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A    GOPIOI]  ^    INDEX. 




Printer  to  the  Gtuecn's  Most  Excellent  Majesty. 

V  1843. 

'  .) 

■  }  { 

The  publishers  have  been  indiiced  by  considerations 
of  convenience  to  the  legal  profess*  ,  and  a  conviction 
of  the  utility  to  the  community  generally,  to  print  the 
important  Statutes  relating  to  the  Criminal  Lavs^s,  with 
full  Index  to  their  comprehensive  enactments,  in  the 
present  separate  and  more  compendious  form. 

Kingston,  May,  1843. 


i  : 


5  s: 









4th  &  5th  victoria. 

An  Act  for  improving  the  administration  of  Criminal 
Justice  in  this  Province. 

[\8tfi  September,  1841.] 
"^l^f^HEREAS  it  is  expedient,  with  a  view  to  improve  the 
administration  of  Justice  in  Criminal  Cases  in  this  Pro- 
vince,   to  define    under   what  circumstances  persons   may  be 
atlmitted  to  bail  in  cases  of  Felony ;  and  to  make  better  provi- 

3sion  for  taking  examinations,  informations,  bailments  and  recog- 
nizances, and  returning  the  same  to  the  proper  tribunals  ;  and  to 
relax  in  some  instances  the  technical  strictness  of  criminal  pro- 
ceedings, so  as  to  insure  the  punishment  of  the  guiUy  without 
depriving  the  accused  of  any  just  means  of  defence  ;    and  to 

<0  abolish  tho  benefit  of  Clergy  and  some  matters  of  form  which 
impede  the  due  administration  of  Justice;  and  to  make  better 
provision  for  the  punishment  of  offenders  in  certain  cases;  Be  it 
therefore  enacted,  hy  the  Queen's  Most  Excellent  Majesty,' by  and 
with  the  advice  and  consent  of  the"  Legislative   Council  and 

15  Legislative  Assembly  of  the  Province  of  Canada,  constituted 
and  assembled  by  virtue  of  and  under  the  authority  of  an  Act 
passed  in  the  Parliament  of  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great 
Britain  and   Ireland,   and  intituled  An  Act  to  He-unite  the 



4  &:  5  Vic. 

Provinces  of  Upper  and  Lower   Canada,  and  for  the  Go- 
Who  n\:yy  he  V em meiit  of  Canada,  ami  it  la  hereby  ouiicted,  l»y  llie  autliu- 

aihiiitlcil   to        ■.         r.    ,1  ji     1       I  '  1111,1 

bail    on  a      '"'^7  "*   ^''"  samo,  lliut  wliui'c  iiiiy   person  bliall  bo    taken  on   a 

ch;ir!,'(!  of  IV-  chai'L^c  of  Fclonv  or  suapicion  oi"  Felony,  belorc  one  or  more  Jiistiee 

lonv,  unil  wlio        ,.  ^in  ii        ,  .,,,  ., 

ujny  not.         or  Justiees  oi  tlie  1  cace,  anil  the  cliarge  sball  be  supported  l»y  pusi-  5 

tivo  and  credible  evidence  ol'tlie  I'acI,  or  by   siieii  evidence    as   if 
not  cx[)lained  or  contradicted,  sliall,  in  the  opinion  of  ihe  Justice 
or  Justices  raise  a  strong  i)resum[)tion  of  tiie  guilt   of  the   peisun 
eliarged,  such  person  shall  bo  committed  to  prison  by  such  Justice 
or  Justices  in  the  manner  hereinafter  mentioned  ;  but  if  there  lo 
shall  be  only  one  Justice  present,  and  tlie  whole  evidence  given 
befo'-o  him  s'lall  be  such  as  neither  to  raise  a  fitrong  presumption 
of  guilt,  nor  to  warrant  the  dismissal  of  the  charge,  such    Justice 
shall  order  the  person  charged  to  be   detaininl   in  custody,  and 
such  person  shall  be  taken  before  two  Justices  at  the   least;  Dnd  l^^ 
where  any  person  so  taken,  or  any  person  in  the  first  instimce 
taken  before  two  Justices  of  the  Peace,  shall  be  charged  with 
Felony  or  on  suspicion  of  Felony,  and  the  evidence  given  in  sup- 
port of  the  charge,  shall,  in  the  opinion  of  such  Justices,  not  be 
such  as  to  raise  a  strong  presumption  of  the  guilt  of  the  person  20 
charged,  and  to  require  the  committal  of  such  person,  or  such  evi- 
dence shall  be  adduced  on  behalf  of  the  person  ciiarged  as  shall,  in 
the  opinion  of  such  Justices,  weaken  the  presumption  of  guilt,  but 
there  shall,  notwithstanding,  appear  to  such  Justices,  in  either  of 
such  cases,  to  be  sulTicient  grourtd  for  judicial  in(|uiry   into  the 25 
guilt  of  the  person  charged,  such  person  shall  be  ailmitted  to  bail 
by  such  two  Justices  in  the  manner  hereinafter  mentioned  :  Pro- 
vided always,  that  nothing  herein  contained  shall  be  construed  to 
require  any  such  Justice  or  Justices  to  hear  evidence  on  behalf  of 
any  person  so  charged  as  aforesaid,  unless  it  shall  appear  to  such  30 
Justice  or  Justices,  to  be  meet  and  conducive  to  the  ends  of  Justice 
to  hear  the  same. 

Before  any  II.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  two  Justices  of  the  Peace,  before 
wth°" Felony,  they  shall  admit  to  bail,  and  one  or  more  Justice  or  Justices,  be- 
LaiieU^orcom-^^'^^*^  or  they  shall  commit  to  prison,  any  person  arrested  for 35 

5  V[c. 

Chap.  21. 


he  Go- 
1  autliu- 
in  on  u 
!  .Justice 
by  pusi-  5 
u  ns  if 
I  Justice 

if  tlicte  10 
u  given 
ly,  and 
St ;  Dnd  15 
k\  wilii 
in  sup-  , 

ndt  be 

person  20 
iclj  cvi- 
ilicill,  in 
jilt,  but 
itlier  of 
nto  t!io£5 
I  to  bail 
I  :  Pro- 
riied  to 
aha  If  of 
to  such  30 

::os,  bo- 
ted   for  35 


Felony,  or  on  su.s[)iclon  of  Felony,  i-hall  lake  llio  examination  of  inittnl.iiiL' Ju^- 
fjuen  person  and  th;j  int ornr.ition  upon  oatn  ol  those  who  snail  ,!^,„,,,  j,,  ^v,.;,. 
jcnow  the   facts  and  circuinstaiu'es  of  tlie  ease,  and  shall  put  the  injr  tlu>  rxiim:- 

.  ...  lllillni),      i^i'., 

same,  or  as  much  thereof  as  shiill  he  material,  into  writing  in  the  and  iiind  wit- 

•>  presence  ol    tlie  party  accu.sed    li  lie  be  in  custody,  who   s.hall    ,^j.  ^^^  ,j.j.^|  ' 
have  full  opportunity  ali'orded  him  of  cross-examining  such  wit- 
nesses, if  he  shall   tliink  i)ro[)er  so  to  do,  and  the  two  Justices 
admitting  to  bail  sliiili  cerlif}'  tlio  bailment  in  v.'riling ;  and  every 
such  Justice  shall  have  autliority  to  summon  any  person  within 

ij  his  jurisdiction,  whom  he  shall  have  reason  to  consider  capable  of 
giving  material  evidence  concerning  any  such  Feloriy  or  suspicion 
of  Felony,  and  to  examine  .such  person  on  oath  touching  the  same, 
and  to  bind  by  recognizance  all  such  persons  as  know  or  declare 
any  thing  malci  ial  touching  any  su(  h  Felony,  or  sus[)icion  of  Fcio- 

15  ny,  to  appear  at  the  no.Kt  Court  of  Oyer  and  Terminer,  or  Gaol  De- 
livery, or  otiier  Court  at  whicli  tiie  trial  of  sucii  offence  is  intended 
to  be  had,  then  and  there  to  prosecule  and  give  evidence  against 
the  party  accused  ;  and  such  Justices  and  Jiistico,  rcspectivelyjshall 
subscribe  all  such  examinations,  informations,  bailments  and  rc- 

•i'J  cognizances,  and  deliver,  or  cause  to  be  delivered,  the  same  to  the  Examinations, 

i)roi)er  Officer  of  the  Court  in  which  tlie  trial  is  to  be,  before,  or  f!^'"'  ',"  ]'"  '!"" 
II  '  ^        livcrt'il  to  tlic 

at  the  opening  of  the  Court ;  and  in  case  any  person  so  summoned  Couit. 
shall  refuse  to  submit  to  such  examination  or  to  enter  into  such  le- 
cognizance,  it  shall  be  lawful  for  tlio  Justice  or  Justices  to  com- 

25mit  such  person  to  the  Commf>n  Gaol  of  the  District,County,  City 
or  Town,  until  such  person  shall  submit  to  sucli  examination,  or 
shall  enter  into  such  recognizance,  or  be  discharged  by  due  course 
of  Law  :  Provided  that  no  such  examination  shall  subject  the  party 
examined  to  any  prosecution  or  penalty,  or  be  given  in  evidence 

30  against  such  party,  save  on  any  indictment  for  having  committed 
wilful  and  corrupt  perjury  in  such  examination. 

III.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  every  Justice  of  the  Peace,  before    DutyofJus- 

whom  anv  person  shall  be  taken  on  a  chart-o  of  misdemeanor,  or  ^f^-^     °"    . 

suspicion  thereof,  shall  take  the  examination  of  the  person  charged,  demeanor. 

35  and  the  information  upon  oath  of  those  who  shall  know  the  facts 





4  &  5  Vic. 


nnil  circumstances  of  tlio  case,  and  sliiill  put  llie  sninc,  or  as 
much  thereof  as  shall  ho  material,  into  writing,  hcfite  ho  shall 
commit  to  prison  or  recjiiiro  hall  from  the  person  so  charged  ;  and 
in  every  case  of  hailment,  shall  certify  the  hailment  in  writing, 
and  shall  have  authority  to  hind  all  persons  hy  recognizance  to  5 
appear  to  prosecute  or  give  evidence  against  the  parly  accused  in 
like  manner  as  in  cases  of  Felony  ;  and  shall  suhscrihe  all  exami- 
nations, informations,  hailments,  and  recogniziiiices,  and  deliver 
or  cause  to  he  delivered  the  same  to  the  [)ro[)er  Ollicer  of  the 
Court  in  which  the  trial  is  to  he,  hefore,  or  at  llie  opening  of  the  lo 
Court,  in  like  innner  as  in  cases  of  Felony,  and  that  no  traverse 
or  other  postponement  of  any  trial  thereupon  had,  shall  he  allow- 
ailowcil.  cd  except  upon  special  cause  shewn  to  the  satisfaction  of  the 

said  Court  or  hv  consent  of  the  Prosecutor.* 


Duty  of  Co-      IV.  And  he  it  enacted,  that  every  Coroner,  upon  any  inquisi-i6 
tion  taken  hefore  him,  wiierchy  any  person  shall  he  indicted  for 
manslaughter  or  murder,  or  as  an  accessory  to  murder  helore  the 
fact,  shall,  in  presence  of  the  party  accused,  if  he  can  he  appre-. 
hended,  put  in  writing  the  evidence  given  to  the  jury  hefore  him, 
or  as  mucli  thereof  as  shall  he  material,  giving  the  party  accused 20 
full  opportunity  of  cross-examination  ;  and  shall  have  authority 
to  bind  hy  recognizance  all  such  persons  as  ktiow  or  declare  any 
thing  material  touching  the  said  manslaughter  or  murder,  or  the 
said  otTencc  of  heing  accessory  to  murder,  to  appear  at  (lie  next 
Court  of  Oyer  and  Terminer,  or  Gaol  Delivery,  or  other  Court2r» 
at  which  the  trial  is  to  he,  then  and  there  to  prosecute  or  give 
evidence  against  the  party  cliargod  ;  and   every  such   Coroner 
shall  certify  and  subscribe  tlie  same  evidence,  and  all  such  recoo-- 
nizanccs,  and  also  the  inquisition   hefore   him  taken,  and   siiall 
deliver  the  same  to  the  proper  Ofiiccr  of  the  Court  in  which  the  30 
trial  is  to  be,  before,  or  at  the  opening  of  the  Court. 


When  party      V.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  when,  and  so  often  as  a nv  person 
imnilttcu  "  -   -  -  _ 

wishes   to 

committed  ^^  ^^^v\\  be  committed  for  trial  by  any  Justice  or  Justices,  or  CorO' 

*  See  nlso  for  Canada  East,  2  Vic.  (3)  cap.  23,  taking  away  the  right  to  traverse 
in  cases  for  misdemeanor  before  Courlb  of  Oyer  iind  Terminer. 

5  Vic. 

Chai).  01. 


,  or  as 
!io  sliall 
(I  ;  and 
itinco  to  5 
used  in 
•  of  thu 
y  of  tho  10 
!  alloNv- 
of  the 

inquisi- 1& 
;tc(l  for 
fore  llio 
3  appro-. 
>rc  liim, 
accused  20 
arc  any 
,  or  the 
lie  next 
•  Court2j 
or  give 
1  rccog- 
d   si; all 
lich  the  30 

•  Coro- 

)  ti'tavcrso 

hailcd.tlic  Jub-! 
ticoH  on  nolico 
ihnrfof  to  I'oN 
wurd  nil  inlur- 
mntionH  to 
(^U'rk  of  th« 

nor  as  aforesaid,  it  sliall- and  may  he  lawful  for  such  Prisoner,  his 
Counsel,  Alloniuy  or  Agent,  to  notify  the  said  connuiitting  Justice 
or  Jiisliees,  or  Coroner,  that  he  will  so  soon  as  Counsel  can  ho 
heard,  move  Her  Miij;!sty's  Court  of  Superior  Jurisdiction  for 
r»that  p.'irl  of  the  Province  in  which  such  person  stands  committed, 
or  one  of  tho  Judges  thereof,  for  an  order  to  the  Justices  of  tho 
Peace,  or  Coroner  for  the  District  where  such  Prisoner  shall  ho 
confine<l,  to  admit  such  Prisoner  to  hail,  whereupon  it  shall  bo 
the  duty  of  sucli  committing  Justice  or  Justices,  or  Coroner,  with 

lOall  convenient  expedition  to  transmit  to  the  ofllcc  of  the  Clerk  of 
the  Crown,  close  under  the  hand  and  seal  of  one  of  them,  a  certifi- 
ed copy  of  all  informations,  examinations,  and  other  evidences, 
touchnig  the  oHence  wherewith  such  Prisoner  shall  bo  charged, 
together  with  a  copy  of  llie  warrant  of  commitment  and  inquest  if 

JSany  such  there  he,  and  that  tho  packet  ccmtaining  the  same  shall 
bo  handed  to  the  i)crson  applying  (heref*)r,  in  order  to  such  trans- 
mission, and  it  shall  l)o  certified  on  the  outside  thereof  to  contain 
the  information  toucliing  the  case  in  question. 

VI.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  upon  any  application  to  Her  Ma- 
SiOjesty's  Court  of  Superior  Criminal  Jurisdiction,  for  that  part  of 
the  Province  within  which  such  person  stands  committed,  or  to 
any  Judge  thereof  the  same  order  touching  tho  Prisoner  being 
bailed  or  continued  in  custody,  shall  be  made  as  if  the  party  were 
brought  up  upon  a  Habeas  Corpus. 

33     VII.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  Justice  or  Coroner  shall     Penalty  on 

neglect  or  otfond  in  any  thing  contrary  to  the  true  intent  and  J""^'<^"    ■"'^ 
'^  J  o  J  ( oroncrs  con- 

meaning  of  any  of  the  provisions  of  this  Act,  it  shall  be  lawful  travcning  this 

for  the  Court  to  whoso  Olficer  any  such  examination,  information, 
evidence,  bailment,  recognizance,  or  inquisition  ought  to  have 
30  been  delivered,  and  such  Court  is  hereby  authorized  andrequireti 
upon  examination  and  proof  of  the  ofience,  in  a  summary  man- 
ner, to  set  such  fine  upon  every  such  Justice  or  Coroner  as  the 
Court  shall  tliink  meet. 

Snmo  orders 
to  be  niailo  as 
in     PlnbcM 




4  &  5  Vic. 


Provisions  to      VIII.  And  bo  it  enacted,  that  the  provisions  of  tiiis  Act  rclat- 

npply     to    all  .  ,  '  ^ 

Justices     and  Hig  to  Justiccs   and  Coroncrs,  sliall   ;!i>ph'  to  the  Justices  and 
0  oners.        Coroners,  not  only  of  Districts  and  Counties  at  large,  but  also  of 
all  other  jurisdictions. 

Pcrsor;,';  tried      IX,  And  bc  it  enacted,  that  all  persons  tried  for  Felonies  shall  '> 

for    feioiiv     to,  ^      •,,      \  ,-,  i  i  c    .i  r  i  j-  .      ' 

h;ivo  l)ciu"iit  of'^*^ '^'^''^^'^^^d,   ailcr  11)0  clotie  ol   tlie  case  L)r  ii)C  prosecutioa,  to 
Counsel,  make  full  answer  and  doicMicc  thereto  by  Counsel,  learned  in  the 

Law,  or  by  Attorney  in  the  Com  Is  where  Atlornies  practice  as 


ynmcinc-'.nes      X.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  in  all  cases  of  summary  conviction  i(» 
conviction!*^"^     persons  accused  shall  bo  admilled  lo  ni;ik',;  th<'ir  full  answer  and 
defence,  and  to  Isave  all  v/itncsses  examined  and  cross-examined 
by  Counsel  or  Attorney, 

Orders    for      XI.  And  bc  it  cnacled,  that  v/lien  and  so  oflon  as  the  allendance 
','S'ZL  f'^V    of  any  person  confined  in  any  Gaol  or  Prison  in  fins  Province,  orlC- 
tried  at  Aissi-  upon  the  limits  thereof,  shall  be  required  in  any  Court  of  Assi.-^e 
and  Nisi  Prius,  or  Oyer  and  Terminer  or  Ccneral  Ciiol  Delivery, 
or  other  Court,  it  slr.iU  and  may  bo  bnvful   for  the   Cor.rt   before 
whom  such  Prisoners  shall  be  required  to  attend,  in  its  discretion 
to  make  order  upon  the  bherilf,  (laoler  or  other  persc^i  having  thc'5<^ 
custody  of  such  Prisoner,  to  deliver  such  Prisoner  to  t!ie  person 
named  in  such  order  to  receive  him,  which  person  shall  thereupon 
instantlv  convey    such  Prisoner  to  the  place  whore  the  Court  is- 
suing such  order  shall  be  sitting,  there  to  receive  at^d  obey  sucli 
further  order  as  to  the  said   Court  shall  seem  miOet  :  Provided  a l-ii> 
ways,  that  no  Prisoner  confined  for  any  debt  or  (himages   in   any 
civil  su^.t  shall  be  therebv  removed  out  of  the  District  where  he 
shall  be  confined. 

Prisonorn  en-      -Xlf.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  all  persons,  who,  after  tlse  passing 

H''^\' '"  ^HI"'''' of  this  Act,  shall  be  held  to  bail  or  committed  to  prison  for  anv8a 
CI    drposilione       ,  ,  .  ,  ''     ' 

against tiicui.    offence  against  the  Law,  shall  be  entitled  to  req.tirc  and  lia\e  on 
demand  (from  the  person  who  shall  have  the  lawful  custody  there* 

*  Sec  also  for  C.  E,  5  W.  4.  cap.  1. 




5  Vic. 

t  relat- 
es and 
also  of 

IS  shall  /^ 
Lion,  to 
in  tlic 

lice  as 

viction  10 
or  and 

iidanco  . 
nee,  oriv 

re  upon 
)urt  is- 
y  such 
!'od  al-ii5» 
n  any 
ore  he 


ive  on 

Chap.  21. 



of  and  who  is  hereby  required  to  deliver  the  same,)  copies  of  the 
examinations  of  the  witnesses,  respectively,  upon  whose  deposi- 
tions they  have  been  so  held  to  bail,  or  committed  to  prison,  on 
payment  of  a  reasonable  sum  for  the  same,  not  exceeding  three 

npence  for  each  folio  of  one  hunch'cd  words  :  Provided  always, 
that  if  such  demand  sliall  not  be  made  before  the  day  appointed  for 
iho  commencement  of  the  Assize  or  Sessions  at  which  the  trial  of 
iIk^  j)erson  on  whoso  behaifsuch  demand  shall  be  made,  is  to  take 
place,  such  person  •"rail  not  be  entitled  to  have  any  copy  of  such 

^examination  of  witnesses  unless  the  Judge  or  other  person  to 
preside  at  such  trial,  shall  be  of  opinion  that  such  copy  may 
lie  made  and  duliveicd  without  delay  or  inconvenience  to  such 
trial,  bat  it  shall,  never! Iieless,  be  competent  for  such  Judge  or 
other  person  so  to  preside  at  such  trial,  if  he  shall  think  fit,  to 

lOposfpone  such  trial  on  account  of  such  copy  of  the  examination  of 
wi;nes;jes  not  liaving  been  previously  had  by  the  party  charged. 

XIII.  Anil  bo  it  enacted,  that  all  persons  under  trial  shall  be     Persons  un- 
entitled, at  the  time  of  d^.eir  trial,  to  inspect  witliout  fee  or  re- 5^"J;]"j^jj'[?J_ 
ward  all  depositions   (or  copies  thereof)    which  have  been  taken  positions. 
'JO against  tlicin,  and  returned  into  the  Court  before  which  such  trial 
shall  be  had. 

XIY.  Anil  bo  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person,  whatever,  being  ar-     ^     j^^^  ^^■ 
rai"ned  upon  any  Indictment  for  Treason.  Felonv,  or  Piracy,  shall  ","'^.^  i:\.r.\ty 
jilead  thereto  a  plea  of  "  not  guilty,"  such  person  shall,  by  such  jniponoron  his 
'J5  plea,  without  any  further  form,  be  deemed  to   have  put  himself*"''  ''^   '^*'' 
or  herself  upon  the  Country  for  trial,  and  the  Court  shall,  in  the 
usiud  manner,  order  a  Jury  for  the  trial  of  such  person  accord- 


XV.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person,  being  arraigned     If  ho  refuw; 

33  upon  or  charged  with  any  Indictment  or  information  for  Treason,  Comrniiiy  o'r- 

Felonv,  Piracy,  or  Misdemeanor,  shall  stand  mute  of  malice,  or '■'-'r  *i  p'^'-^  ".!' 
,  »    ,.  .  not  puilty  ' 

will  not  answer  directly  to  the  Indictment  or  Information,  in  every  to  be  cntmil. 

such  case,  it  shall  be  lawful  for  the  Court,  if  it  shall  so  think  fit, 




4  &  5  Vic, 

to  order  the  proper  Officer  to  enter  a  plea  of  "  not  guilty  "  on 
behalf  of  such  person  ;  and  the  plea  so  entered  shall  have  the 
Scime  force  and  effect  as  if  such  person  had  actually  pleaded  the 

Evrrj'  chal-  XVI.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  nerson  indicted  for  any  & 
the1egal*num-  Treason,  Felony  or  Piracy,  shall  challenge  peremptorily  a  greater 
iier  Bhall  be  number  of  the  men  returned  to  be  of  the  Jury,  than  such  person  is 
entitled  by  Law  so  to  challenge,  in  any  of  the  said  cases,  every 
peremptory  challenge  beyond  the  number  allowed  by  Law  in  any 
of  the  said  cases,  shall  be  entirely  void,  and  the  trial  of  such  shall  ^^ 
proceed  as  if  no  such  challenge  had  been  made. 

XVII.  And  be  itenhctcd,  that  no  plea  setting  forth  any  Attain- 
der shall  be  pleaded  in  bar  of  any  Indictment,  unless  the  Attainder 
be  for  the  same  offence  as  that  charged  in  the  Jndictment. 

Jury   shall      XVIII.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  where  any  person  shali  be  in-l!i 
prisoner's'^'^  °  dieted  for  Treason  or  Felony,  the  Jury  impanelled  to  try  such   . 
'^h'^t^j  **^v  "**'  person  shall  not  be  charged  to  inquire  concerning  his  lands,  tene- 
ments or  goods,  nor  whether  he  fied  for  such  Treason  or  Felony* 


Benefit   of     XIX,  And  be  it  enacted,  that  benefit  of  Clergy  With  respect  to 
Hsh^^   '^^^  persons  convicted  of  Felony  shall  be  abolished  ;  hut  that  nothingso 
herein  contained  shall  prevent  the  joinder  in  any  Indictment  of 
any  counts  which  might  have  been  joined  before  the  passing  of 
this  Act. 

WhatPelo-  XX.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  no  person  convicted  of  Felony 
J^^capJ,'^^*'^""  shall  suffer  Death,  unless  it  be  for  some  Felony  which  was  ex-2& 
eluded  from  the  benefit  of  Clergy  by  the  Law  in  force  in  thai 
part  of  this  Province  in  which  the  trial  shall  be  before  the  com- 
mencement of  this  Act,  or\yiiieh  shall  be  tnmh  punishable  witb 
death  by  some  Act  pnssedl  after  that  «Tay/ 

*  Seo  sect.  24.  as  to  punishment  for  Felonies  fm  vrMck  nuo  ol'icS  ]}iiiinisBiin3ieiat  ie) 
•pecially  provided. 

Chap.  24. 

or  CANADA. 


XXI.  And  whereas  it  is  expedient  to  prevent  all  doubtj/ 
peeling  the  civil  rights  of  persons  convicted  of  Felonies  nojt  carii 
tal^  who  have  undergone  tiie  punishment  to  whicli  tlieyw 
judged  ;  bo  it  therefore  enacted,  that  where  any  offender  ha' 
5 or  shall  be  convicted  of  any  Felony  not  punishable  with 
and  hat!i  endured  or  shall  endure  the  punishment  to  which 
oftendcr  hath  been  or  shall  bo  adjudged  for  the  same,  the  punish 
meni  so  endured  hath  and  shall  iiave  the  like  cflTects  and  conse- 
quences as  a  pardon  under  the  Great  Seal  as  to  the  Felony  where- 
lOof  the  oflender  was  so  convicted  ;  Provided  always,  that  nothing 
herein  contained,  nor  the  enduring  of  such  punishment,  shall 
prevent  or  mitigate  any  punisiiment  to  which  the  otTender  might 
otherwise  be  lawfully  sentenced,  on  a  subsequent  conviction  for 
any  other  Felony. 

J5     XXH.  And  whereas  there  are  certain  Misdemeanors  which     No    mlsda- 

render  the  parties  convicted  thereof  incompetent  witnesses,  and  it  ^n^"°LrjuryN 

is  pxpodient  to  restore  the  competency  of  such  parties  after  they  shall  render  a 

have  undergone  their  punisiiment  ;  be  it  therefore  enacted,  that  competentwit- 

where  any  offender  hath  been  or  shall  be  convicted  of  anv  such  T"'^  **?"  ^ 
•'  ^       '  has  unuergoii* 

20 Misdemeanor  (except  Perjuiy   or  subornation   of  Perjury)  and  the    ptmish- 
hath  endured  or  shall  endure  the  punishment  to  which  such  offen- 
der hath  been  or  shall  be  adujdged  for  the  same,  such  offender 
shall  not,  after  the  punishment  so  endured,  be  deemed  to  be  by 
reason  of  such    Misdemeanor,   an  incompetent  witness  in   any 

25 Court  or  proceeding  Civil  or  Criminal. 

XXni^  And  be  it  enacted,  that  in  all  cases  in  which  any  per*      office-s  of 
son  shall  be  charged  with  Felonv,  the  Olficers  of  the  Court  before  ^°^^i   ^°,  ''* 

"  '  '  paid  fees  from 

which  such  person   shall  be  tried,  or  any  proceeding  had  with  public  fundi*. 

regard  to  such  charge,  and  who  shall  render  any  official  services 
30  in  the  matter  of  such  charge,  or  in  the  course  of  such  trial,  to  the 
person  sa  charged  with  Felony,  shall  be  paid  their  lawful  Fees 
for  all  such  services  out  of  the  Public  Funds,  in  the  same  manneT 
as  other  Fees  due  and  payable  to  them  in  respect  of  official  ser- 
vices, by  the.Ti  rendered  to  the  Crown,  in  the  conduct  of  public 


CaiMl.V;VL    ST.\.Tjr33 

4  &  5  Vic. 

prosecutions,  are  now  piii;!,  and  no  such  Foes  shnii  in  any  case 
bo  (lemauilod  of  or  puyabie  by  tiio  person  charged  with  sucli 

'.;■  T 

'   v-'  ■  ■    ,'  ■    '' 

IVlonirRnot      ^'XIV.  And  bc  it  cnactod,  that  every  person  convicted  of  any 

cap'.tal.punish-  Fclonv  not  punishable  witii  death,  s'lall  be  punished  in  the  man-  5 

able  umlcr  the  '  •!      i    i         i       ^^  o  •    n  i     • 

Act     rrlitiiur  ner  prescribed  by  the  btatuto   or  statutes  speciahy  reUiting  to 

ihcrcto,  othor-  ,,^(.j,  pdoi^y  .  r^y^^]  (|,at  cvorv  person  convicted  of  any  Fehmv  for 
wise      imuor  _  -    '  •'    '  J  . 

this  Act.         which  no  puuisliinent  hat!i  been  or  hereafter  may  bo  specially 

providcMl,  shall  be  deemed  to  be  punishi'.blo  under  this  Act,  and 

shall  be  liable,  iit  the  discretion  of  t!)o  Court,  to  bo  imprisoned  alio 

hard  labour  in  llie  Provincial  Penitentiary  i'or  any  term  not  less 

than  seven  years,*  or  to  bo  imprisoned  in  any  otlier  prison  or 

place  of  conQnemeiit  for  any  term  not  exceeding  two  years. 

Persons  ro-      XXV.   And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  sentenced  or  or- 

^urmnft    tram  (]Q,g,]   or  hereafter  to  he  sentenced  or  ordt-red    to  be  transported,  15 
tr:in^port;\Uoii  '  ,  , 

may  be  trird  or  who  shall  Iiavc  a^TCcd  or  siiall  agree  to  tiansport  or  banish  hira- 

^^'  '  self  or  licrself  on  cerlain  conditions,  cither  for  life  or  for  any  number 

of  years,  shall  be  aflervv'ards  at  large  within  any  part  of  tiiis  Pro- 

rincc,  contrary  to   such  sentence,  order  or  agreement,    without 

some  lawful  cause,  I)efore  tl^.e  expiration  of  his  or  her  term  o(20 

transportation  or  banishment,  every  suc!i  oOeniler  shall  be  guilty 

of  Felony,  and  sludl  bo  liable  to  bo  transported  beyond  the  Seas, 

for  his  or  her  natural  life,f   and  previously  to  transportation  shall 

bc  imprisoned  for  anv  term  not  cxceedino-  four  ^■ears  ;+  and  cvorv 

such  oireridcr  may  ho  tried  either    in  the  District,  County,  or25 

Place    where  such  offender   sliall  be  found  at  large,  or  in  the 

District,   County,  or   Place,  in  or  at  which  suc'a  sentence,   or 

order  of  transportation  or  banishment  Was  passed  or  made. 

AUofrationof      XXVI.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  in  any  Indictment  or  informa- 
^f"^''"^^'  '^I'l-  ^'""  aga.inst  any  dfendor  for  being  at  large  in  tliis  Province  con- 30 

tion  suriiciont,  tvarv  to  the  provisions  of  (his  Act,  or  of  any  other  Act  hereafter 

without    vclV- :: 1 _ 

r  nee  to  in-  *  But  see  0  Vi(..  eay)  5.  sec.  2.  as  to  the  shortest  tcrai  of  hnprisonrncjit  ia  the 
Oictincnt.  Prov'nria!  Pi'nitonti.iry  iiiulcr  these  Acts. 

+  P'jt  see  G  Vic.  cap. .').  sec.  4.  as  to  transportation. 

J  But  sec  G  Vic,  cap.  5,  sec.  2. 

o  V  ic. 

y  case 
li  suci) 

of  any 

0  man-  5 
ting  to 

my  for 
ct,  and 
oncd  at  10 

)t  less 
ison  or 

or  or- 
s!i  lura- 
n  umber 
lis  Pro- 
tcrjin  (»f20 
c  ji-uillv 
le  Seas, 
m  shall 
(1  every 
inty,  or  25 

in  the 

nee,  or 

ice  con- 30 

Chap.  24. 




to  be  in  force  in  this  Province,  it  shall  be  sufTiriont  to  allcf^o  thf3 
sentence  or  order  of  transportation  or  banishment  of  such  olTondor, 
without  alleging  any  indictment,  information,  trial,  conviction, 
judgment  or  other  proceeding,  or  any  pardori  or  intention  of  rner- 
5cy,  or  signification  thereof,  of  or  against  or  in  any  manner  relat- 
hvj  to  such  ofTender. 

XXVII.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  the  Clerk  of  tlio  Court  or  Ccriificate  of 
other  Giilcer  having  the  custody  of  the  llcconis  of  the  Court  jJ'f^J^ycTof 
where  any  such  sentence  or  order  of  trai!sp:>rtation  or  banislimerit  tlroCciivt.sui- 

lOshall  I;avo  been  passed  or  miulo,  or  his  .l)oj)ufy,  shall,  at  tl:e  re- j,,,;^;,,,^  ^4.. 
quest  ofanv  person  on  behalf  of  Her  M;)josfy,  make  out  and  give 
a  certificate  in  Writing,  signed  by  him,  containing  the  ellect  and  -     \ 

substance   only  (omitting    the  formal  i)art)   of  any   indictment, 
infonriation,  and  conviction  of  sucii  olu'ndor,  and  <)(  the  sentence 

ijor  onk'r  for  his  or  her  transportation  or  banishment,  (not  taking 
f  »r  tb.e  f;ainc  more  tluin  the  sum  of  five  shillings,)  which  ccrtiil- 
cato  'AvM  be  sulllcient  evidence  of  the  conviction  and  sentence 
or  ordi'r  fur  the  transportation  or  banishment  of  such  olfender ; 
and  every  such  certificate  shall  be   received   in  evidence   upon 

20  proof  of  I !ic  signature  of  the  person  signing  the  same. 

XXYIH.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  wliero  any  person  shall  he  -^.j^  (-.^^j,, 
convicted  of  any  oSfencc  punishable  under  this  Act,  for  which  ;n;^voi-.l<rliar(i 

1  !      1      •.       I      II    I        I  .-    I    r-  I         r-i  iul".v;     or    {H)li- 

imprisonment  may  bo  awarded,  it  snail  be  lawlul  lor  the  Court  to  t-vv    conl;r.(- 

sentence  the  otfonder  10  be  imijrisoned,  or  to  iie   imprisoned  and  "•'"tsispart ot 

^  ^  '  1  the  Hontonccoi 

;j5kept  to  hard  labour  in  the  Common  Gaol,  or  House  of  Correction,  imprisonment. 
and  also  to  direct  that  the  olTender  shall  be  kcjit  in  solitary  con- 
finement for  any  portion  or  portions  of  the  term  of  such  imprison- 
ment or  of  such  imprisonment  with  hard  labour,  not  exceeding 
one  month  at  any  one  time,  and  not  exceeding  three  months  in 

2o'dny  one  year,  as  to  the  Court  in  its  discretion,  shall  seem  meet.* 

XXIX.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  whenever  sentence  shall  bo     If  a  porro!'. 

passed  for  Felony  on  a  person  already  imprisoned  under  sentence  1"" ''anotiu"' *' 

■ ■ ; — [ '— ; — — crime  is    cuu> 

♦  Eut  SCO  (5  Vic.  cap.  5.  sec.  y.  if  the  imprisonment  bo  for  more  than  two 



4  &  5  Vic. 

uin^'theCo^'rt  ^^^  ^^^^^^^^  crimo,  it  sliall  be  lawful  lor  the  Court  to  award  im- 

iimy  imss  a  se-  prisonmcnt  for  tlic  subsequent  offence,  to  commence  nt  the  exnira- 

to   commence  *'0"  "^  *"G  imprisonment  to  which  such  person  shall  have  been 

r([uon''of'X  P''®^'""*'^y  sentenced  ;  and  where  sucIj  person  shall  be  already 

Hrst.  under  sentence  of  imprisonment,  the  Court  may  award  such  sen-  5 

tence  for  the  subsequent  offence  to  commence  at  the  expiration  of 

the  imprisonment  to  which  sucii  person  shall  have  been  previously 

senteaced,  although   the  aggregate   term  of  imprisonment  may 

exceed  the  term  for  which  such  punishment  could  bo  otherwise 

awarded.  10 

for^"a''suirc-*      XXX*  And  whercas  it  is  expedient  to  provide  for  the  more 
<iucnt  Ddcnce.  exemplary  punishment  of  oflfenders  who  commit  Felony  after  a 
previous  conviction  for  Felony,    whether  such  conviction  shall 
have  taken  p'ace  before  or  after  the  commencement  of  this  Act  ; 
Be  it  therefore  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  be  convicted  of  i5 
any  Felony  not  punishable  with  death,  committed  after  a  previous 
conviction  for  Felony,  such  person  shall  on  such  subsequent  con- 
viction be  liable,  at  the  discretion  of  the  Court,  to  be  imprisoned 
at  hard  labour  in  the  Provincial  Penitentiary  for  any  term  not 
less  than  seven  years,*  or  to  be  imprisoned  in  any  other  prison  orSO 
place  of  confmement  for  any  term  not  exceeding  two  years  ;  and 
in  any  indictment  for  any  such  Felony  committed  after  a  previous 
ronviction  for  Felony,  it  shall  be  sufficient  to  state  that  the  offen- 
der was  at  a  certain  time  and  place  convicted  of  Felony,  without 
otherwise  describing  the  previous  Felony  ;  und  a  certificate  con- 25 
taining  the  substance  and  eflfect  only  (omitting  the   formal  part) 
of  the  indictment  and  conviction  for  the  previous  Felony,  purport- 
ing to  be  signed  by   the  Clerk  of  the  Court  or  other  Officer 
having  the  custody  of  the  Records  of  the  Court  where  the  offen- 
der Was  first  convicted,  or  by  the  Deputy  of  such  Clerk  or  Offi-30 
cer,   (for  which  certificate  a  fee  of  five  shillings  and  no  more, 
shall  DO  demanded  or  taken,)  shall,  upon  proof  of  the  identity  of 
llie  person  of  the  offender  bo  sufficient  evidence  of  the  first  con- 
viction, without  proof  of  the  signature  or  official  character  of  the 
*  But  see  G  Vic>  cap.  5.  bcc,  3. 

5  Vic. 

Clinp.  24. 



rd  im- 
'e  l)een 
ch  sen- 
ation  of 
nt  may 

le  more 

'  after  a 

)n  shall 

lis  Act ; 

victed  of  1 5 


lent  con- 


term  not 

prison  orSO 

nrs ;  and 
he  offen- 
,  without 
cate  con- 25 
mal  part) 
,  purport- 
r  Ollicer 
the  offen- 
c  or  Offi-30 
no  more, 
dentity  of 
first  con- 
iter  of  the 

person  appearing  to  have  signed  the  same  ;  and  if  any  such 
Clerk,  Officer,  or  Deputy  shall  utter  any  false  certificate  of  any 
indictment  and  conviction  for  a  previous  Felony,  or  of  any  sen- 
tence or  order  of  transportation  or  hanishment,  or  if  any  person, 

sother  than  such  Clerk,  Officer,  or  Deputj,  shall  sign  any  such 
certificate  as  such  Clerk,  Officer,  or  Deputy,  or  shall  utter  any 
such  certificate  with  a  false  or  counterfeit  signature  thereto,  every 
such  otTender  shall  he  guilty  of  Felony,  and  heing  lawfully  con- 
victed thereof,  shall  he  liable,  at  the  discretion  of  the  Court,  to 

lObc  imprisoned  at  hard  labour  in  the  Provincial  Penitentiary  for 
any  term  not  less  than  seven  years,  or  to  be  imprisoned  in  any 
other  Prison  or  place  of  confinement  for  any  term  not  exceeding 
two  years. 

XXXI.  And  whereas   it  is  expedient  to  abolish  the  punish-     P"""^.™"* 
I5ment  of  the  Pillory  ;  Be  it  therefore  enacted,  that  from  and  after  abolished, 
the  commencement  of  this  Act,  judgment  shall  not  be  given  and 
awarded  against  any  person  or  persons  convicted  of  any  offence, 
that  such  person  or  persons  do  stand  in  or  upon  the  Pillory,  any 
Law,  Statute  or  Usage  to  the  contrary  notwithstanding  :  Provided 
20that  nothing  herein  contained   shall  extend   or  be  construed  to 
extend  in  any  manner  to  change,  alter  or  affect  any  punishment 
whatever  which  may  now  he  by  Law  inflicted  in  respect  of  any 
offence,  excepting  only  the  punishment  of  the  Pillory. 

XXXn.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  from  and  after  the  commence-    No  Rcportto 
25  ment  of  this  Act,  it  shall  not  be  necessary  that  any  Report  should  Gov"crnor*^  of' 

be  made  to  the  Governor,  Lieutenant  Governor  or  Person  admi- thccasoofanv 
,       _,  ,       ,  .  .  .        ,  capital  convict, 

nistenng  the  Government,  in  the  case  ot  any  prisoner  convicted 

before  any  Court  and  now  under  sentence  of  Death,  or  who  may 

i!      be  hereafter  convicted  before  any  Court  and  sentenced  to  the  like 

I  30  punishment,  previously  to  such  sentence  being  carried  into  exe- 

I      cution ;  any  Law,  Usage,  or  Custom  to  the  contrary  notwith- 

i      stand  ini>. 

•■If.  O 

4  XXXIIL  And  bo  it  enacted,  that  whenever  any  offender  shall     -p^o  Court 

hereafter  be  convicted  before  anv  Court  of  Criminal  Judicature,  '"^7   atstain 




4  Si  o  Vie. 


I    ': 

'I     I 

fioni  pronoun- oi* any  Clime  f^r  which  such  olRindor  shall  he  liahlo  to  the  pun- 
wn  "  persons  ishmont  of  Death,  ami  the  Court  shall  be  of  oj)iiiion  tliat,  under 
f  riim'H^'''\hl>^o  ^  particular  circiiinslancus  of  the  case,  such  oU'ciuIor  is  a  lit  and 
to  tliL'  puiihih-  proper  ouhjoct  to  be  recoinmundod  for  the  Royal  Mercy,  it  shall 
,iiui  onler  tliu  "''d  may  be  lawiid  lor  such  Court,  il  it  sliali  tlunk  lit  so  to  oo,  to  '•■' 

srinio  to  Ih!  en-  ilifcct  tlio  v)roper  Oilicer,  tiien  buirio;  present  in  the  Court,  to  re- 
InrecJ  of  record.        .  /     .  .  i  • 

quire  anil  ask,    (whereupon  such  OlHcer  shall  require  and  ask) 

whether  such  oilender  lialh  orknoweth  any  thing  to  say  why  Judg- 
ment of  Dcatii  should  not  bo  recorded  against  such  oU'endur,  and  in 
case  such  offender  shall  not  allegeany  matter  or  thing  sulFicient  in  10 
Law  to  arrest  or  bar  such  Juilgment,  the  Court  shall  and  may, 
and  is  hereby  autiiorized  to  abstain  from  pronouncing  Judgment 
of  Death  ujion  such  oflender,  and  instead  of  pronouncing  such 
Judgment  to  order  the  same  to  be  entered  of  Record,  and  there- 
upon such  proper  Oliiccr  as  aforesaid  shall  and  may  and  is  hereby  15 
authorised  to  enter  Judgment  of  Death  on  Record  against  such 
ollbndor  in  the  usual  and  accustomed  form,  and  in  such  and  the 
same  manner  as  is  now  used,  and  as  if  Judgment  of  Dcatli  had 
actually  been  pronounced  in  open  Court  against  such  oilendcr  by 
the  Court.  : 

Such  record      XXXIV.  And  be  it  enacted,  that   a  Record    of  every   such 
!o    have    t!io  Judgment  so  et  tered,  as  aforesaid,  shall  have  the  like  effect  to  all 
if  proiiounced.  intents  and  be    ollowcd  by  all  the  same  consequences  as  if  such 
judgment  had  actually  been  pronounced  in  open  Court. 

Court  to  direct      XXXV.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  whenever  any  offender  shall2J| 

execution    in  jje^eafter  be  convicted  before  any  Court  of  Criminal  Judicature, 
certain  cases.  •'  ' 

of  any  offence  for  which  such  offender  shall  be  liable  to  and  shall 
receive  Sentence  of  Death,  and  the  Court  shall  be  of  opinion 
that  under  the  circumstances  of  the  case,  the  Judgment  of  the  jj^Qan 
Law  ouffht  to  be  carried  into  effect,  it  shall  be  lawful  for  the  3f 
said  Court,  and  such  Court  is  hereby  required  to  order  and  direct 
execution  to  be  done  on  such  offender  in  the  same  manner  as  any 
Court  is  impowercd  to  order  and  direct  execution  by  the  Law  as 
it  stood  before  the  passing  of  this  Act. 

k  5  Vic. 

0  llio  \nin- 
hut,  umler 
is  a  lit  anil 
;y,  it  sliull 
>u  to  do,  to  ^1 
jurt,  to  ro- 
c  and  ask) 

why  Judg- 
iidur,  and  in 
suinciont  inii 

1  and  may, 
'•  Judu;mcnt 
incing  such 
,  and  there- 

ainst  such 
uch  and  the 
■  Death  had 

Clia]).  iJI.  OF  CANADA.  17 

XXXV'I.  rroviik'd  always,  and  ho  it  onnclud,  lliat  notliln''  in    Not  lo  ntiVcf 
ii  •  'a    .  .    •       I     I     M     ,Y.'       It        »r  •         <t     ■<        I    .>  •       tho  Uuytili'rc- 

tliis  Act  contained  shall  allt.'Ct  Her  JMajcsty's  Itoyal  1  rerogativcrogativo. 

of  Mercy. 

XXXV'II.  And  f.)r  (ho  more  cllcciual  nrosi'culion  of  acccsso- Accessory  he 

,    .        ,     ^        ,1       r  11    I  II     •  11  •(  '"rc     till'   fact 

5nes  biMore  tluj  iacl  lo  rciony,  Ise  it  enacted,  that    it  any  |)'-'i'son,„;iy  bi-truHlas 

shall  coiiiisol,  procure  or  couimaiul  anv  otiicr  i)ersun  to  CiMiiniif^'"''''  "5  '^''." 

any  Felony,  wliedier  tiie  same  ho  a  Felony  at  Common  Law,  or  !<ni,    iiy    .inv 

hy  •-irliioof  any  Statute  or  Statutes  made  or  to  be  made,   the [;;,|,";[,.j JJ'j,'!'',;; 

iierson  so  counsollint'',  i    )ciirin!.';,  or  commanding;  shall  ho  deemod'"f"'y  (he  piin- 

logiiilty  ol  l'cU)iiv,  and  may  be  indicted  and  convict?d  as  an  ac(;es-tliou-li  the  of- 

sory  heCore  ihe  fact  to  t!io  i)rhi(;ipal  Felony,  either  too;ether  wit!i '''!"", '^'' '""'"' 

.  !•  y  iiiittoil  on   tlu; 

the  i)r;nci[)al  Felon,  or  after  the  conviction  of  the  principal  Felon  Jsoas  or  abromt. 
or  may   he  indicted  for  and  convicied  of  a  substantive  Felony, 

id  is  herehy  l.'i        whether  the  prlncijjal  Felon  shall  or  shall  not  have  been  previous- 
I5ly  convicted,  or  shall  or  sh.all  not  he  amenable  to  Justice,  and  may 
he  punished  in  the  same  manner  as  any  accessory  before  the  fact  to 
the  same  Felony,  if  convicted  as  an  accessory,  may  he  punished; 
olTender  by 

manding,  howsoever  indicted,  may  be  inquired  of,  tried,  determi- 
'joned,  and  punished  hy  any  Court  which  shall  have  jiirisdiction  to 
such  try  the  principal  Felon,  in  tlio  same  manner  as  if  such  odence 

elToct  to  all     ,       Imd  been  committed  at  the  same  place  as  the  principal  Felony 
s  as  if  such  althou<vh  such  o'Tenco  may  j'.avc  been  committed  cither  on  the 

Iligli  Seas  or  at  any  place  on  Land, whether  within  Her  Majesty's 
;~5  Dominions  or  without ;  and  in  case  the  principal  Felony  shall  have  ir thp  ofTenca 
been  committed  within  the  bodv  of  anv  District  or  County,  and 'Z'' ,.<;!"" """pd 

,     , ,  ,  in  dinerpntilis- 

the  oliencc  of  counselling,  procuring,  or  commanding,  shall  havetricts     ami 



(Tender  shall-' 
to  and  shall 

e  of  opinion 


heen  committed  within  tlie  body  of  any  otiier  District  or  County,  ^^"g"*^^^ 

„  -.     J  the  last  mentioned  olVence  may  he  enquired  of,  tried,  determined, 'retried  i"  ^>' 

gmcnt  of  the  4joand  punished  in  either  of  such  Districts  or  Counties:  Provided 
wful  for  thes;!  always,  that  no  person  who  shall  he  once  duly  tried  for  any  such 
er  and  direct  I  oU'ence,  whether  as  an  accessory  before  the  fact,  or  as  for  a  sub- 
anner  as  any  I  stantive  Felony,  shall  ho  liable  to  he  again  indicted  cr  tried  for 
the  Law  as     ]    the  same  oHencc. 




4  &  5  Vic. 

AcccBsoryaf-  XXX VII  I.  Ami  for  lliG  m  M'c  elTectiial  iirosccntlon  of  nccosso- 
bctriedbyanvrics  after  the  fact  of  Felony,  lie  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person 
lifuT'^Surisdic-'^''''^'  become  an  accessory  afiur  the  fact  to  any  Felony,  whether 

lion  to  trytlit'tiio  same  be  a  Felony  at  Coniuion  Law,  m  hv  virtue  of  any  Sta- 
principaU'elon.  _     .  i  ,      i  i       .i        /v  e         }  r 

tute  or  Statutes  made  or  to  be  made,  the  ollunce  ol  such  person  5 

may  be  inquired  of,  tried,  determined,  and  punished  by  any  Court 

which  shall  have  jurisdiction  to  try  the  priticipal  Felon,  in  the 

same  manner  us  if  the  act  by  reason  whereof  such  person  shall 

have  become  an  accessory  hiid  been  committed  at  the  same  place 

IfthoofTencpas    the   principal    Felony,  although   such    act  may   have    beeniO 

1)0    committed  • , ,     i      • .  i  .  i    '  i  t  •    i     f  *  i  t        i 

in  difleront    committed  either  on  the  High  Seas,  or  at  any  place  on  Land, 

districts    or    ^yhcther  within  Her  Maicsty's  Dominions  or  without  ;*  and  in 
counties,     ac-  i  •       i       •  i  • 

cessory    may  case   the  principal   Felony   shall  have   been    committed  within 

thcr?  *"  "the  body  of  any  District  or  County,  and  the  act  by  reason 
whereof  any  person  shall  have  become  accessory  shall  havcll> 
been  committed  within  the  body  of  any  <)tlier  District  or  County, 
the  offence  of  such  accessory  may  be  enquired  of,  tried,  determi- 
ned and  punished  in  either  of  such  Districts  or  Counties  :  Pro- 
vided always,  that  no  person  who  shall  be  once  duly  tried  for  any 
otfence  of  being  an  accessory  shall  Ijo  liable  to  be  again  indictcdSd ; 
or  tried  for  the  same  oll'ence. 

Accessory  XXXIX.  And  in  order  that  all  accessories  may  be  convicted 
aUa/"'  J'^°,f"and  punished  in  cases  where  the  principal  Felon  is  not  attainted, 
conviction    of  Be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  principal  oiTendor  shall  be  in  anywise 

the    principal,  .        i     ^  ti   i  •       i     n    i       i        c  i  i 

though    the  convicted  of  any  i'elony,  it  shall  be  lawlul   to  proceed  againstSo 

principal    bo  jj^y  accessorv  either  before  or  after  the  fact,  in  the  same  manner 
not  attainted.        •  ' ,      .  ,  .        .     i 

as  if  such  principal  Felon  liad  been  attainted  thereof,  notwith- 
standing such  principal  Felon  shall  die,  or  bo  pardoned,  or  other- 
wise delivered  before  attainder  ;  and  every  such  accessory  shall 
sulTer  the  same  punishment,  if  such  accessory  be  in  anywise  con- 3' 
victed,  as  such  accessory  should  have  suffered  if  the  principal 
had  been  attainted. 

Offances  com- — — — — 

roittcd  on  the     *  See  Imperial  Act,  43  Geo.  III.  cap.  138,  as  to  oHVnrcs  committed  in  the  Indian 
boundaries    of  Territories,  or  parts  of  America  not  within  the  United  ytatcs. 

t  r. 

J    t 


5  1 
10  oi 




8J  vi 

25  m 


a  111 
a  (I 

35  mi 

I    I 

k  5  Vic. 

y  person 


any  Sln- 
:\\  ])ers()n  5 

uy  Court 
)ii,  in  tliu 

;i)n  s)ic<11 
une  place 
ive    been  10 
on  Laiul, 

*  and  in 
ed  williin 
by  reason 
iliall  liavcl^ 
)r  Comity, 
I,  (letenni- 
ties  :  Pro- 
icd  for  any 
in  indicted 20 

3  convicted 
t  attainted, 
in  anywise 
}ed  against 23 
me  manner 
»f,  notwith- 
d,  or  other- 
jssorv  shall 
lywise  con- 3 
c  principal 

I  in  the  Indian 

Chap.  21. 



XL.  And  for  the  more  ollcctual  j)roseculion  of  ofibnccs  com-  O.ToncM  com- 
mitted near  the  Boundaries  of  Districts  or  of  Counties,  or  partly  h^umlnrics  .'f 
in  one  District  or  County  and  partly  in  nnodier,  He   it  enacted,'''"'"!".^     '^"'^ 


that  where  any  Felony  or  Misilemeanor  shall  bo  committed  on  l»o  tried  in  n 
5  the  boumhiry  or  boundaries  of  two  or  more  Districts  or  Counties,  ^*'"' 
or  within  the  distance  of  five  hundred  yards  of  any  such  bound- 
ary or  boundaries,  or  shall  be  begmi  in  one  District  or  County  and 
completed  in  another,  every  such  Felony  or  Misdemeanor  may 
be  dealt  with,  incjuired  of,  tried,  determined,  ami  punished  in  any 
10  of  the  said  Districts  or  Counties,  in  the  same  maimer  as  if  it  liad 
been  actually  and  wiiolly  committed  therein. 

XLI.  And  for  the  more  cllbctual  prosecution  of  oHences  com- ^|^»'"''f8  ''oin- 
mitted  during  journios  from  place  to  jdaco,  lie  it  enacted,  that  ,i  journey  of 
where  anv  Felony  or  Misilcmcanor  shall  he  committed  on  any  ?°y"/'"''.  "'"y 

•  ,  .  Z  IK-  tricil  in  a/iv 

jj  person,  or  on  or  m  respect  of  any  prop'^rty,  \n  or  upon  any  coach, county  or  iiis- 
waggon,  cart  or  olhor  carriage,  whatever,  nmi)loyed  in  ""v  jour-'{"|j[,.,J''''"jy|^.'^ 
ney,  or  shall  be  committed  on  any  jjcrson,  or  on  or  in  respect  ofi-oudi,  &c,, 
any  property,  on  hoard  any  vessel  whatever  employed  in   any^''^''*''^' 
voyage  or  jouiney  upon  any  navigable  river,  canal^  or  inland  na- 

83  vigation,  such  Felony  or  Misdemeanor  may  bede.dt  with,  incpiired 
of,  tried,  determined,  and  punished  in  any  District  or  County 
tiirougb  any  part  whereof  such  coach,  wiiggon,  cart,  carriage,  or 
vessel  shall  have  passed  in  the  course  of  the  journey  or  voyage, 
during  which  such  Felony  or  Misdemeanor  shall  have  been  com- 

25  mitted,  in  the  same  manner  as  if  it  had  been  actually  conmiitled 

in  such   District  or  County  ;  and  in  all  cases  where  the  side, 

centre  or  other  part  of  any  highway,  or  the  side,  bank,  centre  or  ,  When  sidrR, 

other  part  of  any  such  river,  canal,  or  navigation,  shall  constitute  wayconstiim'c 

the  boundary  of  anv  two  Districts  or  Counties,  such  Felonv  or!.'""P''"''>''  "'- 
«T'    1  r        1      1        •  1       •         •      1      <.        •     1      I  ."         tender  niav  I'o 

oO  Misdemeanor  may  bo  dealt  with,  riMjuned  ol,  tried,  determined, tried  in  either 
and  punished  in  either  of  such  Dii^tri^ts  or  Counties,  through  or^„y"Jy     ""^ 
adjoining  to  or  by  the  boundary  of  any  part  whereof  such  coach, 
waggon,  cart,  carriage,  or  vessel,  shall  have  passed  in  the  course 
of  the  journey  or  voyage,  Juring  which  sucn  Felony  or  Misde- 

33  meanor  shall  have  been  committed,  in  the  same  manner  as  if  it 
had  been  actually  committed  in  such  District  or  Countv. 





4  &  5  Vic. 

jiiIiiJictinm.tH      X\A\.  And   in  order  to  romovo  llio  dinicully  of  stutinij  the 

lommiVil'on  names  of  all  the  o\vri(M-s  ()fi)n)[)orty,  in  the  ease  of  partners  and 

t!\r  proiH'ny  ofjj^jjgr  j„i,jt  (,^ypypj^^  I^^,  jt  (.nintDil,  that  in  any  Indictment  or  In- 

I.iiiy  be  laid  ill  formation  lor  any  lehiny  or  Misdemeanor,  wlicreni  it  shall  be  rc- 

uny  ono  P'^-    ^-^.-^    j^,  ^^^.^^^^  {|,p  o^viicrshii)  of  anv  prouerfv  whatsoever,  whether   & 
nor  l>y  nuino,  i  i  .   i      i       .  >       ^  ^ 

RiidoilioM.      real  or  personal,  which  shall  hoh'.ng  to  or  he  in  the  possession  of 

moro  than  one  person,  whether  such  persons  he  partners  in  trade, 

joint  tenants,  parceners  or  tenants  in  common,  it  shall  ho  sullicient 

to  name  ono  of  such  persons,  and  to  state  siicii  property  to  helong 

to  the  persons  so  named  and  another  or  others,  as  the  case  may  bo  ;  '" 

and  wlu^ncver  in  any  Indictment  or  Information  for  any  Felony 

or  Misdemeanor,  it  shall  be  necessary  to  mention  for  any  purpose 

whatsoever,  anv  partners,  joint  tenants,  parceners  or  tenants  in 

common,  it  shall  be  snOTiciont  to  descrilie  them  in  tlie  manner 

aforesaid;  and  tins  provision  sliall  bo  construed  to  extend  to  alM^^ 

joint-stock  companies  and  trustees.  ) 

luInJictrr.ont3      Xrilll.  And  be  it  cnactcd,  that  in  any  Indictment  or  Informa- 
(x  roliitlmrTo^'"'*  ^^^^  ''"V  Felony  or  rvlisih^neaiior  commlttci!  in,  upon,  ov  with 

oiivircriics,       respect  to  anv  Cluirch,  ('Impel  or  Place  ofKclis-ious  VVor.shii),  or 
J!rii!'fcs)     or  i.  •  i   "     y.  f^  \  /-.      i     ,t  <-  ,^  • 

j.iiiilic    build- to  any  li rulge,  (./ourt.  Court-house,  Ga.)!,  liousc  ol  Correction,  2(> 

iiKM,  property  Ponitenliarv,  Infirmarv,  Asvlum,  or  other  public  buildiiiLi',  or  any 

Ijrcil      not      1)0  -   '  .7,7  I  o'  J 

iincA  asivins;  Canal,  Lock,  Drain  or  Sewer  erected  or  maintained  in  whole  or 

ia  any  iwison.  .  .     ,  t\  c  ,]      ^^        •  i*  i-    •  •  i 

in  ])art  at  tlie  expense  ol  tiie  irovince,  or  ol  any  division  or  sub- 
division thereof,  or  on  or  with  respect  to  any  Materials,  (ifoods  or 
Cliattels,  whatsoever,  pr(Jvido(l  for  or  at  the  expense  of  the  Pro- 2.'^ 
vince,  or  of  any  division  or  sul)-di\ision  thereof,  to  be  used  for 
making,  altering  or  repairing  anv  Bridge  or  Highway,  or  anv 
Court  or  other  such  buildirfg,  Canal,  Lock,  Drain  or  Sewer,  as 
aforesaid,  or  to  bo  used  in  or  with  any  such  Court  or  other  build- 
ing. Canal,  Lock,  Drain  or  Sewer,  it  sluill  not  be  necessary  to  30 
stale  such  Churcli,  Chapel  or  Place  vl'  Ilcligious  Worship,  or  such 
Bridge,  Court,  Court-house,  Gaol,  House  of  Correction,  Peni- 
tentiary, Infirmary,  Asylum,  or  other  building,  or  such  Canal, 
Lock,  Drain  or  Sewer,  or  any  such  Materials,  Goods,  or  Chat- 
tels to  be  the  properly  of  any  person. 







or,     J 







Ciinp.  21. 



XlilV.    And    with   rospcct    to    properly    iindor    Turnpike  _ l'i"'^i;<"i'iy  <>i 
Trusts;  13c  it  cMinctcd  tlint  in  any  Indictment  or  Information  ioi'ir',"^  inay»>c 
any  Folony   or  Misdomoanor,  committ(!(l  on  or  with   respect  to''"'  «"  'Ifi'"- 
any  houso,  buiMing,  gate,  machine,  himp,  hoard,   stone,    j)ost, 
r)ren(e  or  other  thing  erected  or  provided,  in  pursuance  of  any*Act 
in  force  in  this  Province,  for  making  any  Turnpike  Road,  or  of 
any  conveniences  or  appurtenances  thereunto  respectively  beh)ng- 
irig,  or  any  materials,  tools  or  implements  provided  for  making, 
altering  or  repairing  any  such  Road,  it  shall  he  sulFicient  to  slate 
lOMny  such  property  to  belong  to  the  Trustees  oi   Commissioners  of 
such  Road,  and  it  shall  not  be  necessary  to  spccil'y  the  names  of 
any  such  Trustees  or  Commissioners. 

XLV.  And  for  preventing  abuses  from  dilatory  pleas,  Be  it     Ii><Hitnirnt« 

i     II  »     !•  T    /"  •  1     11    1  1  11      not  to  iil)alo  b}' 

enacted,  that  no  Indictment  or  lnu)rmation  shall  bo  abated  by diii.tory pliaof 
Ijreason  of  any  dilatory  plea  of  misnomer,  or  of  want  of  addition, '"'^'""""■' ''^*'- 
or  of  wrong  addition  of  any  parly  oflering  sucli  plea,  if  (he  Court 
shall  be  satisfied,  by  alRdavii  or  otherwise,  of  liie  truth  of  such 
j)loa  ;  but  in  such  case  the  Court  shall  forlliwilh  cause  the  In- 
dictment or  Information  to  be  amended  according  to  the  truth, 
'JOf'Tid  shall  call  upon  such  party  to  plead  tliorelo,  and  shall  ])rocecd 
as  if  no  such  dilatory  plea  had  been  pleaded. 

XLVl.  And  in  order  that  the  punislmicnt  of  ofTondcrs  may  be  WimtdcfocM 
less  frnqucntly  intercepted  in  consequence  of  technical  niceties/''""  "^".^  y."'" 
Uo  it  enacted,  that  no  Judgment  upon  any  Indictment  or  Infor-mcnt  nftiTvcr- 

25malion  for  any  Felony  or  Misdemeanor,  whcdier  after  verdict wjce."^  "  '"* 
or   outlawry,    or  by  confession,  default  or  otiicrwise,   shall   be 
stayed  or  reversed  for  want  of  the  averment  of  any  matter  unne- 
cessary to  be  proved,  nor   for  the  omission  of  tiie  words,  "  as 
appears  by  the  record,"  or  of  the  words  "  with  force  and  arms," 

30  or  of  the  words,  "  against  the  peace,"  nor  for  the  insertion  of  the 
words  "  against  the  form  of  the  Statute,"  instead  of  the  words, 
"  against  the  form  of  the  Statutes,"  or  vice  vcrsf^  nor  for  that 
any  person  or  persons  mentioned  in  the  Indictment  or  Information 
is  or  are  designated  by  a  name  ol  oflfice  or  other  descriptive  ap- 





4  &  5  Vi'c. 

pellntion,  Instead  of  his,  her  or  tlieir  proj)cr  name  or  names,  nor 
for  omitting  to  state  the  tnne  at  which  tlie  ollence  was  commiltc{l,, 
in  any  case  where  time  is  not  ofthe  essence  of  the  otfencc,  nor 
for  stating  the  time  imperfectly,  nor  for  stating  the  oflence  to  have 
been  committed  on  a  day  subsequent  t^  the  finding  of  tiie  Indict- 
ment, or  exhibiting  the  Information,  or  on  an  impossible  ih\y,  or 
on  a  day  that  never  happened,  nor  for  a  want  of  a  pro[>er  or  per- 
fect venue,  where  the  Court  shall  appear  by  the  Indictment  or 
Information  to  have  had  jurisdiction  over  the  offence. 

XLVII.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  no  Judgment  after  verdict i(> 

Certain  for- 
Mot  tostay  "or^P^^i '"i^y  I'l^^'ctment  or  Information  for  any  Felony  or  JNIiscle- 
reversf    judg-j-j^pjjj-jm,    gjjj^n  ^^^  staved  or  reversed  (or  want  of  a  similiter,  nor 
diet.  by  reason  that  tlic  Jury  process  has  been  awarded  to  a  wrong 

Officer  upon  an  insuHiciont  suggestion,  nor  for  any  misnomer  or 
misdescription  of  the  Officer  returning  such  process,  or  of  any  of  15 
the  Jurors,  nor  because  any  person  has  served  upon  the  Jury  a\  ho 
has  not  been  returned  as  a  Juror  by  the  Sheriff  or  other  Officer  ; 
and  that  where  the  offence  cliarned  sliall  be  an  offence  theretofore 
created  by  any  Statute,  or  sultjoclcd  to  a  greater  degree  of  pimisli- 
ment,  or  excluded  from  the  benefit  of  Clergy,  by  any  Statute,  lliejjo 
Indictment  or  Information  shall  after  verdict  he  held  sufficient  if 
it  describe  the  offence  in  the  Vvurds  of  the  Statute  creating  the  of- 
fence, or  presi:riblng  the  punislunenl,  or  excluding  ihe  offcmler 
from  the  benefit  of  Clergy. 

Kiiect  of  a      XLVIII.  And  be  it  declared  and  enacted,   t'lat    where    tlieSD 

frne  or  <'":h1i- Qijecn's  Maiestv,  or  the  Governor,  Lieuleiiant  Governor,  or  Per- 

tional     pardon  ^  ,  i-    i  •      i-»        •  p       \ 

of  a  convict,    son  admiii'sterino- the  Government  ol  this  Province  for  trie  timo 

being,  shall  bo  pleased  to  (\stend  t!\e  Royal  JMercy  to  any   oficn- 

der  convicted  of  any  Felony,  punishable  with  death  or  otherwise, 

and  by  warrant  under  the   IJoyal  Sign  Manual  countersigned  hy  r^ 

one  of  the  Principal  Secretaries  of  State,  or  by  warrant  under  the 

hand  and  seal  at  arms  of  such  Governor,  Lieutenant  Governor,  or 

Person  adminisloring  the  Government  as  aforesaid,  siudl  grant  to 

£uch  offender  either  a  free  or  a  conditional  pardon,  the  discharge 

k  5  Vic. 

lames,  nor 
fence,  nor 
-•e  to  have 
he  Indict-  & 
e  ihy,  or 
er  or  per- 
ftinent  or 

T  verdict  10 
)r  Misde- 
iliter,  nor 
)  a  wrono: 
momer  or 

of  any  of  in- 
Jury  ^vho 

Officer  ; 
i)f  pvmi.sli- 
atute,  tJie-2(( 
fficiorit  if 
ng  the  of- 
:  oiTcmler 

here    the  25 
r,  or  Per- 

the  time 
ny  ofien- 
ii'.ned  by  ^a 
under  tfio 
•eruor,  or 

gciint  to 

Chap.  24. 



of  such  offender  out  of  custody,  in  case  of  a  free  pardon,  and  the 
performance  of  the  condition  in  the  case  of  a  conditional  pardon, 
shall  have  the  effect  of  a  pardon  under  the  Great  Seal  for  such 
offender,  as  to  the  Fehmy  for  which  such  pardon  shall  have  been 

5  granted  :  Provided  always,  that  no  free  pardon,  or  any  such  dis- 
charge in  consequence  thereor,  nor  any  conditional  pardon,  nor  the 
l)erformance  of  the  condition  thereof,  in  any  of  the  cases  afore- 
said, shall  prevent  or  mitigate  tlie  punishment  to  which  the  of- 
fender might  otherwise  ho  lawfully  sentenced,  on  a  subsequent 

10  conviction  for  any  Felony  committed  after  the  granting  of  any 
such  pardon. 

XLIX.  And  whereas  the  piaclice  of  indiscriminately  estreating  RocognizancM 
recognizances  for  the  ai)pearance  of  persons  to  prosecute  or  give  ]"ot''urbc'^cs- 
evidcnce,  or  to  answer  for  a  common  assault,  or  in  the  other  cases  trer.tcil without 

15  hereinafter  specified,  hiy  been  found  in  many  instances  produc-j,,^/^"*^''  "" 
tive  of  hardship  to  persons  who  have  entered  into  sucii  recogniz- 
ances ;  Be  it  therefore  enacted,  that  in  every  case  where  any  per- 
son bound  by  recognizance  for  his  or  her  appearance,   (or  for 
whose  appearance  any  other  person  shall  be  so  bound)  to  prosc- 

20  cute  or  give  evidence  in  any  case  of  Felony  or  INIisdemcanor,  or 
to  answer  for  any  common  assault,  or  to  articles  of  the  peace,  shall 
therein  make  default,  the  oOicer  of  the  Court  by  whom  the  estreats 
are  made  out,  shall,  and  such  Officer  is  hereby  required  to  prepare 
a  list  in  writing,  specifying  the  name  of  every  person  so  making 

i>j  default,  and  the  nature  of  the  offence  in  respect  of  which  every 
ruch  person,  or  his  or  her  surely  was  so  bound,  together  with  thoi 
residence,  trade,  profession,  or  calling  of  every  such  person  and 
surety,  and  shall  in  such  list  distinguish  the  principals  from  the 
sureties,  and  shall  state  the  cause,  if  known,  why  each  such  person 

30  li'is  not  appeared,  and  whether  by  reason  of  the  non-appearance 
of  such  person,  the  ends  of  Justice  have  been  defeated  or  delay- 
ed ;  and  every  such  Officer  shall,  and  such  Officer  is  hereby  re- 
quired, before  any  such  recognizance  shall  be  estreated,  to  lay 
such  list,  if  at  a  Court  of  Oyer  and  Terminer  or  Gaol  Delivery  in 

35  any  District  or  County,  or  at  any  of  Her  Majesty's  Superior 





4  &  5  Vie. 

'  ';- 

«  I 


Courts  of  Reconl  in  this  Province,  before  one  of  the  Justices  of 
tliosc  Courts,  respectively,  or  if  at  ii  Session  of  the  Peace,  before 
two  of  the  Justices  of  the  Peace,  who  shall  have  attended  sucli 
Courts,  who  aro  respectively  authorized  and  required  to  examine 
sucli  list,  and  to  make  such  order  touching  the  estreating  or  putting  '■ 
in  process  any  such  recognizance  as  shall  appear  to  tliem,  respect- 
ively, to  be  just ;  and  it  shall  not  bo  lawful  for  tlie  OfTicer  of  any 
Court  to  estreat  or  put  in  process  any  such  recognizance  without 
the  written  order  of  the  Justice  or  Justices  of  the  Peace  before 
wliom  respectively  sucli  list  shall  Inive  been  laid.  10 

Kuioiortho  L.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  w^Iierever  in  tliis  Act  or  in  any 
!!i"tii!:'raMil'*Ml"^''^^'  Act  relating  to  any  oHencc,  wliotlier  punishable  upon  Indict- 
cri;nin:il  Art;^,  ment  or  Summary  conviction,  in  describing  or  referring  to  the  of- 
fence or  the  subject  matter  on  or  with  respect  to  which  it  shall 
be  committed,  or  the  olfender  or  the  party  atTected  or  intended  to  15 
bo  aifected  by  the  offence,  any  word  or  words  liave  been  or  shall 
be  used  or  em[)loyed  importing  tlie  singular  nmnber  or  the  mas- 
culine gender  only,  every  such  Act  shall  be  understood  to  include 
several  matters  of  the  same  kind,  as  well  as  one  m;ittcr,  and  se- 
veral persons  as  v;ell  as  one  person,  and  females  as  well  as  males,  2( 
and  bodies  corporate  as  well  as  individuals,  unless  it  be  otherwise 
specially  proviilcd,  or  there  be  something  in  the  subject  or  con- 
text repugnant  to  such  construction ;  and  wherever  any  forfeiture 
or  penally  is  or  shall  be  made  payable  to  a  part)  aggrieved,  it 
shall  be  payable  to  a  body  corporate  in  every  case  where  such  a  25 
body  shall  be  the  party  aggrieved. 

All  Actsro-      LI.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  all  Acts  or  parts  of  Acts  or  pro- 

puL^aanttothis^.jgjgj^g  of  Law  in  forcc  in  this  Province,  or  any  part  thereof,  im- 
Act  ropcalctl.  _  .  . 

mediately  before  the  time  when  this  Act  shall  come  into  force, 

which  shall  be  inconsistent  with  or  contradictory  to  this  Act,  or  30 

which  make  any  provision  in  any  matter  provided  for  by  this 

Act,  other  than  such  as  is  hereby  made  in  such  matter,  shall  from 

and  after  the  time  when  tliis  Act  shall  come  into  force,  be  and 

they  are  hereby  repealed,  except  in  so  far  as  may  relate  to 


k  5  Vic. 

istices  of 
e,  beibro 
(lc(]  such 
ir  putting  ; 
,  respect- 
er of  any 
1  without 
:e  before 


r  in  any 
n  Indict- 
o  the  of- 

it  shall 
ended  to  15 

or  shall 
lie  mas- 
)  include 

and  se- 
is  males,  2t 
t  or  con- 
eved,  it 
)  sucli  a  25 

or  pro- 

'eof,  im- 

o  force, 
Act,  or  30 
by  this 

all  from 

,  be  and 

3  to  any 

Chap.  24  k  25.  of  Canada.  26 

oifence  committed  bofurc  the  coramoncement  (-f  this  Act,  »vhicli 
shall  be  dealt  with*  and  punished  as  if  this  Act  had  not  been 

LII.  And  be  it  enacted  that  t!iopori'>d  of  imprisonment  in  the  Fromuhutpo- 

,  15        •      •   I  o      •,      ^  •  f  1  1  rioil  the  iiiiriri- 

b  rrovinciai  renitentiary,  in  pursuance  ot  any  sentence  passed  un-  son,np„t  is  to 
der  this  Act  or  under  any  other  Act  relating  to  the  punishment  of  ^i^  reckoned. 
oiTences  by  confin3:n;;nl  and  im[)rison:nent  in  the  Provincial  Peni- 
tentiary, shall  be  held  to  commence  from  the  period  of  passing 
such  sentence,  wliether  ihe   convict   upon   whom  such    sentence 

10  shall  be  passed  shall  bo  removed  to  the  saiil  Provincial  Peniten- 
tiary forthwith,  or  be  detained  in  custody  in  any  other  prison  or 
place  of  confinement,  p^eviouL^ly  to  such  removal. 

LIII.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  this  Act  shall  commence  and     Commonr.?- 
take  effect  from  and  after  the  first  day    of  January  one  thousand  Act*   *"*  ^'"'' 
15  eight  hundred  and  uirlv-two. 


An  Act  for  coiis:;l!datiir»'  and  amciulin"'  the  Laws  in 
this  Province,  relativx^  to  Lai'ccny  and  other  Oflences 
connected  therewith. 

[I8th  September,  1S41.] 

'MT'IIEREAS  it  is  expedient  to  amend  and  consolidate  the  Preamble 

provisions  contained  in  various  Statutes  now  in  force  in 
this  Province,  relative  to  Larceny  and  other  offences  of  steal- 
ing, and  to  Burglary,  Robbery,  and  t!u-eats  for  the  purpose  of 
20  Robbery  or  of  Extortion,  and  to  Embezzlement,  False  Preten- 
ces and  the  Receipt  of  stolen  properly;  Bo  it  therefore  enacted 
by  the  Queen's  most  Excellent  IMajesty,  by  and  with  the  rfdvice 
and  consent  of  the  Legislative  Council  and  of  the  Legislative 
Assembly  of  the  Province  of  Canada,  constituted  and  assembled 

*  ^ut  SCO  the  forcgoini;;  pi-ovidions  ot'tlic  Act,  as  to  incii.icnts  and  matters  with  re" 
gard  to  which  such  provisions  may  be  conbistciit  with  this  exception. 

\  .>. 

'W!f  I 

!  J- 


'I     ;! 

I      f. 



4  &  5  Vic. 

by  virtue  of  and  under  the  authority  of  an  Act  passed  in  the  Par- 
liament of  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland, 
intituled  An  Act  to  Re-unite  the  Provinces  of  Upper  and 
Lower  Canada,  and  for  the  Government  of  Canada^  and  it 

Commence- js  J^ereby  enacted,  by  the. authority  of  the  same,  that  this  Act  5 
shall  commence  from  and   alter  the  first  day  ol  January,  one 
thousand  eiglit  hundred  and  fo^ty-t^vo. 

Distinction  H.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  tlie  distinction  between  Grand 
Gram]  &  Pot  ty^''^''*^^"y  and  Pcdy  Larceny  sliall  be  abolished;  and  every  Lar- 
Lnrccny  abo-(.ej;,y    whatever  be  the  value  of  the  proi)erty    stolen,  shall  be  10 

lishcd ; ill!  Lar-         •'  ,    ,     ,i  ,  i  •  i 

ceny  shall  be  deemed  to  be  of  the  same  nature,  aiul  shall  be  subject  to  Uie  same 
q^"^j*^''''l,^^^  incidents  in  all  respects,  as  Grand  Larceny  was  before  the  com- 
ccny.  mencement  of  this  Act ;  and  every  Court  wliose  power  as  to  the 

trial  of  Larceny  was,  before  (!ic  commencement   of  tliis  Act, 
limited  to  Petty  Larceny,  shall  have  power  to  try  every  case  of  15 
Larceny,  the  punisliment  of  whicli  cannot  exceed  the  punishment 
hereinafter  mentioned  for  simple  Larceny,  and  also  to  try  all  ac- 
cessories to  such  Larceny. 

III.  And  be  it  enacted,  lliat  every  person  convicted  of  Simple 
l^^jy  Larceny,  )r  of  any  felony  hereby  made  punishable  like   Simple  20 

for  simple  Lar 
ceny,  or  felonj 
punishable  as  Larceny,  shall    (except  in  tlio  cases  hereinafter  otherwise  pro 

sucli.  ■ 

vided  for)  be  liable,  at  tlic  discretion  of  the  Court,  to  be  impri- 
soned at  hard  labour  in  the  Provincial  Penitentiary  for  any  term 
not  less  than  seven  years,*  or  to  bo  im})risoned  in  any  other  prison 
or  place  of  coniinement  for  any  term  not  exceeding  two  years.      25 

ForallofTcn-  IV.  And  with  regard  to  I'hc  place  and  mode  of  imprisonment 
Act  'iianl  la-f^^f  ^'^  indictable  oflenccs  punishjiblo  under  this  Act; — Be  it  en- 
hour  or  solitary  acted,  that  where  anv  person  shall  be  convicted  of  anv  felony  or 

confinement  .    ,  •  i "  i i  i  •      »         r  ,  ■   ,       ' 

may  he  added  misdemeanor  punishable  under  tins  Act,  for  which  imprisonment 

incnr'"^°""    ^'^y  ^^  awarded,  it  shall  be  lawful  for  the  Court  to  sentence  the  30 

offender  to  be  imprisoned,  or  to  be  imprisoned  and  kept  to  hard 

labour,  in  the  Common  Gaol,  or  House  of  Correction,  and  also  to 

*  But  sec  G  Vic.  c.  5. 


k  5  Vic. 

the  Par- 
per  and 

If,  and  it 
this  Act  5 
ary,  one 

1  Grand 
cry  Lar- 

shall  be  lO 
I  he  same 
he  com- 
as to  the 
liis  Act, 
y  case  of  15 
y  all  ac- 

f  Simple 

Simple  20 
kMse  pro- 
e  impri- 
my  term 
iv  prison 
years.      25 

e  it  en- 
olony  or 
ence  the  30 
to  hard 
d  also  to 

Chap.  25. 



direct  that  the  offender  shall  be  kept  in  solitary  confinement  for 
any  portion  or  portions  of  such  imprisonment,  or  of  such  impri- 
sonment with  hard  labour,  not  exceeding  one  month  at  any  one 
time,  and  not  exceeding  three  months  in  any  one  year,  as  lo  the 
5  Court  in  its  discretion  shall  seem  meet. 

V.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  steal  any  tally, 
order,  or  other  security  whatsoever,  entitling  or  evidencing  the 
title  of  any  person  or  body  corporate  to  any  share  or  interest  in 
any  Public  Stock  or  Fund,  whether  of  this  Province  or  of  the 

10  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland,  or  of  any  British 
Colony,  or  of  any  Foreign  State  or  Colony,  or  in  any  fund  of 
any  body  corporate,  company  or  society,  or  to  any  deposit  in  any 
Savings  Bank,  or  shall  steal  any  debenture,  deed,  bond,  bill,  note, 
warrant,  order,  or  other  security  whatsoever,  for  money  oi    for 

J5  payment  of  monies,  whether  of  this  Province  or  of  Great  Britain, 
or  of  any  British  Colony,  or  of  any  Foreign  State  or  Colony,  or 
shall  steal  any  warrant  or  order  for  the  delivery  or  transfer  of  any 
goods  or  valuable  thing,  every  such  offender  shall  be  deemed 
guilty  of  felony,  of  the  same  nature  and  in  the  same  degree,  and 

20punishable  in  the  same  manner,  as  if  he  had  stolon  any  chattel  of 
like  value  with  the  share,  interest,  or  deposit  to  which  the  securi- 
ty so  stolen  may  relate,  or  with  the  money  due  on  the  security  so 
stolen  or  secured  thereby  and  remaining  unsatisfied,  or  with  the 
value  of  the  goods  or  other  valuable  thins;  mentioned  in  the  war- 

25  rant  or  order ;  and  each  of  the  several  documents  hereinbefore 
enumerated,  shall,  throughout  this  Act,  be  deemed  for  every  pur- 
pose to  be  included  under,  and  denoted  by,  the  words  "valuable 

VI.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  whosoever  shall  rob  any  person, 
30 and  at  the  time  of  or  immediately  before  or  immediately  after 

such   robbery,  shall  stab,  cut,  or  wound   any  person,  shall  be 
guilty  of  Felony,  and  being  convicted  thereof  shall  suffer  death. 

Stealing  pub- 
lic or  privato 
srcuritics  for 
money,  or  war- 
ranto for  <50oils, 
fv(!.  shall  bi; 
felony  punish- 
able aeeordin^ 
to  the  circum- 
stances, as 
stealin^r  rfoods. 

Rule  of  inter- 

of  robbery  at- 
tended with 
cutting,  &c. 

VII.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  whosoever  shall,  being  armed      q^  robbery 
with  any  offensive  weapon  or  instrument,  rob,  or  assault  with  in-  attended  with 




4  &  5  Vic. 

tent  to  rob  any  person,  or  shall,  together  with  one  or  more  person 
or  persons,  rob  or  assault  with  intent  to  rob  any  person,  or  shall 
rob  any  person,  and  at  the  time  of  or  immediately  before  or  im- 
mediately after  such  robbery,  shall  beat,  strike,  or  use  any  other 
personal  violence  to  any  person,  shall  be  guilty  of  Felony,  and  ^ 
being  convicted  thereof  shall  be  liable,  at  the  discretion  of  the 
Court,  to  be  imprisoned  at  hard  labour  in  the  Provincial  Peni- 
tentiary for  the  term  of  his  natural  life,  or  for  any  term  not  less 
than  seven  years,*  or  to  be  imprisoned  in  any  other  Prison  or 
[>lace  of  confinement  for  any  term  not  exceeding  two  years.  lo 

Punishment  VIII.  And  bo  it  enacted,  that  whosoever  shall  accuse  or 
j^Q  °^y'"|j""^tlireaten  to  accu.«e  any  person  of  the  abominable  crime  of  Bugge- 
thrcat  of  ac- i-y^  committed  either  witli  mankind   or  witli  beast,  or  of  any 

cusino;   of  un-    '         ,  .  i     .  ,    ,  •       •  •  i     i         •      i  i  •  V 

natural  crimes,  "issault  With  intent  to  commit  the  said  abominable  crime,  or  ol 

any  attempt  to  endeavour  to  commit  the  said  abominable  crime,  i5 
or  of  making  or  offering  any  solicitation,  persuasion,  promise  or 
threat  to  any  person  whereby  to  move  or  induce  such  person  to 
commit  or   permit  the  said  abominable  crime,  with  a  view  or 
intent  in  any  of  the  cases  aforesaid,  to  extort  or  gain  from  such 
person,  and  shall  by  intimidating  such  person,  by  such  accusati-20 
on  or  threat,  extort  or  gain  from  such  person  any  property,  shall 
be  guilty  of  Felony,  and  being  convicted  thereof,  shall  be  liable, 
at  the  discretion  of  the  Court,  to  be  imprisoned  at  hard  labour  in 
the  Provincial  Penitentiary  for  the  term  of  his  natural  life,  or 
for  any  term  not  less  than  seven  years,*  or  to  be  imprisoned  in  25 
any  other  Prison  or  place  of  confinement  for  any  term  not  ex- 
ceeding two  years. 

Punishment     IX.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  whosoever  shall  rob  any  person, 

from^^thc  ifor-"''  ^'^^^'  ^*^^^^  ''^'V  chattel,  money,  or  valuable  security  from  the 

person  of  another,  shall  be  liable,  at  the  discretion  of  the  Court,  30 
to  be  imprisoned  at  hard  labour  in  the  Provincial  Penitentiary 
for  any  term  not  exceeding  fourteen  years  nor  less  than  seven 

years,*  or  to  be  imprisoned  in  any  other  Prison  or  place  of  con- 
finement for  any  term  not  exceeding  two  years. 

*  But  see  G  Vic.  c.  5. 


E  5  Vic* 

Clmp.  25. 



e  person 
or  shall 
c  or  im- 
ly  other 
ny,  and  5 
)n  of  the 
ial  Peni- 
not  less 
*rison  or 
rs.  10 

:cuse  or 
•  of  any 
ne,  or  of 
e  crime,  15 
omisc  or 
)erson  to 
view  or 
•om  such 
rty,  shall 
e  liable, 
^bour  in 

life,  or 
JO  net!  in  25 

not  cx- 

'  person, 
from  the 
3  Court,  30 
m  seven 
;  of  con- 

X.  And  be  it  enacted,  tlint  wliosoever  sliall  assault  any  person,    Punishmpnt 
with  intent  to  rob,  shall  be  guilty  of  Felony,  and  being  convicted j^tLM^uo rob. 
thereof  shall  (save  and  except  in  cases  where  a  greater  punish- 
ment is  provided  by  this  Act,)  bo  liable  to  bo  imprisoned  for  any 

5  term  not  exceeding  three  years.* 

XI.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  whosoever  shall,  with  menaces  or  Attpmpiin^ 
by  force,  demand  any  Chattel,  Money,  or  Valuable  Security,  ofperty  by  me- 
any  person  with  intent  to  steal  the  same,  shall  be  guilty  of  Felony, "''^'^"' 

and  being  convicted  thereof,  shall  be  liable  to  bo  imprisoned  for 
10 any  term  not  exceeding  throe  years.* 

XII.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  knowingly  Spmling  let- 
send  or  deliver  any  letter  or  writing,  demanding  of  any  person jj'J|,,^_^°"^"/"|"Jf 

with  menaces,  and  without  any  reasonable  or  probable  cause, "'""'''^j  *"  ^^■ 
,     ,,    ,  III  -x  -c  1    ,, tort  money, Sic. 

any  chattel,  money,  or  valuable  security  ;  or  it  any  person  shall 

isaccuse  or  threaten  to  accuse,  or  shall  knowingly  send  or  deliver 
any  letter  or  writing,  accusing  or  threatening  to  accuse  any  per- 
son of  any  crime  punishable  by  law  with  Death,  or  Transporta- 
tion, or  of  any  assault  with  intent  to  commit  any  Rape,  or' of  any 
attempt  or  endeavour  to  commit  Rape,  with  a  view  or  intent  to 

•20cxtort  or  gain  from  such  person  any  chattel,  money  or  valuable 
security,  every  such  oflender  shall  bo  guilty  of  Felony,  and  being 
convicted  thereof,  shall  be  liable,  at  the  discretion  of  the  Court, 
to  be  imprisoned  at  hard  labour  at  the  Provincial  Penitentiary 
for  any  term  not  less  than  seven  years,*  or  to  be  imprisoned  in 

25 any  other  Prison  or  place  of  confinement  for  any  term  not  exceed- 
ing two  years. 

XIII.  And  belt  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  break  and  Sacrilegcwhcn 
enter  any   Church  or  Chapel,  and  steal  therein  any  chattel,  or^'^'^P''^^" 
having  stcden  any  chattel,  money,  or  valuable  security  in  any 

30 Church  or  Chapel  shall  break  out  of  the  same,  every  such  olfen- 
der  being  convicted  thereof,  shall  be  liable  to  be  imprisoned  at 
hard  labour  at  the  Provincial  Penitentiary  for  any  term  not  less 

*  But  see  G  Vic.  c.  5. 




4  &  5  Vic. 

than  seven  years,*  or  to  be  imprisoned  in  any  other  Prison  or 
place  of  confiuemcnt  for  any  term  not  exceeding  two  years. 

Burglars  uainjr      XIV.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  whosoever  shall  burglariously 
ferdcaUi.'^''"    '^•'^^'^'^  '"^"^^  <^"^cr  into  any  Dwelling  Ilouse,  and  shall  assault  with 

intent  to  murder  any  person  being  therein,  or  shall  slab,  cut,  f> 
wound,  boat  or  strike  any  such  person,  shall  be  guilty  of  Felony, 
and  being  convicted  thereof  shall  suffer  death. 

Punishment      ^^^'  ^^^^^  ^^  ^^  enacted,  that  wliosocver  shall  bo  convicted  of 
of  Burglars,      ti,^  erime  of  Burghiry  shall  bo  liable,  at  the  discretion  of  the 

Court,  to  be  imprisoned  at  hard  labour  in  the  Provincial  Pcniten- 10 
tiarv  for  the  term  of  his  natural  life,  or  for  anv  term  not  less  than 
seven  years,*  or  to  be  imprisoned  in  any  other  Prison  or  jjlacc  of 
confinement  for  any  term  not  exceeding  two  years. 

When  break-      ^VJ.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  enacted,  that  so  far  as  the 
ingintoahouse  same  is  essential  to  the  olfenco  of  Burglary,  the  night  shall  be  i-^ 
glary.  considered  and  is  hereby  declared  to  commence  at  nine  of  the 

clock  rn  the  evenins:  of  each  dav  <ind  to  conclude  at  six  of  the 
clock  in  the  morning  of  llio  next  succeeding  day  :  And  it  is  here- 
Burglary.  by  declared  that  if  any  person  shall  enter  the  dwelling  house  of 
another  with  intent  to  commit  Felony,  or  being  in  such  dwelling  20 
l;ouse  shall  commit  any  Felony,  and  shall  in  either  case  break  out 
of  the  said  dwelling  house,  in  the  night  time,  such  person  shall 
be  deemed  guilty  of  Burglary. 

Stealmcrina      XVII.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  whosoever  shall  steal  any  chat- 
dwelling  house  (el,  money  or  valuable  security  in  anv  dwelling  house,  and  shall  25 
with  menaces.  '         i     •  i         •       •     i      i-i 

by  any  menace  or  threat  put  any  one,  bemg  tnerem,  in  bodily 

fear,  shall  be  guilty  of  Felony,  and  being  convicted  thereof,  shall 
be  liable  to  be  imprisoned  at  hard  labour  in  the  Provincial  Peni- 
tentiary for  any  term  not  exceeding  fourteen  years  nor  less  than 
seven  years,*  or  to  be  imprisoned  in  any  other  Prison  or  [ilace  of  30 
confinement  for  anv  term  not  exceedino:  two  vears. 

*  But  sec  6  Vic.  c.  5. 

t  5  Vic. 

''rison  or 

ult  with 

lab,  cut,  ^ 

victcd  of 
n  of  tlie 
Pcniten-  !<• 
less  than 
■  place  of 

ar  as  the 
shall  he  ir> 
le  of  the 
X  of  the 

it  is  hore- 
house  of 

jreak  out 
son  shall 

iny  chat- 
md  shall  25 
in  bodily 
eof,  shall 
;ial  Peni- 
less  than 
r  place  of  oO 

Chap.  35. 

or   CANADA. 


XVIII.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  enacted,  that  no  building,  Whatbuild- 
allhoiigh  within  the  same  curtilage  with  the  dwelling  house,  and  partotaWusc 
occupied  therewith,  shall  be  deemed  to  be  part  of  such  dwelling ''^'"^'^P'^'^P"'' 
lii»use  fur  the  purpose  of  Burglary,  or  for  any  of  the  purposes 

&  aforesaid,  unless  there  shall  be  a  communication  between  such 
building;  and  dwelling  house,  either  immediate,  or  by  means  of  a 
covered  and  inclosed  passage  leading  from  the  one  to  the  other. 

XIX.  And  be   it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  break  and    Ri.i>lxry  in 

I'll-  I.I.I         •  '        I     ii    1  ""V      buildini' 

enter  any  huilding,  and  steal  llicM-oin  any  chattel,  money,  or  va-^vii|,i„   the 

lOhialilo   sccuritv,  such  buildino-  bciii<>;  within  the  curtilai2;e  of  a*^'""':  ^^urtilago 

1       II-  I  1  •     1      I  ■  I       1  1     •  '^^^   *""    hoiwc, 

dwelling   house,  and   occu[ue(l    therewith,    but   not  being    part  but  not  privi- 

thereof,  according  to  the  provision  hereinbefore  mentioned,  cveryJ'j'j'^"j^y*|.P"'"^ 
such  olVender,  being  convicted  thereof,  (either  upon  an  indict- 
ment for  the  same  oU'ence,  or  upon  an   indictment  for  burglary, 

ii» house  breaking,   or  stealing  to  tlie  value  of  five  jjounds  sterling 
in  a  dwelling  house,  containing  a  separate  count  for  such  ollence,) 
shall  be  liable  to  be  imprisoned  at  hard  labour  in  the  Provincial 
Penitentiary  for  any  term  not  exceeding  fourteen  years,  nor  less 
than  seven  years,*  or  to  be  imprisoned  in  any  other  Prison  or 

2^  place  of  confinement  for  any  term  noi  exceeding  two  years. 

XX.  And  bo  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  break  and    Robbery  in  .-i 
enter  any  Shop,  Warehouse,  or  Counting  House,  and  steal  therein  ^j^^'^'^.  ^^^^ 
any  chattel,  money  or  valuable  security,  every  such  ofiender, 

being  convicteil  thereof,  shall  he  liable  to  any  of  the  punishments 
^  which  the  Court  may  award  as  hereinbefore  last  mentioned. 

XXI.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  steal  any  st,.(j]in^  „oojf> 

Goods  or  Merchandize  in  anv  vessel,  barge,  or  boat  of  any  de-f™'"  "•^•'^^f' 

,  '  in  a  port,  river, 

scripti(m  whatsoever,  in  any  port  of  entry  or  discharge,  or  upon  or  canal,  &c, 
any  navigable  river  or  canal,  or   in  any  creek  belonging  to  or 
■'^0 communicating  with  any  such  port,  river  or  canal,  or  shall  steal 
any  goods  or  merchandize  from  ;niy  dock,  wharf  or  quay,  adja- 
cent to  any  such  port,  river,  canal  or  creek,  every  such  offender, 

*  But  see  G  Vie.  c.  5. 

■J  " 

K      |l!' 


4  &  5  Vio. 


boiiit^  convicted  (licreof,  slinll  bo  liable  to  any  of  tbc  pniiishtDonts 
wJiich  the  Court  may  awaitl  us  heroiiibelbre  hist  mentioned. 

I'uniHliniont      XXII.  And  be  if  omcted,  that  wliosocvcr  sliall  j)lun(Icr  or 

for  wrcckin:!.      •      ■  .     c  i  •  i      i  •   i      i     n  i      •      i-  , 

^     steal  any  part  oi  any  fmip  or  vessel  which  shall  bu  in  distress,  or 

wrecked,  stranded  or  cast  on  dioro,  or  any  ^oods,  merchandize, 

or  articles  of  any  kind  heh)nu;Ini»    to  such  ship  or  vessel,  and  be 

convicted  tlieroof,  shall  l)C  liable,  at  the  discretion  of  the  Court, 

to  bo  imprisoned  at  hard  labour  in  the  Provincial  Penitontiaty  for 

any  term  not  cxceedini!;  fourteen  years,  nor  less  (ban  seven  years,* 

or  to  be  imprisoned   in  any  other  i^'ison,  or  place  of  conlineuienl 

for  any  term  not  exceeding  two  years. 

Persons  in        XXIII.  And  1)0  it  o^;:'.cte(l,  that  if  any  Goods,  Mcrcliandizo,  or 

poitirssion  ot    .,,.f,(.iL.s  of  anv  kind,  belon^in;;-  to  anv  siiip  or  vessel  in  distress. 

tiliijiwrivkcil  -  '  rt     n  .  x  ^  > 

;foo(l^,  not  <,'iv-  or  wrecked,  stranch.ul,  or  cast  on  shore,  as  aforesaid,  shall  by  vir- 

!"fv'\c!cl!imt'  ^"^'  '^^"  search  warrant,  to  be  granted  as  hereinafter  mcntionod,  i:> 
sluill  pny  .1  110-  [)o  found  in  the  possession  of  any  jjerson,  or  on  the  premises  of 
anv  person  with  his  knowledge,  and  such  person,  being  carried 
before  a  Justice  (tf  the  Peace,  shall  not  satisfy  the  Justice  that  ho 
came  lawfully  by  tiic  same,  then  t!ic  same  shall,  by  order  of  the 
Justice,  be  forthwith  delivered  over  to,  or  for  the  use  of  the  eo 
rijiiiifui  owner  thereof ;  and  the  oHender,  on  conviction  of  such 
oilenco  before  the  .lustice,  shall  forfeit  and  pay  such  sum  of  mo- 
ney, not  exceeding  twenty  pounds,  as  to  the  Justice  shall  seem 

If  r.ny  person      XXIV.  And  bo  it   enacted,  that  if  anv  person  shall  offer  or  ^!;' 
uiFcr     shii>     expose  for  sale  anv  Goods,  Merchandize  or  articles  whatsoever, 
ihr    salo,  tlio  which  shall  have  bei-n  unlawiuily  taken,  or  reasonably  suspected      n 
i^oods  niay  bo  g^  j^  j^j^yg  been,  from  any  ship  or  vessel  in  distress,  or  wrecked, 
stranded,  or  cast  on  shore  as  aforesaid,  in  every  such  case  any 
pei'son  to  whom  the  same  shall  be  ollcred  for  sale,  or  any  t)(ncer  :i( 
of  the  Customs,  or  Peace  OlTicer,  may  lawfully  seize  the  same,  and 
shall  with  all  convenient  speed  carry  the  same,  or  give  notice 

*  But  see  G  Vic.  c.  5, 

i  II 

Clinp.  25.  or  caxada.  33 

of  such  seizure,  to  some  Justice  of  tlio  Peaco  ;  nnd  if  the  person 
who  shall  have  ollorod  or  cxposcil  the  saino  for  sale,  hciiig  duly 
summoned  by  such  Justice,  sliail  not  appear  and  satisfy  tlie  Jus- 
tice that  ho  came  lawfully  by  such  goods,  merchaiidizL'  or  articles, 

6then  the  same  sliall,  by  order  of  the  Justice,  bo  forlhwilli  dclivor. 
ed  over  to,  or  for  the  use  of  the  righlful  owner  thereof,  upon 
payment  of  a  reasoiiaitlc  reward,  (to  hj  ascertained  by  the  Jus- 
lice,)  to  the  person  who  boized  the  same  ;  anil  the  (Wlc-nder,  on 
conviction  of  such  oHencc  by  the  Justice,  shall  forfoit  and  pay 

lOsuch  sum  of  money  not  exceeding  twenty  pounils,  as  to  the  Jus- 
tice shall  seem  meet. 

XXV".  And  bo  it  enacted,  that  if  any   person  sliall  steal,  or    Tliu  sUv.lin!: 


sliall  for  any  fraudulent  purpose  take  from  its  place  of  deposit  f"r 'lil.i 'ot],^!j.'^^"'^'''^ 

the  time  bcini^,  or  from  any  person   having  the  lawful  custody  f<;<^'''"''i«    •>'' 

^''thereof,  or  shall  unlawfully  and  maliciously  obliterate,  injure,  orii-.,.|L''cc, 
destroy  any  record,  writ,  return,  panel,  process,  interrogatory, 
deposition,  afiidavit,  rule,  order  or  warrant  of  attorney,  or  any 
orIi>inal  document  whatsoever,  of  or  bcdonoinp-  to  anv  Court  of 
Justice,  or  relating  to  any  matter,  civil  or  criminal,  begun,  de- 

-Opondingor  terminated  in  any  such  Court,  or  any  l>ill,  answer, 
interrogatory,  deposition,  aifidavit,  order  or  decree,  or  any  origi- 
nal document  whatsoever,  of  or  belonging  to  any  Court,  or  relat- 
ing to  any  cause  or  matter  begun,  depending,  or  terminated  in 
any  such  Court,  or  any  notarial  minute,  or  tlie  original  of  any 

-5 other  authentic  act,  every  such  oflbnder  shall  bo  guilty  of  a  mis- 
demeanor, and,  being  convicted  thereof,  sliall  bo  liable,  at  the 
discretion  of  the  Court,  to  be  imprisoned  at  hard  labour  in  the 
Provincial  Penitentiary,  for  any  term  not  exceeding  fourteen 
years,  nor  less  than  seven  years,*  or  to  be  imprisoned  in  any  other 

30prison  or  place  of  confmcjment  for  any  term  not  exceeding  two 
years,  or  to  sudor  such  other  punishment  by  fine  or  imprisonment, 
or  by  both,  as  the  Court  shall  award  ;  and  it  shall  not  in  any 
indictment  for  such  oirence  be  necessary  to  allege  that  the  article, 

*  But  3CC  C  Vic,  c.  5, 

••.    f5 



4  &  5  Vic. 

in  respect  of  wliicli  the  offence  is  committed,  is  tlio  property  of 
any  person,  or  that  tlic  same  is  of  any  value. 

The  stoaling  XXVI.  And  bo  it  enacted,  tliat  if  any  person  shall,  eitlicr  du- 
vVc.  of  Wills,  ring  tho  life  ^^f  ti,^  testator  or  testatrix,  or  after  his  or  her  death, 
steal,  or  for  any  fraudulent  purpose  ilostroy  or  conceal,  any  will,  :> 
codicil  or  otiior  teslamoiitary  instrument,  whother  the  .same  shall 
relate  to  real  or  personal  estate,  or  to  both,  every  such  olfcnder 
shall  be  guilty  of  a  misdutncaiuir,  and  being  convicted  thereof, 
shall  be  liable  to  any  of  the  j)unishments  which  the  Court  may 
award,  as  hereinboforo  last  mentioned  ;  and  it  shall  not  in  any  ki 
indictment  fur  sucli  oll'ence  be  necessary  to  allc<;o  that  such  will, 
codicil,  or  other  iuslrunieut,  is  (he  property  of  any  person,  or 
that  the  same  is  of  any  value. 

The  stealing      XXVII.  And  bo  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  steal  any 
"fwritinsH  ro-       .    .      •  i  i  -i.  '•    i    i  ii 

Jiitivo  to   real  "'''g'^fd  p^jJcr  or  partibmcnt,  written  or  printed,  or  partly  written  j'l 

cstuti's.  ,,„,]  pjirtly  piintcd,  being  evidence  of  the  title,  or  of  any  part  of 

the  title  to  any  real  estate,  every  such  ollender  shall  be  deemed 
guilty  of  a  misdemeanor,  and  being  convicted  thereof,  shall  be 
liable  to  any  of  tlie  punishments  which  the  Court  may  award,  as 
liereinbcfore  last  mentioned  ;  and  in  any  indictment  for  such  'jii 
oifence,  it  sliall  be  sullicient  to  allege  the  thing  stolen  to  bo  evi- 
dence of  the  title,  or  of  part  of  the  title,  of  the  person  or  of  some 
one  of  the  persons  having  a  present  interest,  whether  legal  or 
equitable,  in  the  real  esta  ^  to  which  the  same  relates,  and  to 
mention  such  real  estate  or  some  part  thereof;  and  it  shall  not  2j 
be  necessary  to  allege  the  thing  stolen  to  be  of  any  value. 

These  provi-      XXVIII.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  enacted,  that  nothing  in 
sions  as  to     tijjs  ^(;|;  contained  relating  to  either  of  the  misdemeanors  afore- 

willrt  anil  wri-  .     .  .     ,  i      i      i 

tings  shall  not  said,  nor  any  proceedmg,  conviction  or  judgment,  to  be  had  or 

lessen  any  oth-  ^^j^p,-,  thereupon,  shall  prevent,  lessen  or  impeach  anv  remedv  at  20 
cr  roinc'ly.  i       >  i  '  i  ./  * 

law  or  equity,   wliich  any  party  aggrieved  by  any  such  offence, 
Conviction  i^i,,|,t  or  vvould  have  had  if  this  Act  had  not  been  passed  ;  but 

shall  not  1)1' evi-        o  ^  ' 

<iencc  in  actions  nevertheless  the  conviction  of  such  offender  shall  not  be  received 

&  5  Vic. 
'operty  of 

either  du- 
ller death, 
any  will,  j 
<ain<;  shall 
I  oH'ciuler 
d  lliereof, 
•ourt  may 
not  ill  any  m 
such  will, 
person,  or 

I  steal  any 
ly  written  ij 
my  part  of 
le  deemed 
',  shall  be 
award,  as 
;  fur  such  'jo 
to  be  evi- 
or  of  some 
r  legal  or 
es,  and  to 

shall  not  2j 

nothing  in 
lors  afore- 
be  hail  or 
remedy  at  so 
;h  offence,  i 
issed  ;  but 
3  received 

Clin|>.  25. 

or  CANADA. 



in  evidence  in  any  action  at  law  or  suit  in  niuily  against  liim  ;  nu^iin-'t    oiVm- 
and  no  person  shall  be  liaide  to  be  convicled  of  either  of  the  mis- 
demeanors aforesaid,  hv  any  evidiuice    whatever,  in  resiiect  of  ^>lll■ll.!^•l•^!.l.ll 
any  act  done  by  iiim,  il  he  shall  at  any  time  previously    to  Ins  cii  i>yi-\ulriH» 
') being  indicted  for  such  olVeiice,  have  dischised  such  act,  on  oath,  |,-'^,'^',7i'    '^ 
in  coiiseiiuenco  of  any  compulsory  process  of  any  Court  of  I^aw 
or  Equity  in  any  action,  suit  or   proceeding  which  shall  bavo 
been  bona  fide  instituted  by  any  party  aggrieved,  or  if  \\v.  shall 
have  disclosed  the  same  in  any  examination  or  deposition  before 
lOany  Commissioners  of  Bankrupt. 

XXIX.  And  bo  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  steal  any   Stcalnj  i. ,- 
horse,  mare,  gelding,  colt  or  filly,  or  any  bull,  cow,  ox,  heifer  or  ,>^iir,.,,,  ^\,,..' 
calf,  or  any  ram,  ewe,  sheep  or  lamb,  or  shall  wilfully  kill  any 

of  such  cattle  with  intent  to  steal  the  carcase  or  skin,  or  any  part 
15of  the  cattle  so  killed,  every  such  offender  shall  be  guilty  of  Fehi- 
ny,  and  being  convicted  thereof,  shall  be  liable,  at  the  discretion 
of  the  Court,  to  be  imprisoned  at  hard  labour  in  the  Provincial 
Penitentiary  for  any  term  not  exceeding  fourteen  years  nor  less 
than  seven  years,*  or  to  be  imprisoned  in  any  oilier  Prison  or 
20 place  of  confinement  for  any  term  not  exceeding  two  years. 

XXX.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  steal  any  StcnlinfrlV-. 

I  I       11  I  I  1  •     I  !•  -1       1  •  r- "''     ''t''<lllll'.' 

dog,  or  shall  steal  any  beast  or  bird  ordmanly  kept  in  a  state  ot 
v:onhnement,  not  beinu  the  subiect  of  Larceny  at  common  law,  p"''"»"'y  I  I'l ' 
every  such  offender,  being  convicted  thereof  before  a  Justice  of  mul   not  the 
25the  Peace,  shall  for  every  such  offence  forfeit  and  pay,  over  and  ^",';'! '^''*  "*  ' '* 
above  the  value  of  the  dog,  beast,  or  bird,  such  sum  of  money 
not  exceeding  five  pounds,  as  to  the  Justice  shall  seem  meet. 

XXXI.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  steal,  or  StcKiiji^tu. s, 
shall  cut,  break,  root  up,  or  otherwise  destroy  or  damage  with  wlicnwcvrr 

aointent  to  steal,  the  whole  or  any  part  of  any  tree,  sapling  or  shrub,  growmir,  &<•, 
or  any  underwood,  wheresoever  the  same  may  be   respectively 
growing,  the  stealing  of  such  article  or  articles,  or  the  injury 

♦  But  see  6  Vic.  c.  5. 



4  &  5  Vvc. 

done,  being  to  tlic  amount  of  a  sliilling  at  the  least,  every  such 
offender  being  convicted  before  a  Justice  of  the  Peace,  sliall  fur 
every  such  offence  forfeit  and  pay  over  and  above  the  vaUie  of  the 
article  or  articles  stolen,  or  the  amount  of  ihe  injury  done,  such 
a  sum  of  money,  not  exceeding  five  pounds,  as  to  the  Justice  5 
shall  seem  meet. 

XXXII.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  steal,  or 

i-'twiliiig,  &c. 
ony   live    or 

tiiMd  fonce,      shall  cut,  break,  or  throw  down  with  intent  to  steal,  any  part  of 

V.  Moili'u    foncc,  ,.  I       1  r  i  i         i  -i  i. 

i,ii;c  m  <Mtc.     ^ny  '>^'*5  or  dead  tenco,  or  any  wooden  post,  pale,  or  rail,  set  up 

pcr-ons  in  ix)S- 
;-,i-ssion    of 
■VDOil,  &c.  not 
rtr  •oiiiitiiiiT  for 

Sbalinjr,  &■("■• 
of  any  vcgcta- 
')k)  in'oduction 
i!i  a  {farJcn, 
(&c.  iiuiiishablc 
«)ti  summary 

or  used  as  a  fence,  or  any  stile  or  gate,  or  any  part  thereof,  res-  lO 
pectively,  every  such  offender,  being  convicted  before  a  Justice 
of  the  Peace,  shall  for  every  such  offence  forfeit  and  pay,  over  and 
above  the  value  of  the  article  or  articles  so  stolen,  or  the  amount 
of  the  injury  done,  such  sum  of  money  not  exceeding  five  pounds, 
as  to  the  Justice  shall  seem  meet.  15 

XXXIII.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  the  whole  or  any  part  of 
any  tree,  sapling  or  shrub,  or  any  underwood,  or  any  part  of  any 
live  or  dead  fence,  or  any  post,  pale,  rail,  stile,  or  gate,  or  any  part 
thereof,  being  of  the  value  of  two  shillings  at  the  least,  shall,  by 
virtue  of  a  search  warrant,  to  be  granted  as  hereinafter  mentioned,  20 
be  found  in  the  possession  of  any  person,  or  on  the  premises  of  any 
person  with  his  knowledge,  and  such  person,  being  carrieil  before 

a  Justice  of  the  Peace,  shall  not  satisfy  the  Justice  that  he  came 
lawfully  by  the  same,  he  shall  on  conviction  by  the  Justice,  for- 
feit and  pay,  over  and  above  the  value  of  the  article  or  articles  so-' 
found,  any  sum  not  exceeding  two  pounds. 

XXXIV.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  steal,  or 
shall  destroy,  or  damage  with  intent  to  steal  any  tree,  sapling, 
shrub,  bush,  plant,  root,  fruit,  or  vegetable  production  growing  in 
any  garden,  orchard,  nursery-ground,  hot-house,  green-house,  or  30 
conservatory,  every  such  otTender,  being  convicted  thereof  before 
a  Justice  of  the  Peace,  shall  forfeit  and  pay,  over  and  above  the 
value  of  the  article  or  articles  so  stolen,  or  the  amount  of  the  injury 
done,  such  sum  of  money,  not  exceeding  five  pounds,  as  to  the 

2>  are 





30  sha 







i  5  V\c. 

TV  such 
sliall  fur 
le  of  the 
10,  such 
Justice  5 

steal,  or 
part  of 
set  up 
eof,  res- 10 

over  and 
!  amount 


r  part  of 
rt  of  any 
any  part 
shall,  by 
Mitioned,  20 
es  of any 
id  before 
he  came 
tice,  for- 
'ticles  so  ~5 

steal,  or 
)wing  in 
ouse,  or  30 
nf  before 
)ove  the 
le  injury 
s  to  the 

Cliap.  25. 



Justice  shall  seem  meet;  and  if  any  person  so  convicted  shall  after- 
wards commit  any  of  the  said  offences,  such  offender  shall  be  deem- 
ed guilty  of  felony,  and  being  convicted  thereof  shall  be  liable  to 
be  punished  in  the  same  manner  as  in  the  case  of  Simple  Larceny. 

5     XXXV.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  steal,  or    stealing,  &v. 
shall  destrov  or  damao-e  with  intent  to  steal,  any  cultivated  root  "*;<'g"f'^^''«  l"^"- 

"^  ^  .    .  „     iluctions      not 

or  plant  used  for  the  food  of  man  or  beast,  or  for  medicine,  or  for  prowing in  gar- 
distilling,  or  for  dyeing,  or  for  or  in  the  course  of  any  manufac-  *'*'"*''  ^' 
ture,  and  growing  in  any  land  open  or  enclosed,  not  being  a  gar- 

lOden,  orchard  or  nursery-ground,  every  such  offender,  being  con- 
victed thereof  before  a  Justice  of  the  Peace,  shall  forfeit  and  pay 
over  and  above  the  value  of  the  article  oi  articles  so  stolen,  or  the 
amount  of  the  injury  done,  such  sum  of  money,  not  exceeding 
twenty  shillings,  as  to  the  Justice  shall  seem  meet,  and  in  default 

15  of  payment  thereof,  together  with  the  costs,  if  ordered,  shall  be 
committed  to  the  House  of  Correction  for  any  term  not  exceeding 
one  calendar  month,  unless  payment  be  sooner  made. 

XXXVI.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  steal  or  stcalinggln^, 
rip,  cut  or  break  with  intent  to  steal,  anv  glass  or  wood-work  be-  )y"«'iwork    or 

''  '       .    o  lixluros  of  any 

SOlonging  to  any  building  whatsoever,  or  any  lead,  iron,  copper,  kin.l  fro;n 
brass,  or  other  metal,  or  any  utensil  or  fixture,  whether  made  "f  meill" ^xtur"* 
metal  or  other  material,  respectively,  fixed  in  or  to  any  building  ^''°'"  g™undB. 
whatsoever,  or  ar.y  thing  made  of  metal  fixed  in  any  land,  being 
private  property,  or  for  a  fence  to  any  dwelling  house,  garden  or 

2iarea,  or  in  any  square,  street,  or  other  place,  dedicated  to  public 
use  or  ornament,  every  such  offender  shall  be  guilty  of  Felony, 
and  being  convicted  thereof,  shall  be  liable  to  be  punished  in  the 
same  manner  as  in  the  case  of  simple  Larceny ;  and  in  case  of 
any  such  thing  fixed  in  any  square,  street,  or  other  like  place  it 

30  shall  not  be  necessary  to  allege  the  same  to  bo  the  properly  of  any 

XXXVn.  And  for  the  punishment  of  depredhtions  committed    Tenants  and 
by  tenants  and  lodgers ;  Be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  any^'property*'' 

steal  any  chattel  or  fixture  let  to  be  used  by  him  or  her,  in  or 

C2  ■"  ' 



4  &  5  Vic. 



from  houses  or  with  any  house  or  wiih  any  house  or  lodging,  whether  tlie  contract 
to'ihm/'^  ^  shall  have  been  entered  into  by  him  or  her,  or  by  her  husband, 
or  by  any  person  on  behalf  of  him  or  her,  or  her  husband,  every 
such  offender  ^hall  be  guilty  of  Felony,  and  being  convicted  there- 
of, shall  be  liahlc  to  be  punished  in  the  same  manner  as  in  the  -'> 
case  of  Simple  Larceny  ;  and  in  every  such  case  of  stealing  any 
chattel,  it  shall  be  lawful  to  prefer  an  indictment  in  the  common 
form  as  for  Larceny,  and  in  every  such  case  of  stealing  any  fix- 
ture, to  prefer  an  indictment  in  the  same  form  as  if  the  offender 
were  not  a  tenant  or  lodger,  and  in  either  case  to  lay  the  property  lo 
in  the  owner  or  person  letting  to  hire. 

Clerks  and      XXXVIIL  And  for  the  punishment  of  depredations  committed 

servants  ,       .^,     ,  ,  „  •  •  i    i  i  •     n         -r.     • 

ing  property  of  by  Lierks  and  Servants  m  cases  not  punishable  capitally  ;  Be  it 

thtir  masters,  gnacted,  that  if  any  Clerk  or  Servant  &hall  steal  any  chattel, 

money,  or  valuable  security  belonging  t©  or  in  the  possession  or  i;> 
power  of  his  master,  every  such  offender,  being  convicted  thereof, 
shall  he  liable  at  the  discretion  of  the  Coar*  to  be  imprisoned  at 
hard  labour  in  the  Provincial  Penitentiary  for  any  tenii  not  ex- 
ceeding fourteen  years,  nor  less  than  seven  years,*  or  to  be  im- 
prisoned in  any  other  Prison  or  place  of  confinement  for  any  term  20 
not  exceeding  two  }ears. 

^,  ,  XXXIX.  And  for  the  punishment  of  embezzlements  committed 

Clerks  or  ser-  ^  . 

vants  receiving  by  Clerks  and  Servants  ;  Be  it  declared  and  enacted,  that  if  any 
on^heir'^^as^  Clerk  or  Servant,  or  any  person  employed  for  the  purpose  or  in 

ter's    account,  jj^g  capacity  of  a  Clerk  or  Servant,  shall  by  Tirtue  of  such  em- 25 

and      embez-  ^        '      .  t      •  i  •  •  »         i 

zling  it,   shall  ployment  receive  or  take  into  his  possession  any  cnatteF,  money 

have  felonious,  o"*  valuable  security  for,  or  in  the  name  or  on  the  account  of  his 

Ijr  stolen  it.       ]V1  aster,  and  shall  fraudulently  embezzle  the  same  or  any  part 

thereof,  every  such  offender  shall  be  deemed  to  have  feloniously 

stolen  the  same  from  his  Master,  although  such  chattel,  money  5*> 

or  security  was  not  received  into  the  possession  of  such  Master 

otherwise  than  by  the  actual  possession  of  his  Clerk,  Serviint  »r 

other  person  so  employed;  and  every  such  offender  being ron- 

*  But  see  6  Vie.  c  5, 

I    ^ 

I  o 



Chap.  25. 

or   CANADA. 


1,  evcjy 
i\  there- 
in tlie  '> 
ino-  anv 
iny  fix- 
ofie  rider 
Foperty  la 

;  Be  it 
ssion  or  ii> 
onc(i  ut 
not  ex- 
>  be  im- 
ny  term  go 

it  if  any 
le  or  in 
eh  em- 25 
,  money 
t  of  his 
fiy  part 
money  SO 
miat  or 
ng'  f  on- 

victed  thereof,  shall  bo  liable,  at  the  discretion  of  the  Court,  to 
any  of  the  punishments  which  the  Court  may  award  as  hereinbe- 
fore last  mentioned. 

XL.  And  for  preventing  the  difficulties  that  have  been  expe-     Distinct aoti 
5rienced  in  the  prosecution  of  the  last  mentioned  ollendors  :  Be  it  °^  cmi)oz/lo- 

enacted,  that  it  shall  be  lawful  to  charge  in  the  indictment  and  duirjrod    in 

d,     1         rr'i        r  I  c    ^^  ,•      i.        i         r  sanio    indict- 

aganist  the  olLnuler   lor  any  number   ot  distinct   acts   ol  jj^^^j^j 

embezzlement,  not  exceeding  three,  which  may  have  been  com- 
mitted by  him  against  the  same  Master  within  the  space  of  six 

10 calendar  months  from  the  first  to  the   last  of  such  acts;  and  in 
every  such  indictment,  except  where  tiic  oOence  shall  relate  tO 
any  c'latlel,  it  shall  be  sufficient  to  allege  the  embezzlement  to  tiorT ami  proof 
be  of  m onev,  without  specifvinc;  anv  particular  coin  or  valuable  «''    property 
security  ;  and  such  allegation,  so  far  as  regards  the  descnptu)n 

J^of  the  property,  siiall  be  sustained  if  the  ofTendcr  shall  be  proved 
to  have  embezzled  any  amount,  although  the  particular  species 
of  coin  or  valuable  security  of  which  such  amount  was  composed 
shall  not  be  proved  ;  or,  if  he  shall  be  proved  to  have  embezzled 
any  piece   of  coin  or  valuable  security,  or  any  portion  of  the 

20  value  thereof,  altliough  such  piece  of  coin  or  valuable  security 
may  have  been  delivered  to  him  in  order  that  some  pait  of  the 
value  thereof  should  be  returned  to  the  party  delivering  the  same, 
and  such  part  shall  have  been  returned  accordingly. 

XLI.  And  for  the  punishment  of  embezzlements  committed 
■25 by  agents  entrusted  with  property.   Bo  it  enacted,  that  if  any     Agcnis  rm- 
money  or  setuirity  for  the  payment  of  money  shall  be  intrusted  to  ney  intrustrd 
anv  banker,  merchant,  broker,  attorney  or  other  agent,  with  any  ***  them  to  bo 

-  '  '  '  -  n        J  ,'  apfilied  to  any 

direction  in  writing  to  apply  such  money  or  any  part  thereof,  or  special  purpo- 
ihe  proceeds  or  any  part  ol  the  proceeds  of  such  security,  for  any  *'  * 
^i01>urpose  specified  in  such  direction,  and  he  shall  in  violation  of 
good  faith,  and  contrary  to  the  purpose  so  specified,  in  any  wise 
convert  to  his  own  use  or  benefit  such  money,  security  or  pro- 
ceeds, or  any  part  thereof,  respectively,  every  such  offender  shall 
be  guilty  of  a  misdemeanor,  and  being  convicted  thereof  shall  bo 



4  &  5  Vic. 


()r  cmhcz-  liable,  at  the  discretion  of  ihe  Court,  to  be  imprisoned  at  hard  lu- 

or  vTiiiiaMe  so- boiir  in  the  Provincial  Penitentiary,  lor  any  terra  not  loss  llian 

.•urity  entrust-  seven  veurs  *  or  imprisoned  in  anv  oihcr  Prison  or  place  of  con- 
ed to  tlioiii  lor  ,  "^  '■  •  n-  I 
sale cujiody, or  lincment  for  any  term  not  exceecurig  two  years,  or  to  sutler  such 

JmnroSSty  "^'^"^*'  puo'shment  by  tine  or  imprisonment,  or  by  i)otli,  as  the  5 
oi';i  misdemea-  Court  shall  award  :  and  if  anv  chattel  or  valu;:ble  secuiitv,  or 
any  power  of  attorney  for  the  sale  or  transfer  of  any  share  or  in- 
terest in  any  public  stock  or  fund,  whether  of  tliis  Province  or  of 
the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  In  lav  J,  or  «>f  Great 
Britain  or  of  Ireland,  or  of  an\'  British  Colony  or  Foreign  State  k> 
or  Colony,  or  in  any  fund  of  any  body  corporate,  c(mij)any  or  so- 
ciety, shall  be  intrusted  to  any  banker,  merchant,  broker,  attor- 
ney, or  other  agent  for  safe  custody,  or  for  any  special  purjiose 
without  any  authority  to  sell    ncgociate,  transfer  or  ;)ledgo,  and 
he  shall  in  violation  of  good  faith,  and  contrary  to  tl.o  object  orir» 
purpose  for   which  such  cliattel,  security  or   power  oi'  attorney 
shall  have  been  entrusted  to  him,  sell,  ncgoti<ite,  tran^:ler,  pledge 
or  in  any  manner  convert  to  his  own  use  or  benefit  iuch  chattel  or 
!?ecurity,  or  the  proceeds  of  the  s;nno  or  any  pari  tlicieuf,  or  lie 
shaio  or  interest  in  the  stock  or  fund  to  which  such   p-ower  ofj(,s 
attorney  shall  relate  or  any  part  thereof,  every  such  ollender  sliall 
be  guilty  of  a  misdemeanor,  and  being  convicted  thereof,  shall  be 
liable  at  the  discretion  of  the  Court,  to  any  of  the  puni>hnjentt4 
which  the  Court  mav  award  as  hereinbelore  last  memioned. 

Xot    to  af-      XLII.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  enacted,  tliat  nothing  hcre-L\". 

ieot  trustees  or  ijj[jgfQj.e  pQfjtained  relatinjj  to  agents,  shall  ailect  anv  trustee  i>i 
mortgagees.  _  o  o  ? 

or  under  any  instrument  whatever,  or  any  mortgagee  of  atiy  {)ro- 

perty  real  or  personal  in  respect  of  any  act  done  by  such  trustee 

Norhankers  ^r  morto;affee  in  relation  to  tlie  property  comprised  in  or  afucled 

ooe.    rcceivinij  o   o  i       i        .  i 

money  due  on  by  any  such  trust  or  mortgage  ;  nor  shall  restrain  any  banker,  so 
merchant,  broker,   attorney  or  other  agent  from  receiving  any 
money  which  shall  be  or  become  actually  due  and  payable  upon 
or  by  virtue  of  any  valuable  security  according  to  the  tenor  and 

*  But  see  6  Vic.  c,  5. 


'i  5  Vic. 

hard  la- 
:ss  (hail 
of  con- 
lb  r  sucli 

as  the  5 
urity,  or 
e  or  in- 

i(  0  or  of 

j;n  Slate  K> 
y  or  so- 

•r,  attor- 

11,0,  and 

>l;iecl  or  ir» 


,  picdg-o 
atlel  (^r 

r,  or  !!.(• 

;o\vt'r  of -JO 

ic;r  shall 

shall  be 



ig  hcrc-L\-.'c  iji 
my  jiro- 

ha  ulcer,  30 
ng-  any 
Ic  upon 
jor  and 

tiap>  35. 



fll'ect  thereof,  in  sr.cli  manner  as  ho  might  have  done  if  this  Act    Or  (li^.;•os■llrJ 
had  not  been  passed,  nor  from  selling,  transferring  or  otherwise  vvh[ch"'ihr>'' 
disposing  of  any  securities  or  elfecls  in  his  possession,  upon  whicli  have  a  !kji. 
lie  shall  have  any  lien,  claim  or  demanil,  entitling  him  hy  Ipw  so 
5  to  do  ;  unless  such  sale,  transfer  or  other  disposal  shall  extend  to 
a  greater  number  or  part  of  such  securities  or  ellects,  than  shall 
ho  requisite  for  satisfying  such  lien,  claim  or  demand. 

XLlil.  And  he  it  enacted,  diat  if  any  factor  or  agent,  intrusted  Factors  j.lid::- 

r      ,\  !•       I  -.1  1      '  11-  •    .        i    ifiJJ     '*"■    lime 

tor  the  purpose  ol  sale  with  any  goods  or  merchandize,  or  intn.'st-  o^",j  „>.(.   ,,,  ^ 
iOed  with  any  bill  of  ladinj^;,  warehouse-keeper's  or    wharfingci's  S""'K '«<'<':''•- 

''  .  ments  ruhilnu; 

certificate  or  warrant  or  order  for  delivery  of  goods  or  iLcrchan'  to  goo(!s  en-' 
dize,  shall  for  his  own  benefit  and  in  violation  of  good  faith,  de-  forthij^iurpoM! 
posit  or  ple;!<>;e  aiiv  such  i>;oods  or  mercliaiidiiio,  or  any  of  the  said  of  sal-.-,  oui'ty 

.        ],  IT-  of   a    iiKsdo- 

documenls  as  a  S(M;urity  lor  any  money,  or  negotiable  instrument  uicanoi'. 

Ij borrowed  or  receixcd  hy  such  factor  or  agent,  at  or  before  the 
time  of  making  sucii  deposit  or  plt-dgo,  or  intended  to  bo  thereaf- 
ter biirrowcd  or  received,  every  such  oifender  shall  be  guilty  of 
a  misdemeanor,  and  [)eing  convicted  thereof,  shall  be  liable,  at 
the  (l!>:cretion  of  the  Court,  to  be  imprisoned  at  hard  labour  i'l  tend  to 'esses 

•jjtlio  Provincial   Penitentiarv  for    any  tetni  not  less  than  seven  "''"'«    t'^<' 

V  •  .  1    ■  "         I  n  "^-  1  r  n  ijlt'dcrodl'CS  rut 

years,'"  or  imprisoned  in  any  other  Prison  or  j)lc',ce  oi  confinement,  exceed  tin-  a- 

for  anv  term  not  cxcccdino;  two  years,  or  to  suffer  such  other  i^-"''""^ "'    '■"* 
•'  .      ^\  iicii. 

jiunisliraent  by  fine  or  imjirisoiiuient,  or  by  both,  as  the  Court 
shall  award  ;  but  no  such  factor  or  agent  shall  be  liable  to  any 

e5 prosecution  for  depositing  or  pledging  any  such  goods  or  mer- 
chandize, or  any  of  the  said  documents,  in  case  the  same  shall 
not  be  made  a  vSecurity  for  or  subject  to  the  payment  of  any 
greater  sum  of  money  tlian  the  amount  which  at  the  time  of  such 
deposit  or   pledge  was  justly  due  and  owing  to  such  factor  or 

30 agent  from  his  principal,  together  with  die  amount  of  any  bill  or 
bills  of  exchange  drawn  by  or  on  account  of  such  principal,  a  id 
accepted  by  such  factor  or  agent. 

XLIV.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  enacted,  that  nothing  in 

♦  But  sec  G  Vic.  c.  5. 

ii  :i 




4  &  5  Vic, 

'I'llOSH  pi'ovi- 
sioiin  ns  to  a- 
<;pnts  shall  not 
li'sscn  any  re- 
inctiy  vvhicli 
the  |'fy  i\tr- 
trrir\t'il  now 

Ohttiining  mo- 
lu-y  luiclcr  false 
p'Ttonces,     a 

No  acquittal 
on  the  ground 
that  the  case 
proved  a- 
niounti  to  lar- 

tliis  Act  contained,  nor  any  preceding  conviction  or  judgment  to 
be  had  or  tiiken  thereupon  against  any  banker,  merchant,  broker, 
factor,  attorney  or  ot  ler  agent  as  aforesaid,  siiall  prevent,  les&en 
or  impeach  any  remedy  at  law  or  in  equity,  which  any  parly  ag- 
grieved by  such  ofljnce  might  or  would  have  had  if  tliis  Act  had  .0 
not  been  passed  ;  but,  nevertheless,  tlie  conviction  of  any  such 
odender  shall  not  be  received  in  evidence  in  anv  action  at  law  or 
suit  in  equity  a.'^ainst  him;  and  no  banker,  merchant,  broker, 
factor,  attorney  or  other  agent  as  aforesaid,  shall  be  liable  to  be 
convicted  by  any  evidence  whatever  as  an  oflbnder  against  this  lo 
Act,  in  respect  of  any  act  done  by  him,  if  he  shall  at  any  time 
])reviously  to  his  being  indicted  for  such  olfence,  have  disclosed 
suclj  act  on  oath,  in  consequence  of  any  compulsory  process  of 
any  Court  of  law  or  equity  in  any  action,  suit  or  proceeding 
which  shall  have  been  bona  fide  instituted  by  any  party  aggriev-i5 
ed,  or  if  he  shall  have  disclosed  the  same  in  anv  examination  or 
deposition  before  any  Commissioners  of  Bankrupt. 

XLV.  And  whereas  a  failure  of  justice  frequently  arises  from 
the  subtle  distinction  between  Larconv  and  Fraud;  for  remedv 
thereof,  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall,  by  any  false  pre-  So 
tence,  obtain  from  any  other  person  any  chattel,  money  or  valua- 
ble security,  with  intent  to  cheat  or  defraud  any  jjcrson  of  the 
same,  every  such  offender  shall  be  guilty  of  a  misdemeanor,  and 
being  convicted  thereof,  shall  be  liable,  at  the  discretion  of  the 
Court,  to  be  imprisoned  at  hard  labour  in  the  Provincial  Peniten-25 
tiary  for  any  term  not  exceeding  fourteen  years,  nor  less  than 
seven  years,*  or  imprisoned  in  any  other  prison  or  p'ace  of  con- 
finement for  any  term  not  exceeding  two  years,  or  to  suffer  such 
other  punishment,  by  fine  or  imprisonment,  or  by  both,  as  the 
Court  shall  award  :  Provided  always,  that  if  upon  the  trial  of30 
any  person  indicted  for  such  misdemeanor,  it  shall  be  proved  that 
he  obtained  the  property  in  question  in  any  such  manner  as  to 
amount  in  law  to  Larceny,  he  shall  not  by  reason  thereof  be  enti- 

♦  But  see  6  Vic.  c.  5. 



1  !' 



Cliap.  25. 



iDpnt  lo 
arly  ag- 
Act  l)ad  ,0 
IV  such 
law  or 
0  to  be 
list  this  10 
ny  time 
oeess  of 
).i?f^riev-  15 
ation  or 

;es  from 
Ise  pre-  So 
r  valiia- 
1  of  the 
lor,  and 
1  of  the 
?ss  than 
of  con- 
er  such 
as  (he 
trial  of 30 
ed  that 
r  as  to 
)e  enti- 

tled to  be  acquilled  of  such  misdemeanor;  and  no  such  indict- 
ment shall  be  removeable  by  certiorari ;  and  no  person  tried  lor 
such  misdemeanor  sliall  be  liable  to  be  afterwards  prosecuted  for 
Larceny  upon  the  same  fiicts. 

5     XLV'I.  And  with  regard  to  receivers  of  stolen  jiropcrly,  Bo  it     wjirm  tlic 
enacted,  that   if  any  person  shall  receive    any  chattel,  money,  j!['°j[!|o\'"^^^^^^^ 
valuable  securitv,  or   other  properlv  whatsoever,  the  stealin"- or  ncoivcr'ofi^ti.- 
takmg  whereof  shall  amount  to  a  relony,  either  at  common  law  mi.y   l)c  trlr.i 
or  bv  virtue  of  this   Act,  such  person  kuowin;;  the  same  to  have  «''^l>'''"fi«n»»'"- 

lObecn  feloniously  stolen  or  taken,  every  such   receiver  shall  be  iho  fart,  or  for 
gunty  ot  relony,  and  may  be  indicted  and  convicted  eitlier  as  an  i^.i^ny. 
accessory  after  the  fact,  or  for  a  substantive  Felony,  and  in  the 
latter  case,  whether  the  princijial  Felon  sludl  or  shall  not  have 
been  previously  convicted,   or  shall  or  shall  not  be  amenable  to 

lojustico  ;  and  every  such  receiver  howsoever  convicted,  shall  be 
liable,  at  the  discretion  of  the  Court,  to  be  imprisoned  at  hard 
labour  in  the  Provincial  Penitentiary  for  any  term  not  exceeding 
fourteen  years,  nor  less  than  seven  years,*  or  irn[)risoned  in  any 
other  Prison  or  place  of  confinement  for  any  term  not  exceeding 

QOtwo  years  :  Provided  always,  that  no  person  howsoever  tried  for 
receiving  as  aforesaid,  shall  be  liable  to  be  prosecuted  a  second 
time  for  the  same  offence. 

XLVII.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  anv  person  sliall  receive 

II  111-  ■    I  1  WliPff  liir 

any  chattel,  money,  valuable  security,  or  other  property  whalso-  orfrinaloireiuf 
Soever,  the  stealinc:,  taking,  obtaininj;  or  converting  whereof  is  "* ''^'""*''*'""'''^" 
made  an  indictable  Misdemeanor  by  this  Act,  such  person  know-  moy  Iip  prosr 
ing  the  same  to  have  been  unlawfully  stolen,  taken,  obtained  q^  j"         "^'""^ 
converted,  every  such  receiver  shall  be  guilty  of  a  Misdemeanor, 
or  may   be  indicted  and  convicted  thereof,  whether  the   person 
30 guilty  of  the  principal  Misdemeanor  shall  or  shall  not  have  been 
previously  convicted  thereof,  or  shall  or  shall  not  be  amenable  to 
justice  ;  and  every  such  receiver  shall  on  conviction,  be  liable, 
at  the  discretion  of  the  Court,  to  be  imprisoned  at  hard  labour  in 



♦  But  see  6  V.  c.  5. 




4  &  5  Vic. 

All  roccivcrs 
tiiiiy  lie-  (ricil 
^vherctlu!  \no- 
ptTly  is  Ibuiid 
'II  their  |;ossL's- 
sioii,  a:i  wi'lliis 
where  tlic  ro- 
ix'iving  tiiKcd 
place . 

The   owner 
i>r  stolen  pro- 
piTly  pro^secut- 
uiir  thiet'or  re- 
ceiver to  con- 
vittion     shall 
have    rostitu- 
lion  ol'  Ills  pro- 


the  Provincial  Penitentiary  for  any  other  term  not  less  than  seven 
years,*  or  to  be  imprisoned  in  any  other  Prison  or  phico  of  con- 
finement for  anv  term  not  exceedino;  two  years. 

XLVIII.  And  be  it  enacted,  tliat  if  any  person  shall  receive 
any  chattel,  money,  valiiable  security,  or  other  property  whatso- 
ever,  knowing  the  same  to  have  been  feloniously  or  unlawfully 
stolen,  taken,  obtained  or  converted,  every  such  person  whether 
charued  as  an  accessory  after  the  fact  to  the  Felony,  or  with  a 
substantive  Felony,  or  with  a  Misdemeanor  only,  may  be  dealt 
v.'ith,  tried  and  punisheil  in  any  District,  County  or  place  in  lu 
which  he  shall  have  or  shall  have  had  any  such  j)roperty  in  his 
possession,  or  In  any  District,  County  or  |)lace  in  which  the  party 
j^uilty  of  t!ic  principid  Felony  or  Misdemeanor  may  by  law  be 
tried,  in  the  same  manner  as  such  receiver  may  be  dealt  wllli, 
indicted,  tried  and  punished  in  the  District,  County  or  place  15 
where  he  actually  received  sucli  proj)erty. 

XLIX.  Antl  to  encourage  the  prosecution  of  olTenders,  be  it 
enacted,  that  if  any  person  guilty  of  any  such  Felony  or  Misde- 
meanor as  aforesaid,  in  stealing,  taking,  obtaining  or  converting, 
or  in  knowingly  receiving  any  chattel,  money,  valuable  security,  oy 
or  other  pro])erty  whatsoever,  shall  be  indicted  for  any  oifenco  by 
or  on  the  behalf  of  the  owner  of  the  property,  or  his  heir,  curator, 
executor  or  administrator,  and  convicted  thereof,  in  such  case  the 
property  shall  be  restored  to  the  owner  or  his  representali\e  ; 
and  the  Court  before  whom  any  such  person  shall  be  so  convict- 25 
ed,  shall  have  power  to  award  from  time  to  time  writs  of  resti- 
tution for  the  same  property,  or  to  order  the  restitution  thereof  in 
a  summary  manner  :  Provided  always,  that  if  it  shall  appear, 
befcre  any  award  or  order  made,  that  any  valuable  security  shall 
have  been  bona  fide  paid  or  discharged  by  some  person  or  b(»dy  30 
corporate  liable  to  the  payment  thereof,  or  being  a  negotiable 
instrument,  shall  have  been  bona  fide  taken  or  received  by  trans- 
fer or  delivery  by  some  person  or  body  corporate,  for  a  just  and 

♦  But  see  6  V.  c.  5. 


O  V  ic. 

Chap.  25. 



111  s(!veii 
5  of  cull- 

what  SO'  "i 
V  with  a 
he  dealt 
)lace  in  u) 
y  in  his 
he  parly 
'  law  he 
It  wit!), 
or  place  15 

rs,  1)0  it 
I  Misde- 
i  verting, 
fen  CO  hy 
f  urn  tor, 
case  the 
ita(i\e  ; 
convict- 25 
of  resti- 
ereof  in 
ty  shall 
or  body  30 
y  trans- 
ust  and 

valuable  consideration  without  any  notice  or  without  any  reason- 
able cause  to  suspect  tluit  the  same  had  by  any  FeU)ny  or  Mis- 
demeanor been  stolen,  taken,  obtained  or  converted  as  aforesaid, 
in  such  case  the  Court  shall  not  award  or  order  the  restitution  of 
(Jsuch  security* 

L.  And  bo  it  enacted,  that  every  person  wlio  sball   corruptly    Tukin^r  a  ir^ 

take  any  money  or  reward,  directly  or  indirectly,  under  pretence  "|^/'|j'ii„'."^'rl 

or  on  account  of  helping  any  person  to  any  chattel,  money,  valu-cuviry  of  sto- 

al)!o  fieciirity,  or  oliK.'r  projierly  whalsoever,  wlncli  snail  t»y  any  ,vii!ii.ui  imi'i;,'- 

10  Felonv  or  Misdemeanor  have  been  stolen,  taken,  obtained  or  con-  'j'S  the  ofltn- 

'  ,  dor  to  ln;il. 

vi^rU'il  as  aforesaid,  shall,  (unless  he  cavise  llie  olVender  to  be  ap- 

prelnMidv'd  and  brought  to  trial  for  the  same,)  b(;  guilty  of  Felony, 

and  being  convicted  thereof,  shall  be  liable,  at  the  discretion  of 

the  Court,  to  be  imprisoned  at  hard  labour  in  the  Provincial  Pe-  , 

l'>  nilenliary  for  any  (crm  not  less  than  seven  years,*  or  to  be  irapri- 

so'.uhI  in  any  other  Prison  or  place  of  confinement  fui*  any  term 

n!.)t  exce'.uling  two  vears. 

JA.   And  bo  it  enacli'd,  that  if  any  j)ers()n  shall  publicly  adver-      AdvcrfiHinc 

lis(>  a  reward  far  the  return  ol'  anv  i)ro!!erlv  wliatsoever,  whicii  ",  '■'■•^'•':''  <or 
I     II  .  .  1  I  i"    1     II    •    -         I         I  •  *'"^    rtturn   of 

VOsliall  iiave  lieen  Stolen  or  lost,  and   sliall   in   sucii  advertisement  stolen  property 

use  any  words  purporting  that  no  question  will  be  asked,  or  shall  ,^^|i|.'"' 

make  use  of  any  words  in  any  jjublic  ads  ertiscment,  purporting 

that  i!  ri'ward  will  be  given  or  jiaid  i\)v  any  property  which  shall 

have  been  stolen  or  lost,  v.iihout  seizing  or  making  any  inquiry 

•JoafJer  I  ho  p(;rson  producing  such  property,  or  shall  promise  or 
olfcr  in  any  such  {)ublic  advertisement  to  rt  turn  to  any  pawn- 
broker or  othei"  person  who  may  have  bought  or  advanced  money 
by  way  of  a  loan  upon  any  property  stolen  or  lost,  the  money  so 
paid  or  advanced,  or  any  other  sum  of  money  or  reward  for  the 

;;o  return  ol'  such  property,  or  if  any  j)crson  shall  print  or  publish 
any  such  advertisement  in  any  of  the  above  cases,  every  such 
j)erson  shall  forfeit  the  sum  of  twenty  pounds  for  every  such 
otfence,  to  any  person  who  will  sue  for  the  same,  by  action  of 
debt  to  be  recovered  with  full  costs  of  snit. 


V,' It  1  lout      in- 

♦  But  SCO  G  V.  c.  5 



4  k  5  Vie. 

r.octivciK  of  LII.  And  bo  it  ciiactod,  that  wlioro  tlio  stoaliiiu;  or  lakitig  of 
111,,  (irirriiiai  of- anv  |>ri)[)orly  whatsoi'ver  is  by  lliis  Act  piiniNliablL'  on  siiniinary 
''i'"^'^"'''"""*''"  conviction,  oillior  for  ('V(M-v  onV'ncc,   oi*   for  (Ik;  first  -111(1  sec-nnd 

;»lili'    oil    sum-  '  •  ' 

iiinry  coiuk-  ollence  onlv,  or  for  llu;  first  olfonce  onlv,  anv  prirson  wlio  sliall 
receive  any  such  properly,  knowinu;  (lie  same  to  he  imlawfull}' 
come  by,  sliall  on  conviction  thereof  before  a  Justice  of  the 
Peace,  be  liable  for  every  first,  secoii'!  or  snbs(Mpieiit  ofi'tMice  of 
receiving,  to  (be  satno  forfeiture  and  piniisbtnent  to  which  a 
jierson  gnilty  of  a  first,  second  or  subsequent  ollence  of  stealing 
or  taking  such  properly  is  by  thi!;!  Act  made  liable. 



Priiiciimls  in       ^^^^^-  And  be  it  cnactcd,  that  in  the  case  of  every  Felony  pun- 

thesecoiul  dc-  jsihablc  und(!r  this  Act,  everv  princip;d  in  the  second  d^jncc,  and 
ijrcc,    ami   ac-  .  ,      „'  i     n  ■  -    i     ■  i         •,!      i      .i 

ccssorics.         every  accessory  belorc  the  JacI,  shall  lie  punishable  wiln  dealli  or 

otherwise,    in    the   same   manner  as   the    pr;ncip:il    in    (he  first 

degree  is  by  this  Act  punishuhle  ;  and  every  accessory  afler  the  15 

fact  to  any   Felony  punishable  under  this   Act,    (except  only  a 

receiver  of  st(den  [)ro[)cr(y,)    sliall   on   conviction  be  liable  to  be 

Abettors  in  imprisoned  for  anv  term  not  cxceedinu;   two  years  :  and   everv 

nusacincunors.        '  -  "  .     .  '  . 

person  who  shall  aid,  abet,  counsel  or  procure  the  commission  of 

any  INIisdemcanor  punishable  under  this  Act,  shall  be  liable  to  be 20 

indicted  and  punished  as  a  principal  ollender. 

Abettors  in  I'l  V'".  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  porsoii  shall  aid,  abet, 
nfTences  pim- counsel,  or  procure  (be  Commission  of  anv  ofFe nee  which  is  bv 
suimnary  con-  to's  Act  punishable  on  summary  conviction,  either  lor  every 
viction.  time  of  its  cominission  or  for  the  first  and  second  time  only,  or --.'5 

for  the  first  time  only,  every  such  person  shall,  on  conviction 
before  a  Justice  or  Justices  of  the  Peace,  be  liable  for  every  first, 
second  or  subsequent  ofTence  of  aiding,  abetting,  counselling,  or 
procuring,  to  the  same  forfeiture  and  punishment  to  which  a 
person  guilty  of  a  first,  second  or  subsequent  ollence  as  a  prin-30 
cipal  olfunder  is  by  this  Act  inade  liable. 

A  person  in  LV.  And  for  the  more  elTectual  a|)prehensIon  find  discovery 
mUtrngan7of>^*«'' ''^^"^'ers  punishable  under  this  Act;  Be  it  enacted,  that 
fence  uiay  be  any  ])erson  found  committing  any  offence  punishable  cither  upon 

:  o  \  10. 

ikiiiu;  of 


M)  sli;ill 
iiwfiilly   5 
of  t!i(' 
net'  of 
vliicli    a 


my  j)iin- 
I'rf,  jiilil 
(Icaili  or 
llio  first 
ifUr  tl)e  ij 
t  only  a 

I.)  10  to  1j(3 

ssion  of 
)Ic  to  be«o 

(1,  abet, 
1  is  bv 
•  every 
niily,  or:J5 
ry  first, 
ling,  or 
vhich  a 
H  prin-30 

2(1,  that 
r  upon 


iiip.  2a. 

or  CANADA. 



wiiliout  a  waf 

indictment  ur  upon  suimuary  conviction  by  virtue  of  tbis  Act, 
may  bo  immediately  a[)[)rtbended  witbout  a  warrant,  by  any 
Peace  Ollicer,  or  by  tbe  owner  of  tbe  properly  on  or  witb  respect 
lo  wbicii  ibe  olfence  i^ball  be  committed,  or  by  llie  servant  of  or 
r)any  person  autliori/ed  by  siicb  owner,  and  forlhwitli  taken  before 
some  neii:;bb()uring  Justice  of  ibe  Peace,  to  be  dealt  witb  accord- 
ing to  law  ;  and  if  any  credilde  witness  sliall  prove  upon  oath, 
before  a  Justice  of  the  Peace,  (hat  there  is  reasonable  cause  to 
suspect   that  any    pro[>er(y  whatsoever,    on  or   with  respect   to 

10  which  any  such  olfence  shall  have  been  committed,  is  in  any 
dwelling-house,  out-house,  garden,  yard,  croft,  or  other  place  or 
places,  the  Justice  may  grant  a  warrant  to  search  sucli  dwelling- 
house,  out-house,  garden,  yard,  croft  or  other  place  or  places,  for 
such  property,  as  in  the  case  of  stolen  goods ;  and  any  person  to 

IT)  whom  any  property  shall  bo  olTerod  to  be  sold,  pawned  or  deliver- 
ed, if  he  shall  have  reasonable  cause  to  suspect  that  any  such 
oflfence  has  been  comtmitted  on  or  with  respect  to  such  property, 
is  hereby  authorised,  and  if  in  his  power  is  required  to  apprehend 
and  forthwith  to  carry  before  a  Justice  of  the  Peace,  the  party 

20  offering  the  same,  together  with  such  property,  to  be  dealt  with 
according  to  Law. 

LVI.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  the  prosecution  of  every  oflTenco    Limitation  as 
punishable  on  summary  conviction  under  this  Act,  shall  be  com-^o  summary 
menced  within  three  calendar  months  after  the  commission  of  the  ^'^^^  '"S"' 
25  offence  and  not  otherwise  ;  and  the  evidence  of  the  party  aggriev- 
ed shall  be  admitted  in  proof  of  the  otrence. 

A  Jri«(i(T,  uncut 
t;ooJ  (rrouiiil  oX 
HUrtiiii'ion  prov- 
ed on  oiith,  may 
fjrant  a  ncarch 

Any  person  to 
whom    stolen 
property  is  of. 
fered,  may  seizp 
the  party  of- 


LVII.  And  for  the  more  efiectual  prosecution  of  all  offences  Mode  of  c 

punishable  on  summary  conviction  under  this  Act,  Be  it  enacted,  pellingihe  ap- 

that  where  any  person  shall  be  charged,  on  the  oath  of  a  credible  pcrsonspunish- 

30  witness,  before  any  Justice  of  the  Peace,  with  any  such  oflfence.  *^'®  °"  ^"'°" 
,       ,     '  .  -^  .  ,  ,  •'  '  inary    convK- 

the  Justice  may  summon  the  person  charged  to  appear  at  a  time  tion. 
and  place  to  be  named  in  the  summons  ;  and  if  he  shall  not  ap- 
pear accordingly,  then  (upon  proof  of  the  due  service  of  the  sum- 
mons upon  such  person  by  delivering  the  same  to  him  personally, 



4  &  5  Vic. 

or  by  It'iiving  tlio  samo  at  liis  usual  plarc  df  aliodo)  (lio  Justico 
may  cither  proceed  (o  hear  and  determine  (ho  case  ex  jxtrtc,  i)r 
issue  his  warrant  for  apprehending  such  person  and  hringing  him 
before  himself,  or  some  other  Justice  or  Justices  of  the  I'eace  ; 
or  the  Justice  before  whom  the  charge  shall  bo  made,  may  (if  •> 
he  shall  so  think  fit,)  without  any  previous  summons  (unless 
when  otherwise  specially  directed)  issue  such  a  warrant  ;  and 
the  Justice  or  Justices  before  whom  the  person  charged  shall 
apjjcar  or  be  brougfit,  shall  proceed  to  hear  and  determine  the 



Aiipllcation  of  LVIII.  And  with  regard  to  the  application  of  all  forfeitures 
IHiiJulticH  on  **""  penalties  upon  summary  convictions  under  this  Act;  lie  it 
numniary  con-  enacted,  that  every  sum  of  money  which  shall  be  forfeited  for,  or 
as  the  value  of  any  property  stolen  or  taken,  or  for  or  as  the 
amount  of  any  injury  done  (such  value  or  amount  to  be  assessed  ir» 
in  each  case  by  the  convicting  Justice  or  Justices)  shall  be  paid 
to  the  party  aggrieved,  if  known,  except  where  such  party  shall 
have  been  examined  in  proof  of  the  olfence,  and  in  that  case,  or 
where  the  party  aggrieved  is  unknown,  such  sum  shall  ho  a|)plied 
Proviso.  jj^  j]^p  same  manner  as  a  penally  :  Provided  always,  that  where  20 
several  persons  shall  join  in  the  commission  of  the  same  oillrico, 
and  shall,  upon  conviction  thereof,  each  he  adjudged  to  forfeit  a 
sum  equivalent  to  the  value  of  the  property,  or  to  the  amount  of 
the  injury  done,  in  every  such  case  no  further  sum  shall  be  paid 
to  the  party  aggrieved  than  that  which  shall  be  forfeited  by  one 25 
of  such  offenders  only,,  and  the  corresponding  sum  or  sums,  for- 
feited by  the  other  offender  or  offenders  shall  be  applied  in  the 
same  manner  as  any  penally  imposed  by  a  Justice  of  the  Peace 
is  hereinbefore  directed  to  be  applied. 

If  a  ijorson      LIX.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  in  every  case  of  a  summary  con- 30 

convSl^shall  ^''C^'""  under  this  Act,  where  ti;o  sum  which  shall  be  forfeited 

notfiay,&c.thc  for  the  value  of  the  property  stolen  or  taken,  or  for  the  amount  of 

ctframUhimy   the  injury  done,  or  which  shall    be  imposed  as  a  penally  by  any 

Justice  or  Justices,  together  with  the  costs,  if  awarded,  (which 

5  Vic. 

Cliiip.  25. 

or   CANADA. 


rtc^  or 
It;  liiin 
'ocice  ; 
nay  (if  ■> 
t  ;  iind 

nu  llic 



lie  it 

lor,  or 

ns  the 
SSL'S sed  I't 
e  jjaid 
^  .shali 
ISO,  or 
where  20 
irfoit  a 
'unt  of 
e  \nud 
>y  ones.") 
s,  for- 
iti  the 

y  con- 30 
lint  of 
y  any 

costs  such  Justice  or  Justices  is  mid  arc  horohy  aullioiize<l  to 
iiward,  if  fie  or  they  shall  think  lit,  in  any  case  of  a  sinnniary 
conviction  under  this  Act)  shall  not  ho  paid  either  iuunediately 
alter  the  conviction,  or  within  such  period  as  the  Justice  or  Jus- 
Slices  shall  at  the  time  of  the  conviction  appoint,  which  he  or 
they  is  and  are  herohy  authorized  to  appoint,  it  shall  he  lawfid 
for  the  conviclint:^  Justice  or  Justices  (unless  whore  other wi.-o  Scnlnofim- 
spocially  directed,)  to  commit  the  olfender  to  the  Common  CJaol '' 
t>r  House  of  Correction,  there  to  he  iin[>risoncd  oidy,  or  to  ho 
10  imprisoned  and  kept  to  hard  lahour.,  according  to  the  discretion  of 
the  Justice  or  Justices,  for  any  term  not  exceedinjjr  two  calendar 
months,  where  the  amount  of  the  sum  forfeited,  or  of  the  penalty 
imi)osed,  or  of  hoth,  as  the  case  may  he,  together  with  the  costs, 
shall  not  exceed  five  pounds  ;  and  for  any  term  not  exceeding 
15  six  calendar  months,  where  the  amount  with  costs  shall  exceed 
five  pounds,  and  shall  not  exceed  ten  pounds  ;  the  commitment 
to  he  determinahle  in  each  of  the  cases  aforesaid,  upon  payment 
of  the  amount  and  costs. 

LX.  Provided   always,  and  he  it  enacted,  that   where   any     JuHt'uc  mm 

.III  -I  •11/'  T-  -,        •         <1i'*olmr(,'e    tlic 

SOperson  shall  he  summan'y  convicted,  belore  a  Justice  or  Justices  oncndcr in  n-r- 
of  the  Peace,  of  any  offence  against  this  Act,  and  it  shall  ho  a  t''^'"cabc». 
first  conviction,  it  shall  ho  lawful  for  the  Justice  or  Justices,  if 
he  or  they  shall  so  think  lit,   to  discharge  the  odendor  from  his 
conviction   upon  his   making  such    satisfaction    to    the    party 

Sfjaggrieved,  for  damages  and  costs,  or  either  of  them,  as  shall  he 
ascertained  hy  such  Justice  or  Justices. 

LXI.  And  he  it  enacted,  that  it  shall  he  lawful  lor  the  Queen's     p^^jon    for 

Maieity,  and  for  the  Governor,  Lieutenant  Governor,  or  Person  non-payment 

,  ,  of  money, 

administering  the   Government  of  this   Province,  to  extend  the 

30 Royal  Mercy  to  any  person  imprisoned  by  virtue  of  this  Act, 

although  he  shall  he  imprisoned  for  non-payment  of  money  to 

some  party  other  than  the  Crown. 

LXn.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  in  case  any  person  convicted  of 



4  &  5  Vic. 


A  ftuininary  ai^y  oflonce  punisliable  upon  summary  conviction  bv  virtue  of 

lonviction  '  '  _      * 

''liall  be  a  l)ar  this  Act,  sliiill  have  paid  the  sum  adjudged   to  be  paid,  together 

jiroceeilin"  for  ^^'^'^  costs,  if  awarded,  under  such  conviction,  or  shall  have 
iho  same  of- received  a  remissi(»n  thereof  from  the  Crown,,  or  shall  have  suf- 
fered  the  imprisonment  awarded  for  non-payment  thereof  or  5 
the  imprisonment  adjudged  in  the  first  instance,  or  shall 
have  been  discharged  from  his  conviction  in  the  manner  afore- 
said^ in  every  such  case  lie  shall  be  released  from  all  furliier  or 
other  proceedings  for  the  same  cause. 

Form  of  con-      L^IH.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  the  Justice  or  Justices  before  10 
viction.  whom  any  person  shall  be  convicted  of  any  offence  against  this 

Act,  may  cause  the  conviction  to  be  drawn  up  in  the  following 
form  of  words,  or  in  any  other  form  of  words  to  the  same  effect,  as 
the  case  shall  require,  videlicet : — "  Be  it  remembered,  that  on 
the  day  of  in  the  year  15 

of  our  Lord  at 

in  the  District  of  {as  the  case  may  be)   ' 

A.  G.  is  convicted  before  me,  J.  P.  one  of  Her  Majesty's  Justices 
{or  before  us  J.  P.  and  S.  L.  Justices)  of  the  Peace  for  the  said 
District,  for  that  he,  the  said  A.  O.  did  {specify  the  offence  and  20 
the  time  and  place  lohen  and  where  the  same  was  committed 
as  the  case  may  he^  and  on  a  second  conviction  state  the  first 
conviction)  and  I,  the  said  J.  P.  {or^  we  the  said  J.  P.  and  S. 
L.)  adjudge  the  said  A.  O.  for  his  said  offence  to  be  imprisoned 
in  the  {or^  to  be  imprisoned  in  the  25 

and  there  kept  to  hard  labour)  for 
the  space  of  {or^  to  forfeit  and  pay 

here  state  the  penalty  actually 
imposed^  or  state  the  penalty  and   also  the  value  of  the 
articles  stolen,  embezzled  or  taken,  or  the  amount  of  the  injury  30 
done,  as  the  case  may  be)  and  {in  any  case  where  costs  shall 
be  awarded)  also  to  pay  the  sum  of 

for  costs,  and  in  default  of  immediate  payment  of  the  said  sum  (or 
sums,)  to  be  imprisoned  in  the  or  to  be 

imprisoned  in  the  and  there  kept  to  hard 

5  Vic. 

irtue  of 


ill  have 

iive  suf- 

reof  or  5 



•ther  or 

before  lo 
nst  this 
1  lowing 
Ifect,  as 
that  on 
he  year  15 

my  be) 
ihc  said 
ice  and  20 
he  first 
and  S. 
I  in  the  25 
ur)  for 
iid  pay 
of  the 

injury  ZQ 
s  shall 

um  (or 
r  to  be 
0  hard 

Chop.  2  5. 



labour,  for  the  space  of  unless  the  said 

sum  {or  tiunis)  shall  be  sooner  paid  (or,  and  I  or  sve)  order 
that  Ihe  said  sum  {or  sums)  i^liall  be  paid  by  the  said  A.  0.  on 
or  before  the  day  of 

:,that  the  said  sum  of  {i.  e.  the  penaliy 

only)  shall  be  paid  to  me  (or  us,  ihe  convicVmr  Justice  or 
Justices,)  and  that  the  sum  of 

(i.  e.  the  value  of  the  articles  stolen,  or  the  amount  of  the  in- 
jury done)  shal!  be  paid  to  C.  1).  {the -party  aggrieved,  unless 

Mhe  is  unknown  or  has  been  examined  in  proof  of  the  offence, 
in  ivhich  case  state  that  fad,  and  dispose  of  the  whole  like  the 
penalty  as  before)  and  {if  the  Justice  or  Justices  shall  think 
proper  to  aioardihe  complainant  his  costs)  I  {or  we)  order  that 
tlic  said  sum  of  for  costs  shall  be  paid  to  C. 

i-"'D.  {the  complainant).  Given  under  my  hand  and  seal,  {or  our 
hands  and  seals)  tiie  day  and  year  first  abo*  e  mentioned." 

LXIV.  And  bo  it  enacted,  that  in  all  cases  where  by  this  Act     o,,,,  jn>;tfc 

two  or  more  Justices  of  the  i'eacc  are  authorised  and  required  to  ""^y   nccivc 
11  ■  1    •  -r       •         I     II    1    ■  orij;in;il   )nfor- 

hear  and  any  complaint,  one  Justice  shall  be  compe- nKitidii,   &c. 

potent  to  receive  llie  orio-inal  information  or  complaint,  and  to  issue  ^''*""'''^  /'^\<!  <•'' 

^  _  ^  _  '  '  liiorc    .lusticcs 

the  summons   or  warrant  requiring  the  parties  to  a[)[)ear  before  nn^  imjuiwrnMl 
two  or  more  Justices  of  the  Peace  ;  and  after  examination  upon  unuino. 
oath  into  the  merits  of  tiio  said  complaint,  and  the  adjudication 
thereupon  by  any  such  two  Justices  being  made,  all  and  every 

l2jtho  subsequent  proceedings  to  enforce  obedience  thereto,  or 
otherwise,  wliether  res[)ecting  the  penalty,  fine,  in^.prisonracnt, 
costs,  or  other  matter  or  thing  relating  to  the  oil'ence,  may  be  en- 
forced by  citlier  of  the  said  Justices,  or  by  any  other  Justice  of 
the  Peace  for  the  same  District,  County,    City,  Town  or  Place, 

30  in  sucli  and  the  like  manner  as  if  done  by  the  same  two  Justices 
who  so  heard  and  adjudged  the  said  complaint  ;  and  where  the 
original  complaint  or  information  shall  be  made  to  any  Justice  or 
Justices  of  the  Peace,  different  from  the  Justice  or  Justices  before 
whom  the  same  shall  be  heard  and  determined,  the  form  of  con- 
viction shall  be  made  conformable  and  according;  to  the  (act. 





4  &  5  Vic. 





LXV.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  in  all  cases  where  the  sum 
adjudged  to  be  paid  upon  any  summary  conviction,  shall  exceed 
live  pounds,  or  the  imprisonment  adjudged  shall  exceed  one  ca- 
lendar month,  or  tlie  conviction  shall  take  place  before  one  Jus- 
tice only,  any  person  who  shall  think  himself  aggrieved  by  any 
such   conviction,  may  appeal  to  the  next  Court  of  General  or 
Quarter  Sessions,  which  shall  be  holden  not  less  than  twelve  days 
after  tlie  day  of  such  conviction,  for  the  District,  County  or  Placo 
wherein  the  cause  of  complaint  shall  have  arisen  :  Pr.jvidod  that 
such  person  sliall  give  to  the  complainant  a  notice  in  writing  of  i 
such  appeal,  and  of  the  cause   and  matter  thereof,  within  three 
days  after  such  conviction,  and  seven  clear  days  at  tlie  least  be- 
fore such  Sessions;  and  shall  also  either  remain  in  custody  until 
the  Sessions,  or  enter  into  recognizance  with  two  suiricient  sure- 
ties  before  a  Justice  of  tlie    Peace,  conditioned   personally    to  i 
appear  at  the  said  Sessions,  and  to  try  such  appeal,  and  to  abide 
the  judgment  of  the  Court  thereupim,  and  to  pay  such  costs  a^^ 
shall  be  by  the  Court  awarded  ;  and  on  sucli   being  given,  and 
such  recognizance  being  entered  into,  the  Ju:-tice  before  whom 
the  same  shall  be  entered  into,  shall   liberiite  such  person,  if  in- 
custody  ;  and  the  Court  at  such   Sessions  sliall  hear  aut!  deter- 
mine the  matter  of  the  appeal,  and  shall  make  such  order  therein, 
with  or  without  costs  to  either  party,  as  to  the  Court  shall  seem 
meet ;  and  in  case  of  the  dismissal  of  the  appeal  or  t!ic  aflirmance 
of    the    conviction,    the    Court    shall    order    and    adjudge   tlie; 
oflender  to  be  punished  according  to  the  conviction,  and  to  ['ay 
such  costs,  if  any,  as  shall  be  awarded,  and  sliall,  if  necessary, 
issue  process  for  enforcing  such  Judgment. 

to  hi:  rrtur 
to  CiiKirlcr  ■ 



LXVI.  And  bo  it  enacted,  that  every  Justice  of  the  Peace 
lied  before  whom  any  person  shall  be  convicled  of  any  offonce  against 
""^^''*  this  Act,  shall  tiansinit  the  conviction  to  the  next  Court  of  Ge- 
nei'al  or  Quarter  Sessions,  which  shall  be  holden  for  the  District, 
County  or  Place  wherein  the  otVenco  shall  have  been  comrailted, 
there  (o  be  kept  by  the  proper  Oiricpf  among  the  Records  of  the 
Court ;  and  upon  any  indictment  or  information  against  any  per- 


&  5  Vic. 

Chap.  25. 

Oii'    CANADA. 


thf    sum 

11  exceed 

one  ca- 

one  Jus- 
id  bv  iuiv  ;■ 
cneriil  or 
elve  davs 

or  PliH'o 

idod  that 
ivritins;  of  id 
liin  three 
!  least  be- 
tody  until 
lent  sure- 
onally    to  i;; 
1  to  abi<!(> 
h  costs  .-IS 
iven,  and 
)rc  Mhoin 
■son,  if  in-;,', 
ind  detcr- 
T  (herein, 
i'all  seeni 
judoo   theC") 
rid  to  ['ay 

he  Pence 
:e  afi'ainst  :u 
rt  of  Ge- 

3  Districi, 
rds  of  llio 
t  nnv  per-  ■;', 

son  for  a  subsequent  olfence,  a  copy  of  such  conviction,  certified    How  fur  pvi- 

1       .1  /\ti-  !•  .1       /-'        i  1  i     1  i  (lencc in  t'uturij 

by  the  proper  Othcer  oi  the  Court,  or  proved  to  be  a  true  copy,  j,y,,^,jj_ 

shall  be  sufficient  evidence  to  prove  a  conviction  for  ihe  former 

oifence,  and  the  conviction  siiall  be  presumed  to  have  been  unap- 

T)  pealed  against,  until  the  contrary  be  shewn. 

LXVII.  And  for  the  protection  of  persons  acting  m  i.he  execu-    Vmuc  in  prc- 

'in^H     li- 
st jier.-ion': 

tion  of  this  Act ;  Be  it  enacted,  (hat  all  actions  and  prosecutions  IrainH""*" 

to  be  commonced  asiainst  any  person  for  any  thiny;  done  in   pur-  i";'.i>ifi    »'»''■' 

.  .         .  ?     .  tills  Act 

suance  of  this;  Act,  shall  be  laid  and  tried  in  (lie  District,  County, 

10  or  Place  where  the  fact  was  committed,  and  shall  be  commenced 
within  six  calendar  months  after  tiio  fact  committed,  and  not 
otherwise  ;  and  notice  in  writing  of  such  action  and  of  the  cause     Nairpoiw- 
thereof,  shall  be  given  to  the  defetidant,   one  calendar  monti;  at 
least  before  the  commcnceniv.nt  of  the  action  ;  and  in   any  such 

1.)  action  the  defendant  may  plead  (he  general  issue,  aii:l  give  this   G.^ncralissur, 
Act  and  the  special  matter  in  evidence  at   any  trial  to  be  had  ^^'" 
thereupon  ;  and  no  plaintiil  shall  recover   in  any  such  action,  if 
tender   of  suilicient  amends  shall  have  been  made  before   such 
action  brought,  or  if  a  suCiicient   sum  of  money  shall  have  been 

"Upaid  into  Court  aQer  such  action  brought  by  or  on  behalf  of  the 
defendant  ;  and  if  a  verdict  shall  pass  for  the  defendant,  or  the 
plaintiir  shall  become  non-suit,  or  discontinue  any  such  action, 
after  issue  joined,  or  il"  Uj)on  dennirrer  or  otherwise,  judgrncnt 
shall  be   given  against   the  plainiiff,  the  defendant   shall  recover 

'J'jhis  full  costs  as  between  at{orney  and  client,  and  have  the  like 
remedv  for  the  same  as  any  defendant  hath  bv  law  in  other  cases  ; 
and  though  a  verdict  sliall  be  given  for  the  plaintilf  in  any  such 
action,  such  plaintiff  shall  not  have   co^fs  against  the  defendant, 

30 unless  the  Judge,  before  whom  the  trial  shall  be  had  shall  certify 
his  approbation  of  the  action  and  of  the  verdict  obtained  there- 

LXVUI.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  liaving  stolen     This  Actt.> 

1  •  1  £•    II       X    1  \       n     \  111  CXtt'lul     to    (it- 

or  otherwise  unlawfully  takcu  any  cliattel,  money,  valuable  seen- ii-n.rsco:nniit- 

lijritv,  or  oiher  pronertv  whatsoever,  t'i(>    stealing  or  unlawfully ''-'^ ''^^'^  "^^'''' 



4  &  5  Vie, 

i'i>vtiiiii  case 

in  taking  wlioreof  is  iiiad.^  punisliabk!  hy  ituliclrncr.t  by  any  of  t!u; 
provisions  of  this  Act,  in  any  part  of  llor  Majesty's  dominions, 
siliall  afterv/ai'ils  liuvo  (lie  L>amo  properly  in  Ins  po.-session  in  anv 
part  of  this  Province,  lie  may  lio  dealt  Avitli,  indicted,  tried  and 
})unishcd  for  such  odbncc  nndor  tliiy  Act.  in  iliat  part  of  this  •' 
Province  where  lie  shall  so  have  such  property,  in  the  same 
manner  as  if  he  had  actually  stolen  or  unlav/fully  taken  it  in  that 
part  ;  and  if  any  person  in  any  part  of  this  Province  shall  receive 
or  have  any  chattel,  money,  valuable  security,  or  other  property 
whatsoever,  which  shall  have  been  stolon  or  otherwise  unlaw-'" 
fully  taken  in  any  other  [)art  of  Ilor  Majesty's  dominions,  such 
person  knowing  tlie  said  property  to  have  been  stolen  or  other- 
wise unlawfully  taken,  he  may  be  dealt  witli,  indicted,  tried  and 
punished  for  such  cllencc  in  that  part  of  this  Province  where  he 
shall  so  receive  or  have  the  stolen  pr;<perty,  in  the  same  manner  i;, 
as  if  it  had  beea  ori<>;inally  stolen  or  unlawfully  taken  in  that  part 
of  this  Province  as  aforesaid.  \ 

AilMumioUi      LXIX.  And  be  i!  cnactod,  that  all  fines,  forfeitm-ef.  and  penal- 

riir.i.'IU'\'.  .        .  III'.  Ill  II  1  /. 

tics  imposed  liy  tins  Act,  and  all  sr;nisex[)rc5sed  as  the  value  of  any 
goods,    chattels  or   other  property   herein  .mentioned,    sliall    he-: 
deemed  and  taken  to  be  current  monev  of  this  Province. 


All  A 
j  ii:niai;t 
Act  i\'pi' 

''^'■^"      LXX.   And  bo   it  enacted,  all  Acts  or  parts   of  Acts  or 

lolm.5  _  ... 

alul.    provisions  of  Law  in  force  in  lliis  Province,  or  any  part  thereof 

immediately  before  the  time   v>-hen  (liis  Act  shall  come  in  force, 

which  shall  be  inconsistcjit  with  or  contradictory  to  tliis  Act,  or-2: 

which  make   any  provision  in  any   matter  provided   for  by  this 

Act,  other  than  such  as  is  hereby  made  in  such  matter,  sliall,  from 

and  after  the  time  when  this  Act  sliall  come  into  force,  be  and 

they  are  hereby  repealed,  except  in  so  far  as  may  relate  to  any      fi 

oiVcncc  committed  b.fora  tiic  said  time,  which  shall  bo  dealt  with,'>n  L 

and  punished  as  if  this  Act  had  not  been  passed.* 

*  But  SCO  !&■  5  Vic.  c.  21.  as  to  the  administration  of  tlic  Law  erected  by  tliis 

:  5  V  W. 
y  of  t!i(; 

in  anv 
lod  cind 
of  this-  ■> 
0  F-atnu 
t  in  tliiit 
ns,  such 
T  otlicr- 
ricd  and 
here  he 
man  nor  i;, 
lat  part 

id  penal" 
JO  of any 
shall    bo'ji 

Acts  or 
t  thereof 
in  force, 
i  Act,  nr-2i 
r  by  this 
all,  from 
),  be  and 
te  to  any 
:alt  with  30 

Clinp.  2C>. 

d  by  this 

or    CAN' A 13 A. 

C  A  P.    XXVI. 


""O^^/TIEREAS  it  i.-;  expedient  to   amend  ar 
t)rovislons  contained  in  various  Statutes 

All  Act  for  ('r;ns;ili(i:;tiim-  nnd  .'inieiKlin/;^  the  Laws  in 
tins  Province  reiiitive  to  Ma!ici;)'.!.s  Injuries  to  Pro- 

[ISiVi  Scplcmber,  1841.] 

amend  and  consolidate  the     Pifamlilo. 
provisions  contanied  m  various  Statutes  now  in  force  in 
this  Province  rehitive  to  Malicious  Injuries  to   Projierty  ;  Be  it 
therefore  enacted  hy  the  Queen's  most  Excellent  Majesty  by  and 
r)\vith  the    advice  and  consent  of  the  Legislative  Council  and   of 
tlie  Legislative  Assembly  of  the  Province  of  Canada,  constituted 
and  assembled  by  virtue   of  and  under  the  authority  of  an  Act 
passed  in  the  Parliament  of  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain 
and   Ireland,  intituled  An  Ad  to  Rc-unile  the  Provinces  of 
iO  Upper  and  Lower  Canada  and  for  the  Government  of  Cana- 
da ;  and  it  is  hereby  ena(;ted  by   the  autlsority  of  the  same,  that      C,  nimcn<v- 
this  Act  shall  commence  from  and  after  the  first  day  of  January  ^^"'  "^^    ''"" 
one  thousand  eight  hundred  and  forty-two. 

IL  And  be  it  enacted,  that   whosoever  shall  unlawfully  and     Scuintr   \w. 
iSmaliciously  set  fire   to  any  dwelling  house,   any  person  toeing 'jJ^'^J^^''^^^'^^^^'"" 
therein,  shall  be  guilty  of  Felony,  and  ]>eing  convicted  thereof 
shall  suifer  death. 

III.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  whosoever  shall  unlawfully  and     Scninji  liro 
maliciously  set  nrc  to  any  Ciiurch,  Chapel  or  Meeting  House  for  chapel,  housp, 

2otlie  exercise  of  any  mode  or  form  of  religious  worship  whatever,  ^^^""'"^''> 
or  shall  unlawfully  and  maliciously  sot  fire  to  any  House,  Stable, 
Coach-House,  Out-house,  Warehouse,  Office,  Shop,  Mill,  Malt- 
House,  Hop-Oast,  Barn  or  Granary,  or  to  any  building  or  erection 
used   in  carrying  on  anv  trade  or  manufacluro,  or  anv   branch 

25 thereof,  whether  the  same  or  any  of  them,  respectively,  shall 
then  be  in  the  possession  of  the  offender,  or  in  the  possession  of 
any  other  person,  shall  be  guilty  of  Felony,  and  being  convicted 
thereof,  shall  be  liable,  at  the  discretion  of  the  Court  to  be  im- 


!     K 

li  IP 






4  &  5  Vic. 

silk,  woollen, 
linen,  or  cotton 
ji;oods  in  the 
loom,  &c.,  or 
,iny  machinery 
l>elonging  to 
those  manufac- 
tures, &c. 

threshing  or 
other  machines 
in  any  other 
than  the  fore- 

prisoned  at  hard  labour  in  the  Provincial  Penitentiary  for  tlie 
term  of  liis  natural  life  or  for  any  term  not  less  than  seven  years,* 
or  to  be  imprisoned  in  any  other  Pris;)n  or  place  of  confinement 
for  any  term  not  exceeding  two  years.  i 

IV.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  unlawfidly  and  5 
maliciously  cut,  break  or  destroy,  or  damage  with  intent  to  des- 
troy, or  to  render  useless,  any  Goods  or  Article  of  Silk,  Woolien, 
Linen  or  Cotton,  or  of  any  one  or  more  of  those  materials  mixed 
with  each  other  or  mixed  with  any  other  material,  or  any  Frame- 
work-knitted Piece,  Stocking,  Hose  or  Lace,  respectively,  being  in  10 
the  Loom  or  Frame,  or  on  any  Machine  or  Engine,  or  on  the  Rack 
or  Tenters,  or  in  any  stage,  process  or  progress  of  manufacture  ;  or 
shall  unlawfully  and  maliciously  cut,  break  or  destroy  or  damage 
with  intent  to  destroy  or  to  render  useless,  any  War[)  or  Shute  of 
Silk,   Woollen,  Linen  or  Cotton,  or  of  any  one  or  more  of  those  15 
materials  mixed  with  each  other,  or  mixed  with  any  other  materiaU 
or  any  Loom,  Frame,  Machine,  Engine,  Rack,  Tackle  or  Imple- 
ment,   whether  fixed  or  moveable,  prepared  for  or  employed  in 
carding,  spinning,  throwing,  weaving,  fulling,  shearing,  or  other- 
wise manufacturing  or  preparing  any  such  goods  or  articles :  or  shal  1 00 
by  force  enter  into  any  House,  Shop,  Building  or  Place,  v;ith  in- 
tent to  commit  any  of  the  offences  aforesaid,  every  such  offender 
shall  be  guilty  of  Felony,  and  being   convicted  thereof,  shall  be 
liable,  at  the  discretion  of  the  Court,  to  be  imprisoned  at  hard  labour 
in  the  Provincial  Penitentiary  for  any  term  not  less  than  seven  25 
years,*  or  to  be  imprisoned  in  any  other  prison  or  place  of  confine- 
ment for  any  term  not  exceeding  two  years. 

V.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  unlawfully  and 
maliciously  cut,  break  or  destroy,  or  damage  with  intent  to 
destroy  or  to  render  useless,  any  Threshing  Machine,  or  any  30 
Machine  or  Engine,  whether  fixed  or  moveable,  prepared  for  or 
employed  in  any  manufiicture  whatsoever,  (except  the  manufac- 
ture of  Silk,  Woollen,  Linen,  or  Cotton  Goods,  or  goods  of  any 

»  But  see  6  Vic.  c.  5. 


Chap.  20. 



for  t!ie 

illy  and  5 
lo  des- 
jeing  in  jq 
e  Rack 
ure  ;  or 
>!iute  of 
of  those  15 
oyed  in 
|)r  other- 
or  sha 1 1  no 
with  in- 
shall  he 
1  labour 
1  sevens:, 

Ily  and 
tent  lo 
or  any  30 
1  for  or 
of  any 

one  or  more  of  those  materials  mixed  with  each  other,  or  mixed 
witJi  any  other  material,  or  any  Frame-work  Knitted  Piece,  Stock- 
ing, Hose  or  Lace,)  every  such  offender  shall  be  guilty  of  Felony, 
and  being  convicted  thereof,  shall  be  liable  at  the  discretion  of  iho 
[>  Court,  to  be  imprisoned  at  hard  labour  in  the  Provincial  Peni- 
tentiary for  ariy  term  not  less  than  seven  years,*  or  in  any  other 
Prison  or  place  of  confinement  for  any  term  not  exceeding  two 

VI.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  persons,  riotously  and  tumul-      Ilioionsly 
u)  tuously  assembled  together  to  the  disturbance  of  the  public  peace,  ^j.."!'  church 
shall  unlawfully  andwith  force  demolish,  pull  down,  or  destroy, or  *^'iaF''  '.'""so, 
begin  to  demolish,  pull  down  or  destroy  any  Church,  Chapel,  or  i)uihlin<;s.    or 
Meeting  House,  for  the  exercise  of  any  mode  or  form  of  religious  u"ci/"Tii"'fmy 
worship,  or  any  House,  Stable,  Coach-House,  Out-Honse,  Ware-  manuiiicture. 
15  House,    Office,   Shop,    Mill,  Malt-House,   Hop-Oast,  Barn  or 
Granary,  or  any  building  or  erection  used  in  carrying  on  any  trade 
or  manufacture,  or  any  branch  thereof,  or  any  machinery,  whether 
fixed  or  moveable,  prepared  for  or  employed  in  any  manufacture, 
or  in  any  branch  thereof,  every  such  offender  shall  be  guilty  of 
20  Felony,  and  being  convicted  thereof,  shall  be  liable,  at  the  discre- 
tion of  the  Court,  to  be  imprisoned  at  hard  labour  in  the  Provin- 
cial Penitentiary  for   the  term  of  his  natural  life,  or  for  any  term 
not  less  than  seven  years,*  or  to  be  imprisoned  in  any  other  Prison 
or  place  of  confinement  for  any  term  not  exceeding  two  years. 


Vn.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  whosoever  shall  unlawfully  and  g^^^    |jj.p  j^^ 
maliciously  set  fire  to,  cast  away,  or  in  any  wise  destroy  any  Ship  ships  or  ves- 

,T         \      •  y  •.!•..  1  '11      sels  with  intent 

or  Vessel,  either  With  intent  to  murder  any  person,  or  whereby  to  commit 
the  life  of  any  person  shall  be  endangered,  shall  be  guilty  of  murder 
Felony,  and  being  convicted  thereof,  shall  suffer  death. 

Hanging  out 

DO     Vni.  And  be  it   enacted,  that  whosoever  shall   unlawfully 
exhibit  any  false  light  or  signal,  with  intent  to  bring  any  Ship  or  false  lights  to 
Vessel  into  danger,  or  shall  unlawfully  and  maliciously  do  any  ^yj^rk.    *" 

•  But  ace  G  V.  c.  5 



4  k  b  Vic. 

tiling  to  tlio  iiiimciJiate  loss  or  dcstriiction  of  iinv  Ship  or  Vessel  in 
distress,  shall  he  guilty  of  Felony,  and  heing  convicted  theieol', 
shall  sulFer  death. 

HctiiivT  ii:c      I^'  And  hv^  it  enacted,  that  whosoever  shall  nnlawfiiUy  and 
iosIi!|is()rvf.s-  nialiciouslv  set  tiro  to,  or  in  any  wise  destroy  anv  Shin  or  Vessel,  •> 

Kt'lH  Willi  inllMlt  "  '  •  '       .     ' 

to  cli'stiDy  t!u'  whether  the  same  he  completed  or  in  an  unfinished  state,  or  shall 
unlawfully  and  maliciously  set  lire  to,  cast  away,  or  in  any  wisi' 
destroy  any  Ship  or  Vessel,  with  intent  therehy  to  prejudice  any 
Owner  or  Part-Owner  of  such  Ship  or  Vessel,  (trofany  goods  on 
hoard  the  same,  or  any  person  that  hath  underwriten  or  shall  lo 
underwrite  any  policy  of  insurance  upon  such  Ship  or  Vessel,  or 
on  the  freight  thereof,  or  upon  any  goods  on  hoard  the  same, 
shall  be  guilty  of  B'elony,  and  heing  convicted  thereof,  shall  he 
liable,  at  the  discretion  of  the  Court,  to  be  imprisoned  at  hard 
labour  in  the  Provincial  Penitentiary  for  the  term  of  his  natural  15 
life,  or  for  any  other  term  not  less  than  seven  years,*  or  to  he 
imprisoned  in  any  other  Prison  or  place  of  confinement  for  any 
time  not  exceeding  two  years. 

Impctlintr         X.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  whosoever  shall  by  force  prevent 
licavourin"  to '  "^'  if^pedc  any  person  endeavouring  to  save  his  life  from  any  Ship  SO 
savo  life  from  or  Vessel  which  shall  be  in  distress  or  wrecked,  stranded,  or  cast 
wrcckc'l  &c.    on  shore,  (whether  he  shall  be  on  board  or  shall  have  (piitted 
the  same)  shall  bo  guilty  of  Felony,  and  being  convicted  thereof, 
shall  be  liable,  at  the  discretion  of  the  Court,  to  be  imiirisoncd  at 
hard  labour  in  the  Provincial  Penitentiary  for  Ih.e  term  of  hisO') 
natural  life,  or  for  any  term  not  less  than  seven  years,*  or  to  he 
imprisoned  in  any  other  Prison  or  place  of  confinement  for  any 
term  not  exceeding  two  years. 

Destroying       XI.  And  be  it  enactcd,  that  whosoever  shall  unlawfully  and 
articles  iK>Ira!g^  maliciously  destroy  any  part  of  any  Ship  or  Vessel  which  shall  he:Jo 
'"» 'hereto,      j,^  distress,  or  wrecked,  stranded  or  cast  on  shore,  or  any  Goods, 
MerchandizB  or  Article  of  any  kind  belonging  to  such  Ship  or 

♦  But  see  6  Vic,  c,  5. 

-^  l-l_l.l"llp»Jil_  ll  l«IIJ. 

:  5  Vic. 

'ossci  ill 
1  Ik;  I  ('()!', 

iilly  and 
Vofssol,  ■-) 
or  sliall 
ny  wi.s(.' 
r.ce  any 
i;t)(i(!s  oil 
or  shall  10 

cssc'l,  or 

ly  same, 

sliall  be 

at  hard 

natural  15 
or  to  ho 

for  anv 

my  ShipSO 
,  or  cast 
>  quilted 
soned  at 
m  of  hi 8-25 
or  to  he 
for  any 

ully  and 
shall  he;]o 

■  Goods, 
Ship  or 

Chaj).  2G. 

OV   CAN'AnA. 


V(.'s,sel,  sliall  ho  |2;ulUy  of  Felmiy,  and  lu.'lni);  cotr.  icti-d  ihoreof, 
shall  ho  liable,  at  thi;  discretinn  o|"  i!io  ('ourt,  lo  bo  imprisoned 
at  hiu'd  labour  in  the  Provint-ial  I'oriileiitiiiry  i'<)i'  any  toriri  not 
less  i!i;in  soven  years,*  or  to  he  imprisoned  in  aiiv  oilier  prison  or 
:>  i)lace  ()f  (Miiifinemcnt  for  any  term  not  exceeding!;  two  \ear.<. 

Xil.  And  be  it  enacted,  if  any  person  sliall  unlawfully 
and  maliciously  break  down  or  cut  down  any  Sea  Bank  or  Sea 
Wall,  or  the  liank  or  Wall  of  any  llivcr,  Cmal  (u-  ^'arsh,  whereby 
any  land  shall  be  overdowed  or  daniao-ed,  or  sliall  he  in  (lan<;er  ot 

l'.>  hein;i;  so,  or  sluill  unlawfully  and  maliciously  throw  down,  level 
or  otherwise  destroy  any  Lock,  Sluice,  Flo!)d-Gatc  or  other  work 
on  any  navigable  Liiver  or  Canal,  every  such  olfender  !;hall  be 
l^uiltv  of  Fohuiy,  and  being  convicted  thereof,  shall  be  imprison- 
ed for  any  term  not  exceeding  four  years  ;f   and  if  any  person 

].') shall  unlawfully  and  maliciously  cut  o(f,  draw  up  or  remove  any 
Piles,  Chalk  or  other  materials  fixed  in  the  ground  and  used  for 
securing  any  Sea-IJank  or  wSea-Wall,  or  the  Banker  Wall  of  any 
River,  Canal  01  Marsh,  or  shall  unlawfully  and  maliciously  open 
or  draw  up  any  Flood-Gate,  or  do  any  other  injury  or  mischief  to 

■-Oany  navigable  River  or  Canal  with  intent,  and  so  as  thereby  to 
obstruct  or  pievcnt  the  carrying  on,  completing,  or  maintaining 
the  navii>ation  thereof,  every  such  oflender  shall  be  guiltv  of  Fe- 
lony,  and  being  convicted  thereof,  shall  be  imprisoned  for  any 
term  not  exceeding  two  years. 

•.'5  XIII.  And  bo  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  unlawfully 
and  maliciously  pull  down,  or  in  any  wise  destroy  any  public 
Bridge,  or  do  any  injury  with  intent,  and  so  as  thereby  to  render 
such  Bridge  or  any  part  thereof  dangerous  or  impassable,  every 
such  offender  shall   be  guilty  of  Felony,  and   being  convicted 

no  thereof,  shall  bo  imprisoned  for  any  term  not  exceeding  four 

XIV.  And  he  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  unlawfully    j^p^;, 

I)('str,i\  ii|c_f 

pi\V    Mi'ii   li!iri'i» 

on  iiiiv  ri\.i'  iir 
Ciiiuil,  I'l'lony. 

Hrinovint:  I'lr 
l)aiik,  ivc.  or 
iiiTo  to  olii-tnict 
the  navi^^iition 
o!"  a  liviT  or 

Injury  to    a 
public  bridge. 

royiiijr « 

and    maliciously   thnnv    down,   level,   or  oth>^rwise  destroy,   in  ♦"'"npike  gate, 

_.  .       _        '. ^^ . •  toll  lumse,  &<•., 

♦  Uut  tsec  1;  V.  c.  5.  +  Sec  G  Vic.  c.  5,  s.  3. 




4  Si  5  Vic. 

wliolo  or  in  pait,  any  Turnpike  Giite,  or  any  Wall,  Chain,  Rail, 
Post,  Bar  or  oilier  Teiieo  beloni^in^-  to  any  Turnpike  Gate,  or 
set  np  or  erected  to  prevent  passengers  passln::;  l)y  willioiit 
jiaying  any  Toll  direclecl  to  be  paid  by  any  Act,  or  Acts,  ()r<li- 
(lance  or  Ordinantx's,  relatini;;  thereto,  in  Ibrre  in  this  Province,  5 
or  any  [louse,  liiiildin:^  or  Weiiihino-  l''n;;ine  creeled  for  the 
better  colleclion,  asccrt.iinment,  or  security  of  any  such  Toll, 
every  such  olieiider  shall  be  guilty  of  a  Misdenieanur,  and  being 
convicted  tlietcof,  shall  Ite  punished  accordinLrlv. 

.iowirSio'Sm      ^^'  ^"'^"*'  ^"^  it  enacted,   that    if  any  person  shall  unlawfully  10 

ofafishory.Sci',  and  maliciously  break  down  or  otherwise  destroy,   the   Dam  of 
or  mill  iLiiii.  ti-  1    ri       i'  r  wt  ■•■..•  i 

any  r  ish  Pond,  or  ol  any  Water  which  shall  be  private  property, 

or  in  which  there  shall  be  any  private  right  of  Fishery  with  in- 
tent thereby  to  take  or  destroy  any  of  the  Fisli  in  suih  Pond 
or  Water  or  so  as  therein'  to  cause  the  loss  or  destruction  of  anv  15 
of  the  Fish,  or  shall  unlawfully  and  maliciously  put  any  lime  or 
other  noxious  material  in  any  such  Pond  or  Waier,  with 
intent  thereby  to  destroy  any  of  tiie  Fish  therein,  or  shall  unlaw- 
fully and  maliciously  break  down  or  otherwise  destroy  the  Dam 
of  any  Mill  Pond,  every  such  ollV'nder  shall  be  guilty  of  a  -0 
Misdemeanor,  and  being  convicted  thereof,  shall  be  punished 

Killing    or      XVF.  And  bo  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  unltwfully 
maiminiriiittlc.  apii  maliciously  kill,  maim  or  wound  any    Cattle,  every  such 

olTender  shall  be  guilty  of  Felony,  and  being  convicted  thereof,  2.5 
shall  be  liable,  at  the  discretion  of  the  Court,  to  be  imprisoned  at 
bard  labour  in  the   Provincial  Penitentiary  for  any  term  not  less 
than  seven  years,*  or  to  be  imprisoned  in  any  other  Prison  or  place 
of  confinement  for  anv  term  not  excceditiii;  two  years. 

HfUinir  iirc      XVII.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  whosoever  shall  unlawfully  or  so 

to  airriculturai  j-naliciously  set  fire  to  anv  Stack  of  Corn,  Grain,  Pulse,  Peat,  Coals, 
produce.  •'  •'  7  7  7  17 

Charcoal,  or  Wood,  or  any  Steer  of  Wood,  shall  be  guilty  of  Felo- 
•  But  sec  C  V.  c.  5. 

0  V  10. 

,  Uiiil, 



ivincc,  f) 
or  (III! 

1  Toll, 

w  fully  10 
)am  of 
/:lli  ill- 
of  any  ij 
ime  or 
/    of  a  -20 

iw  fully 
y  such 
hereof,  23 
oned  at 
lot  less 
r  ph'.ce 

fully  or;^o 

Chap.  2G. 



ny,  and  hoiii<.;  convicted  thereof,  shall  bo  liable,  at  the  discretion 
of  the  ('ourt,  to  be  imprisoned  at  hard  labour  in  the  Provincial 
Penitentiary  lor  the  term  of  his  natural  lif<',  or  for  any  term  not 
less  than  seven  vears,*  or  to  be  imprisoned  in  any  oiher  Prison  or 
5pla(;e  of  confinement  for  any  term  not  exceeding  two  years. 

XVIII.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  sh;ill  unlawfidly 
and  maliciously  cut  or  otherwise  destroy  an\  llop-liinds,  growing 
on  poles  in  any  plantation  of  Hops,  everv  such  ofieiider  shall  be 
guilty  of  Felony,  and  being  convicted  thereof,  shall  be  imprisoned 

10  for  any  term  not  exceeding  four  yeara.f 

XIX.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  unlawfully 
and  maliciously  cut,  break,  bark,  root  up,  or  otherwise  destroy 
or  damage  the  whole  or  any  [)art  of  any  Tree,  Sapling  or  Shrub,  or 
any  Underwood,   respectively   growing   in  any  Park,   Pleasure- 

i&  Ground,  Garden,  Orchard  or  Avenue,  f)r  in  any  ground  adjoining 
or  belonging  to  any  Dwelling  House,  every  sucli  oOender  shall  be 
guilty  of  a  Misdemeanor,  and  being  convicted  thereof,  shall  be 
punished  accordingly  ;  and  if  any  person  siiall  unlawfully  and 
maliciously  cut,  break,  bark,   root  up,   or  otherwise  destroy  or 

20  damage  the  whole  or  any  part  of  any  Tree,  Sapling  or  Shrub  or  any 
Underwood,  respectively,  growing  elsewhere  than  in  any  of  the 
situations  hereinbefore  mentioned,  every  such  oil'ender  (in  case 
the  amount  of  the  injury  done  shall  exceed  the  sum  of  one  pound) 
shall  be  guilty  of  a  Misdemeanor,  and  being   convicted  thereof, 

25 shall  be  punished  accordingly. 

XX.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  unlawfully 
and  maliciously  cur,  break,  bark,  root  up,  or  otherwise  destroy 
or  damage  the  whole  or  any  part  of  any  Tree,  Sapling  or  Shrub,  or 
any  Underwood,  wheresoever   the   same    may    be    respectively 

oOgrowing,  the  injury  done  being  to  the  amount  of  one  shilling  at 
the  least,  every  such  offender,  being  convicted  thereof,  before  a 
Justice  of  the  Peace,  shall  forfeit  and  pay,  over  and  above  the 

bo:»  biiuis. 

or  daimi<jiiij:f 
trorn,  Hliriihs. 
8tc.  ijrosviuijiu 
certain  situii- 

The  like  ar; 
to  trees,  >^c. 
jirowinir  rise- 
where  if  thf 
one  i)oun(J. 

or  dam.Tiriiif; 
tr:H)5i,     shrul)t* 
or  uinlorvvooil, 
&.C.    wliereso- 
cver    growiim 
to  the  oinoimt 
of    dain.'ige 
jjunishable  on 
summary  con- 
viction. ' 


*  But  see  6  Vic.  c.  5. 

+  See  G  Vic.  c.  5,  s.  3. 



4  &  J  Vie. 

amount  of  tlu;  injury  dime,  siuh  sum  of  moiU'V  nut  cxc<;t!ilii)<'  oiu; 
pouiiil  as  tt)  tl'.c  Justice  shall  scorn  meet. 

XXI.  Ami  bo  it  cnartoil,  that  if  any  iiorsoii  shall  iiiilawfiiily 
and  iiiiiliciou.slv  (lc'Sln>v,  or  (iainau-cj  with  iiiUMit  to  di'strov  anv 

nnyfVuit  or  \v 

L-'irjl""  sl'c.  "^  ^''''I'N  I^^'»t,  Fruit  or  W-^-otahlo  Proiluction,  growin*!;  in  any 
Car(h.Mi,  Oichard,  Nursery  Crouiitl,  Ilot-Ilousi',  Grocn-IIouso  or 
C.'oii.sLM'vatory,  every  sucJi  olliiudcr  boing  convicteil  thcTOof  [)(-!foro 
a  Justice  of  the  Peace,  shall  forfeit  and  pay,  over  and  above  ll;e 
Hmount  of  the  injury  done,  such  sum  of  money  not  exceeding  two 
poimds  as  to  the  Justice  shall  seem  meet. 


DiMtroy'.tvr  XXII.  And  be  it  coucted,  that  if  anv  person  shall  unlawfully 
pvddih'tiuanot  "'"*  Jnaliciously  destroy,  or  dama2;c  with  mtcnt  to  destroy,  any 
•jrowin.r  iu  rullivated  Hoot  or  Plant  us(h1  for  the  fond  of  man  or  botist,  or  for 
{.Yimous.  .  ,         |.     -If  •        I      •  r  •       1 

medicine,  or  lor  distuling,  (;r  lor  dyeing,  or  for  or  in  the  coun-e 

of  any  irianufar.ture,  and  growing  in  any,  o[)en  or  enclosed,  ir» 
noc  being  a  garden,  orchard  or  nursery  ground,  every  such 
olTender  being  convicted  thereof,  before  a  Justice  of  the  Peace, 
shall  forfeit  and  pay,  over  and  above  the  amount  of  the  injury 
done,  such  sum  of  money  not  exceedino;  twcntv  shillin<rs,  us  to 
the  Justice  shall  seem  meet.  *J0 

Dostrovitv  XXIII.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  unlawfully 
*c  any  ti'iic".  and  maliciouslv  cut,  break,  throw  down,  or  in  anywise  destroy 

wall,    slilo    or  ^  c  '         ^  •    .•  i     *  \\t    m    c.-i 

tiite.  any  Fence  of  any  description  whatsoever,  or  any  Wall,  btile,  or 

Gate,  or  any  part  thereof  respectively,  every  such  olFender,  being 
convicted   before  a  Justice  of  the  Peace,  shall  forfeit  and  pay,2j 
over  and  above  the   amount  of  the  injury  done,  such  sum  of 
money  not  exceeding  one  pound  as  to  the  Justice  shall  seem 

Porsons  co.n-      XXIV.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  wilfully  or 
ini'"r'"'to  mo-  'maliciously  commit  any  damage  or  injury,  or  spoil  to  or  uponso 
jirriy  in  any  any  real  or  personal  property  whatsoever,  either  of  a  public  or 
'vi'onflly°provid-  private  nature,  for  which  no  remedy  or  punishment  is  hercinbe- 
•  J  for,  may  be  f^j-e  provided,  every  such  person  being  convicted  thereof,  before 


b  Vk. 

lUg  oiiu 

•oy  any 
in  liny  :> 
oiise  oi' 

r  i)t'r()rc 

ove  llic 
ing  tNVi) 


;)y,  any 
t,  or  for 
'  couri-'e 
icIosimI,  15 
ry  sucli 
c  injury 
;s,  us  to 

^tilo,  or 
ir,  being 
ind  pay,Qj 
sum  of 
ill  seem 

Ifully  or 
or  upon 30 
ublic  or 
f,  before 

Cliai!.  2G. 

or   CANADA. 


a  Jut«tico  of  tlic'Poacc,  sliall  fiufcMt  and  nay  sucli  si;m  of  money '"'^'"P':"''''    ''Y 

III  IT'  /  I  I  •        luliihtirct  ijMV 

as  sliall   ajipoar  to  till!   .luslico  to  hu  a  rciisonaljlo  cdmoensalion  ,.„iii|M.nMu'i(ifi 
for  tlio  (lamago,  injury  or  spoil  so  committed,  not  exceeding  the  y.'j  *-'''^'^'"''""-' 
sum  of  live  pounds  ;  wliidi  sann  of  money  sliiill,  in  case  of  private 

Ti  property,  be  paid  to  (lie  jiarty  aggritjved,  exct'pt  where  such 
party  shall  have  been  examined  in  proof  of  tla.'  olfciice  ;  and  in 
such  case,  or  in  the  (;aso  of  properly  of  a  piddic  nature,  or 
wherein  any  puldic  right  is  concerned,  ilio  money  siiiill  I  eapplicd 
in  such  manner  as  every  penalty  imposoil    by   a   Justice  of  the 

HI  Peace   under  this   Act,    is  hercinafler  directed    co  he   ap|)lied  :      ,,.    •  . 
Provided  always,  that  nothing  herein  contained  shall  extend  to 
any   case   where   tho  party  trespassing  acted  under  a  lair  and 
reasonable  supposition  that  he  had  a  right  to  do  tho  act  complained 

IT)  XXV.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  every  punishment  aiul  foifeiture  iMalirc  nt  tiio 
by  this  Act  imposed  on  any  person  maliciously  committing  any  *.',!y,'tha  lil'imv 
olTence,   whether   the  same  be   pimishablo   upon   indictment,  or  oH'imicp   ukiIii 

111  11  ■  11  n  I      ""     ->'  !• 

upon  summary  conviction,  sliall  e(pjally  ap|)ly  ;  'id    he  ttdurced, 
whether  the  oil'ence  be  committed  from  malice  conceived  against 
L")thc  owner  of  the  propcrtj-  iu  respect  of  which  it  tliail  be  com- 
mitted or  otherwise. 

XXVI.  And  bo  it  enacted,  that  in  tijo  case  of  every  Felony  rnn':;w!>:  iu 
punishable  under  this  Act,  every  principal  in  tlic  second  degree,  .rnHMimUn'tl 
and  every  accessory  before  the   fact,   shall   bo  )ii;i!.ishable  with  '^°'"'^'''- 

-)  death  or  otherwise,  in  the  same  manner  as  tho  principal  in  th.o 
first  degree  is  by  this  Act   punishable  ;  and  every  accessory  after 
the    fact     to    any  Fehmy  punishable  under    this   Act,    shall,  Abbccrs   in 
on  conviction,  bo  liable  to  be  imprisoned  for  any  term  not  exceed-  mistlcmeanor h. 
ing. two  years,  and  every  person  who  shall  aid,  abet,  counsel  or 

30 procure  tho  commission  of  any  Misdemeanor,  punishable  under 
this  Act,  shall  bo  liable  to  be  indicted  and  punished  as  a  principal 

XXVII.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  where  any  person  shall  bo 



4  S:  5  Vic. 

1  ho  Court    convicted  of  liny  iiulictiible  oirunce  puuisliablo  under  lliis  Act,  for 

ni;iv,    lor  nil  _        ,  ,       -^  '  ' 

r  tl 


<  lilt.  Y  ^      it;i      tl  1 1 

.i)r.".iu'i-svviiliin  wliicli  inn[)i"is(iiinH.'iit  mny  l)e  aw.irdod,  it  shall  bo  Ictwfu!  fo 
lianl  lah'o!ir\n'  ^"•^""'^  <^  scntciifc  the  olFtMidor  to  be  imprisoned,  or  to  be  impri- 
olitiiry   COD-    soned  and  kept  to  haid  hdjour,  in  tlic  Common  Gaol  or  House  of 

iiii;iiu"i,t.  •1 

Correclion  ;  and  also  to  direct  that  the  olfender  sha!'.  bo  kept  in 
jrolitary  coiilincinont  for  any  portion  or  po;  tions  of  such  impri- 
sonmenl,  or  of  such  im[)risonnient  with  hard  labour,  not  exceed- 
ing one  monlh  at  any  one  lime,  and  not  exceeding  three  months 
in  any  one  }  ear ;  as  to  the  Court  in  its  discretion  shall  seem 

Porsoi'.s   in      XXV'lIl.   And    for   the   more   cllectual    appreiiension    of   all 
thoactoicom-  oj]-^.,j^](.i-s  auainst  this  Act ;  Be  it  enacted,  tin  t  any  person  found 

initt:ii.f     any  ^  '  i  j    i 

oiTcnt'cnipy'lio  committinijf  any  ollence  ai>;ainst  this  Act,  whether  the  same  be 
\viihouri'!\v;ir- punishable  upon  indictment  or  upon  summary  conviction,  may 
'^"t-  be  immediately  apprehended,  without  a  warrant,  by  any  Peace 

Oiiicer  or  the  owner  of  the  pro[)erty  injured,  or  his  servant  or 
any  person  authorized  by  him,  and  forthwith  taken  before  some 
neighbouring  Justice  of  the  Peace,  to  be  dealt  with  according  to 


.,.   .,  ,.  XXiX.  And    be    it  enacted,  that   the  prosecution   for  every -20 

->s  tosuniuKtiy  odence  punishable  on  siimmary  conviction  under  this  Act,  shall 
be  commenced  within  three  calendar  months  after  the  commission 


of  the  oil'encc,  and  not  otherwise  ;  and  the  evidence  of  the  party 
ao^rleved  shall  be  admitted  in  proof  of  the  ollence,  and  also  the 
Comyetr  icy  evidence  of  any  inhabitant  of  the  District^  Ct)unty  or  Place  iir:.-) 
oi  wiiiiLv  t'L!.  ^yiiij^ij  ^i,Q  oilence  shall  have  been  committed,  notwithstanding 
any  forfeiture  or  penally  incurred  by  the  ollence  may  be  [)a\  able 
to  anv  public  fund  of  sucli  District,  County  or  Place. 

Mofli!    of        XXX.  And  for  tlie  more  effectual  prosecution  of  all  otfimces 
r'''T'i'l'!'r'n,-Puids}iablo  on  summary  conviction  nndc    this  Act ;  Be  it  enact- 30 
jiorsons    )iu     ed^  tliat  whore  any  ])orson   shall   be   charged   on  the  oath  of  a 
s'umiiury  con- credible  witness,  before  any  Justice  of  the  Peace,  with  any  such 
vj,;t:an.  oirenco,  the  Justice  may  summon  the  person  charged  to  appear  at 


5  Vic. 

Chap.  2G. 



\ct,  for 
(or  the 
i  impri- 
kept  in  j 




II  seem 


of  all 
n  fouiul 
iamc  be 
:iu,  may 
y  Peace  ij 
rvant  or 
re  some 
)r(liiig  to 

:)r  everyio 
.ct,  shall 
he  parly 
also  the 
riace  h\-::> 

'  V' 




it  enact- G.I 

)iith  of  a 

any  such 

ap[)ear  at 

a  time  and  place  to  be  named  in  such  summons,  and  if  lie  shall 
not  ap[)oar  accordingly,  (lien  (upon  proof  of  the  due  service  of 
l!ie  summons  upon  such  person,  by  delivering  the  sauic  to  him 
))ers.)nally,  or  by  leaving  the  s;  me  at  his  usual  place  of  abode) 

T) the  Justice  may  either  [iroceed  ;o  heiir  and  determine  the  case 
ex  parte,  or  issue  his  warrant  H  .•  .ipfirchending  such  person,  and 
bringing  I)ini  before  himself  or  some  other  .lustice  of  the  Peace  ; 
or  the  Justice  before  whom  the  charge  shall  be  made,  may,  if  lie 
shall  so  think  fit,  without  any  previous  summons,  (unless  where 

iiiothcrwise  S[)ecially  direcled)  issue  such  warrant  ;  and  the  Jus- 
tice before  whom  the  j)erson  charged  shall  appear  or  be  brought, 
shall  proceed  to  hear  and  determine  the  case. 

XXXI.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  where  any  oflence  is  hy  this     -'^'"'"o''*'  '" 
Act  punishable  on  summary  conviction,   any  peison   who  shall  nislnlilc    on 

,.•11,  ,  "  .  .    ".  r         I        tv  Hununary  con- 

1.)  aid,  abet,  counsel,   or   procure   tiic  commission   ot  such  <hiciicc,  yj^jij^/ 
shall,  on  conviction  before   a  Justice  of  the  Peace,  he  liable  for 
every  such  olfoncc  of  aiding,  abetting,  counselling,  or  procuring, 
to  the  same  forfeiture  and  punishment  to  which  a  jierson  guilty 
of  such  oifence  as  a  ))rinci[)al  oHender  is  by  (his  Act  made  liable.  , 

CO  XXXII.  And  W'ilh  retrard  to  the  application  of  all  forfeitures  Applk-ntioii 
and  penalties  upon  summary  convietions  under  this  A(t  ;  be  it  ai\tl  jwnaiiicH 
enacted,  that  every  sum  of  money    which  shall   be  forfeited  for  i'!"'".«'i.""''*'"y 

'  •'_  -  _      convictions. 

the  amount  of  any  injury  done,  (such  amount  to  be  assessed  in 
each  case  by  the  convicting  Justice)  shall  be  paid  to  the  party 

25 aggrieved,  if  known,  e.\ce[)t  where  such  p.arty  shall  have  been 
examined  in  proof  of  (he  oill'nce  ;  and  in  that  case,  or  where  the 
party  aggrieved  is  unknown,  sucli  sum  shall  be  applied  in  the 
wime  manner  as  a  penalty  ;  and  every  sum  which  shall  be 
imposed  as  a  penally  by  any  Jusl:c(!  of  (!ie    Peace,  whether  in 

-^adtliiion  to  such  amoiml  or  clh.erwisc,  shall  bo  paid  to  the  cnn- 
viclin;!;  Justice:  Prov; 'mI  Hl\vi!\s,  (Iiat  where  several  persons 
shall  Join  m  the  commission  ot  (be  same  oilenc(>,  and  shall,  upon 
conviction  thereoi,  each  be  rdjudged  to  forfeit  a  sum  eijuivalent 
10  the  amount  of  the  injurv  done,  in  everv  such  case  no  further 



4  &  5  Vic. 

convic'o;!.  IiidI 
not;);(y  vcc,  tlu' 
Justice     mny 
<Mi:unii  ]>im. 

v-'>m]>-  of  lin- 

'I'lir  Jiisdi-e 
jiwy  (lisi'liav'/c 
ihii  oflVnilfr  ill 
orrt;tiii  cixsca. 

Po.rdon    for 
of  money. 

sum  siiiill  be  |):iiil  to  the  party  iiggrleved  lluni  tiuU  wliicii  :iuill  be 
lorlcitotl  by  one  of  auehotlenders  only,  and  tlie  cori-e.';[)otu!;ijg  sum 
or  smns  torl'eiled  by  the  other  otiendci"  or  ('il'-nders,  tin;;elher  wiib 
all  jienalties,  shall  be  applied  in  the  .'•.■luxic  mininer  as  any  penalty 
is  by  law  diiccled  U)  be  applied.  r. 

.XXXII[.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  in  vvrry  case  of  a  suramnry 
convection  under  t'nis  Act,  whore  t!ie  sum  whicii  f^lmll  b;-  forfeit'. d 
for  the  amount  of  the  injury  done,  or  which  sliall  be  iri^no.ved  as 
a  penalty  by  the  .lustice,  slial!  not  !)e  paid,  either  imined'ately 
after  the  conviction,  or  witliin  sueh  period  as  the  Justice  c.;!all,  i:) 
at  the  time  of  conviction,  ;',;)po!nt,  it  shall  ba  lawful  for  tfie  con- 
victing Justice,  (unless  where  otherAvise  specially  directed)  to 
commit  the  offender  to  the  Common  Gaol  oy  House  of  Corre'tion, 
there  to  be  imprisoned  only,  or  to  be  imprisoned  and  kf;i)t  to  !:ard 
labo'ir,  according  to  the  discretion  of  t!ie  .aisticc,  for  any  terra  i:, 
not  exceeding-  two  calendar  monl!;;-,  v,-here  the  amount  oi'  the 
sum  f(n-feited  or  of  the  [)enalty  imposed,  or  of  uoth  (as  t]<e  case 
may  be)  too-etlier  vrit!i  ilie  costs,  shall  not  e::ceod  five  pounds  ; 
and  for  any  term  not  exceeding  four  calendar  months  wiicro  the 
amount  willi  costs  e!;;;11  cxccr^ci  iive  pounds;,  and  not  exceed  ten.O 
j)oe.uds  ;  and  for  any  term  iw"  exceedint!;  six  calendar  rc"ntb..s 
where  the  amount  with  costs  f'.hail  exceed  ten  pounds  ;  i!:e  con)- 
mitujcnt  to  be  doicM'rainable  in  each  of  the  cases  aXorei-iuid  upon 
the  paymiCnt  of  the  amount  a;ai  costs. 

XXXI V.  Provided  always,  and  bo  it  enacted,  that  where  any  2,') 
pcrstm  shall  be  summarily  convicted  befor"  a  Jtw?tice  (f  the 
Peace  of  any  olT^>nco  against  this  Act,  an(!  it  ffhall  i>e  a  first  con- 
viction, it  shall  be  lawful  for  lie  Jiistice,  if  he  shall  so  tiiink  fit, 
to  discliargo  the  offender  from  his  conviction,  upon  his  mnking 
such  satisfaction  to  the  j'arly  a<::grieved  for  dartisges  and  cos^s,  or 'JO 
either  of  them,  as  shall  be  ascertained  by  the  J.w«?ticc. 

XXXV.  And  be  it  cnactet^,  that  ;*  ^uall  be  lawful  for  the 
Queen's  Majesty,  or  for  the  Governor,  f^ieutenant  Governor  or 
Person   administering  the  Governi.  -nt  of  this  Province  fur  the 

i  a  *  iC. 

.  iuill  bo 
liii>i;  bum 
icr  wiili 

>T)o^f'(l  as 
ice  ;?i)ali,  i;) 
the  cor.- 

K'tC(i)   to 

irre' lion, 
t  U)  Lard 
ixxy  terra  i:. 

ilt  of   tl)0 

tl'o  ciKse 
pounds  ; 
lioro  Iho 
:cecil  ten  20 
r  months 
t!;e  con> 
uid  upon 

iioro  any^) 
;e  <!f  the 
first  con- 
think  fit, 
;  iriakincr 
(■(!s;s,  or  "JO 

1 1  for  the 
vornor  or 
:c  for  the 

Chap.  2G. 



time  being,  to  extend  ihe  Royal  Mercy  to  any  person  Imprisoned 
by  viitue  of  tliis  Act,  although  he  shuU  be  imprisoned  for  non- 
payment of  money  to  some  party  other  than  the  Crcwn. 

XXXVI.  And  he  it  enacted,  that  in  case  any  person  convicted     A  summary 

5of  any  olfonce  punishabki  upon  summary  conviction  by  virtue  ofgi^ii  iio°a  bar 

this  Act,  shall  have  paid  the   sum  adiudojed  to  be  paid  too-ether  ^'^  '^"•X.  °"'.^' 

,  .     .  1     11  1  .1  proceeding  for 

wUh  costs,  under  such  conviction,  or  shall  have  received  a  re-  thesamcciius.;. 
mission  thereof  from  the  Crown,  or  shall  have  saflered  the  impri- 
sonment awarded  for  non-payment  thereof,  or  the  imprisonment 
JO  adjudged  in  the  first  instance,  or  shall  have  been  discharged  from 
his  conviction  in  the  manner  aforesaid,  in  every  such  case  he 
shall  be  released  from  all  further  or  other  'iroceedirigs  for  the 
same  cause. 

XXX  YII.  And  belt  enacted,  that  the  Ju:!tice  before  whom  Formofcon- 
I5any  person  shall  be  convicted  of  any  ofFencc  agrinst  this  Act,  may  ^''^'^'*'"' 
cause  the  conviction  to  be  drawn  up  in  the  following  form  of 
words  or  in  any  othe;  form  of  words  to  the  same  effect,  as  the 
case  may  require,  videlicei : — 

"  Be  it  remembered  on  the  .  day  of 

£0  in  the  year  cf  our  Lord 

at  in  the  District  (or  City,  &c. 

as  the  case  may  he)  A.  0.  is  convicted  before  me 
J.  P.  one  of  Her  Majesty's  Justices  of  the  Peace  for  the  said 
District  [or  City  fyc.)  for  that  he  the  said  A.  0.  did  (specify 
^hthe  offence,  and  the  time  and  place  lohen  and  where  the  same 
was  committed,  as  the  case  may  be)  and  I  the  said  J.  P.  ad- 
judge the   said  A.  0.  for  his  said  offence  to  be  imprisoned  in  the 

(or  to  be  iiiipiisoned  in  the 
and  there  kept  to  hard  labour),  for  the  space  of 
30 (or,   I  adjudge  the  said  A.  O.  for  his  said  offence  to  forfeit  and 
pay  (here  state  the  penalty  actually 

imposed,  or  state  the  penalty  and  also  the  amount  of  ihe  inju- 
ry done,  as  the  case  may  be,)  and  also  to  pay  the  sum  of 

for  costs,  and  in  default  of  immediate  pay- 



4  &  5  Vic. 

mcnt  of  the  said  sums,  to  be  imprisoned  in  tlie 
(07',  lo  be  imprisoned  in  the  and  there  kept 

to  liard  hibour)  lor  the  space  of  unless  the 

said  sums  shall  be  sooner  paid  ;  (or,  and  I  order  that  the  said 
sums  shall  be  paid  by  the  said  A.  0.  on  or  before  the  5 

ihy  of  and  I  direct   (liat  the 

said  sum  of  (?'.  c.  the  pcnaftij  only)  shall 

be  paid  to  mo  tlie  convicting  Justice,  ;md  that  !lie  said  sum  oC 

(i.  e.  the  sum  for  the  amount  of  the 
injury  done)  shall  be  paid  to  C.  D.   {the  party  a<jgricvcd^  10 
unless  he  is  iinhnown,  or  has  been  examined  in  proof  of  the 
offence,  in  which  case  state  that  fact  and  dispose  of  the  whole 
like  the  penally  as  before) ;  and  1  order  that  the  said  sum  of 

for  costs,  shall  be  paid  to 
(the  complainant.)  15 

Given  under  my  hand  and  seal  the  day  and  year  first  above 


li '''' 

XXXVIir.  And  bo  it  enacted,  that  in  all  cases  wlicre  the  sum 
adjudged  to  be  paid  on  any  summary  ccmviction  shall  exceed  fivo 
pounds,  or  the  imprisonment  adjudged  shall  exceed  one  calendar  CO 
month,  or  the  conviction  shall  take  place  before  one  Justice  only, 
any  person  wlio  shall  tiiink  himself  aggrieved  by  any  such  con- 
viction, may  appeal  to  the  next  Court  of  General  or  Quarter 
Sessions,  which  shall  ho  holden  not  less  than  twelve  days  after 
tlie  day  of  such  conviction  for  the  District,  Inferior  District,  25 
County  or  Place  wherein  the  cause  of  complaint  shall  have 
arisen  ;  provided  that  such  person  shall  give  to  t!ie  complainant 
a  notice  in  writing  of  such  appeal,  and  of  the  cause  and  matter 
thereof  within  three  days  after  such  conviction,  and  seven  clear 
days  at  the  least  before  such  Sessions,  and  shall  also  either  remain  30 
in  custody  until  the  Sessions,  or  enter  into  a  recognizance,  with 
two  suflicient  sureties  before  a  Justice  of  the  Pence,  conditioned 
personally  to  appear  at  the  said  Sessions,  and  to  try  such  appeal 
and  to  abide  the  judgment  of  the  Court  thereupon,  and  to  pay 


5  Vic. 

e  kept 

2SS  iho 
e  said 

lat  l!ie 

)  sliall 

Slim  of 

of  the. 

'icvcd,  10 
of  the 

sum  of 

v>uap.  26. 





ic  sum 
c(l  livn 
e  only, 
h  con- 
s  after 
istrict,  25 

1  clear 
,  with 
to  pay 

such  costs  as  shall  be  by  the  Court  awarded  ;  and  upon  such 
notice  being  given,  and  "uch  recognizance  being  entered  into, 
tlie  Justice  before  whom  the  same  shall  be  entered  into,  shall 
liberate  such  person  if  in  custody  ;  and  the  Court  at  such  Scs- 
5  sions  shall  hear  and  determine  the  matter  of  the  appeal,  and  shall 
make  such  order  therein  with  or  without  costs  to  either  party,  as 
tf)  the  Court  shall  seem  meet  •  and  in  case  of  the  dismissal  of  the 
appeal  or  the  aiiirmance  of  the  conviction,  sliall  order  and 
adjudge  the  oirender  to  be  punished  according  to  the  conviction  ; 
10  and  to  pay  such  costs  as  shall  bo  awarded,  and  shall,  if  necessary 
issue  process  for  enforcing  such  judgment. 

XXXIX.  And  bo  it  enacted,  that  every  Justice  of  the  Peace,      Conyidkms 
II'  1  1     n     I  ■   ,     ^       c  ^  !o  1)0  iT(i:mf(l 

beiore    wliom  any  person   shall    bo    convicted    ot    any    olli;nco  (o  the  Quarter 

against  this  Act,  shall  transmit  the  conviclion  to  the  next  Court  '-^''-'loJis- 
15 of  General  or  Quarter  Sessions  v/hich  siuill  bo  holden  for  the 
District  or  Inferior  District,  County  or  Place,  wherein  the  olTonco 
shall  have  been  committed,  there  to  be  kept  by  the  proper  Olficer 
among  the  records  of  the  Court  ;  and  upon  any  indictment  or 
information  against  any  jicrson  for  a  sub'sequent  offence,,  a  copy 
GOofsucli  conviction,  certified  by  the  [jroper  OlFicer  of  (he  Court,  or 
proved  to  be  a  true  copy,   shiill   be  sulhcient  evidence  to  prove  a    Ilowfir  cvi- 
conviction  for  the  former  ollence,  and  the  conviction   shall   be  I"'^"  ,"!   *"" 
presumed  to  have  been  unappealcd  against  until  the  contrary  be 

25     XL.  And  for  the  protection  of  persons  acting  in  the  execution    Limitntion  of 
of  this  Act;  be  it  enacted,  that  all  actions  and   prosecutions  <"  ,i'4;!innvo,.,f(^i^ 

be  commenced  aoainst  any  person  foranv  thin"- done  in  pursuance  iii;i'"iiJcrtlua 

,  '  .  .       Act, 

of  this  Act,  shall  be  laiil  and  tried  in  the  District  or  Inferior  * 

District  where  the  fact  was  committed,  and  shall  be  commenced  , 

*^ within  six  calenchir  months  after  the  fact  committed,  and  not 

otherwise  ;  and  notice,  in  writing,  (»f  such  action,  and  of  the  cause     Notice    of 

thereof  shall  be  ijiven  to  the  defen(hint   one  calendar  mimth  at 

least  before  the  commencement  of  the  action  ;  :;ri;i  in  any  such 

action  the  defendant  may  plead  the  general  issue,  and  give  this  General  Lsblb. 




4  &  5  Vic. 

Fiiicp,  Sic.  to 
lir  in  current 

Act  and  the  special  matter  in  evidence  at  any  trial  to  be  liad 
thereupon  ;  and  no  phuntilV  shall  recover  in  any  such  action  if 
tender  of  sufficient  amends  shall  have  been  made  before  such 
action  brought,  or  if  a  sufficient  sum  of  money  shall  have 
been  paid  into  Court  after  such  actit)n  brought  by  or  on  behalf  of  ;' 
the  defendant ;  and  if  a  verdict  shall  pass  for  the  defendant,  or 
the  plaintiff  shall  become  non-suit,  or  discontinue  any  such  action 
after  issue  joined,  or  if,  upon  demurrer  or  otherwise,  judgment 
shall  be  given  against  the  plaintiif,  the  defemlant  shall  recover 
his  full  costs  as  between  Attorney  and  Client,  and  have  the  like  i(> 
remedy  for  the  same,  as  any  defendant  hath  by  Law  in  other 
cases ;  and  though  a  verdict  shall  be  given  for  the  plaintilf  in 
any  such  action,  sucli  plaintiff  shall  not  have  costs  against  the 
defendant,  unless  the  Judge  before  whom  the  trial  shall  be,  shall 
certify  his  approbation  of  the  action,  and  of  the  verdict  obtained  15 




XLI.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  all  fines,  forfeitures  and  penal- 
ties imposed  by  this  Act,  and  all  sums  expressed  as  the  value  of 
any  Goods,  Chattels,  or  other  Property  herein  mentioned,  shall 
be  deemed  and  taken  to  be  current  monev  of  this  Province.         20 



Pro  vis  J, 

XLII.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  all  Acts  or  parts  of  Acts,  or 
Provisions  of  Law  in  force  in  this  Province  or  any  part  thereof, 
immediately  before  the  time  when  this  Act  shall  come  into  force, 
•which  shall  bo  inconsistent  with  or  contradictory  to  this  Act,  or 
which  make  any  provision  in  any  matter  provided  for  by  this 25 
Act,  other  than  such  as  is  hereby  made  in  such  matter,  shall 
from  and  after  the  time  when  this  Act  shall  come  into  force,  be 
and  they  are  hereby  repealed,  except  in  so  far  as  may  relate  to 
any  oflence  committed  before  the  said  time,  which  shall  be  dealt 
with  and  punished  as  if  this  Act  had  not  Iveen  passed,  20 

5  Vic. 

CI  111  p.  27» 



)e  bad 
tioii  if 
i  sugIi 
half  of  '> 
xnt,  or 
le  like  i(> 
I  other 
ntilf  in 
nst  the 
?,  shall 
stained  15 

ilue  of 
,  shall 
3.  20 

cts,  or 
Let,  or 
)y  this 25 
,  shall 
ce,  be 
late  to 
2  dealt 


CAP.    XXVil. 

An  Act  for  consolidating^  Jind  amending  tlie  Statutes 
in  this  Province  relative  to  offences  against  the 


[ISih  September,  \Sn.] 

"'■TMTHEREaS  it  is  expedient  to  amend  and  consolidate  the     Prcambk 

provisions  contained  in  various  Statutes  now  in  force  in  this 
Province,  relative  to  olR'Hces  against  the  person  ;  Be  it  therefore 
enacted  by  Uie   Queen's  Most  Excellent  Majesty,  by  and  with 

5the  advice  and  consent  of  the  Legislative  Council  and  of  the 
Legislative  Assembly  of  the  Province  of  Canada,  constituted  and 
assembled  by  virtue  of  and  under  the  authority  of  an  Act  passed 
in  the  Parliament  of  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and 
Ireland,  intituled  An  Act  to  Re-unite  the  Provinces  of   Upper 

10  and  Lower  Canada,  and  for  the  Government  of  Canada,  and 
it  is  hereby  enacted  by  the  authority  of  the  same,  that  this  Act 
shall  commence  and  take  effect  from  and  after  the  first  day 
of  January,  one  thousand  eight  hundred  and  forty-two. 

II.  And  be  it   enacted,   that  every  offence,  which  before  the  n^p^t'""Ttli 
?5  commencement  of  diis  Act  would  have  amounted  to  Petit  Treason,  Act. 
shall  be  deemed  to  be  Murder  only,  and  no  greater  offence  ;  and  to  be  treated  in 



all   persons    guilty  in  respect  thereof,    whether   as   principals  *^|  r^Fcts  as 
or  as  accessories,  shall  be  dealt  with,  indicted,  tried,  and  punished 
as  principals  and  accessories  in  Murder. 

20      III.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  every  person  convicted  of  Murder,     Punishment 
orofbeinjvan  acccssorv  before  the  fact  to  Murder,  shall  suffer  *^^  ,1'""^*'^^^^ 

--'  «  '  and    accosso- 

deatli  as  a  Felon  ;  and  every  accessory  after  the  fact  to  Murder,  ries  inMurdur. 
shall  be  liable,  at  the  discretion  of  the  Court,  to  be  imprisoned 
at  hard  labour  in  the  Provincial  Penitentiary  for  the  term  of  his 
25  natural  life,  or  for  any  term  not  less  than  seven  years,*  or  to  be 

*  But  sec  G  V.  c.  5. 



4  &  5  Vic. 

imprisoned  in  any  other  prison  or  place  of  confinement  fur  any 
term  not  exceeding  two  yenrs. 

Scntpneo  in      IV.  And  be  it  enacted,  tluit  from  nnd  after  tlio  passing  of  lliis 
(icr.  "      ^^'' Act,  sentence  of  Death  may  bo  pronounced  after  convictions  for 

Murder,  in  the  sanio  manner,  and  tiie  Court  before  which  the  r> 
conviction  may  be  had  shall  have  the  same  power  in  all  respects 
as  after  convictions  for  other  capital  oliences. 

Prison  ro-        V.  And  bo  it  enacted,  that  every  person  convicted  of  Murder, 
;n)!;Uiou3  ay  to    ,     ,,       «        .     ,  ,  ^        i  '•  /•       i  ■  i  •        i 

Munl('re!-.sun. '^ball,  alter  judgment,  be  cordined  in  some  sale  place  williin  the 

•Jcr  soul  once.    Prison,  apart  from  all  other  prisoners,  and  shall   bo   fed    with  lo 

bread  and  water  ordy,  and  with  no  other  food  or  liquor,  except 

in  case  of  receiving  the  Sacrament,  or  in  case  of  any  sickness  or 

wound,  in  which  case  the  Surgecui  of  the  Prison  may  f)rdcr  oilier 

necessaries  to  be  administered  ;  and  no  person  but  the  Gaoler 

and  his  Servants,   and  the  Chaplain  and  Surgeon  oi  the  Prison,  i& 

shall  have  access  to  any  such  Convict,  without  the  permission,  in 

writing,  o(  the  Court  or  Judge  before  whom  such  Convict  shall 

have  been  tried,  or  of  the  Sherilfor  his  Deputy. 

Provision  for      VI.  And  bs  it  enacted,  that  where  any  person,  being  fcloni- 
Mnnlcr  and    onsly  stricken,  poisoned,  or  otherwise  hurt  upon  the  sea,  or  at-jo 
Mansl;ui!>htci-  j^,,y  pjaco  out  of  this  Provinco,  shall  die  of  such  stroke,  poisonino-, 
death,  or  tho  or  hurt,  in  this  Province,  or  being  feloniously  stricken,  poisoned, 
on"vninp?ni  ^''  Otherwise  hurt  at  any  place  in  this  Province,  shall  die  of  such 
in    this    Pro- stroke,  poisonJDg,  or  hurt,  upon  the  sea,  or  at  any  place  out  of 
this  Province,  every  olTenco  committed  in   respect  of  any  such  05 
case,  whether  the  same  shall  amount  to  the  olfence  of  Murder  or 
of  Manslaughter,  or  of  being  accessory  before  the  fact  to  Murder, 
or  after  tho  fact  to  Murder,  or  Manslaughter,  may  be  dealt  with, 
enquired    of,  tried,   determined,  and  punished  in   the    District, 
County,  or  Place  in  this  Province,  in  which  such  death,  stroke,  30 
poisoning,  or  hurt  shall  happen,   in  tho   same   manner,   in  all 
respects,  as  if  such  offence  had  been  wholly  committed  in  such 
District,  County  or  Place. 

i  L. 

5  Vic. 

Di-  anv 

of  lliis 
ons  fi)r 
cl»  tlie  & 


lin  tlie 
1  with  10 
ness  or 
r  other 
Prison,  i& 
sion,  in 
ct  sltall 

,  or  at-io 



oi'  isueli 

out  of 

rder  or 
t  will], 
stroke,  30 
in  all 
n  such 

Clrap.  27. 



VII.  And  bo  it  enacted,  that  cverv  person  convicted  of  Man-  I'linihiitunit 
slaughter,  shall  he  liable,  at  the  discretion  of  iho  Court,  to  he  «J^^'""^'''"Ji»'- 
iniprisoned  ai  hard  labour  in  the  Provincial  Penitentiary  for  the 

term  of  his  natural  life,  or  for  any  term  not  less  than  seven  years,* 
5 or  to  bo  imprisoned  in  any  other  prison  or  place  of  confinement 
for  any  term  not  exceeding  two  years,  or  to  pay  such  line  as  the 
Couit  shall  award. 

VIII.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  enacted,  that  no  punishment  AHtoTtomi- 
or  forfeiture  shall  be  incurred  by  any   person    who   shall    kill  [oy^ 

10  another   by  misfortune  or  in  his  own  defence,  or  in  any  other 
manner  without  Felony. 

IX.  And  bn  it  enacted,  that  whosoever  shall  administer  or     runihlimfrit 

,  .for  adniiiiistcr- 

causo  to  be  taken  by  any  person,  any  Poison  or  otiier  destructive  injr  p„iron.Ovc. 
thing,  or  shall  stab,  cut  or  wound  any  person,  or  sh;ill  by  any  ,?on!l„"t''' ','',':•* 
15  means  whatsoever  cause  to  any   person  any  bodily  injury,  dan- *it'r. 
gerous  to  life,  witli  intent,    in  any  of  the   cases   aforesaid,   to 
commit  Murder,  shall  be  guilty  of  Felony,  and  being  convicted 
thereof  shall  sulfer  death. 

X.  And  be  it  vUacted,  that  whosoever  shall  attempt  to  admi-  ^  Punislmior.t 

.  for      ofloiict'K 

'jiinistcr  to  any  person  any  roison  or  other  destructive  tiling,  or  with  intptit  to 
shall  shoot  at  any  person,  or  shall  by  drawing  a  trigger  or  in  any  /['''""hon^h^o 
other  manner,  attempt  to  discharge  any  kind  of  loaded  arms  at  i'ljuryriToctiii. 
any  person,  or  shall  attempt  to  drown,  suffocate,  or  strangle  any 
person,  with  intent  in  any  of  the  cases  aforesaid  to  commit  the 

25crime  of  murder,  shall,  allliough  no  bodily  injury  shall  be  eflfected, 
be  guilty  of  Felony,  and  being  convicted  thereof,  shall  be  liable, 
at  the  discretion  of  the  Court,  to  be  imprisoned  at  hard  labour  in 
the  Provincial  Penitentiary  for  the  term  of  his  natural  life,  or  for 
anv  term  not  less  than  seven  years,*  or  to  be  imprisoned  in  any 

soother  Prison  or  place  of  confinement  for  any  term  not  exceeding 
two  years. 

XI.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  whosoever  unlawfully  and  mali.     Punishmn.t 

, for  cuUinj;  ai. ; 

♦  But  sec  G  Vic.  c.  5. 



4  &  5  Vic. 

mnimitiir  with  clously  shall  slioot  at  any  person,  or  slmll,  by  tlnvwino-  a  tritr,!j;or 
Sun-.  *"  '^'^  ^^^  '"  ^^y  ^^^^^^  naanner,  jittempl  to  disclinr^o  any  kind  of  loaded 
arms  at  any  person,  or  shall  stab,  cut  or  wound  any  person,  with 
intent  in  any  of  the  cases  aforesaid  to  maim,  disligure,  or  disable 
such  person,  or  to  do  some  other  grievous  bodily  harm  to  such  5 
person,  or  with  intent  to  resist  or  prevent  the  lawful  apprehension 
or  detainer  of  any  person,  shall  bo  guilty  ofB'elony,  and  being 
convicted  thereof,  shall  be  liable,  at  the  discretion  of  the  Court, 
to  bo  imprisoned  at  hard  labour  in  the  Provincial  Penitentiary 
for  the  term  of  his  natural  life,  or  for  any  term  not  less  than  seven  lo 
years,*  or  to  be  imprisoned  in  any  other  prison  or  place  of  con- 
finement for  any  term  not  exceeding  two  years. 

I'unishmcnt      ^H.  And  bc  it  cnacted,  that  wliosoever  shall  unlawfully  and 
fiTRendinirox-  maliciouslv  send  or  deliver  to,  or  cause  to  bc  taken,  or  received 

filosivc       sub-  •■  '  ' 

stances    or     by  any  person,  any  Explosive  Substance,  or  any  other  dangerous  15 

throwing  dcs-     '  •  ^  .  i     n  .  i  .i  •  ■ 

tructive  niattcr  ^^  noxious  thing,  or  shall  cast  or  tbrow  upon  or  otherwise  apply 

with  intent  to  to  any  person,  any  Corrosive  Fluid,  or  other  destructive  matter, 
Oi>  bodily  harm.      .,..•'-,  ^,  •         t    ^ 

witii  intent  m  any  of  the  cases  aforesaid,  to  burn,  maim,  disfigure, 

or  disable  any  person,  or  to  do  some  other  grievous  bodily  harm 
to  any  person,  and  whereby  in  any  of  the  cases  aforesaid  aiiyii* 
person  shall  be  burnt,  maimed,  disfigured  or  disabled,  or  receive 
some  other  grievous  bodily  harm,  shall  be  guilty  of  Felonv,  and 
being  convicted  thereof  shall  be  liable,  at  the  discretir.n  cftlie 
Court,  to  be  imprisoned  at  hard  labour  in  the  Provincial  Peni- 
tentiary for  the  term  of  his  natural  life,  or  for  any  term  not  less'.25 
than  seven  years,*  or  to  be  imprisoned  in  any  other  prison  or  place 
of  confinement  for  any  term  not  exceeding  two  years. 

f/'tryilrTo      ^^^^-  ^"'^   ^^  '*  enacted,    that   whosoever,   with    intent  to 
pronirc  Abor- procure  the  Miscarriage  of  any  woman,  shall   unlawfully  admi- 
nister to  her,  or  cause  to  be  taken  by  her,  any  poison  or  other  tjo 
noxious  thing,  or  shall  unlawfully  use  any  instrument  or  other 
means  whatsoever  with  the  like  intent,  shall  be  guilty  of  Felony, 


♦  But  see  6  V.  c.  5. 

5  Vic. 

n,  with 
;o  such  0 
il  beinp; 

n  seven  lu 
of"  con- 

lly  and 
[igerous  15 
D  apply 
y  liarm 
id  any  20 
^',  and 
I  Peni- 
lot  less-.') 
r  place 

cnt  to 


otlier  :jo 
■  other 

Chap.  27. 



and  heini:;  convicted  thereof  shall  ho  liable,  at  the  discretion  of 
the  Court,  to  be  imprisoned  at  hard  labour  in  the  Provincial 
Penitentiary  for  the  term  of  his  natural  life,  or  for  any  term  not 
less  than  seven  years,*  or  to  be  i!npris(med  in  any  other  prison  or 
r,  [)hice  of  coniinement  for  any  term  not  exceeding  two  years. 

XIV.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  woman  shall  be  delivered 
i>f  a  child,  and  shall,  by  secret  burying  or  otherwise  disposing  of 
the  dead  body  of  the  said  child,  endeavour  to  conceal  the  birth 
thereof,  every  such  odbnder  shall  be  guilty  of  a  Misdemeanor, 

lOand  being  convicted  thereof,  shall  be  liable  to  be  imprisoned  for 
any  term  not  exceeding  two  years  ;  and  it  shall  not  be  necessary 
to  prove  whether  the  child  died  before,  at,  or  after  its  birth  : 
Proviiied  always,  that  if  any  woman,  tried  for  the  murder  of  her 
child  shall  he  acquitted  thereof,  it  shall  be  lawful  for  the  jury,  by 

15  whose  verdict  she  shall  be  acquitted,  to  find,  in  case  it  shall  so 
appear  in  evidence,  that  she  was  delivered  of  a  child,  and  that  she 
did,  by  secret  burying  or  otherwise  disposing  of  the  dead  body  of 
such  child,  endeavour  to  conceal  the  birth  thereof,  and  thereupon 
the  Court  may  pass  such  sentence  as  if  she  had  been  convicted 

20  upon  an  indictment  for  tlie  concealment  of  the  birth. 

XV.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  every  pers(/n  convicted  of  the 
abominable  crime  of  Buggery,  committed  either  with  mankind 
or  with  any  animal,  shall  suffer  death  as  a  Felon. 

XVI.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  evciy  person  convicted  of  the 
25cri/ne  of  Rape,  shail  sulfur  death  as  a  Felon. 

XV^Il.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  unlawfully 
and  carnally  know  and  abu^e  any  Girl  under  the  age  of  ten 
vears,  every  such  olfender  shall  be  guilty  of  Felony,  and  being 
convicted  thereof,  shall  su'Ter  death  as  a  Felon  ;  and  if  any 
50  person  shall  unlawfully  and  carnally  know  and  abuse  any  Girl, 
being  above  the  age  of  ten  years  and  under  tlie   age  of  twelve 

*  But  see  G  Vic.  c.  5. 

A  womriri 
srercting  tlic 
(Ii'ikI  Ixidy  (if  I'liild,  ((> 
of  its  Mrtli, 
jjuilly  of  (iiitt- 
(l(  iiicaiior. 




Carnal  know- 
Icd(^c  of  a  jiirl 
under  10  ;  llio 
like  of  a  <;irl 
above  10  and 
belcw  1-2. 




4  Si  5  Vic. 


What  hIiiiII 
be  siillii'irnl 
Kiiowlc.ltrc  il) 
till'   linir    |»ie- 

Forciblo  Ab- 
fluctit)!!  of  a 
\V'o:niv;i  on  of- 
r.uKit  of  licr 
fortiin;'  willi 
iiitcni,  to  i;;iii- 
ry  her,  cVc. 

yonrs,  every  surli  olVnuIcr  shall  be  guilty  of  a  Mistlumeanor,  and 
heiiitf  convicted  iliercinf,  jsjiali  lie  liable  to  be  imprisoned  for  such 
term  as  the  Court  shall  award.* 

XVIII.  And  wlu^reas  upon  trials  for  the  crime  of  Buirgery, 
and  of  Ila[)e,  and  of  carnally  abusinj;-  Girls  utulor  the  respective  5 
ages  liertMidjeJiiro  monlioned,  otlenders  frequently  escape  by 
reason  of  the  dlHiculty  of  the  pr^)of  which  has  been  required  of 
the  completion  of  ih  )so  several  crimes  ;  for  remedy  thereof,  be  it 
enacted,  that  it  shall  not  he  necessary,  in  any  »)f  those  cases, 
to  prove  the  actual  emission  of  seed  in  order  to  constitute  a  i(i 
carnal  knowledge,  but  that  the  carnal  luu)wledge  shall  be  deemed 
complete  upon  proof  of  penetration  only. 

XIX.  And  bo  it  en:u;ted,  that  where  any  woman  shall  have 
nnv  interest,  wliellier  legal  or  ccjuitable,  present  or  futin-e,  abso- 
lute, conditional,  or  contingent,  in  any  real  <ir  personal  estate,  orifi 
she.ll  bean  heiress  presumptive  or  next  of  Uin  to  anyone  having 
such  interest,  if  any  person  shall,  from  motives  of  lucre,  take 
awav  or  detain  such  woman  against  her  will,  with  intent  to 
marry  or  (iefilo  her,  or  to  cause  her  to  be  married  or  defiled  bv 
any  other  person,  every  such  offender  and  every  person  counsel- 20 
ling,  aiding  or  abetting  such  ollender,  sjuiil  be  guilty  of  Felony, 
and  being  convicted  thereof,  shall  bo  liable  to  be  imprisoned  at 
bard  labour  in  liie  Provincial  Penitentiary,  for  any  term  not 
less  tl'.an  seven  years, f  or  to  be  imprisoned  in  an}'  otiier prison  or 
place  of  confinement  i'or  any  term  not  exceeding  two  years.  •:.■) 

Unlawful  Ab- 
duotioa    of    a 
tiirl  from  her 
liaroiits    or 

XX.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  unlawfuHv 
take,  or  cause  to  bj  taken,  any  unmarried  girl,  being  under  tli:; 
age  of  sixteen  years,  out  of  the  possession  and  against  the  will 
of  her  father  or  miither,  or  of  any  other  person  having  the  lawful 
care  or  chartre  of  her,  everv  such  ofiender  shall  be  jjuiltv  of  an,) 
Misdemeanor,  and   being   convicted   thereof,  shall  be   liable  to 

*  Sfc  (i  V.  c.  f).  3  3.  in  cases  wlicrc  tho  term  awarded  cxcords  two  years. 
+  JJutBecO  V.  c.  5. 

Si  5  Vic. 

C(iai).  27. 

or   CANADA. 


\nor,  nnd 
1  for  such 


cspoclivo  5 
jcapo  by 
(juircil  of 
eof,  be  it 
•so  casos, 
St  it  II  lu    a  10 

0  d'jfcriicd 

ball  linvc 
lire,  absii- 
ostalo,  or  If) 
lie  liaving 
icre,  talco 
intent  ti» 
(lolilod  by 

1  counsel- 20 

isoned  at 
term  not 
prison  or 
MS.  •::) 

under  tlc) 
t  Ibe  will 

c  lawful 
nilty  of  a  30 

liable   to 

sutler  siicli  puni.sbment,  b)  Cum  tir  iin[»risonmciit,*  or  by  botli,  as 
tlu;  Court  shall  award. 

XXI.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  rnalieiously,  (^•lJil^|s^oa!in;^ 
either  by  force  or  fraud,  lead  or  lake  away,  or  deeoy,  or 
0 entice  away  or  detain,  any  child  under  the  a^;o  of  ten  years, 
with  intent  to  depiive  the  parent  or  |-arciits,  or  any  other  person 
having  the  lawful  care  or  charge  of  such  child,  of  the  posse^situi 
of  such  child,  or  with  intent  to  ^teal  any  article  upon  or  about 
the  person   of    such   child,     to   whomsoever    such   article    may 

lobehuig  ;  or  if  any  person  shall,  with  any  such  intent  as  aforesaid, 
receive  or  harbour  any  such  child,  knowing  the  ^ame  to  have 
been,  by  force  or  fraud,  led,  taken,  decoyed,  enticed  away  or 
dtitained  as  hereinbefore  mentioned  ;  every  such  oH't-nder,  and 
every  person  counselling,  aiding  or  abetting  such  ofiender,  shall 

libu  guilty  of  Febuiy,  and  being  convicted  thereof,  shall  he  lialde 
to  bo  imprisoned  at  hard  labour  in  the  Provincial  Penitentiary  for 
any  term  iu)t  less  than  seven  years,]  or  to  b,;  imprisoned  in  any 
other  Prison  or  place  of  confinement,  for  any  loini  not  exceed- 
ing two  years:   Provided  alwa}s,  that  no  person  who  shall  have    Not  (..oxfryNl 

ooclaimed  to  be  the  father  of  an  ill  >gilimate  child,  or  to  have  any  Sj!,/ihl\7ii!o.Ir- 
riglit   to   the   po   .ession   of  such    child,   shall    be    liable   to    be  i'""'to    cl;ii- 
prosecuted  by  virtue  hereof,  on  account  of  his  getting  possession 
of  such  child,  or  taking  such  child  out  of  the  possession  of  the 
mother,  or  any  other  person  having  the  lawful  charge  thereof. 

2.;     XXlf.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person,  being  married,     Biramy. 
f.iuili    marry  any   other   person   during   tiic    life  of  the    former 
husband  or  wile,  whether  tbe  second  marriage  shall  have  taken 
place  in  this   Province  or  elsewhere,  every  such  ollender,  and  '• 

every  person   counselling,  aiding  or  abetting  such  olFender  shall 

30be  guilty  of  Felony,  and  bc'ng  convicted  thereof,  shall  be  liable 
to  be  imprisoned  at  hard  labour  in  the  Provincial  Penitentiary 
for  any  term  not  less  tlian  seven  years,f  or  to   be  imprisoned  in 


*  See  G  V.  c  5.  s.  'A.  in  case:*  where  the  term  awarded  exceeds  two  years, 
t  But  see  G  V.  c.  5, 



4&  5 


•S  'I'fili 


any  other  Prison  or  place  of  conlincmcnt  for  iiny  torm  not 
Plaoo  of  trial,  oxcooding  t  WO  years  ;  and  any  such  olTencc  may  be  dealt  with, 
enquired  of,  tried,  determined,  and  punished  in  the  District  or 
County  where  the  olFcpder  shall  be  apprehended  or  he  in  custody, 
as  if  the  oifence  iiad  b^-'cn  actually  committed  in  that  District  5 
Excpptioiifi,  ^^^  County:  Provided  ul  vavs,  that  nothing  herein  v^ontained 
shall  extend  to  any  second  marriage  contracted  out  of  this 
Province,  by  any  other  than  a  Subject  of  Her  Majesty,  resident  in 
this  Province,  and  leaving  the  same  with  intent  to  commit  the 
ofFence,  or  to  any  person  marrying  a  second  time,  whose  husband  or  lo 
wife  shall  have  been  continually  absent  from  such  person  for  the 
space  of  seven  years  then  last  past,  and  shall  not  have  been 
known  by  such  person  to  be  living  within  that  time  ;  or  shall 
extend  to  any  person,  who,  at  the  time  of  such  second  marriage, 
shall  have  been  divorced  from  the  bond  of  the  first  njarriage  ;  or  li; 
to  any  person,  whose  former  marriage  shall  have  been  declared 
void  by  the  sentence  of  any  Court  of  competent  jurisdiction. 

Arrcstinjr  a  XXIII.  And  he  it  enacted,  that  it  anv  person  shall  arrest  any 
during  divine  Clergyman  or  Minister  ot  the  Gospel,  upon  any  civil  process, 
service,  while  he  shall  be  performing  divine  service,  or  shall,  with  the  20 

knowledge  of  such  person,  be  going  to  perform  the  same,  or 
returning  from  tlie  performance  thereof,  every  such  otlender  shall 
be  guilty  of  a  Misdemeanor  ;  and  boinj^  convicted  thereof,  shall 
sulTer  such  punishment,  by  fine  or  imprisonment,*  or  by  both,  as 
the  Court  sliall  award.  jj 

ranishmpnt  XXIV.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  assault 
OM'nvTs  &(•""  ^"^^   strike   or  wound   any  Magistrate,   OlTicer,  or  other  person 

f'"*-'i'^''«^"''""-- whatsoever,  law i'ullv  authorized,   on  account  of  the   exercise   of 
vours  to  save  .  •  .  .  „  ,    . 

Milpwrockid     his  duty   in   or  concerning    the   preservation  ol   any   vessel    in 

j)roi)ei-ty.         distress,  or  of  any  vessel,  goods,  or  elfects  wrecked,  stranded,  or^o 
cast  on  shore,  or  lying  under  water,  every  such  oflTonder,  being 
convicted  thereof,  shall  be  liable  to  bo  imprisoned  at  hard  labour 

*  Sec  G  V.  c.  5.  s.  3,  in  cases  where  tlic  term  awariloit  oxcpt-tls  two  j'cars. 

&  5  Vic. 

Chap.  27. 

or  CANAp-A. 



term  not 
'iilt  will), 
)istrict  or 
I  ci'.stoily, 
:  District  5 

of  this 
esitliiiit  in 
)mmit  the 
ushand  or  lo 
on  for  the 
ave  been 

or  shall 
riage  ;  or  IC 
1  declared 

irrcst  any 

I  proccf^s, 
with  the  20 
same,   or 
nder  shall 
uof^  shiill 

V  b()tli,  as 

II  asr;aii1t 
or  person 
^ercise  ot' 
vessel  in 
•anded,  or;y 
ler,  heing 
ird  labour 


in  the  Provincial  Penitentiary  fhr  any  term  not  less  than  seven 
years,*  or  to  be  imprisoned  in  any  other  I'rison  or  place  of  con- 
jin(  .iicnt  for  any  term  not  exceeding  tvvo  years. 

XX r.   And  bo  it  crvacted,    that   where   Jir/  person  shall    br 

5charged  witii  and   convicted  of  any  of   the  loI.i<)wii*g  ollences  as 

Misdemeanors  ;  that  is  to  any :  of  any  assault  wifh  intent  to  commit 

Felony  ;   of  any  assault  upon    any  Peace   Oirteer    or  Revenue 

Odicer  in   the   due   execution  of  his  duty,    or  upon  um  person 

a(,ting  in  aid    of  sucli  ollicor ;   of  i'.ny  assault  up(^  any  person 

lowiiii   intent    to  resist  or   prevent   the    lawful    apprehension   or 

detainer  of  the  party  so  assaulting,   or   of  any  o^'jer  person,  for 

any  olfonce   for  wlfn  !i  he  or   they  may  be  liable  ny  law  to  be 

apprehended    or   detained ;    or  of  any  assault    co?^nmitted    in 

pursuance  of  any  conspiracy  to  raise  the  rate  of  wagt'>  :   in  any 

15 such  ctase,  the  Court  may  sentence  the  olfender  to  he  imprisoned 

for  any  term  not  exceeding  two  years,  and  may  also  (if  it  shall 

so  think  fit)  fine  the  ollender,  and  require  him  to  find  sureties  for 

keeping  the  peace. f 

XXVI.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall,  imlawfully 

20 and  with  force,  hinder  any  Seaman  from  working  at  or  exercising 

Ins  lawful  trade,  business  or  occupation,  or  shall  beat,  wound,  or 

use  any  other  violence  to  him,  with  intent  to  deter  or   hinder 

him  from  working  r.t  or  exercising  the  same  ;   or   if  any  person 

shall  beat,  v/ound,  or  use  any  othei  violence  to  any  person,  with 

2:) intent  to  deter  or  hinder  him  from  selling  or  buying  any  wheat 

or  other  grain,  Hour,  meal  or  malt,  in  any  market  or  other  place, 

or  shall  beat,  wound,  or  use  any  other  violence  to  anv  person 

having  the  care  or  charge   of  any  wheat  or  other  grain,  flour, 

meal,  or  malt,  whilst  on  its  way  to  or  from  any  city,  market-town, 

30or  other  place,  with  intent  to  stop  the  conveyance   of  the   same, 

every  such  ofiender  may  be  convicted  Ihorcof  before  two  Justices 

of  the   Peace,  and  imprisoned  and  kept  to  hard  labour  in  the 

Assraills  with 
inlciit  til  com- 
mit  ffli)iij  ; 
;i  ■•faults     on 
Peace  (Jlliccrs; 
or   to    prevent 
t\w    iirrcHt    of 
oflVnilers  ;    or 
in     pursuiiuce 
torais(!  vvagcH; 
with  hard  la- 

As~aniton  any 
Souiiian,  &c. 
to  prevent  liim 
from  workinjr; 
aHi'iults  with 
intent  lo  ob- 
struct thcYuiy- 
insx  or  scllinn 
of  Grain,  or  its 
freo  [jassaijr  ; 
jjunisliablo  !)c- 
fiire  two  Ma- 
gistrates, widi 
not  exceeding 
'lu-ec  nionthtj. 

♦  tUit  see  f)  V.  c.  5. 

t  But  see  G  Vic.  c.  5.  s.  5.  as  to  assaults  with  intent  to  Rape  or  Buggery, 



4  &  5  Vic. 

Cummon  Gaol,  or  House  of  Correction,  for  anv  term  not  exceed- 
Provi.-4o.  in<v  threo  calendar  months  :  Provided  always,  that  no  per;^on, 
who  sliall  he  punished  lor  any  such  oirunt-e,  by  virtue  of  this 
provision,  shall  he  punished  for  the  same  oflence  by  virtue  of  any 
oilier  law  wliatsoever. 

Po-sons  c.Q'.v.- 
wiittin^f     any 

XXVIL  And  v.'licreas  it  is  expedient  that  n  summary  power 

coiimx.n    r.s-   of  punisliiii'j;  pLM'sons  for  common  asssults  and  hattories  siiould  be 

«auItorb-\;tery  -,    ,  ,  ,        ,.     .       .  ,         .      ,  .         ,        t»       • 

may  he  coin-  prov-ulecl  Under  the   limitations    horeinatter   mentioned  ;    Ee    it 

Mn<rtirln>  to  ^''^""c^oro  enacted,  that  vvhere  any  person  sliall  unlawftdly  assault 

pay  aiiu-  :'.!i,i  or  boat  auv  other  pcr,:ion,  it  shall  be  lawful  for  anv  Justice  of  the  ^0 
costs    not   ox-  „  "  1.^1  .  1   '  •        1  • 

couJin^r  i^j.  i  eacG,  upon  compiamt  01  the  party  affgnoved,  praying  him  to 
proceed  summarily  under  this  Act  to  hear  and  determine  such 
olTence  ;*  and  the  offender,  upon  conviction  thereof  before  liim, 
shall  forfeit  and  pay  such  fine  as  shall  cnpear  to  him  to  be  meet, 
not  exceeding  together  with  costs  (if  ordered)  the  sum  of  Five  li^ 

App!ic-;,;loii  of  pounds,  which  fine  sliall  bo  paid  to  the  Treasurer  of  the  Muni- 
ctpal  District  or  Place,  in  which  the  olfence  sliall  have  been 
committed,  and  make  part  of  the  funds  of  such  District,  or  if  the 
conviction  he  had  in  any  place  not  within  any  Municipal 
District,  thon  such  fiue  shall  be  paid  o\'cr  to  such  Officer,  and  be  20 
applicable  to  such  purposes  as  other  fines  and  penalties  by  law 
are  ;  and  the  cvulenco  of  any  inhabitant  of  the  P>Iunicipal 
District  shall  bo  admitted  in  proof  of  the  offence,  notwithstand- 
ing such  application  of  the  fine  incurred  thereby  ;  and  if  such 
Commitment  fine  as  shall  be  awarded  by  the  said  Justice,   together  with   the25 

ment.  '  "^  costs  (if  ordered)  shall  not  bo  paid,  immediately  after  the 
conviction,  or  vrithin  such  period  as  die  said  Justice  shall  at  the 
time  of  the  conviction  ap[)oint,  it  shall  be  lawful  for  him  to 
commit  the  oirendcr  to  the  Common  Gaol  or  House  of  Correction, 
there  to  be  imprisoned  for  any  term  not  exceeding  two  calendar  SO 
months,  unless  such  fine  and  costs  be  sooner  paid  ;  but  if  tho 
Justice,  upon  the  hearing  of  any  such  case  of  assault  or  battery 
shall   deem   the  offence    not  to  bo  proved,    or   shall  find   the 

♦  liiit  !!oo  tK(^  I'llcrtioji  Act  C  V.  c.  1,  as  to  I'.ssuults  within  a  certain  diiituace  of 
the  PcU  (Jurin<j  Elcclious. 

c  5  Vic. 

exceed - 

I  of  ihis 
le  of  iinv 


lioult!  bo 
;  Be  it 
7  asvsault 
:e  of  tlio  ^'0 
rr  hini  to 
ine  such 
"ore  liim, 
be  moel, 
of  Five  1!^ 
3  Muni- 
ve  been 
or  if  the 
•,  and  bo  20 

by  hiw 



if  such 

ith   the  25 

ftcr  the 

11  at  the 

him  to 



t  if  tho 


fmd   tho 

li.-ituuce  of 

Chap.  27. 



Ifthc  Maris- 
tra'co  (lisnii.ssc.T 
tlu!  (•(Hiiplaint, 
I'.p  h!iu!1  iiiako* 
out  a  c'ortifi- 
cato  to  that 

as^fault  or  battery  to  have  been  justified,  or  so  triflinj;  as 
not  to  merit  an\  punishment,  and  shall  accordingly  dismiss 
the  comphiint,  lie  shall  forthwith  make  out  a  cerlilicate 
under  his  hand,   stating-   tiio   fact  of  such  dismissal,   aiid  shall 

rMJeliver  such  certifK-alo  to  tho  party  against  whom  tlio  complaint 
was  pref(?rred  ;  and  if  such*  costs  shall  not  be  paid  immediately 
u|)on  dismissal,  or  within  such  period  us  such  Justice  shall,  at  the 
time  of  such  dismissal,  appoint,  it  shall  be  lawful  for  him  to  issue 
his  warrant  to  levy  the  am./.mt  of  such   costs   Vv'ithin   a   certain 

10 time  to  bii  in  the  said  warrant  expressed,  and  in  case  no  distress 
sudicient  to  satisfy  the  amount  of  such  warrant  shall  be  so 
fuund,  to  commit  the  party  by  whom  such  costs  shall  bo  so 
ordered  to  lie  pa'd,  as  aforesaid,  to  the  Common  Gaol  of  the 
District,  Cor.nty  or  Division,  where  such  oHenco  shall  be  alleged 

!j  to  have  been  comrrittod,  there  to  imprisoned  for  any  term  not 
exceetling  ten  days,  unless  such  costs  shall  be  soonci  paid. 

XXVIII.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  against  wdiora 
any  such  complaint  shall  have  been  preferred  for  any  common 
assault  or  battery,  shall  have  obtained  such  certificate  as  afore- 
-'  said,  or  having  been  convicted  shall  have  paid  the  whole  amount 
adjudged  to  be  paid  under  such  conviction,  or  shall  have  sutfered 
the  imprisonment  awarded  for  non-payment  thereof,  in  every 
such  case  he  shall  be  released  from  all  further  or  other  proceed- 
ings, civil  or  criminal,  for  the  same  cause.  ' 

25  XXIX.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  when  any  person  shall  be 
summarily  convicted  before  a  Justice  of  the  Peace  of  anv  ofi'enco 
against  tins  Act,  it  shall  be  lawful  for  such  Justice,  if  he  shall 
so  think  fit,  to  discharge  the  offender  from  his  conviction  up(,n 
his  making  such  satisfaction  to  the  party  aggrieved  for  damages 

20 and  costs,  or  either  of  them,  as  shall  be  ascertained  by  the  said 

XXX.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  enacted,  that  in  case  the  Whore Fo!cr,/ 

intended    M»- 

•  Sic. 

l:'v.\h  ecrtifi- 
crlt!  or  con- 
viction pliallbo 
a  liar  to  any 
otiur  procccd- 

:nny  (iiscliarjro 
ofli'ni^  r  on  his 
sa'isiyin!»  ag- 
grieved party. 




4  &  5  Vic. 

jc'istoto  not  lo  Justice  shall  fiiul  llie  Assault  and  Battery  complained  of  to  iiave 
?S  Uil%!v"e  ^^^^  accompanied  by  any  attempt  to  commit  Felony,  or  shall  be 
to  the  Tribu-  of  opinion  tliat  the  same  is,  from  any  other  circumstancea,  lit 
subject  for  a  prosecution  by  indictment,  bo  shall  abstain  from 
any  adjudication  thereupon,  and  shall  deal  with  the  case  in  all  -^ 
respects  in  the  same  manner  as  he  would  have  done  before  the 
passing  of  this  Act  :  Provided  also,  that  nothing  herein  contained 
shall  authorize  anv  Justice  of  the  Peace  to  hear  and  determine 
any  case  of  Assault  or  Battery,  in  which  any  question  shall  arise 
as  to  the  title  to  any  lands,  tenements  or  hereditaments,  or  any  lo 
interest  therein  or  accruing  therefrom,  or  as  to  any  bankruptcy 
or  insolvency,  or  any  execution  under  the  process  of  any  Court 
of  Justice. 

Punishment  XXXI.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  if  any  person  shall  wilfully 
DiviniVcrvia^  disturb,  interrupt,  or  disquiet  any  assemblage  of  persons  met  for  15 
religious  worship,  by  profane  discourse,  by  rude,  or  indecent 
behaviour,  or  by  making  a  noise,  either  witbin  the  place  of  wor- 
ship, or  so  near  it  as  to  disturb  the  order  or  solemnity  of  the 
meeting,  such  person  shall,  upon  conviction  thereof  before  any 
Justice  of  the  Peace,  on  the  oath  of  one  or  more  credible  witness 20 
or  witnesses,  forfeit  and  pay  such  a  sum  of  money,  not  exceeding 
Five  pounds,  as  the  said  Justice  shall  think  fit. 

F;nrs,  how 

XXXII.  And'be  it  enacted,  that  in  defiiult  of  payment  of  any 
fine  imposed  under  the  authority  of  this  Act,  on  a  summary  con- 
viction before  any  Justice  of  the  Peace,  together  with  tlie  costs  25 
attending  the  same,  within  the  period  specified  for  the  payment 
thereftf  at  the  time  of  conviction,  by  the  Justice  before  whom 
such  conviction  may  have  taken  place,  it  shall  and  may  be 
lawful  for  such  Justice,  to  issue  his  warrant  directed  to  any  Con- 
stable to  levy  til )  amount  of  such  fine  and  costs  within  a  certain  30 
time  to  be  in  the  said  warrant  specified,  and  in  case  no  distress 
suflicient  to  satisfy  the  amount  shall  be  found,  it  shall  and  may 
be  lawful  for  him  to  commit  the  offender  to  the  Common  Gaol  of 
the  Di.stiict  wherein  the  offence  was  committed,  for  any  term,  not 

&  5  Vic. 

f  to  liiive 
sliiill  be 
incea,  lit 
tain  from 
sG  in  all  '"^ 
eforc  the 
ball  arise 
i,  or  any  10 
nv  Court 

I  wilfully 
3  met  for  15 
3  of  wor- 
:y  of  the 
ifore  any 
e  witness  20 

it  of  anv 

:iary  con- 

tlic  costs  25 


re  whom 

may  be 

iiny  Con- 

a  certain  30 

0  distress 
and  may 

1  Gaol  of 
term  not 

Chap.  27. 



exceeding  one  month,  unless  the  fine  and  costs  shall  he  sooner 

XXXIII.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  any  person  who  shall  think  « 

,  .         ,^  .         1  ,  .     .  1      .  .  ,      Appeal  against 

nimseli  aggrieved  by  any  summary  conviction  or  decision  under  convictions  to 

5  this  Act,  as  aforesaid,  may  appeal  to  the  next  Court  of  General  '^^^^^'    ^'''' 
or  Quarter  Sessions,  which  shall  be  holden  not  less  than  twelve 
days  after  the  day  of  such  conviction  or  decision  for  the  District 
wherein   the  cause  of  complaint  shall  have  arisen  :  Provided 
always,  that  such  person  shall  give  to  the  other  party,  a  notice  in 

10  writing  of  such  appeal,  and  of  the  cause  and  matter  thereof, 
within  three  days  after  such  conviction  or  decision,  and  seven 
days  at  the  least  before  such  Sessions,  and  shall  also  either 
remain  in  custody  until  the  Sessions,  or  enter  into  a  recognizance 
with  two  sufficient  sureties  before  a  Justice  of  the  Peace,  condi- 

15  tioned  personally  to  appear  at  the  said  Sessions,  and  to  try  such 
appeal,  and  to  abide  the  juf'gment  of  the  Court  thereupon,  and  to 
pay  such  costs  as  shall  be  by  the  Court  awarded  ;  and  upon  such 
notice  being  given,  and  such  recognirance  being  entered  into,  the 
Justice  before  whom  the  same  shall  be  entered  into,  shall  liberate 

20  such  person,  if  in  custody,  and  the  Court  at  such  Sessions,  shall 
hear  and  determine  the  matter  of  the  appeal,  and  shall  make  such 
order  therein  with  or  without  costs  to  either  party,  as  to  the  Court 
s.hall  seem  meet ;  and  in  case  of  the  dismissal  of  the  appeal,  or  the 
affirmance  (jf  the  conviction,  shall  order  and  adjudge  the  olTender  to 

25  be  panished  according  to  the  conviction,  and  to  pay  such  cosU, 
as  shall  be  awardeci,  and  shall,  if  necessary,  issue  process  for 
enforcing  such  jMiig'nent. 

XXXIV.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  whenever  an  appeal  shall  be    Appeals  trla- 
made  from  the  decision  of  any  Justice  under  this  Act  as  aforesaid,  ^^^  ^^  ^^^y- 

30  the  Court  of  General  or  Quarter  Sessions  shall  have  power  to 
empannel  a  Jury  to  try  the  matter  on  which  such  decision  may 
have  been  made,  and  the  Court,  on  the  finding  of  such  Jury, 
under  oath,  shall  thereupon  give  such  judgment  as  the  circum- 
stances of  the  case  may  require  ;  Provided  always,  that  such  Court 




4  &  5  Vic. 

^1  ^li- 

1  ;-l  i^ 

ol' Accessories. 

shall  not  in  any  case  adjudge  the  payment  of  a  fine  exceeding 
five  pounds  in  addition  to  the  costs,  or  to*  order  the  imprisonment 
of  the  person  so  convicted,  for  any  period  not*  exceeding  ore 
month  ;  and  all  fines  imposed  and  recovered  by  the  judgment  of 
such  Court,  shall  be  applied  and  disposed  of  in  the  same  manner  f. 
as  other  fines  recovered  under  the  provisions  of  this  Act. 

XXXV..  And  be  it  enacted,  that  in  the  case  of  every  Felony 
punishable  under  this  Act,  every  Principal  in  the  second  degree, 
and  every  Accessory  before  the  fact,  shaU  be  punishable  with  death 
or  otherwise,  in  the  same  manner  as  the  Principal  in  the  first  lo 
degree  is  by  this  Act  punishable ;  and  every  Accessory  after  the 
fact  to  any  Felony  punishable  under  this  Act,  shatl,  on  convic- 
tion, be  liable  to  be  imprisoned  for  any  term  not  exceeding  two 

Offences  pu-  XXXVI.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  when  any  person  shall  be  15 
prisonmem  ™  convicted  of  any  olfence  punishable  under  this  Act,  for  which 
imprisonment  may  be  awarded,  it  shall  be  lawful  for  the  Court  to 
sentence  the  offender  to  be  imprisoned,  or  to  be  imprisoned  and 
kept  to  hard  labour,  in  the  Common  Gaol  or  House  of  Correction, 
and  also  to  direct  that  the  offender  shall  be  kept  in  solitary  con- 'id 
finement  for  any  portion  or  portions  of  such  imprisonment,  or  of 
such  imprisonment  with  hard  labour,  not  excee  ng  one  month 
at  any  one  time,  and  not  exceeding  three  months  in  any  one  year, 
as  to  the  Court  in  its  discretion  shall  seem  meet. 

Jury  may  ac-  XXXVIII.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  on  the  trial  of  any  person  25 
anil  convi(!t'"o^f  ^'''^  ^"^  ^^  *^®  offences  hereinbefore  mentioned,  or  for  any  Felony  ccr-  whatever,  where  the  crime  charged  shall  include  an  Assault 
against  the  ppison,  it  shall  be  lawful  for  the  Jury  to  acquit  of  the 
Felony  and  to  find  a  verdict  of  guilty  of  Assault,  against  the 
person  indicted,  if  the  cvideno  shall  warrant  such  finding ;  and  30 
when  such  verdict  shall  be  found,  the  Court  shall  have  power  to 

tain  cases. 



♦  Sic. 

4  &  6  Vic. 

ceding  ore 
Lidgment  of 
me  manner  ;> 

ery  Felony 
>nd  degree, 
with  death 
in  the  first  lo 
y  after  the 
on  convic- 
ieding  two 

n  shall  be  15 
for  which 
le  Court  to 
isoned  and 

itary  con-2(i 
lent,  or  of 
3ne  month 

one  year, 

ny  person  25 
ly  Felony 
uit  of  the 
ainst  the 
ng;  and  30 
power  to 

Chap.  27. 

or   CANADA. 

imprison  the  person  so  found  guilty  of  an  Assault,  for  any  term 
not  exceeding  three  years.* 

XXXVIII.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  enacted,  that  nothing  Noito.inwt 
herein  contained  shall  alter  or  affect  any  of  the  laws  relating  to  tingtoThcFor- 

5 the  Government  of  Her  Majesty's  Land  or  Naval  Forces.  c^"- 

XXXIX.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  it  shall  be  lawful  for  the  Persons  im- 
Queen's  Majesty,  and  for  the  Governor,  Lieutenant  Governor  or  H" pwdonedr"^ 
Person  administering    the   Government  of  this   Province,    to 

extend  the  Royal  Mercy  to  any  person  imprisoned  by  virtue  of 
lodiis   Act,  although  he  shall  be  imprisoned  for  non-payment  of 
money  to  some  party  other  than  the  Crown. 

XL.  And    for  the    more    effectual    prosecution   of   ofTences      Provision- 
punishable  upon  summary  conviction  by  virtue  of  this  Act ;  Be  a^rainst    thL^ 
it  enacted,  that  where  any  person  shall  be  charged  on   the  oath  Ac'ipunishai)!.- 

'  -^   i  o  on    sumniarv 

15  of  a  credible  witness,  before  any  Justice  of  the  Peace,  with  any  conviction. 
such  offence,  the  Justice  may  summon  the  person  charged,  to 
appear  at  a  time  and  place  to  be  named  in  such  summons,  and  if 
he  shall  not  appear  accordingly,  then   (upon  proof  of  the  due 
service  of  the  summons  upon  such  person,  by  delivering  the  same 

•20 to  him)  the  Justice  may  either  proceed  to  hear  and  determine 
the  case  ex  parte^  or  may  issue  his  warrant  for  apprehending 
such  person  and  bringing  him  before  himself  or  some  other  Justice 
of  the  Peace,  or  the  Justice  before  whom  the  charge  shall  be 
made  may  (if  he  shall  so  think  fit)  issue  such  warrant  in  the  first 

•25 instance,  without  any  previous  summons. 

XLI.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  enacted,  that  the  prosecution  Time  forsum- 
for  every  offence  punishable  on  summary  conviction  by  virtue  of  ^H  P'"^'"'-' 
this  Act,   shall  be  commenced  within  three  calendar   months 
after  the  commission  of  the  offence,  and  not  otherwise. 

3p     XLII.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  the  Justice  before  whom  any    Form  of  con- 
person  shall  be  summarily  convicted  of  any  offence  against  this  miction 

*  See  6  Vc.  5.  if  the  imprisonment  exceed  two  years. 



CRIMINAL   STATUTES  4  &  5  Vic.  C.  27. 


Act,  may  cause  the  conviction  to  be  drawn  up  in  the  following 
form  of  words,  or  in  any  other  form  of  words  to  the  same  effect, 
as  the  case  shall  require  ;    (that   is  to  say,) 

"  Be  it  remembered,  that  on  the  day  of 

in  the  year  of  our  Lord 

at  in  the  County  of 

{or  Riding,  Division,  District,  City,  &c.  as  the  case  may  be,) 

A.  O.  is  convicted  before  me,  (naming  the  Justice^)  one  of 

Her  Majesty's  Justices  of  the  Peace    for   the   said   County 

(w  Riding,  &c.)   for  that  the  said  A.  O.   did  {speci/t/  the 

offence,  and  the  time  and  place  when  and  where  the  same 

was  committed,  as  the  case  may  be;)  and  I  the  said  Justice 

adjudge  the  said  A.  0.  for  his  said  offence,  to  be  imprisoned 

in  the  (or  to  be  imprisoned  in  the 

and  there  kept  at  hard  labour)  15 
for  the  space  of  (or,  I  adjudge  the  said 

A.  O.  for  his  said  offence,  to  forfeit  and  pay  the  sum  of 

(here  state  the  amount  of  the  fine  imposed,) 
and  also  to  pay  the  sum  for  costs  ;  and  in 

default  of  immediate  payment  of  the  said  sums,  to  be  irapri-  ~o 
soned  in  the 

for  th*'  space  of  unless  the  said  sums  shall 

be  sooner  paid  ;  (or,  and  I  order  that  the  said  sum  shall  be 
paid  by  the  said  A.  O.  on  or  before  the  day 

oi'  and   direct  that  the  said   sum  of 25 

[i.  e.  the  amount  of  the  fine,)  shall  be 
paid  to  of 

aforesaid,   in  which  tlie  said  offence  was  committed,  to  be  by 
him  applied  according  to  the  directions  of  the  Statute  in  that 
case  made  and  provided  ;   (or  as  the  case  may  be  .)  and  I 'M 
"  order  that  the  said  sum  of  for  costs 

*'  shall  be  paid  to  C.  D.  (the  party  aggrieved.)     Given  under 
"  my  hand  the  day  and  year  first  above  mentioned." 

Not  torcixuii      XLIII.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  enacted,  that  nothing   in 

any  Art  rclat-  •        ,        .     ,.        v  ,  »  r  ■ 

injr    to   High  this  Act  contained,  shall  atiecl   or  alter   any  Act,  so  far  as  iti^f- 



























ic.  c.  21. 

ne  effect, 


may  be,) 
,)  one  of 
1  County 
ecifi/  the  lu 
the  same 
id  Justice 
ted  in  the 
d  labour)  15 
3  the  said 

s ;  and  in 
be  impri--*^ 

urns  shall 

shall  be 


sum  of25 

shall  be 

ko  be  by 
e  in  that 
1)  and  130 
I  for  costs 
sn  under 

Ihing  in 
far  as  it3f) 

&  6  Vic.  c.  5. 



relates  to  the  crime  of  High  Treason,   or  to  any  branch  of  the  J"J^"  *^* 
Public  Revenue. 

XLIV.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  all  Acts,  or  parts  of  Acts,    All  Acu  re- 
or  provisions  of  Law  in  force  in  this  Province,  or  any  part  thereof,  ^cueScaiedL*' 

5  immediately  before  the  time  when  this  Act  shall  come  into  force, 
which  shall  be  inconsistent  with,  or  contradictory  to  this  Act,  or 
which  make  any  provision  in  any  matter  provided  for  by  this  Act, 
other  than  such  as  is  hereby  made  in  such  matter,  shall  from  and 
after  the  time  when  this  Act  shall  come  into  force,  be  and  they 

10  are  hereby  repealed,  except  in  so  far  as  may  relate  to  anyoflbnce 
committed  before  the  said  time,  which  shall  be  dealt  with,  and 
punished,  as  if  this  Act  had  not  been  passetl. 

Oth  victoria. 

C  A  P.  V. 

An  Act  lor  better  proportioning'  tlie  ]>uni^hv.lent  to  iUv 
offence,  iji  certain  cases,  and  lor  other  purposes 
tlierein  mentioned. 

[{2th  October,  1842. J 

■WKTHEREAS  it  is  expedient  to  enable  the  Courts,  before  Preamble, 
whom  oti'enders  may  be  convicted  in    ertain  cases,  better 

li'to  proportion  tiie  punishment  of  such  oflendc's  to  the  guilt  of  the 
offence  ;  Be  it  therefore  enacted  bv  the  Queen's  Most  Excelleui 
Majesty,  by  and  with  the  advice  and  consent  of  the  Legislative 
Council,  and  of  the  Legislative  Assembly  of  the  Province  of 
Canada,  constituted  and  assembled  by  virtue  of  and  under  the 

20  authority  of  an  Act  passed  in  the  Parliament  of  the  United  King- 
dom of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland,  intituled  An  Act  to  Re-unite 
the  Provinces  of  Upper  and  Lower  Canada,  and  for  the 
Government  of  Canada,  and  it  is  hereby  enacted  by  the  autho- 
rity of  the  same,  that  so  much  of  a  certain  Act  passed  in  the 

•25 Session  held   in  the  fourth   and   fifth  years   of  Her  Majesty's  ^.,  34  ^jlgj  '^' 




C  Vic. 

Reign,  and  intituled  An  Act  for  improving  the  adminialrotion 
of  Criminal  Justice  in  this  Province,  or  of  a  certain  other  Act 
t  &  5  Vic,  passed  in  the  same  Session,  and  intitided  An  Act  for  consoii- 
' "  ' '    '       dating  and  amending  the  Laws  in  this  Province,  relative  to 
Larceny  and  other  o fences  connected  therewith,  or  of  a  certain  !> 
^.'^.s  Vic.  other  Act  passed  in  the  same  Session,  and  intituled  An  Act  for 
consolidating  and  amending  the  Laws  in  thisProvince,  relative 
to  malicious  injuries  toproperty,  or  of  a  certain  other  Act  passed 
1  (St  5  Vic.  in  the  same  Session,  and  intituled  An  Act  for  consolidating 
and  amending  the  Statutes  in  this  Province,  relative  to  offences  lo 
ProviHion«  in-  f^gcti^st  the  person,  or  of  any  other  Act  or  Law,  as  shall  bo 
.  imsistnntwith  repugnant  to  or  inconsistent  with  the  enactments  of  this  Act, 
pt'nic.i,  shall  be  and  is  hereby  repealed. 

Oases  in  wiiich      H.  And  be   it  enacted,  that  for  each  and  every  offence  for 
in-^  committeii  wliich  by  any   of  tiie  Acts  hereinabove   cited,  the  offender  is  ir> 
to  tho  Provin-  {[g})]^  on  conviction  to  be  punished  by  imprisonment  in  the  Pro- 

<ial     Penitcn-  "^  .  i    i  ^       ,  .       ,       , 

tiary  for  nny  vincial  Penitentiary,  but  may,  mstead  thereof  and  in  the  discre- 
than  thivo  ^^^  t'^n  of  the  Court,  be  punished  by  imprisonment  in  any  other 
years.  Prison  or  place  of  confinement  for  any  term  not  exceeding  two 

years,  the  offender  may,  if  convicted  after  the  passing  ot  this  20 
Act,  be  punished  in  the  discretion  of  the  Court,  by  imprisonment 
in  the  Provincial  Penitentiary  for  any  term  not  less  than  three 
years  and  not  exceeding  the  longest  term  for  which  such  offender 
might  have  been  so  imprisoned  if  this  Act  had  not  been  passed, 
or  by  imprisonment  in  any  other  Prison  or  place  of  confinement  25 
for  any  term  not  exceeding  two  years,  in  the  manner  prescribed 
by  such  Act ;  Provided  always,  that  nothing  in  this  Act  shall 
prevent  such  offender  from  being  punished  by  imprisonment  in 
the  Provincial  Penitentiary  for  life,  if  he  might  have  been  so 
punished  if  this  Act  had  not  been  passed.  30 

Other  cases      HI.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  for  each  and  every  offencv*?,  for 

ders^ma' 'teso  which  by  any  of  the  said  Acts,  the  offender  may  on  conviction 

< Dinmitted.       be  punished  by  imprisonment  for  such  tern  as  the  Court  shall 

award,  or  for  any  term  exceding  two  yeais,  such  imprisonment. 

G  Vi 


Chap.  5. 



her  Act 
ative  to 
I  certain  ^ 
Act  for 
'X  passed 
offences  lo 
shall  be 
tiis  Act, 

3nce  for 

3nder  is  15 

he  Pro- 


y  other 

ing  two 

ot  this  20 








lent  in 

)een  so 


if  awarded  for  a  longer  term  than  two  years,  shall  be  in  the 
Provincial  Penitentiary. 

IV.  And  be  it  enacted,  that  for  each  and  every  olTonce  for  i„>.t,.,:.i  „i 
which  by  any  of  the  said  Acts  or  by  any  other  Act  or  Law,  the  ['ii"::|.uni-ii.(! 

•'        ■^  111  III  "V    tniMsjiortu- 

•offender  m"  ht,  if  this  Act  had  not  been  passed,  have  been  pun- tion,  (incnil»r»< 
ished  by  transportation  beyond  Seas,  such  offender  may,  if  con-  IX.i'ti.nriik. 
victed  after  the  passing  of  this  Act,  be  punished  by  imprisonment  ••"n    i"    thv 
in  the  Provincial  Penitentiary  for  any  term  for  which  he  might 
have  been  transported  beyond  Seas  if  this   Act  had  not  been 
10  passed,  or  by  imprisonment  for  life,  it  without  this  Act  he  might 
have  been  punished  by  transportation  for  life. 

V.  And  whereas  it  is  necessary  to  determine  the  punishment  Assault  with 
to  be  inflicted  upon  certain  offenders,  not  provided  for  by  the  |"J,'''^\ '"  '^'""' 
said  before  recited  Act,  intituled    An  Act  for  consolidating  and  t'ominabi.' 

i'j amending  the  Statutes  in  this  Province,  relating  to  offences  pu",ish,.,i 
against  the  person,  be  it  enacted  that  where  any   pt^rson  shall 
be  charged   with  and  convicted  of  any  Assault,  with  intent  to 
commit  Rape,   or  of  any   Assault  with   intent  to   commit    the 
abominable  crime  of  Buggery,  either  with  mankind  or  with  any 

•JO  animal,  the  Court  in  any  such  case  may  sentence  the  offender  to 
be  imprisoned  at  hard  labour  in  the  Provincial  Penitentiary  tor  any 
term  not  exceeding  three  years,  or  to  be  imprisoned  in  any  other 
Prison  or  place  *  "  conrtnement  for  any  term  not  exceeding  two 

s,  for 






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■  ■■      if    I'  -•  ■■  ■  -■   '    .       •  .  ;  ■■•.      .''''    .A  ■  I 

!."■    ,.■  ■  ■  ■  "    ,!f:';,|i- 

'■■  v..^--/.,  ,■  INDEX.  .   •"'"■;:'■;■■;::,.., 

,,.;  '..j^.;», .......  :■.■■ 

ABDUCTION,  :     Si  1  ,!^        '■        p^fre, 

of  a  Woman,  punishment  for 76 

of  a  Girl ib. 


in  misdemeanor,  may  be  punished  a«i  Principals  under 

Larceny  and  Malicious  Injury  Acts 46,  63 

in  offences  punishable    on  summary  conviction,  how 

punishable il). 


trying  to  procure  punishment  for 74 


may  be  prosecuted  afler  conviction  of  principal,  though 

principal  be  not  attainted,  &c 18 

be/ore  the  fact ;  if  offence  be  committed  in  difterent  Dis- 
tricts or  Counties,  may  be  tried  in  either 17 

may  be  tried  as  such,  or  as  a  substantive  felon,  by  any 
Court  which  has  jurisdiction  to  try  principal 
felons ib, 

and  principal,  in  second  degree,  how  punishable  in  cases 

of  felony 63 

after  the  fact ;  if  offence  be  committed  in  different  Dis- 
tricts or  Counties,  majrbe  tried  in  either 18 

may  be  tried  by  any  Court  which  has  jurisdiction  to  try 

principal  felons ib 

in  cases  of  felony,  how  punished 63 


for  acts  done  under  the  Larceny  and  Malicious  Injury 

Acts — when  to  be  commenced 53,  69 


with  intent  to  Murder 73 

AGENTS.    See  title  Embezzlement. 


burning 60 


against  summary  convictions — when  and  how 52,  S3 

Appeals  triable  by  Jury ib. 

93  INDEX. 

when    it  may  take  place  without  a  Warrant  and  by 

whom 46,  47 

where  stolen  Goods  are  offered ib. 

of  a  Clergyman 78 


punishment  for 66 


with  intent  to  Rob 29 

on  Maffistrates,  «&c.  endeavoring  to  preserve  wrecked 

Goods 78 

with  intent  to  commit  Felony 79 

on  Peace  or  Revenue  Officers •  lb. 

with  intent  to  prevent  apprehension •     r     ib. 

in  pursuance  of  a  conspiracy  to  raise  wages '  ib. 

on  Sea'nen,  &c ib. 

concei-ning  the  buying  or  selling  grain ib. 

commoii 80 

with  intent  to  commit  Rape,  or  abominable  crimes 89 


cannot  be  pleaded  in  bar  unless  for  same  offence  as 

charged  in  the  indictment 10 

ATTORNEY.    See  title  Embezzlement. 

acting  bonft  fide,  not  within  the  provisions  against  em- 
bezzlement    40 


who  may  be  bailed 4 


to  be  certified  in  writing  by  two  Justices  in  cases  of  Fe- 
lony and  Misdemeanor 4,  5  &  6 


returning  from 12 

indictment  for — allegations  of 12,  13 

what  shall  be  deemed  sufficient  evidence 13 

BANKER.    See  title  Embezzlument. 

acting  bonft  fide  not  witliin  provisions  against  embezzle- 
ment   40 

BANKS  of, 

Sea,  River,  &c. — damaging  them 69 


larceny  from 31 


the  subject  of  arson 5^ 

riotous  destruction  of 57 


in  a  state  of  confinement — punishment  for  stealing 35 

BES5TIALITY.    See  Sodon.v. 


46,  47 








12,  13 





INPEX.  93 

DZNEFIT  of  CLERGY,  Page. 

abolished  in  cases  of  Felony 10 


punishment 77 

BIL/^S,  '■ 

stealing 27 


in  a  state  of  confinement— punishment  for  taking, . .  35 


concealment  of— punishment 75 


larceny  from 3j 


stealing 27 


Districts  and  Counties— where  trial  is  to  be  when  the 

offence  is  co.nmitted  on  them 19 


public — punishment  for  injuring  them 59 

BROKER.    See  title  Embezzlement. 

acting  bonft  fide,  not  within  the  provisions  against  em- 
bezzlement    4.0 


punishment  for 75 

proof  of. 7g 


used  for  manufactures,  the  subjects  of  Arson 55 

riotous  destruction  of "       *  57 


stealing — how  punishable 35 


definition  of,  and  punishment  for 30 

what  are  buildings  for  that  purpose '  31 


using  violence,  to  suffer  death 30 


of  churches,  chapels,  dwellings,  «&c 55 

corn,  grain,  &c — the  punishment "  60 


stealing—how  punished 35 


bfiiik  or  wall  of— lock,  sluice,&c.  unlawfully  broken  down  59 


damaging gg 

works  upon — damaging  them ib 


children— punishment  of— and  proof  75  75 


94  INDEX. 

CATTLE,  Page. 

stealing— how  punished 35 

killing  or  maiming,  punishment ,.  Q^t 


in  actions  of  bailment  by  Justice ^j  ^i  ^ 

of  Coroner ib. 


by  law  all  peremptory  challenges  beyond  number  allow- 
ed entirely  void 10 


Property  of— how  to  be  laid  in  Indictments  relating  to 

Felonies '        20 

Arson  of 5fi 

riotous  destruction  of 57 


carnal  knowledge  of 75 

proof ■  76 


punishment 77 


property*  of— how  to  be  laid  in  indictments  relating  to 

Felonies 20 

arson  of 56 

riotous  destruction  of 57 


benefit  of,  abolished  in  cases  of  Felony 10 

no  person  to  suffer  death  for  any  felony  not  excluded 
from  benefit  of  Clergy  before  the  present  Acts, 
unless  made  punishable  with  death  by  some  sub- 
sequent Act ib. 


arrest  of 78 

CLERKS.    See  title  Embezzlement. 

Larcenies  and  embezzlements  by — how  punishable 38,  39 


the  subject  of  arsoH 55 

riotous  destruction  of 67 


how  punished 35 


Criminal  Justice  Act,  4  &  5  Vic.  c.  24,  1st  January,  1842  25 

Larceny  Act,  4  &  5  Vic.  r.  25,  1st  January,  1842 2^ 

Malicious  Injuries  Act,  4  &  5  Vic.  c.  26,  1st  January, 

1842 66 

Offences  agninst  Person  Act,  4  &  5  Vic.  c,  27,  1st  Janu- 
ary, 1842 71 

Punishment  Regulatory  Act,  6  Vic.  c.  5,  12th  October, 

1842 87 















INDEX.  95 

in  cases  of  Felony  and  Misdemeanor  to  be  upon  exami- 
nation on  oath  reduced  to  writing  by  Justice 4,  5  &  6 


of  witness  restored  after  suffering  punishment  for  mis- 
demeanor, excepting  for  perjury  or  subornation  of 
perjury H 

CONVICTIONS,  summary.    See  Summary  Convictions. 

burning  it qq 


his  duty  upon  an  inq^uisition 6 

power  &c,  to  bind  witnesses  by  recognizances ib. 

to  certify  and  subscribe  evidence,  &c.  in  cases  of  man- 
slaughter or  murder,  and  deliver  same  to  officer  of 
Court 15, 

neglect  herein  fineable  by  Court 7 


destroying qq 

COUNTIES,  "     ■ ' 

boundaries  of— offences  committed  on,  where  tried  ....  19 


larceny  in 31 


allowed  to  persons  accused  of  felony,    to   make  full 

answer  and  defence 8 

and  in  cases  of  summary  conviction ib 


stealing — how  punished 35 


rule  for  interpretation  of 24 


there  must  be  a  communication  between  building  and 
dwelling-house,  to  make  an  entry  burglarious,  al- 
though it  may  be  within  the  same  curtilage 31 


of  fishpond  and  millpond,  breaking  down 60 


malicious,  general  and  not  specified  in  the  Act 68 


punishment  of  prohibited  for  felonies  not  excluded  from 
benefit  of  clergy  before  the  preaent  Acts,  or  di- 
rected by  some  subsequent  Act 10 

Courts  may  order  sentence  of  to  be  entered  of  record  in 

certain  cases 15 

may  direct  execution  in  certain  cases 16 

Record  of  Sentence  to  have  the  same  effect  as  if  judg- 
ment pronounced ib. 




DEBTOR,  Pagt!. 

in  Gaol  upon  charge  of  criminal  ollencc  not  to  be  re- 
moved by  any  order  of  Court  out  of  District  in 
which  he  is  conflned 8 


stealing 34 


taking  them,  where  no  Larceny  at  Common  Law 35 


ofler — what  defects  will  not  vitiate  indictment  or  infor- 
mation   21 


boundaries — oiTences  committed  on,  where  tried 19 


disturbing — punishment  for 82 


stealing — how  punished 35 


taking  them,  where  no  Larceny  at  Common  Law 35 


ntealing  in  with  menaces 30 

entering  a  building  within  the  same  curtilage — no  bur- 
glary unless  there  be  a  communication  with  it . .  ,  31 

robbery  in  any  building  within  the  same  curtilage  as  the 

house,  but  not  privileged  as  part  of  it ib. 

what  buildings  only  are  part  of  a  house  for  capital  pur- 
poses    ib. 

setting  fire  to >  56 


by  servants  and  clerks 38 

Distinct  Acts  may  be  charged  in  the  same  indictment. . .  39 

allegation  and  proof ib. 

if  banker,  merchant,  broker,  attorney  or  other  agent,  em- 
bezzle money  entrusted  to  them  with  direction  in 
writing,  to  be  applied  to  special  purpose,  misde- 
meanor   ib. 

punishment 40 

if  banker,  &c. — sell  or  negociate  any  chattel,  &3.,  in- 
trusted to  him  for  safe  custody,  &c.,  or  for  any 
special  purpose,  misdemeanor ib. 

punishment ib. 

not  to  affect  trustee  or  mortgagee  in  respect  of  Act  done 

by  trustee  or  mortgagee,  in  relation  to  property  ^ 

affected  by  such  trust  or  mortgage ;  or  banlcer,  &c., 
receiving  money  due  on  securities^  or  disposing 
of  securities  on  which  they  have  a  hen ib. 

provisions  of  Statute  4  &  5  Vict.  c.  25,  as  to  bankers, 
&c.,  not  to  lessen  remedy  which  party  aggrieved 
has  at  law 4 1,  42 


•  8 










INDEX.  97 

EMBEZZLEMENT,— coM^MiMfirf.  Page. 

convictior.  not  to  be  given  in  evidence  in  action  at 

law,  &c 43 


of  recognizances  not  to  take  place  without  a  judge's  order  23 


punishment  for  sending  with  intent  to  do  bodily  harm  . .  74 


in  felony — person  charged  may  have  evidence  in  his  be- 
half heard  before  two  justices,  where,  in  their 

opinion,  the  ends  of  justice  require  it 4 

examinatior.s  before  justices  against  parties  accused  of 
felony  or  misdemeanor,  not  to  be  produced  in  evi- 
dence  against  the   examined,    excepting   upon 

indictment  for  wilful  and  corrupt  perjury 5 

of  a  first  conviction  for  felony,  what  sufficient 14 


illegal  pledge  by — a  misdemeanor 41 


obtaining  money  by — a  misdemeanor. .'. 42 

and  no  acquittal  on  ground  that  the  case  proved  amounts 

to  Larceny ib. 


exhibiting  them  to  bring  ships  into  danger — a  capital 

felony 57 


none   payable  by  prisoners  in  felony  to  officers  of  tlic 

Court 11 

services  rendered  by  them  to  prisoner  on  trial,  to  be  paid 

as  official  services  to  the  Crown ib. 

FELONY.     See  title   Receivers — Securities — Setting 
Fire— Trial. 

party  taken  on  charge  or  suspicion  of— when  bailable 

and  when  not 4 

power  of  Justices  to  bail  persons  charged  with ib. 

duty  of  Justices  on  bailing  or  committing  persons  char- 
ged with 4,  5 

before  persons  charged  with,  or  on  suspicion  of,  shall  be 
bailed  or  committed.  Justices  to  take  down  exami- 
nation in  writing  and  bind  over  witnesses  to  ap- 
pear at  trial,  and  celiver  same  to  proper  officer  of 
the  Court  for  the  trial ib. 

bailments  to  be  in  writing  and  certified ib. 

persons  knowing  of  felonies  may  be  summoned  by  Justi- 
ces, and  upon  disobedience  imprisoned ib. 

prisoners  tried  for,  to  have  the  benefit  of  counsel,  and  en- 
titled to  copies  of  depositions  against  them 8,  9 

indictment  for — effect  of  plea  of  not  guilty  to 9 

refusal  to  plead \ 9,  10 

challenge  of  Jury  on  trial  of,  beyond  legal  number,  void  10 



FELONY,— conlimed.  Page. 

benefit  of  clerffy  abolished  with  respect  to  persons  con- 
victed of. ib 

Jury  on  trial  for,  not  to  enquire  of  prisoner's  lands,  &>c. 

nor  whether  he  fled :  ib' 

punishment  of  death  prohibited  for  felonies  which  were 
not  excluded  from  benefit  of  clergy  before  the 
passing  of  Act,  unless  directed  by  some  subse- 
quent Act ib. 

every  punishment  for,  after  it  has  been  endured  shall 

nave  the  effect  of  a  pardon  under  the  Great  Seal.  .    11 

fees  to  ofHcers  of  Court  for  services  to  prisoner  in  felony 
payable  out  of  public  funds,  in  no  case  by  pri- 
soner           11,  12 

punishment  of,  when  no  punishment  specially  provided .  12 

if  person  under  sentence,  for  another  crime  is  convicted 
of  felony,  Court  may  pass  a  second  sentence  to 
commence  after  expiration  of  first 13,  14 

punishment  for,  afler  previous  conviction ib. 

requisites  of  indictment  for  after  previous  conviction. ...  ih, 

what  sufficient  evidence  of  previous  conviction, ib< 

officer  of  Court  uttering  false  certificate  of  indictment  and 

conviction  of  a  previous  felony,  how  punished 15 

punishable  under  4  &  5,  Vic.  c.  24,  Court  may  add  soli- 
tary confinement  in  addition  to  imprisonment 13 

principals  in  second  degree,  and  accessory  before  the 

fact,  how  punished 46,  63 

maliciously  cutting  &c.  goods,  or  articlesof  silk,  woollen, 
linen  or  cotton,  &c.,  or  frame  work,  knitted  piece, 
Btocking,  hose  or  lace,  being  in  loom  or  frame,  or 
on  any  machine  or  engine,  &c 56 

maliciously  cutting,  &c.,  any  warp,  or  shute  of  silk, 
woollen,  linen  or  cotton,  or  any  loom,  frame, 
machine,  &c.,  fixed ib. 

entering  by  force  into  houses,  &c.,  with  intent  to  commit 

aforesaid  offences ib. 

punishment  for 67 

maliciously  cutting,  &,c.,    any  threshing    machine  or 

machine8,&c.,  employed  in  manufacture  of  silk,  &c.  66 

punishment  for 67 

rioters  demolishing,  &c.,  church,  chapel,  or  house,  stable, 
coach-house,  out-house,  warehouse,  office,  &c.,  or 
any  machine  in  any  manufactory,  &c ib. 


stealing,  breaking,  or  throwing  down  or  destroying  any  ^ 

live,  dead  or  wooden  fence — how  punished 36,  62 

suspected  persons  not  accounting  for  their  possession  of 

fences,  &c.,  to  be  fined ib. 


under  Larceny  and  Malicious  Injury  Acts  to  be  currency        54,  70 





















54,  70 


injuring  them  in  any  way— how  punishable 


punishment  for  stealing  them 

metal  in  grounda 

when  stolen  by  tenants  or  lodgers,  property  to  be  laid  in 
the  owner 




jury  not  now  to  inquire  of  prisoner's  lands  or  goods 


punishment  for  stealing  them 

whether  in  ffardens  or  not 

destroying  mem  in  gardens  or  elsewhere 


to  deliver  prisoner  for  trial  to  person  named  in  order  of 


but  not  to  send  any  prisoner  for  debt  out  of  the  District. 


taking   or   destroying  fruit  and  vegetables  in  them — 
how  punished 


larcenjr  of— how  punishable 

being  in  possession  of,  without  good  account 



stealing — how  punished 


when  to  be  pleaded 


larceny  of,  from  buildings— how  punishable 




subject  of  arson 

riotous  destruction  of 


upon  application  to  proper  Court  to  admit  a  prisoner  to 
nail  the  same  order  shall  be  made  as  if  the  party 
were  brought  up  on  Habeas  Corpus. 


may  be  awarded  for  convictions  under  Criminal  Justice 


Larceny  Act 

Malicious  Injuries  Act 

Offences  against  Person  Act 












53,  69 






100  INOUX. 

HEIFERS,  Puge. 

stealing— how  puniahed 35 

HIGH  TREASON,  ,   if^ 

laws  relating  to,  not  afi'ected  by  provisions  of  statute  4  &. 

5  Vict.  c.  27 80 


when  aides,  &c.  of,  constitute  boundary  ol  Districts  or 
Countied  ofTcnceB  committed  on  may  be  tried  in 

either 19 



punishment  lor  destroying  them U 


the  subject  of  arson '    M 

riotous  destruction  ol' •    W 


stealing— how  punished "85 ' 


subject  of  arson ,56 

riotous  destruction  of '     67 


capital 30j  31 


attainder  cannot  be  pleaded  in  bar  of,  unless  for  same 

ofl'ence  as  that  laid  in  the  indictment 10 

inny  be  preferred  in  either  County  where  offence  is  com- 
mitted on  loundaries  of  Districts  or  Counties,  or 
shall  be  begun  in  one  County  and  completed  in 

another 10 

when    sides,  &^.    of  highways    constitute   boundary, 

offender  may  be  tried  in  either  District  or  County  it>. 

may,  in  case  of  robbeiy  of  coaches,  «fcc.  be  preferred  in 

any  District  or  County  through  which  it  passed . .  ib, 

how  property  ot  partners  to  be  laid  m 80 

how  to  be  laid  in  cases  of  felony  relating  to  churches, 

bridges  orpublic  buildings ib. 

how  property  of  Turnpike  Trustees 81 

not  to  abate  by  dilatory  plea  ot  misnomer ib. 

what  defectp  shall  not  vitiate  indictments  after  verdict  or 

otherwise  ib. 

Avhat  shall  not  stay  or  reverse  judgment  after  verdict. . .  22 

for  second  felouy  after  previous  conviction,  what  aver 

ments  sufficient,  and  what  evidence 14 


what  defects  shall  not  vitiate  it  after  verdict,  confes- 
sion, &c 21 

what  shall  not  stay  or  reverse  Judgment  upon,  after 

verdict 22 


of  Criminal  Statutes 24 




















offences  committed  on 


may  postpone  trial  i(  copy  of  depositions  against  prisoner 

have  not  been  had  on  dav  of  trial 

may  order  plea  of  *<  Not  Quilty"  for  person  standing  mute 
iVom  malice 


what  shall  not  reverie  it  a(\er  verdict 


defects  of— not  to  reverse  judgment  a(\er  verdict 


in  cases  of  treason  and  felony,  not  to  inquire  if  accused, 

fled,  or  concerning  his  lands,  &c 

may  acquit  of  felony  and  convict  of  assault  in  certain 


process  insuflicient,  not  to  reverse  judgment  after  verdict 


two  Justices  may  admit  to  bail  in  felony,  or  suspicion  of 
felony  where  there  is  not  a  strong  presumption  of 


not  obhged  to  hear  evidence  on  behalf  of  person  charged, 

unless,  &c 

to  certify  bailment  in  writing 

examinations  taken  by,  in  felony  and  misdemeanor,  to  be 

on  oath  and  reduced  by  Justice  to  writing 

to  allow  the  accused  to  cross-examine  witnesses 

to  summon  and  examine  persons  able  to  give  material 


and  bind  by  recognizance  to  give  evidence  at  the  trial . . 
to  sign  such  recognizances,  &c.  and  deliver  same  to  the 

Court  at  the  trial 

to  commit  to  gaol  persons  summoned,  who  refuse  to 
give  evidence  or  enter  into  such  recognizances . . 
to  transmit  examination,  &c.,  to  Clerk  of  the  Crown,  upon 
notification  of  application  to  superior  Court  to  ad- 
mit prisoner  to  oail 

neglect  herein  fineable  by  the  Court 

to  grant  a  search  warrant   upon   suspicion    declared 

upon  oath 

in  cases  of  summary  proceeding  to  grant  a  summons  or 
warrant,  and  in  case  of  non-appearance,  to  hear 

and  determine  exparte 

power  of  commitment  in  summary  cases 

may  discharge  offender  on  summary  proceeding  in  cer- 
tain cases  upon  his  making  satisfaction 

form  of  conviction 

one  Justice  may  receive  original  information,  &c.  where 
two  or  more  Justices  are  empowered  to  hear  and 



















102  INDSX. 

JUSTICES,— cow/mttcf?.  Page: 

may  fine  party  charged  with  common  assault  or  battery, 

and  may  dismiss  charge  of,  should  he  think  same  . 

not  proved 80 

to  (i^rant  certificate  of  dismissal '   81 

such  certificate  or  conviction  shaJl  be  a  bar  to  any  other 

proceedings ib. 

See  titles  Damaqg — Deer— Doo  —  Fence  —  Pboit — 

Garden — Gate — Nursery  Ground — Orchard — 

PiQEON — Root — Saplino — Shipwrecked  Goods 
,,  —Shrub  —  Stile — Tree — Underwood— Veqe- 

TABUB   productions — WoOD,  &C. 


stealing — how  puniiAed 35 


distinction  abolished  between  grand  and  petty 96 

punishments  for  simple  larceny ib. 

solitary  c«;nfinemmt  and  hard  labour  under  Larceny 

Act,  4&5Vic.c.25 26&27 

punishable  in  this  Province  although  committed  in  any 

oiher  part  of  Her  Majesty's  dominions 53  db  54 

all  Acts  or  parts  of  Acts  repugnant  to  tiiis  Act  repealed.  54 


stealing  of,  from  buildings 37 


of  time  for  prooeedmg  in  summary  convictions 47  &  64 


unlawfully  or  maliciously  destroying  same 56 


on  Canal,  &c.  damaging 59 


larceny  by  them,  how  punished 37  &  38 


advertising  a  reward  for  the  return  of,  without  making 

inquiry 45 


punishment  for  injuring  them 56 

employed  in  manufactures,  destroying  them — ^how  pun- 
ished    ib. 

riotous  debtruction  of  them 57 

MAGISTRATE.    See  title  Justice. 

punishment 60 


against  owner  need  not  be  proved  to  convict  offenders  of 

doing  malicious  injuries 63 

malicious  injury 62 


punishment  of 73 

INDEX.  103 

MANUFACTURES,  •      Page. 

buildings  used  for.  subjects  of  arson '    66 

riotous  destruction  of  such  buildings 97 

destroying  manufactures 56 


steabng— how  punished 36 


damaging  bank  of 69 

MERCHANT.    See  title  Embezzlement. 

acting  bon&  fide,  rxot  within  the  provisions  against  em- 
bezzlement      39,  40, 41 


fixtures — stealing  fliem 37 


not  altered  or  affeotsd  by  4  db  5  Vic.  c.  27 86 


the  subject  of  arson 65 

riotous  destruction  of .  , 67 


breaking  down  dam  of. 60 


afler  enduring  adjudged  punishment  for,  party's  com- 
petency as  a  witness  restored,  excepting  in  cases 
of  perjury,  or  subornation  of  perjury 11 

abettors  m,  their  punishment 46 

bail  in— how  given 6,  7 


not  to  reverse  Judgment  after  verdict 21 


principals  and  accessories  in — how  punished 71 

sentence  in  case  of 72 


prison  regulations  as  to tb. 


Court  may  order  a  plea  of  "  Not  Guilty"  to  be  entered 
where  person  charged  with  treason,  felony,  piracy, 
or  misdemeanor,  shall  stand  mute  from  mauoe. . .  9 


not  altered  or  affected  by  4  &  5  Vic.  c.  ^^7 85 


works  on,  damagingthem 59 

larceny  from  vessels  on — how  punished  31 


plea  of^  shall  put  prisoner  on  trial  without  further  form, 

in  cases  of  treason,  felony,  or  piracy 9 


stealing 27 

104    ,  INDEX. 

NOTICE,  Page. 
of  actions  brought  under  the  Larceny  and  Malicious  In- 
jury Acts ; 53,69 

of  appeal  against  summary  conviction— how  given 52,  68 


stealing  or  destroying  any  plant,  &c.  growing  in 36,  62 


by  infamous  threats 88 


committea  during  a  journey — how  tried 19 


setting  fire  to i 

riotous  destruction  of r  .; 


not  to  demand  fees  from  prisoner  on  trial  for  felony U 

ofBcial  services  rendered  to  prisoner  to  be  paid  out  of 

public  funds  as  rendered  to  the  Crown ib. 


stealing  from "80 


setting  fire  to .!ff0 

riotous  destruction  of 57 


discharge  ofofiender  out  of  custody,  to  have  the  effect  of 

a  pardon  under  the  Great  Seal 22 

for  offences  under  4  &  5  Vic.  c.  25  &  26,  and  for  non- 
payment of  money  payable  under  said  Acts  to 
other  than  the  Crown 49,  66 


property  of,  how  laid  in  indit  tment 20 


application  of  under  Larceny  and  Malicious  Injury  Acts        48,  65 


from  what  period  sentence  of  imprisonment  in,  is  to  be 

reckoned 25 

cases  in  which  offenders  may  be  committed  to,  for  any 

term  not  less  than  three  years 88 

instead  of  being  transported,  offenders  may  be  impri- 
soned for  a  like  term  in  Penitentiary 89 


person  having  suffered  punishment  for  perjury  or  subor- 
nation of  perjury,  does  not  Secome  competent  as 
a  witness  as  in  other  misdemeanors 11 

PERSON,  •  .: 

punishment  for  robbery  from,  attended  with  cutting,  &c.  27 

stealing  from 28 

assault  with  intent  to  commit  robbery  from 29 


53,  69 
52,  68 

36,  62 






INDEX.  105 


maliciously  injuring,  not  specially  provided  for,  punish- 
ment for  same 62,  63 


abolished 71 


taking,  under  circumstances  not  amounting  to  larceny. .  35 


indictment  for,  effect  of  plea  of  not  guilty  to 9 

refusal  to  plead  to ib. 

challenge  of  jury  beyond  legal  number  void 10 


punishment  of,  abolished 15 

PLEDGE.    See  Factor. 


with  intent  to  murder,  punishment 73 


Royal,  not  to  be  affected  by  enactments  of  Criminal  Jus- 
tice Act,  4  &  5  Vict.  c.  24 17 


in  second  degree,  and  accessories,  punishment  of. 46,  63 


allowed  counsel  in  cases  of  felony 8 

in  cases  of  summary  conviction  to  be  permitted  to  make 

full  answer  and  defence ib. 

to  be  taken  into  Court  for  trial  by  Sheriff  or  Gaoler  upon 

order  of  Court ib. 

entitled  to  copies  of  depositions  against  them  on  payment, 
upon  demand  made  before  day  of  trial,  or  on  day 
of  trial  if  Judge  assents 9 

may  have  inspection  of  depositions  without  fee  or  re- 
ward   ib. 

upon  arraignment  for  treason,  felony  or  piracy  pleading 
"Not  guilty"  shall  be  thereupon  tried  without 
further  form >  ib. 

in  cases  of  treason  and  felony  Jury  not  to  enquire  con- 
cerning Prisoner's  lands,  &c.  or  if  he  fled 10 

in  cases  of  felony  benefit  of  clergy  abolished ib. 

felonies  not  excluded  heretofore  from  benefit  of  clergy 
not  punishable  with  death  unless  made  so  oy 
some  subsequent  Act ib. 

endurance  of  adjudged  punishment  for  felony  not  capital 
to  operate  as  a  pardon  under  the  Great  Seal  for 
that  particular  felony 11 

endurance  of  punishment  for  misdemeanors,  excepting 
perjury  and  subornation  of  perjury,  restores  com- 
petency as  witnesses ib. 

not  liable  to  pay  fees  to  officers  of  Court  upon  trials  for 

felony ib. 



PRISON  E:RS,—con/mu«(2.  Page. 

may  be  pardoned  for  offences  committed  under  Act  4  & 

5Vict.chap27 8ft 


how  to  be  described.    See  title  Indictment. 


burning 60 


stealing — how  punished 3S 


sending  letter  demanding  money,  &c,  or  accusing,  &.o. 
party  of  assault  with  intent  to  commit  rape,  or  of 

any  attempt,  ice.  to  commit  rape,  felony 29 

punishment ,     7ft 

what  sufficient  proof  of 76 


punishment  for  stealinff  writings  relative  to 34 

not  to  lessen  the  remedy  of  party  aggrieved ib 


of  stolen  property,  where  the  original  offence  is  felony, 
may  be  tried  either  as  accessories  ailer  the  fact,  or 
for  the  substantive  felony 43 

punishment Ut. 

party  not  to  be  prosecuted  a  second  time  for  same  offence  ib. 

where  original  offence  is  a  misdemeanor,  may  be  pro- 
secuted for  a  misdemeanor ib. 

punishment ib. 

may  be  tried  where  principal  is  triable,  or  where  property 
is  found  in  their  possession,  as  well  as  wnere  the 
receiving  takes  place 44 

owner  of  stolen  property  prosecuting  thief  or  receiver  to 
conviction,  wnen  he  shall  have  restitution  of  his 
property ib. 

punishment  of,  where  the  stealing,  &c.  is  punishable  on 

summary  conviction 46 


duty  of  Justices  to  bind  witnesses  by 4,  5,  6 

of  witnesses  on  trial  of  party  charged  with  felony  or  mis- 
demeanor, to  be  delivered  l)y  Justice  to  Officer  of 
Court ib. 

no  traverse  allowed 6 

Officers  of  Court  to  make  a  list  of,  specifying  the  name, 

&c.  makkng  default 23 

list  of,  when  forfeited,  to  be  laid  before  Judge,  d.c 23,  24 

not  to  be  estreated  without  written  order  of  Judge,  &c. 

in  cases  of  felony ih. 

misdemeanor ii>. 

common  assault ib. 

fo  answer  to  articles  of  the  Peace ib. 

duty  of  Clerk  of  Court,  previous  to  estreating  of ib. 









4.  5,  6 


23,  24 


INDKX.  107 

RECORDS,  '  Page. 

Htealing  or  removing  for  fraudulent  purpusei  any  record, 
writ,  return,  panel,  process,  interrogatory,  deposi- 
tion, affidavit,  rule,  order,  or  warrant  of  Attorney, 
or  any  original  document  relating  to  any  matter, 
&.C.  in  Court  of  Record,  or  any  bUl,  answer,  inter- 
rogntory^  deposition,  affidavit,  order  or  decree,  or 
any  origmal  document  relating  to  any  matter,  &c. 
in  Court  of  Equity,  misdemeanor 33,  34 

punishment  for ib. 

not  necessary  in  indictment  to  allege  value  of  article 

stolen,  or  whose  property  it  is ib. 


of  stolen  property,  when  Court  may  order 44,  45 

RETURN.    See  title  Records. 

RETURNING  from  transportation  or  banishment, 

persons  so    returning  before  expiry  of  term— how  pu- 
nished and  where  triable 12 

requisites  of  Indictment 12,    13 

what  sufficient  evidence  of  former  conviction 13 


laws  relating  to,  not  aft'octed  by  provisions  of  Statute 

4  &  5  Vic.  c.  27 86 

taking  of.  for  helping  to  recovery  of  stolen  property, 

witiiout  bringing  offender  to  trial,  felony 45 

punishment ib, 

advertising  of,  for  return  of  stolen  property  without  in- 
quiry of  party  returning  same ib. 

penalty ib. 


property  belonging  to — in  whom  to  be  laid go 


demolishinff,  &c.  any  church,  chapel,  house,  &c.  or  any 

machinery,  &c.  felony 57 

punishment ib. 


punishment  for  stealing  goods,  &c.  in  any  vessel,  &c.  in 

any  port,  river  or  canal,  or  in  any  creek,  &c ;j  j 

bank  or  wall  of,  unlawfully  breaking  down 59 


from  the  person,  punishment  for 28 

in  dwelling  house.    Sec  title  Dwelmno  Housk. 

in  a  building 31 

shop,  warehouse  or  counting  house.    tSce  title  Suor,  &c. 
HOOT.    Sec  title  Gaiidkn. 
RULE,    iicc  title  HEtoHDtf. 


108  INDEX. 


when  capital 29,  30 

punishment  of ib. 


larceny  of— how  punishable 35 


stealing  order,  &c.  entitling  or  evidencing  title  to  any 

deposit  in 27 


breaking  down,  &c.  any  sea  bank  or  sea  wall,  or  bank 

or  wall  of  any  river,  canal  or  marsh,  felony 59 

removing  piles  of  any  sea  bank,  &c.  or  doing  damage  to 

obstruct  navigation  of  river  or  canal,  felony ib. 

punishment ib. 

SEA  WALL.    See  title  Sea  Bank. 


power  of  Justice  to  grant  same •      47 


public  or  private,  larceny  of __ 27 


if  person  under  sentence  for  another  crime  is  convicted  of 
felony.  Court  may  pass  a  second  sentence  to  com- 
mence after  expiration  of  the  first 13,  14 

SERVANTS.    See  title  Embezzlement. 

or  Clerks,  larcenies  and  embezzlements  by,  how  pu« 

nishable - 38,  39 


to  any  church,  chapel,  house,  or  meeting-house, 
stable,  coach-house,  out-house,  ware-house,  office, 
shop,  mill,  malt-house,  hop-oast,  barn,  granary,  or 

buildings  used  in  carrying  on  trade,  &c 55 

how  punishable 66 

to  ships  or  vessels  with  intent  to  commit  murder 57 

with  intent  to  destroy  them 58 

to  agricultural  produce 60 


stealing— how  punished 35 


to  deliver  prisoner  for  trial  to  person  named  in  order  of 

Court  for  that  purpose 8 

but  not  to  send  any  prisoner  confined  for  debt  out  of  Dis- 
trict    ib., 


larceny  from 31 

netting  fire  to,  with  intent  to  commit  murder 57 

with  intent  to  destroy  same 58 

hanging  out  false  lightw  to  cause  shipwreck 57 

sec  title  Wrecks. 







party  in  possession  oi>  or  oflering  same  for  sale,  not  sa- 
tisfactorily accounted  for 


larceny  from,  punishment 


with  intent  to  murder 

with  intent  to  maim,  &.c 


in  enclosed  places  or  elsewhere,  larceny  of->how  punish- 

maliciously  destroying  them 

SILK.    See  title  Felony. 


want  of,  not  to  stay  or  reverse  judgment  after  verdict . . . 

punishment  for 


damaging  of 


punishment  for 


may  be  awarded  for  convictions  under, 

Criminal  Justice  Act 

Larceny  Act 

Malicious  Injuries  Act 

Offences  against  Person  Act 

STABLE.    See  tit.  Felony— Setting  Pirb. 


from  the  person — punishment 

goods,  &c.  from  any  Vessel,  &c 


stealing — how  punished 

being  in  possession  without  good  account 



owner  of,  prosecuting  thief  or  receiver  to  conviction,  in 

what  case  to  have  restitution  of  his  property 

in  what  not 

persons  taking  rewards  for  helping  to  the  recovery  of 
stolen  goods  without  bringing  offender  to  trial — 

how  punl  shable 

advertising  a  veward  for  return  of  stolen  property  and 
purporting  that  no  questions  will  be  asked,  &c.. . 
STRAW.    See  title  Setting  Fire. 


abettors  in  offences  punishable  under — their  punishment 
limitation  of  time 

i  2 











46.  65 
47,  G4;  85 

110  INDEX. 

SUMMARY  CONWCTIO^,— continued.  Page. 

competency  of  witnesses 47,  64,  86 

proceedings  of  Justice 47,  64,  85 

application  of  the  forfeitures  and  penalties 48,  65 

punisliments  on 49,  66 

offender  may  be  discharged  the  first  time  upon  making 

satisfaction ib. 

conviction — a  bar  to  any  other  proceeding  for  the  same 

cause 50,  67 

form  of  conviction 50,  67,  85 

appeal  to  Sessions,  where  fine  exceeds  five  pounds,  or 

imprisonment  for  one  month,  &c 52,  68 

convictions  to  be  returned  to  Quarter  Sessions,  and  a 

copy  to  be  deemed  evidence ib.,  69 


may  be  granted  in  cases  of  summary  proceeding 47,  64 


larceny  b  —how  punished 37,  38 


of  amends,  in  action  against  persons  under  Larceny  and 

Malicious  Injury  Acts,  4  &  5  Vic.  c.  25  &  26 53,  69 


punishment  for  injuring  them 56 


to  accuse  a  person  of  an  infamous  crime,  and  extorting 

money 28 

and  doing  the  same  with  intent  to  rob 29 

threatening  letters  to  extort  money ib. 


judgment  not  stayed,  &c.  on  account  of  indictments  omit- 
ting to  state  time  ^'hen  offence  committed 21,  22 


destroying  or  damaging — a  misdemeanor 59 


setting  fire  to  any  building  or  erection  used  in  carrying  on  55 


instead  of,  offenders  may  be  imprisoned  in  Penitentiary 

for  like  term 89 


not  permitted  in  misdemeanor  excepting  upon  consent  of 

prosecutor  or  cause  shewn  to  the  Court 6 

TREASON.    See  title  Trial. 

indictment  for,  effect  of  plea  of  not  guilty  to 9 

refusal  to  plead  to ib. 

challenge  of  Jury  beyond  legal  number  void 10 


larceny  of,  in  enclosed  places  or  elsewhere — how  punish- 
able   35, 61 










TR  R  ES,— continued. 

maliciously  destroying  them 


for  Criminal  offences 

plea  of  not  guilty  without  further  form  shall  put  prisoner 

on  his  trial,  in  cases  of  treason 


use  to  plead.  Court  may 
order  plea  of  not  guilty  to  be  entered  in  cases  of 

treason f 




every  peremptory  challenge  of  jury  beyond  the  number 
allowed  by  law,  shall  be  void  in  cases  uf  treason. . 

felony. . . 


jury  not  to  be  charged  to  enquire  of  prisoner's  lands,  &c. 

nor  whether  he  fled  in  case  of  treason 


of  offences  committed  on  boundaries  of  Counties — where 

to  be 

of  offences  on  journeys  and  voyages 

in  cases  of  murder  or  manslaughter 

of  bigamy 

TRUSTEE.    See  title  Embezzlement. 

property  in  the  Trustees  of,  how  laid  in  indictment 

malicious  injury  to  turnpike  gate,  or  any  wall,  drain,  &c. 
belonging  thereto,  or  any  house,  &c.  erected  for 

collection  of  toll — now  punishable 59,  60 


larceny  of— how  punishable 


stealing  public  or  private  securities  for  money  or  war- 
rants for  goods,  &c. — how  punished 


stealing  or  destroying  them  in  or  out  of  gardens 36,  37,  62 


in  actions  against  persons  for  any  thing  done  under  the 

Larceny  and  Malicious  Injury  Acts 52,  69 


what  defects  shall  not  vitiate  indictment  or  stay  or  re- 
verse judgment  after  verdict 21,  22 


punishment  for  stealing  goods  or  merchandize  from,  in 

a  port,  river  or  canal,  &c 31 










77,  78 






VOYAGE,  Page. 

offences  committed  on  property  during,  may  be  tried  in       ^  < 

any  District  or  County  through  which  the  Vessel, 

&c.  passed 19 


for  trial  of  offences  committed  on  property  in,  during 

journey  of 19 


destroying 62 


Larceny  in .*  • 31 

tlie  subject  of  arson 65 

riotous  destruction  of 57 


party  in  the  act  of  committing  offence  may  be  appre- 
hended without 46 

when  Justice  may  issue  to  compel  attendance  of  party 

charged  with  offence 47 

WARRANT  of  ATTORNEY.    See  title  Records. 

stealing— how  punished. 34 


compelled  to  attend  summons  of  Justice  and  enter  into 
recognizance  to  ^ive  evidence  at  trial,  and  subject 

to  imprisonment  Tor  refusal 4,  5 

evidence  given  by,  before  Justice  not  admissible  against 
upon  prosecution  afterwards  excepting  on  indict- 
ment for  perjury ib. 

may  be  cross-examined  by  accused ib. 

competency  restored  after  endurance  of  punishment  for 
misdemeanor,  excepting  for  perjury  or  suborna- 
tion of  perjury 11 

power  of  Coroner  to  bind  by  recognizance  to  appear  on 

trial  on  inquisition  or  murder  or  manslaugnter. ..  9 

competency  of  on  summary  conviction 47,  64 


punishment  for  trying  to  procure  abortion 74 

f)unishment  of,  for  conceeuing  a  birth 75 

brcible  abduction  of 76 

WOOD.    See  title  Setting  Fire. 


stealing  it — how  punished 37 


stealing 56 

destroying ib. 


plundering  of 32 

persons  in  possession  of  wrecked  goods,  and  not  satisfac- 
torily accounting  for  them,  to  be  fined ib. 

INDEX.  113 

WRECKS,— cmtimed.  ^  Page. 

Buch  goods,  if  offered  for  sale,  may  be  seized 32 

impeding  any  person  endeavouring  to  save  life  from  any 

wreck 08 

destroying  wrecks,  capital 69 


relating  to  real  estates,  parties  stealing,  guilty  of  misde- 
meanor   34 

punishment Jb. 

requisites  of  indictment lb. 

provisions  of  Statutes  4  &  5  Vict.  c.  25,  not  to  lessen  re- 
medy which  agrieved  now  has ib« 

conviction  not  to  be  revised  in  evidence  in  action  at  law, 

&c 38