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Collection  de 

Canadiairliwtituta  for  Historical  Microroproductions  /  Inttitut  canailion  do  microroproduetiona  historiquaa 

Tachnical  and  Bibliographic  Notaa/Notas  tachniquaa  at  bibliographiquaa 

Tha  inatituta  haa  attamptad  to  obtain  tha  baat 
original  copy  availabia  for  filming.  Faaturaa  of  thia 
copy  which  may  ba  bibiiographically  uniqua, 
which  may  altar  any  of  tha  imagaa  in  tha 
raproduction.  or  which  may  aignlflcantly  changa 
tha  uaual  mathod  of  filming,  ara  chaekad  balow. 

□   Colourad  covara/ 
Couvartura  da  coulaur 

rn   Covara  damagad/ 


Couvartura  andommag4<« 

Covara  raatorad  and/or  iaminatad/ 
Couvartura  raataurta  at/ou  pallicuMa 

r~l   Covar  titia  miaaing/ 





La  titra  da  couvartura  manqua 

n~1   Colourad  mapa/ 

Cartaa  gtegraphiquaa  mt  coulaur 

Colourad  ink  (i.a.  othar  than  blua  or  black)/ 
Encra  da  coulaur  (i.a.  autra  qua  blaua  ou  noira) 

nn   Colourad  plataa  and/or  illuatrationa/ 

Planchaa  at/ou  illuatrationa  tt  coulaur 

Bound  with  othar  matarial/ 
RaM  avac  d'autraa  documanta 

Tight  binding  may  eauaa  ahadovva  or  diatortion 
along  intarior  margin/ 

La  r9  liura  aarria  paut  cauaar  da  i'ombra  ou  da  la 
distoralon  la  long  da  la  marga  inttrteura 

Blank  laavaa  addad  during  raatoratlon  may 
appaar  within  tha  taxt.  Whanavar  poaalbla.  thaaa 
hava  baan  omittad  from  filming/ 
II  aa  paut  qua  cartainaa  pagaa  blanchaa  aJoutAaa 
lora  d'una  raatauration  apparaiaaant  dana  ia  taxta, 
mala,  loraqua  cala  Atait  poaalbla,  caa  pagaa  n'ont 
paa  «t«  film^aa. 

Additional  commanta:/ 
Commantairaa  suppiAmantairaa; 

L'Inatitut  a  microfilm^  la  maillaur  axampiaira 
qu'il  lui  a  it*  poaalbla  da  aa  procurar.  Laa  ditails 
da  cat  axamplaira  qui  aont  paut-Atra  uniquaa  du 
point  da  vua  bibliographiqua.  qui  pauvant  modif  iar 
una  imaga  raproduita,  ou  qui  pauvant  axigar  una 
modification  dana  ia  mi'hoda  normala  da  f ilmaga 
aont  Indiquto  ci-daaaoua. 

|~~|  Colourad  pagaa/ 

Pagaa  da  coulaur 

Pagaa  damagad/ 
Pagaa  andommagAaa 

□   Pagaa  raatorad  and/or  Iaminatad/ 
Pagaa  raataurAaa  at/ou  paiiiculAaa 

Py]   Pagaa  diacolourad.  atainad  or  foxad/ 

Pagaa  dAcoloriaa.  tachatiaa  ou  piquiaa 

Pagaa  datachad/ 
Pagaa  dAtachiaa 


Quality  of  prin 

Qualiti  inigaia  da  I'impraaaion 

Includaa  aupplamantary  mat^rii 
Comprand  du  material  auppMmantaira 

Only  adition  availabia/ 
Saula  Mition  diaponibia 

r~n  Pagaa  datachad/ 

rri  Showthrough/ 

rn  Quality  of  print  variaa/ 

rn  Includaa  aupplamantary  material/ 

rn  Only  adition  availabia/ 


Pagaa  wholly  or  partially  obacurad  by  arrata 
alipa.  tiaauaa,  ate.  hava  baan  rafilmad  to 
anaura  tha  baat  poaaibia  imaga/ 
Laa  pagaa  totalamant  ou  partiallamant 
obacurciaa  par  un  fauiilat  d'arrata.  una  palura. 
ate.  ont  4t*  fiimiaa  A  nouvaau  da  fa^on  i 
obtanir  la  maiilaura  imaga  poaaibia. 

Thia  itam  la  fiimad  at  tha  raductioh  ratio  chaekad  balow/ 

Ca  document  aat  fiimi  au  taux  da  rMuction  indiquA  ci-daaaoua. 














Th«  copy  fllmad  hmn  haa  bMn  raproduesd  thanks 
to  tha  ganaroalty  of: 

L'axamplaira  filmi  fut  raproduit  griea  A  la 
9tntnaM  da: 

Ligislaturt  du  QuMiM 


Tha  imagaa  appaaring  hara  ara  tha  baat  quality 
poaaiMa  eofialdaring  tha  condition  and  laglbiHty 
of  tha  original  copy  and  In  icaaplnj  with  tl«a 
fliming  contract  spaciflcationa. 

Original  copiaa  in  printad  papar  covara  ara  fitmad 
baginning  with  tha  front  cover  and  andlng  on 
tha  laat  paga  with  a  printad  or  INuatratad  Impraa- 
slon,  or  tha  bacic  cover  whan  appropriata.  All 
otiMr  original  copiaa  ara  filmad  baginning  on  tha 
firat  paga  with  a  printad  or  Hliiatratad  Impraa* 
•Ion.  and  andlng  on  tha  laat  paga  with  a  printad 
or  INuatratad  Impraaaien. 

T:<a  laat  racordad  frama  on  aach  microflcha 
shaM  contain  tha  symbol  — »•  (moaning  "CON- 
TINUIO").  or  tha  symbol  ▼  (moaning  "END"), 
whichavar  appHaa. 

Laa  imagaa  suhrantaa  ont  4t*  raprodultas  avac  la 
plua  grand  coin,  compta  tanu  da  la  condition  at 
da  la  nattati  da  raxamplaira  fHmA.  at  an 
conformiti  avac  laa  conditlona  du  contrat  da 

Laa  axampMraa  origlnoux  dont  la  couvartura  ^n 
papiar  aat  ImprimAa  sont  fUmte  an  commandant 
par  la  pramlar  plat  at  an  tarminant  soit  par  la 
danMra  paga  qui  comporta  una  amprainta 
dimpraaaion  ou  dINuatratlon,  soit  par  la  sacond 
plat,  salon  la  caa.  Toua  laa  autraa  axamplairaa 
eriginaujc  sont  fUmte  an  commandant  par  la 
pramMra  paga  qui  comporta  una  amprainta 
dimpraaaion  ou  dIHuatration  at  an  tarminant  par 
la  damMra  paga  qui  comporta  una  talla 

Un  daa  aymbolaa  suhnmts  apparahra  sur  la 
damMra  Imaga  da  chaqua  microflcha.  salon  la 
caa:  la  aymbda  — ^  signifia  "A  SUIVRE".  la 
aymbolo  ▼  algnifia  "FIN". 

plataa.  charts,  ate.,  may  be  filmed  at 
different  reduction  ratloa.  Thoea  too  large  to  be 
entirely  included  In  one  expoeure  ere  fUmed 
beginning  In  the  upper  left  hend  comer,  left  to 
right  and  top  to  bottom,  ee  many  framae  aa 
required.  The  following  diagrama  Uiuatrata  the 

tabieeux.  etc..  peuvent  Atre 
flim4e  A  dee  taux  da  reduction  diffArentt. 
Lorsque  ie  document  eet  trop  grand  pcur  Atra 
reproiduit  en  un  seul  cllchA.  11  eet  fHmA  A  partir 
da  I'angle  aupAiIaur  gauche,  do  geuche  A  droite. 
et  do  heut  en  bee.  en  pranant  la  nombre 
d'Imagea  nAceaaeire.  i  aa  diagrammee  suhranta 
illuatrant  Ie  mAthode. 










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"l  J 

t   H    £ 

NATURAL     Aut    CIV 


0    P 



Member  or  the  Metiorological  Sociity  in  Girma* 
NY|  F  THE  Philosophical  Society  is  Philadel* 
PHIA,  and  of  the  Academy  op  Arts  and  Sciences 


Puhlijhed  according  to  Act  of  Congress. 




PRINTED    AT  WALPOLE,  Newhampshirb. 


Sold  It  tMr  BOOKITORI.  in  UTalp^k,  nnd  by  faid  Thomai,  m  hi* 
Bookstore,  in  Wvtttfin.  ^ 


XUOA      M'J^^ 




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To  TH«  CITIZENS  or  thi  STATE 

V    E    R    M    P    N    T, 





Are  humbly  In  SCR  19  ij>  { 

As  a  Testimony  of  fUsrtct 

For  #A«tV  many  VxaTUBs» 
•  Ai  aa  Arra MPT  to  Promote 

A  more  particular  Ac^^aimtance 

With  Iheir  own  Ar7A4Rs, 

And  with  the  moft  ardent  Wishes 

For  their  further  Imp ROVBMBif. 

And  pR08PBRtT¥» 

By  their  obedient 


V  and  humble  Servant; 

Jutland,  fulj  t^,  a794« 



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■ijiititil.iiimil  ill    Jf.^-i4fc.  ^  .l,A^  ,■•.>.'  ■■"<  ■«■'  *M' 

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P  *  R  E  K  A  C3  E* 


j[^REE    ceAitiaH^*  Ik*^^^^^^^  I)Saffi4 


miti^hsi:vt  engag^  the  atteiltiM  ^  hiftodiNIi 
and  phiiofbphen.«>^Th(e  natutir^itMaions  of 
this  cbntinettt,  hare  been  one  o^ji^  of  general  tn* 
qtiiry. '   Among  the  Sj^auilh  titters,  ^ere  are 
fbm6  gbbd  efl^s  on  tM  uldural  hfi^G^jir'^'tba 
ibuthern  parts  of  Ati^rki.     In  C^iftaig  (one  ^ 
the  phy ficiani and jefuitfirere  attrative  to tN  nat* 
iiral  prodttQibns  0f  that  part  0f  the  contineiif ; 
aiid  have  left  fome  valtrabie  pieces  <tat  the  natural 
hiftoiy  of  Newfrance.     This  kind  of  knowledge 
Waa  not  mudi  attended  tb;  b^r  the  firft  (ettlen  of 
ihe  Britifh  cotonlerj  kbdW<!fhaveburiiHv' of  their 
aoci^tit  writings,  iii  whicfa'it  was  contemplated  at 
all.     Obliged  to  depend  dpoh  tranficnt  and  par- 
tial accounts,  the  heft  wHte^  u^on  natural  faiftory, 
M.  de  BuflFon,  has  falleii-ftrto  ikiany  miftakes  re- 
fpeCBAg    Ihiir   oatiiral  p^rbduQions  of  America, 
K^hich^  mb^  i^anirat^  obfert^attons  would  have  cor- 
lekG^d.    Thls^lttbjcia  Inftlad  df  being  fi%  ex- 
I^Orcdj  is  yci  a  trcafure  but  lilllc  ekamined. 


f^iom.  F  ■  A^i  CH  m 

■  I 


«iim»uf  flud  laq^rtiitt;  tABmt  liMf  agbiil  windMUi 
W  eii#iigli?#B^iClirte9c4  <«  «f ttud  Mthcir  acdinlA 
l4iifiM9f»iabtUliii^«r>i»t«t#|if(ifist|ri:.  tb^ 

aadi^Qftgei  hy  iheif  fcnyhiwiltv  the  aies  of  Eu^ 

fyfli«nm«MN  iMNMifff^^o  ««»iniite  littf  ap«  t^jil 

partiality }  that  w^4wi|r^4i|U«i»tflft  whait  wnair^ 
ujM^ifh  t|)il  ^ngi  ^  Ibfifli^  ^aml  wilat  wat  di£ul« 

%'  fipi'^rj^'  Ff^J^^W  nPlR''^P*^  ^W^p^tP^  I^IP^JP^ww^*^**  swMwt^pwjpv^"-" 


■^^ffS'^S'"''-^*'^- WI'8«»St'«'i3BW«»  ■' 

t^  mi  m.  fimcsum 


twiibiDf •  t»|lifeiw<iw»^|ttiiiir^mit#giiliiil^ 

l«llii94iii#i«inwlii#riMl  Meit^ 

ariAvfocfec^  li«d^lwi^c  iiioiiirody  }^i  >  ^|ii#7««i 
•''iis'Jiikrfiiv  ftfibfiMd3»t]i^(ftt<ilf:«iii0it|tlt^'  mMt^ 
of  the  earth,  the  ftates  o^JltmttilOtmim^  ftfitel  «o> 
iimm9Mmmm1iMii»^  fe«^  I  fbtiMdM.dit  pfiii* 
(^VtontMPiBfaitaaififlwiiii^^aM  pi^mihg4i^  ^ 
l||b^iiM  «f<iU#{tf  Hay  ttfttion  tMffbl««    i^^br M|»i ' 



'  f 



*p  -1^  ^  %  "^/M 

,ii|y:  The  goT€i;iin)ei|t  is  dep^dent  upop,  bij|t 

mMi9  cpmArfm^mfM^  incam^ng  in  fiiiiii|>f^| 
**>tmftt,,wmM$,  4ild^po«r#n  ■  Th«cJii^sft  p«?^- 
^qH  Mid  Jilitity,<s9vfalcb  m»n  it  peroiit(«dAlo  bope 
te  in  thsyeefimft  lift^  may  rattoiuil^  lie  exj^- 
-t^tififttdiftlliitf.  of  foocly  :  And  i|  bccomftt 
^fi^civrfetiie ohjfCk ef ^oircrfal  ioquiry  and  «t- 

^- to  »tpiifeBt  Ihe^ate  of  ihings  ia  Amerioi*  in 
>  ^ptopgr ^bt/  particular  .accomiti  of  each  fiarl  ^ 
thdhdwat^witMfcftiai  t»^lit  Jieceflary  i  .«iidiroa(d 
anfwer  other  valuable  purpofes*  ^Afl  abliB  bifto- 
jtaaoi  the  Rever«tt(3  Ux,  Belkn§p,  haf  .obliged  the 
.  tviMid  wkh  die  ymmy  of  NmbM^Jh^n,  Jfae 
CoUowing  treaife  ia^dfifigped  tOi  defcaribf  the  ofi- 
ntioiii  of  nature  inctfocietyt  in  the  adja^ot  ftf^ 
of  VtfmMi*  Thia  is  the  youngeft  of  the  ft«tes,  an 
inland  country*  and  now  rapidly  changing  froni  a 
vail  tfa6l  of  uncultivated  wild^rnefs,  to  oumerons 
and  eictenfive  fettlemeots.  J  q  this  ftage  Qf  foci- 
ety,  indudry  and  economy  feem  to  produce  the 
greateft  effe^s,  in  the  fhortcft  periods  of  time. 

THB  manner  in  which,  the  work  has  been  exe- 
cutedt  I  am  appr^henfive  will  require  much  can- 
dour in  the  reader.  In  the  variety  of  fubjefts 
which  have  conbe  under  contemplation,  I  cannot 
Hatter  myfclf,  that  I  Lave  been  free  from  errors 

_..v  and 

■*TBi^'^*fr''  ^ 

''  ♦ 


im^ica-  in 

^#  R-  -C.   P  M  Oi  m  ^' 

tH  f  AmeticMi  wtr  «eDfi4ti«#  wttb*  wTiMA^^i^ 
its  ieau^s,  opentioM,  or  ^^Mts,  iprefatt^^^ar 
Tievr  foihe  of  the  mod  islpoitMil  etCMi,  i<hl* 
have  tihen  pltoe  in  inodterfl  tiovi  ^  #iit  mUbm  ii 
thefe  parttoalars  can  be  eompreheniM  in'tbe  hii^ 
tory  of  a«y  parttcnlar  ftat^. '  iTogitfefttell  an^iiir* 
peifea  vieir  of  this  fubj^  as'  odiiM^  htpnfmAf 
contained  in  the  biftoiy  of  •Vttrmoiit,  di^^aoil  ap^ 
pear  eligible.  No  further  ecooitnii  tbeitfore  of 
the  war,  are  ittferted^  thaft  what  appeared  neaef- 
fary  to  explain  the  fnbjea,  which  1  had  mofefiTi* 
ficnlarljr  in  view. 

TAB  controverfies  %%idi  took  pbee  between 
the  ftatcf  of  Vermont,  NewTork,  and  Newhan^ 
Ihire,  were  of  the  moft  dangerous  nature  g 
they  were  agitated  for  a  while,  with  a 
greatly  unfayourable  to  the  peace  and  faCety  oftha 
whole  union.  Moft  of  the  wars  which  have  tak« 
en  place  among  mankind,  have  been  occvGoncd 
by  difputes  refpeQing  territory  a^d  jurifdi^Uon  : 
And  however  juft  or  proper  it  might  be  for  any 
natioo,  to  give  up  part  of  its  territory  and  doaiii\« 
ion  to  its  neighbours,  fuch  a  facrifice  was  Tcarccly 
ever  made  without  compulfion  and  ^rce.— To 
have  expefl^d  Newyotk  would  voluntarily  give 
up  part  of  her  territory,  wl^eq  the  d^Oi^ns^f  (ho 
kio^ind  the  law  were  in  her  favour;  was  to  e\- 

*  pea 

%^     §■§  f  f  f  f  ..f 




txpdwi^d^  t^^ffxMu^iq^ t  nor f^tn I ajporclbca* 

qf  ihoTe  iiMtten.  But  it  Is  not  tmproliable  tnu 
X  ^ve.npt,  liad  complete  infi^rmatipQi  if  ^me  f^t* 
tio)l|i;fi  rerpe^^VPf  thofe  cbmi^rM^li  jcp&^vtv* 
^11$  I  afi^  ^may  Iiav<s  miftalen  tnt  yiew/of  j^Ytl^i, 
&  (bme  df  tlieir  U^g  traniaKli^  '%'  il^ 
fboula  tie  ifiDttiid,  to  be  ibe  cafe,  St  will  ^irt  m 
great  pteahi^eta  receive  fiich  fitirtber  iafbrtnatton,  # 
it  (hall'ehibk  me'  to  corrieCl  any  miftalea.  Tfiiofe 
wbo  poiht  but  Vo  us  our  ttton.  perform  tbe  ftum 

Iticafiy  6lC€,  a  tb6f«  who  U\f  vato  ncirthlitbl. 


^•tV  I,  ■.:),■»  i>.:.K*- 

■  ,    -fill  ill 

;OWi:^;  :it^\ 



the  CIloe  ni»i|nen.  cttiioms,  namCi,  «ilcr  potxttRi^ 
tmong;  oilereBt  nado%  m  wKat«¥«r  f^n.w  <a" 
«aill|,tb«y.ii|air  tejida.     iifonaufi^f.  IW#^  M^ 

AOl  tt^HHiir  Mtm  aii4  tenitWmr,  feUl  oiily  ift  ttjp 

OiMi)j|^^  that  it  fitt^itige  ini  <^a«|^  ^ 

whhf^e  ^|ri|l4«uoi]f  or  iiq|^  liflf- 

maa  raoef  And  hence»  while  the  nutare  pt  map 
f cmaiQi  vnaUeitd,  the  date  of  focietf  is  |«rpetit« 
tkHy  ehangiQg^  and  the  men  of  one  ago  f^ifPl^iK* 
417^  in  mai^  icfpe^  appear  diGEerent  frMi  4^ 
pf  aiiftfiir.  And  f$  mm  themfelvei  ire  rnnip  iir 
}^  improved,  e^ery  thing  that  confiitoet  a  part 


u^\    ^   m  M  m  wi  M 

lijIMWIrlliiHl^  fiflijttatot  ryi^iiiiity^ii  jifa. 

'  '^^ 


^jll».j|-'v» ' V'-' -''4il'^<»'*'w«'" •"  -<••■ 

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■'»  !'.  . 


'd3*4ff-!».^'!^  ^^(^ 

*v  '^(^^.♦^^t'**:  v*'--^' 


mfsMitfiSu     ^ 


Origin  AL^Nji  ABIT  ANTS.'^TAff»/%»i»//p 
'     OvfV  Gofummmk  Syjhm  if  W^ar^  Linfiimt^ 


^  K    «  s  n  f  '§  #  f  a^ 




tf  J^irmni  iHiiibi  ftitrMl  Um»n.    F0fiticai 


Eit9iofiki/iCMir$virJlis,  ^ 




*ii1fxm  of  RiUihrn^mitk 







txw  ^n^^'-^**  H 

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*r  ^-^^i  All  ti 





An  JMi^W Mi^P^  MiUttutU  ' 

N:U  M3  j:  R    ill.    • 

nounein^jl^i  jdljiriB  io  %  a  IPrie  onj  /im<c- 
The  Rm^if^^m-W  the  Commiffioners  from  Ver^ 

QueJ!m^fi^9pim4^th^  cf  ^onitrefi 









!^|«f,|^»'^S  ■>m-^'Hfm*«m*»'^^"' 

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f.-'  ^ 

delphim.    It  II  jdlilgeibtf  fH^ 
Uitt  country.;    (iirroiattdcil  bf 
^1^8  «lf  f  B|«i*Jiaii^i#e.  M««r«aMBtt«/  |«Cfr- 

ii;  c  i  ■  If;:  ■ 


iMbQM}bufe|^,^e  itlfij^U^  line,  pttrfuini  th^' 

^mirfci  pf)MirrimiM:i^nve^^fl^  three  loilii  diftaiice, 
o^  lli^  D^h  fide  tlieiTof/  bf gtnnnig  at  the  A'tlan* 
ti6  oces%|il^  <^ding>t  a^pfof^  ||&.  ^r^  of  Pa^^ 
luclket  tills  s*  and  a  (uaigEt  Une  drawn*  thence  due  . 
iy%ft»^ntil  it  m^els  with  Bis  Ma}ej|^*s  other  gpvemL 
saeaiii*/  ;9:}|e  poioft  tliree  tnilet  %rt|k^  of  i^atackfl 
iiX&i  il!^  fbdfid  40  he  In  th<e^owti^<^  DnictttPFi^ 
itm  fmi»t^^tiiff^^{arfiMy<^^  Hazen,  in  the 

tn^thsjbf  Fcl^aarjr  and  March,  i^^i,  ran  the  di- 
vi^oiiiiiiijsi^  1ieiii^<Mai^ 
Mr^;h  ll«i%«  ffire^ed  %y  Mr.  Bdchet^  at  that 
time  goMemor.  iof  bo^  ihp&  sfovi^ce^,  to  allbw  ten 
degi^#  ibi^tl«  wefiilrl)^'vaTlaiio^  the  magnetic 
nee^l^*  Jhe  magnetic  variation,  jt  that  time  And 
piace^v  itni^fkt  I»fre4»>  «i  the  ^^)ri^ '  a£Siaied : 
Atid  w^  hftratvwed  Jf  tTdilheaT^iit^i^er;  i  df^ 
lane^of 'fifet^ireMes^.  hkSead  of  hieing  in  a  weft 
line»br  h^pdei^te^tcithebbrth  »'  57^  of  latitude. 
71)>s  errdit If  4lio  dtiv^i^  %  the^liiie^  ^cea%iis  a 

17  wsrea  to  Yeirntebtji: 

■■.,<  '■ 

J-  U-' 

^e;^a  1»^  bf  Cohmaicikt  rivfi^  i  "Biivl^ 
lowtnj;  the  courfe  <^  the  river,  is tt%o^l  tiirirjhiiiMiMd 
mil^s  f  and  ^  deriredf ronw  th^  dteee  6f  Gei^i|isi«hi 
thtrdi  nOn  l4i^B<^h  df  ijtt}n«  r7!6:|»l[hlsi  M4m^^ 
idered  A«hd  diisl^tedr  *-^btt.  weflwrnffl)afciliv<  w 
rtveir  Ci9nne£Hie«it|  ^om  nrhere  it  am^lrs  ^fftilvttfie 
of  j^^l^chiifetlsi  Si^;  ^  far (ndrlhrAiith«  |i^n>» JMh 
degree  of  northettt  latitudd,  ^^»^>heilraii|aiiii^'i«ie 



felt  iftAiiifty  milfs  i|fi#fme;4ttsrl0B  oIy  »>idii|^i% 

ltMig|i0i'|iliid^  b^^ii^B^ 

;^telf|i||li;Ne8#^^  .  ..  ^  

-Gliafi^lfthf  i^tilei|ce  tlwiiilblhe  micUfo  eiMtMi^f 
tfftciiftmicl  c€  Lfttcfe  ChttilpUi|ti^t0  tl^  ta^lir^  of 

jirtftt^twioliilie  iikiids  l:aH(;i4f^«  Sra^Vlf  ii  and 

•fAlff  iikfia  Mott»  to  the  forty  fiftli  degree  of  nbrth 

^  latitiidi. 


r T'ti".' -u"  "-'■jMiiai!L;L^ 



tffi^iiciimiUQ  Mi^MmUt 

.:  /!(..■■',> 





mrm^  *  .  -  -^  ^  o,  ^  . . 


■• ,  •  ■J»C-?'#*>^  -■*:  ^*U'  -,'.^'h<tii ;  «■i^^^^^•- 

<?  ' :~ 

.    a;;,;  ■.  L^  Nil. 

«f   r-^- 

MgiNg^      ■    ittMcaeili^ 

«n4  majcftiii  pl«£^c»«^  ^^flEf*  .S^i^ 


AHB   CIVit 

century  have  l|pen  foUcitous  to  deCermtne.    Tht 
noft  common  method  of  meaturing  their  heights, 
has  been  by  the  Barometer.    I  do  not  know  that  in 
many  cafes,  a  Il|etter  method  c<(Uld  have  been  ap- 
plied.    The  theory  however  of  this,  is  not  attend- 
cd  with  certainty,  or  precifion  :  And  in  its  applica* 
tion,  it  lias  generally  given  very  different  altitudft, 
ttxfie  fame  mountain.     Ceometrical  menftirationt 
admit  of  greater  certainty  and  fimplicity,  where  they 
can  be  applied  :  But  the  difficulty  and  expenfe  of 
making  fuch  menfurations,  has  prevented  any  great 
-prog^els  from  being  made,  in  tni&  p^rt  of  the  natu- 
ral hiftory  of  the  earth.    Ip^North  AipM^a^  t^ 
height  of  moft  of  our  mountains,  remaip$_  ye|,^t|Qii'lSp^ 
de^<  December,,  ^79^1 1  atte^pfeai  tft 
afcertain  the  altitude  of  K^iUngtan  Ptak,  one  of  the* 
iigheft  of  the  green  mountains^  ^y.a^  geoi^eitric^ 
yroccfs;  and  had  the  lupj^nefs  to  Ji^c^id  ;i||i% 
]ncnrurati9n.    The  laeafures  ftooq  thu^M^ay^  f^t^^i^ 
lifsi^t  of  A^Z/tn^^oniVai  above  the  plain 
at  the  State  Houfe  iaRuiljtnd;  by  geo;f , 
'ttetri^lmmfi^i^atipn.  \'  ^^.^r^  ,ni  ^liL 
^!^}M^f^^  StJ|tfsHQ|||||bpveth»»*atert 
^,''.gt  Mkc  ClMmplaio,<€aiuced  from  the 
,  jntenforation  •  of  the  .  falb   of  Otter- 
creek,  aa^  a  i»mpi)^ 

PipCbi^liibf  the  water  Irom  that  part  of 
llfte  Champlain  whefe  the  current  be- 
ms,  t0  St.  John's  J  a  diftaacj^  of  tf|y, 

1,  Silled.  llCtiwated  at  twelve  inches  to 
a  milc» '     !  •         .  • 

Falls  between  St.  John's  and  Qh^n;^};\e, 
Eftimated,  <*!' '        •       ,/« 

Qefcent  of  thq,  w^r  from  the  bafon  of 
Cham^e  to  Quebec,  a  diftance  of  one 
humdred  and  eighty  miles.     £{lim4ted 

.  at  twelve  inches  to  a  mile. 

87i«ii  i* 





Jtnitling  thewatfrt  of  ih«  flvcljt*  J;«irrehc^|| 
^tiiebffc^tcMieilw  :th«  ramekvelM  tbe  Ui^^ih^^if^ 
jde  (^K4iUf^tonJ^sJthy  tbefc  meafures  Mtf^amf 
lutafionsiit  3454  f«et  al»ve  tbeleveio^ibe-cci^afli. 
rbe  allttudei  at  fiimh  a  perpfitual  coQg^l|ili6ti  |al«f 
>iace  iathis-latkpde  (430  goT)  i^  about  SD66>^eft| 
ibovc  tbft4cvcl  of.theita.  Tbi»  is^  probaWJj  lotg 
Eftjbs  of  a  mil^ki  bigber  than  tbe  tQp$  of  our  hi^fl 
iOfiniain^\jf  Bfit  altbougb  *  ibey  aue  fat  bclojc  t|| 

*  Mbtttit  rBlMe Jn  StviTf,  is  t1ia.bigbeftriiioUiitaiii  ia;^ 

ro|M,  ,9»^  of«|ba);ly  Che  h\gkff^i^  thboUf^  h«»i^|^liet4ti ,  Ui 

\787  Its  aUU«,w4  l^^  M^^4r,S««^r^to  be  I5>67|^£b|. 

mliei  trnk  tii6lev«Uf  t)i6YeaJ    In  th<$  f<)ti(h«rajffA«^ 

Lnksrica  M.  Bomgiut  fouml  tHe  higheft  p«rt  of  the  C<MAiiH»* 

II,  tche  20,590  feet  in  Height }  tbu  is  the  .hicheft  0imtf}f;^ 

the  globe.— 'In  Virginia^  i^ccoriling  to  M|.  J*01ii%    ' 

Wt«ins  of  t1i«  B)»ie  ridge*  aQ4  o(^  the(e;  the 

-e  tao^ight  tb  be  of  the  gf^efiiteicht,  thekfulld  frokb  (H 
ire>    «(  From  dati;*'  faith  hei'  "^  Which  mtyioariia  4  toleci^ 
mjcAure,  k 

'he  lyjhite  ,11     .    , -._  ,  ^  ^ 

lire,  are  geheiilly  elfteemed  to  be  the  highe(llaildMi^'M«v« 
Bn|^and.    Their  altitude  has  not  been  tistrTmlhrrll  tijr  gpOfUrt 
rical  meAfuration,  but  there  is  one  circumftance  attetMij[|f|^ 
\Bir  pWenonien»y  which  may  ferve  to  denote  ..their  altiba^' 
rith  ii)uch  pfohability.     Frpm  the  ohfeni>Mton«  which  Myft 
eeh  made  Of  their  tops,  ir  appear^  that  the  altitude  of  1lh« 
lifheft  or  the  white  mo^MtaitiS,  ia  below  the  point  of^pttpet- 
uT confclatlom '  On  June  t4  xf'j^tsn^'t  fouth  fidh^^i^^no 
)f  t|i^  gtlUiesf  the  Cnow  was  bve  feet  deep.    On  ^pt«||JUi|t|«^ 
I763,  the  tops  of  the  mountain  wM  covered  wiih  ieean^MiJi^, 
^ewty  fbrmed*    In  1784,  fnow  was  fcen  on  theltiuth'vde  of 
[he  largeft  mountain, until  July  isth.     In  17901  the  fnoW  |ky' 
Sntil  the  momih  of  A.aguil.    In  general,  the  mountain  beglbi 
S  be  covered  with  fnow  w  early  as  September ;  but  it  goes  off 
(ain,  and  fetdom  becumes  fixed  until  tne  end  of  06(ober,  Or  the 
egintijngof  NoKvnber :  9ut  from  thattima,*i|  ecmaina  umif 
|uly.  (Belknap's  JfYI|LNewhamD(hire, 3.  46,  ^^^J.\^t(Vf^  tH||fe 
Sffl^elions  it  is  apparent,  that  tne  white  oipuntaiai  .rife,D^||^r 
)  the  line  of'perpfti^  congelation  in  that  latitude^  bul^UJMloi!' 
illy  come  npjo,^,.   ThcM  BlounV«ns  artj  ia  tho  btl^^  ' 
^  15'  northf  ,t>e  ]lfqp>ot  pf  rAfltjual  cofigelatiim  in  4l 
*de,  «•  deduced  from  t|i4;^tj||(i^2^  jat^h^jifiyfiii 


Ml  ill  of  tlKMi  «rfe  4if  the  ipet^  m^^hmifi^tmi 
^potttti  fj^ij^,  lieiAl«ii^^Mi#^f^|<i|ii|efffiliM  «^ 

iD(|bMA)«  4itbitii(b|  as  we  approach  th(e  (ooiiliit  of  ati 
4d^iBlMKBtatn%  j^iiees  dcfeiiiralfB^ii'i^dri^iiien- 
fi(Wi^  atti|re^iidt.ter^iim|«e  M^ 

-|ircr«tit  our fiaffiiig  btMred)  thmti    Twm f^mtt^ 
jmrnlbeeL  tirtUt  Qmha  and'  tinea  >earfii|^fbMt 

Bioi^iiefbaiotia, ii4ii|clliiit«iiii  Hfbgt  fM^« tbt 
-^0|^  of  lN)r  ^li^icft  ttiooiitafinii     '  H    i « ^ 

•  Mve  laife  opoiMircit  or  cyftoiiMa  iiiOjiy  illte*t#clti4 

AiBot^  thefe  fobC^rriiieoli*'-pda|ei»  iMo  o^otiit 

pff  iptif^tftSalk  tM%%nt  I^W6  bcto  .l(mf|^4    0«f  of 

,l^e  ia^t  Cbi»ii4o%  oa  tX^i  (oii^Mt  idf  b# 

r  flieailitaiB,  In  4bt  iw^erhr  pfMf  of 4ii#«M% «  /SIk 

i  siO^fh  of  the  cive  it  not  m^rtt  Wiirii»  fe«^  k^  il|iiri- 

,  tlft^    li^  i^^«!rcti||i  1)9(8  .pafife  Qnte  iMi|ic)« 

irilft  llMihotuion  of  ig^  ^r  |i6  iMp^^tij  |»«i»flontMi* 

net  of  acailjf  iJie  &nit  dlan»tir»  tiilfoifli  tbo  ii4N[»lo 

ttndt  ill  ,Ettrep«i  U  rSyi  f^t  aboi^  tfie  1^1  otttte  Ht^  Fram 
the  givifer  cbMncliior  the  Ainarican  cKnttie^  theoofntof  ^. 
MItttI  cdigelatlM  fifa  fi»ilari%ai<iricrtflattWwi<ciimitil^H 

'fiM«  of  t|M  whltaihmificahit,  etiviot  ba  ai|i|piii4ifiiar^  thla 
7IQ0  faft  abofv«  the  level  of  tha  9cnn :.  And  thUh  MmHUv 
^aiUuidat^^hiflwftaKNMitaiiis  ivthaaaftam  IUMn 




t>ate%itttf^iypiyi^^  Iftpcttrancd  dT  mitill^ 

^h^:^l0li0k'^J^^  The 

iNM^Ife  liHMir  'jM#t*  illNitsii^^  llat 

n.  it^Otii^iiiiltWrii  iiIiifiM£<«-tflMfii  m-^fitfi  to 

^ .  i|^ianMiit>nMitAiMM^  intifye  t-  iMinfr  allttvd  bf  hrr» 
«M Btircf InlMibitadlli^ JMby^tiheiiuiiiaiifTise;   * 

:  Oat  of  c&t  tnoft  curtoQt  and  important  operations 
W^ich  nature  canies  on  in  the  mountains,  is  the  for* 
tWati6lii  l>f  rprings  and  rivein.  Alt  ouf  areams  of 
.  #aaer  in  Vermont,  have  their  tii*e  «moog  the  green 
moUBtidai  t  Ft(ta»  a  ««mb»r  «f  tlic^  utiflrag,  ere 
formed  ail  thdfe^Woeirs  and  rtvi^r^,  wB2tt|'ft|^  ia 
iiiferliit  direOiott*  through  4bi  Var^f^iis  piitf^the 

D  couotrjr : 

,i6      KtnM<ii0MM> 'miktt!WiJ 

fsmfffty  i  And  in  «eii«i^|  the  liriiu^- ^^  if 

M  b«  found  in  ae^ ^i«pi^ti^^ 

In :#bat  m^iitmii^t^i^^ 

t^e^  el^arf  And  wii^iMI^#f<i^^M!  Ilifc  l||l^ 

tli€ watciii,  from  thtt bpwdls! tii :t&ch.fiii|l(:e -6f  t^ 
.  e^rtll.    That  vvratdf  19  contumcd  -tn  liii^iqiuintititt 
^iil  the  b0|lre^i!^^i^«irt|^  ji^jilii€#4i^^ 
{iihich  »r#'  f(|iind?tn:  altn^Eift  li^>  defili^a«44;  aM 
"'fifm:  thofe  #liH?h  evdry^^lKXi;  fti|itft|!t^eUl^  «t  the 

<anh^  Thaty(hl^;Wirttdi<^irei^oon^ait^^db^ 
towatds  thtf  (pr&ici&<»f  thft  iBatth»  andtgbl^  ^tiff  inlo 
the  K^tmorpiifre,  is  evidcat  fr&fii  tlii  e^ii6ic»ti(Cik 
wh|(^  is  <;Qfni$ai)tly  talung:|4i^  ttndlKiifir  m^^^  «Men^ 
net  itir  whidbri)^*  jOT  as  iMts  geti«rl%  .iitf|i#fll<l^;a 
drap>8^  <fl^a«  IrPth  the  fivrfaec  of  tbe  i^t^li,  al^  the 

«  fpdi|M|.by  ti»fiiigtft«ar:di%«Ciiiig  the^ 
hptbl^  tliif «afia»ttl  o£  the  #»i«i1i  MMktim&Mf 
any  ftrata  i]fii^ji^,  roeks,  0lr.f<fiMr  oihi^-  fuhOiiMJh^ 
through  which  they  cannot |>aft^tMsy'#iU!€olleft  in 
fnch  quantities,  as  to  form  or  find  for  Mhetnfdvta:  ft 
channel,  tfaroQ|h  which  they  may  be  ^chafiiged. 
The  ptace  oC  this  dif^srger  can  only  be  ion.  the  fide 

;  of  a  hiU,  or  inifomtfPOiiiQd  ^lew  the  leVel  of  tfaiit 
plac^^  where  they. are  thus:  coHeded  s  And ist  fuch 
«  place  the  watexs  would  'continiieMo.  iflue;  omt,, 

*  as  long  as  they  continued  to  afceod,  whaiCevev  mii^t 

^  be  the  fevcrity  or  dilration  i)f  a  drought.W-Ia'fome 
fuch  way,  it  appeals  probable  to  me,  thatfomefof  the 
fprings  are  f/urmed  in  the  mountains  :  By  waters 
which  are  afcending  towards  the furfaoe  of  the  earth  t 

.  but%yhicb,  infteadof  going  loffal^,  have  their 
difcharge  in  fmall  quantities,  At  the  fides  of  the 
mountains.    Any  ftrata  oftlay,  rockier  of  aiiy  other 


fceadf  iti  raiuittr  |d<nir|^l^  pRNKioil  li  i^^ 

bbiird«4i]utiiii^i^^wolI|^  is  a  GonHan^ pf>if ^ 

eilolt^ii^aiif Q»&4|^dp^f«^cm^  mttti^^  And  leailt 
tioibe;>y«|qiii^f€a^«rli^h'49iM^^  to  j^ ^ 

%ring«  cdMi  i^pM^lii  ^naecl^  tot;  ;pre^ed(»  -  %^ 

Mittll^<afi^B||iBiifkdie  JbvMfl.  «ii#i|^>:i  III  Oi^ 
iMtoi^  Jittfteid  of  |)etd|  Ttf^  irat|^  tfao 

eautk^^i^eif^eptltjof :iiBin»  fedi^  lai|nicli  eitbaiifted 
piit$pai^wfhY mat,    AflAnoirmh can evtf ipliip. 

di[^^til,^#ii|pOl^ati©Ii4:f^^-n«i■a:^4.♦  -^J-ir-r/:      '.•:!; 
orlillluiilpttiolliaii^  alfbt  cp.  idtm  .laiaili^^^ 

$timi9mfffiii  r^tef  apbiwi  iQ6oiipitcli4l»  doodi 

khti  ^ifa^k«f{ti|f  aactli;  Whci>jcln>  cvapor4tioi:|  it 
ift  lBi?iOpeii^^4i«Kpefd^  fCartihe*  Ctto  and  wind^  the 
^yiirfMtfcn^lir^.foim  pu-riedoff Jh|o  the  atoifl|(|^iCi^ 
and  <ifa6  >(|icfiic«: ft^i r^e  dnth  is  \^>  dry^  iWhea 
thn  avaponttioii'isiifiioin'  Itoda  tovored  ov«r:<wiHi 
'thick  ftl!Mfrahd:h«flielirtbaiiblbehi:e  ofi  thodTiimaiid 
mtdi  amniuGfa,  |>rev8nted  f  (iiAdit2^j#ateriljftagi»fiie 
«pOD-theftdtCaci0)df«hc  cardi)  and  render  ic/<^efciind 
miffyiiarlhe  IMi  of)  firaimia,  aiidHloQfined  urafteri. 
tWhenithiBicvaporation  is  from  the  fid«s  and  tops  of 
imduatai^^v^covered  ««ith.vetataUes»  the  waters  aro 
i^bttt.flondyiaafried  oflFbjr  the!  neat  andirind  i  nor  can 
-thuTilU^iiate^  but>^i«itti|>f;  giiadqall^  and  i  conftanity 
>dcteeaMgMlo«^  Ibet^desifii  thefl1fbui)tlkios»juii,oat- 
uealvoiit^aiifeAcNilflehj^^ab  !}!iABd#i9((kis(iiv«p^^e 
iibontifaiiiia  c^  alfo^ lie  vcoiiAantly/prod«*}i«ilfiulU 


~  I-- ,  -j.^:'  .  f^-'^. 

0  .  ^t^imtm^-jm  .  ^ 

fiiicOretM  with  «tbid|  C^^  r#l^ 

mt^  fo$^9or^mitt  •o4'.  -toiif itiiC^.i  tli».^'iiii^^ 

iipith  fiMJMr  ^«^ 

f%  i^lb/xeach  Itoq  one  iJOck  to  aaqM^ar,  aiiidl^^li^;  fiHA 

>»  «qn^Ktttm  ai  tobeijr  the  wckhfipfratttilQ^^witMiil 

wh^  pan;  of  i|  riini^^a  tbje  iUfuM  tha  ^mm?^. 
ta^«^  part  win  be dftajipied  by.  tlia  ^ngf-  futfacfitx^ 
pieiifCratf  avd  un|(  into  |hc  eartb.  Qn  tfapa  aiccouM, 
'andfbr  want  of  a  moff^fapid  cvsponitioQ^  fiiveral  ot 
I  our  mountains^  af«  txiaQaihtly  wet  Itm-llijBiTaopa,  and 
We  toaribjr  fpob^  wlncK  #|i|  fN^lrtAdt  |^ 
«iiatHC>»<]%  c  t  V fa«.  .tQl4l>r^r  tbcl9<MipaiNnDa  aie 
tr€(|rifndyTaryiw^iui4'iiM^  ^wh^iiit^  v^ey*  be- 
low %rc  dry.*4^Vifbeo  UienMrfli^ri ibii4^pp|iiBd^liy4^^ 
cloud«  and  rain,  meet  with  any  ftiaif  Whi^  P^^Y^^ 



iheirddbeo^  toqr  coll«d  in  fyck  i^iiantUiei  as  to 
form  a  ciMi|i.odi^  niiui  iflbe  piit  at  fcbe  fides  of  tke 
sDouiitai»  in  the  |cfna  of  fi^ibgs.  ai^d  rivulets.  All 
thoTe  Cmm9g^tM^i^9X9  ^ffuMniff  f<|m^iie  t|)«a 
formii  hf  the  rsuns,  qi^  deCfsendlitig.  winters :  And  ^ 
more  fioiiftAnt  ml  TQgnlar  tl^  rains  arcj^  the  tfiote 
neriiiafuf»|  aiid  ft«a^  w^  ^theft?  fprings  he :  Suioli 

^foal  quantities  i  hut  ^hen  tl^e  rains  oeafe,  ml  * 
ievere  drought  copies  on^  thefe  firings  ara  djmkyM, 
fonnd  |o  m*  .^ 

, ..  Jn  eaeh  pf  thicfe  ^ays,  the  mountains  fupply  iica-^ 
|i»  fot  tfa»  Qirfaus  «M:llrfiini#»'  (BHil  of  wh^,  the 

SMriAiiWiMt  i(:  :'A^  they.  are<;fii^«r>^c^.|ifr«f 
I  .iKbile  ih»J|ii|frfinto<Na^^      i||  ,mii««i4i^^  ^fil^ 


v-i.<i%\^\   ■-. 

,*    • 

;  '      i-/; 

:'l       *-.— 

■•  A  r'-     ^ 

■   :t.-       ■    . 

■•■   ■  '.i    5 

\4     I    , 

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C  K  A«  -Fa 

^    V  r^M^m^:Tvmj.oAMd(mvtii 


ilf-.-i  il. 

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{'       .!   ■ 

lLL  tiw  ftrcnas^aid  ftirefisoffVer^ 
iiimft,.}iav«4]ieir' origin^  j^eiMbiMintnak 

amd  f aH  itii^(^^i«»dieoti  riv^i  <  ^  Ab^t  t#eilty  £l(t^ 
mti  we(terl)r^  i^^^CchaVge  ftbentTsWet  •lato  ^  «lijil» 
CluMiplaiii }'  't'^  brvi^0i  moiiiii(ptiinlib}CiJfli^& 

crly  parts  of  the  ftate,  there  are  four  or  five  ftfiaina 
trmcb  have  a  northerly  diredion,  and  run  into  the 
lake  Memphremagog  %  from  thence^  through  the 
river  St.  Francis,  they  are  emptied  into  the  river 
St.  Lawrence. 

Xhe  moft  confiderable  ftreams  on  the  weft  fide  of 
the  green  mountains,  are  Ottercreek,  Onion  riveri^ 
the  river  Lamoille,  and  Michi0:oui.-^Ottercredk 
rifes  in  Bromley  ;  runs  northerly  about  ninety  miles, 
and  falls  into  Lake  Champlain  at  Ferrilburg ;  and  in 
its  courfe  receives  about  fifteen  fmaller  flreams. 
There  are  large  falls  in  this  river  at  Rutland,  Pittf- 
ford,  Mtddlebury,  and  Vergennes.  Between  thefe 
falls  the  current  is  very  flow,  the  water  is  deep,  and 
it  is  navigable  for  the  large  ft  boats.  Veflels  of  any 
burden  may  come  up  to  the  falls  at  Vergennes,  five 
Riks/fr^in  its  mouth.     The  head  of  this  river  in 


^  Bfonil^*  1^  Ktoi^  more  |]iaijP^%  IceC  from  iht  liiM 
of  Bai^iii^iQi»lvH<^  laiiiiiiviif^^Btfkiiyrdintd^ 

aii#  l^rfiiiB  IndiaiUi  Wtao#fk  >  It ,  riftf  4fi  CuM. 
^lOitofefaMr^eii^  mileKlo^b^weftNP^  Coaneai^at  i«r- 
en  to#tMrl)(IiMik8  to  the  fi«ftx>f^f  ielghtnof  l^ie 
green  ibiontilB&t.  A  fmsU^foistliW^ttraiiditiifeSiin 
W«AuDglidii^aii)cl  Conntligj not  ignore-  thnx  lenuiilfes 
fr^teMs^^attdiipu|;ri»r«t>F^iii  this  M 

:.  wB^»i  ^d^tiiiiptiesi  j^fell  into  lifilte  Cfa«iiip!iiti|^  b^- 
tlreeai^  Juriii^gtoft  ltii#!  0otdidi^/i  >  ^iiir  rtvaMT  1*6- 
eeiiPieislbi^^een  imager  l|reai]^aa#i»^m  for 

f ma^  vedblsi  filve  tnilea^fnaiiiiits  diont^;    It  hkp  Cef^ 
enAfM^i^httween  whlch'iiii^  pttiri^tible  for  bo^cs. 
'  At^  oae  <df  tbdei l^lsi in :  Wafeij^r^^^t  ^annil  of 
the  river  betoaiet  very  narrow,  #ad  fiaffes  beCw«ieft% 

ly^jii^;^foiiitt;ai^e^  hii^Mtafrom^ii^^ 

t|l<^^dges,r  th^iltil^:9f^aiid<^  fthsi^^e  whole  nv«r 
-ii^ttiflSiisniiertit.; :  ff Mroac^foaiiis^  Idad^  of  4iatti« 
^li|#i«^fi^  but  boe  thkr caottBSverli^oi  iany  nfe^  jf  it 
iieithei^  tiHi  flik^  61  therodcj^^r  the  tfitmnon  of  the 
adjfceQUg  baola^:  witt^  ever;  a<liiiit  of  a  rodd  either  to, 
or  overvtlus  roK^«  About  fix  miles  from  its  mon^h, 
betweenriinrltngt^n  and  €o]chefter^  the  channel  4i 
ihiiivtv^risCbrnied  by  k  folid  jrdds^  The  ^drannel 
through  the  reek,  by  cftimation^  i!s..#fteen  rods  in 
length,;fifty  fiiei'wide^  ati4  feventy feet;  deep. :  'Eve- 
ry i  appearjMtice  feemt  to  denote!  that  thif  cfaahhel  was 
formed'  by  the  water,  which  in  this  place  «ould  not 
have;  had  any  other  paflage. — 'Onion  river  ts  one  of 
thefineft  ftreams  in  Vermont.  It  tuns  through  a 
nioft  fertile  country^  thr  produce  of  which  for  fever- 
alfliiles  on  eachtfide-of  the  river,  is  brought: down  to 
theilake  .at  Burlington.  It  was  along  this  river/ that 
thelfidians  formerly  travelled  from  Canada, when 
.  !  they 

Ilk)r  msMie  thtti  ^llitiil  fi^OA  dd^^^^ 

The  river  l^aitiQlQiep'^rociB^^JiM 

.  jkOlig  Ab<»ttl  Itvetiir  jilbtii^ 

«&«fte^  ^l»^mSyi<^#Ei^  «lthc  liilMMiiifiijdiiidii  i^- 
#r  }  liid  i^irf;  Ihclittbii^i^       aidMM^I^  tn^ 

rans  thi^nfli  a  :xMtg}h^t^:^M^^iotiia^^ 
Wight  of ^e Iwii  to  A^m^^^$titii'fm^^mt:::9^t 

to  thft  (b4thweit  of  theiOtigiti  w  the  ^ec  Eainiciittfcj 

it  $i30ii^nA ootids.  |Wd»  l&t  ffiosteddo  iH«dk>.  iilv»rj 

.^hich/fiir  fivijHOr.^^inH«id^tni:im«  dir^s^    ^^pfi* 

£te  to^  and  il««%  paimlkl.wtth  thstof  ijl^iii^ii'ttt'4 

iQioaki  lmddi(c;^ii|esit(etf  la^  Mem]ilhif«f« 



!■■  ■■('.I- 

-l  '*  -ll.< 


Mkbiii^t  14  Che  Hdiiut  ii«Mtlil|ii!  liMlilipA 
:«%Tiver  in  ihe^iikieilt^  haa^lbli^ 
mm  runi  t»vtfy  nociheaftittiitll^^it  ha^  i^MTeMle 
nomhUiimtQi  Ytnaiil^t^MStlr  rnimtiii  to  #itie  ^ 
tattoii  in  Ckilid4  itt^cnir  wtft^  M  imf^0ii&l0hi 
atod  then  reenter^  ihcv  ^ace  xn  fittehfol^  i^  «fid%ni 
isito  Lake  Chaixiplain  at  iff  tchifdotii  bay/io  fiighi|ii. 
This  river  W  uavigaUe  for  the  l^ufeft  hOati  to  the 
h\U  at  Swamo;)»  feven  xnilct  frotm  itti  liiQiitht  'ift^ 
chifcoiii,  LaixKoiilei  i«hd  <Oiiioik  ri'i^eiv  ace  aeat^lof 
the  lame  magntmidek'        i    V  iv 

OntheeaS  fideof  the  gteeoiiMMtaiflls,  Che  rivers 
are  not  (bUi^geas  thofe  on  the  weft,  6ut  they  are  move 
numerous.  The  largefl  of  them  are  WaataftitquA 
or  Weft  river,  Whtle  river,  and  PooofoomruoK.'^ 
Wantaftitquek  has  its  main  fource  in  BtanAty,  kbout 
thrie  miles  foutheaft  from  the  head  of  Otterorecib 
ItL  courfe  is  to  the  foutheaft  ;  it  receives  feven >or 
eight  fmaller  dreams ;  and  after  running  aboift  thirty 
feven  miles,  falls  into  Conne£licut  river  at  Brattitf- 



ier  fii»ter&^  JFaM  te;€N^ 
f^a^  the  eaiierti  bckitidary  of  .th«  ftatei'  ^  TRilttHif* 

lli^ri^f^  Jiialiti^v^t^  live  inifi^s  1^<M  ^b6  liitr- 
veJ^'^'Vtte  iCfirft  ^^^iri  i^eil^te, it  is  aboat  m 

«iftiUtlif^  the  cbdHW is  ttittfe mUhSf:'  Aft%f Vtrf^Wfe 

'  •  •    '  (  ■  •  ■  '    ■  -  -  ■      '         .     . 

unpjToptr  Eogliih  name. 

I  imM 

14     r^^y^J^^m¥^^^mYm 

ope  of  tfae^^ft  dji^Ms^fil^e^lKli^i^ 

lor  j|  kii0fclt  <tf-ipt|>tf|irv^^i4l]^/c^ 

or  onii  ^ii4r«^i)t;|o  t^^        ritf rgi  ftiV  ^f  H*it- 

mvig«irie;fif»r  I^fs|4)^fck1i|p^ 
ct^  ti^  fallji  nrl^t^  fliff  l^lu^Hf^^  i^ 

Itrve^  to  tirai»ffort.jt^  piwi^^,  ,i^fit»r^rj^ 
inajeftic  nHnrement  M^rough  ;an  ifsi^eiiiire  tnGt  of 
country,  it  if  always  acldtng  l>ea|it^  aii4,gran^i^tir  to 

J9 thia  a^couo^^  jmi! li^ff rs, vft?^ f^M^f^a^ifi 
inay  Mr  a|l^<d  refpettifig^leir  <sp«^?arK>ns  ai»^  j#iip^ 
«!i4*Tii<iir;fir^  operation  iieqi^scd  biave  ^ep/ti^l^Ki 
fdr  thenfelves,  a  i^ha^i^ieJ; :  fijhe  htgbeii  watojii  %- 
fcetid  along  1^  .^m^Of^s^  i^U,  t|||jy  4^^^ 
fome  obftacle  to  Qlmi|t|#  t^MMir  ,«»t^i^*> . .  Wptft^ 
,  tbif  obftacle  m^y  be,  it  operatea^  as  a  dam,  and^ieit^es 
to  colled  the  #*|ersM^to  a^Ai^i^pQ^d  or  laktt^  JEVP 
..iciaiilesare  coniijiijmly.t^G^  |Q^(t^|^jcp|- 

le^ions :  Thttm^  i$jfn^^^hyhrif^^iS9Wf^^ 
the  waters,  to  tbf  boUoni  iif ^ijucj^  ppndst,^44l3ie 
irater  is  coDftamijf  ifiUng  by  JM  t  ^n^^mnHllMpIO' 
When  it  is  raafed  »^P  t^  bi^mthe  wateilftil^ 
their  paffage  in  elk  loweft  part,  and  begin  to  form  a 
\^ann^  ffiilfp ;  and  a  channel  thiis  formed,  wiU  con- 
-ronnty  b«  made  nk>re  and  more  4eepj  'by  the  per- 
petual running  of  the  watd^'', 'J^^,  0p11^rdti(^tidn 
inuft  take  place  throiajgli  tb;^ ;%^hofe  A^^^^ 
er,  from  its  ^rft  rife  and  iWrce,  to  its  linaliw^fai^e 
into  the  waters^  the  t>cean.  ,  Their  channels  muft 
at  firft  have  been  formed  by  their  ivM;<$lr#^  which 

\M^^^  1 

my  tiocfi^ii  _ 



the  ie#  a^it'jbil^a^e^  fa  aimr^^r.  ^u  th  be  Y^a^ 

W^J  a«^^^  fbUtti^  at  vs#b^^ 

iflaiids  ip  thcfe  inftt^lei,  are  ^  i  aifferent JbiL  and 
left  tktt  I  a)ld>al%  evideii%  the  tops  of  fmalf  iitl^ 
mkUh  himmn^hl^icmettd  by  the  inunda$togg<irthe  * 
Mkm^ -n Tli«r|4o|i|f  lfedi<iVd  rurFaces  ar .*  {»edt|iar to 
t^liilliyar  tH^fcit,  ^Qd  tmm  of  the  fi^^'ricfii  ^: 

depofit»il>liy'^iAtt«fi.  vT?fe 
are  no«r  lltt*i*aM^  WittFcafe^cH  tould  not  fail  t«^  fikva 

«  produce^ 


^     'i^'  .-i^^-i^:  >i4.  ^-'^-r^. *.-•!;-'    ^■'*-  -^ 


h^mffmfi^xt  J^ifewf  m  iW^if w^  «^ 

M?4vf  99m#?  \%r#.^  i^w^i»ii}^^wrt 

,W§».  .»i>^!y  9oi«>6  <*  A  Uw  y^tnmm  to.  Aikt r^ 

tiliiy  ^Jbut'thff)r;a^fblrayt|t||eI|4^  M^^M 

Ipfi  in  fort^c pttw  PV*  P^  '!>«  W«r*;:i  ^1    '    w    »  -.;' 

iT^c  deptl^  (^q(|^f:baimAl«  frliich.><fiif.riy<^«  have 
^rnoiediM ,a«pends  ujpoi^  4  Wt^i^fiimmmfl^^nm  \ 
J)^e1^t,^fe:,ql  tl^e  Uwl^  the  d^^iivi|y  t4«he;riv^r«|h0 
fitufitip^,  of  the  adJKfiiit  fmttkit  iHe  f^«iiiit|g^:0{fiiia<< 

^»ys,py  the  weaj^oi^pwajr  (p|;  ifcr  f>0i^4ift^  ioine 
pl4ces,  and  by  fortping  ^.t^itqg  i(||  iMtfffvate  l»ntdi 

^    ■   .  •  i^   ■■ 



If  I 

iiliiau  llm*  ie^  ciNi(UE%o^^  oi^y,  i^tdb^Ml^ 
(pmid..^  illbe  i^ifoiilir  notkm  ^^finill  lUi^  %^«ii 


m  ttl|tiiiiaco»»oii'ifli 






vfii'-nJiMmAL^  ik»  xmn. 

llfftnd1li»^^eQiMl^  Aiicllovttvi^^^it  of  ttatt  Wa 
«orflrii^|My»f,ib^^  into  iMlTdtiii  Mj^iOf 

^iMii^iBf  iif«^i>  wd  tiw  iitit#a|«i  wiOeb  tii^ 
%lirti|)|^il»Rdl!tMl»tli«  Itokalba  ol^tM  uKiBl 

iKli(»|to^itf  jiirAatt,  ii  tlMreiakipiiMfnlwdA 
tkt  tmmb  ofitbo^liilirMl^  kb^Mfr  tiifii#  w-  liiiib^ 
m4km^fttriffa.9i  Up Jiean.  i •  lolr.ftiii4tiiw^>«it 
iwfhirttfc;  nwtww  tht  mpifh  of  dieliiie^^wr^Mifi^^ 
fl«t^  (^  Ifeinoa  tieeeffiu^  to  ptocbiie  .(iMsbta  cf^ 
HMM^  fix  tbouTMidi^^ctio.i'  IBot  if  41  Mi  Idbi^ 
of  oiNOMbHioii;  t^  ibtat  wbiiib.M  9ffuitj$;ypBillfi^ 
■toflett^ch  ifufiicteor  cehaintjr  or  )iitoml,'t«:i  Ivikvli 
«f  loiiaicd  %rif1lrlli«  jcoDdtifioo.«*«»ThoilMb''of  tlio 
i4v«ri  ii|ite.^lie  folkl  irocb*  feew  totNliio^i(no«ii^ 
HgOloniftAitaifbmi.  Tbenr  abefitMiioitipiitllii^ 
OQ#iiiHM)rjtairt  of  AiumpBi  mkM  i$k0.m0»^hm 
UmmmmAy  to«ii|ig  ovtr  Ailblid'ildf  i^ifMiif 
oftff  iiof  lie  c(k»iuiflt!  of  tbc  ifvenr v«f<»4cft#rMM 
odL    If /WO  fcMir  fromtftOtrvafilQli,  kW  miteK  ittdi> 



I  lte^0n|t^  »» Unglli  from  Fairhaveo  to  $t,  |oMw 

» 1«#.  IiMS  of  eimitf  vik  V  AH  tbe  Areiant,^yNHib 

froiD4he  province  of  Canada.    It  h  pfabalOftiihii 

tinn  irMdi  flow  into  %\mmJBt  M^ymmUmHmm^ 

^mm9m9  nnd  ^cjueiiave*  p  ihofe^n  MM«aft.  ,;Tte 

.Wfi»4>|ii«forf,^fr^  jh^^^  UNi  Chanil^llie Ji 

.fMrp|t4^ft  l<l^«olU^EM  --rffrfiifliililL 

^^Y|^«r^iK»«^itlMi9  <^  wtok  ilalteilfiiirtili: 



BisrSI^  Of  yi^Md  3^ 

ybett^djleofjaumarjr^.  Bekwe^  the  6th  iAd  tl^ 
i^bf  April,  theide  gentrtAlf  ffof*  off)  audit  i* 
lioc  iincomnioii  folt  mMy  (^ualrft  nukf  of  it^  td  dif* 
iBpeir  in  one  day* 

The  north  Ifilp  of  Veiboiit  palei  fl^ef  the  (butfit 
bart  of  the  lake  Memphremagog.  Th&  lakeiia^ 
bout  Forty  milet  in  length,  and  two  Or  thtee  milM 
wide.  It  liei  chie^y  in  the  proVihce  of  Canadji;  amdl 
hit  h  iioilthtHy;  direcHon.*  l;he  riVer  Sr.  Fnxki^ 
fonni  •;  tdmmiaiiiication  betwteh  Ithe  laldeiiieniphre* 
iHagf^ind  the  ifirerSt.  Lawreiifce.  Round  thii 
lake^  thtlie  is  a  rich  foil^  and  a  fine  level  counti^. 

large  and  ekMnflVe  craieka  or  opamnga  will  fiiddenly  talu  |4iiM* 
iTheCa  ttacka  ih  th«  iea,  ganiraUy  niii  in  ao  oblft|u«'dimtott« 
from  ona  cape  ^  anocheri  ^d  often  to  the  <liftance^f  ten^ 
nfteeh  mUea.  Sometiaiea  the  iee  will  fefNirate  on  each,  fidib 
to  tfce  dtftance  of  five  ir  fik  feet  i  a^  cnher  ttmea  it  wQl  Up 
bver,  or  m<vfe  toaknonty  be  thi«#n  ik|^  in  ridgia  four  or  ifi 
ftet  hi|li  t  and  it  ia  oflMn  broken  iftMrfievea  of  two  tfr  tki^ 
iheldiamater,alifoundtlieedge<.  Theft  <^>eainga  often  oro#ii 
dangeroua  to.  the  trayelier.  Twf  feam  to  be  produeedi  ht 
the  occafion^  rile  and  fall  of  the  waten^  in  the  lake }  whiah 
it  they  baitnot  r^nove,  muft  operate  lo  etevati6  and  dejirefa* 
tad  thua  to  bend  and  break,  the  ekteaftvi  ahd  folill  body  of 
ice»  which  aauft  hav^  afliimed  die  fpherical  fnnB,  whiek  lip 
Irateni  haid  mrheil  ihiy  were  ir^  frosen* 



jSvJite:r.t'^:>abi^i'%^|»ir-K?;»jj  tf-li+i?  ,*]?<.,.'•  -*W«" 

Vi*Y'--t^'  ■'■■-■-■■.■■■**•  "t  ■.    ■  . 

.r«  ■ 

;'»v^»  m.-THC': 

2-    f 

.«iil!i^¥«M09  of  Mio^coiiairfytlM^MVslioo  ntw  pll>f« 
'•bov44iui  alJMGvilc  )and«,  m4  its  fxoiKim^y  tO'^e 

«Mi  iii««<r  b(»»:mlivaied :  Au MTgti part  of  tb^  U9P> 
^^M  iMg«.of  iiiKoSiltiiinsj  niidr  fefglMf  thm  tbe^  ai- 

^  <k|iy  £6  dii4  Biih jr^4  ai^  ^t|r  mites  jfrpmtBe  dc^»^. 
Th»  meft  cominefir  tnetliMl  of  dfireraiiiiBg'  Qie 

#lM»ii  ^9%t%6  of  heM  wbfch  p^bvatls  in  my  part  of 
the  earth,  is  by  tbdiitf oid^ttifc&l  olrtbt^aitibhir.  ftt  Ifie 
years  1789, 90*  91, 1  made  a  courfe  of  meteorologies 
«1  obfervationit  at  Rutland,  about  the  latitude  of 
43<^  301.  The  greaUft  height  of  Farenheit's  ther- 
snometer  during  that  perioo»  was  «|*|,  on  July  131 
1791.  The  leaft  height  was  ijf  KIqw  o,  on  De- 
cember 10,  1790.  Thefe  mav  ht  efteemed  as 
m$sr  tki  iMPtrnti  of  heat  and  oolo,  hi  this  climate. 
The  wn^n  hist,  deduced  from  the  whole  number  of  | 
cbfervatioos,  was  43*>t* 

The  temperature  of  the  climate  may  alfo  be  de- 
termined hy  obfervations  of  ihe  heat  which  pre- 
<^airs  ill 'de%p  welJs  and  fprings.     The  heat  of  thej 


loe  beat  in  Ittidiiusr,  or  hy  tile  tofi 


tfaf  Umt  air  th(e  tmntmwar^tp^W'i^^  clttnate ; 
of  th$  i|iean  heat'of  the  atwbfpbefe,  in  that  place. 

this  place,  it  eitti^iclte  tmM  mUb^mmi  heat  of  the 
4ilmd^ei«.^  <l^ve  tepcb^edljit  t^ailiiileilthft:  ten^ 
pemtnirf  <f  thei^^ttet  iii«i«rfi||l  n^sai^^Ise  Stite  Bm0^ 
%r  iellii»aliod(  fN)^  £v«  f M  >n  4c|iit^  a94  i  li««^  H^ 
#a)til4iidd  tki:ftf!*b£t<f|lt4rT  i^4t  any  wmM6tt 
kk  llillflWi^%rt[^tf»»/^^1/^p»    ^-^^      ."  ■ '    .  '^;:i 

tiMf  ^b^naon  dtt^ati^oi  eiTilMu^vlM  re^etiillll  ai^ 
MiUNil  brtxliialo^Si  The ibUttet  ii#»fi,cbe ui#»i^ 
llaiH^fiil  fonA^il^r  bitiU^^wes^  #o^eft,  and  4i|lt; 


nefticttt,  to  Burlington  upoirOiAion  river,  I  made  the  lb*U)ir. 
Jiii«bC^ft«iont.«(nMi8[t6m|Mnt^ar«  ipf  tlte> >iif|)ft« i«|tf|j|a 
fiay  fv^^tpM  <haV  MIlWW  n^n^'^t  ii«at  €lecr«afet  i%^M« 
f^aii0J«^ar4^>tl»i^f)!^  Ui,a  fff»i»tiT  but  lUtl«  fuUtv^ted. 

;,         '        I  I>«pth  by  9t  I  Temwift- 
^   ^Ai»».  '     'j     '      .    I  -jtimiMifeftB.    I    attirti 

Mbwhf)^n»     Pi^e/Am't  ibtUi.  1    '.      i  !^offlet  49?^ 

|ockbria||By  TfV  SMrdt^,      ij  *  60      . 

Iiitfittld,        StraHg't  Ikitfi                        40  4ff 

TinmoutM/!  7Mr«ilfUr#<i(M^i»f',  JSix    i44: 

filtltailiK: .  !   Mitat^Jmrnt         .                 145  4i|^^ 

Bivlinfton;   Kites' thn^                        8&  4ft      " 

«<d  in  ^  ^hth  th6  birds  of  patfj^^,^l6r'Bihet  m^loi 
nr^n&als,  MldL«  their  af»|>Vblith  cn^deprcttm ;';  dii 
J6rvati0i£k  ^h'fttch  pile^bmc&i^'are  ap^ajr  ti^ 
ieii  b^fervattoiit  we  cab  eveir  lUve/tb  arc^^iS  tH 
xelacive'niypera^ur^  of  diffeteiit  diotiate^.  Reti^« 
ring  tbofc  Which  relai^e  to  the  intgratioh  of  aahiiaii^ 
ib  tliie  de^ption  of^  the  Hrd$;  o^e  or^^lrd  '^all 
tablets  Will  fefVe  b  give  lit  a VieW  ot  ^e  tMtfii,  lirhci 
^itfete^t  vegetables  pro4uce  their  ftmt^  in  thii'pat| 
of  thccontinefat' '  -*^  '* ''"  -^^'"^ '  -  '  '•■^•^'^^^•*f* 

l^etaadShndts.     Budt.  ■      Learcf* 
Jf  Ider,        "    April    5  April  1 1 
Ooofebeny,  ,  Av^    8  April  to 
Currai^ti  A^ril,  ;6ApiJl  16 

l^afpheri^y,       'April    6  Aprii  ijt. 
$fra^bei^,     Apri^  ao  A^iril  tA 
Wild  Chefrvi  AprU  so  April  s» 
WiW  Plumb, 
Apple  Tree» 

April  20  May      4 
April  a,a  ^(Iax      1, 

T  A  B.  L  a 

J'UHC;  1 

May  1, 
May  27 
May  ^ 
May  4 
May   » 



y  9  y»ty«o 
July  i 



I^edt  Mid  f  raitf* 

ria*,  •  '    '" 

Spring  Wheat^ 
Winter  Wheats 



I'ndian  Corp. 

April  x6 
April  i'5 
Sept.  1 
April  20 
A^pril  16 
April  2Q 
Aug.   2b 


May  30* 
May   26 

May   ad 
Jiiqe  io 

May    15    IJuJy    12 


Aug.      2Q 







•'  The 

Itfe  Mftsi  ir  h^fleft  p^^^ 
high^ind  whien  tbe  laniis  are  but  ^lf^V|$^^#N^ 

Wet  ^m'  tm^'m^im^^'f^^^ 

iiii;l:li  more  fo  tisan  th^y  ai^  itt  lfi|bei>,M^ 
upon  the  faiils;    The  firfl  efPeiEb  M  th«  Rbft^arrii^ 
Cuffi^cient  to.  freeze;  the  leaves  of  the  treef^  ^^  0th^ 
veget^lesi'  tl^  t^'ktli^'avails^l^f  l(^  i^ 

thefe  ar&W'l^<^ft  WKei^  the  fi^'«lR^lSPc)f  tlil 
froff^  Appeal^  %Mh(ighwirif  ferircis^^topTii^fll^ 
effed$,  t^  carrying  off  the  dew  and  va|^fs  •'  aiid% 
|og  detains  the  heat  in  amazing  auatititie%  and  pre« 
yents  its  flowing  off  from  the  (urface  of  the  earth,  d« 
ther To  rapidly,  or  in  fuch  quantities,  as  to  occaioti 

IHlhpfe  places  where  the  earth  is  pot  covered  wl$h 
(no#|i^froi^  penetrates  feveral  fett  below  the  furface. 
In  the  winter  of  1 789  t^ere  was  but  little  fnow  at  Rut- 
land ;  and  the  furface  of  the  earth  was  frozen  almoft 
ihe  whole  winter.  On  March  the  19th  the  ground  W4(| 
frozen  to  the  depth  of  three  feet  and  eight  inches.  Th^ 
^ce  in  the  lakes  and  (lagnant  waters,  is  generally  froieii 
in  the  courfe  of  the  winter^  about  thirty  inches  thick  1 
ip  the  rivers  and  llreams  it  is  about  twenty  four  {  and 
COmnAonly  goes  off  the  laft  week  in  March. 





iip4  r»Mf9  9^wii  Fwi»»  #f  *f?.  vir¥«^;iffr 


'i   I 



-;^  Sifl  ];»-t: 

't  ::t  :t> 


i «» 




^  -i  f|Q"*i  «'bHiri  ;^1:)-'l)  y<»,.  ;:<!l^ii^'  :'\.f^^?¥i-it^.fli;  ,irtiii»|  ^ 


\%nm  '.'  1^1  pJi'i main  ifew*  liit.'fc 

'I  m^ 


nwuHjHi  iiiWii^irrtriUrf 


.l.'','i ' 

I  till  iiilMwi 





5j     %.  »-»» 

4         *Hi  NjkfWft^  4«l» 

If  he  winds  m  Northatneriea  nceiVe  their  gebctil 

(lireQion  Irom  the  fituatiotn  oC  t||t  iea  coalb»  roonil- 

tttiif, an^ fivers.    iThefeare  terj^  ibitchffn>fi  ihd 

f^^irte^  iioii)hc»fft.v  tfa^  noftcprevaJe^t  Of  0ur 

'  ii^taff^  m^tllei^pii'iiUeL.witfc}  :ioi& jjefpeiijaicolfl'  to 

eaft;  f<kth#eft|  «nd-4i€»r(h#eaV  -4Uii|  ftht^  om 
:.V.l»lfjof|th<  yii|(^.whi9^  dn^ng  jbhejyeaf, ;OTe 

t  ^r  <^o«  tllttt  ii}tiartisr  4<rlikh4ies  tuetireen  thr,  $gipfchwe(t 

|i,^»  and  elj|(iuB»  Thefe  winds' apwa^s  'be- 
hcf  'fe«  coaft.  ;iThQ(e  from,  the  fodth  J«id 
lite  tnibfei^ri^iboifL  and  rdaxi^^  The 
Jp9ftmj|r,  #inds  ^feUom.  eiltend  lo  Tar  froiii  ihiP  lea 
||l9|iR,^  yfrmonti'  They  notpiiiy  lofe  th<|ir  diftref- 
l^chUlanii  daoil^ilers,  as  tney  advance  into  the 
^«^ir^r^  resch  (b  far  as  C«nneais 

tstt'iiv^r  |r  and  th^  are  uokoowa  on  the  welL  fide 
M  ilie  krQe^^ita0UtotaittS.<^i^-^Th<iS  i^inds  l|ein  tb  ob- 
serve ^^iiething  like  n  tegtiUr  dNtrfei  >  dturiiig  the 
dfy*.  j  iAjt;^(jE|hn£i  the^  generidlv  feeins^td  be  a 
mmti  llMUiteven  or  «i|ht  p|elo<%  the  w^^  b^- 

Sln  tci  riTey  w^<;h  at.  nine  or  ten  becomes  ii  freih 
reezci:  and  increafes  until  one  or  two  o'doch^  Froni 


^5    i«. 

-    «■-■*:•■?► 

ibdiilt  ,three  or  fourg  the  wind  decreafes  until:  #ight  or 
hisieiHiJhfijgYgni^  i  when.  U  agniii  becomei  cal^^ 
and  cpn^nues  thus  through  the  night;  This  gen^ 
ers^  Ki(jiutine  ^ems  tQ  be  obfcryed  more  generally  in 
tb«  U^ter  part  of' winter,  and  iti  the  fpring,  tbun  at 
otjberltifil^es  of  the  year.  But  there  are  times  in 
thofe  feafohs  of  the  year,  when  the  wind  rages  With- 
out  thudh  ifitermiffion  for  two  or  thr^e  d^ys  to* 
tether.'    vr.*' 

A  gedef al  tUbp  -S  their  dirediofis  at  different 
places  upfun  the  contij^ent,  will  giv^  the  bell  view^ 
df  ;th€ir  comparative  dourfitis^ 





■tiX  nArtmi^'WWl& 



The  quantity  of  rain  whi 
in  NortbametSfia^lft  i^KU 
liave  been  s^rar,  q|jM>«^  i 

^  ttofe  places 

have  been  p^^P^  t^^Scllf'f^Mte  ^  ^d»i|han 
doublJs  to  thlfeiyhich  ^liesralljt  t^  lat> «  ? 

itudc  in  %\ao^^7WS^^^W^  »«mnl  fot»«hts,   t 
without  rup{]^{ph^  ^e^lk^iife  %it^^  of  Ak  ^ 
mcricay  inppiy  a,  I^rgcrr  qiianlf^lpf  jrattir  folf  the 
formation  ofdovbdlL  uisr^  ''iS&^^^ihi(k  ^o^Vate^  ebsn* 
tries  pf  EuropA.^l:^^fp^ 
ever«  ruffer  it^xi^^^^ ,^w5^K^^  ftl- 

dotn  the  cafe  th!^<^tiil:^'ri{^rin^       natntal^ 
\y  ipblftyythe  ;|iiountajnt  ^TO^j^^^ft  ^^  retttlaf' 
rains,  aiii  ^hcJbealr' (!f^t|($^  ai 

fud<%^  to  ^^^^Mmm^i^^"^^^ 

or  parcp  the  land.  c^Xhc^^ikindSrf^btnervationff  will 
be  redutc;^  tb  th6;Miriajkft\iM  the 

moft,  complete^  jCQJi^m^^YS  €#*  by  eihibiting  them 
in  the  fprm  of  41  gencrarl^«CcL  ^- 

—     "K- 



-^       h*       »^       ^  , 

-J     -   !    . 


■•       J^      ^-  •         .  •- 

l/,c  ^  ' J  fr^  ti  ^; 





'rk     <• 




-W>'^«0'^^-.ianii*  t<  to  ^.  tto  US  tK 


i^  'i 

'  I ,  I .  • 









AL    AND 





^uUmljion^  t%  earth  bni»^e||Ir^^ 

£Beii^l46-hav«4a]^ea.pUce^ ^  thft^lnfitiir comgluiii^' 
<:alc^ ^oith^ci^iiji  Cpngtie  qitrout CaUsQriei^i<:pUQgl|]b^  ^ 


«alcj|rioj^a  ear^b,  6|ve  grains  of  an  oily  fublMo 
iiup  gr^ini  of  ^liae  master.      Tbe  Ur\\^ 
of  fi]|d«r^:caiuiortheref6re  be  derive^  fif< 

iytp  gr^ini  of  £iUae  master.     Tbe  fer^ilffiing  tfvm 
of  fnjdvr/caiLnortherefdre  be  derive^  fifonr  sipj  '  ' 
trouf  jTaks^wtiioli  :i|  receives  ojr  ^n^i\ri$  Whefi  it  iiir 


a^y  ^^ 


lalUilg  itbrbjagb  ^bjB  #emofp^w^^^    :  i  St2|>e^ng  [ ife;  - 

'  cartb,  Jan.  30,  i/f  ti^  t^  an'  'bbtVl^etfl  covered  wikl^ 
grafs,  I  co!lQ£le4  4ks  much  ot  (he  fnow  which  Ity 
jjiext  to  the  earth,  as  produced  fix  gaIk>Di  of  water. 
This  fnow  fpread  over  an  area*t)f  (ixteen  f(}uaf^  feet^ 
fnd  had  lain  upon  the.  ground  fifty  nine  days*  Upon 
evaporating  the  water  ther^  was  not  more  (aline  mat* 

%tcr,  iA  calcarious  earth,  than  in  the  former  experi- 
mf  bt :  but  a  much  larger  quantity  of  pily  fubflaoce. 
7h6  Q^  was  p(  c^  dark  brown  colour,  not  inflamma*) 


•   f 


5  ♦vatl,    t** 

4  4?W]I'  - 


ing  eff<a 


of  virater,   , 

s,  Upon» 
aline  mat- 
er experi- 


ufe  d^^tng  tUe  vrinter  autnthi  i  'or  tather,  from  the 

'6^t4^'t«LtK^  4egVee  f^fiif  d^radoti  of  the  c6M;  The 
thoif^i  ^fdrySiich  tkpitvtni  thli.  By  cohering 
9V^r  ^e'^iu^face  of  thp  grotind  a  coiifiderabl^e  dtfpth, 

^         *o 




«^#^!H§- f^^fi- 



^^imiites.     0tfiFereiit  degrees  pif  beat  are  neceual^j^B 

;ife  #ff«^'^»fW  WJtfowkh  9C|8)^rei,t;i«|^^. 

jj^fes.    JSfDttfi  pf  ^^jiem  grow,  Hf}ie>^  they  ar«|jfr<j|rfni 

'ip^Umoft  of  l^m  wi^l  periOi  when  the  qptd  i|  ffief- 

irpots  ii  ve^  ievei^»  ,  A  thick  iriveriM  of  %«rw 

fOois  ,pr  i*c  vjgctablea  ijrc  jpi;ef<r:^e«, 
warm,  Tbe|noif  19  cpntipuallj^  nielnngat  tqe  lu. 
'face  of  the  earth :  It  roorftehs^  aiid  eprijcpe«  jt!be  foil  1 
jkeeps  oflF  ^e  froft  ahd  wind,  and  pr^ye|l^&  a!^.>e!^ap- 
cration  f ron<  the  (urface  of  the ;  Vaf|h*  ..^f .  je|j|th 
$hiis  pierared  by  b^at  |ind  mojUure,  and  t  coUe£fio|i 
^ikni^  emviM,  li^in  f  fitiye^f^  t$aft;i^l;n  a^ 
rapid  vegtf a^ion»  whichl  .cak^t  plUcie  in  m  .^^  cU- 
liiAtes^  imihodtiMfly  upon  itoe.meUmg  of  (he  jjiowf. 

^6i?^^V**S^N'K  --     ^ 

4  ;?•-' . 

CA'rri  ■■':.!*.  i**-|' 

the  cafti^m^  "^ 





,  CJlCCtlt 

Ind  itditlH 


^  liifch 


In  tiMl 

ddib  of  tile  dati 
e  titiglitft  iMai^. 



ii}«p$iB^,li|t^fiddl  with  I     ^  . 
%^r  tubntbi^ttr^rSaTfiir  j[ 
a^biftttied.    TliiKW&ii  irr 
andlfoiitbweft  t  -the  heat  in 
i%  tMm  very  ii^|t]jd^^U^ 

SuCblter  cool ^iSlLi^SiGa 
S«»teinber,  ttatiJb^ib&jniiMl^.qf 
coiMMy  th«  ioft  %^iai)r&  le|fo«|^h  iDoamM 
w^^pM^  windSi^a^A-clcai^ikW  ~[']%r1atter  {Mtt  of 
Oi^lbr  and  K^viJq^.lKrrseliefaUyjcOld,  wet  and 
uncomfortable  <i^lRefidied*^wt^  Irtqueiat  rains,  fonw 
fnow  and  high  wtedi;    f  7;  •    -      '  ; 

^l^bttnder  andbli|htnfiif^arefioiii^irin  thte  montha 
of  May,  June/|«U^  aiSd^uMift  i  but  ieldom  in  the 
ether  months/  - -The  Aii>ol3  Borealii:  it  tbt  moll 
common  in  the;j:itto^hA  Of  j^ireh,  aejptembcr  and 
0€^ober  i  butt^  i$  not  u^oi^l  al  othjer  timet  of  the 
year.  -  Heavy  juid.  longjOtOTAi*  ff  fnoiir,  or  rain,  are 
fcarcely  ever  known :  But  (ii|dcle^  and  y-iolent  whirl- 
winds or  hurricanes  fometim^s  af ife,  itfid  do  much 
damage  in  the  tall ;  bptVe  fcldohi  recei«^e  any  in* 
jurv  from  the  tiaih-;;-- Annual  courfet  of  meteoroloe* 
ical  obfervatiot)!  properly  rednced,  will  afford  the 
md(l  completejinformiition  of  the  w6ither»  and  me* 
teort,  in  the  dSerettt  parts  oif  N^thtffiberica. 

"'--••  fki 

■  *». 








«?f  «^V*«'^fl^3»«f )%  '^^s  ^  life ^'^fl*  /  Tim 

Se  ib0  .£iqd$«Jti^  ^roa4^  liieepi^^^rp  dry  aiid  htitdi 

-.r-.'  nT-qTi_7T---rr-5^-.-i-.-----rir«'r--T»  "-r— r^T.-r-!— "■-^— ^~,-J^T 

w  **  1l?i  "1^*  '^  (^  f ^aWlf «w*  wa^eri  are  d|iTJjM| 
rfiusT^  n«ipbj|t, jn^^^W^iiti^j^  4  tile  fti^lr*  4#t 
krcafcjs  tbe  wimMf,  ^JBQBive  nfiif  ^eauont^,  aiidi  ikp 

jelleraUy  obfel-vcd,  i$  an  alteration  in  the  tempera- 
ture. ,,Til«,cald  ^  rlie.%f^i;^|Bim  deofafe  rti»  i^era 
^re  not  frozen  To  foon^  Co  thifck^  otr  f^  hHkg^  a»  iltty 
[ormerly  were  I  Bnd  the^t^afjijiUnmt  tofS,  in 
Wery  refpea,  appeav  ^6  he  diii^itiillied.   ^  rciijfri- 

H  abl» 


6»  V     11,1  NA'^^RAt  A»B  (Jiyit 

itiie  cb»lige  of  thismnd«  lias  been  oKemd  tit  aHl 

«b6^  the  mmi  of  ^teittbeV  !^  %1^^^  'It 
%ii^  a6#cotittnjD|i1y  ix>^de<l  wifcliibi^^  until  tibfirl 

^de#!«i  r^fi  e^  the  ids  in  ll^fok^'  riVe^: 

*St»  LawftiKsc,  «t  ^mkeim^  y'^  fmi^M 
^ftbtbof  Noveni^be^^nar  ft^fle,  tlr^  li|ei>r  W 
:tte«^r  fM  in  thai  ptaii^  before.  '  t1&  ice  bail  eov4 
erecTtbe  riter  on  the  13th  and  i^tfa  of^  liftiveniberj 
but  wai  carried  off  by  a  rndden^haw."||  The  rivi 
is  not  frozen  over  no^  nmil  (he  Utter  ehd  ;of 'Dc« 
vembei^  br  tlie  begtniainf  6f  jf  M^^^Q^  ICIkaiitieotl 
|ieo|>le  lit  iQiiebec,  in, !  ]7l9»  infornjed  Mh  l^ftltifj 
that  the  winters  in  Canada' Were  formtfiljr  lo^cl 
tolder,  than  fhey  #ere  then.J  Sinatiar  pbftr^llbni 
bavebeen  tjiade  in  alm6ft  ertty  nait  of  j^Joitfa^erti 
ea,  where  fettlement^  and  <giltivationhavetiikCTl  j^laoe, 
AJthou^h  the  general  "effb^  has  been  every  whtn\ 
ifiparent,  it  is  not  a^  eafy  thiteff  t6  ^ftertaln  the  di-? 
free,  to  Which  the  temtieratnrelias  changed,  .'n  anji 
iMrticnTar  place.'  Wnen  obr  sin^c^Ki's  fir^'  eatni 
into  America,  thermohieter^  we^  not  invientedl 
And  they  have  aot  left  us  ahy^icciit^teineteorjoM 
ical  reniiirks  orobfervations^  froni} Which  ^tkn'de*! 
termine  the  exaft' degree  of  cold^  which  pi'evailed  inl 
their  times.  Upon  loQkiiig  over  the  moft  ancieotl 
writers  of  Newengland,  the  only  atcotint  t  hav<[ 
..i  .  ■  ■     ■  •         ^  ;;     •    \f<!^iid, 

•  Newengliind'i  Ptofpca,  tty  W.  Woedl  j  wrota  In  1 633^  p.  4J 
,,i,Kalm>Tr«vela,  Vol.  I.  ft.  4<o. 
'  Smile's  Hiftory  of  Newybrk. 

Voyages  to  Northamerica,  p.  i6c. 

Kalra^i  TwveU,  Vol.  lUp.  i%u 




ci{ioil  inii'j 

jriiMf  H  _ 





t|i^ii^^«;^f»,  the  b^iliQiiK  Jb^ 

TbiM^^c  ?#9HWf  *^!»?  m^»  ^' 

ice  billiiiie#xecl  and  p««<i|iai|ctt9Qp  fi^bvmrxmtSn^ 

that  tiaiib  I  |(mii<l  tHe^lo^eft'  9^^  ^ v¥#r«^^> 

aS*?  I  afljd  iii<p  mean  htaitri|^|t;j0%fr|e  fiia^y  be  tpr^- 

fumed  tNrflbre,^  that j  thip^  freezing  |  Qfr,f ne,  bay i  of 

Nv^ch  \y09d  (pfakt,  fotild  not  hav#  twin  plaGf^^r .  aleifdfigra^qf  heat  i^ian^ithif.  >  This 

will  givcj  uijig  degrees  ol;#arenbe|^>  tlierQiJ9#»t«^ 

as  the  mean, heat  which  took  place  iduiciog  eight  or 

ten  wee^s  qi  the  winter^  To  £ir  backasthe  vear  (630. 

By  the  met0orological  ^pbfervations  which  I  iiia.4b 

in  therlintfserfiiy  ikt  CatnMdge  forfevwn  years»  from 

1780  to  17^,  I  fouiid  tMe  mean  heat  in  the  ttioiitli 

of  December  was  »9^j4'  1  .in  Jami^y  it  was  i8°  ('  1 

;  -    '    "  -^   .  '•  and 

2  Wood's  Prorpeaip.  ^^   i 






i^iriii^kU^lte^^  i£t^  fifty 

rr*»i^»i  In  i(;  1^1  iJti^ii^  feli:  viM  Wt 

%  Sj^^di^^avm^  ni^de  hit  thcrifM^' 

4    cd 





is:  .• 




3,  .;: 


5^1 :  >.';\^-|iq.- 
49.     J  -      d 

*Y «?!,  yp^jjT.        ^ 

:  cffie6l  of,  cultiv«tiaii  nidi  rejtrd  10  ^e 





E  iirampiu  an  dccdihc  sum 



«:    vTiii  NAttntAL  AND  civk; 

ilk  m  #"»»  f »?  *»?'  d^*  I  F«c««  •  ,^m 

three  iM»!i>!l  Mud  fUW  M|i«|t>«>IHim:(if  >«|Me<t 

of  fix,  €%bt  linief  Jvi  mvixi^  Wter  I jhf>ip(  the  iuilf^ 
of  tl^jsi  <lilrm;  M  #o«ad  have  been  dif^fed  m  iti 


* ' 

dent  cilltV«IJ^d  pMif^  tiin^bAm^, 

fnoif  for  tncure  than;  ftbr«e  mootha  '(^^I^S 



Mattb.      -, ,-,-^^ — ,-,-^  ^ 

ik  6f  fb  li&bff  ebntintiiahi^I  h  tm  -Utr^  ^Matr% 
to  <btf  abating:  (Or  tathet  i!te  ti^^ifHadi^t^t'^ 

,  Jt£mnef  Of  tHe  Tea  coall. ,  H4f  a  i»P<9arit 
a^;'  ^fa^  eaftWKh^  ^itids  (|ldoto  readM^^  m^t^  ^  ^ 
Mtty  br'Wfy  faiiek fiiom  m fn  Ihdr^^f *ttcy  haVit 



As  tne  £otintry  Becomes  fettled  and  cleared, |^hc|r 

f^^pvit  \1i3^^ihla  cyeiilt  Js  ;<)i^l^S  ,|Q  w^  ^^p^^f\^J^$ 
diRivi^oti'ofthe  d^jiinlti^,^*^ 'a^^^  arc:  cu^t 

iidfrlit  '^t  ear^  aiia  atmpfphe^^  '^^2%  '?I^S^'^'P^% 

iiduntiy  jbji^^^    qbbjre, rattled  ^nd  aearef!. It  r^  grpj- 
t1)lclrtiere  winds  will  c6ntini(iq  fp  iiJVancc^ 
loiirards. tb.^ wen.        .  '.,  ..^.j,..,,  ^^^  .,      -  ^^  .'^  ^ ., ,,  .- 

Thc'fiiine  caiuf^s  wjiricn  ^tp^oc^  a  ciia^^ 
lieatoVjIie  earth,  in  its  ^^etbefi,  in  .tl^fJfnoW  ^\ia 
W^.  Wdl  piWu^l^j^rMt  a  cbanw      fhc  li^l^ther 
and,  feaions.    Wnile  the  Kate  p)^  a.  0UQtr|r ,  remai^^ 
^nattercd^  thtgenkiii  conrle  and  sii^arance  of  ^9^ 

iuirewili  be  i^b^  fWc*  f>^<^,  ?S^i^^  ^^  .^^f^^^/^ 
j^ijiimcf  and  wihtet,  tpHipg  an^l  laM*  tbe  prqKlvi(ttiop;j 
bifthe  ear^b^  ^he  i^a^e  ^  tbe  air  afnd,  weatber»jWiH  Be 
ifiibjt£l  tb£^Ie..  annuar^ipaij^'ib  or  cbangc* 
iut  when  the  iirhole  face  and  naftie  oLa^  country  firi^ 
thJaiiging,  the  weather  and  dlfo,  clianj^t 
with  tbem.f^t^fs  is^h  tyttit  that  has  Already  tal^eii 
j>tace  ih  tjbe^mof^  ancient  and  cultivate  parts  t>f  A- 
inerka.  IV^beh  pur  anceltbrs  iBrA  ciiine  f nto  1^eW« 
^togland,  th^  feafbns  audi  Weathet*  were  uniforip  anq 
regular,  'the  winter  fet  in  afk^Ht  che^  beki^ninff  of 
December,  old  ^vle*  and  codtinue<l  uhtil  tneinBiddM 
O^  (February.  Puring  tnat  time  t^e  weather  wp'^ 
ienerally  fair,  and  cold,  an^  Witnoiit  mucb  cHange^ 
Towards  the  end  of  ^eibruary.  the  wmter  geueiranyr 
broke  up.  tV'heVi  the  Tptmg  tatne  on,  ii .  tame  on 
at  otiCe ;  without  repcafted  and  fudden  changes  frotxi 
neat^  to  cold,  and  I  rem  cold  ro  heat. ,  The  fummcf 
tiras  extremely  hot  and  fultry,  for  a  month  or  fix 
iiecIU  I  but  it  was  of  a  Ihort  duration.  The  autumn 
'    \    ^  :  commenced 

commeDped  alxmt  the  begmniDg  of  September  |  ai|d.r 
the  harveli  of  all  kinds  wa^  gatliere<d  by  tfie  ead  fj 
that  iDontb,*^A  veiy  diflFereot  fiate  of  Uiia^  fioir  ^  ^ 
takes  place,  in  all  tbat  part  of  Newen^land,  jKbich 
has  been  lotigfeUled.Tli9  feaf^ns  are  imiilb  icD«|^r  ^ 
cd,  and  the  weather  is  bdxime  mdfire  variable  In^ 
uncertain.  The  wiatev  is  intemiixed  with  4(reat 
and  fudden  thaws,  and  is  becoiqe  ibuch  (horter. 
The  change!  of  weather  and  temperature,  t^pt  gre^it 
and  common  in  the  fpring  i  and  at  that  feafon  therd 
is  generaUf  jA  tmfortnnate  fln^nation  between  hett 
and  cold.  Jready  unfavoorible .  to  '  vegetation,  and  , 
th^  fmili  of  Ibi^  wrth.  The  toimeri  arebcciome^^ 
more  moderate  in  refpef^  to  the  eJttreme  hea|uRf  a 
few  weckd  i  but  they  are  of  a  much  longer  duntion. 
The  autumn  commences,  and  ends,  much  later  tham 
formerly :  The  harveft  is  not  fi^ilbed  until  the  firft 
week  orKovdmber  j  ax^d  the  fcivetitv  of  wintir  doea 
not  cobiknohly  take  place,' ^ftHl  the  latter  4^i.f^'' 
Decefnb^i-;'  But  tl^  Whofe  courfe  of  the  weather  2a 
betome  ihOre  fmeiet'tiiid,  ^rifble  iind  ffudua^ttog 
than  it  was  in  tHe  liiifcultivatid  (late  of  the  counti'y. 
It  is  in  thefe  particulars,  th6  change  that  has  tak« 
en  place  in  the  heat'  Of  the  earith,  in  its  wetnefs,  in 
the  fiiow,  winds,  weather  and  (kkfoni,  that  th4i:chahg# 
ofdifiiatein  Korthiim^HCa  has^^rinclpairy  spear- 
ed. Thit  this  change  of  diin'ate  is  i^ttchconneQe'd 
with,  atid  greatl;]|r  accelerated  bjr'the  cutdVation  o^ 
the  tountry,  canhdt  be  doubtira.  But  whether  thi| 
caufe  is  foffictent  to  account  for  all  the  phenomenji^ 
which  have  attended  the  changi^  6f  climate  in  the 
various  parts  of  the  earthy  feemi  to  be  uncertain.     ' 

a  H  A  P. 







R  H.A'?.  ■••v.: 

f   -^ 

V1.0BTABLX  Pftoi>v€tioiis.— "Ftff^fVriiRii  $Mm/ 
Nitmher,  Agi,  mapwaihth  EmiJlii»€f  AI^^HHt\ 


pofleOion  of  NorthMqerica^  i^  wjiBone  c99MW^4  Cqf- 
f  f|,  the  nreatcd:  i^pon  ih^  ear^^ ,  T]l^e  coi^it^  W9|i 
cv^'ry  where  coivere4  with  Wfm9«  W  planted  by  the 
haqd  of  Qiait ;  l^t  deriye4  fromi  Mid  ancient  ai  the 

Sowenof  nature.  T^  S^o^t  variety  of  plants  and 
owers,  the  immenfe  nvunberi^  dim^nqonSr  ^i\ 
kinds  cjf  trees,  whi^  fpre^d  ovef  >the  hills,  vM^^y^ 
and  nioantaini,  preftnted  to  the  eye,  a  ii^li.n^ag* 
nificent  andboundlels  profpefiL  t|ii?  is  ^Ulo^ 
cafe  with  the  uncultivated  parts  of  the  country. 

Much  the  laff  eft  part  or  Verqiopt  is  yet  ip  thp 
ftate,  in  which  nature  placed  it.  Vncuftivated  by 
*  the  hand  of  man,  it  prefents  to  our  view  a  vaft  traa 
of  woods,  abounding  with  trees,  plants,  and  flowers^ 
almoft  infinite  in  number,  and  or  the  moft  various  j 
ipccics  and  kinds.  It  would  be  the  employment  of 
many  yean,  to  form  a  complete  catalogue  of  them. 
1  fhail  not  attempt  to  enumerate  any,  but  thofe 
which  are  the  moft  common  and  ufcful. 


«.;  •■  ^  ■*■    « 

HISTORY  Off  1^l5toN3^  6j^ 

FOREST    ^  REE  Si     . 

The  TrIBs  which  are  the  moft  Isffii  slid  cdm^* 
mon  aretfae  \ 

White  pine;  1?Mj>>*iW. 
Yellow  pine.    Finns  pints. 
Pitch  pine.    Pww  /rf^<». 
Larch.    Pinns  larix, 
Htmlock.    Pinm  abiit,    . 

Fir.    hiksha^mH. 
White  maple,    ^.f^  negund^. 
Red  maple.    Acef' rnhrnm. 
Black  maple.    Axtr  Jntik^imm, 

'SlSftS'" }  ^"-/^""•""- 

White  aflu    Fr4xinnt  txul^r. 

Black  afli.    Ftixinnsaintrttans.  i 

White  birch.    BmU  alba. 

Blade  birch.    St/nla  nigra. 

Red  «r  yellow  birch.    Mttuia  UutUp 

Alden    BitnU  ahnu  ^ 

Red  elm."'  }  Ulmns  ammcana. 
Black  oak.'    ^iriainlita,     : 
White  oak.    ^ircns  alha. 
Red  oak.    ^ircns  rubra, 
Chefaut  oak.    ^irens  prinns. 
White  hiccory,  or  Walnut.     Jnglans  alba, 
Shagbark.    Jnglans  alba,  i^rtia  fquamofo. 
Butternut    Juglans  alba,  cortice  fOtbartita, 
Chefnut.     Fagns  cajlama, 
Buttonwood.    Planfanus  itddentalis^ 
Baffwood,  tr  lime  tree,     tilia  americana. 
Hornbeam.    Carpinnt  bitnlns,  . 



m  riu  NATURAL  and  CIVIL 

Wild  cherry,  feyeral  fpecies. 

Safl^fras.    Ijuaru$  fap^as. 

V/bite  cedan    tbtja  icddentalh. 

Red  cedn.    Jmiip0rMf9ii%inraMSi 

White  poplar,  tr  Afpen.    Populus  inmh*^, 

Black  {:S>plar,  #r  Balfam.  .  P^uliu  lUgra^ ,    ; 

RedwUlow.     Stiix.  /^ 

White  willow.    SsOm  alka. 


ESCULENti       ,      .       .  • 

The  following  are  fmall  trees/ (hfubs,  or  vfoes»  vaU 
vaUeon account  of  their  falubrious  «Qd  pteafanfr 
fruit.  . 

Primus ^IveJIris. 
Cita/ui  fihtfrn. 

Red  plumb.        "^ 

Yellow  plumb.     ^ 

Thorn  plumb. 

Blatk  cherry 

Red  cherry 

Choke  cherr 

Juniper.     'funiperus/aHnm.  , 

liaadenut.     Ctrylus  avtlhns* 

Blackcurrant.     Ribts  nigrtm. 

Wild  goofeberry.    Rihtt  gloJuUriai       ^ 

Whortleberry,  i 

Chokeberry.     J 

Partridgeberry.    Arhnlus  viriMu 
Pigeonberry.     Cijfiu, 
Barberry*    Birkerit  VMlgarh* 
Mulberry.    M^us  nigr&i 
Black  grape.     Vitis  Ubrufta. 
Fox  grape.     Filis  vuipiua. 
Black  rafnberry.     Ruhiis  id^tus* 
Red  rafpherry.     RubHS  unUenfis, 
Upright  blackberry.    Ruhns  fruticojus 


HISTORY  t^f'feEftll^i^  # 


Running  blackberiTl    E^sH^^emim  k^  ^ 

Brambleberry.     i?«jli^|*#ifi«»«/^^ 

Bum  cxllhtxry.       f  \f'^^^^^^^      cju 
Strawberry.     I^agariavtfcWt-'flH-'"^):'^' 
Dewberry,     Ruhus  itefius,  -^   'i      "li'  ' 

Goudberry.    i{«^«/  tham^emorus.      'y,       -^  J     7/ 

Thcfc  fruits  are  in  great  ^btindance  In  tKe  «liRCil« 
tivated  parts  of  the  country  •  but  ehe^  fjseai  to  ar*^ 
rive  to  their  higheft  pertedion  of  nombers,  inagi44 
tude,  and  richnefs,  in  the  new  fietdlknd  platitatiotiil^ 
There  are  other  vegetablibwkic^  ar4  alfb  ^vlirx^ 
and  valuable,  chiefly  on  sMOCOuiit  of  ikeir  r69Uk  ^ 
fieds.    Among  thefe  arc  th^ 

Artichoke.    Melianihus  ttthirt/ai. 
Ground  nut.    GUpnf  afm, 

WUdleek.  -»  - 

Wild  onion. 

Wild  oat.    Zizania  aguMmf      ^  .     ^ 

Wild  pea. 

Wil4  liQp. ;  HumuJushipulMt^i  « 
Indian  cucombcr.    ilWriy/tf^ 

!•■'  ^i^'- 

MED  If C  LN  At. 

Many  of  ia^  Vegetables  which  arie  i.ndi^[dnoQiio 
kpait  of  America,  are  apt>lied  to  medlcitkal  {nir'* 

th»rpait  ^^ 

pofCff '  Of  this  nature  are  the 

Bitter  iweet.    Solamim.  j 
AQgeiica.    AngilieaJyJviftris, 
Black  elder.    Samhutus  nigra» 
Red  elder.     Viburnum  opmus, 
Sarfaparilla.    Arafia. 
Pettymorrel.    ArsUanifra, 
Solomon's  feal .    ConvallMri^* 




i    -0  . 

J»*;>  ■ ' 




7^        TBI  ;N!^URAL  ahu  ClVlIi 

'       --'"■.'  .   . 

Maiden  Wfi    AUtf^^^fid^tn^ 

Wild  role.    B^nhf^rH^      X 

MarjSiin^vr.     Altkfa.  t    . 

Lob^lU»  feveral  fpeciieji. 
Senna.     Qifia  lij^i^rm* 
Cliven,    iralHm  /purium. 
]ftlueQ^.    /fe. 

Skunk  cab1b(^i;e.    Arum  4mrictmKm^      .  ;, 

Gargel,    P^tpl^ttn^d^ctufdram 

Btoddroot.    SangMii$ari0j     ,    . 

Pond  lily.     Nympb^ta, 

Elecampane.    Inula, 

Black  fnake  root.    u^^T^j  raietmft. 

Sentc^XodkcxQOt,    Pftfygalaji^iga, 

Plenfify  toot*.    A/cUpias  diiumtttH^ 

l»iquomk  rpot. 

Braeon  root.    Amur, 

Oinieng.    Psnax  trififHiiki 

Ginfeng  was  formerly  eftcctned  a  filint  ifid%en6iis 
onlyto  China  and  Tartary^  In  S720>it  watdif- 
coverea  b^  the  Jefait  Lafaan,  in  the  forefts  of  Can« 
ada  s  and  in  17^  it  was  faVe'd  in  the  weftern  parts 
of  Kewengland.  It  grows  in  great  plenty  aadfer* 
fe^ion,  in  Verinopt.  The  root  hai  many  ^vifmegf 
but  we  do  not  iGnd  them  to  l^  Tq.  ex^r^Kiidinaryi  «# 
the  Chinefe  have  reprefenttd.  It  ^as  a  Taiuabljs 
article  in  the  commerce  of  Cittlid)!  in  the  ^ear  i/k)^, 
and  large  quantities  were  pttrchaibd  in  this  fta([e  TO(t 
a  few  years  ago  ;  an  injuaicioni  method  of  ccSlea- 
ing,  curing,  and  packing  ft,  has  gfefttly  injdr^d  <ts 
reputation  ;  this,  with  the  large  quantities  in  whicii 
it  was  exported,  have  nearly  oeftrbyed  tht  fide. 


ffiSTORY  oit* 

>To  tliif  *  acoHuiifr  of  iaotdicin|s^^^ipts,  k  iMi|&  kiofi 
be  nmnop^  to  fobjoin  tbofe,  wbi«b  in;  ttb^ Hatiti^ 
al  fbe«,  iurefQtiiia  l;o  opMsrali^is^^i/^!;  tfae  ino^  <b^ 
which,  by  proper  preparatioiiiv  becomci  vahiabb 
nedidiies.    Of  thefe  iie  have  Ihe  ' 

Jhorn  jipplc,    13!tff«rf  ^rmuM'Wff^  ] 

I^ijjhtffiadc.     iS^iifiii  iii^  ^  V 

Cirieepi^ff  tVy.:     J|^i^«f  raJifiinu 

Baneberry.    A^iCs/pUafs^ 
WhiM  hp^l^b4re.     Ftrifri^  glhum, 

Ina^^itionjtb  t^efe,  thjere  h  a  great  vafifty  of 
plants  and  flo^er^,  the  naijacs  and  virtues  pf  which, 
are  unknowrn.;  3pinc  pi  pur  vegetfililes;  disfetve  a 
particul^  def^ripiion,  on  k^count  of  their  pacom* 
non  properties  i ,  Thus^  the  Bay  berry  (p^ita  nfif' 
€ra)  it  dffting^flird  by  a  ^ne  perfume,  and,  a  deli- 
cate green  ^a|;.  :  The  Prickly  Afli  is  V^loal^  for 
its  uncommoi^  aromatic  properties.  The  Witch  H*- 
zel  (hamamiih)  U  endowed  with  the  fingular  prop- 
e^v  of  |Httl»Qg  for|b  i^s  biofiom^  after  the  frofi  has 
dfftroyied  itf  le^v^  The  Indian  Hemp  {njdfpi^a) 
my  be  wro^j^  into  a  fine,  and  llrong  threa(|.  The 
SiIk  Grafs  anoliier  (pecies  of  tl^e  ^tf^  cpntaii^ 
a  fine  foft  dpwn«  which  nay^be  cardeji  andfpun  in^ 
to  9n  excellent  wickyarn*  The  berrieai'Qif  the  coiiit 
inon  Sumach  bthiu)  9re  ufed  to  great  advantage  in 
medicinal  apfuications,  and  in  feveral  kinds  of  dvea. 
It  woj^ld  b^  a  very  ufefult  )l^ut  a  laborious  employ* 
n^ent,for  the  botanifts  to  give  tp  the  world  an  e- 
i^umera^ion,  and  fcientific  defcription  of  our  indige* 
nous  vegetables.  The  FUrn  Amm^^f*  would  be 
the  tnoR  valuable  addition,  that  could  be  made  to 
the  works  of  the  celebrated  Lin^eut :  But  it  cannot 
be  completed  without  the  united  aflfiiUnce  of  wealth, 
gCBtui|,  tinie«  and  labour.  To 

•  \ 


't  i' 

jf  ^      Tfl[i  Ifi^TlIRAL  ANj»  CIVIL 

pJk^pitWfim^ff^^m^l^lb  of  our  vegetables,  I 
mM^tmmnm  t^irtuw the  tnk^itudei  mmiSM^ 
mglifi^fiplan^l^'nmS^^  air,  iieat^  and  effeft  of 

'MAftintu6i.<*»nTlie  magtiSCttde  td  wbicfaial^tree 
will  arrivqi  depends,  tfpon  «h^  nature  of  the  tree«  and 
of-tbe  foil. :;  The;follpiirrng  are  the  dimehfipnV  i6f 
fiicli  tree*  as  ire  efi^e^naed  la^^  ones  of  tWir  i|i^d, 
ia  Ihfefartof  Ainei^ca/  Th^ 
^atiSftj  Hrhidhtiattirc  has  produjcet'br  ^^{r  pairtic^. 
Ulir  fpeci^s/ ,  bat  the  greateft  pf  j^ofe  which'  ^e  to 
lie  found  in  lh^ll'^^^|lftowris:'  '     '•     W 


Kne,  '  .      6  < 

Maple,  ^'  5 

'    Buttoawood»  -;  '  ;       '5 

flemlocje^'     '  4 

pSaiB^obd,    '  •         4;     b 

A£b,        4  40 

JBhrcb»    '  '3        o 

Number.— The  number  or  thitknefs  of  the  trees, 
feehis  |o  depend  chfefly  6n  the  Tii:bnefs  o^  thp  foi). 
In  fbtnepattiW  tne  country  the]|r  are  lb  tbicle,  t^ajt 
it  is  Whh  difficulty  we  cah  i^ile  febng^  tlbni,  Jhi 
«h«r  plaeei,  they  have  refdlved'  Ihibnfuetves  into  t^^s 
of  hxgi '  dimehfions,  Which  are^ne|Al||r  ^thk  ^ 
tancij  of  eight  or  ten  feet  frbm'«a^k  btbei*.  On  <^e 
«re,  the  number  of  the  trees,  is  cbtnmonly  frOm 
one  hundred  and  fifty  to  fiit  httndred  and  ^fty  ;  va- 
rying in  their  number,  according  to  the  richnefs  of 
the  foil,  and  the  dimenfibns  the  tteis  have  attaihed. 
Etlimating  a  cord  to  be  four  feet  in  height,  and  widib, 

^^^f r\     '        -^   ■'    .tfnd 

♦  A  white  pine  was  cut  at  Dunftable  ip  Newhantsniira,  ia 
S736,  tht  diameter  of  which  was  feven  feet,  eight  iftehes/ 







HiStbkY  Of  ^tkumif. 

an^  c;^  feet  in  ipij^p  the  quantity ,pf  ii^(M«whic^ 
ii  generally  fauo^  on  one  acre,  is  frpm  fifty  to  ^wo 
hunored  cords :  Where  ttie  large  pines  abound^  thif 
oaanMty  of  wood  is  niuch  larger  than  what  is  h^« 
/tated ;  but  thefe  trees  are  never  oieafured  aa  cordi 
wood,  but  always  applied  to  other  purpofes^ 

A&i*^^There  is  a  orcutnftance  attepdipg  ihe 
growth  of  trees,  which  ferves  ,to  4enote  their  age^ 
with  great  accuracy^  Thehodyof  a  tree  does  not 
inereafe  by  an  univerfal  expanfion  of  ^11  its  ioter.a^ 
parts,  but  by  additional  coats  of  new  wood  :  Ana 
thefe  are  formed  every  year,  by  the  lap  which  runa 
between  the  bark^  and  the  old  wood.  When  a  tree 
is  cut  down,  this  procefs  of  nature  becomes  apparent 
in  the  number  of  parallel  circles,  or  concentric  rings^ 
which  rpread  from  the  centre  to  the  circumference 
I  of  the  tree.  In,  many  obfervations  made  by  othert^ 
[and  by  nqkyfelf,  upon  trees  ^trhofe  ages  were  kt  'Wn, 
,^e  num(»er  of  there  circles  was  found  to  as^ee  exr 
ja^Iy  with  tfieageof  the  tree.— By  this,  method  of 

tie  age 
1,  ihi 

I  computation,  i  bave  always  found  the  pine  to^be' 

the  moft  aged  tree  of  our  foreft,  feveral   of  which 

were  between  three  hundred  and  fifty  and  four 

hundred  years  of  i^e.    The  largeft  trees  of  othi^ 

cr  fpecies,    are  generally  between  two  and  three 

hundred  years.     In  the  more  advanced  periods  of 

vegetable  life,  this  uiethod  of  computation  often 

fails  :  The  decays  of  nature  generally  begin  in  the 

central,  which  are  the  moft  aged  parts.    From  thcn^ 

the  mortification  gradually  extends  to  others  ;  and 

thus,  the  internal  parts  of  the  tree,  die  in  the  fan^e 

I  order  in  which  they  were  produced  s  the  progrefs  of 

I  death,  regularly  and  fteadily  following  the  fame  order 

landcourfe,  which  had  beenobferved  in  the  progrefs 

I  of  life.     In  this  (late  of  a  tree,  no  computation  can 

I  be  made  of  its  age  :  But  it   feems  moft  probable^ 

that  the  time  of  its  natural  increafe  and  decreafe,  are 

nearly  the  fame ;  and  that  the  natural  period  of  veg- 

K  etable 




ctable  life,  is  double  to  that,  which  the  tree  has  at* 
tained,  when  it  firft  begins  to  decay  at  the  heart. 

Evaporation.^— Befides  the  grovi^th,  there  are 
other  procefles  carried  otthy  nature!  in  vegetables, 
of  which  we  have  no  fufpicion,  until  their  effe£ls 
become  apparent.  This  is  the  cafe  with  the  evap« 
oration  which  takes  place  from  the  woods,  during 
the  fummer  months.  Every  tree,  plant,  and  vege- 
table, is  then  pouring  into  the  atmofphere,  an  amaz- 
ing quantity  of  fluid. — On  the  12th  of  June,  1789, 1 
put  the  end  of  one  of  the  limbs  of  a  fmall  maple 
tree,  into  a  bottle  containing  about  one  pint.  That 
part  of  the  limb  which  was  within  the  bottle,  con- 
tained two  leaves,  and  one  or  iwo  buds.  The  mouth 
of  the  bottle  was  flopped  up  with  beefwax,  that  no 
vapour  might  efcape.  In  five  or  fix  minutes,  the 
infide  of  the  bottle  was  clouded,  with  a  very  finfi 
vapour ;  and  in  about  half  an  hour,  (mall  drops  be- 
gan to  colle^l  on  the  fides,  and  rui\  down  to  the  bot- 
torn.  At  the  end  of  fix  hours,  I  weightd  the  water 
which  had  been  colle6led  in  the  bottle  during  that 
lime,  and  found  it  amounted  to  fixteen  grains,  troy 
weight.— ^The  tree  on  which  this  experiment  was 
made,  was  eight  inches  and  an  half  in  diamter,  and  thir- 
ty feet  in  height.  To  make  an  eflimate  of  the  quan- 
tity of  water,  thrown  ofF  from  this  tree  into  the  at- 
mofphere,  in  a  given  portion  of  time,  I  endeavoured 
to  afcei  tain  the  number  of  leaves  which  it  contained. 
With  this  view  (after  I  had  made  fome  other  ex- 
periments) I  had  the  tree  cut  down  ;  and  was  at 
the  pains  to  count  the  leaves,  which  it  contained  : 
'Erhe  whole  number  amounted  to  twenty  one  thou- 
sand one  hundred  and  ninety  two  :  Admitting  the 
evaporation  to  be  the  fame  from  the  other  leaves  of 
the  tree,  as  it  was  from  thofe  on  which  the  experiment 
was  made,  the  quantity  of  water  thrown  off  from 
this  tree  in  the  Ipace  of  twelve  hours,  would  be  three 
hundred  and  thirty  nine  thoufand  and  feventy  two 




grains.-— Upon  examining  the  nutnl>er  and  dimen- 
fions  of  the  trees,  which  covered  the  ground  where 
I  made  the  experiment,  I  think  it  would  be  a  mod- 
erate computation,  to  eftimate  them  as  equal  both 
in  magnitude  and  extent,  on  every  fquare  rod,  to 
four  fuch  trees  as  that  which  I  had  examined.  This 
will  give  fix  hundred  and  forty  fuch  trees,  for  the 
quantity  of  wood  contained  en  one  acre.  This  ef- 
timation  is  lefs  ^han  the  quantity  of  wood,  which  is  , 
generally  found  upon  one  acre  of  land,  in  this  pare 
of  America.-^The  weight  of  one  pint  of  water,  is 
one  pound  avoirdupoife,  or  feven  thoufand  grains^ 
troy  weight ;  and  eight  fuch  pints  make  one  gallon. 
Making  the  calculation. upOn  thefe  principles,  it  will 
be  found  that  from  one  aere  of  land  thus  covered 
with  trees,  three  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feven^ 
ty  five  gallons  of  v^ater  are  thrown  oflFand  difperfed 
in  the  atmofphere,  in  the  fpace  of  twelve  hours. 

This  computation,  will  not  appear  extravagant  to^ 
thofe,  who  have  feen  the  great  quantity  ot  juice, 
which  naturally  flows  outof  fome  of  our  trees,  wheti 
they  are  tapped  in  the  fpriog.     A  man  much  em- 
ployed in  making  mapke  fugar,  found  that  for  twen- 
ty one  days  together,  one  of  the  maple  trees  which 
he  tended,  difcharged  feven  gallons  and  an  half  each 
day.     A  large  birch  which  was  tapped  in  thejpring, 
ran  at  the  rate  of  five  gallons  an  hour,   when  firft 
'tapped  ;  and  during  the  feafon  of  the  running  of 
the  fap,  it  difcharged  fixty  barrels  in  one  fpring. 
The  confequence  of  this  waile  of  the  juices,  was  the 
death  of  the  tree,  the  enfuing  fummer.      i  have 
this  account  from  the   Hon.   Paul  Brigbam^  Efq; 
Thefe  accounts  ferve  to  (how,  what  a  quantity  ot 
fluid,  is  naturally  contained  in  fonne  of^our  trees  ; 
and  from  a  fource  fo  plentiful,  a  copious  evapora* 
tion  might  naturally  be  expe£led. 

Emission  op  Air.— Another  curious  operation, 
which  nature  carries  on  in  vegetables,of  the  higheft  ufe, 

:,      ■    ',     ,  -;      -,      .-,.—  but 

3f        -TEl  JfATUJfcAL  AVta  ClVII. 

Imt  wlK)llf  ifiTifil^te  to  uif,  it  the  cmiGi 


mi^khkfl^k  !iiiit«qtiiiiCitfdf  titer 

cii^hwini bff it tht^^ Uiett qjiik^f df do-;  On 
tite  i5tliof  ftt^,  i;!^,  !  bur  tM  fdinie  ^strt  of  tht 
n^Jik  triee  iSto  a  bdttle;  dii  1  iia j|  dlott^  i|i  Cl^  <6Stb(fl|r- 
ithtnt  of  June  i^th.  "Tfid  6ottle»  mth  tM  Hm  df 
tlieiaMe  thuk  ieodoted^  wai  ch«Et  Mtd  iib  iirftt^ 
wat^ir  I  and  idntHerfed  iif  »  Utith  ^HAm^^tfi, 
Whicfil^a-beeti  filkd  before; :  trihil  tit^Sof  i&0 
bbttk  iira(8  ioV^tlicd,  aiid  fixe<l  fo  Jui  to,  hkift  Up 
siiputh  aboiit  tljir ee  iiicUti  uiitl^r  tbe  fatfaffe  o^  ^  tlii! 
ivfatei;  Id  itu^^titMng  |la&.-^|n  fi^A^'inlfli||fef» 
i^r  bubbles  be^iuitb  impta^r  wrdund  tlitfi^V^s  of  ihie 
mjitlle  ;  and  i£dn  ^ftef  to  afceiid  ifi^  the  lif^^t  bi^ft 
of  me  bott^  and  eolle^  iiHo  iarietbiibbtetf  ^  wmj^h^ 
as  they  itjcttafed,  refolved  theiiiiMWt  iifto  one.  At 
the  etid  of  fixibotir6y  t  fbuqi)  the  duabtiti*  of  w^tt 
which  h^d  beith  foi-eed  Otit  of  ibd  b^ttte,  b|r  the  s|ir 
i#hich  wsfo  coiicf^ed  in  if,  amotintedl  10  flkty  efi|e 
^kibs.  IChef  duantit^  of  4i/^l^i-i!biie,  eftiinated% 
Its  bafti  irhicl?  Was  eirittl^  ^^  ihk  htm^  ^^ 
tree;wais  to  the  quaiiti^jfoif  ^ilr|»^  Atd^i^  ^  froni 
tbe  fa^e  limb,  as  fitty  Ohe  tb  Qxteei^  Mftk|tiK  ^he 
^aicnlation  in  the  faip^  tiiaiiii^i' as  before/  thlA  Wil| 
give  fourteen  thou^nd  feven  hui^ied  ai;jd^  feVf^ttEJir 
four  g(ail6h$»  as  the  quantity  of  »r;.  ^^town  p!f  lb 
tv^elve  hours,  from  one  acre  of  la^a,  i%iS  <*Oveired 
With  trees.— The  puVity  and  fiSliibiriiy  of  t^iar  ait  if 
ii  ren^arkable  as  the  Quantity  Jpf  it.  It  h9i  1>eeb 
fouod'that  an  ahittial  wilMive  five  Itiiuei^  as^Ioiig  In 
this  kind  of  air,  as  in  coinnion  ait  of  the  beiR  oiiiility. 
The  purity  of  the  atmofphere^  is  cohftantly  iBipair- 
tdby  the  refpiration  of  aninUls,  by  coibjbutiibo^  the 
|>utrefa£iiOn  oJF  bodies,  and  by  y^tiou^  Other ^aufes. 
JiVTuch  ways,  the  air  over  lar^^e  and  po|>Ulbiis  cities, 
'   is  lo  grciitly  and  conftantly  corrupted,-  tjbiat  it  i^oul^ 


hlkliiiaiits,  f  le  #ai  doi  rei^^^  pr  fifinM* ;  |^^f^ ! 
mt  baa  tiisi^  ilims^3i^ 

in  the  itnmenfequantmS  of  air,  which  new . eoiMi^. 
trieft  fdpl^*    TbAfuMua^i  vegetih|ef^|NB^|M^^^ 
produce  It/ in  large  giianiitiei^  jin^  in;,|)^e  pui^ft' 
fiate  $  aM  :*he  wia^OHTy  it  fronr  €|plt  tntap^^to* 
anottiei;»;w^rej|Ufiioft  w^  ■i-0.rK.-i  ^  >  . 

HEA;r.*»^The  principle  Iby  which  t)iefe  q^^tinlii^' 
arecia^ed  6n|att4^hich  leems  to  h4ve  tfaje  grieateft 
effedi  in'vegetatioQ,  is  he^t.    Idifei^ent  tegfta|y<g| 
rt quire  diffilffttr  decrees  c^^  he^t,  or  Iffferedt  c&' 
npiatefi  to  |^vf|  ^^  (||etr  grfatejH  #gr«epl  in^re^l^^ 
and  perfe^oiii    AU  of  tl^emcieafe  |o  |t^w,  when 
their  roots-  are  in  a  ftate-of  toUQjBhpon^    ^«  (bon  aa. 
the  Warmth  cf  the  fpHng  ^mes  on,  the  fap  begins  to 
a^^iid  in  thieir  tiv^nka,ani  brafic^si;  J^  fementaw! 
ti^  takes  fiiace  in  all  their  juicf 8,  aqd  th<i  vegeta* 
tion  beeomea  miire  01"  lefs  rapic^  as  tihe  he^t  of^he 
feafi9|«f  ffriikf^^   |||  Vernubnr,  aboijt  th^  toth  of 
N(«^  t^fs  i9ai>tea  w^^  is  fne  of  the  ^oft  ^umerbiis 
ascl  loFwsard  treei  of  the  fdreft,  begii^  to  but  forth 
its  lekve^.f  In  one  pr  tw|o  da)rs  affer,  the  whole 
body  of  the  woods,  ^^pear  of  a  t:|eautiful  light  green  ; 
aQ4  arf  .cpi^ftant^y  ^^t^M"!  PM  #f>^^r  colour,  Hat 
tan  orfifteeiiday^^  tlhen  qhe  dirked  Oiades  become 
fixed*    #ttrhi|^%|iWberio#,  thej  juices  of  Ithe  trees 
a^^ar  tp'^  i9  |l  df^eof  hpgh  fernnen(atioi^  their  in- 
tj^nj^h^^ftlp^reMe^  and  (pieeffe6lf  pf  th^r  vegeta- 
tion appear  in  an  infinite  Variety  of  hiids,  leaves,  and 
f((wers.    T9  afcf rtain  the  dcj^rees  of  hea^  ia  differ- 
ent trees,  at  different  times  or  t^eyear,  ajnd  tO-  ni^|: 
their  efifeds  on  the  leaves,  and  JPruits,  the^fptjpwilig 
experiments  were  macle.     With  mu  auger,  of  one, 
inch  diameter,  I  bored  an  hole  twelve  inches  loag^ 
into  the  body  of  the  tree  :  Ic^  this  holer  I  enclofeid  a 
thermometer  of  Farenheit's  (csde,  ftppping  the'^pfi* 
fice  with^L  cork,  until  the  ^ui^iilver  had  acquired  the 




cTegrs?  of  heat,  which  prevailed  in  the  internal  part  ^ 
of  the  tree.    The  refiilt  of  thefe  experiments,  is  fet 
down  in  the' follomng  Table. 


M    ■ 

May  V27 

J  28 

jMii  30 
July   30 

Sept.  15 






H<atl  Mett 

In  a  I  in  a 
Brrch.)  fine. 

Nov.  16 












in  an 

Kemaika  on  the  it«w  of  the 







Leaves  of  theM^pIe* 
about  one  fixth  of  their 
natural   growth.     Hia 
other  treea  ji|ft  ia  th«ir  • 
bud,  without  any  leaves. 

LeavQson  eachtree^. 
fully  grown. 

No  appearance  of  <!••• 
cay  in  tb«  leaves. 

Lc^v^  on  the  Maple, 
Birch,  and  A(h,  be^in 
to  decay,  and  turn  white. 

Leaves  of  the  Maplo 
turned  yellow,  and  oo- 
gin  to  fall.  Leaves  of 
the  Birch  turned  white, 
and  dead ;  and  about 
one  half  of  them  fallen. 
Leaves  of  the  Afli,  an 
fallen,  {jcaves  of  the 
Pine,  green  through  the 

No  leaves  on  the  Ma- 

Ele,  Birch,  or  Afh»  The 
eat  of  the  trees  become 
exaAly  the  fame  with 
that  of  the  earth,  at  the 
depth  of  ten  inches  be« 
low  the  furface. 

From  thefe  obfervations  it  fliould  feem,  that  the 
temperature  or  heat  of  trees,  is  not  the  fame  as  that 
of  tne  esirth,  or  atmofphere  ;  but  is  a  heat,  peculiar 
to  this  ciafs  of  bodies.  It  is  probably  the  latne,  in 
a)l  trees  of  the  fame  kind,  in  fimilar  circdmftances 
and  fituations.  The  degree  and  variations  of  it, 
feem  to  depend  on  the  fermentation  of  the  juices, 
and  the  ftate  of  vegetation.     It  is  not  improbable 




ranee  of  dt- 

ihe  heat  of  the  fame  kiqid  of  tree8«  tmyhp  ^ijf^wn^ 
in  different  latitudes  :  Whetlier  this  is  i^isVjQaf<s  pF 
not,  can  be  kdown  only  by  9bferYa(i0ps^^iWe  m 
different  tbuhtrios.— This  hi^at  ^whl^  ;pr«yai)A  i^ 
trees,  feems  to  be  thf  gseat  principle; or  aspefit^  PY 
which  the  two  filuidf  <»  water  and  air»  ar<c  leparated 
from  one  another^  and  emitted  from  the  trees,  f  N 
quantity  of  water  evaporated  fiom  the  tr^es  Qn  onff 
acre,  in  twelve  hours,  we  have  found, to  be  thre^ 
thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventy  five  j^Qons  : 
That  of  air,  fourteen  thoufand  fjeyen'  hundred  ,an<l 
fevenfy  four  gallons.  Before  the  evaporaiiicp»  Jfith 
thefe  fluids  feem  to'have  exited  tbg€thci^tn!.anx;^^ 
ftate  ;  making  a  common  mafs,  every  where. difpierU 
ed  through  the  body,  limbs,  an^  leaves  of  the  trees. 
-When  the  heat  of  the  internal  parts  of  the  trecs^ 
became  from  fifty  eight  to  fixty.  degree?  of  Faiieijf 
belt's  tbermometefr,  the  biids  were  formed,  ^clcavet 
put  forth,  and  thi^  one  fluid,  feemato  b^ve  bcen.fep« 
arated,  or  formed  into  the  two  fluids,  of  water  apdt 
air.  It  feems  probable  frpm  this,  that  both  theGIt 
fluids  had  the  lame  origin,  that  heat  was  the  pn'nci^ 
pie,  or  caufe  by  which  they  were  (ep^rated  {  and  that 
about  fifty  eight,  is  the  degree  of  heat,  which  fs  nee* 
elftry  to  begin  the  reparation  of  the  air  frbm  tho 

Err  EOT.— Tht  effcft  of  this  perpetual  vegetation, 
growth,  and  decay  of  vegetables,  is  an  extreme  rich- 
nefs  and  fertility  of  foil.  Neither  deflroyed  or  re« 
moved  by  the  hand  of  man,  the  vegetable  produc* 
tions  of  the  uncultivated  parts  of  America,  return  to 
the  earth  by  decay  and  death,  and  corrupt  on  the 
furface  from  which  they  grew.  It  is  not  only  from 
the  earth,  but  fiom  the  air  and  water,  that  trees  and 
plants  deriye  their  nouriihment,  and  increafe  :  And 
where  no  wade  has  been  occafioned  by  man  or  oth- 
er animals,  it  is  not  impoflible  that  the  vegetables 
may  return  more  to  the  earth,  than  they  have  taken 


rrtri  kAtURAt  ARolbtVIL 


ttitt  to  fitdir  it  mt>i'6  ^ich  add  fisrfile.    Thus  doc9 
't^e  folf)  in  the  uncilttiyiitcd  parts  of  ihe  countr^^ 



vegeiabtes. — TAii  tltttt  Has  been  io  great 
iiierica,  that  when  our  lahds  are  firft  cleared  of  the 
wood,  we  ihriyi  find  a  bl^ck,  ibft,  rich  foil,  of  five 
bt  ^iiK  iflches  deiith  ;  Wholly  formed  of- decayed  or 
srdtteti  fea'^fcy,  plants,  atid  treds.  ^e  extreme  rich« 
liefa  6f  tms  fidiclous  foil,  prbdUc^s  a  luxuriancy  of 
vegetation,  and  an  abundance  of  increafe  in  the  firft 
crops,  which  exceeds  any  thing  that  can  afterwardf 
Ite  procured,  by  all  the  improvements  of  agriculture* 
Powers  or  vegetable  Lite. — The  power 
with  whith  nature  a6ls  in  the  produ^ions  of  vege* 
iable  life,  in  this  pait  of  America,  may  be  deduced 
from  fuch  cirpumitances  ks  hav6  been  mentioned  : 
From  the  imnbenfe  extent  of  our  forefts  i  from  the 
Inagnitude,  number,  and  variety  of  our  trees,  and 
plattts ;  from  their  ra^id  increafe,  and  duration  i 
and  from  the  total  want  of  Tandy  deferts,  and  barren 
places.  Thefe  and  other  circum (lances,  denote  an 
energy,  a  power  in  the  vegetable  life,  which  nature 
h&i  never  exceeded  in  Che  fame  climate,  in  any  oth* 
cr  part  of  the  globe. 


«fi  « 


^^    "^ 


m^  fav< 

4  M 

.ttiiipii  ext! 

agceat  ^„ 

ideoce.    Wed  by  iii< 
ture,  unmilhided  h 
ithe  fNcodtt< 

the  pt^liaiQtit  of  MaiHiai  Uf^i 
4  fei!^lf5.  «iApowcrs  of  Uttt^l^ 
M^e  itnmeiiM 
QncJoeiitJ^  In  ^ete^ 
knalB  h94  ^«i^  rcf- , 
and  iproduSioril  Hi  na«# 
^w  and  Uij^lined  mtn, 
"^  e<j|iy  wb.    ■  appeared^*? 
;in  iigi^a^|iwms;«1^u|^  .iiihe», 

am^in(e&W90i  tmm  inclme  ;\Qd  ibukipjiicau«|i(i^  , 

OFtbaCfpeciteMffM^a?!  which  skt^uiown  by 
the  name  of  Qvmtt^nlmm  Americ,*  conlffiKi  !iearlyij^$ 
one  half :  Or  thMl^m  thirtv  fix,  are  found  ia 
VittMmt.  Q^forJK  afford  fluAa*  i|d  nouria^' 
went  for  the  m^(et  htm,  wolf,  deer,  fox,  Wild  cjj; 
ra€«Ml^iKirc»^nf«  fr9€^:^ck»  ikmik,  martin,  hatc^ 




)'!.  * 


■  I 


the  ears  ar 
der  (he  th 

Uy  grow 



weigh  fro 
ery  year, 
lis  gait, 
Iwift,  a 
<^^s^  noofs,  is 


fronri:|a^  |rnother  f 
4^that  i|8  hhptiovcit 
xnooie  is  generall^lSf  a 
colour.     The  food  gf  t^i» 
i^the  boughs  a^d  bailtof'tVi 
whii:h  they  fifem  to  p««|er 
f|^a\$8  of  maple  which  ik  calliii  mdibre  wood, 
fuiwi^r,  th<g.fkefp  pj^fty  much  In  fa  ^*"' 
the  wintijii  tKey  herd 
twenty  or  thirt|E^  in  a  co 

"ri^j  h< 
e  dmtn  I 

tling  of 

i  fiance  |i««il^ 

ml  iiiclii 

he  glltteft  eal| 

of  our  fen^s/    The 

ht  browii,  6r  wotitfe 

I  is  l^^fs,  flirubs, 

liy  thciieech, 

i  ^ers;  v^a^ 



ftyX  They  preSr  the 

ii^idcft  places  ;  and  when  the  \^n  ig  dcrw,  they 
form  a  W^d  of  yard,  conntfpig  df 'Several  acres,  in 
which  ^hcy  C9niflat.t]y  tr;-inp]e^cwn  the  fnov,  that 
I  hey  may  tttofc  cafily  ran«|f  iie^nd  jkii  yard  j  vnd 
l^en  ihey  carnof  come  at  the  gratip they  live  on 
iht  twij^s  and  hsik  olr  the  trets.     XJieir  defence  is 

bear  I 

ferine  and 

>  l^e  any 

avfp  thgr 

m,  fweetipi 

aiiiij^no,  the 

^t||l    In  foe 
pifc  to  bejpep 
It  af%aysjfoUnd 


or  tits  re^pt  t 
natural  m^  or 
ationhe  ufes  no  exen 

but  litd«  byi^fp^l^on,  ai^  ii  af^ays  lound  with* 
out  an)i^ro#fioiiTaiiid  iif  i«ii{»t  iandl  tUe  itirmth  of 
tht  ffiiring  rectirp,  t^  he  leaVes  his  retreat,  or  goes 
abrG|dj|^^(l  c4^  f^d.  ^iiH  animal  is  valoglble 
for  its  j|PCwa(e»  apdMp^  The  femile  general  ly 
bears  "liro  cuos^||^^|^|\e  bear  arrt^ei^;to  a  great 
mi^nttude  iu  thi»  p^^of  nie  continent.  The  iarg- 
e^^f  which  ihc  fillers  give  us  any  certain  4nfor- 
mwon,  weighed  four  |iundred  ||id  fifty  fix:  pounds. 
One  of  the  mod  coflAtiion  aii^  noxious  or  all  our 
animals,  is  the  Woi^  In  t'*'*"^  f^jrfn  of  1^8  bod)^ 
the  v/olf  much  refeftiDlcs  the  dq^  H)t|  has '*'^|ng 
^'^'^«  *  J^^^^  ^^»  Iharp  ancT  ered  tars,  a  mott 



for  pe  «i?e, 
ina),  at  wh 

of  their  t^Mier 
ts,  rabM^s,  a^i 

a  of  all 
;€ail  6A4'-;^^^MC&  of.: 

^    eri^itetfaiii«#elh,  at 


theix  atlai^p 

ly?  auetickct  wi%||ie 

of  huntan^fle^ 
i^iiiha  fiate,  t£e|^t 

tWpay^  but  m  tbe 
inthtt  ftate  i  they 

JKi^id  h^lpfr^They  prntralfy  Bee 
hee  of  the  Mmlinxt  wien  they  h«ve  oi 

tne  more 

ted  withL  gi^flsef ^ry . 
^ftaftccs  in  Vert 
|re4'  tn^dife  tl 

Bot^^^^te|^^^&  feen" 

VettWP^iito^^^  yarda^ 
»ve  yet  i9frea|#umhers, 
r»^n»aMy>£  ^gwlfe  flbc^,  in 
the  oighc  i|  and  find  »  fj#retrfifl|i  oi|r  ivtoodi^  jtiid 
mountains ;  but  arej^raduaUj^dtecitiifiiSf,  aa  oii^fet«^ 
tletnenta  increafe^  aM  |||[^nd^The  woi^^  iiiter 
proiific  cnimaL  Th|&e^e  is  iiii||p 
vi'mter/.':^^4  male  '^^^mjmjfifl^^r  p^*  ■■■'tW\ 
time  of  ^  iikion,^  ab<>umtrl|Kp|tf  and  an  halfi 
and  thr  voting  whelp  if 9  fouvff ihrn^tbt  ^injAi| 
of  May,  until  |he  nionth  of  July.  The  hunicrallie 
foinettn^es  lilnd  t#their  ^na,  a  male,  a  fimalf, 
«nd  a  litter  Of  mrt#*yoting  i«Km.  One  oif  ^c 
hlHl^  woli|M  in  'Vermont,  we||hed  ninety  it#o 
pouiKii.    Tmre  is  nblhiag  valuidft  in  tbefii  tnima^ 

in  llHt 

niefi««^lptil  t^«  Jeer  it  ,tlii56*  yean  oU 

^riod,  ir  nseir  ciii  ri||| -«^r^^ 

lourfe  j^a  year,  wtU  growr 
treigh  {Ipiftiwo  t^fbi*r  poup4«.-^ 
(ba  iK^t^  thctie  ammaU«  19  ia  ^  #1 

from^  ^  Sf pt^miber  to  |i|r#i»  Itlf 

tm,  *^d  ttic4*)af«g^te  ^lmt(elve«iii( 
fifni  their  young  ;  |i$iich  g^erall|vha] 

-#1  (bn«^i^J*ree;  at  a,  birl|^^i^e 

tafaed..M<9n.(r  become  aa  |f|$le  and  JMI^^  a 
»r  tpaaaa^raalof gi^t  tmUnnU^znd 
ley  We  alw&yt  in  roo^nn  i  1^  lea{i 
f^^im  bixNIi  fe^es,  with  the  grea^eft  eare..  The 
Uigf  ft^^  ly&eh  I  i^e  a^ii^^ular  account,  weighs 
ed  tinile  ^i^ndred  and  eight  poundf.  The  deer 
are  numerou|iA  Veiiigiiti^  i  and  on  accpuot  of  ifa^ 
^eOijADd  ftiin,  J|re|if  iiwch  valiwf*  T^«  reiade«r  i» 
not  10  be  found  in^lliis  part  of  the  contiaenl.'^Bitf 
there  feenis  to  bi^  another  fpecies  of  the  Americaii 
d«er,  diftinguilheichiefly  by  itii  hornS|,ani|  ita 
aolour.  The  hor||t  of  this  deer  are  never  exteofiv«« 
broad,  and  branchi^d,  likethofe  of  t^commoi>^deer; 
Bat  they  are  round,  thick,  butlttle  liyMrved,  and  not 

M.  morp 





-Jl  (^ff^ffitreitmUts  the  o#re^m .,  . 

inagttimclii^  llblllltia  blatk  ^rcak,f^i£n|tr^(Ni 
ly  froi9#QHilld«r%||^tde^ :  with  WliPti^^si 

ilwiMM  cl  H  rfa»  or  more  g^ipify  of  a  ^fy  coi- 

■  Tlkj^; 

,„ ^     /»i«»^^:th<HlMtt(li  Wid  BMlft  yaliiiljl 

ncJI^^vchV^^^^  ;Oifie'of::iil|l  iinf^  foxes^ 

Xfeif  Ok  is  a  v^ry  voracious  ft^in%^|iei^uri 
all  liUfNis  of  OOultry,  birds;  lilid  aiitniah,  wlii^  tbcf 
can  ovli^^^i  FleCh,  frttit,  honey,  ifid  ev«>T  ?■>* 
of  dU^^mei'^s  dairy  aire  devoured  by  him  mthjptfit 
avid4«y.--«Thi8  af^tnial  ii  very  prollic.  TheflSaale 
it  isrieafbtt  ev^  year,  in  the  winter  (  and  generalty 
prodi|cea  io  the  month  of  April ;  the  litter  it  gen« 
craHy  irom  three  to  (i x.  ^ 

The  GAtAM^UNTi  feems  to  be  the  fame  anim*?, 
whi^h  th#linoteuts  called  Lynx,  and  which  is  known 
In  Siberia,  by  the  name  of  Ounce,  In  the  foroi  of 
its  body,  it  much  refembles  the  common  cat,  but  is 
of  a  much  lat||er  lixe.    It  is  generally  of  a  yellow 

*  grey 

I»rgtr  tk^ 
have  i^  Vc 
calTmit  of  a  pej||w 

feet  in 



toen,  bip^lMtJisir  Im  %Wof  Ml 

It  oINn  the  i^lii^^ltlmaiitk  kaMg  ^...^ 

a^Kith  aftomfe^fwi|J^^      &^  _ 

did  notmafi^^ir  wit||||Mj  l«ft  reiiSrt^  ».^ 
Is  have  he^  dftei^lifll^^riB^ 




formition."  On  ^kcammof  thek  fid»^ 

'H*^±f«iK^-^»j?  <^  ,i**oiB^Kl:Th# 

'^^^g^'  ;WNPt|i|^il|^s  e|j|(iat€d  »M«liii 

atone  'lundret^p^Hp  Tm^'^^ngt^m-ki 
^'*#^iPi''^^P^'Qf  t^  taiL  tllrle  r  tliP^ii. 
c»i*n«re»  of  'tbcP^dy  Atii^  ^%W"^«i^NJt* 
and  tbepg^^ about,  tMjrtCf  n  tnchii  ^fc^vv  *  c 
Wh«  i^l^the  WiLttC^T,  if  a»^ii^  m 
moft  refp<p$  fimjk^  to  our  coniinoii  ^at«  |i  but  dif- 

lar^  ftroni^^  fici^  ttti^.^nx  of  out^N. 
meftic  cats  j  andiecms  lo  be  of  tfe  famf  difpofifll^ 
and  colour,  as  ^  i«^^lf.      One   of  ^  largett. 
them  was  found  bj^  the  hunter,  to  wdgb  fif^tfi 
pounds.  *  ^  ^''         . 

Thi^  Bii^cK  Ca/k*  does #i| appear  ^  be^^i|ln« 
guiflicd  from  the  former,  in  any  other  Vefpe^  tbip 


»'.« ■ 

1 1 

llw  iamt  ech^t  a«  the  ^^^•'-^JHpn 
•very  ficifce^i||i  caNHvcmps  di^^mHoii. 

^  Ano^^  *fiiiiiaLg|fieh 
a^p^l^  from  WWih 
h^.yrhthody  of^ 

a«^  an  lyf  in  leBg|||f  ii; 

"    limhot  a 
N^.     If  the 
he  •dffrts 

w'^^IMrvwaidi  |MIIta  d^||e  a; 

C^^  Iecfiii4tty,  fiia^d*|je> 

.'  '^^^^'^m»  iBitsl|||j)e 
t)ie9jPfia|  m^  has  a  larger 
f^\pr  1^    The  f«et  have  fiv«  loqg  i^d  OitKltir 

;^  fenerall^  a  m^  wy^^^^lnt^i^^ie  Hmaj^  i 

tJn^s  kmg, juid  round,  i^ith  atinular  ftfi|ies  in  ir, 

t»  anknif  i^IIs  in  the  rei^edipirt  of  the  #€Kn!^ 
•  tifi  tb^liiesimh  gr^at  agility gjtnd  vtmam  t^ 
thej^tiFeines  4>f  thebcaighs,  l|#|lir  istiudklon^ 
•iifPt;  aijdof  I  dlll%fey  caoor.  ^ip^igbt 
4Bif  6it  «f  Cj^e  !«|ct  in  V|i|iio«t^  wai^tO^  twtf^ 

e,  he  #|tdies  £o. 
r,  or  tm  moofe  cotofci 

thdtr  backs,  fafl^^i 

extertty  open^ 

e  cSf^eiiPMid  nioS 


era!  fotep^mlni- 



in4?.    ipjs  oftcfi  fo^md  in  kfi^nmeh  and  tit 

u^hjxtfi}^tit(pp4, ....  _  . .; r .i;'iv".::  ■ 

T^e  t*oRCUPiNs,  or  Hedgehog,  is  not  uncon- 
inoo  io^ :  Yermoi^t^  .  "WJ^  M  ^«>|ar  «md  moll  dif* 
t^Q^tii&i^g  in  tliis,  ^fHoifi^  ar^  the.quilU  with  which 
ibe  }i  ari^^.  .  Tlieie  ^iuilh  ?re .  a)>Qut  fcHir  Miches  in 
'length  I  j^i,oi,^hf^,pit  Qf  t|»e  quills  qS  a  pigeoa. 
tVhen.tqt  pprcupifi^  i^  attacked  by  .an  coemy,  hie 
places  Kis.jif^  |]|^twe<;»i  his  fore  feet,  and  ere^  chcie 
qqiljs  a^lv  uroifi^^  in  the  forni  of  a  hemilplier^. 
Jit  |ias  ijiio;  ;P9wer  to  ^e^,  them  fr'^'-  his  body,  or 
Jaf t  thf m  ??gaif^i(|  l>|s  foerpy^  as;^a  fre^iniMl))^ 

faicij>    fiq^  i|i^<?y  ,arc ,  ^  jpp^ly  in(c  n  his  il«flj^ 

,9i|^  ofTuch  at  .pa^iif^lar  ^o^Qiru^ion,  that  they  are 
«a0ly  c^r^^efj^l^njj  likca  bar^e^  4^r;  flick  fa  ft,  and 
work  tli'exn(eiv^s^)into  the  J[(^(li  of  atty  animal  that 
tpuqhcs  t^cir  €j^trct?)itie»  j  nor  can   they   be  eafily 
witlulrawn,wjthfpa^f earing  the  flefli,  b|U  by  indfioo. 
On^this.accoiint  thfy;^ove  extremely  dangerous  to 
the  49g,  or ,  (9  any  ^im^  anioial^  ifhat  makes  an  at- 
tach njy>nj^  por^upiiie*t--Tbe  colour  of  this  ani- 
ma^^  is^grify  :  His  ^ptiopi  is:  extfcmely  flow.     Thge 
ferpale  {^ipdiiccs  her  ytQiing  every  year ;   the  time  ©f 
geidaiiojji  18.  abofit  forl^y  d<iys,  and  (he  generally  brings 
forth  three  or  foiir  at  a  birth.     One  of  the  largeft 
of  tliefe  animals,  weighed  fixteeo  poui)ds  :  The  flefli 
.is  faid  to  be  agreje^Up,  and  whoUfome  meat.: 

\|VnotJ^er  animal,  ivhich  we  fre^ueittly  find  in  the 
Relds,  is, the,  WpoocHUcn.  This  animal  is  about 
'{i«;teen1fici^8,in  length ;  its  body  is  large, and  round s 
Its  i^gs  ai?  (hort i  and  i|s  fore  feet  are  broad,  and  fit- 
ted for  the  purpofe^  of  burrowing  into  the  ear^h^-*^ 
The  colour  of  the  woodchuck  is  brown,  bis  fat  is 
extreme,  the  fleih  is  wholefome  and  palatable  food, 
his  fur  is  not  very  valuable.  This  animal  refides  in 
a  hc^le  which  hje  digs  in  the  ground,  and  feeds  upon 
grafs,  c;9rn„ beans,  and  other  vegetables.  The  fe- 
inii|le  generally  prodMces  four  pr  livt  a( »  bicth.  Oos 
,  M  of 




l^|Z8  |25 
Btt  Uii  122 
Ii£    12.0 


11.25  II  I. 














190  Till  NAt^KAL  kiii 

t>f  tht  htttfk  wliich  i   hive  fe^/^|[]lej  f|^|K. 
en  pounds:    I  bUicve  this  was  OA^  drtj^eliffit^ 

TUe  SKtJliA  it  otte  tf  thel^oll  ji^|:tli|brflii^Mif  «i^^ 
/imal«,  of  which  We  baVe  a^i^icco^iit.'    lir  feetaft^ 
be  of  the  faitie  fpeci^  witb-^e  p^^cat4  biitit  of  k 
ltf8fize,'and  difiPerft  from  it  in Tevei-ar^i«rpcd8.^Iti 
bair  n  long,  and  lhinin|(,  of  a  clbudtldiDi'  piityf  wrhite, 
intermiited  with  Ipots  dl  blaick.     Its  taiil  is fOdib  and 
iiulhy,  lilie  thut  df  the  lojK:     It  lives  cfakfiV  m  thi 
woods,  and  hedges,  but  dftw  bgrrbiirt 'imerbiinii 
find  out  houfes.     SVheii  uh)|lfturi;<bd»  thit'lliitoal  U 
^hout  any  ill  (bent,  or  difi^teteiible  dHuvU.  Their 
Natural  evacuation!  are 'not  jiMdi^  niuf eons',  thaii 
thofe  of  other  sftiimals..    Whole  hefts  of  tfaetti  will 
lie  under  the  floor  of  a  Itarn,  abd  JTo  Idn^  is  they  are 
undtilurbed,  no  difagreeabhr  odour  will  b^  perqeiv- 
cd  during  the  ,|vhole  winter.    Their  flefli^^  #hton  it  it 
properly  dreiled,  is  fwcet  and  nouriOiing.-^Whch 
purfucd  omttackedj  the  fliunk  difcov^rs  its  extraoi'* 
dinary  powers,  by  a  fingulat  and'  nrtoft  effe^ui) 
snetbod  of  dcfedi:ii«     It  etnits  «  titiid  of'ifae  Inbft 
tiaufeous  and  intollerable  ft^t,'  that  Bar  eVer  t^eii 
known.     So  odious,  fubtlei  and  penetrntihg,  is  thli 
ill  fcented  matteri  that  ther^  is  no  animal  whicl^  can 
long  endure  ic,  or  will  venture  t6  approach  the  flc^nk, 
when  he  is  throwing  it  out.     It  infc€U  the^f ir^o  tbt 
diftance  of  half  a  mile  all  arouttd  t  Apd  no  metbofl 
has  been  found,  to  extrafl  thefcebc  out  of  any  objed, 
on  which  the  odious  fluid  has  been  thrown.     TniM 
and  air,  after  a  long  period^  aflFbffl^  the  only  com- 
plete temrdy.     By  accurate  diffeQioil  litelv  madi 
by  Dr.  MiuMl,  it  has  been  found  that  this  ill  fcirnt. 
cd  fluid,  is  entirely  diftind  from  the  urine.     Itik 
contained  in  two  faiats,  fituatedin  the  pofterior  parti 
of  the  body  t  and  furrounded  by  the  circial$r  rnuf* 
ries  in  fuch  a  mannet,  that  by  their  conftri6lion^he 
.fluid  is  lot ccd  out  with  great  velocity  and  force^  Th4 


tl^  Kg^^  Jl»?<^  port  tbcy  I 

g9??pf»"3^.f«W%j^,^vf^,^^  One  of , 

tbcfo  Ai^i9aJ«  ?Hf»»8[^««J  t*<?v^o  pound*  jaod .  wpi  haff, . 

m#?*m«?».W»W«#  Jr^iB^.  .and  thtflli^ed  parts  o|, 

S!*35i%##fi  W:W^»^t^^<^^^  iand,muich  «ftceitied.^ 

lenftb.  A  la'^e  oiie  was  found  to  weigh,  five  pibund^, 
a«4^ime^rt^(f  ajpopiid.    Thjt  female  produce* 

M«Mpal4l^lof 9potf  the  Xj|^f  i^tmal  m  Yefmoiit, ._ 
.  Tlie  HAi^JLif  it^  inches  in  length  ;,  ?S 

If  If  aMyfofj|frfmec9ljP(ur^  a  fiu^t  an4 

5*?.'^?'*'^^#ri  i^5#  >  *  .WJf  » Wteg,  an* 
deli^i0<^  food.  V  f  Mf nimuil  i^  yejry  prolific.    Tho     , 

tii^ 5Xff nation ;is,s^kMitjhir^  clays;  tho  femaUi 
Ije^rathrwojiiF^mr^l  %  bwr/Lh,  an0  lw»  fipveral  Jitterg 
w>^^;ffi#f X*^  y«5«rf  AUrg«,|^are  weight  eighi 
pqpndv .  Th!^  pwf^m  ntid  htf^^,  numbers,  of .  thelo 
•^itnj»lp»  Ipitm^  |»af  t  otft  jife  country. 

The  H  A  a  a  I T  is  ibmething  ie  fs  than  the  hare,  bu^ 
in  sr^ater  niimliiera.  l|is  e<3aur,  botl^  in  fumniev 
and  wiiiter,  is  a  li^l^t  grey,  or  A  ^irty  White,  Tho 
length  ol  the  ral]tbt^  is  s^DOUt  Ijxteen  or  feventeen 
inches  ^  oqe  of  ^|;wb.  Ur§dl  ql.  ^ool  ^^ghed  feveii 
pounds,  Xfc^.r«bhjit  is,  fnt^momp^tfi^n  th©  hare. 
T^f  l««PW  o»»rf Jeioiier,  anjH^  ftpm^P«^  to  eight, 
«'  I  "S^»lV'4^^?  WW^  W  'ff#»^^  found,  in  ct- 

>  T'^^yfM*! ^  h¥  the  foirii^aii(jl  appearance,  of  n 
f^irjcfl  4  M  11  moi;«  Oinv .  f^n^  n^iVe.     His  cye« 

•  Aftrican  t^M(w(m,  Vol.  V.  p.  487^, , 


•^  V 




'    ! 

9ir     v»i  i^A'#6ftAi}»Ai)riJ  idML^ 

Tious,  ihat  tlie  ^  V:ih  "fbta^ty  f<^  W&.^^  1%]| 
ammii)  ^  of  a  rdl  ol'  b#o#i  c^6b^  a^likii  a^  #filti^ 
Mljr.    Its  for  ts  vei^  fifie»  am^^foAf;''  ^i  fodS  n 
corn,  Qutf,  egg8»  i^nd  all  km^sof  fmidl  animiilk.  1%^ 
W^fet  &  Irf^eti  found  in  fioH^' ti^¥;  ^idbSd  ief'  f ^. 
od^ly  enters  mn  msSti^  bar^^  attd  ^dtfa^  iM^iltt:' 
ings.  in  ftait^df  grKK  cbld^k  V<'^nir  m 
ahtmalt;    In  Ver^nt;  ihl;  #d^  Ik  iboiil  ttHSr 
iMhes  in  length ;  i^ei^  nTamiW  aiftd  iKhL-aAi^W^i 
abotit  t#e)re  ounces.    The  ^mafe  fi^^iv  ttfi^&,'mirft 
Of  five»  at  a  btrth  i  bit  the)rik>  not  aMi^if'tO^W 
very  numeroos.  >    ti.     .1   - 

TbeERMXKE  ts  tfie  nibft^  WaiittftrT'yflik^Mto^d. 
Mrhkth  t^feenia  bi^  #oOds«  m*  itr'M^  ktMeli- 
fionli,  adivitV;  and  fb^hdity^  it  i^<ffibii/bfe^  tl^^  W^^- 
fel;  Iwt  is  f iitiH^i-  larg^  Voof^oTlHi^y^gllM 
teen  ounces,  Its  obTour  is  a  jbes^ijitifbl  iiwis'i!  'f  he 
ttiil<tt'ti^^d#ith  a  bea^itiful'bl^ac^; '  $drn(e  bf'thisre 
animals  nave  a  ftripe  of  dark  brown*  or/t^^fe  cot* 
dnr,  extending  alp^g  ihe  back»  ^rotn  'i\^  fread  to  iht 
fait ;  the  other  parti  being  iierl^£Ur  wbfte.   '  X^cHt 



the  J , ^ _.  _. _,w^_„^, 

nature.         '  '  '     T   ^  '.     ^'r ,  i -:  ,  r  ;•  .•  .^t  •>fil 

Of  the  Si^iriRaat  we  hitr  fo^r'ot'  live 
»   tfcy,  bbck,  red,  fKrtbed^  and  flyihg;  '    ' 

The  Grty  Sqkirrtlh  the  latgel^  and' moll^  c6ninion» 
This  fquirrehfs  aboltrt  thirteen  or  fbuhc  inched  ik 
>  length.%itha'hivj;^btiffiy  Utl.aiiohg  be  body' 
It  i«  6f  a  beaufiiififf  fil^Jr ireV  ajfl6urLV<^^%' A  ^^^ 
foft  fur.  h«  mt'xi'iniWmm:  Slt^^f^M  i 
*  tree  1  its  food,  eotp,  acorns,  and'nfiK'^  'itil^'^V.up  a* 
Dore  of  thefe provifidns  againfl  l^ihttf,  ila'tbefibUow 
of  old  trees,  'the  f«mal«  b^ar^  h^i^'yobog'ltt  iltd 
fpring;  and  has  generally  three  or  foiMf  at  a  birth. 



.:>,  ,-* 

^afs'from  <^ejifm^  |6  !^ii9^lM|;  at,  i^  4^ 

Americji ;  Tmty  »r^  CgCmaiK  aod  well  knom^n^.  thai 
they  4o  not  require  a  particu)ar4  defcriptiotu  Th^ 
hjunters  rnfprin  m^  ,tb?^t  tl^^^e  ,itr« .  ft?TrWal  kindi  of 
mice,tp  hte iQunaiii  the ,^Qod«„wl)iph^^|iye iiot bee4 
d^r^riUecI,:  B^^  lUeiihcr  the  grey  r^n  tn^  Uack  rat^ 

Yhe  <|uiidcupe'cls  which  have  bern  deficribecl,  arf 
to  1^  found  only  upon  the  laud.    There  are  others 

..:.■■  of 

.  ■*    ■-  ■'■'■■^iiK'" "  ■  >- 



Tbe  American  be»«r)<y(l«iiicf4ii^:A)^^jfm.. 

ikpfts .of  pagers McVhandi:  Hia  bind  fe^t-m'iii^^ 
S&f^^iM^WUfi'  #e(^  riMtt^  teT'tV  p^iM^  of 

ftmmi' .nil t^fl iM rbbi  ian|J4  iQtMiii^;^ 

ntiiWii^.  ftronit,  or  okktverf^l, '^i^  la  i^lie^vejr, 
Wbeldb^r^ntt^iriberbf  itdfi  adi^U  4r4  fbuna. 
th«v  i#iticdiaMiy  aQbciate^  anil'cbm(»in|e  i^\  Uki^f; 
10  pilirme  tbeir  ^mmOit  bcrfinVfk^and  ^tllTait^  £y« 
^  iblh^isdbne.Vb^tbe  imic^d  ctraiifipU,  iitod  li^t 
boiirii  of  tbe  i^bble  cbfiiindiiiej^.  'Tbfeii'  foicietie^ 
atefefi^t^liy  coII^Qed  together,  in  iht  monCbt  p( 

j^ifiotc  the  cotnrdoiT  bnfineft  and  fafety  6f  ih^  wKot^ 
rpciety  (apparently  a£liQg.  under,  a  coqatnon  fi^H« 
li^lioD^  tiid  dir^€(ion^    When  tl^e  beay)qr''&f  found 

and  ftUPritifiiiikr.    m^tf i^  fft^^ 
Ta#*.    Tlieif  &c{ecy,  Id  ilt  Its  ptirlqics  aitof i| 

fkffie  di^j^idii.  '  No  coiite^tibB;  dfO^^ref  iiui^:^ 

hai  th«  ^pear , ^.,  _.  ,._  ^^ 

or  ioflii/iitfceor  a  chidP,  orieadtr.  Tbeir  iitcL^ 
and  Df^uiagi^i^,  hif  tl^e  ifpcA  of  a  pure  ia^ 
U6^  detnotnu:)^  ('  f^fivded  on  liie  principle  (3^  1^1 '^^ 
cqda^ty^  ibd^  the  firc^gelt^uhial  ftttacbioetic.  f^Mf 
))rincipl^  Uieait  t6  i»e"ruffiti<inc  to  preserve  tile  itidil 
{>erfe#bar^tiv,  ahd  CO  rcguilate  aU  the  pt^c^l^ 
oJfthe^hr|6llmietiet.  W^: 

:  menf  tMf(^  ilBitnaii  s^r^  ce^Va^d  to^tf^r,  tbtft 
^rfitiitehAohU  to  4hputtUhJlii0/s  and  sJfk^iW 
the  fodety,  ip  which  they  belong.    The  beavera  at* 

ftate,  H«  MCiflM  quiet,  inol^ilve^  antf  Ht^ftlKMit  any  iJi^f^ 
fition  to -depart.  But  was  moJR  of  alt  pleifed,  when  haivaa  at 
wee k,-  formiog  a  danii  to  a  fmall  ftreaa  near  the  houfe. 

':^!*»:W^PM^  f?^- 




C'-^'k^A  li'  ■«i'*r<lJ'^52ii;Tr  jury  .5)i!.Tu/;^>«^ 

^ebtik^tliit  tb^liBaterf  may  k^yttlvma^tii 

«ii^nl  jwitt  of  the  A](nmsin§Mt^fi[^iAjt^  ]^,jij^ 

«lilt<^^Mil^  thai  no  eiij^oeer^iM4  iiy^^yS^ 
lidt^  |&liia|(iofi  arid  form^^  5><l>^r  tor  cony^jfc^fv 
llrcfl||th»  or  diiratioii.— Th^  tnatiertil*  fl,  w]$u^  l^e 
diuii  are  e<^oAn|£iedAf|re  vpod^^iiid  eartl^, '  Ir  i|ci? 
he  j^trcc  on  the  fi^e.of  tl^  nvcl:y^i^|^||  |N^oiiM  ^|^ 
ttrally  fall  icroft  the  ftreaoK  fevfri^^ 
ret  di^i^felves  whhjreat  4ili^iici  ,^.,m  j*  iWf 
Witlithifeirceeih.  Trees  to  tlj^^^l^  of  If  ^iy^ 
inches diamiet^r,  i^eih^s  t]troi<^ii  acr^pfiij^  ]^^. 
They  iiezt»  giiavr  oi^  the  br^n^hes  fi^oip  tlie  i^l^ 
that  the  tree  may  affume  a  level  pp(i|iop.  ^  Oth^rt^ 
attire  fame  time/<re  cutting  oowni  ftnyfer  ti-eei^ 
and  JTaplings^  from  one  to  ten  inc^ies .  diamet^. 
Thefe  mm  t|tt  into  equal  and  conv^nleiiif  Ungt^hf^ 
$ome  of  the  heaven  atjug  the(f  piecet  cl^iPfo^  tf 

.*  .J  ^. 

'.fat.  ■■ 

::%<:<.yy.  ^v...^. 

-.^imm»  «p«Mit]iioim 


"til  ilftifpif««#iy'lM^>iNi^ii(^H^< 






"^-    ,f|r9  to  threes  |M^i|lii*i»^^ 

r*f    ,  ••:•' 



cbancfe.  opiietident  $  hm  ^pmMia  m  iii^bviv^li^oii 

tiii^i  ibl  itil  m  tarryr  vn»i:&6  fall  of  di*  yan 

#tloie'4lhBil^a«^  lboiitc6ilteaed,a  and  jam  all  tfacir 
lbvtstei^ti&4^rtii#ili|liiyi;  ^l]iid»>  aff<^  their  «oiix«. 

iioH  eiFeii iiiqp|iie|iit intiiqaiiJ^f  '^cirfanHltes.  iBrwf 
htng9eri:mmMsWt^tk  ^nit^enti  and  Oore  btole>s 
ai^^liei^|l^<iMlfoffi^  or!  r«ibbiiigf rom  one  MAoti^ 
^m^  t^i^hgiaalttlatid  tlie  Mlilb  ine  matuaUy^sittacliU 
cd  i%^t»9il  {IkureimlimiidljH^  o^  qite^RKitlB^ 

wtibotttia^lMik^liQli.    Bicb  knows  its.oi^faio« 

1 1 1.  '* 



4(0^  ll^jrr  iliAiwa|ni)pi»9g« 


the  wal^  fiitii  ^ii  t«im|ti«s  |)Otke  10 1^  ld|»^j^ 

numbed  s^peAf  td  Itie  eeotiodsi,  to  g^ive  Qotot«£ilMk 

'<sw>a^nonli«m  piirii,  llkejrtlit|||feii#A%^ 
tXBMit  they  aire  bfoiiftTS  riMpa  AMri;tcic£Mj>fe90i« 
ii^bter  as  iw^  apprpiicb>tRfvM^;th#ofeiii|l|^^9^ 
4m  Mrof  tw«^  forttttalldliiiliblhflif  bo4u»ii;(^M?wh»ii 
vil  loogcftt  is  g«n«f)al|)|^lMmlilUMtpil|i•«>il^l^ 

4|^«oiteiiixig  tQwat<d&tbe  hM^mA'imi^milbm 



«Miciifiyp¥M.  ^mt^mm^  :.»#|iip*^p 

mSiy.   Jpk^Nllllif  1^  III  5  tsMtt  ^iMt;  q£  ;^infirt|ai  W  j&- 

MiltiM^^  iltQ^tr'tii  Jcflj^  r  Ills  legs  ::Aie  0^ 4tki 
m^mhtmnf^t^^i^  h0K0  |^^iiM»m  <i^ji«9l#  t^ 


Tk|.K4^^^AL' A!i#%l*«^ 


water  rats,  an4oclier  (&illkftM«ii*i '  MflhKl^iifetf  «^^ 
atf^nor d^  be^'^a^b«>liv«S'i|iii  ilm  iou^lnand-iiiilrk 
#i7d4ng^  qr  iquatin^«^«(#,:  -  Ht  lMi9<geiiei«Uijt  Um 
iaii|«d>aflMKig  tiM  nanpfeiHiotti  mt^lOli  ^liiiMl^atf 
]lr««ttl^  mthe  lUF^  $|r  wafitf'i  Mt  WW  «oi»)^(^^ 
]yi>  9^  amt^bioc^  anmial^ifov  b6  oiiiin«r^V4<#iai)M» 
ji^kacipii,  asiy  i|ior»«bai)  thl)toi«dliiiti«ijtlk'^  iltfri 

ift  ciiar«QBth  0^  Mareli  r  ijli«  li^rgcttftti^Ni^oetacfiftl^ 
U  three  (»  four.  The  fieHkAtfTii  ^ad  llfeti|ca'ioi  ^ 
•Id  olterii  ii  .faob,'  that  tke  dog  ttny  Jrid«^'#^r- 
coaa  ihem  :  Apd  whien  th»y  catiiiot^aKpit '  -th^ 
ipiUi  attack  the  hilnter  <  with  •  (great  fag<^i«-4l^a<«ii>kMir 
dl  Ihh  ai^aliis  hlacki  and  its  ftir  to  liNMli  ^liettL«d. 
The  otteii  formerlyi  abottaded  irety:  trttkif  i»  o«nr 
cre^lEi^;  aiid^HtMrti  and  ^tfytiaaX^  in  dMl,  iprhidl 
emptied  tibfnttfelvea  into ,  Lfiie  ChainplaM  V  Ootfpbk 
•cco«lot»  one  o^  thean  Aili  bean  thoi  name  of  0/lir* 
ifiiM  t  bat  the  animal  it  noir  bicohic  fearce.  -The 
]Mr|cft  otter,  of  which  I  have  a  (>artitukr  ai^iittts 
winghed  twentjrnine  pottodt  and  an  halfr  ••  ^f>' 
•  To  this  aecount  of  the  qu^dni  pcib  of  Vmmftaiti  I 
ihall  fubjoin  fome  vtikQions  on  the  gentet^  Hale  of 
theHS  animals,  in  Amerioa.-    '  i  i    >     •  /  u  /^ 

,  Stbe  nmmtrslkn  vtiy  impttftSii'^Ou,^  aootwrnts  df 
,the  quadrupeds  in  tbis,<and  in  every  pa^tbf  Ameri* 
ca,  muft  be  viewed  aa  greatly  impeiteift.  Thei  de- 
fcendaftts  of  Eurppe  have  fettUd  atong  the  Tea  coaft.% 
and  thev  halve  penetrated  to  the  (akes,  and  inoft*of 
•the  -navigable  rivers.  But  the  internal  pak«s  of  Sduth^ 
jinfterieai  are  bui  little  knova :  And  aiHitiat  imakenfe 
.\t%^  of  CQumry,  which  lies  to  the  norths  and  to  tl^ 



we  cannot  faiiilicii  ai^^^edui^^V  ^Wtli^^ 

patt[iQf  tb(r«f^ii«pl.*-fAl&4t  j|»  asiiiitll  if  iltiii»i»fii 
ijiKicoiiMmilpignifad*,  Imt  ^^pHkdliftllfMiilibii^ 

nwltfiriiich  jr«ii mnaiti*  < Oli^tlN  li^li^.^eObw^ 

tand'ABcletiMiii^fflta  «o<|rfti0t^l6*eft;  tfrie  la  Se  f^mttf 
7t«lgFMt  toumbcri*^'  Sonke  ^^tliein  lie i  opon :tb^  (^n* 
;  Uc^oiAm  groundfiimci  ptbtn  iirci  fiv^dv^fix  fteik  fe!|* 
tev^lt. .  >  v£pmi»^  the  i^iM  f  tmti^Hr  ktm'U^  Imft 
otit  foHiii4  ninrMlie*  #»  tlierb«re<  aiid  oms  i90 
oearlbclppiotf^lMetiiv^  it  4ht  b^fe^nilMficcq  rfK^ 
d^cp<.  3 1  Frm  lihe  fi«e  and  thiclineft  of  thefa  ^qiifi^ 
it  is  ^rtaio  4bgt!tb«y  icoi|l4  not  Mof^'^>t|iHI  rki* 
pbattij'iJ^t  {denote  t affifmif^al  fivjb  <hf:4«  iima/Hi 
hrgct  iwd  Puf.  the  oaUHVpr^'I^M.— -We  h*mi^ 
teftifpen^/4>f  tbe|Ddt|#%dMiitf«cll  M,  9iit|fial,ftiWi 
cxffts>ifilhciir»AerBDai1i«  ofAioeri^:  vAt>4pf^«if«ill4  , 
>cootrer^itAjbeii^le:cfpiMmriof!ttai|>if,iDrH^ ' 
pofe thatTatf^Tpecietof  her.mpttiMlpii'  ii^ bcffliqie ei^ 
find.  Thiit  animal muftifpnDetijr  hai#  Ipeen  mir 
mcroua,  at  thofc  pbcei,  if  b«re  il)eir  jl^iiet  ikFf  fpipiyi 

in  Ai^h  ft«iiibfr»f; ;  Tl^  F<?I>»M»V »»« i»,  t^e  tne»fie 
ofiftibGilai^e  WfTf  iMlr^edj  they  reiyipved  furcbcr 
to  the  ,we(i«rard. .  i9<at  ^til  tlH>ff  part#  <;f  A^fsrifr^ 
Ihall  ^p  t^\Ql\fii^^}\tti4i}t^m9^qn  is  tobnesff^^ 
cd  Goiiflfrting  tbia  anitiii^  of  'th^  inoft|  fafrnK^ 
bulk '. '  And  we  may,  ^  wel^  ci^li  it  jttie  Mufimtiht  p^ 
by  any  pthf  r  fiamc  (  or  jj^  iPfiuiio  Elifbmti^  as  k 

ife  tfit#i||iri 

•M^ntii^r^  Nd|Sir^ol^<^Cfie«|{|iMknc^  Ai«t^ 
«r  tdii^fbr  the  «^6diiaD<M  firi^ictciflttf  iillAiiU, 
i^imiit^,  liv^  *A«ivek>i»lop^d'f^ni  Hke  bat  etflifatfy, 

)bdtc^ur^wtsttt€ff^al'Ear  to  their  ]^afD^.-^ 
'•  There 


iMm't  ^k^ 

fHum  'thit'^QM  cmmtty 

^?iM«itf  £^i'd^^  ..... 

ilfe^q^i^^  ■ " ,;  •':- ■  ^;:^: 

they  tin  in<l>  ^e'(C<^orcable^^  ^t* 

tioo  wKe^>lftaf(^n  M><>1i»iitafy,  ii  klid^yr  mtii » 

favourab^  for  <^i(l;  g^o^       and^  fbultfplitaHoi^; ! 
{Iir^{bd[^'li(i^iin4^  OT  iiatbi«»  tfieir  naKxiriii  prog- 
rdi  lii  nbc  to  a  WOrfi  i>ut  lo  t  better  fituatiob.  tbeV  ' 
idboM leave  iHeir.'oAii  ciNinfry^  tbfeifctle  i<^  oHe  1ej|  ' 
fttited  CO  their  Ajib^lleii^e,  and  increafe  \  biit .  (6  ac<i  ' 
<qbire  greater  advantafts  i  an  increafe  of  food,  num. 
neri^  and  ylgf^iir.-^yrhetber  the  nHgrat^ottdf  quid- 
rupedi wii  W^at  fflani  Afia,  or  fropi  Ameri^^  ther^  * 
can  IfeK'd^Be,  liutthat  they  founiiln  the  country 
to  wtiidi  they  repaired^  %  (iimate^ft^J^  and  means  gf 

0      *        '  lttbfiftcnc«, 

A#       ,>^^f|^A% 

,,  &Hcipfrn*i<r  ?r".Ȥ^?^,%  m^.^^  m 

ficMnt  iaNriMtion  to  afflei^iipd.  ,  TbCTd  .par  |< 

numeiriiion  comp)ei«,  ,i^  tJK6fc  co^o^^f  Mhi^fit 
Iciiowii.  The  nioft  thut  has  Mn  4(^e  In  «w¥f¥5 
or  fiattiral  hiftary. »«  *<>  *>«?<«>??  •^w^Ti>^?ijW?^ 

wU  informitipiK ,  this  aMe  mmm  i  mm^ 

that  the  whole .  %mmUt  ^  ^liaajrtopedi  which  are 
fpread  over  the  face  of  *e  earth,  YV|^*?5R  ^?' 
two  bttndr^a  different  fpeciBi  or  ^9*^.OfJm^ 
o^e  hiin^rfd  arc?  fwipd  ^n  America,  fn^  abi>«  Urv- 
cnty  five  are  peculiar  to  it— It  i^e  power,  the  /(prce. 
or  the  vigour  of  animated  nature,  it  |o  be  emnsated 
by  the  fpfcaei  of  qiiadrwped^  which  Afferent  cipun- 
trtei  contain,  th|B  cpnclufion  will  he,  tjat  ^^J^  nas 
lOed  with  the  gf«#teft  vigour  and  energy  n|^iner. 

.    ...  .  .  ,.  \.-;.»*^«^- 

•  Voi;l5c.4i.     ^    - 

mmm  9f^mm6mj    i^ 

—  ™  .wmm  «..«  wRifettnoiis  at 

fori  ^mm  I^Wtti^^k>fbH^^  i  y6  ihi»  Wa^, 
thf>i^^^  1^  IbSv^;'  or  Vtfikii^vliicb 

'^Q%^i9iiyi  Wl£f#fpfiil||baff^     or  rail.  WHh- 

which  ure  mean  Ca  exprefit;  Wh|^  Vfeeill  th<i  ititmal 
|re»V^  K^Mitt.  I  tBui  no  <^uinftance  will  reverfe 
•ihelliwiof  natiire,«eiiible  the  diflPerent  fpeciet  of 

fOfce^inia'  -^__ 

ani^It  to  exchkoMitlkiir  propJr  form,  ited^nngfii 

»•■  '.  ^  .id  i     '        '  .>tdde; 

t^The  Miom«rat)»n  j|ff^«drupedt   stms  to  be  te»  imperfoft 

*    '    iooi  Of  thi» Wl'* 
n?t  in  li  ii  Epoqut 
s  of  qu  drupedi. 

to  ^rd  any  accu4ite<^4cttlatioiit  ot  thi»  M>|d. , ,  Mcording 

J  I.  Buffon'i  iatdl  opiuplufton?,  in  li  ii  Epoquls  4c  /•  Naturt, 
.  e  are  three  huifdrM  ipecies  of  qu  drupedi.    Xifi^rica  ac* 
tfbrdipftotbe  AbM  CSaVt|«rO|Contaiha  about  oneltKlf  of  thefe. 


fpijjk  «- 


^utt  ^nvpB,  it 
Europe..,  ^'Pey  ap^,lhere, 

09  O    I 

'■     «■«'  ♦ 


;       I   Wolf 

'Faxj  red 



'  \  v*i' 


■1J  t' 


i>.iIJ.  ^i»3/i 

of  A^,  arc  mticli  '**gTf  ihf  ri  flit  irtiffTi||rtfi  if 

<9iti4ni{M»  9f  (^HBlhtii^^t,  A^A  if  (the  iiuift  '^ 
vo|;|ra;#,io  ||ifr,fr0#|iaioi^,ft«d  ffowrth  of  llie 

m^^m^fi^^^Wi^kmt^*  But  u^^  frcntea  «f 

dttigvm.ef  bfi|h,j;cmiiir4ifft:0f  Afia,  flIl4^o^  AoMfi^ 

J  T«iffEar4i|»J^if»f;i»l|tTiQH^r*Md|lt4niii»|»^ 

1  a  parHcul^  i^NTiM^m.ami  cb«raa«rt'a%^a  to 

^hcj  J^  WM»re»,lnWib|yvfiited*  and  irhich  diiya* 

{[uifhet  the  vihoiie  fpocici.  Thui  fowe  ar«  natufsl. 
y  fi<*'«y«M>8««»W»  aii4<»miv«t>ui^i  while  ochera 
arc  i^ild,  temiierate,  ai^  feail« :  Aod  allsof  tfaem. 
a^e  oqt  a  lUUe  ioAuenctf^t:  by  %h$  climatet  they  in- 
habit.<.^Jii  thehpttdl  climate^ ,  9««i  in  the  Whim 
fan^sof  A&ic{i,them«|ft  ra¥i|il09«i.attd  the  0eioift 
antmaU  aliouiid J!  Th^>MlMB»the|yMn  ai^d  thejiaii. 
theri  arc  there  i  Jn  th^ir  grwt^Jw,  iheir  largcft 







^^     nlid,  and  t^^racip,    T]  QCj«HMtoiMi|t^at 

^^eiwOteiM  flit  b«fl|M'Miii^' <il^i^  im'& 
liic^  fierce  md  nveitotti  i^iiiMI  tliiHilfi^ 

$  thir  (ta^biff  tf  IbeNWin^  mmNMkm  m^^imr  the 

•i^^rt.    Add  thettlhi^)f«^f«idttpl)^#ll^  ]^||f«^ 
lift^  t«piditf,  «tieit  itlily  afi^^  "fiftlft;'  Mlefted^  Iv 

urottld^amte  at  tluif  ii|iMfo'b|(dbttaii«^»  'itf>%<h^b 
^4lieir|ir0|^(t<  w««td  4m  ilMU4^  ^  ^^  thb-^ifeie  of 
itfioMlJ  iPhlf %<Mld%attti4my^iy^a€#J)r  lli^Wfadle 
eontiiit^  Vefoi«(ih)i^««<HVed  tb  ftilhlll(jiWi^'  TBis 
^  tlie>i  hatf  4oo*  !]li|iWiii7atMn^^cf  t  AAiei4aa/ %6crA^it 




great^lt  if^itude^  and  their  greate|  fi?ciiRiiit^ 

■■'     i-^"'^'J^'i-  \        _    ■      'H' '.-'?■:-     ''■^- ':^%\■l0]^....- 
ica.  make  a^<S>MWlit»»iifc^^ 
hiftonr.     O^hasf^ 

caulogiw^tfcofe  ofWtaisJ^^        MoHM^ 
app^oafi|^j^ip^|l|ll  l9Wifd«^frjM»tb^  k<git«l%)Mtlii'. 

-'*<  ,  In 





1^  '^^^mmj^MWa 



mn...  mm ^19.,  --y^...:-^,^,,i:,jan^:^if^^^^^^^ 

"^'-^7    ;t i:  ^  ,■' Tuir.  ran. 'I :  :i^( J  Id 

i«  the  fiio«r  gjMW  Ofi^  10  tbe  fpnofc    T;be];  Jir^  not. 
feen  in  ttie  winter,  Wiliw  ^ie  r<i«|td'  ttte,  in  AiL 

^    '  Tl««  of  Ap.  Dcpattun, 

Wild  Goofe.  Xm/ <«MiM^/.  Much^J.     Nw.jM. 

Tlie  SvawBirito  ita  Ikamtifat^  tfdl^^^l|^^ 
lilde  ifeiiinffl.  .  ITkef  aw  fentraUy  of  i'^lpr^tbfour, 
ftfid  Iffr  tl»fi  a Tpa»«nr.  v>  Fiocki  of  llM^ni*ifij>i^^1i ' 
^on  at  th«  fiA€MiFiiegiiis>«oiall  in  a|ky^%Qii^forable ' 
^iiftiittly.t  and  geberiiiy  a  dayorc^blieCbre.  Tbty 
perch  on  the  fptrei  of  vcgetahies4ho?e'thi  £(x>#,  'on^ 

!)f, . V^^  not. 
r«  tllrottgE, 



\9-     April  t* 

•re.  TbiKjr  ■ 

til  StBi^:^^  *2^*^l^^ 

» fft*  AUWtiof  #m«infaer|  wjSA  «^ir  ia^^ 

?^,3^*^^^^*'^«*»^'f  <^"*»<»>^  and  io  4«flk 

&(^  P?%%iiPiiif  fe^iir  «tie  aaoiher  iTa 
Kraig^  hi^i^s^mmmmm^  ittaum  up  in  tfce^ 
foiiB  orj|.«jKig|f  I  a^  led  bv  one  df 

J^a«#^  Md  moft  iam.     White  Acy  lee^i 

fe%  iwa  j^  biu  tf  by  any  «,.„^  tfceir  ordiTw 
brofeii,  Mid^t^  »oc*  ^%erieiJ|  fcy««l  of  thw 

in  the  Wi_to  Pjosoh,  »«.pow«T  of 

«d  fenrie  «lwiy,p«,  J  .They  ff^tttraMiiy  np«w  - 
hke«g^,Bdge„^,Uy  hatch  bttt  two  at  «^  d^: 
|«»«*l«  W  ie|!Wt««l  fev«»l  limu  in  a  fwfon.^Th«' 

"  accoanta 

ft  .  • 


114       ^Ji  NMSRAL  Jkir^  CHriL 

gGpountt  whfdi  arei^c^  of  the  ii^iblteK  olf|^%^ 

,  to  iktvincnhii^AWAij^riiM^ 

i^oll  incredible  io  thoCm  wko;hMi:p0ii&:f^^ai^mi 

Hcftfl     f  lie  foti^)r(^/iilfiM^  IM^  tke 

lincurfaich  dividct  Mi^iicilnfeili  f  tbm  VjeritipliCy  in 

*>  74^  *  fi^  ve  this  «ccount  of  the  appea? m^^g^f^hidbf  Me 

inet  with  to  the  weAv^aucd  df,Coiiiie£|ie|Krtiiien'^l%r 

three  tnibs  t<^et|ier  vtfae  {rf^coin^^  neib  were'^'Hitdk, 

that  five  hundred  miihthav^  been  icdd«oil^h(r|>eech  I 

•  tneet  at  due  linve  iland roonidtiii^y  hair^6eefi  tt^l*^ 

cd  on  the  hemlocks,  lo  weil,  I  ^ouhtr  o(»4-biit '  five  i 

thoti^md^  at  one  >  tutn  Toiiad;'*^  .  The  r?iiiAirka>VJ 

the  firft^ttlers  of  Vermont,  iiiUyiicon^iiii^bfi  ic 

counti    The  following.  rel(i^icMii>if|i«|.|kven  me;  by] 

one  of  the  earlieft  .^l^ra  atl)  r^l^jreiidOD^  f  :*f  The  | 

fitniiher  of  pigeons  Iwai.ioiiBeiilef  I  ITi^enty^five  nelb  j 

:%mre  frequently  to  he  found  pn  mn4  iK^cih  tree. 

.  l^he^earth  jw^si  coveri^d  with  thefd  tpfcs; '  and » "with j 

hemlodcs,  thus  loaded  'With'  ther'nclli  of 'pigeofis. 

For  an  hundred  acres  together,  the  grooiid  was  cov* 

rered  with  their'  dung,  toithe  dq»tb  ^HitM>  inchei.; 

Their  noiie  in  t^  evcni|ig~  wafti>:e3^i:^(^!  trioiibli!- 

^me^  and  (b  great  that'^  .tm»e!iei^<vteoi»ul  not  get 

an)^  ileep,  where  thejf  ncils  #ere  ilhtcl^i:  ^j^^lrboitt  «ft^ 

hourafter  funrife,  they  rbfe  infoeh  i,]Mun]b^jil^4 

darj^^n  the  air;     When ,  the  youngi^pi^Kons  were| 

grown  to  a  coiiQ^^able  bigliei)^,  beifo^  they^  couli: 

readily  fly ^i^t  was  common  for  the ^  fBttlets  <  to  'Ciit| 

down  thft  trte$,;axid« gather  a.  hor(e  load  jh  aifeifl 

minutes."       The , ifettlemeni;  of  ^thc,  country  hasl 

fince  fet  bounds  to  this  Juxjuriancy  ^^f  animal  Ufe;! 

diminilbed  the  number  of  thefe  Mtds^  and  droyej 

tbcm  further  to  the  northward.  -w 

We  have  four  fpecies  'of  jSwal  f  0  w s  in  this  pait  of] 

American     i.  THe  houfe  fwaHow.'    Thia  m^y  bel 

readily  di(lingui(hdd  fxom  the  reft,  by  the  greater  j 


«  Belkntp't  Hiftery  of  NcwhampOure,  Voi^llUfitjih 

itjt  fpr«|iflt«<l  ;  and  wilder  iti  chib.    TMs  ^ecies  '. 
buHd  lb<^rjt|eft#  in  cbimneys.    Their  iiefts  are  made 
of  tml^ifli^  cemented  t<%eth^^^^  kind  of 

gum,  «a^  iiilfd  i  th^y  lure  covered  or  arcfaediDv  '^r  the 
t9p^,49d;jtlieaperturei8onoReiide.     Thefc  iwal- 
Iqws  aRp^l^  tb^«sirlieft  of  any,  in  the  fpfinf  :  And 
a  ^nr  c^y9ii»e^e  their  departure  in  the  fall,  they  ^if^. 
fociate^ :  jUn  .^tl^i  jU^pi  of  huil dings,  dry  treesi  an4 
baOie5«}a|  if  #b<Hittc^l  depart  in  companies,     su  Th«  < 
barn  fivalt^.  j  ^)^he  fise  Of  this,  is  rather  lefs  thlit 
that  of  thp  0h«r  ;  «nd  the  rati  is  notfoik^d  fo^nmeh* 
Thippi^Iovr  Mlds  his  peft  tnhanisi8tt^||lit  hoiifests 
andttbli)!!ii^:>i9rni|d  ofigraftjib-a^,  Iffi^feathers^^ 
1[;h#|g|(a^il^lll«d^  of  a  dark;bro»»rfi^^ihdWlitej'| 

ie:4irii^Mj|i^:i^^^f^  piacMn  ithich  i ' 

i^^0/^fi^1t!^i^ki\^  3.  Thegrouftdlt^aUowr; 

1^:#  $^  J^lto^  of  the  whole  ip^ieso.  fFbch 
(w^il^^f&p!p  f  jM0  in  (andy  h^tiH&i  and  on  th0* 
i»d0i#t#^t^  «l*%htfeji  or^|!f f ^ty  four  inches  idi 
Ifiigt^^nvSit^ir  ^#<  ajsf  ii|ade^%l  fhe  «iarealiiy;'Hbff 
liflft  hp|^  #  ^rs|iK  and^^th^rsi  laid  together  tin  m 
Ippfp  ai|;4  <^MrAie&  tl^finer.  -TlHir  eggS;are  perfcaiy 
w^ite^  t^  i*lie  hoi^  in  which,  jth^  arc  iaidi  are  de« 
figned  0ltly  fo4 1^^^^^  N<»f|e,  of  thefwrallows 

eversfef^aininsChemsduri^  the  winter.  ^  ?  4.  The 
black  ttiDrtiit..  This  if  the  largeffe  o^  all  our  iWal* 
lowi,  T^3^  ^)iiii(d  tlwlf  ^ft»;  under  the  eaves  of 
bpufes,  in  ^  ^cret  or  rf  tire#:piaices  of  out  houfes^ 
and  old-b<|ildiiigs.  Their  n^Ajs  arp  made  of  ijtfa  Mr 
^nd  f<patht<t5.>  Thfy  arrive  the  lateft,  and  difappear 
the^bonlifl^^ialiy  of  ^!^  fwailows^  which  vi fit  us. 
/Theriifiial  tinies  of  the  appearance  and  dirappear- 
ance  of  tbefe  terd^i^  ferye  to  mark  the  tempefaturo 
of  the  cli^ia^e^  with  as  much  precifion,  as  any  of  the 
ph^nomena^  aati»«.  But  they  do  not  feem  to  be 
prop^ly  hitds  Of  paSage.  At  Dattiy  in  this  (late, 
theiahihiuivts  report^  that  fome  of  them  were  taken 


tt0       THE  NATURAL  ANi  ClTIi; 

oiit  of  a  toebd  in  that  tcnini,Td6»e  ^H  agO;    A  miiii 
was  employed  in  the  winter,  to  prOdire  the  nwu  of 
the  pond  lily,  for  medicinal  pnr^tfr.    Anioiig  thi 
mud  and  root*  which  he  threw  Ottt,  fiftvcrAt  firiillows 
were  found  ihclofed  in  the  mod ;  alive,  but  kftL  tor« 
pid  ftate.    The  account  is  not  doubtH  among  the 
idhabitants  ;  hot  I  have  not  tht  teftimotty  of  any 
peHions  who  faw  thafe  fwallows.—* It  has  bien  doubt- 
ed by  fome  able  natnralifts,  whether  it  is  pofllble  for 
the  fwallow  to  live  in  fuch  a  fituation.     I  faw  an 
initance,  which  puts  the  poflTibiUty  of  thefild  beyond 
all  room  for  doubt.     About  the  year  i)|6o,  t#otnen 
were  diggiflgili  the  faltmarlh  at  Camblldge,  ih  Mat* 
fachufetts  im  the  bank  of  Charle^^  rii^er,  about  two 
feet  below  the  furfice  of  the  ground,  they  dug  tip  a 
fwallow,  wholly  fummnded  and  coveried  with  ititid. 
The  fwallow  was  in  a  torpid  ftate,  b«t  being  hdd 
in  their  hands,  it  revived  iH  about  -half  aii  hour; 
The  place  where  this  fwallow  was  dug  np^  was  every 
day  covered  with  the  fait  water  i  whien  at  fvttf  high 
tide,  was  four  or  five  feet  deep.    The  time  whcli  thii 
fwallow  was  found,  #as  the  latter  part  of  the  month 
of  Februarv }  but  the  men  aflured  ide,  they  had 
never  found  any  other  fwallows  in  (beh  v  fituation. 
The  fpecies  called  the  houfe  or  chimoev  fWitlo«r, 
has  been  found  during  the  winter,  in  hoihnr  trees. 
At  Middltkury  in  this  ftate,  there  was  a  large  holloir 
elm,  called  by  the  people  iii  the  vicinity  the  fwallow 
tree.    From  a  man  who,  for  feveral  years,  lited  with- 
in twenty  rods  of  it,  I  procut-ed  this  inforn^ation  t 
He  always  thought  the  iwallows  tarried  in  the  tr«* 
through  the  winter,  and  avoided  cutting  it  dbWn,  on 
that  account.     About  the  firft  of  May,  this  (Wallows 
came  out  of  it,  in  large  numbers,  aboUC  the  middls 
of  the  day  ;  and  foon  returned.     As  the  weather 
grew  warmer,  they  came  ont  in  the  morning  #ith  s 
loud  noife,  or  roar,  and  were  foon  difperfed :  About 
half  an  hour  before  fun  down,  they  returned  in  milU 



If f»ydRY  Of  viXLM&iiri 

idttf'f  idittilil&rif  tWd '  d^  HiH^  tilfai^  rcitih9  tibi 
and  tNii  cttfftcifiikll  Ifte  i  (UNM^  MilS»  i;M«  ^     ^ 
fikty  liMt  IMi  tbr l^ftfdi^    It"  #att  (dt]ift^^ 
perfoHt  in  tlli  iHdHi^,  16  Vifii  tHb  ti^;  1^  dW^m 

gftidft  thti  vm^iri^  tbHf  a^^ Ifae  fiAU^M^  KT 
ittfli  oiitia  rt^illidfldi,  «fid  wH(i  a gt^at^^  Iia 
vembct,  179!,  the  td^  oflhik  tl^,  wk|  Itfbwil  " 
twenty  f6te  bdd#  #]|«i^^il£e  r#«lldwi  ^sitUiak^! 
hai.bdrb  tto  a^twaMoce  df  tht WiXIftf^itm.  "tfpi 
on  ctittini  dbiHk  kh^  rm^mt;  m  tmfWfiift  ite^ 
ty  of  ei^creiiitiitti  qoilN,  |i^  fe^tlietl  Wfc>^  tbt|^  i 
but  ho  appftaraittf^  br  ^tHdu  of  aiiy  H^&s.  , 

Abothcrof  tbefa  fwaHoir  tr<^i/#ai  ^t  WMM^^i! 
The  man  who  lived  Uie^^^fr  io  tt,  gave  l^i  a4«^ 
count :  The  fwalloirt  wtH'  fi^ft  dmrved  tvcdoi^ 
out  of  the  tree,  in  the  fpriiig  i  klSKkHtht  tiiif&  t^ 
the  leaves  Qra.begai^  tp  ^up^t4^iL^jtriti.^fi6A^ 
that  ieafon;  tlj(ey  eatte  Out  ih:  t|^  tttb^oi;  «^ 
half  an  hour  after  fartHl^  f  Tfi^y-  mied  d$  ]i|(^  ^ 
ftreani,atbig  as  the  hdM  Sh  *thj^  tf^e  itoiil^  i^^^ 
and  afcended  in  a  pdrpf^hdicbH^t  Hue^.  jintil-thty 
were  above  the  height  of  iht*  adj|«eitt  ti^cs  \  th^li 
afTtiMnie^d  m  ^rcolaV  iSbtiod,  performing  their  revohi<^ 
tions  two  or  three  times,  but  alu^ayft  in  a  larger  ,cir« 
cle,  and  then  difperlcd  in  t^rtff  dire€Kt)fi.  A  littjl^ 
before  f^hddiriii^  they  rettuftled  in  iain^diif(^Aiivnb66^ 
forming  feveral  circular  mottbns,  and-  then  dfeft^n^;^ 
cd  like  a  dream  into  the  h6lt,  ftorti  ivhetidd  ik^ 
uint  but  in  the  nMrhihg.  Aboiit  the  micfdle  of 
September,  they  wHttt  feen  eiktering  the  tree,  for  th^ 
kft  time.  Thefe  biids  were  all  of  the  fpecies  call- 
ed the  houfe  or  cbimney  IWallow.-^The  tr^^  was  k 
large  hoUow  t\m,  the  hdle  at  #hich  they  entered 
was  about  forty  (tet  above  the  grottnd,  and'  kbo\ik 
nine  iil^Il^s  diameter;  The  fwalfoWs  made  tHtif 
firft  apptaranct  in  the  Q^ring,  and  their  lad  app^n^ 

.     »nc0 


Ar  flu.  a^^  m^M  i^mmtmm  v  ## 





.  K  ■ 




iPlfPsr TVwff frxXrl/W.  .    , , 

pocuji^iratcfl  C|^t€,^d  p^rtf  of  the  .ccKMi^ry,  tbi»  4e-. 
h|htful  found  IS  iiot  (Q  be  Iw^rd.  Eitlier  jifguaed 
^ith  foglobmy  ?i  fi9cn€,  or  diOiking  tbefM  m  jtha 
unqultiya|ed  Iap4f,  tjic  inuG«?al  bir4i  do  QOt^igii  tq 
iw^i  i»  frtrK  ..i^^e*  J  4ih  to  piit  forth  tlieif  melody  to 
•  *tm  'Me%  ^u|  ao«  f^oiifif  bas  WM 
'-    «;ut  doiirQj;^,tr^Aiafl4<p|>e^4 

=mi^«»Y  ■^' viiitiiiicA^: 

the  (S,  #n  the  bifdig^K^^ 
flpot.  and  g|ye  «tf«?t  tM«l^^ 

nine  o'^d^  te^miplf^  )mm^^  ^ 



and  there  is  iii#i«Miiii»%^^  nMim^l^ML 

This  is  one  of  thA^ilft  4ftlMlilbls4^neiril^ 
ture  affords  :  But  iiMll^lif^ii>ililii^9«^ 

it  is  not  to  be  d4^ii^^;^mmm  cu»mimim 

|K»id«.  iW«f|.NMidKWr4^«*W^^^ 

icwinitity  dl^gdlflM#«  mti^Mmmi^. 

TtlJb'tSodre,  th|w45f|ifeili^ :  Hi«^ 

Duck,  eight  or  ten.    J^mii  v    ^>^n-   r «  (i*^:  j  f  Ji|, 

under  either  of  tM' ii^k>  &i6ktiptioMi  ^'  Of<^ 
kind,  tfa^Moiring  are  the  moftcomtnoa  and  iiu« 
merous,  '     K      .     ! 

The  Eagle,  two  fpecies.    FaUi. 
Hawk.  four.     /^i/r#.  '  '  . 

Owl,  threes    S&ix. 

Woodf^ekei'.  ftven  or  eight*     FiHis.  ^ 
Kinghtrd.'  Lsniiu  tyrannus.  ^  -\     ^ 
Crow  Blackbird^    GraiHiit  qtnfiuJa. 
Cuekow.    Cut-in  4mtrit4imt. 
Kingfiflier.     Alftdo  alcyon. 
Woodcock.    ScihpM  riyfifa, 




V*     ' 

p^t  >Jf  t  l^ltl^ 

•-'4^d?^.<,>^  i2!.'>^'..,  ^*i^; 

'    'X.  '  .?., 



It  II  wttrth|r  Of  remttik  that  m  .Ifci  >irc|t  ol  4«Mr- 
Idl,  iMi^K  |ni^^  fipom  her  nKkfrjptQUll,  ^mr 

fiifii|th|  ant  comge,  it  t|leJn«ill<|•^  li^  cHiMb 
m  pMlkr  to  Atnorka.  .IRwMditi^  froi»  the 
kailft»  the  greiteft,  throi)|h  .iH  tW  iiM'iP>i#i«« 

lii|  infill^  f^lffk^  oTciihpi.    : 
FISH    E    S. 

OF  the  grttt  variety  of  fifh,  vhidk  natniw  liM  |ii9- 
Sliced  in  the  waters  of  America,  Jtot  •  fniaU  faft  are 
foond  in  the  intefnia  ptffta  of  the  oon^HMt.  The 
laifeU  ccdlraton  of  wateit  which  we  hay^  in  V^r- 
niont,  are  the  la|ft  6^ai|itaii^  MeOmhrefnagogi 
CoffiEie&iait  river,  wj^h  the  ftondt^inil  llreaBMcoa* 
aeded  with  them.  In  thefc  watcra  we  h^o .  ^ 
TIm  Slufgeoo*    A^ififffJMiu 


HtStOKY  x>f  V£ftMOI7T.         tti 

-.«■««  ■ti'**  "/.,>jt-*^  ft 

Sallnott  Tk^ti^  i^almfi  JkUti,    » 
pi6M«^l,  ^  Pike,    ^fofi  llfdkf. 

Troiit     3fV<ii<flf#.  ^ 

Kt^Vetth:'  PireaJluvisf^Ht, 

Whitt  T*tS^,'    Pires  lueit^s^  ■        ,> 

Pout.    SHurus^feUL 

l^hiher.     Peti^npHih. 

Chab;     PercitpBiiaJilfkia. 

Bream.     Fwa  cbtj/oftirs, 

Bret.     ClMped  miiiimd,  ' 

Mcrto#,  ' 

Sucker;'  '■,  ■  ;,  : 

Pace.'  ' 

Migration  b  i!i6t  peculiar  t6  this^rils  :  Several 

kirtdn  oPfklic'Si  hkVe  as  regular  periods  of  approach^ 
add  cle^ai'fiircli  ili  tire  birds  of  paffage.     Tbis  is  th6 
«:arfe  iiritH'th¥1^1fhonJ     In  the  fpring,  about  the  25th 
hi  April,  thcfe  fifti  begin  to   pafs  up  Conn^.6^icue 
river,  ao4  proceed  to  the  higheft  branches.     Aboiti 
the  fattilsiime,  or  i  little  later,  they  are  found  in  Lake 
Champliiti,  and  the  large  (Ireams  which  fall  into  it. 
So  llrong  is  this  firftind  of  migration  in  the  the  fact* 
knon,  that  ip  palfing  up  the  rivers,  they  force  theif 
palfag^  over  catarads  of  feveral  feet  iii  height,  and 
iq  opposition  to  the  mod  rapid  currents.     They  arc 
fom^trmes  feen  to  make  fix  or  fevtfn  attempts,  be- 
fore they  can  fucceed  to   afcend  the  falls.      When 
they  are  thus  going  up  in  the  fpring,  they  are  round 
and  fat,  of  an  excellent  tafte,  and   flavour.     From 
thefirft  week  in  May,  to  the  fecopd  week  in  June, 
they  are  taken  in  great  numbers.     When  they  ar- 
rive at  the  upper  parts  of  the  rivers,  they  depofie 
their  fpawn^  a  nd  remain  thcrd  during  the  fummer 

Q  feafon  i 

lit       TH«  NAT^Ril:!*  AiTD  mVIt 

fe^Coo  { Imt  beoome  very  lean,  and  fl^c^d,  To«i!l^s 
~  t&e  latter  end  of  September,  they  V^fnrn  to  the  oc^in  t 
but  fo  nm^  emaciated,  that  they  are  not  ttflEenrPl^ 
iifed  (ioir  fo^i.  Some  of  the(e  fi^lmoa  in  tb«  fpr^^ 
will  Weigh  thirty  6ve  or  forty  potindi.  They  nil- 
grate  only  to  cold  waters.  None  of  them  are  ^vfr 
found  to  the  fouth,  or  weft,  of  Conne^icut  river. 
Thofe  that  go  further  to  the  northward,  and  pad 
up  the  river  St.  Lawrence,  are  generally  more 
large  and  rich,  than  thofe  which  come  from  the 
fouthward.  » 

The  Salmon  Tr$ut,  in  its  form,  dim^ofions,  and 
appearance,  viry  much  refembles  the  falmon  ;  but 
the  meat  is  of  a  nner  grain,  and  of  a  more  delicate 
tafte,  and  flavour.  This  trout  is  found  in  Lake 
Champlain,  and  in  the  rivers  and  ponds,  which  are 
conne^ed  with  it.  Thefe  fifh  are .  taken  with  the 
hook  and  line,;  like  the  cod  and  haddock.  Trouts 
from  feven  to  ten  pounds,  are  common.  In  a  pond 
at  Leicefter  in  this  ftate,  fome  have  been  taken^bich 
weighed  twenty  fi^ve  pounds  :  Qtbfrs,  much  larger 
have  been  feen  leaping  out  of  the  wat«r,  which  the 
fifherman-  fuppofed  would  weigh  from  thirty  five  to 
forty  pounds. 

The  Piki  or  PUkenlahonnds  much  in  Lj|ke  Cham* 
plain.  It  is  there  called  by  the  name  of  Mufchilon* 
goc,  and  grows  to  a  great  fize.  They  are  eafily  tak- 
en with  a  fpear,  and  fome  of  them  have  weighed  for* 
ty  pounds,  and  were  fix  feet  in  length. 

Of  the  fmall  fifh,  which  refide  in  the  brooks  and 
fmall  ftreams,  the  moft  numerous  and  ufeful,  |r6  the 
trout,  perch,  and  fucker.  The  trout,  in  its  colour, 
form*  and  tafle,  refembles  the  falmon  trout,  bi|t  is  of 
much  fmaller  dimenfions.  The  largeft  of  them,  will 
not  weigh  more  than  two  pounds  and  an  half,  or 
three  pounds.  This  fifli  is  found  in  all  the  ftreams, 
which  have  their  origin  in  the  mountains;  and  gen- 
erally very  near  their  fources,  in  the  high  lands. 


and  ulefiif,  itid  of  neiriy  t!ie  &nie  dioMofioiia^  #ii# 
moSi  ttiicoiBiibor  it^oncd^  whicit  Ijaofecvii^  frntt; 
of  theiiklMi^^^iMi#er  of  ii^tai«/ih»  iii  tkc  io^ 
creafe  of  tll«to  Jlli^  Mti  UnoioiitH  ii  a  broolf  t£dttt 
tiiren^ ir^tibt^ fetr#ide,  madi«ro^r  tfarae d^ij i« 
which  titt^tttnitaiid  fudeer  wtie to  bb-lbaiifl  6f  th^ 
comtbOii  ifyk,  ftted  iMtoiber.    A  idain  tvas  hniiit  acf«^ 
this  ilt'eatli,  for  tli^pii^i^iof  fupplyiiig  water  for  4 
(kwRiftli'    This  dAiii  ^rnM^i  pOlild^  #bioh  tSv««e€ 
b^  eftitiMitfkMi,  aboift  a  dioufaad  acres,  where  t^ 
trees  were  thtdt,  iiifd  th«  Ibil  had  nei^er  bees  CQiti<^ 
yated.     In  tWo  #  ehree^jirs/ibe  fifli  were  mulci^ 
plied-toan  tBCredH>fe  niliiaber,   ifTbey  were  becomo 
fo  numerous,  that  at  the  upper  end  of  the  pond^ 
when  the  bfbok  fibU  into  it,  in  the  fpring  the  fiih 
are  fees  running  one  over  another  ;  etttbarai&d  witb 
tbeh>  ii#n  nilittbeb  t  akid  unable  to  e(cApe.6otii  anf' 
ati^iil^fbatitiiiide  to  take  thetn.    The^  aretidtefi 
by  WtWa^^^  ^afbre  i  and  the  Iwine  m^ 
theni%ithliiit  diffieJKk^r,     Witb  a  net,  the  fi&ep4 
men^Oftiett  lake  i  btlfbel  at  a  draugitt,  and  repeat 
their  |M>Oi.^  with  the  fatti^  fuccefs^    Carts  are  load<^ 
ed  with  them,  in  as  fliort  a  time,  as  the  people  csmid 
gather  tbem  Up,  whentbrown'tipon  the  banks  ;  and 
itisttfftoiiiai^ti>iblttbeinin^  fiihingfearon,  for 
a  mUn^hy  %hh  biitiel.     Wtide  they  b^ve  thus  in« 
crtiUkd  in  numbers,  they  are  become  more  than 
double  to  their  former  fiz£.r*-Tb'S  extreme  increare 
does  not  feem  to  be  derived  from  any  other  caufe^ 
than  that  of  coUef^irilfif  the  wateiv  in Tnch  a  quantity-, 
as  to  form  the  pood  i;  and  thus  Increafe  jthe  means 
of  fubfiftence,  by  carrying  the  water  over  a  large 
tra6l  of  rich,  and  tinted tivated  land.     Events  of  a 
fimilar  nature  generally  lake  place,  when  an  arti. 
iki3il  pond  is  Q^de  iii  iH)  part  of  the  country,  not 
,}■.;■■■  i  \:>i    ,-'  ■  -before  , 

■  i 

0aife.*, ■-  ■ '<•; fi  >4 ^ ..rv'  ^\  ^^  •?•  *  -r ;i V 
^  ^1«  thfprvdxi^&h^k  of  6(|^ 

nt  fvliifsh  ;^ey  Ncome  pfitfiict  ;«rf^  :lm0lli^iii^ 
kt^nrMgCi  and  coflB{iatatKfft.r;i  Tlie  limollt.^  tl«^r|« 
ponda,  and  lak^t^'ofc  iever^)i!he)pe/|UMre4«5i>lMN»m« 
The  i'ea  co»(l6  artf  one  £<ditiAti«4.  ra«gp, 111  r^H^ 
ItoaH  covered  witJi  ced^^liq!^  9m,  o^n  m%* 
snais'of  the  ocean  J    Tkftwkfiku^n^^jh^fhiem^ 

m  the  watf r  :  In  the  .feas  of  Attoei^tfav^^^  iP  »Wk  hf 

i^nd  initifrealeft  peile&fC|fiMtif  niigilitilde^l^ 

jfittmbers.-  ...     r.ivr^  -•,:■ 

h  JPoflSi  fhellf^  are  &Q^eiitl)r  foia^  HI  Mie  di^aoe 

horn  the  banks  .of  our  lakes,  ^riv^flg  rhrookfi  4n4 
neadoiirs.  ;Sc^erii^»^b0eiirfo^nd>iP#  i^r 

xather  to  4h'e  guilte9  of  the  moiitil^iniu  J^f%:.pmf 

idiaSktons  requite  a  coU«£lioot4i|  iiateif  foe^^foft- 
lottion.  Naturaltlls  hAve  {tf^^pioM  vmoifi  ^mtHf 
and  fpe^uiatioiiSi  to  DipQPitiit  tot lthiif(iUc^i«|it|^i«^p 

^  ter  in  (tich  places^  where  thei«'«k«ftioj«r  AQ^.ii^||^9 

ances  of  the^kind.^     ;,  ..  .  ■     ■       r  .f^•■-^yn»^i^ 

In:  their  defcent  Irom  the  if«Qiiiil%in9»(l}l^  IDK^ 

and  rivers  mn^tyftr^whftmhsifiifwmi^i^^!^^ 

into  lakes,  pond&,M4,fmaik  lioUfcdlilinft  of. llfr^^rj 

*^P}tt  nomber  of  Iffh  III  fhv  tiferi  dV'  B6ath«fi>«r7^t/^ h  •Ailt^ 
^q««}  lo  My  thing<fbMnlits;p)aeiii^ili  ths  ndrtlieyn  iptieta^  til 
contpiMnr.    ««  In  tbc^  M«r«tft9ar '  f*y#  ?.  A«»g<lf>  **  i*  *»^ 

'pirntifi.1,  that,  vyitliooc  iii]r,.«r^,^t>«y  mf  isi^t  tt^cip^  irhh  tuir 

b^nd*.**  .  .  ..     •  .'^    .   -^.^^  .    ■(      ^  ^ . 

*•  1 1  the  Orfnoco,"  <«rt  1*.  ObiiiHIt;^ •*  ifelMei'in-i^i*iU?  »i» 
rt«ty  of  oth«r  fi(h»  torcoifof  ior  (srits  «b<Mid  in  fbcb  aaabcrl, 
thsf  1  fwanot  find  wor<U  to  ex|^e<|fi  |(«  4  doubt,  op^boc  tbSt  r«<^ 
MS  /ffad  in||r.4Ccoant  piU  acciftcois.  qf  (uaq^i^ticKi  •'  Bot  I  cm 
•  ffi^rm,  tbAt  it  is  as  difllcuU  to  cdont  tH^m.  si  to  c^uot  tbe  randi 
oirthe  hank  of  that  river."  Hift.  del.  Orenoque»iif  c.  zii»  p>  S9t 
M.  de  la  Condaniae  confirmi  their  accouati. 

ioiig.l|tt^  IllllWldel^  I^Mt^^ 

in  twiw^  Mt^^^  dA^tnltieat^  <  ffilief  ^dKJipiid^  ttte  -k^eM^ 
hvA  am  #  die  lai^gtftif^e^  in  tl|e  bolttit  ^^n*  ^ 

mobi:,£tiiif  are  4toii|p»r»tihrefy(4>f  bur  i  1^  Tpeekfi^ 
add  rm$3l4<>  t^ifffi^  j  but  iUkty  f;|i8^#  |feat  i^iii^. 

toad,     I^JMW.  V 

Frog,  pve.     fi««#.;  ,v  /    > 

I^Uard.     Lacirti^  ptfn{fat4»  < 

Swift.     Lsf4ttafyeiuU, 

There  are  fei«era4  accootits  in  aatoral  hiftorjr,  «if 
to?d»  b^ing  found  in  the  hearts  of  tree*,  ai>d  in 
folid  rqclps  ;  whoiljr  i^ciofed^  9iid  (hut  u|>  frorirthe 


^ivie,diflt)f^)ftlfchfiKu«ttbiii.    Iti  fhe^M^nidiri  of 

^m^U  Mewfimu^  li^hbut  attj/^^iiilk  eiittrailct  ^to 

qdcfyelittded,  tfailt  the  t^d^ittilft  liaV«  bctefiicdfifiiiedm 
iSi«t#tuatioo»  atl^ft  eigllt^  df*  ate  huiiclrtfd  y^irf.* 
W«  iiave  fev^ral  iirftaAoes  ill  Vtiriiibtlf ^  tquiJiy  ex* 
Ih^diifvrf.  At^iiidfbr,  i^  liiiiy^  j6iiiing  e&  (>bn. 
H^dicttt  river;  iii'S^|:ltiiiiberi  17^9,  a  living  fi«>g  Was 
'di^i  u^  ar the  dtfp^'bf  nine  feefci  from  the  filrfarce  of 
i^e^kh.  Sttfibtt^jMe^t,  Efqr  fit^joi  whom  I  have 
tbiiatcount^  itifolte  ttie^^thjil^the  fili^  where  this 
ibsg  «rat  fottiid»  #ii4  albitt  half  a^le  from  tlie  rivi. 
cr»  on  the  intervale  landtf,  wki«h  ate  attnilaUy  over- 
flowed by  its  waters.  At  Caftleton,  In  the  year 
>779*  tlie  inbal^t^ntl  were  engag^ft  in  building  a 
fort,  near  the  centre  of  the  town.  Digging  into  the 
jeartb  iivefor  fix  feet  below  the  &rfiGe»\  thty  found 
ibtny  frogs;;  ap|>ariently  tna^ivei^and  roppofed  tabe 
.dend.  .Being  expoleato  theairfbnimattoin  foon  a> 
pear«dj  and  they  urere^  foutid  to  b^  l^ltve,  ztfn 
bealtby.  I  have  this  account  from  General  C/jri(f, 
and  a  Mr.  Mtttl/eii,  who  were*  prefent;  when;  tfaefe 
frogs.  Were  dug  up.  Upon  viewing  the  Tpoc,  it  did 
not  appear  to  me,  that  it  had  ever,  been-  overflowed 
with  water,  but  it  abounded  with  fprings.  A  more 
remarlcsble  inflance  Was  at  Burlington,  upon  Onion 
river,  in  the  year  1788,  SamutJ  Lane,  Efq;  was 
digging  a  well  nekr  his  houfe.  At  the  depth  of 
twenty  five  or  thirty  feet^  from  the  furfacc  of  the 
earth,  the  labourers  threw  out  with  tl^eir  (hovels, 
fomething  which  they  farpe£ked  to  be  groundnuts, 
or  (lones  covered  with  earth.  Upon  examining 
thefe  appearances*  they  were  found  to  be  frogs  ^  to 

-    .  whi^b, 

*  SmdUe'i  Philofophy  of  Natural  Iliftory,  p.  laa. 

whkh»  the  eanfa  every  where  adiiefed.  The  efatn* 
ination  was.  then  m^de'  nf  tkfi  ^Tfh«|  imtthi^  weO, 
where  |hcy  were  digging.  A  largrtmmher  |0f  f|i||gp 
were  found  cdyfj^d,  with  th<$  «irth^aild  A^  HHHQUQ-qiII^ 
that  feveral  of  thenr  were  ca^  igf^CfS  bji^hirfpidiir 
of  the  workmen.  Being  expoied  tp  thf ,  i|jir»  thef/ 
foon  became  a^ve ;  .but  ttna|]|c|o.endwr^l|M$di|^ 
rays  of  the  fun,  thempflr  ^if  th#ai}periPi«4^  ,|r^ 
account  is  from  }Ar,  J^«#,>nd  tMr^  ^ipriiff ^^ 'ii 
the  workmen^  who  were  botl^  |>refiPnt ;  piftt  (1^ 
frogs  were  dug  up.  From  t^^:depth  of  eaftl^tipfijyi^ 
which  thefe  frogs.were  covered,  it  cannot  bedoul^^ 
but  that  thfy  m^ii  have  been,Goyered  over  in  the. 
earth,  for  many  ages,  or  rather  centuries.  Th^  ap?^ 
p<riarances  denote  that  the  place'  frptn^wiicnce  thef^ 
frogs  were  taken,? was,  once  the  ]>o|^om  o(^  §  ^^^tUSIil^ 
or  lake,  formed  ^  the  waters^  pf  Qijipn  .pvoiv  hM 
digging  the  ianie  i^eU»  at  the  ?dept||  >plf  Jg^tyj  ^cpcr 
feet  and  an  half  fjit^pi  the  furCac^;  j|be  worl;^tt  fpiiii^ 
the  body  pf  a  tree  eighteeii  ;9r  ||Hrfiity  in<gj^  m^Mi. 
ameter  s  p^rtiy  rptt(^n«  but  th«  bi^tgeft  pftt|^U»i»||^ 
The  probabiUnr  19^  that  both  the  tr^,  a|id»  the  fp^ 
were  once  at  the  bottom  of  .the  ciiaonel;;  of  '»,  t\»4jr^ 
or  lake  s  that  the  waters  of  Onion  Tiiyer,.f<N9||i|^ 
bringing  down  ]i|rge  Qvant^^es  of  ivai;|hy.igi^||j|r 
rai(cd  the  bottom  :  Toat  l^  the  coii|lai}|  ii|f^l<pf 
earth  and  water,  the  water  was  forci^  ^^vecv^ 
bounds,  and  formed^or  itfelf  ja  new  c)^nnd,a|aajrr 
fage,  in  its  decent  4a^o  take..Qhamp||irf.**rrM^ 
vigorous  and  pernnanent  muil  the  principie  of  lifip 
be,  in  this  animal !  Frogs  placed  in  a  (ituatipn,  J9 
which  they  were  perpetually  fupplied  with  moiftitret 
and  all  walle  and  perfpiranon  from  the  body  pre*- 
vented,  preferve  the  powers  of  life  from  age  to  age  ! 
Centuries  mud  have  pafled  fince  they  bfgan  to  livc^ 
in  fuch  a  fituation  ;  and  had,  that  Situation  contin^ 
ued,  nothing  appears,  but  that  they  would  have  liv* 
ed  for  many  centuries  yet  to  come  !       ^ 


'  Thtereis  a  cortoUs  p&«n6inendh  felpe^ihif  twd 
fXthtit  fpcciei,  vi^icb/nedilis  ^  d^l^s^ve  farthei-  t^- 
^tiiries.  The  fjtrtiiet-s;  anddther  petfdnfs  who  fre- 
£tr«l*It«  ttieet^tlh  %(le  4iti(r  fielUte; '  afnt^^  ilAitr  %he 

tiMkiUBUalfl  b^is  »'  |^#«#*  dP  f^mi^t^  oi^i^i  it 

glo^  %ritfi  their  |rr«ateft  brighttiefs  i  his  ^f^iT^pa^ 
^^f^ita^  imci^tikttil  >iHlilaiSf  ,  liif  fii^  r  \ilii  >ar^ 

lir^eGi  r^  ed^a6%  ^uhrirg^fdrift  th^tkr^n^buriiifiii 

tateh,  apij^ac^lis  h^drer  i^'VH#^f^{ik^ 
le^imuts,  ifid  Is  iiirccfikntlf  ft)|^4t(^;tiijt#tlfe  bird, 
^ilfaoiit^atif  pow«i^tO'e%^e,  csdiiibs  withiii  thirbidh 
^  the  .^ora<if0tis  |»WK <if  rhc  fei^pidne,  Wbtb  W  is  irf- 
fiattti^ietJBed:  BM  ifib«  ftiklce  is  iittack^dj  C^Mb 
'dtfturbftd  dilrii^  th«  dpefatiofi,  that  his  liitttntion  is 
itiufnied  ai^otfeer  waf^t  the  char^  i^  brdfeti  ;  atid  the 
'i)ird  rccoreriti|  htis  Kbercjr,  icnmediatei^  flit^^  dff.'-^ 
ihaveiKver  BiyftlfTcan  kity  thing  like  thai  fafciti^t- 
,'4-  i'fi^'  ■  '4  ing 


J      v 

^'    ,3 

«re1lol  Iii9#ii  In  tbis 

'.  II 

to  tOT  eoQwiTi  ^flimili  IraNM*  l&i»  toe 

^^A.  #.#!  iS?^^ 

totaiiicBFt56  m  ^Stjf;  WfeiJdicf  "Sc  honey 
bee  IS  a  flid^e  ^  1^  cotrtiuy,  feenS  to*  V  viewed 
by  fomte  Mi  nmmin.    1  j^  not  $iii  tmcH  reafon 

?itin  tM  j|Sbi)'l|(  tfti  Hbute^  Ms  of  the  Mexicans, 
It  ap^^  ^4«4|w  hoaey  bee  ii^imi  knoira;^  and  th^t 

"^$y  *^?*^^^«  ^^  «*?  *'^«  anJ^ttaJ  tribute  whkhwat 
fJ4i^  to  tmt  mpctoti  before  the  arrival  oT  the  Spaa^ 

R  iardi. 


bv  S(iK0(Mi^iii^^fe|Mir»jNd(9ui»ti»|iia 

rproad  o«er  tiM  jBtnpiri  of  Meiciepv  IW  t^ecibi^i it 
liadtdviinced j|i f«i>.a» Fkmidi  K Aid  tlpsttifiiltiirthi 
Id  Vdli^ttin^  Atid  th«  cpuntf^  o^'Bnill)*    T<i  anciini* 

■rid  QQiiii|i)Mi.«*»Tliejr9  ^m^o  f  ^6iiin,lhett!luit»ol 
tlilf  iminf^  ov  df  the  clliihaM^i  tuiftkvhvkt^i;(im}^ 

tf^»  ih  the  wo«d^  of  yermc^iu»|f0m  ijp^r  b^  ^mif^ 

o^9i^  '9m0  fkntWaWy  fimplied  iMcli  h^^ j  i«a 
liicf  Ifiari ^  IboM  oF  >  imr  Uini^Si  ^miMli  Mifr  liii 
lira  lifbllow 'of; a  larfc  trc^  thah  I0  aRf v  of  cniiiiBtit* 
t^M  bee  liivesv  The}»  1U'«  iM  iboand  iiii1Riifl|ii 
urbeVeittie  clifii&te  it.  iimcb^pore  foimife^ihj^wi^iiDm, 
ibls^rt  of  AmeHoa :  Vhty  woMilmmwtiaikwti^ 
^tei^  »id  Q»r«ed  alohg  tbe  aif^try:;  wb|»«  ^^jr 
ciiHild  &id  cHi  tn^iit  of  fubtiilefke^  andvis  dtintit 
fiiit  mifuitld  totbeir  <«iFiporr.  M^m  •^^Mjli  boen 
Ibiittdifiiv  beyond  »bft  EngKlli  ^ikmnmih  Wtm 
our  cirifrftviicciuaiftunci^  with  Lake  GiMrn^ini,  ll 
uNit^  to  b« '  foond ^  in  tkt  ofKii  landt;  dbnf  i  ^iob 
IHorttf  uttftedilUlkciDf  a|t  bunded  iniWt>frai| 
^  ^he  EftflfKfb  ov  l^ettdk  rettlemef^ii  add  fbiif  >lclbic9 
*  'tbofi^ fecdeitienta  Ka^ begun  K^  attend  to,it(&.ci|)|i^ 
vation  or  this  animal :  And  from  the  firHfi^tfeipeBl 
dlNewenfiand,  hunting  for)  llietr  oeRa  baa  liftb  ft 
•fiiVouriie  and  prof  table  aiiuifeiDciit««i— Biib^fll^lb* 


.WMr'=«      'W*^    '     *     >  *    " 


fi]Bfd  th«  MeM  jot  idmething^iuiiplMifaiUg,  dh^riutifs^* 
eriodiotti.  TheidcG^iit^  tk«  mfdornitm thMpiwtt 
of  tlw  Crestciv  irbnot  to  bo€llimued%  Ibcli  fedl'* 
lBg«;feaft»md  prajudteM. '  Thf  reptile,  th«  inle^^ 
thefifli«  thaJbvriiJAnd  tbe<^dfuptd^^  bne'^ainiiicll 
attheothir,  d^Hota  wi(dom^  power^  aod  defigiii  in 
^•u^JbOrof  i\ttigre  :  And  che^«ve!a|tkee«i<Mticeak 
ind  toflianoevof  the  powierof  afiioiiated  iMture^  tnihe 
dtffvretitp»ftaaf.thc;eanlii  We  may  therff6re  aa  jt»ft^ 
i^M&d'cleairly  dedvcf^  the  (eiergykaadlofce  of  itiiina|ed 
natttve  id  any  coon^  from  the  fltemher  etidtmag* 
fdmdii^^'lthe  itSkBUi  allronl  the  Qp^^  aild  'dtnteio 
fioof  e|F  any  tiothct  a^lmali .  The  Enf^lMifi  'pAAp 
lofopbert  iKMretf^elt  witli  uronderUnd  aJbntChtnieiyi; 
on  tbe>ouOiben  and  ^ae  of  lhe(e  anitHaU  in  Aimf# 
iei«  ^nrhefa^eire  jttftly  ftated^n  feveral  el  febeil' 
aeoounlai  and  they  onghl  t«»  have  coofdkidid  >fydfli 
thenii  that  the  ^l  waa  nntfOramonJir  M^i :  ftfnib, 
and  luKiMiian^*  Anxiottt  to  fiikl'matfli  iof  d<«rftdbi>> 
tien  in  Afiteric^»  they  have  almo^  unkvm(f/A\j^  tdm 
vaneed' a  eontrary  coAelnfioil :  That  thii  'prolific 
povdr  of  natnre,  deniMed  *i^  nficotntnonton^aiisii^ 
and  dbgradation  of  dimaic*  No  condlufioa  wm 
ever  fnithf  r  frtMi  the  trothg  or  niore  tennOte :  from 
prolabili^.  It  ia  on&y  a  ttich  foii  and  a  temperatto 
dimatr^  which  can  produce  irhai  thef  tfall  a  rank 
vegetation,  or  nnfiaeroiia  reptilei  end  infe^,  of  the 

mtn  thia  tmperfeCl  «iew  of  onr  mMd||Med:i, 
Uffdi,  Ml*,  end  rafeaa,  ioftowi  of  findinpMii^ 
but  weak  and  feeble  in  America,  as  M,  de  BufFoa 



■,"       -•''•<••■■■■■        '  ■ .  < 

^ipMii^Mi*  lier  aoimalt  APJj^V' ,  to  b^,  Ip^M 
adias  forte.'!   HiS.  Ntt»;(vm.  laa.  edii.  PvMi  if^4> 

'' '    '     .  "    *'    ■        '..   ■.  )  i ;-  \" *    ^  -     .  '  . 

t  .    <■ 

.!%      4 

Ui  N 

,^!»V  .!J{ 

'    'U 

?     t       t  ...    r. .  .< 


r    -        r  1 

^  -,M*i,.:.    ..t.u.j^^.,    ..'C'li  "■^/F»5t» 


.  .  -.  ,Aii4U^-iif'  li  «iife%'  f , . 

iilipidiw«>iii^iici^^        .1^ 

O  R I G I N  A'  L  T M i!  A  B I T  A  M  Ts .^—Tke'Emphymints,  Civ* 

and  Cuftems  if  the  IndiMni:  tbe  AivUnfaih^l  oitd 
Vijadvanl^sif'm  ; 

■'•■■■■*.•  ^        ■    '  ■ 
!        i  I N  the  formation  of  the  tmmntalni, 

livers,  vegetables^  and  animais,  the  powers  of  nature 

appear  tor.  rileitn  a  deader  and  :bQautiful  proffiefff 

I'Bii .pip^rfft  tts$m%  tplbrcoinpleted  in  thf  pi£ii»d« 

tion  ?of  «:  Tatioii4l)iino«ali'«ii4  acoouotable  animal. 

This  ia&ii|ial-  "h  Manii  Aa^  be  evidsntl|r  «ppdars'ia 

everv  i^artnf  <thc  globe»!  to  be  at  the  head  of  all  the 

prudu&iodi  of 'Oatuxie  ;  But  the  mea  of  diflFeredt 

countries  and  nations,  appear  to  be  very  different 

from  one  another.  / 

The  oriffiftal'  inhabittnt3  of  this  coantrjr  weM  the 

MioMsi  Thefe  were  the  only  fpectesor  kind  of 

men,  that  had' fpvcad  over  America,   {twill  beaMire 

difficult  to  give  a  juft  account  of  ihi  Ms»  tf  ^mtri^ 

fa,  than  todefcriM  its  vesetsbles^  and  animals.  The 

latter  are  ftfbje^to  ftatod,  and  invariable  la#S|  thejr 

pafs  through  but  few  changes  and  variations^  and 

are  always  to  be  found  in  that  ftate,  in  which  nature 

placed  th.eip.    Mat^  is  fubjeCi  to  a  great  variety  of 

alteration^  and  improvement.    In  &$  rudeft  and 

moft  fimple  i|a^e,  m  appears  but  little  fuperionr  tp 

ihe  brtHe  rinJiii  higheft  improvement  ana  polifli  of 

m^nners^ he appeuiatan infinite  remove  trom tht 





cndlefs  variety  ot  fteuatioiBf  #j90  €irmml^ti^mt  tfirt«pti 
are  ic«^n%^tj/  |yinft§  |im»Wllf'am^ 

natural  Tjijjprepf  tna< 

Imtic  tsalro,^h< 


llieliul^r  ,.,^^.,,    ,,^,^,  ,.   ,_^.,.^^,  .,.,.,,  .,.  ...^,., ,-^.^^^ 

fimple  fnQ^W)jnippfOv^  J^j  iq^^ifii^^  M  Jiu 

.ever  be^n  pl^^ed,^ ^}Pm^  ;i^   ..  uu  i,v, ;  j,  , . ... 

pearance  of  the  InHiaii^  was  dittefent  from  «njf,  ^« 
filer  whkii  iiBJ^n  had.eycr.Jbc^yiewedi^ii^i'i^^r^^^^^^T 
coloiir ,  pif  Mieir  fltin'^s  of  a  redd^K  |]fOif  i;^..pef  %  r#. 

fefiil^m^¥W^^  or  cqppei;  ,bu^,  rf  t^flt  d4^r. 

Theix  t«<;cs  aire  hrbad^  the  sole  fppeafi  &it^^b,]ibfw 
. eycf  bla^lqi^  fii^U,  and  rery  a^ive.  ^  Tt^  hair  i^,  tlwHf 
,h(;j^  ja^ilvays  blafk»  coarfeg  long^  |^ft4  .p^% 
.llniig^i  iod  they  generalhr.  appe^  M«fitho^<  ^aof 
ilieard«4  i^\^  men  are  tallfr  w^  &c  o^iif^peafu^  bat 
far^iir  c0r(i^aiUaigal  their  l^^di^^^  fir% 

'ilroag^  ao#  jtfcU  propprtjooea.^.  Tjif^r  |Batiii«s.4K« 
venilajt  m4  wall  adju^4  F>vt  their  ,ca^n^lla1lc• 
dtfcoveri  ibmetbiDj^  wi)d,  nerce,  and  ftgtienf  <  Koi^t 
oFitheiB  afoftPCQ  £riioiedK  mutilatedv  or^jd^^mwd  ( 
dcMa^^inmy  ^  their  fenfes,  onr  dtSft^tm  any 
«f>theitf  Ibodtly  orfaos  ;.bnt  Ariight,  Mn\X  buUt,  an« 
^obttft  \v  haldieiwpoarattce,  arpKttt,  a«4  coumffnanct 
of ihQ  t4ndian^»  tH^r^  if>  an  .uocortiqiOiii  ur^t^rtnity, 
«ndi  re%0blaf);Me.  ;  It  .il  tb;e  (kmeia  iU  dun^tei^ 
jAcI  ia.all  the  tribes  of  America,    It  ido^i  pot  varj 



r  .^flTke  roJIowUi  afiODqnt  rcf4t<i  cbitftjf  to  t^  f n^tioi  In  tU 

iiH^  Miwtteh  caa  -/  a^eottati  ^mi  •  fi)«ttj«cly  art  dUtir  cka 
i;ttf;«Hofii  pfrlbM  w&o  havtlivod  aaioDf  thf  (a4iiM» 
inno^atel/  ictjaaipted  with  thf  n»     ' 

I|i|T^RY  Of  yMMONT.      -   m 

with  be?t^  col4  filuaf^n,  .ettplpym^Qt,  or  oiber  w- 

roots,  whjclijtfee  eai|^Jpi^ae9^>fjf^f^ 

fift;  Infill  %Jii^1th^irivfr«  of  Aineijfic*  49iiniled» 

th«  phicer,  tb'^iifb  ^y  mmrptotwttQtthk^t^ 
p#fe^  AWd  fllldftWth^iefadlliW^  d||(^|^ 
(bme  df  ilKfil  h^l  or  f^iaiciiQimtiaiiiis  jfe^a^d;  And 
tbiiv  W^Hi  |!^^e^a11^  cliftin^lt^ied  l^y  &ini(  l^aiikuUr 

od  of  ftiipj^it.  f^ai  fidoitP^^^^    tBcf  fr^i^  i^kk  «tfe 
earth  fpdtitSii^cbiiC^  j^foii^d,  Were^  ^^ 
of  (hort  coDtiiujuiMk     A  few  tribei  o^ly  ^oy^cl  1^ 
ii£cointii0cNite4»l»!^  w  vjoinlty  and  0»veiiihu:e,of  a^ 
river  ^  ^t  Jkiiie  Wiis  ev,lrf  wliere  to  ,'^' fimiid. . 
The  b«ar,  tliie  ^ej^»  tticheiver^^th^  ^i^^p(^^  other 
ammih,  ^e^e  ib  great-niitttbiitt,  and  in  ii^  part  o€ 
the  ^itorthern  continent.     From  thefc,  the  Indian 
derived  Wj  mf^  (hw:^  *pd  plcnttfw} .  ^pport.    But 
ttua  BMVhoid  of  JfMTOClinng^d,  ivemned  gr^at  effoctt 
of  inveniioot  and  «£Uvky »^    Tii«  ftwngtb,  the  fierce*  ^ 
offs,  md  thd  fwiftnefii  oi  the  wild  anltna^,  the  fcc« 




I      • 

and  c^lea  forth  all  tHe'iCliire  poi>fenM\^1^^^9^ 
>l«W|!iiiW^I#4|P^«*^^  An 

4Mti^S«*i%#4  fiiv|[;^t^%  tff^^!i:0  Oiefe  1^ 

^^^^^  nfej  int.  ^%cm^0^  ni^  Miy: if 

karris l«-i  ■lt'rt^«»l<^«    mi^m»^^.-il^-  _,#»JL^  JI ^_^^ 

l|lipi|pi  |BCOBI^||l(|Mf  (MuMplnPp'VK  KllR  lllQR* 

f<M|ii|hfl^t|iH^^^  fio#  ^^riicaHQiiii  fiifipott. 

f«|^^}«iy^  ^f|rhm  the 

|#i^«^:^^  fue. 

ceft  tui  ibalV  tli€^  iirere  Muc^  folmdtf  «tid 
irai^.  -Jbek  ^tf^rififp  this  wty,  were  tom^mtt 
eiilf«ilif|]^iett«re;!  ^nc|  t|efe>irai  no  ytar, fn  whi^h 
,1]^  1r*r«  jii»l  (i^Q  to  tMl  ftitrcmes,  of  gr^at 
IfUnty^  and  fev'cjv  famiQ?.  . » 

The 4^Ml^eP|h€  Indian cdaforsied  to  t)i!s  ftate 
of  tlings.  .  ti^  the  temm  of  plentf,  iho Tanrage  io- 
dttlged hitnrc^f  tO|rea| tJKtCn  In  the  iioeieof  fata* 
in«A,(^  In^n  iKni^  ht#'hu9gcr  Wtfh  aftoot^iiig  pa- 
tiefii^^«ndfitjpherr.  $o  acoitllotned  iras  bcf  to  this 
tf-i^'  «*  irregular 


Hrtb^tnfTta  fii>^£«li»-«iiilllNt^1l#<tte(ttii' 

rrotaalib4IMMdh«ciM||IH^  a  f^Klitfltifiii^f^ 
and  0^>^iof  govevniiMn^lfUfSti^  rtl«a^^kH^<#||^ 

the  pmpmb^fiS»«mmf^^r<m4k&^rm€mM^ 

<H(liii%anii|uftf4i|ttlii>i»ind  df  Micfi^ 
THftiifly^fa^  ^  Jtvvii  4fe«#  the j|4«i«  A;  th«  fM^j 

S  wcr•^ 

v^l^nt&ofe  {eft  im  ^Vimwu^wm^'  -^il^bif^mh^' 
If  ays  been  the  cafe.  m^fiMtntf^ilh^^^M^ 
ermmq^t:  |f  ia^urie«  were  4ow,if ^oof^fl^ 


■«»    * 




l^BipflWInmnPCWITf    Ul  )f  ■ll'R'  V  !« IV  8  "ill 


ftmmmmt^  .    .  


bnity,  pronounce  it  wetk^  lboK%'ittd.oiiAtn^pCii^. 




fair  TtMii  fii^riiriiin^rfiiiifi  iiWrimlT«m 

sisiit  |eiiM»ta'.cibti$fiQi>ta^!  incei^fo  die  %ir^  ol 
fKeedcHni#qE9*lii)f^^ii»i)iade^  and  to  rouler 

i^ifeoii|^  ifi«icff^^pMaaeii^'  lbr^i|^  the  whole 

tiiile„-^'-iia  krjii  V     rnoty^h'^^''  ■     ....  ,  ■•■- 

i^n.-\i.  i  ^        SySTIM     . 

ip     -trnmamiMi^  mmmiim 





hwiliwtthig  <niriiiiii  <fciiliiteit»yNiii( 


tSijii^Mp^S^^aiiiiyri , 



ftMioi^^ '  laiiiiji^ijhu  Mrttfit^iiart^i 
thft.Mvwiipli^iiiii,'iiB>i>iM  l^iiyptiaiiltliHiy  'g|iii!f%|lii^'- 

^(^11  |biriiHbcl»'idiiiiJi»£fif«d^^  immmmik'  'Hme^ 
^^f^tbii^  produced^ 


'ilwiffiiiMiMr  'iiidfiiiiiiii  j 



fUM^ilj^  •#■' 



wmm  «rtwpiiimiip ,  ^^ 

JL£_  .<^^ii.>.  J. .    t^ 


IP    yMlMi^e»«Vi<iMi^ 

...  .-^^ 

^y  imwAt^t^it  fit 



tiooi.  IQ^ 




^ilH*itw.'^^  infill'  «*ifaNiiiyfii''»#  ■■'  t'f  ♦:  «** 




|.<f^:)^  f#fc4*  r-M  4.;^»  j.^fi'^^^iJiig 

l^u  .'  •;«■  ■  ■     '-es"- 

^1  ■-.  ^^  .>^##*^^^^^*^^f^^«*-^ 


4^  ^^^  ^.H^,,  Iit>4i^t|^j,l4^4*«^^ 






iiSiSW«^«  ..-v.*  4"j..  >j*'i»^ 

2a  'iwil^    ■  '  -SsSJ 


-4-11  i:«J:i  -. 














.  '^  4<^.  *  A ... 


r  \3w-»«j 



blacef  m  timTor^ 

great  ai^i^rlic^ti.    ^lex  W«r 
makihgajRipe.  fornMM 

the  women :  fm&ivtinMm 
be  roufed  ^|o  ai;»5li3Krnd  ofl 

time  is  of  nSpPlf  bf|^^ 
ing  arid  war;1i"«fteAm^<^|fij^ 
tenticm.-  -^f  ^T^^ 




I)AliTl}eu i^^,Cl«ai|lme(f  fjccms  to  be  io&parabtf 
lg|nia«elSM|#l4^lk^  1hmt4e$tteof  refine* 

l^f .  7iK|lr|(«{Dmlts  «^  iievftf  diaiigea  61;  wall. 
ted,^>>ti^  ^ej;  irtar  to  n^,  sIimK  #atte  aw^.  No 
ijiri  of  c^amtiie^  ieetiis  td^  haire  ^j^^^^  |o^o  ^l^eir 
nuidi.  "^Tbia  fc^nis  to  be  one  ol  the  ^j(U)tii9;/<j^ 
moa  tio  aH,  ffvifeif :  loadl^c;  and  laxf^  Itbejr  a!br all 
i^ioel^r  i^iliy  attif  dirty. 

Cri^ikrtita.-^aiiimgis  ao  amafel^ei]^;, ttf  wbtch 

tttdcteofie  aill  want'of  eiD^Ioyment  nattti^fiy  Usti, 

AhoittJm  diacupaticltts  of  iab6ar»atid  iMtboi^t  a  tafte 

f^  o(i^l^«fi^  many  14  c|i^l|zed  life  ^d 

m  ttlkl  111  f^t4*  ^  t^  f«^<  #^iMo)eiiee  ;  and 

^f  aji^tbi^^^^yvea^ffid^  baatf. 

Ml>!redij^  ibiB  Imk  o^  a^^otive^tbeiai^e  al- 

feiaUa  til  :^aiif|ig,is  fl^  1^      I|vbizrh0  miiil^     : 

liidyieiit  aiid^dl  b»  ail^  tbe  duifet^ns  of  labooi, 

lie  becomei  dtepy  eo j^^ged^  i;^^  and  ooify 

in  |i^.    fyery  tblRg  be  w)!!^^  ia  fta^dlit  there 

liiii^OQa  ^  and  be  kofts  bis  |eace,  bis  f^fes»  and 

i^  llAt  be  is  iirortb.    fitittbne  aibiifetnaala  do  tiot 

m^^  conllib^eii  4bdjnarreb  rlE^^ 

3oin  ftth  a  ftaiitic  ea^t^iel!,  they  are  |enciil]|f  man- 

^a|ed»  and  terminate,  in  g<icKl  bnmdnr  and  pfeace. 

SDWOSar-TAfcrfe  to  ail  ab^lrafe  meditations,  the 

Iiidiaiiaare  mtich  deKj|bted  wttb  fp^jk.    ^0  an  £u- 

ropi^n  far,  their  fongs'  d(i  hot  iStm  iHUcb  enter- 

tatninents  nor  can  f^  drfcem  himi^t  melody, 

or  any  Tarlety  iff  their  tiine$.     Hdtr#irer  this  may 

^|ie,  tbe  iaira^  are  alir^a'de^ked  ^tb  muOc. 

their  fong»arc  of  a  grave'  and^iiofiis  turb.    They 

•  never 

f)ut  to  fteir  inoft  tmooi  tmj^ianeo^^  It^ff  kim, 
(ongt  For  w^r,Uinp  for  viCbry^  sun^  fiMifs:  lor  de»t%, 
Each  of  tjitm  11  deemed  ^i^imbI^ 

require  $  ai^pwy  hff« 

ftcling$,  aMlWwftlit^  Am^  ll»l      ^  . 

of  deat^  umM^  vifort  ^  <^o  ftvil|;o  i 

burning  i^  m^ftm  If)^^  1^^ 

the  ibng  of  triaim  m 

I)AKciNo.--rlfm4g  lias  Mi  P»^  #1 
ite  amufemenU  of  all  natums.    la  dir^' 

cbis  aQi|»%||ient  is  dj^figmed  fo  proiii|i^ 

of  maoBiers^  and  fenr^s  to  <^06;  t&e  6^ 

delicacy;  wliicii  afi(^M^s  aad  feines    _^.  _.__^ 

Dancii^  M  alib  tkefavOttriteciHploymeiito£itliefa«i^ 

«5  io  every  part  ol  jhie  j^Jie.    Jt  (p^Ola  fotli  Iihl  ^ 

and ^ia^  I^^9f^%i0r6&^mt  ialo  em^ 

and  eag^«-|[|]r^id  of  ^ii^an  Hmuleiliei^lii  ai^ 
of  gallan|r3f»30i^  or  refneiiijNlt,  da9ciQg.amoiu:  t^ 
lavages,  Is  4  ceneoion^  ^  |«eai  impbrtaiice  aiS  ^ 
rioulhcfiu  lirit^^lt^ic|f^oii)^ 
ambaflador  li  fecemd,  ^d  pca<?e  is  conolttded.  t% 
is  by  a  dani^Bi,  lj|i^^       imiidrtaiit  jtHKoJpiQioa  M 

iJuWicoriiSirl^m  i^^  **nc<^ 

«re  geo^i^  ^ij^  ob  fcy  llie  mea,  aad  tt  is 

feldomibat  w  i?o»«»  ^^  p^ailtti^i  to  joio  ^ 
them*    At  lii«t  fteps^  fgiu;0s,  aiid  ttfotioaa  0^^ 

daiiceb  ai|  cj^sm^  .  and  Igoiicaot  of  the  J^i^rk 
?  '>^ia«N^^  to  d<^>f!tf ;     If  #ar  b  j§ 

be  procIaMii^j^  da^  i$l»x^^  tetm^. 

ncntniid  rag#t%1idin,to  thfijr  eaeit^cs,  iad  of  ^ 

^ttilc  maaa«r»  iA:ifh^|^tKeu^  j|i^u;|b^  treat  ^tmi 

%??<*^i^|!^|Mn^^     Is(this,thCtra^ 
IWj^of^'iyt  liimpalriareto  be  expredfed; 


-^-'  • 

1^6       T«»  NATURAL  Aiip^glYIJL, 

of  being  bairely  ah  amufetaeBV^i]j|  |livi|jrfioiik  i^MPP- 
fciif  amongibe  lodiafis,  *'  ^  ^  '  "' "       -^^    .^  i  »*  ? 
lious  ccreiBony  s 
tant  tranfaj^ioii. 

|»i]Bons,  wliich  ie  ttould  uatw-^^^  ^.w^^^w,^  *» ., 
not  remarldible.  ibat  athoiiff  tbe  ta^j^  iii  t^e  firii 
^agic^dr  fociety,  dancing  uioum  be  rad|i|tM  ^^  P"^ 

anclimtiqos  of  it,  %iil4  be  a^a  (g  l^fkdl0O  |  an4[ 
tbae.  Attoi^tMiiil^a  iijttl(i£^  aft  prl(^  ^D^  no* 
tioni  fbottid  be  i^rittout  4^pjg^|.ip|^ 
without  any  tiieanthg  at  ajl  pl',^   "  ?      ». 

(lHotily^a^e  Wen  varfciii;^  and  d)i!ei^iit,  i^eG^tfOtlng 


fbe&r  beards,    Sc^rpej^ifii  jpj^ri 




give  ti^e 


'  ft^lt 

1      ■     'S  .'  __ 

0       t tt  i '  N A tttH A t  AH  b  CI VI L 

i^iki^^!!^^  lii^  at  ^it  it 

^  J#^  PlaE^tt  the 

hem  their  ea^vet  f  and  who  ;havti  t^en  all  the 
ibtmt^  o{  aft  Ifldian  fkniilf ,  dijifle^  and  undrciT- 
cd^'andia^litiiacioiip.  The  ililD^  it  aflerted  by 
Hubfti^ho  htVe  li^d  aiiibii|f  the  ^ilised  tiribes,  and 
It^  called '^:|^«ifonh  offices  of  httQMiii%,  to  the 
|i»liMit  of  each  feic-  The  heardleft  tgvimnaoce  of 
tfoUtldlib  tfactt^  k  iiot'tb  Ibi^  ranled  atp<>tig  the  co* 
iikk^i^extiioiil^  nature^  but 

a^tblreplaokdaltion^'rae'cuftoiiit  MCtiiiar  to  the 

^!3|kt7yftBiririiit;*;-^ratd:eiinert  it  o^^^  of  IhoTe 



ire  my  irere  acqaamcea 
.  ^,  .  _^^  hMl  qiiodVered  m  ooBipofi* 
fi^><^  Ifi^'of^aii'i&^iil  kabre/iiiidd  out 
«riiiai^  ^irf^iin^c^.  Uttc  the  dilficul^  of  pro- 
«grniir)i>i|eauii(ti^^d^  my 

dnlerarHflltMrA^  q^  ekcblt.  Np  fiMi^er  had 
l^r<tiiKkrirtbi:*feiritti0ikt^o^  by  the 

t/m^r^^'  thev  tobtSSbt  siSS  ^if^t^ 

which  tlMjr  arere  whplly  tinl{ll^  to  tfovera.  The 
^oN^^iii^  ilil^  h^r^tiel^iiich  of  the 

9l^^9Jamm^iiy  %Ud  i^di^r!oa.:  With  an 
'^''"'^^^^P^HVi^c^bc''  uncontt^abk!.  the  In- 
^ImntmimWmei  '  Th^/Hrft'^bj^^  6r  ibqoiry 
With  thiWi^fNi^ii^TfaeT  the  trader  hid  hroiij^t  any 

whMMp^ey  can  obtain  ftrong  liqijiort,  iDdttI|e 
chemfelves  wit^ov^  mod^(i<)^^i(Qd  wfQioyif  diBcen- 

KisTo^y  Of 

cy,  until  univerfal  dra^fni^s  iaIxj 
climate,  ig^t^lbt  i^t^ 

ffeneral  aiul iinifM^ri  '^ffim 
found  to  jiafi  i  dbi^xjM '  li j 
their  inaijiier,  ^u^iiSj/f  "^ 
conftant  tnet&pa  of  It 
fneat/iiaifi^ll  #«f)B|. 
fires  of  natufie  j,  atid  iMfpi^ 
for  everv  thiiig,  whmm 
and  inffannniatoi^.   '  Wlf 

fpirit,  they  fctoh4  A^.  wl    . 
ffratifying  to  fucK  ijHl  i^^tlttf. 

fuffcriiigs  to  wl^eli  tlli^  loijlfja^  ,..  _, ,, 
want  oroonifortable  tffrt{tup»i^i$ti0 
the  extrcttiei  of  heat^  iiXfl^  ab4  .  s^fEil 
they  urere  rtt^>£l»wer^  cbntUAllv 
toaiiaa^iitt  ij^iexr^*^ 
people;  w1i0  Wwfe  hM  H^ — ^  ^  .„  „ 
for  a  few  nioi^iL  WVi^W^^^^^ 
temperance.  The  Inaiiii;^i-^#et%!h(^y  l^p.^ 
to  the  trial.  UnacoiftotQed  Ay  % '  a^jf  'ff^flii 
his  appetites  and  paffiosf^  ad^  iii||i|li  ft|  Ugar'i 
fmalf  ottantity  fof  ^be  lUmof,  tb  jrfeilt^ll'^llti 
Qnafed,  he  is  oirenxmi^  tt|iefith(tf  firft  tx^  ^Ui} 
petite,  the  tQOrelfiiam^by  irffi^^lij^ 
becomes  wnoittlt^  and /agio|2  dttfl  jmi^M^ 
puts  it  out  o^  KiifkNTtft'to  iaMgi^iiblifftf  1< 
er.  Nothing  but  a  toul  change  «f  the  whole  tnu.. 
od  of  his  living,  will  enable  him  lx>in^Brre  thetiem^ 
peraoce  and  legularity^  which  to  a'  pcrfoo  furroafidea 
with  all  the  comfbr^  of  life,  it  en  cafy  ihd  a  cOm* 
mon  attainment. 

Cruelty. —There  ate  Ao  paHoss  in  the  huim^ 
mind,  which  operate  with  fo  mueh  foice  and  lleivco 
neft,  as  thofip  ol  anger  and  revenge.    The  cttftoms 


^  vAgcr  Qf  nis  Qw^  in- 

if^to  nrUt  be  fowpd  foi 
t  At  a  &^<  th^^  ra^e 

>^  in  early  life,  t(i 

,,,         _  ,,.^  JkJc  force  o)r  ed- 

cttftom^  hflftt,  incl  oiapneY  of  liv- 

^^||6r|n^ie9Mkt(^i^;^&e  handi  or 

i^o^U  and  yjiiit  of  Ibint. 
.  ;0^5|irit  of  y^geiin^c,  all  the 
if  if  fHtf,}^vt  plliced  the  point  of 


•-«ay^  and  jimpfePjiDW  paffidw,  m 
^^  :  MoKl^Q;  tie  deftruaive 

rcjr,  tli»o  ,P*^?j^,P*''S**n  •»  '^c 
^  -      barbaroui 


_„.     l;l[eiice  the 

me^liod  of  carnmaa  on  bii  .^ajr»  wm  to  dcftroy  mf n, 
infonifin,  and^c^^tl ':  Tp,  plunder  and  bu^a  their 
towijisJa^d  vitutges  :  To  torture  and  torment  their 
ptifiWi:  And  ttrffverp  oQF whole  tribes  with  an 
^  *  univcrW 





Isffdr^)^  JT Iti  iani4^  f»r  exceed^  W  ,#rtg  wM  im 
im  timp^tftAti  hf  the  Indians^;  UJt  aie  td^ 

Cl|re|  .riMUioii^^  1«0»^ 

Jk^fihm  and  ^f|«V7i  j»^<^Vy  6iiel,ftr)a  <u)r<^^|- 
toil*  , vT*|f{HfjJw<.pf^c{»^         WM  for 

tiqt  yft^QQ*  imiti  ivB^'^fmvutm^  CQ<)$£:atiopi 
litfd  death  mi  ^^.IP^  «>^^  jftfritMi,  w^e.  the  puoifb- 
menu  fhi^  V^P.M#  whc;iie«er  thqr  bad  po€er,  q^i^f. 
er  failed  t6  ififlid  vrith  greet  fjl^ejirttre,  upon  tbofe 
^ho  wiere  #ife  and  virtup^  enough  io  ^ppdTe  theiK. 
The  tnafllMire  00  St.  Jfartholodiew's  dav,  ih  157.1^^ 
wa9  9^  of  the  mc^  harbarous  fnd  hbtrid  of  ^11  hq» 
man  tf^nfaflionsj  In  the  midft  of  the  mou  polity 
tity  in  Earope,  the  kintr,  princes,  nobility,  and  prielU^ 
turned  monfttrs,  aflafTin'.n,  and  batchers  t  and  mur^ 
dered  thirty  thoufand  of  their  felloir  men^  on  ac^ 
cotlntof  their  i^eligion.     Their  rage  was  attended 

W  IV  ill) 

^  Mr,  Bur^e, 

tf  ^  thr liiai^nf.   ' At  ti^Ncdidit^ ir^f nl 

tfieir^tlvtt, |^iN0 |;tiglifli^]ii(f^;  ^oA<^ #^1^^111. 
demntdC  iiid  execttte^  «q^  ii^  oths 

en  wcte^iit  tv  cotiiiitte  Ifa^t'  astysM^WIhire^ 
lyf  tii«  W^fttndiut  iilaild»  V  A  >iiJi^^^^  t#  Hbiiii 
anore'fevcye'  tifanr-ieitfe^l  ■         ■'  ''''  "    .j^iinr;.; 

rfce,  bigotry,  and  reireiiKe,  pfd^iide  ftfaii^lwi6  ikjifeirild 
'IJpirit  among  citilized  aacrons,  trtttoitt  appears  witb 
a  more  diiibolmai  arpc^i  1  not  like  toe  ^|e^^f '  witii 
Beafts/but  !13te  the  ftkry  and  vengeaii(c;e  or  a  eomli^ 
natfOD  df  apofta^te  Ibirits^-^The  proofs  of  ^l:6owI- 
e^e,  hmnaiiitt,  indfcfinetiien^will  sff^Hj^oiify 
tpftiwlreij^rfofto^fva/    ^^^^        ^  r 

^ch  were  tbe  regulations,  co Aoniti  alrif  inan<ler» 
of  the  Indiinv  the  ordinal  men  of  AiokrkM^  They 
liave  been  viewed  by  phUofophert,  hi  the  iUbft  op- 
pofite  and  contrary  Iff  httk  Some  have  fbppofed 
that  the  Indians  were  in  the  infancy  of  exillence,. 
thac  the  whole  continent  of  Attterica  wat  but  lately 
raifed  out  of  the  fca,  and  that  fier  hihabicantt  wttt 
'  in  a  (hte  of  degradlstion,  ujDWortfiy  i&  be  compared 
with  the  me  rt  of  the  more  ancient  and  improved 
hemifphcre.*  On  the  contrary,  others  have  eor^ 
f«Rnded  rhat  in  the  rudeft  and  mod  fimple  (l#te,  man 
^attain^t  ^n  independence,  a  dignity,  and  a  noblenefs 
of  mind,  which  is  never  found,  but  is  always  loft^ 
amiUft:  (he  rciinemcnts  o(   poliflied  focietics :  That 

fhe     ' 
•  Bttffony 

l^lljil^S^^gl^  i^  will  b«  ^ef^ 

view  this 


,  ■J.nK.^AirA^^  $ii^tf  lAvouRAtti  to  thi 
pi^^^Lf if,^  ifet^i.^ I•i^()(^4^>  ViO^oyR  Of  THi  Body, 

tb^:f§Y^»pi i^^^  ma)?  jpljr  be^  lefteJeaiec)  one,  and  a 
matter  9/  iilis#k  j^por^iic^p  tjk^t  h  was  favpuraU?  t^ 
the  VJgoi|r«a(SUvitf,  aa4J^aIch  of  thelnidf,  ll  i| 
by  exei^on  an^^xerdrc^ihat  the  bpdjr.  acquires  its 
Kfiofl  l^pf^  fta^f  <)f  f^vity^  firmiie(s,vigoar»ao(I 
b^^tJI^^   m  theforeflsin  ^uell 

^a^^^^m^!  Indian  ttcquirfd  an  babit  and  adtvit^ 
in  timi^Uiogi,  ibat  exceeded  tbat  of  any  otber  peopled 

^^r^|M  j^ttd^qu^edi  tbe  ilnmiiean.-^Mo  people 
betf  W^m^  fttip^  litigue  fo  well :  Tbe 

cxtfeoit^  (Mf!)ieai>iadxold^  of  honger  and  ^birft,  of 
bad  weaf^ei^  and  of  ba4  adcfmmodaions,  are  per- 
fe6llyfaiiitltirto  the  Indian:  And  be  bears  C^em 
with  a.Q}^leriei9e^,|ipoabis  conftttution*  than 
tbe  men  wfio  ^ve  1>e^fi.ii^d  to  better  accommoda- 
tions«--->l}|||ccuftom«d  to  the  Ibady  and  regular  em- 
ploymen^  ff jg|riGiiUur^,  m$  body  does  not  acquire 
the  ftreng^  (h^t  tbe  £ttropeant  ha^e.  And  when 
tbe  exerti<Hii,M  an  exertion  of  ilrengtlL:||nd  fteady 
labour,  thei|ii|JU^e  man  is  found  to  be  uioJIrongell. 
Tbofe  only  ofithe  Indians^  who  have  been  educated 
and  trainec|  up  to  fteady  and  bard  work,  are  equal 
to  the  wbit^  Jmen  jn  bpdilf  ttrength.  In  running 
the  race,  finitm  biaring  haraCUp,  the  Indian  exceed  { 
Iwt  in  urenfth  of  iKxly,  and  beariM  hard  and  ftea^ 
bfcourilie  b  gieneraUy  unequal  to  ue  European. 






^ i^^««%^.fi»l»lfe,ft«ff^ 

iod  paralytic  diforders,  mad^e  tfaip  caOtl^|i^tiiel^$% 

pas  m  uiM^  mtt6irMmi'm^'^  ^mfm 

*rkliy  ta  be  fiittM  a^o«i^5ilft^  ' 

tJe6pIe.    fiat  a]f  they  HIOTiA;  ^f^'jji  W;IWpb 
Snd  coMbaiatf6H;  iio  tkk(^'%:i6mi  Bmi  m 

dnd  atethenrid  acdSums  of  dte^ttf  aM,l^ 
|6Whi«itl   they  it<dt^/;:Ar'Jj(pir«^^^^^ 
hetii  to  indicate,  that  t^f^^l-iSkotin  hS^Kf^tf^ 
:i£^»  were  to  bt^iMt^peii  MvMutMW^h^t^' 

'     ■   Fa voclik%^:f0  f  li^fi^iy^  A^NW'I4ii(txTa^ 

i>rott)oted  m  vigt^m^muhdf'mmfi'tk^M 

to  produce  itidepcndettd^,  l^rtno«()»|  A|fidii^t!^od«in 
the  mind;  Inured  tdTuifeHng»hat^j^¥|i^  diti- 
gtr,  thrt^j^d  (^  i^  favd^fi  was  foirmed  t6 ;  iir  hani- 
ual  firmtr^^  arid  bburagfe.  Hf»  mih^liffriMiiiietoM. 
"  pofed  and  coff^aecf  in  crhical  and  dal^rerdci*  fjfk- 
tiont ;  An4  h)^  fuSeted  but;  little  from  appreheo- 
fiohi  6F  fear.^tHe'ft»id^^«^  rt(^  a^d  in^ 
cnce,  was  ial^HM^lkv^  i^timt0tiiy  e^ 
filmed  attending  fali^du6ittoti,  ehibldynii^^.yiMv. 
ptiitbn.  Neimer  cbiVed^^  lior  cheS^^d  %  fiiiMy 
vc?tp»  retarded  or  (lopped  in  any  purfuit,  he  kne^ 

dtgnity!,  «r^8,hift  fovtituiie and ,  brav^ry^    1^'4|^ 


hit  f#iiAi%  i#i#ifitalifii«^ii^^  m  yjfar  pin  with  Uh 
l^fcliiig^  mi  #ith  mm:^6)i^i^$tiih$n  otfagr  totn. 
theiH:  ii  ^  Icte^  defieli  ik  liil  cdtiftiltifl^     Hit 

h6)ti6v»^Vi:^yk  ft<^  fiite^fl^'filt  b#  it  «i%^^^^ 
fbe  (bte^dKica>Wl^it^edai&i^|W^  1^. 

^fak.  mJmm'^HiekfAtt^^m^^  of  nie 

(Jtyfl^e  itl«|%lkii  i»Hl^^  mid 

v'tgbnrupiin^iWmmA  fn\nd,iHnM  fef  6r  acqttiitt 
miAjft  the  lififieiiiMft  liiid  foftttefii  of  a  more  poUAi- 
ed  it^te  of  Ibdefi'.  Re6iiem^ti  ii^  ^  irtt,  Cftft. 
fen  aitid  reUit  the  mind  t  philofophy  dibilitatet  iie 
^(Miy 'nrhiie  It  itiHt  1«»  tolrea  m  tl^iiftfkam^  ex- 
ceiti,  m  the  ilftlid»  Ci#  to  jiv«  It  a  fm  hahit  Iiii4  tone 
of'fhittllhliiM  ealifit:  Wt  in  th^l^dettefr  Of  the 
mggthm^tvtff^Wiltg  eOttcten  t^g>^  ui  uniltet- 
^a%Riiiefi  to  tli#l^y»  itid  foltfaeiteiiidi  the  |)rin« 


die  %mt»m  »P<^  ^  ^)^  |liaiiil;,,h%f  j^fi»ci|#f (ieifiel  or. 
#^i2^  ^^e  |^Mf|^4<^  i^^j^if ^1^^ 

«M:«ii{Klli»  skU^ll^  If^l^  i«4  f Kaoim^  be«|akKB  4 

|)i>  iCe$Jm(W4Qfeii:p^^  of  hi^ourn 

jln^i^;^  lib  ^h^^  i^^fodoiiii^  loi^b^ 
'|]Mll0ry  MKiQii^M  Mi  th»  fetv^et  Jie^^iii^A  wilder 
,lei|iJ5tA*ilS0  ffMteft  <rf'«U  MMMl^iiti  vw  *o  ex. 
tttwi,^  iO^^^io^  jir$n||l||i^9l^  ana  CQQ||iiwfti. 

.l0itet-f!& ;  lQr;a^t^%  ii!Dii0|in^.i^^  %  y^lr^ft Juriglo. 
ma  -J^fery  1^0^  thai;  glofi^ea  itttlie  |i^ 
Wage^f^vViQa  Jo  ipcrej^ei^MfcllJlr  to  the 

cIM  <^:fiow«ils,  tMeTeri  to*  ih$^^tmmm^  f^^^ 

^jtx^\tQf,%(^thi^*io^^  t|f^  gave  dim 

biirth.  .^TW  p#i^(He<K>9i;kjD$Mitof9l^e|^tde  fiieiii- 
.  |»ev»vOf  the  faoie  tribe :  U  feenM  tp  h^ye  Nj^'^  '^ 
#^(|  rooti  to  have  a^d  wit^i^t^  |refteft  force, 
■luji  (Q  have  lieiiii  the  teafticarropted,  tii  the  ^vage 

y  >  A|fi^eti,t{ier  iQterefts  4>f  thek  eoiintry  «rere  lo  be 
fiwMf  red,  j^p^  lir§4m€$  and  w^iMl!  were  cKttJajr- 
f$4  fe  *W:Poi»nfiiKu  J'fcp  cyfftii^teldiMff  WI»fif!t• 
-^I»l^higrc^  d^ihw^HWH  ^<W«ttfoe(i,ab4fi4«?n#  f 
.  iW4  wiMWi«i?Jf  "^RP^Wwi^f  lof  |rov9catiaDM  icefiW* 
ofql3  went| 

"  ■      .       '■      V  » 

Ivery  pt^Wj#w|«i^^ 

calmiieis^  |u^^il^|J^  ihi^r^f^M 

tribe.  : TMW:4i  t^EwNat^^i^iim'  '9mml0 

;to  ^e  account  la^^maimm^^^ 

the  moft  deai>{  iliatujObkr^o^ip^  >»aiMb 



greyer  iMiw^flrpfr*^^  %at^^^ 

nothraf  t6^  be  g^i'silMf  i)r  liitri^tiiS^  Stflimutltiotii,  or 

e  knavery. 

*  Ck«rl«vol»  iii,  ««♦  SAfik^i  Hift.  Ilewyi|rlt,  p.  S3*  Fhil. SAt* 


^<it  the  whe«tr"<Ifk'Kas  beeti  iilklto  fi^«^ttA^  tl<' 








-*  X  relief, 







n»    iKKmimmb,  jmomlan. 



Jm>i  fallal  It  n  fltiK^tfci^  irfrfit  itaffiSyr """^ 

t  i^  MM'HIMMIB|^MV|^II#'9WM 

JAPifeNM*'  €0!Wfl$(K99^       ftH 







kiff  ij^j 

The  fur^ 


.  *> 








mH^^^i tUttM IliA  im  Mill  ^liliMili'  I 

^^^^m*^^9  im^m^^W^^  AHMKI^m||1P'  ^WPBBp^i^PI^^ 




j^U  i  the 

4ilier'lifllliiMMr  ipl '. 

■rm^'^mm»il^'^^  ^, ^ „ 

If  uiiiHo#s^'M^Piiiir  Mad  i»M4ikidBicl4ii-^tlie»l»i^ 

treise  labour,  w^%  fermtd  into  a  liollo#^  «itd  ilkii 

wtt6  litter  I  WMJ^^tyi  iraHnr  w&i  ^•i«  lo  ^JboUi  bx 

Tlb^fftiteA  iMH^ntMicfli  of  tlib  Ifidlmi  fetiioa^ 
was^r  eoDtamm  f^  iw  c9MPe«    Wttfar  iA&iit» 

Y  '         labour, 

ll|»»of'  invefligation^     Nor  wa,  tiatt  mv  thing  Mi 

thing  Mi 

i*»  pMi 

4.^         ^J^fllo&'f  If 9ttl  OB  VMIinil^  >  160* 


«  . 
















^.  I  rivi?j^ 




f  ]WMrtketchtBHiil.of  Mao, Vol.I«  Sketch  i.  VoWltt. 













itt  IM   B2.2 

£  HA   ^^ 








4^    ^\  WrS 



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tico  Capti«  «ttd  Mtmn  Ood 

».    J;< 






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H.*}  i 




»i4 ,  ■'■ .  «pi,'|^i^^j,,  mf^"^^ 




med  the 

fent nations, m  Afia.  fin4  «| 



of  m^n  weje  feCfl^d  in  t«e  tia^cSgi^y^^^ 
I6£ir :coWr  4irnei#,n8.  fe^l^f^i  ft? epSS'f,  they 

tjteir  npfes  th^  ^nd  <^yfip^^^    ^eft^  cdlll 

-,,..  ,.,,.,,.. ,^,-, M^i 

&lii,il,   their  c!ic.e|s^^4t-d/P^ 

,>ows  ai^  evclidt  thick  J  witli  fmin  le^  IdttliaAds. 

^  Thw^^iatlon  hiij  fprwd  oye?  tfeejiiiift  norlli^n  parts 

tMAn^^^^*    They  aF<:  found  in  Qfeetiltirf.iJn  the 

>alUf  Labradorc,  in  ttttcffpi^?  bay,  and  kail  tk 

<^afca  a^d  fflaiid^s  oh%U  w4ff  0dr«rmrt*rjiica,  op. 

^trtpK^AfchatK^    Their ^|rWM? had  ei 

^-^^  to  >Jorton^  foahd,  Oaate&l,  alia  Prince 

"  Wafiam's 


«mil«ritfMJNiii«yi^  It 

ance  of  cht^if«6ple..^ti4fef  tli^al  to  bc^tlie  tiise^rai 
the  Upl«^f»  «fo  ZiHAUai^eh<r^aiiid'^li  tfld 
the  Itartiri  ii  diecilii,,  '  J^ik«  th^m  my  aitt'i  tit- 
tion  of  aMHI. ;  fariMI  «6^li«ii  ihf  Cb«^^  WMMretf- 
ing  ^!id  dwiWHiins  ti;>WaVdf  l^  6dHh;     *S%ey  HkH 

of  £at^p«  ft^^merksa  hf  land, »  aa  yet  ui^tjcftro. 

Mj'   "^  -^  '  -    '  " 


voyage  wab  mi:^  t^  ^^^^g^^ :  And  thit  vas  pr^i^tr* 
ed  from  Ibe  «iirlteil  ^iit<M»  of  if^t^  wt  hwh  any 
acooiiflit,  ,1^0^  ihe  nitttj^  centur)r,  #he.'^  navigation 
was  ^ktnifuAyiipA^i^S^  the  :^iHte'lroni  Europo 
,  to  Amerioi  was  fo  Vtt!undeH6|i>d»  thaie  t^e  Nortve- 

fins  ^iQitid|ind%li«!Jktl|0t^  c^Wea  In  &r^nUnd. 
Ii6i^  ia  litft  }^1r«^  thb 

nati^^f  ly^l^^ir,^  de^^^^^         the  fame 
peopl«  %  tll9iilbil||j^|j|  £aropc.«^Thdr 

defcen^  tii«fef<if«  iaall  tai^d'beeb  jFtom  the  T^itars 
of  A^r/orti.wiij^  69m  tfetem,  thjit  the  Laplanders, 
;who  ar«,rpr«»d  over  tlie  northfrellern  palrts  of  Evi- 
rope.  i|«hs  dii^«4  Intho  yeair  i>$9,  Pere  HiU, 
an  aft^omlr^  tlatiittiy,  Wai  fen^'  into  Lapla'nd 
to  b>fiCnre  tli^t^njlt  <?'  Ven^.  '  t|ts  able  ^hiipU 
^berbad a |pa|l:i}p)portifnity to. become  acqiiamt* 
d  vitlittio  nanh^s,  eaftomsi  foatiiresi  and  langaan 
■  .'  *    - :   ■  -     'of 

40  '  tv^^^i^m^  ^^^^ 

$fmii^  T^'4»r?;|  »ii4  tjkp  ^^Yj^Mm  tm  HlMigari* 
pi^<iri|j|Qil||y:§i|li||  from  tljf  teftTtewi«i|f  ti»«| 
f  nd  ftrpift  tte  feme  conany^M?  ,  c 

The  tWQ$mi^  pf  n^m  tfee©  ||/|t  mH  lo  4njNc«, 
ftrere  tltBjdvM  from  fhe  fnoae  {aoiice.  The  lnuiltfii^ 
#n4  tb9  i&(^tti|Dau^,  were  both  d^fcen^  Mom  the 
PMui  0f  ^^lia  f  ^nd  prQbahly  %hc  mo^  of  ibeoi,  bom 
Ihe  (aoic  faa^tiQiii  the  T«a<H'*<^n  America  theq 
fui^ure  had  not  made  different  races  of  men,  £t|cd 
for,  aii4arigii?a)Iyplapedia4i9isrjent  climates^  The 
fneii  of  AmeHct  were  the  (ame  i^ith  the  men  of  Alia : 
And  both  of  them  mimled  from  one  place  to^aoflth, 
fsr,  an^  fpread  througl  all  thfi  various  climates IRb^ 
earth.  Tjiey  were  diftioeui^led  by  the  di|BBef:eoai| 
find  pccttliarittes  qf  manners,  as  ipucb'iM  the  ii>ha|% 
Itams  ate  i(>  Vher  p^rts  of  tl^e'  globe.  But  rttdCp 
differences  m«(^  ^ave  been  fiectvod  from  cUmatei 
food,  nianncr  of  living,  or  fomie  other  cincttroftanoei 
for  they  certait^y  were  noit  d«rit«4fKom  •  differed 
cirigio,  or  amr  parfic^laf  Ipctl  crfta^bjpL    . 

The  ccnltitution  of  ^^(^  apf|e#|i,to  be  the 
fame.Ji^  every  p?r$  of  the  flobe..  J^amte  h«i 
l^iven  to  hin^  th^  faibe  phy%iai:aqd  mora!  ppwtu^ 
capably:  of  difit^rei^t  degrees  of  improvemeft|  fcjg^a» 
ing  to  the  l|at|(  pf  fpciety  in  vhicp  he&aktbe^aced^ 
3ut  in  po  cott0^y«  pr  pirt^pf  the  globe,  does  man 
appear  to  be  an  animal  of  elimatie,  Am'oiigiaijtiuh 
liotbiog  is  more  apparept^  thao  that  fome  azf  Imiipials 
of  climate  t  that  is,  th^  are  iStted  by  oMure  .^a4 
conHitutiop  to  fpme  particular  part  pf  the  flohe  | 
where  alone  they  caa  fttb(i(^,  muiHply>  and  i>btaio 
their  proper  perfe^iop«  Thus  the  fnioMda  pepuliir 
to  the  torrid  and  frigid  zone,  never  bfve  lAcir  part 
tipttlar  climates  out  of  choice  j  andwhon  n^chiue 

IF  Raimi'  Sketches  of  the  Hift,  of  Man.  !•  p.  1 1. 

mm^:  M^  iimj^^  bis  l^iiep^ 

emig»  6ttc4  ^o  »  |i(^«9a  tim^^ic,  jdi^Mji^  Mi 

accorijmg  a*  Jbi*  IJitv^loi^  p*y  r^g^iff*  Jfor  '^ 
99tiir9  Mpgt)6(S  ip  liiiii  aiijr  pi^riiculfr,  laVamMip 
iwiour.  m^^  is  t^^bTeaice  or  want,  and  wiiittp 
themiT^tm^of  »U  qild^rs  :  And  tbe&  are  tbc  «sxw 
tiiemes  betwef 9  wiliidl^  #U  t^e  ?|iri9ii»  fiMi^wpoi 
falL  Nature  ther#ffii|»  lm*»0  0EiipMt0mfmm^ 
cpgri^ff,  pr  jtny  ifiv9kijai>l«  colour,  o|  anf  thing  ht 
kir^mUn^n»  that  has  £tt«<l  him  partiei^larJy  £pdr 
the  torc|4)  t0a>perairy  or^^i4  90|}6 :  But  ^sfiytn 
Um%^a^9Jm  «>a#itiitioa,  akiaptcd  10  evfi^  jdi^ 
ipvito.  4^d  Ht^vefir  iclit^ite  winch  pmdue^  hi;^ 
l»"*1^'l%^^*f  vMttSf^  re4  a »«i  *e  Wm^;  iiif % 

w'i^  Svftm  mi$jm^  tjNijiiwppir  p«iiei»- 

tioD.^jfuatiirf  Em  t|p«i& nipid^  nrnk  mi^iiiil  of  aft 
climate^  wmiUl  It  not  fee  alio|ttlier  «iiphibfo|i)|ica^' 
lo  look  fmmiiws»i  c;reatioo|  t  or^  wtrcMlis^ialj 
niculotit4otti|)0;6tiooa4>f  the  Deity,  to  ttplaja  i|o(^ 
^Set^ui  j^osilfmm  iia  othc^pU^M,  iriii<&  m 
4meriq|,,we  am  ce<tii«s  iv«rc  4ipm  fr^  mm4 

Aiifigt^Tir^^lii  atteaptii|gt<^eftaiMit9lIijBiiui. 
ti^aitir  of  Mm  tnoft  poHCh^  aition^  f  t  can  teivt 
fi«^  little  talMQiattoiifttMn  Aiftory, .  iJo  rtfDorda,  no 
mm^moati,  a^  writiiigp  cao  be  Ibuad,  that  reach 
Uck  to  To  aoKieot  a  perioci*  Xxaft  of  all  ia  this  ^ 
Ait  e^^^e^ed  Iropi  4  taise  of  (av^tS|  which  had  aof 
lhekao]ilfd|«»o|  kttcrs.  AU  the  ta^ormatioa  w% 
cia  QhtaiQ»4Mift  he  derived  fi^aaiuch  circani^aacea 
aad  eveots.  #§  imply  or  denote  certaio  periods  of 
fm§  i  aad  of  #«fe  thcrejare  Ntf  lpw»  in  the  trn^i^ 
IJ^ofif  0f  the  fivage  ftaec, 




TirtiltfATlJRAL  Aifji  CIVIL 



ficoi^em  ky  ColiiditMii*  m  tbe  )f<kr  t49t«  Tlieir 
•|^l»ti6n  had  then  attai^td  iti  gteileft  f|i«i|e<&toit. 
'Kip  iii^reafe  'l»fl  thaii^  nitiiilKn  hai  any  wbtre  ap. 
%^ared#  tak|  |Mtf  fiiscb  that  time.  ,  No  circum. 
since'  or tv^t  ha|  tafcenp^^  dttnUg'  tha  . three 
liln^tid  yea«S|  tha^  tfae  £tirppeans  bava^  been  at« 
ijttaMifid  wi|l|  thia Jtidi^na^wl^tth  oio  laid  lit  to  fuf* 
|pe^  tliat  the  ftirage  ftaie  ^tlnr  has,  or  cati^  iidasit  of 
•  fr«itf r  popula^pny  tiiaa  w|iat  it  had  ali«a4|k  at* 
tainad.  Wr  M  tt  prohaUe^  that  any  iw^relS  of 
ipiimherf,  and  ^p<%iiiatiOjn«  could  Vvtt  laken  plaec^ 
#htie  l^ntini  «on^nited  to  ha  the  tnetbodr  |}f  ptm 
^uritii^  fdhfiftenca^^rom ,  the  '  ohfeivallafka  that 
0HU  HMde  i^^Virginia^  and  MaflMmfetta^  M  -faai 
bt^ii  tompotM  iliat  the  p<^latt^'of  :m  isdiam 
•^i^f>on  t|ra^acQ|Cb,  could' not  be  eftio}a1te4 higher . 
.ahaof  onr for  ei^^ir j^ j^uare  mile.  In^eteilind  f arti 
^Ihi  cdUhtry,  the  Indian  populati^ri'certawly  did 
|iot  existed  thia.  Geogra|>hen  haire  ^omfNttad  the 
tiiiiMber  Q^  fouate  ii^lai  in  Atneriei;  ,to  amiolnit  to 
lbiir(a^  ei^luons,  putn^ '  httn4Md^  and  ten^^thbufan^ 
jeighti»in<hred:  and  favanty  four.  We  cannot  make  a 
iiearer'c6«|k«ibt|on,  than  to  fuppofe  thia  a^iiiljbttt  the 
numbef  of  If  ^nt  it  reqiifartfdin  the  hunter's 
iiirfad  o#^  tht  wholecontittcttti— Howlottf  a  naried 
vottldit  I'eouire,  for  the  lavages  to  ancreafe  to  luch  a 
•umber  ?  There  hat  been  no  inftanee  oC  a  more  rapid 
inereaff,  than  that  of  the  Britifli  colonies  in  Ameri- 
fa. ,  They  were  aided  by  near  emigrations  ff^m  Ea* 
ropi^:  Butfo  much  were  they  retarded  *nd  brol^a  up 
in  tbeir  fettlemet^ta  by  war,  befera  the  AnNric|ia 
revoltition,  that  thty  did  not  in  faft  double  their 
numbers  in  thirty  years.    The  fiamillii  of  the  In* 





dians  did  not  6Qiitif|i^  mere  i(  \a  Jiulf  fo  nam 
bers,  a«  tllore^iBf  tiitf  <(^it*     v-fiii^»A^  » >»i*  ^i 
popul«tiii#^iin  idir  lie  %»iy  ^, 
putfiitt0Oi%||^o#tbtt<#  ^  „^,, 
Md  inftty  «mfty,  aan^lljaiiyearri 
of  dotibliijE  ,  Aflttfiiing  ^fp^M^ik 
ceeded  frrffroj^e  «l»i«  ilitfoiMr^tli^  i^Hwi^m 
tdirtetii  c^«ttrieftaii<i«iniiilf  tol&ii^MvkxW 
the  whblo  toB^iKflit,  in^  ttmdbc^  on^ll^r ' 
to  every  fqlMre  mile.-^'riie  ^od  of      ^ 
could  not  liivo  iM;^  left  th«n  Ihis.    it,  _^_^ 
this  pt^tm  im  <^ini^ted'  ion||^bfe'Col&$ 

had  lone ^lic  l^ihe^|i^tir*i  ftj|e^\iOni|i^i^ 
th^^N^iidVafkinl  itito  'foniitiM^iiifif^ 
InMesiicoend  Pem  tli^wef^^^niilxllr 
immeroiil»  ind  bad  ^IlktitihedFdlWGti  ttlMi 
erfbl^Hil^rei  illiie  toatidt^  of  whi(^  to^dfji 
ed  bali %t»r  or  ive  hntttfreiimls,  1^%'  iKir 
meiri^  i|K%^IItloiillien,  ir^mm  iril  Wl 
^gret o«|lir^il»INk  W fi^ai^  iQUftlaVi 
been  (ertliit#littilHj^el|lffetn  d^ntntiM^wlieiitldu 
Inmbuififft  difcovered  tBi  coti^beiit  lIus^MI 
carry  ui'bMslibi^e  ctnti|fies WoreHielkbririan  eit; 
The  iiuttil)f  r  and  viirl^  of  tWr  ImijpH^f  iMQel 
•nd  reqoiitij  limi*  loiAer  dtt^^^ 
tntiqniey.  m  hldiitii'^of  ililerfer  lid  n<^S^  - 
ffwead  o|w^N  conctntnt,  Imt  i^isf  \mmkm  imm 
formed #infdvee1n«o i nilifnber Of fili^rtnbef.  H 
we  «nay  radii  of*  tHo  litinifter  of  thifo  trl^t  ^U 
whar  tool  t>nfe^  in  Newengland,  and  iNrgblia;  ^ 
muft  hate  amounted  to  thonran^. ,  Severil  of  ifem 
tribes  htid  mfefifted  fo  long  in  a  natidnif  fonii,  ani 
as  a  diaina  people,  that  they  bad  formed- a  >irt2i> 
«lar  Unguagi  f»  themfelvea.  There  were  thite  O- 
riginal  UngmgaiisokeQ  in  Cjmadai  theSioiix»  tlie 
Huron,  and  the  Algonquin,*    In  Newengland,  there 

wire  ■■' 
•  Abbe  Raynil,  V.  to). 








3  i**j  i" 

wifir  the  aifUft  liMeellil#^»^  %|g 
oHgin  of  rpianlttfe  M  leitictiti^ 
loom,  aiMi  tH  f«^;:  i^eur  mm 
out  tiiftoriaii  iiio9ii«i^    ^ 





irti  1917  DMiOi  1114  be  loft.    Wttfl<r:viSnfi 

^  Iron  tbiii  M«apfri»  iiaf  hidtlwy  t^iiirei  it 
gc^oNfi.    Atirfci|««fad  thio/  rtaft ,%  hivt 

•nd  bcfore^ke  mc^  netiefii^  tni  ufefiil  »ns  were 

thcrcfott  10  go  6»dc  to  t^btigiartlng  of  thecttVtfon 

^  »^  "  cf 

'    .»■;'  -t 





^-^   ^- 




pallida, li^^alltii|^«i^ 

^      ii^--  ^^  life 




'    loiwiiiMiim  I  ■iftiliiffdi  'JMIt'i  if ' '  '^    "" '~~ 

^MivilcgM,  pfiw«rf ^  ^  and '  hii0iii!^  iimkr  ^ 
ter#etii]|f^kl»ve  #ilng  tiie  f«ifa  nf  cl|Pl^#^iMr 
vdigiim  ligre«d  t^e^eair  Wim  CQ^)!^^ 

^   4aotdl  4^iiii«mI  fiMft^^^^     sai  ioi|i#»weft^f«iM^d 

4i%tiif  ]^kg%  the  4ionofiii%iiii  «he  f  # 
•otlNiaf ^crreiBem^ th«  vengettticii  ^ the  g^. 

^iik  o^  mcipareliirillmMpperfl  ^  iii^iSB^Altdii, 
tt  ^MilK  to  iMyii  MilR^ 

iwf  o|Mntii|pIflEeyMiiaegrJicl  fbc^%^^  tl^r 
^#etiiae  i^ir  tlbe  eondttkm  «ad  iiMiulv  ^  n^inb  lli 

'pli#«tidftaM|  wlik%iiilttift4ete^ 
4^||a»%M  Ar#Mtii«r|  hat  ahmt  te6t^ill««^ 

itfaa»|ooAaiiily  produiSfti  fchd  fiiMt  of  war  aa#iifei 
Mdte^i  iMil  iMCH«|r.diMf^  i^elf  ^mmf. 

-it!  ^^ 













iKOMa^llml  lift  .f»«flPp:»i 
ftrMfiflftrftinJMlfcfhiiiyliiii  nkt  nilhiMiiiinBi  nirtfiiM 

b^^u^ij    -  ■  '^  :^  pile, 




inmippi$t  tfii 
w^re#  tfolleiJIniJ 

#TOfia£e^i»a8d^i£iiiK^n  H«R€imii( 
prifon^  !i  T4e7'ilii#r.iMiili^i 





it,       'W 










lli[^li|«oli^ittiil<leii#deiicek  ^  Hflddlltimi* 







0ttmnkfi^lk»  ^     , 


:^    rt^ 


k     ^^         t: 


■  '«: 







iMiiit  xf 


of  clicir  wmi  totbeir  conftiiil^ 

;  A:tiq#t|lfl|y|o  iIm  ipmeii^ , 

al  AiMhreoly  it  wooU^^to 
^'SliHl•';|p^a|le'«;  feriottt'-at-  # 

o  %>tt 'witb  Cl|0  lilMlilica,  ani    «»^' 

lo^^oiMHitakir  the  a^RtfSHoa^^  ii 

iaet^mnd  0ft^om  peo^I    It 
||^<H^^  .tii«&  ire  have  em  yet 


^l^^wm  11  HI  I  'f  ipm  MiJI  I  if' V 



^*«UlC«»q.-:  ^5||l||i^? :  ||^v  ip^^  ,^ 

#''^.J^.«fi  #tlJ 



,f^'  |f|;,j.rM^^>.^i*-.i$ry:i|y:t|  ^jf^^l-iynf i f#|^^^ ^ 


» •■if 



iabtes;  will  flmatiei^,  btlween  lil)  ||it««ii|kiii.proi^ 

4b««i^  N«w5%yl^  Hid  GAilAto'  >  Hi  #iM»  homiibt 

tfa^  French  on  tlM  river  SC  Itwww,  prrnKtmcdaiy 

'^ftM'i^sii^iH^Wm^       Sd  curly  kMlM'^b  i6f^ 

^tt}U«i  nj^  Ha^Uitf*  H^^  *B(iltmiiiMblbrt  at  Albany. 

Ill  i<§40,  file  Frendi^  badexieiMid^  Inf  up  ili*  riva 

Sl^  Ltf«i^rence,  dtnil  ^egan  their  fettlementa  at  Moi^ 

ti^al.i   III   i%5^  the  lltigl{0k*  bcga»  the  town  M 

8|>riDgfic>l<i,  tl|y6^-Cannis4licist  river  i^'Bad^by  1670^ 

^}Nid  ext^ndedJii  farup  the  riv«r,  as  Deer  field,   ^  On 

S«pteifibt?i«  gd^  t^^Sy  €oi(Hit\i  FliftMer^  fpv€tm* 

-iof  Nc^yi&rfcj  tWttlie  Jl  prnnt  to  Godfrey  EMKut,  a 

li  tktgvman  nt  AttMhy,  of  a  truGt  of  land'on  the  cad 

-  fi(ie  €»f  Hudlfi^**  riV#r  :  This  traft  extended  from 

« irh«  notihermnon  bounds  of  Sarnttga,  to  the  rode  i|^- 

Jj^^j^r^^v  ealled Spirt  Itock,  tn.ihe  townflitp^if  Willf- 

t^oughj  about  I'eveniy  mHes  in  length,  and  in 

tbef0iMml^^n«€  Mll£imr«tif»  H  thct  fonilmft 
fitt  of  <)i^  ftaiq^  coBtamiof  more  tlMui  one  hnadrid 
thoaftacl  «crft.  But  il  ifa»iiot«|itil  the  yfear  1:^84, 
4h«t  My  ffttlemrat  iris  nud^  within  th9>0^m^jK 
1^0oi^t^:Nl^f|l^iiliii^%f  KMI^ftiiMb^-'aHli 
baiUf(Hre||l^t«MM<^ttjfKi?  Coaii^a^  ii^isr^  lE(hlt 
^rt,  icHi  thdei^tdtfiiied  to  b0  iritMlt^iiiiffiM:hll^ttf. 
ifkemirds  ic  was  foiiiif  to  1^  m  Ketrbsiiiipfliit^'kiid 
it  now  up^Vermont.  T^it  wm  tho  firft  CiilDitieiit, 
any  civiUlK^  natton  h?id  ever  mad9«  in  thii « fttfii. 
On  the  othcKj&de  of  the  ftate,  the  french  made  their 
Ad«anctt»«l|m.lAkf  Gh|^i|iUin««iR^  in  ifZH  ^'^^ 
their  %»^me9mn99inib,^iindk§f^%M^mf^im 
4hftfa|kiiejif  thtB  Mit«;  v^I'l^^afiioli^fverifik^ 

lndia«(tlKoi|,'vf?-.'_,  j« ..;  :  .  -  :  -ji'-  t-Aii-r-ni  'i^r 
/ri  Thcip«ortef«-iOl>.Maflaeli«{iRttt.iM  ^N«li4MtfiH^ 
4hiic^lMM«  lM»ftii4  if 4io«ia  Q^mmytifytiHfy^Bim 
fhttr  dcMfiotalitQew  3;bis  watnoticHMufMttJiikmh 
«^i74l»^whetpi  GfOifft  tlto  f<i«ond»4Bftrrmiaad|  **4lit 
the  ttOffthem  hiMi»dfy;  of  the  froviii09(<if  NfftiMm* 
ietts  hc^  m&miA^^mm9 linei  puffiiing  the  eoitnToiof 
Merrtaath  lir^at  thraf  nilfadiAaace^  on  tho  oOilh 
£de  thereof^  heginsiii^  <ot  thorAtlantic  ocean,  and 
wading  at  a  point  duo  north  ol  Fatucket  fall*  j  aad 
a  ftraightslnia  diawn  from  th«n«e»  due  wad^  cntil^it 
MQfti  with  hia  Majeftfr^a  other  foveromenta"  "hts 
iioB  waa  run  in  iy4^»  and  has  mwr  (ince  hcea  ndi. 
nittad  aa  the  honndary  linoi  hetweon  Madachttfetta 
and  NewbampflMfo.  By  thia  de citai^  and  tho  of* 
tahliflinient  of  this  line,  the  govenuaent  of  New* 
baapiMre  coodttdody  that  theti  janGliflioa  extendi 
^  :.t-  edi 

'  '^|f  Aiswi  of  Mawyork,  VoU  I*  p«  38.  Edit,  1774. 

A^mv  ^ht'fh-^^^'^^ lifc  iHl  II  rfii  ilrtififi  i  im  I  mi W  ---*■■  ■■ 

#fcfiM,  MMiMI  ii<Mr%^irttiil(^tliiifi«jb^ 

iMMWlll(M^^'iM»/i^  fM»lii«''lliiifc^^toifaiil«iBur'it 

tvfCbtv  milci  eaft  of  Hndfdn't  rW^^M|tfi»tii|l^ 

ifiivi  ftiib^  t1i€(iMl«ftciMiaM  '^tMii^mBmai 
ii^«^i*«tfl#«M  tlf«l«N^tit^fi»;i^l«ii|H^cipilicii^ 

mtUkkmi,^^'  Ibvf^Mdtef'Of  M*iitHMlj)and!iht 
•liitiirddDqileil  tffCMiMli'.-^llilfil^l^iiite^ppra^ 

€llitfl«ftmiiii4ii  Ncf«lMilff>fliiii  toCmenrtt^otiit,  and 
wtn  HHpnentlf  fplO^  tliMvgllf^li#iihmiti^  and 

t)poiri|}iift>««flki<kr  tfi '  hodMfticvfll^f  i«Mreoaagiofiy 
IbtfglNf  aff^Tt  bf '  <avi^<nu»ett  afad  ljaetiitMota.<  fi^ 
choadvitt^  hl^  Mtindl^  ffce  gomnor  of  Ntw^ 
iMiipflrire  dir#(Md  n  faiH^f  to  lie  «i^  of  6cNNitG^ 
ticiit  irtv«r,  fw  fiktj^  ifille*  t  ind  thtvt  linea  of  tonrOii 
IMpi^  to  lie  tiid  oiii,  •«  «aeii  Gdii  The  c|k|ilicatioa 
fldrUttdi  conftaiitl)^  idoreartdt  and  new  funraya  wera 

di^ii^tilMri••llf^l«M 4^^  «l#Mb  ItMliv 

iiVi€iiNiKi|iflTi<^lif^f.JMiffitii^l|t)N<!^  oS'fil.'iMi 

•ltd  Qcit|k»«lftMmirft4«lil%i4  ll  t^^mwmiflMk 
irith MMTfl 4*^ t||»l9«i|t  nMMkfliigs  Mi < InMii ^ 
^kimeiTio  the  mflBk^Q9tm9lBlm%imTi^^^ 
Were  s»frt«€lploi«  frlHitll  #|»|iA]l  )<0  h|iiP»»|[«lFfltti( 

it  be  ftttjcAid  4#  i  lenl-^ott^nAtoiii  tliAiirbil^TCff 
ift  vpon  JaoiM^AtccemotiiM^lli*  MilV>il«»  «MiM4>itt 
Um  oroiyiir  aitd  fit4)i9  9biii«:Mioiiii^iM  t9i WhKmI 
hit  (accoflbrk!  II  it  b^confiildfed  M  an  I  i^AiMimcnl 
U  govaronMiitr  it  M  n^t  AlUJblilb  Mf  «9l«iii9r  "it 





''        tJiUnk  of 

Nfiifrjff^  had  ai  yet  ioixnded  her  cUim  to  the 
lamiU,  upon  the  grant  to  the  Duke  of  York;  but  that 
fofaciotis-^ffovernfnent  did  not  chooTo  to  i^e^*)  upoa 
^  precarious  a  ground.      AppltcatHnM  Wftt  xhtda 

f  1 7^4.  March  13, 

,^ nciuucw 


"  -  ■  -  '1^^ 

nination.  ili^lftei^#l;  Ttri  iMrli^i<sil  bfkfm 

1-)  1     %        ""?  .^i■.     -:  •  /•     ■  •  >:•  i  I  :•' 

{hut   .,  :<  ./{:<.«    -v  '■.'i,..:s.i     ..■  ■  i'jiT:.'}),fi   ,■   ''(.'i,;  /;Ui';j.| 

In  t!}«tr  hrlt  petition  to  CoBKrerii  Jan.  j,  tj<n,  th«y  give  tht* 
'H'wnt    «  W«  have  omn  iMtrd,  m  vcrllyr 

accdont  of  th«  petition, 
beltev«[it  was}  in  your  3«titiontr»* 

k  ^jWP  ' ' .    *  ""  THW'PWl'^^^I^^P''^T''^'^[^W|WBw^^Wflpft 





iW^      WmrWW^ 



I  MMl ;,f fQlliviiiitQ  ittifaim  Bw >jpinirtpij|ftirliii| 

lit  fmiM%#oiiir^ 

€^d  fiui  ftcft  leei,  ai4««Ni^a  ^SMMP<«MMil 

4^1  Wilnftlil/^ri  |;|toflthfsdQtiiWii»i»fttJi«4ocirN| 

JJ|)f||#l!#Qi»|ifQttjof  »n««eiiefvi^  tiitdiiftotiMt;^ 
|9f »«<  fif  ^liiii&fi l»(^  ooj^  jMifo j||ieiqibcy,  tile  wifidMll^ 
iq|^ liH|ji99()tt«tton,  of  a  prolriiicial  government: 
Bat  mbdcration,  and  lenderoefi  of  the  rights  of  in- 


_•    •  ,>f^;v-?->^f^a. 

10  iiifcakiiilj9R  ^^tt^ntli^i    f1i^i«i^^ 

tixi  efiloIliin«iffe  of  1  ;fc«?i9«rakl(Pfi^^       m^ 


■  tttwAOiip,  piimalM^t  que  handi^  de)|«tt  i  «i 
twJfetliouUnd  fix  hundred  d^lUn, 


fbtkoettiwk^mrtnp  tor  itcemjicing  to  canf^^ 




fWnpniefli'  wcfetnvm* 

people.  The  uncuitt^ed  r^li^i^i^ft  #hli' 

of  vioi^eei^  mmMht^^^^^^' 

of  |et^o(ft)^  ittehded  fils  c^fidti6iri%rid;nd'«irer<] 
Milt  M  ll|fe  Itopetridcc^ 


I  I 

V-  —  , — •  — 'im^wmnw 

1>ilii|<,flWaiii|iil»i^Mjl^^  n  but 

^liyM^  lliiifliinilliiiii  ifiiiititiiiiii  sii  -'-liMk^ienft  a4 

iMhieliyttAi  ImmI  irfirrtiilff nil  iJliii  i  i  liii  iJitl itti  imiiil 

ifiapiprilii  flNirfM^ilb, JJM^i^^ 

iTilHilfiiiiiii  I  il  iiifti *iwiit*iif  "Tth^  limi^ 
s»iitjQi^wii9^i«l  IcB^  Milling  -(tti* 

mA  li^'lifiMMi  flAMlliaitliB  "O'ImMH^ 

:  R^ji^maa.  i^g^.^bg^L  4^a4^i»mr  ia^^v^a. 





!»4hrcf|«i&^,9»l^lit^^      _-_^  -^-j ,^^ 

9wiieiit^  tie  conteOed  liuidt.,  QiM^r  ftra 


T^Pi^  '^nP^^f^l^^fS^^^*^^^w?' 


111  Mfiiirtifi  (i»rtriiiiiiitoi'M8FiSiim 


^^If^^P^^^T^/^W  ■■■' 

..,  .   ^ j%i^iliirtii«i^i«iaiiif. 

¥it  liMJiiiwijiiiiiiinii  rfiiWiiii  iUiii 
t  Match  9*    Allei»V#«tx«ifv«;^f^|$i 



ftre^^teli  eoiMf  of  o#er  atMl  utmrnm^^geimm 

liltl^VIIIMrlfiWiiliii^  ,  ^^  ^.^^ 

nbtbe|»f^fEitif«IMI#l«c«)MK]k^jfn^Muui^  ftfiMliyi 

prQ^$)lfil)|ii|Cliat  are  fo  indeed  ^  ind  iIm^  w«^  will 

>  ri>*«¥Ki  t 


Jiitjin  iVfc 

47  It  ir\    ^^» 

t  AiBbiiff  otliei'  .meafttiteL  their  caoie  •v.^i^ 

by  Reuben  Jonei.  '•    ^J 

ties  I  M4iiiftttt<l:ii|eir  Mt«smlif*iraiBlthM^ 

ttiitofJi^mdi  iii'iV iiljrfiiiii^inr iii  ilftliiiiittillAi'i  rti  - 

IMMfNieqiMi^ifto^^  thatetieiif|»piiflfetitate 

.  ^(iil<ii#Uii\iilijJ^<wufe«  ^;tilir^w^p^ni■i^^^^■llf 
iTMiMiift  ^mk^im  iiMm^di^ipt  imiiftM^f^ 

.  .tigfiiitfiifeiHtoilMpftihlu^fBiiifcg  ttf«irdtftil»iiiniiitoif» 

'illW'ilPiipir^^ ^ lleiiiwii|rt  mfcii  !■■<•>?  iHitsgiKiife 
'  mttVMt^u  £fi^  diiiMlsite  ■wiililitf.  hA^mvmmfo^m 

4li«  ibafi^<Mp9  MMt^mii4iMm  imMw^^^ 

.»fiH||  »jtoitirfi^fet-ftr  ^arirfiiltt-irttm- WitoiMin^^^i^ 

had  iiMmag«d  their  gCDeral  ooocoRMi^Nttl^  ilMMfilK* 
^^  luiwiwr  »«d  filiittiKioattby  ^i9mmfi!m^^Mixm» 
lawJfJigdBwy  HDwfaiai^  appoMife«4riMl4fM4ili|tt#r#A» 

>»f  liifiMiit-gowfcat^  ■— <*  «n»ftt^^<^^  «^^l)i#rfkfopi« 

flMb#^ « fNMHHyadCMfioii »« itet  <lte'«Mi»9fli  ribi  ^wpnr 

>iiuv dKActtliy  r«Mri»  fonnet  meatam  irtmcHie^^t &  i^jft 

>OttaiiUw^#ftcttl<y  aod^tuitoraAmtn^  of  r  iPC)n* 

•duaiiigiHMiriiraUio  wihinwythtM  tk^-MntiMu 

of  ^owaratiMMi^  JmmI  gim«  lifoitO'tombtiN^  a 

HgeMNrt  iiMir*,  .smoog  fen^raltof  «lM»4oiMii«t  'f«»d 

'|Mirtia^tii»tJUti»m  had  bmn  lM>ldl«r«tlb9eMv|Mipft» 

«iicl  placwi;  4l»  iMelride-of '  Ibi  flMNra(iiiM»T  a  Bi9jlr|io 

«ni«valfifeir*<«f  «6riMiiiiMm,MHl  tftiofiihaitldl^ii 

'|>laee  i  ai«!*Mbril  ftftiHl  thai  tiiii»agffle  ituiMarye^ 

ti<Ml  of  thiii^Mif»Mlaiiiitrtiiiiadl  ifatt  iika  ofrlBim* 

"lag  fh#Mlill««i  4ataan>  4iidat>9adBtitftalc.t  *  Bfitt  it 

had  biMMMi  vwmttMr^f^fitanBlbik^tf'B^maifpr^ 

^Ibni'i Wto  fhonU'hi^doiM  P  Alid)wli«t. ««i%ea 

<Mght  lolki  adoptBinfee^  th)e.  ftMka.tfJkt^i-^hm 

filttttumof  ih«  iohabiuncf  at  tbu  ^vm,  feemt  to  haw 

mwifsMiwmlf  tairhat  hai  bceiicaUcd  by  (bme, 

»  ftatt  of  nature.    A  large  nuqiber  of  people  ytfitn 


9im9  tMi  eomnum  faftiv  and  mttra&idBiitf  lii^ 
Iwwisabt  itakftt^iwai  fll»itto%t|#  Mnyiiiils^^^ 

^tore  pvoc(c4ii^f i  or  fegoliti(m.>  >  Tliey<  jBnie<i« 

Pitt  to  libettii'  Wmi .  #at  yii€ti6iMetitrtii  |ii||iiMtfej 

j^NMiof  ciieiteiiltfijl  ittwitb>wnant»w#ltttiiiy|^hu|? 
tO'^wctife  Ili0<4iclvicf  of  «€o«fr«£i#:r'|%t|r«dH(l  ^ilMr 
«ilicm^l«9^fDMi)aiMi9  'or^  lidviiif  fvoit»  tiM^i:bod}^Mt 
lifRQaft41i«i^mim4irpcrftdt  BMHnbet^vf  loMMntpvep4< 

iilDNiitioiii'iild«fo«mimtai  b^  coNMmiitiwMlii  toAar 
vcmioiDfj's*  ^tlKicirtMmilaneei  of  clie«^p#l|>l^«f9b^ 

Codiprtfsji   «T|ifir ><*p^^  fliial^M*'  Thi 

hwable^petitfoii^  'aitfM^^iand  mbmiAMMiide^lliiMii 

iptft  of^v^iiM(akJUl^iftirifr,<iB«mfiioiri9r^>iilltd« 
JomwHibf  llMs^aiti^of  <  the  NvlirltiMpmiMi^thnitijl^i 

0Mnnioii «aillbi  an^ii^  M4l(iM«iit ts^  lRiii»lkdtifi6»j 

tl|fiiir<ilvti.iiii^rtli«  {KorincUl  gmrofimMiiD^f  ^hfm> 
.y0^  kh  kiknuddbt  afumtdt'corfftnieato  imply 
a^MfcboirltdgAKHiftd  thiCattifMiriej^/  Whusytm/^^ 
cMi  iM  i«q«tftiiigi  ^  ^t  wlwnivtt  lb#  OoflgMli 
IMd^ittd  itiitMiairf4o  tallriw  iMr.fiirpioiif  ilKf 
mfljr  «•(  |>p  c»Ud  <»po9  «t  inha^iUPf 8  of  Ncwydrk, 

II  jiiliiiifMi  ifiiliiill^irW#lii#'iriiiii!ii#rffl 

'  ■  jllliii  iw  ■uln  i.Biflii%#*ff^'y|i  tin  liiniiiii  lndrciMti 

.iiniwipdjtiflyttii'  piiMiiiifitifiii'WWB;Hpiitp|tMt^^  -111111111111111 

^ijfiit»j[aUfeii^ftliilr.iiiiMii<aft,r<^^  ^ 

thrcoirafiiiNf  ^bcHriikt  fttffesi  ttwiiiltetlhiiil^A^ 
ckdnMMlFlils  «dNfie  inriftlMlii  ii»ii%ibt  InpfrlbMfti 

.BumfMitifciifaifteif'Jiirai  #ftt]DC|iib»<4f>biiBi|ii«i)i£i^ 
.art^hiitiliiMi^yllKMI)  iamik  mif^anHm^  ■o>nibiBiii> 
fi>Kinij^  iifiiiifia>i4  ^P6#rQMl  Pilji'dectfimi  is{i0Q4)l»x 
nitttiiirtetiitft  t«n0,^te  ptiiiiop  wftp  1^ 

iod^  iiiilip>!  fiiiwt  i^tott^  ^aio^MifE  fwtlti  iriibMMAt 
,en4  611111 1!*  ««JUmiimtttai^^^i^ 

9  firll  pftiUoii  to  Con|r«fi|  dit^d  Dorfet,  J«n,  t;,  t77f. 

i§i    timmmm  -mwrn. 


llui<iiit.'ua-«Jl%.2fc  ■■■»■■ 

Nil W  H!b&  ^  |w1#^^ 

Mil  ^      >  T 

«ork  w-  reviviM.    Thb  cootciitfefn^ifl  ^^^life 

woul4  orobibLy  iiring  on,  not  only  a  ixNiidl'iii^ 

^t(^t[elttrtri^Ne#litft^>aih«;S  £yllik»§Unf  n&m* 
,-^^aP^r^.    T^  afceitliii  irhtt  M  frtvMn^ 

■  i   :.r 

Vrea,  w<ef«  (kie  Ikittllif  prociimaiioQ  nfiMiif^^^^it  m  TiTtMi Vo 

rti'int  pewoe  fteriingi  hi  lUifranti  i||a4«  ^  im  Mvtrnbri  qf 

Mewy«rk,  \htS9  quitrenti  wa(r«  rtif«(l  to  two  flmliifi  and  Ik 

AM^iktitk  liigirniiniiwKitfl  ifinffcti  I 

"".•*".>«'   I     """"~    !' "i!SI' 'llf<  •lH!    '!■     IJ 

;f^9Mffo':  r.    (Ip.O' Jan*  ,fiO'  j|-ni  ;fl'yMf|ti«.i5rt   biifiv? 
lakismetatWettiiiiiitter.  TMfcatiiiientttflMif^^l^ 

maty  4M.»l>Mfi{ii  r^fehyd  rliP9ff  t Kfli^illf^p^fr^mr 

'jsXtu^coaventK'O,  whole  members  are  dulycniH- 
Dv  the  free-  voice  of  their  J»nftitueiita»  in  thfe  feV*- 



cral  tonmi'v  ^oii^ihe  W<wh»thpfcjr»  |MlflMi^  ill  sbBISe 
meeting  «%s1)k4*  i&  our  ^w^  n^miik  jfi^  loT  UlM^ 
of  oiwjpf^BilB^ii^pts^  Do  hercJw  proclaim,  and  pp%- 
licly .  decmw,  tbal  the  di&rid  of  tcnrito^  compri^ 



#ciri|»p.i^l^!P#^  ^^Oi^iiiliiifciiniiii 

it  fiicb  .plivM^ge^  tfod  4miMi|0i||Hftidl 

B|y4-3#if|irimq^f^Vth»t  tfaty^  would  at^i^uMi 
,,,      f|tiMi%tca|i«l#e  iif  rigalatiMtlfai^k  oli«i;  inigtw 

db^  %i  pwfdifmi  tJMl&id  dafaibaAitiftf ia;,/faad;th» 

^1^  (B|pciltt$v<l/fJ^  ofN|pvci»iag  |iMini«lii€a»  «&  fin* 

w^Miau;:  U^mf^nM^^  im .  tc^iijiiiiiiftiaanfwiih  .tlietr 
tft^iijjui^ilMI  ytJ«icfii  ;Sta|fJs4o^0nBikilluie. their 
r  uli^pip^fWCkmH^ilukr^i  tbe  mailitaiMnf^  ibspT%Seat 

^i^.  "^f t   ^f Ji^.'ffiftitiaii ;  €oligiiei»  tbati^llttitdeciafa- 
t$on  i^h^^v(|q«M«iidi  ^tlNift  the4ift«iftvtlltf« 
r(^^ib{4i-inifil»U^  l»nJic<i  ftiiiofigtlh«sMi)9asl  iode- 

/      pendent  > 

-^      •Recordt  of  the  Convent i<m', 
S  AUopy,  atteUed  by  J.  Fay,  clcrkr 

peiidlnt^ Ani««ieifi  ^es'f  lit  ^ilNg^^Hif 
•ad  p6tiilo»m«  figiiedi'  tini  j^fedtcfd  I6'<36^ 
fpedable  mtmbenot  the  cdiif^^bll'i  JIk^  ^^ 
V.  No  »i«afure  W«§  ev^  i^^cj  ilec^ai|^^t>V '  "* 

aniibwitfj    By  the  Mblutidir  hf  m^maiMmMi 
the  cv^tf  of  1^lttblitaf«l^'thet^«6o€l^^  mt^kti 
ftbil6iigtr^lM«ai6dietMilior  NiiWf^^lWuli 
Id  on  MHesimtAVf  a^f^t^ t^cHx^l^'^i 
iiodj#a»Jio#  coiiile«^  wkett  aitti^tl^^ 
were  reduced  to  a  ftate  of  nature,  ^piiieftyflyi 
emi^ut^iiu^b^  a^O^ttfd.  Tlifc/  fttf^lf^tigls'j 
t^  dTito^fhe  poKrm  of  gOV^n^fift^  tlMt'ffiy'l6( 
gn&  ihad;  q  Thte  ft^  fi^ilkied :  W ^tf^fOib^^*^^ 
cffii^;for  «be  itfiiHedtjtie'  llft^  MW  |^ 
thepeo^i  Atfd  iio#  was  t)^e  tini^i  wli^'^ 
eti  of  government  could  be  aflbtee#^#illktbi^Jnf 

itt  txr  k»fi»^kitbpfiottitiittiri  whi^  mfi|M^  fiiml  jr^i 
tuhiii  iUil  >#i^ievtr  oppdilifotl^^tti^^tfi^ 
ticii  fDe9ait«i^«iMy;O0tttll  tlUid^it  tvit^lt^ 
ihen  libev <£i«d' de«d«i^d  thetAfdvM' i  it^'i^ 
pcadenl  ^«cef  «iid  kniew  hf  ^AnS^m^SiOfti^h^i^ 
tA,    £vtif  part^of  tbe^United' Stitif^^  vrM^^  iNiiil 
penodj  coQCtadiB^t  againft  oem«(pMi  )t  iiitd^  '^^^ 
oonfideratiofr  tbat  «oiiid  juairj?  the  ptioitiXi^^: 
Conffrdft^  wai  a  teafoift^wfay  ibe  fieo^e  of  ^^^hiio)^ 
IhoiSdMe  itbttoppoji«ioit]rr%ffeatltf}t)^;  to  1^ 
againA^thdr  f<fnMr  fufetihg^'-  -  HiiptM^ '^or  thcii^ 
feliref»  amdor  ilie  ftate, ^by /adtflt«d  rliat  #^  jlicitf 
temperatevpottcf  y  wMl^  aililn^'  -li^t-4ft4e^iiM«i'io  tbi 


/  ^  *     irf  V  f  i  ••»■»  •  *' 


lii         TUB  NAIUltAL  AN»  CIVIL 

•  r^,j»« 


■j.^'   -i.k 

M^ris  Pl^Mib  Vifu^dh    Tmrtber  00ms  ojf 


er4is,0dWi0&i;gi^(i^  tf Cotfirefj,  Pre- 
fti4tm1fJ^i^oHt,pv^^    and  ifew^pjbire, 



'J  ,t?  'V*; 

HMi-f, ;'fi;  i>^> 

■  ^f  e  ■ 

mg  thek:kldepeRdeivce»  ii^iM  VMiitcft  ^rtt^^  adjacent 

feared  titittti%  to  adiiiti»  imd  ackiM^^cf^e  it.  fo 
Ma^bttf«ttP  iii#  GoBoe^tiesy  tk^  taeaTure  «»» 
Mtlior  af^f^itttte^ciMi  coodivtiiitd,  ^at  to  .^m^ 
jotki  tm  towdvt&^oB  Ihe  peofitlaa  m  |t|«inptinff  to 
.fernt  attvewi^^tei  appfarad  as%  f^m§«pp«i»  revival  of 
lifte^fbitmcv  «ppii4kioti  «|id  nmUon  lo^  lawful  au- 

Thlt*nomimktf  of  fait^  l»r;  ikat^ftater  iMr«  then 
fitting.*:  Afiptcticnriv^  oiF  tlic  co&ll^vmicci^  they 
lititxittdf^cdy'  took  lip^  the  Matt^ ;  anidtby  tb«ir  dired- 
tibnf  tbt^|(toildeiitvt>f^  iImn  Mvwyo^  eoqvtntion,  oh 
January  aotb,  1777,  gave  this  information  toCoa- 
grcts,  **  fam  difc£icd  by  the  committee  of  fafety  ot 

p'f'  ^  ' 


jmtm^oi  ymma^fi 


Muence  of  certdn  dtfigiihif  men^  •  'pi^  of  tl^ 
ftate  hath  been  prevailed  on  to  revolt^  and  dIfiMFtfir 
ihe.antlioiitjr  of  kt  le|^afeiire^-Wlhe  ^attoat  ivi- 
dencea  aiid  informalloni  wf  havo  feoeivid  woirid 
lead  us  to  beiia^e  thai  perfoni  of  gttat  mfitM'Ate  IH 
(brae  of  our  fifter  m^  faavt  Ibfterad  and  In- 
giettted  tliefe^dtfificins.«»«^i]|,ai.^%  ^^illi||^|M 
lend  to  ai^fe  fbme  ineteliiaia  oC  yw^  hteRtoiililt 
bodyw  ol^hiBtoff  ;$oiaMia«k?^ii  1^  ^isic^  (iB6«ii«f 
ohligen  Oft  to  iiirimttd  o«nr  ft^ief.rKFhe  cn^M^ikMii 
ffe^  lorry  to  obfinnr^,  tint  Imt  ^onltff!»i%  «  €(»3fM^ 
iioiLi^fiMaCfi^  ^lr«^^  Of* 

officers  of  a  reg{opt«^r,  lo,  he  iraiftd  ittiB|pi|iiiei|tty  df 
the  legriilatiirc  of  ihia  ftate,  ai|djdl|l^  that  pi||i  of 
it^ifvih^Jiath  la^ty  ^9fe4<to  tad^pl^^^  tipoo 
it»  Cfm^r^  hath  m^mhm^mtt^k  ^^pjk  l#iha 
ipUatfofta  jof  ^(%,  w|o  preli^  Jisi.  jrgjf  9^4^ 
oaraiHe  body  M-e  di^Mi|id^|n|||^  W 
gents  t  ef^daiiy,  i^  tlii'  ()Mr  ^Ot^^^  Hilf  ht^ 
cofiftaatlir  and  tnvalriahly  cip^pdM  to  ^  Ugtiattire 
of  this  (late,  and  hstfaubeea^  on  d|flt  toy  Hieoiitt^ 
prodai^ed  iait>viiik^^^t»kkk  loireriiiiiciit  ti«ie. 

Oom  gii^idr  €<^:  Wallik>j  iad^^ 
him,  as  nbtifi^^fe  lir^  difl^iiUii  iBr^ii^  awl^  ^MH^ 
#inee  thofe  deMdiii^i^itt  thii  €oiig^lfo>iiiNf^idt 
heeaprev^edtii^laffift  iri^'dfttkMh^pittf  #  llile>, 
liMh'df  ail  iOthers,  hin^^lW^ithw  tti^  *l  file 
tofonmts^m^*^  T#|iiHbadi€lid|i«fir<to^fei|^ 
in thii daiife, alkbd^ ai^i^lithk^iit^  liwde  ^trfHiit 
body,  on  March  the  ift  3  la  this  die  coBVtfAltoil  of 
Ne#jrtfr]^re^(hafe,tha»iiNij^i^  ittf- 

Ike  of  t^it^h^rmwri^e  bom       1^^  et^tf  dife 

j..^  AttfM  eopy  9f  a  letfer  fi^ni  the.  HonouraUe  A*  Ten 

M$$        TUi  NATURAL  and  CI  VIE 

aodvfalntaiy,  cspedieav  to  %ipjftk&  ^  niilehieA 
wlMcbmiift  ettfiie  to  titat  ftaie  Htn^vto  the^eoeral 
ciHifcderacjr,  fiomvthe  ii!l)aft  and  peraidoi^ 
qj^itich  olaiiieiiilia^itanli'  of  Niewymk^tim  ^HMttifi 
irom  felfifli  and  ialereiled  taotttes^  liaire  fotniuted 
th«  d|ing^oiitntnfar»6H^ :  l^lrt  Cofi^tafi^  might 
be  aQureditiuit  the  ipkitri^f  tdefe€ti€^,  nonvicliftaQd^ 
ingiai^th^iiirta  and  vtjsleiiceiof.tlie'fedacer^  irail>y> 
90  fiMsans  geiicfid  irT-iiaC  die-cocmfyt  of « Glouceftcv, 
^sd:*  v.ei)E^ieat  pai^  of^C^'UniberliHid,  aii#:Ciiarlotte 
coi}iittcf«  iCoattniMNl  Aea^faftitttbeh'a 
government  of  Newfrorki  wtid  diat  tbete  watr:  not 
ti»  Itilftiprobabidlty,  iM'Col.  Warner  couldl  raife 
fuch'^lljiiii^it^ofnieni' as  would  lie  aniotged jof 

MXhs^t^i^oaHDdinga'of^^rmont  had  noir  afiiimeda 
Yl^lav  ^Bii  and^becomr  aa^  obje^  c>f  general  *at« 
teot^n^'  ^n  Aptii^»'^pct  wai  printed  at  ;Phiia* 
4e|p^ia,  ilihferilitd^^omaa  Yoniigy  andaddreffed^to 
the  jiiibid>itatttl  dfv  Vemu^nT  ^s1«^«^IIi^i  addreiit^  wan 
|]f^|^  la*  lerotetton^fivJikb  Congreft  th|ld  paffed 
M^'^i^t  tw(>i(r6toamimd&6^  to  the  refee6lti«  af« 
itmMsB  afMrrcottventibas  o§  iho  il^ntieflr  Cblonie^' 
IKii^nO'foirefllineni^  Ciiffioffent'to  ^^^stij^cies  of 
Ifhi^iX  aiNo^  bad  ^eir :  idwady  efla^tlhed.  ia  adopt 
fuph  goyei^BteeB%as  iatlbc  6piliio^(#^e  reprefen- 
ts^vesioftAhte  ps6pk»  Ihoitldtbi^  eonduce  to  the 
^tappMieft  Mid  tafety  of  thetr  conftittieiitf.  In  tht 
9ddre&  t#lhe  itfhiibitasita'lof  \Verniont,  i^  thefe 
paragraphs :  "liiaire  tal^i^Atbe  thindt'df  ftveral 
kfdi^^efl^btets  io'the  bonoitrable  the^dontinenul 
Coogrpfa,  and  t^h  affure  you,  that  you  liave  nothiDg 
tOtdo^  Init'to  fend  jattefted>^6c^cia^  the  r^oommeit^ 
Ration  to  tafci^iifi^^^overiMiieht  to  evarj^^townCbfp  m 
your  difirid,  and  invite  all  your  freebdders  and  in* 

inbitants  to  meet  in  their  refpe^ive  townfliips,  apd 

.,..   -.-:.•  .:       •..■•.,...    ^  -    W' 



cfaoofe  memberi  lor  a  general  tonveiH^,  to  meet  at 
an  early  (hy,  C<»  choofe  delegates  for  the  general 
Congrefs,  rcoinlAiClee  of  fafcty,  and  cb  forte  a  con- 
ftitution  for  your  iSate.  Your  friendt  heiie  tell  ftie, 
that  fome  arectn  doubt,  wbettier  delegates  from  yoiir 
diftrtft,  would  be  admitted  into  Congrefs.  i  tell 
you  <«>  organize  fairly,  and  make  the  experiment,  and 
1  will>«nHi«eyoarfuccefs,  afe  the  HIk  of  my  reputaf^ 
tion  as  a»  man  of  honour  Ov  common  fenfe.  Indeed 
they  can  l>y  na  means  reftiie  you  !  You  have  as 
^d  a  right' to  choofe  hoiir'  you  will  be  governed^ 
and  by  whom,  as  they  had.*** 

Publications  and  meartt#es  thus  iiTOwibg  the 
caufe^  afid  ^figned  to  eftablifli  the  independence  of 
Vermont,  were  beheld  by  Ne^york;  wkh  great  in- 
dignation and  concern.  On  May  the  aStb,  the 
council  of  fafety  for  that  date,  made  a  third  attempt 
to  en^ge  the  attention  of  dotigreft:  By  their  dt« 
rcQion.lheirprefident  wrote  t6  Hiat  body,  that  a 
leport  |>revailcd'  and^daily  gaincid  credit,  tmrtthe  re« 
vohers  w^ne  pri^itttely  countenanced  in  their  de£l|[tis. 
by  certain  members  of  Congrefs  ;  that  they  effceemed 
it  their  duty^  give  them  &ch  infortnatibn,  that  by 
proper  refolutions  on  the  lubjed,  Congrefs  might 
ceafeto  be  injured,  byt  imputatioiis  fo  dirgfaceful 
and  difhononrable.'  ''However  un%i^lliBg  wc  may 
be  to  efktei  tain  ftsfpicions  fo  difrefpe6irol  to  any 
member  of ^Congrefrf  yet  the  truth  is,^ that  no  incoil- 
fiderable  numhera  «f  the  people  of  this  ftate,  do  be- 
lieve the  report  to  be  well  fOttnded.*'t 

To  bring  Congiefii  to  fome  decifibn  tipcm  the 
matter,  on  Juneigd,  one  of  thd  delegates  ofvNew- 
yotk  laid  before  thatbodyg  the  printed  letter  and 
publication  of  rXhomas  Young.    Congrefs  took  up 


*  Prints  letter  to  the  iabsbitsnts  of  VermoBt,  April  tt, 

77,  by  T.  Young. 

T  Vltrte  Van  GorthndtV  letter  to  Coagrsri^  MayaSj  1777* 

Bifi        Tiis  {NATURAL  iiin^^#lt 

the  matlpn  aiil  md^nd  th^pM^Sti^^^^tifmt^l^^m^ 
which  ha4.  beoi  r«ceiv«d  mn  tki$  ^^ovci^Soi  ef 

ihfewhlil^r  ftMl  i#ef  icinflit  i<(y^lMi^^ 
36tli|  fMSbd  €hif  felk>#i|i|  fefehr«t  ^^^  ^v. 

c^ldfbi  b)^^;  Bttil^ire^letting  tSle  cMntuutiefe  re- 
i^p«<iU^y  tnSittbit^g  tile  t«rriC(>rica^  6f  Newhanp* 
lhtr%  MikffinriHifettt  Bif  |  RlMHleiflMid  Mid  Pravj. 
dftnee  PlaiiU|tiott%  G^a«4Nbitf  NewywI^^'Nieirjer. 
fey,  Pennfylvanta^  D#laW«re»i  ifaryfan^  Viigmb, 
l^rthdi^oHii»t  $«vitlMaroliiHi»  tod  Oe9f|ia^  at  they 
vefpeaively  ft^qcl  M  4hft  «itoe  cf  I  ttairft 
tliariit,WM^iiiAit«(Ml  Ut  vIm^  (Mlrpvfe  of  fecavtng  an4 
liefindUiig/ clie^^<»tei»iit^i«i^^alor^^^  the 

iifa#paltdf|t»  ot^pnsiicMMi'^ttii  iMftHv'  intaibni  of 
Cvrelitbritain  i  uA  UiertfcTM  It  cavnoi  %e  tmended 
that  Congrefa  |»r«ivy  «l  lit  prOWfedlUgi' f^Ottkl  do, 
orvecdttiMeiiiyOV  Vm^mtiiMt^  ttay  Hfiing  tBJurious 
ta  i^l^^rig^•^aMK^fl|i^ioll'<>ff''«lki'  £9re#ili€tiiiiiiiii- 

lii  Mj|^g/twfe,T|iU^t<te>fa<lij^ftd»tiiqywri^  at- 

ftmpted  4>»  bo  elbMiffli«d  %y  tlM  )iiii«ple^  ftyiitog 
chettMvi6tiababiiiiiii*dl  tlM  Ntfwlbaiilpaire  fnium, 
can  de^e  iii>^alMite»anc<l  br  j^l<lificiaii«o,  ^m  the 
aa  of  GohgMfi  i)eci«rif|g«be  Wited  Cotoniei  to  he 
ittd^odent  of  tht  oro#tf  of  OftMbritaito  t  aor  from 
•oy  !fftbe;>^^ov  MfohHiot  of  Congliff.' 

**  Rt/ilved^  That  the  petition  of  Joiiai  Fay,  Tbom- 
at  Chittendfffi  Hftman  AHeii,'iadR^bett  JoBes,  ia 
tb*  abifte  tnd  b«baif  of  the  oMptei  ftyling  them- 
iiilves.4Ni>«fbMfiiid,  »rayiii|^  eaat  '  thdi^  ^tSbratkm 
lb«t  tbfy  iroMidCtonuder  iMmfelvM  «s  a  fvM  and  in- 
dtfpfvdetit  (late,  may  be  received  i  that  the  diftrift 
iirtht  raid  petition  defcribed,  maf  be  ranked  among 
tifB  Aire  aitfd  ImKif^deat  ftxtcf ;  ttA.  ihjkt  delegates 
,^'>.w  ■•.  ■  ■ -ifcwtfwiii 

.•'W    ''■if    ir"-  '         W  .  ■       .  .-,       ■■.,•■■■.,■■ 


iing  tip  tigliiini!^  foi^piitpiWH^C^.  Wawwiv 
nejirer  me|H^;  t(y|iv«  any  enc^ragemeiil  to  ihe^Mm 
of  the  people  al9fip^i4»  to  |^  coiSif i<cl|ii^  §ft  'P^%: 

k  ^9mm  4Me^  #bD  ||d^  ^^  in  OiiiMHi  'ml 
iAe^e4i^ilii^fot|lt«^n4i^^  Hit 

wert  ^0|i«pi^|ii^^  feiV  m%Bt  bt  rcialUcedlfi  ilio 
fervict  ii^mV^^  6i»^.*^ 

J^a^itw  fickld  m$  pragrvp^  in  ^  letl«ir  from 
Tbomii  YMiDg*  wMd  Jukvt  wen  ^tnoted,  they  mm 
rifpl ve.  **  iThat  the  oontenci  4)f  thf  iatd  jMf ag rtphl^ 
are  ^roftatorjr  tp^tht  boofmri^f  CiMBm»9aHr«t^grafk 
mtfrcpreteiitatiofi  pithe  itfplwtiop  of  Coy^efs  jKhcldN 
tnf  re^rre4  Mv  and  tend  N|  dfeeiTft  |ind:  inifMacI}  cite 
{ttopiefio^iifhiftiBtbef  areaddrelitd.^^^  -t-r  " 

Theft  lif^^airere^vottraUe  toll»fivenHpM»t 
of  Newym^  K  tmn  their  fphk  aiaA  im,  mi4  (!i« 
manner  in  which  the  bufincfa  wH  i|itiwmeed»  the 
people  of  YerinOBt  condiided,  tb<ty  W6l«  draivfi  np 
under  the  iafiietice  of  that  INe  i  and  that. their  in* 
dependence  qi|  fttpported»  with  the  feme  inii- 
oefs  and  fpiftl»  Ittth  which  it  had  been  declared  : 
And  they  ferved only  toceofirm  the  reiohaion  of* 
peoplei  who  with  all  the  hardihdod  of  antiqoitir» 
were  well  acwaakit^  with  the  aatwire  and  origin  of 
their  own  ngbta. 

During  ^a  petiod^  no  contioircrrf  had  arifen 
with  Newhimpi^re.  That  ftatei  hid  gone  farther 
Ibjin  anf  otbtr»  to  adtait  and  acknowledge  the  indt- 
pendcnee  of  VeTniont.-^On  the  6tb  of  luly^  177T» 
the  i^merican  armjr  ftatiooed  at  Tyconderoga,  waa 
(wQ^d  to  abandon  that  important  poft  to  the  formi<- 


%-■•'--•■     « 

^  Jouriud  of  CoB|^i«|  }un9f  ijjj^  p.  a^jl,  149,  ft6a» 

people  ia^moft  of  the  townt  do  the ireft  fi4^  ol  the 
nummaitH,  |irere,obltge4  ^^(^  al)»iii^^^ek  hehitt. 
tKMi|.  wid)  qirjpaQiiUs^i  of  greet  diftp^  fui4  con* 
niiio^.      ..:    .      .,..'■'-     . 

The  qp^f efif iqiii  4>iP  Vermoi^,  way  tbeo  fittiof ,  at 
Wiadfpr.J  Th«r  cqLmmittee  irirote  in  th^  t|ioft  preff. 
ing  termt.f  ^ the  con^mUtee  otCifety. at  E.|Keter  ip, 
Kewhft^C^irei^for  jiiQIC^lices  ioforiiiiiig  them  it 
the  fame  tinie^  if  nonjB  ffmi^i  be  affpn^^ect^  diey  muft 
immediattl]^  retire  iiitb;thf  Neweag^Md  jlfk^s.  for 
fapport  and  fafety.  The  attembly  of  Nhirhamp* 
ihire  was  imiiiediately  called  together :  They  put  a 
Uige  body  of  their  militia  juind^r.  the  oommand  of 
Creneral  Stark;  and  gave  him  orders  to  **  repair  to 
Charlellbwn  on  Conne^icut  river  ;  there  to.  cpnfult 
witii  a  oomipittee  of  tl^e  New^an^pfliire  grants,  re- 
fpediojS  bM  future  operations,  and  the  fupply  of  his 
men  with  provifions^  to  take  the  cofumaUd  of  the 
militia,  an4  niar<;h  ii^to  tbe  grants ;  to;  adi  in  coti- 
junQion  with  die  troops  of  that  new  Iiat6»  or  iny 
other  of  the  ftate's,  or  of  the  United  States.^t  Aboat 
the  fame  time,1;  Mr.  ff^iare  prefident  of  Kewhauip* 
fliire,  in  behaifof  the  counqland  alTembly^  wrote  to 
Jra  AHiM,  fecreury  of  the  ftate'  of  Ve^rnqnt,  an* 
nouncing  the  alliance  they  were  fending  j  the  ftyle 
eind  exprelfions  of  \nt  \ttitr  were  addrefled  to  Ver- 
mont, as  a  free  and  fovereign,  but  ^  new  ftate.  From 
tbefe  events  it  was  not  doubted  in  Vermont,  but  that 
Newhampfliire  iiad  already  acknowledged  her  inde- 
pendence t  and  would  ufe  her  infltience,  to  have  it 
acknowledged  bv  Congrefs. 

Bjut  the  conau£i  of  fome  of  the ,  inhabitants  of 
Newhamp(hice,  foon  occafioned  a  controverify  of  a 

"•July  If.  '  «  ' 

-f  B«lRnap*i  Hiftory  of  Newliampfliirr,  Vol.  II.  413. 


tp.thi?  Mok  Mh  ^fip^fn<f,  wM  ft»t^  jby  ,wai4i 
join,  «na  1^11/  gpf^-^memci Ihey  Jf ion^**  P«  .ttoderJ 
Tih^e  i4ei|i.ffMf^  f foj^^^d  with,  jf^^h  /^^ 

werp  hoL^Oi,  and  la  tbexourle  pf  a  ,few  fi^^hi^i'  ^ 
peRiticmiWfiiiffl^cf^ffa  fbe  oiifnf  jof  uiuiefo  iqwj^n, 
la  ^c«i|i4|np%iuj|D^yaplAg  v  ih4t  thfqr  i|feie  nw 
conne^d  wifti.«A.y.  ftae,  «ij|i(rMP«^  U)  their  l?«cjfr. 
nil  police,"  and  itqueitingitne  two  of  iVtitjmi^t,  m 
lecave  tlvMn  into  an  uniioa  add  OQnf^c/ktiofi  witfi 
them,  /« 

Gg  The 

''  Obfervations  o«  the  right  of  jurirdi£liMi  of  Newharep^ 
lire  grant! :  Piinted  1978.  Public  defence  of  the  rigVt  of 
Utvhrfraplhire  grami,  &c.    Frinted  1779*  ,.  * 

t  M*r«h  it,  I77«.  V    %k*\l 

t4t        TBn  NATUE AL  ako  CIVIL 

Tlic  afle;^il4y  of  VeniMHiJlifai  perplmd^  w 
mi  wfjMMi^.    Slolt  df  ^e  tfiiiiibci*  ftod^Ue 
#eft^fidf  off  tli^  fii^>lltiti|iif,  vi«s»i^||^<  a  ;dafi|er^ 
nMirun  i  totOitt  tiiaj^itj^  of  thiililliiU^^ 

K«#hai|i|»|ihf^i  Tie  lOirtit  bi  Venaoiik  ^blch  ad- 
jp^tii  tb  Cofftiedleat  rh»r»  weref  ^tielikllv  it  favour 
c^ttceivm((  thOB  tbwns  froth  Ne^hAi^^iff ;  and 
wentfo  far  as  to  prpppfe  WttlldrawioMfni^ 
conneiion  with  Vermbnt,  and  fidt^iiig<l{>  another 
ftafe.  Thei^  wMs  no  metlf6d  to  ^fefit^i^  ihoh- own 
union,  but  to  refer  the  quiellioli  to 'f  he  dtUflon  of 
the  people:  And  tl»  party  in  favour  of  ihc  New- 
hampftire  propofals,  were  entrei^ely '^diltj(em  and 
afiive,  ilk  fifalriilg  a  majority  of  th^  ffittnbefs,  agatoft 
the  next  meeting  of  the  affemM^.  When  the  af- 
femUy  meti'it  was  reprefeftt^d  to  them»'tll;at  the  in. 
liabitantii  6f  the  towiis  which  had  applied  for  a 
nnibn  with  Ve^mOnti  were  al mod  unanimbus  in 
4heir  votes,  and  that  NeWhampfhire,  a«  a  ftttte^  would 
not  obje6l  agaihfl  (aid  toWnsioining  wkh  Vermbnt.* 
A  vdiie  was^ carried  in  favour  of  theii^HAio^ii^  con- 
federation :t  And  the  aifembly  of  YeirnioniM*troIv^- 
ed  further,  That  any  other  to#n^6W  the  aid  fide  of 
ConneHicit  ritcr,  might  alfobe  Aditiitte^'ioto  the 
«oion,  on  producing  a  vote  of  thi  ttiijoricy  of  the 
kihabiiants^  or  on  their  fending  i  repretmative  lo 
the  affembly  of  Vermbnt.^-^Having  thna  effeded 
4heir  purpofes,  the  fixteen  towns  altaioiintiNl  to  the 
govervment  of  Newhampfhira,  that  ^ley  had  with- 
drawn from  their  jurifdiAion,  a»ftMMriflM  :t»  have 
'#  diviContr  lint  eftabliflMd,  and  ift  friciid^  voiref- 
^ipOQtfiftiMe  kepi  up.]; 

/  ■  ■  . 

*  Atlan's  viodicalion  of  th«  conduft  of  the  gaoeral  afe»* 
Ujr,  Ac.  pagt  f  |. 

i  Tuna  ti,  1778^, 


li   ^!l| 

,*    ♦ 

HlStdl^  Of  ^iRSidst^       M3 

viOimh  *^iif  liN  Vakeel  ;^|ef  ir;»^  tl^^  jBf% 
mdvei  Mil^  a^ipii)^  W  l^^iirt^iM 
^  il«{|lf^7>*i^  tiiiiC|f«6cNs|il«f 

that  OitCrCfMitt^iiia^^r^J^I^  ''"^  *I>A  Vifi^ 
IntheAftiMiOfllM  afleiiilily  1^^  ifrol»  to^lilr,  Cllfr 

townt  M  liirt^of  tthi  ftate  of  liM'hanipfiiker  Hit 
datm  -mm  fymftM  op  tiw  kaowii>yiiiida|ief  of  iliat 
ftate»  NM6  llie  ffV^Mnim J  oatfefiif  femgiig  4^ 

gatci  ititii«^coit,#tfpB,  b  «m  i  ^^^m^rm 
y  thr afiii^)^  <|  Nf^aTOOiN.  ^r  i|fn»  «iiiii>«fi% 
munitioo  t  on  thfir  receivifig  c^t^omiflp^iit  from  lb* 
governQiMit»aodliaviogaliirays  a%d  as  a  jMft  cjt 
it;  He  five  mfofoiatioa  attbe  fame  timet^  tj|i«(  t^ 
iniBority^Mliore  |Oww,l>adclMtpcd  pisfttcatoi^^ 
that JUtfti L»h»*  *«  JiflijmW^  of  New||imp<l|«9» 
viewe4:,lhiwii(elvw  as  |.?>imi4  oil  #tWr<?<^t4f^rt^^ 
to  aftwdil^  Ai4|ie  Ulicitli^  jpiryiwolyefwi^ 
tQ  ex<«l  ilii  infla^iite  jMrith  tjheiff  tfiffmjbly,  |o  titmlj^ 
fciitrtgiMrftof  dl^ifstqaa^  c<»tt9(B4oQ.-^Tliar  ]^. 
might  4^1  hinNrcIf<»^'iehigbeft  aiithorily  In  4** 
mcricai  Mfw^^ilN  «rmte  #(p  ta  th«  delegates  pf, 

thatftal«>»:Cpni^f«i*ttfp««il»«»^^  f^vici, 
and  pr#«ritbt.ijtte|^pn  9f  CoWrefsi,  ;f>*Hlfe-; 
iQg  hU  appieh^tew^«t>||w^wd|irdJm  ti|p  onty 
method, t«  wiijc*t*t|f-i^|r?^wf^  I^puW^^^H  f«<4;4 
withotti  Ae  4if jififji  i>f  il^qo^,  w  all  altempM  fof 
recoQciliatidii  Jhai  been  ,iii^i/i«i|9v 

Nor  ««^  t|ie joffnimoc  f aA  5^«ial  c<  VermoiM! 
without  their  difScttlties,  in  the  m^Mjtm^fi  tMp 
alfairs.  To  glifde  the  movements  ofa  people,  irrH 
tated  by  a  loog  feries  of  injuries,  and  now  too  much^ 
elated  by  ^o6e(l,  ^as  a  critical  and  difficult  tfiifineft. 
4«7aTt  «f  the  applications  that  would  be'  mide  t^o 


eAi^ftsf,  tAagttfti9t 





saore,  to  paeui  their  junidiSion  to  tli)^«aft  of  Ctia. 
— ^ -^  -  -  -Tilants,     The  aflcmWvflffcycr 

wmcn  were  ncwOary  to  mat^e  a^houtb.  to  Ob  Kufi. 

irlen  the  fyctqitgmmu^i,h^6i%itMMym»    Xhp 
xemammg  liiemberi  wei^t  op  with  m  pa||i€i  l^ufi- 

^fe«?^%  ^^  ^»^ruMem  <^^^^^^  witjb 

J«Wfe/4^;W°«^  y}^^  New;l?aMpif,^  at  their 


fit '   ti  'i!    ..^    ;  iirf.^/  i 


p.i4.i§.,%|,4(lj,.,  • 

BlSPifPiV  o|  V^ljlOJ^^^        ^ 

fivnp  /I  gp;^eK;u|i^|i^  tt^  ccnttrr  -fid  leair  of  i^icli^ 

Etieea  ca^^a*  t;^^  i^  (j^iib,  one  oC Abe  fixt^di  tiM«|»jh 
t^  s^tprol^  tp^  unite,  lyithout  any  regard  to  iha 
koMto  w^l^  hjM^  bee n  affigned  to  Newha|]^>ilikre,  ii| 
17^41  »mt9m^^$!^lc>llowi^m^  td  thai 

or  lo  4r||tt^|bi|j;rij^ttiaUy  chdf^^  If  n^tl^  of 
Owtij  j^i^jfwj^  and  t^cjr  (fii^oJd 

s^^erifipli)^^wj^ii^  upon  a,  plan  pf  'fpir#na^ 

menf,  tW  r|&^cid  farther,  **  We  mmU  confeot  llut 
tiie^o^bf  t^e,g|-f|iu«  connefk  with  Newhampfliire^ 
and  ha?q(^%f|ath^theni  one  entire  ftate,  at  it  waaliin. 
ited  IP^  l|QU<^4'9i  More  the  lettling  of  ttie  faid  ^mk 
in  1764/*  tlfitilvOpe  of  th^fe  propofals  Qipuld  be 
QOfngQedl  nm^  tfaejf  refolved  to  truli  in  prpvidene^* 
ao;^  ^l'^^  f^'^^^^'^'-**^'^^^'®  ^^'^  l)ut  eiglil? 
towna  rroQi;  yfifi«Qnt»  which  were  reprefented  10  thia 
cbnventi^p ;  1^^  fome  of  theni  declined  to  ^St  Ui 
tvMnfji  9dy  ovextHrej  to  Newhampfliire^  to  extend 
tliqr  Jttri^£^ep  over  the  ftatc  of  Vermont.  But 
the  proceedipl^  of  the  convention,  ferved  to  .diCcov- 
ertot^ifh(ue,1k>ody  of  the  people,  what  had  been 
tbe^viewa  otdie  leading  men,  in  propofing  the  union 

*  AUen'i  yiadicatioRf  p*  8*i.d9t 

ii'i^iertjRAL  Aif»  eivr 


%at|ii;>  MJ^cii  to 
eerier  aii4  feat  of  whieb, 

ltti|l|i^(}cl«i^%  ^rt  of 
iS^t^l^OTiAy  W^Utiof  up 

m^^m^^^m^^fo^^fo^  ■  Jlafce.  tlis 

wbicE  divides  t|f  tw^  (^^SirrrXo  iftt  ifd  dfj  f '<:qii* 
it(|iiqn^yh|cb  had.^^  tiiucl^  traulilt  mi, 

^otedto  atlSToIve  tlic  ^|iipn,  wb}«h  Im4  fiif»G|l|!ji|  be<^ 
itnetn  |h<^.aiid  |hc  itoyiriis  jn  N^ifbatnpfl^fe  i^  and 
tQii^edp^|ei^  j^  tJi«Mr^|enBJj|^  to  that 

g^^^ift>  ^  g^cpuraged  by  thcfcdivifai),  the 
i^bty^t  5^ct^^n)f>ftiir^  waa  per^i^edivby  feme 

*^  J^si^  mfmjbcrs.  Id  piaim  tpa  ^WM^baa  of 

elprjI^Hflncfa  l^boged  to,b|erb«for|!it)i<  royal  de- 
^pifi^ii  Bi  J  7^i  1^  Accpi^dMfl^  ibat  ft^s  put 
H>i6'  Gbrfgtifls,  i|  claim  to  «c  wbole  ^rf^torjr  of  Ver* 
o^bnt.  m'vryotk  tqiok  the  fame  Hep.  and  put  in  her 
dam  ^  tb^  Wbqle  of  the  lands.  /^  Ne^hanipfbire 
hl^iibt^tie  lead  pretence,  up^on  any  principle  what- 
ei^eK  tb  hl^ake  fucn  a  claim  it  was  not  donbted  in 
V*i<nnd'n^;  hut  that  intri|;ue8  bad  b^eii  formed  by  the 
k^fbg  men  in  thorc  tiro  fltate^,  to  divide  Vemiont 
bei#^^n  tbetn.  The  pan^e  of  mountains^  which 
rilhi  tbrnugh  the  iiate^wpuld  afford  a  liatural  line, 
foi*  fticib  a  divifibn  r  Aqd  this  mjeafure  wotild  unite 
the  two'da^s  of  MewbampChire  ancll^ew|rOrk  ;  and 
pt|t  an  et|d  to  all  iuttire  controyerfy,  with  the  peo- 
f\i  of 'Vermont  (  either  refpeflfng  thdr  limits,  the 
validity  df  their  grants,  or  the  pow«n  of  government 



9  i77$t '  June«ii»: 

•..r  J  ;{•... 


which  they  had  aOutfi^i^  Apd  if  Hmk 
mid  h«  ufti*t^lii*isl%  flili^ "  "^  ^* 
reft  #l«iHl%i?ettetteifett|g 

fifoVi  trbubifeiiieW'jC^li 

hailiplhire :^fV>riith6u|h  t]^  Uiel^l^ 
clttfettltaiit  Ne#him|miiir#^#^:^^ 
b«i^fl«ttl^,  v<^t  ibeelinll^Cwteeiir  liipii 

Ne#yiHi  M  ncfvir  httcfil  cH^tei^iiiillf 
N«i^atki|»iiire,  the'dt^t^te  kith  imM^m 

^r?i--^  V*?^ 

oceaain^^tttem^^ticotnnieita  a fiikinrprili 
refi%iM^$o'^ilie  iHi^hcing  of  tii«o,  mfi^^n 
and  the  ^omft^  of  ^vSy  aS  d^  g^MeC  «^r 
tteideal  Ver^i^fetlftatelf  anr^pilioitil:  w^ 
ir  f^Uds  ar«  futfcientfy  po#iribmr  itie  lu^SE' 


ui|ed  Cbfig^y ^  a>me  ro1oliS:'a^fii^ 
coAtroverfy  Witli  VertiiodI  j;  laatiild  th¥1i^alit^aii(i 
for  the  violeuee^^th^  P^eeanis.  ^i^  t&lil  r ' 
wduld  (boil  brini  oT  a  dvir#pv&4  t^it  >ll  'i)i|r 
grievaiic«i  of  the  {^eiple  df  Vtmo^iMmmM^* 
arofe^OiiY  tli^  (brtnerijid'mtimeiit  of  Kewyolk  inll 
not  ft-om  the  prfeRiit.1r  "^^^f^T^ 

*  Copy  of  a  Itttcr  fnm  ^at nar  C^alia,  to  Palatiab  Fitc^,  EHu 
tAUefttdcopy.  .      ^ 

I  ■  I 

Patter  iVm's  letter  to  Cov^viHir  CikMtoti 
Mitiot's  petition  of  May  4*  »l770. 
,^  4'  C l(ntoii!*'  ktiercta  3w'  Mi 




^4^i^vi^i^^^ii»  ^  isdiiMiitlte»  li«  I|fmat0a{  to 

ifiSiimilk^  of  (1irKeiiphampi(if«  gifnt^^frnf  1%^ 

il^M'i^i^  Dfeiliire  M»|>toi^eaii  ain'^ 
^..iiiliirirSll  dii»<pfcci|i  and  ]^i^vent^ 

WMk'dii'ici^iMNr^l^^  tadciog  tl»e(is 

tnontt  804  tviiii  Ctoogredf  ij(//ii  marched  mtl|  ait 
jKi^tfd  iD^ci'^  afti  mile  |»iilbiieri  of  tbi  Colonet^ 
an#  i^Qi^f^srii^KwIlo^e^a^Qg^^  tbe  %^^ 

thdri^  Itf  ^I^INft^^  ipOpf||laiiiit  #as  iiiiiiie^f atelf 
ftiMle  to  (fpyefHOr  <S^^,^  wjih  an  eart^ft  rt^jaeft, 
thithewould  take  cIm  Moil  ff^edy  an4  effe^ufl 
meafiim  for  their  relief.f  v  Oq  Tuoe  the  7th,  Mr* 

Hh  Clinun, 

*  ClintAii*!  ^^t«r  to  t^oogre&i  of  May  18, 1779. 

f  lourirai  0^  Congrefs,  Jao«  i,  ijr79,  p.  1(37. 

t  s.  M»not*rleM«T  t6  gov^srnor  CliRt^t),  m  May  ff|,  iT^jf* 



t#         xlit^lfiaPBrAifiAlliiOIVlll 



•^Acimi^t  of  the  p^^c(^d1%P4^rA^v Wf^1s4o#^r«^ 




ought  is  %  mem  tiiiie  to  (iifpeiHl^  ^utoiiifg^  iheir^ 

cept  loch  of  tlieniy^^i  fliall  profefs  allegiance  to,  and 
confQlf  the juiiHiOionOf  the  ({im^  refpeaively,-* 



v  >• 


tWfmtit  Oli^dlirl^  of'VtMiEtili Jm^I^ 

of  ill  wis  itiiy  1^'adiinit^^^  atteUiiiflH  Jif^ 
f  fiiacpf  nd^  difH.  a^Nncld  tiMr^  opveii  of  gov^rto. 
'p9^l^%t  H^t  fliiej^* tod  ftliiiid)^:'tfbtiii«^^iliir 

yfhit^  Coiigreff  j^nypdfed,  wM  itec^fiMpiffHkle^  "vrtUi 

%ifyilait  of  fedilf  I  ktnA  tiM  racirc  diiigtffiiii^  ii 

^ewyork  trat  (conftantly  aiming  to  braak  up  tiie 

.f  JournilofCoB|i«^8i^tfi!ibcrB||i779«      •«\vt*«t 

.  iiiaiftCMittidiirei^ii 


i"t  i 

'  Vl 


iWHiwiH  m~iiiwi,  iiini|i  pwwcr. ' 

grcf8>ir«tttIielt|«lri^rei^Udv«lio4y/*t  vo 

*  Joimial  oF  Congr«ri,  March  ti,  ijtQ,  p.  8t»  8fl.  84. 

i  Con  ClitMa4«i'«  ^4Uer  t«  C«i>|ftl^  ^  July  ii^!u.i|^« 






thttt  by  the  mode  of  triil  Wl^b  Wat  adopted,  tkf 
.  ftal^ot  Vcriaoat  could  hiive  no  bearing,  without 

:t  ^  '   ' 


isfi    %mmmmii»' 


llSfihiiii  'JilfeiTiiFifnlriilif  riThiirrWilSiiniHi- 

xnictee' was  appointed  to  confer  with  irer  aife^iSlty, 


A^j^jilStlriFtNil^^  .>iiiiiiiiiMiBiiiii 

Miffiwliiririii itihjithtitv  fniiitdfltiiiiiiiiiiiitti  jjifi 

111(1  Ji.l|wih>i|ii(i|  II nil  ithaIliicA.6|M!i"i.i1(iiii  ijiiil  (ifflilm 

iiffli^  iii4  Ibuth.  0f  Utittt^  ^f  I  and  tii|i,tp^4l| 

and  iiii4Fdb^^f^4Mi^j.tbffiiMAiciito 

lifb     tmmmm^mmmxL 

:  ii/l.  Mhi  i  ilitfljiiilliwi^  liiiiii  iimiilHi'  "' "' 

i- l^W^^ff  t^r!^^PBfllSBSl»  tS^^W^WMff l^p*flwwR  ^WWWw: '  «^1 

in  the  adjacent  cewmtteHtfenqMbfalliitij  iCftftei^ 

j%|e  ^mi^;  .ito-^>f«»<il|iir%9|Mtt»^ 

i(?|!erajijpi[|ttii<iiiv  'i>»t>ii^fftiMwi>ip''ft>eipi  iwiiiliBliilii^MWi' 

union  wero  agreed  to/  iMr  th^  i«)^«ftotiliiw»7df « 
twedt^diftri^  in  IHWfom,  and  tlie^OiiiDftM!»^m 


this  ^pmfiimcfMmt  u^imm^m^^w^ 

htd  now  ike^iil««aj  tl^Mie  Irid  ki  €b#*^^       tb 

1  tl.i.^->^  I  ii  iifiilfg  ^^1  i'i4  II  iiiiH^^tHlii  Ifc'iil  ^^ 

liiifc"  MitfwhiiMititiitptli  iiiiitffiiiilMimiilit-^*'*^  -- 
iliii  TiiiiiiiitiiiiitiliMiriiMii  iJiiit  iarliaf ■  liiiJaiihiht  ki^ 

iMUifeiB^iky' viMfc  Mtml  d  itifli  I'll  imiiriii  ■  f i* tf to  iJiaiitmA J  ■ 
to  j^V.  Iklllil  |A»i#w  ?roiur  iei^fMiM^ilplI  WKINPI^ 

if  |4|^l^  a  friend  of  yaur  own,  here,  wkh  propofals 
to  tFc  genera],  he  fh^ll  be  pmte^ecf^  andrimf^  1^ 


iMAfe  iliifiliiMi'fi  jtiytiiiMi  Mtfiiiiiii 

bit  <iii»liiiiii^ftf^i|  iiKtl^M'  i 


Mfem  rfhhiiiirtiiiiiiri 


.— ^'JhUi'. .      ^'a      ^■^— ■■*^'^^ 




lift  atflan 




m^  I  i^jllhoMi  they 

w-uNl #Hlfll>fift'^fiw'ftniitif^ii»m  ■■Hill riiiiiiiiii  Mil  i  ■ 

tfit  iiiilj^Ai  tinm,  aiSa  had  tieithicr  ina|A«infts^ 

K  k  norihvard. 



Of.    Ne 


a4%  i^Uk  ft  «aa»nUp<iii  AIR  1^^ 

fllf f «3<wli lilkfwr :lh0UMl fe  ^f an tdl  ^TaAft >|5ri|iai 

tAi&'^Sfllsr%iriikIi  hfi4  been  enti9|te4  lo^Hini  t  Mii 
h«^kh9i*ndtMs§msfhy«ttf^  yrcrftj»inQii|'|i^  f^m^ 

Mererl Okc  Bist|ifll«genM  tp,<|pcwvf  tfeBi^folM^ wi^ 
sK^'bifta  of  Ahoh*  own  li^cfm^ai?^  <^mp^f f#  i#<£^. 
«1  ^f  cMn  iiifw«,ni^  le^dhig  the  «^^y  'mo  ^t 
Bgr^MOf «t,  Aat  no  hqHilmiBtJi  Qm^d  \iteQp^^x^%^ 
agaiaft  tb«  ftaictpf  yermwt.jr^U  Hy|.  ft^#r  J9r 
f"^|*  Fiy  WM  fewt  t|0  tfee  ijnpmf  ,9S  %^l<t  P*»»r 
p^^uar^  1^  iMNii|Ufeied  Ml  eicbaiigf  of  prift?neri,| 
And  in  September,  Alleit'ancl  ra)%J^f4pfto§j>^conf, 
f«WfriH^ ^witb  IM,  Brt^  agcnts^r  wmcJr  file  *« 
f45>*fn<[r^  left  ^  BrUiih  ir|  high  e xpea^g^Bf  <^  nia|^ 

i;i  h:v.  •:^-n':4^'■]    ■  *     /.■  ■   '      %i;ipont  :. 






and  wm  Imh  it  ,&c^n4crM».    1^ 

Don  M^li  lifaM^^vig^  ^mm^m 

tl&^  rojml  ^£feiiv«$iiiM^ 

riiMMi^^^liM^  iltni»|j  fitii 

,_.-.     ,^^,  w«!l»  fold  ittxitt^er,  ih4i^il»uiii^ 

cibie  f  1^  fpit}teii^^M()^t^dl  l|r  ih  #^a#ri  ^ 


ofthe  fimle  of  Vcriiiont.  In  F^uar^r  and  itt 
Apr^^j^  mUfh  ayepta  wrolo^  inib^i  mo^^  {>rei&«g 
cermi,  m  i^t<;»-ination^  Their  %mk0f  Md  wm^ 
vill.bift  ai)pear«  frbm  the  %lf  of  their  letters :  Tha 


,^w«  »»^J  hm  m^M^i  iftfe  if  '^i  j*)?iifat  iUM 

m  prodamatiotts  ?  I  repeating  fti|[ti 

fa^cifiAaint  y^  W  tlNe  ftiitfif)Hr^  6f  Ms  l^ceUenc^ 

|Mni<qMil3^^i»»  t)^  i^e  of  Vclftnont ,  >tid  ihtlb 
!>••  i^mr^anii lnymafl^ imgliiiiitidiie, am. iiw  Cbcf 

^  W  WWww.  olBRiliJf  alTvre  yoof  durt  o<r^  art 
^.>r«nMMf4  ?)  yp»  i»  Wi«w»»(C0CK't  fonier  of. 

|UWi«t»iil  Mc  ftMls9ft  iiiaitfi^  fiUli^  ^t^  inad 
]mi^a»aUy  complM  With.— Wi  huat,  jm^nfrnk 
aybofuch,  ai^  l6  <Uf}!)Mi!<l«B  <mr  ^utoli^  ^ndl/^ 


wmm  mwmmm    m 

to  rami    ••J»t#   ig| 

Cana^,  with  a  letter  from  thtjeovcrnor  of  Vi^Sk 

v«>fn#Br,  to«ii  ff|iiiit<^t(iSil^ij^  lflh^j^i#5 
Dejodaiion  were  iMifitof ei|  mf  iif  «)|i«  u^^i  f^ 
Ipr^Me  Vcrmimt,  to  <Mkm  kmtm^wm^  ^m^ 
Wee  J  mi,  «B  liif  other,  to  gN>k4  M4#,  mtfi^ 
biin^  on  «  Mtfwgl  0f  hoittiifei.  ^feet^^ 
1?.^'/  aoi  BMKh  urg#MI»i  let  (Eur  ^^I^A 
C?^^  ^"^^^  ***  ctom^  tit  liif|iei««ti  ^ 
r**^' *  «fd  i^«t«  A  vary  l»j«iif]^  lm^t#  Oofi 
<mor  Otkfendw;  f«»y  coiBfiN%  his  li^udl 
of  Iihtntffi^  dM  9^;^i.  ifiif  iffiwiidi 

p^4mmmmi^fi$  YmbAL  Hit 

*-*•*  ~-^ — ^^ — ^~ -^     *-— 

•A.    . 




^'  "Ills  txprtifklrj  m%iS^|i^oiie^ 

rWt!fflaiSP  <^>fMt»^  pow^ttr,  to,£Hfve  you. 

y '  oncerUm.    Wh%  m  e^qtlOfm^  Mfiterely  re» 

i(^Mnk»|kct  of  r^fiMug  to  ytou  cha 


I9^|M^I^U  ^  to  Gov«iMr  ab^^ 



cd»  not  to  liS^y^^^  Ib^StSil'lil^i^ 

a  time  wh^  fli«  fti^df  reithoii\  defe^il^  W 
conUocn^  piid  iiitttile  to  d^fiNid  mfill  tky  it  'th« 
mercy  of  th6>nii«^lhCatil^. 
^Eightlwfeiii  ctely  m  VerWrtik,  #ef^  Si  the  fpcret 
of^ic«WrilSp0ildeii8i.  Eadh  of  tlcm  war.  -di^ii 
to  be  aiaottt  tlM^M^i^oiifli  mtd  frfe^di;  t6  tli^'  A^ 
rMtm  €»m  lliey  Hid  aivo#cd\te  ftyiijiotip, 
and  ebbraced  the  caurc  of  their  country,  from  th«. 
be|iiipi||^|f  t^  A«iieficfiiiifMir  {  Tliey  iMd^fiiillteidl 







r-  -v' 


i^  . 



*    .i 


or  in 


mP9  ifa 







irtbeWjWV  no  otbir,  a|t£y #«  T<>Uw,J»ppIe  # 

I,  CO  prevcnt.iucn  an      , «   ^  . 
tiiiH-air'^'Rga^'i^n.tb  i^tefifc^  Acmretvcfs,  to' >r«i»cufe 

^  iliUy 

I    J 

JtWitMllil^#iliiiilgiby^       lip 




Iiiiitii  Tiiiiiiimlriiliilli  fiilfiiiiiiiiMiiilirMtiiM<    ''  ' 

pto  o|iyiaiiiiimJDa 

'Piid|itiii(|n*Aj  3«hI  ■■  'wN^'  *h^r'3  'iMfli 

cvtfif/nHb^me^'  ^mii  lit^<»iwtA'pi§niuir<rfiwi 
il|OWti  tittt  they  dffcnred  tU  file  bkp«|s  of fHQtiifQi 

to  as  p^  n^&Him^j^k wm  wjwitiiw  jp^piiiittitN^ 

s  whofij 

liiii  ililiiilii  i  liilifi? 

M  itlllilillltf 'Btifii'  li^i^iiNi^  j-ttitllliliiii 






sINhI  'ti^^mmiimiif^i^t^^ 

#afriif  K'^iriail  iilfriiiitoli  laiiffi  niiltlrr  lirfirif  ilifnilihtM 

^^^^j^^^     ^^^^^j^^MitX^M 

ftlh*  ■  i'-    1  ■  iiiifc  mjM    -■.■^«^- ...  a 

pmrfwIIIMHI.  IfMp, 
'    ■*«... 'j^  .■!.*:  *L..    1  «,-   -.>»-^  ^.-  .a  ■ 

m  iCBIlBP  llffipw  fWIIIlp 




.  '     k: 

-.». .  m  ^i 

^bGd»<  ||et|idiiiltl«#i4aitesi4tl|0ii^^ 

Iwfe^i^  \mo^  .:imff^mM    .   _   .^., ^ 


4MMMMM|2^J^^^    ^J|. 



^  .^. 

//  V* 





1.0    [^KiliS 

2?  lift  ■" 

1.1   L*""^ 

=     m 

mm  Ih  \iL 













as  Wm  MAIN  STRUT 






■■it*."?..  v:^«i ■■•:»«»■ .-  -i  lft»    ji     ■■»■      .  ) 

*Jf    !^.,:, 

■i***^,**,*    ¥■%,,      , 

gi-^*ii^:*;i^^rf^^<  ^r .  flf^r^M*-  ^**^uf  1,..MN.i^i 

,.%,        ^.;.       - 




t  .jmL* 

J^.SsI,    ^.,%...    ik..?'    :*^' 

*..  *'. 

.  4  ..*' 


-    k,*; 
'*!..  ,'.i» 









ij».-.4^  .ll.ii.3-> 

t'/*Li'].«iA  I  -^'>  **»•  ji  ^  Vi 

ftft^^  J  .fl* 






iff  It 

tdifit.t^Ms*  <^ 







of  Auguft  IftOy  in  |ttlur«flt^^igio  t 



.•■    W5J3D^J.0,O| 

iMlMpi/iiiMnWiiMirr     -m^ 

Jt .^     4^ 


!:  ^■■, 

foil,  tm 

mm  «tt« 

-^wmUm  >iiil-:4fflBtfiML:  thwiiliflttiiititiii'-tt 

by  force  agiinft  any  Dodjroi  nco  vllo  bI|^P^  ^* 
#  ^     .       .  •  deavour 

t.,  * 

^mV3^^i^  ^^^w^m  M^.^MhfwmM 

*      *,* 




.  w 

^4  »ji«"'i 



<9f»,.,„,M»  liAfuiiAL  Aw*,cnrtt;  ^ , 


► .-,  f 

•'■  '  -    <»3    $^.  Htm  '  .•  ■     =    ■  •  '^   f  •■ 

Im  ml  «i#  intlitiff  ?iMI<#i^^^ 

i^  \^n  conftantlv  gaining ,^ftfengtll,  n^t  only 
amoJll  tte  tMi«|»k  WBo  fmjt  atetd)r.*&ltlcd\iii*the 
territory,  but  by  the  acccfllo»  of  large  numl^rs  of 


m  ^ 

**  ♦ 

people  from  otl^  ftate^  )mt  clildly  fm'tioiitiei 

df  thofe  1^0  bftd  ^eii  in  o|nM»fitldti  toi^b^rtriiiiiiilif* 
tnigkt1i0,or  «f  to  iveoQ^^tiidr^it^liiM^i^ttd 
were  now  ftiDf  cmivliiee^  thatnbtMof  c6m  lie 
carried^igatiift  Ihifovernnieiiti  hy  force  tnd  djMO* 

fuch  pttmi  mSk'ike  ftati,  il1iii#>t«vj«yii%iiii«le 
.  m(mtiHtL  ^  Wifti^ril^^  f^  tilii  ^pmm 

acquiefce  in  the  ^ifi^ilf  (^i«^iM  hi^  \ 

Conmrs  had  withdraurn  all  th^contiSninit  t!^0(^» 
and Im  the ittliabitanti ^  take carejil  tb«m&|#«i. 
'In  their  expe^  fixation,  tt  becfeme  n^oeflkrt :  ti 
rai(^«%aiyfflil^  i#c^  for  the  ~d«fej|ce  of  the  mjfr 
tiers/  The  Itfttiiiture  oiiiefed  diem  tp  he  '" 
fohn  thtf  foi^mtbllrilfc  iq  the  J^^ 
the  nuh^  if  Iheilr  Inhabif aat|«  '^h  Hii 
perfottf  in  tl^  fontbeifterly  parta  of  me  J^ 
oppofetd  thenifinf  ind  piyi^iot  of  thefe men, 
governor  of  Iffewyoik  hy  letten  M^  thfto^  an4  i 
vMei  Itttn-fered  in  the  biifineil.  To  ioof  of  ti#i 
diOrffe^itf  fperfoot  he  gift:  ciift  j»d ,  iplifiw^,«j|i- 
«iiflMi#,  and  eneoinnaged  ilmm  wtt^  Ihe  pr(>Q|<|l9ynr 
promtfe  o|*  fiif^ti  ind  pti||(^^tO|i»^  >  Jf  w  imb* 
]ent%^t&ia%i^$of  %|K>tt  indiiiM 
fbe  governiDMttt  ofJIfirmli  Ij^meof  theieipMiBtt- 
ed  peribni,:hed  th#effromry  |;p  itteai|it  to  exjenBlfo 
th6|airslQf-^!feii^rork,cfMFer  the  atiieni  of  Veri»f^tp 

«  ^ 




file  ^  4Ui»  tbe  comdiittee  nported^  *'  that  t|»e 



^ :     ^%4-d 


..  of  ^».ih^(»^i»t#i€«^^ 

of  db<^  iipMiiitti  tfliift Mlk  op'  -  ^  .^^ 




V    ^^ 

of  the  fiiie. 

•  J***-  ^ 

^  ^lf«ijlyl% /Kbit jt^ 

Hbfcnstif  «|i^f  4uB  ^fiirpatioiliri^t] 

WMh  regard  to  that  part  of  the  rcfolf  #s»  wli&?b 
declared  **  tlie  proceediogs  of  Vet^ont^  to  be,4erOg-^  « 
atory  to  lilt  authority  oC  Ibf   yiifr^ird  Srateik.  and ' 


#  «^ 

,.      ,   I-.-!    ■..\..^:^     .i._  1- 






-^.     I 






'i^B  |fiTt>iiibii^ 



.4  ^?i*  "<»^l 


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;;*'<4(ki^*'^'<,»Ti'^'-''    ;'.|r*«4^4|#M*'»»  ■ 

,.y  ■■.,-'-^;,  JV*-- 



-^■--■— ■  -■  --<^ — "-*----■  --■  ^^.^.  m4  ,  . 

^.i»4!H4^^-<  *'^'J;.i«  «iii«n|a,)k,*|£  ,,j||ij^##vi  )»>».*f.'j*-*^  sTfl^  )f. ;. ♦:«!«*»";'•-**'. V.^|*«-< 



...^.■iL,Ji'l^*i-lS'ii-&ji:  !i-   ftsk-Xi, 





i'  '■  '-'kwi^iad^rim-''  "i^jf 







,«tft'^^  .  4' 



m'vmmnt  si 






'   >l 



6.     ■#-■* 


Jt^-  a  '  I 

T  ^rt*r^  %:?r?i»r » II  r^,  J  7i| '!- 





jJi^f'^'Mf  is^utiati 

Pfclwflli'  ■'  ^'*^ 

JRV  JlflMnl 

'"  ^^^nlkl    mO^^'^-.flH 

i^  ^^M^niw^^V 






Li'  i„-  ■     ILL-L-  *"        \ 



rr.  T-^d 






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■V      »/ 

i#*T^  ^ilLifi! '     ^    ^     ■*'*      iiLk    ■■     y 





fcf^  *■  ■** 



iheif  ei&|tif«i  i«ffeii  %^  «o  lie  «r 




■»  >« 

V  V- 


^  Wfy^  -  H*'^'*?fi^  '^w^/' :  ■  ^*^^"i  -,.. 






















ft  ^mmmr 






•#  -■%♦:,- 


/,- 1 


«ai  .  «-^^  ,^  •^•^Ol^g  the  liptlif  ttticUif  A 
P^eQWpipS:  ^ih^  woi^ct  aSM  a  proMr  ao 
W  ©f  J#  iiirf  orpity^ia  this  pa^  6r  Afliatck 

^-^-^    ^;>^^   .     EMPLOYMENTS      ;^ 

i  «^- 









.1    .  ■  *■ 




at\  ,  A  '■ 

I  i 





■i.,   I 









.  P:4^^1^, 

fs   f' 




^      it:.. 

*1m^  i^k\i'f'?^.l^^vMi^''^i^, 


^ .     the' 















'""  —  --■  -     -   -^i^i^i^tispintwttron 

]^l0t:mm$:  bill  '1i"  'Cti«<^4iisg 
*v?«^iN  #*y^^^  iiMppfit  ttid  dl 



the  iii$ii«iiior}ir6$i^^ 



0f  ttfiab^  ift 





irtQ  et^iti^ 









T'^^iv|?(^.4B%^^  ^^^■^rfrHr 

the  .aibef, 



to  hav|j|toide( 







^^  ^^  ^   ^    ^ .liliioni': 

TmldUtiocbbitlng  .  .ana  sMMittf  jHfWtlWKenl 



ti^9Lti»MP^i»^5F^P<'* «  '^^Jr /TO^  *^^  '^^ 


••  lOlMI  l^l  the  vHus  fivmv  vDa  mpc  i«[ 

in  focaarJni^i^jas  tliat  it  iciii  am 

Me.  ,  inmt  towp  of  Civ«iidi(li,  to  t' 
the  yair  i|i^  die  qilan^  *iat > 

|ftbeftimf|l#:iii  0f  ||llier  6^ 




^    tm^Mmm  ^wwin* 

itmm»mmm ,., 

>|^  aie 

*dM|^ML  ' 


liviog^  but  uipciiafi  |»rc^rcjr  to  mamtak  f  miil^«-.s 

The  pl«iiiif  hibtiif  wift>'iliipyi«iiieaff  •  ^pmrtUA 

(but  «j|||  jaibmi  ■  4iy't  iMpk^  i«Mil/  &id>«iiipfojf(« 

t\m  }^(mfi^$,  S^n  giwrm^  (tvMi^ty  [£d&iM  -Moy^it  (m 
hi  liQfl^iiB^ulil^  value  tCNg&e  faoodred  aii4ii|^tN 

arc  dotift«Qti)Tihepioiii 
atcme  to  tMi'itid 

*  -■» 

jtx^W^rifMw  tmtt^ 

l^ii^VM^kriNKteOn^  of 

l^d^  ffiimtie^tiMa^  mmWmiklk  every 
loii^lft^VMtK  (b€  llitrcir  Mk^#^        tht 

IftgfMpetty^  Oiat'bbi)!^  fli  liaei  jit  I^M^t^  enters 
l^tlHnmnd  e<^n(itti»bai^.  ii  i^^^  ilibi^  jitte^  fti  tfte 
iU#.^Talce  ff^m'tH^di;  illMar  ai^j^ritei^^  the 
pi^f^pTt!^if!f\thoif,*tiim  bopf 

ofieliMRi  ^fii  and  pr6fKHft^  tl^  ltd  tbe  £tro- 
^an  ttmTe^tilsQtfcs  will  fotfow  :  Hbt  ^#m  every 
wheft  Aouid,  the  wealthy  muft  liMiiAtiiil  tbetn,  and 


■  f      «,;- 

^    -''SfH-t-^-' 

fw-i-c  S*.'.  -jrf 



to  ntult/inOs  ii*>ill?rc>'  itaif  ik    •  ••?-f>f-ij>.r  ^  -;  i-trnifii| 
"Hi*   iv,   %'^kyM  i^iv-'-t    vrtiS^ '«&■', lK:-vif tri a. M^    »  '  ';.;   i^ftffff^ 


*r-      , 

'^    «Ilt,l^ftfl^bl^.4^ 




!;,  -.r?     f<;  t^?  't^-;      ^^'^    ■■'■  ^-    "V  '^in     !^  bl^ftlh'>*i-: 


*73  <liiti5''!9Vin;v  ii^n^biofxiniia  ::ijieifft;>i!|>3  iotaili 

fiotiv oiiiiiJerhred  ifrotir  MMtt^  <Jtiuai^l'i[f«ilMii]ri 
•ocp  viiMi'  Jfieeftaft^  of  tit«^|HM>til#{  tgft  tte^  le^v^ 
aderof  iliotioaf^'itid  to  dttiliii^  tlie  Bl^  if  fS^tjf 

cict^  irhicb  taksBfilMis  Mi«>n|  tbtffad^rl  In  i  iie# 
uhiyevfal  ainodig  flie  p«c»|ik/  iif'  all<  piWl^dF  thh 

ao^atnttd  mkh  te  IHMiml  im^iilt  fi^««cci  i  1^*  to 
ha»»«lMiniiU  tbo^hB  lo  nsiA^^ At^li  ibfe  feii^  f^ftUH 
t«frio«rHt^  %  pUm  ifttif  legflit'hiild  i  alldtdbat^ 
tiiei|i  aeqauntdl  «Ath  tli«>MiWi  d^  IfmtSl^il:,  to  fitt 
^^\\mik9aakrfx<mm^  ivyof  lAitttioft  tojni- 
iHMi*iidriitcdBv/o(»tlpat«ona^m,  AtttK^dttl- 
dito  are  trained  tfp,ta>imt  kiiid«rlliii»ilrledg^^  Tftr^ 
^  J  arc 

\i$§^^ft0,  tlikr tra^itH^  fmito  readl the 
'"***"  i--ii  Vri^taJ  pu1)licati<«»i^  newfpji- 

ceeP^»#  flitloafi^  #|iillit^,dft!ic  general  »C. 
kttMfhtMfUic,  itiA  dt  the  Congreft,  &c.  Such 
a  ktM^of  «^idiH6ii  is  cemit^on  and  uiiiverfai  in  ev* 
errMi  df  lib^^i^ ':  Andtidehliig  would  foe  more 


itiua  t1ieirebildit(ii  III  the  ar^  of  leading,  writii^^ 

and  itithmetic :  iltii  wiei^  thev  mMoi  able  td^  pro- 

5wre^r,.i^^iil  sill^iyitwi^  attend  to 

a  (?||^  c  Ufi^^p[^a^%m  iimsAtoMi  udil>lKiD,re8d| 
wri^,|i«Mti]»^miil^^  HeUs^ibeinexiaKDo* 

^f^m^,mi4im^^mmHltfy  faifttionftoiiilaeH^ 

^a4fi|  MfMifrll^i^  gi«ii«  to^evtfjr  One 



wWe  t|if  «^^;atf  ,«^ 

will  hav^  iefa  advanlagea,  and  of  confeqi 


pmmn^l^mh9  fifidiNiinrtlM  older  toMul^ 
9ei0o^rW$&  ^rlietter^  adlpt^dtoiprivtee^ifinr 

|mhlicfOpd«   fSiigfovfei^tdof  edoottbiitrinllnio^ 

fpeculi»li^^idi^te^««d^dlftia(^p^tM  Bietipb)r& 
^*  J^S^Cp  HaAt  iebolftftic!  tlMMoglr*  !luMf#cvecfpro» 
jwc^,^  tulli^  fdffimeoi«9>oii  g09d;&iife^pi0inoted 
hy  toe^^virHHE;,  vti|^|.fi(fedotn»i«i^  pttfolie)h«||4 
mneff^  Iii^r#  mm  ^wmimni*  ia  m  n&leit  foei^ 
ttuttio)M\|>r«i#ieed  |»x  the  Qlbor^  cnwUlin  tefe  If iO% 

luifniHedgeare.dMtocdiiiiAflDigotii        •     -  nyfb 

^iF'  Eaaly 








tipi^t  "^^^  f^^umw 

it  maa  mmmumtt^Oir  van 


itrrsini'Tr  ff ^finilwfitcw^  slot  MouMmyfl  iNrincii  ntfwo 

itiibi^jM  fWkwhti  f>Mip]f  ar  jiM^ 

^Hdiir^^i^Hi  tNt^i^C«lil  HBtT^t^iMt  t^ffiaii* '  9Nh 

ftuescfe  att4  tStai^'fheki^.^^'p^^ 

ind  iCHVif^/of  bofdy,  will  alf^Have  idTifotagel  pe- 

^]iak<t«»  »i«*(ifti«l^t;    Iii  tnakkig^^to^  liattolflir. 

folr!dribf^t"4tcafllliitilt«^'  *i^  ettlillliM^1»iHlt^.   <1^l|Kl 

m^ift;^  Iffl^h^d  tt^  '(bm«  «  dapiclff  an#^a  '^tK 
to  mllep  ^  ^^udi'  m6re  tifd^I  if!^|)ni^yftht  a«f d  eir« 
ettl^  «F tHii  lym^r^i  litid  &f  fliofe  ilg^^i»  tluWfhe  i^s 
gWeto  tQ^^l^.»*^Thtti^  ftatc  of  nsittir*^  il'#telf  ^^a 
Hm^fifthh^tfttfr  at  hii<V  hrfterall^  ti^ri*!  to ][)fodtt^« 
vv  S  C  it. 



fe    And  ittke  eal^kfft  ftajttl^  ^^^Ibci^ty^^sm  m«tt 

^iWtjtttkiioWn-'or  tlifoi^  tfafetBfel«^«ft^^iniGHri^hk}^, 

t|3y  ctf?iTe^i:6  bp  of:  any ^ftr or  i^^^tatidt  to  thtoK 
^^(E'fi&atioa'nittiraltjf  leads  ithenn  to^^em  (hfc 
pe^encies^  ah^  defigtis  of  nature.*  They  ail  fed 
^M  daftir^  fiaiB  inaHe  t^em^e^isl  iti  tef)3ea  td^  ibeir 

fWt  <i^  ratter^  1^^  liiatatB  has  ;given  td  thiefti  « 
nip|!  aticfJiffii  ii^  t6  lih^ty,t&4r^^r» 
■vd^mm  1  #  loltkie.^ftovef'nffiient,  laws.refifikm. 

J^iabliCtiSniBe,  |irOpcrty,  and  fec^irfty  i   fiicji  ♦ieKfs  of 
ieir  ^qualify,  s^d  righes,  trnftteidiately  occ^r tolSieir 
irnds :  iihiy  are  eatly  df fterhed,  and  they  afe  per. 
re^  welfurid^tttbdd;         ;  '  '-* 

IcdUo^MV^EVerjr  thi^  in  the  Btnatton  and 
cSftploryr^ents^^  th^  pc<ipl]fe^  iil  a  he«r  C6<iiitry^  wiM 
tiaturarly  teM  to  ^^rbokte  Economy .";  Thei«  ate  no 
l^rge  eftileS|.  6^  ^^ciil^iv^ed  fariiw,  prepared  hefore- 
hand  f^r'^We  h^.  Wftry^Mg  jfor  mod,  raiment, 
iip  con^riicritc,  ^ttft  Bi  |n-ofctiredl)y  the  labottr 
autfi  ^dimry  t;lf  the  ^ifthter  j  nhi  it  ii  not  without 
fiitjef '^iMcnl^y  and  hai'dfiup.tliat'ihe  people  cai» 
j^te^e  the  ncc«ffaties  of  lift  at  iiHl^of  thcconvei. 


.iiisip^Af  <>»  vEa^i^j^f/     331 

4u<;c  ^  llf^^K  "gjww^^o  !«cQft9iiijp,  III  j|H  thefr  ,fx* 
pi;q%5,  b§bit#»  4tii4  cmilpWs.-^The  in|[(i^Q<;^  i|]j|fc 
4his  ^as  Qo  iJii^  ,«0air9  md  on  m 

be  f<}iial  to  t|i«r,a^i|iaip<i$  of  |P«ur^,    And  y(mj[f 

abovB  the  ^pnual: 


lowe^  oMf r.  of  bcipgi^    Thebodn.wcikcr-'*  »^-— 

ratioiial  ppvirers  j  an4  bep?|mcj|  vcjif:,  l^ngvi^a*  aj^ 
incapable  of  manly  exertions,  ojra^inps^Qts,  IfO  9 
lUte  tl;iu$  degraded,  .e%pi^at^ .  f  i^d  unp^anfy/  Ipx 
my  freqi|«atly  Ti^duces  ti|pf«»;wbQ  j^ar  the  repQains 
of  tbf  bwPHin  forip,  P4>)iijif^  waiter*  have  fpgqitijijnl^ 
ly  4Tfp^  ^t  luxury j^?s  pf  ml  fey vic^-ti^ .  the  t!(f^ 
tiQUi,  /pf  JE^iop^  f  tJiaf;  tt  i^endecl  to  fipfl  enwWypltnls 
for  t^e  ppor»  f nd  wa t  pecf^iry  to  keep  t n«  ipcfiVy 
ip  circulation.  Tbis  r^^fpping  cannot  be  contra- 
dided  :  But,^|  fuppofcs'tlie  i^atc  of  lociety  to  l>e  et- 

i^iW  be  f Aip6raie  jBver  fa  topfa^i^feRnji  ,i«|eifct  fl*  « 

idpbftrir;  aid  ^t^pmy^  wUl  pf^jtnl ,  Cucb  at  |acc 

in'Mf  of  t|hft  iiQ#,^M  of  America^,.  ,  ,  v-m  i «   i 

« pbsptT ALiirv.«!-Tlwi  beoeiif^^  itimdfy  >di^ 

^iety.  IiIlM Bfll coii|btiMit|Oiii ef  tnanluod,  when 
all  are  cxpofcd  |o  danger,  fuffefingi)  aod  want,  it 
lippeari  in  one  of  ict  moft  amiable  lonni,  and  has 
been  called  horpsCality.  In  this  fonn  it  estfla  among 
the  people  wbo  are  fubjeQed  to  the  comnion  dan- 
ger, fatigue,  and  futferingf,  which  attend  the  form- 
ing of  new  fettlementt.  Feeling  every  moment 
their  own  wants  and  danscri»  thev  are  led  by  their 
fituation,  to  aflift  each  other  in  their  difficulties  and 
danger  The  trf«vcller  finds  among  tbem,  all  the 
relief  their  circumftances  will  enable  them  to  afford 
him  :  And  befo|«  they  are  able  to  ereft  faOufes  for 
public  entertainnaent^  the  Arangcr  is  fure  to  ^nd  the 
peft  accomroodattons,  the  fituatioci  of  private  fam- 
ilies will  admit.— This  hofpitable  difpofifeion  fcemi 
^o  b^  «)^v>«f  Al,  in  all  the  new  fcttkments  :  And  the 


bee«pofcdfoTtifeon  Tucri^X^% 

ar»,flJpaMon.   hm  rtlitytt  i^q^M 
aancei  »tquirfc  refitt^  '1^  Wktmim 

rrrnn,   ^;:;jrf^ 

1  ( 


ill         *J  «!»■,' 

'» b*^ 

■u},   fi 

ca  A  p. 

T^E^N^Wfi^^L  mmiEfl^ 


"jHt>,v  ■  .    -.         .    "       ■  -filial' ^ofnit^'isrti 

•i^ot^o^  ferf  ^asfstlo  ijti&li  iwtt  gttjritti  arii-6)  i>f>tt|RbK 
Jlir^ifi  -orit  i«>  <;i  d;t*d«7  j«Hj  /rr^r^fcjis  bits  ^l«  ioVfc%. 


•^st^  Ion  «i  '{In 

'  ill 



Whtre  my  thtis  eiicer  iueo  the  tuMngi  ancl  concluS 
^211  ktie  meoibers,  ch^  wltl  unavoidably  hjive  a 
gftat  lW!lu«^ce  utabit  the  flate  and  con4u£l  of  focie- 
fir.  N^or  can  TodMy  dchef  fee  them  9,^^  or  cany 
Vnithe  public  t^afih^ft  i^h^t  eheni.  jfnilead  of 
Wi,  in  tMkfdnkot  aftorlllT.  r6clety  will  he  perpeu 
liiiHy^illid^  WH^ildi  of  reii|ion.  When  bumiin 
td^ctataffoni  Irtd  6videiic6  are  t0  r^e^ive  their  high- 
tlt  fdrci^,  ind  Moil  fotettn  fb^,  or  when  the  noft 
ihtpoHaflt'  innfa^Orti  are  to  be  berformed»  and  of- 
fees  of  ihe'hiffbeft  tHrft  Md  cohfequcQce  are  com* 


The  moft  pniiv  anil  iHstHMNsIM  fytim  of  vtHgkMl, 
which  hws  ever  |irei^ftUed  »iM^^'  tti^ii;  ii  tlml^  if 
Chriftianity.  i/Fla't  religton  l^illhd  |tt  imth,Udl 
adapted  to  the  nature  and  flpitte  dl  ioian,  hit  jpMfM^ 
cd  tor  its  end  and  aim,  that  winch  U  of  the  hi0x9tt 
ttnportaiice  to  men  aaid  to  fodeiy^  uni^inlld  imn^ 
o}ence»  the  love  of  Cod  aiNl  flMn,'  or  iioii^itiht  Wh- 
40*.  VlOi^ilNiilfKr  fM^^^ilnr^ill|^l)ll#  ^^^ 

ttke  iHien  thii^^^Mli  «a^)nqMn|ilMi#  j^^ 
And  inftead  of  being  above  aR^fMilml^^^illor^ 
tbey  wtO  " nd  that  infolttbiltty  belongs  only  to'lli^ 
govemn^f ^  '^  God  ;  and  thit  iJtcertaiitly  u  not  en^ 
tailed  iipf  /partifV9Vd«notnl4K<Muof 
Hotbinfihirtfi^  f^oMib^  iif^ 
to  aH<^tc^ilf  thele  ^I^KV^S^ 
makeiiM  to  ^  wiji%  in  liMHtors  ol?  "tfAi^ 
Tht  ^ini'parlf  wouti'  vote  tlmirfEtlVes  t#  ij0 
only  jplktt  den^niifif  tion^  t&ey  troiM  oiaice  the 
cphtHbtiti»  to:th4^(bppipiH^  an4  eft4^  tNii^lm 
lentimeDts  iiiid  priiaice^  as  tlie  peifcWoA  oT  fci#|f. 
edge,  urifllott,  Itldsreli^i;  atad  iii  ti^wBfWoilt 
ioepfar^s,  whicb  ifM  ta^^y  iQjybeir  liiip^iieQioiii 
sdd  ecrork,  upbn  nitiite  ajgeir  T&e  doiidiuodi  ^^ 
one  pirty-  bvef  ailubither  in  matteri  of  ttM^fion^  hM 
always  hid  tbii  c$(t4 1  |t  has  (ppei^titd  to  confirm 
6rror,  oppre^  thp  )gntfionty»  pi«yent  tbe  fpmt  rf 
free  !nyu%  |ind  inveiillgijto)  I  iod  iubjfAod  npto 
to  the  tapli,|hnre{<;nting  of  ai)  perfeyitiQi^fi'^heperr 
fecutton  of  j^ricfti  and  ^ealot^  p)eadKiigttfU|dplo  to 
juftlfy  ttieir  ^left  a£tton«.— At^thfjUpe  timtt,  etrenr 
good  mijp  fe^Jls^bknrolf  tM>ui|d  oot  iqi  rcnccfr  or  ad- 
mit anj^  niirb  a«ithor%  in  mpM^rscof  religiom  The 
obligations  ot  religion  are  antecedent  to,  and  more 



Mm^-ti*iii>^'f^^^im^^^p^^^^    M  the 

ggiig^yiiy^yfitli^  con- 

€ip^lli4iif«ril«Rr«x«<il;i>^«iitiof^  li^ 
fqyriiwi»|iilllwi»<r>i  fmpwgtMWMaifti^i  of heri  aw  of 

pfu^y  «r9  iivpofltwonof  ihe  truth,  and  that  jU»4he 

isih^wmim^rtiwfK  M^ ^^i^hu^m^h  the 

liitiM^Hiihflire  :l<^  tiiajiii»ly  Jiibme^hi  right  and  the 
lipurc;!^!^  liiki(tifQ(«Mf>  >y  cQa^UdvediaiMKin^  forms 
m  l4«i^ii4  Ue  JMx^  the  pfopit,  lit  thai  com- 
ii|o»iifjM^i>  Mrry: tMwif  iileiia  pf  rcUgioifi  liberty 
p^ih lW»l^^lhli|i^l HrT^I^ n*  1^11^.  fl»|i  have 
an|idP(HvflMP  afU  l4#«<  Pf vf i^vom lf»  oblke  anotberi 
tJ^at,«#(i;^.4e!np^lMlMPi».P»ay  lay  thtmiflvet  under 
mI^  civiifxilf^^;^^  an4|ol4iga<iittM  t|ie^  i  but 

tw  gov^funantiba^  not  tiial«  any  dtfMndtons  be 
l>v«tn  th«ro  )  ,  that,  jiU  dcasipminations  (hall  cnioy 


I  k 


iwtiiffiliKo  Mirti II  il»yiiit1iiiiliiiiiiiliiiii(iiiiiini  iiiiii  i 

idon^  kts^^imi^mwimifi^^lmm  fill  #«ieii^44tt|^ 
diii|gjtlwi|  iiiHi  Ul  Aii#BotuMnii^  iMdi>ti<iiWtdtowiftii<f|itiwi 

ROf>wMipiMMMMr|N|M^r  W^VI^^ 


Ktn^hiAjpfllir^.  l^itpmcimk  #1^  of  t^<«6tii^ 
tntrtKoniiNlle^fhiJIth'triLnglilM.  JntmigHimi6f 
land  tlii<%«r«1lla4r  b/flikni  cl«eMM»er«  J»NlM(b  iwm^ 
in  M«V  lt#tilliif  '^fervai  ^^  f^lghii^  f^tfbmt 

frirrigrt  t»iHs  i'infH6tkf^m^(-Mgh^  1^ '¥hr  ttib 
nf  an^^C^at'dl^gf  I  H  HKfr#' fbl^^h#  6i^'1^ctl^ 



fybea  t#  the  es€«pftiOM^if»||ii|im||  ^if^yr^m^ 

j(H)i«f4¥4U  M^iywimid  pii|r«ffioi^^f^  ilm>«4<?f|*ic 

^ui^n^a  4»ra4r^m|«g«i  to  tli«  ^f^  to^ye  fucb 

tr/id^pf  laad  lying  wafte.    It  his  been  repeatedly  a 

;    i*   .    I  k'  »-M>;'i.   flutter 


the  (ld#W  dii^le^fAutbWr  t^M^<ibt 

feetm Kii t^  idi^<t«t^ tb  the ftibj^^riibd  ^lalrft "^l- 
pi^lle*  lll«^  rdr|idas  tighti  "of  thfocM^l'^^'mr 

wdfmi^*^*  ''  W^ltii  p*an  'or  l^^rthwnt  formed  iti  ^ 

t  OtiiUratioo  of  Hghti,  Artkle  ill;     ' 


'tH     T^' 



thie  nior^],  jrii4  ql^vtl  j^nterb^  of  mcp^  .  J||lk«|B  |<|1^^ 

0|^p<M<^»  iyith  Ob^iilACjr^  all  111^^  mi#f  | 

and  requires,  with  a  peculiaf  fiilcjepipeitbe  fuomi 
fioa  qC  fUl  otl^^r  t^ei^^^fi  its  pMrQ  wealti|fft  and  big- 
ot^^Jljc  only  rem  for  the  dijiclilties  «ip]tidi 
atiTc  in  fopietj.  frpm  this  caqfe,  is  l^ei  iii^itare  of 
ki^firledgf  amt  cdjjic^fion.  J^nd  ^wIE^re  focjcty  is 
4e|[itute  of  tqe  m^int  and  inilituii^fis,  whicli  are 
rcqui^te  to  prQ^otJE:  knf  i^Iedg;e,  i^  ps  w^th^uf  one  of 
its  rtioft  ctfcifi^r  adva^tiiies  ^  the  i^eai»f  pf  lier  own 
f  iiltivsftibh,  arid  imgfqvemcnt ',^  ,       , *    .^ 

Iiefs  of  life,  it,  iifre^^atteii||d  l^. .  ^^  fl|^  c^jlomsiry 

methods  of  edui^SitiQA'tQt^'the  proUl&MfQf^ivitMty, 

Ja^  ot^  phyfic.  ii^*iE!4krct^%^Mc8^  «^  do  not 

proi^ile  Either  e^iificqdcjj^^  ^^^^^j^pJe^    Tin? 

'  ■  '\  "  -1  body 

♦  pii^^''ffi«ieorgove!ra»^ent,\5^i<«i^V.v  ,,  * 

'» H,' 

^$^-mik  %^Mii^§^iN 

'^.^■l^iis^n'^^; "**-';*  *i-:"n  '^I'f  ^5*y-li  ■^■!;>;fi#v'*^rtiit-*rrft 

;i  ;f13?: 



•p"*!"!"      ^ 

r.    ^ 

t  »        .i    ■■  *  >       •  ' 

-^%*r  te4l«^  ■'^«i«  f'"**'^'.'' '*-:?l''^    '    ''^  ;  :'>v*''-'  ■'^aff»'^* 
f0irfK';lufit-'|*«#'    ■^-^'■■'  "■  '    ■   ■     •"•     •-'     ^■-       ■   '*^r'f 

n.  ■» 

1,,  «, 


%  :?.j.4*. 

HI    TH^umifmh 


^^m  ■  X^  .>a-*^«**MA4ij:i-.i^^,  -^rf^^^lt^^m'^'-^if^^^ 

^'«(0^.;i{»,  ,^?^iJ4M'*-l;^i'jM^Wff  •  -^..©j,  tf  v^%i^.ebi..>m>;  limit 

ofity  is  the  public  bufinefs  ;  not  ilM^miEil^flili 
«liio^tfaitlf,  bi"  th0  ilif  tif);f  iM»r^l»6 >.^ 

i^^ii«  0%  tbatkp^blii^4«^fM^%li^iSiiiceN#«i^ 

^mot  adWttt  <ji ftw^ci?#i|{>Tf^,  ndbiltlf,  ^ti*iJ^  tihd 
of  i^redit^t y  ^Mfwretff^  *  bdt  oiti^  of  fMiwett  gitmted 

'  ^overnfne«[^sJa(tii«kd  4!ib  tMs  ^KliitMe,^  do  not 
ii«»c«(r!Tilf  iifl^ty  rile  (a#i«^iirj    Th(tyd6hot  a#. 

rtiir*^  !*%*(?  w^wi  called  iembCirafcf^lbj^  'tlii6^^qint/e^ts« 
}i«i«li«'iim!iet}t  d«mcyrf»ci^s^th««  tiablit^ftn^rs  w^t 
t*4h0rafcd  ir  tiM  »lf«»ih*le'i  «#  liwi  fM^>le  :  The 
whole  body  a1KitiiH}«dl  t6  jui^  ^lld  4m^^  upon 
pilUid  a^i^j|« :  Upon  fcM^  6t<:<}iiMt^  ehe%liffi«ntd^2 
iDocfadies  were  fottiifd  ro  be  Wttfiti  a^l  inid^qatfe  to! 
t^  0|v8riiiit«t^  of  si  Uiige  fi(i|t0]iri  i  Jhi!  Aiiienea  thif 
iTlmii  '  difficult/ 

v^4lw  ,fe!^.i|^N&8ff n^ 

■  i)iiM»iii;iii|,piiif*#i>r  ^'  .i^i^iiv^QiiMP^piiilf 

into  ji^io^;  1^  JifTfaMfH^rd^ 
to  fav^r  i|ip  li^s  joi  l^i  fitoj^^/liiiitfdfrtbod^ft 
fi|jHM<|;i^i^«f  )Boal4i4^n^  to  iinfii/^^  iThe 
monarciif  «r^o>  t^»  iBtiodiioeid  it,  iwH^  #  -vieiv^  lo 
c^e^^.^iiKioiif  $t^mM9iptmplPt^  \9Awfw  tmktm^  '^ 
cbcckfiMiMtt  it  f  ^ntitf«4t4t^MiiiiR»  t^  oiigHi  ikB4 
c xtfnt  qC  rlllt  p^H^gcf ^irtll$'  foi^freign,  mi  ^h%h9 

e4io  ifi^coskim,  »o4  to^oomfiote  ibe  fylkti^^of 'N{>«; 
lefei^atioR*,  M*^  efiMil  in  their  rifbtt.b^  nai^ff, 
Uif^l»iij|fF,/Q|jf»t]M  p«Qpl%  wert  in  »  £tii«iioii  ^i^ 

«  Hv 



]|fiQ^S  ^Httilitf  f  ci8i||iii^fiAaftp«M(i^«]fil»ctccmoaiio< 

wUl  fiKiri?  madi]^  «lfHcisrfi!.iKbA^  thtcr  i|Di««dV  is^  and 
ed  fr^in   tnegiiMvho  areipkcad  nmoStcen^^  bonoiir 




«^lcl^4iNi«  dtfig^  iMAt  aiiiilicd^ to  iiuMUi|i^t]t#fim 

left  It  contains  ftrithiir^ to;  aic^iieift#<)f  i    #14^ 

makiiiig  jradtltUnd  coiiftMi(^?:ili)si«V0t^#>^ro  l»itft^i' 
(idgry  ta  th^  Idetieei^  tnd  iii  «ff'  tilt  Iftl'b^  #hieii  Hfii 

of  ^efxtnidnti  ilrfifi:!! Wa^byt^^^  ihtktmtW 

in  one  i^ge  dl  foti«ty|^brres^(»  Mf  %itl  iflcMh^t^tl^ 
ADd  tral^fk  chef dveminentit^f ^ph»^;#kh'tlli^ 
gradual  imf^ote^ettt  of  f<X»tiC)^,^^  will  10%  ti^dljpi 
of  its  ]^^ie&a^it^y,4«Bd'  ^«#^  |  bctoilie  uttfii^td 
''«^  U  u  (be 



and;  tpuiiiipiii 



r^#:2?%^  erf  Ani«ri<^|r^ 

._%lilw|il,  |ir««;h  It  CO  ttM<|&rif 
l^fWi  idevi^ii  onjit  ai  tint  ^:oaiUitd«^  aiAil 

fdNl  hiii|^y«  i!^^  ptdiM  f<^ti>  tad  QQ|^io^  (rf 

frQveii)<:o&  of  fodel^;  m^kU  i;|i«^t«^i«i. 

Mtat,  fl^  keeo  gi^  >f^Ub  t|i4  kaptt>V(U|ic|^t  of  f(|- 
l^wiy  ia  -Amenc^.  And  «6  policy  Y«f>uld  <P(>w 
pibre  ]|M^eri[f  or  coeCM!i|ttible  c^  tlie  people  of  A- 

TJherica^  thin  an  attoaipc  to  bin^  pofterfty  to  oor 
Ibnns^  oi^to-jEOofiof  them  la  our  dcgreei  of  knonrt- 
i^p  aiid  impt-oveinetit>^  The  Aim  »  ah^etfaer  the 

-feV6i1e»,tonn|lie  provifionfot  %h€  fttpi^V(U\  improve- 
' ihcnt  and  progr<rifiP&  of  the  goveriiiatnt  Ufelf. 

*^^  •  j%«  this  fund  (^  govertinicR«  it  tot  the  fMiie  ai  tb^, 

'irhitb  h<is  been  called  motiaithy,  arl^ixracy^  or  de- 
ifalMriC7  {,  as^  it  litd  a,  coolpccuoia  ottgiar  m  AtMrici, 


11  Ji 


•  fN^  and  fdve^elg^  |%.:,.|ij»^  l^ve  nbM^tp 
add  t<>,  liter,  ttidHb,  n.  <lno(||e  im y  pa^  of  the  coi|. 



N   • 

10     ifirnkmrnhisrAmmm 

fbe  iMf*  aMiy4,bottfe<Wily.^f||»^wiii|M 

tlicrfeto  %  tlidf  coQiMilt  ^dMUpil  9i$ifJ% 

«4^sB  bithri»lNcli^iriiiiiift<rti||/<ii|0^j^ 
iMtbre  life  governor  •fiAcOttodl  ior  c<kstr«c^fi«ft 
mM  oOBenmrooet  or  popofaU^of.  amfudiaeiit  i  .vrki 
fe«lirn'tl»!  f«l|ie  f9  »lit  ftjfimM*^  with  t^ifiv  prvpofiili 
of  aifitiHkiicm<:(ifi«iiy4^ili  .Wciiif  itMiil  ii  tii»CinK 

of  f beig^ tinor  mxd  cciofleili  tto  fii(ii«ad  ll^  oaiTing 

a(f«<h  bi]Is,«ntil  tlM.«C9t  fffl^  o^|titJ<4iaator«. 

'^at  ito  |ie{ri|tiy«  it  liUoiicd  to  l|i«  govenior  and 

\i.  ThelbroMaiipl.  dia  cdiilUi^titii.wir9  aiiraM  tbat 
tb^.  plMi9ff;Di|v«vDiiieiit«^hkli  filNiy<M'4r|am  up, 

!ii|itii>llie'ftii$c  Qi:4b»ft(i|4e^ibo«h|ilM09iif!4iflM« 
ci»t,liiii^»ciA  M6tffMf  w^r^  withi^i^nii  fktif 

HI9f^C^||^'<ltil^^  '      iMi 

Hjli'il'liii  iMiMii^  wpN|4i''  f 'iwgi  jteifiplwp^j^ 

<g<mmfii'iii  yriMirlliiiii^'  nfWittiMMM^i  lilllii'toiiiliii'Siitiiidl 
^aed  t  m  what  iiiiNMBimbtlitn|0llbHftiJi^^ 

.iticiniMi%  d^Tll^lft^  inmjbm  ^wt|i  <pi|la<rtWi|ife''  4ttti|^p 

fitioo^  i%t!as  cSMidllthMidMidrfiHttiiwAftsett^fiht^^^f^^ 
plexor  iJtfi^i*4ofiiiiit«tya«4M%  11^  ..iUMttMl 
iiffunai|mon(Qf  fcgfemmttit UKrVtmital^  lli#  fbrtii?<if 
ie  differed  but  little  from  th?  democracy  of  iftfae  io. 

f9ii4tfif  to  gite  M0»  iiowcRr^4lM'l|Q«iiiB«f  n^tfH 
feQt«iiv0ik-«-4kMfjilf<u  Ibmcbib^i  c3^niaM|  tiMttni^ 

fbim  ifeiMi  ippQMi&rav' Uke  \(tlMi  oflbe  Bmarii  «f mm* 

(mi^ilpr^aiiotll  i^e  iMdilie  |nocciidiDiiaNB<ri(bt  ii 

^ii4  ceittifi 

^Ifclfep^^sk     _  ,  .^_^ ^ 

cilttiniia  Jaw  of  OieaikiCiiikVfeei6ft  t0'W'adapt6don« 
hm  »  fii^'  Jjto»dy^"i^ctott>>  aridP1fiill«rotti  ftate 
tilfQewtrv  fl|itMi'#^^  one  Jmotaiiftd  fixty 
oriintt  are  mtMifk^^  aoath.  §aa|ttj||ary  law« 
Mfitatortioorl^fW^clreiiiade  deal^  lb' common 
ind ivwiiiar, fhit^tiyittil  to  havc^^oMii  one  of 
tliofe  Bommuft'^Wi^ij^TOei,  which  ii  eoQftantly  to  be 
cxpdded,  antl  tl'i^ltttlt  regardl^  '^veral  of 
tlic>tM«iiiiaeiiftL|Bl^  llieir  cruel- 

If >  are  fallyiWariywMf  thing  thai  mf^eVer  been 
perj»liraMlif#irlMlttmof  Adl^Hieii  fin  bratal 
rag^  ami  inbaman  tonan,  the  ptfhIlbniiNi  aUGgned 
la  high  toeafoii,  foMf  Mceecb  anjr  tlph^^|^  Indian 
0emaac«iil4'«?er  coiireiTe.«»SaaiVf|^      crimi- 

•  ■■     Mi  irb 

._      . i     .  ' 

'.  r  ■1'*'V'  tirir^  l^fmn  *•■•  ^-^  •; 

10    rsk'm 

potindt.     They  way  alfo  bind  mtm^^ltMt  .^  _, 

power  to  try.     No  judRtolntjrei^ifii^l  bf  ^l%iBfkt 
of  peace,  mti^  tmtm  by  writ  dTiil^^fiuf  ap. 
pc^«  are  »»^«jF^ne«  coi^^^ 
cafen  «rherertb«  |iB|^m  fq^^  debt  m  cUp>f|e«i  thill 
exceed  the  niiri  of-for^  fliillings.   ^''^'       \0,^K 

In  each  couAfy  there J&  a]roa^ouf^J^oq>i|r^;  6on< 
fiftiog  of  thritje  Jiidges^  Who  are  alfd:  annually  ap< 
pointed  by  the  a^ifebljr.  The  coatiey  cotirts,  with. 
in  their  refpeOive  (tsc^imties,  are  to  tiAt  cbgnizancc 
of  all  crimimi'^iMs^of  every  eafnO  and  nature 
(except  fucb  caftia  iiia'i^  cogmzable  only  tn  the  (u- 
preme  courts  or  before  a  J u(t ice  of  the  p^ace)  and 
awrard  fenlence.  But  any  peiTon  proTccutcd  for  a 
criminal  otfcnc^^  may  u^^peal  frota  th«  juiSgmcnc  d 

\  a 

'But  ap< 

iH^?}  con- 
ully  ap- 
rts,  with, 
d  nature 
I  the  (ti- 
acej  and 
cd  for  a 
{mcnt:  of 

8^  tBB 


■^^*I^?!^:^^P^';  --^ 


''""^^^^'8**\**" !»/  .^  W<^ 

i4  m^^  v^^ 


''%0^\.     "^ 






4%ii  m 



\    .< 










'if.,,..    '    ..  .*. 

4i.  ,:* 











r  * 

'\  ^ 

\»  .1) 

*  >^''« 





:^  ^Jm\ 

I*  _»-  iT 
ft  • 


^■[^fa&^^ll^^fttf  AMr    4^flP^         'ife'i*^  -Vy                     i 

■W|BBRpW^ff  ^^  '  $i*^^*  *  j& 








*  ,  .#> 



";t  >  ■"  '^ 

':    !'^'^" 


"M^  •'"'f?s^ 

^,,        *;4-,:jt|^^\i^T'»,*./-*^ 


I-  'V 



-^  .^■,., 






'^T   n' 






fs#   ■#* 



Th»himtdi0,mn^Ddt  that  confined  wfttd# 
c€tliin1K0ite  W'  klitlff^,  mal^  veiy  nttch  affiled' 
by  die  fta^  Df  liocielir^  The  condition  of  the  body- 
/  .        .^  ..      »--,    t%d»fficuU|  with  which 

MF^««iitki|i|r«  familf ,  the 

^ntnt,  the  fpitit  and  r^gn. 

I^bltn  eni|Md^  aiid  the 

wai^the  Itficdiiont  of 

and cnftoiftiof  tjhe neo^ 

f eiy  dfic^n#Wtl^  IHh^ 
a^iC«»  at  "^difllr^t;  tiniei. 

^  ^ ny^  ciOlibitte,  and  "oili^e 

'i  ijSd  in  fudi  a  manndt/thltthweeinoSt Te^- 

rir  iElfi«6U ;  or  determine  hoir  nrach  ia  to  be 

d  iptthe  \iw  of  nature  and  dimate,  and  what 

reif  from  the  ftate  Of  focietf ;    Thti  difficulty 

aiMirti  iH  th^'^talSlea  which  have  bee^  made  of 
^rth^  ^m,Mnd  mitd^t. ;  ^hr^  oflthti  UM^ 
IhiiflHielimfide  1^^^^  Matop^ 

ftodlir  ftritol  placet  III  ^eriCa.  Thief  appeal  to( 
kvelfcen  the  reQilt^^f  eccurate  ohf(^>Hon»  and 
cali^latidrr.  Btit  the  reTuhs  at  different  j&lacei  in 
the  fame  latitude  and  climate,  have  been  fo  dtflf^rc'nt,' 
that  no  general  (kmclufidiflTdtn  be'drawo  from  them; 
^rpe£ling  the  hitural  increafe  of  the  human  race : 
They  Inark  what  has  taken  place  at  a  given  time; 
and  pla6e;  but  they  afford  little  infDrmation  of 
what  is  to  be  expe6ted^  from  the  general  courfdi  of 
nature,  in  any  particular  coun|rv>  ot  climate. 

By  the  late  enumeration  of  tne  inhabitants  of  thd 
Utrited  States  of  America,  a  perfcjd  has  been  found 
in  the  conrfe  of  human  life,  above,  aild  below  which 
the  nu^dier  of  the  males  are  neatly  equal.  This  pet  iol 
istielHy  at  tneageof  fixteenyeari.  Canwen^tdem't 
romeiaformaiion^frorAfo  Remarkable  f  faSjre(]^e£lin^ 
the  inci  eafe  apd  population  of  the  people  of  the 
United  States  ?  And  may  it  not  be  determi|led  what 

X  B.  mull 



^  i 

8?a        TH»  NATUJIAL  kwn  0Vm 

mail  be  the  operation  of  imjMii^i  tp.  fisfiduce  and 
prefervo  thii  cqoriity  #oiiirt>(|f%  liAprJ  ioi  aj^ovf 

'4>*lJtt,  u»«t(eiii|i£ .  to;tc«9iipiite;.AH»ott'  i-^fMi'^fe* 
iitppofe  tbe^iibolt  aw^l^f^igf  ip^  tovl^  it^  Ifete 
lUtea  o^  AnwrMiiiMioiiail^  ta^fi|Mf|[|{ilitrfilM^^  i 

om  MI.'«9^«.lMil|*M»ki0^^^ 

the  en4i>of,,l|i^^«JU1ivM^^^ 

number  'WI^>mi  age^-^ifi  lybfVf^i^^ifi^llif^i^ 

er  thirty  tiiwyAcw«itd.^'^»ri^  ti|MrpMh9r, 

nature  muft  have  {^o^ucdl rift  4lii%#Tti#e^<#a 

equal  numbes  wfalofe  age  iiirill  ^  bcljoiif.  ibiH^^: 

Tha:  iini  during  thitpeciodi, of  tht^tmf-^m^f^im^ 

two  thou(and  mud  haveJietn^borikMi.  fiift^fiityftiiie 

then  tliat  hiui  palled  the  )p«u?io4  of  4|itf ^  fWt> 

nktura  muU h«ve  prodiacf^twor o(|wrifffiir^0Of^lMik* 

Jance,  or  an  equalitf  in  thenumh^ni  heloir.aAll  i#9Vie 

f  hftt  age,  cottla  ooe  be  pr ^Der vfiji.    A#d  4^  tr^i^ 

^Co  be  the  exaft  period  of .doiabUag  tiM  wunkm^ 

; the. inhabitants.-  'T       .  '^i<^< ' '  i:l'        'i^oic 

y'  T^smuft  be  the  operaliot*  of  iMl«lre»  iCtihyeCitb. 

.|e£l  u^  whom  the  ealcuiatioii  waa>  «||Mte,had  bfcm 

iifvariahie,  or  fubje^  tontt  dimiQMticn.    S^i.  this 

is  not  the  cafew    Death  ia  €0nRant|f  diminiihiBg  the 

imtnber  of  tbofc  whofe  age  Is  aboirft  fixte«n,  of  tbofe 

whole  age  ia  below  fixtceo  t  and  it  dtnioilhe>  thsm 

boih»  in  the  iatne^  proponion.     Thii  cuiriotii  fa^  i» 

afcertained  kfn  a  toorCc  ofobfervMi^osi  made  in  fev- 

cial  itowos  i9.4bei«aftf«n  parts  of  Ne«rbamp(hM^' 

i^t /f««^/M  ^an  MCttratMaMe  of;  deaths,  with^  the 

j^e*roiilwtt«^bept  by  Chie  miniUeraof  the 

pariflivfro»^^>«  y««f«  '^M^*>  ^5^9**  *  Sii»||f,  bills 
were  tiapt  kt  Mafikiiig/lcn^  horn  Afi0l^  tjjit  i  At 
Ncwm0kifi  fi<^««  t/a*  M  t:r70 :*  At  Dawr,  from 
1767  10/1786 .♦    The  tttfuU  of  jhj^§,ohC^«vatiQn» 

«  tidJbnsp'i  HiA.  of  Nawb  ti)|9i|KS»  III*  pt  »z%^H^» 



"it^  tihsA  the  wiidil  imiiibar  Wbtck  dtedin  tiior«!4d#i^« 
iltn-ing  thofe  )r^8,  war  two  rhoufaitd  abd  nhety 
e^lfhr;  OfiriMmi  ^e  trhQufkiid  andtBftjr  were  ubdir 
itteeik  ;;^iitt  W'ligfll^  itid  iiiie  ^o^raitd  and  forty 
^he  idh>«ri#t1tlff'te.  lt|  the*  rerulr  tiffo  long  a 
d&rfe  c#i^tfOr#iciSni^-lli»dcf  ^^^^^^  Ibwns, 

#e  mkytiipM'Mki^'tM  i^Tar^courft  bf  tiature, 
o^'the  hiti&irt^OMEN^^  of  diB«tb,  well  arcettained« 
Alad'thlfiWiii  mliy  fhivt  eftabiidltid  tfiUcariods 
fb€l^'T|totVfeitb  hit  <ti  eqii^l  eflPea,  6tu  conftant- 
ly  deftity^ml;  iiqmal  ntiniberft'  of  thtflfe  wbofe  »gt  ic 
aiiai9«,  ifii:  df  Vboie  whife  age  in;  below  fixtisen  )rears. 
#dicb  i»  cHrlDpchUion  «nd  effe£l  of  death:  And 
by  6Diiftat>e|jf'dtf)nfifiilkhi^  the  numbers  of  mankind, 
iiwill  every^^wberc  proioAgtbcr 'period  of  doubling, 
btyond  the  mean  period  of  human  life.  Bue  to 
what  degree  will  it  retard  this  events  or  to  what 
length  of  thhe  will  it  protong  the  period  of  doub- 
Un^  ?  It  wib  prolong  the  period  of  doubling,  esafl' 
ly  fo  tiitft  titfio«  wbieb  the  deaths  fball  bear  to  the 
births,  in  the  fame  period  of  time/ — Tbe'bills  which 
were  kept  in  Ifowhtimpfbire;  do  not  c6nMin  an  ac* 
curate  accotint  of  the  birthit,  butionlyof  ehe  bap. 
tifmi  i  and  th«rt«fot«  wlH  not  ferve  to  difcc  <  what 
proportivirfhe  deaths  bear  ^otfic  blrtbr,  m  Hu>re 
toivnl.  ftift  from  the  bdia  nf  mbrtntftty,  wliicll  have 
been  lotptiir  MafTachuretts,  it  h^s  b^en  found  ihHC 
the  noMiber  of  deaths,  are  >innurall>  n  a  conftatit. 
iind  (^cHed  ratio  to  the  number  of  fainbi:  '  At  Hin^» 
him,  tbeifedattd  venerab1l»*Dr.  <ffy,  kept  a  very 
exa€fc  IHI  <rf  in  the  desifhs  »rHf  birthi  in  his  pariflj, 
for  the  (JMce  of-ifty  ftmr  year*  from  1746  to  1779, 
induffv.  Tbt  tfii»tba  sfaountH  to  one  thotif&rfu 
one  huttdrei  iiii  thinvM,  sbe  btrtbe  to  two  ihott« 
fand  two  kondred  ittd'foffy  teven  At  Iffwicb,  cbe 
Rev.  Dr.  CuiUr,  made  imiUr  ah^ervatior)^  far  a 
cotirfe  of  ten  years,  from  S*?pt,  1 1 ,  >^/ 1 ,  to  Sept. 
i it  ly^t.  The  auotbtr f^jmtm  wre  one buadtcd 


1^         rI¥UWt^kAL  i^PbWlL 

•^dai^tty  fdi".  the  s^btriif  ttart||«li«e»  kundred 
^Htmr^km^^lm,  Mi^mirtjBevaaiialiie 

'tic^ Wl^^#i^  ft|rT«folr  cif^^a^ 

'inl'riecl  dH  iHfllttiet  4iffie<«ttC  flMMti.  dwrlsg  a.  period 

dr  fiit^^  yiBiRi:  >  tins  jMbft  of  tbf  wbSt,  n»  that 

the  deaths  were  out  choufaodfix  hundf»d^an<i  forty 

oii^il4,||l&  ^|j»i  fii|)omil(e^  ,t9  fbree  tboufand  two 

^iiuodred  •no  veiphtjr  1  thai  U,  ijie  ^deatha  were  to  the 

^l^'rths  ita  the  ratio  cf  oM  totwo. ;  T^ii  is  tl^vaiMiu- 

«)  aiMi^nftant  profiortiaii  of  deajlk  to  birth,  in  the 

-iBOciiRirt'  tOMTos,  aloi%  the  fta  co(l„b   Maflachufetti. 

The  locreafe  of  tl^e  people  theiefore  derived  frpm 

the  births,  la  «Dnu(ail|r  diikMmihtd  oqe  6a If  by  l^e 

patur  all  operation  of  death^  Ana  jnftcad  of  doubling 

in  fixtqen  y^ars  af  inuft  ha,ve  beep  the  cafe  bad  no 

^e  di^d*  th«^e6l!occa&poed  by  death,  wi{l  hii,  to 

prolong  this  period  one  half  i  inUfad  oC  (ixteeq  years 

the  perfo4  it  ddi^Ming  ^iU  becpnMi  twenty  foor. 

;r his  Will  be^the  peliod  of  doubliff  in  all  thdfe  pla- 

hes,  where  tbe  mean  age  of  natmii  lifeis  dxteen  year?, 

^^attd  the  ratio  of  dea^h  io  birth  m  one  tip  t,wo^ 

*p  frono  this  method  of  reafoninff»>  I  mvtca  fiifpe^^ 

*  tVut  thvT  age  at  which  the  luimbert  of '  people  are  e- 

qualhr  divided,  will  in  «¥ery  country  projYie  to  be 

the  time,  which  nature  requires  in  that  iclimate,  to 

produce  doublf  the  aumber  of.  people  that  .are  then 

iivltig';  That  the  a£lual  period  of  doubling,  will  in 

fi^beietardcd'tn^eaud  proportjpn  to  that,,,i^hich 

dci|h»  de«th|^hear.ta  the  btvtbi :  A/yd.  tjiat  tbif  rao. 

^  Wi)l  very  n^rly  d'etctnio^hMt  inflv^emoe  the  (late 

i'  of  focietf  haa«  on  (he  incr^f;?  of  matikin^  .lu  ^ny 

>  coinitiy  or  town* 


^^.Memotriof  Atteriean  Academy/ vft'/JTiit'cii.'*"*  ""^ 

*  '•, , 


Jacbufctti,         Rho4^; 


i^ibw  And 


was  |n«fb^##iiRtliyb^«l|  ^'^M^t^^t^,p 

AmeriDiNiii  tj^ §<>»  im «||!i^  lif^iiflK  s|p^^,«lM»f|J|i^  \ihe 

Mar^Idmr,      ".    ''•'    ti 
StHillUrn  StalMii*^  « 

From  tMi<  vi«ir  ^^  llMMnifiiit,  if  (hoold  -feen*  i^ 
the  midd:«3°attd  ^f)(ln hern  ftates^ircre  tbe  moft  fa- 
vourable tO)  Icnlget^fi^t  and  cfad  '^r«ren'»^n  cf  Kfo? 
And  that  the  4^£ii!lbettr  flatei  were  the  moft  fcveufa- 
ble  tKi  a  ripiditjT  t?f  pircMhs€lM«i,  and  incrMfe.  WheUi<^ 
er  thefe  etfCutnAandBt  wHi  6ot  balNiwee  each  otbfr» 
and  pvodtiee  «m  «qifati»y  m  ihe  |iieriod  Df  doi»blilig 
carnioi'  be  del;eiitlfnfiii  t<itflK)ut  fart^  r  obfeiyatiQliSk 
In  MttjfaHtuJth^i^ht  pwiidd  of  doubung  oaitiiot  bo 
far  from  twenty  foui'  year*  and  4hr ee  monthti  W^at 
this  period  Is  in  the  other  ftates,  mud  be  detennined 
either  from  a£lual  obfcrvation,  or  by  afcertikimng 
the  ratio  which  the  deaths  bear  to  the  births.  If 
tbe  enumeration  which  is  to  be  taken  in  the  jtar 



ij^       %ii  N ATOiftAL  AMD  diVfl 

<9i8«io,  iiio#d  be  wttbfticubr  #itii  ifiliea  la  the  fc. 

mi^;^^  litflpNiti*^^^  &  tN  mUs,  it 

'^lM^ldi«cfsai*e#Wllli#lirililDl^^  '^-^ 

inniiithit^il^itiin  tilt  Jitwi4enletlieQM,iitto'»ittaiie%fl8 
0mh  ih»ij^i^tcfk^f(Hfm^^'^  Verfrtdni''k 

nowr  in  the  fituatioo,  in  which  a  neiir  <i«Ritttrf  ickii^ 

|(&,i>e  examined^  -kWfc^Kift  no;  populideis  toWnc, 
^a^ts/^f  |#i||s  nij^^  to  cottea  the  peo- 

,p¥  4ti&tW.     Thky  »retfpresd  over  the  wht>Ie 
'^untry^  forcing  (ball  ^ajud  fi^i-ale  'I«ttietnent8. 

Bu^f^jjr  arepinqhedfor  watit  of  ths  ,|ie^ffarie^.iof 
1t£e,  ^^pQ^notliing  lilj^  ^luci^ry  lias  yet  taken  pUtje 
am^ng  us.  The  government  is  highly  democratic. 
In  religion  ^he  mol^  perfe^  freedptn  afifl  ^q^uality 

mHp^W  ,W9^  ^^  ,jrhc  taxes' ,are  oo 

ihQrf  tlMvi  wliat  are  |iiiavoif4bIy  i|e(iefl&ry» .  t&  pi^> 

are  eaFy  to  i^  prociueol,  md  thfl|,roiii  t$  |!$ch  and 
ftinte.-^£V»y  raniily  knpytjntdfly  \ibit  wbel^  prod- 
f^pf^  ^  tbeir  labour. , ;  f^M  ulimate' ^«  faliibckms  and 
J|iea|tby«  And.  tteithfr  war,  (icknerSyOr<lamine»  have 
^ Jjate^din^iaiibed  the  iticrear<^,f€ffdjftttrbed  (he  la- 
fyyxffifffiie  p<ni>plei.r-^I  do>  t»9t  JUow  that  we  can 
.fnd  any  new  cpuptr^^yia  whicb^;  every-  ctrcnmllanQe 
deema^fni^re  f  yourrblc  t^^increate  3  Or  any*  in 
4v^|c|[vMfe  cna^.  .ipr^  prot¥ib!v,  expe^  Iq;  6tid  the 
mai^ifHi$m,  whif  ■*  nature  and  iu»ciety  caii  produce  in 
iiic|^  a  l^itude  itod^UcnattrsrFjEoaMtbe  enumeration 
«»f  tbe  inbabttants  ukeaia  lygif  we^  have  the  fblf- 



•04!  i 

-     -  -V  1- 




Males.  be-iM«Ic»  %r 

''•*  -^ 







M  0^  iAMbiM|H4Q^bl4B»tia.«atro  of  thdl^iMof  ddMMIiik 

From  this  takit  it  itppean  tbsn  the  dejidn  iRiV^tf 
tnont,  are  to  the  births,  ii»  the  porportioo  of  i  |o 
4,85  I  of  confcqilflficfr  e^  period  olmttiof  IfttAis 
iUte>  at  prefeiit)  is  nineteei^  years  and  five  months.* 

From  fuch  viewfr  of  the  incfeafe  arid  population 
in  America,  we  can  (carcely  avoid  comparing  the 
ftate  of  things  in  the  United  ^ates;  with  that  of  the 
ancient  and  populous  countries  in  Eu^pe.  In  the 
city  of  London,  if  we  may  judge  from  the  annual 
bills  of  mortality,  the  human  race  are  annually  d<^- 
creafing ;  the  deaths  generally  exceed  the  births^ 
about  one  tenth  every  year.  The  lavage  ftate  was 
Icfs  ttsfavourabie  to  theincreafe  of  tnankind,  than 
fuch  large  and  '{!Wp^]ou9  cities  :  (nftead  of  preft^rv* 
iDg,  they  tend  to  de^lfey  the  hmtnan  race. 

In  mod  of  the  atieienc  and  populous  nations  of 
Europe^  their  forms  of  government,  their  ecclefiaf- 


*  Sineo  wfhiitg  the  ftbvive  I  hsTo  received  from  Or.  Afaph 
Fletcher,  an  accurate  obleiver  and  able  phyfician,  an  account 
oF  the  births  and  deaths  in  the  town  of  Cui/tiidi/b»  In  the 
courfe  of  feven  yean  the  number  of  biuhs  in  that  town  was 
two  hundred  and  len  ;  the  number  that  died  in  the  fame  pe. 
Tiod,  was  thirty.  The  ratio  of  deaths  to  that  of  births  in  that 
towo,  during  this  period,  hai  b««a  but  as  one  tofeveo. 

"t  *>'■ 

3^r  ^'^wm^^'t^v%9^^ 

tical  eftabHI^inetlts,  tl^e  riKtretne  luxury  of  one  part 
dp  tHc  people,  ah4  ithitxtrtme  poverty  of  the  other* 
their  Imij  and  bloody  wrars,  tlieir  numerous  fleets 
aiid  armiu.  i^e  npmbeii  firbich  ;are  re^^^  to  fer- 
vitude,  an4/c<idcirei  ioi:a^b)^  of'^luppbrting  fami- 
lies,  With  cHe  ImplotiB  inftitutions  of  ciHibacy,  have 
nearty  i^C^rbj^d  thd^^at^ral  increafe  of  mankiiid  t 
br  at  te^it  ^ey  bave  reti^fed  it  extremely  flowr, 

l^^i^^mtm  they  ait  not  fut^oledldjpu^e 
ip  left  th4p(  Jive  bntidrea  jrears.***— *In  i^ai|i  ^  poU 
itl^^g9i^^')tf>^c^  pf  a,  Itate. 

of  fotiety.  iirm^b  deftrojra  the'nableft  friiit  and  pro- 
ds^fl^  cTWatttre  :  It  muft  be  eFentially,  and  fun- 
dame&tally  bad.  The'  fiifftft  ^rOt>f  of  the  profperity 
of  miij^coitiltry,  is  a  sapid  increafe  ojQJje  people. 

♦  V  *■     V  *        r"' 

,1.     .        ... 





fi  >. 


t    ♦ 


j£i&'^^rifMi«>.^  »^«^f*<»* 

'  !( 


•if,?'  ,      '  ' 

C  U  A  p. 



^li  .^noi-ifrnja  -•'i:%M'  .^B-n- 'ihfoid  M\&.^t;iol  'ti^^ 


_  H  E  emplot iiient«»  f ii(^^e|rpmeiif i 
the  religion,  the  cttihy^is;  btli^  ^^lb«»k1^]i^^^^ 
tion  of  the  peot>le,  conftitute  their  fU^f  of  A^clerf .  .^  inr 
the  ilate  of  fociety  which  had  taken  place  in  Am^ric*, 
the  foundationi  of  hfji?  freedom  were  laid,  Ioif|^f6r# 
the  natlbns  of  Europe  had  any  fufpicion  of  whai^ 
was  taking  place  in  the  minds  of  nieo.-^Conque% 
religion,  law,  cuftoro,  habits,  and  manners^  coofirm'<| 
ed  by  military  power,  had  eftabliflied  a  (late  of  ^foci- 
ety in  Europe,  in  which  the  rights  of  men  were  ob« 
literated  and  excluded.  The  property  and  power 
of  a  nation  bad  pafled  into  the  hands  of  the  fovcr* 
e%o,  nobility  and  church.  The  body  of  the  people 
were  without  property,  or  any  chance  or  prorpe€t 
of  fccuring  any  ;  and  without  edttcation  or  knowU 
edge  to  form  theili.  to  any  rational  principles  anil 
fentiments.  Without  property  and  without  princi* 
pie,  they  were  of  little  or  no  coniequence,  in  thi 
view  ofg«rernment.  '  When  the  contefi  was  wheth- 
er the  king  or  the  Ctmnnens  (hould  gain  more  pow- 
er, the  meaning  was  not  at  all  whether  the  body  of 
the  people  fltould  be  raifed  out  of  their  degradt^' 

*^     '  ^  *"     * 

»    •*    ♦  ^'   '^ 


"      fj 

370        THs  NATURAL  ahI  C1V1|u 

ftate  of  ignorance,  poverty,  and  inlignificai.ce  ;  buK 
whether  that  part  of  the  nation,  which  had  acquired 
much  wealth  and  firoperty,  thbuld  ha^^e  more  tn- 
fluence  in  •the  affairs  of  governiiitnt,  ^.Thc  bo^y 
of  the  peoplei?crc  efteemed  as  Mere  nl6h,  wholly 
inadequate  and  unfit  for  the  affairs  or  government. 
The  king/l6rd3;ard  commons,  were  agreed  in  view- 
ing the  mafs  of  t'hc  people  in  this  light.  And  as 
they  had  neitherpropetty,  prinpiple,  or  knowledge, 
it  is  prob»h)e  that  th^  opiniop  Which  their  rulers 
focmed  of  theniy  was?  bat  fbo  juft.  f 

Such  had  been  the  ftateof  fociety  in  Europe^  for 
many  ccnturiej.     Time,  law,  religion,  and  power, 
had  combined  with  every  other  circumftance,  to  de- 
grade the  people  ;  and  to  reduce  lite  body  9^  them 
to  the  lowefl  (|,4te  of  abafeTftent,'ari«!  contempt. — In 
s^vftafe  of  fociety,  in  whith  tvtxy  thing  had  fo  long, 
deviated  from  the  defign  and  law  qf  nature,  it  cuuld 
not  be,  tntt  thatrthe  rights  of  men  (hould  be  loft  ; 
andthe  idesi  oflliemhadneaiiv  perifhed.     Nothing 
was  to  bf:   feen  biiit  one  general^ degradation  of  the 
body  of  the  peo^e,  ^nd  an  unnatural  and  ^celBve 
e^sakai^nn  ^\  thofe  who  had  acquired  pbwer  1  every 
where  t^fiding  to  corrupt  both,  and  to^glvc  the  moft 
tinfavt^urablc  idea  of  the  capacity  of  the  former,  and 
of  the  ai^po^lioo  of  the'latter.  *  It  required  the  dar-  . 
i«g  fpirrtof  Mijton  and  Sydnev,  and  the  abilities  of 
Lockclind  l»4ontefquieii,  to  diicever  the  rights  6f 
men,  when  kieit  themfelves  for  many  centuries,  had 
madts  the  ftate  of  fociety  wholly  o|}pofite  apd  con- 
trary ro  the  ftate  bf  nature.      The  philofopher  l|jad 
tOi  deyti€e   them  fi^m  the'cr(ratipd,atid  nature..  Ori 
raati,     Itt  this  inquiry,  the  ptdgi^fs,^  like  difcoverips . 
inotber  feiences,  was  extremely  flow  an^  P'recariqiiW  ^■ 
Intsreft  aiid  reputation  #er«  aigainft  t^^ieprf^grefs  of 
thisskind  of  kntowlcdge.   ;  The  law,4$'e  chareb^.Md 
the  governnfent,  were  not  ^nly  oppofed  to  4*»  ?;^f;0 
they  punilhcd  the  dilcovidrers  and  wnters,  by  whiJR-. 
../■;*^,  -^.^  ...  )H$#_^<«m«^  \i  -<-     -^^  ■^tffrigr 




^  It 



rniftikto.  VERMONT "■•/  tji  - 

^  ^  i'mprirohrii^nts,  heavy  fine«,  «nQ  dfiath*  Nont 
Wt^cgreateft  and  moft  virtuotif.,  pf^jiuji^  avow 
eUhc^  atSlf  ^o  inveftijgat^.  or  «fO«lii  ^arc  to  afl«rt 
wRMbetoi^^edto  ilie  nat^^^ 

^i^^ved  from  the  nature  qF  (pcietyv  ..h»     o.,ir,.ii^i' 
in  AT^erlca^  every  thii^jjad. aff^ffjedavJiflSerfj^^ 
tetidenqy  and ,  pperaiion  firft  fettleir^  ^  tbfi 

colonies^  lj|q  fuffered  fev€;rely  iindcr  t!  bigotry  #n4 
intolerance  of  fcc^jcGaftfcal  pdwer  the  da^s-  of 
Eitzkbet'6,  ^ames/and  Charles  ^e  Xh^y  had 

not  at  fir  ft,  anv  more  knowledge  qf  the         .  of  huflBan 
natu'r(B  than  th^iir  iieigF^bours,  and  they  were  a^nfiM 
from  the  fpirit   of  candour  arid  toleration.,     Bu( 
wh^n  they  were '^ipxpofed  to  fevere  f^(Fer^|lgJ  on  ac^  , 
count  6f  their  reunion,  thjSy  wer?  pl|CiCd  i^.«  fifua^ 
tion,  in  i^hich  ihtn  fitfiUn^s  would  perron  for  t^m§ 
what  tlieir  reafpn  had   not  acquired,  ti^AientlQX)G<ii» 
to  effc£i.     Tnisy  felt,  and  of  v  coucfe  faWt^lllAt^^^^t^ 
was  no  reafo'n  or  righ||pufi)eiOi  in  il^^puiiilHnEi^eiils 
•  which  were  p^Qt^ed  upon  them*  Qtt  f^ccOunt<|{^C  theit 
religidn«     |h  fu^  a  munition,  truth |^jC^rre#^  theiit 
every  bonient ;°  %d  their   {ituatioo  and«,(i|lifitiring% 
^  cflFe6[ua!ly  tauj^t  ti)|!^ni^  what  w.ere,the  r^hMi^  m^f^M 
'THify  could  at  once  "difcern  and  ^qderftaod  ,tho> 
voice  of  nature,  which  J^ad  ap  e(Fe^  upo^jho^iA 
*power^^'and  pi^ohably  would  h^ye  ha^  "idre  up0Hi 
f  them^'had  they  bee^  in  the  ^ajf^e^  (l^^te.-^Wwii*^ 
'Vkws^'t^ey  c,ame.*into  Atnenca.     Situation  and^pn^ 
.  pU^metit  in  nie<ili^l:cly  operate^  to  enlarge  ^od  coii<-, 
^  hrm  ihs!  (entimenti  whicK  their  r^eriogahsid   fi«ft« 
;  pr(iduce^>" '    The  .Mriidernefa  .was.  fo  be  cl^iretd  *upi 
#haBitatibp8,  <weffi  tolbq  bajli;^  the,niean$  of  UviQg  weire^ 
to'vbe  procured  :  TMfc  dj^cupationji,  weris ^  nece^i* 
^ry,  that  they  iiecame  vh^yqidablc  ;   a^d  ?Yftry    ro**' 




itif art  td^ei-ilh,  was  oblig^   taj5iifagd4 
'Tjif  fi miiaf itj^  of  (ituation ,  and  e^  ploy # 

f  menL  ^^dduced  a  j^Q^ilahty  of  (ta^e  and,  qpnaition^^ 
at  tii^'tiMe^unWdtiraio  the  reft  of  the  world:  The' 







UilM    125 
u^  Ui^   122 

S[  ua  12.0 















...  '^ 


prtktnd,  theinffelVes.    the  ikU!^  imi  of  tnjebni^* 

%tftf thct^fite  it  i«i^&iii4  liiiie  iM'tli^^^liciipl&n  add 
iiftuilltdiit  IKkptoihK^imintt  nb^^f^'l^  ^  ^xm- 
To  U  fiSt^mm  Mllftf ibtMi,ii94ii(B9|^^ 

>#iMf|  ttltiiip^chief^fiil^cott^  lie" 

^iniie  to  th«i|wl  d«tioiedNlodi(^i¥dli^ 

^fttyfltf.    NocMiigW  Mfor tIMtii  Wlo  pQi^  tH^ 

m$  anii  eour(^4»Fmtiif«i«riii6hwM  lliilt  oC  tK^ity 

iHd  fiVbij^i    And  tliii  o^  proJicoffoai^  luat 

fi^l^lt;i^idrfitu|^tioo;fkHif,  t>^iviltfg|i^  a«d  f^am. 

^lknr#ft&t^«dr  fiikict)^  r  ^od  aociHtli^itt^  4^f^- 

MpailMl  Ktlietfer«n«e  of^^royal  iiatlidrijf  Jiir^tT^  tbu% 

'Mi^rtft^d  to  0|i^^^  thut^jiNM^  ef^^depinideot 

'>«^t#lF»ind^MM«iip  the  Atiwrian  wMi^«e#miMQ 

-  tM'i^ll^^inm,  tbt  ttoiniiio»lliriliff  te  Hmffka  ^ 

^  i(&j^^^  co^i#  llave  df  ilMrfkbfi^    ^li«  oise  was 
*^ lfl'4  fittilKidn/Tlil^fft'^Mi^ilftiMM^^ diaiiltit,  flid<d«-   ^ 

«Vi«liMt  Wt dtliieirwat  m  i  fitttAiiii^lt«f«  «v(^ 
«^  tIjiWff  (il^^e{«r^  had  diviaied  frtpiii  nacttic » #«d%iih 
%#%lH^r  aii#aad)ri  ih^  fvft  pHbdiiK  mft 
^^  Mhliid'fi'tfltifeliediyalidfefl^^^  'Qfti^iBg 
ibm  pi/iMpkfifmi^tht  fMte  brMt^  pi  Aiiien«a» 

-  J?jiNf^  A^htPlHim  ViplM  Aitie^i«iiApoUtlcA|  «iet 

filBdi^  OMy  dil  ipi  |(ifo»#uMtr 

turn  hmmkMtimflt^^^^^^^ 

ibflir  hi^  learned  of  thein«  in  a  i^enr  cfntr  ui^'M^- 

fl?[  '    ^^  ing 


L  ^  meiifvii|iN|i9iift»  Ml  hid  M^fsnrhiif  oimlbi^pQgwiSI 
t  th^jJite  iiitfo»wttir\  pii#nti  tontwtwl  .itfpiftigr 
^Mjii  j»i^tii<ii^t»A  i<o«yi0t>f  ItfcMifliimitf  -mSm- 











|£«c49'n  of.Ainericii  wUl  prov^fttificieafr'tb  fti^^  » 

C9ufi^  |tom  ifiif ti«e  it  Arffel  {  9itA%)X  ^tfaDi|^tiiu^^^ 
««|iajiil^«viti;«jito  a9te  jmcloottdittoaof  >tiii|<^^^ 
T^Miloriii  qf.  gQiieh»meiit^bv  which  th«  ^^(l1:^ti<^>hti^C 
sieft  if  to  J^  d(M»c^  ft  bilbor  rightt^^i^iafett^lti '  tH^ 
j^^^pMi^  of  Ihe  piOfAtt,  ft  coiift^itllotf  10  dit^^ 
rej&roin  (aeaegUUmi^,  a  imde  of%  la#j^td|^idt^|^a 
dire^  the  executive  authorlCf^  fti^iiiaHift^bf^  i% 
iapportaoce  to  any  people  j  and  are '  jdftly  eft^A|«i^ 
eqioogtbe  wiC«ft  produ6lioi»,  of  anefeilt'^rrittdde^^ 
rtines.    ButAO  peo^e  oudii  M>  eifie^  IM  "^ny- 
Mi'itlf  ;^^t»v  i^llum  Witt;  aviil^  lMttr#,'  ov  ti^^  pe¥^ 
PfttH^te-tlietr  lii»ettiefl^    Suoli  tbingi  «r«r  lUMifeffi^'i^ 
cfvn<^  dKe«£liiire8  { the  evidenced^  not '  tli  %H^t^ 
^%|^iiMli«  «Hh«  people,     ThefderiiNftfl^iriEtdt^' 
authority  and  force,  from  thepuMie  fetttiitidtiri'ltod^ 
aij^jOf ,  nqilurtjier  avail  to  (ccure  thift  libeyii«bdf^Mtlie'4 

pc«^M»4Mn^  ^^r^»^«o  «»prt%i«i«f^ 
tqmrer^iyi^^i  puhlic^iiiioiu^  Hi#<»tlif^^litiri^  Attd 
chai^a^  aiiy  bill  of  lighl^  anf  OQB(Hit^oii^#«fe¥«|' 
of  g^f  rpj|ien%4fi4  W,  «Miy  ttS^f  ^tH^^tt  W 
ci)i^nged,^r  he  «iftde  6f  mone  effe€k/)    l^c^  It^  t^' 
nejr^r,  (^  4ange»Qttt  lor^llie  |(oireniiiitiif  ^  4aij^0*Y^ 
pl^  toifijikei  ftoyalfcrationl  o»iohli|i|^^'whitli  >the  : 
pu^ic  opHiioo  will  either  aQowi  jttti^i  6tf  ftife^rr. '^ 
Nor  pugjbf^liy  .peapleto  cxpea,  thie  flidir  le^OI-'^ 
toill  QrtgPMfTVi9ll«  willibii  able  to  pi«f«        IKdr lib''  -^ 
crli^,  ^  f  Aon^peiiiidofttme.    A^y^^  titmh^  ,. 
whgl^iQi^o^  |he  fwwetff  and  ipfoto  of  puMicriNnpfejr*^'  (> 
"  tnenff^^ifl.  HnaiKoidably» wifliilo  Uttt  fhdfe  ptbfit^*^  ^ 
an4>.|K>wersi^iiicraftfedi    T^  difioaUiM  thtty^Mll  '^ 
me$^,i^th;  tn.UieneitocutioB  of  cVeir^oAeek  mFtHi^^*  ^ 
TcaipitMibleeoppofition  that  Will  be  mtO^bf  tl0(^W^ 
iktkmitii^  ni  Mi^iiiei^rores,  tad  tM  ^tiftHiiil'MI^'^ 
-4  <*  tempti 




.^.^J(ii,4s  if^  fticcciMl  tbcm;  ibch  ifaioga^  joined!' 

f  |f)i  a  n§liftf«lfl|iif>fi  nFpowiir an4  |Mro%  ^  c %  f^f 

^  ta«^?¥ice  M^  qnti  in  pul]^  cnt^to^tif r,  tbat  It 

i»m9«!«?^  in  !tb4iii.  White  tbty^ti^ttiOWlib'im 
aini  t%lM|^4«f(B|ai^  idaf#r#ngctif  li^  lii^  tMMi  polffc 
er(^  Jindeiiriolumtiitr,  tbofe  po#tit  tfadi^i^tiM^tl 
w4|lb«calM  the  powers  and  tht  digttiftyiOf  gorctto- 
0^11^4;, .Itmaabt^libtei  wKp^rmeii^ii^iitiiiE 
,  t^  bfapvi  for.  wiOaog^d  atming  •!  llMt^iwbicti  tb^i^ 
%|^o««aQ4^liipIoy,meft^QaMAfa)b^liail  H>;^  T^^ 
e|<^  feftqaa  ^^\im^asi^z%W \l^^  , 

l^^^^P^'!^^*'"  i»«»^*  wvwwiei,  and  intiiieiiw. 

N^nPci^W  jWiibt  to  cz^a  diAt  tl^^i^  wmii^#ia 

di^r«l^i  I  midf pen ,  atnong  /4heiii  0m^tt « i^en  l^ilf 
'  ce^fft^^^e  o^DyOf  become  a  more  fnireM^c^rfe^ 
#or^er  #f  blin^,  beeaiiri?  tbey  beveftbo  bcm  S^ 

g9^m9ri|i|ieii|^^^|f»ini»iMed  iio  tbem. , 
,  *-WP9i>  «Mibei»  can  the  people  Repaid, for  th^ 

"Wortaii4  preservation  of  tbear  rigbti  andft^dbib  ? 
A  ^W  ?^  >^>«|«  <>»  PwcaMtioni  under  leaf  Iblbi^ 
"»  th^Pll^Mreer ,  iWbt  &iriliof M^  I*  i^  liyjogpriidi^ 
«^  pl%  ^h  Hiwi-JH  Jb^  ;inind«,  piiiMplel^i  mSL  UH^ 




mfi^i  of  the  pecn^.  i   It  li«ct  in  tbeb  induiirk  i{k^ 
tue,fa4  i^blie  lenttnent  ryQrfathcr  iiii  m;^^ 
prc(ierve4  endlMsplaltucbjr^beftatoolfoeiety.    tf  ^ 
ft^ho^ ifOf  the  people  %11  lofe  their  property, 
^f »lw>wledge,, and  tbwp  virtue,  their  igreateft  and 
^2?*/tJ«^*^«^t¥^^      i»»«  Joa  el  ll^  faine^time: 

^.    ri^d:  .With  the  corruption  of  ^tfae  pnbtif  (^mE^ 

^^^^^-^  -^        —  *  of  iSitdftiSk^tiJl  laffe  »Sl* 

h   '^ 


.  yv^^'^'^P'  "Their gqyeillmenCffciMilnitffedKty^ 
'u**JW*.*^^^»*'  And^wbek  tbiJ  oioplc  h^t  T^ 

*t       ■      W  A  "*  J         ^^^ . 






^  ^      TUB    KUTUItAL   AMI^ 

kcS  of  liii^iFlMRin^  thtSr 


l.tAi.kM:ii    ■^'»'>^  ft^-S^^..  y.A,  ;«.a'f  -HI*:!  . i-Mtfitiim'tiiiititi  I ^''^JSi'  1  m'l i 

^,  J*  f.     hm^H  i^fwt  tOMi^k  ik  m^WH^^^'Smt^ 



!    >•    ♦. 







rvz"  *'j#;^A.. 


-m  '■•  m:  ^ 




**i  1 






^^  ■ 







b      wh^i 



Mini  to  Ik*  M|t  of  tfct  eartl^  dr  fitily  pihhJM  mm  mmm 
tilt  wtft  of  iImk  atim,  f ton  that  tUb*  IHi  v«rMtiiia4tfia  W 
.  -bt  •Me/vfi>  aad  bcdiiii  noiv  m4  aMPilia«fa*  f «r'tM  k|||  *^ 
,  >nt«fv  aiii  n  bftl^  fli«tli«i|iiltclaii  1^«  jbfdf  ic  i  ^itrnm 
))•»(  of  chttr  bailQtfs  ta*obf«rvc.  it,  to  aieYtitl  farti  ^tbf 
carih  {'with  tht  tfiiMito/  altf rlilon^,  tlMt  «r«  ItoHaftUy  lakiat 

n,  Movartd-tUt  Pm  mafiaiia  aaadla  lU  a  ^inu/,  at  f «l 
.'2- a     ^  .^''^  .  a 




I  * 

-  *■ 

*  ■■«^ 

,.-  -    ^ 



t  .    » 


0fi   '      ir  J'B*  m  1^.§:%  ,A 



fBi|Ni<v|  atBd  amii^l 







<Mmtfriai}ywn9  v!i°T Mfr"' ^<*rf !r^ 'li0TOP.*^r*t^^ 

v^w  u 







»  \ 

Stiff.,       «» 


*•  f- 

»'*;#.«■»  8  ;t'£ 

;■'  »■ 

>     • 


'^1 .    r  I  "■■  » 


'liliiiiil  liiif  I 

8  £*!..,#  all 



ef  -^{^--Tt 




ifSt, >flE64  I 



..-Hi  Si 


i«.  ■* 


^/ftl^^l  . 


r  «5 

-,    '  ..'**  *v     -11-  .        ..        !^ 


J!;  --jnun 



•    •  .  •*^'    »•* « , 

.  is*- 


*-       .  *     « . 

\a^  t^l^:'}'t^}f^J^'^'^:. 

*  ^-'')ft»-AQlialif%ii^*lfiiv« 



^^:.iv«iMii*ii»A'    ;  ^ 

riiiihtiiyf  illiiiiriiiiwrri  fh 









iifi«<  IP  whjclr  tht 
'■   -••"        'ere- 

lir  th«  Und  Of  Pa/;^  :  Thit  four  eentoriei  Uforl,  It  0  the 
WitfliK  N  #lfll  i(  ftowe,  U4^«^  |l>f  ftw  of  the  deep  to  bf 

frojjett ; 


until S( Bat  tUlliow lftD|k««% tpTi^ 'me  l^i no^Jf  oir  «y(.  ' 


'«. .  [  yii j|yi»f  .■  tMr*f  fill  MWJKiMit  •  0  |Jm|  _      . 

'     ft^i^^Ki'  i  fliiiiin  JiJiWii  iii>  iiililiAhiiiiiirfitlilKII'liii . 

III  jM^iyjf  Mill 'i4tir1if^i|t*i^^  i* 

flafe8ji»6i<'l»li»#ii«<toc<liMiii^^  ■  '. 

„,  (diWtffliirirfitf Uli  ilA<ililil»'iii'if;^lt^it    ^ 




„ . ^u 

._  lllil^liiMM^gttitif^iBi^c 







lilMi<liDiit   < 

^ ^4ff-  ... 



i?'  • 

.  Jf^M 

d:  iiW^'?  f 

t^i^sr^  ^r^i^^iite'^f^^ 


l.f    TheiMin  of  thrfe,  3»»^i^  J«|n««X# 

1  BffbMi,  8pc..Mc^.13Bp«,a!^  *  * 

^  ■  *  A'  p '  r  ^  •  E>^  N'^  m  i^:  xiv  . 

il(giibili*^^f9^^(M^  fai  >«|w  iMtt^  off 

Jiumryi  irak  foMmi  4^  to  if^i  ^hafe  «0  r«lMiir^«w 
•«o,3t^  At  mfeiifrurf,  latkaie  ivp^9^  aoreb,  fmn  the 
y«ir  176ft  l#t]f>y^tli«  oMav  JuMiii  \}aati«r]rj'W«»^ii|0^t  in 
mn»>y.'  «Im  »ttiMi  Iraat  win|  t0f|i|(«  TIm  aun  of  theTe 
a4^8  in  JftiniM9>«i*d  ilMt»Feb#ilanr  i*  the  ^)ittp«rftt<tr«  off 

citeUM  itf  .«Md|  An  MM«tri  «ib«iv^i«»?4^  I*'  ^^ 
t^rtmComwjiftkMicli  pf^M^>i|y  M'JOffnnSv  Otat  thla  wMtto 
W wyirmrayil  %»  C^i wwi  .WhiMt  i|  t|i»  ditft^  ^Mtf^,  i9f 
ofnniriM  Mpv  Ifino^  tli«j4i»CP«ifll  W  cUaiate  m  Gormtny 

%H  at  t1i»AlM,MdHkl^^vall.^/itMit^:  Tk^^  ^tl 
Uiiky«^  «flMo«t  oft«6|ifitry.,tV  «H««I«  |»  nf^  Mc^i^«  16  Of 
«▼  ^1^  mummth9»  it  pM  at  ctateifEi^  ag^    llie  conti- 

dtgnw  of  «oM^  if  ;«M  «oiaor9lo|ic^  tlttUttMi^n^  Which 
hava  been  oMJe  ■t^'Wiilimiflwtg,  C'ati^lfrfdge.  Quebec,  and 
UiKifqfi'*  9iiy.  to  Aioerkaj^lMc^'iiiMreti  with  thofe  which  have 
been  MO  -U  Alfi«x«»  Romi|  *f^i^(trt|  and  Solyflumflci. 
p\^m  whofelplMta^se  titit\y  •{ml  if  it  wiH  be  found 
ihM  ihe''£aiopaiMl  fO«iii|i>tt  it  now  ia'ilegiMea  wamar  than 
that  «f  Ammi^  Muhnn^uiriei  atU  fpecutationi  Have  beei^ 
)»rop^i«d  to  aBewmt  mrTK^»  ektreine  ««4a  of  AA^iea.  From 
thcaoeoimt&wMBliiMWbcGii  meiUionc4.  it  appeafa  that  if 
or  tS  iceoiMtiaf  agOk^tliA  a5btineo(  Ol  Eiir<ope  uitt«id  of  being 

*  KifVMkn*t  tihnttt. 

IM.  H.I 

t  A»Ri<wlal.  3<i'-f»'|  7» 


M.  H. 



41'-' M'l    59°  I'lSot} flcaiiilki 

I  M.  H 
ki      59*        '    3*' J 


AflP^  PEN    I^  I#X4         3|^ 
e^  |)is<^  thin  whH*  ^W  jMh^,pl»Qp  on  fli«^  cQiitineiit  ^  iiiff 

mM«iq4  new — — -•—  L  .  ^«.  ^  .  ,  «  .ii^.  ,i*  ..  .  «  . 
terwiU  n<^ 

to  «ec6iirit  «9r  thoft  €lkai|i|C^  ?  for  wl|itt«r«r  J^  IfiOe  iftS^ 
b9»i  tjM  ria  fcentto  b«  c«itaio»  th«  liMro||4l  1^  mn  el  t^ 
eirtli#  of  iirhiok  we  bi^ve  iwy  wx^tti  a^dunnli,  Kif  lie^  |h<*.| 
ciMfiog  fffon  the  ^rli«ft  ai^ 

i'A  * 



Dt^  lit 




V^ME  Qf  tlie  norft  i^arioui  j^e^maiia: 

1/  thit  i$<idoVlg»  tb  Hiet  naturil  li<ft«ry« 

ritii  %^liich  h«  it  i^arkell.    J^«i»y  ofejber 

^        i//4Mir  #/ifMNrf/M.  '  Ca^».  Vilt.  p.  tjy; 

O0&OOKI  or  fi^lN. 

of  man,  tathe  c«W  wit! 

which  i|ire  1|6h«|<|ii;  »pp0Wi  t^  he  of  foffe  jiAYtli^air'  eulour.- 
In  fniinala.thed  cplours  are  ettremelyvirSotit^  .different,  uni 
beautiful ;  M  (bmetfm«i  thtf;f  apttciir  to  be  i^t«riab)e.  Man, 
lii(e  Qlher  anin^als,  is  4ifttnguinied  both  by  •  peculiarity,  and 
by, •  variety 6f  colour.  In  Baimep  he  appearf  white:  In 
Africa,,  he  i«  black  :  In  Aine(ricir|  ms  colour  ^cfcfd  :  In  Afiv, 
a  variety  of  colours  are  to  'be'  fotnt^  union  thcf  huieah  countet>^ 
naiiee,  There  areoth^i^  fhsdei  ami  tinftui'es  to  be  found  fai 
each  quarter  of  the  globe,  befidea  ^oTo  tnentiomed  above : 
But  thofe  that  hive  been  nienftoited  «rethe  moft  gener^  and* 
prevMlent  cotourl,  unde^  which  ntn  appeal^,  hi  tho  four  gen- 
eral divifi^  of  the  globe. 

Varii^tv  or  CoLotrai.-i^The  moft' di(lin|aiftiing,  per- 
manent, and  general  colours  of  the  humain  fpeciea,  and  whtck' 
are  at  the  greeted  extremes  from  'i^aCh  otW|  are  Mack  amff 
while.  Between  thefe,  or  rather  as  dirflFerient  d'egrtfitSLand  va<' 
ristiooi  of  them,  are  all  the  orher  cotetufi  of  (he  bu«la«n  roun- 
(enance  :  And  they  may  be  reduced  to  fwanhy,  re^,  copper^ 
and  hrown.'^SlacA  is  the  colour  of  the  AfHcanS  under  the 
equator  i  of  the  inliabitants  of  NCw^inea,  and' tfeWholland. 
Afivartly  colour  includes  the  MoOrt  in  tbe  Dorrhern  parts  of 
Atrrca,  and  the  Hottentots  in  the  Toulhern  pans  of  it.  RtJ 
diftinguiihes  the  Indians  of  Northamerica.  TJie  fame,  or 
perhaps  more  accurately  a  copfer  fo/.ur  denotes  the  cuioplexioii 
^J"thc  Iat.'i^  s  of  Af>«.     Bicn'.t  CuiKpteher.dii  ilic  Tait^r*,  Ifci . 

A  a  4  .;  "^.     r*"  iidtii, 



'  »i 


A:.^'"]5  E-  N  >.  I.% 

iif^t,  Arab*,  ^r)c«n»  An  thjj  coail^  thei\fledUerra|f)eant^§nd 
tHeChinefe.  7h«  ioliabitantt  of  |b«,^»ii4i  Jn  t|i9  PacifiG; 
^€fa%  tre  al]^  chiefly  of  thU  colour.:  UnAsr  t1h^i>  cbtoyr  ii 
ci>mpi^h0iMled^ljthofe*dif¥er«nt  tti,a4ct,k>yn<cb.  jtrc  d^QQted 
by  «il»ve,  f hefiwti,  and  deep  y^lIo;wt  A  le(|  darV  J^qtdur,  6r 
tnou*i0t  Will  ^ft  «Kpi«£K4bo'coin«««tra  of,  tK<  >a|i9bitatits 
i»the  fo^)h^r|l  pprt«  of  £u;0P«,;  She  .S^tpiU^M^f ^  ^ymniana, 
Spabiarda,  Ifurks  ;..|ii}d  alfoj^  Sainoj^d^f,,  i|nd%apjand^^^ 
W^it*ii»  thjii  colour,  of  mpft.of  the ,  l^urdpefn  iiatibiii ;  at 
6wede«,  jlttlfifnat  JDaiieSfJBngliJlh,  Germans,  f  oTes^  i&c.  Kk> 
bardiniki,.  and  Geor^aiif.  .  it  U  obfervab)e  tha^al^  thefe  col- 
euM  are. inc^iuied' between  |he  two  exttemes  j  or  r»|t><i>  tfity 
9re  diflPerent  degreea  or  variationa  of  black  and  wbite..  ' 

Changs  or  Coi'ouji.    A  cb%n|e  of  colour  is  always  pro- 
duced by  the  mariiage  or  mixture  of  perfon»of  diiTerent  com* 
plexionti.  Ithiil  the  p^spring  of  the  Eyropean  and  the  negro,  is 
of  a  yellow  comn|4j(ion  }  ld|»  whit4k  than  the  Eiiropcanj  and 
kfs  bUtcli  th^n  the.  negro^ ;  or  rather  of  a  dark  cream  colour. 
This  race  are  nUme^iua  in,fome,,parta  of  America,  and  arer 
called  MulatfHs.  fhe  offspring  of  ao  European  and  an  Indian 
l«alfo<if  a  cream  colour  ;and.,mor«  flight  than  the  mulaitoe. 
Thefe  are  called  among  the  Spaniardf  Af^ij^fw.    The  effcCb 
Hnd  opeii;«tion  of  this  change  of   the  original  cofourt^  in  the 
climate  of  America,  is  always  in  fayour^of  the  fairer  com- 
plexion' }  and  never  approathes towaida^  or  endsin  the  dar'Kcr 
i^oiour.— This  ohange  and  Vilte ration  of  colour^  when  ii  is  left 
,»0(ita  natural  t^ndeofy  and  efTefl,  is  extremelyjlow  and  mod- 
erate in  Its  operation  (  and  it  is  not  until  al^er^  |n»ny  ycjirs^ 
tlfiat  the  full«^ell  ispioduoedt    In  the  Spanifh  IftUements, 
^^this  mixed  race  has  fo  multiplied*  as  to  form  a  confideraMe 
part  of  the  inhabitants  :  And  the leveral  (lag^s  of  variation  in 
tJtts  race,  with  the  gradual  fUeration  of  (hacte  until  it  encis  in 
the  European  complexion »,,haye  been  well  afcertained,  and 
»re  now  perfe£ily  well  ,undcirftoud»    Thofebf  the  firll  genc- 
lation  are  confidered,  and  treated  as  negroes  or  Indians.    In 
Uie  third  generation  tne  Iftdiai)  colour  difappears*    It  i»  not 
\  vniil  tho.^fth  defeentthat  the  deeper  htacV  of  the  negro  ie 
V. i(>ft*    At  the  end-of  thefe  ^  (ferent  periods,  the  offspring  can 
«f,no  longer  be  diftingui^ed,fiom;tbo£ui'opean  ;  bdlisconfid- 
M;«r«d  as  iuch«  arul  entitled  to  .al)   th^ir  privileges.*—- In  thit 
V  iphange  of  cblguft  produced  by  the  moft  powerful  of  alt  nat- 
■  r^vral  caulciP,  the  mixture  of  peifur^^f  different  complexion.* ; 
pfo  gradual  and  Aow  is  the  ou||r«j^ipi^^that  thp  black  mufl  bo 
fubje6lto  Bvedivifioni,  ano  the  operation  ntuft  be  continued 
y;  .through   five  gcnerationii  before  th6  colour  is   completely. 
}  «han§ad. 

Se  kt 

*  Voysgr  (It  Vlloa,  I.  ty*    RobertTon'i  Hifl,  Amcr.  II.  3^9< 

,  =  > 

■  ■»;4fl' 

A    P    P    E    N    tl    1^  :^        If^ 

ftntr Vjfliillatfti^  t^legumitar.  ana  1  vi^hl^  t n  iemd^^of  kit  «oi; 


ih#m&rane.  Ii^  whites  (Hil  Tettt  of  the  ^Idttf  is  trAfiBfti^ik#» 
andeitYi^r  ^»ully  dejpdvtid  (if  viflblft,  ordnfy  fut^iChed  nith 
a  very  few ;  as  the  yetldW  colour  «|ipearili|^  Wj«uii4i<i^ 
jnies  on  the  cailfe  of  the  clifeafe  bern^  realoved,-  whrich  ft  not 
thi  cafe  with  ftains  fi^ni  |uni»dW(rer;^br  IHnilar  cavtci*-^ 
Hence,  he  obferyes,  three  caurel  Irna^  be  very  ireadftly  tM^rtti^ 
whieK  win  o^oriite  to  deAroy  the  pelueidiff  of  the  (kin,  ano- 
-iyp  it  a  i>i:owri/colbu'r,  and  lender  it  thicker.  Thefo  are  ttie 
lealof  tUe  fun,^theaeec^  k)f  air,  ahd  naftiner*;  '  A^4Pin  g»n-. 
^rat  My  thtni  that'op^raiea  to  (>roduie*  or  tb  deftroy  the 
paliicidity  of  me  ikini  witi  t^il  to  yelfy  aUd/fchtoge  th«%dt> 
^r  of  the  human  body. "         •  "    **    •     *     -j   .1^   > 

Colour  connected  with  CLik/Crir.-'i^'Anioili^  the 
caufet  which  ttiay  aff(&  the  colour  of  the'htimiiH'body,  it  has 
been  gehf  calty  fu^i^dred  that  the  inflaeerce  df  hest  or  tiimate, 
hasVconftderable  eff^.  Concerning  *^rs  itifluence  br  con- 
nexion between  colour  and  climate;  the  folfowing  obfcrva- 
tibnt  may  be  made.  ' 

1.  0iftereot  colours  are  1)ell  ftiitdd  to  diffictrent  climaiMs. 
<tn  an  the  plants  and  animals  Which  *re  fprea'd  ovbr  the  face 
of  the  eanh^  there  is'fomething  hy  which  they  ire  peculiarly 
fitte<l  to  the  tlimate  and  country,  in  which  ih<Mr  are  placed. 
One  kind  of  vegetable  requires  a  greiit  degree  of  heat :  'A'n- 
pther  fl^rifhes  the  beft  in'  a  temperans  and  eold  ct>untry.  Ic 
is  the  fame  with  animals.  'Some  are  fitted  for  the  heat  of  the 
tortid  tpne.  Others  require  th^t  fevere  eold  df  the  frigid 
cone,  to  give  them  their  greateft  perfedion.  T6  alt  thefe- an- 
imals, nature  has  jiiven  the  proper  clothing  i  which  admits 
of  no  other  variatioii'lhan  what  the  fekrorts  of  the  year  raw 
quire.— Man  is  an  animal  inada  for  every  clieMte  t  Infiead 
pf  being  foirmed  for  the  torrid  or  frigid^  sotiay  he  ein  live, 
multiply,  and  arrive  to  hii  ptoper  pemftionj  in  any  climate: 
And  It  is  left  to  his  own  Milim  and  induftry  to  provide  him- 
felf  with  fuch  clothing,  as  his  condition  may  require^  in  ev- 
ery climate  through  which  he  may  pafi  {  or  in  which  he  may 
<ro^oura.    And  yet  there  is  fomething  in  different  met^  which' 

*  PvAor  Hantsr. 


hi  F    r  W  N    D    I     Xii 

qptliicf  tsd  Im  tlieaUipr  Mf  cti«ui«c^  .btutr  thai  Air  tActbef!  > 
•nd  t|i*t  1*1  Cftlour.>^TJip  nan  whofa  coleor  m  ^lack^  it:  batftar 
fiiltad«»4lif  ffaatfM  liaat  of  the  hotceft  cKnutt*  thai  Anfc^licr 
tf  cli!*lM|i»lMi.raic»..  TJtia  ha«  btta  J<Hlg  kiuMiii'«ii44M«rwd  in 
t^ciimatea  ol'Aaien^s.  T)»  nty««a  •!  i|if  We^bdU  tflaadj, 
M  th*6panMk^9a^Ba0M»  MtfUtt  Uicia:«|of  6«oa|ia»«MlSflut^. 
«Mi6liiii,  %t*ienkiMihm  (b«v»f«»ft:MatM  :tMtr#anae«fca;- 
far  ftlw»  tha^wttM  pMfla*  Ot  iha  «on4rtr|».tbeio^r««i  in  the 
aoiil^ra iiilcMifMAaiifrica  a^  aaore  teikder  than  ite  j»]iito  peo- 
pltj^  Jiafr  abla  ip JaMr^nt  ft? erity  Qf  oar  wiittwra,  vid.'jnote  apt 
tocoaaplMA,  faffiar^  tod  fteete  with  the.coM,x»»The  wrkite  mtn 
pf«  th«  revrrfia  of «]iia.  Thev  iMat  fibi  ftvera  wintcra  pf  Cauda* 
itad  Rulfia,  #tth<»t  aach  dittcukjr  ot  fiiRicrmg  t  Bat  io  ao  hot 
«)iin»ta  thty  baeoaia*  fickly,  aad.  I«U  fooncr  than  tke  Mgrott. 
.Se.Mral  coloniaa  pf  wkitc  padpla  have  Aibfiftad  in  th«  totxid  zoi^c 
itt  Amarict.  mora  than  t«v9  centoriai :  And  yat  thejr  cannot  bear 
abn  htat,  likn  th«<ori|[itt«l  inbabitftntii*  or  liim  tba  nrgroai. 
JTbronaia  npf«rcntl|^  be|l  foited  to  a  cold,  anil  tba  othei*  to  a 
JMm  clin»at«.  And  rhc&  differai|ea;ji  aaa  a*  apparenUy  o»ifagto 
tbcircotoaR»  for  tbcy  do  not  appanr  to  be  eonnc^cd  with  any 
jotii«r,canre»  or  circomftancer  piiffarent  coloara  therefore  in  the 
hanian  fpecict*  aio  certainly  bdl  adnptedt  fiucd  and  (iiiiady  lo 
•<IMEei>en<*  ^itnutni* 

9t^».  Thnro  it  a  teadcncy  in  climate  loprodace  the  colonr  »hicl» 
it  reqolrei,  Ahtmal  beat  la  derived  b«t  little  from  the  iun^  or 
Irani  tb«  at«ol{kheM  i  bnt  chiefly  and  nninly  fnom  originiai  con- 
Jftiuioik  >  Tlw  deign  of  covnrinit  nnd  clncbfng,  ia  to  detain  «nd 
prererve  abc  hear  of  tbe  animal  body,  in  i^i  .•atuml  >  fitoaiioa, 
dagret,  and  qaaiitity  ;  and  to  prevent  on  cxtreaae  •rnfle  or  di/- 
fMnfionof  it.  Black  readily  reoeivea  and  abforbatke  heat  of 
(ho  nnimal  body  \  and  in  tbia  wnyt  tmda  lo  exhaiiii  and  dii^wrle 
it.  White  reflcAi  andrepela  ike  raya  of  light  and^iaat  moie 
rh*n  nny  otlmr  colour,  atid  that  prevonia  and  pppofet  their  ptf- 
iagc  (  and  in  ihit  wny,  mnda  lo  prefenrt  nnd  dotnin  tbe  coafli- 
tutionclheat  of  iba^  antnal  bodjr.  Hence  the  cbvcring,  which 
nature  h«  aSgned.  to  the  ear^  in  cold  climatei,  ii  Tnow  :  Ay 
ill  colonr  it  bocemai  beA  of  nil  adapted  to  prevent  the  beat  from 
tfonring  one  pf  thn  tarth  inio  tba  almofopbere.  And  hence  the 
«oveeing  ofnioft^  anlaMfai  in  Ibn  fevoreft  ftnfon.  end  coaotry .  is 
gnnoeaily  while ;  tte  eobarivhick  noft)t>f  all  pralbrvca  the  heat 
•f  ikn  nnimai  bodyr and  pcevnatt  in  flowlitf  eni.  U  eonforni. 
lay  to  the  iiaiM  lnw<  of  iuinae^  aunf  nnimaU  ebangc  their  ool- 
«arni  febe  anpwaobof  winlar  ;«idJKMi.Uack,bro«M,  or  gray, 
bocome  wl»ie.  Tbii  ia  ibt  cnib  with  ike  rabbitt,  fexea^  and 
boMTH  fcOi  nc  Kudfon't  bay.  Raffia,  and  Siberia.  Fron^the 
darker  coloori  which  they  bear  in  fooiMer,  they  tnrn  wMn  at 
bn  approach  of  winter  \  and  rtnain  fe,.  natll  the  rttom  of  fprtng. 

i^:  IP    P    E'  Nr    DP    Wi  XI 

lAToebcalWircrimftitaApeartlo  hf^  •  ppirtifi^ t«d i. IjuUiii 
•ntfiAt^Q*  to  ^redoce  tne  cojofirtit  •itqtti3$f*.,i{^j.! »  if  A(if 

f Tbf^«)>»ate o£  coloipr ifi  nutq* u  morcllo* iiM  BrA4o«l.f  It 
It  li«fpft#r  MTMin  tnd  •^»fen.  "tbe  niii  i  t«  iMn  «rno  ftf^iiivirii 
caqp^M^o  tlie  l^iai  j|[adVM|«f  lU  A)Q*iim()  t»4b#  iii|<uin##f 
|be  wU4,  in  bot  fiNCaai  loif  ih^ir  ^bi^Mfii  Mid  Iwcomc  ^w^ 
orrtdi  The  {i^b»bittnt»pf  Bwop«4vb«ii<tlteyi'«t(lf  In  JM«»ifnjn 
oe  ID  tbo  >yniMin)i|iflat|di^  loon  |of<l^  ib<ir:  wbltoatft^  ;<W^  W- 
oeipiB  ol'  i  b^wpift  fdlonr*  The  Eoiof eiiiuT wbo>i«flide^M»|^4n 
the  EtAitiietf  bflcowe  pf  tbe  fiiaw  cJreMn  colowcd  conHiftyi^* 
w«  h«v«  tn  acc«f ate  accoont'of  theueffitfii  produced  b/'CslinifB 
in  Southamertcni  by  Dr.  Miteheli  \  ^  The  Spaniardi  fvbo  bavo 
ittbabiccd  America  ninder  tbo  icnid  boc«  for  any  cofiftdtrabb 
tioM,  arp  become  as  dark  coloured  ai  oor  native  .Indiaop  of  Vir- 

{[ioia«  oif  wbkb  I  ioyfelf  havebeep^a  witiiefr/'*  >  Ap  accopiu 
rom  AfricP4  ii  eqatUy  autbentic  apd  aocoratet  **  TbtN^  pne 
fevcfal  other  (ipall  PprtoMefe  fetUenentHa  and  one  of  lome  nole 
at  Mstomba*  a  riv^i  in  $iepiia  L«oA>^  Tbe  poeplf  hero  waited 
P9rtugtu/itU9  ptiflpinillf  fOtfippi  bred  Ifom  a  mimnre'of  tbe 
£rft  PortttgPefe  dlfcovertfi^iWiih.  tbp.«etives#an4  now  lice^aiie, 
in  febetr  conrplexion,  and  wholly  ^oalitif  of-  their  hair*  ptileft 
aegroeiy  retaining  bop'tvar*  •  rpiattefing  «f  ebe  Portagnefie  ^lai> 
gttage."f  Here  the  operation  of  mittArc  by  ipaniage^  lade- 
teriPined  by  cltnat^  in,  ftvopl*  of  tbe  Ait^hcapt'QoloWx  There 
pre  fiiPilar  acooonti  df  4be  fippfplexion  «if  tbpv^tngoefe>  wbrt 
fettled  at  Senegal  in  ifoo  }  and  of  tbofe'wbo^rp  ietiled[oa  ibe 
coafli  of  Conto*  Tbe  varying^  oopipleaion.  of  the  Jpwt  ie<  alfo 
very  rppiifkablp.  ]>ercepdbd'  froai  oaa  iktkf  their  reHgkyi 
liie  prertnted  their  marrying  Mvitk  oUerfeople.  la  ,firt|ain 
pod  GerpUnvi  they  are  while.  In  France  «nd  Turkey^  dtep 
probcewn.  In  &paia  pad  faPW'^t  ibPir  ookmr  it  Aiiwtby. 
In  Syria  pod  Chaldeai  tbe  oliwp  coloor  p revaili  t  I«  AepMa  aad 
Rgypt tbpy  araof  a  tavrny  or  oppper  leolour^  Amppg •  every 
npiiop  they  ieepi  to  pprtake  of  tba  colour  of  tpp  eliapip.  ,  Aad 
oiie  of  iham,  Tudeta,  rplate«  that  bit  opuptryaen  in  Ab|Nbiic, 
bave  acqaired  tbe  dark  eomplorbn  of  ibe  origipplpMi«M*  f 
It  iaobferraUe  thai  all  tbe/e  chaPgfif  Pro  Irppi'  o-iigbt^to  p 
more  dark  complexion*  ftipiilpr  cbaagui  hpva  ppt  biPw  * oMmm. 
ed  in  the  pemmik  that  have  bCPP  btpi^tht  iatpi  )th«<  tpmpenMP 
diroacer  of  America.  It  Aoidd  feepi  libereiere  tbpt  the  trpoA- 
tioa  ir  Pafiar  from  tpblte  to  bkedt,  than  ftom  bioick  ta^wiiita  i  cr 

that  the  npgio  colour  it  the  nog  deeply  impreied  of  any ;  or 
that  heat  bat  p  mocb  auirc  Aiddan  aad  iwwerAii'OCi^l  ibP»cold4 
UjOigbi  howpvpr  to  be  obfiimd  tbPt  ii  it  ottly  in  wbite  and  liit 

'^'  ity-.  -     'ceaptoPioiW9?'f 

•  PhH.  Tirtnf.  Mo.  47d«  .        .    i   ^  i »     .o 

t' Aeeeant  ef  tbe  trade  ef  OreilhiitaiBlo  AWccibf  pa  Jb^jumiw 
iBaffbpNit.HiftiVol.III.     .  .. 



m     ^  p  f  E^  N  €  ft 

^iiioiiiMkt  im  '^gjitM  mm'vo^  iSo^MeciL 

_.    „, ,       thiiifi  inprecurjaDB  in 

fm'M&m\m*6im^^^^      to  muifmimf^^^^^ 

ilki  mmiU  '«t^dU%^S>  1tb6ir£M't>Kt  or  si  %n  intinWUtt,  is 
^etltbti  ^ram  <^r  any  »)Bar  w^^^  Aadiliat  white  is 
s^dr^ib6ft  li^if^Qry  fuilied^  ttid than|e(k  tl^aa  vQ/aif  the  other 
<«!6ufi,  WitN  #hkft  ««^  bt|ea>  inykc^^^         '  -: 

'"^.  i\  Uimi  idhi  'i^oMrmtWtih  hf  xhtti  remarki,  tlial:  t1ie  col- 

-61^^09  tA^ti  in  dW«tthi"c\tmitet»  are  UjiB.  facti,  as  iKof*^  c)i. 

KtMtei^etd  i&tmm'.  '  tJhder  tTi^  eouator  tW  dirkeft' (hade, 

^^{^  binillt  e4k«l  lilic:^;    7I14  heg,V6  of  Africa  is  placed  ip  the 

%ii^ft'1iifttfiile1i«l^;''tiiiik'taNs  pikceoq  thtaelobf  j  and  tiie  cqIqu: 

^xkiMt^  U  Ae d<^lj|»>(t  ki)d  tftfli^A  bTftc^,  tlOkt  any  where  ap. 

pbi1^  t^e  1i^ii;\i  il<»untMn\:e.-    Adrlncinip  fiiom  the  eqji^tqr 

<(;i#l^drlhe  pbl^t  the  ebldtiV  of  ttte  Immln'  rpeoM  fecqutrcs  §  com* 

^K^lblt  more  a^d  Acre  light ;  dnttl  haviog  pafled  throag^l^M^^ 

ititcii'rtietJhte  gfadtHonstM  (hade,  \i  terminate!  in  the  whitenefi 

^t  i  tem^erkte'AMd  ^61d  climate. -^Tbere  ar»  iiidee^  variations 

miii  t3^ltipt\6iiiYir^  this,  and'  from  every  other  {general,  law  of 

^atd^r  IhthrniMcirei  or  dHFerent  nation^  migi^ation^  ditferen- 

i«l  i«  fbf.tfV  dfi^i^fe,  tf1eM(iKH«lft.  ;%ffeUb«rind  raa«iy>^^    local 

«?itiiitt(ldrttei  aAdiifUreii;  iVilT  ^rddi«ie  tfa^  .  ^ijich  vitiations 

Bfei6^t  hjreelblief'llb  anyeen^i'al  law  of  nature;,  they  are  neither 

«vWene#r6f.  (Ji-^iib^totts  tb  ruch.Ttijri  j  but  derive'their  origitr 

ffbhr hJca1^aria'j>&fti6i}Ti^r  cadie's^— ^ai  it  is  impblBble  not  to  dif. 

«t!fn  thV|^n«^aFr^gu^irity,  (ehdeocy,  and  eifefiiof  the  I«ws  oi 

«lafQreri'»>^iiilkciink)H!e  andoolpor/  The  mbft  intenfe  black, 

Is  the  |#Me^ar(^iiaKor  man  in  jthe  hbUeft  part  of  the  globe. 

•Wheirm^  beat  ri'ibriiiaeribly  abated,  the  black  abates  too,  and 

tbe  collMft'Vteebbies  rWilrthy.    ToHhii  fdcceeds  the  red  or  copper 

<c^lod#ttf  tWMlTahd  W^ft  f  ndtani  t  faUed  to  that  {iart  of  Afia^ 

lOhfei'CPthift^dtinVKtfy'e  beert  lo$g  fix<«dand,i>eraiaaently fettled. 

«rhe  ntn^if^ililttfi^H  tl  brown,  dibpretiending  the  olive,  and  dark 

y**lfH^^  •  w*!1]|b<e>  Ibidfe,  or ,  a  brown  approaching  nearer  10 

"•R  hlVe/annti^imhfcth  a'cif  Aate  linl  yore  tcuperate.    The  whole 

itermmatei  in  the  coldnefs.  andlq  the  wbitenefs  of  the  European 

«Wdltb^(1tetd'Wi1l6lniri  b«yMd  Which  nature  has  not  praceeded. 

V^n^d  Wher^a  cU^ntr/  Is  Of  grent  extent,  as  India,  and  Chiaa, 

^he  ^^^WOt'cff  f»e  fame  people ii  dark  in  the  foolhern,  and  n\pre 

^Ir  rrt  the  northern  parts.    Whatever  partUolar  exceptiona  and 

*eVUIibrf#*itoi/^fcfduAd;fhefliii«r«lW  of  nature  refpeOi^ 

5;.  wrf:    ..vvo'ii     W  '  qolo^r, 

Arp    p    EN-  I>    IX, 




afi^lfi^,  tf  «it))  other  law  of  nicbri,  wj)l< 
;^r3*iitiv  4l^iMon,and  cfe^  of  cliiba  je  lilttft  ^^ 

fii^tli  and  fiy  thi  coioart  of  m^,^ha|^  ar*  c#»fe|  w^l^ 
injii^i''atibii,  iittk  w4  biKSttia^ng^of  tli«,ef«ittOf^fvr 
t%e!  wfi^  tny  Aifiiraoeai  i%  tl^  tt|aMMl4^^|^QM 

poftd  rata*  of  man.  ■  ]fiheiflyk>ftjbc«^p<<^|i^j^  , 
t)ti«  ckofe  Qiuft  nave  baeAo^ratiai^,iimitatml|,^»«f  fiq( 
i«ftdeiice  becama  fixed^fh  iny  paMimr  ^tot  ike  aartli* 
faime  raiqack  will  apply,  to  a^jrOtW  T^ppMied  caa^i*  j|i|^  ._  _, 
ittfliayl  u^on  every  nation.  «vhofara0daiiee|iav  ^n  0x^  l^^iji^/ 
h%.^e  been  operaiag'ever  finca  thclf  fit^afM^lMMpynf  f^i^fiL^ 
^ith  regard  then  to  |U  tiiof<e  nat!^  w|kiet|  km  le^i|tfiM||i^ 
f«  tli'e  fame  part  of  the  t**-  '^-''  "' —  -  *  *^-  ^— -*  -" 
tfre  efFeS  of  cauf<B»  whicl 

baeinnlikfc  of  the  creitioii,        .,.,.,,       ,    -^ 

relda  ib  uielr  piefeat  £fti^()o|tfj|^pr  c^ao^ef.^W^ 
to  be  exjieded,  If,  aiiy  race  of  ttao  whofa  fip|o(^r  |v||  |d^^ 
formed,  fliduld  bicf  rembved  (o  a,coiinir»t  W^n$  ^ha  (fm^fwy  pt 
cHmite  wai  to  j-everfe  the  former  ett«5^i|9nd.chai|g«|i3ifL99kfi 
whfch  had  been  Ibo|  fixed  r—Cpnjd  it  be  aam^ffd  ^itfjbi^M^* 
cf  of  cHma'te  to  thanea  a  cokMir  lon^  foi mao  aai  fifieid*  cbpidjbe 
exerted  in  Yefi  time  than  It  had  raqaired  to  prodoca  and  ao  e^ab« 
ilfliit  /—- Wottld  St  reqbire  lefitifne  to  remofe|(aaf,aH?4K{|!itQl9|!f'» 
and  (0  produce  a  new  one,  than  i^  did  to  prpdai^^^Q^jM  |«%#i:#  l 
So  fkr  at  we  canderivie  any  la(brmaUote  firoipi  ilraqrd^ail^^ 
of  nature/ we  cannot  conccivf  that  the  colour  of  tna^Mgro^  9df44 
be  chanced  into  fhat  of  the  <vhite  mani  in  a  lafap|riMji^,tUM^ 
than  it  had  lakeh^  to.  produi^e  an^  eftabii$'  ^af  tti9w  ^  Jfipl 
kis  much  more  pfobjible,  that  a  longer  perfipd  of  t|^'  !nrmdl4 
be  neceflliry  to  eradicate  the  l^dl»^an<|  prod|i<%s  th«  (<Fi<mi4«  .i^^ 
lyas  reqiuifice  to  for,m  the  compliyiion  at  |ril.-->^liji;la  ^qim,  M^^f 
mean  to  inqoi re, carefully  into  tha  operation!  ai»4  e^Mai^  q9«r 
tore*  moil  pat  on  the  patience  pf  t(||^qttiwifo»  wA  l^atll^tp 
compuit  time  with  <ihe  aftroocMneri.  X.M  iippiatlfn^aiftfagiaiiyi 
leads  thea^  toexpeAthat  climate  diqald  iindfthatJn  tnrjM  or 
fbur  generations,  which  natikrf  hei  Men  oonlbliltly  at  work  tt^ 
affefl,  from  her  firft  Oflgitibntii  now. 

appearance  of  probability.  The  moft  powerful  of  all  the  cwiea* 
which  have  been  found  to  change  the  complexion  of  ntm.  if  thas 
«f  natxtara  by  marriage.    In  iSkt  negro  colour,  thii  requirea  five 

^f ''■'''  generatwni. 

«   -r.    .       .• 


f  onejbf  tbefe  fij^ntratit 
-  -       .^       -,, ^-, , ...Mt^UL. 

pnktMtf  iftl!lQrekffea.  Th%  time  ofone  ^f  tbefe  c^ntratwMMy  8i 

^^mt  Bf  Ife^ibiftg  art '  fcftimite,  UW  tlfte i?  cSti* 

itfJ^M^ytW^i  thr  dktik  are/ tl>W  ird  faffic 
'efrl'#yri«!^ff  (^  itKdtti^,  in'Mnf  vUw  !h  ^^Vi(^  tile  tbaudr: 

"mMm^iMm  tkvmt^zi{ii^i^c6rM^ifCy^4*.^m  to' 

tN^Rjfi  and  wind,  in  the  ufe  of  paint  an^  oiT,  or  in  an  habiu 
llrnfri  otfilthiners,  that  tends  to  darkcoi  or  to  render 
i4S||foi|;'«o#/yir;"tT»|8,  ina^  eithctwifH  ot 

,„  ,  ,  ^ wi?  »F™'*^*»^J*'  of;  cliiifi^c,  Accord'tig  ?»  the  nature  an<^ 
t(mlmiiey;m  iiwdb«w(lofa  or  pvafticc  may  be.  And  we  ought 
aQl*t«'M«BfllMit)iat'tOf  or  make  that  any  objrAion  to  the  fn« 
ibeMi  of  eH«Mte>  which  may  l>e  derivedfrom  other  eaufes.- 
'yh#r4w^feeAliiMi}  thentAueftoe  of  ditnattt  is  in  fayoorof** 
*tfN»iW##1lit«  WWplWtfoti.  iWtirt^the  cbhakM  aohWc^ttfeii'' 
«ri^»iW^iin'^i«tf  Wift?«(i«,  ifofl»<f!»*tiin  body,  tlflSre^ilahf 
WhJr'i^a  i»i^6  ^^«PuI  e^xifif  .x)6  feffeft  Its  e^mf,  thaft 
c'|ipjiiteYfn4  wM^hi  «.ft'ng  in  ibnftapt^oppofition  to, it,  jiyci 
(q(.thtii;dW»«««aHcfa  fairOwotdiHy  olive  complexion.,  Su.:h 
aiu(b<  tiHiy  att  witii  a  force  ani  power,  equal  or  fuperiour  w 
WtirHM *li%Mfcet  h»rt  they  are  noierjjjt  ly  permanent,  univerfal, 
«»*#nT«rtab*i.-^Thcfe  is  ho  error  more  commoB.or  mdrrapt 
iV^^o»V«'ui'*He<ynlMnpUtii1g  thtf  rtattfral  Itiftbfyof  rditi, 
thant^iftriU  IhaftotWie  ta  fe,  M'hifcli  ii  dcittvcd  fitert  of 




.ii ., 

tiM  joint  opemiion  ofwinf,  WHatftr^tiodtlo. 
inhma  9ff  J«f«  traufplNlt*  wnii^^^aft  th^jc^^ 
itpfCMt.  at  ceruinlr  Mili»^Ut«^m  whicli  tM. 

tKfi  fubj«9^»  fi:ut  there  it  one  'loqwiry  acinvf  ^luqpc^;  id^ 
nmd|Quf.)Cf^eful  attcittiQa^  Iio«r  4QQ»Uif^d(iii|iatiB  iui4  s^ 
cbuiilr  of  kteo  iQiiaiii  of  AoMrioi  «gfeo  wit^  tliily.orfvdslf  «ip, 
oD^f  fuppoletl  law  of  climata?  The  (n9i«aa  werd(fp|B|ifMrj^ 
tljtt^wliok  cootlnantof  Amarica:  Tiiey  4w^  iii^ejra(^;:l^piifi^; 
time dtmate  ttpm  tho  ^qitfttptt^iu^fohi i  Ant^v ilie^'i 
6i%kti  dmc  colour  in  cvfrji  plapo,    IajiM.«w^ft.!H^ 

uncf jeif*  Aro  th«  cliflpiitei  of  4tmpa^  ^t^nt  rfrsin  ^,  ^  ^ 
ol^iliootl^ircpotiiientr  Orw)i«nMiiit«t^  ^i^  CoiBm^M^II, 
liillcli  tak^  oIa«a  beiwacn  clii8ateajQ4  colour  in,  t^e,^Qti 

ti|i|iiwbifk%iav«  bean  already  nont^  ^ 

1;^  Tlif ^aiaoco|ottt iavmy  evicteotlyUie  quxture of  l»Iii)l|p 

a^  r«i    Tfie  ^our^  which  an  inten(f  heat  pro^tcet,  jvipc^ 

a|  |^C|f4it^V>rF^i^Ji»  «ItliMl»  m^Mk*  *  Ana  it  ii  uM9j^i0^ 



*1lW  imn  ^^mw*  to  #ri|«  in  diit  taafaige^bal  i^M^laV  f(jp( 
heipg  ccitain  thM  it  It  either  accurate,  or  proper^  It  h«a  MAi'til»to  for 
granitili  hot  it  hat  nefcr  been  examined,  wMthcr  ilia  Indtth  coltiof  tt 
tlie/hliiefttefc^y  part  of  America.'  An  icc^4t^ hitd In^iimtiV* dliAi<V<- 
er,  M^idlt  U'PiMo^wbo  coMoiaMicd  for  ftfcral  ftart  «l' Maiigroiri^  fe 
Portagvcra  ftltkmnt  in  tht  iawrieor  parti  of  Brafil^  whcmln  indiM^i 
•re  ottaiMM^eai  and  net  alicrad  by  thoir  iatcr«o«rle  mA  iha  Cq»opaM% 
noted  a  diffarf  nc«  in  tliair  eeoipltsiQna  t  *<  Tbay.  a«a  all  of  a^pupcf:  caU 
OUT,  wiib  fpoui  divcrfitjr  ,of  ihad«t  not  in  proportion  to  tbair,diiiaoci  fjpop 
ihe  equator,  but  iccerdiog  t<».  tfaa  degree  of  elevation  of  tbe  terrbMy 
which  they  inhabit.  Thofe  wjho  live  in  a  high  countrjr  arc  farier'  iKan 
thofeni  ihcmiiiAiylowIanda  6ii  the  coaft»''— Robcitfon'i  ftiH.^Aneri* 
1. 46o.-*->On  tbe  nerihweft  part  ^fxM  Ameriesn  continent,  il  haa  bbMi 
found,  that  **  ibt  edfnpkxfon  of ~the  Indians  it  lighter  than  that  ttf  tbt 
r»Hi»hern  Indian*,  and  fomeof  tbcirwonienhavei^ycheHtai^'w-Aiorfe^a 
(^cogt  I.  99^  to5.  Edit.  i79S^^->tM'  ibe  It>diane  of  Paraguay  wc  ba«e 
this  ffcoiivt  t  **  They  art  f «nar«Uy  of  an  oiive  eumpUxioo,  fatnc  daifccr^ 
ttkbet*  l^^tcr,  and  A  me  ai  white  aa  the  Si>aoiardt."»-Ibid.  p.  li. 






A    P    P.E    N    I>    I  JC... 
il  fliouM  liavt  13)^  cflMi  u^  tW  lii«n»R  My^  i^ 

Ml0tnfl«Mflceof.eii«  Tiw  an4  wind,  ia  rM.  m  %iHi|i«i^. 

thpiftiiiNbajv  J  Mffm»i4hmi^rm  fliM.  lb«  jmo4«Q«<^  ^  ibv  i«<A« 
MlBMiiidMv  not  depti^  v^mi  fiHA«i«»  k«««»  •«  oaMw  %(»l  •fiw 
AdMi9  4»Mbil  «£  l«vi<i«  in  tlift  oyiM>f«ir.  $mi  luavwig  UmMjt 

diMrarlivr  tii«»  <ie«fliai«e4>av«  iiil«i»r<«tMedi by^  lii«  flMmactiOF 

htim  t««  fMwerfy»  MoAt*  «y^u»MNttMi  itik^  t  GastKTer  iHlkHill  frofli 
due  «iMil>«r ^  Md  tte  AirtMr  f(f«4«€iii9  MWlf  >«  tim  iiniiii  «iStas '» 

4i«t«t;^ttiM  colour  W  4k«  Jh^Kmm  wa»  ^i!«b«My;  •mpp^ffalv^a** 
«d^«Mi^i»iw)^  &M  ««!*«>  ipcowSuiierififo  >  TAe)»{«iBr««i/tha^6i»ii)i» 

until  g#if|^i»t»ty  fofOii^tiMl  fisiwK  Nfew  ^tnty^akme  trnm^Ammr 
tea;  .  Tkitcoloar  AttMi^M  >tavfr  iMrn  ^Mkffti  Mmt^wmm 
itfhMita  a^ACar raii4  ffCMatheliatiii^  IMitf  «aawMly^H«<l 
tgJtiM  fanF)  and  to,4^a  ai^  mu-  ^Mkf^  wAmtthm  fotmod  aad 
iMad^ilMfy:  w^aaWr  itatttraMfti  «o«N9r|i(^tlwtr  o^paims  >^A«<i  aa 
CiMTft,  Moreno  other  peopW  with  whom  thojP'i«aul4  hav^  any  }a» 
iti«ni|f^i  there  conld  be  no  chaogeor  ahcration  of  colour,  pro- 
^tti'^f  ^mixtutt  9f  ptutnti  of  #iA«rtiit  CM»|>}e»iam.  TMir 
teiidir  therelto^nuill  have  been  feltlid,  and  mihrm  r  Anc^tho 
V^ol^effaft'olf  plt{pa1«tioD  mafthivabeea  to  fpread*  propagat<b 
|uhI  pi»lBi«v<!^tw  Tbe  elM^  of  6li«at»  (hco  opoo  the  him  in 
JI«0tiao»»'«vo(Hd  tp  pfodnca «a<llflr«»  hiaaoiouf  i  .btft^al^ 
ther  to.piefcrve,  or  to  change  it.  •  •  < 

v4mf«uMoipftltofj  (hecliinaiAidif  Aoiifcfict  wai  iiiff ctenfiy: hot,  to 
«battg9  it  ,ifltO'»nt  in«eofe  bUok*  <  1*  ia  only  in  .  the  o»oft^  iateola 
itea»of  tlie  hotteftcHmote^tiiitdlM  ewtreme  bJack  of  thenegoo 
»'fo#m«d.  The  cH<naite  of  Ao^effioa  wider  the  line  falis  f»r 
ftoft  of  ihi V  •*  Wbile  *e  ne^roon  lh<  aoaft of  Africa  U  f«ofcb- 
:i^4vjth  .unreroiuiMg  ^e«t,  thei labjibliant  of  Pff»»>  breathe*  ^  aire- 
^9»1^  jnyd«nd  iciP4»ffai«.  h^  il|»^ff»tttaily  fltaded  aw^r  a  c«»«- 
»pp  et«i»r  ciottds«  wbioh.  iateraepuhe  *ffc«  btamaof »«  foa^ 

'io  5tri- <.r.   ^t^.:*;^  v.G»»h   <^fm^  in*  ^fii'<i«|.i*i1«  x''^"**'"* 
■^'        -.'■     .,   ,  ^'     .  '     " 

^     Jl    f    P  ^    1|    D    I    X,'       _^ 

Iv  «HMll»ti«r*  •Hitt4  ilMltMii^tMM  tiNM  fte  (iMW  Initwte  # 

iMiMtMl  -41  if  «oi  t*b« w^aed^M'ilW  i*4iM  takm  A««M 
li» dwttgw) nt6  «ll•l«■l•'blalek^  MopawAf  4iw  ^mtie  «ii 
jN«tilM^llt9pr«<HKt  thk  ^^^l*d  Mf  loudt  vttrifNM  io  >tMfaik 

e  !''4  ^li#  «liMif»^  cotObf'  imH  4ifliialiUf  ft  lie  ««f •••A'i^pmU 
li»«f  «li»«MMf»ry  kliKir  «ec  -to'bUule/tiactovbkrrrMlmliiii* 
•4%ht)»rilMdiitliaff  wlMttMli|»lie»ii«i»rtk«->«qwior»/  if  tMii 
1^  Mif  kiiHitntt  or  iMdeMy  ift  Mtrnw  «olA  kk  'phHi«c«  «  Mr 
•Ml  MAit*  cMw^ftJiicHr,  tliitwig^  bwt^lMMi  ffspiAe^  r^^iM* 
t««  n6  tolderelinaiw  Apoii  iHifiec  of  nhw  esrtMI»«o-t^ofo  vf 
ikt  MNbtrtt  ftm  of  A«i«fica.<^8M  »lMtev«r  iiii]|*it  be  ^tmk^ 
ibettceof  tlk«  eMfli«te  to  piMJoce  fodi  ■'Coai(>le«ioR>  ttw  iiMUwM 
flhttfe  itAr  of  f«v4»r«t  oavttki  •Ml  ciMiitftt  Methods  to  pnTtntiik 
Oiif^Wii^ilielreAirtsiii  lialMtol  livkig^ttMl'WM^rinf  ibooeki 
the  wvii;  expofed  to  the  fill  imct  vf  «lie  «rindti  atMl-finr  s  kt^ 
irnktr/'iviiilieir  extrtiie m4  fft»p$f;ut^Wtk,  wn&  <lMniief» 9  A 
third,  wa»  their  habttoo)  i^e  of  gretTe  and  paint.'  icivMtiMiv 
'«li1«tot4fflebAowtoiiii0int  and  nth  Ihiir  bodies' *ltb  uliiilgtiafe 
-wad  oil  of  tke  bear*  (shaver,  AofiraiCiiiivd'otliMr^maMiisf  Iwdiito 
«lx  the  greeAr  with  differeiM'  ktiMM  df»  paiatn  en<i  govm  ^i  VIrii 
|»«aftiee^  e^ai  pMbabiy^  de«f<itd  to  pMiwt'  the  bisdy  ■'•fiiiift  4te 
«tcf«in«  tariailMS  of  htaii'  >cdld|  aiM  'RtaUN««i  for^haehlhejr 
HKMW  ooAlhmtlyetpoM;  i9or<«iidd«hef4M*e|Mrb«idod'^»y  botw 
ttf  ^l«leao«<  •i^tkfki ^lifit,  eoldi  raitii'  aail  ^  f nifeas»  3thd»  ^hoeiio 
«Mr^»l1»}r  hodieffpith  »  gftitinoae  liin^olearffilh;  ^  Ami  iiidi*. 
Iiiff  ihia,  thoy^odki  a  fiiM  in<*  t  eercaltt  itf«fliatf^  foMiv^ 
Aree  their tokler^^'frefti  eny  apMoithN  «« •  wfliite^dr i» » ^Mr 
«a«jp1*itoB.  Wb«i  ekireairidmlneAi  «r4#  added  td' that  freait^ 
«lt;  end  pailm^Mfher^liittete  or  aflf  och*'  eaefls  fiosM^todoee 
#tilrlo«plejiioi»,  aatil Oiefe weforeiMfO^d  Md^fafbdj  ^^km 
Iwfhe  lBidiab«ofttoiMi  and  nerhott  of  j;««rd«a8<Jit»(i^ag«lall 
^hteffiBAaellcilmate,  the»riMliM  hirnlMf  wai  tahtogconAimi  hMe 
thai-iiotbi»g  twald  «hao^ihtcol«|r  4lf  'Mi  idoy  ot.'MiImkAc 
arare  tranfparent.    But  -J^,^^n*;a3  ao  it- «»*iw^»#' t  ti'^ 

'  5.  Where  dNrfe^oOtfMi  bil^  Wtv  -tftlhftili  <fi«if«dia¥c<i«iM' 
^M^hetfn  fotmd  to  he  tba0feablir<  it  liHk  ftenwribffii  tbeeidifii 
«rbetbe#  the  Iwdiati'«oloor  »'eMdtythe'ilkwe>th%eek!)r«patt»df 
Amerka.  No  ■ceemne  Ootipirtfoni  hate  ever  %een  iMde>bo> 
l#ee«f  the  eoletr  of  tiw  ^ddiaaf  ir thtHotfeft^artb-  undn*  the  it. 
^aatori  •Ndthofe'lo the  remOie  riglMttof  Owtadawnd  Hadii^t 
hfi  Their  ooloitri<h«vo«««e>beett'ed!«pi#e(l  laiiiy  aediviae 
eiid  4liio«i  AoodtH  ^  and  fttMll!  ytriatieM  in  a  daHc  vqaifpieiioo. 
w^nM  not  be  a  natter  of  comaion  ol>rervation.— But  whether  the 
Indian  colour  be  the  faane  in  evorjr  pare  Of  Arfleriflj.  pfii^  It  is 
peri|ii»l7  morf  ch«ingeablef  and  oot  fo  deeply  fixed,  ai  that  of 






AaP^  ptliP^  N^  01  IIXA 

8Mckbrt^Mk'  liivMiAtthaAttH^^I'lM^liibiii  »d4  Aimitio  d 
IHi^tirv  tfUforcM  (imm^'iMltiof  ^4nMta»%>  mk^  ttfiiM  in  ite 
£)rcil*.  ,  They  live  ia  Iwofft,  luve  a  fixed»  place  of^elli^ettee*^ 
«N» |a#i4lKK  MM  <ft#  (buitolNir  j»«JlfM^  ifedrtit^V  ^aiK*  «li*ir 
cftm^letilM^dKfl%M'd(M)lir'frda^f1laft  df  the  tlpibet  «Ni»y«i«MMiB 
i#>llliii^^fiidMrind^ot^i««l  llic«w  'Tli»  feddiXh  eift  I*  ibcicdv 
7ltf*  liiviiy  tTfwa tppein^  ttbre  ^diflli  fetoi  >iMl  cl«adi«<  ;  Tk»  > 
ciiMf0  teitfli^  ha»>4trtpf6tr«d|  Md  ibey  have  approMhaaM 
aMMifr^^tteiier  tdrViN  eotoufef  tkelMMer  tiBong  tiM  «»MMi,ibni 
tli#«i^  K^Q  tatain  their  aKivnt  caAomi  aad  ^labiti.  Thif 
clMh  je^»f  coiaoff  ie  the  Indiia*  who  have  livedo  long  aaioag^4ha 
iiMiet}  iaaippaMiittoodmnion  obfervation.  Add  it  is  apparent^ 
If  ttfetfihia  fraai  theebaktge  in  their  Aran  neNrdaibni»»#iid  iMb^ 
ifi<^^  Tlri»'chfcafa>«jf  cii«4ndiAar^o«pkxioB»^  eleavly  4kom  wjtw 
lii»'bit4M)t%hr«M(«f(vtttoi»,:-aiftd'fa«m^^^  ^-.u^mAiu 

*-.  4f  |tf-{hJe'Mrtiicnl'p4rc»>of  Ailiei^  thetc  are  pevmtiwii  phe* 
dbiit«ha.?«(rHtth'  will  (br^  tAkk  to  (how  wbftt  hM  been  the  effeft 
of «l{<iiatO.  '  '-Tht'efffOiflrttOIK  in  the  riortbero  pmu  «f^  AoMriea, 
srtHi'pedple  renvarkfeMf  ^lfferOBr/ro»  thfei  la^KMst  eirhleh  ac^ 
€«pt  Cbe  ofher  parti  Of  the  oontiaeor^  There%  Mm  fi^ocb  room 
to'doobi^  bot  th9t  tbe]r'#efe  dtri'ved  front  fbe^  oorthweft  «ar» 
of  Bampe  t  afe  tl^9  faioe  people  witlir  the  GreottlatHleto,Lapf 
l*a<ieri,  ZMibrft«aiairtl>Safl»0)idi.>'  tittd  Kii#  thclii,  *trodeteend« 
od^li««r^e^amr»1tf Iheeail.'  Thffii^'ideft«M>lii««'waeproh<^ 
aiblf^fiiiMil^hof4ffleai<iOtrlii|lMliidtaM.'  <Sit<w4llte<fh«lodiea 
tf ibii  1f^  b^'^ciifbllr^  pletkftii'  thtik  red'  •  C0(i<ple«i0iir  the  E^ 
^«MiaX'hivirl«qiiited  i  faUMw  OHVe,  or  bre«raift^k>or ;  laore 
iieli«iiii  lO'^^hie  BmrOpriaa  wbiteneft^  fbaw  fflbrbt  biowaifli  ni 
di^tbii  AiiiiOi«ci##M»Tb%har  <eaaf«  cao  we  abfcnbe  the  lighter 
oiloitr  or  this  Wabth  of  the*  Tarter  faie*  bet  to  their  more jiorth- 
m4f  Ortdlbieii  fi^MiOoi  They  l^r^idopied  the iainecolioaii 
and  habits,' II  the  fndiaiU;  ^faef >irt>  and  anoint  their  bocfier* 
#itbfit«ar*»  tk6  §K'M  ^  ^Hetlribd  train  oil  ^  and  are  as  filthy 
m  the  lo4ltni«  Hot  only  lb,  bat  they  driak  the  fit  of  the  Mf 
Md  iheiftMtnoil^^Mfteftaeni lithe  ttoft  plealant  li^oor.  Can 
itiio  dooh«ed  erbit  nrofl  be  tbi^  effoA  opon  their  colour  f  Irop- 
oratiiaf^fk  tbriaflaeee*«f''dittatek  In  tl^t  part  of  the  earth 
wkafft  cHivate  operalel>«|i61lpi»wellblly  *«  predtfce  a  while  «o««. 

Cexion.^ThelttiliietfceOf'  ^twocaofea  ii  dieldcd,  but  the 
iHaace  ii  in  fk«onr  of  ditt«tO»  Oftd'Ihe  Euroaeaft  complexion* 
Thoain  two  t»fmfin$nmi  wnieroni  kfooi  of  fliwi,  derit« 
«d  from  the  £iae  notion,  etNAete,  ciiloni,^>d  habit,  iii  onf 
fnn  of  i^mcrieat  ha^e^piodeccd  oe'iprefcrve*  the  dark  crimioft 
of  the  Indian  )  but  in  the  moft  northerly  ikld  leos^^rta  Ot^ 
cOQiiQioti  tdc  fame  caufes  b«v«  oftabliAcd  the  fallow  pUvc  colour 


•£ih*t&foiitniiii3i»<iM>ift  reft i«bUM.  iht  XiifQpttii  wlutip^^ 
than  t|t«Tii)tiaarpd»    Uf^Mitm^  •ttfBiioB  ihto,  U>tk«vMiit 

a0««Mi4iic»  t«iMnftK«i^iJi%i«acr«l  cqnntxlliiiiwbich  lMU,t«li«» 
pU«C'V«Mr«M  c)i«iaui.i«iAc;DkMr«  iA^tb«v«'ioiM  ftWH#l.«i)fittlht 
•f-JMMiifphera.v;; :.':  .,',;,i  ...  i».  ,„..  .tr-;. .,.. 

s;TlM*>parC;ofiJbt  Mt«v«l  hiAoffjr.oC  ««•»  4b«id»  to  bc^bat  V0nr^ 

tbt«wM  W  *Rf leM  !m4  a«Ciirati  aecoHprci*  I|  4oc»  ii^'4:  MIm»  v 
tftit,prfit)r  well  fl9teriai«ed4  thai  ftb«  «o^r  «f  tb«  white  jptft-l^ 
cftfiljf ft4iidio(M)  «h4ingfl(l>  CO  a  dark  90ffiplc«ion  «  J^nd  |h|if  ihii. 
colotir^ol  the  iAdian  it  chaagtable,  ioro  a^ lighter  co#p<iiwonV 
^at  ao  relaiiooa  which  1  htve  <«en  afford  the  hmPtlf^wm^ofrng » 
j-«fpe|g|4ng  the .chaage  of. tb«  Afr icaii  black«  Nor  cao  ldfia4llMf 
phmopieoa  or  a^o«nts  which  ierve  to  afcectaift  che'Aat|er,.j||iA, 
patjifi  ,<wt  of  aU  dottbtv  whether  thierehae  b^en  aoy  ck$iig§dm 
tte  eolMir.«f  lhftflegrde9»  which  hafo  beeo  brougj^l^to  aaf  pa^t 
of  America.  Nor  is  it  certain  that  apy  f«ieh  apparaiat  altfriiiioii^i 
of'Uie  negrf»«Qk)ur>  oaght  i^poa  any  hjrpoihf6s.<9  fatavc  btiefi  ^  • 
p«l9bd»iA  th^cOMfe  o|  four  AT  five  geiievatioiis*  And  yee,  ttqii^j 
fone^f  thefe  hSU  Aall  be  a^certaini^lr  ivf  eao  bardlv^eKptft 
that  the  Iftwi  oik  QAiiire  wbiich  ap^ly  tc^ihif  fiibjc^^  ^iu  be#itn. 
dffftoodr-nplaipaiieattoll  the-  fatigue  of  inquiry:,  eo}Jif|liji|  fgdu 
comparing  phenomena,  Ibma  philpibpihef i^  witb|[ieaic|)i;fi^l^Utw: 
ticp^jha,«eiprct«ided  todeoideit  l^Jflm^  :,^0^61ve.>^  idif^ 
&Cttlite»  k  hat  beea  declared  by  (bme^  fi\m.th9t9^m'^Wnt»ililf^ 
cMaliooir eai)>raee».<^  men  :  Tbatlhejwhite maoh^on^liUM^ 
theiiegroiraneKbcr,  «iid  the  |iK}iia«a  thir4>  AfC*<n>1?)e  biifiiieiaoC. 
nuHciMiydema  lb».«ftiire>  h«#  Jeldom  a«fi««r«4.:aoy  ^h(ir#«rfi 
po(^e»;  thto  lo^dikoverlhe  prefemptipn  of  thoCt«  fiha<rlMVit  iDaJbt; 
then* :  Uhac  picntei  Milthia  cafe*  ^  If  there  ha4.beiii»  jfa  0^109^ 
leeal  fteatione  at^  there  arfaa4ividDalir  thie  <  «oal4  -mk'90hti:,  Hfc 
any  hifermetioo*  or  eaableoi  toadvaitci  on%Aipr  nfovratdeilfe 
Ibletiittt of  the  problem  refpe^ngihe  cokwmof  difereM  aieCk* 
$till  the  iaqtiiriei  would  lepaip.  What  h  thieiept  of  cqjoar^m 
thifft^xUiierei9ta»eof.Wby  <1»  thp^iiyi^ef  ligbl  «ppetrief«:lfi^ 
different  celoer%-ap«a  the  fitiot  of  thtmf$^  theetl^Rl  W^ 
does  one  co^kwrK^ppear  moft  coroni9n.|ne9rll0t»nndiJiNHhef.<»£K 
our  prevail  ike  v^  in  a  e<M  cHmatoii  And  kam  ii^M.ebvtg*: 
of  cokNir  produced  b|rmar«tM#t«ndiin|Ktefff  J-vInOead^aiMifec 
iof  oorialve*  4vitb  fheoiier  tiiil.  are  atteoiM  wit h  ^»  tndenci^r 
aM  can  brof»bufe«  whatai  wanted  in  thj«,/()tgeft«.|iiicarej[iiland^ 
nccurate  othJcrvationf.  Thefe  jwii)  in4eed  reoaiiA  ndoogTCootfir 
of  tiflM»  «iid  abilUiea  very  4i^fot'fioni>thMe^,vMdivdecidA  b| 
aefeaphifiealdirpetei  nodifpecHlations.  But  it  ie  the  Qii|yjnet&« 
odv  sin  whieh»we<havetanytifafini  t«  eatpe A  eiir-<kj|iMed|iB  of  thin 





••^  ■  t   ^'C     ^     .5     *^'  '■^^'''^A 
A    P    r    E    NT    D    I    X. 

,  no  .t^'ctP^-n  ;,-^,.        •■  •       ■^)  ^li^t*^ 

:rmtP"'itWnMiis^^yi     .>q^|«t^,.^^tt*>.^-V  -  -  -  ..   'f^   jo*  to  a^«c 

^tjimkfmdnt^iam  ■  •€•*♦•.  IX.  p«  199.  ■•»  ■  >^         ^'i  ■ 

«|f^    f^i^  iSdnouw^lf  the  Coi»^i^f*iij4*.Go#iwii»r,'^*'^* 
^(nr^H^^MUratiott  «m1  potUipnoC  that  part  of  Nortlwmwl 
^JL.'^V'fituMtiiMithoif  Cwada  InM,  weft  of  Ooimeaieiit 
fiv«4>>9'^  o'  M»*  Maflachiiteu*  bajr,  aad  «ail  of  a  twenty 
|rU«  boe  DnNB  HucUoa'a  riyori-  fiootaixunf  about  ono  ttundrad 
HOMji-^^f  foux^townfliilWi  of  tho  concent*  of  li«  mtlea  ^uaret 
M|fc)^cf»nt«dyourpetitioaetib)r  the  authority  of  Ncwhampi. 
ibira/befidet  feveral  grants  made  by  the  authority  •f  NajMryoric, 
ilfid  1^  qmotUy  of  vacant  Und«  humbly  Qiewrethf   ^ »  i" 3'Ui&ir> 
,^,j(liilit,ypiarpatiti9nen«  by  virtue  of  feveral  granti  made 
ijbl|b  hy  llio  authority  Iforeiaid*  have  riiany  yeara  finee,  with 
iheir  familiea,  become  attual  fettlen  and  inhabitaata  of  (t<o 
C«id,/Ae(aribe4pfemUea  i  by  which  it  ta  now  become  a  re<Mc- 
l/lMf  frqiitier  ^. three  nmehbouriM.  fiates,  and  ia  of  great  im* 
j^^H)^  tAffur  comnon  barrier  Ticonderoga  j  ••  iihai  f«Mu 
j^Quid.U^e  atviy  there  with  much  p roviiona;  and  cam  mufter 
Ilk9re  tjium  &ve  thoiifaad  haniy  fpldien,  capable  of  bearing 
Hf ma  H»  lie^ani^f  of  Americaa  liberty: 
^^'fhat  Chortly  «fter  your  netitionera  baao  their  feitlement^ 
9,j^ty  oMind  jbbbffs  inlne  eity  and  ftate  of  Newyork,  be^ 
y^ !to  $Uj>*  <u« iaodi^  and  l«mc  meafuna  to  bevo  iteni4«^ 
pMCfTtolioiiiCithiQ.lhatjarirdi^oii :  &<it  <» mu^ai    h 

o.TjT^^  on,^be  lomrtb  dajr  of  JuLn  1 7641  the  Mng  of  Crett- 
&it]^|i.4i(ijia(a ill  order  in  couneil,  extending  the  jurifdic- 
ii|Oi^^p{^jjii|wyorb  gpveriinient  to  CowMAicut  river,  in  con- 
ji^^cp^of  4«»prerentatiottmadeby  the  late  Lieutenimtgov- 
f^^W  Coldip%  thalb  for  the  convenJence  of  trade,  e^d  admin* 
^ri^o^  ftt^t^if^  t3m  ighabitati  were  deAnnii  of  being  ant. 
nexed  to  that  ftate  :  *;->;v''  •  .  >  ,'t->i  d. 

,  Tint  on  jthM-atwriuion  of  jnrtMiaiMi  the  laid  Lieotenaht- 
fpwrnor^ol<i«9.4id grant  fmreeaitreflNoff  land  in  the  above 
pe^ibed  iiaaita»  to  ««rtain  perfona  Hving  in  the  flate  of  New- 
tek, Which  mere  at  that  time  in  the  aAual  polfeflidn  of  your 
se^UioiV^i  «ndund«r  oeionr  of  the  lavrfnl  authority  of  faid 
fUlf,  di4  profleed  tgainft  your  petilionera,  at  lawtefs  intrud* 
V«4  upon  ji^i;  down  Unda  in  their  province*  Thia  prMucMi 
an  applicadon  to  the  king  of  Qreatbritain  frqm  your  peti< 
tionan,  ff  Wing  forth  their  «laana  under  the  govmnment  of 
Newhaqapihtr^  and  the  difturbance  and  interruption  they 
had  ruifer,cd  from  laid  poft  clatmaata,  undar  Newyork*  And 
on  the  a4th  day  of  July,  1767,  an  order  wet  p^bd  al  m^ 
J «il«»f'«i  prohibiting  the  governori  of  Newyork,  for  the  time 

A    P    P    E    NO: 

i;  H 


b4iii|.  floai  grtni^ng  any  part  of  the  defcribfid  prcmifei,  dfiT 
pam  of  iacumnf  h»»  highsft  diipUprure.  Nevertheloft ;  tho 
fane  Lieuionftnmovernor  CoUhsn,  dbireniora  Dunmorfl  mt^ 
TfiKUlt  b«ve  each  and  every  of  them,  in<thoiwtfp«ftiirinanrti 

9f^lflfififltfiitmio»t  fN-«^«ied  tawolMe  the  ftiki'tuy> ui'dw^'by 

nuAiaig  fcveral  granea  uf.  the  p*iohib»teAynMiif>i,  °<»d  ogon* 

teButttinsao  a^ual  invafion  of  your  Mtkioncriktov  fj^itet^* 

ariiu,l6%tY«  theia  off  froB  their  pofleffio^^  'J^'S^-Z-^ 

Tho£a  violent  proceedtnga,  (M^I»tlMiGcAeniliABmyRoii|ol^ 

tlk»flapfaaaecd«rto#  Ncwyorkf  that  the  dbartCfi^' et^ntcya Jlea 

&o*«t  ^ur  potaaioBerk'  laiiida,  wero  ittt#i/«^U  iffld'fbifHoii' 

whitth  they  wmre  fourtidtBd,  n4aeed  your  petitMiMn'tQ  ttoi' 

difia^nauAiltt-necci&ty  of  taking  ti»  araia,  «t  thar  iMili^  ttMtiii 

left  tot  ahrfcc«r«ay  of  ihaii-  p^effion**    Tb«  cOofiM|M#d#(il|' 

tktftAap  avaa  the  pafltng  imulvt  eAa  of  ootlatMiy,  by  rtM"  'k»l 

gtOatuteof  KcwyotJtyOn  the  ninth  dhiyof  Mar«Jh/i^  }^id» 

wove  net  intendei  for  the  ftate  in  ge»cfel»  bokMiy  -.klf 'fm^ 

of  tht  cooiitieaof  Albany  and  Ch«rloite»  ir».  r«ck|«f«i  thtfii^ 

of^aa  tweoovenad  by  the  NewhampAlirecharterK         "      '-   -> 

^ipmt  pethionort  heving  ha4  noropitfiMitiliv^^farttinli 

feaAlv)  vrhctt  thde  ada  weio  paili^  they  fhflk  ^mm*\6(H^ 

kwmledge  of  thorn  by  public  papera,  in  which  tHey  W#r4it 

feirtod*    ifty  thefe,  they  weee  (erforaiodi  that  if  three  or  1IMV# 

of  ihcea  aiteoaUed  together  to  oppefe  whei  IM  alCilbUv  4tBK^ 

ed  legal  authority,  that  Tuch  et  iiouM'bC  fMnld'irifcliiliii  't» 

the  number  of  «hrae  ciDnieee^  ihouM  bo  edhiN^ai  friwu  i  And 

that  in  cafe  they  er  anyof  them,   fltouhl  oot  ftmiaaiiler  hfiB» 

filf  or  thcmtolvea  to  cenein  officer!  appointed  for  thMrptonxdii 

of  fecuring  them  after  a  warning  of  Mrenty  dayii  tbar  UMp 

it  Ihouldbe  lawful  for  the  refpcAivo  jodgoi  of  the  ftlptia* 

court  of  the  ptovmee.of  Newyork,  to  awand  Mdcotion'^ttf 

JCWeri^,  the  iameaa  though  the  or  they  had  been  otttrfotiid  bcferf 

a  proper  couit  of  judicatory.    Thefe  lawa  were  ovtdantiy 

eakulated  to  tnttnatdate  your  petitioner*  into  a  laaM  fitrrendor 

of  (heir  «^gh(t,  and  fuck*  a  (iaie  of  vafiUage,  at  would  ehtail 

laifery  on  their  lateft  pofterity. 

h  eppcara  to  your  petitwrnenythen  an  InfrinMrneat  ontbeit 
righta  la  Aiil  meditaied  by  the  ftcte  of  Newydrk  t  »  we  ftndl 
that  tnlheir  general  convention  at  Harteai,  the ftcond  day  off 
Augul  laft,  it  waa  utianimoufly  voted,  ••  That  all  ^itremi 
formerly  due  and  owing  to  the  crown  of  Gfoatbriiain'WithiM 
Ihif  fkate,  are  now  due  and  owing  to  thia ootiventhm,  or  fbdi 
foture  government  aa  may  imrcafter  be  •AabUilied  in  (hil 
Itate."  M.310  •  ■'■J5  iii  .««(«*  M.i^^,fc   a| 

fiv  a  fubmiflion  to  the  chdon  of  Ncwyorlf,  your  petitiottert 
would  be  fubjcfkcd  to  the  payment  of  tvro  lhill1n|a  and  Rk 
peoce  fterling  on  every  huKdred  acvea  annually  }  which,  conk* 
pated  with  the  guitrentf  of  Leving^ott'i^  FbilUpa'!,  and  Ram 

-I         '        Oear'a 

so:'  Ai^    ^ 

*-  ii-i 



E    N    0    I     X-  ■  f 

Btr't  mtnon, '  and  inany  other  onornoui  trada  in  the  baft 
fituationa  in  the  (late,  would  lay  the  moft  dirjMroboHiottate 
lllara  af  the  public  expenfe  on  y6ur  petittonera,  m  all  rafpefta 
die  MA  able  lo  bear  U«  ^ 

^TheMMrentkni  of  Newyoik  have  now  neai4y  e— plated  a 
code  of  la«M«,  for  the  fiature  government  of  that  ftate  }  whieft, 
fhouM  their.:be  attempted  to  be  put  in  execution,  wilj[  fubjeft 
your  pNBthiooetii  to  thb  fatal  neceffity  of  oppofiiig  theia  by 
#Very.meana  to  their  powrer.  - 

.  Wlie»lbe  deobration  of  the  honourable  Che  Continental 
Gongreb  Of  the  fourth  of  July  left  paft,  reached  your  oetitioi- 
epHth^  communicated  it  thfoughout  the  whole  of  their  dif* 
tviftrend  being  properly  appriaed  of  the  propefed  meeting, 

'V  jalfytea  from  the  feveral  countiea  and  towna  in  thediftrtfi, 
4itfBribedvm  the  preamble  to  thia  petition,  did  meet  at  Weft* 
mtflfter  Jn  Ttid  diftrift,  and  after  (everal  adioummenu  for  the 
Mpofe  of  formiiwihemfelvei  into  a  diftinftand  ieparaie  ftale^ 
aUd  jnake  aod  publifli  a  Declaration,  •«  that  they  would  it  all 
timea  thereafter  confider  theoAfelvea  as  a  free  and  independent 

^  ftMc^eapebloof  regulating  iheir  own  internal  police,  in  all 
mA  evcrvfefpeft  wnetibevmr  \  and  that  the  people  in  the  faid 
dafcribed  ^ftrift,  have  the  fole  exclufive  right  off  goveroiim 
IbemTekriialn  fuch  a  manner  and  form,  as  they  in  their  wii" 
4Daik<hOttld  vhoofe  ;. not  repugnant  to  any  refolvea  of4hehon« 
•urablo  thee  Continental  Congrefs :"  And  foK  the  mutual  fup« 
^Kiof  each  other  in  the  maintenance  of  the  freedom  aod  ia* 
dependence  of  faid  diftrift  or  feparate  ftate,  the  faid  delegalet 
4lid  joiatfty  aad  feverailv  pledge  themfelvea  to  >«a6h  other,  by 
all  the  tier  that  are  helo  lacred  among  men,  and  refolve  and 
dvla0e»  thet<hey  were  at  all  timet  ready,  in  conjunAton  with 
their  bretturen  of  the  United  Stttea,  to  contribuie  their  fuU 

'  aroportson  fcowarde  maintaining  the  prefent  juft  war  agatnft 
Uie  fleet»and  armiei  of  Greatbritain. 

To  convey  thia  declaration  and  reiblution  to  your  honoura* 
bte  body,iho  gtand  reprelentative  of  the  United  Siatct,  were 
we  (your  more  immediate  petitioners)  delegated  by  the  united 
and  unanimonavoicea  of-Ihe  rcprcfentiitives  of  the  whole 
iMdy  of  the  fettlers  on  the  dcfcribed  premifet,  in  whofe  name 
•ndiichalf.  We  humbly  pray,  that  the  faid  declaration  msy 
be  received,  and  the  diilrift  defcribed  therein  be  ranked  by 
your  honours,  among  the  free  and  independent  Ameiicsn 
Hate*,  and  delegates^  therefrom  admitted  to  feats  in  the  grand 
Continental  Cungrefs,  and  your  petitioners  as  in  duty  bound 
ihall  ever  pray. 

iit<whampjbiri  GrMttf  ff'ijimimfttr,  lflt*»  Jan.  1777. 

lONASFAY.  ^^^, 


REUBEN  JONES.         No. 

SignH  by  order,  and  in 
hehalf  of  i»id  inhihitinti. 

•#!'V^     *■* 

'.♦"i,.!."'  ^A   ' 


vV        51        ^      'T.-'        '4        '^        f"       '/ 

w     '  ■ 

Tht  RtmnJiraHCt  ef  tbt  Commijumiri  frtm  Vermont  Hf^*4^  ^ 
-  PnmSnzt  ^  Congrcft;  Sipkmkr  it,  I7t«).     Qsa».  Hm 

*     ■  "  ■  .     ,  ....  i  •.'■„.  J' 

To  the  HQiumrfMe  ^Comox-mi  o£,thft  ^Vii^iT&A  Svat^i  ol 

TiiBvitttionil:Mio»off  Irt  AJlen  ind  Stt^heii  ft.  BradliyV 
oomwiffioiMn  from  th«  inb  aad  inicpendelit  ftaisr'  or 
Vvvmont}  appointed  lor  the  time  being  to  ettend  dii  'OanptXik 
'liVid»pteaMnre  they  embrace  tliit  fim  ppportunMy  Wteffifjj^ 
their  rtheekt  for  the  peifoaal  honour  done  thelm  by  Cotigr«d4 
iii  fiVlng  them  an  attendance  though  hi  a  private  cxutidtf^^ASk 
tlMur  JionouraUe  body :  At  the  fame  time  lament  tne  nteeffilyr 
vi^ehiBbUgjsa  them  to  fay»  they  can  no  longer  fit  it  idle  ^fm^ 
tatorii  without  betraying  the  truft  repofed  iti  tbem^-  end  doiii|| 
violeaee  to  their  feeliaga,  to  fee  partial  modes  porfued,  piana 
adoptadi  ex  parte  evidence  exhibited,  whicb  derivea  aH^ilk 
auinorlty  from  the  atteiUtion  of  the  party  i  ^ffltgaaiiff  wHt* 
iaga  liBleded  givtnc  very  falfe  repreftntationf  off  fafttt  to  iflh 
fwer  m  odier  end  but  to  prejudice  your  hononrable  btidr  i« 

Eainft  the  iS/tfrr  «/ r(nr««fft ;  thereby  to  intrigueaad  hiOe  li 
rave  and  meritorioua  people  out  of  tlwir  rkhta  tnd'lilialttotk 
We  «in  eafily  coweeive  tne  fecretary^  office  of  the  ftate  of 
Newyork,  miy  be  converted  tnto  an  inexhauftiUe  foiirce  tti 
furnifii  evidence  to  anfwrer  their  purpofe  in  the  piefedk  d^ 
puie.  '  ..■..•..      .^^. 

NeeiMeb  would  it  be  for  ut  to  ittformr  Congrera/thtt^y  tl* 
mode  of  trhrt  now  adopted,  the  ftate  of  Vermont  caA  have  «d 
hearing  without  denying  itfelf :  And  to  clofe  with  tboie  re>> 
folutiona,  which  we  conceive  our  enemies  have  extorted  frtrta 
your  honourable  body,  and  on  which  the  trial  it  now  plaieed^ 
would  be  in  faft,  taking  upon  ourfdves  that  humility  and  Mf 
abifement,  at  to  1o(b  our  political  life,  in  order  to  find  it. 

We  believe  th/  wifdom  of  Cotigrafs  fufRcient  to  point  ouf^ 
that  purfutngthe  prafent  mode^-  it  deviating  from  every  prin- 
ciple of  the  laws  of  nature,  or  nations:  For  if  the  dripute  if 
between  the  Rates  claiming  on  the  one  part,  and  the  ftate  of 
Vermont  on  the  other,  whether  the  latter  be  a  ftate  dtjurt^  as  art 
independent  jurifdiAion  tit /hat ;  they  ought  to  be  confidered 
in  the  courfe  of  the  difpute,  until  the  powers  interpofing,  havd 
determined  whether  the  UtteV  be  if\  independent  iutiidiffcion 
dtjurt,  if  not  they  of  courie  ought  to  annihilate  the  jurifdir^ 
tion  dt  fatu  \  but  to  annihilate  the   ftate  dt  faHo  in  the  firft 

filace,  Js  fu^marily  ending  the  difpute ;  to  deny  the  latter  any 
ndependent  jurifdi6lion  djJuQo,  is  to  iwiy  there  is  any  longer 
parlies  in  the  di/'put A      «   ^^a*.  > 

C  c  e      '         '^       ^  A^a'n 



A    P    F    E    N    0    h  ». 

Agiin  we  concdve  th*  means  coimefitcd  with  ifaa-  end,  and 
upon  no  principle  whatev^  can  4ve  juilify>,  that  ctdier  part 
lnoidd1feA>bli(h  the  modusi  or  rules  to  be  purrued  in  dctermi»^ 
)i!^  difpoiesy  without  IhMifounding  every  idea  of  iHght  and 
^ofij^.^tn  the  prefetM  cftlTe^  on  the  one  part  night  the  end 
aajuftW  l^ave  been  eftabliflied  at  the  wy  and  means  to  cffcEt 
■  theenjA.  ■''■  -■  ■  •■•'■  •■  ■■■'  !■'.•■^l^■^..>  /  '^■'>  a  ur  ».,.-:  ; 
We  ve  far  from  being  willing  thoifiB  brare  and  firenuous 
cfforis  made  by  theiUte  of  Vermont  in  th««onti:ov9ffy  with 
Greatbritain, /noiuld  be  buti^  by  our  grafping  adverfariesi 
j[ihir(tmg  after  doteination  and  prey)  in  the  (pecious  pretext 
(>f  riotoudy  afluoiing  government  ;  and  we  thereby  fofe  all 
credit  for  the  men  and  money  we  have  expended. 

Thiis  while  we  are  ncceflitatcd  to  remonilrate  againft  the  pro* 
ieeedings  of  Coogrefi  on  the  prefent  mode»  we  are  willing  at  the 
fapie  (in^c  any  equitable  inquiry  (houid  be  made,  the  (late  of 
V.ermbQt' being  allowed  equal  privileges  with  the  other  ftates  ia 
%hc  difpate.    ^  .  .  ,  .^ 

■-'■  And  that  the  Aate  of  Vermont  might  ftand  juftified  to  yoar 
llt^nottraMe  body,  and  to  the  world,  both  as  to  her  prefeot'  and 
feiere  condedt  «t9  are  iildacedi  ai  well  itooi  princjples  of  at- 
tdcbmeajij  to  the  A(ncrican  caufe,  as  a  regard  we  have  for  peace 
•hd  harmony  among  the  ftates  of  America  bow  at  war  with 
GreatbriiafHt  to  make  the  following  piopoialf,  viz. :. 

I/?.  That  tl  e  itate  of  Vermont  will  as  Toun  as  m?/  be  .for- 
ward (o  the  fitcretary  of  Congicis,  an  atteQed  return  of  all 
male  per ionst  liable  lo  do  duty  agreeable  to  a  mi^iia  aft;  here, 
tofore  exhibited  to  Congtefs  in  a  code  of  laws,  entitled  <*. The 
jL^wsof  Vermont  {''  and  the  flate  of  Vernront  {hail  'for  and 
durine  the  prefent  war  with  Greatbritain^  from  year  to   year 
furnifli  an  equal  number  of  troops  in  the  field  in  proportion 
to  their  numbers,  as  Congrefs  {hail  edimate  the  quotas  of  the 
ifeveral  United  States  in  proportion  to  their  numbers  i  which 
.Jlroops  fhall  be  clothed,  quartered,  and  paid,  by  the  flaie  of 
liVermorit.     And  at  the  clofe  of  the  war,  the  diipute  (hall  be 
'  equitably  fettled  by  the  mediation  of  fov^rf ign  powers;  and 
•  {nothing  herein  contained,  (ball  be  conftrued  to  take  away  the 
right  any  of  the  United  States  ciaim  to  have  in  or  over  the 
z  Aate  of  Vermont  :  Or 

V     2//y,  We  are  willing  to  agree  upon  (bmeone  or  more  of  the 
;  iegiflatures  of  thcdifinierefted  ftatea  to  iaterpoie  as  mediators, 
and  fettle  the  diipute  :  Or 

^irrV.  \Vc  are  willing  Congrefs,  being  poflciTcd  of  fovereign- 

<9ty,  (hould  interpofe  to  prevent  the  eftuftoii  of  human  blood  : 

,','At  the  fame  time,  we  reprobate  evary  idea  of  Congrefs  fitting 

ijis  a  court  of  judicature,  to  determine  the  difpute  hy  virtue  of 

authority  given  them  by  the  a£l  or  a£l&of  the  Uatcor  ftatfsihat 

xnake  but  one  party. 



"».  •, 


I.       • 


A    P    F    E    N    D    I 


'<  ft  giTct  yi  pimteat  )^tef  tb«t  fuch  aa  impoirttDt  cimfe  «t 
diic  jundfnra  of  affatrii  on  which  our  «//  depends,  (hould  b^ 
forced  on  by  any  gcntlemen  profclfing  tliemfelvcs  friend»  xo' 
tfaednMeofAinefic*,  with  fuch  vehemence  and  f pi rit  as  u* 
pears  on  the  park  of  the  ftate  of  Newyork  :  And  (h«U  only, 
add,  that  if  the  matter  be  thus  purfued,  we  ftand  raady  to  ap- 
peal to  God  and  the  world,  who  muft  be  accountable  for.tho 
awful  con  feauences  that  may  enfm. 

^*  Sirntilat  thUadd^bin  tkii  ts%J  Jay  ^/Sfptimier,  A.  D,.i  780. 



^'  ■     N».  VI.    • 

^tufiUus  pripa/tJ  h  tit  Cemmitttt  t/  Ctngrtft  to  tbt  Agtnti  on  iht 
^^'/  tj  ytrmtnt^  ■with  tht  Jinjtotrso/tht  Agtnts,  Auguft  t8,  1 781. 

0    a-      .a      A  RE  the  boundaries  fet  forth  in  the  written 

Siuijtion  ijt,  2\  propofitions  delivered  in  by  the  faid  Agents 
at  this  time,  claimed  by  the  ftate  of  Vermont  as  the  Jine^i  of 

jurifdiftioo,  the  fame  as  contained  in  the  refolution  of  Coia- 

HFefs  of  the  7th  of  Augud  infUnt  ? 

Aii/mr.  They  are  the  fame,  with  the  addition  of  part  of  the 
waters  of  Lake  ChampUini  for  the  benefit  of  trade. 

^  ai.  What  part  do  the  people  of  Vermont  mean  to  take 

%i  to  the  paft  expenfes  of  the  prefent  war,  and  what  aid  da 
they  propofe  to  afford  as  to  men  and  m«ney  to  the  commor.\  ' 
defence  r 

J.  Such  proportion  as  (hall  be  mutually  judged  Cf^u'tabte 
after  their  admiflion  to  a  feat  in  Congrefs  -,  which  has  been  at 
feveral  different  times  officially  pnopded  by  agents  on  the  part 
of  Vermont. 

a  g(,  ^J,  What  are  the  ideas  of  the  people  of  Vermont  rela- 
tive to  the  claim  of  private  property,  under  grants  or  patents 
from  NewhampfhiijB,  or  lyewyork  previous  to  the  prefect 
mvolmion  p 

A,  Although  the  ftste  of  Vermont  have  not  hitherto  aU' 
4hort'sed  any  courts  to  take  cognisance  of  fuch  cauies  as  re- 
fpe^itles  of  lands,  neverthcleCi  they  have  had,  dnd  ftill  have 
it  in  contemplation  to  adopt  fuch  modes  as  the  circumttancri 
arifing  out  of  each  f afe  m«y  juftify,  without  adhenag  to  ttie 
ftrift  rules  of  law, 

'"■  ^  4/'^>  What  are  the  intentions  of  your  conftiitients  in  re- 
gard to  the  patents  that  were  granted  on  conditions  of  fettle- 
ment  within  a  given  time,  and  which  have  been  prevented  by 
the  claims  of  Ihapaopla  of  Vermont^  and  the  prefent  revf- 
hittoa?  >:k«> 

^-m  * 

^' '%. 


*   f. 


^    P    If    E    N    B    I    X> 

^    4*rj,|liA  W^twfW  J>»vo  b^en  Ukcn  by  *(h«  (^9iie  of  VtrcMMit 
,Ota,,fj||i|(ti^ijrfi)Bt»:ii|)r  1^  conditions  of  fet- 

tlJBin^^  and  we  cdncoty^  it  to  be  the  intention  of  our  con^t- 
tll^U  lof rapt  f,furthe|r  rcafonable  tique  for  fulfiiinc  <u^h 

^  ^ti,  WJMt  f  r»  thof  ■  ouii)ber  of  inhabitants  within'  the 
}i9ll  nttotioned  Jn  the  woporitions  above  mentioned  ? 
$[^,  As  the  citivens  of  Vermont  have  not  been  lately  num- 
bered, we  can  therefbre  only  eftimate  them  at  thirty  thoufand, 
wi^ich  we  conceive  to  bg  nearly  a  true  eftimare. 
f-^  6iht  What  quantity  of  Und  is  contained  within  the  faid 
bounds  ? 

A,  "there  has  been  no  accurate  furvey  of  the  Rate  of  Ver. 
mont,  but  we  conceive  it  to  contain  about  five  millions  of  acres. 
.  ^  ytb.  What  applications  have  been  made  either  publicly 
or  privately  by  the  enemies  of  the  United  States,  or  their  ad- 
iberents,  to  draw  off  the  people  of  Vermont  from  their  affec* 
iion  to  the  United  States  of  America  ? 

[  J,  The  honourable  committee  are  poflefTed  of  copies  of 
Bev.  Robin fon's  letters  inclofed  iif .  Brigadiergeneral  Allen's 
letter  of  the  9th  day  of  March  laft,  to  ^be  then  Preftdent  pf 
Cfongrefs,  and  any  private  offers  we  cannot  avouch  for. 
^  j^  8//6.  In  cafe  the  enemy  fliould  attempt  an  invaAaii  of 
the  northern  frontiers,  what  aid  at  to  men  ana  proviiions 
rould  be  raifcd  in  the  (late  of  Vermont  for  the  public  defence 
fyou  can  fuppofethe  invafion  inadem  different  quarters)  anfil 
\  ji>  whalt  time  ?     .    •        <  ^  •  ^  ,        \  ^t }  , 

(  A»  The  numbet  of  militia  within  the  lines  herein  limifcd. 
9V8(  fuM>ofe  to  be  about  feven  thou(and  ;  are  in  .£eneral  well 
ftmea  and  accoutred,  and  have  ever  (hown  themTelyes  fpirit- 
cdjn  ca£i  of  alarms,  &c.^  Jn  regard  to  proviGons,  the  coun- 
try is  fertile,  but  new,  amd  cdnfiderable  emigrations  from  oth- 
er «ftates  to  Vermdnt.— The  le^iQature  at  their  fe($on  in  Oc- 
tober left,  levied  a  tax  on  the  inhabitants  fufficient  for  vi£lu- 
alling  one  thoufitnd  five  hundred  troops  ui  the  field  for  twelve 
months,  and  we  are  of  opinion  a  larger  ftore  m4y  be  ii)  the 
i^ame  manner  colle£led  the  enfuing  aututtw.  * 


N«>.  VII. 

Aft  Accftunt  of  tie  rttuahli  Proper ^jf^  and  of  the  Nt^mhir  of  Jtibah" 
\'  itants  in  Fermont.  at  differ4m  Periods  of  time* 


lismssofiht  Towns. 


Value  of  the  rstabh 
property  in  the  yea 

^.11898    o    o 
gitS    o    0 

Valtio  of  the  rats  I  Numb,  of 
bi<r  property  in  ibvllnbsb.  ia 
year  4791.  |i79** 

^.ii6a8  18    o|  9977 

10926    9    0 


f  * 


\ » 





A     P    P    E    N    b    I 

NiiMtaf  ibtTowm 


V&to;  of  tin  ntftU* 

property  «oth»y««^  proptttyintbe 







8469  iz 

38    1( 

1930    16 

849    5 
847  so 

Ppwsal   i  .,i 



Bromiy  <<t'>t^  • 
,  ,liLe«>3r0ogh 

Claftonbury,  . 






o  t 





^.45.111  a 6  o  \£.6A,Z 

4016  15 

i93«  »« 

9«4    o 

•677    5 

» 2.254 

f  Halifax 
,  Dummerfton 
<  Matlborough 
'  tVilmington 




"  Athena 



Wardiboro*  N.  D. 

Wardfboro'  S.  p. 



Johnfon's  Gore 








kit  ■VAn  N& 



































C  O  U  K  T  V. 

6717  no 

5969    19  6 

609$  10  o 

jSigt  10  o, 

-4640  to  o 

483a  15  o 

4978    o  o 

2676    •  o 

1908    o  o 

2597    o  o 

24^3  16  o 

1560  10  o 

»35«    5  o 

iaji2    5  o 

1422  15  o 

063  15  o 

1750  10  o 

1009  15  o 










Total^  (;.4i>738  I7   o  |iC'6'»a3»     9  ^  1'7»69^ ^ 



,  v*  . 

(      4085    3 


o  I      6667    8 
o  I      5695    0 






AK:  B:   F^  E^-  'N-   D^'-ri- Xi- 



'.*  ^  *^  Uvproiiertf  la  tlM|  b1«  pr^i^rty  in  the 


VUot  of  the  rata. 

Hartford    " 



C>i«Aor     V 



Bprnaid    ■ 









biiUafb  j  - 

^?^'..   i  :    Total 

t*i     '• 

RiMtand  I 


ftuhney  .■ 
«C  Wells 
^    ^tftletoli 













?i^i$eld  ;^\ 


9770    5 

«549  »o 
9139  10 
1884  to 

M9S    o 

ia79  to 

1097-  o 

8^3    o 

8>i5    o 

502  o 
358  ta 
301  to 





Vahffrof  Vli»  i>ata>>tNti<T(6?of 

yc«r  179X. 

£»  4709  0  o^ 

54«»  9  • 

^375  '5  o 

3781  la  o 

4703  5  o 

3182  15  o 

4130  5.  o 

3000  15  o 

3416  o  o 

3313  »5  o 

157a  5  o 

2001   O  9 

990  5  o 

t803  15  o 

1106  o  o 

845  »5  o 

Inhab.  in 




'  673 






X>g6,78t  7  6  |,C.63>a'5  *9  o  I  >5»748* 


.   -i  ■ 

■Jt     1 


.  =  3975  «o    0 

6324  10    0 

r  «w^ 

■'             4- 

>?    374«    8    0 

6083    •    0 


*      :- 

r     3507    5    0 

4410    0    0 


V  r 

3841    0    0 

*\    a$07    5    0 

44«6  15    6* 
6038    5    0 

145^^     . 

i    '•■; 

«S96    5    0 

4619  17    6 
2089    0    0 

ji2i;^  : 

1390    0    0 



IS57    0    0 

3386  n    3 


1200     0     0 

2087    2    0 


573  10    0 

3411  IS    0 

»s<^'; '  '• 


51J    0    0 

I220    1$      0 

3««;    ' 

228    0    0 

115;    10     0 


•bo    0    0 

5<3  15    0 


2984    f    0 


2940  1$    0 


!  i 

«273  JO    0 

6ih  . ; 


229;     8    0 

|45^     ,. 

658.  s- 

f  '*' 

2179  15     Q 


1692    0    0 

IG^2    10     0 


,»'  4^ 

» ■ 

Mamci  - 



*  » 

A    P    P    EN    n    I^  x. 





:nn,  I 

Valw  0f  tbf  m%  V»l«t«f  ;tlM  .iitMl9aa*«iiC 
Ilk  prcftfmy  i«  iIm  bk  property  io  ib«|lnh«l».  la 
year  S78t«  ;.  ytn  »,f$U  l>79** 

Totali;f:»4,<;49    3 

r.<)i.g44  t4  1 



















IVnyillo  , 



^^  john^ury 

ik  Cabot 
Dewey 't  Gor« 

Groton  ^ 

Welden'i  Gor« 

•        "*  .  'j%  > 


«4J»  o 

30^8  o 

«7l»  o 

sos8  o 

«4>9    J 

hf  «o 





































v4-ik       >< 





i4<|o  12 

fot  15 

719    • 

Sjo    o 




»  ■ 










«,  ■.  'J.: 















» 3 

A"'^p   p'  K  ^N   n'li  '■'x.k    m^ 


VfthM^f 'Mm 
bte  prafiertf  in 



Vlh«  Af  fh«  fata 
bit  property  in  the 
vear  tjtflv 



Nuil0>i  of 
inhab.  in 



f*'"4954>   '7  6  |^»3Z470  '8  'o  1  '^'^'<> 






"Willing  f 
iMtoni    ^ 
9ciflol     ' 

Haacock  ' 

1    Jo'Jrtl 



/!    f.ii. 



33*4  «S 


2939  5 

2850  IZ 

0  f 


2422  11 


2008 ■  0 


1985;  5 


1915' to 


»843  5 




»385    5  o 

1053  10  o 

940  16  0 

859    o  o 

817    s  o 

785    o  ,0 
■   I 








\£'  25. "3  »9  6  I  6,449 


Soiith  Hero 
£fex     ' 
lUilton  t 
Sl>  Albans 

North  Hero 
(kUlchc  flier  • 

2767  12  6 


2Z06   0   0 


1979  5    0 


1507  16  0 


1728  5  6 


1697  15  0' 


•534  5  0 


J  487  15  0 


,  ,-  , 

1312  16  0 



1258  0  0 


104 1  0  0 

914  0  0 


878  10  6 


569  »5  0 


P^  5111  10  0 


!,•'*■«%  ^■■*;.  V  >  ^  ; 

'  *"  - 

:- ;^-t:    ^ 

•  -■ 



^     A    p.  P    E    U.:)mii  :Xm       4i» 

ifaMtif  iltTMros. 





lae  Mott 







«t.  0«orgo 

Ilcudiipr    . 



StarkftoroQgh    . 

puxbury     . 


^*  Huntington  G 



danbridge  trore 






300    o 

275    o 

if 6  ,d 

■    ■  -J' . 





I     24,358    8    a 






I  7.3O' 

Total  in  the  State.  ^,149,54.1  17  6  i;£'»324>796  18  ioiS5»si9^ 

The  aboVe  are  the  lifti  whkh  were  giveh  iri  to  ihe  General 
AfTembly,  by  the  particular  towns,  in  conforfliity  to  an  aft  o^ 
thelegiflature.-*-In  computing  the  value  of  the  lift  taken  iit 
ij^t  the  pricei  of  fome  of  the  capital  articles  were  thus  stat- 
ed by  the  AITembly  :-«»Improved  land,  ten  (hillings  per  acre. 
Neat  tattle^  one  yea-  old,  fifteen  (hillings  per  head  ;twQ  ytifi 
old,  thirty  (hillings  per  head  ;  three  years  old  arid  upwards, 
forty  (hillings  per  head  :  An  ox^  four  years  old,  and  upward-v 
three  pounds.  Horfes,  on<i  \ear  old,  c^venty  (hillings;  two 
years  old,  forty  (hillings ;  thiee  years  old,  and  upwards,  font 
pounds.*^ As  thele  prices  were  fcarcely  one  half  of  the  current 
prices  of  ihcfe  articles,  the  real  value  of  the  ratable  propertjr 

^li^..   r  ^^^  ^^ 



ii  -  ^ 


Ik  r  t  £  N  D  t  %. 



ii'tlM  ttil^  auft  kivft  ta»B  double  •%  i^lut  wm  M  dbown  in 
IktUfMr  It  it  MtoblftliirwM  aUbUie  (afe  ^ith^tbe  lini 
tl^«if  l»  1781.— BM  iltHiaMgh  neither  dftl|ere  li(ls  njr^l  give 
tlil  ekea  vUuft^f'tiie  iexM>nr  property  of  the  ftate,  «t  either 
•I'thife  Heriodif^  ttakr  wil|  give  the  loore^e^  V>f  ithe  reiiitrve 

,  irl&ie  of  Ihi  treble  propjerty  at  thpfe  ttnies :  Apd  we  <«ti 
dAeily  d^ifcefroM  thenHj (hat  from  the  ye|r  lylr,  the  whole 
tplpUbifal  pi|DperNr  o£  Vermqnt  became  d9ublBd,  in  eight  yeaie 
aim  an  hilK  In  Virginia]  the  period  ak  which  the  value  of 
thftlr  lan<|a  Una  'O^vea  tak^n  conjunftiy,  dqubles,  ii  ftittejd  lny 
Ai^*  JeSip'fiSo*'^  ^  abau((  twenty  yeara.*  ' 
^^fhe  nunlben:4lf Ibwm  reprefented  in  1781,  wa»  fixty  throe : 
TBe.Munper  repreifented  tp  179 r,  was  one  hundred  and  twen- 
tf§Bt»    Thofe  towns  whi^h  are  not  taxed  or  reprdfented,  do 

<' air  give  in  to  the  afiembljr  any  account  of' their  rat^^l^  prop- 

1^  proper  enumeration.' of  the  inhabitanto  of  Vermoi^t,  wajl 
fliade,  before  the  ceiiffua  taken  in  lyoe*  'The  general  e^im%* 
9|6as  of  tfie  aiTenblies  ana  agents  belore  thiiu  time,  were  mere- 
lv'eonjeAuraU'-»From  a  report,  which  Qovernor  Tryon  ojF 

•C  tlM>fe.foutttie9>  Cumb^land,  and  Glouc^fter,  were  in  Ver- 
jafont ;  aj^d  contained  the  trad  of  country,  "which  lies  oiy  tb|| 
#1^  fidepf  the  green  mountains,  and  is  n^w  formed  into  thp 
counties  ^f  Windham,  "Wlindlbr,  and  Orange.  The  Mi|imli|i^r 
ff  people  in  thote  countie^  in  the  year  1771,  was,  as  fioUtf^s  \ 

j  %Not«M«VirgJpia,p.i.8g^    ••■^'      '  jr^^*,],  j    •"'  '^*'' 



ft  'i'-f'i 


'    fefW'JS 

K.VS*;J  Si 

Whitet;     '     ' 

I,  (town  IS 
tlie  lifti 

^Ml  givo 

d  w«  c^ 

the  whQlo 
j^t  ycatt 

ftate4  ^y 

xty  throe  : 
atij  twen> 

r*6nt6(r,  do 

momit,  waj|. 
Ml  eftim*. 
vere  mere.. 
Tryon  oJF 
|at94gif  thjij^ 
>roeured  ^ 
pee:  Tw^ 
ttt  in  Vcr- 

'  into  tfcp 
B  ttMhiber 

A    P    F    £    N    0    I    X. 


Thefe  two  Counti#«,i^at  %pt  ti]lfie,  ctffttainad  ibOtt|4wo  «liir4e  vf  the  peo« 
pie  in  the. whole  diftrift.  The  %lrhoI«  nuMbir  of  llUiabitante  thefefore  in 
J771,  muft  have i>ee«  about  feven  th6afind>-^ii.tlM  CenAu  takiea  in  179s, 
the  numbers  ftood  thua  : 

Countiet/<^'  ^ 

\    itflrN/.'o-t  w'ia'W 








Page  line  for 

58    II  lahontau 

61    30  eight 

37  dele  eight. 

70    SI  Amur 

76     4  and 
fot      9  Hquative 

103  5  all 

3S  PJIniJtt 

104  28  Laaxa 
lia    13  Hibro 

134   >o  mode       |v^, 
i+i    31  fat     ^^  * 
iji     6  a4a|>ted 

£    JC    X 

if  r 


wad        ^,„  , ,  ^^ 


Ime   for 


labotttaii.      ^ 


»i  band 


eight  teiithe. 


9  to 



IS  adapted 




fi  have 


■re,          ..VI       ,.VM. 


sa  ^at 




3a  he 


■ble.              |.;  .  '. 


10  fiee 


P^«*,     ./.-■>..< 


17  contreverfy  eorrefpoDdenee. 

Zaara.                  \, 


5  brided 



8  refolution 
T5  Ore 


forr,         '**  ^  5'    , 


36  renew 


adopted*    if.  ;^  :  «->^ 

-   $y» 

b6  mote 



r>  ,. .a 3i^/^ v..  ':r  M-xmim ?^ d"^ 



ibir   THJ5  SU?SC|tIBEH.Sr 

irf ' 

^;4LU*   S^NAjTORS  tftBiVmriti  STATES. 

.  H^WW^MI^ypHN  MMW^.  iN.Hamplhir., 
.i-^-tiv^      Ptitie  Wing«e.  .  ;    f  .    »       J  '^       ♦ 

OlwrHlfwortb.        1  Coni»aieW.roKA 
Roger  Sherman,  J 

iSS^^-w^'*^^^^*  *  copier  1  v«rii««^  ' 

Aaron,3urr,  ,  copie<    1  N«S«70ifcv:.^&6 

Jufm  King,  J  ^      r  ,^,| 

•      T         ,  Knbert  Morris.     Pannii, 





riohb  Rutherford,    ;  *"T'*^; 

Robut  Mortis,    Pennl;lvamb  ,,,„,„-„,.,  ^ 

|!2i'^R*it'  1 '"'•«'••        •;^ 

ohn  Henry,     Maryland.     ,    .  ,       <.    -CI 
)i  •  copi 

•         J 

SSh&*  "^^P^  jSouthcaroUrtii. 
lam  Few,    Georgia.  .|4.«,.^r;':^  ,^'. 

[fimc*  Munroe,  •  copies,  Virgifiia.    t^,j,v5{ 

1  n^Oc^^l 


V     U      R      M      O      N     T, 

Hit  Ixeellenoy  Tbomu  Chittendert,  6ovtn)or. 

it  Exeellenoy  i Domu 
The  Honoutable  Peter  Olcott,  Licutenantgovemor« 

^he  Honourable  Tunothy  Brownron, 
iv  SaoBucl  Safford, 

John  Stronff, 

Kbeneaer  WalbridgOi  t  a  cop. 
[ooathan  Arnold,  a  copiei, 
raul  j^rlgham, 
Ibenwar  Marvin, 
>«ot      f«)k^.    t>uke  Knowlton,  f  copief, 
>        ,^  .Jtbeom  Porter,  , ;,  , ,  ^i^,     . 

n  ;io  J 


i  ^.'4/..J,^^l 

►  Counrellori^ 


I-  i 


^ni«lF^onbu^rai)lel5imuM  Mattock  " 

Rofetv«ll  Hopkins,  £rq;  Secretary  of  State. 
Jofeph  Fayi  Eiq;  Secretary  to  the  C»bvemor  and  Coun- 
cil.       .  • 
The  Honourable  Gideon  Olin,  Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  Rep* 
^  -    feferitatives,  3  copies.  ' 
,           .  '>■ '  { %  "-iSaniuel  Knights,  Chief  Juftict  of  the  Supreme 
^    Court. 
^^<|m«B;             J^tijih  Pain^  Juil ice  of  the  Supreme  Cdurt* 
If^ac  Tichenor,  Ju (lice  of  the  Supreme  Court. 
.,^'*v^  fjath.  Chipman,  Judge  of  the  Diftrid  Court, 
2  copies. 
Samuel  HitchcAck,  Elq;  Atterneygeneral. 


Aaron  Adam«.>- 
Jeremiah  A<^ams*   • 
£iiwar<t  Aiken.     ^ 
Joleph  Allen. 
Siamuel  i0.iA4lei».^  >  •^'''^ 
James  Allen,         * 
Caleb  Aliin.f" '^Ji*  - 
Rev   Jonathan  Allen. 
Majorgeneial  Ira  Allen* 
Levi  Allen.    •    .   •     ' 
William  Alyord,    t. 
Pr.  Abel  Alli8,ji  '■'■'• 
Robert  Ah^caffctr.  '^''  "*^  ^ 
Reuben  Atwaterj  £fq. 
Capt.  EliihaAveril, 
JElijth  Ayery*   v«  1     ' 

o,     '  •■II 

iohn  Benedift. 
iofes  Bennett. 
Alfred  Bingham. 
Silas  Bingham. 
Solomon  Bingham. 
Elijah  Blake. 
John  W.  Blake. 
Rev.  Enoi  Blifs. 
Charles  Boyle.    . 
Jofeph  Bradford, 
Ifaac  firevoort. 
John  Bridgman,  Efq. 
Rev.  Aaron  Jordan  I 
Samuel  Brown. 
Profper  Brown. 
Bryant  Brown,  Efq. 
Ebenezer  Brown,  Efq. 
Eliflia  Brown. 


Benjamin  P.  Baldir tti*  ^*  iH     Daniel  Buck,  Efq. 

--    * Kajor  ElJM  Buel. 

Thomas  Bull. 

Frederic  Baldwin, 

William  ftaker. 

Titley  Ballard^ — . 

John  Hao^rofU.  )^#i 

Kev.  Thomu  Barnard.    '^' 

Jonathan  Bftrrett. 

Thomas  Barrett*'*  *  <  - 

John  Barron. 

Dr.  Prefcott  Barron. 

Frye  Bayley,  Efq. 

'ohn  G.  bayley,  Efq. 

faac  Baylev,  Elq. 
Joleph  Bayley.  '  ' 

^muel  Beach. 


Moody  Bedel,  Efq.  t   -       < 

Jonathan  £ell|  Elq.  t  coplef*    Abbe  Ca4y« 

Abxahtm  fiurnham,  Efq, 
John  Burnam. 
Benjamin  Burt,  Efq, 
Jonathan  Burt. 

c  y 

Jofeph  Cable'  < 

Doftor  Jofeph  Caldwell. 
Dr.  Alex.  Cfampbell,  a  copiat. 
Dr.  John  Campbell. 
Matthew  Carey,  12  copiea. 
Philip  Carigain. 
BiflVf  Cafe. 
Lotiden  Cafe* 


|t|     S^a](^]^jpC»lfEH^  NAM«». 

Nathaniel  Chamberlain* 
William  Chambedain. 
Cf  rdtier  Chandler,  £rq» 
JetTe  Chandler. 
ThoAiaa  J«<  Chandler* 
Ifaac  Cliarterton. 
Pf.  Cyjrtta  ChippiaA. 
Danijei  Ch'iptatPf  Efq. 
Daritii  CfkipmaA,  Ed^, 
Lemuel  C^rpmtn,  Eia. 
Ibhrt  €hipmin.  Efq. 
oamuel  Chipman,  Efq. 
Col.  James  Claghotn. 
Sleazar  Claghofli,  %(a, 
Jofeph  Cla.k.  ' 

Oaiaa  Clark. 
John  Clayton. 
Edward  Clifford. 
Capt.  John  Cobb. 
Samuel  Cobb. 


Rev.  Daniel  Vvtwm*  I 

Daniel  Ferrand,  fifa^,.  ..,  .; 
David  Fiik.  _,H  H.-.5 

John  Fiwhi  Efq.      M  ,  ,.uJr 

^*^    M»«*ft.EA|;ji^^,^ 
JabeeFotter.  ;j  .^.j^i 

Rev.  Robert  Fowlf.    a  nitof 


1  '.'^> 

Col.  John  FuHer 

Jonu  Galu(ha,  Br* • 

Elijah  Garfield. 

Jonathan  Gatei. 

wiUeby  Goodwin. 

Nathaniel  Gove.  .^ 

John  A.  Gralum,  Efii.  i  ^^ 

Afa  Gravoi.  _s 

£rigadid)-gen).  Eli  Cdgf^ell,    Benjamin  Graen,  Bff»  ..uocJl 

Wiliiaro  Coir. 
John  Cook. 
Caleb  Cooley;» 
Stephen  Cdolidge.    ' 
OwM  Crampton. 
Samuel  Cutler,  jKfd; 
Tohn  Curtit.  "* 

Zebina  Curflt. 
Eyra  Dean. 
iVilliam  Denifon. 
Xlijah  Dewey,  Eri|, 
Ormond  Doty, 
felec  Dougtaiff. 
Moles  Dow,  Efq. 
Tafon  DuncaD* 
Ilaac  DuflFs. 
Jofiah  Dunhani,  t  a  copier 

Ifaac  Griseb. 
Nathaniel  Green,  ISt^ 

Sylvanua  Greg«H7t 
""    "  "  ,  Bf 

»..  ,,         -  ■'.'»>!. 

J«bnGrifin,Bf4«     ^A  Ho3«l 
H,  -■•'    ".!/' 

Nathan  Hate,  ||k.  /; 

Lot  Hall,  B%.  i  Mpiit(t6^bf. 
Joel  Hamill^. 

Dr.  Z.  H||iniltoa«    \    Aui\i 

feHal4l%  1  •  fcopiti*     IV I  iJ 
ekiel  Harmon. 
Joel  Harmon       «  ^^ 

William  C.  Harrington,  £0^, 
Alex.  Harvew,  Bfn.  s  copies. 
Or.  Aacoo  HaOalnji.  »  ' 

Anthony  Hafvrel^  la  copt^ 
Reuben  Hatch. 


lalmon  Dutton,  £l<j.  ^copjef.    WilKam  Havendnm* 
*  Jofeph  Hawtey, 

Col.  Udny  Hav. 
Rev.  Lenuet  M«yn««« 
William  Henaefy. 
Benjamin  Henry. 
Frederic  Htll,  Efq. 
Moies  Hinman         ^ 
^^Bia  l^itch^ooh* 

J(iMc  Ellis. 
IPeier  Kvant. 
Zadoc  Even  ft. 
James  Eno«. 
James  Enos,  jun. 
jvfajorcrnrral  Ro|^er  EiiOI< 
James  Ewing,  Ef^ 




sWj^^eiLiituS^'n'kMri   4i| 



,.  f" 

0»vidHoit.        ' 
Elijah  S.  Hellfftdf: 
Jefl^e  HoUtfter. 
Seth  Holt. 
^John  Hopkini. 
Lucius  HublNud,  MS%» 
John  Hubbard. 
Jonathail  H.  Hiibbard»  E^ 
Arad  Hunt,  £(^> 
lohn  Hunt,  £r^. 
John  Hurd,Eli|.  it  co|Hei« 
Richard  Hurd. 
Robert  HultQM* 
Aaron  Hufoht»roii,  Efa. 

Stephen  Jacobs,  tX^ 
Leonard  Jew4tt. 
A  fa  Johnfon,  EH). 
Col.ThWMi  JoHnlba. 
Ferea  Jones, 
Ebeneser  W.  Judd,  Sfifi 

Bradford  Kelk»g|, 
Rev.  Dan  Kent* 
Jacob  Kent.  i 

Col.  Stephen  Keyeib 
William  Kilburn. 
Nathaniel  Kingflty. 
Aar0n  Klunnin^  ' 
Ephraim  Kirbvi  Efa. 
Elijah  Knight. 
Calvin  Knowlton,  Zt%, 

Rev,  Nathaniel  Larabertr 

Luther  I<angd<Mi. 

Reuben  Langdon. 

Samuel  Laibvopi  Ef^ 

John  Law,  Efq. 

Jefle  Leavenwortir,  3  copief, 

George  Leonard. 

William  Levcrett. 

Bertah  Loomit,  Ef<^ 

Elijah  Loirett. 

JohaLovett,  Efe|. 

C0-ncliu8  Lynde,  Ef^ 

Rev.  Afa  Lyon. 

James  Lyon, 

Col.  Matthew  Lyon* 

:  i-.j* 



Samud  McClue^»','> 
Afa  McFarland." 
John  M«Nei),  Sfew 
Jeremiah  Mafon,  R^ 
Joel  Marfli* 

Nicholas  S.  Af afters,  >£(^«  'r 
Capt.  Ifaac  Meachas».  .  c' 
Moulton  Mbrey,  ,E^.  %' 

Brigadiergn).  LeW.  R^MORifk 
James  Moffe^    . 
Conftant  Murdoolt,'  »' 

Beniami|i  iAuztj^  '-■■ 

W.  Mynderfe. 

John  Nantottw 
Nathan  NeKon^ 
Oliver  Noble. 

David  Okka. 
Eliai  Oleott«  E(^ 
Henry  Olin. 
lonathan  Ormfly. 
>iMathan  Ofgpod^  g  «opiM^ 

Jofiah  Page. 
Amafa  Paine,  Erq. 
Gamaliel  Painter,  Efl^. 
Col.  Stephen  Pearl, 
Chauney  Pier. 
William  Pik«. 
John  Pomroy. 
Afa  Porter,  Efq* 
Benjamin  Porter* 
Dr.  Esekiel  Porter^ 

John  Porter,  Ef^  , 

ofeph  Porter,  jun# 
lofewall  Poft. 
Dr.  Cefttias  Prendfi. 
Samuel  Prentifii. 
Nathaniel  Prefon. 
Jofeph  Prince, 

Martin  Reed. 
Dr.  Daniel  Road. 
Stephen  Rice. 
Amos  Richardrom 



-  ■ . » 

Joflxui  Ricker« .'. 
*fohn  Ripley. 
Fhineas  Ripley. 
Chriftopher  Roberts.: 
Jod  Roberts. 
Hon.  Jeffs  Root. 
William  Round. 

Silas  Sa^ord,  £rq, 
Pavid  $anderron« 
A^^jor  James  Sawyer.. 
Col.  ThoOias  Saw>'«r. ,  ' 
Andrew  Selden,  £iq. 
Jofeph  Selden. 
Aaion  Sexoa. 
David  Sheldon. . 
Nathaniel  Sheldon* 
Samuel  Shepardfon.  : 
John  Shumway,  Efq. 
Rev.  Samuel  Shutttdwofth. 
Walter  S1om« 
Jacob  Smittt.      \    \^, 
John  Smitli* '  . 
Joiyithan  Smith.     ^ 
Ifaac  S(bith\  Efq. 
Jfrael  Smith. 
Simeon  Smith,  Efq. 
Prince  Soper,  .  > 

Col.  John  SpalFord. 
Simeon  Speoepr. 
Eliakim  Spooivsr,  Efq., 
Trunatj  S^uier. 
John  Stacey. 
Alias  Steven^i 
Abjah  Stone,  Efq.,-    . 
David  St9ne. 
Phineas  Stone* 
William  Storer. 
Seth  Siorrs,  ^(q.   . 
Cliiptnan  S\A>)ft,  Efq.     , 

Mansfield  T'P^uii  >  copies. 
AU\   fenny. 
Eiilba  Thayeri. 

Rev.  Lathrop  Thomfon« 
Thomas  Thomfon* 
Stephen  Thorn. 
Timothy  Todd. 
Thomas  Toleman. 
Col.  Oran)te  Train* 
NahumTraflc.  ,  • 

GeorfM  Trimble. 
JamM  Underhill.. 

w.  : 

Siamuel  Walker. 

Samuel  Ward. 

Asel  Wa(hburii# 

Calvin  Wehb. 

lehiel  WebK  Efq* 

Dr.  Jofhua  Webb. 

Noah  Webfter.  Efq.    . 

Jabes  H.Weld. 

Shiptoy.  yVeUl. 


Jedcdiah  \Vert.      '       '    * 

Eli  Wheeler, 

A  fa  Wheelock,  Ef^* 

John  White,  E(q. 

Nathaniel  White. 

Dr.  Samoel  White. 

James  Whitelaw,  Bfq.  t  cojt* 

Rev.  Sapucl  Whiting. 

I^cnjamin  Whitman. 

John  Whitman. 

Brigadiergenl.  Dav.  Whitney. 

"ohp  Whitney. 

ames  Whitley. 

emucl  Whitney. 
Richard- Whitney,  Effj. 
Elias  WiJlard,  jun. 
Sx'nuel  Wtliiam?,  Efq.     < 
Di\  JaiAcs  VVhitherel. 
Enoch  Wopdbrjdge,  Efq. 
]<i[eph  Woodward. 
ElcaVer  Wright. 


t    I    N    1    9' 







ji^  -K 




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