Thomas 
bf  fVilliam  Bradford^  Printers.  1 2mo,  pp.  xii,  151.  +  New-  Tork : 
Printed  for  T.  fcC  J.  Swords^  E.  Duyckinck^  P.  A.  Mesier^  Ana 
Brisban  iff  Brannan.  fV.  A.  Davis^  print.  1807.  i2mo,  pp.  ix, 
157.  L.  78993 

Also:  Selectae  e  Veteri  Testamento,  Historiffi;  or  Select  Passages  from  the  Old 
Testament.  To  which  is  added,  An  Alphabetical  Vocabulary,  or  Dictionary  of  Words 
contained  in  this  Book  ...  Carefully  revised  and  corrected  by  the  Author.  ...  By  James 
liardy,  a.m.  ...  New  York:  ...  T.  &  jf.  SworJs,  printers.  1811.'  lamo,  [ip.  xx,  291. 
From  this  edition  it  appears  that  the  edition  of  1787  was  compiled  by  James  Hardie, 
"  while  teacher  of  the  Friends'  Grammar  School  in  Philadelphia."  Titles  and  note 
furnished  by  Mr.  Paul  L.  Ford. 

A  Selection  from  the  Harlcian  Miscellany  of  Tracts,  which 
principally  regard  the  English  History ;  of  which  many  are 
referred  to  by  Hume.  London:  Printed  for  C.  and  G.  Kearsley. 
M.DCc.xciii.    4to,  pp.  vii,  571.  H.  78994 

Includes  the  Demeanor  of  Sir  W.  Raleigh,  a  Brief  Relation  of  Sir  W.  Raleigh,  and 
a  Relation  of  the  Proceedings  of  the  Forces  of  King  William  and  {^ueen  Mary,  against 
the  French  in  the  West  Indies,  etc. 

A  Selection  of  Eulogies. 

See  Vol.  I.,  No. 


A  Selection  of  Hand-Bills,  circulated  this  Spring,  before  the 
General  Election  for  State  Officers  took  place.  With  an  Intro- 
duction  by  the   Publisher.       "Beware  of   Men."     New-Tork : 

Printed  for  the  Publisher.    1 8 10.     8vo,  pp.  35. 

N.  78995 

A  Selection  of  Laws,  &c.  passed  at  the  First  Session  of  the 
Twelfth  Congress  of  the  United  Srates  of  America.  Illustrative 
of  the  present  relative  position  of  the  United  States  and  the 
United  Kingdom  of  Great   Britain  and  Ireland,  &c.      Philadel- 

phia:  Thomas  Hope.   [1812.?]     i2mo,  pp.  45. 


A I  Selection  |  of  |  Orations  and  Eulogies,  |  pronounced  in  differ- 
ent parts  of  the  |  United  States,  |  in  Commemoration  of  the  Life, 
Virtues,  I  and  pre-eminent  Services  of  |  Gen.  George  Washington, 
I  Who  Died,  at  Mount  Vernon,  December  14,  1799;!  in  the  68th 

-^—  — ». .—  -. 



Year  of  his  Age.  | ...  |  Amherst :  Printed  by  Samuel  Preston.  1 1800.  ( 

I2mu,  pp.  165,  (2). 

B.  78997 

This  collection,  edited  by  Rev.  Mr.  Athertun,  contains  the  orations  of  >  ,  Minot, 
Ames,  S.  S.  Smith,  Atherton,  McGaw,  and  Orr,  with  Washington's  Farewell  Address. 
Brought  in  Woodward's  sale  (1869),  $45. 

...  A  Selection  of  Papers  on  Arctic  Geography  and  Ethnology. 
Reprinted,  and  presented  to  the  Arctic  Expedition  of  1875,  by 
the  President,  Council,  and  Fellows  of  the  Royal  Geographical 
Society.  London:  "John  Murray.  1875.  8vo,  pp.  xii,  292.  2 
Maps.  78998 

With  heading :  Arctic  Geography  and  Ethnology. 

A  Selection  of  Poems,  from  the  Diary  of  Cole :  Ex-King  of 
the  Larder,  now  Mad-house  Lyrist.     Concord.    1852.    Sm.  i2mo. 

A  Selection  of  the  Patriotic  Addresses,  to  the  President  of  the 
United  States  [John  Adams].  Together  with  the  President's 
Answers.  Presented  in  the  Year  One  Thousand  Seven  Hund- 
red and  Ninety-eight,  and  the  Twenty-second  of  the  Lidepend- 
ence  of  America.  Boston:  Printed  by  John  JV,  Folsom,  1798. 
i2mo,  pp.  360.  79000 

Corrected  title  of  No.  259,  Vol.  1. 

A  Selection  of  Trials.     See  S.  (J.  G.),  Vol.  xviii.,  No.  74621. 

A  Selection  of  War  Lyrics,  With  [eight]  Illustrations  on 
Wood  by  F.  O.  C  Darley.  New  York :  James  G.  Gregory. 
M.DCCC.LXiv.    4to,  pp.  32.  79001 

Selections  from  Notices  of  the  Press  on  the  Valedictory  Ad- 
dress to  the  Graduating  Class  of  the  Female  Medical  College  of 
Pennsylvania.  Philadelphia:  King  if^  Baird^  Printers.  1 863.  8vo, 
pp.  13.  79002 

Selections  from  the  American  Poets,  Bryant,  Dana,  Percival, 
Sigourney,  Longfellow,  Willis,  Whittier  ...  .  Dublin.  1834. 
ibnio.  79003 

Selections  from  the  Book  of  Common  Prayer.  See  Vol.  11., 
No.  6355. 

Selections  from  the  Chronicle  of  Boston  and  from  the  Book  of 
Retrospections  and  Anticipations.  Compiled  in  the  Last  Month 
of  the  Last  Year  of  the  Town,  and  the  First  Month  of  the  First 
Year  of  the  City,  Being  the  Year  of  our  Lord  MDCCCXXII.  [Bos- 
ton.  1822.]    8vo,  pp.  132.  B.,  H.  79004 

Improved  title  of  No.  6554,  Vol.  11. 



Selections  from  the  Court  Reports  originally  published  in  the 
Huston  Morning  Post,  from  1834  to  1837.  Arranged  and  revised 
by  the  Reporter  of  the  Post.  Boston :  Otisy  Broadtrs^  isf  Co. 
1837.     i2mo,  pp.  252.  79005 

Selections  from  the  Poetical  Literature  of  the  West.  ...  Cin- 
cinnati:  Published  by  U.  P.  'James.  \R.  P.  Brooks^  Printer.']  184 1. 
l2mo,  pp.  264.  L.  79006 

The  preface  is  signed  "W.  D.  G.,"  i.t.  William  U.  Gallagher.     Corrected  title  of 
No.  26382,  Vol.  VII. 

Selections  from  the  Speeches  and  Writings  of  Prominent  Men 
in  the  United  States,  on  the  Subject  of  Abolition  and  Agitation, 
and  in  favor  of  the  Compromise  Measures  of  the  last  session  of 
Congress,  addressed  to  the  People  of  the  State  of  New-York, 
by  the  Union  Safety  Committee.  Netv-Tork :  Printed  by  J.  P. 
IVright.    1 85 1.     8vo,  pp.  69.  79007 

Selections  from  the  Testimony.     See  '■'' Cotton"  Vol.  v.  17 132. 

The  Self-Flatterer  discovered,  in  some  serious  animadversions 
on  a  merry  Paper  in  the  Daily  Post,  intituled,  The  humble  address 
of  the  "Grand  Inquest  for  the  body  of  the  Island  of  Barbadoes." 
London.    1720.     8vo.  79008 

Self-Government.     See  [Richter  (M.  A.)],  Vol.  xvii.  71223. 

The  Self  Instructor:  A  Monthly  Journal,  devoted  to  Southern 
Education  and  to  the  Diffusion  of  a  Knowledge  of  the  Resources 
and  Power  of  the  South,  as  represented  by  the  Negro,  the  Rail 
and  the  Press.  Richard  W.  Habersham,  Editor.  Vol.  I.,  No.  I., 
October,  1853.  Charleston^  S.  C. :  Harper  and  CalvOy  Printers. 
[1853.]    8vo.     Continued.  H.  79009 

Selfridge  (T.  O.)  A  Correct  Statement  of  the  Whole  Pre- 
liminary Controversy  between  Tho.  O.  Selfridge  and  Benj.  Aus. 
tin ;  also  a  Brief  Account  of  the  Catastrophe  in  State  Street, 
Boston,  on  the  4th  August,  1806;  with  Some  Remarks.  By 
Tho.  O.  Selfridge.  ...  Charlestown  :  Printed  by  Samuel  Etheridge. 
1807.  8vo,  pp.  52.  A.,  H.  -\-  Second  Edition.  [/^/V.]  1807- 
8vo,  pp.  52.  79010 

Selfridge.  Trial  of  Thomas  O.  Selfridge,  Attorney -at-Law, 
before  the  Hon.  Isaac  Parker,  Esquire.  For  killing  Charles  Aus- 
tin, on  the  Public  Exchange,  in  Boston,  August  4th,  1806. 
Taken  in  Short  Hand,  by  T.  Lloyd  ...  and  Geo.  Caines,  ...  and 

VOL.    XIX.  16 




:'  I 


i  I 

sanctioned  by  the  Court  ...  Boston:  Puhlhheil  hy  Russell  and  Cut- 
ler. [1807.]  8vo,  pp.  168,  Contents  i  leaf,  Plan,  and  2  leaves 
of  Notes.  7901 1 

Selfridge.  Trial  of  Thomas  O.  Selfridge,  Counsellor  at 
Law,  before  the  Hon.  Isaac  Parker,  Esquire,  for  killing  Charles 
Austin,  on  the  Public  Exchange,  in  Boston,  August  4th,  1806. 
7'aken  in  shorthand,  by  1\  Lloyd  ...  and  G.  Cuiiies  ...  Second 
Edition.  Boston  :  Russell  and  Cutler^  Belcher  and  Armstrongs  and 
Oliver  and  Munroe  ...  [1807.]     8vo,  pp.  168,  (l).      Map. 

A  trial  uf°  extniordinary  interest  f'ruin  the  high  standing  of  the  parties  und  the  emi- 
nent legal  talent  engaged.  Jaiiu-s  Sullivan  was  Attorney  General,  and  Samuel  Dexter 
and  Chriiitopher  Gore  defended  Seltiidge. 

Selfridge  (T.  O.),  b.  1837.  Reports  of  Explorations  and 
Surveys  to  ascertain  the  Practicability  of  a  Ship-Canal  between 
the  Atlantic  and  Pacific  Oceans  by  the  way  of  the  Isthmus  of 
Darien.  By  Thos.  Oliver  Selfridge,  Commander,  U.  S.  Navy. 
Washington:  Government  Printing  Office.  1 874.  8vo,  pp.  (2),  266, 
(2).     Plates  and  folded  Maps.  h.  79013 

Selim,  pseudon.     See  [Woodworth  (Samuel)]. 

Selin's  Grove,  Penn.  Addresses,  Inaugurals  and  Charges 
delivered  in  Selin's  Grove,  Snyder  Co.,  Pa.  September  1st,  and 
November  24th,  1858,  in  connection  with  laying  of  the  Corner 
Stone,  and  the  Installation  of  the  Professors  of  the  Evang.  Luth- 
eran Missionary  Institute,  together  with  an  Appeal  in  behalf  of 
that  Institution.  Baltimore:  T.  Newton  Kurtz.  1859.  i6mo, 
pp.  (2),  184.  79014 

Selkirk  {Earl  of).  See  [Douglas  (Thomas)],  Vol.  v.,  Nos. 

The  two  following  titles  are  supplementary. 

[Selkirk.]  Observations  on  a  Proposal  for  forming  a  Society 
for  Promoting  the  Civilisation  and  Improvement  of  the  North- 
American-Indians  in  the  British  Boundary.  London :  Richard 
Taylor  and  Co.    1807.     i2mo,  pp.  24.  790' 5 

Selkirk.     Recit  des  evenemens.     See  Vol.  xvi..  No.  68367. 

Selkirk.  Report  of  the  Proceedings  connected  with  the 
Disputes  between  the  Earl  of  Selkirk,  and  The  North-Wcst 
Company,  at  the  Assizes,  held  at  York  in  Upper  Canada.  Oc- 
tober 1818.  From  minutes  taken  in  Court.  Montreal:  Printed 
by  James  Lane  and  N ahum  Mower.  18 19.     8vo,  pp.  xxiii,  (2),  300, 



2 '8,  55»  4,  xlviii.     h.    -f  Montreal:  printed.     London:  reprinted. 
1819.    8vo,  pp.  XXV,  225,  203,  Appendix  48.  79016 

Currected  title  of  No.  aoyoi,  Vol.  v. 

Selkirk  {\.\h.  xb-jb^  d.  1723.  Providence  Display'd,  |  Or 
a  very  Surprizing  |  Account  |  of  one  |  Mr.  Alexander  Selkirk,) 
Master  of  a  Merchant-Man  call'd  the  Cinque- 1  Ports ;  who 
Dreaming  that  the  Ship  would  |  soon  after  be  lost,  he  desired  to 
be  left  on  |  a  Desolate  Island  in  the  South-Seas,  where  |  he  liv'd 
Four  Years  and  Four  Months,  with- 1  out  seeing  the  Face  of 
Man,  the  Ship  be-|ing  afterwards  cast  away  as  he  Dreamed.  |  As 
also,  I  How  he  came  afterwards  to  be  miraculously  Preserv'd|and 
Redeem'd  from  that  fatal  Place,  by  Two  Bristol  |  Privateers, 
call'd  the  Duke  and  Dutchess ;  that  took  |  the  Rich  Aquapulco 
Ship  worth  One  Hundred  Tunn|of  Gold,  and  brought  it  to  Eng- 
land. I  To  which  is  added,  [An  Account  of  his  Life  and  Conver- 
sation, Birth,  and  |  Education.  His  Description  of  the  Island 
where  he  |  was  cast ;  how  he  subsisted  ;  the  several  strange  | 
Things  he  saw,  and  how  he  us'd  to  spend  his  Time.  |  With  some 
Pious  Ej.iculations  that  he  used,  Com-|pos'd  during  his  Melan- 
choly Residence  there.  |  Wiitten  by  his  own  Hand,  and  attested 
by  most  of  the  (Eminent  Merchants  upon  the  Royal  Exchange.) 
London:  Printed  by  J.  Ready  in  White-Fryen.    1712.  |    410,  pp.  12. 

The  substance  of  this  account,  on  which  Defoe's  story  of  Robinson  Crusoe  is  founded, 
(irst  appeared  in  Capt.  Woodes  Rogers's  "Cruising  Voyage  round  the  World,"  171a. 
It  was  partly  reprinted  in  the  *' Harleian  Miscellany,"  vol.  xi.  (1810),  pp.  40-45. 
The  above  title  is  taken  from  a  copy  in  the  Lenox  Library. 

Selkirk.  Providence  Displayed  ;  or,  the  Remarkable  Adven- 
tures of  Alexander  Selkirk,  of  Largo,  in  Scotland,  who  lived  four 
years  and  four  months  by  himself,  on  the  Island  of  Juan  Fernan- 
dez ...  To  which  is  added  a  Supplement,  containing  the  History 
of  Peter  Serrano,  Ephraim  How,  and  others,  left  in  similar  situa- 

tions.  ... 

Bristol,    1800.     i2mo. 



Map  and  24  Illus- 

By  Isaac  James.     Corrected  title  of  No.  35704,  Vol.  ix. 

Selkirk  (E.),  b.  1809.  An  Address,  delivered  at  the  time  of 
Laying  the  Corner  Stone  of  Trinity  Church  ...  Albany.  By  the 
Rector,  Rev.  Edwaru  Selkirk,  a.m.  May  18,  1848.  ...  Albany: 
Printed  by  C.  Van  Benthuysen.    1848.     8vo,  pp.  13,  (i).     B.  79019 

Selkirk.  A  Brief  History  of  the  Parish  of  Trinity  Church, 
Albany,  N.  Y.,  from  its  organization  ...  1829,  to  the  consecra- 
tion of  the  Church  Edifice,  Sept.  10,  1849  ••■  •  ^^^°  ^  continued 






history  of  the  Parish  to  January,  1870.  CtimpiU-d  fVom  the 
Records,  by  the  Rev.  Edward  Scllcirk  ...  .  Albany:  "J.  Mumell. 
1870.    8vo,  pp.  60.     Frontispiece.  h.  79020 

Also:  Tu  the   Pariihioners  of  Trinity   Church    ...    [^j-ilhany i  J.  Mumell.    1851.] 
8vo,  pp.  3. 

Sell  (J.  J.)    Versuch  einer  (jeschichte  des  Ncgersclavcnhan- 
dels  ...   Halle.    1791.     8vo.  79021 

Seller  (John).      America. 
28  copperplate  Maps. 

[^London^  about   1700?]      i2mo. 


Sei  St«^ven8*8  "  Nuggets,"  No.  2447. 

Seller.  Atlas  Maritimus.  Describing  the  Sea  Coasts,  Capes 
Headlands  Hayes  Roads  Harbors  and  Ports  in  most  of  y*^  known 
parts  of  the  World.  [Printed  title  :]  Atlas  Maritimus  ;  or  a  Sea 
Atlas  Describing  the  Sea  Coasts  in  most  of  the  known  Parts  of 
the  World  ...  [Z.o«</o«,  before  1700?]     i2mo,  pp.  14.     30  Maps. 

Fourteen  of  the  maps  relate  to  America. 

Seiler.  Atlas  I  Maritimus.  |  or  A  Book  of  |  Charts.  |  Describe- 
ing  the  Sea  Coasts  Capes  |  Headlands  Sands  Shoals  Rocks  and 
Dangers.  |  the  Bayes  Roads  Harbors  Rivers  and  Ports,  in  |  most 
of  the  knownc  parts  of  the  |  World.  |  With  the  true  Courses  and 
distances,  from  one  |  place  to  another.  Gathered  from  the  latest 
and  I  best  Discoveryes  that  have  bin  made  by  divers  |  Able  and 
Experienced  Navigators  of  our  English  |  Nation,  Accomodated 
with  an  Hydrographicall  |  Description  of  the  whole  World.  |  By 
John  Seller.  |  Hidrographer  to  y^  Kings  most  Excellent  Msijestie.  | 
Jnd  are  to  be  Sold  by  him  at  the  Hermitage  Stair es  \  in  H^'apping^  and 
at  his  Shop  in  Exchange  Alley.  \  Near  the  Royall  Exchange  \  in  Lon- 
don. I  Cum  Privilegio.  \  lohn  Percivalle.  \  London.  \  [n.  d.j  Folio,  pp. 
(6),  12.'    34  double-page  Maps.  b.  79024 

Seller.  Atlas  Minimus  :  or,  A  Book  of  Geography  Shewing 
all  the  Empires,  Monarchies,  Kingdoms,  Regions,  Dominions, 
Principalities,  and  Countries  in  the  whole  World.  By  John 
Seller  Hydrography  to  the  King.  And  are  sold  at  his  House  at  the 
Hermitage  in  fVapping  ...  London,  [n.  d.J  J2mo,  engraved  title, 
Frontispiece,  and  53  Maps,  with  letter-press  descriptions. 

Thirteen  of  the  maps  relate  to  America. 

Seller.  A  Description  of  New-England.  Published  by  John 
Seller.     \_London.   1682.']    Folio,  pp.  4.     Folded  Map.  h. 

The  map  is  inscribed  *<  A  Mapp  of  New  England  by  John  Seller  Hydrographer  To 

'  .«««i»«'V4i.«iMiww«apii«iii***na 


the  King.     And  arc  to  b-e  «  u        .. 

'■•": • '"  '■'"-■■"  -■' ;- -::,,tr„:.';-  ""■■■■■• *.„„, , , 

^FLLER  and  Prick  I 
AMas,   describing    the    ZT^      '''"^1'*'''    Neptune,   or   neu,  < 
l^ays.  Harb<,ur.s^orts,  '  ."  t^^^,  ^^'-S    Headlal/'RUr 
-  ^W.;,.    ,704.     Folio.  ""  "'^  ^""^"  l'«ns  of  ih^  Wo,^; 

jj  "-'"■■'■•""'■  """"«P»  «'«e  to  Americ.  7902; 

lections''^;,  I  I'ifhmaick  Ta  'tr^'''"''"',"^  ^^^^'•«1J  Choice  I  C\,I 
/v.  ana  i^f  .  yj/^,,,^^        ,  ^  ^         "ic  xving.      London  •  Pri,,,^  1  r 

h-       ^'Z"-,  53x42  tent.  ^•'•"^I^"'!   hy  John 

Sellers  (R.)     An  I  a 
Sellers   I  Of  l-  •  I  Account    of  the  I  K,.ar   ■ 

'•^ej  Dutch  and  i.„g|i,|,, ,-,  ^j,^  Yea      66     I  pJ^^rr/"^  ''^^^--" 





I  •  I 


I'     >' 

in  ill! 

V  l!>1 ' 


f  I 



and  Sold  by  Jostph  Crukshank^  in  Third-Strrtt^  \  oppotitt  tht  IVork- 
House^  MOCCLXxii.|     lamu,  pp.  26.  79031 

Title  from  Hilileburn'i  "  Iiiuei  of  the  Freii  in  Fennnylvani.)."  Th«  tiiiine  in  the 
title  should  be  "Richard  Seilar."  For  other  editions  itt  Smith'i  "Citilogur  ot° 
Friendi'  Buuki,"  ii.  555. 

Sello  del  Pasaporte  para  Londres  al  ciudano  [Manuel  dc  Mier 
y]  Teran.     Mexico.   1826.    410,  pp.  43.  79032 

Sellon  (C.  J.)  A  Review  of  the  Commerce,  Manufactures, 
and  the  Public  and  Private  Improvements  of  Cialesburg,  III. 
Containing  a  brief  History  of  Knox  College,  and  Sketches  of 
the  first  Settlement  of  the  Town.  Compiled  and  written  by  C. 
J.  Sellon.  GaUsburg^  III.:  J.  H.  Shtrmany  Printer.  1857.  8vo, 
pp.  62.  79033 

Sellon  (J.)  A  Series  of  Sermons  on  the  Doctrine  of  Ever- 
lasting Punishment,  as  revealed  in  the  Holy  Scriptures  ...  Canon- 
daigua.   1828.    8vo,  pp.  106.  79034 

Sells  (W.)  Remarks  on  the  Condition  of  the  Slaves  in  the 
Island  of  Jamaica.  By  William  Sells.  ...  London:  J.  M.  Rich- 
ardson.  1823.    8vo,  pp.  50.  c,  H.  79035 

Selva  (J.  M.)  Salud  Dn.  Jose  Manuel  Selva  Mayo  10  de 
1852,  Segunda  Capilada.     [Tegucigalpa?   1852.]    8vo.       79036 

Selva.  Vindicacion  ...  de  Jose  Manuel  Selva  relativa  a  la 
calumnia  forjada.    [Tegucigalpa?   1852.]    8vo,  9  leaves.     79037 

Selva  (Juan  de  la).  Memorial  para  la  Conversion  de  Indios. 
[n.  p.]   1630.  7903H 

Title  from  Ternaux,  No.  517. 

Selye  (L.)  National  Debt  and  Finances.  Speech  of  Hon. 
Lewis  Selye,  of  New  York,  delivered  in  the  House  of  Repre- 
sentatives, March  14,  1868.     [IVashington.    1868.]     8vo,  pp.  8. 

Appended  to  the  following  : 

Selye.  Speeches  of  Hon.  Lewis  Selye,  of  New  York,  on 
the  Tariff  and  Internal  Tax  ...  in  the  House  of  Representatives, 
June  13,  1868;  and  on  the  National  Debt  and  F'inances  ...  in 
the  House  of  Representatives,  March  14,  1868.  I'Vashington : 
F.  and  J.  Rives  W  Geo.  A.  Bailey.    1868.     8vo,  pp.  16,  8.  H. 

SelysLongchamps  (Walthere  de).  Notes  d'uii  voyage  au 
Bresil.    ...    Bruxelles.    1875.     8vo,  pp.  102.  79041 



Srmall^:  (Rene  de).  Considerations  on  the  establishment  in 
the  Indian  Territory  of  a  new  state  of  the  American  Union.  ... 
FersailUs.    1 876.     8vo,  pp.  8.  7904:?. 

Title  frdin  one  uf  Dufnii^'s  cntalogtieii. 

Semai.i.^:.  De  I'etat  present  ot  futur  dcs  Ft'aux-Ron}!;<*s,  Par 
Rene  dc  Semalle.    [n.  p.   187-?]    8vo,  pp.  26.  79^43 

Srmall^.  Ktat  actuci  des  populations  indigenes  dans  les 
diverses  colonies  europeenncs.  Par  Rene  dc  Semalle.  I'tiris. 
1874.    8vo,  pp.  14.  79044 

Skmam.k.  Les  Indicns  des  £tats-Unis  par  Rene  dc  Semalle. 
Parisy  J.  Mfdtc.  1869.  8vo,  pp.  32,  7.  c.  ■\- Paris :  Imprimerie 
de  i..  Martinet.    1874.     8vo,  pp.  14.  B.  79045 

La  Scmana  dc  las  SeHoritas  Mejicanas.  ...  Mejico,  1851-52. 
4  vols.,  4to.  -f  Nueva  epoca.  Tom.  i.  Mejico.  1852.  4to. 
Plates.  79046 

All  publiahctl.     ^t  also  No.  790;!,  infra, 

Semana  literaria  de  "el  Porvenir."  ...  Bogota.  1858.  2  vols., 
8vo.  79047 

Semanario  Artistico  para  la  Educacion  y  fomento  dc  los  Artc- 
sanos  de  la  republica.  Tom  i.  |  Nos.  1-68.]  Mexico,  1844-45. 
Folio.  HM.  79048 

Semanario  de  Agricultura.  Vol.  l.  [Nos.  1-18.]  Mexico. 
1840.     8vo.  HM.  79049 

Semanario  dc  la  Industria  Megicana.  ...  Megico,  1841-42. 
4to.  79050 

Vol.  I.,  24  numbers;   Vol.  ii.,  13  numbers  (.ill  published). 

Semanario  de  la  Nueva  Granada.  Miscelanea  de  cicncias, 
litcratura,  artes  e  industria  publicada  por  una  socicdad  de  patriotas 
granadinos,  bajo  la  direccion  de  Francisco  Jose  dc  Caldas.  Nueva 
edicion  corregida,  aumentada  con  varios  opusculos  ineditos  de  F. 
J.  de  Caldas.  Anotada,  y  adornada  con  su  retrato  y  con  cl  cua- 
dro  original  de  la  ^^cographia  de  las  plantas  del  baron  de  Hum- 
boldt. Piiris.^  Lasserre.  1849.  8vo,  pp.  xii,  572.  Portrait  and 
Plate.  c.  79051 

For  the  first  edition  see  No.  79054,  infra. 

Semanario  de  las  Sefioritas  Mejicanas.  Educacion  cientifica, 
moral,  y  literaria,  del  bello  sexo.  ...  Mejico:  V.  G.  Torres.  1841- 
1842.     3  vols.,  4to.  c.  79052 

Sec  also  No,  79046,  supra. 



t      I 

El  Semanario  (ie  Santiago.  [Nos.  i-31.]  Santiago.  1842-3. 
4to.  79053 

Scmanario  del  Nuevo  Rcyno  de  Granada.  [No.  i,  3  dc 
Enero,  1808-N0.  53,  1  dc  Encro  1809.]  Santa/I-.  1808-09. 
4to,  pp.  1-114,  145-459.  7  Tables,  -f  Afio  2.  [No.  1,  8  dc 
Encro,  1809-N0.  52,  31  dc  Uiciembrc,  1809.]  Santafi.  1809. 
4to,  pp.  386,  irregularly  paged.  -|-  Aflo  dc  1810.  [Nois.  i-i  i.| 
Santafi  tit  Bogota.    1 8 10.    4to.  79^54 

Edited  by  Krunc.  Joieph  de  Cald.ii  y  Tenorio  and  Uiegn  Martin  Tanco,  Nn.  a;  nf 
An<i  1  in  jcrun)|>^inied  by  a  kuppli-ment.  Alio:  Hiii«|iiMtii  dri  Srnunjrir*  ...  p.ira  rl 
aAo  de  1809.  \SaHtaff  jiugutt  K,  1808.  |  4t(i,  i  leavri.  Stt  Leclrrc'ii  "  Hibliuthri.i 
Americana"  (1M78),  No.  ]4<>3.     Fur  another  editiiin  lei  No.  790$!,  tufira. 

Scmanario  Judicial  dc  la  Federation  Mcxicana.  Coleccion  dc 
las  Sentencias  pronunciadas  pur  los  Tribunalcs  Fedcrales  ... 
Mtxico.    1871.    4tu.  79055 

Scmanario  politico  y  literario  de  Mejico.  ...  Mexico.^  M.  tU 
ZuHiga  y  Ontiveros.    1820-22.     Tom.  1-4,  sm.  4to.  79056 

A  journal  o>°  much  interest  for  the  hintory  of  Mexico. 

Scmblanzas  de  los  miembros  que  ban  compuesto  la  camara  de 
diputados  del  Congreso  dc  la  Union  de  la  Kepublica  Mcxicana 
en  el  bicnio  de  1827  y  1828.  Nueva  7'ork.  1828.  Sni.  Svt), 
pp.  23.  79057 

Si*  alio  Vol.  XII.,  No.  4865K. 

Scmblanzas  dc  los  representantes  que  compusieron  el  congresu 
constituyente  de  1836.  Mexico^  M.  R.  Gallo.  1837.  i2mo,  pp. 
45.  c.  79058 

[Semeria  (J.  B.)]  Sketches  of  the  Life  of  the  Very  Rev. 
Feiix  De  Andreis,  First  Superior  of  the  Congregation  of  the 
Mission  in  the  United  States,  and  Vicar-General  of  the  Diocese 
of  New  Orleans ;  with  a  Sketch  of  the  Progress  of  the  Catholic 
Religion  in  the  United  States,  from  the  beginning  of  the  present 
century  to  the  year  i860.  Baltimore:  Kelly .^  Median  isf  Piet. 
1861.     i2mo,  pp.  276.     Portrait.  h.,  c.  79059 

Transl.ited  from  the  Italian  m.iniiscript. 

Lc  Semcur  Canadien,  Journal  des  Connaissances  Utiles  en 
Politique,  Littcrature,  Morale,  et  Religion.  [Vol.  I.,  No.  i. 
Jeudi,  27  Fevrier  i85i-N().  23,  Decembre,  1851.]  Montreal. 
1851.     8vo,  pp.  208.  B.  79060 

The  Scmi-Ccntennial  Celebration  of  the  Park  Street  Church 



and  Society  i  Held  tm  the  Lord's  Day,  Kcbiuaiy  27,  1H5Q.  With 
'I'he  Festival  on  the  day  following,  tioston :  Hiniy  Hoyt.  1861. 
lanu),  pp.  166,     Portrait.  ma.  79061 

ImpriiVL'il  title  «>t°  Nil.  6669,  Vul,  11. 

The  Semi-Culon.  No.  1.  Cincinnati.  1844.  8vo.  Con- 
tinued. H.  79062 

Seminole  Indians.  An  Authentic  Narrative  of  the  Seminole 
War;  its  Cause,  Rise  and  Progress,  and  a  Minute  Detail  of  the 
Horrid  Massacre  Of  the  Whites,  by  the  Indians  and  Negroes, 
in  Florida,  in  the  months  of  Decemlier,  January  und  February. 
^.Communicated  for  the  press  by  a  gentleman  who  has  spent  eleven 
weeks  in  Florida,  near  the  scene  of  the  Indian  depredations,  and 
in  a  situation  to  collect  every  important  fact  relating  thereto. 
Ptoviiieme:  I),  F.  Hlanchard.    1 836.     8v(»,  pp.  24.   .Folded  Plate. 

Authentic  Narrative  of  the  Seminole  War 
of  Mrs.   Mary   Ciodfrey  and    her  children. 

Ste  ulsd  Vol.  VI.,  Nil.  24901. 

Causes  of  Hostilities  of  Seminole  Indians. 

and  of  the  Escape 

New  York.     1836. 


Message  from  the 

President   ...   llf'^ashington.    1836. j     8vo,  j)p.  22.      Large  Map. 

A  Concise  Narrative  of  the  Seminole  Campaign.  By  an  Offi- 
cer attached  to  the  Expedition.  Nashville^  7enn.:  Printed  by 
M'Lean  l^  Tunstall.    1 8 19.     8vo,  pp.  41.  B.,  BA.,  s.  79066 

Debate  in  the  House  of  Representatives  of  the  United  States, 
on  the  Seminole  War,  in  January  and  February,  18 19.  IVash- 
ington :  Printed  at  the  Office  of  the  National  Intelligencer.  18 19. 
lamo,  pp.  (4),  591.  B.,  BA.  79067 

Improved  title  of'  No.  19092,  Vol.  v. 

Message  from  the  President  of  the  Utiited  States  transmitting 
copies  of  Documents  referred  to  in  his  communication  of  the 
seventeenth  ultimo,  in  relation  to  the  Seminole  War,  &c.  ... 
IVashington  :  Printed  by  E.  De  Kraffit.    1818.     8vo,  pp.  165.        B. 

Ste  alio  Vol.  XII.,  Nus.  48076-77. 

Report  of  Senate  Committee  on  the  Message  of  the  President 
relative  to  the  Seminole  War;  with  accompanying  documents. 
[H^ashington.    1819.]    8vo,  pp.  40.  79069 

Report  on  the  Massacres  committed  by  Seminoles.  [n.  p.  n. 
d.j    8vo,  pp.  5.  79070 





Seminoles,  Negroes,  5:c.,  captured  from  Indians  in  Florida, 
&c.  Letter  from  the  Secretary  of  War,  transmitting  The  infor- 
mation recjuired,  respecting  the  disposition  o(  Negroes  and  other 
Property  cantured  from  hostile  Indians  during  the  present  war  in 
Florid?,  &c.      IVashington.    1839.     8vo,  pp.  126.  79071 

See  iilio  "Sketch  of  the  Seminole  War,"  and  "A  Vindication  of  the  Measures." 

Semler  (J.  S.)  Allgemeine  Geschichte|der  |Ost  und  West- 
indischen  |  Handlungsgeselschaften  |  iij  Europa.  | ...  |  Aus  dem  Eng- 
lii'ichen  iibersetzt.  |  Unter  der  Aufsicht  und  mit  einer  Vorrede 
herausgegeben  I  von  IJohann  Salomon  Hemler|der  heiligen  Schrift 
Doctor  und  offentlicheni  Lehrer,  auch  des  theologischen  Senii- 
narii  Director  auf  |der  koniglich  preussischen  Friedrichsuniversitat 
zu  Halle.  I //(////,  I  <^^«  "Johann  'JuiUnui  Gehauer.  1764.  |  2  vols., 
4to.     Engraved  Frontispiece,  Maps  and  Plates.  79072 

Semmedo  (Joao  Curvo).  Memoria  dos  remedies  exquisitos, 
que  da  India  e  outras  partes  vem  a  este  reino,  cm  que  sc  declaram 
as  suas  virtudes   ...   [^Lisbon,  n.  d.]    4to.  79^73 

Also  printed  in  the  same  author's  "Obsi:rva<f6es  medhixs,"  Lisboa,  por  Antonio  Pe- 
droso  Galrdo,  1727.     Folio. 

Semmedo.  loannis  Cvrvi  Semmedi  |  Christi  Ordinis  Equitis 
aurati,  Sancti  Officii  Familiaris  |  et  Domus  Regiae  Lusitanicae 
Sacratae  Medici  |Pvgillvs  Rervm  Indicarvmjqvo  comprehenditvr 
I  Historia  I  Variorvm  Simplicivm  |  ex  India  Orientali,  America,  | 
Aliisque  orbis  terrarum  partibus  allatorum  |  Antehac  lingua  Lusi- 
tanica  exaratusj  Nunc  uero  in  gratiam  curiosorum  latinitate  dona- 
tus|Cura|  Abrahami  Vateri|  Philos.  et  Med.  Doct.  et  Prof.  Pub). 
Anatom.  et  Botan.  Substitut.  |  nee  non  Societatum  Imperial. 
Natur.  Curios.  Germ.  |  et  Reg.  Anglic.  Socii.  |  Vitembergae  \  Ex 
Offic'tna  T ypographtro-Lihrar'ta  Gerdes'iana.  \ oXzi  laccxxii.  4to,  pp. 
(12),  84.  J.C.B.,  M.  79074 

Semmes  (R.)  The  Campaign  of  Gen.  Scott  in  the  Valley  of 
Mexico.  By  Lieut.  Raphael  Semmes,  late  Flag  Lieutenant  of 
the  Home  Squadron,  and  Aid-de-Camp  of  Maj.  Gen.  Worth. 
Cincinnati.    1852.     i2mo,  pp.  367.  79*^75 

An  abridgment  of  the  same  authoi's  "Service  AHoat  and  Ashore." 

Semmes.  The  Cruise  of  the  Alabama  and  the  Sumter,  Prom 
the  Private  Journals  and  other  Papers  of  Commander  R.  Semmes, 
C.S.N,  and  other  officers.  In  Two  Volumes.  ...  London:  Saun- 
derSy  Ot/eyy  and  Co.  1864.  2  vols.,  l2mo,  pp.  xiv,  (l),  410,  (1); 
xii,  436.  7  Plates,  l.  -f  Second  Edition,  l^bid.j  1864.  2 
vols.,  i2mo.  79076 




Semmes.  The  Cruise  of  the  Alabama  and  the  Sumter,  from 
the  Private  Journals  and  other  Papers  of  Commander  R.  Semmes, 
c.  s.  N.,  and  other  officers.  Two  Volumes  in  One.  New  Tork  : 
CarUton.   M  Dccc  LXiv.     i2mo,  pp.  328.  ba.  79077 

Semmes.  Croisieres  de  I'Alabama  et  du  Sumter,  livre  de  bord 
et  journal  particulier  du  commandant  R.  Semmes  et  des  autres 
officiers  de  son  ctat-major.  ...  Paris:  E.  Deniu.  1864,  i2mo, 
pp.471.  79078 

Semmes.  Kruistogten  van  de  Alabama  en  dc  Sumter.  Scheep 
journaal   ...    Zwolle.   1864-65.     2  vols.,  8vo.  79079 

Semmes.  The  Log  of  the  Alabama  and  the  Sumter.  From 
the  Private  Journals  and  other  Papers  of  Commander  R.  Semmes, 
c.  s.  N.,  and  other  officers.  Abridged  from  the  Library  Edition. 
London:  Saunders^  Otiey^  ^  Co.  1864.  i2mo,  pp.  xi,  297.  -|- 
[/A/V/.]   1865.     i2mo,  pp.  xi,  297.  79080 

Semmes.  Memoirs  of  Service  Afloat,  during  the  War  between 
the  States.  By  Admiral  Raphael  Semmes,  of  the  late  Confeder- 
ate States  Navy.  ...  Baltimore:  Kelly.,  Piet  iff  Co.  1869.  8vo,  pp. 
vi,  xi-833.     7  Plates,  3  Portraits,  i  Map.  B.,  c.  79081 

Semmes.  My  Adventures  Afloat :  A  Personal  Memoir  of  my 
Cruises  and  Services  in  the  '■'Sumter"  and  "Alabama."  By 
Admiral  Raphael  Semmes,  of  the  late  Confederate  States  Navy. 
...  London:  Richard  Bentley.  1869.  2  vols,  in  one,  8vo,  pp.  vi, 
xi-444;  (2),  445-833.  Map,  Portrait  and  Plates,  ba.  -j-  Bal- 
timore :  Kelly ^  Piet  Is"  Co.  1869.  8vo,  pp.  vi,  xi-833.  Map  and 
Plates.  79082 

Semmes.     Service  Afloat  and  Ashore  during  the  Mexican  War. 
By  Lieut.  Raphael  Semmes,  u.  s.  n.,  late  Flag  Lieut,  of  Home 
Squadron   . 
xii,  7-480. 

Cincinnati:  fVm.  H.  Moore  i3  Co.    185 1.      8vo,  pp. 
Plates.  A.,  BA.,  H.,  P.  79083 

Semmes,  the  Pirate.       By   Lieut. -Col. 
T.  R.  Daivley.    1865.     i6mo,  pp.  13-105. 

New  Tork : 

Semmes  (T.)  Oration,  delivered  at  the  request  of  the  Jeffer- 
son Society  of  the  University  of  Virginia,  on  the  Anniversary  of 
the  Birth-day  of  Th.  Jefferson,  April  13th,  1833,  In  ...  Char- 
lottesville, Va.  By  Thomas  Semmes,  Jr.  Charlottesville^  f^a. 
Printed  at  the  yirginia  Advocate  Office^  *^33-     ^vo,  pp.  15. 

i  1 





1  •  I 

'  1 

I     ■! 

Semp£  (Edouard).  Cantate  en  I'honneur  dc  son  Altesse  Roy- 
ale  le  Prince  de  Galles  a  I'occasion  de  son  voyage  au  Canada.  ... 
Montreal,   i860.    8vo.  79086 

Sempertegui  (Lorenzo).  Oracion  laudatoria  sagradamente 
anunciada  y  pronosticada  al  Exmo.  Sr.  Conde  de  Fuenclara,  Virey 
de  la  Nueva  EspaHa,  en  su  cntrada  publica  en  la  Ciiidad  de  la 
Puebla.   ...   Mexico^  por  Ribera,    1743.    410.  790^7 

Title  from  Beristain. 

Semple  (R.)  Sketch  of  the  present  state  of  Caracas;  includ- 
ing a  Journey  from  Caracas  through  La  Victoria  and  Valencia  to 
Puerto  Cabeilo.  By  Robert  Semple  ...  .  London:  Robert  I^nld- 
win.    181 2.     i2mo,  pp.  viii,  176.  a.,  c,  h.  7908S 

"  Poor  Semple  afterwards  sent  by  Lord  Selkirk  to  govern  liis  settlement  on  Red 
River  in  Upper  Canada,  where  he  murdered,  not  by  the  m-vaget,  but  by  his  English 
brethren." — Rich,     ike  "  Monthly  Review,"  lxviii.  163. 

Semple  (R.  B.)  A  History  of  the  Rise  and  Progress  of  the 
Ikptists  in  Virginia.  By  Robert  B.  Semple,  Minister  of  the 
Gospel  in  King  and  yueen  County,  Virginia.  Richmond:  Pub- 
lished by  the  Author^  John  WLynch^  Printer.  1810.  8vo,  pp.  vii, 
(i),  446,  Index  (i).  L.  79089 

Semple.  ...  Life  and  Death  of  S.  L.  Straughan,  Northum- 
berland Co.,  Va.  By  Robert  B.  Semple.  Richmond.  1822. 
i8mo.  79090 

Sena  (Manuel  Garcia  de).  See  Garcia  de  Sena  (M.),  Vol. 
VII.,  No.  26585. 

Senandi  ( ).      Aclaracion  de  las  Maldades  del  Adminis 

trador  de  la  Kabrica,  Senandi.    Mexico:  1827.    Jmprenta  en  la 
Inquisicion^  a  cargo  de  Manuel  Ximeno.     4to,  pp.  4.  79 


"An  anonymous  exposure  of  several  frauds  and  robberies  committed  by  Senandi,  as 
Manager  of  a  Government  Manufactory,  for  which  delinquencies  he  was  suspended  for 
more  than  three  years  and  imprisoned} — and  also  a  vindication  of  the  Commissaiy 
General,  Don  Ignacio  Martinez,  whose  good  reputation  Senandi  tried  to  injure." — 
Stevens's  Nuggets,  No.  2996. 

7'he  Senator  ;  or,  Clarendon's  Parliamentary  Chronicle,  con- 
taining a  weekly  Register,  Recording  with  the  strictest  Impar- 
tiality and  utmost  Accuracy,  the  Proceedings  and  Debates  of  the 
Houses  of  Lords  and  Commons,  forming  a  source  of  Political 
Information  highly  interesting  to  every  British  subject,  embel- 
lished with  engravings,  exhibiting  striking  Likenesses  of  every 


individual  member  of  the   British  Senate. 
[1790.]     8vo. 



I,      London. 

Continued  to  1801,  in  2S  volumes.      Mnny  of  the  debates  relate  to  American  aftairs 

Senatorial  Excursion  Party  over  the  Union  Pacific  Railway, 
K[astern]  D[i vision].  Speeches  of  Senators  ...  on  the  Pacific 
Rail  Road  (Question  ...  at  the  Banquet  ...  St.  Louis,  June  14, 
1867  ...  St.  Louis :  S.  Levison^  Printer.    1867.     8vo,  pp.  65,  (i). 

The  Senatorial  Term.  From  the  American  Law  Review. 
Boston:  Little^  Brown^  and  Company.    1869.     8vo,  pp.  15.  B. 

The  Senators,  A  Poem  :  Or,  A  Candid  Examination  into  the 
Merits  of  the  Principal  Performers  of  St.  Stephen's  Chapel. 
Philadelphia :  IVilliam  Goddard.    1772.     8vo.  79^95 

Title  from  Hildeburn. 

Senatus-Consulte  du  4  Juillet  1866  portant  modification  du 
senatusconsulte  du  3  Mai  1854  qui  regie  la  Constitution  des 
Colonies  de  la  Martinique,  de  la  Guadeloupe  et  de  la  Reunion. 
Paris.    1866.     8vo,  pp.  1 35.  79096 

Sendtschreyben  vnd  warhafFte  zeytungen.  Von  aufFgang  vnd 
crweiterung  des  Christenthumbs,  bey  den  Flayden  inn  der  newen 
well :  Auch  von  veruolgung  vnnd  hailigkait,  der  Ciaistlichen 
Apostolischen  Vorsteher  daselbs,  so  erst  discs  jar,  ausz  den 
Orientischen  Indien  kommen,  vnd  jetzt  inn  teutsche  spraach 
transzfericit  wordcn.  Durch  D.  Philipp  Dobereiner  von  'T'iir- 
scheiueut.  Mit  Kay  freyhait  nit  nach  zudrucken.  yinno  M.u.- 
I.xxi.  [Colophon  :  |  Gedruckt  -zu  Aliinchen^  hey  Adam  Berg.  Anno 
1571.     I2mc),  16  prel.  leaves,  text  95  unnumbered  leaves,    j.c.b. 

A  colKition  of  lettt-is  from  the  Jesuit  missionaries  in  the  East  Indies. 

Seneca's  Morals,  by  vvay  of  Abstract.  To  which  is  added,  A 
Discoui  c,  under  the  Title  of  An  After-Thought.  Adorned 
with  Cuts  By  Sir  Roger  L'Estrange,  Knt.  Printed  at  Boston^ 
By  I.  ThoTh  f  and  E.  T.  Andrews.  MDCCXCII.  1 2mo,  pp.  xxiv, 
383.  -f  \  i  'id  American  Edition.  Boston :  Joseph  Bumstead. 
1800.     izmo,  pp.  xvi,  15-372.     4  full-page  Woodcuts.  H. 

Seneca's  Morals,  bv  way  of  Abstract.  To  which  is  added,  A 
Discourse,  under  the  Title  of  an  After  Thought.  By  Sir  Roger 
L'Estrange,  Knt.  Keene  [M.  H.):  Printed  h  "John  Prentiss.  1806. 
i2mo,  pp.  372.  H.  79099 

lliustratc:d   witii   five  curious   woodcuts   by  Lansing,  "  the  second  wood   engraver   in 
America" — a  pupil  of  Anderson. 







i'  1 

Seneca's  Morals.  By  Way  of  Abstract.  To  which  is  added, 
A  Discourse,  under  the  title  ot"  An  After-Thought.  By  Sir 
Roger  L'Estrange,  Knt.  Fifth  American  Edition.  Ntw-Tork : 
Published  by  Evert  Duyckinck^  No.  68  IVater-street.  J.  isf  J.  Har- 
per, printers.    1817.     i6mo.  79100 

The  first  book  printed   by  the  fuundurs  of"  the  present   firm  of  Harper  and  Brothers. 

Catalogue  of  the  Skneca  Collegiate  Institute,  Ovid,  N. 
Y.,  for  1856.     Seneca  Falls.    1856.     8vo.  79101 

Seneca  County,  N.  y\  A  List  of  the  Principal  Officers  of 
Seneca  County  since  its  organization  in  1804.  Albany.  1867. 
8vo.  79102 

Proceedings  of  the  Board  of  Supervisors  of  the  County  of 
Seneca,  for  1869.      Rochester.    1870.     8vo.  79*03 

Seneca  Indians.  Address  to  the  Seneca  Nation.  See 
[Thomas  (P.  E.)] 

A  brief  Statement  of  the  rights  of  the  Seneca  Indians  in  the 
State  of  New  York  to  their  Lands  in  that  State,  with  Decisions 
relative  thereto  by  the  State  and  United  States  Courts,  and  Ex- 
tracts from  United  States  Laws,  &c.  Also  Drafts  of  a  proposed 
Memorial  to  Congress,  and  a  Hill  to  enable  them  to  lease  and 
divide  their  Lands.  Philadelphia :  IV.  H.  Pile.  1872.  8vo,  pp. 
26.  BA.  79104 

The  Case  of  the  Seneca  Indians  in  the  State  of  New  York. 
Illustrated  by  Facts.  Printed  for  the  Information  of  the  Society 
of  Friends,  by  direction  of  the  Joint  Committees  on  Indian 
Affairs,  of  the  Four  Yearly  Meetings  of  Friends  of  Genesee, 
New  York,  Philadelphia,  and  Baltimore.  ...  Philadelphia:  Mer- 
rihetu  and  Thompson,  Printers.    1840.     8vo,  pp.  256.        A.  79 1 05 

For  a  reply  iee  Strong  (N.  T.) 

Constitution  of  the  "Government  by  Chiefs,"  of  the  Seneca 
Nation  of  Indians.  Adopted  Nov.  30,  1854,  by  the  National 
Council  ....  Buffalo:  Thomas^  Lathrops.    1854.     8vo,  pp.  8. 

Constitution  of  the  Seneca  Nation  of  Indians.  Baltimore: 
Printed  by  IVilUam  Wooddy  and  Son.  1848.  i2mo,  pp.  14;  Let- 
ter from  William  Medill  to  the  Scnecas,  pp.  8  ;  To  the  Seneca 
Nation,  pp.  8.  79*07 

Declaration  of  the  Seneca  Nation  of  Indians,  in  General  Coun- 
cil assembled,  with  the  accompanying  Documents ;  also,  an  Ad- 



dress  to  the  Chiefs  and  People  of  that  Nation.     Baltimore:  IP'm. 
IVooddy.    1845.     ^v>  PP-  S."?-  "A.,  N.  79108 

Documents  and  Official  Reports.      See  Vol.  v.,  No.  20455. 

Documents  relative  to  Indian  Affairs.  To  the  Great  Council 
of  the  Thirteen  Fires.  The  Speech  of  Corn  Plant,  Half  Town, 
and  Big  Tree,  Chiefs  and  Counsellors  of  the  Seneca  Nation. 
\^Ne'w  York.    1794.]    8vo,  pp.  28.  ba.  79109 

A  Further  Illustration  of  the  Case  of  the  Seneca  Indians  in 
the  State  of  New  York,  in  a  Review  of  a  Pamphlet  entitled 
"An  Appeal  to  the  Christian  Community  ...  Hy  Nathaniel  T. 
Strong,  A  Chief  of  the  Seneca  Tribe."  Printed  by  direction  of 
the  Joint  Committees  on  Indian  Aftairs,  of  the  four  yearly  meet- 
ings of  Friends  of  Genesee,  New  York,  Philadelphia  and  Balti- 
more. ...  Philadelphia:  Printed  by  Merrihew  and  Thompson.  1841. 
8vo,  pp.  84.  A.,  BA.  791 10 

Improved  title  of  No.  26253,  ^"'-  ^"• 

Further  Proceedings  of  the  Joint  Committee,  Appointed  by  the 
Society  of  Friends,  constituting  the  yearly  meetings  of  Genesee, 
New  York,  Philadelphia  and  Baltimore,  for  promoting  the  Civil- 
ization and  improving  the  Condition  of  the  Seneca  Nation  of 
Indians,  from  the  year  1847  to  the  year  1850.  Baltimore:  fVill- 
iam  IVooddy  and  Son.,  Printers.    1850.     8vo,  pp.  119.  79' •! 

Letter  from  the  Secretary  of  War  ...  respecting  the  payment 
of  annuities  to  the  Seneca  Indians,  in  the  years  1837  and  1838. 
[(Washington.    1839.]     8vo,  pp.  38.  791 12 

Memorial  of  the  Seneca  Indians,  to  the  President  of  the 
United  States,  also  an  Address  from  the  Committee  of  Friends, 
who  have  extended  care  to  these  Indians,  and  an  extract  from 
the  Report  of  the  Commissioner  of  Indian  Affairs.  Baltimore: 
Printed  by  IVilliam  IP'ooddy  i3' Son.    1850.     8vo,  pp.  13,(1).       BA. 

Proceedings  of  the  Joint  Committee.      See  Vol.  xv.  65864. 

Report  on  the  Memorials.      See  Vol.  xi..  No.  46067. 

Report  ...  whether  the  Seneca  Indians  have  sustained  losses 
through  a  late  sub-agent  of  the  United  States,  [n.  p.  1848.] 
8vo,  pp.  77.  s.  791 14 

A  Summary  of  Facts  in  relation  to  the  late  Treaty  with  the 
Seneca  Indians,  together  with  a  portion  of  the  President's  Mes- 
sage.    Buffalo.    1841.     8vo.  N.  79115 





I    ''1 

'>     ■ 


To  the  Seneca  Nation  of  Indians,  residing  at  Cattaraugus  and 
Alleghany,  in  the  State  of  New  York.  [^Baltimort.  1848.]  8vo, 
pp.  8.  791 16 

See  also  No.  79107,  tupra. 

Seneca  Language.  Analysis  of  the  Seneca  language.  Na  na 
none  do  wau  gau  ne  u  wen  noo  da.  Buffalo:  H,  A.  Salisbury^ 
Printer.    1827.     i6mo,  pp.  36.  79' ^7 

Probably  by  Jabez  B.  Hyde. 

Christ  Hagonthahninoh  Nonodagahyot.  New-Tork.  Printed  for 
the  American  Tract  Society^  By  D.  Fanshaw.  1829.  [Second  title:] 
Christ's  Sermon  on  the  Mountain.  Translated  into  the  Seneca 
Tongue,  by  T.  S.  Harris  and  J.  Young.  New-Tork.  Printed  for 
the  American  Tract  Society.  By  D,  Fanshaw.  1829.  l8mo,  leaves 
(2),  2-16.  791 18 

In  the  Seneca  and  English  languages,  on  opposite  pages. 

Kianasa,  nana  noncdowaga  neuwenuda.  Indian  Hymns,  in 
the  Seneca  language  ;  By  Jabez  B.  Hyde.  Buffalo  :  Printed  h 
H.  A.  Salisbury.    18 18.     l6mo,  pp.  19.  79' '9 

Kianasa,  nana  noncdowaga  neuwenuda.  Hymns,  in  the  Seneca 
language  ;  by  Jabez  B,  Hyde.  Buffalo :  Printed  by  H.  A.  Salis- 
bury.   1819.     l6mo,  pp.  40.  B.,  w.  79120 

Inipriived  titltr  ctf  No.  34122,  Vol.  IX. 

Ne  Hoiwiyosdosheh  Noyohdadogchdih  ne  Saint  Luke,  neno- 
nodowohga  nigawenohdah,  New-York.  Printed  for  the  American 
Bible  Society.  D.  Fanshaw^  Printer.  1829.  [Second  title:]  The 
Gospel  according  to  Saint  Luke,  translated  into  the  Seneca 
tongue,  by  T.  S.  Harris.  New-Tork.  Printed  for  the  American 
Bible  Society.  D.  Fanshaw.,  Printer.  1829.  i8mo,  leaves  (2),  2- 
149.  79121 

In  Scnoca  and  English,  on  opposite  pages.  For  other  works  in  the  Seneca  language, 
see  White  (Seneca)  and  [VVrigiit  (Asht-r)].      See  also  "A  Short  Vocabulary." 

Senkx,  pseudon.  Letters  under  the  signatures  of  "Senex,"  and 
of  "  A  Farmer,"  comprchf-ndiog  an  Examination  of  the  Conduct 
of  our  Executive  towards  France  and  Great  Britain,  out  of  which 
the  Present  Crisis  has  arisen.  Originally  published  in  the  North 
American.  ...  Baltimore:  Printed  by  P.  K.  l^Fagner.  1809.  8vo, 
pp.  (4),  108.  BA.,  c.  79122 

Improvd  title  of  No.  40656,  Vol.  x. 

Senex  (John).  General  Atlas  ...  London.  17 10.  Folio.  34 
Maps.  79 '23 



Senex.  a  New  General  Atlas,  containirip;  a  Geographical  and 
Historical  Account  of  all  the  Empires,  Kingdoms,  and  other 
Dominions  of  the  World:  With  the  Natural  History  and  Trade 
of  each  Country.  Taken  from  the  Best  Authors,  particularly 
Cluverius,  Brictius,  Cellarius,  Bleau,  Baudrand  ...  Sec.  To 
which  is  Prefix'd  An  Introduction  to  Geography  ...  Together 
with  a  Copious  Alphabetical  Index.  The  Maps,  which  are  all 
Engraved  or  Revised  by  Mr.  Senex,  are  laid  down  according  to 
the  Observations  communicated  to  the  English  Royal  Society  ... 
London:  Daniel  Browne.  M.DCC.xxi.  Folio,  pp.  (22),  261,  II. 
34  large  colored  Maps.  ba.  79124 

Chiefly  interesting  for  the  copiousness  of  its  information  concerning  America,  which 
is  iilu.struted  by  seven  immense  maps.  At  the  beginning  the  list  of  subscribers,  con- 
t.iining  about  one  thousand  names,  is  accompanied  by  the  engraved  coat  of  arms  of 

Seney  (G.  E.)  Code  of  Civil  Procedure  of  the  State  of 
Ohio :  with  the  subsequent  amendments  and  supplementary  acts, 
and  the  several  statutes  regulating  the  practice  in  the  State  of 
Ohio  ;  including  the  Code  of  Procedure  before  Justices  of  the 
Peace;  (as  amended).  With  notes  to  the  decisions  of  the  Courts 
of  Ohio,  Kentucky,  Indiana,  and  New  York.  By  George  E. 
Seney.     Cincinnati :  Robert  Clarke  ^  Co.    i860.     8vo.  79*25 

Senfkornesutepok.    [n.  p.   n.  d.]     24mo,  pp.  8.  79126 

Selections  from  the  New  Testament  in  the  Greenland  language. 

Senfkornetun-ipok.     [n.  p.   n.  d.]    24mo,  pp.  (2),  8.       79127 

Selections  from  the  New  Testament  in  the  Labrador  Eskimo  language.  Titles  from 
Filling's  Bibliography. 

Sekio^  pseudon  ?  O  Gaucho.  Romance  Brasileiro  por  Senio. 
Rio  de  Janeiro.    1870.     2  vols.,  l2mo,  pp.  246;   269.  79 1 28 

Senior  (H.)  Charles  Vernon:  A  Transatlantic  Tale.  By 
Lieut. -Col.  Henry  Senior.  In  Two  Volumes.  ...  London:  Long- 
man.  1849.     2  vols.,  post  8vo,  pp.  iii,  292;  353.  79129 

Describes  West  Indian  habits,  etc. 

[Senior  (Nassau  William).]  American  Slavery:  a  Reprint 
of  an  Article  on  *•'  Uncle  Tom's  Cabin,"  of  which  a  Portion  was 
inserted  in  the  206th  number  of  the  "Edinburgh  Review;"  and 
of  Mr.  Sumner's  Speech  of  the  19th  and  20th  of  May,  1856. 
With  a  Notice  of  the  Events  which  followed  that  Speech.  Lon- 
don: Longman^  Brown^  Green,  Longmans  ^  Roberts.  1856.  8vo, 
pp.  iv,  164.  H.  79130 

VOL.  XIX.  17 





li  i» 

<;  ( 

Skniok.  American  Slavery:  a  Reprint  of  an  Article  on 
"Uncle  I'om's  Cabin,"  of  which  a  portion  was  inserted  in  the 
206th  number  of  the  ''Edinburgh  Review;"  and  of  Mr.  Sum- 
ner's Speech  of  the  iQih  and  20th  of  May,  1856.  With  a  N(t- 
tice  of  the  Events  which  followed  that  Speech.  By  Nassau  W. 
Senior,  Esq.  Loudon:  T.  Fellowes.  [n.  d.J  8vo,  pp.  iv,  164.  -|- 
London.    1862.     8vo.  79'3> 

Senior.  Letters  forming  part  of  a  Correspondence  with  Nas- 
sau William  Senior,  concerning  Systematic  Coloni'/.ation,  and  the 
Hill  before  Parliament  for  Promoting  Emigration  ;  also  a  letter 
to  the  Canada  Land  Company  ...  by  Charles  Tennant,  M.p. 
Kingston.    1845.     ^^o,  pp.  97.  79 '32 

[Senior.]  The  Oregon  Questio".  [n.  p.  n.  d.]  8vo,  pp. 
28.  B.  79133 

Senior.  Remarks  on  Emigration,  with  a  draft  of  a  bill.  ... 
London.    1 83 1.     8vo.  A.  79134 

Sennott  (G.)  Address  to  the  Democrats  of  Massachusetts, 
by  "A  Jacksonian  Democrat,"  (George  Sennott.)  Boston:  "James 
O.  Boyle  l^  Co.   [n.  d.]     8vo,  pp.  11.  B.  79135 

[Sennott.]  Has  the  Chief  Justice  a  casting  vote ,?  [n.  p. 
1868.]    Folio,  I  page.  b.  79136 

Signed  ««G.  S." 

Sennott.     Sennott  on  Andrew  and  Butler. 
ding  and  Company.    1862.     8vo,  pp.  16. 

Boston :  Red- 
B.,  H.  79137 

Sefior.  £1  dean,  y  cavildo  sedevacante  de  la  santa  Yglesia 
cathedral  de  Antequera  Valle  de  Oaxaca,  sobre  haver  admitido  a 
la  opposiciun  de  su  canogia  magistral  vacante,  al  Doctor  D.  Juan 
de  Cara,  A  mo,  y  Figueroa,  Presbytero  Colegial  Mayor  de  el 
Colegio  viejo  de  Santos  de  Mexico,  despues  de  cumplido  el  ter- 
mino  de  los  edictos,  y  comen^ados,  ya  ;  pero  no  consumados  los 
actos  del  concurso,  y  sobre  no  haver  otorgado  la  apelacion,  que 
D.  Juan  de  Oxendi,  vno  de  los  Opositorcs  interpuso  de  autho  en 
que  se  le  denego  la  suspencion  de  la  votacion,  y  entrega  de  el 
processo  original,  que  pedia  recurrir  ante  vuestro  Virrey  de  Nueva- 
Espafia  ...  Informa  a  V.  M.  de  los  motivos  de  su  dictamen. 
Mexico  [about  \']lol\.      Folio,  16  leaves.  79'3^ 

Signed  at  the  end  :  D.  Pedro  Loznno,  D.  Antonio  de  S;ildafl.i  y  Ortega,  D.  Aiitoiiii) 
dc  Medina.  Improved  title  of  No.  56396,  Vol.  xiii.  ike  Lcclcrc's  "  Bibliotlieca 
Americana"  (1878),  No.  1272. 



ScAur.  Kl  Prior,  y  Consulcs  de  la  Vniucrsidad  de  los  merca- 
dercs  de  la  Nuciia-Rspana :  Dizcn,  q  siendo,  como  es  de  su 
cHrgu,  atcnder  a  la  conseruacion,  y  mayor  perpctuidad  del  comer- 
cio.     [Mexico  F   16 — ?]    410,  4  leaves.  79139 

ReUtei  to  the  trade  in  cacao. 

Los  seHores  Presidente,  y  Oidores  de  la  Real  Audiencia,  y 
(Jasa  de  la  Contratacion  a  Indias,  dixeron  que  por  quanto  hallan- 
(luse  sus  scHorias  con  Real  cedula  contra  los  que  passan  a  Indias 
sin  legitimas  Licencias.     Cadiz.    1740.    410,  pp.  28.  79140 

Senour  (F.)  The  Christian  Soldier.  By  Rev.  F.  Senour. 
Cincinnati :  C.  F.  Tent  iff  Co,    1861.     32mo,  pp.  96.  79*4' 

Senour.  The  Hand  of  God,  as  seen  in  the  p"-"  ^nt  great  Re- 
bellion, The  Hope  of  our  Country  and  a  reason  for  Thanksgiv- 
ing. Our  Duty  in  the  Present  Crisis.  Two  Discourses  By  F. 
Senour,  Pastor  elect  of  the  First  Presbyterian  Church  of  Rock- 
ford,  III.  Rockford^  111.:  Register  Steam  Printing  Press.  1862. 
8vo,  pp.  12,  and  covers.  79*42 

Senour.  Major  General  William  T.  Sherman,  and  his  Cam- 
paigns. By  Rev.  F.  Senour  ....  Chicago:  Henry  M.  Sherwood. 
1865.     i2mo,  pp.  477.      Portrait.  B.  79143 

Senoup  Morgan  and  his  Captors.  By  Rev.  F.  Senour. 
Cincinnati:  C.  F.  Fent  isf  Co.    1865.     i2mo,  pp.  389.      Portrait. 

Lc  Sens  Commun.     See  [Paine  (T.)],  Vol.  xiv.  58216-17. 

Senten^a  de  ExcommunhJlo  e  Desautora^So  fulminada  contra 
o  cx-Padrc  Jose  M.  da  Conceits  ...  Rio  de  Janeiro.  1867.  8vo, 
pp.  32.  79145 

Scntencias  de  Vista,  y  Revista  pronunciadas  por  el  Ex"""-  Senor 
Virrcy  Conde  de  Supcrunda  con  paracer  del  real  acuerdo,  en  la 
causa  scguida  por  los  labradores  de  los  valles  circunvecinos  con  el 
grcmio  de  navieros  declarando  la  preferencia  en  la  venta  a  favor 
(lc  los  trigos  del  rcyno.  Lima :  En  la  Calk  del  Tigre.  Am  de 
1756.    4to,  (12)  leaves.  j.c.B.  79146 

Scntcntie  ghegeven  tot  Paris  den  30  Nov.  1663  inhoudende 
too-cygeninghe  van  de  Prysen  ghenomen  inde  Roode  Zee  en 
acn't  Eylandt  Marteneyro  i  door  Capit.  L.  Davidts.  Antwerpen. 
[1663.]    4to.  79147 




>     '\ 

!■'  > 


Si;nti;r  (I.)  The  Journal  of  Isaac  Stntcr,  Physician  ami 
Surgci)!!  to  the  troops  ilciachcil  from  the  American  Army 
encamped  at  Cambridge,  Mass.,  on  a  secret  expedition  against 
Quebec,  under  the  command  of  Col.  Benedict  Arnold,  in  Sep- 
tember, 1775.  PhiUuielph'ui :  Publish fd  hy  the  Historical  Society  of 
Pennsylvania.    1846.     8vo,  pp.  40.  B.  791 48 

Eilittil  l>y  Edward  I).  l[n;r.ili,m).  The  p.iniphlet  alsu  furtm  a  put  <>(  ••  TJic  Bulletin 
of  the  Historical  Society  of"  Pennsyiv.inia,"  vol.  1. 

Sentkr  (N.  G.  M.)  An  Oration,  delivered  before  thi  VVash- 
ington  Menevolent  Society,  of  the  County  of  Herkinier,  on  the 
22d  February,  18 17.  Hy  Nathaniel  G.  M.  Scnter.  Herkitncr: 
Printedhy  Eflward  P.  Seymour.    1817.     8vo,  pp.   13.  79 '49 

Senter.  a  Vindication  of  the  Character  of  Nathaniel  G. 
M,  Senter  against  the  Charge  oi  being  a  Spy  and  a  Traitor,  with 
a  statement  of  his  connexion  with  the  liritish  (jovei  inncnt,  from 
the  year  1802  until  1805,  and  his  obtaining  a  Captaincy  in  the 
service  of  the  United  States.  Together  with  a  variety  of  anec- 
dotes respecting  scvei  '  officers  of  the  gcjvernment  and  army. 
Written  by  Himself.  allvwcll:  Printed  hy  Ezekiel  GooJale.  1815. 
8v(),  pp.  64.  79 '50 

Sentimens|  d'un|  Republicain,  |Sur  les  Assemblecs  Provmciales] 
et  les  Etats-Generaux.  |Suite  des  Lcttres  d'lm  Citovcn  des|  Jfctats- 
Unis  a  un  Fran^ais,  sur  les|aft'aires  presentes.  | /%/Wf//»/'/V|  178H. 
8vo,  pp.  30.  N.  79151 

Title  furnished  by  Mr.  Kelby. 

Sentiment  d'un  Patriote  Hollandois.    [n.  p. J   1740.    410. 

For  two  replies  to  this  piece  i«  Vol.  vi.,  No.  23343,  anA  Vol.  x.,  No.  40660. 

The  Sentiments  and  Resolution  of  an  Association.  See  [Niles 
(S.)],  Vol.  XIII.,  No.  55331. 

The  Sentiments  of  a  British  American.  See  [Thachcr  (Oxen- 

The  Sentiments  of  a  Foreigner.  See  [Raynal  ((i.  T.)],  Vol. 
XVI.,  No.  68105. 

The  Sentiments  of  a  Principal  Freeholder,  Offered  to  the  (-(»n- 
sidcration  of  the  Representatives  of  the  Province  of  New  York, 
who  are  now  called  to  meet  and  sit,  the  14th  o\'  September,  1736. 
New  York.    1736.     Folio,  pp.  4.  79 '53 

Signed  "  F.  S." 

SEf  Al(  >.  riON.s. 


The  Sentiments  of  an  |  American  Woman.  |[/V;//rt^/«'//)/;/(/;  John 
Dunlap.    1780?]     Polio,  pp.  (2).  H.s. p.  7(^154 

Title  (fom  Hilileburn. 

The  Sentiments  of  at)  Impartial  Memhci  of  l*arliani' nt,  upon 
the  two  (j)iicstions,  i.  Whether  Circiit  Hriiaiii  t)iiy;ht  to  he  (le>irons 
of  a  Peace?  ...  1..  What  sort  of  a  Pcarc  ?  LomL/i.  1762.  8vo, 
pp.40.  79155 

Sentiments  relatinj.';  ro  the  late  Negotiation.  Loudon:  R.  Grif- 
fiths. M  ucc  Lxi.    4to,  pp.  (2),  44.  79*5^ 

On  the  cession  of  Ciinudn  by  France,  etc. 

Sentiments  I  upon  |  the  Religion  of  Reason  |  and  Nature,  |  Care- 
fully translated  from  the  original  French  manuscript,  !  Communi- 
cated by  the  hw\\\oT.\  Philadelphia — Print ed\/ 01  T.  St, 'phi  "n^  and 
Denooti  ^'  Condie  |  By  Bioren  cJ  Madan  \  MDccxcv.  |  i  imo,  p|).  1 00, 
catalogue  101-108.  n.  79157 

Title  furnished  liy  Mr.  Keiby. 

Sentiments  I  upon  |  the  Religion  of  Reason  [and  Nature,  |  carc- 
fidly  translated  from  the  [original  Krcnch  Manuscript,  |  Communi- 
cated by  the  Author.  |  Second  Edition.  |  Philadelphia :  Printed  for 
7.  Stevens,  and  Denoon  <S  Condie,  by  Bioren  &  Aladan.  MDCCXtv. 
l2mo,  pp.   100.  M.  79158 

Sentiments  veritables.  See  [Condorcet  {^Marquis  de)'\.  Vol.  iv.. 
No.  15 193. 

Sentinel,  pseudon.    See  [Bogart  (W.  H.)],  Vol.  11.,  No.  6129. 

Sentinelle,  garde  a  vous.  See  [Page  and  Hrulley],  Vol.  xiv.. 
No.  58164. 

Sentmanat  (Antonio,  Cardenal  de).  Declaracion  general  de 
las  personas  cpie  pertenecen  a  la  jurisdiccion  eclesuisiica  castrense, 
y  de  los  privilegios  que  respectivamente  deben  gozar.  Hccha  en 
virtud  de  los  breves  apostdlicos  por  el  Emmo.  Senor  de 
Sentmanat,  Patriarca  de  las  Indias.  Madrid.  1 804.  4to.  | 
Reimpreno  en  Lima.    1 805.     4to,  pp.  13.  79^59 

Separation  from  Slavery.  A  Premium  Essay.  Boston :  Amer- 
ican Tract  Society,   [n.  (S.^     i8mo,  pp.  46.  79160 

Separations  from  the  ...  Society  of  Friends.  See  [Kite  (J.  L.)], 
Vol.  IX.,  No.  38023. 

I    • 

J  i 







'i'    1 

Sfparatists.  Articles  of  Faith  and  I'raiticc,  and  Covenant 
of  the  Separate  Churchi's  in  this  Land.  Also,  a  DiscouiKc  on 
the  Privileges  of  the  Chureh  of  Jesus  Christ.  Hy  I'.lnnc/ir 
Krothinghatn.  Niivport :  Printer/  by  'J.  luankliu.  1750.  linio, 
pp.432.  79161 

Sepp  (A.)  and  Hohm  (A.)  RK.PP.  Antonii  Sepp,  |und  I  An- 
tonii  Hohm  I  Der  Soeietiit  Jesu  Pri' >tern|Tcutscher  Nation,  dtTcii 
der  erstc  aus  |  Tyrol  an  der  Ktsch  der  ander  aus  j  Mayrn  grhiirtii;  | 
Reis/beschreibungI  wie  dieselbe  aus  Mispanien  tn  Para-JLjuari.nti 
konnnen.  |  Und  |  kurt/.er  Hericht  der  denc-kwurdig-|sten  Saihen 
selbiger  I.andschatt't  Vol-|ikern  und  Arbeitung  der  sich  alldurt 
be-lhndenden  PP.  Missionariorum,  j  ge/ogen  |  Aus  denen  durth 
R.  P.  Sepp,  Soe.  Jes.  |  mit  aigener  Hand  geschriebenen  Briefen  | 
7.U  mehrern  Nutzer)|von  (Jabriel  Sepp.  von  und  zu  Reche  |  leih- 
lichen  Hrudern  in  Druck  gegeben.  |  M't  Eriaubnus  der  Obern.  | 
Niirnberg  \  In  yi'rUt^ung  Job.  Hojf'munns  1696.  |  Sni.  l2mo,  pp. 
333.  A-o  in  twelves,  including  a  blank  le;.f  at  the  end.  Fcdded 
jeaf  at  p.  213.  j.c.b.,  h.  7916;. 

The  fulded  leaf  opposite  page  113  cunt.tinii  thr  "  I'.iter  Nontur  et  Ave  Maria  in  Liii- 
gva  Paraqvarieiiiii  Mispaniia  et  Latina."  The  letters  nf'  the  two  Jetuitt  were  wiittin 
in  i(><)l~i(n)^.  "  rhese  vi-iy  interesting  narrutivei  contain  full  acmuntH  of  the  mari- 
ners and  customb,  natural  proilui  rinnn,  sienery,  rivers,  .iml  mountain',  diniitr,  et<  .  i>i 
Paraguay,  as  amusingly  tieiicrilieii  as  in  the  pages  of  Dobrir-hoticr,  The  volume  opiiii 
with  a  letter  frt>ni  Antoniui;  Sepp,  di'^uiiptive  of  the  voyage  from  Spain,  the  latiilini;  .it 
Uuenoii  Ayrei.,  and  of  tiie  many  Indiin  villages  tubjeir  to  the  Society's  rule,  ijuaiiid) 
Hnishing  hy  recording  the  great  gluttony  of  the  ab(jiigiiii's.  Then  follown  a  second  lit- 
ter  from  the  same,  with  further  particulars  of  the  vo)age  out,  the  perils  and  disconiturib 
uf  which  are  graphically  detailed,  and  the  variations  of  the  compass  recorded,  as  aluo  ,iii 
account  of  the  fertile  province  of  Japeyu.  Then  lliere  is  i  description  of  a  voya^^c  i.( 
100  miles  (equal  to  Soo  Englith  miles)  up  the  liver  Uruguay,  followed  hy  other  voyaj;('s 
pert()rmed  together  hy  MM.  Sepp  and  Hoehin,  with  Saint  l'ierre-lil<e  descriptions  <<t 
the  scenery  and  inhabitants,  introducing  us  to  their  marriage  riti^s  and  ceremonies,  iHl' 
fair  sex  enjoying  the  privilege  of  making  the  tirst  advances,  and  thi-  respective  ages  (it 
fourteen  or  fifteen,  and  sixteen  or  seventeen  being  considered  by  the  priesthood  (lir 
fittest  period  of  life  for  both  to  marr-y.  The  peach  forests  are  described,  ami  their  ont;iii 
accounted  for  in  an  amusing  episode  of  Moorish  historv,  thtr  poisonous  fruit  ot  Atrrc.i, 
acclimated  on  the  soil  of  Spain,  'for  tlie  destruction  of  whose  inhabitants  tiie  peacli- 
stones  had  been  brrjadcast  over  the  land  by  tiie  wily  Moors,  having,  under  Providen>.c, 
become  an  innocent  and  health-giving  luxury  to  the  Christians.'" 

Sepp  and  Bohm.  RR.  PP.  Antonii  Sepp,  und  Antonii  Hohm, 
...  Reiss-Heschreibung,  wie  dieselben  aus  Hispanicn  in  Paraqua- 
rien  kommen.  Und  kurtzcr  Hericht  der  denckwiirdigstcn  Sachcii 
selbiger  LandschafFt  ...   Brixen^  Niclaus  Fiihr^  1696.     Sni.  I2nu). 

Sepp  and  Hohm.  RR.  PP.  Antonii  Sepp,  |  und  |  Antonii 
Hohm,  I  Der  Societiit  Jcsu  Priestern  |  I'eutschcr  Nation,  dcren  dci 
erste  aus  |  Tyrol  an  der  Etsch,  der  ander  aus  |  Hayrn  gebiirtig,  | 



sc    oil 




liirti;,:  I 


ai  hen 


dun  I) 

rieffii  I 

■  I  Itil,. 

)I)CJ  M.  I 



Reis/.lw'sthipihunL!;  |  wic  ilit-srlhc  .lus  Hispanii'n  in  I'ara- |  tpiariain 
koiumcn.  I  Und  I  km  t/iT  Hnirht  diT  (Icuckwiiiiliu;- |  slni  Saihcii 
Sflbii^cr  l^»M(lsc-hart't,  Vi'd- 1 cIciTH,  uiul  Ailn-itiinn  dcr  sifh  alldort 
hr-(  Hndontfii  !*H.  Missionaiiuiiiiu,  |  gf/ogcri  |  Aiis  dcncn  diinh 
R.  P.  Si'p^i,  Si)C.  ji's.  |rnit  aifTfiiri  Haiiil  ^fsc-hiirl)ciu'ii  Miii'ti'ii,| 
/ii  nu'hicvn  Nui/.cn  |  Vt»ii  (Jahiifl  Srpp,  vmi  mid  zu  Rfclic;j;^',.  j 
IciMitlu'ii  Miiidcin  ill  Diiicic  jffj^ch'.-n.  |  Mil  lOilaiilmus  dtT  ( )lK'rn. 
\  Niirn/)iri^',\  /n  rrr/r"um'  '/oh.  H')(fhi,iriin  l^f^y.j  Sni.  1  ;.ruo,  pp. 
33  J.     A  0  111  twi'lvcs,  iiu-Judiiij;  a  blank  UmT  at  the  end.  1,. 

Tlif'>!  Icif  wliidi  licjongii  ii|i|iiihirc  ju^c  113  in  nut  in  thi«  iupy,  An  lln^ 
ti  iMslitl'i' .,  in  iilc  fmm  thii  I'lli'i.iM,  til. I  iMifiili'il  "All  AiTnimt  of  A  Vny.i(;K  (rmii  S(i.rin 
III  l'.ir.«<fii  iii.i,"  is  |iiiilti'il  ill  C'liiiri  liill'H  "  I'lilliMiiill  III  Viiy.i|;i"i  .liii|  'I'l.ivclh,"  vul.  IV., 
in<  lti  iiii^!  rill-  ('.Iter  Nnxtrr  jiiil  Ave  M.iri.i  in  tlie  InilLin  l.iiiuii.ixt',  front  th(!  fnliinl  Ic.if 
iiit-ntiiiiicii  .iliiiVK. 

Sei'P  <onl  lioHM.      R.R.    V.V,   Antonij   Sipp,  |  mid    Aiitoiiij 
iiohiii,  I  Dor   Socictiit  Ji'su    Piifsttin,  |  Ncii-virnuhiic  |  Ri'iss- 


hmig,  I  Wic  scIIh'  auss  ilispanicn  in  l'ara-|  ipiaiiain 
IJnd  kiirt/ti  Mnicht  dcr  ilciKk-|  wmdit;stfn  Sachcii, 
sclliigiT  Laiid-I  schart't,  Vidckcin,  und  Aincituiig  dcr  |  IM*.  Mis- 
sionaiiorum.  I  (fCzonc'ii,|  Auss  dfiu-n  R.  1'.  Scpp,  Soc.  Jcsu  mil  | 
cigncr  Hand  gi-sthiichfiu'ii  nricH'cn,|  Von  Stoph.  Igii.  Scpp  von 
Scppcnh,  I  und  Rcch  :  Piicsti-in,  J.  U.  C.  als  lcil>- |  lichi  n  MnidiTn. 
I  l3iitte  und  vcrhfsscitf  Kdition,  |  Mit  Krlauhmis/,  dt-i  ()lH'in.| 
Passuu^  Ih-tiikts  und  verlrgts  Cirorg  /Idam  Hollft\  1698.  |  Small 
121110,  pp.  336.  c.  79165 

An  cilitiiin  iif  i6<;y  i:.  niriitiiiii(!il  in  Henry  Sti'vciis's  "  BililiDthrci  Hi  forii.i"  (1S70), 
No.  1S57. 

Sepp  and  Hohm.  l£rstci  Thcil,|  Der  Reis/beschiTihunjr, |  RR. 
PP.  Antonii  Si-pp,  |  Und  |  Antonii  l^"')hm,  |  Dcr  Socictiit  Jcsu 
Pricstcin  |  Tcutschcr  Nation,  dcicn  dcr  crstc  aus/,  |  T\'rol  aw  dcr 
Ktsch,  dcr  andcr  ausz  |  Hayrn  iijcliiirtiji;,  |  Wic  ncnilichcn  dicsclbc 
aiis7,  Hi-|spanicn  in  Para(|uariam  kommcn  ;|  Uiuij  Kurt/,cr  P»ericht 
dcr  dcnkwiirdigstcn  |  Sachcn  sclbigcr  Lanclschaftt,  Viilkcrn  iind| 
Arbcitung  der  sich  alldort  befindcndcn  |  PP.  Missionariuni,  |  gc/o- 
gcn|  Auss  denen  (lurch  R.  P.  Sepp,  Soc.  Jcsu  (  niit  eigencr  Hand 
gcschricbcncn  Hricfcn,  |  zu  nichrcrn  Nutzcn  |  Von  Gabriel  Scpp, 
von  mid  zu  Rcchcgg.  I  Iciblichcn  l^rudern,  |  Auf  ciii  Ncucs  in 
Druck  gcgcbcn.|Cum  Privilcgio  Sac.  Cacs.  Majestatis,  &  Kacul- 
tatc  I  Supcrit)runi.  |  In^olstatt^  hi  Vcrlegung  Johann  Andreas  de  \  la 
Haye.,  /Inm  1712.I    Sm.  iimo,  pp.  263,(1).  c.  79166 

Title  furnished  by  Mr.  Janu's  C  Filiinp.  Tor  the  secuml  vohime  let  No.  791 6S, 
infra.  Uuucher  ilc  la  Riili,ird<'iic  ("  Uiljiiiilhei|ue,"  vi.  313)  iiifnliuns  .1  Kreiv.  ii  ver- 
sion, In^ohtad,  Jtan-  Andri  dt  La  Hayc,  17 1 7.,  24nt(i,  which  is  perhaps  .1  n'.ist.ike  for 
the  above. 








Sepp.  Continuatio  laburum  apostolicorum  ijuos  R.  P.  Ant. 
Sepp,  Sue.  Jesu  missionarius  apustulicus  in  Haraquaria  ab  aniiu 
1693  usque  ad  annum  170 1  exantlavit.  Ubi  deseribuntur  illius 
barbarae  gentis  mures,  ingenium  et  ducilitas  in  rebus  praccicis  ct 
mechanicis  ...  Ingohtadii^  yi.  de  la  Haye.  1709.  Sm.  lamo,  pp. 
(16),  374.  79»67 

Sepp.  Cuntinuatiun  |  uder  |  Furtsetzung  |  der  |  Beschreibung  | 
deren  deiickwiirdigeren  Paraqua- 1  lischcn  Saehen  selbiger  Land- 
schafFt  I  Viilckern  und  Arbeit  deren  sich  alldurt  bc-|  findendcn 
R.R.  und  PP.  Missiunariurum  I  Sue.  Jesu.  Insundcrhcit  aber|wie 
I  R.  P.  Antunius  |  Sepp,  |  Auss  wuhlgcmelter  Sucietet  in  Para-  | 
quaria  Missiunarius  den  Christlichen  C7lau-|ben  unter  andern 
Vulckern  nuch  weiters|  furtzupflantzen  sich  bearbeitet  und  |bemu- 
het.  I  Furder  ist  zu  grusserer  Ehr  und  |  Lub  Guttes  alsdann  auch 
zu  sunderen  I  Wulgefallen  Lust  und  Ergutzlichkeitjeines  geneig- 
ten  Lesers.  |  Mit  sundern  Fleiss  zusammen  getragen  I  vun  dem 
Wuhl-Ehrwiirdigen  P.  Al-lphunso  Sepp,  Ord.  S.  benedicti.  | 
Cum  Privilegiu  Sac.  Caes.  Majestatis,  &  Facul-|tate  Supcriurum. 
I  Ingohtatt :  In  Verlegung  "Job.  Andrem  de  la  Haye.  |  Anno  1 7 1  o.  | 
Sm.  i2mo,  pp.  (16),  490,  (10).  c,  H.  79168 

Sepp  (J.  C)  Surinaam«;che  Vlinders.  Papilluns  de  Surinam. 
...  Amsterdam.    1848-52.     3  vols.,  410.     152  colored  Plates. 

With  descriptions  in  Frencii  ami  Dutch.  The  work  was  originally  issued  in  parts, 
at  20  florins  each. 

Septenville  (Edouard  de).  Decouvertes  et  conquetes  du 
Portugal  dans  les  deux  mondes.  .  Paris:  E.  Dentu.  1863, 
i6mo,  pp.  (6),  xi,  183.  c.  79170 

Septien  (Pedro  Antonio).  Maximas  de  buena  educacif)n, 
sacadas  en  la  mayor  parte  de  las  Santas  Escrituras  ...  Mexiro. 
1789.     8vo.  7917^ 

Title  tVom  Beiistain. 

Septimo  Juguetillo,  dedicado  al  Pensador  Mcxicano.  Mexico. 
1820.     4ro,  pp.  (2),  44.  79172 

Septuagenaire,  pseudon.  Projet  pour  tenter  la  decouverte  du 
Pole  gauche  du  monde  nomme  Pole  Arctlque.  Par  un  Septua- 
genaire.    A  La  Haye.    1772.     8vo,  pp.  30.  1^'T^ 

"A  curious  tract,  in  which  its  author  gives  very  pl.iusible  reasons  for  supposing  the 
heat  at  the  I'oles  to  be  greater  ,it  a  ccrt;ii.  season  than  hetweon  the  tropics  :  and  that, 
in  consequence,  its  natural  productions  must  be  of  a  very  cYtiaordinary  nature." — Rich, 
I.  191. 



Septuagenarian,  /(jt-Wow.  Army  Abuses;  or,  An  Inside 
View.     \_New  York?   1868?]     8vo,  pp.  10.  H.  79174 

Signed  "  Septu.igcnarian." 

Sepulveda  (J,  G.),  b.  1490?  d.  1573.  Apologia  |  loannis 
Genesii  |  Sepvlvedae]  pro  libro|de  Ivstis  Melli  Cavsisjad  amplissi- 
mum,  &  doctissimum  |  pra'sulem  D.  Antonivm  |  Ramirvm  Epis- 
copum  I  Sagonienseni.  I  [Colophon:]  Imprcssum  fuit  Roma:  apud 
Valerhan  |  Doricum  i^  Ludouicum  fratrcs  |  Brixietises  |  Prima  Maij 
Anno  a  Christo  nato\  M.  i).  L.  |    8vo,  24  unnumbered  leaves. 

The  last  five  leaves  contain  :  "  Uecretviti  ct  Indvltvm  Aiexandri  Sexti  svper  expcili- 
tiune  in  barbaios  novi  oihis  quos  Indus  vocant,"  ending  with  a  large  wuodcut  iif  Minerva. 
On  the  title-page  ib  a  woodcut  of  a  donhle-heailed  eagle  escutcheon.  "  In  the  present 
copy  [Bihiiotheca  Cisanatense,  Rome],  which  is  the  only  one  we  could  find  anywhere, 
to  the  last  figure  in  the  date  is  added  a  v,  making  it  read  m.  d.  i..  v.,  but  it  is  an  intrr- 
pol.ition  made  witlj  a  pen  and  comn.oi'  ink.' — Harkisse,  Uihliotbeai  /Imtiiiuna  f^etus- 
tisiima  [^Jdtiilions),  No.  lS6.      See  the  note  to  the  t'oUowing  title  : 

Sepulveda.  Democrates  secundus,  sive  de  justis  belli  causis 
...  Roma.  [1550.]     4to.  79' 7^ 

It  is  not  certain  that  this  book  was  ever  printed.  (Jn  the  i5th  ot' August,  1549, 
Sepjlveda  wrote  from  Valladolid  to  his  friend  Antonio  Agustin,  .luditor  of  the  Ruta  .it 
Rome,  requesting  his  advice  about  the  printing  of  .1  work  treating  of  the  justiie  or 
waging  war  on  the  Indians,  the  m.inuscript  of  which  was  sent  with  the  letter.  The 
reply  of  Antonio  Agustin,  dated  April  I,  1550,  was  in  favor  of  its  pui)lication.  In 
another  letter,  dated  on  the  first  of  October  of  the  same  year,  and  from  wlilcli  rhe 
above  title  ii  taken,  Sepulveda  nientiojis  tiie  little  book  ('' libellus  ")  by  n  ime  as  having 
already  been  printed  at  Rome,  with  the  approbation  of  three  le.n  ned  prelates,  "qui  tres 
in  excuso  libello  memorantur,"  and  he  complains  of  the  peisecution  whicii  it  had 
brougiit  upon  him. 

It  is  probable,  however,  tiiat  the  book  referred  to  in  the  above-na^'i-d  letters  was 
merely  the  Apologia  (No.  79175),  which  was  printed  on  the  riist  of  May,  1550,  and 
"  ..d  cujus  calcem  legitur  in  prim;eva  editione  :  Hoc  opus  judicio  doctissimorum  et  gra- 
visjimorum  dominorum  Philippi  Archinti,  S.mctissimi  Domini  nostri  l'ap;i  Vic.irii,  et 
/;  Mj'idii  P'oscararii,  niagistri  sacri  Palatii  ac  Antonii  Augustini  auditori.-.  RotH-  examinatum 
et  approbatum,  et  multorum  aliorum  eruditissimorum  virorum  cons('nsu  in  Urbe  com- 
mendatum  impressum  fuit  Rjm;i',"  etc.  The  substance  ot  the  DcMocrares  iciutidus  is 
contained  in  the  Apologia.  "  Las  Casas  him.self  says  tliat  tney  were  both  one  and  the 
same  work  with  a  new  title."  In  1554,  Sepulveda  wrote  of  the  Democratei  sfcmiilui  : 
"a  me  nondum  impressione  edito."  It  is  also  referred  to  as  folluws  in  the  moniium 
added  by  tiie  Madrid  editors  of  the  collected  works,  whii  ii  cont.iin  annot.itiuiis  by  i<\\i: 
Kern.inde/  Franco,  who  was  a  conteinjiorary  of  Sepulveda  :  "  Este  libro  se  mando  que 
no  se  imprimiese,  y  se  (|uitaron  los  impresos  por  mandado  del  rey,  de  que  recibio  gr.m 
ofensa  este  autiir."  For  a  fuller  discussion  of  this  question,  and  references  to  other 
authorities,  sec  Harrisse's  "Bihiiotheca  Americana  Vetustissima,"  pp.  451-455,  from 
whicii  the  above  account  has  been  extracted. 

"The  learned  men  of  Spain  were  not  all  of  the  Bishop  of  Chiapa's  way  of  tliinking 
as  regarded  the  rights  and  claims  of  the  Indians.  A  certain  Doctor  Juan  Gines  Sepul- 
veda, principal  Historijgrapher  to  Charles  the  Fifth,  a  man  renown  for  learning 
in  those  days,  had  recently  written  ,1  treatise  entitled,  DfrniH-rata  SeiunJui^  si-ve  de  'Juith 
lii-Ui  Ciiasis,  in  which  he  maintained,  in  a  very  .ible  manner,  the  right  of  the  I'upe  and 
of  the  Kings  of  Spain  to  subdue  by  war  the  inhabitants  of  the  New  World.     Sepulveda 


t     I 

■  ''g^A:!.'.:;.!..^'.!^" 






called  his  new  work  Democrates  Sccundus,  betause  he  previously  written  a  book 
which  was  entitled  Democrates:  a  DiaUirue  on  the  Honotiiahle  Nature  of  Military  Htudy. 
The  Democrates  KiecunJus  was  written  in  dialogue;  and  in  it,  Leopold,  a  German, 
made  a  formal  statement,  which  probably  was  sanctioned  by  the  voiie  ot  public  opinion 
throughout  Europe  at  that  time,  that  the  Spaniards  had,  without  surticient  attention  to 
the  laws  ot'  justice,  piety,  and  Christianity,  waged  war  against  the  innocent  Indians. 
Sepulvcda,  under  the  name  of  Democrates,  gave  a  full  reply  to  his  iVieml  Leopold's 
accusation  of  the  Spaniards.'s  work  met  with  no  favour,  even  in  the  i|uarter 
where  he  might  reasonably  have'  expected  tiiat  it  would  be  sure  to  be  well  received.  He 
subniitled  his  treatise  to  the  Council  of  the  Indies  in  the  first  inst.ince;  but  they  would 
not  allow  him  to  print  it.  He  then  appeali-d  to  Charles  the  Fifth,  praying  that  his 
woik  should  be  laid  before  the  Great  Council  of  Castile.  The  Emperor  consented.  It 
was  in  1547,  wlu-n  the  Court  anil  the  Councils  of  Spain  were  at  Arandi  dr 
Uuero,  that  the  royal  order  trom  C'harles  arrived.  I^as  Casas  had  also  joined  the  Cuurt 
at  that  time,  and  then  learnt  what  was  the  nature  of  this  treatise  written  by  SepuKeda, 
upon  which  there  was  so  much  tjuestion.  As  may  be  imagined,  he  made  the  most 
determined  and  vigorous  opposition  to  Sepulveda's  views, — to  usi'  his  own  words,  'dis- 
covering and  bringing  to  light  the  poison  of  whith  tin;  work  was  full.'  The  Couiii  il 
submitted  the  Democrates  Sccundus,  for  examination,  to  the  Universities  of  Alcala  and 
Sal.mianca.  The  decision  of  these  learned  bodies  was  unfivourable  to  Sepulveila ;  ,iiiil 
the  I'ermission  to  print  was  still  refused.  Sepulveda  turned  to  Rome,  where  he  had  1  friend,  who  auditor  of  the  Rota;  and  under  his  auspices,  the  work,  or  rather 
an  Apology  for  thi;  work,  containing  tlie  substance  of  it,  was  printed  at  Rome  in  li;';o. 
Charles  the  Fifth  forbade  its  introduction  into  Spain.  The  author  thereujion  drew  u|i  a 
version  in  Spanish  of  his  ylfiolo^y,  and  did  what  he  could  to  put  liiat  in  circulation." — 
Hk.i.I's's  S[>iiiiisb  Ccnyucst  in  America,  IV.   318-319.  Antonio  ("  IJlbliotheca  Hispana  Nov  1,"  1.  703-704)  gives  the  following 
account  iit  the  book  :  ^^  De  'Quills  heUi  <autis  ,  unlru  IiuLs  iuucfiti,  sive,  Dcmociatcs  alter, 
editus  olim  fuit  RonKe  paucis  admoduni  exemplaribu.-,  j'rocunnte  Antonio  Augustin.p, 
Roman.e  tunc  Rot:e  .luititore,  ut  auctor  'i\se  ait  El/iit.  i.xrx.  &  lxx.  qui  Sc  ante  h.uic 
editionem  multis  descriptio  exemplaribus,  Complutuni  Salnianticaimiue  missis,  evul;;.itiis 
fuerat,  reft-rente  ipso  F.pist.  Xci.  qui  &  seijuenti  .id  l^etrum  Serr.mum,  contentam  in  eo 
sententiam  adt'ersariis  ipsis  in-vitissimis  non  solum  Roma'  &  per  omnem  His/ianiam,  scd  eliam 
per  omnem  Cbristianum  orbem  doclis  omnibus  non  periinacihus  sc  proha'vissc  gloriatur,  scripta 
scilicet  ea,  ijuam  habenms  vulgareni  inter  ali.i  oper.i,  Ap' I'.^ia  pro  hoc  libro.  In  collij'iu 
Granatensi  Jesuitarum  adservari  scimus  dialogisticuni  opus  De  jfure  belli  adversus  fndos, 
quo  respondet  Cas;e  epiacopi  argunientis.  Diver:uinne  Id  sit  .di  eo  opere,  quod  jam  lau- 
d.ivimus,  dici;re  non  ausim.  Fl.ine  diu  seriuque  hunc  coi>feiitionis  funem  ab  n.  stro  cuni 
antistite  illo  Chiajiensi  tractum  satis  ipparebit  legentibus,  qu;i'  nos  in  hujus  mentinne  pro- 
lixe  annotavimus." 

Skpulvkda.  ^I  Uialogo|  Ilamailo  Democrates  copue  |  sto  por 
el  doctor  Juan  de  |  sepulueda  :  capella  y  co- |  ronista  d'e  su.  S.  C.  | 
C.  M.  del  empa|dor:  agora  iiue  |  uamciite  in-|presso  [^/V]  .:.  | 
(.^,)  I  Con  preuilegio  imperial.  |  iVl.  d.  xlj.  |  [Colophon  :]  ([  Jqrti 
hn-ze  Jin  el  presente  Dia  |  logo  intiUilado  Detnoaates.  El  qual  fur 
visto  y  exa  j  m'lnado  por  los  Rciiereutlos  padres  Fray  mm- 1  tin  ilr 
Liwlesma  soprior  de  sant  Pablo  de  Va-  \  lladolid :  y  fray  Datnum  di 
temiho.  Fue \  i/npresso  enla  "mny  noble  %  niuy  Leal  |  c'ludad  de  Seuilla  : 
en  casa  de  "Juan  |  crdbnjn  difuntn  que  dm  aya.  |  Acahose  a  veyutc  y 
ocho  di- 1  a$  del  vies  de  Mayo  de  |  mil  y  quinientos  y  q  \  rent  a  y  vn  atios,  \ 
(.:.)  (.:.)  (.:.)  |  (iji)  |   [Printer's  mark  and  monogram  1  C.j  |    410, 



leaves  Ixxix,  colophon  (i),  table  and  errata  (3).     a-k  in  eights, 
and  I  in  four,  including  a  final  blank  leaf.  i..  79177 

A  translariiin  into  Spaiiitli  nf' Ni).  7917S,  inf'ni,  maile  l)y  Aiitoni.i  l!.iil>i,  tin-  accirtai) 
of  caniiiial  yuifloms.  It  is  in  rhir  form  of  ilialm'.ius  lii'twcen  iIiii'l-  iicrs^ins,  Lf(i|'oiJ(i,  Alonso  ilc  (lucvara,  anil  IJeinoiiatos,  wim  cli;ii  iiis  tiic  siibjcit  of  tlic  justiii-  of 
war.  'rile  hook  is  soniftinurs  ini  Imli-il  in  collitctions  of  "  Anieiii  ina,"  because;  it  illus- 
trates the  opinions  of  Sepulvfita  which  finally  hrouylu  on  his  fiinous  dispute  with  Lis 

Sf.pulveda.  lo,  (jcnesii  Sepulvtti;i'  Cordubcnsis,  Artiimi  & 
Theologian  Doctoris  dc  Convenicntia  Militiiris  Disciplinie  cum 
Christiana  Rcligione  qui  inscribitur  Democratcs,  lni[>7i'SsuTii 
Roma:  apud  Antonium  Hlnditm,    Anno  Domini^  MDXXXV.     410. 

This  is  the  first  Ikmucraia.  It  does  not  relate  to  Aniiiic.i,  hut  is  de;,ir.,l)U'  in  an 
American  tcdlection  as  a  companion  volume  for  \\m  Apulc^yia.  Accoriling  lo  llarrissc, 
it  was  reprinted  at  Paris,  hy  Simon  de  Coline:,  i(;4i,^V(),  "lum  aliis  auctoris  operilnis;" 
and  inseited  in  Vol.  iv.,  pp.  I25-32S,  of  tlie  M.idriil  reptint  of  Si-pulved.i's  works. 
The  Spanish  version  is  ilescribed  under  No.  79177,  iujna. 

Sepulveda.  loannis  |  Gcncsii  |  Sepvlvcdae  |  Cordvbensis  |  Sacro- 
sanctae  Theologiae  Doctoris,  Caroli  v.  |  Impcratoris,  Historici.  | 
Opera,  I  quae  rcperiri  potucrunt]  Omnia.  |  Ouorum  clcnchum  vide 
lector  pagina  quinta.  |Nvnc  primvm  singvhiri  stvdio  |  in  Hispania, 
Italia,  &  Gallia  ad  publicam  utilitatcni  |  concjuisita,  &  iam  siniul  in 
lucem  I  edita.  |  Adiectus  est  copiosus  rerum  niemorabiliimi  index.  | 
Colon'tac  Ag7-'tpp'in(ii\  |  In  Ojficinn  Bircknuinnicd^  sumpt'ihus  ArnuU'i 
Mylij.  I  Anno  cl:5.  I.")cll.  |  Cum  yjat/a  <3'  privi/i-i^io  S^r.  Coi'S.  ALiics- 
tatis.\    4to,  pp.  (12),  634,  index  (16).  J-C.h.,  h.  79179 

This  edition  contains  a  biography  of  Sepulveda  by  Schott.  At  page  4:3 
begins  his  celebrated  essay,  "Apologia  pro  Liliro  de  Iiistis  IJelli  C^iusis,"  connected  with 
the  controversy  between  the  writer  and  Las  Casas,  whenrin  the  tornier  attempts  to  justify 
the  cruel  treatment  iiiHicted  by  the  Spanish  government  on  the  Indi.ins.  P.iges  442- 
445  contain  the  "  Decretum  et  indultum  Alexandri  sexti  super  expeditione  in  baibaros 
Noui  Orbis  quos  Indos  uocaiit." 

Sepulveda.  Joannis  Genesii  Scpulvcdae  Cordubensis  Opera, 
Cum  Edita,  Turn  Inedita,  Accurante  Regia  Historiie  Academia. 
...  Matriti.  Ex  Typographia  Rcgiii  de  la  Gazeta.  Anno  M.  DCC- 
Lxxx.     4  vols.,  4to.  79180 

Collation  :  Volumen  Friinum,  8  preliminary  leaves,  pp.  cxliii,  24,  (8),  xlvi,  468, 
"  Monitum  ad  Lectoiem"  (a),  Poitrait  of  Ch.irles  v.  Volumen  Si'cundum,  3  prelimin- 
ary leaves,  pp.  Ixvi,  544,  Itiilex  in  75  leaves.  Volumen  Tertium,  3  preliminary  leaves, 
pp.  -(xviii,  "  Ue  rebus  Hisp.inorum  gestis  ad  novum  Urbem  Mexicumque  "  pp.  1-244, 
Index  in  9  leaves;  "  De  rebus  gestis  Fhi4ippi  11"  pp.  (16),  1-  134,  index  1:1  7  le.ives ; 
"  Epistolif  dua*  ad  M.  Canum  "  pp.  (2),  1-399,  I'"'"-'"  (•')•  Vv)lumen  j^uartum,  3 
preliminary  leaves,  pp.  591,  Itidex  (21). 

This  edition  was  edited  by  Francisco  Cerda  y  Rico.  The  fiist  two  volumes  contain  a 
history  of  Charles  v.  A  large  portion  of  the  thiid  volume  relates  to  America.  Tlu' 
fourth   volume  contains  :  "  Ueinocrates,  sive  de  convenicntia  disciplina.'  militaris  cum 






Christiana  religione  dialoguB,"  pp.  ZZ5-32S  J  and  "Apologia   ...   pro  libro  de  justis  belli 
causis,"  pp.  329-351. 

Skqueira  (G.  C.)  Contestacion  al  manificsto  de  D.  Gabriel 
Sequcira  en  que  acuso  a  D.  Cecilio  Ayllon,  Gefe  politico  subal- 
terno  intcrino  de  Matanzas.  Hahana :  Imprentn  Liberal.  1 821. 
Folio,  pp.  12,  (i).  79181 

Sequeira.  Defcnsa  dc  D.  Gabriel  Claudio  de  Scqiieira  en  el 
juicio  de  doce  jurados  para  calificar  su  impreso  "  El  Inmutable." 
Habana :  Imprenta  de  la  Union  y  el  Cotnercio^  de  D.  Antonio  M^. 
y aides.    1822.     4to.  79182 

Sequeira.  Exposicion  que  hace  cl  batallon  de  Malaga  al 
publico  sobre  el  manificsto  de  D.  Gabriel  C.  Sci|ueira  contra  la 
opinion  del  Capitan  del  mismo  cuerpo  D.  Cecilio  Ayllon.  Ha- 
bana:  Imprenta  de  D.  Tiburcio  Campc.    1822.     Folio.  791^3 

Sequeira.  Manificsto  tercero  que  hace  a  los  habitantes  de  la 
isia  de  Cuba  sus  amantes  compatriotas,  D.  Gabriel  dc  Sequeira. 
Habana.    1822.     Folio.  79 '^4 

For  a  reply  see  Vol.  i.,  No.  1885. 

Sequeira.  Reflexiones  sobre  la  consulta  de  la  Excma.  Dipu- 
tacion  provincial,  acerca  de  las  ocurrcncias  cntrc  los  Sres.  D. 
Cecilio  de  Ayllon  Gobernador  Militar,  Gefe  politico  intcrino  de 
Matanzas,  y  D.  Juan  de  Arredondo  y  Santalices,  Juez  de  Ictras 
del  partido,  por  D.  Gabriel  Claudio  Sequeira.  Habana :  Imprenta 
de  Faldes.    1822.     Folio,  pp.  9.  79^85 

Sequeira  e  Sa  (Manoel  Tavares  de).  Jubilos  da  America, 
na  gloriosa  exalta^ao,  e  promoc^ao  do  \\\"^".  e  ex*"",  senhor  Gomes 
Freire  de  Andrada,  do  conselho  de  S.  M.,  governador  e  capitao- 
general  das  capitanias  do  Rio,  Minas-geraes  e  S.  Paulo,  ao  posto 
e  emprego  de  mestre  de  campo-gencral,  e  primeiro  commissario 
da  medi^So  e  demarcac^ao  dos  dominios  meridionaes  americanos 
entre  as  duas  coroas,  fidelissima  e  catholica.  Colec^ao  das  obras 
da  Academia  dos  Selectos,  que  na  cidade  do  Rio  de  Janeiro  se 
celebrou  em  obsequio,  e  applauso  do  dito  ex'"",  heroe.  ...  Lisboa^ 
na  O/fic.  do  doutor  Manuel  Jlvares  Sollano.  1754.  4to,  pp.  (80), 
363.  79186 

Sequeira  e  Sa  was  the  secretary  of  the  above-named  academy,  and  is  entitled  "  Ex 
Ouvidor  geral  da  Comarca  de  F.irnagu.i  no  Brasil."  "Ce  volume  rarissime  renl'erme  une 
precieuse  collection  de  compositions  poctiques  faites  a  I'occasion  de  la  mort  du  celehre 
Freire  de  Andrada.  Toutes  ces  pieces  :,ont  du(;s  .i  des  ecrivains  Bresiliens,  aux  membres 
de  TAcademie  doi  ielectos  et  a  dili'erents  religieux." — Leclerc. 

The  Sequel  of  the  Abstract.      See  Quebec,  Vol.  xvi.  67061. 



A  I  Sequel  I  to  I  Common  Sense:|or  tlie|  AmiTican  Controversy! 
considered  |  in  two  points  of  view  hitherto  |  unnoticed.  |  First. — 
That  Parliaments  cannot  be  supreme  in  all  cases  |  whatsoever, 
without  being  infallible  also.  |  Second. — That  Ccdonies,  when  they 
find  themselves  com-|petent,  that  is,  come  of  age,  may,  in  con- 
sequence of  an  I  unanimity,  nay,  a  majority  of  votes,  throw  oft  all 
subjec-|tion  to  the  originating  parent  state,  a  power  derived  from  ( 
God,  and  authorized  by  the  necessity  of  things.  |  By  Thcophilus 
Philadelphus.  I ...  |The  Second  Edition,  corrected  and  enlarged.] 
Duhlin  :  |  Printed  hy  Alex.  Stuart^  in  St.  /ludeon's-ylrch.  |  mdcc- 
Lxxvri.  I    8vo,  pp.  78.  w.  79187 

Sequel  to  the  late  visit  of  the  Russian  Fleet  to  the  United 
States,  under  command  of  Rear-Admiral  Lessoft'sky.  »SV.  Peters- 
burg.  1864.    8vo,  pp.  25.  H.  79188 

The  Sequestration  Act.      See  Vol.  iv.,  Nos.  1 5409-1 5410. 

The  Sequestration  Cases  before  the  Hon.  A.  G.  Magrath, 
under  the  Act  of  the  Confederate  States,  in  the  District  Court  of 
South  Carolina,  October  Term,  1861.  [n.  p.?  1861.]  8v(),  pp. 
68.  79189 

Seraiah,  pseudon.  Chronicles  of  the  Fire-Eaters  of  the  Tribe 
of  Mississippi.  By  Seraiah  the  Scribe.  Brandon.  1853.  ^^^1 
pp.  38.  H.  79190 

Corrected  title  of  No.  12964,  Vol.  iv. 

Scraphine  ;  ou,  le  Catholicisme  dans  TAnuTique  Septentrionale. 
Par  I'Auteur  des  Soeurs  jumelles  ;  ou,  la  vocation.  Sixieme  edi- 
tion.    Lille.,  L.  Lefort.    1841.     i6mo,  pp.  239.    Plate,      c.  79191 

Sergeant  (H.  J.)  A  Treatise  on  the  Lien  of  Mechanics 
and  Material  Men,  in  Pennsylvania  ;  with  the  Acts  of  Assembly 
relating  thereto,  and  various  forms.  ...  By  Henry  J.  Sergeant. 
Second  Edition  ...  by  E.  Spencer  Miller.  Philadelphia.  1856. 
8vo,  pp.  394.  c.  79192 

The  tirat  edition  was  publibhed  in  1S39. 

Sergeant  (J.)  The  |  Causes  and  Danger  |  of  |  Delusions  |  in 
the  I  Affairs  of  Religion,  |  Consider'd  and  Caution'd  against,  |  With 
particular  Reference  |  to  the  |  Temper  of  the  present  Times.  |  In  a  | 
Sermon  I  Preach'd  at  Springfield,  April  4,  1743.  |  In  the  Audience 
of  the  associated  Pastors  of  the  County  |of  Hampshire.  |  By  John 
Sergeant,  m.a.  |  Pastor  of  the  Church  of  Christ  in  Stockbridgc.  | 
Publish'd  at  the  Desire  of  the  Hearers,  j  Boston.,  Printed  for  S.  Eliot 

in  Cornhil.    1743-|     8vo,  pp.  36. 

BA.,  H. 



L''  1 

I   . 


I  > 


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'I'M  ■' 

f  3? 




Sfkckant.  a  Fvcttcr  l''r(im  the  Re  Mr.  Sergeant  Of 
Stockl>ri(lge,  to  Dr.  Colman,  Of  Boston  ;  Luutaining  Mr.  Ser- 
geant's Proposal  of  a  more  effectual  Method  for  the  Education 
of  Indian  Children;  to  raise  'cm  if  possible  into  a  civil  and  indus- 
trious People;  bv  introducing  the  English  Language  among  them  ; 
and  thereby  instilling  into  their  Miiids  and  Hearts,  with  a  more 
lasting  Impression,  the  Principles  of  Virtue  and  Piety.  Made 
publick  by  Dr.  Colman  at  the  Desire  of  Mr.  Sergeant,  with  some 

general  Account  of  what  the  Rev.  Mr.  Isaac  Hollis  of has 

already  done  for  the  Sons  of  this  Indian  Tribe  of  Houssatannoc, 
now  erected  into  a  'T'ownship  by  the  Cicncral  Court,  and  called 
Stoclcbridge.  Boston^  Printed  hy  Rogers  and  Fowle^  for  D.  Hench- 
man in  Cornhill.    1743.     8vo,  pp.  16.  B.,  c,  H.  79194 

Vi^iii  io-i6  contain  "Dr.  Colin.m's  Return  in  Compliance  with  Mr.  Sergeant's 
Request,"  dated  August  22,  1743. 

[Sergkant.]  a  Morning  Prayer.  |  Oc  Keuh  maukhkenun 
Pohtum-|mouwaus  ....  [f}o</on  F  174-.?]  i8mo,  pp.  15.  a  in 
six  and  B  in  two.  w.  ygi()S 

In  the  lanyuage  (if  tlir  Muhhek.mculc  or  Slockbridgc  Indians.  The  he.idings  inly 
arc  in  Erylish.  Contents:  A  Morning  I'r  lyer,  pp.  1-6;  An  Kvcning  Prayer,  pp.  6-7  j 
Cattiiiism,  pp.  8-15.      Followed  liy  : 

[Serceant.]  a  Prayer  before  Sermon.  |  Oe  Taupaunnu- 
meauk  pohtum-|  niauwaus  ....  [^Boston  f  174-?]  l8mo,  pp.  23. 
A  and  B  in  sixes.  W.  J()l()6 

In  the  language  of  the  MuhhtkaneoU  or  Stoililiiidge  Indi.ins.  Appended  fo  No. 
79195.  The  headings  of  the  different  prayers  are  in  English,  as  follows:  A  Prayer 
before  Sermon,  pp.  1-8;  A  Pr.iyer  after  Sernicn  and  Baptism,  pp.  8-10;  A  Prayer  to 
be  used  at  the  S-icr  imcnt,  I'tc,  pp.  10-14;  ^  I'layer  for  the  Sick,  pp.  15-16;  For  the 
AlHicted,  pp.  16-17;  'Fii-inks  returned  tor  Recovery,  iScc,  pp.  17-18;  A  Prayer  .ifler 
Sermon,  p]'.  18-2.1;   A  General  Pr.ijer,  pp.  22-23. 

Mr.  Sergeant  made  his  tirst  visit  to  the  Mohegan  or  Muhhekaneok  Indians  of  Housa- 
tunnuk  in  Octidier,  17  }4,  and  prejclied  to  them  by  the  aid  of  an  interpreter.  In  the 
following  year  he  became  their  permanent  teacher,  and  in  February,  1 7 36,  he  was  able, 
by  the  help  of  inl;  rpreters,  to  compose  some  pr.iyers  in  Indian,  which  he  read  to  the 
natives  at  n\  irning  aiid  evening,  and  on  other  occasions.  In  April  and  May,  the  new 
town  of  Stockbridge  was  laid  out  for  these  Indians,  and  to  this  place  Mr.  Sergeant 
removed  in  January,  1737.  In  August  of  the  same  year  he  began  to  preach  in  Indian, 
and  "  translated  Dr.  Watt's  Hrst  C,U;chism  into  the  Indian  Tongue,  that  the 
Children  might  uniierstandingly  ri'ad  and  liarn  it."  In  a  letter  dated  January  22,  1747, 
in  which  Mr.  Sergeant  gives  an  .ucount  of  his  libor.  among  the  Indians,  he  writes  that 
he  had  "gain'd  such  an  Acquaintance  with  their  barbarous  Language  as  to  converse 
with  rhem  in  it;  and  with  a  little  Assisianci!,  in  my  Study,  from  an  Interpreter,  to 
preacli  to  them,  aiui  to  read  Frayen,  -whuh  I  ba-ve  (cmpaed  far  the  publUk  ff^orship." 
Before  his  death  in  July,  1741),  he  ii  id  also  transl.ited  into  vhe  Indian  language  the  fol- 
lowing portions  of  the  old  testament :  "  Tlie  Account  of  the  Creation,  of  the  Fall  of 
our  first  Parents,  of  God's  calling  Abraham,  of  his   Dealings  with  the  Patriarchs  and 









the  Chilihrn  of  Isrm-I,  of  the   I'niphi'Liic::  lonci-rnini;  thi-  Cuniinj'  of  ('hri:.t,  S;i-.  the 
(our  Kvimyflibls,  the  Acl:^  nt   the  A|,  and  all  lilt  hiii;lli'.s." 

(Jf  all  thci'C  works,  t hi-  piayeis  ili  scrihtd  ahove  arc  prohahly  the  only  poitioDs  that 
were  piiiited.  Tliey  haveihevn  iiiiiititied  as  Mr.  Sergeant's  translation  hy  Dr.  J.  Il.ini- 
iiioiid  Trumbull.  There  .ire  copies  of  the  two  tracts  (bewed  t.igethcr)  in  the  lihrarii;; 
uf  the  Society  at  Worce.sier,  and  of  the  H.^scx  Institute  at  S.ilem, 
Mass.      Two  or  three  otlii^r  cipics  are  also  known. 

Sergeant  (J.)  An  Aiklrcss  delivered  before  the  Citizens  of 
Philadelphia,  at  the  House  of  Refuge,  ...  November  29,  1828. 
By  John    Sergeant    ...    .   Philadelphid :    ^fsper  Hardiiiir^   Printer. 

182S.      8vO,  pp.   56.  HA.,  p.    79197 

Serc;eant.  An  Address  deli.cred  at  the  Request  of  the 
Managers  of  the  Apprenticos'  Library  Company  of  Philadelphia, 
23  Novf*mber,  1832.  By  John  Sergeant,  ll.d.  President  of  the 
Institution.  Philadelphia  :  Printed  hy  'James  Ka\\  Jun.  is'  Co. 
[1832.]     8vo,  pp.  37.  H.  79198 

Sergeant.  An  Address  ...  before  the  Alumni  Association  of 
Nassau  Hall,  on  the  day  of  the  Annual  Commencement  of  the 
College,  September  25,  1833.  By  John  Sergeant,  ll.d.  ... 
lYmceton  :  Printed  hy  Baker  ilf  Connolly.    1833.     8vo,  pp.  44.       H. 

Sergeant.  A  Discourse  ...  before  the  Trustees,  P^iculty  and 
Students  of  Rutger's  College,  at  New-Brunswick,  New-Jersey, 
on  ...  the  14th  of  July  1829  •••  •  ^Y  J"^^"  Sergeant,  ll.d.  ... 
\Niw  Urunnvick  :\  Rtitgas  Press.    1829.     8vo,  pp.  32.  B.,  H. 

SercjEANT.  Kulogy  on  Charles  Carroll  of  Carrollton.  De- 
livered at  the  request  of  the  Select  and  Common  Councils  of  the 
City  of  Philadelphia.  December  31st,  1832.  By  John  Sergeant, 
ll.d.  Philadelphia  :  Printed  hy  Lydia  R.  Bailey.  1833.  8vo,  pp. 
45.  79201 

Sergeant.  A  Lecture,  ilelivered  before  the  Mercantile  Li- 
brary C\)nipany  of  Philadelphia,  November  i,  1839.  By  John 
Sergeant.     Philadelphia:  Henry  Perkins.    1839.     8vo,  pp.  36.      H. 

Sergeant.  Observations  on  the  Design  and  Efttcts  of  Pun- 
ishnuiit.      By  John  Sergeant    ...    Philadelphia.    1828.     8vo.       w. 

Serc;eant.  An  Oration  delivered  in  Independence  Square,  in 
the  C-ity  of  Philailelpbia,  on  the  24th  July,  1826,  ir;  Commem- 
oration of  rht)mas  Jett'erson  and  John  Ailams.  By  John  Ser- 
geant.     Philiidelphiii  :  H.  C.  Carey  &  I.  Lea.    1826.     8vo,  pp.  44. 

Sergeant.     Remarks  on  Mr.  Chilton's  Resolution,  I'ebruarv 
.   [n.  p.    1828. J    8vo.  w.  79205 

2,  1828. 






SkkCfKant.  Select  Speerhes  uf  John  Sergeant  of  Pennsyl- 
vatiia.  Phi/ftf/f/phiu  :  E.  L.  Ca.  ly  is'  A.  Hurt.  1832.  8vo,  pp.  x, 
(•X  •  7-3^7-  f^'^  »•»  f*-  79206 

Sekceant.  Speech  of  Mr.  Sergeant  ...  in  the  House  of  Rep- 
resentatives, Keliiuaiy  i2,  1S19,  on  the  Hank  of  the  United 
States,     [n.  p.    1819.]     8vo.  w.  79207 

Si'RGKANT.  Speech  of  Mr.  Sergeant  on  the  Missouri  Ques- 
tion. In  the  House  of  Representatives  of  the  United  States, 
February,  1820.     [n.  p.    '820.]    8vo,  pp.  48.  B.,  M.  79208 

Sf.rcjicant.  Speech  of  Mr.  Sergeant  in  the  House  of  Repre- 
sentatives, March  7th,  1822.  On  the  Bill  to  establish  an  Uni- 
form System  of  Hankruptcv  throughout  the  United  States.  [/). 
Raplm.,  Agt.^  Pr}utn\  (Fashingtou^  1822.]     8vo,  pp.  41.  B. 

Seikjeant.  S|)eech  of  the  Hon.  Mr.  Sergeant,  of  Pennsyl- 
vania, on  the  Resolution  reported  from  the  Committee  of  Ways 
aiul  Means,  dec  taring  it  iiiex|)edient  to  charter  a  National  Hank. 
Delivered  in  the  House  t)f  Representatives,  September  26,  1837 
...    IVdshiiigtori.    1837.     8vo,  pp.   16.  H.  79210 

Srrc.eant.  Speech  of  Mr.  Sergeant,  of  Pennsylvania,  on  the 
Sub-'['reasury  Mill.  Delivered  in  the  House  of  Representatives, 
June  24,  1840.  ll'(ishi>iirto)i :  Prhited  hy  Gales  and  Seaton.  1840. 
8vo,  pp.  39.  B.  7921 1 

SeR(;i;ant  (  T.)  Constitutional  I-aw.  Heing  a  CoI!f;ction  of 
Points  arising  upon  the  Constitution  and  Jurisprudence  of  the 
United  States  which  have  been  settled  by  Judicial  Decision  and 
Practice.      Hy  Thomas  Sergeant.     Philadelphia.    1822.     8vo.      B. 

Sergeant.  Constitutional  Law:  being  a  view  of  the  practice 
and  jurisdiction  of  the  Courts  of  the  United  States,  and  of  Con- 
stitutional pt)ints  decided,  i^y  Thomas  Sergeant.  Second  edi- 
tion, with  adilitions  and  improvements.    Philadelphia.    1830.    8vo. 

Sergeant.  Land  Laws  of  Pennsylvania.  Hy  Thomas  Ser- 
geant. Philadelphia:  J.  Kay.,  Jan.  l3  Brother,  1 838.  8vo,  pp. 
203.  C.  79214 

Ser(;eant.  a  Treatise  upcjn  the  Law  of  Pennsylvania  rela- 
tive to  the  Proceeding  by  Koreign  Attachment.  With  the  Acts 
of  the  Assembly  now  in  force  in  Pennsylvania,  on  the  subject  of 
Foreign    and    Domestic    Attachments.       By    Thomas    Sergeant. 




Philadelphia,    181 1.     8vo.     -|-  Second  edition,  with  additions  and 
improvements.     Philadelphia.    1840.    8vo.  79^' 5 

Sergeant.  View  of  the  Land  Laws  of  Pennsylvania.  With 
Notices  of  its  early  Histo.y  and  Legislation.  By  T.  Sergeant, 
Esq.      Philadelphia.    1 838.     8vo.  792 1 6 

Serc.ipe,  Brazil.  Relatorio  com  que  o  Exm.  Snr.  Vice-presi- 
dente  BarAo  de  Propria  Passou  a  administra<;;ao  da  Provincia  de 
Sergipe  ao  Kxni.  Snr.  Presidente  Dr.  Evaristo  Ferreira  da  Veiga 
no  dia  27  de  Novembro  de  1868  Typ.  do  'Jornal  de  Sergipe^  Run 
da  Aurora   1868    Imp.  8vo,  pp.  49,  and  covers.  79217 

Relatorio  apresentado  a  Assemblea  Legislativa  Provincial  de 
Sergipe  no  dia  i."  de  Mar^o  de  1869  pelo  Exm.  Snr.  Presidente 
Dr.  Evaristo  Ferreira  da  Veiga  Jracaju.^  Typ.  do  "Jornal  de  Scr- 
gipey  Rua  d' Aurora   1869     8vo,  pp.  96,  3,  2,  and. covers.     79218 

Relatorio  com  que  o  2.°  Vice-presidente  o  exm.  snr.  Dr.  Dio- 
n'zio  Rodrigues  Dantas  passou  a  administracAo  da  Provincia  de 
Sergipe  no  dia  2  de  Dezembro  de  1869  ao  exm.  snr.  Presidente 
Dr.  Francisco  Jose  Cardozo  Junior,  yfracaju^  TyP'  ^^  'Jornal  do 
Aracajuy  Rra  de  S.  Salvador.   [1869.]    Folio,  pp.  16,  and  covers. 

A  Series  of  Answers.     See  [Tucker  (Josiah)]. 

A  Series  of  Appeals.  See  Nemo  {Mrs.)^  pseudon.  [i.  e.  Mary 
H.  Roberts],  Vol.  xiii.,  No.  52330. 

A  Scries  of  Articles  on  the  Cuban  Question.  New  Tork. 
1849.    8vo.  79220 

A  Scries  of  Catechisms  ;  otherwise,  Q'Jcamooltoowhwee 
uhkaghkceiidwaukunul  wauk  nurhKootauseakcal,  &c.,  &c.,  &c. 
Toronto:  Printed  by  Thomas  Hugh  Bentley.  1 852.  l6mo,  pp.  16, 
and  covers.  79221 

In  the  Delaware  Indian  language,  Muncey  dialect. 

A  Scries  of  Intercepted  Letters,  captured  by  the  American 
Guard  at  Tacubaya,  August  22,  1847.     Mexico.   1847.     ^vo. 

A  Scries  of  Letters  addressed  to  the  greatest  Politician  in  Eng- 
land:  Containing  a  Description  of  several  Public  Characters;  a 
Defence  of  Sir  George  Saville,  and  of  Lord  Chatham's  Political 
Sentiments,  and  his  Upright,  Spirited,  and  Constitutional  System, 
contrasting  it  with  that  first  formed  by  Lord  Bute,  and  since, 
completed  by  Lord  North.      London:  J.  Almon.    1780.     8vo. 

Thirty  rambling  letters,     Stt  "  Monthly  Review,"  lxiv.  415 
VOL.    XIX.  18 




(    :.' 

A  Scries  of"  Letters,  aiUlrcsscil  to  Thomas  Jcrt't-rson.  See 
Tacitus,  pseii(/ori. 

A  Scries  of  Letters  ami  other  Documents  relating  to  the  late 
Epidemic,  or  Yellow  Fever  in  Maltimore  in  1819.  Hy  a  Ualti- 
niorc  Physician.   ...    /Baltimore.    1H20.     Sm.  8vo,  pp.  211.  i*. 

Series  of  Numbers  on  Prison  Discipline.  From  One  to  Ten. 
[^Philadelphia .    1847.]     ^^"i  PP-  '^-  "•  79^2  5 

A  Series  of  Tables  of  the  several  Branches  of  American  Man- 
ufactures, exhibiting  them  in  every  county  of  the  Union,  so  far 
as  they  are  returned  in  the  Reports  of  the  Marshals  in  the  year 
1 8 10.     IVaihington.    18  lO.     Folio.  W.    79226 

A  I  Series  I  of  I  Wisdom  and  Policy,  |  Manifested  in  a  Review  of 
our  I  Foreign  Negotiations  and  Transactions  |  for  several  Years 
past.  I  [king  a  complete  Answer  to  |  Politicks  on  both  Sides,  &c.  | 
In  a  Letter  to  a  Member  of  the  |  present  Parliament.  | ...  |  London  : 
y.  Roberts.   M  Dcc  xxxv.     8vo,  pp.  73.  ha.,  h.,  s.  79227 

Contains  sonic  rt-ferentL-s  to  the  Wrst  Indies. 

A|Serics|()l  I  Wisdom  I  and  [Policy:  |  being  a  full  |  Justification  | 
of  I  All  Our  Mcasures|  Ever  since  the  Year  1721,  inclusive  }|  and 
especially  |  Of  our  late  Most  Honourable  |  Convention  with  Spain.  | 
...[London:  T.  Cooper.   MDCCXXXix.     8vo,  pp.  52.  B.  79228 

Relates  to  American  and  Spanish  atlairs. 

[Seriman  (Zaccaria).]     Delli  Viaggi  di   P.nrico  Wanton  allc 
Tcrre  Australi.     Nuova   Edizione.    ...    Londra.    1772.     4  vols. 
8vo.  BM.  79229 

"An  ideal  work,  abounding  with  character,  sentiment  and  philosophical  observation." 
— Lowndes.  - 

[Seriman.]  Viages  |  de  Enrique  |  Wanton  |  a  las  Tierras  Incog- 
nitas Australes,  |y  al  pais  de  las  Mcnas;  en  donde  se  expresan  las 
I  costumbres,  caracter,  ciencias,  y  policia  de|estos  extraordinarios 
habitantcs  :  I  Traducidos  del  idioma  Ingles  al  Italiano,  |y  de  este  al 
E.spanol|por  D.  Joaquin  dc  Guzman,  |y  Manrique,  &c.  (...|Con 
Laminas,  que  represcntan  |  algunos  pasages  dc  la  Historia.  |  Con 
las  licencias  necesarias.  |  En  Alcala:  En  la  hnprenta  de  Dona  Maria 
Garcia  \Briones^  Impresora  de  la  Universidad.\Ano  de  1769.  |  8vo, 
pp.  xvi,  175,  (i).  Plates.  +  Tomo  11.  Madrid,  lyji.  8vo, 
pp.  (4),  224.      Plates.  B.,  BM.  79230 

The  third  and  fourth  volumes  have  the  following  title  : 
Suplement6,|0  ea|Tomj  terccro  [Tomo  quarto]  |  dc  los  Viages|dc|Enrique  Wanton  | 



a  rl  pais  He  I.ih  Miiiui,|rn  <li>nde  se  rxpresun  |  iDstumlirci,  car  ictff,  ticm  i.n,  y  policia 
ill  I  est"  extraorilinaridii  h.ilni  1  itcs,  (>ri|(  ii.ido,  y  D.iilo  a  Lui!|(l('  ti'iut  artti|{Ui>a  manuKiri- 
t(i^  InKicitr  I  r<"i  Don  jiia(|uin  <■  (hun^.)n,\y  Manriquc,  i'<c(.|Cun  Lamiius  que  ileDiiirii-  alguno!>  ,M.>,agfa  dcj  la  Hibtiiria.|...|i<,''>  Madrid i  Par  Dc"  Antotii'j  de  iianiba.\/iHo  d* 
1778. 1    1  vulb.,  «vo,  pp.  xix,  (1),  a54j  (4),  183,  ix,  (1).     I»|jte«.     ■.,  bm. 

Tin-  stateinrnt  on  tli'-  titlc-pagct  of  this  edition,  that  thr  work  was  translated  froiri 
l^ri.^li'h  into  Italian,  iii  ix^rhaps  erroneous,  at  it  ia  laid  to  have  been  originally  vtrritten 
and  (iiiMishcd  in  Italian. 

[ShKJMAN.]  Viagt's  de  Enrique  Wanton  a  las  Ticrras  Incog- 
nitas Australcs,  y  al  pai»>  de  las  Monas  :  ...  Traducidos  del  idionia 
Iiiji;lcs  al  It  iliano,  y  de  estc  al  Pspaflol  p*)r  Don  loaqiiii  de  Guz- 
man y  Manrit|uc  ...  .  Madrid^  H.  AV  ra.  1781.  4  vols.,  8vo. 
Plates,    c.    -\- Madrid^  A.  de  Sanchii.    17K1.    4  vols.,  8vo.    Plates. 

[Skriman.]  Viages  de  Enrique  Wanton  al  pais  de  las  Monas. 
Traducidos  del  Ingles  al  Italiano  y  dc  este  al  Espanol  por  I).  G. 
y.  V.  I).  G.  Y.  M.  Con  privilegio.  Madrid-  en  la  I" prenta 
Real.  Am  de  1800.  4  vols.,  24mo,  pp.  xxii,  30O;  (6\  285;  (8), 
34«  \  (4),  305,  (2).      Hliites.  HA.  79232 

[SiiKioNNK  (Jacques  Accarias  de).]  Le  Commerce  dc  la  Hol- 
iande,  on  Tableau  du  Commerce  dcs  Hollandois  dans  les  quatre 
parties  du  Monde.  Par  I'auteur  des  Interets  des  Nations  de 
I'Europe  ...  Amsterdam:  Changuion.    1765-68.     3  vols.,  8vo.    BM. 

[Skri  .NNE.]  Les  Interets  des  Nations  de  I'Europe,  developes 
rclativement  au  Commerce  ...  .  Leyde.  ij^^f'.  2  vols.,  410.  -f 
Leipzich.  1766.  2  vols.,  4to.  BM.  -f  I' .ris  \\.  Q.  Amsterdam^: 
D>:sain.    1767-68.     4  v(ds.,  Svo.  BM.  79234 

[Skrionne.]  La  Richcsse  dc  I'Angleterre,  contenant  les  causes 
de  la  riaissance  i.t  des  progres  de  I'industrie,  du  commerce  et  de  la 
marine  dc  la  Grande-Hrctagne  ...  .  Fienne.,  7-~^'  ^^  Trattnern. 
1771.    4to.  BM.  79235 

[Serionne.]  La  Richesse  de  la  Hollande,  ouvrage  dans  lequel 
on  expose  I'origine  du  commerce  &  de  la  puissance  des  Hollan- 
dois -,  I'accroisscment  successif  de  leur  commerce  &  de  leur  navi- 
gation ;  les  causes  qui  ont  contribue  a  leur  progres,  celles  qui 
tendcnt  a  les  detruire ;  &  les  moyens  qui  peuvent  servir  a  les 
relevcr.  Londres^  aux  depens  de  la  Compagnie.  1 778.  2  vols.,  4to, 
pp.  xvi,  384;  (4),  372,  (8).  +  Nouvelle  edition,  revue  et  aug- 
mentec  [by  £lie  Luzac  and  Fr.  Bernard].  Londres  [i.  e.  Hol- 
land^^  aux  depens  de  la  Compagnie.    1 778.     5  vols.,  i2mo.     79236 

Corrected  title  of  No.  48905,  Vol.  xn. 




f  ^  .^A 



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IL25  mo  1.4 








WEBSTER,  N.Y.  145M 

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■i.i;  k 


i'i  ii 

Serious  Address  to  all  Serious  Christians,  on  the  Necessity  or 
uniting  their  Supplications,  on  account  of  our  National  Sins  and 
Calamities.      London.   [177-?]     8vo.  79^37 

Written  in  consequence  of  the  dissensions  between  England  and   the  American  colo- 
nies.    Title  and  note  from  an  auction  catalogue. 

A  Serious  Address  to  Lay-Methodists.  iS"^^  [Grrey  (Z.)],  Vol. 
VII.,  No.  28793,  ^^^  ^"•'  '"iprint  and  collation  add:  London: 
Printed/or  William  Russel.   m.dcc.xlv.     8vo,  pp.  (2),  29. 

A  I  Serious  I  Address,  I  To  Such  of  the  Inhabitants  of  [Pennsyl- 
vania, |  As  have  cannived  \jic\  at,  or  do  approve  of,  the  |  late  Mas- 
sacre of  the  Indians  at  Lancaster ;  |  or  the  Design  of  killing  those 
who  are  |  now  in  the  Barracks  at  Philadelphia.  |  Philadelphia :  \ 
Printed  \_hy  Jnthony  Jrmbruster]/or  the  yfuthot\  1764.  |  l6mo,  pp. 
12.  H.s.p.  79239 

A  Serious  |  Address,  |  To  such  of  the  Inhabitants  of  j  Pennsyl- 
vania, I  as  have  connived  at,  or  do  approve  of,  the  |  late  Massacre 
of  the  Indians  at  Lancaster,  |  or  the  Design  of  killing  those  who 
are  now  |  in  the  Barracks  at  Philadelphii..  |  Re-printed  from  the 
First  Edition  (printed  by  Mr.  |  Armbluster)  [5/V]  and  diligently 
compared  and  revised  with  |  the  same.  |  Philadelphia :  (  Printed  hy 
Andrew  Steuart^  at  the  \  Bible-in-Heart^  in  Second-street^  ^  764-1 
Sm.  8vo,  pp.  8.  p.  79240 

This  title  and  the  one  preceding  were  furnished  by  Mr,  Hildeburn, 

A  Serious  Address,  To  such  of  the  Inhabitants  of  Pennsyl- 
vania, As  have  connived  at,  or  do  approve  of,  the  late  Massacre 
of  the  Indians  at  Lancaster,  or  the  Design  of  killing  those  who 
are  now  in  the  Barracks  at  Philadelphia.  Re-printed  from  the 
First  Edition  (printed  by  Mr.  Ambrister)  and  diligently  compared 
and  revised  with  the  same.  (Price,  two  old  Pennies.)  Philadel- 
phia :  Printed  by  Andrew  Steuart^  at  the  Bible-in- Heart  in  Second- 
Street^  1764.    Sm.  8vo,  pp.  8.  79241 

Title  from  Field's  "  Essay  towards  an  Indian  Bibliography,"  No.  854. 

A  Serious  |  Address,  |  To  such  of  the  |  Inhabitants  of  Pennsyl- 
vania, I  As  have  connived  at,  or  do  approve  of,  the  late  |  Massacre 
of  the  Indians  at  Lancaster  j  or  the  |  Design  of  killing  those  who 
are  now  in  the  Bar- [racks  at  Philadelphia.  [The  Demand  for  this 
Piece  has  been  so  great,  that  this  Fourth  [  Edition  is  call'd  for  in 
a  few  Days!  |  To  which  is  now  annexed, |  A  Dialogue  between  [ 
Andrew  Trueman  and  Thomas  Zealot,  (  About  the  killing  the 
Indians  at  Conncstogoe  and  Lancaster.  |  (An  Excellent  Piece  j) 



[f/t.]  I  Philadelphia :   Printed  by  Andrew  Steuart^  in  |  Second-street. 
M,Dtc,Lxiv.|    Sm.  8vo,  pp.  8.  p.  79242 

Title  furnished  by  Mr.  Hildeburn. 

A  Serious  I  Address  I  to  |  Such  of  the  People  called  |  Quakers,  | 
Oil  the  Continent  of  North-America,  |  As  profess  Scruples  rela- 
tive to  the  Present  Government :  |  Exhibiting  |  The  ancient  real 
Testimony  of  that  People,  concerning  |  Obedience  to  Civil  Au- 
thority. |  Written  before  the  Departure  of  the  British  Army]  from 
Philadelphia,  1778.]  By  a  Native  of  Pennsylvania.  |  To  which  are 
added,  for  the  information  of  all  rational  |  Enquirers,  |  An  Ap- 
pendix, I  consisting  of  |  Extracts  from  an  Essay  concerning  Obedi- 
ence I  to  the  Supreme  Powers,  and  the  Duty  of  Subjects  in  all  | 
Revolutions,  published  in  England  soon  after  the  Revolu-|tion  of 
1688.  I  Philadelphia :  \  Printed  by  R.  Bell,  next  Door  to  St.  Paul's 
Church,  Third-street.  |  M.DCC.LXxviii.  |  8vo,  Advertisement  i 
page,  Introduction  pp.  (3),  title  i  leaf,  pp.  1-4 1,  Advertisement 
I  page,  Note  i  leaf.  h.s.p.  79243 

By  Isaac  Grey.  It  has  been  stated  that  the  {l^uaker.i  bought  up  this  edition  in  order 
to  suppress  it.  For  this  reason  it  was  reprinted  in  the  same  year  at  the  expense  of  Mr. 
Ebenezer  Hazard,  for  the  title  of  which  edition  see  Vol.  vii.,  No.  28790,  or  Hildeburn'3 
"Issues  of  the  Press  in  Pennsylvania,"  No.  3713. 

Serious  Address  to  the  Candid  Members  of  the  Methodist 
Communion.     By  a  Member.     New  Tork.   1792.     i2mo. 

A  Serious  Address  to  the  Clergy ;  By  a  Minister  of  the  Church 
of  England.  ...  Lately  Published  in  London;  Boston,  N.  E.  Re- 
printed by  D.  Fowle.    1756.     8vo,  pp.  14.  M.,  w.  79245 

By  Philanthropos,  pseudon.     Improved  title  of  No.  62430,  Vol.  xv. 

A  Serious  |  Address  |  to  the  |  Inhabitants  |  of  the  Colony  of  |  New- 
York,  I  Containing  a  full  and  minute  Survey  of  the  |  Boston-Port 
Act,  Calculated  to  |  excite  our  Inhabitants  to  conspire,  with  the 
other  I  Colonies  on  this  Continent,  in  extricating  that  |  unhappy 
Town  from  its  unparalleled  Distresses,  |  and  for  the  actual  Re- 
demption, and  Security  of  |  our  general  Rights  and  Liberties.  | 
New-Tork  :\  Printed  by  John  Holt,  in  Dock-Street,  near  the  Cojfee- 

//««X^.  JM,DCC,LXXIV.  I      4tO,  pp.    14,  (6).  BA.,  C,  N.,  P.   79246 

By  "a  Citizen  of  New- York.  June  nth,  1774."  The  appendix  contains  the  Port 
Act  and  Lord  Camden's  speech. 

A  Serious  Address  to  the  Members  of  the  Episcopal  Separation 
in  New  England,  being  an  attempt  to  settle  these  three  points, 
I.  Whether  the  Inhabitants  of  the  British  Plantations  in  America 

\  111 



'  I 









are  obliged  to  conform  to  the  Prelatic  Church,  &c.   ...   Boiton. 
1748.    8vo.  79247 

A I  Serious  Address  I  to  the  |  Rulers  of  America,  |  on  the  Incon- 
sistency of  their  Conduct  respecting  |  Slavery :  |  Forming  a  Con- 
trast I  Between  the  Encroachments  of  England  on  |  American 
Liberty,  j and  |  American  Injustice  in  tolerating  Slavery.  | ...  |  Tren- 
ton :  J  Printed  by  Isaac  Collins.  \  m.dcc.lxxxiii.  |    8vo,  pp.  22.     ba. 

Signed  "A  Farmer,"  and  dated  February,  1783. 

A  Serious  Address  to  the  Rulers  of  America,  on  the  Inconsist- 
ency of  their  Conduct  respecting  Slavery ;  Forming  a  Contrast 
betvi^een  the  Encroachments  of  England  on  American  Liberty, 
and  American  Injustice  in  tolerating  Slavery.  Trenton:  Printed, 
London:  Reprinted  by  J.  Phillips.    1783.     8vo,  pp.  24.  c,  p. 

Signed:  "A  Farmer." 

A  Serious  Address  to  the  Rulers  of  America,  on  the  Inconsist- 
ency of  their  Conduct  respecting  Slavery :  Forming  a  Contrast 
between  the  Encroachments  of  England  on  American  Liberty 
and  American  Injustice  in  tolerating  Slavery.  By  a  Farmer. 
[^Liverpool :'\  Printed  in  the  Tear  M.  Dcc.  Lxxxiv.     8vo,  pp.  22. 

A  Serious  Address  to  those  who  ...  frequent  the  Tavern.  See 
[Mather  (C.)],  Vol.  xi..  No.  46500. 

A I  Serious  and  Earnest  |  Address  |  to  the  |  Gentry,  Clergy,  and 
the  other  |  Inhabitants  |  of  the  British  Nation.  |  Also,  |  A  Faithful 
and  Pathetic  Expostu-|lation  to  the  Women.  |  From  a  Pamphlet 
lately  published  in  London.  |  In  which  is  shewn  what  is  in  the 
Power  I  of  the  several  Ranks  of  People,  and  of  |  every  individual 
Person,  to  do  towards  |  securing  the  State  from  its  Enemies.  |  Pub- 
lished for  the  Benefit  of  the  Inhabitants  of  New  |  England,  to 
whom  it  is  |  Dedicated  by  a  Lover  thereof.  |  Boston :  Printed  and 
Sold  by  Rogers  and  Fowle  in  ^ueen-\  Street  next  to  the  Prison.  1 746.  j 
8vo,  pp.  16.  BA.  79251 

Serious  and  Impartial  Observations  on  the  Blessings  of  Liberty 
and  Peace.  Addressed  to  Persons  of  all  Parties.  Inviting  them 
also  to  enter  into  that  Grand  Association,  which  is  able  to  secure 
the  safety  and  happiness  of  the  British  Empire.  By  a  Clergyman 
of  Leicestershire.  London :  IV.  Oliver,  mdcclxxvi.  8vo,  pp. 
iv,  102.  79252 

"  Apparently  the  work  uf  a  well-dispused,  religious  uld   man;   but   his  ubscrvatioiiii 
are  generally  trite,  superficial,  and  unimportant." — Monibly  Re-view,  lvi.  406. 




A  Serious  Appeal.     See  Vol.  vi.,  No.  22767. 

A  I  Serious  Call*  |  From  the  |  City  to  the  Country,  |  To  join 
them,  in  this  critical  Junc-|turc,  in  setting  a-part  some  Time  for  | 
solemn  seeking  of  God,  viz.  from] seven  to  eight  in  the  Morning 
of  every  |  Lord's  Day,  and  of  every  Wednesday.  |  [Colophon  :  j 
Portsmouth:  Printed  and  Sold  hy  D.  Fowle.   1757.     8vo,  pp.  8.     N. 

"■•This  Call  is  formed  on  the  Plan  of  a  Paper  publi';h(;d  at  London  in  the 
17 1 2,  and  adapted  to  our  present  Circumstances."     Title  furnished  by  Mr.  Keltiy. 

A  Serious  I  Call  [in  I  Christian  Love  |  to  all  |  People,  |  To  turn  to 
the  I  Spirit  of  Christ  |  in  themselves  ;  |  That  they  may  come  to  have 
a  right  Understanding  of  the  |  Things  of  Ciod,  and  be  enabled 
thereby  to  serve  him  |  acceptably :  With  some  Observations  on 
the  following  |  Heads;  |  i.  The  Universality  |  of  God's  Love  in  | 
sending  His  Son  to  |  die  for  all  Men.  |  2.  The  Holy  Scrip- [turcs.  j 
3,  Worship,  j  4.  Baptism.  1 5.  The  Supper.  1 6.  Perfection.  |  7.  The 
Resurrection,  j  8.  Swearing.  | ...  \  Philadelphia :  \  Printed  by  Joseph 
Cruhhank,  in  |  Market-street  between  Second  |  and  Third-streets,  j 
[1784?]    8vo,  pp.  58.  H.s.P.  79254 

By  Benjamin  Hoimc.     Title  from  Hildeburn. 

A  Serious  Call,  or  Masonry  Revealed  ;  being  an  address  pre- 
pared by  order  of  the  Anti-Masonic  Convention,  Held  at  Wood- 
stock, (Con.)  on  the  Anniversary  of  the  Death  of  William  Mor- 
gan. To  the  Citizens  of  Connecticut.  Boston :  R.  I.  Bacon^ 
Printer.    1829.     8vo,  pp.  37.  w.  79255 

A  Serious  Call  |  to  the  |  Quakers,  |  Inviting  them  to  Return  to  | 
Christianity.  |  By  a  Friend.  |  Third  edition.  |  London  printed :  Boston^ 
Re-printed  and  Sold  by  T.  Green^  in  Middle-street.,  ^709-  ^^o,  pp. 
16.  79256 

By  George  Keith.  First  edition  :  London  :  Printed  for  fV.  Ilaius,  at  the  Rose,  in 
Ludgate  Street.  1700.  Folio,  I  sheet.  The  second  ediJon,  with  the  addition  of  a 
"note  to  the  reader,"  appeared  in  the  same  year  with  the  imprint:  \_London  :^  Sold  hy 
B.  Aylmer,  at  the  three  Pidgeons,  in  Cornhill ;  and  C.  Brome,  at  the  Gun,  at  the  fVeU-end 
of  St.  Paul'i  Churchyard.  1700.  Folio,  I  sheet.  For  a  reply  entitled  "A  Serious 
Examination,"  see  [Whitehead  (George).] 

A  Serious  Call  to  those  without  the  pale  of  the  Episcopal 
Church.     By  a  consistent  Churchman,    [n.  p.   18 — ?]    8vo. 

The  Serious  Christian.     See  [Mather  (C.)],  Vol.  xi.  46501. 

A  Serious  Comedy:  "Our  National  Finances."  New  Tork : 
Published  for  the  Author.,  Feby  15/^,  1 864.     i2mo,  pp.  36. 

A  \- 





Serious  Considerations  addressed  to  the  Electors  of  New-Jersey 
concerning  the  choice  of  Members  of  the  Legislature  for  the 
ensuing  Year.     [n.  p.    1803.]    8vo,  pp.  16.  ba.  79259 

Serious  Considerations  on  Absolute  Predestination.  See  [Wes- 
ley (John)]. 

Serious  |  Considerations  |  On  several  Important  |  Subjects  ;  viz.  | 
On  War  and  its  Inconsistency  with  the  |  Gospel.  |  Observations 
on  Slavery.  |  And  |  Remarks  on  the  Nature  and  bad  Effects  of  | 
Spirituous  Liquors.  | ...  |  Philadelphia :  |  Printed  by  ""Joseph  Crukshank 
...(...  1778. 1     Sm.  8vo,  pp.  48.  79260 

By  Anthony  Benezet.     Improved  title  of  No.  4680,  Vol.  11. 

Serious  Considerations  on  the  Election  of  a  President.  See 
[Linn  (W.)],  Vol.  x.,  No.  41347. 

Serious  |  Considerations  |  on  the  |  Present  State  |  of  the  |  Affairs  | 
of  the  I  Northern  Colonies,  |  New-Tor k :  \  Printed  for  the  Author. 
1754. 1    8vo,  pp.  24.  B.,  w.  79261 

By  Archibald  Kenn.dy.  Corrected  title  of  No.  37394,  Vol.  ix.  The  London  edition 
is  the  only  one  that  contains  the  author's  name  on  the  title. 

A  Serious  Examination  of  George  Keith's  ...  Serious  Call. 
See  [Whitehead  (George)]. 

A  Serious  Expostulation  with  the  Members  of  the  House  of 
Representatives  of  the  United  States.  Philadelphia :  Printed  in 
the  Tear  M.DCC.xciii.     Sm.  8vo,  pp.  16.  H.  79262 

Signed :  "Warner  Mifflin."     For  other  editions  see  Vol.  xii.,  No.  48897. 

Serious  Facts,  opposed  to  "  Serious  Considerations :"  Or,  the 
Voice  of  Warning  to  Religious  Republicans.  [New  Tork?^ 
1800.    8vo,  pp.  16.  c,  c.  79263 

Signed:  "Marcus  Brutus."     Improved  title  of  No.  35932,  Vol.  ix. 

Serious  Questions.  See  [Sargent  (John  T.)],  Vol.  xviii.,  No. 

Serious  Reflections  affectionately  recom- 1  mended  to  the  Well- 
disposed  of  every  |  Religious  Denomination,  particularly  |  those 
who  mourn  and  lament  on  ac-|  count  of  the  Calamities  which 
attend  |  us  ;  and  the  insensibility  that  so  gene- 1  rally  prevails,  | 
[Philadelphia.    1775?]     Sm.  8vo,  pp.  3.  79264 

By  Anthony  Benezet.     Title  from  Hildeburn.     Other  editions  as  follows : 

ii  ;) 


w^f^^mimm  wp  wn  III  .  I  Klin 




Serious  Reflections  affectionately  rccommen«le(l  |  to  the  Well- 
disposed  of  every  Religious  l)e-|  nomination,  particularly  those 
who  Mourn  |  and  Lament  on  account  of  the  Calamities  |  which 
attend  us;  and  the  insensibility  that  |  so  generally  prevails.  |  [^Phil- 
adelphia. 1777?]  Sm.  8vo,  pp.  4.  4-  [Philadelphia.  1 778?] 
Sm.  8vo,  pp.  4-     -f-  [Philadelphia.    1780?]     Sm.  8vo,  pp.  4. 

By  Antliony  Benezet.  See  Hildchurn's  "  Isiucs  of  tlie  Press  in  Pennsylvania,"  Nos. 
35H.  367S1  "X'i  39yo- 

Serious  Reflections  during  the  Life  and  Surprising  Adventures 
of  Robinson  Crusoe  :  with  his  vision  of  the  Angclick  World. 
Written  by  himself.     London.    1720.     8vo,  pp.  270,  84.     79266 

Serious  Reflections  on  the  Times.  A  Poem.  By  a  Minister 
of  the  Gospel.      Philadelphia :  James  Chattin.    1757.     8vo. 

Title  from  Hildeburn. 

Serious  Thoughts  on  a  late  Administration.  See  [Jones  (Cave)], 
Vol.  IX.,  No.  36463. 

Serious  Thoughts  on  the  Traffick  in  and  Use  of  Distilled 
Spirituous  Liquors  ;  with  a  few  Remarks  by  Dr.  Rush.  New 
York.    1 813.     i2mo.  79268 

[Serle  (Ambrose).]  Americans  against  Liberty :  |  Or,  An  | 
Essay  on  the  Nature  and  Principles  |  of  |  True  Freedom,  |  Shewing 
that  the  Designs  and  Conduct  |  of  the  Americans  tend  only  |  to  | 
Tyranny  and  Slavery.  |  ...  |  London:  J.  Mathews,  mdcclxxv. 
8vo,  pp.  64.  +  The  Second  Edition,  with  Additions.  ...  London: 
James  Mathews.  1776.  8vo,  pp.  44.  H.  +  The  Third  Edition. 
[Ibid.']   1776.    8vo,  pr.  48.  BA.  79269 

"The  author  is  an  able  advocate  for  the  British  claims." — Monthly  Review,  liii.  351. 

Serment  (J.  H.)  La  Question  des  Negres  et  la  Reconstruc- 
tion du  Sud  aux  £tats-Unis.  Par  J.  H.  Serment.  Meeting  du 
29  Mars  1866  et  Rapport  du  Comite  Genevois  en  faveur  des 
esclaves  affranchis.  Geneve :  Imprimerie  de  Jules-Guillaume  Pick. 
1866.    8vo,  pp.  (4),  155,  (i).  BA.  79270 

Serment.  Sur  une  Gravure,  Stances.  A  Abraham  Lincoln. 
Par  J.  H.  Serment.     Paris:  Ch.  Meyrueis.  [1865.]    8vo,  pp.  32. 

Suggested  by  a  picture  of  negro  slaves  pursued  by  bloodhounds,  painted  by  M.  Bicard. 
The  verses  are  dated  December,  1864,  and  the  preface  October,  1865. 

A  Sermon  :   By  a  Layman,     See  [Ward  (W.  J.)] 


\'.  '.V^'-'-^'^'^'^'^ilf 



I'  I 

li  u 


A     f 


A  Sermon  delivered  before  the  Boston  Episcopal  Charitable 
Society.     See  [Seabury]  (S.),  No.  78577,  supra. 

A  Sermon  for  December  15,  1796.  See  [Freeman  (James)], 
Vol.  VII.,  No.  25765, 

A  Sermon  in  Marlborough.     See  [Kent  (B.)],  Vol.  ix.  37467. 

Sermon  in  which  the  Question  of  War.  iSV^  [McKean  (Jos.)], 
Vol.  XI.,  No.  43376. 

A  Sermon  of  a  New  Kind,  Never  preached,  nor  ever  will  be ; 
Containing  a  Collection  of  Doctrines,  belonging  to  the  Hopkin- 
tonian  Scheme  of  Orthodoxy ;  or  the  Marrow  of  the  Most  Mod- 
ern Divinity.  And  an  Address  to  the  Unregenerate,  agreeable  to 
the  Doct.  nes.  New-Haven:  Printed  by  T.  and  S.  Green.  [1769.] 
i2mo,  pp.  28.  79272 

By  Rev.  William  Hart,  minister  of  the  First  Cungregat'ional  Church  in  Saybruok, 
Connecticut.  Title  from  F.  B.  Dexter's  "  Biographical  Sketches  of  the  Graduates  ot 
Yale  College,"  p.  456. 

A  I  Sermon  |  on  |  Tea.  | ...  |  [Cut.]  | ...  |  Lancaster :  |  Printed  by 
Francis  Bailey.  \  [1774?]     8vo,  pp.  8.  C,  79273 

Title  from  Hildeburn. 

A  Sermon  on  the  Capture  of  Lord  Cornwallis.  See  Vol.  iv.. 
No.  1 68 1 6. 

A I  Sermon  |  on  the  |  Evacuation  |  of  |  Charlestown.  |  By  an  iEthi- 
opian.  I  Philadelphia :  \  Printed  for  the  Author.,  and  Sold  by  Will, 
IVoodhouse^  \  in  Front-street.,  next  Door   to   the  Old  Coffee-  House.  \ 

M.DCC.LXXXIII.  I      8vo,  pp.    16.  N.   79274 

Title  trom  Hildeburn. 

A  I  Sermon,  |  On  the  Present  Situation  of  |  the  Affairs  of  | 
America  |  and  |  Great-Britain.  |  Written  by  a  Black,  |  And  printed 
at  the  Request  of  several  Persons  of  |  distinguished  Characters.  | 
Philadelphia :  \  Printed  by  T.  Bradford  and  P.  Hall.  \  M,  Dcc,  Lxxxii. 
8vo,  pp.  II.  BA.,  J.C.B.,  79275 

A  Sermon  on  the  Resurrection  of  our  Lord.  Preached  Easter- 
Sunday,  from  John  xi.  25.    Philadelphia :  Andrew  Bradford.  1742. 

Title  from  Hildeburn. 

A  Sermon  preached  at  a  Service.  See  [Riley  (T.  M.)],  Vol. 
XVII.,  No.  71402. 




A  Sermon  Preached  at  Litchfield.  1770.  See  [Andrews 
(Samuel)],  Vol.  i.,  No.  1512. 

A  Sermon  preached  at  Northampton.  See  [Dwight  (T.)],  Vol. 
VI.,  No.  21556. 

A  Sermon  preached  at  Plimmoth  in  ...  1621.  See  [Cushman 
(R.)],  Vol.  v.,  No.  18 132. 

The  Sermon  preached  at  St.  Philip's  Church.  See  [Gadsden 
(C.  E.)],  Vol.  VII.,  No.  26290. 

A  Sermon,  preached  at  the  Anniversary  Meeting  of  the  Planter's 
Society,  in  the  Parish  of  St.  David,  on  Great  Pe  Dee,  August  the 
7th,  1769.  ...  Charles-Town  :  Printed  by  Charles  Crouch^  at  his 
Printing-office  in  Elliott-street.    1769.     8vo,  pp.  13.     H.,  P.  79277 

Abounds  in  anti-ministerial  exprcssiuns. 

A  Sermon  preached  at  the  King's-Chappel  in  Boston,  N.  E. 
at  a  Convention  of  Episcopal  Ministers  ...  1726.  Boston: 
MDCCxxxiii.    Sm.  i2mo,  pp.  14.  h.  79278 

A  I  Sermon  |  Preached  before  |  The  House  of  Lords,  |  in  the  | 
Abbey  Church  |  of  |  Westminster,  |  On  Monday,  January  30, 
1769.  J  Being  the  Day  appointed  to  be  observed  as  the  Day  j  of 
the   Martyrdom   of  King   Charles  i.  |  By  the    Right    Reverend 

Father  in  God 
London  Printed 

Charles  [Moss]  Lord  Bishop  of  St.  David's.  | 
Philadelphia :  Re-printed^  and  sold  by  "Joseph  |  Cruk- 
shank^  in  Second-street^  two  Doors  below  |  the  Corner  of  Chestnut- 
street.   1769. 1     8vo,  pp 


Title  from  Hildeburn. 

H.S.P.   79279 

A  Sermon  preached  before  the  ...  Society  for  the  Propagation 
of  the  Gospel.      See  Society. 

A  Sermon  preached  December  13,  1776,  being  the  Fast  day 
on  account  of  the  troubles  in  America,  in  a  Country  Church. 
London :  Almon.    1776.     8vo.  79280 

"This  discourse  wears  the  appearance  of  a  political  pamphlet  in  favor  of  the  Ameri- 
cans, rather  than  a  sermon  actually  preaciied  in  any  Church." — Monthly  Review,  Lvi. 
79.     Perhaps  the  same  as  the  following  title  : 

American  Resistance  Indefensible.  A  Sermon  p-eached  on  Friday,  December  13, 
1776,  being  the  day  appointed  for  a  Geneial  Fast.  By  a  Country  Curate.  London:  H, 
Gardner.   [1776.]     4to,  pp.  z6.     j.c.B.     Corrected  title  of  No.  121 1,  Vol.  i. 

A I  Sermon,  |  Preached  in  Christ-Church,  Dover  ;  |  before  |  the  | 
General  Communication  |  of  |  Free  and  Accepted  |  Masons  |  of  the  j 







Delaware  State  :  |  On  Wednesday,  December  27th,  1780.  [Being 
the  I  Anniversary  |  of  |  St.  John  the  Evangelist.  |  Philadelphia :  | 
Printed  by  DaviaC.  Claypoole.  \m.dcc.l\x\i.\  8vo,  pp.  16.    H.s.p. 

By  Samuel  Mjgaw.     Title  frum  Hildeburn. 

A  Sermon  preached  in  Mollis  Street  Church  in  Boston,  ... 
April  1 6th,  1837.  The  Spire  of  the  Church  having  been  struck 
by  Lightning  on  the  8th  of  the  Month.  Boston.  1837.  8vo,  pp. 
17.  79282 

Probahly  by  the  Rev.  John  Pierpont,  the  pattor  of  the  church. 

A  I  Sermon,  I  Preached  in  |  Radnor  Church,  |  on  |  Thursday,  the 
7th  of  January  1747.  |  Being  the  Day  appointed  by  the  |  President 
and  Council  of  the  I  Province  of  Pennsylvania,  |  To  be  observed 
as  a  I  General  Fast.  |  By  a  Presbyter  of  the  Church  of  England.  | 
Philadelphia :  |  Printed  and  Sold  by  Benjamin  Franklin^  \  and  David 
Hall.  MDCcxLViii.  I    8vo,  pp.  23.  c.  79283 

By  William  Currie. 

A  Sermon  preached  in  St.  James's  Church.  See  [Seabury]  (S.), 
No.  78579,  supra. 

A  Sermon  preached  on  Thanksgiving  Day,  Containing  some 
thoughts  on  War,  and  on  the  Relations  of  the  Church  to  the 
State.     New  Tork :  John  F.  TroWy  Printer.   1864.     i6mo,  pp.  20. 

By  the  Rev.  A,  B.  Hart. 

A  Sermon  preached  to  the  Central  Church  ...  in  Worcester. 
See  [Sweetser  (S.)] 

Sermon.  The  Question  of  War  with  Great  Britain  examined 
upon  Moral  and  Christian  Principles.  ...  Boston:  Printed  by  Snell- 
ing  and  Simons.    1 808.     8vo,  pp.  14.  ba.  79285 

By  the  Rev.  Joseph  McKean.     Corrected  title  of  No.  43376,  Vol.  xi. 

A  Sermon  to  Contrabands,    [n.  p.   186-?]    8vo,  pp.  8.        b. 

A  Sermon  to  Swine:  from  Luke  xv.  16.  "And  he  fain  would 
have  filled  his  Belly  with  the  Husks  that  the  Swine  did  eat." 
Containing  a  concise,  but  sufficient  Answer  to  General  Allen's 
Oracles  of  Reason.  By  Common  Sense,  a.m.  Litchfield: 
Printed  by  Thomas  Collier^  near  the  Court- House.  1787.  i2mo, 
pp.  40.  79287 

For  another  edition  see  Vol.  xiv.,  No.  57424. 

A  Sermon  to  the  Bucks  and  Hinds  of  America.  In  imitation 
of  a   Pamphlet   entitled   "Sermons   to  Asses  —  and  another  to 



Doctors  of  Divinity."     Philadelphia:  Printed  for  the  Author  ^  1788. 
8vo.  792S8 

Str  the  '*  IVnnsylvania  Magazine,"  vi.,  t^t,. 

Sermons  delivered  diirin}!;  the  Second  Plenary  Council  of  Balti- 
more, October,  1866,  and  Pastoral  Letter  of  The  Hierarchy  of 
the  United  States;  together  with  the  Papal  Rescript  and  Letters 
of  Convocation  ;  a  complete  list  of  Dignitaries  and  Officers  of 
the  Council,  and  an  Introductory  Notice.  Baltimore :  Kelly  iff 
Piet.   1866.     iimo,  pp.  liv,  244.     36  Plates.  c.  79289 

Sermons,  first  published  in  the  Providence  Gazette.  Hartford. 
18 16.     24mo,  pp.  48.  79290 

Sermons  on  Miscellaneous  Subjects,  by  the  Bishops  of  the 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  and  the  Senior  Preachers  of  the 
Ohio  and  North  Ohio  Conferences.  Cincinnati.  1847.  i2mo, 
pp.  456.     Portrait.  c.  79291 

Sermons  on  Particular  Occasions.  See  [Freeman  (James)], 
Vol.  VII.,  No.  25767. 

Sermons  on  Sacramental  Occasions  by  Divers  Ministers.  Bos- 
ton :  Printed  by  f.  Draper^  for  D,  Henchman  in  Cjrnhill.  M ucc- 
xxxix.    8vo,  pp.  (4),  vii,  (i),  275.  b.  yqigi 

By  Gilbert  Tenneiit,  Satnuel  Blair,  and  William  Tennent. 

Sermons  on  some  of  the  Distinguishing  Doctrines  of  Divine 
Revelation  ;  collected  from  a  number  of  Ministers,  in  the  North- 
ern States  of  America.  Vol.  11.  Stockbridge :  Elijah  Kingsley. 
1812.    8vo,  pp.  322,  6.  H.  79293 

Sermons  on  some  of  the  distinguishing  Doctrines  of  Divine 
Revelation  ;  collected  from  a  number  of  Ministers,  in  the  North- 
ern States  of  America.  Stockbridge.  1 8 14.  8vo,  pp.  232,  Sub- 
scribers names  6.  79^94 

Sermons  on  various  important  Doctrines  and  Duties  of  the 
Christian  Religion ;  selected  from  the  mss.  of  several  Ministers, 
Members  of  the  Northern  Association,  in  the  County  of  Hamp- 
shire.    Northampton,    1799.     8vo,  pp.  448.  79^95 

Sermons,  |  or,  |  Declarations,!  Made  |  by  some  of  the  |  Ancient 
Preachers  |  amongst  the  |  People  called  Quakers,  |  viz.  |  Stephen 
Crisp.  I  William  Dewsbury.  |  William  Penn.  &c.  |  Taken  in  Short 
Hand,  as  they  were  delivered  |  by  them.  |  Philadelphia :  \  Printed  and 





sold  hy  John  Dunlapy  on  the  \  south  side  of  Market-Street ^  the  third \ 
Door  be/fjw  Second-Street.   MUCCLXViii.|     izmo,  pp.  71.         79 296 

Title  from  Hililrburn. 

Sermons,  Preached  at  the  Church  of  St.  Paul  the  Apostle, 
New  York,  During  the  Year  1863.  N^ew  fori:  D.  (if  J.  Sadlier. 
1864.     i2mo,  pp.  377.  79297 

Sermons  preached  at  the  Church  of  St.  Paul  the  Apostle,  New 
York,  during  the  years  !865  and  1866.  New  York:  L.  Kehoe. 
1867.  i2mo,  pp.  440.  c.  -j- Third  Edition.  New- Tor k :  The 
Catholic  Publication  House,   [n.  d.]     i2mo,  pp.  440.  H.  79298 

Sermons  Preached  at  the  Dedication  of  the  Broadway  Taber- 
nacle, New  York,  Sunday,  April  24,  1859.  i.  The  Prominence 
of  the  Atonement.  By  Prof.  Kdwards  A.  Park,  n.D.  11.  The 
Assembly  of  Christians  the  Temple  of  God.  By  Richard  S. 
Storrs,  Jr.,  d.d.  hi.  Preaching  the  Gospel  the  Grand  Function 
of  the  Minister.  By  Jos.  P.  Thompson,  ij.d.  To  which  is  added. 
Historical  Sketches  of  the  Tabernacle,  and  a  formal  Dedication 
of  the  House.     New  Tork :  N.  A.  Calkins.    1859.     8vo,  pp.  96. 

Sermons  preached  in  Boston  on  ...  Abraham  Lincoln.  See 
Vol.  X.,  No.  41230. 

Sermons  to  Asses.      See  [Murray  (James)],  Vol.  xii.  5 1509. 

Sermons  to  Children.  To  which  are  added  Short  Hymns  suited 
to  the  subjects.  By  a  Lady.  Composed  for  the  New- York 
Widow's  Society.  Morris-Town :  Printed  hy  Henry  P.  Russell. 
18 15.     24mo,  pp.  87,  (i).  79300 

Sermons  to  Gentlemen.     See  [Rush  (B.)],  Vol.  xviii.  74240. 

Sermons  to  Ministers  of  State.  See  [Murray  (James)],  Vol. 
XII.,  No.  51511. 

Serna  (Juan).  Elogio  del  Beato  Felipe  de  Jesus,  Mexicano. 
...  Mexico^  por  Cnlderon.    1652.     4to.  79301 

Serna.  Sermon  del  Santisimo  Sacramento  de  la  Eucaristia.  ... 
Mexico^  por  Calderon.    1655.    410.  79302 

Titles  from  Beristain. 

Serna  (Juan  Perez  de  la).  Epistola  Reverendissimis  Patribus 
et  Comprovincialibus,  Capitulis  Ecclesiarum  Cathedralium,  Pare- 



chis  et  Univcrso  statui  F.rclcsiastico  Pioviiuijr  Mixitaiiir.     Alfx- 
k't^  apud  yoanmm  Rtiiz'tum.    1621.     Folio.  79J03 

"Cull  ritJ  iitrtit  puliliio  iin|iiL-so  por  l.i  ve/  primrra  laa  .ictat  y  Hccrrtob  drl  tetter 
Ci>ticllio  niexicanu,  tjuc  >c  \\.\h\.\  iclelirado  en  15K5," — UtmrrAiN.  'I'liia  work  in 
priibalily  the  name  at  uur  No.  7633a,  Vol.  xviii. 

Serna.  Sermon  prcdicado  en  las  Fiestas  de  la  Hcatificacion  dc 
S.  Francisco  Xavicr.  ...  Mexico^  por  Diego  Garrido.    1621.     4to. 

The  Serpent  Uncoiled  :  or  a  Full  Length  Picture  of  Univcrsal- 
ism.  Hy  a  Western  Layman.  Philadelphia,  [1846.]  iHmo, 
pp.  108.  79305 

Serqueira  (Thomas  Jose  Pinto  de).  Codigo  tlo  proccsso 
criminal  de  primeira  instancia  do  imperio  do  Hrasil,  com  a  dispu- 
si^clo  provisoria  acerca  da  administra^*i\o  d''  justi^^i  civil ;  seguido 
da  lei  de  3  de  Dezembro  de  1841,  e  regulamcntos  para  a  sua  exe- 
cu<^<1o  de  31  de  Janeiro  e  15  de  Mar^o  de  1842  :  contendo  muitas 
notas,  nas  quaes  se  mostram  as  altera^'oes  ({uc  pela  citada  lei  tive- 
ram  muitos  artigos  do  mesmo  codigoj  e  se  transcreve  a  summa  das 
Icis  e  decisoes  do  governo,  declarando  como  se  devem  entender 
muitas  das  suas  disposi^oes.  Terceira  edicflo,  muito  mais  corr^-'cta 
c  augmentada.  ...  Rio  de  "Janeiro^  "^yp'  Episcopal  de  Agostinho  de 
Freitas  Guimardes  &  C".  1853.  iimo,  pp.  (8),  300.  -\-  ^uarta 
edi^ao.  Rio  de  'Janeiro,^  "^yp-  Episcopal  de  Antonio  Gonfalves  Gui- 
mardes ^  Ca.    1859.     i2mo.  79306 

Serqueira.  Elogio  do  senador  e  conselhciro  d'estado  Jose 
Clcmcnte  Pereira,  recitado  per  occasi.lo  da  inaugura9.1o  da  sua 
cstatua  no  hospicio  de  Pedro  11.   ...   Rio  de  Janeiro.    1857.     ^^^• 

Serqueira.  Guia  do  Correio  do  Brasil  ...  Rio  de  Janeiro,^ 
Typ.  de  Nicolau  Loba  Fiamia  iff  Filhos.   1857.     ^^°i  PP*  24^* 

Serra  ( ),  Carrega  (Francesco)  and  Piaggio  ( ), 

Ragionamento  nel  quale  si  conferma  I'opinion  gcnerale  intorno  alia 
patria  di  Cristoforo  Colombo,  presentato  all'  accademia  delle  sci- 
enze,  Icttere  e  arti  di  Genova  Nell'  Adunanza  del  di  16  dicembre 
1812  dagli  accademici  Serra,  Carrega  e  Piaggio.  [^Genova.  18 12?] 
4to,  pp.  105,  errata  (i).  l.  79309 

Appended  to  the  Lenox  copy  is  the  following  supplement :  Annotazioni  posteriori  alia 
pubblicazione  del  presente  Ragionamento.  [Colophon:]  Genova,  Tipografia  de'  Fratelli 
Pagano   1824. — Con  fxrmissione.     4to,  pp.  8. 

Serra  (Angel).  [Manual  de  administrar  los  Santos  Sacra- 
mentos  a  los   Espanoles  y  Naturales  de   esta   Provincia  de  los 






'       I 

gloriosos  Aptjstolcs  S.  Pedro  y  S.  Pablo  de  Michuacan  ...  Mexico, 
1697.]    4to.  79310 

In  Latin,  Spanish  and  Tarascan.  Title  from  the  reprint  of  1 73 1.  The  book  is 
mentioned  by  Beristain  as  follows  :  "  Manual  Trilinque,  latino,  castellano  y  tarasco,  para 
administrar  los  Sacramentos  a  los  Espafl;>les  y  a  los  Indios.  Imp.  en  Megico  por  Ribera 
1697."  4to.  An  imperfect  copy,  supposed  to  be  of  this  edition,  was  priced  at  300 
francs  in  Leclerc's  "  Bibliotheca  Americana"  (1878),  No.  7436,  where  it  is  describi;d  as 
follows  :  "  Nous  donnons  ce  titre  [•  Manual  Trilinque,'  etc.]  d'apres  Ludewig.  a  un 
volume  que  nous  possedons  et  qui  est  fort  maltraite ;  il  y  manque  le  titre,  plusieurs  ff., 
et  la  plus  grande  partie  de  ce  qui  reste  est  en  mauvais  etat.  D'apres  son  contenu,  et 
aus8i  apres  examen,  tout  nous  confirme  que  ce  livrc  n'est  autre  que  le  Manuel  du  P. 
A'igel  Serra,  en  latin,  espagnol  et  tarasca.  Le  volume  se  compose  d'environ  136  flF., 
plus  les  Index." 

"  Fr.  Angel  Serra,  natural  de  la  diocesis  de  Michoacan,  del  orden  de  S.  Francisco  de 
la  provinria  de  S.  Fedro  y  S.  Pablo,  custodio  de  clla  y  pirroco  de  Charapan,  y  de  la  ciudad 
de  r)ucretaro  :  pcritisimo  en  el  idioma  tarasco,  cscribio  ...  Manual  Trilinque  [as  above] 
...  1697.  4to.  El  Catecitmo  del  P.  Bartolome  Castaflo,  traducido  al  tarasco.  /«/>[r«o]. 
Arte,  Diccionario  y  Confesonario  de  dicha  Lengua.  MS.  preparados  para  la  prensa." — 

Serra.  Manual  |de  administrar  |  los  Santos  Sacramentos  |  a  los 
Espanoles  y  Naturales  de  esta  Provincia  |  de  los  gloriosos  Apdstoles 
S.  Pedro  y  S.  Pablo  |de  Michuacan,  conforme  a  la  reforma  de 
Paulo  V.  y  Vrbano  viii.  |Compuesto  |  por  el  M.  R.  P.  Fr.  Angel 
Serra,  |  Predicador,  ex-Custodio  de  dicha  Santa  Provincia,  Cura  | 
colado,  que  fue,  de  la  doctrina  del  pueblo  de  Charapan  |  en  la  sierra, 
Obispado  de  Valhdolid,  Guardian  y  Cura  |  del  Convento  y  Doc- 
trina de  N.  P.  S.  Francisco  de  la  I  Ciudad  de  Queretaro,  y  Arzo- 
bispadojde  Mexico.]  Dedicaloja  N.  R."™"  P.  F.  Fernando  Alonso| 
Gonzalez,  Lector  Jubilado,  Calificador  del  San- 1  to  Officio,  Padre, 
y  ex-Ministro  Provincial  dejla  referida  Santa  Provincia  de  Michu- 
acan y  I  Commissario  General  de  todas  las  |  de  esta  Nueua  Espana,  | 
Joseph  Bernardo  de  Hogal,  |  Ministro  e  Imprcssor  del  Real  y  Apos- 
tolico  I  Tribunal  de  la  Santa  Cruzada  |  en  todo  este  Reyno.  |  En 
cuya  Imprenta  se  retmprhnio  por  su  original  i/npresso  en  |  Mexico  con 
licencia  el  ano  de  1697  este  presente  de  1731 .  |  4to,  leaves  (6),  :-i38, 
tabla(4).  79311 

In  Latin,  Spanish  and  Tarascan.  Title  from  Icazhalceta's  "  Apuntes,"  No.  70,  as 
corrected  and  printed  in  Filling's  bibliography  of  "  North  American  Linguistics."  A 
copy  of  this  edition  sold  for  £6  los  at  the  Andrade  sale  in  1869.  Another  copy, 
lacking  leaves  135  and  136,  brought  £5  los  at  the  Ramirez  sale  in  1X80. 

Serrano  (F.  de  P.)  Balanza  de  Comercio  por  el  Puerto  de 
Veracruz  en  el  ano  de  1856,  formada  en  su  Aduana  Maritin:a  de 
orden  del  Supremo  Gobierno  por  Francisco  de  P.  Serrano.  Vera 
Crux.   Imp.  de  R.  de  Zayas.    1857.     4^°i  PP*  ^3*     ^  Tables.      a. 


Serrano  (Jose  Aniceto).     Al  Publico.     Caracas.   1840. 

Refers  to  the  disturbances  of  public  order  in  1835  and  1836. 





Serrano  (M.  J.)  Tragica  Dcscripcion  que  busquexa  la 
inomentanca  lamentable  dcsolacion  de  la  mui  noble,  y  mui  leal 
tiudad  dc  Santiago  de  Cuba,  causada  por  el  horiendo  terrcmoto, 
acaecido  a  la  once  y  cincuenta  y  mas  minutos  de  la  noche  dc 
Miercoles,  once  de  Junio  de  mil  setecientos  sesenta  y  seis. 
f!scrita  en  sesenta  y  seis  octavas,  por  D.  Miguel  Joseph  Serrano. 
Mexico.    1766.    4to,  pp.  24.  793H 

Serrano  (P.)  Riqueza  entre-riana.  Por  Pedro  Serrano. 
Montevideo.    1851.     8vo,  pp.  53.  793 '5 

Serrell  (E.  W.)  Report  on  a  Railway  Suspension  Bridge, 
proposed  for  crossing  the  St.  Lawrence  River  at  Quebec,  made  to 
his  Worship  the  Mayor  and  the  City  Council  of  Quebec.  By 
Edward  William  Serrell,  Engineer,  ^ebec :  Printed  hy  Augustin 
Cote  i^  Co.    1852.     8vo,  pp.  67,  (i).  B.  79316 

[Serrell  (J.  E.)]  Plan  and  Description  proposing  to  re-model 
the  City  of  New  York,  and  its  vicinity,  by  annexing  Brooklyn, 
Williamsburgh,  Bushwick,  Greenpoint,  Hunter's  Point,  Astoria, 
Newtown,  Flushing.  ...  New  Tork :  Bergen  and  Tripp^  Printers. 
1867.    8vo,  pp.  II.     Plan.  b.  79317 

Serres  {Sieur).  Quatre  relations  veritables  du  Sieur  Serres  de 
Montpellier,  touchant  ce  qui  s'est  passe  de  remarquable  dans  sa 
prison  en  France  pour  fait  de  Religion ;  dan*  son  voyage  de 
I'Amerique  en  qualite  de  prisonnier  pour  le  niesme  sujet ;  avec 
les  circonstances  au  vrai  du  triste  naufrage  que  fit  le  vaisseau  ou 
il  etait ;  sa  captivite  tandisqu'il  a  cte  dans  I'Amerique,  et  sa 
delivrance,  lors  qu'il  en  est  sorti.  Amsterdam^  P.  Marret.  1688. 
Sm.  8vo,  pp.  80.  793-8 

Serruto  y  Nava  (Jose).  Elogio  funebre  del  muy  excelso, 
muy  poderoso  y  muy  amable  Sefior  Don  Carlos  in.  Rey  de 
Espafia  y  de  las  Americas.     Mexico.    1789.     4to,  16  leaves. 

Serruto  y  Nava.  Panegfrico  de  S.  Pedro  Apdstol  ...  Sala- 
manca.  1779.    4to.  79320 

"  Este  sermon  que  padccio  en  Mexico  censura  acre  y  persecucion  cruel,  presentado  al 
conscjo  de  las  Indias  y  mandado  examinar,  merecio  la  aprobacion  de  los  teologos  de 
Espafta." — Beristain.  Also:  Devocionario  hecho  por  un  Sacerdote  a  peticlon  de  una 
Alma  piadosa   ...  Mexico,  por  Onti-veros.   1809.     8vo. 

[Sertorius,  pseudon.']  A  Letter  on  the  Naval  Depot.  To 
the  Honorable  Henry  Clay,  Speaker  of  the  House  of  Representa- 
tives of  the  United  States,     [n.  p.   182-?]    8vo,  pp.  16.         BA. 

Signed :  "  Sertorius." 

VOL.    XIX.  19 



L  r 

Serulan, /»^^tt</o«.  \i.e.  Laurf.ns  ( )  ?]     Poems  Original, 

&c.     By  Serulan.     Charleston.    1854.     8vo,  pp.  134.  79322 

Les  Servantes  de  Dieu  en  Canada,      See  Vol.  111.,  No.  10604. 

Service  Afloat ;  comprising  the  Personal  Narrative  of  a  British 
Naval  Oflicer  durinjr  the  late  War.   ...    Philadelphia :   Edward  C. 

Mielke.    1833.      l2mo,  pp. 

276.  C,  H.,  P.   79323 

Also  included  in  Grccnbank's  Periodical  Libr.iry, 

Describes  the  West  India  Island 
Philadelphia,  T.  K.  Greenhank,  1833,  vol.  it.,  pp.  73-174. 

Services.  Arlington  Street  Church.  Boston.  1862.  I2m(), 
pp.  54-  B-  79324 

Services  at  the  Installation  of  Rev.  Daniel  Temple  Noyes. 
See  [Ricl^ards  (G.)],  Vol.  xvii.,  No.  70938. 

The  Services  of  the  Protestant  Episcopal  Church  in  the  United 
States  of  America,  as  ordered  by  the  Bishops  during  the  Civil 
War.  For  the  benefit  of  the  United  States  Sanitary  Commission. 
Brooklyn,  February  22,  1864.  [^Brooklyn?  1864.]  4to,  pp.  27. 
Facsimiles.  79.325 

An  engraved  facsimile  is  given  of  the  various  prayers  and  services,  as  written  by  the 
Bishops  themselves,  thus  giving  copies  of  the  autographs  of  each  contributor. 

Servitude,  and  the  Duty  of  Masters  to  their  Servants.  A  Ser- 
mon preached  in  the  Presbyterian  Church,  Norfolk,  Va.  June 
1843.  Norfolk:  Beacon  Press.,  IVide  Awake  Street.  1843.  ^^^^ 
pp.  15.  79326 

Sese  y  Lacasta  (Martin).  Oracion  inaugural  para  la  apertura 
del  nuevo  Estudio  de  Botanica  de  la  Universidad  de  Mexico  ... 
Mexico^  por  Ontiveros.   1788.    4to.  19'i'^l 

Also !  Discurso  contra  la  Memoria  sobre  la  Seda  silvestre,  que  escrlbio  el  Br.  D.  Josi; 
Alzate   ...   Mexico,   [n.  d.]     Titlei  from  Beristain. 

Sesse  (J.  de).  Libro  de  la  |  Cosmographia  |  Vniversal  |  del 
Mvndo,  I  y  particvlar  descripcion  |  de  la  Syria  y  tierra  Santa.  |  Coni- 
puesto  por  ei  Doctor  losepe  de  Sesse,  del  Consejo  de  |  su  Magestad, 
y  su  Regente  la  Real  Chancilleria|de  Aragon,  y  Consultor  del 
santo  Ofi- 1  cio  de  la  Inquisicion.  |  Dirigido  al  muy  illustrc  senor 
don  Pedro  de  Sesse,  senor  |  de  Cerdan,  Cauallero  y  Ricohombre  de 
Mesiiada,  |  del  Reyno  de  Aragon.  j ...  |  Con  licencia  y  priuilegio  En 
^art.gofa^  Por  luan  de  Larumbe.,  |  en  la  Cuchilleria.  Am  1619.  |  Sm. 
4to,  leaves  (36),  iii,  (9).  b.  79328 



Sessions  (A.  J.)  Necessity  of  the  Atonement.  A  Sermon  ... 
at  Haverhill,  Mass.,  17  December,  1837.  By  Alexander  J.  Ses- 
sions.     Boston.    1838.    8vo,  pp.  16.  793^9 

Sessions.  The  Religious  Experience  of  Eunice  Winchester 
Smith  :  who  died  July  6,  1840,  aged  19  years.  By  Alexander  j. 
Sessions.     Salem.    1840.     32mo,  pp.  70.  7933© 

Sessions  (J.)  A  Sermon,  delivered  in  Adams,  N.  Y.  at  the 
Funeral  of  the  Hon.  Richard  Goodell,  wno  died  at  Auburn,  N.  Y. 
January  25,  1826.  By  Rev.  John  Sessions  ...  IVatertown.,  N.  T.: 
Printed  by  IF.  JVoodward.    1826.     8vo,  pp.  16.  H.  7933 1 

A  Set  of  I  Plans  and  Forts  I  in  |  America,  |  Reduced  from  Actual 
Surveys.  |  1 765.  |  \^London  .•]  Publish'' d  according  to  Act  of  Parliament.^ 
by  Alary  Ann  Rocque  Topographer  to  His  Royal  \  Highness  the  Duke 
of  Gloucester.,  in  the  Strand.  \  Oblong  4to,  engraved  -title  and  index, 
30  Plans.  A.  79332 

The  plates  were  engraved  by  P.  and  John  Andrews.  They  are  as  follows:  (i)  New 
York,  reduced  from  the  survey  of  T.  Maerschalckin,  1763;  (2)  Albany;  (3)  Montreal; 
(4)  Louisbourg;  (5)  (;2uebec ;  (6)  Fort  Frederick;  (7)  Halifax;  (8)  Schenectady;  (9) 
Fort  Niagara;  (10)  Fort  Albany;  (11)  Fort  Ticonderoga;  (12)  Fort  Stanwix ;  (13) 
Fort  Edward;  (14)  Fort  George;  (15)  Narrows  near  New  York;  (16)  Ligonier ;  (17) 
Herkimer's  house;  fi8)  Bedford  Clockhouse;  (19)  Oneida;  (20)  Saratoga; 
William  Henry;  (22)  Royal  Block  house;  (23)  Crown  Point;  (24)  Frontenac; 
Redoubts  at  Crown  Point ;  (26)  Fort  William  Henry;  (27)  Fort  at  Oswego  Falls; 
Fort  Pitts  Burgh;   (29)  Brewerton ;   (30)  Ontario. 

Sethonia,  a  Tragedy.     Philadelphia:  'John  Sparhawk.   1774. 

Title  from  Hildeburn. 

Setier  (L.  p.)  Resume  de  I'Histoire  des  Revolutions  des 
Colonies  Espagnoles  de  I'Amerique  du  Sud.  Par  L.  P.  Setier. 
Paris.,  Kilian.    1827.     l8mo,  pp.  340.  79334 

(^uerard  gives  the  date  of  publication  as  1826,  and  adds  the  following  note:  "L'au- 
teur  y  ajouta,  la  meme  annee,  la  traduction  faite  par  lui  de  la  Relation  historique  et 
descriptive  d'un  sejour  de  vingt  ans  dans  I'Amerique  du  Sud,  par  W.  B.  Stevenson." 

S[eton  (Elizabeth  A.)]  Memoirs  of  M«  S*****  ...  Written 
by  herself.  A  Fragment  of  real  history  ...  Elizabethtown^  N.  y. 
Printed  by  Isaac  A.  Kollock.,  for  himself  and  others  ...  1817.     24m o, 

PP-  90-  79335 

Mother  Seton's  journal,  surreptitiously  printed  by  an  Episcopal  minister  at  Elizabeth- 
town,  N.  J.  Hcc  Finotti's  "  Bibliographia  Catholica  Americana,"  pp.  236,  237.  Set 
aho  White  (C.  J.) 

Seton.  Memoir,  Letters  and  Journal  of  Mrs.  Elizabeth 
Seton.  Edited  by  her  grandson  the  Rt.  Rev.  R.  Seton  ...  New 
York:  P.  O'Shea.   1869.     2  vols.,  8vo.  7933^ 



\  -^ 



';  r 

I  !('' 

I  I- 

.  i; 

I  I 

Sf.ton  (S.  W.)     Manual  of  .. 
Public  Schools.     By  S.  W.  Scton. 

the  Priniarv    ...   New  York 
New  K'ork.    i8;p.     l2n\o. 

Seton  (W.)  The  Pioneer.  A  Poem.  Hy  William  Seton  ... 
New  York:  P.  CShea.    1874.     Sm.  410,  pp.  69.  7933^ 

Seton.  The  Pride  of  Lexington.  A  Talc  of  the  Americap 
Revolution.  By  William  Seton  ...  .  New  York:  P.  O^Shea. 
1873.     i2mo,  pp.  365.  79339 

Seton.  Romance  of  the  Charter  Oak  :  a  Picture  of  Colonial 
Times.  By  William  Seton  ...  New  Tor k :  P.  O' Shea.  1870-71. 
2  vols.,  i2mo.  79340 

Settle  (D.)  A  true  rcporte  of  |  the  laste  voyage  into  the| 
West  and  Northwest  regi-|ons,  &c.  1577.  worthily  atchie-|ued 
by  Capteine  Frobisher  of  |  the  sayde  voyage  the  first  |  finder  and 
Ge-|nerall.  |  With  a  description  of  the  people  |  there  inhabiting, 
and  other  |  circumstances  |  notable.  (  Written  by  Dionyse  Settle,  one 
of  I  the  companie  in  the  sayde  voy-|age,  and  seruant  to  the  Right] 
Honourable  the  Earle  |  of  Cumberland.  |  Nil  mortalibus  arduum 
est.  I  Imprinted  at  Lon-\don  by  Henrie  Middle-\ton.  Anno.  1577.  | 
Sm.  8vo,  24  unnumbered  leaves,  a  in  four,  R  and  c  in  eights,  u 
in  four.  bm.,  j.c.b.  79341 

Of  extreme  rarity.  On  the  verso  of  the  title  is  a  poem  entitled,  "  A  Rythiiif 
Decasyllabicall,  upon  this  last  luckie  voyage  of  worthie  Capteine  Frobisher,  1577." 
This  is  followed  on  the  next  leaf  by  a  dedicatory  address,  "  To  the  Right  honourable  and 
my  singular  good  Lord,  George  Earle  of  Cumberland,  Baron  Clift'ord,  Lord  of  Skii'ton 
and  Vesseie  :  his  humble  seruaunt  Dionyse  Settle,  wisheth  the  fuln  se  of  all  pcrtcti 
felicitie,"  which  ends  on  the  verso.  The  address  "To  the  Christian  Reader"  fills  the 
next  two  leaves.  The  text  is  in  twenty  leaves.  Two  editions  of  tiiis  book  were  printed 
in  the  same  year,  as  appears  from  the  following  note,  which  is  written  in  the  British 
Museum  (Grenville)  copy  : 

"  This  very  rare  account  of  Frobisher's  Second  Voyage  by  Settle,  who  accompanied 
him,  is  different  from  that  by  Beste,  who  also  accompanied  him,  and  who  publislud 
in  1578  all  the  three  voyages  of  Frobisher.  I  have  seen  a  second  edition  of  Settle's 
True  reporte  of  the  same  year  1577,  with  some  slight  alterations  in  the  same  number 
of  twenty-four  leaves,  but  with  different  signatures,  the  second  having  eight  leavis 
each  of  the  three  letters,  A.  B.  C.  whereas  the  first  has  four  signatures,  A.  B.  C.  I), 
of  which  the  first  and  last  have  only  four  leaves  each.  In  B  vi.  of  the  first  editicm 
instead  of  *  Richd.  Coxe  gunner,'  the  second  edition  in  B.  ii.  has  '  Jackman  and  A.  Dicr 
masters  mates.*  To  Bvii.  of  the  first  Edition  after  'God's  visitation,'  is  added  at  B  iii. 
of  the  second  edition  an  account  of  their  taking  possession  of  the  land,  and  of  authority 
given  by  Frobisher  to  Fenton,  Yorke  and  Best  his  Lieutenant  during  his  absence  up  the 
country.  The  Text  of  the  first  edition  is  resumed  in  the  second  edition  at  ti-.e  words 
•whoso  maketh' which  begin  the  verso  of  B.  viii.  of  first  Edition,  a  sentence  is  added  at 
B  V.  of  the  second  ed.  to  say  that  Best  left  in  the  natives  tent  a  letter  to  tlie  men  that  lie 
had  lost  the  year  before :  to  the  following  sentence  at  line  10  of  the  same  page  of  (iioi 
ed.  are  added  in  the  second  ed.  'Master  Philpot  and  all  the  gentlemen  went  ashnif 
determined  to  see.'    I  have  stated  in  the  above  passages  the  only  differences  whicii  occur 

(  :■ 




in  the  two  editions  of  the  same  year.     Tliat  there  were  two  had  escaped  the  notice  of 
Bibliographers." — Bibliotheca  Grenvi/iiana,  p.  657. 

Settle.  A  True  Reporte  of  Martin  Frobisher's  Voyage ; 
1577,  by  Dionysc  Settle.  London,  1577.  [^Providence :  Reprinted. 
1868.]    Sm.  4to,  pp.  63.  I..  79342 

Fifty  copies  printed,  at  the  expense  of  Mr.  John  Carter  Brown,  for  private  distribution. 
Although  it  is  an  ex.'.ct  reprint  in  roman  letter,  it  does  nut  correspond  page  for  page  with 
llie  original  edition,  as  is  stated  liy  Mr.  Bartlett  in  the  catalogue  of  the  Brown  library. 
Tlu'  book  in  also  reprinted  in  Hakluyt's  collection  of  voyages,  and  in  Sir  Egerton  Brydgts's 
"  Restitut.i,"  vol.  II.,  pp.  202-225.  iSVe  Mr.  Bartlett's  description  in  the  "  New  England 
Hist.  Gen.  Register,"  xxiii.  363. 

[Settle.]  La  |  Navigation  |  dv  Capitaine  Mar- 1  tin  Forbisher 
Anglois,  cs  regions  |  de  west  &  Nordwest,  en  I'annee  |  m.  d.- 
Lxxvii.  I  Contenant  Ics  moeurs  &  fa^ons  de  viurc  des  Peuples,  |  & 
habitils  d'icelles,  aucv  le  portraict  de  leurs  habits  |  &  armes,  & 
autres  choses  memorables  &  singulie-|  res,  du  tout  incognues  par 
dc9a.  I  [Vignette.]  |  \_Rochelle?'\  M.  D.  Lxxviii.  |  Pour  Anthoine  Chup- 
pin.  I  Sm.  8vo,  40  unnumbered  leaves,  a-e  in  eights.  Folded 
plate  of  the  natives.  J.c.b.,  l.  79343 

Corrected  title  of  No.  5652,  Vol.  11.  It  is  a  translation  from  the  English  into  P'rench 
Ijy  Nicholas  Fitliou,  sieur  de  Cham-Gobert,  of  Settle's  "true  reporte,"  with  some  changes 
and  additions.  The  title,  verso  blank,  is  followed  by  the  dedicatory  preface  in  nine 
payes,  addressed  to  Monsieur  de  Hault.  The  next  rive  pages  contain  an  elegy  and 
sonnet.  The  narrative  of  the  voyage  is  in  thirty-two  leaves.  The  folded  woodcut 
plate  is  entitled,  "  Le  Portraict  des  trois  Sauuages  admenez  en  Angleterre,  leurs  habits, 
amies,  tentes  &  bateux."  According  to  Hazlitt  {^Collections  and  Notes^  1H89,  p.  167), 
"The  'discription  of  the  purtrayture  and  shape  of  those  strange  kinde  of  people,'  &c.,  .separately  licensed  to  John  Allde.  to  be  printed  in  English,  Jan.  30,  1577-8,  but  it 
docs  not  seem  to  be  known."  Antoine  Chuppin  printed  an  edition  of  Lery's  work  on 
Br.izil  in  1578,  with  the  name  Rocbelle  in  the  imprint.  Most  of  his  later  publications, 
however,  appear  to  have  been  printed  at  Geneva. 

[Settle.]  Beschreibung  |  Der  schiffart  des  Haubt-|mans 
Martini  Forbisher  ausz  Engel-jlanJ,  in  die  Lender  gegen  West 
viid  Nordt- 1  w^est,  im  Jar  1577.  Darinnen  diser  Lender  Inwohner 
sit- 1  ten  vnd  weisz  zu  leben,  sampt  jren  Trachten  vnd  |  WafFen 
Abcontrefeiung,  auch  andern,  zuuor  |  vnbekandten  vnd  sonder- 
lichen  sachen,  |  angezeigt  wirdt.  Ausz  dem  Frantzosischen  aufts 
trewlichste  in  |  das  Teutsche  gebracht.  |  [Vignette.]  |  Niirnberg.  j 
M.  D.  LXXX.  I  [Co.ophon  :]  Gedruckt  %u  Niirnberg^  \  durch  Katha- 
tina,;i  Gerlachin^  vnd  \  'Johanns  voni  Berg  Erben.  |  4to,  title  with 
woodcut  on  verso,  and  12  unnunL»ereu  jc.  ves.  A-c  in  fours,  and 
D  in  two,  including  the  title  and  a  blank  leaf  at  the  end.       j.c.e. 

Improved  title  of  No.  25996,  Vol.  vii.,  furnished  by  Mi.  John  Nicholas  Brown. 

[Settle.]     De  |  M:\rtini  |  Forbisseri  |  Angli   navigati-jone   in 
regioiies  occi- 1  dentis  ct  scpteii- 1  trionis  |  Narratio  historica,  |  Ex 



i  ' 

Gallico  sermonc  in  La-|tinum  translata  |  per  |  D.  Joan.  Tho. 
Freigivm.  |  [Vignette.]  |  Cum  gratia  &  privilegio  Imperiali.  |  cin.- 
13.  xxc.  I  [Colophon  \\  Noriberga  |  Imprimebatur^  in  offic'tna  Cn-  \ 
tharina  Gerlach'in^  W  Hare-\dum  lohannls  Mon-\tani.  \  Anno  |  cid- 
13  xxc.  I  [1580.]  Sm.  8vo,  44  unnumbered  leaves,  a  in  six,  b- 
E  in  eights,  rnd  f  in  six.     Folded  Woodcut.         J.c.b,,  l.  79345 

The  wuodcut  repreients  a  Greenlander  in  a  canue,  throwing  darts  at  wildfowl,  with 
other  natives  in  their  costume.  It  is  entitled,  "  Pictvra  vel  dulineatio  honiinvm  nvpci 
ex  Anglia  advectorum,  una  cum  eorum  armis,  tc^ntoriis,  &  naviculis."  This  is  tiie  Hr-it 
Latin  edition  of  Frobisher's  voyage  in  1577.  It  is  transiattid  from  tho  French  versicui 
of  Sefle's  narrative.  The  dedicatory  preface  by  Frcigius,  the  translator,  begins  on  the 
recto  of  the  second  leaf  and  ends  on  the  recto  of  the  ninth.  The  preface  of  the  French 
translator  Nicolas  Fithou  follows,  with  the  "  Heroicvm  "  and  "Elegiacvni,"  in  nine 
pages.  The  nai.ative  of  the  voyage  begins  on  the  fourteenth  leaf  and  ends  on  the 
thirty-fitth.  The  last  nine  leaves  contain  extracts  from  Jovius,  Longulius  and  Antonius 
Lullus.  Corrected  title  and  note  of  No.  25994,  Vol.  vii.  Our  No.  5053,  Vol.  11.,  is 
probably  intended  for  the  same  edition,  or  for  the  one  following. 

[Settle.]  I.  N.  J.  |  Historia  Navigationis  |  Martini  For-| 
bisseri  I  Angn  Praetoris  sive  Capitanei,  |  a.  c.  1577.  |  Majo,  Junio, 
Julio,  Augusto  &  Septembri  mensibus,  |  Jussu  Reginae  Elisabeth.T,  | 
Ex  Anglia,  in  Septemtrionis  &  Occidentis  |  tractum  susceptae,  |  ephc- 
meridis  sive  diarii  more  conscripta  &  stilo ;  |  triennioq;  post,  ex 
gallico  in  latinum  sermonem,  |  a  |  Joh.  Thoma  Freigio  translata,  \ 
&  I  Noribergae,  ante  A.  94.  cum  praefatione  utili,  observationil)9 1 
aliquot  &  appendice  edita,  denuo  prodit,  e  museo  D.  Capelli  P.  P.  | 
[Vignette.]  |  Hamburgi^  |  Sumptibus  Joh.  Naumann'i  iff  Georgi 
tVolffii^\Jnno  1675.  |  4to,  pp.  (17),  1-37.  Copperplate  engraving 
on  I  leaf,     a-g  in  fours,  including  the  plate.  l.  79346 

This  edition  contains  some  notes  and  observations  by  the  editor,  D.  Capell.  Corrected 
title  of  No.  25995,  ^°'-  ""•  ^'"'  ''"^  complete  narrative  of  Frobisher's  three  voyaji-b, 
in  1576,  1577  and  1578,  see  Best  (George),  Vol.  11.,  No.  5051.  Ste  alio  No.  78166, 
tuprof  for  an  Italian  translation. 

[Settle  (Elkanah).]  A  Pindaric  Poem,  on  the  Propagation 
of  the  Gospel  in  Foreign  Parts.  A  Work  of  Piety  so  zealously 
recommended  and  promoted  by  Her  most  Gracious  Majesty. 
London^  Printed  for  the  Author.  M  DCC  xi.     Folio,  pp.  (8),  18. 

Contains  some  references  to  America. 

Settlers'  Guide  to  Oregon  and  Washington  Territory  and  to 
the  Lands  of  the  Northern  Pacific  Railroad  on  the  Pacific  Slope. 
\^New  Tork.   1872.]     8vo,  pp.  32.      Maps.  b.  7934S 

Los  Seudo-liberales,  6  la  muerte  dc  la  Republica  Mexicana. 
Mexico.   1 85 1.    4to,  pp.  32.  79349 



Si:u  Ke-yu.  [Ying  hwan  chc  leu.  "A  Geographical  Ticatisc 
on  all  within  the  C^ircuit  of  the  Seas."  Hy  Sou  Kc-yu.  Edited 
by  Pelh  Sing-tseuen  and  Lew  Yuh-po.  China.  1848.]  10 
keuen,  8vo.  hm.  79350 

The  work  gives  "a  very  fair  account  of  the  various  portions  of  the  glolic.  The  author 
.ivailed  himbclf  of  the  opportunities  he  had  for  consulting  foreigners  regarding  foreign 
affairs,  and  he  has  not  disdained  to  acknowledge?  the  assistance  thus  received.  The  maps 
though  little  more  than  outlines  of  the  several  countries,  and  very  ruiie  in  their  execution, 
yet  give  a  tolerahl/ good  notion  of  the  rel.itive  |  )sition  and  magnitude  of  the  nationR 
indicated." — Wv -Ie's  Nolei  on  Chinese  Liternnire,  p.  53. 

A  translation  of  the  portion  rel.iting  to  the  United  States  of  America  is  printed  in  the 
"Historical  Magazine,"  new  series,  vol.  11.  (1867),  pp.  18-21,  preceded  hy  the  follow- 
ing expl.inatory  statement;  "It  appears  that  Seu-Ki-Yu  was,  from  1844  to  18513, 
Governor  of  Fuh-Kien.  During  that  time  he  wrote  and  puhlished,  in  the  Chinese 
language,  a  work  on  Universal  Geography,  giving  an  account  of  the  estahlishment  of 
Anterica  by  Washington.  P'or  tiiis  publication,  10  favorable  to  the  Western  Powers, 
some  of  which  were  then  in  collision  with  China,  and  so  favorable  especially  to  the 
United  States,  Seu-Ki-Yu  was  dismissed  from  office  by  the  Emperor  Hien-Kung,  on  his 
accession  to  the  throne  of  China  in  1850.  His  work  and  his  sacrifices  for  the  truth  ot' 
history  were  made  known  to  the  Government  at  Washington  by  fhe  late  Charge  of  the 
United  States  at  Pekin,  Mr.  Williams.  Through  the  efibrts  of  the  legation,  the  Imperial 
Government  reversed  its  sentence  of  proscription  against  Seu-K.i-Yu,  and  recalled  him 
into  its  employment  as  a  member  of  the  Foreign  Office  of  the  Government.  'I'he 
Secretary  of  State  presented  him  with  a  portrait  of  Washington." 

Sevarambians.     See  [Vairasse  d'Allais  (Denis)]. 

Seve  (E.)  La  Patria  Chilena.  Le  Chili  tel  qu'il  est.  Publi- 
cations officielles  de  la  Commission  Beige  faites  avec  I'approbation 
de  la  Commission  Directrice  de  TExposition  Internationale  du 
Chili  de  1875.  Par  Edouard  Seve.  ...  Tome  Premier.  Fa/- 
paraiso.    1876.     8vo,  pp.  xxx,  (i),  501,  (i),  cxxii,  661-666.      H. 

Seven  and  Nine  Years  among  the  Camanches  and  Apaches. 
An  Autobiography.  [By  Edwin  Eastman.]  "Jersey  City^  N.  J. 
Clark  Johnson^  M.D.    1874.     i2mo,  pp.  309,  (i).     8  Plates. 

The  Seven  Articles  from  the  Church  of  Leyden  16 17.  With 
an  Introductory  Letter  by  George  Bancroft.  \_New  Tori.  1856.] 
8vo,  pp.  10.  M.  79353 

"From  the  Collections  of  the  New  York  Historical  Society,  Second  Series,  Vol.  iii." 

The  Seven  Brothers  of  Wyoming,  or,  the  Brigands  of  the 
Revolution.     New  York.  [1853.]    8vo.  79354 

The  Seven  Days'  Battles  in  front  of  Richmond  :  an  Outline 
Narrative  of  the  Series  of  Engagements  which  opened  at  Me- 
chanicsville,  near  Richmonci,  on  Thursday,  June  26,  1862,  and 
resulted  in  the  Defeat  and  Retreat  of  the  Northern  Army  under 
Major-General  M'Cl  llan.     Compiled  from  detailed  accounts  of 

i  ii 




I     I 


!  , 

the  Newspaper  Press.     Richmond :  ff^est  ^  "Johnston.    1862.     8vo, 
PP-  45-  c.  79355 

Seven  Hints  |  For  all  who  will  take  them.  |  By  |  A  Church  of 
Enghnd-Mdn.  \  [Philadelphia.   1770.]    4to,  i  page.         p-  79356 

Anti-Non-Importutiun  circular  sij^ned  "J.  S."     M.  Hillcgag  layi  published  July  17, 

1770. HiLDEBUKN. 

Seven  Months  a  Prisoner.  Thirty-six  days  in  the  Woods. 
Hy  an  Indiana  Soldier  [J.  V.  Hadley].  Indianapolis :  "J.  M.  & 
F.  "J.  Meikel^  Printers.   1868.     8vo,  pp.  180.  79357 

Seven  |  Rational  |  Sermons,  |  on  the  following  subjects,  |  viz.  | 
I.  Against  Covetousness.  |  11.  On  the  Vanity  of  this  Life.  |  in. 
Against  Revenge.  |  iv.  Of  Mirth  and  Grief.  |  v.  The  Cruelty  of 
Slandering  in-|n()cent  and  defenceless  Wom'^n.lvi.  The  Duty  of 
Children.  |  vii.  Advantages  of  Education.  |  Written  in  England, 
by  a  Lady,  the  Translatress  of  Four  |  Select  Tales  from  Mar- 
montel.  | ...  |  Philadelphia :  \  Printed  by  Robert  Bell.,  in  Third-Street.  \ 

MDCCLXXVII..|      8vO,  pp.   77,  (l).  H.S.P.  79358 

Title  frum  Hildeburn. 

Seven  Years  of  my  Life,  or,  Narrative  of  a  Patriot  Exile,  who 
together  with  eighty-two  American  citizens  were  illegally  tried 
for  Rebellion  in  Upper  Canada,  in  1838,  comprising  a  true 
account  of  our  outrageous  treatment  during  ten  months  imprison- 
ment in  Upper  Canada.     Buffalo  and  New  York.    1848.     i2mo. 

Title  tVom  a  bookseller's  catalogue. 

Seventeen  Decisions  of  the  Supreme  Court  of  the  United 
States,  relating  to  Taxation  of  Government  Loans  and  Property, 
by  States  and  Cities.  New  York:  Office  of  Bankers'  Magazine, 
1864.     8vo.  79360 

Seventeen  Numbers.     See  [Fisher  (R.)],  Vol.  vi.,  No.  24484. 

The  I  Seventeenth  Jewel,  |  of  the  |  United  States  of  America  :  | 
Shining  in  its  Meridian  Splendor;  in  the  Lat-|itude  and  Longi- 
tude of  the  Intended  |  State  of  Maine.  |  Or,  I  The  Future  Inten- 
tional Addition  of  its  |  Constitution  to  the  Federal  Union.  |  [n. 
p.]  Printed  for  the  Juthor.\  1797.  |     i2mo,  pp.  35.  w.  79361 

Signed  :  "  Honestus." 

The  Seventh  Census.     See  Vol.  in.,  Nos.  11669-72. 

An  Address  to  the  Baptists  of  the  United  States,  on  the  observ- 
ance of  the  Sabbaih.  From  the  Sevlnth-Day  Baptist  Gen- 
eral Conference.    New-Tork :  J.  IVinchester.    1843.     8vo,  pp.  24. 



Seventh-Day  Baptist  Anniversaries,  held  at  Leonardsvillc,  N. 
Y.,  September,  1867.  Minutes  of  the  Seventh-Day  Haptist  Gen- 
eral Conference.  ...  IFesterly^  R.  I.:  Printed  by  G.  B.  iff  J.  H. 
Utter.    1867.    8vo,  pp.  1 1,  (5),  32,  21,  85,  (i).  H,  79363 

A  Seventh  Essay.     See  [Wt-bstcr  (Pelatiah)]. 

Seventh  Regiment  Veterans  of  the  National  (luard.  Head- 
(J>uartcrs  Seventh  Regiment  Armory,  New  York,  April  29,  1865. 
[^New  York,   1865.]    4to,  pp.  3.  793^4 

On  the  death  oF  Presidimt  Lincoln. 

The  Seventh  Seal  Opened.  The  Seventh  Truth  Trumpet 
Sounded  ;  the  Little  Book  Opened  :  or,  the  Democratic  Regen- 
erator.    New  Tork.   1851.    8vo,  pp.  66.  793^5 

Seventy-Six.     See  [Neal  (J.)],  Vol.  xii.,  No.  52137. 

Seventy-Six  ;  or,  The  Fall  of  the  CJrcat  Republic  through  the 
Third-Term  Conspiracy.  By  a  Republican.  New  Tork :  (i.  P. 
Putnam's  Sons.    1874.     i2mo,  pp.  45.  793^6 

Seventy-Six  Society. 

I.  Papers  in  relation  to  the  Case  of  Silas  Deane,    1855.     Set  Vol.  v.,  No.  19061;. 

II.  The  Examination  of  Joseph  Galloway.   1855.     &i  Vol.  vii.,  No.  26428. 

III.  Papers  relating  to  Pulilir  Events  in  Mass^husetts.  1856.  See  Vol.  xi.,  No. 

IV.  Papers  relating  tliiefly  to  the  Maryland  Line.    1857.     See  Vol.  i.,  No.  2872. 

Sever  (N.)  A  Speech  on  the  Occasion  of  Col.  Lothrop's 
Death  ;  Delivered  at  the  Opening  of  the  Court  of  Common 
Pleas  at  Plymouth,  on  the  15th  of  May,  1750.  By  Nicholas 
Sever,  Esq ;  Chief  Justice  of  said  Court.  And  made  publick  at 
the  Request  of  the  Gentlemen  at  the  Bar.  Boston  :  Printed  hy  D. 
Fowle.   1750.    4to,  title,  and  pp.  2.  h.,  m.  79367 

Usually  followed  by  Peter  Oliver's  speech  on  the  same  occasion,  pp.  (2),  12.  See  Vol. 
XIII.,  No.  57211,  note. 

Several  Apologetical  Letters  to  a  Friend,  in  Behalf  of  The 
Rev.  Mr.  Whitefield,  &c.     [Boston.   1745.]    4to,  pp.  38. 

The  Several  Assemblies  of  New  Jersey,  |  Pennsylvania  and 
Virginia,  having  re-|ferred  to  the  Congress  a  resolution  of  the 
House  of  I  Commons  of  Great-Britain,  which  resolution  |  is  in 
these  words:  |  ...  |  [Philadelphia:  IV.  and  T.  Bradford.  1775.] 
8vo,  pp.  8.  N.,  P.  79369 

Thf  resolution  (which  expressed  the  sentiments  of  the  House  of  Commons  in  regard 
to  the  taxes  imposed  by  Colonial  Assemblies  being  approved  by  the  is  followed 






I  I 



M  ' 

by  the  opinion  of  Cungrcis,  iigncd  John  Hancock,  ami  dated  "  [uiy  ji,  1775." — Hii- 
DIBURN.  Mr.  Paul  L.  Ford  informs  nie  that  Franklin,  JclVcriKin,  Ailamii  and  R.  H. 
Lee  were  the  committee  to  prepare  this  paper.  The  original  draft  is  in  Jcffemon':. 

Several  Conferences.  See  [Pcmberton  (Israel)],  Vol.  xiv.,  No. 

The  Several  |  Declarations  |  of  the  |  Company  |  of  |  Roval  Adven- 
turers I  of  I  England  |  trading  into]  AfricaJ  Inviting  all  His  Majes- 
ties Native  Subjects  in  gene-|ral  to  subscribe,  and  become  Sharers 
in  their  Joynt-stock.  |1  ogether  |  with  His  Royal  Highness  Janus 
Duke  of  Vorke  |  and  Albany  &c.  and  the  rest  of  the  said  Royal 
Companies  |  Letter  to  the  Right  Honourable  Francis  Lord  VVil- 
loughby  I  of  Parham  &c.  Intimating  the  said  Companies  Resolu-| 
tions  to  furnish  his  Majesties  American  Plantations  with  |  Negroes 
at  certain  and  moderate  Rates.  |  As  also  a  List  of  the  Royal 
Adventurers  of  England  tra-|ding  into  Africa.  |  [^London  :^  Anm 
Dom.  1667.    4to,  title,  and  pp.  12.  J.c.b.,  h.  79370 

Several  Epistles.  1669.  See  Robinson  (W.),  Vol.  xvii.,  No. 

Several  Letters  to  the  Mayor  and  City  Council  of  Washington, 
on  the  subject  of  the  Public  Theatres,  Pennsylvania  Avenue  aiul 
the  Canal,  with  extracts  from  the  Journal  of  the  Writer.  Part  1. 
Norfolk:  y'trginian  print.    1870.     8vo,  pp.  (2),  71.  c.  79371 

Several  Methods  |  of  making  |  Salt-Petre  ;  |  recommended  to  the  | 
Inhabitants lof  the |  United  Colonies, |  by  their  |  Representatives |  In 
(2oi\gxeiS.\  Philadelphia  :\  Printed  by  IV.  and  T.  Bradford.  1775.  | 
8vo,  pp.  12.  L.,  p.  79372 

Published  by  order  of  the  Congress,  July  a8,  1775.  The  Lenox  copy  contains  thu 
autograph  signature  "  Richard  Varick  Secy.,"  at  the  end  of  the  text.  In  Haven's  list 
of  ante-revolutionary  publications  the  authorship  of  this  pamphlet  is  attributed  to  W. 

Several  Methods 
Inhabitants  |  of  the 

of  making  |  Salt-Petre  ;  |  recommended  to  the  | 
United  Colonies, |  By  the  Honorable!  Conti- 
nental Congress.  |  And  |  Re-published  by  Order  of  the  |  General 
Assembly  I  of  the  |  Colony  of  Massachusetts-Bay.  |  Together  with 
the  Resolve  of  said  Assembly,  |  and  |  An  Appendix,  |  By  Doctor 
William  Whiting.  |  IVatertown :  \  Printed  and  Sold  hy  Benjamin  Edes^ 
near  the  Bridge.   1775.I    8vo,  pp.  20.  "-79373 

Several  New  ...   Considerations.     <SV^  Vol.  xii..  No.  47893. 

Several  Poems.     See  [Bradstrcet  (Anne)],  Vol.  11.  7297,  7298. 



Sevcrall  yvcstions.     Ste  Cotton  (J.),  Vol.  v.,  No.  17080. 

The  Several  Reports  of  the  Committee  of  Secrecy  to  the 
House  of  Commons,  rehiting  to  the  South  Sea  Company.  Lon- 
(lon  :  Printed  for  A.  Moore.    lyil.     Folio,  pp.  47.  79374 

Kich  (Bib.  Americana  Nova,  p.  29)  di'acriliea  a  copy  of  this  work  with  74  pngri. 

Several! Treaties | of |  Peace  and  Commerce |  Concluded  between 
the  late|  king]  Of  Blessed  Memory  Deceased, |and  other |  Princes 
and  States  ;  I  with  I  Additional  Notes  in  the  Margin,  Referring  |  to 
the  several  Articles  in  each  Treaty,  and  a  Table.  |  Reprinted  and 
I'ublished  by  His  Majesties  |  Kspecial  VAix\\\n\\\\*\.\Lon(lon\  Printed 
h\  His  Alajesties  Printers^  and  sold  by  |  Edivard  Poole  at  the  Sign  of 
the  Ship  over  a-\suiinst  the  Royal  Exchange,    1686.  |    4to,  pp.  (4), 

269.  '  B.   79375 

The  Several  Trials  of  the  Reverend  David  Barclay,  before  the 
Presbytery  of  New  Brunswick,  with  their  Judgment  at  Oxford, 
atj  Appeal  to  the  Synod  of  New  York  and  New  Jersey,  with 
their  Judgment  in  the  City  of  New  York,  Remanded  by  the 
Synod  to  the  Presbytery  of  New  Brunswick,  with  their  Judgment 
at  Hackettstovvn,  and  a  Vote  of  Censure  on  Jacob  Kerr,  one  of 
the  Complainants.  Elizahethtown,,  Printed  for  the  Author.  1814. 
i2mo.  19'il^ 

Severals  relating  to  the  |  Fund  |  Printed  for  divers  Reasons,  as 
may  appear.  [^Boston  :  Printed  by  Samuel  Green.  1682.]  4to,  pp. 
8  and  over.  l^Zll 

"  Probably  unique,  and  of  extraoniinary  interest,  imperfect  as  it  is.  At  the  top  of  the 
first  page  is  written,  in  the  hand  of  Tlionias  Prince  :  '  By  page  6,  was  written  in  1681. 
Mr.  B.  Green  sen'r  says  this  was  printed  at  Boston  by  his  bro.  Sanuel's  letter  [/'.  t, 
types.]'  On  the  page  referred  to,  the  author  speaks  of  what  he  did,  *  h.iving  by  accident, 
some  respite  time  this  year  1681,'  in  September,  and  on  p.  7,  mentions  the  result  'in 
6  months' — which  brings  the  date  of  publication  as  late  as  March,  1681-z.  It  contains 
information,  not  elsewhere  to  be  found,  respecting  the  origin  and  history  of  the  project 
for  a  Land  Bank  of  Credit,  and  the  introducticm  of  Paper  Money." — J.  H.  Trumbull. 
This  copy,  now  in  the  Watkinson  Library  at  Hartford,  brought  $43  at  the  Brinley  sale 
in  1879. 

Severance  (C.  M.)  Memorial  of  Mrs.  Caroline  M.  Sever- 
ance, of  Cleveland,  in  behalf  of  Woman's  Rights,  in  respect  to 
property,  and  the  exercise  of  the  Electoral  Franchise.  Presented 
and  read  to  the  Senate  of  Ohio,  March  23,  1854.  [n.  p.  1854.] 
8vo,  pp.  9.  79378 

Severance  [Luther].  Speech  of  Mr.  Severance,  of  Maine, 
on  the  Right  of  Petition   ...   in  the  House  of  Representatives, 




'  ! 


Fchriiiiry  i6,  1844.     tytuhington :  hitiUtl  hy  jf.  and  G.  S.  Gidton, 
1844.     ovo,  pp.  16.  H.  79379 

Skvkranck.  Speech  of  Mr.  Scvcranci-,  of  iVIaiiic,  on  the 
Tarift'.  Delivered  in  the  House  of  Representatives  of  the  U.  S. 
May  3,  1844.     [fVashington.    1844.]     8vo,  pp.  16.         H.  79380 

Sfvkranci:.  Speech  of  Hon.  L.  Severance,  of  Maine,  on 
the  War  against  Mexico.  Delivcreil  in  the  House  of  Repie- 
sentatives  ...  May  28,  1846.     [ff^ashin^irfon,    1846.]     8vo,  pp.  8. 

Sf.vf.kance.  Speech  of  Mr.  Luther  Severance,  of  Maine,  on 
the  bill  for  the  Reduction  of  the  TarifF.  Delivered  in  the  Floust 
of  Representatives,  Saturday,  June  27,  1846.  irashiui^ton:  Priutcl 
at  the  Ojfice  of  Blair  and  Rivfs.    1846.     8vo,  pp.  15.        H.  79382 

Sevkranck.  Speech  of  Mr.  Luther  Severance  of  Maine,  on 
the  Mexican  War.  ...  in  the  House  of  Representatives  of  the 
U.  S.,  Feb.  4,  1847.      [^lyashington.    1847.]     ^^"i  PP-  '^'         "• 

Skvi-ranc  K.  Speech  of  Luther  Severance,  of  Augusta,  Maine, 
in  the  House  of  Representatives,  July  27,  1847,  '"*  ^^^'  l^<^!^<'Iii- 
tions  approving  the  Mexican  War.  [^IVashinfyton.  1847.]  ^^*S 
pp.  24.  H.  79384 

Kor  a  "  Memoir  of  Luther  Severance,"  ite  [Blaine  (J.  CI.)],  Vol.  ii..  No.  5731. 

Skvkrance  (Moses).  The  American  Manual,  or  New  Eng- 
lish Reader.  ...  [With]  a  succinct  History  of  the  Colonies,  to 
the  close  of  the  Revolution.  For  the  use  of  Schools.  ...  /AV//<;- 
loo  {N.  7'.):  M.  Severance.  1 831.  l6njo,  pp.  298.  -f  Cazenovia^ 
N.  r.   1839.     i2mo.  793^5 

Sevier  (A.  H.)  Speech  of  Hon.  A.  H.  Sevier  ...  January 
12,  1842,  in  relation  to  a  Hoard  of  Exchequer.  IVashington. 
1842.    8vo.  793^^ 

Sevier.  Speech  of  Hon.  A.  H.  Sevier,  of  Arkansas,  on  the 
Oregon  Question.  Delivered  in  the  Senate  of  the  United  States, 
Wednesday,  March  25,  1846.  IFashington :  lilair  and  Rives. 
1846.     8vo,  pp.  13.  79387 

Sewall  (D.)  An  |  Astronomical  Diary:  |  or  |  Almanack,  |  for 
the  Year  of  Christian  i?l^ra,  |  1 783.  |  lieing  the  third  after  bis- 
sextile I  or  Leap  Year.  |  Calculated  for  the  Meridian  of  Ports- 
mouth, I  New  Hampshire,  Latitude  43  Degrees  5  |  Min.  North, 
Long.  70  Deg.  44  Min,  West.  |  (But  will  serve  for  any  of  the 


SO  5 

N(  w-Knfj;lan»l  States.)  |  Coiilaiiiini.';,  Sim  and  Moon's  risinj;  and 
M  ttin^  :  I  Kdipsfs  ot"  the  l.imiinarifs  ;  Lunations  i  Tinu'l  ol"  Hi(^h 
Water,  morning  ;'.m(1  evening  ;  rising,  |  southing,  and  setting  of 
the  Sev<'n  Stars;  C.'loek  |  e(|uati()ns  ;  Courts  ■,  |  Judgment  of  the 
Weather ;  I  Scale  of  Depreciation  for  the  State  of  New-|  Hamp- 
shire ;  Table  of  the  Weight  aiul  Value  |  of  Coins,  $cc.  with  many 
other  Things  uscful|  fer  an  Almanaik.  |  Mv  Daniel  Sewall,  Philo- 
math. | ...  |  A;/ f///'y////;,  \iii'-H(impshire  :\  hiiited^  atul  to  he  sold  at 
the  Printing  Qffi'*''^  "'  |  Portstnouth  timl  Exeter  ,•  also  hy  the  Honk- 
ul-\/ers  an//  shopkeepers  in  Town  an/i  ('onntry.\  [1782?]  I  2mo, 
(12)  leaves.  M.  793H8 

Coittiiuii'il  to  iSii  or  l.itL'r. 

Sf.wam,.  An  I  Eulogv  I  occasioned  by  the  Death  |  of  |  (icncral 
Washington.  I  Pronounced  at  the  middle  Parish  in  |  Kitterv,|  Feb- 
ruary 22,  1800  : 1  liv  I  Daniel  Sewall,  Ksc].  | ...  |  Port^nionth^  {New- 
llanipshire^)\  Printed  at  the  United  States'  Oracle-Office  •,\  Hy  Charles 

I'lirce.  I  1800. 1      8vo,  pp.  20 

BA.,  N.   79389 

Sewai.l  (D.)  a  Sermon  and  Memorial,  delivered  at  the 
funeral  of  Capt.  Isaac  Wiiislow  Case,  in  Kenduslceag,  Maine, 
November  twenty-seventh,  1863.  By  D.  Sewall,  of  St.  Albans. 
Bangor :  Printed  hy  Samuel  S.  Smith.    1864.     8vo,  pp.  20.  H. 

SiiWAi.L  (D.), />».  1735,1'/.  '^25.  Tutor  Henry  Flynt's  Journey 
iVoin  Canibridge  to  Portsmouth  in  1754  Written  by  David 
Sewall  who  accompanied  him  Edited,  with  notes  Hy  Charles 
Deane  ...  Cambridge  Press  of  John  It'ilson  and  Son  1878  8vo, 
pp.  9.  H.,  H.,  L.  79391 

"Fifty  copies  piinicd  from  thr  Froci-t-iiings  of  the  Mass.ichuictts  Historical  Society." 
Scw.ill's  manuscript  of  Father  Fl\  ill's  Journey  was  fouiiil  anion);  the  papers  of  John 
Ailams,  who  was  a  clasaUiite  of  Sewall. 

Sewall  (E.  Q.)  A  Sermon  on  Human  Depravity  ;  delivered 
in  Amherst,  N.  H.  ...  June  25,  1825.  Hy  Edmund  (^.  Sewall. 
A/nherst^  N.  PI. :  fP'ells  iff  Seaton^  Printers.  1825.  8vo,  pp.  34. 
M.  -f  I'hird  Edition.  Boston :  Printed  hy  Isaac  R.  Butts  and  Co, 
1826.     8v(),  pp.  42.  HA.  79392 

Also  publisheil  with  the  title:  On  Human  Depravity.  By  Edmund  y.  Sewall. 
Fourth  Edition.  Printed  for  the  American  I'nitarian  Association.  Boston:  Iioivlt>  and 
Dearborn.    1827.     8vo,  pp.  42.      B. 

Skwall.  a  Sermon  preached  at  Scituate  on  Jiord's  Day,  May 
29,  1838.  Hy  Edmund  y.  Sewall  ...  .  Boston:  James  Munroe 
'^  Co.    1838.     8vo,  pp.  20.  B.  79393 


'  1 






Sewall.  a  Sermon  ...  January  2,  1842,  at  the  interment  of 
Reverend  Harrison  Gray  Otis  Phipps,  Pastor  of  the  First  Church 
in  Cohasset.  ...  By  Edmund  (^.  Sewall,  Pastor  of  the  First 
Church  in  Scituate.  Also,  a  Sermon  on  the  Frailty  of  Man,  by 
the  late  Rev.  H.  G.  O.  Phipps  ...  .  Hinghatn :  'Jedid'tah  Farmer^ 
printer.    1842.     8vo,  pp.  32.  B.  79394 

Sewall  (H.  D.)  Reply  to  the  Rev.  Henry  J.  Feltus,  Rector 
of  St.  Stephens,  on  the  Alliance  of  Unitarianism  and  Moham- 
etanism,  with  the  Unitarians  appeal.  By  Henry  D.  Sewall.  ... 
Ne-uo  York:  Printed  by  C.  S.  Fan  IVinklc.    1820.     8vo,  pp.  30.     h. 

[Sewall  (Jonathan),  b.  1728,  d.  1796.]  The  Americans 
Roused,  in  a  Cure  for  the  Spleen.  Or  Amusement  for  a 
Winter's  Evening;  Being  the  Substance  of  a  Conversation  on  the 
Times,  over  A  Friendly  Tankard  and  Pipe.  Between  Sharp,  A 
Country  Parson.  Bumper,  A  Country  Justice.  Fillpot,  An  Inn- 
keeper. Graveairs,  A  Deacon.  Trim,  A  Barber.  Brim,  A 
Quaker.  Puff,  A  late  Representative.  Taken  in  Short-Hand, 
by  Sir  Roger  de  Coverley.  New- England^  Printed:  New-Tor k^ 
Re~printed^  by  'James  Rivington.  [1775.^]     8vo,  pp.  32.    J.C.B.,  s. 

Corrected  title  of  No.  1274,  Vol.  i.  The  authorship  is  attributed  to  Judge  Sewall  in 
Trumbull's  "  M'Firijjal,"  canto  1.    This  edition  is  a  reprint,  probably,  of  the  following : 

[Sewall.]  A  Cure  for  the  Spleen.  Or  Amusement  for  a 
Winter's  Evening;  Being  the  Substance  of  a  Conversation  on  the 
Times,  over  a  fViendly  Tankard  and  Pipe.     Between  Sharp,  — 

A  Country  Parsoi;.     Bumper, A  Country  Justice. 

Fillpot, An  Inn-keeper.     Graveairs, A  Deacon. 

Trim, A  Barber.     Brim, ,  A  Quaker.     PufF,  — 

A  late  Representative.    Taken  in  short  Hand,  by  Sir  Roger 

De   Coverly.      \_Boston ;]   America :   Printed  and  sold  in   the  Year 
Mdcc  lxxv.     8vo,  pp.  32.  j.c.B.  79397 

Corrected  title  of  No.  17982,  Vol.  v.  "The  scene  of  this  Conversation  is  laid  near 
Boston,  and  the  book  is  an  amusing  Exposition  of  the  Grievances  and  Politics  of  the 
Colonies.  On  page  30  of  this  copy  are  four  lines  of  the  text  with  this  manuscript  note 
at  the  bottom  of  the  page,  •  From  this  to  the  conclusK-n  of  the  period  is  omitted  in  all 
the  vendible  impressions,  as  the  printer  was  a  womai.  and  ashamed'  [illegible]." — 
Stevens's  Nuggets,  No.  795.     See  also  Vol.  x.,  No.  40097,  notef  and  Vol.  i.,  No.  263. 

Sewall  (J.  M..)^h.  1 748,  d.  1 808.  Eulogy  |  on  the  Late |  Gen- 
eral Washington  ;  |  Pronounced  at  St.  John's  Church  |  in  Ports- 
mouth, New  hampshire,  I  on  Tuesday,  31st  December,  1799.  |  At 
the  Request  of  the  Inhabitants.  |  By  Jonathan  Mitchel  Sewall, 
Esquire.  |  . . .  |  Portsmouth^  N.  H.  j  Printed  by  fViUiam  Treadwell.  \ 
[1800.]    4to,  pp.  28.  B.,  H.  79398 



Sewall.  Miscellaneous  Poems,  with  several  specimens  from 
the  Author's  manuscript  version  of  the  Poems  of  Ossian.  By  J. 
M.  Sewall,  Esq.  Published  agreeably  to  an  Act  of  Congress. 
Portsmouth :  Printed  hy  IV-Uitam  Treadwell.,  &  C"  for  the  Author. 
1801.     i6mo,  pp.  304.  L.  79399 

[Sewall.]  An  |  Oration  |  delivered  at  Portsmouth,  New- 
Hampshire,  |  on  the  Fourth  of  July,  1788.]  Being  the  Anniversary 
of  I  American  Independence.  |  By  One  of  the  Inhabitants.  | ...  | 
Portsmouth :  \  Printed  h  George  "Jfrry  Osborne^  for  the  Subscribers.  | 

M,DCC,LXXXVIII.  I      8vO,  pp.  23.  M.    794OO 

[Sewall.?]  A  Parody  on  Some  of  the  most  striking  Passages 
in  a  late  Pamphlet,  entitled  "  A  Letter  to  a  Federalist,"  with 
Large  Additions  &  Improvements.  By  Vernon  H.  Quincey, 
Esq.  [pseudon.'\  ...  Portsmouth^  N.  H.:  Printed  at  the  Oracle  Press. 
1805.     8vo,  pp.  47.  79401 

[Sewall.]  Verses  I  occasioned  by  reading  the  |  Answer  |  of  the 
I  President  |  of  the  |  United-States,  |  to  the  |  House  of  Representa- 
tives, I  requesting  certain  Papers  |  relative  to  the  |  Treaty  |  with ) 
Great-Britain.  I  5o;/o« ;  Printed  in  the  Tear  1797.  |     i2mo,  pp.  7. 

This  is  reprinted  in  the  "Miscellaneous  Poems,"  under  the  title  of  "The  Inflexible 


[Sewall.]  A  |  Versification  |  of  |  President  Washington's  |  Ex- 
ccllcntj  Farewell- Address,  |  to  the  |  Citizens  of  the  |  United  States.  | 
Hy  a  Gentleman  of  Portsmouth,  N.  H.  |  Published  according  to 
Act  of  Congress.  |  Portsmouth.,  New- Hampshire :  |  Printed  and  Sold 
by  Charles  Pierce.,  at  the\  Colufnbian  Bookstore.    1798.  |     8vo,  pp.  54. 

S*e  also  [Richards  (G.)],  Vol.  xvii.,  No.  70919,  note. 

Sewall  (J.),  ^.  1688,^.  1769.  All  Flesh  is  as  Grass;  but 
the  Word  of  the  I  Lord  endureth  for  ever.  |  A  |  Sermon  |  preached  at 
the  I  Thursday  Lecture  in  Boston,  |  January  ist.  1740,1.  |  By 
Joseph  Sewall,  d.d.  |  Pastor  to  a  Church  of  Christ  in  Boston.  | ...  | 
Boston :  Printed  and  Sold  by  S.  Kneeland  and  T.  |  Green.,  in  ^ueen 
street  over  against  the  Prison.    1741.I     8vo,  pp.  (4),  24.  B.,  M. 

Sewall.  Believers  invited  to  Come  |  to  |  Christ  |  as  the  Author 
of  their  |  Resurrection  |  and  |  Life.  |  In  a  Sermon  at  the  Lecture  |  in 
Boston,  N.  E.  Novemb.  10.  1715.  |  By  Joseph  Sewall,  a.m.  | 
Pastor  oi  a  Church  in  Boston.  |  ...  |5w/o«  ;  Printed  by  B.  Green., 
for  Samuel  \  Gerrish.,  at  his  Shop  on  the  North-side  of  the  \  Town- 
House.  1 7 16. 1    Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (2),  17.  B.,  M.  79405 



Skwall.     a  Caveat  against 
the  I  Lecture  in  Boston,  N.  E, 

Covctousncss  |  in  a  |  Sermon  |  at 
February  20,  lyjl-  |  By  Joseph 

ir;    I 

'>  fi. 

■i        xj 


Sewall,  A.M.  I  Pastor  of  a  Church  of  Christ  in  Boston.) ...  |  Bos- 
ton :  I  Printed  h  B.  Green  for  Samuel  Gerrish^  \  and  Sold  at  his  Shop. 
1718.  I      8vo,  pp.  (2),  22.  B.   79406 

Sewall.  The  |  Certainty  &  Suddenness  |  of  [Christ's  coming  | 
to  I  Judgment,  |  improved  as  a  Motive  to  Diligence  I  in  Preparing 
for  it.  I  In  I  a  Sermon  |  at  the  Lecture  in  Boston,  |  October  6.  1 7 1 5.  | 
By  Joseph  Sewall,  a.m.  |  Pastor  of  a  Church  in  Boston.  | ...  |  Bos- 
ton :  Printed  by  B.  Green^  for  Samuel  \  Gerrish^  at  his  Shop  on  the 
North-side  of  the\  Toivn-House.    1716.  |     Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (2),  19.     B. 

Sewall.  The  |  Character  |  and  |  Blessedness  |  of  the  |  Upright.  | 
A  Sermon  |  Occasion'd  by  the  Death  of  the  |  Honourable  |  Wait 
Winthrop,  Esq;  |  Who  Expired,  Nov.  7,  1717.  |  iEtatis  76.  |  By 
Joseph  Sewall,  a.m.  |  Pastor  of  a  Church  of  Christ  in  Boston.  | ...  | 
Boston:  Printed  by  T.  Crutnp.    1717.I     Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (2),  48.        B. 

Sewall.  The  Character  and  Reward  of  the  faithful  |  Minis- 
ters of  Christ.  I  A  |  Sormon  |  Preach'd  at  the  South  Church  in  Bos- 
ton, I  On  the  Lord's  Day  after  the  Funeral  |  Of  the  Reverend  | 
Mr.  Alexander  Cumming,  |  Late  Colleague  Pastor  of  said  Church. 
I  Who  departed  this  Life,  August  25,  1763.  |  iEtat.  37.  [  By  Joseph 
Sewall,  D.D.  I  Pastor  of  said  Church.  |  ...  \  Boston:  Printed  by  S. 
Kneeland^  1763.  |     8vo,  pp.  (4),  20,  (2).  794^9 

Sewall.  Christ  Victorious  over  the  Powers  of  Darkness,  |  by 
the  Light  of  His  preached  Gospel.  |  A  |  Sermon  |  preached  in  Bos- 
ton, December  12,  1733.  |  At  the  Ordination  of  the  Reverend) 
Mr.  Stephen  Parker,  |  Mr.  Ebenezer  Hinsdell,  and  |  Mr.  Joseph 
Seccornbe,  |  chosen  by  the  Commissioners  to  the  Honourable  | 
Society  for  Propagating  Christian  Knowledge  at  |  Edinburgh  to 
carry  the  Gospel  to  the  Aboriginal  |  Natives  on  the  Borders  of 
New  England.  I  By  Joseph  Sewall,  d.d.|  Pastor  to  a  Church  of 
Christ  in  Boston.  |  To  which  are  annexed] a  brief  Account  of  the 
Honourable  Society  and  |  present  Mission,  |  with  an  Abstract  of 
the  I  Ordination  Prayers,  and  the  Charge  given  by  the  |  Reverend 
Dr.  Colman.  |  And  the  Right  Hand  of  Fellowship  given  by  the 
Reverend  |  Mr.  Prince.  |  ...  |  Boston;  Printed  and  Sold  by  S.  Kneeland 
&  T.  Green^  j  in  ^een-Street.  Mdccxxxiii.  |  8vo,  pp.  (8),  46. 
BA.,  H.,  M.    -f  Edinburgh.   1734.    8vo,  pp.  56.  794^0 

Sewall.     Desires  that  |  Joshua's  Resolution  |  may  be  |  Revived  | 
or,  I  Excitations  |  to  the  |  Constant  and  Diligent  Exercise  |  ofj 

i  i 



non  I  at 

us  Shop, 
,  79406 

:oming  | 

...  \Bos- 
p  on  the 

19.      B. 

Jpright.  I 
le  1  Wait 
76.  I  By 
ton.  I ...  I 
4.8.        B. 

I  Minis- 
i  in  Bos- 
everend  j 


[y  Joseph 

tied  by  S. 


Levived | 

tise  I  ofj 

Family-Religion :  |  Being  the  Substance  of  Sundry  Semons.  |  By 
Joseph  Sewall,  m.a.  |  Pastor  of  a  Church  in  Boston.  | ...  j  Boston  in 
M  E.  Printed  by  B.  Green  \for  Samuel  Gerrish  at  his  Shop  on  the 
North\side  of  the  Town-House.   1716.]    Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (2),  xii,  80. 

"  The  Epistle  to  the  Reader  "  is  signed  "  E.  Pemberton,"  and  dated  from  "  Boston, 
April  23,  1716." 

Sewall.  The  Duty,  Character  and  Reward  of  |  Christ's  faith- 
ful Servants.  |  A  |  Sermon  |  preached  at  the  South  Church  in  |  Bos- 
ton :  I  On  the  Lord's- Day,  after  the  Funeral  |  of  the  Reverend  | 
Mr.  Thomas  Prince,  I  late  Colleague-Pastor  of  said  Church. jWho 
departed  this  Life,  October  22d,  1758.  |  iEtat.  72.  |  By  Joseph 
Sewall,  D.D.  I  Pastor  of  said  Church,  j  ...  |  Boston:  Printed  by  S. 
Kneeland^  \  in  ^een  Street.  \  MDCCViii  [sic  for  1758].  8vo,  pp.  (4), 
22,  (2).  B.  79412 

Sewall.  The|  Duty  of  a  People  |  to  |  Stand  in  Aw  of  God,  | 
and  not  Sin,  |  when  under  His  terrible  Judgments.  |  A  Sermon  j 
Prcach'd  at  the  South  Meeting  House  |  in  Boston,  the  Evening 
after  the  |  Earthquake,  |  Which  was  in  the  Night  between  |  the  29th 
&  30th  of  I  October,  1727.  |  By  Joseph  Sewall,  m.a.  |  Pastor  of  a 
Church  of  Christ  in  Boston.  |  ...\  Boston:  Printed  for  D.  Hench- 
man over  against  \  the  Brick  Meeting- House  in  Corn-hill.  1 7 27. J 
Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (4),  24.  B.,  M.  -\-  The  Second  Edition.  [/^'^.J 
1727.    8vo,  pp.  (4),  28.  B.  79413 

Sewall.  The  [Duty  of  every  Man  |  to  be  always  |  Ready  to 
Die.  I A  Sermon  occasion'd  |  by  the  very  Sudden  Deaths  of  |  Mr. 
Thomas  Lewis]  aged  32.  And  of  [Mr.  Samuel  Hirst,  I  aged  22.  ( 
On  Saturday  Jan.  14,  1726-7.  I  By  Joseph  Sewall,  |  Pastor  of  a 
Church  of  Christ  in  Boston.  | ...  |  Boston  in  New-England :  |  Printed 
by  B.  Green.    1727.I     8vo,  pp.  (4),  23,  (l).  B.,  H.  79414 

The  additional  leaf  at  the  end  contains  a  memorial  paragraph  concerning  Mr.  Samuel 


[Sewall,  and  others.']  A  \  Faithful  Narrative  |  of  |  the  Proceed- 
ings of  the  I  Ecclesiastical  Council  |  convened  at  Salem  in  1734.  | 
Occasioned  |  by  the  scandalous  Divisions  in  the  first  Church  |  in 
that  Town,  continuing  after  repeated  Ad- 1  monitions  given  them 
in  the  way  of  Commu-jnion  of  Churches,  expressing  that  con- 
cern I  and  charity  they  owe  to  each  other,  according  |  to  the  Laws 
of  Christ,  and  the  professed  Prin-|ciples  of  Congregational 
Churches.  |  Boston  :  Printed  for  D.  Henchman.,  at  the  Corner  \  Shop 
over  against  the  Brick  Meeting-House  in  Corn-hill.  1 735.  |  8vo,  pp. 
(2)1  vi,  94.  p.,  H.  79415 

Corrected  tide  of  No.  245 32,  Vol.  vi. 


VOL.    XIX. 




'\        ' 



■        i 

Pi      I 


Sf.wall.  The  first  and  great  (\)mman(liiient,  |  to  love  the 
Lord  our  God.  |  A  [Sermon  |preach*d  at  the  Thursday-Lecture  in 
Boston  [January  20,  1741,  2.  |  By  Joseph  Sewall,  d.dJ  Pastor  to 
a  Church  of  Christ  in  Boston.  | ...  |  Boston  :  |  Printed  by  T.  Fleet^for 
D.  Henchman^  I742'|     Sm.  8vo,  pp.  31.  B.,  c.  79416 

Sewall.  God's  People  must  Enquire  of  Him  to  |  bestow  the 
Blessings  promised  in  his  |  Word.  |  A  |  Sermon  |  preached  February 
26.  1 74 1,  2.  On  a  Day  of  Prayer  |  observed  by  the  South 
Church  and  Congregation  in  |  Boston,  to  seek  of  God  the  more  j 
Plentiful  Effusion  I  of  I  His  Holy  Spirit  |  upon  them  and  his  People. 
I  By  Joseph  Sewall,  D.r.  |  One  of  the  Pastors  of  said  Church.  | 
...  I  Boston^  Printed  by  D.  Fowle  for  D.  Henchman  \  in  Cornhill. 
1 742. 1    8vo,  pp.  30.  B.,  M.,  w.  79417 

Sewall.  He  that  would  keep  [God's  Commandments  [  Must  j 
Renounce  the  Society  [  of  |  Evil  Doers.  |  A  Sermon  preach'd  at  the 
Publick  I  Lecture  in  Boston[July  i8th.  1728.  [after  a  |  Bloody  and 
Mortal  Duel.  [  By  Joseph  Sewall,  m.a.  [  Pastor  of  a  Church  of 
Christ  in  Boston.  [With  a  Preface  by  the  united  Ministers  of  [the 
said  Town.  [ ...  |  Boston  in  New- England :  [  Printed  by  B.  Green  for 
D.  Henchman    1728.  [    8vo,  pp.  (2),  vi,  28.        e.,  m.,  w.  79418 

Sewall.  The  |  Holy  Spirit  [  Convincing  the  World  [  of  Sin,  of 
Righteousness,  [  and  of  Judgment,  [  considered  in  [  Four  Sermons  :  [ 
The  two  former  delivered  at  the  |  Tuesday-Evening  Lecture  [in 
Brattle  Street,  January  20th  &  March  3  :  |  The  other  at  the  [  Old- 
South  Church  [  in  Boston,  April  17  &  26,  1741.  [  By  Joseph 
Sewall,  D.D.  [ ...  [  Boston  :  [  Printed  by  jf.  Draper^  for  D.  Henchman  j 
in  Cornhil.    1741.I    Sm.  i2mo,  pp.  (2),  vi,  133,  (i).        B.  79419 

Sewall.  The  Holy  Spirit  convincing  the  World  of  Sin,  of 
Righteousness,  and  of  Judgment.  ...  With  an  Introduction,  by 
Rev.  R.  K.  Sewall.  Boston:  Massachusetts  Sabbath  School  Society. 
1846.     i8mo,  pp.  188.     Portrait.  c.  79420 

Sewall.  The  Holy  Spirit  [  the  [  Gift  of  God  [  Our  Heavenly 
Father,  [To  them  that  Ask  Him.  [A  Sermon  (on  a  Day  of  Prayer 
[  with  Fasting,  kept  by  the  [  South  Church  in  Boston,  to  Ask  [  of 
God  the  Effusion  of  His  Spirit  [  on  the  Rising  Generation,  No- 
vemb.  1 13th.  1722.  [  By  Joseph  Sewall,  a.m.  I  Pastor  of  a  Church 
of  Christ  in  Boston.  | ...  |  Boston  :  Printed  for  L),  Henchman^  at  \  the 
Corner  Shop  over  against  the  Brick  Meeting-  [  House  in  Cornhill., 
1 728. 1     i2mo,  pp.  (4),  32.  B.,  M.  79421 



Sewall.     Jehovah  is  the  King  and  |  Saviour  of  his  People.  |  A 
Sermon  |  preach'd  at  the  Boston  Lecture,  |  August   17.   1727. 
Upon  the  awful  Tidings  |  of  the  |  Death  j  of  His  late  Majesty  |  King 
George  |  June  n .  |  By  Joseph  Sewall,  a.m.  |  Pastor  of  a  Church  of 
Christ  in  Boston.  |  ...  |  Boston  in  New-England:  |  Printed  by  B. 

Green  ...  mdccxxvii.  |    8vo,  pp.  (4),  25. 

B.,  M.,  w.  79422 

Sewall.  The  Lamb  slain,  worthy  to  be  praised,  as  the  |  most 
powerful,  rich,  wise,  and  strong.  |  A  [  Sermon  |  preach'd  |  at  the  | 
Thursday  Lecture  1  in  I  Boston,  I  July  11.  1745.  |  By  Joseph  Sewall, 
D.D.  I  Pastor  of  a  Church  in  said  Town.  | ...  |  Boston  :  Printed  for 
D.  Henchman  in  Cornhill,    1745.  |    8vo,  pp.  34.  B.,  M.  79423 

Sewall.  Nineveh's  Repentance  and  Deliverance.  |  A  |  Ser- 
mon I  Preach'd  before  |  His  Excellency  |  the  |  Governour  |  The 
Honourable  |  Council  |  And  |  Representatives  |  of  the  Province  of 
the  I  Massachusetts-Bay  in  New-England,  |  on  a -Day  of  Fasting 
and  Prayer  |  in  the  Council  Chamber,  Dec.  3.  1 740.  |  By  Joseph 
Sewall,  D.D.  I  Pastor  of  a  Church  of  Christ  in  Boston.  | ...  |  Boston 
in  New-England ;  |  Printed  by  J.  Draper^  Printer  to  His  Excellency 
the  I  Governour  and  Council^ /or  D.  Henchman  \in  Cornhil.  1740.  | 
8vo,  pp.  (6),  33.  B.,  M.  79424 

Sewall.  The  |  Orphan's  Best  Legacy ;  |  or,  |  God's  parental 
care  |  of  |  bereaved  children  :  |  A  discourse  I  occasion'd  |  by  the  death 
of  the  Honourable  |  Samuel  Sewall,  Esq.  |  who  departed  this  Life, 
Jan.  I,  1729-30. 1  ^tatis  78.  |  By  his  Son,  Joseph  Sewall,  |  Pastor 
of  the  South  Church  in  Boston.  | ...  |  Boston :  Printed  by  B.  Green  ; 
Sold  by  S.  Gerrish\and  D.  Henchman^  at  their  Shops.  1730.  |  8vo, 
PP-  (4%  33i  (0-  B-i  M.,  w.  79425 

Sewall.  Precious  Treasure  |  in  |  Earthen  Vessels.  |  A  Sermon  | 
Occasion'd  by  the  |  Death  |  of  the  |  Reverend  &  Learned,  |  Mr. 
Ebenezer  Pemberton,  |  Pastor  of  a  Church  of  Christ  |  in  Boston, 
and  Fellow  of  Harvard  |  College ;  who  Expired  Wednes-|day, 
Fcbr.  13th.  1716,  I7.|^tatis  Su«  45.|By  Joseph  Sewall,  a.m.  | 
Boston :  Printed  by  B.  Green,  for  |  Samuel  Gerrish,  and  Daniel 
Henchman,\Sold  at  their  Shops.    1717.I     Sm.  Svo,  pp.  (2),  vi,  36. 

With  a  preface  by  Increase  Mather. 

Sewall.  Repentance  |  the  Sure  Way  to  |  escape  Destruction.  | 
Two  Sermons  I  on  Jrr.  18.  7.  8. 1  Preached  December  21st.  on  a 
Publick  I  Fast  occasioned  by  the  Earthquake,  |  the  Night  after  the 
Lord's-Day  |  Octob.  29th.  And  on  the  Lord's- 1  Day  December 
24th.   1727.  I  By  Joseph  Sewall,  m.a.  |  Pastor  of  a  Church  of 



!  i 



!    1  > 


Christ  in  Boston.  |  Publish'd  with  some  Enlargement.  | ...  I  Fioston  ; 
Printed  /'or  D.  Henchman^  \  at  the  Corner  Shop  over  against  the  |  Brick 
Meeting-House  in  Cornhill.   1727.  |    8vo,  pp.  (4),  55.      b.,  m.,  w. 

Sewall.  Rulers  must  be  Just, |  Ruling | in  the  Fear  of  God.) 
A  I  Sermon  |  preached  before  the  Honourable,  |  the  Lieutenant 
Governour,  I  the  Council  &  Reprc-|sentatives  of  the  Province) of 
the  Massachusetts  Bay,  in  |  New-England,  May  27,  1724.  |  Being 
the  Day  for  the  Election  of  His  |  Majesty's  Council.  |  By  Joseph 
Sewall,  I  Pastor  of  a  Church  of  Christ  in  Boston.  |  ...  |  ooston^  in 
N.  E.\  Printed  hy  B.  Green  ...    1724.     8vo,  pp.  (4),  69,  (i).      M. 

Sewall.     The  Second  Commandment  like  to  the]  First;  — 
Thou  shah  love  thy  Neighbour  as  |  Thyself.  |  A  |  Sermon  |  preached 
at  the  Thursday  Lecture  in   Boston,  |  May  6,  1742.  |  By  Joseph 
"astor  to  a  Church  of  Christ  in  Boston.  I ...  1 5w/o«.- 1 

Sewall,  D.D. IP 
Printed  by  J  ho. 
pp.  30. 

Fleet.,  for  D.  Henchman  in  |  Cornhill.    1742.  |    8vo, 

B.,  M.,  N.  79429 

Sewall.  A  |  Sermon  |  preached  at  the  |  Thursday-Lecture  in 
Boston,  I  September  16,  1762,  |  before  the  |  Great  and  General 
Court  I  Of  the  Province  of  the  |  Massachusetts-Bay,  in  New- 
England.)  On  the  I  Joyful  News  of  the  Reduction  of  thejHavan- 
nah.  I  By  Joseph  Sewall,  d.d.  |  Colleague  Pastor  of  the  South 
Church  in  said  Town.  I  ...  |  Boston;  New-England :  \  Printed  by 
'John  Draper .,  Printer  to  His  Excellency  the  \  Governor.^  and  the  Hon- 
ourable His  Majesty'' s  Council :  \  and,  |  By  Edes  and  Gill,  Printers  to 
the  Honourable  House\of  Representativ.:.   1762.  |    8vo,  pp.  33.    L. 

Sewall.  Sober-Mindedness|explain'd  as  a  necessary  |  Part  of 
Early  Piety.  |  By  Mr.  Joseph  Sewall.  j  Boston-Lecture,  April  13. 
1721.I  [i?w/<»«.   1721.]    8vo,  pp.  26.  7943' 

The  fourth  of  nine  sermons  in  "A  Course  of  Sermons  on  Early  Piety.  By  the 
Eight  Ministers  who  carry  on  the  Thursday  Lecture  in  Boston."  Ste  Vol,  xi.,  No. 
46274,  for  the  general  title. 

Sewall.  A  Tender  Heart  pleasing  to  God | and  profitable  to 
Men.  I A  Sermon  |  Preached  at  the  South-Church  in  |  Boston  :  |  On 
the  Lord's-Day  after  the  Death  of  |  the  Honourable  |  Josiah 
Willard,  Esq  :  |  Secretary  of  the  Province  of  the  |  Massachusetts- 
Bay.  I  Who  departed  this  Life  December  6,  1756.  |  lEi.  "jb.  \  By 
Joseph  Sewall,  d.d.  j  A  Pastor  of  said  Church.  |  Boston :  Printed  by 
S.  Kneeland,\in  ^een-street.   1756.  |     Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (2),  22.        B. 

Sewall.  The  Thirsty  invited  to  come,  |  and  take  the  Waters 
of  Life  I  freely.  |  A  |  Sermon  |  Preached  on  the  Friday  Evening- 



Lecture,  at  the  South  |  Meeting-Housc  in  Boston,  March  5,  1741, 
2. 1  By  Joseph  Sewall,  d.d.  |  ...  |  Boston^  Printed  and  Sold  by  Rogers 
and  Fffwle  \  at  the  Head  of  ^ueen-street^  near  the  Town-House.  | 

1 742. 1    8vo,  pp.  24,  3. 

B-  79433 

Sewall.     When  the  Godly  cease  and  Faithful  fail ;  |  we  must 

seek  to  God  for  Help.  |  A 
the  Death  of  the  Reverend 

Sermon  |  preach'd  at  Cambridge  |  upon 
Mr.  Benjamin  Wadsworth,|  President 
of  Harvard  College,  |  who  deceas'd  March  i6th,  1736,  '].\Mims 
Suae  68.  |  By  Joseph  Sewall,  d  d.  |  Pastor  of  a  Church  of  Christ  in 
Boston.  I ...  I  Boston :  \  Printed  by  S.  Knee/and  iff  T.  Grefn^  for  D. 
Henchman  \  in  Cornhifl.   Mdccxxxvii.  |      8vo,  pp.  (2),  ^2.      B.,  c. 

Sewall  (J.)  A  Memoir  of  Rev.  Jotham  Sewall,  of  Chestcr- 
ville,  Maine.  By  his  Son,  Rev.  Jotham  Sewall.  Boston :  Tappan 
ij  IVhittemore.   1853.     i2mo,  pp.  407,  (i).     Portrait.      <-'•  79435 

Sewall  (O.)  History  of  Chesterville,  Maine.  By  the  late 
Oliver  Sewall,  Esq.  Farmingion^  Me.  Published  by  J.  S.  Swift. 
1875.     8vo,  pp.  96.  7943^ 

Sewall  (R.  K.),  b.  18 14.  Ancient  Dominions  of  Maine, 
embracing  the  earliest  facts,  the  recent  discoveries  of  the  remains 
of  aboriginal  towns,  the  voyages,  settlements,  battle  scenes,  and 
incidents  of  Indian  warfare,  and  other  incidents  of  history, 
together  with  the  religious  developments  of  society  within  the 
ancient  Sagadahoc,  Sheepscot  and  Pemaquid  precincts  and  depend- 
encies. By  Rufus  King  Sewall  ....  Bath :  Elisha  Clark  and  Com- 
pany. Boston^  Mass.  :  Crosby  and  Nichols.  Portland:  Sanborn  and 
Carter.    1859.     8vo,  pp.  366.     9  Plates.  B.,  H.  79437 

Sewall.  History  of  Lincoln  Lodge,  at  Wiscasset.  By 
Rufus  King  Sewall  ....  Portland:  Bailey  and  Noyes.  1863.  8vo, 
pp.  54,  Index  (2).  BA.  79438 

Sewall.  Sketches  of  St.  Augustine.  With  a  View  of  its 
History  and  Advantages  as  a  Resort  for  Invalids.  By  R.  K. 
Sewall.  New  York:  George  P.  Putnam.  1848.  i2mo,  pp.  69.  s. 
-}-  Second  Edition.  Philadelphia  :  Martin  E.  Harmstead.  1849. 
i2mo,  pp.  10,  7-100.  B.  79439 

[Sewall  (Samuel),  b.  1652,  d.  1730.]  The  |  Athenian  Ora- 
cle, |  The   Second   Edition,  Printed  at  London.    1704.  |  Vol.  i. 

P.  545 548.  |...  I    [Colophon:]   Boston  of  the  Massachusets ; 

December  5.  1705.  |  Printed  by  Bartholomew  Green ^  and  are  to  be 

\  ? 



Sold  by  Samuel  Phillips  |  at  the  Brick  Shop  above  the  Town-House.  \ 
8vo,  pp.  4.  M.  79440. 

Thii  ii  Judge  Sewall's  article  or  '*  J^ucBtiun"  concerning  slavery  stated  and  answered 
which  is  referred  to  by  him  in  the  note  under  No.  79446,  infra.  The  only  known 
copy  was  presented  by  the  Hon.  Robert  C.  Winthrop  to  the  library  of  the  Massachu- 
setts Historical  Society,  where  it  now  is.  At  the  top  of  the  first  page  is  written : 
"  Cap'.  Sewall  Sent  y".  following  question  ov'.  to  y".  Athenian  Society."  Information 
furnished  by  Mr.  Julius  H.  Tuttle. 

[Sewall.]  A  Memorial  |  relating  to  the  |  Kennebeck  Indians.  | 
[^Boston.   1721.]    4to,  pp.  3.  M.  79441 

Signed  "Per  Samuel  Sewall,"  and  dated  "Boston;  September,  8th.  1721."  The 
tract  ends  with  an  "Extract  of  a  Letter  from  the  Reverend  Solomon  Stoddard."  Re- 
printed in  the  Maine  Historical  Society's  Collections,  iii.  3 S 1-35 3- 

[Sewall.]  Mrs.  Judith  Hull,  |  Of  Boston,  in  N.  E.  Dauditer 
of]  Mr.  Edmund  Quincey ;  late  Wife  of  |  John  Hull  Esq. 
deceased.  I ...  [Who]  Rested  from  her  Labours,  June  22.  1695.] 
being  the  seventh  day  of  the  Week,  a  little  |  before  Sun-set ;  just 
about  the  time  She  |  used  to  begin  the  Sabbath.  |  Anno  iEtatis  sux 
69.     \^Boston.   1695.]    8vo,  i  page.  b.  79442 

An  epitaph  in  verse.  Two  editions  were  printed,  one  of  ten,  the  other  of  twelve 
lines.  The  authorship  is  ascribed  to  Sewall  in  T.  Prince's  manuscript  catalogue  of  his 
New  England  Library. 

Sewall.  Phenomena  quxdam  |  Apocalyptica  |  Ad  Aspectum 
Novi  Orbis  configurata.  |  Or,  some  few  Lines  towards  a  descrip- 
tion of  the  New  |  Heaven  |  As  It  makes  to  those  who  stand  upon 
the  I  New  Earth  |  By  Samuel  Sewall  sometime  Fellow  of  Harvard 
Colledge  at  |  Cambridge  in  New-England.  J  ...  |  Massachuset i\ 
Boston^  Printed  by  Bartholomew  Green^  and  yohn  Jllen.,  |  uind  are  to 
be  sold  by  Richard  IVilkins^  ^^91'  \  4^*^?  PP«  (^)>  60.  A  in  six,  b-p 
in  twos.  B.,  L.  79443 

The  title,  verso  blank,  is  followed  by  a  dedicatory  epistle  "To  the  Honorable,  Sir 
William  Ashvrst  Knight,"  etc.,  in  two  pages ;  another  dedication  "  To  the  Honorable, 
William  Stoughton  Esq.  Lieut.  Governour,"  etc.  in  three  pages ;  and  a  metrical  version 
of  Psalm  119,  verses  7-10,  on  one  page.  The  book  Itself  is  an  essay  on  the  prophe- 
cies in  Revelation  which  were  supposed  by  some  commentators  to  relate  to  America 
"The  learned  and  pious  author  labors  'to  expose  the  antick  fancy  of  America's  being 
Heir — the  •  Sedem  Inferurum '  to  which  Christ  descended, —  or  even  the  Apocalyptic 
Gog  and  Magog ;  but  he  honestly  confesses  (p.  40)  that  '  there  is  so  much  Confusion  in 
the  discourses  upon  this  subject,  that  a  man  cannot  ult  when  be  is  in  Heaven  and  ivbtn  he 
it  in  Hell,'  and  that  '  so  near  an  approach  to,  so  compleat  a  resemblance  of  Hell,  was  not 
to  be  found  in  rerum  natura'  as  in  America." — J.  H.  Tkumbull. 

Mr.  Sewall  inclines  to  the  opinion  that  the  Indians  are  descendants  of  the  Israelites. 
On  page  47  he  refers  to  the  sentiments  of  Mr.  Nicholas  Fuller  concerning  the  new 
world  as  follows :  "  This  learned  Man,  agreeable  to  his  great  Ingenuity,  endeavours  tu  do 
Columbus  the  Justice,  as  to  eternize  his  Honour,  by  engraving  his  Name  upon  the 
World  of  his  Discovery.  It  is  every  where  called  America :  but  according  to  Truth,  and 
Desert ;  men  should  rather  call  it  Columbina,  from  the  magnanimous  Heroe  Christopher 



Culumbui  a  Oenuese,  who  was  manifestly  Appointed  of  Ood  to  be  the  Finder  out  of 
these  Lands."  An  account  uf  the  "Three  American  Martyrs"  put  to  death  in  Brazil 
by  Nicholas  Ourandus  Villagagnon  in  iSSSt  ''  B'v>  °"  PP-  Ii~l6- 

Sewall.  Phaenomena  quxdam  |  Apocalyptica  |  Ad  Aspcctum 
Novi  Orbis  configurata.  |  Or,  some  few  Lines  towards  a  description 
of  the  New  |  Heaven  |  As  It  makes  to  those  who  stand  upon  the  | 
New  Earth  |  By  Sainuel  Sewal!  a.m.  and  sometime  Fellow  of 
Harvard  I  College  at  Cambridge  in  New-England.  |  The  Second 
Edition.  I  ...  I  Massachuset ;  |  Bofton^  Printed  by  Bartholomew  Green: 
And  sold  by  \  Benjamin  Eliot^  Samuel  Gerrish  i^  Daniel  Henchman. 
1727. 1  4to,  pp.  (8),  1-64;  The  Fountain  Opened,  pp.  1-24. 
A-Aa  in  twos.  b.,  l.  79444 

The  second  part  (pp.  1-15)  has  tl.j  following  heading:  "The  |  Fountain  Opened:) 
Or,  I  The  Adtnirable  Blessings  plentifully  to  |  be  Dispensed  at  the  National  |  Co;ivcrsion 
of  the  Jews.  |  By  the  late  Reverend  &  Learned  Samuel  Willard,  m.a.  |  Teacher  of  a 
Church  in  Boston,  N.  E.  and  Vice-President  |  of  Harvard  College. |The  Third  Edition." 
The  appendix  which  follows  (pp.  16-24)  '^  nigned  at  the  end;  "Midweek,  Nov.  i. 
1727.  Three  days  after  the  Earthquake.  Samuel  Sewall."  The  first  edition  cf  Mr. 
Willard's  treatise  entitled  "The  Fountain  Opened,"  was  printed  in  1700.  The  second 
edition,  which  appeared  in  1722,  was  the  first  to  contain  Mr.  Sewall's  appendix,  dated 
Sept.  21,  1722. 

To  the  Lenox  copy  aie  appended  Solomon  Stoddard's  "Answer  to  Some  Cases  of 
Conscience,"  Boston,  1722,  and  the  leaf  of  verses  dated  "  Wednesday,  January  I,  1701," 
described  under  No.  79449,  infra.  Another  copy  containing  the  same  additional  pieces 
was  sold  at  the  Brinley  bale  (No.  a5o)  in  1879.  The  copy  in  the  Boston  Public  Library 
also  contains  the  leaf  of  verses. 

Sewall.  Proposals  ]  Touching  the  Accomplishment  |  of  |  Proph- 
esies |  Humbly  Offered.  I  By  Samuel  Sewall,  m.a.  and  sometime] 
Fellow  of  Harvard  College  at  Cambridge] in  New-England.  | ...  | 
Massachvset ;  |  Boston^  Printed  by  Bartholomew  Green.  1 7 13.  |  410, 
pp.  (2),  12.  B.,  M.  79445 

This  tract  is  usually  accompanied  by  the  leaf  of  verses  dated  "  Wednesday,  January  i, 
1701,"  described  under  No.  79449,  infra. 

[Sewall.]  The  Selling  |  of  |  Joseph  |  A  Memorial.  | ...  |  [Colo- 
phon :]  Boston  of  the  Massachusets ;  |  Printed  by  Bartholomew  Green 
and  John  yf lien,  'June.^  l\th.  1700.]     4to,  pp.  3.  M.  79446 

Probably  unique.  In  1737  it  was  reprinted,  with  the  addition  in  the  heading  of  the 
words  "  By  the  Hon'ble  Judge  Sewall  in  New  England,"  as  a  part  of  Benjamin  Lay's 
tract,  "All  Slave-Keepers  that  keep  the  Innocent  in  Bondage,  Apostates,"  pp.  199- 
207.  Stt  Vol.  X.,  No.  39465.  From  this  work  it  was  reprinted  in  one  of  Dr.  George 
H.  Moore's  articles  in  the  "Historical  Magazine"  for  June,  1864,  vol.  viii.,  pp.  194- 
797 ;  and  again  in  his  "Notes  on  the  History  of  Slavery  in  Massachusetts,"  pp.  83-87. 
It  was  also  reprinted  in  the  Proceedings  of  the  Massachusetts  Historical  Society  for 
1863-64,  pp.  161-165,  from  the  original  edition  presented  to  the  Society  by  the  Hon. 
Robert  C.  Winthrop.     The  above  title  has  been  furnished  by  Mr.  Julius  H.  Tuttle. 

On  the  13th  of  April,  1706,  Mr.  Sewall  wrote  to  John  Higginson,  of  Salem,  "It  is 
now  near  Six  years  agoe  since  I  printed  a  Sheet  in  defence  of  Liberty.     The  next  year 




1 1 

i     .1! 



after,  Mr.  SMn  let  forth  *  printed  Antwer.  I  forbore  troiihling  the  Province  with  any 
Reply}  until!  I  law  a  very  Severe  Act  patting  against  Indians  tc  Negrm,  tt  then  I  Re- 
printed that  {^ueitiun,  ai  I  found  it  stated  Sc  answered  in  the  Athenian  Otaiii- :  which 
I  knew  nothing  of  before  last  Autumn  was  twelve  moneths,  when  I  accidentally  cast 
my  Eye  upon  it.  Amidst  the  Frowns  Ac  hard  Words  I  have  met  with  for  this  Under- 
taking, it  ii  no  small  refreshment  to  me  that  I  have  ti  :  Learned,  Reverend  tc  Aged  Mr. 
Higginson  for  my  Abetter.  By  the  Interposition  of  this  Brest- Work,  I  hope  to  carry 
on  &  manage  this  Enterprise  with  Safety  Ic  Success."  St*  Dr.  Moore's  "Notes  on  the 
History  of  Slavery  in  Massachusetts,"  pp.  90-94.  For  Saifin's  reply  to  "The  Selling 
of  Joseph,"  tte  Vol.  xviii.,  No.  74871.     Se*  a/10  No.  79440,  tufra. 

Sewall.  Tuesday,  November,  25.  1707.  I  The  Reasons  of 
my  withdrawing  my  Vote  from  what  was  Pass'd  in  Council,  |  upon 
Saturday,  November  the  First,  relating  to  an  Address  oft'ered  to 
Her|  Majesty,  SignM  Nath.  Higginson,  5£c.  I...  |  Samuel  Sewall.  | 
Boston  A'.  E.   Printed  December  10,  1707.I     Folio,  I  page.  N. 

This  copy  of  the  original  broadside  is  bound  in  a  volume  of  the  "  Boston  News 
Letter,"  following  No.  189,  for  Nov.  14  to  Dec.  1,  1707.  The  "Re-isons"  were 
reproduced  in  "The  Deplorable  State  of  New-England,"  London,  1708,  reprinted  in 
the  "  Sewall  Papers,"  Mass.  Hist.  Soc.  Coll.,  fifth  series,  vol.  vi.  Title  furnished  by 
Dr.  George  H.  Moore. 

[Sewall.]  Upon  Mr.  Samuel  Willard,  his  first  [coming  into 
the  Assembly,  and  Praying,  |  after  a  long  and  dangerous  Fit  of  | 
Sickness;  November  21.  1700.  at  |  3.  in  the  Afternoon,  being  a 
Day  of  I  Publick  Thanksgiving.  I    [Boston.   1700?]    8vo,  i  leaf. 

A  copy  of  the  second  edition  of  Samuel  Willard's  book  entitled  "The  Fountain 
Opened,"  Boston,  1722,  in  the  Prince  collection,  Boston  Public  Library,  is  preceded  by 
two  leaves  which  appear  to  have  been  printed  separately.  The  above  title,  and  three 
stanzas  of  four  lines  each,  fill  the  verso  of  the  first  leaf,  recto  blank.  The  second  leaf 
verso  blank,  relates  to  the  book  which  follows,  and  begins  with  the  words :  "  N.  The 
106-127,  &  166  Pages  I  of  this  Book,  do  more  especially  treat  |  of  the  calling  of  the 
Jews."  The  last  paragraph  consists  of  the  invocation  :  "Come  !  Our  Jesus !  and  save 
thy  People  from  their  sins."  Below  is  the  date,  "  Fifth  Day;  May  I2tn,  1720."  The 
first  leaf  contains  the  following  manuscript  note  by  Mr.  Prince:  "S.  Sewall  Esq' — and 
Prin*  at  Boston.   1700." 

[Sewall.]  Wednesday,  January  i.  1701.  |  A  little  before 
Break-a-Day,  at  Boston  of  the  Massachusets.  |  [Boston.  1701  ?] 
4to,  I  page.  B.,  L. 79449 

A  poem  in  six  stanzas  of  four  lines  each,  the  first  and  last  of  which  are  as  follows : 

Once  more !  Our  God,  vouchsafe  to  Shine. 
Tame  Thou  the  Rigour  of  our  Clime. 
Make  haste  with  thy  Impartial  Light, 
And  terminate  this  long  dark  Night. 

*  *  *  *  * 

So  Asia,  and  Africa, 

Europa,  with  America; 

All  Four,  in  Consort  join'd,  shall  Sing 

New  Songs  of  Praise  to  Christ  our  King. 



Thii  it  uiually  found  at  the  eml  ot' one  ot'  Scw.iU'b  other  tr.icti.     Stt  Noi.  79444  tind 

7944S»  '"f"*  "<>'"' 

The  "Diary  of  S.miucI  Sewall,  1674-1729,"  w.i«  printed  in  1878-18)11  .h  volumri 

v.,  VI.  and  VII,  of  the  "Collertinni  of  the  M.itia-H'huiictti  Histi)ri(.il  Socit-ty,"  tilth  Hfriei, 

Tlie  "  Letter- Boole  of  Samuel  Scw.ill"  printrd  in  1886-18S8  .14  volunws  1.  .ind  11. 

uf  the  ume  "Collections,"  lixth  scrici.     Stt  alio  [Mather  (I.)  I*  Vol.  xi.,  No.  46731  } 

and  Sibley'i  "  Harvard  Or.iduates,"  11.  34^-364. 

Sf.wai.l  (S.),  ^.  ijSly^'  i^H'  A  Communication  from  the 
Hon.  Samuel  Sewall,  Esq.  and  the  Hotu  Nathan  Dane,  Ks(|., 
...  accompanied  with  several  Hills  for  the  regulation  of  the  State 
Prison,  and  an  Alteration  of  the  Criminal  I^aws  of  the  Common- 
wealth.    Boston:  Printed  by  If'oung  i^  Minns.    1805.     8vo,  pp.  64. 

Addremed  to  the  General  Court  of  Massachusetts. 

Sewall  (S.),  ^.  1785,  </.  1868.  A  Discourse  at  the  Funeral 
of  Madam  Abigail  Stearns,  widow  of  Rev.  Samuel  Stearns  ... 
December  7,  1858.  By  Samuel  Sewall,  m. a.  ...  Boston  :  IVrigbt 
k^  Potter^  Printers.    1859.     8vo,  pp.  56.     Portrait.  H.  79451 

Pages  19-56  contain  a  sermon  by  Rev,  J.  F,  Stearns,  with  separate  title-page. 

Sewall.  The  History  of  Woburn,  Middlesex  County,  Mass. 
From  the  Grant  of  its  Territory  to  Charlestown,  in  1640,  to  the 
year  i860.  By  Samuel  Sewall,  m.a.  ...  With  a  Memorial  Sketch 
of  the  Author  by  Rev.  Charles  C.  Sewall.  Boston:  ff^iggin  and 
Lunt.   1868.     8vo,  pp.  (4),  iv,  iii-657.     Portrait.  c.  79452 

The  ordinary  copies  contain :  Portrait,  z  preliminary  leaves,  memoir  pp.  i-iv,  preface 
pp.  iii-vi,  and  text  pp.  7-657.  Some  copies  were  afterwards  issued  with:  Portrait,  2 
preliminary  leaves,  memoir  pp.  i-iv,  preface  pp.  iii-vi,  table  of  contents  pp.  vii-x,  text 
pp.  7-657,  and  index  pp.  659-677. 

Sewall.  A  Sermon,  delivered  Dec.  30,  1834,  at  the  Funeral 
of  the  Rev.  Samuel  Stearns,  a.m.  ...  By  Samuel  Sewall,  a.m.  ... 
Boston :  William  Peirce.   1835.    8vo,  pp.  28.  79453 

[Sewall  (Samuel  E.)  and  Andrew  (J.  A.)]  Argument  on 
behalf  of  Thaddeus  Hyatt,  brought  before  the  Senate  of  the 
United  States  on  a  charge  of  contempt  for  refusing  to  appear  as  a 
witness  before  the  Harper's  ferry  committee,  [n.  p.  185-?] 
8vo,  pp.  20.  H.  79454 

[Sewall.]  Remarks  on  Slavery  in  the  United  States.  ...  Bos- 
ton: Bowles  and  Dearborn.   1827.    8vo,  pp.  28.  H.  79455 

Signed:  "Z." 

[Sewall  (Stephen)],  >.  1734,  d.  1804.  Carmlna  Sacra,  |  quae  | 
Latine  Graeceque  |  condidit  |  America.  |  Wigornia:^  Massachusettensis^ 
\Typis\Isaiae  Thomas. \ui>QCLXxxi\.\    4to,  pp.  8.         ba.  79456 


<\  I" 






[Skwall.]  The  I  Character  |  of  the  Late  Honorable  |  Judge 
Duiiley^l  As  it  was  inserted  in  the  Boston-News-Letter,  |  February 
7th,  1751.I    [Boston.   1751?]    8vo,  pp.  4.  ha.  79457 

[Skwai.l.]  An  I  Hebrew  (irammar,  J  collected  chiefly  froni 
those  of  I  Mr.  Israel  Lyons  |  Teacher  of  Hebrew  in  the  University 
of  I  Cambridge  ;  and  the  |  Rev.  Richard  Grey,  d.d.  |  Rector  of 
Hinton,  in  Northamptonshire.  |  To  which  is  subjoined  (A  Praxis, 
taken  from  the  sacred  |  Classics,  |  and  containing  a  |  Specimen  of  the 
whole  Hebrew  |  Language  :  |  with  a  Sketch  of  tne  Hebrew  poetry,  | 
as  retrieved  by  Bishop  Hare.  \  ...\  Boston,  New  England :\l*rintal 
by  R.  and  S.  Draper,  for  the  Honorable  and  Reverend\the  Preside  nt 
and  Fellows  0/ Harvard-College.  |  M.DCC.LXIII.  |  8vo,  pp.  (2),  v, 
(i),  83.  BA.  -j- Third  Cambridge  Edition.  Cambridge :  Hilliard 
and  Metcalf.   1812.    8vo,  pp.  47.  B.  79458 

[Sewall.]  Nocte  Cogitata,  I  Auctore,  Anglice  Scripta,  | 
Young,  D.D.  I  quae  |  Lingua  Latii  uonavit  |  America.  | ...  |  Carokp- 
pidi :  I  Typis  Allen  ^  Cushtng,  Massachusettensium.  |  m,dcc,lxxxvi.  | 
i2mo,  pp.  21.  M.  79459 

Sewall.  Oratio  Funebris,Jin  Obitumjviri  Revercndi  paritcr 
atquc  honorandijD.  Kdvardi  Holyoke,  |Collegii-Harvardini  Nov- 
anglorum,  I  Praesidis  :|yuam,|In  Acde  Cantabrigiensi,  inter  ett'e- 
rendum,|8°  Idus  Junias  m,dcc,lxix.  |  HabuitjStephanus  Sewall.  | 
LL.oo.  Professor  Hancockianus.  |  ...  |  [Boston.  1769.]  8vo,  pp. 
(2),  8.  B.  79460 

Sewall.  An |  Oration  |  delivered  May  viii,  m.dcc.lxxix,  |  at 
the  I  Funeral  |  of  the  |  Hon.  John  Winthrop,  Esq  ;  lld.  f.r.s.  | 
Hollisian  Professor  |  Of  Mathematics  and  Natural  Philosophy  |  at  | 
Cambridge,  |  in  the  |  State  of  Massachusetts-Bay.  |  By  Stephen 
Sewall,  A.M.  I  Hancock  Professor  of  the  Hebrew  and  other 
Oriental  Languages.  | ...  |  Boston,  Printed  by  Thomas  ^  "John  Fleet, 
1779.    4to,   -p.  8.  BA.,  c,  M.  79461 

Sewall.  The  |  Scripture  Account  |  of  the  |  Shechinah.  |  By 
Stephen  Sewall,  a.m.  a.a.s.  |  ...  |  Printed  at  the  Apollo  Press,  in  Bos- 
ton. \  For  fVilUam  P.  Blake,  at  the  Boston  \  Bookstore.  1794.  |  8vo, 
pp.  27.  B.,  BA.  79462 

Sewall.  The  |  Scripture  History  [relating  to  |  the  Overthrow 
of  I  Sodom  and  Gomorrah,  |  and  to  the  Origin  of  the  Salt  Sea  |  or  | 
Lake  of  Sodom.  |  By  Stephen  Sewall,  a.m.  &  a.a.s.  |  [Boston:] 
Printed  /or  fVilliam  P.  £9*  Lemuel  |  Blake,  at  the  Boston  Bookstore.  \ 
1 796. 1    8vo,  pp.  30.  BA.  79463 




[Skwall?]  Thoughts  upon  ...  Passages  of  Scripture  ... 
relative  to  Jacob  and  Ksau.  By  Philothcorus  [p/twc/o«.].  ITorces- 
ttr.    1 79 1.     8vo,  pp.  60.  79464 

Sewall  (T.)  b.  1786,  (I.  \'i\c.  An  Address  delivered  before 
the  Washington  City  Temperance  Society,  November  15,  1830. 
By  Thomas  Sewall,  m.d.  ...  H^ushington :  fVtn.  Greer y  Printer, 
1830.    8vo,  pp.  24.  H.  79465 

Sewall.  A  Charge  delivered  t<»  the  (iraduating  Class  of  the 
Columbian  College,  O.  C.  at  the  Medical  Commencement,  March 
22,  1827.  By  Thomas  Sewall,  m.ij.  ...  fp^mhin^ton  :  Priuteil  hy 
Duff' Green.   1828.    8vo,  pp.  12.  h.  79466 

Sewall.  An  Eulogy  on  Dr.  Ciodman.  ...  November  1, 
1830.  By  Thomas  Sewall,  m.d.  ...  Washington:  IVm,  Grcer^ 
Printer.   1830.    8vo,  pp.  24.  .  79467 

Sewall.  An  Examination  of  Phrenology ;  in  two  Lectures, 
delivered  to  the  Students  of  the  Columbian  Ccdlege  ...  By 
Thomas  Sewall  ...  Washington.  1837.  8vo.  a.  -f-  London. 
1838.     i2mo.    -f"  Second  Edition.     Boston.   1839.     8vo.     79468 

Sewall.  A  Lecture  delivered  at  the  Opening  of  the  Medical 
Department  of  the  Columbian  College  in  the  District  of  Columbia ; 
March  30,  1825.  By  Thomas  Sewall,  m.d.  ...  If^ashington  City: 
Printed  at  the  Columbian  Office.  1825.  8vo,  pp.  80.  H.  -f  Second 
Edition.     Washington  City.   1826.    8vo,  pp.  44.        h.,  m.  79469 

Sewall.  Memoir  of  Dr.  Godman :  being  an  Introductory 
Lecture,  delivered  November  i,  1830.  By  Thomas  Sewall,  m.d. 
...  New-Toriy  B.  Waugh  and  T.  Mason.  1832.  i2mo,  pp.  24. 
-\- New-Tor k :  J.  Collord,  Printer.   1840.     i2mo,  pp.  24.     79470 

Sewall.  Memoir  of  Dr.  John  D.  Godman,  Professor  of 
Anatomy,  Author  of  "Anatomical  Illustrations,"  &c.  Who  Died 
at  Philadelphia,  April  17,  1830.  From  an  Introductory  Lecture 
By  Thomas  Sewall,  m.d.  ...  [_New  Tori:^  American  Tract  Society. 
[n.  d.]    8vo,  pp.  20.  79471 

Also:  The  Pathology  of  Drunkenness  ...  Albany,   1841.    4tQ.     b. 

[Sewall  (W.)?]  Several  Methods  of  making  Salt-Petre.  See 
Nos.  79372,  79373,  supra, 

Sewall  (W.  B.)  The  Farmer's  Almanac  for  ...  1822.  ... 
Calculated  for  the  Meridian  of  Portland  and  particularly  intended 


'    !; 





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for  the  State  of  Maine.     By  William  B.  Sewall,  Esq.   ...   Port- 
land.  [1821.]    8vo.  H.  79472 

Seward  (Adam).     See  Tallmadge,  Ohio. 

Seward  (A.),  ^.  1747,^.  1809.  Beauties  of  Amia  Seward, 
carefully  selected  ...  by  N.  C.  Oulton.  London.  1822.  i2nio, 
pp.  263.    Portrait.  79473 

The  preface  contains  a  cupy  of  Miss  Sewisrd's  will,  reUting  to  Major  Andre. 

Seward.  Elegy  on  Captain  Cook.  To  which  is  added,  an 
Ode  to  the  Sun.     By  Miss  Seward.    London:  Dodsley.  1780.    410. 

Ste  "Monthly  Review,"  LXii.  458. 

Seward.  Elegy  |  on]  Captain  Cook.  |  To  which  is  added,  |  An 
Ode  to  the  Sun.  |  By  Miss  Seward.  |  The  fourth  Edition,  with 
Additions.  |  Lichfield :  \  Printed  and  Sold  by  J.  "Jackson.,  and  "J.  Dods- 
ley., I  in  Pall-Mall.,  London.  \  MDCCLXXXiv.  |  (Price,  is.  6d.)|  4to, 
half-title,  and  pp.  25.  H.  79475 

Seward.  Louisa ;  a  Poetical  Novel.  By  Miss  Seward.  Fifth 
Edition.     New  Haven :  A.  Morse.    1789.     i2mo,  pp.  83.    79476 

First  edition:  London,  1782. 

Seward.  Monody  |  on  |  Major  Andre.  |  By  Miss  Seward.  | 
(Author  of  the  Elegy  on  Capt.  Cook.)  |  To  which  are  added  | 
Letters  addressed  to  her  |  by  Major  Andre,  |  in  the  year  1769.  | 
Lichfield :  \  Printed  and  Sold  by  y.  "Jackson.,  for  the  Author ;  |  Sold  also 
by  Robinson,  Pater-Noster-Row ;  Cadell  \  and  Evans.,  in  the  Strand.^ 
London;  Prince,  Oxford;  \  Merrill,  Cambridge ;  and  Pratt  and  Clinch, 
Bath.  I  M.DCC.Lxxxi.  I  (Price  Two-Shillings-and-Six-Pence.)  |  4to, 
pp.  iv,  47,  errata  (i).  l.  79477 

The  dedication  "To  His  Excellency,  Sir  Henry  Clinton,  Knight  of  the  Bath,"  h 
signed,  "Anna  Seward."     The  monody  fills  pp.  1-28 ;  the  letters  pp.  29-47. 

Seward.  Monody  |  on  |  Major  Andre.  |  By  Miss  Seward.  | 
(Author  of  the  Elegy  on  Capt.  Cook.)  |  To  which  are  added  j 
Letters  addressed  to  her  |  by  Major  Andre,  |  in  the  year  1769.  | 
The  Second  Edition.  |  Lichfield:  \  Printed  and  Sold  by  y.  yackson,for 
the  Author ;  \  Sold  also  by  Robinson,  Pater-Noster-Row ;  Cadell  |  and 
Evans,  in  the  Strand,  London;  Prince,  Oxford ;\ Merrill,  Cambridge; 
and  Pratt  and  Clinch,  ^tf//&.  Jm.dcc.lxxxx.  |  (Price  Two-Shillings- 
and-Six-Pence.)  I    410,  pp.  vi,  47.  b.,  c.  79478 

This  edition  contains  verses  "  To  Miss  Seward,"  signed  W.  Hayley,  pp.  v-vi.  Title 
furnished  by  Mr.  James  C.  Pilling.  Some  copies  contain  the  author's  autograph  at  the 



Seward.  Monody  |  on  |  Major  Anilrc.  |  liv  Miss  Scwartl.  | 
(Author  of  the  Elegy  on  Capt.  Cook.) | To  which  are  added,] 
l^ettcrs  addressed  to  her  |  by  Major  Andre  |  in  the  year  1 769.  |  New- 
Tori^l  Printed  by  'James  Rtv'mgton.  \  m.dcc.lxxxi.  |    Sm.  8vo,  pp. 

iv,  35-  79479 

Seward.  Monody  |  on  |  Major  Andre,  |  (Who  was  executed  at 
Tappan,  I  November — 1780.)  [By  |  Miss  Seward.  |  To  which  arc 
added,  I  Major  Andre's  I  Letters,  I  Addressed  to  Miss  Seward,  when 
at  his  1 8th  Year.  |  Philadelphia  :  |  Printed  and  Sold  by  Enoch  Story ^  in 
T bird  \  Street^  Third  Door  fro7n  Chestnut-street.  \  [1782.]  Sm.  8vo, 
pp.  56.  ...  79480 

Title  trom  Hildeburn. 

Seward.  Monody  on  Major  Andre,  (Who  was  executed  at 
Tappan,  November — 1780).  By  Miss  Seward.  To  which  are 
added  Major  Andre's  Letters,  Addressed  to  Miss  Seward,  when  in 
his  18  Year.  Second  American  Edition.  Philadelphia^  Printed 
and  Sold  by  Enoch  Story^  in  Third  Street.  [178-?]     i2mo,  pp.  47. 

Seward.  Monody  |  on  |  Major  Andre,  I  (Who  was  executed  at 
Tappan,  I  November — 1780.)  [By  Miss  Seward.  |  To  which  arc 
added,  |  Major  Andre's  |  Letters.  I  Addressed  to  Miss  Seward,  when 
at  his  1 8th  Year.  |  New-Tor k :  \  Printed.^  by  Harrison  and  Purdy^  For^ 
and  Sold  by  Thomas  Allen.,  Book-\  Seller  and  Stationer^  No.  16,  ^ueen- 
I  Street^  Corner  of  Fly- Market.,  \  M.  dcc.  lxxxviii.  |     i2mo,  pp.  48. 

Title  furnished  by  Mr.  James  C.  Pilling. 

Seward.  Monody  |  on  ithe  |  Unfortunate  |  Major  Andre,  |  who 
was  executed  at  Tappan,  November — 1780.  j  By  Miss  Seward.  | 
To  which  are  added  |  Major  Andre's  |  Letters  |  addressed  to  Miss 
Seward,  when  at  his  i8th  Year.  jThe  Second  New- York  Edition. 
\New  Tork  :\  Printed  for  T.Allen.    1792.     i2mo,  pp.  48.     BA.,  H. 

Seward.  Monody  (  on  |  Major  Andre.  |  By  Miss  Seward.  | 
Fourth  American  Edition.  |  Boston:  |  Printed  for  and  sold  by  JV. 
Spotswood,  and\  C.  P.  fVayne.  j  ^798.  j,  pp.  22.  H.,  P. 

Also  issued  as  an  appendix  to  the  following  works : 

Amelia  ;  I  or,  the  |  faithless  Briton, |an{  original  American  Novel, |  founded  upon  recent 
tacts. |To  which  is  added, [Amelia,  or  Malevolence  Defeated  :  |  and,|Miss  Seward's |Mon- 
ody  on  Major  AnAte.\Boston  :\Printed  for  and  sold  by  fV.  Spotivuood,  and\C.  P.  fVayne.  \ 
1798.]    i2mo,  pp.  (a),  61,  22.     H. 

Another  edition,  with  the  same  title,  imprint  and  d:ite,  which  is  in  the  Philadelphia 
Library,  contains  pp.  (2),  36,  18. 

Galatea.  A  Pastoral  Romance  ...  By  M.  De  Florian.  To  which  is  added  Amelia, 
or  the  Faithless  Briton  ...  also,  Miss  Seward's  Monody  on  Major  Andre.  Boston:  W. 
Spotswood,  1798.     3  parts  in  one  volume,  i2mo.     Frontispiece. 




I  ,1 


Seward.  Monody  on  Major  Andre,  by  Miss  Seward.  To 
which  arc  added,  Letters  addressed  to  her  by  Major  Andre,  in  the 
year  1769.  Edited  by  E.  C  G.  Penzance^  Printed  by  T.  Uigurs, 
1806.    8vo,  pp.  (4),  58.  79485 

Seward.  Miss  Seward's  Monody  on  Major  Andre,  and 
Elegy  on  Captain  Cook.  Also  Mr.  Pratt's  Sympathy.  A  Poem. 
Tenth  Edition.  London :  Printed  for  Longman^  Hurst^  Rees^ 
Orme,  and  Browne.    18 17.     i6mo,  pp.  (2),  178.     Plate.      79486 

Seward.  Monody  on  Major  Andre ;  and  Elegy  on  Captain 
Cook.  ...  By  Miss  Seward.  A  New  Edition.  With  Engravings. 
London:  Otridge  and  Rackham.  1821.  i6mo,  pp.  178.  Frontis- 
piece. 79487 

Also  printed  in  Joshua  Hett  Smith's  "  Authentic  Narrative." 

Seward.  Poems  by  Miss  Seward ;  to  which  are  added  Letters 
addressed  to  her  by  Major  Andre,  in  the  year  1769.  The  Fifth 
Edition.     Dublin  :  Printed  by  P.  Bryne.   MDCCLXXXI.     i2mo. 

Seward.  The  Poetical  Works  of  Anna  Seward  j  w  Uh  Extracts 
from  her  Literary  Correspondence.  Edited  by  Walter  Scott,  Esq. 
...  Edinburgh:  Ballantyne  and  Co.  18  lO.  3  vols.,  sm.  8vo,  pp.  vi, 
(i),  iii-ccvi,  187  ;  viii,  380;  ix,  402.  a.,  b.  79489 

Seward  (D.  M.)  The  Danger  of  Misinterpreting  and  Dis- 
regarding the  Lessons  of  Calamity.  A  Discourse,  suggested  by 
the  Burning  of  the  Steamer  Henry  Clay,  delivered  in  Yonkers, 
August  8th,  1852,  by  D.  M.  Seward  ...  .  New  York:  C.  W. 
Benedict.   1852.    8vo,  pp.  20.  7949° 

S[eward]  (E.  S.)  Columbiad  Poems.  By  E.  S.  S.  Balti- 
more.  1840.     i8mo,  pp.  127.  79491 

Seward.  Poems.  By  Edward  S.  Seward.  Baltimore:  "J'^-rus 
Lucas.   1847.     i8mo,  pp.  42.  79<9'- 

[Seward  (G.  F.)]  The  United  States  Consulates  in  China, 
A  Letter  with  Inclosures  of  the  Consul-General  in  China  to  the 
Secretary  of  State,     [n.  p.]   1867.    8vo,  pp.  74.  b.  79493 

Seward  (J.)  Scripture  exalted,  and  Priestcraft  eradicated :  or 
The  Bible  without  note  or  comment,  the  only  proper  medium  of 
Christian  Instruction.     By  James  Seward.     Boston.   1839.    8vo. 

Seward  (W.)  Journal  |  of  a  |  Voyage  |  from  |  Savannah  to 
Philadelphia,  |  and  from  |  Philadelphia  to  England,  |  m,dcc.xl.  |  By 



William  Suward,  Gent.  |  Companion  in  travel  with  the  Reverend  | 
Mr.  George  Whitcfield.  |  ...  |  London:  \  Printed.  And  Sold  at  the 
following  Booksellers  and  Pamphlet- \  Shops.  At  J.  Oswald's^  at  the 
Rose  and  Crown.,  near  the  Mansion-  \  House ;  yanies  BucJtlandy  at  the 
Buck  in  Pater-Noster-Row ;  \  T.  Gardner  and  A.  Dodd^  without 
Temple-Bar ;  E.  Cooke  \  and  A.  Bartlett  at  the  Royal  Exchange. 
Also  by  y.  IVil- 1  son  in  Bristol;  Gabriel  Harris^  "Junior^  in  Gloucester ; 
I  y.  Trail  in  Edinburgh ;  and  by  other  booksellers.,  both  in  \  town  and 
country.  As  also  by  the  Booksellers  in  Neiv- England.,  \  New-Tor k.,  Phil- 
adelphia., and  Charles-Town.  1740.  |  (^Price  Stitched  One  Shilling.)  \ 
8vo,  pp.  (8),  87,  (i).  B.,  H.,  P.  79495 

Seward  (W.),  b.  1712,  ^.  1782.  Brotherly  Love  and  Faith- 
fulness recommended,  and  urged :  Together  with,  An  Attempt  to 
display  some  of  the  Glories  of  our  Lord  and  Saviour,  Jesus  Christ, 
in  Two  Sermons,  Preached  at  North-Killingworth,  on  Lords- 
Day,  Feh.  4,  1770.  ...  Wherein  Joseph  is  considered  as  a  kind, 
loving,  affectionate  and  faithful  Brother,  and  a  Type  of  Christ  .... 
New  Haven.  [1771.]     8vo,  pp.  63.  7949^ 

Seward.  Due  consideration  of,  and  preparation  for  our  latter 
end,  or  death,  recommended  and  urged :  in  Two  Sermons, 
Preached  at  North-Killingworth,  June  2,  1771.  It  being  the 
next  Lord's-Day  after  the  Death  of  Michael  Griswold,  jun'r. 
Who  was  suddenly  kill'd,  by  a  stick  of  Timber  which  fell  on  him, 
as  he  was  helping  to  raise  the  Frame  of  a  House,  on  May  28, 
1 77 1.  In  the  xviiith  Year  of  his  Age.  ...  New-Haven,  ijyi. 
8vo,  pp.  47.  79497 

See  Dexter 's  "  Biographical  Sketches  of  the  Graduates  of  Yale  College,"  pp.  512-513 

Seward  (W.  H.),  b.  1801,  d.  1872.  Address  before  the  Phi 
Beta  Kappa  at  Yale  College,  July  26,  1854.  By  William  H. 
Seward.  New  Haven  :  Printed  by  B.  L.  Hamlen.  1854.  8vo,  pp. 
27.  B.  79498 

Seward.  Address,  delivered  by  William  H.  Seward,  at  the 
commencement  of  the  Auburn  and  Oswego  Canal,  October  14, 
1835,  with  the  proceedings  of  the  Celebration.  Auburn:  H. 
Ivison  iff  Co.   1835.     8vo,  pp.  28.  ba.  79499 

Seward.  ...  The  Admission  of  Kansas.  Speech  of  William 
H.  Seward,  of  New  York,  delivered  in  the  Senate  of  the  United 
States,  Feb.  29,  i860.     [^New  York,    i860.]     8vo,  pp.  14,  (2). 

With  heading  •'  Tribune  Tracts. — No.  3."  For  other  editions  see  Nos.  795ZI,  79577, 
79584.  '"fra. 

1    '. 

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Sf.ward.  Alaska.  Speech  of  William  H.  Seward,  at  Sitka, 
August  12,  1869.    tVashington:  Philp  ^  Solomons .  1869.    8vo,  pp. 

31.  H.  79501 

Seward.  American  Steam  Navigation.  Speech  of  William 
H.  Seward  for  the  Collins  Steamers,  in  Senate  ...  April  27,  1852. 
[IVashington.    1852.]      8vo,  pp.  8.  B.  79502 

Seward.  Argument  of  William  H.  Seward,  in  defence  of 
William  Freeman,  on  his  Trial  for  Murder,  at  Auburn,  July  21st 
and  22nd,  1846.  Reported  by  S.  Blatchford.  Auburn^  N.  T.  J. 
C.  Derby  ^  Co.  1846.  8vo.  +  Third  Edition.  [Ibid.']  1846. 
8vo,  pp.  81.    -f-  Fourth  Edition.    [Ibid.']  1846.    8vo,  pp.  63. 

Seward.  Argument  of  William  H.  Seward  on  the  Law  of 
Congress  concerning  the  Recapture  of  Fugitive  Slaves.  Albany : 
Printed  by  Weed  and  Parsons.    1847.     8vo,  pp.  40.  B.  79504 

Seward.  Argument  of  William  H.  Seward  in  the  Albany 
Bridge  Case,  before  the  United  States  Circuit  Court,  ...  New 
York,   ...    1858.    Albany.   1859.    ^^o.  795^5 

Seward.  The  Army  of  the  United  States  not  to  be  employed 
as  a  Police  to  enforce  the  Laws  of  the  Conquerors  of  Kansas. 
Speech  of  William  H.  Seward  on  the  Army  Bill.  In  the  Senate 
of  the  United  States,  August  7,  1856.  Washington.^  D.  C.  Bueli 
iff  Blanchard^  Printers.    1856.     8vo,  pp.  15.  H.  79506 

Seward.  Autobiography  of  William  H.  Seward  from  1801 
to  1834.  With  a  Memoir  of  his  Life  and  Selections  from  his 
Letters  from  1831  to  1846.  By  Frederick  W.  Seward.  New 
Tork:  D.  Appleton  and  Company.  1877.    ^^^t  PP*  822.    9  Portraits. 

Seward.  California,  Union,  and  Freedom.  Speech  of  William 
H.  Seward,  on  the  Admission  of  California.  Delivered  in  the 
Senate  ...  March  11,  1850.  [Washington:]  Printed  ...  by  Buell 
iff  Blanchard.   [1850.]     8vo,  pp.  14.  795o8 

For  other  editions  see  Nos.  79561  and  79562,  infra. 

[Seward.]     Commercial  Relations.    See  Vol.  iv.,  No.  14984. 

Seward.  Communication  of  Hon.  William  H.  Seward  upon 
the  subject  of  an  Intercontinental  Telegraph  ...  by  way  of 
Behring's  Strait,  in  reply  to  Hon.  Z.  Chandler  ...  .  Washington. 
1864.    8vo,  pp.  25.  B.  79509 



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J.  63. 

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1b.  79509 

Seward.  The  Continental  Rights  and  Relations  of  our 
Country:  Speech  of  William  H.  Seward,  in  Senate  ...  Jan.  26, 
1853.     \lVasbington  :  Buell  iff  Blanchard.   1853.]    ^^°»  PP'  ^* 

[Seward.]  Correspondence  between  the  Governor  of  New- 
York  and  the  Governor  of  Georgia.  [^Albany.  1841.]  8vo,  pp. 
51-84.  B.  795 1 1 

Seward.  The  Dangers  of  extending  Slavery,  and  The  Con- 
test and  the  Crisis.  Two  Speeches  of  William  H.  Seward. 
Dangers  of  extending  Slavery.  Delivered  in  Albany,  October 
12,  1855.    [n.  p.    1855.]    8vo,  pp.  16.  79512 

The  second  spet  ch,  on  "  The  Contest  and  the  Crisis,"  was  delivered  in  Buffalo,  Octo- 
ber 19,  1855.     See  also  No.  79583,  infra. 

Seward.  The  Destiny  of  America.  Speech  of  William  H. 
Seward,  at  the  Dedication  of  Capital  University,  at  Columbus, 
Ohio,  September  14,  1853.  Albany :  Weed^  Parsons  ^  Company^ 
Printers.   1853.     ^^">  PP'  ^6.  B.  79513 

For  another  edition  see  No.  79569,  infra. 

Seward.  Destiny  of  the  United  States.  Speech  delivered  by 
William  H.  Seward  at  St.  Paul,  September  18,  i860.  \Albany. 
i860.]    8vo,  pp.  9-16.  H.  79514 

See  also  No.  79534,  infra. 

Seward.  The  Diplomatic  History  of  the  War  for  the  Union. 
&(f  No.  79595,  infra.,  note. 

Seward.  Discourse  on  Education  delivered  at  Westfield, 
July  26,  1837.  ^y  William  H.  Seward.  Albany:  Printed  by 
Hoffman  i^  ivhite.   1837.    8vo,  pp.  26.  b.  79515 

Seward.  Duty  on  Railroad  Iron.  Speech  of  William  H. 
Seward.  Senate  of  the  United  States,  February  28,  1853.  ^<^^^- 
ington^D.C.  Buell  &  Blanchard.   1853.     8vo,  pp.  16.     B.  79516 

Seward.  The  Elements  of  Empire  in  America.  By  William 
H.  Seward.     New  York:  C.  Shepard.   1844.    8vo,  pp.  39. 

Delivered  before  the  students  of  Union  College. 

Seward.  Exiled  Irish  Patriots.  Speech  of  William  H.  Sew- 
ard, in  the  Senate,  February  11,  1852.  [IVashington :  Buell  & 
Blanchard,  Printers.   1852.]    8vo,  pp.  8.  b.  79518 

Seward.  Expose  de  la  Situation  Politique  et  Militaire  aux 
£tats-Unis   Circulaire  adressee  par  M.  W.-H.  Seward  Ministre 

VOL.    XIX. 





I  I 

des  AfFaircs  fitrangeres  aux  Consuls  dcs  fitats-Unis  en  Europe 
Protestation  dcs  habitants  de  la  Caroline  du  Nord  contrc  la  con- 
tinuation de  la  guerre  Avec  une  carte  coloriee  indiquant  Ics 
progres  des  Federalcs  depuis  Ic  commencement  de  la  guerre  Paris 
£.  Dentu   1863    8vo,  pp.  32.    Map.  795 '9 

Seward.  Freedom  and  Public  Faith.  Speech  of  William  H. 
Seward,  on  the  Abrogation  of  the  Missouri  Compromise,  in  the 
Kansas  and  Nebraska  Hills.  Senate  of  the  United  States,  Febru- 
ary 17,  1854.  Washington^  D.  C.  Buell  &  Blanchard,  Printers. 
1854.     8vo,  pp.  16.  B.  79520 

Seward.  Freedom  and  the  Union.  Speech  of  William  H. 
Seward,  in  the  Senate  of  the  United  States,  in  Vindication  of 
Freedom  and  the  Union,  Wednesday,  February  29,  i860.  Jlbany: 
Weed,  Parsons  &  Co.   i860,     bvo,  pp.  12.  79521 

For  other  editions  lee  No.  79500,  supra,  and  Nos.  79577,  79584,  in/ra. 

Seward.  Freedom  in  Kansas.  Speech  of  William  H.  Sew- 
ard, in  the  Senate  of  the  United  States,  March  3,  1858.  Wash- 
ington. Buell  ^  Blanchard,  Printers.    1858.     8vo,  pp.  15.     79522 

For  other  editions  see  Nos.  79524,  79575,  infra. 

Seward.  Freedom  in  Kansas.  Closing  Speech  of  William 
H.  Seward  in  the  Senate,  April  30,  1858.  Washington :  Buelland 
Blanchard.    1858.     8vo,  pp.  14.  H.  79523 

Seward.  Great  Speech  of  Hon.  William  H.  Seward,  against 
the  Lecompton  Constitution,  in  Senate,  March  3d,  1858.  [n.  p. 
Printed  for  F.  H.   1858.]    8vo,  pp.  48.  795^4 

To  Mr.  Seward's  speech  are  appended :  Speech  of  Hon.  F.  P.  Blair,  Jr.,  Jan.  14, 
1858,  pp.  22-30;  Speech  of  Hon.  Owen  Lovejoy,  Feb.  17,  1858,  pp.  31-38,  etc.  For 
other  editions  tee  No.  79522,  supra,  and  No.  79575,  infra. 

Seward.  The  Immediate  Admission  of  Kansas  as  a  State. 
Speech  of  Hon.  William  H.  Seward  ...  in  the  Senate  ...  April 
9,  1856.     [New  York.  1856.]    8vo,  pp.  15.  h.  79525 

For  another  edition  see  No.  79572,  infra. 

Seward.  Immigrant  White  Free  Labor,  or  Imported  Black 
African  Slave  Labor.  Speech  of  William  H.  Seward,  at  Oswego, 
New  York,  November  3,  1856.  [Washington,  D.  C.  Buell  bf 
Blanchard,  Printers.   1857.]    ^^°»  PP*  7>  (')•  795^6 

Seward.  Incidental  Remarks  of  William  H.  Seward,  rela- 
tive to  Grants  of  Lands  to  Hungarian  Exiles,  etc.,  ...  in  the 

--  -^ 



Senate   ...  January  30,  1850.      IVash'tngton  :  Printed  by  'Jm.  T, 
Towers.    1850.     8vo,  pp.  16.  H.  79527 

Seward.  The  Irrepressible  C'.^nflict.  A  Speech  by  William 
H.  Seward,  delivered  at  Rochester,  Monday,  Oct.  25,  1858. 
\New  Tork.  1858.]  8vo,  pp.  7.  H.  +  \_New  Tork :  Tribune 
Press,   i860.]    8vo,  pp.  15,  (i).  79528 

For  anurher  edition  see  No.  79576,  infra. 

Seward.  Issues  of  the  Conflict — Terms  of  Peace.  Speech 
of  William  H.  Seward,  on  the  Occasion  of  the  Fall  of  Atlanta, 
at  Auburn,  ...  Sept.  3,  1864.  {^Printed  ...  by  McGill  i'f  tVithe- 
row.,  fp^ashingtony  D.  C.   1864.]     8vo,  pp.  8.  795^9 

Seward.  ...  Issues  of  the  Conflict.  Terms  of  Peace.  Re- 
marks of  Hon.  Wm.  H.  Seward,  on  the  occasion  of  the  Fall  of 
Atlanta,  at  Auburn,  Saturday,  Sept.  3,  1864.  [n.  p.  1864.]  8vo, 
pp.  8.  79530 

With  heading  :  "  Union  Campaign  Documents,  No.  i." 

Seward.  Issues  of  the  Conflict — Terms  of  Peace.  Speech 
of  William  H.  Seward  on  the  occasion  of  the  Fall  of  Atlanta,  at 
Auburn,  Saturday,  Sept.  3,  1864.     [n.  p.  n.  d.]    8vo,  pp.  6.     b. 

Seward.  John  M.  Clayton  and  the  Nicaragua  Canal  Treaty. 
Speech  of  William  H.  Seward,  in  Senate  ...  January  lo,  1853. 

[fTashington  :  Bue//  i^  Blanchard.    1853.]    8vo,  pp.  o. 


Seward.  Life  and  Public  Services  of  John  Quincy  Adams, 
Sixth  President  of  the  United  States.  With  the  Eulogy  delivered 
before  the  Legislature  of  New  York.  By  William  H.  Seward. 
...Auburn:  Derby .,  Miller  and  Company.  1849.  l2mo,  pp.  404. 
Portrait,  a.,  b.  -{-Auburn.  1850.  i2mo.  bm.  -{-Auburn. 
185 1.  i2mo.  4-  New  Edition.  New  Tork:  Miller.,  Orton  isf 
Mulligan.   1855.     i2mo,  pp.  404.  79533 

Seward.  The  National  Divergence  and  Return.  Speech  of 
William  H.  Seward,  at  Detroit,  September  4,  i860.  [Followed 
by:]  Destiny  of  the  United  States.  Speech  Delivered  by  Will- 
iam H.  Seward  at  St.  Paul.  September  18,  i860.  [Followed 
by :]  The  West :  its  Destiny  and  its  Duty.  Speech  delivered  by 
William  H.  Seward,  at  Dubuque,  September  21,  i860.  [Fol- 
lowed by:]  Speech  ...  at  Chicago,  October  3,  i860.  {^Albany. 
i860.]    8vo,  pp.  1-7,  9-16,  1-55.  B.,  H.  79534 

Set  aUo  No.  79S43)  iffra. 

!        ( 




m   t' 

Seward.  The  North  American  Fisheries.  Speech  of  Will- 
lam  H.  Seward  in  the  Senate  ...  Aug.  14,  1857..  IVashington : 
Buell  llf  Blanchard.   1852.    8vo,  pp.  15.  ».  79535 

Seward.  Oration,  ...  at  the  Anti  Masonic  Celebration,  at 
Syracuse,  July  Fourth,  1831.  By  the  Hon.  William  H.  Seward. 
Syracuse.  Printed  by  Campbell  ^  Newton.    1 83 1.     8vo,  pp.  16.    m. 

Seward.  An  Oration  on  the  Death  of  Daniel  O'Conncll  ... 
at  Castle  Garden,  New-York,  September  22,  1847.  ^y  William 
H.  Seward.    Juburn,  N.  T.:  J.  C.  Derby  i^  Co.   1847.     8vo,  pp. 

47-  B-  79537 

Seward.  Oration  on  the  death  of  John  Quincy  Adams, 
delivered  before  the  Legislature  of  the  State  of  New- York,  at 
Albany,  on  the  6th  day  of  April,  1848,  by  William  H.  Seward. 
Published  by  order  of  the  Legislature.  J/bany:  Charles  f^an  Ben- 
thuysen.  Public  Printer.    1848.     8vo,  pp.  36,  and  covers.  b. 

Seward.  Oration,  by  William  H.  Seward,  at  Plymouth. 
December  21,  1855.  [^fVashington.  1856.]  8vo,  pp.  15.  b. 
-f  Albany:  IVeed^  Parsons  and  Company.    1850.     8vo,  pp.  32.      b. 

Seward.  Our  North  Pacific  States.  Speeches  of  William 
H.  Seward  in  Alaska,  Vancouver's,  and  Oregon.  August,  1869. 
Washington^  D.  C:  Philp  ^  Solomons.   1869.    8vo,  pp.  32.        h. 

Seward.  The  Pacific  Railroad.  Speech  of  William  H. 
Seward.  Delivered  in  the  Senate  of  the  United  States,  Decem- 
ber 21,  1858.     l^San  Francisco?  1858?]     8vo,  pp.  8.     h.  79541 

Seward.  The  Parties  of  the  Day.  Speech  of  William  H. 
Seward,  at  Auburn,  October  21,  1856.  Washington^  D.  C.  Buell 
&  Blanchard,  Printers.   1857.     ^^^j  PP*  ^'  79542 

For  another  edition  see  No.  79544,  infra. 

Seward.  Political  Issues  of  the  Day.  Speech  of  William 
H.  Seward,  delivered  at  Detroit,  September  4,  i860.  [^New  Tori:. 
i860.]    8vo,  pp.  14.  B.,  c.  79543 

See  also  No.  79534,  supra. 

Seward.  The  Political  Parties  of  the  Day.  Speech  of  Hon. 
William  H.  Seward.  Delivered  at  Auburn,  October  21st,  1856. 
[n.  p.  n.  d.]    8vo,  pp.  8.  79544 

For  another  edition  see  No.  79542,  supra. 

Seward.     Railroad  Iron.     Remarks  of  William  H.  Seward, 



in  the  Senate  of  the  United  States,  February  22,  1855.     ^ff^ash- 
Ington.   1855.]    8vo.  79545 

Seward.  The  Reaper  :  Argument  of  William  H.  Seward  in 
the  Circuit  Court  of  the  United  States,  October  24,  1854.  Ju- 
burn:  William  L.  Finn.    1854.     8vo,  pp.  29.  B.  79546 

In  the  M'Curmick  Reaper  patent  case. 

Seward.  Recent  Speeches  and  Writings  of  William  H.  Sew- 
ard 1 854-1 861.  Edited  by  George  E.  Baker.  ...  Redfitld :  iii 
and  112  Nassau  Street^  New  Tork.  1 86 1.  8 vo,  pp.  696.  Frontis- 
piece facsimile.  l.  79547 

Also  issued  with  a  different  title  as  volume  iv.  of  the  "Works,"  No.  79595,  infra, 

Seward.  Reconciliation.  Speech  of  William  H.  Seward,  at 
Auburn,  May  22,  1866,  on  the  Question  of  R<;conciliation. 
IVasbington.   1866.    8vo,  pp.  20.  79548 

Seward.  Relations  with  Mexico,  and  the  Continental  Rail- 
road. Speech  of  William  H.  Seward.  Senate  ...  February  8, 
1853.     [Washington  :  Buell  &  Blanchard.    1853.]     8vo,  pp.  15. 

Seward.  The  Relative  Powers  of  the  Senate  and  House  of 
Representatives.  Speech  of  William  H.  Seward.  In  the  Senate 
of  the  United  States,  February  7,  1856.  [Washington :  h  fit  & 
Blanchard.   1856.]    8vo,  pp.  6.  B.  79550 

Seward.  Remarks  of  William  H.  Seward,  in  the  Senate, 
June,  1856,  concerning  Kansas  and  the  Constitutional  Freedom 
of  Debate.  [Washington:  Buell  &  Blanchard^  Printers.  1856.] 
8vo,  pp.  8.  H.  79551 

Seward.  Remarks  of  William  H.  Seward,  in  memory  of 
Thomas  J.  Rusk  ...  late  Senator  from  Texas.  In  the  Senate  ... 
January  19,  1858.  Washington:  Buell  ^Blanchard,,  Printers. 
1858.    8vo,  pp.  8.  BA.  79552 

Seward.  Restoration  of  Union.  Speech  of  William  H. 
Seward,  to  the  Citizens  of  New  York,  at  Cooper  Institute,  Feb- 
ruary 22,  1866,  on  the  Restoration  of  Union.  Washington.  1866. 
8vo,  pp.  15.  B.  79553 

Seward.  The  Right  of  Petition.  Remarks  of  Messrs. 
Seward,  Hale,  and  Chase.  With  a  Sketch  of  the  Debate  in  the 
Senate  on  various  Petitions  and  other  Matters  connected  with  the 







i."!  a 


Subject  of  Slavery.    fVashington :  Buelll^  Blanc  hard.  1850.    8vo, 
pp.  15.  n.  79554 

Seward.  The  Situation  and  the  Duty.  Speech  of  William 
H.  Seward  at  Auburn,  N.  Y.,  October  31,  1868.  fVashingtijn^ 
D.  C:  Phi Ip  ^  Solomons.    1868.     8vo,  pp.  30.  H.  79555 

Seward.  The  Slaveholding  Class  Dominant  in  the  Republic. 
Speech  of  William  H.  Seward,  at  Detroit,  October  2,  1856. 
fVashlngton^D.C.   Buell  l^  Blanchard^  Printers.    1857.     8vo,  pp. 

14.  79556 

Seward.  Speech  of  William  H.  Seward,  on  the  Resolution 
against  renewing  the  Charter  of  the  United  States  Bank,  in  the 
Senate  of  New- York.  Albany :  Printed  hy  Packard^  Hojffman  Isf 
White.   1832.    8vo,  pp.  16.  b.  79557 

Seward.  Speech  of  William  H.  Seward  on  the  Resolutions 
concerning  the  Removal  of  the  Government  Deposites.  In  the 
Senate  of  New  York,  January,  1834.  Albany:  Printed  by  Hoff- 
man isf  White.    1834.     8vo,  pp.  42.  B.  79558 

Seward.  Speech  of  William  H.  Seward  in  the  Senate  against 
Gov.  Marcy's  Six  Million  Mortgage.  Delivered  April  loth, 
1834.    Albany.   1834.    8vo,  pp.  16.  79559 

Seward.  Speech  of  William  H.  Seward  on  taking  the  Chair 
of  the  Simultaneous  Repeal  Meeting  at  Albany,  Jan.  3,  1844. 
Albany.   1844.    8vo.  s.  79560 

Seward.  Speech  of  William  H.  Seward,  on  the  Admission  of 
California.  ...  March  11,  1850.  Washington:  Buell  Uf  Blanchard. 
1850.    8vo,  pp.  46.  c,  H.  79561 

Another  edition  as  follows : 

Seward.  Speech  of  the  Hon.  W.  H.  Seward,  on  the  Admis- 
sion of  California,  and  the  Subject  of  Slavery  ;  delivered  in  the 
...  Senate  ...  March  11,  1850.  Boston:  Redding  iff  Company. 
1850.    8vo,  pp.  26.  79562 

For  other  editions  itt  Nus.  79508  and  79561,  tupra, 

Seward.  Speech  of  William  H.  Seward,  on  the  Compromise 
Bill:  Delivered  in  the  Senate  ...  July  2,  1850.  [^Washington, 
1850.]    8vo,  pp.  15.  79563 

Seward.  Speech  of  William  H.  Seward,  on  the  Admission 
of  New  Mexico.  Delivered  in  the  Senate  ...  July  26,  1850. 
Washington  :  Buell  &  Blanchard,  Printers.    1850.     8vo,  pp.  14. 



Seward.  Speech  of  William  H.  Seward  on  Emancipation  in 
the  District  of  Columbia  ...  in  the  Senate,  September  ii,  1850. 
IVashington  :  Buell  i^  Blanchard,    1850.     Hvo,  pp.  8.        H.  79565 

Seward.  Speech  of  William  H.  Seward,  on  the  Claims  of 
American  Merchants  for  Indemnities  for  French  Spoliations. 
(Delivered  in  the  Senate  of  the  United  States,  January  21,  1851.) 
IVashing' n  :  Printed  by  Buell  l^  Blamhard.  185 1.  8vo,  pp.  28. 
4-  Third  Edition,  with  Notes.     [/&/>/.]    1851.     8vo,  pp.  32. 

Sfward.  Speech  of  William  H.  Seward  on  the  Management 
and  Disposition  of  the  Public  Domain  ...  in  the  Senate  ...  Feb. 
27,1851.     IVashington :  Buell  ^  Blanchard.    1851.     8vo,  pp.  15. 

Seward.  Speech  of  William  H.  Seward,  On  the  Proposed 
Protest  of  the  United  States  against  the  Armed  Intervention  of 
Russia  in  the  Hungarian  Revolution,  in  the  Senate  ...  March  9, 
1852.  \^tVashington  :  Buell  i^  Blanchard^  Printers.  1852.]  8vo, 
pp.  16.     B.    -\-  Third  Edition.     \_Ibid.'\    1852.     8vo,  pp.  28. 

Sf.ward.  Speech  of  William  H.  Seward  at  the  Dedication  of 
Capital  University,  at  Columbus,  Ohio,  Sept.  14,  1853.  Juhurn^ 
N.  T.   Knapp  and  Peck^  Printers.    1853.     8vo,  pp.  15.      b.  79569 

On  "The  Destiny  of  America."     For  anotlier  edition  sit  No.  79513,  supra. 

Seward.  Speech  of  William  H.  Seward,  on  the  Kansas  and 
Nebraska  Bill,  Senate  of  the  United  States,  May  26,  1854. 
[IVaskington :  Buell  iff  Blanchard.   1854.]    8vo,  pp.  7.         79570 

Seward.  Speech  of  William  H.  Seward  on  the  Central  Amer- 
ican Question,  in  the  Senate,  Jan.  31,  1856.  \^lVashington.  1856.] 
8vo,  pp.  15.  B.,  H.  79571 

Seward.  Speech  of  William  H.  Seward,  for  the  Immediate 
Admission  of  Kansas  into  the  Union.  Senate  of  the  United 
States,  April  9,  1856.  \_Buell  Iff  Blanchard.^  Printers.^  IVashington.^ 
B.C.  1856.]  8vo,  pp.  15,  (i).  -{-[Another  edition.  Ibid. 
1856.]  8vo,  pp.  14.  -f  [Another  edition.]  Washington.,  D.  C, 
Buell  and  Blanchardy  Printers.    1856.     8vo,  pp.  54.  H.  79572 

For  another  edition  tee  No.  79525,  supra. 

Seward.  Speech  of  William  H.  Seward,  against  Mr.  Douglas* 
Second  Enabling  Bill,  and  in  favor  of  the  Immediate  Admission 
of  Kansas  into  the  Union.  In  the  Senate  of  the  United  States, 
July  2,  1856.    IVashington.,  D.C.   Buell  iff  Blanchard.  I'i^d.    8vo, 

PP-  H-  79573 

i  ) . 

m  ii 

:  n 





^       I 



Skwakd.  Speech  of  William  H.  Seward,  on  the  Claims  of 
the  Officers  of  the  Revolutionary  Army  ;  delivered  in  the  Senate 
of  the  United  States,  January  5,  1857.  ff^ashington.  1857.  Hvo, 
pp.  16.  79574 

Skwaru.  Speech  of  William  H.  Seward,  in  the  Senate  of  the 
United  States,  March  3,  1858.  IVashington :  Buell  iff  Blanchard, 
1858.    8vo,  pp.  15.  79575 

Fur  othur  cditioni  in  Not.  7951a,  79S34i  lupra. 

Seward.  Speech  of  William  H.  Seward,  Delivered  at  Roch- 
ester, Monday,  October  25,  1858.    [n.  p.  1858.]    8vo,  pp.  7,(1). 

Fur  another  editiun  ut  No.  79528,  tupra, 

Seward.  Speech  of  the  Hon.  Wm.  H.  Seward  ...  in  the  ... 
Senate,  February  29th,  i860.  ...  San  Francisco:  Printed  by  Ttnunt 
i^  Bacon,   i860.     8vo,  pp.  15.  H.  79577 

For  other  editiuns  ui  Not.  79500,  79511,  tupra,  and  Nu,  79584,  infra. 

Seward.  Speech  of  William  H.  Seward  ...  at  Lansing 
(Mich.),  and  also  at  Madison  (Wis.),  September,  i860.  [^Ncw 
Tori,   i860.]    8vo,  pp.  8.  c.  79578 

Seward.     Speech  of  William  H.  Seward 
ber  3,  18&0.     [n.  p.    i860.]    8vo. 

Chicago,  Octo- 

Seward.  Speech  of  William  H.  Seward  ...  at  Seneca  Falls, 
N.  Y.,  October  31,  i860,     [n.  p.   i860.]    8vo.  795^0 

Seward.  Speech  of  Hon.  William  H.  Seward,  at  Auburn, 
October  20,  1865.     [n.  p.  n.  d.]    8vo,  pp.  16.  795^' 

Seward.  Speeches  of  Hon.  William  H.  Seward,  and  Hon. 
Lewis  Cass,  on  the  subject  of  Slavery.  Delivered  in  the  Senate 
of  the  United  States,  March,  1850.  New  Tori:  Stringer  & 
Townsend.   1850.    8vo,  pp.  32,  and  covers.  795^2 

Seward.  Speeches  of  William  H.  Seward,  delivered  at  Albany 
and  at  Buffalo,  in  October,  1855.  ff^oshington.,  D.  C.  Republican 
Association.   1855.     8vo.,  pp.  (2),  16.  b.  79583 

Seward.  The  State  of  the  Country.  Speech  of  William  H. 
Seward  in  the  United  States  Senate,  Feb.  29,  i860.  ...  New 
Tork :  Wm.  C.  Bryant  £ff  Co.^  Printers,  i860.  8vo,  pp.  27.  h. 
-f  [Another  edition,     n.  p.    i860.]     8vo,  pp.  8.  h.  79584 

For  other  editions  ut  Nos.  79500,  79521,  and  79577,  tupra. 



Seward.  The  StcamtJKn^inc.  Hon.  William  H.  Seward's 
Argument  in  the  Circuit  Courtjjof  the|U.pStati's,  at  C'tujpcrstown, 
New  York,  on  thc'|third  day  of  August,  1853.  ...  hovidence : 
KnewUsy  Anthony  iJ  Co. ^  Printers.    1H53.     Hvo,  pp.  32.     H.  79585 

Seward.  Thirty  Million  Hill.  Speech  of"  William  H.  Seward 
...  Senate  ...  January  24,  1859.  IVashington^  J).  C.  Buell  i^ 
Blanchard^  Printers.    1859.    8vo,  pp.  8.  H.  79586 

Skwari).  The  True  Basis  of  American  Independence:  A 
Lecture  before  the  American  Institute,  New  York,  Oct.  20, 
1853,  in  the  Broadway  Tabernacle.  My  William  H.  Seward,  ... 
New  Tork  :  Fowler  W  IVells.    1853.     ^^"»  PP*  ^O*  •'•  795^7 

Seward.  The  True  Gr'"atness  of  our  Country  :  A  Discourse 
beft)re  the  Young  Catholic  Friends'  Society  at  Baltimore,  Dec. 
22,  1848.  By  William  H.  Seward,  ff'ashin^ten :  */.  amlG.  S. 
(iideony  Jointers.    1848.     8vo,  pp.  24.  H.  79588 

Seward.  The  Union:  Speech  of  William  H.  Seward  in  the 
Senate,  Jan.  12,  1861.     [ff^^ishington.   1861.]    8vo,  pp.  8.       h. 

Seward.  The  Usurpations  of  Slavery.  Speech  of  William 
H.  Seward,  in  the  Senate  of  the  United  States,  on  the  Bill  to 
protect  Officers  of  the  United  States,  February  23,  1855.  U^"^^^' 
ington:  Buell  &  Blanchard,  Printers.   1855.]     ^^">  PP-  7'  b* 

Seward.  Welcome  to  Kossuth:  Speeches  of  William  H. 
Seward  on  the  joint  Resolution  in  honor  of  Louis  Kossuth  ...  in 
the  Senate  ...  Dec.  9  and  12,  1851.  IVashington.  1851.  8vo, 
pp.  12.  B.  79591 

Seward.  The  West :  its  Destiny  and  its  Duty.  Speech 
delivered  by  William  H.  Seward,  at  Dubuque,  September  21, 
i860.     [^Albany.   i860.]    8vo,  pp.  55.  7959^ 

See  alio  No.  79534,  lu^ro. 

Seward.  The  Whale  Fishery,  and  American  Commerce  in 
the  Pacific  Ocean.  Speech  of  William  H.  Seward,  in  the  Senate 
...  July  29,  1852.  [^IVashington:  Buell  &  Blanchard,  Printers. 
1852.]    8vo,  pp.  8.  B.  79593 

Seward.  William  H.  Seward's  Travels  around  the  World. 
Edited  by  Olive  Risley  Seward.  ...  With  Two  Hundred  Illustra- 
tions. New  Tori:  D.  Appleton  and  Company.  1873.  8vo,  pp.  xii, 
730.     Portrait,  Map  and  57  Plates.  L.  79594 



.-     NMMWiV, 



;■■  'i 


Seward.  The  Works  of  William  H.  Seward  Edited  by 
George  E.  Baker  ...  In  Three  Volumes  ...  Redfield^  ...  New 
York.  1853.  3  vols.,  8vo,  pp.  xc,  (2),  541,  (i),  Portrait;  672, 
Plate;  678,  Plate.  +  Vol.  iv.  Redfield^  ...  New  York.  1861. 
8vo,  pp.  696,  Plate.  79595 

In  November,  1883,  another  volume  was  published  with  the  following  title: 

The  Diplomatic  History  of  the  War  for  the  Union,  being  the  fifth  volume  of  the 
Works  of  William  H.  Seward.  Edited  by  George  £.  Baker.  Button :  Houghton,  Miff- 
lin  and  Company.    1884.     8vo,  pp.  viii,  626. 

A  complete  edition  of  the  works,  edited  by  George  E.  Baker,  with  a  memoir, 
also^ issued  :  Boston:  Houghton,  Mifflin  and  Company.  1884.  5  vols.,  8vo.  The  fol- 
lowing titles  relate  to  Mr.  Seward  : 

The  Betrayal  of  the  Cause  of  Freedom,  by  Hon.  W.  H. 
Seward,  Secretary  of  State.    \_fVashington?  1866.]    Folio,  i  page. 

Three  letters  signed  :  "  H.  H.  D." 

A  Letter  to  his  Excellency  William  H.  Seward.  See  [Gray 
(W.  F.)],  Vol.  VII.,  No.  28415. 

The  Life  of  Williaiii  H.  Seward  with  Selections  from  his 
Works.  Edited  by  George  E.  Baker.  Redfield.,  ...  New  York. 
1855.     i2mo,  pp.  410.  B.  79597 

The  Tife  of  William  H.  Seward,  including  his  most  famous 
Speeches.  By  a  JefFersonian  Republican.  Boston :  Thayer  and 
Eldridge.   i860.     i2mo,  pp.  144.     Portrait.  7959^ 

A  Review  of  Mr.  Seward's  Diplomacy.  See  [Reed  (W.  B.)], 
Vol.  XVI.,  No.  68622  ;  and  Syntax,  Jr.  {Dr.\  pseudon. 

The  Seward  Memorial.  The  Ceremonies  of  the  Unveiling  of 
the  Statue  of  William  H.  Seward  in  Madison  Square,  New  York, 
September  6,  1876,  with  description  of  the  Statue  and  list  of 
subscribers.     New  York:  D.  Appleton  i^ Co.   1878.     8vo,  pp.  23. 

See  also  Vol.  xii.,  No.   52200;    Vol.   xiii.,  No.   53783,  note;  and  Vol.  xvii..  No. 

Catalogue  and  Circular  of  the  S.  S.  Seward  Institute,  at 
Florida,  Orange  County,  N.  Y.  Under  the  care  of  Elizabeth 
Parsons.  P'irst  Term  ending  March  5,  1846.  Albany:  Joel 
Munsell.,  Printer.   1846.    8vo,  pp.  8.  m.  79600 

Also :  Circular  and  Catalogue  of  the  S.  S.  Seward  Institute  .it  Florida,  Orange 
County,  N.  Y.  Under  the  care  of  Elizabeth  Parsons.  ...  Albany:  Printed  by  Jotl 
Munsell.    1848.     8vo,  pp.  9.      M. 



Sewel  (W.), />.  1654,  </.  1725?  Histori  Van  de  Opkomstc, 
Aanwas,  en  Voortgang  der  Christenen  belcend  by  den  naam  van 
Quakers,  Ondermengd  met  de  voornaamstc  Staats-geschicdcnlssen 
van  dien  tyd,  in  Engeland  voorgevallen.  En  met  Authentike 
Stukken  voorzien.  Door  Wm.  Sewel.  Te  Amsterdain.,  by  R.  en 
G.  IVetstein^  Boekverkoopers  in  de  Kalverstraat^  by  Ste.  Lucye  Steeg. 
1 71 7.    Folio.  79601 

Sewel.  The  I  History]  of  the  |  Rise,  Increase,  and  Progress | 
Of  the  Christian  People  called  |  Quakers,  |  Intermixed  with  several 
I  Remarkable  Occurrences.  |  Written  Originally  in  Low-Dutch  by 
William  |  Sewel,  and  by  himself  Translated  into  English.  |  Now 
Revis'd  and  Publish'd,  with  some  Amendments.  |  London:  \  Printed 
and  Sold  by  the  Assigns  of  f.  Sowle^  at  |  the  Bible  in  George- Tard^ 
Lombard-Street.  1722.]  f'olio,  pp.  (12),  723,  Index  (16),  Cata- 
logue (4).  B.  79602 

Probably  edited  by  Joseph  Besse. 

Sewel.  The  |  History]  of  the]  Rise,  Increase,  and  Progress,  I 
of  the  Christian  People  called  ]  Quakers.  ]  Intermixed  with  several  | 
Remarkable  Occurrences.  ]  Written  Originally  in  Low-Dutch, 
and  also  ]  translated  into  English.  ]  By  William  Sewel.  ]  The  Second 
Edition  Corrected.  ]  London  :  \  Printed  and  Sold  by  the  Assigns  of  y. 
Sowle,  at \  the  Bible  in  George-Tard^  Lombard-Street.   1725.  ]    Folio, 

pp.  (12),  699,  Index  (16),  Catalogue  (4). 



In  Haven's  list  there  is  entered  under  1725,  a  "2d  Ed.  Neiu  York:  Printed  hy 
Wm.  Bradford"  with  a  note  stating  that  it  was  advertised  in  the  Philadelphia  Ameri- 
can Weekly  Mercury.  It  was,  without  doubt,  the  second  London  edition  described 

Sewel.  The  ]  History] of  the  ]Rise,  Increase,  and  Progress,] 
Of  the  Christian  People  called  ]  Quakers  :]  Intermixed  with  Sev- 
eral ]  Remarkable  Occurrences.  ]  Written  Originally  in  Low- 
Dutch,  and  also  Tran-]  slated  into  English,  ]  By  William  Sewel.  | 
The  Third  Edition,  Corrected.  ]  Philadelphia :  \  Printed  and  Sold  by 
Samuel  Keimer  in  Second  Street.  \  M  DCC  xxviii.  ]    Folio.     L.  79604 

Collation :  8  preliminary  leaves,  comprising  the  title,  verso  blank,  the  dedication  in 
two  pages,  and  the  preface  in  eight  pages;  text,  pp.  1-694;  index,  pp.  (16).  Signa- 
tures A  in  four,  b  in  two,  B-T  in  fours,  T-Z,  Aa-Zz,  Aaa-Zzz,  Aaaa-Zzzz,  and 
Aac^aa-Zzzzz  (including  Wwwww),  in  twos,  to  the  end  of  page  532;  Aaaaa[a]- 
Zzzzz[z],  Aaaaaaa-Sssssss,  J,  ff,  and  XXX,  in  twos,  and  XXXX  '"  *^"^>  ^'■""*  P-'B^  533 
to  the  end. 

The  title,  dedication,  preface,  and  pages  i  to  532,  are  from  Keimer's  press;  pages 
533  to  694,  and  the  sixteen  pages  of  index,  were  printed  by  Benjamin  Franklin  and 
Hugh  Meredith,  who  had  recently  opened  their  new  printing  office.  The  portion 
printed  by  them,  which  begins  with  signature  Aaaaaa  (wrongly  printed  Aaaaa),  can  be 
easily  distinguished  from  the  rest  by  the  dirterente  of  the  type,  y'  Df-  Trumbull's  state- 
ment in  the  Brinley  catalogue  (No.  3315),  that  the  title  and  dedication,  and  pp.  457  to 

)     '^ 



?'       I 



the  end  were  printed  by  Franklin,  is  therefore  not  quite  correct.  Set  Mr.  Hildeburn's 
"  Issues  of  the  Press  in  Pcnnsylvani.!,"  vol.  i.,  pp.  92,  93. 

"This  wo  .,  written  in  Dutch  and  printed  at  Amsterdam  in  1717,  was  translated 
into  English  by  the  author  and  published  at  London  in  1722.  A  few  copies  finding 
their  way  to  America,  fhe  Philadelphia  Meeting  on  learning  the  edition  was  exhausted, 
proposed  to  Andrew  Bradford  that  he  should  reprint  it.  Bradford  delayed  giving  a 
definite  answer  until  after  he  had  arranged  with  his  aunt  Tacy  Sowle,  the  English  pub- 
lisher of  the  work,  for  700  copies  of  the  second  edition,  and  then  declined.  The 
Quakers  then  applied  to  Keimer  who  readily  undertook  the  work  at  a  much  lower  price 
than  had  been  offered  Bradford.  It  proved  an  unfortunate  venture  for  him  as  he  had 
not  the  capital  to  carry  on  so  large  a  work,  and  although  he  proceeded  but  slowly  with 
it  and  received  considerable  advances  of  money  from  the  Quakers,  as  well  as  subscrip- 
tions for  500  copies,  but  became  involved  in  debt  by  his  purchases  of  type  and  paper. 
The  work  was  begun  in  1725,  and  was  not  finished  till  the  latter  part  of  1728,  and 
then  only  by  giving  out  part  of  it  to  Franklin  and  Meredith." — Hildbburn. 

The  following  account  of  Franklin's  share  in  the  work  is  given  in  his  autobiography : 
"  Breintnal  particularly,  procur'd  us  from  the  Quakers  the  printing  forty  sheets  of  their 
history,  the  rest  being  to  be  done  by  Keimer;  and  upon  this  we  work'd  exceedingly 
hard,  for  the  price  was  low.  It  was  a  folio,  pro  patria  size  in  pica,  with  long  primer 
notes.  I  compos'd  of  it  a  sheet  a  day,  and  Meredith  worked  it  off  at  press ;  it  was 
often  eleven  at  night,  and  sometimes  later,  before  I  had  finished  my  distribution  for  the 
next  day's  work,  for  the  little  jobbs  sent  in  by  our  other  friends  now  and  then  put  us 
back.  But  so  determin'd  I  was  to  continue  doing  a  sheet  a  day  of  the  folio,  that  one 
night,  when,  having  impos'd  my  forms,  I  thought  my  day's  work  over,  one  of  them  by 
accident  was  broken,  and  two  pages  reduced  to  pi,  I  immediately  distributed  and  com- 
pos'd it  over  again  before  I  went  to  bed." 

The  following  remarks  of  Mr.  N.ithan  Kite  on  this  account  are  quoted  by  Mr.  Hil- 
deburn  :  "  Franklin  was  at  that  very  time  writing  ap.i'r.ol,  and  doing  everything 
to  injure  him  in  his  power  j  and  with  that  want  of  candour,  characteristic  of  a  mean 
mind,  does  not  acknowledge  in  his  memoirs  to  whom  their  new  office  was  indebted  for 
its  first  work.  No  one  would  guess  from  his  account  that  the  patronage  came  from  the 
poor,  despised,  caricatured  Keimer." 

Mr.  Brinley's  perfect  copy,  which  is  now  in  the  Lenox  Library,  sold  for  $40.  Mr. 
Haven  in  his  list  mentions  an  edition:  Botton,  Sol  J  by  E.  Pbillips,  Cbarlestown,  1728, 
which  is  probably  the  same  as  the  above. 

Sewel.  The  I  History  |  of  the  |  Rise,  Increase  and  Progress,  | 
of  I  the  Christian  People  called  |  Quakers  ;  |  with  several  |  Remark- 
able Occurrences,  |  intermixed.  |  Written  originally  in  Low-Dutch, 
and  also  translated  into  English,  |  By  William  Sewel.  |  The  Third 
Edition,  corrected.  |  Burlington,  New-jfersey :  Printed  and  sold  by 
Isaac  Collins.  \  M.  Dcc.  Lxxiv.  |  Folio,  pp.  xii,  812,  Index  (16).    m. 

Sewel.  The  History  of  the  Rise,  Increase,  and  Progress,  of 
the  Christian  People  called  Quakers  ...  By  William  Sewel.  The 
Third  Edition  ...  London:  Printed  and  sold  by  'James  Phillips. 
lygS'    2  vols.,  8vo.  79606 

Sewel.  The  History  of  the  Rise,  Increase,  and  Progress,  of 
the  Christian  People  called  Quakers  ...  By  William  Sewel.  The 
Fourth  Edition  ...  Vol.  i.  London:  Printed  and  Sold  by  James 
Phillips.  1799.  8vo.  Vol.  II.  London :  Printed  and  Sold  by  Will- 
iam Phillips.   1800.     8vo.  79607 





3SS,  of 





Sewel.  The  History  of  the  Rise,  Increase,  and  Progress,  of 
the  Christian  People  called  ^"^''crs  ...  By  William  Sewel. 
The  F'ifth  Edition  ...  London:  Printed  by  IVilltam  Phillips.  181 1. 
2  vols.,  8vo.  79608 

To  this  edition  is  added  "An  Appendix"  to  the  first  volume,  containing  an  omissioi) 
in  the  former  editions  of  part  of  a  paper  written  Ky  James  Nayler. 

Sewel.  The  History  of  the  Rise,  Increase,  and  Progress  of 
the  Christian  People  called  Quakers.  Intermixed  with  several 
remarkable  occurrences.  Written  originally  in  Low  Dutch,  and 
also  translated  into  English.  By  William  Sewel.  ...  Philadelphia : 
B.  y  T.  Kite  and  S.  Pike.  181 1.  2  vols.,  8vo,  pp.  578  ;  603, 
Index  (32).  B.  79609 

Sewel.  The  History  of  the  Rise,  Increase,  and  Progress,  of 
the  Christian  People  called  Quakers.  Intermixed  with  several 
remarkable  occurrences.  Written  originally  in  Low  Dutch,  and 
also  translated  by  himself  into  English.  By  William  Sewel.  In 
two  volumes.  ...  Philadelphia :  Benjamin  ^  Thomas  Kite.  1823. 
2  vols.,  8vo,  pp.  604;  671.  c,  L.  79610 

Sewel.  The  History  of  the  Rise,  Increase,  and  Progress,  of 
the  Christian  People  called  Quakers  ...  By  William  Sewel  ... 
New  Edition  ...  Philadelphia.  1832.  2  vols,  in  one,  8vo,  pp. 
433  J  390-  796 II 

Sewel.  The  History  of  the  Rise,  Increase,  and  Progress  of 
the  Society  of  Friends.  By  William  Sewel.  ...  Lindfield:  Printed 
at  the  Schools  of  Industry^  and  sold  by  Longman  &  Co.^  Paternoster- 
row  ...    1833-34.    4  parts,  i6mo.  79612 

"The  Friends'  Library,"  vols,  v.,  vi.,  vii.,  viii.     Edited  by  William  Allen. 

Sewel.  The  History  of  the  Rise,  Increase,  and  Progress  of 
the  Christian  People  called  Quakers,  ...  written  originally  in  Low 
Dutch,  and  translated  by  himself  into  English.  ...  The  Sixth 
Edition  ...  London:  Darton  and  Harvey.  1834.     2  vols.,  8vo.    a. 

Sewel.  The  History  of  the  Rise,  Increase  and  Progress  of 
the  Christian  People  called  Quakers,  intermixed  with  several 
remarkable  Occurrences.  By  William  Sewel.  Written  originally 
in  Low  Dutch,  and  translated  by  himself  into  English.  To 
which  is  prefixed  a  brief  Memoir  of  the  Author,  compiled  from 
various  sources.  ...  New-TTork :  Published  by  Baker  and  Crane  ... 
Jlso  for  sale  by  Mahlon.^  Day  ^  Co,  ...  New-Tor k ;  Thomas  Ell- 
wood  Chapman  ...  and  Uriah  Hunt  ^  Son  ...  Philadelphia.  1844. 
2  vols,  in  one,  8vo,  pp.  xxiii,  13-422 ;  465.         b.,  c,  h.  79614 











1,  i 

I    I 

Sevvkl.  The  History  of  the  Rise,  Increase,  and  Progress  of 
the  Christian  People  called  Quakers  ...  to  which  is  prefixed  a 
short  Biographical  Notice  of  the  Author.  Philadelphia  •  Friends* 
Bookstore.   1855.    8vo.  79^15 

Sewel.  Die  Geschichte  von  dem  Ursprung,  Zunehmen  und 
Fortgang  des  Christlichen  Volcks,  so  Quaker  genennet  werden, 
mit  allerhand  merkwiirdigen  Begebenneiten,  insonderheit  aber 
dem  Kernder  Englischen  Staats-Veranderungen  von  Carl  i.  an  bis 
auf  die  Regierung  des  jetzigen  Konigs  Georg  11.  vermischet,  &c. 
Von  William  Sewel.  Aus  dem  Englischen  ins  Hochdeutsche 
iibersetzt.    \jfena:  Frommann.^   '742.     Folio,  pp.  (10),  647,  (18). 

Also:  A  Declaration  of  Faith,  published  by  the  Society  of  Friends  a.d.  1693.  From 
Sewel's  History.  Philadelphia.  1835.  8vo,  pp.  16.  s.  Mr.  Sewel  was  the  author  of 
*'  A  Large  Dictionary,"  English  und  Dutch,  and  Dutch  and  English,  oi  which  editions 
were  printed  in  1691,  1708,  1719,  1721,  I73S»  I7S4»  and  1766.  See  Smith's  •'Cata- 
logue of  Friends'  Books,"  11.  560-563,  for  a  list  of  his  other  writings. 

Sewell  (A.  L.)  "The  Great  Calamity!"  Scenes,  Incidents, 
and  Lessons  of  the  Great  Chicago  Fire  of  the  8th  and  9th  of 
October,  1871.  Also  some  Account  of  other  great  Conflagra- 
tions of  modern  times,  and  the  burning  of  Peshtigo,  Wisconsin. 
Prepared  by  Alfred  L.  Sewell.  Chicago.,  Illinois :  Alfred  L.  Sewell. 
1871.    8vo,  pp.  100.     Map.  B.  79617 




[Sewell  (George).]     The  Tragedy  of  Sir  Walter  Raleigh. 
5  it  is  Acted  at  the  Theatre  in  Lincoln's-Inn-Fields.     London. 


8vo,  pp.  (14),  63.    -f  The  Third  Edition.    London.  17 19. 


This  play  was  acted  with  very  great  success  in  December,  1718  j  the  part  of  Sir 
Walter  by  Mr.  yuin.     The  author's  name  is  at  the  end  of  the  dedication. 

Sewell.  The  Tragedy  of  Sir  Walter  Raleigh.  As  it  is 
Acted  at  the  Theatre-Royal  in  Lincolns-Inn-Fields.  By  Mr. 
Sewell.  The  Fifth  Edition,  with  a  New  Scene.  London.  1722. 
Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (14),  66,  (2).  Portrait  of  Raleigh,  c.  +  The 
Sixth  Edition.  London :  J.  IVatts.  M  DCC  XLV.  Sm.  8vo,  pp. 
(h),  55,  (0-     Portrait.  79619 

Sewell  (J[onathan]),  b.  1766,  d.  1839.  An  Essay  on  the 
Juridical  History  of  France,  so  far  as  it  relates  to  the  Law  of  the 
Province  of  Lower-Canada :  Read  at  a  Special  Meeting  of  the 
Literary  and  Historical  Society  of  Quebec,  the  31st  day  of  May, 
1824.  By  the  Honorable  J.  Sewell,  Chief  Justice  of  Lower- 
Canada,     ^ebec :  Printed  by  Thomas  Cary  l5f  Co.    1824.     8vo,  pp. 

34.  BA.,  H.  79620 

»  u  tmmvmmiimrm^wv^^''"' 



Sewell.  On  the  Advantages  of  Opening  the  River  St.  T^aw- 
rence  to  the  Commerce  of  the  World  ...  London.    1 8 14.     8vo. 

Sewell.  A  Plan  for  the  Federal  Union  of  the  British  Prov- 
inces in  North  America   ...   London.   18 14.     8vo.  79622 

Sewell.  Plan  for  a  General  Legislative  Union  of  the  British 
Provinces  in  North  America,  by  Messrs.  Sewell,  Stuart,  Robin- 
son and  Strachan.     London.   1824.     8vo.  79^23 

"In  1844,  the  prospectus  of  a  work  bearing  the  following  title,  was  issued  by  one  of 
his  sons  :  '  Notes  of  Decisions  in  the  Court  of  King's  Bench  for  the  District  of  {Quebec, 
collected  by  Jonathan  Sewell,  Esq.,  late  Chief  Justice  of  Lower  Canada.'  This  work 
was  never  published,  owing  to  the  destruction  of  the  ms.  in  a  lire  which  afterwards 
occurred." — Morgan's  Bihl'totheca  Canademii. 

Sev/ell  (L.)  An  Account  of  some  Particulars  relative  to  the 
Meeting  held  at  York,  on  Thursday,  Dec.  30,  1779.  By  Leon- 
ard Sewell.     London.   1780.    8vo.  79624 

Relates  to  the  war  in  America. 

Sewell  [Mary].  "Our  Father's  Care,"  A  Ballad.  By  Mrs. 
Sewell  ...  Richmond^  Fa.:  Presbyterian  Committee  of  Publication. 
1864.     i2mo,  pp.  26,(1).  H.  79625 

Inserted  here  on  account  of  its  having  a  Confederate  imprint. 

Sewell  (R.)  Practice  in  the  Executive  Departments  of  the 
Government  under  the  Pension,  Bounty,  and  Prize  Laws  of  the 
United  States.  With  Forms  and  Instructions  for  collecting  Ar- 
rears of  Pay,  Bounty,  and  Prize  Money,  and  for  obtaining  Pen- 
sions. By  Robert  Sewell,  Counsellor-at-Law.  New  Tork :  D. 
Appleton  and  Company.  1864.  8vo,  pp.  358.  B.  +  [/&/W.]  1865. 
8vo,  pp.  358.  79626 

Sewell  (W[illiam]  G[rant]),  b.  1829,  d.  1862.  The  Ordeal 
of  Free  Labor  in  the  British  West  Indies.  By  Wm.  G.  Sewell. 
New  Tork:  Harper  ^  Bicothers.   1861.     i2mo,  pp.  325.     b.     -f 

[Ibid.']    1862. 
1862.    8vo. 

i2mo,  pp.  325.     H.    4"  Second  Edition. 


The  Sexagenary.  See  [Bloodgood  (S.  De  Witt)],  Vol.  11., 
No.  5985. 

Sexton  (G.)  A  Portraiture  of  Mormonism,  or  Animadver- 
sions on  the  Doctrines  and  Pretensions  of  the  Latter-Day  Saints ; 
A  Review  of  the  History  and  Contents  of  the  Book  of  Mormon  ; 
and  a  Sketch  of  the  Career  of  Joseph  Smith,  and  various  other 

•1    \ 

i  H 

I  J' 



,1.;       . 


*     I 

'.  li 

Notorious  Fanatics  and  Impostors ;  being  Lectures  delivered  by 
Dr.  Geo.  Sexton  ....  London.    1849.     i2mo,  pp.  113.         79628 

A  Sexton  of  the  Old  School,  pseudon.  See  [Sargent  (L.  M.)], 
Vol.  XVIII.,  No.  77004. 

The  Sexton's  Monitor.  See  [Davenport  (D.)],  Vol.  v.,  No. 
iSbgb^  and  add :  -j- Third  Edition.     Boston.   1845.     i2mo. 

Seybert  (a.),  h.  1773,  '^^  1825.  An  Inaugural  Dissertation: 
being  an  Attempt  to  disprove  the  Doctrine  of  the  Putrefaction  of 
the  Blood  of  living  Animals.  By  Adam  Seybert.  Philadelphia. 
1793.    8vo.  79629 

Seybert.  An  Oration  ...  on  the  19th  of  May,  1809,  at  the 
Meeting  of  the  Manufacturers  and  Mechanics  of  the  City  of 
Philadelphia.  By  Adam  Seybert,  m.d.  Philadelphia.  [1809.] 
8vo,  pp.  16.  H.  79630 

Seybert.  Statistical  Annals :  embracing  Views  of  the  Popu- 
lation, Commerce,  Navigation,  Fisheries,  Public  Lands,  Post- 
Office  Establishment,  Revenues,  Mint,  Military  and  Naval 
Establishments,  Expenditures,  Public  Debt  and  Sinking  Fund,  of 
the  United  States  of  America :  founded  on  Official  Documents : 
commencing  on  the  Fourth  of  March  Seventeen  Hundred  and 
Eighty-nine  and  ending  on  the  Twentieth  of  April  Eighteen 
Hundred  and  Eighteen.  By  Adam  Seybert,  m.d.  A  Member  of 
the  House  of  Representatives  of  the  United  States,  from  the 
State  of  Pennsylvania  ...  .  Philadelphia:  Thomas  Dobson  l^  Son.  ... 
William  Fry^  Printer.   1818.    4to,  pp.  xxvii,  (i),  803.  79631 

Seybert.  .  Annales  Statistiques  des  £tats-Unis.  Par  Adam 
Seybert,  Membre  de  la  chambre  des  representants  des  £tats-Unis 
pour  la  ville  de  Philadelphie  ...  Traduits  de  P Anglais  par  C.  A. 
SchefFer.  Paris:  Brissot-Thivars.  1820.  Sm.  8vo,  pp.  xv,  455. 
69  Tables  on  24  folded  sheets.  a.  79632 

Seyd  (E.)  California  and  its  Resources.  A  Work  for  the 
Merchant,  the  Capitalist,  and  the  Emigrant.  By  Ernest  Seyd. 
London:  Triihner  and  Co.  1858.  8vo,  pp.  (4),  168.  18  Plates 
and  2  Maps.  a.  79633 

Seyd.  Suggestions  in  reference  to  the  Metallic  Currency  of 
the  United  States  of  America.  By  Ernest  Seyd  ...  London: 
Triihner  ^  Co.   187 1.     8vo,  pp.  (2),  253.  H.  79634 




C.  A. 

V,  455. 
.  79632 

|-ency  of 

..ondon : 

i  79634 

Seyfried  (Johann  Heinrich).  Puliologia,  Das  ist  Beschrei- 
bung  aller  bcruhmtcn  Stadtc  in  der  gantzen  Welt.  ...  Sulzbach. 
1683.    2  vuls.,  8vo.     Engraved  title,  9  Maps.  79^35 

This  work  contains  an  account  of  America.     A  second  edition  at  foUowi : 

Seyfried.  Poliologia,  |  Das  ist:  |  Accurate  |  Beschreibung | 
Aller  vurnehmsten  in  der  ganzen  Welt  |  befindlichen  |  Stadten, 
Schlossern  und  Ve-|  stungen  |  So  wol  was  ihre  Erbauung,  Fortifi- 1 
catiun,  Religion,  HerrschafFt  und  Regie- 1  rungs- Form,  als  auch 
Die  von  ihrem  Ursprung  an,  Ibis  i^jf  gegenwartige  Zeit  sich 
creignetc  kriegs-  and  |  Friedens,  Freud  und  Leid  betrefFende  Bege- 
I  benheiten  betrifFt.  |  In  zweyen  absonderlichen  Theilen  |  dergestalt 
vorgestellet,  |  Dasz  im  ersten  die  beriihrntesten  Orte  in  ganz  | 
Europa,  im  andern  aber  die  in  Asia,  Africa  und  I  America  befind- 
iichc,  ausf uhrlich  nach  dem  Alphabet  |  abgehanaelt  werden,  |  Und 
zwar  alles  und  jedes  mit  sonderbarem  Fleisz  |  zu  eines  jedem 
Lesers  nutzlicher  Ergotzung  zusamm  |  getragen,  und  nun  zum 
an-dernmal  verbessert  her-Tausgegeben  durch  |  Job.  Heinrich 
Seyfried,  Hochfurstl.  Durchl.  J  zu  Pfalz  Sulzbach  Hof-kammer- 
Rath.  I  Niirnbergy  |  FerUgts  johann  Leonhard  Buggel^  1695.)  2 
vols.,  8vo,  pp.  (28),  480;  (26),  3-357.     Folded  Map.        79636 

Seymour  (A.)  The  Emigrants  i  or  First  and  Final  Step.  A 
True  Story.  By  Almira  Seymour.  Boston  and  Cambridge:  y. 
Munroe  ^  Co.  MDCCCLiii.     i6mo,  pp.  (4),  122.         C,  H.  79637 

Seymour.  Home,  the  Basis  of  the  State.  By  Almira  Sey- 
mour.    Boston:  J.  fVilliams  ^ Company.   1869.     i2mo,  pp.  95. 

Seymour  (C.)  The  Northwestern  Centennial  Celebration,  in 
La  Crosse,  Wisconsin.  Tuesday,  July  4th,  1876.  Historical 
Address,  by  Charles  Seymour.  La  Crosse^  Symes  (^  Usher^  Print- 
ers, 1877.    ^^o»  PP'  3^*  79^39 

Seymour  (C.  C.  B.),  b.  1829,  d.  1869.  Self-Made  Men.  By 
Charles  C.  B.  Seymour.  New  York:  Harper  l^  Brothers.  1858. 
i2mo.  79640 

Seymour  (D.  L.),  b.  1803,  d.  1867.  Speech  of  Hon.  David 
L.  Seymour,  of  N.  York,  on  the  River  and  Harbor  Bill.  De- 
livered in  the  House  of  Representatives,  July  21,  1852.  Wash- 
ington.   1852.     8vo,  pp.  12.  H.  79641 

Seymour.  Synopsis  of  the  Titles  and  Decisions  of  Questions 
of  Quarter  Sales,  Taxes,  Assessments,  etc.,  pn  Van  Rensselaer's 


:ii  m 


V  : 

VOL.    XIX. 





I   I' 


Manor.      By  David   L.  Seymour,     Jlbfiny :   "J.  Munsell.    1850. 
8vo,  pp.  50.  79642 

Allot  In  Memoriam.  David  L.  Seymour.  Born  December  i,  1803.  Died  Octo- 
ber II,  1867.     Albany:  J.  Munull.    1867.     8v(i,  pp.  60. 

Seymour  (£.  S.)  Emigrant's  Guide  to  the  Gold  Mines  uf 
Upper  California.  By  E.  Sandford  Seymour.  Chicago:  R.  L. 
IVilson.   1849.    8vo.  79643 

Seymour.  Sketches  of  Minnesota,  the  New  England  of  the 
West ;  with  Incidents  of  Travel  in  that  Territory  during  the 
Summer  of  1849.  •••  By  E.  S.  Seymour.  ...  New  Tori:  Harper 
&  Brother'.   1850.     i2mo,  pp.  281.     Map.  h.  79644 

Seymour  (G.  F.),  b.  1829.  A  Sermon  delivered  ...  before 
the  Ninetieth  Convention  of  the  Diocese  of  New  York,  ...  in 
...  New  York,  ...  the  24th  day  of  September,  1873,  '"  Memory 
of  Sam'l  Roosevelt  Johnson,  d.d.  ...  By  the  Rev.  George  P. 
Seymour  ...  Styles  ^  Cash^  Steam  Printers  ...  N.T.  [1873.]  8vo, 
pp.  SI.  79645 

Seymour  (H.),  b.  1810,  d.  1886.  Address  of  Horatio  Sey- 
mour at  the  Opening  of  the  Prison  Reform  Congress,  at  Balti- 
more, January,  1873.     Utica.   1873.     8vo.  79646 

Seymour.  Address  of  Horatio  Seymour,  before  the  Alumni 
of  Madison  University,  June  19,  1878.  [n.  p.  1878.]  8vo,  pp. 
16.  79647 

Seymour.  ...  Campaign  Document,  No.  21.  Speech  of 
Governor  Seymour  at  Philadelphia,    [n.  p.   1864.]    8vo,  pp.  8. 

Seymour.  Facts  for  the  Tax  Payers.  Speech  of  Horatio 
Seymour  before  the  Canal  Committee  of  the  Legislature  of  New 
York,  April  9,  1878.    [n.  p.    1878.]    8vo,  pp.  16.  79649 

Seymour.  History  and  Topography  of  New  York.  A  Lec- 
ture By  Horatio  Seymour  ...  at  Cornell  University,  June  30, 
1870.     Utica:  Grove  ^  Bailey.    1 870.     8vo,  pp.  32.        B.  79650 

Seymour.  A  Lecture,  on  the  Topography  and  History  of 
New- York.  By  Horatio  Seymour.  Utica;  N.  T.  D.  C.  Grove, 
Printer.   1856.    8vo,  pp.  41.  b.,  h.  79651 

Seymour.  Public  Record :  including  Speeches,  Messages, 
Proclamations,  Official  Correspondence,  and  other  public  utter- 
ances of  Horatio  Seymour ;  from  the  Campaign  of  1856  to  the 




•d  Octu- 

nes  of 
R.  L 


of  the 

ing  the 


.  79644 

.  before 
t,  ...  in 
sorge  F. 

3-1   8^°' 

atio  Sey- 
at  Balti- 

[e  Alumni 

8vo,  pp. 


ipeech  of 

,,  pp.  8. 

,f  Horatio 

|e  of  New 

A  Lec- 
June  30, 

B.  79650 

[istory  of 

C.  Grovit 
H.  79651 

I  Messages, 

Iblic  utter- 

I56  to  the 

present  time.  With  an  Appendix.  ...  Compiled  and  edited  by 
Thomas  M.  Cook  and  Thomas  W.  Knox.  Nnu  Tork :  I.  Ir. 
England.   1868.     8vo,  pp.  xi,  413.  b.  79652 

Seymour.  Speech  of  Hon.  Horatio  Seymour,  at  Springfield, 
Mass.    July  4.  1856.     [n.  p.   1856.]    8vo,  pp.  11.  79653 

Seymour.  Speech  of  Hon.  Horatio  Seymour  ...  on  the 
Habeas  Corpus,  ...   May  12,  1862.    [n.  p.   1862.]    8vo. 

Seymour.  Speech  of  Hon.  Horatio  Seymour,  before  the 
Democratic  Union  State  Convention,  at  Albany,  September  loth, 
1862,  on  Receiving  the  Nomination  for  Governor;  also  his 
Speech  delivered  at  the  Albany  Convention,  Jan.  31st,  1861. 
New  Tork :  Van  Evrie^  Horton  &  Co.    1862.     8vo,  pp.  16.  B. 

Seymour.  Speech  of  Hon.  Horatio  Seymour,  at  the  Academy 
of  Music,  Brooklyn,  October  22,  1862.  [n.  p.  1862.]  8vo, 
pp.  7.  B.  79656 

Seymour.  Speech  of  Horatio  Seymour  before  the  Canal 
Committee  of  the  Legislature  of  New  York,  April  o,  1878. 
[n.  p.   1878.]    8vo,  pp.  16.  B.  79657 

Seymour.  Speeches  of  Hon.  Horatio  Seymour  at  the  Con- 
ventions held  at  Albany,  January  31,  1861,  and  September  10, 

1862.  [n.  p.  n.  d.]     8vo,  pp.  13.  79658 

Seymour.  Speeches  of  Hon.  Horatio  Seymour,  and  Hon. 
John  Van  Buren,  at  the  Grand  Ratification  Meeting,  at  the 
Cooper  Institute,  October  13,  1862,  with  General  Scott's  Pro- 
phetic Letter.  [^Printed  by  Van  Evrie^  Horton  €jf  Co.  New  Tork. 
1862.]    8vo,  pp.  16.  79659 

Seymour.  "The  Union,  the  Constitution,  and  the  Laws." 
Message  of  Governor  Seymour,  of  New  York.  The  Constitu- 
tion and  the  Laws  vindicated.     New  Tork :  Comstock  i^  Cassidy. 

1863.  8vo,  pp.  II.  79660 

Seymour  and  Blair.  Campaign  Edition.  The  Lives  of  Ho- 
ratio Seymour  and  Frank  P.  Blair,  Jr.  ...  Philadelphia :  T.  B. 
Peterson  &  Brothers.  [1868.]    8vo,  pp.  (4),  21-95,  and  covers. 

Seymour  Campaign  Songster.     New  Tork.  [1868.]    32mo. 

Seymour,  Vallandigham,  and  the  Riots  of  1863.    [n.  p.  1868.] 

8vo,  pp.  (4).  79663 

Ste  alio  Vol.  iv.,  No.  15910;  Vol.  xiii.,  No.  53285;  and  "2^  Rebel  Generals." 






Seymour  (J.  F.^  Centennial  Address  delivered  at  Trenton, 
N.  Y.,  July  4,  1876.  By  John  F.  Seymour.  With  Letters  from 
Francis  Aarian  Van  Der  Kemp,  written  in  1 792,  and  other  Doc- 
uments relating  to  the  First  Settlement  of  Trenton  and  Central 
New  York.  UtUe,  W.  T. :  fVhitt  (if  Fioyd,  Printtrs.  1877.  8vo, 
pp.  149.  H.  79664 

[Seymour.]  Report  of  the  General  Agent  of  the  State  uf 
New  York,  for  the  Relief  of  sick,  wounded,  furloushed  and  dis- 
charged Soldiers.  Albany :  Comstock  &  Cassidy^  Printers.  1 864. 
8vo,  pp.  134.     Maps  and  Lithographs.  h.  79665 

Seymour  (M.  H.)  Ned,  Nellie,  and  Amy.  A  Story  of  the 
White  Hills.  By  Mary  H.  Seymour.  Nov  York:  E.  P.  Dutton 
isf  Co.   1871.     i6mo,  pp.  324.     2  Plates.  c.  79666 

Seymour  (N.)  Nelse  Seymour's  Big-Shoe  Songster.  New 
Tori.  [1863.]     i8mo.  79667 

Seymour  (R.  A.)  Pioneering  in  the  Pampas,  or,  the  first 
four  years  of  a  Settler's  Experience  in  the  La  Plata  Camps.  By 
Richard  Arthur  Seymour.  With  a  Map.  London:  Longman, 
Green  (ff  Co.  1869.  Sm.  8vo,  pp.  xi,  180.  Map.  ba.  -f  Sec- 
ond Edition.    [/&/</.]  1870.    Sm.  8vo.  c.  79668 

[Seymour  (Silas).]  Incidents  of  a  Trip  through  the  Great 
Platte  Valley,  to  the  Rocky  Mountains  and  Laramie  Plains,  in 
the  Fall  of  1866,  with  a  Synoptical  Statement  of  the  various 
Pacific  Railroads,  and  an  Account  of  the  Great  Union  Pacific 
Railroad  Excursion  to  the  One  Hundredth  Meridian  of  Longi- 
tude. New  York:  D.  Van  Nostrand.  1867.  i2mo,  pp.  129. 
Portrait.  4-  Second  Edition.  \Ibid.'\  1867.  i2mo,  pp.  129. 
Portrait.  79669 

Seymour  (Thomas  H.),  b.  1808,  d.  1868.  Oration  before 
the  Citizens  of  Middletown.   ...  Middletown.   1827.    8vo. 

Also :  The  Republic  and  its  Crisis.  Speeches  of  Hon.  Edward  Everett,  at  the  Bos- 
ton Union  Meeting,  Dec.  8,  1858;  and  of  £x-Oov.  Thos.  H.  Seymour,  and  Prvt'. 
Samuel  Eliot  ...  at  the  Hartford  Union  Meeting,  Dec.  14,  1859.  [n.  p.  i860.] 
8vo,  pp.  S3.    ■. 

Seymour  (Tfruman]),  b.  1824.  The  Condition  of  the  South, 
and  the  Duty  of  the  North.  As  set  forth  in  a  Letter  from  Gen. 
T.  Seymour,  lately  released  from  **  under  fire,"  at  Charleston. 
New  fffrk,   1864.     i2mo,  pp.  8,  and  covers.  b.,  h.  79671 


,  from 

tate  of 
.nd  dis- 



^  of  the 
.  Dutton 

;.   79666 





-\-  Sec- 
c.  7966H 

the  Great 

Plains,  in 

je  various 

)n  Pacific 

>f  Longi- 

pp.  129. 

pp.  129. 


Ion  before 

It,  at  the  Bos- 
■ur,  and  Vtoi. 
In.  p.    «86ol 

Ithc  South, 
from  Gen. 

H.  7967 > 


[Seymour.]      Military  Education :    A   Vindication  of  West 
Point  and  the  Regular  Army.    [n.  p.    1864.]     izmo,  pp.  7. 


Seys  (J.)  Extraordinary  Trial  of  the  Rev.  John  Seys,  Pastor 
of  the  Bedford  Street  Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  New  York 
City,  for  an  alleged  Assault  and  Battery  on  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Cram ; 
..  [Ntw  Tork.   1857.]    ^^°»  PP*  **•     Portrait.     B.     -{-  Second 

••■  '"'     "-7.]    " 

Edition.    \^Ibid.   1857. J    8vo,  pp.  12.     Portrait. 


Seywald  (B.  V.)  Blasius  Vitalis  Seywald's  Welt-Spiegel. 
Darinnen  man  sehen  lean,  wie  gross  die  gantze  Welt  ?  Wie 
unlangst  die  Neue  crfunden  und  biszhero  an  alien  Ortcn  der 
Christliche  Glaub  auszgebreitet  worden  ist.  Auch  wie  ...  der 
Turck  ...  auss  Europa  konte  vertrieben  und  gar  vertilgt  wcrden. 
[Nurnbtrgf'\  1671.  i2mo.  Maps,  -f  [Nurnberg?\  Gedruckt 
...  im  Jahr  167a.  i2mo.  Frontispiece  and  2  Maps,  -f-  Nurn- 
berg.   1673.     i2mo.     Maps.  79^74 

Chapter!  xviii.  to  xxv.  relate  to  America. 

Seywald.      Kleine    Cosmographia,   oder   Summarische    Be- 

schreibung  der  gantzen  Welt,  von  Vier  Asia,  Europa,  Africa  und 

America  ...   [n.  p.]  Anno  Marlce  Del  partnth  faLlCI  \\b^^. 

!2mo.  79675 

In  the  "  Kleine  Cosmographia " — a  dialogue  between  Magister  and  Discipulus — 
Magisijr  tells  his  pupil,  who  has  just  asked  t  **  Now  tell  me  about  the  Fourth  Fart  ot 
the  World,  America,  or  the  New  World,"  that  ''in  America  the  chief  country  is 
J,,  which  has  seventy-two  Kingdoms  subject  to  it,  lying  near  to  China,"  etc.;  and 
the  only  account  of  America  in  the  book  is  a  very  concise  description  of  Japan. 

Seyxas  y  Lovera  (F.  de).     See  Seixas  y  Lovera,  iupra. 

Shackford  (C.  C.)  An  Address  ...  at  the  Consecration  of 
the  Pine  Grove  Cemetery,  July  24,  1850.  By  Charles  C.  Shack- 
ford.    Lynn:  Thomas  Herbert.   1850.     8vo,  pp.  32.      ba.  jg^jb 

Shackford.  A  Citizen's  Appeal  in  regard  to  the  War  with 
Mexico.  A  Lecture,  d(  livered  at  Lyceum  Hall,  liynn,  January 
16,  1848,  By  Charles  C  Shackford.  Boston:  Printed  by  Andrews 
l^  Prentiss.   1848.    8vo,  pp.  40,  and  covers.  e.  79677 

Shadd  (M.  A.^  a  Plea  for  Emigration;  or,  Notes  of  Canada 
West,  in  its  moral,  social,  and  political  aspect :  with  suggestions 
respecting  Mexico,  W.  Indies  and  Vancouver's  Island,  for  the 
Information  of  colored  Emigrants.  By  Mary  A.  Shadd.  Detroit : 
PrinteJ  by  George  W.  Pattison.   1852.     8vo,  pp.  44.  H.  79678 


1  ' 


it  ' 
f  ¥  i  1 





'•'■,!..■■''''    ''■  •'i 



The  Shadow  of  the  Rock.  [In  verse.]  New  Tork.  1867. 
Sq.  lamo,  pp.  224.  7*^679 

Shadow  (B.),  pseudon.  Echoes  of  a  Belle  ;  or,  a  Voice  from 
the  Past.      By  Ben  Shadow.     New  Tork.    1853.     i2mo. 

Shadows  of  the  Metropolis.  See  [Laurence  (I.)],  Vol.  x., 
No.  39256. 

The  Shady  Side.  See  [Hubbell  [Mrs.  M.  S.)],  Vol.  viii.,  No. 

Shaffer  (J.  W.)  Speech  of  J.  W.  Shaffer  at  Freeport,  III., 
June  12,  1865.    [n.  p.  ?   1865.]    8vo.  79681 

Shaffner  (Tal[iaferro]  Pfreston]),  b.  1818,  </.  1881.  His- 
tory of  the  United  States  of  America  :  from  the  Earliest  Period 
to  the  Present  Time.  ...  By  Tal.  P.  Shaffner  ...  London  and  New 
Tork:  London  Printing  and  Publishing  Company.  [1863.]  2  vols., 
8vo,  pp.  {x\  iv,  vi,  xlviii,  678,  12  Plates,  11  Maps ;  (2),  vi,  668, 
xxxvi,  7  Plates,  2  Portraits,  4  Maps.  c.  79682 

Three  more  volumes  appear  to  liave  been  published,  making  Bve  volumei  in  all. 

Shaffner.     Shaffner's  Telegraph  Companion,  devoted  to  the 

Science  and  Art  of  the  Morse  American  Telegraph.     By  Tal.  H. 

Shaffner,  Esq.    ...   New  Tork :  Pudney  ^  Russell.    1 854-1 855.     2 

vols.,  8vo.  c,  h.  79683 

Vol.  I.  No.  I.  is  dated  Jan.  1854. 

Shaffner.  The  Telegraph  Manual :  A  Complete  History 
and  Description  of  the  Semaphoric,  Electric,  and  Magnetic  Tel- 
egraphs of  Eur  >e,  Asia,  Africa,  and  America,  Ancient  and 
Modern.  ...  By  Tal.  P.  Shaffner,  of  Kentucky.  Neiv  Tork: 
Pudney  l^  Russell.   1859.     8vo,  pp.  850.     10  Portraits.         c,  h. 

Shaffner.  The  War  in  America :  being  an  Historical  and 
Political  Account  of  the  Southern  and  Northern  States :  showing 
the  Origin  and  Cause  of  the  present  Secession  War.  ...  By  Col- 
onel Tal.  P.  Shaffner,  LL.d.  ...  London:  Hamilton.,  Adams.,  and 
Co.  [1862.]     i2mo,  pp.  vi,  418.     Map.  b.,  ra.,  c.  79685 

Corrected  title  of  No.  77499,  Vol.  xviii. 

Shafford  (J.  C.)  Narrative  of  the  Extraordinary  Life  of 
John  Conrad  Shafford,  known  by  many  by  the  name  of  the 
Dutch  Hermit,  Who  for  the  last  50  years  has  lived  a  secluded 
and  lonely  life,  in  a  log  hut,  in  a  remote  part  of  the  village  of 
Dundee,  (Lower  Canada,)  where  he  died  on  the  24th  of  April 

:\:  *  0 



last,  (1840,)  at  the  age  of  between  80  and  90.  ShafFord  early 
emigrated  to  Canada,  and  was  induced  fust  tu  prefer  a  lonely  life 
in  consequence  of  being  deprived  of  an  only  child,  a  beloved 
daughter,  who,  when  but  15  years  of  age,  was  taken  prisoner  and 
carried  ofFa  captive  be  the  Indians,  and  who,  although  she  was 
three  months  after  redeemed  by  her  afflicted  father,  yet  in  con- 
sequence of  the  most  shameful  and  beastly  treatment  she  had 
received  from  the  merciless  savages,  she  expired  a  wretched  victim 
of  their  barbarity,  three  weeks  after  her  liberation.  The  particu- 
lars of  the  Captivity  and  dreadful  sufferings  of  this  unfortunate 
young  female,  may  be  found  herein  detailed  ...  .  New-Tork :  C 
L.  Carpenter^  Publisher.  1 840.  8vo,  pp.  24,  including  Frontis- 
piece, c.  79686 

Shaftesbury  Association.     See  Vol.  xii..  No.  49383. 

Shahcoolen,  pseudon.  Letters  of  Shahcoolcn,  a  Hindu  Phi- 
losopher, residing  in  Philadelphia  ;  to  his  friend  El  Hassan,  an 
inhabitant  of  Delhi.  Boston^  Printed  hy  Russell  and  Cutler.  1802. 
i2mo,  pp.  152.  796^7 

By  Samuel  L.  Knapp.  First  published  in  thu  New  York  "Cummercial  Advertiser." 
Letteri  ii.-v.  arc  on  the  rights  of  women.  An  account  of  the  state  of  American 
poetry,  etc.,  ia  given  on  pp.  63-80.     Improved  titl(!  of  No.  38076,  Vol.  ix. 

Shahgunahse  Ahnumeahwene  Muzzeneegun.  Toronto.  1846. 
i2mo,  pp.  467,  50.  79688 

Book  of  common  prayer  in  the  Ojibway  Indian  language,  tranilated  nrohubly  by  the 
Rev.  Mr.  O'Meara. 

Shahguhnahshe  Ahnuhmeiihwine  Muzzeneegun.  Ojibwag 
anwawaud  azheuhnekenootahbeegahdag.  Toronto:  Printed  by 
Henry  Rowsell^  for  the  Venerable  Society  for  Promoting  Christian 
Knowledge,  London,  mdcccliii.     i2mo,  pp.  272,  ccclvi.      79689 

Book  of  common  prayer  in  the  Ojibway  language,  pp.  3-171 ;  administration  of 
the  sacraments,  etc.,  pp.  i-cxx ;  the  Fsalms  of  David,  pp.  cxxi-cccxxv ;  hymns,  pp. 
cccxxvii-ccclvi.     Translated  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  O'Meara.     Another  edition  as  follows : 

Shahguhnahshe  Ahnuhmeiihwine  Muzzeneegun.  Ojibwag 
anwawaud  azheuhnekenootahbeegahdag.  (The  Benedicite  Om- 
nia Opera  and  Athanasian  Creed  are  omitted  for  reasons  stated 
herein.)  London :  Society  for  Promoting  Christian  Knowledge ; 
Northumberland  j^venue,  Charing  Cross.  [1880?]  i2mo,  pp.  (2), 
643,(1).  79690 

A  reprint  oi  the  preceding  edition. 

Shahmah  in  Pursuit  of  Freedom ;  or,  the  Branded  Hand. 
Translated  from  the  Original  Showiah,  and  Edited  by  an  Ameri- 



i  r 



I  i 







can  Citizen.     New  Tor k :  Thatcher  l^  Hutchinson.   1858.     i2mo, 

pp.  599. 


B.,  C.   79691 

Shailer  (W.  H.)  For  whom  should  our  suffrages  be  given  ? 
A  Discourse,  delivered  on  Fast  Day,  April  6,  1843.  I^y  William 
H.  Sh-:iler  ....  Boston:  IVilltam  D.  Ticknor.  mdcccxliii.  8vo, 
pp.  '.9.  B.  79692 

Shakers.  Account  of  some  of  the  Proceedings.  See  Vol. 
«x..  No.  37486,  and  No.  7971 1,  itifra. 

An  Account  of  the  Shakers,  a  mo>:c  singular  Sect  of  Christians 
in  North  America,  who  neither  marry  nor  are  given  in  marriage, 
but  profess  to  be  as  the  Angels  in  Heaven.  London :  Crosby  and 
Co.  [18x2.]    i2mo,  pp.  22.  79693 

A  Brief  Account  of  Shakers  and  Shakerism.  Several  pages  of 
Shaker  Music  are  also  added  whicn  have  never  before  been  pub- 
lished. ...  Canterbury:  Printed  in  Shaker  Fillage^  Mer.  Co.  N.  H. 
[184-?]    Obi.  i2mo,  cover-title,  and  pp.  16.  l.  79694 

A  Brief  Exposition  of  the  Established  Principles  and  Regula- 
tions of  the  United  Society  called  Shakers.  ..  Albany:  Printed  by 
Packard  and  Van  Benthuysen.    1 830.     8vo,  pp.  23.  79^95 

A  Brief  Exposition  of  the  Established  Principles  and  Regula- 
tions of  the  United  Society  of  Believers,  called  Shakers.  Printed 
at  Albany  in  the  year  1830,  and  now  reprinted,  with  sundry 
improvements  suggested  by  the  Author.  IVatervliet^  Ohio.  1832. 
i2mo,  pp.  36.  79696 

A  Brief  Exposition  of  the  Established  Principles  and  Regula- 
tions of  the  United  Society  of  Believers  called  Shakers.  Im- 
proved Edition.  ...  Albany:  Printed  by  Hoffman  and  fVhite.  1834. 
i2mo,  pp.  36.  M.  -j-  Canterbury^  N.  H.  1843.  i2mo,  pp.  37. 
BA.  -f-  New  York :  Printed  by  Edward  O.  yenkins.  1 846.  1 2mo, 
pp.  36.  ■\-  Hartford.  1846.  i2mo,  pp.  36.  -j-  Hartford:  Press 
of  Elihu  Geer.  mdcccl.  i2mo,  pp.  36.  -\- New-Tor k :  Printed 
by  Edward  O.  fenkins.   1851.     i2mo,  pp.  30.  79^97 

A  Brief  Exposition  of  the  Fanaticism,  False  Doctrines,  and 
Absurdities  of  the  People  called  Shakers  ;  contained  in  their  own 
Religious  Creed,  or  Confession  of  Faith,  as  published  by  them- 
selves. By  an  Enquirer  after  Truth.  Poughkeepsie.  1822.  8vo, 
pp.  24.  79698 

li    'I! 




Circular  Letter  in  defence  of  the  United  Society  of  Believer*;, 
commonly  called  Shakers ;  with  a  reply  to  correspondents  by 
Lorenzo  D.  Grosvenor,  Harvard,  Mass.,  1849.  ['^*  P*  *^49'] 
i2mo.  BM.  79699 

A  Concise  Answer  to  the  General  Inquiry,  who,  or  what  are 
the  Shakers.  [In  verse.]  Union  yUlage^  Ohio.  1823.  i2mo. 
-f-  First  Printed  at  Union  Fillage^  Ohio.  1823.  Reprinted  at  En- 
field^N.H.  1825.  l6mo,  pp.  14.  H.  -\-  Printed  at  Stocibridge. 
1826.     i6mo,  pp.  16.    -|-  Hartford.    1835.     i6mo.  79700 

Condition  of  Society ;  and  its  only  Hope,  in  obeying  the  Gos- 
pel as  now  developing  among  Believers  in  Christ's  Second  Appear- 
ing.    Union  Village.,  O.    1847.     i6mo,  pp.  120.  7970' 

A  Declaration  of  the  Society  of  People  (commonly  called 
Shakers),  showing  their  reasons  for  refusing  to  aid  or  abet  the 
cause  of  war  and  bloodshed.  ...  Albany:  Printed  by  E.  and  E. 
Hosford.  1 8 15.  8vo,  pp.  20.  b.  -\- Hartford :  Printed  by  Hud- 
son and  Goodwin.   18 15.    8vo,  pp.  23.  H.  79702 

A  Discourse  on  the  Order  and  Propriety  of  Divine  Inspiration 
and  Revelation ;  ...  Also,  a  Discourse  on  The  Second  Appearing 
of  Christ  ...  By  William  Leonard.  Harvard.,  Mass..,  Published 
by  the  United  Society.    1853.     i2mo,  pp.  88.  79703 

The  Divine  Book  of  Holy  and  Eternal  Wisdom,  revealing  the 
Word  of  God,  out  of  whose  mouth  goeth  a  sharp  word.  Written 
by  Paulina  Bates.  Published  by  the  Society  called  "  Shakers." 
Canterbury.,  N.  H.   1849.     ^  vols,  in  one,  8vo.  c.  79704 

Extract  from  an  Unpublished  Manuscript  on  Shaker  History 
(by  an  eye-witness),  giving  an  accurate  description  of  their  Songs, 
Dances,  Marches,  Visions,  Visits  to  the  Spirit  Land,  etc.  Bos- 
ton: E.  K.  Allen.   1850.     i2mo,  pp.  48.  h.  79705 

Improved  tide  of  No.  23501,  Vol.  vi. 

A  Holy,  Sacred  and  Divine  Roll  and  Book ;  from  the  Lord 
God  of  Heaven,  to  the  Inhabitants  of  Earth :  Revealed  in  the 
United  Society  at  New  Lebanon  ....  Part  i.  ...  Canterbury.,  N. 
H.  1843.    ^v°^  PP-  v"»  ^^^5  (3)"  "•  79706 

Part  II.  Being  a  Sequel  or  Appendix  to  the  Sacred  Roll  and 
Book,  to  the  Nations  of  the  Earth  ;  containing  the  testifying 
seals  of  some  of  the  Ancient  Prophets  and  Holy  Angels,  with  the 
Testimonies  of  Living   Witnesses,   of  the  marvelous  work  of 

I  ! 


■.tjtrxw^  I  tntffimr'-t 



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God,  in  his  Zion  on  earth.     Printed  in  the  United  Society^  Canter- 
bury^ N.  H.  1843.    ^vo,  pp.  (8),  223-402,  (2).  H.  79707 

A  Holy,  Sacred  and  Divine  Roll  and  Book ;  from  the  Lord 
God  of  Heaven,  to  the  Inhabitants  of  Earth  :  Revealed  in  the 
United  Society  at  New  Lebanon,  County  of  Columbia,  State  of 
New  York,  l/nited  States  of  America.  Read  and  understand  all 
ye  in  mortal  ciay.  In  Two  Parts.  Received  by  the  Church  of 
this  Communion,  and  published  in  Union  with  the  same.  Printed 
in  the  United  Society^  Canterbury^  N.  H.  1843.  ^  parts  in  one  vol. 
8vo,  pp.  vii,  402,  (3).  79708 

"  The  publishers  of  this  work,  feel  that  it  is  their  duty  to  say  unto  all  who  may  read 
the  contents  of  the  same,  that  in  the  compilation  and  arrangement  of  it,  they  have 
copied  the  style  in  which  it  was  originally  written  by  the  pen  of  inspiration ;  that  the 
subject  matter  is  preserved  entire,  and  whereever  supply  words  have  been  added  to  the 
original  matter,  they  are  enclosed  in  brackets.  The  contents  of  each  chapter,  and  a 
part  of  the  leading  captions  have  been  added  also  for  convenience  sake." 

"  As  this  is  the  firti  printed  book  ever  issued  by  the  United  Society  at  Canterbury, 
among  whom  there  is  no  regular  printer,  the  mechanical  execution  may  not  be  perfect 
in  all  respect." — Advertisement. 

Indoctum  Parliamentum.  A  Farce,  in  one  act  and  a  beautiful 
variety  of  scenes,    [n.  p.   1818.]     i2mo,  pp.  7.  797^9 

The  Brinley  copy  (No.  6409)  contained  a  manuscript  note,  apparently  written  by 
Judge  Gabriel  Furman,  of  Brooklyn,  stating  that  "  the  annexed  pamphlet  refers  to  a 
law  which  was  made  by  the  Legislature  of  New  York,  March  14,  18 1 8,  on  the  peti- 
tion of  Eunice  Chapman,  to  have  the  marriage  contract  between  her  and  her  husband 
dissolved,"  etc.  "Among  the  characters  introduced  in  the  Farce  are  'General  Radix' 
(Erastus  Root),  his  <  dis-orderly  Sergeant'  (Dr.  Sergeant),  'Lucifer'  (Michael  Ulj- 
hoeffer),  'Lignum'  (Speaker  Wood),  etc." — J.  H.  Trumbull.  See  a/so  Vol.  iii.,  Nos. 
II97S,  11976. 

Investigator ;  or,  A  Defence  of  the  Order,  Government  & 
Economy  of  the  United  Society  called  Shakers,  against  sundry 
Charges  &  Legislative  Proceedings.  Addressed  to  the  Political 
World  By  the  Society  of  Believers  at  Pleasant  Hill,  Ky.  Lex- 
ington:  K.  Smith  ijf  Palmer.   1828.     i2mo,  pp.  47.  797^0 

,  or,  A  Defence  of  the  Order,  Government  and 


Economy  of  the  United  Society  called  Shakers,  against  sundry 
Charges  and  Legislative  Proceedings.  Addressed  to  the  Political 
World.  By  the  Society  of  Believers,  at  Pleasant  Hill,  Ky.  ... 
Printed  at  Lexington.,  Ky.  1828.  Reprinted.,  New-York.  1846. 
i2mo,  pp.  84,  19.  B.,  BA.  797 1 1 

The  nineteen  pages  at  the  end  contain  "  Some  Account  of  the  Proceedings  of  the 
Legislature  of  New  Hampshire  in  relation  to  the  People  called  Shakers,  in  i8a8."  ike 
also  Vol.  IX.,  No.  37486,  which  is  perhaps  the  cover-title  of  the  same  work. 



lent  & 


of  the 

Juvenile  Guide,  or  Manual  of  Good  Manners,  by  Lovers  of 
Youth.     Canterbury^  N.  H.   1844.     Sm.  4to.  797^2 

Lo !  Here  and  Lo !  There,  or  The  Grave  of  the  Heart,  by 
Dan.  Mendon  of  Baltimore.     New  York.   1846.     8vo.       797^3 

An  attack  on  the  society  of  Shaken. 

The  Memorial  of  the  Society  of  People  of  Canterbury  ...  and 
Enfield  ...  commonly  called  Shakers,    [n.  p.   1818.]    8vo,  pp.  13 

See  also  Vol.  xii.,  No.  4763a. 

Observations  on  the  Natural  and  Constitutional  Rights  of  Con- 
science in  relation  to  Military  Requisitions  on  the  People  called 
Shakers.     [Jlhany  ?  1816?]     8vo,  pp.  24.  b.  79715 

Part  II.      Being  a  Sequel.      See  No.  79707,  supra. 

Peculiarities  of  the  Shakers,  Described  in  a  Series  of  Letters 
from  Lebanon  Springs,  in  the  year  1832.  ...  By  a  Visitor.  New 
York:  J.  K.  Porter.    1832.     i8mo,  pp.  116.  c.  79716 

Plain  Evidences  by  which  the  Nature  and  Character  of  the 
True  Church  of  Christ  may  be  known  and  distinguished  from  all 
others,  taken  from  a  book  entitled  "The  Manifesto,"  ...  By  John 
Dunlavy,  ...  published  at  Pleasant  Hill,  Kentucky,  1818.  Albany. 
1834.     i2mo,  pp.  120.  79717 

Report  of  the  Examination.     See  Vol.  xvii..  No.  69858. 

Selection  of  Hymns  and  Poems  for  the  use  of  the  Believers. 
Collected  from  sundry  Authors.  By  Philos  Harmoniae.  JVater- 
vliet^O.   1833.     i6mo.  797i8 

Shaker  Millennial  Praise,  containing  a  Collection  of  Gospel 
Hymns,  in  Four  P  rts,  adapted  to  the  Day  of  Christ's  Second 
Appearing   ...   Hancock.   1813.     i6mo.  797^9 

Somt  Account  of  the  Proceedings.    See  No.  797 11,  supra^  note. 

Some  J  ines  in  Verse  about  Shakers.  Not  published  by  Au- 
thority of  he  Society,  so  called.  ...  New  York:  IVilliam  Taylor 
&  Co.   1846.     8vo,  pp.  56.  B.  79720 

A  Summary  View  of  the  Millennial  Church,  or  United  Society 
of  Believers,  (commonly  called  Shakers.)  Comprising  the  Rise, 
Progress  and  Practical  Order  of  the  Society ;  together  with  the 
General  Principles  of  their  Faith  and  Testimony.     Published  by 

h  i 

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order  of  the  Ministry,  in  union  with   the  Church.   ...   Albany: 
Printed  by  Packard  y  Fan  Benthuysen.   1 823.     1 2mo,  pp.  xvi,  320. 

The  preface  ii  signed  by  Calvin  Green  and  Seth  Y.  Wells,  and  dated  "  New  Leba- 
non, May  iz,  1823." 

A  Summary  View  of  the  Millennial  Church,  or  United  Society 
of  Believers,  commonly  called  Shakers,  comprising  the  Rise, 
Progress,  and  Practical  Order  of  the  Society ;  together  with  the 
General  Principles  of  their  Faith  and  Testimony.  ...  Second  Edi- 
tion, revised  and  improved.  Republished  by  the  United  Society, 
with  the  approbation  of  the  Ministry.  Albany:  Printed  by  C.  f^an 
Benthuysen.   1848.     i2mo,  pp.  viii,  384.  79722 

Testimonies  concerning  ...  Mother  Ann  Lee.  See  [Wells 
(Seth  Y.)] 

The  Testimony  of  Christ's  Second  Appearing  containing  A 
General  Statement  of  all  things  pertaining  to  the  Faith  and  Prac- 
tice of  the  Church  of  God  in  this  Latter-Day.  Published  in 
Union:  by  order  of  the  Ministry.  Lebanon^  State  of  Ohio:  from 
the  Press  of  John  M'Clean^  Office  of  the  Western  Star.  1808. 
i2mo,  pp.  600,  (2),  errata  (i).  797^3 

The  first  edition  of  the  so-called  "  Shaker  Bible,"  the  authorship  of  which  has  been 
attributed  to  Benjamin  S.  Youngs,  David  Barrow,  Calvin  Green  and  John  Meacham. 
The  prefsre  is  dated  at  Lebanon,  ist  of  12th  month  (December),  1808.  Mr.  Brinley's 
copy  sold  for  $16. 

The  Testimony  of  Christ's  Second  Appearing ;  Containing  a 
General  Statement  of  all  things  pertaining  to  the  Faith  and  Prac- 
tice of  the  Church  of  God  in  this  Latter-Day.  Albany:  Published 
by  the  United  Society  called  Shakers.    1808.     i2mo,  pp.  620. 

The  Testimony  of  Christ's  Second  Appearing ;  Containing  a 
General  Statement  of  all  things  pertaining  to  the  Faith  and  Prac- 
tice of  the  Church  of  God  in  this  Latter-Day.  Published  by 
order  of  the  Ministry  in  union  with  the  Church.  ...  Second  Edi- 
tion, corrected  and  improved.  Albany:  Printed  by  E.  and  E.  Hos- 
ford.   1 8 10.     i2mo,  pp.  xxxviii,  620,  (2).  ba.  79725 

At  the  end  are  two  pages  of  "  A  Poem,  containing  a  short  Abridgement  of  the  fore- 
going Testimony." 

The  Testimony  of  Christ's  Second  Appearing ;  containing  a 
General  Statement  of  ...  the  Faith  and  Practice  of  the  Church 
of  God  in  this  Latter  Day.  ...  Third  Edition,  corrected  and 
improved.  Union  Village.^  Ohio :  B.  Fisher  and  A.  Burnett^  Print- 
ers.   1823.     i2mo,  pp.  xvii,  573,  (3).  BA.  79726 



Testimony  of  Christ's  Second  Appearing,  exemplified  by  the 
Principles  and  Practice  of  the  True  Church  of  Christ.  History 
of  the  Progressive  Work  of  God,  extending  from  the  Creation 
of  Man  to  the  "  Harvest,"  comprising  the  four  great  Dispensa- 
tions now  consummating  in  the  Millennial  Church.  ...  Anti- 
christ's Kingdom,  or  Churches  contrasted  with  the  Church  of 
Christ's  first  and  second  appearing  ...  Published  by  the  United 
Society  called    Shakers.       Fourth    Edition.      [^Albany?    1856?] 

B.,  BA.  79727 

for    1778.       By 
1778.     i2rno. 

izmo,  pp.  xxiv,  631,  (i). 

Shakspear,  pseudon.       Modern    Characters 
Shakspear.      London  :  Printed  ^  Sold  by  D.  Brown 

-f  Second  Edition.    [Ibid.'\   1778.     i2mo,  pp.  80. 


Shakspeare  (W.)  The  I  Plays  and  Poems  |  of  |  William  Shak- 
speare.  |  Corrected  from  the  latest  and  best  |  London  editions,  with 
notes,  by  |  Samuel  Johnson,  l.l.d.  |  To  which  are  added,  |  A  Gloss- 
ary I  and  the  |  Life  of  the  Author.  I  Embellished  with  a  striking 
likeness  from  the! collection  of  his  Grace  the  Duke  of  Chandos.  | 
First  American  Edition.  |  Vol.  1. 1  Philadelphia :  I  Printed  and  sold  by 
Bioren  &  Madan.  \  MDCCXcv.  |  i2mo,  pp.  (4),  iii-xlviii,  384. 
Portrait.  l.  79729 

The  portrait  of  Shakspeare  bears  the  inscription :  "  Engraved  by  R.  Field,  from  the 
original  Picture,  in  the  Collection  of  the  Duke  of  Chandos.  /.  5.  i."  This  "  First 
American  Edition"  of  Shakspeare 's  works  is  very  rare.  The  other  volumes  are  as  fol- 
lows :  Vol.  II.,  M  DCC  xcv,  pp.  412 ;  Vol.  in.,  m  dcc  xcv,  pp.  432 ;  Vol.  iv.,  m  dcc  xcvi, 

pp.  447;   Vol.  v.,  MDCCXCVI,  pp.   392;   Vol.   VI.,  M  DCC  xcvi,  pp.  388;   Vol.  VII.,  MDCC- 

xcvi,  pp.  43*5  Vol.  VIII.,  MDCCXCVI,  pp.  304,  Poems  128.     l. 

Mr.  William  Kelby  informs  me  that  the  prospectus  of  this  edition,  dated  "  Philadel- 
phia, Dec.  16,  1794,"  appeared  in  "  Dunlap  and  Claypoole's  American  Daily  Adver- 
tiser," Dec.  22,  1794,  No.  4899,  with  the  following  heading:  "  Shakspeare's  Works.  | 
First  American  Edition  byjMountford,  Bioren  Sc  Co. [Proposals  for  Printing  by  Subscrip- 
tion, the  whole] Dramatic  Works|of  William  Shakspeare,  in  eight  duo-|decimo  volumes, 
from  Jones's  Dublin  Edition."     See  also  the  Brinley  catalogue,  No.  7185. 

Shaler  (C.)  An  Address  delivered  on  the  Fourth  July,  1835, 
to  the  Citizens  of  Elizabeth  ...  assembled  to  celebrate  the  fifty- 
ninth  Anniversary  of  American  Independence.  By  Charles  Sha- 
ler, Esq.   ...   Pittsburgh.    1835.     8vo,  pp.  16.  B.  79730 

Shaler  (W.),  b.  1778,  d.  1833.  Sketches  of  Algiers,  Polit- 
ical, Historical,  and  Civil.  Containing  an  account  of  the  geog- 
raphy, population,  government,  revenues,  commerce,  agriculture, 
arts,  civil  institutions,  tribes,  manners,  languages,  and  Recent 
Political  History  of  that  country.  By  William  Shaler,  American 
Consul  General  at  Algiers.  Boston :  Curnmings,  Milliard^  and 
Company.   1826.    8vo,  pp.  viii,  310.  ba.,  c.  79731 

1' ,  I' 

I   I 





■  if 


Mr.  Shaler  was  also  the  author  of  a  "  Cummunication  on  the  Language,  Manners, 
and  Customs  of  the  Hcrbers  or  Brebcrs  of  Africa,  in  a  series  of  letters  to  Peter  S. 
Duponceau,"  printed  in  the  Transactions  of  the  American  Philosophical  Society,  and 
issued  separately,  Philadelphia,  1S24,  4to. 

Shall  a  Great  Nation  go  abroad  to  Pay  its  Interest  ?  [n.  p.] 
1870.    8vo.  79732 

Shall  I  go  to  War.     See  [Erskine  (John)],  Vol.  vi.,  No.  22792 

...  Shall  our  Government  act,  or  refrain  from  acting,  in  Mex- 
ican Affairs  ?    [n.  p.    1866.]    8vo,  pp.  II.  H.  79733 

Shall  our  Ocean  Mail  Service  be  performed  by  foreign  steam- 
ships? And  will  an  American  Congress  by  their  actions,  decide 
that  "England  shall  be  Mistress  of  the  Seas?"  Baltimore: 
Printed  by  John  IV.  I'Vooih.    1857.     8vo,  pp.  18.  H.  79734 

Shall  the  Freedmcn  be  admitted  to  the  Right  of  Suffrage. 
By  a  Member  of  the  Richmond  Bar.  Jugusta^  Ga. :  James  N. 
Ells.   1865.     8vo,  pp.  133,  and  covers.  79735 

Shall  the  People  or  the  Politicians  decide  the  Issue  ?  [n.  p.] 
1864.    8vo.  79736 

Shall  We  Have  an  Armistice?  [IVashington.  1864.]  8vo, 
PP-  6,  (i).  79737 

Shall  we  suffocate  Ed.  Green  ?  See  [Redpath  (James)],  Vol. 
XVI.,  No.  68530. 

Shallus  (F.)  Chronological  Tables  for  every  Day  in  the 
Year.  Compiled  from  the  most  Authentic  Documents.  By 
Francis  Shallus.  ...  Philadelphia :  Merritt^  Printer.  1 81 7.  2  vols, 
in  one,  i2mo,  pp.  348;  349-596.  7973^ 

The  Sham  Beggar.  A  Farce.  Philadelphia :  Andrew  Steuart. 
1762.  79739 

Title  from  Hildeburn. 

The  Sham  Patriot  Unmasked.     See  [Sampson  (Ezra)],  Vol. 

■    [I' 

XVIII.,  Nos.   75929,  75930,  and  add:   +  Middletown.    [1802.] 
i2mo,  pp.  92.    -\- Concord :  George  Hough.   1805.     8vo. 

Shamokin,  Penn.  Report  of  the  Proceedings  and  Speeches 
at  the  Dedication  of  Coal  Estates  for  the  benefit  of  the  poor ;  a 
free  college  and  African  colonization,  at  Shamokin,  Northumber- 
land County,  Pennsylvania,  on  the  22d  of  December,  1854. 
Philadelphia  :  McLaughlin  Brothers.    185J.     8vo,  pp.  31.       B.,  s. 



Report  of  the  Managers  of  the  Shamokin  Vallky  and  P(»tts- 
villc  Railroad  Company.  To  the  Stockholders.  May  3d,  1858. 
Philadelphia:  King  iff  Haird^  Printers.  1858.  8vo,  pp.  13,(1). 
Continued.  79742 

The  Shamrock  or  Hibernian  Chronicle  ...  New  Tork.  18 10- 
1813.     3  vols.,  8vo.  79743 

Edited  by  Edwurd  Gilleipy,  and  publishud  trum  Dec.  16,  1810,  tu  June  5,  1813. 

Shanafelt  (J.  R.)  The  End  to  the  Slavery  Controversy. 
By  the  Rev.  J.  R.  Shanafelt,  Pittston,  Luzerne  Co.,  Pa.  Phila- 
delphia:  C.  Sherman^  Son  &  Co..,  Printers.    1864.     8vo,  pp.  16.    b. 

Shand  (P.  J.)  Oration  delivered  before  the  Revolution  and 
Cincinnati  Societies  of  Charleston,  South-Carolina,  on  the  fifth 
of  July,  1830.  By  Peter  J.  Shand  ...  Charleston:  Printed  by  yi. 
E.  Miller.   1830.     8vo,  pp.  20.  b.  79745 

Shane  (J.  D.)  The  Bush  in  the  Flame ;  A  Sketch  of  the 
Immigrant  Church.  A  Sermon  preached  before  the  ...  Presby- 
tery of  West  Lexington,  at  the  opening  of  their  Sessions  at 
Mount  Horeb,  September  i,  1858.  By  J.  D.  Shane.  ...  Cincin- 
nati: John  D.  Thorpe.    1858.     8vo,  pp.  27.  B.  79746 

[Shangar  (Marcus).]  Letter  to  the  Rev.  John  Tucker  of 
Newbury,  upon  his  Remarks  on  a  Discourse  of  the  Rev.  Jona. 
Parsons,  delivered  the  5th  of  March,  1774.  [Boston:^  America 
[New  England).    1775.     8vo,  pp.  17.  N.  79747 

Signed  ;  "  Marcus  Shangar." 

Shank  (D.)  Rise  and  Progress  of  Methodism  in  Cobleskill 
Centre,  Schoharie  County,  N.  Y.  By  David  Shank.  Albany^  N. 
r.:  J.Munsell.  1863.    8vo,  pp.  8.   +  [/&/W.]   1864.     8vo,  pp.  8. 

Shanklin  (J.  M.)  Between  two  Parallels.  A  Lecture  ... 
before  the  Philomathean  Society  of  Indiana  University.  By 
James  M.  Shanklin,  of  Evansville,  Ind.  July  loth,  i860.  Evans- 
ville.   i860.     8vo,  pp.  24.  B.  79749 

Shanks  (G.  H.)  Freedom  and  Slavery.  An  Explanation  of 
the  Principles  and  Issues  involved  in  the  American  Conflict,  and 
the  Duty  of  the  People  of  Britain  in  relation  to  that  momentous 
Struggle.  By  Rev.  G.  H.  Shanks.  Belfast:  William  McComb. 
[186-?]    8vo,  pp.  63.  79750 

Shanks  (J.  P.  C.)  Indian  Affairs.  Speech  of  Gen.  John 
P.  C.  Shanks,  of  Indiana,  in  the  House  of  Representatives,  on 


ii  ,• 




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April    13,   1872.      If^ashington  City:    Judd  W  Detweiltr,     1872. 
8vo,  pp.  30.  H.  79751 

Shanks.  Recugnition  of  Crete.  Speech  of  Hon.  John  P. 
C.  Shanks,  of  Indiana,  in  the  House  of  Representaiives,  January 
7,  1869.     [fVashington.    1869.]    8vo,  pp.  8.  H.  79752 

Shanks.  Speech  of  Gen.  J.  P.  C.  Shanks,  of  Indiana,  un 
Treatment  of  Prisoners  of  War  ...  before  the  Grand  Army  of 
the  Republic,  Washington,  D.  C,  March  19,  1870  ...  [Pvaih- 
ington.   1870.]     8vo,  pp.  16.  H.  79753 

Shanks.  Vindication  of  Major  General  John  C.  Fremont, 
against  the  attacks  of  the  Slave  Power  and  its  Allies.  By  Hon. 
John  P.  C.  Shanks,  of  Indiana,  in  the  House  of  Representatives, 
l^uesday,  March  4,  1862.  fVashington^  D.  C. :  Scammell  W  Co., 
Printers.   1862.    8vo,  pp.  21.  b.  79754 

Shanks  (W.  F.  G.),  k  1837.  Personal  Recollections  of  Dis- 
tinguished Generals.  By  William  F.  G.  Shanks.  New  fori: 
Harper  i^  Brothers.  1866.  i2mo,  pp.  352.  Woodcuts.  -\- Lon- 
don :  Sampson  Low.   1866.     i2mo,  pp.  352.     Portraits.        79755 

Shanly  (C.  D.),  b.  iSiij  d.  1875.  The  Truant  Chicken. 
[In  verse.]  By  Charles  D.  Shanly.  Illustrated  by  H.  L.  Ste- 
phens.    New  fork  and  Boston.   1867.     Sm.  4to.  7975^ 

Also:  A  Jolly  Bear  and  his  Friends.  [In  verse.]  ...  New  York.  1867.  Sm.  410. 
— The  Monkey  of  Porto  Bello.     [In  verse.]   ...    New  Tork.   1867.    Sm.  410,  pp.  6. 

Shanly  (W.),  b.  18 19.  Report  of  Walter  Shanly,  Esq.  on 
the  Ottawa  Survey.  ...  Printed  by  Order  of  the  Legislative 
Assembly.     Toronto.    1858.     8vo,  pp.  56.  s.  79757 

Shanly.  Report  on  the  Ottawa  and  French  River  Naviga- 
tion Project.  By  Walter  Shanly,  Civil  Engineer.  ...  Montreal: 
Printed  by  John  Lovell.  1863.  8vo,  pp.  56.  Map.  B.  -{-Second 
Edition.    \lbid.'\  1863.     8vo,  pp.  56.     Map.  7975^ 

Also:  Report  on  the  Toronto  and  Guelph  Railway.  ...  Toronto.  1852.  8vu. — 
Report  on  Toronto  Harbour.   ...    Toronto.   1853.     8vo. 

Shannon  (G.)  Speech  of  George  Shannon,  Esq.  On  the 
Resolution  for  the  Removal  of  Judge  Clark  from  Office  on 
account  of  his  decision  in  the  Bourbon  Circuit  Court  against 
the  Constitutionality  of  the  Endorsement  and  Replevin  Laws. 
{^Frankfort.,  Ky. :  Printed  by  Kendall  &  Russell.  182-  ?]  8vo,  pp. 
19.  ba.  79759 



Shannon  (I.  N.)  Divine  Providence  in  American  History 
and  Politics.  A  Discourse  delivered  in  the  Second  Presbyterian 
Church,  New- Brunswick,  N.  J.,  July  4,  1852.  By  Rev.  Isaac 
N.  Shannon,  Pastor  of  said  Church.  ...  Ntw-Brunswick :  A. 
Ackerman.   1852.     8vo,  pp.  24.  b.,  s.  79760 

Shannon.  The  Professional  Scholarship  demanded  by  the 
Age.  An  Address  delivered  before  the  Alumni  of  Jefferson  Col- 
lege, August  6th,  1856.  By  Rev.  Isaac  N.  Shannon  ...  Pitti- 
buigh :  Printed  by  John  T.  Shyrock.    1856.     8vo.  7976i 

Shannon  (J.)  Address  on  Education  before  the  Two  Houses 
of  the  General  Assembly  of  Missouri.  By  James  Shannon. 
Jejff'erson.    1 851.     8vo.  79762 

[Shannon.]  An  Address  delivered  beforr  tnc  Pro-Slavery 
Convention  of  the  State  of  Missouri,  Held  in  Lexington,  July 
13,  1855,  on  Domestic  Slavery,  as  examined  in  the  Light  of 
Scripture,  of  Natural  Rights,  of  Civil  Government,  and  the  Con- 
stitutional Power  of  Congress.  ...  St.  Louis^  Mo.  1855.  8vo, 
pp.  32.  79763 

Shannon.  The  Philosophy  of  Slavery,  as  identified  with  the 
Philosophy  of  Human  Happiness.  An  Essay.  By  James  Shan- 
non ...  rrankfort^  Ky,:  A.  G.  Hodges  &  Co.  1849.  8v°>  PP*  S^* 
-f  [Third  Edition.]     Cincinnati.   1854.    8vo,  pp.  40.     b.  79764 

[Shannon  {Mrs.  Mary  Eulalie  Fee).]  Buds,  Blossoms,  and 
Leaves;  Poems  by  Eulalie  [^pseudon.^.  Cincinnati:  Moore^  IVils- 
tach^  Keys.    1854.     i2mo,  pp.  vii,  194.  c.  79765 

Shannon  (T.  B.)  Abolition  of  Slavery.  Speech  of  Hon. 
Thomas  B.  Shannon,  of  California,  ...  in  the  House  of  Repre- 
sentatives ...  June  14,  1864.     [^fVashington.   1864.]    8vo,  pp.  8. 

Shannon  (William).  Narrative  of  the  Proceedings  of  the 
Orangemen  of  Kingston  during  the  visit  of  H.  R.  H.  the  Prince 
of  Wales.   ...Kingston,   i860.    8vo,  pp.  50.  797^7 

Shannon.  The  United  Empire  Minstrel,  with  a  chronolog- 
ical table  of  National  Events.   ...    Toronto.   1852.     8vo,  pp.  300. 

The  Shannon  and  the  Chesapeake:  A  Poem.  ...  London: 
Printed  by  T.  C.  Hansard^  for  C.  Cradock  and  W.  Joy.  18 1 3.  8vo, 
pp.  24.  BA.  79769 

VOL.    XIX.  23 

■I.! ; 

1 '  I 



SHANT7,  (J.  Y.)  RcliUion  (I'mi  voyage  a  Manitoba,  par  J.  Y. 
Shanlz  ;  acrompagncc  il'iinc  analyse  ilc:  I/Aitc  conccrnant  Ics 
Tcrrcs  de  la  Puissance,  et  d'un  extiait  du  pamphlet  piihlir  par  Jc 
gouvcrncmcnt  at  [j/V]  siijet  de  Manitoba.  Publie  par  le  Departc- 
ment  de  I'Agriculture,  (ntawa.  Ottawa :  Imprim'e  par  Rohertson^ 
Roger  dS"  Cie.    1873.     8vo,  pp.  30,  (i),  and  covers.  L.  79770 

Shapley  ^E.  C.)  lycgal  Guide  for  Oil  Companies  and  Stock- 
holders ;  including  a  Digest  of  the  Mining  Laws  of  Pennsyl- 
vania.     My  E.  Cooper  Shapley,  Jr.      Philadelphia.    1H65.     8vu. 

Sharan  (J.)  The  Adventures  of  James  Sharan  .  tompilcd 
from  the  Journal,  written  during  his  Voyages  and  Travels  in  the 
Four  Quarters  of  the  Globe.  ...  /Baltimore:  Printed  hy  G.  Dobbin 
i^  Murphy.    1808.     i2mo,  pp.  225,  (2),  subscribers'  names  (12). 

Sharland  (G.)  Knapsack  Notes  of  General  Sherman's 
Grand  Campaign  through  the  State  of  Georgia,  the  I'-mpire  State 
of  the  South.  Hy  George  Sharland.  Springfield^  III. :  Johmon 
y  Bradford.    1865.     8vo,  pp.  68.  c.  79773 

Sharp  (A.)  Vovtcs  aux  Terrcs  Magellaniqucs,  par  Andre 
Sharp,  traduit  dc  I'A   -^lais.      Rouen.   1712.     i2mo.  79774 

Title  from  Boucher  de  la  Richardicrc,  vi.  396. 

Sharp  (A.),  pseudon.  [/'.  e.  David  Rittcnhousc].  The  |  Con- 
tinental I  Almanac,  |  [Engraving]  |  for  the  |  Year  of  our  Lord, 
1781  : 1 ...  I  By  Anthony  Sharp,  Philom.  |  Philadelphia :  \  Printed  and 
sold  hy  Francis  Bailey  ^\...\  [1780.]     i2nio,  pp.  (36).         "-79775 

Sharp.  The  |  Continental  |  Almanac,  |  [Engraving]  |  for  the| 
Year  of  our  Lord,  1782:  |  Being  the  Second  after  Leap- Year. ) 
The  Seventh  Year  of  American  Independence.  |  By  Anthony 
Sharp,  Philom  [/.  e.  David  Rittenhouse].  |  Philadelphia :  I  Printed 
and  Sold  by  Francis  Bailey^  in  |  Alarket-street.,  between  Third  and 
Fourth-streets.  \  [1781.]    Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (36).  H.s.p.  79776 

Title  from  Hildeburn.     Continued  to  1785  or  later. 

Sharp.  The  Continental  Pocket  Almanac  for  1781.  By 
Anthony  Sharp  [/.  e.  David  Rittenhouse].  Philaddphia :  Francis 
Bailey.    1 780.     i8mo.  79777 

Also  for  1782. 

Sharp.  Der  Gantz  Neue  Verhessertej  Nord-Anicricanisehc| 
Calender  I  Auf  das  I785ste  Jahr  Christi,  |  Welches  cin  gcnuin 
Jahr  von  365  Tagen  ist.  |  Und  enthalt,  |  Die  Wochcn-  Monaths- 




Naruen-  Fcycr  und  andcrc  dcm  r<anci-|mai)  r.u  wisscn  nutAliche 
uiul  mcrlcwurdiu;c  I'agc  ;  dcs  Mundt-n  Aui-  uiul  |  Unttigangi 
seine  Zcichcii,  Grade  und  Vicrtcl ;  die  Aspectcii  der  Pla-(netcn, 
samt  der  Witterung ;  des  Sicbcn-gcstirns  Aufgang,  Sud-|platz 
uiui  Untergang ;  Auf-  und  Untergang  der  Sonnen  ;  ncbst  |  der 
Kluth  oder  dem  Hoheti  Wasser  /.u  Philadelphia  •,  |  (Jnd  aiidcre 
^ewohnlichc  C  lender- Arbeit.  |  Wit  auch  :  |  Virschicdenc  aiige- 
iichme  Poetische  Stiicke  j  Geschichten,  &c.  &c.|Berechnet  vor- 
nemlich  nach  der  Pcnnsylvanischen  Himmels-Ciegend  ;  |  JiHoch 
in  den  angrenzcndcn  f/andschaftcn  ohne  nicrklichcn  Untcrschcid 
■All  gcbrauchen.  |  Ziim  Zehndcnmal  herausgegcben  |  und  vcrfertiget 
von  Anthony  Sharp,  Philom  [/.  e.  David  R'\ttcnho\isc'].\ Lancastery 
dedruckt  und  zu  finden  by  Francis  Bailey  ^  in  der  Koenigs-strnsse.  \...\ 
[1784.]     Sm.  4to,  pp.  (36).  79778 

First  issued  for  1776.  The  almanac  for  1779  appe.utd  umler  the  real  lume  of  the 
ciimpilfr,  D.ivid  Rittenhouse.     Ste  Hlldebiirn's  "  Issues  of  the  Press  in  Pennsylvania," 

No.  3807. 

Sharp.  The  Lancaster  Almanac  for  ...  1776.  By  Anthony 
Sharp,  Philom  [/.  e.  David  RittenhouseJ.  Lancaster:  Francis 
Bailey.   [1775.]     i2mo,  pp.  (36).  79779 

Continued  to  1780,  and  afterwards  as  "The  Almanac,"  lupra. 

Sharp.  The  I  Lancaster  |  Pocket  Almanack,  |  For  the  Year 
1778. 1  Being  the  Third  Year  of  American  |  Independency.  |  Fitted 
to  the  use  of  Pennsylvania,  and  the  neighbouring  States.  |  Con- 

taining I  A  I  variety  of  useful  Lists  and  |  Tables.  |  By  Anthony 
Sharp,  Philom  [/".  e.  David  Rittenhouse].  (  Lanauter :  [  Printed  by 
Francis  Bailey,  |  who  is  removed /rom  the  r/orth  to  \  the  South-Side  of 
King-Street  y  j  a  few  doors  below  the  Market.\  [1777.]  24mo,  pp. 
(24).  H.s.p.  79780 

Title  from  Hildeburn.     Continued  to  1780,  and  afterwards  as  "The  Continental 
Pocket  Almanac,"  supra. 

Sharp  (B.),  and  others.  The  |  Voyages  |  and  |  Adventures  |  of  | 
Capt.  Barth.  Sharp  |  And  others,  in  the  j  South  Sea :  |  Being  |  A 
Journal  of  the  same.  |  Also  |  Capt.  Van  Horn  with  his  Buccanieres 
sur- 1  prizing  of  la  Vera  Cruz. 
Relation  of  Sir  Henry  Morgan 
iiirds  in  the  |  West-Indies,  and  \ 

I  The  President  of  Panama's  Account  of  the  same  |  Expedi 
Translated  out  of  Spanish.  |  And  Col.  Beeston's  adjustment  of 
the  Peace  be- 1  tween  the  Spaniards  and  English  in  the  West 
Indies.  |  Published  by  ?.  A.  Esq;.  |  London  \  Printed  by  B.  W.  for 

To  which   is  added  |  The   true 
his  Expedition  against  the  Span- 

in  the  |  West-Indies,  and  his  taking  Panama.  |  Together  with 
President  of  Panama's  Account  of  the  same  I  Expedition  ; 


i  s 




R,  H.  and  S,  T.  and  are  to  he  sold  |  hy  ff^rdter  Havis  in  Amen- Cor- 
ner, M  1)1  IV.  I  8v«),  pp.  (24),  172.  A  ill  cinht,  (a)  in  fuiii, 
ii-i.  in  eights,  and  M  in  six.  1..  7(^78 1 

Editcil  by  Philip  Ayrr^),  whoKe  initial*  .ippcar  on  the  title.  Thi;  n.urjtivr  of  V.iyi. 
Slurp'a  .itiventum  t'mm  April,  16X0,  to  January,  16M1,  till*  pp.  1-114;  Ciptain  Van 
Horn'*  taking  uf'  la  Vera  Cruz,  1681,  pp.  115-110}  C'apt.  Carliahr'tt  Ailvi'nturcs,  ttti.. 
16M3,  |>p.  111-113;  The  truL-  Rclatimi  i>t  Admiral  Mriiry  Mnigati>  Kxpcditiim  again^t 
the  Spaniardi  in  the  Wcst-lndim,  in  the  Year  1670,  pp.  114-119;  Of  thr  t.ikirig  thi 
Castir  of  Chagrc,  1670,  pp.  130,  131;  Admiral  Morgan*!  Kxpcdition  ag.iinit  l'iiian\i, 
1671,  pp.  131-144;  Don  Juan  I'i're/  dt  (  President  of',  hi:<  Ri'l.itiuii 
of  the  l.itc  Action  of  the  English  there  in  the  Went-Inilie*.  Heinj;  ,1  Letter  iritrnr|i|ci| 
hy  thetn,  as  it  waa  going  into  Spain,  ami  brought  to  Admiral  Morgan.  Kendud  intu 
English,  out  of  the  Spaniith,  1670,  pp.  14;-!  59;  'I'he  Relation  of  ('olonel  lieentDn, 
his  Voyage  to  Carthagena,  fur  adjuiiting  the  Peace  nude  in  Spain,  fur  the  West -Indie., 
&i.,  1671,  pp.  160   171. 

bit  also  Dampirr  (W.),  Vol.  v.,  Nu«.  18373-yo;  Exquemelin  (A.  O.),  Vid.  vi,, 
Nui.  23479-89;  and  Hatke  (W.),  Vol.  vii.,  No.  19473. 

Sharp  (D.),  b.  1783,  d.  1853.  Apustolicic  Mode  of  Preach- 
ing. A  Seniion  ...  in  Boston,  htfoic  the  Conference  of  Huptist 
Ministers,  May  29,  1832.  Hy  Daniel  Sharp  ...  .  Boston:  Lincoln 
i^  Ednuinds.   [1832.]     8vo,  pp.  16.  H.  79782 

Sharp.  Christian  Mourning.  A  Discourse  ...  at  the  Funeral 
of  Rev.  Lucius  Holies,  d.u.  ...  Hy  Daniel  Sharp.  Boston:  Gould^ 
Kendall  b'  Lincoln.    1844.     ^vo,  pp.  44.  B.  7978  j 

Sharp.  Counsels  and  Cautions.  The  Substance  of  an  Ad- 
dress read  before  the  Conference  of  Baptist  Ministers  in  Massa- 
chusetts, at  their  Annual  Meeting  in  Boston,  May  27,  1835.  By 
Daniel  Sharp  ...  .  Boston:  Gouldy  Kendall  and  Lincoln.  1835. 
8vo,  pp.  16.  H.  79784 

Sharp.  A  Discourse,  pronounced  before  his  Excellency 
William  Eustis,  Esq.  Governor,  The  Honorable  Council,  and 
the  two  houses,  composing  The  Legislature  of  Massachusetts, 
May  26,  1824.  Being  the  Anniversary  Election.  By  Daniel 
Sharp,  Pastor  of  the  Third  Baptist  Church  in  Boston.  Boston: 
Printed  hy  Order  of  the  Legislature^  True  and  Greene^  Printers  to  the 
State.  1824.  8vo,  pp.  24.  h.,  m.  -f  Second  Edition.  [Ihid.] 
1824.     8vo,  pp.  24.  H.  79785 

Sharp.  Hints  on  Modern  Evangelism,  and  on  the  Elements 
of  a  Church's  Prosperity:  A  Discourse,  ...  October  9,  1842. 
By  Daniel  Sharp.  ...  Boston:  ff^illiam  D.  Ticknor.  M  Dccc XLin. 
8vo,  pp.  24.  B.  79786 

Sharp.     Honor  to  whom  Honor.     A  Tribute  to  the  Memory 



i)f  the  Mom.  John  (j^uincy  Adams,  delivered  February  27,  1848. 
\iy  Daniel  Sharp  ...  .  Boston:  ff'iiiiam  D.  7i(knor  U  Company. 
Mi>cccxLviw.    8vo,  pp.  18.  797^7 

Sharp.  The  Memory  of  the  Just.  A  Discourse  delivered 
ill  the  First  Haptist  Meeting-House  in  Providence,  August  ;/.o, 
1H28,  at  the  Internient  of  Rev.  Stephen  (ian«),  a.m.  late  l\ist(»r 
iif  the  Church.  My  Daniel  Sharp  ....  lioston  :  Printetl  by  Lin- 
coln ^  Etimands.    1828.     8vo,  pp.  20.  H.  79788 

SHARif.  Obedience  to  Magistrates  inculcated.  A  Discourse 
...  betiore  the  Ancient  and  Honorable  Artillery  Company,  June 
I,  1840,  being  the  202d  Anniversary.  My  I  Daniel  Sharp  ...  . 
H'iston  :  Gould^  Kendall  and  Lincoln.    1 840.     8vo,  pp.  28.  H. 

Sharp.  Obligation  of  Christians  to  the  Heathen.  A  Ser- 
mon ...  before  the  General  Convention  of  the  Haptist  Denom- 
ination in  the  United  States,  ...  Philadelphia,  April  29,  1829. 
By  Daniel  Sharp  ...  .  Boston:  Printed  by  Lincoln  is'  Edmands. 
[1829.]    8vo,  pp.  24.  HA.  79790 

Sharp.  A  Pei)ple  encouraging  their  Pastor.  A  Sermon  ... 
in  South  Boston,  before  the  Hoston  Baptist  Association,  Sep- 
tember 27,  1848.  By  Daniel  Sharp  ....  Boston:  ^[fohn  Putnam.^ 
Printer.    1848.     8vo,  pp.  16.  H.  79791 

Sharp.  Plea  for  Peace.  A  Discourse  delivered  on  Fast  Day, 
April  2,  1846.  By  Daniel  Sharp  ....  Boston:  IViUiam  D.  Tick- 
mr  and  Company.   MDCCCXLVI.     8vo,  pp.  25.  H.  79792 

Sharp.  Prosperity  of  a  Church.  A  Sermon  ...  at  the  Ded- 
ication of  the  Meeting-house  of  the  Oliver-street  Baptist  Church, 
New  York,  Sept.  21,  1845.  ^Y  l^aniel  Sharp.  New  Tori: 
Lewis  Colby  i^  Co.  mdcccxlvi.    8vo,  pp.  24.  h.  79793 

Sharp.     Recognition  of  Friends   in   Heaven :    A   Discourse. 

By  Daniel  Sharp  ....  Boston:  "John  Putnam^  Printer,  [n.  d.]    8vo, 

pp.  24.     H.     +  Third  Edition.     \_Ibid.  n.  d.]     8vo,  pp.  24.     b. 

j-  Fourth  Edition.     \^Ibid.  n.  d.]    8vo,  pp.  24.  H.  79794 

Sharp.  Recognition  of  Friends  in  Heaven.  By  Daniel 
Sharp,  D.D.  With  a  Memorial,  by  John  Wayland,  d.d.  ... 
Boston:  "James  French  y  Company.    1857.     ^vo,  pp.  51.     Portrait. 

Sharp.  Reflections  against  the  Baptists  refuted.  A  Sermon 
delivered  at   the   Dedication   of  the    Baptist   Meeting-House   in 





!  ■:• 



New-Bedford,  Oct.  22,  1829.  By  Daniel  Sharp  ...  .  Second 
Edition.  Boston:  Printed  by  Lincoln  ^  Edmonds,  [n.  d.]  Hvo, 
pp.  24.  H.  797^6 

For  the  first  edition  lee  No.  79800,  infra. 

Shaxp.  Report  of  the  Union  Committee  of  the  Sunday 
Schools  of  the  Three  Baptist  Societies  in  Boston.  Together 
with  an  Address,  delivered  at  the  General  Meeting  of  the  Schools, 
October  29th,  1817.  By  Rev.  Daniel  Sharp,  a.m.  Boston: 
Printed  by  Farnham  and  Badger .    181 7.     8vo,  pp.  23.     ba.  79797 

Sharp.  The  Selection  and  Use  of  Acceptable  Words.  A 
Sermon  ...  at  the  Ordination  of  Mr.  Ebenezer  Thresher,  Jr.  to 
the  Pastoral  Charge  of  the  First  Baptist  Church,  Portland,  iiy 
Daniel  Sharp  ....  Portland:  Printed  by  Day  i^  Eraser.  1828.  8v(), 
pp.  18.  H.  79798 

Sharp.  A  Sermon,  preached  at  the  Funeral  of  His  Excel- 
lency William  Eustis,  Esq.  late  Governor  of  the  Commonwealth 
of  Massachusetts,  in  presence  of  The  Constituted  Authorities  of 
the  State,  February  11,  1825.  By  Daniel  Sharp  ...  .  Boston: 
True  and  Greene.,  Printers.    1825.     8vo,-  pp.  22.  79799 

Sharp.  A  Sermon  delivered  at  the  Dedication  of  the  Baptist 
Meeting  House  in  thir  Town  [New  Bedford],  Oct.  22d,  1829. 
By  Daniel  Sharp  of  Boston,     [n.  p.]    1829.     8vo.  79800 

For  another  edition  iee  No.  79796,  'upra. 

Sharp.  Sermons  before  The  Oliver  Street  Baptist  Church, 
New- York,  on  the  Sabbath  of  their  opening  for  public  worship 
their  new  meeting-house,  Sept(  mber  21st,  1845.  By  Daniel 
Sharp  and  William  R.  Williams.  New-Tor k :  Lewis  Colby  &  Co. 
MDCCCXLVi.    8vo,  pp.  24,  38,  and  covers.  79801 

Sharp.  Services  at  the  Fortieth  Aimiversary  of  the  Installa- 
tion of  Rev.  Daniel  Sharp,  d.d.,  as  Pastor  of  the  Charles-street 
Japtist  Church,  Boston,  April  29,  1852.  Boston:  Ticknor^  Reerl., 
and  Eields.   M  dccc  lii.     8vo,  pp.  68.  b.,  m.  79802 

Sharp.  The  Tendency  of  Evil  Speaking  against  Rulers, 
illustrated  in  a  Discourse  delivered  on  Fast  Day,  in  the  Third 
Baptist  Meeting  House  in  Boston,  April  3,  1828.  By  Daniel 
Sharp.    ...    Boston  :  Beals.,  Homer  i^  Co.  Printers.    1828.     8vo,  pp. 

20.  B.  79803 

Sharp.     A  Tribute  of  Respect  to  the  Character  and  Memory 



of  Mr.  Ensign  Lincoln,  who  died  December  2,  1832.    Bv  Daniel 
Sharp  ....  Boston:  Lincoln  and  Edmands.  [n.  d.J     8vo,  pp.  16. 

Sharp.  Two  Discourses  on  the  Character  of  Rev.  Thomas 
Chalmers,  d.d.  By  Daniel  Sharp.  IVorcester :  Samuel  Chism. 
[1847.]    8vo,  pp.  (2),  103-122.  79805 

Sharp.  The  Wisdom  and  Goodness  of  Ciod,  in  our  Calami- 
ties. A  Discourse  ...  on  Thanksgiving  Day,  Nov.  24,  1842. 
By  Daniel  Sharp  ...  Boston:  IVilliam  D.  Ticknor.  M  Dccc  XLiii. 
8vo,  pp.  20.  79806 

Sharp  (D.)  Court-Martial  of  Major  Daniel  Sharp,  First  Bri- 
gade Pennsylvania  Militia.      Philadelphia.    1835.     i2mo.      79807 

Sharp  [Granville],  b.  ^j'^^^d.  1813.  Annual  Parliaments,] 
the  Ancient  and  most  Salutary  |  Right  |  of  the  Commons  of  Great 
Britain.  |  Being  an  Extract  from  Sharp's  "  Declaration  |  of  the 
People's  Natural  Rights  to  a  Share  in  |  the  Legislature,"  printed 
in  1774»  P'l  157  to  170.  |  Wherein  is  shewn,  |  that  the  Statutes  of 
4  Edw.  III.  c.  14.  and  I  36  Edw.  in.  c.  10.  which  ordain,  "  that  | 
a  Parliament  shall  be  holden  every  Year] once,  &c"  must  neces- 
sarily be  under- 1  stood  to  mean, — A  new  Election  of  Representa- 
tives, *' every  Year  once,  |  and  more  often  if  need  he."  \  London  :  \ 
Printed  by  Galabin  and  Baker ^  in  Ingram- \  Court ^  Fenchurch-Street.  | 
M.ncc.Lxxx.l    8vo,  pp.  25.  h.  79808 

Sharp.  An  |  Appendix  |  to  the  |  Representation,  [  (Printed  in 
the  Year  1769,)  |  Of  the  |  Injustice  and  Dangerous  I  endency  of 
7\)-|  lerating  Slavery,  or  of  Admitting  the  |  least  Claim  oi  Private 
Property  in  the  |  Persons  of  Men  in  England.  |  By  Ciranville 
oharp.  I  London  :  |  Printed  for  Benjamin  fVhite^  {No.  63.)  in  Fleet-  | 
Street^  and  Robert  Horsejield^  (No.  22.)  in  \  Ludgate-Street.  |  m  dcc- 
Lxxii.|    8vo,  pp.  28.  ba.,  p.  79809 

Sharp.  A  |  Declaration  |  of  the  |  People's  Natural  Right  |  to  a  | 
Share  in  the  Legislature  ;  |  which  is  the  |  Fundamental  Principle  | 
of  the  I  British  Constitution  of  State.  |  By  Granville  Sharp.] ...  j 
London  :\  Printed  for  B.  IVhitc^  at  Horace^  s-Head\in  Fleet-Street.  \ 

M.DCC.LXXIV.  I      8vo,  pp.   32.  BA.   7981O 

Sharp.  A  |  Declaration]  of  the]  People's  Natural  Right]  to  a] 
Share  in  the  r.egislaturc,  I  which  is  the]  Fundamental  Principle]  of 
the]  British  Constitution  of  State.  ]  By  Granville  Sharp.  ]  ...  ]  Lon- 


I  '  '1 

;)■  ■  1 


i     \i 




\'f7  ( 


don.  Printed  :\  Philadelphia,  Reprinted  |  And  sold  by  John  Dunlap,  at 

the  Newest  Printing-Office,  \  in  Market-Street.     1774.  |     Svo,  pp. 

21.  P.  79811 

This  title,  and  the  one  next  following,  are  from  Hildeburn's  "  Issues  of  the  Press  in 

Sharp.  A  |  Declaration  |  of  the  |  People's  Natural  Right  |  to  a  | 
Share  in  the  Legislature, | which  is  the] Fundamental  Principle | of 
the  I  British  Constitution  of  State.  |  By  Granville  Sharp,  j ...  |  Z««- 
don.  Printed:  \  Philadelphia,  Reprinted  \  And  sold  by  Benjamin  Towni\ 
in  Front-Street,  near  \  the  Coffee-House.    1774.  |     8vo,  pp.  21. 

Sharp.  A  |  Declaration  |  of  the  |  People's  Natural  Right  |  to  a  | 
Share  in  the  Legislature  ;  |  which  is  the  (  Fundamental  Principle  | 
of  the  I  British  Constitution  of  State.  |  By  Granville  Sharp.] ...  j 
London :  Printed,  \  New  York :  Re-printed  by  "John  Holt  in  \  Dock- 
Street. \M'DCCt,xxiv,\     Svo,  pp.  16.  H.  79813 

Sharp.  A  |  Declaration  |  of  the  |  People's  Natural  Right  |  to  a  | 
Share  in  the  Legislature  ;  |  which  is  the  |  Fundamental  Principle  j 
of  the  I  British  Constitution  of  State.  |  By  Granville  Sharp.  |...| 
The  Third  Edition.  |  London  :  Printed.  \  Boston :  |  Re-Printed  and 

Sold  by  Edes  and  Gill,  in  ^ueen-Street. 




B.,  BA.,  W, 


Sharp.  A  Declaration  of  the  People's  Natural  Right  to  a 
Share  in  the  Legislature  ;  which  is  the  Fundamental  Principle  of 
the  British  Constitution  of  State.  By  (Jranville  Sharp  ...  [n.  p.] 
1774.     Svo,  pp.  16,  79815 

Sharp.  A  |  Declaration!  of  the  [People's  Natural  Right  |  to  a| 
Share  in  the  Legislature  ;  |  which  is  the  |  Fundamental  Principle  j 
of  the  I  British  Constitution  of  State.  |  By  Granville  Sharp.  |...| 
London  :  |  Printed  for  B.  White,  at  Horace* s-Head  |  in  Fleet-Street,  \ 

M.DCC.LXXIV.]      8vO,  pp.  (4),  xl,  244.  H.   79816 

Printed  for  private  distribution  <jnly.     See  "Monthly  Review,"  liii.  179. 

Sharp.  A  |  Declaration  |  of  the  |  People's  Natural  Right  |  to  a 
Share  in  the  Legislature  ;  |  which  is  the  |  Fundamental  Principle 
of  the  I  British  Constitution  of  State.  |  By  Granville  Sharp.]... 
The  Second  Edition,  j  London  :  \  Printed  for  B.  IVhitc,  at  Horace's 
Head,\in  Fleet-Street,  j  m.dcc.lxxv.  )    Svo,  pp.  (4),  xl,  244,  Index 

245-279-  ...  .         ^•'  ^"•'  "•  79^17 

Some  copies  were  issued  without  the  index. 



Sharp.  Extract  |  from  a  |  Representation  |  of  the  |  Injustice  | 
and  I  Dangerous  Tendency]  of  tolerating  |  Slavery,  |  or  |  Admitting 
the  least  Claim  of  private  Pro-|perty  in  the  Persons  of  Men  in 
England.  |  By  Granville  Sharp.  |  London :  Printed  mdcci.xix.  |  Phil- 
adelphia :  Re-printed  by  "Joseph  Cruk-  \  shank^  in  Third-Street^  oppo- 
site the  ff^ork-house.\  M  dcclxxi.\    Sm.  8vo,  pp.  53.         p.  79818 

Edited  by  Anthony  Benezet.  This  edition  was  also  appended  to  Benezet's  "  Some 
Historical  Account  of"  Guinea,"  printed  at  Philadelphia  in  the  same  year.  See  Vol.  11., 
No.  4689;  and  Hilueburn's  "  Issues  of  the  Press  in  Pennsylvania,"  No.  2633. 

Sharp.  Extract  from  a  Representation  of  the  Injustice  and 
Dangerous  Tendency  of  tolerating  Slavery ;  or  Admitting  the 
least  Claim  of  private  Property  in  the  Persons  of  Men  in  Eng- 
land. By  Granville  Sharp.  First  printed  in  London,  mdcclxix. 
[Philadelphia  Printed^  London:  reprinted.  1772.]  8vo,  title  and 
pp.  147-198,  Index  (6).  79^19 

This  is  an  appendix  to  the  English  reprint  of  Benezet's  "  Some  Historical  Account 
of  Guinea." 

[Sharp.]  Extract  of  a  Letter  to  a  Gentleman  in  Maryland  ; 
Wherein  is  demonstrated  the  extreme  wickedness  of  tolerating 
the  Slave  Trade,  in  order  to  favour  the  illegalities  of  our  Colo- 
nies, where  the  Two  First  Foundations  of  English  Law,  (Two 
Witnesses  of  God)  are  supplanted  by  opposite  (and  of  course 
illegal)  ordinances,  which  occasions  a  Civil  Death  of  the  English 
Constitution,  so  that  these  Two  Witnesses  may  be  said  to  lie 
dead  in  all  the  West  Lidia  Islands  !  London :  James  Phillips. 
M.DCC.xciii.     8vo,  pp.  14.  79820 

Signed  at  the  end  :  "  Granville  Sharp." 

[Sharp.]  A  |  General  Plan  |  for  laying  out  ( Towns  and  Town- 
ships] on  the  New- Acquired  Lands  |  in  the  |  East  Indies,  America, 
I  or  elsewhere.  I ...  I   [n.  p.    1794.]    8vo,  pp.  24.     Plan.  n. 

[Sharp.]  A  General  Plan  for  laying  out  Towns  and  Town- 
ships on  the  New- Acquired  Lands  in  the  East  Indies,  America, 
or  elsewhere  ;  In  order  to  promote  Cultivation,  and  raise  the 
Value  of  all  the  adjoining  Land,  at  the  Price  of  giving  gratis  the 
Town-Lots,  and,  in  some  Cases  (as  in  new  Colonies),  also  the 
small  Out-Lots,  to  the  first  Settlers  and  their  Heirs  so  long  as 
.hey  possess  no  other  Land  ;  and  on  equitable  Conditions.  First 
Printed  in  1794.  Second  Edition,  [n.  p.]  1804.  8vo,  pp.  24. 
Plan.  79822 

Sharp.  The  |  Just  Limitation  of  Slavery  |  in  the  |  Laws  of 
God,  I  compared  with  |  The  unbounded  Claims  of  the  African  | 

■'    ! 


I  "i  t  "I 

■    •,( 



,  ( 



Traders  and  British  American  |  Slaveholders.  |  By  Granville  Sharp. 

With  a  copious  Appendix  :  | containing,  |  An  Answer  to  the  Rev. 

"r.  Thompson's  Tract  in  |  favour  of  the  African  Slave  Trade. 
— Letters  con-|cerning  the  lineal  Descent  of  the  Negroes  from 
the  I  Sons  of  Ham. — The  Spanish  Regulations  for  the  |  gradual 
Enfranchisement  of  Slaves. — A  Proposal] on  the  same  Principles 
for  the  gradual  Enfran-jchisement  of  Slaves  in  America. — Re- 
ports of  De- 1  terminations  in  the  several  Courts  of  Law  |  against 
Slavery,  &c.  |  ...  |  London:  \  Printed  for  B.  IVhite^  in  Fleet-Street^ 
and  E.  and  C.  \  Dilly^  in  the  Poultry.  \  m.dcc.lxxvi.  |  8vo,  pp.  (2), 
67,  Appendix  107,  (2).  b.,  h.,  p.  79823 

Appendix  i.  has  the  following  title  :  An  Essay  on  Slavery,  Proving  from  Scripture  its 
Inconsistency  with  Humanity  and  Religion;  By  Granville  Sharp.  "With  an  intro- 
ductory Preface,"  (by  a  Gentleman  of  the  Law,  in  West  Jersey)  "containing  the  Sen- 
timents of  the  Monthly  Reviewers  on  a  Tract,  by  the  Rev.  T.  Thompson,  in  Favour 
of  the  Slave  Trade."  ...  Burlington:  Wat  Jeney^  Printed,  M,  dcc.  LXXni.  London; 
reprinted.,  '776- 

Sharp.  The  |  Law  of  Liberty,|or,|  Royal  Law,  |  by  which] 
all  Mankind  will  certainly  j  be  judged  !  ]  Earnestly  recommendeii 
to  the  I  Serious  Consideration  ]  of  all  ]  Slaveholders  and  Slavedeal- 
ers.  ]  By  Granville  Sharp.  ]  ...  |  London :  \  Printed  for  B.  ff^hite^  at 
Horace'' s-Head.,  in  Fleet-Street^  \  and  E.  and  C.  Dilly^  in  the  Poultry. 

I  MDCCLXXVI.  J      8vo,  pp.   55.  H.,  P.  79824 

Sharp.  The  j  Law  ]  of  ]  Passive  Obedience,  ]  or  ]  Christian  Sub- 
mission to  Personal  Injuries  : )  Wherein  is  shewn,  that  the  several 
texts  of  scripture,  ]  which  command  the  entire  submission  of  serv- 
ants or  ]  slaves  to  their  masters,  cannot  authorize  the  latter  to] 
exact  an  involuntary  servitude,  nor,  in  the  least  degree,  )  justify 
the  claims  of  modern  slaveholders.  ]  By  Granville  Sharp.]...] 
[London:  B.  White.    1776.]    8vo,  pp.  102,  (i).  H.,  p.  79825 

Sharp.  The  ]  Law  ]  of]  Retribution  ;  ]  or,  ]  A  Serious  Warning  ] 
to )  Great  Britain  and  her  Colonies,  ]  Founded  on  unquestionable 
Examples  of  ]  God's  Temporal  Vengeance  ]  against  ]  Tyrants, 
Slave-holders,  and  Oppressors.  ]  The  Examples  are  selected  from 
Predictions  in  the  Old  ]  Testament,  of  National  Judgments,  which 
(being] compared  with  their  actual  Accomplishment)  demonstrate] 
"  the  sure  Word  of  Prophecy,"  as  well  as  the  immediate  ]  Inter- 
position of  Divine  Providence,  to  recompence]  impenitent  Nations 
according  to  their  Works,  j  By  Granville  Sharp.  ]...]  ZeWaw  .•  ] 
Printed  by  W,  Richardson.,  \  For  B.  White.,  at  Horace's  Head.,  in 
Fleet  Street;  \  and  E.  and  C.  Dilly.,  in  the  Poultry.  \  mdcclxxvi.  ) 
8vo,  pp.  (4),  357.  A.,  H.  79826 



Sharp.  Letter  |  from  [Granville  Sharp,  Esq.  |  of  |  London, [to 
the]  Maryland  Society  |  for  Promoting  the  |  Abolition  of  Slavery,! 
and  the  I  Relief  of  Free  Negroes  and  others.  Unlawfully  |  Held  in 
Bondage.  |  ...  |  Baltimore:  Printer/  hy  D.  Grahatn^  L.  Tundt^  and 
IV,  Patton^  in  Calvert-\  Street^  near  the  Court-House.  \  M.ncc.xciii.  ( 
8vo,  pp.  u.  H.  79827 

Sharp.  Letter  to  Granville  Sharp,  Esq.  on  the  proposed 
Abolition  of  the  Slave-trade.     London:   "J.  Debrett.    1788.     8v(). 

5m  "  Monthly  Review,"  lxxviii.  255. 

Sharp.  A  memorable  Letter]  from  the |  venerable  Granville 
Sharp  to  Benjamin  Franklin.  |     [n.  p.  n.  d.]    8vo,  i  page.         h. 

On  slavery.      DateJ  :   London,  January  10,  1788. 

Sharp.  A  |  Representation  |  of  the  |  Injustice  and  Dangerous 
Tendency  I  of  |  Tolerating  Slavery  ;  |  or  of  |  admitting  the  least 
Claim  |of  I  rrivate  Property  in  the  Persons  of  Men,  |  in  England.  | 
in  Four  Parts.  I  Containing,  r.  Remarks  on  an  Opinion  given  in 
the  year  1729,  by  the  (then)  Attorney  General  and  Sollicitor 
General,  concerning  the  Case  of  Slaves  in  Great  Britain.  11. 
The  Answer  to  an  Objection,  which  has  been  made  to  the  fore- 
going Remarks,  iii.  An  Examination  of  the  Advantages  and 
Disadvantages  of  tolerating  Slavery  in  England.  The  latter  are 
illustrated  by  some  Remarks  on  the  Spirit  of  the  Plantation  Laws, 
occasionally  introduced  in  Notes,  which  demonstrate  the  Cruel 
Oppression,  not  only  of  Slaves,  but  of  Free  Negroes,  Mulattoes, 
and  Indians,  and  even  of  Christian  Whitt  Servants  in  the  British 
Colonies,  iv.  Some  Remarks  on  the  ancient  Villenage,  shewing, 
that  the  obsolete  Laws  and  Customs,  which  favoured  Oppression, 
cannot  justify  the  Admission  of  the  modern  West  Indian  Slavery 
into  this  Kingdom,  nor  the  least  Claim  of  Property,  or  Right  of 
Service,  deducible  therefrom.  |  By  Granville  Sharp.  |  London  :\ 
Printed  for  Benjamin  White^  {No.  63)  in  Fleet-\  Street^  and  Robert 
Horsejield^  {No.  22)  in  \  Ludgate- Street.  \  mdcclxix.  |  8vo,  pp. 
(4),  167.  ...  "•'  P-  79^30 

An  appendix  was  published  in  1772.      See  No.  79809,  iupra. 

Sharp.  Serious  Reflections  on  the  Slave  Trade  and  Slavery. 
By  Granville  Sharp.    London:  IV.  Calvert.    1805.     i6mo,  pp.  46. 

[Sharp.]  A  short  |  Tract  |  concerning  the  |  Doctrine  [  of  | "  Nul- 
lum Tempus  occur-|"rit  Regi :  "|shewing|  the  particular  Cases 
to  which  it  I  is  applicable  j|  and  [that  it  cannot,  according  to  Law,) 
be  effectual  I  for  the]  Recovery  of  Manors,  Lands,  or  |  Tenements, 



\  I 



I     .'. 


I  alienated  from  the  Crown.  |  London  :  |  i 
Lxxix.  I     8vo,  pp.  viii,  31. 

nte(/  in  the  Tenr  M.Dtc.- 
M.  79832 

Sharp.  "The  System  of  Colonial  Law"  compared  with  the 
Eternal  Laws  of  God ;  and  with  the  indispensable  principles  of 
the  English  Constitution.  By  Granville  Sharp.  London  :  Printed 
by  Richard  Edwards.    1807.     i6mo,  pp.  20.  c,  H.  79833 

[Sharp.]     Tracts,  |  containing  the  |  Ancient  and  only  True 

Legal  I  Means  |  of 
Second  Edition. 
8vo,  pp.  95. 

National   Defence  |  by  a  Free  Militia.  | ...  |  The 
London:  |  Printed  in  the  Tear  \  M.DCC.LXxxi,| 

M.  79834 

Sharp.  Tracts,  |  concerning  the  |  Ancient  and  only  True 
Legal  I  Means  of  |  National  Defence,  |  by  a  |  Free  Militia.  | ...  |  By 
Granville  Sharp.  |  London:  \  First  printed  in  1781.  |  Third  Edition., 

1 782, 1  /or  Mr.  Dilly.,  Poultry ; 


8vo,  pp.  141. 

B.,  H.,  M. 

In  the  "Collections"  of  the  Massachusetts  Historical  Society,  vol.  iii.,  pp.  162-166, 
are  printed  two  letters  of  Granville  Sharp,  the  first  of  which,  addressed  to  Dr.  Franklin, 
is  "  on  the  subject  of  American  Bishops." 

Sharp  (J.),  h.  1817,  d.  1888.  Petition  and  Remonstrance  of 
Jacob  Sharp  on  behalf  of  the  Broadway  Railway  Association. 
Jan.  1853.     ["•  P-    1^53-]     ^^o,  pp.  43.  s.  79836 

Sharp.  The  Proceedings  befoie  Hon.  D.  P.  Ingraham,  at 
the  ...  Supreme  Court,  in  the  City  of  New  York,  in  the  case 
of  Jacob  Sharp,  against  the  Mayor,  Aldermen  and  Commonalty 
of  ...  New  York  ...  .  Reported  by  Elbridge  T.  Gerry  ...  . 
New  Tork :  Wm.  C.  Bryant  dff  Co.,  Printers.    1859.     8vo,  pp.  87. 

Sharp  (J.)  An  Account  of  the  Principle  and  Effects  of  the 
American  Air-stove  Grates.  By  James  Sharp.  Eleventh  edition. 
London.   [177-?]     4to,  pp.  18.  M.  79838 

Sharp  (J.)  A  |  Sermon  |  Preached  At  |  Ti  inity  Church  in  New- 
York  I  in  America,  August  13.  1706.  |  At  the  Funeral  of  |  The 
Right  Honourable  Katharine  Lady  |  Cornbury,  |  Barroness  \s\c\ 
Clifton  of  Leighton  Bromswold,  &c.  |  Heiress  to  the  most  Noble 
Charles  Duke  of  |  Richmond  and  Lenox:  |  And  |  Wife  of  his 
Excellency  Edward  Lord  Viscount  |  Cornbury,  Her  Majesties 
Captain  General  and  |  (lovernour  in  chief  of  the  Provinces  of 
New-York,  I  New-Jersey,  and  Territories  depending  there- 1  on  in 
America,  &c.  |  Bv  John  Sharp,  a.m.  Chaplain  to  the  (2^'^^"'' 
Forces  I  in    the    Province   of   New-York,  j  Printed  and  Sold  h 



fVtUiam   Bradford  at  the  Bihle  in\  Ncw-Tf'ork^  1 706.  |     Sm.   410, 
title,  and  pp.  20.  h.s.p.  79839 

Title  furnished  by  Mr.  CharlL-s  R.  Hildeburn.      Mr.  Menzics'g  cupy  sold  for  $38. 

Sharp.  A  |  Sermon  |  Preached  at  |  Trinity-Church  in  New- 
York,  |  in  |  America,  |  August  13.  1706. |At  the  I  Funeral  I  Of  the 
Ri^ht  Honourable!  Katherine  Lady  Cornbury, |  Haroncss  Clifton 
of  Leighton  Hromswold,  &c.  Heiress  to  |  The  most  Noble  Charles 
j^uke  of  Richmond  and  I^enox,|Wife  to  his  Excellency  Edward 
Lord  Viscount  Cornbury,  |  Her  Majesty's  Captain  General,  and 
Governor  in  Chief  |  of  the  Prc^vinces  of  New- York,  New- 
Jersey,  and  Terri- 1  tories  depending  thereon  in  America,  &c.|  ... 
I  By  John  Sharp,  a.  m.  Chaplain  to  the  Queen's  Forces  in  |  the 
Province  of  New-York.  |  London  :  Printed  and  Sold  hy  H.  Hills^  In 
Black-fry ars^  \  near  the  Water-side.  For  the  Benefit  of  the  Poor.  \ 
[1706?]     8vo,  pp.  16.  A.,  L.  79840 

Sharp.  A  Sermon  Preached  at  Trinity-Church  in  New- 
York,  in  America,  August  13.  1706.  At  the  Funeral  (^f  the 
Right  Honourable  Katherine  Lady  Cornbury,  Haroness  Clifton, 
of  Ivcighton  Hromswold,  &c.  Heiress  to  the  most  Noble  Charles 
Duke  of  Richmond  and  Lenox,  and  Wife  to  his  Excellency 
Kdward  Lord  Viscount  Cornbury,  Her  Majesty's  Captain  CJen- 
cral,  and  Governor  in  chief  of  the  Provinces  of  New- York, 
New- Jersey,  and  Territories  depending  thereon  in  America,  he. 
\\y  John  Sharp,  A.M.  Chaplain  to  the  Queen's  Forces  in  the 
Province  of  New- York.  London:  Printed  for  y.  Morphew.  1708. 
8vo,  pp.  16.  79841 

Sharp  (J.  B.)  The  Anti-Corj\-Law  League  and  the  Cotton 
Trade.      By  Joseph  B.  Sharp.      London.    1844.     8vo.  79842 

Sharp  (J.)  Astronomical  Calendar ;  or,  Farmers'  Almanac, 
for  1823:  being  the  third  after  Leap  Year.  ...  With  a  variety 
of  useful  Information,  intermixed  with  a  few  choice  Titbits.  By 
Joshua  Sharp.  Ithaca:  Printed  hy  A.  P.  Searing  ^  Co.  [1822.] 
Sm.  8vo,  (15)  leaves.  b.  79843 

Also  for  1817,  Rochester,  [n.  d.]     Sm.  8vo. 

Sharp.  The  Farmer's  Almanac  for  ...  1818  ...  Calculated 
by  J.  Sharp.     Baltimore.   [181 7.]     8vo.  79844 

Sharp.  Poor  Robin's  Almanac,  for  the  Year  of  our  Lord, 
1822,  being  the  second  after  Bissextile  or  l/cap  Year,  and  the 
46,  &  47  of  American  Independence.    ...   Calculated  bv  Joshua 




Sharp.      Philoilflphiti :  Printed  hy  D.  Dickinson,  [n.  d.]    Sm.  8vo, 
{i6)  leaves.  B.  79845 

See  u/io  Vol.  1.,  No.  38850. 

Sharp  (L.  J.)  Viiulication  of  the  Character  of  the  late  Col. 
Solomon  P.  Sharp,  from  the  Calumnies  published  against  him 
since  his  Murder  by  Patrick  Darby  and  Jeroboam  ().  IJcauchamp. 
Jiy  lA'andcr  J.  Sharp.  Frankfort:  A.  Kendall  ds*  Co.  1827.  8vo, 
pp.  HO'  c.  79846 

"This  book  was  suppressed  by  the  family  after  it  had  been  printed.  All  were 
destroyed,  except  twenty-five  tcpies,  which  were   hidden  in  a  recess  in  the  wall  of  the 

Sh.irp  dwelling  at   Frankfort,  in  1827.     They  were  accidentally  discovered   in  1877 

fifty  years  afterwards."     Ste  Robert  Clarke  it  Co. 'a  "  Bibliotheca  Amcric4na,"  1878, 
No.  1989.      See  alio  No.  79848,  infra. 

Sharp  (P.  B.)  The  Reconstruction  of  the  American  Union; 
or,  Confederation  of  North  American  Republics.  By  Pindar  B. 
Sharp.    June,  1863.    [n.  p.    1863.]     i2mo,  pp.  24,  and  covers. 

Sharp  (S.  P.)  Bcauchamp's  Trial.  A  Report  of  the  Trinl 
of  Jereboam  O.  Bcauchamp,  before  the  Franklin  Circuit  Court, 
ill  May,  1826,  upon  an  Indictment  for  the  Murder  of  Col.  Solo- 
mon P.  Sharp  ....  From  shorthand  notes  taken  during  the  Trial, 
by  J.  (i.  Dana  and  R.  S.  Thomas.  Frankfort:  Printed  hy  Albert 
G.  Hodges.  [1826.]     8vo,  pp.  153.  B.  79848 

Corrected  title  of  No.  18431,  Vol.  v.  See  alto  Vol.  I.,  N08.  4159-4162;  aiij  No. 
79846,  supra. 

Sharp  (!'.)  Catalogue  of  Provincial  Copper  Coins,  Tokens, 
Tickets,  and  Medalcts,  issued  in  Great  Britain,  Ireland,  and  the 
C\)lonics,  during  the  JCighteciith  and  Nineteenth  Centuries, 
described  from  the  originals  in  the  collection  of  George  Chct- 
wynd,  Bart.      By  Thomas  Sharp.      London.    1834.     Rl.  410. 

Sixty  copies  printed  for  private  distribution,  at  the  expense  of  Sir  George  Chetwynd. 

Sharp  (W.  S.)  A  Lecture  on  Political  Morality.  By  Will, 
iam  S.  Sharp.  Trenton.^  N.  J. :  IVilliarn  S.  Sharp.,  Printer,  [n.  d.] 
8vo,  pp.  21.  H.  79850 

Sharp-Snout ;  or.  The  Mysteries  of  the  Trapper's  Cave.  By 
the  Author  of  "Spotted  Dan,"  etc.  N'ew  York:  G.  Munro  &  Co. 
1867.     i8mo,  pp.  94.  79851 

Sharpe  (Horatio).     See  Vol.  xi..  No.  45095. 

Sharpe  (Lynch  Lawdon).  The  Viceroy's  Dream  ;  or,  The 
Canadian  Government  not  "wide-awake,"  a  mono-dramatico 
poem,     [n- p.]   1^38.     8vo.  79852 



"It  i«  in  5  scenes  an<l  .ippcirs  to  h.ivc  reference  to  the  Ri'hcllion  of  1857  8. 
A  ropy  is  in  the  Library,  Uxtiird." — MomiiAn'h  Hihltnihnu  Cunutienm. 

Shari'E  (VV.)  The  Case  i)f  William  Sharpe,  Ksq.  ...  Lon- 
don.  1712.     8vo.  79^53 

Kcl.itL's  to  tliL'  lsl.m1l  of  Bjrli.iducii. 

Sharpe  (W.  C.)  Rcconl  of  the  Sharpe  Family  in  England 
anil  America  frum  1580  to  1870.  My  W.  C.  Sharpe.  Seymour. 
Connecticut.    1874.     i6mo,  pp.  33.  79^54 

Sharpe.  Seymour  and  Vicinity:  Historical  Collections.  Hy 
VV.  C.  Sharpe.  Seymour.,  Connecticut :  Recor<l  Print.  1878.  8vo, 
pp.  148.  79855 

Sharpe.  Sharpe  Genealogy  and  Miscellany.  Hy  W.  C. 
Sharpe.     Seymour ;  Conn..,  Record  Print.    1880.     i8mo.        79856 

Sharpless  (J.)  Family  Record  ;  containing  the  Settlement, 
iiiul  (jcncalugy  to  the  present  time,  of  the  Sharpless  Family,  in 
North  America.  With  an  Appendix,  containing  Memorials  of 
the  Dying  Sayings,  &c.,  of  several  Deceased  Members  of  the 
Family,  not  before  published.  By  Joseph  Sharpless.  Philadel- 
phia :  Pub  "shed  and  Sold  hy  the  Author.,  No.  30,  Arch  street :  sold  also 
h  Kimher  t^f  Sharpless,  No.  93,  Market  street.  18 16.  i2mo,  pp. 
132,  Index  2  leaves.  79^57 

Sharplky  (S.)  S..m  Sharplcy's  Iron-Clad  Songster.  New 
York.  [1864.]     i8mo.  79858 

Sharpstkin  (J.  R.)  A  Digest  of  the  American,  English, 
iScotch  and  Irish  Reports  of  I/ifc  and  Accident  Insurance  Cases. 
Hy  John  R.  Sharpstein,  of  the  San  Francisco  Bar.  San  Francisco: 
Sumner.,  IVhitney  &  Co.    1872.     8 vo.  79^59 

Sharswood  (G.),  b.  1 8 10,  d.  1883.  Address  delivered  at  the 
University  of  Pennsylvania,  before  the  Society  of  the  Alumni,  on 
the  occasion  of  their  Annual  Celebration,  December  loth,  1856, 
by  the  Hon.  George  Sharswood,  ll.d.  Philadelphia:  King  fif 
Batrd.,  Printers.    1857.     8vo,  pp.  37,  and  covers.  79860 

Sharswood.  Address  delivered  at  the  Uni'.ersity  of  Penn- 
sylvania, before  the  Society  of  the  Alumni,  at  their  119th  Annual 
Celebration,  January  18,  1869.  By  Hon.  George  Sharswood, 
i.l.d.  ...  Philadelphia:  De  Armond  iff  Goodrich.,  Printers.  1869. 
8vo,  pp.  23.  B.  79861 


I  : 


'  ll 



(i   '  « 



SharswooI).  The  Common  Law  of  Pennsylvania.  A  Lec- 
ture read  licfore  the  AcadcMiy  of  Philadelphia,  at  the  open- 
ing of  the  session  of  1855-6.  My  Hon.  Cieorgc  Sharswour), 
Provost  of  the  Academy.  Philadelphia :  L.  R.  Bailey.  1855. 
8vo,  pp.  30,  and  covers.  79862 

Sharswood.  a  C"mpend  of  Lectures  on  the  Aims  and 
Duties  of  the  Profession  of  the  Law.  Delivered  before  the  Law 
Class  of  the  University  of  Pennsylvania.  Hy  (ieorgc  Sharswoml 
...  Philadelphia :  T,  ^  */.  ly.  Johnson,   1854.     8vo,  pp.  ijo.      i,. 

A  later  edition  as  follows  : 

Sharswood.  An  Essay  on  Professional  Ethics.  By  George 
Sharswood.  ...  Third  Edition.  Philadelphia  :  T.  i3' J.  It^.  John- 
son  W  Co.    i86g.     i2mo,  pp.  220.  b.  79864 

Originally  {lublished  under  the  title;  "A  Cumpcnd  of  Lectures,"  etc. 

Sharswood.  Ohituiry  Notice  of  Joel  Jj)nes,  read  before  the 
American  Philosophical  Society,  Oct.  5,  i860.  Hy  Cieorj.'e 
Sharswood.      Philadelphia,    i860.     8vo.  79865 

See  also  Vol.  iv.,  No.  15586. 

Sharswood  (W.),  b.  1836.  The  Betrothed;  or,  Love  in 
Death.  A  Play  in  Five  Acts.  By  W.  Sharswood.  Philadel- 
phia.   1865.     8vo,  pp.  79.  79866 

Sharswood.     Elenore,  a  Drama  ...  Philadelphia.   1862.    8vo. 

Reissued  as  "  The  Betrothed,"  suf>ra. 

Sharswood.  The  Miscellaneous  Writings  of  William  Shars- 
wood.    Vol.  I.     Philadelphia.    1862.     8vo.  79868 

Sharts  (J.)  Eulogy  on  the  Death  of  Capt.  Abram  Van 
Olinda,  who  fell  at  the  Battle  of  Chapultcpec,  September  13, 
1847.  Delivered  in  the  First  Presbyterian  Church,  Albany,  ... 
July  7,  1848,  by  Col.  John  Sharts.  Jlbany:  Printed  by  Joel  }^un- 
sell.   1848.    8vo,  pp.  24.  M.  79869 

Shattuck  (G.  C),  b.  1783,  d.  1854.  Extract  from  the 
Will  of  George  Cheyne  Shattuck,  deceased.  Bequests  to  Socie- 
ties and  to  Trustees  for  the  benefit  of  Societies.  ...  Boston. 
1854.    8vo,  pp.  8.  h.  79870 

Shattuck.  Three  Dissertations  on  Boylston  Prize  (Questions, 
for  the  Years  1806  and  1807.  By  George  Cheyne  Shattuck, 
M.D.    Being  the  Dissertations  to  which  the  Boylston  Prize  Medals 



Boston  :  Ffirrandy  Miillory  is!  Co.    tSoS.     8 



wcTC  Adjudged. 

p|i    192.  H.  79871 

Shattuck  ((r.  C)  An  Address  ...  it  the  C'om- 
mrncement  of  the  Medical  School  of  Harvard  University,  ... 
March  6,  1861.  Uy  (jcorgc  C  Shattuck,  m.d.  ...  Boston: 
David  Clapp,  h inter.    1861.     8vo,  pp.   15,(1).  BA.  79872 

Shattuck.  An  Introductory  Lecture  before  the  Medical 
Class  of  1857-8  of  Harvard  University.  Hy  (n'orirc  C.  Shat- 
tuck, M.JJ.  ...  Boston:  Printed  by  David  CUipp.  185^.  8vo,  pp. 
29.  B.  79873 

Shattuck.  Reply  to  B.  R.  Curtis,  on  Exc'^utive  Power.  ... 
Krom  the  Hoston  Daily  Advertiser,  Oct.  22,  1862  Boston. 
1H62.    8vo,  79^74 

Sha'ITUCk  (J.)  Report  of  the  Committte  of  <''aims  ...  on 
the  ...  Petition  of  Jarcd  Shattuck  ...  Feb.  17,  1808.  ff^nshing- 
m.  1808.    8vo,  pp.  10.  79^75 

By  D.  Holtnct. 

Shattuck  (L.),  A.  1793,  </.  1859.  A  Complete  System  of 
Family  Registration.  ...  Hy  Lemuel  Shattuck  ...  .  Boston:  ff^ill- 
iam  D.  Ticknor.   M  D  ccc  XLI.     2  parts,  H.  79876 

Shattuck.  Contributions  to  the  Vi'al  Statistics  of  the  State 
of  New  York.  By  Lemuel  Shattuck,  '  sq.  of  Boston.  [AVw 
Y'ork.    1850.]     8vo,  pp.  28.  A.,  H.  79877 

Shattuck.  A  History  <if  the  Town  of  Concord  ;  Middle- 
sex County,  Massachusetts,  trom  its  earliest  settlement  to  1832  ; 
and  of  the  adjoining  towns,  Bedford,  Acton,  Lincoln,  and  Car- 
lisle;  containing  various  notices  of  County  and  State  History  not 
before  published.  By  Lemuel  Shattuck,  Member  of  the  Massa- 
chusetts Historical  Society.  ...  Boston:  Russell,  Odiorne^  and  Com- 
pany,   Concord:  "John  Stacy.    1835.     8vo,  pp.  viii,  392.    Map.     A. 

[Shattuck.]  How  shall  we  vote  on  the  Water  Act }  [^Bos- 
ton.   1845  •'']     ^vo,  pp.  24.  M.  79879 

Shattuck.  Letter  from  Lemuel  Shattuck  in  Answer  to 
Interrogatories  of  J.  Preston,  in  Relation  to  the  Introduction  of 
Water  into  the  City  of  Boston.  Boston :  Samuel  N.  Dickinson.^ 
Printer.    1845.     ^vo,  pp.  40.  A.,  BA.  79880 

H     I 

I  « 

!     \'  1 

VOL.    XIX. 




^  \r  ^ 









1.0    ^us  1^ 

■ii  IM   12.2 


^   1^    12.0 

^M  If—  "'^ 














(716)  •72-4503 







Shattuck.  Letter  to  the  Secretary  of  State,  on  the  Registra- 
tion of  Hirths,  Marriages  and  Deaths,  in  Massachusetts.  Hy 
Lemuel  Shattuck.     \^Boston.    1845.]     8vo,  pp.  42.         ha.  79881 

Shattuck.  Memorials  of  the  Descendants  of  William  Shat- 
tuck, the  Progenitor  of  the  Families  in  America  that  have  borne 
his  name  ;  includiiig  an  Litroduction,  and  an  Appendix  containini"; 
collateral  information.  Hy  Lemuel  Shattuck  ...  Boston:  Printed 
hy  Dutton  and  IVentworth^  for  the  Family.  1855.  8vo,  pp.  (6), 
414.     Portrait.  a.  69882 

[Shattuck.]     Report  of  a  General  Plan.    See  Vol.  xi.  45986, 

Shattuck.  Report  to  the  Committee  of  the  City  Council 
appointed  to  obtain  the  Census  of  Boston  for  the  Year  1845, 
embracing  Collateral  Facts  and  Statistical  Researches,  illustratino; 
the  History  and  Condition  of  the  Population,  and  their  Means  of 
Progress  and  Prosperity.  By  Lemuel  Shattuck.  Boston :  John  H. 
Easiburn^  Printer.    1846.     8vo,  pp.  vii,  179,  95.     Maps.       a.,  b. 

[Shattuck.]  Sanitary  Survey  of  the  Town  of  Attleborough. 
By  the  Chairman  of  the  Commissioners  appointed  under  a  resolve 
of  the  Legislature  of  Massachusetts  ....  Boston:  Printed  by  Dut- 
tou  y  Wentworth.    1 850.     8vo,  pp.  32.  A.,  h.  79884 

[Shattuck.]  Sanitary  Survey  of  the  Town  of  Lawrence,  by 
the  Chairman  of  the  Commissioners  appointed  under  a  Resolve 
of  the  Legislature  of  Massachusetts,  relating  to  a  Sanitary  Survey 
of  the  State.    ...   Boston:  Printed  by  Dutton  l^S  IVentnvorih.   1850. 

8vo,  pp.   23.  A.,  B.   79885 

Shattuck.  The  Vital  Statistics  of  Boston ;  containing  an 
Abstract  of  the  Bills  of  Mortality  for  the  last  Twenty-nine 
Years,  and  a  General  View  of  the  Population  and  Health  of  the 
City  at  other  periods  of  its  History.  By  Lemuel  Shattuck.  ... 
Boston.  1841.  8vo,  pp.  35.  B.  -f  Philadelphia:  Lea  ^  Blanch- 
ard.    1841.     8vo,  pp.  35.  A.,  M.  79886 

Mr.  Shattuck  also  prepared  the  following  :  Appendix  to  Fourth  Report  to 
the  Legislature  relating  to  the  Rejjistry  and  Returns,  of  Births,  Marriages,  and  Dcathj 
in  Massachusetts,  1844.-45.  Brntoii.  1845.  8vo.  —  Instructions  to  Town  and  City 
Clerks,  etc.,  relating  to  Registration.  Bustun.  1849.  8vo.  —  Report  on  the  S.init.iry 
Survey  of  the  State,  made  to  the  Legislature,  March,  1849.  [Boston.  1849.}  8vo. — 
Report  on  the  Subject  of  the  State  Census  of  1850.  Boston.  1849.  8vo  See  aho 
Vol.  XI.,  No.  46049. 

Shatzel  (J.)      The    Mexican    ...    [In 
1841.     i6mo,  pp.  124. 



New  York. 




Shaver  (Mr.)  North  America  No.  7.  Papers  relating  to 
the  Imprisonment  of  Mr.  Shaver  at  Fort  Warren  in  Boston  Har- 
l)or.  ...  London:  Printer/  by  Harrison  am/ Sons.  [1862.]  Folio, 
pp.  9.  BA.  79888 

Shaver  (L.  A.)  A  History  of  the  Sixtieth  Alabama  Regi- 
ment, Gracie's  Alabama  Brigade.  By  Lewellyn  A.  Shaver.  ... 
Montgomery ,,  Ala.:  Barrett  i^  Brown.    1867.     8vo,  pp.  1 11.        H. 

Shaver  (The),  pseudon.  [t.  e.  Rev.  John  Macgowan].  Priest- 
craft Defended.  |  A  |  Sermon] occasioned  by  the!  Expulsion | of  |  Six 
Young  Gentlemen  |  from  the  |  University  of  Oxford.  |  P'orj  Pray- 
ing, Reading  and  Expounding  the  Scriptures.  |  Humbly  Dedicated 
to  I  Mr.  V—  C— r  and  the  H— ds  of  H— s.  |  By  Their  Humble 
Servant,  |  The  Shaver.  |  The  Sixth  Edition.  |  London  Printed.  \  Phil- 
adelphia., I  Rc-printed.,  and  Sold^  by  IVilliam  and  Thomas  Bradford  \ 
At  the  London  Coffee-House.  \  m.dcc.lxix.  |  8vo,  pp;  v,  25.  h.s.p. 
-f  Supposed  to  be  written  by  the  late  Dr.  Franklin.  ...  The 
Nineteenth  Edition.     Litchfield.  [1785.']     i2mo,  pp.  30.  s. 

According  to  Halkett  and  Laing,  the  twenty-first  edition,  London^  1810,  lias  the 
author's  name.     Other  American  editions  as  follows : 

The  Seventh  Edition.     London  :  Printed, 
Gili,  in  Slueen- Street,  1769.     I2mi.>,  pp.  24. 

Boston  :  Re-  Printed,  and  Sold,  hy  Edes  and 

The  Tenth  Edition.      Newport,  R.  I.   1770.     izmo.      w. 

The  Twelfth  Edition,  Corrected  and  much  Enlarged.     Newport,  Rhode-Island:   Re- 
printed and  Sold  hy  Solomon  Southtuick.    1770.     i2mo,  pp.  36.     w. 

The  Tenth  Edition.      London  :  Printed.      Boston  :   Re-Printed,  and  Sold,  hy  Edes  and 
Gill,  in  ^een-Street.   1 77 1.     i2mo,  pp.  24.     w. 

The  Thirteenth  Edition.     London  Printed.     New  Haven,  Reprinted.  [^lyji.]     i2mo. 

The  Seventeenth  Edition.      Boston,  Re-printed,    1802.     i2mo. 

The  I  Shaver's  |  New  |  Sermon  |  for  the  |  Fast  Day.  |  Respectfully 
inscribed  |  to  the  Rev.  and  Laborious  Clergy  |  of  the  Church  of 
England,  |  by  their  humble  servant,  |  Pasquin  Shaveblock,  Esq.  I 
Shaver  Extraordinary.  |  [Curious  woodcut.]  | ...  |  London  :  \  Printed 
hy  IV.  Taylor.,  Black  Friars  ;  j  Sold  by  y.  Parsons.,  Paternoster  Row.  \ 

1795. 1    8vo,  pp.  25. 

BA.  79891 

The  I  Shaver's  |  New  |  Sermon  |  for  the  |  Fast  Day.  |  Respectfully 
inscribed  |  to  the  Rev.  and  laborious  Clergy  |  of  the  Church  of 
England,  |  by  their  humble  Servant,  |  Pasquin  Shaveblock,  Esq.  | 
Shaver  extraordinary.)  [Woodcut.]  |  ...  |  The  Second  Edition,) 
with  a  fresh  stropt  Razor.  |  London :  \  Printed  by  W.  Taylor.,  Black 
hian',\ ...  1 1795.I  i2mo,  pp.  (4),  30.  B.  -f-  The  Fourth  Edi- 
tion.   London,   1795.     8vo,  79892 

■  IM 



The  Shaver's  New  Sermon  for  the  I'ast  Day.  Respectfully 
inscribed  to  the  Rev.  and  Laborious  Clergy  of  the  Church  of 
England.  By  their  Humble  Servant  Past;uin  Shaveblock,  Esc]., 
Shaver  Extraordinary.  New  Tork :  S.  Hand^  and  H.  Ganon. 
1796.     8vo,  pp.  23.  j.c.B.  79893 

The  Shaver's  New  Sermon  for  the  Fast-Day.  Respectfully 
inscribed  to  the  Rev.  and  laborious  Clergy  of  the  Church  of 
England.  By  .heir  humble  Servant,  Pasquin  Shaveblock,  Esq. 
Shaver  Extraordinary.  To  which  is  added  Reflections  on  French 
Atheism  and  English  Christianity.  Sixth  Edition.  [Woodcut.] 
Philadelphia.    1796.     8vo,  pp.  16.     -{-Albany.    1796.     8vo. 

Shaw  (B.),  and  others.  Trial  of  Benjamin  Shaw,  John  Alley 
Junior,  Jonathan  Buffum,  and  Preserved  Sprague,  for  Riots  and 
Disturbance  of  Public  Worship,  in  the  Society  of  Quak;;rs,  at 
Lynn,  Massachusetts,  before  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas,  held 
at  Ipswich,  Massachusetts,  March  i6th,  1822.  Salem:  Cuihing 
id  Appleton.    1822.     8vo,  pp.  32.  79^95 

This  elicited  :   Review  of  thi:  Trial   ...   with  Remarks   ...    [n.  p.]    1823.     Svo. 

Shaw  (B.)  Illegality  of  Slavery.  By  Benjamin  Shaw.  [11. 
p.   n.  d.]     8vo,  pp.  12.  B.  79896 

Shaw  (B.  F. ),««</ Allen  (F.  A.)  A  Comprehensive  (Geog- 
raphy, combining  Mathematical,  Physical,  and  Political  Geogra- 
phy, with  Important  Historical  Facts,  designed  to  Prom.ote  the 
Normal  Growth  of  the  Intellect.  By  Benjamin  F.  Shaw  and 
Fordyce  A.  Allen.  Philadelphia:  J.  B.  Lippincott  &  Co.  1865. 
4to,  pp.  114.     Illustrations.  79^97 

Shaw  (C),  b.  ijSi^d.  1828.  A  Topographical  and  Historical 
Description  of  Boston,  from  the  first  settlement  of  the  town  to 
the  present  period  ;  with  some  Account  of  its  Environs.  Bv 
Charles    Shaw,    Esq.    Member   of    the    American    Antiquarian 

Society Boston:   Printed  and  Published  by  Oliver  opear.    181 7. 

i2mo,  pp.  311,  (i).     8  Plates.  a.,  h.  79898 

See  "North  American  Review,"  vi.  414. 

Shaw  (C.)  An  Extensive  System  of  Emigration  considered ; 
with  a  Practical  Mode  of  raising  the  necessary  Funds.  By 
Charles  Shaw.  Second  Edition,  with  Additions.  London.  1848. 
8vo,  pp.  18.  79899 

[Shaw  (Charles  B.)]  Is  Slavery  a  Blessing?  A  Reply  to  Pro- 
fessor Bledsoe's  Essay  on  Liberty  and  Slavery :  With   Remarks 



on  Slavery  as  it  is.     Hy  a  Citizen  of  the  South.     Boston :  'John  P. 
Jewctt  ^' Co,    1857.     8vo,  pp.  120.  H.  79900 

Shaw  (C.  P.)  Argument  of  Charles  P.  Shaw  before  the 
Judiciary  Committee  of  the  House  of  Representatives,  on  the 
Claim  of  Wm.  McGarrahan   ...    IVashington.    1870.     8vo. 

Shaw  (D.)  An  Elegy  on  the  Death  of  Colonel  Dan  Shaw, 
late  of  Bradford,  (Vt.)  who  departed  this  life  November  14,  18 14. 
Also  on  the  Death  of  his  sister,  Mrs.  Patience  Southworth,  late 
Consort  of  Nathaniel  Southworth,  P2sq.  of  Lime,  (N.  H.)  who 
departed  this  life  July  8,  18 14.  By  a  Friend.  Hanover:  Printed 
by  Charles  Spear.   18 1 5.     8vo,  pp.  8.  n.  79902 

Shaw  (D.)  The  Banker's  Code  :  A  Compilation  of  Laws 
of  the  State  of  New  York  relating  to  Licorporated,  Associated, 
and  Individual  Banks,  National  lianks.  Saving  Banks,  Loan, 
Trust,  Mortgage,  Guaranty,  Security,  and  Lidemnity  Companies 
...  Compiled  ...  by  Daniel  Shaw  ...  .  Albany:  H^eed^  Parsons  & 
Co.   1874.     8vo,  pp.  202.  79903 

Shaw  (E.)  A  Short  Sketch  of  the  Life  of  Elijah  Shaw,  who 
served  for  Twenty-two  Years  in  the  Navy  of  the  United  States. 
...  Rochester:  Strong  i^f  Dawson.    1843.     i6mo,  pp.  87.  c. 

Shaw.  A  Short  Sketch  of  the  Life  of  Elijah  Shaw,  who 
served  for  Twenty-one  years  in  the  U.  S.  Navy,  taking  an  active 
part  in  Four  Different  Wars  between  the  United  States  &  Foreign 
Powers:  Viz. — i.  With  France  in  1798;  11.  With  Tripoli  from 
1802  to  1805  ;  III.  With  England  from  1812  to  1816;  iv.  With 
Algiers  from  1815  to  1816:  and  assisted  in  subduing  the  Pirates, 
From  1822  to  1824.  And  in  1843  t'"tered  on  board  the  "Old 
Ship  Zion,"  under  a  New  Commander,  being  in  the  73d  year  of 
his  age.  Third  Edition.  Rochester:  E.  Shepard^  Printer.  1845. 
i6mo,  pp.  63.  79905 

Shaw  (E.)  Memoir  of  Elder  Elijah  Shaw.  By  his  Daughter. 
With  an  Introduction  by  Elder  D.  Millard.  ...  Boston:  L.  "J. 
Shaw.    1852.     i2mo,  pp.  (4),  377.     Portrait.  79906 

ShAW  (F.)  Fred  Shaw's  American  Diadem.  [Songs.]  New 
TorL  [i860.]    32mo.  79907 

Also:  Fred  Sliaw's  Champion  Comic  Mcli)dist.  Ne'zi.'  Turk,  [i860.]  iSimo. — 
Fred  Sluw':i  Ilimi-  American  Comic  Songster.      Nnv  Tork.   [i860. J     iSmo. 

I  ■  t| 





Shaw  (G.)  Gus  Shaw's  Comic  Song  and  Recitation  Book. 
Neu  Tork.    i860.     i8nio.  799o8 

Also:  Gus  Shaw's  New  Comic  Songs.  Pbiladtlpbia.  [i860.]  i8mo. — Gus  Sluw'. 
Original  Comic  Songs.     New  Tork,   1857.     i8mo. 

[Shaw  (Henry  Wheeler),  h.  18 18,  d.  1885.]  Everybodily's 
Friend ;  or,  Josh  Billings'  Proverbial  Philosophy  of  Wit  and 
Humor.  Illustrated  by  Nast.  Hartford:  American  Publishing 
Company.  [1876?]     8vo.  79909 

[Shaw.]  Josh  Billings'  Farmer's  Allminax  for  the  Year  ov  our 
Lord  1874.  Being  the  98th  Year  ov  Amerikan  Liberty,  and 
over  5  Thousand  Years  (if  I  don't  disremember  rong)  since 
Adam  did  the  Bizzness  for  us  in  the  Gardin  ov  Eden.  New 
Tork:  Geo.  IV.  Carleton  ijf  Co.    1873.     8vo,  pp.  30.  799 'o 

The  first  issue  was  for  1870,  New  Tork:  Geo.  fV.  Carltton  &  Co.  1869.  It  was 
continued  to  1880  or  later.  Ai\  English  edition  was  also  printed,  London^  li-jiycx.c. 
A  collected  edition  was  published  under  the  Following  title:  Old  Probabilitic's  ... 
Farmer's  Allminax  from  1870  to  1880.  ...  New  Tori:  Geo.  H^.  Carleton  (Sf  Co.  1879. 

[Shaw.]  Josh  Killings.  His  Works  Complete.  With  One 
Hundred  Illustrations  by  Thomas  Nast  and  others.  A  Biograph- 
ical Introduction.  Netu  fork:  G.  IV.  Carleton  ^  Co.  1876.  4 
vols,  in  one,  8vo.  799" 

[Shaw.]  Josh  Billings,  his  Sayings.  With  Comic  Illustra- 
tions. New  York:  Carleton.  1805.  i2mo.  -\-  \lbid.^  1866. 
i2mo.  79912 

[Shaw.]  Josh  Billings.  His  Book  of  Sayings.  Complete 
Edition.     London.  [1876. J    8vo.  799 '3 

Also  printed  in  "More  Yankee  Drolleries,  A  Second  Series,"  etc.,  London^  [1870]; 
and  as  one  of  "  Beeton's  Humorous  Books,"  London^  1872. 

[Shaw.]  Josh  Billings  on  Ice,  and  other  Things.  With 
Comic  Illustrations,  by  J.  H.  Howard.  New  Tork:  Carleton  i£ 
Co.   1868.     i2mo,  pp.  263.    6  Plates.  799  H 

[Shaw.]  Josh  Billings'  Spice-Box,  crammed  with  droll  yarns, 
laughable  jokes,  sharp  repartees,  wit,  humor,  quirks,  satire  and 
fun.     New  Tork:  J.  S.  Ogilvie  ^  Co.    1881.    4to,  pp.  29. 

"  People's  Library,"  No.  47. 

[Shaw.]  Josh  Billings'  Trump  Kards.  Blue  Glass  Philoso- 
phy.    With  Illustrations   ...   New  Tork.   1877.     8vo.  799i6 



[Shaw.]  Josh  Billings'  Wit  and  Humor.  London.  1874. 
Hvo.  799 '7 

Shaw  (J.)  Twelve  Years  in  America  :  being  Observations 
on  the  Country,  the  People,  Institutions,  and  Religion  ;  with 
Notices  of  Slavery  and  the  late  War  ;  and  Facts  and  [ncidcnts 
illustrative  ot"  Ministerial  l.ifc  and  Labour  in  Illinois,  with  Notes 
of  Travel  through  the  United  States  and  Canada.  By  the  Rev. 
Janu's  Shaw  ...  .  London :  Hamilton^  Jdams.,  and  Co.  Duldin  : 
ii f or gc  Herbert.  1867.    8vo,  pp.  xvi,  440.     Frontispiece  and  Map. 

Shaw  (J.)  The  Military  Occupation  of  Chicago.  Speech 
of  James  Shaw  in  the  Illinois  Legislature,  January  24,  1872. 
Springfield.    1872.     8vo.  79919 

Shaw  (J.  B[oylan]), />.  1808,^/.  1890.  A  Discourse  ...  before 
the  American  Home  Missionary  Society  ...  Brooklyn,  1858. 
By  James  B.  Shaw  ...    New  Tork.   1858.    8vo.  s.  79920 

Shaw.  Sermon  preached  at  ...  Rochester,  on  the  occasion 
t)f  the  Funeral  of  John  Snell,  Rail  Road  Engineer,  on  ...  Feb- 
ruary 22,  1857.  ^^y  Kev.  J.  B.  Shaw,  d.d.  ...  Roehesler^  IV.  T. 
Press  of  Curtis.,  Butts  ^'  Co..,  1857.     8vo,  pp.  7.  799?-' 

Shaw  (J.),  b.  1707.?  d.  1791.  The  Character  of  a  Pastor, 
according  to  |  God's  Heart,  considered.  |  A  |  Sermon  |  preached  in 
Braintree  South-Parish,  at  the  |  Ordination  of  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Moses  Taft,  I  August  26.  1752.]  By  John  Shaw,  a.m.  |  Pastor  of 
a  Church  in  Bridgewatcr.  |  To  which  are  annexed,  I  Mr.  Taft's 
Confession  of  Faith  :  |  The  Charge,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Niles :  | 
and  I  The  Right  Hand  of  Fellowship,  by  the  |  Rev.  Mr.  Bayley.  j 
Boston:  N.  E.  \  Printed  by  S.  Knee/and^  in  ^een-street.  1753.  | 
Hvo,  pp.  (4),  35.  B.,  h.,  w.  79922 

Shaw.  Holding  forth  the  Word  of  Life  |  considered,  as  it 
respects  both  Minister  and  |  People.  |  A  |  Sermon,  |  Preached  in 
Barnstable,  West  Parish,  |  October  pt.  1760.  |  At  |  the  Ordination 
of  Mr.  Oakes  Shaw,  |  to  the  Pastoral  Office  there.  |  By  j  John 
Shaw,  A.M.  I  Pastor  of  a  Church  in  Bridgwater.  |  ,..  |  Boston  :\ 
Printed  by  Green  and  Russell^  in  ^teen-street.  \  1761.  |    8vo,  pp.  32. 

Shaw  (J.),  b.  1778,  d.  1809.  Poems  by  the  Late  Dr.  John 
Shaw.  To  which  is  prefixed  A  Biographical  Sketch  of  the 
Author  [by  J.  E.  Hall].  Published  by  Edivard  Earle.,  Philadelphia., 
and  by  Edward  "J.  Coale^  Baltimore.  Fry  and  Ka/nmerer^  Printers. 
1810.     i2mo,.  pp.  viii,  252.  c,  w.  79924 

i  i    ii 




Shaw  (J.),  h.  1773,  d.  1H23.  Trial  of  Captain  John  Shaw, 
by  the  General  Court-Martial  holden  on  board  the  U.  S.  Ship 
Independence,  at  the  Navy  Yard,  Charlestown,  Massachusetis, 
upon  Charges  and  Specifications  preferred  against  him  by  Captain 
Isaac  Hull,  of  the  United  States  Navy.  Printed  from  the  Official 
Record  on  File  in  the  Navy  Department.  ['Washington :  Davis 
and  Force.    1822.     8vo,  pp.  104.  ba.,  m.  79925 

Shaw  (J.)  A  Ramble  through  the  United  States,  Canada, 
and  the  West  Indies.  By  John  Shaw.  London.  1856.  8vo, 
pp.  370.  79926 

"At  once  superficial  and  pretentious." — Atbtnaumf  1857,  p.  433.  Sti  Allibonc  fur 
other  worlcs  by  the  same  author. 

Shaw  (J.  A.)  An  Address  ...  before  the  Bridgewater  Society 
for  the  Promotion  of  Temperance,  Feb.  22,  1828.  By  John  A. 
Shaw.    ...   Boston:  Munroe  and  Francis.    1828.    8vo,  pp.  24.     h. 

Shaw.  Address  ...  before  the  Public  Schools  of  Municipality 
No.  Two,  City  of  New-Orleans,  P'ebruary  22d,  1850.  ...  By 
John  A.  Shaw,  Superintendent  of  the  Schools.  New-Orleans. 
1850.    8vo,  pp.  II.  H.  79928 

Shaw.  Eulogy  on  John  Adams  and  Thomas  Jefferson  ... 
August  2,  1826,  by  request  of  the  Inhabitants  of  Bridgewater. 
By  John  A.  Shaw.  Taunton :  Printed  by  Samuel  IV.  Mortimer. 
1826.    8vo,  pp.  20.  H.  79929 

Shaw.  An  Oration  delivered  before  the  Citizens  of  Plymouth, 
July  4,  1828.  By  John  A.  Shaw.  ...  Second  Edition.  Boston: 
Munroe  and  Francis.    1828.     8vo,  pp.  24.  H.  79930 

Shaw  (J.  C.)  The  Index  to  the  Session  Laws  of  Minnesota 
from  1849  ^o  1^75'  ^y  John  C.  Shaw,  State  Libiarian,  assisted 
by  S.  L.  Pierce,  Esq.,  of  the  Ramsay  Co.  Bar.  St.  Paul :  IVest 
Publishing  Co.    1876.     8vo.  7993' 

Shaw  (J.  R.)  A  Narrative  of  the  Life  and  7>avels  of  John 
Robert  Shaw,  the  Well-Digger,  now  resident  in  Lexington, 
Kentucky.  Written  by  Himself.  ...  Lexington:  Printed  by  Daniel 
Bradford.  1807.  i2mo,  pp.  163,  subscribers*  names,  164-180. 
6  Plates.  ba.,  c.  79932 

"  The  author  recites  his  adventures  as  a  soldier  in  the  Revolution,  and  subsequent 
residence  in  Pennsylvania.  He  was  among  the  first  settlers  that  came  to  Fort  M'ln- 
tosh  ;  was  a  soldier  under  St.  Clair,  and  dug  the  first  well  in  Cincinnati,  at  Fort  Wash- 
ington.     Owing  to  his  success  in  finding  water,  he  was  known  among  the  early  settlers 



as  the  'Water  Witch.'  The  plates, — n  iiiriosity  in  themsclve;: — rcprrscnt  'John  R. 
Sh.iw  as  a  Hroiligal,'  'John  R.  Shaw  ab  a  buldifr,' etc." — THOMSioN*!!  Jiih/ivfrrnfiby  r^' 
Ohio.     Priced  hy  Robert  Clarke  it  Co.  in  1875,  $15. 

Shaw  (J.)i^'  •yy^^'^-  1824.  The  Gospel  Call.  A  Discourse 
delivered  in  Philadelphia,  August  15th,  1824.  (Iking  the  Sab- 
bath previous  to  his  decease.)  Hy  the  late  Rev.  Joseph  Shaw, 
LL.D.  ...  Philadelphia :  'J.  R.  Cutinin^ham^  Printer.  1824.  8v(), 
pp.  X,  9-50.  1!.  79933 

Shaw.  The  Oracles  of  God,  committed  to  the  Church  for 
universal  difFusion.  A  Sermon  delivered  by  appointment  of  the 
Albany  Bible  Society  ...  .  By  Rev.  Joseph  Shaw  ...  .  Albany: 
Printed  by  G.  J.  Loomis  &  Co.    1820.     8vo,  pp.  56.  h.  79934 

Shaw  (J.)  Picturesque  Views  of  American  Scenery,  engraved 
by  Hill,  from  Drawings,  by  Joshua  Shaw.  Philadelphia,  1820- 
1821.    Folio.    20  Plates.  p-  79935 

Issued  originally  in  par's.     The  above  title  !j  probably  from  one  of"  the  covers. 

Shaw.  Picturesque  Views  of  American  Scenery,  1829. 
Painted  by  J.  Shaw.  Engraved  by  J.  Hill.  Philadelphia  :  Pub- 
lished by  M.  Carey  y  Co.   [1829.]     Folio,  pp.  (20).    20  Plates,    p. 

In  this  title  the  date  seems  to  have  been  originally  1820,  and  altered  to  1829. 

Shaw.  United  States  Directory,  for  the  use  of  Travellers 
and  Merchants,  giving  an  Account  of  the  principal  Establish- 
ments of  Business  and  Pleasure  throughout  the  Union.  By 
Joshua  Shaw.  Philadelphia:  Printed  by 'James  Maxwell.  1822. 
i5mo,  pp.  ix,  156,  with  40  leaves  of  advertisements,      h.  "j^^yi 

Shaw  (J.)  Documents  relating  to  the  Claim  of  Joshua  Shaw 
as  the  Inventor  of  Percussion-Caps   ...  Washington,   1847.    ^^"* 

Shaw  (J.  C[rocker]),  d,  1847.  An  Oration  li^livered  July 
4th,  1798,  at  the  request  of  the  Inhabitants  of  the  Town  of 
Little  Crompton,  in  Celebration  of  the  Anniversary  of  American 
Independence.  By  Josiah  C.  Shaw,  m.a.  ...  Newport:  Printed 
by  H.  &  O,  Farnsworth,   m,dcc,xcviii.     8vo.  w.  79939 

Shaw  (L.),  b,  1781,  </.  1861.  Address  lelivered  before  the 
Bar  of  Berkshire,  on  the  occasion  of  his  first  taking  his  Seat  as 
Chief-Justice  of  the  Supreme  Judicial  Court,  September  Term, 
1830.  By  Lemuel  Shaw  ...  .  From  the  American  Jurist  No.  9, 
January,  1831.     Boston:  Stimpson  ^  Clapp.    1831.     8vo,  pp.  15. 


!  : 





i  »■ 




t   ', 

Shaw.  Am  Address  delivered  at  the  Opening  of  the  New 
Court  House  in  Worcester,  September  30,  1S45.  Hy  the  Hon. 
I.einuel  Shaw  ...  .  ff^orcester :  Printer/I  by  Henry  "J.  Howhiud, 
1H45.     Svo,  pp.  14.  H.,  H.,  w.  79941 

Shaw.  A  Charge  delivered  to  the  (Jrand  Jury  for  the  Couiitv 
of  Kssex,  at  the  Supreme  Judicial  Court  held  at  Ipswich,  May 
Term,  1832.  ...  By  Lemuel  Shaw,  C.  J.  lioston.  [ff^.  L.  Leiv'n^ 
Printer. '\    1832.     8vo,  pp.  16.  H.  7994; 

Shaw.  A  Discourse  delivered  before  the  Officers  and  Mem- 
bers of  the  Humane  Society  of  Massachusetts,  ii.  June,  181  1. 
Hy  Lemuel  Shaw.    Boston:  John  Eliot^  '/««.   181 1.     8vo,  pp.  24. 

Shaw.  An  Oration  delivered  at  Boston,  July  4,  1815,  before 
the  Supreme  Executive  of  the  Commonwealth  ...  in  coniniem- 
oiation  of  American  Independence.  By  Lemuel  Shaw,  Ks(|, 
Boston:  ''John  Eliot.    18 1 5.     8vo,  pp.  24.  H.  79944 

Shaw.  Remarks  of  Chief  Justice  Shaw,  when  passing  sen- 
tence of  Death  upon  Nathan  Smith,  for  the  Crime  of  Murder, 
June  7,  1839.  Lowell:  Leonard  Huntress^  Printer.  1839.  8v(), 
pp.  7.  H.  79945 

For  ••Obituary  Notices"  of  Chief  Justice  Shaw,  see  [Loring  (C.  G.)],  Vol.  x.,  Nu. 

Shaw  (L.  H.)  The  Black  Man  and  the  War.  A  Sermon 
preached  at  Sudbury,  Mass.  ...  Nov.  24,  1864,  ...  By  Linus 
H.  Shaw  ....  IValthain  :  Sentinel  Office.    1864.     8vo,  pp.  24.     H. 

Shaw.  Human  Life.  A  Sermon  delivered  at  North  Mendon, 
April  30,  1843,  '*  tieing  the  Sabbath  next  succeeding  the  Inter- 
ment of  Mr.  Seth  Davenport.  By  Linus  H.  Shaw  ...  .  Milford^ 
Mass.    1843.     ^vo,  pp.  12.  H.  79947 

Shaw.  Labor  and  Reward.  A  Sermon  ...  at  Hampton 
Falls,  N.  H.  February  21,  184 1.  By  Linus  H.  Shaw.  ...  Exeter: 
y.  L.  Beckett.^  Printer.    184 1.     8vo,  pp.  18.  H.  7994S 

Shaw.  The  War,  and  its  Cause.  A  Sermon  preached  at 
Sudbury,  Mass.  ...  November  21,  1861  ...  .  By  Linus  H.  Shaw 
...  IValtham :  "Josiah  Hastings.    1861.     8vo,  pp.  21.  B.,  H. 

Shaw  (O.), />.  1737?//.  1807.  A  |  Sermon  |  preached  in  Marsh- 
field  First  Parish,  April  2,  1766.  |  at  the  |  Ordination  |  of  the  Rev- 
erend I  Mr.  William  Shaw,  |  to  the  Pastoral  Office  there.  |  By  | 



Oakcs  Shaw,  a.m.(  Pastor  of  the-  West  Parish  in  Marnstahlc.  | ...  | 
Boston  :  Printer/  and  Sold  by  Edrs  and  (iill^  In  .^ueen-  \  Strtrt^  I  766.  j 
8v(),  pp.  36.  MA.,  M.  79950 

Shaw  (Oliver),  A.  1776,^.1849.    The  Pre. vidciuc  Collection 

Dedlxim  :  li. 

7995  J 

of  Psalm  and   Hymn    runes.     In  Two  Parts. 
Mann  is' Co.   1815.     8vo,  pp.  128. 

Also;   Social  .inJ  .S.icrcil  Meliiilist    ...    Pi'itiidence.    1S4;.     4to. 

Shaw  (P.),  ^.  1769,  </.  1841.  A  Sermon,  occasioned  hv  the 
Death  of  Mrs.  Sarah  Whitman,  the  amiahic  and  virtuous  C^)n- 
sort  of  The  Rev.  Levi  Whitman.  Preached  at  WellHeet,  De- 
cember 20,  1803.  Bv  Philander  Shaw,  a.m.  Pastor  of  the 
Church  in  Eastham.  Pid)lished  by  desire.  ...  lioston:  Printed 
by  Alann'tng  &  Loring^  No.  2.  Cornhill.    1804.     8vo,  pp.  22.       ha. 

Shaw  (P.  H.)  The  Transitoriness  of  Human  Life  :  A  Ser- 
mon preached  in  the  First  Church,  in  Stonington,  Conn,  on  The 
Death  of  Ephraim  Williams  Noycs,  on  ...  July  10,  1836.  IJy 
Rev.  P.  H.  Shaw.     Ni-w-Tork :  "John  S.  Taylor.    1838.     8vo,  pp. 

'5-  799  5  J 

Shaw  (P.)  Ramblings  in  California  ;  containing  a  Descrip- 
tion of  the  Country,  Life  at  the  Mines,  State  of  Society,  Sac. 
Interspersed  with  Characteristic  Anecdotes,  and  Sketches  from 
Life,  being  the  Five  Years'  Experience  of  a  (iold  Digger.  By 
Pringle  Shaw.     Toronto:  jfames  Bain.  [1857?]     i2mo,  pp.  239. 

Shaw  (Samuel),  b.  1635,  d.  1696.  The  Angelical  Life.  ... 
Boston.   1744.     8vo,  pp.  180.  79955 

First  printed  at  London  in  1665  or  earlier. 

S[haw].  Immanuel :  |  Or,  A  |  Discovery  |  of  J  true  Religion.  | 
As  it  imports  a  living  Principle  in  |  the  Minds  of  Men  ;  grounded  | 
upon  Christ's  Discourse  with  |  the  Samariianess.  John  iv.  14.  | 
Being  the  latter  Clause  of  The  Voice  crying  in  a  |  Wilderness  ; 
Or  a  Continuation  of  the  |  Angelical  Life.  |  By  S.  S.\  ...\  Boston^ 
N.  E.  Printed  by  Rogers  and  Fow/e^\for  y.  Edwards  in  Cornhill. 
1741. 1     i8mo,  pp.  (2),  xiv,  xvii-xxxviii,  39-259.  ba.  79956 

First  printed  at  London  in  1667  or  earlier. 

Shaw.  Immanuel :  |  or,  a  |  Discovery  |  of  |  true  Religion :  |  as  it 
imports  a  living  principle  in  the  minds  of  |  Men  ;  grounded  upon 
Christ's  Discourse  |  with  the  Samaritaness.  Job.  iv.  14.  |  Being 
the  latter  Clause  of  The  Voice  crying  in  a  |  Wilderness  ;  Or  a 




Continuation  of  thc|  Anj^clical  I-ifo.  [My  Samuel  Shaw.  | ...  jTlu' 
Third  Kdition.  |  lioiton^  Printed  by  Rogers  ami  FnvU^  \fiir  '/. 
Ef'wards^  in  Cornbill.    1744.I      i8mo,  pp.  246.         h.,  ba.  79957 

Shaw.  The  |  Voice  of  one  Crying  |  in  a  WiUlcrncss.  |  Or,  | 
the  Business  of  a  Christian,! both  antccedaneous  to,  concomitant 
of,  and  I  conse(|uent  upon,  a  sore  and  heavy  Visitation;  |  Repre- 
sented in  several  Sernions.  |  First  preaeh'd  to  his  own  Family, 
lying  under  |  such  Visitation  :  And  now  made  Hublick  as  a 
I'hank-Ortcring  to  the  f-ord  his  Healer.  |  My  Samuel  Shaw,  a 
Servant  of  (jod  in  the  Gospel  of  his  Soti.  | ...  | /ioj/ow,  Kepriutitl 
by  Rogers  and  Fowled/or  \  "J.  Edwards  in  Cornhill.  1746.I  i8m<), 
pp.  176.  B.,  BA.,  M.  799^y 

Shaw  (S.),  b.  1754,  d.  1794.  The  Journals  of  Major  Samuel 
Shaw,  the  First  American  Consul  at  Canton.  With  a  Life  of 
the  Author,  by  Josiah  ^uincy.  Boston :  (Vm.  Crosby  and  H.  P. 
Nichols.    1847.     ^^1  PP'  ^''N  3^°*     I'^'trait.  a.  79959 

The  narrative  ot"  the  military  lite  of  Majur  Sh.iw  is  composed  cliietly  of  letters  writ- 
ten to  his  nearest  relatives  and  friends,  from  his  enlistment  in  the  American  army,  at 
Camhridye,  in  December,  1775,  to  its  tinal  disbandmcnt,  at  West  Point,  in  January, 

Shaw  (S.  13.)  A  Centennial  Sermon  delivered  in  St.  Luke's 
Church,  Lanesborough,  Mass.,  Oct.  6,  1867,  by  S.  H.  Shaw, 
[n.  p.  ?j   1867.     8vo,  pp.  22.  79960 

Shaw  (T.  IJ[udd]),  b.  1813,  d.  1862.  Outlines  of  English 
Literature.  By  Thomas  B.  Shaw,  b.a..  Professor  of  English 
Literature  in  the  Imperial  Alexander  Lyceum  of  St.  Petersburg. 
A  new  American  edition,  with  a  Sketch  of  American  Literature, 
by  Henry  T.  Tuckerman  ...  Philadelphia :  Blanchard  and  Lea, 
1852.     i2mo,  pp.  xiii,  25-489.  l.  79961 

American  Literature,  pp.  431-4X9.  A  new  edition  under  the  title:  Manual  of  linj;- 
lish  Literature.  By  Thomas  B.  Shaw  ...  Edited  by  William  Smith  ...  With  a  Sketch 
of  American  Literature,  by  Henry  T.  Tuckerr.ian  ...  New  Turk:  SbelJon  &  Co.  1S67. 

Shaw.  A  Smaller  History  of  English  and  American  Litera- 
ture. For  the  use  of  Schools.  By  Thomas  B.  Shaw  ...  Edited 
by  William  Smith,  ll.d.  and  Henry  T.  Tuckerman.    Neiv  Tfork : 

Sheldon  &'  Co.    1870.     i6mo,  pp.  374. 


Shaw  (T.  D.\  b.  1801,  d.  1874.  Defence  of  Thompson 
Darrah  Shaw,  Commander  United  States  Navy,  before  the  Naval 
Court  of  Inquiry,   ...   convened  at  Washington,  under  the  act  to 



amcml  thi-  act  to  piomoti'  thi*  K-fricic-iuv  of  thi'  N.ivv,  .ippiuvril 
famiarv  if\  '^S/-  I'nsi'ntcil  and  read  OctolHr  k^,  1S57,  liy  his 
Cmiiiscl,  Robert  K.  Sfott.  lf''(iih'inf^ton  :  Hi-nn  hilkinhnni.  1S57. 
8vo,  pp.  40.  79903 

Shaw.  Memorial  ot'T.  I).  Shaw,  Commander  United  States 
Navy,  to  the  President  of  the  United  States.  lf''ashingto».  1858. 
8vo,  pp.  16.  799^'4 

Shaw  (W.)  A  Poem  on  the  Kxcciition  of  William  Shaw,  at 
Springfield,  F^cc.  13,  1770,  tor  the  Murder  of  Edward  Kast,  in 
S|)ringficld  (jaol.      Boston.    1771.     8vo.  799^5 

Shaw  (W.),  h.  1743,  d.  18 16.  The  Kolly  and  Danger  of 
presuming  on  'I'ime  to  Conie  :  illustrated  in  a  Discourse,  deliv- 
iied  at  Marshfield,  Nov.  24,  181 1,  at  the  Funeral  of  Six  Men 
who  on  the  preceding  Wednesday  evening  were  fatally  Ship- 
wrecked on  the  Neighbouring  Shore  ...  .  Hv  William  Shaw,  a.m. 
...  tidUin  :  Printed  hy  Thomas  C.  Cushing,    1812.     8vo,  pp.  20.    M. 

Shaw.  The  Resurrection  of  good  Men  to  a  blessed  |  Immor- 
tality, a  (jround  of  Consolation  to  I  surviving  Momncrs,  |  illus- 
trated in  a  I  Discourse,  I  at  Plymouth,]  July  14,  1799, |a  few  Days 
after  the  Death  and  Interment  |  of  the  |  Rev.  Chandler  Robliins, 
n.n.  j  Pastor  of  the  First  Church  of  Christ  in  that  Town  ;| ...  j 
IJv  William  Shaw,  a.m.]  Pastor  of  the  F'irst  Church  of  Christ  in 
Marshfield.  |  ...  |  Printed  by  Samuel  Hall^  No.  53,  Cornbil^  Boston.  | 
1799. 1     8vo,  pp.  24.  KA.  79967 

Shaw.  A  |  Sermon,  |  Preached  November  14,  1787.  |  at  the  | 
Ordination  |  of  the  |  Rev.  Ebenezcr  Daws, | to  the]  Pastoral  Care 
of  the  First  Church,  |  in  |Scituate.  |  By  William  Shaw,  a.m.  |  Pas- 
tor of  the  First  Church  in  Marshfield.  |  Boston :  Printed  by  Ed- 
mund Freeman.^  at  his  Olfice\  North-side  of  the  State-House.  |  m,dcc,- 
i.xxxviii.  I    8vo,  pp.  29.  H.  79968 

Shaw.  A  Sermon,  Preached,  October  3,  1792,  at  the  Ordi- 
nation of  the  Rev.  Josiah  Crocker  Shaw,  to  the  Pastoral  Care  of 
the  Church  in  Cohasset.  By  his  Father,  William  Shaw,  a.m. 
Pastor  of  the  First  Church  in  Marshfield.  Printed  at  Boston.,  by 
I,  Thomas.,  and  E.  T.  Andrews.,  mdccxciii.    8vo.  w.  79969 

Shaw  (W.)  A  Practical  Narrative  of  the  Autumnal  Epidemic 
Fever,  which  prevailed  in  Philadelphia  in  the  Year  1803.  By 
William  Shaw.     Philadelphia:  A.  ^  G.  IVay.  1804.     8vo,  pp.  40. 

!        I 




' : ' . 



'!  1 

,1      I 

Shaw  (W.)  Golden  Dreams  and  Waking  Realities ;  being 
the  Adventures  of  a  Gold-Seeker  in  California  and  the  Pacific 
Islands.  By  William  Shaw.  London:  Smithy  Elder  &  Co.  1851. 
Post  8vo,  pp.  xii,  316.  79971 

Shaw  (W.  J.)  Speech  of  William  J.  Shaw  in  the  Senate  of 
California,  February  7,  1856,  on  Constitutional  Reform.  Sacra- 
tnento.    1856.     8vo.  79972 

Shaw  (W.  W.)  On  the  Resurrection.  Funeral  Sermon  on 
the  Death  of  Abraham  Becker,  Esq.,  delivered  by  Rev.  W,  W. 
Shaw,  at  South  Worcester,  N.  Y.,  Aug.  11,  1868.  Albany^  N. 
T.:  IVeed^  Parsons  l^  Co. .^  Printers.    1869.     8vo,  pp.  26.  b. 

Shawanese  Indians.     See  Shawnee  Indians. 

Shawmut :  or  the  Settlement  of  Boston  by  the  Puritan  Pil- 
grims. ...  Boston:  IVaite^  Peirce  and  Company.  1 845.  i8mo,  pp. 
136.  B.  -\- Boston:  Charles  IVaite.  1847.  ^8mo,  pp.  (2),  5-136. 
Frontispiece,     b.,  l.    -|-  Second  Edition.     Boston.    1848.     i6mo. 

Report  of  the  Insurance  Commissioners  upon  the  Shawmut 
Mutual  Fire  Insurance  Company  of  Boston,  ...  April  14, 
1857.     [Boston,   1857.^    8vo.  s.  79975 

Shawnee  County,  Kansas.  Historical  Sketch  of  Shawnee 
County,  Kansas.  Prepared  for  the  occasion  of  the  Centennial 
CY-lebration  July  4,  1876.  Topeka^  Kansas :  Commonwealth  Steam 
Book  and  "Job  Printing  House.    1876.     Sm.  8vo,  pp.  68.         7997^ 

The  Shawnee  Indians.     See  [Guthrie  (A.)],  Vol.  vii.  29324. 

Shawnee  Language.  The  Gospel  according  to  Saint  Matthew 
translated  into  the  Shawanoe  Language  by  Johnston  Lykins. 
Revised  and  compared  with  the  received  Greek  text,  by  J.  A. 
Chute,  M.D.  Shawanoe  Baptist  Mission.^  Ind.  Ter.  y.  Meeker^ 
Printer.    1836.     i6mo,  pp.  64;  Nikimoani  (hymns),  pp.  16.    ba. 

Iniiian  title  on  verso  oF  the  English  title:  "Owase  opeaticemowa  Ceses  Kliest,  tapa- 
lamalikwa  okwebile.  Mabew  otiwekiti.  Cinstin  Liekins,  lieipiwekitiki.  Ealimapeai- 
iiii,  ihenu  pinete,  ibena  cose,  nieitimiioicke.  1836."  Title  from  Pilling's  "Bibliography 
of  the  Algonquian  languages."     For  a  later  edition  iee  Vol.  x.,  No.  42769. 

Original  and  Select  Hymns,  in  the  Shawanoe  Language.  By 
Missionaries  of  the  Amcr.  Baptist  Board  of  Foreign  Missions. 
...  Second  Edition.  Shawanoe  Baptist  Mission  Press^  y.  G.  Pratt^ 
Printer.    1842.     l6mo,  pp.  48.  7997^ 

Indian  title  on  verso  of  the  English  title:   "Nikimowuni  Siwinwike  ealitowjwice 



WHStowice    paptcbcwc   nikit.iwkoli'.Mkc,  chcn.i    kotikikc. 

. . .    lialimti/iCiiskHi  /ieipiiemoli. 

Original  and  Select  Hymns,  in  the  Shawanoc  Languaj^e.  Pub- 
lislicd  by  one  of  the  Missionaries  to  the  Shawanoc  Indians.  ... 
Kourth  Edition.  St.  Louis :  Printed  at  the  Methodist  Book  Deposit- 
ory.  1859.     i6mo,  pp.  48.  79979 

With  Indian  titlt-  as  in  the  second  edition.  Titles  of  both  editions  from  Filling's 

Shau-wau-nowe  Kesauthwau.  Shawanoc  Sun.  \^Shmvanoe 
Mission.    1835  to  1837  or  1838?]     i6mo?  79980 

"March  1st,  1835,  the  first  number  of  a  semi-monthly  newspaper,  printed  at  the 
Sliawanoe  mission  house,  in  the  Shawanoe  language,  was  issued.  This  was  the  first 
newspaper  ever  published  exclusively  in  an  Indian  language.  It  was  entitled  Shau-ivau- 
miue  Kaauthivau,  [Shawanoe  Sun.]  It  was  small,  only  a  quarter  sheet,  was  written 
upiin  the  new  system,  and  edited  by  Mr.  Lykins.  The  disadv.mtages  under  whit  h  it 
was  prepared  for  the  press  were  great,  and  the  labor  considerable;  which  accounts  for 
its  diminutive  size." — McCoy's  History  of  Baptist  Indian  Missions,  p.  486.  In  another 
place  Mr.  McCoy  adds:  "There  was  issued,  until  late  difficulties  occasioned  a  :,us- 
I'cnsiun,  a  small  monthly  paper,  of  only  a  quarter  sheet,  edited  by  Mr.  Lykins,  entitled 
'Shawanowe  Kesauthwau' — Shawanoe  Sun." 

Siwinowe  cawclcitake.  Liekens  wastoti.  ...  Shawanoe  Mission, 
J.  G.  Pratt,  Printer.    1838.     i8mo,  pp.  24.  B a.  79981 

Primer  in  the  Shawnee  language.  Corrected  title  of  No.  4277:,  Vol.  x.,  note.  For 
an  earlier  edition  see  No.  42771.  See  also  Filling's  "Bibliography  of  tiie  Algonqulan 
L.inguages,"  for  a  full  account  of  books  and  manuscripts  in  the  Shawnee  h'nguage. 

The  Shawnee  Treaty — Swindling  by  Authority — Peculation 
and  Fraud  by  Missionaries — The  "  Evening  Star,"  &c.  [n.  p. 
n.  d.]     8vo,  pp.  4.  H.  79982 

Signed:  "Kansas."  Si:  also  Vol.  xv.,  No.  65759;  [Thomson  (Charles)];  and 

Shea  (G.),  h.  1826.  Alexander  Hamilton.  A  Historical 
Stud) .  By  the  Hon.  George  Shea,  Chief-Justice  of  the  Marine 
Court.     Part  i.     New   Tork :   Hurd  &  Houghton.    1877.     ^vo, 

PP-  73'  79983 

Shea.  The  Life  and  Epoch  of  Alexander  Hamilton  A  His- 
torical Study  By  the  Honorable  George  Shea  Chief  Justice  of 
the  Marine  Court  Boston  Houghton,  Osgood  and  Company  1879 
8vo,  pp.  ix,  470.      Map,  Facsimile  and  5  Portraits.  L.  79984 

Shea.  Speeches  of  George  Shea  for  the  Defence,  on  the 
Trial  of  the  State  of  New  Jersey  vs.  Orrin  Van  Derhoven. 
Paterson.    1862.     8vo.  79985 




V    I 

i>  u 

!    I 

Shea  (J.  A.),  b.  1802,  r/.  1845.  Adolph,  and  other  Poems. 
By  J.  A.  Shea.     N'ew  Tork.    1831.     i2mo,  pp.  168.  79986 

Shea.  Clontarf;  or,  the  Field  of  the  Green  Banner.  A 
Historical  Romance,  and  other  Poems.  By  J.  A.  Shea.  New 
Tork.    1843.     i2mo,  pp.  138.  A.  79987 

Shea.  Parnassian  Wild  Flowers.  By  J.  A.  Shea.  IVash- 
ington.   1836.     i8mo,  pp.  72.  79988 

Shea.  A  Poem.  Delivered  at  Suffield,  Conn.,  August  5, 
1845.      By  J.  A.  Shea.     New  Tork.    1845.     i6mo,  pp.  13. 

Shea.  Poems.  By  the  late  John  Augustus  Shea.  Collected 
by  his  Son.     New-Tork.    1846.     i2mo,  pp.  13,  204.     Portraits. 

Shea  (J.  [Dawson]  G.),  b.  1824.  Address  delivered  before 
The  Missoui.  Historical  Society,  [at  St.  Louis]  July  19,  1878, 
the  Anniversary  of  the  Discovery  of  the  Mississippi  by  Mar- 
quette and  Joliet.  By  John  Gilmary  Shea.  New  Tork:  H.  J. 
Hewitt^  Printer^  27  Rose  Street.  1878.  8vo,  title,  pp.  18,  and 
printed  covers.  7999 1 

Shea.  The  American  Nation  :  Lives  of  the  Fallen  Braves 
and  Living  Heroes.  By  John  G.  Shea.  Vol.  i.  New  Tork: 
I.  Farrell  &  Son.    1863-64.     410.  79992 

Issued  in  numbers.     See  alio  No.  80005,  '"/''"• 

[Shea.]  The  Beginnings  of  the  Capuchin  Mission  in  Louis- 
iana.    [^New  Tork.   1889.]    8vo,  pp.  6.  79993 

Reprinted  from  tl.e  "  United  States  Catholic  Historical  Magazine,"  vol.  ii.,  pp.  195- 
300.  Contains  translations  of  letters  by  Fathers  Bruno  de  Langres  and  Raphael  de 
Luxembourg,  Capuchin  missionaries  to  Louisiana. 

Shea.  A  Bibliographical  Account  of  Catholic  Bibles,  Testa- 
ments, and  other  portions  of  Scripture  translated  from  the  Latin 
Vulgate,  and  printed  in  the  United  States.  By  John  Gilmary 
Shea.     New-Tork:  Cramoisy  Pre.s.    1859.     i6mo,  pp.  48.     A.,  L. 

Verso  of  title :  "  Reprinted  from  the  New  York  Freeman's  Journal." 

Shea.  Bibliography  of  Hennepin's  Works.  By  John  Gil- 
mary Shea.     New  Tork   'John  G.  Shea.    1880.     8vo,  pp.  13. 

An  extract  from  Dr.  Shea's  translation  of  Hennepin's  "  Description  of  Louisiana." 

Shea.  The  Bursting  of  Pierre  Margry's  La  Salle  Bubble. 
By  John  Gilmary  Shea.  New  Tork :  T.  B.  Sidehotham^  Printer. 
1879.     8\  ),  pp.  24,  and  covers.  7999^ 

"  Reprinted  from  the  New  York  Freeman's  Journal." 

\  % 



Shea.  The  Catholic  Church  in  Colonial  Days.  The  Thir- 
teen Colonies — The  Ottawa  and  Illinois  Country — Louisiana — 
Florida — Texas — New  Mexico  and  Arizona.  1 521-1763.  With 
portraits,  views,  maps,  and  fac-similes.  By  John  Gilmary  Shea. 
New  York:  John  G.  Shea.  1886.  8vo,  pp.  (4),  xvii,  9-663,  (2). 
2  Maps,  7  Portraits,  3  Plates  and  numerous  illustrations  in  the 
text.  79997 

At  the  end  is  the  general  title  of  the  work  of  which  this  forms  the  first  volume  : 
"  A  History  of  the  Catholic  Church  within  the  Limits  of  the  U  lited  States,"  etc.  See 
No.  80009,  infra;  and  for  the  second  volume.  No.  80016,  infra. 

Shea.  The  Catholic  Churches  of  New  York  City,  with 
Sketches  of  their  History  and  Lives  of  the  present  Pastors. 
With  an  Introduction  on  the  Early  History  of  Catholicity  on  the 
Island  and  Lives  of  the  Most  Reverend  Archbishops  and  Bishops. 
Edited  by  John  Gilmary  Shea.  New  York :  Lawrence  G.  Goxld- 
ing^Co.   1878.    4to,  pp.  748.     Portraits  and  Views.         79998 

Shea.  Catholic  Directory,  Almanac,  and  Ordo  for  the  year 
of  our  Lord  1876.  With  full  returns  of  the  various  Dioceses 
in  the  United  States  and  British  America  ....  Compiled  by  John 
Gilmary  Shea.  New  York :  D.  &  J.  Sadlier  iff  Co.  1875.  i2mo, 
pp.  800.     Continued.  79999 

Edited  by  Dr.  Shea  from  1857  to  1861,  with  the  imprint  of  Edward  Dunigan  6f 
Brother;  from  1866  to  1890,  with  the  imprint  of  D.  &  J.  Sadlier. 

Shea.  A  Child's  History  of  the  United  States.  By  John 
Gilmary  Shea,  ll.d.  ...  New  York :  Hess  &  McDavitt.  [1872.] 
3  vols.,  rl.  8vo,  pp.  512  ;  447;  (2),  443.     Plates.  80000 

For  a  later  edition  ice  No.  80021,  infra. 

Shea.  Columbus  and  the  Men  of  Palos.  By  John  Gilmary 
Shea.     {^New  York.   1888.]     8vo,  pp.  12.  80001 

Reprinted  from  the  "United  States  Catholic  Historical  Magazine,"  vol.  11.,  np.  164- 


Shea.  Cramoisy  Series  of  Jesuit  Relations.  See  Vol.  xvi., 
pp.  541-542- 

Shea.  Discovery  and  Exploration  of  the  Mississippi  Valley: 
with  the  Original  Narratives  of  Marquette,  Allouez,  Membre, 
Hennepin,  and  Anastase  Douay.  By  John  Gilmary  Shea.  With 
a  facsimile  of  the  newly-discovered  map  of  Marquette.  Kedfield.^ 
Clinton  Hall.,  New  York.  1852.  8vo,  pp.  Ixxx,  267,  (i).  Map 
and  Facsimile.  l.  80002 

This  work  was  also  issued   as  volume  iv.  of  French's  "Historical  Collections  of 


!    I 

VOL.    XIX. 





"  Beside  the  valuable  relations,  which  aftbrd  us  the  first  accounts  of  the  Indian  tribes 
which  inhabited  tjie  vast  tract  of  territory,  from  the  St.  Lawrence  to  the  Mississippi, 
Mr.  Shea  has  added  notes,  biographical  sketches,  and  bibliographical  accounts  of  works 
upon  aboriginal  iiistory,  which  are  scarcely  to  be  overestimated.  The  relations  are  pre- 
ceded by  a  biography  of  Father  Marquette,  and  a  notice  of  the  Sieur  Joliet.  The  nar- 
ratives of  Fathers  Membre,  Douay,  and  Hennepin  are  also  preceded  by  a  bibliographical 
notice  of  Father  Le  Clercq's  works  in  pp.  78  to  82;  and  anntlier  similar  account  of 
Father  Hennepin's  works  may  be  found  on  pp.  99  to  106." — Field. 

Shea.     Early  Southern  Tracts. 

I.  A  Relation  of  the  successcfull  beginnings  of  the  Lord  Baltemore's  Plantation  in 
Mary-Land  ...  1634.     1865.     See  Vol.  xvi.,  No.  69292. 

II.  The  Sot-weed  Factor.    1865.     See  Cook  (E.),  Vol.  iv.,  No.  16234,  note. 

Shea.  Early  Voyages  up  and  down  the  Mississippi,  by  Cave- 
lier,  St.  Cosme,  Le  Sueur,  Gravier,  and  Guignas.  With  an 
Introduction,  Notes,  and  an  Index,  By  John  Gilmary  Shea. 
Jlhany  :  Joel  Munsell.    1861.     Sm.  4to,  pp.  viii,  (2),  vii-191.     l. 

"Munsell's  Historical  Series.  No.  viii."  One  hundred  coj)ies  printed.  A  ti:w 
copies  were  also  printed  on  large  paper. 

[Shea.]  An  Essay  on  the  Bibliography  of  the  Councils, 
Synods  and  Statutes  of  the  Catholic  Church,  in  the  United  States. 
New  Tork^  1890.     8vo,  pp.  16.  80004 

Reprinted  from  the  "  United  States  Catholic  Historical  Magazine,"  vol.  in.,  pp.  96- 
106,  1 51-15 3.  This  list  is  a  revision,  with  some  additions,  of  the  one  prepared  by  Dr. 
Shea  for  this  Dictionary,  Vol.  xvii.,  pp.  521-529. 

Shea.  The  Fallen  Brave :  A  Biographical  Memorial  of  the 
American  Officers  who  have  given  their  Lives  for  the  preserva- 
tion of  the  Union.  Edited  by  John  Gilmary  Shea.  ...  New- 
Tor  k :  Charles  B.  Richardson  &  Co.  1861.  4to,  pp.  224.  8  Por- 
traits. BA.  80005 

Also  issued  with  the  following  title:  "The  Fallen  Brave:  a  Biographical  Memorial 

of  the  American  Officers  who  have  given  their  lives  for  the  preservation  of  the  Union. 

Edited  by  John  Gilmary  Shea.  With  Fine  Portraits  on  Steel,  by  J.  A.  O'Neill.  New 
York:  Rose  &  Tousey.  i86i."  The  cover  of  the  first  number  has  the  title:  "The 
Fallen  Brave.     The  Victims  of  the  Rebellion  :  A  Biographical  Memorial  of  Officers 

Killed  in   Defence  of  the  Union   ...   New  York:  Rose  &  Tousey,   1862."     See  also  No. 

7999*>  *"/"■'»• 

Shea.  The  First  Epic  of  our  Country.  By  the  Poet  Con- 
quistador of  New  Mexico,  Captain  Gaspar  de  Villagra.  By 
John  Gilmary  Shea.     [New  Tork.    1887.]     8vo,  pp.  16.  L. 

Reprinted  from  the  "United  States  Catholic  Historical  Magazine,"  i.  167-182. 

Shea.  A  French-Onondaga  Dictionary,  from  a  Manuscript 
of  the  Seventeenth  Century.  By  John  Gilmary  Shea  ....  New 
Tork:  Cramo'tsy  Press,  i860.  [Second  title:]  Dictionnaire  Fran- 
^ois-Onontaguif,   edite  d'apres   un   manuscrit   du   i"]^  siecle  par 


39  « 

a  la  presse  Cramoisy,    1859. 
A.,  L.  80007 

One  hundred  copies  printed.     A  few 
Contents  :  Supplement  grammaticale, 

Jean-Marie   Shea.     Nouvelle   York : 
8vo,  pp.  (4),  vii-viii,  103. 

Shea's  "  Library  of  American  Linguistics,  i." 
copies  were  also  printed  on  large  paper  in  quarto, 
pp.  3-85   Dictionnaire,  pp.  9-103. 

"The  original  manuscript  of  the  present  volume  is  preserved  in  the  Mazarin  Library 
at  Paris,  and  is  supposed  to  be  of  the  close  of  the  seventeenth  century.  It  is  apparently 
the  work  of  one  of  the  Jesuit  Fathers  whose  missions  in  New  York  extended  from  the 
middle  of  the  seventeenth  to  the  close  of  the  first  decade  in  the  succeeding  century." — 
Extract  from  preface. 

Shea.  The  Hierarchy  of  the  Catholic  Church  in  the  United 
States,  embracing  Sketches  of  all  the  Archbishops  and  Bishops 
from  the  Establishment  of  the  See  of  Baltimore  to  the  present 
Time,  also  an  Account  of  the  Plenary  Councils  of  Baltimore 
and  a  Brief  History  of  the  Church  in  the  United  States.  By 
John  Gilmary  Shea.  A^i  u  York :  Office  of  Catholic  Publications. 
1886.    8vo,  pp.  402.  80008 

Reissued  later  with  some  additions. 

Shea.  A  History  of  the  Catholic  Church  within  the  Limits 
of  the  United  States,  from  the  first  attempted  colonization  to  the 
present  time.  With  portraits,  views,  maps,  and  fac-similes.  By 
John  Gilmary  Shea.  New  York:  John  G.  Shea.  1886-88.  Vols. 
I.  and  II.,  8vo.  80009 

This  is  the  general  title  of  a  work  planned  to  comprise  five  volumes,  of  which  the 
first  two  have  been  published,  each  under  a  special  title.  See  No.  79997,  supra,  and 
No.  80016,  irfra. 

Shea.  History  of  the  Catholic  Missions  among  the  Indian 
Tribes  of  the  United  States,  1 529-1854.  By  John  Gilmary 
Shea  ....  New  York:  Edward  Dunigan  c?"  Brother.  1855.  i2mo, 
engraved  title,  printed  title,  and  pp.  (2),  5-514,  Facsimiles  iv.  5 
Portraits.  l.  80010 

Engraved  title:  Catholic  Missions  among  the  Ind'in  Tribes  of  the  United  States, 
[Picture  of  Catharine  Tehgakwita]  By  John  G.  Sh^a.  New  York:  E.  Dunigan  & 
Brother,  151  Fulton  St.  Portrait  of  John  Bapst,  S.  J.,  facing  the  engraved  title;  por- 
trait of  Father  Anthony  Peyri,  O.  S.  F.,  facing  p.  39 ;  portrait  of  Father  John  de  Bre- 
beuf,  S.  J.,  facing  p.  163;  portrait  of  Father  Isaac  Jogues,  S.  J.,  facing  p.  205;  por- 
trait of  P.  J.  De  Smet,  S.  J.,  facing  p.  468. 

Shea.  History  of  the  Catholic  Missions  among  the  Indian 
Tribes  of  the  United  States,  1 529-1 854.  By  John  Gilmary 
Shea  ...  .  New  York:  Edward  Duni"  .  ^^  brother.,  [James  B. 
Kirker.)  1857.  i2mo,  engraved  title,  printed  title,  and  pp.  (2), 
5-495,  Facsimiles  i-iv,  Appendix  and  index  497-514.  3  Por- 
traits. 800 II 

Portrait  of  Father  Anthony  Peyri,  O.  S.  F.,  facing  the  engraved  title ;  portrait  of 



f  : 

1     I 

5  u 



'I  i 

'    •! 

i     < 


/I    'i 

Father  John   de   Brcheuf,  S.  J.,  facing   p.  i8o;   portrait  of  Fatlier   Isaac  Jogues,  S.  J., 
facing  p.  204,     Some  copies  of  this  issue  contain  also  the  portrait  of  I*.  J.  De  Sinct, 

Shea.  History  of  the  Catholic  Missions  among  the  Indian 
Tribes  of  the  United  States,  1 529-1 854.  By  John  Gilniary 
Shea  ...  .  New  Tork  :  T.  IV.  Strong^  late  Edivard  Dutilgan  Ijf 
Brother^  Catholic  Publishing  House,  [1870?]  Large  i2mo,  pp. 
514.  80012 

Subsequent  issues  have  the  imprint  of  P.  y.  Kcntdy. 

Shea.  Geschichte  der  katholischen  Missionen  untcr  den 
Indianer-Stammen  der  Vereinigten  Staaten.  1 529-1 860.  Von 
John  Gilmarv  Shea  ....  Aus  dem  Englischen  iihersetzt  von  J. 
Roth.  Sr.  Heiligkeit  Papst  Pius  ix  gewidmet.  Mit  6  Stahl- 
stichen.  lViir%burg.  Verlag  von  C.  Etlinger.  [1858?]  i2mo, 
pp.  668.     6  Plates.  80013 

[Shea.]  Illinois,  Osage  and  Otoptata  Chiefs  in  Paris,  in 
1725.     [New  Tork.    1890.]     8vo,  pp.  7.  800 14 

Reprinted  from  the  "  United  States  Catholic  Historical  Magazine,"  vol.  in.,  pp.  i6o- 
166.     Contains  extracts  from  "The  Host  Man,"  London,  Jan.  27,  1726. 

Shea  and  McGee  (Thomas  Darcy).  Die  katholischc  Kirchc 
in  den  Vereinigten  Staaten  von  Nordamerika,  dargestellt  von  cin- 
heimlschen  Schriftstellern.  Deutsch  von  den  Benediktinern  zu 
St.  Meinrad  im  Indianer  Staat.  ...  Regensburg :  G.  f.  Manz. 
1864.    8vo,  pp.  xvi,  518.  c.  80015 

Contains  lives  by  Dr.  Shea  of  missionaries  killed  within  the  limits  of  the  United 

Shea.     Library  of  American  Linguistics. 

I.  a  French-Onondaga  Dictionary,     i860.     See  No.  80007,  supra. 

II.  A  Selish  or  Flat-Head  Grammar.    1861.     See  Mcngarini  (G.),  Vol.  xii.,  Nj. 

III.  A  Grammatical  Sketch  of  the  Heve  Language.     1861.     See  Smith  (Bucking- 

IV.  Grammar  of  the  Mutsun  Language.    18  61.     See  Arroyo  de  la  Cuesta  (F.),  Vol. 
I.,  No.  2 II 6. 

V.  Grammar  of  the  Pima  or  Nevome.    1862.     See  Vol.  i.,  No.  2124. 

vi.  Grammar  and  Dictionary  of  the  Yakama  Language.    1862.     See  Pandosy  (M. 
C),  Vol.  XIV.,  No.  58420. 

VII.  Vocabulary  of  the  Language  of  San  Antonio  Mission,  California,     1861.     Ste 
Sitjar  (B.) 

VIII.  A  Vocabulary  or  Phrase  Book  of  the   Mutsun  Language  of  Alta  Califo'nia. 
1862.     See  Arroyo  de  la  Cuesta  (F.),  Vol.  i..  No.  2118. 

IX.  Grammar  of  the  Mikmaquc  Language  of  Nova  Scotia.    1864.     See  Maillard  (A. 
S.),  Vol.  XI.,  No.  43887. 

?c.  Radices  Verborum  Iroquaeorum.    1862.     See  Bruyas  (J.),  Vol.  in.,  No.  8779. 

— — .  — — t^. 



XI.  Alphabetical  Vocabularies  of  the  Clallam  and  Lummi.  1863,  See  Gibbs  (O.), 
Vol.  VII.,  No.  27300. 

XII.  A  Dictionary  of  the  Chinook  Jargon.    1863.     See  Gibbs  (O.),  Vol.  vii,,  No. 


XIII.  Alphabetical  Vocabulary  of  the  Chinook  Language.  1863.  See  Gibbs  (G.), 
Vol.  VII.,  No.  27299. 

One  hundred  copies  of  each  were  printed  on  small  paper  in  octavo,  and  ten  copies  on 
large  paper  in  quarto.  !n  1865  Dr.  Shea  issued  the  piispcctus  of  a  "French-Illinois 
l)ictii)n.iry,"  supposed  to  be  the  work  of  Rev.  Joseph  Ignatius  Le  Boulanger,  from 
which  the  following  extract  is  made:  "Ab  it  is  liable  to  perish  by  any  untoward  acci- 
dent, I  have  obtained  permission  to  print  one  hundred  copies.  The  dictionary  will  form 
ov(:r  five  hundred  pages,  in  fine  type,  double  column,  similar  to  that  used  in  the  French- 
Unondaga  Dictionary  issued  by  me.  It  will  be  issued  in  four  parts,  of  about  one  hund- 
red and  twenty-five  pages  each,  at  $5  per  part.  Ten  copies  will  be  printed  on  large 
paper,  at  $10  per  part."  Only  one  signature,  however,  containing  pages  1-8  with  the 
heading  "  Dictionnaire,"  was  ever  printed.  The  undertaking  was  interrupted  by  the 
owner  of  the  manuscript,  who  requested  its  return,  and  not  long  after  made  the  state- 
ment that  it  had  been  lost  or  stolen.  After  his  death  the  manuscript  was  sold  by  auc- 
tion in  New  York,  March  6th,  1884,  for  $240.  It  is  now  in'the  library  of  the  late 
John  Carter  Brown,  at  Providence. 

"Shea's  American  Linguistics.     Series  11.,"  comprises  the  following: 

I.  Grammar  and  Dictionary  of  the  Language  of  the  Hidatsa  (Minnetarees,  Grosven- 
tres  of  the  Missouri).  With  an  Introductory  Sketch  of  the  Tribe.  By  Washington 
Matthews.  New  Tori :  Cramoisy  Press.  1873.  8vo,  pp.  48.  Contents:  Introduction, 
pp.  v-xxv;  Hidatsa  Grammar,  pp.  27-59;  Hidatsa-English  Dictionary,  pp.  61-143; 
Local  Names,  pp.  144-148. 

II.  Hidatsa  (Minnetaree)  English  Dictionary.  By  Washington  Matthews.  New 
York:  Cramoisy  Press.  1874.  8vo,  pp.  (4),  149-168.  Contents:  English-Hidatsa 

Shea.  Life  and  Times  of  the  Most  Rev.  John  Carroll, 
Bishop  and  First  Archbishop  of  Baltimore.  Embracing  the  His- 
tory of  the  Catholic  Church  in  the  United  States.  1763-18 15. 
With  portraits,  views,  and  fac-similes.  By  John  Gilmary  Shea. 
New  York:  John  G.  Shea.  1888.  8vo,  pp.  (4),  11-695,  (2). 
Frontispiece,  4  Portraits,  and  numerous  illustrations  in  the  text. 

At  the  end  is  the  general  title  of  the  work  of  which  this  forms  the  second  volume : 
"A  History  of  the  Catholic  Church  M^iihin  the  Limits  of  the  United  States,"  etc.  See 
No.  80009,  supra  i  and  for  the  first  volume.  No.  79997,  supra. 

Shea.  The  Lincoln  Memorial :  A  Record  of  the  Life,  As- 
sassination and  Obsequies  of  the  Martyred  President.  Edited  by 
John  Gilmary  Shea,  ll.d.  ...  New  York:  Bunce  iff  Huntington. 
1865.    8vo,  pp.  288.     Portrait  and  Plate.  80017 

Shea.  Perils  of  the  Ocean  and  Wilderness :  or,  Narratives 
of  Shipwreck  and  Indian  Captivity.  Gleaned  from  Early  Mis- 
sionary Annals.  By  John  (almary  Shea  ...  .  Boston:  Patrick 
Donahue.  [1856.]     i2mo,  pp.  206.  800 1 8 



I     '■• 



1 1  •11 ' 

Contains  an  acrount  of  the  sliipwrrck  of  Father  Charles  Laleinant  and  others,  ort' 
Cape  Breton;  [mjues  Captivity;  Captivity  of  Rene  Goupil ;  Hrrasani't  Captivity ;  and 
Crespel's  Voyages.  An  edition,  lio'ion,  1857,  1  inio,  pp.  206,  is  described  in  R(d)frt 
Clarke  Sc  Co.'s  *' Bibliothocu  Americana"  tor  1S78.  The  book  was  issued  until  the 
great  fire  in  Bobtun,  in  1872. 

Shea.  Pope- Day  in  America.  Hy  John  Ciilmary  Shea. 
(Read  before  the  United  States  Catholic  Historical  Society,  Jan- 
uary 19,  1888.)     [Niiv  Tork.    1888.]    8vo,  pp.  7.  80019 

Reprinted   from  the  "United  States  Catholic  Historical  Magazine,"  vol.  11.,  pp.  1-7. 

Shea.  A  School  History  of  the  United  States,  from  the  Ear- 
liest Period  to  the  Present  Time.  Hy  John  G.  Shea.  New 
Tork:  E.  Dutiigan  ^'  Brother,  1853.  i6mo.  -\-  \^Ibid.'\  1855, 
i6mo.  80020 

Shea.  The  Story  of  a  Great  Nation,  or  Our  Country's 
Achievements,  Military,  Naval,  Political  and  Civil.  By  John 
Gilmary  Shea.     New  Tork:  Gny  Brothers.    1886.     8vo,  pp.  990. 

A  new  edition  of  the  "Child's  History  of  the  United  States." 

Shea.  Where  arc  the  Remains  of  Columbus  ?  Hy  John 
Gilmary  Shea,  ll.d.  Reprinted  from  the  Magazine  of  Ameri- 
can History,  January,  1883.  New  Tork:  A.  S.  Barnes  &  Cc. 
1883.    4to,  cover-title,  and  pp.  17.  80022 

Shea.  Why  is  Canada  not  a  part  of  the  United  States? 
Read  before  the  U.  S.  Catholic  Historical  Society,  Nov.  25th, 
1889,  by  John  Gilmary  Shea.     \^New  Tork.    1890.]     8vo,  pp.  15. 

Reprinted  from  the  "United  States  Catholic  Historical  Magazine,"  vol.  iii.,  pp.  113- 

Besides  the  series  of  Jesuit  Relations  and  the  Library  of  American  Linguistics  alrc.idy 
referred  to,  Dr.  Shea  has  edited,  translated  and  published  many  other  works,  of  wliich 
the  following  is  a  partial  list : 

Narrative  of  a  Captivity  among  The  Mohawk  Indians,  a  description  of  New  Nether- 
land  in  1642-3,  and  other  Papers.  By  Father  Isaac  Jogues  ...  With  a  Memoir  ...  by 
John  Gilmary  Shea.    1856.     He.-  Vol.  ix.,  No.  36142. 

The  Catholic  Church  in  the  United  States  ...  By  Henry  De  Courcy  ...  Translated 
and  Enlarged  by  John  Gilmary  Shea.    1856.     See  Vol.  v.,  No,  19201. 

The  Lite  of  Saint  Angela  Merici,  of  Brescia :  Foundress  of  the  Order  of  Saint 
Ursula.  By  the  Abbe  Parenty  ...  With  an  Account  of  the  Order  in  Ireland,  Canada 
and  the  United  States,  by  John  Gilmary  Shea.  Philadelphia :  P.  F.  Cunningham.  1858. 
i6mo,  pp.  251. 

Diary  of  George  Washington,  from  1789  to  1791  ...  with  his  Journal  of  a  Tour  to 
the  Ohio,  in  1753.  [With  notes  by  John  Gilmary  Shea.]  Edited  by  Benson  J.  Los- 
sing.    i860.     See  Washingl-jn  (G.) 

Novum  Belgium:  An  Account  of  New  Netherland  in  1643-4.  By  Father  Isaac 
Jogues  ...  With  ...  Notes,  by  John  Gilmary  Shea.    i86z.     See  Vol.  ix.,  No.  36144. 



By  Jolin  Miller.     A  new 
By  John  Gllmary  ShcJ, 

A  Description  of  the  Province  and  City  of  New  York  ... 
edition  with  un  introduction  and  copious  historic;il  nutesi. 
1S62.      Hee  Vol.  XII.,  No.  49026. 

The  Operations  of  the  French  Fleet  under  the  Count  Ue  Grasse  in  178  i-i  as 
described  in  two  contemporaneous  journals.  ['I'ranalated  and  annotated  by  J,  O.  Sliea.j 
1X64.     See  Vol.  v.,  No.  28332. 

The  History  of  the  Five  Indian  Na'ions  of  the  Province  of  New  York.  By  Cad- 
wallader  Cidden  ...  With  an  Introduction  and  Notes,  by  John  (Jilm.iry  Shea.  1866. 
See  Vol.  IV.,  No.  1427 1. 

History  and  General  Description  of  New  France.  By  the  Rev.  I'.  F.  X.  de  Charle- 
voix, S.  J.  Translated,  with  Notes,  by  John  Gilniary  Shea.  1866-72,6  vols.  See 
Vol.  ill..  No.  121  37. 

A  Character  of  the  Province  of  Maryland.  I  scribed  in  Four  Distinct  Parts  ...  By 
Oeorge  Alsop.  A  new  edition  with  an  introduction  and  copious  historical  notes.  By 
John  Gilniary  Shea,  ll.d.  ...  New  York:  fyHliam  Goiuam.  1869.  8vo,  pp.  125. 
Puitrait  and  Map.  l.  Five  hundred  copies  printed  on  small  paper,  and  sixty-four 
copies  on  large  paper  in  quarto. 

A  Description  of  Louisiana,  By  Father  Liuis  Hennepin,  Recollect  Missionary. 
Trinsl.iti  1   from  tlie  edition  of  1683,  and  compared  with  the  Nouvelle  Decouverte,  the 

other   Contemporaneous    Papers.      By   John   Gilmary  Shea. 

1880.     8vo,  pp.  (4),  s-40,  4i*-S3*,  (6),  43-407.      Map 

La  Salle  Documents  and 
New  York  jfohn  G.  Shea. 
and  I'late.      l. 

First  Establishment  of  the  Faith  in  New  France.  By  Father  Christian  Le  Clercq, 
Recollect  Missionary.  Now  first  translated,  with  notes,  by  John  Gilmary  Shea.  ... 
New  York:  John  G.  Shea.  1881.  2  vols.,  8vo,  pp.  410,  (2);  354,  (l).  Map,  5  Por- 
traits, and  6  Facsimiles,      l. 

The  Expedition  of  Don  Diego  Dionisio  de  Penalosa,  Governor  of  New  Mexico,  from 
Santa  Fe  to  the  River  Mischipi  and  Ouivira,  in  1662,  as  described  by  Father  Nicholas 
de  Freytas  O.  S.  F.  With  an  Account  of  Penalosa's  projects  to  aid  the  French  to  con- 
quer the  Mining  Country  in  Nortliern  Mexico;  and  his  connections  with  Cavelier  de 
la  Salle.  By  John  Gilmary  Shea.  New  York.  1882.  8vo,  pp.  loi.  In  Spanish  and 

Relation  de  la  prise  des  Forts  de  Choueguen,  ou  Oswego  ...  [Edited  by  Dr.  Shea. 
1882.]      See  Vol.  XVI.,  No.  69270,  note. 

The  Life  of  Father  Isaac  Jogues,  Missionary  Priest  of  the  Society  of  Jesus,  slain  by 
the  Mohawk  Iroquois,  in  the  present  State  of  New  York,  Oct.  18,  1646.  By  the  Rev. 
Felix  Martin,  S.  J.  With  Father  Jogues*  account  of  the  Captivity  and  Death  of  his 
Companion,  Rene  Goupil,  slain  Sept.  29,  1642.  Translated  from  the  French  by  John 
Gilmary  Shea,  with  a  map  of  the  Mohawk  country,  by  Gen.  John  S.  Clark.  Ne'w 
York,  Cincinnati  and  St.  Louis:  lienziger  Brothers.  1 88 5.  I2mo,  pp.  263.  Portrait. 
+  Second  Edition.     \_Ibi(J.   1886. 1     i2mo,  pp.  258.      Portrait. 

Account  of  the  Voyage  of  the  Ursulines  to  New  Orleans  in  1727. 
John  Gilmary  Shea  from  the  edition  ...  printed  in  ...  1859.     [1887.] 
pain  (Mere  St.  Augustin  de)]. 

Decreta  Concilii  Provincialis  Oregonensis  i.  Sancti  Pauli  habiti  diebus  28-29  Febru- 
arii  et  I  Martii  1 848.  [Edited  by  Dr.  Shea.  New  York.  1887.]  8vo,  pp.  7.  Re- 
printed iTom  the  "  United  States  Catholic  Historical  M.agazine,"  vol.  i.,  pp.  74-80. 

Oration  on  the  Death  of  Gen.  George  Washington  Addressed  to  the  Catholic  Con- 
gregation of  St.  Mary's  Church  of  Albany,  by  the  Rev.  Matthew  O'Brien,  d.d.,  Pastor 
of  the  same,  for  February  22,  1800,  the  day  appointed  by  Congress.  (From  the  Albany 
"Gazette,"  February  27,  1800.)      [Edited   by  Dr.  J.  G.  Shea.      New  York.    1887.J 

(Translated   by 
See  [Tranche- 




I    I 

I    I 

8vo,  pp.  8.     L.     Reprinted  From  the  "  United  States  Catholic   Hiitorical  Magazine," 
vol.  I.,  pp.  i87-«93- 

Statutes  relating  to  Florida,  in  the  Diucesan  Synod,  held  by  hia  Majenty'i  Command, 
by  the  Ri^jht  Rev.  Dr.  John  Uarcia  dc  I'alacios,  Biihop  of  Cuba,  in  June,  1684, 
(Translated  by  Dr.  Siica.  New  Tori.  1887.)  8vo,  pp.  13.  Reprinted  from  t!.. 
**  United  States  Catliolic  Hiitorical  Magazine,"  vol.  i.,  pp.  287-197. 

Statutes  of  the  Diocese  of  Louisiana  and  the  Floridas.  Issued  by  the  Rt.  Rev.  Luii 
Ignatius  Feflalver  y  Cardenas,  179;,  with  a  transi  ition  by  J>d)n  (iilnury  Shea.  Ntw 
7'irk.  1887.  8vo,  pp.  29.  In  Spanish  and  English.  Reprinted  from  the  "United 
States  Catholic  Historical  Magazine,"  vol.  i. 

Captivity  of  Father  Peter  Milet,  S.J.  among  the  Oneida  Indians.  His  own  Narra- 
tive, with  supplementary  Documents.  [Traiisiatcrd  from  the  I'reneh,  and  edited  by  Dr. 
Shea.]  Ntiv  York.  1888.  8vo,  pp.  18.  Reprinted  from  the  "  United  States  Cathtdic 
Historical  Magazine,"  vol.  11. 

The  Destruction  of  New  Mexico  Settlements  and  Missions,  and  the  Re-conquest 
of  the  Country.  Told  in  a  letter  of  Father  Silvestre  Velez  de  Escalante  to  Father 
Augustine  Morfi.  [Transl.ited  by  Dr.  Shea.  Neiu  Turk.  1890.]  8vo,  pp.  16.  Re- 
printed from  the  "United  States  Catholic  Historical  Magazine,"  vol.  in.,  pp.  73-88. 

Dr.  Shea  was  editor  of  the  "  Historical  Magazine  "  from  1859  to  1865.  He  has  also 
edited  the  "United  St.ites  Catholic  Historical  Magazine,"  since  its  commencement  in 
January,  1887. 

Sheafer  (Pfctcr]  W[enrick]),  b,  1819.  The  Anthracite 
Coal  Fields  of"  Pennsylvania,  and  their  Exhaustion.  Read  before 
the  American  Association  tor  the  Advancement  of  Science,  at 
Saratoga,  August,  1880,  by  P.  W.  Sheafer  ....  Harrishurg :  Lane 
S.  Hart^  Printer.    1881.     8vo,  pp.  16.  800 24 

Sheafer.  The  Coal  Fields  of  McKean  County,  Pennsyl- 
vania.    By  P.  W.  Sheafer.     Philadelphia.    1856.     8vo.       80025 

Sheafer.  Historical  Map  of  Pennsylvania.  Showing  the 
Indian  Names  of  Streams,  and  Villages,  and  Paths  of  Travel ; 
the  Sites  of  Old  Forts  and  Battle-fields  ;  the  Successive  Pur- 
chases from  the  Indians ;  and  the  Names  and  Dates  of  Counties 
and  County  Towns  ;  with  Tables  of  Forts  and  Proprietary  Man- 
ors. Edited  by  P.  W.  Sheafer  and  others.  Publication  Fund  of 
the  Historical  Society  of  Pennsylvania^  820  Spruce  Street^  Philadel- 
phia.  1875.    8vo,  pp.  26,  (i).     Map.  L.  80026 

Sheafer,  and  others.  North  Western  Pennsylvania  Oil  and 
Coal  Company.  Reports  by  P.  W.  Sheafer,  of  Pennsylvania  ... 
Dr.  Charles  T.  Jackson  ...  of  Massachusetts,  William  F.  Rob- 
erts, of  Pennsylvania,  Geologist  and  Engineer.  [Philadelphia?^ 
January^  1865.    8vo,  pp.  36.     Map.  b.  80027 

Sheahan  (J.  W.)  and  Upton  (G.  P.)  Chicago.  Its  Past, 
Present,  and  Future.  Embracing  a  detailed  Narrative  of  the 
Great  Conflagration  ...  a  condensed  Historv  of  Chicago,  its  Pop- 



ulation^  Growth,  and  Public  Works.   ...    By  James  W.  Sheahan 
and  George  P.  Upton.  ...  Chicago.    1872.    8vo,  pp.  527.    Plates. 

Sheahan.  Corporation  Laws  of  the  City  of  Washington  to 
the  end  of  the  Fiftieth  Council  [to  June  3,  1853,  inclusive].  To 
which  are  added  the  Laws  enacted  between  that  day  and  October 
loth,  1853.  Revised  and  compiled  by  James  W.  Sheahan  ... 
If'ashington.    1853.     ^^^'  ^'  ^0029 

Sheahan.  Eulogy  upon  Stephen  A.  Douglas  ...  before  the 
Chicago  University,  Chicago,  July  3,  1861.  Uy  James  W.  Shea- 
han.    Chicago.    1 86 1.    8vo,  pp.  28.  H.  80030 

Sheahan.  The  Great  Conflagration.  Chicago :  its  Past, 
Present  and  Future.  Embracing  a  detailed  Narrative  of  the 
Great  Conflagration  in  the  North,  South,  and  West  Divisions : 
Origin,  Progress  and  Results  of  the  Fire.  Prominent  Buildings 
burned,  character  of  buildings,  losses  and  insurance,  graphic 
description  of  the  flames,  scenes  and  incidents,  loss  of  life,  the 
flight  of  the  people.  Also,  a  condensed  history  of  Chicago,  its 
population,  growth  and  great  pub!ic  works.  And  a  statement  of 
all  the  great  fires  of  the  world.  By  James  W.  Sheahan  and 
Cicc.rge  P.  Upton  ....  With  numerous  illustrations.  Union  Pub- 
lishing Co.:  165  Twenty-second  street^  Chicago^  III.  ...  187 1.  8vo, 
pp.  16,  19-458.     2  Maps,  2  Plates,  and  Illustrations  in  the  text. 

Sheahan.  The  Life  of  Stephen  A.  Douglas.  By  James  W. 
Sheahan.  New  Tork :  Harper  iff  Brothers,  i860.  i2mo,  pp.  xi, 
528.     Portrait.  80032 

Sheahan.  ...  The  Printer;  Read  before  the  Franklin  Scciety 
of  the  City  of  Chicago,  By  James  W.  Sheahan,  October  27, 
1869.  Chicago :  Published  by  the  Franklin  Society,  1869.  4to,  pp. 
20.  B.,  c.  80033 

"  Franlclin  Society  Publications,  i." 

Sheardown  (T.  S.)  Half  a  Century's  Labors  in  the  Gospel, 
including  Thirty-five  Years  of  Backwoods*  Mission  Work,  and 
Evangelizing,  in  New  York  and  Pennsylvania.  An  Autobiogra- 
phy. By  Thomas  S.  Sheardown.  ...  \_Lewisburg,  Pa.:^  0.  N. 
I'f^orden  and  [Troy ^  N.  7".;]  E.  B.  Case.  1866.  i2mo,  pp.  372. 
Portrait.  ba.  80034 

ShI'ARMAN  (A.)  Directions  for  Buzzards  Bay  and  New  Bed- 
ford. Compiled  and  Published  by  Abraham  Shearman,  Jun. 
[New  Bedford.'\    182 1.     8vo,  pp.  8.  80035 



I    li 

1    I 





Mr.  Shearman  alio  CDmpiled  :  Seleitumi  fri)m  the  Worki  of  laaac  Pi-nington,  To 
whiih  arc  aiMrd,  Sclfifinns  (mm  his  l.cttcri.  Ncto  Utilford i  I'linnd  for  Abraham 
Hhtjrman,  'Jr.      Utnj.  I.imliey,  Frinttr.    i8lS.      Ililiii,  I'p.  xi,  30S. 

Shkarman  (K.  VV.)  Annual  Report  of  the  Sii|HTintfnil(iit 
of  Public  Instruction  in  Michigan  for  the  year  1^5,^.  l.uusiug, 
1853.    8vo.  A.  8oo;jf) 

Sti  alio  Vol.  XII.,  No.  4XXoa. 

[Shfarman  (Sunincr  U.)]  Class  ol"  1S61.  An  Oration  ami 
a  Poem,  (ielivcred  at  Hrown  University,  on  Class  I)a\',  June  1  j, 
1861.      Providence :  Alillif  13  Simons.    1 861.     8vo,  pp.  28.         n. 

[Shkhkearf.  (John),  m.d.,  h.  1709,  d.  1788.]  An  |  Answer] 
to  a  Pamphlet,  call'd  The]  Conduct  | of  the]  Ministry  |  Impartially 
Examined.  |  In  which  it  is  proved,  |  that  neither  Imbecillity  nor 

Ignorance  |  in  the  M r  have  been  the  Causes  of  |  the  present 

unhappy  Situation  of  this  |  Nation.  |  Hy  the  Author  of  the  Four 
Letters  |  to  the  People  of  England.  |  ...  |  London :  \  Printed  for  M. 
(joopery  at  the  Giobe^  Pater-noster- Row.  \  M  ucc  |  8vo,  pp.  100. 

Relates  to  the  inclHcient  romlutt  of  the  ministry  in  the  diiiputes  with  Frame, 
especially  in  America,  on  the  Oliio  and  elsewhere,  under  Washington,  Braddock,  etc. 
For  this  and  later  publications,  the  doctor  was  fined  and  put  in  the  pillory.  A  chani/e 
of  guvernment  brought  him  a  ch.inge  of  sentiment  and  a  pension.  Hee  '•  Monthly 
Review,"  xv.  673,  unJ  Stevens's  "  Nuggets,"  vol.  iii.,  No.  3371. 

[Shebbeare.]  An  |  Answer  |  to  the  |  Printed  Speech  |  of| 
Edmund  Burke,  Esq  ;  |  Spoken  in  the  |  House  of  Commons,  April 
19th,  1774.  I  In  which  I  His  Knowledge  in  Polity,  Legislature, 
Humankind,]  History,  Commerce  and  Finance,  is  candidly  exam- 
ined ;  I  his  Arguments  are  fairly  refuted;  the  Conduct  of  Ad- J 
ministration  is  fully  defended  ;  and  his  Oratoric  Talents  ]  are 
clearly  exposed  to  view.  ]  Addressed  to  the  People.  ]  London :  T. 
Evans.  M.DCC.LXXV.     8vo,  pp.  iv,  222.  i^0039 

"This  pamphlet  contains  so  many  slanderous  invectives,  coarse  witticisms,  vulgar 
obscene  allusions,  and  scandalous  epithets,  that  exalted  as  the  author  himself  has  t'ur- 
merly  been,  his  answer  falls  beneath  all  notice." — Monthly  Rcvieiu,  lii.  551.  Sec  also 
Vol.  III.,  No.  9291. 

Shebbeare.  An  Answer  to  the  Queries,  contained  in  A  Let- 
ter to  Dr.  Shebbeare,  Printed  in  the  Public  Ledger,  August  lo. 
Together  with  Animadversions  on  Two  Speeches  in  Defence  of 
the  Printers  of  A  Paper,  subscribed  A  South  Briton.  The  First 
pronounced  by  The  Right  Hon.  Thomas  Townsend,  in  the 
House  of  Commons,  And  printed  in  the  London  Packet  of  Feb- 
ruary 18.  The  Second  by  The  Right  Learned  Counsellor  Lee, 
in  Guildhall,  And  printed  in  the  Public  Ledger  of  August  I2. 



In  the  Kxaminatiun  of  which  a  Comparison  naturally  arises 
between  the  public  and  private  Virtues  of  Their  Present  Majes- 
ties, and  those  of  King  William  and  (Jucen  Mary.  I'hc  Merits, 
also  of  Roman  Catholics,  and  of  Dissenters  from  the  C'hurch  of 
Kngland,  respecting  Allegiance  and  Liberty,  and  their  Claims  to 
National  Protection,  are  fairy  stated,  from  their  past  and  pres- 
ent Transactions,  i^y  J.  SliLbboare,  m.u.  London:  S.  Hooper, 
[1775.]     8vo,  title,  and  pp.  179.  c,  s.  80040 

Shkbbeake.  An  I  Appendix  |  to  a  |  Letter  to  Dr.  Shebbeare.  | 
To  which  arc  added,  |  Some  Observations  on  a  Pamphlet,  I  enti- 
tled, Taxation  no  Tyranny:  |  In  which  the  Sophistry  of  that 
Author's  I  Reasoning  is  detected.  |  Hy  a  Doctor  of  Laws  [/'.  /. 
Hugh  Haillie,  ll.d.J.  |  London :  \  Printed  for  J.  Donaldson^  Corner 
0/ /irundel  \  Street  in  the  Strand,  \mdcclx\v.\     8vo,  pp.  80.     ha. 

Corrected  title  of  No.  2760,  Vol.  i.,  ami  No.  36304,  Vol.  ix. 

Sheuheare.  An  Essay  on  the  Origin,  Progress  and  Estab- 
lishment of  National  Society;  in  which  The  Principles  of  Gov- 
ernment, the  Definitions  of  physical,  moral,  civil,  and  religious 
Liberty,  contained  in  Dr.  Price's  Observations,  &c.  are  fairly 
examined  and  fully  refuted  :  Together  with  A  Justification  of 
the  Legislature,  in  reducing  America  to  Obedience  by  Force. 
To  which  is  added  an  Appendix  on  the  Excellent  and  admirable 
in  Mr.  Burke's  second  printed  Speech  of  the  22d  of  March, 
1775.  ...  By  J.  Shebbeare,  M.d.  London:  Printed  /or  J.  Bew. 
MDCCLXxvi.  8vo,  pp.  (4),  212.  -f  Second  Edition.  [^Ibid.'] 
MDCCLXXVi.    8vo,  pp.  (4),  212.  80042 

"This  performance  of  Dr.  Shebbeare  contains  many  tenets  repugnant  to  the  prin- 
ciples of  all  free  governments;  reasoning  often  founded  on  misrepresentations  and 
untruths;  language,  frequently  intemperate,  foul  and  opprobrious;  and  humor,  often 
coarse,  low,  and  indelicate." — Monthly  Review,  lv.  140. 

[Shebbeare.]  A  Fifth  Letter,  by  the  Author  of  Eour  former 
Letters  to  the  People  of  England  ;  In  which  some  new  Lights 
are  thrown  on  particular  Aftairs  ;  and  contains  an  Answer  to  a 
Court  Pamphlet,  intitled,  The  Conduct  of  the  Ministry  Impar- 
tially Examined.  Also,  a  Letter,  shewing  The  Reasons  of  the 
Misconduct  and  Miscarriage  of  the  Navy.  ...  London:  Prined 
\^\c]  for  AI.  Collier.   1757.     8vo,  pp.  96.  80043 

[Shebbeare.]  A  Fifth  |  Letter  |  to  the  |  People  of  England,  | 
on  I  the  Subversion  of  the  Constitution  :  |  and,  |  the  Necessity  of 
its  being  restored.  | ...  |  The  Second  Edition.  |  London  :  \  Printed  for 
J.  Morgan  in  Pater-Noster-Row.\  1757.  |    8vo,  pp.  (4),  99.       h. 



1 1 



i  1* 


1  I 



[Shebbeare.]  a  First  |  Letter  |  to  the  |  People  of  England.  ( 
On  the  present  Situation  and  Conduct  |  of  |  National  Affairs.  | ...  I 
The  Fourth  Edition.  \  London  :\  Printed  in  the  year,  1756.  |  8vo, 
pp.  56.  B.  80045 

Relates  to  the  war  in  America.     Fur  other  editions  tee  No.  80052,  in/ra. 

[Shebbeare.]     A  Fourth  I  Letter  |  to  the  |  People  of  England.  | 

On   the  I  Conduct  of  the  M rs   in  Alliances,  |  Fleets,  and 

Armies,  since  the  first  |  Differences  on  the  Ohio,  to  the]  taking  of 
Minorca  by  the  French.  |  ...  |  London:  |  Printed  for  Ad.  Collier^ 
Bookseller  at  the  Royal-\  Exchange^  1756.  |  8vo,  pp.  (4),  1 1 1.  h. 
-f-  The  Second  Edition.    \^Ibid.'\  mdcclvi.    8vo,  pp.  (4),  iii. 

Other  editions  as  follows  ; 

[Shebbeare.]  A  Fourth  Letter  to  the  People  of  England. 
On  the  Conduct  of  the  M rs  in  Alliances,  Fleets  and  Ar- 
mies, since  the  First  Differences  on  the  Ohio,  to  the  taking  of 
Minorca  by  the  French.  ...  London:  Printed  for  M.  Collier. 
M.DCC.LVi.    8vo,  title,  and  pp.  49.  80047 

[Shebbeare.]  Fourth  Letter  to  the  People  of  England.  ... 
London;  Printed  for  M.  Cooper  .^  in  Pater-noster  Row.  1756.  8vo, 
pp.  43.  ba.  80048 

"This  elicited  :  A  Full  and  Particular  Answer  to  all  The  Calumnies,  Misrepresent- 
ations, and  Falsehoods,  Contained  in  a  Pamphlet,  called  A  Fourth  Letter  to  the  People 
of  England.     London:    T.  Harris.   1756.     8vo,  title,  and  pp.  61. 

[Shebbeare  .?]  A  |  Letter,  |  from  |  Batista  Angeloni,  |  Who 
resided  many  Years  in  London,  |  To  his  Friend  |  Manzorii.  | 
Wherein  the  Quakers  are  politically  and  religiously  |  considered,  j 
To  which  is  added,  |  The  Cloven-Foot  discovered.  | ...  |  Printed  at 
Carolina :  \  And  sold  by  Edward  Merefield^  at  the  Corner  of  \  Arch- 
street  .^  and  opposite  the  Church  Burying-Ground^  |  in  Philadelphia.  | 
[1757  ?]    8vo,  pp.  8.  H.,  p.  80049 

Pages  7  and  8  contain  some  strictures  in  verse  on  the  conduct  of  the  Quakers 
towards  the  Indians.  This  edition  and  the  one  following  are  'ntered  by  Mr.  Hildeburn 
under  the  year  1764,  where  they  perhaps  belong.  Dr.  Shebbea.e  published  a  collection 
of  letters  under  the  pseudonym  of  Batista  Angeloni  [see  Nos.  80053  """^  8ooS7»  '"/'''')> 
and  for  that  reason,  probably,  this  letter  is  sometimes  attributed  to  him. 

[Shebbeare  ?]  A  |  Letter,  |  from  |  Batista  Angeloni,  |  Who 
resided  many  Years  in  London,  To  his  P'riend  |  Manzoni.  j 
Wherein  the  Quakers  are  political  y  and  religiously  |  considered,  j 
To  which  is  added, [The  Cloven-Foot  discovered.  [...  \Ephrata:\ 
Re-printed.^  and  Sold  by  several  Store-Keepers  in  the  |  County  of  Lan- 
caster.\  [n.  d.]    8vo,  pp.  8.  N.,  P.  80050 



[Shebbeare.]    a  Letter  to  His  Grace  the  D — e  of  N e, 

on  the  Duty  he  owes  to  Himself,  his  King,  his  Country,  and  his 
God,  at  this  important  Moment.     London.    1757.     8vo,  pp.  47. 

See  the  "  European  Magazine,"  xiv.  167. 

[Shebbeare.]  A  |  Letter  |  to  the  |  People  of  England,  |  on  the  | 
present  Situation  and  Conduct  |  of  |  National  Affairs.  |  Letter  1. 1 
...  I  London:  \  Printed  for  f.  Scott  ^  at  the  Black-Swan  in  \  Pater- 
miter-Rovu.\iMiCQ.y.y .\  8vo,  pp.  (2),  58.  c,  h.  +  The  Second 
Edition.  \lbid?^  1755-  8vo,  pp.  (2),  58.  +  The  Third  Edi- 
tion. London:  Printed  in  the  Year^  ^75^.  8vo,  pp.  56.  P.,  s. 
-|-  The  Sixth  Edition.  London:  Printed  in  the  Tear^  1756-  8vo, 
pp.  34.  H.  80052 

For  another  edition  see  No.  80045,  supra. 

[Shebbeare.]  Letters  |  on  the  |  English  Nation  :  |  By  |  Batista 
Angeloni,|a  Jesuit,  |  who  resided  many  years  in  London.  |  Trans- 
lated from  the  Original  It2:lian,|By  the  |  Author  of  the  Marriage 
Act  a  Novel.  |  ...  |  London  :  Printed  in  the  Tear  M  Dec  LV.  |  2 
vols.,  8vo,  pp.  Ix,  (4),  228  ;  (8),  296.  B.  -|-  The  Second  Edi- 
tion with  corrections.     London.  M  Dcc  Lvi.    2  vols.,  8vo. 

[Shebbeare.]  Le  Peuple  |  Instruit ;  |  ou  |  les  Alliances  dans 
lesquelles  les  Ministres  |  de  la  Grande-Bretagne  ont  engage  la  | 
Nation,  &  I'emploi  qu'ils  ont  fait  de  ses  |  Escadres  &  de  ses 
Armees,  depuis  le  commencement  des  troubles  sur  I'Ohio,  j 
jusqu'a  la  perte  de  Minorque,  conside-|res  dans  une  Quatrieme 
Lettre  au  Peu-|ple  d'Angleterre.  |Ouvrage  traduit  de  I'Anglois.  | 
...  \^Paris?'\  M.DCC.  Lvi.  I    8vo,  pp.  xxiv,  212.  a.,  b.  80054 

a  translation  by  Edmonde  Jacques  Genet  of  Dr.  Shebbeare's  "  Fourth  Letter." 

[Shebbeare.]     Le  Peuple  Juge.     See  Vol.  xvi.,  No.  68284. 

[Shebbeare.]  A  Prophetic  Fragment  of  a  Future  Chronicle. 
By  the  Author  of  the  Four  Letters  to  the  People  of  England. 
London:  M.  Collier.   1756.     8vo,  pp.  23.  80055 

[Shebbeare.]  Reasons  Humbly  Offered.  See  Vol.  xvi.,  No. 

This  is  attributed  to  Dr.  Shebbeare  in  the  *'  European  Magazine,"  xiv.  167. 

[Shebbearl.]  a  Second  Letter  to  the  People  of  England, 
on  Foreign  Subsidies,  Subsidiary  Armies,  and  Their  Conse- 
quences to  this  Nation  London:  "J.  Scott.  1755.  8vo,  pp.  56. 
+  The  Second  Edition.    \_Ibid.'\   1755.     8vo,  pp.  56.    -j- The 

i\  1' 

i   VL 


I  :  1 











Third    Edition.     [/&/V.]    mdcclvi.     8vo,   pp.    56.      -f-  London : 
Printed  in  the  Tear^  '756.     8vo.  80056 

This  elicited  ;  An  Answer  to  a  Pamphlet,  called,  A  Second  Letter  to  the  People. 
In  which  the  Subsidiary  System  is  Fairly  Stated,  and  amply  Considered.  London :  M, 
Cooper.  M.  Dcc.  Lv.  8vo,  pp.  (4),  35.  For  a  note  on  this  "Answer,"  tee  Stevens's 
"  Nuggets,"  vol.  III.,  No.  3370. 

[Shebbeare.]  Select  Letters  on  the  English  Nation :  by 
Batista  Angeloni,  a  Jesuit  ...  Translated  from  the  original 
Italian   ...  Dublin.   1763.    8vo.  bm.  80057 

[Shebbeare."!  A  Seventh  Letter  to  the  People  of  England 
upon  Political-Writing,  True-Patriotism,  Jacobitism  and  evil 
and  corrupt  Adm ns.     London.   1758.     8vo,  pp.  59.     80058 

"This  was  seized  before  it  was  finished  and  suppressed.  On  a  copy  of  this  pam- 
phlet, (perhaps  the  only  one  remaining)  purchased  out  of  the  library  of  Philip  Carteret 
Webb,  Esq.  the  Solicitor  of  the  Treasury,  is  the  following  memorandum;  'January 
I9«  175^'  Seized  this  book  in  sheets,  part  at  William  Toleman's,  an  apothecary  in 
Gracious-alley,  Well-close-square ;  and  part  at  Jos.  Smith's,  printer,  in  the  same  place, 
some  of  the  sheets  taken  off  the  press  in  my  presence.  By  me  N.  Carrington.* " — 
European  Magazine,  xiv.  167,  168. 

[Shebbeare.]  A  Seventh  Letter  to  the  People  of  England. 
A  Defence  of  the  Prerogative  Royal,  as  it  was  exerted  in  his 
Majesty's  Proclamation  for  the  prohibiting  the  Exportation  of 
Corn  ;  in  which  it  is  proved  that  this  Authority  ever  has  been, 
is,  and  must  be  essential  to  the  Constitution,  and  inseparable 
from  the  Rights  and  Liberties  of  the  Subject.  London.  1767. 
8vo.  80059 

[Shebbeare.]  A  Sixth  Letter  to  the  People  of  England  on 
the  Progress  of  National  Ruin,  in  which  it  is  shewn,  that  the 
present  grandeur  of  France,  and  calamities  of  this  Nation,  are 
owing  to  the  influence  of  Hanover  on  the  Councils  of  England. 
London.    1757.     8vo,  pp.  1 21.  s.  80060 

[Shebbeare.]  A  Third  Letter  to  the  People  of  England, 
On  Liberty,  Taxes,  and  the  Application  of  Public  Money. 
London:  J.  Scott.  1756.  8vo,  pp.  60.  -}- The  Second  Edition. 
[Ibid.']  1756.  8vo,  pp.  60.  c.  +  The  Third  Edition.  Lon- 
don:  Printed  in  the  Tear,  1756.     8vo,  pp.  54.  80061 

[Shebbeare.]  Three  Letters  to  the  People  of  England,  i. 
On  the  Present  Situation  and  Conduct  of  National  Affairs.  11. 
On  Foreign  Subsidies,  etc.  in.  On  Liberty,  Taxes,  and  the 
Application  of  Public  Money.  The  Sixth  Edition.  London. 
1756.    8vo.  80062 




"Dr.  Shebbeare  distinguished  himself  as  a  political  writer  in  the  reigns  of  George  11. 
and  George  in.  Commencing  as  an  apothecary  at  Bristol,  he  went  to  Paris,  whce  he 
obtained  the  degree  of  m.d.  On  his  return  to  England  he  began  his  literary  career 
by  writing  on  a  variety  of  subjects.  But  he  was  brought  more  conspicuously  to  public 
notice  by  a  series  of  *  Letters  to  the  People  of  England,'  the  most  successful  of  his 
works,  though  it  subjected  him  to  a  prosecution.  On  the  publication  of  his  'Third 
Letter'  in  1756,  orders  were  issued  for  his  arrest;  but  it  was  not  till  January,  1758, 
after  the  'Sixth  Letter'  made  its  appearance,  that  he  was  taken  into  custody;  when  a 
•Seventh  Letter,'  then  in  the  press,  was  likewise  seized.  He  was  tried  for  the  alleged 
libel,  and  being  convicted,  was  sentenced  to  pay  a  fine  of  ,£5,  be  imprisoned  three 
years,  and  to  stand  in  the  pillory.  On  his  release  from  confinement  under  the  reign  of 
a  new  sovereign,  and  the  administration  of  Lord  Bute,  he  obtained  a  pension,  for  which 
he  defended  the  conduct  of  government  in  the  American  war.  His  apostasy  from  the 
popular  cause  consigned  him  to  contempt,  and  he  died  almost  forgotten  in  1788  at  the 
age  of  seventy-nine." — Gorton's  Bii'graphua!  Dictionary. 

"  He  deserves  to  be  remembered  as  a  respectable  name  in  literature,  were  it  only 
for  his  admirable  'Letters  on  the  English  Nation,'  under  the  name  of  Battista  Ange- 
loni,  a  [esuit." — Boswki.l's  Life  of  ycbnson. 

For  "An  Account  of  the  Life  and  Writings  of  Dr.  John  Shebbeare,"  with  a  por- 
trait, and  a  list  of  his  published  works,  see  the  "European  Magazine,"  vol.  xiv.  (1788), 
pp.  83-87,  166-168.  See  also  Vol.  i.,  No.  3761 ;  Vol.  ix..  No.  36305  ;  and  Vol.  xii., 
No.  47576. 

Sheboygan  County,  fVis.  Proceedings  of  the  Board  of 
Supervisors  of  Sheboyg?n  Co.,  Wis.,  for  1870.  Sheboygan.  1870. 
8vo.     Continued.  80063 

Charter  of  the  Sheboygan  and  Fond  du  Lac  Road  Com- 
pany ...  1848.     8vo.  80064 

Shecut  (J[ohn]  L[inn£eus]  E[dward]  W[hitridge]),  b.  1770, 
(I.  1836.  An  Essay  on  the  prevailing,  or  Yellow-Fever,  of 
1817;  together  with  preliminary  Observations,  and  an  Enquiry 
into  the  Causes  which  produced  it.  ...  By  J.  L.  E.  W.  Shecut, 
...  Charleston:  Printed  by  J.  E.  Aliller.    181 7.     8vo,  pp.  34.       b. 

Shecut.  Flora  Carolinaeensis  ;  or,  a  Historical,  Medical,  and 
Economical  Display  of  the  Vegetable  Kingdom  ;  according  to 
the  Linnaean,  or  Sexual  System  of  Botany.  Volume  i.  ...  By 
John  L.  E.  W.  Shecut.  ...  Charleston:  Printed  for  the  Author.^  by 
John  Hoff.    1806.     8vo,  pp.  (4),  579,  (6).     4  Plates.     H.  80066 

No  more  published. 

[Shecut.]  Ish-noo-ju-lut-sche ;  or  the  Eagle  of  the  Mo- 
hawks. A  Tale  of  the  Seventeenth  Century.  In  two  volumes. 
...  New-York:  P.  Price^  130  Fulton  Street.  1841.  2  vols.,  i8mo, 
pp.  234;  vi,  5-284.  c.  80067 

Shecut.  Shecut's  Medical  and  Philosophical  Essays.  Con- 
taining: ist.  Topographical,  Historical  and  other  Sketches  of 
the  City  of  Charleston,  from  its  first  settlement  to  the  present 





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i  lit 

F  I 

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1.     • 

I     /I 


period,  id.  An  Essay  on  the  Prevailing  Fever  of  1817.  The 
Second  Edition,  with  Improvements.  3d.  An  Essay  on  Con- 
tagions and  Infections,  (Second  improved  Edition.)  and,  4th.  An 
Essay  on  the  Principles  and  Properties  of  the  Electric  Fluid. 
The  whole  of  which  are  designed  as  illustrative  of  the  Domestic 
Origin  of  the  Yellow  Fever  of  Charleston  ;  and,  as  conducing 
to  the  formation  of  a  Medical  History  of  the  State  of  South- 
Carolina.  By  J.  L.  E.  W.  Shecut,  Practitioner  of  Physic,  and 
Member  of  the  Literary  and  Philosophical  Society  of  South- 
Carolina.  Charleston :  Printed  for  the  Author^  by  A.  E.  Miller. 
Copy-Right  Secured.    18 19.     8vo,  pp.  viii,  260,  (2).     Plate. 

Dr.  Shecut  also  wag  the  author  of  the  following  works ;  Elements  of  Natural  Phi- 
losophy ...  1826.  —  An  Inquiry  into  the  Properties  and  Power  of  the  Electric  Fluid, 
and  its  Artificial  Application  to  Medical  Uses.  ...  1818.  —  A  New  Theory  of  the 
Earth   ...   1826. 

Shedd  (H.)  Home  Missionary  Life.  An  Autobiographical 
Discourse  delivered  at  the  opening  of  the  Presbytery  of  Frank- 
lin, in  Delaware,  Ohio,  April  5th,  1864.  By  Henry  Shedd,  the 
retiring  Moderator.  Mt.  Gilead:  From  the  Sentinel  Printing  Office. 
1872.    8vo,  pp.  22.  80069 

"  An  historical  narrative  of  the  Author's  thirty-one  years  service  in  Morrow  County, 
Ohio." — I'homson. 

[Shedd  (William),  b.  1798,  d.  1830.]  Letters  to  the  Rev. 
W.  E.  Channing,  d.d.,  on  the  Existence  and  Agency  of  Fallen 
Spirits.     By  Canonicus.     Boston.   1828.     i6mo,  pp.  156. 

Shedd  (W.)  The  Influence  of  Temperance  upon  intellectual 
Discipline.  A  Discourse  ...  before  the  Temperance  Society  of 
the  University  of  Vermont,  April  20,  1844,  By  Rev.  William 
Shedd.  ...  Burlington:  Printed  by  Stilman  Fletcher.  1844.  8vo, 
pp.  31.  B.  80071 

Shedd  (W.  G.  T.),  b.  1820.  Africa  and  Colonization.  An 
Address  ...  before  the  Massachusetts  Colonization  Society,  May 
27,  1857.  ^y  William  G.  T.  Shedd.  ...  Andover :  Printed  by 
Warren  F.  Draper.   1857.    ^vo,  pp.  24.  b.  80072 

Shedd.  Congregationalism  and  Symbolism  :  A  Discourse  ... 
before  the  Congregational  Library  Association,  May  25,  1858. 
By  William  G.  T.  Shedd.  ...  Andover:  Printed  by  Warren  F, 
Draper.   1858.    8vo,  pp.  31.  b.,  s.  80073 

From  the  "  Bibliotheca  Sacra"  for  July,  1858. 

Shedd.  A  Discourse  ...  before  the  American  Education 
Society,  May  28,  1855.   ...   Boston.   1855.    8vo.  b.  80074 



Shedo.  Discourses  and  Essays.  By  William  G.  T.  Shedd. 
Andover.  1855.  i2mo.  ■{- Andover :  IVarrtn  F.  Draper.  1862. 
i2mo,  pp.  324.  B.,  c.  80075 

Shedd.  Lectures  upon  the  Philosophy  of  History.  By  Will- 
iam G.  T.  Shedd.  Andover:  Warren  F.  Draper.  1856.  i2mo, 
pp.  128.  c.  80076 

Shedd.  Literary  Essays.  By  William  G.  T.  Shedd.  New 
York:  Charles  Scribner's  Sons.  1878.  8vo,  pp.  x,  (1),  365,  Por- 
trait. 80077 

Shedd.  The  Matter,  Manner,  and  Spirit  of  Preaching.  An 
Address  ...  to  the  Graduating  Class  in  Union  Theological  Sem- 
inary, May  7th,  1866.     By  William  G.  T.  Shedd,  d.d.   ...  New 

York:  Charles  Scribner  l^  Co.   1866.     8vo,  pp.  15. 


Shedd.  The  Method  and  Influence  of  Theological  Studies. 
A  Discourse  ...  at  Burlington,  before  the  Literary  Societies  of 
the  University  of  Vermont,  August  5th,  1845.  By  Rev.  Will- 
iam G.  T.  Shedd.    ...   Burlington.    1845.     8vo,  pp.  52.  B.,  s. 

Shedd.  The  Nature  and  Importance  of  a  Natural  Rhetoric : 
An  Address  ...  on  the  Occasion  of  his  Inauguration  to  the  Chair 
of  Sacred  Rhetoric  and  Pastoral  Theology,  in  the  Theological 
Seminary  at  Auburn,  June  16,  1852.  By  Rev.  W.  G.  T.  Shedd. 
Auburn,  N.  T. :  y.  C.  Ivison  &  Company.    1852.     8vo,  pp.  32.    B. 

Shedd.  The  Nature  and  Influence  of  the  Historic  Spirit : 
An  Inaugural  Discourse,  B  William  G.  T.  Shedd  ...  Brown 
Professor  in  Andover  Theological  Seminary.  ...  Andover:  JV. 
F.  Draper  iff  Brother.   1854.     8vo,  pp.  52. 

H.,  S.  80081 

Shedd.  The  true  Nature  of  the  Beautiful,  and  its  Influence 
upon  Culture.  A  Discourse  ...  before  the  Literary  Societies  of 
Amherst  College,  August  13,  185 1.  By  Rev.  William  G.  T. 
Shedd.  ...  Northampton:  Hopkins,  Bridgman  iff  Co.  1 85 1.  8vo, 
pp.  31.  B.  80082 

Shedd.  The  Union  and  the  War.  A  Sermon  preached  No- 
vember 27,  1862.  By  William  G.  T.  Shedd,  d.d.  New  York: 
Charles  Scribner.   1 863.     i2mo,  pp.  40.  80083 

Shedden  (W.)  Case  in  the  House  of  Lords  respecting  the 
Scotch  Estates  of  the  late  William  Shedden,  Merchant  of  New 

VOL.   XIX.  26 




';i    'i 

York,  both  Appellant  and  Respondent's  Cases.     London.   1806- 
1808.    2  parts,  folio.  80084 

Title  from  a  bookseller's  catalogue. 

Shee  (J.)  The  Pilgrim  ;  addressed  to  General  John  Shee, 
with  the  Gentlemen  in  the  United  States,  to  whom  the  immedi- 
ate care  of  our  Seaport  Defence  is  Committed.  With  a  Supple- 
ment.    [^Philadelphia.    1 807.]    8vo.  N.  80085 

[Sheed  (J.  J.)]  A  Letter  from  a  Gentleman  of  Baltimore  to 
his  Friend  in  the  State  of  New  York,  on  the  Subject  of  Slavery. 
Baltimore:  Sherwood  If^  Co. ^  Printers.  1841.  i2mo,  pp.  (2),  12. 
BA.,  H.    +  \_Il>id.'\   1 84 1.     8vo,  pp.  9.  B.  80086 

Signed!  "J.  J.  S." 

Sheln  (I.)  The  Narrow  Way.  By  Elder  Isaac  Sheen. 
/V/jno.  [186-?]    8vo,  pp.  8.  80087 

A  Mormon  religious  tract.  Also:  The  Plan  of  Salvation.  ...  Piano,  [n.  d.]  8vo, 
pp.  18. 

Sheep  without  a  Shepherd  ;  or  the  Rector's  Cure  of  Souls:  A 
Contribution  to  the  Trinity  Church  (Question.  By  One  of  the 
Disfranchised.     New-York.   1857.    8vo,  pp.  41.  b.  80088 

Sheerman  (John  H.)     See  Sherman. 

Sheet  Almanack — 1824.  Together  with  the  Declaration  uf 
Independence  [and  Constitution]  of  the  United  States  of  Amer- 
ica,    [n.  p.   1824.]    Folio,  pp.  2.  H.  80089 

[Sheffey  (Daniel),  b.  1760,  d.  1830.]  Address,  etc.  [On 
the  War  of  i8i2.     IVashington.    1815.]     8vo,  pp.  27.  b. 

Dated  !  "Washington,  February,  1815,"  and  signed  :  "  D.  Sheffey." 

Sheffey.  Speech  of  Mr.  Sheffey  on  the  ...  Bill  for  raising 
an  additional  Military  Force  of  25,000  Men.  House  of  Repre- 
sentatives ...  January  3,  1812.  \}Vashington.  18 12.]  8vo,  pp. 
26.  BA.  80091 

Sheffey.  Speech  of  the  Hon.  Daniel  Sheffey  on  a  Bill 
authorizing  a  Loan  of  25,000,000  Dollars,  delivered  in  the 
House  of  Representatives  of  the  United  States,  February  nth, 
1814.     Alexandria:  Privted  by  Snowden  and  Simms.    18 14      8vo, 

pp.  38.  BA.,  N.,  W.  80092 

Sheffey.  Speech  of  the  Hon.  Daniel  Sheff^ey,  on  the  Bill 
**To  authorize  the  President  of  the  United  States  to  call  upon 



the  several  States  and  Territories  thereof  for  their  respective 
quotas  of  Eighty  Thousand  Men  for  the  Defence  of  the  Front- 
iers" ...  in  the  House  of  Representatives  ...  December  [lOth], 
18 14.  IVashington  City;  Printed  by  Rapine  and  Elliot.  [1814.] 
8vo,  pp.  16.  BA.,  N.  80093 

Sheffield  (A.)  In  Memoriam.  Mr.  Amos  Sheffield,  Say- 
brook,  Conn.  March  23,  1868.  Hartford:  Printed  by  Clark  i^ 
Booth.   1868.    8vo,  pp.  51.  80094 

Sheffield  (John,  Lord).  See  [Holroyd  (John  Baker),  \st 
Earl  of  Sheffield^  Vol.  viii.,  Nos.  32631-32642. 

[Sheffield  (S.)]  In  Memory  of  a  Beloved  Wife  and  Mother 
[Sarah  Sheffield].  February  26,  1864.  [n.  p.  n.  d.]  Sq.  8vo, 
pp.  136.     Portrait.  80095 

Sheffield  (W.  E.)  A  complete  Digest  of  the  Decisions  of 
the  Supreme  Court,  of  the  State  of  Wisconsin,  in  Law  and 
Equity  ...  down  to,  and  including,  the  Cases  reported  in  Vol. 
XIV,  Wis.  Reports.  By  Wm.  E.  Sheffield  ...  .  Chicago:  E.  B. 
Myers  and  Company.    1865.    8vo,  pp.  608.  B.  80096 

Sheffield  (W.  P.),  b.  1819.  Conduct  of  the  War.  Speech 
of  Hon.  W.  P.  Sheffield,  of  Rhode  Island.  Delivered  in  the 
House  of  Representatives,  January  27,  1862.  \^fVashington : 
Scammell  &  Co.,  Printers.   1862.]    8vo,  pp.  7.  80097 

Sheffield.  Historical  Address,  of  the  City  of  Newport, 
delivered  July  4th,  1876,  With  an  Appendix.  By  William  P. 
Sheffield.  ...  Newport:  "John  P.  Sanborn  ^  Co.  ...  Printers.  1876. 
8vo,  pp.  68,  XV.  80098 

Sheffield.  A  Historical  Sketch  of  Block  Island.  By  Will- 
iam P.  Sheffield.  Newport:  John  P.  Sanborn  £ff  60.,  Printers. 
1876.    8vo,  pp.  62.  80099 

Sheffield.  House  of  Representatives.  Speech  of  William 
P.  Sheffield,  of  Newport,  upon  the  Resolution  to  Annul  the 
Decree  of  the  Supreme  Court,  in  the  Case,  Ives  vs.  Hazard, 
delivered  January  17,  1859.  Providence:  Knowles,  Anthony  ^  Co., 
Printers.   1859.     8vo,  pp.  ii.  80100 

Sheffield.  Speech  of  William  P.  Sheffield  ...  upon  the  Bil 
10  Confiscate  the  Property  and  to  free  the  Slaves  of  Rebels  from 

'     '    u 

servitude.  ...  May  23,  1862.    [n.  p.   1862.]    8vo. 





Sheffield,  Mass.  Centennial  Celebration  of  the  Town  of 
Sheffield,  Berkshire  Co.,  Mass.,  June  i8  and  19,  1876.  By  the 
Secretaries  of  the  Committee  appointed  by  the  Town.  [n.  p. 
1876.]    8vo.  80102 

First  Annual  Report  of  the  Visitors  of  the  Sheffield  Scien- 
tific School  of  Yale  College  to  the  General  Assembly  of  the 
State  of  Connecticut ;  together  with  an  Historical  Statement 
respecting  the  School,  and  an  account  of  the  established  Course 
of  Study.     New  Haven.   1866.    8vo,  pp.  40.     Continued. 

Shehane  (C.  F.  R.)  a  Key  to  Universalism  ...  Griffin 
\_Ga.'\  1854.     i8mo,  pp.  180.  80104 

Also,  in  connection  with  J.  L.  Chapman:  Discussion  ...  Do  the  Scriptures  teach 
the  Doctrine  of  Endless  Punishment,  etc.  Notasulga  [yl/a.  l^S°•^  ^^"i  PP-  136.— 
In  connection  with  L.  Pierce:  A  Theological  Discussion  held  in  Aniericus,  Gj.,  14- 
16  Mar.,  1850.  [On  question  of  Eternal  Punishment.]  Notjsuljra  yAla.  1850.] 
8vo,  pp.  80.     Titles  from  Dexter's  "Congregationalism." 

Sheil  (R.  L.),  b.  1793,  d.  1 85 1.  Speeches  of  Richard  L. 
Sheil.  Edited  by  Thos.  MacNevin,  Esq.  London.  1847.  8vu, 
pp.  Ixii,  378.  80105 

Includes  a  speech  on  the  sugar  duties. 

The  Chekinah  ;  Monthly.  Devoted  to  the  Emancipation  of 
Mind ;  the  Elucidation  of  Vital,  Mental,  and  Spiritual  Phe- 
nomena, and  the  Progress  of  Man.  Conducted  by  Brittan  h 
Partridge.  ...  Vol.  ii.  No.  2.  December,  1852.  ...  New  York: 
Partridge  ^  Brittan.  [1852.]    8vo.  H.  80106 

The  first  volume  was  edited  by  S.  B.  Brittan.  Continued  to  1853  or  later,  in  three 
or  more  volumes. 

Shelburne  ([William  Petty  Fitzmaurice,  Marquis  of  Lans- 
downe^l  Earl  of),  b.  1737,  d.  1805.  A  |  Defence  |  of  the  |  Right 
Honorable  the  |  Earl  of  Shelburne,  |  from  the  |  Reproaches  of  his 
Numerous  Enemies ;  |  In  a  Letter  to  |  Sir  George  Saville,  Bart.  | 
And  intended  for  the  Direction  of  all  other  Members  of  Par-  j 
liament,  whose  Object  is  rather  to  restore  the  Glory  of  thej 
British  Empire,  than  administer  to  the  Views  of  a  Faction.  |  To 
which  is  added  |  a  Postscript  |  addressed  to  |  the  Right  Honorable  | 
John  Earl  of  Stair.  |  Fourth  Edition.  |  London :  \  Printed  for  J. 
Stockdale  ...  mdcclxxxii.  8vo,  pp.  96.  b.  +  Fifth  Edition. 
[Ibid.']  mdcclxxxiii.  8vo,  pp.  (2),  96.  -\-  Sixth  Edition.  [/t;W.] 
MDCCLXXXiii.  8vo,  pp.  96.  -f-  Seventh  Edition.  [/&/V.]  mdcc- 
lxxxiii.   8vo,  pp.  96.   +  Eighth  Edition.    [Ibid.']  mdcclxxxiii. 




8vo,  title,  and  pp.  96.    -f  Ninth  Edition.    [Ibid.']  mdcclxxxiii. 
8v(),  pp.  96.  BA.  80107 

By  Denis  O'Brycn.     Improved  title  of  No.  56437,  Vol.  xiii. 

Shelburne.  An  Examination  into  the  Principles,  Conduct, 
and  Designs  of  the  Earl  of  Shelburne,  taken  from  a  late  Speech. 
London.   1783.    8vo.  80108 

On  the  peace  with  America.     See  alto  Vol.  vi.,  No.  13347. 

Shelburne.  Letter  to  the  Earl  of  Shelburne.  See  Vol.  x., 
Nos.  40469,  40530. 

Shelburne.  Reply  to  the  Defence  of  the  Earl  of  Shelburne, 
in  which  the  Falsehood,  Calumny  and  Malevolence  of  that  Pam- 
phlet are  Exposed  and  Refuted.      London.    1783.     8vo,  pp.  35. 

Shelburne.  A  Short,  but  serious,  Reply  to  .the  Author  of  a 
(mock)  Defence  of  the  Earl  of  Shelburne  ;  intended  to  prevent 
Prejudice,  and  to  expose  Malignity  and  Deception.  London  : 
Bell.   1783.    4to.  801 10 

See  *•  Monthly  Review,"  lxviii.  85. 

Shelburne.  Speech  of  the  E^rl  of  Shelburne  in  the  House 
of  Lords,  13  Feb.,  1783,  on  the  Articles  of  Peace.  Ipswich. 
[1783.]    4to.  801 1 1 

Shelburne.  A  |  Vindication  |  of  the  |  Earl  of  Shelburne,  |  from 
the  1  unjust  and  virulent  Aspersions  in  a  |  Pamphlet,  intitled,  | "  A 
Defence  of  the  |  Earl  of  Shelburne"  |  and  addressed  |  "To  Sir 
George  Saville,  Bart."  |  in  a  |  Letter  to  Sir  George  Saville,  Bart.  | 
London:  \  Printed /or  J.  Debrett^  Piccadilly  ...  |  M  DCC  Lxxxii.  | 
8vo,  pp.  53.  B.  801 12 

Shelburne.  A  Word  at  Parting  to  the  Earl  of  Shelburne. 
London :  J.  Dehrett.  mdcclxxxii.    8vo,  pp.  43.  801 13 

See  also  Vol.  xii..  No.  49988. 

Shelburne,  Mass.  Congregational  Church  in  Shelburne, 
Mass.,  March  12,  1832.  Greenfield:  Phelps  £ff  Ingersoll,  Printers. 
1832.     i2mo,  pp.  II.  H.  801 14 

Shelburne  Falls,  Mass.  A  Catalogue  of  the  Officers  and 
Students  of  Shelburne  Falls  Academy,  1847-8.  Shelburne  Falls, 
Mass.  Greenfield:  Printed  by  C.  A.  Mirick.  1848.  i2mo,  pp. 
xiv.  80 II 5 

f.  i' 



r,  r 

[Shelby  (Isaac),  h.  1750,  c/.  1826. 1  Battle  of  King's  Moun- 
tain.   To  the  Public,    fn.  p.    1823?)     i2mo,  pp.  24.     w.  80116 

Signed  on  page  Ijt  "  haac  Shrlhy.  Aj'ril,  1823."  The  lait  eleven  pigei  contjin 
Hocumenli,  letteri,  and  papers  relating  to  hit  servicei  in  the  revolution,  and  eiprci.i!|y 
at  the  battle  of  King's  Mountain.  The  p.imphirt  wai  elicited  by  a  newspaper  article 
entitled  "Col.  William  Campbell  and  Governor  Shelby,"  written  by  Mr.  William  C. 
Frrston.     Information  furnished  by  Mr.  Edmund  M.  Barton. 

Catalogue  of  Shelby  College,  Shelby ville,  Ky.,  1853.  Louis- 
ville,    1853.     ^^°'  80117 

Sheldon  (A.  (J.)  Life  of  Asa  G.  Sheldon, Wilmington  Farmer. 
In  Two  Arrangements,  ff^oburn  :  E.  7.  Moody ^  Printer.  1862. 
i2mo,  title,  pp.  374,  (i).     Portrait.  h.  801 18 

Sheldon  (Dorcasina).     See  [Tenney  {Mrs.  T.)] 

Sheldon  {Mrs.  E[lectra]  M.)  The  Early  History  of  Michi- 
gan, from  the  first  Settlement  to  18 15.  By  E.  M.  Sheldon. 
New  York :  A.  S.  Barnes  ^  Company  ....  Detroit :  Kerr^  Alorlty 
isf  Co.   1856.     8vo,  pp.  409.     4  Portraits.  a.  80119 

"The  whole  of  this  volume  is  devoted  to  details  of  the  Jesuit  missions  among  the 
Indians,  and  the  association  of  the  French  with  them,  derived  largely  from  unpublished 
manuscripts." — Field.  Also;  The  Clevelands  ;  showing  the  Influence  of  a  Christian 
Family  in  a  New  Settlement   ...  New  York :  Amerkan  Trad  Hodety.   i860.     i6mo, 

Sheldon  (E.)  Proceedings  of  a  Court  Martial  on  the  Tryal 
of  Col.  Elisha  Sheldon,  at  Fish-kill,  Oct.  25,  1780.  ...  Hartford. 
1780.    8vo.  s.  80120 

Very  rare.     Mr.  Brinley's  copy  (No.  4141)  sold  for  $16. 

Sheldon  (G.)  The  Hand  of  God  recognized.  A  Discourse 
...  22d  February,  1846,  in  the  Independent  or  Congregational 
Church,  at  Dorchester,  St.  George's  Parish,  S.  C,  in  Observ- 
ance of  the  150th  Anniversary  of  the  Building  of  the  Church. 
By  Rev.  George  Sheldon  ....  Charleston  :  Surges  (sf  'James^  Print- 
ers.  1846.     8vo,  pp.  22.  B.  80121 

Sheldon  (H.  O.)  A  Lecture  ...  before  the  Society  for  the 
Promotion  of  Useful  Knowledge,  upon  the  Lyceum  System  of 
Education,  with  some  Account  of  the  first  Lyceum  Village, 
Berea,  Ohio.  By  H.  O.  Sheldon.  Cincinnati :  Ephraim  Morgan 
l^  Co.   1842.    8vo,  pp.  14.  H.  80122 

Sheldon.  The  Sheldon  Magazine  ;  or,  A  Genealogical  List 
of  the  Sheldons  in  America,  with  Biographical  and  Historical 
Notes,  and  Notices  of  other  Families  with  which  this  intermar- 
ried.    By   Rev.   Henry  Olcott   Sheldon.      No.  i.     Loudonvillt^ 



/Ishland  Co.y  Ohio.  [yunt^'\  1855.  8vo,  pp.  28.  -f  No.  ii.  Sid- 
n/Vy  Ohioy  Januaryy  1857.  8vo,  pp.  28-55.  -j-  No.  III.  Sidney^ 
Ohioy  Aprils  '857.  8vo,  pp.  55-82.  +  No.  4.  Octobtr^  1 857. 
8vo,  pp.  82-1 12.  80123 

In  the  catalogue  of  the  Library  uf  Cungreii  the  magaxine  ii  deicribed  ai  containing 
|i|<.  iv,  II,  and  leaves  113. 

Shkldon  (H.  S.)  Documentary  History  of  SufficKi,  in  the 
Colony  and  Province  of  the  Massachusetts  Bay,  in  New  Eng- 
land, 1 660- 1 749.  Collected,  transcribed  and  published  by  Hez- 
ckiah  Spencer  Sheldon.  First  Period,  1660-1682.  Second  Pe- 
riod, 1682-1715.  Third  Period,  1716-1749.  250  Copies  only 
Printed.  Springfield^  Man,:  Printtd  by  the  Clark  IV.  Bryan  Com- 
pany.   MDCCCLXXIX.     8vO,  pp.  (4),  78.  80124 

Sheldon  (J.)  The  Harvest  Home:  An  Address  ...  at  Evans 
...  By  James  Sheldon.     Buffalo.   1856.     8vo.  s.  80125 

Shkldon.  An  Oration  delivered  before  the  Citizens  of  Buf- 
falo, July  5th,  1852,  by  James  Sheldon.  ...  Buffalo:  Steam  PresSy 
Jnvitty  Thomas  iff  Co.    1852.     8vo,  pp.  27.  80126 

Sheldon.  Oration  delivered  July  4th,  1865,  at  Eden,  Erie 
Co.,  N.  Y.  By  James  Sheldon.  Buffalo.  1865.  8vo,  pp.  30, 
(i).  B.  80127 

Sheldon  (J.  O.)  Address  ...  at  the  Annual  Meeting  of  the 
N.  Y.  State  Agricultural  Society,  Albany,  February  9,  1865. 
By  James  O.  Sheldon  ....  Jlbany.   1865.    8vo,  pp.  30.  b. 

Sheldon  (L.  A[llen]),  h.  1829.  Speech  of  Hon.  Lionel  A. 
Sheldon  in  the  House  of  Representatives,  Dec.  21,  1871,  con- 
cerning the  Levees  of  the  Mississippi.    Washington.   1871.    8vo. 

Sheldon  (L.  H.)  The  Moral  Responsibility  of  the  Citizen 
and  Nation  in  respect  to  the  Fugitive  Slave  Bill.  A  Discourse 
delivered  April  10,  1851,  On  Occasion  of  the  Public  Fast,  in 
the  Orthodox  Congregational  Church,  Townsend,  Mass.  By 
Rev.  L.  H.  Sheldon  ...  Andover :  John  D.  Flagg.  1851.  8vo, 
pp.  30.  80130 

[Sheldon  (M.  L.)]  A  Petition  to  the  Forty-first  Congress 
...  for  Claims  of  America  Citizens  against  the  Credit  Foncier 
of  Poland,  and  thp  Russian  Ciovernment.  Neiu  York :  John  Pol- 
hemuSy  Printer.    1870.     8vo,  pp.  47.  H.  80131 


!    I 



Shkldon  (W.)  Cursory  Rfmarks|()n  the |  I/aws| concerning | 
Usury.  I  And  I  On  some  late  I'rocccdings,  |  in  |  Cases  of  Usury.  |  My 
W.  Sheldon,  |  of  Norwich,  Connecticut.  | ...  |  Norwich  :  \  i^rinttd 
and  Sold  by  John  Trumbull.  \  May^  »79y- 1     Hvo,  pp.  63.  w. 

Sheldon  (W.)  Aerial  Navigation  and  the  Patent  Laws.  By 
William  Sheldon.      Boiton.    1850.    8vo,  pp.  46.  ^O'jj 

Sheldon  (VV.)  Mormonism  Examined:  or  Was  Joseph 
Smith  a  Divinely  Inspired  Prophet .'  A  Refutation  of  Mormon- 
ism, containing  over  One  Hundred  Proofs  of  its  Fallacy.  Ex- 
amined in  the  light  of  their  own  inspired  works,  such  as  "  The 
Book  of  Mormon,"  "The  Book  of  Doctrines  and  Covenants," 
"The  Inspired  Translation."  By  William  Sheldon,  Brodhead, 
Wis.  ...  Published  by  the  Author.  [Broadheady  IVis,  Advertiser 
Printy  yineland.,  N.  J.    187-?]     i6mo,  pp.  184.  H0134 

Shkldon  (W.  D.)  The  "Twenty-Seventh."  A  Regimental 
History.  By  Winthrop  D.  Sheldon,  a.m.,  late  lieutenant  Com- 
pany H.  New  Haven:  Morris  ^  Benham.  1866.  l2mo,  pp. 
144.     Portrait.  b.  80135 

A  hiitury  of  the  27th  Regiment  of  Connecticut  Volunteers,  embracing  periunjl 
sketches  of  officers  and  men. 

Sheldon's  Business  ...  Directory  ...  of  New  York,  Boston, 
Philadelphia,  Baltimore,  &c.  &c.  ...  New  Tork.   1845.    ^vo.     s. 

Shellabarger  (S.),  b.  1817.  Encouragement  of  Foreign 
Commerce.  Speech  of  Hon.  Samuel  Shellabarger  ...  in  the 
House  of  Representatives,  January  21,  1873.  IVashington :  F. 
isf  y.  Rives  ^  Geo.  A.  Bailey.    1873.     ^^o,  pp.  15.  h.  80 137 

Shellabarger.  Enforcement  of  Fourteenth  Amendment. 
Speech  of  Hon.  Samuel  Shellabarger,  of  Ohio,  in  the  House  of 
Representatives,  April  6,  187 1.    [^fVashington.  i%']i.'\    8vo,  pp.  8 

Shellabarger.  Messrs.  Vallandigham,  Richardson  and  Cox. 
A  Reply.  Speech  of  Hon.  Samuel  Shellabarger  of  Ohio  ...  Jan- 
uary 27,  1863.    [n.  p.   1863.]    8vo,  pp.  16.  H.  80139 

Shellabarger.  Reconstruction.  Speech  of  Hon.  S.  Shel- 
labarger, of  Ohio  ...  in  House  of  Representatives,  January  8, 
1866.     [^JVashington.    1866.]     8vo,  pp.  8.  b.  80140 

Shellabarger.  The  Relations  of  the  Constitution  and  of 
Public  Law  to  Rebellion.     Speech  of  Hon.  Samuel  Shellabarger, 



of  Ohio^  Delivered  in  the  House  of  Representatives,  February 
24,  1862.     [ff^ashington.    1862.]     8vo,  pp.  16.  80141 

Shbllabaroer.  Rights  of  Citizens.  Speech  of  Hon.  Sam- 
uel Shellahargerf  of  Ohio  ...  House  rf  Representatives,  July  25, 
1866.  On  the  Bill  to  declare  and  protect  all  the  Privileges  and 
Immunities  of  Citizens  of  the  United  States  in  the  several  States. 
[ff^ashington.   1866.]    8vo,  pp.  8.  H.  80142 

Shbllabaroer.  Speech  of  Hon.  Samuel  ShcUabargcr,  of 
Ohio,  on  the  Habeas  Corpus  ;  Delivered  in  the  House  of  Rep- 
resentatives, May  12,  1862.  IVaihington :  Printed  at  the  Congres- 
sional Globe  Office,    1862.     8vo,  pp.  14.  80 1 43 

Shf.llararoer.  Speech  of  Hon.  Samuel  Shcllabargcr  ...  at 
Springfield,  Ohio,  August  16.  The  Crisis  and  our  Duty.  The 
Union  Policy  contrasted  with  that  of  the  President.  [Columbus^ 
Ohio:  Glenn  &  Heide^  Printers.    186-?]     8vo,  pp.  12.  H. 

Shrllabarger.  Speech  of  Hon.  Samuel  Shcllabargcr,  of 
Ohio,  on  Reconstruction  ...  in  the  House  of  Representatives, 
January  24,  1867.    8vo,  pp.  8.  e.  80145 

Shellabarger.  Who  are  the  Authors  of  the  Rebellion  ? 
Speech  of  Hon.  Samuel  Shellahareer  in  reply  to  Messrs.  Vallan- 
digham,  Richardson  and  Cox  ...  January  27,  1863.  [^IVashing- 
ton.   1863.]    8vo,  pp.  16.  80146 

Alio;  Speech  on  the  Disfranchisement  of  the  Rebels  ...  April  21,  1866.  [ffasb- 
ington.   1866.]     8vo. 

Shelley's  Petroleum,  Oil  and  Railway  Guide  of  West  Virginia, 
Ohio,  Kentucky,  and  Pennsylvania.  Issued  Monthly.  Febru- 
ary.    [A^ew  Tork :  M.  M.  Shelley.    1865.]    8vo,  pp.  27.  '  Maps. 

Shelly  (A.  F.),  pseudon.  Ostrea ;  or,  the  Loves  of  the 
Oysters.  A  Lay  by  A.  Fishe  Shelly,  Esq.  New  Tork:  T.  jf. 
Crowen.    1857.     i^mo,  pp.  72.  80148 

By  James  Watson  Gerard.     See  also  Sombre  (S.),  pseuJon. 

First  Annual  Report  of  the  Trustees  of  "The  Sheltering 
Arms"  ....  New-Tork :  George  F.  Nesbitt  ^  Co.^  Printers.  1865. 
8vo,  pp.  15,  (i).     Continued.  h.  80149 

Shelton  (F[rederic]  W[illiam]),  b.  1814,  </.  1881.  Lectures 
before  the  Huntington  Library  Association.  By  the  Rev.  F. 
W.  Shelton  ...  .  New-Tork:  Printed  by  J.  P.  Prall.    1850.     8vo, 

pp.  36.  H.  80150 

1  M\ 

\  > 

>  '     !    I  ) 



I    I 


t  i' 




*  U 



[Shelton.]     The  Trollopiad  ;    or  Travelling  Gentleman  in 
America:  a  Satire,     By  Nil  Admirari,  Esq.   ...   New  York:  C. 

Shepard.    1837.     i2mo,  pp.  151. 

B.,  c. 


Shelton.  Up  the  River.  By  F.  W.  Shelton  ....  With 
Illustrations  from  Original  Designs.  New  Tork :  Charles  Scrih- 
ner.   1853.     i2mo,  pp.  (2),  xxi,  (i),  335.     Frontispiece.  l. 

A  series  of  rural  sketches.  Also  :  Crystalline;  or  The  Heiress  of  Fall  Down  Castle. 
A  Romance.  ...  New  Tork:  Char/es  Scribner.  1854..  I2mo,  pp.  (4),  11-202.  4 
Plates.  —  Peeps  from  a  Belfry:  or  the  Parish  Sketch  Book.  ...  Neiu  7'ork:  Charlei 
isiiihner.  1855.  i2mo,  pp.  (4),  11-294.  —  The  Rector  of  St.  Bardolph's;  or,  Super- 
annuated. ...  Neiv  Tork:  Charles  Scribner.  1853.  izmo,  pp.  xvii,  11-344.  Frontis- 
piece.—  Salander  and  the  Dragon;  A  Romance  of  the  Hartz  Prison.  ...  New  Tork: 
Samuel  Hueiton  ...  George  P.  Putnam.   1850.     Sq.  i6mo,  pp.  (4),  9-184.     4  Plates. 

[Shelton  (Philo  S.)]  The  Law  of  Special  Reprisals,  [n.  p. 
1858.]    8vo,  pp.  30.  H.  80153 

Shelton.  Venezuelan  Outrage  upon  United  States  Citizens 
and  Property  at  Shelton's  Isle.  Derby.,  Conn.  1855.  [Inside 
half-title :]  Memoranda  of  Philo  S.  Shelton,  in  his  Case  for  State 
Department.     8vo,  cover-title,  and  pp.  23.  h.  80154 

Shelton  (W.),  b.  1798,  d.  1883.  An  Historical  Sermon  ... 
St.  Paul's  Cathedral,  Buffalo  ...  February  19th,  1867.  By  the 
Rev.  William  Shelton,  d.d.     [^Buffalo.    1867.]     8vo,  pp.  20. 

Shelton.  Sermon  preached  by  Rev'd  William  Shelton,  d.d. 
Rector  of  St.  Paul's  Church,  Buffalo,  November  2d,  1851. 
Being  the  first  sermon  preached  by  him  in  the  Church.  Buffalo: 
Seaver.   1851.     8vo,  pp.  23.  80 1 56 

Shelton's  New  Almanac  ...  1815.  ...  Bridgeport  [^Conn.']  1815. 
i6mo.  80157 

Shelton  Family.  Brief  Memoir.  See  [Dixon  (B.  H.)], 
Vol.  v.,  N.  20354. 

Shelvocke  (G.)  a  I  Voyage  |  round  the  |  World  |  By  the  Way 
of  the  I  Great  South  Sea,  |  Perform'd  in  the  Years  17 19,  20,  21, 
22,  in  the  |  Speedwell  of  London,  of  24  Guns  and  100  Men,| 
(under  His  Majesty's  Commission  to  cruize  on  the  |  Spaniards  in 
the  late  War  with  the  Spanish  Crown)  |  till  she  was  cast  away  on 
the  Island  of  Juan  Fernandes,  |  in  May  1720;  and  afterwards 
continu'd  in  the  Reco- 1  very,  the  Jesus  Maria  and  Sacra  Familia, 
&c.  I  By  Capt.  George  Shelvocke,  Commander  of  |  the  Speedwell, 
Recovery,  &c.  in  this  Expedition.  |  [Vignette.]  |  London :  J  Printed 



for  J.  Senex^  at  the  Globe  against  St.  Dunstan's  Churchy  \  Fleetstreet ; 
W.  and  J.  Innys^  at  the  Prince' s-Jrms  in  St.  PauVs  \  Church-yard ; 
and  y.  Oshorn  and  T.  Longman^  at  the  \  Ship  in  Pater-noster  Row. 
MDCCXxvi.  I  8vo,  pp.  (8),  Preface  xxxii,  Contents  (4),  text  468. 
Map  and  4  Plates.  b.,  h.  l.  80158 

The  plates  are  as  follows :  (i)  An  Indian  of  y"  Island  of  Chiloe  in  pursuit  uf  a 
Bull,  p.  106;  (z)  The  pusture  of  a  Sea-Lion,  etc.,  p.  153;  (3)  An  Indian  of  y" 
Southernmost  parts  of  California,  etc.,  p.  404;  (4)  Two  Californian  Women,  etc.,  p. 

"  Two  histories  were  published  of  this  voyage.  This,  written  by  Captain  Shel- 
vocke,  was  intended  by  him  as  a  vindication  of  his  conduct,  having  been  accused  of 
piracy  and  embezzlement.  The  other  was  written  by  one  of  Shelvocke's  officers, 
William  Betagh  [see  Vol.  11.,  No.  5057],  who  was  roughly  treated  in  Shelvocke's  nar- 
rative, and,  in  return,  wrote  with  the  design  of  exposing  Shelvocke.  Both  narratives 
are  written  with  spirit." — Burney. 

Shelvocke.  A  |  Voyage  |  Round  the  |  World,  |  By  the  Way  of 
the  I  Great  South  Sea  :  |  Performed  in  a  private  Expedition  during 
the  War,  which  |  broke  out  with  Spain,  in  the  Year  1718.  |  By 
Capt.  George  Shelvocke.  |  The  Second  Edition,  revised  and 
republished  |  By  George  Shelvocke,  Esq.  |  [Vignette.]  |  London  :  | 
Printed  for  IV.  Innys  and  J.  Richardson^  M.  i5f  T.  Longman^  \  in 
Pater-noster-row .  mdcclvii.  |  8vo,  pp.  (6),  iii,  (3),  476.  Map 
and  4  Plates.  l.  80159 

Shelvocke.  Reise  um  die  Welt,  auf  dem  Wege  durch  die 
grosse  Siidsee,  welche  derselbt  in  einer  Privatexpedition  wahrend 
des  Krieges,  welcher  mit  Spanien  im  Jahr  17 18  ausbrach,  unter- 
nommen.  Aus  dem  Englischen.  Bremen  :  Georg  Ludewig  Fors- 
ter.   1787.    8vo,  pp.  407.  j.c.B.  80160 

Shemain  (Theodorus  van).     See  Van  Shemain. 

Shenston  (T.  S.)  The  Oxford  Gazetteer ;  containing  a 
Complete  History  of  the  County  of  Oxford,  from  its  first  Settle- 
ment, together  with  a  full  abstract  of  each  census.  By  Thomas 
S.  Shenston.     Hamilton^  C.  W.   1852.    8vo,  pp.  216.     Map.    s. 

Also:  The  County  Warden,  and  Municipal  OfHc-''s  Assistant  ...  Brantford,  1851. 
8vo,  pp.  III. 

Shepard  (A.  K.)  The  Land  of  the  Aztecs  ;  or.  Two  Years 
in  Mexico.     By  A.  K.  Shepard.     Albany:  IVeed.,  Parsons  &  Co. 

i2mo,  pp.  209. 

JS/\a«     ^*>     ^* 



Shepard.     Papers  on  Spanish  America.     By  A.  K.  Shepard. 
Albany,  A\  T. :  Joel  Munsell.    1868.     8vo,  pp.  75.  L.  80163 

Contents:  The  Colonial  Policy  of  Spain;  The  Island  of  St.  Domingo;   Letter  from 
Panama;  The  Mining  and  Agriculture  of  Mexico;  Mexico  before  the  French  Invasion. 



1 1  \ 
,  i 




U-  % 

■  '*! 

'  i 





Shepard  (C.  U.),  b.  1804,  d.  1886.  Address  ...  before  the 
New  Haven  Horticultural  Society,  September  25,  1838.  By 
Charles  Upham  Shepard.  New  Haven  :  Babcock  ^  Galpin^  Print- 
ers.   1838.     8vo,  pp.  24.  B.  80164 

Shepard.  Geology  of  Upper  Illinois.  By  Charles  U.  Shep- 
ard.    New  Haven.    1838.     8vo,  pp.  31.  N.  80 1 65 

From  the  *•  American  Journal  of  Science  and  Arts,"  No.  i,  Vol.  34. 

Shepard.  Manual  of  the  Cultivation  of  the  Sugar-cane,  and 
the  Fabrication  and  Refinement  of  Sugar.  Prepared  under  the 
direction  of  the  Hon.  Secretary  of  the  Treasury,  U.  S.  By 
Charles  Upham  Shepard.     Washington.   1833.    8vo,  pp.  122.    s. 

Shepard.  A  Report  on  the  Geological  Survey  of  Connecti- 
cut. By  Charles  Upham  Shepard,  m.d.  ...  New  Haven:  Printed 
by  B.  L.  Hamlen.   1837.     8vo,  pp.  188.  a.,  c,  m.  80167 

Shepard.  Report  on  American  Meteorites.  ...  By  Charles 
Upham  Shepard.  From  the  American  Journal  of  Scunicn  •^^y\ 
Arts,  Second  Series.  New  Haven :  Printed  hy  B.  L.  Hatnlen. 
1848.     8vo,  pp.  55.  B.  80168 

Shepard.  Reports  of  Professor  Charles  U.  Shepard,  and 
Forrest  Shepherd,  Esq.  respecting  Mineral  Deposits  in  the  States 
of  Missouri  and  Illinois.  ...  \New  Haven.  1840.]  8vo.  Folded 
Map.  B.  80169 

Shepard.  Treatise  on  Mineralogy.  By  Charles  Upham 
Shepard,  a.b.  ...  New-Haven :  Hezekiah  Howe.  1832.  i2mo, 
pp.  xix,  (i),  256.  Illustrated,  b.  +  Second  Edition.  New 
Haven.  1839.  2  parts  in  one  vol.  8vo.  +  Third  Edition,  with 
725  Illustrations.     New  Haven.   1857.     ^^o>  PP*  ^t  452- 

Shepard.  Treatise  on  Mineralogy.  Second  Part.  Consist- 
ing of  Descriptions  of  the  Species,  and  Tables  illustrative  of  their 
Natural  and  Chemical  Affinities.  By  Charles  Upham  Shepard, 
...  With  500  Woodcuts.     New-Haven.   1825.     2  vols.,  i2mo. 

Also:  Syllabus  to  Lectures  on  Chemistry  ...  New  York.   1841.    8vo. 

Shepard  (D.)  Oration  before  the  Colchester  Educational 
Association,  July  4,  1843.  ^Y  Daniel  Shepard.  [n.  p.  1843.] 
8vo.  B.,  s.  80172 

Shepard  {Mrs.  D.  E.  G.),  b.  1820,  d.  1853.  Cut-Flowers 
[in  verse].  By  Mrs.  D.  E.  G.  Shepard.  Edited  by  J.  G.  Hol- 
land.    Springfield.,  Mass.    1854.     i2mo,  pp.  168.  801 73 



Shepard  (E.  C.)  Francia.  A  Tale  of  the  Revolutions  of 
Paraguay,  from  Authentic  Sources.  By  E.  Clarence  Shepard. 
London:  Richard  Bentley.   1851.     Post  8vo,  title,  and  pp.  210. 

Shepard  (E.  H.)  The  Autobiography  of  Elihu  H.  Shepard, 
formerly  Professor  of  Languages  in  St.  Louis  College.  ...  St. 
Louis:  George  Knapp  &  Co.  1869.  8vo,  pp.  275.  Photographic 
Portraits.  ba.  80175 

Shepard.  The  Early  History  of  St.  Louis  and  Missouri 
from  its  first  Exploration  by  white  men  in  1673  to  1843.  ^Y 
Elihu  H.  Shepard  ...  .  St.  Louis:  Southwestern  Book  and  Publish- 
ing Co.   1870.    8vo,  pp.  170.  B.  80176 

Shepard  (E.)  Thoughts  on  the  Prophecies;  applicable  to 
the  Times.  By  Enoch  Shepard,  Deacon  of  the  First  Presbyte- 
rian Church  in  Marietta.  Marietta :  Joseph  Israel.  1812.  i2mo, 
pp.  157.  80177 

Shepard  (G.)  A  Discourse  commemorative  of  Rev.  Benja- 
min Tappan,  d.d.,  late  Secretary  of  the  Maine  Missionary  So- 
ciety, delivered  ...  June  22,  1864.  By  George  Shepard  ...  . 
Portland:  Printed  by  Brown  Thurston.   1864.     8vo,  pp.  23. 

Shepard.  A  Sermon,  preached  at  the  Anniversary  of  the 
Maine  Missionary  Society,  at  Searsport,  June  22,  1864.  By 
George  Shepard  ....  Portland:  Printed  by  Brown  Thurston.  1864. 
8vo,  pp.  47,  (i).  B.  80179 

Shepard.  Sermons  by  the  late  Rev.  George  Shepard,  Pro- 
fessor in  the  Theological  Seminary,  Bangor,  Maine.  With  a 
Memorial  by  Professor  D.  S.  Talcott.  Boston :  Nichols  y  Noyes. 
1868.     i2mo,  pp.  xxxix,  368.     Portrait.  80180 

Also:  Two  Discourses  on  the  Divinity  of  Christ  ...  Halloivell.  1833.     8vo,  pp.  48. 

Shepard  (L  F.),  b.  1816,  d.  1889.  Liberty  and  its  Mission. 
An  Oration  ...  West  Killingley,  Conn.  July  4,  1856.  By  Isaac 
F.  Shepard,  Esq.     Boston:  Ticknor  Iff  Fields.   1856.     8vo,  pp.  26. 

Shepard.  Memorial  Day.  May  30,  1870.  Oration  By 
Gen.  L  F.  Shepard  ...  at  Jefferson  Barracks,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 
St.  Louis.   1870.    8vo,  pp.  16.  H.  80182 

Shepard.  Pebbles  from  Castalia.  By  Isaac  F.  Shepard. 
Boston :  Whipple  U  Damrell.   1840.     i2mo,  pp.  160.       c.  80 183 

1  u 

,  ? 





Shepard.  Poetry  of  Feeling,  and  Spiritual  Melodi»;s.  By 
Isaac  F.  Shepard.  Boston:  Lewis  (^  Sampson.  1844.  24010,  pp. 
128.  80184 

Shepard.  Scenes  and  Songs  of  Social  Life.  A  Miscellany. 
By  Isaac  F.  Shepard.  Boston  :  Saxon  ^  Kelt,  1846.  i6mo,  pp. 
336.  c.  80185 

Shepard  (J.  B.)  An  Address  ...  before  the  two  Literary 
Societies,  of  the  University  of  North  Carolina :  in  Gerard  Hall. 
By  James  B.  Shepard,  June  5th,  1844.  ...  Raleigh^  N.  C: 
Printed  by  Thomas  Loring.    1844.     8vo,  pp.  26.  H.  80186 

Shepard  (J.),  b.  1648,  d.  1720.  Early  Offerings  best  Ac- 
cepted :  I  and  Early  Preparations  |The  best  Security  against  |  Evil 
Dayes.  |  Or,  |  The  Wise  Mans  Counsel  to  the  |  Young  Man,  lay- 
ing a  Solemn  |  Charge  upon  all  Young  Persons,  |  to  begin  to  be 
Good  Betimes ;  |  Or,  To  Remember  their  Creator  |  in  the  Dayes 
of  Youth.  I  The  Substance  of  what  was  more  largely  |  Insisted  on, 
from  Eccle.  xii.  i.  Preached] at  Lynn,  in  the  County  of  Essex, 
N.  E.  I  By  Jeremiah  Shepard,  m.a.  |  and  Pastor  of  the  Church 
there.  | ...  \  Boston  :  Printed  by  B.  Green ^  for  Eleazer  Phillips.  \  Sold 
at  his  Shop  at  the  Sign  of  the  Eagle  |  in  Newbury  Street.  1 7 1 2.  | 
Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (2),  vi,  159.  M.  80187 

Shepard.  An  Ephemeris  ...  1672.  See  Vol.  xv.,  pp.  103, 

Shepard.  God's  Conduct  of  His  Church  [through  the]  Wil- 
derness, I  with  His  I  Glorious  Arm,  |  to  make  Himself  an  |  Everlast- 
ing Name.  |  A  |  Sermon  |  Preached  by  Order  of  the  Honourable  | 
Representatives,  of  the  Province  of  |  the  Massachusetts- Bay,  in 
New-Eng-|land.  On  May  the  25th.  1715.  |  Being  their  Anni- 
versary Day  for  Election  of  |  His  M^esties  Council  for  that 
Province.  I  By  Jeremiah  Shepard,  a.m.  Pastor  I  of  the  Church  of 
Lynn.  | ... )  Boston,  Printed  by  John  Allen,  for  Nicholas  Boone,  at \  the 
Sign  of  the  Bible  in  Cornhill.   1715.I    Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (2),  34.        M. 

Shepard.  A  Sort  of  |  Believers  |  never  |  Saved.  |  Or,  |  The 
Danger  of  Miscarrying  in  Point  of  |  Salvation,  by  a  false  Inef- 
fectual I  Faith  ;  a  Faith  having  no  Root ;  where- 1  by  Many  Pro- 
fessors either  fall  away  |  after  Hoptfu!  Beginnings ;  or  Miss  of  j 
Heaven  in  the  Height  of  their  Hopes.  |  The  Substance  of  Two 
Sermons;  Part] of  the  Opening  and  Applying  the! Parable  of  the 
Sower,  and  the  Seed  |  that  fell  on  the  Rock,  Luk.  viii.  13.) 



Preached  at  Lynn,  in  the  County  of  Essex,  N.  E.  |  By  Jeremiah 
Shepard,  m.a.  |  ...  |  Published  at  the  Request  of  some  of  the 
Inhabitants  I  of  the  Town,  for  the  Benefit  of  others  in  the  Place.  | 
Boston :  Printed  by  B.  Green :  Sold  by  Eleazer  Phillips  at  his  Shop 
under  the  Town-house  in  Kings  Street.  171 1.  Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (2), 
iv,  72.  80189 

There  viras  a  copy  in  the  library  of  the  American  Antiquarian  Society  at  Worcester, 
according  to  the  printed  catalogue  of  1837,  but  I  am  now  informed  by  the  librarian 
that  the  book  cannot  be  found. 

Shepard  (S.),  b.  1739,  d.  1 8 15.  An  I  Answer  |  to  the  |  Pub- 
lications I  Of  I  Messieurs  |  Thurston,  |  Woodman,  |  and  |  Coe,  | 
Respecting  their  Pretended]  Divine  Right | of  | Infant  Baptism, [so 
called.  I  By  Samuel  Shepard,  )  Preacher  of  the  Gospel.  \Exeter:\ 
Printed  by  Henry  Ranlet^  for  the  Author,  j  m,  dcc,  xciii.  |  8vo,  pp. 
96.  w.  80190 

This  elicited;  Observations  |  on  |  Samuel  Shepard's  |  Three  Letters  |  on  |  Baptism.  |  In 
a  Letter  to  a  Friend.  [By  Moses  Brown.]  |  Providence  :  \  Printed  by  J.  Carter.  \  m,dcc,- 
xciii.|    i2mo,  pp.  23.     w. 

Shepard.  An  Examination  of  the  Account  lately  Published 
by  Mr.  E.  Smith,  in  two  Pamphlets,  respecting  Original  Sin — 
the  Death  Adam  was  to  die  the  day  he  eat  the  forbidden  fruit, 
and  the  final  end  of  the  wicked  after  the  resurrection  day.  In 
an  Epistle  to  the  said  E.  Smith.  By  Samuel  Shepard.  ...  Exeter: 
Printed  by  Ranlet  b'  Norris.    1806.     i2mo,  pp.  78.  H.  80 191 

Shepard.     The  Principle  of  Universal  Salvation  Examined 
By  Samuel   Shepard.     Exeter,   mdccxcviii.     8vo, 


and  Tried, 
pp.  36. 

Friends  call 

A  I  Scriptural  Enquiry,  |  concerning  what  the 
Scriptural  Baptism  ;  |  Being  |  An  Answer  |  to  a  Pub- 
lication of  a  Friend  |  in  Rhode-Island,  by  the  name  of  |  Moses 
Brown.  [  By  Samuel  Shepard,  |  Preacher  of  the  Gospel.  |  Printed  at 
Exeter^\by  Henry  Ranlet^for  the  Author.  \  M,DCC,xciv.  |  8vo,  pp. 
38.  w.  80193 

Shepard  (S.),  b.  \']'J2^  d.  1846.  A  Sermon,  delivered  at 
Lenox,  (Massachusetts)  February  20th,  1806;  being  the  day  of 
the  Execution  of  Ephraim  Wheeler,  pursuant  to  his  sentence, 
for  a  rape  committed  on  his  daughter,  Betsy  Wheeler.  By 
Samuel  Shepard,  a.m.  Pastor  of  the  Church  in  Lenox.  ...  Stock- 
bridge:  Printed  by  H.  Willard. — March^  1806.  8vo,  pp.  18.  + 
Second  Stockbridge  Edition.  Stockbridge :  Printed  by  H.  Willard. 
—Aprils  1806.     8vo,  pp.  24.  80194 


















Shepard.  a  Sermon,  preached  in  the  Audience  of  His  Ex- 
cellency Caleb  Strong,  Esq.  Governor ;  His  Honor,  Edward  H. 
Robbins,  Esq.  Lieutenant  Governor ;  The  Honorable  the  Coun- 
cil, Senate,  and  House  of  Representatives  of  the  Commonwealth 
of  Massachusetts,  on  the  Anniversary  Election,  May  28,  1806. 
By  Samuel  Shepard,  a.m.  ...  Boston:  Toung  iff  Minns^  Printers  to 
the  State.   1 806.     8vo,  pp.  31.  80195 

Alio:  Half-Century  Sermon  ...  Lenox  ...   1845.     8vo. 

Shepard  (S.  E.)  The  Duty  of  Christians  to  Civil  Govern- 
ment. By  S.  E.  Shepard.  Cincinnati:  H.  S.  Bosworth.  [186-?] 
i2mo,  pp.  24.  80196 

Shepard  (S.)  Accrostics,  a  Number  of  Original  Pieces  of 
Poetry  and  Select  Songs.  Composed  and  Compiled  by  Sylvanus 
Shepard.  [n.  p.:]  Printed  for  the  Author^  August^  18 14.  i2mo, 
pp.  24.  80197 

Shepard  (T.),  h,  1605,  d.  1649.  The  Autobiography  of 
Thomas  Shepard,  the  celebrated  Minister  of  Cambridge,  N.  E. 
With  additional  Notices  of  his  Life  and  Character,  by  Nehemiah 
Adams,  Pastor  of  the  First  Church  in  connexion  with  the  Shepard 
Society,  Cambridge.  Boston :  Published  by  Pierce  and  Parker.  1832. 
i2mo,  pp.  V,  (3),  7-129.  B.  80198 

Thomas  Shepard'j  "Memoir  of  his  own  Life"  is  also  printed  in  Young's  "Chron- 
icles of  the  First  Planters  of  ...  Massachusetts  Bay,"  pp.  497-558. 

Shepard.  The  Beginning  of  the  Sabbath.  See  **  Theses 
Sabbaticae,"  1649,  *^5°»  "''^  ^^S^t  infrot  notes. 

Shepard.  Certain  |  Select  Cases  |  Resolved.  |  Specially,  tending 
to  the  right  |  ordering  of  the  heart,  that  we  |  may  comfortably 
walke  I  with  God  in  our  gene- 1  ral  and  particular  |  Callings.  |  Sent 
over  from  New-England  |  in  a  Letter,  to  a  precious  |  Friend  here.  | 
By  Thomas  Shepheard  |  Sometimes  of  Emanuel-Col-lledge  in 
Cambridge,  now  |  Preacher  of  Gods  Word  |  in  New-England.  | 
London.^  \  Printed  by  M.  Simmons^  for  "John  Roth- 1  well.,  at  the  Sun 
and  Fountain  in  \  Pauls  Church-yard.  1648.  |  24mo,  pp.  (18),  i- 
168,  (8),  169-247,  (i).     Signatures  in  twelves.  b.  80199 

An  address  of  ten  pages  "To  the  Christian  Reader,"  is  signed  "William  Adderley." 
Anothe*"  address  of  three  pages  is  signed  "John  Geree  and  William  Greenhill."  Mr. 
Shepard's  "Certain  Select  Cases"  ends  on  page  i68,  and  is  followed  by  a  catechism 
with  the  title : 

The  First  |  Principles  |  of  the  Oracles  of  |  God.  |  Collected  |  By  Thomas  Shepheard,  | 
Sometimes  of  Emanuel-CuUedge.  Now  Preacher  |  of  Gods  Word  in  |  New-England.  | 
...  I  Londoitfl Printed  by  M.  Simmons,  1648.]     This  portion  has  the  heading,  "The  Sum 


>«  iiwotw  W«»  »w 



of  Christian  Religion,  in  way  of  Question  and  Answer,"  and  fills  the  remainder  of  the 
volume.     The  address  "To  the  Christian  Reader"  is  signed  "William  Adderly." 

Shepard.  Certain  |  Select  Cases  |  Resolved.  |  Specially,  tending 
to  the  right  |  ordering  of  the  heart,  that  |  we  may  comfortably 
walk  I  with  God  in  our  general  |  and  particular  Callings.  |  By 
Thomas  Shephard,  |  Sometimes  of  Emanuel-Colledge  |  in  Cam- 
bridge, Now  Preacher  of  |  Gods  Word  in  New- 1  England.  |  Z,o«- 
don^ Printed  by  fV.  H.for  John  Rothwelly  at  the  Sun\and  Fountain 
in  Pauls  Church-yard^  near  \  the  little  North-door.  1650.]  8vo,  pp. 
(8),  87.   A  in  four,  b-f  in  eights,  and  o  in  four.  l.  80200 

The  first  leaf,  recto  blank,  contains  on  the  verso  the  "  Imprimatur  Joseph  Caryl," 
and  the  words:  "This  Reverend  Author  hath  other  practicall  peeces.  Viz.  The 
Treatise  of  the  Sabbath.  Sincere  Convert.  Sound  Beleever."  The  title,  verso  blank, 
is  followed  by  an  address  of  four  pages  "To  the  Christian  Reader,"  signed  "William 
Adderley,"  and  "Dated  from  Charterhouse  in  London,  Febr.  i.  1647."  The  "Cer- 
tain Select  Cases"  end  on  page  53.  Pages  55-87  contain  a  catechism  with  the  fol- 
lowing title  : 

The  First  |  Principles  |  of  the  |  Oracles  |  of  |  God.  |  Collected  {  By  Thomas  Shephard,  | 
Sometimes  of  Emanuel-Colledge.  |  Now  Preacher  of  Gods  Word  |  in  New-England. |... 
I  f,ondon,\PrinteJ  hy  IV.  Hunt,  1650.I  An  address  "To  the  Christian  Reader"  on  pp. 
57-58  is  signed  by  "  William  Adderley,"  and  "  Dated,  From  Charterhouse  in  London, 
February,  i.  1647."  Another  address  to  the  "Christian  Reader"  on  page  59  is  signed 
"John  Geree,  and  Will.  Greenhill.  Mar.  27.  1648."  The  text  begins  on  page  61 
with  the  heading:  "The  Sum  of  Christian  Religion:  In  way  of  Question  and  An- 
swer.    Delivered  by  Mr.  Th.  Shephard  in  N.  E." 

Resolved.      1655.      See 

Shepard.       Certain    Select    Cases 
"Theses  Sabbaticse,"  1655,  /«/r<»,  note. 

Shepard.  Certain  |  Select  Cases  |  Resolved.  |  Specially,  tending 
to  the  right  |  ordering  of  the  Heart,  that  |  we  may  comfortably 
v/alk  I  with  God  in  our  gene-|ral  and  particular  |  Callings.  |  By 
Thomas  Shephard,  |  Sometimes  of  Emanuel  Col- 1  ledge  in  Cam- 
bridge }  Now  I  Preacher  of  Gods  Word  |  in  New-England.  |  [Z,o«- 
don:"]  Re-printed  in  the  Tear,  1695.  |  24mo,  pp.  (8),  112.  a-e  in 
twelves.  L.  80201 

Pages  75-112  contain  a  catechism  with  the  following  title: 

The  First  |  Principles  |  of  the  |  Oracles  |  of  |  God.  |  Collected  |  By  Thomas  Shephard,  | 
Sometime  of  Emanuel  Col-|ledge  in  Cambridge;  Now  |  Preacher  of  God's  Word  |  in 
New-England. |... I /J*-^r/»«</;n  the  Tear,  1695.I  The  running  heading  of  this  portion 
is :  "  The  Sum  of  Christian  Religion." 

For  a  later  edition,  see  "Three  Valuable  Pieces,"  1747,  infra. 

Shepard.  The  Change  of  the  Sabbath.  See  "Theses 
Sabbaticae,"  1649,  1650,  and  1655,  in/ra,  notes. 

Shepard.  The  |  Church-Membership |  of  Children,  |  and  their 
Right  to  I  Baptisme,  |  According  to  that  holy  and  everlasting 
Covenant  of  God,  I  established  between  Himself,  and  the  Faith- 

VOL.  XIX.  27 




ii'    i 


i'   I. 



'  m 





full  and  their  Seed  after  |  them,  in  their  Generations  :|  Cleared  up 
in  a  Letter,  sent  unto  a  worthy  Friend  of  the|  Author,  and  many 
Yeares  agoe  written  touching  that  subject ;  |  By  Thomas  Shepard, 
sometimes  Pastor  of  the  Church  |  of  Christ  at  Cambridg  in  New- 
England.  I  Published  at  the  earnest  request  of  many  j  for  the  C'on- 
solation  |  and  Encouragement,  both  of  Parents  and  Children  in 
the  Lord.  | ...  |  Cambridg\  Printed  by  Samuel  Green.  1663.  |    4:0,  pp. 

(22),  26. 

c,  M., 

w.  80202 

Following  the  title  is  "A  Preface  to  the  Reader"  of  18  pages,  by  Thomas  Shtpard' 
and  two  pages  of  anagrams,  with  verses,  on  Shepard,  hy  John  Wilson.  The  letter 
"was  written  by  the  Author's  own  hand:  and  not  three  months  before  the  time  nf 
his  Dissolution,  and  sent  to  one  who,  before  the  receipt  thereof,  was  not  so  clear  in 
the  point  of  Infant-Baptisme,  but  was  hereby  recovered,  and  stablished  in  the  tiiith." 
Three  copies  were  in  Mr.  Brinley's  sale,  Nos.  862,  6220,  and  7799. 

A  second  edition,  CamhriJge,  1669,  in  mentioned  in  Haven's  list  of  ante-revolution- 
ary publications,  but  its  existence  is  doubtful, 

Shepard.  The  Church-Membership  of  Children,  and  their 
Right  to  Baptism   ...   Boston^  reprinted.    1762.     i2mo.         80203 

Shepard.  The  Church-Membership  of  Children,  and  their 
Right  to  Baptism  ...  New  London^  reprinted  by  T.  Green.  1769. 
Sm.  8vo,  pp.  40.  80204 

Shepard.  The  |  Clear  Sun-shine  of  the  Gospel  |  breaking 
forth  I  upon  the  |  Indians  |  in  |  New-England.  |  Or,  |  An  Historical! 
Narration  of  Gods  |  Wonderfull  Workings  upon  sundry  of  the  | 
Indians,  both  chief  Governors  and  Common-people,  |  in  bringing 
them  to  a  willing  and  desired  submission  to  |  the  Ordinances  of 
the  Gospel ;  and  framing  their] hearts  to  an  earnest  inquirie  after 
the  knowledge  |  of  God  the  Father,  and  of  Jesus  Christ  |  the 
Saviour  of  the  World.  |  By  Mr.  Thomas  Shepard  Minister  of  the 
Gospel  of  IJesus  Christ  at  Cambridge  in  New-England.  | ...  |  Lon- 
don^ Printed  by  R.  Cotes  for  John  Bellamy  at  the  three  golden  \  Lions 
in  Cornhill  near  the  Royall  Exchange.,  1648.  |  410,  pp.  (14),  38. 
a  in  four  (including  a  preliminary  blank  leaf),  a  in  four,  b-f  in 
fours  (including  a  final  blank  leaf).  b.,  h.,  l.,  w.  80205 

Contents:  Title,  verso  blank;  the  epistle  dedicatory,  "To  the  Right  Honourable 
the  Lords  &  Commons  Assembled  In  High  Court  of  Parliament,"  in  six  pages,  signnt 
by  Stephen  Marshall,  Jeremy  Whitaker,  Edm.  Calamy,  William  Greenhill,  John 
Downam,  Philip  Nye,  Syd.  Symptson,  William  Carter,  Tho,  Goodwin,  Tho.  Case, 
Simeon  Ashe,  and  Samuel  Bolton;  the  epistle  to  the  reader,  "To  the  Godly  and  wi-ll 
affected  of  this  Kingdome  of  England,"  etc.,  in  six  pages,  signed  by  the  same  twelve; 
text,  pp.  1-38.  This  includes,  "Conclusions  and  Orders  made  and  .igrted  upon  by 
divers  Sachims  and  other  principall  men  amongst  the  Indians  at  Concord,  in  the  end 
of  the  eleventh  moneth,  An.  1646,"  pp.  4-5  ;  "The  Order  made  last  Generall  Court 
,?t  Boston  the  z6.  pf  May,  1647.  concerning  the  Indians,  &c.,"  pp.  15-16;  "The 


*  M  «*>T9»ttt«r»*  ■ 





^f  the 


1  Liom 

l-F  in 


Letter  of  Mr.  Eliot  to  T.  S.  concerning  the  Kite  work  of  Ood  among  the   Imliani," 
dated  from  "  Roxbury  tliis  14.  of  Septemb,  1647,"  pp.  16-19. 

Thii  it  the  third  uf  the  aeries  of  tracts  relating  to  the  propagation  of  the  gospel 
among  the  Indians  of  New  England.  It  reprinted  in  the  "Collections "  of  the 
Massachusetts  Historical  Society,  third  series,  vol.  iv.,  pp.  2J-67,  and  again  as  follows: 

Shbpard.  The  Clear  Sunshine  of"  the  Gospel  Breaking  Forth 
upon  the  Indians  in  New-England.  By  Thomas  Shepard.  New 
K'ork :  Reprinted  for  Joseph  Sabin.  1865.  410,  pp.  (22),  56,  and 
covers.  l.  80206 

"  Sabin's  Reprints,  Quarto  Series.  No.  x."  Two  hundred  copies  printed  on  small 
paper,  and  fifty  copies  on  large  paper. 

[Shepard.]  The  ]  Day-Breaking,  |  if  not  |  The  Sun-Rising  | 
of  the  I  Gospell  |  With  the  |  Indians  in  New-England.  | . . .  |  London^  j 
Printed  by  Rich.  Cotes^  for  Fulk  Clifton^  and  are  to  bee\  sold  at  his 
shop  under  Saint  Margarets  Church  on\Neiv-Jish-street  Hill^  1647.  | 
4to,  pp.  (2),  25.    A-c  in  fours,  d  in  two.  l.  80207 

Corrected  title  of  No.  22146,  Vol.  vi.  On  the  verso  of  the  title  is  the  following 
address  "To  the  Reader.  Hee  that  pen'd  these  following  Relations,  is  a  Minister  of 
Christ  in  New  England,  so  eminently  godly  and  fairhfull,  that  what  he  here  reports,  as 
an  eye  or  an  eare  witnesse,  is  not  to  be  questioned  ;  Were  he  willing  his  name  should 
bee  mentioned,  it  would  be  an  abundant,  if  not  a  redundant,  Testimoniall  to  all  that 
know  him.  Nathan.  Warde,"  This  notice  has  been  supposed  by  some  writers  to 
refer  to  John  Eliot,  and  the  tract  is  accordingly  sometimes  ascribed  to  him.  The  evi- 
dence seems  to  indicate,  however,  that  Thomas  Shepard  was  the  minister  referred  to, 
and  that  he  wrote  the  relation.  It  is  the  second  of  the  series  of  tracts  relating  to  'le 
propagation  of  the  gospel  among  the  Indians  of  New  England.  It  was  reprinted  ui 
the  "Collections"  of  the  Massachusetts  Historical  Society,  third  series,  vol.  iv.,  pp. 
1-23,  and  again  as  follows: 

[Shepard.]  The  Day  Breaking  if  not  the  Sun  Rising  of  the 
Gospel  with  the  Indians  in  New  England.  New  Tork :  Reprinted 
for  Joseph  Sabin.   1865.    4to,  pp.  (6),  32,  and  covers.     L.  80208 

"Sabin's  Reprints,  Quarto  Series.  No.  ix."  Two  hundred  copies  were  printed  on 
small  paper,  and  fifty  copies  on  large  paper.     Corrected  title  of  No.  22147,  Vol.  vi. 

Shepard.  A  Defence  of  the  Answer.  1648.  See  Allin  (J.) 
and  Shepard  (T.),  Vol.  i.,  No.  921;  and  for  a  later  edition,  see 
"A  Treatise  of  Liturgies,"  1653,  infra. 

Shepard.  The  First  Principles.  See  "  Certain  Select  Cases," 
1648,  1650,  and  1695,  supra^  notes;  "Theses  Sabbaticae,"  1655, 
infray  note;  and  "Three  Valuable  Pieces,"  1747,  infra. 

Shepard.  Four  |  Necessary  Cases  |  of  |  Conscience  |  Of  daily 
Use.  I  Resolved  in  a  letter  of  Mf  |  Thomas  Shepheard,  To  a  | 
Dear  Friend  of  his  j  Now  Publi- 1  shed  by  that  Friend,  for  the 
good  of  I  others  \  together  with  an  addition  |  of  something  of  his 


t.M    / 


■  V- 




own,  exer- 1 ciscd  in  his  private  Family,]  By  R.  H.|  Wherein  you 
may  behold  a  Pastours  Love  |  and  a  Fathers  Care.  |  ...  |  Loudon^ 
Prtnttd^  by  y.  L.  for  C.  Meredith^  |  at  the  Crane  in  Pauls  Church- 
yard.\  [1651  ?]  24mo,  pp.  (24),  i-ioi,  (21),  1-133,  (4)-  a  in 
eight  (ai  lacking),  b-m  in  twelves,  and  n  in  four  (including  a 
final  blank  leaf).  l.  80209 

Following  the  title  is  the  epiatle  dedicatory  in  ten  pa(:ps,  the  erratj  on  one  page, 
verso  blank,  and  the  address  to  the  reader  in  ten  pages.  On  the  verso  oi'  page  loi 
begins  another  dedication  wliich  tills  twelve  pages,  and  is  followed  by  an  addrcsi!)  "To 
the  Christian  Reader"  in  eight  pages.  At  the  end  is  another  address  "To  the 
Reader"  in  tour  pages. 

"Dedicated  by  R.  H.  'To  his  dear  and  only  Son,  R.  H.  now  a  Student  of  ... 
Graye*  Inne.'  'To  the  Reader'  (lo  pp.)  rontains  a  brief  memoir  of  Sla-pjid, 
Shepard's  letter  occupies  pp.  l-ioi.  It  is  followed  by  a  Discourse  on  John  6.  27,  liv 
R.  H.  (pp.  133),  with  a  dedicatory  epistle  to  his  'two  daughters  Margaret  and  Eliza- 

"The  names  of  the  daughters  and  their  ages  ('the  elder  drawing  ncer  to  sixteen 
years,'  and  the  younger  'now  thirteen  years,')  sufficiently  identify  R.  H.,  the  'dear 
friend'  to  whom  Shepard's  letter  was  addressed,  with  Richard  Harlakenden,  H^q.,  df 
Zarls-Colne  in  Essex,  the  elder  brother  of  Roger  Harlakenden  who  came  with  Mr. 
Shepard  to  New  England  and  became  a  member  of  his  church  in  Cambridge.  Tlicii 
sister  Mabel  married  John  Haynes,  governor  of  MassacliUbelts  >ind  first  goverimr  ol 
Connecticut.  During  Mr.  Shepard's  minibtry  at  E.irls  Culiie  the  Harl.tkendeti  l.niiily 
had  been  his  warm  friends,  and  had  dune  all  in  their  power  to  protect  liitn  from  the 
persecution  which  finally  drove  him  from  England.  Richard  H.irlakend'n's  Hist  witi; 
was  Alice,  daughter  of  Sir  Henry  Mildmuy,  by  whom  he  had  the  son  Ridiaid  to 
whom  this  volume  is  dedicated.  By  his  second  wife,  Mary  Denny,  he  hM\  three 
daughters,  Margarti,  Mary,  and  Eli^&abetb :  Mary  died  young.  The  others  weie  about 
sixteen  and  thirteen  years  of  age,  respectively,  in  1651 — which  Axes,  nearly,  the  date 
of  publication. 

"The  volume  must  be  very  rare.  It  seems  to  have  escaped  the  notice  of  English 
and  American  bibliographers,  of  the  editors  of  Shepard's  works,  and  of  all  his  biogra- 
phers. It  is  not  named  in  the  catalogues  of  the  Prince,  Am.  Antiquarian  Society's, 
Harvard  College,  or  Mass.  Hist.  Society's  libraries,  nor  in  any  other  which  the  writer 
of  this  note  has  consulted." — J.  H.  Trumbull. 

Shepard.  Meditations  and  Spiritual  Experiences.  1747- 
See  **  Three  Valuable  Pieces,"  infra. 

Shepard.  Meditations  |  and  |  Spiritual  £xperiences|of  |  Mr, 
Thomas  Shepard,  |  Late  worthy  and  dear  Pastor  of  the  Church 
of  Christ  I  in  Cambridge,  in  New-England,  from  November  25,! 
1640-to  December  27.  1641.  Transcribed  out  |  of  his  own 
Book,  written  with  his  own  Hand  ;  and  |  left  by  him  to  his  Son 
Thomas  Shepard,  with  thisJWord  prefixed — Try  all  Things,  and 
hold  fast  that  |  which  is  good.  |  Boston^  Printed:  \  Edinburgh  Re- 
printedy  and  sold  at  the  Printing-\  House  in  the  Fish-market,  m.dcc- 
XLix.j    Sm.  8vo,  pp.  80.  BA.,  w.  80210 

Prefixed  is  "  Some  Account  of  Mr.  Shepard,  by  a  Minister  in  New-England,"  signed 
Thomas  Prince.     The  book  was  also  reprinted,  Glasgow,  1847,  lamo. 













Shkparo.  New  Knglands|  Lamentatiun  |  fur  |  Old  Englands 
present  errours,  rjid  di-|  visions,  and  their  feared  future  desola- 
tions I  if  not  timely  prevented.  |  Occasioned  by  the  increase  of 
Anabaptists, I  Rigid  Separatists,  Antinomians  and  Familists.  [To- 
gether with  I  Some  seasonable  remedies,  against  the  infection  of 
those  I  errours,  prescribed  |  in  |  A  Letter  sent  from  M"^  Thomas 
Shepard,  somet-me  of  lm-|manuell  Colledge  in  Cambridge,  and 
now  Minister  of  [the  Gospell  at  Cambridge  in  New  England,  to  | 
a  godly  friend  of  his  in  Buers  in  Suft'ulk.  |  Imprimatur,  James 
Cranford.  |  London^  \  Printed  by  George  Miller^  mdc.xlv.  |  4to,  pp, 
(2),  6.  B.,  c,  L.  8021 1 

On  the  verso  of  the  title  ii  a  notice  dated  "Buers,  March  19,"  and  signed  "John 
Thornbecke."  Shepard's  letter  begins  on  page  i,  and  ends  on  page  6  with  the  date, 
"Cambridge,  Decemb.  10.  1644."  Rev.  H.  M.  Dexter,  in  his  bijiliography  of"  Con- 
gregationalism, No.  1023,  enters  the  title  ot'  an  edition  dated  1644,  which  is  doubtless 
an  error.  The  Thomason  copy  in  the  British  Museum,  which*  seems  to  be  the  one 
referred  to,  gives  the  date  of  publication  as  March,  1645. 

Shkpard.  The  |  Parable  |  of  the  |  Ten  Virgins  |  opened  & 
applied  :  Heing  the  Substance  of  divers  |  Sermons  |  on  Matth.  25. 
I, — 13.  Wherein,  the  Difference  between  the  Sincere  Chris- 
tian and  the  most  Refined  Hypocrite,  the  Nature  and  Characters 
of  Saving  |  and  of  Common  Grace,  the  Dangers  and  Diseases 
incident  to  |  most  flourishing  Churches  or  Christians,  and  other 
Spiritual  I  Truths  of  greatest  importance,  are  clearly  |  discovered, 
and  practically  Improved, |Hy  Thomas  Shepard]  late  Worthy  and 
FaithfuU  Pastor  of  the  Church  of  Christ  at  |  Cambridge  in  New- 
England.  |  Now  Published  from  the  Authours  own  Notes,  at  the 
desires  of  |  many,  for  the  common  Benefit  of  the  Lords  people,  | 

(  Jonathan  Mitchell  Minister  at  Cambridge,       "j  in     New- 
By<  Tho:  Shepard,  Son  to  the  Reverend  Author,  >  England.  | 

(      now  Minister  at  Charles-Town  j  •••  I 

London y\  Printed  by  J.  H.  for  "John  Rothwell^  at  the  Fountain  in 
Goldsmiths- Row  in  Cheapside^  \  and  Samuel  Thomson  at  the  Bishops 
Head  in  Pauls  Church-yard.  1660.  j  2  parts  in  one  vol.,  folio,  pp. 
(8),  240,  203,  table  (5).  a.,  c,  m.  80212 

The  address  "To  the  Reader,  And  Especially  to  the  Inhabitants  of  Cambridge  in 
Ncw-Englnnd,"  is  signed  by  "Jon.ithan  Mitchel."  Another  address  "To  the  Reader," 
is  signed  by  "  William  Grecniiill,  Edmund  Calamy,  John  Jackson,  Simeon  Ash,  Will- 
iam Taylor." 

A  supposed  edition  of  1659  is  mentioned  in  Allibone's  Dictionary,  probably  on  the 
authority  of  the  Library  Cal.ilogue  of  the  Massachusetts  Historical  Society.  The  copy 
belonging  to  that  institution,  however,  is  of  the  1660  edition,  hut  it  lacks  the  portion 
of  tile  imprint  containing  the  year,  which  is  torn  otf.  The  date  of  1 659  is  found  at 
the  end  of  the  preliminary  address  to  the  reader. 



<     ■   • 

'  ii 




I  *' 

■■  i; 

11;  '^ 




•-    A   ■ 

4  if) 


1  in     New 
r,  >  England. 

Shki'ari).  The  |  Parable  |  of  the  [  Ten  Virgins  |  Opened  & 
Applied  :  I  Being  the  Substance  of  divers  |  Sermons] on  Matth.  25. 
•>■■■' 3-  I  VVherein,  the  Dirtirence  between  the  Sincere  Chris- 
tian and  I  the  most  Rcliiied  Hypocrite,  the  Nature  5c  Characters 
of  Saving  |  and  of  Common  (irace,  the  Dangers  and  Diseases 
incident  to  I  most  flourishing  Churches  or  Christians,  and  other 
Spiritual  |  'I  ruths  of  greatest  importance,  are  clearly  jdiscovcrcjl, 
and  practically  Improved,  |  By  |  'I'homas  Shepard  |  Late  Worthy 
ind  Faithful  Pastor  of  the  Church  of  Christ  at  |  Cambridge  in 
New-England.]  Now  published  from  the  Authors  own  Notes,  at 
the  desires  of  )  many,  for  the  common  Benefit  of  the  Lords 
people,  ] 

{Jonathan  Mitchell  Minister  at  Cambridge,      "J  in     New- 
Tho.  Shepard,  Son  to  the  Reverend  Author, 
now  Minister  at  Charles-Town 
[^London:]  Re-printed^  and  carefully  Corrected  in  the  Y'ear^\  1695.1 
2  parts  in  one  vol.,  folio,  pp.  (8),  232,  190,  table  (5).         ba.,  c. 

Shepard.  The  j  Parable] of  the] Ten  Virgins,  ]  opened  and 
applied  :  ]  being  the  substance  of  divers  ]  Sermons,  )  on  Matthew 
XXV.  1,-14.  ]  Wherein] the  Difl^erence  between  the  Sincere  Chris- 
tian] and  the  most  refined  Hypocrite,  j  the  Nature  ar  'haracters 
of  ]  Saving  and  Common  Grace,]  the  Dangers  and  es  inci- 

dent to  most  Flourishing  Churches,  ]  or  Christians,  and  other 
Spiritual  Truths  of  greatest]  importance,  are  clearly  Discovered, 
and  Practically  Improved  :  ]  By  ]  Thomas  Shepard,  ]  late  worthy 
and  faithful  Pastor  of  the  Church  of  Christ  ]  at  Cambridge  in 
New-England.  ]  ...  j  Falkirk:  \  Printed  and  sold  by  T.  Johnston.] 
1797.]     2  vols.,  8vo,  pp.  496  ;  344.  B.  80214 

Shepard.  The  Parable  of  the  Ten  Virgins  opened  and 
applied.  By  Thomas  Shepard.  With  a  Biographical  Preface  by 
the  Rev.  James  Foote.    Aberdeen.    1853.     ^^°»  PP*  ''''»  S^*^*    ^^' 

Other  editions  :  Aberdeen.   1838.     lamu.    -^^  London.   1839.     i2tno, 

Shepard.  The  Saints  Jewel.  See  "  The  Sincere  Convert," 
1655,  1657,  1659,  1664,  1667,  1672,  1680,  1692,  1S12,  infra. 

Shepard.  The  Saint's  Jewel,  shewing  how  to  apply  the 
Promises.  And  the  Soul's  Invitation  unto  Jesus  Christ.  In  Two 
Sermons.  By  Thomas  Shepard  ...  Boston:  Printed  /or  D.  Gooiin. 
1743.     i2mo,  pp.  38.  w.  80216 

Shepard.  Sampwutteahac  ]  yuinnuppekompauacnin.  ]  Wahu- 
womook  oggussemesuog  Sampwutteahae]  Wunnamptamwaenuog, 



I  Machc  wiissukhumun  lit  English-Munc  Unn()nt(nwnnnk  nashpc 
I  Nc  imittac-wuiHicgenuc  VVuttinncunioh  Christ  |N()h  asmwcsit  | 
Thomas  Shcphar(l|Ouinmippcnumun  en  Indiane  Unnontmwaon- 
^anit  nashpe  |  Nr  Qiittianataniwc  wiittinneumoh  Christ  |  Noh 
assoowcsit  I  John  Klioc.|Kah  nawhiitrhc  tit  aiycuongash  ogfriisse- 
nicsi"  ontrh«-tcamin  |  Nashpe  |  (Jrindal  Rawson.  | ...  |  ^V/w/'/vV/^*-.  | 
Piinttil  hy  Siimufl  Grten  in  the  Y'tar^  16H9.I  Sm.  Hvo,  pp.  (4"), 
161.  I..  80217 

|()lir)  Kliiit'a  trannlation  Into  tlir  Iriilian>r  u(  M.iisjcliiiiietti  of  Slirp.ird'ii 
"  SintiTr  ConviTf,"  ii'vini'il  jiid  .itnriuli'il  liy  (iiiii<l.ill  H.iwsun.  Tlif  tianiil.ition  wjs 
rn.i'lr  .n  r.iily  .is  1664,  hut  w.ii  nut  piintcil  uiilil  16X1;.  Mr.  Kliot  .ilso  tr.iilsUtril 
Slii'iMiil'ii  *' Souiiii  Hrlirver"  into  Indi.lli,  l)Ut  it  pioli.ihly  never  printnl. 

Shkj'ARI).  The  Sanctification  of  the  Sabbath.  See  "Theses 
Sabbaticic,"  1649,  1650,  anil  1655,  m/>va,  notes. 

Shkparu.  The  I  Sincere  I  Convert,  I  Discovering!  the  Paucity 
of  I  True  Mclcevcrs  i  I  ami  the  great  difficulty  of  [Saving  Con- 
version. |  Hy  Tho.  Shephcard,  sometimes  of|Immanuel  Colledge 
in  Cambridge.  | ...  |  London^  \  hinted  hv  T.  P.  ami  M.  S.  for  Hum-  \ 
phrey  Ulunden^  at  the  (untie  in  Cor  ihill.  |  1641.  |  Sm.  8vo,  pp. 
(18),  266.  B.  80218 

SuKi'ARD.  7'he  Sincere  Convert,  Discovering  the  Paucity  of 
True  Beleevers,  and  the  great  Difficulty  of  Saving  Conversion. 
\\y  Tho.  Shepheard   ...    London.    1642.     Sm.  8vo.  80219 

Shepard.  The|Sincere|Convcrt,  I  Discovering  I  the  Paucity  | 
of  true  Believers  ;  I  And  the  great  Difficultie  of  |  Saving  Conver- 
sion.! By  Tho.  Shepheard,  sometimes! of  Immanuel  Colledge  in 
Cambridge.  |  ... !  London^  \  Printed  by  T.  P.  and  M.  <S\  ayid  are  \  to 
he  sold  by  "John  Sweetings  at  the  Angel  \  in  Popes-head  Alley ^^  *643'  | 
Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (18),  266.  80220 

Shepard.  The  !  Sincere  Convert:  !  Discovering  !  the  small 
number  of  true  !  Beleevers,  !  and  the  great  difficulty  of  Saving  | 
Conversion.  I  Wherein  is  excellently  and  plainly  |  opened  these 
choyce  and  Divine  |  Principles  ;  | 

1.  I'hat  there  is  a  God,  and  this  God  is  most  | 
glorious.  ] 

2.  I'hat  God  made  Man  in  a  blessed  estate.  | 
Viz.  \  3.   Mans  misery  by  his  Fall.  | 

4.  Christ  the  onely  Redeemer  by  price.  | 

5.  'T'hat  few  are  saved,  and  that  with  difficulty.  | 

6.  That  Mans  perdition  is  of  himselfe.  | 

i'*  \ 






By  T 

ii  I 

By  Tho.  Shepheard,  sometimes  of  Emanuel  |CoIledge  in  Cam- 
bridge. |  The  tourth  Edition,  corrected  and  much  amended] by  the 
Author.  I ...  I  London^  printed  by  Matthew  Simmons  for  lohn  Sweet- 
ingy\and  are  to  he  sold  at  his  Shop  at  the  Angel  in\  Popes- head' Alley, 
1646.1    Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (18),  270.  H.  80221 

Shepard.  The  Sincere  Convert,  discovering  the  paucitie  of 
True  Believers,  and  the  great  difficulty  of  Saving  Conversion. 
By  Tho.  Shepheard  ...  .  Edinburgh^  Printed  by  Gideon  Lithgow. 
1647.    Sm.  8vo.  80222 

Probably  the  first  Scotch  edition.  It  is  a  reprint  of  one  of  the  early  London  edi- 
tions, with  'he  bri.-f  title. 

Shepard.  The  Sincere  Convert ;  Discovering  The  small 
number  of  true  Beleevers  ;  And  the  great  difficulty  of  Saving- 
Conversion.  Wherein  is  excellently  and  plainly  opened  these 
choyce  and  Divine  Principles  ; 

^  I.  That  there  is  a  God,  and  this  God  is  most  glorious. 

2.  That  God  made  man  in  a  blessed  estate. 

3.  Man's  misery  by  his  Fall. 

4.  Christ  the  only  Redeemer  by  price. 

5.  That  few  are  saved,  and  that  with  difficulty. 

6.  That  Man's  perdition  is  of  himself. 
10 :  '^hepheard,  sometimes  of  Emanuel  Colledge  in  Cam- 
bridge. The  Fifth  Edition,  corrected  and  much  amended  by  the 
author.  ...  London:  Printed  by  Richard  Cotes  ...  1648.  [Colo- 
plion  :]  Printed  for  fohn  Sweetings  and  sold  at  his  shop  at  |  the  Angel 
in  Popeshead  Alley^  1648.]    Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (18),  270.         b.  80223 

The  title-leaf  of  the  Boston  Public  Library  copy  is  lacking,  but  is  included  in  the 
number  of  preliminary  pages  given  above.  The  above  title  is  copied  from  the  sale 
catalogue  of  Mr.  Almon  W.  Griswold's  library  (1876),  No.  768,  where  the  date  is 
printed  1643,  probably  by  mistake. 

Shepard.  The  |  Sincere  Convert :  |  Discovering  |  the  small 
number  of  true  |  Beleevers,  |  and  the  great  difficulty  of  Saving] 
Conversion.  |  Wherein  is  excellently  and  plainly  |  opened  these 
choyce  and  Divine  [Principles  ;| 

1.  That  there  is  a  God,  and  this  God  is  most  glo-| 
rious.  I 

2.  That  God  made  Man  in  a  blessed  estate.  | 
iz.  ■{  3.   Mans  misery  by  his  Fall.  | 

4.  Christ  the  onely  Redeemer  by  price.  | 

5.  That  few  are  saved,  and  that  with  difficulty.  | 

6.  That  Mans  perdition  is  of  himselfe.  | 




By  Tho:  Shepheard,  sometimes  of  Emanuel  |  Colledge  in  Cam- 
bridge. [The  fifth  Edition,  corrected,  and  much  amended] by  the 
Author.  I ...  I  London^  Printed  by  Matthew  Simmons^  for  "John  Sweet- 
ings I  *'*"i  o^'  ^0  f>f  JoAj^  <^t  ^"  ShoPs  at  the  Angel  in  \  Popes-head  Alley y 
1650. 1    Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (18),  270.  M.  80224 

Shepard.  The  |  Sincere  Convert.  |  Discovering  |  The  small 
number  of  true  |  Beleevers,  |  And  the  great  difficulty  of  Saving  | 
Conversion.  |  Wherein  is  excellently  and  plainly  |  opened  these 
choyce  and  Divine]  Principles  ;| 

^i.  That  there  is  a  God,  and  this  God  is  most  gIo-| 
rious.  I 
2.  That  God  made  Man  in  a  blessed  estate.  | 
Viz.  \  3.   Mans  misery  by  his  Fall.  | 

4.  Christ  the  onely  Redeemer  by  price.  | 

5.  That  few  are  saved,  and  that  with  difficulty.  | 

6.  That  Mans  perdition  is  of  himselfe.  j 

By  Tho :  Shepheard,  sometimes  of  Emanuel  |  Colledge  in  Cam- 
bridge. |  The  fifth  Edition,  corrected,  and  much  amended] by  the 
Author.  ] ...  ]  London^  Printed  by  M.  S.  for  'J,  Sweeting  \  and  are  to 
be  sold  at  the  Angell  in  \  Popes-head  Alley ^  1 650.  |  Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (14), 
154.  c.  80225 

Pages  1 1 5-1 35,  and  138-153  are  wrongly  numbered  215-235,  and  238-253;  pages 
136  and  154  are  marked  326  and  354. 

Shepard.  The  ]  Sincere  Convert :]  Discovering]  The  small 
number  of  true  ]  Beleevers,  ]  And  the  great  difficulty  of  Saving) 
Conversion.  ]  Wherein  is  excellently  and  plainly  opened  ]  these 
choice  and  Divine  Principles  ;  ] 

(^ \.  That  there  is  a  God,  and  this  God  is  most  glorious.] 

2.  That  God  made  man  in  a  blessed  estate,  j 

3.  Man's  misery  by  his  Fall.  ] 

4.  Christ  the  only  Redeemer  by  price.  ] 

5.  That  few  are  saved,  and  that  with  difficulty.  | 

6.  That  mans  perdition  is  of  himself.] 

Whereto  is  now  added  the  Saints  Jewell,  shewing  how  to  apply 
the  Promises;  And]  the  Souls  Invitation  unto  Jesus  Christ.  ]  By 
Tho.  Sheppard,  sometimes  of  Emanuel  |  Colledge  in  Cambridge.  | 
Corrected  and  much  amended  by  the  Author.  ] ...  ]  London^  Printed 
by  E.  CoteSy  for  John  Sweetings  ]  at  the  Angel  in  Popes-head  Alley^ 
1655.]    Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (16),  247.  80226 

The  second  treatise  has  a  separate  title  as  follows  :  "The  Saints  Jewel,  shewing  how 
to  apply  the  Promise.  And  the  Souls  Invitation  unto  Jesus  Christ.  In  two  Sermons," 
etc.,  London,  '^55- 



\  w 

\  { 


Hi  ■ 


1!,  I 



I!     !!i 

i    !    ! 



i  I 



















Shepard.  The  Sincere  Convert :  Discovering  The  small 
number  of  ^rue  Beleevers,  And  the  great  difficulty  of  Saving 
Conversion  Wherein  is  excellently  and  plainly  opened  these 
choice  and  Divine  Principles  : 

1.  That  there  is  a  God,  and  this  God  is  most  glorious. 

2.  That  God  made  man  in  a  blessed  estate. 

3.  Mans  misery  by  his  Fall. 

4.  Christ  the  only  Redeemer  by  Price. 

5.  That  few  are  saved,  and  that  with  difficulty. 
^6.  That  mans  perdition  is  of  himself. 

Whereto  is  now  added  the  Saint's  Jewel,  shewing  how  to  apply 
the  Promises  ;  and  the  Soul's  Invitation  unto  Jesus  Christ.  Hy 
Tho.  Sheppard,  sometimes  of  Emanuel  Colledge  in  Cambridge. 
Corrected  and  much  amended  by  the  Author.  ...  London^  Printed 
by  y.  Macock^  for  "John  Sweeting  ...  1657.  Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (16), 
237.  c.  80227 

The  second  treatise  fills  pp.  197-237,  beginning  with  the  following  title:  "The 
Saints  Jewel,  shewing  how  to  apply  the  Fromise.  And  the  Souls  Invitation  unto  Jesus 
Christ.      In  two  Sermons,"  etc.      LunJun  :  'John  Sweeting.    1 657. 

Shepard.  The  Sincere  Convert,  Discovering  the  small 
number  of  true  Beleevers,  and  the  great  difficulty  of  Saving 
Conversion.  Wherein  is  excellently  and  plainly  opened  these 
choice  and  Divine  Principles  : 

'i.  That  there  is  a  God,  and  this  God  is  most  glorious. 

2.  That  God  made  man  in  a  bless'.'d  estate. 

3.  Mans  misery  by  his  fall. 

4.  Christ  the  only  Redeemer  by  Price. 

5.  That  few  are  saved,  and  that  with  difficulty. 
^6.  That  mans  perdition  is  of  himself. 

Whereto  is  now  added  the  Saints  Jewel,  shewing  how  to  apply 
the  promise  ;  And  the  Souls  Invitation  unto  Jesus  Christ.  By 
Tho.  Sheppard,  sometimes  of  Emanuel  Colledge  in  Cambridge. 
Corrected  and  much  enlarged  by  the  Author.  ...  London.^  Printed 
by  G.  D.  for  John  Sweeting.^  at  the  Angel  in  Popes-head  Alley.  1659. 
Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (16),  216.  j.c.B.  80228 

Pages  181-216  contain  :  The  |  Saints  Jewel,  |  shewing  |  how  to  apply  the  Promise.] 
And  The 


Souls  Invitation  |  unto  |  Jesus  Christ.  |  In  Two  Sermons  Preached  byjThomas 
..  I  London,  Printed  for  John  Sweetings  1659.I 

Shepard.  The  |  Sincere  Convert,  |  Discovering  |  The  small 
number  of  true |  Beleevers, |  And  the  great  difficulty  of  Saving] 
Conversion.  I  Wherein  is  excellently  and  plainly  opened  |  these 
choice  and  Divine  Principles  :  | 




•Z.   < 

1.  That  there  is  a  God,  and  this  God  is  most  glorious.  | 

2.  That  God  made  man  in  a  blessed  estate.  | 

3.  Mans  misery  by  his  fall.  | 

4.  Christ  the  only  Redeemer  by  Price.  | 

5.  That  few  are  saved,  and  that  with  difficulty.  | 
^6.  That  mans  perdition  is  of  himself.  | 

Whereto  is  now  added  the  Saints  Jewel,  shewing  |  how  to  apply 
the  promise;  And  the  Souls  Invi-|tation  unto  Jesus  Christ.  |  By 
Tho.  Shepherd,  sometimes  of  Emanuel  |  Colledge  in  Cambridge.  | 
Corrected  and  much  amended  by  the  Author.  |  ...  |  London^ 
Printed  hy  Tho  :  Mabb^  for  Robert  Home,  at  the  Angel  in  Popes- 
head-alley.    1664. 1    Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (16),  216.  80229 

A  new  treatise  begins  on  page  181,  with  the  title:  "The  Saints  Jewel,  shewing 
how  to  apply  the  Promise.  And  The  Souls  Invitation  unto  Jesus  Christ,"  etc,  Lon- 
doriy  1664. 

Shepard.     The  Sincere  Convert 
S.Green.    1664.     i2mo,  pp.  190. 

Cambridge :   Printed  by 

This  edition  is  mentioned  in  Haven's  list  of  ante-revolutionary  publications. 

Viz.  ^ 

Shepard.  The  |  Sincere  Convert :  |  Discovering  the  small 
number  of  [True  Believers,  |  And  the  great  difficulty  of  |  saving 
Conversion.  |  Wherein  are  excellently  and  plainly  opened  these  | 
choice  and  Divine  Principles  :  | 

(^i.  That  there  is  a  God,  and  this  God  is  most  glorious.  | 

2.  That  God  made  Man  in  a  blessed  estate.  | 

3.  Mans  misery  by  his  Fall.  | 

4.  Christ  the  onely  Redeemer  by  price.  | 

5.  That  few  are  saved,  and  that  with  difficulty.] 

6.  That  Mans  perdition  is  of  himself.  | 

Whereto  is  now  added  [The  Saint's  Jewel,  shewing  how  to | apply 
the  Promises;  and  |  The  Soul's  Invitation  unto  |  Jesus  Christ.  |  By 
Tho.  Sheppard,  sometimes  of  Emanuel  |  College  in  Cambridge.  | 
Corrected  and  much  amended  by  the  Author.  |  ...  |  London, \ 
Printed  by  J.  Flesher  for  Robert  Home  at  Gresham-college,  in  \  the 
first  Court  in  Bishops-gate-street.    1667.  |     Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (16),  237. 

With  a  separate  title  to  the  second  treatise:  "The  Saint's  Jewel,  shewing  how  to 
apply  the  Promises.  And  The  Soul's  Invitation  unto  Jesus  Christ,"  etc.,  London, 

Shepard.  The  Sincere  Convert :  discovering  the  small 
number  of  true  Believers,  and  the  great  difficulty  of  saving  Con- 
version  ...  Glasgow:  Robert  Sanders.    1667.     Sm.  8vo,  pp.  214. 


;   \    vv  I 

\     ! 

;■  h 



11    I 



Viz.  ^ 

Shepard.  The  |  Sincere  Convert :  |  Discovering  the  small 
number  of  |  True  Believers,  |  And  the  great  difficulty  of  |  Saving 
Conversion.  I  Wherein  are  excellently  and  plainly  openc^  these  | 
choice  and  Divine  Principles:] 

1.  That  there  is  a  God,  and  this  God  is  most  glorious. | 

2.  That  God  made  Man  in  a  blessed  estate.  | 

3.  Man's  misery  by  his  Fall.  | 

4.  Christ  the  onely  Redeemer  by  price.  | 

5.  That  few  are  saved,  and  that  with  difficulty.  | 

6.  That  Man's  perdition  is  of  himself.  | 

Whereto  is  now  added  |  The  Saint's  Jewel,  shewing  how  to  [apply 
the  Promises;  and  [The  Soul's  Invitation  untojjesus  Christ.]  By 
Tho.  Sheppard,  sometimes  of  Emanuel )  Colledge  in  Cambridge.  ] 
...  ]  London^  \  Printed  by  E.  Flesher  for  Robert  Horn  at  the  South 
En-\ trance  of  the  Royal  Exchange.    1672.  )     Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (16), 

223.  B.   80233 

The  second  treatise  is  paged  continuously  with  the  Sincere  Convert,  and  has  the 
title:  "The  I  Saints  Jewel, |  shewing  |  how  to  apply  the  Promise. |  And  the|Souls  Invita- 
tion I  unto  I  Jesus  Christ.  |  In  Two  Sermons  Preached  by  |  Thomas  Siieppard.  | ...  |  Lon- 
don, Printed  for  Robert  Uorne.    1 672." 

Shepard.  The  Sincere  Convert :  Discovering  the  small 
number  of  True  Believers,  and  the  great  difficulty  of  saving 
Conversion.  Wherein  are  excellently  and  plainly  opened  these 
Choice  aiiu  Divine  Principles:  ...  To  which  is  now  added  The 
Saint's  Jewel,  shewing  how  to  apply  the  Promises;  and  The 
Soul's  Invitation  unto  Jesus  Christ.  By  Tho.  Sheppard,  some- 
times of  Emanuel  Colledge  in  Cambridge  ...  London^  Printed  by 
M.  Flesher  for  Robert  Horn.  i68o.     Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (i6),  203. 

Pages  183-203  contain,  with  a  separate  title  :  "The  Saints  Jewel,  shewing  how  to 
apply  the  Promise.  And  the  Soul's  Invitation  to  Jesus  Christ.  ...  London,  Printed/or 
Rob.  Horn.    1680." 

Shepard.  The  ]  Sincere  Convert :  ]  Discovering  the  small 
Number  of]  True  Believers,  ]  And  the  great  difficulty  of]  Saving 
Conversion.  ]  Wherein  are  excellently  and  plainly  opened  these  j 
Choice  and  Divine  Principles  :  Viz:  ]  i.  That  there  is  a  God,  and 
this  God  is  most  glorious.  ]  2.  That  God  made  Man  in  a  Blessed 
estate.  ]  3.  Man's  Misery  by  his  Fall.  ]  4.  Christ  the  only  Redeemer 
by  price,  j  5.  That  few  are  saved,  and  that  with  difficulty.  ]  6. 
That  Man's  Perdition  is  of  himself,  j  Whereto  is  now  added,) 
The  Saint's  Jewel,  shewing  how  to] apply  the  Promises;  and  the 
Soul's  I  Invitation  unto  Jesus  Christ.  ]  By  Tho.  Sheppard,  some- 
times of  Emanuel  j  College  in  Cambridge] ...]  Z,on^o«;  J /V/n/^ii/ 




for  7.  Horn^  at  the  South  Entrance  of  \  the  Royal  Exchange^  1692.  | 
Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (24),  216  (wrongly  numbered  116).      n.,  H.  80235 

Title  of  the  second  treatiiic  :  "The  |  Saint's  Jewel:  |  siiewing  |  how  to  apply  the 
Promise. I  And  the  |  Soul's  Invitation  |  unto  |Jesus  Christ. {In  Two  Sermons,  Preach'd|by 
Thomas  Sheppard.  |...  { Lo»</on  ;  Printed  for  T.  Horriy  169Z." 

Shepard.  The  |  Sincere  Convert :  |  discovering  |  the  small 
Number  |  of  |  True  Believers,  |  and  |  the  great  Difficulty  |  of  |  Saving 
Conversion.  |  Newly  Corrected  and  Amended.  |  By  Thomas 
Shepard,  |  sometime  of  Emanuel  College  in  Cambridge,  since  | 
Preacher  of  the  Gospel  in  New  England.  | ...  |  Boston  :  |  Printed  by 
J.  Draper^  for  D.  Henchman  in  \Cornhil.  M  DCCXLll.  |  l2mo, 
pp.  (2),  vi,  (2),  165,  (i).  B.,  BA.  80236 

Shepard.  The  Sincere  Convert  discovering  the  small  Num- 
ber of  True  Believers.  By  Thomas  Shepherd.  Philadelphia  : 
in  Hi  am  Bradford.    1743.     12  mo.  80237 

Title  from  Hildeburn. 

Shepard.  The  Sincere  Convert,  and  The  Sound  Believer, 
to  which  arc  added,  The  Saint's  Jewel  and  The  Soul's  Invitation 
unto  Jesus  Christ.  ...  A  New  Edition,  with  Notes.  Paisley:  S. 
and  A.  Toung.    i8i2.     i2mo.  80238 

For  Mr.  Eliot's  translation  into   Indian  of  the  "Sincere  Convert,"  tee  No.  80217, 


Shepard.  Some  Select  Cases  resolved.  See  "  Three  Valu- 
able Pieces,"  1747,  infra. 

Shepard.  The  |  Sound  Beleever.  |  Or,  |  A  Treatise  |  of  |  Evan- 
gelicall  Conversion.  |  Discovering  |  The  work  of  Christs  Spirit,  in  | 
reconciling  of  a  sinner  to  God.  |  By  Tho:  Shepard,  sometimes  |  of 
Emmanuel  Colledge  in  Cambridge,  (  Now  Preacher  of  Gods 
Word  I  in  New-England.  | ...  |  London.,  \  Printed  for  R.  Dawlman. 
1645. 1    Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (6),  347,  table  348-352.  b.  80239 

Shepard.  The  Sound  Beleever.  Or,  A  Treatise  of  Evan- 
gelicall  Conversion.  Discovering  the  work  of  Christ's  Spirit,  in 
reconciling  of  a  sinner  to  God.  By  Tho.  Shepard  ...  Edinburgh: 
Printed  by  R.  Bryson.    1645.     Sm.  8vo.  80240 

Shepard.  The  Sound  Beleever.  A  Treatise  of  Evangelical! 
Conversion.  Discovering  the  work  of  Christs  Spirit,  in  recon- 
ciling of  a  sinner  to  God.  By  Thomas  Shepard,  sometimes  of 
Emmanuel  Colledge  in  Cambridge,  now  Preacher  of  Gods  Word 

:  I 



•11  :V 

<  flilK  •-»«>.'>«»««;  •M^4»WktMtl 




in    New-England.   ...   London^  Printed  for  R.  Dawlman.    1649. 
Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (6),  347,  table  (3).  s.  80241 

Shepard.  The  I  Sound  Beleever.  |  A  |  Treatise  |  of  |  Evan- 
gelicall  Conversion.  I  Discovering  I  the  work  of  Christs  Spirit,  in  | 
reconciling  of  a  sinner  to  God.  |  By  Tho.  Shepard,  sometimes  |  of 
Emmanuel  Colledge  in  Cambridge,  |  Now  Preacher  of  Gods 
Word  in  |  New-England.  | ...  |  London^  \  Printed  in  the  Teere^  1652.  | 
Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (5),  317,  (3).  B.  80242 

Shepard.  The  |  Sound  Beleever.  |  A  |  Treatise  |  of  |  Evangel- 
icall  Conversion.  |  Discovering  I  The  work  of  Christs  Spirit,  in  | 
reconciling  of  a  Sinner  to  God.  |  By  Thomas  Shepard,  |  sometimes 
of  Emmanuel  Coledge  in  Cam- 1  bridge,  now  Preacher  of  Gods 
Word  in  |  New-England.  | ...  |  London^  |  Printed  for  Andrew  Crooke 
at  the\  Green-Dragon  in  Pauls-church-yard.,  \  M.  DC.  Liii.  |  Sm.  8vo, 
PP-  (5)>  i-36>  36-ioo>  i3»-*99i  240-3 »7>  table  (3).      j.c.b.,  c. 

Shepard.  The  Sound  Believer :  or,  a  Treatise  of  Evan- 
gelical Conversion.  Discovering  the  work  of  Christs  Spirit  in 
reconciling  a  sinner  to  God.  By  Thomas  Shepard  ...  Edinburgh: 
Gideon  Lithgow.    1658.     Sm.  8vo,  pp.  368.  80244 

Shepard.  The  Sound  |  Believer.  |  A  |  Treatise  |  of  |  Evangelical 
Conversion.  I  Discovering  I  the  Work  of  Christs  Spirit,  in  |  recon- 
ciling of  a  Sinner  to  God.  |  By  Thomas  Shepard,  |  somtimes  of 
Emanuel  Coledge  in  Cam- 1  bridge,  now  Preacher  of  Gods  Word 
in  I  New-England.  | ...  |  London.,  |  Printed  for  Andrew  Crooke  at  the\ 
Green-Dragon  in  Pau/s- Church-yard  \  M.  DC  Lix.  |  Sm.  8vo,  pp, 
334.  h.  8024s 

Shepard.  The  Sound  Believer.  A  Treatise  of  Evangelical 
Convers'.on.  Discovering  the  Work  of  Christs  Spirit,  in  recon- 
ciling of  a  sinner  to  God.  By  Thomas  Shepard,  sometimes  of 
Emanuel  Colledge  in  Cambridge,  now  Preacher  of  Gods  Word 
in  New-England.  ...  London.,  Printed  by  yo.  Cotterel,  for  Andrew 
Crooke.  M.  DC.  LXXI.     Sm.  8vo,  pp.  332,  table  (3).  80246 

Shepard.  The  Sound  Believer.  A  Treatise  of  Evangelicall 
Conversion.  Discovering  The  Work  of  Christ's  Spirit,  in  recon- 
ciling of  a  Sinner  to  God.  By  Tho.  Shepherd,  sometimes  of 
Emanuel  Colledge  in  Cambridge,  Now  Preacher  of  God's  Word 
in  New-England.  Aberdeen.,  Printed  by  James  Nicol.  1730.  i2mo, 
pp.  325.  80247 



bHEPARD.  The  Sound  Believer.  A  Treatise  of  Evangelicall 
Conversion.  Discovering  the  Work  of  Christ's  Spirit,  in  recon- 
ciling of  a  Sinner  to  God.   ...    Glmgow.   1734.     i2mo.        80248 

Shepard.  The  I  Sound  Believer.  |  A  |Treatisc|of|  Evangelical 
Conversion.  I  Discovering  the  Work  of  Christ's  |  Spirit,  in  recon- 
ciling of  a  Sin-|ner  to  God.  |  By  Thomas  Shepard,  [sometime  of 
Emanuel  College  in  Cambridge,  |  since  Preacher  of  God's  Word 
in  New-England.  |  ...  |  Boston:  \  Printed  by  J.  Draper^  for  D, 
Henchman^  in  Cornhill.    1736.I     l2mo,  pp.  (2),  ii,  281.       ba.,  h. 

Shepard.  The  Sound  Believer ;  or,  a  Treatise  of  Evangel- 
ical Conversion,  discovering  the  Work  of  Christ's  Spirit  in  recon- 
ciling a  Sinner  to  God.  ...  Glasgow:  ff^illiam  Duncan.  1737. 
i2mo.  80250 

Shepard.  The |  Sound  Believer.  |  A  [Treatise  |of|  Evangelical 
Conversion.  |  Discovering  the  Work  of  Christ's  |  Spirit,  in  recon- 
ciling of  a  Sinner  |  to  God.  |  By  Thomas  Shepard,  |  Sometime  of 
Enianuel-College  in  Cambridge,  since  |  Preacher  of  God's  Word 
in  New-England.  |  ...  |  Boston:  \  Printed  by  Green^  Bushell^  and 
Allen^  for\D.  Henchman^  in  Cornhil.  1742.  i2mo,  pp.  (2),  iv, 
258.  B.,  c,  M.  80251 

Another  edition:  London.   1849.     i8mo.     See  also  "The  Sincere  Convert,"  1812, 


Shepard.  Subjection  |  to  |  Christ  |  in  all  his  |  Ordinances,  | 
and  Appointments,  |  The  best  means  to  preserve  our  |  Liberty,  j 
Together  with  a  |  Treatise  |  Of  Ineffectual  Hearing  the  Word;] 
How  we  may  know  whether  we  have  heard  |  the  same  effectually : 
And  by  what  means  it  may  |  become  effectual  unto  us.  [With 
some  remarkable  Passages  of  his  Life.  |  By  Tho.  Shephard,  late 
Pastor  of  the  Church] of  Christ  in  Cambridge  in  New-England,  j 
Now  published  by  Mr.  Jonathan  Michell  |  Pastor  of  the  said 
Church  in  New-England.  | ...  |  Z,o«^5«,  Printed  for  "John  Rothweli 
and  are  to  be  sold  by  |  77*0.  Brewster,,  at  the  three  Bibles,,  in  Pauls 
Church- \  yard  neer  the  West  end  1652.  |  8vo,  pp.  (16),  195,  table 
(ii).  c,  w.  80252 

The    preliminary  epist'e    "To    the    Reader,"   by    William    Greenhill   and   Samuel 
Mather,  contains  a  brief  account  of  the  author. 

Shepard.  Subjection  to  Christ,  |  in  all  his  |  Ordinances  |  and  j 
Appointments,  |  The  best  means  to  preserve  our  |  Liberty.  | 
Together  with  a  |  Treatise  |  of  |  Ineffectual  hearing  the  Word  ;  | 
How  we  may  know  whether  we  |  have  heard  the  same  effectually  : 

t    J 



■  i  ; 





i  I..  . 


I  And  by  what  means  it  may  become  J  effectual  unto  us.  |  With 
some  remarkable  passages  of  his  life  |  By  Tho.  Shephard  late 
Pastor  of  the  Church  |  of  Christ  in  Cambridge  in  Mew-England 
[j/V].  I  Now  published  by  Mr.  Jonathan  Michel,  |  Pastor  of  the 
said  Church  in  New-England.  |  ...  |  London^  Printed  for  Tho, 
Brewster^  at  the  \  three  Bibles  in  Pauls  Church-yard.  1654.  |  8vo, 
pp.  (16),  195,  table  (11).     A-o  in  eights.  l.  80253 

Shepard.  Subjection  |  to  |  Christ  |  in  all  His  |  Ordinances,  |  and  | 
Appointments,  |  The  best  means  to  preserve  our  |  Liberty.  | 
Together  with  a  |  Treatise  |  of  |  Ineffectual  Hearing  the  Word  ;  | 
How  we  may  know  whether  we  have  heard  the  |  same  effectually : 
And  by  what  means  it  may  |  become  effectuall  unto  us.  |  With 
some  remarkable  Passages  of  his  life.  |  By  Thomas  Shephard, 
late  Pastor  of  the  |  Church  of  Christ  in  Cambridge  in  |  New- 
England.  I ...  I  London^  \  Printed  by  S.  G.  for  "John  Rothwell  at  the \ 
Fountain  in  Cheap-side.    1657.  |    8vo,  pp.  (16),  iio.  B.  80254 

The  Sabbaths 

are  clearly 

sundry   Sermons 

Shepard.       Theses  Sabbaticae.  |Or,|The  Doctrine  |  of  the 
Sabbath:  I  Wherein  I 

I.   Morality. 
II.  Change. 

III.  Beginning. 

IV.  Sanctification, 
Which  were  first  handled  more  largely  in  |  sunary  sermons  in 
Cambridge  in  New-England  |  in  opening  of  the  fourth  Command 
ment.  |  In  unfolding  whereof  many  Scriptures  are  cleared,  divers 
Cases  of  Con- 1  science  resolved,  and  the  Morall  Law  as  a  rule 
of  life  to  a  Believer,  |  occasionally  and  distinctly  handled.  |  By 
Thomas  Shepard,  Pastor  of  the  Church  of  |  Christ  at  Cambridge 
in  New-England.  |  ...  |  London^  Printed  by  T.  R.  and  E.  M.  for 
fohn  Rothwell  at  Sun  and  |  Fountaine  in  Pauls  Church-yard.  1 649.  | 
4to,  part  I.,  pp.  (20),  151,  (1);  part  11.,  pp.  32;  parts  in.  and 
IV.,  pp.  (4),  50  [/.  e.  58].  B.,  j.c.B.  80255 

The  second,  third  and  fourth  parts  have  separate  titles  as  follows ; 

The  Change  of  the  Sabbath.  Wherein  the  true  Grounds  of  the  Change  of  the 
Day  are  plainly  opened.  Sundry  Scriptures  also  (usually  alledged)  for  this  Change  are 
more  fully  cleared  and  vindicated  from  what  Mr.  Brabuurne  and  Mr.  Primrose  have 
alledged  against  the  same.  The  second  Part.  Londoriy  printed  for  yobn  Rothwell. 

The  Beginning  of  the  Sabbath.  Wherein  five  severall  Opinions  about  the  begin- 
ning of  the  Sabbath  are  set  down  ;  the  Arguments  commonly  used  for  the  four  first  of 
them  are  answered  ;  and  the  truth  uf  the  fifth,  for  its  beginning  in  the  Evening,  con- 
firmed. By  Thomas  Shepard,  Pastor  of  the  Church  of  Christ  at  Cambridge  in  New- 
England.     The  third  Part.     LonJon,  Printed  for  John  Rothwell.  1 649. 




The  Sjnctificatiiin  of  the  Sahbath.  Wherein  the  true  Rest  of  the  Day,  togrther 
with  the  right  manner  of  sanctifying  of  tlie  Day,  are  hrietiy  opened.  By  Thomaa 
Shepard,  Pastor  of  the  Church  of  Christ  at  Camliridge  in  New-England.  The  fourth 
Fart.     LonJon,  PrinleJ  for  yobn  Rothwel/.    1649. 

One  of  the  parts  is  wrongly  dared  1640. 

Shepard.  Theses  Sabbaticse.  |  Or,  |  The  Ductrine  |  of  the| 
Sabbath  :|  wherein  | 

{I.   Morality.  ^ 

II.  Change.  (are  clearly] 

III.  Beginning.  |  discussed.  | 
IV.  Sanctification.  I 
Which  were  first  handled  more  largely  fin  sundry  Sermons  in 
Cambridg  in  New-England  |  in  opening  of  the  fourth  Command- 
ment. I  In  unfolding  whereof  many  Scriptures  are  cleared,  di-|  vers 
Cases  of  Conscience  resolved,  and  the  Morall  |  Law  as  a  rule 
of  life  to  a  Believer,  occasional- |ly  and  distinctly  handled.  |  By 
Thomas  Shepard,  Pastor  of  the  Church  of  |  Christ  at  Cambridge 
in  New  England.  | ...  |  Lon^ow,  Printed  by  T.  R.  and  E.  M.  for 
John  Rothwell  at\Sun  and  Fountain  in  Pauls  Church-yard.  1650.  | 
Sm.  8vo,  part  i.,  pp.  (28),  184  ;  parts  11.,  in.  and  iv.,  pp.  (4),  95. 

The  second,  third  and  fourth  parts  have  separate  titles  as  follows : 

The  I  Change  I  of  the  I  Sabbath.  I  Wherein  the  true  Grounds  |  of  the  Change  of  the 
Day  are  |  plainly  opened.  |  Sundry  Scriptures  also  (usually  al-|ledged)  for  this  Change  are 
more  fully  {  cleared  and  vindicated  from  what  |  Mr.  Brabourne  and  Mr.  Primrose  {  have 
alledged  againstfthe  same. {The  second  PAn.\London.\Printed  for  John  Rotbtuell.  1650.  | 

The  I  Beginning  I  of  the  |  Sabbath  |  Wherein  five  severall  Opi-|nion8  about  the  begin- 
ning of  the  I  Sabbath  are  set  down  ;  the  Arguments  {  commonly  used  for  the  four  first 
uf  them  I  are  answered  ;  and  the  truth  of  thej  fifth,  for  its  beginning  in  |  the  Evening, 
confirmed.  {  By  Thomas  Shepard,  Pastor  of  the  Church  of  [Christ  at  Cambridge  in 
New-England. |The  third  Part.\LonJon,\PrinteJfor  lobn  Rothwell.   1650.] 

The  I  Sanctification  |  of  the  {  Sabbath.  |  V/herein  |  the  true  Rest  of  the  Day,  |  toge  her 
with  the  right  manner  |  of  Sanctifying  of  the  Day,  {  are  briefly  opened.  {  By  Thomas 
Shepard,  Pastor  of  the  Church  of  {Christ  at  Cambridge  in  New-England.  |  The  fourth 
?iixX.\London,\Prinud for  lobn  Rotbtuell,   1650.I 

Theses  Sabbaticse.  |  Or,  |  The  Doctrine  |  of  the  | 





Sabbath. | 

I. — Morality,  i           , 

^,,         •''  are  clear- 

II. — Change,  l  i    j-          i 

T>     .  ® .'  My  discus- 

III.— Beginnmg,  ^^^  .         i 

^  IV. — Sanctification,  j        ' ' 
Which  were  first  handled   more  largely  |  in  sundry  Sermons  in 
Cambridg  in  New  Eng-|land,  in  opening  of  the  fourth  Com- 
mandment. I  In  unfolding  whereof  many  Scriptures  are  cleared, 
di-|vers  Cases  of  Conscience  resolved,  and  the  Moral  |  Law  as  a 

VOL.    XIX.  28 


■  I 



\\  \'' 

I.  W 



!f;  ' 



.   I 

t  : 

rule  of  I^ifc  tu  a  Hclicvcr,  uccasional-|ly  and  distinctly  handled.  | 
By  Thomas  Shepard,  Pastor  of  the  Church  of  |  Christ  at  Cam- 
bridge in  New-England.  I ...  I /.««r/(9«,  Printed  hy  S.  G.  for  John 
Rothwtll  at  tht  Foun-  \  tain  and  Bear  in  Goldsmiths  rmu  in  Cheop- 
j/V/.  I1655.I  Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (28),  1-320;  Certain  Select  Cases, 
PP-  (2),  323-324*  (2),  1-32  s  The  First  Principles,  pp.  (5),  1-17. 

The  iignjturea  are  continuoun  through  the  whole  volume.  The  second,  third  and 
fourth  parti  of  "  Theset  Sabbaticic"  have  separate  titlen !  *•  Tlir  Change  of  thr  Sab- 
bath," etc.,  "  The  Beginning  of  the  Sabbath,"  etc.,  and  "The  Sanctification  of  the 
Sabbath,"  etc.}  but  the  pagination  in  continuous.  On  page  [321]  is  the  tullowing 
title  t 

Certain  |  Select  Cases  {  Resolved.  |  Specially,  tending  to  the  {  Right  ordering  of  the 
Heart,  I  that  we  may  comfortably|walk  with  God  in  our  ge-|nerall  and  particular  |  Oall- 
ingi.  I  By  |  Thomas  Shephard,  {  sometimes  of  Emanuel  Collrge  in  |  Camlnidgc,  Nuw 
Preacher  of {  Ouds  Word  in  licvt-]Ln^\3tnA.\London,\Printed for  yobn  Rnihivcll.  1655.1 
This  portion  contains  three  preliminary  leaves  and  32  pages.      It  is  followed  hy  : 

The  First  |  Principles  |  of  the  |  Oracles  |  of  |  God.  |  Collected  by  {  Thomas  Shephard,] 
Sometimes  of  Emanuel  College  in  [Cambridge,  Now  Preacher  of  |  Gods  Word  in  Ni-w- 
England.  |  ...  |  London,  \  Printed  for  Jfohn  Ruiiwcl.  1655.  |  The  p.igination  of  this  pirt 
begins  on  the  verso  of  the  third  leaf  with  1,  and  runs  to  17,  which  is  on  the  vers>>  of 
the  eleventh  leaf.  The  signatures  run  from  Zi  to  Aa4,  in  continuation  of  the  pie- 
ceding  parts.     L. 

Shepard.  Three  Valuable  Pieces,  j  Viz.  |  Select  Cases  |  Re- 
solved ;  I  First  Principles  |  of  the  Oracles  of  God,  |  or  |  Sum  of  Chris- 
tian Religion  ;  I  Both  corrected  by  Four  several  Editions  :  |  and  |  A 
private  Diary ;  |  Containing  Meditations  and  Experiences  |  nevir 
before  Published.  |  By  Thomas  Shepard,  m.a.  |  of  Emmanuel- 
College  in  Cambridge  in  England  :  |  Afterward  Minister  of  the 
Church  of  Cambridge  in  |  New-England.  |  With  some  Account  of 
the  Rev.  Author.  |  ...  |  Boston :  \  Printed  and  sold  by  Rogers  and 
Fowle  in  l^een- Street.   1747.  |    Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (2),  7,  (6),  53  ;  (4), 

27  }    (2),  vi,  73.  BA.,  C,  H.,  W.  80258 

Edited  by  Rev.  Thomas  Prince,  who  gives  in  the  preface  a  brief  account  of  the 
author's  life.     Each  one  of  the  three  pieces  has  a  special  title  as  follows: 

Some  I  Select  Cases  |  resolved.  |  Specially,  tending  to  the  right  |  Ordering  of  the 
Heart,  that  {  we  may  comfortably  walk  with  |  God  in  our  general  and  par-|ticular  Call- 
ings :  &c.|In  a  Letter  to  a  pious  Friend  in  England. |By  Thomas  Shepard,  M.A.|Foritieriy 
of  Emmanuel-College  in  Cambridge  in  £n(;land  :  afterward  Minister  of  Cambridpe  in 
New-England.  |  Corrected  by  Four  several  Editions  ;  |  Boston  :  Printed  and  Sold  hy  Risers 
and  Fotole  in\Siueen-ureet.   1747. |     This  treatise  ends  on  page  53,  and  is  followed  by: 

The  I  First  Principles  |  of  the  |  Oracles  of  God.  |  Collected  ]  By  Thomas  Shepard, |...  | 
Boston  :  Printed  and  Sold  hy  Rogers  and  Fotvle  in  \  li^ueen- Street,  1747.  |  This  part  con- 
tains pp.  (4),  27,  and  is  followed  by: 

Meditations  |  and  |  Spiritual  Experiences  |  of  |  Mr.  Thomas  Shepard,  |  Late  worthy  and 
dear  Pastor  of  the  Church  of  Christ  |  in  Cambridge,  in  New-England,  from  November 
25. 1  1640 — to  December  27.  1641.  Transcribed  out  |  of  his  own  Book,  written  with 
his  own  Hand;  and  |  left  by  him  to  his  Son  Thomas  Shepard,  with  this  {Word  prefixed 



■--Try  all  Tiling!,  ann    hold   fust  that  {which   i',  good,  |  Hoiton:    l'tinie(l  and  Sold  hy 
Rogin  and  Fotv/e  in  |  iQue^n-ttreii.    1747.I      Tliii  portion  contains  pp.  (a),  vi,  73, 

Sheparu.  A|Treatise|of  I  Liturgies, I  Power  of  the  Keyes,| 
And  of  mutter  of  the  Visible  Church.]  In  Answer|'ro  the  Rev- 
erend Servant  of  Christ,  |  Mr.  John  Ball.|Hv  Thomas  Shephard, 
Sometimes  fellow  of  |  Emanuel-Colledgc  in  Cambridge,  and  late 
Pastour|of  Cambridge  in  Ncw-Englaiul.  | ...  | /.««//»«, |  A-/«/^//  by 
E.  Cotes  for  Andrew  Crooke^  and  are  to  be  sold  \  at  the  Green  Dragon 
in  Pauls  Church-yard^   ^^SS-I    4*"»  PP-  (^)»  2I2.  80259 

Title  Airnithed  by  Rev.  Henry  M.  Drxter,  from  a  copy  in  hit  posieision.  For  an 
earlier  edition  entitlfd  "A  Def'rnte  of  the  Answer,"  etc.,  printed  in  1648,  i«  Allin 
(J.)  and  Shepard  (T.),  Vol.  1.,  No.  921. 

Shepard.  Two  Questions,  |  Viz.  |i.  Whether  an  account  of 
the  Work  of  Grace  |  is  to  be  required  of  those  that  are  Ad- 1 
mitted  to  full  Communion  in  the  Church?  |  ii.  Whether  the 
whole  Church  is  to  be  |  Judge  thereof.?  |  Judiciously  Answered.  | 
By  Mr.  Thomas  Shepard,  sometimes  a  famous  |  Pastor  of  the 
Church  of  Cambridge,  |  in  New-England.  |  ...  |  Boston  in  N.  E.\ 
Printed  and  Sold  by  Bartholomew  Green^  \  and  John  Allen.  \  1697.  | 
Sm.  8vo,  pp.  15.  M.  80260 

Shepard.  Wine  |  for  |  Gospel  Wantons :  |  or,  |  Cautions  |  against 
[Spirituall  Drunkenness.  |  Being  the  brief  Notes  of  a  Sermon 
Preached  at  [Cambridge  in  New-England,  upon  a  Day  of  Publick 
Fasting  I  and  Pruyer  throughout  the  Colony,  June  25.  1645.  |in  ref- 
erence to  the  sad  estate  of  the  Lords  |  People  in  England.  |  By  that 
Reverend  Servant  of  the  Lord,]  Mr.  Thomas  Shepard  deceased,) 
Sometimes  the  Pastor  of  the  Church  of  Christ  there.  |... 

Charles  Chauncv. 


John  Sherman. 

Cambridge:  Printed  in  the  Tear  1668.  |    4to,  pp.  15.        w.  8026 1 

Printed  by  Samuel  Green  or  Marmaduke  Johnson. 

Shepard.  The  Works  of  Thomas  Shepard,  First  Pastor  of 
The  First  Church,  Cambiidge,  Mass.  With  a  Memoir  of  his 
Life  and  Character  [by  J.  A.  Albro].  ...  Boston.  1853.  3  vols., 
i2mo,  pp.  cxcii,  351 ;  635  ;  xii,  (i),  9-540.  B.  80262 

Mr.  Shepard  also  preached  the  Massachusetts  election  sermons  for  1637  and  1638. 
An  outline  of  the  sermon  for  1638  was  first  printed,  from  the  original  manuscript,  in 
tile  "New-England  Historical  &  Genealogical  Register,"  vol.  xxiv.  (1870),  pp.  361- 

Shepard  (T.),  ^.  1635,  </.  1677.  Eye-Salve,  |  Or  A  |  Watch- 
Word  I  From   our   Lord    lesus    Christ    unto    his   Churches :  | 

.  IM 

;  !■ 




Especially  those  within  the  Culony  u(  the  Massachusets  |  In 
New-England.  |  To  take  heed  of  Ap«)stacy:  |  Or  |  A  Treatise  of 
Remembrance  of  what  (lod  hath  been  to  us,  as  also  |  what  wc 
ought,  and  what  we  ought  not  to  be  to  him,  as  we  de-|sirc  the 
prolonging  of  our  Pros|)er()us  Daves  in  the  Land  which  |  the 
Lord  our  (lod  hath  given  us.  |  By  Thomas  Shepard,  Teacher  of 

Who  was  ap[)ointctl  bv  the 
Election  |  at   Boston,  May 

the  Church  of  Christ  in|Charlstown 

Magistrates,  to  Preach  on  the  day  of 

15,    i6y2.\  ...\Camhidge  Printed  by  Samutt  Grttn^   '^'73'|     4'", 

pp.  (4),  52.  B.,  HA.,  M.  80263 

The  address  to  .he  "Chriitian  Reader,"  in  signed  "Thomas  Tliarher."  Mr  Mcn- 
zies's  copy  sold  for  $45  ;    Mr,  Drinley's  tor  $10. 

For  "An  Klegie  upon  The  Death  of  the  Reverend  Mr.  Thoni.)!  Shfp.ird,"  |iiiiiii'il 
in  1677,  set  (Oakfs  (],  Vol,  xiii.,  No.  563X1.  S'f  ,i!sn  Sibley 'it  "  IJicigt  jpliii  ,il 
Sketches  of  Graduates  of  Harvard  University,"  vol.  1.,  pp.  317-334. 

Shrpard  (T.)  a  Discourse  preached  at  the  Dedication  of  the 
New  Congregational  Church,  ...  Nov.  25,  1856  ...  My  Riv. 
Thomas  Shepard  ...  Prov'uitnce :  Saytes^  Miller  iJ  Simoui.  1S57. 
8vo,  pp.  29.  80264 

Shepard.  An  Historical  Discourse  from  Psalm  xi.viii.  12, 
13,  delivered  in  Bristol,  November  25,  1856,  on  the  Occasion 
of  taking  leave  of  the  Old  House  of  Worship,  reviewing  the 
chief  Incidents  in  the  History  of  the  Church  and  Society  since 
their  Formation  ;  the  latter,  in  1680,  and  the  former  in  1687. 
By  Rev.  Thomas  Shepard  ...  Providence:  Sayles^  Miller  b*  Simons. 
1857.     8vo»  PP'  '^^'  80265 

This  title  and  the  01.    ibllowing  are  from  Bartlett's  "Bibliography  of  Rhode  Isl.ind." 

Shepard.  A  Ministry  of  Fourteen  Years.  A  Discourse 
preached  from  Psalm  xc.  12,  at  Ashfield,  Mass.,  June  16,  1859, 
it  being  the  40th  anniversary  of  his  settlement  in  that  town.  By 
Rev.  Thomas  Shepard  ...  Providence:  Knowles^  Anthony  y  Co. 
1859.     ^vo,  pp.  24.  80266 

Shkpard.     The  Pastor's  twenty-fifth  Annual, 
of  a  Ministry  of  25  years.     By  Thomas  Shepard,  n.n..  Pastor  ot 

ch  in  Bristol,  R.  L    Providence:  Knoivlesy 

B.  80267 

A  Memorial 
Pastor  of 

the  Congregational  Churcl 
Anthony  £5"  Co.    i860.     8vo,  pp.  9. 

Shepard.  The  Retired  Pastor's  Annual.  A  Retrospective 
of  Four  Score  Years.  By  Thomas  Shepard,  d.d.  Bristol,  R.  I. 
Providence:  Hammond.^  Angell  ^  Co.^  Printers.  1873.  8vo,  pp. 
(2),  18.  80268 



[Shei'ard  (W.  a.)]  Rejoinder  to  the  Second  Section  of  the 
"  Reply  "  of  Hon.  H.  Mann,     [/iotton.    184.5. J    Hvo,  pp.  56.     B. 

Shkphard  (C)  The  Colonial  Practice  of  Saint  Vincent: 
Containing  an  Abstract  of  the  Court  Acts,  and  the  Rules  of  the 
several  Courts  in  the  Island  ;  also  Observations  on  the  common 
assurances  in  general  use  in  the  West  Indies:  with  an  Appendix 
of  Precedents.  By  Charles  Shephard,  a.B.  ...  London:  Charlts 
Hunter.    1822.     8vo,  pp.  xxi,  (2),  316.  H.  80270 

Shkphaki).  An  Historical  Account  of  the  Island  of  Saint 
Vincent.  By  Charles  Shephard,  Esq.  London:  Printed  by  IV, 
Nicol.   1831.     8vo,  pp.  xvi,  (4),  2i6,  Ixxvi.     2  Plates.  ba. 

Shki'HARD  (|.)  The  Commercial  (juide  and  Continental 
Negt)tiator  i  being  an  accurate  Comparison,  K(|ualization,  and 
Arrangement  of  the  Weights,  Measures,  and  Monies  of  Kurope, 
North  and  South  Americas,  &c.  with  those  of  Cireat  Britain.  By 
James  Shephard.     Derby.    1 821.     8vo.  p.  80272 

Shki'HARD  (Thomas),  of  Cambridge.     See  Shepard. 

Shkphkard  (Thomas),  0/ Cambridge.     See  Shepard. 

Shephkrd  (C.)  An  Oration,  delivered  at  (jrccnfield,  July  4, 
1809,  the  thirty  fourth  Anniversary  of  American  Independence. 
By  Charles  Shepherd.  ...  Northampton.    1809.    8vo,  pp.  20.    ba. 

[Shkpherd  (Daniel).]  Saratoga.  A  Story  of  1787.  New 
York:  IV.  P.  Fetridge  iff  Co.    1856.     i2mo,  pp.  400.       c.  80274 

The  book  was  written  by  the  late  D.inirl  Shepherd,  ot";a,  whose  name  appears 
in  the  notice  of  copyriglit.  In  the  preface  the  author  says :  •'  For  all  artistic  purposes, 
wli.itcvcr  might  be  true  is  true ;  and  this  boolc  is  presented  tu  the  public  as  a  faithful 
though  uf  course  an  incomplete  picture  of  Saratoga  in  1787." 

[Shepherd.]  Saratoga  ;  an  Indian  Tale  of  Frontier  Life.  A 
True  Story  of  1787.  Philadelphia:  T.  B.  Peterson  isf  Bros.  1877. 
i2mo,  pp.  400.  80275 

Shepherd  (E.)  The  Columbian  Accountant.  By  E.  Shep- 
herd.    Third  Edition.      New  Tork.    1812.     i2mo.  80276 

Shepherd  (F.)  Report  of  Forrest  Shepherd,  Esq.  To  the 
Boston  Association  for  purchasing  Mineral  Properly  in  Missouri 
and  Illinois.     \^New  Haven.    1840.]     8vo,  pp.  12.     Folded  Map. 

Shepherd.  Report  of  Forrest  Shepherd,  Esq.,  on  the  Min- 
eral Lands  of  the  Montreal  Mining  Company  on  the  Shores  of 
Lake  Superior,     [n.  p.    1846.]    8vo,  pp.  32.  h.  80278 

I       \\ 







Shepherd.  Report  by  Professor  Forrest  Shepherd,  of  New 
Haven,  on  certain  Mineral  f>ands  in  the  Ontonagon  District, 
selected  ?fd  located  by  the  late  Algernon  Merryweather  ...  . 
Bostop  .  Geo,  C.  Rand  ^  Jvery.    1863.     8vo,  pp.  16.        H.  80279 

See  alio  Shepard  (C.  U.),  No.  80169,  supra. 

Shepherd  (J.  W.)     Reports  in  the  Supreme  Court  of  Ala- 
By  J.  W.  Shepherd.     Montgomery.    1861.     8vo.     80280 

Shepherd  (J.)  Poor  Job,  1750.  |  An  |  Almanack  |  for  the 
Year  of  our  Lord  |  1750.  \  And  |  from  the  Creation,  by  Scrip- 
ture, 5759.  I  Being  the  Second  after  Bissextile,  |  or  Leap-Year.  | 
Wherein  is  contained,  the  Lunations,  Eclipses,  Judgment  of 
the  I  Weather,  Planets  Motions,  and  mutual  Aspects,  Sun  |  and 
Moon's  Rising  and  Setting,  Length  of  Days,  Time  |  of  High 
Water,  Feasts  and  Fasts  of  the  Church  of  Eng-|land,  Courts  in 
New-England,  General  Meetings,  &c.  |  Fitted  to  the  Meridian 
of  Rhode-Island  ;  |  but  will  serve  (without  any  sensible  Error)  ia 
all  the  I  adjacent  Places,  even  from  Newfoundland  to  South]  Caro- 
lina. I  By  Job  Shepherd,  Philom.  | ...  |  A'i?z^/)or/;  Printed  and  Sold 
by  James  Franklin^  at  \  the  Printing- Office  under  the  Town-School- 
House.\  [1749?]     Sm.  8vo.  h.  80281 

Shepherd.  Poor  Job,  1752.  |  An  |  Almanack  |  For  the  Year 
of  our  Lord  |  1752.  |  And  |  From  the  Creation,  by  Scripture, 
5761.  I  Being  Bissextile,  or  Leap -Year.  |  Wherein  is  contained,] 
The  Lunations,  Eclipses,  Judgment  of  the  ]  Weather,  Planets 
Motions,  and  mutual  Aspects,  Sun  ]  and  Moon's  Rising  and  Set- 
ting, Length  of  Days,  Time  ]  of  High  Water,  P'easts  and  Fasts 
of  the  Church  of  Eng-  ]  land.  Courts  in  New-England,  General 
Meetings,  &c  j  Fitted  to  the  Meridian  of  Rhode-Island;] but  will 
serve  (without  any  sensible  Error)  in  all  the  ]  adjacent  Places, 
even  from  Newfoundland  to  South-]  Carolina.  ]  By  Job  Shepherd, 
Philom.  ]  ...  ]  Newport :  Printed  and  Sold  by  James  Franklin^  at  \  the 
Printing- Cjffjct  under  the  Town-School- House.  \  [1751  ?]  Sm.  8vo, 
pp.  (24).  L.  80282 

Improved  title  of  No.  64069,  Vol.  xv.  The  preface  begins:  "  Kind  Reader.  From 
the  favourable  Reception  of  my  two  last  Years  Almanacks,  I  have  again  ventured 
upon  a  third,"  etc.  In  the  calendar  for  September  is  the  following  interesting  note  on 
the  change  from  old  to  new  style : 

"  Kind  Reader,  You  have  now  such  a  Year  as  you  never  saw  before,  nor  will  see 
hereafter  :  The  King  and  Parliament  of  Great-Britain  having  thought  proper  to  enact, 
That  the  Month  of  September,  1752,  shall  contain  bur  19  Days,  which  will  shorten 
this  Year  11  Days,  and  have  extended  the  same  throughout  the  British  Dominions,  so 
that  we  .  re  not  to  have  two  Beginnings  to  our  Years,  but  the  first  of  January  is  to  be 
the  first  Day  and  first  Month  of  the  Year  1752:   Eleven  Days  are  taken  from  Septem- 



ber,  and  begin  I,  a,  14,  15,  &c.  Be  not  much  astonished,  nor  look  with  Concern, 
dear  Reader,  at  such  a  Deduct'on  of  Days,  nor  regret  as  ftir  the  Loss  of  so  much  Time; 
but  tai<e  this  fur  your  Consolation,  That  your  Expences  will  perhaps  appear  lighter,  and 
your  Mind  be  more  at  Ease  :  And,  what  an  Iiidulgi-iice  is  here,  for  those  who  love 
their  Pillows,  to  lie  down  in  Peace  on  the  ad  of  this  Month,  and  not  perhaps  awake, 
or  be  disturb'd,  'till  the  14th  in  the  Morning!  And  Reader,  this  is  not  to  hasten  the 
Payment  of  Debts,  Freedom  of  Apprentices  or  Servants,  or  the  coming-to  Age  of 
Minors,  but  the  Number  of  Natural  Days  in  all  Agreements  are  to  be  fultilled.  All 
Church  Holidays  and  Courts,  are  to  be  on  the  same  nominal  Days  they  were  before; 
but  Fairs  (after  the  2d  of  September)  alter  the  nominal  Days,  and  so  seem  to  be  held 
eleven  Days  later.  Now,  Reader,  since  'tis  likely  you  may  never  have  such  another 
Year,  nor  such  another  Almanack,  I  would  advise  you  to  improve  the  one  for  your 
own  Sake,  and  I  recommend  the  other,  for  the  Sake  of  Your  Friend,  Poor  Job." 

Also:  Poor  Job,  1755.  An  Almanack  ...  Newport,  James  Franklin.  [1754?] 
Sm.  8vo.      For  the  almanac  of  1758,  see  Vol.  xv..  No.  64070. 

Shepherd  (Samuel).  Statutes  at  Large  of  Virginia,  from 
October  Session,  1792,  to  December  Session,  1808,  inclusive: 
Being  a  Continuation  of  Hening.  ...  Rtcbmond.  1835-36.  3 
vols.,  8vo.  80283 

Shepherd  (Thomas),  of  Cambridge.     See  Shepard. 

Shepherd  (T[homas]  J[aines].)  The  Days  that  are  Past : 
Two  Discourses  in  Commemoration  of  the  Founding  of  the 
First  Presbyterian  Church  in  Northern  Liberties.  By  Rev.  T. 
J.  Shepherd.  Philadelphia:  Lindsay  iff  Blakiiion.  1864.  i2mo, 
pp.  191.  80284 

Shepherd  {Dr.  [William]).  Library  of  Useful  Knowledge. 
History  of  the  American  Revolution.  By  the  Rev.  Dr.  Shep- 
herd. Published  under  the  Superintendence  of  the  Society  for 
the  Diffusion  of  Useful  Knowledge.  London:  Robert  Baldwin. 
[1830.]     8vo,  pp.  64.  80285 

[Shepherd.]  A  History  of  the  American  Revolution.  Pub- 
lished in  London  under  the  Superintendence  of  the  Society  for 
the  Diffusion  of  Useful  Knowledge.  First  American  Edition. 
[Edited  by  Benjamin  Guild.]  With  Notes  and  Cuts.  Boston: 
Stimpson  and  Clapp.  1832.  i2mo,  pp.  202.  Maps  and  Wood- 
cuts. BA.  +  With  Additional  Notes.  Columbus^  O.  1834. 
i2nio,  pp.  278.  80286 

[Shepherd.]  A  History  of  the  American  Revolution.  First 
Published  in  London  under  the  Superintendence  of  the  Society 
tor  the  Diffusion  of  Useful  Knowledge.  Improved  with  Maps 
and  other  Illustrations.  Also  Revised  and  Enlarged.  By  Rev. 
J.  L.  Blake.  New  Tori:  Harper  13"  Brothers.  1846.  l2mo,  pp. 
252.  80287 










■  1 



1 1 




[Shepherd.]  Historia  de  la  Revolucion  de  los  Estados  Unidos 
de  America,  rublicada  en  Londres  bajo  la  Inspeccion  de  la 
Sociedad  de  Conucimientos  Utiles,  revisada  y  aumetitada  pur  el 
Presb.  J.  Blake  ....  Traducida  al  Castellano  por  S.  C  B.  Nueva 
Tori.  Imprenta  de  Mesa^  Calk  de  Ann  N".  21.  1854.  i2mo,  pp. 
264,  (6).  H.  80288 

Shepley  (D.)  Memoir,  with  Sermons,  of  Rev.  Josiah  Peet. 
By  Rev.  David  Shepley.  ...  New  York:  'John  F.  Trow^  Printer, 
M.DCCC.LIV.     8vo,  pp.  344.     Portrait.  B.  80289 

See  also  Vol.  xiii.,  No.  55757. 

Shepley  (E.),  h.  1789,  d.  1877.  Speech  of  Mr.  Shepley,  of 
Maine,  on  the  Bill  to  provide  Compensation  for  French  Spolia- 
tions prior  to  1800.  ...  in  the  Senate  ...  December  22,  1834. 
City  of  IVashington:  Printed  by  Blair  £ff  Rives.    1 834.     8vo,  pp.  8. 

Also:  Speech  ...  on  the  Removal  of  the  Deposites  ...  IVasbington.  1834.  Svo. 
Mr.  Shepley  also  compiled:  The  Revised  Statutes  of  Maine,  passed  April  17,  1857. 
Hulloivell.   1857.     8vo. 

Sheppard  (Abiel  Wood).    See  [Sheppard  (J.  H.)],  No.  80309. 

Sheppard  (F.  H.)     Love  Afloat. 
Navy.     By  F.  H.  Sheppard,  u.s.n. 
1875.     i2mo,  pp.  483. 

A  Story  of  the  American 
New  Tork :   Sheldon  &  Co. 


Sheppard  (F.),  b.  1823.  The  Constitutional  Text-Book: 
a  Practical  and  Familiar  Exposition  of  the  Constitution  of  the 
United  States,  and  of  Portions  of  the  Public  and  Administrative 
Law  of  the  Federal  Government.  ...  By  Furman  Sheppard. 
Designed  especially  for  the  Use  of  High  Schools,  Academies, 
and  Colleges.  Philadelphia:  Sower .^  Barnes  i^  Potts.  [1855.] 
C.  -\- Philadelphia :  Childs  ^  Peterson.  [1856.] 
B.    -f  llbid.l    1857.     i^mo.    +  llbid.']   1858. 



pp.  324. 
pp.  324. 
i2mo,  pp.  324. 

Sheppard.  The  First  Book  of  the  Constitution :  a  Familiar 
Exposition  of  the  Constitution  of  the  United  States.  Designed 
for  the  Use  of  Schools.  By  Furman  Sheppard.  Philadelphia. 
1 86 1.    i2mo,  pp.  202.    +  Revised  Edition.    Philadelphia:  Soiver^ 

Barnes  i5f  Potts.   1866.     i2mo,  pp.  210. 


Sheppard  (G.),  b.  1820.  A  Glimpse  of  the  Far-West.  By 
George  Sheppard.  Newcastle.  .1844.  i2mo.  -|-  Second  Edi- 
tion.    London,  [n.  d.]     i2mo.  80294 




Sheppard.  a  Handbook  of  the  North-West.  By  George 
Sheppard.     London.    1849.     i2mo,  pp.  300.  80295 

Also:  The  Theory  and  Practice  of  Life  Assurance.  ...  Hamilton.  1856.     8vo.    The 
substance  of  a  lecture  delivered  before  the  Mechanic's  Institute,  Toronto. 

Sheppard  {Mrs.  J.  C.)  Chants  Canadiens  avec  accompagne- 
ment  de  piano.   ...   ^ehec.   1856.    8vo.  80296 

Sheppard  (J.  H.)  Practical  Treatise  on  the  Use  of  Peruvian 
and  Ichaboe  African  Guano,  the  Most  Powerful,  Portable,  and 
the  Cheapest  Manure  in  the  World,  with  Rules  for  its  applica- 
tion to  all  soils  and  crops,  horticulture,  greenhouses,  &c.  To 
which  is  added  valuable  information  on  Wheat  Culture,  and  the 
nature  and  modes  of  using  Gypsum  as  a  Manure,  with  accounts 
of  numerous  experiments.  By  J.  H.  Sheppard,  Author  of  "  Hints 
to  Landlord  and  Tenant,"  "  Farmer's  Manual,"  "  Treatise  on 
Gypsum,"  "Corn  Laws,"  &c.,  &c.,  &c.  First  American,  from 
Second  London  Edition.  E.  K.  Collins  &  Co.  56  South-Street, 
New- York,  are  now  selling  the  ship  Shakspeare's  cargo  of  Guano, 
just  arrived  from  Irhaboe,  warranted  pure  as  imported.  March 
19,  1845.  ^'  ^'  Clayton  fsf  Sons.,  Printers  and  Stationers.,  6  Tontine 
Buildings.,  IVall-street.,  N.  T.  [1845.]     ^^o,  pp.  60,  and  covers. 

Allibone  mentions  :  Second  edition,  London,  1854. 

Sheppard  (J.  H[annibal]),  b.  1789,  d.  1873.  ^"  Address  ... 
at  Wiscasset,  before  Lincoln  Lodge  ;  on  the  Anniversary  of  St. 
John  the  Baptist  [June  24],  a.l.  5815.  ...  By  John  H.  Shep- 
pard.   Hallowell :  Printed  by  Ezekiel  Goodale.    1815.     8vo,  pp.  24. 

Sheppaicd.  Address  ...  at  the  Consecration  of  the  Grand 
Lodge  of  Maine,  Jun"  24,  1820.  By  John  H.  Sheppard.  Port- 
land.   1820.     8vo,  pp.  16.  80299 

Shepp/  id.  An  Address,  delivered  before  Lincoln  Lodge, 
Wiscasset,  June  24,  a.l.  5831.  By  John  H.  Sheppard  ...  . 
Boston:  Pr,  ted  by  Beals  and  Homer.  1 83 1.  8vo,  pp.  32.  -f 
Second  Ediuon.  [Ibid.']  1831.  8vo,  pp.  32.  w.  -f  Third 
Edition.     [Ibid.]   1831.     8vo,  pp.  32.  ba.  80300 

Also  issued  with  ths  half-title  :  "  Defence  of  Masonry." 

Sheppard.  Address  ...  at  Portland,  before  the  Grand  Lodge 
and  Chapter  of  Maine  ...  June  [24],  a.l.  5844.  By  John  H. 
Sheppard,  p.h.p.  &  k.t.  ...  Boston  :  Printed  by  Tuttle  and  Den- 
nett.  1844.     8vo,  pp.  80,  8.  M.  80301 

I     I 


■.  ; 


I     1 

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■  !    1 

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W  El 






Sheppard.  Address  delivered  at  Fitchburg,  before  Aurora 
Lodge,  in  presence  of  the  M.  W.  Grand  Lodge  of  Massachu- 
setts, ...  June  24,  A.L.  5846.  By  R.  W.  John  H.  Sheppard. 
Boston  :  Printed  by  Tutt/e  and  Dennett.   1846.     8vo,  pp.  44.        m. 

Sheppard.  Address  at  the  Installation  of  Columbian  Lodge, 
Boston   ...    By  John  H.  Sheppard.      Boston.    1847.     8vo,  pp.  32. 

Sheppard.  A  Brief  History  of  the  New  England  Historic- 
Genealogical  Society,  read  at  the  Monthly  Meeting,  May  7,  1862, 
By  J.  H.  Sheppard,  a.m..  Librarian  of  the  Society.     Albany:   J, 

Munsell.    1862.     8vo,  pp.  17,  and  covers. 

ba.  80304 

Sheppard.  Brief  Memoir  of  Dr.  Winslow  Lewis.  [With 
genealogy.]  By  John  H.  Sheppard,  Esq.  P'rom  the  New  Eng- 
land Historical  and  Genealogical  Register.  Albany.^  N.  K;  J. 
Munsell.    1863.     8vo,  pp.  33.  B.  80305 

Sheppard.  A  Brief  Sketch  of  Commodore  Samuel  Tucker. 
By  John  H.  Sheppard,  a.m.  ...  Reprinted  from  the  New-Eng- 
land Historical  and  Genealogical  Register  for  April,  1872. 
Boston:  Printed  by  David  Clapp  ^  Son.  1872.  8vo,  pp.  24,  and 
covers.     Portrait.  l.  80306 

Sheppard.  The  Crusaders.  A  Poem  delivered  in  Boston, 
June  24,  1858,  before  De  Molay  and  Virginia  Encampments. 
By  John  H.  Sheppard.     Boston.    1859.     i2mo,  pp.  11.        80307 

Sheppard.     Defence  of  Masonry.     See  No.  80300,  supra. 

Sheppard.  Eulogy  ...  in  Wiscasset,  April  22,  1841,  on 
William  Henry  Harrison.  By  John  H.  Sheppard.  Wiscasset^ 
Maine.   184 1.     8vo,  pp.  23.  80308 

[Sheppard.]  In  Memoriam.  By  a  Bereaved  Father.  On 
Abiel  Wood  Sheppard.     Boston.   1864.     8vo,  pp.  3.  80309 

Sheppard.  Letter  to  John  Quincy  Adams  on  the  Subject  of 
John  Adams's  Opinion  of  Masonry.  ...  Boston.  1831.    8vo,  pp.  7. 

Sheppard.  The  Life  of  Samuel  Tucker,  Commodore  in  the 
American  Revolution.  By  John  H.  Sheppard,  a.m.,  Librarian 
of  the  New  England  Historic-Genealogical  Society.  ...  Boston: 
Printed  by  Alfred  Mudge  h^  Son.    1868.     8vo,  pp.  384.     Portrait. 





Sheppard.  Memoir  of  Hon.  Robert  Hooper.  By  John  H. 
Sheppard,  a.m.  Reprinted  from  the  N.  E.  Historical  and  Gene- 
alogical Register  for  July,  1868.  Boston:  David  Clapp  i^  Sorty 
Printers.    1868.    8vo,  pp.  10.     Portrait.  803 12 

Sheppard.  Memoir  of  John  H.  Sheppard.  [Heading  on 
page  3:]  Memoir.  John  H.  Sheppard — Register  of  Probate, 
181 7-1834.     [^Boston.   186-?]    8vo,  pp.  7.  l.  80313 

An  autobiography. 

Sheppard.  Memoir  of  Marshall  P.  Wilder.  By  John  H. 
Sheppard,  a.m.,  Librarian.  (From  the  New  England  Historical 
and  Genealogical  Register  for  April,  1867.)  Boston:  David 
Clapp  ^  Son y  Printers.   1867.     8vo,  pp.  54.     Portrait.     B.  803 14 

Sheppard.  A  Memoir  of  Samuel  G.  Drake,  a.m..  Author 
of  the  Book  of  the  Indians,  History  of  Boston,  etc.,  etc.  By 
John  H.  Sheppard  ....  Albany:  Printed  for  private  distribution^  by 
J.  Munsell.   1863.     Sm.  4to,  pp.  36.  h.  80315 

Sheppard.  A  Plea  for  Masonry :  Address  before  Washing- 
ton Lodge,  Burlington,  Vt.,  June  24,  1850.  By  John  H.  Shep- 
pard  ...    Burlington.    1850.     8vo,  pp.  37.  80316 

Sheppard.  Reminiscences  of  Lucius  Manlius  Sargent :  with 
an  Appendix  containing  a  Genealogy  of  his  Family,  and  other 
matters.  By  John  H.  Sheppard.  Boston:  Printed  by  David 
Clapp  tff  Son.   1871.    8vo,  pp.  (2),  51,  and  covers.     Portrait,    l. 

Sheppard.  Reminiscences  of  the  Vaughan  Family,  and  more 
particularly  of  Benjamin  Vaughan,  ll.d.  Read  before  the  New 
England  Historic-Genealogical  Society,  August  2,  1865.  By 
John  H.  Sheppard,  a.m..  Librarian  of  the  Society.  With  a  few 
Additions,  a  Genealogy  and  Notes.  ...  Boston:  David  Clapp  ^ 
5o«,  Printers.    1865.     8vo,  pp.  40,  and  covers.  B.,  L.  80318 

Sheppard.  Review  of  the  Centennial  Memorial  of  St. 
Andrew's  Lodge.  By  John  H.  Sheppard.  Boston.  1870.  8vo, 
pp.  II.  80319 

Sheppard.  Sketch  of  Hon.  Nathan  Appleton,  ll.d.  By 
John  H.  Sheppard,  a.m.     [^Boston.   1862.]    8vo,  pp.  12.     80320 

Sheppard.  Sketch  of  Hon.  Thomas  Tolman,  By  John  H. 
Sheppard,  reprinted  from  the  "Freemasons'  Monthly  Magazine." 
Boston.   1869.    8vo,  pp.  11.  b.  80321 







I      I 

«   \i 

Sheppard.  Tercentenary  Celebration  of  the  Birth  of  Shak- 
speare,  by  the  New- England  Historic-Genealogical  Society,  at 
Boston,  Mass.,  April  23,  1864.  Remarks  and  Ode  by  John  H. 
Sheppard.  Boston :  Printed  for  the  Society^  By  George  C.  Rand  iff 
Avery,   mdccclxiv.     8vo,  pp.  16,  and  covers.  l.  80322 

Also  included  in  the  complete  account  of  the  celebration,  for  which  ice  "Tercente- 

Sheppard.  Ward's  Magnet;  or,  Heavenly  Attractions.  ... 
Boston.  1866.     8vo,  pp.  6.  80323 

Reprinted  from  the  "New  England  Historical  &  Genealogical  Register,"  Vol.  xx., 
pp.  255-259.  See  also  Ward  (Samuel).  Also:  A  Sketch  of  the  British  Museum,  ... 
Boston.    1869.     4to,  pp.  14. 

Sketch  of  the  Life  of  John  H.  Sheppard,  a.m.,  author  of  "The  Life  of  Commo- 
dore Tucker,"  "The  Defence  of  Masonry,"  &c.  By  John  Ward  Dean,  a.m.  Boston; 
18  Somerset  Street.  1873.  8vo,  pp.  16,  and  covers.  I'ortrait.  l.  Reprinted  from 
the  "  New  England  Historical  &  Genealogical  Register,"  Vol.  xxvii.,  pp.  335-346. 

Sheppard  (J.  S.)  Sheppard'.s  Indiana  State  Gazetteer  and 
Shippers*  Guide,  for  1866-7.  Cincinnati .^O.:  "J.  S.  Sheppard  ill' 
Co.    [1866.]     8vo.  BM.  80324 

Sheppard.  Sheppard's  Mississippi  State  Gazetteer  and  Ship- 
pers* Guide  for  1866-7.  Memphis^  Tenn.  St.  Louis^  Mo.  [1866.] 
8vo.  BM.  80325 

Sheppard.  Sheppard's  Shippers'  Guide  to  the  South  and 
West:  embracing  Twenty-three  States.  Cincinnati:  y.  S.  Shep- 
pard y  Co.  [1868.]     8vo,  pp.  781.  80326 

[Sheppard  (Moses),  b.  1771,  d.  1857.]  African  Slave  Trade 
in  Jamaica,  and  Comparative  Treatment  of  Slaves.  Read  before 
the  Maryland  Historical  Society,  October,  1854.  {^Baltimore :"] 
Printed  for  the  Maryland  Historical  Society^  by  John  D.  Toy. 
[1854.]     8vo,  pp.  14.  80327 

No.  22  of  the  publications  of  the  Maryland  Historical  Society. 

Sheppard  (^horms).,  of  Cambridge,     i^/f^  Shepard. 

S[heppard]  (W.)  Mr.  Aislabie's  Two  Speeches  considered, 
with  his  Tryal  at  large  in  both  Houses  of  Parliament ;  wherein 
the  learned  Speeches  for  and  against  him,  in  the  several  Debates, 
are  faithfully  inserted.  To  which  are  added,  Remarks  upon  a 
Scandalous  Libel,  called  a  Vindicatioii  of  the  Honour  and  Justice 

of  Parliament.    By  W S ,  Esquire.    London.  1721.    410, 

pp.  24.  s.  80328 

In  reply  to  No.  548,  Vol.  i. 

iiwi  1 1 »ili m  III 



Sheppard  (W.  p.)  Haiul  Hook,  or  Annual  Record  of  Hor- 
ticultural and  Agricultural  Statistics.  By  VV.  P.  Sheppard.  New 
Tori.    i860.     8vo.  80329 

Sherburne  (A.),  b.  1765,  d.  1831.  Memoirs  of  Andrew 
Sherburne:  a  Pensioner  of  the  Navy  of  the  Revolution.  Written 
by  Himself.  ...  fVilliam  IVilliams^  tJtica ;  1828.  1 2mo,  half-title, 
title,  4  other  leaves  (1  blank),  pp.  13-262,  Errata  (1).     l.  80330 

The  author  was  born  in  Rye,  New  Hampsliire,  in  1765,  shipped  from  Portsmouth 
on  board  the  Congress  ship  of  war,  the  Ranger,  in  1779,  anu  afterwards  served  in  other 
public  and  private  war  ships  until  he  was  taken  prisoner  in  1 78 1  and  carried  to  Ports- 
mouth, in  England,  where  he  was  tried  and  coniitiitted  to  prison,  "  for  rebellion,  pir.icy, 
and  high  treason,  on  his  Majesty's  high  seas,"  etc. 

Sherburne.  Memoirs  of  Andrew  Sherburne  :  a  Pensioner  of 
the  Navy  of  the  Revolution.  Written  by  Himself.  ...  Second 
Edition,  Enlarged  and  Improved.  Providence:  H.  H.  liroxun. 
1831.     i2mo,  pp.  312.     Frontispiece.  B.  80331 

Sherburne  (H.)  The  Oriental  Philanthropist,  or  True 
Republican.  ...  By  Henry  Sherburne,  a. b.  ...  Portsmouth:  IVm. 
Treadwell  ilf  Co.   1800.     l2mo,  pp.  215.  BA.,  c,  80332 

Two  copies  in  the  Library  of  Congress  differ  from  each  other  in  pages  1 1 3-1 15, 
which  were  probably  reprinted. 

Sherburne  (J.)  A  Narrative  of  the  principal  Incidents  in 
the  Life  and  Adventures  of  Capt.  Jacob  Sherburne,  for  many 
years  Master  of  Vessels  in  ihe  Merchant  Service,  and  now 
Keeper  of  the  Light-house,  on  Dice's  Head,  Castine,  Maine. 
Written  by  himself.  Castine:  Printed  by  B.  F.  Bond.  1829. 
i2mo,  pp.  96.  H.  80333 

Sherburne  (J.  H.),  ^.  1794,  d.  1850?  Life  and  Character  of 
the  Chevalier  John  Paul  Jones,  A  Captain  in  the  Navy  of  the 
United  States  during  their  Revolutionary  War.  Dedicated  to 
the  Officers  of  the  American  Navy.  ...  By  John  Henry  Sher- 
burne, Register  of  the  Navy  of  the  United  States.  City  of  Wash- 
ington. 1825.  New  York.,  Sold  by  fV heeler  W  Campbell.  Fanderpool 
is*  Cole.,  Printers^  N.  T.     8vo,  pp.  364.     Portrait.         b.,  c.  80334 

I  have  seen  the  description  of  a  copy  containing  387  pages. 

Sherburne.  The  Life  of  Paul  Jones,  from  Original  Docu- 
ments in  the  possession  of  John  Henry  Sherburne,  Esq.  Register 
cf  the  Navy  of  the  United  States.  London :  John  Murray. 
MDCCCXXV.    Post  8vo,  pp.  xii,  320.  A.,  B.  80335 

I  • 

!    I 

,:  \ 





a  ' 

Shrrrurne.  The  Life  and  Character  of  John  Paul  Jones, 
a  Captain  in  the  United  States  Navy  during  the  Revolutionary 
War.  By  John  Henry  Sherburne  ...  Second  Edition.  New- 
York  :  Adrianct^  Sherman  isf  Co.  mdcccli.  8vo,  pp.  xvi,  q-408. 
Portrait  and  Facsimile.  b.,  c.  80336 

Sherburne.  Leven  van  Paul  Jones.  Uit  het  Engelsch  ... 
Groningen.    1829.     8vo.     Portrait.  ^0337 

Alio:  The  Tourist's  Guide,  or  Pencillings  in  England  and  on  the  Continent (  with 
the  expenses,  conveyances,  diatunces,  sights,  hotels,  ...  and  important  hints  tu  the 
tourist.   ...   Philadelphia.   1847.     lamo. 

According  to  .^pplttons'  Cyclopadia  of  American  Biography  the  following  works  by 
Mr.  Sherburne  were  also  published:  "Osceola,"  a  Tragedy}  "Erratic  Poems;"  and 
"  Naval  Sketches"  {Philadelphia,  1845).     See  alto  Wood  (John). 

Sherburne  (J.  W.)  Trial  of  Jonathan  W.  Sherburne  for 
Disobedience  of  Orders,  ...  Before  a  Naval  Court  Martial  con- 
vened in  the  City  of  Baltimore,  April  6,  1810.  Baltimore.  18 18. 
8vo.  80338 

Sherer  (J.)  Adventures  of  a  Gold-Digger.  By  John  Sherer. 
London:  Bryce.  [1856.?]     8vo,  pp.  360.  ^^339 

Sheridan  (R.  B.),  b.  1751,  d.  1816.  Pizarro  ;  a  Tragedy 
in  Five  Acts,  as  performed  at  the  Theatre  Royal,  Drury  Lane : 
taken  from  the  German  Drama  of  Kotzebue,  and  adapted  to  the 
English  Stage.  By  Richard  Brinsley  Sheridan.  London:  J. 
Ridgway.   1 799.     8vo.     2  Plates.  80340 

Also  printed  on  fine  paper.  Twenty  or  more  editions  were  printed  in  the  same  yejr. 
The  twenty-sixth  edition  appeared  in  1800. 

Sheridan.  Sheridan's  Play  of  Pizarro,  or  the  Spaniards  in 
Peru  ...  Arranged  for  representation  ...  with  ...  notes,  by  Charles 
Kean.     London,  [1856.]     8vo,  pp.  ix,  67.  80341 

Sheridan.  Sheridan's  Tragic  Play  of  Pizarro ;  or,  the 
Spaniards  in  Peru   ...   London,  [n.  d.]    8vo.  80342 

The  following  work  relates  to  this  tragedy : 

Sheridan  and  Kotzebue.  The  Enterprising  Adventures  of  Pizarro,  preceded  by  a 
brief  sketch  of  the  voyages  and  discoveries  of  Columbus  and  Cortez  :  To  which  are 
subjoined  the  Histories  of  Alunzo  and  Cura,  On  which  Kotzebue  founded  his  two 
celebrated  Plays  of  the  Virgin  of  the  Sun  and  the  Death  of  Rolla.  Also  Varieties  and 
Oppositions  of  Criticisms  on  the  Play  of  Pizarro :  With  biographical  Sketches  of 
Sheridan  and  Kotzebue.  The  whole  forming  a  comprehensive  account  of  these  Plays 
and  the  grand  ballads  of  Cora, — and  Rolla  and  Cora,  at  the  Royal  Circus,  and  Royal 
Amphitheatre.  ...  Dedicated  to  R.  B.  Sheridan,  Esq.  London:  Published  hy  J.  Fair- 
burn,  No.  146  Minories;  and  sold  by  Hunt,  No.  32,  and  by  fVest  and  Hughes,  No.  40, 
Paternoster  Roto  i  also  by  all  the  Booksellers  and  Stationers  in  Town  and  Country.  1 799. 
A  superior  Edition^  on  fine  •wove  Paper ,  hot-pressed^  with  Proof  -  Impressions  of  the  Plate, 



Prill  Fi-vt  ShiHinf^s.      Vrinttil  hy  II.  I..  Calahin,  Ingram'Court,  Fimhurcb-Slretl.      Svo, 
pp.  viii,  144.     Plate.     By  Jnhn  Brittun. 

Sheridan.  The  Real  and  Genuine  School  for  Scandal,  a 
Comedy;  By  Brinsley  Sheridan.  Philadelphia:  Robert  Bell.  1782. 
8vo,  pp.  64.  P.  80343 

Sheridan.  Speeches  of  the  Right  Hon.  Richard  Brinsley 
Sheridan.  With  a  Sketch  of  his  Life.  Edited  by  a  Constitutional 
Friend.  London.  18 16.  5  vols.,  8vo,  -[-  Second  Edition,  cor- 
rected and  improved.     London:  H.  G.  Bohn.    1842.    3  vols.,  8vo. 

Includes  his  speeches  on  the  American  Revolution,  the  colonies,  slavery,  etc. 

Sheridan  (T.),  b.  1721,  d.  1788.  A  Course  of  Lectures  on 
Elocution.  A  New  Edition.  By  Thomas  Sheridan,  a.m.  Provi- 
dence {Rhode  Island):  Carter  and  fVilkinson.  m,dcc,xcvi.  i2mo, 
pp.  156.  80345 

First  printed  at  London  in  1762. 

Sheridan.  Dictionary  of  the  English  Language.  By  Thomas 
Sheridan  ...  Fourth  edition,  revised  by  John  Andrews,  d.d..  Pro- 
fessor in  the  College  of  Philadelphia.  Philadelphia.  1789.  Sq. 
lamo.  ^0346 

First  printed  at  London  in  1780. 

Sheridan.  A  |  Rhetorical  Grammar  |  of  the  |  F^nglish  I>an- 
giiage,  I  Calculated  solely  for  the  Purposes  of  Teaching]  Propriety 
of  Prt)nunciation,  I  and  I  Justness  of  Delivery,  [In  That  Tongue,] 
by  the  I  Organs  of  Speech.  |  By  Thomas  Sheridan,  a.m.  |  Author 
of  the  Lectures  on  Elocution.  |  The  American  Edition  is  pub- 
lished under  the  Inspection  of  |  Archibald  Gamble,  a.m.  Professor 
of  English  I  and  Oratory,  in  the  University  of  Pennsylvania.  | 
Philadelphia :  \  Printed  and  Sold  by  Robert  Belly  in  Third  |  St^eet^ 
and  Francis  Bailey.,  in  Market  Street.  |  M,  dcc,  lxxxiii.  |  Sm.  8vo, 
pp.  xvi,  218,  (2).  H.S.P.,  M.,  s.  80347 

Title  from  Hildeburn.     First  printed  at  London  in  1780. 

Sheridan.  A  Short  Address  to  the  Public  upon  a  Subject  of 
the  utmost  Importance  to  the  Future  Safety  and  Welfare  of  the 
British  Dominions.     By  Thomas  Sheridan.     London.    1783.    4to. 

Sherley  {A)y  (R.)  and  (T.)  The  Three  Brothers;  or,  the 
Travels  and  Adventures  of  Sir  Anthony,  Sir  Robert,  &c  Sir 
Thomas  Sherley,  in  Persia,  Russia,  Turkey,  Spain,  Etc.  With 
Portraits.  I^ondon :  Printed  for  Hurst ^  Robinson.,  ^  Co  ...  and  A. 
Constable  ^  Co.  Edinburgh.  1825.  i2mo,  pp.  iv,  204.  3  Por- 
traits. L.  80349 


\  I 


i  \ 



I'ligrt  18-11  cont.iin  "A  true  rrlation  of  the  Voyagr  undcrtakrn  l)y  Sir  Anthony 
Sherlcy,  Knt.  Aniui  1596,  intended  for  the  Isle  of  St.  Toniii,  but  performed  to  St, 
Jiigo,  Uominicj,  Margarita,  along  the  coast  of  Terra  Kirma,  let.,"  extracted  from 
Hakiuyt'l  collection  of  voyagei,  vol.  lii,  (1600),  p.  598-601. 

[Sherlock  (Thomas),  Dfa»  of  Chichester^  Bishop  of  London^ 
b,  \byH^  ci.  1761.]  A  I  Letter  I  from  the  |  Lord  Bishopjofj  Lon- 
don, |  to  the  I  Clergy  and  People  |  of  (London  and  Westminster  j  | 
On  Occasion  of  the  Iate|  Earthquakes.  |  London  :\  Printed  by  Fer- 
tue  and Goadby^   ...   MDCCL.     8vo,  pp.  i6.  HA.  80350 

"More  than  100,000  copiei  of  this  Letter  were  aold  within  *  month." — Allibonh. 

[Sherlock.]  A  I  Letter  |  from  the  |  Lord  Bishop|of|  London,  | 
to  the  I  Clergy  and  People  |  of  |  London  and  Westminster;  |  On 
Occasion  of  the  Late  |  Earthquakes.  |  London;  Printed:  |  Bostofi ; 
N.  E,   Re- Printed  and  Sold  by  John  \  Draper .^  in  Cornhill  ...  |  1 750.  | 

8V0,  pp.    15.  BA.,   M.   80351 

Sherlock.  The  Pastoral  Monitor;  or,  the  Effigies  nf  Bishop 
Sherlock,  and  his  Letter  on  the  late  dreadful  Earthquakes.  Lon- 
don. [1750.]     Folio,  I  page.  80352 

The  bishop  speaks  of  the  great  quantity  of  books  sent  to  the  plantations  in  America. 

[Sherlock.]  A  Serii  1  preached  before  the  Society  for  tnc 
PropagHtion  of  the  Gospel  in  Foreign  Parts  [on  Matthew  iv.  17.] 
...  By  Thomas,  Dean  of  Chichester.  London.  17 16.  Svo,  pp. 
24,  38.  j.c.B.  80353 

Sherlock  (W.)  Church  Organization.  The  Constitution 
of  the  Church  in  the  United  States  of  America,  in  Canada,  and 
in  New  Zealand,  &c.  With  an  Introduction  by  the  Rev.  W. 
Sherlock,  ba.  ...  Dublin  :  Hodges.^  Smith.,  and  Foster.  1868.  8vo, 
pp.  xxxii,  130.  -f-  Second  Edition,  Revised.  Dublin:  Hodges^ 
Foster  fs*  Co.    1869.     8vo,  pp.  xxxix,  (1),  137  [/'.  e.  129],  (1).    b. 

Sherlock's  Letter  Extra.     See  [Southwick  (Solomon)]. 

Sherman  (D.)  History  of  the  Revisions  of  the  Discipline 
of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church.  By  David  Sherman,  d.d. 
New  Tork :  Nelson  iff  Phillips.    1874.     i2mo,  pp.  422.  80355 

Sherman.  Sketches  of  New  England  Divines.  By  Rev.  D. 
Sherman.     New  Tork :  Carlton  Isf  Porter,    i860.     i2mo,  pp.  443. 

Sherman  (E.)  The  Narrative  of  Eleazer  Sherman,  giving 
an  Account  of  his  Life,  Experience,  Call  to  the  Ministry  of  the 
Gospel,  and  Travels  as  such  to  the  present  time.  ...  Providence. 
1828.     i2mo,  pp.  108.     H.    -\-  Providence.   1 832.     izmo. 



Sherman.  Trial  of  VAi\vi  Klea/.cr  Sherman  before  an  Kccle- 
siastical  Council,  hcKI  at  the  Meeting  House  ut  the  Christian 
Society,  in  Providence,  July  21,  1835.  Prov'uUnct:  H.  H.  Brown. 
1835.     8vo,  pp.  16.  80358 

Sherman  (H.),  b.  1H08, //.  1879.  An  Analytical  Digest  of 
the  Law  of  Marine  Insurance  5  containinjj;  a  I)igi"  t  of  all  the 
Cases  adjudged  in  tins  State,  from  the  earliest  Reports  duwn  to 
the  present  Time  ;  with  References  to  an  Appendix  of  Cases 
decided  in  the  Supreme,  Circuit  and  District  Courts  of  the 
United  States,  from  the  earliest  peilod  down  to  the  year  1830. 
Hy  Henry  Sherman  ...  Nnv  If'ork,  1841.  8vo.  -f  New  York. 
1844.    8vo.  80359 

Sherman.  Governmental  History  of  the  United  States  of 
America,  from  the  Earliest  Settlements  to  the  Adnption  of  the 
Present  Constitution.  By  Henry  Sherman  ...  New  fork.  1844. 
i2mo.  80360 

Shkrman.  The  Governmental  History  of  the  United  States 
of  America,  from  the  Earliest  Settlement  to  the  Adoption  of  the 
Present  Federal  Constitution.  In  Four  Parts.  By  Henry  Sher- 
man, Counselor  at  Law.  Author  of  *' Sherman's  Marine  Insur- 
ance." "Slavery  in  the  United  States,  its  national  recognition  and 
relations."  Etc.     Hartford:  m.dccc.lx.     8vo,  pp.  xvi,  13-1006. 

Sherman.  Kossuth:  his  Career;  his  Mission.  A  Lecture 
ilelivered  at  New  Haven,  Feb.  16,  1852,  and  at  Bridgeport, 
March  5,  1852.  For  the  benefit  of  "The  Kossuth  Fund."  By 
Henry  Sherman.  ...  Hartford:  Case.,  Tiffany  and  Company .  1852. 
8vo,  pp.  35.  B.  80362 

Sherman.  Slavery  in  the  United  States  of  America ;  its 
National  Recognition  and  Relations,  from  the  Establishment  of 
the  Confederacy,  to  the  Present  Time.  A  Word  to  the  North 
and  the  South.  By  Henry  Sherman,  Counsellor  at  Law.  ... 
Hartford :  y.  O.  Hurlburt.  1858.  l2mo,  pp.  xvi,  9-187.  A.  -f 
Second  Edition.  Hartford:  Hurlburt  ^  Pond.  i860.  i2mo,  pp. 
xvi,  9-187.  c.  80363 

[Sherman  (Henry  B.)]  A  Homily  for  the  Times.  The 
Lofty  and  the  Lowly:  a  Sermon  ...  By  a  Presbyter  of  New 
Jersey.  ...  New- Tor k  :  Stanford  and  Swords.  MDCCCXLV.  Svo, 
pp.  28.  B.  80364 

VOL.  XIX.  29 


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'  1 



Shkkman.  These  Three.  A  Scirnon  preached  at  Wood- 
bury,  Conn.,  on  occniiion  of  its  Bi-C\*ntcnnial  Celebration,  July 
5,  1859.  Hy  the  Rev.  Henry  Beers  Shernian,  m.a.  ...  Nfuunk^ 
N,  J.   1859.    8vo,  pp.  18.  B.  80365 

S[hhrman]  (Jfohn]),  A.  1613, //.  16H5.  An  Almanack.  1674, 
1676,  1677.     Stt  Vol.  XV.,  p.  104. 

Sherman  (J.),  h,  1772,  d.  1828.  A  Description  of  'FVi-ntDii 
P'alls,  Oneida  County,  New-York.  Hv  John  Sherman.  Ui'uu; 
Printed  hy  IVilliam  fVillianis.  1827.  i8mo,  pp.  18,  and  covers. 
-f  [^Ibid.']  1828.  l8mo,  pp.  18,  and  covers  H.  I  [lhid.'\  iSjO. 
i8mo,  pp.  18,  and  covers,  l.  -|  Utica :  Prfssof'lf'illidmltill- 
iams.  1838.  i8mo,  pp.  23,  and  covers.  |  ^etv  Jo/i.  1S44. 
i2mo,  pp.  23,  and  covers,  -f  A'ew  I'ori :  fn/liam  H,  (Jolyer. 
1847.     i2mo,  pp.  23,  and  covers.  80366 

Sherman.  One  (lod  in  one  Person  onlv:  and  Jesus  Christ  a 
Beinji  distinct  from  God,  dependent  upon  Him  for  his  Kxist<ii<i- 
and  his  Various  Powers;  Maintained  and  Defended.  ...  By  jdlwi 
Sherman,  Pastor  tf  the  First  Church  in  Mansfield,  (Coim.) 
ff^'orcesttr :  from  the  Press  of  Isaiah  Thomas^  "Jr.  1 805.  8vo,  pp. 
200.  w.  80367 

Sherman.  The  Philosophy  of  Language  illustrated:  an 
entirely  new  System  of  Grammar ;  wholly  divested  of  scholastic 
Rubbish,  of  traditionary  Falsehood,  and  Absurdity,  and  reduced 
to  Principles  of  Fact  and  Common  Sense  ...  By  John  Sherman. 
7rtnton-Falh :  Danby  y  Maynardy  Printers.  1 826.  i2mo,  pp. 
324.  B.  80368 

Sherman.  Trenton  Falls,  Picturesque  and  Descriptive  :  edited 
by  N.  Parker  Willis;  embracing  the  original  essay  of  John  Sher- 
man, the  First  Proprietor  and  Resident.  The  principal  illustra- 
tions from  original  designs  by  Heine,  Kummer  and  Muller. 
Engraved  on  wood  by  N.  Orr.  New  Tork :  Published  for  the 
Proprietor  by  George  P.  Putnam^  155  Broadway.  1 851.  Sq.  161110, 
pp.  90,  (i).  Engraved  title  and  9  Plates,  l.  +  ^<'^t;  Y'ork :  J. 
G.  Gregory.,  mdccclxii.  Sq.  i6mo,  pp.  96.  12  Plates.  +  Netv 
y'ork.  1865.  Sq.  i6mo.  -^  New  Tork :  N.  Orr  i^  Co.  1868. 
Sq.  i6mo,  pp.  96.      15  Plates.  .    80369 

Sherman.  A  View  of  Ecclesiastical  Proceedings  in  the 
County  of  Windham,  Connecticut,  in  which  the  original  Associ- 
ation of  that  County  and  a  few  Members  of  the  First  Church  in 




Mansfield  vvcrc  concerned  \  containinj^  public  Documents  ... 
relating  to  the  Subject.  'I'o  which  arc  annexed  the  Result  of" 
Council,  and  Addresses  to  the  Society.  Hy  John  Sherman,  A.B., 
now  Minister  of  the  Reformed  Christian  Church  in  Oneida 
County,     Uiica  ■  Printed  hy /fstihel  Sewait/.    1806.      8vo,  pp.  I  lO. 

Shkkman.  A|  Vision|re8pectinu;  the  Fate] of  the |  Rev.  John 
Sherman's  I  Last  Publication,  |  i)r  his  |*' View  of  Ecclesiastical 
Proceedings,"  |  &c.  &c.|Oflercd  to  the  Public  |  as  a  Spur  to  the 
Lovers  of  Truth  and  long  estab-|  lished  Doctrines  to  defend  the 
Religion  of  | our  Fathers  against  the  daring  At- {tempt  of  modern 
Innovators  in  |  Church  and  State.  | ...  | /V/w/^-r/  a/  lVorctsttr^\By 
Thomas  i'f  Sturtevant.\iSob.\     8vo,  pp.  14.  M.,  w.  80371 

Sherman  (J.),  l>.  1823.  Chartering  of  Railroad  Companies. 
Speech  of  Hon.  John  Sherman  ...  in  the  Senate  ...  |anuary  6, 
1869.    f Washington:  F.  isf  J.  Riva  W  Geo.  A,  Bailey.  1869.    8vo, 

pp.    14.  B.  80372 

Sherman.  The  Expenditures  of  the  (jcneral  Government. 
Speech  of  Hon.  John  Sherman  ...  in  the  House  of  Represent- 
atives, May  27,  1858.  [^IVashington:  Buell  isf  Blanchard^  Printers. 
1858. J    8vo,  pp.  8.  H.  80373 

Sherman.  Frauds  in  Naval  Contracts.  Speech  of  Hon. 
John  Sherman,  of  Ohio,  delivered  in  the  United  States  House  of 
Representatives,  June  13,  i860,    [n.  p.    i860.]    8vo,  pp.  8. 

Sherman.  The  Funding  Bill.  Speech  of  Hon.  John  Sher- 
man, of  Ohio  ...  in  the  Senate  ...  February  27,  1868.  ff^ash- 
ington:  F.  isf  J.  Rives  iff  Geo.  A.  Bailey.    1868.     8vo,  pp.  16.       B. 

Sherman.  Lecompton  Constitution.  Speech  of  Hon.  John 
Sherman  ...  in  the  House  ...  Jan.  28,  1858.  On  the  admission 
of  Kansas   ...   .  \Washington.    1858.]    8vo,  pp.  8.       ba.  80376 

Sherman.  Letter  from  Hon.  John  Sherman.  Washington, 
December  22,  i860,     [n.  p.   n.  d.j    8vo,  pp.  8.  80377 

Sherman.  Letter  from  the  Hon.  John  Sherman,  Senator  from 
Ohio,  in  reply  to  S.  Teackle  Wallis,  Esq.  of  Maryland.  Balti- 
more: Published  by  the  National  Union  Reading  Room  Association. 
"John  IV.  Woods.,  Printer.    1863.     8vo,  pp.  8.  B.  80378 

For  the  complete  "Correspondence"  itt  Wallis  (S.  T.) 

Sherman.     Public    Debt   and    Currency.     Speech  of   Hon. 







John  Sherman   ...   in  the  Senate  ...  January  27,  1869.     IVash- 
ington:  F.  (ff  y.  Rives  ^  Geo.  A.  Bailey.  [1869.]    8vo,  pp.  16.    h. 

Sherman,  The  Republican  Party — Its  History  and  Policy. 
A  Speech  by  Hon.  John  Sherman,  of"  Ohio,  delivered  at  the 
Cooper  Institute,  in  ...  New  York,  April  13,  i860,  [n.  p. 
i860.]    8vo,  pp.  16.  80380 

Sherman.  Revenue  and  Expenditures.  Speech  of  Hon. 
John  Sherman,  of  Ohio,  delivered  in  the  United  States  House  of 
Representatives,  May  7,  i860,     [n.  p.    i860.]    8vo,  pp.  8. 

Sherman.  Selected  Speeches  and  Reports  of  Finance  and 
Taxation,  from  1859  to  1878.  By  John  Sherman.  New  Tori: 
D.  Appletonl^  Co.   1879.     8vo,  pp.  640.  80382 

Sherman.  Slaves  and  Slavery:  How  affected  by  the  War. 
Remarks  of  Hon.  John   Sherman    ...    in   the   Senate,   April   2, 

1862.  \^fVashington.^  D.  C:    Scammill  ^  Co.^  Printers.    1862.] 
8vo,  pp.  15.  H.  80383 

Sherman.  Speech  of  Hon.  John  Sherman,  of  Ohio,  In 
reply  to  Mr.  Stephens,  of  Georgia,  and  Review  of  Mr.  Oliver's 
Minority  Report.  Before  tiic  House  of  Representatives,  July 
30,  1856.     \_IVashington.    1856.]    8vo,  pp.  8.  80384 

Sherman.  Speech  of  Hon.  John  Sherman  ...  on  Taxatit)n 
of  Bank  Bills;   ...   in  the  Senate,  January  8,  1863.     IFashington. 

1863.  8vo,  pp.  15.  h,  80385 

Sherman.  Speech  by  Hon.  John  Sherman,  of  Ohio,  on 
Emancipation  a  Compensation  for  Military  Service  rendered 
by  Slaves.  Delivered  in  the  Senate  of  the  United  States,  F'ebru- 
ary  2,  1864.     Washington^  D.  C:  McGill  &  JVitherow.,  Printers. 

1864.  8vo,  pp.  16.  B.  80386 

Sherman.  Speech  of  Hon.  John  Sherman  ...  on  the  Gen- 
eral Policy  of  the  Government  ...  Senate  ...  February  27,  1865. 

[Washington.    1865.]    8vo,  pp.  8. 

Sherman.     Speech  of  Hon.  John  Sherman 
ation  of  Southern  States,    ...    in   the  Senate, 
1866.      Washington.   1866.     8vo,  pp.  22. 

Sherman.  Uniform  Natior.jl  Currency.  Speech  of  Hun. 
John  Sherman,  in  the  Senate  ...  February  10,  1863.  [li.  p. 
n.  d.]    8vo,  pp.  16.  B.  80389 


on  Rcji.  'jsent- 

Fcbi  'lary  26, 

H.  80388 




Also:  New-England  Luyal  Publication  Society.  Senator  Sherman's  Fallacies;  or, 
Honesty  the  Best  Policy.  By  E.  A.  Boston:  J4.  IVilliams  and  Co.  1868.  8vo,  pp. 
39.      Fret'ace  signed  "  Edward  Atkinson." 

[Sherman  (John  H.)]  A  General  Account  of  Miranda's 
Expedition.  Including  the  Trial  and  Execution  of  Ten  of  his 
Officers,  and  an  Account  of  the  Imprisonment  and  Sufferings  of 
the  Remainder  of  his  Officers  and  Men  who  were  taken  Prison- 
ers. Upon  the  authority  of  a  person  who  was  an  Officer  under 
Miranda,  who  was  taken  and  condemned  to  ten  years  imprison- 
ment, and  who  after  suffering  nearly  two  years,  effected  his  return 
home.  New-York:  Printed  hy  M^Farlane  and  Long.  1808.  8vo, 
pp.  120.  B.,  N.  80390 

The  name  of  the  author  is  given  ii;  tlie  copyright  notice.  Sec  alio  [Biggs  (J.)], 
Vol.  II.,  Nos.  5333,  5334. 

Sherman  (J.)  The  administrations  of  parochial  Bishops  valid,  | 
Init  those  of  Diocesans  invalid.  |  A  |  Supplement  |  To  the  Answer, 
to  the  Revd.  Mr.  Learning's  |  Dissertations :  And  to  three  Let- 
ters for  the  I  purpose  of  supporting  the  exclusive  right  of  |  Ordina- 
tion by  Diocesan  Bishops :  Two  of  |  them  signed  Rector  and  one 
Weaver.  Sup- 1  posed  to  originate  from  the  Resentment  of  |  the 
Diocesan,  or  Superintendant  of  all  the  |  Diocesan  Clergy  and 
Churches  in  C'>nnec- |  ticut.  |  By  Josiah  Sherman,  a.m.  late  Paro- 
chial I  Bishop  of  Goshen.  |  ...  |  Fairfield:  \  Printed:  by  Forgue  and 
^wZ/ff/fj'.  I  m,dcc,lxxxix.  I     i2mo,  pp.  24..  w.  80391 

Sherman.  Christ  the  true  victim  and  conqueror.  |  A|  History 
of  th'.*  War,  I  in  which  the  Son  of  God  engaged  with  all  the 
powers  I  of  darkness,  concerning  the  righteousness  of  God  as| 
moral  Governor — How  it  commenced  ;  and  how  he  |  decided  it, 
by  being  made  a  victim  and  sacrifice  in  |  the  devil's  kingdom  ; 
by  means  of  which,  he  conquer- |ed  and  destroyed  God's  enemies 
— made  atonement  |  for  sin — paid  the  price  of  our  ransom — 
merited  the  [kingdom  of  the  universe  to  himself — and  redeemed  | 
multitudes  to  God  out  of  every  nation.  |  By  Josiah  Sherman,  a.m.  j 
...\Litchfield  :\  Printed  by  T.  Collier.   [1782.?]     8vo,  pp.  66.      ba. 

Sherman.  God  in  no  sense  the  Author  of  Sin.  |  Being  |  an 
Attempt  I  to  I  reconcile  the  Divine  Pre-ordination  of  |  all  events 
with  human  Liberty,  |  and  the  Praise  and  Blame-worthiness  of 
moral  I  Actions.  By  Josiah  Sherman,  a.m.]  Pastor  of  the  Church 
in  Goshen,  j...  Hartford  :\  Printed  by  Hudsoti  and  Goodwin.,  near 
the  ^r/V/^^.  I  M..DCC.LXXXIV.     8vo,  pp.  30.  H.  80393 

See  ako    ,'ol.  x.,  No.  4031S. 


1  ■ ' 

1    : 






'  :  ' 

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Ill  h 



:    ! 

a  I' 

Sherman  (R.  C.)  The  Clerk's  Manual  of  Rules,  Forms 
and  Laws  for  the  Regulation  of  Business  in  the  Assembly.  By 
Richard  C.  Sherman.  Jlbany  and  Utica.  1857.  i8mo,  pp. 
96.  80394 

Sherman  (R.),  b.  1721,  d.  1793.  ^"  I  Almanack,  |  For  the 
Year  of  our  Lord  Christ,  |  1750.  |  Being  the  Second  Year  after 
Leap- Year,  and  |  in  the  Twenty  Third  Year  of  the  Reign  of  |  our 
most  gracious  Sovereign  Lord  King|  George  the  Second,  j  Wherein 
is  contained  the  Lunations,  Eclipses,  |  Suns  Rising  and  Setting, 
the  mutual  Aspects] of  the  Planets,  and  their  Places  in  the  Eclip-| 
tick.  Rising  and  Setting  of  the  Seven  Stars,  |  Time  of  High- 
Water,  Moons  Age,  Courts,]  Fairs,  General  Meetings,  observable 
Days,  I  Judgment  of  the  Weather,  and  a  Description  |  of  the 
Roads,  &c.  I  Fitted  to  the  Latitude  of  41  Degrees,  Noith,|and 
for  the  Meridian  of  the  City  of  New- 1  York  but  may  without 
sensible  Error,  serve  all  the  Neighbouring  Governments.  |  By 
Roger  Sherman,  j  New-Tor k.  \  Printed  and  Sold  by  Henry  De  Foreest^ 
living  in  lVall-\  Street^  at  the  sign  "f  printing  Press. \  [1749?]  Sm. 
8vo,  pp.  (24).  80395 

Title  furnished  by  Mr.  Charles  R.  Hildeburn.  Also  published  at  New  York  with 
the  same  imprint  for  1751  and  1752.      See  a/so  No.  80397,  infra. 

Sherman.  An  Astronomical  Diary,  |  or.  An  |  Almanack  |  for 
the  Year  of  our  Lord  Christ,  |  1 750.  |  Being  the  2d  Year  after  Bis- 
sextile or  Leap-Year.  |  And  in  the  Twenty-third  Year  of  the 
Reign  of  our  |  most  gracious  Sovereign  King  George  ii.  |  Wherein 
is  contained  the  Lunations,  Eclipses  of  I  the  Luminaries,  Aspects, 
Sun,  Moon  and  Seven  Stars  |  Rising  and  Setting,  Time  of  High 
Water  at  Boston,  and]  sundry  other  Places,  Courts  in  the  several 
Governments  |  in  New-England,  and  Province  of  New- York, 
Fasts  and  I  Festivals  of  the  Church  of  England,  Quakers  General 
I  Meetings,  and  other  observable  Days,  Spring  Tides |Judgment 
of  Weather,  &c.  |  Calculated  for  the  Meridian  of  Boston,  in( 
New-England,  Lat.  42  Deg.  25  Min.  North] and  about  4  Hours, 
&  40  Min.  West  from  the]  Meridian  of  London.  ]  By  Roger  Sher- 
man. I  ...  ]  BostONy  in  New-England :  ]  Printed  by  J.  Draper ^  for  the 
Booksellers.\...\  [1749.?]     Sm.  8vo.  H.  80396 

Also  for  1751  and  1752,  printed  at  Boston. 

Sherman.  An  Astronomical  Diary,  or  an  Almanack  for  the 
Year  of  our  Lord  Christ,  1753.  ...  By  Roger  Sherman.  New 
York:  Printed  and  sold  by  Henry  De  Foreest.    1753.     Sm.  8vo. 



Sherman.  An  Astronomical  Diary,  |  or,  an]  Almanack,  |  For 
the  year  of  our  Lord  Christ,  |  1753.  |  Being  the  first  after  Bissex- 
tile, or  Leap- 1  Year :  and  in  the  Twenty  Sixth  Year  |  of  the 
Reign  of  our  most  Gracious  Sovc-|  reign  King  George  11.  | 
Wherein  is  contained  the  Lunations,  Eclipses,  |  Mutual  Aspects 
of  the  Planets,  Sun  and  [Moon's  Rising  &  Setting,  Rising,  Setting 
&  I  Southing  of  the  Seven  Stars.  Time  of  High]  Water,  Courts, 
Observable  days.  Spring  j  Tides,  Judgment  of  the  Weather,  etc.  | 
Calculated  for  the  Lat.  of  41  Deg.  North  &  the  |  Meridian  of 
New  London  in  Connecticut.  |  By  Roger  Sherman.  | ...  |  New  Lon- 
don :  I  Printed  and  sold  by  T.  Green.    1753.  |     Sm.  8vo,  pp.  (16). 

"The  last  two  pages  are  devoted  to  'some  tlio'ts  upon  the  Loss  and  Damage  which 
the  Inhabitants  of  the  Colony  of  Connecticut  have  sustain'd  by  the  depreciation  of  the 
Bills  of  Credit  of  7?.  Island  Si  N.  Hampshire,  since  the  year  1750.'" — Trumbull. 

Sherman.  An  Astronomical  Diary,- or,  an  |  Almanack,  |  For 
the  Year  of  our  Lord  Christ,  |  1754.  |  Being  the  Second  Year 
after  Bissextile,  or  |  Leap- Year :  in  the  27  Year  of  the  Reign  of 
King  Cjeorge  11.  |  Wherein  is  contained  the  Lunations,  Eclipses,  | 
Mutual  Aspects  of  the  Planets  and  their  |  places  in  the  Ecliptic. 
Sun  and  Moon's  Rising  |  &  Setting,  Rising,  Setting  &  Southing 
of  I  the  Seven  Stars.  Time  of  High  Water,  Courts,  |  Observable 
days.  Spring  Tides,  Judgment  |  of  the  Weather  etc.  |  Calculated 
for  the  Lat.  of  41  Deg.  North  &  the  |  Meridian  of  New  London 
in  Connecticut.  |  By  Roger  Sherman.  | ...  |  N.  London :  Printed  and 
sold  hy  T.  Green^  1754- 1     ^'""'  ^vo.  ^©399 

This  title  and  the  one  preceding  were  furnislied  by  Hon.  George  F.  Hoar,  from 
copies  in  his  possession. 

Sherman.  An  Astronomical  Diary;  or  an  Almanack,  For  ... 
1755   ...   For  the  Meridian  of  Boston  ...   By   Roger  Sherman. 

Boston:  Daniel  Fowle,  [1754?]     Sm.  8vo. 


Sherman.  The  Connecticut  Diary  ;  |  or,  |  Almanack]  For  the 
Year  of  our  Lord  Christ  |  1756.  |  Being  the  Bissextile  or  Leap 
Year,  |  In  the  29'^  Year  of  the  Reign  of  King  George  the  Sec- 
ond. I  Wherein  is  contained,  the  Lunations,  Eclipses,  Sun's  and 
Moon's  I  rising  and  setting;  rising,  setting  and  southing  of  the 
seven  |  Stars  ;  Time  of  High  Water,  Courts,  Observable  Days, 
Spring  I  I'ides,  Judgment  of  the  Weather,  etc.  |  Calculated  for  the 
Latitude  of  41  Degrees  North,  and  the  |  Meridian  of  New- Haven 
in  Connecticut.  |  By  Roger  Sherman.  |  New  Haven :  Printed  and 
sold  hy  J.  Parker.  \  [1755.'']     Sm.  8vo.  80401 

Title  furnished  by  Hon.  George  F.  Hoar,  from  the  copy  \r.  his  possession. 


!       ! 


W,  j* 

v ' 




Sherman.  An  Astronomical  Diary,  |  or,  an  |  Almanack  |  for 
the  Year  of  our  Lord  Christ,  |  1760.  |  Being  the  Bissextile  or 
Leap-Year.  |  In  the  33d  Year  of  the  Reign  of  King  George  n.  | 
Wherein  is  contained  the  Lunations,  Eclipses,  Sun's  and  Moon's 
Rising  and  Setting,  Aspects,  Time  of  High  |  water.  Courts, 
observable  Days,  Spring  Tides,  Judg-|ment  of  the  Weather.  | 
Calculated  for  the  Meridian  of  Boston,  in  |  New-England,  Lati- 
tude 42  Degrees  25  |  Minutes  North.]  By  Roger  Sherman.  | ...  | 
Boston :  Printed  for  D.  Henchman^  \  J.  Edwards^  M.  Dennis^  J. 
IVinter^  \  T.  Leverett^  and  S.  IVebb.  1 760.  |  ...  |  Sm.  8vo,  pp. 
(24).  B.  80402 

Sherman.  An  Almanack  for  the  Year  of  our  Lord  Christ, 
1 76 1.  ...  By  Roger  Sherman.  ...  Boston:  Printed  by  D.  is^  J, 
Kneeland.  [1760?]    Sm.  8vo.  ^0403 

With  the  figure  of  an  Indian  on  the  title.  The  verses  on  the  title-page  of  this 
almanac  are  reprinted  in  the  Brinley  catalogue,  No.  7362. 

[Sherman.]  A  |  Caveat  against  Injustice,  |  or  an  |  Enquiry  into 
the  evil  Consequences  |  of  a  Fluctuating]  Medium  |  of  |  Exchange, 
I  Wherein  is  considered,  whether  the  Bills  of  Credit  on  ]  the 
Neighbouring  Governments,  are  a  legal  Tender  in  ]  Payments  of 
Money,  ]  In  the  Colony  ]  of]  Connecticut,  ]  For  Debts  due  by 
Book,  and  otherwise,  where  the  Con-]  tract  Mentions  only  Old- 
Tenor  Money.  ]  By  Philoeunomos.  ]  New  Tork^  Printed  by  Henry 
De  Foreest  in  King-Street.   1 752.     i6mo,  pp.  15.  80404 

"When  this  tract  was  written,  Roger  Sherman  was  in  business  as  a  country-mer- 
chant, in  New  Milford,  but  was  prosecuting  the  study  of  law.  He  was  not  admitted 
to  the  bar  until  December,  1754.  This  is  not  only  the  earliest  but  (with  the  exception 
of  his  Almanacs)  the  only  work  published  by  the  man  whom  Jefferson  pointed  out  as 
one  'who  never  said  a  foolish  thing  in  his  life.'" — J.  H.  Trumbull. 

Mr.  Brinley 's  copy,  with  the  author's  autograph,  "By  Roger  Sherman,"  written  on 
the  title-page,  and  addressed  in  the  same  hand,  "  For  Mr.  Edward  Wigglesworth,"  sold 
for  $100.  It  is  now  in  the  possession  of  Hon.  George  F.  Hoar,  of  Worcester,  Mas- 
sachusetts.     No  other  copy  is  known  to  be  extant. 

[Sherman  Y\  Remarks  ]  on  a  Pamphlet,  |  entituled  ]  "A  Dis- 
sertation on  the  political  Union] and  Constitution  of  the  Thirteen 
United  J  States  of  North  America."]"  By  a  Citizen  of  Philadel- 
phia [/'.  e.  Pelatiah  Webster]."  ]  With  some  brief  Observations,] 
Whether  all  the  Western  Lands,  not  actually  purchased] or  con- 
quered by  the  Crown  of  Great-Britain,  antece-jdent  to  the  late 
Cession,  made  to  the  Thirteen  United  |  States  of  North-America, 
ought  not  to  be  considered  ]as  ceded  to  the  Thirteen  States  jointly 
---  And  whether  all  ]  the  confiscated  Estates  c"^  ".'no  e  People,  by 





some  termed  |  Loyalists,  are  to  be  considered  as  forfeited  to  the 
States  I  in  which  they  were  resident,  or  to  all  the  States  included] 
in  the  Confederation.  |  By  a  Connecticut  Farmer.  |  \^New  Haven  f] 
Printed^  M,DCC,LXXXiv.  |    8vo,  pp.  43.  c,  s.,  w.  80405 

Improved  title  of  No.  69397,  Vol.  xvi.  This  seems  to  be  the  tract  referred  to  by 
Pelatiah  Webster,  in  one  of  his  letters,  as  follows :  "  Mr.  Sherman  of  Connecticut  has 
leplied  to  my  pamphlet,  being  displeased  with  my  views  concerning  the  western  lands. 
1  enclose  you  a  copy  of  his  pamphlet."  For  the  above  extract  I  am  indebted  to  Mr. 
Paul  Leicester  Fjrd,  who  has  also  supplied  me  with  material  for  the  following  para- 

A  series  of  Ave  articles  relating  to  the  proposed  adoption  of  the  Federal  Constitution 
was  printed  in  The  Neiv  Ha-ven  Gazette  for  November  15th,  lad,  agth,  December  6th 
and  aoth,  1787.  The  first  article  is  unsigned,  but  the  four  others  are  published  over 
the  pseudonym  of  "A  Countryman."  In  Mr.  Ford's  file  of  this  newspaper,  the 
former  owner,  Mr.  Simeon  Baldwin,  who  resided  in  New  Haven  at  the  time  of  pub- 
lication, has  written  at  the  bottom  of  the  first  three  of  these  articles  the  name  of 
Roger  Sherman  as  author.  Two  other  articles,  on  reforming  law  suits,  appeared  in 
the  same  gazette  for  November  6th  and  27th,  over  the  same  signature,  under  both  of 
which  Mr.  Baldwin  has  written  Sherman's  name.  In  the  numbers  for  December  iSth 
and  25th,  .■788,  are  two  more  articles  on  the  Constitution,  each  signed  "A  Citizen  of 
New  Haven."  These  also  are  attributed  by  Mr.  Baldwin  to  Roger  Sherman.  A  cor- 
respondence between  John  Adams  and  Mr.  Sherman  concerning  these  last  two  articles 
is  printed  in  Adams's  fVoris,  vi.  427-442.  Mr.  Ford  has  announced  his  intention  to 
reprint  the  seven  articles  on  the  Constitution,  with  the  correspondence,  in  a  work  to 
be  entitled  :  "  Essays  on  the  U.  S,  Constitution,  published  during  its  discussion  by  the 
people,  1787-8." 

It  is  evidently  to  one  of  these  articles  that  James  Madison  refers  in  a  letter  to 
Edmund  Randolph,  dated  April  12th,  1789,  in  which  he  says:  "a  paper  which  will 
probably  be  republished  in  the  Virginia  Gazettes,  under  the  signature  o^  a  citizen  of 
New  Haven,  unfolds  Mr.  Sherman's  opinions."  This  reference  has  been  supplied  by 
Hon.  George  F.  Hoar,  who  also  writes  that  '*  Mr.  Sherman  is  undoubtedly  the  author 
of  the  Report  of  the  Connecticut  Delegation  in  the  Convention  which  framed  the 
Constitution,  which  is  to  be  found  in  the  later  editions  of  Elliot's  Debates." 

.   '.\ 

1!   ■ 

Sherman  (R.  M.),  b.  1773,  ^-  i844'  Sketch  of  the  Life  and 
Character  of  the  Late  Hon.  Roger  Minott  Sherman.  New 
Haven:  B.  L.  Hamlen.    1846.     8vo,  pp.  21.     Portrait.       80406 

Sherman  (S.  N.)  Eulogy  upon  President  Lincoln.  Deliv- 
ered April  19,  1865,  at  the  U.  S.  A.  General  Hospital,  Grafton, 
West  Va.,  by  Surg.  S.  N.  Sherman,  U.  S.  V.  (in  charge.)  Graf- 
ton:  D.  F.  Shriner^  Printer.    1865.     8vo,  pp.  14.  80407 

Sherman  (S.  S.)  Sketch  of  the  Life  of  J.  A.  Lapham.  By 
S.S.Sherman.     Milwaukee.    1875.     8vo,  pp.  80.  80408 

Sherman  (S.  G.)  Address  before  the  North  Kingstown 
Temperance  Society,  November  4,  1832.  By  Sylvester  G. 
Sherman.     Providence :  IVm.  Simons.,  Jr.    1832.     8vo,  pp.  16. 



'  \ 

!    (I 

•MdMi'UtWFW^iKMMiavwifu-- 'W9V* 






Sherman.  Report  of  the  Committee  on  the  Petition  of 
Henry  J.  Duft'  and  others.  By  Sylvester  G.  Sherman,  Esq., 
Chairman  of  the  Committee.  Made  to  the  House  of  Represent- 
atives of  the  Legislature  of  Rhode  Island,  at  the  January  session, 
1847.      Providence:  M.  B.  Toung.    1847.     8vo,  pp.  16.        80410 

Sherman  (W[illiam]  T[ecumseh]),  ^.  1820.  Correspondence 
between  General  W.  T.  Sherman,  U.  S.  Army,  and  Major  Gen- 
eral W.  S.  Hancock,  U.  S.  Army,  &c.,  &c.  Sahtt  Paul.  1871. 
8vo,  pp.  35.  804 1 1 

Sherman.  Description  of  the  Sword  made  by  Tiffany  &  Co., 
for  presentation  to  Gen.  Sherman,  by  Gentlemen  of  New  York. 
[n.  p.   n.  d.]    8vo,  pp.  7.  80412 

Sherman.  General  and  Field  Orders.  Campaign  of  the 
Armies  of  the  Tennessee,  Ohio  and  Cumberland,  Maj.  Gen. 
W.  T.  Sherman,  Commanding,  1864-5.  St.  Louis:  R.  P. 
Studley  and  Co..,  Printers.    1865,     8vo,  pp.  250.  ^0413 

Sherman.  General  Sherman's  Official  Account  of  his  (ircat 
March  through  Georgia  and  the  Carolinas,  From  his  Departure 
from  Chattanooga  to  the  Surrender  of  Cieneral  Johnston,  and  the 
Confederate  Forces  under  his  Command.  To  Which  are  Added 
General  Sherman's  Evidence  before  the  Congressional  Com- 
mittee on  the  Conduct  o^  the  War  ;  the  Animadversions  of  Sec- 
retary Stanton  and  General  Halleck  ;  with  a  Defence  of  his  Pro- 
ceedings, &c.  New  y'ort:  tiunce  ij  Huntington.  1865.  Hvo,  pp. 
214,  and  covers.  h.  80414 

Also  published  with  the  heading  :  The  Hero's  Own  Story. 

Sherman.  Major-General  Sherman's  Reports,  i.  Campaign 
against  Atlanta.  2.  Campaign  against  Savannah.  3.  Campaign 
through  the  Carolinas.  4.  Johnston's  Truce  and  Surrender.  5. 
Story  of  the  March  through  Georgia  (by  a  Staft'  Officer).  Official 
Copy,  complete.  Neiv  y'ork :  Beadle  ^  Co,  [186-.?]  i2mo,  pp. 
84.  80415 

Sherman.  Memoirs  of  General  William  T.  Sherman.  By 
Himself.  In  Two  Volumes.  ...  New  y'ork:  D.  Jppieton  and 
Company.    1875.     2  vols.,  8vo,  pp.  405  ;  409.      Map.  80416 

Sherman.  Reply  of  Maj.  C^en.  Sherman  to  the  Mayor  of 
Atlanta,  and  Spe^<  hes  of  Maj.  (Jen.  Hooker,  Delivered  in  the 
Cities  of  Brooklyn  and  New  York,  Sept.  22,  1864.  Letter  of 
Lieut.  Gen.  Grant,     [n.  p.    1864. J    ^^o,  pp.  6,  (2j.  80417 




Sherman.  Reply  of  Maj.  Gen.  Sherman  to  the  Mayor  of 
Atlanta,  and  Speeches  of  Maj.  Gen.  Hooker,  Delivered  in  .... 
Brooklyn  and  New  York,  Sept.  22,  1864.  Letter  of  Lieut. 
Gen.  Grant.    Voices  from  the  Army.    [n.  p.  1864.]    8vo,  pp.  8. 

Sherman.  Sherman  vs.  Hood, — "  A  Low  Tart,  inclined  to  be 
very  Sweet" — Something  for  Douglas  Democrats  to  remember — 
An    Appeal    to    History — Where    Governor    Seymour    got    his 

Lessons" — On  the  Chicago  Surrender,  A  Poem.  By  Bayard 
Taylor,  etc.     [New  York.    18^4.]     8vo,  pp.  4.  B.  804 19 

Loyal  Publication  Suciety,  No.  6i. 

Sherman.  Who  Burnt  Columbia?  Part  ist.  Official  Depo- 
sitions of  Wm.  Tecumseh  Sherman,  "General  of  the  Army  of 
the  United  States,"  and  Gen.  O.  O.  Howard,  U.  S.  A.,  for  the 
Defence;  and  Extracts  from  some  of. the  Depositions  for  the 
Claimants.  ...  Charleston^  S,  C. :  IValker^  Evans  i^  Cogswell.  1873. 
i2mo,  pp.  121.  80420 

Articles  of  Association  of  the  Sherman  Institute,  for  the 
Encouragement  of  Industry  and  Education.  New- Tor k  :  Pub- 
lished at  the  Tribune  Office.    1842.    8vo,  pp.  8.  8042 1 

The  Sherman  Institute  for  the  Encouragement  of  Industry  and 
Education.  Constitution,  with  explanatory  Remarks,  and  Regu- 
lations in  the  Organization  of  the  Institute.  New  York,  1845. 
8vo,  pp.  8.  H.  80422 

Shkrmer  (H.  B.)  Farewell  Sermon  of  Rev.  Henry  B.  Sher- 
mer,  delivered  at  the  Baptist  Church,  in  Newton,  December  9, 
i860.     Newton.    i86i.     Imp.  8vo,  pp.  7.  80423 

Sherrard  (R.  a.)  a  Narrative  of  the  Wonderful  Escape 
and  Dreadful  Sufferings  of  Colonel  James  Paul,  after  the  Defeat 
of  Col.  Crawford  [in  1782],  when  that  unfortunate  Commander, 
and  many  of  his  men,  were  inhumanly  burnt  at  the  stake,  and 
others  were  slaughtered  by  other  modes  of  torture  known  only  to 
the  Savages.  By  Robert  A.  Sherrard.  Printed  for  J.  Drake. 
Cincinnati :  Spiller^  Printer.    1869.     8vo,  pp.  22.  80424 

First  printed  in  the  "Cincinnati  Uaily  Times,"  July  j,  1869. 

Sherrill  (H.)  An  Essay  on  Epidemics,  as  they  appeared  in 
Dutchess  County,  from  1809  to  1825.  ...  with  an  Appendix, 
containing  an  account  of  the  Epidemic  Cholera,  as  it  appeared  in 
Poughkeepsie  in  1832.  By  Hunting  Sherrill,  m.d.  ...  New- 
York :  Printed  by  Booth  i^  Smith.    3832.     8vo,  pp.  184,38.  H. 








t  I 

Sherrill.  Pathology  of  Epidemic  Cholera,  with  some  pre- 
liminary Observations  on  the  History  of  the  Disease  ...  .  By 
Hunting  Sherrill   ...   .  New  Tori.    1835.     i2mo.  80426 

Cuntaint  an  account  of  the  disease  as  it  prevailed  in  Fuughkecpsie  in  1832  and  1834. 

Shcrrill.  a  Review  of  the  Diseases  of  Dutchess  County 
from  1809  ^"  1825:  ...  Also,  an  Essay  on  a  Disease  of  the 
Jaw  Hones;  and  an  account  of  the  Dysentery  as  it  prevailed  at 
Hyde  Park,  New  York,  in  the  Summer  and  Autumn  of  1826. 
My  Hunting  Sherrill,  m.d.    New  Tork.   1826.     8vo,  pp.  184.    ii. 

Sherwin  (W.  T.)  Memoirs  of  the  Life  of  Thomas  Paine, 
with  Observations  on  his  Writings,  Critical  and  Explanatory. 
To  which  is  added.  An  Appendix,  containing  Several  of  Mr. 
Paine's  Unpublished  Pieces.  By  W.  T.  Sherwin.  London:  Pub- 
lished by  R.  Carlile,    1819.     8vo,  pp.  viii,  232,  xlviii.      Portrait. 

"It  will  be  some  consolation  lo  the  conscientious  unbeliever  to  know  that  Mr, 
Paine's  death-bed  recantation,  about  which  we  have  heard  so  much,  is  an  inveiutil 
story,  like  those  which  are  told  about  Voltaire,  D'Alembcrt,  and  others  who  have  liclil 
similar  opinions."—  I'lcfuie. 

Sherwood  (A.), />.  i-jgi^d.  1879.  Address  ...  Mcrce*- Uni- 
versity, Penfield,  Georgia,  on  the  7th  Feb.  1840.  By  Adicl  Sher- 
wood ...  .  ff^ashington,  Ga.:  Printed  by  M.  J.  Kappel.  1840. 
8vo,  pp.   12,  H.  80429 

Shkrwoou.  a  Gazetteer  of  the  State  of  (icorgia.  By  Adiel 
Sherwood.     Charleston^  S.  C   IV.  Riley.    1827.      i8nio,  pp.  143. 

Sherwooi).  a  Gazetteer  of  the  State  of  Georgia.  By  Adiel 
Sherwood.  Second  Edition.  Philadelphia :  Printed  by  J.  IF. 
Martin  and  W.  R.  Boden.  1829.  l8mo,  pp.  300,  Erratta  [;/V], 
I  leaf.     Map.  B.,  H.,  c.  80431 

Willi  an  .ippendix  of  biographical  sketches,  etc. 

Sherwood.  A  (jazetteer  of  the  State  of  Georgia.  ...  By 
Adiel  Sherwood.  Third  Edition,  greatly  enlarged  and  improved. 
IVashington  City:  Printed  by  P.  Force.  1837.  l2mo,  pp.  (4),  344. 
Map.  A.,  M.  80432 

Some  copies  are  d>:scribed  as  containing  356  pages. 

Sherwood.  A  Gazetteer  of  (Georgia;  containing  a  Particular 
Description  of  the  State  ;  its  Resources,  Counties,  Towns, 
Villages  ...  .  By  Adiel  Sherwood  ...  .  Fourth  Edition,  Revised 
and  Corrected.  Georgia:  Macon:  S.  Boy  kin  ....  i860.  i2mo, 
pp.  209.     Map.  c.  80433 




Sherwood  (G.  W.)  Eulogy  on  the  Life  and  Character  of 
William  Wirt  ...  before  the  William  Wirt  Society  on  Wfldncs- 
ilay  22d  October  1834.  Hy  George  W.  Sherwood.  ...  Balti- 
more: Printed  by  "Jas.  Lucas  tsf  E.  K.  Denver.    1834.     8vo,  pp.  36. 

Sherwood  (H.)  A  Welcome  to  Albert,  Prince  of  Walt", 
and  other  Poems.  By  Harold  Sherwood.  Toronto,  i860.  8vo, 
pp.  48.     Portrait.  80435 

Sherwood  (Henry).  P'ederative  Union  of  the  British  North 
American  Provinces.      Toronto.    1850.     8vo,  pp.  8.  80436 

[Sherwood.]  Letter  to  the  President  of  the  Board  of  Trade, 
Toronto,  on  the  Usury  Laws.  By  a  Citizen.  Toronto.  1847. 
8vo,  pp.  16.  80437 

Sherwood.  Report,  of  a  Select  Committee,  of  the  House  of 
Assembly,  on  the  Political  State  of  the  Provinces  of  Upper  and 
Lower  Canada.  H.  Sherwood,  Ksq.'.  Chairman.  Printed 
by  order  of  the  Commons  House  of  Assembly.  \ Montreal :'\  R. 
Stanton^  Printer  to  the  ^teen's  Alost  Excellent  Majesty.  1838.  8vo, 
pp.  65,  »6,  and  covers.  s.  80438 

Sherwood  (H.  H.)  The  Astro-magnetic  Almanac,  for 
1843.  In  which  all  the  Motions  of  the  Earth  are  demonstrated, 
in  accordance  with  the  Thi'ory  of  the  ancient  Eastern  Nations. 
Hy  H.  W.  Sherwood,  M.n.  ...  Calendar  by  David  Young,  Philom. 
...  New  Tork.  [1843.  J     i2mo,  pp.  72.  h.  80439 

Sherwood  (J.  E.)  Californii:  her  Wealth  and  Resources, 
with  ...  the  ()fficial  and  other  Correspondence  of  the  day, 
relating  to  the  Gold  Region  ;  Colonel  Mason's  Report,  and  all 
that  Part  of  the  Presider.t's  Message  having  reference  to  the 
Country  ...  By  J.  Ely  Sherwood.  ...  New  Tork:  George  F.  Nes- 
bitt.   1848.     8vo,  pp.  40.  80440 

Sherwood.  The  Pocket  Guide  to  California,  Sea  and  Land 
Route.     By  J.  Ely  Sherwood.      New  Tork.    1849.     ^^o.  A. 

Sherwood  (J.  M.),  b.  18 14,  d.  1890.  Plea  for  the  Old 
Foinidation^:.  A  Sermon,  doctrinal  and  historical,  delivered  at 
the  Re-Dedication  of  the  Presbyterian  Church  at  Bloomficld,  N. 
J.  On  Sabbath  Morning  and  Afternoon,  Dec.  18,  1853.  By 
Rev.  James  Manning  Sherwood,  Pastor  of  the  Church.  With 
an  Appendix  of  Historical  Memoranda,  by  the  Rev.  Stephen 
Dodd.  ...  New  Tork :  M.  W.  Dodd.   1854.     i2mo,  pp.  108. 

I  n 



Sherwood  (J.  D.),  /;,  1818.  The  Comic  History  of  the 
Uiiiti'd  States,  from  a  Period  prior  to  the  Dtscovcry  of  America 
to  Times  long  subsequent  to  the  Present.  Hy  John  I).  Sherwootl. 
With  original  illustrations  by  Harry  Scratchly.  Boston  :  Fields^ 
Osgood  id:  Co.    1870.     i?m'\  pp.   550.     c.    -\-  Boston :  HoNghton^ 

Mifflin  y  Co.    1 88 1.     i2mo,  pp.  550. 


[Shkrwood  (I^orenzo).]  Democratic  Platform.  People's 
Resolutions.  A  Republican  Form  of  Government :  Definition, 
Manhood  Suffrage.  New  Tork :  C.  S.  ff^estcott  isf  Co.  1865, 
8vo,  pp.  15.  H.  80444 

Sherwood.  The  Great  Questions  of  the  Times,  exempli- 
fied in  the  Antagonistic  Principles  involved  in  The  Slaveht)Uler's 
Rebellion  against  Democratic  Institutions  as  well  as  against  th',- 
National  Union  ;  as  set  forth  in  the  Speech  of  the  Hon.  Lorenzo 
Sherwood  ex-member  of  the  Texan  Legislature,  delivered  at 
Champlain,  in  Northern  N.  Y.,  Oct.  1862;  and  also  in  the 
1.  Resolutions  of  the  Democratic  League;  2  Li  an  Economic 
View  of  the  Present  Contest,  by  S.  Dewitt  Hloodgood  ;  3  In  the 
Views  of  the  Loyal  Press  of  the  North  ;  4.  And  in  an  Incipient 
Chapter  of  the  Rebellion,  concerning  "  The  Texan  Secessionists, 
versus,  Lorenzo  Sherwood  in  1856."  Arranged  for  publication, 
on  request  from  the  Democratic  League  and  other  friends  of  the 
Union,  by  Henry  O'RicIly.  New  iork :  C.  S.  IVestcott  isf  Co.y 
Printers.    1862.     8vo,  pp.  32,  and  covers.  H.  80445 

Sherwood.  Memorial  to  Congress  on  Utilizing  Rail  Road 
Capital  ...   [n.  p.  ?]   1867.     8vo.  80446 

Sherwood.  Pretext  of  the  Rebels  and  their  Sympathizers 
refuted  by  a  Logic  of  Facts.  Rebellion  against  Free  Govern- 
ment, as  well  as  against  the  National  Union,  [n.  p.  n.  d.]  8vo, 
pp.  16.  80447 

Sherwood.  Speech  of  Lorenzo  Sherwood  respecting  the 
Course  of  the  Slaveholders'  Conspiracy  against  Democratic  Prin- 
ciples,    [n.  p.    1862.]     8vo,  pp.  8.  80448 

Sherwood.  ...  The  United  States,  et  al.,  Libcllants  and 
Captors,  vs.  The  Steamship  Peterhoff.  ...  In  Prize.  Argument 
of  Lorenzo  Sherwoorl,  Advocate  for  Almond  &  Redgate,  Owners, 
Consignees  and  Agents  of  ...  Claimants.  ...  New  Tori:  C.  S. 
fVestcott  y  Co.   1863.     8vo,  pp.  42.  ba.  80449 



SiURWooi)  (R[«  iibcn]),  h.  I7H(),  il.  185^1.  The  Christian 
Soldier:  A  Siininn,  picathcil  in  St.  Jaiiir^  C'himli,  Hyvlc  I*aik, 
the  third  Siiiidav  after  Trinity,  1840.  \\\  the  Rev.  R.  Sherwood, 
Rector  of  saiil  ehiireh  ...  Pnnt^hkeipsif :  Printtul  h  ^JucksoH  <sf 
Sihrani.    1840.     8vo,  p|).  ?.  I,(l).  80450 

^ifKHWODi).  Chinch  Offerings  or  the  Duty,  the  IVleasiirr, 
and  the  Mode  of  honourinfi;  thi-  Lord  with  oui  Sii'istancc.  A 
Scinioii  i!  the  Anniversary  C'rlrlMatioii  of  the  '••  Prolv  ^tant  Kpis- 
lopal  Tract  Society,"  "  New  York  Mihic  and  Common  Prayer 
liook  Society,"  and  "  Kdiicatinn  and  iVIis>.ionarv  Society  «)f  the 
|)io(ese  of  N.  Y.,"  In  the  Chinch  of  the  As  elision.  City  of 
New  York  ...  September  2K,  1K42.  Hy  the  Rev.  Rcul  '  n  Sher- 
wood, n.l).,  Rector  of  St.  James'  Church,  Hyde  Park,  Dutchess 
County,  New  York,  ^f^"lv  )'ork :  I'libliihiul  hy  the  i'iA.  Kpii. 
Tract  Society.    1843.     i  2mo,  pp.  \i).  8045 1 

rroti'i.tiiU  K|)ihii>|).il  Trait  ,  Nn.  1^7, 

SliiKWooiJ.  I^cainhle  ...  of  the  Ref(»rnud  Dutch  ChiKch, 
llydi-l'ark,  with  a  Note  from  Rev.  R.  Sherwood,  Rector  of  St. 
J.iuies'  Church.     /'oitf:;hJ(:ccp>/e^  M  }'.   [  •83f^)     i  2mo,  pp.  12.     s. 

[Shkhwood.]  The  Reviewer  reviewed:  or  Doctor  Hrownlee, 
versus  he  Hihie;  versus  the  Catholic  Chinch;  versus  the  Fathers, 
ancient  and  modern  ;  ver  ,u-<  his  own  crci  '  ,  versus  himself.  My 
Philalethes.  ...  Poughkccpsie :  Printt'd  hy  \' akson  Is' Schram.  1S40. 
Svo,  pp.  81.  H.  80453 

Shkkwdod.  The  VVorknu-n,  and  their  Work,  in  God's 
Building.  Sermon  at  the  Opening  of  the  Annual  Convention 
of  the  Protestant  Kpis<"()pal  Church  in  ...  New  York  ...  Sep- 
tember 24th,  1845.  '^y  ^^^  ^^y.  Reuben  Sherwond,  D.i).  ... 
New  York :  Henry  M.  Onder don k  ^  Co.  m.dccc.xi.v.  8vo,  pp. 
23,(1).  H.  80454 

Sherwood  (S.)  The  |  Church's  Flight]  into  the  |  Wilderness  :  | 
An  I  Address]  On  the  Times.  |  Containing  |  Some  very  interesting 
and  important  Observations  on  |  Scripture  Prophecies  :  |  Shewing, 
that  sundry  of  them  plainly  relate  to  Cireat-j  Britain,  and  the 
American  Colonies  ;  [and  arc  fulfilling  in  the  present  day.  |  Deliv- 
ered on  a  Public  Occasion,  January  17,  1776,!  Hy  Samuel  Sher- 
wood, A.M.  I ...  I  New-York  :  Printed  by  S.  Loudon.  \  m.dcc.lxxvi.  | 
Svo,  pp.  54.  BA.,  M.  80455 

Dedicated  to  Hun.  John  Hancock  and  to  all  tlie  "respectable  members"  ot'  the 
Continental  Congress.     The  preface  is  dated  April  I,  1776. 


t    U' 




1       !    ■■ 


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Sherwood.  A  |  Sermon,  |  Containing,  |  Scriptural  Instructions 
to  Civil  Rulers,  I  and  all  Free-born  Subjects.  |  In  which  the  Princi- 
ples of  sound  Policy  and  good  |  Government  are  established  and 
vindicated  ;  and  |  some  Doctrines  advanced  and  zealously  propa- 
gated I  by  New-England  Tories,  are  considered  j  and  refuted.  | 
Delivered  on  the  public  Fast,  [August  31,  1774.  |  With  an  Address 
to  the  Freemen  of  the  Colony.  I  By  Samuel  Sherwood,  a.m.  | 
Pastor  of  a  Church  of  Christ  in  Fairfield.  |  Also,  An  Appendix,  | 
Stating  the  heavy  Grievances  the  Colonies  labour  under  |  from 
several  late  Acts  of  the  British  Parliament,  |  and  shewing  what 
we  have  just  Reason  to  expect  the  |  Consequences  of  these 
Measures  will  be.   By  the  Rev.  Ebenezer  Baldwin,  of  Danbury.  | 

\  New-Haven^  Printed  by  T.  and  S.  Green.  \  [1774.]     8vo, 



B.,  M.   80456 

Sherwood  (S.  R.)  Rattlepate ;  or.  The  Missing  Deed.  By 
S.  R.  Sherwood.  New  Tork :  Beadle  ^  Co.  1868.  i8mo,  pp. 
!00.  80457 

Shewen  (W.),  b.  1631?  d.  1695.  A  Brief  I  Testimony  | 
against  |  Tale-Bearers,  |  Whisperers,  |  and  |  Back-biters,  |  Shewing  j 
That  where  they  are  given  ear  unto  amongst  Friends,  |  Neighbors, 
and  Relations,  or  in  any  Christian  So- 1  ciety,  such  can  never  live 

in  Peace,  Concord  and 
printed  at  Philadelphia 
Sm.  4to,  pp.  21. 

Unity.  I  •••I  By  William  Shewen.  j  Re- 
by  Reynier  jansenj  in   the  Tear^  I70i'| 

H.S.P.  804.58 

Title  from  Hildebuin's  "  Issues  of  the  Press  in  Pennsylvania."  Mr.  Brinley's  two 
copies  (Nos.  3457,  3458),  sold  for  $50  and  $22,  respectively.  First  printed  ac  Lon- 
don in  1686. 


Shewen.  Counsel  |  to  the  |  Christian-Traveller :  |  Also,  |  Medi- 
tations and  Experiences  |  made  public,  |  As  a  Testimony  to  the 
right  Way  of  |  God,  revealed  and  made  known  in  this  the  Day  |  of 
his  glorious  Appearing  in  his  People ;  that!  they  may  be  encour- 
aged to  walk  therein  to  the  |  End  thereof.  |  The  Fifth  Edition,  Re- 
vis'd  and  Corrected.  |  To  which  is  Added,  |  A  Treatise  concerning 
Thoughts  and  Imaginations,  Good  and  |  Evil ;  also,  a  few  Words 
concerning  the  Life  of  a  Christian,  |  and  Christian  Worship.  |  By 
W.  Shewen.  |  ...  |  Dublin^  Printed ;  Jfnd^  j  Lancaster^  Re-printed  by 
Francis  Bailey  |  for  Caleb  Johnson.  |  mdcclxxiii.  |  8vo,  pp.  xv,  95. 
H.S.P.  -\-  Salem  :  Printed  by  Thomas  C.  Gushing ;  sold  by  W.  Carl- 
ton.  1793.    8vo.  80459 

First  piinted  at  London  in  1683. 



Shewen.     Good   Advice  to  Youth. 
Philadelphia :  Reynier  Jansen,   1701. 

By  William   Shewen. 

Five  hundred  copies  were  ordered   to  be   printed  by  the  Philadelphia  Monthly  Meet- 
ing, on  28th  1 2th  mo.  1700.     Title  from  Hildeburn. 

Sheys  (J  B.)  Oration  ...  at  Paterson,  July  4,  1825,  by 
James  B.  Sheys.     Newark.    1826.     8vo.  80461 

Shields  (B.  G.)  Speech  of  Benjamin  G.  Shields,  of  Ala- 
bama, on  the  Bill  to  repeal  the  Independent  Treasury.  Deliv- 
ered in  the  House  of  Representatives,  August  7,  1841.  Wash- 
ington:  Printed  by  Blair  and  Rives.    1 84 1.     8vo,  pp.  29.  BA. 

Shields  (C.  W[oodruff]),  b.  1825.  Address  at  the  Funeral 
of  John  R.  Kane  ...  By  Charles  W.  Shields  ...  Philadelphia. 
1858.    8vo,  pp.  15.  80463 

Shields.  A  Discourse  in  Memory  of  AVilliam  Darrach,  m.d. 
preached  in  The  Second  Presbyterian  Church,  May  21,  1865. 
By  the  Pastor,  Charles  W.  Shields,  d.d.  Philadelphia :  Ledger 
Book  and  Job  Printing  Establishment.    1865.     8vo,  pp.  23. 

Shields.  Funeral  Eulogy  at  the  Obsequies  of  Dr.  E.  K. 
Kane.  Delivered  in  the  Second  Presbyterian  Church,  Philadel- 
phia. By  Charles  W.  Shields,  Pastor  of  the  Church.  Philadel- 
phia:  Parry  and  M'-Millan.    1857.     i2mo,  pp.  34.  l.  80465 

Also :  Philosophia  Ultima.  Charles  Woodruff"  Shields.  Philadelphia :  y.  B.  Lip- 
pincott  &  Co.  1861.  8vo,  pp.  96.  l. — The  Final  Philosophy,  or  System  of  Perfectible 
Knowledge  issuing  from  the  Harmony  of  Science  and  Religion.  ...  New  Tori:  Scrib- 
ner,  Armstrong  &  Co.  1 877.  8vo,  pp.  viii,  609.  -f  Second  Edition,  revised.  Nett/ 
Tori:  Charles  Scribners'  Sons.  1 879.  8vo,  pp.  viii,  61 1.  —  Philosophia  Ultima;  or. 
Science  of  the  Sciences.  ...  Third  edition,  abridged  and  revised.  New  Tori:  Charles 
Scribners'  Sons.   1888-89.    Vols.  i.  and  11.,  8vo. 

Shields  (E.  J.)  Address  on  the  Progress  of  Popular  Science, 
Liteiature,  and  Knowledge,  in  the  United  States,  and  their  pres- 
ent Condition  and  Prospects  in  Tennessee.  Delivered  before  the 
Alumni  Society  of  the  Nashville  University,  at  Nashville,  Ten- 
nessee, October  4,  1836.  By  the  Hon.  E.  J.  Shields.  fVash- 
ington :  Printed  by  Gales  and  Seaton.    1836.     8vo,  pp.31.  H. 

Shields.  Speech  of  the  Hon.  E.  J.  Shields,  of  Tennessee, 
on  the  bill  to  change  the  organization  of  the  Post  Office  Depart- 
ment, and  to  provide  more  effectually  for  the  Settlement  of  the 
Accounts  thereof.  Delivered  in  the  House  of  Representatives 
of  the  United  States.  May  20,  1836.  Washington:  National 
Intelligencer  Office.    1836.     8vo,  pp.  16.  80467 

VOL.   XIX.  30 



r  ; 





If    i 

Shields  [James].  In  Senate  of  the  United  States,  Jan.  30, 
1 85 1.  [Report  as  to  the  relative  efficiency  of  the  repeating  Pis- 
tols, invented  by  Samuel  Colt,  and  other  inventors.  IVashington. 
1 85 1.]    8vo.  80468 

Shields.  Speech  of  Mr.  Shields,  of  Illinois,  on  the  Territo- 
rial Question.  ...  in  the  Senate  ...  April  5,  1850.  tVashington : 
Printed  by  Jno.  T.  Towers.    1850.     8vo,  pp.  16.  H.  80469 

Shields.  Speech  of  Hon.  James  Shields  .  .  on  the  Resolu- 
tions expressive  of  Sympathy  for  the  exiled  Irish  Patriots.  [De- 
livered Jan.  29,  1852.]     IVashington.    1852.     8vo,  pp.  8.  h. 

Shiels  (Andrew).  The  Witch  of  the  Wescot ;  a  Talc  of 
Nova  Scotia  in  three  Cantos  ;  and  other  Waste  Leaves  of  Liter- 
ature.   ...    Halifax.    1 83 1.     8vo,  pp.  224.  8047 1 

Shier  (J.)  First  Report  from  the  Select  Committee  on  Cey- 
lon and  British  Guiana  ;  together  with  the  Minutes  of  Evidence, 
and  Appendix.     Lotulon.    1849.     Folio,  pp.  383.  80472 

Shier.  Second  Report  on  Thorough-Drainage,  with  special 
reference  to  its  application  to  British  Guiana.  ...  Demerary.  1850. 
8vo.  ^0473 

Shier.  Report  on  the  Clarification  of  Cane-Juice,  with  prac- 
tical Directions  for  conducting  the  Process.  ...  Demerara  1850. 
8vo.  80474 

Shillaber  (B[enjamin]  P[enhallow]),  h.  1814,  d.  1890. 
Knitting-work :  a  Web  of  many  Textures,  wrought  by  Ruth 
Partington,  (B.  P.  Shillaber.)  ...  Boston:  Brown.^  Taggard  & 
Chase.    1 859.     i2mo,  pp.  A08.  H.  80475 

For  a  later  edition  see  No.  80478,  infra. 

Shillaber.  Life  and  Sayings  of  Mrs.  Partington,  and  others 
of  the  Family.  Edited  by  B.  P.  Shillaber,  of  the  Boston  Post. 
. . .  New  Tork  :  J.  C.  Derby .^  8  Park  Place.  Boston  :  Phillips^  Samp- 
son and  Cornpany.  Cincinnati:  H.  IV.  Derby.  1854.  l2mo,  pp. 
384.     8  Plates,     l.    -\- New  Tork.   1859.     i2mo.  80476 

"  30,000  copies  were  sold  in  a  brief  period." — Allibone. 

Shillaber.  Lines  in  Pleasant  Places :  Rhythmics  of  many 
Moods  and  Quantities,  Wise  and  Otherwise.  ...  Boston:  A. 
Williams^  Co.   1874.     i2mo.  80477 


47  » 

Popular    Edition.      Boston.    1882.      l2mo,   pp. 


Shillaber.  Mrs.  Partington's  Knitting  Work,  and  what  was 
done  by  her  plaguy  boy,  Ike :  A  Web  of  many  Textures  as  woven 
by  Ruth  herself.     Philadelphia:  J.  E.  Potter  &  Co.  1868.     i2mo. 

For  an  earlier  edition  lee  No.  80475,  supra. 

Shillaber.  Partingtonian  Patchwork.  ...  By  B.  P.  Shillaber. 
Boston:  Lee  and  Shepard.    1873.     l2mo,  pp.  360.  ^^479 

Shillabfr.  Rhymes  with  Reason  and  without.  By  B.  P. 
Shillaber.  Boston:  A.  Tompkins  ^  B.  B.  Mussey  I'f  Co.  1853. 
i6mo,  pp.  336.  Portrait,  c.  -{-New  Tork :  J.  C.  Derby.  1854. 
i6mo,  pp.  336.     Portrait.  c.  80480 

[Shillaber.]  A  very  Brief  and  very  Comprehensive  Life  of 
Ben.  Franklin,  Printer,  Done  into  Quamt  Verse,  by  one  of  the 
Typos.     September  17th,  1856.    [^Boston?  1856.]    Folio,  I  page. 

Title  from  Ford's  "  Franklin  Bibliography,"  No.  960,  which  see  for  a  specimen  verse. 

Shillaber.  Wide-Swath.  Embracing  "  Lines  in  PLasant 
Places,"  etc.  ~ 


Also:  Cruises  with  Captain  Bob  on  Sea  and  Land  ...  Boston  :  Lee  &  Shepard.  1880. 
i2mo,  pp.  (2),  326.  —  The  Double-runner  Club:  or,  the  lively  Boys  of  Riverton.  ... 
Boston;  Lee  Sf  Shepard.  1 882.  i6mo,  pp.  314.  —  Ike  Partington;  or,  the  Adven- 
tures of  a  Human  Boy  and  his  Friends.  ...  Boston:  Lee  &  Shepard.  1879.  i6mo,  pp. 
225.  —  Mrs.  Partington's  Carpet-Bag  of  "^un.  ...  New  Tork:  Dick  &  Fitzgerald,  [n. 
d.]    l2mo. 

Shillibeer  (J.)  A  Narrative  of  the  Briton's  Voyage,  to  Pit- 
cairn's  Island.  Bv  Lieut.  J.  Shillibeer,  r.m.  Illustrated  with 
eighteen  Etchings  by  the  Author,  from  Drawings  on  the  spot. 
Taunton:  Printed  for  the  Author  by  J.  IV.  Marriott.  1817.  8vo, 
pp.  (4),  iii,  (2),  179,  (2).     16  Plates.  b/.  80483 

Shillibeer.  A  Narrative  of  the  Briton's  Voyage,  to  Pitcairn's 
Island ;  including  an  Interesting  Sketch  of  the  Present  State  of 
the  Brazils  and  of  Spanish  South  America.  By  Lieut.  J.  Shilli- 
beer, R.M.  Illustrated  with  Sixteen  Etchings  by  the  Author, 
from  Drawings  on  the  Spot.  Second  Edition.  London  :  Printed 
for  Law  and  IVhittaker  ...  .  1817.  8vo,  pp.  vii,  (4),  180.  16 
Plates,  c.  +  Third  Edition.  [Ibid.']  18 18.  8vo,  pp.  vii,  (4), 
•80.    16  Plates.  A.  80484 

Shillibeer.  Ontmoetingen  op  eene  reis  naar  het  eiland  Pit- 
cairn,  bevattende  eene  schets  van  den  tegenwoordige  toestand  der 
Brazilien  en  van  Spaansch  America.  Uit  het  Engelsch.  ...  Dord- 
recht. 1 8 19.    8vo.  80485 

,  \ 

i  )■■ 



I    \ 


\i    ■. 

The  Shilling  Song  Book.     New  York,  [i860.]    32ino. 

Also!  The  Shilling  Song  Book.  No.  i.  [Boston.  i86a.]  i6mo.  — The  Shilling 
Song  Book.  No.  3.  A  Collection  of  the  most  favorite  National,  Patriotic,  Sentimental 
and  Comic  Ballads  of  the  Day.     [Ntw  York.    1864.]     i6mo. 

A  Shilling's  Worth  of  the  United  States  of  America  ;  or,  an 
Epitome  of  its  Finances,  Railroads,  Trade,  Laws,  Population  ... 
Compiled  by  Belding,  Keith  and  Co.  ...  London  and  New  fork: 
Cassell^  Petter  iff  Galpin.  [1868.]    8vo,  pp.  118,  (2).       c.  80487 

Shillinglaw  (J.  J.)  A  Narrative  of  Arctic  Discovery,  from 
the  Earliest  Period  to  the  Present  Time  ;  with  the  Details  of  the 
Measures  adopted  by  Her  Majesty's  Government  for  the  Relief 
of  the  Expedition  under  Sir  John  Franklin.  By  John  J.  Shilling- 
law.  ...  London:  IVilliam  Shoberl.  1850.  Post  8vo,  pp.  xv,  (i), 
XX,  348.  Portrait  and  2  Maps,  ba.,  c,  p.  -f  Second  Edition. 
London:  IVilliam  Shoberl.  185 1.  Post  8vo,  pp.  xx,  364.  Por- 
trait and  2  Maps.  b.  80488 

Shillitoe  (T.),  b.  1754.?  d.  1836.  A  brief  Sketch  of  the 
Life  and  religious  Labours  of  Thomas  Shillitoe.  Philadelphia. 
[1840.M  Sm.  8vo,  pp.  40.  H.  -\-  York:  Printed  and  sold  by  John 
Lewis  Ltnney.  Sold  also  by  Harvey  and  Darton.,  London.  1841. 
i2tno.  80489 

Shillitoe.  Journal  of  the  Life,  Labours  and  Travels  [in 
Europe  and  America]  of  Thomas  Shillitoe,  in  the  Service  of  the 
Gospel  of  Jesus  Christ.  ...  London:  Harvey  and  Darton.  1839. 
2  vols.,  8vo.  -\-  The  Second  Edition.  [^Ihid.'\  1839.  2  vols., 
8vo.  80490 

Reprinted  in  "The  Friends*  Library,"  voi.  in.,  Philadelphia,  1839.    8vo. 

Shiloh,  TVww.  Battle  Field  of  Shiloh.  [n.  p.  1862.?]  8vo, 
pp.  8.  80491 

Shimeall  (R[ichard]  C[unningham]),  j.  1803,  d.  1874.  Age 
of  the  World,  as  founded  on  the  Sacred  Records,  Historic  and 
Prophetic  ;  and  the  "  Signs  of  the  Times,"  viewed  in  the  Aspect 
of  Premonitions  of  the  Speedy  Establishment  on  'he  Earth,  of 
the  Millenial  State,  by  the  Second,  Personal,  Pre-millenial  Advent 
of  Christ:  with  an  Introductory  Essay  ...  .  By  the  Rev.  R.  C 
Shimeall  ....  New  York:  Swords.^  Stanford  ^  Co.  1842.  i2mo, 
pp.  xxvii,  (i),  364.  BA.  80492 

Shimeall.  Letter  to  James  Lenox,  Esq.,  on  the  Prophetical 
Aspect  of  the  Times,  including  Animadversions  on  an  Article  in 



the  "  New  York  Evangelist,"  "  Is  Napoleon  Antichrist  ?"  By 
the  Rev.  R.  C  Shimeall,  Member  ot"  the  Presbytery  of  New 
York.  Nnv  It'ork  :  John  F.  Trow  ^  Co.,  50  Greene  street.  1866. 
i2mo,  pp.  24,  notes  289-296,  and  printed  covers.  ^©493 

A  begging  letter,  requesting  pecuni.iry  uid  in  publisihing  the  prophetical  works  uf  the 

Shimeall.  Political  Economy  ot"  Prophecy,  with  special 
reference  to  its  relation  to  the  History  of  the  Church,  and  the 
Civil,  Military,  and  Ecclesiastical  History  of  the  Roman  Empire, 
and  of  its  last  Emperors,  the  three  Napoleons,  with  an  Appendix 
on  The  Pope's  late  Encyclical,  and  the  Firman  of  the  Sultan  of 
Turkey,  Prophetically  and  Historically  demonstrated.  ...  By  the 
Rev.  R.  C.  Shimeall  ...  New  Tork :  John  F.  Trow  &  Co.  1866. 
i2mo,  pp.  297,  subscribers  (3).  Frontispiece,  maps  and  diagrams. 
-|-  Second  Thousand.     [//>;>/.]   1866.     i2mo.  80494 

Contains  applications  to  American  artairs. 

[Shimeall,]  Startling  Facts.  A  Tract  for  the  Times 
(Extra).  The  City  of  New  York  The  Greatest  Missionary  Field 
on  the  Continent:  being  an  appeal  to  the  Protestant  Evangelical 
Churches  of  the  City  in  behalf  of  the  hundreds  of  thousands  now 
destitute  of  the  ordinary  means  of  grace.  By  •MAOi'TXSiN. 
New  Tori :  Richard  Brhikerhoff.   1864.     8vo,  pp.  19.  80495 

Also  numerous  other  prophetical  works. 

Dc  Shiney  Eye,  Crooked  Shin,  and  Oh,  Susannah  Songster. 
Nevj  Tork.   [186-?]     32mo.  80496 

Shinn  and  W'ashington  (Messrs),     See  Vol.  xv.,  No.  64591. 

Shinn  (J.  L.)  and  Forscutt  (M.  H.)  Discussion  between 
Rev.  John  L.  Shinn  of  the  Universalist  Church,  and  Elder  Mark 
H.  Forscutt,  of  the  Reorganized  Church  of  Jesus  Christ  of 
Latter  day  Saints,  held  at  Rock  Creek,  Ills.,  August  ioth-i3th, 
1875.     Piano.   1876.     8vo,  pp.  194.  ^0497 

Shinn  (W.  M.)  Address  before  the  Philological  Institute  ... 
on  its  Fourteenth  Anniversary  ...  by  Wm.  M.  Shinn.  Pittsburgh. 
1842.    8vo.  80498 

The  Ship   Archer  and  the  Caulkers'   Strike. 

Signed  "  Neptune." 

2jniu,  pp.  8 

Boston.    1866. 

H.  80499 

...  Ship  Canal  around  the  Falls  of  Niagara.     (To  accompany 
bill  H.  R.  No.  466.)     In  the  House  of  Representatives,  Febru- 










■;    I 

V  i.\ 

ary  20,  1838.  Resolved,  That  three  thousand  extra  copies  be 
printed  of  the  report  made  to  this  House  on  the  25th  day  of  Janu- 
ary last,  by  the  Committee  on  Roads  and  Canals,  in  favor  of  the 
construction  of  a  ship  canal  around  the  Falls  of  Niagara.  [^IVash- 
ington.    1838.]     8vo.  80500 

With  heading:  "a5th  Congress,  2d  Scssinn.      [Rep,  No.  463.]      Ho.  of  Reps." 

Ship  Canal  between  the  Atlantic  and  Pacific  Oceans.  Report 
of  British  Engineers.  New  York:  IVm,  C  Bryant  l^  Co.^  Printers. 
1852.    8vo,  pp.  12,  and  covers.  80501 

...  Ship  Canal  to  coinicct  Mississippi  River  and  Lake  Michigan. 
(To  accompany  bill  H.  R.  No.  288.)  February  20,  1862. — 
Ordered  to  be  printed.  February  27,  1862. — Ordered,  That 
10,000  extra  copies  be  printed  for  the  use  of  the  House.  Mr. 
F.  P.  Blair,  jr.,  from  the  Committee  on  Military  Affairs,  made 
the  following  Report.     \^fVasbington.    1862.]     8vo,  pp.  13. 

With  heading  ;  '•  37th  Congress,  2d  Session.  House  of  Representatives.  Report 
No.  37. 

Shipherd  (J.  R.)  History  of  the  Oberlin- Wellington  Rescue. 
...  Compiled  by  Jacob  R.  Shipherd.  With  an  Introduction  by 
Prof.  Henry  E.  Peck  and  Hon.  Ralph  Plumb.  Boston :  John  P. 
Jewett  and  Company.    1859.     8vo,  pp.  vii,  (l),  280.  B.  80503 

"An  extraordinary  case,  under  the  Fugitive  Slave  Act.  Wellington  is  located  thirty- 
lix  miles  southwest  of  Cleveland ;  Oberlin  is  nine  miles  north  of  Wellington.  In 
January,  1856,  a  negro  slave,  called  John,  missing  from  a  plantation  in  Mason 
county,  Kentucky.  In  August,  1856,  a  friend  of  the  owner  recognized  John  at  Ober- 
lin, and  with  the  aid  of  friends  from  Kentucky  arrested  him  with  the  intention  of 
taking  him  back.  They  took  him  to  Wellington,  where  he  was  rescued  by  a  large 
body  of  persons  from  Oberlin  and  Wellington — hence  the  title.  Thirty-seven  of  tlie 
rescuers  were  indicted  by  the  State,  and  confined  foi  many  months  in  the  Cleveland  jail, 
while  the  trial  progressed.  They  were  finally  acquitted  and  great  was  the  rejoicing. 
The  account  of  the  aflair  is  contained  in  280  double  column,  solidly  printed  pages." — 
Thomson's  Bibliography  of  Ohio. 

[Shipley]  (J.),  b.  17 14,  d.  1788.  A  Sermon  Preached  before 
the  Incorporated  Society  for  the  Propagation  of  the  Gospel  in 
Foreign  Parts;  at  their  Anniversary  Meeting  in  the  Parish  Church 
of  St.  Mary-Le-Bow,  on  Friday  February  19,  1773.  By  the 
Right  Reverend  Jonathan  Lord  Bishop  of  St.  Asaph.  London: 
Printed  by  T.  Harrison  and  S.  Brooke,  mdcclxxiii.  4to,  pp. 
xxiv,  62,  (i).  80504 

[Shipley.]  A  |  Sermon  |  Preached  before  the  |  Incorporated 
Society  I  for  the |  Propagation  of  'he  Gospel  in  |  Foreign  !'.nis;|at 
their  I  Anniversary  Meeting]  in  the|  Parish  Church  of  St.  Mary- 



Le-Bow, [on  February  19,  1773.  |  By  the  Right  Reverend  |  Jona- 
than Lord  Bishop  of  St.  Asaph.  |  Loudon  Printed:  \  Boston^  New- 
England^  Re- Printed:  \  And  to  be  Sold  by  Thomas  and  ^John  Fleet ^\ at 
the  Heart  and  Crown  in  Cornhill.  1773.  |    8vo,  pp.  17.    ba.,  c,  m. 

[Shipley.]  A  |  Sermon  |  preached  before  the  |  Incorporated 
Society  I  for  tne  |  Propagation  of  the  (Jospcl  in  Foreign  Parts,  |  at 
their  I  Anniversary  Meeting  |  in  the  |  Parish  Church  of  St.  Mary- 
Le-Bow, |on  Friday  February  19.  i773.|By  the  Right  Reverend] 
Jonathan  Lord  Bishop  of  St.  Asaph.  London^  Printed:  Norwich^ 
Re-printed  by  Green  y  Spooner.  \  [1773  ?]     8vo,  pp.  16,  and  over. 

[Shiplky.I  a  I  Sermon  |  Preached  before  the  |  Incorporated 
Society  I  for  tne  |  Propagation  of  the  (Jospel  in  |  foreign  Parts;  |  at 
their  |  Anniversary  Meeting  |  in  the  |  Parish  Churcji  of  St.  Mary- 
Lc-Bow,  I  On  Friday,  February  19,  1773.  |  By  the  Right  Reverend 
[Jonathan  Lord  Bishop  of  St.  Asaph.  |  Zowr/o/;,  Printed  :\  Newport^ 
Rhode-Island^  Reprinted  and  Sold  |  by  Solomon  Southwick^  in  ^ueen- 

iSV/V^/,  I  M,DCC,LXXIII.|      8vO,  pp.    16.  B.   80507 

[Shipley.]  A  Sermon  preached  before  the  Incorporated 
Society  for  the  Propagation  of  the  Gospel  in  Foreign  Parts  ;  at 
their  An.iiversary  Meeting  in  the  Parish  Church  of  St.  Mary-Le- 
Bow,  on  Friday,  February  19,  1773.  By  the  Right  Reverend 
Jonathan  Lord  Bishop  of  St.  Asaph.  New-Tork :  printed  by 
Hodge  and  Shober^  for  Noel  and  Hazard.  M.ucc.LXXiii.  8v(),  pp. 
16.  c,  p.  80508 

[Shipley.]  A  |  Sermon  |  Preached  before  the  |  Incorporated 
Society  |  for  the  |  Propagation  of  the  Gospel  in  Foreign  Parts  ;  |  at 
their  I  Anniversary  Meeting  |  in  the  [Parish  Church  of  St.  Mary- 
le-Bow,  [  On  Friday,  February  19,  1773.  |  ^Y  ^^^  Right  Reverend  | 
Jonathan  Lord  Bishop  of  St.  Asaph.  |  Philadt  'phia :  I  Printed  by 
Robert  Belly  in  Third-street^  \  And  Sold  by  \  William  fVoodhouse^  in 
Front-street.  \  MDCCLXxiii.  |    8vo,  half-title,  title,  and  pp.  3-20.    P. 

Puhlished  at  9d.  on  fine  paper,  and  6d.  on  common  paper.  Title  from  Hildeburn, 
who  also  mentions  an  edition,  Philadelphia ;  Robert  Aitken.   1773.     8vo, 

Shipley.  A  ]  Sermon  |  Preached  before  the  |  Incorporated 
Societ)  [  for  the  |  Propagation  of  the  Gospel  in  Foreign  Parts  ;  [  at 
their  I  Anniversary  Meeting  |  in  the  [Parish  Church  of  St.  Mary- 
le-Bow,[on  Friday,  February  19,  1773.  |  By  the  Right  Reverend} 
Jonathan  Shipley,  |  Lord  Bishop  of  St.  Asaph.  |  A  New  Edition.] 
London  ;  Printed  for  f.  Whiston^  Bookseller ^  in  Fleet-street.  |  M  Dcc- 
lxxiv.|...|    Sm.  8vo,  pp.  15.  h.  80510 


M     I, 

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i  I 




[SHiPr.KY.]  A I  Speech  |  intended  to  have  been  spoken  |  on  the  | 
Hill|foi|  AltciinK  the  Charters]  of  the  |  Colony  of  Massachusett's 
Hay.  I  London  :  \  Printed  for  T.  Ccuhll^  in  the  Strand.  \  M  Dcc  Lxxi  v.  | 
8vo,  pp.  vii,  36.  80511 

"A  golden  speech  unspoken,  which  illustrates  the  wisdom,  justice,  foresight,  and 
eloquence  of  the  good  bishop.  It  will  not  he  unpleasant  for  Americans  tu  hear  his 
opinion — '  My  Lords,  I  look  upon  North  America  as  the  only  great  nursery  of  freemen 
now  left  upon  the  face  of  the  earth.'  "     See  also  ••  Monthly  Review,"  ti.  70. 

[Shipley.]  A  |  Speech  |  intended  to  have  been  spoken  |  on  the  | 
Hill  I  for]  Altering  the  Charters]  of  the!  Colony  of  Massachusett's 
Bay.  I  The  Second  Edition.  |  London  :  \  lYinted  for  T.  Cadell^  in  the 
Strand. \M  hqc  \.x\\v .\    8vo,  pp.  vii,  36.  h.  80512 

[Shipley.]  A  |  Speech  |  intended  to  have  been  spoken  |  on  the  | 
Bill  I  for  I  Altering  the  Charters]  of  the  |  Colony  of  Massachusett's 
Bay.  I  The  Third  Edition,  j  Z,oWo« ;  |  Printed  for  T.  Cadell^  in  the 
i'/r^^W.  I  M  DCC  lxxiv.  I    8vo,  pp.  vii,  36.  ^0513 

[Shipley.]  A  |  Speech  |  intended  to  have  been  spoken  [  on  the  | 
Bill  I  for]  Altering  the  Charters]  of  the)  Colony  of  Massachusett's 
Bay.]  The  Fourth  ¥.A\t\on.\  London  :\  Printed  for  T.  Cadell.,  in  the 
Strand.  \  M  dcc  lxxiv.  ]    8vo,  pp.  vii,  36.  l.,  m.  80514 

Also;  The  Fifth  Edition.  Loudoni  Printed  for  T.  Cadell.  1774.  8vo,  pp.  vii,  36. 
+  The  Sixth  Edition.     London.   1774.     8vo. 

[Shipley.]  A j Speech] intended  to  have  been  spoken] on  the] 
Bill] for]  Altering  the  Charters] of  the] Colony  of  Massachusett's 
Bay.  1  London:  \  To  be  had  of  Goadby  and  Berry .^  Stationers .\  Sweet- 
ing's-J/Iev,  Royal-Exchange. \...\  [1774.]    Sm.  8vo,  pp.  i6.       H. 

[Shipley.]  A  ]  Speech  ]  intended  to  have  been  spoken  ]  on  the  | 
Bill]  for] altering  the  Charters ] of  the )  Colony  of  Massachusett's 
Bay.  ]  The  Sixth  Edition.  ]  London.,  Printed.  \  Boston:  \  Reprinted^  and 
Sold  by  Edes  and  Gill.,  \  in  ^ueen-Street.  \  m,dcc,lxxiv.  )  8vo,  pp. 
24.  B.,  M.  80516 

Shipley.  A ] Speech ] intended  to  have  been  spoken] on  the| 
Bill]  for]  altering  the  Charter  ]  of  the  I  Colony  of  Massachusetts- 
Bay.  ]  By  the]  Rev.  Jonathan  Shipley,  Lord  Bishop) of  St.  Asaph.  | 
London.,  Printed :  Price  is.  Sterl.  \  Boston.,  N.  E.  Reprinted.,  and 
sold.,  for  6  Coppers.,  that  ]  every  North- American  may  be  possessed  of 
so  valuable  a  Pamphlet  j  for  a  small  expense.,  at  Greenleaf's  Printing- 
Ojfice.\  [1774.]    8vo,  pp.  12.  H.  80517 

Shipley.  A  ]  Speech  ]  intended  to  have  been  spoken  in  thc| 
House  of  Lords,  |  on  the  j  Bill  ]  for  altering  the  Charter  of  the 



Colony  of  I  Massachusctt's-Hay.|  Written  by  the  Reverend  Dr. 
Jonathan  Ship-]  Icy,  Lord  Bishop  of  S*.  Asaph.  |  Salem:  N.  E.\ 
Printed  and  Sold  by  E.  Russell^  at  the\  New  Printing- O/ficey  in  Ruck- 
Street,  lead-\ing  from  the  State- House  to  Marblehead.  \  M.DCC,- 
Lxxiv.|    8vo,  pp.  i6.  M.  80518 

Shipley.  A  [Speech, [intended  to  have  been  spoken  on  the 
Hill  I  for  altering  the  Charters  of  the  Colony  of  |  Massachusetts- 
Hay.  I  Written  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Jonathan  Shipley,  |  Lord  Hishop 
of  St.  Asaph.  I  [Colophon  :]  Salem  :  Re-printed  and  sold  by  S.  and 
E.  Hall.\  [1774.]   4to,  pp.  16.  M.  80519 

f Shipley.]     A  Speech  intended  to  have  been  spoken  on  the 
I  for  Altering  the  Charters  of  the  Colony  of  Massachusetts 
Hay.     London  Printed:  Hartford,  reprinted  ...  1774.     i2nio. 

This  is  tailed  the  "  Fifth  edition." 

[Shipley.]  A  Speech  intended  to  have  been  spoken  on  the 
Hill  for  altering  the  Charters  of  the  Colony  of  Massachusetts 
Hay.  London,  Printed.  New  York:  Reprinted  by  J.  Holt.  1774. 
8vo,  pp.  18.  c.  80521 

[Shipley.]     A  |  Speech  |  intended  to  have  been  spoken  |  By  the 
Hishop  of  St.  Asaph,  |  on  the  |  Bill 
the  I  Colony  of  Massachusetts  Bay. 

Reprinted  and  Sold  by\  Benjamin  Towne,  in  Front- Street,  near  the  ( 
Coffee-House.\    [1774.]     8vo,  pp.  18.  H.s.P.  80522 

Title  from  Hildeburn. 

for  I  Altering  the  Charters  |of 
London,  Printed :  \  Philadelphia, 

[Shipley.]  A  |  Speech  |  Intended  to  have  been  spoken  |  on  the 
I  Bill  I  for  I  Altering  the  Charters  |  of  the  |  Colony  of  Massachusett's 
Bay.  I  The  Third  Edition.  |  London,  Printed;  \  Philadelphia :  |  ^^- 
printed  and  Sold,  by  fVilliam  and  Thomas  |  Bradford,  at  the  London 
Coffee-House.\u.iiCC.t.xyiiv .\    8vo,  pp.  vi,  29.  H.  80523 

Shipley.  A  |  Speech,  |  intended  to  have  been  spoken  |  on  the 
I  Hill  I  for  altering  the  Charters  |  of  tht  Colony  of  |  Massachusetts 
Bay.  I  By  the  Rev.  Dr.  Jonathan  Shipley,  |  Lord  Bishop  of  St. 
Asaph.  I  Though  it  is  not  above  three  weeks  since  this  piece] 
appeared  first  in  America,  this  is  the  Fifth  |  Edition ;  besides  sev- 
eral in  England,  where  |  it  sold  at  One  Shilling  '6\.tx\\n^.\  Lancas- 
ter:  I  Printed  and  Sold  by  Francis  Bailey.  \  MDCCLXXiv.  |  Sm.  8vo, 
pp.  24.  P.  80524 

Title  from  Hildeburn. 




!(  . 

I  \ 

( ? 



'  ilk 







[]  a  I  Speech, I  intended  to  have  been  spokenjon  the 
I  Hill  I  f()r|alterinjf  the  Chaiters|()f  thejColonv  of  Massacmisett's 
Hay.  I  A  New  Edition.  |  London:  \  Printed  for  T,  Cadell^  in  tbt 
Strand,  \  M  IKX  Lxxx  11. 1    8vo,  pp.  vii,  36.  c,  H.  S0525 

Shiplfy.  The  |  Whole  of  the  celebrated  |  Speech  |  of  (  The 
Rev.  Dr.  Jonathan  Shipley,]  I^ord  Hishop  of  St.  Asaph  ;  |  Intended 
to  have  been  spoken  on  the  Hill  for  altering  |  the  Charter  of  the 
Province  of  the  Massachusetts- 1  Hay  ;  but  want  of  Time,  or  sonic 
other  Circumstance,  |  prevented  his  delivering  it  in  the  House  of 
Lords  ;  |  for  which  Reason  it  was  printed  in  a  large  Pamphiet,  | 
and  sold  at  One  Shilling,  Sterling  ;  and  is  allowed  to  |  be  one  of 
the  best  Pieces  ever  wrote  on  the  present  |  Disputes  between 
North-America  and  Great-Britain.  |  Printed  by  S.  Southwick^  in 
^teen-Street^  \  Newport^  Rhode  Island^  Sept.  1 774.  |    4to,  pp.  20. 

For  two  replies  to  Shipley's  speech,  see  "A  Complaint,"  Vol.  iv.,  No.  15050}  and 
"A  Speech  never  intended  to  be  spoken." 

Shipley.  The  Works  of  the  Right  Reverend  Jonathan  Ship- 
ley, d.d.  ...  London:  T.CadelL  m.dcc.xcii.  2  vols.,  8vo,  pp. 
xii,  402,  Portrait ;  vii,  358.  S0527 

Shipman  (S.  V.)  Specifications  for  the  Rotunda  and  Dome 
of  the  State  Capitol,  Madison,  Wisconsin.  By  S.  V.  Shipman. 
\_Madiion,  n.  d.]     8vo.  80528 

Shipman  (T.  L.)  Historical  Discourse.  A  New  "Year's  Ser- 
mon. Delivered  in  the  Congregational  Church,  Jewett  City, 
Conn.  ...  By  Thomas  L.  Shipman.  Norwich.  1856.  8vo,  pp. 
17.  80529 

Shipman.  "The  Saint  waiting  his  Change."  A  Sermon  ... 
at  the  Funeral  of  Rev.  Timothy  Tuttle  ...  June  9,  1864.  By 
Rev.  T.  L.  Shipman.  ...  Norwich:  John  IV.  Stedtnan^  Printer. 
1864.    8vo,  pp.  23.  B.  80530 

Ship-Owners'  Association  of  the  State  of  New  York.  Con- 
stitution and  By-Laws,  as  amended,  June  12,  1867.  New  Tork: 
L.  H.  Biglow  ^  Co.   1867.    8vo,  pp.  15.  c.  80531  . 

Shipp  (B.),  b.  18 1 3.  Fame:  and  other  Poems.  By  Barnard 
Shipp.    Philadelphia  :  E.  H.  Butler  ^  Co.    1848.     i2mo,  pp.  212. 

Shipp.  The  History  of  Hernando  de  Soto  and  Florida ;  or, 
Record  of  the  Events  of  Fifty-six  Years,  from  15 12  to  1568. 
By  Barnard  Shipp.  Philadelphia :  Collins^  Printer^  705  Jayne  Street. 
1 88 1.    8vo,  pp.  xii,  689.  80533 



Shif'P.  The  Progress  of  Frretlom  •,  and  other  Poems.  By 
Barnard  Shipp.  New  Tt'oi  k :  Adriance^  Sherman  i^  Co.  1852. 
l2mo,  pp.  219.  R.,  c.  805  {4 

Shippen  (Edward).     See  Vol.  viii.,  No.  30039. 

Shippen  Papers.     See  [Balch  (T.),  editor']^  Vol.  i.,  No.  2871. 

The  Shipper's  Guide;  containing  a  complete  list  of"  all  Railroad 
Stations,  Canal  and  River  Towns,  ...  in  the  United  States  and 
Canadas.     Biijf'alo :  James  A.  Phelps.    1859.     i2mo,  pp.  374,  (i). 

Shippky  (J.)  Specimens  ;  or  Leisure  Hours  poetically  em- 
ployed on  various  Subjects;  Moral,  Political  &  Religious.  ...  By 
Josiah  Shippey,  a.h.  With  notes  critical  and  explanatory;  Also, 
a  brief  History  of  the  Life  of  the  Author,  from  the  year  17/8  to 
the  year  1841  ;  to  which  is  added  a  Synopsis  of  all  the  parts  of 
Learning.  By  Samuel  Johnson,  d.d.  President  of  King's,  now 
Columbia,  College,  New-York.  Neiv-lt'ork :  Printed  hy  Joseph 
B.  Allee^  104  Beekman-street.    1841.     i2mo,  pp.  (4),  vii-238.       L. 

The  Shipwreck  and  Adventures  of  Monsieur  Pierre  Viaud. 
See  [Dubois-Fontanelle  (J.  G.)],  Vol.  v.,  No.  21020. 

Shipwrecks  and  Disasters  at  Sea ;  or  Historical  Narratives  of 
the  most  noted  Calamities  and  Providential  Deliverances,  which 
have  resulted  from  Maritime  Enterprise;  with  a  Sketch  of  various 
Expedients  for  preserving  the  Lives  of  Mariners.  ...  Edinburgh: 
Constable  and  Co.    1812.     3  vols.,  8vo.     Maps.  c.  80537 

Stt  "  Monthly  Review,"  lxxiv.  380. 

Shipwrecks  and  Disasters  at  Sea ;  Narratives  of  the  most 
remarkable  Wrecks,  Conflagrations,  Mutinies,  &c.,  comprising 
the  Loss  of  the  Wager,  Mutiny  of  the  Bounty,  and  several  others. 
New  edition,  unabridged.  London:  H.G.  Bohn.  1846-51-54. 
i2mo.  80538 

Title  From  Dohn's  Lowndes.     Also:  New  edition.     London.   1866.     8vo. 

The  Shipwrecks  of  December,  1839;  being  a  full  account  of 
the  dreadful  Hurricanes  of  December  15,  21  and  27,  on  the 
Coast  of  Massachusetts,  in  which  were  lost  more  than  ninety 
vessels.     Boston.   1840.     i2mo,  pp.  24.  80539 

Shiras  (A.)  Life  and  Letters  of  Rev.  James  May,  d.d.,  by 
Rev.  Alexander  Shiras,  a.m.  Philadelphia :  Protestant  Episcopal 
Book  Society.   [1865.]     i2rno,  pp.  185.     Portrait.  80540 





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':> .; 

Shiras  (C.  p.)  The  Redemption  of  Labor,  and  other  Poems. 
By  Charles  P.  Shiras.  Pittsburgh :  Published  by  IV.  H.  IVhitney, 
Third  Street.   1852.     8vo,  pp.  120,  and  covers.  L.  80541 

The  cover-title  is  dated  1853. 

Shiriff  (Charles).  Thoughts  on  Emigration  and  on  the 
Candidas  as  an  opening  for  it.   ...   ^ebec.    1 831.     8v().        80542 

Shirley  [Walter].  A  Narrative  of  the  Principal  Circum- 
stances relative  to  the  Rev.  Mr.  Wesley's  late  Conference,  hold 
in  Bristol,  August  the  6th,  1771,  at  which  the  Rev.  Mr.  Shirley, 
and  others,  his  Friends,  were  present.  With  the  Declaration 
then  agreed  to  by  Mr.  Wesley,  and  Fifty-Three  of  the  Preachers 
in  Connexion  with  him.  In  a  Letter  to  a  P  riend.  By  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Shirley.  The  Second  Edition.  Bath ,  Printed  by  IV.  G>, 
in  fVestgate- Street^  for  T.  Mills.,  Bookseller.^  in  King* s-Mead-Square. 

...    I77I.      8vO,  pp.   24.  BA.,  M.  80543 

This  elicited  the  following  reply ; 

An  I  Impartial  View,  |  Of  a  |  Narrative  |  of  the|  Principal  Circumstances  |  Relative  to  ( 
The  Rev.  Mr.  Wesley's  late  Conference,!  Held  at  Bristol,  August  the  6th,  1771,  &c.  | 
With  the{ Declaration  then  Agreed  to  by  Mr.  Wes-|ley,  and  Fifty  Three  of  his  Preach- 
ers. I  By  the  Rev.  Mr.  Shirley.  |  In  which  the  Reader  is  presented  with  the  Minutes  of' 
the  I  Conference,  the  preceeding  Year,  w  hich  gave  great  offence,]  as  containing  Justifica- 
tion by  Works,  and  overturning  the  |  Gospel  of  Christ;  Lady  Huntingdon's,  and  Mr.  | 
Shirley's  Letters  to  Mr.  Wesley,  on  the  Occasion  : — And  |  the  Declaration  which  satis- 
fied the  Objectors.  |  The  Author's  chief  Design  is  to  shew.  That  this  Famous  |  Declara- 
tion, declares  nothing  in  Favor  of  Justification  |  By  Faith  Only,  but  is  perfectly  consist- 
ent with  Justifica-jtion  and  Salvation  by  Works: — That  Mr.  Wesley,  ne-|ver  intended 
it  as  a  Recantation  of  the  offensive  Miiintes  ;|  and  Consequently,  that  the  Joy  that  hath 
been  occasioned  by  |  it,  and  Mr.  Shirley's  Narrative,  on  the  other  Side  |  of  the  Water, 
hath  been  only  rejoycing  in  a  Thing  of  |  nought.  |  By  A  Lover  of  Truth,  |  in  America.  | 
.,.\Boston  :\Printed  and  Sold  by  y.  Kneeland,  next  to  the  Treasurer's\Office,  in  Milk-St'tet. 
1773. 1    8vo,  pp.  33.     w. 

Shirley  (W.),  b.  1693,  ^*  ^77'*  ^^^  I  Conduct  |  of  |  Major 
Gen.  Shirley,  |  late  |  General  and  Commander  in  Chief]  of  his| 
Majesty's  Forces  |  in  |  North  America.  |  Briefly  stated.]  London:] 
Printed  for  R.  and  y.  Dodsley^  in  Pall-mall;  |  And  Sold  by  M.  Cooper^ 
at  the  Glob"  in  Pater-\noster  Row.  1 758.  |  8vo,  pp.  (8),  124,  Ap- 
pendix 125-130,  (i).  BA.,  H.  80544 

The  authorship  of  this  pamphlet  is  sometimes  attributed  to  General  Shirley  himself. 
It  was  probably  written,  however,  by  his  secretary,  William  Alexander,  afterwards  called 
Earl  of  Stirling.  It  relates  to  the  war  in  America,  the  attack  on  Niagara,  etc.  See 
"Monthly  Review,"  xviii.  iSz;  Tudor 's  "Otis,"  chap.  iv. ;  and  Duer's  "Life  of 
William  Alexander,  Earl  of  Stirling." 

Shirley.     A  Conference.   1742.     See  Vol.  iv.,  No.  15435. 
Shirley.     A  Conference.  1753.     See  Vol.  iv.,  No.  15436. 



Shirley.  A  Journal  of  the  Proceedings.  1754.  "S"*?^  Vol.  ix., 
No.  36730. 

Shirley.  A  |  Letter  |  from  |  William  Shirley,  Esq ;  |  Governor 
of  Massachuset's  Bay,  |  To  his  Grace  the  |  Duke  of  Newcastle:] 
with  I  A  Journal  of  the  Siege  of  |  Louisbourg,  and  other  Opera- 
tions of  the  I  Forces,  during  the  Expedition  against  |  the  French 
Settlements  on  Cape  Breton  ;  |  drawn  up  at  the  Desire  of  the 
Council  I  and  House  of  Representatives  of  the  [Province  of  Mas- 
sachuset's Bay ;  approved  |  and  attested  by  Sir  William  Pepperrell, 
I  and  the  other  Principal  Officers  who  |  commanded  in  the  said 
Expedition.  |  Published  by  Authority.  |  London :  j  Printed  by  E. 
Owen  in  IVarivick-Lane.  1746.  |  [Price  Six-penceM  8vo,  pp.  32. 
A-D  in  fours.  B.,  l.  80545 

Shirley.  A  |  Letter  |  from  |  William  Shirley,  Esq ;  |  Governor 
of  Massachusett's-Bay,  I  To  his  Grace  the|  Duke  of  Newcastle  :  | 
with  I  A  Journal  of  the  Siege  of  |  Louisbourg,  and  other  Opera- 
tions of  the  I  Forces,  during  the  Expedition  against  the  |  P'rench 
Settlements  on  Cape-Breton  ;  drawn  |  up  at  the  Desire  of  the 
Council  and  House  |  of  Representatives  of  the  Province  of  Mas- | 
sachusett's-Bay  ;  approved  and  attested  by  |  Sir  Wi'liam  Pepperrel, 
and  the  other  Prin- 1  cipal  Officers  who  command<;d  in  the  said  | 
Expedition.  |  Published  by  Authority.] ...  \Lot:don:  \  Printed  by  E. 
Owen^  in  Warwick- Lane.  1746.  |  Boston  in  New- England :  |  ^^- 
printed  by  "J.  Draper^  Printer  to  His  Excellency  \  the  Governor  ilf 
Council^ for  D.  Henchman\in  Cornhil.\  [1746.]    4to,  pp.  31.     w. 

Shirley.  A  Letter  from  William  Shirley,  Esq;  Governor  of 
Massachusetts-Bay,  To  his  Grace  the  Duke  of  Newcastle  :  with 
a  Journal  of  the  Siege  of  Louisbourg,  and  other  Operations  of 
the  Forces,  during  the  Expedition  against  the  French  Settlements 
on  Cape  Breton  ...  Boston:  Reprinted  by  Rogers  and  Fowle.  1746. 
8vo,  pp.  16.  80547 

Shirley.  A  Letter  from  William  Shirley,  Governor  of  Mas- 
sachusetts Bav,  to  his  Grace  the  Duke  of  Newcastle :  with  a 

Journal  of  the  Siege  of  Louisbourg 
James  Parker.    1746.     8vo,  pp.  20. 

New  Tork :  Reprinted  by 

J.C.B.  80548 

Shirley.  A  Letter  from  William  Shirley,  Esq;  Governor  of 
Massachuset's  Bay,  To  His  Grace  the  Duke  of  Newcastle:  with 
A  Journal  of  the  Siege  of  Louisbourg,  and  other  Operations  of 
the  Forces,  during  the  Expedition  against  the  French  Settlements 
on  Cape  Breton,  drawn  up  at  the  Desire  of  the  Council  and 

I  :! 

i<|:      I 

h  ':, 

I  n 



,  -1 




House  of  Representatives  of  the  Province  of  Massachuset's  Bay ; 
appro  ;'ed  and  attested  by  Sir  William  Pepperrell,  and  the  other 
Principal  Officers  who  Commanded  in  the  said  Expedition.  ... 
London:  Printed  by  E.  Owen.    1748.     8vo,  pp.  32.      j.c.B.  80549 

[Shirley.]  Memoirs  of  the  Principal  Transactions  of  the 
Last  War  between  the  English  and  French  in  North  America. 
From  the  Commencement  of  it  in  1744,  to  the  Conclusion  of 
the  Treaty  at  Aix  la  Chapelle.  Containing  in  Particular  An 
Account  of  the  Importance  of  Nova  Scotia  or  Acadie  and  the 
Island  of  Cape  Breton  to  both  Nations.  London:  R.  iff  J.  Dods- 
ley.  M.DCc.Lvn.    8vo,  pp.  viii,  102.  J.c.B.,  c.  w.  80550 

See  "Monthly  Review,"  xviii.  i8i. 

[Shirley.]  Memoirs  of  the  Principal  Transactions  of  the 
Last  War  between  the  English  and  French  in  North-America. 
From  the  Commencement  of  it  in  1744,  to  the  Conclusion  of 
the  Treaty  at  Aix  la  Chapelle.  Containing  in  Particular  An 
Account  of  the  Importance  of  Nova  Scotia  or  Acadie,  and  the 
Island  of  Cape  Breton  to  both  Nations.  The  Third  Edition. 
London^  Printed.  Boston^  New- England ;  Re-printed  and  Sold  by 
Green  and  Russell^  at  their  Printing- Office  in  ^ueen-street.  mdcc- 
Lviii.    8vo,  pp.  iv,  9-80.  BA.,  c.  w.  80551 

Shirreff  (E.)  The  Chivalry  of  the  South.  By  Emily  Shir- 
refF.  ...  London:  Ladies*  Emancipation  Society.  1864.  i6mo,  pp. 
14.  BA.  80552 

Shirreff.  A  few  more  Words  on  the  Chivalry  of  the  South. 
By  Emily  ShirrefF.  ...  London:  Ladies'  Emancipation  Society.   1864. 

i6mo,  pp.  38. 

h.  80553 

Shirreff  (P.)  A  Tour  through  North  America ;  together 
with  a  Comprehensive  View  of  the  Canadas  and  United  States, 
as  adapted  for  Agricultural  Emigration.  By  Patrick  ShirrefF, 
Farmer,  Mungoswells,  East  Lothian.  Edinburgh:  Oliver  and 
Boyd  ...  Printed  by  Ballantyne  and  Company.  1835.  8vo,  pp.  (4), 
iv,  V,  473.  B.,  BA.  80554 

Shirti  iff  (Roswell).     See  ShurtlefF. 

Shive  y  (J.  M.)  Route  and  Distances  to  Oregon  and  Cali- 
fornia, with  a  Description  of  Watering  Places,  Crossings,  Dan- 
gerous Indians,  etc.  By  J.  M.  Shively.  Washington:  W.  Greer. 
1846.     8vo,  pp.  15.  c.  80555 



id  Cali- 
'.  Greer. 


Shoberl  (F.)  The  World  in  Miniature.  Edited  by  Frede- 
rick Shoberl.    ...   London.    1821.     12  vols.,  i2mo.  P.  80556 

Shocking  Calamity  !  Particulars  of  the  Tragical  Death  of 
Mrs.  Ann  Taylor,  Her  Son  William  Francis  Taylor — Mrs.  Eli- 
zabeth Brewer — Mrs.  Patrick  Jackson  and  Wife  and  Miss  Eliza 
Palfrey,  who  fell  Victims  to  the  Awful  Conflagration  in  Broad- 
Street,  Boston,  ...  January  17,  1821.  ...  Boston:  N.Coverly. 
[1821.]    8vo,  p.  24.  H.  80557 

Shoemaker  (I.)  Some  |  Account  |  of  |  Isaac  Shoemaker,  |  of 
the  I  Township  of  Cheltenham,  in  the  County  of  Philadel-|  phia, 
(Son  of  John  Shoemaker  of  the  same  place)  |  who  departed  this 
Life  on  the  31st.  day  of  the  se-|  vcnth  month  1779,  in  the  twenty- 
fifth  year  of  his  |  Age.  |  {Philadelphia.    1779?]     8vo,  pp.  8.         P. 

Title  from  Hildcburn. 

Shoemaker  (R.  M.)  Reports  of  Preliminary  Surveys  for  the 
Union  Pacific  Railway  from  Fort  Riley  to  Denver  City.  By  R. 
M.  Shoemaker.     Cincinnati.    1866.     8vo.     Map.  80559 

Shoepac  Recollections.     See  [Wilcox  (O.  B.)] 

Shanes  and  the  Bones.    {Philadelphia.   1861.]     i6mo.     80560 

By  William  Duane.     In  verse. 

Shoppe  (Sigismund  van).     See  Schoppe. 

Shores  of  Vespucci.     See  [Tufts  (Marshall)]. 

Short  (Bob),  pseudon.  Patriotic  Effusions ;  by  Bob  Short. 
New-Tor k :  Published  by  L.  and  F.  Lockwood^  No.  154  Broadway. 
J.  &  y.  Harper,  printers.  1 8 19.  i8mo,  half-title,  title,  and  pp. 
5-46,  Contents  (i).  l.  80561 

Short  (C.  W[ilkins]),  b.  1794,  d.  1863.  Biographical  Mem- 
oir of  H.  Hurlbert  Eaton,  m.d.  By  Charles  W.  Short,  m.d. 
[Lexington,  Ky.?'\   1832.     8vo.  s.  80562 

Short.  Sketch  of  the  Progress  of  Botany  in  Western  Amer- 
ica.    By  Charles  W.  Short.     Lexington,  Ky.   1836.     8vo. 

Also,  with  H.  H.  Eaton:  Notices  of  Western  Botany  and  Conchology.  (From  the 
Transactions  of  the  Journal  of  Medicine,  February,  1831.)  [n.  p.  1831.]  8vo. — 
With  Robert  Peter,  M.D. :  Plants  of  Kentucky,     [n.  p.   183-?]    8vo. 

Short  (C.  W.)  Remarks,  i.  On  the  Position  of  Barracks 
in  the  West  Indies,  as  affecting  the  health  of  Europeans,  ii.  On 
the  health  and  management  of  European  Soldiers  serving  in  the 




!'  •Mi 

-  (■ 

i  > 








Tropics,  in.  The  advantages  of  an  increase  of  the  West  Indian 
Corps  considered.  By  Charles  W.  Short  ....  London:  Calkin  tsf 
Budd.   1844.    8vo,  pp.  (2),  40.  B.  80564 

Short  (J.  T.)  Historical  Reference  Lists  for  the  Use  of 
Students  in  the  Ohio  State  University.  By  John  T.  Short. 
ColutnbuSyO.:  J.  H.  Smythe.    1882.     i2mo,  pp.  (2),  5-96. 

Short.  The  North  Americans  of  Antiquity  Their  Origin, 
Migrations,  and  Type  of  Civilization  Considered  By  John  T. 
Short  New  York  Harper  ^  Brothers  1 880  8vo,  pp.  (2),  vii- 
544.  Frontispiece,  and  numerous  Woodcuts  in  the  text,  -f  Sec- 
ond Edition.  \lbid^  1880.  8vo,  pp.  (2),  viii-544.  Frontispiece 
and  Woodcuts.  80566 

Short.  Ohio :  A  Sketch  of  Industrial  Progress.  By  John 
T.  Short.     Columbus^  O.:  A.  H.  Smythe.   1882.     i6mo,  pp.  56. 

Short  (M.),  <^.  1731.  A  thankful  Memorial  of  God's  sparing 
Mercy.  |  Discourses  |  upon  |  A  Recovery  from  Sickness.  I  ...  |  By 
Matthew  Short,  a.m.  |  Pastor  of  the  Church  of  Christ  in  Easton.  | 
Boston^  N.  E.  I  Printed  by  S.  Knee/and  and  T.  Green  \  in  ^ueen- 

Street.  mdccxxix.  |    8vo,  pp.  (6),  33. 

B.,  M.  80568 

Short  (Richard).  [Six  Perspective  Views  of  Belle  Isle,  from 
drawings  made  by  command  of  Admiral  Keppell,  by  R.  Short.] 
London.   1763.     Obi.  folio.     6  Plates.  80569 

Short.  [Twelve  Views  in  Quebec,  in  1759,  from  drawings 
taken  on  the  spot  by  Richard  Short,  by  command  of  Vice  Admi- 
ral Saunders.]     London.    1761.     Folio.  ba.  80570 

Twelve  double-page  engravings,  each  dated  "London,  Sept.  i,  1761."  They  are  as 
follows :  I .  General  view  of  Quebec,  from  Pointe  Levi ;  a.  North  West  part  of  the 
Town  of  Quebec  J  3.  The  Intendant's  Palace;  4.  The  Treasury  and  Jesuits  College j 
5.  The  Jesuits  College  and  Church;  6.  The  inside  of  the  Jesuits  Chapel;  7.  The 
Cathedral,  Jesuits  College,  and  RecoUet  Friars  Church ;  8.  The  Inside  of  the  Recoilet 
Friars  Church;  9.  The  Orphans,  or  Ursuline  Nunnery;  10  and  11.  The  Bishop's 
House  in  Ruins;  iz.  1  he  Church  of  Notre  Dame  de  la  Victoire,  built  in  1695  and 
destroyed  in  1759.  On  the  last  plate  is  engraved:  "To  the  Hon*"'"  S'  Charles  Saunders, 
Vice  Admiral  of  the  Blues,  and  Knight  of  the  most  Honourable  Order  of  the  Bath, 
these  Twelve  Views  of  the  principal  Buildings  in  Quebec,  are  most  Humbly  Inscribed 
by  his  most  Obedient  Humble  Servant  Richard  Short." 

Short  (T.)     Discourses  |  on  |  Tea,  | 

Sugar,  1    ( Spirits, 

Milk,  V  ^  Punch, 

Made-Wines  j    (^Tobacco,  &c. 
With  I  Plain  and  Useful  Rules  |  for  |  Gouty  People.  |  By  Thomas 



Short,  M.D.  I  London  :  Printed  for  T.  Longman^  in  Pater-noster-row  i 
I  and  A.  Miller^  in  the  Strand.  \  M  DCC  L.  |     8vo,  pp.  vi,  (4),  424. 

Short.  Dissertation  upon  Tea,  explaining  its  Nature,  Prop- 
erties, and  Natural  History.   ...   London.    1730.     4to.  80572 

Short.  Mcdicina  Britannica  :  |  Or  a  |  Treatise  |  on  such  |  Phys- 
ical Plants ;  |  as  are  |  Generally  to  be  found  in  the  Fields  or  Gar- 
dens I  In  Great-Britain  :  |  Containing  |  A  particular  Account  of  their 
Nature  Vir-|tues,  and  Uses.  J  Together  with  the  Observations  of 
the  most  learned  Physicians,  |  as  well  anticnt  as  modern,  commu- 
nicated to  the  late  ingcMi-|ous  Mr.  Ray,  and  the  learned  Dr.  Sim. 
Pauli.  I  Adapted  more  especially  to  the  Occasions,  of  those,  whose 
Condition  or  Situation  |  of  life  deprives  them,  in  a  great  Measure, 
of  the  Helps  of  the  Learned.  |  By  Tho.  Short,  of  Sheffield,  m.d.  | 
To  which  is  added,  |  An  Appendix  :  |  Containing  |  The  true  Prep- 
aration, Preservation,  Uses  and  Doses  of  most  |  Forms  of  Reme- 
dies necessary  for  private  Families.  |  The  Third  Edition.  |  With  a 
Preface  by  Mr.  John  Bartram,  Botanist  of  [Pennsylvania,  and  his 
Notes  throughout  the  Work,  shewing  the  Places,  |  where  many 
of  the  described  Plants  are  to  be  found  in  these  Parts  of  |  Amer- 
ica, their  Differences  in  Name,  Appearance  and  Virtue,  from 
those  I  of  the  same  Kind  in  Europe  ;  and  an  Appendix,  contain- 
ing a  Description  |  of  a  Number  o^  Plants  peculiar  to  America, 
their  Uses,  Virtues,  &c.  \  London  Printed:  \Philadelphia  Re-printed^ 
and  sold  by  B.  Franklin.^  and  \  D.  Hall.,  at  the  Post-0 ffice  in  Market- 
street.  MDCCLi.  I    8vo,  pp.  XX,  339,  40,  7.  80573 

Title  from  Hildeburn.  Mr.  Brinley's  copy  (No.  3316)  sold  for  $8.  First  printed  at 
London  in  I74S-     Another  variety  of  the  above  <  Jition  as  follows : 

Short.  A  [Treatise  |  on  such  |  Physical  Plants,]  as  are  [Gen- 
erally to  be  found  in  the  Fields  or  Gardens  |  in  Great-Britain :  | 
containing!  A  particular  Account  of  their  Nature,  Vir-|tues,  and 
Uses.  [  Together  wif h  the  Observations  of  the  most  learned  Phy- 
sicians, [  as  well  ancient  as  modern,  communicated  to  the  late 
ingeni-  [  ous  Mr.  Ray,  and  the  learn'^^^  O-.  Sim.  Pauli.  (  Adapted 
more  especially  to  the  Occasions  of  those,  whose  Condition  or 
Situation  |  of  Life  deprives  them,  in  a  great  Measure,  of  the  Helps 
of  the  Learned. I  By  Tho.  .hort,  of  Sheffield,  m.d.  [To  which  is 
added,  [  An  Appendix  :  [  containing  |  The  true  Preparation,  Pres- 
ervation, Uses  and  Doses  of  most  [  Forms  of  Remedies  necessary 
for  private  Familes.  [  The  Third  Edition.  ( With  a  Preface  by  Mr. 
John  Bartram,  Botanist  of  [  Pennsylvania,  and  his  Notes  through- 





VOL.    XIV. 







out  the  Work,  shewing  the  Places  |  where  many  of  the  described 
Plants  arc  to  be  found  in  these  Parts  of  |  America,  their  Differ- 
ences in  Name,  Appearance  and  Virtue,  from  those  |  of  the  same 
Kind  in  Europe  ;  and  an  Appendix,  containing  a  Description  |  of 
a  Number  of  Plants  peculiar  to  America,  their  Uses,  Virtues, 
&c.  I  London  Printed:  \  Philadelphia  Re-printed^  and  Sold  by  B 
Franklin,,  and  \  D.  Hall^  at  the  Post-Office,,  in  Market-street. 
Mdccli.  I    8vo,  pp.  XX,  339,  40,  7.  c.  80574 

A  titlf  variation  of  the  preceding  number,  furnished  by  Mr.  James  C.  Pilling. 

Short.     Mcdicina  Britannica.     By  Thomas  Short.     Philadel- 
phia:  B.  Franklin,,  and  D.  Hall.    1765.  80S75 

Title  from  Hildcburn. 
lutionary  publications. 

This  edition  is  also  mentioned  in  Haven's  list  of  ante-rcvu- 

Short  (T.)  Case  of  Thomas  Short,  etc.,  whose  Brother 
Settled  in  Virginia,  and  who  left  several  Children  to  whom  the 
Respondents  were  Guardians.  London:  Privately  Printed,  1779. 
Folio.  80576 

Title  from  a  bookseller's  catalogue. 

A  Short  Account  from  ...  Darien.  1699.  See  No.  78232, 

A  Short  Account  of  a  late  Short  Administration.  London :  J. 
IVilkie.    1766.     Folio.  80577 

By  Edmund  Burke.     Improved  title  of  No.  9299,  Vol.  iii.    See  "  Monthly  Review," 
XXXV.  160. 

A I  Short  Account  I  of  |  Algiers,  |  containing  |  A  Description  |  of 
the  I  Climate  of  that  Country,]  of  the  |  Manners  and  Customs  |  of 
the  I  Inhabitants,  |  and  of  their  several  Wars  against  Spain,  |  France, 
England,  Holland,  Venice,  and  |  other  Powers  of  Europe,  from 
the  Usurpation  of  Barbarossa  |  and  the  Invasion  of  the  |  Emperor 
Charles  v.  to  |  the  Present  Time ;  |  With  a  concise  |  View  of  the 
Origin  I  of  the  Rupture  |  between]  Algiers  and  the  United  States.] 
...  I  Philadelphia  :  Printed  by  y.  Parker /or  M.  Carey.  1794.  8vo, 
pp.  (2),  46.     Map.  B.  80578 

Improved  title  of  No.  765,  Vol.  i. 

A  ]  Short  Account  |  of  |  Algiers,  ]  and  ]  of  its  several  Wars  ]  against 
Spain,  France,  England,  Holland,  ]  Venice,  and  other  Powers  of 
Europe,  from  ]  the  Usurpation  of  Barbarossa  and  the  J  Invasion  of 
the  Emperor  Charles  v.  to  ]  the  Present  Time.  ]  With  ]  A  concise 
View  1  of  the  J  Origin  of  the  Rupture  ]  between  ]  Algiers  and  the 
United  States.  |  ...  ]To  which  is  added,  j  A  Copious  Appendix,) 



containing  I  Letters  from  Captains  Penrose,]  M'Shane,  and  |  sundry 
other  American  Captives,  with | a  Description  of  the  Treatment) 
those  Prisoners  experience,  j  Second  Edition,  improved.  |  Philadel- 
phia:  Printed  for  Mathew  Carey.    1794.     8vo,  pp.  50.    Map.     B. 

For  a    ater  edition  tee  •'  A  Short  History  of  Algiers,"  infra. 

A  Short  Account  of  Prince  Edward  Island.  See  [Hill  (S.  S.)], 
Vol.  VIII.,  No.  31861. 

A  Short  Account  of  some  of  the  Proceedings  of  the  Deputies 
and  Committee,  appointed  to  take  Care  of  the  Civil  Affairs  of 
the  Dissenters.     [^London.   1767?]    Sm.  4to,  pp.  24.  80580 

Contains  a  brief  chronological  account  of  the  dissenters,  in  Great  Britain  and  the 
American  colonies,  from  1737  to  1767.  At  the  end,  "  N.  B.  All  Letters  and  Repre- 
sentations, relative  to  the  Civil  Affairs  of  the  Dissenters,  are  desired  to  be  directed  to 
Jasper  Mauduit,  Esq;  at  Hackney,  near  London." 

A  Short  Account  of  some  of  the  Proceedings  of  the  Deputies 
and  Committee,  appointed  to  take  Care  of  the  Civil  Affairs  of 
the  Dissenters.     London.   1768.    Sm.  410,  pp.  28,  and  covers. 

Contains  references  to  glebe  lands  in  New  England,  disorders  in  Connecticut,  com- 
plaints from  Virginia,  etc.,  and  a  letter  from  the  Congregational  pastors  of  Massachu- 
setts, 1768.  Probably  by  Jasper  Mauduit.  A  copy  of  this  edition  is  in  the  British 

A  Short  Account  of  that  part  of  Africa.  See  [Benezet  (A.)], 
Vol.  II.,  Nos.  4686,  4687. 

A  Short  Accoun*^  of  the  African  Slave  Trade,  and  an  Address 
to  the  People  of  Great  Britain,  on  the  Propriety  of  abstaining 
from  West  India  Sugar  and  Rum.  ...  Sevenoaks :  Printed  for  a 
Society,  m.dcc.xci.     8vo,  pp.  16.  e.  80582 

A  Short  I  Account  |  of  t'ne  |  Bahama  Islands,  |  their  Climate,  Pro- 
ductions, &c.  I  To  which  are  added,  |  some  Strictures  upon  their 
relative  and  political  Situation,  the  |  Defects  of  their  present  Gov- 
ernment, &c.  &c.  I  By  a  Barrister  at  Law,  |  late  His  Majesty's 
Solicitor  General  of  those  Islands,  |  and  King's  Counsel  for  the 
Provinces  of  |  Nova  Scotia  and  New  Brunswick.  |  London:  |  Printed 
in  the  Tear  1789.  |    4to,  pp.  (4),  44.  H.  80583 

By  John  Graves.  For  the  first  edition,  printed  in  1708,  jm  Vol.  vii..  No.  28348. 
"The  author  of  this  pamphlet  (John  Graves  Esq.)  has  prefixed  to  it  the  following 
advertisement.  '  This  is  no  Catchpenny  pamphlet,  for  not  a  copy  of  it  ever  has  been, 
nor  (we  trust)  ever  will  be  sold.  It  was  written  some  weeks  ago,  for  the  information 
of  the  ministry,  and  was  therefore  sent,  in  manuscript,  to  the  confidential  servants  of 
the  crown  principally  entrusted  with  the  direction  of  colonial  affairs.  But  as  the  griev- 
ances of  which  it  treats  still  remain  unredressed  and  unnoticed^  a  few  copies  are  now 
printed,  in  order  to  be  submitted  to  the  consideration  of  those  to  whom  the  people  of  an 
oppresjed  colony  may  with  confidence  look  up  for  protection  and  relief.' " — Rich. 


t     .! 

;■  i 

!  1! 




i  i 




t    t 




I:   I 
u:  ■ 

A  Short  I  Account  |  of  the  I  Convinccmcnt  |  of]  Kilwaiil  Andrews. 
[^Philadelphia:  Joseph  Crukshank.    1782?]     Sm.  8vo,  pp.  4. 

Title  frum  Hildcburn. 

A  short  Account  of  the  Effects  of  the  late  Hurritanc  in  the 
West  Indies,  as  far  as  relates  to  the  Missions  of  the  Brethrin  in 
the  Islands  of  St.  Croix  and  St.  Christopher.     [London.    17H5.] 

8vo,  pp.  10. 


Published  December  jist,  1785. 

A  Short  Account  of  the  Establishment.  See  [Plowden  (C.)], 
Vol.  XV.,  No.  63433. 

A  Short  Account  of  the  Exemplary  Life.  See  [Glendcnning 
(W.)],  Vol.  VII.,  No.  27573. 

A  Short  Account  of  the  Expedition  against  Quebec.  See 
[Moncrief  [Major)]^  Vol.  xii..  No.  49955. 

A  Short  I  Account  I  of  the]  First  Settlement  |  of  the|  Provinces  | 
of  I  Virginia,  Maryland,  New-York,  New-|Jersey,  and  Pcnsyl- 
vania,  |by  the  |  English.  I  To  which  is  annexed,  |  A  Map  of  Mary- 
land, according  to  the  j  Bounds  mentioned  in  the  Charter,  and  ( 
also  of  the  adjacent  Country,  Anno  1630.  |  Loudon  :  Printed  in  the 
Tear  mdccxxxv.    4to,  pp.  (2),  20.     Map.  c,  h.  80586 

A  Short  Account  of  the  Hartford  Convention,  taken  from 
Official  Documents,  and  addressed  to  the  Fair  Minded  and  the 
Well  Disposed.  To  which  is  added  an  attc  ited  copy  of  the 
Secret  Journal  of  that  Body.  Boston:  O.  Everett.  1823.  8vo, 
pp.  36.  80587 

By  Theodore  Lyman,  Jr.  Improved  title  of  No.  9799,  Vol.  iii.,  and  No.  42802, 
Vol.  X.  The  name  of  George  Cabot  at  the  end  of  the  secret  journal  certifies  tu  the 
authenticity  of  the  record. 

A  Short  I  Account  |  of  the  |  Hurricane,  |  that  pass'd  thro'  the 
English  Leeward  |  Caribbee  Islands,  on  Saturday  |  the  30th  of  June 
1733.  I  With  Remarks.  |  In  a  Letter  from  an  Inhabitant  of  His| 
Majesty's  Island  of  Nevis,  to  a  Gentleman  in  |  London.  | ...  |  Lon- 
don.  1733.    8vo,  pp.  (2,  30.  B.  80588 

Improved  title  of  Nos.  10895  ""'^  izot6,  Vol.  in. 

A  Short  Account  of  the  Interest.  See  Jamaica,  Vol.  ix..  No. 

A  Short  Account  Of  the  late  Application  to  Parliament.  See 
Vol.  VII.,  No.  27608. 



A  Short  Account  of  the  Manifest  Hand  of  God.     See  Barba- 
does,  Vol.  I.,  No.  3287. 

A  Short  Account  of  the  most  Effectual  Means.     See  [Blane 
(Gilbert)],  Vol.  11.,  No.  5871. 

A  Short  Account  of  the  Motives.     See  Vol.  viii.,  No.  31838. 

A  I  Short  Account  |of  the  |  Nava'  Actions] of  the  |  last  War ;  | 
in  order  to  prove  |  that  the  French  Nation  never  gave  such  slcn-| 
der  Proofs  of  Maritime  Greatness  as  |  during  that  Period  ;  |  With  j 
Observations  on  the  Discipline, | and  Hints  for  the  Improvement,! 
of  the  I  B'itish  Navy.  |  By  an  Officer.  |  London :  J.  Murray.  M  DCC- 
1.XXXVIP..  8vo,  pp.  viii,  148.  H.  +  Second  Edition.  London. 
1790.    8vo,  pp.  147.  N.  80589 

Sit  "  Monthly  Review,"  lxxix.  547. 

A I  Short  Account  |  of  |  The  Province  |  of  |  New  England,  |  in  | 
North  America,  |  From  the  First  Discovery  thereof;  |  selected 
from  I  Various  Authors,  |  with  |  Additional  Remarks.  |  London  : 
Printed  for  the  Author.   [1774.]     8vo,  pp.  32.  H.  80590 

"  The  cupies  uf  this  work  appear  to  have  bi;en  numbered.  I  have  one  with  the  No. 
7,706." — Rich.     The  Harvard  copy  is  marked  •jm'job. 

A  Short  Account  of  the  Rise  and  Progress.  iS"^^  Canada,  Vol. 
III.,  No.  10606. 

A  Short  A  :count  of  the  State  of  Mendon  Third  Parish.  See 
Vol.  XII.,  No.  47821. 

A  Short  Address  to  ♦^he  Aged  Union  Citizens.  See  Vol.  xi.. 
No.  45360. 

A I  Short  Address  I  to  the  |  Disinterested  and  Unprejudiced  |  Citi- 
zens, Merchants  and  Manufacturers,  |  of  Great  Britain,  |  on  the  | 
Importance  of  the  Trade  of  this  Country  with  the|  United  States 
of  America  :  |  also,  |  Reasons  |  why,  as  Customers,  they  should  not 
be  re- 1  stricted,  like  other  foreign  nations,  from  |  sending  raw 
materials  to  this  country  in  |  payment  of  British  Goods.    By  a 

Manufacturer.  |  London  :  \  John  Stockdale.   M  DCC  Lxxxv. 



BA.,  W.  80591 

A  Short  Address  |  to  the  |  Government,  the  |  Merchants,  Man- 
ufacturers, and  the  |  Colonists  in  America,  and  the  Sugar  Islands, 
I  on  the  present  state  of  Affairs.  |  By  a  Member  of  Parliament.  | 
London:  \  G.  Robinson^  \  mdcclxxv.  |    8vo,  pp.  (2),  40.     BA.  80592 


1  I 




h  ; 





I   ■> 

By  Anthcjny  D.icon.  Improved  title  of  Nn.  2638,  Vol,  1.  Thi;  writer  leti  out  with 
the  .ixiiim  that  *'the  legislative  authcjiity  ot  Cireat  Britain  (■xtrrfda  itKclf  to  all  iti 
dominions  in  that  ri-servu;"  and  then  a^k.^,  "  Aiu  tlie  C4doni(-ii  a  part  ot°  the  Brititli 
doriiiniont,  or  are  tlify  not  ?  It  tliey  aiir,  then  iliey  are  subject  to  the  lupreme  authority 
of  Great  Britain  \  and  was  there  ever  any  iiupreme  authority  in  the  world  without  any 
power  of  taxation  ? " 

A  Short  Address  to  the  People  of  Scotland,  on  the  subject  of 
the  Slave  Trade,  with  a  Summary  View  of  the  P'.vidence,  deliv- 
ered before  a  Committee  of  the  House  of  Commons,  on  the  part 
of  the  Petitioners  for  its  Abolition.      Edinburgh.   1 792.     8vo. 

By  Mr.  Houldlirooke. 

Short  Advice  |  To  the  Counties  of  I  New- York.  |  Fortunati 
nimium  sua  si  bona  norunt  Eboracenses !  I  By  a  Country  Gentle- 
man. I  New-Tor k :  \  Printed  by  James  Rivtngton^  '774'|  ^vo,  pp. 
15.  BA.,  H.,  L.  80594 

Perhaps  by  Isaac  Wilkins.  Ute  Wilkins's  deposition  in  Ford's  "  Winnowings  in 
American  History.     Revolutionary  Narratives.     No.  iii.,"  Brooklyn,  1890,  pp.  15-16. 

A  Short  American  Tramp  in  the  Fall  of  1864.  By  the  Editor 
of  "  Life  in  Normandy."  Edinburgh :  Edmonston  and  Douglas, 
MDCCCLXV.    8vo,  pp.  vii,  427.     Plate  and  Map.        b.,  c.  80595 

By  John  Francis  Campbell. 

A I  Short  and  Easy  |  Guide  I  to  |  Arithmetick,  |  particularly  adapted 
I  to  the  I  Use  of  Farmers  and  Tradesmen  |  in  the  |  United  States  of 
America :  |  containing  |  all  that  is  necessary  to  transact  |  common 
Business  :  |  Besides  other  useful  Matters.  |  Designed  for  the  Use  of 
Schools  and  private  Families.  |  Boston :  Printed  by  Samuel  Hall. 
MDCcxciv.    Sm.  8vo,  pp.  64.  h.  80596 

A  "Short  and  Easy  Method"  with  a  late  Writer,  arrogating  to 
himself  the  Title  of  "Orthodox  Clergyman."  In  a  Letter  to 
a  young  Gentleman,  just  entered  on  a  Course  of  Theological 
Studies,  with  a  View  to  the  Christian  Ministry.  By  an  Aged 
Clergyman  of  Massachusetts.   ...   Boston.   18 15.    8vo,  pp.  28. 

By  Jacob  Norton  f     See  the  Brinley  catalogue,  No.  6364. 

A  Short  and  Easie  Method  with  the  Deists  ...  The  Sixth  Edi- 
tion. New  Tori:  reprinted  by  Henry  De  Foreest.  1745.  i6mo, 
pp.  X,  (4),  70.  80598 

By  Charlei  Leslie.     For  other  editions  tet  Vol.  x.,  Nos.  40192-40194. 

Short-and-Fat  (Sampson),  pseudon.  See  [Kettell  (S.)],  Vol. 
IX.,  No.  37654. 




A  Short  and  Friendly  |  Caution  I  to  the  ]  (loo'l  People  of  Kng- 
iand.  I  ...  I  London  :  |  Printed  for  J.  lyilkie^  in  St.  Pauls  Church-yard. 

MDCCI.XVI.      8vc,  pp.  (4),  20.  H.  80599 

"This  short  and  friemlly  gi'mk-man  tiltn  furiuusly  at  the  coUinieij  and  aiiureH  the 
giiud  pfoplf  of  England  that  they  must  all  be  unavoidably  ruined  by  a  repeal  of  the 
stamp  act." — Monthly  Review,  xxxiv.  ij8. 

A  short  and  hasty  Essay  in  favour  of  Danciny;  and  Musick  : 
Hy  an  old  Inhabitant  of  Concord,  which  he  has  almost  been  com- 
pelled to  W'ite  in  self-defence  !  Probably  to  be  Continued.  (Jon- 
cord^  Mi.  Printed  by  J.  T.  Peters^  /'or  the  Juthor.  1H17.  8vo,  pp. 
12.  H.  80600 

A  Short  and  Impartial  View.     »SV^  No.  782J3,  supra. 

Short  and  necessary  Observations  in  the  Settlement  of  the 
African  Trade ;  with  Petition  of  several  Planters  and  other 
Inhabitants  of  the  Island  of  Uarbadues.     London.    171 1.     Fuliu. 

Sit  alto  No.  80604,  in/ra, 

A  Short  and  sincere  Declaration,  |  To  our  Honorable  Assembly, 
and  all  others  in  high  or  low  Station  of  Admi-|  nistration,  and  to 
all  Friends  and  Inhabitants  of  this  Country,  to  whose  |  Sight  this 
may  come,  be  they  English  or  Germans.  [^Philadelphia  ?  1775.] 
Folio,  I  leaf.  P.  80602 

"A  Mennonite  protest  against  militaiy  service,  presented  to  the  Assembly  Nov.  7, 
1775."     Title  and  note  from  Hildeburn. 

A  Short  and  True  |  Account  |  Of  a  |  Young  Youth  ;  |  Born  in 
Philadelphia  of  honest  and  true  |  Christian  Parents  ;  who  was 
taken  a-|way  by  an  Angel  the  31st  of  January  |  1768.  up  to  the 
Coelestical  Parts,  j  where  the  Lord  of  Host  show'd  her  |  great 
Wonders  and  Supernatural  Things.  |  ...  |  Translated  from  the 
German.  |  Philadelphia  printed  by  Anthony  Arm-  \  bruster  in  Third- 
street^  1 768. 1    8vo,  pp.  8.  p.  80603 

The  "  Young  Youth  "  was  one  Susannah  Stout. 

A  short  and  true  account  of  the  importance  and  necessity  of 
settling  :he  African  Trade  this  present  session  of  parliament  ... 
[London.   17 12?]    Folio.  bm.  80604 

See  alto  No.  80601,  tupra. 

Short]  Animadversions  I  on  the  |  Difference  now  set  up  [between 
I  Gin  and  Rum,  |  and  |  our  Mother  Country  and  Colonies.  |  London : 
C.  Henderson,  mdcclx.    410,  pp.  19.  H.  80605 

See  "  Monthly  Review,"  xxii.  508. 


^fy^t,^;  r.^,  ■.  1 »}  >f.aM 



I!  il 


A  Short  Answer  to  an  Klaboratc  Pamphlet,  entitled,  The 
Importance  of  the  Sugar  Plantatit)iis,  Sic.  Composed  of  many 
Words,  mui'h  Malice,  very  little  Argument,  and  abundance  of 
false  Reasoning.  Shewing,  that  the  iTill  now  depending  for  pro- 
hibiting the  Commerce  carried  on  between  our  Northern  Colo- 
nies, and  the  foreign  Sugar  Plantations,  tends  to  the  impoverishing 
and  ruin  of  those  Colonies  ;  the  weakening  of  the  Power  of  the 
British  Empire  in  those  parts  -,  and  would  put  it  in  the  power  of 
our  Sugar  Plantations  to  make  us  pay  them  what  price  they  please 
to  ask  fur  their  Sugars.  In  a  Letter  to  a  Noble  Peer.  [^London.] 
MDCcxxxi.     8vo,  pp.  23.  J.C.B.  8of)o6 

In  reply  to  Nn.  34396,  Vol.  ix. 

Short  Answers  to  Reckless  Fabrications.     See  Vol.  in..  No. 
8864,  note. 

Short   Appeal    from    the   Decrees  of   King   Caucus   and 
Albany  Regency  to  the  People.     \_New  Tork.   1824?]    8vo. 


A  Short  Appeal  to  the  People  of  Great-Britain  ;  upon  the 
unavoidable  necessity  of  the  present  war  with  our  disatJectcd 
Colonies.  ...  London:  Printed  for  G.  Kearsley^  No.  46,  Fleet-street . 
M  DCC  Lxxvi.    (/V/iv  Twopence.)    8vo,  pp.  24.  P.  80608 

"Another   ministerial   hand-bill." — Monthly  Review,  lv.   64,      Said   to   be  by  tlic 
author  of  "  Hypocriiy  Unmjiked,"  ;.  t.  Dr.  Samuel  Johnson, 

A I  Short  Appeal  |  to  the  |  People  of  Great  Britain  ;  |  upon  the  | 
unavoidable  Necessity  | of  the  [Present  War  with  our  |  disaffected 
Colonies.  |  •••  |  The  Second  Edition.  |  London:  \  Printed  for  G. 
Kearsley.  \  mdcclxxvi.  j  8vo,  pp.  24.  b.  80609 

A  Short  but  serious  Address  to  the  Inhabitants  of  Pennsyl- 
vania, by  a  Well  wisher  to  his  King  and  Country.  Philadelphia: 
IVilliam  Goddard.    1770.     8vo.  806 10 

Title  from  Hildeburn. 

A  Short  I  Catechism  |  for  some  |  Congregations  of  Jesus  |  Of  the  | 
Reformed  Religion  |  In  Pennsylvania,  |  Who  keep  to  the  ancient 
Synod  of  Bern  ;|  Agreeable  to | The  Doctrine]  Of  the  |  Moravian 
Church.  I  First  published  |  In  German,  |  By  John  Bechtel,  |  Minister 
of  the  Word  of  God.  |  Philadelphia :  \  Printed  hy  Isaiah  IVarner^ 
almost  opposite  \  to  Charles  Brockden's  in  Chesnut- 1  Street,  mdccxlii.  | 
Sm.  i2mo,  pp.  36.  8061 1 

Title  from  Hildeburn,  No.  4618.     There  is  an  edition  in  German  as  follows: 
Kurtzer  |  Catechismus  |  Vor  etliche  |  Gemeinen  Jesu  |  Aus  der  Reformirten  Religion  | 



ln|  Pennsylvanii,  I  Die  slch   rum   alfi-n    Birnrr  |  h.ilfn  !  |  Herausgrgrben  |  von  | 

iolutinft   Beihtcin,  I  Du-ntrn    di-i   WorU  iiiHU>t.\  l'l>ilaiU/phi<i,\  (itJruch  hji  Htnjamin 
V<iM/t/(n,|i74i.{    14ml),  |ip.  44.      H.I.P. 

"Thii  ettltiiin  of  Bcclitcrii  Catcchiini  wji  pr'nitcd  in  (iernuny."  Title  4nJ  note 
from  Hildeburn,  No.  4617.  Fur  the  edition  ttMy  ()rii)tctl  by  Frunltlin  ui  Vol,  1.,  No. 

A  Short  Collection  of  the  fiiost  Remarkable  Passages.  1651. 
[By  Arthur  Woodiioth.]  See  Sonimer  Islands,  "Copy  of  a  Peti- 

A  Short  Compendium  of  Ancient  and  Modern  Geography, 
translated  from  the  French  by  Mr.  de  Lansegiic.  London:  Logo- 
graphic  Press.    1791.     8vo.  c.  80612 

A  Short  I  Confession  |  of  |  Faith  j  |  lieing  the  Substance  of  all 
the  Funda- 1  mentals  of  Our  Salvation.  |  Owned  and  approved  by 
divers  Churches  I  in  London,  owning  Personal  Flection  and  |  Final 
Perseverance.  I ...  I /'/'/7rt^/<'//)^/rt;  |  Prititcd  hy  Andrew  Bradford^  for 
Daniel  \l'Vhite^  ''734'|     ^'"'  ^^o,  pp.  39.  806 1 3 

Title  from  Hildeburn'i  "  Issues  of  the  I'less  in  Feiinnylvanij." 

A  Short  I  Confession  |  of  |  Faith,  |  of  the  |  Church  of  Christ,  |  at  | 
Newport  in  Rhode-Island,  |  Under  the  Care  of  |  Mr.  Daniel 
White  } I  being  the |  Substance  of  the  Fundamentals]  of  Salvation.] 
Approv'd  of  by  divers  Churches  in  London,  |  owning  Personal 
Election  and  Final  Per- 1  severance.  |  ...  |  Printed  at  Philadelphia, 
1 73 1. 1  London,  Re-printed, /or  A.  IVard,  in  Little-\  Britain,  mdcc- 
XLVII.     Price  bd.\     i2mo,  pp.  36.  L.  80614 

A  short  Consideration  of  Senator  Sumner's  Resolutions,  and  a 
Plan  of  Treating  the  Subject,  on  Principles  of  Anicrican  Law 
and  Liberty,  suggested,     [n.  p.    1862.]    Svo,  pp.  13.     ba.  80615 

Dated:  February  11,  1862. 

Short  Considerations  vpon  some  late  Extraordinary  Grants. 
And  other  Particvlars  of  a  late  Patriot's  Condvct.  London:  L 
Almon.  CI3I3CCLXVI.    8vo,  pp.  31.  j.c.b.  80616 

Relates  to  the  Hun.  William  Pitt. 

A  Short  Correspondence  between  the  Howard  Street  Church 
and  an  aggrieved  Member  [Thomas  Prince].    Salem.  1835.    8vo, 

pp.  16. 

H.  80617 

A  Short   Defence  of  the   Opposition.      See  [Wilmot  (John 






A I  Short  Description  I  Of  the  I  American  Colonies  ;  |  belonging 
to  the  I  Crown  of  Great  Britain. )  Engrav'd  |  By  George  Bickham, 
Senf.  \London :  Ptibl'nh'd  according  to  Act  of  Parliament  and  Sold  by 
'  0.  Bick 


ckham.    1749.     Folio,  34  leaves. 

j.c.B.  80618 

An  extract  from  Bickhani's  "  British  Monarchy,"  for  which  tee  Vol.  11.,  No.  5222. 
It  is  entirely  engraved  on  copperplates.  "  At  the  head  of  many  of  the  pages  is  a  scene 
or  group  characteristic  of  the  particular  colony  referred  to.  There  are  also  vignettes 
with  the  Colonial  Arms  or  appropriate  devices.  The  date  is  at  the  end." — J.  R.  Bart- 
LETT.  The  first  edition  uf  the  complete  work  is  dated  1743.  Some  copies  are  also 
dated  1747    nd  1748. 

A  Short  Description  of  the  Province  of  South-Carolina.  See 
[Milligan  {/>r.)],  Vol.  xii.,  No.  49086. 

A  Short  Description.     See  Tennessee. 

A  Short  Direction  for  an  Unregenerate  Sinner,  shewing  him 
how  he  may  come  to  Christ.  Written  in  Dutch  by  a  Lover  of 
the  Truth,  and  Translated  into  English  by  a  Well-Wisher  to  all 
Men.  New  York:  Printed  by  'John  Peter  Zenger.  1739.  i2mo, 
pp.  24.  H.s.p.  80619 

Mr.  Brinley's  copy  sold  for  $15. 

A  Short  I  Discovrsc  |  of  the  New- 1  fovnd-land  :  |Contayni[n]g[ 
Diverse  Reasons  |  and  inducements,  for  the  plan- 1  ting  of  that 
Countrey.  |  Published  for  the  satisfaction  of  all  such  J  as  shall  be 
willing  to  be  Adventurers  |  in  the  said  Plantation.  |  [Vignette.]  | 
Dvblin^  I  Pnnted  by  the  Societie  of  Stationers.  M.  DC.  xxill.  |  4to,  15 
unnumbered  leaves.  K.,  bm.,  l.  80620 

Collation:  I  preliminary  leaf  (Ai);  title,  verso  blank  (Az);  dedication  "To  the 
Right  Honovrable  Heniy  Lo:  Gary,  Viscount  of  Falkland,"  signed  "T.  C,"  in  two 
pages  (A3)  J  "A  Uiscuvrse  of  the  New-found-land,"  seventeen  unnumbered  pages  j 
"Conditions  propounded  by  tlie  right  honorable  the  Lord  Viscount  Falkland,  Lo : 
Deputie  gene. all  of  the  Kingdome  of  Ireland;  to  all  such  as  wil  joine  with  him  for 
the  plantation  tf  a  Colonic  in  the  South-Easr  p;>.rts  of  Newfoundland,"  five  unnum- 
bered pages;  ••  i*)stscript,"  one  page,  verso  blank;   I  blank  leaf.     A-D  in  fours. 

The  preliminary  leaf  (Ai)  is  lacking  in  the  Boston  Public  and  Lenox  copies. 

A  Short  Discourse  Shewing  That  cur  Salvation.  See  [Mather 
(C.)],  Vol.  XI.,  No.  46508. 

A  Short  I  Discourse  |  shewing  |  The  great  Inconvenience  of  joyn- 
ing  the  Plantation  |  Charters  with  those  of  England  in  the  |  Gen- 
eral Act  of  Restoration,  and  the  Necessity  of  |  having  for  them  a 
Particular  Act.  |  ...  Wherein  is  Contained,  |  A  full  Answer  to  a 
late  Pamphlet  Intituled,  |  New  England  Vindicated  &c.  | ...  [Zo«- 
don.   1689?]     Folio,  pp.  4.  BM.  80621 

Reprinted  in  the  "Andros  Tracts,"  vol.  11.,  pp.  135-147,  for  which  see  Whitmure 
(W.  H.) 



A  I  Short,  Easy,  |  and  |  Comprehensive  |  Method  |  of  |  Prayer.  | 
Translated  from  the  German.!  And  published  for  a  farther  Pro-| 
motion.  Knowledge  and  Benent  |  of  Inward  Prayer,  |  By  a  Lover 
of  Internal  Devotion.  |  Philadelphia^  \  Printed  by  Henry  Miller^  in 
Second-street^  next  to  the  Corner  of  Race-street.  \  mdcclxi.  |  i  2mo, 
pp.  36.  N.  80622 

A  I  Short,  Easy,  |  and  |  Comprehensive  |  Method  |  of  |  Prayer.  | 
Translated  from  the  German.  |  And  published  for  a  farther  Pro- 
mo-|tion.  Knowledge  and  Benefit  of  In- j  ward  Prayer.  I  By  a 
Lover  of  Internal  Devotion.  |  The  Second  Edition  with  Addition.  | 
Germantown,  |  Printed  by  Christopher  Sower.  |  mdcclxiii.  |  i2mo, 
pp.  34.  H.s.p.  80623 


These  two  titles  from  Hildeburn. 

Short  Essays  on  a  Gold  Note  Currency. 
8vo,  pp.  46. 

New  York.   1858. 

B.  80624 

A  Short  Genealogical  Account.  See  [Fogg  (William)],  Vol. 
VI.,  No.  24941. 

A  Short  Hint,  addressed  to  the  Candid  and  Dispassionate,  on 
both  Sides  the  Atlantic.    London  :  J.  Almon.   1775.    8vo.     80625 

By  Francis  Godolphin  Osburnc,  duke  of  Leeds.     See  "Monthly  Review,"  1.111.  513. 

A  Short  Historical  Account  of  the  Early  Society  of  Meth- 
odists, established  in  the  City  of  New- York,  in  the  year  1763, 
through  means  of  Mr.  Philip  Embury,  Capt.  Webb,  and  other 
eminently  pious  advocates  of  the  doctrines  and  discipline  first 
inculcated  by  the  Rev.  John  Wesley,  in  England.  Accompanied 
with  an  accurate  view  of  the  Old  Methodist  Chapel  in  John- 
street,  the  first  erected  in  America.    New-Tor k :  Printed  and  Pub- 

lished by  W.  y  P.  C.  Smith  ...  1824. 
Plate,  colored. 

Folio,  pp.  8.    Large  folded 


A  I  Short  History  |  of  a  |  Long  Travel,  |  from  |  Babylon,  |  to  | 
Bethel.  |  Written  the  9th  Month,  1691.  j  The  Seventh  Edition.) 
London :  Printed  and  Sold  by  J.  Sowle^  |  and  Re-printed  by  Cornelia 
Bradford \ in  Philadelphia,  IJS^A  ^"^'  ^^o,  pp.  23.     h.s.p.  80627 

By  Stephen  Crisp.     First  printed  at  London  in  171 1. 

A  short  History  of  a  long  Travel,  from  Babylon  to  Bethel. 
By  S.  C.  The  Ninth  Edition.  Philadelphia :  James  Chattin. 
1753.     8vo.  80628 

By  Stephen  Crisp.     These  two  titles  from  Hildeburn. 










>>  , 




A  Short  History  of  a  Long  Travel  from  Babylon  to  Bethel. 
[By  Stephen  Crisp.]  The  Tenth  Edition.  London:  Printed; 
t^hiladelphia :  Reprinted  and  sold  by  "James  Chattin^  in  Church- Alley. 
1754.     Sm.  8vo.  80629 

A  I  Short  History  |  of  a  |  Long  Travel  |  from  |  Babylon  |  to  |  Bethel. 
I  The  Eighth  Edition.  |  Philadelphia:  \  Printed^  and  Sold  hy  Joseph 
Crukshank^  in  |  Second-street^  and  hy  Benjamin  Ferris^  |  Stationer  and 
Book-binder  in  lVilmington.\   [1770?]     l2mo,  pp.  24.  H.s.p. 

By  Stephen  Crisp.     Title  from  Hildeburn. 

A I  Short  History  |  of  a  |  Long  Travel,  |  from  |  Babylon  to  Bethel, 
I  the  I  House  of  God.  |  Printed  at  New  Bedford^  {Massachusetts)\  By 
John  Spooner\for  N.  Davis^jun.  l^  E.  Taber.    1794.    8vo,  pp.  24. 

Signed  "S.  C,"  /.  e.  Stephen  Crisp. 

A  Short  History  of  Algiers,  with  a  concise  view  of  the  origin 
of  the  rupture  between  Algiers  and  the  United  States.  To  which 
is  added,  a  copious  Appendix  :  containing  Letters  from  Captains 
Penrose,  M'Shane,  and  sundry  other  American  Captives,  with  a 
description  of  the  Treatment  those  Prisoners  experienced.  Third 
edition,  improved.  New-Tork  :  Published  by  Evert  Duyckinck^  no 
Pearl-street.  IV.  IV,  f^er  mi  lye  ^  Printer.  1805.  Copy  Right  Secured^ 
according  to  Law.     24mo,  pp.  106,  Contents  (2).  L.  80632 

Improved  title  of  No.  766,  Vol.  i.      For  other  editions  see  Nos.  80578,  80579,  supra. 

A  Short  History  of  Barbados.  [By  George  Freer.]  See  Vol. 
I.,  Nos.  3288,  3289. 

A  short  I  history  |  of  late  |  Administrations,  |  Shewing  their  |  spirit 
and  conduct.  |  From  whence  it  is  made  evident,  |  That  England  is 
to  be  saved  by  the  |  Virtue  of  the  People  Only.  |  In  a  Letter  to 
the  Constituent,  by  a  |  Friend  to  the  Constitution.  |  London :  | 
Printed  by  C.  Cor  belt  in  Fleet-street.  |  [Price  six-pence.)  [1742.]  8vo, 
pp.  (2),  26.  80633 

Relates  somewhat  to  the  West  Indies,  American  trade,  and  Vernon's  and  Anson's 
expeditions.     Title  from  Mr.  Paul  L.  Ford. 

A  Short  I  History  |  of  Late  |  Ecclesiastical  Oppressions  |  in  |  New- 
England  and  Vermont,  |  By  a  Citizen.  |  In  which  is  exhibited  j  a 
Statement  of  the  |  Violation  of  Religious  Liberties,  |  which  are 
Ratified  by  the  |  Constitution  of  the  United  States.  |  Richmond:  \ 
Printed  by  James  Lyon,  at  the  office  of  the  National  Magazine.  1799. 
8vo,  pp.  19.  BA.  80634 

Corrected  title  of  No.  32178,  Vol.  viii. 



A  Short  History  of  the  Administration  during  the  Summer 
Recess  of  Parliament.  London  :  Fielding  ^  IValker.  mdcclxxix. 
8vo,  pp.  77.  j.c.B.  80635 

Set  "  Monthly  Review,"  lxi.  466. 

A  short  History  of  the  African  Union  Meeting  and  School- 
House,  erected  in  Providence  (R.  I.)  in  the  vears  i8ig,  '20,  '21 ; 
with  Rules  for  its  future  Government.  ...  Providence :  Printed  by 
Brown  £ff  Danforth.    1821.     8vo,  pp.  32.  B.  80636 

A  Short  I  History  I  of  the]  Conduct  |  of  the  |  Present  Ministry,] 
With  Regard  to  the  |  American  Stamp  Act.  |  London :  J.  Almon. 
1766.    8vo,  pp.  21,  List  of  Books  (3).  c,  h.  80637 

"  A  most  bitter,  virulent,  outrageous  attack  on  the  ministry." — Monthly  Re-view^ 
XXXIV.  338. 

A  Short  I  History  I  of  the  [Conduct  |  of  the  |  Present  Ministry,) 
With  Regard  to  the  [American  Stamp  Act.  |  The  Second  Edition. 
\  London  :\y.  Jlmon.    1766.    8vo,  pp.  21,  List  of  Books  (3).      n. 

A  Short  History  of  the  Last  Session  of  Parliament,  with  Re- 
marks. ...  London:  'J.  Altnon.  M  Dec  Lxxx.     8vo,  pp.  99.     H.,  m. 

By  Dr.  Thomas  Lewis  O'Beirnc.  The  writer  criticizes  with  great  severity  the  acts 
of  the  Parliament  referred  to,  particularly  on  account  of  the  disasters  which  had 
attended  the  British  arms  in  America.  See  Almon's  "Biog.  Anecdotes,"  vol.  i.,  p.  97; 
"Gentleman's  Magazine,"  May,  1822,  p.  472. 

A  I  Short  History  |  of  the  |  Nature  and  Consequences  |  of  |  Excise 
Laws  ;  I  Including  |  some  Account  |  of  the  |  Recent  Interruption  to 
the  Manufactories  I  of  I  SnufF  and  Refined  Sugar  | ...  \  Philadelphia  :\ 
Printed  for  the  Booksellers^\Dec.  7,  1795.     8vo,  pp.  1 16.       ba.,  n. 

By  James  Thomson  Callender.  Improved  title  of  No.  10071,  Vol.  111.,  furnished  by 
Mr.  Paul  L.  Ford.     It  relates  to  the  Whiskey  Insurrection. 

A  Short  History  of  the  Opposition.  See  [Macpherson  (James)], 
Vol.  XI.,  No.  43633  ;  also  "  Observations  on  a  Pamphlet,"  Vol. 
XIII.,  No.  56490;  "A  Shorter  Answer,"  infra;  and  [Wilmot 
(John  Eardley)]. 

Short  History  of  the  Persecution  of  John  Bamber,  Sen.,  and 
James  Bamber ;  with  an  Account  of  their  Surrender  by  Governor 
Marcy  to  the  British  Government.     New  York.   1838.     8vo. 

A  Short  History  of  the  Public  Debt  of  Maryland.  See  Vol. 
XI.,  No.  45361. 

A  Short  History  of  the  Westminster  Forum.  See  [Turner 

1 1 ' 








r    ; 






A  Short  History  of  the  Yellow  Fever.     See  Vol.  xv.  62241. 

A  short  Inquiry  into  the  Commercial  Policy  of  the  United 
States  ;  or  the  Right  Principles  of  Revenue  Laws,  and  Inter- 
national Commerce.  By  a  Merchant  of  Boston  [/".  e.  James 
Lloyd    Homer].       Boston :    lyilliam    D.    Ticknor   and  Company. 

M  DCCC  XLV.      8vo,  pp.   22.  H.  80642 

Improved  title  of  No.  32724,  Vol.  viii, 

A I  Short  Introduction  I  to  I  Grammar.  [For  the  Use  of  the  [Col- 
lege and  Academy  |  In  Philadelphia.  |  Being  a  New  Edition  of  | 
Whittenhall's  Latin  Grammar,  |  With  Many  |  Alterations,  Addi- 
tions and  Amendments.  |  PVom  antient  and  late  Grammarians.  [ ...  | 
Philadelphia  :  |  Printed  hy  Andrew  Steuart^for  the  College  |  and  Aca- 
demy of  Philadelphia^  and  Sold\  at  his  Printing-Office  at  the  Bible- 
in-\  Hearty  in  Second- Street ;  and  by  the  rest\of  the  Book-Sellers^  in 
Philadelphia^  New-\  Tork^  ilfc.  \  MDCCLXll.  j  Sm.  8vo,  pp.  iv,  137, 
(4).  H.s.p.  80643 

Title  from  Hildeburn. 

A  Short  Introduction  to  Grammar,  for  the  use  of  the  College 
and  Academy  in  Philadelphia :  being  a  new  edition  of  Whitten- 
hall's Latin  Grammar,  with  many  alterations,  additions,  and 
amendments.  Second  Edition.  Philadelphia:  Printed  by  J.  Hum- 
phreys, Jun.^for  the  College.   1773.     i6mo,  pp.  v,  145.  bm. 

A  Short  Introduction  to  Latin  Grammar,  for  the  Use  of  the 
University  and  Academy  of  Pennsylvania  ...  Philadelphia:  Printed 
by  Charles  Cist.   178 1.     Sm.  8vo.  80645 

A  Short  Introduction  to  Latin  Grammar.  For  the  Use  of  the 
University  and  Academy  of  Pennsylvania  in  Philadelphia.  ...  Sec- 
ond Edition,  carefully  revised.     Philadelphia :  Printed  by  Charles 

Cist.    M,DCC,LXXXIII.      i2mo,  pp. 

IV,  116. 

B    80646 

A  Short  Inioduction  to  Latin  Grammar,  for  the  Use  of  the 
University  and  Academy  of  Pennsylvania  in  Philadelphia.  Fourth 
Edition,  carefully  revised.     Philadelphia :  Printed  by  Charles  Cist. 


i2mo,  pp.  iv,  116. 

BA.  80647 

A  Short  Introduction  to  Latin  Grammar,  for  the  Use  of  the 
University  and  Academy  of  Pennsylvania,  in  Philadelphia.  Fourth 
Edition,  revised.      Boston :  John  fV.  Folsom.    1790.     i2mo. 

A  Short  Introduction  to  Latin  Grammar,  for  the  Use  of  the 



University  and  Academy  of  Pennsylvania  in  Philadelphia.     Sixth 
Edition,  corrected  and  revised.    Exeter :  J.  Latnson.  1794.    i2mo. 

A  Short  Introduction  to  Latin  (jrammar,  for  the  Use  of  the 
University  and  Academy  ot  Pennsylvania  in  Philadelphia.  Eighth 
F)dition,  corrected  and  revised.  IVilmhigton :  Printed  hy  Bonsai 
and  N lies.    1804.     i2mo,  pp.  108.  b.  80650 

A  Short  Introduction  to  I/atin  Grammar,  for  the  use  of  the 
University  and  Academy  of  Pennsylvania,  in  Philadelphia.  Care- 
fully revised,  corrected  and  amended.    ...  Alexandria :  Printed  by 

Cottom  and  Stewart.    1 805.     l2mo,  pp.  171, 

B.  80651 

A  Short  I  Introduction  |  to  the  |  Latin  Tongue,  |  For  the  Use  of 
the  Lower  Forms  in  I  the  Laiin  School.  |  Being  the  Accidence 
Abbridg'd  and  [Compiled  in  that  most  easv  and]  accurate  Method, 
wherein  the  |  Famous  Mr.  Ezekiel  Cheevcr  taught ;  |  and  which 
he  found  the  most  |  advantageous  by  Seventy  years  |  experience.  | 
Boston  in  N.  E.  I  Printed  by  B.  Green^for  Benj,  Eliot ^  at  \  his  Shop 
under  the  Town-house.  1709.  |  i2mo,  pp.  (2),  1-46  (a-d  in  sixes); 
A  Catalogue  of  Verbs  in  common  use,  pp.  1-15  (a,  b  in  fours); 
Mistakes  to  be  corrected,  i  leaf,  verso  blank.  l.  80652 

The  copy  described  above  was  sold  at  Mr.  Brinley's  sale  (No.  741),  for  $15. 

A  Short  Introduction  to  the  Latin  Tongue  ....  Boston:  B. 
Eliot.    1724.     i8mo.  80653 

A  Short  I  Introduction  |  to  the  |  Latin  Tongue.  [  For  |  The  Use  of 
the  Lowpr  Forms  |  in  th  |  Latin  School.  |  Being  |  The  Accidence 
abridg'd,  and  compiled  ui  that  |  most  easy  and  accurate  Method, 
wherein  the  |  famous  Mr.  Ezekiel  Cheever  taught ;  and  which  | 
he  found  the  most  advantageous  by  Seventy  |  Years  Experience.  | 
The  Sixth  Edition,  Revised  and  Corrected.  |  To  which  is  added,  | 
A  Catalogue  of  irregular  Nouns  and  Verbs,  dispos'd  |  alphabetic- 
ally; also  an  Abstract  of  Stirling's  |  Rhethorick,  and  the  London 
Vocabulary.  |  New-Tor k  :  \  Printed  and  Sold  by  "James  Parker^  at  the 
New  \  Printing  Office.,  in  Beaver-street.,  I749«|  i6mo,  pp.  (2),  iv, 
1-136  and  over.  80654 

Title  furnished  by  Mr.  Charles  R.  Hlldeburn. 

A  Short  Introduction  to  the  Latin  Tongue.  The  Third  Edi- 
tion. London:  Printed.  Philadelphia:  Reprinted  by  jf.  Chattin^for 
Mascoll  Williams^  of  Salem ^  in  New-England.    1755.      lomo,  pp. 

52.  B.,  S.  80655 


f    , 







*  I  *-«  I'j^K*  ^fc#*  A'i  ^  y  t^n^»^ 



'I  1 
■    I 


A  Short  Introductiun  to  the  Latin  Tongue,  for  the  use  of  the 
Lower  Forms  in  the  Latin  School.  Being  the  Accidence 
Abridged  and  Compiled  in  that  most  easy  and  accurate  Method, 
wherein  the  Famous  Mr.  Ezekiel  Cheever  taught  ..  Seventh 
Edition.     Boston.   1755.     i6mo,  pp.  72.  80656 

A  Short  Introduction  to  the  Latin  Tongue:  for  the  Use  of  the 
Lower  Forms  in  the  Latin  School.  Being  the  Accidence  abridg'd 
and  compil'd  in  that  most  easy  and  accurate  Method,  wherein  the 
famous  Mr.  Ezekiel  Cheever  taught  ...  Eighth  Edition.  Boston: 
D.^  J.  Kneeland.   1761.     i6mo,  pp.  72.  80657 

A  Short  Introduction  to  the  Latin  Tongue,  for  the  use  of  the 
Lower  Forms  in  the  Latin  School.  Being  the  Accidence  abridged 
and  compiled  in  that  most  easy  and  accurate  Method,  wherein  the 
famous  Mr.  Ezekiel  Cheever  taught  ...   Ninth  Edition.     Boston. 

1766.     8vo,  pp.  72. 


A  Short  Introduction  to  the  Latin  Tongue :  For  the  Use  of 
the  Lower  Forms  in  the  Latin  Schools.  Being  the  Accidence, 
Abridged  and  Compiled  in  that  most  easy  and  accurate  method, 
wherein  the  famous  Mr.  Ezekiel  Cheever  taught,  and  which  he 
found  the  most  advantageous  by  Seventy  Years'  experience. 
Third  Edition.  To  which  is  added,  a  Catalogue  of  irregular 
Nouns  and  Verbs,  disposed  alphabetically.  Boston :  Printed  by 
Peter  Edes.  mdcclxxxv.     i6mo,  pp.  79.  c.  80659 

A  Short  Introduction  to  the  Latin  Tongue,  for  the  Use  of  the 
Lower  Forms  in  the  Latin  School;  being  the  Accidence,  abridged 
and  compiled  in  that  most  easy  and  accurate  method,  wherein  the 
famous  Mr.  Ezekiel  Cheever  taught  ....  To  which  is  added,  a 
Catalogue  of  Irregular  Nouns  and  Verbs  ....  Eighteenth  edition. 
Boston:  Printed  by  T.  and  J.  Fleet.   1785.     i2mo,  pp.  79.        bm. 

A  Short  Introduction  to  the  Latin  Tongue :  for  the  use  of  the 
Lower  Forms  in  the  Latin  School,  being  the  Accidence,  abridged 
and  compiled  in  that  most  easy  and  accurate  method,  wherein  the 
famous  Mr.  Ezekiel  Cheever  taught,  and  which  he  found  the 
most  advantageous,  by  seventy  years  experience.  To  which  is 
added,  a  Catalogue  of  irregular  Nouns  and  Verbs,  disposed  alpha- 
betically.    The   Eighteenth    Edition.     Printed  by  John  Mycall^ 

B.  80661 



i6mo,  pp.  72. 

A  Short  Introduction  to  the  Latin  Tongue  ...  The  Twentieth 
Edition.  Salem :  Printed  and  sold  by  Samuel  Hall,  mdcclxxxv. 
i6mo,  pp.  86.  B.  80662 



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A  Short  Introduction  to  the  Primitive  Faith ;  as  once  delivered 
to  the  Saints.  Containing  the  Catechism  of  the  Protestant  Epis- 
copal Church  in  America;  with  an  Appendix.  ...  Bridgeport: 
Printed  llf  Sold  by  Lazarus  Beach.    1 80 1 .     24mo,  pp.  71.  BA. 

A  Short  Journey  in  the  West  Indies,  in  which  are  interspersed 
curious  anecdotes  and  characters.  . . .  London  :  Printed  by  J.  Mur- 
ray/or the  Author.  MDCCXC.  2  vols.,  i2mo,  pp.  (4),  155;  (2), 
161.  H.  80664 

"A  light  compositiun,  containing  some  very  amusing  sketches  of  West  Indian  man- 
ners, together  with  slight  accounts  of  West  Indian  productions  for  the  table.  But  the 
chief  object  of  the  work  is  to  exaggerate  the  hardiihips  of  negro  slavery." — Monthly 
Review,  iv.  336. 

A  Short  Letter. 

The  cross-reference  to  this  title  under  "Excise,"  Vol.  vi.,  No.  23380,  is  an  error. 
The  book  referred  to  is  entered  in  its  proper  place,  Vol.  vii.,  No.  27833. 

A  Short  I  Narrative  and  Justification  |  of  the  j  Proceedings  |  of 
the  1  Committee  |  Appointed  by  the  |  Adventurers,  to  prosecute  the  | 
Discovery  of  the  Passage  |  to  the  |  Western  Ocean  of  America  ;  j 
And  to  Open  and  Extend  the  Trade,  and  |  Settle  the  Countries 
beyond  Hudson's  Bay.  |  With  an  Apology  for  their  postponing  at 
present  their  |  intended  Application  to  Parliament.  |  To  which  are 
annexed,  |  The  Report  and  Petitions  referred  to  |  in  the  Narrative ; 
I  And  the  Papers  prepared  to  be  delivered  to  the  Lords  |  and  Com- 
mons, upon  presenting  the  Petition,  |  as  the  Foundation  for  a  Par- 
liamentary En-|quiry,  and  the  Facts  they  were  prepared  to  sup- 
port :  I  Now  laid  before  the  Publick,  for  their  |  future  Consideration. 
\  London  :\  Printed  /or  J.  Robinson  in  Ludgate-Street.\MTiQCXLix.\ 
8vo,  pp.  30.  BA.,  c,  H.  80665 

A  Short  I  Narrative  |  of  the  |  Extraordinary  Work  |  at  |  Cambus- 
lang  in  Scotland,  |  In  a  Letter  to  a  Friend.  |  With  proper  |  Attesta- 
tions, I  By  Ministers  and  Others.  |  Philadelphia :  Printed  and  sold  by 
Wil- 1  Ham  Bradford.^  at  the  Sign  of  the  \  Bible  in  Second- Street.  1 742.  | 
Sm.  8vo,  pp.  36,  "  Books  Sold  by  William  Bradford,"  (3).    h.s.p. 

By  James  Robe.     First  printed  at  Glasgow  in  1742. 

A  Short  I  Narrative  |  of  the  |  Extraordinary  Work  |  at  |  Cambus- 
lang ;  I  In  a  Letter  to  a  Friend  [by  James  Robe].  |  With  proper  | 
attestations,  |  by  Ministers,  Preachers  and  others.  |  Boston :  \  Re- 
printed and  Sold  by  S.  Kneeland,  and  T.  Green  in  \  ^een-Street. 
1742.    Sm.  8vo,  pp.  24.  B.  80667 

VOL.   XIX.  32 

\-\  \ 




hwwai  > 



( i 



A  Short  I  Narrative  I  of  [The  Horrid  Massacre  in  Boston,  per- 
petrated |  in ''the  Evening  of  the  Fifth  Day  of  March,  1770.  By  | 
Soldiers  of  the  XXIXth  Regiment;  |  which  with  |  the  XlVth 
Regiment  |  were  then  Quartered  there  :  |  With  some  |  Observations 
I  on  the  I  State  of  Things  |  prior  to  that  |  Catastrophe.  |  Printed  hy 
Order  of  the  Town  of  Boston.,  |  and  Sold  hy  Edes  and  Gill.,  in  ^tteen- 
Street^l  Jnd  T.  W  J.  Fleet.,  in  CornhilL  1770.I  8vo,  pp.'  38, 
Appendix,  1-80,  79-81.  ba.  80668 

Improved  title  of  No.  6739,  Vol.  11.     This  is  the  first  issue  of  the  original  edition. 

A  Short  Narrative  of  the  horrid  Massacre  in  Boston,  perpe- 
trated In  the  Evening  of  the  Fifth  Day  of  March,  1770.  By 
Soldiers  of  th'^  XXIXth  Regiment;  which  with  the  XlVth  Regi- 
ment were  then  Quartered  there :  With  some  Observations  on 
the  State  of  Things  prior  to  that  Catastrophe.  Printed  hy  Order 
of  the  Toiun  of  Boston.,  and  Sold  hy  Edes  and  Gill.,  in  ^een-Street., 
And  T.  i5f  J.  Fleet.,  in  Cornhill.,  1770.  8vo,  pp.  48,  Appendix,  i- 
87.  '  80669 

The  second  issue  of  the  original  edition,  containing  the  subsequently  printed  "Addi- 
tional Observations  to  a  Short  Narrative,"  following  the  Narrative,  and  continuously 
paged  therewith.  These  additions  were  also  printed  in  a  separate  pamphlet,  for  which 
tee  Vol.  II.,  No.  6741,  .md  note. 

"When  a  part  of  the  copies  of  this  Narrative  had  been  sent  to  England,  a  restraint 
was  laid  upon  the  publishing  of  the  remaming  copies  by  a  vote  in  Town  Meeting,  lest 
it  might  be  thought  to  give  an  undue  bias  to  the  minds  of  the  Jury.  This  delay  of  a 
few  days  gave  the  committee  time  to  add  a  few  more  facts.  Accordingly  the  first  para- 
graph of  page  37  was  rewritten,  and  pages  39  to  48  added  to  the  Narrative.  The 
pagination  of  the  Index  was  corrected,  and  pages  85  to  88  added  at  the  end  of  the 
Appendix." — Stevens. 

A  Short  Narrative  of  the  Massacre  in  Boston,  perpetrated  by 
a  party  of  Soldiers  under  the  command  of  Captain  Preston  of  the 
29th  Regiment.     Philadelphia :  Robert  Bell.   1770.     8vo.     80670 

Title  from  Hildeburn. 

A  Short  Narrative  of  the  Horrid  Massacre  in  Boston,  perpe- 
trated in  the  Evening  of  the  Fifth  Day  of  March  1770.  By 
Soldiers  of  the  XXIXth  Regiment,  which  with  the  XlVth  Regi- 
ment were  then  quartered  there :  with  some  Observations  on  the 
State  of  Things  prior  to  that  Catastrophe.  To  which  is  added 
an  Appendix,  containing  The  several  Depositions  referred  to  in 
the  preceding  Narrative  ;  and  also  other  Depositions  relative  to 
the  Subject  of  it.  Boston.,  Printed  by  order  of  the  Town.,  by  Edes 
and  Gill.  London :  Reprinted  for  W.  Bingley.  mdcclxx.  8vo, 
pp.  38,  Appendix  1-83.     Folded  Plate  of  the  Massacre,     j.c.b. 



A  Short  I  Narrative  |  of  |  The  horrid  Massacre  in  Boston,  (  per- 
petrated |  In  the  Evening  of  the  Fifth  Day  of  March  1770,  I  by  | 
Soldiers  of  the  XXIXth  Regiment,  |  Which,  with  the  XlVth 
Reeiment,  j  were  then  quartered  there.  |  With  some  |  Observations  | 
on  [the  state  of  things  |  prior  to  that  |  Catastrophe.  |  Printed  by  Order 
of  the  Town  of  Boston  :\  London^  Re-printed  for  E.  and  C.  Dilly^  in 
the\  Poultry;  and  J.  Jlmon^  in  Piccadilly.  \  m.  dcc.  lxx.  |  8vo,  pp. 
166.     Frontispiece  of  the  Massacre.  l.  80672 

A  Short  Narrative  of  the  Horrid  Massacre  in  Boston  in  March, 
1770.  To  which  is  added,  An  Appendix.  New  Tork :  Re-puh- 
lishedwith  Notes  and  Illustrations^  by  jfohn  Doggett^  fr.  1849.  ^^*^> 
pp.  122.     Plate  and  Plan.  h.  80673 

This  edition  also  contains  the  ••  Additional  Observations,"  printed  From  "  the  original 
in  the  Library  of  Harvard  University." 

A  Short  Notice  of  Ariel  [/.  e.  B.  H.  Payne].  By  R.  B.  A[n- 
derson  ?].,  Yorkville,  S.  C.  Columbia^  S.  C. :  Office  of  the  Southern 
Presbyterian  Review.   [1867.?]    8vo,  pp.  15.  80674 

In  reply  to  No.  51170,  Vol.  xiii. 

Short  Observations  on|Slav:ry,|  Introductory  to  some  Extracts 
from  I  the  writing  of  the  Abbe  Raynal,  |  on  that  important  ^\xh- 
ject.\  [^Philadelphia :  Printed  by  yoseph  Cruhhank.  1780?]  i2mo, 
pp.  12.  N.,  s.  80675 

By  Anthony  Benezet.  Improved  title  (from  Hildeburn,  Nos.  3993  and  4081)  of 
our  No.  4688,  Vol.  II. 

Short  Reasons  against  The  Abolition  of  the  Slave  Trade,  [n. 
p.,  about  1787.]    Folio,  pp.  3.  80676 

A I  Short  Relation,  |  concerning  a  |  Dream,  |  which  the  Author 
had  on  September  18,  1769.  |  With  some  Remarks  on  the  late 
Comet.  I  Together  with  a  short  Exhortation  to  all  into  I  whose 
Hands  my  Dream  may  fall.  |  The  Author's  Apology  to  the  Printer. 
I  Be  kind  enough  to  excuse  the  Writing  of  the  |  following  Dream, 
also  the  Exhortation ;  as  I  have  |  not  been  able  to  hold  a  Pen  in 
my  Hand  for  this  |  14  years  past,  but  wrote  them  with  a  Pen  in 
my  I  mouth,  which  v/as  the  only  Method  I  could  |  think  of  to 
communicate  it  to  the  Public.  |  Boston:  Printed^  1769.  |  New- 
London :  Re-printed,  ly  JO.  \  i6mo,  pp.  12.  B.  -{-Boston.  1774. 
i2mo.  80677 

A  Short  Relation  concerning  ...  William  Simpson.     See  [For- 
tescue  (W.)],  Vol.  vi.,  No.  25 171. 


■  HI 

\\\ ' 

>  II  > 


1  1) 









h  I 

(  ; 

Short  remarks  relating  to  the  African  Trade.    [London. 
Folio,  I  leaf.  nM. 


A  Short  Reply  to  a  Pamphlet  published  at  Philadelphia,  entitled 
"A  Defence  of  the  Experiments  to  determine  the  comparative 
Value  of  the  principal  Varieties  of  Fuel  used  in  the  United  States, 
and  also  in  Europe.  ...  By  Marcus  Bull,  Member  of  the  Ameri- 
can Philosophical  Society,  &c."  By  One  of  the  Committee  of 
the  American  Academy.  Boston :  Hilliard^  Gray^  Little^  and 
IVilkins.    1828.     8vo,  pp.  12.  BA.  80679 

By  Jacob  Bigclow. 

A  Short  Reply  to  Mr.  Whitefield's  Letter,  which  he  wrote  in 
answer  to  the  Querists  ;  wherein  the  said  Querists  testify  their 
Satisfaction  with  some  of  the  Amendments  Mr.  Whitefield  pro- 
poses to  make  of  some  of  the  exceptionable  Expressions  in  his 
Writings.  Together  with  some  other  Remarks  upon  what  seems 
exceptionable  in  the  present  Letter ;  which  seem  to  occur  to  the 
Querists.  ...  Philadelphia:  Printed  for  the  ^tterists^  and  sold  hy  R, 
Franklin.    1741.     8vo.  80680 

Title  from  Hildeburn. 

A  Short  Reply  to  the  Speech  of  Earl  Aberdeen.  See  [Mor- 
ris (Patrick)],  Vol.  xii.,  No.  50859. 

A  Short  I  Representation  |  of  |  Facts  and  Circumstances,  |  relative 
to  the  I  Sufferings  and  Losses]  of  the]  Merchants  residing  in  Great 
Britain,  |  who  carried  on  Trade  with  America,  previous  to  |  the 
late  War.  |  London:  \  Printed  in  the  Tear\  m,dcc,lxxxix.  |    8v(),  pp. 


A  title  variation  as  follows  1 

B.  80681 

A  Short!  Representation | of  |  Facts  and  Circumstances, | relative 
to  the  I  Sufferings  and  Losses  |  of  the  |  Merchants  |  residing  in  Great 
Britain,  |  who  carried  on  Trade  with  the  United  |  States  of  America, 
I  previous  to  the  late  Vf2ir.\  London  :\  Printed  in  the  7>flr|M,DCC,- 
Lxxxix.  I    8vo,  pp.  32.  H.  80682 

A  Short  Review  of  leading  and  operating  Causes  of  the  Dis- 
tress of  the  British  West  India  Colonies,  particularly  as  they 
bear  upon  the  Justice  and  Policy  of  the  Experimental  Foreign 
Sugar  Refinery  Bill ;  with  Remedies  suggested  for  relieving  that 
Distress.  London:  Printed  by  Maurice  and  Co.  1832.  8vo,  pp. 
(2),  39.  B.  80683 



A  short  review  of  the  late  proceedings  at  New  Orleans ;  and 
some  remarks  upon  the  bill  for  suspending  the  privilege  of  the 
Writ  of  Habeas  Corpus,  which  passed  the  Senate  of  the  United 
States,  during  the  last  session  of  Congress.  In  two  letters  to  the 
Printer.  Uy  Agrestis.  ...  South-Carolina^  1807.  8vo,  pp.  42, 
P>rata  (i).  80684 

By  Jdacph  Allston,  son-in-law  of  Burr.  It  ib  a  s.ivago  attack  on  Jell't-inon  and  Wil- 
kinson, and  a  def'cnst;  ot'  Burr,  and  in  one  ot'  the  scarcest  of  tht-  pani|ililcts  relating  to 
Burr'd  Conspiracy.     Title  and  noti;  tumished  by  Mr.  Paul  L.  Kurd. 

A  Short  Review  of  the  late  Proceedings  At  New-Orleans ; 
and  some  Remarks  upon  the  Hill,  for  suspending  the  Privilege  of 
the  Writ  of  Habeas  Corpus,  which  passed  the  Senate  of  the 
United  States,  during  the  last  session  of  Congress;  In  two  letters, 
to  the  Printer.  By  Agrestis.  ...  South  Carol! fut^  Printed — Rich- 
tnond^  reprinted^  corrected  and  revised  at  the  Ojfice  of  the  Impartial 
Observer,  June  1807.     8vo,  pp.  35.  80685 

A  I  Short  Review  I  of  the  |  Political  State  |  of  |  Great- Britain  |  at 
the  I  Commencement  of  the  Year  One  Thousand  |  Seven  Hundred 
and  Eighty-Seven.  | ...  |  Fourth  Edition.  |  London  :  |  Printed  for  "J. 
Debrett.   ...   m,dcc, Lxxxvii.    8vo,  pp.  70.  a.  80686 

The  authorship  has  been  attributed  to  Sir  Nathaniel  William  Wraxall,  and  also  to 
Nathaniel  Brassey  Halhed.  It  elicited  :  The|Feople's  Answer|to  thejCourt  Pamphlet :  ( 
entitled  |  A  Short  Review|  of  the  |  Political  State  of  Great  Britain. |...|  [Ltnr/on  ;]  Frinted 
for  J.  Debriii  ...  MKCCLXXXVii.  8vo,  pp.  (4),  50.  ■\-  Second  Edition.  \Ibid.'\ 
M,BCc,LXXxvii.  8vo,  pp.  (4),  50.  4-  Dublin  :  fVhitt^  Byrne,  Moore,  and  Jonet.  M.occ- 
Lxxxvii.     8vo,  pp.  (4),  50.     A. 

A I  Short  Review  I  of  the  I  Political  State  |  of  |  Great- Britain  |  at 
the  I  Commencement  of  the  Year  One  Thousand]  Seven  Hundred 
and    Eighty-Seven.  |  ...  |  Fifth    Edition.  |  London:    J.    Debrett. 

M,DCC,LXXXVII.      8vO,  pp.  (2),  7O.  BA.  80687 

A I  Short  Review  |  of  the  |  Political  State  |  of  |  Great-Britain  |  At 
the  I  Commencement  of  the  Year  One  Thousand  |  Seven  Hundred 
and  Eighty-Seven.  I  ...  I  The  Sixth  Edition,  |  with  Additions.  |  Low- 
don\  Printed  for  J.  Debrett  ...  M,DCC,  Lxxxvii.  8vo,  pp.  (4),  86. 
A.,  B.,  c.  -f  The  Seventh  Edition,  with  Additions.  [//'/V/.] 
M,DCC,LXXXVII.     8vo,  pp.  (4),  86.  A.  80688 

A I  Short  Review  |  of  the  |  Political  State  |  of  |  Great  Britain  |  at 
the  I  Commencement  of  the  Year  One  Thousand  |  Seven  Hundred 
and  Eighty-Seven.  |  ...  |  Philadelphia :  Thomas  Dobson.  |  m,dcc,- 
Lxxxvu.|     i2mo,  pp.  48.  M.  80689 







i  * 


A  Short  Review  of  the  Slave  Track*  and  Slavery,  with  Con- 
siderations on  the  Benefit  which  would  arise  from  cultivating 
Tropical  Productions  by  Free  Labour.  H'lrmlngham :  lieilby^ 
Knotty  ami  Hfilhy.    1827.     ^vo,  pp.   129.  B.  80690 

A  Short  Sketch  of  the  Evidence  for  the  Abolition  of  the  Slave 
Trade,  delivered  before  a  Committee  of  the  House  of  Commons. 
To  which  is  added,  a  Recommendation  of  the  subject  to  the 
serious  attention  of  People  in  jjeneral.  London :  Printed  in  the 
Tear^  1792.     i2mo.  80691 

By  William  Bell  Crjfton,  of  Wrst  Hill,  Shcffit-ld,  enst  of  Tewkesbury.  For  the 
original  editii  n  and  anotlier  reprint  let  Vol.  v.,  No,  1733s-     Another  edition  at  (ollowii : 

A  Short  Sketch  of  the  Evidence  for  the  Abolition  of  the  Slave 
Trade,  Delivered  before  a  Committee  of  the  House  of  Commons. 
To  which  is  added,  a  Recommendation  of  the  Subject  to  the 
Serious  Attention  of  People  in  General.  ...  London  printed^  Phila- 
delphia: re-printed  by  Daniel  Lawrence.  M.ucc.  xcii.  i2mo,  pp. 
28.  8o6g2 

Signed  at  the  end  "  W.  B.  C,"  /.  t.  William  Bell  Crafton.  The  second  part  hus  a 
separate  litle  :  An  Address  to  the  People  of  Great  Britain,  on  the  Propriety  of  abstain- 
ing from  West  India  Sugai  and  Rum,  the  tenth  edition,  1792. 

A  Short  State  of  the  Countries  and  Trade  of  North  America. 
See  Vol.  VIII.,  No.  33552. 

A I  Short  State  |  of  the  |  Proceedings  |  of  the  |  Proprietors  |  of  |  East 
and  West  Jersey :  |  Relative  to  the  I  Line  of  Division  between 
them  ;  J  by  which  |  The  Injustice  of  the  Pretended  Claim  |  of  | 
West-Jersey  |  To  Lands  Eastward  and  adjoining  the  Line  of  j 
Division  as  run  by  John  Lawrence  |  Will  h\i^czx.\New-Tork:\ 
Printed  by  James  A/Ww^/on,  |  m,dcc,lxxv.  |    8vo,  pp.  23.      h.s.p. 

Improved  title  of  No.  53236,  Vol.  xiii.,  furnished  by  Mr.  Charles  R.  Hildeburn. 

A  Short  Statement  of  the  Proceedings  at  Concord. 
IV.,  No.  15156. 

See  Vol. 

Short  Stories  and  Reminiscences  of  the  Last  Fifty  Years.  By 
an  Old  Traveller.  New  York.  1842.  2  vols.,  i2mo,  pp.  226} 
220.  80694 

Short  Stories  from  the  Lives  of  Remarkab'e  Women,  being 
Narratives  of  Fact  to  correct  Fiction,  as  related  to  her  Children. 
By  a  Mother.  New  Tori:  J.  Miller.  1861.  i6mo,  engraved 
title,  pp.  186.     9  Plates.  c.  80695 



A  Short  Story  of  the  Rise  ...  of  tlu-  Antinomians.  S/f  [VVin- 
throp  (John)]. 

A  Short  Topographical  Description  of  ...  Upper  Canada.  »SV/ 
[Smyth  (Daniel  William)]. 

A  short  Tract.     Ste  [Sharp  (Granville)],  No.  79832,  supra. 

A  Short  View  of  the  Dispute  between  the  Merchants  of  Lon- 
don, Bristol,  and  Liverpool,  and  the  Advocates  of  a  New  Joint- 
Sti)ck  Company,  concerning  the  Regulation  of  the  African  'I'rade. 
London.    1750.    4to,  pp.  18.  80696 

A  Short  View  of  the  Kiuroachments  of  France  in  America, 
and  of  the  British  Commerce  with  Spain.  London.  1750.  8vo, 
pp.  16.  M.  80697 

A  Short  View  of  the  History  of  ...  Massachusetts  Bay.  See 
[Mauduit  (Lsrael)],  Vol.  xi.,  Nos.  46920-22. 

A  Short  View  of  the  Lord  High  Admiral's  Jurisdiction,  and 
of  the  several  Acts  for  regulating  and  restraining  the  Trade  of 
the  British  Plantations,  And  of  the  Commissions  of  Vice-Admi- 
ralty Courts  there.  Together  with  The  Heads  of  a  Bill  For  the 
better  regulating  the  same.  London  Printed  in  the  I'ear  mdcc- 
Lxxv.    8vo,  pp.  39.  80698 

A  Short  View  of  the  Political  Life  and  Transactions  Of  a  late 
Right  Honourable  Commoner.  To  which  is  added,  A  Full 
Refutation  of  an  invidious  pamphlet  supposed  to  be  published 
under  the  sanction  of  a  very  popular  nobleman,  entitled,  "An 
Enquiry  into  the  Conduct  of  a  late  Right  Honourable  Com- 
moner." The  Second  Edition.  London:  IV.  Griffin.  1766. 
8vo,  pp.  104.  j.c.B.  80699 

Relates  to  the  Hon.  William  Pitt. 

A  Short  View  of  the  State  of  Affairs  with  Relation  to  Great 
Britain  for  Four  Years  past ;  with  some  Remarks  on  the  Treaty 
lately  published  and  a  Pamphlet  intitled,  "Observations"  upon  it. 
London:  R.  Francklin.    1730.     8vo,  pp.  36.  w.  80700 

By  William  Fulteney,  Earl  of"  Bath.  It  relates  to  events  which  gave  rise  to  the 
treaty  of  Seville,  between  Great  Britain,  France  and  Spain,  and  is  a  defense  of  that  tieaty. 

A  Short  Vindication  of  Phil.  Scot's  Defence.     See  No.  78234, 


A  Short  Vindication  of  the  Conduct.  See  Gardiner  (S.),  VoL 
VII.,  No.  26630*7,  note. 

I  i 



'.  I 








i  '.y 



I : 

■  \ 

i   ■  ! 

A  Short  Vindication  of  the  French  Treaty,  from  the  Charges 
brought  against  it  in  a  late  Pamphlet,  entitled,  A  View  of  the 
Treaty  of  Commerce  with  France,  Signed  at  Versailles,  Sept.  28, 
1786,  by  Mr.  Eden.  London:  Printed  /or  "John  Stockdale.  mdcc- 
Lxxxvii.    8vo.  80701 

A  Short  I  Vindication  |  of  the  |  Religious  Society  called  Quakers,  | 
Against  the  Aspersions  of  a  nameless  Writer  in  the  Pennsylvania 
Packet  of  the  1 1 2th  Instant.  I    [^Philadelphia.     780.]    4to,  pp.  4. 

Title  from  Hildeburn. 

A  Short  Vindication  of  the  Religious  Society  of  the  People 
called  Quakers  against  the  Aspersions  of  a  nameless  writer  in  the 
Pennsylvania  Packet,     [n.  p.    1780.]    8vo,  pp.  24.  80703 

A  Short  Vocabulary  in  the  Language  of  the  Seneca  Nation, 

and  in  English.    Ung-eish-neut  Teu-au-geh  neh-huh  yoh-weh- 

neut-dah    Eng-lish.     London :  Printed  ^;    IV.  iff  S.  Graves^  66, 

Cheapside.   1818.     8vo,  pp.  35,  (l).  80704 

On  the  verso  of  page  35  is  the  notice:  "Shortly  to  be  Published,  Phrases  and 
Religious  Lessons  in  the  Language  of  the  Teu-au'-geh,  or  Seneca  Nation  j  and  in 

A  Short  Way  to  know  the  World,  being  a  new  familiar  Method 
of  teaching  Youth  the  Knowledge  of  the  Globe.  London  :  Printea 
for  Tho.  Osborne  in  Gray's  Inn.,  next  the  Walks.    1707.     i2mo. 

Part  5  relates  to  America. 

\  A  shorte  and  |  briefe  narration  of  the  two  |  Nauigations  and 
Discoueries  |  to  the  Northweast  partes  called  |  Newe  Fravnce :  [ 
First  translated  out  of  French  into  Italian,  by  that  famous  |  learned 
man  Gio:  Bapt:  Ramutius,  and  now  turned  [into  English  by  lohn 
Florio  :  Worthy  the  rea- 1  ding  of  all  Venturers,  Trauellers,  |  and 
Discouerers.  |  Imprinted  at  Lon-  \  don.,  by  H.  Bynnemany  dwelling  |  in 
Thames  stre(Jte,  neere  vnto  \  Baynardes  Castell.  |  ^nno  Domini.  1580.  j 
4to.  L.  80706 

Collation  :  Title,  verso  blank ;  dedication,  "  To  the  right  worshipful  Edmond  Bray, 
Esquire,"  dated  "From  Oxenford  the  25.  of  lune.  1580,"  i  leaf;  "To  all  Gentlemen, 
Merchants,  and  Pilots,"  2  leaves ;  "  The  first  relation  of  lames  Carthier  of  the  new 
land  called  New  Fraunce,  newly  discouered  in  the  yeare  of  oure  Lorde,  1534,"  pp.  I- 
27 ;  "A  shorte  and  briefe  narration  of  the  Nauigation  caused  to  be  made  by  the  King 
of  France,  to  the  Hands  of  Canada,  Hochelaga,  Saguenay,  and  diuers  others,  whic^h  now 
are  called  New  France,"  etc.,  pp.  28-78;  vocabulary,  i  unnumbered  leaf.  Signatures 
A  and  B  in  twos,  c-m  in  fours. 

This  is  the  correct  title  of  our  No.  11 144,  Vol.  iii.  It  is  a  translation  of  Cartier's 
Voy.iges.  At  the  end  are  the  words  :  "  Here  endeth  the  second  Relation  of  lames 
Carthiers  discouerie  &  |  nauigation  to  the  newe  founde  Lande,  by  him  named  |  New- 
Fraunce,  translated  out  of  Italian  into  Eng-|lishe  by  I.  F." 




Shorter  (E.  S.)  Speech  of  Hon.  Eli  S.  Shorter,  of  Alabama, 
on  the  Massachusetts  Personal  Liberty  Bill  and  the  Constitutional 
Rights  of  the  South,  delivered  in  the  House  of  Representatives, 
April  9,  1856.     IVashington.   1856.    8vo,  pp.  16.  H.  80707 

A  I  Shorter  Answer  |  to  the  |  Short  History]  of  the  |  Opposition.  | 
London  :  \  Printed  for  Henry  Payne^  ...  |  ...  |  m  dcc  lxxix.  |  8vo, 
pp.  19,  (i).  80708 

"Rather  too  short."     &«"  Monthly  Review,"  lxi.  309.     A  reply  to  No.  43633, 
Vol.  IX. 

The  Shorter  Catechism  composed  by  the  Reverend  Assembly  of 
Divines,  with  the  Proofs  thereof  out  of  the  Scriptures,  in  Words 
at  length.  ...  Boston:  Samuel  Sew  all ^  1683.     ^'^'  ^^"i  PP*  (2)1  54' 

Mr.  Brinley's  copy  (No.  739),  sold  for  S21. 

The  Shorter  |  Catechism  |  composed  by  the  |  Reverend  Assembly 
of  I  Divines  |  at  Westminster.  |  With  Proofs  thereof  out  of  the 
Scriptures  |  which  are  either  some  of  the  former- 1  ly  quoted  places, 
or  others  gathered  |  from  their  other  Writings  ;  all  fitted  |  both  for 
Brevity  &  Clearness,  to  this  |  their  Form  of  Sound  Words,  |  For 
the  Benefit  of  Christians  in  ge- 1  neral,  and  of  Youth  &  Children 
in  un- 1  derstanding  in  particular  ;  that  they  j  may  with  more  ease 
acquaint  them- 1  selves  with  the  Truth  according  to  the  |  Scriptures, 
and  with  the  Scriptures  |  themselves.  |  [Boston .]  Printed  by  B. 
Harris,  and  y.  jlllen,  \  and  are  to  be  Sold  at  the  London-  \  Coffee- 
House,   1691.I     i6mo,  pp.  31,  (3).  B.  80710 

The  Shorter  I  Catechism,  Composed  by  the]  Reverend  Assem- 
bly of  I  Divines  |  with  the  Proofs  thereof  out  of  the  |  Scriptures,  in 
Words  at  length.  |  Which  are  either  some  of  the  formerly  quoted 
I  Places,  or  others  gathered  from  their  other  |  Writings  ;  All  fitted, 
both  for  brevity  &  |  Clearness,  to  this  their  Form  of  Sound 
Words.  For  the  benefit  of  Christians  in  General,  and] of  Youth, 
and  Children  of  Understanding,  in  |  Particular ;  that  they  may  with 
more  Ease  |  acquaint  themselves  with  the  Truth  according  |  to  the 
Scriptures,  and  with  the  Scriptures  |  themselves.  |  Boston,  in  New- 
England.  I  Printed  by  B.  Green,  and  J.  Allen.  \  1698.  |  l6mo,  pp. 
(2),  46.  M.  807 1 1 

The  Shorter  Catechism,  agreed  upon  by  the  Reverend  Assem- 
bly of  Divines  at  Westminster  ...  Boston:  Printed  for  S.  Gerrish. 
1720.     i2mo,  pp.  24.  80712 

The  Shorter  Catechism  of  the  Assembly  of  Divines,  with  the 
Proofs  at  large.     Philadelphia:  B.  Franklin.    1733.     i6mo. 

Advertised  in  the  Pa.  Gazette,  March  21,  1733-4.     Title  and  note  from  Hildeburn. 

\  '. 

J  < 

|:  s 








1  i 


I  It 

The  Shorter  Catechism,  composed  by  the  Reverend  Assembly 
of  Divines  ...    Boston.    1740.     iimo.  w,  80714 

The  Shorter  Catechism,  agreed  upon  by  the  Assembly  of 
Divines  at  Westminster,  with  the  Assistance  of  Commissioners 
from  the  Church  of  Scotland,  as  a  part  of  the  Covenanted  Uni- 
formity in  Religion  betwixt  the  Churches  of  Christ  in  the  King- 
doms of  Scotland,  England,  and  Ireland,  And  Approved  Anno 
1648,  by  the  General  Assembly  of  the  Church  of  Scotland,  to 
be  a  Directory  for  Catechising  such  as  are  of  weaker  Capacity. 
With  the  Proof  from  the  Scripture.  Philadelphia :  Printed  by  B. 
Franklin^  m,dcc,xlv.     8vo,  pp.  (2),  369-410.  80715 

This  is  part  of  a  collection,  of  which  the  general  title  is  as  follows ; 
The  I  Confession  of  Faith, |The  Larger  and  Shorter|Catechisms,|  with  the|Scripture  Proofs 
at  Large. [Together  with|The  Sum  of  Saving  Knowledge  (contain'd  in|the  Holy  Scrip- 
tures, and  held  forth  in  the  said  Con-|fession  and  Catechisms)  and  Practical  Use  there-  | 
of;  Covenants  National  and  Solemn|League  Acknowledgement  of  Sins  andjEngagement 
to  Duties,  Directorii's,|Form  of  Church  Government,  A:c.|Of  Publick-Authority  in  the  ( 
Church  of  Scotland. |With|  Acts  of  Assembly  and  Parliament,  rcla-|tive  to,  and  approba- 
tive  of  the  %.\me.\...\Philadelpbia  :\Printed  and  Sold  by  B.  Frant/it.\f,i.\'i(.  .  .v.|  l6mo, 
pp.  20;  The  Confession  of  Faith,  (a),  23-164;  The  Larger  Catechism,  [z),  167-366; 
The  Shorter  Catechism,  (2),  369-410;  The  Sum  of  Saving  Knowledge,  (2),  413-446; 
The  Confession  of  Faith  of  the  Kirk  of  Scotland ;  or,  the  National  Covenant,  ( 2), 
449-462;  The  Solemn  Leiigue  and  Covenant,  (2),  465-470;  A  Solemn  Acknowledg- 
ment of  Publick  Sins,  (2),  473-482;  The  Directory  for  the  Public  Worship,  (2),  484- 
521 ;  The  Form  of  Piesbyterial  Church-Government,  (2),  S^S-SS?;  The  Directory  for 
Family- Worship,  (2),  560-567,  table  (24).  Each  part  contains  its  own  title  and 
imprint.  Title  and  collution  from  Hildiburn's  "  Issues  of  the  Press  in  Pennsylvania." 
For  seme  of  the  other  titles  see  Vol.  iv.,  No.  15445  ;  Vol.  x..  No.  39031  ;  Vol.  v..  No. 
20223;  "  ■^  Solemn  Ai;knowledgnK-nt ;"  "The  S(>U:mn  League  and  Covenant ;"  a/n/ 
"The  Sum  of  Saving  Knowledge." 

The  Shorter  Catechism  ...  with  Scripture  Proofs  . 
don.    1746.     i2mo. 

Also :  The  Assembly's  Shorter  Catechism 
The  Sixth  Edition.     Boston.  1748.     i2mo. 

N^eiv  Lon- 

with  a  brief  Explic.ition,  by  L  Watts. 

The  Shorter  Catechism  of  the  Reverend  Assembly  of  Divi. c^, 
with  the  Proofs  thereof  out  of  the  Scriptures  in  Words  at  Lpn;2'h. 
Which  are  either  some  of  the  quoted  Places,  or  others  gathered 
from  their  other  Writings :  All  fitted  both  for  Brevity  and  Clear- 
ness, to  this  their  Form  of  sound  Words.  For  the  Benefit  of 
Christians  in  general,  and  of  Youth  and  Children  in  Understand- 
ing, in  Particular ;  that  they  with  more  ease  may  acquaint  them- 
selves with  the  Truth  according  to  the  Scriptures,  and  with  the 
Scriptures  themselves.  Philadelphia :  B.  Franklin.,  and  D.  Hall. 
1749.     i6mo.  80717 

Advertised  at  the  end  of  "Letters  on  the  Spirit  of  Patriotism."     Title  and  note  from 

I   . 



The  Shorter  |  Catechism,  |  agreed  upon  by  the  |  Reverend  Assem- 
bly I  of  I  Divines  |  at  |  Westminster.  |  Boston  :  \  Printed  and  Sold  by 
Thomas  Fleet^  \  at  the  Heart  and  Crown  in  Cornhill.  \  1 751.  Sm. 
8vo,  pp.  24  ?  B.  80718 

The  Shorter  Catechism   ...   New  Tork  :  H.Gaine.    1754. 

Title  furnished  by  Charles  R.  Hildcburn. 

The  Shorter  Catechism  of  the  Reverend  Assembly  of  Divines 
at  Westminster  ;  for  the  Instruction  of  Youth.  Lancaster :  IV. 
Dunlap.    IJSA-  80 7  20 

Also :  The  Shorter  Catechism  with  the  Proofs  thereof  out  of  the  Scriptures  in  Words 
at  Length.  Lancaster:  W.  Dunlap.  1754.  These  two  catechisms,  with  "The  Assem- 
bly's Catechism  "  and  "  The  Larger  Catechism,"  are  advertised  at  the  end  of  Rowe's 
"Devout  Exercises,"  Lancaster,  1754,  sm.  8vo.     Titles  from  Hildeburn. 

The  Shorter  |  Cathechism  |  Agreed  upon  by  the  |  Reverend 
Assembly  |  of  j  Divines  |  at  |  Westminster.  |  Boston :  \  Printed  and  sold 
by  f.  and  y.  Fleet ^\ at  the  Heart  and  Crown,  1759.  |     8vo,  pp.  24. 

Title  furnished  by  Mr.  William  Kelby,  from  a  copy  in  the  library  of  the  New  York 
Historical  Society. 

The  I  Shorter  Catechism.  |  Presented  by  the  |  Assembly  of 
Divines  |  at  Westminster,  |  to  both  |  Houses  of  Parliament,  |  and  |  by 
them  approved.  |  Containing  |  The  Principles  of  the  Christian  | 
Religion.  |  With  |  Scripture  Proofs.  |  Philadelphia,  \  Printed  by  JVill- 
iam  Bradford,  at  \  the  Corner  of  Front  and  Market-Streets,  1760.  | 
Sm.  8vo,  pp.  48.  H.s.P.  80722 

Title  from  Hildeburn. 

The  Shorter  Catechism  agreed  upon  by  the  Assembly  of  Divines 
at  Westminster.     Philadelphia:  Andrew  Steuart.   1762.        80723 

Title  from  Hildeburn. 

The  Shorter  Catechism  ...  with  the  Scripture  Proofs  ...  Boston. 
1762.     i2mo.  80724 

The  Shorter  Catechism,  agreed  upon  by  the  Reverend  Assem- 
bly of  Divines  at  Westminster.  ...  Boston:  T.  ^  J.  Fleet.  1765. 
i2mo,  pp.  24.  80725 

The  Shorter  Catechism 
1768.     i2mo. 

The  Shorter  Catechism 

with  Scripture  Proofs 


with  Proofs.     Lansingburgh .    1795. 


■  aJ 


I    k'. 

'  fl 



i ! 

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I.  I 


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!i  ' 



i  I  ! 

I  ii 




The  Shorter  Catechism  of  the  Westminster  Assembly  of 
Divines.  Translated  into  the  Choctaw  Language.  Vbanumpa 
isht  vtta  vhleha  hvt  Westminsta  ya  ai  itonahvt  aiashvt  Katakism 
ilc  falaio  ikbi  tok.  Chahta  anumpa  isha  a  toshowa  hoke.  Park 
Hi/Iy  Cherokee  Nation :  Mission  Press^  J.  Candy  Cff  E.  Archer^  Printers. 
1847.  24mo,  pp.  48.  +  Richmond:  Presbyterian  Committee  of 
Publication.  [186-?]     24mo,  pp.  48,  and  covers.  80728 

Title  from  Filling's  "  Bibliography  of  the  Muskhogean  Language." 

Shortfellow  (H.  W.),  pseudon.  The  Song  of  Drop 
O'Wather.  By  Harry  Wandsworth  Shortfellow.  London :  G. 
Rout/edge  and  Co.    1856.     Sm.  8vo,  pp.  120.  H.  80729 

By  Mrs.  Mary  Cowden  Clarke. 

Shortfield  (L.)  Life  in  the  Far  West.  A  Narrative  of 
Adventure.      By  Luke  Shortfield.     London.    1850.     i2mo. 

Shortfield.  The  Western  Merchant,  a  Narrative.  Con- 
taining useful  Instructions  for  the  Western  Man  of  Business  who 
makes  his  Purchases  in  the  I£ast.  Also  Information  for  the 
Eastern  Man  whose  Customers  are  in  the  West.  Likewise, 
Hints  for  those  who  Design  Emigrating  to  the  West.  Deduced 
from  Actual  Experience.  By  Luke  Shortfield.  Philadelphia: 
Griggs  Elliot  &  Co.    1849.     J2mo,  pp.  vii,  268.  80731 

Shortfield.  Wild  Western  Scenes,  a  Narrative  of  Adven- 
tures in  the  Western  WiKlerness  ...  By  Luke  Shortfield.  Phila- 
delphia:  Griggs  Elliot  &"  Co.  1849.     i2mo,  pp.  270.    Illustrations. 

[Shortt  (William  T.  P.)]  'Ta  ^AedXaayyXafiepiKava  upa 
(J?)  Jlpoyvfivag^para  rrjg  'i>payKi.r]g  vtrig  Ilekag-yiKrjg  MovojQtjSAof. 
Gesta  Anglo-Americana  scilicet  et  Progymnasmata  Novae  Franciae 
Pelasgics.  Liber  Singularis.  [Vignette.]  Mert'-ypa^ev  iK  rrepya- 
fi'^vojv  "IXepfjiog  II.  6  Bpaxvg-  ^'EXtOoygdcprjoev  6  ^PeOegooviog  T;/ 
'E^ovirj  TToXer  Tojd  ^'Etec 'Ativ' dnb  Oeoyoviag'  [^Exeter.  1850.I 
8vo,  pp.  {12),  cxiv.  h.,  s.  80733 

The  book  was  lithographed  hy  the  author,  whose  initials  are  at  the  end  of  the  prefa- 
tory note.  On  one  of  the  preliminary  leaves  is  the  name  of  the  printer :  {^Excudebat 
Qui.  C.  Featberstonius,  Exonii.)  Eight  pages  in  English  precede  the  text,  and  give  a  list 
of  contents  or  summary  of  the  work.  The  notes  are  also  in  English.  The  text  is  in 
Greek,  and  relates  to  Canada,  the  Amfican  Indians,  the  French  and  Indian  war,  the 
American  revolution,  and  the  war  of  1812.  The  author  says:  "The  following  Greek 
treatise  on  America,  is  perhaps  the  only  historical  Greek  classic  since  the  days  of  Pro- 
copius."     Corrected  title  of  No.  23964,  Vol.  vi. 

Shortt.  Journal  of  the  Principal  Occurrences  during  the 
Siege  of  Quebec  by  the  American  Revolutionists  under  Generals 



Montgomery  and  Arnold,  in  1775-6:  containing  Many  Anecdotes 
of  moment  never  yet  published,  collected  from  some  Old  Manu- 
scripts Originally  Written  by  an  Officer,  during  the  Period  of  the 
Gallant  Defence  made  by  Sir  Guy  Carleton,  afterwards  Lord 
Dorchester.  To  which  are  added  a  rreface  and  illustrative  Notes, 
by  W.  T.  P.  Shortt.  London  :  Simpkin  and  Co.  1824.  8vo,  pp. 
XV,  III.  80734 

Shoshonee  Valley;  a  Romance.  By  the  Author  of  "  Francis 
Berrian."  ...    Cincinnati.    1830.     2  vols.,  i2mo.  80735 

By  Timothy  Flint.     Improved  title  of  No.  24795,  "'''• 

Skotwell  (E.)  The  Case  of  Edmund  Shotwell  and  others, 
being  a  Report  of  the  Evidence  and  Argument  before  the  Hon. 
Edward  King,  with  the  Opinion  of  the  Judge.  Philadelphia. 
1828.     8vo.  80736 

See  also  Vol.  vii.,  No.  28120. 

Shotwell  (T.  L.)  vs.  Hendrickson.  An  Authentic  Report 
of  the  Testimony  in  a  Cause  at  issue  in  the  Court  of  Chancery 
of  the  State  of  New  Jersey,  between  Thomas  L.  Shotwell,  Com- 
plainant, and  Joseph  Hendrickson  and  Stacy  Dccow,  Defendants. 
Taken  pursuant  to  the  Rules  of  the  Court,  by  Jeremiah  J.  Foster, 
Master  and  Examiner  in  Chancery.  Philadelphia:  J.  Harding^ 
Printer.    183 1.     8vo,  pp.  939.  80737 

Shotwell  vs.  Hendrickson.  Decision  of  the  Court  of 
Chancery  of  the  State  of  New  Jersey,  in  a  cause  between  Thomas 
L.  Shotwell,  Complainant,  and  Joseph  Hendrickson  and  Stacy 
Decow,  Defendants.  Also  the  Opinion  of  the  Supreme  Court 
of  the  State  of  New  York,  in  a  Cause  in  which  James  Field  was 
Plaintiff,  and  Charles  Field  Defendant.  Philadelphia :  Printed  by 
IVilliam  Pilkington.  1833.     8vo,  pp.  lOO.  H.  80738 

Also:  Arguments  in  the  Case  of  Shotwell  vs.  Hendrickson,  &c.  Philadelphia.  1833. 
l2mo.  See  also  Vol.  v.,  No.  19205;  Vol.  viii.,  No.  31332;  Southard  (S.  L.);  Wood 
(Geo.)  and  Williamson   (I.  H.) 

Should  Republicans  vote.  See  [Hill  (C.  W.)],  Vol.  viii.,  No. 

Should  the  Nullifiers  succeed.     See  Vol.  xiii.,  No.  56315. 

Shourds  (T.)  History  and  Genealogy  of  Fenwick's  Colony, 
by  Thomas  Shourds,  of  Salem  County.  Bridgeton^  N.  f. :  George 
F.  Nixoriy  Publisher.   1876.    8vo,  pp.  553,  (i).     14  Plates. 

i  ! 





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1      I 


Vl    < 



Shower  (J.)  Practical  Reflections  on  the  late  Earthquakes 
...  in  Jamaica,  England,  Sicily,  Malta,  ...  with  a  Particular  and 
Historical  Account  of  those  and  divers  other  Earthquakes.  By 
John  Shower.     London.   1693.     8vo.  80740 

Shower.  Practical  Reflections  on  the  Earthquakes  that  have 
happened  in  Europe  and  America,  but  chiefly  in  Jamaica,  England, 
Sicily,  Malta,  etc.  With  a  Particular  and  Historical  Account  of 
them  and  divers  other  Earthquakes.  By  John  Shower.  The 
Second  Edition.     London:  Cook.   1750.    Svo,  pp.  viii,  98. 

[Shower.]  Some  |  Account  |  of  the  I  Holy  Life  and  Death  |  of  | 
Mr.  Henry  Gearing,  |  Late  Citizen  of  London  |  who  departed  this 
Life  January  |  the  4th,  169!.  Aged  61.  |  With  the  Trial  and 
Character  of  a  |  real  Christian,  collected  out  of  his  |  Papers,  for  the 
Examination  of  |  himself:  From  which  several  |  other  Particulars 
are  added,  for  |  the  Instruction,  Encouragement,  and  |  Imitation 
of  Christians.  |  Boston  in  New-England:  |  Printed  for  Samuel  Phillips^ 
at  the\Brick  Shop.    1704.  |     i2mo,  pp.  xxxiv,  134.     B.,  h.  80742 

First  printed  at  London  in  1694.  "  There  is  anotii'  Ed"  Repr'"i  Boston.  1720." — 
M:.  note  0/  Mr.  Prince.  P.iges  84-1 18  contain  "  A  short  Account  of  the  Conversion 
of  Mrs.  P.  F.  as  she  left  it  under  her  Hand  before  her  Death." 

The  Showman's  Rail-Road  Guide. 
Co.   1 87 1.     i6mo,  pp.  172.     2  Plates. 

Chicago:  A.  W.  Hall  & 
c.  80743 

Shrady  (John).     See  Vol.  xi..  No.  47324. 

Shreve  (C.  J.)  A  Sermon  preached  in  Christ  Church,  Guys- 
boro',  on  behalf  of  the  Bishopric  Endowment  Fund.  By  Rev. 
Charles  J.  Shreve.     Halifax.   1852.    Svo,  pp.  15.  80744 

Also :  The  Divine  Origin  and  Uninterrupted  Succession  of  Episcopacy  maintained. 
In  a  Series  of  Letters  addressed  to  the  Rev.  A.  W.  McLeud,  in  answer  to  his  Letters 
intituled  :"  The  Methodist  Ministry  Defended."  ...  Halifax.    1840.    Svo,  pp.  163. 

Shreve  (Henry  Miller),  h.  1785,  d.  1854.  Memorial  of  Henry 
M.  Shreve  in  relation  to  the  removal  of  Snags,  Sawyers,  etc.  from 
the  great  western  Rivers,  by  the  use  of  his  patented  Steam  Snag- 
Boat.     St.  Louis.,  Mo.   1847.    ^vo.  s.  80745 

Shrewsbury  {Mr^     See  Vol.  i.,  No.  3261. 

Shrewsbury,  Mass.  Report  of  the  School  Committee  of  the 
Town  of  Shrewsbury,  ...  April  i,  1839.  ...  Worcester:  Printed 
by  Spooner  ^  Howland.    1839.     Svo,  pp.  16.  H.  80746 

Also:   Manual  of  the  Congregational  Church  ...   1850.     Svo. 



Shrewsbury,  N.  'J.  Constitution  and  Hy-I^aws  of  the  Poly- 
technic Institute  of  Shrewsbury,  Monmouth  County,  State  of 
New- Jersey.  New- Tor k  :  Pr''*>ted  by  Elliott  is'  Palmer.  1829. 
8vo,  pp.  12.  B.  80747 

Shrigley  (N.)  a  True  |  Relation  |  of  |  Virginia  |  and  |  Mary- 
Land  ;  I  With  the  Commodities  therein,  which  in  |  part  the  Author 
saw ;  the  rest  he  had  from  know- 1  ing  and  Credible  persons  in  the 
Moneths  of  February,  I  March,  April  and  May  :  |  By  Nathaniel 
Shrigley,  Anno.  1669.  |  Published  by  Allowance.  |  London^  |  Printed 
by  Tho.  Milbourn  for  T'hoinas  Hodson  Book-binder^  |  Living  the  next 
door  to  the  Signe  of  the  Blew-Boar  in\Redcross  Street.  [1669.]  4to, 
4  leaves.  hm.,  j.c.b.  80748 

Of  extreme  rarity.      Reprinted  in  Forre's  "Tracts,"  Vol.  iii.     The  above  title   has 
been  corrected  by  Mr.  John  Nicholas  Brown. 

Shrimpton  (C.)  The  Black  Phantom  ;  or.  Woman's  Endur- 
ance ;  a  Narrative  connected  with  the  early  History  of  Canada 
and  the  American  Revolution.  By  Charles  Shrimpton.  New 
York:  Crowenisf  Co.    1867.     i2mo,  pp.  358.  c.  80749 

Shrimpton.  The  Inebriate.  [In  verse.]  By  Charles  Shrimp- 
ton.    Cincinnati.    1858.     l6mo,  pp.  48.  80750 

Shrimpton.  Lillian  ;  or.  Woman's  Endurance.  A  Narrative 
connected  with  the  early  History  of  Canada  and  the  American 
Revolution.  By  Charles  Shrimpton.  New  York :  N.  Tibbals  & 
Co.   1868.     i6mo,  pp.  358.  c.  80751 

A  reissue  of  "The  Black  Phantom." 

Shriver  (A.)  Report  of  the  Committee  of  Grievances  and 
Courts  of  Justice,  relative  to  the  Official  Conduct  of  the  Hon- 
orable Abraham  Shriver,  Associate  Judge  of  the  Fifth  Judicial 
District,  with  the  testimony  in  relation  thereto  and  printed  in 
pursuance  of  the  order  of  the  House  of  Delegates  of  Maryland. 
December  Session,  1821.  yfnnapolis :  Printed  by  jf.  Chandler. 
[n.  d.]    8vo,  pp.  62.  80752 

Shriver  (J.)  An  Account  of  Surveys  and  Examinations, 
with  Remarks  and  Documents,  relative  to  the  projected  Chesa- 
peake and  Ohio,  and  Ohio  and  Lake  Erie  Canals.  By  James 
Shriver.  Baltimore  :  Published  by  Fielding  LucaSy  yr.  1824.  8vo, 
pp.  116.     2  Maps.  c.  80753 

Shuck  (O.  T.)  The  California  Scrap-Book :  A  Repository 
of  useful  Information    ...    from   the  various  Newspapers  and 














■   j 
•    I 

.    1 

I   I 

I    ;      I 



Periodicals  of  the  Pacific  Coast.     Compiled  by  Oscar  T.  Shuck. 
...    San  Francisco:  H.  H,  Bancroft  &  Company.    1869.     8vo,  pp. 



B.  80754 

Shuck.  Representative  and  Leading  Men  of  the  Pacific.  By 
Oscar  T.  Shuck.     San  Francisco.    1870-75.     2  vols.,  8vo. 

Shuey  (D.  B.)  History  of  the  Shuey  Family  in  America, 
from  1732  to  1876.  By  D.  B.  Shuey,  a.m.  Lancaster^  Pa. 
Published  for  the  Members  of  the  Family^  by  the  Author.  1876. 
i2mo,  pp.  279;  "Revised  Data,"  (dated  1877),  i  page.     80756 

Shufeldt  (G.  a.)  History  of  the  Chicago  Artesian  Well, 
a  Demonstration  of  the  Truth  of  the  Spiritual  Philosophy,  with 
An  Essay  on  the  Origin  and  Uses  of  Petroleum.  By  Geo.  A. 
Shufeldt,  Jr.  Chicago :  Religio- Philosophical  Publishing  Association. 
1867.    8vo,  pp.  iv,  58.  H.  80757 

Shufeldt  (R[obert]  W[ilson]),  b.  1822.  The  Influences  of 
Western  Civilization  in  China.  A  Lecture  ...  before  the  Stam- 
ford Lyceum.  By  R.  W.  Shufeldt,  U.  S.  N.,  lately  in  command 
of  U.  S.  S.  Wachusctt.  ...  Stamford^  Conn.:  Wm.  W.  Gillespie  & 
Co.,  Printers.    1868.     8vo,  pp.  36.  H.  80758 

Shufeldt.  ...  Reports  of  Explorations  and  Surveys  to  ascer- 
tain the  practicability  of  a  Ship-canal  between  the  Atlantic  and 
Pacific  Oceans,  by  the  way  of  the  Isthmus  of  Tehuantepec. 
By  Robert  W.  Shufeldt,  Captain  United  States  Navy.  Made 
under  the  direction  of  the  Secretary  of  the  Navy.  fVashington : 
Government  Printing  Office.  1872.  4to,  pp.  151.  20  Maps,  11 
Plates.  A.  80759 

With  heading :  "  2d  Congress,  2d  Session.     Senate.     Ex.  Doc.  No.  6." 

Shultz  (B.)  An  Inaugural  Botanico-Medical  Dissertation,  on 
the  Phytolacca  Decandra  of  Linnaeus.  By  Benjamin  Shultz,  of 
Pennsylvania,  Member  of  the  Philadelphia  Medical  Society. 
Philadelphia,  printed  by  Thomas  Dobson,  at  the  Stone-House,  No.  41, 
South  Second-Street.   1795.     8vo,  pp.  viii,  55.     Plate.       P.  80760 

The  large  folding  plate  (W.  Bartram  del.  Thackara  exct.)  represents  the  herb  in 
question,  the  common  pokeburry. 

Shultz.  An  Oration  Delivered  before  the  Mosheimian 
Society,  on  July  23d,  1795.  Being  the  day  appointed  for  their 
Yearly  Meeting.  By  Benjamin  Shultz,  m.d.  Philadelphia:  7. 
Dobson.  mdccxcv.    8vo,  pp.  14.  80761 



Shultz  (T.)»  b'  1770,  d.  1850.  The  Acts  of  the  Apostles, 
translated  into  The  Arrawack  Tongue  \  by  the  Rev.  Theodore 
Shultz,  in  Eighteen  Hundred  and  Two.  New  Tork :  Published  by 
the  American  Bible  Society^  instituted  in  the  year  MDCCCXVI.    1850. 

i8mo,  pp.  119. 

Shuman   (B.) 
[1857.]    8vo. 

Curiected  title  of  No.  2099,  Vul.  1. 

A    Guide   for   All.      [Verses.] 



Shumard  (B[enjamin]  F[ranklin].)  A  Catalogue  of  the 
Paleozoic  Fossils  of  North  America.  By  B.  F.  Shumard.  St. 
Louis:  yfcademy  of  Sciences.   1865.    8vo,  pp.  75.  c.  80764 

I.  Echinodermata. 

Shumard  and  Swallow  (G.  C.)  Descriptions  of  new  Fos- 
sils, from  the  Coal  Measures  of  Missouri  and  Kansas.  By  B.  F. 
Shumard  and  G.  C.  Swallow.  ...  St.  Louis^  Mo.:  Geo.  Anapplsf 
Co.^  Printers.   1858.    8vo,  pp.  32.  b.  80765 

Shumway  (N.)  The  American  Harmony:  containing  the 
Rules  of  Singing ;  with  a  Collection  of  Psalm  Tunes,  Hymns, 
and  Anthems.  By  Nehemiah  Shumway.  Philadelphia :  J. 
M'Culloch.  1793.    Obi.  8vo,  pp.  212.  c.  80766 

The  Shunammite.  Recommended  to  the  candid  perus.  !  of  all 
denominations  of  Christions.  By  G.  G ,  m.m.m.  New- 
York:  Printed  by  Southwick  and  Pelsue^  No.  3,  New-street.  1 810. 
8vo,  pp.  16.  L.  80767 

In  verse.     By  G.  Green. 

Shunk  (F[rancis]  R[awn]),  b.  1788,  d.  1848.  Inaugural 
Address.     See  Pennsylvania,  Vol.  xiv..  No.  60156. 

Shunk.  Veto  Messages  of  Governor  Shunk,  of  certain  Manu- 
facturing and  Banking  Corporations.  ...  Philadelphia.  1847.  ^^o, 
pp.  16.  B.  80768 

Also :  A  Discourse  on  the  Life  and  Character  of  Francis  R.  Shunk,  late  Governor  of 
Pennsylvania:  delivered,  August  9,  1848,  at  the  request  of  ...  the  Citizens  of  Harris- 
burg.  By  W.  R.  De  Witt  ....  Harrisburg:  I.  G.  M'KinUy  &  J.  M.  G.  Leicure, 
Printer!.  1848.  8vo,  pp.  30.  Improved  title  of  No.  19878,  Vol.  v.  Our  No.  60435, 
Vol.  XIV.,  was  compiled  by  Francis  R.  Shunk  and  John  S.  Wiestling. 

Shurtleff  (J.)  A  Concise  Review  of  the  Spirit  which  seemed 
to  govern  in  the  Time  of  the  late  American  War,  compared  with 
the  Spirit  which  now  prevails  ...  .  By  James  ShurtlefF.  [n.  p. 
180-?]    iimo.  w.  80769 

VOL.  XIX.  33 


111  1 






•i  ■<! 








Shurti.kif  (J.  H.)  The  (lovcrnmcntal  Instructor,  or  a  Brief 
and  Comprehensive  View  of  the  Government  of  the  United 
States,  and  of  the  State  Goverrmients,  in  Easy  Lessons,  desijrned 
for  the  use  of  schools.  Hy  J.  H.  Shurtleft.  Fourth  Edition. 
New  Tl'ork :  Collins^  lirothir  tsf  Co.  1847.  '2mo,  pp.  189.  H.  -| 
Revised  Edition.     New  Tf'ork.    1849.     i2mo.  hm.  80770 

or,  a  Brief  and 

Shurtleff.  The  Goverimiental  Instructor ; 
Comprehensive  View  of  the  (lovcrnment  of  the  United  States, 
and  of  the  State  Governments,  in  easy  Lessons,  designed  for 
Schools  and  Families.  By  J.  B.  Shurtleff.  Revised  Edition. 
New  7'ork  :  Robert  B.  Collins.    1854.     I  2mo,  pp.  189.      H.  80771 

Shurtleff.  The  Governmental  Instructor,  a  Brief  and  Com- 
prehensive View  of  the  Government  of  the  United  States,  and 
of  the  State  Governments.  ...  By  J.  B.  Shurtleff.  Fhird 
revised  Edition,  corrected  by  David  N.  Camp.     NeT.v  Tork :  Col- 

iim  I3' Brother.  [187 1.]     i2mo,  pp.  193. 

Shurtleff  (N.  B.),  b.  1810,  d.  1874.  Brief 
William  Shurtleff,  of  Marshfield.  By  Nathaniel 
Shurtleff.     Boston,  mdcccl.    Sm.  410,  pp.  19. 

c.  80772 

Notice   of 

B.  80773 

Shurtleff.  Calendar  for  the  Hebrew  Years  5622-5660 ; 
being  also  for  the  Years  of  our  Lord  1 861-1900.  Nathaniel  B. 
Shurtleff.  Boston:  Printed  for  the  use  of  Ineffable  Freemasons.  1863. 
8vo,  pp.  II.  H.  80774 

Shurtleff.  A  Decimal  System,  for  the  Arrangement  and 
Administration  of  Libraries.  Nathaniel  B.  Shurtleff.  ...  Boston: 
Privately  Printed.  M  DCCC  LVi.     4to,  pp.  80.  B.  80775 

Shurtleff.  A  Genealogical  Memoir  of  the  Family  of  Elder 
Thomas  Leverett,  of  Boston.  By  Nathaniel  B.  Shurtleff.  ... 
Boston:  Printed  for  the  j^uthor.   1850.    8vo,  pp.  20.    Portrait,    b, 

Shurtleff.  A  History  of  the  Old  Building  on  the  Corner 
School  and  Washington  Street,  Boston.  By  Nathaniel  B.  Shurt- 
leff.    Boston.   1870.    Sm.  8vo,  pp.  8.  h.  80777 

Shurtleff.  The  Inaugural  Address  of  Nathaniel  B.  Shurt- 
leff, Mayor  of  Boston,  to  the  City  Council,  January  4,  1869. 

Boston.   1869.     8vo,  pp.  vi,  77. 


[Shurtleff.]     John  Beal  of  Hingham,  and  one  Line  of  his 

Descendants.     {Boston 


1865.]    4to,  pp. 

Signed  "N.  B.  S." 


h:  80779 



Shurtlrff.  List  of  the  Printed  Maps  of  Boston.  Nathaniel 
B.  ShurtlcfF.     Boston.   1863.    8vo,  pp.  8.  H.  80780 

[Shurti.eff.]  Memorial  of  the  Inauguration  of  the  Statue 
of  Franklin.  Prepared  and  Printed  by  Authority  of  the  City  Council^ 
Boston.    1857.     8vo,  pp.  (2),  412.     4  Plates.  H.,  L.  80781 

Alsu  printed  on  large  p.iper  in  quarto. 

The  Passengers  of  the  May  Flower  in  1620. 
Bradstreet  Shurtleff".  Boston :  Privately  Printed. 
Sm.  4to,  pp.  24.  B.,  M.  80782 

By  Nathaniel 


[Shurtleff.]  A  Perpetual  Calendar  for  Old  and  New  Style; 
prepared  for  the  use  of  those  engaged  in  Antiquarian  and  Histor- 
ical Investigations.     Boston.    1848.    8vo,  26  leaves.        h.  80783 

Shurtleff.  A  Perpetual  Calendar  for  Old  and  New  Style. 
Nathaniel  B.  Shurtleff'.  Second  Edition.  Boston:  Privately  Printed. 
M  DCCC  LI.    4to,  pp.  47,  (i).  B.,  M.  80784 

[Shurtleff  and  Cushman  (Henry  W.)]  The  Proceedings 
at  the  Cushman  Celebration,  at  Plymouth,  August  15,  1855,  in 
commemoration  of  the  embarkation  of  the  Plymouth  Pilgrims 
from  Southampton,  England  ;  Together  with  an  Account  of  tht 
Services  at  the  Grave  of  Elder  1  homas  Cushman,  August  16., 
1855.     Boston:  y.  M.  HeweSy  Printer.    1855.     8vo,  pp.  viii,  76. 

[Shurtleff  and  Cushman.]  Proceedings  at  the  Consecra- 
tion of  the  Cushman  Monument  at  Plymouth,  September  16, 
1858 :  including  the  Discourse  and  Poem  delivered  on  that  occa- 
sion, together  with  a  list  of  contributors  to  the  monument.  Boston: 
Little.,  Brown  ^  Co.   1859.     8vo,  pp.  96.     Plate.  80786 

Shurtleff.  Thunder  and  Lightning  ;  and  Deaths  at  Marsh- 
field  in  1658  and  1666.  By  Nathaniel  Bradstreet  Shurtleff.  Bos- 
ton: Privately  Printed.   M  DCCC  l.     i2mo,  pp.  (4),  55.  B.,  H. 

Shurtleff.  A  Topographical  and  Historical  Description  of 
Boston.  By  Nathaniel  B.  Shurtleff.  Boston :  Printed  by  request 
of  the  City  Council.  187 1.  Rl.  8vo,  pp.  (2),  ix,  720.  2  Maps. 
+  Second  and  revised  edition.  Boston :  Noyes^  Holmes^  and  Com- 
pany^  117  IVashington  street.  1872.  Rl.  8vo,  pp.  ix,  720.  2 
Maps.  80788 

The  Illustrated  Pilgrim  Almanac  (Vol.  ix.,  No.  34338),  was  edited  by  Dr.  Shurtleff; 
also  the  Records  of  Massachusetts  Bay  and  the  Colony  of  New  Hlymouth,  for  which 
i»  Vol.  XI.,  No.  45966,  and  Vol.  xv.,  No.  63488. 


I:    r\ 



'ii/! : 




Shurtlkff  (R.)  a  Discourse  Dclivfrctl  at  the  Funeral  of 
Mrs.  Mary  Woodward,  Consort  of  the  late  Hon.  Professor 
Wo«)(lwaril,  in  the  Meeting-House  near  Dartmouth  C'ollege, 
March  29,  1H07.      Hy  Roswell  Shurtleft',  a.m.     Hanover.    1807. 

8vo,  pp.  23. 

w.  807H9 

Shurtlf.ff.  An  Oration  on  the  Illustrious  CJeorge  Washing- 
ton who  died  December  14th,  1799.  Pronounced  before  the  Citi- 
zens of  Westmoreland,  at  the  recjuest  of  their  Committee  and  the 
Jerusalem  Lodge,  February  22d.  1800.  liy  Roswell  Shirtlift'  [j/VJ, 
A.B.    ff^a/poU.   1800.    8vo,  pp.  15.  80790 

Including  Lines  adapted  tu  the  uccatiun,  by  B.  White. 

Shurtlkff.  A  Sermon  ...  before  ...  the  Governor,  the 
Honorable  Council,  and  ...  Legislature,  of  ...  New- Hampshire, 
at  the  General  Election,  Concord,  June  7,  1810.  Hy  Roswell 
Shurtleff  ...  .  Concord^{N.  //.),  Printed  by  Isaac  Hill.  1810.  8vo, 
pp.  23.  B.  80791 

Shurtleff.  A  Sermon  preached  before  ...  'he  Governor, 
...  Council,  and  ...  Legislature  of  ...  New  H  shire,  at  the 
General  Election  ...  June,  1819.  By  Roswell  .left" ...  Con- 
cord.  1819.    8vo.  BM.  80792 

Shurtleff  (W.),  h.  1689,  d.  1747.  Distressing  Dangers, 
and  Signal  |  Deliverances,  Religiously  improv'd.  |  A  |  Sermon  j 
preach'd  at  |  New-Castle  |  in  |  New-Hampshire,  [January  i.  1726, 
7. 1  By  William  Shurtleff,  m.a.  |  In  Commemoration  |  of  the  Suffer- 
ings, |  Preservation  and  De- 1  liverance  of  a  Company  of  Marrineis, 
I  many  Years  since  Ship-wreclc'd  upon |  Boon-Island  Rock.  [To 
which  is  added,  I  A  Narrative  of  the  same  published  by  |  the  Com- 
mander of  said  Company  [Captain  Deanel.  |  ...  |  Boston,  New- 
England:  I  Printed  by  B.  Green,  for  Eleazer  Kussel  \  at  Portsmouth, 
1727. 1     i2mo,  pp.  (4),  50.  M.  80793 

Shurtleff.  The  Fait?i  and  Prayer  of  a  dying  Malefactor.  |  A 
I  Sermon  |  preach'd  December  27.  1739.  |  On  Occasion  of  the 
Execution  of  two  Criminals,  |  namely,  |  Sarah  Simpson  and  Penel- 
ope Kenny,  |  and  in  the  Hearing  of  the  Former.  |  By  William 
Shurtleff",  a.m.  |  Pastor  of  a  Church  in  Portsmouth,  New-Hamp- 
shire. I  To  which  is  annex'd  a  brief  Narrative  concerning  |  the 
said  Criminals  :  |  And  a  Preface  by  the  Reverend  Mr.  Fitch.  |  Bos- 
ton :  Printed  by  jf.  Draper,  for  D.  Henchman,  in  |  Cornhill.  1 740.  | 
Svo,  pp.  (4),  iv,  30.  M.  80794 



Shurti.kif.     Gospel  Ministers  exhibited  under  the  Notion  of 

AHURTI.KIF.     Uospel  Ministers  exhihit( 
Stars  i  I  and  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ  as  holding  these  Stars  |  in  his 
right   Hand.  I  In  a  |  Sermon  I  preach'd  at  the  I  Ordination  |  (»n  Mr. 

ie  I  Pastoral  i 

Nathaniel  (loolcin.  |  to  the  | 

()ffiie|of  a  Church  at  North- 

Hill  in  the  Town  of  Hampton,  [October  31.  1739.  |  By  VVilliam 
Shurtlcf}*,  A.M.  I  Pastor  of  a  Cnurch  in  Portsmouth.  |  lhston:\ 
lYmtedhy^y,  Draper^  for  D.  Henihnian.^i»\Cornh'tll^  •  739-1  ^vo, 
PP'  (4)»  35-  H.,  H.  80795 

Shurtlkff.     The  Labour  that  attends  the  Ciospcl-|  Ministry, 
and  the  great  concern  |  of  all  that  engage  in  it :  |  shewed   in  a  |  Ser- 
mon I  preached  at  the  |  Ordination  of  |  the"  Revcrcrid  |  Mr.  Nathanael 
Morril|in  the  [Parish  of  Rye  in  New-Castle.  |  Sept.  14th.  1726. 
By  William  Shurtlett*,  |  v.d.m.  |  fl«J/o«  .-   Printed  by  li.  Gnrn^  for 
Eleazer  Russell  at  Portsmouth.  \  1727.     8vo,  pp.  (6),  34.    H.  80796 

Shurti.eff.  a  I  Letter  I  to  I  those  of  his  Brethren  |  in  the  |  Min- 
istry I  who  refuse  to  admit  |  the  Rev.  Mr.  Whitefield  |  into  their 
Pulpits.  I  By  William  Shurtlctt",  ^'  a.  |  and  Pastor  of  the  second 
Church  in  Portsmouth  in  New  Hampshire.  |  With  an  Appendix 
containing  the  Concurrence  of  some  other]  Ministers.  |  Z?oi/o// ;  | 
Printed  and  Sold  by  Samuel  Kneeland  and  Timothy  Green  \  in  .^een~ 
Street.    1745.]     410,  pp.  23.  B.,  H.,  W.  80797 

Shurtlf.ff.  The  Obligations  upon  all  Christians  to  desire 
and  I  endeavour  the  Salvation  of  others.  |  A  |  Sermon  ]  preached 
September  18.  1741.]  On  a  Monthly  Evening  Lecture,  |  at  the 
North  Brick  Church,  in  Middle-Street,  |  Boston.  |  By  William 
Shurtleff,  A.M.  I  Pastor  of  a  Church  in  Portsmouth.  |  Publish'd  at 
the  Desire  of  several  Ministers  that  |  heard  '\t.\  Boston. 'l  Printed  by 
T.  Fleety  for  D.  Henchman  in  Cornhill.   1741.I    8vo,  pp.  27.     H. 

Annual  Catalogue  of  the  Officers  and  Students  of  Shurtleff 
College,  of  Alton,  Illinois.  For  the  Year  ending  July,  1841. 
Alton.,  III.   1 84 1.    8vo,  pp.  16.     Continued.  H.  80799 

Shute  (D.),  b.  1722,  d.  1802.  A  Journal  of  the  Rev.  Daniel 
Shute,  D.D.  Chaplain  in  the  {Expedition  to  Canada  in  1758.  Com- 
municated by  James  Kimball.     [^Salem.   1874.]    8vo,  pp.  20.    n. 

Shute.  A  |  Sermon  I  Preached  |  To  the  Ancient  and  Honorable 
[Artillery  Company | in]  Boston,  New  England,]  June  i,  1767.) 
Being  the  Anniversary  of  their]  Election  of  Officers.  ]  By  Daniel 
Shute,  A.M.  I  Pastor  of  the  Third  Church  in  Hingham.  ]  i5w/o«; 
N.  E.  \  Printed  and  Sold  by  Edes  and  Gill.  \  M,DCC,LXVii.  |    8vo,  pp. 

43.  H.  80801 



i  ■ '-3 

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^  1 1 




Shute.  a  I  Sermon  I  Preached  before  his  Excellency]  Francis 
Bernard,  Esq;  |  Governor,  |  His  Honor  |  Thomas  Hutchinson, 
Esq  ;  I  Lieutenant-Governor,  |  The  Honourable  |  His  Majesty's 
Council,  I  And  the  Honourable]  House  of  Representatives,  |  Of 
the  Province  of  the  |  Massachuscts-Bay  in  New-England,  |  May 
25th.  1 768. 1  Being  the  Aniversary  [f/V]  for  the  Election  of  Hisj 
Majesty's  Council  for  said  Province,  |  By  |  Daniel  Shute,  a.m.  I 
Pastor  of  the  Third  Church  in  Hingham.  |  Boston:  New- England :  j 
Printed  by  Richard  Draper^  Printer  to  His  Excellency  the\  Governor^ 
and  toe  Honorable  His  Majesty^s  Council.  \  mdccxlviii  [error  for 
1768].    8vo,  pp.  70.  B.,  c,  H.  80802 

Shute.  A|Serm()n,|  delivered  at  the  Meeting-House|in  the| 
First  Parish  in  Hingham,  March  23,  1 787, (at  the |  Interment | of 
the  I  Rev.  Flibenczer  Gay,  d.d.  |  Pastor  of  the  First  Church  in 
Hingham, I  Who  Died  March  18,  1787. IBy  Daniel  Shute,  a.m.| 
Pastor  of  the  Second  Church  in  Hingham.]  (Published  at  the 
Request  of  the  Parish.)  ]  Salem  :  \  Printed  by  Dabney  and  Gushing. 

MDCCLXXXVII.      8vO,  pp.  32.  BA.,   H.  80803 

[Shute  (James  M.)]  Rejected  Papers  in  relation  to  the 
Hoosa'' Tunnel.  Boston:  Wright  i^  Potter.^  Printers.  1868.  8vo, 
pp.  22.  B.  80804 

[Shute.]  The  Road  to  Safety.  A  Letter  to  General  Grant 
on  the  Currency.  ...  Boston:  IVright  ^Potter.,  Printers.  1869. 
8vo,  pp.  II.  B.  80805 

[Shute  (Samuel),  b.  1653,  d.  1742.]  George  Town  ]  on 
Arrowsick  Island  Aug.  9th.  1717.]  Annoque  Regni  Regis  Georgii 
Magnae  Britanniae,  &c.  Quarto,  ]  A  Conference  of  His  Excel- 
lency the  Governour,  ]  with  the  Sachems  and  Chief  Men  of  the 
Eastern  ]  Indians.  ]  [Colophon  :]  Boston :  Printed  by  B.  Green^ 
Printer  to  His  Excellency  ]  the  Governour  &'  Council :  and  Sold  by 
Benj.  Elioty  \  at  his  Shop  below  the  Town-house.    1 71 7.]     4to,  pp. 

13.  M.  80806 

Mr.  Brinley's  copy  (No.  431)  sold  for  $21. 

Shute.  The  Report  of  the  Lords  of  the  Committee,  ]  upon  ] 
Governour  Shute's  ]  Memorial,  j  with  ]  His  Majesty's  Order  in 
Council  thereupon.  J    [London  F   1725.]    4to,  pp.  (2),  10.    H.,  M. 

Diitcil  June  i,  1725. 

"The  Report  and  Order  in  Council  alluded  to,  grew  out  of  complaints  made  by  Gov- 
ernor Shute,  of  Massachusetts,  against  the  House  of  Representatives  of  that  Province. 
Seven  charges  were  preferred  for  invading,  and  encroaching  upon,  in  various  ways,  the 
prerogative  of  the  King.     One  of  these  charges  was  for  '  Voting  a  Publick  Fast  through- 



out  the  Province,  a  thing  never  attempted  by  their  predecessors.'  The  Council  decided 
in  the  Governor's  favor,  giving  their  opinion  that  ♦  the  said  House  of  Representatives 
have  unlawfully  assumed  to  themselves  Powers  which  don't  belong  to  them,  and  in  an 
unwarrantable  manner  encroached  upon  His  Majesty's  authority." — J.  R.  Bartlett, 
See  also  Rich's  "  Bibliotheca  Americana  Nova,"  vol.  1.,  p.  37. 

Shute.  Speech  ...  to  the  Council  and  House  of  Representa- 
tives Convened  in  General  Assembly  at  Boston,  Nov.  7,  17 16. 
[Boston.    1 7 16.]     Folio,  pp.  2.  80808 

Shuttlesworth  (S.)  a  I  Discourse  I  delivered  in  presence  of 
I  His  Excellency  Thomas  Chittenden,  Esq.  Govv-rnor ;  |  His 
Honor  Peter  Olcott,  Esq.  Lieutenant-Governor,  |  The  Honorable 
Council,  and  House  of  Represent- jatives  of  the  |  State  of  Ver- 
mont:] at  Windsor,  October  13,  1791.I  Being  the  Day  of  |  Gen- 
eral Election.  |  By  Samuel  Shuttlesworth,  a.m.  |  Pastor  of  a  Church 
in  Windsor.  |  Printed  at  Windsor^  State  of  Vermont^  \  By  James  Reed 
Hutchins\uiiccxcn.\    8vo,  pp.  16.  h.  80809 

Shuttleworth  (R.  J.)  Catalogue  of  the  terrestrial  and 
fluviatile  Shells  of  St.  Thomas,  West  Indies.  ...  [^New  Tork. 
1855.]     8vo.  80810 

Siamese  Twins.  An  Historical  Account  of  the  Siamese 
Twin  Brothers,  from  actual  Observations.  ...  New  Tork:  Printed 
by  Elliott  and  Palmer.  183 1.  8vo,  pp.  16.  H.  +  Second  Edition. 
New  Tork.  1 83 1.  8vo,  pp.  16.  s.  +  Third  Edition.  New  Tork. 
1 83 1.    8vo.     Portraits.  808 11 

Siasconset,  Mass.  The  |  Laws  of  Siasconset.  |  A  |  Ballad.  |  Pro- 
posed, j  with  a  Pipe  of  Tobacco,  |  As  an  |  Evening's  Amusement 
to  the  Fishermen.  I  (To  the  tune  "Vicar  of  Bray.")  |  By  A  Friend 
to  Native  Simplicity,  |  Embellished  with  a  Copper-Plate.  |  Printed 
at  New  Bedford^  {Massachusetts)  |  By  "John  Spooner — 1797.I  4to, 
pp.  (4).  w.  80812 

Dated:  New  Bedford,  March,  1797. 

SiBBALD  (C.  F.)  Auditor's  Report  on  the  Estate  of  Charles 
F.  Sibbald.     Philadelphia,  [i^s^}']    8vo,  pp.  272.  80813 

SiBBALD  (G.)  Notes  and  Observations,  on  the  Pine  Lands  of 
Georgia,  shewing  the  advantages  they  possess,  particulary  in  the 
Culture  of  Cotton.  Addressed  to  persons  Emigrating,  and  those 
disposed  to  Encourage  Migration  to  this  State.  Together  with  a 
Plan  of  Emigration  ....  To  which  is  added  a  Geographical  Sketch 
of  the  State  of  Georgia  ...  .  liy  George  Sibbald,  of  Augusta. 
Augusta:  Printed  by  William  y.  Bunce.    1 801.     8vo,  pp.  71.        M. 

Some  copies  contain  three  additional  leaves  at  the  end. 

BA.,  C. 







1.  ,U' 

M    I 


SiBE'  Lius  (C.)  Of"  the  I  Conversion  I  of  I  Five  Thousand  and 
Nine  Hundred  |  East-Indians,  |  In  the  Isle  Formosa,  |  neere  China,  | 
To  the  Profesaion  of  the  true  God,  in  I  Jesus  Christ ;  |  By  meanes 
of  M.  Ro:  Junius,  a  Minister  |  lately  in  l3elph  in  Holland.  |  Related 
by  his  good  Friend,  M.  C.  Sibellius,  Pastor] in  Daventrie  there, 
in  a  Latine  Letter.  |  Translated  to  further  the  Faith  and  Joy  of 
many  I  here,  by  H.  Jessei,  a  Servant  of  |  Jesus  Christ.  |  With  a 
Post-script  of  the  Gospels  good  |  Successe  also  amongst  the  |  West- 
Indians,  I  in  New-England.  | ...  |  Imprimatur,  Joseph  Caryl.  Lon- 
dot{^  I  Printed  by  lohn  Hammond^  and  are  to  be  sold  at  his  house  voer- 
against  [sic]  <S\  Andrcwes  Church  in  Holborne;  and  \  in  Popes-Head- 
Alley^  by  H.  Allen.  1650.    4to,  pp.  (8),  38,  errata  (i).    C,  J.c.b.,  l. 

The  Post-siiipt,  pp.  13-38,  contains  extracts  from  three  of  the  published  tracts 
relating  to  the  conversion  ot"  the  Indians  in  New  England  :  "  i.  Good  Newes  of  the 
Day-Breaking.  11.  Of  the  Cleare  Sun-Shine,  in.  Of  the  Glorious  Progresse  of  the 
Gospel  breaking  forth  upon  many  West-Indians  in  New-England."  On  the  last  page 
is  "  Part  of  another  Letter,  writ  by  Mr.  Eliot,  to  Mr.  Huhg  [i/'f]  Peters,"  from  Rox- 
bury,  Oct.  12,  1649. 

SiBiEL  (Alexander),  h.  1709,  d.  lygi.     De  Arte  Hierogliphum 
Mexicanorum   ...   Dessau.   1782.    8vo.  80816 

SiBiEL.     Reisen  in  Mexico   ...   Dessau.    1785.     2  vols.,  8vo. 

The  author,  who  was  known  as  Fray  Domingo,  "  because  a  Jesuit,  and  was  sent  to 
New  Spain  in  1734.  After  being  for  several  years  a  professor  in  the  college  of  the  order 
in  Mexico,  he  was  appointed  vicar  of  a  remote  parish  in  the  northern  part  of  the 
country,  where  he  discovered  some  half-buried  monuments  of  the  Aztec  architecture 
covered  with  hieroglyphs.  He  devoted  several  years  to  their  study,  buying,  meanwhile, 
Aztec  antiquities  whenever  he  could  find  them,  and  at  last  was  enabled  to  read  part  of 
the  inscriptions."  He  returned  to  Germany  about  the  year  1770.  5«  "  Appletons' 
Cyclopaedia  of  American  Biography." 

SiBiRE  {I' Abbe).  L'Aristocratie  Nejrriere,  ou  Reflexions  philo- 
sophiques  et  historiques  sur  I'esclavage  et  I'affranchissement  des 
Noirs,  dediees  a  I'assemblee  nationale.  Par  M.  I'abbe  Sibire, 
ancien  ami  des  Africains ;  et  leur  premier  Missionaire  dans  le 
royaume  de  Loango.  Paris :  Lesclapart.  mdcclxxxix.  8vo,  pp. 
124.  J  c.B.  80818 

Sibley  (H[enry]  H[astings]),  b.  1811,  d.  1891.  Address 
delivered  before  the  Minnesota  Historical  Society,  at  its  Sixth 
Anniversary,  Feb.  i,  1856.  By  the  Hon.  H.  H.  Sibley.  Saint 
Paul:  Joseph  R.  Brown,  Printer.    1856.     8vo,  pp.  17.      b.  80819 

Sibley.  The  Homestead  Bill.  Speech  of  Hon.  H.  H.  Sib- 
ley, of  Minnesota,  in  the  House  .,.  April  24,  1852.  In  favor 
of  free  grants  of  Land  to  Actual  Settlers,  and  in  opposition  to 
the  bill   making  donations  of  the  Public  Lands  to  the  several 


A     •■>■  n^ 

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J«CaB*,     Lt* 

jlished  tracts 
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als.,  8vo. 

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"  Appletons' 

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8vo,  pp. 
,B.  80818 


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B.  80819 

.  H.  Sib- 
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losition  to 
le  several 



States,  "for  the  relief  and  support  of  the  indigent  insane  therein." 
[fFashington.   1852.]    8vo,  pp.  7.  H.  80820 

Sibley.  Journal  of  Sibley's  Indian  Expedition  during  the 
summer  of  1863.    ...  fVinona^Minn.    1864.     8vo.  80821 

Sibley.  Minnesota  Territory  Its  Present  Condition  and  Pros- 
pects.    By  Hon.  Henry  H.  Sibley,    [n.  p.    1852.]    8vo,  pp.  6. 

Circular,  dated:   Washington,  February  20,  1852. 

Sibley.  Speech  of  Hon.  H.  H.  Sibley,  of  Minnesota,  on  the 
Territories  and  our  Indian  Relations  ;  delivered  in  the  House  of 
Representatives,  ...  August  2,  1850.  \_l'Vashington.  1850.]  8vo, 
pp.  8.  M.  80823 

Sibley  (J.)  A  Letter  from  Dr.  John  Sibley,-late  of  Fayette- 
ville,  (now  of  Louisiana)  to  J.  Gales,  Printer,  in  Raleigh,  [n.  p. 
1803  ?]    8vo,  pp.  8.  H.  80824 

Dated:  Louisiana,  Aug.  15,  1803.     It  contains  a  description  of  Louisiana. 

Sibley  (J.  L.),  b.  1804,  d.  1885.  Biographical  Sketches  of 
Graduates  of  Harvard  University,  In  Cambridge,  Massachusetts. 
By  John  Langdon  Sibley,  m.a..  Librarian  of  Harvard  University, 
and  Member  of  the  Massachusetts  and  other  Historical  Societies. 
Volume  I.  1 642-1 658.  With  an  Appendix,  containing  an  Ab- 
stract of  the  Steward's  Accounts,  and  Notices  of  Non-graduates, 
from  1649-50  to  1659.  Cambridge :  Charles  fVilliam  Sever ^  Uni- 
versity Bookstore.  1873.  ^^°>  PP*  ^^t  ^^^1  subscribers  (5).  Vol- 
ume ii.  1659-1677.  [/&/</.]  1881.  8vo,  pp.  viii,  557.  Volume 
III.   1678-1689.     i^IbidJ]   1885.     8vo,  pp.  viii,  457.  80825 

Includes  bibliographical  lists  of  the  writings  of  the  graduates. 

Sibley.  A  History  of  the  Town  of  Union,  in  the  County  of 
Lincoln,  Maine,  to  the  Middle  of  the  Nineteenth  Century ;  with 
a  Family  Register  of  the  Settlers  before  the  year  1800,  and  of 
their  descendants.  By  John  Langdon  Sibley,  Member  of  the 
Massachusetts  Historical  Society.  ...  Boston:  Benjamin  B.  Mussey 
and  Co.   1851.     i2mo,  pp.  ix,  (3),  540.     Portrait.  l.  80826 

Sibley.  Notices  of  the  Triennial  and  Annual  Catalogues  of 
Harvard  University:  with  a  Reprint  of  the  Catalogues  of  1674, 
1682,  and  1700.  By  John  Langdon  Sibley,  a.m.  ...  Boston: 
Press  of  yohn  IVilson  and  Son.    1865.     8vo,  pp.  (4),  67,  and  covers. 

One  hundred  and  fifty  copies  in  octavo  reprinted  from  the  Proceedings  of  the  Massa- 
chusetts Historical  Society  for  1864;  and  thirty  additional  copies  printed  on  large  paper 
in  qu.irto. 

il  i 



a  f 


u   i 

!■         V'': 




!  *  'I 


f  , 

I  h 

Sibley.  The  Sibleys,  according  to  Records  iiunted  up  by 
John  Langdon  Sibley,  of  Cambridge,  Mass.,  as  recorded  in  his 
book,  giving  a  history  of  the  town  of  Union  in  Maine,  [n.  p. 
1854.]     i2mo,  pp.  20.  80828 

Prepared  by  James  Sibley,  of  Rochester.  It  contains  additional  particulars  relating 
to  the  Sibleys  of  Sutton. 

Sibley  (S.),  b.  1769,  d.  1846.  An  |  Oration,  |  delivered  at 
Mendon,  |  July  4,  1796,  |  at  the  Celebration  I  of  the  |  Twentieth 
Anniversary  |  of  |  American  Independence.  |  By  Solomon 

A.B.  I  Student  at  Law. 





Printed  by  Samuel  Hall^  Cornhill^  Boston.  \ 

BA.  80829 

Sibyllae  Americana;  |  Genethliacum  |  Ludovico  xvii.  |  Regni 
Gallici  Delphino  |  Prognosticum.  |  Philadelphia :  |  Jpud  Benjaniinum 
Toww^.  I  M,DCC,Lxxxii.  I    4to,  pp.  16.  c,  p.  80830 

The  pamphlet  relates  to  the  revolutionary  war  in  this  country,  and  contains  allusions 
to  Benjamin  Franklin  and  the  Marquis  de  Lafayette. 

SiCARD  (F.)  Simples  Notes  sur  I'Amerique  Centrale.  Par 
Felix  Sicard.     \^Paris.'\   1863.     8vo,  pp.  18.  80831 

SiCARDo  (Jose).  Christiandad  del  Japon,  y  diladada  persecu- 
cion  que  padecio.  Memorias  sacras  de  los  martyres  de  las  illustres 
religiones  de  Santo  Domingo,  San  Francisco,  Compania  de  Jesus: 
y  crecido  numero  de  Seglares :  y  con  especialidad  de  los  Religiosos 
del  Orden  de  N.  P.  S.  Augustin.  ...  Madrid^  F.  Sanz.  1698. 
Folio.  80832 

The  author  wjs  professor  in  the  University  of  Mexico,  and  synodal  visitor  of  the 
bishopric  of  Michoacan. 

SiCARDO.  Interrogatorio  de  la  Vida  y  virtudes  del  Ven  Her- 
mano  Fr.  Bartolome  de  Jesus  y  Maria,  Religioso  Lego  de  S. 
Agustin,  natural  de  la  Villa  de  Jalapa  de  la  Feria,  para  las  Infor- 
maciones  de  Oficio  que  practica  el  M.  R.  Sr.  Arzobispo  de 
Mexico   ...   Mexico.    1683.     Folio.  80833 

SiCARDo.  Memorial  dirigido  al  Supremo  Consejo  de  las  Indias 
...   Madrid.   1 683.     Folio.  80834 

SiCARDO.  Vidas  de  los  Venerables  Padres  del  Convento  de  S. 
Agustin  de  Salamanca,  que  predicaron  el  Evangelio  en  los  Reinos 
de  Mexico  y  Filipinas   ...   Madrid.    1699.     Folio.  80835 

The  three  titles  preceding  .ire  fri)m  Beristain,  who  mentions  other  works  of  the  same 
author,  both  in  print  and  manuscript. 


tins  allusions 



SiCARDO  (Juan  Bautista).  Elogio  del  Maximo  Dr.  S.  Gero- 
nimo,  pronunciado  en  el  Monasterio  dc  Religiosas  de  S.  Lorenzo 
de  Mexico.    ...   Mexico^  por  "Juan  Ruiz.   1660.    4to.  80836 

Title  from  Beristain,  who  gives  titles  of  three  other  printed  works  by  the  same  author. 

SiciLiA  Y  MoNTOYA  (Isidro).  Elogio  funebre  del  Sr.  D.  Car- 
los III.  Rcy  de  Espafia,  pronunciado  en  las  solemnes  Honras  que 
se  le  hicieron  en  la  Ciudad  de  Guatemala.  ...  Guatemala^  por 
Beteta.   1789.    410.  80837 

Title  from  Beristain. 

SiciLiA  Y  MoNTOYA.  Oracion  Eucaristica  que  pronuncid  el 
Dr.  D.  Sicilia  y  Montoya,  el  martes  13  de  Diciembre  de  1808. 
En  la  solemne  accion  de  gracias  que  celebrd  la  ciudad  de  Guate- 
mala por  la  exaltacion  del  rey  D.  Fernando  vii.  al  trono  de  las 
Espaflas.  [Guatemala.  1809.^  4to,  engraved  title  and  pp.  19, 
(3).     Plates.  80838 

See  Leclerc's  "  Bibliotheca  Americana,"  1878,  No.  1 149. 

SiciLius,  pseudon.     See  Vol.  vii.,  No.  27067. 

SicKELS  (T.  E.)  Report  upon  a  Supply  of  Water  for  the  City 
of  Baltimore.  By  T.  E.  Siclcels,  Civil  Engineer.  Baltimore: 
Printed  by  Jas.  Lucas  i^  Son.    1854.     8vo,  pp.  74.  H.  80839 

Sickles  (A.  W.)  Ne  karoron  ne  teyerihwahkwatha  igen  ne 
Enyontste  ne  yagorihwiyohston  igen  kanyengehaga  kawennon- 
dahkon  oni  skayestonh  dohka  nikarennnage  ne  Oneniodeaka 
Kawennondahkon  tehawennate  nyon  shonyowane.  Toronto:  Pub- 
lished by  the  IVesleyan  Missionary  Society^  at  the  Wesleyan  Book  Room^ 
King  Street.  1855.  [Second  title:]  A  Collection  of  Hymns,  in 
the  Oneida  Language,  for  the  use  of  Native  Christians,  translated 
by  Rev.  A.  W.  Sickles,  Wesleyan  Missionary.  Toronto:  Published 
by  the  IVesleyan  Missionary  Society^  at  the  Wesleyan  Book  Room^  King 
Street.    1855.     i8mo,  pp.  (6),  245.  80840 

Sickles  (D.  E[dgar])T  b.  1823.  The  Albany  Bridge  Question. 
Speech  of  the  Hon.  Daniel  E.  Sickles,  of  New  York,  in  the 
New  York  State  Senate,  in  opposition  to  the  Report  of  the 
Senate  Committee,  for  a  Bridge  across  the  Hudson  River,  at 
Albany.  March,  1856.  Troy,  A^.  T.  Troy  Daily  IVhig  Print. 
1856.     8vo,  pp.  38,  and  covers.  80841 

Sickles.  Argument  of  Daniel  E.  Sickles  on  the  Trinity 
Church  Bill,  in  the  Senate,  April,  1857.  Albany.  1857.  ^^^> 
pp.  85.  s.  80842 











i  i 

[Sickles.]  1867.  Fourth  of  July  in  Charleston.  [Speech.] 
[n.  p.   1867.]    8vo,  pp.  3.  H.  80843 

Sickles.  Major-Gencral  D.  E.  Sickles'  Report  to  the  Gen- 
eral-in-Chief of  the  Army,  relating  to  the  Issue  made  by  the 
Civil  Authorities  with  the  Commanding  General  of  the  Second 
Military  District  in  the  Execution  of  the  Acts  of  Congress  for 
the  Government  of  the  Rebel  States.  Charleston,^  S.  C.  1867. 
8vo,  pp.  29.  H.  80844 

Sickles.  New  Phases  of  the  Revolution.  How  to  meet 
them.  A  Speech  ...  in  the  House  of  Representatives  February 
5th,  1 86 1.  By  Mr.  Sickles,  of  New  York,  on  Mr.  Colfax's 
Postal  Service  Suspension  Act.     [n.  p.   1861.]    8vo,  pp.  8.      h. 

Sickles.  Remarks  of  Hon.  D.  E.  Sickles,  of  N.  Y.,  on  the 
Relations  of  the  North  and  the  South,  and  the  Duty  of  the 
North  in  the  present  Crisis.  Delivered  in  the  House  ...  Decem- 
ber 13,  1859.     [n.  p.   1859?]    8vo,  pp.  16.  H.  80846 

Sickles.  The  Republic  is  Imperishable.  Speech  by  Mr. 
Sickles  on  the  State  of  the  Union  ...  House  of  Representatives, 
January  16,  1861.     [n.  p.   1861.]     8vo,  pp.  16.  80847 

Sickles.  The  Revolution  of  i860.  A  Speech  ...  by  Mr. 
Sickles,  of  New  York,  in  the  House  of  Representatives,  January 
1 6th,  1 86 1.  [IVashington  :  McGi/i  ^  fVitherow^  Printers,  n.  d.J 
8vo,  pp.  16.  B.  80848 

Sickles.  Speech  of  Hon.  Daniel  E.  Sickles,  of  New  York, 
on  The  State  of  the  Union,  on  the  Motion  to  excuse  Hon.  Mr. 
Hawkins,  of  Fla.,  from  serving  on  the  Committee  of  One  from 
each  State,  to  which  was  referred  so  much  of  the  President's 
Message  as  relates  to  Secession  of  States  from  the  Union.  Deliv- 
ered in  the  House  of  Representatives,  Dec.  10,  i860.  fVashing- 
ton:  M'Gilll^  Wither ow^  Printers,  i860.  8vo,  pp.  8,  (i),  and 
covers.  b.,  h.  80849 

Also:  Speech  ...  New  York  Senate,  on  the  Bill  to  prevent  Illegal  Voting  in  tiie 
City  of  New-York.  ...  Albany.  1856.  8vo,  pi>.  15.  —  Speech  ...  House  of  Repre- 
sentatives, on  the  Neutrality  Laws  ...  Jan.  6,  1858.  Washington.  1858.  8vo,  pp.  7. 
— '  De  Witt's  Special  Report.  Trial  of  the  Hon.  Daniel  E.  Sickles  for  Shooting  Pliiiip 
Barton  Key,  Esq.,  U.  S.  District  Attorney,  of  Washington,  D.  C.  February  27th,  1859. 
Reported  by  Felix  G.  Fontaine.     New  York.   [1859.]     8vo,  pp.  106.     Woodcuts,     h. 

Sickness  and  Mortality  during  the  First  Year  of  the  War. 
Washington.    1863.     8vo.  c.  80850 



SiDDONs  (J.  H.),  pseudon.     See  [Stocqucler  (Joachim  H.)] 

SiDDONs  (LJ  The  Female  Warrior.  An  Interesting  Narra- 
tive of  the  Sufferings  and  Singular  Adventures  of  Miss  Leonora 
Siddons,  who  joined  the  Texas  Army  under  Gen.  Houston,  and 
fought:  in  the  Battle  of  San  Antonio.  New  fork.  [1847?]  ^^^^ 
pp.  23.     2  Plates.  80851 

Title  from  a  bookseller's  catalogue. 

SiDEN  (^Captain  Thomas),  pseudon.  See  [Vairasse  d'Allais 

The  Siderial  Messenger.  ...   Cincinnati.  1846-7.     2  vols.,  4to. 

Edited  by  Prof.  O.  M.  Mitchell.     Twenty-two  or  more  numbers  were  published. 

Sidney,  pseudon.  Sidney's  Letters  to  William  E.  Channing, 
D.D.  occasioned  by  his  Letter  to  Hon.  Henry  Clay  on  the  Annex- 
ation of  Texas  to  the  United  States.  First  published  in  the 
"Charleston  Courier."  Charleston^  S.  C:  Printed  by  Edward  C. 
Councill.  1837.  8vo,  pp.  84.  4-  Second  Edition.  \^Ihid.']  1837. 
8vo,  pp.  84.  H.  80853 

See  also  Sydney,  pseudon. 

Sidney  (A.),  pseudon.  [/.  e.  Gideon  Granger].  An  Address  to 
the  People  of  New-England.  By  Algernon  Sidney.  Trenton: 
Printed  by  James  J.  JVilson.    1809.     8vo,  pp.  38.  80854 

For  other  editions  see  Vol.  vii.,  No.  28281. 

Sidney  (A.),  pseudon.  [i.  e.  Salma  Hale].  The  Administration 
and  the  Opposition.  Addressed  to  the  Citizens  of  New  Hamp- 
shire. By  Algernon  Sidney.  Concord:  Printed  by  "Jacob  B.  Moore. 
1826.     8vo,  pp.  20.  80855 

Improved  title  of  No.  29659,  Vol.  vii.  The  authorship  has  been  also  attributed  to 
John  guincy  Adams  {see  Vol.  i..  No.  272). 

Sidney  (A.),  pseudon.  [/'.  e.  Gideon  Granger].  A  Vindication 
of  the  Measures  of  the  Present  Administration.  By  Algernon 
Sidney.  ...  Hartford:  Printed  by  Luther  Pratt.  1803.  8vo,  pp. 
32.  80856 

"This  valuable  work,  first  appeared  in  the  National  Intelligencer,  at  the  city  of 
Wasliington — since  which,  it  has  passed  through  three  editions  at  the  same  place,  in 
the  form  of  a  pamphlet." — Prefatory  Note.  For  other  editions  see  [Granger  (G.)], 
Vul.  vn.,  No.  28283.  See  also  Sydney  (Algernon),  pseudon.  [/'.  e.  Benjamin  Watkins 

Sidney  (Edward  William),  pseudon.     See  [Tucker  (Nathaniel 


':   ^ 

!     1 

!;      f 



f  I 

ii  i- 

I ) 



1 1 '. 


811- HOLD. 

Sidney  (H.)  The  Travels  and  Extraordinary  Adventures  of 
Henry  Sidney  in  Brazil  and  the  Interior  Regions  of  South  Amer- 
ica, in  the  years  1809  to  1812.     London.    1815.     i2mo.  c. 

Sidney  (J.  C.)  American  Cottage  and  Villa  Architecture,  a 
series  of  views  and  plans  of  Residences  actually  built  ...  with 
Hints  on  Landscape  Gardening  ...   New  York.   1850.    4to. 

Parts  I.  tu  IV,  or  more  were  issued. 

Sidney  (J.)  An  Oration,  commemorative  of  the  Abolition  of 
the  Slave  Trade  in  the  United  States  ;  delivered  before  the  Wil- 
berforce  Philanthropic  Association,  in  the  City  of  New-York,  on 
the  Second  of  January,  1809.  By  Joseph  Sidney.  New  Tork : 
J.  Seymour^  Printer.    1809.     8vo,  pp.  20.  ba.,  n.  80859 

Sidney  (Robert  Y.)      Address    >..    before    the  Wilberforce 


New  Tork.    1812.     8vo. 


Sidney  (S.)  Female  Emigration  as  it  is  and  as  it  may  be :  a 
Letter  to  the  Right  Hon.  Sidney  Herbert ;  with  an  Appendix. 
By  Samuel  Sidney.     London.    1850.     i2mo,  pp.  46.  80861 

Sidney.  Sidney's  Emigrant's  Journal.  Information,  Advice, 
and  Amusement  for  Emigrants  and  Colonizers.  Edited  by  Sam- 
uel and  John  Sidney.     Vol.  i.     London.   1849.    Folio,  pp.  336. 

Sidney  Daney  ( — ).  Histoire  de  la  Martinique,  depuis  la 
colonisation  jusqu'en  1815  ...  .  Fort  Royal.  1846.  5  vols.,  8vo. 
Portraits.  80863 

"Histoire  de  la  Martinique,  depuis  sa  decouverte  en  1493  jusqu'a  I'annee  i8oz, 
deuxicme  occupation  de  cette  ilc  par  les  Anglais."  Title  and  note  From  Dufosse's  cata- 
logue of  Americana,  No.  20871. 

SiDONs  (C),  pseudon.    See  [Postl  (Karl)],  Vol.  xv..  No.  64557 

Siebert  (John).     See  Vol.  iv..  No.  14894. 

SiEBOLD  (P.  F.  de)  and  Melvill  (P.)  Le  Moniteur  des 
Indes-Orientales  et  Occidentales,  Recueil  de  Memoires  et  de 
Notices  Scientifiques  et  Industriels,  de  Nouvelles  et  de  Faits 
Importants  concernant  les  Possessions  Neerlandaises  d'Asie  et 
d'Amerique,  public  sous  les  auspices  de  S.  A.  R.  Monseigneur  le 
Prince  Henri  des  Pays-Bas,  avec  la  cooperation  de  plusieurs  mem- 
bres  de  la  Societe  des  Arts  et  des  Sciences  de  Batavia,  par  Ph.  Fr. 
de  Siebold  et  P.  Melvill  de  Carnbee.  ...  1846- 1847.  ^^  ^^y^'> 
Belinfante  freres  ...  Batavia,  a  Pimprimerie  de  I'etat.  1847.  Folio, 
pp.  X,  vi,  (2),  342,  128,  errata  (i).     Portrait,  8  Maps  and  Plates. 



+  1 847-1 848.  Lo  Haye^  Belinfinttt'  frWei,  1848.  Folio,  pp. 
viii,  (2),  ii,  392,  115,(1).  Portrait,  7  Maps  and  Plates.  4  1848- 
1849.  \Jhui.'\  1849.  Folio,  pp.  viii,  450,  128.  2  Portraits,  6 
Maps  and  Plates.  i..  80864 

T''J  second  and  third  volumes  were  edited  liy  baron  Melville  alone.     Stt  alio  Vol  1,, 
No.  1580. 

SiEC,  (R.  K.)  The  Comrade.  In  Four  Parts.  Part  i.  JJc- 
iiig  a  Synopsis  of  all  the  I^aws  of  Congress,  Orders  of  the  War 
Department,  ...  affecting  the  Pay,  Hountv,  and  Allowances  of 
Enlisted  Men.  Part  2.  (iives  the  Pay  and  Allowances  of  Com- 
missioned Officers  at  the  beginning  of  the  War,  and  the  changes 
since  made.  Part  3.  Treats  of  Pensions ;  also,  the  Laws  now 
in  force  concerning  Artificial  I^imbs.  Part  4.  Relates  to  Gov- 
ernment Lands,  giving  the  Rights  of  Soldiers  under  existing 
Laws,  and  full  Instructions  how  to  obtain  a  Title  thereto.  By 
R.  K.  Sieg.  Toledo  {0):  Miller^  Locke  l^  Co.  1871.  8vo,  pp. 
168.  c.  80065 

Siege  de  Quebec,  en  1759.  Copic  d'apres  un  manuscrit 
apporte  de  Londres,  par  I'Honorable  D.  H.  Viger,  lors  de  son 
Retour  en  Canada,  en  Septembre  1834. -Mai  1835.  Copie  d'un 
manuscrit  deposp  a  la  Bibliotheque  de  Hartwell  en  Angletcrre. 
^ebec :  Des  Presses  de  Frechette  i^  Cie.    1836.     8vo,  pp.  41.        B. 

For  an  English  account  ut  No.  80871,  /n/Vu.    See  alto  Vol.  xvi.,  Nos.  69256,  69257 

The  Siege  of  Babylon.  [In  verse.]  New  York.  1869.  i6mo, 
pp.  47.  80867 

By  J.  M.  Leavitt. 

The  Siege  of  Charleston.     See  Vol.  viii..  No.  33152. 
Siege  of  Chepachet.     [Providence.    1842.]     8vo,  pp.  8. 

In  verse.  "  This  book  is  dedicated  to  the  three-tail  Bashaw  of  Tripoli,  and  all  the 
Barbary  powers.      By  Roger  Dogherty,  alias  Peter  Madicanscutter." 

The  Siege  of  Mexico,  a  Melo-Drama.  Milwaukee.  1850. 
i8mo,  pp.  46.  80869 

The  Siege  of  Quebec.  [A  Poem.]  London:  Fletcher.  1768? 
4to.  80870 

See  "Monthly  Review,"  xlii.  76. 

The  Siege  of  Quebec,  and  Conquest  of  Canada:  in  1759. 
By  a  Nun  of  the  General  Hospital  of  Quebec.  To  which  is 
appended  an  Account  of  the  laying  the  First  Stone  of  the  Menu- 


i  1 

I  11' 



ment  to  Wolfe  and  Montcalm.     Quebec :   Printed  at  the  ^uebtc 
Mercury  Office,  [n.  d.  |     8vo,  cover-title  and  pp.  28.     2  Plates. 

With  the  t'liilowing  captiun  urt  pjgc  i;  '*  Sie||;e  \ii  OmcSacz^  in  1759-  Trjniljted 
from  tlie  French.  Narrative  of  the  itoinu^  during  the  Siege  of'  Quebec,  anil  the  cun- 
quest  of  Canada  {  by  a  Nun  of  the  General  Hospital  of  Quebec,  transmitted  to  a  relig- 
ious Community  of  the  name  order,  in  Frame."  For  accounts  in  French  ui  Vol.  xvi., 
Noi.  69256,  69257,  and  No.  80866,  lupra.  Hie  a/10  Vol.  xvi.,  Not.  67008,  67010, 
67021,  67022,  67024. 

Siege  of  (Quebec  on  31st  December,  1775.  The  Centenary 
Fete  of  the  Literary  and  Historical  Society,  held  ...  29th  Decem- 
ber, 1875.  j^ebec :  Printed  at  the  *■*■  Morning  Chronicle"  Office. 
1876.  8vo,  pp.  (2),  104.  II  Views  in  the  text,  and  i  folded 
Plate.  H.  80872 

The  Siege  of  Savannah,  by  the  Combined  American  and 
French  Forces,  under  the  Command  of  Gen.  Lincoln,  and  the 
Count  D'Estaing,  in  the  Autumn  of  1779.  Albany:  J.  Mursell. 
1866.    4to,  pp.  187.     Portrait.  b.  80873 

Edited  by  Franklin  B.  Hough.  One  hundred  copies  printed.  Corrected  title  of  No, 
33'53t  Vol.  VIII. 

The  Siege  of  Savannah,  in  1779,  as  described  in  two  contem- 
poraneous Journals  of  French  Officers  in  the  Fleet  of  Count 
D'Estaing.  Albany^  N.  Y.:  'Joel  Mumell,  1874.  Large  4to,  pp. 
70,  Index  71-77.      Map.  l.  80874 

Edited  by  Charles  C.  Jones,  Jr.  Improved  title  of  No.  36481,  Vol.  ix.  The  anony- 
mous manuscript  from  which  the  first  journal  is  printed  was  in  the  possession  of  the 
late  Mr.  J.  Carson  Brevoort,  of  Brooklyn.  The  other  account  is  extracted  from  the 
anonymous  journal  printed  in  1782  {tee  Vol.  vi.,  No.  23033).  The  large  folded  plan 
of  the  siege  was  photo-lithographed  from  the  original  formerly  in  the  possession  of  Lord 
Rawdon,  afterwards  in  Mr.  Brevoort's  collection.  Some  copies  of  the  book  were  first 
issued  without  an  index. 

The  Siege  of  Savannah  in  December,  1864,  and  the  Confed- 
erate Operations  in  Georgia  and  the  Third  Military  District  of 
South  Carolina  during  General  Sherman's  March  from  Atlanta  to 
the  Sea.  By  Charles  C.  Jones,  Jr.  ...  Printed  for  the  Author. 
Albany .^  N.  Y.:  Joel  Munsell.    1 8 74.     410,  pp.  x,  184.     BA.  80875 

The  Siege  of  the  Penobscot.  See  C[alef]  (J[ohn]),  Vol.  iii., 
No.  9925, 

SiEGEL  (A.  L.)  Buenos-Ayres  und  die  dortige  evangelische 
Gemeinde.  Ein  Vortrag  ...  .  Berlin:  W.  Schultxe.  1855.  8vo, 
pp.  18.  808-6 

SiEGEL  (C.  W.  E.)    A  Hundred  Years  Ago,  and  other  Poems. 



By  C.  W.  E.  Siegcl. 
1876.     i2mo,  pp.  223. 

Lancaster :   Daily  and  ll^eekly  Examiner. 


SiEOVOLCK  (G.  P.)  Das  vonljcsu  C'hristo|Dem  Richtcr  dcr 
Lcbendigen  uiul  der  Todten,  |  Allcr  Cieatur  /u  prcdigcn  bcfoh- 
lcne|  Kwige  Evangclium,|  Von  dcr  diirch  Jhn  crt'undcncn  |  Ewigcn 
Erlosung,  |Wodiirch  alien,  was  da  hcissct  Tcufcl,  Siinde,  |  Hullc 
und  Tod  endlich  gantz  und  gar  vcrnichtiget,  und  |  also  alle 
Cjcschopfe,  die  von  Gott  sehr  gut  crschaften  wor-|den,  nach 
gnugsam  geotfenbahrter  Gottlichcn  Stiaff"-|Gercchtigkcit,  wic- 
derum  in  ihrc  uranfangliche  Rei-|  niglccit  und  Scligkeit  gebracht 
werden  sollen  ;|  Allen  Mcnschcn  untcr  alien  Nationen,  und  Rcli- 
gi-|ons-Partht'ycn,  welche  dcsscn  Schall  horcn,  insonderheitlabcr 
denen,  welche  es  zu  Hertzen  nehmen,  und  sich  zu  ci-|ncr  neili- 
gen  Gegcn-Liebe  gegen  den  so  liebreichcn |  Gott'erwecken  lasscn 
wollen.  I  Anjetzo  |  Vor  denen  nachst-instehenden,  ja  bey  dcnen 
bcreits  angegan- 1  genen  erschrecklichcn  Gerichten  iibcr  diesc 
gegenwartige  |  Wider-Christische  Welt,  |  Entwcder  zu  ihrer 
Bekehrung  und  Starckung  in  dem  CJuten,  joder  Zufalls-VVeise  zu 
ihrer  Verstockung'  und  ReifFmachung  zum  |  Cjcrichte  ;  aus  erbar- 
mender  Liebe  verkiindiget ;  an  un'/.eh-|lich  vielen  Orten  durch 
diesen  Druck  verbessert  und  |  nebst  Hinzufiigung  eines  |  Neucn 
Capitels  iiber  Hebr.  11.  v.  16.  |  vom  |  Samen  Abrahii  |  handlcnd, 
veiinehret,  I  von|Georg  Paul  Siegv()lck,|einem  einfaltigen  Schiller 
der  Himmlischen  Weisheit.  ]  Germatitown :  \  Gedruckt  und  zu  finden 
bey  Christoph  Saur,  1768.  |  i6mo,  pp.  (9),  1-175.  L.  -\- Ger- 
mantown :  |  Gedruckt  und  zu  finden  bey  Christoph  Saur^  1769.  | 
i6tno,  pp.  (9),  1-175.  HSP.  80878 

SiEGVOLCK.  The  I  Everlasting  |  Gospel,  |  Commanded  to  be 
preached  by  jjesus  Christ,  |Judge  of  the  Living  and  Dead,  |  unto  | 
All  Creatures,  Mark  xvi.  15.  |  Concerning  |  the  Eternal  Redemp- 
tion I  found  out  by  Him,  |  Whereby  Devil,  Sin,  Hell  and  Death, 
shall  at  I  last  be  abolished,  and  the  whole  Creation  |  restored  to  its 

primitive  Purity; 
christian  World. 

bciiigl  A  Testimony  against  the  present  Anti-j 
Written  in  German  by  Paul  Siegvolck,  |  and 
translated  into  English  by  John  S[echla].  |  Germantown^  |  Printed 
by  Christopher  &tf ^r,  |  M  Dcc  Llii.  |     i6mo,  pp.  viii,  152.  L. 

At  the  end  of  the  Lenox  copy,  which  is  in  the  original  binding,  is  the  following 
trjct : 

The  Fatal  I  Consequences  I  of  the  |  Unscriptural  Doctrine  |  of  |  Predestination  |  and|Rep- 
robation;|With|A  Caution  against  it. [Written  in  High-Dutch  by  M.  K.  and  translated! 
an  [«V]  Desire.  |  Germanioivn,  \  Printed  and  Sold  by  Chriuopber  Sowr,  1753.!  l6mo,  pp. 
14  (sig.  A  in  seven). 

)'     it, 
t  ,     ! 

VOL.    XIX. 






Other  editioni  of  "The  F.verl.iiting  GonprI"  ai  rullnwit  t 

Vhilailtlfhia  frinltd  IT^^.      London,  rtprinttd  l'j<)X,     8vo. 

Sloninglon,  Cinn.    I  Ho  I.     llmo.      w. 

Fbiladtlphia  t   Gibon,  Fainbi/d  Of  Co.    1X44.     8vo,  pp.  43.     h. 

Sierra  (Jos.  de).  Mcrcurio  Rcligioso.  Solcmncs  Kxcquias 
del  F.  Antonio  Bicmoiul,  Oracion  Kuncbrc  que  dixo  cl  Fr.  Jos. 
dc  Sierra,  con  Sermon  Funebre,  por  A.  C  de  Montenegro.  //«- 
prenta  (it  la  Bihitotheca  Mexicana.    1756.    4to.  80880 

Brristain  gives  the  t'ull  name  ut'  thin  author,  D.  Joie  Sierra,  Diai  de  la  Ri)sa,  and  tlie 
following  ritle  : 

Lugubri)  virtutum  planctus  in  Tumulu:  Oratio  funehris  trittissimo  in  funcre  Exnii.  ac 
Revrreniliaiiimi  Patrit  Magistri  F.  Antonii  Bri-itionil,  totiui  PrKdiiaturuni  OrHinis  Ma- 
giitri  Oeneralii  ...   Mtxici,   1756.    4t<). 

Sierra  (Justo).  Imprcssiones  dc  un  Viajc  a  los  Estados-Uni- 
dos  de  America  y  al  Canada  ...  Campeche.   1850.    4  vols.,  i2mo. 

Sierra.  Lecciones  de  dcrecho  maritimo  internacional,  arreg- 
ladas  de  orden  del  Excmo.  Sr.  Ministro  de  Fomento,  para  la 
Escucia  nacional  de  Comercio,  por  el  Dr.  Justo  Sierra.  Mrxico. 
1854.    Large  8vo,  pp.  156.  80882 

S[ierra]  and  R.  (F.  G.  M.)  Pcquefio  catecismo  dc  gcografia 
arreglado  para  el  use  de  los  nifios  por  J.  S.  C.  y  F.  G.  M.  R. 
quienes  le  dedican  a  la  juventud  estudiosa  de  ambos  scxos.  Me- 
rida  de  Tucatan^  Reimpreso  por  Manuel  Mimenza.  185 1 .  8v<),  pp. 
150.  80883 

"  Le  nom  de  I'u)  ea  deux  auteurs,  Justo  Sierra,  le  seul  que  j'aie  pu  reconn.-ittre  aui 
initiales,  est  connu  comme  cclui  d'un  litterateur  distingue  dans  son  pays,  amateur  dv  tun 
histoire  et  de  ses  antiquites,  mais  plus  fanatique,  dans  son  faux  librralismc,  que  nc 
I'etaient  les  fianciscains  auxquels  il  reproche  dans  ses  ecrits  ce  qu'il  appellc  leur  fan.itisme 
religieux.    Sierra  6tait  I'editeur  de  la  seconde  Edition  de  I'ouvragu  de  Cogolludo." — Bkas- 


Sierra.  Proyecto  de  un  cddigo  civil  Mexicano  formado  del 
orden  del  superior  gobierno.  Edicion  oficial.  Mexico.  1861. 
8vo.  80884 

Sierra  Leone  Company.  Substance  of  the  Report  deliv- 
ered by  the  Court  of  Directors  of  the  Sierra  Leone  Company,  to 
the  General  Court  of  Proprietors,  on  the  27th  of  March,  1794. 
London.  1794.  i2mo.  Map.  -\- Philadelphia :  Printed  by  Thotnas 
Dobson.   1795.     i2mo,  pp.  168.  ba.,  w.  80885 

Substance  |  of  the  |  Report  |  of  the  [Court  of  Directors  |of  thc| 
Sierra  Leone  Company,  |  delivered  to  the  [General  Court  of  Pro- 
prietors, |  on  Thursday  the  26th  of  February,  1795.  |  Published  by 



order  of  the  Directors.  |  Philadttphia :  \  Printtd  hy  Thonins  Dobion.  \ 
1795.     i2mo,  pp.  24.  RA.  80886 

Report  from  the  Committee  ...  on  the  Petition  of  the  Sierra 
Leone  Company  ...  London.    1802.     4to.  c.  80887 

The  Sierra  Magazine.  Vol.  2.  No.  i.  July,  1869.  Boston: 
C.  E.  Keith  and  Company.    1869.     8vo.     Continued.  80888 

Sierra  y  Rosso  Hgnacio).  Arcnga  civica  el  11  de  Sept.  1854. 
...  Mexico.    1854.     8vo.  80889 

Sierra  y  Rosso.  Discurso,  pronunciado  en  Mexico  el  16  de 
Sctiembre  de  1838   ...   Mexico.    1838.    8vo.  bm.  80890 

Sierra  y  Rosso.  Discurso  que  por  encargo  dc  la  junta  patri- 
otica  pronuncid  ...  Ignacio  Sierra  y  Rosso,  en  la  colocacion  del 
pie  que  perdid  en  Veracruz  ...  A.  Lopez  de  Santa  Anna,  en  la 
gloriosa  Jornada  del  5  de  Deciembre  dc  1838.  Mexico.  1842. 
8vo.  BM.  80891 

Sierra  y  Rosso.  Discurso  que  pronuncid  en  la  colocacion 
en  Santa  Paula  ...  Mexico.   1842.     8vo.  80892 

Sierra  y  Rosso.  Exposicion  documentada  qte  dirieid  el 
ministro  de  Hacienda   ...   Mexico.    1852.     8vo.  00893 

Sierra  y  Rosso.  Poema  pronunciado  en  la  instalacion  de  la 
academia  de  jurisprudencia  el  8  de  Febrero  de  1835  ...  Mexico. 
1835.    8vo.  BM.  80894 

Sierra  y  Rosso.  Represcntacion  dirigida  al  Congreso  nacional 
por  ...  Ignacio  Sierra  y  Rosso,  como  apoderado  del  ...  presidente 
de  la  Republica  ...  Mexico,   1837.    8vo.  bm.  80895 

SiFFERATH  (N.  L.)  A  Short  Compendium  of  the  Catechism 
for  the  Indians,  with  the  approbation  of  the  Rt.  Rev.  Frederic 
Baraga,  Bishop  of  Saut  Saint  Marie,  1864.  Rev.  N.  L.  SifFe- 
rath,  Missionary  of  the  Ottawa  and  Otchipwe  Indians.  Buffalo^ 
N.  T.   C.  IVieckman^  {Aurora  Printing  House.)   1869.      l2mo,  pp. 

62,  2.  80896 

In  the  Ottawa  Indian  language. 

SiGALA  (Geronimo  Morales).  Discurso  Theojuridico  ...  Mex- 
ico.  1744.    4to.  80897 

SiGALA.  Sermon  de  ramos  que  para  el  dia  veinte  de  aiio  de 
1755  en  la  solemnizacion  de  iglesia  cathedral  de  Antequera  ... 
Mexico.   1755.    4to,  12  leaves.  80898 







y  i 

SiGAUD  (J.  F.  X.)  Du  climat  et  des  maladies  de  Brcsil,  ou 
statistique  medicale  de  cet  empire.  Par  J.-F.-X.  Sigaiid,  mcdccin 
de  rempei:ur  don  Pedro  ii.     Paris.    1844.     Svo,  pp.  591. 

Der  Sigenische  Katechismus  oder  ein  Aiiszug  aus  dem  Heidel- 
berger  Catechismus.     Gennantown  :  Christoph  Saur.    1748. 

Advertised  in  Sower's  Newspaper,  Aug.  i,  1748.     Title  and  note  from  Hildeburn. 

SiGFRiD  (I.)  and  Wyttenbach  (D.)  Theological  Theses,  | 
Containing  I  the  chief  Heads  of  the  j  Christian  Doctrine,  |  Deduced 
from  Axioms  ;  |  Composed  and  publickly  defended  in  Presence 
and  under  I  the  Direction  of  the  very  reverend  and  most  judicious 
IJohn  Henry  Ringier,  v.d.m.  |  And  Professor  of  controversial 
Divinity  in  the  Academy  [At  Bern.  |  By  |  Isaac  Sigfrid,  of  Zoffin- 
gen  in  Bern,  |  and  |  Daniel  Wyttenbach,  of  Bern,  |  In  Order  to 
obtain  the  Honour  of  the  S.  Ministry.  |  1747.  |  (Translated  from 
Latin.)  |  To  which  is  added  a  Discourse  by  |  Gerrit  Lydckker. 
A.B.  I  New-Tori.  \  Printed  and  Sold  by  Samuel  Brown  at  the  Foot  of\ 
Pothaker's  Hill.,  between  the  New  Dutch  Church  and  \  Fly-Market. 
1766. 1  [Title  of  second  part :]  A  |  Discourse  |  on  |  The  (iieat- 
ness,  I  and  |  Praise  |  of  the  |  Lord,  |  Composed  and  delivered,  |  Hy 
Gerrit  Lydekker,  a.b.  |  New-York.,  \  Pritited  by  Samuel  Brown.,  at 
the  Foot  of\Potbaker^s-Hill.,  between  the  New-Dutch  \  Church.,  and 
Fly-Market.  1766.  |  l6mo,  pp.  (12),  1-55;  (2),  1-78,  78-113, 
Advertisement  (Hymns)  pp.  1-4.  ba.,  l.  80901 

Sights  and  Notes :  By  a  Looker  On  in  Vienna.  Dedicated  to 
the  Union  Army  !  Seventh  (of  November)  Edition.  Copy, 
Righted  and  Corrected.  [In  verse.]  fVashington.  1864.  8vo, 
pp.  (16).  B.  80902 

Sights  and  Wonders  in  New  York  ;  including  a  Description  of 
the  Mysteries,  Miracles,  Marvels,  Phenomena,  Curiosities,  and 
Nondescripts,  contained  in  that  Great  Congress  of  Wonders, 
Barnum's  Museum  ;  also,  a  Memoir  of  Barnum  himself,  with  a 
Description  and  Engraving  of  his  Oriental  Villi,  at  Bridgeport, 
Conn.,  a  Likeness  and  History  of  General  Tjm  Thumb,  his 
reception  by  Queen  Victoria,  and  the  principal  crowned  heads  of 
Europe,  etc.,  etc.  ...  New  York:  "J.  S.  Redjield.  1849.  i2mo, 
pp.  22,  and  covers.  80903 

El  Siglo.      San  Salvador.    1 851.     Folio.     Continued.      80904 
El  Siglo  Diez  y  Nueve.     Mexico.    1 84 1-1863.     34  vols.,  folio. 

Publ.cation   was  suspended  from  16  Jan.  to  I  Mar.  1843;  on   5  and  6  Dec.  1844; 
from  I  Jan.  1846  to  30  May,  1848;   from  13-30  Sep.  1856  j  and  from  I  Aug.  1858 




csil,  ou 



rhcscs,  1 
•  Zoffin- 
Drder  to 
ted  from 
(?  Foot  of\ 
tie  Gi  cat- 
ered, 1  Hy 
Brown^  at 
)tirch^  and 

L.  80901 

dicated  to 

.      Copy, 

4.     8vo, 

B.  80902 

liption  of 
ities,  and 
If,  with  a 
umb,  his 
heads  of 
.     i2mo, 


|ols.,  folio- 
Dec.  1844; 

I  Aug.  1858 

to  14  Jan.  1 861.     Title  and  description  from  the  British  Museum  Catalogue  of  Printed 

Sigma,  pseudon.  See  [Sargent  (L.  M.)],  Vol.  xviii.,  pp.  516- 

Catalogue  of  the  Sigma  Phi.  m  dccc  xl  vi.  [R.  fF.  Roberts, 
Printer,  58  Genesee  Street,  Utica.  1846.]  8vo,  pp.  (34),  and  cov- 
ers. Frontispiece,  h.  -\-  m  uccc  l.  \_Roherts  Is  Sherman,  Printers. 
38  ^  40  Genesee  street,  Utica.  1850.J  8vo,  pp.  (39),  and  covers. 
Frontispiece.  L.  -f  F.  P.  V.  m  uccc  lvi.  [Boston: — Printed 
liy  T.  R.  Marvin  and  Son.  1856.]  8vo,  pp.  72,  and  covers. 
Frontispiece.  L.  80906 

Address  [by  Thomas  T.  Davis]  and  Poem  [by  F.  W.  IB.  Can- 
ning] delivered  before  the  Associate  Chapters  of  the  Sigma  Phi 
SociKTY  at  their  General  Convention  held  in  Williamstown, 
Mass.,  Aug.  16,  1853.     IVilliatnstoivn.    1854.     8vo,  pp.  37.     M. 

Address  and  Poem  delivered  before  the  Chapters  of  the  Sigma 
Phi  Fraternity,  at  the  General  Convention,  held  at  Geneva, 
N.  Y.,  July  17,  1855.  Geneva :  Published  by  the  Delta  of  New 
York.   1855.     8vo,  pp.  46,  and  covers.  80908 

Contains:  Youtli :  its  We.ipons ;  its  Armor.  An  Address,  by  A.  Oakey  Hall,  of 
the  Gamma  of  New  York,  pp.  3-23;  Poem,  by  the  Rev.  Guidon  Huntington,  a.m., 
of  the  Beta  of  New  York,  pp.  25-46. 

Signal  Fires  on  the  Trail  of  the  Pathfinder.  New  York :  Day- 
ton and  Burdick.    1856.     i8mo,  pp.  viii,  162.  80909 

Signatus.     See  [Mather  (C)],  Vol.  xi..  No.  465 ii. 

Signs  of  Apostacy  Lamented.  [Boston?  1693?]  Sm.  8vo, 
pp.  4.  80910 

In  verse;  followed  by  "A  Caution  to  prevent  Scandal."  It  is  signed  on  page  4: 
"Benjamin  Bosworth  of  New-England.  In  the  8ist  Year  of  My  Age,  1693."  Mr. 
Brinley's  copy  (No.  730)  sold  for  .'?I7,  and  is  now  in  the  Harris  Collection  of  American 
Puctry  in  the  Library  of  Brown  UnivcMsity  at  Providence,  R.  I.  A  copy  is  also  men- 
tioned in  the  new  "Catalogue  of  Printed  Books"  in  the  British  Museum,  with  the 
press-mark  1 1623.  a.  60. 

"The  author  was  a  planter  of  Hingham,  Mass.,  as  early  as  1635.  His  son,  of  the 
same  name,  married  a  daughter  of  Secretary  Nathaniel  Morton,  author  of  the  Memorial. 
The  special  signs  of  apostasy  by  which  the  poet's  spirit  was  darkened  were  periwigs  and 
tup-knots : — 

•When  Perriwigs  in  Thrones  and  Pulpits  get, 
And  hairy  Tcp-knots  in  high  Seats  are  set; 
Then  may  we  Pray,  have  Mercy  Lord  on  us. 
That  in  New- England  it  siiould  now  be  thus  ! '  " 

J.     H.    TRUMnULL. 

Signs  Kii  the  Times.   1832.     See  [Carey  (M.)],  Vol.  in.,  p.  341. 

V   ' 

J  ) 


1   iil 




I  f 




The  Signs  of  the  Times  consider'd  :  Or,  The  high  Probability, 
that  the  present  Appearances  in  New-England,  and  the  West  of 
Scotland,  are  a  Prelude  of  the  Glorious  Things  promised  to  the 
Church  in  the  latter  Ages.  Edinburgh,  T.  Lumisden  and  J.  Rob- 
ertson;    8vo,  pp.  (6),  5-34.  B.  8091 1 

By  John  Erskine,  d.d. 

SiGOURNEY  (H.  H.  W.)  Genealogy  of  the  Sigourney  Family. 
By  Henry  H.  W.  Sigourney.  Boston  and  Cambridge:  'James  Mun- 
roe  &  Co.  MDCCCLVii.     8vo,  pp.  31.  B.,  s.  80912 

Sigourney  (L[ydia]  H[untleyj), /».  1791,^.  1865.  The  Boy's 
Reading-Book  ;  in  Prose  and  Poetry,  for  Schools.  By  Mrs.  L. 
H.  Sigourney.  New-Tork :  "J.  Orville  Taylor.  1839.  i2mo,  pp. 
307.     H.    -f  New  York.    1840.     i2mo.  bm.  809 13 

Sigourney.  The  Child's  Book :  consisting  of  original  Arti- 
cles, in  Prose  and  Poetry.  By  Mrs.  L.  H.  Sigourney.  A^^w- 
Tork :  Turner  is' Hayden.    1844.     1 2mo,  (70)  leaves.    Illustrated. 

Sigourney.  The  Daily  Counsellor.  By  Mrs.  L.  H.  Sigour- 
ney. Second  Edition.  Hartford:  Brown  (^  Gross.  1859.  8vo, 
pp.  402.  c.  80915 

Short  poems  for  every  day  in  the  year,  prefaced  by  a  text  of  scripture.      First  edition, 
1858,  according  to  Allibone. 

Sigourney.  Examples  from  the  Eighteenth  and  Nineteenth 
Centuries.     By  Mrs.  L.  H.  Sigourney.    First  Series.     New  York: 

Charles  Scribner.   1857.     j6mo,  pp.  349. 

c.  80916 

Sigourney.     Examples  of  Life  and  Death.     By  Mrs.  L.  H. 
Sigourney.    ...   New-Tork:   Charles  Scribner.    1851.      i2mo,  pp. 

348.    H.    +\^Ibid.']    1852.     i2mo,  pp.  348.    B.    -I 

New  edition,  1857,  according  to  Allibone. 

Sigourney.     The  Faded  Hope.  ...  New  York: 
&  Brothers.   1853.     i6mo. 

This  is  a  biography  of  A.  M.  Sigourney,  a  son  of  the  author ;  with  selections  from 
his  writings.  According  to  Allibone,  the  book  was  republished  in  London,  Dec.  1852, 
l2mo,  and  in  Scotland,  1852. 

[Ibid.]    1854. 

Robert  Carter 

[Sigourney.]     The  Farmer  and  Soldier.     A  Tale.  ...  Hart- 
ford: J.  Hubbard  Wells,  Printer.  1 833.     i8mo,  pp.  8.    B.  80919 

Signed  :  "  L.  H.  S." 

First  edition, 



SiGOURNEY.  The  Girl's  Reading-Book  ;  in  Prose  and  Poetry. 
For  Schools.  By  Mrs.  L.  H.  Sigourncy.  Ninth  Edition.  New- 
Tor  k :  J.  Orville  Taylor.    1839.     l2mo,  pp.  274.  H.  80920 

According  to  Allibone  there  were  between  twenty  and  thirty  editions,  the  first  in 
1838,  the  last  in  1859. 

SiGOURNEY.     Gleanings.    By  Mrs.  L.  H.  Sigourney.  ...  Hart- 

ford: Brown  and  Gross,    i860.     l2mo,  pp.  264. 

H.  80921 

[SiGOURNEY.]  How  to  be  happy.  Written  for  the  Children 
of  some  dear  friends.  By  a  Lady.  Hartford:  D.  F.  Robinson 
iff  Co.   1833.    Sm.  8vo,  pp.  126.  ba.  80922 

SiGOURNEY.  Illustrated  Poems.  By  Mrs.  L.  H.  Sigourney. 
With  Designs  by  Felix  O.  C.  Darky,  engraved  by  American 
Artists.  Philadelphia:  Carey  and  Hart.  1849.-  ^^"^  engraved 
title-page,  pp.  408.  14  Plates,  ba.  -f  New  Edition.  Philadel- 
phia:  J.  Hart.    1853.     ^^^1  PP- 408.     9  Plates.  c.  80923 

Allibone  mentions  an  edition  of  1861. 

SiGOURNEY.  Lays  of  the  Heart,  and  other  Poems.  ...  London. 
1848.     i8mo.    -(-  L.iidon.    1853.     32mo.  80924 

SiGOURNEY.  Letters  of  Life.  By  Mrs.  L.  H.  Sigourney. 
New  Tork  :  D.  Jppleton  and  Company.  1866.  i2mo,  pp.  (2),  414. 
Portrait.  ba.  80925 

SiGOURNEY.  Letters  to  Mothers.  By  Mrs.  L.  H.  Sigourney. 
Hartford.  1 838.  l2mo.  -|-  Second  Edition.  New  York :  Har- 
per iff  Brothers.  1839.  i2mo,  pp.  297.  H.  +  Sixth  Edition. 
New  Tork.    1845.     l2mo.  80926 

According  to  Allibone  there  were  several  London  editions. 

SiGOURNEY.     Letters  to  my  Pupils :  with  Narrative  and  Bio- 

NewTork:  R. 

Plate,     c.      -f 

bm.  80927 

graphical  Sketches.  By  Mrs.  L.  H.  Sigourney. 
Carter  iff  T'other s.  1851.  l2mo,  pp.  (2),  341. 
Second  Edi   on.      New  Tork.    1851.     i2mo. 

[SiGOURNt  r.]  Letters  to  Young  Ladies.  By  a  Lady.  Hart- 
ford: Printed  by  P.  Canfield,    1833.     l8mo,  pp.  152.        B.  80928 

SiGOURNEY.  Letters  to  Young  Ladies.  By  Mrs.  L.  H. 
Sigourney.  ...  Second  Edition.  Hartford:  IVilliatn  IVaison.  1835. 
i8mo,  pp.  212.  b.  -[-Third  Edition.  New- Tor  k  :  Harper  i^ 
Brothers.    1 837.     l2mo,  pp.  259.    -f-  Fourteenth  Edition.    [/^/W.] 



[;  M 




'i  '  '! 


■  r' 



1  . 

1846.     i2mo,  pp.  295.    R.     +  Sixteenth  Edition.     [Ibid.]   1852. 
i2mo,  pp.  295.  B.  80929 

Allibunu  mentions:  20th  ed  ,  1853,  and  adds  that  there  were  at  least  five  Londun 

SiGOURNEY.  Lucy  Howard's  Journal.  By  Mrs.  L.  H.  Sigour- 
ney.  ...  New  Tork :  Harper  i^  Brothers.    1 858.     l2mo,  pp.  343. 

SiGOURNEY.  The  Man  of  Uz,  and  other  Poems.  By  Mrs. 
L.  H.  Sigourney.  Hartford:  lVilliams.,lVileyl^  IVaterman.  1862. 
i2mo,  pp.  276.  H.  80931 

SiGOURNEY.  Memoir  of  Mrs.  Harriet  Newell  Cook.  By 
Mrs.  L.  H.  Sigourney.  New  Tork :  R.  Carter  &  Brothers.  1853. 
i6mo,  pp.  252.  c.  80932 

[SiGOURNEY.]  Moral  Pieces  in  Prose  and  Verse.  By  Lydia 
Huntley.  Hartford :  Sheldon  iff  Goodwin^  Printers.  18 15.  i2mo, 
pp.  xii,  267,  errata  (i),  subscribers  (2).  h.,  s.  80933 

This  is  Miss  Huntley's  first  published  work. 

SiGOURNEY.  Myrtis ;  with  other  Etchings  and  Sketchings. 
By  Mrs.  L.  H.  Sigourney.  New-Tori:  Harper  y  Brothers.  1846. 
i2mo,  pp.  vii,  292.     Plate.  c.  80934 

SiGOURNEY.  Olive  Buds.  [Narrative  Stories.]  By  Mrs.  L. 
H.  Sigourney.  Hartford:  William  IV atson.  1836.  Sq.  i2mo,  pp. 
136.  80935 

1  Aliibone  mentions  an  edition  of  1852. 

SiGOURNEY.  Olive  Leaves.  By  Mrs.  L.  H.  Sigourney. 
Illustrated.  New  Tori:  Robert  Carter  &  Brothers.  1852.  i6mo, 
pp.  308.     7  Plates.     B.,  c.    +  London.   1853.     i2mo.        80936 

SiGOURNEY.  Past  Meridian.  By  Mrs.  L.  H.  Sigourney.  ... 
New-Tork.  1854.  i2mo.  +  Second  Edition.  Hartford^  Conn. : 
F.J.  Brown.  1856.  i2mo,  pp.  344.  ba.  -\-  Third  Edition. 
[^Ibid.'\   1857.     i2mo,  pp.  344.  H.  80937 

Aliibone  mentions  other  editions:  London,  1855  and  1858,  i2mo.    +  Fourth  Amer- 
ican edition,  1858. 

SiGOURNEY.  The  Pictorial  Reader,  consisting  of  Original 
Articles  for  the  Instruction  of  Young  Children.  By  Mrs.  L.  H. 
Sigourney.  New-Tork:  Turner  y  Hayden.  1844.  i6mo,  pp. 
141.  c.  80938 




SiGOURNEY.  Pleasant  Memories  of  Pleasant  Lands.  By  Mrs. 
L.  H.  Sigourncy.  ...  Boston:  James  Munroe  and  Company,  mdccc- 
XLii.     i2mo,  engraved  title,  pp.  viii,  368.     Plate,      b.,  c.  80939 

SiGOURNEY.  Pleasant  Memories  of  Pleasant  Lands.  By  Mrs. 
L.  H.  Sigourney.     London.   1843.     ^°^^  ^^"'     ^  Plates.     80940 

According  tu  AUibonc  there  were  at  least  four  London  editions — three  in  1843,  one 
in  1849 — published  by  as  many  houses. 

SiGOURNEY.  Pleasant  Memories  of  Pleasant  Lands.  By  Mrs. 
L.  H.  Sigourney.  ...  Second  Edition.  Boston.  1844.  i2rno.  -f" 
Third  Edition.  Boston  and  Cambridge :  "James  Munroe  and  Com- 
pany. M  Dccc  LVi.     i2mo,  engraved  title,  pp.  xvi,  395.     Plate. 

SiGOURNEY.  Pocahontas,  and  other  Poems.  By  Mrs.  L. 
H.  Sigourney.  New  York:  Harper  &  Brothers.  '  iS^l.  l2mo, 
engraved  title,  pp.  (2),  ix-281,  (2).  Plate,  +  London:  Tyas  & 
Co.   1 84 1.     i6mo,  pp.  308.    -f  ^^"^  Tork.   1844.     i2mo. 

[SiGOURNEY.]  Poems;  by  the  Author  of  "Moral  Pieces  in 
Prose  and  Verse."  Boston :  S.  G.  Goodrich,  mdcccxxvii.  i  2mo, 
pp.  228.  B.,  c.  80943 

SiGOURNEY.  Poems ;  By  Mrs.  L.  H.  Sigourney.  Philadel- 
phia: Key&  Biddle.    1834.     i2mo,  pp.  288.  H.  80944 

SiGOURNEY.  Poems.  By  Mrs.  L.  H.  Sigourney.  Second 
Edition.      Philadelphia  :  Key  ^  Biddle^    1836.     l2mo,  pp.  304. 

Other  editions:  New  Tori.  1841.  i8mo,  pp.  256.  ■\- Philadelphia.  1846.  24010, 
pp.  255.  +  Neiv  Tork.  1853.  l6mo,  pp.  254.  ■\- London.  1854.  l8mo.  +  London. 
i860.    24mo.     See  also  "Select  Poems,"  infra. 

SiGOURNEY.     Poems  for  Children.  ...  Hartford.  1836.    32mo. 

SiGOURNEY.  Poems  for  the  Sea.  By  Mrs.  L.  H.  Sigourney. 
Hartford:  H.  S.  Parsons  &  Co.    1850.     i2mo,  pp.  152.    c.  80947 

SiGOURNEY.  Poems,  Religious  and  Elegiac.  By  Mrs.  L.  H. 
Sigourney.     London:  Tyas  id' Co.    1841.     .T6mo,  pp.  352.     80948 

SiGOURNEY.  The  Poetical  Works  of  Mrs.  L.  H.  Sigourney. 
...  London:  Thomas  Nelson,  mucccl.  i6mo,  pp.  274.  B.  -f 
london.   1863.     i8mo,  pp.  x,  236.  80949 

Edited  by  T.  W.  N.  Bayley. 

SiGOURNEY.  Poetry  for  Seamen.  By  Mrs.  L.  H.  Sigourncy. 
Boston.   1845.     i6mo,  pp.  63.  80950 

1  I 


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if  1 



SiGouRNEY.  Scenes  in  my  Native  Land.  By  Mrs.  L.  H. 
Sigourney.  ...  Boston:  yames  Muttroe  and  Company,  mdcccxlv. 
i2mo,  engraved  title,  pp.  iv,  319.  Plate,  c,  H.  -f-  London:  H. 
G.  Clarke  y  Co.    1845.     i8mo,  pp.  288.  c.  80951 

Sigourney.  Select  Poems;  By  Mrs.  L.  H.  Sigourney.  Third 
Edition.  ...  Philadelphia :  Frederick  IV.  Greenough.  1 838.  l2mo, 
pp.  305.     Plates.  n.  80952 

Sigourney.  Select  Poems.  By  Mrs.  L.  H.  Sigourney. 
Fourth  Edition.  With  Illustrations.  Philadelphia.  1843.  J2mo, 
pp.  324.  +  Eleventh  Edition.  Philadelphia.  1857.  i2mo,  pp. 
338.  80953 

Sigourney.  Selections  from  various  Sources.  By  Mrs.  L. 
H.  Sigourney.  Worcester:  John  H.  Turner.  1863.  i2mo,  pp. 
240.  H.  80954 

Sigourney.  Simple  Tales  for  My  Own  Children.  By  Mrs. 
L.  H.  Sigourney.     London.    1849.     i8mo.  80955 

[Sigourney.]  Sketch  of  Connecticut  "Forty  Years  Since.  ... 
Hartford:  Oliver  D.  Cooke  ^  Sons.    1824.      l2mo,  pp.  (2),  278. 

Contains  an  account  of  the  N.'rragansct  Indians,  and  a  sketch  ot'  Samson  Occum,  the 
Indian  preacher. 

Sigourney.  Sketches.  By  Mrs.  Sigourney.  Philadelphia: 
Key  i^  Biddle.    1 834.     l2mo,  pp.  216.      Plate.  H.  80957 

Includes  a  legend  of  Oxford,  Massachusetts. 

Sigourney.  Tales  and  Essays  for  Children.  By  Mrs.  L.  H. 
Sigourney.  Hartford:  F.J.Huntington.  1835.  Sq.  i8mo,  pp. 
128.  c.  80958 

[Sigourney.]  Traits  of  the  Aborigines  of  America.  A 
Poem.  Cambridge :  Hilliard  and  Metcalf  Printers.  1822.  l2mo, 
pp.  (2),  284.  BA.  -\-  Cambridge:  Cummings  &  Hilliard.  1822. 
iimo,  pp.  (2),  284,  errata  i  leaf.  80959 

Pages  183  to  284  are  occupied  with  historical  notes,  illustrative  of  the  habits  of  the 
American  Aborigines. 

Sigourney.  Transplanted  Daisy.  Memoir  of  Frances  Ra- 
cillia  Hackley.   ...   New  Tork.    1865.    410.  80960 

Pr'...  red  for  private  distribution. 

Sigourney.  The  Voice  of  Flowers.  By  Mrs.  L.  H.  Sigour- 
ney.     Hartford.    1846.     32mo.  80961 



SiGouRNEY.  Voices  of  Home.  By  Mrs.  L.  H.  Sigourney. 
Hartford.    1852.     Sm.  i2mo,  pp.  152.  80902 

Sigourney.  Water-Drops.  By  Mrs.  L.  H.  Sigourney.  New 
York :  R.  Carter.    1848.     i6mo,  pp.  275.  c.  80963 

Talcs  in  pruse,  and  poems. 

Sigourney.  The  Weeping  Willow.  By  Mrs.  L.  H.  Sigour- 
ney. Hartford.  1847.  32mo.  -f  Hartford.  1852.  24010,  pp. 
128.  80964 

Sigourney.  The  Western  Home,  and  other  Poems.  By 
Mrs.  L.  H.  Sigourney.  Philadelphia:  Parry  ^  McMillan.  1854. 
i2mo,  pp.  (2),  359.     Portrait.  b.,  p.  80965 

Sigourney.  Whisper  to  A  Bride.  By  Mrs.  L.  H.  Sigour- 
ney.    Hartford.  [1850.]    Sm.  i6mo.    +  Second  Edition.    Hart 

ford.  [1850.]    Sm.  i6mo,  pp.  80. 


Sigourney.  Zinzendorff",  and  other  Poems.  By  Mrs.  L.  H. 
Sigourney.  New  York.  1836.  i2mo,  pp.  300.  -(-  Second  Edi- 
tion.    New  York.    1837.     i2mo.  80967 

The  following  works  by  Mrs.  Sigourney  are  briefly  mentioned  in  AUibone's  "  Dic- 
tionary :" 

Biography  and  Writings  of  Ann  M.iria  Hyde  ...  1816.  I2mu.  —  Biography  of 
Females  ...  1829.  i8mo.  —  Biography  of  Pious  Persons.  ...  1832.  2  vols.,  i8mo. — 
The  Coronal  ...  London.  1848.  i8mo. —  Evening  Readings  in  History  ...  1833. 
i8mo.  —  History  of  Marcus  Aurelius  Antoninus.  ...  1835.  i8mo.  —  The  Lovely  Sis- 
ters ...  1845.  i6mo. —  Memoir  of  Phebe  Hammond  ...  1833.  i8mo.  —  Poetry  for 
Children  ...  1834.  i8mo.  —  Sayings  of  the  Little  Ones  ...  1854.  i2mo. — Voices  of 
Home,  on  The  Sea   ...  1845.     i2mo.     5Ve  a/w  "  The  Square  Table." 

[SiGSBY  ( — ).]  Life  and  Adventures  of  Timothy  Murphy,  the 
Benefactor  of  Schoharie,  including  his  History  from  the  Com- 
mencement of  the  Revolution,  his  Rencontres  with  the  Indians, 
the  Siege  of  the  three  Forts  ...  and  Anecdotes  of  his  Adventures 
with  the  Indians,  &c.  ...  Schoharie:  A.  B.  Pond.  1863.  8vo,  pp. 
23.  H.  80968 

For  an  earlier  edition  tee  Vol.  xii..  No.  51474. 

SiGUENZA  (Gabriel).  Epopeya  Pdstuma  de  D.  Carlos  de  Sigii- 
enza  y  Gdngora   ...   Mexico.   1 701.    4to.  80969 

Title  from  Beristain.    The  author  was  a  nephew  of  D.  Carlos  de  Sigiienza  y  Gongora 

SiGUENZA  (Jose).  Versos  Saficos-Adonicos  en  elogio  de  la 
Concepcion  Inmaculada  de  Maria.   ...   Mexico.    1683.    410. 

Title  from  Beri&tain. 


8IGUEN'/,A  Y   CidNOORA. 

^'    t 


SiGUKNZA  Y  GoNGORA  (Cailos  dc),  A.  1645,  </.  I  joo.  Dcscrip- 
cidn  de  la  hahia  de  Santa  Maria  de  Galvc,  alias  Panzacola,  de  la 
Mobila  y  del  Rio  Misisipi   ...   Mexieo.    1694.     Folio.  8097 1 

Thu  exploration,  of  which  the  above  work  is  an  account,  was  undcrt.iken  in  1693  by 
the  general  of  the  Meet,  Don  Aiulres  de  Pe/.  Sigiicnza  acconipanieii  the  expedition  in 
liis  uriicial  capacity  as  Royal  CosnKJgr.ipher.  Beristain  describes  the  work  as  in  manu- 
script, and  gives  tiie  title  thus:  "  Hescripiion  del  Seno  de  Sta.  M.iria  de  Galve,  alias 
Fanzacola,  de  la  Mobila  y  del  Rio  Misisipi."  In  one  of  the  copies  of  lleristain  beinny- 
ing  to  the  Lenox  Library  is  a  manuscript  note  opposite  this  title,  in  the  handwriting  ut' 
the  former  owner,  Seflor  Jose  Fernando  Ramirez,  as  follows  :  "  Impresa  en  folio,  se^-un 
expresa  Cardenas  en  su  Emayn  crotwli'^ica  para  la  Historia  Jt  la  Florida^  Introduc.  p.  36. 
£11  mi  poder  cl  m.s.  original  lirmado.  26  f"  folio."  In  the  sale  catalogue  of  the  librarv 
of  Seflor  Ramirez  [London,  t88o),  it  appeared  as  "  Reconocimiento  de  la  Bahia  de 
Panzacola  en  Florida.  Ms.  of  the  17th  century  in  folio,  16  leaves,  signed  by  tiie  author." 
It  brought  £6  15s,  and  was  purchased  in  the  name  of  *<  Harris." 

SiGuENZA  Y  GdNGORA.  Las  G'.)iias  de  ^ueretaro  ...  Mexico^ 
por  Calderon.    1668.    4to.  80972 

This  edition,  like  the  one  following,  was  perhaps  accompanied  by  the  piece  in  verse 
entitled,  "  Hrimavera  Indiana."  See  No.  809S2,  infra.  Title  from  Beristain,  who  dues 
not  mention  the  following  edition  : 

SigOenza  y  Gongora.  Glorias  de  Queretaro  en  la  Nucva 
Congregacion  Eclesiastica  de  Maria  Santissima  de  Guadalupe, 
con  que  se  ilustra  ;  y  en  el  sumptuoso  teniplo,  que  dedico  a  su 
obsequio  D.  Juan  Cavallcro,  v  Ocio  Presbytero,  Comissario  de 
Cortc  del  Tribunal  del  Santo  Ortcio  de  la  Inquisicion.  ...  [Vig- 
nette of  a  horse.  J  Eh  Mexico.  Por  la  Vhula  de  Bernardo  Calderon. 
ixi.  DC.  Lxxx.  [1680.]  4to,  title  and  4  other  prel.  leaves,  text 
pp.  80;  Primavera  Indiana,  (13)  leaves.  j.c.b.  80973 

The  appended  verses  have  the  following  title  :  "  Primavera  Indiana  Poema  Sacro- 
Historico.  Idea  de  Maria  Sanctisiima  de  Guadalupe  de  Mexico.  Copiada  de  Flores." 
No  imprint.      For  other  editions  of  this  poem  iet  No.  80982,  infra. 

SiGUENZA  Y  GoNGORA.  Glorias  de  Queretaro,  en  la  funda- 
cion  y  admirables  progresos  de  la  ...  congregacion  eclesiastica  de 
presbiteros  seculares  de  Maria  Santisima  de  Guadalupe  de  Mexico, 
con  que  se  ilustra,  y  en  el  suntuoso  templo  que  dedico  a  su  obse- 
quio el  Br.  D.  Juan  Caballero  y  Ocio,  presbitero  comisario  de 
Corte  del  Santo  Oficio  por  la  buprema  y  General  Inquisicion ; 
que  en  otro  tiempo  escribid  el  Dr.  D.  Carlos  de  Sigiienza  y  Gdn- 
gora,  presbitero  natural  de  Mexico,  y  Catedratico  propietario  de 
Matematicas  en  su  Real  y  Pontificia  Universidad  :  y  que  ahoia 
escribe  de  nuevo  El  Br.  D.  Joseph  Maria  Zelaa  e  Hidalgo,  pres- 
bitero ...  Mexico.^  MDCCClll.  Con  las  I'tcencias  necesarias.  En  la 
Oficina  de  D.  Mariano  'Joseph  de  Zuniga  y  Ontiveros.,  Calk  del  Espi- 

siGUKNZA  V  (;(Sn(;ora. 


ritu  Santo.     410,  pp.  (16),  235  [wrongly  numbered  135],  (4).     2 
Plans.  UM.  80974 

This  edition  is  really  a  new  worit,  having  been  lowritton  ami  greatly  cnlargt-d  liy  the 
editor,  Scftor  Zelaa  e  Midalgo,  who  suhscqurntly  piihlishcd  the  fnjlowing  ssuuiilcnirnt : 

Adiciones  al  libro  de  las  Gloriaa  de  J^ucri'taro,  pur  Jos.  M.  /cl.ia  e  Hidalgo  ...  Mtxico. 
I  it  10.     4to. 

SigOknza  y  GdNGORA.  Los  Int'ortunios  de  Alonso  Ramirez 
...  Mexico^  par  Calderon.    1690.     410.  80975 

"  Este  Alonso  Ramirez  rra  ii  itiiral  de  S.  Juan  de  Puerto  Rico.  Fue  apresado  por 
uiiDs  piratas  en  los  mares  de  Filipinas,  desde  dondi'  lii)iandose  prodigii.samcnti!,  navego 
solo  y  sin  derrota  hasta  las  costas  de  Yucatan,  habicndo  dado  tasi  una  vucdta  al  glolio." 
— Beristain. 

Sic;uENZA  Y  GdNGORA.  Libra  Astronomica  v  ^*hilosophica. 
...  Sacala  a  luz  Seb.  dc  Gu/man  y  C'cjrdova.  ...  Mexico.^  por  Cal^ 
(leron.    1690.     410,  pp.  (24),  188.      Woodcuts.  80976 

Deristain  also  mentions  another  work  of  a  similar  character  by  .Siguunza,  which  wai 
nut  printed.  It  was  entitled  :  "  El  Belerofonte  Matematico  contra  la  (.^"''"'-■''a  Aitro- 
Uigica  de  D.  Martin  de  la  Torre." 

SiGUENZA  Y  GdNGORA.  Manificsto  tilosofico  contra  los  Co- 
metas   ...   Mexico.    1681.     4to.  ^0977 

"  Dio  motivo  a  este  opuscuto  el  cometa  que  comenzo  a  verse  en  Mexico  el  rnes  de 
Noviembre  de  1680.  Reinaba  todavia  en  el  vul^;o  de  los  filosofos  l.i  opinion  te  que 
estos  fenomenos  eran  fatal  anuncio  de  aljruna  desgracia  publica ;  y  nucstro  autor  como 
rrnjor  fisico  y  astronomo,  y  ciitico  ilustrado,  traio  de  despojar  a  los  comctas  del  imperio 
que  tcnian  sobre  los  timidos  y  de  refutar  las  vulgarid  ides.  Pero  contra  dicho  manitie.sto 
Ciirtaron  las  plumas  tres  filo — niatematicos  de  este  reino.  El  primero  fue  1).  Jose  Esco- 
bar Salmeron,  doctor  medico,  a  quien  no  quiso  contcstar  nuestro  Sigiienza.  El  segundo 
fue  el  P.  Eusebio  Kino,  jesuitii  alcman,  que  acababa  de  llegar  a  Mexico.  A  este  con- 
testo  0.  Carlos  con  el  siguiente  opuscule  : — Libra  Auronomica." — Beristain.  Stt  No. 
80976,  iupra. 

SiGUENZA  Y  GoNGORA.  Mcrcurjo  Volantc  con  la  noticia  de 
la  recuperacion  de  las  Provincias  de  Nuevo  Mexico  conscgvida 
por  D.  Diego  de  Vargas,  Zapata,  Yluxan  Ponzc  de  Leon,  Gover- 
nador  y  Capitan  General  de  aquel  Reyno.  Escriviola  por  especial 
urden  de  el  Excelcntissimo  Seiior  Conde  de  Galve  Virrev,  Gover- 
nador,  y  Capitan  General  de  la  Nueva-Espana,  he.  ...  [Vignette 
of  a  horse.]  Con  licencia  en  Mexico  :  En  la  Imprenta  de  Antuerpia 
de  los  Herederos  de  la  Fiuda  de  Bernardo  Calderon^  ano  de  1693.  4to, 
title  and  pp.  i8.  j.c.B.  80978 

"Papel  Periodico." — Beristain.  Seftor  J.  F.  Ramirez  wrote  the  following  note 
opposite  this  title  in  his  copy  nf  Beristain,  which  is  now  in  the  Lenox  Library:  "En 
mi  podcr,  copia  antigua.  No  esiste  ejeniplar  imprest). "  The  manuscript,  however,  does 
not  seem  to  be  mentioned  in  the  Ramirez  sale  catalogue. 

Ternaux  (No.  1065)  gives  the  title  thus:  "El  Mercurio  volante,  con  las  noticias  de 
la  restauraclon  del  Nuevo  Mexico,  por  D.  Carlos  de  Sigucnza  y  Gongora.  Mexico^  l^93' 

i    I 


sic;ui:n/a  v  (idNCORA. 



Ml  j 

SKiuKNZA  Y  GoNc.ORA.     El  OriciUiil  Plaiu'ta  Evangelico  ... 

Mexico^  por  Betuiv'idez.    1 700.     410.  ^0979 

"  Es  un  poem  1  en  elogio  dp  S,  Francisco  Javier,  etcrito  en  ififiS,  y  aprobado  ent6nces 
por  el  Mti'i.  Fr.  Antonio  Momoi,  rector  lie)  colegio  He  PortJKrli,  que  fu6  ilespuen  ||;eneral 
dr  I118  dominicdt  y  muri6  arzobispo  dc  Santiago  de  Galicia  ;  pero  se  publico  iiiuerto  ya  cl 
autor." — Beristain. 

SiGuENZA  V  GoNGORA.  Piuayso  Occidental,  plantado,  y  cul- 
tivadu  por  la  liberal  btnefica  mano  de  los  muy  Catholicos,  y  podt- 
rosos  Reyes  de  Espafia  Nuestros  Senores  en  su  magnifico  Real 
Convcnto  de  Jesus  Maria  de  Mexico :  De  cuya  fiindacion,  y 
proeressos,  y  de  las  prodigiosas  iiiaravillas,  y  virtudcs,  con  (|iic' 
exalando  olor  suave  de  pcrfcccion,  florecieron  en  su  clausura  la 
V.  M.  Marina  de  la  Crvz,  y  otras  exemplarissimas  Religiosas  da 
noticia  en  cste  volunicn  D.  Carlos  de  Sigucn/a,  y  Gongora,  Pres- 
bytero  Mexicano.  Con  Licencia  de  los  Svperiores.  Kn  Mexico^ 
por  "Juan  de  Rlbera^  Imptf^sor^  y  Mer coder  de  ithros.  Aho  de  mdc- 
Lxxxiiij.  [1684.]  4to.  Frontispiece  arms  ot  Spain,  title  and  10 
other  prel.  leaves,  text  206  leaves,  errata  pp.  (2).        j.c.b.  80980 

"  £s  la   historia  de  1 1   fundacion   del   munasterio  de  Jesus  y  Maria  de  Mexico  en  |js 
vidua  de  dus  veiierali!  igiosas." — B«kistain.      Priced  by  Tiiibncr  (Bib.  Hisp.-AniiT- 

icana,  1870),  £2  as  j        Jerc  (Bib.  Am.,  1878,  No.  1274),  150  iianc8.     The  Ramirez 
copy  sold  for  £1  in  iSSc}. 

SiGUENZA  Y  GoNGORA.     La  Piedad  herdica  de  D.  Fernando 

Cortes  ...  \_Mexko?  16 — ?]    4to. 

"  D.  Cayetano  Cabrera  en  su   Escudo  de   Armas  de   Mexico  ; 
663,  asegura  que  este  opuaculu  se  imprimio  " — Rkristain. 

SiGUENZA  Y  GdNGORA.     Primavcra  Indiana. 


lib.  3,  cap,  14,  num. 

..  Mexico.  1662. 

Reprinted  in  1 668,  and  again  in  1683,  according  to  Beristain,  who  describes  the  con- 
tents as  follows :  "  Es  un  canto  en  77  octavas,  en  que  pinta  con  todo  el  entusiasmo  poe- 
tico  la  aparicion  milaj;rosa  de  Ntra.  Sia.  de  Guadalupe  de  Mexico."  The  eiiition  of 
1668  was  perhaps  printed  to  accompany  the  same  author's  "Glorias  de  Querctaro," 
which  was  published  in  that  year.  The  edition  of  1683,  mentioned  by  Beristain,  is 
probably  the  same  as  the  undated  reprint  which  is  appended  to  the  1680  edition  uf 
"Glorias  de  Queretaro,"  No.  80973,  tupra. 

SiGUENZA  Y  GoNGORA.  Primavera  Indiana,  poema  sacro  de 
Nuestra  Sefiura  de  Guadaloupe,  por  D.  Carlos  de  Siguenca  y 
Gongora.     Mexico.   1668.     8vo.  80983 

Title  from  Ternaux,  No.  853.     See  the  note  to  the  next  preceding  title. 

SiGUENZA  Y  GdNGORA.  Relacion  histdrica  de  los  sucesos  de 
la  Armada  de  Barlovento  a  fines  de  i6go,  y  fines  dc  1691  ... 
Mexico.^  por  Calderon.    169 1.     4to.  80984, 

"  £n  ella  se  describe  la  victoria  de  las  armas  espaftoles  contra  los  franceses  en  la  parte 

SKiliPNV  \    V  (ioNCiORA. 


clico   ... 


do  ent6nccs 
i)Ui'«  general 
nuerto  y;»  el 

io>  y 

s,  y  poilf- 
fico   Rial 
clacion,  y 
,  con  que 
:lausura  la 
ligiosas  da 
rora,  Pies- 
Kn  Mexico^ 
0  de  MDC- 
itle  and  10 
c.B.  80980 

Mexico  en  las 

).  Hisp.-Anit.T- 

'Tlie  Ramirci 

.  Fernando 

cap,  I4»  "''™' 

\extco.  1662. 

Ucribcs  the  con- 

|entusiasmi)  foe- 

1  The  edition  of 

de  Querctaro," 

by  Beristain,  is 

1 680  edition  of 

la  sacro  de 

Siguenca  y 


|ing  title, 

sucesos  de 
|dc  1691  - 
80984  i 

Iceses  en  la  pa"'  I 

Set('niTi(in,il  He  l.i  It.l.i  (!>•  S.iiifo  f)()mini,'ii,  con  l.i  nimm  i  dc  c;  i.uiin." — BEBirt'^'N.     $ti 
No.  6i;ioi,  Vol.  XVI.,  w/jii'h  is  perhnps  tlir  same  W'lk  ;  .mU  .iljo  No,  HoyXy,  infra. 

SiCiiJENZA  Y  G(5nc;()RA.  Thcatro  dc  Viitudi-s  P'>liticas  (jvc 
constituyen  a  un  Principe  ;  advcitidas  cii  los  Monart  lias  aiitignos 
del  Mcxicano  Inipciio,  con  cuvas  cHgies  se  hcrmoscd  d  arco 
trivmphal,  (|iu'  la  miiv  Noble,  vnu.  I>eal,  Imperial  ("iudad  dc 
Mexico  crigiT)  para  el  digno  reiiviniiento  en  ella  del  Kx"^".  Virrey 
Conde  dc  Paredes,  etc.  ...  En  Aliwico.,  For  la  V'luda  de  Beni/ndo 
Calderon.   [1680.]    410,  pp.  (6),  88.  J.t.n.  80985 

"Libro  simbolicd,  historiin  y  poLtiio,  llrno  dc  las  mas  si-lcit.i  iTiulicidn,  I'uropt'a  y 
amei'iiana;  en  que  se  dcscribio  d  irco  tiiuiit.ij,  i|ue  erigio  Mrxiiu  a  li  entiad.i  de  su 
virey,  el  conde  d(:  Paredes,  marques  de  la  Laguiia."— Bekistain.  Repiinted  in  the 
"  Documentos  para  la  Histori.i  de  Mi-xito,"  third  series,  1H56, 

SicjiJENZA  Y  GoNCiORA.  Trivmplio  Parthciiico,  que  <-n  glo- 
rias dc  Maria  Santissinia  immaciiladameiue  conceliida,  ci  lehro  la 
Pontificia  Imperial,  y  Regia  Academia  Mcxicana  en  cl  bieiinio, 
que  como  su  Rector  la  govcrno  cl  Doctor  Don  Juan  de  Narvaez, 
Tcsorero  General  dc  la  Santa  Cruzada  en  el  Aiy^obispado  de 
Mexico  ...  Eh  Mexico:  Por  'Juan  de  Rihera  en  el  Empedradillo. 
ixi.  DC.  Lxxxiii.  [1683.]    4to,  leaves  (8),  Ii8.         j.c.h.  80986 

"  Historia  de  las  fiestas  y  justas  poeticas  que  celcliro  la  pontirtcia  universiilad  literaria 
lie  Mexico,  en  honor  del  misterio  de  la  Coneepcion  Inmaeiil  id.i  de  la  Virgen  Maiia." — 
Beristain.      It  is  partly  in  verse.      Ternaux  give.-,  the  title  under  a  wrong  date,  1681. 

Skjuenza  y  GdNGORA.  Trofeo  de  la  Ju^ticia  Espafiola  en  el 
Castigo  de  la  alevosia  Francesa  que  al  abrigo  dc  la  Armada  de 
Barlovento  exccutaron  los  Lanzeros  dc  la  Isla  dt.  Santo  Domingo, 
en  los  que  de  aquella  nacion  ocupan  sus  costas.  ...  Kn  Mexico^ 
por  los  Herederos  de  la  P'luda  de  B,  Calderon.  1691.  410,  pp.  (S)., 
100.  80987 

This  work  contains  an  exact  and  graphic  account  of  the  struggles  of  the  Span!  uds  of 
St,  Domingo  against  the  attempts  of  the  French  to  obtain  possession  of  that  island. 
The  Ramirez  copy,  which  contained  on  the  title  the  autograph  of  Dr,  Eguiara,  sold  for 
£8.     The  same  copy  priced  by  J^uaritch  Xio  los  in  18S5. 

C.irlos  Sigiienza  y  Gongora,  according  to  Beristain,  was  one  of  the  ablest  sclu-Iars  of 
New  Spain,  a  poet,  pliilosopher,  mathematician,  historian,  antiquarian,  and  critic.  "  He 
ituilied  mathematics  and  astronomy  in  his  native  city  under  the  direction  of  his  father, 
and  in  1660  entered  the  Company  of  Jesus.  In  1662  he  published  his  first  poem.  He 
continued  his  mathematical  .ind  scientific  studies,  and  in  166^  left  the  Jesuit  cvder, 
king  .ipi'ointed  chaplain  of  the  hospital  ♦  Amor  de  Dios.'  There  he  became  intimate 
witii  Juaii  lie  Alva  Ixtlilxotchitl,  who  put  at  his  disposal  the  rich  collection  of  docu- 
ments of  liis  ancestors,  the  kings  of  Texcoco,  and  in  1668  Sigiienza  began  the  study 
of  Aztec  hi-tory  and  the  deciphering  of  the  hieroglyphs  and  symbolical  writings  of  the 
Ti'ltccs.  In  1681  hf  was  appointed  by  Charles  if.  royal  cosmographer  ami  professor  of 
mathematics  in  the  University  of  Mexico,  and  in  1693  he  was  sent  by  the  viceroy, 
Gjspar  de  S  ndoval,  to  accompany  Admiral  Andres  de  I'ez  on  a  scientific  exploration  of 
Gulf  of  Mexico.     On  his  return  he  entered  tlie  Jesuit  order  again,  and,  after  falling 

',      ) 


.SI0UI;N7,A   V  (idNCiOKA. 

heir  to  lictlilxotchitri  collprtion  of  ilntumentt,  gave  the  I.11I  yean  of  hii  life  in  the 
rcrirrniKnr  of  tlir  to  the-  lotnplrtion  of  hit  worki  on  ancient  Mexican  hlitory." 
— AppUlnni"  Cycliipaedia  nf  Amirican  Hioftrapbi. 

0\'  t)ic  numeroiu  works  of  SiijUen/a   in   nunuiiript  nientioned   by  Rcriitaiii,  only  ,1 
few  havr  Ix'cn  |irrici'vi-i|.     Some  of  (lir  titlcH  ifi  tlir  following  lilt  arc  known  only  liom 
the   ili-Kcriptinns  of  Drt.iiU'ur,  Florrtici.i,  Cirrni,  and   Hotiiriiii.      (l)   'I'ratailo  mibrr   Ida 
E(li|iic!<  del    Apolo^l.i  lid  I'orni.i  iiiitul.iilo  s    l'rin\avrra  Iniliana. — (3)  Ciclo- 
grafia  IVIexican.i.      "Otiiade   muclio  mcrito,  en   la  ciial   |iur  el  cilculo  de  ioa  ei  ii|in('t  y 
cometan  de  ijui'  liacian  nu-moiia  lov  pipi'leii   de   lot   IndioH,  ajuitu  Sigiienza  exactanirntc 
lui  epocai  a   las   dc    Kuropa,  y  exprrho  el    >    rdadero   nindu  ili*   ton  liijloi,  aft'Li  y 
niciie*.      La  tradujii  al  italiano  Carrcrl,  la  Iryu  IJ.  Selia^  (iu/.ni  in,  y  la  i  itan  Pini'lo  y 
I).   Nituliii   Antonio." — (4)    Hiatoria  del    Inipcrio   dc    lot  Cliirhinirias.     **  Kn  ella  se 
dcucubria  el  paio  de   los   Indloi  del   A»i  1  i  la  Anirrica,  londucidon   p<ir  au  gcfe  Chi(.lii. 
mecatl,  au  primer  est  iblei  iniiento  en  el  p.iit  de  Analitiatl,  el  auincnto  ile  tu  iinprrio  pur 
lui  ulmecaa,  tultei  ax,  aiolliuas  y  lulii  II  nu'xic.inos.      H.ilila  ile  I'lla  el   niinnio  Si)(iieii/,i 
en  el  prologii  4  su  paraino  incident. il  !   el  citado  (iu^iii  in  ascgiira   que  eiitaba   |<r(iiiti   p.iri 
la  |irensa ;  y  la  ment  ionan  Detain  tir,  I'inelo  y  I).  Niiolaa  Antniiio." — (5)    Kl   Keiiix  dc 
Ociidcnte,      '•  Ms  una  disertai  ion   liistoriia,  en  ijue  se  propuao  el  autor  retucitar  de  entre 
las  cenizaa  dc  Ian  antiguasi  truilii  ioneii  mexicanas  al  apoatol  Santo  Toniit,  conHrniandu  su 
predicaciun  en  esta  America  con   laa  pinturai  y  poesi  la  de  loa  tultccaa,  teochichirnecat,  y 
niexicanoi,  que  reconocieron  por  patriarca  de  sii  priinitivo  lulto  al  Teutat/in  ^u.izaku.iil, 
en  cuyo  nomt)re,  vratido,  doctrina  y  vaticiiilua   haliaba  Sigiien/.a  el  retrato,  aiinque  lior- 
rado  y  cunfuio,  de  aquel  aanto  apuatol."     The  original   manusi  ript  in   the  handwiitiiij; 
of  the  author,  50  leaves  in  folio,  was  in  the  poisesaion  of  the  late  Seftor  J.  F.  Ramirez, 
in  the  lale  catalogue  of  who^c   library  it  is  entitled  "  HI  Fenix  de  la  America."     It  wis 
told   for  £2  lis  and  is  ikjw  in  the  Rant  roft  Library  at  San  Kr.incisi  o. — (6)   Oental.-(;ia 
de  los  Reyes  Mexicinod.  — (7)    Anotacionea  crlticaa  k  lai.  (.'bras  de  Uernal  Diaz  del  Cis- 
tillo,  y  F.  Torqueinada.      Fiagmentt  of  the  original   niaiiuscipt  of  this  work,  in  the 
author's  autograph,  comprising  36  leaves  in   folio,  were  ndii   in  tlie  llaniire/.  collcuiin 
for  X5  7s  61I,  being  'puri  haseil   for  the  Bancroft  Library.     The  woi  k  relates  to  rlir  rirsi 
apostle  of  New  Spain  and  to  the  Imige  of  Guadalupe.  -  (H)   Teatro  de  la  Santa  Iglesia 
Metropolitano  de  Mexico. — (9)    Hiatoria  de  la  Univcrsidad  dc  Mexico. — (10)  Triliunjj 
Historico. — (11)    Historia  de   la   Froviiicia  de  Tejas. — (12)   Vida  del  Ven.  Ar/.obiipo 
de  Mexico,  D.  Alonsu  de  Guevas  Davalos. — (13)   Elogiu  fiinebre  de   la  celebrc  Poctisa 
Mexicana,  Sor  Juan  Ines  de  la  Cruz. — (14)   Tratado  de  la  Esfera,  en   200  fojas.     "  De 
todos  estos  hay  noticia  y  constancia,"  says  Beristain,  "  pero  yo  no  he  hallado  ninguno  de 
ellos.      Mas  en  la  biblioteca  de  la  universidad  de  Mexico  he  visto  los  siguientea :" — (15) 
Informe  al  Virey  de  Mexico  sobre  la   Fortaleza  de  S.  Juan  de  Ulua,  "  fecho  a  31  dc 
Dicicmbre  de  1695.      MS.  en  fol." — (16)   Un  Fragmento  de  la  Historia  antigui  dc  Ids 
Indios  con  Estampas.     "  MS.  en  f)l." — (17)   Kalendariu  de  los  Mesea  y  Fiestas  de  lus 
Mexicanos.     "  MS.  fol." — (18)   Reducciones  de   Estancias  de  G.inado  i  Caballerias  de 
Tierra,  hechas  sugun  Reglas  de  Aritnietica  y  Geometria.     "MS.  fol." 

♦•  Deben  por  ultimo  aftadirse  a  estos  escritos  propios  de  D.  Carlos  dc  Siglienza  los  otroi 
originates  agenos  que  colecto  en  28  voliimenes,  y  lego  en  su  testamento  al  colegio  niiximo 
de  S.  Pedro  y  S.  Pablo  de  los  jesuitas  de  Mexico,  de  los  cuales  en  1750,  en  que  escribio 
su  biblioteca  mexicana  el  Illmu.  Kgui  ira,  solo  existian  8.  V  habian  pasado  i  la  publicj 
de  la  universidad  los  libros  de  aquel  colegio,  de  resultas  de  la  expatriacion,  ya  no  restan 
sino  los  fragmentos  arriba  expresados." — Beristain. 

Among  the  marginal  ann('tations  to  Beristain,  in  the  handwriting  of  Seflor  Ramirez, 
is  the  following  title  :  Alboroto  y  Motin  de  los  Indios  de  Mexico.  Carta  de  D.  Carlos 
dc  Siguenza  y  Gongora,  cosmografo  del  Rey  en  la  N.  E.,  Cathedratico  de  Mathematical 
en  la  R'.  Universidad  y  Capellan  mayor  del  Hospital  R'.  del  Amor  de  Dios  de  la  CiuJad, 
en  que  da  razon  al  Almirante  D.  Andres  del  Pes  del  Tumulto.  "  MS.  de  40  tojii, 
fol.  fechado  en  Mexico  a  30  de  Agosto  de  1692.  Esta  firmado  por  Siguenz.i,  dc  cuya 
letra  son  tambien  el  titulo,  el  final  y  algunas  enmiendas.  En  mi  coleccion  el  original."  | 
Ac  the  sale  of  the  Ramirez  collection  in  1880  this  manuscript  brought  £4  4s,  and  was , 



\\h  In  th* 
I)  lil«t.iry." 

t.iin,  "nly  i 
n  on\y  li'im 
I, I  tobrr  |i>i 
_(5)  Ciclo- 

|i)!«  ri  lipsc*  y 

I'njloi,  .ift'i^  y  riiii'l"  y 
"  Kn  «11>  *>■ 
j(,'te  Ch'ulii- 
u  iiuiifriK  piir 

X  priinti  I'lri 

K\   Feuix  'It  lii-  <'n"t 

ontirmanilii  'U 

in  ^)u.aalt'i'"l| 
),  auiuiuo  tiiir- 
ic   handwrit'mi! 
J.  F.  R;iii>ir«, 
erica."     It  *» 
il  IY\M  M  l^'s- 
s  work,  in  thi: 
mire/.  colliM-tiin 
[Kites  to  till!  tirst 
l.i  Iglesia 
(lo)  Triliunjl 
|Veil.  Ar/.iibispo 
cclebrc  Foctisa 
|00  fojas.     "  lie 
lado  ninguno  de 
luientes:"— (ij) 
]'«  fecho  a  }I  de 
|a  anti^ua  ic  los 
y  Fiestas  lie  loj 
k  Caballerias  de 

|iyacn/.a  los  otroi 
colegio  miximu 
en  que  escribio 
Isado  it  la  publicJ 
(ion,  ya  no  resun 

Seftov  Ramirei, 
Irta  de  D.  Carlos 
Ide  Mathematical 
y,<,8  de  la  Ciudad, 

Jiguenza,  de  cuya 
Icion  el  ufig'"^'- 
;  £4  4s,  and  w>i  I 

purrh.iird  by   Mr,  Steveni  for   H.  H.  Iiinctiil\  ii>°  San   Fr^ncinio,  in  whiiie  library  it 
now  il. 

SijPH.sTKYN  ((\  A.  van).  Afschaffing  dcr  slavcrnij  in  dc  Nc- 
dcrlandschc-  West  Iiidischc  Kolonicn.  ...  'j  Cinivtuhai^e.  [1866.] 
8vo.  ^         80988 

"  Tiri-l-pjrt  du  BijbUd  v.  d,  liiionuniitt,  1866." 

SijPESTKYN.  Beschrijving  van  Surinamc,  historisch,  geugra- 
phisch  en  statistisch,  uit  umciecle  brunncn  ...  *s  Gravenhagt. 
1854.    8vu.     Map.  80989 

SijPESTEYN.  Hct  Surinaamschc  huut  bruikhaai  en  vuurdcclig 
bij  den  aanlcg  van  spoorwcgcn,  ccnc  bijdragc  tut  dc  kcnnis  dicr 
hv)Utsoortcn   ...    Iheda.    1 851.     8vo.  80990 

SijPKSTEYN.     Jan  Jacob  Mauricius,  Gouverncur-Gencral  van 

Surinamc,  1 742-1 751. 
and  Facsimile. 

SijPESTKYN.     Over 
1854.]    8vo,  pp.  46. 

's  Gravenhage.    1848.     8vo. 

Surinaamsche     houtsuoiten. 


n.  p. 


[SiKES  (George).]  The  |  Life  |  and  |  Death  |  of  |  Sir  Henry  Vane, 
K^- 1  Or,  I  A  short  Narrative  of  the  main  Passages  of  his|EHrthly 
Pilgrimage  ;  Together  with  a  true  Account  |  of  his  purely  Chris- 
tian, Peaceable,  Spiritual,  Gos-|  pel-Principles,  Doctrine,  Life,  and 
I  Way  of  Worshipping  God,  for  which  he  [Suffered  Contradiction 
and  Reproach  from  all  sorts  |  of  Sinners,  and  at  last,  a  violent 
Death,  June  14.  |  Anno,  1662.  |  To  which  is  added.  His  last 
Exhortation  to  |  his  Children,  the  day  before  his  Death.  |  \Lon- 
(lon:'\  Printed  in  the  ITear,  1662.  |  4to,  pp.  162,  Mistakes  in  Print- 
(i).     Portrai         ~     ' 

)rtrait  by  Faithorne. 



On  page  8  is  a  reference  to  Vane's  visit  to  New  Engi.-ind ;  and  on  pp.  93-94,  "a 
paper  of  Verses  eomposed  by  a  learned  Gentleman  [John  Milton],  and  sent  him,  July 
3.  1651."  Pages  145-159  contain  "Some  Notes  of  Sir  Henry  Vane's  Exhortation  to 
liii  Children  and  Family,"  etc. 

SiKEs  (William  Wirt),  b.  1836,  d.  1883.     A   Book   for  the 
Winter  Evening  Fireside   ...  IVatertown.   1858.     i2mo.     80994 

SiKES.     A  Midsummer's  Ride  on  the  Great  Lakes.     By  Will- 
iam Wirt  Sikes.     Chicago.   1864.     8vo,  pp.  30.  h.  80995 

Also:  One  Poor  Girl.     The  Story  of  Thousands.   ...   Pbiladelphia.   1869.     i2mo, 
pp.  156. 

Silas  Marner.     See  [Lewes  {Mrs.  Marian  G.  Evans)],  Vol. 
X.,  No.  40774. 

VOL.    XIX.  35 





SiLHKRMANN  (J.  T.)  Rapport  siir  les  poids  I't  vmcsurcs 
mctriqucs  cnvoycs  au  Gouvcrncmcnt  dcs  Etats  Unis  d'Ameriquc 
par  M.  A.  Vattemare.   ...   Paris.    1852.    410.  s.  80996 

Lithographed.     See  also  Vattemare  (A.) 

The  Silent  Dead,  or  Roll  of  Honor ;  Comprising  the  names 
of  all  Soldiers  from  Muskingum  County,  who  lost  their  lives  by 
battle  or  by  disease,  during  the  War  of  Rebellion.  Reported  to 
date,  Jan.  i,  1866.  By  John  W.  King,  Attorney  at  Law. 
Zanesville^  Ohio  :  Logan  iff  Dod/L    1866.     8vo,  pp.  42.  ^©997 

Improved  title  of  No.  37822,  Vol.  ix.  "Said  to  be  very  full  .iiui  accurate.  The 
Cincinnati  Commercial  gave  this  a  strong  recommendation  at  the  time  of  its  publica- 
tion."— Thomson's  BU'liograpby  of  Ohio. 

Silentiarius.      See  [Mather  (C.)],  Vol.  xi..  No.  46512. 

SiLES  (Francisco),  d.  1670.  Cartas  al  Br.  D.  Miguel  Sanchez 
sobre  la  Historia  Guadalupana   ...   Mexico.    1644.    4to.        80998 

SiLES.  Panegirico  del  Santo  Profeta  Eli'as,  Patriarca  del  Car- 
melo   ...    Mexico.,  por  Calderon.    1657.     4to.  80999 

These  two  titles  from  Beristain. 

SiLES.  Sermon  funebre  a  las  piadosas  memorias  de  J.  Alonso 
de  Cuevas  Davalos,  Arzobispo  de  Mexico  ...  \^^Iexico.  1666.] 
4to.  81000 

A  copy  was  in  the  Andrade  collection,  No.  4408,  bound  with  another  work. 

SiLEs  (J.  T.  de).  Breve  Noticia  de  la  Religiosa  Vida  del  F. 
Juan  Tello  de  Siles.     Mexico.    \1\i.    4to.  81001 

Title  from  the  "  Biblioth.  ..a  Mejicana,"  1869,  No.  857. 

SiLEX,  pseudon.  Letters  on  Banks  and  Banking  ;  containing 
an  Account  of  the  Operations  of  the  Special  Banking  System  ot 
New  England.  ...  By  Silex.  Bostoi :  IVright  iff  Hasty .,  Printers, 
1853.     ^^°i  PP*  ^''  "•  81002 

SiLiCEO  (Ignacio  Nunez).  Oracion  ci'vica  pronunciada  en  la 
plaza  ...    Guanajuato.    1846.     8vo.  81003 

SiLicEO  (J.  M.)  Discurso  Funebre  del  Luis  de  Cortazar  y 
Rabago    ...   Mexico.    1840.     8vo.  81004 

SiLiCEO  (Manuel).  Memoria  de  la  Secretaria  de  Estado  y  del 
De«pacho  de  Fomento,  Colonizacion,  Industria  y  Comercio  dc  la 
Republica  Mexicana,  con  Documentos  Justificativos  ...  Con 
muchas  laminas  y  mapas.  Mexico.  1857.  Folio,  pp.  127,  170, 
6,  31,  66,  159,  38,  105.     Maps,  Plates  and  Tables.  81005 

t  vmcsurcs 


s.  80996 

the  names 

r  lives  by 

eportcd  to 

at    Law. 


:curate.     The 
>f  hi  publiia- 


;1  Sanchez 

a  del  Cai- 



«\^iCEo.     Sistema   Metric,  H     •      , 
^^Z  T]:1r  -^''  !^vr    J^^^^  ;|-  cstah,ecen 

-«.  I/At^:^"^^'"•'""'^----^• 
n.-  ^^^*      4to.      6  folded 

Dedicated  •«  to  rh. -r .      .  o  « 


Dedicated  "to  the  T  .  J^'^"^ 

^uarta  Memoria       «   u        , 
del  gusano  de  la Teda  tn  f  ^  u"'''^"  ^^  ^^  Morera  v  la  (^  ' 

pp.  149.         " '"  '^  "^"^^"a-  f^'^w//  '833?j  '«;^" 

nf^U^'V^^  '"^  Manufacture  of  Silk       r  ^'°°9 

v-iii  parts  ot  the  Un  on  z/:^    ; .  ^"'^)  adanted  fn  f»,« 

•    i«2».     8vo,  pp.  220.      pjat,.^     ^^°" -   ^"^'"^^^^  h  Gales  i^ 

y^and  reli^tLl^otr-   -^^^^^ 

•   '^4'^-    «^«>PP.  80.     Illustr;ted  '    ■^'■''^^^^^^/^^/- 

The  Silk  Culturisf  or.A   V  '  "•  ^'°^' 

Editor.     Monthlv^"^/"''"^'-'^  Manual.      VCr 

monthly,     ^^^^y^,^^^    187C-18.7      o       ,       ^""istoclc, 

The  S.It  r-  ^'^^     ^  ^«'s-,  4to. 

/Ije  Silk  Question  Settled  R  '"  ^'°'^ 

M.  81014 

Ip^^L^  (E.   R[owIand1)    ^    ,x.       .  '^ 

Uoster-To^vn  .  or   V^'  l  ,  ^^^>  '^^    '887.  The    f^i     i 

"  >   ""'^  Truth    by  Majority.      A  Poem          °''' 

J      /•     n  1  oem  pronou 

s    of 

1     '^ 



before   the   Phi   Beta  Kappa  Society  of  Yale  College,  July  21, 
1869.     By  Edward  R.  Sill.     New  Haven.    1870.     8vo,  pp.  11. 

Sill.  The  Hermitage,  and  other  Poems.  By  Edward  R. 
Sill.     New  Tor k :  Ley poldt  i^  Holt.    1868.     i6mo,  pp.  152.        c. 

[Sill.]  Poem  and  Valedictory  Oration  ...  before  the  Senior 
Class  in  Yale  College  ...  June  19,  1861.  ...  New  Haven:  Printed 
by  Tuttle.,  Morehouse  £5"  Taylor.    186 1.     8vo,  pp.  32,  (l).  B. 

The  poem  only  is  by  Edward  R.  Sill. 

[Sill  {Rev.  George  S.)]  Genealogy  of  the  Descendants  of 
John  Sill,  who  settled  in  Cambridge,  Mass.,  in  1637.  Albany: 
Munsell  iff  Rowland.    1859.     l2mo,  pp.  108.  ba.  81018 

Sill  (H.  A.)  Genealogical  Chart  of  the  Sill  Family,  as  con- 
tinued in  the  male  line,  from  A.  d.  1637  to  a.  d.  1855.  Com- 
piled by  Henry  A.  Sill,  Cuyahoga  Falls,  O.  [n.  p.  1855?]  Folio, 
12  sheets.  81019 

See  Whitmore's  "American  Genealogist,"  3d  ed.,  p.  90. 

Sill  (T.  H.)  Speech  of  Thomas  H.  Sill  on  Corporations, 
Banks  and  Currency,  delivered  in  the  Convention  of  Pennsyl- 
vania on  the  13th  December,  1837.  Philadelphia :  James  Ka)\ 
Sen.  &  Co.    1838.     8vo,  pp.  24.  81020 

SiLLERY  (N.  B.  de),  b.  1577,  d.  1640.  £tudes  et  Recherches 
Biographiques  sur  le  Chevalier  Noel  Brulart  De  Sillcry,  Pretie 
Commandeur,  etc.  ...  Fondatcur  de  la  iMission  de  Saint-Joseph, 
a  Sillery,  pres  Quebec,  etc.  [By  Rev.  L.  E.  Bois.]  Quebec. 
1855.     8vo,  pp.  28.  81021 

Sillery.  £tude  Biographique.  Le  Chevalier  Noel  Briilait 
de  Sillery.      Nouvelle  edition  corrigee.     ^ebec.   187 1.     8vo. 

Sillery.      Vie  de  I'illustre  serviteur  de  Dieu,  Noel  Brulart  de 
Chevalier  de  Malte   ...   Paris.    1843.     i2mo.  81023 


[Sillery  (Stephanie  Felicite  Brulart  de).  Countess  de  Genlis^  b. 
i'J4.6^  d.  1830.]  Annales  de  la  vcrtu,  ou  Cours  d'histoirc  a 
I'usage  des  jeunes  personnes.     Paris.    1781.     2  vols.,  8vo. 

Contain^  i  number  of  anecdotes  relating  to  America. 

[Sillery.]  Annales  de  la  Vertu,  ou  cours  d'histoire  a  i'usage 
des  jeunes  personnes,  par  I'auteur  du  Theatre  d'£ducation.  ... 
Paris,  et  ...  Maestricht.    1785.     3  vols.,  l2mo.  81025 

Other  editions  as  follows  : 



ly  2»i 
>.  II. 

ird  R. 



lants  of 
Jlhany : 
..  81018 

as  con- 


']   Folio, 




\t- Joseph, 

:1  Bruhiit 

iBrulart  de 

Gettlis^  i. 
fhistoirc  a 

a  r usage 
:ation.  •■• 

Paris.    1802.     3  vols.,  8vo. 

Nouvelle  editiun,  revue,  corrigec  et  augmentce  de  plus  de  700  pages.      Parit.    1806. 
5  vols.,  izmo. 

Paris.    18 1 2.     5  vols.,  l2mo. 

Nouvelle  edition.      Paris.   1819.     5  vols.,  i2mo. 

Paris:  Lecointe  et  Durey.    1826.     5  vols.,  l2mo. 

SiLLERY.  The  I  Child  of  Nature.  |  A  |  Dramatical  Piece  |  in  | 
Four  Acts.  I  From  the  French  of  |  Madame  the  Marchioness  of 
Sillery,  |  formerly  |  Countess  of  CJcnlis.  |  Philadelphia  :  \  Printed  and 
Sold  by  ff^illiam  Spotnvood.  \  M  dcc  xc.  |     i  2mo,  pp.  68,  (4).  H. 

SiLLiiRY.  A  Selection  from  the  Annals  of  Virtue  of  Madame 
Sillery:  Containing  the  Most  Important  and  Interesting  Anec- 
dotes from  the  Histories  of  Spain,  Portugal,  China,  japan,  and 
America :  With  some  Account  of  the  Manners,  Customs,  Arts 
and  Sciences  of  France.  Translated  from  the  French  By  Eliza- 
beth Mary  James.  Bath  :  S.  Hazard,  m.dcc.xciv.  8vo,  pp.  (8), 
255,  Subscribers  and  errata  (8).  81027 

Corrected  title  of  No.  26952,  Vol.  vii. 

SiLLiMAN  (A.)  The  World's  Jubilee.  By  Anna  Silliman. 
New  York:  M.  IV.  Dodd.    1856.     i2mo,  pp.  343.  c  81028 

Silliman  (A.  E[ly]),  b.  1807,  d.  1884.  A  Gallop  among 
American  Scenery:  or.  Sketches  of  American  Scenes  and  Mili- 
tary Adventure.  By  Augustus  E.  Sillimaii.  New-York:  D. 
Appleton  iff  Co.   MDCCCXLiil.     i6mo,  pp.  (8),  267.     -)-  New  York  : 

A.  S.  Barnes  &  Co.    1881.     i6mo,  pp.  340.  81029 

Silliman  (Benjamin),  b.  1779,  d.  1864.  Address  delivered 
before  the  Association  of  American  Geologists  and  Naturalists, 
at  their  Meeting  held  at  Boston,  April  25-30,  1842.     By  Prof. 

B.  Silliman,  of  Yale  College.  ...  N^ew  Haven:  Printed  by  B.  L. 
Hamlen.  1842.  8vo,  pp.  36.  ba.  -|-  New  York,  1842.  8vo, 
pp.  40.  81030 

Silliman.  An  Address  delivered  before  the  Association  of 
the  Alumni  of  Yale  College,  in  New  Haven,  August  17,  1842. 
By  Professor  Silliman.  New  Haven :  Printed  by  B.  L.  Hamlen. 
1842.     8vo,  pp.  44.  A.  81031 

[Silliman.]  Analysis  of  Meteoric  Iron  [from  Burlington, 
N.  Y.     n.  p.    1844.]     8vo,  pp.  4.  B.  81032 

Silliman.      Extracts   from  a  Report  made  to  the  Maryland 


9HtinA.flS^ft.-. . 







aided  by  Beimmin 
pp.  27.     H.  81033 

Mining  Company.      By  Benjamin  Silliman  ... 
Silliman,  Jr.,  a.b.  ...  New  York.   1838.     8vo, 

Silliman.  Extracts  from  a  Report  made  to  the  Maryland  and 
New  York  Coal  and  Iron  Company  on  the  Estate  of  said  Com- 
pany in  the  county  of  Alleghany,  State  of  Maryland.  By  Ben- 
jamin Silliman,  aided  by  Benjamin  Silliman,  Jr.,  a.b.  London. 
1839.     8vo,  pp.  80.  81034 

Silliman.  An  Introductory  Lecture  delivered  in  the  Labora- 
tory of  Yale  College,  October,  1828.  By  Professor  Silliman. 
New  Haven:  Printed  hy  Hezek'iah  Howe.    1828.     8vo,  pp.  48. 

[Silliman.]  A  Journal  of  Travels  in  England,  Holland  and 
Scotland  ;  and  of  Two  Passages  over  the  Atlantic,  in  the  years 
1805  and  1806.  ...  New  York:  Ezra  Sargeant.  18 10.  2  vols., 
8vo,  pp.  347;  372.  BA.,  N.  -f  Second  Edition.  Boston:  Printed 
by  T.  B.  IVait  and  Co.    1812.     2  vols.,  i2mo,  pp.  336;  359.     h, 

[Silliman.]  A  Journal  of  Travels  in  England,  Holland  and 
Scotland,  and  of  two  Passages  over  the  Atlantic,  in  the  years 
1805  and  1806;  with  considerable  Additions,  principally  from 
the  original  manuscripts  of  the  author.  Third  Edition.  ...  Neiv- 
Haven:  S.  Converse.    1820.     3  vols.,  i2mo,  pp.  31 1;  309;  312. 

[Silliman.]  Manual  on  the  Cultivation  of  the  Sugar  Cane, 
and  the  fabrication  and  refinement  of  sugar.  Prepared  under 
the  direction  of  the  Hon.  Secretary  of  the  Treasury,  in  compli- 
ance with  a  resolution  of  the  House  of  Representatives  of  Jan. 
25,  1830.  City  of  Washington  :  Printed  by  Francis  Preston  Blair. 
1833.     8vo,  pp.  122.     Folded  Diagram.  h.  81038 

Prepared  by  Prof.  Silliman,  with  the  assistance  of  C.  U.  Shepjrd  and  others. 

Silliman.  An  Oration  delivered  at  Hartford  on  the  6th  of 
July,  a.  d.  1802.  Before  the  Society  of  the  Cincinnati,  for  the 
State  of  Connecticut,  Assembled  to  celebrate  the  Anniversary  of 
American  Independence,  By  Benjamin  Silliman.  ...  Hartford: 
Printed  by  Hudson  isf  Goodwin.    1 802.     8vo,  pp.  34.  ba.,  M. 

[Silliman.]  Outline  of  the  Course  of  Geological  Lectuif^ 
given  in  Yale  College.  New-Haven :  Hezekiah  Howe.  1829. 
8vo,  pp.  128.  c,  H.  81040 

[Silliman.]  Remarks  made  on  a  Short  Tour,  between  Hart- 
ford and  Quebec,  in  the  Autumn  of  18 19.  By  the  Author  of  A 
Journal  of  Travels   in    England,  Holland  and   Scotland.     New 

m  \ 



i2mo,  pp.  407. 

Engraved  title  and 
c.  8 1 04 1 

Haven:  S.  Converse.    1 820. 
9  Plates. 

[SiLLiMAN.]  Remarks  made  on  a  Short  Tour  between  Hart- 
ford and  Quebec,  in  the  Autumn  of  1819:  by  the  Author  of  A 
Journal  of  Travels  in  England,  Holland  and  Scotland.  Second 
Edition,  with  corrections  and  additions.  New-Haven :  Printed 
and  Published  by  S.  Converse.  1824.  i2mo,  pp.  10,9-443.  En- 
graved title  and  9  Plates.  81042 

SiLLiMAN.  Report  of  the  Cause  of  the  Explosion  at  the  Eire 
in  Broad  St.,  New  York,  on  the  19th  July,  1845.  ...  By  Pro- 
fessor B.  Silliinan.  New  Tori:  Bryant  and  Co.  Printers.  1845. 
8vo,  pp.  29.  K.  81043 

SiLLiMAN.  A  Sketch  of  the  Life  and  Character  of  President 
Dwight,  delivered  as  an  Eulogium,  in  New-Haven,  February 
1 2th,  181 7,  before  the  Academic  liody,  of  Yale  College,  com- 
posed of  the  Senatus  Academicus,  Faculty  and  Students  ;  by  Ben- 
jamin Silliman  ....  New- Haven  :  Alultby^  Go/dsmith  &  Co.  18 17. 
8vo,  pp.  47.  81044 

Silliman.  Some  of  the  Causes  of  National  Anxiety.  An 
Address  ...  in  New-Haven,  July  4,  1832.  By  Professor  Silli- 
man, of  Yale  College.      [New  Haven.    1832.]     8vo,  pp.  27.    H. 

Silliman.  Suggestions  relative  to  the  Philosophy  of  Geology, 
as  deduced  from  the  Facts  and  to  the  Consistency  of  both  the 
Facts  and  Theory  of  this  Science  with  Sacred  History.  By  Prof. 
B.  Silliman.  New  Haven  :  Printed  by  B.  L.  Hatnlen.  1839.  8vo, 
pp.  119.  B.  81046 

Silliman.  A  Tour  to  Quebec,  in  the  Autumn  of  1819.  By 
Dr.  Benjamin  Silliman  ....  London:  Printed  for  Sir  Richard  Phil- 

lips and  Co.   1822.     8vo,  pp. 

viu,  128. 

2  Plates. 


This  edition  also  forms  a  part  of  Fliiilips's  collection  of  voyages,  vol.  vii.  For  other 
editions  see  Nos.  8 1 041,  8 1 042,  supra. 

Silliman.  A  Visit  to  Europe  in  1851.  By  Prof.  Benjamin 
Silliman.  ...  New  York:  George  P.  Putnatn  &  Co.  m.dccc.liii. 
2  vols.,  l2mo,  pp.  viii,  418  ;  viii,  468.  Illustrations.  H.  -|- 
Second  Edition.     [//>/>/.]    1854.     2  vols.,  i2mo.  81048 

According  to  AUibone,  six  editions  of  this  book  appeared  before  May,  1 858. 

Also;  Consistency  of  discoveries  of  Modern  Geology,  with  the  S.icred  History  of  the 
Creation  and  Deluge  ...  New  Havin.  1833.  8vo.  -i-  LoiJu/:.  1837.  Post  8vo, — 
ElL'ments   of  Clienii.'try,  in   rh;'  Order  of  the  Lectures  given   in  Yale  College   ...    Ne-w 






Haven.  1830-31,  S  vols.,  8vo.  —  Memorial  of  tnjamin  Sillimnn.  [n.  p.  1865?] 
8v(i,  pp.  9.  For  "The  AmericJii  Journal  of  Scicik  '  which  was  edited  by  Prof.  Silli- 
man,  tie  Vol.  1.,  No.  1 120. 

SiLLiMAN  (B.),  b.  '816,  fl.  1885.  A  Century  of  Medicine 
and  Chemistry.  A  Lecture  introductory  to  the  Course  of  Lec- 
tures to  the  Medical  Class  in  Yale  College.  Delivered  Septem- 
ber 14,  1871.  By  Prof.  B.  Silliman,  m.u.  New  Haven^  Conn.: 
Printed  by  Charles  C.  Chatfield  &  Co.    187 1.     8vo,  pp.  65.  B. 

Silliman.  Deep  Placer  Mining  in  California.  Lecture  ... 
at  the  Cooper  Union,  March  8,  1873.  •••  ^^'^  Tork.  1873. 
8vo.  81050 

New  York  Tiibune  Lcttiire  SltIcs.      Vol.  i. 

Silliman.  A  Description  of  the  recently  discovered  Petro- 
leum Region  in  California.   ...   Mew  York.    1865.     8vo.       81051 

Silliman.  Description  of  the  Reveille  Quartz  Lode  in  Hum- 
boldt, State  of  Nevada,  with  Report  of  Professor  B.  Silliman. 
Paris:  Printed  by  E.  Briere.    1865.     8vo,  pp.  15.  H.  81052 

Silliman.  Notes  on  the  Quartz,  Mines  of  the  Grass  Valley 
District.  By  Professor  Benjamin  Silliman.  Written  for  Bean's 
History  and  Directory  of  Nevada  County,  California.  Nevada 
City.   1867.    8vo,  pp.  14.  n.  81053 

Silliman.  Professor  Silliman's  Report  upon  the  Oil  Property 
of  the  Pacific  Coast  Petroleum  Company,  of  New- York,  situated 
in  San  Luis  Obispo  County,  California.  ...  New-Kork :  IVilliam 
A.Wheeler.    1865.     8vo,  pp.  24.     Map.  H.  81054 

Silliman.  ...  Report  of  an  Examination  of  the  Bristol  Cop- 
per Mine,  in  Bristol,  Conn.,  by  Profs.  B.  Silliman,  Jr.  and  J.  L). 
Whitney,  August,  1855.  Neiv  Haven:  T.  J.  Stajfhrd.^  Printer. 
1855.     8vo,  pp.  32.  H.  81055 

Silliman.  Report  of  an  Examination  of  the  Ohio  Diamond 
Coal  Co.  Properties  in  Jeft'erson  County,  O.  By  Profs.  B.  Silli- 
man, Jr.  and  J.  A.  Porter,  of  Yale  College.  ...  New  Haven:  T. 
J.  Stafford.,  Printer.    1855.     8vo,  pp.  22.      Folded  Map.  H. 

Silliman.  Report  on  the  Chemical  Examination  of  several 
Waters  for  the  City  of  Boston.  By  B.  Silliman,  Jr.  Boston:  J. 
H.  Easthurn.,  Printer.    1845.     ^^o,  pp.  xxxii.  H.  81057 

Silliman.  Report  on  the  Property  of  the  Arlington  Gold 
Mining  Co.  of  Nova  Scotia.     With  a  General  Introduction  on 





rof.  Silli- 


if  Lec- 


Conn. : 


ture   ... 


1  Petro- 

in  Hum- 
i.  81052 

ss  Valley 

)\-  Bean's 


B.  81053 

,  situated 

stol  Cop- 
[nd  J.  D. 


B.  Silli- 

wen :  T. 


If  several 

\oston:  J. 

[.  81057 

Ion  Gold 
Action  on 

the  Gold  Region  of  Nova  Scotia.     By  Benjamin  Silliman,  Jr.  ... 
Boston:  Press  0/ Geo.  C.  Rand  isf  Jvery.    1864.     8vo,  pp.  38,  (2). 

Silliman.  Report  on  the  Property  of  the  Atlantic  Gold 
Mining  Company  of  Nova  Scotia.  With  a  General  Introduc- 
tion on  the  Gold  Region  of  Nova  Scotia.  By  Benjamin  Silli- 
man, Jr.  ...  Boston:  Press  0/' Geo.  C.  Rand  Iff  Avery.  1864.  8vo, 
pp.  44.     Map.  B.  81059 

Silliman.  Report  on  the  Property  of  the  Chebucto  (lold 
Mining  Company  of  Nova  Scotia.  By  John  Campbell,  Esq.  ... 
With  a  Sketch  of  the  Gold  Region  of  Nova  Scotia.  By  Benja- 
min Silliman,  Jr.  ...  Boston:  Press  of  Geo.  C.  Rand  ^ Avery.  1864. 
8vo,  pp.  33.  H.  81060 

Silliman.  Report  on  the  Property  of  the  Colonial  Gold 
Company  of  Nova  Scotia.  With  a  General  Introduction  on  the 
Gold  Region  of  Nova  Scotia.  By  Benjamin  Silliman,  Jr.  ... 
With  Extracts  from  his  Report  and  from  Report  of  John  Camp- 
bell ....  Also  Extracts  from  Reports  of  Gold  Commissioner  of 
Nova  Scotia.  Boston:  Press  of  Geo.  C.  Rand  &  Avery.  1864. 
8vo,  pp.  35.      Map.  H.  81061 

Silliman.  Report  on  the  Property  of  the  Halifax  Gold  Min- 
ing Company  of  Nova  Scotia.  With  a  Cieneral  Introduction  on 
the  (lold  Region  of  Nova  Scotia.  By  Benjamin  Silliman,  Jr.  ... 
With  Extracts  from  Report  of  Prof.  Jonn  Campbell  ....  Boston: 
Geo.  C.  Rand  is' Avery.,  Printers.    1864,     8vo,  pp.  27,  (l).     81062 

Silliman.  Report  on  the  Property  of  the  Waverley  Gold 
iVlining  Co.  of  Nova  Scoiia.  With  a  General  Introduction  on 
the  Gold  Region  of  Nova  Scotia.  By  Benjamin  Silliman,  Jr.  ... 
Boston:  Geo,  (^.  Rand  Iff  Avery.,  Printers.  1864.  8vo,  pp.  37. 
Plan.  B.  81063 

Silliman.  Report  on  the  Rock  Oil,  or  Petroleum,  from 
Venango  Co.,  PennsyKania,  with  special  reference  to  its  use  for 
Illumination  and  other  Purposes.  By  B.  Silliman,  Jr.  ...  New 
Haven.    1855.     8vo,  pp.  20.  1?.  81064 

Silliman.  ...  United  Reese  River  Silver  Mining  Company. 
Mines  located  in  Austin,  Lander  County,  Nevada.  Report  by 
B.  Silliman,  m.a,  m.d.,  of  Yale  College.  ..  Boston:  f't^right  iff 
Potter.,  Printers.    1865.     8vo,  pp.  29.  b.  81065 

•  i 



HI'I:t|V      ^ 





SiLMMAN.  The  WoiM  of  Science,  Art,  and  Industry.  Illus- 
trated from  Examples  in  the  New  York  Exhibition,  1853-54. 
Edited  by  Prof.  H.  Silliman,  Jr.,  and  C  R.  Goodrich,  Esq. 
With  500  Illustrations,  under  the  superintendence  of  C  E.  Dopp- 
ler,  Esqre.  New  York :  G.  P.  Putnam  and  Company,  m.dccc.liv. 
4to,  pp.  (12),  207,  (i).     5  Plates.  B.,  c.  81066 

Originally  publidhcd  in  numbers  under  the  title,  "  Illustrated  Record  of  the  Indu&tiy 
of  all  Nations.      New  York  Exhibition." 

SiLLiMAN  (B.  D[ouglas]),  h.  1805.  An  Address  ...  before 
the  Graduating  Class  of  the  Law  School  of  Columbia  College  ... 
May  15,  1867.  By  Benjamin  D.  Silliman,  Esq.  ...  New  York: 
fVm,  C.  Bryant  &  Co.^  Printers.    1867.     8vo,  pp.  43.       H.  81067 

Silliman.  Opinion  of  Mr.  B.  D.  Silliman  on  the  Prohibit- 
ory Liquor  Law.  ...  New  York:  IVm.  C.  Bryant  ^  Co.^  Printers. 
1855.     8vo,  pp.  21.  H.  8106S 

Silliman  (R.  I).)  Circuit  Court  of  the  United  States,  North- 
ern District  of  New  York.  In  Equity.  Robert  D.  Silliman 
against  the  Hudson  River  Bridge  C^)mpany  at  Albany.  Frederick 
W.  Coleman  against  the  same.  1857  &  1858.  Albany:  Comstock 
I3' Cassidy.    1858.     8vo,  pp.  (585).  c.  81069 

Silloway  (T.  W.),  b.  1828.  An  Historical  Discourse,  deliv- 
ered in  the  first  (Jnivi-rsalist  Mecting-Hoiise,  Boston,  Sunday, 
Mav  29,  1864,  on  thi.'  occasion  of  taking  final  leave  of  the  prem- 
ises. By  'rhomas  W.  Silloway,  A.M.  ...  B'jston  :  Press  of  Dakin^ 
Davics,t5f  Aletca/f.   [1864.]     8vo,  pp.  42.  81070 

.Receipts  and  Disbursements  of  Siloam  Lodgf,  No.  2,  I.  O. 
of  O.  F.  from  May,  1842,  to  January  i,  1862  ...  with  a  List  of 
Officers  ....  Boston:  Alfred  Mudge  Iff  Son.    1862.     8vo,  pp.  16. 

[Silsbke  (N.),y««/'(9/).J  Address  of  the  Mayor  upon  the  Or- 
ganization of  the  City  Government,  March  25,  1850.  Salem. 
1850.     8vo,  pp.  16,  18.  m.  81072 

SiLSBEE  (S.)  D.  D.  D.  Death,  the  Devil  and  the  Dc)ctor. 
On  the  War.  By  Dr.  S.  Silsbee.  ...  Cincinnati :  Moore.,  IP'il- 
stach.,  Keys  &'  Co..,  Printers.    1862.     l2mo,  pp.  89.  B.  81073 

In  verse. 

Silsbee.  Xenia  Springs  Joint  Stock  Association,  Greene 
County,  Ohio.  History  of  t'u  "^^nterprise,  Remarks  concerning 
the  Association,  Description  of  the  Springs,  etc.,  etc.     By  Dr.  S. 




,    Esq. 




B  Indubtiy 

Ue^^e  ... 

uj  York : 
.  81067 

I.  8106S 

i,  North- 


c.  81069 

se,  deliv- 


he  prcm- 

»/■  Dtikin^ 


2,  I.  0. 

a  List  ot 
pp.  i6. 

li  the  Or- 

|M.  81072 

pon\  IV'il- 

B.  81073 

.,  Greene 
\y  Dr.  S. 

Silsbee.     Cincinnati:  Printed  by  I.  Hart  l^  Co.   1852.     12010,  pp. 
23.  81074 

Silva  de  varia  lecion.  See  [Mcxia  (F.  dc)],  Vol.  xii.,  pp.  90- 

Silva  {P.  Antonio  da).  OracSo  fimebre  nas  excquias  da  Sere- 
nissima  Princeza  do  Brasil  D.  Isabel  Louisa  Joscpha,  celebradas 
na  Misericordia  da  Cidade  de  Olinda,  aos  5  de  Fevereiro  de  1 691 
...  Lisboa.,  por  Miguel  Manescal.    1 69 1.    410.  iJ*075 

SiJ.VA.  Sermoes  das  tardes  das  dorningas  da  Quaresma,  pre- 
gados  na  matriz  do  Pecife  de  Pernambuco  ...  Lisboa^  par  "Jodo  da 
Costa.    1675.    4to.  81076 

Silva  (A.  J.  C.  da).  Indicador  Admiiiistrativo  das  Alfande- 
gas  e  Mesas  de  Rendas  ou  Indice  Alphabetico  nao  so'  de  todas  as 
materias  de  que  trata  o  regulamento  de  19  de  Setenibro  de  i860 
mas  tambem  das  disposicoes  posteriores  e  das  anteriores  que  ainda 
:e  achao  em  vigor.  ror  Antonio  Jose  Caetano  da  Silva  2" 
Escriptuario  'a  Alfandega  da  Corte.  Rio  de  "Janeiro  Typographia 
Imp.  e  Const,  de  J.  yUleneuve  i^  C.  1862.  8vo,  pp.  (4),  370,  and 
covers.  ^1^77 

[SiLVA  (Antonio  TelLs  da).]  Successos  da  guerra  de  Portu- 
guezes  levantados  em  Pernambuco  contra  Hollandezes,  1646. 
4to.  81078 

[Silva  (Carlos  Bcnto  da),  b.  181.  .]  Algumas  observances 
acerca  do  commercio  das  carnes  ensacadas  de  Portugal  com  o 
Brasil,  em  refuta^ao  as  accusa^oes  publicadas  a  similhanre  rcspeito. 
Lisboa^  hnp.  Nacional.    1852.     8vo,  pp.  20.  81079 

'•  N'este  follietd,  manda-o  publiiar  de  oidcni  do  govcrno,  attribue-se  ao  sr.  conselheiro 
Carlo  Bento  da  Silva  a  especie  de  introduc^fio  ou  proemio  de  pag.  5  a  8." — Sjlva,  Die. 
Bib.  Fort.  VI.  189. 

Silva  (Felipe  Narciso).  Informe  en  Derecho  por  Dona  Teresa 
Rincon  Gallardo,  en  el  pleito  con  su  hermano  menor  D.  Francisco 
sobre  el  Mayorazgo  de  la  Cienega  de  Mata.  ...  Mexico.^  por  Ri- 
bcra.    1732.     Folio.  81080 

Title  from  Beristain. 

Silva  (Francisco  G  ^mes  da),  h.  1791,  d.  1852.  Memorias 
offerecidas  a  na^ao  Brasileira  ...  Londres.^  itnpresso  por  L.  Thomp- 
m.   1831.     8vo,  pp.  xvi,  165.  «M.  81081 






i!  i 




r'  i 

SiLVA  (II.  de  S.  (Ic  T.  da).  Mcmoric  |  van  |  Sijnc  Kxcllcntie 
den  Hecic  Henrii|uc  |  do  Sou/a  de  'lavares  da  Silva,  Grave  van 
Miranda!  van  den  Raet  van  den  Dooiluchtigcn  Koningh  van|Poi- 
tugael,  kamer-Juncker  en  Opperste  Stalmee-|ster  van  den  Prins 
Uon  Thcodozio,  Goiiverneur  |  van  de  Stadt  Poort  a  Poort,  als 
mode  van  de  (iercch-|te  en  Wapenen  aldaer  en  sijiie  destricten, 
Oppersten  I  Alcaide  van  de  Stcden  genoenit,  Arronches,  Al-|pal- 
han,  Alvaladc,  Heer  van  de  plattsen  Miramla,]  Podentes,  Vouga, 
Souza,  Germello,  Arranrada,  |  Olivcra  de  Bairro,  en  Ousa,  Cuni- 
mandeur  van  de|  Coniandcryen  van  de  Maninhos,  Alvalade,  Villa 
I  nova  de  Alvito,  Alpalhan,  Heer  van  de  rctinden  in  |  den  Eylanden 
Tarsera,  St.  Michiel  en  Madera,  Ex-|  traordinaris  Ambassadeur 
van  den  Hoog-geniclten  |  Koningh  van  Portugael  aen  de  Hoog- 
Mog  :  Hecren  |  Staten  Cicncrael  der  Vereenighdc  Nedcrlandeii, 
&c.|Jonghst  overgeievert  op  den  b.  Decenih.  \bbo.\f  Jmstitdam^ 
I  By  Nycolaes  van  R(ivestiju^\op  St.  Jnthonls-Marcit.  1661.  |  410, 
pp.  39.  81082 

Silva  (I.  F.  da),  b.  1810.  Diccionario  Bibliographico  Portu- 
cuez  Estudos  de  Innocencio  Francisco  da  Silva  Applicaveis  a 
Portugal  c  ao  Brasil  ...  Lishoa  na  Imprensa  Nac'ionnl  M  DCCC  LViii- 
M  DCCC  LXii  7  vols.,  8vo,  pp.  Iviii,  (2),  403,  Portrait;  478  ;  447, 
28  i  472;  487;  474,  (2),  31-70;  463,  (2),  73-110,  (1).  Tomo 
oitavo  (Primeiro  do  supplemento)  A-B.  ylbidA  m  dccc  lxvii 
8vo,  pp.  xxxi,  428,  (2),  1 15-136.  Tomo  nono  (Scgundo  do  sup- 
plements C-G.      [//»/>/.]    M  DCCC  LXX      8vo,  pp.  Xvi,  452.      H.,  L. 

A  learned,  painstaking,  and  elaborate  performance.     We  have  made  cunsitant  use  of 
this  valuable  work  iw  notices  of  books  relating  to  w  ;>rintud  In  Brazil, 

SiLVA  (J.  J.  da).  Indicc  Alphabetico  de  materias,  as  quaes 
tern  applica^ao  a  Icgislat^io  patria  promulgada  ate  o  fim  do  anno 
de  1850,  coordinado  pclo  desembargador  JoSo  Joaquim  da  Silva. 

Bahia.    1852.     8vo,  pp.  144. 


Silva  (Joao  Manuel  Pereira  da).  See  Pereira  da  Silva  (J.  M.), 
Vol.  XIV.,  Nos.  60881-87. 

Silva  (J.  C.  da).  L'Oyapoc  et  I'Amazone  :  Question  Bresii- 
ienne  et  Fran^aise.  Par  Joaquim  Caetano  Da  Silva  ....  Par'ir. 
L.  Martinet.    1861.     2  vols.,  8vo,  pp.  xi,  532  ;  (4),  575,  (i).    b. 

Contains  a  list  of  books  telating  to  Brazil  and  the  Amazon. 

SiLVA.  Questjes  Americanas  por  Joaquim  Caetano  da  Silva, 
lidas  no  Instituto  Historico  c  Geogiaphico  do  Brasil.     Artigo  Pii- 



meiro,  Antilia.     Rio  <{<   Juneiro :  Daffiingos  Luiz  doi.  Santoi.   1863. 
8vo,  pp.  24.  H.  81086 

Sii.VA  (Joaquin  Maiiii),  il.  1H07.      Histoiia  dc  Niicstra  Sfilora 
lie  Rffugio    ...    Mexico,   [n.  tl..''J     411).  810S7 

Title  /'ron\  BiMistain,  whi>  also  mentkni!,  i  •' Seiniivi  de  NuMtr.i  Sfflura  del  Re»ugit>," 
printed}       J  "  Vida  del  Vcn.  P,  Fr.  Antiinio  Mir^il,     manuscript. 

SiLVA  (Joaquim  Norbcito  dc  Soiisa).      Ste  Sousa  Silva, 

SiLVA  (Jose  IJoiiif'acio  dc  Andrada  c).  Sec  Aiidrada  c  Silva  (J. 
H.  de),  Vol.  I.,  Nos.  1444-1446. 

Sii.VA  (J.  dc  S.  da).  Dcdia-(^\"\o  Chronologica  Analvtica. 
Parte  prinieira.  Na  qual  se  nianitcsta  pcla  siicccssiva  sent  de 
cada  uni  dos  icinados  da  Monarchia  Poitugucza,  que  dctctr'  am 
dcsde  o  govcrno  do  Scnhor  Rci  D.  joao  in  au  o  prcstnte,  os 
honorosos  estragos,  que  a  Companhia  dcnominada  de  Jesus  t'cz 
cm  Portugal  e  todos  seus  dominios,  por  urn  piano  e  svstcma  por 
clla  inaltcravelnicnte  scquido  desde  (|uc  entrou  n'este  reino,  ate 
que  foi  d'cllc  proscripta  c  cxpulsa,  pcla  iusta,  sabia  e  providente 
lei  de  3  dc  Septembro  dc  1759.  Dada  a  luz  pelo  Doutor  Jose  de 
Scabra  da  Silva  ...  Lisboa^  nu  Offic.  dc  Miguel  Maneical  da  Costa, 
1767.     Folio.  ^  81088 

The  second  volume  has  the  fblluwin^  title  : 

Silva.  Dcducc^ao  Chronologica  c  Anahtua.  Parte  segunda. 
Na  c|ual  se  nianitesta  o  que  succcssivanicntc  passou  nas  diftereiucs 
epochas  da  Igreja  sobre  a  censura,  piuhibic^-ao  e  impicssrio  dos 
libros:  dcmonstrando-se  os  intoleravcis  prcjuizos  que  com  o  abuse 
dcllas  se  tcir.  feito  a  mesma  Igreja  de  Dcus,  a  todas  as  Monar- 
chias,  a  todas  os  Estados  ^oberanos,  e  ao  soccgo  publico  de  todo 
0  uni  verso.  Dada  a  luz  pelo  Doutor  Jose  de  Scabra  da  Silva  ... 
Lisboa^  na  Offic.  de  Miguel  Manescal  da  Costa.    1768.     Folio. 

These  two  volumes  were  followed  by  a  third,  entitled  :  Frovas  da  parte  primeira  [e 
da  segunda]  da  Deduc9rio  Chronologica  e  Analytica  ...  Lisboa:  Miguel  Manescal  da 
Costa.    1768.     Folio. 

According  to  Silva  ("  Diccionario  Bibliografico  Portuguez,"  v.  I2i),  the  real  editor 
of  the  work  was  Sebastiiio  Jose  de  Carvalho  e  Mello,  marquis  of  Pombal.  It  relates 
to  the  expulsion  of  the  Jesuits  from  Brazil.      Reprinted  in  the  same  year  as  follows : 

Silva.  Deduc^ao  chronologica  e  analvtica.  Parte  primeira. 
Na  (|ual  sc  manitesta.o  pcla  successiva  scrie  de  cada  hum  dos 
Reynados  da  Monarquia  Portugueza,  que  decorrerao  desde  o 
Governo  do  Sr.  Rey  D.  Joao  ill.  ate  o  presente,  os  horrorosos 
estragos,  que  a  Companhia  denominada  de  Jesus  fez  em  Portugal, 

I  •  ! 




w  \r  1^ 







Li  128 








U    IM 





WEBSTER,  N.Y.  14580 













e  todos  scus  Dominios,  por  hum  piano,  e  systcma  por  e!la  inalte- 
ravdmcntc  scguido  dcsdc  que  entrou  nestc  Rcyno,  ate  que  fbi 
dclle  proscripta,  e  expulsa,  pela  justa,  sabia,  e  providente  Ley  de 
3  de  Setembro  de  1759.  Dada  a  luz  pelo  Doutor  Jose  de  Scabra 
da  Sylva  ...  Lisboa :  Miguel  Mamscal  da  Costa,  mdcclxviii.  5 
vols.,  sm.  8vo.  j.c.B.  81090 

SiLVA  (Josino  do  Nascimento).  Codigo  criminal  do  imperio 
do  Brasil,  accrescentado  com  as  leis,  decretos,  avisos  e  portarias 
que  desde  a  sua  publica^ao  ate  hoje  se  teem  expedido,  explicando, 
revogando,  ou  alterando  as  suas  disposi^oes  ...  Rio  de  Janeiro^ 
Typ.  Univ.  de  Laemmert.    184-.''     8vo.  81091 

SiLVA.  Codigo  Criminal  do  Imperio  do  Brasil.  Augmentado 
por  Josino  do  Nascimento  Silva.  Nova  edi^ao.  Rio  de  Janeiro.^ 
E.  i5f  H.  Laemmert.    1859.     ^^o,  pp.  148.  c.  81092 

Silva.  Codigo  do  Processo  Criminal  de  primeira  instancia  do 
Imperio  do  Brasil :  augmentado  com  a  lei  de  3  de  Dezembrc  de 
1 84 1,  e  sens  regulamentos  ...  E  todas  as  leis,  decretos  e  avisos  a 
respeito  ate  ao  fim  do  anno  de  1859.  Por  Josino  do  Nascimento 
Silva.     Quarta  edi^ao.     Rio  de    'Janeiro :    E.   &'  H.  Laemmert. 

i860.     2  vols.,  8vo,  pp.  vi,  270;  iv,  380. 



Silva.  Novissima  guia  para  eleitores  e  votantes,  contendo  a 
lei  regulamentar  das  elei^oes  de  19  de  Agosto  de  1846  para  a? 
Camaras  legisiativas,  Assembleas  provinciaes,  Camaras  municipaes 
c  Juizes  de  paz  do  imperio  do  Brasil :  acompanhada  das  resolu- 
^oes  do  Conselho  d'Estado,  avisos,  ordens  e  portarias  ate  ao  pre- 
sente,  exclarecendo  ou  alterando  a  lei  de  1846.   ...  Terceira  edi- 

ao.     Rio  de  Janeiro^  ^yp-  Univ.  de  Laemmert.    i860.     8vo,  pp. 

6),  315,  (2).  81094 

"  Manual  do  cidadao  brasileiro,"  tomo  vii. 

Silva  (J.  de).  Advertencias  importantes,  acerca  del  bven 
govierno,  y  administracion  de  las  Indias,  assi  en  lo  espiritual, 
como  en  lo  temporal.  Repartidas  en  tres  memoriales  informa- 
tiuos,  dados  en  diferentes  tiempos  a  su  Magestad,  y  Real  Consejo 
de  Indias.  Por  el  Padre  Fray  Juan  de  Silua,  Confessor  del  Pala- 
cio  Real,  Predicador  de  la  Orden  Serafica  de  Nuestro  Padre  San 
Francisco  de  la  Provincia  de  Castilla,  Conuentual  de  iMadrid. 
[Royal  arms.]  Jno  de  \bzi.  En  Madrid^  Por  la  Fiuda  de  Fer- 
nando Correa^  Montenegro.  Folio,  title  and  i  prel.  leaf,  text  i- 
iio  leaves,  and  2  leaves  unpaged.  j.c.b.  81095 

The  first  of  these,  "  Memoriales  Informativos,"  is  occupied  with  the  best  methods 

Sn.VA    nRANDAO. 





■  I 


of  converting  the  Indians;  the  second,  with  the  hcit  manner  of  instructing  tnem  in 
the  Gospel.  The  third  relates  to  the  personal  scrvii.^  of  the  Indians.  Father  Silva 
was  a  Franciscan  missionary  for  twenty  years  in  New  Spain  and  Florida. 

The  Ramirez  catalogue  (Nd.  797)  descriln-s  a  copy  as  containing  "title;  2  prrl.  11.; 
liofolioed  leaves;  and  3  unnumbered  U."  That  copy  sold  for  £9.  Priced  by  Dufosse 
(No.  20873),  '°°  francs. 

SiLVA  (L.  A.  V.  da),  b.  1828.  Historia  da  indcpendencia  da 
provincia  do  Maranhao.  (1822-1828).  Por  Luiz  Antonio  Viciia 
da  Silva.     Marauhdo.    1862.     410,  pp.  xii,  402.  81096 

Silva  (Manuel  Alves  da),  b.  1793.  Gemidos  c  suspiros  do 
Brasil  a  sentidissinia  morte  de  S.  M.  F.  a  senhora  D.  Maria  11, 
rainha  de  Portugal,  dedicados  a  scu  augusto  irmfto  o  scnhor  D. 
Pedro  II,  imperador  do  Brasil  ...  Rio  de  Janeiro^  Empreza  Typo- 
graphica  Dous  de  Dezembro  de  P.  Brito.    1854.     8vo.  81097 

Silva  (M.  A.  da).  Historia  Natural  Popular  ...  Redigida  por 
Miguel  Antonio  da  Silva.      Rio  de  Janeiro.    1866.     Folio. 

Silva  (Silvestre  Ferreira  da).  See  Ferreira  da  Silva  (S.),  Vol. 
VI.,  No.  24173. 

Silva  Araujo  e  Amazonas  (Louren^o  da).  Diccionario 
topographico,  historico  e  descriptivo  da  comarca  do  Alto-Ama- 
zonas  ...  Recife^  '^yp'  Commercial  de  Mtira  Henriques.  1852. 
8vo,  pp.  363.  81099 

Silva  Araujo  e  Amazonas.  Sima :  romance  historico  do 
Alto-Amazonas   ...   Pemambuco.    1857.     8vo,  pp.  258.        81 100 

Valle  Cabral  ("  Bibliographia  da  lingua  Tupi  ou  Guarani,"  pp.  72-73),  descibes  a 
"  Diccionario  Tupico-Portuguez"  and  "  Diccionario  Portuguez  Tupico,"  both  in  manu- 
script by  this  author,  preserved  in  the  library  of  the  Instituto  Historico  do  Brazil. 

Silva  Berford  (S.  G.  da).  Roteiro  e  mappa  da  viagem  da 
Cidade  de  S.  Luiz  do  Maranhao  ate  a  costa  do  Rio  de  Janeiro, 
feito  por  ordem  do  governador  e  capitao  general  pelo  Coronel 
Sebastiao  Gomes  da  Silva  Berford.  Rio  de  "Janeiro,,  na  Imprenta 
Regia.   1810.    8vo,  pp.  95.  bm.  81101 

Silva  Brandao  (L.  da).  Relatorio  do  Gabinete  escadistico 
Medico-Cirurgico  do  hospital  geral  da  Santa  Casa  da  Misericordia 
e  Enfermarias  Publicas  do  Quinquennio  Compromissal  de  i  de 
Julho  de  186 1  a  30  de  Junho  de  1866  a  prcsentado  ao  Exmo  Sr. 
Conselheiro  Zacarias  de  Goes  e  Vasconcellos  porvedor  da  Santa 
Casa  pelo  Dr.  Luiz  da  Silva  Brandao,  Director  do  Gabinete  Esta- 
distico.     Rio  de  Janeiro.    1867.     Folio,  pp.  27,  168.  81 102 



■    i 











:    I 

SiLVA  Caminma  e  Menezes  (Antonio  Telles  da).  Observa- 
coes  acerca  de  uma  passagem  da  Ora9ao  funebre  de  S.  M.  o 
Imperador  do  Brasil,  o  Sr.  D.  Pedro  4°.  como  Rei  de  Portugal  e 
Daqiie  de  Bragan^a,  recitada  pelo  Ex."""  e  R."""  Sr.  Aictbispo 
Eleito  de  Laredemonia  ...  Lisboa^  na  Imp.  de  Candida  Antonio  da 
Silva  Carvalho.    1837.     8vo,  pp.  94.     Portrait.  81 103 

SiLVA  Castro  (Francisco  da).  See  Castro  (F.  da  Silva),  Vol. 
III.,  Nos.  11451,  1 1452. 

[Silva  Coutinho  (J.  M.)J  Relatorio.  Sobre  alguns  Logares 
da  rrovincia  do  Amazonas.     Expecialmente  o  rio  Madeira.    Ma- 

ndos.   1 86 1.     8vo,  pp.  45. 

H.  81 104 

Silva  e  Sousa  (Luis  Antonio  da).  Memoria  estadistica  da 
provincia  de  Goyaz,  dividida  pelos  julgados  das  suas  comarcas,  e 
na  forma  do  elencho  enviado  pela  Secretaria  do  Imperio  ...  Rio 
de  'Janeiro.    1832.    4to.  81 105 

Silva  Guimaraes  (A.  J.  da).  Estudos  sobre  o  ensino  publico 
pelo  Dr.  Aprigi(<  Justiniano  da  Silva  GuimarSes,  lente  substitute 
da  faculdade  de  direito  do  Recife.  ...  Recife,  i860.  2  vols.,  8vo, 
pp.  197,  (i);   120.  81 106 

Silva  Guimaraes.  Diccionario  da  lingua  geral  dos  Indios  do 
Brasil,  reimpresso  e  augmentado  com  diversos  vocabularies,  e 
ofFerecido  a  Sua  Magestade  Imperial  por  JoSo  Joaquim  da  Silva 
Guimaraes,  Natural  da  Bahia.  Bahia^  '^yp-  de  Camillo  de  Lellis 
Masson  y  Ca.   1854.     8vo,  pp.  (6),  59,  (2),  34,  (2).  81 107 

This  contains  a  reprint  of  the  "Diccionario  Portuguez  e  Brasiliano,"  printed  at  Lis- 
bon in  1795  {see  Vol.  v.,  No.  19993).  ^^^  thirty-four  pages  at  the  end  comprise 
vocabulariej  of  about  twenty-five  Indian  dialects,  added  by  Silva  Guimaraes,  a  list  of 
which  is  given  in  Valle  Cabral's  "  Bibliographia  ija  lingua  Tupi  ou  Guarani,"  pp.  19-20. 

For  a  reprint  of  the  "  Grammatica  da  lingua  geral  dos  Indios  do  Brasil, '  by  Luiz 
Figueira,  edited  by  Silva  Guimaraes,  tee  Vol.  vi.,  No.  24314,  and  Valle  Cabral's  "Bib- 
liographia," p.  10. 

SiLVA  Guimaraes  (Joao  Joaquim  da).  Miscellanea  historica, 
curiosa  e  instructiva  ...   Bahia.   1848.     8vo.  81108 

Sjlva  Lisbc\  (Balthazar  da).  See  Lisboa  (B.  da  S.),  Vol.  x., 
No.  41410. 

Silva  Mello  (J.  G.  da).  A  mulher  a  familia  e  a  civilisa^ao, 
por  Joaquim  Guennes  da  Silva  Mello.  Recife.  1862.  4to,  pp. 
176.  81109 




SiLVA  Netto  (A.  da).  A  Coroa  e  a  emancipa^ao  do  elemento 
servil,  por  A.,  da  Silva  Netto.  Rio  de  Janeiro.  1869.  8vo,  pp. 
23.  81 1 10 

Silva  Netto.  Estudos  sobre  a  emancipa^ao  dos  escravos  no 
Brazil,  por  A.  Da  Silva  Netto,  bacharel  em  Matematicas,  Scien- 
cias  phisicas,  etc.,  etc.     Rio  de  Janeiro.    1866.     8vo,  pp.  46. 

Silva  Netto.  Segundos  estudos  sobre  a  emancipa^ao  dos 
escravos  no  Brazil,  por  A.  Da  Silva  Netto  ....  Rio  de  Jantiro. 
1868.    8vo,  pp.  108.  81112 

Silva  Paranhos  ( —  da).  La  justification  de  la  politique  bre- 
silienne  dans  la  Plata  ...   Bruxeiles,  mars,  iS6^.    8vo.         81 113 

Silva  Porto  (Manuel  Joaquim  da).  Elogio  dirigido  a  ami- 
sade,  e  esplendida  companhia  que  se  junta  no  engenho  de  Salva- 
terra.   ...  Rio  de  Janeiro,  Imp.  Regia.   18 16.    4to,  pp.  7.     81 114 

Silva  Ramos  (J.  J.  P.  da).  Apontamentos  Juridicos  sobre 
Contractos  por  Joaquim  Jose  Pereira  da  Silva  Ramos,  Doutor  em 
Direito,  Advogado,  etc.,  etc.  Rio  de  Janeiro.  1868.  8vo,  pp. 
384.  81 1 15 

SiLVEiRA  (Joaquim  Lobo  da).  Skizze  von  Brazilien.  ... 
Stockolmo.  1808.  811 16 

A  doubtful  title,  from  Silva's  "  Diccionario  Bibliographico  Portuguez,"  iv.  115. 

Silveira  (M.  J.  da).  Bullas  pontificias,  cartas  regias,  alvares 
e  provisoes  episcopaes  por  que  foi  erecta  a  sancta  egreja  cathedral 
e  capella  imperial  do  Rio  de  Janeiro,  e  aC  Ihe  concederam  os  pri- 
vilegios  de  que  gosa.  Colligidios  por  Manuel  Joaquim  da  Silveira. 
Rio  de  Janeiro.   1 844.    410.  81 1 17 

Silveira.  Catechismo  da  diocese  do  Maranhao,  adoptado,  e 
mandado  publicar  pelo  Exm.  Snr.  Bispo  D.  Manoel  Joaquim  da 
Silveira.     Segunda  edi^ao.    Maranhao.  [186-?]     i2mo,  pp.  262. 

Silveira.  Ora^ao  recitada  na  abertura  das  aulas  do  seminario 
episcopal  do  Rio  de  Janeiro,  em  8  de  Marino  de  1841.  ...  Rio  de 
Janeiro.   1 84 1.     8vo.  81 1 19 

Silveira  (Simao  Estaco  da).  Rela^ao  summaria  das  cousas 
do  Maranhao,  dirigida  aos  pobres  d'este  reino  de  Portugal  ...  Lis- 
hoa,  por  Giraldo  da  Vinha.   1624.     Folio.  81 120 

Concerning  this  work  see  Silva's  "Diccionario  Bibliographico  Portuguez,"  vii.  276. 
vol.  XIX.  36 






Silver  (A.)  Something  New  for  the  Soldiers.  By  Rev. 
Abicl  Silver  ....  Boston:  IVilliam  Carter^  Brother.  1863.  i2mo, 
pp.  II.  81 121 

Silver  (S.)  Remarks  for  the  Serious  Consideration  of  the 
Members  of  Indiana  Yearly  Meeting  of  Friends,  collectively  and 
individually.  Likewise  for  all  thos*^  who  make  Religious  Profes- 
sion under  that  name,  to  whom  these  may  come.  By  Samuel 
Silver.  Printed  by  Holloway  &  Davis^  Richmond,,  Indiana^  ^837. 
i2mo,  pp.  8.  8 II 22 

Silver  Anniversary  of  the  American  Literary  Union.  Organ- 
ized Philadelphia,  February  21st,  1845.  Chartered  April  19th, 
1858.  Philadelphia,  December  5th,  1870.  Philadelphia:  The 
Leisuring  Printing  House.    1 87 1.     Sm.  410,  pp.  35.  81 123 

Prospectus  and  Report  of  the  Silver  Creek  Copper  and 
Lead  Mining  Co.  Office,  No.  30  Pine  Street,  New  York. 
New  York:  Macoy  &  Herwig,  Printers.  1864.  8vo,  pp.  22,  and 
covers.     2  Plates  and  Map.  81 124 

The  Silver  Mines  of  Nevada.  New  York :  Wm.  C.  Bryant  ^ 
Co.,  Printers.    1864.     8vo,  pp.  76,  (2).     Map.  81125 

Silver  Mines  of  Virginia  and  Austin,  Nevada.  ...  Boston: 
ff^right  &  Potter,  Printers.    1865.     8vo,  pp.  19.  H.  81 126 

Silversmith  (Julius).  Metallic  and  Agricultural  Wealth  of 
the  Pacific  States   ...  New  York?  1863.    4to.     Plates.      81127 

Silversmith.  The  Miner's  Companion  and  Guide.  ...  San 
Francisco  :  Julius  Silversmith.   1 861.     i8mo.  81 1 28 

Silversmith.  Practical  Handbook  for  Miners,  Metallurgists, 
and  Assayers,  comprisin^i;  the  most  recent  Improvements  in  the 
Disintegration,  Amalgamation,  Smelting  and  Parting  of  the 
Precious  Ores ;  with  a  comprehensive  Digest  of  the  Mining 
Laws.  ...  New  York.  1865.  i2mo.  -f-  New  York.  1866.  i2mo. 
4-  Fourth  Edition.     New  York.   1867.     i2mo.  81 129 

Silvester  (P.  H.)  Speech  of  P.  H.  Silvester,  ...  June  3, 
1850,  on  the  Admission  of  California.  [Washington.  1850.] 
8vo.  8 1 130 

Silvestre,  Jrzobispo  de  Caracas  y  Venezuela.  Observaciones 
sobre  el  Concordato  de  Venezuela  celebrado  en  Roma  en  Julio 



dc  1862  y  ratificado  por  Su  Santidad  en  el  Palacio  del  Vaticano, 
el  dia  25  de  Mayo  de  1863.   ...  Caracas.    1864.     8vo,  pp.  25. 

SiLVESTRis,  pseudon. 
to  the  United  States. 
Smith,   1803.     8vo,  pp. 

Reflections  on  the  Cession  of  Louisiana 

By  Silvestris.      IVashington  City :   S.  H. 

27.  81132 

Sim  (W.  H.)  A  Few  Plain  Thoughts  on  Emigration  and 
Colonization.      By  W.  H.  Sim.     London.    1850.     Fcp.  8vo,  pp. 

20.  81 133 

SiMcoE  [John  Graves],  b.  1752,  d.  1806.  A |  Journal] of  the| 
Operations  I  of  I  The  Queen's  Rangers,  |  From  the  End  of  the 
Year  1777,  |  to  the  |  conclusion  of  the  late  American  war.  |  By 
Lieutenant-Colonel  Simcoe,  |  Cominander  of  that  Corps.  |  Exeter  : 
Printed  for  the  Author.  \  [1787.]  4to,  pp.  (8),  184,  Appendix  (48). 
10  folded  Plans.  H.,  L.  81 134 

The  plans  are  as  tbllows  :  Art'air  at  yuintin's  Bridge,  p.  26;  Surprise  of  Rebels  at 
Hancocks  House,  p.  28;  Ambuscade  of  the  Indians  at  Kingsbridgc,  p.  545  March  of 
the  Queens  Rangers,  p.  56;  Plan  uf  Oyster  Bay,  p.  62;  Skirmish  at  Richmond,  p. 
112;  The  Landing  at  Burrell's,  p.  132;  Sketch  of  the  Skirmish  at  Petersburg,  p.  138; 
Sketch  of  the  Action  at  Ojburns,  p.  140;   Action  at  Spencer's  Ordinary,  p.  166. 

The  book  was  not  published  for  sale,  but  for  private  distribution  only.  The  date  of 
printing  is  given  in  the  editor's  preface  to  the  edition  of  1844.  According  to  Mr.  Rich, 
its  existence  was  almost  unknown  until  a  copy  turned  up  in  the  Ciialmers  sale  in  1841. 
The  Field  copy  sold  for  $30;  the  Menzies  copy  (measuring  on  the  leaf  10^  by  8J^ 
inches),  $51;  the  Murphy  copy,  $35;  the  Barlow  copy  (measuring  ii^g  by  8|4f 
inches),  $155.      Priced  by  Quaritch  in  1885,  £10. 

A  copy  containing  the  original  colored  drawings  of  the  plans,  sixteen  in  number,  and 
with  ma  '.uscript  notes  on  the  margins  by  Gen.  Sir  Henry  Clinton,  was  sold  with  "a 
further  portion  of  the  library  of  the  late  Colonel  Henry  Clinton,  of  Earlsbury  Park," 
at  Sotheby's  in  London,  March,  1884  (No.  816),  for  £44.  It  was  purchased  by  Mr. 
guaritch,  who  priced  it  in  his  general  catalogue  for  July,  1885  (No.  2971 1),  at  £55. 
Nine  of  thcci  drawings  are  said  to  closely  resembie  the  engraved  maps,  the  tenth 
(Sketch  of  the  Skirmish  at  Petersburg)  being  on  a  different  scale.  The  additional  draw- 
ings comprise :  Skirmish  at  Croswick's,  Retreat  from  Gens.  Clinton  and  Morgan,  Plan 
of  Post  at  Great  Bridge,  Position  of  Rangers  at  North  Castle,  Point  of  Fork,  and  Plan 
of  R.  Delaware  below  Philadelphia.  "  The  drawings  are  by  Lt.  G.  Spencer,  or  copies 
by  him  of  sketches  by  Lt.-Col.  Simcoe,  and  Lts.  Allans  and  J.  Stratton." 

Simcoe.  Simcoe's  Military  Journal.  A  History  of  the  Oper- 
ations of  a  Partisan  Corps,  called  the  Queen's  Rangers,  com- 
manded by  Lieut.  Col.  J.  G.  Simcoe,  during  the  War  of  the 
American  Revolution ;  illustrated  by  ten  engraved  plans  of 
actions,  & :.  Now  first  published,  with  a  Memoir  of  the  Author 
and  other  additions.  New-York:  Bartlett^  Welford.  1844.  8vo, 
pp.  xvii,  (2),  13-328.     10  Plans.  ba.,  l.  81 135 

Edited  by  Silvanus  Miller,  Jr.  Twenty-five  copies  of  this  edition  were  printed  on 
large  paper,  with  the  maps  colored.  "  The  operations  detailed  occurred  in  the  vicinity 
of  New  York  City,  in  West-Chester  county,  Long  Island,  Staten  Island,  in  v?.rious 




parts  of  New  Jersey,  the  neighbourhuod  of  Philadelphia,  Germantown,  &c.,  in  North 
and  South  C.irolinn,  in  Virginia,  at  the  time  ot"  Arnold's  invasion,  and  through  the  whole 
subsequent  movements  in  that  state,  till  Cornwallis*  surrender  at  Yorktown.  The 
memoir  of  the  author,  and  some  other  additions  as  appendix,  increase  the  attraction, 
interest  and  value  of  the  whole  volume." 

SiMCOE.  Lieut. -General  Simcoe  understanding! that  the  trans- 
lation of  the  Duke  de  Liancourt's  travels  has  been  much  circu- 1 
lated,  thinks  it  not  improper  to  print  an  extract  from  a  letter  of 
his  to  the  |  printer,  Mr.  Phillips,  in  answer  to  a  very  civil  com- 
munication received  |  from  him  respecting  that  work.  This  extract 
will  elucidate  the  purport  of  |  the  communication,  and  at  the  same 
time  account  for  Lieut.-General|Simcoe's  speech,  on  the  closing 
of  the  first  parliament  of  the  province  of  Upper  |  Canada,  being 
inserted  in  the  appendix  of  that  work.  |  He  adds  a  paper  delivered 
by  him,  when  he  was  very  lately  under  orders  |  for  foreign  service, 
to  the  Honorable  Rufus  King,  Minister  from  the  United  |  States. 
[Colophon:]  Trewmans^  printers.    Exeter.  [1799?]    410,  pp.  18. 

Title  furnished  by  Mr.  James  Bain,  chief  librarian  of  the  Public  Library  at  Toronto, 
from  a  copy  belonging  to  that  institution. 

[Simcoe. ]  Remarks  |  on  the  J  Travels  |  of  the  |  Marquis  de 
Chastellux,  |  in  |  North  America.  |  London.,  \  Printed  for  G.  and  T. 
fVilkie^  in  St.  Paul's  Church-Yard.  \  mdcclxxxvii.  |  {Price  two 
shillings.)    8vo,  pp.  (4),  80.  B.  81 137 

Corrected  title  of  No.  69508,  Vol.  xvi.  I  am  indebted  to  Mr.  James  Bain,  of  the 
Public  Library  at  Toronto,  for  information  that  the  above-named  pamphlet  was  written 
by  Lieut. -Col.  Simcoe. 

Simcoe.  Speech  of  John  Graves  Simcoe,  Esq.  ...  Niagra^ 
printed  1796.     8vo.  811 38 

Also:  Speech  ...  Printed  in  Upper  Canada,  by  Louis  Roy.  1793.  8vo.  These  two 
titles  are  from  a  bookseller's  catalogue. 

Simeon  (R.)  Dictionnaire  de  la  Langue  Nahuatl  ou  Mexi- 
caine,  redige  d'apres  les  documents  imprimes  et  manuscrits  les 
plus  authentiques  et  precede  d'une  introduction,  par  Remi  Simeon. 
Paris,  Imprimerie  Nationale.   1885.    4to,  pp.  Ixxv,  710.       81 139 

Simerwell  [Robert]  and  Noaquett.  Potrwatome  nkum- 
winin,  epe  natotatewinin.  Siseminwrn  epe  Norqit,  okena'tonawa. 
Pukon  Kesis,  1835.  ...  Shawanoe  Baptist  Mission:  J.  Meeker, 
printer.    1835.     i8mo,  pp.  84.  ba.  81140 

Primer  lessons,  catechism  and  hymns  in  the  Putawatomie  Indian  language. 

Simerwell.  Wlkr  Potrwatome  msina'kin ;  kewrnpinukatr. 
Siseminwrn,   okena'ton.     Tr'min   kesis — 1834   tso   Pponkit  pe 



Icanekit  Hesus.     Shaivannoe  Mission^   J.  Meeker^  Printer^   1834. 
i8mo,  pp.  32.  BA.  81 141 

Spelling  lesRuns,  prayers,  bible  history  aiul  hynitis,  in  the  Putawatomie  language. 
Pages  30-32  contain  an  explanation  of  the  Putawatomie  characters. 

Fur  an  account  uf  Mr.  Simerwelt'a  manuscripts  in  this  language,  and  of  his  labors 
among  the  Putawatomie  Indians,  tet  PiUing's  "  Bibliography  of  the  Algonquian  Lan- 
guages," pp.  463-466. 

SiMES  (T.)  The  I  Military  Guide  |  for  |  Young  Officers,  |  By  | 
Thomas  Simcs,  Esq.  ]  Author  of  the  Military  Medley.  |  In  Two 
Volumes.  I  ...  I  London^  Printed,  \  Philadelphia^  \  Re-printed  by  "J. 
Humphreys^  R.  Bell,  and  \  R.  Jitien,  Printers  and  Booksellers.  \ 
M.DCc.LXXVi.  I  2  vols.,  8vo,  pp.  (8),  384  [misprinted  284],  2 
folded  leaves,  index  pp.  (5);  two  titles,  pp.  (188),  and  Frontis- 
piece, p.  81 142 

The  second  title  in  vol.  ii.  in  as  follows:  "A  New|Military,  Historical, |and| Explana- 
tory I  Dictioiiary  ;  |  Including  tiie  |  Warriors  Gazetteer  of  Places  remarkable  |  for  Sieges  or 
Battles.  I  By  Thomas  Sinies,  Esq;|  Philadilpbia  :  \  Sold  by  Hiimfibreys,  Be/l,  and  yjilien.  | 
M,i)Cc,LXXVi."  The  second  volume  usually  contains  at  the  end  Ualryniplc's  "  Extracts 
from  a  Military  Essay,"  and  Harvey's  "  Manual  Exercise,"  each  with  its  own  title 
(dated  1776)  and  pagination.  S(e  Dalrymple  (C),  Vol.  v..  No.  18345;  and  [Harvey 
(E.)],  Vol.  viii.,  No.  30771. 

The  Simile  of  the  Apple  Tree.  The  Connecticut  Mutual 
Life  Insurance  Company.  "  Mawney  Farm."  Comparison 
between  Life  Policies.  "  The  Fenner  Sweeting."  The  Mutual 
Life  Insurance  Co.,  of  New  York,  and  the  "  Sole  General  Agent 
for  Boston  and  Vicinity."  ...   [n.  p.    i86-?]    8vo,  pp.  i6. 

Simmers  (W.)  The  Volunteer's  Manual ;  or.  Ten  Months 
with  the  153d  Penn'a  Volunteers,  being  a  Concise  Narrat've  of 
the  Most  Important  Events  of  the  History  of  the  said  Regiment. 
By  William  Simmers  "nd  Paul  Bachschmid,  late  Lieutenants, 
153d  P.  V.  Easton,  Pa.:  D.  H.  Neimany  Printer.  1863.  8vo, 
pp.  52.  B.  81 144 

SiMMONDS  (P[eter]  L[und]).  The  Arctic  Regions  and  Polar 
Discoveries  during  the  Nineteenth  Century;  with  the  Discoveries 
made  by  Capt.  M'Clintock  as  to  the  P'ate  of  the  Franklin  Expe- 
dition. By  P.  L.  Simmcnds.  New  Edition.  London :  George 
Routledge  6f  Co.   i860.     i2mo,  pp.  400.  c.  81 145 

A  new  edition  of  "  Sir  John  Franklin  and  the  Arctic  Regions." 

SiMMONDS.  The  Commercial  Dictionary  of  Trade  Products, 
Manufacturing  and  Technical  Terms  ;  with  a  Definition  of  the 
Moneys,  Weights,  and  Measures,  of  all  Countries,  reduced  to 
the  British  Standard.     By  P.  L.  Simmonds,  f.r.g.s.,  f.s.s.  ...  A 



New  Edition,  revised  and  enlarged.     London 
and  Sons.    1867.     I2niu,  pp.  viii,  463. 

George  Rout  ledge 

B.  81  146 

SiMMONDs.  The  Commercial  Products  of  the  Vegetable  King- 
dom, considered  in  their  various  uses  to  man,  and  in  their  relation 
to  the  arts  and  manufactures :  forming  a  Practical  Treatise  and 
Handbook  of  Reference  for  the  Colonist,  Manufacturer,  Mer- 
chant, and  Consumer.  Hy  P.  L.  Simmonds.  London.  1854. 
8vo.  81 147 

Simmonds.  Curiosities  of  Food  ;  or  the  Dainties  and  Deli- 
cacies of  diH'erent  Nations,  obtained  from  the  Animal  Kingdom. 
By  Peter  Lund  Simmonds,  f.r.g.s.,  f.s.s.  ...  I^ondon :  Richard 
Bentley.    1859.     i6mo,  pp.  xvi,  372.  ba.  81148 

Simmonds.  A  Dictionary  of  Trade  Products,  Commercial, 
Manufacturing  and  Technical  Terms,  with  a  Definition  of  the 
Moneys,  Weights  and  Measures  of  all  Countries  reduced  to  the 
British  Standard.  By  P.  L.  Simmonds  ...  London.  1857.  i6mo. 
-f-  London:  G.  Routledge  i^  Co.   1858.     i6rno,  pp.  422.  H. 

Simmonds.  Simmonds'  Colonial  Magazine  and  Foreign  Mis- 
cellany.  ...   London.    1844-1848.     15  vols.,  8vo.  n.  81 150 

Continued  as  "The  Colonial  Magazine  and  East  India  Review,"  edited  by  W.  H.  G. 
Kingston,  vols,  xvi.-xxiii.,  London,  1849-1851;  and  as  "The  Colonial  and  Asiatic 
Review,"  2  vols.,  London,  1852-1853,  when  it  was  discontinued. 

The  magazine  contains  articles  and  statistical  information  on  Canada,  and  the  other 
British  North  American  Provinces. 

Simmonds.  Sir  John  Franklin  and  the  Arctic  Regions :  A 
Narrative,  showing  the  Progress  of  British  Enterprise  for  the 
Discovery  of  the  North-west  Passage  during  the  Nineteenth  Cen- 
tury. With  Notices  of  all  the  Expeditions  sent  in  search  of  the 
missing  vessels  under  Captain  Sir  John  Franklin.  By  P.  L.  Sim- 
monds ....  London:  George  Routledge  Iff  Co.  mdcccli.  i2mo.  -}- 
Second  Edition.  \^Ibid.'\  mdcccli.  i2mo,  pp.  xvi,  286.  Plate 
and  2  folded  Maps.  h.  -f  Third  Edition.  [/W.]  1853.  i2mo, 
pp.  272.  81151 

Simmonds.  Sir  John  Franklin  and  the  Arctic  Regions  :  with 
detailed  Notices  of  the  Expeditions  in  search  of  the  missing  ves- 
sels under  Sir  John  Franklin.  By  P.  L.  Simmonds.  To  which 
is  added  an  account  of  the  American  Expedition  under  the  pat- 
ronage of  Henry  Grinnell,  Esq.  With  an  Introduction  to  the 
American  edition  by  John  C.  Lord,  d.d.  Buffalo.  1852.  i2mo, 
pp.  xvii,  25-396.     Map.  c,  p.  81 152 



Simmons  (Mrs.)  Narrative  of  Mrs.  Simmons,  twice  taken  by 
the  Indians  ...  with  an  Account  of  the  Serpent  Tongucd  Infant. 
New  Tor k.    1S37.     I2m().     Plates.  ^^'53 

Simmons  (A.  T.)     The  Truth  about  Cuba.     By  A.  T.  Si 



mons,  m.d.     [^Philadelphia.    1870.]    Svo,  pp.  8.  H.  Hi  154 

'Joncerninu  the  rcvdlutiun  in  Cub.i. 

Simmons  (C.)  Slavery  of  the  United  States,  to  Sinful  and 
Foolish  Customs.  By  Charles  Simmons.  Paivtucht^  R.  I. 
Printed  for  the  Author.    1 84 1.     1 2mo,  pp.  24,  and  covers.  H. 

Simmons  (F.  E.)  A  Complete  Account  of  the  John  Morgan 
Raid  through  Kentucky,  Indiana  &  Ohio  in  July  1863.  Pub- 
lished by  Flora  E.  Simmons,     [n.  p.]    18.63.     32mo,  pp.  94. 

Simmons  (G.  A.)  Assault  on  Mr.  Sumner.  Speech  of  Hon. 
G.  A.  Simmons,  of  New  York,  in  the  House  of  Representatives, 
July  II,  1856.  [IVashington :  Buell  ij  Blanchard.,  Printers.  1856.] 
8vo,  pp.  7.  H.  81 157 

Simmons.  Memorial  of  G.  A.  Simmons  on  the  Results  of  a 
Survey  of  a  Railroad  and  Steamboat  Route  from  Lake  Champli;in 
to  the  County  of  Oneida.     Albany.    1846.     8vo.  s.  81 158 

Simmons.  Speech  of  Hon.  G.  A.  Simmons,  of  New  York, 
...  in  the  House  of  Representatives,  May  10,  1854,  on  the 
Nebraska  and  Kansas  Bill.    fVashington.   1854.    8vo,  pp.  13.    h. 

[Simmons  (George  Frederic),  b.  1814,  d.  1855.]  A  Letter  to 
the  so-called  "  Boston  Churches,"  which  are  in  truth  only  parts 
of  one  Church.  By  a  Member  of  the  same.  Boston:  fVm.  Crosby 
and  H.  P.  Nichols.   1846.     8vo,  pp.  24.  B.  81160 

Simmons.  Public  Spirit  and  Mobs.  Two  Sermons  ...  at 
Springfield  ...  February  23,  1851,  after  the  Thompson  Riot. 
By  George  F.  Simmons  ....  Springfield :  Merriam.^  Chapin^^'  Co. 
1851.     i2mo,  pp.  31.  H.  81161 

[Simmons.]  Review  of  the  Remarks  on  Dr.  Channing's  Slav- 
ery By  a  Citizen  of  Massachusetts.  Boston :  "James  Munroe  and 
Company.   1836.     8vo,  pp.  48,  and  covers.  ba.,  h.  81 162 

Simmons.  Two  Sermons  on  the  kind  Treatment  and  on  the 
Emancipation  of  Slaves.  Preached  at  Mobile,  on  ...  the  lOth, 
and  ...  17th  of  May,  1840.  ...  By  Geo.  F.  Simmons.  Boston: 
IVilliam  Crosby  and  Company.    1840.     8vo,  pp.  30.  ba.,  H. 




Simmons  (I.)  The  Funeral  Sermon  of  Capt.  Joseph  R.  Toy, 
delivered  in  ...  Sinisbury,  on  the  i6th  of  July,  1862.  By  Icha- 
bod  Simmons  ....  Hartford:  Prrss  of  Case^  I.ockwood  iff  Co.  1 86a. 
I2mo,  pp.  24.  81 164 

Simmons.  Our  Duty  in  the  Crisis.  A  Discourse  delivered 
on  the  Occasion  of  the  National  Fast,  September  26,  1861  ...  . 
By  Rev.  Ichabod  Simmons.  Hartford:  Case^  Lockwood  isf  Com- 
pany.  1861.    8vo,  pp.  24.  BA.  81165 

Simmons  (J.)  The  History  of  Geneva,  Wisconsin.  An 
Authentic  Account  of  the  First  Disci)very  and  Settlement  of  the 
Village  and  Town  of  Geneva.  With  Sketches  of  the  Lives  of 
prominent  early  Settlers.  By  James  Simmons.  Geneva.  1875. 
8vo,  pp.  loi.  81 166 

Simmons  (J.  B.)  The  Cause  and  Cure  of  the  Rebellion ;  or 
How  far  the  People  of  the  Loyal  States  are  responsible  for  the 
War.  By  James  B.  Simmons  ...  .  Indianapolis:  IVerden  and 
Company.    1861.     8vo,  pp.  12.  81167 

Simmons  (J.  F.)  Kansas  —  The  Lecompton  Constitution. 
Speech  of  Hon.  James  Y .  Simmons,  of  Rhode  Island,  in  the 
Senate  of  the  United  States,  March  20,  1858.  Washington^  D. 
C:  C.  fV.  Fenton^  Printer.    1858.     8vo,  pp.  i6.  81 168 

Simmons.  Speech  of  Mr.  Simmons  ...  March  11,  1842,  on 
the  resolutions  of  Mr.  Clay  on  the  Tariff.  IVashington.  1842. 
8vo.  s.  81 169 

Simmons.  Speech  of  Mr.  Simmons,  of  Rhode  Island,  upon 
the  resolutions  to  postpone  the  Bill  introduced  by  Mr.  McDuffie 
to  reduce  the  Duties  on  Imports ;  delivered  in  the  U.  S.  Senate, 
March  27,  1844.    [Washington.  1844.]     8vo,  pp.  32.     H.  81 170 

Simmons.  Speech  of  Hon.  James  F.  Simmons,  of  Rhode 
Island,  on  the  State  of  the  Union  ...  in  the  Senate  ...  January 
16,1861.    [n.  p.   1861.]    8vo,  pp.  15.  B.  81 171 

Also:  Letter  to  the  Hon.  James  F.  Simmons.     By  a  Rhode-Island  Conservative. 
Improvidence,  1845.]     8vo,  pp.  8. 

Simmons  (J.  L.  A.)  Defence  of  Canada  considered  as  an 
Imperial  Question  with  reference  to  a  War  with  America.  By 
J.  L.  A.  Simmons,  c.e.     London:  Longman.   1865.    8vo,  pp.  27. 

Simmons  (J[ames]  W[right].)  Blue  Beard.  [Canto  i.,  in 
verse.]     By  J.  W.  Sirtimons.     Philadelphia.   1821.     i2mo. 



Simmons.  Blue  Beard  ;  or,  The  Marshal  of  France.  [Canto 
II.,  in  verse.]  By  J.  W.  Simmons.  Philadelphia,  1822.  i2mo, 
pp.  no.  ^i'74 

Simmons.  The  Exile's  Return  ...  [In  verse.]  By  J.  W. 
Simmons.     Philadelphia.    1822.     i2mo,  pp.  117.  ^^175 

Simmons.  The  Greek  Girl ;  a  Tale,  in  two  Cantos.  By 
James  Wright  Simmons.  ...  Boston  and  Camhrid^^e :  James  Mun- 
roe  and  Company.  MUCCCLii.     i2mo,  pp.  142,(1).  h.  81 176 

Simmons.  The  Maniac's  Confession,  a  fragment  of  a  tale. 
[In  verse.]  By  J.  W.  Simmons,  Author  of  the  Exile's  Returr. 
Philadelphia.    1821.     i2mo,  pp.  96.  ^'*77 

Simmons  (W.)  A  Letter  to  the  Senate  and  House  of  Repre- 
sentatives of  the  United  States,  shewing  the  Profligacy  and  Cor- 
ruption of  General  John  Armstrong,  in  his  Administration  of  the 
War  Department.  By  William  Simmons,  Esq.  Georgetown : 
Printed  by  Robert  Alleson.   18 14.    8vo,  pp.  16.  ba.  81178 

Simms  (J[eptha]  R[oot]),  b.  1807,  d.  1883.  The  American 
Spy,  or  Freedom's  Early  Sacrifice ;  A  Tale  of  the  Revolution, 
founded  upon  Fact.  By  J.  R.  Simms  ...  .  Albany:  Printed  by  J. 
Munsell.   1846.    8vo,  pp.  63.  Sii79 

Based  on  the  history  uf  Nathan  Hale. 

Simms.  The  American  Spy,  or  Freedom's  Early  Sacrifice  :  A 
Tale  of  the  Revolution,  Founded  upon  Fact.  By  J.  R.  Simms, 
...  Albany:  J.  Munsell.   1857.    ^^o,  pp.  63.  ba.  81 180 

Simms.  The  American  Spy,  or  Freedom's  Early  Sacrifice  :  A 
Tale  of  the  Revolution,  Founded  upon  Fact.  By  J.  R.  Simms, 
...  Albany :  J.  Munsell.   1857.    8vo,  pp.  116.     Plate,     b.  81 181 

Verso  of  title :  "  Large  Paper  Copy.     Only  28  Copies  printed  in  this  Form." 

Sim  IS.  Catalogue  of  the  Private  Cabinet  of  Coins,  Relics, 
&c.  [belonging  to]  J.  R.  Simms.    Fort  Plain^  N.  T.  1869.    8vo. 

Simms.  The  Frontiersmen  of  New  York  Showing  Customs 
of  the  Indians,  vicissitudes  of  the  Pioneer  White  Settlers,  and 
Border  Strife  in  two  wars.  With  a  great  variety  of  romantic  and 
thrilling  stories  never  before  published.  By  Jeptha  R.  Simms, 
...  In  two  volumes,  illustrated.  ...  Albany^  N.  T.:  Geo.  C.  Riggs^ 
Publisher.  1882-83.  2  vols.,  8vo,  pp.  712,  (i);  759,(1).  Por- 
trait. 81 183 




SiMMS.  History  of  Schoharie  County,  and  Border  Wars  of 
New  York ;  containing  also  a  Sketch  of  the  Causes  which  led 
to  the  American  Revolution;  ...  and  interesting  Memoranda,  of 
the  Mchawk  Valley;  together  with  much  other  Historical  and 
Miscellaneous  Matter  never  before  published.  Illustrated  with 
more  than  Thirty  Engravings.  By  Jeptha  R.  Simms.  ...  Albany: 
Munsell  ^  Tanner^  Printers.  1845.  8vo,  pp.  672.  Frontispiece 
and  Plates.  ba.,  h.  81 184 

"  Mr.  Simms'  book  is  one  of  that  limited  class  of  historical  works,  for  which  the 
reader  will  feel  from  youth  to  cge,  that  he  owes  a  debt  of  gratitude  to  its  garrulous  and 
perhaps  not  over-scrupulous  author.  It  is  the  very  model  of  a  local  history.  Crowded 
with  details  of  the  adventures  of  the  early  settlers  of  the  Mohawk  Valley,  in  thuii  con- 
flicts with  their  savage  neighbors,  we  do  not  stop  to  question  their  authenticity.  The 
midnight  massacres,  the  long  and  weary  captivities,  the  surprises  of  Indian  camps,  the 
bloody  encounters  between  the  scouts  and  their  savage  foes,  are  all  narrated  with  a  cred- 
ulous faith,  and  an  artless  style  that  wins  and  preserves  the  reader's  attention." — Field. 

SiMMS.  Trappers  of  New  York,  or  a  Biography  of  Nicholas 
Stoner  &  Nathaniel  Foster ;  together  with  Anecdotes  of  other 
celebrated  Hunters,  and  some  account  of  Sir  William  Johnson, 
and  his  style  of  living.  By  Jeptha  R.  Simms  ....  Albany:  Printed 
by  y.  Munsell,  1850.  i2mo,  pp.  280.  4  Plates.  +  Second  edi- 
tion. Albany :  J.  MunselL  185 1.  i2mo,  pp.  287.  4  Plates,  -f 
Albany :  Printed  by  J.  Munsell.  1857.  i2nio,  pp.  287.  4  Plates. 
-Y  Albany :  J.  Munsell.  i860.  i2mo,  pp.  287.  4  Plates.  + 
Albany :  y.  Munsell.    1871.     8vo,  pp.  297.  81185 

Simms  (W.  E.)  Speech  of  Hon.  W.  E.  Simms,  of  Ken- 
tucky, on  Polygamy  in  Utah.  Delivered  in  the  House  of  Repre- 
sentatives, April  4,  i860.  [Py^ashington :  Printed  by  Lemuel  Tow- 
ers.  i860.]    8vo,  pp.  16.  81 186 

Simms  (W[illiam]  G.),  b.  1806,  d.  1870. 
of  the   South.     By  W.  Gilmore   Simms. 
Russell.  MDCCCXLVi.    8vo,  pp.  108. 

Areytos ;  or,  Songs 

.    Charleston  :  yohn 

BA.  81187 

Simms.  Areytos ;  or  Songs  and  Ballads  of  the  South,  with 
other  Poems.  By  W.  Gilmore  Simms.  Charleston^  S.  C. :  Rus- 
sell &  yones.   i860.     i2mo,  pp.  xvi,  5-416.  c.  81188 

[Simms.]  At^lantis.  A  Story  of  the  Sea.  ...  New-York:  J. 
t^  y.  Harper.   1832.     8vo,  pp.  80.  B.  81189 

[Simms.]  Atalantis ;  a  Story  of  the  Sea.  [In  verse.]  By 
the  Author  of  "The  Yemassee,"  "Guy  Rivers,"  &c.   ...  Phila- 



'  ow- 


delphia :  Carey  and  Hart.    1848.     i2mo,  pp.  vi,  (2),   144,  errata 
I  slip.  RA..,  L.  81 190 

Pages  73-144  contain  "The  Eye  and  the  Wing;   Poems  chiefly  imaginative." 

[SiMMs.]  Beauchampe,  or  the  Kentucky  Tragedy.  A  Tale 
of  Passion.  By  the  Author  of  "  Richard  Hurdis,"  ...  Philadel- 
phia: Lea  &  Blanchard.  1842.  2  vols.,  l2mo,  pp.  (4),  13-303  ; 
301.  c.  81191 

SiMMS.  Beauchampe  ;  or,  the  Kentucky  Tragedy.  A  Sequel 
to  Charlemont.  By  W.  Gilmore  Simms,  Esq.  ...  New  and 
revised  edition.  Redfield  ...  New  York.  1856.  i2mo,  pp.  402. 
-}-  New  York:  IV.  J.  Widdleton.  [1865  ?]     i2mo,  pp.  402. 

SiMMS.  The  Book  of  My  Lady;  a  Melange.  ...  Philadelphia: 
Key  &  Biddle.    1833.     i2mo.  8  "93 

[Simms.]  Border  Beagles  :  a  Tale  of  Mississippi.  Philadel- 
phia :  Carey  ^  Hart.   1840.     2  vols.,  i2mo.  8 1 194 

SiMMs.  Border  Beagles,  a  Tale  of  the  Mississippi.  By  W. 
Gilmore  Simms,  Esq.  ...  New  and  revised  edition.  Redfield  ... 
New  York.  1855.  i2mo,  pp.  495.  b.,  c.  +  New  York :  W.  J. 
IViddleton.   [1865?]     i2mo,  pp.  495.  ^"95 

[Simms.]  Carl  Werne.-,  an  Imaginative  Story;  with  other 
Tales  of  Imagination.  By  the  Author  of  "The  Yemassee,"  ... 
New  York :  G.  Adlard.  1 838.  2  vols.,  i2mo,  pp.  (8),  243  ;  (4), 
208.  c.  81 196 

Simms.  The  Cassique  of  Accabee.  A  Tale  of  Ashley  River. 
With  Other  Pieces.  [In  verse.]  By  William  Gilmore  Simms, 
Authorof  "The  Yemassee,"  "Richard  Hurdis,"  "Guy  Rivers," 
"  Atalantis,"  etc.  New-York  :  Geo.  P.  Putnam.  1849.  Sq.  i6mo, 
pp.  112,  and  covers.  b.,  h.,  l.  81 197 

Simms.  The  Cassique  of  Kiawah.  A  Colonial  Romance 
By  William  Gilmore  Simms,  Esq.  ...  Redfield  34  Beekman  Street^ 
New  York  iSsg  i2mo,  pp.  (6),  9-600.  Frontispiece  and  engraved 
title.  L.  81 198 

Simms.  Castle  Dismal :  or.  The  Bachelor's  Christmas.  A 
Domestic  Legend.  By  the  Author  of  "Guy  Rivers,"  "The 
Yemassee,"  *' Richard  Hurdis,"  &c.  ...  New- York :  Burgess, 
Stringer  &  Co.    1845.     i2mo,  pp.  192,  and  covers.  L.  81 199 

Cover-title :  "  Price  25  Cents.     Castle  Dismal,  or  the  Bachelor's  Christmas :  a  Do- 
mestic Legend.     By  W.  G.  Simms,"  etc. 





SiMMS.  Charlemont ;  or,  the  Pride  of  the  Village  ;  a  Tale  of 
Kentucky.  Redfield  ...  New  York.  1856.  i2mo,  pp.  447.  B. 
+  New  York :  IV.  J.  IViddleton.  [1865  .?]     i2mo,  pp.  447. 

SiMMS.  The  City  of  the  Silent ;  a  Poem.  By  W.  Gilmore 
Simms.  Delivered  at  the  Consecration  of  Magnolia  Cemetery, 
November  19,  1850.     Charleston :  fValker  isf  James.   1850.     8vo, 

pp.  54,  and  covers. 

L.  8 1  20 1 

[Simms.]  Confession ;  or,  the  Blind  Heart.  A  Domestic 
Story.  By  the  Author  of  "The  Kinsman,"  ...  Philadelphia :  Lea 
l^  Blanchard.    1841.     2  vols.,  i2mo,  pp.  251;  (2),  13-257.       c. 

Simms.     Confession :    or.  The    Blmd  Heart. 

A  Domestic 

Story.  By  W.  Gilmore  Simms,  Esq.  ...  New  and  Revised  Edi- 
tion. Redfield  ...  New  York.  1856.  i2mo,  pp.  398.  B.,  s.  -|- 
New  and  Revised  Edition.     New  York:  W.  "J.  IViddleton.   1864. 

i2nio,  pp.  398. 

B.  81203 

[SiMMS.j  Count  Julian  ;  or,  the  last  Days  of  the  Goth.  A 
Historical  Romance.  By  the  Author  of  "Guy  Rivers,"  ...  Bal- 
timore:  fVilliam  Taylor  is'  Co.  ...  New-York:  William  Taylor. 
1845.    8vo,  pp.  viii,  3-201,  and  covers.  L.  81204 

[Simms.]  The  Damsel  of  Darien.  By  the  Author  of  "The 
Yemassee,"  "Guy  Rivers,"  "  Mellichampe,"  &c.  ...  Philadel- 
phia: Lea  and  Blanchard.  1839.  2  vols.,  l2mo,  pp.  (6),  13-308; 
281.  BA.,  C.  81205 

[Simms.]  Donna  Florida.  A  Tale.  [In  verse.]  By  the 
Author  of  "  Atalantis,"  "  Southern  Passages  and  Pictures,"  &c. 
Charleston:  Burgess  and  James.  1843.  i8mo,  pp.  (6),  97,  and 
covers.  c,  l.  81206 

Simms.  Early  Lays.  By  William  G.  Simms,  Jr.  Charleston^ 
S.  C.   1827.     i2mo,  pp.  108.  P.,  s.  81207 

Simms.  Egeria  ;  or,  Voices  of  Thought  and  Counsel,  for  the 
Woods  and  Wayside.  By  W.  Gilmore  Simms,  Esq.  ...  Phila- 
delphia:  E.  H.  Butler  &  Co.   1853.     i2nio,  pp.  319.     Plate,      h. 

Simms.  Eutaw ;  a  Sequel  to  The  Forayers,  or  The  Raid  of 
the  Dog-Days.  A  Tale  of  the  Revolution.  By  W.  Gilmore 
Simms,  Esq.    ...  Redjield  ...  New  York.    1856.     i2mo,  pp.  582. 

B*^     Ca 

+  New  edition.     New  York:  IV.  J.  IViddleton.   [1865  ?] 

i2mo,  pp.  582. 





SiMMS.  Father  Abbot,  or,  the  Home  Tourist ;  a  Medley. 
By  W.  Gilmore  Simms,  Esq.  Charleston^  S.  C. :  Printed  by  Miller 
y  Browne.   1849.     i^mo,  pp.  (4),  3-235,  and  covers.     L.  81 210 

SiMMS.  The  Forayers,  or.  The  Raid  of  the  Dog-Days.  By 
W.  Gilmore  Simms,  Esq.  ...  Redfield  ...  New  York.  1855. 
l2mo,  pp.  (4),  560.  c.  +  New  York:  IV.  J.  IViddleton.  [1865?] 
i2mo,  pp.  (4),  560.  B.  81 21 1 

Simms.  The  Geography  of  South  Carolina :  being  a  com- 
panion to  the  History  of  that  State  :  By  William  Gilmore  Simms. 
Compiled  from  the  latest  and  best  authorities,  and  designed  for 
the  instruction  of  the  Young.  Charleston:  Babcock  &  Co.  1843. 
i2mo,  pp.  192.     Map.  c.  81212 

Simms.  The  Ghost  of  my  Husband.  A  Tale  of  the  Cres- 
cent City.     By  William  Gilmore  Simms.     New  York:  Chapman 

i^  Co.   1866.     i2mo,  pp.  114.     Plate. 


Simms.  The  Golden  Christmas,  a  Chronicle  of  St.  John's 
Berkeley,  compiled  from  the  Notes  of  a  Briefless  Barrister.  ... 
Charleston :  IValker  l^  Richards.    1852.     i2mo,  pp,  168.      81214 

[Simms.]  Grouped  Thoughts  and  Scattered  Fancies.  A  Col- 
lection of  aonnets.  By  the  Author  of  "  Atalantis,"  "  Southern 
Passages  and  Pictures,"  &c.  Richmond^  Va.  Printed  by  IVm.  Mac- 
farlane^  Messenger  Office:   1845.     Sq.  i6mo,  pp.  61.        L.  81 21 5 

[Simms.]  Guy  Rivers ;  a  Tale  of  Georgia.  By  the  Author 
of  "Martin  Faber,"  "Atalantis"  ...  New  York:  Harper  iff  Broth- 
ers. 1834.  2  vols.,  i2mo,  pp.  258;  257.  -f-  Second  Edition. 
Elbid.'l  1835.  2  vols.,  i2mo,  pp.  258  ;  257.  -j- Third  Edition. 
Ibid.l   1837.     2  vols.,  i2mo,  pp.  258  ;  257.  81216 

SiMMS.     Guy  Rivers,  the  Outlaw 
pp.  213. 

,.   London.  1841.     8vo, 
c.  81217 

Hazlitt's  "  Romancist  and  Novelist's  Library,"  vol.  11. 


SiMMS.  Guy  Rivers.  A  Tale  of  Georgia.  By  W.  Gilmore 
Simms,  Esq.  ...  Redfield  ...  New  York.  1855.  i2mo,  pp.  503. 
-f-  New  York:  IV.  J.  fViddleton.  [1865  ?]     i2mo,  pp.  503. 

SiMMS.  The  History  of  South  Carolina  from  its  First  Euro- 
pean Discovery  to  its  erection  into  a  Republic :  with  a  supple- 
mentary Chronicle  of  Events  to  the  present  time.     By  William 



Gilmore   Simms.   ...   Charleston:  S.  Babcock  i^  Co.    1840.     8vo, 

pp.  (2),  355.  BA.,  H.,  S.  81219 

Some  copies  are  on  large  paper.     The  "Questioni"  to  the  history  were  published 

SiMMS.  The  History  of  South  Carolina,  from  its  first  Euro- 
pean Discovery  to  its  erection  into  a  Republic :  with  a  supple- 
mentary Chronicle  of  events  to  the  present  time.  By  William 
Gilmore  Simms  ....  Second  Edition.     Charleston:  S.  Babcock  lif 

Co.   1842. 


i2mo,  pp.  345. 


The  History  of  South  Carolina  from  its  First  Euro- 
pean Discovery  to  its  erection  into  a  Republic,  with  a  Supple- 
mentary Book,  bringing  the  narrative  down  to  the  present  time. 
By  William   Gilmore   Simms.    ...    New  and   Revised   Edition. 

Redjield  ...  New  fori.   i860. 
Tori :  Richardson  ^  Co.   1866. 

i2mo,  pp.  viu,  437.     H. 



-\-  New 

Third   Edition.     New 

i2mo,  pp 

Simms.     The   Huguenots  in   Florida ;    or,  the  Lily  and  the 
Totem.     By  William  Gilmore  Simms. 
Tori:  C.  Scribner.    1854.     i2mo. 

For  earlier  editions  tee  No.  81232,  infra, 

[Simms.]  Katharine  Walton  ;  or,  the  Rebel  of  Dorchester. 
An  Historical  Romance  of  the  Revolution  in  Carolina.  ...  Phila- 
delphia: J.  Hart.   1 85 1.    8 vo,  pp.  (4),  9-186.  c.  81223 

Simms.  Katharine  Walton ;  or  the  Rebel  of  Dorchester.  An 
Historical  Romance  of  the  Revolution  in  Carolina.  By  W.  Gil- 
more Simms,  Esq.  New  and  revised  Edition.  Redjield  ...  New 
York.  1854.  i2mo,  pp.  (4),  474.  c.  -\-  New  Tork :  W.  J.  Wid- 
dleton.  [1865?]     i2mo,  pp.  (4),  474.  81224 

[Simms.]  The  Kinsmen  ;  or,  the  Black  Riders  of  Congaree. 
A  Tale.  ...  Philadelphia:  Lea  isf  Blanchard.  1841.  2  vols.,  i2mo, 
pp.  241;  275.  c.  81225 

For  a  later  edition  set  "The  Scout,"  No.  8 1 25 5,  infra. 


I  i&-ifi^jS'k^i&L«'kL> 





















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