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Full text of "Manitoba and the North-West [microform] : journal of a trip from Toronto to the Rocky Mountains via Lake Superior, Thunder Bay, Rat Portage, Winnipeg, Qu'Appelle, Prince Albert, Battleford, Fort Calgary and Fort McLeod, and return via Edmonton, Touchwood Hills, etc."

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THE    ^0ETH-"WE8T; 









W.    II.    WILLIAMS, 

Slioi'ial  Coiri'sjunuli'iit  of  Tiironto  <lti>l>r  iritli  IjhiU  Loinf. 







*    .,•"*. 

.    .»'«»-vV*^%^^V%f 
































In  presentine  my  North-West  letters  to  the  public  in  their  present 
form,  I  do  not  feel  that  any  apology  is  necessary.  Much  has  already 
been  published  about  the  North-West  Territory,  but  it  must  be  remem- 
bered, that  as  yet,  very  little  is  known  concerning  it.  This  is  not  the 
fault  of  those  few  who  have  travelled  through  the  country,  as  indeed 
oome  extremely  useful  and  entertaining  books  are  already  comprised  -in 
our  library  of  North- Western  literature  ;  but  it  is  rather  the  fault  of 
the  country  itself.  It  is  simply  "  too  big  "  for  the  amount  of  research 
that  has  as  yet  been  expended  upon  it,  and  hundreds  of  large  quarto 
volumes  would  come  very  far  abort  of  containing  all  that  might  be 
written  of  the  great  North-West  that  would  be  both  entertaining  and 
instructive.  Much  of  the  country  is  as  yet  practically  unknown  to  all 
save  a  few  aboriginies,  and  though  the  tide  of  immigration  has  been 
pouring  in  a  heavy  stream  of  population  during  the  past  few  years,  it 
has  not  yet  amounted  to  a  drop  iu  the  bucket.  Travellers  have  taken 
one  trail  through  the  country  on  their  westward  course,  and  have,  per- 
haps, returned  east  by  another  route,  but  even  this  has  only  opened  up 
a  very  limited  portion  of  this  vast  region  to  their  investigation,  so  that, 
as  I  said  at  the  outset,  I  do  not  think  I  owe  the  public  any  apology  for 
adding  one  more  book  to  the  number  that  have  already  been  written  on 
the  great  North-West. 

In  the  following  pages  the  reader  will  find  my  letters  in  much  the 
same  form  as  that  taken  by  them  when  they  appeared  in  The  Glohc^ 
except  that  matters  of  purely  local  or  ephemeral  interest  have  been 
expunged.  To  have  presented  them  in  any  other  form  than  that  of  a 
journal  of  my  trip  to  the  Rocky  Mountains  and  back,  would  have  meant 
either  a  sacrifice  of  continuity,  or  the  elimination  of  much  in  the  way 
of  experiences,  that  I  think  cannot  fail  to  be  of  practical  use  to  the 
intending  visitor,  bo  he  tourist  or  settler.  In  this  journal  the  reader 
will  find  a  faithful  and  accurate  record  of  my  experiences  and  impressions 
in  crossing  the  great  North-West,  and  I  cannot  but  think  that  as  such, 
they  will  bo  (juite  as  instructive,  and  vastly  more  readable,  than  would 



have  been  a  book,  in  which,  without  the  continuity  of  a  story,  I  had 
attempted  to  teach  the  lessons  impressed  upon  me  by  these  experiences. 

In  conclusion  I  have  only  to  say  that  while  I  have  no  doubt  that  this 
book  will  be  fiercely  attacked,  bullied  and  criticized,  by  the  enemies  of 
the  North- West  on  the  one  hand,  and  those  who  would  have  the  public 
think  that  region  an  earthly  realization  of  Paradise,  on  the  other,  I  bear 
.no  ill  feeling  to  those  who  thus  hope  to  climb  suddenly  into  literary 
pre-eminence  over  my  '*  mangled  remains,"  but  I  only  ask  the  reading 
public  to  remember  that  I  have  enjoyed  exceptional  facilities  for  collect- 
ing reliable  information  regarding  the  country  through  which  I  travelled, 
and  that  I  have  no  object  in  telling  anything  but  the  simple  truth. 

Whenever  T  have  had  occasion  to  deal  with  anything  outside  the  limits 
of  my  personal  observation,  I  have  given  my  authority  for  my  statements, 
and  my  aim  throughout  has  been  to  bs  as  accurate  as  possible.  This 
disposition  to  be  accurate,  without  regard  'o  the  pet  theories  of  lecturers' 
preachers  and  writers,  who  have  §;iven  the  public  a  great  deal  of  silly 
gush  about  the  climate  of  the  North- West,  has  already  secured  for  me 
no  '  nail  amount  of  abuse,  as  well  as  some  little  malicious  vilification, 
L  a  spite  of  all  this  I  cannot  see  any  reason  why  I  should  tell  false . 
hoods  merely  for  the  sake  of  being  on  the  popular  side.  I  have  no  lots 
to  sell,  nor  am  I  paid  to  puff  certain  sections  of  country,  and  so  I  can 
afford  to  tell  the  truth ;  but  on  the  other  hand  I  should  be  very  sorry 
if  a  single  sentence  in  the  following  pages  should  deter  any  desirable 
immigrant  from  making  a  home  in  Manitoba  or  the  Nor«h-West.  It  is 
only  those  idle  visionary  fools,  that  seek  an  earthly  paradise,  who  would 
be  frightened  by  the  simple  truths  I  have  told  regarding  the  climate  of 
the  North- West,  and  it  is  they  who  want  gush  with  which  to  construct 
their  day  dreams. 

Had  I  not  made  the  journey  in  Lord  Lome's  company,  I  could  not 
possibly  have  had  anything  like  such  excellent  opportunities  for  obtain- 
ing information  from  settlers,  traders,  half-breeds,  and  Indians,  and  I 
cannot  suificiently  acknowledge  the  obligations  I  owe  Ilis  Excedency 
for  the  care  he  invariably  exercised  in  seeing  that  all  the  journalists  in 
the  party  were  furnished  with  every  facility  for  collecting  useful  and 
interesting  information. 

The  course  taken  was  from  Toronto  to  Oollingwood  ma  the  Northern 
Railway,  thence  to  Prince  Arthur's  Landing,  per  Steamer  Francen  Smith, 
thence  by  Canada  Pacific  Railway  to  Wabigoon  Lake,  thence  by  canoe 





route  to  Rat  Portcige,  thence  by  Canada  PaciKc  Raih.-  ly  to  Winnipeg, 
Portage  La  Prairie  and  end  of  track,  thence  to  Carleton  by  horses  and 
waggons,  thence  to  Prince  Albert  by  Steamer  Northcote,  thence  to 
Battleford  by  Steamer  Lily,  thence  by  horses  and  waggons  to  Calgary, 
Fort  McLeod  and  Pincher  Creek,  where  I  bade  good-bye  to  His  Excel- 
lency and  party,  and  returned  home  by  way  of  Edmonton.  The  journey 
opened  July  21st,  and  closed  December  IGth,  1881,  and  was  probably 
as  comprehensive,  if  not  more  so,  than  that  taken  by  any  letter  writer 
who  has  recently  visited  the  country. 












Lord  Lorno  and  party  leave  Toronto,  and  calling  at  several  intermediate  points, 
reach  Owen  Sound 9 


Up  Georgian  Bay — A  noisy  reveille — Lonely  Island — Ashore  at  Killarney  and 
Little  Current — A  strange  uoincidence — An  interesting  incident 10 


Manitoulin  Island  and  its  principal  products — Neebish  Rapids— Lake  George 
—The  sunken  "Asia  "—The  Sault— Garden  River-  Some  Indian  Chiefs 
and  their  attire  —  Michipicoten  Island — Silver  Islet — Prince  Arthur's 
Landing  and  the  reception 13 


From  Prince  Arthur's  Landing  to  Wabigoon  Lake — Rough  railroad  travelling 
— Pagan  Indians  of  Wabigoon — A  portable  mansion — Beautiful  scenery — 
An  Indian  pow-wow — A  noon  halt — Addresses  and  replies — A  weakness 
in  the  Indian  indemnity  system — A  picturesque  camp IS 


From  Wabigoon  camp  to  Bell's  Lake,  via  Eagle  Lake — Magnificent  inland  lake 
scenery — By  portage  and  canoe  across  the  "Missing  Link" — Over  the 
"Lake  of  Flowers" — A  picturesque  spot — Bush  fires — Luxurious  barges 
— A  chain  of  beautiful  lakes 2r) 


On  Whitefish  Bay  and  Lake  of  the  Woods— Through  a  beautiful  archipelago 
— Black  Creek — Blueberry  Lake  —  A  dark  cloud  in  a  sunny  sky— The 
fatal  accident — Arrival  at  Rat  Portage 3(t 


An  enthusiastic  reception  at  Rat  Portage — A  large  gathering  of  Aborigines — 
Gorgeously  painted  Indians  of  the  Lake  of  the  Woods — Reveille  at  Eat 
Portage — A  miscellaneous  audience — An  Indian  entertainment — Descrip- 
tion of  the  chiefs .32 


His  Excellency's  departure  from  Rat  Portage — A  series  of  Indian  festivities — 
Grumbling  red  men — An  invitation  to  feast  on  dog  soup — An  introduction 
to  several  Indian  Chiefs— The  Falls  of  Winnipeg  River— A  dog  feast- 
Mysterious  ceremonies — Interesting  particulars 3') 





Kroni  Kat  I'oitage  to  tlie  City  of  \Viniiipeg  -llailway  travelling  under  diffi- 
culties—Winnipeg and  what  is  to  ))e  learned  and  seen  tliere — Martin 
Chuzzlewit  and  Eden  revived—"  A  beautiful  city  on  the  prairie  "  which 
does  not  exist— Mrs.  Mackenzie  Bowell  rides  in  a  locomotive — Crossing  a 
sink  hole — Winnipeg — Living  in  tents— Ifeal  Estate  sales— Lord  Lome's 
reception  —A  l)usy  place «'{*•) 


From  Winnipeg  to  Portage  La  Prairie— Second  stage  of  the  journey — Stony- 
mountain  and  the  character  of  the  soil — The  scene  presented  at  the  por- 
tage— Incidents  of  the  reception — A  glimpse  of  the  bufi'alo — Manitoba's 
system  of  drainage -42 


Westward  from  the  end  of  the  C^anada  Pacific — Description  of  the  cavalcade — 
Lord  Lome  lays  a  rail  on  the  great  road — Over  the  great  plains — Out  into 
tlie  great  North-W'est — The  country  traversed — Splendid  lands  held  by 
speculators 4G 


Reception  at  Rapid  City — A  tine  farming  country — How  Winnipeg  merchants 
treat  travellers — The  Little  Saskatchewan  and  its  water-power — Salt 
Lake — The  country  around Shoal  Lake — The  water  on  the  plains. ...     49 


Arrival  at  liirtle  and  reception — The  land  stony  but  good — Experiences  of 
settlers  in  their  new  homes — The  prairie  mosquito — Arrival  at  Fort 
Ellicc 5:$ 


His  Excellency  beyond  Fort  Ellice — Meeting  with  a  half-breed  freighter — 
Carrying  goods  across  the  plains — Sleeping  without  a  tent  on  the  open 
prairie — Hard  work  for  comparatively  small  pay — A  hospitable  host ....     T)!' 


From  Fort  Ellice  to  Qu' Appelle — Extraordinary  fertility  of  the  soil — An  inde- 
scribably beautiful  land — Exquisite  effects  of  colour  on  the  banks  of  the 
Qu'Appelle — Through  the  settlers'  paradise (>3 


The  soil  and  the  forest  of  Touchwood  Hills — Prairie  wolves  howl  dismally  near 
the  camp — The  mares  astray  on  the  plains — A  thunder  storm  on  the 
prairie — Myriads  of  badger,  hare,  duck  and  prairie  chicken — The  great 
salt  plains  and  alkali  beds 71 


A  treeless  expanse  of  rich  prairie  soil— Prospects  of  untimbered  lands — W^arn- 

iug  to  the  shiftless  denizens  of  eastern  towns — The  guid»>  taken  ill 7t> 




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U 70 

CHAPTER  XVIII.                                      i'A(!E 
Across  the  South  Saskatchewan  River— Arrival  at  Fort  I'arlton— A  few  words 
about  the  North-West  Mounted  Tolice— The  Hudson  Bay  Company — 
Their  trading  posts — The  organization  and  working  of  the  company 80 


An  old  chief  expresses  the  wants  of  his  people — Down  the  Sra'  at  hcwan  to 
Prince  Albert — Cordial  welcome  by  the  settlers — The  "  Loiisj  "  scholar- 
ship to  be  established S4 


Voyage  up  the  North  Saskatchewan— Arrival  at  Battleford  -  Resources  of 
the  country 91 


Oflf  for  Calgary— A  dreary  night  on  the  plains— An  optical  illusion— Follow- 
ing a  dim  trail 9<J 


A  drive  through  rich  romantic-looking  valleys— Ponies  and  waggons  stuck  in 
a  bad  slough — The  "Alkali"  scare  unfounded — Keen  frost  on  the 
plains — Across  another  treeless  prairie — Tenting  in  the  storm — Driving 
across  the  plains  by  moonlight 99 


The  Cree  chief  relates  some  Indian  legends — A  lecture  hall  on  the  prairie— 
"  Poundmaker's  "  terrible  winter  among  the  Blackfeet — The  Indian  ques- 
tion looming  up — How  can  it  be  settled? — Some  suggestions — Better 
teach  the  Indians  than  fight  or  feed  them — Canada  owes  them  her  western 
empire 1<*4 


A  buffalo  hunt  viewed  by  His  Excellency's  party — First  view  of  the  Rocky 
Mountains— Council  with  the  Blackfoot  chief  Crowfoot  and  his  baud — 
Arrival  of  fresh  horses  and  supplies— A  Blackfoot  squaw  who  speaks  Eng- 
lish—Costume of  a  Blackfoot  belle— Beautiful  scenes — Divine  Service  in 
Camp Ill 


Arrival  of  the  Governor-General  at  Fort  Calgary— Senator  Cochrane's  rancho 
— How  a  great  stock  farm  is  filled — Cost  of  Montana  cattle — Chinook 
winds — A  rest  at  the  fort — The  journey  across  the  plains  resumed 122 


Arrival  at  Fort  McLeod — A  village  with  no  compeer — A  town  in  the  far  west 

Its  inhabitants — Its  streets— Its  accommodations 128 


Incidents  and  objects  of  interest  at  Fort  McLeod— Horse -stealing  across  the 
border — Improved  condition  of  the  Mounted  Police  force- duties  of  the 
force — Necessity  of  its  being  strengthened— Prospects  of  trouble  through 
Indian  depredations l-)'2 



The  M'Farlane  ranche — History  of  a  prairie  pioneer — Several  tribes  hold  a 
pow-wow  before  His  Excellency — Dexterous  riders  and  nimble  ponies — 
(."attle  raising  in  the  ranches — price  of  farm  produce  and  labour — how 
capital  and  industry  pay 140 


His  Excellency  near  the  boundary — Indian  department  supply  farm— Incidents 
in  crossing  OA  Man's  Kiver — Nobody  seriously  hurt— The  Foothills  of 
the  "  Rockies  " — An  evening  ramble  144 


Danger  of  an  Indian  war— Nor' West  coal  second  only  to  Anthracite — Strange 
phases  of  life  at  Fort  McLeod  —  Fort  McL^od  slang — Abundance  and 
excellence  of  the  coal — Temptations  of  Indian  instructors— Horse  and 
cattle  thieving — An  Indian  outbreak  threatening 151 


Lost  in  a  snow  storm— Lassoing  a  wild  broncho — A  herd  of  antelopes  across 
the  trail — Travelling  on  the  plains  in  comfortable  style — How  a  Gait  man 
emigrates— Cattle  ranche  locations 156 


The  Indian  supply  farm— Good  prospects  for  intending  horse  and  cattle  ranch- 
ers— Detailed  estimate  of  the  cost  of  each  ranche — What  kind  of  animals 
to  stock  with — The  value  of  Polled  Angus  and  Galloways — Kyuse  mares 
and  their  qualities — A  coming  demand  for  mules — Causes  and  effects  of 
the  Chinook  winds 101 

From  Fort  Calgary  to  Edmonton — Summer  frosts  upon  the  plains — A  curious 
ledge,  queerly  wrought,  inhabited  by  many  birds — Future  of  Calgary — A 
drive  of  1,300  miles  yet  to  be  made — Nature  of  the  country  on  the  route 
— Uorse  thieves  about  Calgary — A  sunset  on  the  prairies — Lakes  swarm- 
ing with  ducks  and  geese — A  storm  on  the  plains 103 


On  the  trail  from  Fort  Calgary  to  Edmonton— Day  after  day  of  blinding 
Storms — A  glimpse  of  Indian  home  life  and  hospitality — A  lonely  camp 
in  the  wilderness — The  hunter's  return — A  tea  dance  and  how  the  guests 
were  invited — Djnmal  prospects 173 


Merc  stormy  weather  encountered — Bear  Hills  Indian  farm — Arrival  ai.  Ed- 
monton— St.  All  nrt  .Mission — The  Black  Mud  River — A  great  swamp 
of  black  earth— Wretched  character  of  the  trail,  to  Edmonton 170 


Edmonton  and  its  vicinity— Once  more  on  the  trail — The  first  day's  journey 
on  route  to  Battleford 180 






Arrival  at  Fort  Saskatchewan— Record  of  several  days'  jouruey 189 


Arrival  at  Battleford— A  thriving  centre  of  population— A  cheerful,  pleasant 
place— A  visit  to  the  police  barracks — Lieutenant-Governor  Laird .  196 


Wayside  incidents — A  dangerous  crossing  of  the  South  Saskatchewan  River 
— The  soil  at  Aroline  Crossing — Lost  on  the  prairies — A  serious  matter — 
Sheep  in  the  North-West— Rough  travelling 202 


The  Kyuse  as  a  cavalry  horse— Rough  travelling  on  the  open  prairie 210 


Humboldt  and  its  vicinity— Record  of  several  days' journeyings 210 


Touchwood  Hills— A  fertile  Region— Starting  for  Fort  Ellice 223 


From  Touchwood  Hills  to  Fort  Ellice— Arrival  at  Wolverine  Hill—  Mischievous 
changes  in  North-West  nomenclature 228 


From  Fort  Ellice  to  Brandon— The  land  boom  at  Brandon— Importance  of  a 

strict  prohibitory  liquor  law 234 


The  journey  closed — An  impartial  opinion  of  the  land  speculation  boom — A 
crop  of  "  Edens"— Mythical  fortunes  and  paner  cities — Words  of  warn- 
ing—The state  of  business  in  Winnipeg — Bubble  prices  for  lots 237 


Resume  of  the  journey— Description  of  the  ground  traversed — The  general 
character  of  the  soil  throughout  the  North- West  Territories 242 


Further  resume  of  the  journey  -A  general  description  of  the  soil  throughout 
the  North- West  Territories 24(5 


The  trail  from  Carleton  to  Battleford — The  climate  of  the  ^orth- West— The 
Bow  Hivor  district  adapted  for  cattle  ranching— Probable  valuable  graz- 
ing district- Rich  soil  in  the  vicinity  of  Edmonton— A  few  words  al)0ut 
the  cold  in  winter 249 

CHAPTER  XL  nil. 

How  to  visit  the  North-West— Information  for  intending  settlers— Corclusion  255 







BAKUit<;,  July  21. — The  special  train  carrying  the  Governor-General  and 
jiarty  moved  out  of  Brock  Street  station  at  just  half-past  eleven,  having  been 
preceded  by  the  pilot  engine  just  ten  minutes  earlier.  The  train  consisted 
of  an  engine  and  six  cars.  First  came  the  baggage  car,  then  the  Northern 
Railway  staff  car,  then  the  parlour  car,  then  the  directors'  car  ;  and  after 
that  the  two  cars  belonging  to  His  Excellency  and  suite.  The  pilot  selected 
for  the  occasion  was  No.  04,  a  new  Brooks  engine  but  recently  imported. 
She  was  in  charge  of  Engineer  R.  Person,  one  of  the  oldest  drivers  on  the 
line,  his  connection  with  the  line  dating  tweniy-tive  yeais  back.  The  engi- 
neer was  also  accompanied  by  Patrick  Henrick,  a  conductor  who  has  been  in 
tlie  service  of  the  Company  for  twenty-seven  years.  The  run  out  of  the  city 
and  northward  was  a  very  pleasant  one.  There  was  so  little  dust  that  the 
windows  and  doors  of  the  cars  could  be  left  open  witliout  any  inconvenience 
to  the  passengers,  and  the  rapid  motion  of  the  train  kept  a  refreshing  breeze 
paHsing  through  the  curs  all  the  time,  tlius  keeping  down  the  temperature  to 
a  most  enjoyable  contlition.  Tlio  almost  cloudless  sky,  brilliant  sunshine 
and  the  lonely  pastoral  landscapes,  in  which  ♦he  rich,  verdant  lines  of  niid- 
uummer  were  charmingly  varied  by  the  orange  ..  d  yiOluw  Holds  of  ripe  and 
ripening  grain. 


The  train  reached  Newmarket  about  one  o'clock,  whore  a  largo  crowd  had 
assembled,  and  the  preparations  for  llie  iec(ption  of  His  Kxcclleiioy  were  of 
the  most  complete  and  satisfactory  charact»'r.  A  handsonu  pavilion  of  ever- 
greens had  been  erected  opposite  the  (loint  at  which  the  (Sovernor'a  car 
Htopped.  Hero  tl'o  usual  programme  of  addresBts  and  replies  were  gone 
tliroiigh  with. 

After  leaving  Newmarket  the  guests  of  the  t\)mpany  and  the  memlierH  of 
the  I'ress  were  treated  to  an  excellent  lunch  on  board  the  train,  and  soon 
after  this  was  over  the  train  came  in  sight  of  tiio  sparkling  dark-blue  waters 
of  Kempenfeldt  Bay  with  the  town  of  Barrie  nestling  prettily  along  its  fartiier 



fllioro.  At  Allandalo,  His  Excellency  and  party  were  entertained  to  an  ele- 
gant Innch  by  the  Northern  Railwaj'  Company,  after  which  the  train  made  its 
way  over  to  Uarrie,  the  station  being  reached  at  abont  half-past  three.  Here 
a  brilliant  and  cnthnsiastic  reception  awaited  His  Excellency.  The  long 
platform  in  front  of  and  beside  the  station  was  literally  packed  with  men, 
women,  and  children,  all  cheering  enthnsiastically  as  the  train  drew  up. 

After  the  inevitable  addresses  had  been  gone  through  with,  the  train  left 
liarrie  about  lialf-past  four,  .and  the  run  to  CoUingwood  was  a  rapid  one 
through  a  Hat  level  country,  which,  though  only  partially  settled,  promises 
extremely  well  as  an  agricultural  district.  The  country,  though  low  lying, 
lias  excellent  soil,  and  the  crops  are  magnificent.  When  the  Prince  of  Wales 
went  through  liore,  and  even  as  late  as  fifteen  years  ago,  this  country  was  an 
absolute  wilderness,  but  now  the  landscape  is  dotted  all  over  with  fine  clear- 
ings, with  splendid  homesteads  springing  up  on  every  hand. 

At  Collingwood  another  brilliant  reception  awaited  His  Excellency,  but  in 
due  time  the  whole  party  reached  the  wharf,  and  it  was  just  eight  o'clock  as 
the  final  whistle  was  sounded,  and  the  steamer  Fnnices  Smith  swung  out  from 
the  wharf  and  steamed  gracefully  out  of  Collingwood  Harbour.  The  sun  had 
gone  down  like  a  great  disc  of  fire,  flaring  redly  through  a  thick  bank  of  dark 
blue  mist,  and  soon  the  stars  were  shining  brightly  overhead,  and  the  cool 
night  breezes  came  stealing  down  from  the  north  over  the  almost  rippleless 

Though  it  was  ten  o'clock  when  the  steamer  r^afihed  Meaford,  a  reception 
committee  was  in  waiting,  and  :.a  unusually  enthusiastic  welcome  was  ac- 
corded to  His  Excellency.  After  an  address  had  been  presented  and  replied 
to.  His  Excellency  and  party  returned  to  the  steamer,  and  the  Francea 
Smith  shortly  afterwards  started  from  the  wliarf  on  the  next  stage  of  the 
journey.  The  good  people  of  Owen  Sound  were  anxious  to  welcome  His  Ex- 
cellency and  give  formal  expression  to  their  feelings  of  loyalty,  but  circum- 
stances did  not  permit.  The  boat  called  at  their  port  about  four  o'clock  in 
the  morning,  an  hour  which  precluded  any  interchange  of  courtesies. 


II'  (;Koli(;lAS    ItAV      A   NOISY    UF-VEILM;  -LONKl.V     IHI.AND      AHHOUK   AT   KIM AHNKY    A\l» 

Lirri.K  CfHiiKNT,  Manitovilin  Island,  .July  U^ml.-  Early  this  morning  the 
passengers  of  the  Fr(iiirt\i  Smith  were  aroused  from  their  slumbers  by  a  chorus 
of  tliu  most  uiii'arthly  and  discordant  noises.     A  lot  of  fat  cattle  were  being 



taken  on  board,  and  as  they  had  no  speciul  desire  for  a  trip  to  the  North- 
West  they  were  giving  expression  to  their  disapproval  with  a  vengeance. 

It  was  nearly  six  o'clock  when  the  heavily-laden  steamer  moved  out  of  the 
(excellent  harbour  of  Owen  Sound,  and  soon  she  was  steaming  up  Georgia:) 
liay  favoured  with  as  tine  weather  as  was  ever  seen  on  a  lovely  mid-summer 
morning.  For  a  great  part  of  the  forenoon  the  steamer  was  nearly  or  quite 
out  of  sight  of  land,  but  though  there  was  little  to  be  seen  save  sky  and  watei*, 
the  passengers  spent  most  of  the  time  on  the  decks  enjoying  the  light  though 
deliciously  cool  and  invigorating  breezes  from  ofl'  the  great  northern  waters. 
Indeed,  it  would  seem  as  if  languor  and  weariness  were  impossibilities  on  the 
Lake  Superior  route,  where  every  breath  of  air  is  a  tonic,  and  the  eye 
never  wearies  even  when  there  is  naught  to  be  seen  save  the  great  stretches 
of  water  and  the  ever  changing  sky.  In  the  afternoon  the  breeze  had  died 
away  to  a  mere  breath,  and  the  steamer  ploughed  along  through  the  appar- 
ently limitless  expanse  of  limpid  water,  whose  wondrous  depth  made  it  look 
like  a  swarthy  3ood.  Low  dead  swells  were  rolling  westward,  but  these 
were  clothed  in  little  wavelets  whose  tiny  crests  were  flashing  like  dia- 
monds of  tlie  purest  water.  Presently  the  black  crest  of  Lonely  Island 
looms  out  of  the  haze  on  the  port  bow,  while  its  sides  are  still  hidden  by  a 
thin  veil  of  mist  that  is  silver  white  at  the  water  line,  but  shades  upward  to  a 
translucent  blue.  Straight  ahead  in  the  horizon  lies  a  bank  of  blue  hazy 
clouds,  and  above  this,  but  merging  with  it,  are  billowy  masses  of  bright 
coppery  clouds,  whose  upper  edges  are  flecked  with  little  ragged  frag- 
ments of  dark  slatey  rain  clouds.  Then  comes  a  narrow  zone  of  deep  bright 
unclouded  azui-e,  and  then  broad  thin  sheets  of  fleecy  sunlit  vapour.  Away 
to  the  southward  all  along  the  horizon  lies  a  light  belt  of  smoke  brown  haze, 
and  in  its  upper  edge  are  floating  little  fluffy  cloudlets,  gleaming  sunlit  isles 
(if  pale  fawn  colour.  Lonely  Island,  whose  dreary  stretches  of  barren  sand 
and  gravel,  and  sullen  towering  ledges  of  rock  repel  all  save  the  solitary 
lighthouse-keeper  and  now  and  then  a  few  Ojibway  fishermen,  is  passed 
at  length,  and  then  the  great  Manitoulin  Island  comes  in  view.  S(>on 
the  steamer  is  under  shelter  of  this  greatest  of  all  fresh  water  islands, 
but  none  too  soon,  for  suddenly  a  great  bank  of  rain  cloud  rolls  down 
from  the  north-west,  bringing  with  it  a  sharp  squall  that  is  (juickly  fol- 
lowed by  a  l)risk  shower,  the  big  drops  soon  covering  the  dark  waves  with 
bubbles  that  look  like  myriads  of  tiny  spheres  of  crystal  against  a  back 
ground  of  inky  blackness.  The  rain  soon  passes,  however,  and  when  the  sun 
was  only  abor.t  an  hour  high  the  «tean)er  turned  westward  into  a  long  narrow 
reach  between  a  low  lying  rocky  island  and  the  north  shore  mainland.  On 
the  right  Imnd  of  this  narrow  channel  lay  the  little  lishing  hamlet  called  Kil- 
larney.  As  the  steamer  passed  the  lighthouse  and  headed  westward  tlie  declin- 
ing sun  lit  up  the  gently  rippling  waters  of  the  strait  like  a  gleaming  path  of 
l)urniHhed  gold.  On  the  right,  up<m  a  broad  glassy  flat,  edged  with  a  low 
convex  border  of  ice-pjlishod  reddish  Laurentiun  rock  curving  down  to  the 
water's  edge  were  scattered  the  wooden  Inits  and  cabins  of  the  little  tishing- 
villuge,  while  on  the  loft  the  smooth,  bare,  storm  swcjit  mcks  were  crowned 



with  tlie  sliiirp,  bristling,  black-green  cones  of  stunted  spruces.  Here  the 
steamer  halted  for  an  hour,  while  His  Excellency  went  ashore  for  a  stroll 
through  the  village.  The  Marquis  of  Lome  was  attracted  by  the  very  neat 
and  cheerful  appearance  of  a  little  house,  the  home  of  an  old  Scotchwoman, 
and  entering,  was  warmly  welcomed  by  the  venerable  occupant.  It  is  a  singu- 
lar coincidence  that  this  was  the  first  house  in  Killarney  entered  by  Lord 
Duflerin  on  the  occasion  of  hid  trip  up  the  lakes  seven  years  ago.  His  Ex- 
cellency called  on  one  or  two  more  of  the  residents,  and  finally  visited  a 
church  bazaar,  where  he  and  his  suite  made  several  piirchases.  It  was  nearly 
ilark  when  the  steamer  moved  on  uj)  the  strait  toward  Little  Current,  a 
small  village  on  the  Manitouliu  side,  and  it  wa3  quite  dark  when  the  landing 
was  made.  On  landing  His  Excellency  and  party  were  escorted  up  from  the 
wharf  and  under  a  beautiful  arch  of  evergreens  to  a  dais  canopiod  with 
spruce  bouglis  and  ligiited  with  lanterns,  where,  in  the  presence  of  an  im- 
mense crowd  of  whites  and  Indians,  the  addresses  and  replies  were  delivered. 
After  these  had  been  finished.  His  Excellency  expressed  a  desire  to  see 
one  of  the  churches  and  visit  some  of  the  wigwams.  The  whole  party,  com- 
prising His  Excellency  and  most  of  the  suite,  the  lieception  Committee,  a 
Large  number  of  the  steamer's  passengers,  and  a  long  procession  of  the  villag- 
ers, comprising  men,  women,  and  children,  white  and  red,  started  oft"  for  a 
walk  of  something  like  three-qimrters  of  a  mile,  for  after  the  little  church 
had  been  visited  the  whole  party  made  their  way  to  chief  Nahgahboh's  wigwam. 
The  walk  was  over  a  very  rough,  rocky  road  leading  along  a  blufl'  nut  fa,r  from 
the  shore,  and  fimilly  down  the  face  of  a  steep,  rocky  ridge  to  a  low  fiat  by 
the  water,  where  several  wigwams  beside  the  chief's  were  standing,  witli  ln^ic 
and  there  the  remains  of  a  civmp  fire  smouldering  among  them.  The  face  il 
the  ridge  already  described  was  covered  with  a  thick  grov  th  of  stunted  shruls, 
as  well  as  many  pieces  of  loose  rock,  so  that  while  His  Excellency,  with  Dr. 
McGregor  leaning  on  his  arm,  made  his  way  down  by  the  light  of  two  or  tlirto 
lanterns,  without  any  mishaps;  a  great  many  of  those  following  in  th.^  pitcliy 
darkness  did  not  fare  quite  so  well.  In  that  motley  procession  were  white 
men,  women,  children,  Indians,  stpiaws  with  papooses  strapped  upon  their 
backs,  or  following  on  foot  members  of  the  suite,  and  other  p'lssengers,  and 
as  they  went  tumbling  over  each  other  as  they  scrambled  down  that  steep, 
furze-covered  incline,  some  of  the  most  amusing  scenes  were  of  freoiient 
occurrence.  Occasionally  one  w(nild  make  a  misstep  and  pitch  htadlon;  •  int  > 
the  very  much  mixed  society  below  him,  and  then  would  'umie  a  succession 
of  tumbles  till  a  largo  section  of  the  pi'ocession  would  find  itself  con\ert<!a 
into  a  miniature  human  avnlancho  rolling  down  and  carrying  everything 
before  it,  until  men  and  women,  J'oung  and  old,  white  and  red,  became  mixed 
\ip  in  a  most  inextricable  tangle,  e(|iially  destructive  to  good  clothes  and 
dignifn  mien.  At  length  after  His  Excellency  had  received  some  trilling 
liresents  from  the  three  chiefs  and  their  wives  ;  after  he  had  returned  their 
kindnesses  by  presents  of  barnils  of  pork  and  fiour  ;  after  he  had  sluiken  liands 
and  spoken  a  few  kind  words  to  the  squaws — young  and  old  whom  he  could 
reach  in  the  darkfuced  throng  that  pressed  around  him  ;  and  after  Dr.  Mc- 



Here  the 

)i'  a  stroll 
very  neat 
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1  by  Lortl 
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f  visited  a 
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(d  oft'  for  a 
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's  wigwam. 
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,nio  mixed 

1  it  lies  and 
lie  trilling 

ned  their 
ken  hands 
lie  could 
br  Dr.  Mc- 

Gregor had  pressed  many  a  dark-brown  hand  with  a  fervent  "  God  bless  you," 
the  visitors  hurried  away  to  the  steamer.  On  the  way,  however,  a  little 
incident  occurred  well  calculated  to  illustrate  His  Excellency's  thorough  but 
unostentatious  kindliness  towards  even  the  lowliest.  He  was  hurrying  along 
towards  the  boat  through  the  darkness,  and  just  as  he  had  passed  a  wigwam 
two  or  three  squaws  came  out  with  trifling  presents,  but  they  were  not  in- 
clined to  push  their  way  into  the  crowd,  and  His  Excellency  did  not  see 
them.  When  ho  was  150  yards  further  on  his  way  sonje  one  who  had  seen 
the  women  mentioned  the  circumstance.  Without  a  moment's  h'esitation  he 
wheeled  about  and  started  back,  but  before  he  reached  the  wigwam  the 
sipiaws  seeing  the  lanterns  returning,  hurried  out  to  meet  him  bringing  their 
presents  with  them.  His  Excellency  accepted  their  presents  and  after  shak- 
ing haTids  with  them,  said  to  the  interpreter,  "Tell  them  that  in  hurrying 
past  through  the  darkness  I  was  unable  to  see  them,  otherwi^o  I  should  have 
stopped  at  once.     Tell  them  I  am  very  grateful  for  their  kindness." 



cnilefs  and  thkir  attire— mkjhipec'otev  island— silver  islet— prinik 
Arthur's  landino  and  the  reception. 

manitoulin  island. 

While  ashore  at  Little  Current  I  had  an  opportunity  of  gathering  a  few 
facts  regarding  the  island  in  fresh  water,  the  great  Manitoulin.  This  island, 
as  nearly  everybody  knows,  is  about  one  hundred  miles  long,  and  in  places 
from  twenty-five  to  thirty  miles  wide.  It  is  of  an  irregular  triangular  shape, 
the  base  of  the  triangle,  which  lies  towards  the  eaot,  being  nearly  cut  ofi"  by 
Manitou waning  Bay,  a  h)ng,  narrow  arm  of  the  lake  jutting  in  from  the  north- 
ward. This  strip  of  land  is  some  eight  mihs  wide  from  east  to  west,  and  it 
constitutes  one  of  the  Indian  reserves  of  the  island.  A  large  proportion  of 
this  reserve  is  said  to  bo  very  fertile.  The  island  is  made  up  of  clay,  sand, 
and  rock,  and  though  much  of  the  arable  land  is  somewhat  stony  its  pro- 
ducing capabilities  are  surprising.  The  wheat  raised  here  is  of  such  an  ex- 
cellent (juality  that  a  comparatively  largo  amount  of  it  is  annually  exported 
for  seed  to  the  older  portions  of  the  Province.  Last  year  it  is  asserted  that 
some  six  or  seven  thousand  bushels  of  wheat  were  exported,  but  this  is  far 
from  being  anything  like  a  measure  of  its  wheat  producing  capabilities,  as  a 
very  largo  proportion   of  the  araVde  land  is  still  uncleared.       A   gentleman 




porfoctly  well  acMiiiiiintocl  with  tho  cluirjictor  of  tlio  iiitorior  iufoitiied  mc  that 
from  wimt  ho  hiul  soon  it  whs  piotty  siifo  to  ostinmto  that  from  Ihirly  to  forty 
l»orcent.  of  tho  total  area  of  tho  iHlaiid  was  mado  up  of  tillahlo  laud,  'llio 
whito  population  is  variously  estimated  at  from  i>,()()0  to  l(>,00(>,  and  tho  lu- 
diftu  population  at  from  2,000  to  2,500.  At  present,  thouf^di  tho  eouutry  in 
admirably  adapted  to  dairying  and  cattle  raising,  most  of  the  beef  and  butter 
produced  are  consumed  by  tho  resident  population  and  the  largo  gangs  of 
lumbermen  annually  employed  here.  Tho  Indians  farm  and  garden  in  a  rude 
sort  of  way,  nuiko  mats,  baskets  and  other  trilles  of  rushes,  sweet  grass,  bar!:, 
and  porcupine  (piills.  They  also  tish,  hunt,  and  trap,  but  these  latter 
branches  of  industry  are  not  carried  on  as  successfully  as  in  former  days. 
Tho  Indians  also  make  large  quantities  of  maple  sugar  every  spring.  The 
climato  is  said  to  bo  delightfully  pleasant  Tlio  close  proximity  of  8\ioh  large 
bodies  of  water  has  the  etlect  of  tempering  tho  tierco  heat  of  midsununer  and 
of  rendering  tho  winters  (piito  as  mild  as  those  experienced  along  tho  north 
shore  of  Lake  Ontario. 

A  fair  «iuality  of  pine  is  to  bo  found  in  considerable  quantities  on  sonu- 
portions  of  the  island,  while  tho  export  of  cedar  ties  and  telegraph  poles  to 
Chicago  and  Detroit  has  grown  into  an  important  branch  of  trade.  The 
settlers  are  of  opinion,  however,  that  tho  timber  on  the  island  should  b*' 
reserved  for  homo  consumption,  as  it  will  all  bo  needed  for  that  purpose  as 
soon  as  tho  island  shall  have  become  fairly  populated. 

So  far  but  little  is  known  of  the  mineral  resources  of  Manitoulin,  but  petro- 
leum is  said  to  have  been  fouTid  in  one  locality,  while  tho  mineral  8i)ring»  of 
at  least  two  different  sections  promise  in  tho  future  to  nuvko  them  i)op\ilar 
resorts  for  invalids. 


3Ianitou  Lake,  which  is  said  to  bo  some  fifty  feet  liigher  than  tho  level  of 
the  surrounding  lakes  is  twenty-seven  miles  long,  and  another  lake  cm  the; 
island  is  said  to  be  seven  or  eight  miles  long,  while  there  are  numerous 
smaller  lakes,  nearly  all  of  which  are  well  stocked  with  tine  fish.  Tho  land, 
which  is  now  in  the  market,  sells  at  from  oOc.  to  ^1  per  acre,  but  it  is  said 
that  if  some  of  the  best  Indian  reserves  were  put  in  tho  market  they  would 
sell  readily  at  from  ^  to  §5  per  acre. 

The  favomite  raihvjvy  project  here  is  to  build  a  railway  from  a  point 
opposite  Cabot  Head  to  Little  Current,  cross  to  the  mainland  by  a  series  of 
small  bridges  between  the  little  islands  which  lie  in  a  chain  across  to  the 
mainland,  and  then  run  inland  to  tap  tho  pi'ojectod  Sault  branch.  This 
railway  wo\ild  be  connected  with  the  railway  system  of  Ontario  by  means  of 
a  ferry  from  Manitoulin  Island  to  Cabot  Head.  Tolerably  good  turnpikes 
are  being  constructed  throughout  the  island  at  the  expense  of  thf  Ontario 

It  was  dark  wlion  we  left  Little  Current,  on  the  night  of  tho  2'Jnd,  and  as 
nu>rning  broke  we  were  heading  across  a  broad  stretch  of  ojten  water  bound 
for  Bruce  Muies.     The  weather  was  still  as  line  as  could  be  wished  for,  and 



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tho  piiHmiiigerH  Hi)(;iit  a  large  portion  ot  the  iiioniing  on  Uectv  enjoying  the 
<!oligiitfully  cool  breeze.  At  a  few  iiKdiientH  after  ton  o'clock  in  tho  morning 
lUuce  MiiioH,  a  .Momowhat  dreary-looking  iKjrtii  aiioio  village,  vvaa  reached, 
and  here  another  address  was  presented. 

KriOM    liKIK'K    MI.NKS   To    Til.     SAIM.T. 

The  run  through  the  tortuous  channel  from  linice  l\Iiii{;.s  to  Saiilt  Ste. 
!STario,  as  everybody  who  lias  travelled  it  knows  'icludcs  .some  of  the  prettiest 
and  most  pictureH(|ue  scenery  on  the  whole  of  tiie  fj.Mke  Suj)erior  route.  It 
is  like  that  of  the  'J'hoiiHaiid  Islands  niiigiiilied.  As  a  general  thing  tho 
islands  in  the  northern  archipelago  iiic  larger  and  bolder  in  outline,  the 
na'Tow  reaclicH  of  clear,  sparkling  water  Ijetweeii  tlitni  are  deeper  and  longer, 
whilo  at  times  (iue  sees  (Jiit  throiigli  a  narrow  gaji  across  tho  apparently 
limitless  sunlit  hazy  of  tho  open  lake.  Not  far  behjw  tho  Neobish 
Hapids  tho  steamer  passes  through  a  long,  narrow  channel  Ixjiindcd  on  eitlier 
side  by  rugged,  [)recipitou8  walls  of  Laurent ian  rock,  and  on  tlio  face  of  an 
abruptly  broken  ledge  is  seen  one  (»f  the  iimst  startling  phenomena  known  to 
these  northern  watert;.  The  abrupt  face  of  the  little  precipice  is  of  dark  iron 
grey  trap,  but  upon  this  in  a  sort  of  dull  white  (jr  cream-coloured  lichen  are 
a  pair  of  figures,  rudo  und  unshapely  in  outline,  and  not  unlike  tho  roughest 
.sort  of  Japanese  design,  but  they  beiir  a  singularly  strong  resemblance  to  the 
ligurcs  of  two  men  with  pucks  on  their  backs  and  walking  in  single  file. 
Thirty  years  ago  it  is  said  that  tw(»  Indian  mail  carriers  were  found  whore 
thoy  had  been  frozen  to  death,  lying  at  tlio  foot  of  this  rock  with  their  heads 
turned  towards  it.  The  remains  were  found  long  after  their  death,  and  the 
Indians  say  that  the  curious  white  lichen  was  then  formed  just  opposite  where 
tlieir  bodies  lay.  He  this  as  it  may,  1  have  never  seen  any  lichen  at  all 
resembling  this  anywhere  in  the  Laureiitides,  though  I  have  had  a  somewhat 
extensive  atMiuaintance  with  that  range  fnnii  the  Saguenay  to  Cross  Lake. 

Soon  after  making  the  diflicult  and  tortuous  passage  up  the  Neobish  Rapids 
tho  steamer  reached  the  point  where  tho  cliannel  opens  out  into  tho  beautiful 
Lake  George,  and  here  wo  pnssed  close  to  the  spot  where  tho  sunken  Axio 
lies,  her  smashed  bow  resting  on  a  rock,  and  high  out  of  the  water, 
while  her  stern  has  sunk  till  the  water  flows  o\  r  tho  hurricane  decL 
The  scenery  of  the  River  Ste.  Marie  is  singularly  bold  and  picturesque, 
a  low  and  apparently  fertile  flat  bordering  the  ri\er  <m  either  side,  while 
this  is  walled  in  with  rugged  rocky  ridges  richly  clad  in  the  verdure  of 
spruces,   cedars,  find  stunted  Norway  pines. 

At  Garden  River  His  Excellency  was  received  by  a  large  deputation  of 
Indians.  A  porti(m  of  the  wharf  v. ;is  kept  clear  by  Indian  marshals 
armed  with  long  sticks,  while  a  row  of  chiefs  and  warriors  arrayed  in 
gorgecms  attire  stood  facing  the  gangway.  As  soon  as  His  Excellency  hatl 
landed  an  opening  was  cleared  in  the  crowd,  and  tho  distinguished  visitors 
were  escorted  to  a  pavilion  only  a  short  distance  in  shore,  where  the  ad- 
dresses were  to  bo  presented.  Here  was  a  neat  little  canopy  with  sup- 
ports and   rafters  wrapped  with  wreaths     f  evergreens,   the  floor  covered 

I  I 



with  Indian  made  rush  mats  (containing  fanciful  patterns  worked  into  them 
with  brightly-dyed  rushes),  and  a  roof  of  tent  cloth.  Large  and  tastefully- 
arranged  bouquets  of  fresh  flowers  stood  along  the  rail  that  ran  around  the 
dais  and  the  rush  mats  reached  down  to  the  roadway  which  had  been  thickly 
covered  with  damp  sawdust  to  prevent  the  visitors'  steps  from  sinking  int(.> 
the  deep  loose  sand. 

The  Chief  of  the  Garden  River  Indians,  and  apparently  a  leading  man  in 
the  Ojibway  tribe  throughout  Algoma,  "  Augusta  Shingwauk,"  was  evidently 
the  big  man  of  the  occasion.  He  is  very  Lirge,  stout  and  dark  ;  with  a  few 
straggling  grey  hairs  curling  about  his  chin,  and  a  profusion  of  dark  iron- 
grey  hair  falling  down  over  his  neck.  Tliough  not  remarkably  obese  for  one 
of  his  age,  he  would  in  all  probability  weigh  240  lbs. ,  and  both  his  face  and 
figure  are  well  rounded.  He  wore  a  curious  head-dress  consisting  of  a  sort  of 
turban  of  skunkskin  well  filled  with  eagle  feathers.  His  vest  was  of  bright 
scarlet,  ornamented  with  white  and  crystal  beads  ;  he  wore  grey  tweed  trow- 
sers,  and  black  leggings,  half  covered  with  white,  red,  and  yellow  beads.  The 
romantic  picturesqueness  of  this  much  of  his  costume  was  singularly  "let 
down,"  however,  by  his  coat,  which  consisted  of  an  old  dirty  linen  duster, 
though  this  was  less  commonplace  in  appearance  than  it  would  have  been  had 
it  been  divested  of  the  skunkskin  armlets  which  held  the  sleeves  fast  to  the 
wearer's  arms  at  the  elbows.  He  also  wore  a  very  common-place  looking  pair 
of  leather-coloured  cowhide  slippers.  Fastened  to  his  neck  by  a  braid  of 
sweet  grass  was  a  large  disc  of  birch  bark,  bound  around  with  sweet  grass 
and  porcupine  quills,  and  bearing  figures  of  illustrative  peace  and  war  on  the 
(ipposite  faces,  neatly  worked  in  bright  colours  with  dyed  porcupine  tjuills. 
This  was  a  present  which  he  subsecjuently  presented  to  His  Excellency  in 
token  of  "  brotherhood  in  chiefship." 

Another  chief  wore  a  moose-skin  coat,  black  trousers,  red  leggings,  and 
buckskin  moccasins,  Vi^ith  a  fantastic-looking  head-dress  made  of  horsehair, 
partridge  wings  and  eagle  feathers.  Others  were  arrayed  fantastically  in 
scarlet,  but  there  was  scarcely  one  of  these  costumes  that  was  not  marred  ])y 
some  grotesque  modification  growing  out  of  a  disposition  on  the  part  of  the 
wearers  to  conform  to  the  prevailing  fashions  of  their  white  brethren. 

At  Sault  Ste  Mario  His  Excellency  was  received  by  the  white  inhabitants, 
extensive  preparations  having  been  made  for  the  reception.  After  the  usual 
addresses  and  replies  had  been  gone  through.  Lord  Lome  and  party  were 
subsequently  shown  over  the  town,  visited  the  Indian  schools  for  boys  ajul 
girls,  and  after  being  rowed  across  the  river  in  a  small  boat  visited  the  .\nier- 
ican  Fort  and  finally  rejoined  the  steamer  which  passed  through  the  canal - 
and  out  into  Lake  Superior  a  little  after  dark.  Next  morning,  about  ten 
<i'clock,  Micbipecoten  Island  was  reached.  There  is  a  small  settlement  at 
the  landing,  but  the  island  is  for  the  most  part  very  like  some  of  the  most 
rugged  portions  of  the  Laurentian  range.  From  its  isolated  position  it  ap- 
pears to  have  escaped  the  ravages  of  bush  fires,  and  this  is  why  its  towering 
ridgea  of  rock  ars  more  richly  clad  with  evergreens  tlian  the  Laurentides 
usually  are. 




Hia  Excellency  and  party  here  embarked  on  board  the  tuc;  Mocking  Bird, 
and  were  taken  to  visit  one  of  the  mining  locations  of  the  Michipocoten  Native 
Copper  Mining  Company.  This  ia  located  near  the  north-western  angle  of 
the  island.  Here  the  ridges  of  trap  and  gneissoid  rock  appear  to  be  fully 
three  hundred  feet  high,  some  of  them  showing  the  wildest  and  most  fantastic 
outlines  in  shcarp  relief  against  the  bright  and  clear  summer  sky.  The  tug 
approached  to  within  about  two  hundred  yards  of  the  shore,  where  she  let 
go  her  anchor  and  the  party  were  taken  ashore  in  small  boats.  The  passen- 
gers were  particularly  struck  with  the  marvellous  transparency  of  the  waters 
of  Lake  Superior.  On  reaching  the  shore  His  Excellency  was  shown  over  the 
property  by  Mr.  W.  \V.  Stuart,  resident  manager.  The  deposit  consists  of  a 
number  of  thick  veins  of  amygdaloyd,  a  dark  reddish  friable  ore,  containing 
from  1  to  2h  per  cent,  of  native  copper.  During  the  night  were  the  first 
symptoms  of  unfavourable  weather  which  have  been  experienced  on  the 
trip,  and  on  this,  the  morning  of  the  23rd,  there  was  some  wind  and  fog, 
though  not  enough  to  cause  any  inconvenience  to  the  passengers. 

At  Silver  Islet  His  Excellency  made  a  short  atop,  and  evinced  considerable 
interest  in  the  rich  specimens  of  ore  and  native  silver  that  have  been  on  ex- 
liibition  there  for  some  yei  rs.  It  is  said  little  or  no  ore  ia  being  ahipped  just 
now,  but  the  specimens  taken  out  here  at  the  time  of  the  Srst  excitement 
may  serve  the  pui-poses  of  stock  operators  quite  as  well  as  hoiuijide  business 

The  steamer  is  now  noaring  Prince  Arthur's  Landing  and  bringing  to  a 
close  a  trip  which  has  been  in  all  respects  a  very  pleasant  one. 


Prince  Arthur's  Landing,  July  25. — My  last  letter  cloaed  just  as  tlie 
Frances  Smith  waa  Hearing  Prince  ^rthur'a  Landing,  and  the  last  aentences 
of  the  letter  were  atill  unwritten  when  the  firing  of  cannon  from  the  shore 
told  that  the  Thunder  Bay  people  were  awaiting  the  arrival  of  Hia  Excel- 
lency. Along  the  long  wharf  from  the  steamer  to  the  shore  was  a  row  of 
little  evergreens,  and  aa  the  land  was  reached  rows  of  evergreens  enclosed  a 
broad  carpeted  avenue  which  led  up  beneath  a  verv  handsome  arch  of  ever- 
green to  the  carpeted  dais,  where  the  addreaaea  were  presented. 

Aa  Boon  as  the  ceremoniea  were  over  at  Prince  Arthur'a  Landing  His 
Excellency  stepped  into  a  waggonette,  drawn  by  four  white  horses,  and  was 
taken  for  a  drive  to  the  Town  Plot. 

After  leaving  the  Town  Plot,  His  Excellency  was  driven  down  to  the  Indian 
mission,  where  he  was  received  hy  Father  Bletner,who  showed  him  the  pretty 
little  mission  church.  His  Excellency  then  visited  the  mission  school,  which  is 
taught  by  the  Sisters.  Miss  Martin,  the  superior,  read  a  abort  address  and 
the  children  sang  an  English  hymn,  after  which  Lord  Lome  made  a  few 
appropriate  remarks  and  then  proceeded  to  visit  the  convent.  P'rom  the 
convent  Hia  Excellency  went  to  inspect  the  garden,  where  the  remarkable 
growth  of  vegetables  particularly  attracted  hia  attention.     Altogether,  His 



Excellency  was  particularly  pleased  with  what  he  saw  on  the  trip,  the  Kam- 
inistiiiuia  River  and  the  mission  coining  in  for  an  exceptional  share  of  his 

In  the  evening  the  whole  party  returned  to  Prince  Arthur's  Landing,  and 
as  soon  as  it  was  fairly  dark  an  immense  bontire  wa»  lighted,  and  there  was 
ii  tine  display  of  fireworks. 



Wabigoon  Lakb,  Ont.,  July  20. 


Early  this  morning  the  beautiful  little  town  of  Prince  Arthur's  Landing 
was  astir  and  busy  with  preparations  for  His  Excellency's  departure.  A  train, 
consisting  of  three  flat  cars,  the  caboose — facetiously  christened  by  the  con- 
tractors the  "  Pullman,"  a  wood  car,  and  a  powerful  Portland  locomotive, 
was  in  waiting  opposite  the  Queen's  Hotel,  and  by  six  o'clock  the  baggage  was 
all  aboard,  Mr.  Hugh  Ryan,  of  the  firm  of  contractors  for  Section  A,  who  was 
prevented  by  temporary  illness  from  accompanying  the  party  over  the  lino, 
being  one  of  the  last  to  say  good-bye  and  wish  His  Excellency  a  pleasant 
journey.  The  train  moved  ofl'amid  tremendous  cheers  from  the  large  crowd 
assembled  to  witness  its  departure,  and  went  rattling  swiftly  away  toward 
Fort  William.  The  six  miles  intervening  between  the  two  villages  was  quickly 
covered.  Here  the  railway  runs  along  a  flat  of  low-lying,  but  very  rich,  land 
that  is  (juite  susce^jtible  of  perfect  drainage.  As  yet  there  is  not  much  clearing, 
but  the  few  farms  and  gardens  that  have  been  cleared  are  lookingextremely  well. 
At  Fort  William  a  large  crowd  assembled  to  meet  the  train,  His  Excellency 
being  lustilj'  cheered  as  the  train  pulled  up  at  the  crossing.  There  was  some 
delay  here,  as  a  box  car,  loaded  by  the  caterer  for  the  trip  over  Section  A  had 
to  be  added  to  the  train.  The  train  was  now  made  up  as  follows  : — Directly 
behind  the  locomotive  was  a  flat  car  carrying  an  extra  supply  of  wood,  then 
came  a  box-car  containing  the  caterer's  supplies,  then  a  flat-car  furnished  with 
seats,  then  the  "  Pullman"  which  had  been  handsomely  fitted  up  with  car- 
pets, sofas,  easy  chairs,  etc.,  then  another  flat-car  furnished  with  seats  and 
ritted  with  a  neat,  light  awning,  and  last  of  all  a  flat-car  furnished  with  seats, 




but  having  no  awning.  It  was  nearly  seven  o'clock  as  the  train  moved  otJ'  u[) 
the  valley  of  the  Kaniinisti(iuiu,  and  almost  in  the  shadow  of  McKay's  ^^oun■ 
fain.  For  nearly  seven  miles  the  railway  continued  through  a  broad  belt  of 
low,  rich-looking  swamp,  but  which  as  yet  had  been  neither  cleared  nor 
drained.  Then  the  road  rises  upon  a  gravelly  plain,  covered  with  a  sparso 
growth  of  stunted  poplar,  which  has  evidently  followed  the  ravages  of  a  com- 
paratively recent  bush  fire.  Here  and  there  some  little  clearings  are  to  be 
seen,  which  are  producing  fair  crops  of  wheat,  oats,  and  potatoes,  the  latter 
looking  particularly  thrifty. 

After  nuining  through  about  ten  miles  of  only  moderately  good  country, 
which  was  rapidly  becoming  rougher  and  more  rocky  and  sterile,  the  train 
climbed  a  long  grade,  and  looking  down  over  an  abrupt  clifl'  on  the  left,  her 
passengers  caught  their  first  view  of  the  swift  dark  waters  of  the  Kaministi- 
quia  rolling  down  over  its  rough  bed  of  broken  ledges  and  boulders.  Though 
the  shores  were  rugged  walls  of  rock  bristling  with  the  slender  charred  trunks 
of  tamaracks,  hendocks  and  pines,  the  scene  was  a  beautiful  one,  for  away 
down  at  the  bottom  of  the  ravine  the  shadowed  margin  of  the  foaming  river 
was  deeply  fringed  with  a  luxuriant  growth  of  black  alders  clad  in  the  deep- 
est and  brightest  green  ;  and  away  on  the  right,  through  breaks  in  the  rocky 
wall,  above  and  t)verlookiiig  the  track,  could  be  seen  huge  rounded  hills  of 
rock  thickly  covered  with  a  luxuriant  growth  of  fresh  young  shrubbery, 
showing  the  richest  of  midsummer  verdure. 

Ten  miles  further  up  the  train  reached  the  point  where  the  Mattawan  falls 
into  the  Kaministiquia,  and  following  up  the  valley  of  the  former,  the  road 
passes  through  a  country  very  much  like  that  along  the  borders  of  the  Kam- 
inistiquia, except  that  the  rocky  ridges  are  lower  and  less  rugged,  while  some 
of  the  depressions  have  small  areas  of  rich  black  loam,  while  there  are  here 
and  there  some  small  but  fairly  productive  clay  flats.  Only  a  short  distance 
up  the  Mattawan  is  the  junction  of  Sunshine  Creek  with  that  river,  and  the 
railway  following  the  valley  of  the  smaller  stream  presently  runs  into  a  region 
that  is  utterly  barren  and  sterile. 

Sunshine  Creek  is  appropriately  named.  It  is  a  small,  swift  stream  rush- 
ing through  a  rough  channel  full  of  boulders  and  broken  masses  of  rock.  The 
banks  are  low  and  fringed  with  narrow  strips  of  black  alders,  and  on  any 
bright  day  at  little  intervals  the  stream  can  be  seen  through  rifts  in  the  foli- 
age Hashing  in  the  sunshine. 

From  the  junction  of  Sunshine  Creek  to  Port  Savanno  there  is  little  or  no 
land  that  can  ever  be  of  any  value,  though  as  the  latter  station  is  approached, 
and  flats  west  of  it,  there  are  some  very  broad  stretches  of  muskeg.  These  great 
Hats,  however,  are  so  near  the  level  of  Lac-des-Mille-Lacs  that  there  appears 
to  be  no  possibility  of  ever  reclaiming  them  by  means  of  drainage.  Before 
these  flats  are  reached,  there  are  two  features  that  should  have  been  noticed. 
Some  forty-live  or  tifty  miles  from  Thunder  Bay  the  train  passed  through  a 
tunnel  cut  out  of  the  gren-stone  for  a  distance  of  GOO  feet,  and  fifty-flvo  miles 
from  Thunder  Bay  the  railway  crosses  the  watershed  dividing  the  waters  that 
idtimately  find  their  way  into  the  St .  Lawrence  from  those  falling  into  Hud- 



son  Bay.  At  this  point  the  elevation  is  1,100  feot  above  Lake  Superior,  thf 
latter  being,  as  everybody  knows,  050  feet  above  the  sea  level.  West  of  Point 
Havanne,  all  the  way  to  Tache  the  country  may  be  described  as  a  succession  of 
low,  rocky  ridges  with  intervening  narrow  plains  and  low  Hats  that  do  not  look 
very  inviting  from  an  agricultural  point  of  view,  but  I  am  of  opinion  that 
the  time  is  not  far  off  when  many  of  these  groat  niarsliy  flats  shall  have  been 
converted  into  rich,  productive  areas.  Passing  over  these  same  Hats  lust 
July,  I  saw  much  more  water  over  them  than  there  is  at  present.  Already 
the  railway  ditches  and  oii'take  drains  have  done  mucli  in  the  way  of  re- 
claiming them,  iind  I  think  it  very  probable  that  a  large  portion  of  them  will 
in  time  become  dry  enough  to  grow  excellent  timothy  or  blue  joint  grass,  to 
Hay  the  least  of  it,  while  it  is  (juite  possible  that  other  crops  re(iuiring  a  still 
dryer  soil  might  yet  flourish  here. 

TllK    NOON    HALT. 

About  noon  a  halt  was  made  for  lunch  at  a  place  called  the  "  Narrows,"' 
where  the  railway  grade  has  been  carried  across  a  small  strait  in  South  Lake. 
A  pleasanter  spot  for  a  halt  on  a  hot  day  could  not  have  been  found  along 
the  line.  There  was  a  light  fresh  bree/.e  from  the  water  sweeping  across  the 
track  ;  there  were  no  tlies,  no  dust,  no  smoke  from  the  locomotive,  and,  in 
short,  nothing  that  was  objectionable  ;  while  the  close  proximity  of  tht  lake 
and  a  short  strip  of  sandy  beach  iiUbrded  the  travellers  an  excellent  oppor- 
tunity for  washing  off  the  dust.  In  a  .short  time  a  table  was  erected  in  the 
canopied  Hat  car  ami  an  excellent  luncheon  was  soon  ready. 

As  soon  as  luncheon  was  finished  the  train  was  again  speeding  on  her  way. 
The  next  halt  was  made  at  Pine  Plains,  where  Mr.  Cilinty,  one  of  the  con- 
tractors, has  his  little  portable  house  set  up  for  the  present.  Mr.  (Jinty  mot 
the  train  as  soon  as  it  came  to  a  stand  still,  and  was  presented  to  His  Excel- 
lency by  Mr.  Marks,  another  member  oi  the  contracting  firm,  who  had  come 
along  from  Tlininler  Hay,  to  exercise  a  personal  supervision  over  the  many 
lirovisions  made  for  the  comfort  of  His  Excellency  and  party  through  tlie 
Hrst  stage  of  their  journey  over  the  Canada  Pacific  Railway.  As  soon  as 
the  presentations  were  over,  a  visit  was  paid  do  Mr.  Ginty's  little  house, 
where  raspberries  and  cream  and  other  refreshments  had  been  provided  for 
the  party. 


In  passing  over  the  line  last  season,  I  gave  a  detailed  description  of  Mr. 
(Jinty'B  curiously  and  ingeniouslj  contrived  portable  house,  and  it  is  not 
necessary  to  repeat  it  here.  The  place,  however,  had  been  beautifully  dee- 
orated,  both  as  to  tlio  interior  and  e.vterior,  under  the  direction  of  Mrs.  I'ul- 
I'lck,  the  houHuUeeper.  A  beautiful  arch,  or  rather  canopy,  thickly  covered 
with  pine  twigs  of  the  brightest  green,  completely  enveloped  the  little  walk 
which  leads  up  to  the  door,  and  tliis  walk  itself  was  thickly  carpeted  with 
evergreen  boughs,  i\nd  bordered  with  the  most  beautiful  umissos,  over  which 
';ad  been  sprinkled  a  few  pretty  and  delicate  wild  llowors.     All  around  thia 




house  little  evergreens  had  been  set  out  for  the  occasion,  and  the  interior  was 
beautifully  and  tastefully  fitted  up  with  wreaths  of  evergreens  and  flowers.  A 
bouquet  of  flowers  grown  in  a  little  flDwer  yarden  in  the  wilderness  was  pre- 
sented by  Mr.  Ginty  to  His  Excelleiicj',  and  after  the  operation  of  the  steam 
shovel  which  is  at  work  here  had  been  watched  with  interest  for  some  few 
minutes,  the  journey  was  resumed.  As  the  train  approached  Tache  station 
the  once  famous  "floating  muskeg"  was  passed.  It  is  comparatively  dry 
now,  and  any  person  looking  at  it  now  would  find  it  dithcult  to  realize  what 
a  watery  and  almost  impassable  bog  it  was  only  about  a  year  a<,'o.  At  Tache 
there  was  an  arch  with  the  inscription,  "  Welcome  to  the  C.  P.  k."  as  well 
as  some  few  flags,  wreaths,  itc.  Here  IMr.  ]*urcell,  of  the  contracting  firm, 
came  on  board  the  train  and  was  presented  to  His  Excellency,  but  before 
starting  he  took  his  place  on  the  locomotive  along  with  the  cngin^  driver,  as 
it  was  expected  that  the  remainder  of  the  line  would  be  in  very  bad  condi- 

West  of  Tache  the  railway  runs  through  a  region  of  white  sand  that  appears 
to  lie  in  very  heavy  deposits.  A  few  miles  further  clay  ridges  and  flats  are 
reached,  and  these  cover  an  area  of  nearly  fifty  miles  in  length  along  the  line 
of  railway.  Indeed  the  soil  of  the  Wabigoon  region  as  well  as  that  border- 
ing the  east  shore  of  Eagle  Lake  is  very  fair,  but  1  question  if  the  climate 
would  not  scare  away  many  an  Old  Country  farmer.  Last  winter  the  snow 
along  here  is  said  to  have  been  four  and  a  half  feet  deep,  and  on  the  24th 
December,  ItSTO,  a  spirit  thermometer  registered  as  low  as  50  degrees  below 

About  four  in  the  afternoon  Kencbutch  Lake  was  passed.  This  is 
a  bes'itifui  slieet  nf  water,  the  rich  verduie  of  whose  thickly  wooded 
shores  grows  down  luitil  tlie  lowest  branches  are  laved  by  every  jjas- 
sing  wave.  The  road-bed  up  to  Tache  had  been  very  good,  but  be- 
yond tliat  point  it  began  to  fall  otF  very  rapidly  in  character.  True,  there 
had  betii  some  eft'orts  at  patching  it  in  various  phices,  wliich  have  had  tlio 
efl'ectof  making  the  bad  places  just  passable  and  no  more.  Ked  and  white 
clay  were  found  very  closely  associated  in  alternate  laj'ers,  varying  from  a 
«,\iarter  of  an  inch  to  an  inch  and  a  half  in  tliickness.  These  layers  were 
always  uniform  in  character,  though  often  grading  u[)ward  from  the  tliickest 
to  the  taiunesl.  In  places  where  cuttings  liad  been  made  through  some  of 
these  clay  ridges  it  wasfoimd  tliat  oceasitually  the  clay  was  resting  on  (piick- 
sand,  and  the  result  was  that  it  often  appealed  as  if  the  wliole  buttoni  was 
about  to  drop  out  of  the  cutting.  Of  conr,se  the  only  way  to  set  the  track 
right  in  such  places  is  to  imderdrain  the  ((uicksand,  and  then  fill  or  ballast 
uji  to  the  grade  once  more.  When  only  a  few  uiiK's  east  of  the  camp  on  Wa- 
bigoon Lake,  the  first  and  only  nii.shap  of  the  day  took  jilace.  The  forward 
trucks  of  the  caterer's  box  car  went  oil'  at  a  particularly  bad  place  in  the 
track,  and  when  the  train  was  not  going  more  than  about  two  miles  an  hour. 
Two  huge  iron  dogs  wire  fastened  beside  tlie  rails,  and  with  their  incline 
running  ilown  toward  the  misplace  1  \kheels,  tiie  locomotive  was  then  backed 



lip  for  aljout  a  car  length ,  and  tlio  train  was  on  the  ti'ack  again  and  ready  to 
move  on  in  less  than  five  minutes  from  the  time  the  accident  happened. 

Tt  was  abont  seven  o'clock  when  the  train  at  last  drew  up  at  the  camp  pre- 
pared for  the  reception  of  His  Excellency  and  party  on  the  north  shore  of 
WaM^non  Lake.  A  largo  assembly  of  Indians  were  in  waiting  opposite  the 
spot  prepared  for  the  landing  of  the  (Jovernor  (Jeneral,  while  a  still  larger 
crowd  of  white  labourers  wei'e  in  waiting  on  the  hill  in  front  of  the  camp. 


These  wt.'re  tlie  rod  nuni  of  tlie  Little  Wabigoon,  and  though  they  have  had 
plenty  of  opportiuiities  to  become  Christianized  Mission  Indians  they  have 
shown  no  disposition  to  avail  themselves  of  the  advantages  afl'orded  them  by 
training  in  the  ways  of  white  men,  so  that  to-day  there  are  no  more  degraded 
nor  benighted  pngaiis  in  North  America  than  they  are.  Their  faces  were 
))ainted  in  the  most  hideous  maimer  with  thick  stripes  and  blotches  of  white, 
blue,  green,  yellow,  and  scarlet  paint.  Tlie  chief,  who  is  a  broad-shouldered, 
«t(mtly-built  Indian  with  a  large  head,  a  broad,  coarse,  sensuous-looking 
face  (which,  however,  is  far  from  lacking  in  intelligence),  stepped  forward 
and  present»>d  the  address,  which  was  neatly  written  in  English  on  birch  bark. 

His  Excellency  thanked  the  Indians  briefly  for  the  beautiful  and  uniipu  - 
looking  address  with  wliich  tuey  had  presented  him,  and  said  that  he  woultl 
instruct  the  Indian  agent  at  Fort  Francis  to  give  them  some  presents  by 
which  they  would  have  occasion  to  remember  this  visit.  His  annoiuioement 
was  received  with  emphatic  grunts  of  satisfaction. 

A  very  brief  address  from  the  engineers  of  the  road,  beautifully  and  appru- 
]>riately  engrossed  on  tracing  linen,  was  presented  by  the  engineers  of  Con- 
tract 4.  It  only  consisted  of  about  half  a  dozen  lines,  wishing  His  Excellency 
a  pleasant  jiuirney. 

The  camp  on  Wabigoon  Lake  which  was  reached  by  His  Excellency  atul  party 
on  Tuesday  night,  was  an  imposing  all'air.  All  the  grass  and  shrubs  had  been 
cleared  otV  the  summit  of  a  high,  tlat-topped  knoll,  and  here  the  tents  wen* 
uitclied,  looking  southward  out  over  one  of  the  larger  bays  of  (Jreat  VVa))!- 
got'..  Lake.  Each  tent  was  fitted  up  witli  a  thick  carpeting  of  spruce  boughs, 
while  two  cots  were  put  uj)  in  the  tent  whicii  was  occupied  by  His  Excel- 
lency and  the  Rev.  Dr.  MacCJregor.  In  front  of  the  tents  a  table  had  been 
erected  for  the  occasion,  and  a  little  after  nine  in  tlio  evening,  the  caterer 
hat!  an  excellent  dinner  jirepared,  kerosene  lanterns  being  hung  on  poles 
standing  near  the  tables  so  that  they  might  furnisli  light  without  imparting 
liny  unpleasant  odour. 

In  fact  the  arrangements  made  by  the  contractors  on  Section  A  have  been 
eminently  successful  from  first  to  last,  Tiie  whole  trij)  by  rail,  some  'J2(> 
miles,  was  made  in  eleven  hours  running  time,  and  when  it  is  remembered 
that  from  Tache  westward  the  train  had  to  be  run  with  the  utmost  caution, 
the  time  made o"  thi  wliole  day's  journey  m\ist  bo  regarded  as  verv  good 

in K    NORTH-WEST. 




After  dinner  tlie  travellers  spent  the  last  moments  of  tin;  little  daylight 
(hat  had  not  yet  (juitc  faded  out  of  the  west  in  gazing  iipoii  tin?  U>vol3'  scene 
to  the  southward.  The  lake,  which  had  been  rippleless  sincr  sunset,  was 
still  as  and  niirror-like  as  ever,  but  the  sharp,  clear  outline  of  the 
little  green-capped,  rock-bound  islets  and  their  bright  retloction  in  the  gleam- 
ing Hood  was  gf)nc,  and  in  its  place  was  a  soft,  indistinct,  feather-edged  trac- 
ing giving  only  a  suspicion  of  the  grey  and  griion  of  rocks  and  foliage  as  seen 
an  hour  before,  while  all  was  wrappi'd  in  the  soft,  rich  purple  and  subtrans- 
hicent  blue  which  blended  together  and  seemed  as  if  they  were  the  combined 
expression  of  the  fading  sunlight,  the  rising  mist,  the  smoke  from  the  wig- 
wams, and  the  commingled  colours  of  sky,  rocks,  water,  and  v.-rdure.  Away 
to  the  west  side  of  the  little  bay  and  on  a  low,  wooded  peninsula  was  an  en- 
campment of  Indians,  the  ruddy  glare  of  their  camp  fires  coming  out  in  strong 
relief  against  the  dark  green  wall  of  foliage  behind  them,  while  a  thin  blue 
stratum  of  smoke  Hoated  Just  above  the  dark  spur-like  tops  of  their  bark 
wigwams.  Over  the  shining  waters  came  the  dismal  chanting  of  their  sing- 
ers and  the  monotonous  tom-tom  of  their  rude  drums,  while  at  intervals  a 
dozen  half-nnked  forms  could  be  seen  dancing  and  gesticulating  wildly  in  tlu> 
tire  light. 

Messrs.  I'nrcell  and  Marks  decided  that  it  might  be  as  well  to  have 
some  of  them  conduct  a  pow-wow  in  the  immediate  vicinity  of  His 
Excellency's  camp,  nd  accordingly  they  sent  a  proposal  to  the  them,  of 
which  they  were  unly  too  glad  to  take  advantage.  .Tust  under  the 
Im'ow  of  the  little  plateau  on  which  the  tents  were  pitched,  and  between 
the  railway  track  and  the  lake  shore,  was  a  little  smooth  flat,  about  thirty 
feet  8<iuare,  and  nearl}',  or  (piite,  surrounded  by  boulders.  In  the  centre 
>'f  this  little  spot  a  lire  was  soon  built,  and  then  two  young  Indians,  half 
naked  and  fantastically  painted,  stepped  up  close  to  the  tire,  and  lajinga 
large  Indian  drum  on  the  ground  between  them  they  began  to  sing  in  a 
monotonous  and  mnnusical  cadence  "  lliya,  hi  ya,  hi  ya,"  while  the  men  of 
the  band,  young  and  old,  began  to  dance.  The  dance  itself  was  very  unin- 
teresting. Each  man  either  held  a  stick  in  1  i>th  hands,  wliich  wereextendetl 
tlownward  in  front  of  him,  or  else  held  them  down  close  to  his  side.  There 
was  very  little  of  anything  in  the  shajjc  of  a  step.  In  fact  the  sliifting  of  the 
feet  appeared  rather  accidental  than  otlH'rwise,a8  the  whole  motion  a]ii)eared 
to  be  co'itined  to  the  bendinjj  of  the  hips  and  knees.  Altogether  the  dancing 
was  ungraceful  in  the  extreme,  while  the  music  was  even  more  atrociously 
l>ad  than  the  dancing.  As  the  datice  progressed,  however,  the  dancers  ap- 
peared to  tiirow  a  little  mori-  spirit  into  it  ;  many  essayed  something  in  the 
way  of  a  half  shuttling  step,  while  nearly  all  gave  occasional  shouts,  and  tlung 
their  arms  alxmt  their  heads  with  a  wilil  uixni'lon  that  .showed  that  they  were 
at  last  entering  soinewhat  into  the  spirit  of  it. 

Mr.*Sidne)-  Hall,  who  has  proved  hiniself  oni>  of  the  most  indefatigable  of 
Workers,  took  several  sketches  while  the  pow-wow  was  in  jirogress,  and  the 
whole  picture  as  seen  from  the  brow  of  the  plateau* overlooking  the  spot  was 
certainly  a  weird   one.     In  the  midst  of  the  group  the    fire  its«lf  was  hidden 




by  the  dusky  forms  clustered  closely  around  it,  but.  its  ruddy  light  fell  in 
fitful  flashes  full  upon  the  dark,  upturned  faces  and  the  copper-coloured  arms 
tossed  wildly  aloft,  and  from  the  cliff  above  it  looked  as  though  these  arms 
and  faces  lit  up  with  a  lurid  glare  were  floating  upon  the  surface  of  a  great 
liery  cauldron,  while  all  around  and  below  was  the  blackest  of  darkness. 

After  surveying  the  wild  scene  from  the  cliff  for  some  time,  His  Excellency 
and  the  majority  of  the  party  went  down  to  the  spot  to  obtoiu  a  closer  view 
(if  the  Indians  and  have  some  conversation  with  them  through  Cantin,  the 
interpreter.  As  soon  as  they  were  seen  in  the  outer  circle.  Chief  Kawakeiosh 
made  a  lengthy  speech  in  his  own  language,  which  Cantin  laconically  inter- 
preted as  follows  : — "The  Chief  has  to  say  for  himself  that  he  has  been 
smoking  his  pipe  empty  all  this  evening." 

Mr.  Roche  gave  him  a  piece  of  tobacco,  and  then  the  dancing  was  resumed. 
During  the  next  pause  in  the  dancing  His  Excellency  asked  who  was  the  best 
trapper  in  the  band.  The  reply  as  translated  by  the  interpreter  was  as  fol- 
lows :  "  The  Chief  says  that  in  his  younger  days  he  could  beat  any  of  them, 
but  now  he  is  old  and  has  to  take  a  back  seat,  but  thr.t  he  has  a  son-in-law 
»vho  can  take  his  place. " 

A  few  minutes  later  His  Excellency  was  leaving,  after  having  informed  the 
Indians  that  he  would  instruct  the  agents  to  give  them  some  little  presents 
by  which  they  would  remember  his  visit,  when  he  was  recalled  by  the  Chief, 
v/ho  was  making  a  speech,  which  the  interpreter  rerdered  as  follows  : — 

"  He  says  that  many  think  him  to  be  seventy  years  old,  but  he  is  only 
fifty,  and  is  still  smart  and  strong,  and  that  all  u'ong  he  has  had  two  wives." 

On  being  asked  by  Mr.  Austin  why  he  had  two  wives,  ho  replied  that  by 
having  two  wives  he  could  show  more  cliildrcn  on  the  ground  at  the  payment 
and  draw  more  money. 

1  have  heard  the  objection  raised  to  the  existing  system  of  paying  the  In- 
dians that  it  discourages  Christianity  by  olloring  a  premium  on  the  pagan 
practice  of  polygamy,  but  I  never  saw  a  more  striking  exemplification  of  the 
fact  than  was  contained  in  this  brief  and  sententious  reply  of  the  Wabigoon 

As  soon  as  His  Excellency  had  re  turned,  Messrs.  Markj  and  FurcoU  gavo 
the  rod  men  liberal  presents  of  pork  and  biscuits  ai'd  sent  them  back  to  camp 

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8CT-:NEUY--BY  POKTAGE  and  canoe  across  the  "missing  MNK"-OVEn  the"lakk 

Garden  Island,  Eaolw  Lake,  July  27. — There  was  a  stir  in  the  Wabi- 
goon camp  early  this  morning,  and  breakfast  was  served  very  promptly,  after 
"which  the  whole  party  were  soon  hurrying  down  to  the  lakeside  to  embark. 
The  Indians,  with  a  large  number  of  scpiaws,  were  on  the  sliore  waiting  to 
see  His  Excellency  oft". 

While  waiting  for  the  completion  of  preparations  for  a  start  Lord  Lome 
jigain  met  Kawakaiosh,  and  desired  to  bo  introduced  to  his  wife.  The  old 
chief  complied  with  his  request  with  wonderful  alacrity,  introducing  His  Ex- 
cellency to  botli  of  ]iis  vices,  wlio  were  smoking  short  and  very  unroinantic 
looking  cheap  briar  root  pipes  at  the  time. 

In  a  few  moments  everything  was  in  readiness,  and  the  start  was  made, 
the  little  steamer  Wahhpnm  taking  the  baggage,  the  servants,  a  portion  of  the 
Indians,  and  such  of  the  party  as  cared  to  go  on  board  of  her,  while  His 
Excellency  and  the  remainder  of  the  passengers  took  passage  in  a  large  aail- 
l)oat  which  the  steamer  had  taken  in  tr)w  for  the  occasion.  Behind  this  again 
came  two  largo  bark  canoe  loads  of  Indi  nis.  who  were  to  pack  the  baggage 
over  the  nuich-drended  seven-mile  jiortage.  Both  tug  and  sail-boat  were 
handsomely  decorated  for  the  occasion. 

The  voyage  over  Wabigoon  Lake  was  full  of  interest,  and  one  of  the  most 
th'^'oughiy  enjoyable  stages  yet  met  upon  the  journey  througli  the  wilder- 
ness. The  heat  and  noise  of  the  tug  were  far  enough  awa}',  so  that  they  were 
not  felt  nor  heard  by  tlie  passengers  in  the  sail-boat.  There  was  not  a  ripple 
on  the  glassy  bay  from  which  the  start  was  made,  and  in  the  crystal  atmos- 
phere the  little  islets  crested  with  verdure  and  girded  with  grey  and  purple 
rock,  cast  a  retLction  that  was  sharp  in  outline  and  as  bright  and  prominent 
in  colours  as  the  tangible  reality  above  the  water  line.  Indeed,  many  of  the 
smaller  isles  looked  like  little  spheres  lielted  with  broad  zcmes  of  water-worn 
rock  and  covered  with  brilliant  verdure  at  the  poles.  But  it  is  useless  to 
attempt  to  desciibe  the  loveliness  of  this  inland  lake  scenery;  it  is  utterly 
indescribable,  and  he  who  has  never  seen  it  can  form  no  idea  of  it,  no  matter 
how  nuicli  he  might  read  on  the  subject.  The  broad  sunlit  traverse  with  its 
myriads  nf  dark-blue  wavelets  flashing  their  tiny  crest*  of  buiiiished  gold  iji 
tile  siudight,  tiie  darkly  sliadowed  cove,  the  long,  rippleless  reach  gleaming 
in  the  morning  sun,  the  h)W  sedgy  bay  with  its  tall  sun-gilt  grasses  reaplen- 
ilont  in  green,  all  bid  deliauco  to  description.     The  morning  was  as  bright  and 



beautiful  as  one  could  imagine.  Every  trace  of  mist  and  smoke  had  been 
cleared,  and  the  atmosphere  was  literally  and  absolutely  transparent,  the  sky 
was  of  a  brilliant  hue,  and  cloudless,  except  in  the  west,  where  there  were 
floating  a  few  little  cloud  islands  of  billowy  French  grey,  with  soft,  feathery 
edges  of  the  richest  purple,  and  these  were  faithfully  mirrored  in  many  a 
glassy  reach  where  the  light  breezes  that  were  stirring  could  not  reach  the 
tranquil  water.  At  about  noon  the  Wabigoon  end  of  the  dreaded  seven-mile 
portage  was  reached,  and  after  the  passengers  had  been  taken  ashore  in  the 
sail-boat  and  canoes  through  tra»iquil  shallows  where  the  beautiful  white  and 
yellow  lilies — from  which  Wabigoon  (lake  of  flowers)  takes  its  name — were 
floating  in  rich  profusion,  luncheon  was  served  in  the  most  pr-mitive  and 
picturesque  style.  Seated  on  logs  or  mossy  mounds,  some  in  shrded  nooks 
to  avoid  the  heat,  some  close  to  the  smoking  camp-fire  to  escape  the  mosqui- 
toes and  other  insect  pests,  the  travellers  and  the  Indian  voyageurs  took  a 
hurried  lunch,  and  then  began  the  crossing  of  this  most  formidable  obstacle 
looked  for  between  Toronto  and  Winnipeg.  The  walk  was  not  a  pleasant 
one,  though  not  nearly  so  troublesome  as  it  proved  to  me  less  than  a  year 
ago,  when  witli  a  small  |)ack  on  my  back,  and  a  very  lame  ankle  to  impede 
me,  1  crossed  it  in  the  opposite  direction.  The  path  had  been  improved 
especially  for  this  occasion,  and  altogether  the  walking  was  not  at  all  bad.  The 
flies  and  mosquitoes  were  not  nearly  so  troublesouie  as  had  been  anticipated. 
The  day  was  h(jt,  however,  and  half  way  over,  where  a  table  and  seats  for  a 
resting  place  for  His  Excellency  had  been  prepared,  a  bush  fire  had  not  only 
swept  away  all  the  preparations,  but  was  still  raging  close  at  hand,  making 
the  "resting-place"  unbearably  hot  and  smoky.  His  Excellency  crossed 
the  portage  in  two  hours  and  a  tjuarter,  which  was  the  quickest  time  made  by 
any  of  the  party,  though  Captain  Pero'val,  who  started  a  few  minutes  ahead 
of  him,  and  shot  a  fine  brace  of  partridges,  accompanied  him  for  the  last  six 
miles  of  the  joumey.  The  others  all  male  the  trip  in  good  time,  though  all 
were  pretty  hot  and  i'reJ  with  their  long  tramp  through  the  close,  hot  bush, 
where  scarcely  a  breath  of  wind  could  reach  them. 



On  tlie  arrival  at  the  Eagle  Lake  side  of  the  long  portage,  two  splendid 
bark  canoes,  gorgeously  painted,  furnished  with  flags  and  manned  with  crews 
of  white  and  Indian  voyageurs  handsomely  imiformed  in  blue  caps,  scarlet 
shirts  and  [white  trousers,  were  in  waiting  to  convey  the  travellers  to  the 
barge  which  was  ready,  a  few  hundred  yards  from  shore,  to  take  them  to  the 
first  Section  B  camp  on  Garden  Island,  a  few  miles  up  Eagle  Lake.  The 
b  vrge  was  very  handsomely  fitted  up  for  the  occasion.  It  was  painted  white, 
beautifully  canopied  and  carpeted,  and  richly  decked  with  flags  and  streamers 
of  red,  white  and  blue.  On  board  the  barge  was  a  hamper  of  iced  wines  and 
cooling  drinks  of  all  sorts,  which  were  exceedingly  acceptable  after  the  long, 
hot  walk  over  the  portage.  As  soon  as  the  passengers  were  on  board  the 
barge  the  tug  steamed  away  towards  Garden  Island. 




As  the  boata  were  nearing  the  camp,  the  tones  of  the  bagpipe  floated  acrosc. 
the  water,  and  a  few  minutes  later  the  whole  party  were  shown  to  their  re- 
spective tents.  The  camp  here  is  on  one  of  the  most  inviting  spots  in  the 
whole  lake.  The  island,  which  is  several  acres  in  extent,  consists  of  a  plateau 
of  considerable  height,  and  on  a  grassy  portion  of  this,  affording  a  beautiful 
prospect  to  the  southward,  the  tents  were  pitched,  all  facing  the  south.  In' 
the  sleeping  tents  were  stretchei"  set  upon  logs,  and  furnished  in  the  most 
comfortable  fashion  with  spotless  linen,  washstands,  towels,  mirrors,  and 
everything  necessary  to  the  comfort  of  the  travellers,  while  there  was  a  large' 
dining-tent,  store  and  kitchen  tents,  and  in  short  everything  that  could  pos- 
sibly make  the  camp  comfortable  »nd  luxurious.  After  a  somewhat  elabo- 
rate dinner  had  been  served,  the  travellers  reclined  on  a  carpeting  of  buffalo 
robes  to  watch  the  evening  shades  settling  down  ovfjr  the  scene,  which  was 
one  of  surpassing  loveliness.  Before  them  lay  the  placid  lake,  studded  with 
lovely  little  islets  ;  the  water  was  just  catching  the  last  purple  tints  of  the 
fast  fading  daylight,  while  in  the  west  the  lemon  and  gold  and  orange  tints 
of  the  sunset  were  fading  into  the  soft  purple  and  grey  of  the  deepening  twi- 
light. Half  an  hour  l.utr  the  stars  were  shining  brightly,  and  the 
first  camp  in  Section  B  was  as  silent  as  if  the  spot  were  xintenanted.  In  this 
camp  His  Excellency  and  party  were  met  and  heartily  welcomed  by  Mr.  John 
J.  Macdonald,  of  Section  B  contracting  firm. 

Bell's  Lake,  July  28. 


After  a  sumptuous  breakfast  in  camp,  His  Excellency  and  party  were  off 
again  at  seven  o'clock  for  a  run  of  some  sixty-two  miles  up  Eagle  Lake, 
without  anything  in  the  shape  of  a  portage  or  other  species  of  interruption 
to  navigation.  As  the  party  took  their  places  m  the  luxuriously-appointt  d 
York  boat,  with  its  white  and  scarlet  canopy,  its  gay  flags  and  long  silken 
streamers,  the  remark  was  made  that  this  was  more  like  the  Prince  of  Wales' 
progress  through  India  tha  i  roughing  it  in  the  backwoods  of  Canada.  The 
display  was  a  grand  one,  but  the  best  feature  of  it  was  t^at  there  was  no 
display  at  the  expense  of  thorough  comfort  and  efhciency.  The  two  large 
canoes  with  their  uniformed  crews  were  towed  behind  the  York  boat.  Tlie 
piper,  along  with  such  of  the  party  as  preferred  to  do  so,  rode  on  the  tug, 
and  from  time  to  time  the  strains  of  the  bag-pipes  mingled  with  the  monoto- 
nous snorting  and  grunting  of  the  little  steamer.  As  the  miniature  fleet 
passed  the  Company's  Eagle  Lake  headquarters,  which  lay  mure  than  a  mile 
to  the  northward,  a  salute  of  twenty-one  nitro-glycerine  explosions  was  fired. 
In  addition  to  paying  a  compliment  to  His  Excellency  I  have  no  doubt  these 
twenty-one  explosions  did  efficient  work  towards  the  construction  of  the 
Canadian  Pacific  Railway,  for  each  of  them  evidontlj-  moved  a  large  quantity 
of  rock.  First  would  be  seen  a  puff  of  yellow  smoke  rolling  upward,  and 
through  it  dark  masses  of  rock  large  and  small,  then  a  jagged,  irro^  ilar  line 
of  foam  would  flash  along  the  water's  edge,  caused  by  the  fulling  of  the  rotk 




fragments  into  the  lake,  and  when  all  this  had  subsided  and  disappeared  a 
loud,  sullen  boom  would  come  rolling  across  the  water.  The  salute  was 
certainly  a  very  eft'ective  one. 

The  trip  up  Eagle  was  delightful,  but  as  the  leading  features  of  the 

•scenery  are  similar  to  those  of  Wabigoon  Lake,  already  described,  no  further 

description  is  necessary.     As  is  the  case  in  VVabigoon,  many  of  the  islands  in 

Eagle  Lake,  and  especially  those  in  the  south-western  quarter,  appear  to  bo 

really  fertile,  and  capable   of  being  rendered  very  productive  for  a  small 

outlay.      Indeed,  if    Winnipeg  should  ever  have  a  resident  pojiulation  of 

sufficient  size  and  wealth  to  make  contiguous  summer  resorts  desirable 

•  adjuncts,  no  finer  sites  for  rustic  summer*  cottau;es  could  be  found  than  some 

•of  these  lovely  little  wooded  islands  in  Eagle  Lake. 

At  noon  a  table  was  laid  on  the  barge,  and  an  excellent  luncheon  served  in 
a  manner  that  might  well  excite  the  wonder  of  those  who  suppose  that 
luxuries  are  unobtainable  in  the  North-West.  Indeed  there  was  nothiiig 
wanting  that  could  have  been  obtained  had  the  travellers  been  sitting  down 
to  luncheon  in  Toronto  or  Montreal. 



It  was  nearly  five  o'clock  when  the  west  end  of  Eagle  Lake  was  reached, 
and  here  it  was  found  necessary  for  the  tug  to  cast  oti'  the  barge  and  allow 
her  to  be  poled  up  the  narrow  winding  channel  through  the  marsh  to  the 
landing.  The  two  canoes,  with  flags  flying  at  stem  and  stern,  led  the  way, 
and  soon  both  canoes  and  crews  were  lost  to  view  in  the  tortuous  windings 
of  the  stream,  but  above  the  waving  green  and  gold  of  the  sunlit  marsli  grass 
fluttered  the  red. cross  flags  as  the  light  crafts  that  bore  them  swiftly  threaded 
the  hidden  watery  path  to  the  portage. 

The  portage  road  was  in  admirable  condition,  and  the  baggage  as  well  as 
the  two  canoes  already  mentioned  were  soon  safely  over  it.     The  distance  to 
be  traversed  here  was  only  half  a  mile,  and  the  walk  was  thoroughly  en- 
joyed by  the  travellers,  who  were  glad  of  an  opportunity  to  stretch  their 
limbs,  after  a  ride  of  sixty-two  miles  over  the  lake.     On  reaching  the  farther 
side  of  the  portage,  and  looking  out  over  Clear  Water  Lake,  a  brilliant  sight 
presented  itself.     Here  were  no  less  than  ten  large  and  brilliantly-painted 
bark  canoes  all  fully  manned  with  crews  made  up  of  the  very  best  canoemen 
in  the  North-West,  and  all  uniformed  in  red  shirts,  blue  caps,  and  white 
trousers.     Nearly  all  were  Indians  or  half-breeds  save  one  crow  of  Scotch- 
men, who  manned  tlio  first  canoe,   which  was  occupied  by  His  Excellency, 
Dr.  McGregor,  and  Mr.  Austin.     In  the  second  canoe  were  Col.  DoWinton, 
Mr.  Sidney  IJall,  and  Dr.  So  well,  while  the  third  was  occupied  by  Captain 
€hator,  Capt.  Percival,  and  Capt.  Bagot.     After  these  came  the    remaining 
seven  canoes,  the  whole  flotilla  carrying  no  loss  than   eijihty  peoi)le,  fifty  of 
whom  were  uniformed  canoe  men.     The  run  across  Clear  Water  Lake  was 
one  of  about  seven   miles,  and  then  the  long  train  of  canoes  passed  into  a 
l)vely  little  fiord,  and  ihiough  a  narrow  canal,  cut  by  the  section  B  con- 
tractors for  convenience  ,in   freighting  into  what  is  called  Summit  Lake,  a 










lovely  little  lakelet  about  three  miles  long  and  walled  in  by  huge  towering 
ridges  of  almost  solid  Laurentian  rock,  Juet  outside  the  canal  His  Excel - 
lencj^s  canoe  was  halted  in  the  shadow  of  a  lofty  precipice,  which  presented 
a  perpendicular  wall  of  unbroken  iron  grey  rock  facing  westward.  To  the 
north  rose  a  rugged  mountain  of  grizzly  rock  full  of  tiny  niches,  nearly  each 
of  which  contained  a'^ittle  stuntod  pine.  There  were  little  terraces,  too, 
with  rows  of  stunted  trees  growing  upon  them,  and  here  and  there  were 
little  shrubs  almost  hanging  from  small  crevices,  the  whole  looking  like  a 
rude  attempt  at  landscape  gardening  on  a  gigantic  scale.  As  the  gay  ccl- 
oured  canoes,  with  their  brightly  painted  paddles  and  fancifully  uniformed 
crews  came  to  a  halt  beneath  these  frowning  wails  of  rock,  the  picture  was 
one  of  singular  beauty, 

Across  Clear  Water  Lake  the  canoes  ran  at  a  great  rate,  the  crystal  drops 
flashing  from  each  paddle,  and  a  curling  wreath  of  spray  gurgling  under  each 
delicately  rounded  prow. 

It  was  nearly  dai-k  when  the  Water-shed  portage  was  crossed,  and  the 
travellers  soon  found  themselves  afloat  on  Bear's  Neck  Lake. 

Thus  far  the  lakes  which  were  passed  were  tributary  totlie  waters  of  Eagle 
Lake,  but  now  the  water-shed  had  been  crossed  and  the  streams  were  found 
flowing  southward  toward  Lake  of  the  Woods.  The  height  of  land  or  water- 
shed here  consists  of  a  high,  narrow  ridge  of  gneissoid  rock,  and  the  Indian 
trail  over  the  portage  is  less  than  half  a  mile  in  length.  The  ordinary  por- 
tage road  is  somewhat  longer,  however.  The  lofty  ridge  which  constitutes 
the  water-shed  trends  west  and  south  from  the  portage,  and  skirts  along  the 
west  side  of  Bear's  Neck  Lake  and  then  passes  away  westward  along  the  north 
shore  of  Bell's  Lake.  Bear's  Neck  Lake  is  only  about  a  mile  and  a  half  long, 
and  of  course  it  was  traversed  in  a  very  short  time,  and  then  a  short  and  easy 
portage  brought  the  travellers  to  the  north  shore  of  one  of  the  most  beautiful 
of  all  the  lakes  in  the  North-west.  This  is  Bell's  Lake  or  Dryberry  Lake  as 
it  is  sometimes  called. 

The  second  camp  on  section  B.  was  not  at  the  portage  landing,  however, 
and  the  passengers  had  to  re-embark  and  coast  eastward  about  two  hundred 
yards  where  a  camp  was  sighted  that  even  surpassed  that  on  Garden  Island 
in  Eagle  Lake.  In  the  back  ground  rose  a  high  wooded  mountain  but  the 
camp  was  cm  a  strip  of  well-wooded,  low,  sandy  beach.  Ilis  Excellency's 
tent  was  just  opposite  the  whai'f,  and  the  others  were  ranged  on  either  side 
of  it,  all  fronting  southward,  and  close  to  the  water's  edge.  The  wharf,  the 
walk  leading  up  from  it,  and  a  broad  border  all  along  in  front  of  the  tents, 
were  all  thickly  carpeted  with  spruce  boughs,  as  were  also  the  floors  of  the 
tents  themselves  and  the  spaces  between  them.  The  tents  were  furnished 
with  faultless  beds  on  stretchers  as  at  Eagle  Lake,  and  in  the  space  beside 
the  beds  the  spruce  boughs  were  covered  with  buffalo  robes.  Each  bed  was 
covered  with  an  excellent  mosquito  net,  and  in  short  the  appointments  of 
the  camp  included  everything  that  could  possibly  conduce  to  the  comfort  of 
the  travellers.  Mr.  James  Bain,  who  has  had  several  years'  experience  in 
the  North-West,  superintended  the  construction  of  this  camp,  and  Constables. 



O'Keefe,  Cameron,  and  McKenna  were  on  the  ground  to  preserve  order. 
Dinner  was  served  about  10  o'clock,  and  even  after  it  was  over  the  travellers 
remained  out  of  their  tents  for  some  time  enjoying  the  lovely  scene.  Close 
to  the  water's  edge,  and  on  either  side  of  the  wharf  two  camp-tires  were  burn- 
ing, and  by  tlieir  light  the  smooth,  sandy  bottom  of  tlie  bay  could  be  ««een 
through  the  limpid  water  fully  thirty  yards  from  the  shore. 

There  was  not  one  present  who  was  not  prepared  to  aver  that  the  camp  at 
Bell's  Lake  far  surpassed  a.iytliing  of  the  kind  he  had  ever  seen. 



Rat  Portage,  July  29.—.'  i  early  start  was  made  this  morning,  and  break- 
fast was  out  of  the  way  and  the  passengers  in  the  canoes  before  seven  o'clock. 
For  the  first  three  miles  of  the  eighteen-mile  run  across  Bell's  (or  Dryberry) 
Lake  the  canoes  were  strung  out  in  a  long  gay-coloured  procession  behind 
the  little  tug,  but  as  the  wind  was  blowing  freshly,  on  approaching  the  first 
traverse  (or  open  water  stretch)  Mr.  Macdonald  deemed  it  more  prudent  to 
t<ake  in  the  tow  lines  and  let  each  canoe  shift  for  itself.  There  were  small 
white-caps  rolling  in  the  traverse,  but  in  that  wondrously  limpid  lake  there 
was  no  sediment  to  set  in  motion,  ai' I  the  waves  looked  as  transparent  as 
glass,  while  their  crests  were  of  a  pearly  rather  than  a  snowy  tint.  But 
when  tlie  little  fleet  of  canoes  went  dashing  amongst  the  tiny  breakers  and 
sent  the  drops  of  spray  flying  from  their  paddles  the  scene  was  one  of  incom- 
parable loveliness.  The  remainder  of  the  run  across  Bell's  Lake  was  made 
in  good  time,  and  a  portage  of  about  a  mile  brought  the  travellers  to  the  na- 
vigable portion  of  a  lovely  stream  that  goes  windins;  through  a  narrow  belt  of 
marsh,  bordered  on  its  outer  edges  with  an  exceedingly  rich  growth  of  black 
alders,  backed  by  a  well  grown  forest  of  silver-leaved  poplar,  white  birch, 
and  Norway  and  Jack  pine.  The  beautiful  winding  stream  that  flows  for  the 
most  of  its  whole  length  of  three  miles  over  a  bottom  of  short  rich  growing 
bright  green  grass,  is  as  clear  as  crystal  with  an  averago  depth  of  from  six  to 
ten  feet,  but  it  has  been  absurdly  misnamed  "  Black  Creek." 

A  run  of  six  miles  from  the  mouth  of  the  little  stream  just  described 
brought  the  fleet  across  Blueberry  Lake,  and  then  a  portage  of  half  a  mile  or 
five  furlongs  brought  them  to  a  landing  some  three  miles  from  the  mouth  of 



a,  aiuall  stream  emptying  into  Whitefish  Bay,  the  moat  easterly  portion  of 
the  Lake  of  the  Woods. 

On  this  portage,  which  constitutes  the  division  between  Blueberry  Lake 
and  the  Lake  of  the  Woods,  there  is  a  very  fair  supply  of  good-looking  Nor- 
way pine.  The  trees,  though  small  as  compared  with  those  of  the  Georgian 
Bay  and  Ottawa  pineries,  are  still  very  much  larger  than  are  to  be  seen  else- 
where in  this  region.  There  are  also  some  fair-sized  sticks  of  Jack  pine  to 
be  seen  here. 

As  soon  as  the  first  canoes  were  over  the  portage,  His  Excellency  and  a 
portion  of  the  party  started  down  the  river  to  the  rapids,  where  another  tug 
and  another  York  boat  were  in  waiting  to  convey  them  over  the  Lake  of  the 
Woods  to  this  point,  but  Col.  de  Winton,  Dr.  Sowell,  Mr.  John  J.  Maodon- 
ald,  Dr.  Blanchard,  and  s<Mne  others  remained  longer  at  the  portage.  It  was 
while  they  were  waiting  there  that  the  unfortunate  teamster  McManus 
came  to  such  an  untimely  end.  A  minor  accident  occurred  down  at 
the  rapids  about  this  time.  Mr.  Austin,  of  the  London  Times,  had 
just  stepped  out  of  the  canoe  which  had  brought  him  down  the  river, 
and  as  the  heat  at  the  time  was  absolutely  overpowering,  he  started  to 
walk  across  a  row  of  boulders  that  stood  up  out  of  the  swift  water  with  the 
view  of  finding  a  good  bathing  place.  It  is  probable  that  the  intense  heat 
had  rendered  him  somewhat  giddy,  and  at  all  events  he  reeled  and  stumbling 
fell  headlong  into  the  swift  current.  The  water  was  not  more  than  three 
feet  deep  where  he  fell  in,  but  he  struck  his  forehead  upon  a  jagged  point  of 
rock  and  received  several  ugly  bruises.  Before  any  one  could  reach  the  spot 
to  render  him  assistance  he  had  scrambled  out  again,  thoroughly  drenched 
and  pretty  badly  shaken.  He  made  his  way  to  the  barge,  however,  not  very 
seriously  the  worse  of  his  mishap. 

It  was  about  three  o'clock  when  the  last  passengers  and  baggage  were  safely 
aboard  the  barge  and  tug,  and  when  the  fleet  of  canoes  with  their  red-shirted 
voyageurs  were  strung  out  like  a  monster  serpent  of  red,  white  and  blue  in 
the  wake  of  the  beautifully  canopied  and  carpeted  barge  which  carried  the 
Governor-General  and  his  party.  Like  the  York  boat  left  on  Eagle  Lake, 
this  one,  provided  for  the  last  long  stage  of  the  journey  along  Section  B,  was 
furnished  with  all  the  comforts  and  luxuries  that  could  be  thought  of  ;  but 
it  had  also  the  advantage  of  being  considerablj' larger  than  its  predecessor  of 
Eagle  Lake,  so  that  its  occupants  could  walk  about  as  much  as  they  pleased 
without  stepping  over  or  otherwise  incommoding  those  who  were  more  quietly 
disposed.  An  excellent  luncheon  was  served  on  starting  from  Whitefish 
Bay,  and  then  for  the  remainder  of  the  afternoon  and  evening  the  travellers 
enjoyed  the  incomparably  beautiful  and  picturesque  scenery  of  the  great 
archipelago,  in  which  the  Lake  of  the  Woods  is  lost  and  Winnipeg  River  is 
mysteriously  born.  During  the  afternoon  two  tugs  and  one  large  barge, 
bringing  excursionists  from  Rat  Portage,  met  the  little  fleet,  and  forming  in 
line  after  it,  followed  to  the  end  of  the  day's  journey.  It  was  ten  o'clock 
and  raining  when  Rat  Portage  was  reached ,  nevertheless  the  plucky  little 
metropolis  of  Section  B.  made  a  brave  display,  and  the  entry  was  an  impos- 



ing  one  in  spite  of  the  rain  and  darkness.  Tlie  wharf  w.vs  throngod  with 
people  despite  tlie  bad  weather,  but  the  travellers  were  hurried  through  the 
crowd  as  quickly  and  quietly  as  possible,  and  now  everything  is  quiet  for 



Rat  Portage,  July  30. — Though  His  Excellency  and  party  were  not  stir- 
ring quite  as  early  as  usual,  Rat  Portage  was  wide  awake  at  such  an  hour  in 
the  morning  as  might  lead  any  unprejudiced  person  to  believe  that  very  many 
of  her  citizens  had  not  slept  at  all.  At  any  rate  there  was  no  lack  of  bustle 
and  uproar  at  sunrise,  and  there  was  no  cessation  until  His  Excellency  stepped 
on  board  the  train  in  waiting  for  him  on  the  West  side  of  the  Winnipeg 
River,  or,  as  the  station  is  locally  known,  "  Camp  Two." 

The  reception  accorded  the  Governor-General  at  Rat  Portage  was  a  whole- 
souled  and  enthusiastic  one.  Not  only  the  beauty  and  fashion  (Rat  Portage 
is  uncommonly  veil  provided  with  pretty  women  for  a  frontier  village  f  Hs 
size),  but  the  n>v  i,  women  and  children  of  all  classes,  white  and  c>pper- 
coloured,  turned  out,  and  even  the  very  extensive  canine  population  sent  out 
a  strong  delegation  to  tuke  iip  their  quarters  among  the  Indians  who  were 
squatting  and  lounging  around  on  the  vacant  ground  or  "  commons  "  on  the 
east  bank  of  the  Winnipeg,  close  to  the  hotel  where  His  Excellency  and 
party  were  stopping.  There  wei  j  two  arches,  one  of  which  was  only  an  un- 
pretending affair,  under  which  Lord  Lome  had  to  jjass  in  coining  from  the 
wharf  last  night,  wliile  the  other,  which  was  situated  on  the  main  street,  was 
a  decidedly  imposing  and  handsome  one.  At  about  eleven  o'clock.  Dr.  Han- 
son, Chairman  of  the  Citizens'  Committee,  accompanied  by  several  members 
of  the  Committee,  waited  on  His  Excellency,  who  received  them  on  the  ver- 
andah of  the  hotel.  Dr.  Hanson  then  read  an  address  of  welcome,  to  which 
His  Excellency  made  an  appropriate  reply. 


The  red  men  took  no  unimportant  part  in  the  reception  at  Rat  Portage. 
There  were  some  500  of  them  camped  at  the  narrows  near  the  village, and  about 
ten  o'clock  the  majority  of  them  crossed  over  in  a  large  fleet  of  canoes.  Of  course 
many  Indians  and  half-breeds  had  been  lounging  about  the  village  all  the  morn  - 
ing,  but  by  far  the  largest  share  of  them  came  over  with  the  fleet.    They  were 




dressed  in  the  most  picturesque  of  Ojibway  costumes,  wearing  most  of  them 
very  bright  colours.  (This,  of  course,  only  applies  in  cases  where  the  red^ 
men  wore  clothing  enough  to  be  worth  mentioning.)  Nearly  all  the  men  and 
boys  were  more  or  less  painted,  some  of  the  "  young  swells  "  having  the  njost 
elaborate  patterns  worked  out  in  bright  colours  upon  their  faces.  Altogether, 
as  the  canoes,  all  well  filled  and  all  in  a  compact  flotilla,  came  slowly  over 
the  sun-gilt  ripples  of  the  Winnipeg,  the  scene  was  one  that  once  witnessed 
would  ntjt  readily  be  forgotten.  As  they  neared  the  shore  the  fleet  halted 
and  the  Indians  fired  a  volley  with  their  fowling  pieces.  The  firing  was  done 
in  that  jerky  and  spasmodic  manner  always  characteristic  of  Indian  salutes. 
When  the  firing  had  ceased  the  Indians  hurried  shoreward.  The  landing  was 
made  with  a  great  deal  of  deliberation,  however,  and  finally  they  marched  up 
the  street  past  the  hotel,  the  great  chief  Mawindobenesse  with  a  warrior  sup- 
porting each  arm  as  though  he  were  old  and  feeble.  Mr.  George  McPherson 
read  an  address  on  behalf  of  the  Indians  of  Lake  of  the  Woods,  to  which  His 
Excellency  made  a  brief  but  very  appropriate  replj',  after  which  the  Indians 
eiitertained  their  distinguished  visitors  with  a  dance. 

The  music  was  much  like  that  given  by  the  Wabigoon  Indians.  The  ca- 
dence was  the  same,  but  several  of  the  squaws  joined  in  the  singing  here,  and 
that  improved  it  decidedly.  Though  these  pagan  Indians  never  appear  to 
learn  any  tune  save  that  execrable  and  monotonous  "  Hi-ya,"  some  of  the- 
squaws  have  very  sweet  and  clear  voices,  that  even  lend  a  semblance  of 
melody  to  the  only  attempt  at  a  tune  which  I  have  ever  heard  these  Pagan 
Ojibways  sing,  or  try  to  sing.  On  the  other  hand,  I  last  summer  heard  a 
Christian  Indian  from  the  White  Dog  Mission  sing  "  Nearer  my  God  to  Thee'' 
and  one  or  two  other  hymns  with  remarkable  correctness  and  in  excellent 
voice.  The  daiicing  that  followed  was  of  the  most  grotesque  character,  only 
the  men  and  boys  engaging  in  it.  Their  figures  were  bent  constantly  at  both 
hips  and  knees,  but  instead  of  simply  springing  up  and  down  as  the  W^abigoon 
Indians  did  for  the  greater  part  of  the  time,  they  shuffled  and  kicked  about, 
keeping  time  to  the  music  with  a  sort  of  gliding  step,  which  was  long  and 
productive  of  considerable  exertion,  but  never  particularly  rapid. 

Mawindobenesse,  the  great  chief,  is  certainly  one  of  the  finest  looking  In  - 
dians  I  have  ever  seen,  and  though  he  was  carefully  supported  as  he  walked 
up  from  his  canoe,  it  turned  out  that  all  this  apparent  infirmity  was  merely 
put  on  to  magnify  his  greatness  in  the  presence  of  the  distinguished  visitora 
whose  eyes  he  supposed  to  be  upon  him,  for  as  soon  as  the  dancing  commenced 
he  was  one  of  the  first  to  engage  in  it,  and  he  was  quite  as  ready  to  keep  it 
up  as  were  any  of  his  subjects.  Though  he  has  a  grand  pair  of  shoulders,, 
straight  and  broad,  without  the  smallest  inclination  to  stoop,  a  full  chest 
symmetrically  tapered  toward  the  waist,  and  though  in  short  Mawindobenesse 
has  a  remarkably  fine  figure  it  is  his  face  that  makes  the  strongest  impression 
in  one's  memory.  He  has  a  broad,  high  forehead  that  recedes  slightly  and 
regularly,  almost  or  quite  from  the  eyebrows.  His  eyes  are  decidedly  good, 
though  partially  thrown  back  by  his  prominent  brows  and  cheek  bones.  His 
nose  has  just  enough  of  the  eagle's  beak  about  it  to  escape  being  Grecian,  his?. 



mouth  has  plenty  of  firmness  and  is  unmistakable  in  expression,  while  his  lower 
jaw  would  indicate  that  he  had  all  the  physical  courage,  but  none  of  the  bru- 
tality of  the  successful  prize-fighter.  He  looks  like  a  man  of  superior  cour- 
age, intelligence,  and  character,  and  in  looking  at  him  it  would  be  hard  to 
divest  oneself  of  the  idea  that  he  was  not  devoid  of  culture.  Mr.  McCoU  of 
the  Inf'ian  department,  who  speaks  Ojibway  fluently,  tella  me  that  on  one 
occasion  at  the  north-west  angle  during  some  of  the  treaty  negotiations,  Maw- 
indobenesse  made  a  speech  of  some  two  hours  duration  which  was  fluently 
delivered,  contained  many  really  eloquent  passages,  and  little  if  any  useless 
repetitions  of  ideas.  It  is  almost  needless  to  add  to  this  description  of  this 
great  chief,  whose  home  is  upon  one  of  the  richest  spots  in  the  wondn^usly 
fertile  valley  of  Rainy  River,  that  his  authority  over  the  other  chiefs  and 
Indians  of  his  region,  is  nearly  or  qiiite  absolute.  None  of  the  smaller  chiefs 
ever  appear  to  question  his  wisdom,  goodness  or  power,  and  in  addition  to 
being  a  nearly  or  quite  absolute  ruler,  Mawindobenesse  appears  to  be  an  ex- 
tremely popular  one.  Of  course,  he  was  gotten  up  in  great  style  for  the  oc- 
casion. His  long  black  hair  hung  in  heavy  masses  down  his  broad  shoulders. 
His  face  (all  except  the  upper  angle  of  his  forehead  on  the  right-hand  side) 
was  painted  a  very  light  olive  green  ticked  with  vermilion  and  bright  green, 
and  all  this  was  bordered  with  a  stripe  of  dark  green  about  half  an  inch  wide. 
Outside  of  this  border,  the  upper  corner  of  his  forehead,  already  alluded  to, 
was  painted  a  deep  blood-red.  He  wore  a  heavy  beaded  collar,  to  which 
was  attached  a  heavy  silver  medal,  and  he  was  naked  to  the  waist,  his 
l>()dy  being  painted  with  alternate  stripes  of  dark-brown  and  white, 
though  here  the  paint  was  only  put  on  very  lightly,  and  not  in  sufficient 
q  jautities  to  hide  the  skin.  Ho  wore  a  short  scarlet  skirt,  breecholout  and 
beaded  leggings.  Some  of  the  younger  men  were  painted  in  tlie  most  extra- 
rrdiiiary  manner  ;  a  favourite  device  appeared  to  be  a  bright  green,  blue  or 
pur|)le  ground-work,  covering  ^he  eyes  and  upper  part  of  the  face  like  a  mask, 
and  (m  tliis  bright  gr  )und  would  be  curious  rings  of  wliite  and  vermilion, 
looking  like  fancifully  coloured  eyelet  holes,  from  a  quarter  to  throo-sixteenths 
of  an  incli  in  diameter.  Others  would  have  the  forehead  and  nose  painted  a 
miowy  white,  and  the  remainder  of  the  face  yellow,  blue,  green,  or  blood  red. 
IMany  of  tha  men  were  nearly  naked,  and  in  8>ich  cases  the  scanty  apparel 
worn  consisted  to  a  great  extent  of  bojul-work  and  eagle  feathers.  Wliile  the 
dancin;^  ■vas  still  in  progress,  His  Excellency  and  party  re-embarked  in  the 
York  boat,  which  was  towed  over  to  "  Camp  Two,"  wliero  the  special  train 
was  in  waiting  to  receive  thorn.  \  largo  number  of  Rat  Portage  people  fol- 
lowed to  the  landing  in  the  tug  Moslirr,  and  gave  His  Excellency  one  more 
cheer  as  the  train  moved  otf.  IJeforo  going  westward,  however,  the  train 
backed  down  to  give  the  visitors  an  opportunity  of  seeing  one  of  the  numer- 
ous falls  on  the  Winnipeg  lliv.'r. 






Rat  Portage,  Aug.  1. — The  Governor-General  left  this  village  about  noon 
•on  the  30th  ult. 

On  returning  from  "  Camp  Two  "  after  the  Vice-Regal  special  train  had 
left,  1  tirst  made  the  ac(juaintance  of  a  number  of  the  chiefs  and  Indians  who 
were  still  at  Rat  Portage,  some  of  them  not  too  well  pleased  with  Lord 
Lome's  early,  and  to  them  unexpected,  exit.  At  the  time  he  left  they  were 
dancing,  and  they  had  fully  expected  that  he  would  have  been  only  too  glad 
to  have  watched  them  for  four  or  five  hours  instead  of  half  an  hour.  Then 
they  were  to  have  a  dog  feast  on  the  folhnving  day  over  at  the  Narrows,  an<l 
His  Excellency  might  not  only  have  witnessed  the  imposing  cerenumies 
attached  thereto,  but  in  consideratiim  of  his  high  rank,  and  the  extraordinarily 
high  esteem  in  which  they  held  him,  he  might  have  been  treated  to  a  l)a8in 
of  dog  soup,  and  have  eaten  a  choice  morsel  of  boiled  dog.  Like  certain 
other  estimable  citizens  of  the  Dominion  who  have  not  fully  understood  and 
approved  of  Lord  Lome's  programme,  these  red  men  grumbled  a  little,  but 
whether  or  not  they  were  disposed  to  attach  the  whole  of  the  blame  to  Col. 
De  Wintcui  I  am  not  prepared  to  say.  Many  of  the  notables  1  met  on  this 
•occasion  remembered  (juite  well  h;.ving  met  me  last  summer  or  in  1874,  but 
I  will  introduce  a  few  of  them  to  the  reader  as  they  were  introduced  to  me, 
regardless  of  former  acciuaintanceships. 

First  of  course  came  "  Mawindobonosse,"  which  being  literally  translated 
into  English  is  "  Hird  Gatherer,"  and  freely  translated  means  "  Thunderer." 
The  idea  is  tliai  the  voice  of  this  mighty  chief  is  so  like  the  thunder  that  the 
birds  gather  together  in  little  terror-stricken  groiips  when  they  hear  it,  just 
as  tiiey  do  when  they  are  torritied  by  loud  peals  of  tliunder,  MawimhibeneshJ 
is  the  great  chief  of  all  the  Indians  in  the  whole  region,  but  his  home  is  at 
Long  Sault  Rapids  on  Rainy  River.  Ho  has  two  wives  and  a  moderately 
•comfortal)le  house,  with  a  large  and  very  productive  garden  attached  to  it. 

"Pawawsin  "  (which  may  be  translated  as  "  Light-before-the-day  ")  is  chief 
of  the  N'Tth-West  Angle  Indians. 

"  MaminwabeitHkung  "  (meaning  '*  something  always  driven  backward  and 
forward  ")  is  chief  of  llig  Inland  Lako.  This  last  mentioned  chief  (whoso 
aiame  1  shall  llt>t  repeat  again,  as  it  will  doubtless  be  easily  remembered)  was 
Accompanied  by  one  of  his  warriors,  who  once  rejoiced  in  a  name  which  wan 
possibly  PM  great  an  outrage  on  (.poken  language  as  is  that  of  liis  chief,  but  be 
that  as  it  may,  it  will  be  lost  to  po.?terity,  for  he  has  so  long  been  known  as 



Garnet  Wolseley  that  he  is  no  Ioniser  known  even  among  his  own  people 
by  any  otlier  cognomen.  "Wlien  Sir  Garnet  Wolseley  was  at  Fort  Francis  this 
red-skiniied  warrior  was  greatly  taken  bj'  his  peculiarly  mar'  1  bearing,  and 
practised  his  walk  till  ho  was  able  to  make  a  pretty  fair  imitation  of  it. 
Some  of  the  v<»hinteers  noticing  this,  nick-named  liim  after  the  distinguished 
white  warrior,  and  he  was  so  pleased  witli  it  that  he  at  oncj  adopted  the  new 
name,  and  with  it  the  military  walk  of  his  great  namesake,  and  he  has  stuck 
pertinaciously  to  both  ever  since. 

"  Kataytiiypowocoots"  (which  is  best  ren^^ered  in  English  by  "  Floating 
Lily  ")  is  chief  of  "  Assabaskasang. "  This  chief  does  not  write  his  name  and 
post-office  address  any  oftener  than  is  absolutely  necessary.  No  autograph, 
hunters  need  apply. 

"  Kitchakakati  "  (Big  Hawk)  is  chief  of  the  red  men  at  Manitou  Rapids,  on' 
Rainy  River.  Ho  was  not  picturesquely  painted,  aiul  his  dress  was  rather 
scanty,  but  among  white  men  he  enjoys  the  re[)ntation  of  being  the  worst 
tempered  and  most  "  cantankerous  "  Indian  in  all  the  North- West. 

"  The  falls  of  Winnipeg  River  "  is  a  term  of  rather  broad  signification,  a» 
there  are  many  falls  and  rapids  in  that  svift- flowing  and  at  times  very  tur- 
bulent stream,  but  at  Rat  Portage  the  terra  applies  to  tiie  falls  in  the  east 
and  west  branches  of  the  river,  both  of  which  cross  the  line  of  the  Canada 
Pacific  Railway  within  a  comparatively  short  distance  of  this  place.  Of  the 
falls  in  the  west  branch  there  is  little  to  say.  They  might  better  be  termed 
very  wild-looking  rapids  than  "falls,"  as  the  latter  term  wholly  misleads  one 
regarding  them.  The  falls  on  the  cast  branch,  however,  are  genuine  in  their 
character.     They  are  called  the  "  Kabakitchowan  Falls." 

This  name  may  be  translated  as  •'  liigh,  or  steep  rock  "  falls.  The  occa- 
sion of  my  visit  to  this  charmiu'^ly  pictureaciue  little  water  fall  must  hate 
been  peculiarly  well  timed  for  seeing  it  at  its  best.  I  took  the  advice  of  a 
friend,  who  said,  "If  you  want  to  seethe  Kabakitchowan  Falls  as  you  should,, 
go  there  just  after  the  sun  is  down."  The  suu  had  just  sunk  below  the  hori- 
zon as  I  made  my  way  toward  the  fa'l  in  a  small  Rico  Laku  canoe,  and  soon 
after  I  had  passed  the  abutments  that  have  stood  waiting  for  an  iron  railway 
bridge  ever  since  last  winter  it  was  iipparent  that  the  channel  of  the  east 
branch  of  the  Winnipeg  was  speedily  becoming  narrow  and  swift.  There  w»» 
not  a  ripple  near  the  middle  of  the  river,  and  t)nly  here  and  there  along  the 
shore  co\d<l  one  see  the  little  crystal-crested  "  rips"  that  tnld  with  what  race- 
horse speed  the  glossy  stream  was  rushing  past  some  tiny  reef  that  jutted  out 
from  the  rocky  shore.  Landing  jiist  where  a  deejily-worn  \y\t\\  led  up  tho 
wooded  ridite  beside  tho  narrow  gorgo  throui(li  which  tho  river  rushes  to  the 
cataract,  I  had  Sdim  reached  a  •^iiut  overlooking  «ine  of  the  most  romantic  and 
beautiful  pictures  that  tho  rug<{ed  Laurontides  aU'ord.  The  fall  is  not  more 
than  about  eighteen  feet  high,  and  there  is  comparatively  little  comniotioiv 
in  tho  water  at  its  baie.  It  is  as  if  the  heavy  volume  pouring  (^iwn  through 
the  narrow,  funnel  like  gorge  dropjiod  into  a  fathomless  basin,  where  there 
were  no  sunken  rocks  to  break  and  Inirl  upward  tln«  swift  plunging  torrent 
in  foaming,  broken  waves  to  tho  surface  again.     Tiio  sweep  of  tho  fall,  or  if 




I  might  uae  the  term,  the  "  curve  of  the  apron"  is  very  peculiar.  Though 
this  river  is  comparatively  wide  where  it  is  to  be  crossed  by  the  railway,  it 
narrows  rapidly  till  it  is  confined  between  the  walls  of  a  rocky  chasm,  and  it 
is  just  where  it  shoots  through  the  narrowest  pass  that  it  rushes  down  the 
precipice.  Niagara  drops  over  the  escarpment  with  a  terrible  roar,  and 
rthongh  it  gives  one  an  idea  of  immense  power  it  is  rather  of  a  passive  force 
born  of  its  giant  weight  than  an  active  aggre.:sive  strength.  With  Montmo- 
rency it  is  mucli  the  same.  The  river  tumbks  down  through  the  rapids, 
reaches  the  brow  of  a  dizzy  precipice,  and  breaki:i'.j  into  a  foaming  mass  falls 
in  a  fleecy,  feathery  veil  to  the  black,  foani-tlecked  flood  below.  Hut  the 
Kabakitchowa!!  is  a  cataract  of  an  entirely  diti'erent  order.  Here  is  no  pas- 
sive, l)ut  an  aggressive  power.  The  river  does  not  roll  through  tlie  gorge 
and  fall  over  the  escarpment.  It  rushes  forcibly  through  the  narrow,  rock- 
bound  ])ass,  and  with  a  grand  forward  leap  pluiujis  into  the  dark  flood  below. 
It  was  no  broken  sheet  of  foam  that  [  saw  pouring  through  the  gorge  and 
over  the  water-worn  ledge,  but  a  shining,  translucent  volume,  fringed  with 
fleecy  foam  i.nd  spray  at  the  borders,  but  in  the  centre  lit  up  with  the  lurid 
tints  of  tiie  sunset  sky,  whicli  it  flung  back  mellowed  with  ruby  and  deep- 
hued  rose  colo>ir3.  The  lovely  tints  of  sky  and  water  contrasting  with  the 
variegated  greens  of  the  foliaga-covered  walls  of  the  ravine,  the  riigged  crags 
of  steel-grey  rock  scowling  sullenly  from  out  the  rich  black  green  curtains  of 
spruce,  the  grand  sv/eep  of  the  lofty  walla  of  the  chasm,  all  set  word  painting 
at  naught.  It  is  in  gazing  on  sucli  a  scene  that  one  feels  how  miserably 
language  fails  to  crystallize  the  rapturous  but  ovaueacent  druania  of  beauty 
that  riot  through  the  brain. 

A    DO      FEAST. 

As  already  intimated,  the  Indiiuis  had  made  up  their  minds  to  have  a  dog 
feast  yesterday,  and  tliey  were  not  deterred  from  doing  so  by  the  fact  that 
tjiey  were  disappointed  in  the  early  departure  of  Ilis  E'.cellency.  Tiie  Ojib- 
ways  have  so  many  feasts,  dances,  and  other  ceremimies  incident  to  their 
pagan  belief  that  it  is  often  very  difticult  for  a  stranger  to  make  out  just 
what  a  given  ceremony  happens  to  be  about.  I  was  somewhat  mystii'ied  as  to 
what  particular  pi~ri)ose  the  feast  of  yesterday  was  intended  to  serve.  Their 
great  feast  of  the  year,  or  as  their  fashionable  white  sisters  would  put  it, 
"  the  event  of  the  season,"  is  always  the  "White  dog  feast."  Yesterday, 
however,  dogs  of  any  colo\ir  answered  thoir  purpose.  I  have  heard  a  great 
deal  a'oout  these  feasts,  and  possibly  before  I  shall  have  finished  this  tour 
through  the  North-West  I  may  be  in  a  position  to  give  some  more  definite 
and  reliable  information  regarding  tlu'se  feasi.i  than  is  now  attaina'  !o,  but 
for  the  jirvsent  I  shall  describe  the  doings  at  the  feast  yu'enlay  just  as  they 
would  present  tlieniselves  to  a  spectator. 

Ab<mt  two  lnuidred  able-bodied  men  wore  coUoctod  on  a  little  point  which 
constitutes  th;*  favourite  camping  ground  at  the  Narrows,  and  of  course  this 
would  represent  a  total  pi.i'ulation  present  of  probably  not  less  than  odd 
•ouls.     There  were  no  less  than  eighteen  chiefs  present,  and  altogether,  there 



was  a  large  and  fashionable  gathering.  Four  dogs  were  selected  to  be  sacri- 
ficed— two  black,  one  yellow,  and  one  a  sort  of  grizzled  black  with  white 
breast  and  paws,  A  large  circle  was  formed,  containing  some  80  or  100  men, 
and  within  this  sat  Mawindobenesse  in  state.  Not  far  from  where  he  sat 
were  two  Indian  drums  with  about  ten  players  for  each.  Behind  these  sat 
several  squaws  assisting  in  the  singing,  which  was  carried  on  vigorously  from 
time  to  time.  One  after  another  the  wretched  looking  dogs,  with  their  front 
legs  tied  up  to  their  throats  with  thongs  of  bark,  were  brought  in  and  thrown 
down  before  the  Great  Chief  for  his  approval.  It  appeared  that  each  one 
passed  examination  successfully,  if '  t  to  his  owix  entire  satisfaction,  for  a» 
Mawindobenesse  nodded  and  gruu  ov^  ^ach  he  was  taken  out  and  killed 
with  one  of  those  fancifully-tinish  Indian  clubs.  As  soon  as  a  dog  was 
killed  he  was  thrown  on  a  fire  outsi  the  circle  and  allowed  to  remain  there 
till  all  his  hair  was  burned  oft',  and  the  hide  charred  and  rolled  up  in  black, 
crisp  wrinkles.  He  was  then  taken  off"  the  fire,  his  entrails  removed,  and  the 
carcase  with  the  charred  skin  remaining  on  it  cut  up  in  pieces  and  thrown 
into  a  large  camp  kettle  to  boil.  As  soon  as  the  first  dog  had  been  cooked 
the  meat  was  fished  out  of  the  kettle,  put  into  a  pail,  and  carried  into  the 
ring  along  with  some  very  indittVrent  preparation,  called  by  courtesy  "  bread  " 
among  the  n^d  men,  but  very  closely  resembling  what  the  voyayeum  used  to 
call  "  death  balls."  When  all  this  had  been  done  Mawindobenesse  selected 
two  rather  fashionably  attired,  "  airy  "  looking  yo\ing  pagans,  whose  princi- 
pal habiliments  consisted  of  breech  clouts,  and  girdles  of  ea;.'le  feathers,  and 
placed  them  at  what  was  supp;tsed  to  be  the  entrances  on  opposite  sides  of 
the  circle.  The  medicine  m;in  then  approached  th.  pail  of  meat  and  dish  of. 
bread,  and  after  bowing  himself  almost  to  the  ground  over  them  several  times, 
he  danced  around  them  to  the  music  of  the  drums.  After  this  the  "  death 
balls ''  and  dog  meat  were  passed  around,  but  before  anybody  had  tasted  hi» 
portion  the  medicine  map  went  to  each  doorkeeper,  and  breaking  a  piece  off 
each  one's  bread  fed  it  to  him.  The  doorkeepers  then  danced  around  the  food 
that  was  left  in  the  dishes,  and  then  went  around  to  the  chiefs,  feeding  each 
with  his  o\vn  bread  or  meat,  just  as  they  had  been  fed  by  the  medicine  man. 
The  feast  was  now  fairly  bejjun,  and  eating  ani  dancing  became  general. 
After  a  time  the  dog  soup,  or  the  water  in  which  the  dog  hral  been  boiled,  was 
brought  in  and  served  out,  most  of  the  men  and  women  drinking  it  with  the 
keenest  relish.  It  was  a  noticeable  fact,  however,  that  some  of  the  younger 
members  of  the  band,  both  male  and  female,  deolinod  to  taste  either  the  dog 
meat  or  dog  soup.  There  were  only  a  very  few,  however,  even  among  the 
young  people,  who  a[ipeared  to  be  at  all  fastidious  about  it. 






Winnipeg,  Aug.  6. — Leaving  Rat  Portage  on  the  evening  of  the  let  inst.  I 
was  taken  by  canoe  to  a  point  on  the  Canada  Pacific  Railway,  about  three 
miles  west  of  the  village,  and  nearly  opposite  to  Mather  &  Co.'s  handsome 
saw-mill.     After  waiting  there  for  about  an  hour  and  a  half  I  had  the  satis- 
faction of  seeing  Mrs.  Mackenzie  Bowell  (who  was  also  starting  for  Winnipeg), 
seated  in  a  hand  car  along  with  our  baggage,  and  ,whirled  away  down  the 
track  about  a  mile  and  a  half  to  where  we  were  to  meet  a  construction  train. 
Arrived  at  the  spot,  which  was  just  at  the  edge  of  a  cutting,  we  had  to  wait 
about  an  hour  before  the  troin  came  along,  and  the  mosquitoes  were  uncom- 
monly active.     Darkness  came  along  before  the  train  did,  but  at  last  aloud, 
shrill  whistle  annojuiced  the  approach  of  the  locomotive,  and  in  a  few  seconds 
more  on  she  came  pushing  thirty  flat  cars  loaded  with  gravel  ahead  of  her. 
The  cars  were  none  of  thcin  very  heavily  loaded,  and  with  the  aid  of  a  gravel 
plough  and  a  steel  wire  cable  the  ballast  was  quickly  transferred  frcn  the 
flats  to  the  fill.     We  were  then  invited  to  take  seats  in  the  driver's  cab,  and 
a  run  to  Ostrasund  was  made  at  a  rattling  pace.     It  was  the  first  time  Mrs. 
Bowel!  had  ever  ridden  on  a  locomotive,  and  it  was  the  first  locomotive  that 
had  ever  carried  a  CabinetMinister's  wife.     After  waiting  for  about  an  hour 
at  Oscrasund  we  stepped  into  the  cab  of  another  locomotive,   which  took  us 
to  Deception,  where  Mrs.  Bowell  was  met  by  Mr.  Collingwood  Schrieber  and 
escorted  to  the  residence  of  Mr.  Hancy,  where  she  was  comfortably  housed 
for  the  night.     Next  morning  a  special  train  consisting  of  a  locomotive  and 
one  passenger  coach  left  Deception  at  a  very  early  hour,  in  order,  if  possible, 
to  connect  with  the  regular  train  at  Cross  Lake.     About  half  the  distance 
bad  been  traversed,  when  arriving  at  a  way  station,  wo  were  informed  that  a 
sink  hole  had  been  developed  in  a  piei    of  particularly  soft  muskeg  since  the 
evening  before.     At  six  o'clock  on  Mn    lay  night  the  rails  at  this  point  had 
been  two  feet  above  water,  but  that  morning  the  wate*"  was  found  to  be  two 
feet  above  the  rails.     To  meet  this  ditticulty  Mr.  Schrieber  sent  a  despatch 
to  Grose  Lake  ordering  a  locomotive  to  meet  us  at  the  opposite  side  of  the 
sink  hole.     Our  locomotive  was  then  put  behind  the  passenger  coach  which 
it  shoved  slowly  toward  the  damaged  spot  of  the  track.     Only  about  threo 
rail  lengths  had  gime  down  belcjw  the  grade,  but  those  had  sunk  so  low  that 
it  looked  as  though  it  would  be  an  impossibility  tu  get  the  coach  over  them.^ 



While  Mr.  Schrieber  and  the  train  officials  were  inspecting  the  place  the  loco- 
motive from  Cross  Lake  arrived,  pushing  in  front  of  it  two  flat  cars.  The 
flats  were  piishod  slowlj'  and  cautiously  down  into  the  water  and  up  the  op- 
posite side,  until  the  buff"er  of  the  foremost  reached  that  of  the  passenger 
coach.  Then  a  start  was  made,  and  the  coach  towed  very  slowly  and  cau- 
tiously through  the  sink-hole,  which  by  this  time  was  so  deep  that  the  trucks 
were  almost  entirely  submerged.  Notwithstanding  the  delay  thus  caused, 
tiie  special  caught  the  regular  train  at  Cross  Lake,  and  the  latter  reached  this 
city  at  a  few  minutes  after  three  in  the  afternoon. 

From  CroHH  Lake  to  White  Mouth  Rivor  there  is  but  little  to  attract  the 
traveller.  In  the  passage  the  line  bids  farewell  to  the  Lau^'entides,  and 
istrikes  through  a  heavy  belt  of  swamp,  which,  were  it  in  many  portions  of 
Ontario,  would  doubtless  be  cleared,  drained,  and  rendered  valuable  ;  but 
here,  where  there  are  limitless  tracts  that  are  almost  ready  for  settlement,  it 
is  questionable  if  this  region  will  bo  rendered  productive  befijre  several 
generations  shall  have  passed  away.  As  the  line  nears  Selkirk  the  country 
improves  very  materially  in  character,  and  fro;ii  Selkirk  to  Winnipeg  rich 
flats  spread  out  away  on  either  hand.  Just  now  these  flats  are  dry  and  look 
fit  to  grow  any  cereals,  but  last  year,  1  am  told,  they  were  entirely  sub- 

Winnipeg  Las  been  written  of  .:o  often  and  so  fully  that  it  might  be 
difticult  to  say  anything  new  concerning  it.  It  is  more  like  Chicago  than  any 
-city  I  know,  notwitlistanding  the  groat  difl'erence  in  the  t^imensions  and 
population  of  the  two.  I  have  seen  very  few  unemployed  people  hero,  and 
they  were  invariably  drunk.  In  fact  I  have  seen  some  drunken  people  in 
Winnipeg  who  were  not  out  of  employment.  I  should  be  very  sorry  to  have 
any  unemployed  yoimg  man  i:.i  old  Canada  conclude  from  what  1  have  said 
just  here  that  Winnipeg  is  a  haven  fur  all  who  cannot  find  work  elsewhere. 
1  am  not  sure  that  young  men  would  do  particularly  well  in  looking  up  work 
here.  The  reason  there  are  very  few  unemployed  people  here  is  that  those 
who  are  out  of  work  cannot  afl'ord  to  live  here.  It  coata  them  too  much. 
Everything  is  costly  in  Winnipeg  just  now,  and  becaus'^  city  property  is 
pj  jportionately  high  many  people  say  that  a  great  crash  in  the  real  estate 
market  hero  is  not  far  ofl'.  IJe  this  as  it  may,  Winnipeg  is  thriving  just  now. 
The  h<  tels  are  numerous,  charge  higli  rates,  and  do  not  give  one  nure  than 
very  moderate  value  for  his  money,  and  yet  they  are  nearly  all  over-crowded. 
I  have  not  seen  the  sign  "  to  let  "  since  I  came  hero,  but,  on  the  other  hand, 
there  must  bo  over  hundreds  of  tents  jiitched  within  the  city  limits  and  most 
of  them  are  occupied  by  families. 

"  MAllTIK   CHUZZI.EWIT  "    ANO    "  EDKN  "    ItEVlVKD. 

Scarcely  an  evening  passes  that  there  are  not  one  or  more  auction  sales  of 
real  estate.  Sometimes  it  is  of  city  property,  sometimes  siibvirlian  claims 
recently  divided  into  city  lots,  and  frequently  it  is  a  sale  of  lots  in  some 
renjote  city  on  the  plains  which  is  as  yet,  only  in  existence  on  paper.  A  few 
r.igiits  ago  an  auction  sale  nf  the  latter  class  of  property  was  being  carried  on 



ilace  the  loco- 
it  cars.  The 
nd  up  the  op- 
ho  passenger 
)wly  and  cau- 
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thus  caused, 
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alnable  ;  but 
settlement,  it 
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it  it  might  be 
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imensions  and 
ople  here,  and 
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T  sorry  to  have 
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the  real  estate 
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iibxn-ban  claims 
A  lots  in  some 
I  paper.  A  few 
jeing  carried  ou 

•with  very  fair  succeas.  The  map,  handsomely  tniCed  and  elaborately  coloured, 
showed  the  streets,  avenues,  business  localities  and  suburban  villa  lots,  to- 
gether with  a  very  liberal  reserve  for  railway  station,  freight  sheds,  guard 
rooms,  &G. ,  &c. 

Just  as  business  was  booming  and  the  auctioneer  feeling  that  he  hacl 
accomplished  a  pronounced  success,  an  axeman  from  the  C.  P.  R. ,  dnsty, 
dirty,  and  rough,  came  staggering  through  the  crowd,  looked  at  tl»e  map, 
read  the  name  of  the  city,  and  then  remarked  : — "  I  came  through  that 
town  just  five  days  ago,  and  there  wasn't  a  house,  a  street,  or  even  a  stake 
I»  was  just  a  bit  of  level  prairie,  with  no  bush  in  sight,  and  nobody  kno\sj 
whether  the  laiilway  will  ever  ^o  near  it  or  not." 

Nobody  pretended  to  believe  the  drunken  axeman,  but  the  bidding  stoppecf 
for  all  that,  and  not  another  foot  of  property  in  that  paper  city  changed 

hands  that  night. 


It  would  take  a  long  time  to  describe  the  general  appearance  of  Winnipeg,. 
and  even  then  the  reader  who  had  never  seen  this  Canadian  Chicago  might 
have  a  very  vague  and  indefinite  notion  as  to  what  manner  of  place  it  really 
is.  In  the  first  place  their  main  street  which  is  by  a  long  way  the  principal 
thoroughfare  of  the  city,  is  a  very  broad  avenue  (two  chaitft  wide).  It  is 
almost  as  level  as  a  billiard  table,  but  by  no  means  straight.  It  was  once  the 
old  Hudson  Bay  trail,  and  it  makes  some  sort  of  a  mild  pretence  of  following 
the  trend  of  the  west  bank  of  Red  River.  The  other  streets  are  runnifig 
nearly  north  and  south  or  east  and  west,  and  these  forming  all  sorts  of  angles 
with  the  somewhat  tortuous  main  street,  give  rise  to  an  unheard  oi  number 
of  gores  and  angles.  Some  of  the  inhabitants  have  faced  the  situation  boldly, 
and  building  their  houses  in  a  regular  rectangular  form  have  left  some 
curious  little  corners  in  their  areas  and  lawns,  while  others  have  attempted 
to  acconnnodate  their  houses  to  the  shape  of  their  lots.  Whether  or  not  they 
have  gone  still  further,  and  have  had  their  furniture  made  on  the  bias,  I  an» 
not  prepared  to  say  but  I  am  very  certain  that  unless  some  of  them  have 
done  so,  there  must  be  a  very  appreciable  amount  of  waste  space  in  their 

LORD  lor;  .'s  reception. 

On  arriving  m  Saturday  night,  His  Excellency  and  party  went  straightway 
to  Silver  Heights,  which  had  been  very  handsomely  fitted  up  for  them  by 
Donald  A.  Smith.  Unfortunately  just  about  the  time  of  Lord  Lome's  ar- 
rival, a  telegram  brought  the  melancholy  announcement  that  Mrs.  Smith  was 
dangerously  ill  in  the  old  country,  aad  of  course  Mr.  Smith  was  obliged  to 
hurry  away. 

The  Winnipeg  welcome  to  His  Excellency  was  very  enthusiastic,  but  the 
decorations  fell  considerably  short  of  what  I  had  been  led  to  expect.  Ono 
of  the  mottoes  at  least  was  extremely  silly,  a  "cheap  and  nasty"  adv.i'tise- 
ment  of  some  sort  of  a  dry  goods  or  grocery  house.  The  arches  were  both 
rather  pretty,  but  that  is  about  the  best  that  can  be  said  of  the  decorations. 

i     i 




An  address  by  the  civic  authorities  was  presented  to  His  Excellency  and  ap- 
propriately responded  to. 

On  Tuesday  His  Excellency  and  some  of  his  party  attended  a  picnic  at 
Bird's  Hill,  which  was  given  by  the  members  of  the  Local  Government. 
Later  in  the  afternoon  they  waited  for  some  time  to  witness  the  launch  of  the 
steamer  Princess,  but  she  caught  on  the  ways,  and  delayed  the  ceremony  so 
long  tluit  the  distinguished  visitors  were  obliged  to  leave  before  it  had  been 
•concluded.  Li  the  evening  His  Excellency  attended  a  banquet  given  in  his 
honour  by  Lieutenant-Governor  Cauchon. 

On  Wednesday,  the  civic  holiday,  His  Excellency  and  suite  attended  a 
cricket  match  at  Dufferin  Park,  and  the  Caledonian  games  at  the  racecourse. 
"While  in  the  racecout-HC  His  Excellency  was  presented  with  an  address  by  the 
St.  Andrew's  Society,  to  which  he  replied. 

On  Thursday  afternoon  His  Excellency  and  suite  attended  a  garden  party 
at  Government  House,  where  they  were  met  by  the  Chancellor  and  members 
•of  the  University  of  Manitoba,  by  whom  an  address  was  presented,  and  the 
usual  reply  given.  In  the  evening  His  Excellency  gave  a  dinner  party  at 
■Silver  Heights. 

On  Friday  Lord  Lome  visited  the  Penitentiary  at  Stony  Mountain,  and  the 
Historical  Society's  rooms  at  Winnipeg. 

On  Saturday  (to-day)  His  Excellency  visited  St.  Mary's  Academy  at  Win- 
nipeg, the  Archiepiscopal  Palace,  the  Orphanage  of  the  Grey  Nuns,  and  the 
College  at  St.  Boniface  in  the  forenoon,  and  went  to  Emerson  in  the  after- 




tain  anu  the  chauacter  of  the  soir.— the  scene  presented  at  the  poktaoe— 
incidents  of  the  reception— a  ^glimpse  of  the  buffalo— manitoba's  system 
of  drainage. 

Goverxok-General's  Camp,  miles  beyond  End  of  Track,  on  C.  P.  A.,  Aug  8. 

The  first  stage  of  Lord  Lome's  journey  from  the  Capital  to  the  Rocky 
Mountains  may  be  said  to  have  ended  at  Winnipeg,  and  this  might  count  as 
tlie  first  day's  journey  on  the  second  stage.  This  morning  there  wns  a  good 
deal  of  hurry  and  bustle  about  the  C.  P.  R.  station,  as  notwithstanding  the 
fact  that  a  largo  share  of  the  total  outfit  had  been  forwarded  on  Saturday, 
there  were  still  several  cases  and  packages,  besides  three  pairs  of  horses,  going 



cy  and  ap- 

i  picnic  at 
inch  of  the 
remony  so 
t  had  been 
iven  in  hia 

attended  a 
ress  by  the 

rden  party 
d  members 
d,  and  the 
er  party  at 

in,  and  tlie 

fiy  at  Win- 
is,  and  the 
I  the  after- 



i\'H    fSYSTEJl 



,  Aug  8. 

the  Rocky 

it  count  as 

was  a  good 

anding  the 


jrsos,  going 

upon  the  special  which  was  to  leave  at  half-past  nine.  There  was  a  large 
crowd  at  the  station  to  see  the  \  ice-Regal  party  away,  the  local  troop  of  cav- 
alry furnishing  the  guard  of  honour,  while  a  salute  of  twanty-one  guns  was 
fired  by  the  artillery  company,  the  field  pieces  used  being  stationed  only  a 
short  distance  from  the  track. 

The  Vice-Regal  party  consisted  of  His  Excellency  the  Governor-General, 
Lieut-Col.  De  Winton,  secretitry  ;  Capt.  Chater,  A.D.C.  ;  Capt.  Percival, 
A.D.C.  ;  Capt.  Bagot,  comptroller  ;  Rev.  Dr.  McGregor,  of  St.  Cuthbert's, 
Edinburgh ;  Mr.  Sidney  Hall,  of  the  London  Graphic ;  Mr.  Charles  Austin, 
of  the  Times ;  and  Dr.  Sewell,  of  Quebec. 

Mr.  Campbell,  the  Governor-General's  short-hand  writer,  is  also  with  the 
party,  but  he  does  not  intend  to  go  farther  west  than  Rapid  City. 

Lord  Lome  is  accompanied  by  five  servants,  which,  of  course,  does  not  in- 
clude guides  or  any  people  especially  engaged  'or  the  journey.  Mr,  Elliott 
Gait,  of  the  Indian  Department,  goes  along  in  his  oflicial  capacity.  The  special 
train,  which  was  in  the  care  of  Mr.  Stickney,  of  the  C.  P.  R. ,  carried  several 
people  who  were  not  making  the  journey  wi^h  the  Governor-General.  Some 
of  these  were  going  to  the  end  of  the  track  to  see  His  Excellency  fairly  on 
his  way,  while  others  were  also  contemplating  a  trip  across  the  plains.  On  the 
train  were  the  Hon.  J.  Norquay  ;  Mr.  Campbell,  of  the  Hudson  Bay  Com- 
pany (formerly  chief  factor  of  the  Swan  River  District)  ;  Capt.  Thomas  How- 
ard, of  Winnipeg,  who  will  accompany  the  party  as  far  as  Fort  Ellis  ;  Mr. 
McFarlane,  of  the  Edinburgh  Scotsman,  who  is  about  to  make  a  somewhat 
extended  trip  upon  the  plains.  Ho  will  be  cared  for  by  Mr.  Clay,  who  acts 
for  the  C.  P.  R.  Syndicate  in  the  matter. 

At  ten  minutes  past  ten  the  train  moved  off  from  the  station  at  Winnipeg, 
the  clanging  of  the  bell  and  even  the  shrill  scream  of  the  whistle  being  well 
nigh  drowned  by  the  deafening  cheers  of  the  crowd. 

Stony  Mountain  was  the  first  point  of  interest  passed  after  leaving  Winni- 
peg. This  "  mountain,"  as  it  ia  called  here,  would  escape  unnoticed  in 
Ontario  or  Quebec,  unless,  indeed,  it  might  be  in  the  Laurentides  or  the 
Eastern  Townships,  and  there  it  would  pass  for  a  "  low-lying  flat."  It  is  in 
reality  a  limestone  ridge,  about  forty  or  fifty  feet  above  the  level  of  the  sur- 
rounding prairie.  It  rontains,  I  believe,  a  very  fair  limestone  quarry,  but  is 
composed  chiefly  of  light  soil  and  gravel.  It  is  about  twelve  miles  from 
Winnipeg,  and  furnishes  the  city  with  stone,  gravel,  and  sand,  all  of  which 
are  very  much  needed  there.  There  is  also  an  almost  unlimited  supply  of 
gravel  at  Bird's  Hill,  which  is  seven  miles  north  of  Winnipeg,  and  close  to  the 
line  of  the  Thunder  Bay  division  of  the  C.  P.  R. 

Between  Winnipeg  and  Stony  Mountain  the  railway  runs  through  an  almost 
unbroken  level  of  prairie  land,  much  of  which  was  last  year  submerged,  but 
all  of  which  now  appears  dry  enough  for  any  sort  of  products.  Of  course 
this  is  greatly  attributable  to  the  fact  that  the  present  is  an  exceptionally 
dry  season,  but  it  is  dcnibtless  in  some  measure  duo  to  drainage.  While  in 
Winnipeg  I  was  driven  out  to  the  end  of  the  grade  on  the  Manitoba  and 
i:^outh- Western  Colonization  Railway — which,  by  the  way,  is  being  pushed 



forward  by  the  contractor,  Mr,  P.  J.  Brown,  with  remarkable  energy — an<i 
there  I  saw  an  immense  ditch  (not  quite  as  large  as  the  Erie  Canal,  but  big 
enough  to  suggest  the  comparison),  which,  as  far  as  I  could  see,  did  not  contain; 
a  drop  of  water.  Last  year  that  same  locality  was  covered  with  about  eighteen 
inchesor  two  feet  of  water.  The  same  thing  was  told  me  by  Mr.  Schreiberof  the^ 
country  through  which  the  C.  P.  R.  runs  between  Selkirk  and  Winnipeg. 
Last  year  a  great  deal  of  was  under  two  feet  of  water  ;  this  year  it  is  as  dry 
as  the  most  fastidious  settler  could  wish  it.  The  Hon.  Mr.  Norquay  (to^ 
whom  I  am  much  indebted  for  information  regarding  the  land,  and  of  the 
brilliant  possibilities  especially  of  the  Province  of  which  he  is  Premier)  in- 
forms me  that  by  the  end  of  the  current  season  Manitoba  will  have  completed.  ' 
some  150  miles  of  public  drains,  all  of  which  are  doing  excellent  service. 


Just  as  the  train  was  nearing  Stony  Mountain  a  herd  of  buffaloes  and 
domestic  cattle  Avere  observed  feeding  close  beside  the  track.  These  buffaloes 
are  not  melancholy,  mangy-looking  brutes,  such  as  have  been  shown  through 
Ontario  at  different  times,  but  '  earty,  vigorous  looking  animals,  fat,  sleek, 
and  in  every  way  respectable  representatives  of  the  bison  family.  They  are 
the  property  of  the  warden  of  the  penitentiary  (which  is  located  on  Stony 
Mountain,  close  by  the  railway).  Their  owner  has  tried  the  expei'iment  of 
crossing  them  with  the  domestic  cattle,  and  so  far  the  results  have  proved 
very  satisfactory.  It  would  seem,  however,  that  in  the  course  of  a  few  crosses 
the  buffalo  characteristics  would  probably  disappear.  The  half-breed  calves 
of  this  herd  show  much  more  of  the  domestic  than  of  the  bison  peculiarities. 

West  of  Stony  Mountain  the  road  continues  through  a  rich-looking,  though 
somewhat  loAv-lying  flat  for  some  miles,  and  indeed  the  whole  country  all 
the  way  to  Portage  La  Prairie  is  occasionally  varied  with  low  poplar  ridges. 
As  nearly  as  I  could  judge,  with,  perhaps,  the  exception  of  the  very  nar- 
row ridge  occupied  by  Stony  IMountain,  there  is  not  a  fraction  of  the  sixty 
miles  traversed  by  the  C.  P.  R.  between  Winnipeg  and  Portage  La  Prairie 
which  is  not  eminently  suitable  for  farming  purposes.  Of  course  there  are 
places  that  are  now  too  wet  to  be  of  any  use,  but  these  are  all  thoroughly 
susceptible  of  drainage,  and  when  adequately  drained  they  will  doubtless 
prove  excaptionally  productive.  The  soil  is  a  very  thick  stratum  of  rich 
black  loam,  overlying  a  light  coloured  clay,  often  mixed  with  fine  stone 
gravel  and  a  sand  of  a  light  shade,  containing  in  itself  more  or  less  lime  I 
have  no  doubt.  As  to  the  productiveness  of  the  tillable  portions  of  Mani- 
toba, I  have  no  need  to  say  anything  to  Ontario  readers  as  they  have  seen 
abundant  proof  of  their  richness  in  the  Manitoba  exhibits  at  our  fairs  and 
elsewhere.  At  Portage  La  Prairie  there  was  a  very  large  crowd  in  waiting 
to  meet  the  train.  The  assembly  was  made  up  of  both  white  people  and  red, 
but  the  former  largely  outnumbered  the  latter.  This  town,  of  all  its  sisters, 
is  second  in  Manitoba  to  Winnipeg  in  population  and  importance.  It  is  grow- 
ing very  rapidly,  and  appears  located  in  the  very  heart  of  an  excellent  farm- 
ing country. 



ergy — and 
il,  but  bi<j 
ot  contain! 
t  eighteen, 
jiberof  the^ 
it  is  as  dry 
orijuay  (to^ 
and  of  the 
•emier)  in- 

flfaloes  and 
le  buffaloes 
vn through 
fat,  sleek. 
They  are 
I  on  Stony 
leriment  of 
ive  proved 
few  crosses 
reed  calves 
ing,  though 
countrj'  all 
)lar  ridges. 
B  very  nar- 
)f  the  sixty 
La  Prairie 
e  there  are 
1  doubtless 
;uin  of  rich 
I  fine  stono 
less  lime  I 
3  of  Mani- 
'  have  seen 
ir  fairs  and 
.  in  waiting 
le  and  red, 
.  its  sisters, 
It  is  grow- 
iUeut  farm- 

There  were  two  bands  of  Indians  waiting  here,  but  they  kept  aloof  from 
each  other,  and  occupied  opposite  sides  of  the  railway.  On  the  north  side 
were  a  large  number  c'  Sioux,  most  of  whom  were  hideously  painted,  and 
many  gorgeously  dressed.  Some  of  the  men  sat  on  lachrymose-looking,  cut- 
haii'ed  ponies.  All  these  ponies,  like  the  lotus-eaters,  were  "  mild-eyed  " 
a.nd  "  melancholy,"  but  only  a  very  few  of  them  looked  as  though  they  were 
in  the  habit  of  eating  anything,  much  less  the  consumption  of  an  article  of 
diet  supposed  to  have  an  influence  on  their  character,  and  which  would  be 
nearly,  or>quite,  unobtainable  in  the  North- West,  and,  besides  this,  I  never 
yet  saw  an  Indian  pony  that  needed  a  sedative.  As  a  rule  they  are  not  at 
all  apt  to  disturb  themselves  unnecessarily.  These  ponies  were  decked  out 
with  bright  tasseid  at  the  throat,  scarlet  saddle-cloths,  deer-skin  saddles 
elaborately  ornamented  with  bead  work,  and  all-in-all,  despite  the  wretched 
condition  and  contemptible  dimensions  of  the  ponies,  they,  witli  their  riders, 
made  a  most  striking  appearance  as  they  were  gathered  in  picturesque 
groups  in  the  tall  grass,  on  a  little  bluflf  not  more  than  a  hundred  yards  from 
the  train.  The  squaws,  children,  and  old  men  were  hangin!:^  about  the  carts 
or  squatting  on  the  ground  close  beside  the  track  and  a  rather  squalid 
looking  lot  they  were,  though  I  am  informed  that  between  trapping,  fishing, 
farming,  and  "  working  out,"  these  people  mannge  to  live  more  comfortably 
than  the  majority  of  Indians.  I  am  also  told  that  nearly  all,  if  not  indeed 
all,  the  older  of  these  Indians  were  concerned  in  the  terrible  Minnesota  mas- 
sacre. They  were  not  at  all  calculated  to  impress  one  favourably  at  all 
■events.  They  had  an  arrogant  swagger,  especially  those  on  horseback,  that 
had  infinitely  more  of  impudence  and  very  much  less  dignified  repose  than  is 
usually  noticeable  among  the  Ojibway  braves.  An  Ojibway  may  even  beg 
and  be  very  much  in  earnest  about  it,  but  there  is  withal  an  assumption  of 
serene  and  solemn  dignity  about  him  which  though  quite  unobtrusive,  can 
hardly  escape  the  notice  of  the  most  careless  observer.  The  manner  cf  the 
Sioux  seemed  to  say,  "  We  are  the  superior  race  and  we  want  you  to  know 
it,"  The  manner  of  the  Ojibway  says,  "  We  are  quite  sure  of  our  position  ; 
you  are  very  good  people  and  if  you  imagine  you  are  our  superiors  we  see  no 
reason  why  you  should  not  amuse  yourself  with  such  an  assumption  ;  we  can 
well  afford  to  utterly  ignore  any  such  childish  coinpa;isons."  On  the  south 
side  stood  a  small  band  of  Ojibways.  They  kept  aloof  from  the  crowd  alto- 
gether and  only  spoke  to  those  who  approached  them  and  opened  the  conver- 
sation. One  of  the  visitors  asked  through  the  interpreter  if  the  Ojibwaya 
ever  intermarried  with  the  Sioux.  It  would  be  impossible  to  describe  the 
utter  cnntempt  which  showed  itself  in  the  Ojib\v<*y's  face  as  the  question 
was  repeated  to  him.  There  was  no  anger  or  even  irritation  apparent  in  his 
reply,  but  he  sjioke  with  the  air  of  one  who  sincerely  connuiserated  the  pro- 
found ignorance  of  the  questioner,  and  what  lie  said  could  be  better  trans- 
lated by  tone  and  gesture  than  by  words.  "  Oh  !  ccrtainhj  not"  would  not 
be  strong  enough,  but  still  it  comes  nearer  than  any  words  into  which  I  can 
j)ut  his  answer. 



The  white  inhabitants  of  I'ortagola  Prairio  presoutod  a  loyal  address  to  His 
Excellency,  in  which  tliey  hoped  that  this  visit  to  the  North- West  would  have 
many  pleasant  roniiniscences. 

Ilia  Excellency  I'oplied  to  the  address  extempore,  thanking  the  citizens  for 
the  cordiality  of  his  recejition,  and  expressing  his  regret  that  a  longer  stay  with 
them  was  prevented  by  the  shortness  of  the  time  at  his  disposal,  wliich  ne- 
cessitated his  pushing  on  in  order  to  see  as  much  of  the  Western  country  a» 



In  Camp  on  Bio  Plains,  Manitoba,  Aug.  9. — The  last  instalment  of  my 
journal  closed  with  the  ceremonies  at  Portage  la  Prairie.  As  soon  as  the  pro- 
gramme had  been  gone  through  with,  the  Vice- Regal  party  took  the  train 
once  more,  and  a  run  of  about  thirty-five  miles  brought  them  to  the  end  of 
the  track,  or  at  least  very  near  tlie  end  of  it,  where  in  an  open  space  the 
whole  outtit  that  was  to  convey  the  party  over  the  plains  was  awaiting  them. 
T\e  array  was  a  decidedly  imposing  one.  There  were  in  all  fifty-eight  horses, 
besides  the  pair  which  I  had  purchased  for  the  journey.  The  vehicles  for  the 
convej'ance  of  the  Governor-General  and  suite  consisted  of  three  light  covered 
ambulances,  each  capable  of  carrying  comfortably  five  people  besides  the 
driver.  Each  ambulance  was  drawn  by  four  horses ,  driven  by  a  member  of 
the  Mounted  Police  Force.  After  the  ambulances  came  four  baggage  wag- 
gons, each  drawn  by  four  horses,  and  the  rest  of  the  cavalcade  was  made  up 
of  the  three  two-horse  buckboards  and  several  spring  and  lumber  waggons, 
each  drawn  by  two  horses.  The  whole  turnout  was  in  command  of  Colonel 
Herchnier,  who  rode  a  handsome  bay  at  tha  head  of  the  column.  Sergeant 
Dunn  bringing  up  the  rear  on  a  stalwart  rangy-looking,  dark  chestnut.  The 
horses  were  all  in  prime  condition,  and  as  the  bright  sunlight  glinted  on  their 
shining  coats  and  the  glistening  brass  mountings  of  the  hurness,  and  lit  up 
the  bright  scarlet  tunics  and  snowy  helmets  of  the  officers  and  men  against 
the  silver-green  of  the  furze-grown  patch  of  prairie  where  they  were  gathered^ 
and  the  deeper  shades  of  the  spruce  and  poplar  that  enclosed  it,  the  scene 
was  a  striking  and  beautiful  one. 

The  process  of  unloading  the  baggage  car  occupied  some  time,  and  wliile  it 
was  being  got  along  with,  His  Excellency,  Dr.  McGregor,  Colonel  De  Win- 



ton,  lion.  Mr.  Noninay,  and  one  or  two  others  .stepped  aljoanl  the  loconiotivo 
and  proceeded  to  tlio  extreme  end  of  the  track,  where  His  Excellency  and 
Mr.  Nonjuay  laid  a  rail  on  the  C.  P.  R. 

Only  about  tivo  miles  progress  was  made  on  our  westward  way  after  leaving 
the  end  of  the  track  this  evening,  but  the  camp  was  fully  two  miles  off  the 
trail.  The  road  lay  through  a  section  of  country  abounding  in  low  sandy 
ridges  and  little  copses  or  clumps  of  poplars  scattered  ab(jut  in  sutlicient 
numbers  to  deprive  the  region  of  much  of  that  open  btjiuidless  look  which  one 
is  apt  to  look  for  in  a  prairie  region.  The  soil,  1  should  sivy,  would  be  pro- 
ductive, or  at  least  fairly  productive,  though  not  so  rich  as  the  black  loam 
generally  prevalent  all  the  way  from  Winnipeg  to  the  end  of  the  track. 

Our  camp  to-night  is  rather  prettily  located,  though  the  prevalence  of  prairie 
furze  is  against  it  in  many  respects.  In  the  first  place  it  aUbrda  an  admirable 
harbour  for  mosciuitoes,  besides  being  undesirable  for  tent  floors.  It  was 
also  unfortunate  that  we  had  to  camp  so  far  from  the  trail  as  it  involves  some 
four  miles  extra  driving,  but  I  am  told  this  is  tlie  only  place  that  could  be 
conveniently  reached  to-night  where  good  '^rass  and  water  were  both  obtain- 
able. As  yet  I  have  not  had  time  to  leai  a  much  that  wou'  1  bo  of  interest 
concerning  the  '*'  outfit  "  furnished  by  the  Moun  jd  Police  for  the  transport 
of  His  Excellency,  but  I  shall  have  opportunities  of  doing  so  as  wo  go  along. 


After  having  become  partially  accustomed  to  the  luxurious  camps  provided 
by  the  contractors  on  Section  B,  it  was  not  altogether  pleasant  turning  out  of 
my  little  bell  tent  this  morning  and  tramping  about  in  the  dewy  grass  to  assist 
my  half-breed  in  getting  ready  for  a  start  from  our  first  camp.  It  did  not 
take  long  to  get  over  the  first  chill,  however,  and  then  I  was  comfortable 
enough  physically,  but  it  did  not  take  many  mimites  to  discr)ver  that  my  half- 
breed  "  guide"  (as  I  may  call  him  for  Avant  of  a  better  term)  was  likely  to  be 
of  but  little  use  to  me.  He  was  slow  and  awkward.  He  caimot  pitch  a  tout 
properly.  He  does  not  know  how  to  harness  horses  decently,  is  an  atrociously 
bad  cook,  and  all  in  all,  for  a  man  who  is  willing  to  work  at  all,  ho  is  ab  jut 
as  useless  a  youth  as  could  be  devised.  Perhaps,  however,  I  am  judging 
hastily,  and  as  he  is  by  no  means  the  only  unsatisfactory  feature  in  my  out- 
fit, I  shall  not  commit  myself  too  strongly  on  the  subject  for  a  day  or  two. 
The  first  four  or  five  miles  travelling  to-day  was  through  sandy  valleys  and 
over  low  sand  ridges,  with  here  and  there  a  little  pond  or  lakelet,  and  numer- 
ous clumps  of  scrub  oak  and  poplar.  The  soil,  though  very  far  from  sterile, 
is  of  course  not  nearly  as  rich  as  the  prevailing  black  mould.  It  would,  were 
it  in  any  of  the  older  counties  in  Ontario,  very  soon  be  converted  into  a  pros- 
perous farming  region.  The  worst  that  can  be  said  of  it  is  that  the  soil  is 
light.  After  passing  out  of  this  strip  of  sand  (which,  with  what  we  traversed 
of  it  last  night  and  this  morning  amounts  probably  to  eight  or  nine  miles)  the 
trail  struck  the  section  of  country  known  as  the  "  Big  Plains."  All  the  re- 
mainder of  the  day  we  have  been  travelling  over  the  Big  Plains  and  we  have 
not  yet  reached  the  end  of  them,  for  they  are  about  thirty  miles  wide.     On 



v*Jie  way  we  have  passed  close  to  a  number  of  farms  bearing  magniScent  crops 
?f  wheat  and  oats,  and  we  have  sighted  a  large  number  of  farm  houses  which 
were  not  near  enough  to  the  trail  to  afford  an  oi>oortunity  of  judging  as  to 
the  quality  of  the  farms  to  which  they  belong,  but  from  the  fact  that  since 
reaching  this  immense  stretch  of  comparatively  level  prairie  I  have  seen  no 
soil  upturned  except  the  richest  and  strongest  of  black  loam,  I  should  feel 
safe  in  coming  to  the  conclusion  that  the  grand  looking  farms  lying  close  to 
the  trail  only  fairly  represent  the  average  of  the  whole  region.  It  would  be 
'difficult  to  represent  to  a  farmer  who  has  never  seen  some  of  these  rich  prairie 
regions  w^hat  a  farm  in  the  Big  Plains  means.  He  can  picture  to  himself  a 
farm  almost  as  smooth  and  level  as  a  billiard  table,  overy  foot  of  which  was 
-not  only  cleared  and  ready  for  the  plough,  but  extraordinarily  rich  at  that. 
Of  course  the  want  of  timber  is  a  fault  which  practical  farmers  will  not  readily 
overlook,  but  within  sight  are  the  Riding  Mountains^  where  th?re  is  a  large 
supply  of  spruce,  poplar,  and  scrub  oak.  Here  are  very  few  "  sloughs  "  (pro- 
nounced hero  "  slews  ")  to  drain,  .md  the  dithculties  in  the  w.ay  of  draining 
them  are  not  at  all  formidable.  On  the  Fig  Plain,  however,  it  will  be  some 
time  before  the  farmers  will  have  much  occasion  to  do  any  draining,  as  it 
•will  take  some  years  to  break  up  the  immense  stretches  of  choice  farming 
land  here  that  are  now  ready  for  the  plough. 

Tlie  Govenior-General's  camp  to-nii;ht  is  on  the  west  bank  of  a  little 
marshy  stream,  which  is  almost  as  much  slough  as  stream.  His  Excellency 
and  suite  are  furthest  from  the  trail  and  to  the  north  of  it  ;  then  in  a  long 
row  'W  the  west  ot  it  and  extending  out  to  the  trail  are  the  waggons  of  the 
expedition,  and  then  come  the  police  tents,  with  Col.  Horchmer  nearest  the 
trail  and  my  own  pitched  within  a  few  yards  of  it.  Game  is  abundant  here, 
and  nearly  every  one  in  the  Governor-General's  party  has  had  more  or  less 
«port.  A  few  himdred  yards  south  of  the  trail  the  stream,  which  is  easily 
fordable  at  the  crossing,  opens  out  into  a  largo  pool  with  low  sedgy  banks. 
Just  after  sunset  to-niglit  Capt.  Percival  and  myself  took  our  stations  on 
rtpposite  sides  f)f  this  pool  and  amused  ourselves  with  ohooting  ducks  on  the 
wing  till  we  wore  fairly  tired  of  it.  Green-winged  teal  are  very  plentiful. 
American  widgeon,  mallard,  and  other  varieties  are  to  be  met  with  in  nearly 
every  pool.     Yellow-legged  plover  grow  to  an  \inusual  size  here. 







Rapid  City,  Manitoba,  August  10. — Not  having  a  hard  journey  to  make 
to-day,  His  Excellency's  cavalcade  was  not  on  the  move  this  morning  till 
about  seven  o'clock.  It  had  at  length  been  definitely  decided  upon  to  leave 
Brandon  out  on  the  westward  journey,  but  include  it  aiaong  the  stopping- 
places  on  the  return.  This  brought  the  party  to  Rapid  City  a  day  ahead  of 
time,  but  as  Mr.  C.  J.  Whelms,  of  that  place,  met  Colonel  De  Winton  on  the 
prairie  yesterday  forenoon,  he  hurried  back  to  the  village  to  inform  the 
people,  in  order  that  they  might  not  bo  wholly  unprepared  to  receive  His 
Excellency  to-day. 

Our  camp  of  last  night  wa?  not  far  from  the  western  edge  of  Big  Plains. 
On  leaving  Big  Plains,  we  entered  what  is  known  as  the  Little  Saskatchewan 
country.  Here  the  prairie  is  just  a  trifle  more  undulating,  and  it  is  fre- 
quently broken  with  low  poplar  bluffs  and  occasional  ponds  or  sloughs.  I 
should  l.iai'dly  use  the  term  "bluS'"  without  some  explanation  as  to  its  local 
signification.  The  smallest  clump  of  trees  or  b\ishes  on  the  prairie  is  called 
a  "  bluff."  These  bluffs  are  greatly  sought  for  and  prized  by  those  who  have 
to  camp  in  the  plains  in  the  winter,  or  after  the  weather  becomes  cool  in  the 
latter  part  of  summer  antl  fall. 

In  reaching  this  village  to-day  we  had  some  pretty  tough  mud  holes  to  pull 
through,  and  in  the  worst  of  these  I  met  with  my  first  break-down.  The 
new  biickboard,  for  which  I  had  paid  an  extravagant  price  in  Winnipeg, 
proved  unequal  to  the  strain.  One  of  the  marer,  wrenched  a  now  shoo  ofl", 
and  the  other  loosened  one  of  hers,  but  for  all  this  tlioy  managed  to  land 
both  my  load  and  myself  on  the  west  side  of  the  slough  without  so  much  as 
lialting.  As  I  was  not  far  from  the  village  ut  the  time,  it  did  not  take  mo 
long  to  sufiiciently  repair  the  damage  to  admit  of  n)y  moving  on,  though  the 
break-down  was  one  of  a  very  serio\is  nature.  In  fact  I  begin  to  see  that  in 
nearly  evorj*  purchase  I  made  in  Winnipeg  I  was  swindled  to  a  greater  or 
less  extent.  My  butkboard,  which  was  a  higlipricL-d  one,  is  not  at  all  as 
represented,  and  so  entirely  indiflbrent  was  tlio  manufacturer  as  to  iiuw  it 
would  serv"  my  purpose,  as  soon  as  it  was  fairly  oil"  his  hands,  tliat  lie  fur- 
nished it  with  (I  wrench  that  wo\ild  not  tit  tim  nuts  that  required  to  bj 
removed  at  last  outu)  every  twenty-four  h  urs.  To-day  I  had  to  spend  enough 
in  repairing  and  reimning  the  i)olo  to  have  jiaid  for  two  polim  out  and  out  in 
Ontario,  ami  altogether  the  vehi"lo  is  very  far  froui  being  as  strong  as  I  ]umX 
been  led  to  believe  it  was.     The  furnishing  of  the  rest  of  my  outfit  (wherever 



I  was  \inal)U'  to  ,i;iv«'  it  my  iHTHonal  HniuMviHitni)  liaw  lucii  of  tlio  Hniuo  oliiir- 
aitiT.  I  tr\iH'.i'(l  II  viuy  n>Hpi'i'liililo  linn  of  W'iiiiiiiu';;  )i  oimth  to  i>ul  up  a 
.siuull  casi*  of  su|ipli(<s  foi'  mo,  ami  I  I'iml  on  opiMiim;  (ho  box  ami  ««xaminiii}{ 
th(<  t'oiil(<i\t.s  tliat  llio  limo  juio«  put  up  lor  mo  i*  al  loast  lialT  walor.  I  paid 
for  a  lu<ll  t(<nt  that  was  to  \h)  tiomploto  and  Huitablo  for  tim  trip  to  tlio  Kocky 
Mo\iiitaiiis  ami  r(<liirn,  ami  I  particularly  Htipulatt'tl  thai  it  was  to  tin 
funiislu'tl  witli  poitt  MUil  pcf^H.  \\  ht<n  I  cimuo  Io  havn  it<  pitclmd  I  fouud 
that  it  luid  not  licon  fun  islu<(l  with  im<>,'h,  an<l  that  Mmro  waH  notliin;;  in  tlm 
sliapo  of  a  wall  or  curtain  attacluul  to  it.  Aftor  horrowiiiij  pt'nw  with  which 
to  pitch  it,  1  found  that  it  was  merely  a  nIumI,  lca\  injf  a  spucti  of  nearly  ti>ii 
inches  open  between  the  lower  edj^e  and  tlu>  ^roinnl.  Sm^h  a  tent  mi^lit  do 
well  enoU!j;h  for  an  awuinj,'  in  hot  weather,  but  in  order  to  make  it  adaptal>l»> 
to  my  purposes  1  sliall  have  to  pay  out  about  half  as  much  as  it.  cost  uu«  for 
the  nect>ssary  altadnuents.  'I'hese  ar«<  only  samples  of  llm  way  in  which  any- 
one obliged  to  buy  an  outfit  in  \Viunipe>^  is  liabli^  to  imposition.  'l'rad«'smon 
never  expect  to  see  thi>  same  oustoiuer  back  aj^aiii,  and  they  take  the  oppor- 
tunity alloi'ded  thoni  of  HiprH</.<n,<;  him  to  the  utmost,  .\nyono  intendini;  to 
n»ake  the  trip  across  the  jilains  would  do  well  to  buy  everylhin^  he  re<|uirt'H 
for  it  in  Ontario  before  leavinj,',  as  that  is  the  tudy  way  ho  can  be  suro  of 
see\n'inji  a  suitable  out  lit  at  any  i>rice. 

Hapiil  Ciiy  is  aa  yet  scarcely  as  prelen'ious  a  ])laco  as  itsnain(>  would  indi. 
cate.  it  is  indeed  lUily  a  HU\all  handet  in  the  valley  of  the  tattle  Saskatchu- 
wat\.  The  villaiie,  small  as  it  is,  liowmer,  is  built  on  both  sides  of  lhi> 
stroam  which  is  spanned  by  a  narrow  and  very  ricketty  bridyo.  A  n»iw  bridyo 
is  now  buildini;,  however,  which  \\\wi\  limipleted  will  doubtless  be  much 
nuMi'  in  keepiuL;  with  the  proJ^ressivl^  i-haracttn-  of  llu'  place.  Ivapid  City  it- 
self is  not  a  pri'tty  place  by  any  means.  The  few  streets  of  which  it  boastH 
are  uneven  and  iire^'idar,  and  the  houses  are  neither  beautiful  nor  picture- 
osipie,  while  as  yet  no  one  appears  to  have  had  time  to  do  anything  in  tho 
way  of  boautifyini^  his  place  even  to  the  very  small  extent  of  fencintj  in  a 
front-yard.  Trices  are  very  high,  as  mimht  be  expected,  and  to  any  unfor- 
tunate traveller  who  Jiappens  to  require  auythinj^  to  bo  hud  hero  they  aro, 
I  bt'lieve,  doubly  so.  In  fact  I  am  inclined  to  thiidi  that  the  people  both  of 
Winnipeg  and  tlu'rest  of  Manitoba  are  rathert)veiiloinij  thin  n)atter  of  over- 
chargiui;.  It  is  of  comse,  all  ni;ht  for  a  mm  ti)  i^et  the  Ih'sI  price  obtainal>le 
for  anything  lie  iias  to  sell,  but  this  business  of  gumming  one's  pricca  according 
to  the  nece.ssitios  of  one's  oustor.ier  is  mean  ami  unbusinesslike.  Of  loiufjo 
1  do  not  mean  to  say  that  all  with  whnm  I  have  dealt  with  in  Winnipeg  and 
tho  Norlh-Wcst  are  in  the  habit   of  doing  this. 

A  KINK  KAr.MlNti    rorNTUV. 

Indoubtedly  the  strong  point  about  UapidCity  is  the  fine  f.irming  country, 
in  the  midst  of  which  it  is  located.  The  little  Saskatchewan  is  a  deep,  swift, 
and  narrow  stream,  am'.  I  niu  informed  that  a  dam  could  bu  built  at  very 
moderate  cost  which  would  furnish  all  tl'.e  wator-power  necessary  to  drive  a 
largo  anunin^  (f  uuuiufactiiring  and  milling  machinery  right  in  the  heart  of 



tlhi  villi^;().  I  f^ivo  llu)  HtaUiiiiuiit  iih  it  wan  ^ivon  Ui  mn,  Iml  I  am  of  (i|)ini'iii 
lliat.  il.  Ih  HoiiiDwIial,  <ivni'Hl/aU:4.  'I'lio  Hl.roaiii  in  (loiihUiiHii  a  Hwifl,  oiio,  and 
rvoii  now  in  low  wator  il.  \h  rrn'rynifji  a  lioavy  voluwio  down  to  Ui<i  AnHini- 
l)oinn  (tlio  "  liittlo  "  SaHkal.cliowan  niimt.  not.  Ins  coiifoundoil  wiUi  iJio  olJiiir 
vorH  Hiniiiarly  nainud,  and  wliicli  How  Miroii<^di  tlio  ^niat  SaHl<at,<;li(twan  di- 
rii(;My  into  Lalui  VViiini|)(i)4),lMit.  I  (|ii<!Hl.iou  if  Mkiio  in  fall  unoii^li  jiihI  Ik^i!  t,o 
ailoid  powtir  for  any  oxUmHivo  iniilH  or  factoriim.  A  fow  niilcH  down  Uio 
rivor,  liowovtir,  ihvrv  aru  Haid  to  bo  falln  and  an  undnnialily  ^ood  wator  privi- 
U'^0,  and  thoii^li  I  liavii  not  huou  tliuni,  I  am  (jiiito  piitpatud  to  auciipt  tlio 
Htatcinrnt  an  coirtict. 

Ill  approach iii;^  Kapid  <'ity  from  lint  caHt  tlio  travcllor cannot  fail  to  Iks  im- 
pruHHiid  witli  tlio  clianiiiiii^  picturo  prcHontod,  aH  ho  oatcliim  liiH  iii'Ht  ^linipHi; 
of  tho  Itoaiitifnl  valloy  of  tlio  Littlo  SaHkatuliowan.  Aftor  liaviii)^  IravorHod 
Homo  Hixty  or  Hovoiity  milimof  i;omi»aralivoly  lovol  prairii;,  lio  approaclioH  tlio 
vor<{o  of  what  ho  takoH  for  an  ordinary  inairio  liliill',  but  iih  ho  roauhoH  tho 
crcHt  a  novor-to-bo-forj^ottoii  HiirjuiHO  aw/iitH  him. 

Lot  tho  roador  ima^ino  Hproad  out  boforo  him,  roHplondttnt  in  tlio  mollow 
niHHot  and  <^oldon  j^dory  of  an  Au^^imt  aftiM-noon,  not  moroly  a  fow  H<jiiaro 
miloH,  but  towiiHliip  aftor  townHliip  in  tho  far- roach ini;  HlopoH  of  a  fortili! 
valloy,  whoso  far-oil'  rim  riuuH  Hharii  un<l  truoloHH  a;;aiiiHt  tho  Hoft  bliiuof  a 
Hiimmor'H  nUy,  whilo,  iiH  if  in  pi-ophotiu  ininiicry  of  a  ^lorioim  fiitiiro,  thu  ripo 
and  ;.;roon  prairio  j^'niHHCH  that  aro  waviim  in  tho  Hiuili;,dit  dirtiday  all  tho  variud 
^jroon  and  ^{ol<l  and  oran^o  HliadoH  of  j^ntwiii;^,  riponin;^,  and  riponod  j^rain. 
h'roiii  out  that  littlo  clump  of  Hhnibbory,  oiio  almost  oxpoctH  to  hoo  riHitii^  tho 
woatlicr-Htaiiiod  L,'ablo  of  an  old  fiiHliioiiod  farm-houHo,  jiint  as  ho  oxjHjctn  to 
HOO  tho  duHt  nilliiii^  up  an  if  from  a  iiublic  hij^hway  aloni,'  that  lino  of  whito 
poplarn  (hat  look  iih  tliou;^h  thoy  had  boon  planted  by  a  roadHidt;,  but  nti'l 
tho  travullor  lookii  in  vain  for  HUchovidoncoH  of  inan'H  proHoncu  in  tiiOHU  lonul}' 
HlopoH.  Tho  iintrimmod  liodgoH,  tho  orchardn,  tlu;  fioldrt  of  wiving'  i,'riin  aro 
all  doluHivo  pictiiroH,  thofn;  hIoiioh  aro  Htill  an  thoy  woro  tiirnud  out  of  Naturo'H 
InindH,  but  who  can  toll  how  noon  tho  ])r:)[ihotiu  panorama  of  tluH  brii{ht 
Auj,'UHt  aftornoon  may  bocomo  a  grand  reality,  whoii  hundrodHof  whito-wallod 
liomi'HtoadH  may  dot  tlumo  lov»dy  fortilo  h1<»I)oh,  and  whon  orrant  broczos,  an 
thoy  float  up  tho  valloy,  hIiiiII  Hhaki;  tho  nodding  lioadH  of  goldon  urain,  iiiHtoad 
of  piping  Hhrilly  acroH»  thoHu  uboIohh  HtrotchoH  of  dry  and  withurud  gruHa. 

Tiri';   (idVKUNOK    (IKNKUAl/s    Ki:<  I'.I'TIO.V, 

Tlio  recoplion  at  Rapid  City  wiih  a  vory  hearty  ono.  Thoro  was  an  arch  of 
coimidorablo  nizo,  which,  in  lion  of  ovorgrooim,  wiih  ornamoutod  with  partially 
riiionod  grain  in  tho  Htraw  and  poplar  bougliH. 

Aftur  liin  Kxculloncy  had  had  an  opportunity  of  Hooing  tho  ducorutionii 
lliat  had  lioon  put  up  in  honour  of  hin  visit,  and  had  j>aiil  a  vinit  to  tho  olHoo 
of  tho  local  nowHfiaiior  (tlii!  liaind  VUij  iStiinilurd),  an  addrcHs  wiih  proHontod 
to  him  on  bohalf  of  tho  inhabitants  by  Cul.  Martin,  to  which  Lord  Lome 
ropliud  at  cuUHidurublo  longth. 




There  arc  a  number  of  settlers  in  the  immodiate  vicinity  of  Rapid  City, 
lihough  singularly  enough  few,  if  any,  of  their  homes  are  to  be  seen  in  looking 
down  into  the  valley  from  the  trail.  The  houses  which  constitute  the  village 
are  about  all  that  can  be  seen.  Rapid  City  ia  only  about  twenty  miles  from 
Brandon,  a  point  on  the  Assiniboine  River,  where  the  C.  P.  R.  is  to  cross,  and 
where  a  little  town  is  said  to  be  springing  up  with  astonishing  rapidity.  The 
people  of  Rapid  City  fully  expect  to  be  supplied  with  railway  facilities  by  one 
of  the  very  numerous  projected  branches  of  the  Canadian  Pacific  Railway,  but 
whether  their  hopes  in  that  direction  should  prove  well  founded  or  not  the 
splendid  country  in  wliich  they  are  located  can  hardly  be  allowed  to  remain 
unopened  much  longer. 

Our  camp  to-night  is  about  half  a  mile  down  the  river  from  the  village,  and 
■close  upon  thp  west  bank  of  the  ri/er.  A  number  of  the  horses  have  come 
near  being  drowned  by  tumbling  into  the  deep  swift  current  of  the  river 
while  attempting  to  drink. 

To-morrow  we  drive  to  Shoal  Lake,  forty  miles  distant,  and  as  this  will 
necessitate  a  very  early  start  I  must  try  and  snatch  a  little  sleep  in  the  mean- 


Shoal  Lake,  Aug.  11. — The  drive  to-day  has  been  a  heavy  and  a  fast  one, 
some  forty  miles  having  been  covered  in  a  little  over  seven  hours'  driving 
time.  Tlie  country  through  which  we  have  passed  between  Rapid  City  and 
this  point  is  altogether  vury  fine,  and  I  should  think  fully  80  per  cent,  of  it 
ia  choice  land.  Some  of  this  80  per  cent,  is  now  a  trifle  wet  to  be  im.mediately 
ready  for  the  plough,  but  even  a  larger  proportioi>  tlian  that  will  ultimately 
be  cultivated.  To-day  we  passed  some  very  heavy  sloughs,  and  drove  around 
two  or  three  that  were  pretty  extensive,  assuming  almost  the  dimensions  of 
small  lakes.  In  the  many  windings  of  the  trail  to-day  the  man  who  was 
gtiiding  the  party  lost  his  way,  and  finally  brought  the  whole  procession  to  a 
halt  in  a  fariner't  somewhat  capacious  front  yard.  The  loss  of  time  involved 
was  not  8crio\i8,  however. 

The  f>nly  water  to  be  found  along  the  trail  over  the  prairie  is  usually 
very  bad,  as  it  comes  out  of  the  muddy,  semi-stagnant  sloughs.  It  answers 
for  Juaking  tea,  and  by  straining  the  bugs  and  poliywogs  out  of  it  one  can 
manage  to  swallow  it  if  it  liappous  to  bo  pretty  liberally  mixed  with  lime  juice. 
As  a  rule  the  hor-ses  do  not  like  it,  though  they  soon  Icurn  to  drink  it  if  they 
•  cannot  get  anything  better.  As  I  was  driving  along  this  afternoon  in  advance 
of  the  whole  party  I  saw  a  little  bay  of  clear,  limpid  water  splashing  upon  a 
clean,  hard  beach  oi  sand  and  gravel.  1  stopped  to  give  tlie  horsoH  a  drink 
when  His  Excellency  coming  up  lialted  his  carriage  to  toll  me  that  the  water 
was  alkaline.  The  policeman  who  was  driving  for  him  had  made  him  aware 
of  tlin  fact,  but  my  astute  "  g\iide,"  Wiliiiim  Baiilie,  know  notliing  about  it. 
Of  course  1  stopped  the  horsoV  potations  at  ouco.  .lust  Ix'voud  this  bay  the 
trail  pa.ssod  a  little  wooded  point  and  wb  were  in  full  view  of  Sfvlt  Lake,  which 
is  some  throe  or  four  miles  long  and  a  mile  or  more  wide.    Tiie  sloughs  in  tliis 




Rapid  City, 
on  in  looking 
te  the  village 
y  miles  from 
to  cross,  and 
ipidity.     The 
lities  by  one 
Railway,  but 
>d  or  not  the 
id  to  remain 

village,  and 
have  come 
if  the  river 

I  as  this  will 
n  the  mean- 

immediate  vicinity  are  also  alkaline.  It  must  not  be  inferred  from  what  I 
have  said  regarding  the  water  supply  out  here  that  there  is  anything  radi- 
cally wrong  with  it.  There  are  some  very  decent  soft  water  creeks  to  be 
found,  and  the  settlers  have  no  difficulty  in  reaching  good  water  by  sinking 

Shoal  Lake  is  not  a  very  inviting  place,  and  as  it  is  storming  to-night  I  am 
afraid  the  travellers  will  not  be  very  favourably  impressed  with  it.  The  lake 
from  which  the  hamlet  takes  its  name  is  rather  a  pretty  sheet  of  water  about 
five  or  six  miles  long.  Altogether  the  country  between  here  and  Rapid  City 
is  very  fine,  as  I  have  already  stated,  but  I  do  not  think  it  would  rank  quite- 
as  high  as  the  country  lying  east  of  the  latter  place.  East  of  the  Little 
Saskatchewan  I  should  say  that  from  9.5  to  98  per  cent,  of  the  land  is 
thoroughly  good.  An  address  was  presented  by  the  Shoal  Lake  people,  to 
which  His  Excellency  made  a  brief  extemporaneous  reply. 

Lord  Lome  and  party  are  the  guests  of  Mr.  Dewdney,  the  Indian  Com- 
missioner, to-night. 

I  a  fast  one, 
urs'  driving 
)id  City  and 
•r  cent,  of  it 
im.  mediately 
•ove  around 
nensions  of 
111  who  was 
cession  to  a 
le  involved 

is  usually 
It  answers 
it  one  can 
liiiio  juice, 
c  it  if  they 
n  advance 
"g  upon  a 
08  a  drink 
the  water 
lim  aware 

about  it. 
s  bay  the 
ke,  which 
hs  in  this 




Snake  Creek,  August  12. — Our  camp  to-nij^ht  is  only  four  or  five  miles 
east  of  Fort  Ellice,  but  as  the  crossing  of  the  Assiniboine  will  in  all  proba- 
bility occupy  considerable  time,  it  was  deemed  prudent  not  to  attempt  reach- 
ing the  Fort  till  to-morrow  forenoon.  The  feature  of  to-day's  journey  was 
unquestionably  the  visit  to  Birtle.  The  country  between  Shoal  Lake  and 
the  last-named  village  is  good,  tJiough  not  quite  so  free  from  sloughs  as  might 
be  wished,  while  the  presence  of  occasional  small  boulders  does  not  improve 
the  condition  of  the  roads  to  any  extent.  On  the  other  hand,  however,  the 
settlors  aver  that  farming  operations  are  not  at  all  embarrassed  by  the  quan- 
tities of  small  stones  scattered  over  the  prairie,  while  it  is  easy  to  see  tliat 
there  are  very  few,  if  any,  sloughs  within  sight  of  the  trail  that  ccnild  not 
be  drained  for  a  very  trilling  sum. 

Birtle  is  situated  in  the  valley  of  Bird  Tail  Creek.  It  is  a  new  settlement, 
and  a  remarkably  thriving  one.  The  farmers  in  this  vicinity  havw  been  un- 
usually suucessful,  and  all  appear  to  be  in  high  spirits  over  their  prospects. 
Indeed  the  growtli  of  this  place  appears  to  have  been  most  extraordinary. 
There  are  farmers  in  the  neighbourhood  who  have  not  yet  been  in  their 
claims  a  full  year  who  have  from  thirty  to  eighty  acres  already  in  crop,  and 
I  heard  of  one  or  two  instances  where  settlers  had  no  less  tlian  lUO  acres  in 



crop  as  the  result  of  the  first  year's  efforts.     The  crops  here  are  all  looking 
wonderfully  well,  and  altogether  the  region  is  a  very  pi'omising  one. 

The  approach  to  the  valley  of  Bird  Tail  Creek,  upon  the  east  bank  of  which 
the  youthful  village  is  prettily  situated,  is  (^uite  as  beautiful  as  that  at  Rapid 
City.  The  landscape  on  the  west  bank  of  Bird  Tail  Creek  is  more  circum- 
scribed than  that  of  the  little  Saskatchewan,  but  as.  an  offset  to  this  the 
smaller  landscape  is  much  more  park-like  and  fuller  of  charming  details  than 
the  larger.  His  Excellency  was  escorted  to  the  Town  Hall  and  a  lengthy 
but  very  sensible  address  was  read,  in  which  allusion  was  made  to  the  fact 
that  the  quotation  from  a  letter  to  a  Scottish  newspaper  which  His  Excel- 
lency had  given  in  a  speech  to  his  constituents  at  Inverary  just  before  his  de- 
parture for  Canada  had  been  written  '  y  a  citizen  of  Birtle  (one  of  the  Re- 
ception Committee,  in  fact).  At  the  close  of  the  address,  or  rather  as  a  part 
of  the  address  itself,  the  entire  audience  rose  to  their  feet  and  sang  "  God 
Save  the  Queen."  The  effect  was  singularly  dramatic,  and  could  not  have 
failed  to  impress  every  one  present.  In  fact,  there  was  a  genuineness  and 
even  fervent  enthusiasm,  about  the  reception  at  Birtle,  which  was  evidently 
most  gratifying  to  His  Excellency,  who  replied  extemporaneously  in  the  hap- 
piest manner. 

There  is  a  saw-mill  at  Birtle,  and  this  year  a  large  quantity  of  logs  (spruce 
and  poplar)  were  driven  down  to  it  from  the  Riding  Mountains.  In  all,  I  be- 
lieve that  some  30,000  logs  were  driven  down  Bird  Tail  Creek,  but  some 
eight  or  ten  thousand  of  them  were  taken  all  the  way  down  the  Assiniboiue 
to  be  cut  at  a  saw-mill  on  that-  stream.  I  shall  probably  be  unable  to  visit 
the  Riding  Mountains,  but  some  gentlemen  who  live  in  and  about  Birtle  in- 
form me  that  there  is  a  very  large  supply  both  of  saw-logs  and  firewooil  to  be 
cut  there.  So  far  nearly  all  the  logs  that  have  been  cut  there  are  spruce. 
These  grow  to  an  average  of  eighteen  inches  to  two  feet  across  the  stump, 
and  the  lumber  cut  from  them  is  said  to  be  of  good  (juality.  Logs  cut  in  the 
Riding  Mountains  can  be  driven  all  the  way  to  Winnipeg  by  water,  and, 
though  the  drive  would  bo  a  long  one,  I  do  not  think  it  would  be  at  all 
troublesome.  Be  this  as  it  may,  it  is  very  certain  that  the  Riding  Mountains 
contain  a  supply  of  lumber  and  firewood  that  cannot  be  too  highly  prized  by 
all  whc  are  interested  in  the  prosperity  and  well-being  of  Western  Manitoba. 
Before  a  great  while,  in  the  natural  course  of  events,  the  coal  fields  of  the 
Souris,  on  the  south,  and  of  the  Saskatchewan,  on  the  north-west,  will, 
through  the  intervention  of  railways,  furnish  these  great  fertile  plains  with 
cheap  fuel,  while  the  coiiipletion  of  the  Thunder  Bay  section  of  the  Canadian 
Pacific  Railway  will  make  the  wonderfully  rich  pineries  bordering  on  Geor- 
gian Hay  tributary  to  the  wants  of  Manitoba  and  the  great  plains  lying  west 
of  it,  while,  should  the  British  Columbia  end  of  the  railway  be  pushed  through 
the  mountains  to  connect  with  the  prairie  section,  there  is  no  doubt  that  the 
giant  "  Douglas  firs  "  of  the  Pacific  slope  would  find  their  way  into  what  will 
then  be  the  great  grain-growing  and  stock-raising  region  of  the  Dominion  ; 
hut  in  the  meantime  the  settlers  now  here  and  the  many  thousands  that  are 
sure  to  come  in  within  the  next  few  years  will  require  fuel  and  lumber  to 




of  which 
at  Rapid 
this  the 
ails  than 
the  fact 
his  de- 
tlie  Re- 
is  a  part 
not  have 
neas  and 

meet  their  iminediato  necessities,  and  for  this  purpose  the  value  of  the  fuel 
and  timber  supply  uf  the  Riding  Mountains  caimot  be  over-estimated. 

West  of  Birtle  I  could  not  help  thinking  the  land  was  more  stony  than 
would  be  quite  desirable,  though  some  of  the  settlers  assured  me  that  it  was 

Regarding  the  features  of  the  country  (some  seven  miles)  botvveen  Birtle 
and  our  present  camp  at  Snake  Creek,  however,  I  must  say  that  with  the 
exception  of  the  prevalence  of  loose  stone  and  small  boulders,  which  I  found 
in  considerable  numbers  in  the  trail.  I  cannot  see  anything  about  the  region 
which  the  most  fastidious  settler  could  wish  otherwise. 

Near  Stony  Creek  I  met  a  settler  who  had  formerly  been  a  meclianic  living 
near  Stratford,  Ont.  He  rather  startled  me  with  the  information  that  there 
was  absolutely  no  growth  in  the  countrj?^  after  the  middle  of  August.  On 
further  (juestioning  him,  however,  I  learned  that  last  season,  which  hiid  an 
exceptionally  dry  autumn,  was  his  first  in  this  western  country.  Altogether 
he  was  greatly  delighted  with  his  new  home,  and  emphatically  denied  any 
inclinatiuii  to  go  back  and  work  at  his  trade  in  Ontario  or  elsewhere. 

Our  camp  to-night  is  not  altogether  a  comfortable  one,  though  there  is 
excellent  feed  for  the  horses  and  water  that  answers  for  making  tea.  The 
mosquitoes  are  well  nigh  intolerable,  and  will,  doubtless,  continue  to  be  so 
all  night. 

Moi?(iuitoe8  are  a  much  greater  nuisance  hero  than  I  ever  imagined  they 
would  be.  I  have  seen  them  in  the  swamps  of  Ontario,  and  I  have  suffered 
froju  them  there,  but  I  have  always  felt  like  langliing  at  people  who  thought 
seriously  of  the  annoyance  caused  by  them.  A  comparatively  brief  experience 
on  the  prairies,  however,  has  completely  altered  my  views  on  this  pcnnt.  The 
mosquitoes  here  are,  F  think,  nnich  more  venomous  than  those  found  in 
Ontario.  They  are  certainly  much  more  numerous,  and  make  a  longer 
season.  This  ia  nearly  the  middle  of  August,  and  they  are  still  so  energetic 
and  so  numerous  that  my  chance  of  a  comfortable  sleep  is  very  poor  iudeed. 
Before  starting  on  this  trip  I  had  become,  as  I  thought,  so  seasoned  to  the 
mosquito  plague  that  I  could  not  suffer  from  it  any  more  this  year,  but  1 
found  the  prairie  mosquito  a  much  more  formidabls  pest  than  I  had  imagined 
him.  On  the  Seven  Mile  Portage,  between  Wnbigoon  and  Eagle  Lakes,  I 
felt  almost  like  laughing  at  the  misfortunes  of  my  fellow-travellers,  who  were 
frightfully  marked  with  moscjuito  bites,  while  I  suffered  little  or  no  annoyance 
from  them.  Here,  however,  I  find  it  cjuito  different.  Every  bite  tells 
severely.  Settlers  hero  tell  mo  that  the  mos(initoe8  are  more  numerous  heri' 
in  June  and  July  than  they  are  now,  but  if  so  I  am  inclined  to  think  that 
"  standing  room  only  "  should  be  displayed  at  the  entrance  of  every  little 
prairie  ravine  not  later  than  hivlf-par.i  live  in  the  afternoon.  The  nios(iuitoes 
are  swarming  into  my  tent  at  such  a  rate  that  1  shall  be  compelled  to  put  out 
the  light  and  sleep  as  best  I  can  till  four  o'clock  to-morrow  morning. 

FoKT  Eli,I(;k,  Aug.  l:?.— This  has  been  a  busy  day  with  His  Excellency, 
though  not  much  country  has  been  seen  and  very  little  travelling  has  been 
done.     As  this  ia  a  well-known  point  in  the  North- West,  and  na  Hia  Excel- 





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'    I 

lency  has  now  reached  almost  the  western  limit  of  Manitoba,  it  may  not  be 
oui  of  place  to  do  a  little  summing  up  of  my  observations  up  to  this  point. 

So  far  as  Fort  EUice  itself  is  concerned  I  might  use  a  great  deal  of  Bpac& 
in  describing  its  beautiful  and  picturesqvie  situation  and  ila  history  as  a^ 
Hudson  Bay  post,  but  as  neither  of  these  are  matters  of  vital  importance  to 
the  present  series  of  letters,  i  shall  contert  myself  by  informing  the  reader 
that  it  is  a  Hudson  Bay  post  of  very  long  standing,  and  that  it  is  pictur- 
esquely perched  upon  the  high  prairie  bluff  which  forms  the  western  limit  of 
the  broad  valley  of  the  Assiniboine.  Fort  Ellico  is  about  230  or  240  miles 
from  Winnipeg  by  land,  but  the  stetamers  which  follow  the  sinuous  winui'igs. 
of  the  Assiniboine  have  to  travel  something  like  500  or  700  miles  in  order  to 
reach  here.  The  up  trip  by  the  river  steanma  takes,  I  believe,  about  ten  or 
twelve  days,  while  the  down  trip  is  usually  made  in  half  that  time.  The 
valley  of  the  Assiniboine  is  a  broad  and  beautiful  one,  but  it  is  not  looking 
its  best  at  Miis  point  just  now,  as  this  spring  it  was  all  submerged  by  the 
extraordinary  swelling  of  the  river,  and  as  a  result  the  willows  and  black 
alders  that  fringe  the  banks  of  the  river  proper  are  still  stained  with  the 
greyish  tint  of  the  muddy  water  with  which  they  were  overflowed.  The 
outlinejof  the  valleys  containing  prairie  streams  presents  a  very  peculiar,  and^ 
to  one  who  has  never  seen  them  before,  a  very  startling  feature.  The  banks 
of  these  valleys  are  usually  bluffs  from  200  to  300  feet  high.  They  are 
corrugated  in  all  sorts  of  shapes,  and  there  are  curious-shaped  hills,  some 
rising  to  a  point  cone-like,  and  others  wedge-shaped,  but  there  is  a  certain 
limit  beyond  which  none  rise.  The  largest  hills  rise  just  to  the  level  of  the 
bluffs  and  no  higher.  At  Fort  Ellice  one  can  look  for  miles  down  tlie  river 
and  for  a  considerable  distance  up  stream,  but  the  level  of  the  bluff  shores 
of  the  valley  is  always  the  same.  It  looks  as  though  some  mighty  force  had 
cut  down  all  the  highest  hills  and  ridges  to  one  lev^l.  Of  course  the  banks 
of  the  Assiniboine  are  seamed  with  ravines  and  s'.nall  streams,  but  instead 
of  ridges  rising  beside  these,  one  sees  long  stretches  of  level  plateau  broken 
only  by  these  occasional  indertaiions.  Lo'^king  up  from  a  steamer  on  the 
Assiniboine  at  the  bluffs  on  both  sides  of  the  valley,  a  pa-isenger  wov.iu 
imagine  that  the  prairie  on  either  side  of  the  river's  valley  was  as  level  «3  a 
billiard  table. 

Having  nearly  finished  the  journey  across  Manitoba  I  will,  as  I  said  be- 
fore, briefly  sum  up  the  results  of  my  observations  so  far.  From  Winnipeg 
to  Portage  La  Prairie  His  Excellency  and  party  travelled  in  a  nearly  north- 
westerly course  ft  distance  of  sixty  miles,  through  a  country  that  may  be 
characterized  as  level  i)rairie,  some  of  which  is  rather  low-lying,  but  the 
greater  part  of  which  can  be  easily  drained  and  rendered  productive. 

From  Portage  La  Prairie  to  Shoal  Lake,  a  distance  of  some  130  miles, 
there  is  little  to  be  seen  but  choico  land.  Fi)r  about  eight  miles  in  the  vi- 
cinity of  Pine  Creek  there  is  some  light  soil,  while  there  are  some  pretty  for- 
midable sloughs  west  of  Rapid  City,  but  the  sand  ridges  could  bo  made  to 
grow  fine  crops,  while  the  slouy'  would  be  easily  drainable.  From  Portage 
Li  Prairie  to  Shoal  Lake  the  gLueral  course  of  the  trail  may  be  set  down  as 



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'  said  be- 
ly  north- 
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but  the 

0  mile.*!, 
n  tlie  vi- 
etty  for- 
made  to 
down  as 

westward.  Thirty  niilos  of  this  is  the  almost  treeless  expanse  of  Big  Plains, 
but  the  rest  of  it  is  undulating  prairie,  furnished  more  or  less  liberally  with 
little  clumps  of  poplar,  black  alder,  and  willow.  From  Shoal  Lake  to  Fort 
Ellice  (this  point)  the  general  direction  of  the  trail  is  nearly  westward,  and 
the  distance  is  32  miles.  Here  there  are  some  few  stony  places,  but  other- 
wise the  country  is  very  like  that  already  described.  Altoijother  I  should 
say  that  9t)  per  cent,  of  the  land  I  have  seen  in  passing  out  to  within  twelve 
miles  of  the  western  boundary  of  Manitoba  will  ultimately  be  worked  profit- 
ably for  farming  purposes,  and  not  less  tlian  95  per  cent,  would  (with  a  very 
little  expenditure  for  draining)  rank  as  choice  agricultural  land. 


To-day,  at  about  ten  o'clock,  a  guard  of  honour  furnished  by  the  Mounted 
Police,  escorted  His  Excellency  from  the  Assiniboine  ferry  toHlie  Hudson 
Bay  Company's  fort,  where  very  comfortable  quarters  had  been  i)repared  for 
him  in  the  residence  of  Mr.  Archibald  McDonald,  the  Hudson  Bay  agent  at 
this  place.  His  Excellency  was  somewhat  averse  to  relapsing  into  the  luxuries 
I  if  indoor  life  again,  and  though  they  availed  themselves  of  the  hospitalities 
ni  Mr.  McDonald,  tliey  had  tlieir  tents  pitched  within  the  palisades  of  the 
fort.  In  the  afternoon  there  was  an  Indian  pow-pow,  which,  after  what  the 
visitors  had  seen  at  various  points  on  their  way  up  was  not  a  ,  ..rticularly  in- 
teresting att'air.  There  were  about  500  Indiaii  men,  women,  and  children 
[iresent,  consisting  mainly  of  Saulteaux  (pronounced  Soto),  Sioujt,  and  a  very 
few  Crees,  though  the  Saulteaux  may  be  classed  as  a  branch  of  the  great  Cree 
family.  Among  the  Saulteaux  Chiefs  were  "The  Gambler,"  "the  Man  Who 
Stands  Upright,"  and  "  South  Quill."  The  most  prominent  talker  present, 
however,  was  one  of  the  "  head  men"  (not  a  chief),  who  is  very  appropriately 
named  "  Sounding  Quill,"  for  he  is  certainly  the  noisiest  Indian  that  His  Ex- 
cellency has  yet  liad  to  listen  to.  He  is  a  stout,  able-bodied  man  of  about 
45  years,  and  not  at  all  bad-looking.  He  belongs  to  the  Lizard  Point  band 
I i  Saulteaux.  He  was  trading  a  few  years  ago,  and  had  a  train  of  thirty 
I'onies  and  carts  loaded  with  goods,  .and  over  $500  in  the  bank  ;  but  ho  fell 
sick,  and  had  to  trust  his  connneicial  ventures  to  a  S(m  in-l:.w,  who  managed 
to  bankrupt  him  in  a  single  season.  Sounding  Quill  has  been  something  be- 
tiides  a  trader,  however,  as  the  immense  bunches  of  feathers  he  wears  amply 
testify.  Each  tincoloured  feather  sigiiities  a  scalp  taken  by  the  wearer,  and 
each  feather  that  is  dyed  rod  denotes  a  stolen  pt)ny.  Before  the  red  men 
were  invited  into  the  fort  Sounding  Quill  was  practising  his  voice  and  legs 
outside  on  the  green,  and  succeeded  in  'athering  a  considerable  number  of 
white  men  to  listen  to  his  speeches  and  watch  the  dancing  of  the  pagans 
around  him.  It  is  needless  to  say  that  all  the  Indians  were  dressed  in  their 
most  ehvborate  costumes,  and«the  diftVrent  groups  scattered  about  over  the 
grass  made  a  decidedly  striking  and  picturestiue  scene. 

Thegroupof  which  SoundiiigQuill  wasthc  centre  was  the  most  active  andthe 
noisiest.  They  would  sing  and  dance  in  the  usual  monotonous  Indian  fashion, 
and  in  the  intervals  between  the  dances  Sounding  Quill  would  make  brief  and 

>»^  ■ 





\  ! 


I  i 
<  I 
I    I 

buisteroiis  speeches.  He  was  coiitinually  boasting  of  hie  exploits  in  jghtins^ 
and  horse-stealing.  At  one  time  he  wished  to  address  himself  particularly  to 
the  white  men  present,  and  when  he  thought  he  had  secuiod  their  attent''>n 
he  said  in  his  own  language,  with  a  great  deal  of  noise  and  gesticulation, 
"  Last  fail  I  went  and  stole  two  hordes  out  of  the  Blackfeet  camp,  and  you 
Canadians  would  be  very  glad  to  do  the  same  thing  if  you  only  thought  yon 
were  men  enough." 

THE    INDIANS    X.V    THE    FORT. 

At  the  appointed  time  the  Indians  wert  brought  into  the  fort,  the  Saulteaux 
coming  first,  and  tiring  a  rather  cnide  attempt  at  a  fen  de  joie  as  thoy  passe  d 
through  the  gate.  Af^er  they  had  taken  tiieir  places  in  a  s'.mi-circle  beforo 
His  Excellency  and  suite,  Sounding  Quill  arranged  a  dance  among  his  war- 
riors, and  as  sooti  as  it  was  over  he  made  another  of  his  noisy  and  boastful 
speeches.  It  was  something  as  follows  : — "  Ycu  can  see  by  my  body  that  I 
am  a  man  of  mitiory.  I  have  beei)  in  misery  all  my  life.  I  have  been  in  a 
great  deal  of  trouble,  such  as  horyo-stealing  and  killing  people.  I  am  not 
ifoing  to  deny  it — T  i^m  a  murderer  and  a  horse-thief  jind  I  am  not  ashamed 
of  it."  Of  course  fSoiinding  Quill  repeated  every  sentence  and  clause  of  his 
spooch  at  least  half  a  dozen  times  lor  tho  sake  of  emphasizing  it,  but  the 
y.bove  is  nearly  a  verbatim  report  of  it,  with  the  repet'tions  eliminated. 

South  Quill's  son  made  a  brief  speech,  whioh  was  neither  very  clear 
nci'  very  pointed.  H'l  was  glad  to  see  such  n  crowd  of  people  turn  out  to 
meet  the  Govprnor-Cienoral.  He  himself  had  never  been  in  "  misery  "  (by 
which  he  meant  horse-stealing  and  bloodshed),  but  he  was  ready  to  follow 
in  the  sieps  of  h  s  father,  South  Quill,  and  everybody  who  knew  South 
Quill  knev  that  ho  was  a  brave  and  honest  man.  After  this  South  Quill's 
three  sons  engaged  in  a  dance  by  thcmscives,  and  then  the  eldest  resumed 
his  speech  by  saying,  "  When  my  brother-in-law  went  to  steal  horses  I  cried 
to  go  with  him.  '  He  drank  melted  snow  and  could  not  catch  any  horses  : 
now  I  will  go  and  take  a  drink  from  the  well. " 

"Old  Long  Claws"  also  made  a  short  speech,  but  it  did  not  amount  to 
muoh  in  the  estimation  of  the  half-breed  who  was  translating  for  me,  and  so 
1  missed  it.  The  business  to  be  transacted  with  His  Excellency  was  simply 
the  usu  .1  growling  and  bogging. 

The  Sioux  wore  introduced  by.  their  chief  who  is  also  a  native  Christian 
minister,  whose  name  is  "  Big  Tin  Pan."  He  read  a  short  address  in  Sioux, 
.and  then  a  translation  of  it  in  English.     It  was  substantially  as  follows  :  ~ 

"  Until  we  received  a  reserve,  the  gift  of  the  CIreat  Mother,  we  were  wan- 
dering without  a  ho»ne  over  tho  land.  Now  we  have  a  home,  and  we  art- 
trying  to  m.ake  ourselves  onmfortablo  like  white  men." 

Some  other  prominent  men  among  the  Sioux  spoke,  after  which  Hi.s 
Excellency  replied  very  briefly  as  follows  :  -- 

*'  I  want  to  till  all  here  that  I  am  very  glad  to  Hce  them.  I  look  upon  it 
as  a  faign  of  our  alliance  of  n\d  days  that  you  have  brought  the  flag  with  you. 
1  see  the  medals  ou  some  of  your  breasts,  tokens  of  service  rendered  the 




icularly  to 
:  attenti'^n 
),  and  yon 
ought  you. 

hoy  passed 
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itj  his  war- 
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I  am  not 
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very  clear 
turn  out  to 
lisory  "  (by 
y  to  follow 
now  South 
luth  Quill's 
st  resumed 
rses  I  cried 
uiy  horses  ; 

.amount  to 
me,  and  so 
was  simply 

e  Christian 
ssin  Siou\, 
illows  : — 
^  were  wan- 
and  we  arc 

which  His 

ook  upon  it 
ig  with  you. 
ondered  the 

Great  Mother.  Some  day  I  hope  T  shall  come  to  see  your  farms,  which  I  am 
told  you  cultivate  well.  As  representing  the  Great  Mother,  and  as  I  am 
passing  through  the  country,  for  this  time  only  I  have  directed  that  a  present 
shall  be  given  you. " 

This,  with  a  great  deal  of  hand-shaking,  brought  the  Fort  Ellice  pow-wow 
to  a  close.  After  it  was  over  two  cows  were  slaughtered  .and  cut  up  for  the 


Finding  that  Bailey  was  not  only  inexperienced  but  unable  to  endure  the 
fatigue  and  exposure  of  the  trip,  I  shipped  him  this  evening  by  steamer  to 
Winnipeg,  and  engaged  a  Fi'ench  half-breed  here  named  Peter  Countois.  My 
new  guide  knows  the  western  country  pretty  well,  though  he  has  never  been 
as  far  as  Fort  Calgary  or  Morleyvillo  (this  latter  place  being  the  extreme 
western  point  on  our  journey),  but  he  is  accustomed  to  life  on  the  plains  and 
appears  to  be  strong,  .active,  and  intelligent. 



Ten  Miles  West  of  Fout  Ellic"E,  August  14. — Finding  that  my  buckboard 
(which  had  been  sold  to  me  by  a  highly  recommended  carriagem<aker  in 
Winnipeg)  was  not  likely  to  carry  me  through,  I  traded  it  for  a  stouter  one 
manufactured  by  a  London,  Ontario,  m.aker,  and  getting  ray  new  acquisition 
carefully  oiled,  I  started  out  only  a  short  time  after  His  Excellency  and 
party  had  gone,  intending  to  make  a  ten  mile  stretch  across  the  prairie  this 
evenii  o,  and  secure  ivn  earlier  stfirt  to-morrow  morning  than  could  possibly 
have  been  made  from  Fort  Ellice.  It  was  after  dark  before  I  reached  this 
point,  and  I  was  just  congratulating  myself  on  having  reached  camp  in  safety, 
as  I  could  already  see  the  white  tents  through  the  thickening  gloom,  when 
anjominous  "  screech  "  came  from  my  near  front  wheel  that  sent  a  chill  down 
my  spine.  Peter  Countois  was  out  of  the  buckboard  in  a  second,  and  in  less 
than  a  minute  after  the  alarm  wo  had  the  wheel  off,  but  unfortunately  the 
box  or  metal  bearing  that  should  have  remained  in  the  hub,  stuck  hard  and 
fast  in  the  axle  arm.  I  ti  ii'd  it  with  the  wrench,  but  it  woiild  not  turn  or 
move,  and  nothing  remainn  )ut  to  allow  it  to  cool  till  morning,  when  the 
blacksmith  belonging  to  the  escort  has  promised  to  take  and  reset  it  in  ihe 
hub  for  me. 




Eleven  Miles  West  of  Fort  Ellicr,  August  15— This  has  certainly  been 
ene  of  the  longest  days  I  remember  to  have  spent.  Anxious  about  the  re- 
])air8  to  my  biickboard,  I  was  up  at  break  of  day,  even  before  any  save  the 
night  watch  were  stirring  about  His  Excellency's  camp.  At  last  there  was  a 
stir,  but  it  was  the  despatch  of  a  number  of  the  force,  including  the  black- 
smith, to  hunt  up  stray  horses.  Between  tive  and  six  o'clock,  however,  the 
blacksmith  came  down  to  make  the  necessary  repairs,  and  in  a  few  minutes  the 
box  was  removed  from  the  axle  arm  and  replaced  in  the  hub.  Now,  however, 
the  wheel  would  not  fit  the  arm.  This  the  blacksmith  attributed  to  burned 
grease  in  the  box,  and  thinking  it  would  work  out  in  a  short  time,  he  went 
back  to  camp  to  get  himself  ready  for  the  start,  which  was  to  be  made  at  six 
o'clock.  Kemaining  to  work  the  wheel  into  its  place,  I  told  Peter  to  go  and 
catch  the  mares,  but  this  proved  a  very  serious  task,  as  they  had  gone  back 
to  Fort  Ellice. 

I  now  saw  that  I  was  sure  to  be  left  behind,  but  in  answer  to  a  kind  en- 
tjuiry  sent  down  from  His  Excollency's  c;imp,  1  informed  Col,  Herchmer 
that  I  was  sure  to  be  up  with  them  some  time  in  the  night,  and  twenty 
minutes  later  I  found  injaolf  alone  on  this  big  smd  plain  (which  is  really 
Diore  like  a  desert  tlnm  anything  1  have  seen  since  leaving  Winnipeg).  1 
concluded  I  would  pull  down  the  tent  and  get  everything  ready  to  start  as 
soon  as  Peter  returned  with  the  horses.  I  took  the  tent  down,  packed  up 
eveiythiug,  and  was  just  about  to  load  up  the  backboard  when  1  suddenly 
recollected  that  that  wheel  had  not  been  put  on  yet.  Of  course  I  nuist  put 
it  on  before  making  up  the  load,  and  so  I  went  to  work  at  it.  After  I  h<ad 
struggled  with  it  for  an  hour  I  began  reluctantly  to  admit  to  myself  that  this 
business  of  putting  the  wheel  in  place  might  give  me  some  trouble.  I  worked 
for  half  an  hour  longer,  and  then  sat  down  on  the  baggage  hot  and  tired  (for 
by  this  time  the  sun  was  fairly  broiling  everything  on  the  plain),  and  made  a 
lew  remarks  about  that  Winnipeg  carriage-maker  who  had  sold  me  a  buck- 
board  that  was  too  light  and  flimsily  made  to  carry  my  loud  to  the  Rocky 
^fountains,  as  he  assured  me  it  would.  He  did  not  hear  my  remarks,  of 
course,  and  he  wouldn't  have  felt  pleased  and  flattered  if  he  had.  Then  1 
worked  a  while  longer,  and  discovered  that  the  hex  inside  the  hub  was 
cracked  and  crumbling  to  pieces,  and  that  it  had  always  fitted  the  axle  arm 
too  tightly  anyway.  I  then  sat  down  and  anathematized  the  London  carriage- 
maker,  whose  name  was  painteci  on  this  new  buck  board,  and  I  am  afraid  1 
included  all  carriage-makers  except  the  manufacturer  of  the  Concord  coaches 
;ind  Whitewater  waggons.  It  was  nearly  eleven  o'clock  when  Peter  returned 
with  the  mares,  and  it  had  seemed  nearly  a  week  to  me.  Of  course  the  next 
thing  to  be  done  was  to  send  him  in  to  Fort  Ellice  again  to  j)rocure  the  ser- 
vices and  tools  of  a  blacksmith. 

I  now  saw  clearly  that  at  this  early  stage  of  the  journey  I  was  likely  to  fall 
fully  a  day  behind  His  Excellency  and  party,  and  that  I  might  have  a  great 
deal  of  trouble  in  making  up  the  lost  time  wtihout  seriously  overtasking  my 
mares.  In  this  matter  I  am  rather  unft)rtniiately  situated.  I  have  only  my 
black  mares  to  de;)end  upon  for  transport,  while  the  wliole  force  of  the 



Mounted  Police  is  available  for  His  Excelleiicy,  and  that  of  tlie  Indian  De- 
partment for  Mr.  Dewdnoy,  wlio  also  accompanies  liim.  Colonel  Herchuier 
who  has  charge  of  the  escort  and  transport,  took  in  a  number  of  fresh  horses 
at  Fort  EUice,  and  ho  will  tind  other  fresh  ones  waiting  at  Qii'  Appelle  and 
Battleford,  wliilo  1  must  depend  on  Minnie  and  Jenny,  or  upon  such  animals 
as  I  may  be  able  to  exchange  them  for,  when  they  become  too  completely 
fagged  out  to  tinish  the  journey.  Of  course,  by  paying  the  difference,  I  may 
be  able  to  secure  tolerably  good  fresh  ponies  for  my  mares,  but  I  am  quite 
certain  that  anyone  who  finds  himself  forced  to  trade  horses  in  this  country 
is  moderately  sure  to  get  the  worst  of  it.  If  my  mares  had  only  been  rest- 
ing to-day  I  should  not  feel  so  annoyed  and  discouraged,  but  they  have  been 
chasing  back  and  forward  between  hero  and  the  Fort  all  day. 

Knowing  that  I  had  hours  to  wait  before  Peter  could  possibly  return,  1 
made  an  attempt  to  write  in  my  journal,  but  the  "  bull-dogs,"  sand-flies,  *^tul 
deer-flies  made  me  so  thoroughly  uncomfortable  that  I  was  obliged  to  get  up 
and  walk  about.  When  I  became  tired  of  walking  about  in  the  broiling  sun 
I  lay  down  on  the  baggage  and  tried  to  get  some  rest,  but  the  vicinity  of  an 
old  camp  is  a  wretched  place  to  rest  at  any  time,  and  particularly  so  on  a 
scorching  hot  day.  All  the  mosquitoes  (carrion  and  house  flies)  will  gather  in 
from  acres  round  about  the  spot  to  feast  upon  the  refuse,  and  if  they  find  a 
straggler  lying  about  canq)  they  will  manifest  a  disposition  to  devour  him  too. 
Then  wild  bees,  wasps,  and  hornets  are  all  sure  to  be  well  represented,  and 
their  delegates  are  apt  to  look  upon  the  appearance  of  any  human  being  on 
the  scene  with  especial  disfavour.  Of  course  they  will  not  be  the  first  to 
make  an  assault,  but  when  one  is  not  in  the  very  best  possible  humour  to 
begin  with,  as  I  was  to-day,  it  is  not  difficult  to  get  up  a  cpiarrel  with  a  mem- 
ber of  this  irascible  and  stinging  fraternity.  At  last  Peter  arrived,  accom- 
panied by  the  blacksmith  from  Fort  EUice,  who,  after  working  till  nearly 
sundown,  managed  to  put  the  wheel  in  its  place  once  more,  and  after  I  had 
seen  every  axle  arm  carefully  oiled  I  was  on  the  way  again  just  before  dark. 
After  driving  about  two  miles  further  across  the  sand  plain  1  came  to  the  end 
of  it,  and  found  the  trail  winding  through  a  partially  dried  up  but  very  stony 
strip  of  muskeg. 

I  had  not  gone  three  hundred  yarjs  into  this  muskeg  before  the  ofl' front 
wheel  of  the  buckboard  gave  a  sound  pi'ecisely  similar  to  that  which  had  dis- 
mayed me  by  proceeding  from  the  other  fore  wheel  nearly  twenty-four  hours 
before,  and  of  course  1  knew  that  the  other  box  had  heated  in  spite  of  ita 
having  been  oiled  only  two  miles  from  the  spot.  I  took  off  the  wheel,  but 
found  the  box  heated  and  stuck  to  the  axle  just  as  the  other  had  been.  It 
did  not  take  me  long  to  come  to  the  conclusion  that  my  Winnipeg  buckboard. 
with  all  its  faults,  was  better  than  this  new  ac(iuisition,  and  so  I  sent  Peter 
back  to  the  Fort  to  secure  the  return  of  my  former  vehicle  on  some  terms, 
and  I  made  u^  my  mind  to  wait  on  the  plains  till  he  should  have  time  to  re- 
turn to-morrow  morning.  Of  course  it  was  impossible  to  move  the  buck- 
board  without  repairs,  and  as  the  muskeg  was  not  a  fit  place  upon  which  to 
camp,  or  oven  to  remain  long  as  the  chill  of  the  evening  was  already  coming 



on,  I  made  my  way  [upon  the  prairie,  as  soon  as  Peter  and  the  mares  had 
gone,  and  set  about  looking  for  a  spot  upon  which  to  camp.  I  had  soon 
travelled  nearly  a  mile  from  the  spot  where  I  had  left  the  wrecked  vehicle, 
and  at  length  found  a  French  half-breed  with  a  loaded  train  bound  for  Ed- 
monton, camped  just  at  the  northern  edge  of  the  plain  among  the  little  pop- 
lar bluffs.  Peter  had  called  to  borrow  a  saddle  a  few  minutes  before  I  came 
iilong,  and  had,  I  suppose,  told  the  freighter  the  story  of  our  mishaps,  for  I 
had  no  sooner  reached  his  camp  than  he  shook  hands  with  me  cordially  and 
insisted  on  making  me  thoroughly  at  home  i^  his  camp.  He  had  fifteen  carts 
and  ponies  in  charge  of  two  men  besides  himself,  and  caUing  one  of  these  he 
addressed  a  few  words  in  Cree  which  I  did  not  understand,  but  a  few  mo- 
ments later  allot  supper  was  placed  before  me.  I  could  not  well  r'.fuse  such 
cordial  and  well-intentioned  hospitality,  and  besides  I  had  no  desiie  to  do  bo 
as  I  was  ravenously  hungry  and  I  never  had  much  confidence  in  myself  as  a 
cook.  T  made  an  excellent  meal,  and  subsequently  accepted  a  pressing  in- 
vitation to  remiiin  in  the  camp  all  night.  From  this  man  I  was  enabled  to 
learn  something  about  the  business  of  freighting  from  Winnipeg  to  Edmonton. 
The  round  trip,  he  ir 'orms  me,  occupies  about  four  months  or  four  months 
and  a  half,  and  the  rate  he  was  receiving  was  9c.  per  lb.  He  went  down 
light,  of  course,  and  collected  his  whol<>  rate  on  freight  bound  up.  These 
freighters  must  lead  a  wearisome  life  on  these  terrible  long  journeys.  They 
are  doing  very  well  when  they  are  making  from  fifteen  to  twenty  miles  per 
•  lay,  and  often  they  are  detained  for  several  days  together  waiting  for  their 
horses  to  recruit.  They  never  carry  oats,  and  as  the  down  trip  is  often  made 
ill  the  very  worst  of  fly-time  their  ponies  and  oxen  have  neA .  to  no  time  in 
which  to  eat  and  sleep,  as  the  insect  pests  render  their  lives  well  nigh  intol- 
erable. They  sometimes  stop  in  the  vicinity  of  Winnipeg  for  weeks  to  re- 
cruit their  animals,  and  their  return  journey  often  takes  thc.i  into  the  bit- 
terly cold  storms  of  autumn  and  early  winter.  Even  now  one  feels  intensely 
stitl"  an  \  sore  as  he  crawls  out  of  his  blankets  as  the  first  streaks  of  daylight 
are  sliowing  in  the  eastern  horizon  and  gets  himself  ready  for  a  start  by  sun- 
rise. What  it  must  bo  in  September  and  October  1  can  easily  imagine  ;  but 
it  must  be  remembered  tliat  these  freighters  work  both  winter  and  summer, 
though  probably  the  greater  share  of  the  work  is  done  in  the  summer  and 
fall.  M.iUy  of  them  do  not  even  cany  ii  tent,  but  at  night  roll  themselves  in 
their  blankets  and  sleep  under  their  carts,  be  the  weather  wet  (ir  dry.  Tlie 
half-breed  who  is  so  very  kind  to  me,  however,  has  an  exc'lli'ut  tent  in  whieli 
to  IiDUKo  himself  and  his  men  at  niyht,  but  he  informs  me  titat  in  dry  weather 
they  often  sleep  witliout  it.  I  think,  however,  that  it  must  l>e  very  unwise 
for  any  but  n  ju  cf  the  strongest  constitution  t(i  sleep  unsliolteied  on  the 
prairies,  esiieuially  in  summer,  as  the  dews  ai)pear  tn  be  exceptionally  heavy 
at  this  seasiin  at  all  evt^its.  Toniuht  I  phiill  sleep  in  my  lioHt's  tent,  hut  the 
night  is  so  warm  that  we  shall  l-o  forced  to  have  the  door  of  Mie  tent  open 
tor  the  sake  of  ventilaiion.  The  moscpiitoes  are  unusually  numerous  and  ac- 
tive to-night,  and  did  not  the  miserable  uncertainty  regarding  my  ability 
to  successfully  carry  out  my  mission  and  again  overtake  the  Vice- Regal  parly 
ar  outweigh  all  other  considerations,  I  should  think  them  very  annoying. 






Ik  fj  .MP,  Twenty-four  Miles  West  ok  Foht  Ellice,  Aug.  16 — After 
lighting  mosquitoes  all  night  on  the  sand  plains  I  arose  at  a  very  early  hour, 
and  after  brealifasting  with  my  exceedingly  hospitable  half-breed  friend,  I 
began  to  watoh  for  Peter  Countois,  but  it  was  noon  before  he  arrived,  as 
there  had  been  many  little  accidents  to  delay  him  at  Fort  EUice  that  morn- 
ing. When  he  did  arrive  it  took  a  long  time  to  transfer  my  outfit  to  the 
light  buck-board,  and  the  result  was  that  we  only  travelled  about  twelve 
miles  to  our  present  camp.  Our  course  to-day  has  been  through  a  very  fine 
strip  of  rolling  iJi  dirie  since  leaving  the  muskeg,  which  with  the  sand  plain 
dot's  not  make  more  than  about  tliirteen  miles  across  the  trail.  We  have 
plenty  of  duck- shooting,  but  as  I  am  in  great  haste  to  push  forward  and 
overtake  the  party,  I  only  shot  what  wo  absolutely  required  for  the  pot.  At 
our  camp  to-night  1  saw  a  trace  of  the  party  in  the  shape  of  a  fagged-out 
horse  that  they  had  been  compelled  to  leave  behind  ;  but  as  they  left  Fort 
Ellice  with  some  thirty  spare  horses,  the  loss  of  a  few  on  the  road  will  not  in 
any  way  embarrass  their  movements.  This  horse  is  a  "  Broncho,"  and  from 
his  ai)pearanco  to-night  1  have  no  doubt  he  will  bo  all  right  in  a  day  or  two. 
The  mo8(|uitoes  are  very  troublesome  to-night  as  usual,  but  as  I  am  doing  my 
writing  by  the  somewhat  flickering  and  uncertain  light  of  a  "smudge-fire," 
they  are  not  ()uite  so  attentive  to  me  now  as  I  have  no  doubt  they  will  bo  a» 
soon  as  1  retire. 

In  Camp,  Seventy-kive  Mh-es  West  or  Fort,  Aug.  17.  —  Ac- 
cording to  the  way  they  measure  distances  here  I  have  driven  fifty-one  miles 
to-day,  but  if  I  wore  to  jiulgo  of  the  pace  and  driving  time,  to  the  best  of  my 
ability  I  should  set  the  distance  at  ten  miles  farther.  Of  t)iis  fifty  or  sixty 
miles  (as  the  case  may  bu),  1  do  not  think  there  is  a  s(iuare  foot  untillablu. 
in  fact  it  appears  to  mo  to  bo  all  the  very  choicest  of  black  loam. 

For  tlio  first  few  miles  this  morning  we  were  amoiii,'  what  are  called  hero 
"  jHiplar  bluil's,"  but  why  they  should  bo  cull6d  "  blutla"  is  more  than  1  can 
Jell.  As  1  have  said,  however,  f(^r  tho  I'  six  or  eiglit  miles  tho  trail 
went  along  over  very  gently  undvilating  prairio,  wimJing  in  and  out  among 
little  clum|>H  of  small  poplar,  ho  tiiat  tho  viow  was  at  all  times  very  limited. 
For  the  next  twonty  miles  we  wore  making  our  way  over  more  open  country, 
the  open  spaces  being  often  as  much  as  four  or  live  miles  wide.  Wo  mot  nu- 
merous trains  of  freighters  and  one  or  two  parties  of  emigrants,  nearly  all 
bound  for  Edmonton  or  rrinoo  Albert.  All  appear  to  be  doliglitod  with  what 
they  ha    ;  already  seen  of  tho  North- West  Territory,  but  they  are  (juito  do- 




tenuinod  to  push  on  to  their  reapcctivo  clcstiimtions.  In  tho  Jiftovnoon  we 
pasRcd  over  un  open  stretch  of  praujo  soiuo  eight  or  ton  niihis  wide,  luultlien 
striking  throuyli  a  mile  or  two  of  puphiv  bhillH,  found  oursolveH  upon  the 
verge  of  what  appeared  to  be  a  boundless  ])lain. 

Tliis  is  certainly  the  largest  plain  we  have  yet  seen,  but  as  our  course  was 
across  the  northern  edge  of  it,  a  drive  of  some  twenty  miles  brought  us  to  the 
tirst  of  tho  blufl's  on  the  west  side  of  it,  and  arriving  here  after  sunset  I  was 
very  glad  to  avail  myself  of  the  kind  hospitality  of  Mr.  Mclntyre  (a  Montreal 
man)  who  was  in  charge  of  a  surveyor's  camp,  and  escaiie  the  tro\iblo  of 
])itcbing  a  tent  and  building  a  lire  so  late  at  niglit.  I  think  \  must  have  tra- 
versed fully  sixty  miles  to-day,  and  as  I  said  before,  every  foot  of  it  is  not 
only  susceptible  of  cultivation,  but  extremely  rich  and  \ui(juesti(mably  very 
productive.  Tliere  are  some  few  .sloughs,  but  nearly  or  quite  all  of  them 
could  bo  very  readily  drained  by  anything  like  tuiited  action  (m  the  part  of 
those  interested,  or  to  say  the  least  of  it,  on  the  part  of  t'o  nninicipalities  in 
which  they  would  happen  to  be  located. 

And  yet  in  the  face  of  tliis,  1  was  told  by  an  enthusiastic  admirer  of  Mani- 
toba, that  I  would  find  little  or  no  land  tit  for  .settlenu'ut  outsidj  "  tho  Pro- 
vince." So  far  this  statement  looks  as  though  it  was  likely  to  1)0  most  pr<p- 
nituncedly  refuted. 

Qi'Ari'KLi.E  MissroN.  Forii  Mii.ks  East  of  Fout  (Ju'Ai'rKLi.K,  Aug.  1H. 
— I  have  had  nnother  long  drive  to-day,  and  I  learn  here  I  am  only  four 
miles  behind  His  Excellency  and  party,  but  unfortiniately  my  buck-board  will 
not  stand  tlie  strain  of  another  day's  travel  without  pretty  thonmgli  repairs, 
while  the  two  successive  days  of  heavy  driving  have  had  tho  effect  of  leaving 
my  mares  somewhat  leg-weary  and  fagged  out. 

Tho  drive  to-day  has  been  the  most  delightful  of  the  whole  journey  so  far, 
the  approach  to  tho  valley  of  the  Qu'Appello  atid  tho  valley  itself  being 
absolutely  indescribably  beautiful.  Leaving  Mr.  Nelson's  camp  on  the  prairie 
early  this  morning  (a  very  few  minutes  after  six),  the  trail  led  through  some 
of  the  loveliest  jtrairio  scenery.  There  was  just  enough  of  inululation  to  re- 
lieve the  nuHiotony  of  jogging  along  on  a  dead  level,  and  still  there  wore 
neither  enough  of  tnidulation  nor  popliir  blutls  tn  obscure  or  evt'U  limit  the 
vision.  Away  to  the  soutii  and  west  was  opened  out  agreatplain  that  looked 
like  an  iunnense  concave  stretching  away  till  tho  bright  fawn-cohuir  of  the 
prairie  rose  in  a  shnrp  rim  against  the  hiizy  blue  of  an  August  sky.  Suddenly, 
as  I  was  gazing  abcut  on  tho  transcejulent  lovelimss  I  looked  to  the  west- 
ward, and  there  wliero  but  a  few  moments  before  I  saw  nothing  but  tlie  bright 
yellow  and  fawn-coloiu'ed  grasses  of  the  prairie,  rose  tho  north  and  west  shore 
of  tho  Qu'Appelle  Uivcr.  As  tho  briglit  morning  sun  rested  ujion  this  bank 
it  presented  a  picture  which  for  brilliancy  of  colour  and  oxcpiisito  liglit  and 
ahade  is  uneiiuallod  by  anyth'.ng  [  have  ever  stien.  Like  tho  shores  border- 
ing tho  valleys  of  all  these  prairie  streams,  the  summit  lino  of  this  north-west 
bank  of  the  t,)irAppelle  presented  an  absolute  le\el,  but  its  face  is  full  of  ir- 
regular indentations  some  of  which  are  shadowed  by  a  rich  growth  of  yo\nu 
poplars,   while  others  are    lined   with   the  green  and  gold  of   growing  and 





(III  we 
<l  thoi) 
on  the 


ripened  prairie  grasses.  A  thin  and  transparent^steel  bine  h.izo  Imny  abo\it 
the  face  of  the  cliffs,  shallow  upon  the  golden  proin<jntorieH  and  deeper  in  tlie 
ravines,  the  ell'ect  of  the  whole  beini^  that  of  a  great  fretted  wall,  elaborately- 
coloured  in  bronze  and  purple  and  blue,  with  a  bright  golden  fringe  of  gleam- 
ing, sunlit,  ripened  grass,  waving  along  its  crest.  Overhead  waw  a  .sky  of  clear 
soft  blue,  with  a  translucent,  lustrous  tint  near  the  hori/on,  and  in  tliis  belt 
of  radiant  sky  of  mingled  blue  and  straw  colour,  floated  little  feather-edged 
cloud  i.slots  of  gleaming  silver,  delicate  French  grey,  and  softest  dove  colour. 

Socm  the  trail  began  to  descend  one  of  the  ravines  that  indent  the  south- 
eastern bank  of  the  valley  of  the  river.  The  trail  down  into  the  vallev  was 
steep,  narrow,  and  tortuous,  now  passing  down  through  a  narrow  defile 
enclosed  by  wooded  walls  on  either  side,  and  now  winding  around  the  curv- 
ing brow  of  some  promontory,  horses  and  waggon  seeming  to  hang  tipon  the 
face  of  the  i>recii)ice.  At  length  we  were  fairly  in  the  valley,  wliich  is  certtainly 
the  most  delightful  and  park-like  that  I  have  ever  seen.  The  river  itself  is  a 
small  stream,  avernging  not  more  than  fifteen  or  twenty  yards  in  width,  but 
varying  very  considerably  in  depth.  The  bottom  and  bankaare  for  tiie  most 
part  made  up  of  gravel  and  sand,  the  uj)per  portion  of  the  banks  being  overlaid 
with  from  one  and  a  half  *o  two  feet  of  rich  black  loam.  The  stream  is  only 
moderately  swift,  and  wanders  about  from  side  to  side  of  its  valley  in 
the  most  unaccountably  tortuous  manner.  The  valley,  I  should  say,  has  an 
average  widtii  from  a  mile  and  a  half  to  two  miles,  and  this  bottom  land, 
though  considerably  above  even  the  high  water  mark  in  tiio  river,  is  for  the 
most  jtart  level,  or  lying  in  very  gentle  slopes  towards  the  river's  brim.  The 
bend  of  the  river  often  takes  in  the  entire  width  of  the  valley,  and  some  of  the 
most  beautiful  claims  I  have  yet  seen  are  included  in  these  broad,  rounded 
points,  where  a  neat  little  farm  nnvy  be  seen  bounded  by  a  single  curve  of 
the  river  in  the  exact  shade  of  an  ox  bow.  That  these  slopes  are  extremely 
fertile,  the  rich  growtii  of  wild  pea  vine,  succulent  grasses,  and  a  profusion  of 
all  sorts  of  prairie  flowers  gives  abundant  evidence  ;  but  as  one  passes  further 
up  the  valley  and  comes  upon  the  first  squatter's  claim  he  beccmies  convinced 
beyond  all  doubt  of  the  wondrous  richness  of  the  soil.  Here,  wlieat,  oats, 
barley,  corn,  potatoes,  ami  nearly  tUl  sorts  of  graii.  and  root  crops  may  be 
Hoeu  flourishing  luxuriantly.  The  banks  enclosing  this  incomparable  valley, 
though  for  the  most  part  decidedly  abrujit,  are  c\niously  fretied  witii  coulies 
and  ravines,  between  which  rise  odd-shaped  mounds  and  little  promontories 
assuming  the  form  of  cones,  pyramids,  and  hemispheres,  and  these  mounds 
and  promontories  are  as  fantastically  ornamented  with  curious  shar^j-edged 
sections  of  green  and  yellow  grasses,  and  the  deeper  j^reen  of  poplar  cbunps, 
hedges,  and  lionlers,  as  if  they  had  been  arranged  to  suit  *he  ijuaint  whims 
of  tliM  most  capricious  of  landscape  gardeners. 

About  eleven  o'clock  we  reached  the  ford,  where  a  half-breed  has  a  re- 
markably pretty  and  promising  claim. 

I  camped  on  the  farther  bank  for  luncheon,  and  before  I  liad  finished  the 
meal,  Mr.  Melson,  who  is  surveying  Indian  reserves  i.i  the  territory,  crossed 
the  river  und  camped  close  beside  me.     From  Mr.  Nolaon  1  learned  much 

I  I 
1  l' 



concerning  the  North-West  Territories  which  was  indeed  a  surprise.  Accord- 
ing to  his  very  extensive  observations  the  percentage  of  good  arable  land  in 
the  territory  must  be  vastly  greater  than  is  generally  supposed.  He  tells  me 
that  the  valley  of  the  Qu'Appelle  is  much  the  same  as  that  which  I  have 
already  seen  along  its  whole  extent  from  the  foot  of  the  most  easterly  of  the 
Qu'Appelle  lakes  down  to  where  this  river  falls  into  the  Assiniboine,  a  dis- 
tance of  some  two  hundred  miles.  Mr.  Nelson  also  informs  me  that  the 
Edmonton  district  is  the  best  in  the  North-West,  and  as  his  views  are  corroi- 
orated  by  that  of  many  others  whom  I  have  met,  I  think  I  shall  make  a 
strenuous  effort  to  visit  that  region  before  I  return  to  Toronto.  All  the  after- 
noon I  was  driving  briskly  along  this  incomparably  lovely  "alley  of  the 
Qu'Appelle,  and  I  made  a  halt  at  the  foot  of  the  first  or  most  easterly  of  the 
bej.utiful  Qu'Appelle  lakes,  a  lovely  sheet  of  water  clear  as  crysttal,  and  about 
a  riilo  wide  by  twelve  long.  Here  I  rested  and  fed  the  horses,  enjoyed  a 
ilelijfhtful  swim  in  the  lake,  and  then  harnessing  up  again,  drove  on  to  my 
present  camp  at  the  mission,  which  is  just  at  the  head  of  the  lake.  I  should 
explain,  however,  that  I  am  travelling  by  Winnipeg  time,  which  of  course  is 
very  much  faster  than  meridian  time. 

The  drive  along  the  north  shore  of  the  lake  this  evening  was  a  picturesque 
and  delightful  one.  Now  ^he  trail  would  plunge  through  a  little  ravine, 
where  the  young  poplars  rose  in  a  thick  green  wall,  so  close  on  either  hand 
that  their  boughs  were  brushing  the  cloiids  of  mosquitoes  off  the  mares'  necks 
and  sides,  and  the  next  moment  it  was  winding  around  the  swelling  face  of 
8<:)me  grassy  promontory,  whose  verdant  breast  rose  abruptly  some  tifty  or  a 
hundred  feet  above  my  head,  while  almost  beneath  the  horses'  feet  and  from 
the  very  verge  of  the  trail  was  an  ahnost  sheer  descent  of  fully  a  hundred 
feet  to  the  glistening  surface  of  the  lake  below.  As  wo  neared  the  Mission 
tlie  sun  had  gone  down,  but  in  the  horizon  where  it  had  sunk  to  rest  hung  a 
bright  zone  of  crimson,  fading  to  rose-colour  and  pink  in  its  upper  edge  till 
it  blended  with  the  translucent  border  of  lemon  gold  about  it,  and  this  in 
turn  faded  into  delicate  straw-colour  that  gradtially  blended  with  the  soft 
clear  blue  of  the  evening  sky.  Heneath  this,  with  a  low  dark  strip  of  prairie 
intervening  (in  which  the  smoke  tires  at  the  mission  glistened  like  settings  of 
diamonds)  tiie  gk'aming  lake  reflected  in  all  its  brilliancy  and  j)erfection  the 
yluries  of  the  sunset  sky  with  its  varying  shades  inverted  ;  and  nearer  still, 
and  all  around  the  bases  of  tlmse  little  swellin'^'  promontories  it  lay  in  dark 
shining  blue,  like  the  cold  gleiini  of  polished  steel,  save  in  one  spot  where  an 
errant  puff  of  wind,  from  a  ravine  in  the  opposite  shore,  had  raised  a  little 
islet  of  the  daintiist  ripples  in  \ni\e  grey,  as  though  a  tiny  cloud  of  mist  had 
for  a  moment  dimmed  the  burniithed  steel.  And  away  to  the  eastward 
stretched  the  motionless  mirror  while  close  along  its  shining  surface  in  the 
pale  rays  of  the  slow  coming  starlight  came  the  cold  grey  night  mists  rolling 
up  toward  the  sunsnt. 

But  I  knew  my  ]>rogro88  along  this  narrow  shelving  trail  that  overhangs 
the  lake  was  anything  but  safe,  and  as  Peter  Contois  informed  me  that  the 
trail  a'ong  the  second  lake  to  the  Fort  was  of  precisely  the  same  character, 





I  concluded  to  camp  at  the  mission  for  the  night.  To-night  I  am  the  guest 
of  Mr.  Antoine  Le  Roch,  a  wealthy  and  most  genial  representative  of  that 
extremely  genial  and  hospitable  class  to  be  found  pioneering  everywhere  in 
the  North-West,  the  French  half-breeds.  Mr.  Le  Roch  has  known  what  it 
is  to  fight  the  Sioux  in  days  gone  by,  and  many  a  season  has  he  spent  running 
buffalo  on  the  plains.  He  knows,  too,  what  trading  is,  but  now  he  has  settled 
down,  a  wealthy  farmer,  in  the  lovely  valley  of  the  Qu'Appelle. 


FoKT  Qu'Appele,  August  19. — I  was  stirring  early  this  morning,  as  usual, 
as  I  knew  I  had  a  pretty  heavy  day's  work  before  me  independent  of  any 
which  I  might  find  time  to  bestow  upon  my  journal.  My  mares,  as  I  have 
already  intimated,  were  pretty  thoroughly  worn  out  -.'ith  the  heavy  driving 
which  my  delays  had  rendered  it  absolutely  necessary  to  give  them,  and  I  was 
anxious,  if  possible,  to  exchange  them  for  fresh  ponies.  My  buckboard  was 
also  used  up  to  such  an  extent  that  nothing  short  of  a  thorough  overhauling 
would  make  it  fit  to  carry  me  any  farther,  and  even  then  I  could  hardly  hope 
t(  t  get  through  the  rough  country  about  Touchwood  Hills  with  it.  I  decided 
therefore  to  go  at  once  to  the  Fort  and  do  the  best  1  could  toward  trading  off 
both  mares  and  buckboard.  After  breakfasting  sumptuously  on  fresh  vege- 
tables in  great  variety,  smoked  and  dried  buffalo  meat  of  the  finest  quality, 
and  the  richest  and  b:st  of  fresh  milk,  and  in  fact  all  the  comforts  and  luxu- 
ries with  which  the  settler's  table  is  like  to  be  loaded,  1  went  out  with  my 
genial  host  to  look  over  a  little  of  his  domains.  One  of  the  first  things  to 
attract  my  attention  was  a  finely  bred  bay  stallion,  compactly  and  hand- 
somely built,  bloodlike  in  outline,  and  withal  none  too  large  to  cross  upon 
the  native  pony  mare.  In  the  selection  of  a  stallion  for  service  in  this  re- 
gion I  think  Mr.  Le  Roch  has  shown  a  deal  of  good  sense,  and  1  cannot  but 
think  that  the  cross  of  this  horse  upon  the  native  mares  will  be  proiUictive  of 
just  the  class  of  horses  most  needed  in  this  country  at  present.  In  a  future 
portion  of  my  journal,  when  perhaps  1  shall  have  had  a  little  more  experi- 
ence and  knowledge  of  the  native  pony,  I  shall  have  something  more  to  say 
al)out  horso-breeding  in  the  North-West. 

I  next  visited  Mr.  Le  Roch's  garden,  where  I  found  all  sorts  of  ordinary 
vegetables  nourishing  luxuriantly,  and  in  a  faiily  advanced  state  for  the  time 
of  year.  The  soil  in  this  valley  is  evidently  not  of  that  cold,  heavy  nature 
too  often  found  in  river  bottoms.  Beneath  the  thick  upper  stratum  of  rich 
black  loam,  there  api  ears  to  be  a  substratum  of  gravelly  clay  and  sand,  which 
is  thoroughly  conducive  to  the  natural  and  prompt  drainage  of  the  soil,  and 
conseciuent  early  and  rajjid  vegetation.  In  this  respect  I  tiiink  the  soil  of  a 
great  portion  of  the  North-West  Territory  is  vastly  siiperior  to  that  of  Mani- 
toba. In  the  province  there  seems  to  be  a  substratum  of  very  tenacious,  close- 
grained  clay  which  holds  the  water  persistently  and  renders  the  surface  very 
slow  to  dry  up  after  rain.  To-day  1  saw  in  Mr.  Le  Rocli's  wheat  fields  as  fine 
u  sample  of  wheat  as  i  ever  saw  at  any  of  our  Provincial  Exhibitions.  TIio 
vholu  crop  wus  within  a  day  or  two  of  being  fit  for  harvesting  ;  and  catching 



a  head  of  wheat  at  random,  I  rubbed  it  in  my  hands,  and  was  more  than  as- 
tonished at  the  result.  The  bulk  of  grain  produced  from  tlie  single  ear  was 
astonishing.  Indeed,  it  seemed  as  if  1  had  blown  nothing  but  the  tliinu'  t  of 
covering  away  in  chafi",  and  there  regained  in  my  hand  the  great  plump  berry, 
larger  than  any  I  have  ever  seen,  and  withal  ?3  tirm  and  hard  as  if  it  liad  been 
kiln  dried.  In  short,  it  was  absolute  perfection  in  quantity,  size,  weight,  tex- 
ture, and  colour.  As  Mr.  ^e  lloch  only  conuuenced  farming  the  year  before 
hvst,  he  was  not  in  a  position  to  give  me  figures  r-s  to  the  yield  per  acre.  In 
fact  he  had  only  a  very  suiall  amount  fiowed  last  year,  and  though  it  turned 
out  extremely  well,  he  did  not  nu^'cc  any  estimate  as  to  the  yield  per  acre. 
This  year  he  has  not  yet  taken  in  his  harvest,  but  the  grain  stands  very  thick 
upon  the  ground,  and  every  straw,  though  all  are  particularly  stout  and  strong, 
has  upon  it  an  ear  of  grain  that  is  just  all  it  can  support.  I  should  judge  that 
Mr.  Le  Roch's  wheat  crop  (which,  however,  I  think  is  exceptionally  gt>"d, 
even  for  the  North- West)  would  run  as  high  as  thirty-five  to  forty  bushels  to 
the  acre,  while  his  crop  of  oats  and  barley  are  proportionately  good  ;  and  the 
other  settlers  in  this  lovely  valley  have,  I  should  say,  crops  that  average 
equally  well. 

The  Catholic  Mission  Farm  hero  appears  to  be  a  very  thriving  institution, 
producing  nuvgnificent  crops,  and  having  upon  its  premises  a  valuable  herd  of 


Among  the  immediate  wants  of  this  region  maybe  counted  a  grist  mill  and 
a  saw  mill.     The  nearest  grist  mill  is  some  230  mi'es  distant. 

The  ceiling  of  Mr.  Le  Roch's  house  is  made  up  of  poplar  boards  ten  foot 
long,  six  inches  wide,  and  an  inch  thick.  These  were  hauled  by  Mr.  Lo  R(»ch 
fifteen  miles  from  a  saw  pit,  where  he  purchased  them  at  twenty-live  centn 
each  ;  and  tliere  is  a  considerable  ([uantity  of  fairly  good  sniiul  poplar  all  along 
the  valley  of  the  Qu'.Appelle. 

Last  spring  oats  sold  here  at  $1.70  per  bushel,  wheat  at  $2.00,  potatoes  at 
HiSl.nO,  })arley  nt  $1.75,  turnips  at  $1.00,  and  onions  at  $1.50. 

While  there  are  already  a  number  of  half-breeds  settled  in  Qu'Appelle 
valley,  I  am  surprised  that  such  a  lovely  tract  of  land  should  be  compara- 
tively uninhabited. 

At  the  Mission  I  fovnid  that  very  beautiful  preparations  had  been  made  for 
the  reception  of  Lord  Lome.  For  a  long  distance  the  children  had  walled 
in  the  trail  on  either  side  with  young  poplars,  and  at  the  end  of  these,  l)y  the 
Mission  gate  was  a  double  arch,  canopy,  ami  throne,  all  beautifully  com- 
bined in  one  structure,  which  was  charmingly  ornamented  with  green  boughs, 
fresh  flowers  and,  bunting  Here  T  am  told  an  ad(  was  presented  to  His 
Excellency  by  the  instructors  at  the  Mission,  to  which  ho  made  an  extempo- 
raneous reply  in  Frencli. 

Fort  Qu'Appelle  is  charmingly  situated  at  the  head  of  the  second  of  the 
Qu'Appelle  lakes,  which  is  only  about  four  miles  long.  These  lakes  are  in  all 
four  in  number,  and  they  take  up  nearly  the  whole  width  of  the  valley  of 
.no  river.     They  are  connected  by  a  narrow  stream  about  the  same  size  as  I 






liave  already  described  the  Qu'Appelle  River  to  be,  and  this  winding  stream 
wanders  through  the  low  strips  of  bottom  lards  between  the  lakes.  (Jn  the 
most  easterly  of  these  intervening  strips  of  bottom  is  located  the  Mission, 
and 'on  the  second  are  situated  the  H,  B.  Company's  fort  or  trading  post,  the 
Mounted  Police  barracks,  a  store  or  two,  and  some  few  cottages,  including  a 
vi;ry  commodious  and  comfortable  one  belonging  to  Col.  Macdonald,  of  the 
Indian  Department.  Altogether  the  buildings  make  tip  a  very  pretty  little 
hamlet,  nestling  as  it  does  in  this  lovely  valley,  and  1  ijuostion  if  there  are 
many  more  charming  town  sites  in  the  Dominitm. 

So  far  as  my  own  doings  at  Qu'Appelle  are  concerned  tl»ey  will  not  be  very 
interesting  to  the  reader.  After  getting  my  buckboard  repaired,  I  succeeded 
in  trading  it  for  a  White  Water  waggon  that  had  originally  been  purchased 
for  the  Boundary  Commission  some  ten  years  ago.  It  is  not  at  all  handsome, 
but  it  is  ap[)arently  very  strong  and  Ight-running  for  a  vehicle  of  its  strength. 
Of  course  it  cost  ine  much  more  th  in  it  would  be  worth  to  anyone  not  situ- 
ated as  I  am,  but  I  am  quite  accust  /med  to  that  sort  of  thin;^.  And  indeed 
if  I  were  to  piit  n\j'  buckboard  at  its  actual  value  now  rather  than  the  price  1 
jiaid  for  it  in  Winnipeg,  I  do  not  know  that  I  should  have  much,  if  any,  the 
w  Tst  of  the  bargain  without  regarding  the  absolute  necessity  of  my  having 
something  at  once  that  will  carry  me  along  on  my  journey. 

1  made  an  attempt  to  trade  off  my  mares  for  four  native  ponies,  but  the 
animals  brought  me  were  such  a  sorry-looking  lot  that  I  rejected  them  without 
lunch  hesitation.  The  best  of  them  was  a  nine-year-old  brown  gelding  about 
fourteen  hands  and  a  <iuarter  high.  He  was  low  in  Hesh,  long-backed,  short- 
♦juartered.  cat-hammed,  and  raw-boned,  but  he  had  fair  action,  and  for  a  na- 
tive pcmy  ne  was  a  tolerably  free  driver.  As  if  to  add  to  his  unsightliness, 
both  his  ears  had  been  split.  (The  Crees  mark  the  ears  of  their  ponies  just  as 
the  Ontario  farmers  do  those  of  their  «heep.  The  half-breeds  and  white  men 
usually  brand  their  ponies.)  The  second  best  was  a  four- year-old  groj  geld- 
ing, about  ftmrteen  hands  high,  and  had  never  been  in  harness,  and  was 
therefore  of  no  use  to  nie.  The  third  was  a  buckskin-coloured  gelding,  nine 
or  ten  years  old,  under  thirteen  hivnds  high,  and  was  as  ill-shapen  and  lazy 
as  it  was  possible  for  so  small  a  pony  to  be.  lie,  too,  was  very  tliin,  and 
was  badly  biick-shinned.  The  fourth  .nd  last  would  have  been  a  bright 
<;he8tnut,  with  a  broad  bla/.e  in  the  face,  had  ho  not  been  in  such  a  frightful 
condition  with  mange  that  his  colour  was  almost  disguised,  while  his  face 
from  the  point  of  his  nose  up  to  his  eyes  was  full  of  raw  sores  and  bleedin;.,'. 
In  addition  to  this,  he  was  so  thin  that  he  looked  as  though  he  would  fall 
ajiart  if  his  mange  scabs  were  scraped  off  his  hide.  -As  for  the  general  make- 
up, I  am  inclined  to  the  belief  that  some  thirty  years  ago,  when  he  nuiy  bo 
suppoaud  to  have  been  free  from  disease  and  ailments,  that  tlii.s  follow  was  a 
8ix-yoar-old  clu'Mtnut  gelding,  fourteen  and  a  half  hands  high,  and  the  most 
ill-shapen  pony  to  bo  found  among  the  Crees,  Saulteaux,  or  Siou.\  Indians.  1 
could  not  help  but  laugh  at  the  brutes  as  they  were  Ld  past  me  for  inspec- 
tion, as  they  only  rt:(iuired  to  bo  ridden  by  meinborH  nf  .Sir  .John  Falntatl's 
famous  contingent  to  liave  presented  one  of  the  m^st  gi   leHipie  of  pictures  ; 



but  the  circumstance  had  also  a  serioiis  side,  as  this  abortive  attempt  at  horse 
trade  had  coat  me  so  much  time  that  it  was  quite  out  of  the  question  for  me 
to  move  on  to-day,  and  yet  I  could  hardly  blame  the  fellows  who  went  out  to 
hunt  up  the  ponies  either,  for  they  supposed  thf^t  as  I  was  from  the  city,  and  a 
special  correspondent  at  that,  I  would  not  know  one  pony  from  another.  As 
it  was,  I  had  the  fore  shoes  reset  on  ray  black  mares,  and  have  made  ready  for 
an  early  start  to-morrow  morning. 

The  reception  of  His  Excellency  Ou'> .  ■  le  v  ^s,  I  am  told,  a  most  bril- 
liant af!  r  in  its  way.  A  great  num. '.  '^J  :  ■.  t  liar,  i  and  half-breeds  rode  down 
the  trail  on  their  pcnies  to  meet  him,  i.;*;'  st-  ;  ^^?  cortege  swept  into  the  little 
villai^e  it  was  almost  hidden  in  the  cu  ,  .1  dns^  raised  by  the  galloping 
ponies  and  the  smoke  from  hundreds  of  guns  thiit  .,  re  being  discharged  in 
his  honour. 

Before  leaving  next  morning  His  Excellency  was  presented  by  Mr.  McLean, 
of  the  Hudson  Bay  Company,  with  the  most  perfect  elk  head  and  antlers 
which  the  oldest  hunters  now  living  in  the  North- West  ever  remember  to 
have  seen.  Col.  De  Winton  was  also  presented  by  the  same  gentleman  with 
a  curiosity  in  the  shape  of  a  Sioux  war  club.  The  stall' of  this  curious  weapon, 
which  is  about  three  feet  and  a  half  long,  is  of  twisted  rawhide  three  quarters 
of  an  inch  in  diameter,  a  trifle  more  flexible  than  whalebone,  and  the  head 
an  egg-shaped  piece  of  white  marb)'.,  pointed  at  both  ends. 


At  Qu'Appello  1  found  the  oflicials  of  the  Hudson  Bay  Company,  tlio 
Mounted  Police,  and  the  Indian  Department,  all  particularly  attentive  to  my 
interests,  and  ready  to  do  anything  in  their  power  to  serve  me  ;  all  delivered 
to  mo  the  kindest  messages  from  His  Excellency,  ami  informed  me  that  ho 
had  requested  them  to  do  all  in  thei»  power  to  assist  me  in  overtaking  hi.s 
party.  I  need  not  say  that  I  am  deeply  grateful  to  Lord  Lome  for  the  very 
kindly  interest  he  has  taken  in  my  welfare,,  under  the  circumstances, 
is  particularly  cheering  and  encouraging.  It  is,  perhaps,  hardly  necessary 
to  add  just  here  that  from  the  hour  of  leaving  Toronto,  I  have  been  treated 
with  the  utmost  kindness  and  courtesy  by  Colonel  Do  Winton  and  every 
member  of  the  Governor-General's  party,  while  Colonel  Horchmer  and  tho 
otticers  and  men  of  the  Moimted  Police  have  always  been  ready  to  lend  a  hand 
whenever  I  required  assistance.  To-night  I  am  encamped  at  Fort  Qu'Appello, 
ready  for  an  early  stjirt  to-morrow  morning. 

His  Excellency  is  now  a  day's  journey  ahead  of  me,  and  with  a  jaded  pair 
of  horses  my  chances  of  overtaking  him  soon  are  by  no  means  encouraging. 





In  Camp  Nkar  Southerx  Limit  of  Touchwood  Hills,  Aug.  20. — Tliia 
moi'iiing  broke  warm  and  drizzling,  but  by  the  time  we  were  on  the  trail  for 
Touchwood  Hills  the  rain  had  ceased  to  fall,  while  the  atmosphere  remained 
warm  and  muggy  ;  the  clouds  hung  low  and  threateninglj'  over-head.  My 
course  lay  nearly  d  le  north,  and  as  the  mares  climbed  up  the  winding  ravi 
that  feads  up  out  -"1  the  valley  of  Qu'Appelle  they  were  fairly  covered  M-th 
mosquitoes  that  swarmed  about  the  waggon  in  hungry  thousands,  L  w-^ 
reached  the  level  of  the  prairie  above  I  hoped  that  there  would  be  a  b.-eei-.t 
s'lfficient  to  carry  otf  the  insect  pests,  but  there  was  not  a  breath.  OiiP  ^nld 
hardly  open  his  mouth  without  swallowi'.ig  a  mosquito,  and  every  indi\  u  i 
insect  appeared  to  be  endowed  with  the  venom  and  persistent  energy  of  forty 
of  the  kind  usually  met  with.  Even  Peter  Countois,  who  has  spent  most  of 
his  life  camping  on  the  prairies,  was  sorely  punished  by  them,  and  at  about 
eight  o'clock  he  suggested  that  we  should  camp  for  breakfast  and  make  ii 
smudge  to  drive  them  off,  so  that  we  might  have  a  brief  respite  to  say  the 
least  of  it.  As  soon  as  the  mares  were  unharnessed  they  rolled  repeatedly  to 
rid  themselves  of  their  tormentors,  while  Peter  and  I  soon  had  a  "  smudge  ' 
that  drove  them  out  of  our  immediate  vicinity.  About  half-past  nine  or  ten 
o'clock  a  slight  bi'eeze  sprang  up  and  the  sun  came  out,  so  tl  at  we  were  able 
to  harness  the  mares  and  drive  on  again  with  some  degree  of  lomfort. 

The  remainder  of  the  drive  to-day  was  quite  uneventful,  though  very  en- 
joyable, as  it  led  through  beautiful  rolling  prairie  land  of  the  finest  quality. 
On  the  way  to-day,  as  on  almost  every  day  since  we  left  the  railway,  we  have 
passed  several  parties  of  immigrants,  the  majority  of  whom  are  bound  cither 
for  Edmonton  or  Piaice  Albert,  these  two  settlements  being  evidently  the 
most  popular  with  immigrants  coining  into  the  North-West  just  now. 

To-night  we  are  encamped  near  the  southern  limit  of  Touchwood  Hills.  It 
was  nearly  dark  when  we  left  the  open  prairie  and  we  drove  in  among  hills 
which  are  thickly  covered  with  clumps  of  poplar  till  it  became  so  dark  that 
it  was  impossible  to  proceed  any  further.  Our  tent  is  pitcheil  in  a  lonesome 
little  glade,  hemmed  in  with  clumps  of  young  poplars.  The  prairie  wolves 
are  howling  dismally  not  far  from  the  tent,  but  our  provisions  are  safely 
•tored  inside  the  little  tent,  and.  we  have  nothing  to  dread  from  the  depre- 
dations of  those  incorrigible  thieves.  To-day  we  were  unlucky  enough  to 
lose  the  axe,  and  as  a  conseciuence  we  shall  have  some  difficulty  in  collecting 
wood  for  a  fire  on  which  to  cook  breakfast. 



Is  Cami'  on  Eastkrn  Limit  of  Salt  Plain,  August  21. — This  morning 
Pelv"  Countoia  wus  early  astir,  and  thougli  I  was  up  very  soon  after  him  I 
saw  n  (thing  of  him  as  1  came  out  of  tlie  tent.  I  looked  about  for  a  few  mo- 
ments and  soon  saw  him  coming  i)ver  a  high  hill  to  the  eastward  and  making 
for  camp.  As  he  came  in  I  divined  what  was  wrong  for  lie  looked  extremely 
serious.  The  mares  had  strayed  off.  In  the  darkness  last  night  he  could  not 
lind  the  hobble  to  put  on  one  of  them,  and  concluding  that  it  had  gone  after 
the  axe  Peter  had  *'  improvised  "  a  hobble  out  of  an  old  pair  of  duck  over- 
alls. It  seems  that  these  had  not  proved  strong  enough  to  keep  Miss 
Jenny's  fore  legs  coupled,  and  that  she  and  Minnie  (who  does  not  wear 
h(jbbles)  had  strayed  off,  and  for  anything  we  knew  to  the  contrary  might 
keep  out  of  our  sight  for  days,  or  even  weeks.  The  prospect  was  certainly 
not  a  very  pleasant  one,  and  I  was  not  surprised  that  Peter  should  look  very 
"  glum  "  over  it.  Without  stopping  to  prepare  breakfast  we  set  promptly  to 
work  at  hunti'ig  for  the  wanderers.  Had  the  prairie  been  tolerably  open 
the  task  of  looking  th  ni  up  would  not  have  been  very  serious,  but  as  the 
country  was  very  hill}-,  and  as  fully  half  of  it  was  covered  by  the  little 
clumps  of  young  popla  s  that  always  appeared  to  hem  us  in  on  every  side 
the  task  of  lookmg  for  <iiir  pair  of  mares  appeared  almost  as  hopeless  as  look- 
ing for  the  proverbial  needle  in  the  time-honoured  hay-stack. 

1  took  my  field  glass  and  wandered  off  in  an  aimless  sort  of  fashion,  taking 
observations  in  alldirecticms  from  every  particularly  high  hill  within  a  radius 
of  a  mile  of  camp,  while  Peter  took  our  back  trail,  divining  that  the  mares 
might  be  possessed  of  an  insane  desire  to  return  to  Winnipeg.  I  did  m)t  find 
the  niiires,  but  from  the  hill  which  I  climbed  in  search  of  them  I  beheld  one 
of  the  most  beautiful  park-like  expanses  imaginable.  Away  to  the  north  what 
are  known  as  the  "  Big  Touchwood  Hills  "  rose  like  a  mountain  range  of  con- 
siderable magnitude.  They  appeared  in  the  distance  to  bo  densely  wooded, 
and  I  am  told  that  they  do  grow  timber  of  a  very  fair  size,  but  the  trail  we 
are  taking  does  not  lead  through  them.  Nearer  at  hand  are  the  "  Little 
Touchwood  Hills."  Thet,e  constitute  one  of  the  most  picturesque  and  prom- 
ising rogions  in  the  North-West.  They  are  all  partially  wooded  with  alight 
growth  of  poplar,  but  the  supply  of  wood  is  no  greater  than  that  which  will 
either  be  used  by  tiie  settlers  themselves  or  find  a  ready  market  with  the  fu- 
ture s<'ttlers  on  the  arljacent  plains.  Hero  too  the  sloughs  partake  consider- 
abl  '  of  the  character  of  lakes  and  ponds,  and  altogether  it  would  be  hard  to 
f  nd  a  more  attractive  i-egion.  After  I  had  spent  between  tliree  and  four 
nours  wandering  over  the  hills  in  no  very  enviable  frame  of  mind,  I  returned 
to  the  camp,  which  was  still  as  lonely  and  deserted  as  I  had  left  it.  It 
was  very  evident  that  Peter  had  not  returned,  and  I  was  just  reckon- 
ing up  the  chances  of  my  mares  being  caught  on  the  back  track  and  brought 
along  this  evening  by  an  inuuigrant  whom  I  passed  yesterday  noon,  when 
my  ear  caught  the  sound  of  Peter's  voise  .singing  a  French  song,  and  a  few 
moments  later  he  came  in  sight  on  the  Qii'  Appelle  trail,  The  mares  had 
taken  the  back  track  that  morning,  walked  about  two  miles  on  their  home- 
ward jouiney,  and  had  then  lain  down  to  rest  where  Peter  caught  them. 



IS  morning 
after  hiin  I 
'  a  few  mo- 
nd  making 
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duck  over- 
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'  l(jok  very 
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tm, taking 
II  a  radius 
tlie  mares 
id  not  find 
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a;e  of  cf)n- 

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!  "  Little 
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Iiich  will 
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1,  when 
id  a  few 
ires  had 
r  home- 
t  them. 

We  were  soon  on  our  way,  trying  to  make  up  for  four  hours'  lost  time  by 
pushing  on  as  rapidly  as  possible.  We  had  not  gone  half  a  mile  however 
when  we  met  a  half-breed  who  informed  Peter  that  we  were  a  long  way  off 
the  trail  which  His  Excellency  had  taken  and  which  we  had  intended  to  fol- 
low, the  mistake  having  occurred  when  we  were  driving  after  dark  last  night. 
The  half-breed  informed  us,  however,  that  the  trail  we  had  taken  led  more 
directly  to  Fort  Carlton  than  the  one  which  we  had  missed,  the  latter  taking 
in  the  Hudson  Bay  Company's  trading  post  and  the  former  the  Protestant 
Mission.  We  were  now  too  far  on  the  way  to  think  of  going  back  to  the  forks 
of  the  trail,  and  so  I  hurried  along.  After  driving  about  eight  or  ten  miles 
over  a  very  hilly  and  rough  cart  trail  I  came  upon  a  small  settlement  which 
I  rightly  judged  to  be  the  Protestant  Mission.  The  farms  had  a  well-to-do, 
thrifty  look,  as  though  an  excellent  soil  was  being  well  farmed.  The  only  hu- 
man being  I  met  about  the  place  was  the  Rev.  Mr.  Cook,  Episcopalian  mis- 
sionary. He  was  very  kind  and  courteous  in  the  way  of  furnishing  me 
with  every  information  regarding  the  best  way  to  make  ny  way  to  the 
edge  of  the  salt  plains,  and  rendered  me  valuable  assistance  by  securing 
for  me  a  quantity  of  "  shaganappy  "  with  which  to  make  some  much- 
needed  repairs  to  my  waggon  pole  (the  same  which  had  done  duty  in 
my  backboard,  and  coming  down  from  Winnipeg,  of  course,  it  required 
some  repairing  every  day.  I  had  already  spent  the  price  of  three  Ontario 
waggon  poles  in  repairs  upon  this  one).  "  Shaganappy  "  (I  am  spelling  it  aa 
nearly  phonetically  as  I  can),  consists  merely  of  raw  buffalo  hide  dried  in 
thongs  or  strips.  It  is  used  for  a  great  variety  of  purposes  here.  The  Indians 
and  half-breeds  make  halters,  bridles,  harness,  ropes,  and  a  £  tia,t  variety  of 
articles  out  of  it,  and  I  never  heard  of  a  piece  of  it  wearing  out.  The  iron  to 
be  had  here  is  very  expensive,  and  of  a  wretched  quality,  and  after  a  man 
gets  to  "  kr  ow  a  thing  or  two  "  about  this  country,  he  uses  as  little  of  it  as 
possible.  A  substitute  for  a  drawing-brace  of  any  kind,  a  bolt  or  a  clip,  can 
be  made  much  lighter,  stronger,  and  more  durable,  and  for  far  less  money 
<:»ut  of  shaganappy  than  out  of  iron.  For  such  purposes  the  rawhide  is  soaked 
in  water  over  night,  and  then  stretched  and  drawn  into  place  as  tightly  as 
possible,  and  securely  knotted.  As  it  dries  it  shrinks  with  such  tremendous 
force  that  it  will  actually  indent  the  hardwood  work  of  a  carriage  or  waggon 
to  some  extent,  and  after  that  the  only  way  to  remove  it  is  to  chop  it  off  with 
an  axe.  It  is  without  exception  the  best  material  for  readily  repairing  break- 
downs that  I  have  ever  met  with. 

Up  to  the  mission,  my  general  course  from  Qu'Appellehad  been  nearly  due 
north,  but  I  now  struck  off  toward  the  north-west,  the  trail  leading  through 
the  south-west  comer  of  the  small  Touchwood  Hills  region,  leaving  the  Touch- 
Avood  Hills  trading  post  ten  miles  or  more  on  my  right  to  the  north  and  east. 
The  route  was  a  very  hilly  one,  in  fact  the  horses  were  continually  either 
ascending  or  descending  pretty  steep  hi  .s,  and  my  progress  i^as  necessarily 

This  country  through  which  I  pass'      uo'-day,  should  some  day  be  a  great 
stock-raising  region.     The  soil,  thor       .or  the  most  part  admirable,  is  some- 



1 1 

what  lighter  than  that  to  be  found  on  the  open  prairies  and  plains,  but  I  am 
quite  sure  it  would  be  very  easily  worked,  and  be  found  capable  of  producing 
luxuriant  crops.  These  hills  too  could  haidly  fail  to  furnish  wonderfully  fine 
piisturage,  even  in  the  dryest  seasons,  as  on  their  northern  slopes  as  well  a» 
in  the  ravines  between  them,  the  grass  would  remain  fresh  and  green  the 
whole  season  through.  The  few  fields  that  I  have  seen  to-day  have  remarkably 
fine  crops,  and  all  in  all  I  should  consider  the  Touchwood  Hills  an  excellent 
locality  in  which  to  settle.  There  appears  to  be  plenty  of  timber,  not  only  to 
furnish  the  settler  with  all  the  logs  [and  lumber  he  would  require  for  his 
house,  barn,  sheds,  etc.,  but  with  fuel  for  many  years  to  come,  while  in  nearly 
every  case  he  would  find  enough  of  open  prairie  on  his  land  to  keep  his  avail- 
able forces  employed  in  breaking  up  and  cultivating  for  many  years  before 
it  would  be  necessary  for  him  to  strip  an  acre  of  his  wood  land  for  culti- 

To  the  north  of  the  trail  I  noticed  many  very  curious  conical  and  pyramidal 
hills  rising  abruptly  above  the  lower  surrounding  ones,  which  had  for  the 
most  part  a  spherical  surface.  As  the  afternoon  was  getting  pretty  well  ad- 
vanced, I  was  glad  to  get  out  of  the  rough,  unfreqiiented  trail  over  which  I 
had  been  driving  all  day,  and  strike  the  regular  Edmonton  trail,  which,  though 
made  entirely  by  carts  and  other  one-horse  (or  one-ox)  vehicles,  proved  to  be 
moderately  smooth,  and  in  all  places  well  beaten  out.  In  the  regular  freight- 
ing route  between  Edmonton  and  Winnipeg,  Fort  Qu'Appelle  is  not  usuaUy 
taken  in,  as  it  makes  the  journey  either  way  about  a  day  longer.  Instead  of 
going  southward  to  Qu'Appelle,  after  leaving  Touchwood  Hills  trading  post, 
they  strike  diagonally  across  Pheasant  Plains  for  Fort  EUice.  There  many  of 
them  take  their  loads  from  the  cargoes  of  the  Assiniboine  steamers,  while 
others  move  on  to  Portage  la  Prairie  or  Winnipeg,  by  much  the  same  route 
as  that  which  we  have  tra'^'elled.  I  had  now  gone  ten  miles  north  and  west 
on  the  Edmonton  trail  before  I  had  the  satisfaction  of  seeing  His  Excellency's 
camp  pitched  just  to  the  left  of  the  trail.  I  had  been  out  of  sight  of  it  for  just 
one  week,  and  doing  all  in  my  power  to  reach  it.  I  met  with  the  most  cordial: 
and  hearty  reception  on  reaching  the  camp,  and  my  mares  had  hardly  come 
to  a  standstill  before  some  of  the  Mounted  Police  Force  were  unharnessing 
them,  while  others  were  unloading  the  waggon  and  pitching  my  tent.  I  had 
barely  set  foot  upon  the  ground  when  I  was  very  cordially  welcomed  back  to 
camp  by  Colonel  De  Winlon,  who  brought  a  request  from  His  Excellency  that 
I  should  dine  with  him.  It  is  needless  to  say  that  such  a  cordial  welcome  was 
grateful  this  evening,  after  what  has  been  to  me  unquestionably  a  very  hard 
and  perplexing  week's  work.  According  to  his  custom  His  Excellency  had 
camped  on  Saturday  night  to  remain  without  stirring'  further  till  Monday 
morning,  and  it  was  in  this  Sunday  camp  that  I  overtook  the  vice-regal  party. 
The  only  events  of  any  account  which  had  taken  place  in  Lord  Lome's  pro- 
gress during  the  past  week,  e  the  loss  of  some  few  horses  and  the  loss  of 
a  finger  by  constable  Leamy  of  the  Mounted  Police.  A  waggon  had  stuck  in 
a  mud  hole,  and  he  was  adjusting  a  rope  with  which  it  was  to  be  pulled  out, 
when  the  horses  starting  up  suddenly,  his  finger  was  caught  in  a  bight  of  the 

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elcome  was 
i  very  hard 
sllency  had 
ill  Monday 
ogal  party, 
orne's  pro- 
the  loss  of 
id  stuck  in 
juUed  out, 
jght  of  the 



rope  and  crushed  so  hopelessly  that  Dr.  Sowell  found  it  necessary  to  amputate 
it  at  the  second  joint. 

VV^e  are  camped  among  the  bluft'i  to-night,  close  to  the  ed^o  of  what  are 
known  as  the  "  Big  Salt  Plains,"  which  are  somewherd  about  thirty-five  miles 
wide.  Peter  tells  me  that  there  are  only  a  few  places  along  tlio  trail  in  this 
big  plain,  where  water  can  be  had  that  is  fit  for  a  horse  to  drink,  and  he  also 
tells  me  that  it  will  be  necessary  for  us  to  carry  firewood  with  us  for  our  noon- 
day camp.  Mr.  Dewdney  and  his  party  started  out  across  this  plain  just 
before  my  arrival  this  evening,  and  as  there  is  a  tremendous  thunderstorm 
coming  up  I  fear  he  will  pass  a  rough  night. 

In  Camp  on  Western  Limit  of  Biq  Salt  Plains,  August  22. — The  thun- 
derstorm which  was  threatening  us  last  night  when  I  returned  to  my  tent 
after  dinner  burst  upon  us  with  tremendous  fury  just  as  I  was  closing  my 
journal.  It  was  the  first  really  heavy  thunderstorm  I  have  weathered  in  this 
little  bell-tent,  and  as  it  was  accompanied  by  a  heavy  gale  it  afforded  me  a 
fair  opportunity  of  judging  how  admirably  a  small  bell-tent  is  adapted  for 
rough  weather.  At  times  the  lightning  would  come  flash  after  flash  in  such 
blinding  brilliancy  that  the  remotest  corners  of  the  tent  were  as  light  as  day 
for  ten  or  twelve  seconds  at  a  time,  and  in  the  midst  of  this  dazzling  blaze 
tb<3  thunder  would  burst  forth  overhead  with  such  an  awful  voice  that  the 
very  earth  would  quiver  ;  then  for  a  few  seconds  there  would  be  a  lull,  and 
one  could  hear  the  tent  folds  flapping  in  the  fierce  gale,  and  the  rain  pouring 
down  the  canvas  in  torrents.  But  in  all  this  storm  of  wind  and  rain  not  a  peg 
.  was  started  and  not  a  drop  of  rain  came  into  the  tent.  This  morning  the 
thunder  -torm  had  passed  off,  but  a  cold  drizzle  followed  that  was  anything 
but  agreeable.  Toward  noon,  however,  the  temperature  became  much  more 
pleasant,  the  rain  ceased  to  fall  and  at  length  the  sun  shone  out  bright  and 
warm.  Our  mid-day  camp  was  made  about  half-'vay  across  the  great  plain 
after  a  pretty  severe  drive  of  twenty-two  miles  over  the  soft,  and  in  places 
very  slippery  trail.  There  was  not  much  of  interest  to  be  seen  through  the 
thick  mist  and  gloom  that  hung  over  the  alkali  plain  this  morning.  As  al- 
ready intimated,  our  camp  to-night  is  not  far  beyond  the  western  boundary  of 
the  Big  Salt  Plain.  The  spot  is  a  rather  pretty  one  among  the  bluffs,  and 
there  is  capital  shooting  all  around  the  camp  in  every  direction.  A  hare 
killed  by  Col.  DeWinton ,  and  a  badger  by  Capt.  Percival,  being  added  this 
evening  to  unusually  lai  'e  bags  of  duck  and  prairie  chicken. 

the  salt  plain. 

As  nearly  as  I  could  make  out  a  very  large  proportion  of  the  land  on  the 
Big  Salt  Plain,  as  it  is  called,  is  of  excellent  quality,  but  in  crossing  it  to- 
day I  noticed  several  patches  of  heavy,  cold,  light-coloured  clay  that  indicat- 
ed anything  but  rich  arable  land.  There  is  ako  what  my  guide  calls  a  salt 
marsh  of  Borne  twenty  acres  in  extent,  and  numerous  alkaline  sloughs.  In 
fact,  I  am  of  opinion  that  nearly  all  the  sloughs  on  this  great  plain  are  more 
or  less  alkaline,  and  that  until  these  are  drained  off,  or  until  alkali  is  worked 
out  of  the  soil  by  cropping,  that  this  plain  will  never  be  a  fit  place  for  ho  rses 



to  run  at  large.  It  is  a  well-known  fact,  however,  that  cattle  can  drink  of  the 
moat  alkaline  of  these  sloughs  with  perfect  safety.  In  fact,  the  freighters  say 
ihat  this  water  is  particiilai'ly  good  for  cows  and  oxen.  Even  supposing  that 
the  whole  of  this  alkaline  plain  were  not  fit  for  farming  purposes  (and  I  firmly 
believe  that  (tO  per  cent,  of  it  is  capital  soil),  what  a  splendid  summer  run  it 
would  make  for  stock  raisers  on  Touchwood  Hills  !  Here,  too,  hay  could  be 
put  up  for  a  dollar  a  ton,  and  here  would  be  a  magnificent  run  for  thousands 
upon  thousands  of  cattle  that  need  only  to  be  branded  and  herded  through- 
out the  whole  summer,  and  driven  into  the  hills  and  "  rounded  up  "  for  mar- 
ket the  following  autumn.  Certain  it  is  that,  whether  it  should  pr>  ve  valu- 
able tor  settlement  or  not,  this  great  alkaline  plain  must  prove  a  very  impor- 
tant adjunct  to  the  Touchwood  Hills  region. 




In  Cami"  on  the  Plaik.s  Wkst  ok  Humboldt,  Aug.  2;). — To-day  we  trav- 
elled through  a  beautiful,  gontly-undulating  prairie  country  in  which  the 
j^rassy  stretches  were  thickly  interspersed  with  little  clumps  or  "  bhifi's  "  of 
poplar  for  about  fifteen  or  sixteen  miles,  and  then  reached  the  first  telegraph 
station  which  we  have  come  upon  since  leaving  I'ortago  la  Prairie.  It  was 
(if  little  tjse  to  us,  however,  for  while  wo  could  with  its  aid  communicate  with 
Hattleford  and  some  other  points  west  of  us,  the  wires  were  down  between 
Humboldt  and  \Vinnii)eg,  and  they  were  not  likely  to  bo  up  again  for  somo 
time.  It  seems  that  there  is  no  attempt  liiade  to  keep  this  line  open  in  sum- 
mer, and  that  the  rise  in  Lake  Manitoba  has  placed  some  miles  of  it  <{uite 
under  water.  Of  course  the  route  will  have  to  be  changed,  since  the  northern 
viiute  for  the  railway  has  been  abandoned,  and  should  it  be  brought  down  so 
as  to  take  in  such  settlements  as  Urandon,  Rapid  City,  Miiuiedosa,  Shoal 
Lake,  Fort  Ellicu,  Qu'Appollo,  Touchwood  Hills,  Prince  Albert,  Duck  L'lke, 
Fort  Carlton,  and  thence  on  to  liattleford  and  Edmonton,  it  would  be  of  some 
use  to  the  settlers,  Oovernment  ollicials,  Hudson  Ray  Company's  people, 
independent  traders,  and  the  inhabitants  of  the  country  generally. 

In  starting  for  our  afternoon  journey  we  were  obliijiMl  to  take  along  a  sup- 
lily  of  wood  sutlicient  for  cooking  supper  and  breakfast,  as  the  opon  prairie 
before  us  was  some  thirty  miles  wide  with  not  a  solitary  c:bnn|)  of  trees  within 
reach  of  the  trail.  Here  we  found  Mr.  Dowdnoy  in  camp  waiting  for  us. 
Some  excellent  shooting  was  had  before  dark,  but  soon  after  sundown  the  air 

Ink  of  the 
rhters  say 
[sing  that 
I  firmly 
ler  run  it 

could  be 

for  mar- 
It  ve  valu- 
ry  iinpor- 

)8— WARN- 

we  trav- 
vhicli  the 
lutfs  "  of 
.  It  was 
cato  with 

fur  some 
t  in  sum- 
'  it  i(uito 
down  so 
;i,  Shoal 
uk  L'lko, 

of  80  .ne 


ig  a  Hup- 
1  prairie 
8  within 
[  for  UB. 
1  the  air 



became  exceptionally  chilly,  almost  frosty  in  fact.  The  country  throui^h 
which  we  have  driven  this  afternoon  is  a  rich,  rolling,  but  treeless  expanse. 
1  do  not  think  I  saw  a  square  foot  of  land  to-day  that  was  not  rich  and  even 
exceptionally  productive  ;  but,  of  course,  in  settling  a  country  where  they 
liave  so  much  to  choose  from  farmers  will  first  select  for  settlement  such 
localities  as  Touchwood  Hills,  the  valley  of  the  Qu'Appelle,  and  prairies 
where  "  blufi'a  "  are  found  in  sutticient  niunbers  and  extent  to  guarantee  a 
supply  of  logs,  or  at  least,  poles  for  buildings  and  fire-wood  for  a  few  vears,  at 
all  events,  rather  than  a  rich  but  treeless  and  unsheltered  claim.  The  time 
is  close  at  hand,  however,  closer  than  people  generally  suppose,  when  farun 
in  thetie  unsheltered  prairies  will  be  eagerly'  sought  after,  when  the  extension 
and  elaboration  of  the  railway  system  shall  have  brought  the  coal  of  the 
North  Saskatchewan  to  the  very  doors  of  the  farmers  in  this  fertile  region. 
It  will  not  greatly  matter  whether  a  settler  has  a  few  clumps  of  young  poplars 
on  his  farm  or  is  ploughing  every  s(juare  foot  of  a  treeless  claim.  Many  a 
reader  will  of  course  shake  his  head  incredulously  and  set  me  down  as  an 
enthusiast,  just  as  other  men  who  have  told  the  truth  about  this  wonderful 
region  Jiave  been  disbelieved,  but  I  am  (piite  willing  to  be  set  down  as  an 
enthusiast  on  this  subject  and  bide  my  time.  The  people  of  Ontario  and  the 
people  of  Winnipeg  are  gaining  a  nearly  adct[uate  idea  of  the  grand  possibil- 
ities of  Manitoba  as  a  great  farming  Province,  but  Manitoba's  relation  in  size 
to  the  great  fertile  North- West  is  about  that  of  a  p<jstage  stamp  on  the  corner 
of  a  letter.  I  am  now  nearly  or  (juite  five  hundred  miles  north-west  of  Win- 
nipeg, and  since  leaving  it  I  have  not  seen  an  acre  of  land  wholly  unfit  for 
cultivation.  Fully  ninety-nine  per  cent,  of  the  territory  I  have  seen  since 
leaving  Winnipeg  will  ultimately  become  prodiictive  farming  land.  As  a  rule 
the  soil  of  the  North-West  Territory  is  not  (piite  so  deep  and  heavy  as  that 
of  Manitoba,  but  from  what  I  have  seen  of  it  I  should  say,  that  it  is  equally 
as  productive  if  not  more  so,  and  that  it  will  be  much  more  easily  drained 
and  bo  found  to  be  of  a  warmer  nature,  for  instead  of  the  sticky,  tine-graineil 
blue  clay  of  Manitoba,  it  has  a  subsoil  of  clayey  gravel  and  sand. 

Now  I  earnestly  hope  that  what  I  have  written  in  my  journal  to-night  may 
not  be  the  moans  of  sending  up  hero  helpless  tradesmen  without  means  and 
shiftless  wanderers  who  have  liitherto  failed  in  everything  they  have  \uider- 
taken.  1  give  this  word  of  warning,  not  merely  in  sincere  conuniseration 
for  the  class  alluded  to,  but  because  such  people  do  every  new  country  in- 
calciilable  harm,  'i'hey  read  of  or  hear  of  a  now  country  that  i)romise8  well, 
they  think  that  they  cannot  more  tiuin  fail  there,  as  they  have  everywhere 
else,  and  without  pausing  to  consider  whether  they  have  about  them  aiiythi'ig 
to  fit  them  for  ■uccess  in  the. country  to  which  they  are  going  or  not,  they  at 
once  liurry  oH".  They  fail  of  eoiuso  there,  as  they  have  elsewhere,  and  they 
are  the  first  to  go  home  after  having  had  a  pretty  hard  time  in  a  region 
which  has  no  possible  use  for  drones  or  idlers  of  any  sort,  and  they  con- 
demn the  country  in  im  measured  terms.  Hut  the  worst  of  it  all  is,  as  a  rule, 
only  these  men  who  make  frib  tea  in  a  new  country  over  go  back  to 
make  any  repcjrt  concerning  it.     The  successful  men  remain  in  it,  and  their 



testimony  concerning  it  18  seldom  ornever  heard.  On  the  other  hand,  great 
weight  is  attached  to  the  testimony  of  those  who  blame  the  country  for  their 
own  failure  in  it.  Their  opinions  are  taken  as  those  of  men  who  have  spent 
one,  two,  or  three  years  in  the  country,  and  who  are  supposed  to  know  much 
more  about  it  than  men  who  have  travelled  through  it  for  the  express  pur- 
pose of  informing  themselves  as  to  its  resources  and  capabilities.  The  grum- 
bler may  have  spent  his  whole  time  within  a  prescribed  area,  while  the  travel- 
ler has  gone  from  one  limit  of  the  country  to  the  other.  The  grumbler  bases 
his  judgment  on  his  own  experience,  while  the  traveller  does  his  best  to  ob- 
tain the  opinions  of  every  intelligent  man  he  meets,  and  yet  in  spite  of  all 
this,  great  weight  is  attached  to  the  evidence  of  every  man  who  makes  a 
failure  in  a  new  country.  The  people  of  the  older  provinces  to  which  they 
have  returned  are  apt  to  come  to  the  conclusion  that  the  now  country  must 
be  bad  because  "  every  one  who  comes  back  from  there  tells  tlie  same  story." 
l)Ut,  perhaps,  if  they  could  see  the  country  for  tiiemselves,  and  hear  the 
evidence  of  those  who  do  not  come  back,  they  would  for-  very  dirt'orent 

FUTURE    M0VK.MI:NTS    of   Tin;    I'AKTV. 

To-morrow  night  we  shall  probably  encamp  on  tlio  banks  of  the  South 
Saskatchewan,  and  on  Tuesday  afternoon  arrive  at  Fort  Carlton,  if  all  goes 
well.  His  Excellency  has  changed  one  important  featui'o  in  his  programme. 
He  has  given  up  the  idea  of  flat-boatiiig  from  Fort  Calgany  down  the  Sas- 
katchewan and  returning  throiigh  IJritish  territory.  Ho  will  go  from  IJattlo- 
ford  to  Calgarry,  and  thence  riK  Fort  McLeod  and  Fort  Shaw  to  Helena,  and 
eastward  through  the  United  States.  If  all  goes  well  I  shall  follow  him  tn 
tiie  borders  of  Canadian  territory  beyond  Fort  McLeod,  and  thou  visit  Ed- 
monton on  my  return. 

THE   GUI  OK   TAKEN    II.I,. 

In  Camp,  GABitiKiiDvMONT'B  Crossing,  South  Saskatchewan,  Aug.  24.— 

Before  daylight  this  morning  I  awoke  and  found  Peter  Countoia  rocking  hiui- 

stif  backward  and  forward  suH'ering  from  a  sudden  and   violent  attack  of 

pleurisy.     Tulling  on  my  boots  and  trousers  I  hnrrietl  to  call  Dr.  Sowell,  wlio 

prontmnced  the  attack  a  very  severe  one,  but  expressed  tlie  hope  that  having 

been  called  thus  early  he  would  bo  able  to  nip  it  in  the  Viud.     IJy  the  time 

wo  were  settled  and  liad  the  tent  closed  again  it  was  after  three  o'clock,  and 

lis  1  lay  awake  thinking  to  what  poH»ibio  account  1   could   turn  a  very  sick 

half-breed  guide  in  this  thinly-settled  region,  where  means  of  transportation 

are  rare  and  uncertain,  and  where  guides  that  are  even  Iialf  as  good  a.i 

Peter  are  extrtmely  hard  to  lind,  that  relentless  biiglo  Hounded  and    I    had 

to  !urn  out  to  do  I'etor's  work,  bidding  hiia  to  keep  lis  (piiet  as  poHsibie  in 

the  tent  till  1  was  ready  to  pull  it  down.     It  is  anything  but  pleasant  to  turn 

out  of  one's  blankets  just  at  early  dawn  on  a  cold  dawy  morning,  vrestle  with 

the  task  of  building  a  lire  with  "Jozy"  pojilar  and   then  tramp  kuoo  deop 

through  the  wet  grnss  t    catch  a  pair  of  nnirea  that  do  not  know  enough  lo 

come  into  camp  for  their  breakfast.    After  bringing  in  the  nuirea  came  thg 




the  South 
f  iill  j^doa 
n  the  SfiH- 
m  IJiittlo- 
elciiii,  ami 
ow  him  tu 
I  visit  Eil- 

^iif,'.  24.— 
king  him- 
attiick  of 
well,  wIki 
lat  having 

tiio  tiniu 
h)ck,  and 
very  sick 

gooil  att 
I J  I  Iiad 
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It  tn  turn 
mth)  with 
noo  doi*|) 
longh  III 
»iuu  th«} 

cooking  of  my  own  breakfast  and  Peter's,  and  as  I  never  had  any  partiality 
for  cooking,  I  am  afraid  I  prepared  rather  a  sorry-looking  meal  for  a  sick 
man  to  struggle  with.  Some  of  the  police  assisted  me  in  taking  down  my 
tent  and  loading  my  waggon,  and  at  last  I  was  on  the  road  again,  but  how 
far  Peter  would  be  able  to  endure  the  jolting  of  the  waggon,  of  course  I  could 
not  tell.  Dr.  Sowell's  treatment  appeared  to  work  like  a  charm,  however, 
and  he  has  been  steadily  improving  all  day.  The  tirst  twelve  or  fifteen  miles 
<»f  the  day's  trip  took  us  through  the  locality  known  as  the  Little  Turtle 
Mountains  (no  relatitui  to  their  better  known  namesakes  away  to  the  south- 
east of  this),  and  here  we  passed  through  some  of  the  most  charming  scenery 
we  have  met  with  on  our  long  journey.  In  one  place,  near  the  middle  of  this 
beautiful  belt  of  half- wooded  hills,  was  a  lakelet  in  the  sunnnit  of  a  hill.  The 
banks  rose  twenty  or  twenty-five  feet  above  the  water,  and  were  so  thickly 
overgrown  with  green  pc^plars  and  willows  that  their  reflection  made  a  border 
of  deep  green  -ill  aroiuid  it  so  wide  that  only  a  small  islet  of  bright  blue  sky 
was  rertected  in  its  rippleless  surface  at  the  centre  ;  and  the  whole  wa«  bor- 
dered with  a  golden  fringe  of  ripened  prairie  grass.  Jii  the  splendour  of  a 
gliirious  August  morning  it  looked  like  a  giant  gem  having  one  great  bright 
sapphire  set  in  .i  thick  cluster  of  snuiUer  euieralds,  and  the  whole  held  together 
with  a  cord  of  gold.  As  the  travellers  \vei*e  passing  down  out  of  the  pass 
♦hrough  the  hills  a  lovely  view  was  opened  before  them.  To  the  westward 
lay  15ig  Salt  Lake,  unciuestionably  the  must  beautiful  »heet  <>f  water  I  have 
met  with  since  leaving  Uat  Portage,  its  dark  blue  surfaci  rippleless  and  glitter- 
ing in  the  morning  sunlight,  with  every  golden  band  (^  prairie  nmsa  and 
every  dark  green  clump  of  poplars  on  its  high  banks  faithfully  mirrored  in  its 
gleaming  depths. 

At  our  noon  camp  while  I  was  getting  diiuier  my  mares  managed  to  stray 
oil"  among  the  blutl's,  and  after  spending  some  time  in  looking  for  them  I  was 
compelled  to  employ  a  half-breed  freighter,  who  was  camped  near  us,  to  I'luit 
them  up  and  bru.g  them  to  their  oats,  liy  this  means  I  was  delayed  about 
an  hour  behind  the  rest  of  the  party  and  was  a  little  late  in  getting  into  cami) 
to-night,  with  my  mares  pretty  well  fagged  out  at  that.  It  was  rather  a  dis- 
couraging task  to  set  about  making  camp  without  help,  l>ut  I  did  not  work 
long  alone  as  the  members  of  the  escort  rendered  mo  every  assistance  in  their 
power,  and  before  I  was  through  pitching  my  tent  His  Excellency  happening 
.'lat  way  like  the  good  Samaritan  that  he  umjuoationably  is,  invited  mo  to 
dine  with  him,  while  the  constable,  whose  turn  it  was  to  cook  for  the  escort, 
Volunteered  tc  prepsv  ;  Peter's  supper  for  him,  so  that  1  was  saved  from  what 
is  tu  mu  the  must  t.  )ublusomo  part  of  camp  duty. 

To-night  wo  are  camped  on  the  south-east  bank  of  tlie  South  Sivskatchewau, 
at  whiit  is  known  as  (Jabriol  Dumont's  crossing  or  tjrry.  This  river  at  th<s 
point  is  a  swift  i»road  stream  some  'JoO  yards  wide,  the  bank  upon  which  wo 
are  camped  presenting  un  almost  sheer  descent  of  \tiO  feet  to  the  margin  of 
tho  river.  The  South  Saskatchewan  (at  this  seasim  of  tlio  year,  at  all  events) 
does  not  shew  tho  tawny  yollow  peculiar  to  the  Ho<l  ftivor,  tho  Assiniboino, 
and  other  yrairiu  struams  which   I  Imvu  met.     It  presents  a  grey  or  drab 



appearance,  and  appears  to  be  very  much  less  muddy  than  either  of  the 
streams  to  which  I  have  just  alluded.  The  water  is  falling  just  now,  and 
this  may  account  for  its  imusual  purity.  This  stream,  it  is  said,  flows  through 
a  magniflcent  country,  and  is  navigable  for  many  hundreds  of  miles,  but  as 
yet  no  steamer  ploughs  its  swift  current.  To-night  the  atmosphere  is  warm 
and  muggy,  and  the  mosquitoes  are  so  numerous  and  ferocious  that  at  dinner 
nearly  every  one  sat  with  hat  on  and  coat  collar  turned  up  to  protect  neck 
and  head. 


While  His  Excellency  was  s*ill  at  dinner  he  was  informed  that  two  ladies 
wished  to  see  him.  They  turned  out  to  be  a  mother  and  daughter,  who  with 
their  husbands  were  moving  from  Portage  La  Prairie  to  Edmonton.  While 
they  were  in  camp  on  the  Salt  Plain  the  daughter's  first  baby  was  born,  and 
they  had  come  to  ask  His  Excellency  to  give  the  little  one  a  name,  a  request 
to  which  he  good-naturedly  consented,  and  along  Avith  the  name  gave  him  a 
handsome  present.  The  country  through  which  we  have  travelled  to-day, 
and  as  much  .as  I  could  see  of  it  on  either  side  of  the  trail  in  the  distance, 
appeared  to  be  the  very  choicest  of  land  till  we  came  within  a  mile  or  two  of 
the  river.  Here  we  got  into  sandy  bluft's  of  poplar,  which,  though  made  up 
of  really  good  land,  will  in  all  probability  long  lie  neglected  in  such  a  magni- 
ticent  farming  region  as  this.  Ahmg  the  edge  of  the  river  there  are  some 
splendid  crops  growing  in  this  same  sandy  soil,  but  I  cannot  regard  it  as  at 
all  equal  to  that  of  the  prairie  a  little  farther  inland. 

It  is  the  intention  of  Col.  Herchiaer  to  take  the  whole  of  His  Excellency  s 
outfit  and  escort  it  over  the  South  Saskatchewan  at  Fisher's  Crossing,  which 
is  six  miles  north-east  or  down  the  river  from  here.  Ab  tnere  is  only  one 
scow  at  the  lower  crossing  the  ferrying  of  the  whole  outfit  a- id  escort  will 
take  some  time  (some  say  all  day),  and  I  have  made  my  arrangem^ntH  to 
cross  at  this  point  so  as  to  reach  Duck  Lake  and  Carlton  in  advance  of  them. 


jkCBOSH  III'.  '^^  TH  SAfK/»TC'llKWAN  HIVEK— ARHtVAI,  AT  PORT  ('AUI,T0N  -  A  KEW  WOHn?" 

I'Oin  0a»  'TOW,  Wt^  MIL'-.M  N0BTIi-Wl.8T  OF  WlNNIPKU,  AND  HOMT.  050  MILU* 

fURTii'  S'ifcrK  tdAS  TottdNTO,  An((.  25. — I  was  up  in  good  season  this 
niornii  ;.  T^'..'  I''"fOT  had  so  far  recovered  that  ho  was  able  to  aHBist  mo  very 
mutor.Mlly  i.    ^.'^Lj"  / 1  .  dy  for  a  start.     Wo  were  soon  across  the  river,  uud 



as  I  had  to  work  hard  on  one  of  the  oars  in  Peter's  jjlace,  I  found  myself 
pretty  thoroughly  warmed  th-ough  by  the  time  we  had  landed  on  the  north- 
west bank  of  the  river.  The  drive  froa\  this  ferry  to  Duck  Lake  included 
nine  very  long  miles,  and  as  1  managed  to  get  considerably  oft"  the  trail  at  one 
time  I  made  the  whole  distance  travelled  between  these  two  points  little  if 
any  less  than  twelve  miles.  In  this  region  there  are  many  half-breed  settlers. 
and  they  all  appear  to  bo  doing  well.  Their  crops  are  looking  well,  and  there 
are  evidences  of  a  fair  share  of  thrift  and  prosperity  about  nearly  all  their 
homes.  The  soil  is  evidently  very  rich,  and  though  the  land  is  nearlj'  or  (juite 
level  it  is  fairly  provided  with  clumps  and  groves  of  young  poplar.  I  tried 
at  several  of  the  settlers'  houses  to  buy  oats  or  barley,  but  failed  in  every  in- 
stance, as  little  or  none  of  the  grain  has,  as  yet,  been  threshed.  I  also  made 
several  attempts  at  horse  trading,  as  I  was  anxious  to  secure  four  native 
ponies  to  take  with  me.  I  found,  however,  that  that  terrible  disease,  the 
mange,  had  recently  carried  off  a  great  many  ponies,  and  as  a  consequence 
the  supply  left  was  so  small  that  few  cared  to  reduce  their  limited  number  of 
animals.  I  hurried  on  to  Carlton,  hoping  to  be  in  camp  before  His  Excel- 
lency would  have  time  to  reach  there. 

At  Duck  Lake,  Stobart,  Eden  &  Co.  have  a  portable  grist  mill  with  which 
they  are  enabled  to  drive  a  brisk  business.  Their  trading  establishment, 
which  is  under  the  management  of  Mr.  Hughes,  is  a  very  extensive  one,  and 
large  amounts  of  money  and  goods  are  annually  turned  over  in  it. 

I  made  a  start  for  Carlton  about  twelve  o'clock,  intending  to  get  over  n 
portion  of  theremaining  twelve  miles  before  taking  luncheon. 



On  the  road  between  Duck  Lake  and  Carlt(m  1  saw  s  ev  -ral  excellent  farms, 
and  among  the  lot  was  the  farm  on  the  Indian  reserve  vvhich  is  worked  by  the 
Indians  under  the  direction  of  the  instructor.     Hero  there  were  some  splen- 
did fields  of  grain  to  be  seen,  and  altogether  the  place  had  a  prosperous  look 
When    near   Carlton   I   met    u    French  half-breed  who  informed   me   tl. 
during  the  past  season  the  mange  had  carried  off  eleven  out  of  his  foi. 
teen  Indian  ponies. 

Fort  Carlton,  a  very  important  post  with  the  Hudson  Bay  Company  is 
splendidly  situated  in  the  Valley  of  the  North  Saskatchewan,  the  river  luiug 
at  this  point  about  4(K)  yards  wide,  with  a  sandbar  of  very  considera)  ^ize 
in  the  centre.  Less  than  half  an  hour  after  my  arriv;d  here  an  esc  t  of 
Mounted  Polico  came  cantering  down  to  the  Fort,  (|uijkly  followed  by  ambu- 
lances containing  His  Excellency  and  suite,  an  I  these  in  turn  by  the  remain- 
der of  the  outfit.  I  must  iwlniit  that  I  was  not  a  little  surprised,  not  merely 
with  the  fact  that  Col.  Hcrchmer  and  his  men  had  succeeded  with  a  single 
Boow  in  bringing  over  a  broad,  swift  river  in  live  iiours  an  outtit  consisting  of 
twenty  loaded  ambulances,  baggage  waggons,  and  otiier  vehicles,  and  no  '  'ss 
than  eighty-one  horses,  b\it  that  after  this  severe  tusk,  and  after  the  ofli",fs 
and  men  of  the  force  hud  been  steadily  engaged  in  sucli  a  lon^  and  ardumis 
march  through  the  wilderness,  they  should  be  able  to  rule  into  the  fort  clean, 



pipe-clayed,  and  in  all  respects  as  though  they  were  just  out  of  their  barracks, 
seemed  well  nigh  incredible.  And  while  I  am  on  this  subject  I  desire  to 
say  a  word  of  this  Mounted  Police  Force  in  general.  I  have  now  been  in 
company  with  the  escort  long  enough  to  be  able  to  form  a  much  more  correct 
opinion  of  them  than  have  many  who  have  ventured  to  write  in  dispraise  of 
them.  So  far  as  their  soldierly  qualities  are  concerned  I  could  not  speak  too 
highly  to  express  my  own  opinion  of  them,  but  I  prefer  to  give  the  views  of 
those  much  better  capable  of  judging  of  them  than  I  am.  Col.  DeWjnton 
speaks  of  them  as  a  "  really  wonderful  body  of  men.  They  always  appear  to 
know  just  what  to  do  in  any  emergency  and  proceed  at  once  to  xloit.'' 
Capt.  Chater,  after  speaking  very  highly  of  the  creditable  appearance  the 
men  were  able  to  make  on  the  shortest  notice  and  the  admirable  marching 
and  campaigning  (jualities  they  had  shown,  alluded  particularly  to  the  feat 
they  had  performed  in  crossing  the  South  Saskatchewan  in  five  hours,  remark- 
ing that  he  had  not  known  of  a  regiment  in  the  British  army  capable  of  turning 
out  a  dctaohmor;t  able  to  perform  a  similar  feat  in  the  same  length  of  time. 
He  also  alluded  in  the  most  complimentary  terms  to  the  good  conduct 
(if  the  Uion.  Bad  language  was  not  heard  in  the  ranks,  and  when 
anything  was  to  bo  done  it  was  done  promptly  and  quietly  without  any 
noiflc  or  shouting.  Ho  thought  that  the  conduct  and  management  of  tho 
men  reflected  tho  higUc  '  credit  upon  Col.  Herchmer  and  the  non-commi..- 
sioneil  othoers  in  charge.  Ca't.  Percival,  who,  like  Capt.  v^nater,  has  seen  a 
f^ood  deal  of  active  service  within  tho  past  few  years,  also  spoke  in  tho  highest 
terms  of  the  officers  and  men  of  the  Mounted  Police,  summing  up  with  '•-ho 
remark,  "a  most  wonderful  force  ;  they  combine  all  the  handiness  of  sailors 
with  the  smartness  of  soldiers." 

During  his  stay  at  Fort  Carlton  His  Excellency  was  tho  guest  of  Mr.  Law- 
rence Clark,  Chief  Factor  of  the  iiudaon  Bay  Company  for  the  Carlton  Dis- 
trict. To-morrow  the  (iovernor-Generars  formal  reception  will  take  place 
here.  This  being  one  i*f  the  most  important  trading  posts  in  tho  North- West 
it  may  not  be  out  of  place  to  giv^  in  this  connection  some  facts  which  I  havo 
been  able  to  collect  relative  to  the  organization  and  working  of  the  Hudson 
•  ;ay  Conq)a»y.  The  company  was  organized  in  the  reign  of  Charles  H.,  and 
is  now  211  years  old.  The  charter  was  granted  to  Prince  Rupert  under  tho 
style  and  title  of  '  Tlio  Company  of  Gentlemen  Adventurers  Trading  in 
Hudson  Bay."  Tho  charter  gave  them  sole  right  and  privilege  of  ac(iuiring 
proprietary  rights  in  tliRt  portion  of  the  territories  "  whose  waters  fall  into 
Hudson  Bay."  They  had  the  right  of  proclaiming  laws  for  tho  government 
of  the  cimntry,  und  enforcing  them  by  such  organization,  whether  of  a  civil 
or  mil  tary  character,  as  they  may  dotorniino.  They  had  the  power  of  life 
and  death  in  their  hands  and  tho  right  by  their  senior  oHicers  of  solemnizing 
marriage,  whicli  marriages  won?  ii  jknowlodged  as  legally  binding  by  tho  laws 
of  England  as  if  performed  by  thy  Archbisliop  of  Canterbury.  They  alsohaW 
the  power  of  excluding  all  trespassers  upon  their  domain,  and  the  solo  nghtq 
of  trade  of  every  descrij-.tion  within  tlioir  b(  mdaries.  The  or}{anizatiuii  of 
he  Company  consisted  of  two  classes  of  partntirs,  the  diitinctiun  being,  Hrst, 




the  sharelioldera  in  England,  who  provided  the  capital  to  carry  on  the  trade 
of  the  country.  The  second  class  of  partners  were  styled  and  known  as 
"  winter  partners,"  and  participated  in  an  allotted  annual  share  of  the  profits 
derived  from  the  trade.  The  distinction  between  the  two  classes  was  that 
the  "  shareholders  "  possessed  proprietary  rights  in  the  ucqiiired  territories 
under  their  charter,  besides  receiving  their  share  of  the  annual  profits  of  the 
trade.  The  "  winter  partners,"  on  the  other  hand,  possessed  no  vested  rights 
in  the  Company,  but  were  men  promoted  on  accotmt  of  long  service  as  clerks, 
and  from  their  knowledge,  experience,  and  ability  to  carry  on  the  business  of 
the  Company  placed  under  their  supervision  in  the  territories.  The  present 
organization  of  the  trade  in  the  territories  generally  called  the  "  fur  tr.ade," 
consists  of  several  grades  or  ranks,  the  highest  rank  being  that  of  chief  com- 
missioner, who  is  fippointed  diiectly  by  the  Governor  and  Committee  of  the 
Hudson  Bay  Company  in  England,  representing  the  general  body  of  share- 
holders of  the  Company.  This  official  is  jointly  paid  by  the  shareholders  and 
the  winter  partners.  His  duties  are  of  a  very  extensive  nature.  He  is  the 
President  of  the  Great  Fur  Trade  Council,  which  is  held  annually  on  the  1st 
of  July  at  Fort  Carlton.  The  membfirs  of  this  Council  are  the  heads  of  the 
numerous  trading  districts  throughout  the  country.  At  this  Council  the 
whole  trading  business  of  the  Company  is  discussed,  and  mcasur-.  .;  j  de- 
cided upon  as  are  thought  moat  conducive  to  prosperous  results.  The  actual 
members  of  the  Coimcil  by  right  of  rank  are  the  Chief  Factors,  of  whom 
there  are  eight,  find  the  Factors,  of  whom  there  are  twenty.  The  subordinate 
winter  partners  are  chief  traders,  of  whom  there  are  ten,  and  the  junior 
chief  traders,  >if  whom  there  are  twenty -five,  have  no  right  to  sit  and  vote  at 
Council,  except  on  tlie  invitation  of  the  President  and  members. 

The  several  grades  of  commissioned  officers  known  as  winter  parLnei'?i  par- 
ticipate in  the  profits  as  follows  : — One  hundred  shares  of  the  aiiiiual  profits 
are  divided  pro  rata  thus  : — A  chief  factor  receives  2 i  shares,  a  factor  2  shares, 
ii  chief  trader  lA  shares,  and  a  junior  chief  trader  1  share.  The  lower  or  paid 
division  of  the  Company's  service  consists  also  of  several  grades.  The  lowest 
grade  of  office  is  that  of  an  apprenticed  post-ma'iter,  who  serves  an  appren- 
ticeshij)  of  five  years,  at  the  expiration  of  wliich  he  is  promoted  to  the  rank 
of  post-master,  which  is  the  second  grade.  Tiie  duties  of  post-masters  con- 
sist of  looking  after  the  labourers  who  are  employed  around  the  post  and 
acting  as  the  means  of  communication  between  the  Indians  and  iho  ofHcer  in 
charge  of  the  post  or  trading  establishment,  nearly  always  speaking  some 
dialect  of  the  Indian  language.  The  third  class  are  boys  from  Ki  to  17  years 
nf  ago,  the  sons  of  gentlemen,  who  have  received  a  good  school  education  and 
are  enlisted  in  the  service  as  apprenticed  clerks.  After  throe  years'  trial  they 
are  promoted  to  the  rank  and  eimilumonts  of  full  clerks,  and  for  a  further 
perit>d  of  three  years  are  under  the  control  and  direction  of  the  officer  in 
charge  of  a  district,  wlioise  duty  it,  is  to  watch  their  chaBacters  closely,  give 
them  as  good  a  business  training  as  possiblo,  and  tit  tliem  fur  the  higher 
ranks  of  the  service,  promotion  to  which  rank  ontirely  depends  upm  the  good 






conduct,  moral  character,  and  administrative  abilities  possessed  by  tlie 

The  trade  in  the  northern  districts  where  the  lantl  is  wholly  unfit  for  agri- 
cultural purposes  consists  entirely  of  furs  and  skins,  but  in  tho  frontier  dis- 
tricts which  are  being  rapidly  settled  by  immigration  from  Old  Canada  and 
the  Mother  Country,  the  fur  trade  is  all  but  extinguished,  and  the  business 
of  the  Company  in  these  districts  is  nearly  or  quite  a  general  custom  trade. 
The  Company  has  steam  grist  and  saw  mills  in  all  these  latter  districts.  Grain 
and  other  .  n  produce  are  purchased  largely  from  the  aurroiniding  farming 
population,  and  they  retail  the  Hour  and  other  country  produce  to  the  in- 
coming settlers  and  others  not  engaged  in  agriculture.  From  this  source 
also  is  the  food  supply  of  their  more  northern  or  fur-bearing  districts  ob- 

The  posts  of  the  Hudson  Bay  Company,  extend  from  Labrador  to  the  fot«t 
of  the  Rocky  Mountains,  from  Lake  Superior  to  James'  Bay,  from  Lake 
Winnipeg  to  Churchill  on  Hudson  Bay,  from  the  njonth  of  the  Saskatchewan 
to  the  Arctic  Ocean,  along  the  whole  extent  of  tho  Peace  River  Valley,  and 
from  the  west  side  of  the  Rocky  Mountains  t\>  the  Pacific  coast.  'Uhere  is 
also  a  lim^  of  posts  from  the  boundaries  of  Manitoba  to  the  valley  of  the 
Qu'Ap\\\le  and  Touchwood  Hills,  besides  extending  south  to  the  American 
bouifH^ry.  Before  the  treaty,  and  when  the  Blackfeet  anil  Crees  were  carry- 
ing on  a  protracted  warfare,  times  Ivore  were  not  always  peaceful  and  quiet, 
and  the  present  fort,  though  not  a  very  old  one,  is  surrounded  by  a  high  and 
strong  wooden  stockade.  Since  the  treaty,  however,  there  has  been  no 
trouble  with  the  India  is  here,  and  everything  has  gone  on  very  smoothly 
and  satisfactorily. 



H.  B.  Company's  Steamer  "  Nokthcote,"  North  Saskatchfavan  Rivek, 
HETWKEN  FoKT  Car:  TON  AND  Phince  Albekt,  Aug.  26. — There  was  not  a 
very  large,  but  decidedly  infiuential  gathering,  of  Indians  assembled  to  meet 
His  Excellency  at  Carlton  this  morning.  The  assembly  was  entirely  of  chiefs 
and  head  men.  The  rank  and  file  being  engaged  in  harvesting,  were  encour- 
aged to  stick  to  it,  and  leave  their  representatives  to  meet  and  covniael  with 
the  (jiovernor-General. 



by  tJie 

After  the  white  men's  address  had  been  delivered  and  Hia  Excollonoy  lia<l 
replied,  Mistavvassis  (Big  Cliild),  one  of  the  oldest  and  moat  powerful  chiefs 
of  the  Cree  nation,  apoko  sou.ething  ?.8  follows  : — 

*'  I  am  glad  that  God  has  ptrmitted  me  to  meet  the  Governor.  I  feel  flat- 
tered that  it  was  a  Governor  i/ho  put  this  medal  on  my  neck.  1  did  not  put 
it  on  myself.  We  are  the  children  of  the  Great  Mother,  and  we  wish  that 
tlirough  lier  representative,  our  brother-in-law,  she  would  listen  for  a  little 
while  to  our  complaints  and  sympathise  with  our  sullerings.  1  have  no  great 
cnmplaiuts  to  make,  but  1  wish  to  make  just  a  few  remarks  concerning  our 
property.  The  kindness  that  has  been  shown  to  us  is  great,  but  in  our  eyes 
it  is  not  quite  enough  to  put  ua  on  our  feet.  In  days  gone  by  the  buffalo 
was  our  wealth  and  our  strength,  but  he  haa  left  ua.  In  those  d.aya  we  used 
the  horse  with  which  to  chase  the  b\iffalo,  and  when  the  builalo  left  us  we 
thought  we  might  use  the  horse  with  which  to  follow  after  other  gamo,  but 
we  have  lost  many  of  our  ponies  with  the  mange  and  we  have  had  to  sell 
(Uhers,  and  when  1  look  around  me  and  see  that  the  buffaloes  are  gone  and 
that  our  ponies  ai'e  no  longer  left  to  ua,  I  think  I  and  my  people  are  poor  in- 
deed. The  white  maa  knows  whence  his  strength  comes,  and  we  know  wliere 
we  require  more  strength.  The  strength  to  harvest  the  crop  is  in  animals 
and  implements,  and  we  have  not  enough  of  these.  If  our  crops  should  be 
enough  to  keep  us  alive  we  would  not  have  the  means  with  which  to  harvest 
them.  We  would  very  much  like  more  working  cattle  and  more  farming  im- 
plements. I  would  beg  also  that  if  possible  a  grist  mill  should  bo  put  up 
somewhere  within  our  reach,  so  that  we  can  have  our  wheat  ground  into  flour 
and  our  other  crops  ground.  I  do  not  speak  for  myself,  but  those  poor  people 
behind  me.  (Loud  grunts  of  applause  and  approval.)  1  am  very  thankful  that  1 
am  able  to  see  the  Governor-General  in  my  old  days.  Ho  haa  come  juat  in 
time  that  I  may  see  him  before  £  die.  Many  a  time  have  1  been  in  terrible 
straights  for  food  for  myself  and  my  people,  but  I  have  never  yet  been  angry 
about  it,  for  1  knew  the  Indian  Agent  was  a  good  friend  to  us,  and  that  ho 
alwivys  acted  on  the  instructiona  left  for  him,  which  he  was  bound  to  obey. 
Often  have  I  been  sorely  perplexed  and  miserable  at  seeing  my  people  starving 
and  shrunken  in  Hesh  till  they  were  so  weak  that  with  the  tirat  cold  striking 
them  they  would  fall  oS  their  feet,  and  then  nothing  would  save  them.  Wo 
want  teachers  to  instruct  and  educate  our  children  ;  wo  want  guns  and  traps 
and  neta  to  help  ua  to  get  ready  for  the  winter.  Wo  try  to  do  all  that  the 
farm  instructor  has  told  ua,  and  wo  are  doing  the  beat  wo  can,  but,  as  I  said 
before,  we  want  farming  implemonta.  I  do  not  speak  for  myaelf,  aa  I  am 
getting  old,  and  it  does  n^t  much  matter  for  me,  but  I  speak  for  my  people 
and  for  my  children  and  grandchildren,  who  must  starve  if  they  do  not  re- 
ceive the  help  that  they  so  much  need." 

The  remarks  of  Mistawassis  were  received  with  loud  applause.  He  is  one 
of  the  oldest  and  most  powerful  chiefs  of  tho  great  Oreo  nation.  Though 
small  in  stature  he  was  a  groat  man  among  them  in  the  old  days  when  they 
were  at  war  with  the  IMackfeet,  and  now  .ince  tho  treaty  hia  counael  has 
: II  ire  weight  with  hia  poop  e  than  that  of  any  other  man.     He  is  no  longer 





u,  8av<age,  and  makes  no  display  of  scalps,  feathers,  or  ornaments  of  sava^^eiy. 
He  is  a  devout  Presbyterian,  and  those  who  know  him  best  say  that  he  is  a 
thoroughly  consciuutions  and  pure-minded  man.  After  Mistawassis  had 
finished,  "  Atakoop  "  (Star  Blanket),  spake  at  some  length,  but  his  speech 
was  in  all  respects  a  nuch  inferior  effort  to  that  of  "  Big  Child,"  and  then 
several  others  followed,  and  altogether  the  pow-wow  was  kept  up  for  a  long 

His  Excellency  told  them  in  reply  that  the  Great  Mother  had  many  white 
children  who  were  very  poor,  some  of  whom  thought  she  was  giving  to  the 
red  man  more  than  their  share.  She  would  gladly  give  them  all  that  they 
needed,  but  she  had  so  many  poor  children  who  needed  assistance  that  she 
could  not  always  do  as  much- for  them  as  she  would  wish  to.  He  had  noticed, 
however,  that  some  of  their  requests  contained  certain  practical  suggestions, 
and  he  would  endeavour  to  see  if  some  assistance  could  not  be  given  them  in 
that  particular  direction.  His  Excellency  then  presented  Big  Child  and  Star 
Blanket  with  beautiful  silver  medals  with  medallion  busts  of  the  Princess 
and  himself.  One  of  che  richest  and  most  gorgeous  Indian  dresses  I  have 
ever  seen  was  worn  by  the  great  Sioux  Chief  White  Cap.  He  wore  a  beauti- 
ful snow-white  tunic  of  fine  caribou  skin,  richly  ornamented  with  porcupine 
quills,  coloured  silk,  and  bead  work.  From  his  shoulders  hung  some  twenty 
or  thirty  scalps  taken  in  the  horrible  Minnesota  massacre. 


We  are  now  getting  far  enough  from  Winnipeg  so  that  the  increase  in  the 
cost  of  staple  articles  is  very  noticeable.  To-day  I  bought  hard  tack  at  thirty- 
seven  and  a  half  cents  per  pound  ;  the  same  article  sells  in  Winnipeg  at  seven 
cents  per  pound.  Oafs  are  unobtainable  in  Carlton,  and  this  reminds  me  uf 
the  fact  that  I  have  at  last  succeeded  in  disposing  of  my  mares  and  replacing 
them  with  "  native  ponies,"  as  they  are  called  in  Winnipeg  ;  "  Shaganappies," 
as  they  are  called  at  Fort  Ellice  ;  and  "  Kyuses,"  as  they  are  called  at 
Qu'Appelle  and  westward.  Though  I  was  forced  to  pay  more  boot  money  than 
I  thought  the  real  difference  in  the  price  of  the  ponies  and  my  mares,  I  da 
not  know  that  the  bargain  is  a  V6ry  bad  one.  1  get  four  animals  for  two, 
and  fresh  ponies  for  tired  horses.  As  my  ponies  are  doubtless  destined  to 
play  an  important  part  in  the  drama  of  my  journeyings  through  the  North- 
West,  the  reader  will  permit  me  to  introduce  them  to  him  before  I  go  any 
farther  with  my  journal. 

"  Bianshi  "  is  a  four  year  old  filly  about  thirteen  and  a  half  hands  high, 
deep  through  the  heart,  with  a  large  well  rounded  barrel  and  massive  finely 
moulded  quarters,  having  hocks  and  stifles  remarkably  well  let  down.  Though 
her  hocks  are  uncommonly  clean  and  well  formed  (being  entirely  free  from 
any  predisposition  to  curb)  her  hind  legs  are  exceptionally  crooked  looking 
almost  like  those  of  a  rabbit.  She  h  a  light  fawn  colour  (neither  buckskin 
nor  cream)  has  broad  blaze,  four  white  stockings,  and  odd  looking  pinto 
markings  along  her  gascons,  flanks  and  lower  jaw.  She  is  very  sprighly  in 
disposition  and  promises  to  be  an  excellent  driver.     Her  maie,  "  Touchwood," 



ia  perliaps  half  an  inch  teller  but  not  so  stout.  He  is  a  dark  bay  with  twu 
white  fetlocks,  and  a  sh.r  and  snip.  Ho  too  is  very  spirited.  "  Punch  ' 
lacks  about  half  an  inch  of  being  as  tall  as  Blanche,  but  he  has  an  uncom- 
monly long  heavy  barrel,  with  massive  well  rounded  quarters.  He  is  a  rich 
bay  with  a  broad  blaze  and  three  white  stockings.  He  can  travel  at  a  capital 
pace  when  he  likes,  but  he  is  shockingly  lazy.  ^'^ Punch's  mate,  "  Sandy,"  is 
rather  a  large  sized  slabsided  dark  roan  pony,  four  years  old  and  a  pacer.  He 
is  as  lazy  as  Punch,  which  is  saying  a  good  deal  for  him,  and  altogether  I 
like  him  least  of  the  four. 

These  ponies  are  of  western  origin  and  are  wholly  unlike  the  cat-h  amed , 
cow-hocked  starvelings  which  were  shown  me  as  "  Red  River  Ponies  "  in 
Winnipeg.  These  kyuses  have  plenty  of  bone  and  are  in  all  respects  hardy 
active  and  useful  animals. 



-After  the  pow-wow  was  over  to-day  His  Excellency  and  party  took  the 
Hudson  Bay  Company's  steamer  Northcote  to  go  down  the  Saskatchewan 
(whic:  here  flows  north  and  oast)  to  Prince  Albert,  and  in  the  meantime  the 
outfit  was  sent  on  up  the  river  (westward)  to  the  Battleford.  Being  invited 
both  by  Col.  do  Winton  on  behalf  of  His  Excellency,  and  by  Chief  Factor 
Clarke  on  behalf  of  the  Hudson  Bay  Company,  to  make  the  joumej  down 
the  river  per  steamer  Northcote  to  Prince  Albert,  and  afterwards  up  the  river 
to  Battleford  per  steamer  Lily,  I  decided  to  avail  myself  of  the  opportunity 
thus  afforded  of  a  long  journey  on  one  of  the  great  rivers  of  the  North-West , 
and  1  accordingly  started  Peter  and  the  ponies  off  after  the  escort,  while  I 
took  the  steamer  Northcote  with  the  Vice-Regal  party  on  board,  as  well  as  a 
number  of  passengers  bound  for  Winnipeg.  The  steamer  Northcote  is  a  broad, 
flat  bottomed  *•  stern  wheeler,"  about  130  feet  long,  drawing  some  22  inches 
of  water,  and  driven  by  two  horizontal  high-pressure  engines,  the  combined 
power  of  which  is  about  three  hundred  horse.  She  is  of  the  regular  Missis- 
sippi and  Missouri  pattern,  with  forecastle  cut  down  to  the  *'  main  "  or  "  boiler 

The  North  Saskatchewan  is  a  swift  and  in  places  a  rather  shallow  stream, 
full  of  ever-shitting  sand-bars.  In  some  respects  it  ia  very  much  like  the 
Mississippi.  Every  season,  and  indeed  every  month,  the  channel  changes 
more  or  less.  Every  now  and  then  the  steam-boat  channel  near  Carlton  runs 
directly  through  the  spot  where  there  stood  an  island  upon  which,  less  than 
thirty  years  ago,  the  employees  of  the  Hudson  Bay  Company  at  the  fort 
used  to  chop  cordwood.  Indeed,  scarcely  a  seaaon  passei?  in  which  some 
island  does  not  disappear,  while  others  are  every  year  being  called  into  exis- 
tence. This  afternoon  I  noticed  pine  and  spruce  on  the  banks  of  the  river, 
the  first  we  have  seen  for  a  long  time.  There  are  also  some  few  maples  (and 
I  believe,  elms)  to  be  seen  along  this  river.  I  was  shown  a  low-lying  island 
this  evening  upon  which  an  Indian  woman  and  her  family  were  drowned  by 
a  sudden  and  unexpected  rise  in  the  river  while  they  were  engaged  in  making 
sugar.     As  it  is  impossible  to  navigate  this  portion  of  the  river  in  the  niglit, 






■-  ill 

|50     ^^ 



1.25      1.4      1.6 

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(  71* )  172-4303 




the  Northcote  is  tied  up  at  the  bank  to-night,  about  three  hours'  run  above 
(or  south-west  of)  Prince  Albert. 




This  has  been  rather  a  busy  day  for  His  Excellency  and  party.  With  the 
light  of  the  first  grey  dawn  the  Northcote,  was  steaming  rapidly  down  the 
swift  current,  and  reached  Prince  Albert  before  most  of  the  inhabitants  were 
stirring,  as  they  had  remained  up  rather  late  on  Friday  night  expecting  the 
arrival  of  Lord  Lome  and  suite,  but  as  they  were  disappointed  in  that  they 
supposed  he  would  not  leave  Fort  Carlton  till  this  morning.  There  were 
some  few  waiting  on  the  bank  when  the  steamer  arrived,  however,  and 
though  the  rain  began  to  pour  down  in  torrents  there  was  a  large  crowd  col- 
lected very  soon  after  the  Northcote  had  landed.  The  Bishop  of  Saskatchewan 
was  one  of  the  first  to  come  on  board  of  the  steamer  and  welcome  His  Excel- 
lency to  Prince  Albert  as  well  as  in.  ite  the  party  up  to  the  college  under  his 
care  to  luncheon.  The  citizens  of  Prince  Albert  were  soon  out  in  force,  but 
the  rain  was  pouring  down  at  such  a  rate  that  it  was  impossible  to  present 
the  address  on  the  dais  behind  the  beautiful  arch  which  had  been  prepared 
for  His  Excellency's  reception. 

After  the  reading  of  the  address  His  Excellency  made  a  brief  but  appro- 
priate reply,  after  which  the  whole  party  took  carriages  and  drove  down  to 
the  residence  of  the  Bishop  at  the  college,  where  an  address  was  presented. 

His  Excellency  made  an  extemporaneous  reply  in  his  happiest  vein,  after 
which  Chief  Factor  Clarke,  of  the  Hudson  Bay  Company,  on  behalf  of  the 
members  of  the  diocese,  presented  the  Bishop  with  a  purse  of  $300  for  the 
founding  of  a  scholarship  which,  with  His  Excellency's  permission,  was  to  be 
designated  the  "  Louise  "  scholarship.  His  Excellency  assured  the  donors 
that  he  was  sure  Her  Royal  Highness  would  only  be  too  glad  to  have  her 
name  associated  with  so  laudable  a  project,  after  which  the  Bishop  thanked 
him  and  thorn  in  a  few  brief  and  fueling  sentences  and  the  party  adjourned 
to  the  dining-room  and  sat  down  to  an  excellent  luncheon.  After  luncheon 
the  party  were  di  iven  back  to  thu  landing  and  embarked  on  the  Hudson 
Bay  Company's  steamer  L'dyt  bound  up  the  river  for  Carlton  and  Battleford. 

During  our  short  stay  at  Prince  Albert  I  was  enabled  to  collect  a  little  in 
formation  regarding  this,  one  of  the  most  important  and  interesting  settle- 
ments in  the  great  North- West.  This  place  is  the  highest  latitude  we  have 
reached  in  our  trip,  being  nearly  or  quite  700  miles  further  north  tlian 
Toronto,  and  over  1,300  miles  further  west,  making  the  distance  between  the 
two  points  something  over  2,000  nnlos  by  an  air  lino,  but  by  the  route  wo 
liiivo  travollod  the  distance  is,  of  coiirso  cctnsidorably  greater.  The  settle- 
ment, or  rather  tlie  aj^grogation  of  suttlemunta,  included  in  the  Prince  Albert 
District  (extending  from  Fort  Carlton  down  to  the  junction  of  the  north  and 
south  bmuches  of  the  iSaskatohewan)  includes  a  strip  of  territory  about  80 



miles  east  aud  west  by  50  miles  north  and  south.     This  district  contains  a 
white  and  half-breed  population  of  about  3,000  souls.     Here  there  are  about 
10,000  acres  under  crop  and  fully  5,000  acres  newly  broken  this  year,  the  lat- 
ter figure  furnishing  the  reader  with  some  idea  of  the  rapidity  with  which 
settlers  have  been  Hocking  in  within  the  last  year.     The  town  of  Prince  Al- 
bert may  be  designated  as  about  four  miles  long  by  half-a-mile  wide  along  the 
south  bank  of  the  North  Saskatchewan.     The  town  is  situated  on  a  plateau 
considerably  above  high-water  mark  in  the  river,  and  is  bounded  on  the 
south  by  a  narrow  and  shallow  ravine,  beyond  which  rises  another  bench  or 
bluff  to  the  level  of  the  surrounding  prairie,  which  is  considerably  higher 
than  the  plateau  upon  which  the  town  stands.     The  population  of  Prince 
Albert  proper  is  about  800,  but  some  idea  of  its  rapid  growth  may  be  obtained 
from  the  fact  that  there  are  now  nij  less  than  thirty-one  buildings  in  course 
of  erection  in  the  town,  and  many  others  who  are  intending  to  build  are 
merely  waiting  to  secure  the  services  of  carpenters,  which  are  in  great  de- 
mand just  now.     The  buildings  are,  many  of  them,  constructed  on  a  some- 
what novel  principle.     A  strong  frame  of  timbers  is  erected,  of  a  kind  simi- 
lar to  that  used  by  Ontario  farmers  in  building  their  barns,  and  as  soor  as 
the  frame  is  up,  instead  of  being  sheeted  or  studded  and  clapboarded,  the 
spsice  between  the  timbers  are  filled  in  with  logs  carefully  fitted  to- 
gether.    The  "  chinks"  are  then  plastered  in  the  same  manner  as  are  those 
of  a  log  house,  and  the  inner  walls  are  lathed  and  plastered  like  those  of  an 
ordinary  house.-    This  makes  a  very  warm  and  an  extremely  durable  building. 
While  at  luncheon  I  had  the  good  fortune  to  be  placed  beside  Mr.  VVm. 
Miller,  formerly  of  the  county  of  Bruce,  who  has  been  farming  in  this  part 
of  the  North- West  about  eight  years,  aud  from  him  and  others  who  were 
within  talking  distance  I  was  enabled  to  obtain  some  very  moderate,  candid, 
and  wholly  uncoloured  statements  relative  to  the  agricultural  capabilities  of 
this  region.     The  average  product  of  oats,  one  year  with  another,  they  set 
down  at  45  bushels  to  the  acre,  and  the  average  weight  to  the  measured 
bushel  ;^(>  lbs.     The  average  product  of  barley  is  40  bushels  to  the  acre,  which 
is  invariably  fully  tip  to  the  standard  weight.    The  average  crop  of  spring 
wheat  is  from  25  to  30  bushels  to  the  acre,  and  this  would  average  from  01 
to  02  pounds  to  the  nu-asured  bushel.     All  sorts  of  root  crojis  turn  out  mag- 
nificently.       Timotliy  grows  well,  but  of  course   for  n;any  yoars  to  come 
farmers  will  place  most  dependence  on  native  grasses  f(jr  their  fodder,  the 
wild  pea  vino  furnishing  forage  that  is  reckoned  nearly  or  nuite  as  good  for 
horses  and  cattle  as  oats  in  the  straw.      They  hold  that,  nothwithstanding 
the  long  and  sharp  winters,  this  country  is  especially  well  adapted  for  stock- 
raising.     Mr.  Miller  informed  me  that  last  year  his  young  cattle,  though  fed 
hay,  were  not  shelton-d  during  the  winter,  nnc'  yet  they  were  in  capital 
order  in  the  B[)ring.      "  1  have  oftoii  seen,"  said  he,   "  rattle  killed   for  beef 
that  were  much  thinnoi  than  they  were."     IMr.  A»iH<'th  informed  me  that  he 
and  others  had  done  the  same  thing  with  similar  results  for  years  past. 
Sheep,  horses  and  cows  nil  do  well  here,   but  pan  ioa  bringing  in  sheep  from 
the  I'ust  should  bo  careful  to  drive  tlieni  up  from   Manitoba  before  the  wild 





I  •• 


rice  ripens,  as  the  spine-like  bearded  shuck  of  the  rice,  which  grows  in  many- 
places  aTong  the  trail  (though  not  in  this  settlement),  is  liable  to  get  into  the 
wool,  and  work  its  way  through  into  the  flesh,  so  as  to  kill  the  animal. 


A  large  portion  of  the  town  of  Prince  Albert  is  being  built  on  what  is 
known  as  the  Presbyterian  Mission  property,  and  as  the  lots  are  sold  with 
building  conditions,  this  part  of  the  town  is  being  very  rapidly  improved. 
The  settlement  of  Prince  Albert  began  about  fourteen  years  ago  with  the 
Presbyterian  Indian  Mission  of  which  the  late  Mr.  Nesbett  was  the  first 
missionary.  For  fourteen  years  the  Presbyterian  Church  has  maintained 
his  school  and  until  recently  it  has  been  taught  by  the  resident  missionary, 
but  it  is  now  under  the  direction  of  Miss  Baker,  a  lady  holding  iirst-class 
certificates  from  both  Montreal  and  Chicago.  There  are  sixty  names  on  the 
roll,  and  an  average  attendance  of  forty-six.  There  are  four  Presbyterian 
churches  in  the  settlement  to  be  opened  this  autumn,  one  of  these  (the  one 
in  town)  being  built  of  brick  and  heated  by  a  hot  air  furnace.  At  present 
the  Rev.  James  Sieveiight  is  the  home  missionary  now  here,  but  there  are 
two  more  on  the  way  from  Ontario,  one  of  whom  will  assist  Mr.  Sieveright 
here,  and  the  other  will  go  to  Fort  Edmonton.  There  are  also  two  native 
Presbyterian  missionaries  in  the  territory.  One  of  these  is  stationed  at  Fort 
Pelly,  and  the  other  is  on  Mestawassis'  Reserve,  twenty  miles  north  of 


Of  course  a  great  point  is  made  against  this  region  by  citing  cases  where 
the  crops  have  been  damaged  by  early  frosts,  but  I  am  inclined  to  think  tltat 
the  reports  concerning  this  evil  have  been  greatly  exaggerated.  Mr.  Miller 
informed  me  that  though  he  had  been  farming  here  for  eight  years  he  had 
never  lost  any  part  of  his  crop  through  early  frosts.  He  does  all  his  plough- 
ing  and  sows  his  wheat  late  in  the  fall.  In  this  way  the  wheat  does  not  ger- 
minate till  the  following  spring,  but  as  Sdou  as  the  frost  is  out  of  the  surface 
of  the  ground  the  wheat  begins  to  grow  and  is  really  well  on  the  way  before 
it  could  be  put  in  the  ground  under  the  ordinary  system  of  spring  ploughing. 
Last  year  there  was  a  pretty  sharp  frost  about  the  25th  or  27th  of  August, 
but  Mr.  Miller  sold  his  whole  crop  of  wheat  at  ^1  75  per  bushel. 


Though  there  are  many  things  favourable  to  the  progress  and  growth  of 
Prince  Albert,  it  has,  like  many  another  promising  settlement,  some  very 
serious  drawbacks  which,  though  in  must  cases  <iuite  remediable,  ought  not 
to  (luito  cBoape  the  notice  (4  the  intending  settler.  Freighting  to  this  point 
is  slow  and  expensive  owing  to  the  fact  tliat  there  are  only  twu  steamers  on 
the  Saskatchewan  (both  the  propeiiy  of  the  Hudson  I3ay  Company),  perform- 
ing the  service  between  Grand  Rapids  which  is,  roughly  estimated,  about 
300  miles  (by  the  river)  east  of  this  point  and  Edmonton,  which  is  about  70O 
miles  (by  the  river)  westward.     These  steamers,  so  say  the  Prince  Albert 



people,  have  all  they  can  do  carrying  freight  for  the  Hudson  Bay  Co  ,  and 
the  Government  and  independent  traders  experience  considerable  difficulty 
in  having  their  freight  delivered  with  anything  like  promptitude.  The  prices 
which  have  been  quoted  to  me,  and  which  I  subjoin,  are,  I  fancy,  somewhat 
higher  than  the  real  average,  but  it  iS  evident  that  there  is  room  for  im- 
provement in  the  freighting  facilities  between  Prince  Albert  and  Winnipeg. 
Salt  is  quoted  as  selling  at  975  per  bbl.  :  kerosene  oil  never  less  than  $2  75, 
and  sometimes  as  high  as  98  per  gallon.     Sugar  25c.  per  pound. 

The  steamer  Lily,  on  which  we  are  embarked,  is  of  the  same  pattern  as  the 
Northcote  already  described,  but  of  considerably  am.  Her  dimensions.  She 
is  only  100  feet  lung,  is  Clyde  built,  of  Bessemer  steel,  and  sheeted  outside 
the  plates  with  spruce  planking  on  the  bottom.  On  the  'forecastle  deck  she 
(like  the  Northcote)  carries  huge  spars  and  tackle  for  the  purpose  of  "  walk- 
ing" or  pushing  her  off  a  sand  bar  or  over  a  shoal  when  she  has  run  aground. 
These  huge  spars  give  her  something  the  appearance  of  a  giant  spider  or 
grasshopper  afloat  on  the  river  with  his  legs  drawn  up  ready  to  spring  ashore, 
or  upon  a  bar,  whenever  the  spirit  moves  him  to  do  so.  To-night  we  steamed 
up  the  river  till  dark,  and  then  the  steamer's  prow  was  run  upon  the  bank 
and  her  hawser  was  made  fast  to  a  tree  to  hold  her  till  morning.  The 
weather  is  delightfully  cool  and  fresh  this  evening,  and  there  is  not  a 
mosquito  to  be  heard  or  seen. 





Battlrfokd,  Aug.  30.  — All  day  Sunday  and  yesterday  the  Lilij  was  steam- 
ing a'^ainst  the  swift  current  of  this  noble  river,  her  passengers  greatly  en- 
joying the  beautiful  scenery,  each  bend  in  the  river  opening  up  a  view  that 
seemed  more  charming  than  the  last.  But  it  would  be  impossible  by  any 
pen  pictnrn  to  give  the  reader  an  idea  of  the  wondrous  beauties  of  this  great 
prairie  stream.  Indeed,  I  cannot  but  feel  as  if  a  very  grave  responsibility 
rested  with  me  when  I  reflect  upon  the  nature  of  the  task  that  this  journey 
has  imposed  upon  me.  No  one  who  has  not  visited  this  country  can  have 
the  faintest  conception  of  its  gigantic  extent  and  resources,  and  I  cannot 
hope  in  one  series  of  letters  to  set  it  before  the  reader  in  anything  like  its 
true  colours.  So  little  is  known  and  believed  of  this  country  in  old  Canada 
I  should  fear  that  the  unsupported  testimony  of  <mo  traveller  thron;^h  this 
groat  fertile  wilderness  might  be  set  down  as  the  ravings  of  an  enthusiast. 






That  I  have  not  overstated  the  character  of  the  country  through  which  we 
have  travelled  T  would  ask  the  reader  to  look  for  proof  in  some  of  Lord 
Lome's  replies  to  the  ad'lresses  tltat  have  been  presented  to  him .  His  Excel- 
lency is  no  flippant  talker,  anxious  only  to  make  a  favourable  impression 
upon  those  who  for  the  time  being  ha|^pen  to  be  his  audience,  but  a  very 
earnest  tjiinker  and  worker.  This  is  no  mere  holiday  pleasure  trip  so  far  as 
he  and  his  party  are  concerned,  but  a  careful  "  voyage  of  discovery  and  ia- 
vestigation,"  if  I  might  so  use  the  term.  He  himself  and  all  those  with  him 
are  hard  at  work,  and  everything — pleasure,  and  even  comfort — are  made 
subservient  to  the  real  business  of  the  journey,  the  thorough  investigation  of 
the  character  and  resources  of  the  country,  and  the  condition,  wants  and 
necessities  of  its  inhabitants  both  white  and  red. 

The  journey  up  the  north  Saskatchewan  has  been  in  every  respect  a  de- 
lightful one.  The  broad,  swift  river  winding  tiirough  park-like  ocenery 
of  surpassing  loveliness  is  ever  unfolding  pictures  whose  wondrous  beauty 
no  pen  could  describe.  From  the  roseate  misty  sunrise  to  the  mo- 
ment when  a  glorious  August  sun  sinks  to  rest  in  his  couch  in  the  west  that 
is  fringed  with  golden  prairie  grass  and  curtained  with  amber  and  crimson 
and  purple,  the  eye  never  tires  of  the  grand  panorama. 

From  Prince  Albert  to  Battleford  the  river  is  bordered  on  either  side  with 
rich  prairie  land.  The  bottoms  in  the  valley  of  the  river,  wliic}i  are  for  the 
most  part  rather  narrow,  and  the  numerous  islands  in  the  stream,  are  well 
wooded,  but  on  the  "  benches"  or  uplands  the  character  of  the  prairie  ap- 
pears to  be  mucli  the  same  as  that  through  which  we  have  already  passed. 
Yesterday  the  steamer  was  run  up  to  the  bank  to  allow  the  travellers  to  go 
ashore  and  inspect  the  curious  lot  of  caves  and  subterranean  passages  that 
appear  to  have  at  some  time  or  another  been  burrowed  in  the  north  bank. 
These  holes  in  the  bank  are  not  unlike  what  might  have  been  made  by  a  col- 
ony of  badgers,  except  that  they  are  largo  enough  to  permit  a  man  to  crawl 
through  the  greater  part  of  the  system,  all  being  connected  so  as  to  form  8 
subterranean  passages  extending  more  than  a  hundred  feet  inland,  where  they 
connect  with  a  number  of  vertical  holes  opening  to  the  surface  of  tlve  prairie! 
Col.  De  Wintc'i  and  Capt.  Bagot  made  some  rather  extensive  subterranean 
explorations  here,  but  failed  to  discover  anything  that  would  throw  light  uj)- 
on  the  primary  cause  of  this  curious  phenomenon.  While  examining  the  clay 
on  the  face  of  the  bank,  which  is  broken  oft'  so  as  to  present  a  sheer  descent 
of  some  twenty  or  thirty  feet.  His  Excellency  discovered  a  large  tooth  which 
might  pass  for  that  of  a  buffalo,  except  that  it  was  embedded  in  the  solid 
clay  some  twelve  or  fifteen  feet  below  the  surface.  Another  of  the  party 
found  a  piece  of  a  rib  about  eight  or  ten  inches  long  and  some  three-quarters 
of  an  inch  wide  buried  for  almost  its  whole  length  in  the  dry  clay.  This  latter 
discovery  was  twenty-tive  or  thirty  feet  west  of  the  spot  where  His  Excellency 
found  the  tooth  and  about  eight  foot  below  the  surface.  Other  pieces  of  rib 
wore  also  found  lying  loose  in  the  clay  which  had  fallen  off  and  was  lying 
about  the  base  of  the  embankment.  Both  the  tooth  and  pieces  of  bone  were 
so  friable  that  it  was  with  difliculty  they  were  prevented  from  crumbling  to 
pieces  on  being  handled. 





Early  this  morning  the  white  walls  of  the  Gcverment  House  of  the  North 
West  Territories  were  to  be  seen  from  the  deck  of  the  Lihj,  but  it  was  still 
ten  miles  distant  and  breakfast  was  over  before  the  steamer  had  reached 
her  landing.  Governor  Laird  was  waiting  on  the  bank  with  a  handsome 
Brett  and  pair  to  convey  His  Excellency  to  Government  House.  Carriages 
for  other  members  of  the  party  and  an  escort  of  Mounted  Police  were  also 
in  waiting.  All  the  travellers  were  at  once  lodged  comfortably  at  Govern- 
ment House  and  with  Col.  Richardson,  Stipendiary  Magistate,  and  Mr.  For- 
get, Secretary  of  State. 

In  the  afternoon  a  large  number  of  the  leading  citizens  of  Battleford  as- 
sembled in  the  Chamber  of  the  North- West  Council  at  Government  House, 
when  Mr.  Young,  one  of  the  leading  merchants,  presented  an  address  of 

After  the  addrnss  and  the  reply  His  Excellency  and  party  adjourned  to  the 
private  part  of  Government  House,  and  taking  seats  on  the  verandah  awaited 
the  arrival  of  the  Indians  who,  as  is  too  often  the  case,  made  numerous  com- 
plaints about  their  extreme  poverty,  coupled  with  some  extraordinary  re- 
quests. The  great  trouble  with  all  these  Indians  who  are  attempting  to  farm 
is  that  they  have  neither  enough  of  working  oxen  nor  farming  implements  on 
their  reserves  to  enable  them  to  carry  on  their  operations  profitably. 

Battleford,  Aug  31 . — My  journal  yesterday  closed  with  a  very  brief  notice 
of  the  Indian  pow-wow,  which  was  very  much  like  all  the  others  that  have 
been  held  along  the  line  of  travel  taken  by  His  Excellency.  I  do  not  mean 
to  say  that  there  are  not  some  important  sides  of  the  Indian  question 
brought  out  at  these  pow-wows,  and  I  shall,  when  I  have  had  a  little  more 
time  to  observe,  have  something  to  say  upon  what  strikes  me  as  important 
features  of  the  Indian  question  ;  but  the  average  chief  embodies  so  much  ut- 
terly uninteresting  verbose  nonsense  in  the  introduction  to  his  speech  that 
it  is  very  tedious  to  listen  to  the  interpreter  wading  through  it.  Yesterday 
afternoon  and  to-day  I  have  spent  a  considerable  time  in  riding  and  walking 
about  for  the  purpose  of  learning  as  much  as  I  could  about  Battleford. 

This  place  is  certainly  one  of  the  most  beautiful  and  picturesque  in  the 
North-West,  and  if  ever  there  was  a  spot  which  nature  intended  for  the  site 
of  a  city  it  is  Battleford.  The  steamboat  landing  on  the  Saskatchewan  is 
two  or  three  miles  west  of  where  Battle  River  falls  into  the  larger  stream, 
but  for  a  long  way  (several  miles  at  least  above  this)  the  general  direction 
oi  the  two  streams  is  parallel,  though  the  strip  of  land  between  them  is  sel- 
dom above  two  miles  and  a  h^lf ,  and  in  places  loss  than  three-quarters  of  a 
mile  wide.  This  strip  of  land  between  the  two  rivets  consists  of  a  beautiful 
plateau  of  fine,  smooth  upland  prairie.  Its  highest  portion  is  along  its  centre, 
midway  between  the  two  streams,  and  it  slopes  away  gently  toward  each. 
The  lowest  portion  of  this  plateau  is  fifteen  or  twenty  feet  above  the  narrow 
strips  of  bottom  land  along  both  rivers,  which  latter  in  times  of  spring  floods 
are  sometimos  partially  submerged.     On  the  other  hand  the  highest  portion 






.  I 





of  this  plateau  (which  the  reader  will  have  already  identified  as  the  site  of 
the  future  city  of  Battleford)  is  considerably  lower  than  the  level  of  the  prairie 
bluffs  which  rise  beyond  the  Saskatchewan  on  the  north  and  Battle  River  on 
the  south.  Here«s  a  spot  which  would  be  easily  drained  by  sewers  falling 
each  way  from  the  central  ridge  ;  the  whole  outer  boundary  would  be  river 
frontage,  at  which  the  Saskatchewan  steamers  coiild  land  at  nearly  all  times, 
while  the  smaller  craft  which  would  be  required  to  navigate  Battle  River  could 
perform  the  service  from  the  forks  when  the  larger  steamers  could  not  ascend 
on  the  south  side  of  the  peninsula  with  safety.  With  a  city  located  on  this 
peninsular  plateau  (which  is  now  only  occupied  by  the  barracks  of  the 
Mounted  Police),  the  south  bank  of  Battle  River  and  the  north  bank  of  the 
Saskatchewan  (about  four  miles  apart)  would  afford  the  most  charming  situa- 
ations  for  villa  and  suburban  residences.  Of  course,  it  may  appear  somewhat 
premature  to  be  talking  about  suburban  residences  in  a  locality  where  the 
lands  are  not  in  the  market,  nor  even  surveyed,  but  there  will  be  many  pros- 
perous cities  in  this  great  North- West  in  the  near  future,  and  certainly  Battle- 
ford  appears  to  be  about  as  favourably  located  for  a  great  trading  centre  as 
any  point  I  have  yet  seen. 

Regarding  the  country  in  the  immediate  vicinity  of  Battleford,  I  am  quite 
aware  that  what  I  have  to  s^  flatly  contradicts  what  appears  to  me  to  be  the 
general  impression  concerning  it.  Before  coming  here  I  was  told  that  Battle- 
ford was  in  the  midst  of  a  sterile,  dreary  waste  of  sand,  but  I  wish  we  had  a 
few  hundred  square  miles  of  just  such  dreary  wastes  of  sand  in  Ontario  and 
Quebec,  The  soil  is  not  the  deep,  black  loam  which  I  have  seen  in  some 
other  portions  of  the  North-Weat,  but  at  the  same  time,  that  it  is  not  unpro- 
ductive 1  shall  presently  produce  abundant  proof.  It  is  a  rich  and  very 
friable  soil,  in  which  there  is  unquestionably  some  sand,  but  for  all  that  it  is 
deep,  strong,  warm,  and  extremely  productive,  i  should  have  stated  before 
that  the  few  houses  (beyond  the  houses  of  Government  officials,  which  are  on 
the  crest  of  the  beautiful  high  bluff  south  of  Battle  River)  are  located  on  a 
rather  narrow  strip  of  bottom  land  south  of  the  smaller  stream,  and  the  pla- 
teau to  which  I  have  already  referred  is  the  site  of  the  future  city. 

nature's  bounteous  profusion. 

The  first  crop  that  I  noticed  was  in  the  garden  of  Mr.  P.  O.  Laurie,  edi- 
tor and  proprietor  of  the  Saskatchewan  Herald.  Here  I  saw  beautiful  flowers, 
such  as  parsies,  pinka,  etc.,  growing  luxuriantly  and  blooming  in  the  richest 
profusion.  Native  black  currants  had  grown  and  matured  to  the  size  of  large 
cherries,  while  there  were  to  be  seen  some  of  the  largest  and  finest  cabbages, 
cauliflowers  and  turnip!  that  I  have  ever  seen,  and  in  saying  this  I  do  not  ex- 
clude from  the  comparison  anything  that  I  have  seen  shown  at  Provincial 
and  State  Fairs  in  Canada  and  the  United  States.  I  had  been  told  of  the 
short  seasons,  backward  springs,  early  frosts,  and  all  that  sort  of  thing,  in 
this  region,  and  so  I  enquired  to  what  extent  Mr.  Laurie  had  started  his  pro- 
ducts indoors  or  under  glass.  The  Ontario  gardener  will  perhaps  appreciate 
my  surprise  when  he  informed  me  that  he  had  not  spouted  a  seed  indoors  iwr 



te  of 
ir  on 

under  glass.  ]  Iven  these  splendid  cauliflowers  and  cabbagud  had  been  grown 
from  the.  aetd  in  the  open  air.  Mr.  Laurie's  turnips,  potatoes,  carrots,  and 
other  roots  were  all  proportionately  good,  and,  though  I  did  not  inspect  other 
gardens  as  closely,  I  have  good  reasons  to  believe  that  the  gardens  in  the  up- 
lands are  equally  good.  The  people  of  Battlefoid  have  been  using  cauliflowers 
for  a  month  past,  and  commenced  using  new  potatoes  and  green  peas  on  the 
first  of  July. 

One  of  the  first  farms  I  visited  was  that  .of  Mr.  Forget,  and  here  I  saw 
fields  of  wheat  and  oats  far  above  the  average  of  what  one  finds  in  the  most 
prosperous  sections  of  Old  Canada. 

On  the  farm  of  the  MoFarlane  Bros.,  only  a  few  miles  from  the  village,  I 
saw  a  field  of  standing  oats  that  will  certainly  yield  fifty-five  bushels  to  the 
acre,  while  some  who  are  much  better  qualified  to  judge  than  I  am  say  that 
it  will  in  all  probability  give  a  crop  this  season  which  will  go  not  less  than 
sixty  bushels  to  the  acre.  Last  year  the  same  field  yielded  a  crop  of  fifty- 
seven  bushels  of  oats  to  the  acre,  and  every  one  who  has  seen  the  two  crops 
says  that  this  season's  crop  looks  considerably  better  standing  than  did  last 
year's.  Oats  here  are  particularly  plump,  and  all  through  this  region  I  am 
told  that  the  oats  weigh  from  thirty-six  to  thirty-eight  pounds,  and  often  as 
"high  as  forty  pounds,  to  the  measured  bushel.  Spring  wheat  yields  from 
thirty-five  to  40  bushels  to  the  acre,  and  the  field  that  I  saw  on  the  Messrs. 
McFarlane's  farm,  as  that  on  Mr.  Forget's,  would  yield  very  little,  if 
any,  below  the  last-mentioned  figure,  and  it  must  be  remembered  that  Mr. 
Forget's  wheat  was  sown  upon  newly-broken  sod.  The  wheat  here  is  also 
remarkably  well-filled  and  plump,  good  samples  weighing  sixty-four  pounds 
and  over  to  the  measured  bushel.     The  wheat  here  was  sown  in  the  Spring. 

The  Messrs.  McFarlano  have  but  thirty-five  acres  under  crop,  though  they 
have  been  farming  here  for  five  years.  In  fact  grain  groving  is  not  the  pri- 
mary object  they  have  in  view,  They  commenced  with  about  $500  capital, 
and  they  are  working  themselves  slowly  into  the  business  of  horse  ranching. 
So  far  they  have  made  it  pay  very  well,  but,  of  course,  their  operations  are 
very  limited.  They  have  now  on  hand  thirty  head  of  horses,  ponies,  mares 
and  colts,  and  sixteen  head  of  horned  cattle.  As  I  shall  have  occasion  later 
on  to  have  something  to  say  concerning  horse-breeding  in  the  North- West,  I 
shall  for  the  present  drop  the  subject  with  the  mere  mention  of  the  McFar- 
lane  Bros.'  operations  in  this  direction. 

Another  farmer  with  whom  I  had  some  conversation  here,  was  Mr.  Finlay- 
son,  formerly  of  Glencoe,  Ontario,  and  who,  prior  to  settling  here,  served  in 
the  Mounted  Police  Force.  He  came  to  this  country  with  little  or  nothing, 
but  now  has  seventy-two  acres  under  crop,  and  has  broken  thirty  acres  more 
this  season.  In  the  spring  of  1880  he  ploughed  the  first  furrow  in  his  farm. 
Last  year  (1880)  cropping  ofi"  sod  broken  that  same  spring,  his  wheat  yielded 
twenty  bushels  to  the  acre,  and  his  oats  thirty-eight  bushels  to  the  acre.  His 
•crops  of  wheat  this  year  will  be  from  thirty  to  thirty-five  bushels  to  the  acre, 
while  hh  oats  will  yield  fully  fifty  bushels  to  the  acre.  He  has  now  five  head 
of  cattle  and  five  horses. 

i  ' 





"  / 


,  A/' 


Begarding  the  climate  here,  all  agree  that  the  winters  are  extremolj 
cold,  but  every  one  with  whom  I  have  conversed  who  has  wintered  here  says 
that  the  cold  is  not  by  any  means  so  disagreeable  or  unendurable  as  the  read- 
ings of  the  thermometer  would  indicate.  In  the  winter  of  1878-9  Mr.  Fin- 
layson  was  delivering  wood  at  the  Montreal  Police  barracks  here,  and  was 
driving  for  miles  across  the  prairie  every  day,  and  yet  during  that  whole  win- 
ter he  only  lost  one  day  and  a  .half  on  account  of  bad  weather.  That  same 
season  he  was  ploughing  on  the  2nd  of  April.  Spring  ploughing  usually 
commences  here  from  the  Ist  to  the  15th  of  April.  The  average  yield  of 
barley  here  last  year  was  forty  bushels  to  the  acre,  and  the  crop  promises 
to  be  equally  good  if  not  better  this  year. 

The  Messrs.  McFarlane,  who  as  I  have  already  stated,  make  a  business 
of  raising  horses,  tell  me  that  their  ponies  run  out  and  pick  their  living 
all  winter,  and  they  come  out  in  tine  order  in  the  spring.  They  only  stable 
them  about  three  days  before  commencing  spring  work. 

As  yet  I  believe  no  sheep  have  been  brought  to  Battleford. 

His  Excellency's  stay  in  Battleford  comes  to  a  close  to-morrow  morning, 
when,  with  about  fifty  fresh  horses  and  twenty-five  of  those  brouglit  from 
Qu'Appelle,  he  sets  out  in  a  south-westerly  course  across  the  prairies  for 
Fort  Calgary.  This  afternoon  he  visited  the.  <  extensive  and  commodious 
barracks  of  the  Mounted  Police  here,  and  this,  evening,  as  last  evening, 
meets  a  number  of  the  Battleford  people  at  dinner  at  the  Government 
House,  where  Governor  Laird  has  been  sparing  no  pains  to  make  his  stay 
in  Battleford,  as  well  as  that  of  the  whole  party,  as  enjoyable  as  possible. 
Indeed  the  people  of  Battleford  have  all  been  extremely  courteous  and 
hospitable  in  their  treatment  of  the  visitors,  and  it  is  safe  to  say  that  not 
one  of  the  party  w  ill  go  away  without  the  pleasantest  recollections  of  their 
stay  here.  This  afternoon  Mr.  Sidney  Hall  (who,  by  the  way,  is  a  most 
industrious  worker)  made  a  sketch  of  a  charming  little  bit  of  scenery  on 
the  Battle  River  from  the  luwn  in  front  of  Mr.  Forget'.s  cottage. 





On  THE  Plains  West  of  Battleford,  en  rouie  to  Fort  Calgary,  Sept.  !► 
— The  Vice-Regal  party  got  away  long  ahead  of  me,  owing  to  the  fact  that 
my  ponies  had  gone  astray.     My  chances  of  picking  them  up  seemed  very 




slim,  my  start  from  Battleford  being  nearly  half  a  day  behind  that  of  His 
Excellency,  who,  I  ought  to  have  stated  before,  drove  out  from  the  city  with 
Governor  Laird,  in  the  latter's  carriage,  it  being  the  Lieutenant-Governor's 
intention  to  accompany  his  distinguished  guest  a  short  distance  on  the  way. 
Having  at  last  got  oflf  we  bowled  along  at  a  rapid  rate  for  about  three  hours, 
when  we  reached  the  foot  of  a  low  pass  through  the  hills,  where,  in  a  deep 
valley,  shut  in  by  bare  rounded  knolls  or  mounds  some  two  hundred  feet  high, 
I  iound  His  Excellency's  midday  camp.     This  point  is  probably  about  ten 
miles  south- west  of  Battleford.  The  first  three  miles  of  the  trip  were  among 
poplar  bluffs,  which  appear  to  be  growing  in  light,  friable,  but  very  rich  and 
productive  soil.     I  formed   my  opinion  as  to  the  richness  of  the  region 
from  the  character  of  luxuriant  grass  and  vigorous  growth  of  furze,  prairie 
roses,  and  young  poplars,  rather  than  from  the  appearance  of  the  soil  itself, 
which  looked  rather  more  sandy  than  one  would  expect  to  find  it  if  he  judged 
by  the  character  of  its  products,  all  of  which  were  very  healthy  and  vigorous. 
After  passing  out  of  the  region  of   poplar  clumps  the  trail  leads  through 
fine  open  prairie  growing  rich  grasses  of  various  sorts,  and  this  continues 
Tip  to    ie  valley  already  mentioned,  through  which  a  rather  sluggish  little 
stream  of  a  slightly  alkaline  taste  flows.      We  made  rather  slow  progress 
through  what  I  supposed  to  be  a  portion  of  the  low  range  known  as  the 
"  Eagle  Hills,"  and  before  we  had  particularly  noticed  the  character  of  the 
change,  suddenly  found   ourselves  some  miles   out  on  a  great   stretch  of 
prairie  without  as  much  as  a  tuft  of  wolf  willows  in  sight.  The  situation  was 
fast   becoming   interesting.     We  were   making  our  way  out  over  a  great 
plain  which,  for  aught  we  knew,  might  be  a  hundred  miles  in  breadth.     The 
sun  was  down  and  the  young  moon  promised  only  a  small  supplement  to 
the  light  of  the  fading  day  by  which  we  were  to  pursue  our  journey.     The 
trail  too  was  only  a  dim  one  at  best,  over  the  sun-dried  surface  of  the  unbro- 
ken prairie,  and  for  the  last  mile  or  two  we  had  not  seen  a  slough  that  was 
not  strongly  suggestive  of  alkali.      To  camp  within  reach  of  one  of  these 
might  nearly  or  quite  ruin  my  ponies,  and  leave  us  helpless  on  the  prairie, 
so  that  no  choice  was  left  us  but  to  push  on  and,  if  possible,  reach  His  Ex- 
cellency's party  before  camping.  We  halted,  and  just  as  the  last  rays  of  day- 
light were  fading  in  the  Avest,  we  turned  the  ponies  out  for  a  short  feed  and 
rest  preparatory  to  our  final  "  hitch,"  which  was  to  be  driven  by  moonlight. 
Already  the  west  wind  was  piping  shrilly  through  the  dry  grass  on  the  great 
plain,  out  of  which  rose  away  to  the  southward  the  dark  outline  of  low  ridges 
like  the  backs  of  sleeping  monsters  of  a  pre-historic  age.     In  the  west  still 
hung  a  streak  of  pale,  straw-coloured  light,  where  but  a  few  moments  before 
the  sky  was  all  aglow  with  orange  and  amber,  anjj  in  the  south,  in  a  sky  of 
unclouded  blue,  hung  the  silver  crescent  that  was  to  light  us  on  our  way.  The 
night  wind  was  keen  and  frosty,  and  as  it  went  sweeping  over  us  the  ponies 
huddled  closely  together,  as  if  they,  too,  felt  the  oppressive  loneliness  of  the 

Peter  soon  had  Blanche  and  Touchwood  in  harness,  and  b\ittoning  my 
overcoat  closely  under  my  chin  I  once  more  mounted  the  waggon,  and  we 



;  J 









,  ■■^/ 

were  off  again.  I  had  now  been  without  sleep  for  thirty-six  houn,  and  I  waft 
-suddenly  so  overcome  with  drowsiness  that  I  came  near  falling  out  of  the 
waggon.  Peter,  fearing  that  I  might  do  so,  suggested  that  we  should  camp 
at  once,  but  I  hit  upon  a  plan  for  obviating  the  necessity  of  a  stop  on  my 
account.  I  took  one  of  the  ponies'  leather  circingles,  and,  passing  it  around 
my  waist,  buckled  it  to  one  of  the  ropes  that  held  the  load  together,  and  in 
this  way  managed  to  ride  on  in  safety,  though  I  frequently  found  myself 
falling  asleep  and  lurching  heavily  against  the  strap.  As  the  moon  sank  low 
in  the  west  the  ponies  had  considerable  difficulty  in  following  the  dim  trail 
and  keeping  out  of  the  treacherous  badger  holes  with  which  almost  every 
little  prairie  knoll  is  absolutely  honeycombed.  After  the  moon  was  very  low 
we  drove  through  one  frightfully  rough  slough,  in  which  the  ponies  had  to 
divide  their  energies  between  plunging  through  the  water  and  stiff  clay  and 
clambering  over  the  huge  boulders,  that  in  the  darkness  appeared  to  be  half 
as  high  as  themselves.  We  then  found  ourselves  upon  what  in  the  night  ap- 
peared to  be  a  broad,  level  plain,  and  for  some  little  time  they  jogged  along 
briskly  till  just  as  the  moon  had  dipped  her  lower  horn  below  the  sharply 
defined  horizon  a  dark  object  loomed  up  on  the  left  which  I  at  first  took  for 
fiome  portion  of  the  long  looked  for  camp. 

As  I  ueared  it,  however,  I  became  convinced  that  I  was  mistaken,  but  I 
was  still  quite  at  a  loss  to  make  out  what  it  really  was.  It  looked  a  huge 
shadow  of  intense  blackness  rising  between  us  and  the  setting  moon.  The 
light  of  the  level  moon  rays  had  left  the  prairie,  but  it  fell  full  upon  the 
opposite  side  of  this  strange  object,  casting  a  narrow,  phosphorescent  border 
of  ghastly  white  upon  its  sharply  outlined  profile.  It  took  the  form  of  a 
huge  block  or  pedestal,  with  a  lion  of  gigantic  size  crouching  upon  it.  The 
strange  weird  effect  of  the  fading  moonlight,  the  utter  loneliness  of  the  place, 
and  my  own  nervous  though  drowsy  condition  I  have  no  doubt  strengthened 
and  intensided  the  illusion,  but  whether  it  be  the  ruins  of  some  trader's 
shanties,  or  a  huge  rock,  I  shall  not  soon  forget  the  singular  impression  its 
sudden  appearance  upon  the  prairie  made  upon  me  to-night. 

A  few  minutes  later  and  the  moon  was  below  the  horizon,  and  though  there 
was  an  unusually  bright  aurora  I  found  it  impossible  to  follow  the  trail  any 
further,  and  so  I  made  my  first  night  camp  out  of  Battleford  without  wood 
or  water.  Not  certain  but  that  we  were  already  a  long  way  off  the  trail  we 
pitched  the  tent  directly  behind  the  waggon,  and  as  soon  as  this  was  done  I 
lighted  a  candle  and  examining  the  ground  inside  of  it  found  that  we  were 
following  a  fairly-defined  trail.  '      i  •. 


The  night  is  very  cold  even  inside  the  tent.  I  am  writing  my  journal  with 
buckskin  gloves  on  my  hands.  I  must  confess  that  my  position  is  not  alto- 
gether a  very  comfortable  one .  1  am  on  an  open  prairie  which  very  few, 
even  of  the  best  informed  guides,  know  anytV  »ng  about,  and  which  my  guide 
never  saw  before.  I  have  at  most  not  more  than  two  weeks'  provisions  with 
me.     In  the  morning  1  shall  have  to  follow  on  after  the  Vice -Regal  party 




with  on?    their  waggon  tracks  as  a  guide,  for  this  ia  the  first  time  this  route 
from  Battleford  to  Fort  Calgary  has  ever  been  taken. 


•     BAD    SLOUGH— THE     "  ALKALI  "     SCARE   LNFOUNUED— KF.EN    FROST    ON    THE     PLAINS  — 



In  Camp,  en  route  from  Battleford  to  Fort  Calgary,  Sept.  2.— On  turning 
out  this  morning,  I  discovered  that  there  had  been  a  very  perceptible  frost 
the  night  before.  It  was  cheerless  work  sitting  down  to  hard  tack  s,nd  a  little 
cold  water  that  had  been  accidentally  left  in  my  lime  juice  jar  evei  since  the 
25th  of  August.  There  was  no  help  for  it,  however,  as  we  had  not  a  stick  of 
wood  nor  enough  water  to  make  a  respectable  cup  of  tea.  A  drive  of  about 
two  hours  brought  us  to  the  spot  where  the  Vice-Regal  party  had  camped  the 
night  before,  and  here  we  had  an  excellent  breakfast,  in  which  some  of  the 
potatoes  and  onions  (with  which  Mr.  Forget,  of  Battleford,  had  kindly  in- 
sisted on  furnishing  me)  played  one  important  part.  After  breakfast,  two 
fresh  ponies  took  us  along  at  such  an  admirable  rate  that  we  found  the  noon- 
day camp  of  the  Governor-Generar?  party  in  time  for  dinner.  This  was  in  a 
deep,  romantic-looking  valley,  in  which  are  a  chain  of  alkali  lakes,  the  largest 
of  which  is  called  Child's  Lake.  It  takes  its  name  from  a  very  pretty  Indian 
legend  which  says  that  at  certain  times  a  number  of  little  children  are  seen 
playing  with  a  dog  on  a  little  island  in  the  lake.  No  grown  person  was  ever 
seen  there,  the  children  were  always  unaccompanied  by  any  one  save  the  dog, 
and  are  so  small  that  their  heads  rise  only  a  little  way  above  the  dog's  back. 
There  i»  capital  duck  shooting  here,  but  this  may  be  said  of  almost  every  lake 
and  slough  in  the  North- West.  Large  hawks  and  owls  are  also  so  very 
plentiful  and  bold  that  the  shooting  of  them  can  hardly  be  considered  sport. 
It  was  a  long  and  tedious  job  for  my  slow  team.  Punch  and  Sandy,  to  climb 
up  out  of  this  beautiful  alkali  valley,  but  before  leaving  it  Peter  loaded 
enough  wood  upon  the  waggon  to  cook  supper  and  breakfast.  This  afternoon 
there  had  been  little  of  interest  to  note.  As  we  travel  westward  it  seems  as 
though  we  were  almost  continually  climbing  to  higher  levels.  To-day  it 
seemed  as  if  we  were  travelling  through  a  succession  of  immense  saucers.  In 
reality,  of  course,  these  "  saucers  "  are  broad  plains,  the  rotundity  of  the 
unbroken  surface  of  the  earth  making  the  horizon  look  considerably  higher 
on  every  side  than  the  point  of  vision,  so  that  one  is  surprised  to  realize  how 
«hort  the  range  of  vision  ia  on  a  bit  of  absolutely  level  prairie.     It  is  only 


- 1 
■  I 







,  '-</' 

wlien  one  has  climbed  to  the  crest  of  an  isolated  mound  or  ridge  that  he  is 
nlile  to  realize  the  vast  extent  of 'these  great  plains.  From  these  eminences 
one  can  look  away  across  a  great  expanse  of  waving  dtm-colourod  grass  till, 
on  the  clearest  afternoon,  even  the  horizon  itself  is  lost.  It  seems  as  though 
sky  and  earth  did  not  meet,  but  rather  that  their  approaching  edges  faded 
away  in  the  limitless  distance. 

STUCK    IN   A    SLOUOir. 

Having  made  a  rather  lengthy  stay  in  our  noonday  camp  at  Child's  Lake, 
the  last  rays  of  daylight  faded  from  the  sky,  and  still  ^here  was  nothing  to 
indicate  that  we  were  near  His  Excellency's  camp.  We  drove  (m  in  the  bright 
moonlight,  determined  to  keep  moving  till  we  reached  it,  but  just  as  we  were 
talking  of  changing  horsos,  the  pair  in  harness  stopped  suddenly  in  the  mid- 
dle of  a  very  bad  slough,  and  no  amount  of  persuasion  or  whipping  would  in- 
duce them  to  haul  the  waggon  out.  Punch  serenely  refused  to  exert  himself 
after  he  had  made  one  effort  (and  not  a  very  energetic  one  at  that),  while 
Sandy,  after  making  one  or  two  nervous  snatches  at  his  whiflletree,  made  an 
effort  to  climb  over  Punch's  back.  He  failed  signally  in  the  first  attempt, 
and  fell  over  sidewiso,  almost  on  his  back,  in  soft  mud  and  water.  He  had 
one  foot  over  the  neck-yoke,  and  was  so  completely  helpless  that  for  a 
time  it  looked  doubtful  if  we  should  get  him  out  alive.  Of  course  there  was 
no  choice  but  to  plunge  into  the  cold  water  and  undo  the  harness  as  rapidly 
as  possible,  and  finally  we  had  him  on  his  feet  again,  breathing  very  heavily, 
but  none  the  worse  of  his  accident,  excepting  a  rather  ugly-looking  cut  on 
«)ne  fore-leg.  Wo  then  took  both  ponies  out  of  the  harness,  waded  into  the 
water,  and  unloaded  the  waggon,  carrying  each  back  load  about  lifty  y.vrdsup 
to  the  dryground,  and  when  all  this  was  done, Peter  informed  me  that  he  would 
bring  the  waggon  back  with  Punch.  1  was  busy  at  the  time,  and  did  not  no- 
tice what  was  going  on  till  I  saw  Punch  walking  briskly  toward  me  with  one 
end  of  a  rope  tied  to  his  tail  and  the  other  to  the  hind  axle  of  the  empty 
waggon.  I  now  determined  to  camp  for  the  night,  as  I  had  no  desire  to  make 
another  attempt  to  cross  the  slough  till  daylight.  It  is  very  evident  that  it  is  a 
troublesome  place  at  an^  time.  It  has  in  it  a  good  deal  of  water,  the  way 
through  it  is  obstructed  with  huge  boulders,  which  i>no  cannot  well  shun  in 
the  night,  and  it  has  a  bottom  of  soft,  sticky  clay.  This  is  a  bright,  cold, 
starlight  night.  The  air  is  frosty,  and  the  slight  breeze  thnt  is  stealing  down 
from  over  the  great  plains  to  the  northward  has  in  it  a  nipping  quality  that 
is  more  suggestive  of  blazing  grates,  soft  carpets  and  thick  curtains  than  of  a 
scanty  camp  fire,  a  ton-pound  tent,  and  a  bed  of  blankets  on  the  dewy  grass. 
Though  this  is  indeed  a  lonelylittlocamp.itisby  nomeansasilentone.  I'p  from 
the  marshy  meadows  away  down  the  little  valley,  comes  the  soft,  nuiHlod 
clink  of  Punch's  c<<w-bell,  from  the  northward  come  the  strange  trumpetings 
of  the  great  sand  hill  cranes  tiuvt  can  bo  heard  for  miles  over  the  prairie,  cltjso 
beside  us  in  the  slouch,  not  a  hundred  yards  from  the  tent,  1  hear  the  chat- 
tering and  (juRcking  of  the  water-hens^ ducks  and  wild  geet  j,  while  across  the 
riiiges  from  the  wostwatd  rings  the  honriie,  sharp  snarl  and  bark  of  the 




cowardly  prairie  wolf.     There  is  plenty  of  music,  but  every  note  of  it  intensi- 
fies the  loneliness  of  the  spot. 

In  Camp,  oi  roxite  from  Battleford  to  Fort  Galgary,  Sept.  3.  — There  was 
a  heavy  white  frost  last  night  and  we  were  a  trille  slow  in  getting  out  of  camp. 
Leaving  Peter  to  bring  Punch  and  Sandy,  I  drove  with  the  other  pair,  and 
reached  the  outside  of  the  slough  without  any  ditticulty.  It  was  ten  o'clock 
before  we  arrived  at  the  spot  where  the  Governor-General  had  camped  the 
night  before.  Here  we  found  no  wood  except  a  piece  of  an  old  liarrel  head, 
which  we  burned,  and  with  the  lire  succeeded  in  boiling  water  enough  for  two 
amall  cups  of  tea. 


Up  to  nearly  the  middle  of  the  day  we  came  upon  quite  as  much  alkali  as 
sweet  water,  the  water  in  the  lakes  and  springs  of  the  former  has  an  opai^ue, 
greenish  look  in  the  sunlight,  while  their  margins  (which  are  nearly  or  (£uito 
destitute  of  vegetation  save  some  little  brown  and  crimson  grasses  or  creep- 
ers) are  lined  with  masses  of  foam.  On  the  other  hand  the  sweet  water  lakes 
look  clear  and  blue  in  the  sunlight,  while  their  margins  are  almost  invariably 
clothed  with  broad-leaved  succulent  grasses  of  richest  green.  Native  ponies 
are  not  apt  to  drink  enough  alkali  water  to  make  them  any  the  worse  of  it, 
but  Canadian  horses  are  sure  to  set  themselves  scouring  with  it,  and  if  they 
are  not  allowed  absolute  rest  for  a  time  after  this  sort  of  illness  shows  itself, 
they  are  not  at  all  likely  to  recover.  It  is  sheer  nonsense,  however,  to  sup- 
pose (as  many  really  do)  that  these  little  patches  of  alkali  land  in  this  coun- 
try constitute  a  serious  drawback.  1  think  from  what  1  have  been  able  to 
observe  of  them  that  these  objectionable  deposits,  besides  being  very  circum- 
scribed as  to  area  are  extremely  shallow,  and  that  as  soon  as  the  land  shall 
have  been  tilled  for  a  year  or  two  everything  like  an  excess  of  alkali  in  it 
will  entirely  disa])poar,  and  even  if  it  did  not  there  are  nearly  always  swaet 
water  sloughs  in  the  immediate  neighbourhood  of  alkali  water,  so  that  upon 
anything  like  an  extended  range  of  pasture,  cattle  and  horses  would  always 
have  plenty  of  sweet  water  so  long  as  they  preferred  it,  and  in  the  cpse  of 
horses  I  believe  they  usually  do.  At  all  events,  it  is  the  wildest  nonsense  to 
suppose  that  what  little  alkali  is  t<»  bo  found  in  tiio  North- West  Territory 
renders  any  portion  of  it  deserving  of  tho  name  of  "  desert. "  The  alkali  bug- 
bear, therefore,  may  be  set  down  as  utterly  unworthy  of  serious  notice.  This 
afteinioon  we  saw  little  or  no  alkali  water,  though  sweet  water  sloughs  and 
lakelets  were  plentiful.  In  fact,  for  some  ten  miles  in  the  early  part  of  the 
afternoon  we  were  driving  through  a  succession  of  beautiful  sweet  water  val- 
leys, and  tine  grassy  ridges  or  slopes.  Mounting  the  crest  of  one  of  these 
ridges,  and  looking  oH'  across  the  country  in  almost  any  direction  the  idea  nf 
a  great  gransy  ocean  is  forcibly  impressed  upon  one's  mind.  It  is  like  the 
long  heavy  swell  at  sea  that  is  not  raised  save  by  days  of  heavy  weather  from 
one  ((uurter,  and  as  compared  to  those,  tho  prairie  waves  are  as  giants  to  j)!'^- 
mioa.  These  great  swells  are  miles  in  length,  and  rise  from  150  to  lUM)  feet  in 
height.  They  break,  too,  into  smaller  swells,  and  just  as  one  sees  in  a  storm 
at  sea,  giant  waves  will  here  and  there  rear  their  towering  crests  higli  above 


:■  / 

'  4 






,  ■<«,*' 

their  neighbours.  Late  in  the  aft  crnoon  we  passed  through  a  wide,  deep  val- 
ley with  a  dark  foul-looking  creek  running  through  the  middle  of  it.  The 
grass  here  was  dark  and  brown,  and  in  many  spots  nothing  but  moRS 
was  to  be  seen.  In  the  western  portion  of  this  same  valley  were  some 
little  ridges  of  wl  ^  appeared  to  be  pure  sand,  but  even  here  wild  roses  were 
growing  in  rich  prolusion,  and  there  appeared  to  be  plenty  of  sustenance  for 
rich  succulent  grasses  and  wolf  willows.  In  some  of  these  ridges,  however, 
the  sand  was  scooped  out  in  large  hollows,  as  if  by  the  hand  of  man.  Indeed, 
they  merely  looked  like  sand  pits  that  had  been  partially  refilled  by  the  wind. 
In  truth,  of  course,  all  this  work  was  done  by  the  wind,  but  one  is  often  at 
a  loss  to  understand  how  the  wind  could  dig  out  such  abrupt  little  pits,  leav- 
ing sharp  edges  of  sod  as  though  it  had  been  cut  with  a  spade.  Beyond  this 
valley  the  trail  again  led  through  a  fine  rolling  prairie  country,  absolutely 
treeless,  but  otherwitee  possessing  everything  necessary  for  a  choice  agricul- 
cultural  region.  Darkness  overtook  us  in  the  same  kind  of  country,  and 
as  the  clouds  that  had  been  sending  little  sprinkles  of  rain  all  the  afternoon 
now  rolled  along  overhead  in  great  masses  shutting  out  both  moonritte  and 
sunset,  and  pouring  forth  volumes  of  rain,  we  made  camp  as  rapidly  as  pos- 
sible, partially  sheltered  by  an  abrupt,  dome-shaped  hill.  By  the  way  we 
had  managed  to  collect  enough  of  the  wood  dropped  from  the  waggons  ahead 
of  us  to  cook  a  supper  of  ducks,  bacon  and  tea,  which  was  decidedly  accept- 
able after  having  dined  otf  hard  tack,  raw  bacon,  and  slough  water,  the  latter 
being  neither  very  cold  nor  very  pure.  To-night,  as  I  close  my  journal, 
the  storm  is  howling  dismally  over  the  great  dark  treeless  waste  outside, 
while  rain  is  dashing  in  fitful  storm  gusts  upon  my  little  tent,  whose  folds  are 
flapping  and  fluttering  like  the  tattered  sails  of  a  tempest-tossed  fishing 
smack,  but  inside,  despite  a  certain  degree  of  cold  and  damp,  I  am  tolerably 
comfortable,  though  writing  in  stifl'  buckskin  gloves  is  not  exactly  conducive 
to  highly  ornamental  caligraphy. 

Governok-General'h  Camp,  en  i-oniv  from  Battleford  to  Fort  Calgary, 
Sept.  4. — Despite  the  storm  last  night  I  slept  finely.  When  I  turned  in  I 
was  afraid  that  the  ponies,  driven  by  the  fury  of  the  storm  to  seek  some  shel- 
ter, might  stray  oft' among  the  hills,  but  whenever  I  awoke  during  the  night 
in  the  lulls  between  the  more  furious  bursts  of  the  storm,  I  could  hear 
the  low  clinking  of  Punch's  bell,  and  so  I  could  drop  asleep  again  with  a  feel- 
ing of  security  I  could  not  otherwise  have  experienced.  When  1  turned  o\it 
about  daylight  this  morning,  the  sky  was  c'  Mor  and  bright,  as  though  there 
had  been  no  storm,  while  the  frost  which  followed  the  rain  had  been  so  sharp 
that  even  in  walking  through  the  long  grass  I  did  not  get  my  boots  so  much 
as  dampened.  Instead  of  that,  however,  the  broad  seams  of  the  soles  were 
thickly  covered  with  the  powdery  miisses  of  hoar  frost  that  had  been  dusted 
ofl'thu  grass  as  I  walked  throui;h  it  to  catch  the  ponies.  As  we  had  no  fuel 
we  were  obliged  to  eat  a  cold  breiikfast  and  hurry  otf.  Our  first  drive  was  to 
"bounding  Lake,"  or,  as  the  literal  translation  of  the  Cree  name  for  it 
would  l)e  "  Roaring  Water."  Un  the  way  to  Hounding  Lake  (the  drive  from 
our  night  camp  was  about  twelve  miles)  we  passed  through  fully  sixty  per 

[the  north-west. 


cent,  of  really  excellent  agricultural  land,  while  the  rest  of  the  country  tra- 
versed was  made  up  of  sandy  bluffs  and  ridges.  Among  these  bluffs,  how- 
ever, I  found  white  and  scented  poplar  growing  to  a  large  size,  while  the 
luxuriant  undergrowth  spoke  extremely  well  for  the  richness  of  the  soil. 
During  the  morning  we  lost  the  trail  and  travelled  for  fully  five  miles  with- 
out it.  This  was  not  very  comforting  under  the  circumstances,  but  at  length 
while  traversing  a  large  marsh  we  came  upon  a  wretched  looking  horse  that 
had  been  abandoned  by  the  Governor-General's  party,  and  a  few  moments 
later  we  struck  the  trail.  In  one  of  the  clumps  of  poplar  we  had  passed  we 
laid  in  a  i^entiful  supply  of  wood,  so  that  when  we  reached  the  Saturday 
night  camp  of  our  fellow-travellers  at  Sounding  Lake  we  were  able  to  make  an 
excellent  breakfast.  In  the  afternoon  we  skirted  along  the  flats  on  the  east 
shore  of  Sounding  Lake  to  the  foot  of  that  body  of  water,  and  thence  down 
the  valley  of  a  small  muddy  creek  for  ten  or  twelve  miles  to  the  crossing. 
This  valley  appears  to  be  of  rich,  productive  clay  (slightly  alkaline),  and  the 
creek  appeared  to  be  swarming  with  geese,  wewes  and  ducks  of  all  descrip- 
tions. On  the  way,  we  passed  the  spot  where  the  Governor's  party  had  at- 
tempted to  cross  the  creek,  and  failing  had  left  a  wrecked  waggon.  We  finally 
reached  the  crossing  before  six  o'clock,  but  as  the  feed  here  was  exceptionally 
good  we  camped  for  supper,  though  the  north  wind  sweeping  down  the  valley 
made  our  own  situation  an  extremely  uncomfortable  one.  It  was  nearly 
seven  o'clock  when  we  started  for  a  moonlight  drive,  and  we  were  soon  climb- 
ing out  of  the  valley  and  striking  due  west.  Before  nine  o'clock,  and  as  the 
moon  was  partially  obscured,  Peter  drove  into  what  appeared  to  be  a  little 
strip  of  dry,  baked  clay,  but  the  ponies  and  waggon  were  no  sooner  into  it 
than  they  came  to  a  halt  on  account  of  the  sticky  footing,  and  five  seconds 
later  the  waggoojiad  sunk  half  way  to  the  hubs.  Sandy  was  in  the  soft  clay 
up  to  his  knees,  and  Punch  was  sitting  down  dog-fashion  upon  his  own  tail. 
In  less  than  ten  seconds  we  liad  the  ponies  clear  of  the  waggon,  and  hitching 
the  whifiletrees  at  the  end  of  the  pole,  endeavoured  to  make  them  haul  the 
waggon  out  in  that  way.  It  was  of  no  use,  however,  and  it  only  remained  to 
take  them  out  of  the  harness  and  put  the  lighter  team  in  their  places.  By 
this  time  the  waggon  had  sunk  to  the  hubs  all  around,  and  Blanche  and 
"^ouchwood  had  to  make  a  very  vigorous  effort  to  haul  it  out,  but  they  did  so, 
ani  as  they  were  so  umch  faster  and  more  reliable  than  the  heavier  team  we 
left  them  in  liarfiess,  and  drove  on  over  the  hills  in  the  moonlight.  By  ten 
o'clock  the  wind  wivs  considerably  lulled,  but  the  air  was  intensely  keen  and 
frosty.  Mile  after  mile  the  ponies  jogged  cheerily  along  over  the  great  dun- 
coloured  hills  and  valleys,  till  tlie  heavy  frost  crystals  on  the  yellow  rustling 
grass  be^'au  to  sparkle  like  little  diamonds  in  the  bright  moonlight,  and 
wrapped  in  our  overcoats  and  blankets,  we  still  felt  the  cold,  piercing  air  on 
our  faces  and  fingers.  At  last,  as  we  wore  skirting  along  the  crest  of  a  ridge 
and  opening  a  deep  valley  on  our  right,  a  row  of  snowy,  cone-like  touts  rose 
against  the  cold  light-brown  slope  on  its  further  side,  and  in  a  few  moments 
more  the  picket-guard  of  the  Oovernor-Qenerars  camp  were  Lasy  in  helping 
us  to  unharness  the  ponies  and  pitch  my  little  tent.  It  seemed  like  gettinghume 






onco  more,  and  to-night  as  I  write  my  journal  with  frost -benumbed  fingers  I 
feel  a  sense  of  relief  and  thankfulness  that  another  crisis  in  this  arduous 
journey  has  been  safely  passed,  and  that  this  lonely,  tedious  wandering 
along  over  the  great  plains  upon  a  dim  and  uncertain  trail  is  at  last  over,  for 
the  present  at  least. 





Governor-General's  Camp,  en  route  Battleford  to  Fort  Calgary,  Sept.  5. 

— The  whole  cavalcade  was  on  the  move  at  seven  this  morning,  wrapped  in 

overcoats  and  blankets,  as  the  air  was  intensely  cold  after  the  heavy  front  of 

last  night.     This  frost  was,  by  the  way,  very  much  the  heaviest  of  the  season. 

Wherever  water  was  left  in  open  vessels,  even  in  the  tents,  there  was  nearly 

half  an  inch  of  ice  upon  it  this  morning,  while  small  quantities  were  found 

iiwiiCii  :olid.     The  day  was  bright  and  still,  however,  and  wrappings  were 

thrown  oil'  as  the  sun  climbed  higher  in  the  sky,  till  by  the  time  the  midday 

halt  was  made  the  air  was  comparatively  warm  and  pleasant.     During  the 

forenoon  after  we  had  climbed  out  of  the  ravine,  some  of  the  grandest  stretches 

of  prairie  we  have  yet  seen  were  opened  to  view.     The  indescribable  idea 

of  vastness  portrayed  by  those  great  plains,  as  seen  from  a  high  ridge,  is 

something  singularly  suggestive  of  the  infinite.      To-day,  of  the  land  we 

saw,  fully  ninety-five  per  cent,  was  excellent,  the  other  five  percent.,  though 

Bomewhat  light,  would  be  classed  as  fairly  productive  in  almost  any  section  of 

Ontario.     To-night  our  camp  is  in  a  rather  picturesque  little  valley,  through 

which  runs  the  same  tortuous  creek  that  we  crossed  yesterday.    Our  journey 

to-day  was  about  thirty-five  or  forty  miles,  as  nearly  as  we  could  make  out, 

and  I  suppose  that  might  be  set  down  as  the  average  day'k  march  made  by 

the  (xovernor-General's  outfit  ever  since  leaving  Battleford.     This  morning  a 

herd  of  buffalo  was  seen  a  long  way  ofi*,  but  no  attempt  was  made  to  follow 

them.     Yesterday  fresh  butfalo  tracks  were  seen,  and  as  nearly  as  can  be 

made  out  there  were  over  a  dozen  in  the  herd.    1  beliove  this  is  the  first  year 

bufi'aloes  have  bnen  seen  in  this  part  of  the  country  since  Hitting  Hull  and  his 

band  located  themselves  at  Wood  Mountain  near  the  American  boundary. 

As  long  as  they  were  there  they  always  foil  upon  ev«.>ry  herd  that  attempted 

to  cross  the  border,  and  the  animals  they  did  not  kill  were  always  turned 

back  into  American  territory.     Now  that  that  largo  band  of  Sioux  have  gone 

back  to  their  own  country  there  is  good  reason  to  hope  that  butial')  will  come 



in  in  sufficient  numbers  to  materially  ameliorate  the  condition  of  the  Cana' 
dian  plain-hunting  Indians,  whose  state  during  the  past  few  years  has  become" 
truly  deplorable.  The  Governor-General's  outfit  is  being  guided  across  the 
trackless  plain  between  Battleford  and  Red  Deer  River  by  an  Indian  or  half- 
breed  guide,  whose  real  name  is  John  Longraore,  but  who  is  better  known  as 
Johnny  Saskatchewan.  He  says  that  he  is  a  pure  Indian,  but  he  talks  good 
English,  and  looks  very  much  like  a  half-breed.  There  is  also  with  the  out-' 
fit  another  guide  who  undertakes  to  direct  the  party  from  Red  Deer  River  to 
Fort  Calgary.  This  is  a  Cree  chief  named  "Poundmaker,"  who  is  one  of 
the  great  men  of  his  own  nation.  He  received  his  name,  I  suppose,  for  some 
peculiar  ability  he  displayed  in  the  construction  of  "pounds"  in  which  to 
catch  and  kill  bufi"alo.  To-night  Mr.  Dewdney,  Colonel  Herchmer  and  my- 
self were  invited  to  dine  with  His  Excellency  and  party,  and  after  dinner 
Poundmaker  was  brought  in  to  tell  Cree  legends  or  stories,  a  half-breed  in 
Mr.  Dewdney's  employ  (Antoine  Gnille)  acting  as  interpreter.  Poundmaker 
is  a  particularly  fine-looking  specimen  of  his  race,  being  considerably  over  six 
feet  high,  of  rather  slight  build,  and  singularly  erect.  He  has  an  intelli- 
gent, and  almost  refined,  looking  face,  a  high,  prominent  forehead,  and  a 
nose  of  the  Grecian  type,  while  there  is  nothing  oarse  or  sensuous  about  the 
lower  portion  of  his  face.  His  gestures  were  strikingly  graceful  and  expres- 
sive, his  small,  delicately-shaped  hands  often  making  the  meaning  of  his  Cree 
sentences  almost  as  plain  to  us  as  could  the  English  of  the  interpreter.  The 
scene  in  the  mess-tent  while  Poimdm.aker  was  telling  his  stories  was  certainly 
a  strange  one.  Outside  the  night  winds  were  piping  drearily  over  the  bound- 
less stretches  of  whispering  yellow  grass,  and  keeping  the  fliipping  folds  of 
the  tent  in  incessant  motion.  The  candles  from  their  candlesticks  of  bnfl'alo 
vertebrte,  always  disturbed  by  little  errant  gusts  of  wind,  shed  a  flickering, 
uncertain  light  uptm  the  solemnly  expressive  face  of  the  dusky  story-teller, 
while  Lord  Lome  and  his  guests,  with  hats  and  caps  drawn  down  close  upon 
their  heads,  and  overcoats  buttoned  up  to  their  chins,  made  as  deeply  inter- 
ested and  attentive  an  audience  as  ever  sat  in  a  well-warmed  and  brilliantly 
lighted  lecture  hall  in  the  heart  of  a  great  city.  When  informed  as  to  what 
was  wanted  of  him,  Poundmaker  showed  some  hesitancy  about  commencing, 
and  finally  started  off  with  the  preface  that  he  would  not  tell  them  stories  of 
the  long  ago,  which  could  not  be  proved  by  people  now  living,  but  would  tell 
them  some  stories  of  the  country  through  which  they  were  travellinor,  which 
could  be  corroborated  by  eye-witnesses  who  were  still  living — stories  of 
events  of  comparatively  recent  occurrence.     First  came 




"Not  far  from  Child'8  Lake  is  another  and  larger  body  of  water  called 
'  Spirit's  Lake,'  or  '  Ghost  Lake.'  ,()ne  time,  not  a  great  many  years  ago, 
there  were  large  bands  of  '  Crees,'  '  Stonys,'  and  *  Saulteaux  '  camped  at  the 
narrows  in  this  Lake.  It  was  not  very  long  after  the  ice  had  taken,  and 
there  was  not  much  snow.  They  were  all  on  the  lake,  and  they  saw  a  pair 
of  red  horns  standing  up  through  the  ice.  Two  young  girls  took  an  axe  to  go 



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and  cut  off  the  lionis  to  make  comba  of  them,  but  the  old  people  told  them 
not  to  touch  them.  They  were  not  the  horns  of  a  red  deer,  but  of  some 
spirit.  They  would  not  listen  to  the  warning,  however,  and  (some  women 
are  foolish  enough  to  do  anything)  attempted  to  cut  off  the  horns.  I  do  not 
know  whether  they  cut  off  the  horns  or  not,  but  just  then  the  spirit,  or  great 
animal,  moved,  and  all  the  ice  in  the  laKe  broke  up,  and  the  two  foolish  girls 
and  a  great  many  families  were  drowned,  though  all  had  run  for  shore  as  soon 
as  they  saw  that  the  girls  were  determined  to  cut  off  the  horns.  Since  then  the 
lake  has  been  called  Spirit's  Lake."  . 


"  There  i3  a  big  island  in  Spirit's  Lake,  and  one  time  a  lot  of  men  were  go- 
ing to  hunt  for  bears  on  this  island.  They  made  a  raft  of  logs,  and  ten  men 
got  on  it  to  go  to  the  island.  They  were  poling  the  raft  along  and,  suddenly 
they  saw  the  water  moving  all  around  the  raft,  and  felt  something  knocking 
underneath  it.  They  were  frightened,  and  would  have  poled  back  to  the 
main  laud  ag.ain,  but  a  big  otter  put  his  paws  on  the  raft,  and  one  of  the  In- 
dians, who  had  dreamed  about  it  before,  killed  the  otter  with  his  knife. 
They  towed  the  monster  ashore,  and  found  that  he  only  lacked  less  than  a 
hand's  breadth  of  being  three  fathoms  long."  Poundmaker  did  not  know 
who  got  the  skin  of  this  famous  otter,  but  he  gravely  assured  us  that  he 
thought  the  Indians  must  have  cut  it  up  and  divided  it  among  themselves, 
for  if  the  Hudson  Bay  people  had  got  it  they  would  have  shown  it  as  some- 
thing very  wonderful. 


Poundmaker  was  not  inclined  to  give  any  minute  details  with  regard  to 
the  "big  horse."  He  said,  however,  that  at  this  same  lake  the  Crees  had 
once  come  very  near  catcliing  a  very  large  iron-grey  horse,  but  he  got  away 
by  diving  down  into  the  lake.  They  measured  his  tracks  on  the  shore,  and 
from  this  it  would  appear  that  each  of  his  feet  would  cover  a  large  dinner- 


"  On  this  side  of  Carlton,  on  the  south  trail  to  Battleford,  there  is  a  spring, 
and  out  of  that  spring  there  once  came  a  buffalo  bull  that  was  killed  by  the 
Indians.  A  chief  from  Carlton,  whom  I  know,  saw  this  great  bull  after  he  was 
dead,  and  when  he  was  lying  down  on  his  side  he  was  as  high  as  a  tall  man's 
chin.  All  other  big  bulls  that  ho  had  ever  seen  would  look  like  little  calves 
beside  him. "  .         . , 


"  One  time  230  Crees  were  going  for  a  raid  upon  the  Blackfeet,  and  meet- 
ing a  groat  grizzly  boar  they  killed  him,  but  when  he  was  killed  they  found 
him  so  largo  that  they  thought  he  must  bo  a  spirit.  Ho  measured  over  seven 
hands'  breadths  across  the  top  of  the  head  and  he  was  proportionately  largo 
elsewhere.  They  did  not  skin  him  nor  cut  him  up,  but  set  him  upon  his  feet 
again  and  put  scarlet  cloth  about  his  neck  and  strings  of  beads  ou  his  head, 



and  gave  him  tobacco  and  trinkets,  and  lit  their  pipes  and  blew  smoke  in  his 
face,  and  allowed  him  to  smoke  their  pipes  in  turn,  and  spread  fine  skins  and 
cloths  before  him,  and  prayed  him  to  give  them  good  luck.  And  he  did  give 
them  good  luck,  for  in  that  raid  they  did  not  lose  a  horse  or  a  man,  though 
they  killed  many  Blackfeet,  and  captured  more  than  300  ponies." 

Thus  far  Poundmaker  was  quite  prepared  to  vouch  for  the  accuracy  of  his 
statements,  but  now  came  a  legend  which  he  gave  for  what  it  was  worth. 
He  would  tell  it  as  he  had  heard  it  from  the  Blackfeet,  who  believed  it. 


"  Long  ago,  close  under  the  shadow  of  the  Rocky  Mountains,  were  two 
•camps  hunting  buffalo.  In  one  they  were  all  women,  and  in  the  other  they 
were  all  men.  The  women  had  never  seen  a  man  and  the  men  had  never 
seen  a  woma.i.  They  each  had  buffalo  pounds  (a  Blackfoot  woman  was  the 
inventor  of  the  buffalo  pounds)  and  they  were  hunting  buffalo.  One  day  the 
head  woman — a  wondrously  beautiful  young  squaw — said  to  two  girls  that 
were  going  out,  that  they  would  see  two  men  that  day  (not  dressed  as  women 
were),  and  when  they  saw  them  they  should  bring  them  back  to  camp.  The 
girls  went  out,  and  just  as  they  were  about  to  face  a  herd  of  buffalo  they  saw 
the  two  men.  The  men  told  them  to  go  back,  but  they  would  not,  and  even 
told  the  men  to  go  back.  Then  they  began  talking  and  laughing,  and  finally, 
as  any  other  men  would  have  done,  these  two  men  followed  the  two  girls  t » 
their  camp.  They  came  and  saw  the  beautiful  young  squaw,  who  was  the 
liead  woman,  and  she  told  them  to  go  back  and  bring  their  chief  and  the  rest 
of  the  band  and  they  would  marry  and  live  together.  The  two  men  did  as  thoy 
were  told,  but  when  +Iie  chief  looked  for  the  head  woman  he  found  her  shab- 
bily attired  and  without  ornaments,  and  he  would  not  believe  that  she  was 
the  head  woman  and  refused  her  hand.  Then  the  young  squaw  was  very  angry, 
and  she  told  her  women  to  stop  for  a  moment,  that  no  one  must  select  a 
husband  yet.  She  then  retired,  and  presently  came  out  splendidly  arrayed 
in  beautiful  robes  and  wearing  costly  ornaments.  Then  the  chief  wanted 
her,  but  she  swept  past  him  with  scorn,  and  selecting  the  youngest,  bravest, 
and  handsomest  among  the  men  took  him  for  her  husband.  The  other  women 
then  took  for  husbands  the  rest  of  the  band,  except  the  chief,  who  was  left 
alo.^e  as  a  punishment  for  rejecting  loveliness  in  mean  attire.  He  left  the 
band,  and  wandering  off  was  not  heard  of  afterwards." 

His  Excellency  made  several  attempts  to  draw  Poundmaker  out  on  the 
legends  of  Cree  women,  but  he  was  singularly  disinclined  to  as  much  as 
allude  to  the  women  of  his  own  race.  Poundmaker's  experiences  among  the 
Blackfeet  would,  if  carefully  drawn  out  of  him,  make  an  interesting  book, 
but  his  allusions  to  them  to-night  were  very  brief,  as  though  he  was  a\  erse  to 
telling  of  what  he  had  done.  In  his  boyish  days  he  often  went  among  the 
blackfeet,  but  it  was  always  to  murder  their  people  and  steal  their  ponies. 
When  he  grew  to  be  a  man  he  conceived  the  idea  of  making  peace  between 
the  two  nations,  and  then  it  was  that  he  carried  his  life  in  his  hand  so  ofcun 
that  "  it  made  his  body  shrink"  when  ho  thought  of  it  afterward.    When  the 

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Crees  were  about  accepting  the  treaty  with  Canada  he  thought  it  would  be' 
better  for  both  the  Crees  and  the  Blackfeet,  if  the  latter  would  make  peace 
with  the  former  and  come  into  the  treaty  at  the  same  time.  The  great  chief 
Crowfoot  (who  I  believe  had  watched  over  a  portion  of  Poundmaker's  boy- 
hood) was  very  friendly,  but  even  with  the  protection  of  that  great  and  pow- 
erful chief,  a  great  chief  of  the  Crees  was  far  from  being  safe  among  the  Black- 
feet.  He  spent  one  whole  winter  among  the  Blackfeet,  and  though  he  had 
but  little  dread  of  them  when  they  were  sober,  he  had  everything  to  fear  from 
them  when  they  were  drunk,  and  they  had  liquor  in  their  lodges  nearly  all 
that  winter.  IVIany  and  many  a  night  had  he  slept  in  their  lodges  with  his 
big  Remington  revolver  at  full-cock  in  his  right  hand,  and  many  a  time  when 
he  was  thus  alone,  far  away  oven  from  his  friend  Crowfoot  (Sappomexico),  and 
when  the  Blackfeet  supposed  him  to  be  sleeping  soundly,  had  he  heard  them 
carrying  on  a  whispered  debate  as  to  whether  they  should  kill  him  ot  not. 
And  yet  during  the  summer  following  this  winter  of  terror  and  suffering,  he 
made  trips  from  the  Eagle  Hills  down  into  the  country  of  the  Blackfeet, 
till  at  last  his  efforts  were  successful  and  peace  was  established  between  the 
two  great  nations.  ;:.  t;  v    . 


When  Pound  maker  had  finished  his  narrations  His  Excellency  said  to  him 
that  he  hoped  that^in^future,  as  in  the  past,  his  influence  would  be  exerted 
for  the  good  of  his'people,  that  he  would  continue  to  be  a  peacemaker  among 
them,  and  that  the  wish  of  the  Great  Mother  and  her  Government  was  that 
the  Indians  should  be  peaceful  and  prosperous.  After  this  Poundmaker 
was  questioned  about  the  Indian  custom  of  sending  tobacco  about  to  call  a 
council.  He  said  that  the  tobacco  was  sent  around  to  the  chiefs  with  the 
message  commencing,  "  Tobacco  says  this,"  or  "  Tobacco  says  that,"  and  then 
would  follow  the  calling  of  the  council  and  the  reason  therefore.  Tobacco 
meant  "  bad,"  that  is  trouble  or  mischief.  If  the  Great  Chief  contemplated 
an  act  of  violence  he  sent  tobacco  to  the  minor  chiefs. 

It  also  leaked  out  that  tobacco  was  sent  out  when  the  Indians  were  called 
to  meet  His  Excellency,  or  "  Our  Brother-in-law,"  as  the  Indians  who  call 
themselves  the  children  of  the  "  Great  Mother "  familiarly  style  him,  and 
although  they  have  made  their  complaints  about  their  short  rations  and  lack 
of  farming  implements  meekly  enough  under  the  circumstances,  it  is  by  no 
means  certain  that  all  their  councils  would  have  passed  off  pleasantly  and 
peacefully  had  not  His  Excellency  been  provided  with  a  strong  escort  of 
Mounted  Police. 


Indeed,  I  do  not  thinkjthe  people  of  Canada  come  near  understanding  the 
importance  which  i^his  Indian  question  is  assuming.  There  is  in  the  North- 
West  a  large  and  well-armed  Indian  population  thbt  is  nearly,  or  quite,  with- 
out the  means  of  gaining  a  livelihood.  Unless  the  buffalo  should  cross  the 
lines  in  large  numbers  it  is  hard  to  say  how  many  of  these  people  will  escape 
starvation.     So  far  the  Mounted  Police  have  succeeded  in  gaining  their  con- 

■«'i  I 



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fidence and  good  will,  and  so  far  the  best  feeling  has  existed  between  them 
and  all  the  Indians.  The  red  men  admit  that  the  policemen  have  done  a 
great  deal  for  them  in  driving  out  the  whiskey  traders  who  were  ruining  them, 
but  this  state  of  affairs  cannot  always  exist.     White  men  are  coming  in  both 

'.  settlers  and  cattle  ranchers,  and  starving  Indians  will  be  very  likely  to 
nelp  themselves  to  cattle  occasionally,  if  they  cannot  get  other  food.  This 
may  lead  to  acts  of  violence  on  the  part  of  settlers  and  "cowboys,"  and  as 

ure  as  it  does  there  will  be  a  general  uprising  among  the  Indians.  I  know 
tiiat  such  forebodings  as  these  may  be  laughed  at  by  many  who  have  only 
seen  the  poor  wretches  of  Indians  who  are  starving  on  the  borders  of  civiliza- 
tion ;  but  they  must  remember  that  the  case  is  very  different  hero.  True, 
the  red  men  have  seldom  become  very  restive  under  British  rule,  which  they 
have  always  been  taught  to  respect ;  but,  as  a  rule,  British  colonization  has 
advanced  rather  slowly  into  the  wilds,  and  the  Indians  have  had  plenty  of 
loom  to  "go  west,"  but  now  that  the  more  untameable  of  the  tribes  have 
been  driven  westward  year  by  year  till  they  are  ,  as  it  were,  crowded  against 
the  base  of  the  Rocky  Mountains,  let  those  who  have  hitherto  placed  such 
overweening  confidence  in  the  loyalty  of  the  red  men  to  the  British  flaj/ 
beware.  From  Battleford  to  the  Rocky  Mountains  and  from  far  below  the 
49th  parallel  to  the  northward  is  still  the  Indian's  country,  so  far  as  power 
and  population  are  concerned,  let  the  treaties  say  what  they  may,  and  how 
the  mounted  police  have  succeeded  in  maintaining  law  and  good  order  here 
is  truly  a  marvel,  which  reflects  the  highest  credit  on  the  officers  and  men, 
as  well  as  upon  the  really  amiable  disposition  of  the  more  influential  of  the 
Indian  chiefs.  But  it  must  be  remembered  that  on  the  other  side  of  the 
border  there  was  no  very  serious  trouble  with  the  Indians  so  long  as  it 
was  merely  a  matter  of  intercourse  between  them  and  the  military,  but 
with  the  rapid  advent  of  settlers  came  the  difficulties  with  the  red  men. 
Here  is  one  of  the  widest  and  richest  fields  for  immigration  and  prosperous 
agriculture  and  stock-raising  under  the  sun,  and  very  soon  pioneers  will  be 
flocking  hither  in  thousands.  To  suppose  that  disputes  will  not  arise  between 
the  thrifty  settlers  and  thousands  of  wild  starving  Indians  is,  to  any  one  who 
has  been  through  this  country,  too  absurd  a  supposition  to  be  for  one  moment 
entert:'  iued,  and  if  once  tho  Indians  became  soured  and  rebellious  it  is  simply 
ridiculous  to  suppose  that  the  mere  handful  of  Mounte<l  Policemen  now  hero 
,(first-clas3  soldiers  though  they  unquestionably  are)  could  do  anything  to 
check  a  general  uprising. 

I  am  no  alarmist,  nor  sensationalist  and  I  should  be  very  sorry  to  write  one 
word  that  would  influence  any  against  settling  in  the  North-West.  My  ob- 
ject is  to  avert  impending  trouble,  trouble  which  I  feel  confident  can  be 
averted  by  a  judicious  policy. 


The  first  thing  to  do  is  to  provide  for  the  Indians  as  speedily|as  possible. 
In  many  places  they  are  now  working  on  their  reserves  with  a  will,  and  in 
some  of  these  places  they  are  nearly  or  quite  self-supporting    They  them* 






i:-    : 

\     ♦'l*        !•'' 

selves  know  well  what  they  need,  and  any  one  who  has  seen  their  reserves' 
must  see  it  at  a  glance.    They  need  more  oxen  on  each  reserve  to  break  up> 
the  land,  and  they  need  more  implements  to  work  the  land  after  it  has  been 
broken  up.     Their  ponies  are,  as  a  rule,  too  light  for  ploughing,  but  they  can 
be  made  useful  in  cultivating  the  land  previously  ploughed  by  oxen.     Some- 
thing should  be  done,  too,  in  the  direction  of  improving  the  ponies  they  now- 
have.     These    little    animals  are,  as  a  rule,  nimble,  wiry,    and  extremely 
tough,  and  if  a  moderate-sized  thoroughbred  horse  (race  hurse,  I  mean,)  that 
could  be  bought  at  from  $200  to  ^00,  were  placed  on  each  reserve,  to  be 
used  by  t^e  Indians  free  of  charge,  the  result  would  be  the  production,  in  a 
very  few  years,  of  a  race  of  admirable  horses  that  would  be  vastly  more  useful 
in  this  country  than  the  very  best  Canadian  or  American  animals  that  could 
be  imported.     These  native  ponies  are  usually  compactly  built,  well- formed,.. 
wonderfully  strong  for{their  inches,  and  they  will  run  out  winter  and  sum- 
mer, and  do  a  very  fair  share  of  work  without  eating  anything  beyond  what 
they  can  pick  on^the  prairie.     It  is  very  seldom  one  can  discover  any  un- 
soundness about  one  of  these  North-Westem  ponies,  and  I  am  fully  con- 
vinced that    the  cross  of  a  thoroughbred  horse  upon  the  mares  of  this  breed, 
would  give  rise  to  a  race  of  horses  that  would  make  the  very  best  general 
purpose  horse  for  prairie  work  that  has  yet  been  seen.     He  would  be  more 
useful  to  the  Mounted  Police  than  the  most  expensive  horse  that  could  be 
brought  in,  he  would  make  a  first-class  buflFalo  runner  or  general  saddle  horse 
and  he  would  make  quite  as  heavy  a  draught  or  farm  horse  as  the  Indians 
and  settlers  require  for  many  years  to  come.     Thus  it  will  be  seen  that  the 
expenditure  of  a  few  thousands  of  dollars  in  oxen,  farming  implements,  and 
thorough  bred  stallions  would  in  a  very  few  years  make  many  of  these  poor 
Indians — who  are  now  only  kept  alive  by  the  Goverment  rations — comfort- 
able, self-supporting  farmers  and  stock-raisers,  and  every  Indian  raised  to 
such  a  condition  would  exert  a  very  powerful  influence  for  good  upon  his  less 
fortunate  brethren.     The  great  difficulty  to  be  overcome  with  the  average 
Indian  in  these  days  in  his  despondency.     While  it  is  very  hard  for  the  farm, 
instructors  to  induce  the  Indians  to  take  any  interest  in  seeding,  they  are 
nearly  always  ready  to  work  in  harvesting  with   interest  and   alacrity.     I 
know  it  will  be  urged  that  what  I  propose  would  involve  spending  too  much 
upon  the  Indians,  but  then,  I  think  it  will  be  much  cheaper  than  fighting  or 
feeding  thousands  of  starving  and  desperate   men  a  few  years  hence.     And. 
after  all,  when  one  looks  at  the  magnificent  country  we.  are  receiving  from, 
them,  when  one  will  see  a  few  years  hence  countless  herds  of  cattle  and  horses, 
feeding  and  fattening  upon  the    boundless    pampas    which     before    fed 
their  only  support,  the  buffalo,  I  think  he  will  be  a  churl  indeed  who  will  say 
that  we  have  paid  the  Indians  too  much  for  this  great  and  glorious  North- 

I  do  not  mean  to  say  that  what  I  have  suggested  is  by  any  means  the  only 
thing  needful  to  be  done  to  preserve  peace  and  good  order  in  the  North-West.. 
The  Mounted  Police  force  ought  to  be  greatly  strengthened  numerically,  and 
there  are  many  other  measures  necessary  to  be  carried  out  to  insure  the  con- 




tinuance  of  peace  and  good  order  here,  but  at  the  same  tims  I  have  suggested 
measures,  the  carrying  out'  of  which  I  consider  an  immediate  and  pressing 




Governor-General's  Camp,  en  route  Battleford  to  Fort  Calgary,  Sept.  6. 
— We  were  off  at  0.40  this  morning,  driving  through  a  fifteen-mile  stretch  of 
rolling  prairie.  The  soil  appeared  to  be  a  trifle  lighter  than  usual,  but  it  was 
very  far  from  being  poor  or  unproductive.  At  noon  we  camped  in  the  valley 
of  a  rather  dirty-looking  half-dried  stream,  where  Captain  Percival  dis- 
covered a  bit  of  ore  that  in  weight  and  general  appearance  closely  resembled 
open-grained  magnetic  iron  ore.  It  was  not  at  all  magnetic,  however,  and 
as  the  piece  from  which  it  was  broken  was  evidently  not  in  place,  very  little 
importance  was  attached  to  the  discovery.  Another  of  the  party  found  an 
interesting  fossil,  however,  which  will  be  presented  by  His  Excellency  to 
the  Geological  Museum  at  Ottawa.  In  the  afternoon  the  country  traversed 
was  made  up  of  a  better  grade  of  soil,  and  the  gigantic  stretches  of  prairie 
revealed  from  the  summit  of  one  or  two  great  ridges  presented  a  picture  of 
incomprehensible  grandeur.  Indeed  it  is  impossible  to  convey  either  in 
words  or  figures  an  appreciable  idea  of  the  vast  stretches  of  fertile  land  that 
are  lying  idle,  ready  for  the  plough,  in  this  great  treeless  wilderness. 

To-night  we  are  camped  in  the  valley  of  a  little  creek,  the  water  of 
which  appears  to  possess  a  peculiar  slimy  quality.  It  looks  clear  enough, 
and  the  horses  drink  it  freely,  but  it  feels  in  the  hands  like  mucilage,  or  the 
white  of  an  egg.  When  the  water  is  boiled  the  slime  rises  to  the  top  in  the 
form  of  a  scum,  and  the  residue  when  cooled  is  quite  drinkable.  Here,  and 
in  fact  many  miles  of  the  country  through  which  we  have  passed  to-day,  the 
prairie  is  covered  with  buffalo  grass.  One  unacquainted  with  the  peculiar 
properties  of  this  grass  would  be  very  apt  to  condemn  it  as  absolutely  worth- 
less, as  in  its  general  appearance  it  very  closely  resembles  what  is  commonly 
known  as  '*  wire  "  grans  in  Ontario.  It  has  a  dried-up  yellow  look,  but  it  is 
really  full  of  nutriment.  The  blade  or  leaf  is  cylindrical,  and  though  ap- 
parently dry  always  proves  juicy  and  nutritious  when  freshly  cut  or  broken. 
Those  who  know  this  grass  say  that  it  is  just  as  good  in  winter  as  in  summer. 

•  ( 
:•  ( 


'  I 
', ) 




,  v/'  

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,   ^fi     ,•■'! 

and  that  at  any  time  it  is  quite  as  good  for  liorsos  aud  cattle  as  tho  best 
cured  liay.  So  far  as  my  observation  extends  I  must  admit  that  though  I  was 
strongly  prejudiced  against  it  when  I  first  saw  it,  but  I  find  that  my 
ponies  feeding  upon  the  dry  benches,  where  it  appears  to  flourish  best,  fill 
themselves  just  as  rapidly  as  they  do  in  the  sloughs,  where  they  have  the 
greenest  and  freshest  of  young  grasses.  To-night  is  one  of  the  loveliest  wo 
have  enjoyed  in  the  whole  journey.  There  are  no  flies,  and  little  or  no  frost, 
while  the  snowy  tents  and  the  yellowish  dun  slopes  on  either  side  of  the  little 
valley  in  which  we  are  encamped  are  bathed  in  a  silvery  flood  of  the  brightest 

Govkrnok-Gknkkal's  Cami',  Rkd  Deer  River,  en  route  13attleford  to 
Fort  Calgary,  Sept.  7. — After  driving  through  a  splendid  prairie  country 
from  about  seven  o'clock  till  about  half-past  ten,  the  loading  portion  of  the 
escort  and  the  ambulance  halted  very  suddenly  on  the  verge  of  a  deep  ravine, 
and  as  the  waggons  following  arrived  one  by  one  it  was  evident  that  some- 
thing very  exciting  was  going  on.  On  reaching  the  brow  of  the  ravine  I  soon 
found  that  a  bufTalo  hunt  was  in  jjrogress  on  the  opposite  side  of  the  ravine. 
If  the  whole  affair  had  been  especially  arranged  for  the  occasion  the  distin- 
guished travellers  could  not  have  had  a  more  perfect  view  of  a  buffalo  hunt. 
The  herd  of  thirteen  buflalo  bulls  were  on  the  farther  side  of  the  ravine, 
where  the  plateau  sloped  gently  toward  us,  so  that  every  move  could  be  dis- 
tinctly seen  from  the  carriages.  Johnny  Saskatchewan,  who  was  mounted 
on  a  speedy  brown  Kyuse,  well  trained  for  buffalo  running,  was  first  to  dash 
into  the  herd,  while  Poundmaker,  on  a  three-year- old  roan  pony,  and  Col. 
Herchmer  on  a  roan  "  broncho  "  cantered  along  the  opposite  face  of  the 
ravine,  but  low  enough  down  to  be  out  of  sight.  Johnny  was  not  more  than 
thirty  yards  from  the  herd  when  he  first  galloped  up  over  the  brow  of  the 
bluff  and  burst  upon  their  view.  This  enabled  him  to  get  around  upon  the 
flank  of  the  herd  and  turn  them  along  the  plateau  toward  the  waggons.  Soon 
there  was  a  bright  Hash  right  beside  his  pony's  shoulder,  and  a  little  puff  of 
smoke  curled  upward,  and  a  few  seconds  later  came  a  faint  report.  Now  he 
is  among  the  buftaloes,  and  the  flashes  and  puffs  of  smoke  come  thick  and 
fast.  The  dust  rises  in  a  great  dense  cloud,  mingling  with  the  curling  smoke, 
and  this  with  the  far-ofi" rumble  of  the  trampling  herd  made  up  a  tout  ensemble 
not  unlike  that  of  a  miniature  thunder-stt  ria  sweeping  across  the  distant 
plateau.  Already  a  dark  mass  lies  upon  the  plain  like  a  great  black  mound 
behind  the  herd.  Poundmaker  darts  up  out  of  the  ravine  and  fires  into  the 
herd,  and  almost  at  the  same  instant  Col.  Herchmer  dashes  in  with  his  roan 
broncho.  He  has  no  rifle,  however,  and  he  falls  back,  while  Saskatchewan 
pulls  up,  having  killed  one  bull  and  mortally  wounded  two.  The  second 
buflalo  halts  close  to  his  dead  companion,  and  paws  up  the  ground  in  his 
fury,  while  the  third  still  gallops  along  behind  the  herd  for  nearly  half  a  mile 
farther.  Colonel  Herchmer  dismounts,  and  taking  Saskatchewan's  rifle  gives 
the  halted  bull  two  well-directed  shots  behind  the  fore-leg,  the  second  of 
which  brings  him  down.  Louis  La  Ronde  (one  of  the  half-breed  guides)  hav- 
ingjnow  arrived  upon  the  scene,  gives  the  third  bull  a  shot  in  the  neck,  whidi 




brings  him  to  a  stand-still,  but  still  he  bellows  and  paws  with  such  fury  that 
tufts  of  turf  and  clouds  of  dust  aro  tossed  high  above  his  towering  black 
shoulders.  Just  at  this  moment  Captain  Percival  and  Mr.  Sidney  Hall,  who 
have  crossed  the  ravine  on  f<jot,  reach  the  spot  and  the  artist  finds  material 
for  a  marvellously  spirited  sketch  while  the  captain  rolls  the  monster  bleed- 
ing upon  the  sod  with  two  shots  from  his  "Winchester."  Moant-me  the 
herd  passes  along  out  of  view  and  the  buttalo  hunt  is  over.  I  was  particularly 
struck  by  the  peculiarities  of  the  different  horses  that  crossed  the  ravine. 
Col.  Herchnier's  broncho,  though  willing  and  anxious  to  run  into  the  herd, 
would  not  go  near  a  dead  or  wounded  buffalo,  while  one  or  two  Canadian 
horses  would  stop  and  snort  and  tremble  all  over  at  the  sight  of  the  terrific 
looking  monsters.  On  the  other  hand  I  found  little  Blanche  eager  to  be  among 
them  alive  or  dead.  Indeed,  when  the  last  bull  was  threatening  to  charge, 
it  was  with  difficulty  she  could  be  restrained  from  galloping  right  up  to  him. 
I  also  noticed  that  Saskatchewan's  and  Poundmaker's  "  Kyuses "  wore 
equally  anxious  to  be  among  them.  And  even  after  the  buffalo  were  lying 
on  the  blood-drenched  sod  these  ponies  would  go  up  and  snuff  about  them 
without  the  slightest  symptom  of  terror. 


As  soon  as  the  buffalo  were  killed  His  Excellency  and  others  who  had  cross- 
ed the  ravine  rode  or  walked  back  to  the  train,  while  some  of  the  Indians 
and  half-  breeds  were  left  to  cut  up  the  animals  and  bring  a  portion  of  the 
meat  and  the  skin  of  Col.  Herchmer's  buffalo,  which  had  been  presented  to 
Lord  Lome,  to  the  Red  Deer  Valley,  where  we  were  to  camp.  Tiie  remain- 
der of  the  drive  was  across  a  belt  of  fine  open  prairie,  and  then  down  a  very 
precipitous  hill  into  the  deep  and  very  picturesque  valley  through  which  the 
river  flows.  The  view  from  the  verge  of  the  prairie  bluffs  on  tho  east  side  of 
the  valley,  is  one  of  rare  beauty.  Just  as  the  eye  has  become  weary  of  the  '  'long 
dun  wolds"  of  yellow  prairie  grass,  it  was  like  a  glimpse  of  fairyland  to  look 
down  into  that  lovely  valley  with  the  limpid  river  river  rolling  swiftly  along 
over  its  winding  gravelly  bed,  its  margins  deeply  fringed  with  grey  poplar  and 
choke-cherry  trees  clad  in  the  brightest  and  freshest  of  spring-time  verdure 
and  the  yellow  bottom  land,  cut  into  curious  shapes  with  the  stream's  fan- 
tastic curves,  were  studded  over  with  little  trees  of  richest  foliage,  so  that 
one  might  imagine  he  was  entering  some  lovely  park  rather  than  a  lonesome 
dell  in  an  almost  untrodden  wilderness.  This  river,  which  unites  with  the 
Bow  River  lower  down  on  the  latter's  course  toward  the  South  Saskatchewan , 
is  the  most  limpid  stream  I  have  yet  seen  in  the  North-West.  At  this  point 
it  is  broad,  swift,  and  only  about  three  and  a  half  feet  deep  at  the  worst 
place  in  the  ford.  Nearly  the  whole  bottom  is  gravel,  but  close  to  the  west 
bank  there  is  a  bit  of  quicksand  that  renders  the  ford  somewhat  dangerous. 
After  luncheon  we  crossed  the  ford  and  encamped  for  the  day  on  the  west  bank 
of  the  stream.  To  cross  a  very  swift-flowing  and  comparatively  deep  stream  like 
this  one,  the  driver  needs  to  keep  his  wits  well  in  hand.  Let  him  once  begin 
to  watch  the  roaring  torrent  dashing  against  his  horses  and  pouring  through 





,     V/'      r'K 


i*,*   ,,.i|| 

his  wheels,  he  would  soon  imagine  that  his  whole  outfit  was  going  to  pieces 
and  ploughing  rapidly  up  stream,   but  if  he  once  heads  his  horses  down 
stream,  he  soon  finds  that  he  has  made  a  very  serious  mistake,  and  if  after 
that  his  outfit  holds  together  he   may  consider    himself  in  excellent  luck. 
The  best  plan  is  to  abstain  from  looking  at  the  water  altogether,  but  if  one 
should  by  chance  fix  his  eyes  upon  it  he  should  lose  no  time  in  turning  them 
at  once  to  the  shore  he  is  approaching.     Our  camp  to-night  is  one  of  the  most 
picturesque  we  have  yet  had.     The  valley  of  the  Red  Deer  is  rather  narrow 
and  has  very  abrupt  walls  rising  nearly  300  feet  high,  which  are  deeply  fur- 
rowed with  ravines  and  dried-up  water  courses.     These  walls  are  also  bor- 
dered by  irregular  rows  of  curiously   shaped  clay  mounds  bearing  to  them 
the  relation  of  f  jot  hills  to  a  range  of  mountains.     At  one  place  in  the  ravine 
near  our  camp  there  is  a  curious  congregation  of  these  mounds  bearing  a 
striking  resemblance  to  the  ruins  of  some  ancient  city.     These  mounds  were 
almost  entirely  made  up  of  blue  clay  utterly  destitute  of  grass  or  vegetable 
matter  of  any  kind .  Most  of  them  were  dome-shaped,varying  from  five  to  thirty 
feet  in  diameter.     Others  were  pyramidal  in  form,  and  others  had  the  appear- 
ance of  ruined  towers  with  broken  ramparts,  while  there  were  bits  of  clay 
ridges  here  and  there  bearing  a  singular  resemblance  to  broken  walls.  A  rain 
storm  has  just  broken  over  the  vallev  from  the  west  as  I  close  my  journal, 

Goveunor-Geneuai/s  Camp,  12  Miles  South  of  Red  Deer  River  c/t 
r*o?*^e  from  Batttleford  to  Fort  Calgary,  Sept.  8. — This  morning  the  camp 
was  astir,  but  before  a  stark  was  made  Poundmaker  spent  some  time  in  ex- 
ploring the  ravines  leading  up  into  the  western  wall  of  the  valley  for  the  pur- 
pose of  discovering  the  most  favourable  outlet.  Finally  he  signalled  the  party 
and  a  start  was  made.  The  path  up  the  ravine  was  a  winding  and  precipi- 
tous one,  and  the  rain  of  last  night  and  the  showers  which  kopt  falling  at 
intervals  this  morning  had  rendered  the  blue  clay  so  slippery  that  the  ascent 
was  attended  with  a  great  deal  of  dilHculty  not  (juite  unmixed  with  an  ele- 
ment of  danger.  In  places  the  patli  led  across  the  face  of  stoop  inclines, 
where  both  the  footing  for  the  horses  and  the  hold  for  the  waggon  wheels  in 
the  wet  blue  clay  were  extremely  uncertain.  One  of  the  horses  in  a  baggage 
waggon  became  rusty  in  passing  one  of  these  troublesome  places,  and  a  second 
later  the  waggon,  with  its  load,  was  lying'jn  the  bottom  ot  the  ravine  beside 
the  trail  with  its  wheels  in  the  air.  Fortunately  both  horses  and  driver  es- 
caped without  injury,  while  the  damage  to  the  waggon  was  net  nearly  8>> 
serious  as  might  have  been  expected. 

Fearing  that  Ulanclio  and  Touchwood  might  not  bo  able  to  haul  my  loaded 
waggon  up  this  long  and  precipitous  path,  Peter  desired  me  to  let  him  UBt» 
Punch  to  assist  them.  Now,  I  am  sorry  to  say  that  Punch  cannot  bo  ruliud 
on  to  draw  well  in  harness,  but  like  many  another  Kyuso,  he  will  draw  ad- 
mirably by  the  tail.  One  of  Mr.  Dowdney's  buckboards  also  rather 
overloaded  for  the  horse- power  beforo  it,  and  accordingly  Peter  and  Antoine 
united  forces.  In  the  first  trip  up  the  hill  Peter  drove  my  ponies,  while 
Antoine  rode  Puncli,  whoso  tail  was  fastened  to  a  rope  attached  to  the  for- 
ward axle  of  my  waggon.     On  the  next  trip  Antoine  drove  and  Peter  enacted 



to  pieces 
■ses  down 
d  if  after 
;ent  luck, 
lut  if  one 
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f  the  most 
Br  narrow 
jeply  fur- 
also  bor- 
:  to  them 
the  ravine 
bearing  a 
inds  were 
'e  to  thirty 
he  appear- 
s   of  clay 
1b.  a  rain 
Y  journal. 
River  eii 
the  camp 
imo  in  ex- 
»r  the  pur- 
l  the  party 
d  precipi- 
falling  at 
the  ascent 
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a  baggage 
[1  a  second 
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driver  es- 
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t  him  use 
1)0  roliiul 
1  draw  ad- 
Iho  rather 
d  Antoine 
ies,  while 
,(>  tlie  for- 
mer enacted 

the  role  of  postilion.  I  have  no  doubt  that  many  good  horsemen  will  say 
that  this  was  a  piece  of  cruelty,  and  I  can  readily  understand  that  to  hitch 
an  excitable  or  spirited  horse  by  the  tail  might  result  in  his  serious  injury,, 
but  I  believe  that  any  easy  tempered  pony  accustomed  to  draw  in  this  way 
may  be  made  to  do  so  without  the  risk  of  inflicting  on  him  either  suffering 
or  injury.  Hitched  to  a  load  in  this  manner  Punch  will  walk  off  with  it  as 
coolly  and  quietly  as  the  best  trained  draught  horse,  while  if  asked  to  make 
anything  like  a  stiff  pull  in  harness  he  will  invariably  look  around  at  the- 
driver  as  though  he  did  not  know  what  was  meant.  A  stranger  to  the  busi- 
ness need  not  fear  to  occasionally  help  himself  out  of  a  serious  difficulty  in 
this  manner. 

Six-horse  teams  were  made  up  to  take  the  heaviest  waggons  up  the  worst 
portion  of  the  -incline,  and  as  one  of  these  heavy  trains  was  ascending,  the 
travellers  who  had  waiked  up  and  were  standing  upon  the  verge  of  the 
prairie  bluff,  were  startled  with  a  strange  chorus  of  shouts  that  floated  up  the 
ravine,  the  burden  of  which  was  "  pound  the  doctor,  pound  the  doctor  ! " 
Nobody  supposed  that  the  extremely  well-behaved  and  good-natured  red- 
coated  constables  had  suddenly  been  seized  with  the  desire  to  make  a  mur- 
derous assault  upon  the  cultivated  and  genial  Edinburgh  divine,  and  the  dis- 
tinguished M.D.  from  Quebec  would  be  the  last  man  to  incur  their  displeasure, 
but  still  there  was  a  general  forward  movement  upon  the  bluff  to  ascertain 
the  real  state  of  affairs.  It  turned  out  that  the  "  doctor  "  was  a  yellow  bay 
Broncho  in  one  of  the  six-horse  teams,  and  as  the  "  doctor  "  was  often  dis- 
posed to  stop  just  at  the  moment  when  it  was  most  desirable  that  he  should 
move  on,  it  was  deemed  advisable  to  give  him  the  benefit  of  vigorous  appli- 
cations of  three  long  four-in-hand  whips  all  the  way  up  the  ravine. 

It  took  about  four  hours  to  haul  all  the  waggons  up  to  the  level  prairio 
above  the  valley  of  the  ravine,  and  during  this  time  the  rain  was  falling  at 
intervals,  though  a  broad  belt  of  sky  along  the  eastern  horizim  was  clear. 
Indeed,  the  scene  to  the  eastward  was  a  charming  one.  In  the  foreground 
lay  the  deep,  narrow  valley  of  the  Red  Deer,  with  the  crystal  river  winding 
along  like  a  great,  glittering  serpent  between  shadowed  margins  fringed  with 
the  brightest  and  freshest  of  foliage.  Above  this,  in  the  middle  distance, 
rose  the  broad,  gentle  slope  of  yellow  i)rairie  grass,  over  which  little  curling 
puffs  of  silver  mist  drifted  here  and  there  before  the  fitful  breeze.  In  the 
background  to  the  south  and  oast,  as  if  the  misty  curtains  of  silver  and  dove 
colour  had  been  drawn  aside,  there  was  revealed  a  bright  opening  of  clear  sky 
of  delicate  translucent  malachite  green,  with  cloud  festoAns  of  drab  and 
French  grey  overhanging  it.  l)y  the  time  the  train  was  ready  to  move  on 
again  the  morning  sliowers  ha.l  changed  to  a  steady  pelting  rain  storm,  and 
I  hastened  to  put  on  my  waterproofs,  which  in  the  excitement  attendant  upon 
getting  my  outfit  up  out  of  the  valley  I  had  wholly  neglected.  The  result  of 
this  carelessness  was  tliat  before  I  donned  my  waterproofs  my  heavy  clothing 
was  completely  drenched  with  rain,  and  as  the  cold  di  „ary  storm  swept  down 
upon  us  I  was  thoroughly  wet  and  chilled.  It  took  us  some  three  hours  to^ 
drive  to  our  present  camp,  the  trail  passing  through  a  rich,  productive,  but 





,     V/'     r'K, 




1   k*!*     I'lll 

treeless  prairie  country.  Our  camp  to-night  is  in  a  very  dreary-looking 
alkali  valley,  through  which  runs  a  sluggish  marshy  stream  that  may  be  set 
down  as  half  slough  and  half  creek.  Everything  in  my  tent  is  drenched  with 
rain,  and  this,  with  my  wet  clothes,  renders  my  own  part  of  the  camp 
as  cheerless  as  could  well  be  imagined.  The  condition  of  the  men  of  the 
force  is  even  more  unenviable.  Very  few  of  them  have  waterproofs  of 
any  kind,  while  the  overcoats  last  furnished  them  are  utterly  worthless. 
They  will  become  wet  through  with  even  a  slight  shower,  while  they  are  of 
such  poor  material  that  they  are  of  little  use  either  to  resist  wear  and  tear  or 
to  keep  out  the  cold.  The  men  are  also  suffering  the  inconvenience  of  being 
out  of  everything  but  tea  and  butialo  beef,  and  their  blankets  and  bedding 
must  be  in  anything  but  a  satisfactory  condition.  Notwithstanding  all  this 
they  are  as  cheery  and  uncomplaining  as  ever,  singing  merrily  in  thtir  tents, 
and  appearing  to  enjoy  themselves  generally,  just  as  though  the  camp  was 
<me  of  the  best  on  the  whole  line  of  march.  To-night  His  Excellency  had  a 
lire  in  his  mess  tent,  and  we  spent  a  very  pleasant  two  hours  at  dinner,  but 
1  tind  it  anything  but  pleasant  turning  into  my  cold  wet  blankets  at  the  close 
of  this  dreary  day. 

Governor-Genekal's  Camp,  Blackfoot  Crossino,  Bow  River,  en  route 
Battleford  to  Fort  Calgary,  Sept.  !). — This  morning  the  weather  was  clear 
and  cold,  but  the  horses  belcjnging  to  the  mounted  police,  used  both  for  His 
Excellency's  transport  and  by  the  mounted  escort,  looked  very  much  tlie 
worse  of  yesterday's  cold  rain  storm.  Mr.  Dewdney's  Canadian  and  Bront  .o 
horses  were  also  badly  drawn  up  and  shivering  as  they  were  put  in  harness, 
but  his  Kyuses,  as  well  as  my  own,  looked  as  well  as  though  they  ha<l  just 
walked  out  of  a  coi/.i'ortablo  stable.  Throughout  to-day  wo  were  driving 
through  a  tine  country,  especially  adapted  to  stock-raising,  if  one  could  judge 
from  the  strong  growth  of  butfalo  grass  everywhere  to  be  seen,  while  the 
numerous  long,  wide,  well-detinoJ  coulees  or  deep  valleys  which  we  have 
passed  could  not  fail  to  make  admirable  winter  ranges  for  either  cattle  or 
liorses.  There  are  jilunty  of  rich  bijttonis  where  extensive  farming  operations 
could  bo  carried  on,  while  tlie  dry  uplands  (jr  benches  would  afford  excellent 
summer  pasture  for  the  couutloss  muititudes  of  cattle  and  horses  that  could 
lind  a  capital  living  in  the  valliys  and  ravines  during  the  winter.  Here,  too, 
the  butialo  grass  grows  thick  ;  nd  strong,  and  in  short  every  tling  points  to  the 
conclusion  that  the  co\mtry  is  particularly  well  adapted  to  cattle  and  horse 

Owing  probably  to  the  storm  of  yesterday  tlie  horses  harnessed  to  the 
loaded  waggons  were  to-day  dropping  out  one  after  another  with  exhaustion. 
As  fast  as  one  horse  gave  out  anotlior  was  taken  out  of  the  herd  of  loose 
horses  and  put  in  his  place,  till  tinally  not  a  fresh  horse  was  t  j  bo  iiad.  Four- 
liorso  teiMiis  were  tliou  reduci'd  to  thruu,  and  even  two-liorse  teams,  and 
linally  tlie  force  of  t'llectivj  animals  became  so  reduced  that  some  of  the 
scarlet-coated  drivers  were  obliged  to  stop  on  the  urairie  with  their  loads, 
some  to  rest  their  jaded  horses,  and  others  to  await  the  return  of  stronger 
Jiurses  from  among  those  that  had  taken  their  loads  into  camp.     Notwith- 




standing  the  fact  that  ray  ponies  were  fresh  and  strong  all  day,  I  was  pretty 
well  back  in  the  train  when  the  ambulances  and  other  conveyances  carrying 
His  Excellency  and  his  party  reached  the  verge  of  the  high  b.  ^ft'  overlooking 
Bow  River  at  the  Blackfoot  Crossing. 

It  was  just  5:45  when  I  reached  the  verge  of  the  bluff  at  the  point  where  the 
trail  leads  down  into  the  valley  of  the  river.  One  of  the  ambulances  had 
stopped,  and  Lord  Lome,  Col .  de  Winton,  Capt.  Bagot,  Dr.  MacGregor,  and 
Mr.  Austin,  of  the  Times,  had  alighted  to  enjoy  for  a  few  moments  the  love- 
ly prospect.  Sending  Peter  on  to  camp  with  the  ponies,  I  joined  them. 
The  scene  was  one  of  incomparable  loveliness  and  such  as  defies  all  descrip- 
tion. In  the  foreground  lay  the  charming  valley,  its  beautiful  slopes  full  of 
pretty  curves  and  bays  and  fantastically  cut  mounds  and  promontories,  show- 
ing the  brilliant  contrast  of  green  and  gold  in  growing  and  ripening  grasses. 
Along  its  tortuous  channel  through  the  valley,  and  resplendent  in  the  last  glor- 
ious beams  of  the  declining  sun.  Bow  River  wound  like  a  path  of  golden  light  be- 
tween deep,  half  over-shadowing  borders  of  loveliest  green.  On  the  yellow  flat 
beyond  its  fartlier  shore  was  an  encampment  of  2,000  Blackfeet,  the  smoke- 
browned  cones  of  their  teepees  and  the  thin,  dark  blue  smoke  curling  up  from 
their  scanty  camp-tires,  making  of  themselves  a  charming  picture,  while  the 
smaller  encampment  of  Sarcees  farther  up  the  valley  looked  as  if  the  nearer 
picture  had  been  reproduced  in  deep  shadow.  In  the  middle  distance  be- 
yond the  valley,  rose  the  great,  broad  plain  sloping  upward  to  the  horizon,, 
and  shading  frain  pale  dun  and  yellow  into  gold  and  orange,  and  copper  colour. 
In  the  back  ground  agaiustthe  horizon  lay  a  belt  of  dark  blue  that  at  first  sight 
looked  like  a  low  cloud  bank.  As  I  was  watching  the  sunset  hues  tinging  its 
upper  edges.  Lord  Lome  directed  my  attention  to  a  particular  portion  of  it, 
where  I  could  see  jagged  peaks  of  deep  steely  blue  sharply  outlined  against 
the  softer  but  dark-hued  cloud  banks.  It  was  my  first  view  of  the  Rocky 

We  were  at  last  in  sight  of  that  wondrous  barrier,  tJie  western  limit  of 
the  great  pampas  through  which  we  have  boon  travelling  since  the  8th  of 
August.  As  the  sun  sank  lower  we  could  discern  the  sharp-edged,  jagged  line 
rising  out  of  the  prairie  all  along  the  horizon,  and  here  and  there  a  faint  rosy 
gleam  told  where  the  sunlight  was  resting  upon  some  far-ofi* snow-capped  peak 
towering  above  its  giant  companions.  The  narrow,  blue  cloud  zone  was 
bordered  along  its  upper  edge  with  a  low-lying  belt  of  billowy  clouds  edged 
with  glittering  copper  bronze.  Above  this  was  a  space  of  soft  roseate  sky  half- 
curtained  with  thin,  golden-edged  clouds  of  softest  blue,  and  over  these  agnin 
were  long  feathery  streaks  of  vapour,  white  and  gleaming  like  frosted  silver. 
Blackfoot  medicine  was  to  be  seen  on  a  lonely-looking,  bold  rounded  point, 
standing  out  from  the  eastern  borders  of  the  valley  close  beside  ui.  It  consist- 
ed of  an  old  buffalo  skull,  into  which  had  been  stuck  a  dry  withered  branch, 
partially  wrapped  in  dark  cloth,  and  two  or  three  branches  of  dried  sage  at- 
tached to  it  in  different  places.  It  was  a  strange  weird  looking-objoct,  and 
furnished  the  ever  industrious  Mr.  Sidney  Hall  with  a  subject  for  one  of  his 
many  sketches.     As  daylight  was  fading  into  grey  twilight  we  made  our  way 






^/  :% 


K|*   .11, 

<lown  into  the  valley  where  the  tents  were  already  pitched  and  t  e  prepar- 
tions  for  the  night  nearly  completed.  The  tents  were  close  to  the  river's  brink, 
and  over  a  hundred  horses  and  ponies  were  enjoying  a  meal  of  buffalo  grass  on 
the  yellow  flat  eastward  of  the  camp  and  lying  between  it  and  the  east  wall  of 
the  valley.  While  yet  the  grey  twilight  from  the  west  rested  upon  the  herd 
of  horses  that  thickly  dotted  the  pale  dusky  lowland,  the  yellow  grass  of  the 
bluff  was  suddenly  lit  up  with  a  snowy  white  light,  and  slowly  the  full  moon 
reared  her  broad  bright  silver  disc  from  out  the  gleaming  whispering  grass  on 
the  upland  to  the  eastward.  The  roaring  camp  flres  shed  a  ruddy  light  on 
the  scarlet-coated  prairie  troopers  about  them  and  the  triple  effect  of  twi- 
light, moonlight,  and  tire-light  was  weird  and  startlingly  beautiful.  While 
we  were  at  dinner  to-night,  Lord  Lome  received  a  message  from  the  great 
Blackf oot  Chief,  '  'Crowfoot,"  that  he  and  his  chiefs  would  like  very  much  to 
htjld  a  council  with  him  to-morrow,  and  as  the  jaded  horses  of  the  outfit  are 
greatly  in  need  of  a  rest,  and  as  assistance  from  Calgary  is  absolutely  neces- 
sary to  anything  but  very  slow  progress  a  messenger  was  sent  on  to-night, 
and  the  greater  part  of  io-morrow  will  be  spent  in  a  pow-wow  with  such  of 
the  Indians  as  can  mau^ge  to  cross  the  deep,  swift  ford  here. 

Governor-General's  Camp,  Bow  River,  twelve  miles  west  of  Blackfoot 
Crossing,  en  route  Btkitlaiord  to  Fort  Calgary,  Sep.  10. — There  was  great 
activity  in  the  Blackfoot  Camp  early  this  morning,  and  by  nine  o'clock  large 
numbers  of  them  were  mounted  on  their  ponies  and  making  their  way  down 
to  the  ford,  which  was  nearly,  or  quite,  two  miles  below  the  point  at  which 
we  were  encamj)ed.  Saddling  little  Blanche,  I  rode  down  alone  to  witness 
th'j  crossing  of  the  ford. 

Bow  River  at  this  point  is  both  deep  and  swift,  and  the  banks,  though  not 
high,  are  very  precipitate.  As  I  reached  the  ford  the  Indian  had  already  col- 
lected in  large  numbers  in  a  little  clearing  on  the  opposite  bank,  and,  lit  up 
by  the  morning  sunlight,  the  picture  presented  was  a  strange  and  picturesipie 
one.  Almost  every  conceivable  bright  colour  was  represented  in  that  gaud- 
ily-attired group,  the  copper  skins  of  the  Indians  themselves,  the  scarlet, 
blue,  purple,  green,  orange,  criuitjon,  white,  and  brilliantly  striped  blankets, 
the  glistening  brass  ornaments,  the  buff,  brown,  and  white  moose,  buffalo, 
and  cariboo  skins  tanned  and  worked  into  tunics,  the  brightly-dyed  feathers 
and  rich  furs,  all  blended  with  a  strange  and  luxuriant  mingling  of  colours 
more  suggestive  of  real  barbaric  splendor  than  anything  I  have  yet  seen. 
The  ponies,  too,  represented  every  conceivable  colour,  and  nearly  all  had 
enough  of  the  pinto  in  their  composition  to  insure  the  most  startling  effects 
in  the  way  of  white  markings.  They  were  black,  brown,  chestnut,  bay,  buck- 
skin, cieani,  roan,  grey,  white,  and  piebald,  and  nearly  every  one  was 
strongl"  marked  with  a  blazed  face  and  wliite  stockings,  or  irregular  spots 
of  white  or  black,  indicativ«i  yf  a  piebald  ancestry.  The  sunlight  breaking 
thi'.';  a  rift  in  the  foliage  on  the  east  bank  threw  across  the  swift  limpid 
river  a  glittering  band  of  golden  light,  and  into  this  brilliant  zone  the  long- 
tailed,  shaggy-maned  ponies,  each  carrying  one,  two,  or  three  gaudily-dressed 
riders,  walked  in  single  file.    The  ford  was  ao  deep  that  often  only  the  ponies' 



I  brink, 
rras3  on 
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heads  and  the  bodies  of  their  riders  were  visible,  but  still  the  gallant  little 
fellows  setting  their  unshod  feet  firmly  upon  the  gravelly  bottom  stoutly 
stemmed  the  current  and  soon  the  vanguard  had  reached  the  eastern  shore. 
For  three  quarters  of  an  hour  this  strange  wild-looking  procession  was  cross- 
ing the  ford  looking  in  that  gleaming  watery  path  like  a  narrow  strip  of  fan- 
tastic emb-oidery  worked  into  a  broad  belt  of  burnished  gold. 

Almost  e/ery  Blackfoot  as  he  landed  greeted  me  with  a  grunt  of  welcome, 
and  shook  hands  with  extraordinary  cordiality,  and  I  soon  found  myself  sur- 
rounded by  fifty  or  sixty  of  these  dark-skinned  savages.  I  was  singularly  im- 
pressed with  the  conduct  of  little  Blanche  on  this  occasion.  Turn  her  loose 
amongst  a  herd  of  police  horses  and  he  will  lay  back  her  ears  and  scowl  or 
snap  at  every  one  of  them  that  d  near  her,  but  among  these  ponies  of 

her  own  race  her  conduct  was  moat  amiable.  She  anutfad  about  thi  liead  of 
every  pony  that  came  near  her,  and  seemed  to  enjoy  their -so  "ety  even  more 
than  I  did  that  of  their  good-natured  masters.  When  the  -saing  of  the  ford 
had  been  completed  the  whole  party  rode  uptowardscamp,  Blanche  cantering 
in  and  out  among  them  as  though  she  and  I  had  been  members  of  the  frater- 
nity. Not  knowing  a  word  of  Blackfoot,  I  talked  English  to  my  dusky  comp- 
anions as  volubly  as  though  they  understood  every  word  I  said.  Presently 
I  found  myself  between  two  very  gorgeously  dressed  young  sijiiaws,  each 
had  a  pony  of  her  own  and  I  thought  this  a  remarkably  wise  provision,  as 
otherwise  the  aggregation  of  brass  ornaments  they  wore  would  have  been  too 
heavy  a  load  for  any  ordinary  Kyuse  to  have  brought  safely  across  tho  ford. 
Here  1  began  to  talk  English  as  usual,  and  the  reader  can  imagine  my  surprise 
at  finding  myself  answered  in  perfectly  good  English  spoken  in  a  soft  lady- 
like tone  by  the  squaw  on  my  right.  Her  face  was  painted  in  bright  lemon 
chrome  with  fine  scarlet  lines  along  the  eyelashes.  She  had  good  features 
and  exceptionally  good  teeth,  and  she  showed  tho  latter  very  frequently  as 
she  was  evidently  greatly  amuaed  at  the  aurpriae  I  exhibited  at  her  know- 
ledge of  Engiiah.  Had  it  not  been  that  ahe  was  ao  hideously  painted,  I  have 
uo  doubt  she  would  have  been  decidedly  good-looking.  My  tctc-d-tcte  was  of 
very  short  duration,  as  a  strapping  fellow,one  of  tho  minor  chiefs  (her  luisband) 
rode  up  between  ua,  and  with  a  hearty  grunt  of  welcome  and  a  moat  amiable 
^mile  shook  hands  with  me  with  such  extreme  cordiality  that  he  almost  forced 
the  blood  from  under  my  finger  nails.  He  was  evidently  extremely  proud 
of  his  favourite  wife's  accompliahmtnta,  and  appeared  more  than  pleaaed  x 
her  having  thua  attracted  my  attention.  I  af terwarda  learned  a  little  of  the 
hiatory  of  this  young  lady.  She  was  the  daughter  of  a  white  trapper,  with 
whom  she  had  lived  till  she  was  seventeen  years  old.  She  then  marritJl  a 
white  trader,  who  grossly  ill-used  her,  and  at  the  expiry  of  her  first  year  of 
married  life  she  ran  away,  joined  a  band  oi  Blackfeot,  and  married  a  young 
chief  who  had  already  two  wives.     Her  mother  was  a  Piegan  stjuaw. 


The  spot  chosen  for  the  Council  was  upon  a  broad  fiat,  a  little  to  the  south 
of  our  camp.     One  of  the  blue  and   white  striped  tents  in  tho  Goveinor- 









K.*  ^% 

General's  outfit  had  been  converbed  into  an  awning  and  faced  southward  for 
the  occasion.     Beneath  the  awning  ware  His  Excellency,  Colonel  De  Winton, 
Mr.  Dewdney,  Dr.  McGregor,  and  Mr.  Austin  ;  Captain  Chater  and  Captain 
Percival  occupying  positions  at  either  end  of  the  row.     The  Indians  advanced 
in  two  lines  about  two  hundred  feet  apart.    They  were  all  mounted  on  their 
ponies  and  armed  with  their  Winchester  rifles.     They  came  on  at  full  gallop,, 
each  line  charging  at  and  firing  over  the  heads  of  those  ii.  the  other  line  with 
wonderful  rapidity.     This  irregular  sort  of  sham  battle  was  the  most  brilliant 
display  to  which  they  have  yet  treated  us,  and  one  which  His  Excellency  ap- 
peared to  enjoy  very  much.     When  the  battle  was  over  the  ponies  were  all 
hobbled  or  picketed  on  different  parts  of  the  plain,  and  the  Indians  seated 
themselves  in  a  large  semi-circle  south  of  the  awning,  in  a  line  three  or  four 
deep.    Three-quarters  of  the  circle  were  occupied  by  the  Blackfeet,  while  that 
which  was  to  the  westward,  and  the  right  of  the  Governor-General,  was  taken 
up  by  the  Sarcees.     From  either  end  of  the  awning  to  the  ends  of  the  semi- 
circle or  horseshoe  extended  a  line  of  dismounted  constables,  under  command 
of  Colonel  Herchm3r,  who  stood  at  the  head  of  the  eastern  file,  Sergeant- 
Major  Lake  occupying  a  similar  position  on  the  west.     As  has  been  the  case 
on  all  similar  occ  isions,  the  men  pre33nted  an  admirable  and  soldiery  appear- 
ance.    The  uniforms  and  accoutrements  were  spotlessly  clean,  and  every 
buckle,  chain  and  spur  glistened  in  the  sun  as  though  oflicers  and  men  liad 
jujt  marched  out  of  barracks  instead  of  coming  out  of  camp  immediately 
after  a  long  and  very  arduous  march.     Directly  in  front  of  the  Governor- 
General  and  facing  him  sat  Crowfoot,  Old  Su.i,  and  one  or  two  other  promi- 
nent chiefs  of  the  Blackfeet.     On  the  east  side  of  the  enclosure  were  a  num- 
ber of  warriors  and  headmen,  who  amused  the  party  prior  to  the  opening  of 
the  business  of  the  council  wi*h  a  number  of  fantastic  dances.     Altogether 
this  display  far  surpassed  any  that  had  been  seen  on  the  journey.     The  day 
was  particularly  favourable,  the  bright  sunshine  lighting  up  the  brilliant 
uniforms  of  the  police  and  the  gay-coloured  costumes  of  the  savages  with  par- 
ticularly good  eflfect.     After  the  dmcing  was  over.  Crowfoot  introduced  his 
wife,  a  rather  comely  and  matronly -looking  squaw,  who  shook  hands  with  His 
Excellency  and  the  rest  of  the  party  with  gushing  cordiality,  and  capped  the 
climax  by  kissing  Mr.  Dewdney,  an  honour  which  the  blushing  Indian  Com-  • 
missioner  evidently  did  not  covet.     Crowfoot  made  a  rather  effective  speech^ 
but  the  gist  of  it  was  very  much  like  that  of  the  other  Indian  Chiefs  we  have 
heard.    He  made  a  telling  passage  co;icerning  the  shortness  of  his  rations  by 
flourishing  a  large  granite-ware  teacup  and  declaring  *hat  it  could  not  possibly 
hold  one  pound,  enough  flour  to  support  an  Indian  twenty-four  hours.     He 
also  complained  that  a  pound  of  meat  wlien  containing  a  large  piece  of  bone 
was  an  insuihciont  supply  for  a  like  period  of  time.     It  is  urged  on  the  other 
hand,  however,  that  when  an  Indian  gets  a  piece  of  bone  in  his  allowance  he 
invariably  extracts  the  marrow  to  use  for  hair  oil  instead  of  making  soup  of  the 
bone  or  devoting  it  to  other  useful  purposes.     Crowfoot  also  exhibited  a  one 
dollar  bill,  and  remarked  that  such  pieces  of  paper  in  former  days  sometimes 
passed  for  five  dollars,  and  he  did  not  understand  the  remarkable  deprecia- 



I  ward  for 
1  Winton, 
I  Captain 
L  on  their 
lU  gallop^ 
line  with 
b  brilliant 
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Lbited  a  one 
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le  deprecia- 

tion in  their  value.  His  Excellency  explained  to  him,  however,  that  the 
large  issue  of  one  dollar  bills  had  Ljen  expressly  made  to  protect  the  inter- 
eats  of  the  Indians,  and  that  hereafter  they  could  understand  that  a  piece  of 
paper  of  that  description  represented  one  dollar  and  no  more.  At  the  close 
of  the  Council  there  were  several  rather  grotesque  displays  illustrative  of 
Indian  warfare  and  hunting.  The  presents  were  distributed  and  the  Council 
ended.  While  His  Excellency  and  party  were  getting  ready  for  the  march, 
there  were  a  number  of  pony  races,  which  excited  considerable  interest, 
though  many  of  the  band,  especially  the  female  portion  of  it,  remained  at  the 
■camp  to  witness  his  departui'e. 

Selecting  a  young  squaw,  the  wife  of  a  chief,  as  an  example,  I  took  careful 
notes  of  her  attire,  that  lady  readeia  may  be  informed  as  to  the  costume  of  a 
Blackfoot  belle.  The  upper  portion  of  hor  face,  including  forehead,  eyes, 
and  cheeks,  was  painted  in  bright  chrome*  yellow,  the  lower  portion  of  her 
face  was  scarlet,  she  v.  ore  a  sc;irlet  blanket  thrown  loosely  over  her  shoulders, 
and  under  this  was  a  long  loose  blouse  made  out  of  a  dark  navy  blue  blanket, 
and  trimmed  with  pipings  of  scarlet  and  white.  This  blouse  was  fastened  at 
the  waist  with  a  leather  belt  fully  eight  inches  broad,  and  literally  covered 
with  large  bosses  of  polished  brass.  On  her  neck  was  a  string  of  brass  beads 
as  large  as  cherries.  One  of  her  bracelets  consisted  of  a  coil  of  heavy  brass 
wire  that  would  weigh  not  leas  than  a  pound  and  a  half,  while  the  other, 
Avhicli  was  nearly  the  same  weight,  was  made  of  large  brass  beads  ;  several  of 
her  lingers  were  nearly  covered  with  coils  of  brass  wire  and  beads.  It  was 
late  in  the  afternoon  when  we  left  Blackfoot  Crossin  ■•  We  drove  through  a 
beautiful  coiuitry  all  made  up  of  rich  land  with  the  ception  of  one  narrow 
sand  ridge,  and  reached  our  present  camp  after  dark,  having  enjoyed  another 
splendid  view  of  the  Rocky  Mountains  at  sun-set. 

Goveknor-Genekal'h  Camp,  twenty  miles  east  of  Fort  Calgary,  en  mute 
IJattleforfi  '.^  /ort  Calgary,  Sept.  llth. — This  has  been  a  most  enjoyable  day 
so  far  as  I  have  been  concerned,  but  though  the  journey  has  been  rathe  • 
shorter  than  usual,  it  has  told  terribly  against  the  jaded  and  worn-out  horses 
in  the  outfit.  My  Kyuses  have,  with  the  aid  of  a  little  barley,  been  putting 
on  tlesh  ever  since  they  left  Battleford,  and  are  in  all  respects  better  ponies 
than  they  were  in  th  earlier  stages  of  the  journey.  On  the  other  hand,  with 
one  solitary  exception,  the  other  horses  look  travel-worn,  sore,  and  gaunt. 
The  exception  I  allude  to  is  a  large  brown  gelding  of  Clear  Grit  parentage 
belonging  to  Mr.  Dewdney.  This  remarkable  horse  has  been  working  against 
two  others  in  a  very  heavily-laden,  hard-running  buckboard  ;  he  has  not 
missed  a  single  hitch  since  he  joined  the  party  at  Shoal  Lake,  nnd  even  to- 
day whenever  his  jaded  partner  was  touched  with  the  whip  ho  would  ilance 
and  pull  like  a  well-fed  horse  fresh  from  the  stable  and  out  for  a  half  hour's 
exercise.  The  country  through  which  we  have  travelled  to-day  has  continued 
to  improve  so  far  as  the  character  of  the  soil  is  concerned,  but  the  trail  has 
been  an  uncommonly  heavy  one,  owing  to  the  unusual  number  of  badger 
holes.  We  only  made  one  hi  ih,  but  that  was  an  unusually  long  one  and  by 
the  time  we  reached  the  camp  (about  two  p.  m.)  the  train  was  strung  out 





1  Kr"   ri| 

several  miles.  We  are  in  full  view  of  the  Rocky  Mountains,  the  bright  sun- 
light bringing  out  their  snow- capped  peaks  with  wonderful  distinctness.  To. 
see  that  mighty  range  rising  like  a  jagged  wall  of  burnished  silver  out  of  the 
dun-coloured  prairie  is  a  sight  worth  years  of  hardship.  To  attempt  to  describe 
it  would  be  like  trying  to  dedne  the  infinite.  About  four  o'clock  this  after- 
noon the  rattle  of  a  waggon  was  heard  on  the  trail  and  a  few  seconds  later 
Col.  Irvine,  the  Commissioner,  and  Captain  Cotton,  the  adjutant  of  the 
Mounted  Police  Force,  came  galloping  over  the  hill  a  hundred  yards  from 
camp.  They  brought  with  them  over  thirty  fresh  horses,  a  quantity  of  oats, 
and  all  otlier  needed  supplies.  It  is  needless  to  say  that  there  was  not  one- 
in  the  party  who  was  not  well  nigh  overjoyed  to  see  "such  complete  relief 
reach  us  at  so  opportune  a  moment.  Colonel  Herchmer  had  handled  the 
whole  force  at  his  disposal  with  the  most  marked  ability  and  judgment  ever 
since  His  Excellency's  party  had  placed  themselves  under  his  care,  at  the 
end  of  the  track,  on  the  eighth  of  last  month.  He  had  laboured  with  untir- 
ing zeal  and  complete  success  to  make  the  journey  a  pleasant  one,  but  owing 
to  the  miscalculation  of  the  distance  and  the  nature  of  the  route  by  Saskat- 
chewan, who  acted  as  guide  from  Battleford  to  Red  Deer  River,  the  journey 
occupied  very  much  more  time  than  was  expected.  The  result  was  that  both- 
supplies  jvnd  horses  were  insufficient  for  the  journey,  though  fortunately  no 
serious  inconvenience  had  yet  been  experienced  up  to  the  moment  of  Col. 
Irvine's  arrival. 

This  afternoon  a  short  service  was  held  by  Dr.  MacCrregor  in  the  open  air, 
in  accordance  with  the  custom  that  has  prevailed  in  His  Excellency's  party 
ever  since  we  started. 



Governor-General's  Camp,  Fort  Calgary,  Sept.  12. — This  morning 
we  were  early  on  the  move,  Colonel  Irvine  having  decided  that  with  the  aid 
of  the  fresh  horses  Calgary  could  be  reached  in  one  hitch.  We  rattled  along 
at  a  lively  pace,  the  fresh  horses  hauling  the  ambulances  and  some  of  the 
loaded  waggons  in  grand  style.  Blanche  and  Touchwood  kept  up  to  them 
without  difliculty,  and  Mr.  Dewdney's  buckbuards  were  also  well  to  the  fore^ 
but  the  waggons  drawn  by  horses  brought  through  by  Battleford  made  but 
sorry  progress.  Five  or  six  miles  east  of  the  Fort  I  overtook  Captain  Perci- 
val  and  Mr.  Sidney  Hall  walking  beside  their  backboard  and  doing  their  best 



/ht  8un- 

583.       To 

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Ihia  morning 
1  with  the  aid 
Vattled  along 

I  some  of  the 
up  to  them 

II  to  the  fore, 
Ird  made  but 
[aptain  Perci- 
Ing  their  best 

to  keep  their  thoroughly  "played  out"  Broncho  on  the  move.  Luckily  I 
had  Punch  tied  by  the  halter  to  the  back  of  my  waj^gon,  and  having];  liarnesseil 
him  to  the  buckboard  in  the  place  of  the  tired  Broncho,  they  were  enabled  to 
jog  along  for  the  remainder  of  tht  distance  in  company  with  the  rest  of  the 
party.  Late  in  the  forenoon  we  reached  the  verge  of  the  high  prairie  blutf 
overlooking  Fort  Calgary  and  of  all  the  charming  pictures  we  have  seen  on  the 
journey,  this  was  generally  admitted  to  be  by  far  the  most  beautiful.  The  val- 
ley of  the  river  at  this  point  is  much  wider  and  the  stream  more  tortuous  than 
at  Blackfoot  crossing  ;  indeed,  the  valley  of  Bow  River,  and  that  of  one  of  its 
chief  tributaries,  the  Elbow,  unite  in  a  broad,  low  plain,  and  this  great  rich  val- 
ley, studded  with  cottonwood,  wild  cherries,  and  grey  willows,  looked  like  some 
fancifully  arranged  plantation.  A  slight  frost  had  nipped  the  leaves  of  many 
of  the  trees,  so  that  the  lovely  autumnal  shades  of  lemon  and  gold  and  orange 
and  crimson  contrasted  richly  with  the  fresh  summer  verdure  of  the  un- 
touched trees.  But,  after  all,  it  was  not  the  foreground  of  the  picture  that 
constituted  its  most  charming  feature,  for  in  the  background  rose  the  giant 
peaks  of  the  Rocky  Mountains  in  indescribable  splendour.  Above  .and 
beyond  them  lay  a  sky  of  deep  soft  blue,  overhung  with  cloud  festoons  of 
delicate  grey  and  light  dove-colour,  from  which  some  little  feathery  frag- 
ments had  broken  off  and  drifted  down  in  dainty  cloud  islets  into  the  blue 
zone  below.  Against  this  rich-coloured  background,  and  in  sharp  relief  rose 
the  wild  and  rugged  outlines  of  the  mountain  range,  with  its  snow-clad  peaks 
glittering  in  dazzling  white  as  the  sun  lit  up  their  gleaming  slopes.  Here 
were  ruined  cowers  and  battlements  and  pyramids  cut  and  polished  in  ala- 
baster, as  if  some  great  city,  realizing  the  grand  dreams  of  the  Apocalypse, 
had  been  hurled  in  ruins  upon  the  plains.  Below,  as  if  to  veil  their  glories 
from  the  vulgar  gaze,  hung  a  dark-blue  vapour,  like  a  thin  curtain  of  silken 
gauze  concealing  tlie  foot  of  the  hills  and  the  rugged  mountain  slopes,  as  yet 
uncovered  with  the  snowy  mantle.  On  the  eastern  face  of  one  of  these  great 
white,  nameless  peaks  of  pyramidal  form  hung  a  gigantic  cross  of  dark  steel- 
grey,  looking  grim  and  cold  in  the  brightest  sunshine.  This  peak  must  have 
been  full  sixty  miles  away,  and  still  the  cross  at  its  summit  looked  as  large, 
regular,  and  well-defined  as  would  a  twelve-feet  cross  of  heavy  timbers 
painted  in  dark  steel-grey,  and  hung  against  a  white  back -ground  two  hundred 
yards  away.  To  tlie  north  of  this  rose  another  and  still  higher  pyramid  of 
spotless  white,  and  on  learning  that  it  had  not  yet  been  named.  Dr.  MacGre- 
gor,  with  the  consent  of  His  Excellency,  named  it  "  Lome  Mountain." 

Fort  Calgary  was  once  one  of  the  regular  posts  of  the  Mounted  Police,  but 
it  has  since  been  reduced  to  an  outpost,  and  only  a  non-commissioned  officer 
and  two  constables  reside  within  the  stockade.  The  Hudson  Bay  Company 
Bow  River  Post  is  located  here,  and  the  American  traders,  J.  G.  Baker  it  Co. , 
do  an  extensive  trade  here  with  the  ranchers  and  Indians.  The  ford  being  both 
deep  and  swift,  it  was  deemed  advisable  to  ferry  the  passengers  and  baggage 
in  the  boats  which  had  been  built  for  the  use  of  His  Excellency  when  it  was 
intended  that  he  and  his  party  should  travel  by  water  from  here  to  the  elbow 





K.»  »H 


*   ; 

of  the  South  Soikatrhewan,  instead  of  returning  by  the  way  of  Helena  as 
they  liave  since  determined  to  do. 

The  camp  here  is  r  sarly  or  quite  a  mile  and  a  half  from  the  ford,  and  in  a 
beautiful  plateau  on  the  Elbow  River.  It  commands  a  charming  view  of  the 
Rocky  Mountains,  and  is  in  all  respects  the  most  beautiful  that  we  have  had 
on  the  whole  journ^v  from  Winnipeg.  The  rows  of  tents  and  waggons  are 
laid  out  so  as  to  enclose  a  parallelogrr-m  with  mathematical  precision,  and  the 
little  raised  plateau,  the  whole  of  which  is  thus  enclosed,  is  almost  as  smooth 
and  level  as  a  billiard  table.  In  this  whole  region,  so  far  as  I  have  been  able 
to  observe,  the  soil  consists  of  a  very  friable  black  loam,  extremely  productive, 
and  deep  enough  to  be  practically  inexhaustible.  We  are  now  about  1,000 
miles  west  of  Winnipeg,  and  after  having  carefully  noted  the  character  of  every 
mile  of  country  through  which  we  have  travelled,  I  can  only  say  that  I  have 
not  seen  an  acre  of  land  anywhere  along  the  route  that  is  not  likely  sooner 
or  later,  to  be  of  value  either  for  agricultural  or  grazing  purposes.  The  lack 
of  fuel  is  for  the  present  a  serious  drawback,  but  unless  I  am  much  mistaken 
coal  will  be  found  in  such  quantities  and  so  distributed  throughout  the  coun- 
try as  to  make  fuel  easily  obtainable  in  any  part  of  the  North- West,  while 
the  construction  of  railways  will  ere  long  make  the  cost  of  building  material 
very  much  less  than  it  is  at  present. 

Governor-Geneeal's  Camp,  Fort  Calgary,  Sept.  13. — To-day  the  Gov- 
ernor-General and  party  remained  most  of  the  time  in  camp  resting  after  their 
long  journey.  A  special  messenger  was  despatched  this  morning  with  letters 
for  Canada  and  England,  but  contrary  to  expectation,  His  Excellency  has  as 
yet  received  no  mail,  though  one  is  hourly  expected. 

To-day  John  Glenn,  one  of  the  pioneers  of  this  region,  drove  into  canip 
with  a  lot  of  samples  of  the  grain  and  root  crops  grown  on  his  ranche  at  Fish 
Creek,  some  seven  or  eight  miles  south  of  this  fort,  and  on  the  road  to  Fort 
MacLeod.  He  underwent  a  rigid  cross-examination  at  the  hands  of  His  Ex- 
cellency, Dr.  MacGregor,  and  others,  and  the  facts  elicited  may  be  summed 
up  as  follows  : — Mr.  Glenn,  who  is  a  native  of  Curragli  Fen,  near  Gulway, 
Ireland ,  has  been  on  this  side  of  the  Atlantic  for  many  years,  having  spent 
some  time  in  Texas,  Utah,  Montana,  etc.  He  has  travelled  from  tlio  Rio 
Grande  to  Peace  River,  but  is  very  sure  he  likes  this  region  better  than  any 
he  has  yet  seen.  He  says  that  the  greatest  trouble  here  is  the  want  of  labour- 
ers. Last  year  he  had  to  go  on  seeding  to  the  10th  of  June,  which  was,  of 
course,  much  too  late.  If  he  could  have  had  his  spring's  work  done  promptly 
last  season  he  is  certain  he  would  have  had  his  crops  all  in  before  the  24th  of 
August,  on  which  day  there  came  a  great  surprise  in  the  shape  of  a  heavy 
snow  storm.  He  had  been  located  on  Fish  Creek  since  1875,  and  has  now 
40  acres  iinder  cultivation,  and  150  acres  fenced.  As  a  proof  that  he  con- 
siders the  country  eminently  suitable  for  agriculture  he  stated  that  he  had 
$1,200  invested  in  agricultural  implements  instead  of  live  stock.  He  has  one 
neighbour,  a  French  Canadian,  who  began  ranching  this  year,  and  is  doing 
well.  He  thought  the  route  we  had  taken  from  Battleford  was  not  a  favour- 
able one  for  seeing  the  best  part  of  the  country.    Had  we  gone  farther  north 




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we  would  have  seen  land  as  good  as  that  abont  Bow  River.  Like  other  set- 
tlers on  the  prairie  Mr.  Glenn  has  suffered  considerable  inconvenience  from 
the  want  of  timber.  Regarding  the  productiveness  of  the  land  in  this  region, 
I  can  safely  say  that  Mr.  Glenn's  evidence  and  the  samples  of  produce  he 
brought  furnished  the  most  satisfactory  proof  of  its  extraordinary  richness . 
He  had  raised  fifty -seven  b;:?hel3  of  oats  to  the  acre,  and  his  barley  has 
turned  oiit  as  high  as  seventy  bushels  to  the  acre.  His  wheat,  which  was 
grown  from  bad  seed,  did  not  turn  out  as  well  as  usual  this  year,  but  still  the 
sample  he  showed  us  was  rather  better  than  the  average  met  with  in  Ontario* 
The  samples  of  root  crops  and  garden  produce  which  he  brought  in  were  of 
the  finest  quality,  some  of  the  cabbages  being  equal  if  not  superior  to  any  I 
have  ever  seen  exhibited  in  Ontario.  Out  of  the  sheaf  of  barley  brought  in 
by  Mr.  Glenn,  three  heads  were  selected  at  random.  The  first  turned  out 
74,  the  second  50,  and  the  third  70  well  filled,  fully  developed  kernels.  His 
turnips,  which  were  planted  in  the  first  of  June,  furnished  fine  samples, 
weighing  from  12  to  16  lbs.  Mr.  Glenn  says  that  his  crops  are  not  at  all 
exceptional,  and  that  other  ranchmen  are  doing  quite  as  well  as  he  is.  He 
assured  us  that  a  great  deal  of  the  talk  about  summer  frosts  is  due  to  the 
representations  of  cattle  ranchers  who  desire  to  monopolize  the  whole  region 
for  themselves.  He  complained  that  as  a  rule  the  Bow  River  country  did 
not  get  fair  play  in  being  represented  to  the  public.  "  Only  last  week,"  said 
he,  *'  Mr.  Dawson,  the  Government  surveyor,  who,  I  am  told,  is  talking 
against  this  country  as  an  agricultural  region,  drove  past  my  place  and  never 
so  much  as  halted  for  a  moment  to  look  at  or  enquire  about  my  crops  ;  and 
yet  I  suppose  he  will  go  down  and  say  this  country  is  not  fit  for  settlement." 
Mr.  Glenn  said  that  horses  did  well  here  in  the  winter,  the  frozen  bufl"alo 
grass  being  as  nutritious  and  as  good  for  them  as  well  cured  hay.  Fie  said 
that  he  had  seen  a  steer  killed  last  March  that  had  picked  his  own  living  all 
winter  without  having  been  fed  a  mouthful,  and  yet  he  proved  the  fattest 
beef  he  had  ever  seen  killed. 


To-night  His  Excellency  received  a  well-filled  mail  bag  of  letters  and  news- 
papers, and  a  telegram  announcing  the  death  of  Senator  Brouse.  At  dinner 
he  spoke  in  the  highest  terms  of  the  deceased  Senator,  stating  that  his  loss 
to  the  Senate  would  be  irreparable.  Among  the  English  papers  was  the 
Oazette  announcing  Capt.  Cliater's  promotion,  and  accordingly  "  Major  Cha- 
ter "  was  heartily  congratulated  by  all  present.  To-day  I  met  Mr.  Geo. 
Scott,  an  Ontario  farmer,  late  of  the  Township  of  Nissouri,  near  London, 
Ont. ,  on  his  way  to  the  Cochrane  ranche,  fifteen  miles  above  here.  He  is 
delighted  with  the  country. 

Governor-General's  Camp,  Fort  Calgary,  Sept.  14. — This  morning  Mr. 
Barter  and  Major  Bains,  from  the  Cochrane  Ranche,  called  at  the  Camp  and 
were  subjected  to  a  somewhat  lengthy  examination  as  to  the  character  and 
nature  of  the  enterprise  in  which  they  are  engaged,  and  as  to  the  capabilities 
of  the  Bow  River  country  generally.     Regarding  the  former  they  may  be 




r   **/'  •* 



K.*   -1 

«iippoaed  to  know  a  good  deal  of  course,  but  they  were  evidently  inclined, 
being  ranchers,  to  belittle  the  agricultural  resources  of  the  country.  1  do  not 
mean  to  say  that  their  reports  were  altogether  unreliable  in  this  direction, 
but  when  1  have  the  untjusstionable  proof  oflered  by  John  Glenn  in  the 
shape  of  samples  of  produce,  to  weigh  in  the  balance  against  their  simple 
•'  say  so,"  1  must  confess  a  very  strong  disposition  to  give  the  ocular  proof 
the  preference, 

The  factd  that  are  furnished  about  the  Cochrane  Ranche  were  substantially 
as  follows: — The  country  under  the  influence  of  the  warm  west  winds  blowing 
from  oft' the  tidal  current  across  the  mountains,  and  keeping  the  snow  melted 
oft'  the  prairies  for  nearly  the  whole  winter,  is  about  twelve  miles  wide  in  the 
vicinity  of  Fort  Calgary,  but  further  south  it  becomes  much  wider.  These 
warm  Avest  winds  are  called  "Chinook"  winds,  after  an  Indian  tribe  occupying 
a  portion  of  the  western  slope  of  the  llocky  Mountains, 

The  Cochrane  Kanche  consists  of  100,000  acres,  all  under  the  influence  of 
Chinook  winds.  Within  this  area  a  foot  depth  of  snow  has  never  been  known 
to  lie  more  than  three  days  at  a  time,  for  the  first  west  wind  was  sure  to  thaw 
it  with  wonderful  rapidity.  On  the  ranche  they  have  now  about  0,000  head 
of  cattle,  including  55  good  bulls.  It  is  intended,  however,  by  the  end  of 
October,  to  bring  the  herd  up  to  7,200.  The  cost  of  Montana  and  Oregon 
cattle  (the  kinds  brought  in  here)  is  about  $23  per  head,  as  the  transport  from 
Montana  is  rather  slow  and  expensive,  the  average  day's  march  being  only 
about  10  miles.  There  are  three  kinds  of  bulls  employed  on  this  ranche. 
Shorthorns,  the  Herefords  and  Polled  Angus.  There  is  plenty  of  timber 
easily  available,  b, "it  as  yet  nothing  worth  mentioning  has  been  done  in  the 
way  of  building  oi.  jount  of  the  difticulty  of  securing  labourers  and  mechan- 
ics, Thei-e  is  plenty  of  room  for  farm  labourers  in  this  country.  Good 
handy  "cow  boys"  receive  ^0  per  n»onth  and  board,  and  half-breeds  from  $35 
to  ^40  with  board  of  course.  City-bred  men  are  of  little  use  h«re  until  they  have 
learned  to  rough  it  and  "and  got  into  the  ways  of  the  country,"  but  for  farm- 
ers' sons  and  energetic  farm  labourers  the  opening  is  an  excellent  one.  The 
sort  of  life  they  lead  here  is  very  different  from  that  of  farm  labourers  in 
Ontario.  A  great  deal  is  done  here  on  horse-back.  It  is  unwise  to  go  near 
a  herd  of  Montana  or  Oregon  cattle  on  foot,  and  those  who  have  had  most 
experience  with  them  will  always  be  the  last  to  yenture  in  doing  so,  as  the 
dangerof  being  trami)led  to  death  merely  to  satisfy  the  curiosity  of  the  cattle 
is  altogether  too  great.  There  are  also  in  the  Cochrane  ranche  260  Bron- 
cho mares,  which  it  is  intended  to  breed  to  stallions  of  various  bi'eeds. 
They  also  intend  to  put  large  numbers  of  sheep  in  the  range.  At  this  point 
in  the  conversation  Dr.  MacGregor  asked  one  of  the  gentlemen  what  he 
thought  of  the  agricultural  capabilities  of  the  Bow  River  country.  His  re- 
ply was  particularly  unique  in  its  character.  He.  said,  "There  is  plenty  of 
excellent  agricultural  land" — his  companion  here  gave  him  a  very  peculiar 
glance — and  he  finished  the  sentence  by  adding,  "five  or  six  hundred  miles 
from  here."  In  the  afternoon  His  Excellency  and  some  of  the  party  drove 
up  to  see  the  Cochrane  Ranche,  and  witness  the  operation  of  lassoing  cattle, 



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tind  to-night  preparations  are  being  made  for  a  start  to  FortMcLeod.  Com- 
missioner Irvine  having  kindly  oft'ered  me  transport  southward,  I  shall 
leave  my  Kyuses  and  Peter  here  till  1  return  on  the  way  to  Edmonton. 

Governob-Genekai'.s  Camp,  High  River,  en  route  from  Fort  Calgary  to 
Fort  McLeod,  Sept.  15. — There  has  been  but  little  to  note  in  to-day's  travel. 
All  day  we  have  been  following  a  well-beaten  trail  running  through  what  I 
should  take  to  be  the  very  choicest  of  moderately  undulating  prairie  land. 
The  badgers  usually  dig  their  holes  to  a  depth  of  several  feet  below  the  sur- 
face I  believe,  but  wherever  I  have  seen  a  badger  hole  to-day,  even  on  the 
highest  looking  uplands,  I  have  seen  nothing  but  the  richest  black  loam 
thrown  out  of  the  excavation.  The  rich  and  abundant  growth  of  buffalo 
grass  also  offers  the  most  satisfactory  proof  of  the  extraordinary  wealth  of 
these  great  stretches  of  prairie.  As  a  stock  country  I  do  not  see  how  the 
region  through  which  we  have  been  travelling  could  be  surpassed,  for  besides 
possessing  a  rich  soil  under  the  intliience  of  the  warm  Chinook  winds  that 
blow  over  the  Rocky  Mountains  (whose  dark  rugged  slopes,  shrouded  in  their 
blue  haze,  and  whose  snow-clad  peaks,  glittering  in  an  unclouded  sunlight 
loom  up  on  our  right  like  a  wall  of  steel  with  turrets  and  pinnacles  of  bur- 
nished silver  and  gold)  it  is  abundantly  supplied  with  limpid  mountain 
streams  of  the  purest  water.  In  the  forty  miles  we  have  traversed  to-day  we 
crossed  the  following  never- failing  swift-running  streams  of  cold,  sweet  water, 
fresh  from  the  snows  of  the  "  Rockies"  : — Elbow  River,  Fish  Creek,  Pine 
Creek,  Sheep  Creek,  and  High  River.  All  these  are  streams  of  considerable 
magnitude,  and  they  and  their  small  tributaries  wind  about  among  the  val- 
leys so  as  to  water  a  very  great  extent  of  country.  There  are  two  large 
ranches  being  established  on  High  River,  and  near  Fort  Calgary  we  passed 
Captain  Denny's  Ranche,  which  fronts  on  Bow  River.  I  am  inclined  to  think 
there  will  yet  be  trouble  in  settling  the  respective  claims  of  many  of  these 
ranchers,  but  I  shall  deal  with  this  subject  more  fully  when  I  shall  have  had 
the  opportunity  of  learning  a  little  more  about  it. 

To-night  from  our  camp  on  the  south  bank  of  High  River  nearly  every  one 
was  struck  with  the  marvellously  beautiful  sunset.  The  mountains  are  about 
thirty  miles  from  camp  in  a  straight  line,  but  they  do  not  look  more  than 
two  miles  away.  During  the  afternoon  there  had  been  several  rain  storms 
and  snow  squalls  careering  among  the  peaks,  and  even  the  trail  was  threat- 
ened once  or  twice  with  rain,  but  just  before  sunset  the  sky  cleared  in  the 
western  horizon,  and  the  warm  sunlight  peering  through  the  cloudy  passes 
and  dark,  sullen  ravines  made  them  send  up  curious  little  puffs  of  vapour, 
that,  curling  over  some  of  the  sharp  conical  peaks,  w  ire  singularly  suggestive 
of  a  smoking  volcano,  while  others  floating  higher  in  the  clear  sky  and  catch- 
ing the  slanting  sunbeams,  looked  like  little  islands  of  fire  floating  in  a 
translucent  sea  of  amber  and  lemon  gold.  As  the  sun  sank  lower  the  heavy 
curtain  of  rain  cloud  that  still  hung  low  over  this  bright  horizon  caught  the 
ileclining  sunlight ;  first  its  festooned  edges  were  fringed  with  gold,  but  swifly 
its  great  curling  folds  changed  from  leaden  blue  to  dun  and  buff  and  from  that 
to  rich  gold  and  bronze,  and  aa  the  sun  sank  still  lower  they  grew  brighter  and 







n.«  ^ 

brighter  till  away  up  almost  to  the  zenith  the  great  cloud  curtain  was  all  aflame 
with  orange  and  crimson.  The  sun  was  now  hidden  behind  a  great  pyrami- 
dal mountain,  but  a  misty  plume  hanging  from  its  peak  and  trailing  down 
its  northern  slope  caught  the  sunset  splendour  and  looked  like  a  fiery  volume 
of  lava  pouring  down  its  dark  shadowy  side.  Still,  though  the  snow  peaks 
were  edged  with  fire,  all  below  was  in  deep  shadow  and  shrouded  in  a  dark 
thin  vapour  of  purple  and  blue,  while  the  inky  storm  clouds  in  the  east 
drifted  about  in  threatening  billowy  masses,  with  here  and  there  a  rift  reveal 
ing  a  dark  cold  sky  of  intense  steely  blue . 

Governor-General's  Camp,  Willow  Creek,  en  route  Fort  Calgary  to- 
Fort  McLeod,  Sept.  '9. — The  country  through  which  the  trail  has  led  to- 
day was  so  like  that  seer  yesterday  that  it  is  quite  unnecessary  to  describe 
it.  The  soil  is  extremely  rich  and  the  country  is  certainly  admirably  adaptod 
either  to  agriculture  or  stock-raising.  The  noon  camp  was  at  Mosquito 
Creek,  and  to-night  an  excellent  campground  was  selected  on  the  east  bank 
of  Willow  Creek.  Both  of  these  streams  are  pure  and  limpid  as  the  finest 
trout  streams  or  spring  creeks  in  Ontario.  Several  other  fine  sweot  water 
sloughs,  coolies,  and  small  mountain  streams  were  passed  on  the  way. 
Several  of  the  horses  succumbed  on  the  march  to-day,  but  all  were  finally 
brought  into  camp,  and  will  probably  recover  if  carefully  handled. 



Fort  MiiLeod,  Sept.  17. — His  Excellency  has  now  been  fifty-ei'^ht  days 
en  route  from  Toronto  and  forty-one  days  from  Winnipeg.  Since  leaving 
Winnipeg  he  has  travelled  probably  over  1,100  miles.  The  drive  to-day 
was  a  short  one  of  only  about  twenty-eight  or  thirty  milos.  The  only  Imit 
made  was  at  the  cut  bank  on  Willow  Creek,  less  than  ten  miles  from  this 
Fort.  Again  the  trail  led  througli  a  very  fine  rolling  prairie  on  the  western 
slope  of  the  Porcupine  Hills,  which  is  a  ratlier  high  range  of  prairie  foot  liills 
leading  up  to  the  Rocky  Mountains,  For  nearly  the  wliolo  way  tlie  trail  was 
in  sight  of  Willow  Cri'ek,  which  takus  an  almost  southerly  course  till  within 
a  short  distance  of  Fort  McLeod,  where  it  joins  the  valley  of  <.)ld  Man's 
River  (another  beautiful  mountain  stream  of  pure  limpid  water),  the  smaller 
stream  merging  with  the  greater  a  short  distaiu'c  Itelow  the  Fort.  The  ford  at 
Gld  Man's  River  is  a  deep  oiio,  but  it  was  passed  withu'.»t  any  mishaps.  The 
journey  to-day  was  made  at  a  smart  pace,  sixteen  fresh  horses  liaving  been 

I  i,    i 

11  aflame- 
ng  down 
f  volume 
)W  peaks 
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Iving  been 

sent  out  yesterday  by  Colonel  Irvine  to  meet  the  parly  at  the  Willow  Creek 
Camp  last  night.  From  the  cut  bank  His  Excellency's  ambulance  was  escorted 
by  a  guard  of  honour,  the  ofhcers  and  constables  under  Colonel  Herchmer 
making  a  remarkably  smart  and  soldierly  display  despite  the  fact  that  they 
were  near  the  end  of  a  very  long  and  arduous  march.  When  the  train  was 
within  a  few  miles  of  the  Fort  it  was  met  by  Colonel  Irvine,  Captain  Cotton, 
and  one  or  two  other  officers,  and  later  by  a  large  escort  of  Indians  and  set- 
tlers on  horseback.  The  odree  into  the  village  was  a  decidedly  imposing 
sight,  which  was  witnessed  by  a  large  concourse  of  settlers  and  Indians.  A 
picket  line  of  red-coated  troopers,  well  mounted,  marked  the  i  _  ate  from 
the  edge  of  the  ford  to  the  entrance  of  the  Fort,  beside  which  were  files  of 
dismounted  constables,  all  looking  remarkably  well,  and  wearing  that  tho- 
roughly soldierly  look  that  distinguishes  the  well-trained  regular  from  the 

Fort  McLeod  is  so  thoroughly  unlike  any  village,  large  or  small,  in  Ontario 
or  Quebec,  or  any  to  be  found  in  the  Northern  or  Eastern  States,  that  it  is 
not  easy  to  convey  to  the  reader  anything  like  a  satisfactory  picture  of  it.  1 1 
is  built  upon  a  low-lying,  dusty,  gravelly  flat  completely  surrounded  by  water 
except  when  Old  Man's  River  is  exceptionally  low.  The  main  portion  of  the 
river  passes  just  north  of  the  village,  but  a  shallow,  gravelly  loop  from  it 
swoops  around  in  a  semicircle  to  the  south.  Tlie  pasture  in  the  vicinity  of 
the  village  is  extremely  short,  having  been  oaten  oil'  by  the  settlers'  horses 
aTid  the  ponies  belonging  to  numerous  bands  of  Indians  that  are  camping 
here  from  time  to  time.  Before  having  anything  to  say  about  the  Fort  pro- 
per, which  is  enclosed  in  a  strong  stockade  just  west  of  the  village,  I  shall  at- 
tempt to  describe  the  village  itself  as  I  found  it  this  afternoon  and  evenin;^. 
It  is  nearly  all  built  on  one  street,  which  is  not  a  very  loni,'  nor  very  straight 
one,  though  the  rows  of  houses  are  pretty  nearly  in  line  with  each  other. 
The  buildings  are  all  one  storey  high  with  low  and  nearly  flat  roofs. 
They  are  mostly  built  of  poles  or  logs  and  ■md,  but  instead  of  being  detached 
cabins  as  is  usually  the  case  in  these  primitive  hamlets  they  are  in  blocks  or 
rows.  One  building  joins  another  just  as  do  the  large  rows  of  houses  in  the 
most  crowded  of  cities.  There  are  no  attempts  at  front  yards,  every  door 
opening  on  the  street.  Some  o*"  the  buildings  are  so  constructed  as  to  form 
two  sides  of  a  Cx)r"all,  the  other  two  sides  being  a  atrong  palisade  of  heavy 
pickets  driven  firmly  into  the  ground,  and  so  close  together  that  nothing  big- 
ger than  a  squirrel  could  work  its  way  througli  them.  Most  of  the  buihlings 
and  palisades  are  whitewashed  outside,  but  t'lO  intoriors  have  a  smoky,  dingy 
look,  as  th(mgh  they  had  been  subjected  to  a  smoky,  smothering  atmosphere 
dining  the  greater  part  of  their  existence.  Some  of  the  darkest  and  smok- 
iest-looking apartments  that  I  saw  in  tlieso  rows  (where  "  private  residences  " 
and  "  busineHS  bhicks  "  are  ho  mingled  that  it  is  ditlicult  to  toll  which  in 
which),  were  occupied  by  half-breed  families,  but  others  but  a  trifle  less  oll'en- 
sivo  in  appuarunce  aro  groceries  and  stores,  several  of  which  have  billiard 
tables,  and  most  of  them  have  cigars  and  "soft  drinks"  for  sale  at  fancy 
prices.     At  one  of  these  establislunents,  a  restaurant,  i  dined  this  evening, 





»•/'  '\ 


'*^*  -1., 


and  as  it  is  fairly  characteristic  of  the  shops  at  McLeod,  a  description  of  it 
may  answer  for  the  lot.  It  is  a  low,  whitewash  id,  log  building  like  the  rest. 
Over  the  d     '  is  painted  in  small  black  letters — '*  Camoose  House." 

"  Camoose  "  is  the  Indian  name  of  the  white  proprietor  of  the  place.  I  do 
not  know  his  real  name,  but  he  was  formerly  a  trader  among  the  Indians, 
and  they  named  him  "  Camoose,"  which  is  the  Blackfoot  noun  for  thief.  On 
the  west  side  of  the  door  are  two  very  rudely  drawn  pictures,  one  represent- 
ing a  lank-looking  individual  with  the  inscription  beneath,  "  Before  dinner," 
and  the  other  a  portly  man  of  aldermanic  rotundity,  and  underneath  it  the 
words,  "  After  diimer."  On  the  opposite  side  of  the  door  was  the  following 
sign,  surmounted  by  a  "bull-dog  "  pistol,  with  the  words  "settle  up  "  issuing 
from  its  cavernous  muzzle  : — 



irOESES   FED   HAY   50c. 

DO.    ALL    NKillT    «OC. 

MEALS   50c. 

JAWBONE   LAV    UtT  ! 


Mr.  Camoose  hud  intended  that  the  next  to  last  sentence  on  his  sign 
should  read  "  Jawbone  played  on*,"  but  some  evil-disposed  person  had  er- 
ased the  letters  so  as  to  make  it  read  ''  Jawbone  lay  out."  The  front  room 
was  a  large  apartment,  having  a  din!j;y-lo(iking  billiard  table  in  the  centre  ond 
a  few  rough  benches  scattered  about  the  tloor,  while  next  to  the  walls,  which 
were  of  roughly-hewn  logs  rudely  plastered,  were  several  small  rolls  of  blank- 
ets belonging  to  the  lodgers  of  the  OHtablishmont.  The  roof  was  concealed 
by  loose  festofms  of  factory  cotton,  smoke-browned  and  dirty.  Dinner  (or 
Hupper)  was  not  ready  when  I  entered  the  |)laco,  and  the  door  into  the  inner 
or  back  room  where  it  was  being  \\\\t  on  the  table  was  kept  carefully  locked. 
The  front  room  was  full  of  "  ranchers  "  (every  farm,  claim,  or  cattle  range 
here  is  called  a  ranche  and  farmers  and  stock-breeders  are  called  ranchers) 
"  bnll-whackiTB,"  "  nmlo  skinners"  and  "traders."  As  everybody  hero 
rides  on  horse-back,  nearly  all  wore  heavy  Mexican  spurs,  which  clanked 
and  jinglel  as  they  walked  about  in  a  manner  that  would  have  nuiuo  a 
blind  man  think  he  wan  in  the  company  of  a  lot  of  convicts  in  transit.  In  the 
company  were  some  few  faces  that  \v.'fe  familiar  to  nie.  In  one  who  was 
pointed  out  to  me  1  recognized  a  man  whom  I  had  seen  many  years  ago  in  a 
•pool  room  at  a  race  meeting,  where  he  was  paying  $250  for  first  choice.     He 



on  of  it 
tie  rest. 

J.  I  do 
e£.  On 
th  it  the 
'  issuing 

us  sign 
had  er- 
ont  room 
entre  snd 
Is,  which 
of  blank- 
Himor  (or 
the  inner 
y  locked, 
ttlo  range 
ody   hero 
0  laauo  a 
In  the 
who  was 
•s  ago  in  a 
uice.     He 

has  been  "  broke  "  twice  since  then,  and  is  now  getting  rich  for  the  third 

Occasionally  this  door  would  be  opened  to  allow  some  of  the  "help"  to 
pass  in  or  out,  and  those  nearest  it  would  make  a  rush  toward  it,  and  as 
often  find  it  slammed  in  their  faces,  at  which  those  in  the  rear  of  the  crowd 
would  laugh  immoderately.  Finding  myself  not  far  from  the  door,  I  was 
touched  on  the  shoulder  by  a  good-natured  rancher  who  pointed  to  an  empty 
seah  on  a  bench  not  far  from  the  door,  with  the  remark,  "  Stranger,  if  you 
wai  t  to  get  any  grub  afore  morning,  you  jest  oamp  right  thar. " 

I  did  as  directed,  and  when  the  door  was  finally  opened  I  plunged  into  the 
stream  of  rugged  humanity  that  was  pouring  through  it,  and  after  a  good  deal 
of  squeezing  and  jostling  I  finally  found  myself  seated  at  one  of  the  long 
dining-tables.  Tlie  meal,  though  roughly  served  of  course,  was  an  excellent 
one,  the  grass-fed  beef  on  the  table  being  (juite  as  fat  and  as  fine  in  te.\turo 
and  flavour  as  the  best  Christmas  beef  usually  is.  The  meat  was  devoured 
by  Mr.  Camoose's  hungry  customers  with  surprising  rapidity,  and  there  was 
a  steady  hvnu  of  voices  all  the  time.  A  great  deal  of  slang  pervaded  the  con- 
versation, and  not  a  little  profanity,  but  though  there  was  some  pretty  rough 
joking  all  were  extremely  gooil  humoured.  A  good  deal  of  the  slang  used 
here  would  not  be  understood  in  Ontario,  As  everybody  rides  on  horseback 
here,  and  as  even  the  Indians  have  their  Kyuses,  a  man  is  never  spok  .n  of 
here  as  ruined  financially,  or,  as  it  is  often  put  in  Ontario,  "  broke  ;  he  is 
"  set  afoot,''  or  "out  of  luck."  I  hoard  a  man  complaining  to-night  that 
"  some  thieving,  U)p-eared  son  of  a  stutted  monkey  "  liad  "  set  him  afoot  for 
a  knife,"  and  conseqi'ently  lie  wanted  to  borrow  one. 

West  of  "  Camoose  &  Steele's  ("  Steele  "  being  a  fictitious  personage,  and 
only  put  in  to  make  the  sign  convey  the  idea  of  "  thief  and  steal "),  there  is 
a  huge  mud-hole  extending  half-way  across  the  street,  arl  two-thirds  full  of 
the  filthy  damage  from  the  adjoining  cattle-corrali.  On  the  palisades  is 
posted  the  following  : — 





Children  from  10  a.m.  till  12  noon. 
Ladies  from  1*2  noon  till  4  p.m. 
tJentLmen  from  4  p.m.  till  7  p.m. 

Clothing  at  Owner's  Risk. 

At  present,  MoLood  appears  to  be  very  lively,  but  I   shall  have  more  to 
flay  about  it  when  I  shall  have  had  time  to  "  do"  it  thurou^jhly. 






,  ^/'  '\ 



■?    .      r-i 

^fi    >% 



Fort  McLeod,  Sept.  18. — To-day  was  rather  a  quiet  one  for  His  Excel- 
lency and  party.  This  forenoon  Dr.  MacGregor  preached  an  excellent  ser- 
mon in  the  little  Canada  Methodist  Ch>irch  here,  the  pulpit  of  which  is  usually 
occupied  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  McLean,  of  this  place.  The  little  church  was 
packed  to  the  doors  and  the  sermon  was  listened  to  with  the  liveliest  interest 
by  all  present.  This  afternoon,  through  the  courtesy  of  Major  Crozier,  the 
commandant,  I  was  shown  through  the  fort,  which  consists  of  a  substantial 
stockade,  including  about  125  yards  square.  Inside  the  stockade  are  barracks, 
otticers'  (juarters,  workshops,  guard  room,  «tc.,  &c.  In  the  guard  room  were 
eleven  prisoners.  First  on  the  list  comes  tlft  Blood  Indian,  Star  Child,  who 
is  charged  with  the  murder  of  Constable  Grayburn  in  November,  1870.  The 
circumstances  of  the  murder  were  as  follows  :—  Grayburn  was  herding  a  lot 
of  police  horses  about  five  miles  from  Fort  Walsh.  On  the  morning  of  the 
murder  he  loft  the  horses  to  ride  to  the  old  herding  ground  three  miles  further 
from  the  fort,  where  he  had  left  a  picket  rope  and  an  axe  in  a  half-breed'a 
cabin.  He  did  not  return,  and  the  other  herdsmen  searched  for  him  unsuc- 
cessfully uU  that  night.  In  the  morning  they  sent  in  word  to  the  fort  that 
(Jrnyburu  was  missing.  A  general  search  was  then  instituted  and  the  body 
of  the  murdered  man  v/as  found  where  it  had  been  thrown  over  a  cut-bank 
about  fifty  or  sixty  yards  from  where  he  is  supposed  to  have  been  shot ;  and 
three  hundred  and  fifty  yards  in  a  thick  bush  in  tlie  bottom  land,  standing  erect, 
with  his  head  tied  up  to  a  tree  so  closely  that  his  fore  feet  were  ofi"  the  ground, 
was  his  liorse,  it  having  been  shot  tlirough  the  head  with  (Jrayburn's  own 
carbine.  The  murdc  is  supposed  to  have  been  committed  on  tlie  17th,  but  the 
body  of  the  man  and  tlie  dead  horse  were  not  found  till  the  19th.  From  the 
tracks  it  appears  that  after  the  murder  and  the  hiding  of  the  body  the  raurdoror 
had  started  for  the  lines,but  thinking  that  the  horse  might  run  back  to  the  herd, 
he  returned,  and  driving  him  into  a  close  thicket  as  far  as  ho  could  go  and 
until  his  fore  feet  were  resting  up<m  a  mass  of  ice  and  snow,  he  tied  him  up 
close  to  a  tree  and  shot  him  througli  the  head.  The  body  was  sup[)orted  in 
an  iqiright  position  partly  by  the  surrounding  trees  and  branches  and  partly 
by  tlie  bridle,  and  it  is  supposed  that  the  melting  of  the  ice  and  snow  from 
Tinder  his  feet  loft  his  fore  part  Dartially  suspended  by  the  bridle  as  it  wa* 
found.  In  tlie  meantime  the  supposed  murderer  matle  liis  escape  across  the 
lines,  and  for  a  l<ing  time  the  identity  of  the  iterjjetrato;'  of  the  shocking 
criuje  remained  a  mystery.     It  was  known  that  Star  Child,  in  company  with 



another  Blood  Indian  named  Weazel  Moccasin,  went  south  of  the  lines  to 
Bear  Paw,  in  Montana.  It  seems  at  the  time  Grayburn  was  murdered  a 
«mall  band  of  Blood  Indians,  including  Star  Child,  VVeazsl  Moccasin,  Eagle 
Breast,  Weazel  Child,  and  others  were  encamped  near  the  place,  and  that  at 
this  time,  according  to  his  deposition,  Weazel  Moocasin  conceived  the  idea 
that  Star  Child  was  the  murderer,  and  that  when  they  were  down  at  Bear 
Paw  the  latter  made  a  confession  to  him.  His  story  is  a  rambling  and  im- 
probable one  altogether,  but  it  is  not  unlikely  that  ultimately  both  he  and 
■Star  Child  may  be  proved  to  have  had  a  hand  in  the  crime.  Star  Child  is  a 
small  and  rather  delicately- formed  Indian,  who  looks  wonderfully  like  a 
•Chinaman,  and  the  fact  that  he  wears  his  hair  in  long  closely-plaited  braid.s 
rather  strengthens  his  resemblance  to  the  Mongolian  familj'.  When  the  door 
of  his  cell  was  opened  he  sprang  from  his  bunk  where  he  was  lying  (attired 
only  in  undershirt  and  drawers),  and  with  a  little  nervous  laugh  shouk  hands 
with  me.  He  is  very .  (juick  antl  nervous  in  all  his  motions,  but  he  has  a 
weak  look  both  in  face  and  figure.  From  his  appearance  one  would  hardly 
.suppose  that  he  was  the  man  either  to  plan  or  carry  out  the  shocking  crini-j 
with  which  he  is  charged.  At  the  same  time  it  is  not  improbable  that  lie 
might  have  acted  under  the  guidance  of  some  one  of  stronger  will.  Yester- 
day his  father  was  admitted  to  see  him.  They  met,  but  Star  Child  only 
kissed  his  father  and  then  told  him  to  go  away,  that  it  made  him  too  sad  to 
see  him.  Among  the  other  prisoners  was  Jingling  Bells,  a  Blood  Indian,  a 
notorious  horse-thief,  who,  along  with  two  others,  was  captured  about  nine 
miles  south  of  this  fort  on  the  night  of  the  9th  inst.  with  a  band  of  twenty- 
two  horses,  which  they  had  run  ott'  from  Morleyville.  The  capture,  which 
was  a  very  plucky  one,  was  made  by  a  small  party  under  conmiand  of  Inspec- 
tor Dickens,  the  youngest  son  of  the  famous  novelist.  There  were  also  some 
deserters  who  were  undergoi'ig  sentences  for  desertion  and  horse-stealing. 
In  fact,  all  the  constables  who  desert  from  here  are  apt  to  be  horse-thieves 
as  they  invariably  take  police  horses  with  which  to  make  their  escape  across 
tlie  lines.  It  is  but  justice,  however,  to  adJ  that  in  cases  where  they  have 
made  their  escapes  they  have  handed  over  the  horses  to  the  American  author- 
ities to  bo  returned  to  the  force. 

There  were  other  Indian  hurae-thieves  in  the  guard-room  undergoing  sen- 
tence or  awaiting  trial. 

On  the  Bouth  side  of  the  lines  horse-stealing  is  unfortunately  very  common, 
and  it  appears  that  Montana,  though  full  of  soldiers,  is  unable  to  put  a  stop 
to  it.  Whenever  American  horses  are  stolen  and  brought  into  the  North- 
West  Territory  they  are  invariably  captured  by  the  Mounted  Police  and 
restored  to  the  owners,  but  if  horses  are  stolen  here  and  taken  across  tiio 
lines  they  are  seldom  heard  of.  In  fact  the  state  of  allairs  prevailing  hero 
presents  a  marked  contrast  as  compared  with  that  south  of  the  4\)lh  parallel. 
There  the  settlers  occasionally  lynch  a  horse-thief,  but  for  one  that  is  ca'.ight 
a  great  many  escape.  Here,  such  a  thing  as  lynching  is  tuiknown,  and  though 
Fort  McLeod  is  full  of  refugees  from  Montana,  and  desperadoes  from  all 
parts  of  the  Western  States,  crime  of  all  sorts  is  kept  well  ia  hand.     A  few 




,  »•."  '\ 


,  A( 



<      ; 

months  ago  there  was  a  good  deal  oi  wiiiskey  selling  here,  and  gambling  and 
other  vices  of  various  sorts  were  practised  openly.  Now,  however,  under  the 
administration  of  Major  Crozier,  the  Police  Superintendent  here,  everything 
of  the  sort  is  being  stamped  out,  so  that  nearly  every  trace  of  it  is  fast  disap- 
pearing. Tn  contrast  to  this  may  be  given  the  details  of  an  awful  tragedy  that 
took  place  in  the  latter  part  of  June  or  early  in  July  in  Montana,  only  a  little 
way  south  of  the  line.  A  Mrs.  Armstrong,  who  formerly  lived  here,  was 
carrying  on  a  cattle  ranche  on  the  Teton  River,  fifteen  or  twenty  miles  from 
Fort  Benton.  She  was  in  partnership  with  a  man  named  J  '^organ,  who  lived 
in  the  house  with  her  alonj  with  two  girls,  adopted  daughters  of  Mrs.  Arm- 
strong. On  the  night  in  question  a  hired  man  about  the  place  took  a  shot- 
gun and  murdered  both  Mrs.  Armstrong  and  Morgan,  and  chasing  the  little 
girls  to  the  bush  outraged  one  of  them  and  attempted  to  ravish  the  other. 
Subsecjuently  the  little  girls  saw  and  identified  the  murderer  and  miscreant 
(whose  name  is  Stewart)  at  a  neighbouring  ranche,  and  he  was  taken  in 
charge  by  the  deputy  sheriff.  A  band  of  masked  men  took  him  from  the 
oliicer,  however,  and  started  for  the  nearest  tree  large  enough  from  which  to 
hang  him.  They  offered  to  take  him  along  in  a  waggon,  but  he  declined  (juite 
cheerily,  remarking,  "  Tliere's  nothing  mean  about  me  boys;  I'll  walk." 
Me  was  led  over  to  the  tree  with  the  rope  on  his  neck,  and  mounting  the 
waggon  he  quietly  watched  the  lynchers  make  fast  the  rope  to  the  limb  of 
the  tree,  and  as  the  horrible  work  was  completed  he  coolly  said  in  the  same 
cheerful  tone,  "  It's  all  right,  boys  ;  drive  on  with  your  waggon."  And  the 
waggon  was  driven  on,  and  the  miserable  wretch  waa  left  dangling  between 
earth  and  heaven. 

In  Montana  every  man  travels  armed  as  a  measure  of  personal  protection  ; 
liquor  is  sold  freely  to  the  Indians,  and  carried  over  Indian  reservations 
with  impunity.  Cambling  goes  on  openly,  and  the  law  is  everywhere  set  at 
naught.  Here,  though  there  is  only  a  handful  of  about  three  hundred 
mounted  police  to  preserve  order  in  a  territory  over  nine  hundred  miles  long 
by  more  than  five  hundred  miles  wide,  containing  a  wild,  warlike,  and  semi- 
starving  population  of  twenty-five  thousand  Indians  and  about  six  thousand 
scattered  settlers  and  ranchers,  of  whom  a  large  proportion  in  the  southern 
district  are  ex-whiskey  traders  and  refugees  from  the  American  laws,  the  best 
order  prevails.  I  have  travelled  over  twelve  hundred  miles  through  the 
North- West  Territory  with  horses  and  waggon  ;  I  have  camped  sometimes 
alone,  and  sometimes  close  to  the  police  camp  ;  I  have  had  no  means  of 
locking  up  anything,  and  my  whole  outfit  has  always  been  exposed  to  the 
depredations  of  any  persons  who  might  be  disposed  to  meddle  with  it,  and 
yet,  with  the  exception  of  one  blanket,  nothing  has  been  stolen  from  me  in 
the  whole  journey.  Though  I  have  travelled  hundreds  of  miles  with  only 
my  half-breed  guide  for  company,  1  have  never  carried  a  revolver,  and  have 
never  kept  my  shot-gun  loaded  in  my  tent.  To  suppose  that  such  a  state  of 
afi'airs  could  exist  here  without  the  presence  of  an  admirably  organized  and  tho- 
roughly efticient  police  force  would  be  the  wildest  nonsense.  Whatever  may 
have  been  the  state  of  the  force  in  the  past  I  do  not  know  from  any  personal 


13  ^ 

knowledge,  but  as  to  its  present  state  under  the  commissiouersliip  of  Colonel 
Irvine,  I  am  certainly  in  a  position  to  know  something,  and  so  far  as  I  am 
able  to  judge,  I  cheerfully  testify,  not  only  to  the  excellent  character  and 
soldierly  conduct  of  the  officers  and  men,  but  to  the  thorough  efficiency  of 
tlie  force,  and  the  invaluable  service  it  h  now  rendering  the  Dominion  in  this 
territory.  [  have  heard  complaints  against  the  force  here  and  elsewliere 
throughout  the  territory,  but  all  these  complaints  have  reached  me  tlirough 
the  medium  of  deserters,  men  v '  <  have  been  turned  out  of  the  force  for  bad 
conduct,  and  ex-whiskey  traders  who  have  suffered  in  pocket  through  the 
suppression  of  the  whiskey  traffic  by  the  force.  I  have  talked  a  good  deal, 
and  very  freely,  with  the  constables  and  non-commissioned  officers  of  the 
force,  and  without  exception  I  have  found  them  intelligent,  thoroughly  well- 
disposed  youug  gentlemen,  proud  of  the  standing  and  characte-  of  the  force, 
strongly  attached  to  the  Commissioner  and  the  officers  in  command  of  their 
respective  posts,  and  pleased  withthe  country  and  the  mode  of  life  they  are 
called  upon  to  lead.  The  only  semblance  of  fault-finding  that  I  heard  was 
of  the  low  rate  of  remuneration  (40c.  per  diem  for  recruits)  and  the  character 
of  some  of  the  uniforms  served  out  to  them,  and  in  these  respects  I  must  say 
that  I  think  there  is  room  for  improvement.  As  to  the  work  the  Mounted 
Police  force  is  performing  in  the  North- West,  no  one  not  intimately  ac- 
quainted with  the  country  can  be  in  a  position  to  judge.  The  officers  and. 
men  have,  to  a  very  great  extent,  secured  the  confidence  and  good  will  of. 
the  Indians.  The  red  men  are  not  only  afraid  to  come  into  forcible  contact 
with  the  red-coats,  but  they  feel  that  their  best  interest  lies  in  assisting  the 
police  in  the  discharge  of  their  duties.  They  have  confidence  in  the  justice 
of  the  administration  of  the  police  and  feel  that  the  Indian  rights  will  be 
protected  as  well  as  those  of  the  white  men.  Instead  of  seeking  redress  for 
wrongs  in  the  usual  Indian  way  by  force  or  strategy,  they  complain  to  the 
constituted  authorities  and  in  all  respects  recognise  the  fact  that  the  white 
man's  way  of  administering  justice  is  better  than  their  own. 

The  present  organization  of  the  Mounted  Police  force  is  as  follows  : — Col. 
A.  S.  Irvine,  Commissioner  ;  Capt.  John  Cotton,  Superintendent  and  Adju- 
tant ;  Major  Walsh,  Superintendent ;  Major  Crozier,  Superintendent ;  Col. 
Herchmer,  Superintendent,  and  two  vacancies  ;  Mr.  French,  Inspector  ;  Mr. 
Shurtleff,  Inspector  ;  Mr.  Mclllree,  Inspector  ;  M.  Gagnon,  Inspector  ;  Mr. 
Dickens,  Inspector  ;  M.  Frechette,  Inspector  ;  Mr.  Steele,  Inspector  ;  Mr. 
Antrobus,  Inspector  ;  Mr.  Neale,  Inspector  ;  Mr.  Greesbach,  Inspector  ;  Mr. 
Dowling,  Inspector  ;  Mr.  McDonnell,  Inspector  ;  Surgeon  Kennedy,  and 
Surgeon  Miller.  There  are  six  troops,  A,  B,  C,  D,  E,  and  F.  There  is  ai 
superintendent  commanding  each  troop,  a  sergeant-major  to  each  troop,  one 
♦luarter-master  sergeant  to  each  post,  three  sergeants,  and  four  corporals.  In 
addition  to  these  there  are  staff-Bergeants,  such  as  veterinary  sergeants  (in- 
cluding Surgeons  Oliver  and  lliddell,  graduates  of  the  Ontario  Veterinary 
College),  armoury  sergeants,  saddler  majors,  wheelwrights,  &c.  There  are 
also  tailors,  shoemakers,  blacksmiths,  and  other  mechanics  chosen  from  the 





K|'  ^.. 

rank  and  file,  who  receive  fifteen  cents  per  day  extra  while  in  the  perform- 
ance of  their  mechanical  duties. 

Each  superintendent  has  a  district  in  which  he  exercises  the  powers  of  a 
justice  of  the  peace,  and  the  commissioner  acts  as  a  stipendiary  magistrate. 
Inspectors,  if  appointed,  act  as  justices  of  the  peace  in  their  districts.  In 
this  connection  it  may  be  suggested  that  the  powers  of  the  superintendent 
might  with  propriety  be  extended,  as  there  are  many  trivial  cases  that  have 
to  lie  over  for  a  long  time  in  the  necessary  absence  of  the  stipendiary  magis- 

While  no  one  can  doubt  the  efficiency  of  the  force  as  it  is  at  present,  there 
arc  some  features  that  would  be  the  better  for  a  change.  I  cannot  but  think 
that  forty  cents  per  day  is  too  small  for  a  recruit  in  this  country,  iiverything 
he  has  to  buy  costs  an  extravagant  price,  and  as  lie  has  to  keep  his  kit  in 
good  order,  he  is  often  obliged  to  make  very  serious  inroads  into  his  pay  to 
accomplish  this.  If  he  wishes  to  use  anything  in  the  shape  of  luxuries  he  can 
easily  spend  the  whole  of  his  available  funds  upon  them.  For  example, 
canned  salmon,  such  as  costs  ivom  twelve  cents  to  fifteen  cents  in  Toronto, 
costs  fifty  cents  here.  Canned  fruit  or  jams  cost  one  dollar  by  the  pot  or  can. 
I  saw  a  genvleraan  pay  three  dollars  and  fifty  cents  for  i  whip  lash  the  other 
day  that  would  not  cost  more  than  twenty  cents  in  any  city  in  Ontario,  and 
so  far  as  I  have  been  able  to  observe,  nearly  everything  else  is  proportion- 
ately dear.  It  will  easily  be  understood  that  the  barest  necessaries  of  life 
will  quickly  run  away  with  the  recruit's  first  year's  pay. 


Another  evil  with  which  the  officers  of  the  force  have  to  contend  is  the 
maimer  in  which  recruiting  is  carried  on.  If  when  recruits  were  wanted  they 
were  allowed  to  advertise  in  the  newspapers  for  a  month  before  the  men  were 
wanted,  there  would  be  no  difficulty  in  securing  the  most  desirable  class  of 
men.     Clause  G  of  the  Police  Act  says  : — 

"  Xo  officer  or  constable  shall  be  appointed  to  the  police  force  unless  he  be  of  sound 
constitution,  able  to  ride,  active,  and  able-bodied,  of  ROtxl  character,  and  between  the 
a^es  of  eighteen  and  forty  years  :  nor  tinless  lie  be  able  to  read  and  write  either  the 
EnLrlish  or  French  lan^'uage." 

If  niembers  of  Parliament  and  others  who  recommend  recruits  for  the  force 
would  bear  this  cV  jse  in  mind  1  think  very  many  who  are  now  offered  to  the 
recruiting  ofHcerr  would  never  trouble  them.  Last  May,  when  Col.  Herch- 
mer  was  in  old  Canada  recruiting,  lie  desired  to  advertise,  but  was  told 
that  out  of  125  writte.i  applications  to  the  Department  backed  up  by  mem- 
bers of  Parliament  he  could  surely  secure  the  complement  of  ninety  men, 
which  was  all  he  required.  He  went  to  Montreal,  and  from  among  the  fifty- 
five  applicants  there  he  was  only  able  to  select  twelve.  Here,  too,  ho  found 
a  man  who  had  written  repeatedly  to  Ottawa  for  blank  forms  of  application 
for  admission  to  the  force.  This  man  desired  to  bo  in  the  room  where  the 
recruits  were  being  examined,  saying  that  he  wished  to  bo  there  to  see  that 

■f     V 



evf  I  >vm- 

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to  see  that 

"  his  men"  were  passed.  Col.  Herchmer  excluded  him,  however,  and  pre- 
sently an  attenuated  Frenchman  presented  himself,  whose  application  stated 
that  he  was  five  feet  nine  inches  high,  and  measured  thirty-eight  inches 
around  the  chest.  When  measured,  however,  he  proved  to  be  five  feet  three 
inches  high,  and  was  only  thirty  inches  around  the  chest.  "  What  made  you 
tell  such  a  falsehood  in  your  application  i "  demanded  Col.  Herchmer.  **  That 
man  told  me  to  do  so,"  he  replied,  "so  that  they  think  me  a  big  man." 
"  What  man  ?  "  asked  Col.  Herchmer.  "  The  man  that  gave  me  this  paper," 
lie  replied,  pointing  to  the  application.  "Did  you  pay  him  anything  for  that 
paper?"  "Yes,  I  gave  him  one  dollar,  and  I  am  to  give  him  five  dollars 
more  as  soon  as  I  am  passed."     But  he  did  not  pass. 

As  has  already  been  pointed  out  in  the  commissioner's  report,  the  best  men 
for  the  force  are  farmer's  sons  accustomed  to  hard  work,  rough  weather,  and 
t;  ..  care  and  management  of  horses.  There  is  plenty  of  good  material  for  re- 
cruits in  old  Canada,  and  I  am  convinced  that  a  very  little  judicious  adver- 
tising would  greatly  lighten  and  simplify  the  duties  of  recruiting  officers. 
Now  that  settlers  and  ranchemen  are  rapidly  coming  into  the  North -West  it 
is  very  eviglent  that  the  force  must  be  greatly  strengthened,  and  the  sooner 
this  is  done  the  better  for  the  safety  of  the  best  interests  of  the  Dominion  in 
the  North- West. 


The  duties  of  the  police  in  the  North-West  are  unique  and  multifarious, 
and  there  is  scarcely  even  a  constable  that  is  not  often  in  a  position  that  re- 
t[uires  prompt  decision  and  resolute  action.  There  is  not  a  branch  of  the, 
military  service  throughout  the  British  Empire  in  which  so  much  is  expected 
of  the  intelligence  and  executive  ability  of  the  men  as  in  this.  They  are  of- 
ten on  the  open  prairie  in  the  direst  straits  where  the  success  of  the  enterprise 
upon  which  they  are  engaged,  and  their  own  lives  as  well  as  those  of  their 
horses  are  dependent  upon  their  ability  to  act  promptly  and  intelligently. 
The  success  of  an  expedition  is  often  dependent  upon  the  ability  and  willing- 
ness of  the  men  to  undergo  the  most  terrible  privations,  fast  for  days  at  a 
stretch,  and  stick  to  the  saddle  when  overpowered  with  fatigue,  and  yet  they 
have  always  come  bravely  through  these  crucial  tests,  and  not  one  in  a  thous- 
and of  the  people  of  old  Canada  know  what  these  gallant  fellows  have  done 
and  are  every  day  doing  for  the  Dominion .  It  may  '.well  be  said  of  the 
Mounted  Police  "  They  never  give  up. "  Half  a  dozen  men  and  an  oflicer 
have  often  marched  into  a  camp  of  hundreds  of  menacing  savages  to  make 
an  arrest,  and  sometimes  the  force  has  been  even  smaller  than  that  men- 
tioned, and  yet  they  have  never  for  an  instant  wavered  in  the  discharge  of 
their  duties.  It  is  needless  to  say  that  while  the  men  are  one  and  all  proud 
of  the  force  to  which  tliey  belong  and  of  the  Commissioner  and  the  officers 
under  him,  the  Commissioner  and  his  officers  are  justly  proud  of  the  efficiency 
and  capabilities  of  the  handful  of  men  under  their  command.  The  time 
when  this  small  forcr  can  no  longer  maintain  peace  and  good  order  through- 
out this  vast  ter'-Ibury  is  rapidly  approaching,  and  I  think  the  pressing  ne< 




,•  »«»".* 



?'  J: 

1  K|«  i. 

'  cessity  of  at  once  greatly  strengthening  it  cannot  be  too  strongly  urged  upon 

the  Dominion  Government. 

The  following  lines,  which  present  a  really  truthful  picture  of  the  life  of  the 

prairie  troopers,  and  were  written  by  an  ex-constable,  who  is  now  a  settler  in 

the  North- West,  may  not  be  unappropriate  in  this  connection.     They  are 



So  wake  the  prairie  echoes  with 

The  ever  welcome  sound  : 
Ring  out  the  "  boot  and  saddle  "  till 

Its  stirring  notes  resound. 
Our  chargers  toss  their  bridled  heads, 

And  chafe  against  the  reins. 
Ring  out !  ring  otit  the  marching  call 

For  the  Riders  of  the  Plains. 


'  O'er  many  a  league  of  prairie  wild 

Our  trackless  path  must  be, 
And  round  it  rove  the  fiercest  tribes 

Of  Blackfeet  and  of  Cree. 
But  danger  from  their  savage  bands 

A  dauntless  heart  disdains — 
'Tis  the  heart  that  bears  the  helmet  up, 

Of  the  Riders  of  the  Plains. 


The  prairie  storms  sweep  o'er  our  way, 

But  onward  still  we  go, 
To  scale  the  weary  mountain  range, 

Descend  the  valley  low. 
We  face  the  broad  Saskatchewan, 

Made  fierce  v/ith  heavy  rains, 
With  all  his  might  he  cannot  check 

The  Riders  of  the  Plains. 


We  tread  the  dreaded  cactus  land. 

Where,  lost  to  white  man's  ken, 
We  startle  there  the  creatures  wild 

With  the  sight  of  armed  men. 
For  wheresoe'er  our  leader  bi'ls 

The  bugle  sounds  its  strains  ; 
Forward  in  sections  marching  go 

The  Riders  of  the  Plains. 


The  fire  king  stalks  the  prairie, 

And  fearful  'tis  to  see 
The  rushing  wall  of  flame  and  smoke 

Girdling  round  us  rapidly. 
'Tis  then  we  shout  defiance 

And  mock  his  fiery  chains  ; 
For  safe  the  cleared  circle  guards 

The  Riders  of  the  Plains. 


For  us  no  cheerful  hostelries 
Their  welcome  gates  unfold  ; 

No  generous  board,  no  downy  couch 
Await  our  troopers  bold. 

j  Beneath  the  star-lit  canopy 
i      At  evp,  when  daylight  wanes, 
I  There  lie  these  hardy  wanderers — 
!      The  Riders  of  the  Plains. 

I  VII. 

In  want  of  rest,  in  want  of  food, 

C>ur  courage  does  not  fail. 
As  day  and  night  we  follow  hard. 

The  desperado's  trail. 
His  threatened  rifie  stays  us  not, 

He  finds  no  hope  remains. 
And  yields  at  last  a  captive  to 

The  Riders  of  the  Plains. 


We've  ta'en  the  haughty  feathered  Chief, 

Whose  hands  were  red  with  blood, 
E'en  in  the  very  Council  Lodge 

We  seized  him  as  he  stood. 
Three  fearless  hearts  faced  forty  braves, 

And  bore  the  chief  in  chains. 
Full  sixty  miles  to  where  lay  camped 

The  Riders  of  the  Plains. 


But  that  which  tries  the  courage  sore. 

Of  horseman  and  of  steed. 
Is  want  of  blessed  water. 

Blessed  water  in  our  need. 
We'll  face  like  men  whate'er  befalls. 

Of  perils,  hardships,  pains  j 
Oh  God  !  deny  not  water  to 

The  Riders  of  the  Plains. 


And  death  who  comes  alike  to  all 

Has  visited  us  here. 
Filling  our  hearts  with  bitter  grief, 

Our  eyes  with  many  a  tear. 
Five  times  he  drew  his  fatal  bow. 

His  hand  no  prayer  restrains  ; 
Five  times  his  arrow  sped  among 

The  Riders  of  the  Plains. 


Hard  by  the  Old  Man  River, 

Where  freshest  breezes  blow. 
Five  grassy  mounds  lie  side  by  side. 

Five  riders  sleep  below. 
Neat  palings  cloce  the  sacred  ground. 

No  stranger's  step  profanes 
Their  deep  repose,  and  they  sleep  well 

These  Riders  of  the  Plains. 




of  the 
tier  in 
y  are 

id  Chief, 



Theie  is  no  marble  column, 

There  is  no  graven  stone 
To  blazon  to  a  envious  world 

The  deeds  they  may  have  done. 
But  the  prairie  flower  blows  lightly  there, 

And  creeping  wild  rose  trains 
Its  wreath  of  summer  beauty  o'er 

The  Riders  of  the  Plains. 


Sleep  on,  sleep  on,  j>roud  shimberers 

Who  died  in  this  far  west. 
No  prancing  steed  will  feel  your  hand, 

No  trumpet  break  your  rest. 
Sleep  on,  till  the  great  Archangel 

Shall  burst  death's  mortal  chains. 
And  you  hear  ^he  great  "  Reveillt^  " 

Ye  Riders  of  the  Plains. 


We  bear  no  lifted  banners, 

The  soldier's  care  and  pride, 
No  fluttering  flag  waves  onward 

Our  horsemen  as  they  ride. 
Our  only  guide  is  "  duty's  "  call, 

And  well  its  strength  sustains 
The  dauntless  spirits  of  our  men. 

Bold  Riders  of  the  Plains. 


We  muster  but  three  hundred 
In  all  this  "  Great  Lone  Land," 

Which  stretches  o'er  this  continent 
To  where  the  Rockies  stand  ; 

But  not  one  huari      th  falter. 

No  coward  voice  complains 
That  few,  too  few,  in  number  are 

The  Riders  of  the  Plains. 


In  England's  mighty  Empire 
Each  man  must  take  his  stand  ; 

Some  guard  the  honoured  flag  at  sea. 
Some  bear  it  well  Vjy  land  ; 

'Tis  not  our  part  to  fight  its  foes — 
Then  what  to  us  remains  ? 

What  duty  does  our  Sovereign  give 
I     Her  Riders  of  the  Plains. 


i  xvn. 

Our  mi.   ion  is  to  plant  the  reign 

Of  British  freedom  here. 
Restrain  the  lawless  savage, 

And  protect  the  jjioneer ; 
And  'tis  a  proud  and  daring  trust 

To  hold  *hese  vast  domains 
With  but  tl.'-ee  hundred  mounted  men  — 

The  Riders  of  the  Plains. 


And  though  we  win  no  praise  or  fame 

In  the  struggle  here  alone — 
To  cany  out  good  British  law 

And  i>lant  old  England's  throne  ; 
Yet  when  our  task  has  been  performed, 

And  law  with  order  reigns. 
The  peaceful  settler  long  will  bless 

The  Riders  of  the  Plains. 

!  sore, 



eep  well 

Complications  with  United  States  authorities  are  likely  to  arise  before 
long  througlx  the  depredations  of  Indians  on  both  sides  of  the  lines,  and  it 
may  be  as  well  that  the  Canadian  public  should  be  informed  as  to  the  true 
state  of  the  case  before  the  necessity  for  action  arises.  I  believe  that  already 
the  United  States  Government  has  appointed  a  commission  for  the  purpose 
of  asc  Ttaining  the  nature  and  extent  of  the  losses  incuiTed  by  American 
ranchuien  and  others  through  the  slaughtering  of  their  cattle  and  stealing  of 
their  horses  by  Indians  (principally  Bloods,  Blackfoot,  and  Piegans)  from  the 
Canadian  side  of  the  lines,  and  I  luiderstand  claims  for  repayment  by  tlie 
Canadian  Government  are  to  be  submitted.  If  this  be  true  similar  action 
should  at  once  be  taken  by  the  Canadian  authorities.  Again  and  again  have 
American  Indians  stolen  horses  from  botli  settlers  and  Indians  on  the  Cana- 
dian side  of  the  lines,  and  thus  far  the  American  authorities  have  been  much 
more  remiss  in  recovering  and  restoring  stolen  property  than  have  the 
Mounted  Police.  Here,  too,  their  Indians  have  committed  their  depreda- 
tions in  cool  blood,  as  they  can  get  no  liquor  on  our  side  of  the  lines,  while 
our  Indians  have  been  cheated  of  their  goods  and  ponies  by  American  whiskey 
traders  whom  they  have  met  south  of  the  lines,  and  after  being  set  afoot  in 
this  way  and  crazed  with  poisonous  liquor,  it  is  not  surprising  that  they 



,.  »'»'''i„ 




should  slaughter  cattle  and  stoal  ponies  to  "  get  even."  The  better  way  for 
both  countries  will  be  to  make  these  crinijs  extraditable  offences,  and  then, 
and  not  till  then,  will  thoy  bo  able  to  stamp  out  horse-stealing  and  "  cattle- 
lifting  "  along  the  border. 





FortMcLeod,  Sept.l9. — This  morning  Idrove  down  to  the  McFarlane  ranche 
about  twoandahalf  mileseast  of  this  place,  andafter  looking  over  the  farm,  grain, 
stacks,  and  dairy  I  had  a  conversation  with  Mr.  McFarlane  relative  to  his  opera- 
tions in  this  region.  After  spending  eight  years  in  the  mining  districts  of  the 
Western  States  he  came  to  his  present  location  five  years  ago  without  any  capi- 
tal whatever,  except  a  very  small  herd  of  cattle.  To  show  as  the  result  of  five 
years'  operations  here,  he  has,  besides  considerable  money  at  interest,  1,000 
acres  of  land  fenced  on  the  south  bank  of  Old  Man's  River,  100  acres  of  which 
are  now  under  cultivation,  300  head  of  cattle,  and  twenty  head  of  horses. 
His  crop  this  year  consisting  of  wheat,  barley,  oats,  and  potatoes,  is  already 
bargained  for  at  about  the  following  prices  per  pound  : — Wheat,  5c.  ;  barley, 
4c.  ;  oats,  6c.  ;  potatoes,  3^c.  and  4c.  The  cash  proceeds  of  this  crop  will  be 
between  ^,500  and  $4,000.  In  addition  to  this  and  the  natural  increase  of 
his  herd  Mr.  McFarlane's  dairy  of  thirty-five  cows  produces  4,000  pounds  of 
butter  annually,  and  this  butter  sells  in  summer  for  50c.  and  in  winter  for  §1 
per  pound.  The  demand  for  all  sorts  of  farm  produce,  even  at  the  prices 
above  quoted,  is  far  in  excess  of  the  supply.  Beyond  the  cost  of  agricultural 
implements  Mr.  McFarlane's  outlay  consists  of  the  wages  of  one  man  all  the 
year  round  and  three  extra  men  during  the  summer.  Good  farm  labourers 
receive  from  $35  to  §40  per  month  with  board,  and  Mr.  McFarl.ane  tells  me 
that  he  has  a  great  deal  of  trouble  to  secure  good  men  at  the  figures  I  have 
quoted.  This  year  Mr.  McFarlane's  crops  will  average  about  as  follows  : — 
Wheat,  26  bushels  to  the  acre  ;  barley,  35  ;  oats,  50  ;  and  potatoes,  200.  All 
root  crops  have  done  extremely  well  on  this  ranche,  and  there  is  an  excellent 
market  for  produce  of  all  sorts.  Mr.  McFarlane's  cattle  are  mostly  from 
Montana,  and  he  has  found  the  cows  more  than  ordinarily  good  for  dairy  pur- 
poses. Indeed,  the  average  farmer  or  stock -raiser  would  be  greatly  surprised 
to  come  upon  a  herd  of  these  Montana  cattle  feeding  on  the  rich  buffalo  grass 
in  this  region.     Instead  of  the  long-legged  weedy  looking  brutes  that  in 



former  clays  were  wont  to  be  di-iven  into  Canada  from  Texas,  he  would  find  a 
handsome  looking  lot  of  animala  that  would  readily  pass  for  thoroughbred 
shorthorns  ind  very  high  class  grade  cattle,  and  instead  of  looking  lank  and 
hungry,  they  would  look  very  much  like  stall-fed  animals  out  for  a  few  hours 
exercise.  Indeed  no  one  who  has  not  seen  them  would  believe  the  wonder- 
ful change  tliat  has  been  effected  in  the  character  of  those  wild  cattle,  through 
the  introduction  of  highly  prepotent  bulls  from  the  closely  inbred  shorthorn 
families.  As  an  evidence  of  the  extraordinary  adaptability  of  this  region 
for  stoik-raisiug  Mr.  McFarlane  informed  me  that  though  last  winter  was 
one  of  the  most  unfavourable  for  cattle  that  had  been  known  hero  for  ten 
years,  a  cow  whicli  had  run  out  and  picked  her  own  living  all  winter,  was 
<lriven  in  off  tlie  range  and  killed  by  him  in  Mitrch,  and  though  she  had  never 
had  a  po\)nd  of  feed  beyond  what  she  had  picked  up  in  the  prairie,  she.  was 
as  fat  as  any  choice  stall-fed  beef  he  had  ever  seen.  Her  kidneys  and  the  fat 
adhering  to  them  weighed  no  less  tlian  ten  pounds,  and  after  all  she  was  by 
no  means  an  exceptional  animal  in  the  herd.  Mr.  McFarlane  also  keeps  a 
large  number  of  hens,  and  all  the  eggs  that  lie^does  not  re(iuire  to  use  in  his 
•own  house  soil  readily  at  a  dollar  a  dozen.  He  has  also  tried  the  experiment 
<.r  sheep  raising  on  a  small  scale,  and  the  results  so  far  have  been  very  satis- 
factory. Last  year  his  sheep  clipped  an  avex-age  of  nine  pounds  of  excellent 
wool.  His  horse- keeping  costs  him  next  to  nothing,  as  his  little  band  of 
twenty  mostly  consist  of  Kyuses  and  Bronchos  that  pick  their  own  living  and 
keep  fat  on  the  prairie  all  winter.  From  all  that  I  can  leai'n  I  do  not  think 
that  the  case  of  Mr.  McFarlane  is  at  all  an  exceptional  one,  or  that  he  has 
done  anything  that  any  intelligent  settler  who  has  plenty  of  pluck  and  in- 
dustry might  not  accomplish  in  the  same  length  of  time  ;  and  yet  I  would 
like  to  know  in  what  part  of  Old  Canada  the  same  results  could  be  reached  by 
a  man  similarly  situated,  in  the  same  length  of  time. 

Another  settler  with  whom  I  had  a  lengthy  conversation  this  morning  was 
Mr.  (t.  F.  Washter,  of  }>adeii,  Germany.  Mr.  VVashter  has  had  a  chequered 
career.  Born  of  a  wealthy  family  iji  Germany  he  came  to  the  United  States 
in  134(1.  During  the  Crimean  war  he  was  recruiting  for  the  British  army  in 
New  York,  and  shipping  his  men  to  Halifax.  He  finally  enlisted  himself, 
but  when  he  reached  Oonatuutinople  peace  had  been  established,  and  return- 
ing to  the  United  States  he  settled  in  Louisiana,  where  he  accumulated  a 
handsome  property,  and  was  located  comfortably  with  his  wife  and  family. 
When  the  American  war  bioke  out  he  joined  the  Southern  army,  and  at  the 
€nd  of  that  terrible  conflict  he  had  not  only  lost  the  whole  of  his  property 
but  worse  than  all,  his  wife  and  family.  Commencing  life  an?vv  ho  first 
established  himself  as  a  cotton  shipper,  and  finally  came  to  fcho  Western 
States,  ultimately  comiiig  into  the  country  of  the  Blackfeet  as  a  whiskey 
trader.  On  one  of  these  expeditions,  before  the  international  boundary  was 
established  and  definitely  known,  he  and  his  partners  were  overtaken  by  the 
U.  S.  ofticers,  who  attempted  to  arrest  them  and  take  away  the  liquor. 
Washter  told  them  to  **  stand  off,"  that  for  all  they  knew  he  might  be  on 
Canadian  soil,   and   fearing  that   he   might  be,  the  officers  let  him  alone. 



1  *<i«  >». 

He  was  subsequently  one  of  the  proprietors  of  the  notorious  whiskey  fort, 
"  Whi  op  Up,"  and  ultimately  in  1874  or  1875,  while  trading  at  Sheep  Creek, 
he  killed  a  Spaniard  in  self-defence.  He  then  fled  this  country  and  lost 
every  dollar  he  was  worth.  Ultimately  he  returned  and  gave  himself  up 
here  at  McLeod,  and  was  honourably  acquitted.  Once  more  he  had  to  begin 
afresh  in  the  world,  and  five  years  ago  he  settled  upon  his  present  location, 
eighteen  miles  from  here,  and  near  the  Blood  Indian  Reservjition.  He  named 
his  ranche  "  Stand  Off,"  and  began  life  with  a  capital  of  $lo  in  his  pocket  and 
no  other  property  of  any  kind,  besides  being  $1,000  in  debt.  This  was  five 
years  ago,  and  now  he  has  SCO  acres  of  choice  land  fenced,  ICO  acres  of  which' 
are  imder  crop.  He  has  an  excellent  band  of  carefully  selected  cattle,  132 
in  number,  twenty  good  horses  (many  of  them  much  more  than  ordinarily 
valuable),  and  i»  v*)ry  fair  share  of  ready  monp".  His  grain  crop  this  year 
will  realize  very  little,  if  anything,  short  of  $4,ia)0,  and  his  dairy  is  now  pro- 
ducing forty  pounds  of  butter  per  week.  He  employs  one  man  all  the  year 
round,  and  two  or  three  extra  men  in  harvest.  He  pays  the  same  rate  of  wages 
<luoted  by  Mr.  McFarlane,  and  says  that  he  has  great  ditticulty  in  securing 
the  services  of  steady,  respectable  farm  labourers.  Though  he  has  forty 
milch  cows,  tame  and  well  broken,  Mr.  Washter  only  milks  nine  of  them,  as 
ha  cannot  secure  help  to  manage  a  dairy  on  a  large  scale.  His  crops,  he  tells 
me,  will  yield  about  the  same  per  acre  as  Mr.  McFarlane's,  but  several  others 
who  hav3  seen  them  tell  me  Washter  has  considerably  under-estimated  the 
yield  of  his  own  crops.  Last  year  he  tried  the  experiment  of  sowing  thnothy 
seed  on  the  high  uplands,  which  many  think  will  not  be  pi'oductive  without 
irrigation,  and  the  re.uilt  is  that  ho  has  a  hay  field  that  will  cut  four  tons  to  the 
acre.  This  is  a  most  important  discovery,  as  it  proves  that  the  upland  benches 
are  far  more  productive  than  is  generally  supposed. 

■■■ ,) 


This  aiternoon  the  grandest  [ndian  pow-wow  that  has  taken  place  during 
His  Excellency's  tour  through  the  North-West  was  hold  in  the  large  plain 
just  east  of  the  Fort.  There  were  about  ;{,000  Indians,  squaws,  and  papooses 
present,  and  the  display  of  ponies  was  a  really  splendid  ono.  Promptly  at 
two  o'clook,  the  hour  appointed  fur  the  council,  the  Indians  came  swarming 
in  from  the  diflorent  camps  that  liad  been  made  at  difi'erent  points  about  the 
Fort.  Tlie  Hlackfeet  and  Sarceos  had  occupied  a  position  just  north  of  tlio 
Fort,  the  Bloods  wore  just  west  of  the  village,  and  the  Piegaiis  a  mile  further 
west.  Most  of  them  were  mounted,  many  of  the  ponies  carrying  two  and 
e»en  three  individuals.  The  day  was  bright  and  warm,  and  I  need  not  add  that 
the  brilliant  drosses  of  the  aborigines  and  their  piebald  and  whi^o  I^int<> 
ponies  (many  of  the  latter  fancifully  painted  in  bright  colours)  made  a 
splendid  disi)lay  as  they  ncarod  the  pavilion  whore  His  ExcoUoncy  was  to  re- 
ceive them.  Bofore  settling  down  to  the  business  in  hand  the  Indians  Imd  a 
sham  fight  on  horselHiek,  and  the  skill  they  displayed  in  handling  their 
spiightly,  nimble  and  sure-footed  ponies  was  really  marvellous.  They  never 
guide  them  by  the  bit,  if  by  chance  they  hap[ien  to  have  one,  but  merely  by 



the  pressure  of  the  lasso  on  either  side  of  the  animal's  neck.  Indeed  many 
uf  the  ponies  were  merely  guided  by  the  rider  leaninj^;  over  to  right  or  left 
according  to  the  direction  in  which  he  wished  the  pony  to  turn  ;  and  the  ac- 
curacy with  which  they  would  guide  their  horses  in  this  way,  even  when  the 
animals  were  at  full  gallop,  was  simply  wonderful.  At  one  time  when  they 
were  galloping  around  in  a  circle  at  full  speed  they  kept  enlarging  the  circle 
till  one  or  two  of  the  riders  actually  touched  their  moccasins  against  me  as 
they  dashed  past  at  full  speed.  Indeed,  it  seemed  as  if  they  could  guide 
their  ponies  to  an  inch  with  the  utmost  certainty.  I  should  think  these  hand- 
some and  elever  little  ponies  would  be  perfection  itself  for  Polo.  They  are 
very  light  of  foot,  nimble  and  tractable.  They  will  stop,  start  or  tu;'n  with 
lightning  rapidity,  they  have  uncommonly  sound  and  strong  feet  and  legs, 
and  they  are  up  to  almost  any  weight.  I  weigh  185  pounds  and  1  have  an 
active  little  fourteen-hand  pony  that  feels  as  strong  under  me  as  any  sixteen- 
hand  horse  I  ever  mounted.  After  a  very  fine  display  of  their  wonderful 
horsemat.ship,  a  few  fantastic  dances,  and  a  sham  fight  on  foot  at  close 
c|uarters,  the  latter  being  very  suggestive  of  a  contest  between  "  supers  "  on 
the  stage,  the  Indians  swarmed  about  the  pavilion  in  great  numbers,  where 
His  Excellency  and  suite.  Colonel  and  Mrs.  McLeod,  Mr.  Dewdney,  Indian 
Commissioner ;  Colonel  Norman  McLeod,  Local  Indian  Agent,  and  a  splendid 
looking  guard  of  honour  under  command  of  Colonel  Irvine,  Commissioner 
N.  W.  M.  P.,  were  waiting  to  receive  them.  The  Council  was  very  like 
others  which  have  preceded  it.  A  number  of  chiefs  of  Bloods,  Blackfeet, 
Picgims  and  Sarcees  addressed  His  Excellency.  They  all  spoke  in  the  highest 
terms  of  Colonel  McLeod  and  Mr.  Dewdney,  and  the  Piegans  were  particularly 
anxious  that  their  farm  instructor  should  remain  with  them  "  as  long  as  the 
water  runs  in  the  Old  Man's  River."  The  chiefs  also  spoke  in  the  most  'com- 
plimentary manner  of  Colonel  Irvine,  and  of  the  force  under  his  command, 
whom  they  regard  as  their  best  friends.  At  the  close  of  their  speeches.  His 
Excellency  spoke  very  kindly  to  them,  and  gave  them  some  thoroughly  good 
and  practical  advice.  !:"onie  of  the  Indians  present  boasted  of  names  that 
would  look  rather  startling  in  a  city  directory.  "Culf  JShirt"  was  riding  up 
and  down  in  front  of  the  puviUon,  telling  with  great  satisfacHon  how  he  had 
killed  three  Crees  down  at  "  Whoop  Up''  in  one  ilay.  Amongst  other  dis- 
tinguished individuals  present  wire  '*  Kunning  Kabbit,"  "  Eagle  Tail,* 
"Red  Cow,"  "  Dog's  Child,"  "  Bull's  Backfat,"  "  BuH'alo-cow-in-the-mid. 
die,"  "Many-spotted- horses,"  "  Belly  Bute,"  "  (Joing-to-the-bear  "  "  The- 
nian-who-walks-on-his-heels,"  "  Father-of -many-children,"  "  Eagle-sitting- 
on-a-rock-with-his-tail-hanying-over,"  "Bad-head,"  "  Bull-shield,"  "  BuU- 
tunu»ig-around,"  "  Weazel-eagle,"  "  Co\uiting-coo  "  (recital  cif  brave  deeds), 
"  Counting-coo-on-the-lop,"  "Low  Wouuvn  '  (a  Blood  Indian),  "  ^Vliit« 
Antelope,"  "  Running  Wolf,"  *' Blackfoot-old-woman "  (a  Hlood  Indian) 
"Wolf  collar,"  "  Wolf-Hhirt,"  "  Moining  riumo,"  "  Flying  Chief,"  "  Chief 
Mountain  "  (for  Canon  Mi  Kay)    "  Chief  Bird  "  (for  Rev,  Mr.  Tnvett). 

To-morrow  morning  His  Excellency  and  party  start  westward  to  visit  the 
Police  and  Indian  Supply  Fariu  on  Piniher  Creek. 



.'  ^' \ 




0:    '■: 




in  cuoshinc.  om)  man's  kivek-  nohody  seu10u8ly  huut-  the  e'oothil.i.s  of  thk 
"  hockieh"     an  evening  UAMHLE. 

PiN.HKK  CuEEK,  Sept.  20. — Tliis  moriiing  His  Excellency  and  party  bade 
good-bye  to  Fort  McLeod,  where  they  iiad  spent  a  really  enjoyable  time  de- 
spite the  fact  that  it  is  the  "  hardest  "  place,  so  far  as  morals  are  concerned, 
to  be  found  in  the  North- West,  while  the  location  is  anything  but  pictures(|Uo 
or  romantic.  The  journey  to-day  has  been  a  rather  long  thirty  miles,  almost 
due  west  from  Fort  McLood.  At  the  fort  the  mountains  do  not  look  more 
than  four  or  five  miles  oti"  on  a  bright  day,  and  to  one  luiacfpiainted  with  the 
country  the  idea  of  driving  thirty  miles  i<i  a  westerly  direction  from  Fort 
McLeod  without  penetrating  well  into  thorn  would  appear  manifestly  absurd. 
We  have  come  a  long  thirty  miles  to-d.iy,  and  yet  we  are  not  (juito  up  to  the 
base  of  the  mountains  though  iln^y  appear  very  close  at  hand.  The  journey 
was  not  a  particularly  interesting  one.  The  country  for  a  mile  or  two  west 
of  Fort  McLeod,  though  very  fair  farming  laud,  is  not  nearly  up  to  the  ave- 
rage of  what  1  have  seen  so  far  throughout  the  North- West  Territory.  It 
appears  to  be  light  and  somewhat  stony.  This  sort  of  soil  was  <mly  seen  for 
a  short  distance,  at  less  than  two  miles  west  of  the  fort  the  character  of  the 
lienches  or  uplands  began  to  improve,  changing  to  a  rich  black  Ijam  similar 
to  that  seen  all  along  the  trail  from  Calgary  to  McLeod.  We  had  not  gone 
more  than  three  miles,  however,  before  the  trail  led  down  into  the  bottom 
lands  of  Old  Man's  River.  Here  the  soil  appeared  rather  light  and  gravelly, 
and  though  the  grass  was  good  and  strong,  I  do  not  think  it  could  be  de- 
pended tipon  tor  anything  like  heavy  cropping.  About  twelve  miles  from 
McLeod  the  trail  crossed  Old  Man's  River,  and  here  there  came  near  being 
two  serious  aooideuts.  The  river  at  the  Ford  is  deep  and  swift,  and  the  oast 
bank,  though  not  high,  is  very  precinitous.  The  four-hotso  team  hauling  His 
Excellency's  ambulance  descendeil  tiie  bank  safely,  but  just  as  they  wore  in 
the  deepest  and  swiftest  part  of  the  stream  one  of  the  wheel  horses  began  to 
plunge,  and  piit  his  fore  feet  over  tlie  load  bars.  This  threw  him  on  his  side 
and  but  for  the  veryclever  an'ljplucky  manner  in  which  ho  was  handled  by  his 
driver  he  would  have  been  drowned.  Mr.  Dowdney  and  I  came  next,  and 
made  the  passage  safely  enough,  as  did  several  others,  but  when  the  cook's 
waggon  came  along,  bringing  a  largo  share  of  the  commissary  stores,  cooking 
utensils,  tableware,  and  some  of  His  Excellency's  personal  luggage,  the 
leaders  swerved  suddenly  at  the  water's  edge,  and  the  heavily-laden  waggon 
rolled  down  the  embankment  into  tho  deep,  swift  stream.  Fortunately  the 
horses  got  free  from  the  waggon  and  hauled  the  driver  out  by  tho  reins,  while 
tho  other  constable  with  this  waggon,  after  disappearing  into  tho  river  under 



,S  OF  THU 

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the  load,  floated  out  with  the  swift  current  apparently  uriujured.  The 
<laniage  done  to  the  load  was  not  so  serious  as  anticipated,  thjat^h  some  very 
handsome  antelope  skin  Indian  coaturces,  purchased  at  McL-Jod  by  His  Ex- 
cellency, received  a  thorough  wetting.  A  few  miles  beyond  the  cronsing  the 
Indian  village  on  the  Piegan  Reserve  was  reached.  The  place  was  deserted, 
however,  as  the  Indians  had  not  yet  returned  from  the  fort,  whither  they  had 
gone  to  meet  the  (Jovernor-Cieneral.  This  is  certainly  one  of  the  oddest 
looking  villages  I  have  ever  seen.  The  Indians  have  built  their  little  cabins 
just  where  they  pleased,  without  any  reference  to  streets.  The  houses  face 
in  all  directions,  but  no  two  appear  to  have  been  built  eithor  parallel  witli 
or  at  right  angles  to,  ach  other.  TKoy  are  built  of  small  logs,  plastered  with 
mud,  and  roofed  with  poles,  rudely  thatched  with  straw  and  mud.  All  have 
<loor8  of  some  sort,  and  some  few  have  windows.  The  roofs  are  nearly  flat, 
and  the  walls  are,  in  nuuiy  cases,  far  from  forming  rectangular  parallelogramn, 
while  very  few  of  tliom  have  per[)endicular  walls.  They  are  vastly  better 
thiin  wigwams  or  toepes,  and  it  is  to  be  hoped  that  this  rude  attempt  on  tlio 
part  of  the  Piegans  to  conform  to  the  etistoms  of  the  white  men  will  not  bo 
unattended  with  good  results.  A  few  miles  farther  on  the  house  of  Mr. 
Charles  Kettles,  the  farm  instructor  of  this  reserve,  was  reached.  Mr.  Ket- 
tles appears  to  bo  on  excellent  terms  with  his  pupils,  and  though  I  do  not 
regard  the  reserve  as  a  good  one,  the  Piegans  are  evidently  making  very 
fair  progress.  Tliere  are  forty-eight  acres  broken  on  this  farm,  the  crops 
are  only  moderately  good,  and  Mr.  Kettles  is  of  opinion  that  the  place  is  tm- 
tit  for  raising  anything  like  heavy  grain  crops.  The  farm  instructor  was  also 
of  opinion  that  the  land  in  this  whole  vicinity  is  rather  light  and  patchy 
for  agricultural  purposes.  In  addition  to  being  a  popular  man  with  the 
Indians,  Mr.  Kettles  appears  to  be  an  excellent  woodman,  as  the  remarkably 
neat  axe  work  on  his  house,  root-house,  and  outbuildings  abundantly  prove. 
The  Indians  are  rationed  three  times  a  week  at  the  farm,  and  the  produce  of 
the  farm  is  stored  for  rations  during  the  winter.  He-crossing  Old  Man's 
River  the  outtit  proceeded  to  Pincher  Creek,  where  the  Police  and  Indian 
Department  Supply  Farms  are  located.  This  is  a  beautiful  valley,  and  there 
are  already  several  settlers  doing  well  here.  To  night  His  Excellency  and 
party  are  encamped  at  Col.  IMcLeod's  house,  and  Mr,  Dewdney  and  I  have 
o\ir  tent  pitched  at  the  police  farm  nearly  two  miles  farther  up  Pincher 
Creek.     The  weather  is  keen  and  cold  to-night. 

I'iNcuER  CiiKKK,  Sept.  21 . — This  has  been  acold,  wet,  and  very  disagreeable 
day,  and  I  have  spent  most  of  the  time  in  camp.  Lord  Lorne,  Dr.  Mac- 
(iregor,  Mr.  Austin,  Mr.  Sidney  Hall,  and  Captain  Hagot  remained  in  camp 
while  Col.  Do  Winton,  Major  Chater,  Capt.  Percival,  Dr.  Sowoll,  and  Mr, 
r)ewdnoy  went  out  shooting,  and  enjoyed  a  very  Hue  afternoon's  sport.  This 
afternoon  I  cross^'d  the  creek  and  visited  Mr.  Milton  Morden,  who  settled 
here  late  Inst  fall.  Mr,  Morden  ft)rmerly  lived  north  of  Toronto.  As  yet  ho 
has  hardly  had  time  to  form  an  opinion  of  this  country,  but  so  far  he 
dunks  extremely  well  of  it.     Ho  has  soventy-tive  head  of  Mimtana  cattle 






■/ 1 


that  are  doing  well.     His  crops  are  looking  well,  and  though  he  has  yet  bro- 
ken but  a  small  portion  of  his  ranche,  he  is  in  a  fair  way  to  do  well. 

The  Police  farm,  a  very  pretty  location,  is  in  charge  of  Maj  or  Shurtleft". 
Here  the  brood  mares  belonging  to  the  force  are  kept.  There  are  also  a 
number  of  promising  colts  that  have  been  bred  on  the  farm,  while  there  are 
usually  some  temporarily  unserviceable  horses  recruiting  on  the  place. 
Clandeboye,  a  chestnut  horse  by  Enquirer,  o\it  of  Leisure,  by  Red  Eye,  is 
the  herd  stallion  in  use.  Just  now  the  herd  is  short  some  74  animals  that 
were  run  off  by  American  horse  thieves,  along  with  some  fifty  or  sixty  horses 
and  ponies  in  August,  but  the  animals  were  recovered  by  some  ranchemen 
south  of  the  lines,  and  Major  Shurtlett'  is  now  absent  at  Fort  Assiniboine  to 
claim  them  from  the  American  authorities,  who  are  holding  them  till  he  ar- 
rives. There  are  on  this  farm  some  two  hundred  acres  under  crop.  The 
most  of  this  is  sown  with  oats,  six  acres  being  in  potatoes  and  one  small  field 
in  barley.  The  oats  turn  out  about  30  and  the  potatoes  150  bushels  to  the 
acre.  The  weather  is  still  cold  and  dreary,  and  there  is  no  promise  of  any 
inmiediate  improvement. 

PiNcHER  Ckeek,  Sept.  22. — The  weather  was  bright  and  comparatively 
pleasant  to-day,  and  immediately  after  breakfast  Mr.  Dewdney  drove  down 
to  His  Excellency's  camp  in  order  to  accompany  hiiu  and  his  party  seven 
miles  southward  along  the  valley  to  the  Indian  Supply  Farm,  and  there  take 
leave  of  them.  In  the  valley  we  pas'  d  the  claims  of  several  settlers,  all  of 
whom  appeared  to  be  doing  well.  Mr.  S*^^eed  has  a  very  promising  looking 
claim,  which  is  already  beginning  to  wear  the  appearance  of  a  prosperous 
homestead.  He  has  a  large  neat-looking  frame  house  two  stories  high,  and 
everything  about  the  place  wears  a  look  of  comfort  and  prosperity. 

The  Indian  Department  Supply  Farm  was  reached  by  eight  o'clock,  and  His 
Excellency  and  friends  were  welcomed  by  Mr.  Bruce,  the  agent.  Here  some 
time  was  spent  in  examining  the  products  of  the  farm  and  in  questioning  Mr. 
Bruce  regarding  the  character  and  peculiarities  of  the  region  in  which  he  is 
located.  There  are  310  acres  broken  and  fenced,  of  whicii  four  acres  are  in 
wheat,  fifty  acres  in  oats,  sixty-five  acres  in  barley,  twelve  acres  in  potatoes, 
twenty-three  acres  in  turnii)s,  and  one  aero  in  carrots.  One  hundred  and 
sixty  acres  of  the  land  broken  is  still  idle,  because  it  was  impossible  to  get 
seed  for  ir.  During  the  summer  Mr.  Bruce  had  an  average  of  five  men 
employed  about  the  farm,  btit  during  the  winter  only  a  cook  and  three  men 
will  bo  employed.  He  is  now  working  twelve  horses,  but  says  that  he  should 
have  more  in  order  to  get  the  work  along  properly.  He  keeps  four  cows  to 
supply  the  house  with  milk  and  butter.  Mr.  Bruce  did  not  talk  very  encour- 
agingly of  the  country  here.  He  said  in  fact  that  "  it  had  been  made  for 
bufl'alois  and  Indians."  His  crops  ho  reports  as  follows  : — Wheat,  25  bush, 
to  the  acre  ;  oats,  less  than  20  ;  and  barley,  30  bush,  to  the  acre.  His  pota- 
toes are  very  light,  and  his  turnips  very  fair.  The  surest  crops  according  to 
Mr.  Bruce  are  barley  and  n)ot8  of  all  sorts.  Ho  thinks,  too,  that  oats  would 
be  safe  if  put  in  in  proper  time,  and  in  this  connection  he  made  a  suggestion 
which,  though  not  at  all  new  in  this  country,  appears  to  be  a  very  sensible 



IS  yet  bvo- 


are  also  a 

there  are 
the  place, 
ed  Eye,  is 
imals  that 
ixty  horses 
iniboine  to 
till  he  ar- 
crop.  The 
small  fieltl 
lels  to  the 
aUe  of  any 

drove  down 
party  seven 
i  there  take 
ttlers,  all  of 
ping  looking 
IS  high,  and 


)ck,  and  His 

Here  some 
itiouing  Mr. 
which  he  is 
acres  are  iix 
in  potatoes, 
undred  and 
sible  to  get 
of  live  men 
I  three  men 
it  he  shouUl 
our  cows  to 
ery  encour- 

n  made  for 
at,  25  bush. 
His  pota- 
iccording  to 

oats  would 
[V  suggestion 

Ty  sensibk^ 

one.  It  was  that  seed  thould  be  put  in  late  in  the  fall,  too  late  to  germinate 
tlie  same  year,  but  ready  to  begin  growing  as  soon  as  the  frost  goes  out  of 
the  ground  in  the  spring.  Altogether  Mr.  Bruce  appears  inclined  to  take 
what  I  think  to  be  an  uni^ocessarily  gloomy  view  of  the  future  of  the  beau- 
tiful region  in  which  he  is  located.  The  summers,  he  says,  are  very  uncer- 
tain, and  he  cited  the  unseasonable  snow  storm  of  August,  1880,  in  proof  of 
his  views.  He  does  not  think  the  bench  lands  would  afford  sure  crops,  and 
altogether  he  thinks  the  Indian  Farm  is  much  too  near  the  mountains  to  be 
valuable  for  agricultural  purposes.  He  said  that  last  winter  was  very  cold 
and  stormy.  There  were  in  his  region  only  two  Chinook  thaws,  each  of  them 
lasting  some  three  \.eek8.  He  described  the  wintei'shere  as  very  unreliable, 
and  helu  that  a  farmer  could  not  count  on  any  work  with  a  moderate  degree 
of  certainty  during  the  winter  months.  It  was  a  good  cattle  country,  how- 
ever, as  the  wind  usuf  Uy  kept  the  hills  swept  bare  and  left  the  grass  exposed 
for  the  cattle.  He  was  of  opinion  that  any  hardy  timber  would  grow  on  the 
prairie.  Altogether  he  considered  the  country  much  better  adapted  for 
stock-raising  than  agriculture.  Here  we  were  shown  some  remarkably  fine 
samples  of  grain  that  had  been  grown  on  the  place.  One  stool  of  oats  con- 
tained 23  stocks,  with  from  85  to  93  grains  to  the  stock.  The  samples  of 
wheat  showed  70  stocks  to  the  stool,  and  from  43  to  55  grains  to  the  stock. 
The  farm  is  supplied  with  an  excellcat  quality  of  bituminous  coal  from  a  seam 
about  four  feet  thick  less  than  a  mile  from  the  house  and  up  towards  the 


As  soon  as  the  "evidence"  of  Mr.  Bruce  "had  been  taken,"  His  Excellency 
and  party  prepared  to  continue  their  march  to  the  frontier,  which,  though  per- 
haps a  day's  journey  or  more  from  this  point,  is  easily  located  by  the  naked 
eye  by  landmarks  along  the  mountain  range.  And  here  Mr.  Dewdney  and  I 
took  leave  of  them,  and  not  without  many  regrets,  for  the  journey  through 
the  North-West,  despite  many  annoyances  and  some  little  hardships,  has 
been  to  me  one  of  the  most  thoroughly  enjoyable  I  ever  made.  From  first 
to  last  His  Excellency  and  every  member  of  his  party  have  treated  mo  with 
*ho  kindliest  consideration  and  there  is  not  one  of  them  who  has  not  shown 
the  most  friendly  interest  in  the  siiccess  of  my  expedition.  Had  I  been  one 
of  his  invited  guests,  His  Excellency  could  not  have  taken  greater  pains  in 
att'ording  me  every  facility  for  obtaining  information  concerning  the  country 
through  which  wo  have  travelled,  and  while  I  have  been  allowed  to  feel  that 
I  was  travelling  ([uite  independently  of  the  Vice-llogal  outfit,  I  have  always 
found  in  Lord  Lome  the  most  genial  and  neighbourly  of  fellow-travellers. 
On  every  expedition  which  I  wished  to  join,  whether  in  cpiest  of  game  or 
information,  I  was  always  a  heartily  welcomed  guest.  Whenever  I  had 
troubles  through  breakdowns  or  other  misbaps,  His  Excellency  invariably 
showed  the  kindliest  interest  in  my  welfare,  and  when  my  half-breed  had 
been  taken  seriously  ill  on  the  plains  below  Carlton,  he  was  one  of  the  first 
to  walk  over  throui^h  the  wet  grass  to  my  tent  and  cnciuire  personally  as  to 



t  s 




his  condition.  Indeed,  I  am  very  sure  that  I  shall  greatly  miss  such  exceed- 
ingly genial  and  friendly  travelling  companions  on  the  long  and  lonely  trip 
that  now  lies  before  me,  and  on  which  I  determined  .13  soon  as  I  learned 
that  Lord  Lome  had  abandoned  the  idea  of  travelling  down  Bow  River  and 
the  South  Saskatchewan  by  boat.  To-night  or  early  to-morrosv  Lord  Lome 
and  his  party  will  cross  the  49th  parallel,  and  then  of  course  the  interest  in 
the  country  through  which  they  are  travelling  will  cease  so  far  as  Canadian 
readers  are  concerned.  On  the  other  hand,  though  our  trip  through  thu 
North-West  has  been  a  long  and  comprehensive  one,  a  large  and  important 
section  has  unavoidably  been  left  out.  Edmonton,  though  acknowledged  to 
be  one  of  the  most  prominent  points  in  the  North-West,  has  not  been  seen, 
nor  has  the  long  stretch  of  country  lying  between  it  and  Battleford,  as  well 
as  that  portion  of  the  trail  (some  200  miles  in  length)  between  Calgary  and 

My  present  intention  is  to  return  to  Calgary,  and  then  drive  up  the  trail 
to  Edmonton,  and  if  possible  visit  St.  Albert.  I  shall  then  take  what  is 
known  as  the  "  south  trail  "  from  Edmonton  to  Battleford.  From  Bat  tie - 
ford,  instead  of  taking  the  back  track  to  Carlton,  I  shall  take  a  more  south- 
erly course,  and  not  tai'e  in  any  01  the  trail  previously  travelled  till  I  reach 
Qu'Appelle.  At  that  point,  passing  tar  south  of  Carlton  and  Prince  Albert, 
T  shall  take  the  old  trail  to  Fort  EUice,  from  which  place  I  shall  probably 
drive  down  to  Brandon,  and  travel  thence  to  Winnipeg  by  the  railway,  which 
it  is  expected  will  have  reached  the  crossing  of  the  Assiniboine  some  time 
before  I  can  reasonably  expect  to  drive  to  it.  I  am  not  ignorant  of  the  fact 
that  I  am  taking  some  little  risk  of  having  to  spend  a  portion  of  the  winter 
in  this  territory,  by  starting  on  such  a  very  long  drive  so  late  in  the  season, 
and  I  am  very  sure  that  the  nights  are  even  now  so  cold  that  camping  out  is 
anything  but  a  cheerful  occupation.  In  returning  I  shall  have  to  travel 
through  a  good  deal  of  open  country,  where  the  collecting  or  packing  of  any 
more  wood  than  that  absolutely  necessary  for  cooking  would  be  quite  out  of 
the  question.  I  do  not  expect  to  see  many  places  where  my  half-breed  and 
I  can  afford  the  luxury  of  a  roaring  camp-fire.  Snow-storms  are  liable  tu 
visit  us  occasionally,  or  what  are  e(iually  bad,  cold  rain-storms.  The  trails, 
too,  will  in  all  probability  be  n\uch  worse  than  many  of  those  over  which  we 
have  travelled,  and  should  any  mishaps  overtake  me,  I  can  no  longer  look 
for  that  friendly  assistance)  which  the  othcers  and  men  of  the  escort  were 
always  ready  to  render  me.  In  fact  I  feel  as  though  I  had  now  done  with 
the  enjoyable  part  of  the  journey,  and  as  if  the  rest  of  it  would  bo  a  tedious 
succession  of  hardships  and  privations.  At  best  I  shall  have  a  long,  cold, 
lonely  iourney  before  I  can  roach  Winnipeg  again. 

Returning  to  camp  in  time  for  luncheon,  Mr.  Dewdney  and  I  crossed  to 
the  north  side  of  Pinchor  Creek,  early  in  the  afternoon,  and  taking  the  west- 
ward trail  that  loads  up  to  the  Indian  Department  mill,  set  out  to  visit  that 
establishment.  The  bench  lands  over  which  we  travelled  were  well  covered 
with  a  rich  growth  of  butl'alo  grass,  and  it  looked  to  be  well  adapted  either 
ior  stock-raising  or  agricultural  purposes.     In  the  bottoms  were  the  ranches 


'    u 



3  such  exceed- 
ed lonely  trip 
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3ow  River  and 
)w  Lord  Lome 
the  interest  in 
ir  as  Canadian 
p  through  tho 
and  important 
sknowledged  to 
not  been  seen, 
.tleford,  as  well 
m  Calgary  and 

ive  up  the  trail 
jn  take  what  is 
From  Battle- 
}  a  more  south - 
filed  till  I  reach 
Prince  Albert, 
I  shall  probably 
;  railway,  which 
oine  some  time 
rant  of  the  fact 
n  of  the  winter 
e  in  the  season, 
camping  out  is 
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packing  of  any 
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r  half-breed  and 
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1U3.     The  trails, 
)  over  which  we 
no  longer  look 
the   escort  were 
now  done  with 
uld  bo  a  tedious 
vo  a  long,  cold, 

md  I  crossed  to 
taking  the  west- 
out  to  visit  that 
ure  well  covered 
1  adapted  either 
vere  the  ranches 


of  several  settlers,  who  appeared  to  be  doing  well,  but  in  this  connection  I 
may  remark  that  tlie  pioneers  in  the  region  underrate  the  value  of  the  bench 
lands  as  compared  with  the  bottoms.  It  is,  of  course,  well  enough  to  build 
houses,  barns,  and  corralls  in  the  bottoms,  where  they  are  afforded  a  natural 
shelter  from  the  winds  that  sweep  over  these  great  plains,  but  I  think  that 
on  the  benches  is  usually  found  a  better  quality  of  soil,  while  it  is  an  estab- 
lished fact  that  the  frosts  are  nearly  always  more  severe  on  the  low  bottoms 
than  on  the  uplands.  In  most  of  the  valleys  of  these  mountain  streams  the 
soil  is  rather  light,  and  *  hough  capable  of  growing  excellent  grass,  I  think  it 
is  often  too  light  for  constant  cropping. 

The  Indian  Department  mill  is  situated  on  the  east  bank  of^what  is  now 
known  as  the  "  Mill  Stream,"  which  falls  into  Old  Man's  River  a  short  dis- 
tance below  the  mill  site.  The  mill  itself  is  only  a  small  affair,  having  but  a 
limited  grinding  capacity  (the  gristing  machinery,  though  on  the  ground,  is 
not  yet  in  place)  while  the  saw-mill  is  only  capable  of  cutting  between  two 
and  three  thousand  feet  per  day.  The  mill  site  is  an  excellent  one,  however, 
and  the  limits,  or  at  least  what  I  saw  of  them,  in  walking  about  five  miles 
southward  and  up  the  creek,  are  really  excellent,  taking  into  consideration 
the  limited  supply  and  probably  strong  demand  that  may  be  expect'jd  in  this 
country  for  lumber  of  almost  any  sort.  The  forks  of  the  creek  are  well- tim- 
bered with  a  sort  of  red  spruce,  which  though  hard  to  cut  and  work  up,  is 
very  strong  and  durable.  In  my  short  walk  up  to  the  mountains  I  saw  a 
great  many  trees  that  would  measure  from  eighteen  inches  to  two  feet  across 
the  stump,  and  long  enough  below  the  branches  to  cut  logs  of  clear  stuff  from 
twelve  to  eighteen  feet  in  length.  These  trees  are  called  pine  by  some,  while 
others  assert  that  there  is  no  true  pine  on  this  side  of  the  water-shed  ;  but 
be  this  as  it  may,  I  am  very  sure  that  there  is  a  largo  quantity  of  really  good 
timber  on  the  fifty-mile  limits  belonging  to  this  mill.  From  what  I  could  see 
from  the  slo  >es  of  tlie  moimtains  with  a  powerful  glass  I  should  imagine  that 
within  a  radius  of  twenty  miles  from  this  mill  there  is  a  very  large  amount 
of  timber  that  must  in  a  few  years  become  extremely  valuable. 


Just  as  we  arrived  at  the  mill  the  workmen  and  others  about  the  place 
were  in  a  state  of  the  wildest  excitement.  Only  a  few  moment'^  before  wo 
had  reached  there  the  jointer  in  the  shingle  mill  had  burst,  and  Joseph  Field 
(formerly  of  Prescott,  Ont.)  was  terribly  and,  in  all  probability,  fatally  in- 
jured. The  mountftin  slopes  above  the  mill  tempted  me  into  taking  a  long 
walk  (to  which  1  have  already  alluded  in  connection  with  the  timber  limits 
belonging  to  the  mill).  Following  the  east  bank  of  the  mill  stream,  I  walked 
up  to  where  its  tributaries  pour  into  it  from  a  dozen  or  more  deep  ravines 
;ind  canyons  that  look  as  though  the  base  of  the  mountains  had  been  shivered 
and  rent  by  some  tremendous  force,  leaving  a  number  of  long,  deep,  and  tort- 
uousravines,  v/ith  rugged  and  precipitous  edges.  Although  I  had  only  started 
with  the  intention  of  walking  about  a  mile  up  the  creek,  I  kept  climbing  a 
succession  of  foot-hills,  the  view  from  each  summit  luring  me  on  to  the  next, 






•J"    "  ■> 


till  at  last  I  found  that  I  had  gained  an  extraordinary  altitude,  and  the  rug- 
ged, snow-capped  peaks  looked  so  near  that  it  seemed  as  if  I  could  almost 
reach  out  my  hand  and  touch  the  hem  of  their  fleecy,  spotless  robes.  The 
evening,  though  bright  and  pleasant,  was  fresh  and  cool  ;  and  though  the 
yellow  and  brown  slopes  of  the  foothills  were  resplendent  in  the  slanting 
rays  of  a  glorious  September  sun,  I  could  at  times  feel  a  breath  of  the  even- 
ing air  that  felt  as  nipping  and  frosty  as  though  it  had  drifted  over  a  snow- 
covered  plain  in  mid -winter.  Suddenly,  however,  I  found  myself  in  a  deep 
cold  shadow,  and  looku  g  westward  1  noticed  for  the  first  time  that  I  had  al- 
ready so  far  exceeded  the  time  I  had  allotted  to  this  little  excursion  that  the 
Bun  was  already  sinking  behind  one  of  the  great  pyramidal  peakfl  of  the 

Thus  warned,  I  began  very  reluctantly  to  turn  my  steps  towards  the  mill. 
By  this  time  I  was  considerably  east  of  the  main  body  of  the  mill  stream,  as 
its  most  easterly  fork  ran  down  a  deep  ravine  which  formed  an  almost  im- 
passable barrier  as  far  as  I  followed  its  east  bank.  This  stream  was  rather 
tortuous,  and  though  I  followed  its  general  direction  I  did  not  keep  close  to 
the  edge  of  the  ravine,  and  was  thus  enabled  to  save  considerable  time  by 
cutting  ofi"  some  of  its  curves.  In  crossing  one  of  these  bends,  where  the 
stream  made  a  deep  swerve  westward,  I  noticed  a  small  band  of  about  thirty 
Montaiia  cattle  feeding  about  a  quarter  of  a  mile  inland.  I  had  often  heard 
that  it  was  dangerous  to  venture  near  these  brutes  on  foot,  but  they  looked 
so  unlike  all  my  preconceived  ideas  of  wild  cattle  (which  I  supposed  to  be 
nearly  all  horns  and  legs,  with  very  light  bodies),  and  so  like  a  herd  of  well- 
bred  and  well-fed  Shorthorns  that  I  could  not  believe  them  very  dangerous. 
For  all  this,  however,  I  gave  them  a  very  wide  berth  in  passing  ;  but  just  as 
I  was,  as  I  supposed,  safely  out  of  their  reach,  I  heard  a  heavy  trampling  be- 
hind me,  and  turning  I  saw  the  whole  herd  trotting  towards  me.  I  was  now 
close  to  the  edge  of  a  cut  bank,  however,  and  feeling  tolerably  secure  I  con- 
tinued to  walk  on  deliberately,  as  though  I  had  not  noticed  them.  They 
were  not  to  be  trifled  v..ih,  however,  and  tossing  their  heads  furiously,  and 
bellowing  as  they  camo,  they  charged  at  full  gallop.  I  ran  thirty  or  forty 
yards,  and  jumped  over  the  edge  of  the  cut  bank,  but  they  had  no  notion  of 
stopping  even  after  I  had  disappeared.  As  they  neared  the  bank  I  sprang  up 
and  tired  a  shot  in  the  air  from  my  rifle,  and  sprung  another  cartridge  into 
the  chamber  to  use  in  a  more  serious  manner  should  it  become  necessary. 
At  the  crack  of  the  rifle,  however  the  brutes  stopped  short,  and  after  hesi- 
tating a  few  seconds  they  turned  and  galloped  off  in  the  opposite  direc- 

As  I  walked  farther  down  the  branch  and  reached  the  mill  stream,  I  turned 
and  looked  up  the  deep  narrow  valley  through  which  it  runs,  and  here  I  saw 
one  of  the  loveliest  and  most  romantic  of  landscapes  spread  out  before  me. 
The  deep  canyon-like  valley  which  opened  in  the  foreground  reached  back- 
ward and  upward  away  through  the  middle  distance  and  into  the  background, 
where  it  was  lost  in  the  deep  rich  bronze  of  the  foot  hills,  while  above  and 
beyond  rose  the  great  sharp  mountain  peaks  wrapped  in  their  pure  spotless 



ind  the  riig- 
ould  alm(jst 
robes.  The 
though  the 
the  slanting 
of  the  even- 
)V6r  a  snow- 
elf  in  a  deep 
hat  I  bad  al- 
'sion  that  the 
)eaks    of  the 

mantle  of  newly  fallen  snow.  All  along  the  valley  were  to  be  seen  the  bril- 
liant autumnal  tints  on  the  frost-nipped  foliage,  in  which  light  pea  green, 
lemon-chrome,  straw  colour,  gold,  orange,  scarlet,  and  crimson  were  daintily 
blended,  relieving  the  black  green  of  the  spruces,  and  the  deep  purplish 
bronze  of  the  leafless  brush  and  furze.  Belund  the  great  snow-capped  peak 
on  the  right  the  sun  was  still  shining,  and  its  beams,  streaming  through  the 
lofty  wind-swept  passes  and  narrow  gorges  among  the  mountain  crests  beyond, 
fell  in  bright  belts  and  patches  across  the  gorgeous  medley  of  rich  colours  that 
adorned  the  shadowy  slopes  of  the  long  deep  valley. 

Hurrying  back  to  the  mill,  I  was  soon  in  Mr.  Dewdney's  buckboard  again 
and  we  reached  camp  about  nine  o'clock  to-night. 

rds  the  mill, 
ill  stream,  as 
1  almost    im- 
n  was  rather 
keep  close  to 
ible  time  by 
8,  where   the 
about  thirty 
d  often  heard 
t  they  looked 
pposed  to  be 
herd  of  well- 
ry  dangerous. 
;  but  just  as 
trampling  be- 
i.     I  was  now 
secure  I  con- 
thom.     They 
'uriously,  and 
lirty  or  forty 
no  notion  of 
c  I  sprang  up 
cartridge  into 
ae    necessary, 
id  after  hesi- 
jposite    direc- 

eam,  I  turned 
nd  here  I  saw 
it  before  mo. 
reached  back- 
e  background, 
ile  above  and 
pure  spotless 




Fort  McLeod,  Sept.  20 — Since  the  last  instalment  of  ray  journal  was 
written,  incidents  have  been  so  few  and  far  between  that  a  daily  record  would 
have  been  an  exceedingly  scanty  one. 

The  absence  from  the  police  force  of  the  large  band  of  horses  stolen  by 
American  thieves,  the  deterioration  of  some  200  that  at  one  time  or  another 
have  been  employed  in  transporting  His  Excellency  and  party  across  the 
plains  from  the  end  of  the  railway  track  to  the  Rocky  Mountains,  and  the 
absence  of  the  lurge  outfit  under  Colonel  Crozier,  that  is  now  carrying  him 
over  the  last  stage  of  his  long  overland  trip,  have  so  reduced  the  number  of 
available  horses  here  that  it  has  bean  necessary  to  delay  ray  departure  for 
Calgary  beyond  the  time  I  had  expected.  During  my  stay  here,  however,  I 
have  thoroughly  enjoyed  the  novel  phase  of  society  presented  by  the  always- 
shifting  population  of  Fort  McLeod,  which  is  wholly  unlike  anything  to  be 
seen  in  Old  Canada.  Here  in  the  shadow  of  the  Rocky  Mountains  even 
Canadians  are  no  longer  the  same  men  they  were  in  Canada.  Tliey  ride  on 
horseback,  wear  Mexican  spurs,  utterly  abjure  English,  Canadian,  or  indeed 
any  but  Mexican  saddles,  and  talk  the  slang  of  frontiersmen  and  ranchers, 
indeed,  everybody  who  lives  here  for  a  month  appears  to  drift  imperceptibly 
into  using  the  local  slang.  Only  yesterday  1  heard  an  old  coloured  woman 
describing  how  for  fifteen  months  she  did  the  work  in  a  gentleman's  family 
here  and  took  care  of  the  baby  all  the  time.  She  said,  **  1  jest  used  to  have 
him  with  ^ne  from  morning  till  night,  an'  when  I  had  any  other  work  to  do 




»•  ^' 

<  WM^ 

•      H  -I 

<  i<l«  -1. 


I  jest  used  to  *  picket '  Jiim  by  one  foot  to  the  stove-leg  and  let  him  pull  away 
till  1  was  ready  to  take  him  up  again. " 

Comparatirely  few  of  the  rougher  element  here  go  by  their  own  names, 
and  as  illustrative  of  this  I  will  relate  a  well  authenticated  story,  just  as  it 
was  told  to  mo.  An  esteemed  Catholic  priest  was  visiting  here,  and  the 
gentleman  who  was  walking  up  street  with  him  desired  to  introduce  a 
friend.     Seeing  his  friend  across  the  street  he  called  him  over  and  said, 

' '  Froggy,  let  me  introduce  you  to  Father ,"  and  "  Father ,. 

permit  me  to  present  a  very  old  friend  whom  I  have  known  for  fourteen 
years,  Mr. — Mr. — ah — why,  Froggy,  what  the  h — 1  is  your  name  ;  you  never 
told  me  ? " 

Among  the  names  by  which  men  are  known  here  may  be  quoted  the  fol- 
lowing : — "  Poker  Brown,"  *'  Bed  Fi^zpatrick,"  "  Tennessee,"  "  California,'* 
"  Buo.k  Smith,"  "French  Sam,"  "  Nigger  Dave,"  '' Spanish  Joe,"  "Dutch 
Fred,"  "Tin-cup  Joe,"  "Yeast  Powder  Bill,"  "Diamond  R.  Brown,* 
"  Water-cart  Billy,"  "The  Pointer,"  "Sitting  Bull,"  "  Vanderbilt,  No.  2," 
"Goose  Neck,"  "  Texas  Jones,"  "  Vici,"  "  Captain  Jack,"  "  Banjo  Mike," 
"  Old  Smoothy,"  "  Tex"  (for  Texas),  "  Bear  Paw  Jack,"  "  Four-Jack-Bob,'^ 
and  "  Rutabaga  Bill."  Among  the  half-breed  women  are  "  The  Gopher," 
"  Croppy,"  "  Cut  Nose,"  and  "  Wagg.m-box  Julia."  There  are  also  "  The 
Mule  Family,"  and  the  "  Jocko  Outfit,"  by  which  two  well-known  half-breed 
families  are  designated. 

Since  my  arrival  here  Major  Shurtleff  has  returned  with  the  seventy-four 
police  horses,  and  a  large  number  of  the  ponies  stolen  from  the  Police  Farm 
in  August.    They  have  come  back  looking  very  well. 

i  met  Mr.  Dawson,  of  Montreal,  the  other  day,  and  had  the  pleasure  for  a 
few  moments  of  listening  to  his  viewy  regarding  this  country,  which  he  has 
been  carefully  exploring  for  some  time.  Regarding  the  soil,  I  found  that  he 
had  little  to  communicate  that  would  be  new  to  those  who  have  been  reading 
my  journal  as  it  has  been  published,  but  his  views  on  other  matters  connect- 
ed with  this  region  were  full  of  interest. 


He  was  of  the  opinion  that  for  the  present,  at  least,  very  little  could  be 
made  by  operating  the  coal  mines  here.  Thiit  was  not  because  of  any  defi- 
ciency in  the  quantity  of  excellent  coal  to  be  iound,  but  because  tiie  coal  is 
so  very  generally  distributed,  that  it  would  scarcely  pay  miners  to  work  it  for 
local  coi:sumption.  Indeed,  there  appears  to  be  such  an  abundance  of  coal 
along  the  base  of  the  mountains,  from  the  Bally  River  up  to  Edmonton,  that 
the  qi'.estion  of  fuel  for  the  great  plains  is  virtually  set  at  rest.  The  coal  here 
is  not  the  common  lignite  (as  it  is  generally  supposed  to  be  in  Old  Canada), 
but  a  I.ig'i  grade  of  biUnninoua  coal,  equal,  if  not  superior,  to  any  grade  be- 
■ow  anthracite.  There  is  an  extensive  deposit  near  Whoop  Up,  and  another 
large  seam  near  the  Indian  Department  mill,  eight  or  ten  miles  west  of  the 
Police  Farm,  on  Pincher  Creek.  There  ia  excellent  coal  on  High  Rk'er,  and 
in  many  other  places  in  this  section. 



uU  away 

(i  namea, 
just  as  it 
and  the 
roduce  a 
md  said, 

row  never 

d  the  fol- 
'  "Dutch 
t,  No.  2," 
ijo  Mike," 
also  "  The 

alice  Farm 

isure  for  a 
lich  he  has 
d  that  he 
en  reading 
rs  connect- 

could  b&^ 
:  any  defi- 
tiie  coal  is 
work  it  for 
[ice  of  coal. 
)nton,  that 
e  coal  here 
i  Canada), 
grade  be- 
nd another 
vest  of  the 
RiA'er,  and 

To-day  Mr.  Dewdney  has  been  hard  at  work  investigating  the  character  of 
the  farm  instructor  on  the  Blood  reservation,  but  as  yet  the  case  is  not  quite 
concluded.  Mr.  Dewdnej',  I  may  say,  appears  to  be  thoroughly  in  earnest 
About  his  work,  and  he  will,  I  think,  in  time,  have  his  troubk'  ame  charge  in 
a  greatly  improved  condition  ;  but  in  ihe  meantime  he  has  many  difficulties  to 
contend  against,  not  the  least  of  his  troubles  being  the  securing  of  suitable  farm 
instructors.  To  be  a  good  farm  instructor,  a  man  should  not  only  thoroughly 
understand  farming  and  have  a  faculty  of  imparting  what  he  knows,  but  he 
must  have  that  knowledge  of  Indian  character  that  can  only  be  acquired  by 
a  permanent  residence  among  them.  In  addition  to  all  this,  a  man  to  suc- 
ceed as  a  farm  instructor  m\i8t  have  his  heart  thoroughly  in  his  work.  He 
nvist  have  the  perseverance  and  patience,  and  should  have  the  enthusiasm  of 
9,  thorough  missionary.  Besides  all  this,  he  should  be  a  competent  and  tho- 
roughly upright  business  man,  for  the  temptations  to  peculation  are  often 
very  strong,  and  it  is  extremely  difficult  to  check  over  the  details  of  a  farm 
instructor's  operations  for  a  year.  It  is  an  easy  thing  for  the  farm  instructor 
and  the  contractor  who  supplies  him  to  combine  and  swindle  both  the  Gov- 
ernment and  the  Indians.  Suppose,  for  example,  that  the  Indians  are  being 
rationed  at  three  pounds  of  flour  and  six  pounds  of  beef  each  per  week.  Ihis 
for  a  band  of  500  souls  would  amount  to  fifteen  sacks  of  flour  and  3,000  lbs. 
of  beef  passing  through  the  instructor's  hands  every  week.  It  is  an  easy 
thing  to  deduct  25  per  cent,  from  an  Indian's  rations  without  his  knowing  it, 
every  time  they  are  served  out  to  him  ;  and  if  this  were  done  the  instructor 
and  the  agent  would  have  the  opportunity  of  dividing  between  them  375  lbs. 
of  flour  and  750  lbs.  of  beef  every  week,  and  this  at  10  cents  per  lb.  for  flour 
and  10  cents  per  lb.  for  beef,  the  rates  at  which  I  buy  my  supplies,  would 
amount  to  a  weekly  drawback  of  $37.50  on  the  flour  and  $75  on  the  beef, 
leaving  the  nice  little  sum  of  $112.50  to  divide  between  the  instructor 
and  contractor  every  Saturday  night.  I  do  not  mean  to  say  that  any- 
•thing  of  this  kind  is  done,  but  I  mention  the  figures  to  show  how  easily 
it  could  be  done,  and  how  much  responsibility  rests  upon  Mr.  Dewd- 
ney, who  is  expected  to  see  that  the  business  transactions  on  all  the  reser- 
vatioi;s  are  properly  conducted.  To  suppose  that  the  average  man  who 
depends  for  a  livelihood  upon  some  sort  of  a  position  in  the  Civil  Service  is 
tit  for  such  an  appointment,  is  manifestly  absurd.  The  men  who  are  of  the 
right  stamp  for  work  of  this  kind  are  scarce  and  their  services  are  usually  in 
too  great  demand  for  private  enterprises  to  permit  of  them  being  hawked 
around  Ottawa  for  vacancies  in  the  Civil  Service.  It  is  not  sur^ .rising  then 
that  Mr.  Dewdney  must  necessarily  be  greatly  embarrassed  in  the  working  of 
his  department.  At  the  same  time  ho  has  even  now  many  very  capable  and 
upright  men  serving  under  him,  but  until  the  matter  of  appointments  shall 
have  been  made  a  qiiestion  of  fitness  and  merit,  rather  than  of  political  pa- 
tronage, his  efi"orts  at  putting  his  department  in  thoroughly  efficient  working 
order  must  be  very  heavily  handicapped.  Even  as  it  is,  however,  the  Indian 
Department  is  performing  a  very  valuable  service.  Many  of  the  Indian  bands 
are  taking  hold  of  agriculture  ^with  i\  hearty  good  will,  and  in  Big  Child's 




I  ■ 


reserve,  near  Carlton,  thoy  are  nearly,   or  quite,   self-supporting.     The  Pie- 
gans,  who  are  located  near  here,  are  also  making  good  progress  though  their 
reserve  is  a  poor  one  and  though  they  have  only  been  on  it  for  a  short  time. 
As  for  the  Blackfeet,  on  the  reservation  at  the  lower  crossing  of  Bow  lliver, 
they  have  made  very  unsatisfactory  progress,  and  it  is  not  at  all  improbable 
that  both  they  and  the  Bloods  may  make  serious  trouble  before  the  winter 
is  over.     They  have  paid  little  attention  to  their  crops  and  appear  to  take 
much  more  kindly  to  predatory  raids  and  horse-stealing  than  they  do  to  farm 
labour.     Crowfoot  complained  at  the  Council,  which  we  attended,   that  his 
rations  were  not  what  they  ought  to  be,  and  1  think  it  is  not  at  all  impossible 
that  he  may  have  good  ground  for  complaining,  and  so  there  may  be  serious 
trouble  brewing,  for  the  Bloods,   Blackfeet,   and  other  wild  Indians  of  the 
south  are  not  the  class  of  men  to  be  trifled  with.     They  are,  I  think,  more 
resolute  and  warlike  than  the  Crees  and  Saulteaux  uf  the  north,  and  should 
they  once  break  out  in  defiance  of  the  police  I  cannot  but  shudder  to  think 
of  the  possible  results.     Though  so  far  the  police  have  been  able  to  make 
arrests  of  Indian  depredators  in  the  face  of  ovewhelming  odds,  the  general 
impression  among  the  best  informed  frontiersmen  is  that  this  game  of  bluff  is 
r.bout  played  out,  and  that  the  day  when  three  or  four  red-coated  prairie 
troopers,  through  sheer  pluck  and  coolness,   can  overawe  a  large   band  of 
Bloods,  Piegans,  or  Blackfeet  has  now  nearly,  or  quite,  passed  by,  and  that 
in  future  the  greatest  caution  will  have  to  be  exercised  in  dealing  with  these 
lawless,  half-starved  savages.     Even  now  horse-stealing  and  "  cattle-lifting"' 
is  going  on  in  various  quarters  in  spite  of  the  vigilance  of  the  handfuls  of  po- 
lice stationed  at  different  points  throughout  this  great  stretch  of  country,  and 
settlers  and  ranchmen  are  threatening  to  take  the  law  into  their  own  hands. 
Should  they  do  so  the  most  frightful  results  will  be  sure  to  follow,  and  a 
general  uprising  of  the  Indian  tribes  might  confidently  be  predicted.     No 
matter  what  the  cost  may  be,  I  think  the  police  force  should  be  doubled  and 
the  Indian  Commissioner  shoulr*  be  invested  for  this  winter  at  least  with  ab- 
solute authority  to  grant  to  the  Indians  such  supplies  as  may  be  necessary 
tr>  keep  them  from  starving  to  death.     It  will  certainly  be  cheaper  to  feed 
these  Indians  than  to  fight  them,  and  should  they  once  set  the  authority  of 
the  Government  at  defiance,  there  is  no  force  in  this  region  that  could  rea- 
sonably be  expected  to  enforce  that  authority  in  the  presence  of  overwhelm- 
ing numbers  of  hostile  savages.     Now  that  the  buffalo  has  returned  to  this 
couiiii-y,  the  trouble  may  be  staved  off  this  winter,   but  in  the  long  run  I 
think  it  would  be  better  for  the  Indians  had  the  buffalo  never  come  back. 
The  presence  of  buffalo  diverts  even  the  best  of  them  from  agricultural  pur- 
Buits,and  they  relapse  into  their  old  modes  of  life,  to  which  they  are  ardently 
attached.    The  presence  of  the  buffalo  also  operates  unfavourably  in  another 
respect.     It  sets  them  looking  about  for  swift-footed  ponies  suitable  for  the 
chase,  and  as  these  are  too  costly  for  destitute  Indians  to  buy  they  are  apt  to 
adopt  the  only  course  left  to  them,  and  steal  what  they  require.  Only  a  short 
time  ago  the  Bloods  stole  a  band  of  ponies  from  the  Stonies  at  Morleyville, 
and  the  sufferers  are  so  enraged  at  their  U  sa  that  it  would  be  very  unpleas- 



The  Pie- 
igh  their 
art  time, 
w  Uiver, 
e  winter 
f  to  take 
o  to  farm 
that  hia 
36  serious 
ns  of  the 
ink,  more 
[id  should 
r  to  think 
e  to  make 
ne  general 
of  bluff  is 
ed  prairie 
e  band  of 
f,  and  that 
with  these- 
Ifuls  of  po- 
untry,  and 
>wn  hands, 
low,  and  a 
icted.     No 
)ubled  and 
1st  with  ab- 
le necessary 
per  to  feed 
luthority  of 
t  could  rea- 
ned  to  this 
long  run  t 
come  back, 
iultural  pur- 
are  ardently 
in  another 
table  for  the 
ey  are  apt  to 
Only  a  short 
ery  unpleas- 

ant for  any  unfortunate  Blood  who  might  fall  in  their  way.  In  short,  while 
it  is  very  easy  to  find  fault  with  the  management  of  any  troublesome  depart- 
ment like  this,  it  is  not  quite  so  easy  to  suggest  any  changes  that  would,  un- 
der present  circumstances,  be  thoroughly  safe  and  satisfactory.  It  will  cost 
a  good  deal  of  money  to  make  the  25,000  Indians,  that  have  been  driven 
away  here  to  the  base  of  the  Rocky  Mountains,  by  the  progress  of  settlement, 
prosperous  and  law-abiding  citizens,  but  I  think  the  policy  now  being  pursued, 
that  of  teaching  them  to  make  a  living  through  agriculture  and  stock-raising 
is  a  sound  one,  as  every  Indinn  who  succeeds  in  making  for  himself  a  compe- 
tency in  this  way  will  exert  a  very  powerful  influence  for  good  upon  others 
of  his  own  race.  As  soon  as  he  has  a  band  of  cattle  or  ponies,  or  a  little 
ranche  under  crop,  he  becomes  a  friend  of  law  and  order  and  an  ally  of  the 
white  settlers,  while  his  comparative  wealth  invests  him  with  exceptional 
weight  and  influeuce  with  his  own  people.  Thus  it  will  be  seen  that  every 
dollar  now  judiciously  spent  in  encouraging  industrious,  thrifty  Indians  may, 
a  very  few  years  hence,  save  the  expenditure  of  hundreds  of  dollars  in  fight- 
ing hostile  or  feeding  starving  ones. 

To-morrow  1  shall  set  out  on  my  long  and  dreary  drive  of  twelve  or  thir- 
teen hundred  miles  to  Brandon  via  Edmonton  and  Battleford.  I  have  heard 
some  very  unfavourable  reports  concerning  the  Edmonton  trail  (which  I  trust 
are  somewhat  exaggerated)  and  as  we  had  a  snow-storm  to  day  I  am  not  ob- 
livious to  the  fact  that  I  may  have  some  very  ugly  and  possibly  dangerous 
snow-storms  before  I  reach  the  railway.  I  havo  learned,  however,  to  dis- 
count to  a  certain  extent  the  tales  toJd  by  the  travv  "Jt^vs  about  the  depth  of 
muskegs,  tlip  swimming  of  rivers,  the  fury  of  snow-storms,  Ac,  &c.,  and  at 
all  events  I  have  no  doubt  as  to  my  duty  in  the  matter.  Edmonton  is  one 
of  the  most  impoitant  settlements  in  the  North- West,  and  I  regard  it  as  of 
the  last  importance  that  I  should  visit  it  before  1  return  to  the  comforts  and 
enjoyments  of  what  is  commonly  termed  here  "  civilization."  If  my  ponies 
pull  through  all  right,  the  horse  thieves  keep  away  from  my  camp,  I  hope 
to  land  safely  enough,  and  as  I  have  four  good  Kyuses  they  are  not  likely  to 
wear  out.  While  if  the  horse-thieves  attempt  to  "  set  me  afoot"  they  will 
require  to  be  extremely  cautious,  if  they  do  not  desire  to  find  their  numbers 
depleted  before  getting  out  of  range  of  the  Winchester  rifle  which  Captain 
Percival  was  kind  enough  to  loan  me  for  my  return  trip. 








Pine  Coulee,  Sept.  27. — This  morning  I  set  out  on  the  first  stage  of  my 
homeward  journby.  Aa  my  outfit  was  at  Calgary,  1  took  passage  in  a  light 
buggy  drawn  by  a  single  Kyuse,  with  Mr.  J.  J.  McHugh,  superintendent  and 
agent  of  the  Indian  Department  Supply  Farr?  st  the  junction  of  Fish  Creek 
and  Bow  River,  nine  miles  this  aide  of  Calgary.  The  weather  this  morning 
was  cold  and  drizzly,  with  flurries  of  snow  falling  at  intervals.  We  crossed 
the  river  safely  enough  and  drove  out  across  the  open  prairie  beyond,  and  as 
the  clouds  began  to  break  away  to  the  northward  we  confidently  looked  for 
fine  weather,  but  we  had  not  beei  out  an  hour  when  we  were  met  by  a  cold, 
wet,  blinding  snow  storm,  which  lasted  for  nearly  an  hour.  Then  the  storm 
hnike  before  a  bitterly  cold  north  wind,  but  this  agair  was  followed  by  a 
snow  storm,  ai.d  this  sort  of  weather  continued  for  the  whole  of  the  forenoon. 
About  one  o'clock  we  stopped  lot  dinner  at  the  point  where  the  trail  leaves 
Willow  Crtv  K  (the  place  is  locally  known  as  "  the  leavings  "),  and  ate  a  cold 
lunch  after  having  made  repeated  failures  in  attempting  to  light  a  fire.  As 
I  had  left  my  baggage  to  bo  forwarded  by  a  heavier  waggon,  we  had  no  tent, 
axe,  or  indtod  anything  in  the  way  of  an  outfit  except  Mr.  McHugh's  blank- 
ets, and  consequently  we  were  particularly  anxious  to  reach  the  tepee  on 
Lynch  and  Emerson's  ranche  at  High  River  before  camping  for  the  night.  In 
the  afternoon  the  weatl'or  was  bitterly  cold,  and  as  the  roads  were  heavy  and 
t))c  Kyuse  a  light  one  .vo  .  lade  slow  progress. 

Half  an  hour  before  dark  we  found  an  outfit  in  camp  on  the  trail  in  which 
there  was  a  handsome  covered  waggon,  a  single  buggy,  a  number  of  loaded 
carts,  and  a  band  of  horses  and  ponies.  Wo  halted,  according  to  the  custom 
of  this  country,  and  were  very  happy  to  accept,  for  the  night,  the  hospitality 
of  the  proprietor  of  the  outfit  who  pi'oved  to  be  Mr.  Ooddes,  of  Gait,  Ontario. 
Mr.  Geddes  has  formed  a  partnership  with  Mr.  Allan  Patrick,  a  rancher  in 
this  region,  whose  range  is  on  Ghost  River,  between  Calgary  and  Morloy- 
ville,  and  he  is  now  0:1  his  way  bringing  in  his  freiglit  and  supplies  by  way 
of  Cypress  und  Fort  McLood.  Mr.  Patrick  having  gone  up  by  the  way  of  Red 
Doer  River  with  a  large  band  of  liigh-bred  cattle  ami  the  well-known  trotting 
stallion  St,  Joe  (by  Dlackwood),  all  of  which  Mr.  Geddes  had  brought  with 
him  from  Gait.  It  is  not  often  that  any  one  is  found  travelling  on  the 
pr  tirio  more  comfortably  e<iuippod  than  Mr.  (Soddos  is.  Ho  has  his  wife  and 
son  (a  lad  of  twelve  years)  with  him,  and  their  arrangemcts  are  as  complete 
as  could  bo  wished.     The  covered  spring  waggon  is  so  arranged  as  to  make  a 




\ge  of  my 
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trail  leaves 
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1  as  to  make  a 

verjT  comfortable  sleeping  apartment  for  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Geddes,  the  small  tent 
is  occupied  by  the  teamsters,  and  the  larger  tent  in  which  there  is  a  light 
sheet  iron  cooking  stove  serves  as  a  cooking,  dining,  and  sitting-room  and  a 
sleeping  apartment  for  M<~iiter  Geddes  and  the  servants.  After  an  excellent 
dinner,  we  spent  a,  cheerful,  pleasant  evening  by  the  cosy  fire  in  the  cooking 
stove,  though  the  cold  wind  was  howling  dismally  over  the  boundless  prairie 
outside.  Not  long  after  dinner  Mr.  Geddes'  Scotch  servant  came  to  the  door 
of  the  tent  and  asked  for  his  violin,  and  a  few  moments  afterward  the  famil- 
iar strains  of  "  The  Lass  o'  Gowrie  "  reached  vs  from  the  neighbouring  tent, 
weirdly  mingled  with  the  moaning  and  whistling  of  the  cold  night  wind.  For 
half  an  hour  or  more  we  listened  to  this  strange  concert  in  which  the  wild 
music  of  the  western  pampas  was  blended  With  the  stirring  strains  to  which 
"many  a  stubborn  Highlandman  "  has  marched  to  his  last  couch  of  blood- 
stained heather,  and  it  seemed  as  if  the  violin  only  sounded  the  theme,  while 
in  the  fierce  roar  and  shrill  piping  of  the  winds  careering  over  the  plains  wo 
could  hoar  a  hundred  wild  variations  played  by  troops  of  ghostly  pipers 
whose  bones  long  since  lay  beneath  the  blood-stained  sod  of  CuUoden,  Flod- 
den  Field,  or  Bannockburn.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Geddes  have  insisted  on  our 
spreading  our  blankets  in  their  tent  by  the  cooking  stove,  and  despite  a  most 
unpropitious  start  this  morning,  my  fir?t  camp  on  ray  northward  trip  prom- 
ises to  be  a  comfortable  and  even  luxiirious  one. 

Indiax  Supply  Farm,  Fish  Creek,  Sept.  29. — I  did  not  write  up  my 
journal  last  night,  and  when  the  reader  has  learned  of  my  experience  of  yes- 
terday he  will  not  be  particularly  surnrised  that  I  neglected  to  do  so.  Whon 
we  turned  out  in  the  morning  we  fo"nd  that  the  wind  had  gone  down  during 
the  night,  and  that  it  had  been  closely  followed  by  a  hard  frost.  Our  wraps 
and  gloves  had  completely  dried  by  the  stove,  however,  and  I  enjoyed  the,  to 
me,  rather  unusual  luxury  of  dressing  by  a  comfortable  firo.  While  Mr.  Mc- 
Hugh  put  up  his  blankets  and  loaded  the  buggy  I  went  down  into  the  coulee 
and  caught  the  pony,  and  a  few  minutes  after  breakfast  we  bade  gnod-bye  to 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Geddes  and  resumed  our  journey.  About  noon  we  reached  the 
tepee  on  Messrs.  Emerson  &  Lynch 's  ranche  at  High  Rivor,  and  hero  wc  met 
Mr.  Stimson,  of  Compton,  P.Q.,  who  has  taken  up  one  of  the  finest  cattlo 
ranges  in  the  Bow  River  country  for  the  Rocky  Mountain  Live  Stock  Com- 
pany, of  which  ho  himself  is  the  resident  and  managing  partner.  The  range 
consists  of  a  beautiful  tract  of  grazing  country  extending  some  thirty  miles 
ahmg  High  River  from  a  few  miles  above  the  crossing  of  the  McLood  trail  up 
into  the  Porcupine  Hills.  The  soil  is  strong  and  rich,  and  tlio  grass  is  of  the 
very  host  «]uality.  There  are  good  smnnu^r  an  I  winter  pastures,  oxcellont 
sites  for  corralls,  calf  pastures,  &c.,  and  i)lyntiful  supplies  of  good,  puro 
water.  In  short,  it  is  in  nil  respects  a  lirstelass  range,  and  by  thistinio  i\oxt 
year  it  is  the  intention  to  have  it  stocked  with4,fKH)  Montana  cattlo,  40  Hero- 
ford,  Polled  Angus,  and  Galloway  Hulls,  togothor  with  all  the  horses  noeos- 
sary  for  herding,  and  a  complete  outlit  of  farming  implements  and  tools.  In- 
stead of  having  his  cattle  brought  in  by  contrac^  as  is  the  custom  of  ranch- 
urs  here,  it  is  Mr.  Stimson's  intention  to  have  his  cattla  brought  in  in  two 







bands  by  his  own  men,  under  his  persoiial  supervision.     When  cattle  are 
brought  in  by  contract  nearly  all  or  quite  all  the  calves  that  are  dropped  on 
the  way  are  lost,  and  the  horses  used  in  herding  are  hired  for  the  occasion, 
and  of  course  they  go  back  with  the  contractors.     Mr.  Stimson,  however,  in- 
tends to  purchase  100  lioraes  for  herding,  and  buy  two  bull  trains,  which  will 
carry  all  the  baggage  and  furnish  at  least  a  day's  ride  to  every  calf  dropped 
CH  route.     In  this  way  he  will  save  to  his  herd  not  less  than  1,000  calves  at 
least,  which  in  one  year  will  be  worth  not  less  than  $20,000  on  the  range. 
The  100  horses  brought  in  with  the  cattle  can  be  bought  much  more  cheaply 
in  Montana  than  they  would  cost  here,  and  they  will  all  bo  needed  on  the 
range,  while  the  bull  trains  will  always  be  useful  for  freighting  supplies  from 
Fort  Benton.     After  dinner  Mr.  McHugh  took  a  fresh  horse  and  saddling 
him  rode  on  to  the  farm,  leaving  Mr.  Stimson  and  me  to  come  along  with 
the  buggy  to  which  Mr.  Stimson'a  kyuse  was  now  harnessed,  the  pony  which 
we  had  driven  from  Pine  Coulee  being  led  beside  him.     Wo  had  only  gone 
about  two  miles  from  camp  when  a  herd  of  ten  beautiful  antelopes  galloped 
across  the  trail  within  easy  rifle  shot  ahead  of  us.     My  rifle  was  in  its  case, 
however,  and  before  I  could  get  it  out  they  were  far  out  of  reach.  Two  miles 
further  on  we  came  upon  Messrs.  Emerson  &  Lynch 'a  band  of  liorses,  and 
here  I  had  the  opportunity  of  witnessing  the  lassoing  of  a  wild  Broncho.  There 
was  a  large,  splendid-looking  horse  in  the  band  which  Mr,   "  Nep  "  Lynch 
desired  to  catch.  Mr.  Lynch,  one  of  the  moat  perfect  horsemen  in  the  North- 
West,   was  mounted  on  a  handsome  chestnut,   furnished   with  a  double 
"  cinched  "  (girthed)  Mexican  saddle  and  a  beautiful  lasso  of  braided  rawhide. 
As  ho  neared  the  herd  in  which  there  were  some  seventy  or  eighty  horses, 
they  galloped  ofl*  like  a  band  of  frightened  deer.     As  soon  as  they  started 
Lynch  put  spurs  to  his  horse  and  followed  them  at  a  rattling  pace,  and  was 
soon  among  them.     In  an  incredibly  short  space  of  time  he  had  singled  out 
the  roan  gliding  and  managed  to  separate  him  from  the  rust  of  the  band,  and 
tlien  followed    a   most   exciting   chase.     The   roan   would  dash  ofl'  at  full 
speed    and  then    wheel    like    a    flash    and     run    in    tlie    opposite  diroc* 
tiou  ;    but  the  chestnut  would  turn  as  suddenly  as  lie  could,  and  though 
the    ground    was    rough    and    full    of    badger    lioles,    both   pursuer  and 
pursued    would    sweep    over    the    prairie    at    break-nock    spued.       Once 
the    lasso    was    thrown    and    missed    its    mark,   but  the   next  throw,  a 
very    long    one,  was  more  successful,  and  the   nousu  encircled  the  flying 
roan's  neck.     Quick  as  thought  the  chestnut  stopped  and  braced  his  forefeet 
in  the  sod,  the  rawhide  rope  ran  out  its  full  length  till  the  knot  on  the  horn 
of  the  saddle  chocked  it,  and  the  roan  guiding  was  brought  up  with  a  sudden 
jurk  that  almost  twitched  liim  off"  his  feet,  and  so  the  capture  was  accomplished. 
It  was  nearly  dark  whun  Mr.  Stimson  and  I  reached  8huup  Creek  (or  liocky 
Ilivur,  as  the  Indians  call  it),  and  after  getting  down   into  thu  low  bottoms 
beside  it,  but  before  crossing,  we  ciianged  hoi-sus  again,  putting  in  the  little 
chostnut  once  more,  which  Mr.  McH\ig!i  had  driven  from  Pine  Coulee  that 
morning.     We  then  crossed  the  ford,  and  in  the  deopuning  twilight  we  hur 
riud  along  the  bottoms  on  the  north  side  of  the  croek,  as  wo  had  still  some 



fifteen  or  sixteen  miles  to  drive,  and  the  night  threatened  to  be  intensely 
dark.  It  was  quite  dftri^  and  beginning  to  storm  when  we  reached  the  ur>- 
land  benches  north  of  ilfe  river,  but  we  pushed  on  as  rapidly  as  the  darkness 
and  the  wretched  state  of  the  trail  would  permit  till  we  had  gone  some  seven 
miles.  At  this  point  Mr.  Stimsun  got  out  and  searched  for  traces  of  the 
trail  that  branches  off  the  Fort  McLeod  and  Calgary  road,  and  leads  to  the 
**  Indian  Farm,"  as  it  is  called.  It  was  no  easy  matter  to  find  it  however, 
and  we  lost  fully  two  hours  in  looking  for  it,  and  when  at  last  it  was  found  it 
was  impossible  to  follow  it  in  the  darkness.  We  now  had  no  choice  but  to 
follow  the  Calgary  trail  to  Mr.  Joh  i  Glenn's,  and  after  camping  there  for  the 
remainder  of  the  night  drive  to  our  destination  the  following  morning.  We 
accordingly  stuck  to  the  deeply  cut  trail  leading  to  John  Glenn's,  though  we 
knew  it  was  a  very  roundabout  way  of  reaching  the  Indian  Supply  Farm.  We 
were  both  wet  and  cold,  and  in  addition  to  this  we  knew  that  we  should  now 
have  to  make  the  journey  in  a  bitter  and  furious  snowstorm.  As  we  drove 
along  the  storm  became  still  more  boisterous,  and  in  the  midst  of  this  we 
came  to  "  Sue  "  Coulee  (named  after  one  of  the  leaders  of  a  mule  team  that 
were  stuck  here  Tor  .-jome  hours).  Here  the  main  trail  vas  almost  cut  out, 
and  it  became  necessary  to  leave  it  for  one  of  the  fresher  ones  made  by  the 
b\ill  trains.  The  snow  now  appeared  to  be  sweeping  down  upon  us  from  all 
directions  at  once,  and  with  such  blinding  fury  that  often  wo  could  not  see 
the  horse.  Still,  wo  kept  ploughing  along,  following  the  bull  trail  only  by 
keeping  the  wlioels  in  the  deep  ruts  which  the  heavy  waggons  had  cut  in 
the  soft  ground.  At  length,  after  what  in  our  half-blinded  condition  ap- 
peared to  be  innumerable  windings  through  the  deep  mud  and  long  grass  and 
brush  in  the  coulee,  and  until  it  seemed  as  if  we  had  crossed  two  coulees  in- 
stead of  one,  we  readied  the  well-worn  trail  again,  which  the  pony  managed 
to  follow  without  any  difficulty.  I  now  noticed  that  the  storm  had  ceased 
to  blow  8(}uarely  in  our  faces,  but  as  for  the  last  half-hour  it  had  been 
)>lowing  in  all  directions,  I  was  not  surprised  at  the  apparent  change. 
Though  ve  were  both  warmly  clad  we  now  began  to  feel  thoroughly 
chilled,  as  otir  outer  wraps  wore  almost  wringing  wet,  and  we  could  feel 
the  dampness  fast  penetrating  our  underclothing.  Presently  we  began  to 
look  anxiously  for  Tine  Creek,  which  we  knew  could  not  be  far  off  according 
to  our  reckoning.  After  a  long  and  weary  drive,  during  which  we  were  al- 
most benumbed  with  the  cold,  we  found  ourselves  descending  a  narrow  ravine, 
wliic'h  led  us  into  an  open  bottom  lined  on  one  side  with  timber,  which  we 
supposed  must  murk  the  course  of  Pine  Creek.  The  trail  skirted  along  the 
edge  of  the  light  timber  for  some  two  and  a  half  miles,  and  then  forked  into 
the  bush  in  different  directions.  I  jumped  out  of  the  buggy,  and  taking  the 
riglit-hand  trail,  followed  it  to  the  stream.  The  wet,  snow-laden  bushes 
tlroopod  over  the  path  so  thickly  that  the  smow  and  water  dropped  in  my  face 
and  down  my  neck  at  almost  every  step  ;  but  at  last  I  found  myself  at  the 
edge  of  a  swift-running,  roaring,  torrent,  whicli  was  very  unlike  the  narrow, 
innocent-looking  Pino  Cretk  I  reiuembored  crossing  when  travelling  with 
Lord  Lome's  ouftit  on  the  way  to  McLuud.     It  was  so  intensely  dark  I  could 



>■  tV',^ 

?      ^ 

1  *i>\ 

not  see  the  opposite  bank  of  the  stream,  but  there  was  a  deep  shadow  there 
that  looked  like  a  high-cut  bank,  and  I  at  once  deciddtfthat  this  could  not  be- 
tlie  regular  crossing,  so  I  returned  to  the  buggy  and  tre'pushed  along  through 
the  drooping  snow-laden  branches  of  the  light  cottonwood  till  we  were  once 
more  on  the  brink  of  the  stream.  Though  we  could  not  see  the  opposite 
shore,  we  could  see  more  water  before  us  than  could  possibly  flow  through 
Pine  Creek,  while  the  loud  roar  of  the  swift  current  gave  us  the  impression 
that  the  ford  before  us  was  by  no  means  a  very  nice  one  to  cross  in  the  pitchy 
darkness  tha*  surrounded  us.  Th^  bank  was  rather  steep,  but  little  "  Alex" 
plunged  bolt'iy  into  it  as  though  ho  knew  all  about  it,  and  trusting  to  his  ap- 
parent superior  knowledge  of  the  locality,  Mr.  Stimson,  who  was  driving  at 
tlie  time,  let  him  take  his  owii  way  of  finding  the  opposite  shore.  The  ford 
was  a  very  rough  one,,  and  the  dark  torrent  surged  swiftly  around  the  old 
buggy  till  it  was  nearly  up  to  the  box  ;  but  still  the  pony  walked  steadily 
along  till  it  seemed  as  if  we  should  never  reach  the  opposite  shore.  At  last 
we  were  up  into  the  timber  on  the  opposite  bank,  and  wo  were  neither  of  us 
very  sorrj',  for  it  was  very  evident  that  we  had  crossed  a  stream  of  consider- 
able size,  fully  eriuol  to  the  Elbow.  We  now  began  to  speculate  very  care- 
fully as  to  where  we  could  be.  Mr.  Stimson  was  very  sure  that  there  was  no 
trail  in  the  region  that  was  as  well  defined  as  that  upon  which  we  were  tra- 
velling except  that  loading  from  Fort  McLeod  to  Calgary,  and  yet  the  only 
large  stream  ahead  of  us  after  crossing  Sheep  Creek  was  the  Elbow,  and  to 
reach  it  we  would  have  to  cross  both  Pine  and  Fish  Creeks.  On  we  drove 
through  the  timber  and  at  length  as  we  reached  the  more  open  part  of  the 
bottom  lands  the  clouds  broke  a  little,  and  one  star  glimmered  faintly  just  in 
front  of  us.  I  saw  it  was  not  the  north  star  and  asking  Mr.  Stimson  to  halt 
fer  a  second,  I  peered  carefully  around  and  in  the  pale,  uncertain  light  I  de- 
tected the  outlines  of  three  old,  gnarled  cottonwood  trees  of  unusual  size, 
which  I  had  noticed  in  Sheep  Creek  bottoms  where  we  had  changed  six  Iu>urs 
before,  ami  it  was  now  midnight. 

When  we  came  to  think  it  over  it  was  all  simple  enough.  The  bull  teams 
had  crossed  at  Sue  Coulie  half -loaded,  and  after  reaching  the  main  trail  north 
of  the  bad  place  they  had  thrown  oflf  the  load  and  then  swung  on  in  a  circle 
with  the  empiy  waggons  after  the  remainder  of  their  loads.  In  the  blinding 
storm  and  darkness  wo  liad  swung  around  their  whole  circle,  and  had  taken 
the  back  trail  ati  the  south  side  of  it.  Wo  led  the  ponies  off  into  the  timber,, 
and  unharnessing  "Alex  "  we  turned  them  both  loose  and  then,  wet,  chilUnl, 
and  benumbed  as  we  were.  attemi)ted  to  light  a  fire.  Wo  had  no  axe,  and 
had  to  do  all  the  cutting  with  Mr.  Stimsou's  hunting-knife.  The  task  was  a 
tedious  and  discouraging  one,  for  everything  around  us  was  wet,  and  again 
and  iigain  our  tiro  flickered  and  went  out.  After  more  than  an  hour's  patient 
working,  we  managed  to  get  a  rousini;  tire  ablaze  against  a  large  fallen  cot- 
tonwood, and  carrying  huge  logs  on  our  shoulders,  that  we  could  barely 
handle  with  our  united  strength,  we  hiul  a  lire  going  by  two  o'clock  in  the 
morning  that  effectually  warmed  both  of  us.  Spreading  blankets  atul  butlalo 
robes  before  the  fire,  we  wrai)ped  ourselves  in  them  and  slept  comfortably 



w  there- 
1  not  be- 
sro  once- 
e  pitchy 
"  Alex" 

0  his  ivp- 
•iving  at 
The  ford 

1  the  oUl 
.  steadily 

At  last 
lier  of  U3 
ery  carc- 
re  was  no 
were  tra- 
;  the  only 
V,  and  to 
wo  drove 
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y  just  in 
)n  to  halt 
ght  I  dc- 
sual  size, 
six  hours 

nil  teams 
rail  north 
a  circle 
lad  taken 
0  timber, 
,  chilled , 
axe,  and 
ask  was  a 
vnd  again 
s  patient 
alien  cot- 
d  l)arely 
ick  in  the 
id  burtalo 

till-daylight,  though  the  last  sounds  we  heard  were  the  long,  mournful  howl 
of  the  great  timber  wolf  mingling  with  the  dismal  soprano  of  the  cayotc. 
This  morning  the  weather  was  bitterly  cold,  and  as  the  pony  was  dull  and 
tired  we  were  pretty  hungry  and  cold  in  making  a  drive  of  some  fifteen  or 
sixteen  miles  before  breakfast  (having  eaten  nothing  since  yesterday  at  noon) ; 
but  now  that  we  are  safely  landed  at  the  Indian  Supply  Farm,  we  can  afford 
to  laugh  over  our  dismal  adventure  of  last  night. 



Indian  Supply  Farm,  Fish  Ceeek,  Sept.  30. — To-day  I  have  spent  most 
of  my  time  in  walking  over  the  Indian  Supply  Farm  and  in  chatting  with 
Mr.  Stimson  and  others  about  ranching  in  the  Bow  lliver  country. 

The  Fish  Creek  Farm  is  beautifully  located  on  the  angle  formed  by  the 
junction  of  Fish  Creek  and  Bow  River.  There  are  bnjken  here  some  447 
acres  of  land,  but  only  220  acres  are  cropped  this  season  as  it  is  the  inten- 
tion of  the  manager  to  try  the  experiment  of  cropping  tho  land  only  in  alter- 
nate years  until  he  shall  have  enough  live  stock  to  furnish  the  manure 
necessary  to  put  tho  land  in  proper  trim  for  heavy  and  constant  cropping. 
This  season  ho  sowed  05  acres  in  oats,  75  acres  in  barley,  50  acres  in  turnips, 
and  30  acres  in  potatoes.  He  estimates  his  products  this  year  as  follows  : — 
Oats,  40  bushels  per  acre  ;  barley,  55  bushels  per  acre  ;  turnips,  300  bushels 
per  aero,  and  after  allowance  has  been  made  for  potatoes  (which  were  dam- 
aged by  frost)  150  bushels  per  acre.  The  farm  is  under  the  management  of 
Mr.  J.  J.  McHugh,  formerly  farm  instructor  at  Edmonton,  but  promoted  to 
his  present  situation  on  the  15th  of  last  April.  During  the  past  summer  Mr. 
McHugh  had  an  average  of  five  men  employed  on  tho  farm,  an  average  of 
three  pairs  of  horses  and  two  yokes  of  oxen.  The  farm  buildings  consist  of 
a  good  house  of  hewn  logs  with  shingle  roof,  a  large  corrall,  and  two  lot,' 
horse-stables.  A  go<jd  granary  is  now  now  bein''  added  to  the  list  of  farm- 
buildings.  In  connection  with  this  season's  product  of  tho  farm  I  should 
have  added  that  Mr,  McHugh  put  up  KK)  tons  of  excellent  hay  last  summer. 
Tho  farm  itself  is  a  remarkably  P"  o  one,  most  of  it  lying  in  tho  bottoms  of 
Fish  Creek  and  Bow  River,  though  Mr.  McHugh  has  some  remark:iljly  Hue 
tields  up  on  tho  bei;ches.     Everything  about  the  farm  wears  a  thrifty  and 




1  W4* 

business-like  look,  nnd  though  much  remains  to  be  done  (as  is  always  the 
■case  on  new  farms  in  a  new  'country)  the  manner  in  which  the  work  is  being 
done  and  the  general  pppearance  of  the  farm  reflects  the  highest  credit,  not 
only  upon  Mr.  ZuuHugh,  the  agent  and  superintendent,  but  upon  the  Ontario 
Agricultural  College,  from  which  he  graduated.  The  object  for  which  these 
farms  were  established  was  to  supply  seed  and  rations  for  the  Indians.  Tur- 
nips and  potatoes  are  issued  instead  of  equal  values  in  flour,  and  the  red  men 
are  usually  very  glad  to  avail  themselves  of  the  exchange.  Hoots  are  easily 
raised  in  this  country,  and  when  the  Indians  are  taught  to  use  them  by  being 
rationed  with  them,  they  are  at  the  same  time  encouraged  to  grow  them. 

Cattle  ranching  promises  to  be  one  of  the  great  industries  of  this  region, 
and  perhaps  a  few  particulars  concerning  it  may  not  be  uninteresting. 
Among  the  leading  cattle  ranchers  in  the  vicinity  ">'  Pincher  Creek,  and  Old 
Man's  River,  is  Captain  Stuart,  of  Ottawa,  who  'vith  his  partner  has  just 
brought  in  about  one  hundred  mares,  and  has  a  large  band  of  Montana  cattle 
on  the  way.  He  will  take  up  a  ranche  somewhere  in  the  vicinity  of  the  forks 
oi  Old  Man's  River.  Mr.  D.  Ford  Jones,  M.P. ,  has,  1  believe,  taken  up  a 
ranche  some  fifteen  miles  square  in  the  samo  vicinity,  and  his  son,  Mr.  Jonas 
Jones  is  out  here  to  manage  the  aff'air.  The  Garnet  brothers  have  taken  up 
a  ranche  on  the  forks  of  Old  Man's  River,  and  I  believe  ihey  already  have  it 
■well  stocked,  and  there  are  numerous  ranchemen  with  small  bands  of  from 
75  to  500  head  of  cattle  located  at  various  points  in  what  is  known  as  the 
Bow  River  country.  I  have  no  doubt  many  of  these  who  are  entering  on 
this  business  without  any  knowledge  of  it  will  lose  a  great  many  .attle  the 
first  winter,  make  a  grand  failure,  and  then  go  away  and  say  that  this  is  not 
a  good  "razing  country,  but  among  the  many  who  are  trying  it  this  year  for 
the  first  time  I  think  there  are  enough  sensible  and  experienced  men  who 
Mill  succeed  to  establish  the  reputation  of  the  region  as  one  of  the  finest  graz- 
ing sections  to  be  found  on  this  continent.  In  starting,  a  man  should  be  very 
careful  not  to  let  his  establishment  be  disproportionate  to  his  means.  After 
canvassing  the  matter  very  carefully,  I  have  arrived  at  the  following  figures 
.18  the  probable  cost  of  a  fair-sized  and  moderatel}'  complete  cattle-ranching 
outfit  : — 


Four  thousand  cattle  delivered  on  ranche,  at  cost  by  purchaser,  no- 
thing under  yearlings  counted,  ^22.50  per  head ?  90,000 

Forty  thoroughbred  bulls,   Hereford  and  Polled  Angus,  or  Gallo- 
ways, at  $500  each,  de  .ivered  on  ranche 20,000 

lorty  high  grade  bulls,  d'.liverod  on  ranche,  at  $50  each 2,000 

One  hundred  Montana  or  Broncho  horses  for  herding,  at  $50  each . .  5,000 
Two  bull  teams  of  six  yokes  of  oxen  each,  and  one  lead  waggon  and 

trail  to  each  team 2,000 

Twelve  Mexican  saddles,  bridles,  and  lassoes,  at  $50  each 600 

Two  sets  four-in-hand,  pIo\igh,  driving  and  cart  harness 400 

Two  branding  corralls^  $100  each 200 



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1$  90,000 



Fencing  500  acres  for  pasture  for  cows  and  calves  and  bulls  out  of 

season,  100  of  which  would  be  required  for  cultivation §2,000 

Horse  stables,  sheds  and  corralls  appertaining  to  them 1,000 

Ranche  buildings,  houses  and  outhouses 1,000 

Plant,  including  two  mowers,  one  reaper,  one  threshing  machine,  two 
horse  rakes,  two  breaking  and  two  sulky  ploughs,  two  stubble 
ploughs,  four  iron  harrows,  one  light  harrow  for  seeding,  one 
cultivator,  one  drill,  hoes,  shovels,  forks,  axes  and  one  chest  of 
carpenters'  tools 2,000 

Total $128,000 

It  must  be  remembered,  however,  that  in  these  figures  there  is  no  allow- 
ance made  for  maintenance,  which  amounts  to  a  very  considerable  sum.  The 
horses  in  active  service  in  herding' of  course  require  to  be  fed  during  the 
winter,  and,  from  all  that  I  can  learn,  a  very  considerable  .'imount  of  hay 
should  be  put  up  to  be  fed  in  cases  where  it  is  needed.  Cows  near  calving 
should  certainly  be  fed  hay  if  the  weather  happens  to  be  severe,  and  many  a 
weakly  animal,  might  be  pulled  through  by  means  of  two  or  three  light 
feeds  of  hay,  that  would  otherwise  perish.  Hay  could  be  pu4  up  here  in 
many  places  at  a  cost  not  exceeding  a  dollar  and  a  half  per^ton,  and  when  it 
can  be  furnished  at  such  a  small  outlay  it  would  certainly  be  bad  policy  to 
allow  a  cow  to  perish  when  she  could  be  saved  for  perhaps  three  cents,  and 
be  worth  twenty-five  or  thirty  dollars  the  following  summer.  In  my  estimate 
of  the  cost  I  have  mentioned  Hereford  and  Polled  Angus,  or  Galloway  bulls. 
I  am  quite  aware  that  the  great  improvements  'hat  have  been  made  in  the 
Montana  cattle  arc  due  to  the  employment  of  bhorthorns  as;  herd  bulls.  I 
have  already  stated  that  I  was. greatly  surprised  at  the  excellent  character  of 
these  Montana  cattle,  but  just  now,  perhaps,  one  of  their  greatest  faults  is  that 
their  legs  are  a  trifle  longer  than  they  ought  to  be,  and  I  am  inclined  to  think 
Ihat  the  short-legged,  stout  and  long-bodied  Hereford  and  Galloway  bulls  will 
(Correct  their  present  tendency  to  "  weediness  "  much  more  rapidly  and  eflfect- 
i  ely  ihan  any  other  cross  that  could  be  made  upon  them.  In  addition  to 
this,  the  general  impression  prevails  here  that  the  Herefords,  Polled  Angus 
and  Galloways  will  prove  hardier,  and  do  better  generally,  in  this  climate 
than  would  the  more  delicately-bred  Shorthorns. 


The  system  of  leasing  large  ranges  to  companies  and  private  individuals  in 
this  country  will,  I  fear,  prove  a  source  of  tro'iblo  and  annoyance,  and  at  the 
same  time  be  productive  of  no  good  results.  The  price  paid  by  the  lessees — 
a  cent  an  acre — will  an)ount  to  a  uuuo  trifle  in  the  production  of  revenue,  but 
though  these  leases  are  terminable  by  the  Government  on  two  years'  notice, 
the  locking-up  even  for  that  space  of  time  of  s\ich  great  tracts  of  really  good 
land  in  this  region  canno'  be  too  strongly  depr^  ated.  I  should  like  to  see 
cattle  and  horse  ranching  encouraged  here,  as  the  country  is  evidently  ad- 







mirably  adapted  to  these  industries,  but  I  think  leases  should  not  be  granted 
in  such  a  way  that  they  can  be  made  to  retard  the  settlement  of  the  country. 
And  besides  this,  is  the  Government  prepared  to  protect  the  interests  of  the 
lessees  of  these  large  ranges  i  Are  they  prepared  to  settle  for  cattle  slaugh- 
tered in  these  rented  ranges  by  the  Indiana  ?  Are  they  prepared  to  deny  to 
settlers  the  right  to  allow  their  cattle  to  run  at  large  for  fear  they  might 
trespass  on  these  great  ranges  for  which  they  receive  a  rental  of  one  cent  per 
acre  ?  I  think  the  better  way  would  be  to  sell  to  every  ranchman  at  a  very  low 
'^'^ure  all  the  land  he  would  need  as  a  "head-quarters  farm"  for  his  cattle  range, 
tJie  size  of  the  farm  to  be  proportioned  to  the  number  of  cattle  he  was  prepared 
to  put  on  the  range.  Then  let  the  Government  sell  these  ranchmen's  head- 
quarters at  intervals  far  enough  apart  to  afford  plenty  of  room  for  their  cattle. 
In  this  way  the  rancher,  though  having  no  special  claim  upon  the  8urroun>ling 
country  would  have  the  use  of  it  until  it  was  needed  for  actual  settlement.  As 
settlers  woiild  become  more  plentiful  he  could  herd  his  cattle  farther  out  on  the 
prairies,  where  there  are  both  summer  and  winter  ranges  of  excellent  quality, 
thongh  the  absence  of  timber  would  stand  in  the  way  f  the  establishment  t  f 
headquarters  there.  Local  regulations  could  be  made  regarding  the  manage- 
ment of  cattle  in  the  region  by  which  the  rights  of  those  wlio  brought  in 
valuable  bulls  would  be  amply  protected.  The  turning  loose  of  inferior  ani 
mals  shoiild  of  course  be  rigidly  prohibited,  while  settlers  who  allowed  their 
cows  to  run  at  large  should  be  compelled  either  to  pay  their  proportion  for 
the  service  of  the  ranchemen's  bulls  or  else  themselves  turn  out  one  well- 
bred  bull  for  a  certain  number  of  cows  or  under.  Unless  something  of  this 
kind  be  done  it  will  be  impossible  to  keep  up  even  the  present  standard  of 
the  cattle  brought  in  from  Montana,  much  less  improve  it,  as  should  and  will 
be  done  if  proper  measures  are  put  into  effect  to  that  end.  As  yet,  of  course, 
nothing  is  very  definitely  known  as  to  the  extent  of  the  region  in  which 
cattle  ranching  will  prove  a  profitable  calling,  but  I  think  the  area  is  a  larger 
one  than  is  generally  supposed.  Of  course  the  Chinook  winds  are  an  im- 
portant element  in  the  calculation,  and  as  yet  I  do  not  think  any  one  knows 
just  how  far  the  influence  of  the  Ohinooks  extends.  They  have  been  felt  as 
far  east  as  the  Cypress  Hills,  but  of  course  their  influence  is  not  strong 
enough  there  to  thaw  the  snow  off  the  hillsides  and  leave  the  grass  exposed 
for  the  cattle.  Certainly  these  winds  afford  an  interesting  subject  for  study 
and  speculation,  and  almost  everybody  here  has  a  theory  of  his  own  as  to 
their  origin.  Many  of  these  theories  are  of  course  very  absurd,  but  as  fir. 
Dawson  ought  to  be  an  excellent  author  ity.  I  will  give  his  views  as  nearly  as 
1  can  remember  them.  The  Uhinooks,  he  says  ,  blow  oft'  the  Pacific  Ocean. 
They  are  impregnated  with  moistuie  when  they  start,  but  as  they  rise  to  a 
sufticient  altitude  to  cross  the  Rocky  Mountains,  they  fall  rapidly  in  tempera- 
ture as  they  gain  an  extraordinary  altitude,  and  with  the  rapid  fall  in  tem- 
perature and  corresponding  increase  in  altitude  the  moisture  is  precipitated 
in  the  form  of  snow  on  the  mountains,  but  as  soon  as  they  have  passed  the 
range  and  begin  to  descend  they  lose  their  extreme  rarity,  regain  their  normal 
temperature,  or,  in  other  words,  are  the  same  winds  that  left  the  Pacific,  less 



tsof  the 
J  slaugh- 
deny  to 
ey  might 
cent  per 
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ment.    As 
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it  quality, 
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rise  to  a 
all  in  tem- 
passed  the 
leir  normal 
acific,  less 

the  moisture  which  was  lost  in  their  passage  over  the  mouutains.  Mr.  Dawson 
informs  me  that  winds  of  a  similar  character  blow  over  portions  of  the  Alps,  and 
that  so  marked  is  the  work  of  precipitation  and  consequent  elimination  of  moist- 
ure, that  when  the  wind  is  blowing  off  the  Mediterranean  the  high  mountain 
slopes  next  it  are  often  being  visited  by  cold  rains,  sleet,  or  snow,  while  on 
the  opposite  side  of  the  range  there  is  a  warm,  dry  wind,  cutting  away  the 
snow  with  wonderful  rapidity,  and  drying  and  warming  the  grountJ.  Since  I 
have  been  in  this  region  I  have  felt  the  Chinook  a  few  times  but  it  is  ob- 
served to  a  much  more  marked  extent  in  the  cold  weather  than  now.  Some- 
times during  the  severest  wi»  '^'oather,  when  the  mercury  is  always  below 
zero,  a  bright  pink  tint  will  hi.  sc  overhanging  the  Rocky  Mountains,  and 
soon  after  a  warm  wind  wi  be  f.  rom  that  direction,  that  affords  such  a 
complete  and  sudden  [cb<».  ijt  'hat  strangers  have  often  been  startled  into 
thinking  that  they  were  ;:  t  di  ft  of  hot  air  from  a  burning  building.  The 
snow  will  be  seen  melting  in  t  directions  ;  rivulets  will  go  bounding  down 
the  hill  sides,  and  the  v  >1e  winter  landscape  will,  in  a  few  hours,  be  trans- 
formed as  if  by  magic. 

Horse  ranching  will,  I  think,  ultimately  become  an  industry  equal  in 
importance  to  cattle  ranching  in  this  country,  though  as  yet  no  one  has  under- 
taken to  make  a  specialty  of  it.  and  those  who  are  now  bringing  in  mares  are, 
I  think,  not  likely  to  conduct  the  business  in  the  way  I  would  recommend. 
Some  of  the  gentlemen  who  have  Irough'  'i  cattle  are  bringing  small  bands 
of  Montana  mares  that  are  the  result  ^ncho  and  ^yuse  (or  Cayuse,  as  it 

is  sometimes  spelled),  mares  crossed  w  large,  cold-blooded  sires,  such  as 
Percherons  and  Clydesdales.  To  attempt  to  breed  good  horses  from  cold- 
blooded mongT'els  (and  mongrels  crossed  injudiciously  at  that)  is  a  manifest 
absurdity.  Th^  result  will  be  nondescript  brutes,  coarse  in  the  bone,  and 
thin  and  flabby  in  muscle.  ]  n  addition  to  this,  mares  that  are  the  result  of 
such  an  absurd  cross  will  never  throw  colts  at  all  uniform  in  character.  Some 
of  the  colts  w  ill  take  after  the  Kyuse  or  Brancho  grandam,  and  others  will  be 
thin-bodied,  slack-loined,  ragged-hipped,  and  splay-footed,  diminutive  edi- 
tions of  the  lieavy  draught  paternal  grandsire.  What  I  would  recommend 
is  this,  that  the  intending  breeder  should  go  down  into  Oregon  or  Washing- 
ton Territory,  and  purchase  a  number  of  unbroken  Kyuse  mares,  carefully 
selecting  each  animal  for  the  purpose.  In  some  portions  of  Washington  Ter- 
ritory unbroken  Kyuses  can  be  bought  out  of  the  large  bands  at  an  average 
of  from  $16  to  $18  per  head,  but  the  breeder  selecting  from  band  would,  of 
course,  want  kU  mares,  and  ho  would  require  none  but  really  good  ones,  so 
tliat  the  average  cost  of  such  animals  as  he  would  require  would  be  consider- 
ably above  this  figure.  I  would  prefer  Kyuses  to  Bronchos  for  various  rea- 
sons, but  the  most  important  of  these  is,  that  I  think  they  are  more  in-bred, 
and  constitvite  a  more  distinct  breed,  and  pronounced  type,  and  as  a  result, 
would  throw  produce  more  uniform  in  their  leading  characteristics.  Another 
reason  why  I  prefer  the  Kyuses  is,  that  they  always  have  feet  and  legs  of  rar^ 
excellence,  and,  as  a  rule,  have  wonderfully  vigorous  constitutions,  free  from 
taint  of  every  sort.     It  may  be  urged  that  the  Kyuses  are  smaller  than  the 

•  •  1 



••  tV'^ 


i  I 

Bronchos,  but  the  difference  is  rather  in  the  amount  of  daylight  under  them 
than  in  the  girth,  length,  or  weight  of  bone  and  muscle.  Besideii  this,  I  have 
noticed  that  the  Indians  who  have  ponies  in  this  country  begin  to  ride  them 
when  they  are  yearlings,  and  of  course  this  cannot  h\^  spoil  their  growth  to  a 
very  material  extent.  I  have  seen  Kyuses  from  the  other  side  of  the  moun- 
tains that^were  over  fifteen  hands  high,  and  remarkably  long-bodied  and 
muscular  for  their  height.  At  all  events,  the  mares  are  as  roomy  for  breed- 
ing as  many  sixteen-hand  animals  I  have  seen,  and  as  they  are  all  broad  in 
the  loin,  short  in  the  back,  and  heavy  and  shapely  in  the  quarters,  they  could 
hardly  fail  to  throw  stylish  and  valuable  colts  if  bred  to  the  right  sort  of 
horses.  For  stallions  I  would  use  none  but  thoroughbreds,  compact,  stout 
horses,  not  too  tall,  but  as  heavy  and  muscular  as  I  could  find.  For  a  band 
of  three  hundred  mares  I  would  turn  about  ten  two-year-old  thoroughbred 
colts  on  the  range  ;  and,  in  addition  to  these,  I  would  keep  two  or  three  well- 
tried  racing  stallions  that  had  broken  down  after  proving  themselves  race- 
horses on  the  turf.  These  latter  animals  could  be  picked  up  at  a  moderate 
figure  at  either  the  Saratoga  or  Jerome  Park  meetings  as  smallish  stallions 
that  have  gone  down  in  the  back  sinews  can  be  bought  out  of  the  Southern 
stables  for  next  to  nothing,  the  owners  not  caring  to  incur  the  expense  of 
taking  them  South  after  the  races  are  over.  I  would  breed  the  best  mares  to 
these  tried  horses,  and  allow  the  rest  of  the  herd  to  run  with  the  ten  herd 
stallions.  I  have  already  alluded  to  those  that  were  turned  on  the  range 
when  two-year-olds.  It  would  be  well,  however,  to  set  apart  a  portion  of  the 
'  herd  for  the  propagation  of  mules,  and  for  these  I  would  secure  a  thoroughly 
good  Kentucky  jack,  as  mules  will,  in  a  few  years,  be  in  great  ('emand  here. 
As  soon  as  the  construction  of  the  railway  in  the  mountains  shal  have  begun, 
pack  mules  will  be  required  in  great  numbers  for  the  transport  of  supplies  of 
all  sorts,  and  it  will  be  very  strange  if  the  great  stretch  of  the  Rocky  Moun- 
tains that  lies  adjacent  to  this  country  be  allowed  to  remain  much  longer  un- 
prospected.  For  uU  sorts  of  traffic  into  and  through  the  mountains,  either 
by  pleasure-seekers,  sportsmen,  miners,  traders,  or  railway  builders,  mules 
will  be  almost  indispensable,  and  it  is  very  certain  that  any  man  who  han  a 
good  supply  of  pack  and  other  mules  here  three  or  four  years  hence  will  be 
in  a  position  to  reap  a  very  rich  harvest  out  of  them.  The  colts  produced  by 
crossing  thoroughbred  stallions  on  good  Kyuse  mares  ought  to  be  the  very 
ideal  of  a  cavalry  horse,  the  demand  for  which  is  always  particularly  strong. 
The  Kyuses  themselves,  even  after  they  have  been  abused  and  ill-treated  by 
the  Indians  from  colthood,  make  wonderfully  stout  and  clever  saddle  horses, 
and  if  crossed  with  the  thoroughbred  in  the  way  I  have  described,  and  the 
colts  allowed  to  reach  maturity  before  being  used,  the  most  satisfactory  re- 
sults might  confidently  be  looked  for.  As  a  sample  of  what  these  ponies  can 
do,  I  may  mention  that  I  have  ridden  a  moderate-sized,  unshod  four-year-old 
more  than  forty  miles — over  a  bad  road — in  a  day,  without  noticing  any 
symptoms  of  flagging  on  his  part,  while  I  was  no  more  fatigued  than  if  I  had 
been  riding  the  same  length  of  time  in  a  railway  carriage.  Of  course  the 
length  of  the  journey  was  nothing  to  speak  of,  but  when  it  is  remembered 



ler  them 
8,  I  have 
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)wth  to  a 
le  moun- 
died  and 
)r  breed- 
broad  in 
ley  could 
it  sort  of 
ict,  stout 
3r  a  band 
iree  well- 
Ives  race- 
1  stallions 
xpense  of 
;  mares  to 
ten  herd 
the  range 
tion  of  the 
and  here, 
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upplies  of 
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n  if  I  had 
aurse  the 

that  I  weigh  188  pounds,  and  that  at  the  time  I  had  been  for  years  unaccus- 
tomed to  the  saddle,  the  reader,  if  he  is  a  horseman,  will  see  that  this  four- 
teen-hand  pony  must  not  only  have  been  quite  up  to  my  weight,  but  a  re- 
markably easy-gaited  animal.  I  may  add  that  this  pony  has  been  worked 
hard  ever  since  he  was  a  two-year  old;  and  that  he  has  always  picked  his 
living  off  the  prairies,  winter  and  summer. 


The  cost  of  establishing  a  horse  ranche  would  be  much  less  than  that  of  a 
cattle  ranche,  as  in  the  former  the  proprietor  would  be  quite  independent  of 
Chinook  winds,  as  his  stock  would  paw  through  the  snow  and  reach  the  grass 
whether  it  lay  thick  or  thin  on  the  ground,  and  of  course  only  a  very  small 
quantity  of  hay  need  be  put  up  annually.  The  following  figures  will  I  think 
be  found  a  fair  approximate  to  the  probable  amount  of  initial  outlay. 

Three  hundred  Kyuse  mares  delivered  on  ranche  at  $30  each $  9,000 

Three  choice  thoroughbred  stallions,  delivered  on  ranche  at  $500 

each 1,500 

Ten  range  stallio     (thoroughbred)  put  in  at  two  years  old,  $300. . .  3,000 

One  Kentucky  Jack 1,000 

Two  three-inch  waggons 300 

Six  Mexican  sp'  ^Jles,  bridles,  and  lassoes,  $50  each ; 300 

Stables,  sheds,  houses,  covralls,  &c 3,000 

Plant,  including  one  mower  and  reaper  combined,  one  breaking,  and 
one  sulky  plough,  two  harrows,,  one  drill,  one  cultivator,  hoes, 

shovels,  forks,  axes,  and  one  chest  of  carpenters'  tools 600 

One  breaking  waggon 150 

Harness 300 

Blacksmith's  forge  and  tools 75 

Total $  19,225 


Two  herders  at  $480  per  annum $  960 

Two  farm  laborers,  seven  months 660 

Household  expenses,  including  feeding  of  men  s  .1  cook 1,200 

Other  supplies  and  incidentals ■..  600 

Total  annual  outlay $  3,220 

This  does  not  include  the  salary  of  a  manager. 







Caloarv,  Oct.  4. — Since  the  30th  of  September,  the  last  date  in  my  jour- 
nal, 1  have  been  waiting  for  favourable  weather  and  making  the  necessary  pre- 
parations for  the  long  drive  before  me.  For  the  past  two  days  I  have  been 
the  guest  of  Corporal  Wilson,  who  is  now  in  charge  of  this  outpost,  and  to 
whom  I  am  indebted  for  many  kindnesses.  While  on  this  subject,  I  should 
also  acknowledge  the  courtesy  with  which  I  have  been  treat«»d  by  Col.  Irvine, 
the  very  efficient  Commissioner  of  the  Mounted  Police,  and  also  the  many 
kindnesses  of  Capt.  Cotton,  ^juperintendent  and  Adjutant ;  and  Major 
Crozier,  Superintendent  ;  and  Mr.  Dowling,  Inspector  and  Quarter-Master, 
at  Fort  McLeod,  all  of  whom  have  done  everything  they  could,  consistent 
with  their  official  positions,  to  make  my  stay  in  this  part  of  the  country  a 
pleasant  one,  and  to  afford  me  facilities  for  obtaining  information.  During 
the  time  my  outfit  remained  in  Calgary,  I  am  sorry  to  say  that  one  of  my 
favourjte  ponies,  "  Touchwood,"  developed  a  severe  attack  of  mange,  and 
though  this  disease  is  quite  curable,  the  horse  under  treatment  requires 
careful  attention  and  rest,  and  therefere,  I  knew  it  would  be  out  of  the  ques- 
tion to  take  him  along.  Under  the  circumstances,  I  concluded  to  make  the 
best  of  -my  ill  luck,  and  by  paying  a  moderate  amount  of  difference,  I  se- 
cured in  his  place  a  very  staunch  Utile  bay  piebald  gelding  (Jim),  that  drives 
well  with  Blanche,  and  promises  to  make  an  excellent  substitute  for  Touch- 
wood, I  also  purchased  a  pretty  little  Pinto,  two-year-old  filly,  to  take  along 
as  a  spare  pony,  in  case  any  of  the  other  four  should  go  amiss  during  the  long 
and  lonely  journey  before  me.  Indeed,  I  have  done  my  best  to  provide 
against  any  emergencies  that  may  arise  on  the  trip,  and  as  I  have  had  my 
waggon  thoroughly  overhauled,  I  hope  to  be  able  to  push  throagh  in  safety, 
though  of  course  it  is  impossible  to  make  sure  of  anything  like  a  speedy  jour- 
ney at  this  season  of  the  year.  I  am  quite  aware  that  I  am  liable  to  be  snowed 
in  on  the  prairie  for  days  together,  and  there  are  all  sorts  of  contingencies 
that  may  arise  to  detain  me,  but  as  I  am  very  desirous  to  make  my  tour  of 
inspection  as  complete  as  possible,  I  feel  that  I  cannot  afford  to  return  with- 
out seeing  Edmonton,  one  of  the  most  distant,  and  one  of  the  most  important, 
if  not  indeed  the  most  important  of  the  settlements  of  the  North- West. 
Were  it  not  that  the  season  is  so  far  advanced,  I  should  have  visited  Morley- 
ville  (named  aticr  the  late  celebrated  Morley  Punshon,  D.  D.,)but  as  the  visit 




my  jour- 
issaxy  pre- 
have  been 
lat,  and  to 
i,  I  should 
lol.  Irvine, 
the  many 
md  Major 
3  country  a 
i.     During 
one  of  my 
nange,  and 
it  requires 
f  the  ques- 
9  make  the 
•ence,  I  se- 
that  drives 
for  Touch- 
take  along 
ig  the  long 
to  provide 
ve  had  my 
in  safety, 
leedy  jour- 
be  snowed 
y  tour  of 
turn  with- 
,ed  Morley- 
as  the  visit 

would  detain  mo  at  least  three  days,  I  decided  that  I  could  not  afford  tu 
spare  the  time. 

On  Monday  next  (October  10th),  Mr.  Stimson,  of  the  Rocky  Mountain 
Live  Stock  Company,  and  Mr.  McHugh,  of  the  liidian  Supply  Farm,  leave 
here  in  an  open  boat  bound  for  Winnipeg.  They  will  run  down  liow  River 
to  where  it  unites  with  the  Belly  River  and  forms  the  South  Saskatchewan, 
and  thence  by  the  latter  stream  to  a  point  near  Prince  Albert,  whence  they 
expect  to  secure  transport  overland  to  Winnipeg.  I  was  invited  to  join 
tlicm,  and  should  have  been  happy  to  do  so,  as  I  expect  they  will  make  a 
(juick  and  pleasant  voyage,  but  on  reflection  I  concluded  that  the  purpose  of 
my  mission  to  this  country  would  be  much  better  served  by  travelling  over- 
laud  via  Edmonton.  The  Canada  Pacific  Railway  people  here  are  extremely 
reticent  if,  indeed,  they  have  anything  worth  communicating,  but  the  gen- 
eral impression  now  is  that  the  railway  will  be  built  through  the  Bow  River 
Pass,  though  as  nearly  as  I  can  learn  the  surveying  parties  in  this  region 
have  accomplished  very  little  this  summer.  Shoiild  the  Bow  River  Pass  be 
detinitely  settled  upon,  it  is  not  unlikely  that  Calgary  may  be  become  of  very 
cftnsiderable  importance.  There  is  a  beautiful  town  site  here  on  the  angle 
enclosed  by  Bow  River  and  tlie  Elbow,  and  the  general  belief  is  that  steam- 
ers could  run  from  Grand  Rapids  on  the  Great  Saskatchewan  all  the  way  up 
to  the  present  location  of  Fort  Calgary.  Should  this  prove  true,  this  can 
hardly  fail  to  become  an  important  distributing  point  during  the  construc- 
tion of  the  mountain  section  of  the  Canada  Pacific  Railway,  and  even  if  sup- 
plies should  continue  to  come  in  by  way  of  Fort  Benton  it  is  doubtful  if  the 
heavy  bull  trains  and  mule  trains  could,  with  safety,  go  north  of  this  point, 
a3  beyond  here,  I  am  told,  the  trails  are  too  soft  to  admit  of  the  passage  of 
these  enormously  heavy  waggons  that  are  used  in  freighting.  To-morrow, 
though  the  weather  now  looks  very  unpromising,  I  have  decided  to  make  a 
start  as  the  season  is  now  becoming  so  far  advanced  that  every  day's  delay 
here  is  a  serious  matter  when  I  reflect  that  I  have  a  drive  of  1,300  miles  be- 
fore me  through  an  almost  uninhabited  wilderness  where  one  heavy  snow 
storm  might  place  me  in  a  situation  which  I  cannot  but  shudder  to 
.  contemplate. 

In  Camp  en  route  from  Fort  Calgary  to  Edmonton,  October  5. — There  is 
little  to  record  of  my  journeymgs  to-day.  It  was  nearly  two  o'clock  when  I 
left  Calgary  and  forded  Bow  River  to  take  the  Edmonton  trail.  The  weather 
though  threatening  this  morning  has  been  vevy  pleasant  this  afternoon,  and 
I  am  in  hopes  that  the  fine  weather  which  many  have  been  prophesying  for 
this  month  is  at  last  at  hand.  While  we  were  still  withii-  three  miles  of  Cal- 
gary, we  drove  through  a  large  herd  of  cattle  belongii^  to  the  Cochrane 
ranche.  Most  of  them  were  very  line  looking  animals,  but  many  of  them 
show  the  effects  of  hard  driving  from  Montana  to  such  an  extent  that  many 
of  the  settlers  here  arc  prophesying  that  they  will  not  live  through  the  winter. 
The  eighteen  miles  of  prairie  which  ve  have  traversed  in  an  almost  due 
northerly  direction  to-day  has  the  appearance  of  very  choice  grazing  land. 
The  soil  is  a  rich  black  loam,  and  the  sole  product  a  clean  free  growing  buffalo 



i  'I : 

1  M 

grass,  the  total  absence  of  everything  in  the  shape  of  wolf  willows,  wild  rose 
bushes  or  brush  of  any  kind  indicates  that  the  snow  does  not  lie  in  this 
section  of  the  prairie  during  the  winter  and  consequently  indicates  that  it 
would  make  an  excellent  range  for  cattle.  It  is  only  fairly  watered  by  a  little 
stream  called  ' '  Nose  Creek,"  but  any  deficiencies  in  that  respect  could  doubt- 
less be  remedied  by  the  sinking  of  ii  few  artesian  wells.  We  are  still  in  sight 
of  the  snow-capped  Rcky  Mo\intains  and  some  of  the  views  we  have  enjoyed 
this  afternoon  have  been  remarkably  tine.  Our  camp  to-night  is  a  rather 
dreary,  one  in  the  lea  of  a  great,  bare  prairie  wave,  and  close  upon  the  bank 
of  Nose  Creek,  while  the  ponies  are  huddled  into  a  little  group  making  a 
hearty  meal  on  the  rich,  fresh  grass  and  wild  pea-vine  growing  in  the  rank 
bottoms.  This  is  a  bright  moonlight  night,  and  already  the  frost  is  decidedly 
keen,  and  our  only  fire  is  of  buHhlo  chips,  which  make  anything  but  a  cheer- 
ful camp  fire,  tliough  they  answer  moderately  well  for  cooking  where  wood 
is  not  obtainable.  We  are  so  near  Calgary  that  I  am  afraid  of  the  horse 
thieves  that  for  some  weeks  have  been  infesting  that  region,  but  with  the 
precautions  I  have  taken  I  think  I  shall  at  least  have  the  satisfaction  of  firing 
a  .^hot  or  two  at  the  thieves  should  they  undertake  to  capture  the  ponies.  I 
have  been  fortunate  enough  to  fall  in  with  a  young  Cree  lialf-breed  who  has 
undertaken  to  oarry  a  letter  for  Mr.  McDonald  from  Calgary  to  Edmonton 
and  bring  the  answer  back  for  ^40.  He  is  riding  a  stout  Kyuse  stallion  and 
has  promised  to  travel  in  company  with  us  as  long  as  our  pace  proves  fast 
enough  to  suit  him.  This  afternoon  I  was  riding  his  stallion  the  greater  part 
of  the  time,  allowing  him  to  ride  in  the  waggon  and  chat  with  Peter.  As  wo 
shall  be  oH'at  five  in  the  morning  and  drive  ten  miles  before  breakfast,  it  is 
now  bed-time.  My  little  tent  on  the  great  paujpas  is  lonely  enough  to-night, 
and  the  only  sound  that  breaks  the  almost  death-like  stillness  is  the  heavy 
breathing  of  the  two  sleeping  half-breeds  and  the  soft  far-off  muttled  clinking 
of  Punch's  bell,  that  assures  me  that  ho  and  the  rest  of  the  band  are  still 
feeding  in  the  rich  tall  grass  in  tlie  creek  bott(jm8. 

In  Cami',  Sakvijshkkky  Cheek,  5r»  Miles  from  Cauiauv,  en  route  to 
Edmonton,  October  G. — The  weather  has  been  all  that  could  be  wished  for 
to-day,  and  there  is  yet  but  little  to  complain  of  as  far  as  the  roads  are  con- 
cerned. We  were  up  before  five  o'clock  and  on  the  trail  before  six,  John 
Warren  taking  my  place  in  the  waggon,  and  I  riding  his  stallion  and  herding 
the  spare  ponies  along.  Wo  reached  Macpherson's  coulio,  ten  miles  further 
on  our  way,  in  about  two  hours,  and  halted  f(jr  breakfast,  Peter  and  Warren 
riding  ofl'  nearly  a  mile  to  cut  a  little  light  brush  with  which  to  make  a  fire. 
IJy  dinner  time  we  iuvd  made  another  eighteen  miles,  and  after  dinner  wo  camo 
ten  miles  further  on,  which  I  estimate  at  fully  5(5  miles  from  Calgary.  There 
has  been  no  material  cluvnge  in  iho  cliavacier  of  the  country  so  far.  The  soil 
is  still  (I  rich  black  loam,  and  the  product  a  vigorous  growth  of  clean  buU'alo 
grass  on  the  benches,  and  blue  joint  and  other  good  lowland  grasses,  liberally 
mixed  with  [)ea-vino  in  the  bottoms.  Here  and  there  I  have  noticed  slight 
traces  of  alkiili  along  tlio  trail  to-day,  l)ut  nowhere  has  it  shown  itself  strong 
enough  to  be  in  the  slightest  degree  objectionable.    Excepting  in  the  buttouts 



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.     As  we 
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IX,  John 


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I  NVarriMi 

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,  liberally 
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I  have  seen  nothing  but  clean,  strong  grass  to-day,  and  the  total  absence  of 
all  sorts  of  brush  and  bushes  beyond  a  very  scanty  growth  in  some  of  the 
coulees  indicates  that  we  are  still  in  a  region  where  the  snow  does  not  lie  to 
any  great  depth  even  in  winter.  I  imagine,  however,  that  this  region  is 
sometimes  visited  with  summer  frosts,  as  Warren  tells  me,  an  ex-policeman 
once  perished  in  this  same  valley  where  we  are  camped,  in  the  month  of  June, 
Little  scraps  of  information  of  this  kind  are  not  very  encouragin"  me  when 
I  reflect  that  it  is  now  getting  on  well  into  October,  and  that  .  e  to  drive 
or  ride  nearly  the  whole  breadth  of  the  great  plains  lying  between  Winnipeg 
and  the  Rocky  Mountains  even  after  I  shall  have  reached  Edmonton. 


While  camp  and  supper  were  being  prepared  to-night  I  took  my  gun  and 
strolled  down  the  creek  eastwards  in  search  of  game.  Ducks  were  very  scarce, 
but  I  saw  several  minks  swimming  in  the  middle  of  the  stream,  some  of 
which  I  could  Iiave  shot  very  easily,  but  as  my  cartridges  are  loaded  with 
swan  shot,  and  both  barrels  of  the  gun  full  choke  bored,  I  allowed  the  little 
fellows  to  escape  as  I  knew  that  killing  tliem  willi  such  a  weapon  would  totally 
destroy  the  skins.  As  I  was  about  to  return  to  camp,  however,  I  noticed 
what  appeared  to  be  a  curious  collection  of  boulders  upon  the  prairie  blutV 
fully  75  or  ICO  feet  above  the  bed  of  the  creek.  [  climbed  up  to  the  spot  and 
foiuid  one  of  the  strtangest  of  natural  curiosities  that  I  ever  beheld.  The  more 
nearly  I  approached  the  strange  object  the  nunv  at.iking  was  its  resemblance 
to  a  section  of  some  old  ruined  castle.  What  now  renuiined  of  it  above 
ground,  had  once  been  a  solid  ledge  of  finely  stratified  and  very  soft  and 
friable  sandstone,  of  about  the  same  colour  as  that  exported  in  large  ijuanti- 
tles  from  Cleveland,  Ohio.  The  ledge  was  about  100  feet  in  length  and  from 
25  to  30  feet  hi^h  from  the  base  tliough  it  stood  in  a  large  saucer-like  cavity, 
which,  like  a  bufialo  wallow,  was  excavated  considerably  below  the  level  of 
the  surrounding  prairie.  The  thickness  of  the  ledge  had  originally  been  about 
15  feet,  but  it  had  the  appearance  of  having  been  extensively  water-worn, 
smooth  cavities  and  passages  having  been  worn  out  in  all  directions  ami  in 
the  most  curious  manner.  The  strange  freaks  of  the  water  currents,  or  what- 
ever may  have  been  the  force  that  cut  the  ledge  into  its  present  shape  had 
worn  numerous  channels  through  the  rock  and  left  the  peaks  or  rounded  tur- 
rets standing,  and  nine  of  these  were  covered  with  huge  caps  like  coping 
stones  pntjecting  considerably  over  the  shaft  or  body  of  tlie  turret.  There 
wore  rude  loopholes,  windows  and  winding  passages,  as  if  tortuotis  stairways 
with  the  wood-work  burned  or  rotted  away  had  been  partially  exposed  by  tlie 
crumbling  down  of  sections  of  the  outer  walls.  There  were  curious  little 
niches  in  the  outer  walls,  and  deep  n  unded  caves,  in  which  the  birds  Inul 
built  c\irioun  shaped  nests  of  mud,  while  the  fine  well-defined  stratilication  of 
the  soft  drab  sand-stone  nuide  a  miniature  mimicry  of  masonry,  well  calculat- 
ed to  assist  the  illusion,  and  nuike  this  singular  freak  of  nature  more  closely 
rusomble  the  ruinii   of  man's  handiwork.     This  curious  rock  is  evidently  a 

:it  resort  for  birds,  ami  it  is  (luite  possible  tliat  they  may  have  out  the  fan- 




tastically  shaped  cavities  in  it,  as  it  is  extremely  soft  and  crumbles  away 
readily  under  the  hand. 

»  1 



There  was  a  glorious  sunset  to-night,  but  an  ominously  bright  spot  in  the 
soft  amber  clouds  above  it  promised  badly  for  the  weather  to  come.  To-night 
I  sat  outside  the  tent  in  the  keen  frosty  air  till  the  last  rays  of  daylight  had 
faded  from  the  western  sky,  and  the  cold  silvery  moonlight  glistening  on  the 
dew-laden  withered  grass  made  our  ruddy  little  camp-fire  in  the  broad  white 
valley  look  like  a  great  ruby  dropped  upon  a  broad  sheet  of  snow.  Then  I 
turned  into  the  tent  to  write  up  my  journal. 

In  Camp,  Salt  Lake,  97  miles  from  Calgary,  en  route  to  Edmonton, 
October  7. — This  morning  we  were  up  and  out  of  the  valley  before  sunrise, 
but  just  as  I  V  s  cantering  over  the  frosty  yellow  grass  1  saw  the  snow-clad 
peaks  (^f  the  Rocky  iVLnint'iins  tluslied  to  a  bright  rose  colour,  and  then  the 
sun's  ruddy  disc  burst  through  the  gilded  prairie  level  away  to  the  eastward, 
the  little  cloud  fragments  tioating  in  the  amber  zone  above  it  were  lighted  up 
like  isles  of  lire,  and  the  festoons  of  the  dark  leaden  cloud  curtain  that  hung 
still  higher  in  the  sky  wore  fringed  with  deep  bright  crimson.  In  ton  minutes 
the  sun  was  under  a  cloud,  another  promise  of  bad  weather,  but  it  was  soon 
shining  again,  and  we  had  pleasant  weather  for  the  rest  of  the  forenoon.  For 
an  h<iur  or  two  wo  were  still  travelling  through  clean  rich  prairie  grass  and 
then  wolf  willows,  wild  rose  bushes  and  other  smidl  slirubs  to  make 
their  appearance,  and  soon  after  grey  willows  and  small  timber  were  seen  in 
the  northern  horizon.  Here  too  we  came  to  a  broader  loavod  grass  mixed 
witli  wild  pea  vine  and  weeds  of  various  st)rt3,  and  what  is  generally  recog- 
nised as  tlie  cattle  grazing  region  had  come  to  an  end.  As  I  have  already 
stated,  it  is  adopted  as  a  r'''o  by  those  who  know  the  prairie  that  the  snow 
lies  wherever  these  small  bushes  are  found,  and  as  a  conso<|uenco  cattle 
rancliors  are  ai)t  to  look  for  smooth  prairie  when  in  search  of  winter  ranges. 

A  little  before  noon  wo  reached  a  clump  )J  grey  willows  and  foiuul  our- 
selves fairly  in  the  timber.  In  this  immediate  vicinity  there  is  a  largo 
spruco  tree  known  to  freighters  and  n»;/((<;"i(r,<  as  "  lotio  pine."  It  is  here 
that  they  begin  to  "  pack"  wood  on  their  way  south,  usually  taking  enough 
•to  last  them  to  Calgary,  unless  they  are  travelliig  very  light,  in  which  case 
thuy  depend  partially  on  the  sparse  growth  of  sainted  willows  to  bo  foui  ,l 
along  the  banks  of  Sarvisburry  Creek  for  a  supple 'uontary  supply. 

After  luaohoon  we  were  driving  through  a  tine,  rioh-lwoking,  rolling  prairio, 
abounding  in  little  clumps  or  "bluffs"'  of  poplar  and  groy  willow,  while 
occasionally  the  dark  green  of  the  spruce  would  bo  sjen  min;.^ling '.»iMi  the 
briglit  yellow  of  i!  ^  frost-nippod  poplars.  This  afternoon  the  w  jathor  has 
boon  unpleasant  and  cold,  with  Si'uo  rain  and  occaiiional  Ourries  of  ^now, 
and  everything  indicates  titat  there  is  an  ugly  storm  of  cold  rain  or  perhaps 
snow  close  at  hand.  Though  wo  are  now  nearly  !(-()  miles  north  of  (.^algary 
1  have  not  soon  any  but  really  good  1  ind.  To-night  we  are  camped  inn  litth. 
bushy  nook  close  between  two  hills  tikut  overlook  an   alkali  lake  known   us 

luk  cl 







es  away 

)t  in  the 
ight  had 
g  on  the 
ad  white 
Then  I 

,  sunrise, 
then  the 
ighted  up 
;hat  hung 
11  minutes 
was  soon 
loon.  For 
grass  and 
II  to  make 
e  soon  in 
ass  mixed 
y  recog- 
the  snow 
ni'.o  cattle 
mud  our- 
is  a  large 
t  is  here 
ng  enough 
hich  case 
l)e  foui  i 

ng  prairie, 
ow,  while 
\,M\  the 
jiithor  has 

!FI    of  rtUOW, 

.r  perhaps 
)f  Calgary 
linn  little 
Unown   as 

Salt  Lake.  Warren  saya  that  we  are  now  not  mora  than  five  miles  from  Red 
Doer  River,  and  about  fifteen  miles  from  the  ford  where  wo  have  to  cross. 
This  is  a  dreary-looking,  dismal  night.  Beyond  the  ruddy  glare  of  our  camp 
tire  on  the  bushes  of  grey  willow  that  rise  in  a  thick  wall  on  either  side  of  us, 
everything  is  wrapped  in  pitchy  darkn  ;3.  The  lake  seems  fairly  alive  with 
geese  and  ducks,  that  keep  up  an  almost  incessant  cackling  and  quacking,  as 
though  they  were  greatly  disturbed  by  our  presence  in  the  neighbourhood, 
while  at  intervals  we  can  hear  the  whizzing  of  their  wings  as  dock  after  tlock 
sweeps  swiftly  over  our  camp  fire,  as  if  they  w«re  dete.mirj^l  to  find  out 
what  we  were  and  why  we  had  come  among  them.  I  must  admit  that  to- 
night 1  am  beginning  to  tire  of  this  long  stretch  of  camp  life  and  incessant 
travelling.  I  have  been  travelling  almost  withou':  intermission  since  the  2lst 
(jf  .ruly,  and  in  camp  since  the  8th  of  August,  besides  several  nights  in  camp 
prior  to  the  last-mentioned  date.  Camphig  out  with  a  party  of  friends  in 
beautiful  weather,  and  where  one  can  run  into  a  first-class  hotel  for  shelter 
whenever  a  shower  cornea  up,  is  a  very  diflferent  thing  from  travelling  through 
an  almost  uninhabited  country  witli  a  solitary  half-breed  attendant,  a  small 
tent,  a  waggon,  a  little  band  of  ponies,  and  an  ever-present  and  sometimes 
uppresive  onsciounnesa  that  over  a  thousand  miles  of  this  lonosome  travelling 
still  lies  betw«!«n  me  and  "civilization,"  though  tlie  season  is  already  far  ad- 
vanced, and  bad  weather  and  bad  roads  are  only   what  miy   reasonably  be 



As  r  close  my  journal  I  can  hear  the  winds  moaning  and  howling  over  the 
hills  above  us,  and  between  the  fitful  gusts  come  the  rail,  and  sleet  splashing 
and  rattling  upon  my  little  tent.  The  dreade<l  storm  has  come  at  lust  and 
that  in  right  good  earnest. 



Tn  Cami',  Rlivd  Man's  Rivkh,  122  MtLr.H  KrioM  rAf.uUiV,  ni  ranti  to  Ed- 
monton, October  8.  This  liaB  been  a  dreary,  dismal  day,  and  thongli  we 
started  early  and  ih-ovo  hard  till  nearly  dark,  we  have  only  made  about  twenty- 
five  niilim.  When  wo  were  awakened  this  morning  the  storm  was  still  how- 
'ing  outside  and  the  snow  was  banked  up  about  the  lent  on  evory  side.  After 
consulting  with  I'oter,  I  decided  that  it  would  be  better  to  try  and  push  oa 






as  ray  supplies  were  not  sufficiently  extensive  to  make  it  safe  to  remain  longer 
in  our  camp  than  was  absolutely  necessary.  With  Bhmche  anu  Jim  in  har- 
ness, the  two  half-breeds  jogged  along  at  a  good  pace  considering  the  miser- 
able condition  of  the  trail,  while  mounted  on  Warren's  piebald  roan  stallion, 
the-snow  and  sleet  beating  savagely  in  my  face,  and  my  sou'wester  suit  frozen 
almost  as  stiff  as  a  suit  of  sheet-iron  armour,  I  jugged  along  behind,  keeping 
the  spare  horses  in  motion.  In  due  time  we  reached  the  prairie  bluff  over- 
looking the  valley  of  Red  Deer  River,  and  I  thought  under  what  different  cir- 
cumstances and  in  wliat  a  widely  different  sort  of  country  I  had  first  looked 
down  into  the  valley  of  that  famous  stream  only  one  month  and  one  day  from 
to-day.  Then  I  thought  it  one  of  the  brightest  and  loveliest  bits  of  autumnal 
colouring  I  had  ever  beheld,  and  one  of  the  most  cliarmiug  .scenes  on  the 
long  Battleford  and  Calgary  trail.  Then  there  was  no  lack  of  companionship, 
bright  skies,  and  lovely  autumn  weather.  Now  the  scene  is  wondrously 
changed.  The  Calgary  and  Edmonton  trail  strikes  Red  Deer  River  at  a  point 
wliere  the  prairie  is  so  overgrown  with  clumps  of  small  timber  and  bushes 
that  its  distinctive  character  is  almost  lost.  Instead  of  the  rich,  bright  green 
of  the  grey  poplar,  mingling  with  the  first  gay  tints  of  early  autumn,  the 
sombre,  black  green  spruces  reared  their  sharp,  spine-like  cones  among 
wreaths  and  drifts  of  new  fallen  snow,  and  coiitrasted  with  the  sere  foliage 
that  had  felt  a  wintry  frost  and  the  dark  purplish  brown  of  the  leafless  grey 
willows.  Instead  of  a  mellow  autumn  sky,  dull  leadun  storm-clouds  hang 
thick  and  dark  on  every  .side,  and  instead  of  the  soft  fresh  breezes  whistling 
over  the  limitless  pampas  1  felt  upon  my  cheek  the  cold,  cutting  breath  of  a 
blinding  sUMWijiorm  from  the  north. 

In  time  we  readied  tin-  ford,  and  though  the  river  is  wide  and  swift  at 
this  point,  we  had  no  ditliculty  in  crossing,  as  the  water  scarcely  came  up  to 
the  ponies'  girths. 

After  campiug  for  noon  mi  the  bottitnu  beyond  the  ford,  wo  drove  on  to 
Blind  Man's  River,  and  crossing  a  narrow  but  deep  ami  rocky  ford,  we 
reached  our  present  The  strif)  of  land  some  te'.i  miles  wide  lying  be- 
tween the  crossing.^  of  Rod  Doer  and  Blind  M m's  Rivers  is  somewhat  liilly, 
and  for  the  most  part,  thickly  wooded,  grey  willow  and  poplar  being  the 
prevailing  timber,  though  occasionally  a  dark  wall  of  narrow-based,  sharp- 
coned  is  spruces  seen  standing  on  a  hill-sido,  relieved  with  the  lemon  gold 
of  frost-nipped  pojdars.  I  have  been  told  that  near  the  mountains  there  are 
scmie  choice  ranges  for  cattle  in  and  about  the  valley  of  the  Red  Deer,  Imt 
whatever  may  be  the  character  of  the  country  further  towards  its  source,  it 
is  very  certain  that  the  valley  of  this  stroain  wlioro  it  is  crossed  by  the  Cr.l- 
gary  and  EduKmton  trail  is  (juito  unsuitable  for  the  purpose.  The  regicm  is, 
I  think,  a  cold  one,  iu  wuioh  the  snows  fall  early  and  lie  deep  all  win'-^r, 
and  there  is  so  much  timber  that  cowm  would  be  very  apt  to  starve  to  doatli 
in  it  for  the  sake  of  the  shelter  afTorded  l)y  it  rather  than  vunturo  out  into 
the  more  open  prairie  during  ihe  prevalence  of  t  »lu,  stormy  weather. 

To-night  wo  have  n  roaring  tire  at  the  door  of  .lie  tent,  and  I  am  writing 
hy  tlie  lire-light  iu  prufurenoe  to  futtlior  trenching  on  my  rather  alonder 

t)U  to 

rd,  wo 

ilinr  ho- 

ir  the 
n  gold 
loro  arc 
Dor,  b"t 
urco,  it 
ho  Cr.l- 
j^ion  is, 
I  doatli 
ut  into 




store  of  candles.  The  storm  is  moaning  and  howling  through  the  spruces 
and  poplars  overhead  and  up  the  hill  behind  our  camp,  and  the  snow  is  fall- 
ing so  fast  that  it  is  already  banked  up  in  little  heaps  about  the  camp,  while 
as  often  as  a  storm  gust  sweeps  down  upon  us,  a  little  avalanche  of  snow  from 
the  heavily  laden  branches  falls  hissing  upon  our  bright,  crackling  camp-fire. 
The  ponies  have  (^uit  feeding,  and  are  huddled  together  in  a  little  disconso- 
late group  in  the  shelter  of  some  thick-growing  spruces  close  to  the  fire.  The 
poor  brutes  are  half-coated  with  ice,  and  I  am  sorry  to  say  1  have  no  grain 
to  give  them,  as  I  was  only  able  to  secure  a  very  limited  supply  at  Calgary, 
which  was  exhausted  some  time  since.  Indeed,  the  situation  is  a  serious 
one.  Some  of  my  ponies  are  now  ahnost  unfit  for  service,  and  even  the  best 
of  them  are  shrinking  terribly  from  hard  work  and  lack  of  feed.  My  ration.^ 
are  rather  light,  and  I  am  not  at  all  sure  that  they  will  last  till  I  get  to  Ed- 
monton. If  the  roads  continue  as  bad  as  they  are,  or  become  worse,  as  1 
begin  to  fear  they  may,  I  shall  bo  in  a  miserable  plight  by  the  time  I  roach 
Edmonton,  to  say  nothing  of  the  long  south-easterly  journey  that  will  still 
lie  before  me  afl^r  I  reach  that  point. 

Fifteen  Mile  CouLKE,  138  Miles  from  Caloauv,  e/i  »w.t<e  to  Edmonton, 
Oct.  y. — Again  our  camp  was  made  in  a  raging  snow  storm,  and  still  'ha 
storm  gusts  are  breaking  fiercely  over  us  with  tmabated  fury.  The  snow  has 
been  falling  all  day,  aad  tb  .  travelling  has  been  so  heavy  that  wo  have  only 
made  1  fteen  miles.  The  snow  collects  in  great  masses  in  t)  ponies'  f»jet, 
and  the  nud  and  snow  gather  in  great  ridges  on  the  waggon  wheels,  so  th.>.t 
anything  br'  tlie  slowest  progress  is  impossible.  To-day  w.f  have  been  tra- 
velling t  irough  a  beautiful  rolling  prairie,  fairly  wooded  and  considerably 
overgrown  with  brush,  about  two  feet  hii^li.  It  has  to  appearance  of  good 
ai^ricultural  land,   but  the  gr        is  far  from  being  <ienn  fso'igh  for  cattle 

iluH's  to  a  fair  size,  ami  Udll-sized  spruce 
hilo  the  half-breeds  were  making  camp  in  ;i 
storm,  and  after  a  great  deal  of  tramping  1 
ge  (the  first  1  have  seen  since  leaving  tlie 
seven-mile  portage  below  l.agle  Lake),  which,  with  five  ducks  killed  this 
morning  at  IJlind  Man's  I'iver,  will  do  something  toward  helping  to  eke  out 
cur  8ui>plios.  To-night  i  intensely  cold,  and  my  fingers  are  chilled  and 
numb  as  1  write. 
Inmhan  Viixaok,  Hkau,  ]5!J  Miles  from  CAr,nAKY,ni)V)»(/c  to  Edmon- 
ton, October  10. — This  morning  when  we  turned  out  the  stonn  was  still  t'lg- 
ing,  but  to  remaiti  longer  in  camp  was  tpiite  out  of  tlio  <picfltion,  as  oui  ra- 
tions would  not  admit  of  any  unnecessary  delay,  so  we  decided  to  push  on  as 
rapidly  as  possible.  During  i'  e  forenoon  the  Pun  struggled  feebly  through 
the  Btorm  clouds  and  I  hopoil  vho  Rtorm  wan  at  an  end.  lly  noon  alJ  hope 
of  this  kind  had  vanished  again,  im  tl»o  clouds  thickened  and  the  storm  con- 
tinued as  fiercely  as  ever.  The  country  was  good  an  far  as  Hattle  lliver,  a 
distance  of  about  nine  miles,  when  one  of  thocto  annoyances  incident  to  tra- 
velling with  Kyuscs  overtook  mo. 

ranching.     Poplar  grows  in  i 
trees  are  abundant.     To-nigh 
thicket,  I  ventured  out  into 
managed  to  kill  a  small  pa: 





1  K{> 

Jim  and  Blanche  were  afraid  of  the  ford,  and  I  rode  on,  breaking  the  ice  at 
the  edge  of  the  river  and  riding  through  ahead  of  them,  Punch  and  little 
Olivette  following  without  any  hesitation.  Then  came  the  team  and  the  wag- 
gon, but  Sandy  declined  to  follow,  preferring  to  look  out  a  crossing  for  him- 
self. Thinking  he  would  come  along  when  he  got  ready,  I  rode  on  and  left 
him,  but  by  the  time  we  had  gone  a  quarter  of  a  mile  from  the  ford  I  de- 
cided to  ride  back  and  see  what  had  become  of  the  loiterer.  Seeing  nothing 
of  him  at  the  ford  I  re-crossed  the  river  and  followed  it  for  nearly  a  mile  up 
stream,  when  I  found  Master  Sandy  feeding  quietly  on  the  bank.  I  dr^ve 
him  back  to  the  ford,  and  managed  to  get  him  to  the  water's  edge  witliout 
much  difficulty,  but  just  as  I  was  expecting  to  see  him  take  the  water  lie 
bolted  off,  and  clambering  up  the  steep  bank  he  ran  off  again  ;  I  wheeled 
the  stallion  about  uid  gave  chase  over  the  rough  ground  at  full  gallop,  but 
he  ran  nearly  half  a  mile  down  stream  before  I  was  able  to  head  him  off,  and 
then  I  was  only  able  to  accomplish  it  by  dashing  at  break -neck  speed  over 
half-frozen  muskegs  and  through  tangled  clumps  of  grey  willows  that  tore 
and  scratched  my  face  as  I  swept  through  them.  Again  and  again  I  brought 
the  brute  to  the  ford,  but  as  o'ten  he  would  break  away  and  go  racing  up  or 
down  the  str^ ,.  n.  Once  or  twice  he  took  the  back  trail  for  Calgary,  but  as 
this  was  in  comparatively  open  country  I  could  make  the  stallion  head  him 
off  without  much  difficulty.  At  last,  however,  the  horse  I  was  riding  became 
tired,  and  I  re -crossed  the  ford  and  was  going  on  to  camp  for  a  fresh  one 
when  I  met  Peter,  who,  alarmed  at  my  long  absence,  was  already  on  the  way 
with  another  horse.  Between  the  two  of  us  we  managed  to  catch  the  runa- 
way and  bring  him  along  to  camp. 

After  crossing  Battle  Itiver  1  found  that  the  country  deteriorated  consider- 
ably in  character,  and  during  nearly  the  whole  of  this  afternoon  we  have  been 
travelling  through  half-frozen  muskegs  and  swamps,  where  the  horses  are 
continually  breaking  ice  and  ploughing  through  mud  and  water  that  often 
comes  up  to  their  girths.  Indeed  this  whole  region  appears  to  be  one  vast 
swamp,  with  hero  and  there  a  narrow  ridge  of  good  land  travei-sing  from  east 
to  west.  In  the  middle  of  the  afternoon  Sandy  gave  out,  and  I  had  to  have 
Jim  and  Bkncho  reharnessed  to  finish  the  day's  drive.  This  is  the  first 
time  one  of  my  ponies  has  '*  played  out,"  and  I  cainiot  but  regard  it  as  an  ill 
omen  when  I  think  of  the  long  severe  journey  that  lies  liefore  mo.  Just 
before  dark  we  reached  the  Bear  Hills  Indian  village,  which  is  governed  by 
three  Cree  chiefs,  who  are  said  to  bo  brothers.  Tiieir  names  are"  Sampson," 
"Bobtail,"  and  "  Ermhio  Skin,"  Some  of  the  people  live  in  little  log  huts, 
and  B(  ne  in  tepees.  We  drove  up  to  the  best  looking  of  tho  log  hut* 
(which  is  occui»ied  by  Ermine  Skin  mid  his  pou-in-law)  and  askoil  permission 
to  ai)read  our  iilankots  there  for  the  night,  a  privilege  that  was  jheorfully  ac- 
corded t'<  IS.  <<ur  quartt!r«  to-night  are  not  at  all  luxurious,  but  <m  a  coKi. 
stormy  ni((ht  like  thin,  anything  is  preferable  to  sleeping  out  in  my  little 
tent.  The  ho»«e  is  a  little,  low,  tlat-roufed  shanty,  built  of  poplar  poloi 
and  plaatered  with  mud.  It  cfmBists  of  only  one  room,  about  twelve  by  six- 
teen feet,  with  a  tioor  of  roughly  hewn  poplar  poles.      It  has  une  door  and 




e  been 
sea  are 
at  often 
Due  vast 
m  east 
()  have 
tlio  tirst 
an  ill 
rned  by 
g  hnts, 
Oil   hut'i 
villy  ac- 
a  colli, 
ny  little 
r   polo* 
>  by  six- 
jor  and. 

two  windows.     The  door  consists  of  a  wooden  frame  with  a  raw  buffalo  hide 
stretched  upon  it,  and  the  windows  are  simply  small  holes  in  the  walls  covered 
with  thin,  grey  cotton.     Opposite  the  door  is  a  small  mud  fire-place  in  which  a 
cheerful  fire  is  burning,  and  in  one  corner  is  a  low  bed  which,  as  nearly  as 
I  can  make  out,  is  simply  a  mass  of  old  rags  and  such  skins   as  have  no 
commercial  value.     When  we  entered  the  house  there  were  two  women  sit- 
ting on  the  floor  (there  are  no  chairs,  stools,  nor  benches  in  the  hut)  by  the 
fire,  one   considerably  past  the  prime  of  life,  Mrs.  Ermine  Skin,  and  an- 
other, some   twenty-five    years    old,  her  married   daughter.      There  were 
several  small  children  about  the  hut,  who  scampered  over  to  the  side  in 
which  the  heap  of  rags  and  skins,  dignified  by  the  name  of  bed,   lay,  and 
in  a  few  seconds  the  east  side  of  the  hut  was  cleared  for  our  occupancy. 
To  say  that  this  little  mud  shanty  was  destitute  of  furniture  but  faintly 
expresses  the  condition  of     absolute  squalor  that  prevailed  inside   of   it. 
There  were  no  cupboards  nor  even  shelves  in  it,  and  a  few  pegs  in  the  we.lL'; 
and  two  or  three  smoke  browned  poles  suspended  from  the  roof  to  support 
a  few  half  dried  mu.-  ^;i:  skins  made  up,  with  the  dirty  heap  that  I  have 
already   alluded  to  as  -    "bed,"  the  total  contents  of  the  miserable  hovel. 
Shortly  after  our  arrival  Ermine  Skin's  son-in-law  came  in  after  having 
spent  the  afternoon  in  hunting.     He  was  a  sorry  looking  spectacle  as  he  en- 
tered .     His  moccasins  were  soaking  wet,  though  the  night  is  bitterly  cold,  and 
his  blanket  was  wrapped  around  him  from  his  head  to  his  heels,  so  that  as 
his  dark,  pinched,  smoky-looking  face  protruded  from  between  its  folds  he 
forcibly  suggested  to  me  the  idea  of  a  re-animated  mummy.     He  lowered  the 
blanket  to  his  shoulders  and  shook  the  snow  out  of  his  long,  jet  black  hair, 
which,  when  thus  turned  loose,  hung  down  to  his  waist.     Then,  after  stand- 
ing his  single-barrelled  Hudson  Bay  gun  in  a  corner  by  the  fireplace,  he  drop- 
ped a  partridge  from  under  his  blanket.     His  wife  and  the  children  appeared 
particularly  pleased  at  this,  and  as  the  latter  were  about  to  turn  away  with  it 
he  lee  fall  a  prairie  chicken.     Then  even  his  mother-in-law  was  uetrayed  inti) 
an  expression  of  approval,  and  as  soon  as  they  had  recovered  from  their 
ecsta-sies  he  dropped  another  partridge,  which  of  course  called  for  fresh  ex- 
clamations of  astonishment  and  delight.     Then  followed  another  chicken, 
and  then  another  partridge,  and  so  on  till  he  had  a  pile  of  some  eight  or  nine 
birds  on  the  floor,  for  he  had  evidently  had  a  wonderfully  lucky  afternoon. 
As  soon  as  the  game  had  been  handed   over  to   the  children  tlio  hunter  sat 
down  on  the  bod,  with  his  feet  to  the   fire,  while  his  wife  removed  his  wet 
moccasins,  after  which  she  brought  him  his  pipe  and  tobacco,  and  then  the 
rod  man  consoled  liimself  for  his  hard  afternoon's  work  with  a  long  smoke, 
by  the  lin»c  he. had  finished  liis  smoke  the  children  had  skinned  (not  plucked) 
the  game,  and  the  whole  of  it  was  put  into  a  pot,  which  was  hung  over  the 
fire  to  boil.     Some  potatoes  were  bctiled   'n  the  same  pot  at  the  same  time, 
aiil  the  whole  was  soon  ready  and  serx'ed  out,  not  only  to  the  family,  but  to 
several  fiiends  who  had  been  notified    i  our  host's  good  luck.     Ermine  Skin 
liimself  had  gone  to  Edmonton,  and  his  son-in-law,  his  wife,  and  his  married 
dau||liter  pkyed  the  host  and  lioNtesseffi.     The  stew,  into  which  they  had  put 




neither  pepper  nor  salt,  vci  ladled  out  c*^  the  pot  into  tin  plates  which  had 
been  shaken  out  of  a  bag  hitherto  concealed  somewhere  about  that  mysterious 
bod.  and  each  one,  even  the  smallest  child  in  the  house,  was  very  liberally 
helped.  The  man  of  the  house  had  previously  taken  supper  with  Peter  and 
Johnny  Warren,  but  though  he  had  eaten  heartily  it  did  not  appear  to  have 
in  any  wtxv  impaired  his  appetite  for  this  grand  family  meal,  and  he  fell  to 
feeding  hiu  self  with  his  lingers  as  ravenously  as  any  of  the  party. 

A    TEA    DANCE. 

Not  loiigait^^er  supper,  and  after  I  had  begun  writing  my  journal,  Johnny 
Warren  dippet'  a  cupful  of  tea  out  of  his  ration-bag  and  gave  it  to  the  lady 
of  the  house,  ai:d  a  few  minutes  later  I  was  informed  that  they  purposed 
having  a  tea  dance  if  I  had  no  objection.  Of  course,  I  had  no  objection,  and 
accoi'dingly  a  large  sheet-iron  kettle  was  brought  in  from  out  of  doors,  filled 
wivh  water,  and  hung  over  the  fire .  In  due  time  the  tea  was  made,  but  long 
Wfore  this  our  host's  grandmother  had  come  in  from  a  neighbouring  teepee  hiid 
was  duly  installed  as  mistress  of  ceremonies.  As  soon  as  the  kettle  had  been 
lifted  ofl'  the  fire  this  energetic  old  lady  commenced  to  exterd  the  invitations 
to  the  dance,  but,  of  course  she  did  not  waste  any  perfumed  stationery  or  fancy 
printing  in  the  task  assigned  her,  though  her  manner  of  performing  it 
was  unique  and  original.  She  merely  went  outside  the  hovel  and  shouted 
in  Cree  the  names  of  the  invited  guests,  the  nature  of  the  party  to  which 
they  were  being  invited,  and  that  the  "  liquor ''  was  ready.  In  a  few  minutes 
the  shanty  was  half  filled  with  sifuaws  young  and  old,  who  squatted  upon 
the  floor  and  began  drinking  the  tea,  and  laughing  and  jabbering  Cree  in  the  energetic  manner.  When  they  had  drunk  about  two  cups  each  the  old 
mistress  of  ceremonies  got  up  and,  after  bowing  very  profoundly  to  Johnny, 
Peter  and  myself,  began  to  sing  and  dance  in  the  usual  Indian  fashion.  The 
dancing  and  singing  were  very  much  like  all  other  Indian  dances  that  I  have 
seen  except  that  there  were  no  male  singsrs  or  dancers.  They  had  a  "  tea 
dance,"  a  "  butl'alo  dauco  "  (in  which  the  stjuaws  wore  diflferent  articles  of  Er- 
mine Skin's  hunting  accoutrements),  and  then  there  was  a  "  gift  dance,"  in 
which  the  old  mistress  of  ceremonies  said  she  was  giving  her  grandson  a  horse. 
Of  course  this  was  pure  licti(m,  but  such  things  are  very  often  done  at  Indian 
festivities.  Indeed,  I  have  known  of  red  r.j  jn  who  had  b'*;  one  pony  giving 
him  away  in  one  of  those  dances.  They  are  exceedingly  generous  with  one 
another,  and  a  chief  is  expected  to  give  to  any  of  his  own  band  any  piece  of 
property  he  has,  which  is  particularly  admired.  The  dancing  and  singing 
was  kept  up  till  I  was  heartily  sick  of  it,  and  until  two  large  kettles  of  tea 
had  been  drank,  and  then  the  company  broke  up  as  suddenly  as  it  had 

The  weather  is  still  very  cold  and  stormy  to-night,  and  the  outlook  is  really 
a  most  disheartening  one.  My  ponies  are  shiinking  rapidly  from  hard  work 
-nd  want  of  food,  one  of  tiiem,  "  Sandy,"  being  already  nearly  or  (|uite  use- 
IcMM.  I  hear  nothing  but  the  most  discouraging  accounts  of  the  trail  between 
*  e  and  Edmonton.  To-morrow  I  hope  to  reach  the  Indian  Instructor's 
fHxin,  which  is  some  twenty  miles  farther  along  the  trail. 




:ith  one 

ncce  of 


1  of  tea 

it  hail 

13  really 
1(1  work 
Lie  uae- 



In  Cj*mp,  Indian  Farm,  Bear  Hills,  173  mile.s  from  CALiiARV,  ni  route 
to  Edmonton,  October  II.  — This  morning  the  weather  was  as  cold  and  stormy 
as  ever,  and  my  ponies  had  wandered  oti"  in  search  of  better  forage,  so  that 
it  was  eleven  o'clock  before  we  were  on  our  way  again.  We  have  made  twenty 
miles  to-day  over  the  worst  trail  we  have  yet  fcmnd.  The  ctmntry  appears  to 
bo  one  vast  swamp,  with  only  here  and  tliere  a  narrow  ridge  of  low  upland 
running  throngli  it.  Judging  from  the  luxuriant  growth  of  coarse  grass  and 
small  shrubbery  (mostly  grey  willow)  1  should  suppose  the  land  to  be  very 
rich  and'  productive,  but  I  cannot  ([uite  undei'8ti;.nd  how  such  an  immense 
swamp  can  be  made  useful  for  many  years  to  come  iinless  something  gigantic 
in  the  way  oi  drainage  can  be  devised  and  put  into  effect  for  its  benefit.  I  had 
heard  some  pretty  strong  stories  about  the  character  of  the  trails  apr^-oaching 
Edmonton,  but  the  half  had  not  been  told.  There  may  be  good  land  about  Ed- 
monton, but  if  the  other  approaches  to  it  are  as  bad  as  this  one  any  intending 
settler  would  do  well  to  consider  the  matter  carefully  before  attempting  to  make 
his  way  tlu'ough  these  frightful  morasses  as  long  as  there  is  plenty  of  good  land 
easyof  access  in  the  vicinity  of  Battleford,  Prince  Albert,  Qu'Appelle,  Calgary, 
Fort  McLeod,  and  in  fact  throughout  the  whole  of  this  Vtast  territory.  To- 
day the  trail  was  so  bad  that  I  was  obliged  to  use  my  best  team  (Blanche  and 
Jim)  for  the  whole  distance.  Often  for  nearly  a  hundred  yards  they  would 
have  to  break  the  ice  as  they  went,  and  wade  through  muddy  sloughs  with 
the  water  up  to  their  girths.  Again  and  again  have  I  seen  them  struggle  out 
of  the  water  and  get  quite  up  on  the  ice  and  then  stand  ([uietly  till  it  gave 
Avay  beneath  them  and  let  them  down  into  the  cold  water  and  mud.  At  other 
places  where  the  ice  was  not  so  strong  they  would  rear  up  and  break  their 
way  through  it  with  their  fore  feet.  Tonight  they  are  half  covered  with 
ice  and  frozen  mud,  all  in  all  they  present  as  disconsoUte  a  picture  as  I 
ever  beheld.  At  this  rate  I  shall  never  be  able  to  make  my  way  back  to  civil- 
ization without  fresh  ponies,  and  the  sooner  1  supply  myself  with  one  or  two 
the  better,  though  owing  to  the  prevalence  of  hoof  evil  it  will  be  dithcult  to 
aeciire  good  ones,  except  at  exorbitant  rates. 

The  Bear  Hills  Indian  Farm  is  certainly  not  favourably  located  for  an  ex- 
coptionally  wot  and  baokward  season  as  the  present  one  has  boon.  The 
land,  though  ricli,  is  much  too  cold  and  low  lying.  Mr.  Lucas,  who  was  ap- 
pointed Instructor  for  the  Bear  Hills  Indian  Reserve,  is  at  present  absent  on 
a  long  leave,  and  Mr.  John  Loo,  an  old  frontiersman,  is  the  acting  Instructor, 
assisted  by  Mr.  James  Mowat,  formerly  Acting  Indian  Agent  at  Edmontim. 



; ,  \ 

\      * 

;  ,     I 



There  are  on  the  farm  sixty-three  acres  xiniler  cultivation,  and  had  it  not 
been  for  the  present  unseasonable  weather  the  I'esults  of  this  season's  opera- 
tions would  in  all  probability  have  been  very  satisfactory.  As  it  is,  the  ro^t 
crop  promises  well,  but  it  is  very  doiibtf ul  if  much  of  it  will  bo  stored  in  good 
order,  as  the  most  of  it  is  still  in  the  ground,  which  is  already  frozen  to  a 
considerable  depth.  Mr.  Lee  estimates  that  there  will  bo  half  an  average 
crop  of  wheat  and  oats,  but  at  present  the  cut  barley  is  lying  under  the  snow. 
He  had  twenty-one  acres  sown  in  wheat,  about  five  acres  in  barley,  and 
twelve  acres  in  oats.  He  thinks  that  in  spite  of  the  cold  wet  season,  which 
prevented  the  grain  from  ripening  properly,  the  wheat  will  yield  about  fifteen, 
and  the  oats  thirty  bushels  to  the  acre. 

Some  of  the  Indians  on  the  reserve  (notably  Ermine  Skin)  are  determined 
to  become  farmers,  but  hitherto  they  have  been  at  a  lUsadvantage  owing  to 
the  impossibility  of  getting  seed  upon  the  spot  in  proper  tim?  ;  but  it  is  to  be 
hoped  that  they  will  be  fui-nished  more  promptly  next  seasoii. 

In  Camp,  193  Miles  from  Calgary,  en  route  to  Edmonton,  October  13. — 
Yesterday  I  waited  at  the  Indian  Instructor's  farm  for  better  weather,  and 
this  morning  I  had  the  satisfaction  of  seeing  bright  sunshine  again,  so  that 
the  snow  began  to  disappear  rapidly.  Having  bought  a  fresh  pony  (a  neat 
little  bay  called  Rowdy),  I  was  oft'  in  good  season  this  morning,  expecting 
very  bad  roads,  and  in  this  I  was  not  in  any  way  disappointed.  Mile  after 
mile  the  horses  had  to  break  their  way  through  the  ice  and  haul  the  waggon 
through  the  deep  water  and  soft  mud  that  lay  beneath  it.  The  weather  was 
pleasanter,  however,  and  our  camp  to-night  would  be  cheerful  enough  were 
it  not  for  the  dreary  prospect  ahead  of  us.  The  character  of  the  country 
grows  steadily  worse  as  we  travel  northward,  and  to-day  we  have  been  plough- 
ing through  one  vast  morass  utterly  worthless  for  agricultural  purposes,  un- 
less it  could  be  thoroughly  drained. 

In  Camp,  208  Miles  from  Caloarv,  m  route  to  Edmonton,  October  14. — 
The  trail  has  been  worse  than  ever  to-day,  and  despite  the  short  distance 
covered,  this  has  been  a  very  hard  day's  drive.  The  weather  is  very  cold 
and  unpleasant,  though  but  little  snow  is  falling.  I  am  now  about  five  miles 
south  of  Edmonton,  and  it  is  to  be  hoped  that  the  worst  of  the  trail  has  been 
passed.  To-day  at  noon  we  crossed  the  Black  Mud  River,  which  I  was  told 
was  very  bad.  I  took  off  all  my  heavy  clothing,  and  clad  in  the  lightest  of 
summer  costumes  (though  the  day  was  bitterly  cold)  mounted  Punch,  drove 
the  loose  ponies  into  the  dark,  sluggish-looking  stream,  and  immediately  fol- 
lowed to  keep  them  from  turning  back,  supposing,  of  course,  that  they  would 
have  to  swim  across.  In  this  I  was  agreeably  disappointed,  as  they  managed 
to  find  footing  all  the  way  across  and  clamber  safely  up  the  north  bank.  As 
the  stream  was  fpiito  fordable,  Peter  drove  in  with  the  waggon,  and  Blanche 
and  .Tim  broaght  their  load  up  the  steep  north  bank  without  ever  faltering. 

The  country  through  which  we  have  followed  the  trail  to-day  is  simply  one 
great  swamp  of  black  earth,  except  in  the  case  of  the  last  few  miles,  where 
it  consists  of  water-soaked  uplands  extremely  rich.  Good  crops  could  doubt- 
less be  raise  J  here  in  a  dry  season,  but  the  present  summer  has  been  very  wet 


ry  cold 
B  miles 
13  been 
as  told 
test  of 
ily  fol- 
an aged 
k.     As 
ly  one 
ry  wet 





and  cold,  and  the  fuw 

fields  I  have  seen,  look  as  though 


had  not 


more  than  half  a  crojp 

this  year. 

This  horrible  trail, 

bad  weather 

and  frozen  forage  is 

malcing  sorry 


cles  of  my  ponies,  but  as  1  am  now  very  near  what  is  spoken  of  as  one  of  the 
best  grain-growing  regions  in  the  North- West,  I  trust  I  shall  be  able  to  buy 
oats  or  barley  for  them  without  much  difficulty  ;  and  whether  I  can  or  not  1 
sliall  have  to  lie  over  for  a  day  or  two  for  the  purpose  of  seeing  the  place  and 
giving  the  horses  a  short  rest.  "Rowdy,"  the  pony  I  bought  at  the  Indian 
farm,  has  turned  out  to  be  an  excellent  little  animal,  and  as  he  is  fresh  and 
in  good  condition  I  trust  he  will  be  a  great  help  to  me  in  getting  through  the 
long  journey  that  still  lies  before  me. 

Edmonton,  October  18th. — I  reached  here,  or  rather  a  point  opposite 
here,  on  the  south  side  of  the  Saskatchewan,  early  on  the  foreno  )n  of  the 
15th  instant,  and  as  soon  as  I  could  make  camp  and  see  that  the  horses  were 
turned  out  in  fairly  good  winter  forage,  I  made  my  way  to  the  ferry,  and 
crcissing  in  a  small  boat  through  large  quantities  of  floating  ice,  reached  this 
side  of  the  river  about  noon.  Though  away  to  the  south  of  the  Saskatclie- 
wan  the  land  is  low  and  marshy  for  mauy  miles  around,  the  Hudson's  Bay  fort 
and  the  little  town  of  Edmonton  are  both  built  on  a  high  bluff  overlooking 
the  river,  and  some  150  feet  above  it.  The  fort  consists  of  a  large  wooden 
stockade,  enclosing  a  square  of  about  an  acre  and  a  half  with  a  large  bastion 
at  each  corner.  Within  the  enclosure  is  a  well,  a  store,  a  post  office,  a  num- 
ber of  storehouses,  and  two  small  rows  of  houses  for  the  employees.  This 
has  long  been  an  imi)ortant  trading  post  for  the  Hudson  Bay  Company,  and 
^n  former  times  it  was  the  scene  of  many  bloody  skirmishes  between  the 
Crees  on  one  side  and  the  Blackfeet  or  Sarcees  on  i;he  other.  Indeed, 
there  is  scarcely  a  block  of  a  hundred  acres  anywhere  in  this  vicinity  that 
has  not  within  the  last  thirty  years  been  stained  with  the  blood  of  murdered 
Indians.  About  three-quarters  of  a  mile  down  the  river  a  littU  village  is 
rapidly  springing  up,  and  could  the  settlers  secure  satisfactory  titles  to  their 
land,  town  lots  would  now  be  selling  at  a  good  figure.  As  yet,  however, 
there  has  been  no  Government  survey  of  the  land,  and  the  result  is  that 
everybody  is  afraid  he  may  be  putting  buildings  on  his  neighbour's  property. 
Tliere  are  several  stores,  well  stocked,  three  steam  grist  and  saw  mills,  and 
Canada  Methodist  and  Episcopalian  Churches.  It  would  be  difficult  to  esti- 
mate the  white  aid  half-breed  population  of  Edmonton  proper,  as  the  general 
term  Edmonton  is  applied  to  the  whole  settlement,  or  succession  of  settle- 
ments, along  the  North  Saskatchewan  from  the  mission  of  St.  Albert  on 
Sturgeon  River,  about  nine  miles  north-west  of  the  Fort,  to  Fort  Saskatch- 
ewan, some  twenty  miles  down  the  river. 

ST.    At.DEKT. 

On  Saturday  afternoon  (the  day  of  my  arrival  here),  through  the  kindness 
of  Mr.  Leslie  Wood,  the  Postmaster  here,  I  was  furnished  with  a  horse  and 
buckboard  to  drive  out  to  the  St.  Albert  mission.  The  country  between  the 
fort  and  the  mission  is  a  beautiful  agricultural  region,  pretty  well-filled  with 








I.    ^ 


II  2.5 



1.25      1.4 


-^ 6"     - 












WIRSTIR,  N.Y.  •4SI0 

(7U)  173-4303 



<■  * 
I.  ■  ♦ 

settlers  who  appear  to  be  doing  well,  except  of  course,  that  the  cold,  back- 
ward season  and  early  winter  has  caught  some  of  them  in  an  unlucky  plight 
with  their  harvesting.  M(jst  (jf  them  had  their  root  crops  frozen  in  the 
ground,  and  unless  the  weather  moderates  they  will  have  difficulty  in  saving 
them.  To  judge  from  the  number  of  immense  grain  stacks  near  their  houses 
I  should  suppose  that  their  farms  had  been  very  productive  during  the  past 
season.  Of  coarse  some  of  the  crops  have  been  harvested  before  they  were 
<|uite  mature,  but  I  saw  enough  to  convince  me  of  the  extraordinary  fertility 
of  the  land,  though  this  season  the  results  may,  and  doubtless  will,  prove 
very  unsatisfactory.  The  land  is  not,  strictly  speaking,  prairie,  though  there 
are  many  small  stretches  that  are  absolutely  treeless,  but  at  the  same  time 
there  is  enough  of  small  timber  to  make  the  view  from  almost  any  point  very 
limited.  The  timber  is  mostly  poplar  and  grey  willow,  and  growing  as  it 
does,  to  only  a  small  size,  the  clearing  up  of  a  farm  among  these  little 
"  liluffs"  is  an  easy  and  inexpensive  operation. 

It  was  nearly  dark  and  very  cold  when  I  found  the  trail  leading  down  a 
thickly- wooded  hill  into  the  valley  of  Sturgeon  River,  while  on  the  crest  of 
the  opposite  slope  beyond  the  river  rose  the  mission  buildings,  against  a  dark 
l)!ickground  of  cold  leaden  sky.  Crossing  a  long  wooden  bridge,  erected  and 
kept  in  order  by  the  St.  .Albert  Mission,  I  soon  found  myself  at  the  door  i>f 
the  bishop's  palace,  t<i  which  I  was  very  cordially  welcomed  by  Pore  Le  Due, 
and  thoroughly  glad  I  was  to  accept  his  hospitality  for  the  night.  During 
the  evening  I  hail  time  to  look  about  the  place,  and  collect  some  informatii'ii 
aljout  the  mission  and  the  work  that  is  being  accomplished  by  it. 

The  St.  Albert  Mission  was  established  by  Pure  La  Conibe  in  1858.  At 
that  time  there  was  no  settlement  here  or  anything  resembling  it,  (mly  a 
cam[)ing  place  for  Indians  marking  the  Bj)ot.  At  this  time  one  small  log 
house  was  built,  and  this  constituted  the  only  structure  belonging  to  the  mis- 
sion. Two  years  later  the  house  was  built  for  the  Sisters,  which  is  still  oc- 
cupierl  by  them.  This  is  a  largo  building  60  feet  by  lU),  and  two  stories  high. 
In  18(»7  Pere  La  Combo  was  succeeded  by  Pure  Le  Due.  Sister  Emery  was 
the  first  Lady  Superior,  but  in  1873  she  was  succeedi'd  by  the  present  Su- 
perior, Sister  St.  Iloch.  In  1871  Bishop  (Jratidin  was  elected  coadjutor  of  St. 
lionifaco,  and  on  the  day  of  his  election  he  was  transferred  to  the  HislKjpric 
of  St.  Albert.  To  recur  to  the  history  of  the  mission  buildings,  however,  the 
present  church  was  erected  in  1870.  It  is  a  neat-looking  frame  building,  80 
feet  by  32,  with  transepts  70  feet  long  and  a  vestry  40  feet  in  length.  There 
is  a  good  bell  iii  the  steeple,  another  in  a  strong  wooden  framework  outside, 
but  near  the  chure'.,  though  independent  of  it.  The  church  is  neatly  and 
tastofully  painted  and  decorated  inside,  and  altogether  it  is  a  credit  to  tlio 
mission  and  the  settlement. 

The  linost  building  at  the  mission  however,  and  one  of  tlio  linest,  if  not  in- 
deed the  linost,  building  in  the  North- West  Territory,  is  the  Hishop'a  palace. 
This  is  a  handsonut  frame  structure,  80  by  32  feet,  throe  stories  iiigli,  inclu- 
ding a  lar^e  attic  lighted  by  rows  of  d(»rmer  windows,  besides  a  large  and 
well-lighted  basement.     Tiiough  this  building  is  not  yet  (juite  fiii'shed,  ther«^ 



are  now  in  it  twenty-seven  rooms  ready  for  occupancy  and  furnished.  The 
drawing-room  is  very  tastefully  furnished,  one  of  the  most  striking  and  valu- 
able pieces  of  furniture  in  it  being  a  beautifully  carved  pine  sideboard.  The 
carving  on  this  (all  hand  work  of  course)  was  executed  by  Brother  Vintighen, 
an  ecclesiastical  student  now  at  the  Mission.  He  is  a  Belgian  who,  besides 
having  rare  talent  as  an  artist,  had  devoted  much  time  to  art  studies  before 
leaving  the  Old  World.  It  is  seldom  that  such  a  specimen  of  carving  as  this 
sideboard  is  seen  oiitside  collections  of  work  hundreds  of  years  old.  It  is 
well  calculated  to  impress  one  with  the  idea  that  real  wood  carving  is  rapidly 
becoming  one  of  the  lost  arts.  Indeed,  I  cannot  remember  ever  having  seen 
a  specimen  of  modern  work  that  will  at  all  compare  with  it.  In  front  of  the 
palace  on  the  lawn  stands  a  beautiful  statue  of  the  Virgin  Mary  carved  by 
the  same  hand  out  of  poplar  and  white  birch. 

f  not  in- 


,  inclu- 

irgo  and 

d,  tlier*^ 


Pere  Le  Due  this  year  purchased  100,000  feet  of  sawn  lumber  for  the  pur- 
pose of  building  a  convent  and  hospital  for  the  Sisters,  which  will  be  com- 
menced next  summer.  This  building  will  bo  100  feet  long,  40  feet  wide,  and 
three  stories  high. 

Tlie  occujjants  of  the  mission  buildings  are  as  follows  :— Bishop  Grandin, 
four  priests,  ten  lay  brothers,  five  ecclesiastical  students,  all  belonging  to  ftio 
order  of  the  Oblates  of  Mary  Immaculate.  There  are  eight  sisters,  and  six 
auxiliaries  and  girls,  about  twenty  little  orphan  boys  and  a  similar  niunber 
of  orphan  girls,  whites,  half-breeds,  and  pure  Indians.  The  little  boys  are 
schooled  for  five  or  six  years,  then  set  at  work  with  the  lay  brothers  to  learn 
a  trade,  Tlie  girls  are  under  the  care  of  the  Sisters  till  they  are  married. 
There  are  also  fourteen  boarders  at  the  school,  and  a  daily  attendance  by  the 
children  of  the  settlement  averaging  from  seventy  to  eighty.  Tlie  children 
are  taught,  besides  the  ordinary  branches,  English,  French,  and  Cree  or 


They  have  at  the  mission  now  one  blacksmith,  two  carpenters,  one  shoe- 
maker, and  one  bookbinder,  besides  farm  labourers.  The  mission  operates  a 
farm  of  I.'IO  acres,  keeps  fifty  horses  and  twenty-six  cows,  forty-six  sheep, 
twenty  oxen,  forty  young  steers,  six  mules,  and  a  large  number  of  hens  and 
ducks.  Within  the  past  year  1,000  lbs.  of  butter  and  a  lari{o  (luantity 
of  cheese  have  been  made  by  the  Sisters,  and  this  year  the  grain  product  of 
the  farm  will  foot  up  to  about  800  bushels  of  wheat  and  200  bushels  of  bar- 
ley. Of  course  the  whole  annual  product  of  the  farm  is  consumed  by  the 
missitm  itself,  which  as  yet  is  not  <|uito  self-supporting. 

The  toll-bridge  across  Stiirgoon  Uiver  opposite  the  church  was  built  at  the 
expense  of  the  mission  in  1875,  at  a  cost  of  ftl.UOO,  and  the  tolls  c(»llected 
barely  amotmt  to  enough  to  pay  interest  (tn  the  investment  and  .;eep  it  in 




,'■  *S. 


The  St.  Albert  Miasicju  property  extends  about  four  miles  clown  Sturgeon 
Ivivor  and  about  six  miles  up  the  same  stream,  including  the  frontage  on 
both  banks  of  the  river.  There  are  now  settled  on  this  property  180  families, 
making  a  total  population  of  some  900  souls  ;  but  statistics  would  have  made 
a  much  better  showing  had  it  not  been  that  in  1870  a  frightful  visitation  of 
»mall-pox  swept  away  no  less  than  300  of  the  population.  There  are  in  the 
settlement  about  2,500  acres  of  land  under  cultivation.  The  Sisters  have  a 
large  pharmacy,  and  the  Sister  Superior  is  a  thoroughly  qualified  physician. 
The  Mission  is  allowed  $5  per  head  (the  regular  Government  bounty  to  In- 
dian men,  women,  and  children)  for  all  the  Indian  orphans  whom  they  keep, 
and  Pero  Le  Due  has  proposed  to  the  Government  that  the  Mission  should 
be  paid  25c.  per  day  for  all  the  Indian  children  for  whom  the  Mission  will 
undertake  to  provitle,  oUering  at  the  same  time  to  givarantee  that  in  thirty 
years  there  shall  be  no  more  pauper  Indians  in  tlie  North- West  territory.  At 
present  Pore  Le  Due  says  that  the  Mission  is  feeding,  on  an  average,  no  less 
than  thirty  or  thirty-live  starving  Indians  daily. 

Fifteen  miles  down  Sturgeon  River  there  is  a  grist  mill  with  two  runs  of 
stones,  which  does  the  grinding  for  the  settlers. 

I  remained  over  night  at  the  Bishop's  palace,  the  guest  of  Pore  Le  Due, 
and  on  Sundcay  morning  attended  service  in  the  little  church.  Though  tlie 
<]fiy  was  intensely  cold  and  stormy,  there  was  a  very  largo  congregation,  who 
listened  with  evident  interest  to  the  sermon  by  Piire  Le  Due.  After  preach- 
ing for  about  twenty  or  twenty-five  minutes  in  French,  the  reverend  gentle- 
man gave  a  brief  synopsis  of  his  discourse  in  English,  for  the  benefit  of  those 
of  the  congregation  who  did  not  understand  French. 

In  the  afterno(m  I  was  shown  through  the  achool-houso,  whore  the  chil- 
dren (both  orphans  and  boarders)  were  assembled.  The  little  folks  looked 
very  happy  and  comfortable,  and  the  little  girls  sang  some  few  hymns  both 
in  French  and  English  very  prettily.  Just  as  these  exercises  were  concluded, 
both  the  bells  rang  out  a  merry  peal,  and  the  little  community  was  thrown 
into  the  wildest  state  of  joyous  excitement  by  the  sudden  and  rather  unex- 
pected return  of  Dishop  Grandin,  who  had  been  absent  for  some  six  months 
visiting  the  many  scattered  missions  under  his  charge. 

SETT1,EK»   AT   HT.    ALItKKT. 

While  at  St.  Albert  I  had  an  interview  with  two  well-to-do  settlers,  who 
have  made  a  home  in  this  prosperous  little  settlement.  The  first  of  those, 
William  Oust,  came  originally  from  the  County  of  Derry,  Ireland,  which  he 
left  in  1847.  Ho  had  been  trading  in  the  Peace  River  country,  but  five  years 
ago  ho  was  bought  out  by  tho  Hudson  Hay  Company,  receiving  l|2,500  in 
cash.  With  this  he  came  to  St.  Albert  to  settle,  and  connnonced  farming, 
lie  has  this  year  I  HO  acres  in  wheat,  which,  despite  tho  very  unfavcnirablii 
season,  will  yield  not  less  than  ItO  bushels  to  tho  acre  ;  35  acres  of  barley  on 
now  ground  which  will  yield  35  bushels  to  tho  aero  and  twelve  acres  of  oats 
yielding  25  bushels  to  the  acre.  Of  course  Mr.  Cast's  crops  ore  not  at  all  up 
to  the  average  this  year,  nor  were  tliey  last  year,  as  during  the  latter  part  C'f 

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have  a 
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runs  of 

Le  Due, 
DUgh  the 
;ion,  who 
ir  preach- 
ed gentle - 
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es looked 
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[V8  thrown 
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barley  on 

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t  at  all  up 

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both  summers,  when  thoy  ought  to  have  been  maturing  rapidly,  the  weather 
was  so  cold,  cloudy  and  wet  that  they  remained  almost  at  a  standstill,  and 
finally,  just  as  the  time  for  harvesting  came  on  the  farmers  were  caught  with 
a  spell  of  winter  weather,  whicli  has  this  year  compelled  them  for  the  time 
]ieing  to  suspend  operations  altogether,  so  that  unless  good  weather  should 
cuine  again  fall  ploughing  will  be  an  utter  impossibility.  Like  many  other 
pushing  and  intelligent  agriculturists  in  the  North-West,  Mr.  Oust  has  come 
to  the  conclusion  that  in  future  the  safest  and  best  plan  of  operations  will  be 
to  do  as  much  fall  sowing  as  possible,  that  is,  putting  in  spring  crops  in  the 
fall,  so  that  they  will  germinate  during  the  tirst  warm  days  of  spring,  and 
mature  for  harvest  long  before  the  early  frosts,  that  are  liable  to  visit  this 
part  of  the  country,  can  possible  reach  them.  I  am  informed  that  INIr.  lleid, 
down  at  Fort  Saskatchewan,  has  tried  i.he  experiment  of  sowing  spring  wheat 
in  the  fall,  and  that  the  results  have  been  most  satisfactory.  As  land  is  plen- 
tiful here  crops  of  this  kind  can  be  put  in  on  new  ground  without  sacrificing 
any  standing  crops,  even  should  the  current  period  of  backwiyd  springs  and 
early  winters  continue,  which  is  indeed  a  very  improbable  contingency.  As 
1  have  already  stated,  however,  Mr.  Gust  has  a  very  largo  and  valuable  crop 
this  year,  despite  the  unfavourable  season  and  notwithstanding  the  f.iut  tiiat 
labour  is  scarce  and  dear  here,  he  ia  growing  aiiJ  harvesting  his  croi-a  for  a 
very  moderate  annual  outlay.  He  employs  from  four  to  tive  men  the  year 
around,  and  supplies  the  place  of  others  with  a  very  complete  outfit  of  ai^ri- 
cultural  machinery  and  implements.  Ho  keeps  nine  work  horses,  ten  work- 
ing oxen,  fifteen  milch  cows,  and  a  largo  herd  of  young  cattle  and  sixty  breed- 
ing cows.  This  year  he  has  been  using  an  Osborne  self-binder,  which,  he  say.s, 
saves  not  only  a  groat  deal  of  labour  but  a  fair  share  of  the  grain  which  other- 
wise would  be  wasted.  Mr.  Gust  expresses  himself  as  well  satistied  with  the 
Edmonton  region  despite  the  many  drawbacks  as  to  climate  which  the  past  two 
years  have  developed.  The  prices  are  good  for  all  sorts  of  farm  produce,  and 
though  there  are  as  yet  many  ditliculties  to  contend  with,  his  own  financial 
success  furnishes  abundant  proof  that  with  all  its  drawbacks,  farming  pays 
well  here  in  the  long  run. 

I  also  had  some  conversation  with  Mr.  Maloney,  formerly  of  Gojlingwood, 
who  came  here  this  spring.  He  has  already  broken  40  acres  of  land,  and 
next  season  he  will  connnenco  farming  on  a  large  scale. 

St.  Albert  is  beautifully  located  on  the  high  sloping  shores  of  the  Sturgeon 
llivor,  and  altogether  the  settlement  is  one  of  tlie  most  beautiful  in  the  North- 







i:n  uot'Ti';  to  hatti-kkoud. 


Epmonton,  N.  W.  T.  ,  Oct.  13.— T  rotnrnod  to  Edmonton  on  Sunday  ovon- 
iufj;  and  spent  l\Ionday  atid  to-day  in  lookinj?  over  tlio  snttloniont  and  ontKt- 
tinjj;  for  my  journey  to  Mattloford.  Thouf^li  my  visit  to  Edmonton  has  been 
made  at  a  most  unfavourable  time  for  forunn;^  favourable  improasions  concern- 
ing it,  I  cannot  fail  to  recognise  the  fiict  that  it  is  yet  destined  to  V)oconie  a 
place  of  very  considerable  iujportanco.  The  soil  is  extremely  rich,  and  worked 
by  intelligent  and  industriims  farmers  it  cannot  fail  to  prove  ver)'  productive. 
Timber  is  plentiful  within  e'lsy  reach  of  any  i)art  of  the  settlement  ;  tire- 
wood  is  now  only  about  one  dollar  per  cord,  and  there  ia  plenty  of  good  bitu- 
ninous  coal  scattered  throughout  the  whole  regicm.  Indeed  some  of  the  set- 
tlers are  using  coal  in  their  houses,  but  the  euorjuons  i)ricos  charged  for  coal 
stoves  operates  with  a  groat  many  as  a  bar  to  the  use  of  coal.  A  base-burn- 
ing stove  such  as  would  cost  835  or  at  most  $40  in  Toronto,  costs  $125  hero. 
This,  however,  is  only  a  fair  sample  of  tho  exorbitant  prices  charged  for  almost 
everything  that  can  be  bought  hero.  Horsoshooing  costs  a  dollar  a  shoo,  ba- 
con is  ;50c  per  pound,  flour  loc  per  pound,  oats  are  luvrd  to  got  hold  of  at  (>ic 
per  pound.  Tiarley  is  nominally  $1  por  bushel,  but  a  settler  here  chargecl 
me  ^2  per  bushel  for  barley  that  was  nearly  half  chaff.  Only  a  very  few 
have  done  any  threshing  as  yet,  and  they  evidently  dosiro  to  profit  as  much  as 
possible  by  their  promptitude  in  getting  a  portion  of  their  thrashing  done. 
INIeals  at  all  tho  boarding  houses  cost  fifty  cents  each,  no  matter  how  plain  the 
repast  happens  to  bo,  though  in  justice  to  them,  I  am  bound  to  acknowledge 
that  considering  the  bill  of  fare  they  furnish,  and  t'  o  cost  of  provisions  here, 
1  think  their  rates  are  rather  low  than  otherwise. 

Within  the  last  few  months  what  is  called  tho  town  of  Edmonton  has 
gri>wn  very  rapidly,  while  the  iuHux  of  farmers  into  tho  settlement  has  been 
most  extraordinary.  It  is  probable  that  during  tho  season  just  past  not  loss 
than  40()  settlers  have  come  into  the  settlement  for  tho  purpose  of  remain- 
ing here,  while  others  have  called  hero  en  rotdo  to  nu)ro  remote  points.  Not 
]  )ng  ago  a  rough  census  showed  a  voting  population  of  over  850,  and  it  will 
nt  this  rate  bo  only  a  short  time  before  Edmonton  will  have  the  roquisito 
number  of  settlers  (1,000)  to  entitle  it  to  ropreaontation. 


Tho  miserable  weather  that  has  prevailed  since  my  arrival  here  has  ren- 
dered anything  like  an  exploration  of  the  coal  seams  which  abound  along  the 
Saskatchewan  an  utter  iiiipc  ssibility,  but  I  have  seen  the  coal  burning  beau- 
tifully, both  in  grates  and  in  bafio-burning  stoves,  and  from  what  I  have 




f  ovon- 
vs  been 
cotuo  ft 

it ;  tiro- 
od  bitu- 

tho  sot- 

for  co\\\ 
1*25  beiv. 
or  abnost 
shoe,  bii- 

of  at  (iJiC 

'ory  few 
mucb  lis 

[ny  done. 

plain  the 


lona  bore, 

|nton  bi\9 
baa  been 
Lt  not  less 
l{  remaiu- 
Lta.  Not 
lind  it  will 

lo  haa  ren- 
1  along  tbe 
liiug  boau- 
liat  1  have 

heard  I  have  no  doubt  that  in  a  very  few  years  coal  will  bo  cheap  and  readily 
f»btainablo  all  along  the  western  slope  of  tlio  base  of  the  Rocky  Monntains 
from  the  4J)th  parallel  away  northward  to  the  Fence  River  district,  and  I  iKi 
not  know  how  much  farther.  Some  of  these  seairis  show  themselves  for  a 
lonj?  way  alony  the  banks  of  the  Saskatchewan  and  (jther  streams  flowing  out 
of  the  mountains,  and  these  seams  run  all  the  way  from  two  feet  to  more 
than  twenty  feet  in  thickness.  The  coal  found  hero  is  much  better  than  the 
Souris  coal  and  I  imagine  that  the  day  is  not  very  far  distant  when  it  will  be 
exported  in  very  large  quantities. 


fJoid  mining  here  has  so  far  not  been  attended  with  any  very  encouraging 
results.  Fine  gold  is  found  in  the  siuid  bars  of  the  North  Saskatchewan  not 
far  west  of  Edmontcm,  but  as  yet  it  has  not  been  found  in  siiflicient  (pianti- 
ties  to  warrant  capitalists  in  investinic,  very  largely  in  it. 

To-morrow  I  shall  atart  eastward,  hoping  to  roach  IJattloford  lieforo  winter 
fairly  sets  in.  To-day  I  mana>j;ed  to  trade  une  of  niy  ponies  (Sandy)  for  tlio 
stout  pinto  stallion  that  the  half-breed  who  accompanied  ns  from  Calgary 
brought  along  with  him.  Poor  Sandy  was  sadly  reduced,  and  could  hardly 
be  dei>ended  ui)on  for  an  hour's  drive,  so  that  it  was  merely  a  choice  between 
trading  him  off  and  dropping  him  on  the  road.  Altogether  my  prospects  for 
the  next  stage  of  my  long  journey  are  not  particularly  nnfavf)urable.  My 
best  pony  (Hlanche)  is  a  trifle  lame,  but  Rowdy  (the  pony  I  purchased  at 
Bear  Hills)  is  a  fine  little  fellow  in  harness,  and  will  bo  able  lo  give  the  little 
mare  a  chance  to  recruit  by  working  in  her  place,  and  the  others,  though 
somewhat  thin,  are  in  good  heart,  and  will,  I  trust,  pull  through  all  right. 
I  have  been  able  to  secure  grain  enough  to  feed  once  a  day  on  the  journey 
to  Battleford,  unless  the  trip  proves  much  longer  than  I  expect  it  will,  and 
as  the  weather,  though  cold  (only  four  above  zero  this  morning),  is  pleasant, 
my  prospects  are  much  more  favourable  altogether  than  they  were  a  week 

I  cannot  say  that  I  have  any  regrets  at  leaving  Edmcmton,  at  this  season  of 
the  year,  at  all  events.  Edmonton  is  certainly  a  promising  settlement,  but 
at  the  same  time  there  is  no  doubt  that  is  the  best  advertised  place  in  the 
North- West,  in  proportioTi  to  its  importance.  It  is  a  very  fine  place,  but  it 
has  some  serious  drawbacks.  It  takes  a  long,  tedious,  and  expensive  jour- 
ney to  reach  Edmonton  by  any  route  the  settler  may  choose  to  take,  and 
having  reached  there,  utiIoss  he  has  everything  he  needs  along  with  him,  he 
will  find  it  a  most  expensive  place  in  which  to  exist,  to  say  nothing  of  living 
comfortably,  which,  for  a  man  not  in  really  good  circumstances,  is  absolutely 
out  of  the  ({uostion.  Indeed,  the  habit  which  settlers  and  traders  here,  and 
in  many  other  places  throughout  the  North-VVest,  have  of  practising  the  most 
ridiculous  extortion  upon  strangers,  is  hurtful,  not  only  to  the  best  inter- 
ests of  the  country,  but,  in  the  long  run,  to  their  own,  as  no  one  at  all  poated 
as  to  the  state  of  affairs  here  would  think  of  coming  to  such  places  to  buy 
supplies  if  he  could  possibly  avoid  it.     I  do  not  mean  to  say  tliat  the  habit 




I-    f 

3:( » 

■  :    I 

1 1 

of  over-charging  prevails  everywhere  throughout  the  North- West,  but  it  is 
far  more  common  than  it  ought  to  be.  Battleford  is  a  notable  exception  to 
the  rule  in  this  respect,  as  my  experience  would  lead  me  to  believe  that  there 
a  traveller  can  secure  very  fair  value  for  his  money,  when  the  cost  of  freight- 
ing is  taken  into  account.  One  of  the  most  objectionable  features  in  dealing 
with  traders  in  the  North-West  is  that  they  wish  to  give  a  stranger  real  value 
for  nothing  or  else  charge  him  three  or  four  prices  for  it,  and  it  is  really  a 
luxury  to  reach  a  place  like  Battleford,  where  he  can  meet  traders  who  will 
deal  with  one  on  thoroughly  business-like  principles. 

l.v  Camp  28  Miles  from  Edmontox,  en  route  to  Battleford,  Oct.  19. — 
I  left  Edmonton  this  morning,  and  by  half-past  ten  I  had  broken  camp  on 
the  south  side  of  the  river  and  started  eastward,  Peter  driving  ahead  and  I 
riding  behind  and  herding  the  spare  ponies.  The  first  three  and  a  half  or 
four  luilos  of  the  trail  led  us  down  to  the  steep  bank  of  Mill  Creek  and  along 
the  Valley  of  the  Saskatchewan  till  the  other  slope  of  the  valley  of  the  little 
stream  was  ascended,  and  we  had  reached  the  high  level  of  the  prairie  again. 
The  view  of  Edmonton  rrom  the  south-east  was  an  excellent  one,  the  dozen 
or  more  new  frame  clapboard  buildings  standing  out  in  bright  relief  in  the 
strong  sunlight  against  the  deep,  rich  blue  of  the  Northern  sky.  For  the 
next  three  or  four  miles  the  trail  was  good,  leading  through  choice  agricul- 
tural land,  consisting  of  fine  prairie  counirry  with  numerous  little  poplar 
bluft's,  and  occasional  little  fringes  of  grey  willow  that  marked  the  course  (^f 
some  little  marshy  stream. 

A  little  before  noon  we  came  to  one  of  these  little  streams  having  steep, 
slippery  banks,  and  it  was  with  a  good  deal  of  trouble  that  we  managed  to 
make  the  ponies  haul  the  load  through  it.  In  the  afternoon  the  country 
through  which  the  trail  passed  was  rather  lower,  but  still  good,  with  occasional 
high  ridges  aflbrding  a  commanding  view  of  the  half-wooded  prairie  that 
stretched  away  in  the  distance  in  all  directions.  Upon  the  whole,  however, 
the  land  passed  during  the  afternoon's  drive  appeared  to  me  rather  wet  and 
cold  to  be  termed  first-class  agricultural  soil,  and  this  objection  would  apply 
to  a  larj^e  section  of  this  particular  locality,  though  it  will  doubtless  be  all 
settled  up  in  time,  as  farmers  in  Ontario  are  now  making  money  ott'  sections 
of  country  vastly  inferior  to  it.  To-night  I  am  camped  about  26  miles  from 
Edmonton,  by  the  trail  we  have  come,  and  just  besid3  my  tent  is  that  of 
Priifessor  Kenaston,  with  whom  I  have  travelled  in  company  since  leaving 

Professor  Kenaston  has  been  sent  out  by  the  C.  P.  R.  Sydicate  to  look  up 
a  line  for  a  branch  from  the  r^ain  line  of  the  C.  P.  R.  to  Edmonton.  His 
course  has  been  from  Moose  Jaw  Creek,  some  fifty  miles  west  of  Qu'Appelle, 
past  the  elbow  of  the  South  Saskatchewan  and  thence  by  Hay  Lakes  to  Ed- 
montdu.  He  reports  having  seen  plenty  of  good  land  along  the  trail,  but 
that  he  had  found  the  country  between  Hay  Lakes  and  Edmonton  (a  strip  of 
some  forty  miles  wide)  very  low  and  wot.  His  course  was  considerably  south 
of  the  country  I  have  seen,  and  of  any  that  I  am  likely  to  see  on  my  present 



trip.     He  is  travelling  with  a  light  buckboard  drawn  by  two  ponies,  and  two 
carts  with  fmir  horses,  and  two  men,  one  of  whom  is  a  half-breed  guide. 

Just  as  we  were  fairly  settled  around  our  camp-fire,  after  supper  was  out 
of  the  way,  we  heard  the  tramping  of  horses'  feet  along  the  trail,  and  a  few 
minutes  later  a  waggon  and  two  carts  fetched  up  at  our  camp-tire.  I  was  not 
a  little  surprised  to  find  that  the  outfit  was  that  of  Mr.  Pagerie  and  Mr.  Fair- 
banks, his  son-in-law.  The  latter  had  remained  behind  with  the  rest  of  the 
waggons  and  carts,  but  Mr,  Pagerie  was  accompanied  by  his  wife  and  chil- 
dren, including  his  married  daughter,  Mrs.  Fairbanks,  and  her  baby.  This 
child  is  called  "  Lome,"  and  he  is  the  little  fellow  who  was  born  on  the  Salt 
Plains  this  side  of  Touchwood  Hills,  and  who  was  mentioned  in  my  journal 
at  the  crossing  of  the  South  Saskatchewan,  where  the  Governor-General's 
party  overtook  Mr.  Pagerie's  outfit  when  His  Excellency  was  coming  west. 
The  young  traveller  and  his  mother  are  looking  none  the  worse  of  their  long 
and  tedious  journey,  but  at  the  same  time  people  can  judge  of  the  great  ox- 
tent  of  this  territory  and  the  difficulties  to  be  encountered  in  traversing  it 
when  they  remember  that  Mr.  Pagerie  and  his  family  have  been  on  their  way 
from  Winnipeg  since  the  middle  of  June,  and  they  are  still  some  hours'  drive 
from  their  destination,  which  is  Fort  Saskatchewan.  There  is  sharp  frost  to- 
night, and  writing  my  journal  in  my  tent  is  anything  but  a  cheerful  occupa- 
tion, but  I  shall  probably  have  chilled  and  numb  fingers  many  a  time  Ijefore 
I  reach  the  comforts  of  civilization  again. 



1  look  up 
.on.  Uis 
los  to  Ed- 
Itrail,  but 
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•  present 

In  Camp,  51  Miles  from  Edmonton,  en  route  to  Battleford,  October  20. 
— Camp  was  broken  at  an  early  hour  this  morning,  and  a  drive  of  thirteen 
miles  (by  Professor  Kenaston's  odometer)  brought  us  to  Fort  Saskatchewan. 
The  country  through  which  the  trail  led  this  morning  was  chiefly  of  rich  black 
prairie  soil  fairly  timbered  with  small  poplar  bhifi"3.  The  region  is  admirably 
adapted  for  settlement  and  is  just  such  as  settlers  usually  look  for  in  this 
coimtry.  There  is  plenty  of  fine  open  prairie  land  for  growing  grain  and  root 
crops,  while  the  poplar  blufi'a  afford  plenty  of  fire-wood  and  logs  for  houses, 
stables,  &c.,  as  well  as  fence  rails.  There  are  a  few  settlers  scattered  along 
the  south  side  of  the  river  between  Edmonton  and  Fort  Saskatchewan,  while 
the  country  along  the  north  shore  of  the  river  is  said  to  be  well  settled  up. 

Fort  Saskatchewan  is  a  post  where  the  Mounted  Police  have  a  small  force 
in  command  of  Captain  Gagnon.      It  was  established  by  the  Mounted 



Police  in  1875.  There  is  a  stockade  (with  bastions  at  two  of  the  corners) 
enclosing  good  stables,  barracks,  officers'  quarters,  store-houses  and  other 
buildings,  constructed  of  poplar  logs.  At  present  there  are  only  a  very 
few  men  in  the  fort,  but  in  the  event  of  the  police  being  reinforced  the  num- 
ber of  men  here  will  be  considerably  increased.  On  the  opposite  side  of  the 
river  there  are  several  settlers  whose  farms  in  the  river  bottoms  look  ex- 
tremely well,  though  they,  in  common  with  other  f«,rmers  in  this  region,  lost 
considerable  through  the  backwardness  of  the  season  and  the  visit  of  early 
frosts.  Mr.  Reid,  one  of  the  settlers  on  this  flat,  last  year  tried  the  experi- 
ment of  sowing  spring  wheat  late  in  the  fall,  and  the  result  was  that  this  sea- 
son ho  had  a  fine  crop  of  excellent  wheat  which  was  harvested  in  time  to  escape 
the  early  frost  which  did  so  much  damage  throughout  the  whole  Edmonton 
region.  Other  crops  of  wheat  in  the  vicinity  of  Fort  Saskatchewan  averaged 
from  25  to  30  bushels  to  the  acre,  but  it  is  not  probable  that  the  wheat  will  be 
of  a  very  good  quality,  as  very  much  of  it  was  damaged  by  the  frost  before  it 
was  harvested.  Barley  here  averages  nearly  or  quite  tifty  bushels  to  the  acre, 
and  my  i;  formant  (Capt.  Gagnon)  assured  me  that  from  sixty  to  seventy 
bushels  of  oats  to  the  acre  was  no  uncommon  average  here.  Until  the  present 
season  all  root  crops  have  yielded  uncommonly  well,  but  the  frost  of  this  sea- 
son fastened  them  into  the  ground,  and  at  present  it  in  impossible  to  tell  how 
they  will  turn  out.   I  was  shown  a  head  of  cabbage  to-day  weighing  SOlbs. 

At  Fort  Saskatchewan  I  overtook  Mr.  H.  Grant-Dalton  and  Mr.  R.  H.  M. 
Pratt,  who,  with  an  outfit  consisting  of  two  waggons,  twelve  ponies  and  one 
servant,  were  travelling  homeward  via  Battleford,  Touchwood  and  Fort  Ellice 
to  their  homes,  which  are  at  Minnedosa  and  Portage  La  Prairie  respectively. 
They  are  both  Englishmen  who  have  spent  some  years  in  Manitoba.  They  had 
just  returned  from  a  hunting  and  pleasure  trip  from  Winnipeg  to  the  Kootenaie 
Pass  in  the  Rocky  Mountains.  They  were  accompanied  on  their  western 
journey  by  two  English  naval  officers — Captain  H.  C.  Aitchison  and  Captain 
A*  J.  W.  Musgrave.  On  the  13th  of  June  they  left  Portage  La  Prairie  with 
an  outfit  of  sixteen  ponies,  three  waggons  and  two  carts.  They  travelled 
across  the  prairie,  crossing  the  Assinniboine  at  Brandon,  and  thence  by  way 
of  Moose  Mountain,  Wood  Mountain,  Cypress  Hills  (Fort  Walsh),  and  Fort 
McLeod  to  the  mountains,  and  after  a  stay  of  a  month  in  the  Kootenaie  Pass 
enjoying  very  fair  sport,  they  returned  to  McLeod,  where  Captains  Aitchi- 
son and  Musgrave  left  the  party,  intending;  to  descend  the  Missouri  in  a  small 
boat  till  they  could  reach  steamers  by  which  they  intended  to  travel  to  Bis- 
marck or  Omaha,  and  thence  by  rail  to  the  Atlantic  seaboard.  They  had  good 
sport  both  on  the  prairie  and  in  the  mountains,  killing  antelope,  buffalo, 
mountain  sheep  and  mountain  goats.  They  had  also  capital  sport  catching 
trout  in  the  mountain  streams,  some  of  the  fish  taken  being  of  dimensions 
calculated  to  astonish  Ontario  fishermen. 

They  report  that  the  tract  of  prairie  lying  between  Brandon  and  Moose 
Mountain  is  made  up  almost  entirely  of  fine  agricultural  land,  but  that  that 
lying  betv.  jen  Moose  Mountain  and  Fort  McLeod  is  almost  worthless  for 
agricultural  purposes.  It  is  made  up  of  dreary,  barren  flats,  strongly  irapreg- 




I  other 

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.his  sea- 

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tell  how 


\.  H.  M. 

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rhey  had 

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and  Fort 
naie  Pass 
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had  good 
(,  buffalo, 

id  Moose 
that  that 
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y  impreg- 

naied  with  alkali,  alternating  with  ridges  composed  chiefly  of  gravel,  loose 
boulders,  and  sand.  West  of  Fort  McLeod,  and  from  there  to  the  Koo- 
tenaie  Pass,  they  travelled  through  very  fine  prairie  country,  where  the  land 
was  of  the  best  character,  whether  for  grazing  or  agricultural  purposes. 
They  consider  the  land  lying  between  the  iielly  and  Kooten^ie  Rivers  better 
adapted  for  cattle  and  horse  ranching  than  any  they  have  seen  on  the  whole 

In  the  afternoon  Professor  Kenaston's  outfit  and  mine  took  a  longer  trail 
than  that  taken  by  Messrs,  Pratt  and  Grant-Dalton,  and  the  result  is  that 
we  are  camped  away  from  them.  We  travelled  this  afternoon  till  sunset 
through  a  fairly  good  but  rather  low  prairie  country,  thickly  interspersed 
with  clumps  of  grey  willow  and  white  poplar.  With  a  moderate  outlay  for 
drainage  it  would  be  an  excellent  region  for  farming.  Our  camp  to-night 
is  close  to  what  is  said  to  be  the  first  crossing  of  Beaver  Creek,  but  from  the 
size  of  the  stream  we  have  just  crossed  (by  mea  ^  of  a  shaky  brush  bridge) 
I  am  inclined  to  think  it  must  be  a  branch  of  that  stream.  All  around  our 
camp  are  little  bluffs  of  poplar  and  swales,  or  sloughs,  fringed  witli  grey 
willow.  The  sunset  to-night  was  bright  and  warm,  and  there  is  every  ap- 
pearance of  tine  weather.  The  stream  is  said  to  be  only  nine  miles  from  Fort 
Saskatchewan,  but  Professor  Kenaston's  odometer  makes  the  distance 
twelve  miles,  which  is  evidently  much  nearer  the  mark.  Indeed,  the  people 
in  this  country  appear  utterly  incapable  of  judging  distances.  The  average 
half-breed  guide  or  freighter  has  not  the  slightest  idea  as  to  what  a  mile  is. 
They  will  tell  you  that  one  point  is  from  another  so  many  "days."  Now  a 
'  'day"  is  a  very  indefinite  quantity.  It  may  mean  a  day's  travel  in  December, 
when  there  are  only  a  few  hours  available  for  travelling,  when  the  carts  are 
h«avily  laden,  the  ponies  almost  played  out,  and  when  the  roads  are  in  a 
most  abominable  condition  ;  or  it  may  mean  a  day's  travel,  when  with  fresh 
ponies,  empty  carts,  and  fair  roads,  they  are  hurrying  down  to  Winnipeg  and 
crowding  nearly  fifteen  hours'  steady  jogging  into  a  day's  travel.  In  speak- 
ing of  a  short  distance,  they  will  tell  you  that  it  is  so  many  "pipes,"  which 
means  that  in  travelling  the  distance  in  question  a  freighter  will  fill  and 
smoke  his  pipe  a  given  number  of  times.  Now,  with  such  very  indefinite 
data  as  this  upon  which  to  work,  the  average  white  settler  here  is  weak 
enough  to  attempt  to  give  the  traveller  distances  as  reliable,  when  he  knows 
well  enough  that  the  next  man  questioned  will  give  a  totally  different  answer. 
To-night  there  was  the  most  brilliant  aurora  I  ever  beheld.  Instead  of  being 
axi  irregular  shifting  light  above  the  Northern  horizon  such  as  is  usually  seen 
in  Ontario,  it  consisted  of  a  bright  rainbow-shaped  luminous  zone,  white  as 
frosted  silver  and  shedding  as  bright  a  light  as  the  full  moon.  As  I  close  my 
journal  to-night  the  only  sound  that  breaks  the  stillness  of  these  unfre- 
quented wilds  is  the  mellow  muffled  clinking  of  Punch's  bell,  the  heavy 
breathing  of  my  tired  fellow-travellers,  and  the  low  booming  of  cracking  ice 
in  some  yet  unseen  lake  away  to  the  eastward. 

Beavee  Creek,  71  Miles  out  from  Edmonton-,  en  route  to  Battleford, 
Oct.  21. — The  sun  rose  in  a  mass  of  lowering  red  clouds  this  morning,  prom- 



ifliny  much  more  unfavonrablo  weather  than  that  we  have  experienced  to-day. 
We  drove  twenty  miles  (by  Professor  Kenaston's  odometer),  and  reached 
our  present  camp  at  lieaver  Creek  about  one  o'clock.  Here  we  found  Mr. 
(jrar.t-Dalton  and  Mr.  Pratt  camped  on  the  bank  of  Boaver  Creek,  which  is 
a  deep,  swift  flowing,  black-looking  stream,  with  cut  banks  and  quicksands 
on  both  sides.  At  the  time  we  reached  the  creek  Mr.  Grant-Dalton  had  just 
come  out  of  the  water  after  a  decidedly  impromptu  bath.  They  had  found 
themselves  at  the  bank  of  the  creek  with  the  boat  pulled  up  on  the  opposite 
side.  They  built  a  raft  upon  which  the  Captain  attempted  to  cross,  but 
finding  that  the  swift  current  was  rapidly  conveying  him  down  to  a  point 
where  the  shore  was  lined  with  broad  ledges  of  thin  ice,  he  took  a  "header" 
oft"  the  raft  and  swam  through  the  coH  water  to  the  opposite  shore.  At  the 
time  of  the  an'ival  of  our  party  he  had  just  returned  with  the  little  boat, 
which  is  the  only  conveyance  across  this  muddy  little  stream. 

After  a  short  deliberation  it  was  decided  to  adopt  Professor  Kenaston's 
suggestion  and  build  a  bridge,  and  as  the  representative  of  the  Syndicate  and 
an  engineer  to  boot,  he  was  entrusted  with  the  superintendence  of  the  under- 
taking. He  at  once  selected  a  point  a  short  distance  above  the  regular  cross- 
ing, where  the  stream  was  about  forty  feet  wide,  or,  perhaps,  a  trifle  more. 
This  afternoon  has  been  spent  in  an  attempt  at  bridging  this  place,  and  at 
present  wo  have  one  stringer  in  place,  but  as  the  end  this  way  rests  upon  a 
pile  of  driftwood  that  is  only  held  together  by  a  quantity  of  half-thawed  ice, 
the  general  impression  prevailing  in  the  party  h  that  the  bridge  when  com- 
pleted will  not  bo  very  safe.  Several  of  the  ponies  are  lost  to-night,  and  the 
weather  is  warm  and  threatening,  so  that  altogether  our  prospects  are  not 
very  promising. 

In  Camp.  Beaver  Creek,  North-East  side,  en  route  to  Battleford,  October 
22nd. — We  were  out  early  this  morning,  but  a  good  deal  of  time  was  lost  in 
hunting  up  the  lost  ponies,  so  that  the  forenoon  was  well  advanced  before 
we  could  turn  our  attention  to  the  crossing  of  Beaver  Creek,  which  was  the 
business  of  the  day.  Mr.  Pratt,  Mr.  Grant-Dalton,  and  myself  all  united  in; 
the  belief  that  the  "  Syndicate  Bridge"  even  if  completed,  would  not  be 
safe.  We  decided,  as  the  day  was  warm  and  pleasant,  to  try  the  expeiiment 
of  making  the  horse:;  swim  the  river.  First  we  tried  a  chestnut  stallion  at  a 
point  where  there  was  a  moderately  good  place  from  which  to  launch  him.  He 
tumbled  into  the  water  head  and  heels  and  disappeared  for  a  few  seconds,  and 
finally  came  up  in  a  half-strangled  condition,  and  at  once  Mr.  Grant-Dalton 
and  I  began  hauling  in  the  lino  to  bring  him  across  the  stream,  as  he  appeared 
strongly  inclined  to  turn  back  and  go  ashore  again  as  soon  as  possible.  As 
soon  as  he  found  out  what  we  •«  anted  he  turned  and  swam  toward  us,  but 
just  as  we  expected  to  see  him  walk  up  the  bank  he  sank  in  a  treacherous 
quicksand,  and  it  took  four  or  five  of  us,  tugging  and  hauling  with  ropes 
some  ten  minutes,  to  pull  him  out  on  dry  land,  and  even  then  he  was  so  ex- 
hausted that  he  could  scarcely  walk  away.  The  next  experiment  was  tried 
at  another  point  with  a  trifle  more  satisfactory  results,  but  the  third  animal, 
a  pretty  little  bay  mare,  was  nearly  drowned,  as  she  fell  into  the  water  back 



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not  be 
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Lm.  He 
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1  ropes 
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18  tried 
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downward  and  was  almost  strangled  before  wo  could  haul  her  ashore.  By  tlio 
tiiuo  two  more  ponies  had  been  nearly  drowned,  we  decided  that  we  should 
have  to  build  a  bridge.  It  was  lunch  time,  however,  and  we  held  another 
consultation,  during  which  Professor  Kenaston  strongly  advocated  the  com- 
pletion of  the  "Syndicate"  bridge,  insisting  that  it  was  "  all  safe." 

"  I  think,"  said  he,  as  he  finished  his  lunch,  "  that  I'll  go  up  and  look  at 
it  to  see  if  it's  all  right." 

"  You  needn't  walk  up,"  remarked  Mr.  Pratt,  who  was  lighting  his  pipe  at 
the  door  of  the  tent,  "  for  here  it  comes  now,  and  you  can  look  at  it  as  it 
floats  past."     And  sure  enough,  the  first  Syndicate  bridge  in  the  North-West 
was  drifting  down  the  dark,  muddy  stream.     Mr.  Grant-Dalton  and  Peter 
then  walked  down  and  selected  another  point  for  a  bridge,  and  all  hands  at 
once  set  to  work  to  build  a  new  bridge.     The  timber  (white  poplar),  would 
only  make  stringers  about  thirty  feet  long,  and  our  plan  was  to  build  little 
log  piers  about  six  feet  wide,  at  either  side  of  the  stream,  and  in  this  way 
make  a  secure  foundation  far  enough  out  into  the  stream  to  support  the 
stringers.     The  work  was  going  on  nicely  till  the  energetic  representative  of 
the  Syndicate   appeared  upon  the  scene,   and  without  consulting  any  one 
felled  two  large  poplars  across  the  stream,  just  at  the  point  where  the  piers 
were  being  made.     When  asked  the  reason  of  his  extraordinary  conduct  he 
replied,   "  there  are  your  stringers  already  in  place."     Of  course  the  great 
branches  on  the  trees  made  them  very  objectionable  stringers,  but  there  they 
were,  and  we  had  no  choice  but  to  use  them,  though  they  caught  every  bit 
of  driftwood  and  anchor  ice  that  was  floating  down  the  swift  current.     After 
all  hands  had  worked  hard  till  near  sundown  a  narrow  foot-bridge  of  poplar 
stringers,  covered  with  split  crossties,  brush  and  hay  was  completed.     The 
ponies  were  then  led  across  one  by  one,  and  all  but  one  of  my  ponies  and 
more  than  half  of  the  ponies  belonging  to  the  whole  of  the  outfit  had  been 
transported  when  an  unfortunate  accident  occurred,  which  proved  the  worst 
piece  of  luck  I  have  experienced  so  far  in  the  whole  trip.     "  Rowdy"  (the 
pony  I  had  bought  at  Bear  Hills)  was  always  a  troublesome  rascal  to  catch, 
and  Peter  was  following  him  to  try  and  put  the  halter  on  him  to  lead  him 
across,  when  suddenlj'  he   came  galloping  down  to  the  bridge  where  I  was 
standing.     He  reached  the  bank  some  distance  from  the  end  of  the  bridge, 
and  the  next  instant  he  made  a  spring  to  reach  the  bridge.     His  forefeet 
struck  on  the  bridge  but  his  hind  ones  sunk  in  the  water,  and  after  struggling 
along  in  this  manner  halfway  to  the  middle  of  the  bridge,  he  sank  so  low 
that  the  swift  current  caught  his  quarters  and  swept  him  under  the  bridge. 
In  a  second  or  two  his  nose  came  just  to  the  surface,  but  the  Jong-tangled 
branches  on  Professor  Kenaston's  stringers  held  him  fast,  and  though  every 
effort  was  made  to  save  him,  he  was  drowned  in  less  than  two  minutes.     This 
is  a  very  serious  loss  to  me,  situated  as  I  am,  as  I  shall  need  every  pony  in 
my  outfit  to  reach  the  railway.     Rowdy  was  a  capital  little  horse,  and  it  will 
trouble  me  to  replace  him  at  any  price.      I  shall  not  soon  forget  Beaver 
Creek  or  the  sight  of  the  poor  little  fellow  struggling  in  its  dark  waters. 





f  %^ 



The,  bridge  was  soon  repaired  and  the  rest  of  the  ponies  were  brought 
across  safely,  but  it  was  dark  before  the  job  was  completed. 

In  Camp,  1)9  Miles  from  Edmonton,  en  route  to  Battleford,  Oct  21. — To- 
day our  three  outfits  havo  travelled  28  miles  witliou  t  knowing  whether  we 
are  on  the  right  trail  or  not.  We  have  been  travelling  in  a  south-westerly 
direction  over  a  frightfully  rough  trail.  The  land,  though  low,  is  rich,  and 
well  adapted  for  farming  purposes,  and  will,  I  have  no  doubt,  be  settled  up 
in  uime  by  a  prosperous  farming  community.  To-day  the  weather  has  been 
bright  and  warm,  and  all  in  all,  we  have  hai  a  pleasant  day's  travel.  In 
the  afternoon  we  passed  close  beside  a  long  lake,  which  I  suppose  to  be  Egg 
Lake,  and  to  night  we  are  c  mped  close  beside  a  big  blutf,  which  shelters  us 
from  the  cold  breeze  from  the  north-west,  which  set  in  just  after  suti-down. 
To  the  south  of  our  camp  and  just  across  the  trail  is  a  small  lake  or  large 
slough,  with  wide,  marshy  borders,  and  our  ponies  are  all  enjoying  a  rare 
treat  off  the  long  frozen  grass  which  almost  conceals  them.  Now  that  all  is 
hushed  and  quiet,  the  wolves,  and  cayotes  are  keeping  up  a  loud 
and  inexpressibly  mournful  chorus  on  all  sides  of  the  camp.  This  is 
indeed  a  lonely  hour,  and  it  is  at  such  a  time  as  this  that  one  is  apt  to  find 
himself  carefully  weighing  the  chances  of  ever  reaching  civilization  again.  In 
spite  of  my  bad  luck  at  Beaver  Creek  I  still  have  a  fairly  good  outfit.  By  means 
of  pretty  liberal  feeding  I  have  managed  to  keep  my  horses  from  failing  any 
since  1  left  Edmonton,  and  indeed,  I  am  not  sure  but  they  are  gaining  a 
trifle  ;  but  on  the  other  hand  people  are  lost  on  these  great  plains  every  aut- 
umn. Should  winter  overtake  us  here  (and  it  is  liable  to  at  any  time),  I  am 
afraid  my  chances  of  pulling  through  with  my  ponies  would  be  seriously 
damaged,  but  if  this  good  weather  holds  for  a  few  weeks  longer,  I  hope  we 
shall  be  near  enough  the  end  of  the  railway  to  be  comparatively  safe. 

Ik  Camp,  129  miles  from  Edmonton,  en  route  to  Battleford,  Oct.  24. — We 
are  still  in  doubt  regarding  the  trail,  and  still  keeping  a  south-westerly  direc- 
tion. The  country  traversed  to-day  has  been  more  open,  but  it  is  badly 
cut  up  with  great  sloughs  and  marshes,  with  only  here  and  tl.uro  ridges  of  tine 
farming  land  running  through  it.  Altogether  the  scenery  is  more  pictur- 
esqire,  as  every  eminence  commands  a  view  of  numerous  little  ice-bound 
lakes,  which,  with  the  dark  brown  leafless  bluflfs,  come  out  in  bright  relief 
against  the  endless  stretches  of  pale  dun  prairie  grass  waving  in  the  never- 
resting  breeze. 

Our  camp  to-night  is  in  the  lee  of  a  blutf  in  a  low,  flat  peninsula  that  ia 
alm>.  -.(-  surrounded  by  half-frozen  sloughs.  To-day  1  ventured  out  on  one 
of  these  slo\jghs  to  secure  a  drink  of  pure  water.  The  result  was  that  the  ice 
broke  and  I  came  back  to  the  trail  and  remounted  mj  pony,  pretty  thoroughly 
<lren,  lied  with  ice-water,  and  with  two  ugly  cuts  in  my  right  hand.  Hero- 
after  1  shall  not  bo  very  particular  about  a  few  grass  roots,  and  bits  of  moss 
in  drinking  water.  Again  the  sun  set  in  a  flood  (>f  amber  light,  promising 
more  good  weather,  and  us  I  close  my  journal  to-night  the  howling  of  cay- 
iotos  and  wolves  ia  drowning  the  aiuaio  of  tiie  poniua'  bells, 



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In  Cajip,  154  Miles  from  Edmonton,  en  route  to  Battleford,  October  25. — 
To-day  the  weather  has  been  warm  and  clear.  Tl;e  trail  has  been  leading 
through  beautiful  rich  uplands  traversed  by  numerous  little  running  streams. 
At  one  point  we  had  to  build  a  bridge  to  cross  a  little  creek,  and  just  after 
our  noon  camp  we  lost  the  dim  trail  we  had  been  following,  so  that  all  the 
afternoon  we  had  been  travelling  by  compass.  We  are  now  trying,  by  follow- 
ing a  south-easterly  course,  to  reach  the  telegraph  trail,  which  is  said  to  be  a 
good  one,  and  to  go  straight  to  Battleford.  Late  this  afternoon  we  parted 
company  with  Professor  Kenaston,  who  took  a  more  so\itherly  course.  To- 
night we  are  camped  on  a  pretty  little  peninsula  that  is  almost  surrounded  by 
a  little  bight  in  a  deep,  narrow  stream,  which  is  probably  one  of  the  main 
tributaries  of  Vermillion  River.  This  morning,  while  the  ground  was  still 
frozen  and  slippery,  my  pony  fell  with  me  and  t  received  a  severe  wrench 
across  the  loins  by  being  pitched  over  his  head. 

Prairie  chickens  are  very  plentiful  here,  and  I  am  very  glad  of  it,  as  my 
rations  are  already  becoming  so  short  that  I  fear  I  shall  be  without  provisions 
before  I  can  reasonably  hope  to  reach  Battleford. 

Beavers  are  here  in  great  numbers.  1  saw  a  very  large  one  this  nioming, 
and  their  work  is  to  be  seen  everywhere.  To-night,  as  I  close  my  diary,  the 
wolves  and  cayotes  are  keeping  up  a  dismal  concert  on  all  sides  of  our  camp, 
their  music  being  at  times  fairly  deafening.  We  have  driven  about  twenty- 
five  miles  to-day. 

In  Cami',  179  Miles  from  Edmonton,  en  rott<e  to  Battleford,  October  26. — 
This  morning  we  set  a  snubbing-post  at  the  top  of  a  steep  bank  and  cut  a 
road  through  the  brush  down  to  the  river.  We  then  drove  the  horses  through 
the  ford,  and  fastening  a  rope  to  the  waggons,  took  a  half  hitch  around  the 
snubbing-post,  half  the  party  letting  the  vehicles  down  into  the  water  while 
the  others  hauled  them  out  with  the  horses.  We  then  set  out  across  the 
country,  and  drove  about  twenty-five  i..iles  through  a  beautiful  open  prairie 
broken  only  by  a  very  few  scattering  blufl's  and  one  or  two  small  strips  of 
marsh  land.  We  camped  to-night  beside  a  small  bluff  with  only  a  very 
limited  supply  of  wood.  .Again  the  wolves  and  cayotes  are  wailing  a  dismal 
chorus  on  all  sides  of  our  caaip,  and  of  nil  the  mournful  music  ever  listened 
to  I  think  theirs  is  incomparably  the  most  dreary. 





In  Camp,  214  Miles  fko.m  Ehmonton,  en  route  to  BattloforJ,  Octobev  27.— 
We  were  oU"  at  early  dawn  this  morning,  ami  as  the  jirairio  was  very  aiaooth 
the  whole  outfit  rolled  alonj^  at  a  rapid  rate  though  a  line,  level,  open  prairie. 
At  about  nine  o'clock  in  the  forenoon  the  long-looked  for  telej^raph  trail  waa 
reached,  and  a  few  momenta  afterwards  we  camped,  to  give  the  ponies  a  short 
rest,  intending  to  make  three  hitches.  Just  before  we  broke  this  camp  a 
small  outfit  of  Mounted  Police  rode  up.  They  are  on  their  way  from  Battle- 
ford  to  Fort  Saskatchewan  and  assort  that  they  have  been  making  forty  milea 
per  day.  According  to  this  we  must  be  still  over  two  hundred  miles  from 
Battleford,  which  seems  incredible.  Our  whole  drive  to-day  has  been  about 
thirty-five  miles.  Before  reaching  the  telegraph  trail  our  course  lay  throujjh 
fine  rolling  uplands  with  scattered  bluffs,  but  since  reaching  the  trail  the  cha- 
racter of  the  country  has  been  more  diversified,  being  made  up  of  rolling 
prairie,  with  numerous  clumps  and  occasional  long  strips  of  timber  and  hun- 
dreds of  little  frozen  lakelets.  Our  camp  to-night  is  in  a  bluff  on  the  crest  of 
a  little  spherical  mound  just  to  the  north  of  a  little  lake,  whoso  dark  blue 
waters  are  covered  with  ice  that  gleams  in  the  bright  star-light  like  a  great 
sheet  of  glass.  Professor  Kenaston  (whom  we  repassed  on  the  trail)  is  camped 
about  five  hundred  yards  west  of  us  (m  another  mound,  his  cheery  little  camp 
lire  blazing  against  the  dark  bluff  in  the  backgro\ind  like  a  great  star  just 
sinking  below  the  lu)rizon.  On  the  farther  side  of  the  lake  J  can  hear  the  in- 
cessant barkings  of  the  cayotes,  and  occasionally  the  long  dismal  wail  of  the 
W(ilf  wakes  the  echoes  away  to  the  northward. 

In  Camp,  240  milks  fuom  Eomonton,  en  route  to  Battleford,  October  28.— 
There  is  very  little  to  note  to-day.  We  have  made  about  thirty-two  miles 
along  the  trail  through  a  country  very  similar  to  that  traversed  after  reaching 
the  telegraph  trail  yesterday,  ijovely  little  lakes  are  scatteivnl  everywhere 
like  gems  of  brightest  blue  amimg  the  dun-culoured  miund-liko  hills  of  frozen 
prairie  grass,  while  hero  and  there  clamps  of  purplish  brown  leafless  trees 
stand  out  in  strong  relief  against  the  pale  yelUjw  of  the  i)rairio  and  the  deoj) 
azure  of  an  autumn  sky.  To-day  the  timber  was  more  plentiful,  the  Iiills 
larger  and  the  lakes  wider  and  lunger.  We  traversed  one  large  marsh, 
but  for  the  greater  part  of  the  diitanco  the  trail  was  levding  over  rolling,  up- 
lands of  rich  black  soil.  This  afN^rnoon  the  timber  was  becoming  more  scarce, 
and  ti>-night  camp  i*  nuido  in  ii  little  blutf  on  the  northern  slope  of  a  great 
hill  frouj  the  crest  of  which  itnmensu  stretclios  of  opon  rolling  prairie  are  to 
bo  seen  in  all  dirccticmi. 



In  Camp,  270  miles  fhom  Edmonton,  en  roi<<e  toIJatllofunl,  October  29.— 
Thia  morning  there  was  such  a  thick  fog  that  one  could  not  see  fifty  yards 
from  camp,  and  every  liml>  and  every  twig  was  covered  with  a  heavy  coating 
of  white  rime,  making  the  thick  branches  of  tlio  little  trees  in  the  bind"  look 
like  a  net-work  of  frosted  silver.  The  ponies  had  strayed  off  and  it  was  nearly 
ten  o'clock  before  they  were  hunted  up  and  in  harness  ready  for  a  start.  The 
country  traversed  to-day  was  mostly  made  \i[i  of  open  prairie,  with  a  few 
small  bluffs  of  very  small  timber,  high  long  hills  and  occasional  deep  broad 
C(  r.lees.  The  thick  fog  already  referred  to  has  contiinied  all  day,  and  every- 
tiiing  one  touches  is  cold  and  sticky.  To-night  the  horses  were  as  wet  when 
they  were  turned  out  as  if  they  had  been  travelling  all  day  in  a  drenching 
rainstorm.  Camp  is  made  to-night  almost  in  the  centre  of  a  little  burned 
blutf  on  liigh  uplands.  The  trail  to-day  led  through  some  alkali  sloughs,  but 
I  do  not  think  they  are  impregnated  strongly  enough  to  be  seriously  detri- 
mental to  the  land.  There  has  evidently  been  a  good  deal  of  snow  and  rain 
in  this  region  this  fall,  as  the  gr.ass  is  beaten  down  Hat  and  every  little  hollow 
contains  a  pool  of  frozen  water. 

In  Camp,  302  miles  from  P^omonton,  en  route  to  IJattloford,  October  30. — 
Again  our  ponies  were  missing  and  it  was  ten  o'clock  before  our  outlit  was  on 
the  trail  once  more.  In  the  forenoon  some  tifteen  miles  were  covered,  the 
trail  leading  through  open  prairie  uplands,  here  and  there  traversed  by  deep 
broad  coulees  with  stgep  banks.  All  the  forenoon  the  weatherwas  bright,  warin 
and  sunny,  but  while  we  were  in  our  noon  camp  a  cold  thick  leaden  mist 
came  stealing  swiftly  down  from  the  north-west  over  the  pale  yellow  slopes  of 
alni'ist  treeless  prairie,  and  in  less  than  an  hour  after  Hrst  observing  it  wi: 
were  enveloped  in  a  dense  cold  fog  that  brought  with  it  scattoving  flakes  of 
snow.  In  the  afternoon  wo  made  about  eleven  miles  through  low-lying 
marshy  country,  but  the  mist  and  drizzling  rain  aiid  snow  that  overtook  us  at 
noon,  continued  to  envelop  us.  Camp  is  made  to-night  iu  a  little  cleared 
place  in  the  centre  of  a  big  bhilf,  and  as  there  is  plenty  of  wood  we  have  a 
roaring  camp  fire,  but  for  all  that  this  is  a  cheerless  night.  Indeed  this  late 
travelling  across  the  prairie  is  at  best  dreary,  cheerless  work,  and  I  shall  be 
heartily  glad  when  I  can  say  good-l)yo       it. 

In  Camp,  322  miles  from  EnMoNToy,  <»(  roit^c  to  Battleford,  Oct.  31  -We 
have  nuide  twenty  miles  a  day  through  a  rather  low-lyinj(  country  somowiiat 
cut  up  with  sloughs  and  maraheB.  Though  the  drive  has  been  a  short  one 
the  ponies  have  had  a  hard  time  of  dragging  the  wa^'gous  thro\igh  deep  half- 
frozen  sloughs  and  mud-holes.  The  land  here  is  rich,  but  will  re(iuire  con- 
siderable drainage  before  it  can  bo  of  much  value  for  agricultural  pin[)oseR. 
.\t  no(m  wo  took  it  for  granted  that  we  could  not  bo  more  than  twenty  miles 
from  Battleford,  but  before  we  were  half  an  hour  out  of  our  noon  camp  we 
came  upon  the  camp  of  a  half-breed  trader  on  his  way  to  a  new  suttlenunt  on 
l>attlo  River,  who  imparted  to  us  the  cheering  intelligence  that  we  had  still 
Some  eighty  miles  to  travel.  Fortunately  we  were  able  t(»  buy  provisions  from 
the  trader,  as  the  supplies  of  the  whole  outfit  wore  becoming  alarmingly 






short.  Having  thtis  supplied  ourselves  with  plenty  of  provisions  we  decided 
to  give  the  ponies  a  rest,  and  to  that  end  we  went  into  camp  shortly  after 
passing  the  trader's  camp. 

Camp  t(j-night  is  made  just  a  little  to  the  north  of  the  trail,  in  the  lee  of  a 
big  bluff  that  afFor<ls  a  complete  shelter  from  the  cold,  frosty  breeze  that  ia 
blowing  from  the  north-west. 

In  Camp,  348  miles  from  Edmonton,  en  route  to  Battleford,  Nov.  1. — The 
weather  is  still  bright  and  cold.  We  drove  cwenty-six  miles  to-day  through  an 
excellent  farming  country.  The  soil  is  rich  and  strong  and  very  fairly  supplied 
with  timber  in  little  bhilfs  scattered  over  low  rolling  prairie.  Toward  even- 
ing we  passed  through  several  bad  sloughs  and  finally  camped  in  a  cosy 
little  nook  completely  sheltered  on  every  side  by  thick  bluffs.  We  have 
plenty  of  wood  and  a  cheerful  camp-fire  to-night,  but  this  long  journey  is  be- 
coming a  very  Avearisonie  one.  All  day  luu;^  one  only  looks  fcjrward  to  his 
nightcamp  and  the  pleasure  of  wrapping  himself  in  frosty  blankets  and  stretch- 
ing on  the  frozen  ground  till  morning. 

In  Camp,  383  milks  fkom  Eomonton,  en  route  to  Battleford,  Nov.  2. — Tlie 
cnmp  was  astir  at  half-past  three  this  morning,  and  the  waggons  were  on  the 
move  as  the  first  streaks  of  daylight  were  showing  themselves  in  the  east. 
Tliis  was  a  beautiful  bright  morning,  and  as  the  sun  broke  above  the  horizon 
the  frost-covered  yellow  prairie  grass  was  lighted  up  with  its  rays  till  every 
knoll  looked  as  though  it  had  been  clothed  wii,L  a  rainbcrtv-coloured  mantle  of 
diamonds,  rubies  and  emeralds.  The  trail  was  good  tt)-day,  and  by  dint  of 
brisk  driving  the  outfit  covered  some  thirty-five  miles.  The  country  through 
which  we  have  been  travelling  is  fine  rolling  prairie,  with  a  very  fair 
supply  of  moderate-sized  timber  in  blufl's  scattered  in  all  directions.  From 
some  of  the  high  ridges  we  crossed  this  afternoon  tine  views  were  had  of  the 
surrounding  prairie,  the  pvirplo  bronze  of  the  leafless  bluffs  contrasting  pret- 
tily with  the  pale  dun  of  the  great  broad  stretches  of  frozen  prairie  grass 
reaching  away  in  all  directions.  Towards  evening  great  purplish-black  walls 
of  timber  were  seen  rising  both  north  and  south  of  us,  which  means,  I  sup- 
pose, that  we  are  approaching  the  confluence  of  the  North  Saskatchewan  and 
IJattle  River,  close  upon  which  Battleford  is  situated.  Our  camp  to-night 
is  a  little  south  of  the  trail  in  the  lee  of  a  little  bluff.  This  is  a  bright,  cold 
stai-light  night,  and  the  temperature  is  so  low  that  we  may  expect  winter  at 
any  hour. 

Battlkfoki),  No.  5. — We  reached  here  on  the  3rd  inst. ,  after  a  drive  of 
thirteen  miloE  fnnn  the  camp  at  which  I  wrote  the  last  instalment  of  this 
journal.  The  estimate  of  the  distance  travelled  from  Edmonton  by  Mr. 
Vratt,  Mr.  Orant-Dalton,  and  myself  was  nearly '400  miles,  while  Professor 
Kenaston,  who  steered  a  rather  better  course  than  we  did,  made  the  odometer 
measurement  foot  \ip  to  3(18  miles,  but  it  is  very  evident  that  wo  must  have 
come  a  round-about  course  as  Mr.  King  and  others,  who  have  gone  over  the 
trail  with  an  odometer,  make  the  distance  DO  miles  less.  I  must  confess  how 
ever,  that  I  am  at  a  loss  to  understand  liow  such  an  extraordinary  discrepancy 



should  exist  in  the  odometer  measurements  even  after  due  allowance  is 
made  for  any  possible  deviations  that  we  could  possibly  have  made  from  the 
most  direct  route. 

Battleford,  the  metropolis  of  the  North- West  Territory  is  in  quite  as  thriv- 
ing a  condition  as  when  I  first  saw  it  on  the  occasion  of  Lord  Lome's  visit 
here  last  summer.  We  had  not  finished  making  camp  before  the  hospitalities 
of  Government  House  were  extended  to  the  whole  party,  but  as  we  have  still 
a  great  deal  of  camping  out  to  do  we  all  decided  to  make  our  tents  our  homo 
during  our  stay  here,  though  of  course  we  were  very  grateful  for  the  kind  in- 
vitations extended  to  us  by  His  Honour  Lieutenant-Governor  Laird,  Colonel 
Herchmer,  Mr.  Forget  (Secretary  of  State),  and  Colonel  Richardson  (Sti- 
pendiary Magistrate).  What  with  calling  on  our  many  hospitable  friends 
and  making  preparations  for  the  long  journey  to  Touchwood  Hills,  our  time 
has  been  very  fully  occupied  since  our  arrival  here. 

While  Edmonton  had  suDfered  through  a  cold,  wet  season  and  early  frosts, 
Battleford  has  been  favotired  with  crops  quite  as  good  as  the  farmers  ex- 
pected when  I  passed  through  here  on  my  way  west.  The  grain  crops  were 
all  harvested  in  good  order,  and  many  of  the  farmers  saved  their  root  crops 
before  the  frost.  Some,  however,  were  overtaken  by  the  cold  snap,  and  as  a 
conse<iuence  potatoes  are  likely  to  command  a  high  price  next  spring.  At  the 
police  farm  here,  which  consists  of  only  twenty-five  acres  adjoining  the  fort, 
1,000  bushels  of  oats,  besid(38  a  large  quantity  of  potatoes,  were  raised.  This 
large  supply  of  oats  only  costs  the  country  35c.  per  bushel,  while  the  contract 
prfce  which  the  Government  pays  the  Hudson  IJay  Company  for  oats  at  this 
post  is  $'2  per  bushel.  To-day  1  \.a8  shown  a  little  field  of  only  about  five 
acres,  upon  which  the  owner  had  hired  all  the  work  done.  Ho  raised  potatoes 
and  oats,  and  the  net  profits  were  no  less  than  ^500.  An  idea  of  the  cost  of 
living  here  and  at  Edmonton  can  be  had  by  a  comparison  of  prices.  Hero 
the  best  tiour  ecu  be  had  for  $20  per  barrel,  while  a  telegram  from  Edmonton 
says  that  flour  is  difficult  to  obtain  there  at  !^J0  per  barrel.  Oats  can  be 
bought  here  at  $1.35  per  bushel,  while  there  it  was  difficult  to  buy  oats  at 
any  price,  C^c.  per  pound  being  the  price  charged  me  for  some  [  managed  to 
secure.  Good  butter  can  be  had  here  for  50c.  per  pound,  while  an  excellent 
(piality  of  cheese  can  be  bought  for  30c. 

Yesterday  a  mail  from  Cypress  arrived  hero,  bringing  the  news  that  the 
iJloods  and  Blackfeet  had  just  returned  from  a  horse-stealing  raid  that  they 
had  made  upon  the  Crows  south  of  the  boundary-line.  They  had  only  very 
iudirtVrent  success.  They  did  not  bring  back  a  single  stolen  pony  ;  they  re- 
cuivedasound  thrashing,  and  came  home  decidedly  crestfallen,  after  leav- 
ing the  bodies  of  some  of  their  best  men  on  the  American  prairie.  It  is  to  bo 
hoped  that  nil  these  international  raids  may  in  future  turn  out  in  a  similar 

It  i'j  with  sincere  regret  that  I  look  forward  to  resuming  the  trail  to-mor- 
row. Battleford  is  a  cheerful,  pleasant  place  in  which  to  stay,  even  in  bad 
weather,  and  with  the  first  hour's  svuishino  the  ground  becomes  dry,  and  the 
whole  country  wears  a  cheery  aspect.     There  is  certainly  not  a  spot  in  the 



L    ~ 

Nortli-West  that  has  been  more  grossly  slandered  than  this,  but  I  am  fully 
convinced  that,  in  spite  of  all  the  hard  things  that  have  been  said  of  it,  it 
is  destined  to  become  a  place  of  very  considerable  importance.  It  must  in 
time  become  the  natural  outlet  for  the  produce  of  a  very  large  and  extremely 
fertile  and  productive  section  of  country.  I  have  already  had  something  to 
say  about  the  country  lying  to  the  south  and  west  of  it,  and  I  may  add  tliat 
from  the  most  reliable  information  I  can  gather  there  is  a  very  large  and  fer- 
tile tract  of  land  lying  to  the  north  of  the  Saskatchewan,  the  whole  of  which 
must  find  an  outlet  here.  The  country  to  the  south  of  Battleford  is  of  such 
a  character  that  heavy  bull-trains  could  be  driven  through  it  with  perfect 
safety,  and  a  freighting  route  could  easily  be  established  between  this  point 
and  Calgary  or  McLeod  by  establishing  good  ferries  on  Red  Deer  and  Bow 
Rivers.  As  regards  Edmonton  this  would  be  impossible,  as  the  country 
around  it  is  so  soft  that  it  is  almost  impossible  to  pass  through  it  with  loaded 
carts,  to  say  nothing  of  those  enormously  heavy  freighting  waggons.  As  a 
point  for  settlement  I  have  seen  nothing  in  the  whole  North -West  that  sur- 
passes Battleford.  Its  soil  does  not  look  so  rich  and  black  as  that  around  Ed- 
monton :  but  for  all  this  the  farmers  are  raising  excellent  crops,  and  in  addition 
to  this  the  seasons  are  reliable,  and  the  soil  is  very  easily  worked.  Indeed  it  is 
a  cause  of  constant  surprise  to  me  that  so  many  settlers  have,  during  the  past 
season,  gone  past  Battleford  (which  is  easily  accessible),  and  encountered  the 
difficulties  incident  to  reaching  Edmonton,  where  for  the  past  two  years  the 
seasons  have  been  very  unreliable. 

Another  reason  why  Battleford  is  preferable  to  many  other  points  in  \he 
North- West,  is  that  the  Indians  are  not  at  all  likely  to  bo  troublesome  here. 
Every  band  in  this  neighbourhood  is  making  some  attempt  at  farming,  and 
the  result  is  that  they  are  comfortable  and  contented  as  compared  with  the 
Bloods  and  Blackfeet  in  the  South.  Hayter  Reid,  the  Indian  agent  here, 
gives  very  'encouraging  accounts  of  the  condition  of  the  red  men  under  his 
charge,  and  in  his  office  I  saw  s.amples  of  grain  grown  on  the  reserves  by  the 
Indians  themselves,  which  were  very  fair  indeed.  Mr.  Reid  had  just  re- 
turned from  a  visit  to  the  Indians  at  Fort  Pitt,  north  of  the  Saskatchewan, 
but  owing  to  the  unfavourable  season  and  the  early  frosts,  their  crops  had 
been  nearly  or  quite  a  failure. 


At  Battleford  another  traveller  joined  our  outfit.  This  was  Mr.  J.  J. 
McHngh,  the  agent  from  tlie  Indian  supply  farm  at  Fisli  Creek,  near  Calgary. 
It  will  be  remembered  that  in  an  earlier  portion  of  this  journal  I  mentioned 
the  fact  that  Messrs.  McHugh  and  Stimson  intended  going  down  How  Hiver 
ind  the  South  Saskatcliowan  to  a  landing  near  Prince  Albert.  Thoy  started 
down  Bow  River  in  company  with  a  large  survey  party  who  had  just  returned 
from  tlio  exploration  of  the  How  River  Pass  in  the  Rocky  Mountains.  They 
managed  to  reach  the  Blackfoot  crossing  on  Bow  River,  and  there  thoy  found 
themselves  frozen  in,  and  thoy  could  proceed  no  further  in  that  direction. 
After  waiting  some  six  or  seven  days,  Mr.  McIIugh  decided  to  come  across 



by  the  Governor-General's  trail  to  BattlefDrd  for  the  purpose  of  overtaking 
me  at  that  point.  He  reached  here  some  days  ago  after  having  crossed  the 
plain  with  two  ponies  and  a  cart  in  company  with  a  half-breed  horse-buyer. 
On  their  way  over  they  saw  a  small  band  of  Montana  cattle  which  they  fol- 
lowed for  some  eight  or  ten  miles,  supposing  them  to  be  buffalo. 

Here  Mr.  McHugh  abandons  his  cart,  and  with  his  two  ponies  joins  my 
outfit.  Hitherto  Mr.  Pratt  and  I  have  been  riding  on  horseback  and  herding 
the  spare  ponies,  and  on  leaving  here  we  will  have  Mr.  McHugh  along  with 
us,  his  other  pony  taking  his  turn  with  mine  in  hauling  the  waggon. 


Last  evening  I  spent  some  time  in  looking  over  the  barracks  here,  which 
are  in  command  of  Superintendent  Herchmer  aid  Inspector  Antrobus. 
Everything  appeared  to  be  in  the  most  perfect  order,  but  what  surprised  me 
most  wus  the  admirable  condition  to  which  the  heavily- worked  horses  used  in 
transporting  the  Governor-General  and  party  have  already  been  brought. 
Nearly  all  of  these  are  already  looking  healthy  and  in  very  fair  order,  though 
of  course  they  will  be  soft  and  imfit  for  very  severe  work  for  some  months  to 
come.  Only  ten  out  of  the  whole  lot  used  were  left  dead  in  the  road,  and 
nearly,  and  indeed  I  think,  all  the  others  will  be  fit  for  moderate  work 
this  winder.  This  certainly  speaks  well  for  the  manner  in  which  these  horses 
have  been  cared  for,  while  the  death-rate  among  them  was  very  much  lower 
than  anyone  who  knows  anything  of  travelling  ia  the  North-West  could  have 

The  Police  Fort  at  Battleford  is  the  neatest  and  most  comrlete  in  its  ap- 
pointments of  any  I  have  seen  in  the  North-West. 

I  have  not  seen  the  head-quarters  at  Cypress  Hills. 

The  barracks  and  officers'  quarters  are  comfortable  and  commodiouB,  and 
everything  about  the  whole  place  is  kept  scrupulously  clean  and  in  good  or- 
der, and,  in  short,  everything  indicates  thoroughly  good  and  soldierly  con- 
duct on  the  part  of  the  men,  and  the  strict  and  constant  enforcement  of  tho- 
rough discipline  by  the  officers. 

To-day  the  rain  has  been  falling  almost  incessantly,  and  our  camp,  which 
is  on  a  low  flat,  threatens  to  be  so  flooded  that  we  will  have  to  move  out  of 
it  to-morrow  morning,  rain  or  shine. 




;  s 





In  Camp,  Two  Miles  East  of  Government  House,  Battlefoud,  en  routi: 
to  Touchwood  Hills,  Nov.  C. — This  morning  our  camp  in  Battle  River  bot- 
toms was  so  wet  and  uncomfortable  that  we  decided  to  turn  out  and  drive  to 
a  point  where  we  could  find  a  better  place  in  which  to  pitch  our  tents,  and 
make  a  comfortable  start  to-morrow  (Monday)  morning.  Had  we  decided  to 
take  what  is  known  as  the  "  hill  trail  "  to  the  South  Saskatchewan,  we  could 
have  driven  up  the  steep  slope  upon  which  a  portion  of  the  village  now 
stands,  and  reached  dry  ground  in  five  or  ten  minutes.  By  the  advice  of  a 
inmber  of  B.ittleford  people,  however,  we  took  the  river  trail,  and  this  led 
US  down  the  valley  of  Battle  River  and  the  Saskatchewan  for  about  two  miles, 
when,  by  ascending  a  high  hill  that  was  both  steep  and  slippery,  we  reached 
our  present  encampment,  which  is  just  outside  the  city  limits  of  Battleford. 
The  weather  is  still  dull  and  threatening,  and  I  cannot  help  thinking  that  win- 
tor  is  at  last  close  upon  us.  We  are  now  on  the  edge  of  Eagle  Hills,  a  high  range 
that  runs  south  from  the  Saskatchewan,  just  east  of  Battleford.  The  soil 
all  through  Eagle  Hills  is  said  to  be  very  rich,  and  I  learn  that  the  Indians 
and  the  few  settlers  who  have  located  here  are  doing  remarkably  well. 

In  my  journal  last  September  I  remember  to  have  alluded  to  a  range  of 
Buialler  hills  just  south-west  of  Battleford  as  a  spur  of  the  Eagle  Hills.  I 
was  misinformed,  however,  as  the  range  then  referred  to  is  called  by  the 
Crees  the  "  Sliding  Hills."  It  seems  that  the  Crees  hold  that  Noah  formerly 
lived  in  this  country,  but  that  he  finally  made  up  his  mind  to  go  to  England, 
wliere  he  is  still  living  and  **  doing  well."  He  accordingly  rolled  up  his 
blankets  and  started  on  his  way,  but  as  he  reached  the  crest  of  the  highest 
hill  in  this  range  his  heels  slipped  from  under  him  and  he  sat  down  with 
such  emphasis  that  he  did  not  regain  hij  feet  till  he  had  reached  the  bottom 
of  the  valley. 

In  Camp,  1G  Miles  from  Battleford,  en  route  to  Touchwood  Hills, 
Nov.  7. — This  morning  the  weather  was  bright  and  pleasant,  but  this  after- 
noon it  turned  cold  and  cloudy,  and  to-night  as  we  rolled  into  camp  there 
was  a  brisk  snow  storm  in  progress.  All  day  long  wo  have  been  dragging 
up  .and  down  ^igh  slipper  ills  and  through  horrible  mudholes  and  sloughs. 
The  land  is  rii. II  and  the  growth  of  grass  and  wild  shrubbery  is  luxuriant, 
but  the  surface  of  the  country  is  so  rough  and  broken  up  that  much  of  it 
must  be  practically  worthless  for  many  years  to  come.  There  are,  however, 
many  fine  plateaus  and  broad  rich  valleys    that    would  aff'ord   locations  for 




1— SHEEl' 

en  routu 
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we  could 
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nations  for 

choice  claims.  To-night  camp  is  made  in  the  lee  of  a  large  bluff  to  the  north 
of  the  trail.  It  has  been  snowing  all  the  evening  and  at  one  time  it  looked 
as  though  we  might  be  unable  to  take  our  w.igLjons  any  further.  As  I  close 
my  journal,  however,  the  eastern  horizo'^  .las  cleared,  and  just  now  the  full 
moon  rose  in  a  fljod  of  pale  yellow  light  of  wondrous  brilliancy,  and  tJie 
loafloss  frosted  limbs  of  a  projecting  point  of  bluff  wrought  a  fanciful  net- 
work of  black  and  silver  across  her  brigh  lisc  and  the  amber  halo  abost 
her.  Above  this  z  >ne  of  clear  sky  hung  a  great  dark  cloud  curtain,  with 
tliick  billowy  festoons  of  lemon  gold,  and  pure  glittering  silver. 

Ix  Camp,' 46  Miles  FROM  Battlepoud,  enronte  to  Touchwood  Hills, 
Nov.  8. — This  morning  the  weather  was  clear  and  bright  and  we  made  excel- 
lent time  over  the  hard,  frozen  trail.  There  were  some  very  bad  creeks  and 
ugly  frozen  hills,  where  we  were  compelled  to  dismount  and  all  hands  tu.j  at 
the  wheels  and  the  backs  of  the  waggons  nearly  the  whole  way  up  the  hill.  In 
one  place  one  of  Mr.  Grant-Dalton's  teams  both  fell  on  a  slippery  hill,  and 
the  whole  weight  of  the  load  rested  for  a  few  seconds  on  the  shoulders  of 
those  of  us  who  were  pushing  from  behind.  All  along  to  tha  south  of  m  to- 
day we  could  see  the  snow  lying  thick  on  the  higher  peaks  of  Eagle  Hills, 
but  along  the  trail  there  was  little  or  none  of  last  night's  snow  to  be  suen. 
The  country  traversed  in  the  forenoon  was  made  up  of  excellent  soil,  though 
it  is  somewhat  hilly  and  cut  up  by  numerous  creeks,  with  heavy,  steep  batiks. 
This  afternoon  the  trail  led  through  stony  uplands  that  would  not  be  very 
suitable  for  agricultural  purposes.  It  must  be  remembered,  however,  that 
the  trail  we  are  following  leads  close  along  the  south  shore  of  the  North  Sas- 
katchewan, and  I  am  informed  that  the  country  a  few  miles  to  the  south  is  of 
the  choicest  quality.  Late  this  afternoon  Messrs.  Pratt,  McHugh,  and  my- 
self were  herding  the  ponies  nearly  or  qnite  a  mile  behind  the  waggons.  We 
expected  every  moment  to  come  in  sight  of  bluffs  where  we  could  camp  for 
the  night,  and  in  consequence  we  were  careless  about  keeping  the  ponies  close 
upon  the  leaders.  Presently  we  lost  sight  of  the  waggons,  and  darkness 
coming  on  very  suddenly  the  kyuses  took  it  into  their  heads  that  it  was  time 
to  camp  whether  we  wished  to  or  not.  They  accordingly  began  feeding  along 
the  trail,  and  as  often  as  we  would  attempt  to  di  ve  them  ahead  they  would 
scatter  in  all  directions  instead  of  following  the  trail  in  a  compact  band  as 
they  usually  do.  Presently  it  became  so  dark  that  we  could  not  see  a  pony 
rifty  yards  away,  and  it  was  only  by  repeatedly  counting  them  that  we  could 
assure  ourselves  that  we  were  bringing  them  along  with  us.  On  wo  tru  Iged 
mile  after  mile  in  the  darkness  not  knowing  whether  we  had  pissed  the  camp 
or  not.  The  night  was  bitterly  cold,  and  of  course  we  had  no  blankets  with 
us,  but  we  decided  to  face  the  situation  and  camp  for  the  night  at  the  bittom 
of  the  valley  into  which  we  were  descending,  but  on  reaching  there  we  found 
the  rest  of  the  out&t  just  making  camp  there,  near  the  margin  of  a  small  creok 
(one  of  the  branches  of  Eagle  Creek),  and  we  were  not  long  in  becoming  com- 
fortably ensconced  in  Messrs.  Pratt  and  Grant- Dalton's  tent,  with  a  brisk 
fire  roaring  in  the  little  camp  stove.  '  ir  touts  are  pitched  to-night  iu  a 
little  nook  that  is  sheltered  by  high  h.      on  the  east,  west,  and  south,  while 





a  heavy  clump  of  bush  protects  us  from  the  north  wind.     On  these  cold  nightsj^ 
with  the  mercury  down,  almost  to  zero,  camping-out  has  none  of  the  attnict- 
ions  that  make  it  so  popular  with  pleasure-seekers,  and  the    hope   of    soon 
reaching  the  comforts  of  home  again  is  our  only  consolation.     Should  winter 
overtake  us  in  this  region  it  is  by  no  means  certain  that  we  shall  ever    reach 
civilization  again.     Our  ponies  are  nearly  all  somewhat  stale,  and  not  a  few 
of  them  show  signs  of  leg-weariness.     I  still  have  two  of   the    ponies     with 
which  I  started  from  Carlton  last  summer,  and  Punch  and  Blanche  are,  I  anv 
happy  to  say,  still  in  good  working  trim,  though  they  have  travelled  over  2,0  )U 
miles  each  since  last  June.     My  other  two  are  stillkeeping  up  to  the  work  well, 
but  I  cannot  reasonably  expect  the  whole  four  to  hold  out  all  the  way  to  tiie^ 
end  of  the  railway,  if  snow  should  overtake  us  before  we  pass  Touchwood 
Hills.     One  of  Mr.  McHugh's  ponies  (a  roan  gelding  that  I  drive  with    the 
always  reliable  Punch)  is  already  hanging  out  signals  of  distress,  and   I    fear 
he  will  not  last  much  longer.     Of  the  twelve  ponies    belonging   to    Messrs. 
Pratt  and  Grant-Dalton's  outfit  four  have  done  tha  round  trip,  and  are  still 
doing  very  well.     A  fifth  has  done  the  whole  trip,  but  she  has  been    useless 
since  she  was  nearly  drowned  in  Beaver  Creek,  and  it  is  not  likely  that    she 
will  be  fit  for  any  more  work  this  season.     The  other  seven  ponies  in   their 
outfit  are  recruits,  but  all  show  signs  of  the  tremendous  ordeal  through  whic'i 
they  hnve  passed.     It  is  now  very  cold  for  camping  out,  but  as  Messrs.  Grant- 
Dalton  and  Pratt  have  an  excellent  camp-stove  in  their  tent  they  have  kindly 
invited  Mr.  McHugh  and  myself  to  spend  our  evenings  with  them.     Where 
wood  is  scarce  all  three  waggons  carry  fuel,  and  Mr.  McHugh,  Peter,   and  I 
do  our  cooking  and  eating  in  the  b'g  tent.     In  tiis  connection  I  would  mo3t 
unhesitatingly  advise  any  one  who  contemplates  a  trip  through    the  North- 
West  to  carry  a  camp  stove.    It  is  a  light  and  compact  piece    of   furniture, 
and  in  cold  weather,  or  when  travelling  where  wood  has  to  be  packed  on  the 
waggons,  it  will  pay  for  itself  in  a  very  few  days'  travel. 

In  Camp,  71  Miles  from  Battleford,  en  route  to  Touchwood  Hills,  Nov. 
9. — This  morning,  while  Mr.  Pratt  and  I  were  bringing  the  ponies  to  camp,. 
He  mounted  one  of  the  lot  in  order  to  herd  the  rest,  and  no  sooner  was  he 
on  his  back  than  the  brute  began  to  "  buck  "  in  the  most  energetic  manner, 
but  as  Mr.  Pratt  is  an  accomplished  horseman  he  kept  bis  seat  securely 
enough  till  the  pony  missed  his  footing  and  came  down  on  his  head.  This  un 
seated  his  rider,  of  course,  and  unfortunately  he  came  down  with  tremen- 
dous force  upon  a  stone,  inflicting  such  serious  injury  that  I  am  afraid  the 
socket  of  his  hip  is  fractured.  This  has  rendered  it  necessary  for  Mr.  Grant- 
Dalton  to  take  his  place  in  the  saddle  and  allow  the  injured  gentleman  to  * 
drive  one  of  the  waggons,  though  his  hurt  is  such  a  severe  one  that  even 
the  slightest  jolting  of  the  waggon  is  very  painful  to  him.  Mr.  McHugh  is 
also  very  much  used  up  with  a  bad  cold,  sn  that  our  prospects  are  not  very 
cheering,  especially  as  the  barometer  is  falling  and  the  mercury  is  only  lU'' 
above  zero.  Indeed  our  camp  to-night  is  anything  but  a  cheery  one.  No 
one  talks  of  the  future,  but  I  am  sure  there  is  not  one  in  the  whole  outfit 
who  does  not  experience  rueful  forebodings  concerning  it.     We  can  only  do 



I  night 8>. 
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to  camp, 
er  was  he 

;  securely 
h  tremen- 
afraid  the 
[r.  Grant- 
itleman  to 

that  even 
IcHugh  is 
e  not  very 
a  only  10* 

one.  No 
hole  outfit 
an  only  do 

o;ir  best,  and  trust  to  a  merciful  Providence  for  the  rest.  By  our  own  esti- 
mate of  pace  we  have  made  about  twenty-five  miles  to-day.  We  have  crossed 
both  branches  of  Eagle  Creek,  and  leaving  the  North  Saskatchewan  near  the 
elbow,  were  it  turns  off  in  a  north-easterly  direction  toward  Carlton,  we 
struck  out  across  the  open  prairie  for  Clarke's  crossing  of  the  South 

For  the  first  few  miles  this  morning  the  trail  led  along  fine  uplands,  from 
which  we  were  enabled  to  take  our  last  look  at  the  great  dun-coloured  slopes 
away  to  the  north  of  the  river,  where  the  purple  bronze  of  the  leafless  bluffs 
contrasted  richly  with  the  limitless  stretches  of  pale  yellow  prairie  grass,  a 
glorious  boundless  expanse  that  will  some  day  be  dotted  over  with 
countless  farm  houses,  and  be  the  home  of  a  hardy,  wealthy,  and  prosperous 
community,  but  which  is  now  only  pressed  by  the  stealthy  tread  of  the  cayote 
as  he  chases  the  timorous  hare,  where  even  the  lonely  moose  is  seldom  dis- 
turbed by  the  prowling  half-starved  savage. 

As  we  left  the  bank  of  the  great  prairie  stream  of  the  north  we  passed 
through  broad  stretches  of  treeless  plain,  where  the  soil  is  both  rich  and  dry, 
but  the  presence  of  many  small  boulders  is  likely  to  render  it  unpopular  with 
farmers  so  long  as  the  settler  has  so  much  choice  country  from  which  to  select . 
We  were  compelled  to  drive  till  dark  in  order  to  reach  water,  and  our  camp 
to-night  is  in  the  centre  of  a  small  clump  of  bushes  near  an  old  well  where 
there  is  but  a  scanty  supply  of  water.  This  is  a  bright,  moonlight  night, 
clear  and  frosty.  As  usual  the  cayotes  are  keeping  up  a  dismal  concert  on 
all  sides  of  us,  but  I  am  quite  as  accustomed  to  this  as  I  am  to  the  music  of 
the  cow-bells  worn  by  "  Punch  "  and  "  Moses." 

In  Camp,  100  miles  from  Battieford,  tn  route  to  Touchwood  Hills, 
Nov.  10. — This  morning  Mr.  Pratt  was  so  much  better  that  it  is  very  evi- 
dent that  his  hurt  \/a8  only  a  bjuise,  and  it  is  to  be  hoped  that  in  a  few 
days  he  will  be  all  right  again.  Mr.  McHugh,  on  the  other  hand,  grows 
steadily  worse,  and  we  have  fears  that  he  may  not  be  able  to  continue  the 
journey  further  than  the  South  Saskatchewan.  There  is  very  little  to  note  re- 
garding our  journey  to-day.  We  have  travelled  some  29  miles  according  to 
our  own  estimate  of  distances  through  open,  treeless  prairie,  where  the  soil 
looks  rather  light  and  gravelly,  but  where  the  rich  growth  of  buftalo  grass 
would  indicate  that  it  is  much  more  productive  than  it  appears  to  be.  In- 
deed it  is  rather  difticult  to  judge  fairly  of  a  prairie  country  at  this  season  of 
the  year,  as  everything  looks  parchad  and  dried  up  with  the  severe  frosts 
of  early  winter.  This  morning,  shortly  after  leaving  camp,  we  hiet  an  outfit 
of  Syndicate  engineers  in  charge  of  Mr.  Douglass.  They  have  been  explor- 
ing the  country  in  the  vicinity  of  the  elbow  of  the  South  Saskatchewan,  and 
are  now  on  their  way  to  Battleford,  where  they  will  winter.  Our  camp  to- 
night is  alongside  of  a  slough  on  the  open  prairie,  where  there  is  no  shelter 
for  the  ponies.  If  a  storm  should  come  on  to-night  they  would  be  certain 
to  wander  off,  and  and  in  all  probability  be  out  of  oiir  reach  in  the  morning. 
These  mishaps,   however,  are  only  what  one  may  expect  in  travelling  over 






1  Mi 


the  prairie  at  this  season  of  the  year.     The  night  looks  favourable,  and  it  is 
to  be  hoped  that  our  aiiinials  will  be  close  to  cainp  in  the  morning. 


This  evening  1  had  some  conversation  on  the  subject  of  sheep-raising  with 
Mr.  Pratt,  who  has  had  considerable  experience  in  conducting  a  large  farm 
near  Westbourne,  on  the  White  Mud  River,  about  20  miles  from  Portage  La 
Prairie,  and  experimenting  carefully  with  a  flock  of  one  hundred  sheep.  He 
had  every  possible  appliance  for  caring  for  the  lambs,  keeping  the  sheep 
in  a  snug,  warm  pen,  and  with  his  own  hands  rubbing  each  lamb  dry  as 
soon  as  it  was  dropped.  In  spite  of  all  this,  however,  the  lambs  died  oft" 
in  great  numbers,  on  account  of  the  cold  season  at  which  they  were 
dropped,  and  he  found  that  the  winters  were  so  long  that  it  was  im- 
possible to  have  the  lambs  come  late  enough  to  escape  the  severe  cold.  Mr. 
Pratt  is  of  opinion  that  farmers  in  the  North- West  might  keep  a  few  sheep 
very  profitably,  but  he  is  quite  sure  that  sheep-raising  on  a  large  scale 
will  never  pay  here. 

The  weather  is  warmer  to-nigh^  but  the  barometer  is  falling. 

AuoLiNE  Crossing,  South  Saskatchewan,  110  miles  prom  Battlefokd, 
Nov.  11. — This  morning  we  drove  about  ten  miles  over  dry  uplands  similar 
to  that  traversed  yesterday,  and  reached  the  west  bank  of  the  South  Sas- 
katchewan about  eleven  o'clock.  The  prospects  for  crossing  were  anything 
but  favourable,  as  the  scow  was  hauled  up  high  and  dry  on  the  opposite  bank, 
.and  the  river,  which  is  about  300  yards  wide  at  this  point,  was  literally 
full  of  heavy  masses  of  floating  ice.  The  ferryman  was  hailed,  but  he  de- 
clined to  risk  an  attempt  at  crossing,  as  long  as  the  ice  continued  to  run  in 
such  quantities,  but  as  the  day  was  mild,  with  a  light  breeze  from  the  south- 
east, he  expressed  the  hope  that  he  might  ferry  us  by  to-mdrrow  evening, 
provided  the  wind  did  not  take  an  unfavourable  turn.  Half  an  hour  later 
the  flow  of  ice  became  perceptibly  lighter,  and  the  ferryman  (who  proved  to 
be  Mr.  J.  F.  Clark,  formerly  of  Guelph,  Ont.)  crossed  to  our  side  of  the 
stream  in  a  small  boat.  He  was  informed  that  if  he  would  consent  to  at- 
tempt to  ferry  us  we  would  assume  all  risk,  both  as  to  our  own  property 
and  his  scow,  and  that  we  would  pay  him  any  sum  he  might  think  fit  to  ask. 
Finally  finding  that  we  were  extremely  anxious  to  cross,  and  that  we  had 
plenty  of  force  to  render  him  every  possible  assistance,  he  consented  to 
make  the  attempt.  Accordingly  Mr. .  Grant-Dalton  and  Mr.  McHu.:j;h  re- 
turned with  him  (at  no  inconsiderable  personal  risk)  in  the  small  boat  through 
the  floating  ice  to  the  east  bank  in  order  to  help  him  and  his  assistant  launch 
the  big  scow  again  and  bring  her  over,  to  take  the  first  load  across. 
"While  we  were  waiting  for  the  scow  to  come  over  our  party  was  still  further 
augmented  by  the  arrival  of  two  miners  who  have  been  spending  the  sum- 
mer on  the  North  Saskatchewan  washing  for  gold.  One  of  these  gentle- 
men, Mr.  May,  hails  from  the  County  of  Lanark,  Ont.  They  had  only  met 
with  the  most  indifierent  success,  and  they  are  now  on  their  way  home 
thoroughly  disgusted  with  the  Edmonton  gold  diggings.  They  left  Edmontoa 



ill  a  small  boat,  and  after  many  delays  and  suffering  considerable  hardships 
they  reached  a  point  about  20  miles  west  of  Battleford,  where  the  ice  barred 
their  further  progress,  so  they  were  obliged  to  abandon  their  boat  and  outfit 
and  walk  to  the  North- West 3rn  metropolis.  Once  in  Battleford  they  purchased 
another  outtit  consisting  of  a  horse  and  waggon,  and  hurried  down  to  the 
crossing  of  the  South  Saskatchewan  in  order,  if  possible,  to  pass  over  with 

In  due  time  the  scow  was  launched,  and  three  oarsmen  rowed  with  a  will 
while  Mr.  Clark  worked  hard  at  keeping  the  large  masses  of  floating  ice  from 
collecting  beneath  the  bow  of  the  scow.  At  last  a  landing  was  effected  away 
down  the  river,  and  it  took  an  hour's  work  for  all  hands  to  get  the  great  un- 
wieldly  craft  up  to  the  regular  landing.  Mr.  McHugh's  two  ponies  and  my 
four,  along  with  my  waggon,  were  ouickly  loaded  on  the  scow,  but  there  was 
very  little  of  daylight  left  as  we  pushed  off  among  the  great  ice  floes.  And 
now  the  work  commenced  in  earnest.  Though  the  current  was  not  running 
more  than  four  miles  an  hour,  and  though  the  stream  was  not  more  than 
three  hundred  yards,  wide,  the  crossing  of  the  river  with  the  heavily-laden 
scow  occupied  fully  an  hour.  At  one  moment  the  heavy  ice-floes  would  ren- 
der it  impossible  to  ply  the  starboard  oars,  and  the  scow  would  head  directly 
up  stream,  and  perhaps  in  three  minutes  more  the  oars  on  the  port  side 
would  be  disabled  in  a  similar  manner,  and  the  unwieldly  craft  would  bf 
headed  directly  with  the  current.  Again  and  again  heavy  masses  of  ice 
would  collect  under  the  bows,  and  no  progress  could  be  made  till  these  ob- 
stacles would  be  removed.  It  was  a  weary  task  to  struggle  on  in  this  way 
by  the  dim  starlight,  but  at  last  the  eastern  shore  of  the  river  was  reached, 
and  after  a  great  deal  of  pushing  and  hauling  the  boat  was  made  fast  to  some 
bushes  on  the  bank,  while  her  bow  was  not  more  than  eight  or  ten  feet  frojn 
the  beach.  First  the  ponies  were  pushed  off  into  the  cold  ice  water,  and  then 
came  the  task  of  getting  the  waggon  ashore.  This  was  by  no  means  an  easy 
undertaking.  The  night  was  intensely  cold  (the  thermometer  registering 
some  twenty  below  zero),  but  we  had  no  choice  but  to  plunge  our  moccasined 
feet  into  the  ice  and  water,  and  tug  and  lift  at  the  waggon  for  ten  minutes  o». 
more,  as  we  stood  knee  deep  in  the  freezing  'i  slush"  and  water.  At  last 
our  dismal  task  was  accomplished,  and  turning  the  ponies  out  to  feed,  we  all 
hurried  into  Mr.  Clark's  shanty  to  change  our  wet  clothes,  and  dry  and 
warm  our  freezing  feet  and  legs  by  the  little  camp  stove  in  which  a  brisk  Are 
of  dry  poplar  was  soon  burning. 

From  Mr.  Clark  I  learned  that  Aroline  had  not  been  without  its  sensations 
this  season,  though  there  is  no  house  or  semblance  of  a  settlement  within 
thirty-five  miles  of  it.  Only  a  short  time  ago  a  man  came  staggering  into 
the  shanty  one  morning  more  dead  than  alive.  He  proved  to  be  a  freighter 
named  Wilson,  who  had  been  wandering  over  the  prairie  for  six  days  without 
coat,  blankets,  or  food.  Some  of  his  ponies  had  strayed  away  from  his  camp 
near  Gabriel  Dumont's  Crossing,  and  in  searching  for  them  he  had  lost  his 
way  and  wandered  for  six  days  and  nights  before  reaching  Mr.  Clark's 
shanty.     During  his  wanderings  he  had  encountered  the  severe  snowstorm 





that  overtook  me  between  Calgary  and  Edmonton,  and,  as  may  well  be 
imagined,  lie  was  in  a  most  pitiable  plight  when  he  at  last  reached  food  and 
shelter  at  Aroline.  In  a  week,  however,  he  was  well  enough  to  bo  removed 
by  his  friends,  who  hjid  in  the  meantime  been  scouring  the  country  in  search 
ot  him.  What  I  fear  is  a  still  more  serious  matter,  is  to  be  found  in  the  case 
of  a  Mr.  Macdonald,  of  Battleford.  When  I  was  at  liattloford  a  good  deal 
of  uneasiness  was  felt  concerning  the  protracted  absence  of  Mr.  Macdonald, 
who  had  been  expected  there  for  nearly  a  fortnight  and  who  was  known  to 
have  been  on  his  way  thither  from  Winnepeg.  It  appears  from  Mr.  Clark's 
statement  that  Mr.  Macdonald  came  to  his  place  more  than  throe  weeks  ago 
and  borrowed  two  ponies  to  take  him  to  Uattleford,  promising  to  return  them 
in  seven  days.  He  had,  he  said,  drowned  his  own  two  ponies  iu  a  small 
creek  about  ten  miles  from  Aroline,  and  secured  tlio  team  from  Mr.  Claik  to 
take  him  through.  This  was  just  "lefore  tlie  season  of  heavy  mist  and  fog 
that  overtook  us  west  of  Battleford,  audit  is  now  feared  that  he  has  lost 
his  way  in  the  fog  and  that  he  has  wandered  off  and  starved  to  death,  as 
he  had  barely  rations  enough  to  take  him  to  Battleford. 

The  soil  in  this  region  Mr.  Clark  informs  me,  is  remarkably  productive, 
though  not  particularly  promising  in  appearance.  Everything  in  his  garden 
grow  and  matured  admirably  this  season,  and  he  is  very  ccuilident  that 
rain  would  do  well  here.  Large  (piantities  of  small  timber  are  to  be  found 
along  the  banks  of  the  South  Saskatchewan  within  easy  reach,  and  'Itogether 
"  Aroline"  or  "the  telegraph  crossing,"  as  it  is  called,  promises  to  become  a 
prosperous  settlement  in  time.  To-morrow  we  shall  probably  spend  in  ferry- 
ing the  outfit  of  Messrs.  Pratt  and  Grant-Dalton  and  that  of  Mr.  May  and 

Akoi.ine  Croswin'o,  South  Sask.\T(  'hewan,  Nov,  12 . — This  morning  the  wea- 
ther was,  if  anything,  colder  than  last  night,  and  the  river  was  full  of  ice 
from  shore  to  shore.  The  remainder  of  the  outlits  were  brought  across  in 
two  trips,  and  by  half-past  three  the  scow  was  hauled  up  high  and  dry  again. 
This  evening  a  furious  snow  storm  came  on,  and  according  to  present  ap- 
pearances wo  shall  not  be  able  to  move  before  day  after  to-morrow  (Monday.) 
To-night  we  had  a  consultation  al)out  the  proi)riety  of  remaining  here  long 
enough  to  make  jumpers  with  which  to  proceed  eastward  ;  but  as  wo  are  but 
p()(U'ly  provided  with  tools,  and  as  wo  would  havo  to  travel  four  miles  up  the 
river  to  got  birch  and  ash  of  which  to  make  them  we  have  decided  to  move 
on  with  our  waggons. 

SrNDAV,  Nov.  13. — To-day  tho  storm  continued  till  nearly  dark,  and  to- 
night, though  there  is  no  snow  falling,  tho  weather  is  bitterly  cold  and  we 
havo  spent  the  day  in  Mr.  Clark's  smoky  little  hut. 

Ilore  I  was  able  to  secure  tho  iirst  jiomican  1  havo  seen  on  the  whole  trip. 
Tho  time  was  when  good  pumican  could  bo  bought  at  every  shanty  at  from 
four  to  six  cents  per  lb.,  but  now  it  is  almost  impossible  to  liiid  it,  aiul  the 
price  is  from  twonty-tivo  to  thirty  cents  per  lb.  For  this  reason  travelling 
with  dogs  in  tho  North- West  is  fast  falling  into  disuse,  as  the  cost  of  feeding 
hem  on  pom i  can  would  amount  to  nearly  as  much  as  tho  traveller's  rations. 



Ml.  Clark,  who  is  something  of  a  natui'alist,  has  a  number  of  very  interest- 
ing fossils  which  he  has  picked  up  at  diti'erent  times  along  the  shores  of  the 
Saskatchewan,  and  among  them  is  a  very  pretty  fossilized  heart-shaped  shell, 
filled  with  a  hard  close-grained  substance  very  like  jaspar. 

Aroline  is,  according  to  our  calculations,  111  miles  from  Battleford  ;  but 
Mr.  Clark,  who  claims  that  his  trail  is  (50  miles  shorter  from  the  elbow  of  the 
North  Saskatchewan  to  Touchwood  Hills  than  what  is  known  as  Gabriel 
Dumont's  trail,  makes  the  trip  to  Battlef(jrd  only  87  miles.  That  it  is  shorter 
than  the  other  trail  there  can  be  no  doubt,  as  it  strikes  directly  eastward 
from  the  elbow  of  the  crossing  and  thence  nearly  due  east  to  Toucliwo(jd, 
while  the  other  triiil  turns  nearly  twenty  miles  north  from  the  Elbow  and 
crosses  the  South  Saskatchewan  about  thirt^'-fivo  miles  further  down  (north- 
ward) on  the  stream. 

Ix  Cami',  131  MILES  ¥iws\  Battleford,  cii.  rinif:;  toT.mchwood  Hills,  Nov. 
14. — The  mercury  was  frozen  in  the  thermometer  and  there  wns  a  cutting 
wind  blowing  from  the  north-east  as  we  set  out  this  morning.  The  weather 
was  bright  and  clear,  and  the  cold  pale  sunlight  glistening  on  tlie  boundless 
white  plain  that  stretched  away  in  every  direction  presented  a  picture  of 
ghostly  splendour.  Over  the  vast  plain  our  small  procession  went  crawling 
along  like  a  little  crooked  black  line,  Mr.  Grant-Dalton,  his  servant,  and 
Peter  driving  the  teams,  and  Mr.  Pratt,  Mr.  McHugh  and  I  riding  on  horse- 
back and  herding  the  8i)are  ponies,  among  which  was  a  large  roan,  for  which 
Mr.  McHugh  had  traded  his  "played-out"  pony  at  the  Crossing.  The  wag- 
gon wheels  crunched  loudly  as  wo  dragged  through  the  hard  frozen  snow,  and 
to  this  discordant,  dismal  music  we  marched  for  fully  twenty  miles  without 
finding  ft  blurt"  or  even  a  clump  of  grey  willows  largo  enough  to  afford  fire- 
wood ot  the  most  trifling  slielter  for  the  pouies.  At  last  as  darkness  was 
closing  in  wo  halted  in  a  dreary- looking  shallow  valley  beside  a  frozen  slough, 
with  not  even  a  clump  of  willows  in  sight,  and  camped  for  tho  night.  There 
were  two  or  throe  small  sticks  of  stovewood  in  one  of  the  waggons,  and 
bieaking  up  two  provision  boxes,  we  managed  to  build  fire  enough  in  Messrs. 
Pratt  and  (» rant- Dal  ton 'a  stove  to  make  tea  and  thaw  out  bread  enough  for 
the  whole  party,  but  this  little  Hickering  blaze  had  burned  out  long  before  wo 
had  finished  our  cheerless  repast,  the  first  we  had  taken  since  breakfast. 

It  is  almost  impossible  for  one  who  has  not  experienced  a  similar  sitvuition 
to  fully  comprehend  our  utterly  dismal  condition  to-night.  Tho  cold  is  so  in- 
tense that  our  mercury  thermometers  are  of  no  use,  and  in  addition  to  this 
a  cutting  wind  from  the  uorth-oast  is  howling  hungrily  over  this  groat  shroud- 
liko,  treeless  wasto,  so  that  it  was  witii  difficulty  that  we  pitched  our  touts. 
The  heavy  Hudson  Bay  blankets  have  boon  damp  with  frost  for  weeks,  and 
to-night  as  they  were  unfolded  thoy  wore  frozen  stifK,  almost  as  stiH"  as  the 
frozen  touts  themselves.  Lot  one  who  likes  sleeping  in  a  warm  room  judge 
how  much  comfort  he  cotdd  derive  from  shovelling  tho  snow  from  off  tho 
rough,  frozen  ground,  pitcliing  a  tent  in  a  gale  of  wind  with  tho  temperature 
thirty-five  or  forty  bolow  zero,  and  after  a  half-thawod  supi)or,  wrapping  hinj- 
self  in  damp  frozen  blankets,  and  spending  the  night  in  sleeping  snatches  of  an 



hour  at  a  time,  and  the  intervals  in  speculating  as  to  whether  he  will  be  frost- 
bitten or  not,  To-niyht  is  perhaps  an  exceptionally  bad  one,  but  it  promises 
to  be  only  a  little  worse  than  many  others  already  experienced  on  this  same 


V  ,■ 


1  id, 





In  Camp,  133  Miles  piiom  Battlefokd,  en  route  to  Touchwood  Hills,  Nov. 
15. — This  morning,  an  hour  before  dayliL,'ht,  we  crawled  out  of  our  blankets 
in  a  benumbed,  half-froaen  condition,  and,  swallowing  an  apology  for  break- 
fast as  best  we  could,  rounded  up  our  disconsolate-looking  ponies  and  struck 
out  in  the  teeth  of  a  savage  gale  from  the  north-east.  We  had  only  climbed 
the  little  hill  to  the  east  of  our  camp,  when  we  saw,  at  a  distance  of  about 
two  miles,  a  blutl"  of  considerable  size.  Of  course  the  little  train  was  headed 
for  this,  and  in  half  an  uour  we  were  on  its  western  border.  It  was  with  aumo 
difficulty,  however,  that  a  trail  could  be  found  leading  into  it,  as  there  was  a 
springy  bog  almost  encircling  it  ;  but  after  some  little  time  had  been  spent 
in  explorations,  a  rough  trail  was  cut  into  the  heart  of  the  chnr,»,  where  an 
abundant  supply  of  dry  Cottonwood,  white  poplar,  and  grey  willow  was  found. 
The  ponies  were  turned  out  to  graze  in  the  shelter  of  the  timber,  and  in  a 
few  minutes  the  tents  were  pitched  and  two  big  camp  fires  were  roaring  in 
the  open  air.  This  was  a  vast  improvement  on  our  camp  of  b-M  ni;^ht,  and 
an  early,  and  I  need  not  add  hearty,  dinner  was  taken  by  all  hands.  By  noon 
the  sun  had  come  out  brightly,  but  still  the  cold  was  nearly  or  quite  una- 
bated, while  the  moaning  and  swaying  of  the  iree-tops  gave  evidence  that  tlio 
gale  was  still  blowing  from  the  same  unpromising  quarter  as  fiercely  aa  over. 
Tlie  sun,  though  dazzling  in  brilliancy,  looked  as  pale  and  white  as  silver, 
while  above,  and  on  both  right  and  left  of  it,  were  hung  throe  bright  rainbow- 
tinted  snn-dogfl.  It  was  as  if  in  a  sky  of  the  deepest  ami  clearest  blue  three 
fragments  of  a  brilliant  rainbow  had  been  suspended.  Each  sliowed  all  the 
rainbow  tints  with  extraordinary  distinctness,  and  each  formed  a  short  are  of 
a  circle,  with  the  concave  side  next  the  sun  on  the  right  and  left,  and  directly 
above  it.  With  such  storm  signals  aa  those  hiuig  in  the  sky,  Mr.  Grant- 
Dalton,  who  was  formerly  a  steamship  captain  in  tiie  East  India  mercliant 
service,  promptly  decided  not  to  attempt  travelling  farther  to-day.  Durimj 
the  afternoon  the  time  was  spent  by  the  cooks  in  making  preparations  for  tlie 
ugly  jtmrney  that  we  know  lies  before  us,  by  baking  a  liberal  supply  of  bread 
and  cooking  other  provisions  that  can  with  propriety  bo  warmed  up,  or  at 
least  thawed  out  over  a  scanty  fire,  wliile  the  rest  of  us  spent  moat  of  our 

or  at 



time  in  gathering  wood  and  doing  what  we  could  to  render  our  tents  as  com- 
fortable as  possible.  When  first  turned  out,  the  ponies  began  pawing  away 
the  snow  and  devouring  the  grass  thus  exposed  ;  but  after  the  first  hour  the 
poor  creatures  looked  out  a  sheltered  spot  where  the  sun  was  shining  brightly, 
and  stretched  themselves  out  in  the  soft,  feathery  snow  like  a  pack  of  over- 
wrought hounds.  They  had,  I  suppose,  little  or  no  rest  last  night  on  thoir 
bleak,  shelterless  range  ;  and,  assuredly,  they  are  badly  enough  in  need  of 
rest  at  any  time.  In  the  afternoon  the  threatened  storm  came  on  in  earnest^ 
and  then  the  poor  beasts  were  quickly  driven  from  their  cosy  retreat  to  find 
closer  shelter  in  the  timber,  v.hore,  drawn  up  as  if  to  present  the  smallest 
possible  surface  to  the  cold,  they  stood  with  their  tails  towards  tlio  storm, 
resolved,  no  doubt,  nut  to  move  till  they  were  compelled  to  do  so.  This  se- 
vere weather  makes  the  ponies  terribly  savage  toward  each  other,  and  scarcely 
an  hour  passes  in  which  there  is  not  an  ugly  fight  among  them,  from  which 
the  vanquished  almost  invariably  retires  cut  and  bleeding  from  wounds  in- 
flicted by  the  sharp-edged  teeth  of  the  victor.  I  cannot  wo!ider  that  they 
are  morose  and  vicious  in  their  misery,  and  it  seems  cruel  that  we,  their 
masters,  have  to  be  driving  their  very  lives  out  ;  but  wo  have  no  choice  but 
to  struggle  on  as  best  we  can,  for  we  must  either  push  forward  or  perish  of 
cold  and  hunger  on  this  great  snow-enwrapped,  trackless  waste. 

This  evening  Mr.  McHugh  and  I,  as  has  been  our  cust<im  since  leaving 
Battleford,  accep'  d  the  invitation  of  Mossri.  Grant-Dalton  a  id  Pratt  to 
spend  the  evenin,  in  their  large  tent,  and  while  there  wo  hcd  a  ;oneral  con- 
sultation as  to  what  our  future  movements  should  b»/.  In  c.der  that  the 
reader  may  understand  the  (luestiim,  it  may  be  nece-tsav>  efai-e  'oy  a  few 

words  of  explanation.  After  crossing  the  South  Saskatchowa.'  at  Aroline,  or 
what  is  known  as  tiie  "  telegraph  crossing,''  we  took  a  new  trai'  made  by  Mr. 
Clark  (the  proprietor  of  the  ferry),  nearly  duo  east  to  Touchwood  IHlls.  This 
is  the  newest  and  ujost  southerly  of  the  trails  from  the  South  Saskrtcliuwan 
to  Touchwood,  but  away  to  the  north  of  it  there  are  two  old  trails  which  could 
1)0  followed  even  through  moderately  deep  snow,  and  soutli  of  these  uUl 
trails,  but  north  of  Clark's  trail  runs  the  telegraph  line.  There  is  asoarcily 
of  timber  (m  all  the  trails  in  this  region,  l>ut  Peter  knows  the  more  soutiierly 
of  the  old  ones  (it  is  the  one  taken  by  tho  Ci()vernor-(ionerarH  party  when  we 
were  travelling  west),  and  kiU)W8  where  tho  wood  is  to  ho  found  on  it.  If  wo 
continue  on  Clark's  trail,  it  is  evident  that  we  shall  litid  very  little  tim- 
ber, either  for  firewood  or  ft)r  shelter  for  the  ponies,  and  we  do  not  know 
where  to  find  what  little  wood  there  is.  Should  wo  bo  overtaken  by  a  stormy 
night  im  tho  open  prairie,  it  is  nujre  than  possible  that  tlie  ponies  would 
wander  ott'  before  the  storm  till  they  reached  shelter,  so  that  a  north-easterly 
Btorm,  like  tluit  which  is  raging  here  to-night,  would  drive  them  down  across 
the  groat  plains,  where  wo  could  never  hope  to  overtake  them.  Tho  render 
will  readily  understand  that  if  once  deprived  of  our  ponies,  our  situation 
would  be  utterly  hopeless,  and  such  as  I  do  not  care  just  now  to  contemplate. 
In  addition  to  this,  it  is  probable  that  this  storm  will  cover  ui>  all  trace  of  tho 
trail  we  have  been  following,  so  that  we  might  wander  away  from  it  at  any 






time.  On  the  otlier  hand,  a  deflection  from  our  present  course  to  reach  Ga- 
briel Dumont'a  trail  will  probably  take  us  through  about  forty  or  fifty  miles 
■of  country  of  which  we  know  absolutely  nothing;,  and  in  which  we  may  find 
impassable  barriers  to  our  farther  progress.  Here,  too,  we  may  be  caught 
out  in  slieltcrless  camps,  but  as  we  are  on  the  northern  verge  of  the  great 
treoh'ss  belt  that  runs  across  the  centre  of  the  territory,  the  chances  of  com- 
ing upon  bluffs  in  which  to  camp  are  decidedly  in  our  favour.  Our  decision 
is  to  strike  out  in  what  we  supptKse  to  be  the  direction  of  Gabriel  Dumont's 
trail  as  soon  as  the  storm  abates. 

Tonight  as  I  close  my  journal  the  flickering  remains  of  our  big  camp-fire 
are  cnsting  fitful  flashes  of  ruddy  light  and  dusky  shadows  upon  our  little 
tent  creating  an  inexpressibly  gloomy  eflbct.  My  blankets  are  still  damp  and 
half-frozen,  as  the  .storm  has  prevented  me  from  even  thawing  them,  to  say 
aotliing  of  drying  them  by  the  fire.  Indeed  the  situation  of  our  whole  party 
is  just  now  auythincf  but  comfortable  or  reassuring.  The  country  through 
which  we  have  travelled  since  leaving  the  South  Saskatchewan,  tliough  devoid 
(jf  timber,  is  apparently  fine  upland  prairie,  free  from  stones  and  having  but 
very  few  sloughs. 

In  Camp,  133  miles  puom  Battlefokp,  en  route  to  Touchwood  Hills, 
Nov.  10. — This  morning  when  we  turned  out  the  storm  was  raging  as 
■wildly  as  ever,  and  it  was  soc^n  very  evident  that  moving  forward  to-day  was 
(piite  out  of  the  (picstion.  There  was  but  little  to  be  done  to  break  the 
dreary  juonotony  of  camp  life.  It  took  but  a  short  time  to  drive  the  shaggy 
ice-coated  ponies  into  cami),  and  give  each  a  handful  or  two  of  barley  which 
was  devoiired  eagerly,  and  then  the  poor  little  creatures  strolled  off  again 
into  the  thickest  part  of  tiie  bush  for  shelter  and  rest.  It  now  looks  as  though 
we  might  be  compelled  to  leave  our  waggons  hero,  but  there  is  no  timber  in 
this  bluff  at  all  suitable  for  jumpers,  and  our  harnesses  are  not  fit  for  that 
class  of  .chicle  either.  If  the  snow  continues  so  that  we  shall  be  compelled 
to  abandon  our  waggf)ns  the  only  ctmrso  left  open  to  us  will  be  to  construct 
tromaiH,  and  pack  what  we  can  upon  them  for  the  remainder  of  the  journey. 
This  would  of  course  render  it  nearly  or  quite  impossible  for  us  to  carry  any 
grain  for  the  p(>nio8,  and  in  their  present  con<lition  it  is  about  certain  that 
such  ii  deprivation  would  be  fatal  to  some  of  them  at  least.  Had  they  only 
performed  a  join-noy  of  GOO  or  700  miles  this  season  we  might  reasonably  ex- 
pect them  to  pull  through  in  sonae  sort  of  fashion  on  what  they  could  find  by 
pawing  away  the  snow,  but  they  have  already  done  an  extraordinarily  heavy 
season's  work,  much  heavier  in  fact  than  ought  to  fall  to  the  hit  of  any  band 
(if  horses,  no  matter  how  they  are  cared  for,  and  it  is  this  fact  that  makes  us 
all  somewhat  distrustful  of  their  ability  to  endure  this  terrible  weather  and 
survive  tlio  rest  of  tlie  journey.  Mr.  McHugh's  l)ro'.ciio,  tho\igh  he  has  had 
•extra  care  and  feed  ever  since  he  joined  us  at  L'att'oford,  and  has  on'y  been 
used  under  saddle,  is  now  unfit  for  work,  and  is  running  loose  with  the  spare 
ponies  all  the  time,  but  this  only  confirms  me  in  the  belief  that  the  Montana 
horses  are  very  i"uch  over-rated,  and  not  at  all  eipial  in  tjuality  to  the  bettor 
<;lasH  of  Kyuses  from  the  Pacific  slope.     The  former  uru  now  too  much  out- 



crossed  with  all  sorts  of  imported  animals,  from  thoroughbreds  to  Clydesdales, 
to  bo  any  longer  characterized  as  a  distinct  breed,  while  the  latter  have  been 
in-bred  (not  too  closely,  but  wholly  in-bred)  for  many  generations.  The  re- 
sult is  that  the  Kyuse  preserves  his  distinctive  characteristics  from  one  gene- 
ration to  another,  and  as  they  are  most  of  them  raised  in  large  herds  ranging 
in  numbers  from  500  to  5,000,  the  system  of  their  de\  lopment  has  been  the 
survival  of  the  fittest.  At  all  events  they  are  a  wonderful  race  of  ponies; 
and,  as  1  believe  I  have  stated  in  an  earlier  portion  of  this  journal,  1  am  very 
confident  that  colts  raised  on  a  range  selected  almost  anywhere  along  the 
base  of  the  Rocky  Mountains  between  Red  Deer  River  and  the  Kootenaie 
Pass,  bred  from  selected  Kyuse  mares  and  stout  American  thoroughbred 
stallions,  would  at  five  years  old  make  the  toughest,  handiest,  and  in  all  re- 
spects the  most  desirable  cavalry  and  campaigning  horses  that  can  now  be 
found  in  any  part  of  the  world.  They  might  be  a  trifle  below  the  jxipular 
standard  as  to  height,  but  I  would  back  fifty  animals  bred  and  reared  as  I 
have  described  to  carry  more  weight  a  greater  distance  in  five,  fifty  or  one 
hundred  days  than  could  any  fifty  horses  selected  out  of  the  British  or  United 
States  service,  the  half-bred  Kyuses  to  allow  the  English  or  American  cavalry 
horses  an  inch  and  a  half  in  height.  For  such  a  journey  as  the  present  one  I 
do  not  think  there  are  any  animals  living  that  are  as  well  adapted  as  Kyuses. 
Other  horses  might  endure  this  hard  U8a<,'e  for  a  few  weeks  or  perhaps  months, 
but  that  would  be  the  limit,  while  such  of  our  ponies  as  survive  this  journey, 
as  I  trust  the  greater  part  of  them  will,  may  reasonably  be  expected  to  bo  fit 
for  just  siich  another  task  next  season. 

To-night  the  storm  is  still  raging,  but  as  the  temperature  is  falling  rapidly 
and  the  barometer  slowly  rising  there  is  good  reason  to  hope  that  it  may  wear 
itself  out  before  morning.  If  it  should  coiitiiiue  another  day  or  two  with  the 
same  fury  that  has  characterized  it  to-day  our  escape  from  this  isolated 
prairie  bluff  would  certainly  become  somewhat  probh  matical.  To-niglit  wo 
were  all  talking  of  what  we  would  do  and  how  we  would  enjoy  ourselves 
when  we  reached  "  civilization"  again.  This  will  doubtless  appear  very 
childish  to  people  who  have  never  known  what  it  is  to  be  for  months  beyond 
the  reach  of  the  couiforts  of  civilized  life,  and  whose  ideas  of  "  roughing  it" 
are  obtained  from  experiences  in  a  tent  pitched  witliin  half  an  hour's  drive 
of  a  comfortable  suimner  hotel,  and  where  the  temperature  is  never  lower 
than  60  deg.  above  zero.  Men  who  cannot  go  to  sleep  without  a  glass  of  hot 
grog  for  a  "night-cap,"  and  who  could  not  fell  a  tree  or  saddle  a  horse 
without  assistance,  will,  I  have  no  doubt,  talk  very  wisely  and  bravely  about 
what  we  could  or  should  have  done  in  circumstances  like  these,  and  with 
their  backs  to  a  warm  fire  demonstrate  most  satisfactorily  that,  ' '  provided 
we  kept  our  heads,"  we  were  running  no  risk  at  all ;  but  whether  I  ever  see 
uiviliziition  again  or  not,  this  manuscript  probably  will,  and  just  here  I  would 
say  to  such  critics  that,  situated  as  we  are,  and  with  their  alcoholic  courage 
and  strength  fairly  evaporated,  they  would  find  themselves  the  most  miser- 
urable,  helpless,  and  useless  of  created  beings.  They  would  learn  to  look  with 
mingled  emotions  of  respect  and  admiration  upon  the  prowling  cayote,  who 




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is  at  least  able  to  furnish  his  own  transport  and  steal  enough  to  keep  him 
nlive.  To-night  we  were  talking  of  warm,  comfortable  rooms,  soft  warm 
beds,  good  dinners,  churches,  theatres,  concerts,  of  reading  the  news  at  the 
breakfast  table  with  the  morning  paper  yet  moist  from  the  pmss.  All  these 
tilings  look  very  far  away  just  now,  and  we  can  hardly  realize  that  less  than 
one  month's  travel  may  bring  us  to  them.  If  it  does  not,  our  fate  will  be  no 
M'orse  tlian  that  of  many  an  Indian  and  many  a  trader  whose  sad  story  will 
remain  forever  untold. 

Ix  Cami',  148  Mii.K.s  FROM  Battleford,  eii.  route  to  Touchwood  Hills, 
November  17. — This  morning  before  daylight  wo  were  astir,  but  it  was  a  dis- 
mal task  to  crawl  out  of  blankets  that  were  frozen  stiff  and  coated  so  thickly 
with  white  ime  that  one's  hand  would  become  wet  whenever  it  would  touch 
the  outer  covering.  By  the  time  I  was  dressed  Peter  had  a  big  (ire  blazing 
close  to  the  door  of  the  tent  and  breakfast  was  ready,  but  the  temperature  was 
siiniewherc  aV>out  twenty-five  degrees  below  zero,  and  though  the  fire  fairly 
scorched  my  face  it  was  cmly  by  throwing  my  overcoat  and  a  pair  of  blankets 
over  my  shoulders  that  I  could  keep  myself  at  all  comfortable  during  break- 
fast hour.  Indeed  it  is  very  difficult  to  keep  one's  self  warm  when  crossing 
the  plains  in  such  weather  as  this.  In  the  backwoods  of  old  Canada,  or  in 
anj'  well-wooded  country  through  which  I  have  travelled,  it  is  very  easy  to 
build  a  rude  sort  of  shud  in  which  to  sleep  and  eat,  and  then  build  a  mcmster 
fire  in  front  of  it ;  but  hero  it  takes  all  one's  spare  time  to  get  wood  enough 
to  build  even  a  moderately  good  fire,  to  say  nothing  of  collecting  material  to 
be  used  for  a  shed  to  take  ihe  place  of  a  tent.  In  Ontario  or  Quebec  one  can 
usually  find  plenty  of  wood  that  will  burn  well  in  a  camp-fire,  even  if  it  hap- 
pens to  be  green  ;  but  here  with  only  cotton  wood,  white  poplar,  and  grey 
willow  from  which  to  choose  the  traveller  must  either  burn  dry  wood  or  none 
at  all,  as  none  of  those  light  woods  will  burn  unless  they  are  (piite  dry. 

About  sunrise,  or  a  little  after,  we  set  out,  taking  a  north-easterly  couras, 
and  leaving  Clark's  trail  (or  the  great  white  plain  in  which  we  supposed  it  to 
be  hidden)  on  our  right.  Peter  led  the  way  on  foot  carrying  a  compass  and 
making  as  nearly  as  possible  north-east  course,  then  followed  the  three  wag- 
gons leading  and  breaking  the  trail  by  turns,  Mr.  McHugh  driving  mine  and 
Mr.  Pratt  and  his  servant  the  two  belonging  to  his  outfit,  while  Mr.  Grant- 
Diilton  and  I,  with  two  saddled  ponies,  kept  the  spare  Horses  in  motion.  We 
wore  not  able  to  ride  much  of  the  time,  liowever,  as  the  deep  snow  neces- 
sarily rendered  the  progress  of  the  waggons  very  slow,  and  the  light  but  nip- 
ping breeze  from  the  north-west  made  slow  riding  far  from  enjoyable.  The 
country  through  which  we  found  our  way  was  much  rougher  than  that  which 
wo  left  to  the  southward,  but  we  wore  fortunate  encnigh  to  find  no  impas- 
sable barriers  to  our  further  progress.  There  were  several  hiyh  butes  and 
ridges,  but  Potcr  always  managed  to  find  some  sort  of  pass  along  their  bases, 
or  occasionally  across  the  frozen  surface  of  some  little  lakelet.  On  one  occa- 
sion we  were  near  having  an  accident  in  crossing  a  little  lake.  As  the  weather 
liad  been  very  severe,  n  >ne  of  us  were  looking  out  for  bad  places  in  the  ice, 
4xnd  the  throe  waggons  had  gone  across  safely  enough,  but  when  Mr.  Grant- 



Dalton  and  I  came  to  drive  the  loose  ponies  along  they  crowded  closely  to- 
gether, as  they  usually  d?  when  they  are  frightened,  and  whan  this  extraor- 
dinary weight  was  thrown  on  a  comparatively  small  portion  of  the  surface  of 
the  ice,  the  water  began  to  flow  over  it  with  alarming  rapidity.  The  water 
came  from  a  largo  unfrozen  place  only  a  few  yards  away  on  our  right,  which 
the  bending  down  of  the  ice  in  the  trail  had  caused  to  overflow.  The  cross- 
ing was  efl'ecteJ  safely,  but  the  incident  sufliced  to  show  us  how  treacherous 
the  ice  on  these  little  lakes  is  apt  to  be  even  in  intensely  cold  weather.  In 
this  immediate  vicinity  many  of  the  lakes  appear  to  be  fed  by  subterranean 
springs,  and  the  ice  on  these  can  never  be  relied  upon.  Others,  however, 
are  merely  sliallow  basins  fed  from  the  water-shed  of  the  surrounding  prairie, 
and  these  latter  often  freeze  so  that  tlie  ice  is  one  solid  mass  all  the  way  down 
to  the  mud. 

The  day  was  bright  though  intensely  cold,  but  as  there  was  very  little  wind 
wo  managed  to  drag  slowly  along  till  about  three  o'clock  in  the  afternoon  when 
in  the  middle  of  a  great  frozen  marsh  we  came  upon  the  telegraph  line  once 
more.  There  was  no  trail  broken  of  course,  but  the  wire  served  as  a  guide  and 
we  followed  it  eastward  instead  of  keeping  on  any  farther  in  a  north-easterly 
direction.  It  was  now  ut  ily  sunset,  and  we  began  to  watch  carefully  for  a 
suitable  camping  place.  Just  as  the  sun  was  sinking  belov/^  the  horizon  the 
south-western  sky  presented  a  picture  of  inexpressible  splendour.  It  was 
flushed,  shading  from  a  deep  crimson  to  a  bright  rose  colour  more  than  half- 
way to  the  zenith,  and  perpendicularly  from  the  sinking  sun,  that  looked 
like  a  disc  of  ruddy  flame,  rose  a  broad,  bright  shaft  of  glowing  crimson,  that 
shot  away  up  beyond  the  roseate  flood  into  the  dark  blue  sky  toward  the 
zenith.  About  35  degrees  away  to  the  right  and  left  of  the  setting  sun  rose 
two  more  ruddy  pillars  of  fire,  bright  as  the  central  one,  but  very  much 
shorter.  These  blazing  columns  stood  out  in  bright  relief  from  the  rich- 
coloured  sunset  sky  where  a  few  sa9"ron  cloud  threa''-  intensified  the  bril- 
liancy of  the  gorgeous  picture.  Just  as  twilight  was  settling  down  upon  us 
we  came  upon  a  little  blufl'  on  a  side  hill  about  one  hundred  yards  south  of 
the  telegraph  line,  and  crossing  a  marsh  to  roach  it,  we  came  to  a  halt.  The 
marsh  furnished  us  with  a  liboral  supply  of  hay  for  bedding,  which  will  be 
extremely  useful  to-night,  as  the  temperature  is  certainly  lower  :  han  we  have 
yet  experienced  it,  though  our  frozen  up  thermometers  are  of  no  use  in  deter- 
mining just  how  low  it  is.  There  are  a  number  of  little  hills  or  small  butes 
all  around  our  camp  ;  and  these,  with  the  little  bluff  in  which  our  tents  are 
pitched,  should  furnish  Uioderately  good  shelter  for  the  ponies,  while  the 
forage  is  much  better  than  anything  we  have  found  since  the  snow  came. 
Indeed,  it  appears  as  if  we  had  escaped  the  heaviest  snow  by  our  northward 
movement  to-day.  There  is  certainly  less  snow  hero  than  there  was  at  our 
last  camp,  though  we  have  made  only  about  fifteen  miles  to-day,  and  travel- 
ling about  as  much  east  as  north.  There  is  nut  enough  wood  here  to  supply 
an  out-of-door  camp-fire,  so  we  will  have  to  content  ourselves  without  one, 
spending  the  evening  in  our  neighbour's  tent.  It  is  frightfully  cold  ti  rning 
into- frozen  bla:ikets  to-night;  and  if  I  mistake  not,  1  shall  sleep  rathb..  cold, 




notwithstamling  the  fine  bed  of  marsh  hay  with  which  we  have  provided  our- 
selves. The  country  traversed  to-day  was  for  the  most  part  treeless  prairie, 
diversified  only  with  occasional  marshes,  low  ridges,  and  small  butes,  with  a 
very  few  bluffs  of  exceedingly  small  timber.  I  am  under  the  impression  that 
this  whole  regior  is  slightly  alkaline,  but  not  sufhciently  so  to  be  at  all  detri" 
mental  to  it  as  a  farming  country. 







In  Camp  1G5  miles  from  Battleford,  en  route  to  Touchwood  Hills,  Nov. 
18.  — This  has  been  another  dismal  day's  travel.     I  am  inclined  to  think  that 
there  has  not  been  an  hour  to-day  when  the  temperature  has  been  higher 
than  30  degrees  below  zero.     The  character  of  the  country  is  very  much  like 
that  traversed  yesterday,  being  a  succession  of  broad  plains,  low  ridges  and 
mounds,  with  occasional  marshes  of  considerable  extent.     In  fact  the  country 
traversed  to-day  nuist  be  within  ten  or  fifteen  miles  of  the  trail  over  which 
we  travelled  from  Humboldt  to  Gabriel  Dumont's  Crossing,  when  going  west 
in  the  summer,  and  the  character  of  the  country  is,  I  have  no  doubt,  very 
much  the  same,  having  a  rich  soil  with  occasional  sloughs,  slightly  alkaline  in 
character.     There  has  been  very  little  timber  in  sight  all  day,  though  we 
managed  to  find  shelter  behind  a  small  clump  of  willows,  where  shivering 
around  a  very  scanty  fire  was  swallowed  a  half-frozen  dinner,   and  after  this 
there  were  scarcely  any  bluffs  to  be  seen  anywhere  near  the  trail  till  we 
reached  the  spot  where  we  camped  to-night.    Away  to  the  northward  some 
twenty  or  perhaps  thirty  miles  we  could  distinguish  from  the  crests  of  the 
butes  what  appeared  to  be  bluffs  of  considerable  size,  but  east,  west,  and 
south  of  us  there  is  exceedingly  little  timber  to  be  seen,  and  scarcely  anything 
to  break  the  monotony  of  the  great  boundless  plain  of  ghostly  white.     The 
night  is  intensely  cold,  and  we  have  barely  enough  wood  to  do  our  cooking 
in  the  camp  stove,  so  that  being  at  all  comfor'^able  is  out  of  the  question.    A 
little  before  sunset,  after  following  the  telegraph  line  all  day,  we  reached 
Gabriel  Dumont's  trail,  and  the  bluff  in  which  we  are  camped  to-night  is 
south  of  it.     There  are  several  little  sloughs  in  the  immediate  vicinity  of  our 
camp,  and  some  of  these  are  fringed  with  a  scanty  growth  of  grey  willow.  The 
ponies  are  spending  their  time  pawing  the  deep  snow  off  the  ice  and  eating  the 
coarse  grass  that  appears  to  preserve  its  verdure  in  these  sloughs  with  won- 
derful tenacity  ;  and  as  fast  as  they  satisfy  the  cravings   of  hunger  they 
huddle  closely  together  in  the  shelter  of  the  willows  ;  for,  though  the  tern- 

Til  15   NORTH- WKST. 


d  our- 
with  a 
•n  that 

peratiiro  appears  to  be  falling  every  hour,  the  biromotor  is  also  going  down, 
and  a  bitterly  cold  wind  is  bluwing  and  freshening  every  moment  from  the 
north-east.  There  is  not  one  in  the  cainp  who  is  nf)t  feeling  considerably  the 
worse  of  what  we  have  undergone  since  leaving  Hattleford,  and  this  fright- 
fdlly  cold  weather  and  heavy  travelling  is  becoming  unendurable.  We  shall 
be  fortunate  if  we  find  our  ponies  in  the  morning,  as  the  shelter  is  very 
scanty,  and  I  fear  an  ugly  storm  is  close  upon  us. 

Humboldt,  180  Miles  from  Battlefoud,  cji  route  to  Touchwood  Hills, 
Nov.  19. — This  morning  the  camp  was  early  astir,  and  so  far  as  1  am  con- 
cerned, I  was  exceedingly  glad  that  morning  had  come.  The  night  was  one 
of  the  most  disagreeable  1  have  ever  known,  as  I  spent  almost  every  waking 
moment  in  trying  to  keep  myself  from  freezing.  Time  after  time  I  woke  up 
with  a  feeling  of  numbness  in  one  foot  or  the  other,  an  elbow,  an  ear,  or  a 
slioulder,  or  some  other  partially  exposed  portion  of  my  body,  and  felt  morally 
certain  that  I  was  frozen,  but  after  all,  though  suffering  with  the  cold  in- 
tensely all  night,  I  escaped  with  slight  frost  bites  on  my  ri;^ht  ear  and  the 
right  side  of  my  nose.  Though  very  stitl',  sore,  and  unrefreshed,  it  was 
almost  a  luxury  to  crawl  out  of  the  frozen  blankets  and  put  on  my  moccasins, 
tuijuo,  and  great  coat,  and  start  out  in  search  of  the  ponies.  Though  thero 
are  only  eighteen  in  all,  I  found  them  divided  up  into  some  half  doz'ii  dif- 
ferent grf)ups,  and  it  was  evident  that  there  had  been  a  great  deal  of  ti;;iiting 
during  the  night,  as  over  half  of  them  were  cut  and  bleeding.  All  had  col- 
lected great  masses  of  snow  and  ice  in  pawing  for  forage,  so  that  their  forward 
fetlocks  looked  from  twenty  inches  to  tw(j  feet  in  circumference,  while  their 
coats  were  so  covered  with  white  frost  that  it  was  almost  impossible  to  recog- 
nise one  from  another  by  his  colour.  They  were  indeed  a  miserable,  discon- 
:jolate  looking  lot,  though  most  of  them  started  off  in  the  direction  of  the 
camp  with  considerable  alacrity,  expecting,  of  course,  their  customary  hand- 
ful of  oats  when  they  got  there.  Some  of  them,  however,  will,  I  fear,  nnver 
be  able  to  go  farther  than  Touchwood,  or  Fort  ICllice  at  farthest,  and  even  if 
they  reach  the  latter  point  they  will  not  be  worth  wintering.  By  sunrise  we 
wore  on  our  way  again  in  much  the  same  order  as  yesterday  and  the  day  be- 
fore, except  that  Peter  was  again  driving  my  team.  We  were  scarcely  on 
the  trail  before  the  storm  increased  in  intensity  and  bitterness,  till  it  bucamo 
a  regular  blizzard  of  the  first  magnitude.  In  the  face  of  such  a  storm  it  was 
almost  impossible  for  any  one  to  ride,  and  turning  my  saddle  [lony  loose  with 
the  remainder  of  the  herd,  I  determined  to  walk  to  Humboldt  if  possible. 
The  task  was  anything  but  an  easy  one,  as  the  snow  was  deep  and  our  trail 
led  right  into  the  teeth  of  the  storm.  We  reached  Humboldt  abotit  three 
in  the  afternoon,  horses  and  men  alike  all  but  exhausted.  I  shall  not  soon 
forget  that  fifteen-mile  walk, 


On  the  way  west  with  the  Governor-General,  I  only  made  a  stay  of  an 
hour  or  ao  at  this  place,  and  as  I  was  exceedingly  busy  in  preparing  copy 
for  a  mail  that  was  expected  next  day,  I  had  very  little  time  to  make  en- 







quiries  as  to  the  character  of  the  locality.     The  soil  looks  remarkably  well, 
and  there  appears  to  be  a  fair  quantity  of  timber,  such  as  it  iu,  white  poplar 
and  grey  willow  being  the  prevailing  woods  of  course.    There  are  very  few 
settlers  anywhere  in  this  vicinity,  and  from  what  I  can  learn  I  fear  the  sea- 
sons are  somewhat  backward.     The  ground  here  is  low  lying  and  rather  wet, 
and  for  this  or  some  other  reason  what  little  experimenting  has  been  done 
here  in  the  direction  of  farming  has  not  resulted  at  all  8atif'*"ctorily.      This 
year  potatoes  failed  to  ripen,  and  I  believe  nobody  has  experimented  with 
grain.     Humboldt  is  one  of  the  meteorological  stations  in  the  North- West, 
but  I  am  inclined  to  think  that  the  records  from  this  particiilar  locality 
scarcely  convey  a  correct  idea  as  to  the  actual  conditions  of  temperature,  etc. 
Humboldt  may  fairly  be  considered  on  the  northern  edge  of  the  great  plains. 
What   is  known  as  the  Humboldt  plain  stretches  between  it  and  the  South 
Saskatchewan,  while  the  great  salt  plain  is  only  about  20  miles  to  the  east 
of  it,  but  I  am  very  certain  that  the  readings  of  the  thermometer  do  not 
furnish  a  correct  index  as  to  the  average  temperature  in  this  locality.      The 
place    at  which   the  meteorological  instruments   stand   is    almost  entirely 
sheltered  from  the  wind,  whether  it  be  blowing  from  the  north,  east,  or  west. 
In  fact  nothing  but  a  south-west  wind  could  reach  them  with  any  degree  of 
force.     For  example,  night  before  last  the  spirit  thermometer  here  registered 
32   below  zero.     Our  mercury  thermometers  were  frozen  solid  on  that  same 
night,  and  Profeti^or  Kenaston,   who  was  also  on  the  plains  with  a  spirit 
thermometer,  read  the  temperature  at  40  below  zero.     I  should  think  it  im- 
portant, therefore  that  the  meteorological  records  from  Humboldt  should 
be  treated  as  those  of  a  timber  country  rather  than  that  of  a  prairie  region. 
At  the  same  time  any  person  settling  in  this  section  would  find  comparatively 
little  available  timber  country  from  which  to  select  a  location.  It  is  essentially 
a  prairie  country,  though  it  happens  that  the  meteorological  station  is  so 
placed  as  to  give  only  a  correct  index  of  the  climatic  conditions  of   a  well- 
sheltered  region.     There  :ire  here  a  telegraph  operator  and  two  or  three  as- 
istants  employed  in  keeping  the  line  in  order,   besides  one  settler  who  lives 
only  about  50  or  100  yards  from  the  telegraph  station.  Here  I  met  Mr.  Scott, 
the  registrar.  Dr.  Millar,  N.  W.  M,  P.  Surgeon,  and  Mr.  Smart,  a  trader,  all 
on  their  way  to  Battleford.     They  have  been  nearly  a  month  out  from  Bran- 
don, so  that  the  Canadian  and  American  news  obtained  from  them  is   not  of 
a  very  late  date.  1  had  expected  to  be  able  to  communicate  with  Toronto  by 
telepraph  on   reaching  this  point  ;  but  unfortunately  the  Winnipeg   end   of 
the  line  is  not   yet  working,  the  only  available  portion  being  that  lying  be- 
tween Fort  Pelley,   Humboldt,  Battleford,   and  Edmonton.     This  evening  I 
made  an  attempt  to  procure  jumpers  with  which  to  continue  the  journey,  as 
further  progress  with  my  •.■agg(m  appears  almost  impossible.     I   shall   have 
to  push  on  to  Touchwood  hills,  however,  as  jumpers  are  not  to  be  had  here, 
and  there  is  no  available  timber  from  which  to  make  them.  We  were  exceed- 
ingly fortunate  in  meeting  Mr.  Smart  and  some  thirty  carts  of  supplies  which 
ho  was  taking  through  to  Battleford,  as  our  rations  had  become  so  low  that 
there  was  no  chance  of  their  lasting  to  Touchwood  Hills.  This  is  no  place  in. 



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which  to  remain,  or  we  might  be  tempted  to  stop  and  recruit  to  ourselves  ami 
our  ponies,  but  though  there  is  not  one  in  the  party  who  is  not  badly  in  need  of 
rest,  we  must  not  think  of  losing  even  a  single  tHy  till  we  can  provide  our- 
selves with  jumpers,  and  be  prepared  for  another  fall  of  snow,  which  may 
overtake  us  at  any  time.  To-night  I  was  very  strongly  urged  by  my  Bat- 
tleford  friends  to  abandon  the  attempt  to  reach  home  till  next  spring,  and 
turn  back  to  winter  at  Battleford  ;  but  I  think  there  is  still  enough  vitality 
left  in  me  to  resist  still  worse  weather  and  harder  times  than  we  have  yet 
experienced,  and  at  all  events  I  fail  to  understand  why  I  cannot  endure  as 
much  as  the  rest  of  the  party  can,  or  why  I  should  be  the  first  to  succumb 
when  I  have  every  reason  to  push  forward.  As  it  is  we  shall  all  be  off  in  good 
season  to-morrow  morning,  as  we  wish  to  make  the  edge  of  the  great  Salt 
plain  to-morrow  night,  and,  if  possible  cross  it  the  next  day. 

Tn  Camp  200  Miles  fkom  Battleford,  en  route  to  Touchwood  Hills,  Nov. 
20. — Though  the  temperature  was  still  low  this  morning  travelling  was  much 
more  endurable  than  yesterday.  The  trail  led  through  thick  bluffs  of  small 
timber  that  sheltered  us  from  the  wind,  and  I  have  been  able  to  remain  in 
the  saddle  all  day,  so  that  to-night  I  feel  very  much  less  fatigued  and  miser- 
able than  I  have  for  several  days  past.  In  my  present  worn-out  condition 
tramping  through  the  soft  deep  snow  is  most  fatiguing  employment,  while 
on  the  other  hand  I  can  ride  a  pony  all  day  without  tiring  myself  at  all,  and 
if  the  weather  would  only  continue  mild  enough  to  admit  of  that  sort  of 
locomotion  I  should  have  no  fears  about  my  ability  to  endure  the  trip  to 
Touchwood  Hills.  Though  the  land  we  have  traversed  to-day  would  require 
considerable  clearing  to  convert  it  into  good  farms,  it  appears  to  be  made  up 
of  good  soil,  rich,  and  comparatively  unbroken  by  swamps  or  sloughs.  By 
our  own  estimate  we  have  travelled  some  twenty  miles  to-day  tlirough  what 
would  be  termed  in  Ontario  a  very  lightly  timbered  country.  We  were  for- 
tunate enough  to  find  a  good  camping  place  a  short  distance  south  of  the  trail 
where  we  had  an  almost  unlimited  supply  of  dry  poplar,  and,  as  a  conse- 
(juence,  we  have  a  splendid  camp-fire  to-night,  the  most  cheerful  I  have  seen 
for  some  weeks.  The  weather  is  much  milder  to-night,  the  mercury  standing 
some  4°  or  5°  above  zero.  In  short  our  camp,  the  weather,  and  every- 
thing about  us  forcibly  reminds  me  of  many  a  night  I  have  spent  in 
the  backwoods  of  Ontario.  There  is  no  shrilly-whistling  gale  from  off  the 
prairies  swaying  the  slender  tree-tops  over  our  heads;  no  timber  wolves  howl- 
ing about  the  camp,  and  even  the  coyotes  are  neglecting  to  furnish  us  with 
their  customary  serenade.  To-night  we  ate  a  warm,  well-cooked  supper  be- 
tween our  big,  crackling  camp-fire  and  the  door  of  our  tent,  and  not  one  of 
us  had  occasion  to  shiver  over  it,  or  change  his  seat  on  account  of  clouds  of 
smoke  and  ashes  being  blown  upon  him  by  a  restless  prairie  wind.  This  is 
in  fact,  the  first  really  comfortable  camp  we  have  had  since  reaching  the 
South  Saskatchewan.  How  long  this  satisfactory  state  of  things  will  continue 
is,  of  course,  more  than  I  can  tell;  but  even  as  I  close  my  journal  the  camp- 
fire  is  casting  an  ominous  flickering  light  upon  the  tent,  which  makes  me  fear 






I"  ' 


that  the  wind  is  shifting  around  to  the  most  dreaded  of  all  quarters,  the 

In  Camp  210  Miles  frcm  Battleford,  en  route  to  Touchwood  Hills,  Nov. 
21. — After  a  moderately  comfortable  night's  rest  we  were  ready  to  start  be- 
fore sunrise  this  morning,  determined,  if  possible,  by  driving  hard  all  day 
and  laJe  at  night  to  reach  the  eastern  edge  of  the  groat  salt  plain  before  go- 
ing into  camp  for  the  night.  This  meant  a  drive  of  about  42  miles,  which 
we  knew  would  be  a  very  severe  tax  upon  our  ponies,  but  as  the  great  plain 
has  no  suitable  camping  place  for  a  stretch  of  32  miles  or  more,  we  had  either 
to  drive  only  ten  miles  to-day  or  accomplish  the  whole  distance.  As  wo 
climbed  the  little  hill  to  the  east  of  the  camp,  as  our  train  wound  slowly 
out  upon  the  trail,  we  all  paused  for  a  few  moments  to  watch  as  glorious  a 
sunrise  as  I  have  overseen  in  the  North- West  or  anywhere  else.  Next  the 
horizon  lay  a  zone  of  translucent  lemon-gold,  and  above  this  hung  a  bright 
flaming  cloud-curtain  whose  lower  edge  w  is  looped  up  in  festoons  edged  with 
orange  and  gold.  Though  beautiful,  this  sunrise  was  an  ominous  one,  and 
in  less  than  half  an  hour  later  the  sun  was  concealed  behind  dark  drifting 
iiiasses  of  angry-looking  storm  clouds.  After  driving  ten  miles  we  found  our- 
selves on  the  verge  of  the  great  treeless  alkaline  plain,  and  vre  came  to  a  halt 
for  the  purpose  of  discussing  the  advisability  of  camping  for  the  day.  It  was 
now  nearly  ten  o'clock,  and  we  had  already  taken  considerable  .out  of  the 
ponies.  The  question  to  be  decided  was  whether  we  could  reach  the  farther 
edge  of  the  plain  without  killing,  or  at  all  events  ruining,  some  of  our  best 
animals.  We  had  also  to  consider  the  possibility  of  having  the  storm,  that 
was  already  threatening  us,  burst  upon  us  in  the  middle  of  the  great  white 
plain  that  lay  stretched  out  before  us,  an  event  which,  in  ""  probability, 
won.  Testdt  in  our  losing  at  least  a  portion  of  our  spare  ponies,  while  it 
would  bt,  quite  within  the  range  of  possibility  that  we  ourselves  might  lose 
the  trail  in  ihe  storm,  and,  perhaps,  fail  to  find  it  for  days.  Peter,  who  has 
been  in  a  great  hurry  to  get  home  for  the  past  week  or  two,  was  very  much 
disinclined  to  attempt  tlie  crossing  of  the  plain  to-day,  and  as  there  were  at 
least  three  more  of  oi  number  inclined  to  think  he  was  right,  we  were  not 
long  in  deciding  to  camp  in  the  little  clump  of  grey  willows  beside  us  for  the 
remainder  of  the  day.  As  soon  as  the  tents  were  pitched  all  hands  turned 
out  in  search  of  fuel,  and,  though  there  was  no  large  timber  anywhere  in  sight, 
we  had  in  the  course  of  three  or  four  hours  collected,  by  our  united  efforts, 
enough  of  dead  and  dry  grey  willow  to  supply  the  camp  stove  for  at  least 
twenty-four  hours. 

Our  resolution  to  remain  here  was  undoubtedly  well  taken,  for  by  three 
o'clock  this  afternoon  one  of  the  wildest  prairie  storms  that  I  ever  witnessed 
broke  upon  us  from  the  north-east.  To-night  it  continues  with  unabated 
fury.  The  snow  is  falling  rapidly,  but  it  is  the  tremendous  gale  that  accom- 
panies it  with  such  force  as  to  almost  take  one's  breath  away  that  constitutes 
the  most  startling  feature  of  the  storm.  Our  little  train  could  never  have 
made  headway  against  such  a  storm  as  this,  and  we  are  heartily  thankful  for 
even  the  scanty  shelter  that  the  willows  afford  us  to-night. 

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In  Camp,  242  Miles  from  Battlefoku,  en  route  to  Touchwimd  Hills, 
November  22. — This  morning  wlien  we  turned  out  we  were  not  sorry  to  tind 
that  the  wind,  though  blowing  briskly,  had  swung  around  to  tlie  west,  and 
that  there  was  no  longer  any  snow  falling.  We  hurried  out  of  camp  as 
rapidly  as  possible,  and  for  the  first  time  since  leaving  Calgary  T  took  charge 
of  my  own  waggon,  leaving  Peter  to  assist  in  herding  the  loose  ponies.  Ou 
getting  out  upon  the  trail  we  found  that  the  fierce  gale  of  last  night  had 
swept  it  almost  bare,  and  the  waggons  b<jw]ed  along  over  the  smooth  frozen 
ground  at  a  pace  that  was  decidedly  exhilarating.  Half-an-hour  after  sun- 
rise, however,  we  saw  that  another  storm  was  brewing.  The  sun  was  in- 
tensely bright,  but  as  white  as  polished  silver,  while  between  it  and  the 
horizon  stood  a  shaft  of  white  light,  scarcely  less  dazzling  than  the  sun  itself. 
On  riglit  and  left  hung  two  brilliant  rainbow-coloured  sundogs,  while  in  the 
west  angry  masses  of  storm-cloud  were  rolling  swiftly  up  from  the  horizon. 
In  less  than  an  hour  we  were  overtaken  by  a  furious  prairie  snow-storm, 
which  beat  savagely  upon  us  all  day,  but  it  did  little  or  nothing  towards 
checking  our  progress,  as  it  was  directly  in  our  backs .  About  one  o'clock  we 
halted  for  noon  at  what  are  known  as  the  Stoneberry  bushes,  the  only  winter 
camping  place  on  the  great  salt  plain. 

Hitherto  I  have  had  but  little  to  say  about  our  noonday  camps,  and  indeed 
since  the  advent  of  cold  weather  they  have  not  constituted  very  cheerful 
topics  either  to  write  or  think  about.  As  our  noon-camp  to-day,  however, 
may  be  regarded  as  a  representative  one,  I  will  give  the  reader  an  idea  as  to 
its  character.  The  spot  selected  was  on  the  west  side  of  a  small  clump  of 
stunted  bushes  not  more  than  four  or  five  feet  high  and  growing  sparsely  at 
that.  Just  to  the  scuth  was  a  large  slough  or  pond,  whoso  frozen  surface  had 
been  swept  smooth  by  the  ever-restless  winds  that  all  winter  are  howling 
over  this  great  dreary  waste.  Having  selected  our  camping-place,  the  wag- 
gons were  drawn  up  so  as  to  supplement  as  far  as  possible  the  scanty  shelter 
afibrded  by  the  bushes,  and  then  the  ponies  were  unharnessed  and  turned 
out  to  graze  as  best  they  could  where  the  grass  was  for  the  most  part  covered 
with  some  fifteen  to  eighteen  inches  of  snow.  The  small  supply  of  wood 
that  we  carried  from  last  night's  camp  was  taken  from  tha  waggons,  and  in  a 
very  few  minutes  a  little  camp-fire  of  the  most  limited  dimensions  was  strug- 
gling feebly  for  an  existence  which  the  storm  from  the  west  was  inclined  to 
deny  to  it.  In  time,  however,  the  water  in  the  camp-kettles  was  boiling, 
and  by  the  time  we  had  fed  the  ponies  a  handful  of  grsvin  each  on  the  ice  of 
the  neighbouring  slough,  our  dinner  such  as  it  was,  was  ready.  Shivering 
with  the  cold,  and  standing  with  our  backs  to  the  wind  and  our  faces  to  the 
miserable  little  fire,  we  hastily  swallowed  as  much  half-thawed  provisions  as 
we  thought  would  be  necessary  to  keep  us  from  suffering  with  hunger  till 
supper-time,  but  I  do  not  believe  one  in  the  disconsolate  little  group  about 
the  tire  ate  with  any  other  intent  than  that  of  merely  performing  a  disagree- 
able task,  which  he  considered  absolutely  necessary  to  his  well-being.  I 
have  often  heard  people  talk  of  the  excellent  appetites  they  always  had  when 
"  roughing  it,"  and  I  have  often  imagined  myself  that  the  more  severely  I 




t,   ' 
i  ' 



s-  I 



should  be  cxposcil  the  more  ravenous  would  becomo  my  appetite.  My  ex- 
perience of  tlie  pivst  week  or  two,  however,  has  entirely  upset  this  theory. 
The  cases  in  which  I  have  eaten  my  meals  with  a  relish  since  leaving  the 
South  Saskatchewan  have  been  altogether  exceptional.  True,  I  have  eaten 
he.artily  for  the  greater  part  of  the  time,  but  I  have  done  so  not  to  satisfy  any 
cravings  of  hunger,  but  simply  because  I  folt  very  sure  that  the  great  waste 
of  vital  energy  incident  to  strong  exercise  and  protracted  resistance  to  in- 
tense cold  must  be  rei)aired  in  some  way.  Indeed  I  do  not  think  that  there 
is  one  in  our  party  who  has  not  systematically  pursued  the  policy  of  eating 
regularly  and  heartily  wh.ether  enjoying  his  meals  or  not,  and  1  am  very  cer- 
tain that  those  meals  taken  at  our  noon-camps  have  been  conducive  of  much 
more  sntl'ering  from  cold  than  could  possibly  bo  atoned  for  by  warm  diimers, 
however  good,  to  say  nothing  of  hastily  swallowed  half-frozen  rations. 

Ill  th«  afternoon  the  travelling  was  heavy  in  places  owing  to  the  deep  snow 
but  the  wind  had  swept  much  of  the  trail  nearly  bare,  so  that  excepting  in 
occasional  drifts  the  waggons  ran  very  easily.  As  the  general  character  of 
the  Salt  Plain  (which  is  really  an  alkaline  fiat  traversed  by  two  or  three 
brt.jid  marshes  and  low  ridges)  was  described  in  one  of  my  letters  from  this 
region  last  summer,  it  is  not  necessary  to  add  anything  to  what  was  then  said. 
Tn-day  as  we  hurried  across,  with  the  wililest  of  prairie  storms  howling 
around  us,  the  scene  was  an  indescribably  dreary  one,  a  very  typo  of  utter 
desolation.  As  the  gale  was  at  our  backs,  however,  we  did  not  sutrer  much 
iiKtuivenience  from  it  as  long  as  wo  were  in  motion. 

Darkness  was  fast  settling  down  upon  us  as  wo  crossed  the  eastern  edge  of 
the  plain  and  the  extreme  western  limit  of  Touchwood  Hills.  We  were  not 
long  in  finding  a  good  camping  place,  where  there  was  i)lenty  of  dry  white 
poplar  and  cottonwocH,  and  in  a  very  short  time  the  ponies  were  turned  out, 
the  tents  pitched,  and  a  good  camp-tiro  burning.  Everybody  is  in  high  spirits 
to-night,  as  even  the  worst  kind  <if  a  storm  cannot  now  prevent  us  from  reach- 
ing the  Touchwood  Hills  settlements,  where  we  can  bo  sure  of  securing 
jumpers  for  the  remainder  of  the  journey.  The  distance  from  hero  to  the 
Indian  Farm  cannot  be  more  than  about  thirteen  miles,  and  twelve  milest  be- 
yond that  i)oint  are  the  mail  station  and  the  Hudson  Hay  Company's  post, 
while  for  the  whole  distance  the  trail  leads  through  a  well  wooded  country 
where  wo  shall  have  no  lack  of  lireuood  or  forage  and  shelter  for  the  ponies, 
even  should  we  be  delayed  by  exceptiojially  stormy  weather.  Our  prospects 
to-night  are  certainly  vastly  better  than  they  wero  twenty-four  hours  ago, 
and  it  now  looks  as  though  these  long  days  and  nights  of  misery  wero  draw- 
ing toward  a  close.  Wo  have  made  fully  thirty-two  miles  to-day  and 
though  the  ponies  ore  of  course  somewhat  tired  1  do  not  think  any  of  them 
are  seriously  the  worse  of  the  drive.  Once  rid  of  these  heavy  waggons  we 
can  push  through  the  snow  much  more  rapidly  with  jumpers,  and  at  the 
same  time  have  no  ditticulty  iu  keeping  oursulvus  warm  and  comfortable  while 




In'dian  Farm,  Touchwood  Hills,  255  milks  kiio.m  Hatti-.i-okd,  Nov,  23.— 
Wo  woro  in  no  particular  liiirry  about  jotting  out  of  caiiii)  thia  nioruintj,  aa 
the  ponieH  refjuired  all  tho  rest  they  could  yut  after  the  severe  drive  of  yes- 
terday. Wo  were  on  our  way  about  lialf-jiast  eight  o'clock,  and  driving  till 
u  little  after  one  in  the  afternoon,  reached  the  Indian  Instructor's  farm-house, 
where  1  have  decided  to  remain  long  enough  to  secure  jumpers,  if  possible, 
for  tho  rest  of  tho  trip,  as  tho  deep  snow  makes  the  hauling  of  tho  waggons 
exceedingly  heavy.  The  country  through  which  we  have  passed  to-day  is  a 
succession  of  small,  fairly-timbered  hills,  and  tho  region  is  known  as  The 
Little  Touchwood  Hills.  These  hills  called  "little"  to  distinguish  theiu  from 
a  small  range  of  mountains  to  tho  northward,  which  are  known  as  Big  Touch- 
wood Hills,  constitute  one  of  the  finest  and  most  diversilied  bits  of  scenery 
ono  meets  with  in  travelling  over  the  plains.  There  are  no  broad  flats  or  any 
extensive  stretches  of  open  prairie.  Here  and  there  a  hill-side  is  bare,  but 
us  a  rule  these  hills  are  very  fairly  wooded  witli  while  poplar,  cotton  wood, 
grey  willow,  and  occasionally  a  little  birch,  tho  latter  being  very  scarce, 
however.  As  the  country  in  this  neighbourhood  is  very  much  cut  up  with 
abrupt  little  hills  and  valleys,  it  is  not  well  calculated  for  grain  farming  on 
a  very  large  scale,  as  a  farmer  would  seldom  have  an  opportunity  of  laying 
out  more  than  ton  acres  in  a  single  field,  while  if  he  tocjk  tho  land  as  it  came 
there  would  bo  nnuiy  more  liehls  less  than  five  acres  in  dimensions  than  those 
exceeding  that  limit.  For  settlers  desiring  to  farm  in  a  small  way,  I  should 
imagine  Touchwood  Hills  presented  a  very  good  opening.  Tho  soil  is  good, 
being  mostly  a  rich,  though  s(jmewhat  gravelly,  loam.  It  is  for  the  most 
part  very  eiisily  drained,  and  being  mostly  upland,  could,  I  should  im  ijine,  be 
worked  very  early  in  the  spring.  Forage  is  excelleiit,  and  shelter  for  cattle 
and  abundant,  while  the  settler  would  have  no  diHiculty  in  securing 
all  tho  logs  ho  would  want  for  building  purposes  and  all  the  fuel  he  would  re- 
quire for  gt^norations  to  come.  In  my  western  trip  last  sinnmer  it  will  bo 
remembered  that  1  only  skirted  through  tho  south-west  corner  of  Touchwood 
Hills,  and  saw  almost  nothing  of  tho  settlement  excepting  the  Church  of 
England  Mission.  This  time  I  have  passed  directly  into  the  soltlement  '-y 
the  regular  Edmonton  trail,  and  shall  conse({uently  be  able  to  give  the  reader 
Miy  impressionH  regarding  tho  whole  region  before  I  luivo  done  with  the  sub- 
ject. The  h.dian  farm  at  which  I  am  located  is  in  charge  of  the  Indian  De- 
partment Instructor  for  five  reserves  in  this  neighbourhood.  The  Instructor, 
ISiv.  Glilbert  McUonnell,  on!y  arrived  here  last  summer,  but  since  then  he 
han   been    working   witli  a  will,  and  now   has  the   farm  and  premises   in 








liiHt-cIasH  i-omlitidii.  lloIiiiMnt  jnfMoiit  only  tliirty  I'vo  acnm  iimlcr  I'lillivii- 
tiou,  (if  wliiih  ti\t>  jiiiCN  lire  hovvii  in  wlu'iit,  i'li'Vf  <ii  Imrloy,  iiiim  in  oiitH, 
tliico  in  hiniipH,  (>ni>  in  putiiliM  h,  (ini>  in  ciinolH,  l)«'»iilim  ii  liirm*  kilolmn-j^tirdt'H 
ot  linlf  an  lu  re.  'I'lio  iinpH  Inivo  not.  lu'on  vtiy  liu|;i>,  lutt  nvo  liiuvi'slnd  in 
•;<'iul  I'lMnlilion.  'Vho  wlical  avonif^i'il  iilmnt  lilt(u<n  ImihIu'Ih  I<i  llui  aero,  llio 
I'lirloy  twenty  tivo  l>n.slu'lH  Id  I|u>  aero,  tiala  twenty  liUHliolh'  to  lln<  aero,  tnr 
nilKs  two  huiulred  and  tliiity  «lnHlit  Is  to  tlio  aero,  polatooH  one  linndnul  and 
thiity  Inisliels  to  tlioaero,  eanot.'uMU"  hniulred  ImihIioIh  totlio  aero.  Mr.  Me- 
(\innell,  as  Ixis  been  aln>:idy  staled,  has  nndor  his  earo  live  resorves,  fmir  of 
tlieni  lieiii;,'  ii.  Toueliwood  lliils,  and  one  at  Nid  Lake,  ninety  miles  norllnvard. 
Tliey  are  all  oeenpied  l>y  Creo  Indians.  On  tlii»s»>  reserves  eomhlneil  tlior(» 
are  U»H  aeros  l>rokeii  ;  si\te»>ii  aeres  of  poliitoo.s  Inive  yielded  7i">  liusln<ls  to 
the  aero  ;  sixty  aeros  of  wheat  havt>  yi»-hh>d  from  (ifteen  to  t\vi»nty  ItMsheLs 
to  the  r»eiv  ;  torty  st>ven  aeres  of  harU-y  havt>  yielded  twenty  hushels  lo  the 
aero,  tln>  nniainder  of  the  hroki  ii  lauil  heinj,'  roots,  inehulin}.;  8tH(  Imsliels  of 
turnips,  the  latt(>r  heintj  a  very  popular  arlieh»  of  food  with  the  Indians 
lhrou.;hout  the  North\N'i>st.  The  eondiined  population  of  these  rosi'i've.s 
wouM  he  l>i>f ween  seven  and  ei;;hl  hundred.  Mr.  Mi'Coiinell  tolls  u:e  that 
al!  Iiis  pupils  are  taking  a  very  aetivi'  interest  in  fjiriniuf^,  iind  th(Uifj;h  many 
of  I  hem  are  neees.arily  awkward  and  slow  alio\it  learniiiL,',  ho  has  eonlidonee 
in  ultimately  sueeeeilini;  in  makins.;  nu>d«'rately  i^ood  setth>rs  of  nearl_  all  of 
iIk  lu,  thoiii;h,  of  eourso,  generations  will  have  to  pass  away  lioforu  the  Imlian 
ean  lieetMne  as  i^ood  ii  farmer  as  the  aviMai;i*  white  settlor.  IVlr,  MeC'onnoU 
_!;ives  Indians  wlio  wt>rU  small  rations,  if  they  need  them,  for  their  familii>s, 
h\it  those  who  don't  work  never  reeeivo  a  mouthful  of  fooil  from  (he  llonu> 
farm.  Tin-  Indiana  appear  to  he  all  in  j^ood  spirits,  aro  thorouj^hly  satistiiil 
with  the  j>roj;resa  thoy  are  making;  in  farndng,  and  look  npon  aj^riculturo  as 
the  future  i-mploynuMit  of  their  raee.  Since  lu'  was  plaeed  in  ehar^^v^  of  thi  • 
*atiu,  last  Slimmer,  Mr.  Merounell  and  his  assistiiuts  liavo  put  up  an  (>xeel- 
Unt  farm  house,  whieli,  thoui^h  not  extravay;ant  or  eostly,  ia  well  eahndated 
to  make  the  red  man  a\>preeiate  the  value  of  industry  uiul  porHovoranee. 
Many  of  them  are  now  puttitii^  .ip  i,'ood  lo<^  houses  for  themselves,  and  there 
is  every  reason  to  hope  that  in  a  few  years  the  Indians  of  'rouchwood  lliUs 
and  Ni't  Lako  will  he  a  litth<  more  than  barely  self-suppirtinj,'. 

Touchwood  Hills,  it  will  he  rememheivd,  lie  libotit  tifty  miles  north  of  the 
Hudson  J'ay  and  Motinted  Polieo  Posts  in  thi>  QuWppelle  valley,  and  the  two 
regions  are  apt  to  he  spoken  of  in  eoriu'etion  with  one  another.  Tlio  people  nn 
the  two  Kottlements  renivrd  each  otluT  as  nei^hhonrs,  and  visit  each  other's 
familiea  just  lis  people  sitmited  four  or  tive  miles  apart  in  Ontario  would  do* 
Wlu'U  I  arrived  liero  this  afternoon  I  fotmd  Mr.  Thorn. is  Kavaitayh,  a  wealtliy 
settler  fr(>ui  t^uAppelle,  just  linishin^,'  the  m;  for  the  Indian  Kami, 
and  from  liini  I  was  onahled  ti)  obtain  sonn>  infonnation  renardini;^  the  crops 
at  Qtr.\ppelle,  wliich  were  being  harvested  when  1  passed  up  last  summer. 
Mr.  Kavanai^h  io,  I  bilieve,  the  only  farmer  in  this  part  of  the  country  who 
has  ft  threshiui;  nuichino,  and  this  year  Ids  ten-horao  thresher  pa.Msed  through 
it  nearly  all  the  grain  crops  in  the  yu'Appello  Valley.     lie  himself  iias  forty 

TiiK  n<»iitii-wi;ht. 

luvrt^H  lin.koii,  ivvtuily  <»f  whidi  wdio  midur  ciopH  of  Ijiirlity,  wImhiI,,  ouIm  iuhI 
iiiiitH.  TliiH  y*mr  llio  iivtira^ti  yiold  ot  wlitml.  in  llio  (.^irA|i|Millu  Vtilltiy  w;ih 
lliiily-livii  InmlitilH  l,o  (liti  iirrn.  lJiirl»iy  iivtuaxnil  Uiiiiy  t,<»  Imly  InmhtilH  pir 
iii'i'c  ;  iiaU,  Hixty  I)IihIio1h  li>  tlxi  unit)  ;  |)iiUtiiim,  l^fiO  IhinIiiiIh  I;I)  IIio  aum.  Mr. 
La  lidcliii,  wli<m(\  wlioal  waH  jiml,  ntatly  to  liarvoKl  wliuii  I  jiaHMiid  woHt.Wiirl, 
aliiiiil.  Uttt  iiiiddio  of  laHt.  Aii^iihI.,  (;liiaii(i<!  ii|)  1*20  huidmlH  of  lioaiilifiil  vvlKtal 
for  livd  IxihImiIh  Hiiwii,  and  Mr.  Kavaiia^ii  aHHiinm  iiiti  Uial.  Mr.  La  KocIio'k 
<-ro|iH  worn  iioL  in  any  way  Nii|i*u'ior  to  Uio  avoraKti  l,o  lio  found  in  llm  <j>ii'A|i- 
|i(illn  Valloy.  'I'liiH  ovtminK  I  inadu  iirranjftinicntH  to  diH|ioHii  of  my  wa^^(,'oM 
and  ImrncKx  and  piindniHo  two  jnni|iiirH  and  two  Hin|.d(i  HotH  of  Mlia)j;na|i|iy  Imi- 
noMii,  witli  wliicli  to  (;ontinini  tlm  jnnrnvy.  Ah  mtitlior  jniMinrH  nor  liain<!:iH 
am  in|tt.irft^i;t  oi-dor,  liowcvrr,  I  idiail  luivn  to  roniain  tiio  wiioln  id  to-tnorrow  to 
liavo  tilt)  iKieoHHary  r(>|iairH  nnid<'.  'I'Imh  iH  Ity  no  nioanii  a  ^ood  |ilii(Mt  in  wliii:li 
ti)  imrclniHd  jiun|it'rH,  aH  Hiiitalilo  tinilirr  for  tliinr  niannfactuni  ih  vi-vy  Hcaro:, 
and  af  it  in  on  tho  main  trail  liotwt^ttn  W  innijx'^  and  Itattlidord,  many  of  tlio 
wimtward  lionnd  frtdf^lilorH  Inivn  already  loft  tlitiir  cartit  linr))  and  Miijiplicil 
tlnniHulvim  with  jnm[HirH,  ho  that,  tlnmo  wlio  liavti  any  loft  aro  inclined  to  n»k 
fancy  prictm  for  tluiiii.  'I'liiH  iivininff  I  paid  i!f\^)  for  a  jiimp<!i'  that  will  not 
lirii>}{  Ion  I'cntH  at  tho  ond  of  tin:  railway,  and  tiiC.I  foi'  a  Hot  of  Hhai.^na|i|iy  har 
iiOHH  littlo,  if  any,  niu>'o  vahialihi  than  tho  jiiinpor.  'i'lio  otiior  jnmpir  and 
liarnoHH  ant  Iohh  proloiitioiiH,  much  Iohh  cxpoiihivo,  and  ahoiit  oipially  vain 
alilo,  iiiaHinnch  aH  thoy  will  aimwcr  tho  pnrpoHOH  of  my  joiirnoy,  und  that  m 
all  I  can  oxpuct  from  tlioin.  'i'ho  air  in  kouii  und  fronty  tr>  nii^lil .  hut  thoru 
Ih  ovory  appoaraur.o  of  Hottlod  y  tathui".'m  Station, 'i'oiciiwooii  llii.i.s, 'J7(»  mii.k.s  iuo\i  lUrTi,i,i'oi<i»,  Nov. 
'_';"».  VoHti'iday  waH  Hpiiit  in  complotiii)^  my  arraiiK'^mcntH  for  tho  joiirnoy  \(> 
lAirt  Ellico,  a  distauco  of  Hiiinu  InO  niilon  or  more,  and  it  wan  not  until  tho 
foronoun  wiiH  woll  advanuod  that  1  inauiii^ud  to  ^ot  away  from  tho  Indiiut 
I'liiin.  Ah  a  coiiHocpionou  i  havo  only  mado  aliont  fonitoon  mihs  today 
lirinj^  now  oam[H!d  at  iN.iliirH  Station,  tho  lant  Htoppin^f  plauo  in  tho  'I'omh- 
wood  llillH  Hottlomoiit.  1  havo  onjoyod  the  drivo  tu-day  vory  much,  and  ii 
•ho  woathor  iily  coiilinniH  favonralilu  I  tnint  tho  romaindor  of  tho  tri|»  will 
turn  out  to  la.  oxtroiinly  plouHant.  Ah  hoiiiu  <»f  my  roailiiiH  may  not  nndtr- 
Htand  jiiHt  what  a  jnmpor  in,  '  may  ho  oxciinod  for  ^iivin:^  a  Hhort  oxpla- 
nation  aH  to  ita  charactor.  Indoud,  tho  jiimpurH  in  tho  North-Wont  ilill'or 
vory  i;on«idorahly  from  thoHo  UHiially  :«oon  in  tho  haokwoodH  of  Ontario,  tli«> 
former  hoing  VI  ry  littlo  laryor  than  a  fair  ni/.od  hand-Hloi^^di,  and  mado  on 
prociHoly  tho  namo  principlo.  Tho  Hhafts  of  tho  jnmiior  art;  couplod  with  ono 
croHn-bariuid  uttachod  by  moans  o*'  ahort  BtripH  of  Bhannappy  or  rftwhido  to 
tho  forward  knoo  on  uithor  Hido.  Tho  inannor  of  uttaohinn  thoHo  HhiiftB  in  a 
littlo  la'ciiliar.  Tho  ond  of  tho  hhaft  projuotn  hoyoiid  tho  holo  through  whicli 
tho  rawhido  nniH,  and  iii  ho  hovollod  im  to  run  along  on  tho  hiiow  oillior  iii- 
Hido  or  uutsido  tho  rumior,  according  to  tho  width  of  tho  HhaftM.  In  thiH  way 
a  jinnpor  will  rido  over  u  log  without  any  Hpocial  ntrain,  an  tho  HhaftH  act  iih  a 
sort  of  lovor  and  inclined  piano  in  rai^•illg  tho  forward  ond,  iiiHload  of  giving 
u  doad  pull  against  tho  curvo  of  tho  runnur,  au  thoy  would  if  altacht-d  in  the 



■    V 

.   I 
.  t 





ordinary  way.  The  hameas,  which  is  made  of  rawhide  or  shagnappy,  is  pre- 
cisely the  same  as  a  light  cart  harness,  having  wooden  hames  padded  with 
linen,  and  closing  at  the  top  by  means  of  a  rawhide  loop.  Rope  lines  are 
usually  used,  and  now,  and  indeed  ever  since  the  weather  became  so  extremely 
cold,  1  have  given  up  using  bits  in  the  ponies'  mouths,  simply  fastening  the 
reins  into  the  halters  and  guiding  them  in  that  way.  Each  of  the  jumpers  is 
furnished  with  moderately  high  stakes  and  a  low  box  of  rough  boards.  Into 
these  boxes  we  have  packed  tl  load  from  the  now  abandoned  waggon,  each 
jumper  taking  half,  and  one  I  ig  u.i  ^en  by  Peter  and  the  other  by  myself. 
Of  course  our  tent  and  beddi;  make  up  a  considerable  share  of  the  load,  and 
as  these  can  be  iised  for  wraps,  it  has  not  been  at  all  dithcult  to  arrange  a  very 
comfortable  seat  in  each  jumper.  By  this  arrangement  Peter  takes  two  of 
the  ponies  to  use  in  his  jumper,  leaving  me  the  other  two,  one  of  whicli 
1  drive  in  the  forenoon  and  the  other  in  the  afternoon.  As  these  little 
sleighs  are  only  a  few  inches  above  the  snow,  it  is  almost  a  luxurious  sen- 
sation to  be  covered  up  to  the  chin  in  warm  wraps,  and,  in  an  almost  re- 
cumbent posture,  glide  sniootlily  along  over  the  snow,  instead  of  jolting  and 
bumping  on  the  waggon,  where  one  is  exposed  to  an  almost  unendurabl' 
<ipgree  of  cold.  Since  arriving  here,  where  1  may  be  said  to  be  in  the 
eastern  extremity  of  the  Touchwood  Hills  settlement,  I  have  been  enabled 
to  pick  up  some  further  information  concerning  the  Touchwood  Hills  region. 

As  this  settlement  is  a  convenient  stopping  place,  150  miles  from  the  head 
of  navigation  on  the  Assinibuine  at  Fort  Ellice,  a  very  fair  business  is  done 
in  winter  and  sunnuer  by  both  farmers  and  traders.  Travellers,  as  a 
rule,  come  around  by  the  way  of  Qu'Appelle,  which  is  the  longer  road  by 
about  tifty  miles,  but  freighters  and  others,  whose  sole  object  is  to  make  the 
quickest  possible  tiuic  between  Battleford  and  Winnipeg,  take  the  road  which 
we  purpose  pursuing  straight  across  Plioasant  Plains  to  Fort  EUieo.  I  was 
not  a  little  surprised  to  lind  that  one  of  the  traders  here,  Mr.  Heubach,  for- 
merly of  Montreal,  had  imported  a  finely-bred  trotting  stallion  Crown 
Prince,  by  John  E.  llysdyk  (iut  of  Doll  by  old  Royal  George.  He  is  a  very 
handsome,  solid-coloured  horse,  fashionably  bred,  fast,  and  stylish  enough 
for  any  gentleman's  carriage. 

At  Mr.  Nolin's  I  met  one  of  the  census  einimerAtors,  Mr.  Garneau,  who 
had  been  linsy  through  tlie  country  nortli  of  this  region.  I  found  him  en- 
thusiastic on  the  agricultural  prospects  of  the  Nortli-West.and  like  every  other 
well-informed  traveller  whom  1  have  met,  he  has  found  almost  limitless  areas 
of  agricultural  land  wlierever  he  has  gone.  About  twenty  miles  due  north 
of  the  point  where  wo  now  are  is  a  place  called  Quill  Plain,  whore  there  are 
as  yet  no  settlors.  It  is  about  seventy-five  miles  long  by  about  twonty-tive 
miles  wide,  made  up  of  choice  farming  land,  and  bordered  on  both  sides  with 
an  abundance  of  excellent  timber.  Tliero  are  also  scattering  bluU's  tlirough- 
out  the  plain  whore  firewood  and  building  material  nii^it  bo  found,  but  Mr. 
Ganifaii  doRcribes  tlie  belts  of  timber  bordering  the  plain  as  practically  ineK- 
haustible  for  home  gonsuutption. 



^ound  Plains  are  about  eight  miles  north  of  where  we  now  are,  and  loca- 
tea  among  what  are  known  as  the  Big  Touchwood  Hills.  This  is  a  succes- 
sion of  plains,  in  all  about  seventy  miles  long  and  eight  miles  wide.  Here, 
too,  the  land  is  exceedingly  rich,  and  almost  unbroken  by  sloughs  or  marshes, 
while  there  is  plenty  of  excellent  timber  on  both  north  and  south  borders. 
At  Round  Plains  there  are  now  some  ten  or  twelve  settlers  who  are  doing 
well.  At  Long  Lake,  which  is  about  forty  miles  west  of  Qu'  Appelle,  and 
eighty  or  ninety  south-west  of  this  point,  there  is  comparatively  little  tim- 
ber, but  an  excellent  quality  of  land,  and  in  fact  the  region  is  said  to  be  one 
of  the  most  beautiful  in  the  whole  North-West. 

Carrot  River,  another  place  visited  by  Mr.Garneau,  is  described  by  all  who 
have  seen  it  as  possessing  a  phenomenally  rich  soil,  in  which  wild  pea  vino 
grows  as  high  as  a  man's  head,  and  other  vegetation  is  proportionately  rich. 
There  are  about  twenty  families  now  settled  at  Carrot  River  (or  Root  River 
as  it  is  called  on  the  map),  but  from  the  very  favouriiblo  reports  that  I  have 
heard  everywhere  concerning  it  I  am  inclined  to  think  that  it  is  a  region  that 
will  rapidly  find  fa.vour  with  settlers  next  year.  It  lies  about  twenty  miles 
north  of  Prince  Albert.  Its  proximity  to  the  Saskatchewan  and  the  thriving 
village  of  Prince  Albert  is  a  sufficient  guarantee  that  produce  grown  there  can 
l>e  easily  disposed  of,  and  there  is  every  reason  to  believe  that  when  the  new 
system  of  steamboat  management  shall  have  been  inaugurated  on  the  Saskat- 
chewan next  summer  it  will  make  traffic  on  that  great  stream  much  more 
active  than  it  has  ever  been  before.  Indeed,  1  am  of  opinion  that  before 
another  year  has  passed  the  general  prospects  of  all  points  along  the  North 
Saskatchewan  from  Prince  Albert  to  Edmonton  will  be  greatly  improved  by 
the  increased  facilities  furnished  by  the  new  steamboat  management. 

As  I  have  often  heard  the  (luestion  asked.  How  came  "  Touchwood  Hills  " 
to  be  so  named  I  I  have  at  different  times  enquired  of  traders  who  have  spent 
nearly  or  quite  all  of  their  lives  in  the  North-West.  Though  all  the  stories 
concerning  the  origin  of  the  name  do  not  agree,  the  best  authenticated  and, 
I  think,  the  most  reasonable,  explanation  is  the  following  : — "  Before  the 
Indians  had  matches  brought  among  them  by  the  traders  and,  when  they  were 
accustomed  to  the  flint  and  steel,  "  touchwood,"  or  "  punk,"  as  it  is  called 
in  many  parts  of  Ontario,  was  in  great  demand,  and  in  the  North-West,  whore 
timber  is  comparatively  scarce  it  was  often  with  great  ditHculty  that  it  could 
be  procured.  Those  who  havi  ought  for  it,  even  in  the  woU-timberetl  ro- 
gioiis  of  Ontario,  have  often  experienced  some  difficulty  in  Hnding  it.  It  is 
produced  by  a  sort  of  dry  rot  that  usually  sots  in  while  the  tree  is  standing, 
and  this  dry  rot  which  converts  the  timber  into  punk  or  touchwood  i)ro. 
grasses  very  slowly.  In  the  prairie  bluffs,  which  are  occasionally  swept  by 
prairie  lires,  this  peciiliar  kind  of  decomposition  which  produces  toucliwood 
never  has  time  to  develop  itself,  but  in  these  hills  that  are  soklon:  reached  by 
those  devastating  tires,  and  whore  timber  has  been  allowed  to  grow  for  many 
decades,  and  where  the  short-lived  poplar  and  c(-ttonwood  are  the  prevailing 
woods,  the  conditions  were  highly  favourable  for  the  production  of  touch- 
wood, and  hero  the  red  men  have  always  been  able  to  tind  it  in  Hbuiidance. 







Indeed,  I  have  been  told  that  even  now  Indians  occasionally  come  here  from 
l)laces  hundreds  of  miles  away  for  the  sole  purpose  of  procuring  touchwood, 
which  in  addition  to  its  value  as  a  combustible,  is  supposed  by  them  to  pos- 
sess certain  highly-prized  medicinal  properties  when  worn  in  charms  or  neck- 

Tlie  weather  has  moderated  very  much  since  sunset,  and  I  fear  that  a  thaw, 
or  possibly  a  rain  storm,  may  not  be  far  oft". 




In  Camp,  five  miles  kast  of  Touchwood  Hills,  en  route  to  Fort  Elllce, 
Nov,  20. — This  morning  when  we  turned  out  the  weather  had  become  un- 
usually warm,  rain  was  falling  at  intervals,  the  wind  was  blowing  from  the 
south,  and,  in  short,  appearances  were  decidedly  in  favour  of  a  general  break- 
ing up  of  the  8leighin<;,  nOw  that  we  were  just  fairly  prepared  for  it.  It  con- 
tinued so  showery  during  the  forenoon  that  I  found  it  impossible  to  leave 
Nolin's  till  after  dinner,  when  the  rain  ceased  though  the  weather  was  still 
warm  and  foggy.  On  gutting  out  on  the  trail  once  more  it  did  not  take  me 
long  to  discover  that  the  sleighing  was  seriously  impaired  by  the  thaw  which 
had  set  in,  and  that  two  more  days  of  such  weather  at  farthest  would  be  cer- 
tain to  utterly  use  up  the  sleighing.  Even  this  afternoon  the  jumper  dragged 
heavily  occasionally  as  it  cut  through  the  slush  and  down  into  the  mud.  Our 
loads  are  not  very  heavy,  however,  and  wo  reached  our  present  camp  by  four 
o'clock  in  the  afternoon.  Here  we  found  Messrs.  Pratt  and  Grant-Dalton  in 
camp,  and  deciding  to  wait  and  go  on  in  company  with  them  in  the  morning. 
I  turned  my  ponies  out  to  feed.  Mr.  McHugh  secured  a  jumper  and  harness 
at  Touchwood  Hills,  but  ho  has  now  with  liim  only  the  largo  roan  pony  for 
which  he  traded  at  South  Saskatchewan,  his  broncho  having  become  so  com- 
plcLLiiy  played  out  that  he  despaired  of  bringing  him  through  to  Fort  Ellice, 
even  though  allowed  to  run  light  all  the  time.  Ho  accordingly  sold  him  at 
Touchwood  Hill.?,  and  decided  to  make  the  remainder  of  the  journey  with  one 
])ony.  Messrs.  I'ratt  and  Grant-Dalton  wore  unable  to  get  more  than  one 
jumper  at  Touchwood  Hills,  and  are,  therefore  bringing  both  their  waggons 
along  as  well  as  the  juniper,  which  they  use  chieHy  for  carrying  grain.  At 
]ireHent  it  is  impossible  for  mo  to  say  whicli  outfit  stands  the  best  chance  of 
making  good  time  to  Fort  Ellice.  Should  the  weather  turn  cold  and  another 
snowstorm  come  on,  my  neighbours  would  be  much  worse  oil'  than  I  am,  as 



they  would  find  the  hauling  of  their  waggons  through  the  snow  between  here 
and  Fort  EUice  very  slow  wo..k.  On  the  other  hand,  however,  if  the  thaw 
should  continue  all  day  to-morrow  I  fear  1  should  have  to  resort  to  travois 
with  which  to  finish  the  journey. 

In  Camp,  25  Miles  from  Touohwood  Hills,  en  route  to  Fort  Ellice,  Nov. 
27. — The  weather,  though  cooler  this  morning,  was  still  not  quite  such  as 
I  would  like  to  have  seen.  For  all  that,  however,  wo  made  t(i1  bly  fair 
progress,  and  I  think  that  my  ponies  are  standing  the  work  with  the  jumpers 
quite  as  well  as  those  of  my  fellow-travellers  with  their  waggons.  We  have 
made  twenty  miles  to-daj'  through  what  appears  to  be  an  excellent  quality  of 
rolling  prairie,  partially  overgrown  with  blutt's  of  small  timber,  and  having 
occasional  groves  or  strips  of  poplar  and  cottonwood  of  considerable  size. 
Sleighing  is  certainly  not  any  worse  than  it  was  yesterday,  and  there  is  every 
appearance  of  cooler  weather  to  come.  I  find  travelling  with  jumpers  not 
at  all  fatiguing,  and  instead  of  looking  forward  as  I  used  to  do,  with  pleasure 
to  the  prospect  of  turning  into  camp  at  night,  I  now  begin  to  dread  it.  Our 
tents  are  pitched  to-night  in  a  clump  of  timber  south  of  the  trail,  where  there 
is  plenty  of  dry  wood.  We  have  a  cheerful  camp-fire  outside  the  tent,  and 
all-in-all  the  camp  is  an  exceptionally  comfortable  one. 

Ix  Camp,  50  Miles  from  Touchwood  Hills,  en  route  to  Fort  Ellice,  Nov. 
28. — Last  night  there  was  a  very  light  fall  of  snow  and  one  of  the  most  re- 
markable white  frosts  of  which  I  have  ever  seen  the  traces.  The  trees, 
branches,  and  twigs  are  all  thickly  coated  with  a  pure  white  Ame,  which  even 
wrapped  its  heavy  silver  armour  over  the  tall  blades  of  grass  that  had  reared 
their  heads  above  the  snow.  As  we  made  our  way  along  the  trail  to-day,  and 
were  approaching  Pheasant  Plains,  we  found  ourselves  getting  into  a  country 
where  the  snow  is  much  deeper  than  in  Touchwood  Hills,  and  it  is  with  con- 
siderable difficulty  that  our  neighbours  are  ke6ping  up  with  us,  while  the 
travelling  wiHi  our  jumpers  has  been  comparatively  easy.  We  have  made 
about  twenty-five  miles  to-day,  and  the  ponies  finished  their  work  almost  as 
fresh  as  they  began  it.  The  co\intry  through  which  we  have  travelled  is  very 
much  the  same  as  that  travt  aed  yesterday.  Here  and  there  the  country  is 
broker  with  sloughs  and  lakelets,  but  it  is  for  the  most  part  fine  rolling  land 
lightly  timbered.  The  forage  is  good  all  along  the  trail,  and  from  the  extra- 
ordinary growth  of  grass  which  stands  up  and  asserts  itself  strongly  above 
nine  to  fifteen  inches  of  snow,  I  should  imagine  the  soil  must  be  exception- 
ally rich.  Wherever  we  stop,  the  ponies  invariably  begin  pawing  and  feeding 
just  where  they  are  turned  out  of  the  harness.  They  lose  no  time  in  looking 
for  grass,  as  they  appear  to  think  it  good  enough  for  them  anywhere  along 
the  trail.  1  have  never  heard  this  region  very  highly  extolled  as  a  favour- 
able locality  for  settlement,  but  I  should  imagine  that  a  farme''  accustomed 
to  the  average  farming  land  to  be  found  in  Ontario  would  imagine  himself  in 
an  agricultural  paradise  could  he  bo  blindfolded  at  he  .lO  and  set  down  hero 
before  the  wrapping  was  taken  oflF  his  eyes.  If  he  came  up  here  in  the  ordi- 
nary way  ho  would  learn  by  the  time  ho  got  here  to  be  as  fault-finding  and 





i  - 


"I  ( 



dissatisfied  with  the  country  as  are  the  half-breeds  and  old  settlers  in  Mani- 
toba and  the  North-West.  The  average  half-breed  thinks  that  land  is  not 
worth  cultivating  provided  it  ever  requires  manure,  and  as  a  consequence  he 
objects  to  anything  except  the  heavy  black  loams  of  the  river  bottoms,  wliich 
are  not  as  adaptable  for  agricultural  purposes  in  a  cold  climate  like  that  of 
the  North-West  as  are  the  uplands  where  the  soil  is  lighter,  but  where  the 
crops  are  less  apt  to  be  visited  by  summer  frosts,  and  where  the  land  can  be 
ploughed  earlier  in  the  spring  without  the  danger  of  having  the  crop  drowned 
out  by  spring  rains  or  June  floods.  Indeed,  I  am  of  opinion  that  there  will 
yet  be  a  general  revolution  in  the  sentiments  of  North-West  settlers  concern- 
ing the  relative  values  of  light  uplands  and  heavy  bottoms.  In  some  sections 
of  the  North-West  the  land  has  been  condemned  because  it  is  thought  it 
would  require  manure  as  often  as  once  in  five  years,  but  I  have  invariably 
noticed  that  the  farmers  who  are  doing  beat  and  making  most  money  every- 
where throughout  the  North-West  territory  are  located  on  what  would  here 
be  termed  light  soil,  but  what  would  be  considered  by  any  intelligent  farmer 
in  Ontario  a  rich  sandy  loam.  But  the  character  of  the  soil  is  not  the  only 
thing  with  which  the  settler  in  the  North-West  is  apt  to  *ind  fault.  If  he 
finds  himself  in  a  position  to  take  up  a  whole  section  of  unbroken,  treeless 
prairie  of  the  very  best  of  soil  he  objects  to  it  on  account  of  the  lack  of  tim- 
ber. If  it  contains  numerous  bluffs  he  characterizes  it  as  "  broken  "  land  for 
the  simple  reason  that  he  cannot  plough  furrows  half  a  mile  long  until  he  has 
expended  some  money  or  labour  in  clearing  off  intervening  bluffs  of  timber, 
even  though  he  well  knows  that  it  would  furnish  him  valuable  material  for 
fences  and  outbuildings.  If  there  is  a  good-sized  slough  or  a  marshy  stream 
running  across  his  locsvtion  he  will  object  to  that  ;  but  if  it  is  destitute  of 
water  he  is  quite  as  ready  to  find  fault,  never  thinking,  apparently,  that  the 
cost  of  sinking  one  or  two  wells  in  the  soft  prairie  soil  would  be  the  merest 
trifle.  Of  course,  I  do  not  mean  to  say  that  all  the  farmers  who  come  to  the 
North-West,  or  indeed  a  greater  share  of  them,  are  grumblers  ;  but  where 
there  is  so  much  choice  land  from  which  to  take  a  selection,  and  where  a  man, 
by  looking  about  him  a  short  time,  can  find  almost  anything  he  wants  in  the 
way  of  rich  agricultural  land,  the  settler  becomes  extremely  fastidious.  He 
will  in  time  no  doubt  select  a  good  location,  but  if  asked  concerning  the 
merits  of  the  country  through  which  he  had  passed,  and  where  he  had  failed 
to  find  precisely  what  he  wanted,  he  would  be  apt  to  condemn  it  as  useless 
country  simply  because  it  did  not  quite  come  up  to  his  idea  1  what  a  prairie 
farm  si:  nild  be.  It  will  thus  be  seen  that  individual  opinii  .is  concerning  the 
North-West  are  apt  to  be  greatly  diversified,  and  though  all  mean  to  repre- 
sent the  real  facts  of  the  case,  very  many  will  come  far  short  of  doing  so,  for 
the  reason  ♦hat  in  speaking  of  North-West  land  to  farmers  in  Ontario,  they 
conqiare  them  with  other  sections  in  the  North-West,  rather  than  with  agri- 
cultural land  in  Ontario,  which  is  perhaps  the  only  kind  with  which  the  listener 
is  familiar. 

The  country  through  which  we  travelled  to-day  is,  I  think,  all  made  up  of 
rich  land  well  adapted  for  agricultural  purposes,  but  at  the  same  time  it  is. 



far  from  being  np  to  the  standard  that  would  be  most  sought  after  by  s  ettlers 
coming  into  this  country.  This  evening  the  sun  went  down  in  a  flush  of  rosy 
light,  and  as  the  ruddy  sunset  tints  lib  up  the  snow,  and  touched  every  frost- 
armoured  branch,  twig,  leaf,  and  bending  blade  of  grass,  the  picture  was  such 
as  would  make  the  beholder  imagine  that  he  had  been  suddenly  transported 
to  fairyland.  Our  camp  to-night  is,  according  to  Peter's  calculation,  not 
more  than  about  six  miles  from  Big  Pheasant  Plain.  The  forage  is  very  good, 
but  dry  wood  is  exceedingly  scarce,  and  it  was  as  late  as  ten  or  half- past  ten 
o'clock  before  we  had  collected  enough  to  cook  supper  in  the  camp  stove,  to 
say  nothing  of  a  fire  outside,  which  was,  of  course,  not  thought  of.  The 
weather  has  been  turning  gradually  colder  to-day,  and  to-night  the  mercury 
stands  8  or  9  below  zero  and  the  temperature  is  still  falling. 

In  Camp,  82  miles  from  Touchwood  Hills,  en  route  to  Fort  Ellice. 
Nov.  29. — This  morning  the  mercury  in  the  thermometer  was  frozen  up  again. 
There  was  a  heavy  fog,  a  light  breeze  '"n  the  north,  and  occasional  flurries  of 
snow.  On  harnessing  the  ponies  this  morning  Ave  discovered  that  one  of  my 
best  ponies,  Jim,  had  received  such  a  severe  kick  on  one  of  his  hind  legs,  just 
above  the  gambrel  joint,  that  it  would  be  impossible  to  use  him,  and  I  even 
had  my  doubts  if  he  would  be  able  to  keep  up  with  the  loose  ponies.  As  he 
was  one  of  the  pair  driven  by  Peter,  and  as  his  mate  was  not  able  to  do  the 
whole  day's  journey,  I  was  obliged  to  turn  Blanche  over  to  Peter  and  drive 
the  ever-reliable  Punch  throughout  the  whole  day.  I  need  hardly  add  that 
although  this  pony  has  already  done  considerably  over  2,000  miles  driving 
since  last  June,  he  did  his  work  to-day  just  as  cheerfully  and  willingly  as  he 
did  the  first  day  I  owned  him.  The  travelling  to-day  was  very  heavy.  Pheas- 
ant Plain  being  thickly  covered  with  snow,  and  the  trail,  of  course,  entirely 
unbroken.  We  drew  away  from  Messrs.  Pratt  and  Grant-Dalton  early  in  the 
morning,  and  when  we  camped  for  noon,  they  were  nowhere  in  sight.  Shortly 
after  we  left  our  noon  camp,  however,  we  sighted  them  some  three  miles  be- 
hind U8  on  the  open  prairie,  and  to-night,  after  having  crossed  a  dismal 
stretch  of  treeless  plain,  we  reached  camp  just  as  twilight  was  deepening  into 
darkness.  An  hour  and  a  half  later  they  were  with  us,  but  still  no  tire  could 
be  started,  for  as  yet  our  searches  for  firewood  had  been  fruitless.  Thee 
were  bluffs  on  every  side  of  us  for  miles  in  every  direction  but  one,  and  yet 
it  was  half -past  twelve  o'clock  before  we  could  find  dry  wood  enough  to  make  a 
respectable  fire  in  the  stove.  It  was  dreary  work  wandering  about  among 
these  bluffs,  each  taking  a  different  dii-ection  and  searching  for  fuel.  The 
young  moon  was  sailing  through  thick  curling  masses  of  coppery-bronzo 
clouds,  now  breaking  out  with  a  flood  of  pure  silver j'  light,  and  now  almost 
lost  in  the  heavy  billowy  masses  through  which  she  was  rapidly  ploughing. 
When  at  last  we  had  finished  our  nearch  for  wood  th«  (luestion  of  pitching 
my  tent  was  the  next  that  presented  itself.  I  had  neglected  to  provi'le  my- 
self with  iron  tent  pegs,  without  which  no  one  should  travel  during  the  winter, 
and  on  attempting  to  drive  the  oak  ones,  it  was  found  that  they  would  break 
and  broom  up  rather  than  enter  the  frozen  ground.     The  result  is  that  we 



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shall  spread  our  blankets  on  the  snow  in  the  lea  of  a  thick  bluff,  and  sleep 
with  naught  but  the  starry  canopy  above  us. 

Ii.  Camp,  112  miles  from  Touchwood  Hills,  en  route  to  Fort  EUice, 
Nov.  .30. — It  was  scarcely  daybreak  when  we  left  camp  this  moi-ning,  and 
finding  that  it  was  apossible  to  keep  up  to  us  with  their  waggons,  Mr,  Pratt 
and  Mr.  Grant-Daliou  decided  to  make  no  further  effort  in  that  direction. 
Accordingly  Mr.  McHugh,  Peter,  and  I  left  camp  before  they  had  rounded 
up  their  ponies  for  a  start.  We  were  half  an  hour  on  the  way  before  the 
sun  rose  over  little  Pheasant  Plain  in  a  blaze  of  ruddy  light,  while  in  the 
south-western  sky  was  to  be  seen  that  peculiarly  fresh,  breezy  effect  of  little 
dove-coloured  cloud  islets,  floating  in  a  sea  of  pale  malachite  green,  which 
one  often  sees  when  ihe  sun  is  rising  over  some  broad  lake  whose  farther 
shores  are  below  the  horizon.  Our  journey  to-day  was,  for  the  most  part, 
through  rather  open  prairie,  furnished  with  scattering  bluffs  of  small  timijer. 
The  travelling  was  heavy,  but  we  made  fine  progress,  having  covered  cer- 
tainly not  less  than  thirty  miles  to-day.  About  sunset  we  were  examining 
the  blufls  in  order  to  find  a  good  camp  if  possible,  but  it  was  after  dark  be- 
fore we  reached  one  where  dry  wood  was  at  all  plentiful.  We  are  now  fairly 
sheltered  by  the  timber,  and  have  a  good  tire  blazing  in  front  of  us.  By 
means  of  some  green  poles  we  have  fixed  up  a  sort  of  franje  over  which  wo 
have  thrown  the  tent,  so  as  to  make  a  shed  fronting  towards  the  fire,  and 
our  prospects' for  a  comfortable  night's  rest  are  not  at  all  bad. 

In  Camp,  Wolverine  Hill,  en  route  from  Touchwood  Hills  to  Fort  EI- 
lice,  Dec.  1. — It  was  intensely  cold  when  we  turned  out  of  camp  this  morn- 
ing, and  we  had  rather  a  dreary  time  in  getting  ready  for  a  start,  but  once 
on  the  trail  we  glided  along  comfortably  and  pleasantly  through  fine  prairie 
uplands  until  noon,  when  we  drove  down  into  the  big  valley  of  what  ia  known 
on  the  maps  as  Cut  Arm  Creek.  The  banks  are  very  precipitous,  and  some- 
where about  180  or  200  feet  high.  This  creek,  as  I  have  already  remarked, 
is  called  Out  Arm  Creek  on  the  map.  The  half-breeds  and  the  guides  in  this 
region  all  know  it  as  "  Broken  Arm  Creek."  The  name  was  given  to  it  by 
the  Indians,  and  the  cause  of  its  receiving  this  somewhat  singular  np me  is  that 
an  Indian,  in  riding  down  into  this  valley  one  day,  fell  from  his  horse  and 
broke  his  arm.  The  name  of  "  Cut  Arm  "  was  probably  given  to  it  by  some 
conceited  individual  who  imagined  his  knowledge  of  Cree  to  be  much  better 
than  it  really  was.  It  is  a  pity,  however,  that  nonjenclature  throughout  the 
North- West  should  have  to  be  so  far  entrusted  to  ignorant  Government  of- 
ficials, who  are  too  conceited  to  consult  old  settlers,  half-breeds,  or  competent 
interpreters.  This  is  only  a  sample  of  the  abominable  bungling  that  has 
been  committed  in  naming  hills,  creeks,  lakes,  and  rivers  throughout  the 
North  and  North- West  of  Canada.  In  taking  the  canoe-route  from  Thunder 
Bay  to  Winnipeg  the  traveller  can  if  he  chooses  pass  through  no  less  than 
four  Hawk  Lakes,  while  Vermilion  Rivers  may  be  found  in  abundance  all  the 
way  from  Lake  Superior  to  Edmonton.  There  are  also  five  or  six  Vermilion 
Lakes,  two  or  three  Vermilion  Bays,  fifty  or  sixty  Beaver  Creeks,  and  Mud 



Lakes  innumerable.  After  dinner  we  crossed  a  broad  stretch  of  nuiskeg, 
probably  not  less  than  five  miles  in  width,  and  finally  came  to  camp  at  Wol- 
verine Hill,  or,  as  it  has  been  called  on  the  maps,  "  Spy  Hill."  Here  is  an- 
other outrage  in  the  way  of  stupid  nomenclature.  There  are  a  number  of 
small  hills  in  this  vicinity,  and  one  very  hirge  one.  On  the  summit  of  the 
latter  is  an  Indian  flagstaff,  erected  to  mark  the  spot  where  many  years  ago 
an  old  man,  called  the  Wolverine,  killed  himself.  To  this  day  it  is  not 
known  whether  he  shot  himself  accidentally  or  whether  it  was  a  case  of  de- 
liberate suicide.  At  all  events,  the  Indians  called  the  hill  after  him  ,  and 
until  the  wif  i  men  at  Ottawa  published  maps,  nobody  ever  thought  of  the 
place  by  any  other  name.  By  these  savants,  however,  a  group  of  hills  in  the 
neighbourhood  was  named  "  Wolverine  Hills,"  and  the  ori;,'inal  Wolverine 
Hill  re-christened  "  Spy  Hill."  Besides  being  a  stupid  innovation,  this  is  a 
mischievous  one,  for  away  down  on  the  plains  south-west  of  Battleford  there 
is  a  hill  that  has  long  been  known  to  the  Indians  and  guides  as  "  Spy 
Hill,"  or,  rather,  two  or  three  butes  which  were  known  as  the  "  Spy  Hills."' 
A  traveller  coming  into  this  country  and  consulting  the  maps  would  be  al- 
most sure  to  get  the  two  localities  confounded.  If,  for  example,  ho  desired 
to  visit  Spy  Hill,  any  experienced  guide  woidd  conclude  at  once  that  he 
meant  the  locality  beyond  Battleford,  for  as  a  rule  guides  pay  very  little  at- 
tention to  published  maps. 

Our  camp  to-night  is  in  a  thick  bluff  where  the  undergrowth  is  so 
abundant  that  we  had  to  ch(jp  away  a  portion  of  it  before  we  could 
get  room  to  spread  our  blankets  and  make  other  preparations  for  camp. 
We  have  a  huge  fire  burning  at  our  feet,  but  even  this  hardly  suflices 
to  make  us  comfortable,  as  the  night  is  intensely  cold,  the  frozen  mer- 
cury giving  no  indication  as  to  how  low  the  temperature  reclly  is,  but 
I  am  strongly  inclined  to  think  that  it  must  be  at  least  forty  degrees  below 
zero.  Camping  out  in  such  a  temperature  as  this  is,  under  the  best  of  cir- 
cumstances, a  frightful  tax  on  one's  vital  energies.  This,  I  trust,  will  be  our 
last  out-of-doors  camp,  as  we  hope  to  reach  Fort  Ellice  to-morrow,  and  I  am 
not  at  all  sorry  that  the  most  tedious,  and  by  al,  odds  the  roughest,  part  of 
the  journey  is  now  at  an  end.  I  cannot  help  feeling  some  regret,  however,  at 
parting  with  my  ponies.  They  have  come  to  know  me,  and  1  have  been  so 
long  with  them,  and  passed  through  so  many  trials  and  such  a  long,  dreary 
journey  in  their  company,  that  I  cannot  help  looking  upon  them  as  old  anil 
well-tried  friends.  For  many  a  day  and  man^  .•»  mile  they  have  been  all  that 
have  stood  between  me  and  a  fate  too  miserable  to  contemplate,  and  now 
that  our  companionship  is  fast  drawing  to  a  close  I  could  wish  that  some  bet- 
ter fate  were  in  store  for  them  than  that  of  falling  into  the  hands  of  cruel,  ir- 
rational, and  merciless  masters,  such  as,  I  am  sorry  to  say,  nine-tenths  of  the 
half-breed  freighters  are.  As  I  close  my  journal  to-night,  and  bid  a  long 
farewell  to  camp  life,  and  what  I  think  I  may  justly  characterize  as  genuine 
"roughing-it,"  the  starlight  is  blending  with  the  fli.kering  ruddy  flush  of  a 
camp-fire  upon  my  note  book.  I  hear  the  muffled  clinking  of  Punch's  bell 
in  the  thick  underbrush  a  hundred  yards  from  camp,  while  from  away  out  of 




the  open  prairie  to  the  northward  cornea  the  long-drawn,  dismal  howl  of  the 
timber-wolf.  I  am  not  sorry  to  bid  farewell  to  this  kind  of  life  for  a  while 
at  least,  but  at  the  same  time  there  is  a  fascination  about  it  that  is  quite  in- 
explicable until  one  has  experienced  it. 


I- -J 




Fort  Ellice,  Dec.  2.  —We  arrived  here  early  in  the  afternoon,  or  rather 
Mr.  McHugh  and  I  arrived,  leaving  Peter  to  drive  one  of  the  ponies  to  his 
own  house,  wh  ;  h  is  some  mile  and  a  half  or  more  oflF  the  trail,  and  on  a  side- 
road  which  branches  off  the  main  trail  two  or  three  miles  from  this  point. 
Indeed,  since  arriving  here  I  am  very  glad  that  I  permitted  the  poor  fellow 
to  go  home  as  soon  as  possible,  for  the  Hudson  Bay  Company  ofhcials  inform 
me  that  his  young  wife  has  been  exceedingly  anxious  about  him  for  the  last 
month  or  twf",  Her  anxiety  was  unnecessarily  intensified  by  the  contemp- 
tible conduct  of  a  half-breed  named  Alexandre  Rivoire,  who,  returning  from 
Winnipeg  at  the  time  mentioned,  informed  her  that  he  had  met  Peter  there, 
where  he  was  drinking  and  carousing,  and  going  through  with  his  money  as 
fast  as  possible,  and  that  he  had  no  intention  of  returning  to  his  family  at 
Fort  Ellice. 

Fort  Ellice,  which  was  described  on  my  way  west  last  summer,  is  a 
very  diflferent  looking  place  now.  Then  it  was  full  of  life  and  animation, 
Indians  and  white  men  were  gathered  here  from  all  parts  to  see  the  Gover- 
nor-General, and  business  was  brisk  on  all  sides.  Now  it  wears  a  most  dis- 
consolate itnd  deserted  aspect.  A  freighter  is  starting  out  with  his  train 
westward  for  Prince  Albert,  and  a  surveyor's  outfit  is  detained  here  by  reason 
of  strayed  ponies,  but  otherwise  the  place  appears  utterly  deserted  by  every- 
body who  can  manage  to  spend  the  winter  away  from  it.  Even  the  chief 
factor  of  the  Hudson  Bay  Company  is  absent,  the  hotels  are  all  but  deserted, 
and,  in  short,  the  place  has  put  on  its  winter's  habit.  Indeed  I  am  inclined 
to  think  that  Fort  Ellice  has  seen  its  best  days.  People  desiring  to  visit  the 
Territory  next  summer  will  find  it  about  as  much  to  their  advantage  to  start 
from  Brandon  with  their  ponies  as  from  here,  and  in  doing  so  they  will  save 
themselves  a  long  and  tedious  trip  by  steamer.  The  weather  is  very  sharp 
and  frosty  to-nigh<^,  and  I  am  not  sorry  that  I  shall  have  an  opportunity  of 
sleeping  indoors. 



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BiKTLE,  Dec.  5. — Owing  to  some  unexpected  delays  I  was  not  able  to  get 
away  from  Fort  EUice  till  after  dinner  to-day,  and  in  consequence  I  only 
reached  this  point  after  dark  this  evening.  Of  course  the  country  wears  a  very 
different  look  from  that  which  it  did  in  the  summer,  but  we  are  now  getting 
down  to  where  the  trails  are  beaten,  and  as  we  occasionally  meet  a  team,  the 
travelling  is  not  nearly  so  lonely  as  it  had  been  all  the  way  from  Calgary  to 
Fort  Ellice.  Birtle  has  grown  considerably  since  I  was  here  last  summer, 
and  all  in  all  it  appears  to  be  a  lively  prosperous  little  village,  and  from  the 
amount  of  business  that  is  done  here  I  should  imagine  that  it  must  be  sur- 
rounded by  a  goodly  number  of  thrifty  and  enterprising  settlers.  Already  1 
begin  to  hear  extravagant  stories  as  to  the  boom  in  real  estate  at  Winnipeg, 
Portage  la  Prairie,  and  Brandon. 

Kapid  City,  Dec.  5. — Yesterday  I  drove  from  Birtle  to  Shoal  Lake,  and 
to-day  from  Shoal  Lake  to  this  point,  where  I  am  only  twenty-two  miles  from 
the  present  terminus  of  the  C.  P.  R.  at  Brandon.  There  is  nothing  in  the 
journeyings  of  the  past  two  days  wor  iiy  of  note.  The  ponies  have  been 
doing  their  work  as  cheerfviUy  as  ever,  thou  ^h.  they  do  not  exactly  know 
what  to  make  of  being  stabled  at  night,  and  I  find  they  do  not  fill  themselves 
as  well  as  when  they  were  allowed  to  run  out.  Though  the  weather  is  in- 
tensely cold,  I  find  they  do  much  better  when  I  tie  them  outside  the  stables 
than  when  they  are  boxed  up  in  warm  stalls.  After  a  good  deal  of  higgling 
and  chaffering  with  local  buyers,  some  half-dozen  of  whom  approached  me 
under  the  pretence  that  they  wanted  to  buy  my  ponies,  I  discovered  that 
they  were  all  operating  for  one  buyer  from  another  part  of  the  Province,  who 
adopts  the  plan  of  making  very  low  offers  to  every  traveller  who  has  ponies  to 
sell,  and  having  these  oflfers  repeated  by  half  a  dozen  or  more  different  agents. 
This  gives  a  stranger  the  impression  that  ponies  are  really  cheap,  and  if  he 
is  not  up  to  the  sharper's  "  little  game  "  he  is  very  liable  to  be  caught  by  it. 
My  ponies  were  very  much  better  than  the  average  that  are  offered  here,  and 
I  was  quite  well  aware  of  it  myself.  I  held  them,  therefore,  at  from  ten  to 
fifteen  dollars  per  head  higher  than  the  prices  paid  here  for  the  native  ponies 
brought  in  by  surveyors.  The  local  buyers  professed  to  be  highly  iimused 
at  the  price  I  set  upon  the  animals,  but  they  were  evidently  chagrined  when 
they  saw  a  gentleman  on  his  way  to  Qu'Appelle  pay  me  my  price  and  take 
the  ponies  with  him. 

Like  Birtle,  Rapid  City,  has  improved  very  considerably  since  I  was  here 
last  summer.  New  buildings  have  gone  up,  and  some  little  disposition  to 
speculate  in  village  lots  has  already  manifested  itself.  Good  locations  on  the 
main  street  sell  at  $200  to  $250  each,  though  the  lots  are  only  of  very  modest 
dimensions.  Like  every  other  village  in  Manitoba,  Rapid  City  expects  to 
have  a  railway,  but  whether  they  will  get  it  as  soon  as  they  expect  it  or  not, 
1  am  not  at  all  prepared  to  say.  They  have,  however,  a  very  good  farming 
country  all  around  them,  and  though  I  have  no  expeotation  that  Rapid  City 
will  ever  be  a  Chicago,  or  St.  Louis,  or  even  a  St.  Paul,  I  think  it  is  destined 
to  become  a  thrifty  and  prosperous  little  village. 





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Brandon,  Dec.  G, — After  an  intensely  cold  drive,  and  ten  miles  of  it  over 
a  broad,  treeless  stretch  called  Bt-uitifnl  Plains,  I  found  the  trail  dipping 
gradually  down  into  the  valley  of  the  Assiniboine,  and  on  the  slope  of  the 
opposite  bank  I  saw  t'le  much-talked  of  town  of  Brandon.  I  need  hardly 
say  that  it  is  made  up  almost  entirely  of  new  buildings,  most  of  which  are  of 
unpainted  boards,  though  some  are  more  pretentious  in  character.  Tents 
still  figure  largely,  serving  as  warehouses,  stables,  etc.  I  did  not  find  busi- 
ness at  Brandon  booming  to  quite  such  an  extent  as  I  had  expected,  having 
heard  that  luts  of  25  feet  frontage  were  selling  here  for  $1,000  a  piece,  but  at 
the  same  time  Brandon  is  lively  enough  just  now,  despitu  the  intensely  cold 
weather  and  notwithstanuing  the  fact  that  travellers  have  for  this  season  left 
off  uiaking  excursions  upon  the  plains.  There  is  a  population  here  of  about 
900  or  possibly  about  1,000,  and  all  appear  w  h<we  plenty  to  do.  Being  tin 
end  of  the  track  Jkandon  cannot  fail  to  be  an  important  shipping  point  tint  i  I 
some  local  terminus  is  established  farther  west,  and  even  after  that  I  think 
Brandon  will  continue  to  be  a  place  of  some  importance,  as  there  is  a  very 
good  country  spreading  north,  south,  east  and  west  of  it.  Of  course  1  do  nut 
believe,  nor  expect  the  reader  to  believe,  the  extravagant  stories  told  of  the 
prices  paid  for  property  hero,  but  I  think  it  is  true  that  lots  are  cut  up  into< 
slices  of  not  more  that  twenty-five  frontage  and  sold  very  much  more  than 
they  will  ever  ba  worth.  To-night  I  saw  a  large  number  of  drunken  men 
and  tv>o  or  three  fights — a  novel  sight  to  me,  as  during  the  months  I  spent 
in  the  North- West  1  have  not  seen  three  men  under  the  infiuence  «)f  liciuoraud 
have  seen  no  fighting,  though  1  have  been  in  very  much  larger  crowds,  and  at 
Fort  McLeod  at  least  1  have  soon  hundreds  of  men  much  more  lawless  in  their 
proclivities.  Frontiersmen,  cattle-ranchers,  packers,  pr(<8pectors,  and  others 
who  are  to  be  found  along  the  base  of  the  Ilocky  Mountains  from  Edmonton 
to  Fort  McLeod,  arc  not  of  the  class  from  whom  one  wou.d  expect  good  be- 
havi'-"-,  but  still  the  fact  remains  that  though  in  the  North- West  Territories 
I  have  met  with  hundreds  of  such,  and  with  trappers,  traders,  half-breeds, 
and  Indians,  1  have  seen  no  fighting,  and  no  appreciable  degree  of  drunken- 
ness during  a  stay  of  about  four  months,  while  having  reached  BrandnUt 
where,  as  I  understand,  a  licinse  system  prevails,  I  have  seen  a  great  deal  of 
dnmkenness  and  not  a  little  fighting  within  the  space  of  four  hours.  I  have 
heard  many  people  raise  an  outcry  against  the  enforcement  of  prohibition  in 
the  North- West  Territory,  and  I  have  heard  many  say  that  the  Mounted 
Police  was  a  useless  force  ;  but  with  the  facts  that  have  been  so  forcibly 
brought  under  my  notice  this  evening  staring  me  in  the  face,  I  crn  only 
come  to  the  conclusion  that  stiiv-t  prohibition  is  absolutely  necessary  to  tie 
well-being  of  the  people  of  the  North- West  Territories,  and  that  the  North- 
West  Mounted  Police,  in  the  enforcement  of  prohibition  alone,  is  rendering 
a  Bcrvico  to  the  country,  worth  at  least  five  tunes  what  it  oosts. 



of  it  over 
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I  Edmonton 
Bct  good  bo- 
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iil  Brandiin. 
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WiNNiPEo,  Dec.  10.— The  last  entry  in  my  journal  closed  at  Brandcm  on 
the  evening  of  the  6th  inst.  The  morning  of  the  7th  was  an  intensely  cold 
one,  and  as  the  C.  P.  R.  ticket  agent  only  managed  to  open  his  oflice  a  few 
moments  before  the  train  moved  out  from  the  station,  the  result  of  his  tardi- 
ness was  that  a  large  share  of  the  passengers  were  unable  to  proc\ire  tickets 
and  were  compelled  to  pay  the  conductor  the  customary  ten  cents  extra. 
There  was  a  good  deal  of  grumbling  over  this  little  circumstance,  but  of 
■course  the  conductor,  who  was  not  to  blame,  had  to  listen  to  all  the  grumb- 
ling, while  the  ticket  agent,  who  in  addition  to  his  laziness  was  impertinent 
and  indolent  after  his  office  was  opened,  escaped  unnoticed,  as  no  one  had 
time  to  stop  and  tell  him  what  manner  of  man  he  was.  The  first  stop  made 
after  the  train  had  pulled  out  from  the  station  was  at  Grand  Valley,  which  is 
only  a  little  way  below  Brand<m  (perhaps  two  miles),  and  on  the  opposite  or 
northern  bank  of  the  Assiniboine.  There  is  here  a  very  pretty  site  for  a  vil- 
lage, and  indeed  this  was  at  first  supposed  to  be  the  spot  upon  which  Bran- 
don was  to  be  built.  The  property  here  had  been  located  by  a  settler,  and 
it  is  said  the  C.  P.  K.  Syndicate  offered  him  $20,000  in  cash  for  liis  claim, 
which  had,  1  suppose,  cost  him  not  more  than  one  or  two  hundred  dollars 
originally.  He  could  not  see  his  way  clear  to  accept  the  offer  nado  him,  and 
tlie  railway  people  decided  to  move  up  the  river  and  over  to  the  south  bank. 
I  suppose  thd  Grand  Valley  location  is  no.v  worth  $1,500  or  ^2,0(X),  but  I  am 
afraid  it  will  be  a  long  time  before  its  owner  will  have  another  chance  of 
accepting  $20,000  for  it.  Between  Brandon  and  Portage  La  Prairie  there  is 
little  to  be  seen  at  this  season  of  the  year  to  interest  tiie  traveller.  At  Por- 
tage La  Prairie  the  train  only  stopped  long  enough  to  give  the  passengers 
time  to  take  luncheon.  From  Portage  La  Prairie  the  journey  to  Winnipeg 
was  not  particularly  interesting,  though  at  the  firtft-mentioned  place  the 
lunnher  of  eastward  bound  passengers  was  considerably  increased.  It  was 
dark  when  wo  reached  Winnipeg,  and  as  the  night  was  an  intensely  cold  and 
disagreeable  one  I  was  not  long  in  taking  pansage  for  the  hotel  wh  ^re  I  in- 
tended to  house  myself  for  the  night.  Of  course  I  could  not  escape  a  fusi- 
lade  of  (luestions  as  so  )n  as  it  v  as  discoverot'  that  I  had  como  from  the 
Ni>rth-West  Territory,  and  several  individuals,  who  had  never  been  fifty 
miles  west  of  Winnipeg  in  their  lives,  volunteered  the  information  that 
Edmonton  was  the  greatest  place  in  the  North- West,  and  that  town  1  >ts  were 
already  Holling  there  at  fancy  prices.  In  return  for  the  many  (jueslKms  tliat 
■were  showered  upon  mo  regarding  the  North- West,  I  ventured  to  make  some 






enquiries  regarding  Winnipeg.     "Of  course,  everything  is  booming  here," 
was  the  reply. 

"  How  long  is  this  sort  of  thing  to  last  ? "  I  asked. 

"  Oh,  it's  only  commenced,"  said  the  landlord. 

"  Flush  times  usually  run  in  decades,"  remarked  a  sallow-faced,  philoso- 
phical-look'ng  speculator  and  land  agent  who  is  worth  a  million  or  more  "  ia 
his  mind,"  and  who  will  realize  that  in  cash  when  he  sells  all  his  property  at 
the  price  he  asks  for  it. 

I  ventured  to  suggest  that  alues  might  be  slightly  inflated  in  Winnipeg 
just  now,  and  as  those  present  were  peaceably  inclined  I  escaped  with  my 
life,  but  I  was  cautioned  against  any  public  expression  of  views  "  so  inimical 
to  the  well-being  of  the  city,  and  utterly  devoid  of  anything  like  a  foundation 
in  fact." 

"  Are  properties  bringing  a  rent  at  all  proportionate  to  the  prices  asked  for 
them  ? " 

"Oh,  yes,"  replied  the  land  speculator;  "twelve  to  ♦if  teen  per  cent,  at 

Turning  to  the  landlord  of  the  hotel  I  asked,  "  What  does  the  owner  of 
this  hotel  hold  it  at  ?"  "I  don't  know,"  he  replied,  "  but  he  refused  $'oO,. 
000  for  it  the  other  day." 

"  And  what  rent  do  you  pay  him  ? " 

"§1,200  a  year." 

I  looked  around  expecting  the  philosophical  land  spocidator  to  explain  to 
me  how  it  was  that  property  well  located  on  Main  Street  would  yield  in  rent 
only  two  per  cent,  upon  a  sum  avowedly  less  than  its  estimated  value,  but  ho 
had  disappeared,  and  so  I  went  to  supper. 

After  supper  I  spent  some  time  in  visiting  hotels,  dry-goo  Is  stores,  and 
«)ther  places  where  business  wns  being  done,  with  a  view  of  judging  from 
observation  if  the  trade  of  the  place  was  such  as  would  warrant  anything  like 
the  extravagant  prices  asked  for  real  estate,  and  my  impression  was  that  it 
would  not.  Prices  are  certainly  much  lower  than  when  I  was  hero  livst  sum- 
mer, though  T  do  not  believe  tliat  values  have  greatly  shrunk  in  any  other 
part  of  the  Dominion.  In  addition  to  this  the  stores  do  not  appear  to  bo 
nearly  as  well  patronized  as  they  wore  then,  even  though  there  is  at  present 
a  large  Hoating  pop\ilation  in  the  city. 

In  the  hotels  all  tho^ilk  was  of  real  estate.  In  the  hallway  and  billiard- 
room  of  onj  hotel  1  observed  no  less  than  five  groups,  each  made  up  of  one 
intended  victim,  one  oatensiblo  vendor  or  real  estate  operator,  and  (mo,  two, 
or  three  "  disintero-tod'  individuals  acting  parts  that  in  ordinary  confidence 
grumes  would  bo  denoniinatod  the  mlrs  of  "  cappers."  I  do  not  moan  to  in- 
Hinuito,  of  course,  that  <11  tlieso  transactions  in  real  estate  are  characterized 
by  a  given  amotmt  of  ra.icality,  but  I  should  bo  very  sorry  to  be  responsible 
for  the  assertion  that  two-thirds  of  them  are  not.  The  great  advance  in  tlio 
values  of  real  estate  has,  of  course,  rondoreil  it  possible  for  many  transac- 
tions to  be  made  in  which  both  parties  are  gainers.  For  example,  "A"  owns 
I)roperty  that  co-it  him  in  the  old  times  only  920*)  or  ^!J00.     At  the  beginning 



g  here," 

,  philoso- 
aore  " in 
operty  at 


with  my 

)  inimicar 


asked  for 

3T  cent,  at 

owner  r.f 
iiaed  $00,- 

explaiu  to 
eld  in  rent 
ue,  but  ho 

itores,  and 
lj,'ing  from 
rthing  like 
vaa  that  it 
3  hist  suni- 

any  other 
pear  to  ho 

at  present 

id  biUiard- 
up  of  Olio 
I  one,  two, 
ncan  to  in- 
anee  in  tho 
\\y  transac- 
,  "A"  own* 
e  beginning 

of  the  excitement  he  sells  it  to  '*  B  "  for  as  many  thousands  ;  "  B  "  sells  it  to 
"  C  "  and  more  than  doubles  his  money,  and  "  C  "  sells  it  to  "  D  "  at  a  still 
more  extraordinary  advance  ;  but  many  here  are  under  the  impression  that 
this  sort  of  thing  is  about  at  an  end,  and  that  properties  have  reached  the  top 
figure.  While  I  cannot  pretend  to  knowenough  about  the  actual  state  of  atlairs 
here  to  be  able  to  judge  in  such  matters,  I  have  no  hesitation  in  venturing  tho 
opinion  that  if  the  prices  at  which  property  is  ([uoted  here  are  real  and  not 
bogus  the  top  figure  has  been  reached.     To  night  1  have  heard  men  talk  about 
property  selling  on  Main  Street  at  $100  per  inch,  and  $1,000  per  foot  appears 
to  be  a  standard  quotation  for  that  locality.     While  I  can  hardly  doubt  that 
something  near  such  prices  has  been  given  and  taken,  ^  am  very  certain  that 
as  a  rule  it  is  safe  to  largely  discount  the  prices  I  have  quoted  for  property 
in  this  city.     Indeed  there  is  such  a  diversity  in  the  character  and  standing 
of  the  operators  in  real  estate  and  such  a  diversity  in  the  modes  of  operation, 
that  one  is  at  a  loss  to  know  how  to  begin  in  describing  both  operators  and 
operations.     There  are,  of  course,  many  responsible  business  men  conducting 
their  transactioi,  i  on  strictly  business  principles,  and  though  perhaps  a  little 
.sanguine,  they  will  doubtless  prove  cool-headed  enough  to  come  out  of  this 
speculative  bedlam  with  well -filled  pockets  and  balances  on  the  right  side  of 
the  ledger.     Such  operators,  however,    do  not  by  any  means  make  up  the 
most  nunierc  us  class  of  the  land  speculators  in  Winnipeg.     This  evening  a 
beardless  boy  was  pointed  out  to  me  as  the  owner  of  a  bank  account  wortlx 
8125,000.    I  was  told  that  he  came  to  Winnipeg  in  August  witli  only  825  in  liis 
pocket,  and  that  he  had  made  all  his  money  by  putting  :ip  margins  and  selling 
the  property  before  the  second  payments  became  due.     This  boy  looked  to  mo 
very  much  like  one  of  the  average  "  candy  butchers"  that  on    meets  every 
(lay  on  railway  trains,  and  for  aught  I  know  ho  may  have  been  one.     It 
is  also  quite  possible  that  the  man  who  told  me  this  marvellous  story  about 
the  boy's  success  may  have  boon  misinformed  or  ho  may  have  been  lying. 
I  believe  there  is  more  or  loss  lying  about  marveUous  fortunes  made  in  Win- 
nipeg every  twenty-four  hours,  and  I  see  no  particular  reason  why  the  man 
who  told  mo  about  the  large  sum   of  money  amassod  in  such  an  incrediljly 
short  time  by  this  beardless  boy  who  commenced  with  the  snmll  capital  of 
.^25  may  not  have  been  lying  also.      Just  as  I  was  going  out  of  the  liotel  I 
heard  tlie  name  of  an  Ontiirio  man  that  was  comparatively  faniiliiir  tn  mo 
pronounced.     Somebody  had  boon  omiuiring  Iiow  ho  had  "made  out'  in 
Winnipeg.      "  Why,"  said  the  man  of  whom  the  (juestion  was  asked,   "  lio 
has  only  been  here  two  numths,  but  he  has  made  $;J5,000."     I  made  up  my 
mind  that  my  friend  from  CSuelph  had  done  jirotty  well.     Just  as  1  enterod 
the  next  hotel  I  heard  a  man  remark  that  Mr.  So-and-so,  of  Hamilton,  was 
intending  to  return  to  Ontario  in  a  day  or  two,  having  made  his  •'  pile."    On 
subsequent  enquiries  1  found  that  this  Hamilton  gentleman  had  been  in  Win- 
nipeg six  weeks  ;  that  ho  liad  had  fairly  good  huccohh,  ami  thai  ho  had  clcaioil 
.*?.'{5,00().     Ten  minutes  later  I  was  introduced  to  a  gentleman  frum  Urantford, 
and  in  due  time  I  learned  that  he  too  had  made  $;J5,(M)().     Throe  »non  from 
Montreal  had  made  8'»5,(M)0  apiece  ;  seven  men  from  Ottawa  had  done  like- 






.» I 

wise,  and  finally  some  one  told  a  story  of  a  man  from  Muskoka  who  had 
made  ^37,500.  I  need  not  add  that  the  story  was  immediately  discredited, 
and  the  man  forthwith  ostracized  from  the  society  of  Winnipeg  financial  gos- 
sips. Of  course  I  cannot  pretend  io  discriminate  as  to  who  tell  the  truth  and 
who  lie  regarding  the  big  sums  made  by  people  in  Winnipeg  property. 

Here  is  a  romance  I  heard  the  other  night  concerning  a  young  man  who  lives 
in  a  town  somewhere  east  of  Toronto.  It  may  be  true,  or  it  may  be  false.  He 
was  a  son  of  a  very  wealthy  gentleman  who  had  retired  from  business.  The 
boy  had  gone  through  a  good  deal  of  property,  and  the  old  man  was  getting 
tired  of  prving  his  bills.  The  youth  was  paying  his  addresses  to  the  pretty 
and  accomplished  daughter  of  a  prosperous  business  man.  When  the  latter 
discovered  that  the  young  man  had  already  discounted  his  prospects  he  de- 
clined to  allow  his  daughter  to  have  any  further  comuiunication  witlihim  un- 
til he  proved  himself  able  tf)  support  a  wife  properly,  and  the  tender-hearted 
maiden  straightway  transferred  her  aflections  from  the  ex-bank  clerk  to  a 
"  next-article-please-young-man,"  who  sported  the  blackest  moustache  in  the 
leading  dry-goods  house  of  the  village,  and  who  had  fond  hopes  of  some  day 
becoming  a  full-fledged  commercial  traveller.  The  young  prodigal  had  re- 
solved to  do  better,  and  on  the  strength  of  his  representations  his  father  gave 
him  §500  with  which  to  go  West,  in  the  hope  that  he  would  grow  up  with  the 
country.  He  reached  Winnipeg  with  8400  in  his  pocket,  and  straightway  in- 
vested $100  in  Winnipeg  whiskey,  While  in  a  state  of  hopeless  inebriation '  e 
staggered  into  a  real  estate  salesroom,  where  an  auction  was  going  on,  and 
made  a  bid  on  a  property  which  was  immediately  knocked  down  to  him.  His 
remaining  §300  barely  covered  the  margin  that  would  give  him  the  option  of 
paying  up  the  remainder  of  the  purchase  money  within  one  week,  but  he  paid 
it  over  and  staggered  to  his  hotel  scarcely  knowing  what  he  had  done.  In 
tlie  morning  ho  rang  for  a  brandy-and-soda,  and  when  he  came  to  examine 
his  pocltet-book  to  find  a  tip  for  the  porter  he  discovered  that  his  money  was 
all  gone,  and  instead  of  it  was  a  document  the  purport  of  which  he  could  not 
at  first  understand.  Gradually,  however,  the  remembrance  of  the  transac- 
tion came  back  to  him,  and  feeling  pretty  thoroughly  sick  of  his  first  venture 
as  a  real  estate  operator,  he  dressed  himself,  borrowed  $10  from  the  landlord 
(this  is  the  improbable  part  of  the  story),  and  made  his  way  to  the  telegraph 
office,  tlirough  which  he  meant  to  ask  his  father  for  more  money.  To  his 
disappointment,  however,  he  discovered  that  tlie  lino  was  not  working  be- 
tween Winnipeg  and  St.  Paul  (this  is  the  probable  part  of  the  story),  and  he 
went  back  to  his  hotel  disconsolate.  For  six  days  the  line  did  not  work,  and  on 
tlie  seventh  there  was  a  great  crush  in  the  telegraph  ollico,  and  he  know  the  line 
was  working.  While  ho  was  waiting  for  his  turn  an  excited  individual  with 
hnUow  cheeks  and  haggard  mien  approached  hiui.    After  eyeing  hin\  earnestly 

for  ten  seconds  the  stranger  eagerly  asked,  "Are  you  Mr. who  purchased 

lot about  a  week  ago  /  "     "  Yes,"  replied  tlie  young  man,   "  1  believe  I 

did."  "  Well,  1  have  been  looking  for  you  for  three  days  and  three  nights.  1 
want  to  know  what  you  will  take  fi)r  the  property."  Tho  young  man  did  not 
know  whether  it  would  be  safe  to  ask  as  much  as  he  had  given  for  the  pro- 



perty,  and  thereby  get  back  the  whole  of  his  margin  or  not,  and  while  he  was 
htsitating  the  stranger  said,  "  I  am  in  a  hurry  ;  please  relie"e  my  anxiety  at 
once  ;  will  you  take  $35,000  more  than  you  gave  for  the  property  ?  "  The 
young  man  said  "  Yes,"  and  they  wept  upon  each  other's  necks.  It  is  not 
necessary  to  add  that  the  profligate  youth  went  back  to  the  home  of  his 
childhood,  and  claimed  the  hand  of  the  maiden  whom  he  had  so  noWy  and 
gallantly  won  ;  nor  how  the  pure-minded,  single-hearted  creature  who  had 
turned  up  her  nose  at  him  when  he  was  not  worth  a-duUar-and-a-half,  smiled 
graciously  upon  him  and  said  "  Yes  "  when  he  was  worth  $35,000.  I  do  not  ask 
my  readers  to  believe  any  more  of  these  romances  than  they  see  fit,  but  as 
they  pass  current  in  Winnipeg,  and  as  they  are  poured  into  the  ears  of  every 
gullible  Ontario  or  Quebec  man  who  comes  into  the  city  with  money  in  his 
pocket,  I  do  not  see  any  impropriety  in  repeating  them.  It  is  almost  impos- 
sihle  for  one  who  has  not  been  here  to  understand  how  thoroughly  rampant 
the  spirit  of  speculation  has  become.  I  have  been  told  that  a  prominent  em- 
ployee of  thj  C.  P.  R.  Syndicate  was  removed  from  his  position  on  the 
ground  that  he  was  t(jo  speculative  for  the  place,  and  I  have  often  heard  ii 
more  than  hinted  that  General  Rosser  may  be  removed  at  any  ti'^- ,.  for  a 
similar  reason,  and  that  the  gentleman  who  is  to  be  appointed  in  his  place  is 
to  receive  a  salary  of  $50,000  per  year  for  the  purpose  of  i-.iducing  him  to 
solely  devote  his  time  and  energies  to  the  interests  of  the  Syndicate.  These 
things  may  be  only  rumours,  but  I  believe  nobody  will  doubt  that  General 
Rosser  has  been  lending  his  name  to  the  promoters  of  nearly  all  the  little 
cities  that  are  springing  up  along  the  "  supposed  ''  ramitications  of  the  C.  P. 
R,  system,  who  announce  as  a  clinching  argument  in  favour  of  the  future 
prosperity  of  their  city  locations  that  General  Rosser  has  purchased  a  large 
number  of  lots. 

Before  I  close  I  will  relate  a  story  that  was  told  me  in  Winnipeg,  but  not 
by  a  Winnipeg  man.  It  is  of  an  Ontario  man  who  arrived  in  Winnipeg  with 
§2,000.  Ho  speculated  boldly,  confining  himself  chiefly  to  margins  until  he 
had  run  his  §2,000  up  to  SG,000.  He  then  saw  what  he  conceived  to  be  a 
grand  opportunity,  and  put  up  the  §0,000  on  a  very  short  margin,  expecting 
to  sell  the  large  property  in  a  fortnight,  and  realize  very  handsomely.  Day 
after  day  rolled  by,  and  he  found  that  the  property  did  not  sell  as  well  as  he 
expected.  In  fact,  he  could  not  turn  over  a  foot  of  it.  Gradually  the  fact 
d:iwned  upon  him  that  h  j  had  been  victimised,  and  finally  the  time  for  tho 
payment  of  the  remainder  of  the  purchase  money  expired,  his  margin  was 
sacrificed,  and  ho  found  himself  financially  "wiped  out."  I  found  two  or 
three  people  in  Winnipeg  who  had  heard  tho  story  of  this  Ontario  man,  but 
it  is  not  imo  that  operators  care  particularly  to  relate,  and  of  course  the  victim 
himself  was  not  anxious  to  publish  his  misfortune.  Indeed  I  think  such 
cases  are  nuich  mt)re  numerous  than  people  generally  suppose,  but  it  wotdd 
be  treason  to  toll  such  a  story  in  Winnipeg, 



I    ,' 

c  . 



to  T 





The  record  of  my  journey  across  the  prairies  to  the  Rocky  Mountains  and 
back  by  the  way  of  Edmonton  closed  with  my  return  to  Winnipeg,  but  be- 
fore dropping  the  subject  iltogether  it  may  be  as  well  to  give  a  very  brief 
resumi  of  the  whole  journey. 


The  ditferent  stages  of  the  journey  may  be  summed  up  as  follows  :— Lord 
Lome  and  his  party  left  Toronto  by  the  Northern  Railway  about  noon  on 
the  21st  July,  and  boarded  the  steamer  Frances  Smith  at  Collingwood  the 
same  evening.  Prince  Arthur's  Landing  was  reached  a  little  before  noon  on 
Monday,  25th  July.  The  next  day  His  Excellency  and  party  wont  by  rail 
over  the  Thunder  Bay  branch  of  the  Canada  Pacific  to  Barrett's  Bay,  on 
AVabigoon  Lake.  On  27th  July  the  party  took  passage  by  a  yacht  in  tow  of  a 
small  tug  to  the  Seven-mile  Portage,  walked  over  that  portage,  and  encamped 
on  Garden  Island,  which  is  about  four  miles  west  of  the  Landing  and  in  Eagle 
Lake.  On  Thursday,  28th,  after  crossing  Eagle  Lake  and  one  or  two  smaller 
bodies  of  water,  they  encamped  on  the  shore  of  Dryberry  or  Bell's  Lake. 
On  the  29th  they  reached  Rat  Portage,  on  the  night  of  the  30th  readied 
Winriipeg.  On  the  morning  of  the  8th  August  they  again  took  passage  on 
the  Canada  Pacific,  reaching  the  end  of  the  track,  which  was  then  about  one 
hundred  miles  from  Winnipeg,  about  the  middle  of  the  afternoon.  They 
were  then  taken  by  the  Mounted  Police  outfit  to  their  first  camp,  some  seven 
miles  farther  along  the  trail.  On  the  night  of  Aug.  10th,  they  were  encamped 
lit  Rapid  City,  and  on  the  11th  at  Shoal  Lake,  and  early  in  the  forenoon  of 
the  13th  they  reached  Fort  Ellice.  On  August  17th  they  reached  Qii'Appelle, 
and  on  the  2oth  August  thoy  crossed  the  South  Saskatchewan,  and  reached 
Carlton  the  same  evening.  On  the  27th  August  they  reached  Prince  Albert 
by  steamer  ;  on  the  28th  returned  to  Carlton  ;  and  on  the  30th  reached 
Battleford  by  steamer.  On  the  Ist  September  the  outfit  left  Battleford,  and 
nn  the  12th  of  the  same  month,  about  noon,  reached  Fort  (,'algary,  where 
they  remained  till  the  morning  of  the  15th,  and  Fort  McLood  was  reached 
late  in  the  afternoon  of  the  17th.  On  the  morning  of  the  20th  the  wliole 
jiarty  left  Fort  McLeod,  and  reached  Pinchor  Creek  on  the  same  evening. 
On  September  22nd  I  loft  His  Excellency's  party,  who  wore  then  at  tho 
Indian  Supply  P^arm,  near  Pinchor  Creek,  and  about  a  day's  journey  from 
the  boundary  lino,  and  tlie  same  afternoon  I  made  an  excursion  up  into  tlio 
mountains  near  the  entrance  of  tho  Crow's  Nest  Pass.  On  tlie  following 
evening  I  reached  Furt   McLeod,    and  on  tho  1st  October  reached  Calgary, 



leaving  the  latter  place  on  the  5th  October  for  Edmonton.  I  reached  Ed- 
monton on  the  15th  October,  Battleford,  November  3rd,  the  South  Saskatch- 
ewan, November  11th,  Humboldt,  November  19th,  Touchwood  Hills,  Nov- 
ember 23rd,  Fort  Ellice,  December  2nd,  and  Winnipeg  on  the  night  of  Dec- 
ember 7th.  The  distance  I  have  travelled  between  the  date  of  my  leaving 
Toronto  on  the  21st  July  and  returning  on  the  16th  December,  may  be 
roughly  estimated  at  6,000  miles,  only  a  little  more  than  half  of  which  was 
accomplished  by  rail  and  steamboat,  the  remaindc  being  made  chiefly  with 

As  regards  the  country  traversed  in  travelling  from  Toronto  to  Winnipeg, 
it  is  not  necessary  to  add  anything  to  what  has  already  been  written.  If 
the  traveller  takes  the  all-rail  route,  he  leaves  British  territory  at  Sarnia  or 
Windsor,  and  does  not  enter  it  again  until  he  is  within  seventy  miles  of 
Winnipeg  ;  while  if  he  travels  as  Lord  Lome  did,  over  Tiake  Superior  and 
the  uncompleted  Thunder  Bay  branch,  he  passes  over  a  region  that  has 
twice  been  pretty  fully  described  in  another  series  of  my  letters  within  the 
last  year  and  a  half.  From  Winnipeg  westward,  however,  it  appears  that 
comparatively  little  is  known  of  the  country.  People  are  apt  to  speak  of 
Winnipeg,  Manitoba,  and  the  North- West  Territory  as  though  they  were  to 
p.  certain  extent  convertible  terms,  and  that  it  was  only  necessary  to  go  to 
Winnipeg  to  learn  all  about  Manitoba  aud  the  North- West  Territory. 
Nothing  could  be  more  absurd  to  one  who  has  travelled  from  Winnipeg  to 
the  Rocky  Mountains  and  back,  making  nearly  the  whole  distance  with 
ponies,  and  noting  the  leading  characteristics  of  the  country  mile  by  mile. 
When  I  reached  Winnipeg  last  summer  I  met  a  great  many  people  who  pro. 
fessed  to  know  all  about  the  North- West,  and  talked  as  though  they  had 
travelled  all  over  it,  but  upon  cross-examination  of  the  mildest  type  they 
admitted  that  their  explorations  of  the  North- West  had  never  extended  be- 
yond Portage  La  Prairie,  Lake  Manitoba,  Brandon,  or  at  farthest  Fort  Ellice. 
In  Winnipeg  the  majority  of  people  whom  one  meets  take  nearly  the  same 
absurd  view  regarding  Manitoba  and  the  North- West  Territory  that  many 
Ontario  people  do  regarding  Winnipeg  and  both  the  I  rovince  and  Territory. 
Despite  all  that  has  been  published  on  the  subject,  and  notwithstanding  the 
fact  that  even  the  very  inditt'erent  maps  now  extant  make  the  relative  loca- 
tions of  various  points  in  the  North- West  easily  comprehensible  to  anybody 
who  cares  to  study  them,  1  found  men  in  Winnipeg,  who  were  ready  to  give 
me  all  sorts  of  advice  and  instructions  regarding  my  intended  trip,  who  had 
not  the  faintest  conception  as  to  the  identity  of  localities  anywhere  beyond 
Fort  Ellice.  Now,  in  renlity,  a  traveller  going  into  the  North- West  by  way 
of  Winnipeg,  whether  .  e  considers  the  (juestion  of  time,  expense,  or  fatigue, 
will  find  that  he  is  only  on  the  threshold  of  his  journey  when  he  reaches 
Winnipeg,  and  has  not  fairly  commenced  his  trip  across  the  plains  until  ho 
is  beyond  Fort  Ellice. 


Those  who  have  read  the  instalments  of  my  journal  that  have  already  been 
published  will  come  to  the  conclusion  that  my  views  as  to  the  proportion  of 








good  agricultural  land  in  the  North- West  Territory  are  quite  as  favourable, 
or,  I  may  say,  sanguine,  as  those  of  anyone  who  has  travelled  over  the  same 
ground  and  published  his  impressions  ;  and  now,  considering  the  country 
through  which  I  have  travelled  as  a  whole,  I  have  nothing  to  retract  regard- 
ing the  excellence  of  the  soil  or  its  adaptability  for  settlement  by  farmers  and 
stock-raisers.  From  Winnipeg  to  Fort  Ellice  I  saw  very  little  land  that 
would  not  be  rated  good  agricultural  country  in  any  part  of  Ontario.  True 
there  were  some  tracts  that  would  require  drainage,  and  I  belie »-  there  are 
some  places  where  drainage  might  be  difficult,  especially  where  the  water  is 
backed  up  from  Lake  Manitoba,  so  that  the  lowering  of  that  lake  would  be 
the  only  means  of  aflfording  relief  ;  but,  taking  this  whole  stretch  of  country 
into  consideration,  the  proportion  of  good  agricultural  land  is  vastly  higher 
than  any  corresponding  stretch  that  I  know  of,  either  in  Ontario  or  Quebec. 
Fi^ui  Fort  Ellice  to  Qu'Appelle,  a  distance  of  about  1.50  miles,  there  is  very 
little  but  excellent  land  to  be  seen.  The  first  ten  miles  west  of  Ellice  is,  per- 
haps, about  the  poorest  region  that  the  traveller  has  thus  far  met  with  on 
his  westward  course  from  Winnipeg,  and  it  consists  of  a  broad  stretch  of  bar- 
ren sandy  plain,  where  the  vegetation  is  very  scanty.  Beyond  this  comes  a 
strip  of  three  or  four  miles  of  stony  muskeg,  which,  though  it  might  be  made 
iiaef  111  in  almost  any  part  of  Ontario,  is  rated  as  "  desert  "  here.  Then  comes 
some  eighty  or  ninety  miles  of  magnificent  prairie  land,  broken  here  and 
there  by  sloughs  or  lakelets,  but,  upon  the  whole,  very  desirable  for  agricul- 
tural purposes.  Blufifs  of  timber  are  scattered  along  the  trail,  although  for 
about  twenty  miles  in  one  place  there  intervenes  a  stretch  of  treeless  prairies. 
There  is  plenty  of  timber  in  sight  to  the  northward,  however,  all  along  these 
plains,  and  I  do  not  think  there  is  a  quarter  jection  along  the  whole  of  this 
eighty  or  ninety  miles  that  would  not  afford  an  excellent  living  to  any  indus- 
trious farmer.  About  thirty  or  thirty-five  miles  from  Qu'Appelle  Post  the 
trail  leads  down  into  the  vrJley  of  the  Qu'Appelle  Rivet,  which  I  have  already 
described  as  one  of  the  most  charming  spots  in  the  North- West.  ;'«"  along 
this  valley,  which  is,  perhaps,  two  miles  wide,  the  trail  leads  thro'.igh  a  re- 
gion that  is  not  only  picturesquely  beautiful,  but  admirably  adapted  for  agri- 
culture. From  Qu'Appelle  the  trail  strikes  northward  to  Touchwood  Hills, 
and  for  the  intervening  fifty  miles  the  country  is  all  that  could  be  wished  for 
by  industrious  and  thrifty  settlers.  In  Touchwood  Hills,  as  I  have  already 
explained,  it  would  be  difficult  to  farm  on  a  very  large  scale,  but  for  settlers 
of  moderate  means,  who  would  be  content  to  work  fields  of  from  two  and  a 
half  to  ten  acres  in  size,  the  opening  oS'ored  by  this  locality  is  an  exception- 
ally good  one.  There  is  plenty  of  tim])er,  and  I  think  that  e\  ary  quarter- 
section  would  aft'ord,  on  an  average,  140  or  145  acres  of  good  agriculturp.l 
land,  or,  if  it  fell  short  of  that  figure,  such  shortcoming  would,  in  all  proba- 
bility, be  more  than  made  up  by  one  of  those  hay  marshes  that  invariably 
prove  invaluable  to  a  sett'n  l)efore  ho  has  had  time  to  establish  meadows  in 
the  regular  way.  In  this  omnection  I  would  like  to  correct  an  error  into 
which  some  Canadian  farm^^rs  full  re;^'ardiiig  prairie  land.  Many  of  them  ap- 
pear to  imagine  that  in  o'ctting  a  prairie  farm  they  can  cut  all  the  hay  they 



1W8  in 
'  into 

want  on  any  portion  of  it.  This,  however,  is  a  mistake,  and  a  inischievous 
one.  As  a  rule,  the  prairie  land  in  the  North- West,  though  ad'i Tiling  excel- 
lent forage,  will,  in  its  natural  state,  not  yield  grass  enough  to  the  acre  to 
pay  for  mowing.  The  most  of  the  hay  obtained  there  is  cut  upon  low-lying 
flats  or  marshes  that  are  usually  too  wet  to  be  used  fctr  grain-growing. 

West  of  Touchwood  Hills  comes  the  great  salt  plain,  which  is  said  to  be 
thirty-five  miles  in  width  from  its  eastern  to  its  western  boundary.  Though  this 
belt  of  treeless  prairie  is  called  "  salt,"  I  am  inclined  to  think  there  is  very 
little  salt  in  its  composition.  Nearly  all  the  sloughs  to  be  found  in  it  are 
strongly  impregnated  with  alkali,  and  what  little  growth  of  shrubbery  there 
is  upon  it  is  not  sufficient  to  afford  .^shelter  or  firewood  for  camping  purposes. 
It  is  therefore  something  of  a  bugbear  to  the  freighters  either  in  winter  or 
summer,  but  otherwise  it  is  very  far  from  being  the  miserable  desert  that 
one  would  suppose  it  to  be  on  hearing  its  name.  It  is  probable  there  are 
portions  of  it  which  would  be  difficult  to  drain,  but  I  think  the  most  of  it 
could,  with  comparatively  little  labour,  be  converted  into  excellent  grain- 
growing  territory,  and  whether  it  could  or  not  I  am  very  certain  that  the 
whole  plain  would  make  an  excellent  summer  ra'  e  for  cattle.  I  have  been 
told  by  those  who  have  experimented  in  this  region  that  some  of  the  strongest 
alkali  lands  that  have  been  found  in  the  North- West  have  lost  their  alkaline 
characteristics  with  two  years'  cropping,  and  if  this  be  the  case  I  fail  to  un- 
derstand why  the  salt  plains  should  be  any  more  uninviting  than  any  other 
portion  of  the  North- West  where  the  soil  is  rich,  the  surface  water  undrink- 
able,  and  timber  scarce. 

West  of  salt  plain  is  a  belt  of  light  timber,  broken  with  little  patches  of 
prairie,  and  here  and  there  a  small  creek  or  slough.  'This  belt  is  about  twenty- 
five  miles  wide,  or  perhaps  a  little  more,  and  in  the  western  edge  of  it  is  the 
telegraph  station,  Humboldt.  Farming  has  never  been  tried  here  to  a  suffi- 
cient extent  to  afford  any  guarantee  as  to  the  character  of  the  country.  I 
have  been  told,  however,  that  during  the  past  season  potatoes  failed  to  ripen. 
I  know  that  the  summer  of  1881  has  been  an  unfavourable  one  throughout 
the  North- West,  but  it  is  quite  possible  that  this  particular  spot,  which  ap- 
pears to  be  very  low-lying  as  compared  with  the  surrounding  country,  is 
subject  to  such  low  temperatures  in  summer  and  early  autumn  as  to  make  it 
an  undesirable  locality  for  the  settler. 






i  I  ! 



West  of  Humboldt  the  prairie  in  the  immediate  vicinity  of  tlio  trail  is 
almost  treelc8°  for  about  twenty-five  miles.  To  the  northward  bluffs  of  con- 
siderable magnitude  are  visible,  but  to  the  south  as  far  as  the  eye  can  reach 
there  is  scarcely  a  clunip  of  any  size  to  be  seen.  Indeed,  this  twenty-five 
mile  plain  communicates  directly  with^  and  is  a  part  of,  the  great  treeless 
belt  of  -vhat  is  termed  ' '  true  prairie "  to  the  south.  All  along  this  portion 
of  the  road  there  are  hills,  valleys,  marshes,  and  plateaus.  Here  and  there 
is  a  gravelly  hill,  and  occasionally  a  slough  of  such  depth  and  magnitude  as 
Avould  perhaps  preclude  Jhe  possibility  of  satisfactory  draining  except  at  a 
large  expense,  but  I  should  say  *hp,t  more  than  95  per  cent,  of  the  land  in 
this  twenty-five  mile  belt  is  qnile  fit  loi-  agriculture.  Beyond  this,  again, 
comes  a  beautiful  semi-wooded  region^  where  the  timber  ia  considerably 
heavier  than  that  ordinarily  found  in  prairie  bluffs,  and  while  the  country  is 
not  suf^l'^isntly  iimbered  for  woodland,  the  groves  and  strips  of  bush  are  too 
numerou.?  and  too  large  in  extent  to  be  characterized  as  prairie  bluflFs.  This 
region  I  have  heard  called  "  Little  Turtla  Mountain,"  or  "  The  Little  Turtle 
Mounts iiis."  The  hills  are  scarcely  of  sufficient  magnitude  to  deserve  the 
name  of  mountains,  and  would  not  receive  that  appellative  anywhere  except 
in  a  prairie  country.  This  region,  though  apparently  entirely  without  settlers 
iust  now,  will  some  time  or  another  become  a  favourite  spot.  There  is 
plenty  of  timber,  very  rich  soil,  the  land  appears  to  be  fairly  watered,  thouyh 
very  little  of  it  would  require  anything  in  the  way  of  artificial  drainage.  As 
in  Touchwood  Hills,  there  are  no  great  plains  here  where  farmers  could  plough 
furrows  a  mile  or  a  mile  and  a  half  in  length,  but  the  plateaus,  hillsides  and 
valleys  are  broader  and  longer  than  those  in  Touchwood  Hills,  and  certainly 

lie  land  is  not  sufficiently  broken  to  prove  undasirable  for  farming  on  any 
but  the  most  gigantic  scale.  This  hilly  region  extends  for  some  thirty  miles, 
and  includes  in  it  some  alkaline  lakes,  among  which  may  be  mentioned  Big 
Salt  Lake,  which,  with  its  surroundings,  constitutes  one  of  the  most  romantic 
bits  of  scenery  to  be  met  with  between  Winnipeg  and  the  South  Saskat- 
chewan. Some  six  or  seven  miles  before  the  traveller  reaches  Gabriel  Du- 
mont's  Crossing  on  the  South  Saskatchewan  he  strikes  a  belt  of  sandy  suil, 
which  extends  the  rest  of  the  way  to  the  river.  There  is  plenty  of  timber 
here,  and  the  soil,  though  light,  would,  I  think,  prove  very  productive  in  the 
hands  of  a  competent  farmer  ;  but  as  I  have  before  intimateu  the  half-breeds 
and  many  of  the  white  settlers  in  this  country  are  inclined  to  condemn  land, 

unless  it  can  be  cropped  year  after  year,  and  generatioi.  after  generation, 



e  Turtle 
jrve  the 
'here  is 
ige.     As 
ides  and 
on  any 
ty  miles, 
ned  Big 
riel  Du- 
idy  soil, 
f  timber 
e  in  the 
n  land, 

with  good  results,  even  though  it  has  not  been  treated  witii  a  single  pound 
of  manure.     This  brings  the  reader  to  the  South  Saskatchewan,  and  before 
going  further  I  would  stop  to  correct  what  must  be  an  erroneous  impression 
that  has  become  very  prevalent  regarding  both  branches  of  the  Saskatchewan. 
Again  and  again  I  have  been  questioned  as  to  what  was  the  character  of  the 
country  in  the  valley  of  the  Saskatchewan.     So  far  as  the  valley  of  the  Soatli 
Saskatchewan  goes,  very  little  can  be  said  of  it.     This  stream  v.'inds  through 
an  immense  tract  of  prairie  country,  and  by  means  of  small  branches  and 
coulies,  which  flow  down  deep  ravines,  it  drains  an  immense  area,  but  the 
valley  of  the  stream  proper  is  not  more  than  about  one  hundred  yards  wide 
on  either  side  of  high-water  mark.     It  is  as  though  a  river  ran  through  an 
immense  winding  canal.    The  high  grassy  plateau  runs  up  so  close  to  the  river's 
edge  that  in  places  it  almost  overhangs  the  water.     In  many  places  along  thu 
Saskatchewan  one  might  drive  till  he  was  within  half  a  mile  of  the  great 
river,  and  still  not  mistrust  its  proximity.     So  far  as  the  North  Saskatchewan 
is  concerred,  a'most  the  same  thing  applies  to  it.     It  has  a  little  more  of  a 
valley,  and  its  bottom  lands  are  rather  more  heavily  timbered,  and  in  places, 
the  north  shore  especially,  slopes  down  toward  the  river  ;  but  for  all  this  it 
is  of  much  the  same  character  as  that  which  distinguishes  its  great  namesake 
that  comes  up  from  the  treeless  plains  of  the  south.     To  speak  of  the  Valley 
of  the  Saskatchewan,  and  in  so  doing  refer  to  the  country  drained  by  the 
braijches  north  and  south  of  the  great  Saskatchewan,  which  ultimately  falls 
into  Lake  Winnipeg,  would  be  to  refer  to  nearly  the  whole  of  the  North- 
Western  Territory,  or  at  all  events,  to  what  constitutes  the  most  valuable 
portion  of  it.     The  North   Saskatchewan,   rising  in  the  mountains  away 
west  of  Edmonton,  forms  almost  the  northern  limit  of  that  portion  of  the 
North- West  Territory  about  which  anything  is  very  definitely  known,  and  its 
southern  branches,  the  most  important  perhaps  being  the  Battle  River, 
drain  a  belt  of  country  nearly  100  miles  to  the  south  of  it.     On  the  other 
hand,  the  South  Saskatchewan,  with  its  many  tributaries,  direct  and  indirect, 
drains  almost  the  whole  of  the  southern  and  western  portion  of  the  Territory. 
Red  Deer  River,  which  leaves  the  mountain  region  only  a  short  distance  south 
of  Battle  River,  and  some  other  tributaries  of  the  North  Saskatchewan,  falls 
into  the  great  south  branch.     South  of  this  again  the  Bow  River,  the  Elbow, 
Fish  Creek,  Pine  Creek,  Sheep  Creek,,  Tongue  Creek,  High  River,  Willow 
Creek,  the  Old  Man's  River,  with  its  numerous  forks,  Pincher  Creek,  and  in 
fact  all  the  streams  Howing  out  of  that  broad  belt  of  magnificent  land, bounded 
by  Red  Deer  River  on  the  north  and  Belly  River  on  the  south,  ultimately  find 
their  way  eastward  through  the  great  south  branch  of  the  Saskatchewan.  An 
air  line,  drawn  from  the  point  where  the  Calgary  and  Edmonton  trail  crosses 
Red  Deer  River  to  the  point  where  the  McLeod  aud  Benton  trail  crosses 
Belly  River,  w       d  be  over  200  miles  in  length,  and  yet  anch  a  line  would 
come  considerably  short  of  spanning  the  area  drained  by  the  South  Saskat- 
chewan on  the  fifth  principal  meridian  alone.     It  will  thus  be  seen  that  the 
term  1  have  alluded  to,  "  The  valley  of  the  Saskatchewan,"  is  rather  voo  com- 



\  I 

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prehensive  and  indefinite  to  be  held  iia  referring  to  any  particular  section  of 
the  North- West. 

On  the  west  bank  of  the  South  Saskatchewan  there  is  another  narrow  strip 
of  sandy  loam,  but  it  is  scarcely  as  wide  as  that  on  the  east  side,  and  settlers 
in  the  immediate  vicinity  of  the  river  api;>uar  to  be  doing  well.  Settlers' 
houses  are  to  be  observed  all  the  way  to  Duck  Lake,  a  distance  cf  some  ten 
miles  or  more.  The  land  is  level,  fairly  timbered,  and  when  I  passed  through 
in  the  summen  the  crops  were  looking  extremely  well.  From  Duck  Lake  to 
Carletcm,  a  distance  of  twelve  miles,  the  country  is  also  partially  settled.  Its 
characteristics  are  essentially  the  same  as  those  observable  between  Duck 
Lake  and  Dumont's  crossing.  Carleton  is  situated  on  the  North  Saskatche- 
wan, and  is,  I  think,  stirrounded  on  every  side  by  thoroughly  good  agricul- 
tural land.  One  of  the  most  favoured  settlements  in  this  region,  however,  is 
40  miles  north-  west  of  Carleton  by  the  river.  I  refer  to  Prince  Albert.  The 
whole  of  the  settlements  in  this  region,  including  Duck  Lake,  Carleton,  antl 
the  village  of  Prince  Albert  and  scattering  settlements  in  different  directions 
are  generally  known  to  the  outside  world  as  "  Prince  Albert."  This  is  one 
of  the  largest  settlements  in  the  North-West,  and  perhaps  as  well  known  to 
the  outside  world  as  any  other,  althoigh,  perhaps,  not  so  highly  praised  as 
Edmonton.  The  soil  here  is  a  rich,  black  loam,  of  a  character  well  calculated 
to  be  inexhaustible  in  fertility,  but  I  am  inclined  to  think  that  had  Prince 
Albert  not  been  favoured  with  a  much  better  class  of  settlers  than  those 
usually  found  in  the  North- West,  it  would  never  have  attained  to  its  present 
standing.  The  farmers  here  are  industrious,  energetic,  and  as  a  rule  before- 
hand with  their  work.  They  know  that  they  are  liable  to  be  visited  with 
eax'ly  frosts,  and  they  are  nearly  always  on  the  lookout  and  ready  for  them. 
Fall  ploughing  is  practised  to  a  very  great  extent,  and  the  seed  is  put  in  the 
ground  at  the  earliest  possible  moment.  By  careful  management  and  hard 
work  the  farmers  here  have  won  for  their  settlement  a  reputation  of  which 
they  are  justly  proud,  but  I  am  well  convinced  that  had  the  land  here  fallen 
to  any  but  first-class  settlers  the  place  would  have  been  condemned  on  account 
of  its  climate.  In  addition  to  being  very  far  north  (some  600  miles  or  more 
farther  north  than  Toronto),  it  has  immense  stretches  of  muskegs,  swamps, 
and  low-lying  flats  away  to  the  east  of  it,  and  below  the  junction  of  the  North 
and  South  Saskatchewans. 

The  temperature  falls  very  low  here  in  winter.  I  am  told  that  in  the  vil- 
lage of  Prince  Albert,  last  winter,  a  spirit  tnermometer  which  only  registered 
60°  below  zero  stood  at  its  limit  for  some  days,  and  that  the  temperature 
went  down  to  that  jjoint  on  more  than  one  occasion. 






The  trail  from  Carlton  to  Battleford  follows  close  along  tho  south  bank  of 
the  North  Saskatchewan.  The  distance  between  tlie  two  poik»  t  is  estimated 
to  be  110  miles  by  the  shortest  route.  Seventy  or  eighty  miles  of  the  road 
traverses  fine,  upland  prairies,  the  soil  being  good,  and  possessed  of  all  the 
natural  advantages  incident  to  that  sort  of  country,  affording  as  it  does  al- 
most illimitable  stretches  for  gigantic  fields,  and  requiring  little  or  nothing 
in  the  way  of  artificial  drainage.  Between  thirty  and  forty  miles  from  Bat- 
tleford the  Eagle  Hills  are  reached,  and  here,  though  the  land  is,  of  course, 
more  broken,  it  is  exceedingly  rich  in  quality,  and  some  few  settlers  who 
have  already  taken  up  land  in  this  district  are  having  marvellously  good  crops 
and  absolutely  certain  harvests.  The  E;igl»»^4ill3  may  be  said  to  extend  all 
the  way  to  Battleford. 

As  I  have  already  had  a  good  deal  to  say  about  the  capital  of  the  North- 
West  Territories,  it  will  not  be  necessary  to  add  much  here  ;  its  location  is 
admirable,  both  from  an  agricultural  and  a  commercial  point  of  view.  Being 
at  the  junction  of  the  Battle  River  with  the  North  Saskatchewan,  it  has  faci- 
lities for  navigation  north-west,  south -westj  and  eastward,  and,  besides  this, 
a  country  lying  to  the  south  of  it  through  which  heavy -freight  waggons  could 
be  run  with  perfect  safety  all  the  way  to  Calgary  and  McLeod  if  necessary. 
In  no  part  of  the  North-  West  did  I  see  better  growing  crops  when  I  was  on 
my  way  westward,  and  in  no  part,  either  of  the  North- West  or  Manitoba, 
did  I  find  the  farmers  better  satisfied  with  the  results  of  their  season's  work 
than  I  did  here  on  my  return.  The  soil  is  not  so  heavy  as  that  of  Edmonton 
or  Prince  Albert  proper,  bat  this  rich  sandy  loam  that  is  to  be  found  every- 
where about  Battleford  is,  I  am  convinced,  in  the  long  run,  as  profitable  soil 
for  the  agriculturist,  taking  one  year  with  another,  as  can  be  found  anywhere 
on  the  continent.  This  autumn  excellent  harvests  were  taken  off  fields  that 
had  been  cropped  continuously  without  manuring  for  five  years.  Here  I 
found  no  disposition  on  the  part  even  of  the  most  sanguine  settlers  to  apolo- 
gize for  any  shortcoming  owing  to  a  backward  summer  and  early  frosts,  thou^ 
several  of  the  settlers  who  had  been  tardy  about  gathering  their  potatoes  suf- 
fered from  the  early  advent  of  winter  weather.  From  all  that  I  can  learn  I 
think  that,  as  a  rule,  the  winters  are  less  severe  at  Battleford  than  in  any 
other  of  the  northern  settlements  in  the  Territory.  From  its  location,  it  can- 
not, in  the  very  nature  of  things,  be  subject  to  the  visitations  of  blizzards  or 
that  intense  degree  of  cold  that  characterizes  more  low-lying  localities,  and 






to  " 
W   'i 


I.    ' 


especially  those  in  the  neighbourhood  of  extensive  muskegs  or  marshy  flats. 
I  have  no  hesitation  whatever  in  saying  that  there  is  no  settlement  in  the 
North- West  possessed,  all  in  all,  of  natural  advantages  equal  to  those  of  Bat- 
tleford.  Whether  the  main  line  of  the  Canada  Pacific  Railway  is  destined 
ever  to  reach  Battleford  or  not,  1  am  unable  to  say  ;  but  that  Battleford  will, 
in  a  comparatively  short  time,  have  railway  communication  with  the  outer 
world,  I  have  not  the  slightest  doubt. 

South-west  of  Battleford  the  trail  made  by  the  Governor-General  and  his 
party  en  route  to  Calgaiy  led  for  the  most  part  through  treeless  prairie.  For 
by  far  the  greater  part  of  the  distance  between  Bat'.leford  and  Red  Deer 
River  the  country  traversed  was  composed  of  good  ^)roductive  soil,  but  of 
course  the  absence  of  timber  will  for  many  years  operate  as  a  bar  to  its  settle- 
ment. In  speaking  of  this  region  it  is  generally  described  as  "The  Plains," 
.-xnd  for  that  reason  very  many  suppose  that  it  is  one  broad  level  atretch, 
with  no  more  undulation  than  a  billiard  table.  This  is  a  very  great  mistake. 
There  are  b'*oad  plateaus  stretching  a  very  considerable  distance;  there  are 
wide  deep  valleys  and  successions  of  great  ridges  that  lie  from  two  to  three 
miles  apart,  and  look  not  unlike  giant  waves.  The  growth  of  grass  'n  this 
region  is,  as  a  rule,  strong  and  vigorous.  Bufl'alo  grass  is  met  with  long 
before  Red  Deer  River  is  reached,  and  it  is  found  in  abundance  nearly  all 
the  way  to  Calgary.  Some  day~ln  the  not  far  distpnt  future  I  imagine  that 
a  great  portion  of  this  laud  will  become  valuable  as  a  grazing  region  There 
are  deep  coolies  extending  aloiig  fur  man}' miles  ". I  almost  every  direction, 
Avhich  would  furnish  good  winter  ranges  for  thousands  of  cattle  and  horses, 
and  there  are  numerous  sloughs  and  marshes  where  large  (luantitiea  of  hay 
can  be  cut  and  gathered  at  a  very  moderate  expense  ;  and  in  short,  with  the 
single  drawback  that  good  pure  water  is  not  everywhere  readily  found,  the 
region  is  in  every  way  well  adapted  for  a  grazing  country.  Whether  or  not 
the  lack  of  running  water  could  be  met  by  artesian  wells  is  rs  yet,  I  suppose, 
an  unsolved  problem  ;  but  even  were  this  question  to  be  an^  vered  in  the 
negative,  there  would  still  remain  territory  sufticient  for  the  suf^tenance  of 
millions  of  cattle  adjacent  to  Red  Door  River,  Bow  River,  and  numerous 
other  creeks  and  rivers  to  the  south  of  them. 

On  reaching  Calgary  the  traveller  is  in  the  very  heart  of  the  grazing  country, 
and  all  the  way  south  to  Fort  McLeod  'lo  sees  little  but  the  richest  of 
black  loam  wherever  the  ground  is  broken.  Indeed  it  is  doubtful  if  a  100- 
niile  stretch  of  better  soil  can  bo  found  anywhere  in  the  Territory  than  that 
lying  along  the  trail  between  Calgary  and  McLeod.  Of  course  its  value  as 
a  grain-growing  region  must  for  the  present  bo  slightly  problematical.  Tlio 
ranchomen  who  have  brought  in  inuaenso  herds  of  catt'o  are  of  course  very 
anxious  to  discourage  the  sottloment  of  the  country,  which  would  in  time 
have  the  etloct  of  compelling  them  to  h)ok  nut  ranges  furtlior  from  the  timber, 
but  John  Glenn,  Livingston,  McFarlano,  Washtor,  and  other  faruiors  settled 
in  the  very  heart  nf  the  cattle  ranching  country  are  growing  rich  oil'  their 
farms  in  spite  of  all  tlio  "  lions  in  the  path  "  that  the  cattle  ranchomen  have 
conjured  up.     On  the  other  Jiand,  however,  I  think  that  tho  settlor  in  pick- 




•shy  flats, 
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ing out  a  grain  farm  so  close  to  the  mountains  runs  some  little  risk  of  casting 
his  lot  in  one  of  the  many  little  narrow  belts  through  which  summer  frosts 
occasionally  wander  down  from  the  mountains. 

That  the  Bow  River  country  is  admirably  adapted  for  cattle  ranching  I  do 
not  think  there  is  any  reasonable  room  for  doubt,  but  I  think  it  c^uite  pos- 
sible that  there  may  be  an  outcry  against  it  next  season.  It  is  more  than 
possible  that  a  great  many  of  the  animals  that  have  been  brought  in  and  put 
upon  the  Cochrane  ranche  will  die  before  spring.  I  saw  a  large  herd  of  cattle 
ill  route  to  this  range  very  late  in  September  after  there  had  been  two  o:' 
three  light  snow  falls.  The  absurdity  of  such  management  as  this  is  too  ap- 
parent to  require  pointing  out,  as  everyone  who  knows  anything  of  catth> 
TP.rching  knows  that  every  animal  should  become  acclimated  and  accustomed 
to  its  new  range  while  the  weather  is  pleasant  and  the  grass  abundant  every- 
where; but  in  this  case  the  folly  consisted  not  merely  in  taking  the  cattle 
to  a  new  range  very  late  in  the  season,  but  also  in  giving  them  a  long,  and 
fatifmng  journey  from  the  grazing  lands  of  Montana  at  a  time  when  they 
could  not  by  any  possibility  have  time  to  recruit  again  before-  the  advent  of 
cold  weather.  In  addition  to  all  this,  I  am  told  that  in  this  ranche  very 
little  hay  was  put  up  during  the  summer,  and  not  by  any  means  enough  to 
meet  the  probable  wants  of  the  establishment  during  the  coming  winter. 
If  this  should  bo  the  case,  it  will  probably  prove  another  potentcause  of  loss. 
It  will  be  understood  that  so  far  as  the  bulk  of  their  hei'ds  arc  concerned, 
ranchemen  do  not  count  on  feeding  them  a  spear  of  hay  winter  or  suumier, 
but  at  the  same  time  it  is  very  evident  that  in  every  large  herd  of  cattle  there 
must  be  many  cases  in  which  the  feeding  of  a  few  forkfuls  of  hay  may  in  the 
winter  save  the  life  of  what  will  be  a  valuable  animal  by  the  opening  of  tlie 
following  summer.  In  order  to  meet  such  cases  it  is  desirable  that  a  very 
ci.nsiderablo  quantity  of  hay  should  bo  put  up  every  season,  or 
at  all  events  that  an  abundance  should  be  stored  about  tho  ranche, 
whether  the  product  of  the  current,  or  of  any  former  season.  It  is  ({uito  pos- 
sible that  a  large  herd  of  cattle  might  winter  safely  with  only  a  very  few  tons 
of  hay  in  store  fiu-  emergencies,  but  oases  of  sickness  are  very  apt  to  arise  in 
sutKeient  numbers  to  necessitate  the  feeding  of  no  inconsiderable  amount. 
Ik^sidoB  this,  in  a  region  that  has  been  so  iuiperfectly  explored  as  the  liow 
River  country,  and  whero  the  winters  are  so  little  understood,  it  is  just  pos- 
sible that  a  rancheman  might  find  his  cattle  occasionally  sutforing  from  a  pro- 
longed absence  of  the  higiiiy-prized  Chinook  winds.  While  such  a  misfortune 
is  hardly  looked  for  by  the  ranchenion,  I  do  not  think  it  is  wise  to  wholly  ign<  )re 
the  possibility  of  its  occurrence.  It  must  bo  reinoinberod  that,  unlike  horses, 
cattle  cainiot  paw  fur  a  living,  and  if  tho  winds  do  not  cwoop  tho  hillsides 
bare  they  arc  sure  to  have  a  hard  time  of  it. 

In  common  with  others  who  have  visited  this  locality,  I  expect  that,  ore 
long,  cattle  ranching  will  become  a  very  important  industry  hero,  but  at  the 
siiine  time  I  have  not  tho  slightest  doubt  than  an  intoUigontly-coiulucted 
horse-rancho  would  prove  a  nnich  safer  and  ei|ually  prolitablo  inveslmont. 
As  I  have  already  given  my  reasons  for  this  opinion,  and  as  in  a  previuus 







letter  I  fully  described  what  I  thought  to  bo  the  best  system  on  which  to 
establish  and  conduct  a  horse-ranche,  it  is  not  necessary  for  me  to  add  any- 
thing just  now,  farther  than  that  a  more  protracted  and  intimate  acquaint- 
ance, not  only  with  the  ponies,  but  with  the  climate,  of  the  North- West, 
has  only  served  to  confirm  me  in  the  opinions  to  which  I  then  committed 

South  and  west  of  McLeod  as  far  as  Pincher  Creek  and  the  Crow's  Nest 
Pass,  which  were  the  limits  of  my  journey  in  that  direction,  there  is  very 
little  but  thoroughly  good  agricultural  and  grazing  land  to  be  seen.  The 
soil  in  some  of  the  river  and  creek  bottoms  appears  to  be  occasionally  light 
and  gravelly,  as  though  the  alluvial  deposits  had  been  washed  out  by  fresh- 
its,  but  in  the  main,  both  uplands  and  bottom  lands  in  this  region  are  rich 
and  productive,  and  the  only  factor  that  makes  the  value  of  the  country  as  a 
r^rain-growing  regi(m  problematical  is  the  question  of  summer  frosts.  I  think 
however,  that  the  belts  in  which  these  visitations  occur,  though  they  may  be 
frecjuont,  are  very  circumscribed  in  area,  and  that  a  large  portion  of  this  rich 
country  lying  close  to  the  base  of  the  Rocky  Mountains  will  bo  found  to  be 
admirably  suited  to  the  production  of  wheat  and  coarse  grains. 

Commencing  now  with  my  return  journey,  which,  after  leaving  the  back 
track,  began  at  Calgary,  the  first  100  miles,  or  at  all  events  the  fi  t  80  or  ?•(> 
miles  on  the  Calgary  and  Edmonton  trail  appear  to  be  as  fine  cattle  ranch- 
ing country  as  has  been  seen  anywhere  in  the  Territory.  1  think,  too,  that 
the  belt  of  grazing  land  here  is  very  broad,  extending  probably  all  the  way 
from  the  foot  hills  of  the  Rocky  Mountains,  and  out  along  nearly  the  whole 
course  of  Red  Doer  River.  At  the  point  where  this  trail  crosses  Red  Deer 
River,  however,  and  in  fact  some  fifteen  or  twenty  miles  to  the  south  of  it, 
tlie  prairie  is  too  much  overgrown  with  weeds  and  fine  brush  to  bo  considered 
a  good  grazing  region,  but  the  soil  is  remarkably  rich,  free  from  all  objec- 
tionable properties,  easily  drained,  and  in  all  respects  desirable  for  agricul. 
tnral  purposes,  and  this  may  bo  said  of  it  north  of  the  Red  Deer  up  as  far  as 
Rattle  River.  In  this  wholo  region,  that  is  from  a  point  about  twenty  miles 
Houtli  of  tlie  crossing  of  Rod  Deer  River  up  to  Rattle  River,  there  is  a  fair 
Hiipply  of  timber,  including  besides  tho  ever-present  white  poplar  and  grey 
willow,  a  considerable  quantity  of  cotton-wood,  a  fair  sprinkling  of  spruce, 
and  here  and  there  a  fow  sticks  of  white  birch. 

From  tho  crossing  of  IJattle  River  all  the  way  to  tho  North  Saskatchewan 
at  Edmonton  the  country  is  much  to(<  wot  and  low-lying,  to  be  at  all  desir- 
able unless  it  could  be  very  extensively  drained.  In  this  region  I  saw  more 
waste  territory  than  on  all  the  rest  of  my  journey  from  Winnipeg  to  tho 
Rocky  Mountains  and  back.  It  may  bo  described,  indeed,  as  one  monstrous 
HWitnip  of  very  rich  black  loam,  and  a  fow  ridges  of  fairly-drained  soil  traver- 
sing it  from  east  to  west.  Tho  last  of  those  ridges  striker  tho  trail  about 
four  miles  south  of  Edmonton  and  its  width  extends  all  tho  way  to  the  river 
bank  opposite  tho  village. 

About  the  Village  of  Edmonton,  on  tho  north  shore  of  the  Saskatchewan, 
and  west  of  it  nine  miles  to  the  Catholic  Mission  at  St.  Albert,  and  I  believe 



for  a  very  considerable  distance  to  the  north  and  east,  there  is  exceptionally 
rich  land,  which,  in  years  past,  has  proved  very  productive,  yielding  indeed 
phenomenal  crops;  but  last  year  and  this  year,  owing  to  a  cold,  wet  summer 
and  an  early  winter,  the  crops  have  fallen  fully  fifty  per  cent,  below  the 
standard  fixed  for  them  by  preceding  years.  Whether  this  objectionable  cli- 
mate is  normal  or  expectional  remains  a  problem  to  be  solved  ;  but,  taking 
into  consideration  the  fact  that  Edmonton  is  a  very  long  way  north,  that  it 
is  in  rather  close  proximity  to  the  mountains,  and  that  to  the  south,  south- 
east and  north-west  of  it  there  are  extensive  low-lying  flats  and  muskegs,  I 
am  inclined  to  think  that  the  climate  here  is  very  much  worse  than  it  was 
8upp6sed  to  be  a  year  or  two  ago.  As  it  is  at  present  located,  Edmonton  is 
almost  unapproachable  during  the  summer  months,  except  by  steamer,  and  as 
the  steamers  have  only  been  making  very  few  trips  every  season,  the  reader 
can  imagine  how  thoroughly  isolated  its  inhabitants  are.  Freight  by  steamer 
from  Winnipeg  to  this  point  is  about  six  cents  a  pound,  by  carts  it  is  nine 
and  ten  cents  ner  pound,  and  I  fancy  that  with  the  excessively  bad  roads  of 
the  past  season  many  of  the  freighters  have  more  than  earned  their  charges. 

In  travelling  east  from  Edmonton  along  the  broad  tongue  of  land  lying  be- 
tween Battle  River  and  the  North  Saskatchewan  the  traveller  gradually 
finds  himself  getting  into  a  better  region,  and  after  fifty  miles  have  been 
traversed  he  reaches  a  fine  prairie  country,  moderately  supplied  with  white 
poplar,  Cottonwood  and  grey  willow,  and  having  an  exceedingly  rich  soil,  not 
much  damaged  by  sloughs  and  marshes.  This  sort  of  country,  with  some 
slight  variations,  continues  all  the  way  to  Battleford,  and  taken  all  in  all  it 
would  be  difficult  to  find  a  better  area  of  agricultural  land  of  similar  dimen- 
sions  in  any  region  that  1  have  ever  visited,  be  it  in  the  North- West  or  else- 
where .  What  is  said  to  be  one  of  the  finest  settlements  is  now  being  estab* 
lished  on  Battle  River,  about  150  miles  up  that  stream  from  Battleford.  I 
was  \mable  to  visit  the  spot,  but  from  what  I  have  heard  I  am  inclined  to 
think  it  is  this  point  that  is  fast  finding  favour  in  the  eyes  of  settlers.  Indeed, 
from  all  I  can  learn,  I  am  led  to  believe  that  Battle  River,  for  the  last  200 
miles  of  its  course,  drains  a  magnificent  section  of  choice  agricultural  land. 

This  brings  my  rennmi  of  the  whole  journey  back  to  the  point  where  the 
<5ountry  traversed  on  the  westward  journey  is  reached,  and  though  my  home- 
ward course  was  not  identical  with  that  taken  by  His  Excellency  when 
travelling  in  the  opposite  direction,  the  trails  wore  not  far  enough  apart  to 
make  any  very  notable  difference  in  the  character  of  the  country. 

The  climate  of  the  North- West  has  long  boon  tho  subject  of  much  discus- 
aion  ;  and  with  all  duo  respect  to  those  whoso  views  of  it  ditfor  very  widely 
from  my  own,  I  cannot  help  thinking  that  some  very  absurd  and  niisloading 
falsehoods  have  boon  published  in  this  connection.  1  have  hoard  people  'iny 
that  one  would  not  sutfor  any  more  with  tho  cold  in  Winnipog  whon  the  Mer- 
cury stood  at  forty-five  degrees  below  zero  than  ho  would  in  Ontario  with  the 
mercury  ^i  zero.  Now  I  know  from  experience  that  this  is  about  as  silly 
nonsense  as  anyone  over  listened  to.  In  different  portions  of  Ontario  and 
•Quebec  I  have  on  several  occasions  experienced  temperatures  ranging  from 






» 'i 




thirty  to  forty  degrees  below  zero,  and  I  am  bound  to  say  that  on  my  home- 
ward journey  from  Edmonton  I  foimd  corresponding  temperature  in  the 
North-West  Territory,  Manitoba  and  Winnipeg  just  as  disagreeable  as  I  ever 
considered  them  in  Ontario  or  Quebec.  In  Winnipeg,  especially  in  the  be- 
ginning of  December,  with  the  temperature  less  than  thirty  below  zero,  I  not 
only  found  the  cold  remarkably  penetrating,  but  the  atmosphere  out  of  tloors 
almost  \mbreathable.  Though  in  comparatively  good  health  and  never  hav- 
ing had  anything  like  trouble  with  my  lungs,  I  was  invariably  seized  with  a 
violent  fit  of  coughing  whenever  1  stepped  out  of  doors,  and  indeed  so  irri- 
tated did  my  throat  become  that  it  did  not  quite  ecover  till  some  days  after 
my  return  to  Ontario.  From  remarks  that  I  heard  made  about  Winnipeg 
and  Manitoba,  I  had  always  supposed,  previous  to  visiting  that  region,  that 
it  would  be  a  capital  place  for  people  suffering  from  affections  of  the  throat 
and  lungs.  I  have  heard  lecturers  say  that  Manitoba  had  an  "  atmosphere 
of  crystal,"  and  that  though  the  temperature  was  often  low  the  air  was  so 
pure  and  dry  that  it  would  not  injure  the  most  delicate  of  respiratory  organs. 
I  have  no  hesitation  in  characterizing  this  as  arrant  trash.  No  one  has  more 
confidence  in  Uie  grand  future  in  store  for  the  North- West  than  I  have,  but 
that  is  no  reason  why  I  should  tell  mischievous  falsehoods  about  it.  Though 
I  do  not  pretend  to  any  extraordinary  knowledge  of  hygiene,  I  have  no  hesi- 
tation in  saying  that  it  would  be  almost  suicidal  for  a  consumptive  to  visit 
AVinnipeg  in  winter.  Owing  to  the  extensive  stretches  of  aguish  marshes 
that  are  in  close  proximity  to  the  city,  a  short  residence  there  in  the  summer 
might  prove  a  beneficial,  or  at  all  events  a  harmless,  change  of  air  for  an  in- 
valid, but  from  any  other  point  of  view  this  Canadian  "  Cliicago  "  (in  smells 
as  well  as  in  business  activity)  would  cut  but  a  sorry  figure  as  a  resort  for  in- 
valids. Calgary,  nestling  as  it  doos  in  the  very  shadow  of  the  Rocky  Moun- 
tains, has  proved  itself  an  excelleut  place  for  people  having  lungs  that  wore 
weak  or  ailing.  Indeed  Dr.  Sew?ll,  who  accompanied  Lord  Lome,  was  very 
much  impressed  with  the  climatic  advantages  aft'orded  by  Calgary,  McLood, 
and  other  points  in  close  proximity  to  the  mountains  ;  but  the  reader  must 
remember  that  a  belt  of  country  about  1,0(J0  miles  or  more  wide  intervenes 
between  Calgary  and  Winnipeg. 

.i  M' 





Before  closing  this  resume,  I  may  be  excused  for  offering  a  few  suggestions 
to  those  who  desire  to  see  the  most  imp>  'iant  points  in  the  North-West, 
with  as  small  an  expenditure  of  time,  money,  and  physical  discomfort  as 
possible.     If  one  desires  to  make  only  a  brief  excursion,  covering  pei-haps, 
only  five  or  six  weeks  from  the  date  of  leaving  Ontario,  of  course  he  will  go 
by  way  of  Winnipeg  ;  but  in  doing  so,  he  will  do  well  to  outfit  completely  in 
Ontario,  and  when  he  has  done  with  his  outfit  sell  it.     For  example,  should 
he  desire  to  visit  Qu'Appelle,  Touchwood  Hills,  and  Prince  Albert,  he  should 
provide  himself  with  two  or  four  large  mares,  sound  and  active,  a  light  lumber 
waggon  (with  cover),  and  a  set  of  good  work  harness.    When  ho  reaches  the 
end  of  his  jo'irney  (Prince  Albert)  his  mares  will  sell  for  a  handsome  advance 
on  what  they  cost  him,  and  if  he  has  taken  good  care  of  his  waggon  and  har- 
ness (and  can  satisfy  intending  purchasers  that  he  did  not  buy  them  in  Win- 
nipeg) he  will  lose  but  little  on  them.     He  is  then  on  the  bank  of  the  North 
Saskatchewan,  and    can    take  passage  to  Selkirk  by  steamer,  and  thence 
home  by  rail.     If,  however,  the  traveller  desires  to  see  the  whole  Territory, 
ur  at  all  events  to  cross  the  prairie  lying  between  the  base  of  the  Rocky 
^fountains  and  Red  River,  he  should  ship  a  good  pair  of  Canadian  horses 
and  a  light  waggon  (in  bond)  from  Sarnia  to  Uisinarck  by  rail,  and  thence  by 
steamer  up  the  Missouri  to  Fort  Benton,  whence  he  will  drive  to  Fort  McLeoil 
•jverland.     Once  at  Fort  McLeod  ho  is  sure  of  a  good  price  for  his  team  of 
Canadian  horses,  especially  if  they  are  largo  and  stylish  ;  and  bavin;,'  sold 
thom  lie  can  buy  excellent  ponies  at  very  moderate  prices.  In  fact  it  is  almost 
impossible  to  pick  up  good  ponies  about  Winnipeg,  or  anywhere  between 
there  and  Qu'Appelle,  at  any  price,  and  the  prices  asked  for  such  as  they 
are  range  during  the  summer  months  from  875  to  $100  ;  while  at  Mcliood, 
Calgary,   or  Blackfoot    Crossing,   vastly   bettor    ponies    are  always  to   bo 
had,  at  from  $^0  to  ^5.     Regarding  the  difference  in  the  character  of  the 
ponies,  I  would  have  no  hesitation  in  saying  that  the  kyuses   to  be  pur- 
chased  in  the  West  would  bo  cheaper  at  .^ 1 00  than  tlio  average  Rod  River 
ponies   would   be   at   .945.       Regarding   the   waggon   to  be  used,    I  should 
IiHve  some  little  doubts  as  to  what  should   bo  recommended.     Hitlierto  the 
luickboard  has  lieon  more  popvilar  tlian  any  other  stylo  of  light  waggon,  but 
there  are  serious  objections  to  it.     It  is  rather  low  for  fording  stroan.s,  and 
whore  the  bolster  rests  on  the  bod  of  the  axle,  it  gives  an  ugly  and  constant 
jar  to  one's  foot,  that  becomes  very  unpleasant.     Bosidcb  this,  ''e  want  of 
elasticity  makes  a  buckboard  more  apt  to  break  and  wear  itself  o\it  (especially 
ou  a  new  trail),  and  in  addition  to  all  this,  a  buckboard  that  has  any  spring 







at  all  in  the  bars,  ia  so  long  ^'n  the  gearing  that  it  is  sine  to  drar  heavily.  On 
the  other  hand,  the  backboard  combines  strength  and  litr^tness  to  a  remark- 
able extent,  and  as  the  cent/e  of  gravity  is  very  lo",  it  is  almost  impossible 
to  upset  it.  I  will  now  endeavour  to  describe  as  nearly  as  I  can  the  sort  of 
waggon  that  I  think  most  suitable  for  a  trip  through  the  North- West.  The 
forward  wheels  should  be  as  large  as  the  hind  wheels  of  an  ordinary  buggy, 
and  the  hiud  wheels  only  a  trifle  larger.  The  felloes  should  be  shallow,  but 
very  wide,  and  covered  with  a  steel  tire  three  inches  in  width.  The  kingbolt 
should  be  fully  double  the  strength  of  an  ordinary  one,  and  the  axles  and 
arms  should  be  extra  strong.  Instead  of  a  circle  for  the  forward  gearing,  it 
should  be  provided  with  hounds  such  as  are  used  in  common  lumber  waggons. 
The  reach  should  be  short,  and  to  counterbalance  this,  the  box  should  be 
made  deep  enough  to  afford  space  for  stowage.  Thorough  brace  springs 
would,  I  think,  be  better  than  any  others  for  this  purpose ;  some  modification 
of  the  long  elliptical  end  spring  might  be  made  to  answer  the  purpose.  The 
boxes  and  arms  should  be  of  the  best  quality  and  finish,  and  they  should  have 
plenty  of  play.  The  wheels  should  be  rather  more  "  dished"  than  ordinary 
ones,  so  that  they  will  not  turn  wrong-side  out,  nor  spring  at  the  spoke 
shoulders  when  the  waggon  lurches  from  side  to  side,  as  it  is  apt  to  do  very 
violently  vhen  the  trail  is  honeycombed  by  badger  holes.  An  efficient  brake 
is  almost  indispensable. 

The  harness  should  be  stron<?,  made  with  large  well-padded  hames,  collars, 
and  breeching,  with  no  back-bands,  or  "saddles"  as  they  are  sometimes 

There  should  not  be  less  than  four  ponies  for  one  waggon  ;  the  traveller 
will  find  it  to  his  advantage  to  take  with  iiikii  as  large  a  herd  as  practicable, 
as  the  more  frequently  ho  changes,  the  longer  his  animals  will  last.  Should 
he  start,  for  example,  with  twelve  ponies,  each  pair  will  run  light  for  four 
hitches  for  every  one  that  they  work,  -and  this  will  allow  him  two  saddle 
ponies  with  which  to  do  his  herding.  Worked  in  this  way  his  ponies  would 
gain  in  flesh  in  crossing  the  prairies,  and  he  would  have  no  occasion  to  carry 
grain  of  any  kind.  His  ponies  would  at  the  end  of  August,  at  any  post  about 
the  easturn  portion  of  the  plains  or  at  the  end  of  the  track,  bring  considerably 
more  per  head  than  they  cost  him,  and  the  profit  on  thu  herd  would  go  a 
long  way  towards  covering  the  other  expenses  of  the  journey.  At  that  time 
he  would  meet  with  many  travellers  about  to  take  short  trips  on  the  plains, 
and  the  few  ponies  to  be  had  thereabouts  would  in  all  probability  be  out  on 

As  regards  other  portions  of  the  outfit,  of  course  much  would  depend  upon 
the  size  of  the  party  and  the  rate  at  which  they  desired  to  travel.  The  ordin- 
ary 8(iviare-end,  high-walled  tents  of  the  American  pattern  are  but  pooraflairs 
on  the  prairie,  though  thoy  are  very  useful  and  comfortable  for  camping  in 
the  timber.  If  the  party  is  a  large  one,  a  bell  tent  will  be  found  convenient, 
or,  what  is  still  better,  a  buffalo  hide  teepee  (which  can  be  bought  at  Fort 
Benton  for  some  §35  or  (840).  In  the  teepee  no  stove  is  necessary,  and  the 
ventilation  is  good.     A  fire  can  bo  built  in  the  centre,  and  thu  smoke  escapes 



at  the  apex  of  the  cone-  In  order  to  be  comfortable  in  a  tent  it  u  necessary 
to  have  a  stove.  For  a  small  party,  say  three  men,  an  A  tent,  with  round 
ends,  is  the  best  adapted  for  prairie  service.  The  walls  should  be  very  low 
and  the  ends  well  rounded,  or  else  the  first  gale  will  tumble  it  down  over 
the  heads  of  the  occupants.  If  a  teepee  is  not  used  no  traveller  should  at- 
tempt to  take  a  long  trip  either  in  winter  or  summer  without  a  smaU  camp 
stove.  These  stoves  are  made  of  sheet  iron,  and  with  the  necessary  lengths 
of  pipe  they  weigh  but  very  little,  and  the  extra  weight  is  more  than  made 
up,  so  far  as  the  question  of  transport  is  concerned,  in  the  saving  of  fuel 
when  the  traveller  is  those  portions  of  the  plains,  where  it  is  neces- 
.sary  to  pack  wood.  And  then  there  are  often  heavy  rainfalls  followed  by  cool 
nights,  and  nothing  is  nore  conducive  to  one's  comfort  than  a  stove  in  the 
tent  under  such  circuni  itances.  Of  course  I  need  not  here  mention  the  indis- 
I)en3ables  of  every  camping  outfit,  such  as  a  liberal  supply  of  bedding,  water- 
proof sheets,  waggon  covers,  or  tarpaulins  with  which  to  protect  the  loads  in 
tlie  waggons  from  rainfalls  or  heavy  dews. 

Whether  a  man  is  fond  of  shooting  or  not  he  should  at  least  carry  a  shot 
gun  with  him  in  travelling  over  the  prairies.  Small  game  is  so  abundant 
that  a  very  ordinary  sportsman  can  materially  lessen  the  quantity  of  rations 
necessary  to  carry  with  him  by  daily  supplementing  his  supplies  from  the 
thousands  of  ducks  and  prairie  chicken  with  which  ho  is  siire  to  meet  almost 
every  day.  In  addition  to  a  gun  the  traveller  will  find  it  desirable  to  have  a 
good  retriever  dog  with  him,  as  two-thirds  of  the  ducks  he  shoots  are  sure  to 
fall  in  the  water  or  marsh  grass,  where  it  is  difficult  to  reach  them.  Occasi- 
onallv  the  traveller  will  have  an  opportunity  of  killing  an  antelope  without 
leaving  the  trail,  but  unless  he  is  disposed  to  spend  a  little  time  in  hunting 
he  will  hardly  find  it  worth  his  while  to  carry  a  rifle. 


And  now,  after  having  sjient  some  five  months  in  travelling  through, 
thinking  of,  and  writing  about,  the  North-west,  it  is  with  some  hesitati<m  that 
1  say  good-bye  to  a  subject  ot  such  all-absorbing  importance,  and  one  with 
which  the  future  history  of  the  Dominion  is  so  inseparably  interwoven.  In 
reflecting  on  the  immense  possibilities  created  by  the  opening  up  of  such  a 
vast  area  of  fertile  soil,  I  cannot  but  feel  that,  after  all,  my  journal  of  the 
past  five  months  has  only  dealt  with  a  series  of  important  issues  in  the  most 
superficial  manner.  The  future  of  the  North- West  means  not  merely  a  mat- 
tor  of  dollars  and  cents,  it  means  not  merely  a  matter  of  national  greatness 
fxr  the  British  Empire  over  united,  or  for  independent  Canada,  or  for 
Canada  as  a  mighty  annex  to  the  [^reat  Rbpublic.  It  means  something  far 
above  and  beyond  all  this.  It  means  the  peopling  of  that  \i\nt  fcttilo  valley, 
that  is  bounded  by  the  sullen  sterile  ridges  of  tlic  Laurentides  on  the  east,  and 
the  glorious  glittering  snow-clad  peaks  of  the  K  'cky  Mountains  on  the  west, 
with  the  toiling  millions  of  the  over-crowded  countries  of  the  Old  World. 
It  means  hundreds  of  miles  of  nodding  golden  grain  and  green  pastures  with 
countless  herds  of  cattle,   where  now  the  winds  go  pi^.^  »g  over  limitless 



Stretches  of  waving  witJio  • 

thou  arlofm    °  ,'''T'°  '"«"*»  *«  .tillnZ^    n'    ''™"''"">'"5"'>'= 

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cheerful,  happy  homes 
thy  tread  of  the  prowl- 

jU,  where  no«r  only  the 
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tier  in  the  fierce  strug- 
tneans  the  teaching  of 

"gh  legalized  confisca- 
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hroiigh  license,  anar- 
nation-but  by  ofier- 
all  who  will  woik. 

