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Full text of "An Act to amend an act respecting the volunteer militia force [microform] : 29-30 Victoria, cap. 12"

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A.ME]srD    A.ISr    A.CT 



29-30  Victoria,  Cap.  12. 



Law  Printer  to  the  Queen's  Most  Excellent  Majesty. 




















CAP.     XII. 

An  Act  to  amend   An   Art  respecting   the    Volunteer 
Militia  Force. 

[Assented  to  \6th  August,  1866.] 

HER  Majesty,  by  and  with  the  advice  and  consent  of  the  PieniTiue. 
Legislative  Connoil  and  Assembly  of  Canada,  enacts  as 
follows  : 

1.  The   second   section    of  an  Act  made  and  passed  in  the  sec. 2, of27'/, 
Session   of  Parliament,    lield   in   the   twenty-seventh   year  of  «=•  3  repuaied, 
Ilev  Maj(!sty's  Reign,  and  inlitnled:    An  Act  respecting  ^/'e  suVsSed!'^ 
Volunteer  31ilUia  Force,  is  hereby  repealed,  and  the  following 
•section  shall  bo  taken  and  read  in  lieu  thereof,  and  as  the 
second  section  of  the  said  Act,  that  is  to  say  : — 

"  2.  The   Conunander-in-Chief 

may   raise,  organize, 

arm.  New  section. 

uniform  and  equip  a  Volunteer  jMililia  Force  10  serve  within 
the  Province  for  the  defence  of  the  same  in  case  of  need,  and 
in  aid  of  the  civil  power,  as  hereinafter  mentioned  ;  and  th»  oovenior  mny 
Commander-in-Chief  may  call  out  such  Volunteer  Militia  Force  fai*i=  ""ii  call 
or  any  part,  or  any  corps  thereof,  for  actual  service,  whenever  °eer  Force,  &c. 
it  is  in  his  opinion  advisable  so   to   do;    Provided  that  Ihe  p^^^jg^,  j,^  .„ 
several  corps  of  Volunteers  organized  and  gazetted,  prior  to  corps  airpady 
this  Act,  shall  be  and  continue  as  if  organized  and   gazetted  "■"ram"^'- 
under  this  Act,  and  shall  constitute  part  of  the  Volunteer  F\)rce 
before  mentioned." 

2.  The  fourth   section  of  the  said  Act  is  hereby  repealed  ^^^\\f'^' 
and   the   following  section  shall  be  taken  and  read   in  lieu  ^'^^'^  ' 
thereof,  and  as  the  fourth  section  of  the  said  Act,  that  is  to  say  : 

"  4.  The   Volunteers  may  consist  of  Troops   of  Cavalry,  Newsectiun. 
Troops  of  Mounted  Infantry,  or  of  Mounted   Rifles,   Military  or  what  corp 
Train,  Field  Batteries  of  Artillery,  Garrison  Batteries  of  Artil-  tiie  Voiuntetrs 
lery,   Companies   of  Engineers,    Commissariat,   Staft'   corps,  '""^  '^°"*'' " 
Hospital  and  Ambulance  corps,  and  Battalions  or  Companies 


ot'  Rillcs  and  ul'lnl'antry,  and  Naval  Companies,  to  be  arnud  and 
L'i|uippt;d  according  lo  tiioir  respective  services,  and  to  be 
formed  at  such  places  and  in  such  manner  as  may  from  time 
Proviso:  ns  to  to  time  be  ordered  by  the  Commander  in  Chief;  Provided  that 
corpi  in  citifs.  jn  Cities,  no  number  of  men  shall  be  accepted  or  gazetted  as 
Volunteer  Militia  unless  formed  into  a  Battalion  nnd<'r  the  pro- 
visions of  the  seventh  section  of  this  Act." 

SL'ct.Sru-  3.  The  fifth  section  of  the  said  Act  is  hereby  repealed   and 

penieii.  ||,(j  following  section  shall  be  taken  and  read   in  lieu   thereof, 

and  as  the  fifth   section  of  the  said  Ad,  that  is  to  say  : 

New  suction.  "5.  All  Corps  of  Volunteers  shall  be  formed  and  may  be 

t'\)rminif  and  disbanded  by  authority  of  the  Commander  in  Chief,  as  may  in 

disbanding  his  opinion  best  tend  to  further  the  purposes  of  this  Act  and  the 

^"^P"-  public  good." 

Paragraph  1  oi      4.  Th(!  first  subsection  or  paragraph  of  the  sixth  section  of 

sect. (ire-         ^fj^.  ^^j^|    /^^.l  [^  lierebv   repealett,   and   the  followins;  shall  bt; 

taken  and  read  in  lieu  thereot  and  as   the   first   subsection  or 

New  para- 

Strengtii  of 

paragraj)!!  of  the  sixth  section  ol'  the  said  Act,  that  is  to  say 

"  G.  Each  Troop  of  Cavalry,  Troop  of  Mounted  Inlantry  or 
of  Mounted  Hilles,  Military  Titiin,  Garrison  Battery  of  Artillery, 
Company  of  Engineers,  or  Rifles,  or  Infantry,  shall  consist, 
according  to  its  respective  service,  of  a  Captain,  a  Lieutenant, 
a  Cornet,  a  Second  Lieutenant  or  Ensign,  three  Serjeants,  three 
Corporals,  a  Truinpet(!r  or  Bugler,  and  not  exceeding  forty- 
eight  Privates,  except  in  eases  where  the  Commander  in  Chief 
may  specially  sanction  a  gretiter  number  of  Privates  not  (ex- 
ceeding seventy-five." 

Sect.  17  repeal-       •*.  The  seventeenth  section  of  the  said  Act  is  hereby  repealed 
ed,andnew      ^J^^^  ^ijg  following  section  shall  be  taken  and  read   in    lieii 

sect,  substi-  ,  p         -i  1    ^  1  .  ,.1  •  1    « 

luted.  thereot  and  as  the  seventeenth  section  oi  the  said  Act  : 

may  provide 
arniouries,  &c., 
and  may  raise 
and  expend 
money  lor  pur- 
poses connect- 
ed with  the 
support  and  en- 
couragement ol' 
the  Volunteer 


"  17.  For  the  safe  keeping  of  any  arms,  accoutrements  or  am- 
munition furnished  to  any  corps,  the  Corporation  of  every  Muni- 
cipality within  which  such  corps  or  any  part  of  such  corps 
may  be  organized,  may,  if  they  think  fit,  provide  at  the  expense 
of  such  Municipality,  one  or  more  good,  safe  and  commodious 
fire  proof  Armouries,  fitted  with  arm  racks  and  other  necessary 
and  proper  storage,  and  for  the  heating  thereof ;  and  may  also 
build  and  construct  or  aid  partially  in  llie  erection  or  construc- 
tion of  any  fortified  intrenchments  or  of  any  drill  shed  or 
exercise  ground  or  range  for  rifie  practice,  and  may  purchase 
and  hold  any  real  estate  or  may  appropriate  any  land  or 
building  belonging  to  or  held  by  such  Corporation,  for  any 
such  purposes  ;  and  may  provide  moneys  for  such  purposes 
or  any  of  them,  or  for  or  towards  compensating,  maintain- 
ing or  promoting  the  etriciency  of  the  corps  of  volunteers  within 
.such  Municipality,  or  for  purchasing  or  aiding  in  the  purchase 

mil  anil 
l1  to  be 
)m  time 
did  thai 
wtleil  as 
the  pro- 

led   and 

may  he 
^  may  in 
t  and  th(' 

•ec'ion  ol 
shall  be 
section  or 

0  say  : 

liantvy  or 

1  consist, 
ants,  three 
ing  Ibrty- 
■r  in  Chiei' 
)s  not  ex- 

y  repealed 
d   in    lieu 

3t  : 

Lintsor  am- 
,'ery  Muni- 
such  corps 
lie  expense 
•  necessary 
:1  may  also 
ir  construc- 
11  shed  or 
(T  purchase 
ly  land  or 
n,  for  any 
h  purposes 
ecrs  within 
le  purchase 

of  arms  lor  any  volunteer  corps  or  for  any  drill  association  law- 
fully formed  under  the  Acts  in  force  in  that  liehalf,  and  may 
grant  gratuities  or  sum  or  sums  of  money  to  any  corps  on 
actual  service,  or  to  any  officer,  non-commissioned  ollicer  or 
private  thereof,  on  airtiial  service,  or  who  may  Lc  wounded,  in- 
jured, maimeil  or  incapacitated  from  following  his  ordinary 
calling  or  iimployment  in  the  ])erformance  of  military  duty 
as  such  volunteer,  or  to  the  family  of  any  ollici.'r,  non-commis- 
sioned oilieer  or  private  on  actual  service  or  who  may  he 
killed  in  the  performance  of  such  military  iluty  as  aforesaid, 
and  may  for  the  further  encouragement  and  support  of  the 
Volunteer  Force,  enact  by-laws  granting  such  (!xem])tions  to 
enrolled  men  and  horses  therein,  as  to  such  Municipal  Corpo- 
ration may  seem  fit  and  proper  ;  and  the  several  Municipalities 
throughout  Upper  Canada  shall  have  all  and  every  the  powers 
conferred  upon  them  in  respect  to  the  raising  and  levying  of 
all  funds  reijuired  for  any  of  such  purposes,  wliich  are  proviiled 
by  the  two  liundredth  and  two  hundred  and  twenty-fourth  sec- 
tions of  the  fifty-fourth  chapter  of  the  Consolidated  Statutes  for 
Upper  Canada ;  and  the  several  Municipalities  in  Lower  Canada 
shall  have  all  the  powers  conferred  on  them  in  respect  to  raising 
and  levying  of  all  such  funds,  which  are  provided  by  the  Lower 
Canada  Consolidated  Municipal  Act  and  the  Acts  amending 
it,  or  by  the  special  Act  or  Acts  incorporating  and  governing 
the  INIunicinality  (if  any  such  there  be),  with  regard  to  the  raising 
of  money  for  any  purpose  for  which  such  Municipalities  are 
by  law  empowered  to  raise  the  same." 

"  2,  A  copy  of  every  by-law  passed  under  authority  of  this 
section  duly  certified  under  the  corporate  seal  of  the  municipa- 
lity, shall  be  forthwith  transmitted  to  the  Minister  of  Militia  ; 
and  he  may  at  any  time  signify  his  disallowance  of  the  same,  if 
in  his  opinion  any  provisions  thereof  are  likely  to  impair  tht; 
eflSeiency  of  the  Force ;  and  any  by-law  so  disallowed  shall 
thereupon  become  null  and  void  •  ■" 

"  3.  All  payments  and  allowanees  whatever,  in  any  way 
accruing  under  any  such  by-law  to  any  Volunteer  Officer,  non- 
conimissioaied  Officer  or  private,  while  on  actual  service,  shall 
be  made  in  such  manner  only,  and  through  such  channel,  as 
the  Commander-in-Chief  shall  from  time  to  time  direct." 

I'owcr  to  rai.'^c 
money  lor  such 

iJy-laws  to  be 
tiubinitteJ  to 
Minister  ol' 
Militia  lor  ap- 

How  payments 
under  By-law 
shiill  be  made. 

a.  For  and  notwithstanding  any  thing  in  the  preceding  section  By-laws  for 
contained,  any  by-law  or  resolution  heretofore  passed  or  which  such  purpose 
may  be  hereafter  passed  by  any  Municipal  Corporation  prior  to  '°     ^^ " ' 
the  first  day  of  January  next  after  the  passing  of  this  Act,  for 
any  of  the   purposes  in  the  preceding  section  mentioned,  shall 
be  held  to  be  and  shall  be  valid  for  the  purposes  thereof,  and  as 
respects  Upper  Canada,  whether  the  same  may  or  may  not 
have  been  submitted  for  or  received,  or  may  or  may  not  be  sub- 
mitted for  or  receive  the  a  assent  required  by  the  two  hundred  and 
twenty-fourth  section  of  the  Act  in  the  next  preceding  section 


Sect.  2i, 

New  Scotion. 

Coiiiiiiuiuler  in 
Cliiel'  may 
mako  rei;iila- 
lioiis  liir  cfitniii 

Courts  ol 

iiiny  Ipc  iiltiT- 

Seel.  27, 

7.  Tlio  twenty-second  section  oH  tliu  said  Act  is  hereby 
rcp«'aled,  and  the  following  section  shall  he  taken  and  read  in 
lieu  there(tt' and  as  tho  twenty-second  section  of  the  said  Act, 
that  is  to  say  : — 

"  22.  The  Commander  in  Chief  may  from  time  to  lime  make 
orders  or  regulations  respecting,  anything  in  this  Act,  done  or 
authorized  to  Im;  done  or  providetl  hy  Order  or  Regulation,  and 
also  such  Orders  or  Regulations  as  may  seem  lit  (not  being  in- 
consistent with  any  of  the  provisions  of  this  Act,)  resj)ccting  the 
appointment  and  promotion  of  olficers  and  the  assembling  and 
proceedings  of  Court.s  of  Enquiry  to  incpiire  into  and  report  on 
any  matter  connected  with  the  government,  or  discipline,  or 
conduct  of  a  Volunteer  Corps  or  llattalion,  or  of  any  (MHcer,  Non- 
commissioned Odieer  or  private  thereof,  and  for  the  full  execu- 
tion (if  this  Act,  and  the  gent.'ral  gt)vernment  and  discipline  of 
the  Volunteer  Force  ;  and  Ik;  may  alter  or  repeal  any  such  Regu- 
lations, and  may  call  for  such  Returns  as  may  from  lime  to 
time  seem  re(|uisite." 

S,  The  twenty-seventh  section  of  the  said  Act  is  hereby 
pealed,  and  the  following  section  shall  be  taken  and  read  in 
2U  thereof,  and  as  the  twenty-seventh  section  of  the  said  Act, 



that  is  to  say 

New  Seulioii. 

cnlled  out,  lice., 
to  l>e  .subject  to 
articles  of  war, 



New  proviso 

Liability  of 
to  be  tried 
within  six 
months  after 
leaving  the 
corps,  Sec 

21.  Th(^  volunteer  force  and  every  officer  or  man  belonging 
to  it,  filiall  be  subject  to  the  Queen's  Regulations  and  Orders 
for  1  lie  Army,  and  shall  from  the  time  of  being  called  out  for 
actual  service,  and  also  during  tlit;  period  of  annual  drill  pres- 
cribed by  this  Act  or  by  any  Act  amending  the  same  or  by 
any  Order  of  the  Commander  in  Chief,  under  the  authority 
thereof,  and  also  during  the  continuance  of  any  drill  or 
j)avade  of  this  corps  at  which  he  .shall  be  present,  be 
subject  to  the  Rules  and  Articles  of  War  and  to  the  Act 
for  punishing  mutiny  and  desertion,  and  all  other  laws 
then  applica!)le  to  Mer  Majesty's  Troops  in  this  Province,  and 
not  inconsistent  with  this  Act ;  except  that  no  man  shall  bo 
subject  to  any  corporal  punishment  except  death  or  imprison- 
ment for  any  contravention  of  such  laws ;  and  except 
also  that  the  Commander  in  Chief  may  direct  that 
any  provisions  of  the  said  laws  or  regulations  shall  not 
apply  to  the  Volunteer  Miiilia  Force ;  Provided  always, 
that  any  officer,  non  commissioned  officer  or  man  charged 
with  any  offence  committed  whilst  a  volunteer  or  whilst 
on  actual  service,  shall  be  held  liable  to  be  tried,  and  if 
convicted  to  be  punished  therefor,  within  six  months  after 
ceasing  to  be  a  volunteer  or  after  the  corps  to  which  he 
belongs  or  belonged  is  relieved  from  actual  service',  notwith- 
standing that  he  shall  have  so  ceased  to  be  a  volunteer  or  the 
corps  to  which  he  belonged  shall  have  been  so  relieved  from 
actual  service." 

s  hereby 
(I  Ti'iul  in 
sulci  Act, 

me  iiifiko 
t,  (Jono  (ir 
tion,  and 
being  in- 
L'cling  the 
1)1  ing  iind 
report  on 
liplino,  or 
icer,  Non- 
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is  hereby 

1(1  read  in 

said  Act, 


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the    Act 

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0.  The  forly-se{!ond  st'ction  of  thn  said  Act  is  hereby  repealed  »frt.  42 
and  the  following  shall  be  taken  and  read  in  lieu  I  hereof  and  "mei'W- 
as  the  forty-second  section  of  the  said  Act,  that  is  to  say  : — 

"  42.   Whenever  the  Volunteer   Militia  Force  or  any  part  or  payofVoiun- 
Corps  thereof  shall  be  called  out  for  actual  sc^rvrice,  th(!  olHcers,  '*«"• 
non-commissioned  ollicers  and  men  so  called  out  shall  be  paid 
at  such  rates  of  daily  nay  as  are  paid   and  allowed  to  officers, 
non-commissioned  olhcers  and  men  of  the  relative  and  corres- 
ponding grade  in  Her  Majesty's  service,  or  such  other  rates  as 
may  for  the  time  being  be  fixed  by  the  Governor  in  Council; 
Provided,  that  where  the  same  shall  be  called  out  for  partial  Proviio. 
intermitted  or   non-continuous   service,  they  shall    be  paid  for 
the  days  only  of  such  service." 

10.  No  officer  shall  be  entitled  to   ask   or   to   receive  half 
pay,  or  pay  in  respect  of  his  rank  when  unattached. 

No  Imllpuy, 

11.  The  Commander  in  Chief  may,  whenever   it  is   in  his  „.,„„„,.  „<• 

...  ^11  "  ,•  •  •  Jtegiinents  ol 

opmion  advisable  SO  to   do,    by   reason   ol   war,    invasion  or  Voluniccr  Mi- 
insurrection,  or   imminent  danger  of  any   of  them,  raise   in  Jj^JJIJ,' Jg^f ""  °' 
addition   to  the    Militia   or   Volunteer  Militia   Force   of   the       ' 
Province,    Regiments    of    Volunteer    Militia,    by    voluntary 
enlistment  for  General  Serviec  during  such   war,    invasion    or 
insurrection,  or  imminent  danger  of  any  of  them,  and   for  a 
reasonable  time  after  the  termination  of  any   such   danger   or 
emergency  ;    and   such    Regiments   shall    be   subject  to    the 
provisions  of  this  Act  and  of  the  Act  hereby  amended. 

13.  The  several  clauses,  enactments,  provisions  and  amend-  xiiwActio 
ments  in  this  Act  contained  shall  be  deemed,  taken  and   read  form  pan  oi 
as    if    made    at  the   time   of  the  passing  of  the   said    Act^^^'°'^" 
intituled  :   An   Act  respecting  the    Volunteer  Militia  FarcCy 
and  as  respeiitively  parts  of  the  said  Act. 

O  T  T  A  W  A  : — Printed  by  Malcolm  Cameron, 

Law  Printer  to  tlie  Queen's  Mo.4  Excellent  Majesty.