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OF      THE 


OF       THE 



.  *•  •  •  •  •  »•  •»•  «    » 

•••        •       •  Co"  ,, 

WHO   ML^IO   VNOBK    sir  W.   HOWB,   Sia   H.   CLINTOlf,   And 


VOL.    L 



PR.IMTBO   FOR    MISSUS.    P.   ^OGAN.    P.   BYRNZ,   J.    MOORE, 
AND   W.   J0KI8. 





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X  HE  pain  of  recording  that  fpirit  of 
fa£^ion,  that  weaknefs,  indecifion,  indolence, 
hixury,  and  corruption,  which  difgraced  our  pub- 
lic conduft  during  the  courfe  of  the  American 
war,  is  relieved  by  the  contemplation  of  thofe 
talents  and  virtues  that  were  eminently  difplay- 
ed  on  the  fide  of  Great  Britain,  in  various  im- 
portant, though  fubordinate,  ftations. 

Although  the  iflue  of  that  war  was  unfortu- 
nate, our  national  character  was  not  impaired, 
nor  the  conteft,  while  it  was  maintained,  on  the 
whole  inglorious.  Neither  martial  ardour  was 
wanting  among  our  countrymen,  nor  military 
enterprife,  nor  patriotic  zeal.  In  that  r^nk,  and 
thofe  circumftanees  of  life  which  are  at  once  a 
temptation  and  an  apology  for  diflipation  and 
a  love  of  pleafure,  the  military  fpirit  of  Bri- 

,  .  %  -, 

.-     '     -f: 



tain  ihone  forth  with  undiminiflied  luftre ;  and 
.  the  nobleft  families  exhibited  bright  examples 
of  true  courage,  exalted  genius,  and  confummate 

Whilft  I  indulge  with  exultation  this  general 
refledlion,  jiermit  me  to  acknowledge  that  my 
ftttemioQ  16  wrefiftibly  drftwn  towaords  ihelEArl 
of  Moira.  Accept,  then,  my  Lord,  this  humble 
effort  to  tranfmit  to  pofterity  the  glorious  adlions 
of  our  countrymen,  as  a  mark  of  perfonflil  re- 
fpe£l  for  your  Lordihip ;  for  that  happy  union 
of  enthuiiafm  in  the  caufe  of  virtue,  of  inven- 
tion, intrepidity,  a^d  decifion  of  <^hara6ler,  with 
cool  reflexion  and  patient  perTeverance,  which 
dircfts  the  public  eye  to  your  Lordfhip,  48  the 
hope  and  the  pride  of  your  country. 

That  your  liordfliip  may  long  ^ve  ftill  toftif- 
tain  in  a  frivolous  age,  thetlignity  "of  tfue  nolbi- 
lity,  the  virtue  of  chivalry  tvithewt  its  fpirft  df 
romance,   is  the  ardent  wifi  and  hope  of. 

My  Lord, 

Your  Lordihip's  moft  obedient, 

Denham,  Bu.h,  And  moft  huittWe  Servaait, 

Jan.  1, 1 79+. 




luftre;  and 
t  examples 








his  general 
^e  that  my 
his  humble 
ous  aflions 
erfond  re- 
tppy  union 
of  inven- 
i£ler,  with 
ice,  which 
iip,  >a8  th^B 

flill  toftif. 
yrue  ndbi- 
s  fptrh  df 
e  of. 






C  H  A  P.    L 

htfrruSim  in   tthode  IJland^^fid  in  New 
Hampjhirt — Confequences  cfjhutting  up  Bof'^ 
ton  Harbour — JProvinciai  Conrrefi  at  Cant" 
bridge,   in  Nettt  Engldnd'-^HoJiile  Dejlgns 
and  military  Breparatiims--Prepa%ations  iiK^^ 
all  the  Cohiiies  for  holding  a  G/erieral  Con*- .  '"^ 
grefi^— Detachment  of  Sritjjb  Troops  fent  M 
dejiroy  military  Stores  hit  Concord— ^harajjed ' 
by  the  Americans — driven  back  by  the  way 
of  Lexington  to  Boflon—'Bofton  wvefled  by 
an  American  Army — MeafuresrefpeHing  the 
State  of  America  taken  by  the  Efiglifh  Cabi- 
net'—Reinforcement  ^  Troops  from  Britain 
arrives  at  Bofion-^Batile  of  Bunker' sBili,     izS 

CHAP.    II. 

Defigni  ofCongrefs  on  Canada — Capture  of  Ti- 
£Onderoga  and  Crown  Point — Fort  ChambUe 





i%j*'^  *i^^y 

f^'  *s. 





— tS/.  JohrCs'—^nd  Montreat— Siege  of  Qjie' 
heg.  —  *—  —  146 

CHAP.    III. 

Situation  of  A^airs  in  Virginia,  North  and 

South  Carolina,   and  at  Bofion. 1775, 

1776.  —  .^  .«  161 

C  H  A  P.    IV. 

Proceedings  of  the  Britifli  government — Com- 
mijfioners  arrive  in  London  from  Congrefs— 
State  of  Commerce'— Meeting  of  Parliament 
'--Ejfeff  of  its  Rejolntions  in  the  Colonies.     17a 

CHAP.    V. 

Blockade  and  Evacuation  of  Bojlon^^iege  of 
Q^ebeC'—— Defeat  of  Loyahfls  at  Albore^s 
Creek—Attack  of  Charlejtown. — 1776.        187 

-f— ,.^.V..*--i^5E.,..-,  ^ 

*  V 


CHAP.    VI. 

Proceedings  of  Congrefs — Declaration  of  Inde- 
pendence'—Arrival  of  Lord  Howe  from  Eng- 
-  land— 'Battle  of  Long  Ifland — Overtures  on 
the  part  of  the  Britijb  Commanders  for  Peace. 
■  —1776.  —     _-,  ^-^.,.^      —  212 




1  \W 

•V'  *>■' 


_^..>.*/»— .*. 

\    / 





CHAP.    VII. 


Tke  Amerieans  retreat,  and  the  RngHjb  Army 
takes  poffeffion  of  New  York — Ihe  Ameru 
cans  greatly  dijbeartened — Dejign  to  bum 
New  York  partly  executed-— Various  Skir-  ' 
mijbing — Battle  of  Wkitt  Plains.       —       ^29 

CHAP.  vni. 

Tranfaffions  in  the  JerfieS' — Apparent  Errors 
of  the  Britijh  Commander — Defpondence  of 
the  Revolters— Vigour  of  Congrefs^EncoU' 
ragement  to  enli/fin  the  American  Army^- 
Congrefs  appeal  with  Effe6l  to  the  American 
JVo//^.— 1776.  —  —  a;49 

CHAP.    IX. 

Proceedings  of  Congrefs—'They  determine  to  re- 
nounce  all  Dependance  on  Great  Britain — 
Sketch  of  a  new  American  Government,      273 



■   'i 



C  H  A  p.     X. 

Situation  of  Affair:  in  Canada — General  Carle- 
ton  fends  an  Armament  againjl  Crown  Point 
and  Ticonderoga — Force  oppofed  to  this  by 
the  Americans.  —  —  282 

\  . 


I    ■'■| 

.^m-  ^ 






CHAP.    XI, 


Inevitable  NeceJJity  of  War  in  the  general 
Opinion  of  iie  Britijb  Natian-^Diflrefs  of 
the  Wejl  Ittdies-^Capture  of  Apipican  Pri- 
'Vfiteers-^Conduff  of  France  and  Spain — 
Meeting  of  Parliatamt^-Debutes  in    both 

HouJeS.  r-  rrr-'  ■—  288 

CHAP.     XII. 

Proclamation  ijfued  by  Lord  and  General  Howe 
-^Debates  upon  it-— The  American  Laws 
propofed  to  be  revifed  by  Lord  John  Caven- 
dijb — This  Motion  reje&td — The  Propriety  . 
of  a  partial  SeceJJion  conftdered-^Seamen 
voted — Naval  Affairs — Supplies  for  the  Mi- 
litary  and  Naval  Service — Recefs  of  P^rlia- 
«j««/.-!— 1776.  ■»-*  — •  294 



Letters  of  Marque  and  Reprifal  Bill — Bill  for 
fecuring  Perfons  charged  with  High-  Treafon 
—^Debates  upon  it— Amendment  propofed  by 
Mr.  DunningT— Agreed  to-^Tke  Bill  carried 
through  both  Houfes— Extraordinary  unprOf 
vided  Expences,  of  the  War  voted— Motion 
for  an  Addrefs  to  the  Throne  by  the  Earl  of 
Chatham— Rejected — Prorogation  of  the  Par^ 
liament. — 1777.  —  r—  300 

flV       i 




k*  »  4  *  > 

CHAP.    XIV. 


Opening  (^the  Campaign-^Expedition  to  Peek*s 
Hill—Tq  Danbury — VeJJth  and  Provifions 
deftroyed  at  Saggy  Harhour-^The  Command- 
er  in  Chief  takes  the  Field— Endeavours  to 
bring  Waftfington  to  an  ASion'^The  Britifi 
Trbops  relinquifli  the  Jerfeys^General  Pre/' 
cot  carried  off-—Brittfl>  Army  proceeds  to 
Chefapeak  Bay—Lands  at  the  Head  of  tht 
Elk — Proclamation  iJfued-^General  JVaJh' 
ington  moves  to  the  North  Side  of  the  Bran- 
dywine  River,  in  order  to  defend  Philadel^ 
phia — ASlion  at  the  Brandywinc'^General 
Wayne  defeated — Royai  Army  paffes  the 
Schuylkill — Lord  Comwallis  takes  PoJfeJJion 
qf  Philadelphia^  r-^  -»■  ^ofil 

C  H  A  P.    XV. 

American  Batteries  and  other  Means  of  Den 

fence — Attacked— ^A8ion  at  German  Town 

— At  Red  Bank — Mud  I/land  and  Red  Bank 

taken — American  Fleet  burnt — Removal  of 

the  royal  Army  to  Whitemarjb^        ••r^        33 1 

CHAP.     XVI. 

Canadian  Operations — General  Burgoyne  in* 
vejied  with  the  Command  of  the  Northern 
Army — General  Carleton,  offended  with  this 
Appointment,  reftgns  his  Government — Opi- 




nions  on  the  Employment  of  the  Savages—^ 

Number  of  Troops  under  General  Burgoyne 

•■ — Expedition  under  Colonel  St.  Leger — Bur- 

goyne'f  Manifefio — Ticonder^a  and  Mount 

Independence  iwueJied^-The  forts  abandoned 

by  the  Americans — American    Galleys  de- 

Jtroyednear  Skene^orough— ^Americans  aban- 

don  thpir  Works — Their  Rear  overtaken — 

General  St.  Cldir  arrives  at  Fort  Edward 

-—Americans  repulfed  by  Colonel  Hill — Ante' 

ricans  abandon  Fort  Anne> — Difficulties  en-  ' 

countered  in  the  March  of  the  Royal  Army 

to  Fort  Edward — Americans  retire  to  Sard- 

to^a,  —  —  —       .     355 

C  H  Al».     XVII.  \ 

Difficulties  experienced  at  Fort  Edward — Co- 
lonel St.  Leger' s  Expedition — Detachment  to 
Bennington — Baum  and  Breyman  defeated 
— Fort  Stanwix  invefled — Attempt  to  re- 
lieve it  by  General  Harkemer — o/.  Leger 
obliged  to  raiff  tHe  Sie^e  of  Fort  Stanwix 
—General  Gates  takes  the  Command  of  the 
American  Army  in  the  North— 'ASion  at 
Still  Water — Diflreffed  Situation  of  General 
Burgoyne — Defertion  of  the  Indians— -Re- 
treat to  Saratoga; — Royal  Army  nearly  fur- 
rounded — Convention  with  General  Gates.   367 


">■  T.iSSP^iy»tia:r^{^a4>» ' 




Expedition  up  the  North  River  under  Sir  Hen- 
ry Clinton — Redu^ion  of  the  Forts  Montgo- 
mery and  Clinton. — Burning  of  Mfopus.        399 

CHAP.    XIX. . 

Expedition  under  the  Command  of  Lieutenant- 
colonel  Mawhood ASion   at    Q^intin^s 

Bridge  At  Hancock* s  Bridge — Ingenious 
Stratagem  of  an  American  Loyalijl-— Colonel 
Abercrombie*s  Exped-Hcn  againjt  the  Ame- 
ricans under  Lacey  near  Crooked  Billet-— 
Colonel  Maitland*s  Exjtedition  up  the  Dela- 
ware— Attempt  on  La  Fayette. — 1778.  409 

CHAP.     XX. 

Sir  William  Howe  rejigns  the  Command  of  th 
Army — Fejiival  called  Mifchianza,  in  ho- 
nour of  Sir '  William  Howe — He  is  fucceed- 
ed  in  the  Command  of  the  Army  by  Sir 
Henry  Clinton-^Returns  to  England-^Com- 
plains  of  Defamation,  andfolicits  and  obtains 
a  Parliamentary  Inquiry  into  his  Conduff. — 
1778.  ^  -.        •    —  424 

;— Jfe<Mii«>"ilih^  ■ 


•^-'"-i         /  J 





m-f  ^     .,'' 


Of    THE 


I  N  T  R  O  D  U  C  T  I  O  N. 


SO  natural  is  the  love  of  liberty,  and  fuch  the  intraduc 
averiionofmankindtoreftraint,  thatitfeems 
to  be  in  the  very  nature  of  colonies,  and  all 
fiibordinate  governments,  to  feize  every  favour- 
able opportunity  of  aflerting  their  indepen- 
dence ;  and  the  external  afped  of  nature,  va- 
riegated and  broken  by  mountains,  favannahs, 
rivers,  lakes  and  feas,  confpires  with  that  noble 
paflion  to  check  the  progrefs  of  empire,  and 
to  maintain  an  interefling  diveriity  among  tribes 
and  nations. 

But  when  the  Britilh  colonies,  now  the  Thir- 
teen United  States  of  North  America,  took  up 
arms,  and  declared  themfelves  free  and  inde- 
pendent,, they  were  not  encouraged  by  any  con- 
jundlure  that  could  juftify  that  meafure  in  point 
of  policy,  or  by  any  circumftances  that  could 
yield  any  reafonable  hope  of  fuccefs  in  the  ar- 
duous flruggle  that  was  to  enfue.  On  the  con- 
trary, if  we  take  a  view  of  the  ftrength  and  re- 
.   Vol..  I.  B  fourc«» 


HiSTORlr    OF    THE 


introduc  fources  of  Great  Britain  at  the  commencement^ 
"**"  of  hoftilities,  and  contrail  thefe  with  the  weak- 
nefs  and  almoii  total  inability  of  the  revolting 
colonies,  we  fliall  have  reafon  to  conclude  that 
the  termination  of  the  war  in  favour  of  the  lat- 
ter, with  their  final  reparation  from  the  Britifh 
empire,  was  one  of  thofe  extraordinary  and  un- 
expedled  events,  which  in  the  courfe  of  human 
affairs  rarely  occur,  and  which  bid  defiance  to 
all.  human  forefight  and  calcuktion.  A  people, 
not  exceeding  two  millions  of  fouls,  widely  fcat- 
tered  over  half  the  weftern  hemifphere,  m  the 
peaceable  occupations  of  fifhing,  agriculture^ 
and  commerce  ;  divided  into  many  diflindl  go- 
vernments ;  differing  from  each  other  in  man- 
ners, religion,  and  iuterefls,  nor  entirely  united 
in  political  fentiments  ;  this  people,  with  very 
little  money,  proverbially  called  the  finews  of 
war,  was  yet  enabled  to  efle£l  a  final  feparatioA 
from  Great  Britain,  proud  from  fuccefsful  and 
glorious  war,  flourifhing  in  arts  and  arms  be- 
yond the  example  of  any  former  period;  capa- 
ble of  railing  an  annual  revenue  of  iixteen  mil- 
lions of  pounds ;  and,  on  the  whole,  the  moft 
formidable  nation  in  the  world  :  And  all  this, 
although  the  continent  of  North  America,  deep- 
ly indented  and  penetrated  by  navigable  rivers 
and  lakes,  prefented  a  fit  theatre  for  the  difplay 
of  naval  power,  in  which  chiefly  the  flrength  of 
Great  Britain  confiiled.  It  is  the  objed  of  the 
prefent  Work  to  defcribe  with  fidelity  the  war 
that  involved  this  great  event — a  wonder  to 
the  prefent,  and  an  example  to  all  future  ages, 
But  I  ftiall  firil  run  over  the  train  of  circum- 
fiances  by  which  that  war  was  produced. 
v;The  colonies  of  New  Hampfhire,  MafTachu- 
fet's  Bay,  Rhode  Ifland,  ConncAicut,  New  York, 
Penfylvania,  the  three  ^wer  counties  on  the 
3  Delaware^ 


^^:"  ' 



j,j^*r**^"T'i»-»*.*>>.'^'^~ »~  *(- 

A  ME  R  I  C  A  N     W  A  R. 

Delaware,  Maryland,  Virginia^  North  Carolina,  introdue 
South  Carolina,  and  Georgia^  the  hiftory  of  *'°"' 
whofe  revolt  it  ie  propofed  to  relate,  are  fitu- 
ated  on  the  eafkrn  coaft  of  North  Aoierica, 
where  they  are  waftied  by  the  Atlantic  Ocean, 
ranging  from  north  to  fipiuth,  in  the  order  in. 
which  they  have  bcdn  enumerated.  On  the 
weft  they  are  feparated  from  .,th^  imraenfe  re- 
gions,  not  fuUy  explored,  of  Canada  and  Lou- 
ifiana,  by  the  Apalachian  or  Allegany  moun- 
tains. The  countries  fituated  to.  the  weft  of 
that  magnificent  barrier,  ^nd  at  fa  vaft  though 
unknown  diftance  from  the  Pacific  Ocean,  are 
watered  by  mediterranean  feas,  called  the  Lakes 
of  Canada^  which  not  only  cot&imunicate  with 
each  other,  but  fend  forth  f^ve*al  great  rivers, 
among  which  the  Mifliflippi,  and  the  St.  Lau- 
rence, by  the  weight  of  their  waters,  and  the 
length  of  their  courfe,  are  particularly  diftin- 

The  Miflifiippi,  running  in  a  winding  courfe 
near  five  thoufand  miles  from  north  to  fouth, 
and  receiving  in  its  progrefs  the  Illinois,  the 
Miafures,  the  Ohio, '  and  other  tributary  rivers, 
fcarcely  inferior  to  the  Rhine  or  the  Danube, 
difcharges  itfelf  in  the  Gulf  of  Mex:ico.  The 
St.  Laurence,  on  the  contrary,  ftretching  in  a 
north-eafterly  direftion  from  the  Lakes  of  Ca- 
nada, falls  into,  the  ocean  near  Newfoundland. 
All  thefe,  with  the  Hudfon,  Delaware,  Sufque- 
hannah,  Chefapeak,  Potowraack,  and  other  no- 
ble rivers' on  the  eaftern  fide-of  North  America, 
being  navigable,  for  the  moft  part)  to  their  very 
heads,  encourage  and  ftimulate  comroerce  in 
times  of  peace;  but,  in  thofe  of  war,  expole 
the  colonies  to  the  attacks  of  a  fuperior  riav^l 
forc^,  as  already  mentioned.  .        >  f  ,*. 

•«*'  •in^mM^r.  B  2  *li  lidf  iji'sni^ir  Thie. 

tAi        ..■■-.-.        ,    .  *  ^. ■.-•:. 




liistoRV  OF  rut 


The  North  American  provinces  lie  between: 
the  thirtieth  :^nd  fiftieth  degrees  of  northern 
latitude,  having  about  twelve  hundred  miles  of 
fca-coaft.  As  luch  a  fituation  would  denote  k 
great  degree  of  teiriperature,  it  is  neceffarj^  ta 
dbferve,  that  within  thofe  bounds  they  experi- 
ence much  viciffitude  of  weather,  and  higher 
degrees  of  heat  and  cold  than  are  to  be  found 
in  European  climates  iimilarly  fituated. 

The  northern,  commonly  called  the  New  Eng- 
land provinces,  comprehending  New  Hampfhire, 
Maifachufet's  Biiy,  Rh^e  Ifland,  and  Connec- 
ticut, are  the  lead  fertile  in  point  of  foil  ;  but 
their  land  produces  excellent  timber,  and  theii^ 
feas  abound  with  fifh«    The   inhabitants   here, 

.  as  elfcwhere,  led  by  the  hand  of  nature,  employ 

;  thcmfelves  in  thole  occupations  which  are  luita* 
ble  to  the  productions  of  their  climate<  Fifh- 
ing  is  the  bufinefs  of  fome,  fhiip-building  of 
others ;  and  the  bulk  of  the  people  are  more 
Or  lefs  engaged  in  trade  or  navigation. 

The  foil  of  the  New  England  province  of 
Connedlicut  being  richer  than  that  of  the  others* 
its  inhabitants  are  occupied  in  agriculture  and 
raiiinff  of  cattle ;  of  which,  and  alfo  of  grain, 
<!onfiaerable  quantities  are  annually  exported. 

The  produ^ions  of  the  colbnies  of  New  York, 
New  Jerfey,  Penfylvania^  and  the  three  lower 
counties  on  the  Delaware,  ufually  called  the 
Middle  Colonies,  refemble  thofe  of  ConneAicut ) 

_.  and  their  inhabitants  are  engaged  in  fimilar  oc- 
cupations.   Their  moft  common  artkles  of  ex- 
portation afe  wheat  and  flour,,  with  furs  for  New 
As  yon  proceed  from  Penfylvania  to  the  fouth- 

;  ward,   the  heat  of  fummer  becomes  exceffive; 

.and  the  African   alone  can  endure  the  labour 
of  working  in  the  fields.    Hence  it  is,  that  in 






•.I*.,  I*.  >wv^ 



the  fouthem  colonies  the  number  of  white  inha- 
bitants bears  only  a  fmall  proportion  to  that  of  the 
negroes ;  whereas  in  the  middle  coloniea  very 
few,  and  in  the  norjihern  Scarcely  any,  Africans 
are  to  be  found. 

The  provinces  to  the  fouthward  of  Penfylvania 
have  been  ufually  called  the  Southern  Colonies. 
In  thofe,  almofl  ail  the  white  inhabitants  are  pro* 
prietors  of  landa,  which  they  keep  in  their  ovrn 
poflefiion,  and  cultivate  by  means  of  flaves.  Thefe 
land-owners*  or  planters,  as  they  have  been  called, 
lead  eafy  and  luxurious  lives,  are  fond  of  amufe- 
ments  of  all  forts,  and  to  labour  and  fatigue  utter 
Grangers.  The  bufinefs  of  tbeir  plantations,  and 
the  manaffement  of  the  Afriean  cultivators,  are 
committed  to  the  care  of  perfons  called  Overfeera ; 
a  fort  of  middle  men,  between  proprietors  of 
lands  and  the  flaves  who  cultivate  them.  In  the 
fouthem  provinces  are  raifed  *the  moft  valuable 
articles  of  commerce  exported  from  North  Ame- 
rica :  Tobacco  in  Virginia,  Maryland,  and  a  great 
part  of  North  CaroUna ;  and  nee  and  indigo  in 
South  Carolina  and  Oeprgia* 

The .  philofopher,  in  travelling  throuffh  thofe 
regions  which  were  all  originally  peopled  fr6m 
Great  Britain,  the  middle  polonies  excepted, 
will  find  amufement  in  contemplating  the  eifeA 
which  is  produced  upon  the  human  frame  and 
conllitutipQ  by  the  influence  pf  climate,  of  foil, 
and  of  the  courfe  of  employment  in  which  the 
inhabitants  are  engaged. 

In  the  provinces  of  New  England,  where  na- 
ture has  been  lefs  bountiful  in  the  produdions  of 
the  earth,  he  will  find  a  race  of  men,  healthy, 
ftrong,  and  vigorous ;  keen,  penetrating,  a£live,  and 
enterprifing,  with  a  degree  of  dexterity  and  ma* 
nagement  in  all  the  common  affairs  of  life,  which 
approaches  to  cunning  and  artifice,  aod  fuch  as  the 






intrpduc-  habits  and  purfaits,  not  of  a  liberal  and  enlarged, 
but  of  a  detailed  and  minute  trade,  are  accuftomed 
to  form. 

In  the  middle  colonies  he  will  fee  farmers  ro? 
bud,  frugal,  perfeveriug,  and  induftrious ;  plaia 
andhonelUn  their  dealings,  but  of  rude  and  un- 
pliant  manners ;  with  little  penetration  and  lefs 

And,  in  moft  of  the  fouthern  colonies,  he  will 
meet  with  a  people  of  pallid  complexion  and 
fwarthy  hue,  of  form  rather  tall  and  flender,  unfit 
and  unaccuftomed  to  labour,  with  an  averfion  to 
buHnefs,  and  a  fondnefs  for  plcafure  and  diffipa- 
tion ;  luxurious,  fhewy,  and  cxpenfive  y  yet  fen- 
fible,  flirewd,  and  intelligent;  of  open  and 
friendly  difpofitions,  and  in  their  houfes  hofpita^* 
ble  even  to  extremity.  But  this  muft  be  undcr- 
ftood  only  of  the  fea-coafl  and  interior  parts  of 
the  fouthern  colonies.  For  the  frontiers  of  thefe, 
reaching  far  to  the  weft  ward,  extending  over  va- 
rious ridges  of  high  mountains,  and  bordering 
upon  the  Indian  country,  are  inhabited  by  a  peo- 
ple unacquainted  Avith  luxury  and  refinement, 
aftive  and  vigorous,  with  minds  fierce  and  in- 
tra<Slable,  and,  in  habits,  bearing  fome  refem- 
blance  to  their  favage  neighbouirs.  .     - 

The  inhabitants  of  Maryland,  Virginia,  a,nd 
South  Carolina,  more  than  any  others  of  the 
colonifts,  imitated,  in  drefs,  equipage,  furniture, 
and  modes  and  habits  of  life,  the  manners  and 
cuftoms  of  the  people  of  England ;  -  aind  thefe 
circumftances  will  account  for  the  vaft  fums  due 
li'om  thence  to  Britain. 

The  bulk  of  the  natives  of  North  Carolina  are 
hardy  and  robuft.  Their  chief  employment  con- 
fjils  in  hunting  and  rearing  cattle ;  and  their 
jprir.cipal  amufement  in  (hooting,  for  wagers,  with 
nfles  at  a  mark. 






A  ME  R  IC  A  N    W  A  R:. 

The  natives  of  Georgia^  from  the  influence  of  intniaa 
climate,  were  a  poor,  emaciated,  debilitated,  in-     ^"^ 
dolent,  and  death-like  people ;  and  like  the  in- 
habitants of  South  Carolina,  ignorant,  idle,  and 

But  thefe  are  not  the  only  differences  that  me* 
rit  attention.  There  are  others  M^hich  are  to  be 
afcribed,  not  to  climate,  foil,,  or  employment^ 
but  to  the  principles  and  tenets,  whether  civil  or 
religious,  of  the  primary  fettlers,  which,  being 
handed  down  from  father  to  fon,  may  maintain 
their  influence  for  many  ages. 

The  colony  of  Virginia,  which  is  the  moft  an« 
cient,  was  efliabliihed  in  the  early  part  of  the 
peaceable  reign  of  James  the  Firft,  about  the  be- 
ginning of  tne  feventeenth  century,  And,  at 
the  coTonifts  by  whom  it  was  fettled  removed 
from  their  native  country,  not  from  any  caufe  of 
uneailnefs  or  diflatisfad^ion  with  government,  but 
urged  merely  by  the  fpirit  of  a^enture,  propa- 
gated at  that  period  from  Portugal  and  Spain 
into  other  parts  of  Europe,  it  may  reafonably  be 
fuppofed  that  they  carried  with  them  the  prevail* 
ing  notions  and  opinion^  of  thetijmes,  which  were 
peculiarly  favourable  to  monarchy  and  hiigh 
church  governments-  So  inveterate  were  thofe 
principle;^  amongft  this  people,  that  Virginia  was 
the  laft  of  all  the  Britifh  dominions  that  yielded 
to  the  fuccefsful  arms  of  Cromwell,  and  the  firft, 
too,  that  renounced  obedience  to  his  ufurped 
authority  by  proclaiming  the  reftoration  of  King 
Charles  the  Second,  And  fo  uniform  were  the 
inhabitants  in  religious  matters,  that,  until  the 
middte  of  the  prefent  century,  not  a  Angle  place 
of  worfliip  either  for  Roman  Catholics  or  Pro- 
teftatit  DifTenters  w^s  any- where  to  be  found 
>vithin  the  colony. 

'  .V  The 


'-.  , .-  -i': '.-'  y.-.' 






H  I  S  T  0  H  Y    O  F    THE 

The  northern  colonies  were  planted  about  the 
end  of  the  fame  irei^n,  but  not  till  England  be- 
gan to  be  torn  with  mtewaal  feuds  and  difleofions. 
Thofe  who  planned  and  carried  into  execution 
the  fcttlement  of  Maflachufet's  Bay,  which  wa» 
the  firil  of  the  New  England  colonies,  were  men 
vho  .had  either  fuffered,  or  expe£led  to  fuffer, 
perfecution  during  the  intoleraut  admiuiftration 
'  of  archbiihop  Lavd ;  puritans  in  religion,  repub- 
licans in  their  notions  of  government,  and  of  the 
fame  party  and  principles  with  thofe  who  after- 
wards overturned  the  government  of  England  in 
both' church  and  ftatc,  and  brought  their  fove- 
reign  to  the  block.  To  thefe  fettlers  a  charter 
was  granted,  empowering  them  to  chufe  whatever 
form  of  government  fliould  be  moil  agreeable  to 
themfelves,  with  only  one  refervation,  that  their 
Uws  fliould,  not  be  repugnant  to  thofe  of  Great 
Britain.  ,What  motive  could  induce  the  king  to 
grant  a  charter  with  powers  fo  extraordinary  and 
extenfive  to  a  people  fo  little  favoured  in  that 
reign  as  the  Puritans,  it  is  not||QW  eafy  todifco- 
ver ;  unlefa  it  was  meant  as  an  enticement  to  en- 
courage the  emigration  of  thofe  refllefs  fpirita^ 
whofe  refra£lory  condud),  machinations,  and 
plots,  had  begun  to  give  fo  much  difturbance  to 
goveriiment.  But,  whatever  was  the  motive,  the 
meafure  produced  a  greater  effect  than  had  been 
forefeen.  Such  numbers  in  a  ihort  time  with- 
drew to  New  England,  that  government,  in  the 
following  reign,  was  obliged  to  in terpofe,  byfor-> 
bidding  all  perfons  to  emigrate,  except  fuqh  as 
were  fpecially  licenfed. 

The  fettlements  at  Maflachufet's  Bay,- rein.i 
forced  by  fuch  numbers  from  England,  A)On  began 
Xoflourifti.  But  fcarcely  had  the  new  inhamtants 
takfti  eniire  pofleffion  of  the  country  whicii  they 
were  to  occupy,  when  they  fell  into  interiill  dif- 


A  ME  HI  C  AK    W  A  R.  ) 

fenfions.  The  majority  of  the  colony  being  Pu-  '"»*>«• 
ritans,  th^  prefbyterian  mode  of  woHnip  waa  de- 
clared to  be  the  eftablilhed  religion,  to  which  all 
were  required  to  conform.  Having  juft  efcaped 
from  perfecution  themfelves,  they,  in  their  turn, 
became  intolerant.  A  ftriift  compliance  with  re- 
ligious ordinances  was  rigorouflv  exa£ied;  and 
the  perfecution  that  foUowed,  at  length  became  fo 
intolerable  as  to  produce  frcih  emisrations  from 
this  infantine  fettlement.  One  dau  withdrew  to 
[NewHampfhire,  another  to  Rhode  Ifland,  and  a 
!  third  to  ConneAicui,  where  they  formed  eftablifti- 
ments,  and  laid  the  foundations  of  their  refpec- 
tive  governments. 

The  tra£^  of  country  which  cont|j|pas  the  pro- 
vinces of  New  York,  New  Jerfey/with  the  tnree 
lower  counties  on  the  Delawan^fWas  anciently 
called  the  New  Netherlands;  lor  the  original 
fettlers  were  Dutch  and  Swedes,  in  whofe  poiftf- 
fion  it  remained  until  it  was  conquered  by  the 
Englifli  in  the  reign  of  kin^  Charles  the  Second, 
towhomthefovereigntyof  It  was  finally  ceded, 
and  confirmed  by  the  treaty  of  Breda  in  1667. 
A  grant  of  a  grtitt  'part  of  this  traft  of  country, 
with  full  po\Vers  o|(  fovereignty,  was  made  by 
Charles  to  his  brother  Jbmes  duke  of  York,  who 
afterwards  fold  that  di^6l  fmce  called  New  Jer-< 
fey,  to  lord  Berkley  and  fir  George  Carteret,  re- 
fervingto  himfelf  only  the  province  of  New  York; 
which  province,  on  the  acceilion  of  that  prince, 
reverted  of  courfe  to  the  crown. 

The  remaining  part  of  this  ceded  territory  was 
granted  by  Charles  the  Second,  towards  the  end 
of  his  reign,  to  William  Penn,  the  celebrated 
Qjiaker,  who  gave  it  the  name  of  Penfylvania. 
By  Penn  it  was  originally  planted  with  a  cploM^, 
confiding  of  perfons  of  his  own  religion,  who 
fled  from  England  to  avoid  the  perfeculions  to. 

4  1 


,•%••■■ -5.; 




I:    ' 

HISTORY    or    THE 

which  they,  though  a  q(uiet  and  inofienfivc  people, 
in  common  with  other  ledlariesj  were  iubjc^ed, 
For  his  new  letilemeut  he  coinpofeii  a  code  oi* 
laws,  of  'fo  equitable  and  liberal  a  I jiirit,  and  in 
all  refpe^l?  fo  well  adapted  to  the  fituation  of  the 
coloniHs,  that  his  name  has  deliervedly  been 
tranfqiitted  to  pofterity  with  thole  of  the  mod 
eminent  legidators  ;  and,  under  the  influence  of 
his  wife  inilitutioDs,  the  colony  profpered  greatly, 
and'  foon  became  one  of  the  moll  llouriihing  of 
the  Britiih  fettlements. 

The  counties  of  Newcaftle,  Kent,  and  StiHe* , 
ufualiy  called  the  three  lower  counties  on  I'lr  Dci 
laware,  forming  a  feparate  eflablifhirri  ,  aud 
elc£ling  an  aflembly  for  thcmfclves,  are  attached 
to  the  government  of  Penfylv^uia,  by  having  the 
fame  governor, 

Adjoiniqg  to  P^nfylvania,  on  the  fouth,  is  the 
province  of  Maryland ;  which,iike  its  pc'^hbour-? 
ing  ftate,  though  at  a  different  period,  took  its 
rife  from  religious  perfecution, 

In  the  reign  of  Charles  the  Firft,  when,  in 
fConfecjM  ;nce  of  repeated  addrefles  from  both 
houfca  of  parliament,  the  king  was  obliged  to  en- 
force againfl  the  Roman  Catholics  the  execution 
of  thofe  penal  and  fanguinary  laws,  which  a  more 
enlightened  and  liberal  age  has  thought  fit  to  re- 
peal, Charles  lord  Baltimore,  a  Roman  Catholic, 
and  a  favourite  at  court,  obtained  a  grant  of  that 
part  of  Virginia  which  has  iince  been  called  Ma- 
ryland, as  a  place  of  refuge  for  himfelf,  and  his 
perfecuted  brethren  of  the  Roman  religion.  And, 
to  the  everlafting  difgrac.  .•'  .  'lar  narrow-minded 
and  inioierant  age,  it  is  r'X'c*  J'  .  that  v  u  he 
embarked  for  his  new  l^-tticiueni,  he  was  accom- 
pMied  by  no  fewer  than  two  hundred  popifti  fa- 
miiie?,  and  many  of  thefe  of  diflindion,  who 
chofe  to  encounter  the  dangers  of  the  lea,  the 
fury  of  favages,  and  all  the  multiplied  inconve- 
iC:  1?''  niences. 




!  people, 
code  oi" 
,  and  in 
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lly  been 
he  mod 
uence  of 
1  greatly, 
iAiing  of 

I  t)if  De-i 
1 :,  md 
iviDg  the 

h,  is  the 

took  its 

/hen>  ill 

>ni  both 

:d  to  en-r 


a  more 

ht  to  rc- 


of  that 

ed  Ma- 

and  his 

|i.  And, 


u  he 


pifli  far 

n,  who 

iea,  the 



fiiences,  evils,   and  hardfhipb  of  a  new,  unex- 

Elored,  and  unfhelterr  ountry,  zither  than 
mger  remain  expoled  to  the  cr^c\  oppreffion  of 
their  unrelenting  perfec  a  tors.  And  in  this  man- 
ner was  Maryland  fettled  about  the  year  1635. 

The  firfk  fettlements  in  the  provinces  of  North 
and  South  Carolina,  originally  comprifcd  in  the 
f^me  grant,  under  the  general  name  of  Carolioa, 
\'  ere  begun  a  few  years  after  the  redoration  of 
l<  ^  Charles  the  Second.  A  grant  of  them  was 
^  niade  to  feveral  noblemen  and  perfons  of  rank* 
Vr,  who  employed  the  celebrated  Mr.  Locke  to  form 
a  fyftem  of  government  and  code  of  laws  for  their 
new  colony.  But,  however  wife  in  theory  thofe 
inftitutions  might  have  been,  it  is  nevertheleft 
certain,  that  the  fettlement  did  not  thrive  under 
them,  although  fupported  by  the  wealth  and  in- 
fluence of  its  rich  and  powerful  proprietors :  Nor 
did  it  even  begin  to  profper  until  government, 
many  years  afterwards,  relumed  the  grants,  took 
the  colony  under  its  own  immediate  prote£lion, 
laid  aiide  the  inftitutious  of  Mr.  Locke,  and  gavd 
the  inhabitants  a  conilitution  iimilar  to  that  of 
Virginia ;  and  from  that  period  its  advances  in 
improvement  were  as  rapid  as  they  had  been  be- 
fore flow  and  unpromifmg.  So  complicated  are 
human  affairs,  and  fo  intricate  the  chain'that 
unites  the  caufe  with  the  effe6t,  that  it  is  very  un- 
fafe,  in  the  formation  of  political  fyftcms,  to  go 
far  beyond  the  line  of  experience.  The  more  ex- 
alted and  refined  our  ideas  of  liberty  and  govern- 
ment, the  wider  they  are  apt  to  lead  us  aftray ;  if, 
in  oppofuion  to  fads  and  circumflances.  We  <Jb-» 
llinately  perfevere  in  endeavouring  to  reduce 
them  to  praftice. 

At  the  end  of  the  wav  vvith 'Francej  which  coi^- 
eluded  in  i763,".theVe',was,'an.d  .'there-had  been 
for  near  a  c<;nywy -palt,  a  ffuaU' revenue  •eolJlis^Qd 
in  the  Aai^rican  colonies,  n'hich  was  fubjet^  io 










0    »Q 


H  I  S  T  O  R  Y    O  r    THE 



jntroduc.  the  difpoiition  of  parliament.  This  revenue  arofe 
^^JI^IJ"  from  the  duties  impofed  by  two  ads  of  parlia- 
^g  ment,  one  in  the  25th  year  of  the  reign  of  king 
Charles  the  Second,  and  the  other  in  the  fixth 
year  of  the  reign  of  king  George  the  Second ;  in 
the  iirft  inftance  on  goods  exported  from,  and  in 
the  fecond,  on  goods  imported  into,  the  colonies. 

By  the  a£l  of  navigation,  certain  enumerated 
goods,  viz.  fugar,  tobacco,  cottonwool,  indigo, 
ginger,  fuflic,  and  other  dying  woods,  the  pro> 
duce  of  the  plantations,  were  redrained  from  be- 
ing carried  from  thence  to  any  other  place  than  to 
fome  of  the  other  3nti&  plantations,  or  to  Great 
Britain ;  and  by  the  25  Car.  II.  duties  were  im- 
pofed upon  thefe  articles  when  carried  to  any 
other  place  than  Great  Britain,  and  confequently 
upon  i'uch  of  them  as  were  exported  to  apy  of  the 
other  colonies ;  and  thefe  duties  were  to  be  paid 
before  the  ^oods  were  laden  on  board  anyfhip 
for  exportation. 

At  the  time  when  this  a£l  pafled,  only  one  of 
thefe  articles  was  produced  on  the  continent  of 
]^orth  America,  which  was  tobacco ;  and  upon 
the  exportation  of  it  to  any  of  the  other  colonies, 
this  duty  was  regularly  paid  and  coUeded  from 
that  period  down  to  the  time  of  the  feparation  of 
the  colonies  from  the  mother  country  ;  as  was  alfo 
the  duty  upon  indigo,  after  it  was  introduced  as  an 
article  of  produce  and  exportation  in  the  fouthern 
colonies.  The  ^ther  enumerated  articles  upon 
which  the  duties  were  laid,  were  all  of  the  pro- 
duce of  the  Weft  India  iflands ;  and  upon  fuch 
of  them  as  the  inhabitants  of  the  North  Ameri- 
can colonies  imported  into  their  own  country,  the 
duties  were  regularly  paid  in  the  Weft  Indies,  be- 
fore they  were  jaden.  on  board  the  veffels. 

The  duties  impofed  by  :he  6  Geo.  II.  are  thofe 
5vhich  Ivcye*  been  .already  memioijlfid  payable  qu 


A  Me  r  I  c  a  n   w  a  r. 




the  importation  of  foreign  rum,  fugar,  and  mo-  intit>duc. 
lafles,  into  the  colonies.    To  thofe  the  colonies 
alfo  fubmitted,  except  fo  far  as  they  were  eluded 
by  clandeftine  importation. 

But  this  illicit  importation,  either  from  the 
remiflnefs  of  the  cuftom-houfe  officers  in  the  co- 
lonies, or  their  inability  to  prevent  it,  was  car- 
ried on,  in  the  courfe  of  time,  to  fuch  an  extent 
as  not  only  to  alarm  the  Weft  India  planters,  by 
its  tendency  to  leflen  the  demand  for  their  pro- 
duce, and  to  lower  its  price,  but  alfo-  to  attria£l 
the  attention  of  the  Britilh  miniftry,  who,  not- 
withftanding  the  extent  to  which  this  trade  was 
carried  on,  found  the  revenue  arifing  from  it 
very  unproduAive ;  and  who  were  alfo  given  to 
unaeriland,  that  through  the  fame  channel  fome 
of  the  manufactures  of  Europe,  and  many  of  the 
produdiions  and  manufaAures  of  the  £afl  Indies, 
were  introduced  into  the  colonies,  in  breach  of 
the  a  A  of  navigation,  and  to  the  manifefl  injury 
of  the  trade  of  the  mother-country. 

Smuggling  was  carried  on,  not  only  upon  the 
American}  but  upon  the  Britiih  and  Iriih  coalls 
alfo,  to  fuch  an  extent,  that  the  parliament,  in 
this  year,  thought  fit  to  pafs  a  new  a£l,  for 
more  effedually  fuppreffing  it ;  and  the  Britifh 
miniftry,  feconding  the  views  and  intentions  of 
the  parliament,  adopted  a  new  plan  for  carrying 
the  Z&.  into  execution,  and  for  checking  the  evil 
which  it  was  intended  to  remedy,  by  calling  in 
the  aid  of  the  officers  of  the  navy.  For  this  pur- 
pofe  a  number  of  the  fmaller  ftiips  of  war,  with 
cutters  and  tenders,  were  put  into  commiffion, 
;^nd  ftationed  in  different  quarters  of  the  coafts 
of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  ;  and  to  the  officers 
who  commanded  them  limilar  powers  were  dele- 
gated with  thofe  ufually  granted  to  revenue  offi- 
and  they  were  alfo  required  to  take  an  oath 



%  1 

>    Hi 

f  111 






for  the  due  performaace  of  this  part  of  their 

duty.  .•■>■'       .  '-'^n-,-.';  -^^''i^-.ti     '^''ir' 

This  regulation  having  taken  place  in  Great 
Britain,  it  was  alfo  thought  expedient  to  extend 
it  to  North  America  and  the  Weft  India  if- 
lands ;  for,  as  the  miniftcr  had  it  in  contem- 
plation to  impofe  further  taxes  in  the  colonies, 
it  was  undoubtedly  a  primary  duty  to  endea* 
vour  to  make  thofe  taxes  which  had  been  al- 
ready impofed  more  produAive.  And  if  this 
regulation  was  found  ufeful  on  the  Britiih  fhores, 
it  was  thought  it  would  be  ftill  more  ufeful  on 
the  American  coaft,  where  opportunities  for 
fmuggling  were  more  abundant,  by  the  nume- 
rous inlets  with  which  that  coaft  abounds,  fome 
of  them  unfettled,  and  many  others  but  thinly 
inhabited  ;  and  in  confequence  of  the  great  ex- 
tent of  their  ports,  and  of  the  very  limited 
number  of  cuftom-houfe  officers  who  were  ap- 
pointed to  do  duty  in  thofe  ports. 

The  new  plan  for  enforcing  the  laws  of  trade 
produced  no  murmuring  or  difquiet  amongft 
the  people  of  Great  Britain.  It  was  diredled 
only  againft  the  illicit  trader,  a  charader  as  dif- 
tind  from  the  Britifli  merchant  as  darknefs  is 
from  light. 

But  in  the  northern  colonies  of  America* 
many  of  their  principal  merchants  were  engaged 
in  clandeftine  trade,  and  in  thofe  colonies  it 
was  no  difparagement  to  be  fo :  On  the  con- 
trary, whenever  a  feizure  was  made,  the  difplea- 
fure  and  refentment  of  the  people  were  direfted 
againft  the  officer  who  had  done  his  duty,  and 
not  againft  the  party  who  had  oifended  againft 
the  law.  And  hence,  the  cuftom-houfe  officers, 
finding  it  impoffible  to  live  happily  with  their 
neighbours,  if  they  exerted  themfelves  vigo- 
roufly  in  the  difcharge  of  their  duty,    became 





/emifs,  and  feldom  made  feizures,  except  in  ini^'* 
cafes  of  fuch  palpable  breaches  of  the  law  as  w-^j-^ 
came  fo  openly  under  their  own  obfervation  i^gj. 
that  it  was  impoffible  to  overlook  them.  T;i> 
The  reception  which  this  regulation  met  with 
in  America  was  fuch  as  might  have  been  ex* 
peeled,  from  a  people  habituated  to  thofe  il- 
licit pradices  in  trade  which  it  was  intended 
to  reprefs.  In.  the  northern  colonies  it  produced 
univerfal  alarm,  difcontent,  and  diflatisfailion. 
As  the  navy  officers  were  not  ftationary,  nor 
their  refidence  on  fhore,  it  was  forefeen  that 
they  would  not  be  influenced  by  motives  of 
friendfhip,  fellowfhip,  or  neighbourhood ;  nei- 
ther could  they  be  overawed  or  intimidated  from 
doing  their  duty.  The  merchants  in  thofe  colo- 
nies could,  therefore,  no  longer  depend,  or,  to 
fpeak  in  mercantile  language,  they  could  no 
longer  value  themfelves,  as  formerly,  upon  the 
profits  of  their  illicit  traffic.  But  thefe  caufe* 
of  difcontent,  however  aggravating  and  morti- 
fying to  themfelves,  were  not  to  be  urged  to 
the  miniftry  and  parliament ;  they  were  by  no 
means  calculated  to  procure  that  redrefs  which 
they  wiflied,  becaufc,  inftead  of  fhewing  the  im* 
propriety,  they  juftified  the  expediency,  of  the 
meafure.  Their  oftenfible  complaints  were  found- 
ed on  different  grounds  ;  they  complained,  that 
the  fair  and  the  clandeftine  trader  were,  equally 
expofed  to  the  operation  of  this  indifcriminating; 
regulation,  inafmuch  as  the  ftiips  and  veffels  of 
both  were  equally  liable  to  be  fearched,  and 
confequently  to  detention  upon  their  voyages  : 
They  alio  c43Je6led,  that  the  officers  of  the  navy 
were,  of  all  others,  the  moft  improper  to  be 
appointed  to  fuch  a  fervice,  fmce,  by  the  for- 
mer courfe  and  habits  of  their  life,  they  could, 
not  be  fuppofed  to  be  acquainted  with  the  r«- 




•   '^  '-LM 

■  .j#"*  •%■ 





Introduce,  vtoue  Uws,  and  were  of  themfdves  prone  enough 
■_'T'^  to  fall  into  irregularities,  without  being  put  into 
1^(9.    fuch  a  flation  of  executive  authority  as  to  ren- 
der thofe  irregularities  almoft  unavoidable. 

It  has  been  already  obferved  that  this  new 
regulation  to  prevent  fmuggling  extended  not 
only  to  the  colonies  upon  the  continent  of  Ame- 
rica, but  to  the  Weft  India  iflands  alfo  ;  and 
there  it  produced  an  effed  which  probably  was 
not  forefeen«  otherwife  fome  means  would  have 
been  devifed  to  prevent  it.  Between  the  Bri- 
tifh  iflands  and  the  Spanifh  fettlements  in  Ame- 
rica a  coniiderable  clandeftine  trade  had  been 
carried  on  for  many  years,  which  was  beneficial, 
not  only  to  thofe  iflands,  but  to  Great  Britain 
alfo ;  becaufe,  through  this  channel,.  Britifli  ma- 
nufadlures  were  introduced  into  the  Spanifli  fet- 
tlements, and  the  returns  were  principally,  though 
not  entirely,  in  gold  and  filver ;  and  if  any  in- 
conveniences arofe,  from  this  commerce,  they 
were  greatly  overbalanced  by  the  profits  whicn 
were  aerived  from  it.  But  this  trade,  beneficial 
as  it  was,  for  want  of  proper  inftruftions  to  the 
officer'  of  the  navy,  fell  a  facrifice,  for  a  time, 
to  the  new  regulation. 

The  enterprifing  fpirit  of  the  inhabitants  of 
the  northern  colonies  had,  notwithftanding  the 
remotenefs  of  their  fituation,  induced  them  tp 
lake  a  ftiare  in  this  lucrative  trade  ;  and  when 
they  found  themfelves  cut  off  from  it  by  the  new 
regulation,  their  chagrin,  vexation,  and  difap- 
pointment  rofe  to  a  pitch  fcarcely  to  be  defcrib- 
ed.  Neverthelefs  this  incidental  effedl  of  the 
new  regulation  raifed  up  advocates  for  them  in 
quarters  where  their  complaints,  heretofore,  had 
been  very  little  attended  to. 

The  inhabitants  of  the  middle  colonies  were 
not  themfelves  engaged  in,  the  Spanifh  trade  to 


Hi'  - 

*-»  :  f  ■ 




iUy  great  extent;  but  had  aa  iatereft  in  the  i«*m<hn. 
continuaoce  of  it*.  The  ftock  of  graun  and  ^,^,.--,^ 
pcher  providona,  raiied  in  the  Dorthern  co^-  ,^^ 
nies,  was  not  ftiiiicient  for  the  confumption  of 
their  inhabitants^  and  the  defrciency  was  fup«>  '.' 
lulled  from  fonae  of  the  fouthern  and  fome  4>f 
the  middie  colonies.  The  mm  and  fahed  fiih 
of  New  England  were  received  in  exGhange  £br 
thofe  provifioikd,  but  fome  part  of  the  price 
was  always  paid  in  fpecie ;  and  by  means  cf 
this  coafting  trade  carried  on  by  the  peopie  ui 
New  England,  the  gold  and  &lver  which  tfaey 
received  m  their  traflEc  with  the  Spaniards^  ox 
at  leaift  part  of  it,  waft  in  t%ne  circulated  through 
the  other  colonies^  A  very  conliderabie  trade 
was  earned  on  from  New  YoKk,  Philadelphia^ 
and  Badtitnore,  to  lifbon,  and  che  ports  up  the 
3tnfi»,  in  floor,  wheat,  &C'  The  returns  were 
mofi'l^  made  in  fpeciei  half-johannes's,  the  re- 
niaiud^  in  port  wine ;  and  it  wa^  not  until  after 
t^  late  peace  that  the  court  of  Lifbon.  forbad 
£he  Americans  to  carry  away  nKxre  than  a  certaia 
ikoi  in  fpecie  om  board  each  ve£lel,  the  remaia- 
der  of  the  barter  to  be  in  the  produce  of  the 
country.  But  another  very  important  branch  of 
their  illicit  trade  was  carried  on  through  the 
Weft  India  iilands,  who  fmuggled  from  the 
French  and  Sepanifh  iflaads ;  and  then  the  Weft 
Indians  bai^ered  their  fmuggled  commodities 
with  the  Americans  for  provilions ;  for  Sotith 
Carolina  in  particular  feiit  great  quantities  of 
maize,  or  Indian  corn,  and  live  ftock,  to  the 
Britifh  Weft  Indies.  The  inhabitants,  there- 
fore, of  the  fouthern  as  well  as  the  middle  co- 
lonies, faw  with  extreme  concern  one  of  the 
channels  thrcfugh  which  they  had  been  fupplied 
with  gold  and  iilver  in  danger  of  being  fhut 
upr  efpecially  at  a  time  when  the  fcarcity  of  ipn* 
Vol.  I.  C  ci« 

*  Vide  Chalmsrs's  late  publication. 


n  I 






'"lul"*'  ^^^  ^**  ^^^^  **  *  general  evil  throughout  the 
Britiih  part  of  the  American  continent  j  and 
they  were  the  more  readv  to  join  in  cenfuring 
the  meafure  by  which  this  trade  was  likely  to 
be  fupprefledv  as  they  thought  it  apparent  that 
the  continuance  of  the  trade  woulo  not  only 
be  beneficial  to  the  colonies,  but  alfo  to  the  mo- 

And  thus  it  happened,  that  this  new  regula- 
tion was  the  caufe  of  more  or  lefs  uneafmefs 
throughout  the  Britifh  colonies,  whether  on  the 
continent  of  America,  or  in  the  Weft  Indies  j 
and  certain  it  is,  that  it  excited  much  more  ill- 
humour  amongft  the  people  of  the  northern  co- 
lonies than  any  other  meafure  of  the  Britiih 
miniftry  or  legiflature  ever  had  produced.  When 
their  trade  with  the  foreign  iflands  had  been 
burthenedby  the  impoiitionof  duties,  it  is  true, 
a  ferment  arofe ;  but,  after  the  firft  ebullitioti  of 
refentment  had  fubfided,  they  confidered  the 
operation  of  the  a£l  of  parliament  as  unavoid- 
able, and  quietly  fubmitted;  hoping,  perhaps, 
to  elude  its  effed  by  clandeftine  importation. 
But  thefe  hopes  were  now  either  cut  oil",  or  ren- 
dered precarious,  by  the  new  regulation;  and 
as  it  operated  by  intervals,  every  feizure  was  a 
frefh  caufe  of  difcontent,  and  not  only  kept 
alive,  but  added  to  the  general  mafs  of  ill-hu- 
mour. Their  newfpapers  were,  for  feveral  fuc- 
ceflive  years,  filled  with  complaints  of  the  de- 
tention and  feizure  of  their  veffels,  and  with 
abufive,  contemptuous,,  and  provoking  para- 
graphs againft  the  oflBcers  of  the  navy :  and 
thei'e  vehicles  of  clamour  being  circulated 
through  the  continent,  excited  not  only  a  fpirit 
of  hatred  and  refentment  againft  thofe  ofhcers,  but 
of  oppofition  to  the  ordinances  of  the  mother- 
country  amongft  the  people  of  the  colonies  in 






general,  which  rhade  a  ftrong  impreflion  upon  introduc. 
their  minds,  and  prepared  them  for  adopting  ^^I!*!l^ 
more  eafily  thofe  violent  meafures  which  a  few     .^^, 
years  afterwards  ended  in  open  revolt. 

The  minifter,  in  purfuance  of  the  plan  which  1764. 
he  had  laid  down  for  obliging  the  inhabitants 
of  the  colonies  to  bear  a  (hare  in  the  expence 
which  might  be  neceffary  for  their  future  pro- 
tedion,  introduced  a  bill  into  the  houfe  of 
commons  for  impofmg  duties  on  certain  kinds 
of  merchandize,  when  imported  into  the  colo- 
nies, requiring  the  payment  of  thofe  duties  to 
be  made  in  gold  and  filver,  and  containing  the 
ufual  claufe  in  the  revenue  bills  for  ordering 
them,  when  coUeded,  to  be  paid  into  the  ex- 
chequer, where  they  were  to  be  fet  apart  as  a 
feparate  fund,  together  with  the  future  pro- 
duce of  all  the  former  parliamentary  duties 
and  taxes,  which  had  been  heretofore  colleded 
in  America^  ^od. this  fund  was  to  be  applied, 
under  the  difpofition  of  parliament,  for  defray- 
ing the  future  charges  of  proteding,  defend- 
ing, and  fecuring  the  colonies.  The  bill  having 
paifed  through  both  houfes,  received  the  royal 
aflent  on  the  5th  of  April  in  this  year. 

The  minifter,  by  procuring  the  ad  to  be  pafT. 
cd,  had  a  two-fola  objed  in  view ;  the  firft,  to' 
regulate  the  commerce  of  the  colonies  ;  and  the 
fecond,  to  raife  a  revenue.  So  far  as  duties  were 
impofed  by  it  on  the  importation  of  foreign  fu- 
gars,  indigo  and  coffee,  Eaft;  India  wrought  filks 
and  calicoes,  foreign  cambricks  and  French 
lawns,  the  intention  feems  to  have  been  to  dif- 
courage  the  ufe  and  confumption  of  thofe  arti- 
cles, and  thereby  to  encourage  and  promote  the 
ufe  and  confumption  of  Britifti  manufaduros, 
and  of  Britilh  Weft  India  produce  of  the  like 
kinds ;  but  if,  notwithftaixding  the  impofitiou  of 

C  z  ihe 





the  duties,  thofe  articles  of  foreign  manufacture 
and  produce  fhould  flill  continue  to  be  imported 
into  America,  tiien  the  adi  produced  its  fecon- 
dary  effedl  of  railing  a  revenue.    The  other  du- 
ties impofed  by  this  a£l ;  thofe,  namely,  on  Ma- 
deira wine,  on  port  and  Spanish  wines,  and  on 
coffee  and  pimento  of  the  growth  of  the  Bri- 
tiih  Weft  India  iflands,  were  for  the  fole  purpofe 
of  raifing  a  revenue;    and  in  fixing  the  rates 
and  proportions  of  thefe,  the  minifter  feems  to 
have  been  abundantly  cautious  of  avoiding  any 
juft  imputation  of  dealing  hardly  by  the  colo- 
nies.    On  the  contrary,  it  would  app^  that 
he  wiihed  to  imprefs  them  moft  flrongly  with  the 
idea,  that  although  they  were  now  to  be  called 
upon  to  bear  fome  part  of  the  burthens  of  the 
ftate,  ftill  their  proportion  fhould  be  far,  very 
far,  below  what  was  borne  by  the  inhabitants 
of  the  mother-country.    Thus  the  duty  impof- 
ed  by  this  a£i  on  Britifh  cofiee  imported  into  the 
colonies  was  only  feven  fhillings  per  cwt.  or  three 
farthings  per  pound;   whereas  the    people  of 
Great  Britain  paid  an  inland  ezcife  duty  of  one 
fhilling  and  fix-pence  upon  every  pound  of  cof- 
fee which  they  confumed,  befides  a  farther  duty 
payable  at  the  cuilom-houfe  on  importation. 

In  the  fame  feflion  of  parliament  an  adl  wa» 
pa0ed  refpefling  the  paper  currency  of  the  co- 
lonies, the  grounds  and  motives  for  the  enabling 
of  which  it  is  neceflary  hereto  explain.  During 
the  late  war,  the  colonial  ailemblies  had  been 
in  the  pradice  of  iffuing  bills  of  credit  to  an- 
fwer  their  prefent  exigencies ;  and  that  thefe 
bills  might  more  efifedtually  fupply  the  place  of 
money,  they  were  made  a  legal  tender  in  the 
payment  of  all  debts,  as  if  they  had  been  gold 
or  lilver,  and  were  made  redeemable  after  a 
certain  time,  either  by  the  colledion  of  taxes 




impofed  by  the  aflemblies  for  their  redemption,  i"*"'"** 
or  by  the  money  allotted  to  the  rcfpedlive  colonies, 
by  the  votes  of  parliament,  as  a  compenfation 
for  their  fervices.      The  cmiffion  of  fo  much 
paper  money,  ifiued  perhaps  in  fome  of  the  co- 
lonies ^vith  more  profufion  than  was  abfolutely 
neceffary,   produced  one  effeft  very  injurioua 
to  the  colonies,  by  raifing  the  courfe  of  exchange 
between  them  and  the  mother-country;  fo  that 
in  fome  of  them  bills  of  exchange  on  Great  Bri- 
tain could  not  be  procured  but  at  a  lofs  to  th« 
purchafer  of  between  thirty  and  forty  per  cent. ; 
and  as  Britifh  money,  and  indeed  every  kind  of 
coin  which  was  current  in  the  colonies,  pailed  on« 
ly  at  certain  rates  fixed  bylaw,  whatever  the  courfe 
of  exchange  might  be ;  it  happened,  that  when 
the  courfe  of  exchange  rofe  above  thc^e  rates,  not 
only  the  Britifhmoney,  but  all  the  other  current  coin 
in  the  colonies,  was  either  withheld  by  individuals 
from  circulation,  or  remitted  to  the  mother-country 
in  lieu  of  bills  of  exchange ;  and  thus  itithecourle 
of  a  few  years  the  fcarciiy  of  fpecie  was  felt  as  a 
general  evil  in  all  the  colonies.    This  fcarcity  of 
ipecie  was  alfo  very  injurious  to  the  Britifh  mer- 
chants;  becaufe  it  happened  not  unfrequently 
that  the  paper  bills  of  credit,  which  their  agents 
in  the  colonies  were  obliged  to  receive  in  pay- 
ment of  their  debts,  for  want  of  another  meoi- 
um  of  commerce,  were  depreciated  in  value  by 
the  rife  of  exchange,  even  whilft  they  remained 
in  their  pofleflion,  and  before  they  could  lay 
them  out  in  the  purchafe  of  bills  of  exchange, 
or  any  other  commodity  which  would  ferv:e  as  a 
remittance  to  Great  Britain.    Thib  evil  was  more 
or  lefs  felt  in  all  the  colonies,  but  more  efpecially 
in  Virginia,  where,  from  the  mifconduft  of  the 



.,...  ♦•-' 


*"tiS"*^*  treafurer,  the  bills  of  credit  received  by  him 
s„r-y->^  frt)m  the  collector,  of  the  taxes  were  lent  out 
1764.  by  him  to  individuals  for  his  own  benefit,  and 
thrown  back  into  circulation,  iuftead  of  being 
locked  up  and  fecured  until  they  were  burnt  by 
order  of  the  aflembly.  A  reprelentaiion  on  this 
fubjedl  had  been  maae  to  the  Britifh  minifter  by 
the  merchants  trading  to  Virginia,  in  which  the 
evils  arifmg  from  a  fuperabundance  of  paper 
money  had  been  more  feverely  felt  than  in  any 
of  the  other  colonies.  But  as  the  evil  was  more 
or  lefs  felt  in  all  the  colonies,  it  was  neceflavy 
that  the  remedy  to  be  provided  ftiould  be  as  ex- 
tenfive ;  and  thus  the  aft  of  parliament  above 
mentioned  was  paffed,  whereby  the  colonial  af- 
femblies  were  retrained  from  making  their  bills 
of  credit  a  lawful  tender  in  payment  of  money. 

The  a£l  for  impofing  duties  on  merchandize 
"was  only  a  part  of  the  plan  which  the  minifter 
had  in  contemplation.  At  the  time  when  the 
refolutions  upon  which  this  aft  was  founded 
were  moved  in  the  houfe  of  commons,  he  alfo 
moved  another,  of  thi";  following  import :  "  That 
**  towards  further  otiraying  the  expences  of 
*•  protefting  and  fecuring  the  colonies,  it  may 
"  be  proper  to  charge  certain  ftamp  duties  in 
"  the  colonies."  But  he  did  not  think  fit  during 
this  feflion  to  introduce  any  bill  for  carrying  this 
laft  refplutipn  into  cifeft ;  leaving  it  thus  open, 
that  if  the  inhabitfints  of  ^he  colonies  fhpyld  dis- 
like fuch  a  mode  of  levying  money  upon  them, 
they  might  have  an  opportunity  of  fuggefting 
fome  other  which  would  be  more  agreeable ;  and 
undoubtedly  this  manner  of  proceeding  was  not 
only  a  proof  of  the  minifter's  candour,  but  of 
his  inclination  to  accommodate  himfelf  to  the 
wifhcs  and  defires  of  the  colonies,  as  far  as  the 
neceffiiies  of  the  ftate  would  permit.     The  re- 






folution  which  was  moved,  was  a  notice  to  the  mtrtduc. 
colonial  affemblies  that  the  Britifh  treafury  ftood  ^J1!!I^ 
in  need  of  a  fupply  ;  and  it  alfo  pointed  out  to    ,^5^ 
them  the  manner  in  which  this  fupply  was  pro- 
pofed  to  be  raifed  ;  but  as  the  minifler  declined 
bringiug  in  a  bill  to  carry  the  refolution  into  ef- 
fect until  the  next  feffion  of  parliament,  it  was 
an  evidence  that  he  did  not  chufe  to  take  the  co- 
lonies by  furprife,  or  to  levy  money  upon  them 
in  a  mode  to  which  they  had  not  yet  been,  ac- 
cuflomed,   without   giving   them   previous  and 
timely  notice. 

But  however  tenderly  the  minifter  had  dealt 
with  the  colonics  in  the  duties  already  impofed, 
and  whatever  appearance  of  accommodation  he 
affumed  in  the  impolition  of  thofe  which  he  dif- 
played  in  pafling  the  previous  refolution  concern- 
ing (lamp  duties,  without  following  it  up  the 
fitme  fefiion  of  parliament  with  a  bill  he  medi- 
tated ;  his  general  policy  with  refpe^l  to  America, 
which  in  confequence  of  the  regulation  of  laft 
year  had  produced  fevere  ftri^lures  in  fome  and 
given  umbrage  in  all  the  colonies,  was  neverthe- 
lefs  become  the  theme  of  general  clamour. 

The  inhabitants  of  New  England,  rendered 
uneafy  by  the  regulation  of  the  laft  year,  and  ftill  . 
fniarting  under  its  effeds,  were  not  in  a  fit  temper 
of  mind  to  fnbmit  quietly  to  any  farther  impofi- 
tions  on  their  commerce ;  and  the  lefs  fo,  becaufe 
they  faw  that  in  confequence  of  the  vigilance  and 
aftivity  of  the  officers  of  the  navy  in  the  exercife 
of  their  new  {authority, .  fuch  impofitions  would 
in  future  be  more  produftive,  and  lefs  eafily 
evaded,  than  in  times  paft.  They  thought  too, 
that  they  faw  in  the  minifter's  proceedings  the 
appearance  of  a  fettled  plan  gradually  unfolding 
itfelf,  but  not  yet  fully  difclofed,  which  in  detail 
and  in  extent  might  even  go  beyond  their  prefent 


-'*{f ,    — 




HISTOKT    or    THE 

/     • 

fMM^M,  apprehenfiont :  And,  itidcad  of  waiting  to  com^ 
^^^TJ^^  bill  f  articular  pans  of  this  plan,  as  they  (hould 
1?^    ipp«ar,  they  boldlv  refolved  to  controvert  at  onc« 
the  general  princtple  upon  which  the  whole  was 
founded,  by  qucAioning  the  right  and  authority 
of  parliament  to  levy  duties  or  taxes  upoo  the 
colonies  in  any  form  or  ihape  whatever  ;  and  by 
maintaining  that  ihecxercife  of  fuch  an  authority 
by  parliament  was  an  Infra^lion,  not  only  of  the 
privileges  of  the  colonics  as  Britifh  fubjc6ts,  but 
of  their  rights  as  men.     Such  was  the  import  of 
a   refolution   entered  upon  the  journals  of  the 
lower  houfe  of  a(iembly  of  Mailiiehufets  Bay,  in 
the  fall  of  the  year  1764,  and  of  a  letter  to  Mr. 
Mauduit,  their  agent  in  England* ;  from  which  it 
Appear^  that  they  founded  their  pretenfions  of 
being  free  from  taxation  by  the  Britifli  parliament 
upon  the  broadeft  bafis  that  thev  could  aflume-— 
their  rights  ai;  men ;  a  bafis  wMch,  if  admitted 
41  a  ground  of  argument  againft  parliamentary 
authority,  placed  them  at  once  not  in  the  condi- 
tion of  colonies,   or  of  fubordinate  dominions, 
but  of  independent  ftates,  unconnected  with  the 
mother-country  by  political  compafls,  and  owing 
her  no  other  obligations  than  thofe  which  nature 
impofed.     Hence  alio  it  is  manifeft,  that  the  re- 
publican principles  which  diAinguifhed  the  ear- 
lieft  fettlers  of  Maflachufets  Bay  were  not  forgot- 
ten, but  were  flill  recognized  and  Aill  ajled  upon 
by  their  pofterity,  after  the  lapfe  of  near  a  century 
and  a  half. 

By  another  refolution  of  the  fame  aflerably,  9 
new  complaint  was  added  to  the  lift  of  their  other 
grievances,  ♦'  The  late  extenfion  of  the  powers 
f  of  tJie  court  of  adniiraUy/*  on  pretence  that 


*  Report  of  tli6  Committee  of  the  Ifoufe  of  L»rdi,  it^ 




the  right  of  trial  by  jury  wai  violated.    It  is  not  '"JJ*"'* 
certainly  known  upon  what  late  proceeding  of, 
the  motner-country  this  complaint  was  grounded. 
If  it  was  upon  the  regulation  of  the  preceding 
year,  it  wa^  altogether  unfounded,  for  that  regu- 
lation did  not  enlarge  the  powers  of  the  admi- 
ralty courts,  it  only  extended  the  power  of  feizing 
veflels  for  breaches  of  the  laws  of  trade  to  a 
greater  number  of  pcrfons  than  thole  who  pofTef- 
fed  it  before.    It  is  true»  that  in  confequence  of 
this  regulation,  a  vcflel  feieed  upon  the  coaft  of 
New  England  mi^ht  be  carried  into  one  of  the 
other  colonies,  and  might  there  be  tried ;  but  this 
I  effefl  refulted  not  from  the  regulation,  but  from 
'  the  general  powers  incident  to  courts  of  admi-* 
I  ralty,  and  fo  ancient  as  to  be  coeral  with  their 
original  inftitution.     Whatever  is  done  upon  the 
fea  is  fubjefl  to  their  jurifdiAion,  and  they  are  not 
confined  in  their  recognizance  to  things  which 
happen  within  any  particular  diftri^t  or  portion 
of  tne  fea,  but  their  jurifdi^lion  is  as  unlimited 
las  the  fea  itfelf. 

But  if  the  complaint  was  founded  on  the  claufes 
lin  the  a£l  of  the  laft  feflion  of  parliament,  di- 
jreftingthe  penalties  thereby  inflifled  on  breaches 
Ipf  the  laws  of  trade,  to  be  recoverable  in  the 
Icourts  of  vice-admiralty  in  America,  this  was  no 
|ncwfubjeft  of  complaint ;  for  fimilar  claufes  had 
[been  infertcd  in  former  afts  of  parliament  rcfpe^- 
ing  the  trade  of  the  colonies,  fome  of  them 
made  fo  long  ago  as  the  reign  of  William  the 
[Third*.  -     ' 

It  appears,  too,  to  have  been  the  determina- 
Ition  of  the  members  who  compofed  this  aflem* 
jbly,  that  the  other  colonies  fhould  be  invited  to 


-.     f  . 

*  7  and  8  W.  3.  c.  22.  3  Geo.  a.  c.  28.  6  Geo,  2. 
If-  >3- 








unite  with  that  of  MafTachufets  Bay,  in  a  joint 
oppofition  to  the  exercife  of  the  parliamentary 
authority  condemned  by  their  above-mentioned 
refolution  * ;  but  for  the  prefent  they  prudently 
delayed  fuch  an  invitation,  until,  by  diflemi- 
nating  their  republican  notions  of  government, 
and  difperfnig  through  the  continent  their  poli- 
tical pamphlets  on  the  rights  of  the  colonies  and 
the  encroachments  of  the  mother-country,  they 
ihould  in  fome  meafure  prepare  the  minds  of  the 
inhabitants  of  the  other  colonies  for  acceding  to 
fuch  a  propofal ;  and,  in  the  mean  time,  in  be- 
half of  themfelves  .and  their  own  conftituents, 
they  refolved  to  fet  forth  their  complaints  in  a 
petition  to  the  king  and  parliament. 

It  has  been  already  noticed,  that,  in  the  laft 
felTion  of  parliament,  an  a£l  >yas  paiTed  for  re- 
training the  paper  qurj^enty  of  -  the  colonies. 
This  adt,  too,  had  the  misfortiine  to  give  offence ; 
and  it  was  more  offenfive  in  the  fouthern  than  in 
the  northern  colonies :  Neverthelefs  its  beneficial 
confequences  were  very  foon  experienced  ;  for 
within  two  years  after  it  had  pafied,  the  courfe 
of  exchange  between  Great  Britain  and  her  colo- 
nies, which  had  been  fo  injurious  to  the  latter, 
was  reduced  to  its  proper  level.  ^ 

What  proportion  of  paper  currency  fhould  be 
admitted  in  the  general  circulation  of  a  country, 
to  fupply  the  place  of  gold  and  filver,  is  a  fubjed 
of  io  complicated  a  nature,  that  the  mofl  enlight- 
ened men  have  differed  in  their  opinions  about 
it,  even  in  countries  where  experience  could  be 
brought  in  aid  of  their  inveftigations.  It  cannot 
therefore  be  a  matter  of  great  furprife,  that  the 


*  See  the  Report  of  the  Committee  of  the  Houfe  of  Lorda, 

I.     i 




American  politicians  of  the  fouthem  colonies  *  Jntroduc 
ihould  have  been  miftaken  in  their  opinions  about ,   *"*' 
the  effedl  of  this  a£l.     The  want  of  afufiicient 
quantity  of  fpecie  to  fulfil  the  purpofes  of  circu- 
lation was  obvious  to  all ;  and  they  thought  that 
an  ad  which  had  a  tendency  to  hurt  the  credit  of 
the  medium  which  fupplied  the  place  of  gold  and 
filver,  muft  neceflarily  be  injurious.  They  looked 
upon  themfelves  as  the  moll  competent  judges  of 
their  own  neceiTities,  and  coniidered  the  inter- 
ference of  the  Britifh  parliament,  in  paiTing  this 
a£l,  as  an  unnecelTary  and  wanton  exertion  of 
power,  the  ultimate  utility  of  which  they  more 
than  doubted,  whilil  they  deprecated  its  prtTent 
effedls  as  ruinous  and  definitive. 

The  fouthem  provinces,  being  but  very  little 
engaged  in  trade,    would  not,    perhaps,   have 
thought  themfelves  fo  much  affedled  by  the  aft  of 
thelafl  felTion  of  parliament  for  impoiing  duties, 
had  it  not  been  for  the  claufe  which  required  the 
payment  of  thofe  duties  to  be  made  in  fpecie,  and, 
this  money  to  be  paid  into  the  exchequer  in  Eng- 
land, before  it  was  to  be  applied  towards  the  ex- 
pence  of  protedling  and  defending  the  colonies; 
and  even  with  this  claufe,  had  not  the  a6l  been 
^Ifo  accompanied  with  the  other,  refpeding  the 
paper  currency,  it  is  polTible  that  the  northern 
and  middle  colonies  might  have  been  fuffered  to 
murmur  by  themfelves,  as  on  former  occafions. 
But  the  ad  for  reflraining  their  paper  currency  af- 
feded  all  the  colonies  in  fome  degree ;  ana,  in 
confequence  of  a  greater  fcarcity  of  fpecie,  it  af- 
feded  the  fouthem  colonies  more  than  any  one  of 
the  reft  :  And  when  different  communities,  how» 
ever  difunited  in  other  relpeds,  confider  them- 

*  In   New   England   they  had  fome   experience  on 
fubjedl,  having  before  felt  the  benefit  of  a  (imilar  ad. 


i    •^■ 

\<^  n 





in»^«-  felvcs  a&  fuffering  under  the  fame  common  griev- 
ance, mutual  fympathy  arifes,  which,  by  a  natural 
movement,  gradually  extends  itfelf  beyond  the 
caufe  by  which  it  was  originally  excited,  and,  in 
time,  involves  as  well  their  feparate  as  their  com- 
mon ^aufes  of  complaint.    At  this  jundure,  too, 
it  fo  happened,  that  thofe  meafures  of  the  Britifh 
adminiftration  which  had  given  the  greateft  of- 
fence to  the  northern  and  middle  colonies  had 
fome  relation  to  that  by  which  the  fouthern  colo- 
nies thought  themfelves  principally  aggrieved. 
The  regulation  againfl  fmuggliug  had  put  an  end 
to  the  trade  carried  on  with  the  Spanifh  fcttlc- 
ments,  and  in  confequencc  deprived  the  inha- 
bitants of  the  colonies  of  the  means  of  obtain- 
ing further  fupplies  of  fpecie  ;  whilft  the  aft  of 
the  laft  feiTion  of  parliament  for  impofing  duties 
in  America,  which  required  thefe  duties  to  be 
paid  in  fpecie,  and  to  be  remitted  to  England, 
would,  it  was  thought,  in  a  fliort  time,  drain  the 
colonics  of  the  little  of  the  precious  metals  which 
they  now  poflfefled  ;  and,  as  the  climax  of  their 
misfortunea,  the  &£t  which  related  to  their  paper 
currency,  had  9.  tendency  to  deftroy  the  only  njie- 
diurn  of  commerce  which  rcoiained. 

By  this  ftrange  accidental  connexion  between 
ihefe  three  diflferent  regulations,  the  complaints 
of  the  New  England  provinces,  which  were  prin- 
cipally direfted  againft  the  two  firft  of  them,  were 
heard  with  more  attention,  were  better  received, 
and  made  a  deeper  imprellion  in  the  fouthern  co- 
lonies than  had  been  ufual.  The  people  of  New 
England  were  not  wanting,  on  their  part,  to  im- 
prove the  favourable  moment,  for  the  purpofe  of 
laying  the  foundation  of  a  general  oppofition.  The 
prels  was  rclbrtcd  to.  The  grievances  of  the 
colonies  n\  ere  painted  in  the  moft  inipreflive  lan- 
guage ;  and   the   Britilh  rainiftry   were  boldly 




etlkrged  with  harbouring  defigns  againft  the  li« 
berty,  property,  and  future  profperity  of  the  co- 
lonies :  And  thus  a  general  murmur  of  dilcou« 
tent  began  to  run  through  the  whole  exteat  of  the 
Britifh  fettlements  on  the  continent  of  America, 
which  was  not  a  Iktle  iacreafed  by  the  refolution 
of  the  houfe  of  coromoias,  which  maaifefted  an 
intention  in  that  houfe,  at  fome  future  period,  to 
imppfe  ft  amp  duties  in  the  colonies. 

There  were,  in  aU  the  colonial  a0e«ablte8,  as 
indeed  there  are  in  all  public  afiembltes,  certain 
popular  charafters  to  whom  the  great  body  of  the 
people  looked  up  for  advice  and  information  in 
matters  of  difficulty.  Thefe  leading  men,  eyen 
in  the  cc^onies  which  were  the  oioft  fincerely  at- 
tached to  the  mother-country,  entertained,  a^ut 
this  time,  ftrong  fufpicions  and  appreheniioc»  of 
the  arbitrary  defigns  of  the  Britilh  court.  &ich 
fufpicions  originating  perhaps,  at  firft,  in  the  vio- 
lence and  animofity  of  party,  with  which  the  he- 
ginning  of  the  prefcnt  reign  was  fomuchdiftra^led, 
bad,  a  little  before  this  time,  been  very  generaUy 
difiufed  through  Great  Britain  itfelf,  and  were  from 
thence  probably  traiUplanted  into  America.  And 
unfortunately  for  the  fuccefs  of  Mr.  Grenville's 
American  meafures,  perhaps  unhappily  for  the 
general  intereft  of  the  Britilh  empire,  and,  with- 
out doubt,  unfortunately  for  the  internal  peace 
and  tranquillity  both  of  Great  Britain  and  Ame- 
rica, fuch  fufpicions  were  countenanced  by  one 
of  the  greateft  men  *  of  that,  or  perhaps  any 
other  period,  whofe  recent  fervices,  and  the  un- 
paralleled fuccefs  of  whofe  meafures,  whilft  he 
conduced  the  affairs  of  the  nation,  l^amped  an 
irrefiftible  authority  upon  whatever  opinion  he 
thought  fit  to  efpoufe.     If  thofe  fufpicions,  how- 



.    v\ 



*  Mr.  rilt. 








)        \ 



HISTORY     Of    THE 

ever  originating,  were  countenanced  *  by  this 
great  man,  the  American  patriots,  placed  at  fuch 
a  diftance,  and  deilitute  of  equal  means  of  in- 
formation,  may  be  eaiily  excufed  for  adopting 
them  :  But  certain  it  is,  that  they  prevailed  very 
much  about  this  time  amongil  the  leading  men 
in  all  the  colonies>  and  were,  through  them,  in- 
filled into  the  minds  of  the  people  at  large. 
And  from  thence  it  happened,  that  every  aft  of 
the  Britilh  government  refpefting  America  was 
viewed  with  more  than  common  jealoufy. 

Such  was  the  ftate  of  public  opinion  and  fen- 
timent  in  the  North  American  colonies  towards 
the  end  of  the  year  1764,  and  the  beginning  of 
the  year  1765.  But,  notwithftanding  the  threat- 
.  ening  fymptoms  of  difcontent,  uneaiinefs,  and 
jealoufy,  which  had  begun  to  appear,  the  mi- 
nifter  was  not  deterred  from  profecuting  the  de- 
sign which  he  had  fo  long  meditated,  of  railing 
a  revenue  in  the  colonies  by  means  of  (lamp  du-* 
ties.  Having  previoufly  inquired  of  the  agents 
for  the  colonies,  whether  they  had  any  inftruc- 
tions  from  their  conflituents  to  propofe  any  other 
method  of  railing  money  in  the  colonies  than 
that  of  which  he  had  given  intimation  the  pre-^ 
ceding  year ;  or  whether  they  had  authority  to 
offer  a  compenfation  for  the  revenue  which  was 
propofed  to  be  raifed ;  and  receiving  for  an- 
swer, that  they  had  no  authority  for  either  of 
thefe  purpofes ;  he  now  relolved  to  lay  his  plan 
before  the  houfe  of  commons,  and,  on  the  29th 
of  January,  in  a  committee  of  that  houfe,  moved 
fifty-five  refolutions  for  impofing  flamp  duties 
on  certain  papers  and  documents  ufed  in  the 
colonies.  Thefe  refolutions  having  been  agreed 
to,  a  bill  grounded  upon  them  was  foon  after- 

*      » 

*  Mr.  Pitt's  fpeech  on  the  repeal  of  the  llamp  aift. 



wards  introduced,  which,  although  it  met  with  ^^^^^ 
vehement  oppofition,  particularly  from  that  par-  s^i^-y^ 
ty  which  has  fince   diftinguiftied   itfelf  by  the    1765. 
name  of  the  Whig  party,    and  at  the  head  of 
which   was   the  marquis  of  Rockingham,    was 
neverthelefs  carried  through  both  houfes  of  par- 
liament by  a  confiderable  majority,  and  received 
the  royal  affent  on  the  2  2d  of  March. 

By  this  aft,  which  was  to  take  efTedl  in  Ame- 
rica on  the  I  ft  of  November  following,  ftamp 
duties  were  impofed  on  fuch  papers  and  docu- 
ments as  are  ufed  as  evidence  in  the  common 
dealings  and  tranfaftions  of  life  between  man 
and  man ;  or  on  fuch  as  are  ufed  in  legal  pro- 
ceedings, in  jmpointraents  to  ofhces,  in  admif- 
fions  to  profeffions,  and  in  the  entry  and  clear- 
ance of  veflels  at  the  cuftom-houfe ;  and  had 
the  authority  of  parliament  to  pafs  it  been  free 
from  all  objedlion,  it  muft  be  confefled  that  the 
fcheme  of  taxation  propofed  by  this,  aft,  was 
perhaps  one  of  the  beft  which  could  have  been 
devifed  for  railing  a  revenue  from  a  people  fpread 
over  fuch  an  extent  of  the  continent,  and  par- 
celled out  into  fo  many  different  governments, 
inafmuch  as  it  was  not  only  iimple  and  prafti- 
cable,  but  equitable  in  its  operation,  equally 
well  adapted  to  all  the  colonies,  and,  in  its  na- 
ture, efficacious.  It  excluded  all  jealoufy  and 
envy,  becaufe  it  extended  to  all  the  colonies, 
and  M'as  to  be  raifed  on  papers  and  documents 
which  were  common  to  them  alL  It  muft  be 
efficacious,  becaufe  thefe  papers  and  documents 
were  declared  to  be  invalid,  unlefs  they  were 
ftamped  ;  and  the  ftamps  could  not  be  obtained 
without  the  payment  of  the  duty.  And  it  was 
alfo  equitable,  as  the  weight  of  it  would  fall 
chiefly  upon  thofe  claffes  of  people  who  were 
beft  ?h\e  to  bear  it :  and  as  it  would  be  moft 


\  "> 





I.    ; 



i«*'«Aic.  produ&ive  in  thofc  coloQies  Avhich  were  the 
^^Ja^!^^  moft  flouriflung,    and  in  which  the  tranfadions 

«764.  ^'^^^"  1^^°  ^^^  'Q^i^  ^^^  '^  i^^^  frequent. 
The  refolutions  on  which  the  bill  were  found- 
ed»  together  with  the  debates  which  it  had  pro- 
duced in  its  pafiage  through  the  houfe  of  com- 
mons»  were,  whhout  lofs  of  tinie,  tranfmittcd  to 
America  by  the  agents  for  the  colonies  ;  fo  that 
the  leading  men  in  that  qoarter  of  the  world  had 
full  time  to  deliberate  on  the  confequences  of 
the  a6t,  with  all  its  attendant  circumftances, 
before  it  took  efFe£^,  and  to  prepare  the  minds 
of  the  great  body  of  the  people  for  yielding  to 
thole  impreSions  which  they  wifhed  tnem  to  re- 
ceiYG.  PrepoileiTed  as  they  were  with  fufpicions 
of  the  arbitrary  deiigns  of  the  British  court, 
they  now  thought  that  thode  fapicions  were  con^- 
Terted  into  certaimies ;  and  that  America^  thus 
taxed  without  her  coixfeiat,  was  deflined  to  be 
the  Erft.  viiftim  to  arbitrary  power :  and  they 
relkdved  not  to  fubmit  to  fuch  a  melancholy  fate 
without  the  mofl:  firenuoas  reiiftance.  A  gleam 
of  hope  arofe  fircon  feeing  the  powerful  oppoii- 
tioa  which  bad  been  made  to  the  a£l  in  its  paf- 
fage through  the  faoTT&  of  commons.  They  were 
thereby  encouraged  to  purfue  the  line  of  con- 
duU  marked  out  by  their  prefent  feelings ;  and 
they  determined  to  exert  themfelves  with  vigour 
in  fUrring-  up  Inch  a  ferment  as  might  diibefs^ 
if  not  overturn,  the  adminiftration,  who  were 
the  authors  of  this  raeo&re,  and  as  would  cer- 
tainly defeat  the  effedl  of  the  a£l  for  a  time, 
and  perhaps  eventually  produce  its  repeal :  And 
this  refolution  feems  to  have  been  adopted  by 
the  leading  men  in  all  the  colonies,  without  any 
atpparent  concert  except  what  arofe  &om  a  gene* 
sal  knowledge  of  one  another'»  fentiments,  in 
"■op  '-  [--■'■■  confequencd: 




confequence  of  the  tranfadions  of  the  preced- 
ing year. 

With  this  view  the  arguments  which  had  been 
ufed  by  the  members  of  oppofitiou  in  the  Bri- 
tifh  parliament  were  retraced,  enforced,  and 
enlarged  ;  and  in  this  form  publilhed  in  pam- 
phlets or  circulated  in  newfpapers*  Thefe  pub- 
lications were  adapted  to  all  capacities.  It  was 
contended  with  great  ftrength  and  force  of  rea- 
foning,  that  as  the  inhabitants  of  the  colonies 
were  Britifti  fubjeds  as  much  as  the  inhabitants 
of  Great  Britain,  fo  were  they  entitled  to  the 
fame  couftitutional  rights  and  privileges  :  That 
it  was  the  birth-right  of  every  Britifli  fubjedl  tQ 
give  and  grant  his  own  money  for  the  fupport 
of  government,  and  not  to  be  taxed  but  by  his 
own  confent  or  that  of  his  reprefentative  :  And 
as  the  people  of  the  colonies  were  not  repre- 
fented  in  the  Britifli  parliament,  fo  the  Britiih 
parliament  could  not  conftitutionally  impofe  taxes 
upon  them.  And  to  fuch  arguments  other  topics 
were  added,  not  perhaps  more  convincing,  but 
better  calculated  to  draw  the  attention,  and  im- 
prefs  the  feelings  of  the  American  colonift. 
The  aft  was  reprefented  to  be  oppreflive  in  its 
operation,  by  converting  the  plainnefs  and  iim- 
plicity  of  their  former  proceedings,  whether  le- 
gal or  comnjcrcial,  into  labyrinths  of  doubt,  dif- 
ficulty, and  perplexity.  It  was  faid  that  the  a6l 
was  peculiarly  inapplicable  to  a  country  fo  ex- 
tenfively  fettled,  and  fo  thinly  inhabited,  as 
America ;  for  it  might,  and  frequently  would 
happen  (to  give  one  example  inftcad  of  many), 
that  the  planter  or  farmer,  upon  fo  common  a 
traufaftion  as  the  purchafe  of  a  horfe,  might  be 
obliged  to  ride  many  miles  to  procure  a  piece  of 
ftamped  paper,  on  which  he  could  write  a  bill 
of  fale,  and  even  when  he  had  performed  his 

Vol.  I.  D  journey. 



V    II 

■'1.   ^1 







journey,  he  might  be  in  doubt  what  kind  of 
ilamp  was  proper  for  his  purpofe.  In  this  man- 
ner the  fuppofed  evils  and  inconveniencies  at- 
tending its  operation  were  magnified  and  heigh-* 
tened  in  language  fuited  lo  the  apprehenfions  of 
the  mafs  of  the  people  :  a  dellgn  in  the  Britiih 
miniftry  to  enfiave  America  was  fuppofed  to  be 
difcovered ;  and  the  fVamp  a£t,  it  was  pretended, 
was  only  to  be  regarded  as  the  forerunner  of  in- 
numerable other  oppreflions  which  were  to  fol- 
low. And  thus  the  people  were  taught  to  con- 
fider  the  period  when  the  aft  was  to  take  ef- 
fedl  as  the  commencement  of  their  flavery,  un- 
lefs  they  manfully  refifted  its  execution* 

Independent  of  all  the  previous  means  which 
ivere  ufed  to  bring  about  an  oppofition,  it  was 
tather  to  be  expeded,  that  an  a6t  which  im- 
pofed  new  burdens,  and  at  the  fame  time  ren- 
dered the  tranfadions  between  man  and  man 
in  the  conimon  affairs  of  life  fomewhat  lefs  plain 
and  eafy,  and,  above  all,  which  was  fo  open 
and  liable  to  obje6lion  on  conftitutional  groundd^ 
would  not  be  well  received  amongft  fome  of  the 
colonies  at  leafl,  nor  acqiiiefced  m  without  re- 
hidlanCe ;  but  it  excited  no  fmall  fhare  of  fur* 
prife  when  it  was  known  that  the  firfl  legiflative 
oppofition  which  it  met  with,  took  place  in  the 
ancient  colony  of  Virginia,  famed  beyond  all  the 
l-efl  for  loyalty  to  the  fovereign,  and  attachment 
to  the  mother-country. 

Thofe  to  whom  this  event  was  the  canfe  of 
furprife>  did  not  reflet,  that  during  the  preced- 
ing war  the  importance  of  the  colonies  in  the 
general  fcale  of  the  Britifh  empire  had  been  bla- 
zoned forth  and  magnified  in  various  debates^ 
in  both  houfes  of  parliament,  as  if  the  exiflence 
of  Great  Britain  as  a  commercial  nation  had  de-^ 
pended  upon  her  trade  with  the  colonies ;  that 

I  it 





it  had  been  made  a  favourite  theme  of  decla- 
mation with  minilkrs  n  "^  'never  they  preffed  for 
Ibpplies  to  fupport  the  war ;  and  that  the  colo- 
nies would  at  Icaft  eftimate  their  confequence 
equal  to  what  it  had  been  reprelented.  Neither 
did  they  reflect,  that  heretofore  the  colonies  had 
been  kept  in  fear  by  the  vicinity  of  the  French 
and  Spaniards,  whilft  the  former  were  in  poflef-' 
iion  of  Canada,  and  the  latter  of  the  two  Flo- 
ridas ;  but  that  now,  fince  the  ceffion  of  thefe 
provinces  to  Great  Britain,  they  were  relieved 
from  all  future  apprehenfions  on  account  of  fuch 
formidable  neighbours,  and  faw  themfelves  plac-, 
ed  in  a  ftate  of  fecurity  which  they  had  never 
before  experienced.  Neither  did  they  refleft, 
that  in  proportion  as  the  protedlion  of  Great 
Britain  had  become  lefs  neceflary,  fo  it  would 
be  lefs  valued  ;  and  that  the  treaty  of  Paris,  which 
gave  fecurity  to  the  colonies,  did,  at  the  fame 
time,  weaken  their  dependence  on  the  mother- 

And  this  proceeding  in  the  legiflature  of  Vir- 
ginia will  ftill  lefs  be  the  caufe  of  furprife,  if  to 
thefe  confiderations  we  add,  that  foon  after  the 
commencement  of  the  prefent  reign,  a  bold  and 
daring  fpirit  of  oppofition  to  government  had 
broken  forth  and  fpread  itfelf  amongft  the  peo- 
ple of  England  ;  and  that  it  muft  neceflarily  hap- 
pen that  Ibme  portion  of  this  predominant  fpir 
rit  would  be  imparted  to  the  inhabitants  of  the 
colonies  in  the  profecution  of  that  clofe  and  con- 
ftant  intercourle  which  fubfifled  between  them 
and  the  mother-country.  Indeed  fuch  had  been 
the  violence  of  faflion  in  England,  and  fo  bold 
and  daring  its  partifans,  that  even  the  fplendour 
of  the  crown  could  not  fhield  the  head  which  it 
adorned  againft  the  invenomed  fhafts  of  flan- 
der:  And  fuch  was  the  perverreaefs  of  the  peo- 

D  2  •        r         pie. 











pie,  that  punifhments  inflifted  by  the  courts  of 
,  juftice  for  the  mod  heinous  offences  againft  go- 
vernment were  in  fome  inftances  converted  into 
public  rewards  *. 

That  the  colony  of  Virginia  fet  the  example 
in  this  oppofition  to  the   ft  amp  a6l,    was  per- 
haps, after  all,    chiefly  owing  to   accident.     It 
happened  that  the  general  affenibly  of  that  pro- 
vince was  fitting   at  the  time  when  a  copy  of 
the  a6l  arrived  in  that  country,   together  with 
certain  intelligence  that  it  had  palled  through 
both  houfes  of  parliament  and  received  the  royal 
aflent.     The   adl,    it  is  true,   was  not  to  have 
any  effedl  till  the  month  of  November,  but  they 
knew  not  whether  they  would  have  another  op- 
portunity of  deliberating  upon  it  as  an  alTem- 
bly,  until  after  that  event  had  taken  place.     The 
leading  men  too  were  anxious  to  fhew  to  their 
conftituents,  that  in  their  legiflative  capacity  they 
were  not  backward  in  avowing  thofe  fentiments 
which,  as  individuals,  they  had  taken  fome  trou- 
ble to  promulgate.r    The  people  had  been  already 
prepared  by  reiterated  publications  in  the  news- 
papers, and  it  remained  only  for  the  affenibly, 
by  fome  expfeflion  of  their  will,  to  give  a  fanc- 
tion  to  the  intended  oppofition.^    Indeed,  with- 
out this  fandlion,  the  refiftance  which  they  me- 
ditated would  have  been  incomplete.     The  con- 
fent  of  the  governor  and  council  was  not  to  be 
expefted  ;  whatever  therefore  could  be  done  muft 
be  the  a6l  of  the  lower  houfe  of  affenibly  only ; 
* -t V      i  - -.i:^-  ■    "\-;s^r-:;'  zf-'- •^"-i'. •,      -    ;      and 

*.  The  aihhor  of  the  North  Briton,  aod  of  the  Effay  oo 
Woman,  is  a  living  example  of  the  truth  of  this  remark. 
In  a  valuable  appointment  bellowed  upon  him  hy  th«  corpo> 
ration  of  London,  he  quietly  enjoys  the  fruits  of  thofe  flan- 
ders  which  filled  his  fovereign's  breaft  with  anguifh,  wlulft 
every  good  man  muit  execrate  fo  nefarious  a  pabiicAtion,  aii4 
fb  diabolical  an  author. 


j-**>-  -. 




and  the  fubjeft  was  there  introduced  without  lofs 
of  tim'?,  and  gave  occafion  to  one  of  the  moil 
violent  and  intemperate  debates  which  had  ever 
been  known  in  that  country.  Some  idea  may  be 
formed  of  the  manner  in  which  this  debate  was 
condudled,  by  the  following  pafTage,  extradled 
from  a  fpeech  of  one  *  of  the  members,  who  af- 
terwards made  a  confpicuous  figure  in  the  be- 
ginning of  the  rebellion.  After  declaiming  with 
bitternefs  againft  the  I'uppofed  arbitrary  meafures 
of  the  prefent  reign,  he  added,  "  Csefar  had  his 
"  Brutus,  Charles  the  Firft  an  Oliver  Cromwell 
"  and  George  the  Third — "  But  before  he  could 
proceed  further,  a  cry  of,  Treafon !  was  heard 
from  one  quarter  of  the  houfe,  and  the  fpeaker 
foon  afterwards  rifing  up,  called  him  to  order, 
and  declared  that  he  would  quit  the  chair,  unlefs 
he  was  fupported  by  the  houfe  in  retraining  fuch 
intemperate  fpeeches. 

TL'is  debate  was  concluded  by  propoiing  four 
refolutions  of  the  following  effeft,  which  were 
agreed  to  by  the  houfe,  and  entered  upon  their 
journals  on  the  29th  day  of  May.  The  firft  de- 
clared, that  their  anceftors  brought  with  them 
from  Englanc*  and  tranfmitted  to  their  pofterity, 
all  the  rights,  privileges,  and  immunities,  en- 
joyed by  Britifh  fubjedts :  The  fecond,  that  thefe 
were  confirmed  and.  declared  by  two  royal  char- 
ters, granted  by  king  James  the  Firft  :  The  third, 
that  they  have  ever  fmce  enjoyed  the  right  of  be- 
ing governed  by  their  own  aflembly  in  the  arti- 
cles of  taxes  t  and  internal  police ;  which  right 


*   Mr.  Patrick  Henry. 

t  That  thefe  refolutions  may  be  fully  underftood,  it  is  ne» 
ceffary  to  obferve,  that  in  Virginia,  and  indeed  in  all  the  co- 
lonies of  North  America,  a  diftinftion  was  made  between  taxes, 
and  duties  oa  the  importation  or  exportation  of  merchandize ; 
fo  that  the  former  of  thefe  terms  was  not  fuppofed  to  comprc' 
heqd  the  latter. 



'.  ■'i| 





has  not  been  forfeited  or  yielded  up,  but  has  been 
recognized  by  the  king  and  people  of  Great  Bri-r 
tain :  And  the  fourth,  that  the  general  affenibly 
of  Virginia,  with  his  majefty  or  his  fubftitute, 
have,  in  their  reprelentative  capacity,  the  only 
exclufive  right  and  power  to  lay  taxes  and  iinpo- 
fitions  upon  the  inhabitants  of  that  colony  :  And 
that  every  attempt  to  invert  luch  a  power  in  any 
perfon  or  perfons  whatfoever,  other  than  the 
general  affenibly  aforcfaid,  is  illegal,  unconAituti- 
onal,  and  unjuft,  and  has  a  nianifeft  tendency  to 
deftroy  Britifh  as  well  as  American  freedom. 

Two  other  refolutions  were  offered  by  the 
committee  to  whom  this  matter  was  referred), 
which  were  rejeded  by  the  houi'e :  But  as  they 
ferve  to  characterize  the  kind  of  fpirit  which  had 
begun  to  gain  ground,  and  which  poffcflcd  fonie 
of  the  members  of  that  afTembly,  the  fubllauce 
of  them  is  here  inferted.  Thefirfl  amounted  to 
a  declaration  that  the  inhabitants  of  Virginia  arc 
not  bound  to  yield  obedience  to  any  law  impo- 
fing  taxes  upon  them,  other  than  the  laws  of  the 
general  afTembly ;  and  the  fecond  denounced 
thofe  to  be  enemies  to  the  colony  who  fhould 
maintain,  by  fpeaking  or  writing,  that  any  per- 
fon or  perfons,  other  than  the  general  aflembly, 
had  a  right  to  impofe  taxes  upon  them. 

But  however  intemperate  the  debate  had  been, 
which  preceded  thele  rclblutions,  and  whatever, 
heat  and  violence  were  difcoverable  in  individual 
members  of  this  afTembly,  there  was  neverthelefs 
amanifeft  and  ftrlking  difference  between  the  re- 
folutions of  the  Maffachufets  affenibly  of  the  pre- 
ceding year,  and  thofe  which  were  now  pafTcd  by 
the  lower  houi'e  of  affembly  in  Virginia ;  a  differ- 
ence defcriptive  both  of  the  particular  views  and 
of  thegeneral  political  charafter  which  diftinguifh- 
ed  the  inhabitants  of  thcl'c  rcfpcdive  colonics. 




.     AMERICAN     WAR. 

The  former,  as  if  they  had  been  already  inde- 
pendent, refort  at  once  to  their  rights  as  men — as 
a  ground  to  exempt  them  from  taxation  by  the 
Britifh  parliament :  The  latter,  venerating  the 
Britiih  conAitution,  fenlible  of  its  benefits,  and 
happy  in  their  connexion  with  the  mother>coun* 
try,  found  their  claims  wholly  upon  their  rights  as 
Britifh  fubjeds,  which  had  been  declared  and 
confirmed  by  their  charters.  The  former  claim 
an  unlin^itea  exemption  from  duties  as  well  as 
taxes,  thereby  undermining  the  whole  fabric  of 
the  colonial  fyflem  :  The  latter,  avowing  the  rela* 
tion  in  which  they  (land  to  the  mother-country, 
confine  their  claim  of  legiflative  jurifdidion  to 
taxes  and  internal  police,  thereby  tacitly  con- 
ceding to  the  Britifh  parliament  the  impofition  of 
duties  on  merchandise,  and  theordermgandre" 
gulation  of  their  commerce, 

The  afTembly  of  Virginia  having  entered  into 
thefe  refolutions,  was  difTolved  as  loon  as  the  go- 
vernor was  made  acquainted  with  them.  But  it 
was  now  too  late  to  flop  the  progrefs  of  the  flame 
which  had  burfl  forth  :  Indeed  the  mifchief  was 
already  done,  becaufe  the  refolves  of  the  aflem- 
bly  were  fuppofed  to  laudion  whatever  irregula- 
rities might  eniuc,  in  oppofing  the  execution  of  an 
a£l  which,  by  thefe  refolves,  was  pronounced  to 
be  illegal,  uncouftitutiorial,  and  unjuft  ;  and  th^ 
conflagration,  which  had  been  kindled  was  now 
deflined  to  fpread  through  the  colony  at  large, 
by  the  return  of  the  members  to  their  refpedive 

The  aflemblies  of  the  other  colonies,  in  the 
courfe  of  the  year,  entered  into  refolu.ions,  fi- 
niilar  to  thofe  of  the  aflembly  of  Virginia ;  and 
whatever  differences  there  might  be  between 
them  in  other  refpefts,  there  was  but  one  opi- 
niou  on  the  fubjedt  of  the  ftamp  a6l.    They  all 





/  '    j 






concurred  in  voting  it  to  be  an  aft  that  was 
unconftitutional,  and  an  infringement  of  their 

We  have  feen  that  the  aflembly  of  Maffachu- 
fets  Bay  had  in  the  preceding  year  entered  into 
refolutions,  and  tranfmitted  a  petition  to  the  king 
and  parliament,  complaining  of  a  variety  of 
grievances,  and  amongft  the  reft,  of  the  refolu- 
tion  of  parliament  which  announced  an  intention 
to  impofe  ftamp  duties  in  the  colonies.  The  fame 
aflembly  now  brought  forward  another  meafure 
of  much  more  importance  in  its  nature  and  con- 
fequences,  as  it  was  the  firft  leading  ftep  towards 
that  confederation  amongft  the  colonies  which  uU 
timately  feparated  them  from  the  mother-country. 
It  was  no  part  of  the  charadler  of  the  people  of 
New  England  to  be  remifs  in  any  thing  which 
concerned  their  intereft.  They  had  not  been  in- 
attentive obfervers  of  the  diicontent  which  pre- 
vailed in  the  other  colonies  on  account  of  the 
ftamp  a6l,  and  they  feized  upon  the  prefent  as  the 
critical  moment  for  reconciling  the  interefts,  con- 
iblidating  the  grievances,  and  aniting  the  com- 
plaints, of  all  the  colonies ;  a  dcfign  which  we 
have  feen  they  had  in  contemplation  the  pre- 
ceJing  year.  ^  .  x.  '^!  u  ^ 

In  profecution  of  this  intention  the  aflembly  of 
Maflachufets  Bay,  on  the  fixth  day  of  June,  en- 
tered into  a  refolution,  fetting  forth  the  expedi- 
ence of  holding  a  general  congrefs,  which  ftiould 
confift  of  deputies  from  all  the  lower  houl'es  of 
affembly  on  the  American  continent,  to  confult 
together,  and  take  into  confideration  the  com- 
mon grievances  under  whi;.h  the  colonies  la- 
boured, in  confequence  of  t/ie  late  ads  of  parli- 
ament for  impofing  duties  and  taxes,  and  to 
frame  and  prepare  a  general  petition  and  addrefs 
to  the  king  and  parliament,  in  behalf  of  all  the 




^,— .^., 

^---•-    <» 



colonies,  fettiiig  forth  thefe  grievances  and  pray- 
ing for  redrefs.  They  alfo  refolved,  that  letters 
figned  by  their  fpeaker,  by  order  of  the  houfe, 
fhould  be  fent  to  the  affemblies  of  the  other  colo- 
nies, communicating  this  refolution,  and  requeft- 
ing  fuch  other  affemblies,  if  they  approved  of 
the  propofal,  to  appoint  deputies  to  meet  with 
thofe  which  fhould  be  appointed  by  the  aflembly 
of  Maffachufets  Bay,  in  a  general  congrefs  to  be 
held  at  New  York,  on  the  firft  day  of  Oftober 
following ;  and  they  afterwards  proceeded  to 
nominate  their  own  deputies,  and  to  vote  the 
fum  of  four  hundred  and  fifty  pounds  for  de- 
fraying their  expences.  In  confequence  of  thefe 
relblutions  letters  were  prepared  and  tranf- 
mitted  ;  and  fuch  of  the  other  colonial  affem- 
blies as  were  permitted  to  meet  before  the 
month  of  Oftober,  very  readily  acceded  to  the 
meafure  recommended  by  the  ^flembly  of  Maffa- 
chufets Bay,  and  nominated  deputies  for  the  pro- 
pofed  congrefs.  Although  the  leading  men  ia 
fome  of  the  colonies  had  not  the  moft  fa- 
vourable opinion,  either  of  the  candour,  fince- 
rity,  and  plain  dealing  of  the  people  of  New 
England,  or  of  the  general  courfe  and  tendency 
of  their  politics  ;  yet  fuch  is  the  effed  of  a  com- 
mon grievance  in  reconciling  differences  of  opi- 
nion and  allayingjealoufies,  that  this  proceeding 
of  the  aifembly  of  Maffachufets  Bay,  which  cer- 
tainly had  fome  appearance  of  dictating  to  the 
reft  of  the  colonies,  neverthelefs  met  with  gene- 
ral approbation.  »::- 

Whilft  fuch  meafures  were  purfued  in  America, 
an  event  took  place  in  England  which,  more 
than  all  their  own  efforts,  ferved  the  caufe  of  the 
colonifts,  and  promoted  the  fuccefs  of  their  de- 
figns.  This  was  a  change  of  the  miniftry.  On 
the  loth  of  July,  Mr.  Grenville  and  his  adhe- 



i       /( 


!     )1 





'    I 

y     ■■' 


rents  were  difmiffed  from  their  offices,  to  give 
place  to  the  whig  party,  under  the  njarquis  of 
Rockingham,  a  party  which  we  have  feen  had 
exerted  themfelves  ftrenuoufly  in  oppofing  the 
ftamp  a£t.  The  vehement  declamations  of  this 
party  againft  the  minifter  within  the  houfe  of 
parliament,  and  the  adive  exertions  of  their 
friends  and  partifans  amongft  the  people  without ; 
the  threats  of  the  Americans  to  difcontinue  the 
ufe  of  Britiih  manufadures  until  the  ftamp  a6t 
fhould  be  repealed,  and  the  confequent  alarm 
fpread  amougft  the  merchants,  manufadurcrs, 
and  fhip  owners ;  the  murmurs  and  difcontents  of 
the  lower  orders  of  the  people,  from  the  fear- 
city  of  bread  and  the  high  price  of  provifions, 
calamities  to  which  they  were  expofed  during  the 
whole  of  this  year ;  all  thefe  caufes  combined 
had  excited  Inch  a  clamour  in  the  nation  as  greatly 
weakened  and  diftreffed  the  late  adminjftration, 
and  probably  cpnduced  to  their  removal,  But 
the  immediate  caufe  of  their  difmiffion  is  faid  to 
have  been  an  affront  given  to  the  princefs  dowa- 
ger of  Wales,  and  through  her  to  the  king,  by 
negle6ling  to  infert  her  name  in  a  bill  introduced 
by  the  miniftry  into  the  houfe  of  lords,  towards 
the  clofe  qf  the  Uft  feflion  of  parliament,  for  ap- 
pointing a  regency  in  cafe  of  the  death  of  the 
king,  during  the  minority  of  the  prince  of  Wales  j 
an  omiffion  which  was  redified  after  the  bill  was 
i'ent  to  the  houfe  of  commons,  But,  whatever  was 
the  caufe,  the  change  which  enfued,  by  placing  the 
whig  party  in  power,  gave  to  the  inhabitants  of 
the  colonies  a  well-grounded  hope,  that  the  aft 
for  impofmg  i\anip  duties  would  be  repealed  in 
the  next  feflion  of  parliament. 

In  America,  however  threatening  the  appear- 
ances had  been,  no  adtual  difturbances  took  place 
yuiil  the  mouth  of  Auguft,  but  in  that  month, 


}        * 

V  * 

Mi^-  '^\i»-' 

•"rj-''\>*  ,,^.(«^ 



about  ihe  time  when  intelligence  arrived  of  the 
change  of  the  miuiftry,  the  fpirit  which  had  been 
fo  long  tumultuoufly  gathering,  broke  forth  into 
open  violence,  firfl  at  Bofton  in  Maffachufets  Bay, 
and  afterwards  m  feveral  of  the  other  colonies, 
At  Bofton,  the  fury  of  the  populace  was  direfted 
againft  the  chief  juftice  of  the  province,  who  was 
fuppofed  to  favour  the  rainifterial  plan  for  taxing 
the  colonies ;  againft  the  officer  appointed  %o 
diftribute  the  ftamps,  th^  comptroller  of  the  cuf- 
toms,  and  thp  regifter  of  the  court  of  admiralty. 
Previous  intelligence  of  what  was  in  agitatioa 
having  been  conveyed  to  them  by  their  friends, 
they  were  fortunate  enough  to  be  able  to  fave 
their  perfons  from  infult,  but  their  houfes  were 
pillaged,  their  furniture  was  burnt  or  deftroyed, 
and  the  records  of  the  admiralty,  not  lefs  odious 
7-  .  .  t  province  than  the  ftamp  a6l  itfelf,  were 
r  \v  u'tted  to  the  flames.  The  council  of  the 
province  were  ajGTembled  by  the  governor,  but 
tliey  fhewed  no  inclination  to  be  adive  in  fup- 
preiling  the  riots.  The  governor  attempted  lo 
mu  r  fome  companies  of  militia  to  affift  the  civil 
magirtrate  in  the  prefervation  of  the  peace,  but 
they  refufed  to  obey  his  orders  ;  and  the  ftamp  of- 
ficer, feeing  no  profpeft  of  protei^ion,  foon  af- 
terwards refigned  his  office. 

In  the  other  colonies  the  tumults  were  not  fo; 
violent  and  outrageous  as  thofe  at  Bofton ;  but  ii^ 
all  of  them  they  were  fufficiently  alarming  to, 
frighten  the  perfons  who  were  appointed  to  diftri- 
bute the  ftamps  into  a  refignation  of  their  of-? 

A  confiderable  interval  having  been  required 
for  preparing  the  ftamped  papers  in  England, 
none  of  them  had  yet  arrived  in  America ;  and 
the  officers  to  whom  they  were  to  have  been  de- 
livered, having  been  obliged  to  refign  their  ap- 




).    ' 

I         I 




pointments,  the  general  care  of  thefe  papers, 
upon  their  arrival  iu  the  months  of  September 
and  Cdlober,  devolved  upon  the  governors  of 
the  refpedlive  ]  rovinces.  In  fome  of  the  co- 
lonies the  ftamped  papers  were  feized  and  de* 
ftroyed  by  the  populace ;  in  moft  of  them,  through 
the  prudent  management  of  the  governors,  they 
were  lodged  in  places  of  fecurity  on  Ihore,  or 
put  on  board  the  fhips  of  war ;  but  in  none  of 
the  thirteen  colonies,  after  fuch  riots,  was  any 
one  found  hardy  enough  to  undertake  the  dil- 
tribution  of  them.  •;..,«;; 

In  the  month  of  Odlober  deputies  from  nine 
out  of  the  thirteen  colonies  met  at  New  York, 
to  hold  a  general  congrefs.  The  four  colonies 
not  reprefented  in  this  congrefs  were.  New 
Hampfhire,  Virginia,  North  Carolina,  and  Geor- 
gia. From  the  three  laft  of  thefe  deputies  were 
not  fent,  becaufe  the  letters  from  Maffachufets 
Bay  arrived  during  the  recefs  of  their  affemblies, 
which  were  not  afterwards  permitted  to  meet 
till  the  firft  of  Odlober  had  pafTed.  And  in 
Kew  Hampfhire,  the  aifembly  did  not  think  fit 
to  appoint  deputies,  although  they  approved  of 
the  holding  of  a  general  congrefs,  and  fignified 
an  inclination  to  join  in  any  petition  that  fliould 
be  agreed  upon  by  the  deputies  of  the  other  co- 

The  firft  feffion  of  thefe  deputies  was  held  on 
the  feventh  day  of  Odober ;  and  twelve  days 
having  been  fpent  in  debates  and  deliberations, 
on  the  nineteenth  they  entered  into  thirteen  re- 
folutions,  comprehending  a  declaration  as  well 
of  the  rights  as  of  the  grievances  of  all  the  colo- 
nies. In  thefe  refolutions  they  fet  forth,  that 
the  inhabitants  of  the  colonies  owe  the  fame  al- 
legiance to  the  king  as  the  people  of  Great  Bri- 
tain,   Hid  all  due  fubordination  to  parliament, 










n  re- 


ne  al- 



That  they  are  entitled  to  the  fame  rights,  pri-  *"'^'J^"*" 
vileges,  and  immunities,  as  the  people  of  Great 
Britain.     That  no  taxes  can  be  impofed  on  a 
free  people  but  by  their  own  confent,  or  that  of 
their  reprefentatives.      That  the  inhabitants  of 
the  colonies  are  not,  and  cannot,  be  reprefented 
in  the  houfe  of  commons  of  Great  Britain^   That 
the  only  reprefentatives  of  the  inhabitants  of 
the  colonies  are   thofe    chofen  by  themfelves ; 
and  that  no  taxes  have  been  or  can  be  impofed 
upon  them  but  by  thofe  reprefentatives*    That 
all  fupplics  to  the  crown  are  free  gifts  from  the 
people ;  and  that  therefore  it  is  unreafonable  in 
the  parliament  of  Great  Britain  to  grant  the  pro- 
perty of  the  inhabitants  of  the  colonies.  That  trial 
by  jury  is  the  right  of  a  Britifh  fubjedl.    That 
the  ftamp  ad,  by  impofing  taxes,    and  extend- 
ing the  jurifdidiion  of  the  courts  of  admiralty 
beyond  their  ancient  limits,  has  a  tendency  te 
fubvert  the  rights  and  liberties  of  the  colonifts. 
That  the  duties  impofed  by  the  late  afts  of  par- 
liament are  grievoas,  and  the  payment  of  them 
impradicable.     That,    by  the   Britilh  manufac- 
tures  which  they  purchafe,  they  contribute  to 
the  fupplies  granted  to  the  crown.     That  the 
reflriftions  on  trade,  impofed  by  the  late  ads  of 
parliament,   will   render   them   unable  to  pur- 
chafe Britifh  manufadures.     That  the  increafc 
and  profperity  of  the  colonies  depends  on  the 
free  enjoyment    of  their  rights  and   liberties. 
And  laftly,  that  they  have  a  right  to  petition  the 
king,  or  either  houfe  of  parliament. 

Thefe  refolutions  having  been  entered  into, 
and  an  addrefs  and  petitition  to  the  king,  t  me- 
morial and  petition  to  the  houfe  of  lords,  and  at 
petition  to  the  houfe  of  commons,  fetting  forth, 
more  at  large,  the  grievances  mentioned  in  their 
refolutions,   having  been  prepared  and  agreed 


•    t 

.f  ■■  \ 


I     .»' 


to;  the  congrefs  diffolved  their  meeting  on  the 
twenty-fifth  of  OAober,  having  fat  about  eigh- 
teen aays. 

From  comparing  the  refolutiOns  of  congrefs 
with  thofe  of  the  aflembly  of  Maflachufets  Bay, 
it  is  evident  that  the  leading  men  in  the  other  co- 
lonies were  not  yet  prepared  to  go  the  full  length 
which  the  people  of  New  England  wifhed.  It 
is  true,  the  congrefs  difavow  the  authority  of 
Jiarliament  to  impofe  taxes  upon  the  i.ihabitants 
of  the  colonies,  and  to  abridge  the  trial  by  jur^ ; 
but  they  complain  of  the  other  afts  of  parlia- 
ment, for  impofing  duties  on  merchandize,  and 
reftridling  their  trade,  rather  as  grievances  arifing 
from  an  indifcreet  and  impolitic  exercife  of  a 
power  which  they  did  not  call  in  queftion,  than 
as  a£lual  infradlions  of  their  conftitutional  rights* 

Thefe  were  all  the  proceedings  of  this  con- 
grefs which  were  made  public.  The  great  tem- 
per and  moderation  manifefted  in  the  papers 
which  were  to  be  tranlniitted  to  England,  were 
probably  intended  lo  counteraft  the  effeft  of 
the  riots  and  tumults  which  had  preceded  the 
meeting  of  the  congrefs.  The  members  of  this 
body  were  aware  that  all  appearance  of  defiance 
was  carefully  to  be  fupprefled.  Profefling  loy- 
alty to  the  king,  and  all  due  fubordination  to  par* 
liament,  they  endeavoured  to  exhibit  themfelves 
as  patient  fufferers,  and  as  dutiful,  although  op* 
preflcd,  fubjedls,  rather  foliciting  the  compafli- 
on  than  braving  the  power  of  the  Britifh  nation. 
By  the  meeting  of  fo  many  deputies  at  New 
York,  a  communication  was  opened,  an  acquain- 
tance was  formed,  and  a  correfpondence  efta- 
bliihed,  between  the  leading  men  of  all  the  co* 
lonies  ;  and  a  foundation  was  thus  laid  for  unit- 
ing their  common  efforts,  whenever  future  cir- 
cumftances,  md  the  attempts  of  future  admini- 



■  ;—  .■  .,ajt 




ftrations,  ftiould  render  it  neceflary.     One   ef-  iniroauc- 
i'ed  of   the  mutual  underftanding  which  took  ^.J!^^ 
place  amongft  thefc  leading  men  was  indeed  im-    j,^^^. 
mediately  difcoverable ;  for,  as  foon  as  they  re- 
turned to  their    refpeftive  homes,   affociations 
were  fet  on  foot  in  all  the  colonies  againft  the 
importation   of  Brltifh   manufadures,  fuch  im* 
portation'to  ceafe  after  the  firft  of  January  fol- 
lowing, until  the  ftamp  a6t  fhould  be  repealed ; 
a  meafure  which  was  probably  concerted  beforfe 
they  left  New  York. 

When  the  firft  of  November  arrived,  the  day 
on  which  the  ftamp  aft  v/as  to  take  efl'eft,  nei- 
ther ftamps  were  to  be  had  nor  officers  to  diftri- 
bute  them.  The  former  had  been  lodged  in 
places  of  fecurity,  to  fave  them  from  deftrufti- 
on  by  the  populace  ;  and  the  latter  had  been  ei- 
ther terrified  into  refignation,  or  driven  away  by 
ill  ufage.  The  cdurts  of  law  were  unable  to 
proceed  for  want  of  thofe  papers  which  the  aft 
had  rendered  n  .flary;  and  a  total  ftop  was 
put  to  the  adm^uift ration  of  juftice,  except  in 
criminal  cafes,  in  which  ftamps  were  not  requir- 
edi  Commerce  too  was  at  a  ftand,  becaufe  ftamps 
Were  made  neceflary  in  the  entry  and  clear- 
ance of  veflels  at  the  cuftom-houles.  Some  of 
the  merchants  ventured  to  fend  their  fhips  lo  fea 
with  certificates  from  the  governors  that  ftamps 
could  not  be  procured ;  and  in  the  province  of 
Maflachufets  Bay  the  council  and  afTembly  were 
daring  enough  to  enter  into  a  formal  refolution, 
declaring  it  to  be  lawful  to  iranfaft  bufmefs,  as 
formerly,  without  the  ufe  of  ftamps.  ■■ 

Such  were  the  meafures  purfued  and  the  fteps 
taken  in  America,  during  the  year  1765,  for  op- 
pofing  the  ftamp  aft  and  procuring  its  repeal  ; 
and  the  inhabitants  of  the  colonies  were  not 
more  aftive  and  ftrenuous  in  refifting,  than  the 

nc  V 

(  i 





inti««iuc-  ne^  miniftry  were  reniifs  and  backward  in  iflu- 
ing,  orders  for  enforcing  its  execution.  Altho' 
the  refolutions  of  the  alfembiy  of  Virginia  wee 
laid  before  them  not  long  after  they  came 
into  office,  and  although,  upon  the  twcnty-fe- 
venth  of  Auguft,  the  board  of  trade  reported 
thel'e  refolutions  to  contain  a  daring  attack  upon 
the  conftitution  of  Great  Britain,  and  to  require 
immediate  attention ;  and  although  that  board 
recommended  orders  to  be  forthwith  fent  to  the 
executive  power,  and  to  all  the  officers  of  go- 
vernment in  Virginia,  to  exert  themfelves  vigo- 
roufly  in  fipport  of  the  authority  of  parliament, 
and  to  exadl  a  due  obedience  to  all  the  laws  of 
the  land ;  yet  this  report  of  the  board  of  trade, 
fo  urgent  in  its  nature,  was  not  taken  into  con* 
fideration  by  the  privy  council  until  the  third  of 
Odlober.  On  that  day  indeed,  in  a  very  full 
council,  at  which  lord  chancellor  Camden  af- 
iifled,  it  was  determined,  that  the  fubjedl  of  the 
report  from  the  board  of  trade  was  of  too  high 
a  nature  for  the  decifion  of  the  king  in  coun- 
cil, and  that  it  was  proper  only  for  theconfide- 
ration  of  parliament :  As  if  it  had  not  been  the 
duty  of  the  executive  power  to  require  a  prompt 
obedience  to  all  the  afts  of  the  legiflature,  and 
as  if  that  power  had  a  right  to  deliberate  whe- 
ther an  a£l  of  parliament  fhould  be  carried  into 
execution  or  not. 

Such  was  the  indecifion  of  the  new  miniftry 
refpeding  American  affairs ;  and  fo  indefinite, 
and  even  inexplicable  *,  was  the  nature  of  their 
difpatches  to  the  American  governors,  that  the 
laft  blow  was  now  given  to  the  little  energy  which 
remained  in  the  executive  part  of  the  colonial  go- 

*  See  Secretary  Conwajr's  letters  to  Governor  Fauquier, 
of  Virginia,  dated  Sept.  14,  1765. 




Ycrnmcnts.  Thofe  governors  undoubtedly  thought  '"5^"*" 
that  it  was  their  duty  to  exad  obedience  to  an  s^^y^ 
adl  of  parliament  which  extended  to  America ;    j<^gj. 
but  being  informed  in  their  government  difpatch- 
es  that  this  was  a  fubje£l  *  under  the  considera- 
tion of  the  privy  council,   a  doubt  might  arife 
where  there  was  none  before ;  and  with  fuch  in- 
formation before  them,  they  could  not  be  certain 
whether  a  ftrenuous  exertion  in  compelling  fub- 
miflion  to  the  {lamp  adl  might  not  expofe  them 
to  the  difpleafure  of  thofe  who  now  conduced 
the  affairs  of  government. 

In  the  party  writings  publiihed  about  this  time, 
and  in  certain  parliamentary  fpeeches  of  a  lat«r 
date,  which,  from  their  brilliancy,  gave  the  tone 
to  public  opinion,  the  flamp  a6l  has  been  conii- 
dered  as  the  introdudlion  of  a  new  fyftem  in  the 
government  of  the  colonies.  But  whoever  will 
take  the  trouble  of  examining  the  proceedings 
of  former  parliaments,  and  the  various  adls  which 
they  paffed,  without  confulting  the  inhabitants  of 
the  colonies,  for  confining  and  reftrifting  their 
trade  fo  as  to  make  it  ferviceable  to  the  mother- 
country  ;  for  regulating  even  their  domeftic  con- 
cerns and  purfuits,  and  for  fubjedling  both  their 
exports  and  imports,  in  certain  cafes,  to  the  pay- 
ment of  duties  and  taxes,  which,  when  colleen 
ed,  were  a  part  of  the  revenue  of  the  kingdom, 
and  applicable  to  fuch  purpofes  as  the  parliament 
thought  fit  to  diredl  f  >  will  fee  that  the  llamp 

Vol.  I.  E  aft 

*  Secretary  Conway's  letter  to  Lieutenant  Gcvernop  Fau- 
quier, dated  I4tli  Sept.   1765. 

t  See  the  following  ftatutes  '■— 

12  Car.  II.  c.  18. 
15  Car.  II.  c.  7. 
25  Car.  II.  c.  7. 

7  and  8  W.  III.  c.  22. 

3  and  4  Ann,  c.  5. 

6  Ann,  c.  30. 

9  Ann 
8  Geo. 
5  Geo. 

5  Geo. 

6  Geo.  II.  c 
23  Geo.  U.  c. 

c.  17. 

I.  c.  15. 
n.  c.  15. 

II.  c.  22. 






a£l  was  not  the  introdudion  of  a  new,  but  the 
continuation  and  cxtenfion  of  the  old  fyilem  uii< 
der  which  they  had  always  been  governed.     It 
was  an  application,  not  of  a  new,  but  of  the  old, 
principle  upon  which   former  parliaments   had 
aded  to  the  new  and  improved  ftate  of  the  colo- 
nies,  which  enabled  them  to  contribute  more 
largely  than  formerly  towards  railing  a  revenue 
for  their  own  fupport,  defence,  and  protedlion. 
1766.        But  whatever  force  there  may  be  in  thefe  re- 
marks, a  clamour  had  been  now  raifed  in  Great 
Britain  as  well  as  America ;  the  mercantile  and 
manufadiuring  interefts  were  alarmed  ;  petitions 
againfl  the  (lamp  a6t,  faid  to  be  encouraged  by 
the  miniftry  *,    were  tranfmitted  from  fome  of 
the  principal  fea-port  and  manufacturing  towns  ; 
and  in  the  next  fefTion  of  parliament,   as  had 
been  forefeen,  a  bill  was  introduced  and  fupport- 
ed  by  the  whole  weight  and  influence  of  the  new 
adminiftration  for  repealing  the  (lamp  adl.    The 
diiturbances  in  America  were  by  them  fpoken  of 
with  fome  degree  of  tendernefs.    The  inhabitants 
of  the  colonies  were  reprefented  as  an  injured 
people  ;  and  the  adls  of  violence  which  had  been 
<:ommitted,  were  fuppofed  to  proceed  from  their 
defpair.     Mr.  Grenvillc  and  his  party  ftrongly 
oppofed  the  bill,  and  charged  the  prefent  minif- 
trv  with  creating  the  difobedience  and  refiftance 
wnich  had  arifen  in  America,  by  their  intempe- 
rate and  inconfiderate  fpeeches  whilft  they  were 
in  oppoiition  ;  but  it  was  at  length  carried  and 
pailed  through  the  houfe  by  a  confiderable  ma- 
jority.    The  miniftry  feemed  to  have  wifhed  to 
give  fatisfadlion  to  all  parties,  as  well  thofe  who 
favoured,  as  thofe  who  oppofed,  the  ftamp  ad, 
by  introducing  at  the  fame  time  a  declaratory 
'  bilL 

Mr.  Grcnvillft's  fpeech  on  the  repeal  of  the  ftamp  aft. 

tA  M  E  R  I  C  A  N     WAR. 

bill,  which  cenfured  and  condemned  the  refolu- 
tions  of  the  American  aflemblies,  and  contained 
a  formal  declaration,  that  the  Britifh  parliament 
had  authority  to  make  laws  for  binding  the  colo- 
nies in  all  cafes  whatfoever.  Thefe  two  bills  ac- 
companied each  other  through  the  two  houfes  of 
parliament,  and  received  the  royal  affent  on  the 
eighteenth  of  March.  4 

In  the  bill  for  repealing  the  ftamp  a£l,  that 
ad  was  declared  to  be  repealed  ;  not  becaufe  it 
was  illegal,  unconftitutional,  or  unjuft  ;  nor  bcr 
caufe  it  was  arbitrary  or  oppreflive  ;  but  limply 
becaufe  it  was  inexpedient  :  And  it  was  repeal- 
ed abfplutely,  and  free  from  all  terms  or  condi- 

^  The  -principle  of  the  repeal,  and  the  pplicy 
of  the  miniftry  in  proceeding  thu"^  hailily  upon 
it,  have  been  much  queftioned,  and  not  without 
a  ftrong  appearance  of  reafon.  Il<l!ie  objedlions 
of  the  colonial  aflemblies  were  deemed  of  no 
force  or  validity,  it  was  the  duty  of  the  Britifh 
parliament,  for  the  prefervation  of  their  own 
authority,  inftead  of  repealing,  to  have  taken 
meafurcs  for  inforcing  th^  execution  of  the  ftamp 
a£l :  On  the  other  hand,  if  thefe  objeftions  were 
unanfwprable  and  irrefiftible,  it  would  have  been 
wife,  it  would  have  been  magnanimous  and  wor- 
thy of  the  reprefentatives  of  a  great  nation,  not 
only  to  have  repealed  the  ftamp  ad,  but  by  aa 
open  declaration  to  have  renounced  for  ever  the 
exercife  of  fuch  an  unconftitutional  authority  ; 
and  at  the  fame  time  to  have  devifed  fome  other 
expedient  for  accompUihing  the  end  propofed 
by  the  ftamp  ad  by  lefs  exceptionable  means. 
Such  a  declaration  would  have  quieted  the  minds 
of  the  cglonifts,  and  removed  all  future  appre- 
henfions.  But  the  Britifh  parliament  purfued 
neither  of  thefe  courfes.     It  is  true  they  repealed 

E  z  the 




.i<!     .Wi,,S>!f>^ 

V.  -^'-^ 

7  I 




<"J^«-  the  fttmp  ad,  but  they  at  the  fame  time  pafled 
the  declaratory  a«Sl,  more  arbitrary  and  more 
alarniinff  thaa  the  other  ;  and  by  this  prepofte- 
rous  policy  kept  alive  the  jealoufy  which  the 
(tamp  a£l  had  excited,  whiifl  they  abandoned 
all  the  benefits  which  it  was  defigned  to  pro* 

The  inhabitants  of  the  American  colonies  had 
refifted  the  execution  of  the  ftamp  ad,  becaufe 
they  thought  it  unconftitutional  :  The  inexpe- 
dience  of  it  made  no  part  of  their  legiflative 
complaints.  They  denied  the  right  of  parlia- 
ment to  impofe  taxes  upon  them  :  but  they  ne- 
ver pretended  that  the  taxes  impofed  by  the 
(lamp  ad  were  greater  than  they  were  able  to 
pay.       r  •  /  ■•  '.u.^  '■'"'  ''   ^      ■■   "..'.,  .„  „• .  '  /■  ■ 

Here  then  a  favourable  occafion  prefented  it- 
felf  for  the  exercife  of  minifterial  wifdom,  which 
tould  not  be  better  employed  than  in  moderating 
the  pretenlions  of  the  colonial  aflemblies,  fettling 
the  mode  of  their  future  contributions,  and  de- 
vifing  fome  permanent  fyflem  or  arrangement  for 
reconciling  fuch  of  their  claims  as  were  admiffi- 
ble,  with  that  general  and  fuperintending  author 
rity  which  the  parliament  ought  to  poflefs  for 
preferring  an  union  of  councils  and  of  interells 
amongft  all  the  members  of  an  exteniive  empire. 
For  fuch  a  purpofe  no  interval  could  be  more 
proper  than  that  which  paiTed  between  the  time 
when  the  execution  of  the  (lamp  ad  was  refifted 
in  Amefica,  and  the  time  of  its  repeal ;  whilft 
the  inhabitants  of  the  colonies  remained  under 
the  apprehenfion  incident  to  a  confcioufnefs  of 
having  for  the  firft  time  refufed  obedience  to  an 
ad  of  the  fupreme  power  of  the  mother-country 
— ^but  this  opportunity  was  negleded.  It  was 
now  become  neceffary  for  the  miniftry,  by  re- 
moving the  caufe,  to  allay,  as  fpeedily  as  poffi- 


:.  / 


,  V-  t 



blc,  the  ftorni  which  they  thetnfelvcs,  when  in  intrpduc 
oppofuion,  had  afliHed  to  raife.  Their  credit  as  *•**• 
a  party  depended  upon  it :  For  after  the  oppofi- 
tion  which  they  had  made  to  the  (lamp  a£l,  had 
they  proceeded  to  enforce  the  execution  of  it  by 
the  power  of  the  mother-country,  which  was  now 
in  their  hands,  the  battery  which  they  had  raifed 
againd  tiie  former  admiiiiftration  might  have 
been  turned  with  double  elfedl  againfl  them- 
fielves.  The  (lamp  aft  was  therefore  to  be  re- 
pealed at  all  events  ;  and  by  this  premature  and 
unqualified  repeal  it  has  been  thought  that  the 
iutereft  of  the  mother-country  and  th©  future 
tranquillity  of  the  colonies  were  both  facrificed 
to  the  convenience  of  party. 

If,  in  the  opinion  of  the  miniilry,  the  flamp 
a£l  was  accounted  to  be  a  bold,  daring,  and 
ralh  meafure,  their  opponents  thought  themfelves 
entitled  to  fay  that  the  aft  which  repealed  it 
was  not  lefs  marked  with  the  oppofite  qualities. 
It  is  not  wife  wantonly  to  provoke  a  quarrel : 
But  when  once  a  quarrel  is  begun,  from  whate- 
v£r  caufe  of  differeoce  it  might  have  originated, 
the  grounds  of  difference  on  both  fides  fliould  be 
inquired  into,  and  fuch  a  fettlement  (hould  be 
made  as  might  prevent  future  jealoufies  and  dif- 
agreements.  To  end  it  in  fuch  a  manner  as  to 
leave  the  pretenfions  on  both  fides  open,  is  weak 
and  daftardly  policy ; — it  is  a  temporary  expe- 
dient pregnant  with  future  mifchief. 

The  repeal  of  the  flamp  aft  occalioiied  very 
general  rejoicings  in  America.  The  mafs  of  the 
people  are  in  all  countries  led  by  the  few : 
Looking  only  at  the  outfide  of  things,  they  ea^ 
{i\y  take  the  imprefTion  which  is  meant  to  be 
given  :  They  had  been  taught  to  confidej:  the 
llamp  aft  as  the  greatefl  of  all  evils,  and  upon 
receiving  intelligence  of  its  yepeal,  gave  them- 


-*  '  ' 



\  <■  m 




ft.  'I 






I    . 

introduc-  ielvcs  up  to  unbouiidcd  joy.  In  this  fenfation, 
even  ihe  leading  men  very  cordially  joined  ;  they 
law  in  ihe  repeal  of  the  ftanip  adt,  a  viftory 
gained  by  the  colonies  over  the  mother-country, 
And  in  that  vi£iory  the  firft  dawn  of  future  in- 
dependence. They  had  experienced  ibe  bene- 
fits refuUing  from  an  union  of  councils,  and  a 
general  co-operation  in  the  fame  caufe  ;  and  con- 
fidered  the  declaratory  ad,  however  formidable 
and  offenfive  in  appearance,  as  a  mcafure  which 
was  calculated  to  do  them  more  fervice  than 
harm.  They  viewed  it  as  a  weak  and  impolitic 
bravado  on  the  part  of  the  Britifh  parliament, 
which  would  defeat  its  own  purpofe,  by  continu- 
ing the  alarm  which  had  been  excited,  and  by 
cementing  the  union  which  had  taken  place 
amongft  the  colonies. 

The  courts  of  juftice  now  refumed  their  func- 
tions ;  the  aflemblies  in  the  different  provinces 
were  called ;  and  mutual  congratulations  paflcd 
between  them  and  their  governors.  Their  late 
ill-humour  gave  a  poignancy  to  their  prcfent  en- 
joyments ;  and  all  paft  animofities  feemed  for  a 
time  to  be  forgotten. 

But  even  during  this  feafon  of  feftivity,  there 
were  not  wanting  forae,  who  by  publications  in 
the  ncwfpapers  cautioned  their  countrymen  againft 
giving  way  to  intemperate  joy ;  they  reminded 
them,  that  although  the  ftamp  aft  was  repealed, 
its  principle  had  not  been  given  up  :  That  the  Bri- 
tifh parliament  perfevered  in  maintaining  their 
right  of  taxation,  and  by  paffing  the  declaratory 
adt  affedted  to  poiTefs  a  ftill  higher  and  more 
arbitrary  power  than  the  authors  of  the  ftamp 
adl  had  ventured  to  excrcife :  That  the  repeal 
of  the  ftamp  adl  had  rather  bren  extorted  than 
freely  granted,  and  that  for  thi'^  boon  they  were 
more  indebted  to  their  own  wifdom  and  firitinefs, 
.     "  than 





than  to  the  generofity  of  the  Britifti  nation  :  That  '"'j^^"** 
future   adminiftrations   and   future    parliaments 
might  again  attempt  to  impofe  taxes  upon  them  ; 
and  that  it  was  therefore  incumbent  upon  ^e  in- 
habitants of  the  colonies  to  be  vigilant  and  atten- 
tive, and  not  fuffer  themfelves  to  be  lulled  into  a 
ftate  of  thoughtlefs  fecurity :  That  it  was  their 
duty,  whilil  it  was  in  their  power,  to  provide 
againft  the  worft  that  might  happen  :  That  with 
this  view  they  ought  to  encourage  the  breeding  of 
flieep,  for  the  purpofe  of  acquiring  r.  ftock  of 
wool,  the  culture  of  flax,  hemp,  and  cotton,  anci 
the  fabrication  of  fuch  of  the  coarfer  Briiifh  ma- 
nufadlures  as  are  moft  effentially  neceffary  for 
the  common  purpofes  of  life  ;  by  which  means 
they  might  with  lefs  inconvenience  to  themfelves, 
when  future  occafions  ihould  require  it,  enter 
into   non-importation    agreements,    and   abftain 
from  the  ufe  and  confumption  of  Britifh  manu- 
fadures,^  which  they  faw  was  likely  to  be  the  moft 
effedual  mode  of  oppofition  to  the  illegal  exerti; 
ons  of  power  on  the  part  of  the  mother-country. 
By  fuch  publications,  attempts  were  made  to  keep 
alive  and  nourifli  that  fpirit  of  jealoufy  and  dif* 
trull,  which  the  declaratory  a<5l  was  fo  well  calcu^ 
lated  to  infpire.    '  "         ■  ;' 

The  fecretary  of  ftate,  in  the  difpatches  fent  to 
the  American  governors  upon  the  repeal  of  the 
Aamp  a6l,  took  occalion  to  fet  forth  the  grace  and 
coudefceniion  of  the  king  and  parliament  in  liilenr 
ing  to  the  complaints  of  the  inhabitants  of  the  co- 
lonies ;  and  their  lenity,  tendernefs,  moderation^ 
and  fort)earance,  manifefted  in  the  repeal  of  that 
ad,  notwithftaading  the  provocation  which  they 
had  received  by  the  forcible  refiflance  that  had  been 
made  to  the  execution  of  it ;  and  intimated  that 
fuitable  returns  of  grantude,  duty,  alTedion,  and 
fubmiifion,  would  be  expedled  on  the  part  of  the 








H  T  &  T  O  R  Y    O  F    T  H  E 

colonies.  Thefe  were  held  forth  as  themes  for 
the  governors  to  enlarge  upon  in  their  fpeeches 
to  the  aiTemblies.  And  it  muft  be  confeffed  that 
thofe  aflemblies  were  not  backward  in  voting  ad- 
drefles  of  thanks,  nor  did  they  fall  Ihort  of  the 
fecretary's  expeftations  in  proieffions  of  loyalty, 
duty,  and  affedlion  to  the  king ;  but  in  what  re- 
gardepl;the  parliament  they  were  far  from  being 
explicit :  And  it  very  foon  appeared  that  fome  of 
them,  inftead  of  bemg  eager  to  give  fubftantial 
proofs  of  fubordination  to  the  Britilh  parliament, 
were  ftudious  to  avoid  even  the  appearance  of  it. 

At  the  time  of  repealing  the  ftamp  a6l,  the  par- 
liatneiit  alfo  voted  an  addrefs  to  be  prefented  to 
his  majefty,  requefting  that  he  would  be  pleafed 
to  inftruft  the  governors  in  America  to  make  re- 
quifitions  to  the  colonial  aflemblies  for  granting 
cotnpenfatiou  to  fuch  individuals  ashad  Tufiered  in 
their  private  property  in  confequence  of  the  tu- 
mults. Thefe  requifitions  were  accordingly  made 
in  fuch  of  the  colonies  where  any  lofs  of  private 
property  had  been  fuftained,  and  particularly  in 
the  province  of  Maflachufets  Bay,  where  the  tu- 
mults had  been  the  mofl  M'trageous.  Buttheaflem- 
bly  of  that  province,  inilc  d  of  laying  hold  of  this 
opportunity  to  fhew  their  refpedl  to  the  Briiifh 
parliament,  and  at  the  fame  time  to  do  an  adt  ofjuf- 
tice,  quarrelled  with  their  governor,  under  a  pre- 
tence that  he  had  fet  forth  a  requifition  in  ftronger 
and  more  peremptory  terms  thanhe  was  warranted 
todo  by  the  fecretary  of  date's  letter ;  and  in  an  ad- 
drefs prefented  to  him  on  this  occafion,  after  cen- 
furing  the  manner  in  which  he  had  communicated 
the  requifition,  they  coldly  tell  him,  "  That  they 
^'  will  embrace  the  firft  convenient  opportunity 
?*  to  conlider  and  ad  upon  fecretary  Conway's 
f  recommendation,"  without  taking  the  leaft  no- 
tice of  the  refolution  of  parliament.  The  gover- 
''      ^  no^ 





:r  cen- 
t  they 
I  way's 


nor  made  repeated  applications  to  them,  but  from  introdu«i. 
various  pretences  they  delayed  pafTing  an  aft  to ,    **""■ 
compeui'ate  the  I'ufTerers  for  more  than  fix  months ; 
nor  was  it  done  until  the  iphabitants  of  the  town, 
of  Bofton  inftrudled  their  reprefentatives  to  vote 
for  it,  and  informed  them  that  the  lords  of  the 
treafury  in.  England  had  refufed  to  pay  the  colony 
the  money  voted  by  parliament  in  the  year  1 763, 
until  compenfation  was  firfl  made  to  thefe  fuffer- 
ers  :  And  when  the  a£l  was  at  laft  pafTed,  it  con- 
tained a  claufe  of  indemnity  to  the  offenders  in 
the  riots,  which  ftiewed  that  thefe  were  not  lefs 
the  obje<^s  of  that  affembly*8  care  and  attention, 
than  the  unfortunate  fufferers.    A  limilar  back- 
wardnefs   appeared    in  the   colonies  of  Rhode 
Ifland  and  New  York;  but  in  the  province  of 
Maryland  the  alfembly  were  eager  to  teftify  theiaf 
refpeft  for  the  recommendation  of  parliamjsm, 
and  without  delay  voted  compenfation  to  tke  only 
individual  who  had  fuffered  in  that  province : 
And  in  the  other  colonies  no  lofles  were  fuf- 

In  the  fame  fefiion  of  parliament  in  which  the 
ilamp  aft  had  been  repealed,  an  aft  was  paiTed 
for  amending  the  anuual. mutiny  aft,  which  it 
had  been  ufual  to  pafs,  for  the  government  of  the 
troops  in  America.  The  intention  of  the  amend- 
ment was  to  provide  for  the  more  comfortable 
fubfiftence  of  thofe  troops  by  fupplying  them 
with  fait,  vinegar,  and  beci  or  cyder  ;  and  the  aft 
direfted  that  the  expence  incurred  by  the  fupply 
of  thefe  articles  fhould  be  ralfed  by  the  affemblics 
of  the  refpettive  colonies  in  which  the  troops  were 
quartered.  It  fo  happened,  by  the  accidental 
march  of  fome  troops  into  the  province  of  New 
York,  that  the  governor  of  that  province  had 
occafion,  on  the  day  after  he  had  communicated 
to  the  alfembly  the  repeal  of  the  ftaoip  aft,  to 


'        )i 

t ) 






1  vl  ^ 














Ifc  ^ 


■i  f 

HISTORY    OF     tHE 

spply  to  them  for  quarters  for  thefc  troops,  and 
in  his  melTage  he  fpecified  the  additional  articles 
of  fait,  vinegar,  beer  or  cyder,  which  were  re- 
quired to  be  farnifhed  under  the  amended  mutiny 
',.\\  of  the  laft  feflion  of  parliament.     He  alfo  in- 
fbrmed  them  that  the  troops  were  upon  their  march, 
anr^  were  daily  expedled  at  New  York.     The  af- 
fembly  however  was  in  no  hafte  to  take  his  mef- 
fage  into  confideration,  nor  did  they  prefent  an  ad- 
drefs  in  anfwer  to  it  until  after  the  arrival  of  the 
troops,  who  in  the  mean  time  were  put  to  fome 
inconvenience  for  want  of  quarters.     In  their  ad- 
drefs,  the  aflembly  avoided  noticing  the  a6l  of 
parliament :  They  affefted  to  confider  the  requi- 
lition  as  coming  lolely  from  the  king  ;  and  agreed 
to  furnifh  quarters  for  the  troops  with  fuch  ne- 
ceflaries  only  as  they  had  been  formerly  accuf-  . 
tomcd  to  furniih.     This  anfwer  not  proving  fatif- 
fadlory  to  the  governor,  another  mefTage  was  feat ; 
and  after  various  nieffages  and  addreffes,  the  af- 
fembly  atlaftpofitively  refnfed  to  fupply  the  troops 
with  the  additional  articles  required  by  the  amend- 
ment made  to  the  mutiny  ad,  feeming  to  confi- 
der it  as  not  differing  in  principle  from  the  ftamp 
a(^,  fo  far  as  it  impofed  a  nev/  burthen  upon  them. 
A^  diCnieiinaiion  to  comply  v/ith  this  ad  of  parli- 
ament appeared  in  feveral  of  the  other  colonies 
where  troops  were  flationed  ;  and  in  no  one  of 
them  was  the  a6l  fpecifically  carried  into  execu- 
tion.    Means,  it  is  true,  were  fallen  upon  to  fa- 
tisfy  the  troops  :  But  the  Bridlh  parliament  was 
not  to  be  gratified,  even  at  the  fmall  expence  of 
furnifhing  the  inconfidcrable  articles  of  fait,  vi- 
negar, and  finall  beer.  '* 

Such  were  the  returns  made  in  America  to  the 
grac!'  and  condefcenfion  of  the  king  and  parlia- 
ment in  repealing  the  flanip  ad.  But  the  Rock- 
ingham  Adminiilration  did    not  continue    long 



AkERrCAN     WAR. 





enough  in  power  to  receive  official  accounts  of  intredw- 
the  effedt  of  their  meafures!  for  reftoring  peace  '^ 
and  tranquillity  to  the  colonies.  In  the  month 
of  July  of  the  prefent  year,  they  were  difmiffed 
from  their  employments,  and  a  new  adminillra- 
tion  was  formed,  at  the  head  of  \yhich  was  the 
duke  of  Grafton,  aided  by  the  fplendid  talents, 
the  popular  virtues,  and  energetic  powers  of  Mr. 
Pitt,  now  created  earl  of  Chatham,  who  accepted 
the  office  of  lord  privy  feal,  and  with  whof  j  ad- 
vice the  new  arrangements  were  faid  to  have  been 

The  firfl  aft  of  this  new  adminiftration  which 
related  to  America  ferves  to  fhew,  that  although 
many  of  the  members  of  it  had  voted  for  the  re- 
peal of  the  flamp  adl,  yet  in  reality  they  differed 
not  much  in  principle  from  thofe  who  were  the 
authors  of  it.  In  the  debates  which  that  aft  had 
occafioned  in  parliament,  in  fome  of  the  poli- 
tical pamphlets  publifhed  in  America,  and  in  the 
refolutions  of  fome  of  the  colonial  aflemblies,  a 
diftindion  had  been  taken  between  external  and 
internal  taxation,  that  is,  between  railing  money 
from  the  colonies  by  the  impofition  of  duties  oa 
the  importation  or  exportation  of  merchandize> 
and  railing  it  internally  in  the  waypropofed  by 
the  ftamp  aft  :  And  on  thefe  occafions  .it  had 
bei  r  faid,  that  although  the  colonies  never  would 
agree  to  the  latter,  they  had  already  fubmitted  to 
the  former,  which  was  neceffary  for  the  regula- 
tion of  fade ;  and  '  hat  the  Britilh  parliament 
ought  to  be  contented  with  the  exercife  of  this 
acknowledged  right,  leaving  to  the  colonial  af^ 
femblies  the  powers  of  internal  taxation,  and  of 
regulating  the  domeftic  policy  of  the  refpeftive 
pro\'inces,  which  feemed  to  be  the  objcas  for 
which  fuch  aiTemblies  were  originally  iarftituted, 
and  of  the  due  exercife  of  which  powers,  their 



(     .  (. 

1  i  ( 

;  \ 


'  li 





t  f 

local  mformation  enabled  them  to  be  more  com- 
petent iiidgcs  than  the  Britifli  parliament  could 
prfitcnd  to  be. 

The  new  miniftry  laying  bold  cf  ihic  diftinc- 
tiloiu  and  availing  therafelvos  or  the  iuppof '1 
conceffion,  procured  an  a£t  of  par'JiC:*  it  to  l* 
paffed  for  impofing  ceriain  duties  on  gtafs,  paper, 
pafteboard,  white  and  r<;d  lead,  painter's  colours, 
and  tea,  payable  upon  the  importation  of  thefe 
articles  into  the  American  colonies ;  whic^  dvi 
ties,  when  colle6>ed,  v,ere  made  appiicabie,  in 
the  firft  place,  to  making  piovilion  for  the  admi- 
niftration  of  juftice,  ahd  the  fupport  u*  civil  go- 
vernment, in  fuch  of  the  coionJes  where  it  Ihould 
be  ncceffary,  and  the  refidue  to  be  paid  into  the 
•;;xchequer  in  England,  and  to  be  applicable  to 
the  fame  ufes  as  the  former  duties  impofed  in  the 
year  1764.  The  ad  alfo  contained  a  claufe  for 
difcontinuing  the  drawback  payable  on  the  ex- 
portation of  china-ware  to  America,  and  made 
fpmenew  provifions  for  preventing  the  clandeftine 
running  of  goods  in  the  colonies.  And  at  the 
fame  time  another  aft  was  palled  for  putting  thefe, 
and  all  the  other  cuftoms  and  duties  payable  in 
America  by  any  former  a6l  of  parliament,  under 
the  management  of  commiffioners,  who  were  to 
be  refident  in  that  country. 

In  the  fame  feflion  too,  the  difpatches  of  the 
governor  of  New  York,  which  have  announced 
the  refufal  of  the  aflembly  of  that  province  to 
comply  with  the  mutiny  adt,  were  laid  before  the 
parliament :  And  timidly  indulgent  as  Cit  mem- 
bers of  this  parliament  had  heretofore  fhewed 
thenifelves,  in  overlooking  the  -ebellious  out- 
rages which  had  been  committed,  and  the  daring 
infurre6lions  which  had  appeared  in  America,  in 
oppofition  to  fhe  ftamp  a61,  they  now  feemed  de- 
termiacd  that  the  aflembly  c-'  New  York  ftiould 

..  ;  feel 


ica,  in 
led  de- 


feel  the  weight  of  their  difpleafure  for  this  recent  i*>":o<iuc- 
aft  of  difobedience ;  and  an  aft  was  accordingly  ^^^^ 
paffed  for  fufpending  them  from  the  exercife  of    i^gy. 
all  their  legiflative  fundlions,  until  they  fhould 
yield  obedience  to  the  adl  of  parliament  for  quar- 
tering the  troops.     The  Rockingham  party,  now 
out  of  office,  could  not  in  decency  oppofe  this 
coercive  meafure,  the  objeft  of  which  was  to  en- 
force obedience  to  an  adl  of  parliament  which 
they,    when    in   power,    had    procured    to    be 

Thefe  a£ls  were  all  introduced  and  fupported  by 
the  influence  of  the  new  miniftry.  They,  like  the 
miniftry  which  had  patronized  the  ftamp  aft, 
were  confcious  that  the  mother-country,  bending 
under  the  weight  and  preflfure  of  accumulated 
taxes,  with  the  finews  of  her  ftrength  ftretched 
to  the  utmoft  poffible  extent,  ftood  in  need  of 
every  affiftance.  Like  them  too  they  were  con- 
vinced that  the  American  colonies  were  the  leaft 
burthened  of  all  the  Britilh  dominions ;  and  that 
it  was  the  duty  of  thofe  who  were  entruftcd  with 
the  adminiftration  of  government  to  require  them 
to  furnifh  a  due  proportion  towards  the  general 
cxpence.  It  was  alfo  thought  highly  probable,  that 
as  the  colonies  had  been  fo  lately  gratified  with 
the  repeal  of  the  obnoxious  ftamp  aft,  they  would 
the  more  readily  fubmit  to  an  aft  which  required 
their  contribution  in  a  fhape  and  form  accommo- 
dated in  fome  degree  to  the  political  fpeculations 
of  the  times,  and  to  the  ideas  of  fome  of  thofe 
friends  of  the  colonies  who  had  efpoufed  their 
caufe  in  the  Britifti  parliament.  Perhaps  too  it 
was  thought  that  the  colonies  would  ha<re  been 
more  eafily  induced  to  yield  to  this  mode  of  tax-  .^ 
ation,  as  this  would  tend  to 'refute  the  afperfions 
of  their  enemies,  who  charged  them  with  ingra- 
titude, and  reproached  them  with  an  inclination 


i  . 





^j  ^  , 




introducr  to  avail  themfelves  of  the  prote£lion  of  the  mo- 
*^°^  ther-country,  and  of  all  the  benefits  which  they 
enjoyed  under  the  Britilh  government,  without 
contributing  towards  its  fupport.  Such,  it  may 
befuppofed,  were  fome  of  the  motives  which  in- 
fluenced the  Britifti  miniftry  about  this  period. 

But  the  leading  men  in  the  colonies,  and  iheix 
political  writers,  thought  ver)  differently.  In 
the  courfe  of  their  fpeculations  on  the  fubjeft  of 
the  {lamp  aft,  they  had  been  led  into  a  train  of 
thought  and  confequent  reafoning  that  were  ap- 
plicable not  only  to  the  adl  which  was  the  imme- 
diate objcft  of  their  fpeculatiou,  but  to  all  the 
other  ads  of  the  Britifti  parliament  which  ex- 
tended to  America.  Some  of  thefe  had  exifted 
for  more  than  a  century,  and  had  been  fanftioned 
by  tir  i'  ,10;!  Sy  conftant  and  uninterrupted  acqui- 
cfceii  u  T-.  y  vc  queftioned  their  validity  would 
have  bc'-D  ui].:ring  violence  to  public  opinion, 
Thefe  wrkeis  therefore  were  prudent  enough  for 
the  prefent  to  avoid  pufhing  their  arguments  to 
fuch  a  length  ;  but  they  were  not  the  lefs  anxious 
to  guard  their  countrymen  againft  fubmitting  to 
any  farther  extenfion  of  the  like  authority.  For 
this  purpofe,  the  paffing  of  the  ftamp  aft  was  to 
be  held  out  as  a  new  sera  in  their  political  hiftory, 
and  as  the  commencement  of  a  new  fyftem  on  the 
part  of  Great  Britain.  That  aft  had  been  con- 
demned as  illegal  and  unconllitutional.  Thofe 
which  preceded  it,  although  upon  other  grounds 
of  argument  not  lefs  liable  to  objeftion,  yet  hav- 
ing been  confecrated  by  time,  were  to  be  thrc  *vn 
into  the  back  ground,  and  the  ftamp  aft  alone  was 
to  be  put  forward  as  the  prominent  figure,  by  a 
comparifon  with  which  the  legality  or  illegality 
of  every  fubfequent  adt  of  parliament  for  laying 
duties  or  taxes  on  America  was  to  be  eftimated. 



J  ►        / 


It  required  no  great  reach  of  thought  to  per- 
ceive, that  the  late  a6l  which  impofed  duties  on 
certain  articles  of  merchandize  imported  from 
Great  Britain  into  the  col .  nes,  differed  not  in 
principle  from  the  ftamp  ad.  The  objefi  of  both 
was  to  raife  a  revenue  from  the  colonies ;  in  th$ 
railing  of  which,  and  in  the  difpofal  of  it  when 
raifed,  the  colonial  aflemblies  were  to  have  no 
concern :  The  articles  upon  which  the  duties 
were  impofed,  were  become  fo  neceffary  that  they 
could  not  be  difpenfed  with  without  great  incon- 
venience to  the  inhabitants  of  the  colonies ;  and 
they  were  fuch  as  either  could  not  be  railed  in 
America,  or  in  the  railing  and  manufadlure  of 
which  it  was  not  the  intereft  of  the  coloniils  to  be 

On  this  ground  their  political  writers  let  tQ 
work.  They  maintained  that  the  new  aft  was  a 
branch  of  the  fame  fyftem  which  had  been  intro- 
duced ia  Mr.  Grenville's  admiuiftration  for  en- 
ilaving  America  :  That  it  Was  in  every  refpeft  as 
UDConftitutional  as  the  (lamp  a6l :  That  the  mo- 
ther-country, guided  by  fuch  cor  twils  and  pur- 
fuing  fuch  arbitrary  meafures,  v/aj  rather  to  be 
confidered  as  a  malignant  flep-mclher  than  an  in- 
dulgent parent :  That  Ihe  envied  che  profperity  of 
the  colonies,  and  feemed  determ/.ned  to  crufh  and 
keep  them  down :  And  that  in  was  the  refore  a 
duty  which  the  inhabitants  of  the  colonics  OM'ed 
not  only  to  themfelvcs  but  to  their  pofterity,  to 
withftand  fuch  illegal  exaftions ;  becn.ule,  if  they 
fubmitted  to  one,  it  would  afford  a  precedent  for 
another,  and  that  to  a  third ;  until,  by  the  con- 
tinued renev.  al  and  extenfion  of  fuch  impofitions, 
they  would  be  drained  of  the  little  wealth  they 
pofiefled,  and  be  at  laft  reduced  to  poverty  and 
diftrefs.  Such  were  the  arguments  ufed  to  excite 
an  oppofiiion   to  the   new   adl  of  parliament 




I  >\ 

)      ;(" 

■  1! 






i     ' 

""tioJ"*'  ""®o^  the  people  of  the  colonies ;  and  meet- 
ing with  no  contradiction,  the  effcft  which  they 
would  have  upon  the  public  mind  may  be  eafily 

The  inattention  of  government  to  thefe  pub- 
lications was  one  great  caufe  of  haftening  the 
American  revolution.  For  whilft  the  colonial 
newfpapers  were  filled  with  inflammatory  pub- 
lications, tending  to  excite  jealoufy  a^d  promote 
difcoutent,  %  hrow  fufpicions  on  cverv  aft  of 
the  Britilh  government  e'. tending  to  America, 
and  by  degrees  to  leiTen  that  veneration  for  the 
mother-country  with  which  the  inhabitants  of, 
at  leaft  a  part  of,  the  Britifh  colonies  were  once 
imprefled ;  only  one  or  two  writers  were  em- 
ployed on  the  other  fide  to  counteradi  the  effedls 
of  fuch  feditious  publications,  to  fupport  the 
caufe  of  the  mother-country,  and  for  a  time  to 
keep  the  couirfe  of  public  opinion  fufpended, 
until  the  matters  in  difpute  could  be  fairly  and 
difpaflionately  confidered. 

It  is  to  the  province  of  Mallachufets  Bay  that 
we  are  henceforward  to  look  for  ihofe  caulV  j 
which  had  a  more  immediate  influence  in  ?  xe- 
lerating  the  American  revolution.  The  foun- 
dation of  this  revolution  was  indeed  laid  in  the 
meeting  of  the  firft  congrefs;  not  perhaps  by 
any  aftual  agreement  to  refift  the  power  of  the 
mother-country,  but  by  incorporating  and  unit- 
ing the  grievances  of  all  the  colonies,  and  mak- 
ing them  the  fubjedl  of  common  complaint. 
"VS'hence  it  followed,  that  whenever  afterwards 
any  finglc;  colony  brought  upon  itfelf  the  difplea- 
fi;re  of  the  njother-couutry,  the  caufe  of  that 
colony  was  efpoufed  by  all  the  reft ;  and  the  re- 
f  raft'  y  ungovernable  fpirit  of  the  inhabitants 
of  JV  .  Tachufets  Bay,  for  ever  running  into  ex- 
ceflTes,  and  breaking  forth  into  outrages  againft 


,A  M  E  R  I  C  / 

W  A  K. 

lawful    authority,   and   thereby   bringing  down  ^""J^""' 
upon  the  province  the  coufequent  animadverfi-  s.^^^^*- 
ODS   and    chaAifements  of  the  mother-country,    iy68. 
furuiflied  to  the  affeniblies  of  the  other  colonies 
a  never-failing  fource  of  difquiet,  uneafinefs,  re- 
inonftrance  and  complaint ;  until,  by  fucceilive 
altercations  with  government,  their  paflious  be- 
came inflamed,  refentment  was  kindled,  and  all 
refpedi   for  the  mother-country  being  in  time 
thrown  afide,  the  bonds  of  union  which  con- 
nected her  with  the  colonies  were  at  laft  violent- 
ly rent  afundcr.     The  tranfadions  in  this  pro- 
vince will  therefore  occupy  a  principal  part  in 
the  following  pages,  down  to  the  year  1774. 

There  had  been  no  good  agreement  between 
the  governor*  and  the  inhabitauis  of  Maflachu- 
fcts  Bay  from  the  time  of  the  ftaijip  adl.  He  ha4 
onthat,  and  indeed  on  every  other  occafion,  fhewn 
hinifelf  adive  and  zealous  in  maintaining  the 
authority  of  the  mother-country,  as  far  as  it  was 
in  his  power ;  aud  this  conduit  of  itfelf  was  fuf- 
ficient  to  make  him  unpopular.  He  had  lived 
long  enough  in  the  province  to  be  fully  acquaint- 
ed with  the  charadler  of  the  people  over  whom 
he  prefided,  and  by  his  knowledge  and  experi- 
ence was  enabled  to  penetrate  into  their  defigns, 
which  he  did  not  fail  to  lay  open  to  the  Britifh 
miuirtry.  The  animadverfions  on  their  conduft 
contained  in  fome  of  the  government  difpatches, 
which  it  was  neceflary  to  lay  before  the  alfembly, 
difcovered  to  them  the  nature  of  their  gover- 
nor's communications ;  and  they,  on  their  parv^ 
charged  him  with  mifreprefentaiion.  In  the  pre- 
ceding year  he  had  exercifed  the  prerogative  of 
putting  a  negative  on  fome  of  the  violent  men 
of  the  patriotic  party,  whom  the  aflembly  had 

'' '     *  *  Sir  Francis  Bernard. 

Vol.  I.    •         -r  •  '■ 




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I "'  -  "I  •>< 








clciled  as  coiinfellors.  The  excluded  members 
felt  this  as  a  grofs  aflront,  and  becante  his  inve- 
terate enemies.  Their  influence  with  the  people 
■was  great,  and  they  fcrupled  not  to  ufc  it  in  ftir- 
t'ln^  them  up  to  thwart  the  governor,  gratifying 
their  private  rcfentment  at  the  expence  of  the 
public  tranquillity :  And  to  the  efforts  of  thefe 
reAlefs  and  difcontented  men  may,  in  part,  be 
afcribed  the  perturbed  and  unquiet  ftate  of  this 
province  dur-ngthc  whole  of  the  cnfuing  year. 

The  firft  fymptoms  of  a  determined  oppofition 
to  the  a£l  of  the  laft  felTion  of  parliament  for 
iitipofing  duties  in  America  appeared  at  Bolton 
in  the  month  of  Oftober  of  the  preceding  year ; 
where  the  inhabitants,  at  a  meeting  held  in  their 
town-hall,  agreed  to  enter  into  aiflbciations  to 
encourage  manufactures  amongft  themfelves,  to 
difcountenance  luxuries  of  all  forts,  and  to  dif-' 
continue  the  importation  from  Great  Britain  of 
All  fuch  fuperfluous  articles  of  drefs  and  clothing 
as  neceflity  did  not  abfolutely  require.  But  the 
a6l  which  gave  them  mod  uneaiinefs  was  that 
Hvhich  eftablifhed  a  board  of  cuiloms  in  America. 
tJhder  the  infpedlion  and  fuperintendcnce  of 
of  that  board  they  dreaded  a  more  rigorous  exe- 
cution of  the  laws  of  trade  than  they  had  been 
yet  ^ccuftomed  to^  Their  apprehenfions  were 
the  greater  becaufe  the  refidence  of  this  board 
Was  fixed  to  be  at  Bofton  i  and  their  chagrin  was 
the  more  diftreffing,  from  a  conviftion  that  this, 
of  all  the  afts  which  had  been  gaffed,  was  the 
leaft  liable  to  be  afTailed  by  objeftions  of  any 
confiderable  Weieht  or  importance. 

When  the  aflerably  of  that  province  met  in 
month  of  January  of  the  prefent  year,  they  en- 
tered Upon  a  general  confideration  of  griev- 
ances. A  petition  was  prepared,  to  be  prefent- 
ed  to  the  king,  complaining  not  only  of  the  a^ls 


'■',.•  .■.'*'; 

\f'''     "*%    *. *....  ....    .,. 


MERltAN    WAR. 


of  the  laft  feflion  of   parliament,  but  of  every 
other  aft  which  had  been  paffed  for  impofiug  du- 
ties in  America  fince  the  year   1763.     A  verv 
lon|T  letter  was  written  to  their  agent  in  England, 
inftru6ling  him  how  to  controvert  thefe  a£ls  upon 
grounds  of  natural  right,  and  upon  general  prin-. 
ciples  of  equity,    policv,    and   connnerce;  and, 
letters  were  alfo  tranfmitted  to  the  lords  of  the 
treafury,  the  fecretirics  of  ftate,  the  marquis  of. 
Rockingham,   the  earl   of  Chatham,   and  lord 
Camden,    pleading  the  caufe  of  America,   and 
ihtrcating  the  exertion  of  their  influence  and 
abilities  in  furthering  the  objeft  of  the  petition. 

Thefc  fteps  having  been  taken  for  inducing  a 
favourable  hearing  of  their  complaints  in  £ug- 
land,  they  now  had  recourfe  to  ihe  fame  kind  of 
policy  which  had  before  been  fuccefsfuUy  prac- 
tifed  in  oppofing  the  ftamp  a6l ;    thinkmg  the 
prcfent  a  favourable  opportunity  for  renewing 
their  correfpondence  with  the  other  colonial  at 
femblies,  and  for  flimulating  them  to  prefer  it- 
milar  complaints.     With  this  view  a  circular  let- 
ter was  addrefled  to  the  aflemblies  of  all  the 
other  colonies,  communicating  the  deliberations 
of  the  afTembly  of  MaiTachufets  Bay,  on  the  late 
a£ls  of  parliament  for  inipofmg  duties  in  Ame- 
rica ;  giving  a  full  detail  of  the  grounds  of  ar- 
gument which  they  had  ufed  tc^cxpofe  the  evil 
tendency  of  thefe  ads,  in  their  petition  to  the 
king,  in   the  inflrudlions  to  their  agent,  and  in 
their  letters  to  the  great  officers  of  ftate  in  Eagr 
land  ;  expreffing  a  hope  that  meafures  of  a  fmii- 
lar  nature  would  be  adopted  by  all  the  affemblies 
upon  the  continent ;  and  intimating  a  readinefs 
and  a  wifh  to  receive  from  thefe  affemblies  a  com- 
munication of  fuch  other  meafures  as  might  to 
them  appear  neceffary    to  be  purfued   for  the 
general  iutereft  of  the  whole. 

F  2  This 




\  7 






k  I  S  T  O  R  Y     0  F    t  ri  E 

This  letter  bore  date  the  i  ith  of  February.  A 
copy  of  it  was  without  delay  fent  to  England  by 
the  govemoi:,  and  gave  much  difpleafure  to  the 
Britiih  adtniniilration.  They  viewed  it  as  a 
wicked  attempt  in  the  aflembly  of  MajTachufets 
Bay  to  light  up  again  the  flames  of  difcord  in 
the  colonies,  and  as  the  commencement  of  a  plan 
of  regular  oppofition  to  the  authority  of  the  mo- 
ther-country. And  in  order  to  counteract  its  cf- 
fefts,  the  fecretary  of  ftate  for  American  affairs  *, 
on  the  22d  of  April,  wrote  an  adn^onitory  letter 
to  the  governors  of  the  colonies,  to  be  by  them 
laid  before  their  afTemblies,  in  which  the  circular 
letter  of  the  aflembly  of  Maffachufets  Bay  was 
condemned  as  a  meafure  of  a  moft  dangerous 
and  fa£liou.<;  tendency,  calculated  to  inflame  tne 
minds  of  his  majefly's  good  fubje£is  in  the  colo-i 
nies,  to  promote  an  unwarrantable  combination, 
to  excite  an  oppofition  to  the  authority  of  par- 
liament, and  to  fubvert  the  true  principles  of  the 
conAitution :  And  the  colonial  aflTemblies  were 
admoniihed  not  to  fuffer  themfelves  to  be  led 
away  from  their  duty,  nor  to  give  any  counte- 
nance to  this  mifchicvous  eflbrt  of  the  Mafla- 
chufets  Bay  aflfembly  for  exciting  difcord  ;  but 
rather  to  treat  it  with  th^  contempt  it  de- 

But  this  adminiflration  did  not  accord  with 
the  fentiments  d9  the  leading  men  in  the  colo- 
nies. They  maintained  that  the  colonial  aiTem* 
blies  had  a  right  to  confult  together  and  freely 
to  communicate  their  obfervations  to  each  other, 
on  the  fubje6l  of  their  common  grievances  ;  and 
they  coniidered  the  interference  of  the  Britiih 



•  A  new  afrangemeht  took  place  at  tlie  Btginning  of  the 
)>refent  year,  in  the  fecretary  of  ftate's  office  ;  a  third  fecre- 
tary being  appointed  for  the  department  of  the  coloniei. 



.'A  M  £  K  I  C  A  N     WAR. 

miniftry,  on  the  prefent  occafion,  as  an  unjufti- 
fiable  attempt  to  difcourage  and  prevent  the  in- 
habitants of  the  colonies  from  exercifing  the  un- 
doubted right  of  Britifti  fubjedls  to  prefer  their 
united  fupplications  to  the  throne  whenever  they 
thought  themfelves  aggrieved, 

And  thus  the  letter  from  the  fecretary  of  ftate 
became  the  fubjeft  of  fevere  apimadverfion,  and 
gave  occafion  to  fome  new  and  angry  refohitions 
infeveralof  the  colonial  aflemblies  :  Whilftthe 
circular  letter  from  Maffachufets  Bay  was  well 
received  and  approved  pf,  and  produced  all  the 
effect  which  was  expe^ed  from  it.  Petitions 
formed  on  the  model  of  that  of  Mafiachufets 
Bay  were  tranfmitted  to  England  from  all  the  co- 

ThoTe  ihades  of  difference  which  had  origi- 
nally characterized  the  refolutions  of  the  diffe- 
rent aifemblies,  and  which  were  moil  confpicuous 
in  thofe  of  Maffachufets  Bay  and  Virginia,  new 
began  to  difappear.  The.  republican  notions  and 
high  pretcnfions  cf  the  people  of  New  England 
were  daily  gaining;  ground  :  And  the  aft  of  the 
laft  feffion  of  parliament  for  impoling  duties, 
although  apparently  framed  for  the  purpofe  of 
coinciding  with  the  political  creed  of  the  fouth- 
ern  colonies,  was  now  as  much  condemned  in 
the  aflembly  of  Virginia  as  it  had  been  in  that 
of  Maffachufets  Bay  ;  the  aflembly  of  Vir'jinia 
getting  rid  of  their  former  diftindion  between 
internal  taxes,  by  maintaining  that  the  duties 
payable  by  this  adl,  although  on  the  importation 
of  merchandize,  were  as  much  internal  as  thofe 
of  the  ftatnp  adl,  becaufe  they  were  impofed  not 
for  the  purpofe  of  regulation,  but  for  railing  a^ 
revenue.      ^-^  - - 

The  letter  from  the  fecretary  of  ftate  to  the 
governor  of  Maffachufets  Bay  inftrudle^  him  to 


/■  ■■ 






■  '4 

.*,  -1 


/,','■•  ■■«.• 

»^o#*«r»?'*~  ■ 

\   W'' 








require  the  aflembly  of  his  province  to  refcincj 
the  refo|ution  of  the  preceding  feflion,  which 
had  given  birth  to  the  circular  letter,  as  it  ap- 
peared to  have  paffed  near  the  end  of  the  af- 
fembly,  and  in  a  thin  houfe  ;  and  if  they  Ihould 
refufe,  he  was  diredled  to  diffolve  them.  This 
requifition  was  accordingly  made  in  the  mouth 
pf  June  J  and  the  affepibly,  having  reful'ed  to 
comply  with  it  by  a  majority  of  ninety-two 
^gainft  feventeen,  was  diiiblved  by  the  gpver- 
Upr,  in  purfuauce  of  his  inftrudtions. 

Previous  tothediffolution  of  the  afTembly,  the 
ill-humpur,  difcontent,  chagrin,  ^nd  v^x^tiou  of 
the  inhabitants  of  Bodon,  aggravated  by  fome 
new  regulations  introduced  by  the  commiflioners 
of  the  cuftoms  for  checking  the  clandeftine  praci 
tices  of  the  former,  in  the  landing  and  ftiipping  i 
pf  goods,  broke  forth  into  fuch  an  open  ^nd 
violent  refiftance  of  lawful  authority,  as  threat- 
<?ned  fpeedily  to  invplye  th^  \vh9Je  provi^.^g  in 
rebellion.  .'    ^^  .     ,    -:;^v..^. 

The  Hoop  Liberty,  belonging  to  John  Han- 
cock, one  of  their  principal  merchants,  had  ar- 
rived in  the  harbour  of  Bofton,  laden  with  wine, 
3Lud  a  tide-waiter  had  been  put  on  board  to  pre- 
vent the  cargo  from  being  lauded,  until  Ihe  ftiould 
b«."  entered  at  the  cuftom-houfe  and  receive  a  per- 
mit to  unlade.  On  the  night  after  her  arrival, 
and  before  ihe  was  entered  at  the  cuftom-houre, 
the  mafter  of  the  veflel,  having  in  vain  tampered 
with  the  preventive  officer  to  obtain  his  permif- 
fion,  at  lafi:  forcibly  locked  him  up  in  the  cabin, 
and  proceeded  to  difcharge  the  wine  ;  taking  oil 
from  the  ftiore  in  lieu  of  it,  with  which  the  vef- 
fel  v/as  reladen  before  the  morning.  Information 
of  this  outrageous  proceeding  having  been  given 
at  the  cuftom-houfe,  the  colledor,  on  the  even- 
ing of  the  following  day,  being  the  loth  of  June, 



•y">-  -t.^— ,. 


/   1 



ipade  a  feizure  of  the  floop,  and  put  her  foi"  introduc- 
fafety  under  the  protedlion  of  the  Romney  fljip  ^J!^!^ 
of  war.  The  floop  was  accordingly  removed  j^^g, 
from  the  wharf  where  fbe  lay,  aud  moored  in 
the  harbour  under  the  ftern  of  the  Romney. 
This  was  no  fooner  feen  from  the  Ihore  than  n 
mob  aifeipbled ;  the  colleftor  and  controller  of 
the  cufloms  were  beaten  and  abufed,  and  in  mak- 
ing their  efcape  were  pelted  with  ftones;  The 
commiffioners  of  the  cuftpins  were  threatened, 
their  houfes  were  attacked,  and  they  themfelvesi 
were  obliged  to  take  refuge  on  board  the  Rom- 
ney :  And  finally,  the  colledlpr's  boat  was  car- 
ried in  triumph,  and  burnt  before  the  door  of 
the  owner  of  the  floop.  Such  were  the  riotous 
proceedings  on  the  evening  of  the  feizure  of  the 
floop  Liberty. 

On  the  following  day  the  commifli.oaers  of  the 
cuftoms  applied  to  the  governor  for  prote^ion  ; 
Their  application  was  by  him  communicated  to 
the  council  and  affembly,  whofe  advice  and  af- 
fiftance  he  requefted ;  but  advice  was  not  given, 
nor  afiiftance  offered — the  commiffioners  met 
with  no  protection  :  And  the  threats  againfl  theni 
being  continued,  they  were  at  lafl  obliged  to  re- 
tire for  fafety  to  Caftle  William,  a  fort  r:h  fitu- 
ated  upon  an  ifland  at  the  mouth  of  the  harbour. 
In  the  mean  time,  on  the  14th  of  June,  a  town 
meeting  was  held,  and  fo  far  were  the  inhabitants 
of  Boflon  from  difcountenancing  the  refiflance 
w|iich  had  been  made  to  lawful  authority,  that 
they  prefented  a  remonflrance  to  the  governor  on 
the  feizure  of  the  floop,  and  the  circumfVance 
of  her  being  put  under  the  proteciicn  of  a  fhip 
of  war  ;  aud  accompanied  it  with  this  flrange 
rcquelt,  that  he  would  order  his  majefty's  fhip 
the  Romney  out  of  the  harbour.  All  this  hap- 
pened during  the  fitting  of  the  council  and  af- 


,  ii 

..  1 



'  '^. 

i: '  * 









introduc  fembly ;  and  yet  no  one  ftep  was  taken  by  them, 
for  aflifting  the  governor  in  reftoring  energy  to 
government,  or  !n  protefting  its  officers  in  the 
execution  of  their  duty. 

Reprdentations  on  the  fnbjed  of  this  tumult 
and  infurreftion  were  made  not  only  by  the  go- 
vernor but  by  the  commifiioners  of  the  cuftoms 
to  the  Britifh  miniftry  ;  and  troops  were  ordered 
to  be  fent  to  Bofton  to  aid  the  civil  power.  A 
rumour  of  the  orders  which  had  been  given  hav- 
ing reached  Bofton  before  the  arrival  of  the 
troops,  filled  the  inhabitants  with  new  alarms 
and  apprehenfions  ;  and  a  town  meeting  being 
called  on  the  12th  of  September,  a  petition  from 
the  inhabitants  was  prefented  to  the  governor, 
intreaiing  him  to  convene  .he  general  affembly. 
To  this  petition  the  governor  ani'wered,  that  he 
had  diflblved  the  affembly  in  confequence  of  an 
inftruftion,  and  that  it  was  not  in  his  power  to 
call  another  until  he  received  his  majefty's  or- 
ders for  that  purpofe.  The  governor's  anfwer 
did  not  contribute  to  allay  the  ferment  which  the 
expe6led  arrival  of  the  troops  had  occafioned  ; 
and  the  people  of  Bofton,  goaded  on  by  their 
fadious  and  difcontented  leaders,  conceived  and 
adopted  in  their  prefent  ftate  of  perplexity  the 
new  and  danng  refoluiion  of  affenibling  a  con- 
venrion  of  the  people. ,  For  this  purpofe  the 
town  meeting  was  adjourned  to  the  following 
day,  when  they  voted  and  rclblvedi  that  they 
were  under  no  obligation  of  fubniitiing  to  laws 
to  which  they  had  nor  given  their  confent,  ei- 
ther by  thenifelves  or  their  reprefentaiives ;  that 
the  levying  of  money  within  the  province  for 
the  ufe  of  the  crown,  without  the  confent  of  the 
general  affembly,  is  a  violation  of  their  charter 
and  of  their  natural  rights  as  fubjeds,  declared 
in  the  ftaiute  of  the  1  W.  &  M. ;  that  the  lend-. 






ing  an  armed  force  amongft  theni  without  their  ^J^""^ 
confent,  would  be  an  infringement  of  thefe  rights,  s-.'-j-^ 
and  the  employing  of  fuch  a  force  to  aid  the  exc-  j/^gg, .. 
cution  of  laws  to  which  they  had  not  given  their 
confent,  an  intolerable  grievance.  And  as  the 
governor  had  declared  himfelf  unable  to  call  a 
general  alferably  for  the  redrefs  of  grievances, 
they  refolved  it  to  be  expedient  that  a  conven- 
tion of  the  people  Ihould  be  held.  They  ap- 
pointed four  perfons  to  reprefent  them  in  this 
convention,  one  of  whom  was  the  owner  of  the: 
Hoop,  the  feizure  of  which  had  occafioned  the 
tumult.  Theydirefted  the  fele6l  men  to  write 
to  the  feled  men  of  the  other  towns  in  the  pro- 
vince, to  inform  them  of  thefe  proceedings  at 
the  town  meeting  of  Bofton,  and  to  propofe  a 
c>  nvention  to  be  held  on  the  2 2d  of  the  fame 
mouth.  They  refolved  that  the  inhabitants  of 
Bofton  (hould  be  requefted  to  provide  themfelves 
with  arms,  purfuant  to  a  law  of  the  province 
which  had  been  too  much  negledled,  affigning 
as  a  reafon  for  this  vote,  a  prevailing  apprehen- 
fion  of  an  approaching  war  with  France ;  and 
laftly,  they  requefted  that  the  miuifters  of  the 
town  would  fet  apart  the  following  Tuefday  as 
a  day  of  faftiug  ond  prayer.  *       i- 

In  purfuance  of !  hefe  votes,  letters  were  writ- 
ten by  the  I'eled  men ;  and  deputies  were  ap- 
pointed to  meet  in  the  propofed  convention  by 
all  the  townfliips  in  the  province,  that  of  Hat- 
field alone  excepted  ;  the  inhabitants  of  which 
not  only  refufed  to  appoint  deputies  for  the  coa-  • 
vention,  but  wrote  an  expoftulatory  letter  to  the 
(0  .61  men  of  Boflon,  upbraiding  the  inhabitr.nts 
of  that  town  with  their  riotous  behaviour,  charg- 
ing them  with  being  the  caufe,  by  their  mifcon-  • 
dijft,  why  troops  were  to  be  fent  into  the  pro- 
vince -y   admonifhing  them  that  their  future  or- 

3  derly 

i  '  ■  ■ 


I  •# 

!  I 


1 1 






iiuroduc  derly  behaviour  was  the  only  way  to  procure  a 

,^^,_J,^  removal  of  the  troops,  and  protelling  againft  the 

176$.    propofed  convention  as  a  meafure  that  was  un- 

conftitutional,  illegal,  and  unjufti^able,   fubver- 

five  of  government,  and  deftrudlive  of  the  peace 

of  fociety. 

The  convention  met  on  the  twenty-fecond  of 
September,  and  confided  of  deputies  from  nine- 
ty-eight townjs  and  eight  diftrids.  Their  firft  aft 
was  to  fend  a  deputation  to  the  governor  with 
a  meflage,  in  which  they  difclaim  ail  pretence  to 
authoritative  or  goverujental  adls,  allege  that  they 
were  met,  in  that  dark  and  diftrefsfiil  time,  only 
to  confult  and  advife  fuch  meafnres  as  might  pro- 
mote the  peace  of  his  majefly's  fubjeds  in  that 
province,  and  conclude  wkh  intreating  him  to 
call  an  aflembly.  The  governor  refuted  to  re- 
ceive their  menage,  and  the  next  day  ifTued  a 
proclamation  in  which  he  warned  them  of  their 
danger,  if  they  ftiould  proceed  to  any  kind 
of  buhnefs,  admonifhed  them  to  difperfe,  and 
threatened,  if  they  did  not,  to  affert  the  prero- 
gative of  the  crown  in  a  more  public  manner. 

Whether  the  members  of  this  convention  were 
difconcerted  by  the  governor's  firmnefs,  or  whe- 
ther they  began  to  think  that  they  had  gone  too 
far  in  aflembling  not  only  without  but  agaiuft 
his  confent,  is  uncertain  ;  But  their  proceedings 
during  their  fhort  fcffion  were  uncommonly  mild 
and  moderate,  and  did  not  feem  to  correlpoud 
with  the  temper  of  mind  manifefted  in  the  votes 
of  the  town  meeting  at  Bofton.  Their  proceed- 
ings were  or.-y  a  petition  to  be  prefented  to  the 
king  againft  the  late  afts  of  parliament,  and  a 
report  ftating  the  caufes  of  their  meeting,  and 
the  objefts  which  they  had  taken  into  confide- 
raiion.  In  this  report  they  again  difclaimed  all 
pretence.?©  authority,  recommeodcd  to  the  peo- 
,.■  pie 

1       J 





ii   ' 


pie  to  pay  deference  to  government,  and  wait  »>atn>*>c- 
with  patience  the  relult  of  his  majefty's  wifdom  ^.J-J-^^ 
and  clemency,  and  promifed  for  themfelves  to    jyig^ 
ailift  the  civil  magiftrate  in  preferving  the  peace. 
Thefe  papers  having  been  prepared  and  difpatch- 
ed  to  their  agent  in  England,  their  meeting  was 
diffolved  on  the  twenty-ninth  of  September,  the 
day  on  which  the  firfl  divifion  of  the  troops  ar-r 
rived  at  Bofton.  '#vr!  ^^^ 

Upon  the  arrival  of  the  troops  fomc  difficul-? 
ties  arofe  about  quartering  them ;  the  council 
propofmg  that  they  ftiould  be  fent  to  Caftle  Wil- 
liam, where  barracks  were  already  erefted,  iij- 
ftead  of  being  quartered  in  the  town,  where  there 
were  none  ;  but  it  was  neceffary  that  the  troop? 
fliould  be  quartered  in  the  place  where  their  af- 
fiftaace  was  required :  And  all  objeftions  were 
at  lail  obviated  by  hiring  fome  empty  houfes  ia 
the  town,  which  were  fitted  up  and  converted 
into  barracks.  The  turbulence  of  the  people 
being  reftrained  by  the  prefence  of  the  troops, 
peace  was  thus  for  a  time  reftored  to  Bofton. 
The  commiffioners  and  other  officers  of  the  cuf- 
toms  returned  from  Caftle  William ;  and  bufi- 
nefs  began  to  be  carried  on  in  its  ufual  courfe. 

In  the  province  of  New  Yoik  the  aflembly 
having  made  fubmiffion,  and  complied  with  the 
terms  of  the  mutiny  aft,  were  reftored  to  the 
exercile  of  their  legillative  funftions.  '^^  >  ••,  -/-j" 

The  fuccefs  of  the  circular  letter  from  the  af- 
fembly  of  Maffachufets  Bay  in  exciting  the  other 
colonial  aflemblies  to  petition  for  a  redrefs  of 
grievances  has  been  already  noticed.  But  peti- 
tions were  not  the  only  means  to  which  they 
trufted  for  relief.  Affociations  were  again  re- 
forted  to  for  diftrefling  the  trade  of  the  mother- 
country,  and  for  influencing  the  mercantile  and 
niauufaduring  intereft  m  England  to  beftir  them- 






1     \ 











felves  in  behalf  of  the  colonies.  To  have  re. 
drained  all  importation  from  Great  Britain  would 
at  that  tin: :  have  diftreffcd  themfelves  more  than 
thofe  whom  they  meant  to  injure  :  It  was  there-* 
fore  propoied,  that  the  importation  of  the  more 
neceflary  articles  of  merchandize  fhould  be  con- 
tinued, and  thofe  only  which  were  lefs  neceflary 
be  prohibited.  The  concurrence  of  the  mer- 
chants was  indifpenfable  :  And  as  the  neceflary 
articles  of  merchandize  were  different  in  diffe- 
rent colonies,  it  became  no  eafy  matter  to  adjuft 
their  jarring  interefls  ;  fo  that  although  various 
attempts  had  been  made  to  introduce  thefe  aflb- 
ciations  in  the  beginning  of  the  year,  it  was  not 
till  the  end  of  it  that  they  met  with  any  thing 
like  a  general  acceptance.  The  importation  of 
the  prohibited  articles  was  to  ceafe  from  the  firft 
of  January  1769:  And  the  effedl  which  thefe 
combinations  had  upon  the  commerce  of  the  mo- 
ther-country will  be  feen  hereafter. 

Such  were  the  principal  tranfadions  in  Ame- 
rica during  the  year  1768. 

Upon  the  meeting  of  the  parliament  in  Eng- 
land, the  difordcrly  and  difobedient  ftate  of  the 
province  of  Maflachufets  Bay  was  mentioned  in 
the  fpeech  from  the  throne,  and  became  the  fub- 
je6l  of  debate  early  in  the  feflion. 

The  miniftry  now  ^'^emed  determined  to  aft 
with  more  than  ufual  vigour  in  attempting  to 
fubdue  that  daring  fpirit  of  refiftance  to  the  au- 
thority of  parliament,  Avhich  had  fhewn  itfelf 
by  this  time  in  fome  degree  in  all  the  colonies, 
but  moft  unjuflifiably  in  the  province  of  Mafla- 
chufets Bay,  in  the  provoking  tranfaftions  of  the 
preceding  year.  Thefe  tranfadlions  were  accord- 
ingly made  the  ground  of  fundry  parliamentary 
refolutions,  in  which  they  were  recited  wilh  every 
circumftance  of  aggravation,  and  branded  with 






every  epithet  of  difapprobatiou  which  could  ferve  n»trodnc. 
to  mark  the  liigh  difpleafure  of  the  Britilh  par-  ""* 
liament.  The  to\vn  of  Bofton  was  declared  to 
be  in  a  ftate  of  diio  der  and  difobedience  to  law. 
The  difincliuation  <f  :he  council  and  affembly 
to  aflift  in  fuppreffing  the  riots  was  fcverely  cen- 
iured ;  and  the  neceffity  of  fending  a  military 
force  to  aid  the  civil  power  was  fully  juftified. 
Thefe  refolutions  having  been  agreed  to  and 
paffed^  a  joint  addrefs  from  bo'..h  'xufes  of  par- 
liament was  prefented  to  his  majefty,  approving 
of  the  fteps  which  had  been  already  taken  for 
maintaining  the  authority  of  . 'le  mother-country, 
&ud  declaring  their  readinefs  to  concur  in  fuch 
oth;  r  meafures  as  might  be  thougnt  neceflary  fir 
that  purpofe.  The  addrefs  concluded  with  re- 
commending to  his  majefty  to  bring  the  authors 
of  the  difturbances  to  exemplary  punifhment ; 
to  inftrud  governor  Bernard  of  Maflachufets  Bay 
to  tranfmit  to  England  full  information  of  all 
treafonable  a6ls  committed  w'thin  his  province 
during  the  preceding  year,  together  with  the 
names  of  the  offenders ;  to  revi^^e  the  execution 
of  the  llatute  of  35  Hen.  VIII.  for  trying  within 
the  realm  of  England  treafons  committed  beyond 
the  feas  j  and  to  ifTue  a  fpecial  cominiffion  for  that 
purpofe,  if  upon  receiving  governor  Bernard's 
report  fuch  a  proceeding  fhould  i'ppear  to  be  ne- 

Thefe  lefolutions  and  this  addrefs,  although 
finally  pafTed  by  a  great  majority,  were  not  voted 
without  confiderable  oppofition.  The  Rocking- 
ham and  Grenville  parties  united  their  force  to 
oppofe  them,  and  diilrefs  the  miuiilry.  The  ir- 
regularities and  extravagances  of  the  people  of 
Bofton  (for  in  fuch  gentle  terms  were  they  fpoken 
of)  were  either  palliated  or  excufec  It  was  faid 
that  this  fmipie  and  inoffeufive  people  had  been- 


f  t 








^  .*= 


driven  to  niadneis  when  they  perce'n'cd  that  the 
taxes  of  which  they  now  c  .plained  were  not 
laid  upoli  them  by  the  influe;)^f•  of  their  enemies, 
but  of  their  friends ;  of  thoie  friends  100  who  had 
ojppofed  the  (lamp  a^,  and  had  totally  denied  to 
tne  Britifh  parliament  the  right  of  impofmg  taxes 
in  America.  And  the  opposition,  far  from  Teem- 
ing to  (hrink  from  their  defence,  on  the  contrary 
upbraided  the  miniftry  with  giving  them  the 
appellation  of  rebellious  and  difobedient  flib- 

Such  fp'^eches,  whatever  might  be  the  inten- 
tion of  thofe  who  made  them,  were  deftrud^ive 
of  the  authority  which  the  parliament  wifhed  to 
maintain.  They  often  gave  the  tone  to  the  fub- 
fequent  meafurcs  purfued  by  the  American  pa- 
triots, who  exerted  themfelves  to  verify  the  pre- 
dictions which  their  friends  in  parliament  had 
previoufly  made.  They  were  the  means  of  raifing 
a  party  m  favour  of  America,  even  in  Great 
Britain.  And  on  the  prefent  occafion  they  were 
calculated  to  encourage  the  inhabitants  of  MafTa- 
chufets  Bay  to  perfift  in  their  refraftory  courfe, 
when  they  found  that  even  the  provoking  infults 
offered  to  government  in  the  preceding  year  met 
with  fuch  able  defenders  in  the  Britilh  parlia- 

That  part  of  the  minifterial  plan  which  ad- 
vifed  the  execution  of  the  almoft  obfolete  ftatute 
of  the  35  Hen.  VIII.  for  the  trial  of  treafons  com- 
mitted beyond  the  feas,  gave  the  moft  ferious  con- 
cern to  all  thofe  inhabitants  of  the  colonies  whofe 
attachment  to  the  mother-country  was  yet  un- 
Ihaken.  It  was  a  meafure  of  feverity  which  the 
miniftry  probably  did  not  intend  to  execute ; 
but  for  that  reafon  it  ought  not  to  have  been 
threatened.  To  be  torn  from  a  man's  family  and 
friendsj  tranfported  acroi's  an  extenfive  ocean, 


,, >, 

AMfcRlCAK    WAR. 


were  circum^ 
^ '  I  to  arreft 

^nd  un- 

iQ  the 


Lite  ui  catened 

laitdcd  in  a  (Irange  country  as  a  prifoner  and  cri-  intnxi««- 
mina),  and  tried  by  a  jury  not  of  his  vicinage  but  ,,^^!^!1^^ 
of  ftrangcrs,  unacquainted  with  him  or  his  cha-    ,^^^ 
rafter,  and  whom  even  the  important  formality 
of  bringing  the  prifoner  from  luch  a  diflance  to 
Euglana  for  trial  would  be  apt  to  imprefs  with 
an  idea  of  extraordinary  guilt — all   '  hefe,  wiih 
others  which  might  be  mentioneH 
ftanccsof  luch  hardfhip  as  couli 
the  attention  of  even  the  moll 
thinking  colonift,  and  incline  h 
foundation  of  an  authority  liable 
in  a  Way  fo  opprelTive.     In  fa61, 
revival  6f  this  arbitrary  ftatute  alienated  the  af- 
feflion  of  the  loyal  and  well-difpofed  amongll 
the  inhabitants  of  the  colonies  more  than  any 
thing  which  the  Britifh  parliament  had  yet  at- 
tempted.    Even  thofe  who  were  the  moft  friendly 
to  government,  and  who  on  other  occafions  were 
accufk)med    to  juftify  to  their  neighbours  the 
proceedings  of  parliament,  fhrunk  from  the  de> 
fence  of  it.     It  was  univerfally  reprobated  as  an 
unjuftifiable  meafure,  from  the  pradical  exercifc 
of  which  every  feeling  mind  muft  revolt  with 

In  the  province  of  Maffachufets  Bay,  where 
the  diforders  chiefly  prevailed  which  this  fevere 
meafure  was  intended  to  reprefs,  and  where  a 
military  force  was  ready  to  execute  the  orders  of 
the  civil  power,  it  produced  at  firft  fome  little  ef- 
fed  *.  The  <vriters  of  fedirious  publications  for 
a  few  weeks  defifted  from  their  labours  ;  but  no 
vigorous  meafures  being  afterwards  purfued,  their 
fears  were  foon  diffipated.  The  afiembly  of  that 
province,  far  from  being  intimidated,  entered 
into  refolutions  of  an  oppoUte  tendency  to  thofe 


I  'i 



1         I 

*  Governor  Hutchinfon'j  Letter,  27th  April  1770. 

,     !     U 








Ui  12.8 

|50     "^" 

US  1^ 
.1:    110 









WEBSTER,  NY.  145S0 

(716)  872-4503 






^S.  ^\ 




HISTORY    OF    THii 



\l     V 

1^,    •! 

t^  M 


of  the  Britifh  parliament,  and  maintained,  with 
reafon  and  juAice  on  their  fide,  that  it  was  the 
right  of  every  Britifh  fubjed  to  be  tried  in  that 
country  where  his  fuppofed  crime  was  known  to 
be  committed ;  and  that  the  fending  of  perfons 
into  another  country  for  trial  was  tyrannical  and 
oppreflive,  and  derogatory  of  the  rights  of  free- 
men. They  alfo  voted  charges  againft  their  go- 
vernor for  mifcondud,  which,  with  a  petition 
praying  for  his  removal,  were  tranfmitted  to  their 
agent  in  England,  to  be  laid  before  the  privy 

In  the  other  colonial  aflemblies  the  addrefs  of 
parliament  for  reviving  the  execution  of  the  fta- 
tute  of  35  Hen.  VIII.  produced  fevere  ilridures 
on  the  condudl  of  the  Britifh  adniiuiftration .  who 
could  propofe  and  carry  through  fuch  an  arbitrary 
and  tyrannical  meafure.  Refolutions  were  entered 
into  declarative  of  their  rights  in  cafes  of  trials 
for  treafon ;  and  thefe,  in  fome  of  the  colonies, 
were  all  of  fo  acrimonious  a  nature,  and  fo  dif> 
refpedlful  to  the  Britifh  parliament  \n  the  opinion 
of  their  governors,  that  they  occafioned  the  dif- 
folution  of  thofe  aflemblies  who  had  paffed 

So  many  altercations  happened  between  the 
American  governors  and  their  affemblies  during 
the  preceding  as  well  as  the  prefent  year,  that 
difTolutions  were  now  become  very  frequent  : 
But  inftead  of  ferving  to  fupport  the  authority  of 
the  mother-country,  they  were  in  reality  prejudi- 
cial to  it,  by  diffufing  more  widely,  upon  the  re- 
turn of  the  members  to  their  conflituents,  that 
difrefpeft  to  parliament,  and  that  ill-humour, 
heat,  and  animofity,  the  appearance  of  which 
in  the  affemblies  nad  produced  their  difTolu- 




Prom  the  time  of  the  arrival  in  America  of  the  '"l^"*^" 

parliamentary  refo'iitions  of  the  prefent  year, 
thofe  who  promoted  the  aflbciations  met  with  very 
little  farther  obftruAion.  Committees  were  ap- 
poimcd  by  the  people  in  all  the  principal  towns, 
whofe  bufinefs  it  was  to  examine  cargoes  upon 
their  arrival  from  Great  Britain,  and  make  re- 
ports to  their  conftituents  how  far  the  affaciatiqn 
had  been  faithfully  adhered  to,  and  in  what  in- 
ftances  it  had  been  infringed.  Meetings  of  thfe 
aflbciators  were  regularly  held  for  receiving  thofe 
reports  :  And  at  thofe  meetings  votes  of  cenfare 
were  paffed  upon  delinquents,  and  their  names 
|)ublifhed  in  the  newfpapers  to  expofe  them  to  the 
hatred  of  the  populace.  In  fome  inilanCes  goods 
imported  contrary  to  the  aflbciation  were  ftored 
to  prevent  them  from  being  fold  ;  and  in  others, 
in  order  to  prevent  them  from  being  deftroycd, 
they  were  re-lhipped  to  Great  Britain. 

The  efFe£l  which  fuch  proceedings  had  on  the 
commerce  of  the  mother-country  becahie  vfery 
foon  perceptible.  It  was  found,  that  the  mer- 
chandize exported  to  America  in  the  year  1769 
had  fallen  Ihort  of  what  had  been  exported*  ttl 
the  fame  Jplace  in  the  preceding  year  by  th6  ffliH 
of  feven  hundred  and  forty-four  thoufand  poucids. 
It  was  found  too,  that  the  revenue  arilirig*  from' 
the  duties  payable  in  America  was  yearly  d<J-' 
creafmg*:  And  as  the  aflbciations  which  had 
been  enterfed  into  were  not  a'gainft  the  ufe  of -the 
prohibited  articles,  provided  they  were  not  of 
the  produce  or  manufafture  of  Great  Britain  nor 
imported  from  thencfe,  it  was  manifefl  that  the 

Vol.  I.  ........   Q  •  .  .  .  demand. 


,  *  The  fums  applied  by  parlisiment  out  of  this  revenue  in 
the  following  years  will  fhewthe  decreafe :  .     ,  ,.v.' 

In  1767  applied  by  parliament  £  110,000  ,   -n 

1768 — __^-__         70,000  •..■■.   , 

1769  ■..■..— ■■ 30,00^ 



.--^  ;. 




'.■f       .  ;  ■■. 

«  I  5  T  6  K  y    a  F    T  H^ 

df mai^d  for  fuch  articles  would  be  transferred  ta 
foj^ei^  countries ;  and  from  them  they  began  to 
befmuggled  into  America,  in  confiderable  quan- 
tities. '  And  thiK,  in  confequence  of  the  ailocia' 
tions,  the  atfl  of  parliament,  which  was  the  prin- 
cipal ground  of  complaint,  operated  in  the  colo- 
nies, as  a  prohibition  on  Brftiili  mamufadures  and 
as  a  boti,DJty  and  ettcopragement,  not  only  to  thofe 
of  Aioerica  but  thoije^  too  of  foreign  countries. 
"^he  merchants  trading  to  America  were  atio 
ijbrined,  and  prefented  a  petition  to  parliament, 
praying  fiar  a  repeal  of  the  ad  which  had  given  fq 
iijuch  Offience  in  that  counti^y,  fetting  forth  the 
Ibofs  whicb  the  mp^her-country  had  already  fufc 
tained  in  the  declenilon  of  the  colonial  trade* 
tfldftating  the  more  ruinous  confequences  which 
toey.  ftill  appreheiided  if  the  repeal  wais-  loiigef  i 

Influenced  by  fome  or  all  of  thefe  confiderations^ 
ford  No|rth',  t^ow.fjrfl  lord  of  the  treafury  *,  as  well 
^s;  chaf^pelk>r  of  the  exchequer,  on  the  5th  of 
i(t^rJch.mpyed  fundry  refolutions  in  the  houfe  ot 
ciQimnon&fbr  difcontmuing  all  the  duties  payable 
ipi,  kjx^ttittL  ii^er  the  a6i  of  parliament  of  thei 
jjp^ar  1767,  the  duty  on  tea  only  excepted.  The 
n^tnifter^  in  maving  thefe  refolutto'  did  not  hc- 
f|me  tp  condpnm  the  a£^  by  wl.'  hefe  duties 
had  been,  ippofed,  ^s .%,  me^i'ure  that,  was  at  leaft 
impolitic,  becaufe  the. articles  on  which  the  duties 
tv^ere  p?iya-blc,  l^ing  chiefly  Britifh  maaufadurcs, 
tj^ejcpoxtation.^f  th^u.  to  the  cola];^ie$>  ini^^ad 

♦  £afl^  in  TanuaTjr  of  tliit-  year  lord  chancellor  Camden 
fl>%i$  dlfnfiifl*ed  from  his  office,  a*nd  many  others  of  (he  minittry 
refigncd.  Oi^  th«  28th  of  that  month' the  duke  of  Grafton 
Tcfi|^edhis  oflkeof  firft  lord  of  the  treafury^  bu«continiMd  t» 
vote  with  the  miniftfy.  The  earl  of  Chatham,  from  iU 
health,  haiftftfigned.the  office  of  lord  privy  feal  in  Movember 


,'i  « 



iif  being  clogged  with  duiies,  6tigbt  rather  to  have  infoduc- 
beeii  encouraged.  He  alfo  adnlitted  that  the  duty 
on  tea  was  referved  for  the  fole  purpk^e  jc^f  faying 
the  national  honour,  and  maintaining  the  autho* 
.  rity  of  pai'Hanient :  A  duty  which  was  too  infigai^ 
tant  cannot  be  noticed  by  the  inhabitants  of  the 
icolouies,  unlets  they  were  at  all  evems  detert 
mined  to  quarrel  with  the  mothei'rcountry,  the' 
whole  produce  of  it  being  eftimated  ^t  no  more 
than  fuct^en  thoufand  pounds  per  annum. 

The  members  of  oppofition^   on  the   othet 
hand,  contended  that  the  duty  on  tea  ought  tQ. 
be  taken  ofif  with  the  red ;  alleging  that,'  uialef» 
this  was  donCj  the  difcontinuing  of  the  other  dup 
ties  would  be  ufelefs,  lince  the  Americaha  quedir 
oned  not  fo  much  the  amount  of  the  duties  as  th^ 
right  to  iuipofe  theih.  To  this  the  minister  replied* 
that  the  Americans  could  have  no  r^dn  tlo  com* 
plain,  becaufe,  at  the  time  when  the  duty  of 
three-pence  per  pound  payable  in  America  was 
impofed,  other  duties  upon  tea  payalbk  in  £ug« 
land,  and  amounting  to  near  one  ihiUing  per 
pound,  were  taken  off  u^jon  its  exportation  to 
America  ;  lb  that  the  inhabitants  of  the  colo-. 
nies,  inftead  of  lofing,  adlually  faved  by  thia  im* 
pofition  nearly  nine-pence  per  pound  on  all  the 
tea  which  they  ufed.    The  refolutions  were  car'- 
ried  as  they  had  been  at  firfl  moved  by  the  mini- 
He^ ;  and  a  bill  which  was  introduced  in  purfu- 
auce  of  them  pafTed  throt^h  both  houfes  of  par- 
liament, and  received  the  royal  aflent  on  the  2zd 
of  April. 

Whilft  the  minifler  Wasthus  taking  itieafu  res 
for  giving  fatisfa6kion  to  the  colonies,  an  unfor- 
tunate incident  happened  at  Boftim  in  Maflachu- 
fetsBay,  which  io  exafperated  the  turbulent  and 
difcotttented  inhabitants  of  that  province,  as  to, 
..v.-^.,      G  2   . '-...   i.-a-!      baniih. 

.  »:.,!' 




1-7  70. 

H  1  S  TO  R  Y    O  F    TH  t 

bainiih  from  amongll  them  all  prefeat  thoughts  of  a 
cordial  reconciliation  with  theBrttifh  government. 

So  long  as  the  military  force  which  we  have 
feen  was  lent  to  Bofton  in  the  autumn  of  the  year 
1768,  continued  refpedable  in  point  of  number, 
fo  long  the  town  remained  tolerably  quiet ;  but  as 
(bon  as  that  was  weakened  by  thie  departure  of 
two  out  of  the  four  regiments  which  had  been 
Rationed  there,  the  former  ill-humbur  of  th  e  in- 
habitants returned.  The  troops  were  vilified  and 
lampooned  in  the  tiewfpapers ;  the  foldiers,  when 
met  fingly  in  the  ftreets,  were  infulted ;  and  every 
method  was  taken  to  degrade  them  in  the  opinion^ 
and  expofe  them  to  the  hatred  and  contempt  of 
the  populace.  I^aily  fcuffles  now  happened  be- 
tween the  lower  claues  of  the  people  in  the  towny 
and  the  foldiers  when  not  on  duty  :  And  fo  mucli 
animoiity  had  been  exerted  by  the  virulent  pub- 
lications in  the  newfpapers,  that  a  defign  is  faid 
to  have  been  formed  of  driving  the  troops  from 
Bofton  by  force,  in  which  the  people  from  the 
(Country  were  to  have  aflifled.  But  if  fuch  a  de-^ 
lign  was  formed,  the  execution  of  it  became,  un- 
neceflkry  in  confequencc  of  the  incident  which 
we  are  now  to  relate. 

Oi*  the  evcmng  of  the  fifth  of  March,'  the  fame 
day  on  which  the  Britifh  minifter  moved  his  refo- 
lutions  in  the  houfe  of  common:s  for  difcominuing 
the  American  duties,  a  quarrel  arofe  at  Boflt>n  be- 
tween two  or  three  young  men  of  the  town,  and 
as  many  foldiers,  at  or  neat  their  barracks. 
From  words  they  proceeded  toblOws:  And  the 
foldiers  havifig  vanquifhcd  their  opponents  were 
feen  purfuing  them  through  the  ftrtets.  The 
^larm  to  the  populace  was  given  by  ringing  the 
bells  of  the.  churches :  And  the  people  of  the 
town  afiembling  in  great  numbers  at  the  cuftom^ 
houfe,  began  to  crowd  round  the  fentinel  who 
•was  polled  there,  and  not  only  infulted  him  but 





threatened  his  life.  Captain  Prefton,  the  officer  introiiuc. 
on  duty  for  the  day,  who  had  by  this  time  re-  **""" 
ceived  information  of  the  tumuh,  proceeded  im- 
mediately to  the  main  guard;  and  hearing  that 
the  feutinel  placed  at  the  cuftom-houfe  had  been 
threatened,  fearing  too  that  the  cuftom-houfe 
might  be  in  danger,  he  fent  a  party,  under  the 
command  of  a  ferjeant,  to  prote6l  the  one  and 
fecure  the  other;  and  from  greater  precaution 
foon  afterwards  followed  and  took  the  command 
of  the  party  himfelf.  He  endeavoured  to  pre- 
vail upon  the  people  to  difperfe,  but  in  vain. 
The  mob  now  became  more  riotous,  not  only  re- 
viling the  foldiers  with  abuiive  language,  but 
throwing  ftones  at  them,  %nd  whatever  elfe  came 
in  their  way.  One  of  the  foldiers  received  a  blow 
from  fomething  that  was  thrown,  and  levelled  his 
niulket :  The  officer  ftretching  out  his  arm  to  pre-^ 
vent  the  foldier  from  firing,  was  ftruck  with  a 
club,  and  the  mufket  was  difchai^ed,  The  at-r 
tack  from  the  mob  became  more  violent,  and  the 
reft  of  the  foldiers  following  the  example  of  their 
comrades,  difcharged  their  pieces  fmgly  and  in  a 
fcattered  manner,  by  which  four  of  the  populace 
were  killed,  and  feveral  others  wounded.  They 
were  intimidated,  and  for  a  moment  fled ;  but- 
Ibon  afterwards  coUe^ing,  took  th^ir  ftation  in, 
an  adjoining  ftreet.  The  drums  beat  to  arms,  the 
reft  of  the  troops  were  affembled,  and  the  whole 
town  was  in  the  utmoft  confufion  ;^—a.  town  meet-, , 
ing  was  held,  and  a  deputation  was  fent  to  the 
governor,  requeuing  him  to  remove  the  troops, 
from  the  town.  The  governor  called  together 
the  council,  and  the  council  giving  it  as  their 
opinion,  that  the  removal  of  the  troops  from  the. 
town  would  be  for  his  majefty's  I'ervice,  thecom-s. 
njanding  officer  promifed  to  comply  with  their 
advice.    Captain  Prefton  furrendered  himfelf  for 

'•__;y'    :/■'■'    -'^    '■]■■■    ■.,<:,.' ;:»'.^.;V.,;;-i  ■■.■.:-»'.. -;      trial  J 


■^r--   ■■■ 

.     \. 



HISTOJiy    OP    THE 





trial ;  and  the  foHiers  under  his  command  at  ^hc 
cUftcfmrhoufp  wpre  taken  into  cu|lody;  the  moh 
difperfed^  aqd  the  following  day  the  troops  w<:re 
removed  to  Caftle  William. 

Sboie  djiys  afterwards  the  bodies  of  ^hofc  who 
had  been  killed  in  i]ip  riot  were  parried  in  pro- 
litiCion.  throiiglf  the  town,  attended  by  aa  ini-. 
itienfe  cotncourfe  of  people,  and  Interred  with 
ipuch  funeral  pomp.  In  this  proceflion  flags 
ivere  expofed  to  \uew  wjtli  emblematicijl  devices, 
calculated  to  inflame  the  pafllons  of  tjie  miihi- 
tudp,  and  infpire  them  with  deadly  revenue  ;  and 
in  the  newfpapers  the  tranfadions  of  the  fifth  ^i 
March  were  reprefented  as  a  deliberate  murder 
pn  the  part  of  t\\c  troops,  and  as  ^n  atrocious 
^aiTaicre  of  the  unoffending  inhabitants: 

Whilft  fuchunjuftifiable  means  wereufed  to  pre- 
judice and  poifon  ihe  liiinds  of  thepeppl^,  fortu- 
nate it  was  ^or  the  officers  and  fpjdiers  now  in  culV 
tody  that  theii;'  trials  were  delayed  till  the  month  of 
October,  fiy  that  time  the  fermient  w^ich  had 
been  ftirred  up  had  in  fome  meafure  fubfided, 
and  the  rancorous  hatred  of  the  populace  agaiufl 
the  troops  was  in  part  abated.  vVhen  t](ie  trials 
came  on,  the  ofllicer,  after  a  mpft  rigorous  inquiry 
into  his  condudt  and  the  examination  of  near  fifty 
witneflfes,  was  moft  honourably  acquitted.  The. 
four  judges  who  attended  the  tr^al  were  unani- 
Iflous  iii  their  opinions^  upon  the  fails  which  wejet 
given  in  evidence  ;  and  the  laft  ^  who  delivered 
his  fentimeiits  concluded  his  charge  in  a  few  em- 
phatical  words  which  did  honour  to  his  indepcn-. 
den<^c  and  love  of  jiiflice,  and  at  the  fame  time 
furhiihed  the  beit  comment  on  the  whole  tranfac- 
tion.  '*  Happy  t  am,"  faid  he,',*  that  af^er  fuch 
**.  z,  ftrift  examination  the  conduA  of  the  pri- 

*/  loner 





%  Judge  Ljndex. 

>.  ---,--t    -?i 

A  M  E  R  r  C  A  N    W  A  R. 

"  foner  appears  in  fo  fair  a  light ;  yet  I  (eel  mf' 
"  felf  at  the  fame  time  deeply  afiedted,  th^t  tjiis 
"  afiair  turns  out  fo  much  to  tne  dilgrace  o{  every 
«  perfon  concerned  againfl  him,  and  to  much  to 
*'  the  ihame  of  the  town  in  general."  Six  of 
the  foldiers  were  alfo  acquitted,  and  two  only 
convi£led  of  manflauffhter. 

The  intelligence  of  the  a£l  of  parliament  for 
difcontinuing  the  American  duties  having  reach- 
ed Bofton  whilft  the  minds  of  the  inhal^itantft 
were  yet  agitated  with  the  recent  recollefiipn  of 
the  melancholy  events  of  the  fifth  of  March, 
made  no  impreffion  as  a  ftep  towards  reeoncilia- 
tion,  but  when  viewed  as  a  conceffion  forced  and 
extorted  from  the  mother-country,  yielded  the 
moft  pleafinjf  fatisfa^ion. 

In  all  the  colonies,  and  in  HaiTachufet^  Bay  as 
well  as  the  reft,  the  embarraflments  and  incon- 
veniences arifing  from  the  aiToci^tions  had  by 
this  time  become  irkfome  to  the  inhabitants :  The 
want  of  fome  things  which  could  not  ilriAly  be 
called  necefTaries,  but  which  from  long  ufe  sum! 
habit  were  become  almoft  indifpenfable,  had  been 
feverely  felt.     And  the  people  had  become  fo 
weary  of  the  engagements  which  they  had  en- 
tered into,  that  upon  receiving  the  intelligence 
of  even  a  partial  repeal  of  the  aA  of  parliament, 
whiclvhad  been  the  caufe  of  their  complaintSji 
they  held  the  affociatious  to  be  no  longer  bind- 
ing, except  for  the  fingle  article  of  tea,  on  which 
the  duty  was  flill  payable.    In  reality,  thofe  af-. 
fociations,  from  the  tenor  of  them,  ought  to  have , '. 
fubfilled  in  full  force  until  the  a£l  for  impofing. 
the  duties  had  been  wholly  repealed,;  and  at-; 
tempts  were  made  iu  all  the  colonies  to  induce 
the  people  to  conftrue  them  thus  ftridlly.    But 
the  inconveniences  already  experienced  were  fo 
great,  that  all  the  influence  of  the  patriots  was 








if  70. 



History    of    THfi 

infufficient  to  prevail  upon  the  people  to  fubmit 
to  a  farther  continuance  of  them.  The  inter* 
courfe  with  the  mother-country  was  now  there- 
fore again  opened  for  every  thing  but  the  impor- 
tation of  tea  :  And  during  the  remainder  of  thi? 
year  and  the  whole  of  the  next,  commerce  flow- 
ed into  the  American  colonies  in  a  tide  unufually 


By  the  aft  of  thp  laft  feflion  of  parliament  for 
repealing  the  American  duties,  introduced  by  the 
Britifh  minifter,  and  carried  through  by  his  in- 
fluence, it  muft  be  coufefled  that  he  went  a  great 
way  to  meet  the  wifhes  of  the  colonial  inhabi- 
tants :  But  if  entire  reconciliation  was  his  object, 
he  did  not  go  far  enough.  The  refervation  of 
the  infignificant  duty  on  tea  was  fufficient  to  give 
a  fair  pretence  to  the  patriotic  party  t  in  the  co-  | 
lonies  to  urge,  that  although  the  Britifh  parlia- 
ment had  how  been  twice  foiled  in  its  attempts 
to  tax  the  colonies,  it  ft  ill  made  preienfions  to 
the  right,  and  only  waited  for  a  more  convenient 
opportunity  to  accornplifh  this  favourite  ,objeft, 
the  duty  011  tea  being  referved  for  the  fole  pur- 
pofe  of  eftablifhing  a  precedent  for  the  exercife 
6f  that  right.  In  both  thefe  uniuccefsful  attempts 
at  taxation  the  colonial  patriots  faw,  or  affetled 
to  fee,  that  the  Britifti  parliament  had  relui^antly 
given  way,  and  that  the  people  o^  the  colonies, 
by  refiftance  and  clamour,  had  worked  out  their 
own  falvation ;  and  they  now  renewed  their  ef- 
forts, by  frefti  publications,  to  preferve  and  keep 
alive  aniongft  the  people  that  jealoufy  and  diftruft 
of  the  Britifli  government  which  they  had  here- 
tofore been  fo  f  jccefsful  in  exciting,  and  the  con- 
tinuance  of  which  they  confidered  as  the  beft 

ft  purity 

*  Perhaps  by  thi?  time  it  might  be  called  the  republican 
narty,  '       •   ~         . 



l\    4- 


of  their  intro^Mc 


I  great 
ion  of 
to  give 
the  co- 
ions  to 

fecurity   for    the   future  maintenance 

But  notwithftanding  thefe  endeavours  to  keep 
up  the  ball  of  contention,  a  general  calm  now 
lucceed/ed  to  their  late  agitations  amongd  the 
bulk  of  the  people  in  the  middle  and  fouthern 
colonies,  more  efpecially  in  the  latter.  If  the 
Britifh  parliament  had  not  given  entire  fatisf^c- 
tion,  nor  removed  all  ground  of  apprehenfion, 
the  inhabitants  of  thefe  colonies  w^re  at  lead  wil- 
ling to  give  it  credit  for  fo  much  as  had  been  done, 
and  Teemed  difpofed  to  forget  their  remaining 
caufes  of  complaint,  provided  no  new  attempt 
ihould  be  made  to  increafe  them. 

In  the  New  England  provinces  9,  very  diffe- 
rent  difpofition  of  mind  prevailed.     The   a£^ 
which  impofed  the  duties  formed  only  an  incon- 
fiderable  part  of  their  complaints.    The  reftric- 
tions  upon  their  commerce,  the  powers  granted 
to  the  officers  of  the  navy  to  check  their  con- 
traband pra6^ices,  the  eflablifhment  of  an  Ame-r 
rlcan  board  of  cufloms,  and  t|ie  more  fteadjr  ex- 
ecution of  the  laws  of  trade,  were  to  them  fub- 
jeds  of  as  much  real  concern  as  taxation.    The 
total  repeal  of  the  a6^  of  parliament  of  the  year 
1767  would  not  have  given  them  fatisfaAion ; 
and  the  partial  repeal  of  it  they  received  not  as 
a  favour  conferred,  but  as  a  forced  and  ungra- 
cious compliance  with  only  a  part  of  what  they 
had  a  right  to  demand.     Far  from  meeting  the 
mother-country  in  reciprocal  acls  of  reconcilia- 
tion, they  now  alTumed  a  higher  tone  in  confe- 
quence  of  her  concefiions,  and  difcovered  an  in- 
clination to  extend  their  clamour  and  demands 
beyond  the  limits  which  they  had  hitherto  fet  to 
themfelves.    The  aflembly  of  MaiTachufets  Bay^ 
in  an  addrefs  prefented  to  their  governor  on  the 
fifth  of  July  in  the  prefent  year,  declared  "  that 

«  they 




♦  I- 

:  1 


HISTORY     or     fHt 




'*  they  kuewofno  commiffioners  of  thecuftoms. 
*'  uor  anv  revenue  which  hit  miyefty  had  a  right 
**  to  eftablifh  in  North  America  ;*'  and  in  an  in- 
dignant drain  fubjoined,  '*  that  thev  knew  and 
'  **  felt  a  tribute  levied  and  extoned  from  thofc 
♦*  who,  if  they  were  allowed  to  have  property, 
"  had  alfo  4  right  to  the  abfolute  difpofal  of  it." 
In  this  province  too  the  fame  difpofition  to  ob< 
(iruQi  the  execution  of  the  revenue  laws  mani- 
fefted  itfelf  amongft  the  populace  as  on  former 
Dccaiions.  From  the  time  of  the  removal  of  the 
troops  in  the  preceding  year,  the  officers  of  the 
enftoms  were  left  without  proteAion ;  and  the 
populace,  not  fatisfied  witii  oppofing  them  in 
the  execution  of  their  duty,  proceeded  in  va. 
rious  indances  to  much  greater  lengths,  and  iu> 
fliAed  upon  their  perfons  the  mod  degrading  pui 

Nor  was  this  impatience  under  the  controul  of 
the  laws  of  trade  confined  to  MaiTachufets  Bay. 
It  w|s  perceivable  in  all  the  New  England  pro- 
vinces,  and  was  this  year  the  caufe  of  a  mod 
outrageous  infult  offered  to  government  in  the 
dedrudlion  of  the  Gafpee  fchooner,  a  veflel  in 
his  majefty's  fervicc,  ftationed  in  Providence  ri- 
ver,  in  the  colony  of  Rhode  Ifland,  to  prevent 
Smuggling,  and  commanded  by  an  officer  *  vi- 
gilant and  adlive  in  the  execution  of  his  duty. 
The  Gafpee  wjis  boarded  at  midnight  of  tKe 
tenth  of  June  by  two  hundred  armed  men  in 
boats,  who,  after  wounding  and  abufing  her  conii 
mander,  and  forcibly  carrying  him  and  his  peo- 
ple on  fhore,  fet  her  on  fire, 

The  caufes  of  difference  between  l\ie  mother- 
country  anc|  the  province  of  Maflachufeis  Bay 
had  now  fo  lon^  fqbfifte^,  aiid  a  peryerfe  fpirit 

-V   -.-  ••  «f 

■  uf-. 

■  i 

*  I^ieutenant  Duddingftone  of  the  nav/. 

1  a  r^ht 
n  an  in- 
vew  and 
>in  thofe 
il  of  it." 
in  to  ob- 
vs  mani- 
I  former 
al  of  the 
rs  of  the 
and  the 
them  in 
d  in  ya. 
I,  and  in- 
»ding  pu» 

jntroul  of 
ifets  Bay. 
land  pro- 
)f  a  moft 
It  in  the 
veflel  in 

dcnce  ri- 
»  prevetit 
cer  ♦  vi- 
his  duty, 
it  of  the 

men  in 
her  com-i 

his  peo-. 


pf  oppofition  had  fo  intirely  pofleffed  the  iuha- 
bitatiis  of  the  Utter,  that  it  would  have  been  do 
eafy  matter  to  effe^  a  cordial  reconciliation  be- 
tween them  vinder  any  circumftances,  however 
favourable.  Thofe  which  did  occur  were  either 
of  the  unfavourable  kind,  or  were  wrefted  by  the 
j'pirit  of  fa^ion  to  ferve  the  infernal  purpol'e  of 
fanninff  the  torch  of  difcprd  ;  fo  that  in  every 
fucceeding  year,  thp  breach,  ^(lead  pf  clofing, 
Teemed  to  widen. 

A  regulation  adopted  b^  the  Britifti  roiniftry 
about  the  beginninff  of  this  year,  refpedting  the 
judges  and  principal  officers  of  the  fuperior  court 
in  Maflachufets  Bay,  w{is  fufficient  to  throw  th^tl 
province  again  into  a  ftate  of  uproar  and  confu- 
fion.  The  obje^  of  this  declaration,  held  forth 
by  the  miniftry  who  framed  it,  was,  to  render 
the  iudgcs,  and  the  other  officers  (o  -whom  it  eat- 
tended,  mpre  independent :  By  the  republican 
party  in  Maflkchuiets  Bay  it  was  faid  to  be  a 
minifterial  plan  for  rendering  them  dependent 
vpon  the  crown.  Such  oppoute  concluuons  do 
pppofing  parties  deduce  from  the  fame  premifes  \ 
The  r^al  fa^,  withoiit  glof^  or  comment,  was 
this  :  By  the  new  regulation,  liberal  falaries  were 
afligned  to  the  judges,  and  to  the  attorney  and 
folicitor  general,  out  of  the  American  revenue, 
by  a  grant  from  the  crown,  in  lieu  of  the  fcanty 
falaries  annually  voted  to  them  by  the  aflembly. 
Such  a  regulation  in  the  infancy  of  the  colony, 
I  inAead  of  exciting  murmurs,  might  perhaps  hi^ye 
been  received  with  fati^faflion  and  gratitude  ;' 
but  at  this  time  it  was  worked  up  into  a  caufe  of 
alarm  almoft  equal  to  that  which  agitated  the 
province  in  the  year  1768,  upon  receiving  the 
iirii  intelligence  of  the  ea;pe<Sled  arrival  of  a  ^li- 
jlitary  force.  ■-',  "      »   . 







\-    ^ 





It  was  laid,  and  jmpreffed  upon  the  people 
with  much  inflammatory  declamation,  that  the 
Britifh  miniflry  having  in  vain  attempted  to  dra* 
goon  the  inhabitants  of  that  province  into  a  fla- 
vifh  fubmilTion  to  the  will  of  parliament  by  the 
aid  of  a  military  force,  were  now  trying  to  ac- 
complifh  the  fame  end  in  a  way  not  fo  open,  but 
not  lefs  dangerous— by  influencing  the  judges 
with  grants  of  falaries,  and  thereby  corrupting 
the  fource  of  juftice  :  And  the  people  were  called 
upon  and  conjured  to  withftand  fo  infidious  and 
deftrudive  an  innovation- 

A  town  meeting  of  the  inhabitants  of  Boflon 
was  appointed  by  the  feleA  men,  and  held  on  the 
tAventy-lifth  of  Odlober. ,  At  this  meeting  a  pe- 
tition was  prepared  and  prefented  to  the  gover- 
nor, fetting  forth  the  evil  tendency  of  the  ne\V 
regulation,  with  the  alarm  which  it  had  oecafi- 
pned  amongft  the  people,  and  praying  him  to 
call  an  affembly.     The  governor  refuf^d  to  com- 
ply with  the  prayer  of  the  petition  ;  And  the  pe- 
titioners having  appointed  a  committee  to  confi- 
der  and  propofe  what  was  fit  to  be  done  in  that 
feafon  of  danger,  adjourned  to  a  future  day  for 
the  purpofe  of  receiviug  their  report.     The  com- 
mittee, having  taken  tin^e  to  deliberate,  drew  up 
z  report  containing  a  declaration  of  rights,  more 
cxtenfive  than  any  which  had  been  y^t  framed, 
gnd  compiehending  the  rights  of  the  colouifts 
as  men,  citizens,  and  chriftians,     In  this  report, 
the  authority  of  the  Bfitifh  parliament  to  legif- 
late  for  the  colpuies,  in  ^ny  |-efpedl  whatfoever, 
was  completely  denied.     After  enumerating  the 
rights  of  the  colonifts,  it  fet  forth  that  thefe  had 
been  violated  in  various  inflances,  but  more  ef- 
pecially  by  the  declaratory  a^  of  the  year  1 766, 
by  which  the  Britifh  parliament  aflumed  to  it- 
fcjf  the  pQwer  of  legifla.ting  for  them  without 
,  •■■'  their 


iheir  confent,  and  under  pretence  .of  that  au- 
thority had  ini|)ofed  taxes  in  the  colonies,  and  ap- 
pointed new  officers  to  te  refident  amongft  them, 
unknown  to  their  conftitution,  becaufe  unautho- 
rifed  by  their  charter,  for  the  purpole  of  fuper- 
intending  the  eolledion  of  thofe  taxes,  and  efta- 
blifhing  what  is  called  an  American  revenue. 
And  the  Britifti  miniftry,  by  framing  the  new  re- 
gulation for  granting  falaries  to  the  judges  and 
crown  officers  out  of  this  odious  tribute,  were 
charged  with  defigning  to  complete  the  fyftem  of 
flavery  which  had  originated  in  the  boufe  of 
commons,  affumiug  a  power  to  grant  their  mo- 
ney without  their  confent.  At  the  adjourned 
meeting  of  the  inhabitants  of  Boftin  this  report 
was  read  and  agreed  to  ;  and  fix  h  i-^jdred  copies, 
of  it  were  ordered  to  be  printed  and  difperfed 
through  all  the  towns  of  the  province,  accompa- 
nied with  a  circular  letter,  calling  upon  the  peo- 
ple "  not  to  doze  any  longer,  or  lit  fupinely  in 
*•  indifference,  whilft  the  iron  hand  of  opprefiion 
"  was  daily  tearing  the  choiceft  fruits  from  the 
"  fair  tree  of  liberty*'*  >, .   ,  j  . 

When  the  afTembly  of  this  province  met  in  the 
month  of  January,  the  governor  probably  in- 
tending to  give  them  an  opportunity,  if  they  were 
fo  dil'pofed,  of  doing  away  the  evil  impreffions 
which  might  have  been  made  by  the  unqualifiecj 
refolutions  of  the  town  meeting  at  Bofton,  took 
occafion  in  his  fpeech  to  infift  on  the  fupreme  le- 
giflative  authority  of  the  king  and  parliament. 
But  if  he  hoped  to  benefit  government  by  bring- 
ing on  this  difcuffion,  he  was  entirely  difappoint- 
^d.  The  afiembly,  inftead  of  endeavouring  to 
moderate  and  qualify  the  dodlrines  contained  la 
the  refolutions  of  the  towa  meeting,  feized  the 
opportunity  of  the  addrefs  which  was  to  be  pre- 
fented,  to  fix  them  more  firmly  and  in  Hieit  uf< 








'  U'l 




i  1 

l<  »■ 








tt  t  S  T  O  R  Y    OF     THE 

moft  extent.    They  openly  denied  the  authoritjr 
of  parliament,  not  only  to  impofe  taxes,  but  to 
legiflate  for  them  in  any  refped):  whatfoever ;  ad- 
ding, "  that  if  there  had  been  in  any  cf  the  late 
<<  inllances  a  fubmiiiion  to  a£^s  of  parliament,'  it 
Was  more  from  want  of.confideration  or  a  reluct 
tance  to  contend  with  the  parent  ftate,  than  a 
convidtion  of  the  fupreme  legiflative  authority 
of  parliament."     This  addrefs  alfo  recapitu- 
Jbited  a  number  of  new  grievances  which  had  not 
heretofore  been  complained  of:  And  fuch  was 
its  improper  tendency,  even  in  the  opinion  of  the 
AffemWy,  upon  cooler  refleftion,  that  fix  months 
after,  in  a  letter  *  to  the  earl  of  Dartmouth,  fe- 
dl-etary  of  ftate  for  American  affairs,  they  thought 
it  neceffary  to  apologize  for  it,  imputing  the  blame 
<yf  their  intemperate  proceedings  to  their  govern' 
nor,  who  had  uuneceffarily  brought  the  fubje6l 
cf  parliamentary  authority  under  their  confidera- 
tion.     In  this  letter  they  fay,  "  that  their  an- 
fwcrs  to  the  governor's  fpeech  were  the  effedls 
of  ncceflity,  and  that  this  neccffity  occafioned 
great  grief  to  the  two  houfes ;"  and  then,  in 
a  ftyle  truly  chara6leriftic  of  puritannical  dupli- 
city, they  exclaim,  "  For,  my  lord,  the  people 
"  of  this  province  are  true  and  faithful  fubjedls 
"  of  his  majefty,  and  think  themfelves  happy  in 
"  their  connedliOn  with  Great  Britain." 

But  this  was  not  the  only  caufe  of  complaint 
which  that  a^Tembly  had  againft  their  governor,  f 

*  Dated  29th  June  1773.  '•**■■ 

t  Their  prefent  governor  wai  Mr.  Hutchinfon,  a  native  of 
MafTachufets  Bay,  a  lawyer  and  a  man  of  learning,  who 
filled  the  office  of  chief-juftice  of  the  province  with  general 
fatisfaAion,  and  was  appointed  governor  on  the  relignation  of 
fir  Francis  Bernard  in  the  year' 1770.  Sir  FrarttiS  Bernard 
went  to  England  in  the  year  1 769,  to  defend  himfelf  from  the 
charges  tranfmitied  againft  himbytheaiTembly  -,  andaitliough 
he  was  honourably  acquitted  by  the  privy  council,  he  did  not 
chuf<;  to  return  to  a  province  where  he  was  fo  much  dilliked. 



AUzKic  Mt  War. 



Their  agent  at  the  3pi.  h  court,  Dodor  FjrankHn,  ^*;?^ 
a  man  well  known  in  the  philofophical  world,  had ,  "~ 
by  Tome  means  or  other  got  poiTeirion  of  certain 
letters  written  by  their  governor  in  former  years 
to  official  perfons  in  England,  and  about  thi&  time 
tranfmitted  them  to  the  aflembly.  The  fubje^ 
of  this  correfpondence  was  fo'  dii'pleafing,  that  it 
threw  the  aiTembly  into  a  violent  heat.  They  fenc 
a  deputation  to  mew  the  letters  to  the  governor, 
without  trufting  thera  in  his  hands^  and  to  inquire 
whether  he  acknowledged  the  fignatures  to  jbe; 
hiS'  Thefignatnres  being  owned,  they  prepared) 
a  petition  and  remonftrance  to  be  prefented  to  the. 
ki^,  charging  the  governor  with  betraying  hisj 
truR^  and  fiandering  the  people  under  his  go^l 
Vernment,  by  giving  private,  partial,  and  falfe' 
information^;.,  declaring  him  an  enemy  to  the  co- 
lony, and  prayiugTor  bis  removal  from  his  ofKce.. 

How  the  letters  which  gav^  occafion  to  fb  muck 
animofity  in  the  aiTembly  of  MaiTachulets  Ba^ 
came  into  the  pofl^on  of  their  agent,  is  not  yet: 
certainly  known  to  the  public.  But  either  tiie 
manner  of  his  obtaining  them,  or  the  ufe  whidi 
he  made  of  them,  or  both,  gave  fo  much  ofSsnce 
to  the  Britifli  miniflry,  that  he  was  difmifled  from: 
his  oifice  of  joint  deputy  poftmaflerpgeneral  for 
Annerica,  under  fuch  circumflances  of  marked, 
difapprobation  as  probably  influenced  bis  fubfev 
quent  condud  in  the  American  conteft. 

Whilft  the  patriots  of  Mafiachufets  Bay  were. 
thus  adlive  in  difcovering  new  caufes  oSf  com*- 
plaint,  and  keeping  the  province  in  a  flase  of 
perpetual  clamour  and  agitation ;  the  fbuthera^ 
and  middle  colonies  were  peaceably  and  quietly 
advancing  in  population  and  profperity,  nothing' 
having  occurred  for  fome  years  to  give  the  repulv 
lican  party  amongft  them  (for  lucba  party  was  b^ 


I   ' 



:'    t 












J   . 


'  1 

f  \ 

H  1  S  T  O  R  Y    0  F    T  H  E 

this  time  formed  in  all  the  colonies)  any  new  pre- 
tence for  quarrelling  with  the  mother-country. 

But  an  a6l  of  parliament  which  paffed  this 
year  was  deftined  to  revive  all  the  heat  of  con- 
tention, and  to  bring  the  difputes  between  Great 
Britain  and  her  colonies  to  their  ultimate  crifis. 
This  was  an  a61  for  empowering  the  commifllou- 
ers  of  the  treafury  to  grant  licenfes  to  the  Eaft 
India  Company  to  export  tea  to  all  places  what* 
foever  free  of  duty.  The  affairs  of  that  com- 
pany had  by  fome  means  or  other  run  into  great 
confufion :  Being  unable  to  fatisfy  their  engage- 
ments, they  applied  to  parliament  for  relief,  and 
complained  that  their  diftrefs  was  in  part  owing 
to  the  American  difturbances,  which  had  lefTcued 
the  demand  for  their  tea ;.  in  confequence  of 
"which,  they  had  then  lying  in  their  warehoufes,' 
for  want  of  a  market,  near  feventeen  millions  of 
pounds.  One  of  the  regulations  adopted  for  their 
relief  was  the  a£l  of  parliament  above-mentioned, 
for  granting  them  leave,  under  the  fandlion  of 
the  treafury,  to  export  their  teas,  duty  free, 
wherever  they  could  find  a  market  for  them. 
The  mbiifter,  in  procuring  this  ad  to  be  paffed, 
had  probably  two  obje6ls  in  view  ;  one,  the  re- 
lief of  the  Eaft  India  company,  and  the  other, 
the  increafe  of  the  American  revenue,  by  this 
new  device  for  introducing  the  company's  tea 
into  the  colonies,  where  it  ftill  lay  under  a  prohi- 
bition in  confequence  of  the  affociations  :  And  it 
was  this  laft  objeA  which  gave  offence  in  America. ' 
The  leading  men  forefaw  that,  if  the  tea  was  once 
introduced  and  landed  in  America,  it  would  be 
impoflible  to  prevent  its  fale  and  confumption, 
ajid  thus  the  duty  would  be  inevitably  levied  upon 
the  inhabitants,  notwiihftanding  all  their  efforts 
to  prevent  it*  Refiftance  to  taxation  by  the  Bri^ 
tidi  parliament  was  become  in  America  a  point  of 







national  honour  which  ihey  were  determined  to  introdu*- 
niaintain.    The  ailbciations  againft  the  importa- 
tion of  tea  from  Great  Britain,  which  in  fome  of 
the  colonies  had  begun  to  be  difregarded,  were; 
now  enforced  with  rigour  :  And  all  thofe  means . 
which,  we  have  feen,  the  leading  men  knewfo. 
well  how  to  ufe,  were  again  employed  by  them  to  • 
excite  oppofition  amongil  the  people,  and  flir  : 
them  up  to  refid  with  force  and  violence  the  land- 
ing of  fuch   cargoes   of  tea   as  might  be   fent  > 
amongft  them.     Nor  were  their  efforts  in  any  of. 
the  coloQies  ineffedlual.    But  the  clamour  and*^ 
threatenings  were  greateft  in  the  New  England : 
provinces  ;  and  in  them,  as  on  all  former  occaii* 
ons,  the  iirfl  forcible  reiiftance  to  the  a£t  of  par* . 
liament  was  made. 

As  foon  as  intelligence  was  received  in  the. 
month  of  November,  that  three  ihips  freighted 
with  tea  on  account  of  the  Eaft  India  company 
were  on  their  paflage  to  Bofton,  that  place  be- 
came again  the  feat  of  tumult,  violence,  and  riot, 
excited  for  thepurpofe  of  frightening  the  conlign- 
ers  of  the  tea  fhips  from  ading  under  their  ap- 
pointments.    The   populace  furrounded    their, 
houfes  and  demanded  their  reiignation,   which 
not  being  complied  with,  the  windows  and  doors 
of  their  houfes  were  broken,  and  they  themfelves 
narrowly  efcaped  the  fury  of  the  mob  by  flying 
from  the  town  and  taking  fhelter  in  Caftle  Wil-  .. 
liam.    The  governor  in  vain  ifliied  a  proclamation . 
commanding  the  civil  magiftrates  to  fupprefs  the  - 
riots,  and  proted  the  peaceable  and  well-difpofed 
inhabitants.    His  proclamation  was  vilified  and 
contemned,  and  the  fheriff  infulted  for  attempt- ; 
ing  to  read  it  at  one  of  the  illegal  meetings.  Even 
the  council  refufed  to  advife  any  meafures  for  fe-  r 
curing  the  tea  upon  its  arrival,  or  £ac  psioteding : 
the  confignees. 

Vo^,.  I.  '    ■  H  Whca< 

/  i 

t  'V 


f    V 


ry  J 





.'I,  'i 


H  I  S  T  O  R  t     OF    THE 

When  the  two  Ihips  did  arrive,  a  meeting  was 
held  by  the  inhabitants  of  Bofton,  and  thofe  of 
the  neighbouring  towns,  and  a  determination  was 
made  that  the  ihips  ihould  be  fent  back  without 
difcharging  their  cargoes.  Notice  of  this  deter- 
mination was  ordered  to  be  given  to  the  con- 
jignees  of  the  tea  and  fuch  other  perfons  in  Bof- 
ton  as  were  intereiled  in  the  ihips ;  and  the 
meeting  was  adjourned  for  the  purpofe  of  re- 
ceiving their  anl'wer.  In  the  mean  time  difficul- 
ties arofe  about  fending  away  the  ihips  :  A  clear- 
a,nce  fK>m  the  cui\om-houfe  could  not  be  ob- 
tained for  them,  neither  could  they  pafs  Caille 
William  at  the  mouth  of  the  harbour,  without 
the  governor's  permiifion,  which  he  refufed  to 
grant.  Thefe  difficulties  being  reported  to  the 
adjourned  meeting,  it  was  immediately  diflblved', 
"with  a  general  cry  of,  A  mob  !  A  mob !  And  in 
the  evening  a  number  of  armed  men,  difguifed 
as  Mohawk  Indians,  boarded  the  ihips  and  dif- 
charged  their  cargoes  into  the  fea  ;  the  whole  va- 
lue of  the  tea  deftroyed  being  eilimated  at  eigh- 
teen thoufand  pounds,  'f 

The  outrages  committed  by  the  inhabitants  of 
BoiVon  had  been  fo  many,  their  oppoiition  to  go- 
vernment fo  daring,  and  their  infults  fo  frequently 
repeated,  that  the  patience  of  the^ritiih  admi- 
niftration  was  now  exhaufted.  The  intelligence 
of  the  deilruftion  of  the  tea  arriving  in  England 
during  the  iitting  of  parliament,  and  being  com- 
municated to  both  houfes  by  a  meifage  from  the 
king,  was  immediately  referred  to  a  committee, 
with  the  papers  which  accompanied  it :  And 
tpon  receiving  their  report  it  was -determined, 
that  the  town  of  Boilon,  which  had  always  been 
the  foremof^  in  refiiling  the  authority  of  parlia- 
ment, ftioqld  now  be  made  an  example  of  parlia- 
mentary vengeance.  Two  things  were  apparently 
■  '  neceifary 



neceffary  to  be  infifted  on — fatisfadion  to  the 
£ait  India  company,  for  the  lofs  which  they  had 
fuftained  by  the  deftniAion  of  the  tea ;  and  re- 
paration to  the  honour  of  the  Britifh  natipn, 
wounded  by  the  infult.  To  efifedluate  thefe  pur- 
pofes  an  ad  was  pafled  for  {hutting  up  the  port 
of  Bofton,  and  prohibiting  the  lading  or  unlading 
of  all  goods  or  merchandize,  except  (lores  for^ 
his  majefty's  fervice,  and  provifions  and  fuel  for 
the  ufe  of  the  inhabitants,  at  any  place  within  its 
precinds,  from  and  after  the  firft  of  June,  until 
It  fhould  appear  to  his  majeAy  that  peace  and  obe- 
dience to  the  laws  were  fo  far  reftored  in  the 
town  of  Bofton,  that  trade  might  again  be  fafely 
carried  on,  and  his  majefty's  cuftoms  be  duly  col- 
\e6ked ;  in  which  cafe  his  majeily  might  by  pro- 
clamation open  the  harbour,  hut  not  even  then 
until  it  fhould  appear  that  fatisfadlion  had  been 
made  to  the  Eaft  India  company  for  the  deftruc- 
tion  of  their  tea,  and  alfo  to  thofe  who  had  fuf- 
fered  by  the  riots  at  the  time  of  its  arrival  atBof- 
ton  *.  This  ad  having  been  paiTed,  a  fleet  of  four 
Ihips  of  war  was  ordered  to  be  got  ready  to  fail 
for  Bofton,  and  as  a  military  force  might  aUb  be 
neceffary  to  reduce  its  diforderly  inhabitants  to 
obedience,  general  Gage,  commander  in  chief  in 
America,  was  appointed  governor  of  Maffachu- 
fets  Bay  in  the  room  of  governor  Hutchinfon, 
who  had  delired  leave  to  come  to  England  :  And 
to  general  Gage,  to  whom  the  execution  of  this 
Z&.  was  to  be  entrufted,  full  powers  were  alfo 
given,  by  commiffion  under  the  great  feal,  to 
grant  pardons  for  treafon  and  all  other  crimes, 
and  to  remit  all  fines  and  forfeitures  to  fuch  of- 
fenders as  fhould  appear  to  be  fit  objeds  of  mercy. 

H  2  To 

*  This  bill  was  introduced  into  the  houfe  of  commons  on 
the  foarteenth  of  March,  and  received  the  ro7al  aflent  on  the 










To  dcvife  means  for  preventing  the  comitiifH^ 
on  of  future  enormities  was  at  leaft  as  neceifary 
as  to  inflidl  puniihment  for  thofe  which  were  pail. 
From  the  papers  laid  upon  the  tables  of  the  two 
houfes  of  parliament,  and  from  a  review  of  the 
diforderly  proceedings  in  the  colonv  of  Maffa- 
chufets  Bay  for  many  years  paft,  the  weaknefs 
of  civil  government  in  that  province,   and  its 
total  infufiiciency  for  fupprefiing  tumults   and 
preferving  the  peace,  were  very  apparent ;  and 
It  was  alfo  obvious  that -this  infumciency  and 
that  weaknefs  were  in  part  owing  to  radical  de- 
fedis  in  the  frame  of  their  government.     To  pro- 
vide a  remedy  for  thefe,  it  was  now  propofed  to 
aflimilate  their  conftitution  more  nearly  to  that  of 
the  royal  governments  in  America,  and  to  their 
prototype   the    government    of  Great  Britain. 
For  this  purpofe  an  a£l  was  pafled  to  deprive  the 
lower  houfe  of  aflembly  in  MafTachufets  Bay  of 
the  privilege  of  eleding  the  members  of  the 
council,  and  to  veil  that  privilege  in  the  crown  ; 
to  authorife  the  king  or  his  fubflitute,  the  gover- 
nor, to  appoint  the  judges,  magiftrates,  and  fhe- 
riffs,  and  to  impower  the  iheriffs  to  fummon  and 
return  juries  ;  and  for  the  prevention  of  factious 
aiTemblies,  to  prohibit  town  meetings  from  being 
called  by  the  feled  men,  unlefs  with  the  confent 
of  the  governor.  a^'^^^i  ori:*t 

But  as  it  was  now  determined  to  proceed 
with  more  vigour  than  on  former  occasions  in 
exa6ling  fubmiffion  to  the  authority  of  the  mo- 
ther-country,  and  as  refiftance  might  flill  be 
made,  fo  it  was  neceflary  that  thofe  who  were 
to  be  employed  in  enforcing  obedience,  fhould 
meet  with  due  protedion,  and  be  well  aflured  of 
a  fair  trial,  in  cafe  they  fhould  be  queftioned  for 
any  thing  neceflarily  done  in  the  execution  of 
-■■■  .         .Jkk  -it-i'.  .^-  ;  ■    , ,  .---.  their 

l^  H,; 


their  duty.     The  cafe  of  captain  Prefton  was  re- 
membered, with  the   clamour  then  raifed,  and 
the  unjuftifiable  methods  taken  to  prejudice  the 
people,  which  might  have  proved  fatal  to  him 
had  not  his  trial  been  delayed.     To  obviate  fuch 
an  evil  in  future,  a  third  adl  of  parliament  was 
palTed  for  the  impartial  adminillration  of  juftice 
in  MaiTachufets  Bay,  impowering  the  governor, 
with  the  advice  of  the  council,  where  any  per- 
fon  ading  in  his  duty  as  an  officer  of  revenue, 
or  as  a  magiftrate,  for  the  fuppreifion  of  riots,  or 
in  fupport  of  the  laws  of  revenue,  or  where  any 
perfon  a6ling  under  the  diredlion  of  the  magif- 
trate  for  any  of  thofe  purpbfes,  fhould  be  charg- 
ed with  the  crime  of  murder,  or  with  any  other 
capital  offence  committed  whilil  he  was  fo  add- 
ing, to  fend  the  perfon  fo  charged  into  any  other 
colony,  or  to  Great  Britain,   to  be  tried,  if  it 
ihould  appear  to  the  governor  and  council  that 
an  impartial  trial  could  not  be  had  within  the 
province  of  MaiTachufets  Bay. 

During  the  fitting  of  parliament  letters  were 
received  from  all  the  thirteen  colonies,  now  the 
United  States  of  America,  by  which  it  appeared 
that  in  all  of  them  the  landing  of  the  tea  had 
been  refifted.  In  fome  it  had  been  fent  back  in 
the  fame  (hips  which  brought  it ;  in  others,  fmall 
parcels  of  it  had  been  deftroyed ;  and  in  others, 
where  they  had  confented  at  leafl  to  the  unload- 
ing of  the  ihips,  it  was  only  upon  condition  that 
the  tea  fhould  be  flofed  under  lock  and  key,  and 
an  engagement  that  it  fhould  not  be  offered  for 
fale.  Thus  it  appeared  that  the  inhabitants  of 
all  the  colonies  were  involved,  although  in  a  lels 
outrageous  degree  than  thofe  of  the  province  of 
MafTachufets  Bay,  in  the  guilt  of  having  oppof- 
ed  the  authority  of  the  mother-country. 







J  m 

'— — <--a%< 






.J  3 

In  this  ftate  of  thefe  provinces  on  the  fea«coafti 
it  was  thought  neceflary  to  give  faiisfaflion  to  the 
inhabitants  of  the  interior  province  of  Canada, 
by  pafling  an  a£l  for  the  fettlement  of  their  go- 
vernment.    The  objedls  of  this  aft  were,  to  fe- 
cure  to  the  inhabitants  of  that  province  the  free 
exercife  of  their  religion  ;  and  to  the  Roman  Ca- 
tholic clergy  their  rights,  agreeably  to  the  arti- 
cles of  capitulation  at  the  time  of  the  furrender 
of  the  province ;    to  reftore  their  ancient  laws 
in  civil  cafes  without  a  trial  by  jury,  as  being 
more  acceptable  to  the  French  Canadians  than 
the  Englilh  laws  with  the  trial  by  jury  ;  and  to 
eftablifli  a  council,   holding  their   commiflions 
from  and  at  the  pleafure  of  the  king,  who  were 
to  exercife  all  the  powers  of  legiflation,  that  of 
impofing  taxes  only  excepted.     Such  a  council, 
compofed  principally  of  the  Canadian  noblelTe, 
it  wak  fuppofed  would  be  more  agreeable  to  the 
bulk  of  the   people  than  a  houfe  of   reprefen- 
tatives.      And  the  laft  objcft  of  the  aft  was  to 
extend  the  limits  of  the  province,  which,  reach- 
ing far  to  the  fouthward  behind  the  other  colo- 
nies, might  be  made  to  ferve  as  a  check  upon 
them  if  neceflary. 

The  firft  of  thefe  afts,  the  Bofton  port  bill, 
pafled  through  the  two  houfes  of  parliament 
without  much  difficulty,  as  the  conduft  of  the 
people  of  Bofton,  in  deftroying  the  tea,  was 
generally  difapproved  of  in  England,  and  the 
caufe  of  their  lofing  many  friends.  The  bill  was 
introduced  into  the  houfe  of  commons  on  the  four- 
teenth  of  March,  and  received  the  royal  allent 
on  the  thirty-firft  of  the  fame  month.  But  the 
other  three  afts,  although  finally  pafTed  by  a 
'  great  majority,  were  not  carried  through  their 
mtermediate   ftages  without  much  oppofition*. 


f  They  rcctived  the  king's  aflent  on  the  twentieth  of  May. 


In  every  thing  that  fefpef^ed  America,  the  mem- 
bers of  oppolition,  and  particularly  the  Rock- 
ingham party,  hung  upon  the  minifter,  and  if 
they  did  not  prevent,  certainly  impeded  his  mea- 
fures  and  leuened  their  effefl ;  and,  ,bv  their  ill- 
timed  prophetic  forebodings,  fpirited  up  the 
Americans  to  z&.  what  they  foretold. 

Whilft  the  Britifh  parliament  were  thus  paif- 
ing  a£ls   for    maintaining  the  authority  of  the 
mother-country  over  the  colonies,  and  for  pu- 
nilhing  pad  and  preventing  future  tranfgrefllons 
againft  it  in  the  province  of  Maflachufets  Bay ; 
the  aflembly  of  that  province,  when  they  met 
in  the  beginning  of  the  year,  far  from  taking 
any  fteps  for  averting  punifhment,  on  the  con- 
trary,  employed    themfelves   in  purfuing  fuch 
meafures  as  had  a  tendency  to  provoke  ilill  more 
the  Britifh  miniibry  and  parliament.     The  clat- 
mour  raifed  in  Maflachufets  Bay  in  the  year  1772, 
in  confequence  of  the  regulation  for  afiigning 
falaries  to  the  judges  by  grants  from  the  crown, 
has  been  already  noticed ;  and  this  year  it  was 
revived  by  the  aflembly,  who  fent  a  meflage  to 
the  judges,  requiring  them  to  declare  whether 
they  meant  to  receive  their  falaries  from  the  af- 
fembly  as  ufual,  or  from  the  crown,  by  virtue 
of  the  new  grants.    All  the  judges,  except  the 
chief-juftice,  confented  to  receive  their  falaries 
as  ufual  from  the  aflembly.     He  alone  declared 
his  refolution  to  receive  his  falary  from  the  crolvn, 
and  him  the  aflembly  refolveo  to  impeach  for 
thisfuppofedunconftitutional  proceeding.  Charg- 
es drawn  up  in  the  form  of  an  impeachment  were 
accordingly  voted,  and  carried  to  the  governor 
and  council,  whom  the  aflembly  judged  to  be 
as  competent  to  the  trial  of  an  impeachment  in 
Maflachufets  Bay,  as  the  houfe  of  lords  is  in 
Great  Britain.     The  impeachment  was  however 
fent  back  with  a  meffage  from  the  governor,  im- 




■•,  #»■■ 

\     • 







porting,  that  the  governor  and  council  had  no 
authority  to  try  impeachments.  The  aflembly 
now  changed  the  mode  of  their  accufation,  con- 
verting the  charges  contained  in  the  inipeadt- 
ment  into  a  petition  of  complaint  to  be  prcfent- 
cd  to  the  governor,  which  concluded  with  a  pray- 
er for  the  removal  of  the  chief-juflicc.  The 
governor  refufed  to  comply  with  the  prayer  of 
the  petition ;  and  finding  the  aflembly  deter- 
mined to  profecute  their  complaint  againfl  the 
chief-juftice  in  fonie  form  or  other,  he  at  laft 
diflblved  thc-m  about  the  end  of  March. 

But  the  attention  of  the  people  of  that  pro- 
vince was  foon  to  be  engrolied  by  a  fubjedl  of 
higher  importance,  than  a  difpute  with  their  go- 
vernor or  chief-juftice ;  and  the  inhabitants  of 
BoHon  were  at  laft  to  feel  the  weight  of  the  dif- 
pleafure  of  that  power  which  they  had  fo  long 
provoked  with  impunity.  In  the  month  of  May 
intelligence  arrived,  that  the  a6l  for  fhutting  up 
the  port  of  Bofton  had  been  paflfed  by  the  Bri- 
tifh  parliament ;  and  this  intelligence,  together 
with  a  copy  of  the  acl,  was  immediately  publifh- 
ed  upon  a  paper  with  a  black  border,  lymbolical 
of  mourning,  and  hawked  about  the  Areets,  as 
a  barbarous,  cruel,  bloody,  and  inhuman  mur- 
der. The  former  and  riotous  proceedings  of 
the  town  of  Bodon  had  been  fo  often  overlooked, 
that  fuch  an  adl  of  feverity  as  the  Boflon  port 
bill,  was  totally  unexpected ;  and  upon  the  firft 
publication  of  the  intelligence,  nothing  was  to 
be  heard  but  frantic  expreflions  of  rage  and  re- 
fentment  againft  the  tyranny  and  i  .  -n  unfy  of 
the  Britifh  miniftr}<  and  parliamert ;  a  or!  \'<»n- 
geance  was  loudly  called  for  an  I  ','..*iat^aed. 
But  unfortunately  for  the  inhabitants  of  Bofton, 
the  operation  of  this  a6l  of  parliament,  as  a  pu- 
^ilhmeut,  unlike,  in  this  rcfpedt,  thofe  which 
■""■■■    ■    :.. :  •■^^■-   V.  ■    •■    ''had 

AMERICAN     Vv    A  R. 




had  preceded  it,  could  not  in  their  prtfcnt  cir-  introduc- 
cumftances  be  either  refiftcd  or  el  .ded.     It  \«4S     *"*"* 
doubtful  whether  the  other  fra-porL  to^'ns  in 
the  province  might  not  take  au  .  antage  ui  ihc 
prefent  moment,   to  raife  their  own  commerce 
upon  the  ruins  of  that  of  Boilon ;  and  it  was 
aifo  uncertain  whether  the  other  colonies  would 
cordially    intereft    themfelves   in   their  behalf. 
Such  crajfitt -rations  had  undoubtedly  an  influ- 
ence,   If  ! '0    ^s  they  began  coolly  to  refleft  up- 
Oi     he  I  hiution;  and  to  the  firft  effervcrcencc 
of  le!'  I  'ment,  a  ftate  of  mind  feems  to   have 
fucceed^d,  bordering  upon  defpondence.  A  town 
meeting  was  held,  at  which  a  vote  was  pafTed, 
addrered  to  the  inhabitants  of  the  other  colo- 
nies; importing,  that  if  they  would  come  into 
a  joint  refolution  to  pive  up  all  intercourfe  with 
the  mother-country  m  the  way  of  trade,   until 
the  Bofton  port  bill  fhould  be  repealed,  it  would 
prove  the  falvation  of  America  and  her  liberties; 
but  if  they  did  not,  there  was  too  much  reafon 
to  fear  that  fraud,  power,  and  the  mod  odious 
oppreflion,    would  rife  triumphant  over  right, 
jufiice,  focial  happinefs,  and  freedom.     Copies 
of  this  vote  were  ordered  to  be  fent  to  all  the 
other  colonies,  and  the  meeting  was  diflblved, 
every  one  being  bufied  in  arranging  his  affairs 
for  the  firft  of  June,  the  day  on  which  the  port 
of  Bofton  was  to  be  deprived  of  its  commerce. 

In  this  ftate  of  doubt  and  anxiety  the  people 
of  Bofton  did  not  long  remain  without  receiv- 
ing feme  confolatioi!.  The  inhabitants  of  the 
neighbouring  towns,  inftead  of  attempting,  to 
protit  by  their  Jiftrefs,  offered  them  the  ul'e  of 
their  wharfs  and  warehoufes  for  the  purpofe  of 
carrying  on  their  trade :  and  from  the  other  co- 
lonies they  foon  received  the  moft  flattering  tef- 
timonies  of  condolence  and  conunifcraiion. 


i  (a 








■■  I 




In  rill  the  colonies  the  landing  of  tea  had  been 
refifted,  and  therefore  they  all  ftiared  in  the  cri- 
minality  for  which  the  town  of  Bofton  was  about  to 
fuffer ;  and  oniuch  an  occafion  to  have  deferted 
their  brethren  »  diftrcfs  would  have  been  unman- 
ly and  ungenerous.     The  aflembly  of  Virginia, 
which  was  fitting  at  this  time,  fet  the  example  of 
making  the  fufferings  of  the  inhabitants  of  Bofton 
%,  common  caufe  of  complaint  in  all  the  colonies. 
In  that  aflembly  a  refolution  was  paffed  for  ap. 
pointing  the  firft  of  June,  the  day  on  which  the 
Bofton  port  bill  was  to  take  effedt,  to  be  fet  apart 
as  a  day  of  fafting,  prayer,  and  humiliation,  "  to 
*•  implore  the  divine  interpofition,  to  avert  the 
"  heavy  calamity  which  threatened    deftrudion 
"  to  their  civil  rights   with  the  evils  of  a  civil 
war ;  and  to  give  one  heart  and  one  mind  to  the 
people  firmly  to  oppofe  every  injury  to  the 
American  rights."     This  refolution,  the  gene- 
ral  tendency  of  which  to  excite  oppofition  to  the 
mother-country,    was    fufficiently   obvious,   and 
which  at  the  fame  time  encroached  on  the  royal 
prerogative  by  enjoining  a  faft,  occafioned  the  dif- 
folution  of  the  aflembly :  But,  before  the  mem- 
bers feparated,  a  private  meeting  was  held,  at 
which  a  declaration  was  drawn  up  and  fubfcribed 
by  a  majority  of  the  aflembly,  fetting  forth  that 
the  puniftiment  about  to  be  inflided  on  the  inha- 
bitants of  Bofton,  in  order  to  compel  them  to 
fubmit  to  the  payment  of  unconftituiional  taxes, 
was  in  truth  an  attack  upon  all  the  colonies,  and 
would  ultimately  prove  deftrudive  to  the  rights 
and  liberties  of  all,  unlefs  the  united  wifdom  of 
the  whole  v/ar.  a])plied  to  prevent  it.    They  there- 
fore recommended  to  the  commiiiee  of  correfpon- 
dence  to  propole  lo  the  committees  of  the  other 
colonies,  that  an  annual  congrefs  Ihould  be  held 
for  .-ill  the  colonies,  to  deliberate  on  fuch  general 
mealures  as  the  united  intcrcfts  of  America  might 







from  time  to  time  require.    And  they  concluded  introduo- 
with  an  intimation  that  a  regard  for  their  fellow-     """ 
fubjedts,   the   merchants  and  manufadlurers   of 
Great  Britain,  prevented  them  from  going  fur- 
ther at  that  time. 

The  example  fet  by  the  affembly  of  Virginia 
was  followed  in  the  other  colonies.  Provincial, 
county,  or  town  meetings  were  every  where  held^ 
at  which  refolutions  of  a  limilar  tendency  were 
pafTed  :  And  the  firft  day  of  June  was  very  gene- 
rally obferved  in  America  as  a  day  of  fafting,  hu- 
miliation, and  prayer. 

General  Gage  arrived  at  Boflon  not  many  days  13th  May 
after  the  intelligence  was  received  of  the  aft  for 
Ihutting  up  its  harbour,   and  whilft  the  inhabi- 
tants, affembled  at  a  town  meeting,  were  yet  de- 
liberating on  the  melancholy  profpedl  before  them. 
Notwithilanding  this  inaufpicious  entry  into  his 
governmcut,  he  was  received  with  the  ufual  ho- 
nours.    He  had  been  many  years  commander  in 
chief  in  America,  was  perfonally  known  at  Bof- 
ton,   and  univerfally  refpefted  for  his  amiable 
chara£ler  and  manners.     But  the  animofity  which 
had  been  kindled  in  the  province  of  Maffacbu- 
fcts  Bay  againft  the  Britilh  government  had  rifen 
to  too  great  a  height  to  be  checked  by  any  per* 
fonal  conliderations    for  a    governor,    however 
amiable  or  refpedable.     The  affembly  met  ac- 
cording to  cuflom,  foon  after  his  arrival ;  and  ia 
the  fpeech  delivered  at  the  opening  of  the  feiBon, 
he  gave  them  nbtice  that  they  were  to  remove  to 
Salem  on  the  firft  of  June,  which  from  that  time 
was  to  be  confidered  as  the  feat  of  government. 
This  information  was  far  from  being  pleafmg  to 
the  affembly,  and  ihey  prefented  a  petition  to  the 
governor,  intreating  him  to  appoint  a  day  of  ge- 
neral fafting  and  prayer.     The  governor  declined 
complying  with  the  petition,  and  foon  afterwards 




HIS  TO  R  Y    O  F    THE 


•  ( 

'"lim"*^'  *djouraed  the  feflion  to  the  fevcnth  of  June,  theu 
to  meet  at  Salem. 

In  the  interval  of  this  adjournment,    letters 
were  received  from  moft  of  the  other  colonies ; 
and  it  was  perceived  that  the  caufe  of  the  inha- 
bitants of  Bofton  was  every- where  warmly  ef- 
poufed.    The  leading  men  in  MaiTachufets  Bay, 
cheered  by  this  intelligence,  laid  afide  their  de- 
fpondency,  and  f  efolved  to  aft  with  more  vigour 
than  ever  in  refifting  the  claims  of  the  mother- 
country.    When  the  aflembly  met  at  Salem,  a 
refolution  was  pafTed  declaring  the  expediency 
of  a  general  congrefs  to  be  held  for  all  the  colo- 
nies, and  fetting  forth  at  large  their  reafons  for 
recommending  fuch  a  meafure.     Five  of  their 
own  members  were  appointed  to  reprefent  them, 
all  of  them  zealoufly  attached  to  the  American 
caufe,  and  violently  hoftile  to  the  pretenfions  of 
the  Britifh  parliament ;  and  a  fum  of  money  was 
voted  to  defray  their  expences.     They  were  fen- 
iible  that  after  this  proceeding  their  diflblution 
would  foon  follow,  and  they  haftened  to  prepare 
another  refolution,  declarative  of  their  fentiments 
on  the  prefent  ftate  of  affairs,  and  recommend- 
ing to  their  conftituents  fuch  meafures  as  they  j 
wifhed  them  to  purfue.     In  this  refolution  they  | 
lamented  their  prefent  fituation,  which  obliged 
them  to  ftruggie  againft  the  heavy  hand  of  pow- 
er; they  complained  that  their  petitions  to  the 
king  and  parliament  had  been  difregarded  ;  they, 
fet  forth  that  it  was  apparently  the  defign  of  the 
Britifh  government  to  deftroy  the  free  conftitu- 
tions  ot  the  American  colonies,  and  to  ere6l  in 
their  ftead  the  fyflems  of  tyranny  and  arbitrary 
fway,  iucompaiible  with  liberty,  and  totally  fub- 
verfive  of  their  conftitutional  rights  :  They  called 
upon  the  people  of  the  province  to  obftrud  as 
far  as  was  in  their  power  the  execution  of  fuch 


■  i*i 






evildefigQs;  and  for  this  purpofe  recommended  introduc 
to  them  to  give  up  as  much  as  poflible  every  kind 
of  intercourfe  with  the  mother-country,  until 
their  grievances  ihould  be  completely  redrefled. 
This  declaratory  refolution  had  fcarcely  been 
pafled,  when  the  governor,  receiving  informa- 17th  June 
tion  of  their  proceedings,  put  an  end  to  the  fef- 
fion  by  diflblving  the  affembly ;  which  was  the 
laft  that  was  held  under  the  charter  of  Maffachu- 

.  An  attempt  was  now  made  by  fome  inhabi- 
tants of  Bofton  who  weref  riendly  to  government, 
to  procure  refolutions  to  be  pafTed  at  one  of  their 
town  meetings  for  paying  to  the  Eaft  India  com- 
pany the  value  of  their  tea,  and  for  diflblving 
the  committee  of  correfpondence  -,  but  in  this 
attempt  they  were  defeated  by  a  very  great  ma- 

Rough  draughts  of  the  two  bills  already  men- 
tioned for  altering  the  conAitution,  and  for  the 
impartial  adminiftration  of  juftice  in  Maflachu- 
fets  Bay,  having  arrived  foon  afterwards,  the 
clamours  of  the  leading  men  in  all  the  colonies 
became  louder  and  more  vehement  than  ever: 
The  calm  ftill  voice  of  the  friends  of  govern- 
ment who  remained  in  any  of  them  was  no  long- 
er to  be  heard  amidft  the  noife  and  uproar  of 
tumultuous  fervour :  And  the  caufe  of  the  in- 
habitants of  Boflon  grew  more  popular,  contri- 
butions being  raifed  for  their  relief  in  feveral  of 
the  colonies. 

If  thofe  who  direded  the  councils  of  the  peo- 
ple in  MaflTachufets  Bay  were  before  refolved  on,, 
refiftance  and  oppolition,  they  now  determined 
jto  carry  that  refolution  to  the  utmoft  extremity. 
As  a  previous  ftep,  the  recommendation  of  the 
aflembly  was  immediately  aded  upon,  and  an 
affociation  was  fet  on  foot,  whereby  the  fubfcri- 


■  n  \ 

1  (> 

',    i 

-«![|.    '^•sn'^'-  / 

'1  •! 




lairodoo^  |,ert  bound  themfelv^s,  under  the  mod  folemn 
oUigation,  to  break  off  all  commercial  intercourfe 
with  Great  Britain  from  the  lafl  day  of  the  month 
of  Augufl,  until  the  Bofton  port  bill  and  the 
other  obnoxious  ads  of  parliament  fhould  be 
repealed,  and  the  colony  reftored  to  the  exercife 
ef  its  chartered  rights ;  and  to  renounce  all  deal, 
ings  with  thofe  who  Hiould  refufe  to  enter  into 
[  this  agreement,  or  who,  engaging,  fhould  after- 
wards break  through  it;  and  the  whole  was  fanc- 
tioned  by  an  agreement  that  the  names  of  delin- 
quents fhould  be  publiihed  in  the  newfpapers  as 
enemies  to  their  country,  a  penalty,  in  the  pre- 
sent lawkfs  and  perturbed  (late  of  the  province;, 
of  the  moft  dangerous  tendency.  In  order  to 
'  recommend  the  aflbciation  more  powerfully  tp 
the  attention  of  the  populace,  it  was  handed  to 
them  under  the  antiquated  but  impreffive  title 
of  a  folemn  league  and  covenant,  a  term  of  the 
lail  century  affixed  to  an  engagement  entered  into 
by  the  Puritans,  which  was  flill  held  in  great  ve- 
neration by  their  defcendants  in  MafTachufets 
Bay.    To  counterad  this  affociation,  a  procla- 

a9thJunemation  was  iflTued  by  the  governor,  in  which  it 
was  flyled  an  illegal  and  traiterous  combination, 
contrary  to  the  allegiance  due  to  the  king  and 
,    fubverlive  of  the  authority  of  parliament ;   and 
the  people  were  cautioned  againft    giving  any 
'    countenance  to  it,  under  the  penalties  annexed 
to  fuch  heinous  offences.     But  the  proclamation 
was  difregarded,  and  the  folemn  league  and  co- 
venant was  generally  fubfcribed  throughout  New 
'     England. 

General  Gage,  foon  after  he  took  pofTeflion  of 
his  government,  forefeeing  the  florm  which  was 
gathering,  ordered  fome  regiments  of  foot,  with 
a  detachment  of  artillery,  to  be  fent  to  Boflon  i 
And  thefe,  upon  their  arrival,  were  encamped 







Upon  the  common  lying  between  the  town  and  introduc- 
the  narrow  neck  of  land  called  Boflon  Neck,  *'"" 
which  joins  it  with  the  continent.  "When  troops 
were  formerly  ftationed  at  Bofton,  defertion  was 
much  encouraged  by  the  inhabitants ;  and  the 
fame  pradlice  being  again  revived,  a  guard  was 
placed  upon  Bofton  Neck  to  prevent  it.  This 
was  magnified  into  an  attempt  to  cut  off  the  com* 
munication  bet^veen  the  town  and  the  country,  ,, 

and  to  compel  the  inhabitants  of  the  former,  by 
famine,  to  fubmit  to  fuch  terms  as  might  be  im- 
pofed  upon  them  ;  and  a  falfe  report  to  this  ef- 
fed  being  fpread  about  in  the  country,  the  inha- 
bitants of  the  county  of  Worcefter  affembled  in 
great  numbers,  and  fent  meflengers  to  inquire  Julj* 
into  the  truth  of  the  report.  Thefe  were  charged 
to  give  an  affurance  to  the  people  of  Bofton  that 
feveral  thoufand  armed  men  were  ready  to  come 
to  their  affiftance,  P  ould  it  be  neceflary  ;  but 
at  the  fame  time  to  acquaint  them,  that  if  they 
fliould  lofe  their  fortitude,  fo  far  as  to  furrender 
their  liberties,  the  people  of  the  country  would 
not  hold  themfelves  bound  by  their  fubmiflion. 

About  this  time  an  authentic  copy  of  the  aft  Auguft. 
of  parliament  for  altering  the  conftitution,  and 
regulating  the  government  of  Maflachufets  Bay, 
arrived  at  Bofton,  together  with  commiflions  from 
the.  king  to  thofe  who  were  to  conftitute  the  new 
council,  in  the  room  of  that  eleded  by  the  af- 
fembly.  This  council  was  intended  to  confift  of 
thirty-fix  members,  but  twenty-four  only  accept- 
ed their  commiffions  ;  and  thefe  having  qualified, 
writs  were  ilFued  by  the  governor^  with  their  ad- 
vice, for  the  meeting  of  a  new  afifembly  in  the 
beginning  of  06lober.  But  the  rage  of  the  po-- 
pulace  now  again  buril  forth,  and  was  direded 
againft  thofe  who  had  accepted  feats  in  the  new 
council ;    and  the  greateft  number  of  them,  to 




1  i 



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I  '• 




:^         HISTORY    OF     THE 

fave  their  perfons  from  being  torn  to  pieces  by 
the  mob,  and  their  property  from  being  deflroy- 
ed,  w^rc  obliged  to  refign  their  appointments ; 
a  few  only  who  refided  iu  Boflon,  and  were  pro- 
tected by  the  troops,   retained  their  fituation«. 
"When  the  fuperior  court  fat  for  the  admiuiflra- 
tion  of  juftice,  the  juries  refufed  to  be  fwom, 
and  the  inferior  officers  of  the  court,  frightened 
by  the  threats  which  were  denounced  againft 
them,  declined  adding  under  the  new  regulati- 
oos  ;  and  fo  many  oburudlions  were  met  with  in 
every  department,  that  from  this  time  civil  go- 
vernment in  Maffachufets  Bay  was  entirely  dif- 
fbhred^    Bofton  was  the  only  place  of  fecurity  in 
the  province ;  and  that  in  confequence  of  the 
ipilitary  force  encamped  in  its  neighbourhood. 
By  means  of  this  force  alone  was  protedlion  af-' 
forded  to  fuch  as  diflered  in  fentiment  from  the 
popular    party.     Whofoever    rendered    himfelf 
obnoxious,  by  difcovering  his  attachment  to  the 
mother-couTitry,    and  a  wifti  to  fubmit  to   her 
laws,  was  infulted  by  the  populace ;  and  many 
were  hunted  from  their  dwellings  in  the  country,, 
and  obliged  to   take  refuge  in  Boflon.     Arms 
were  provided  for  thofe  who  were  without  them:. 
Ammunition  and  warlike  ftores  began  to  be  col- 
le6led  :  And  the  young  men  were  employed  in 
training  themfelves  to  military  difcipline. 

Unde/-  fuch  an  appearance  of  hoftile  intention, 
and  fuch  preparations  going  forward,  general 
Gage  cou)d  no  longer  refrain  from  providing  for 
the  fecurity  of  the  troops  which  he  commanded, 
by  fortifying  Bofton  Neck  ;  and  *vith  the  like 
intent,  he  removed  to  Bofton  the  powder  and 
other  military  ftores  depofited  in  the  magazines 
at  Charleflown,  Cambridge,  and  the  Medford 
powder-houfe,  left  the  people  fhould  have  been 
ftirred  up  to  if  ize  on  them.    Thefe  proceedings 



r  ->  ■ 



<•■  *t^ 

AM  £  R  t  C  A  N    WAR. 



of  the  governor,  which,   in  his  fituation,  were  intwxiuc. 
apparently  neceflary,  gave  fo  much  offence,  and     ***"" 
created  fo  great  an  alarm,  that  the  people,  whofe 
minds  had  oeen  wojrked  up  to  a  degree  of  phr^n- 
zy  by  the  machinations  of  the   violent  party 
amongft  them»  aflembled  again  from  all  quarters, 
and  were  with  difficulty  reftrained  from  march- 
ing to  Bofton  and  attacking  the  troops.    About 
the  fame  time  a  falfe  report  was  fpread  in  Con- 
ne£licut,  that  an  attack  was  begun  upon  the  in- 
habitants of  Bofton  by  the  ihips  in  the  harbour 
and  the  troops  from  the  common,  when  feveral 
thoufands  of  the  militia  of  that  province  affem- 
bled  in  arms,  and  marched  a  coniiderable  dif- 
tance  to  the  fuppofed  relief  of  their  brethren  at 
Bolton,  before  they  were  undeceived,  and'difcd- 
vered  that  the  report  was  falfe.     Thefe  rumours 
were  probably  circulated  by  the  contrivance  of 
the  leading  men,  to  try  the  temper  of  the  peo- 
ple.    But  their  affairs  were  not  yer.  ripe  for  open 
hoftilities ;  and  in  this  ftate  of  tumult  and  com- 
motion it  was  thought  fit  to  appoint  a  meeting  of 
delegates  from  all  the  towns  in  the  county  of 
Suffolk,  of  which  Bofton  is  the  capital,  to  advife 
fuch  a  plan  of  conduft  to  be  obferved  by  the 
people  as  the  prefent  pofture  of  affairs  might  re- 

This  meeting  was  accordingly  held,  and  the 
comple£lion  of  its  deliberations  was  fuch  as  no 
longer  left  it  doubtful  to  what  lengths  the  leading 
men  of  this  province  were  determined  to  go,  pro- 
vided they  met  with  fupport  from  the  other  colo- 
nies, and  that  the  difpute  between  the  mother-coun- 
try and  the  colonies  was  faft  approaching  to  that 
crifis,  when  an  appeal  muft  be  made  to  the  fword. 
In  the  refolutions.  paffed  on  this  occafion,  they 
refufed  all  fubmiffion  to  the  late  ads  of  parlia- 
ment, and  engaged  to  indemnify  fuch  as  Ihould 
Vol.  I,  I  be 


jr-  ■' 



— •;s5«9-' 




r  ' 





Sept.  9. 



be  profccuted  for  difobcdiencc  to  them.  They 
accufed  thofe  who  had  accepted  feats  in  the  neVir 
council,  of  violating  the  duty  which  they  owed 
to  their  country,  and  threatened  them  witn  being 

.  treated  as  public  enemies,  unlefs  they  refigned 
their  appointment.  They  recommended  the 
holding  of  a  provincial  congrefs.  They  exhorted 
the  people  to  perfedl  themfelves  in  the  ufe  of  arms, 
and  for  that  purpofe  to  aflemble  once  every  week. 
They  warned  them  to  be  upon  their  guard  againft 

,  the  defigns  of  their  enemies,  who  had  determined 
to  feize  upon  fome  of  thofe  amongft  them,  who 
had  deferved  well  of  their  country  by  a  ftrenuous 
oppofition  to  the  arbitrary  meafures  of  the  Britifh 
miniflry ;  and  if  fuch  an  attempt  fhould  be  made, 
they  were  exhorted  to  oppofe  it ;  and  Ihould  their 

,  oppofition  be  ineffectual,  they  were  diredled  td 
retaliate,  by  feizing  upon  every  Britifh  officer 
they  could  find  :  And  laftly,  they  recommended 
to  the  receivers  of  the  public  revenue  to  keep  it 
in  their  own  hands  until  the  conftitution  of  the 
province  was  reftored,  or  until  it  fhould  be  other- 
wife  difpofed  of  by  a  provincial  convention. 
They  alfo  prefented  a  r^monftrance  to  the  gover- 
nor, complaining  of  the  fortifications  carrying  on 
at  Boflon  Neck,  and  of  the  feizure  of  the  public 
magazines  ;  and  they  tell  him,  that  although  they 
have  no  inclination  to  commence  hoflilities  againfl 
his  majefty*s  troops,  they  are  yet  determined 
never  to  fubmit  to  the  late  adls  of  parliament. 

This  was  the  mofl  open  affumption  of  pow^r 
on  the  part  of  the  people,  and  the  mofl  direct 
and  daring  interference  with  the  executive  au- 
thoritj^,  that  had  yet  taken  place  in  any  of  the 
colonies.  ; 

But  the  attention  of  all  America  was  now  di- 
re£led  to  the  general  congrefs,  which  had  met  at 
Philadelphia  on  the  fifth  of  this  months     During 


— ^  -♦-'..  -.56.^' 

/,  '--^c^s-f..  ->"■ 

-  ""-'■-■  -??■'•■  \lt^ 

of--  ■ 

•  A  M  E  R  I  CAN    W  A  R; 


the  courfe  of  the  fummer,  preparatory  meafures  ^"^"** 
had  been  taken  in  all  the  colonies,  Georgia  ex-  w-j-^ 
cepted,  for  holding  this  grand  aflembly  of  colo-    1774. 
nial  reprefentation ;  and  Philadelphia,  from  its 
centrical  fuuaiion,  was  fixed  upon  for  the  place 
of  meeting.    In  thofe  colonies  in  which  their,  af- 
femblies  met,  delegates  to  the  congrefs  were  ap- 
pointed by  them,  and  refolutions  were  pafled  for 
their  government  and  diredion ;  and  in  the  others 
the  people  ele£led  reprefentatives,  as  if  it  had 
been  for  an  aflembly  ;  and  thefe  reprefentatives 
meeting  together,  chofe  delegates  to  congrefs,  and 
gave  them  inftruftions. 

In  thofe  inftruilions  there  was  a  confiderable 
variety,  according  to  the  different  tempers  of  the 
leading  men  in  the  delegated  aflemblies.  From 
forae  of  the  colonies  the  inftrudlions  were  mode- 
rate, and  from  others  more  violent ;  but  they  all  . 
agreed  in  condemning  the  Boilon  port  bill,  and 
the  other  adis  of  the  laft  feflion  of  parliament  re- 
lating to  Maflachufets  Bay,  and  in  denying  the 
right  of  the  Britilh  parliament  to  tax  the  colonies. 
But  the  mod  material  of  all  their  inilrudtions, 
and  what  in  a  great  n]t^ure  fuperfeded  the  ufe  of 
all  others,  was  a  pdit'er  given  to  their  delegates 
to  agree  to  whatever  meafures  ftiould  meet  with 
the  concurrence  of  a  majority  of  the  congrefs. 

This  congrefs  confifted  of  fifty-one  delegates, 
reprefcnting  twelve  of  the  colonies  lying  along^tjhe 
fhore  of  the  Atlantic,  from  New.  Hampfhire  to 
South  Carolina  ihclufive ;  the  greateft  number  of 
delegates  from  any  one  colony  being  feven,  and 
the  fraalleft  two.  But  this  difparity  in  the  number 
of  delegates  did  not  affed  the  votes,.  a$  it  was 
agreed  that  each  colony  fhould  have  but  one  vote, 
whatever  was  the  number  of  its  delegates.  The 
congrefs  fat  with  their  doors  locked  ;  no  one  was 
permitted  to  be  prefent  at  their  deliberations,  and 

I  2  all 







f   I 






w  / 

»n»*iw<:-  all  their  proceedings,  except  thofe  which  they 
thought  fit  to  publifii,  were  kept  profoundly  fc- 
cret4  AfTembled  in  the  caufe  of  ireedom,  they  ne- 
verthelefs  thought  fit  to  obferve  a  form  pra^ifed 
only  in  the  mod  defpotic  governments.  Their 
|)roceeding8  being  wrapped  up  in  myflery,  and  all 
the  intermediate  fteps,  leading  to  a  conclufion,  be* 
ing  hid  from  the  public  eye,  their  decrees,  when 
promulgated*  were  received  like  the  oracles  of  an- 
cient times,  as  the  dictates  of  profound  wifdom. 

The  only  proceedings  which  they  publilhed, 
were»  a  declaration  on  tne  ftate  of  anairs  in  Maf* 
fachufets  Ba^  ;  a  letter  to  general  Gage,  a  decla- 
ration  of  rights  and  grievances)  accompr.nied 
with  an  aflociation ;  a  petition  to  the  king  ;  an 
addrefs  to  the  people  of  Great  Britain ;  another, 
to  the  inhabitants  of  the  colonies ;  and  a  third  to 
the  people  of  Canada ;  all  of  them  mailerly  com- 
pofitions,  and  well  adapted  for  the  purpofes  fot 
which  they  were  intended. 

In  their  declaratory  refolutions  on  the  flate  of 
affairs  in  MaiTachufets  Bay,  vMch  was  the  firil 
of  their  public  a61s,  and  bore  date  the  feventeenth 
of  September,  they  approved  of  the  plan  of  con- 
du£l  which  had  been  hitherto  purfued  by  the  peo- 
ple of  that  province,  and  of  the  refolutions  |>aired, 
and  meafures  propofed,  by  the  delegates  of  the 
towns  in  the  county  of  Suffolk,  and  advifed  a 
perfeverance  in  the  fame  line  of  condu£^ ;  and 
for  the  relief  of  the  inhabitants  of  Bofton,  whofe 
diftrefles  were  every  day  increafing,  they  recom- 
mended that  cpntributions  ihould  be  raifed  for 
them  ia  all  the  other  colonies,  to  continue  fo  long 
as  their  occafions  might  require  ;  and  if  at  laft  it 
ihould  be  found  neceffary  to  remove  the  Boftoni- 
ans  into  the  country,  that  their  loiTes  in  that  cafe 
Hiould  be  compenfated  at  the  charg^e  of  all  the  co- 

•"  With 



-V  ,-,. , 




With  this  firft  public  ad  of  the  congrefs,  which  imtoAmc 
was  conlidered  as  deciflve  of  the  opinions  that 
they  held,  and  the  meafures  they  meant  to  purfue, 
the  friends  of  government  (for  fuch  a  party,  and 
a  very  confiderable  one,  there  was  in  all  the  colo- 
nies), and  even  fome  of  the  more  moderate  of  the* 
patriotic  party,  were  much  chagrined  and  difap* 
pointed.  They  had  hoped  that  the  congrefs  would 
have  adopted  only  pacific  means  for  obtaining  a 
redrefs  of  grievances ;  but  in  the  unqualified  ap- 
probation given  to  the  very  irregular  condudl 
of  the  people  of  MaiTachufets  Bav,  and  particu- 
larly to  the  refolutions  of  the  delegates  of  the 
county  of  Suffolk,  they  thought  that  they  faw  an 
evident  determination  in  the  congrefs  to  oppofd 
the  authoritv  of  the  mother-country  by  fbrce  and 
arms.  And  their  apprehenfions  were  rather  in- 
creafed  than  allayea  b^  the  letter  from  the  con- 
grefs to  general  Gage,  in  which  they  declared  it 
to  be  the  fixed  and  unalterable  refolution  of  alt 
the  colonies  to  unite  for  the  prefervation  of  their 
common  rights,  in  oppofition  to  the  late  a£ls  of 

Sarliament,  and  in  fupport  of  their  brethren  of 
laiTachufets  Bay. 

The  declaration  of  rights  contained  a  fummary 
of  all  the  rights  appertaining  to  Britifh  fubjeds, 
to  the  free  exercife  of  which  they  maintained  that 
they  were  entitled  by  the  immutable  laws  of  na- 
ture, by  the  Britifh  conflitution,  and  by  their  fc- 
veral  charters.  All  former  diilin6tions  between 
legiflation  and  taxation,  between  external  and  in- 
ternal taxes,  were  now  laid  alide.  They  claimed, 
in  I  -half  of  the  colonies,  the  fole  and  exclufive 
power  of  legiflating  for  themfelves  in  all  cafes 
whatfoever  :  But  from  the  mere  neceflity  of  the 
cafe,  were  willing  to  fubmif  to  fuch  a6ls  of  par- 
liament as  were  bomfde  intended  to  regulate  their 
foreign  con^merce,  excluding  however  every  idea 










of  taxation,  internal  or  external,  for  raifing  a  re- 
venue from  the  people  of  the  colonies  without 
their  confent.     Their  grievances,  they  laid,  were 
occafionedby  eleven  adts  of  parliament  palTedin 
the  prefcnt  reign,  moft  of  which  have  been  al- 
ready mentioned  in  the  courfe  of  this  hiftory ;  and 
iu  the  enumerated  lift  they  included  the  three  adls 
of  the  laft  ieflion  of  parliament,  relating  to  the  co- 
lony of  MafTachufets  Bay,  and  the  a£l  for  extend- 
ing the  limits  of  Canada.     The  repeal  of  allihcfe 
a6ls,  they  infifted,  was  neceflfary  to  give  them  fa- 
tisfa£lion ;  and  as  the  mofl  effedual  meafure  which 
they  could  devife  for  obliging  the  mother-coun- 
try to  do  them  juftice  in  tnefe  refpcdls,  they  re- 
commended an  aflbciation  to  be  entered  into  by 
the  inhabitants  of  the  colonies  for  difcontinuing 
all  importations  from  Great  Britain,  Ireland,  and 
the  Britifh  iflands  in  the  Weft  Indies,  after  the 
iirft  of  December  following,  and  all  exportation 
from  the  colonies  to  thole  countries,  after  the 
tenth  of  September  1775,  and  forgiving  up  the 
ufe  of  tea  entirely,  from  the  firft  of  March  in 
that  year,  until  the  afts  of  parliament  which  con- 
ftituted  their  grievances  fliould  be  repealed.     A 
formal  inftrument  of  writing  to  this  effedl,  and 
containing  various  other  regulations  for  enforcing 
the  execution  of  it,  having  been  prepared,  was 
immediately  fubfcribed  by  all  the  members  of 
congrcfs  ;  and  printed  copies  of  it  were  forthwith 
diftributed  through  all  the  colonies  for  the  fub- 
fcription  of  the  inhabitants. 

In  their  petition  to  the  king,  they  fet  forth  all 
the  grievances  recited  in  the  aflbciation,  and  to 

thefe  added  many  more  of  lefs  importance  ;  but 
at  the  fame  time  gave  an  aflurance  that  if  they 

were  relieved  from  thS  firft,  the  harmony  between 

Great  Britain  and  the  colonies,  with  the  ufual 
ia'-crcourfcs,  would  be  immediately  reftored,  and 

'    '.   ■  .,.  ■  •      in 

u,    .{\ 

• }] 




in  that  cafe  thev  would  truft  in  the  magnanimity  introdue. 
and  juftice  of  his  majedy  and  the  parhament  to     "°"' 
grant  redrefs  in  the  red. 

The  objed  of  their  addrefs  to  the  people  of 
Great  Britain  was  tu  render  the  American  caufe 
in  that  country  more  popular  than  of  late  it  had 
been  ;  and  to  apologize  for  the  fufpenfion  of  com- 
merce, a  meafure  which,  they  infided,  neceffity 
alone,  and  a  regard  to  felf<-prefervation>  obliged 
them  to  adopt. 

Their  adarefs  to  the  inhabitants  of  the  colonies 
was  deiigned  to  explain  to  them  in  what  manner 
they  were  all  interefted  in  the  fate  of  the  people 
of  Bofton,  and  to  urge  them  to  a  compliance  with 
thofe  meafures  which  the  congrcfs  had  recom- 
mended, until  a  general  redrefs  of  grievances 
Ihould  be  obtained. 

But  the  ableft  of  their  compofitions,  although 
the  moft  malignant  in  its  intention,  was  their  ad- 
drefs  to  the  people  of  Canada  ;  the  objefl  of 
which  was  to  render  the  inhabitants  pf  that  pro- 
vince difcontented  and  uneafy  under  their  new 
form  of  government,  to  fow  the  feeds  of  difcord 
between  them  a|id  the  mother-country,  and  to 
induce  them  to  joii^  wi^h  the  other  colonies  in  the 
general  confederacy, 

Such  were  the  public  proceedings  of  this  con- 
grefs,  which,  after  fitting  fifty-two  days,  difTolved 
itfelf  on  the  twenty-fixth  of  Odob^r,  having  firft 
recommended  that  another  ihould  be  held  in  the 
month  of  May  ;  And  its  decrees,  although  pub- 
lifhed  only  in  the  ityle  of  recommendations, 
commanded  greater  refped^,  and  were  more  im- 
plicitly obeyed  in  all  the  colonies,  than  the  laws 
of  their  own  governments. 
4'  But  we  muft  how  return  to  the  province  of 
Maflachufets  Bay,  in  whofe  fate,  in  confequence 
of  the*deterniiuaiion  of  congrefs,  all  the  colonies 






intr^oc  felt  tlienifelves  deeply  interefted,  and  upon  th« 
""  trania£iions  in  which  depended  more  immediately 
the  doubtful  iflue  of  peace  or  war.  As  the  win- 
ter feafon  apprpached,  general  Gage  thought  it 
neceffary  that  barracks  fhould  be  ereded,  as  well 
for  the  greater  eafe  of  the  inhabitants  of  Bofton, 
as  for  the  belter  accomipodation  of  the  troops  : 
But  in  this  neceffary  arrangement  he  met  with 
many  obftrudlions,  not  only  from  the  general  dif- 
inclination  of  the  inhabitants  to  afibrd  any  aiBft- 
ance  to  government,  but  alfo  from  the  particular 
interpofition  of  the  feleft  men,  by  whofe  infiu* 
ence  and  perfuafion  the  artificers  who  had  been 
employed  were  induced  to  dcfift  from  carrying 
on  the  work.  Nor  were  the  barracks  fini£hed  till 
other  artificers  were  procured  from  New  Hamp- 
ihire  and  New  York,  the  two  colonies  which  had  1 
hitherto  conduced  themfclves  with  the  grcateft 
moderation.  Throughout  the  whole  province  of 
Maffachufets  Bay  every  poifible  impediment  waa 
thrown  in  the  way  of  government,  and  every 
method  taken  to  prevent  the  troops  from  being 
fupplied  with  fuch  things  as  were  neceffary  for 
their  accommodation :  The  people  had  even  pro^ 
teeded  fo  far  as  to  burn  a  quantity  of  flraw,  and 
jink  a  number  of  boats  loaded  with  bricks  com- 
ing to  Bofton  for  their  ufe.  But  notwithftanding 
thefe  provocations  no  offenfive  meafures  were  un- 
dertaken, the  general  having  determined  to  ad 
with  the  utmou  caution  and  circumfpedion  ;  fo 
that,  if  the  fword  mull  at  lafl  be  unfheathed,  it 
might  appear  to  be  owing  to  no  fault  in  him. 
That  this  muft  foon  happen  there  was  now  indeed 
the  greateft  probability,  as  the  violence  of  the 
people  was  daily  increafing  and  breaking  out  into 
the  moil  criminal  eixcefles  againfl  fuch  as  were 
fuppofed  to  be  unfriendly  to  the  American  caufe. 
In  confequence  of  this  violence,  the  coraraifli- 





ouers  of  the  cuftoms  and  all  the  officers  of  go-  intrwjMc-. 
vcrnment  had  been  obliged  to  quit  Salem,  and  ,^i^^ 
fly  to  Bofton  for  proteaion  ;  which,  inftead  of    j'LT/ 
being,  as  formerly,  the  feat  of  tumult  and  difor- 
der,  was  now  the  only  place  of  fafety  within  the       "" 
province  of  MafTachofets  Bay. 

It  may  be  remembered  that  foon  after  the  new 
council  had  qualified  under  the  ad  for  regulating 
the  government  of  MaiTachufets  Bay,  writs  were 
iffued  by  the  governor  for  the  election  of  a  new  af- 
fembly  to  fit  in  the  beginning  of  0<5lober ;  but  the 
violence  of  the  patriotic  party  in  the  province  had 
increafed  to  fuch  a  degree,  and  fo  many  of  the  new 
council,  either  from  threats  or  from  violence  adly- 
ally  committed,  had  been  obliged  to  re%n  their 
appointments,  that  a  fufficient  number  did  not  re- 
main to  meet  the  aflembly  as  a  feparate  hoi^fe.  Un- 
der fuch  circumllances  the  governor  thought  lit  by 
proclamation  to  countermand  the  execution  of  the 
writs  of  ele&ion .  But  this  proclamation  was  held 
by  the  leading  men  of  the  province  to  be  illegal, 
and  the  eledions  were  made  in  purfuance  of  the 
writs.  The  reprefentatives  who  were  chofen  met 
at  Salem  at  the  time  appointed  for  the  return  of 
the  writs,  and  having  waited  a  day  for  the  go-  , 
vernor  without  his  appearing,  they  voted  them* 
felvcs  into  a  provincial  congrefs,  and  chofe  Mr.  .  >. 
Hancock  for  their  preiident.  This  was  the  fame 
perfon,  the  feizure  of  whofe  iloop  for  contraband 
pradices  had  occailoned  an  infurredion  at  BoiloQ 
in  the  year  1768,  and  the  confequences  of  which 
infurreiStion  are  fuppofed  by  many  to  have  pre- 
cipitated the  difpute  between  the  mother-country 
and  her  colonies  towards  its  prefcnt  alarming  cri- 
fis.  So  dangerous  is  it  to  provoke  a  popular  cha-,  , 
rader  in  a  republican  government ! 

This  felf-conftituted  congrefs  having  chofen  ' 
their  prefident,  adjourned  themfelves  to  Concord, 

■  4'r->''-^  ■  •   "  -"      --^      -  •"■■      a  town 



\  >x 






jntroduc  a  town  about  twenty  miles  from  Boflon.  One  of 
their  earlieil  nj'oceedings  was  a  remonftrance  which 
they  prefenred  to  the  governor  on  the  fubjeA  of 
the  fortifications  at  Bofton  Neck,  and  on  the 
alarm  occafioned  in  the  province  by  the  military 
force  coUefting  at  Bofton,  which  they  alleged  was 
now  daily  increafing  by  the  arrival  of  troops  from 
all  parts  of  the  continent  in  fuch  numbers  as  tended 
to  endanger  the  lives,  liberties,  and  property,  not 
only  of  the  people  of  Bofton  but  of  the  province 
in  general.  To  this  remonftrance  the  governor, 
however  avexfti  to  holding  any  correfpondence 
with  an  illegjil  aJGTembly,  thought  it  neceffary,  in 
the  prefent  ftkt^  of  the  province,  to  give  an  an- 
fwer  :  And  in  his  anfwer  he  indignantly  told  the 
provincial  congrefs  that  the  lives,  liberties,  an(j 
property  of  none  but  avowed  enemies  could  ble 
in  danger  from  Britifti  foldiers,  who,  notwith- 
ftanding  the  enmity  which  had  been  ftiewn  to 
them  in  withholding  from  them  every  thing  ne- 
ceflary  fojr  their  prefervation,  had  not  difcovered 
'  that  refentment  which  might  have  been  expedled 
from  fuch  hoftile  treatment.  He  put  them  in 
mind  that,  whilft  they  were  complaining  of  al- 
terations made  in  their  charter,  they  were  theni- 
felves  fubverting  it  by  their  prefent  illegal  meet- 
ings ;  and  he  admoniftied  them  to  defift  from  fuch 
unconftitutional  proceedings. 

But  notwithftanding  thefe  admonitions  from 
the  governor,  the  provincial  congrefs  continued 
to  fit,  and  the  fituation  of  the  town  of  Bofton, 
pofleffed  as  it  was  by  the  king's  troops,  engaged 
much  of  their  attention.  The  neck  of  land  which 
joins  it  with  the  continent  being  now  fortified, 
the  people  of  the  town  might  be  kept  as  hoftages 
for  the  behaviour  of  the  inhabitants  of  the  coun- 
try ;  and  whilft  the  inhabitants  remained  in  the 
town,  whom,  diftreffed  as  thev  were,  it  would 



,"*  (J 



ffary,  in 
le  an  an- 
r  told  the 
ties,  anil 
could  bfe 

ftiewn  to 
thing  ne- 
I  expelled 

them  in 
ing  of  al- 
/ere  them- 

;gal  meet- 

from  fuch 



have  been  cruel  to  prevent  from  obtaining  fuch  imroduc- 
things  from  the  country  as  they  flood  in  need  of, 
it  was  not  pofllble  entirely  to  withhold  fupplies 
from  the  troops,  an  objeft  which  the  provincial 
congrefs  had  much  at  heart.  Boflon  too  was  ca- 
pable of  being  made  flill  flronger  ;  and  a  garrifon 
placed  in  it,  if  things  were  brought  to  extremity, 
would  prove  a  great  annoyance  to  the  reft  of  the 
province.  Thefe  confiderations  gave  them  great 
uneafinefs  ;  but  it  was  difficult  to  devife  a  proper 
remedy  for  the  evils  which  they  apprehended. 
Frequent  exprefles  pafled  between  them  and  the 
general  congrefs  which  was  then  fittingj  and  va- 
rious plans  and  fchemes  were  propofed  ;  but  all 
of  them  were  liable  to  fuch  infurmountable  objec- 
tions, that,  after  much  time  fpent  upon  this  fub- 
je£l,  nothing  was  finally  determined  upon.  In 
other  matters  they  neither  felt  any  fcruples,  nor 
met  with  any  difficulties  :  They  pafTed  refoluti- 
ons,  under  tne  ftyle  of  recommendations,  for  rcgii- 
lating  and  exercifing  the  militia,  for  colledling  and 
difpoiing  of  the  public  revenue,  and  for  providing 
arms  and  military  llores. 

Thefe  were  luch  daring  affumptions  of  the 
powers  of  government,  under  the  maflc  of  ad- 
vice, that  the  governor  thought  it  neceffary  to 
iffue  a  proclamation  warning  the  inhabitants  of  "*•*  ^°^' 
the  province  againfl  fuffering  themfelves  to  be  en- 
fnared  by  the  provincial  congrefs,  or  led  by  their 
influence  to  incur  the  penalties  of  fedition,  trea- 
fon,  and  rebellion ;  and  ftridly  prohibiting  all 
his  majefty's  liege  fubjefts  from  paying  any  obedi- 
ence to  the  recommendations  or  refolves  of  fuch 
an  unlawful  aflembly.  But  the  governor's  pro- 
clamation, as  on  former  occafions,  was  treated 
with  contempt ;  and  the  requifitions  of  the  pro- 
vincial congrefs  were  obeyed  as  laws.  That  aC- 
|embly  appointed  another  congrefs  to  be  held  in 


'  ■  >- 






the  month  of  February,  and  diflblved  itfelf  to- 
wards the  end  of  November. 

Previous  to  the  meeting  of  the  general  congrefs 
no  hoftile  preparations  had  been  made  either  ia 
the  middle  or  fouthem  colonies:   But  afler  the 
breaking  up  of  the  congrefs*  and  upon  the  return 
of  its  members  to  their  refpe^ive  colonies,  the 
fame  fpirit  which  aduated  the  people  of  the  New 
England  colonies  feems  to  have   pervaded  the 
whole  continent.    The  militia  officers  ailembled 
their  companies  more  frequently  than  had  been 
cuftomary,  and  were  affiduous  in  training  tliem. 
Arms  were  provided  by  thofe  who  were  without 
them ;  and  refiftance  to  the  power  of  the  mother- 
country  by  open  force  was  made  the  fubje£l  of 
Common  converfation.    Soon  afterwards  a  copr 
of  the  proclamation  arrived,  which  had  been  ii- 
fued  in  England*  in  the  month  of  0£iober,  to 
prevent  the  exportation  of  warlike  Aores ;   and 
this  prohibition  ferved  to  make  the  inhabitants  of 
the   colonies  more   eager  to  procure  fupplies. 
Mills  for  making  gunpowder,  and  manufadtories 
for  arms,  were  fet  up  in  fe veral  of  the  colonies ; 
and  great  encouragement  was  offered  for  making 


t  '^ 



*».  ...■'• 



_«^^,  'i.^.;. 

CHAP.    I. 


InfurreBion  in  Rhode  IJland^^nd  in  New  Hanip- 
Jhire — Confequences  of  Jhutting  up  Bojlon  Har- 
bour—'Provincial  Congrefs  at  Cambridge,  in  New 
England — Ho/ii/e  Dejigns  and  military  Prepa- 
rations—Preparations in  all  the  Colonies  for 
holding  a-  General  Congrefs— Detachment  of  Bri- 
ti/h  Troops  fent  to  defiroy  military  Stores  at  " 

Concord — haraffed  by  the  Americans — driven 
back  by  the  way  of  Lexington  to  Bojlon — Boflon 
invefled  by  An  American  Army—Meajures  re- 
fpeSing  the  State  of  America  taken  by  the  Eng- 
lijk  Cabinet — Reinforcement  of  Troops  from  Bri- 
tain arrives  at  Bojlon — Battle  of  Bunker's  Hill. 

AS  foon  as  the  news  of  the  proclamation  reach-  c  H  A  P. 
ed  Rhode  Ifland,  forty  pieces  of  cannon      i. 
of  different  fizes,  belonging  to  the  crown,  which  ^-nr^ 
had  been  mounted  on  batteries  for  the  defence    i774« 
of  the  harbour,  were  feized  by  the  populace,  jj^j.^^^^^. 
and  removed  into  the  country.    They  did  not  in  Rhode*** 
hefitate  to  own  that  this  was  done  to  prevent  the  **'"™*- 
cannon  from  falling  into  the  hands  of  the  king^s 
troops,  and  that  they  meant  to  ufe  them  againft 
any  power  that  ihould  offer  to  moleft  them.    By 
the  aiTembly  of  this  province  relblutions  were 
alfo  pafled  for  procuring  at  the  public  expence 
arms  and  military  ftores  wherever  they  could  be 
obtained,  and  for  training  the  militia  in  military 

In  the  province  of  New  Hamplhire  too,  which  -^^^  ^ 
bad  been  hitherto  moderate,   the  news  of  this 



.—.■^Jt-^A.  *'_^    .    **.  ■ 






CHAP,  proclamation  caufed  an  infurrcflion.    A  number 
L       of  arnied  men  affembled,  and  furprifed  a  fmall 

^-nn*'  fort  called  William  and  Mary,  garrifoned  only 
I774*    by  an  officer  and  five  men.    They  took  poffel'- 

iSaijlwre'!' ^10"  of  the  orduancc,  gunpowder,  and  other 
military  ft  ores  that  were  found  in  it ;  and  thefe 
being  removed,  the  fort  was  abandoned,  and  the 
officer,  with  his  men,  releafed. 

Of  all  thp  colonies,  that  of  New  York  ftiewed 
the  greateft  averfion  to  giving  up  an  intercourfe 
with  the  mother-country  in  the  way  of  trade. 
Such,  of  the  alTemblies  of  the  other  colonies  as 
had  been  called  together  fince  the  breaking  up 

»  of  the  general  congrefs,  had  approved  of  its  pro- 

ceedings and  confirmed  its  refolutions ;  but  the 
aflcmbly  of  New  York,  which  met  in  the  montji 
of  January  of  this  year,  refufcd  to  accede  to 
them.  That  affembly  neverthelefs  agreed  with 
the  other  colonial  afTemblies  in  all  the  material 
points  of  their  grievances  ;  and,  to  obtain  re- 
drefs  of  thefe,  tranfmitted,  during  their  prefent 
fefilou,  a  petition  to  be  prefented  to  the  king,  a 
memorial  to  the  houfc  of  lords,  and  a  reprefen- 
tation  and  a  remouftrauce  to  the  houfepf,  com- 

confequen-      I^  the  mcan  time  the  difficulties  which  the 

cet  of  ihut-  inhabitants  of  Bofton  had  to  contend  with  were 

totf harbour,  every  day  increafing  in  confequence  of  the  in- 
clemency  of  the  winter  feafon.  Contributions 
had  been  raifed,  and  fupplies  of  provilions  fern 
to  them  from  the  other  colonies  ;  but  thefe  were 
precarious,  and  not  equal  to  their  wants.  In  a 
large  trading  town,  fuch  as  Bofton,  where,  fo 
many  of  the  inhabitants  were  entirely  fupported 
by  commerce  and  its  dependencies,  fcarcely  any 
thing  could  befal  them  fo  ruinous  as  mu'tting  up 
ther  harbour.  No  one  was  exempt  from  feeling 
iiseffedsiu  fome  lliape  or  other,  and  many  were 




A  M  E  R  I  C  A  N   ,  W  A  R. 


plunged  in  the  deepeft  diftrefs.    Their  fufferings  C  HAP. 
they  imputed  to  the  Britifh  miniftry  and  parlia-      ^*    . 
ment,  and  they  felt  all  the  refentment  that  the  ^"^nr*^ 
ills  under  which  they  fmarted  were  calculated  to    ''"^' 
infpire.    But  the  military  force  now  coUedled  at 
Bofton  was  fufficiently  refpeftable   to  prevent 
them   from   breaking  out  into   thofe  violences 
which  their  former  refradlory  condud  gave  rea- 
fon  to  expeft,  and  which  their  prefent  feelings 
probably  didlated.     Thefe  feelings  were  the  more 
grievous  for  being  repreffed  ;  and  the  only  con- 
folation  which  they  received  was  in  knowing  that, 
throughout  America,  the  inhabitant  of  Bofton 
were  confidered   as  martyrs   to  the  American 

When  the  new  provincial  congrefs  met  at  Cam-  Provincial 
bridge,  in  the  month  of  February,  they  publilh-  cSfd^c. 
ed  an  addrefs  to  the  people  calculated  to  alarm 
them  with  frefh  appreheniions ;  and  in  conclu- 
fion  told  them  that,  from  the  information  which 
they  had  received,  they  had  reafon  to  apprehend 
that  the  Britifh  miniftry  meant  to  devote  to  fud- 
den  deftrudion  that  province  in  particular,  for 
having  refufed,  with  the  other  colonies,  tamely 
to  fubmit  to  the  moft  ignominious  flavery.     Hav- 
ing thus  awakened  their  fears,  they,  in  the  moft 
perfuafive  terms,  exhorted  the  militia  in  general,        ■    °' 
and  the  minute-men  *  in  particular,  to  perfeft 
themfelves  without  delay  in  military  difcipline. 
They  afterwards  pailed  refolutions  for  the  pro-  Their  hof. 
viding  and  making  of  arms  ;  and  forbad,  in  the  ai[d^£y 
^  ideft  manner,  the  inhabitants  of  the  province  preparatu 
from  fupplying  the  king's  troops  with  anything*^ 
requifite  for  military  fervice. 




*  Volunteer  corps  from  the  militia,  who  engaged  to  hold 
themfelves  iQ  readineis  for  fervice  at  a  minute's  notice. 













CHAP.     Such  hofHle  intentions  being  manifefted  by  the 
^'      provincial  congrcfs,  whofe  edicts  were  obeyed 
as  laws  ;  it  became  neceffary  fbr  the  governor  to 
difable  them,  as  far  as  was  in  his  power,  from  adt. 
ing  in  a  hoflile  manner,  by  feizing  on  ftich  of  their 
military  {lores  as  came  within  his  reach.    With 
this  view,  on  the  twenty-fixth  of  February,  he 
ordered  a  fmall  detachment  of  troops,  under  the 
command  of  a  field  officer,  to  proceed  to  Salem, 
and  take  poffeflion  of  fome  brafs  cannon  and 
field-pieces,  which  had  been  brought  there  for 
the  ufe  of  the  provincial  congrefs.    The  troops 
fent  on  this  fervice  were  embarked  on  board  a 
tranfport  at  Boflon,  in  the  morning,  and  carried 
by  water  to  Marble  Head.     Having  landed  there, 
they  marched  to  Salem  :  But  the  cannon  were 
removed  before  their  arrival,  and,  according  \o 
the  beft  information  they  could  receive,   only 
that  morning.    The  officer,  hoping  to  overtake 
them  upon  the  road,  marched  on  into  the  coun- 
tiy  until  he  was  Hopped  by  a  fmall  river,  over 
which  there  had  been  a  draw-bridge.     Upon  his 
approach,  the  bridge  was  taken  up  by  a  number 
of  people  aflembled  upon  the  oppofite  Ihore,  who 
peremptorily  refufed  to  let  it  down,  alleging  that 
the  road  was  not  a  public  one,  and  the  bridge  pri* 
vate  property,  over  which  he  had  no  right  to 
pafs  without  the  owner's  confent.    The  officer, 
feeing  a  boat  in  the  river,  was  about  to  make  ufe 
of  it  for  tranfporting  his  men  ;  but  fome  couiitry 
people,  who  were  near,  perceiving  hisintentioQ, 
jumped   into  the   boat,    and   with  axes  began 
to  cut  holes  in  her  bottom.    Thefe  people  were 
interrupted   by   the   foldiers,    and    a  kind  of 
fcuffle  now  enfued  which  of  them  fhould  keep 
pofleflion  of  the  boat ;  when  a  clergyman,  who 
had  been  a  witnefs  of  the  whole  tranladlion,  fee- 
ing the  officer  determined  to  force  his  paffage, 
jj.»»'  ,  fl!  %    and 


■^.■'    '.^''--^ 





and  fearing  the  coufequences  that  might  happen  CHAP. 
if  he  niet  with  further  rcliftance,  prudently  inter-  !• 
pofed,  and  by  his  influence  p-  /ailed  upon  th^ 
people  on  the  oppofitc  fide  to  let  down  the  bridge, 
'i'his  was  accordingly  done ;  and  the  detachment 
paiTcd  over.  But  the  day  was  now  fo  far  fpent, 
in  confequence  of  this  interruption,  that  any  fur- 
ther attempt  to  overtake  the  cannon,  it  was 
thought,  would  be  fruiilefs.  The  officer  iparched 
back  his  men  to  Marble  Head  uuniolelled,  reim- 
barked  with  them  on  board  the  tranfport,  and 
returned  to  Bofton. 

This  incident  is  of  little  confcquence,  except 
to  fhow  on  the  one  hand  the  ftri^l  difcipline  and 
cautious  condudl  of  the  troops,  and  on  the  other, 
the  boiduefs  with  \yhich  fuch  conduct  infpired  the 
people  of  the  provipce  to  thwart  their  operati- 
ons, and  obftru(S  their  movements.  The  obje6t 
of  the  detachment  was  defeated  by  previous  in- 
telligence conveyed  frpm  Bofton.  Although 
fome  of  the  moft  violent  of  its  inhabitants  had 
removed  into  the  country,  a  great  majority  of 
thole  who  remained  were  not  lefs  hoftile  to  all 
the  meafures  of  government.  By  them  every 
adion  of  the  governor  and  every  movement  of 
the  troops  were  narrowly  watched  :  Intelligence 
was  conveyed  by  exprefles ;  and  the  people  in 
the  country  were  prcvioufly  prepared  for  inter- 
rupting, if  not  defeating,  every  military  opera- 
■tion  that  was  attempted. 

Preparations  were  now  Qiaking  in  r.ll  th^  co^  Preparati- 
iQniesfor  holding  the  general  congrefs,  which  was°"*  '",^". 

r>i_"-i     1    1     t«      •        1  1        f  »*  T    "'  colonies 

to  meet  at  Philadelphia  in  the  month  of  May.  It  for  uoidirs 
hasbeen  before  obferved,  that  the  inhabitants  of  the  con*"*^"'. 
middle  a,nd  fouthern  colonies  began  to  arm  them- 
lelves  individually  towards  the  end  of  the  pre- 
ceding year :  But  the  buiinefs  of  arming  and 
putting  tbQ  ^Qi|nt|ry  iq  a  ftate  pf  defence  was  now 
Vpt,.  I.  -  ,       .   K,  taken 

.  ■  I 

-ft'-^"f-:-^S » K*- "•:•"   -"* 




^,  ^j^i»ii^*^^^***f 



CHAP. taken  up  by  the  provincial  conventions,  which 



met  for  the  purpofe  of  appointing  delegates  to 
congrefs.  By  them  refolutions  were  pafled  for 
difcipliuing  the  militia,  and  for  inftituting  corps  of 
volunteers  and  minute-men,  after  the  example  of 
the  New  England  provinces  :  And  contributions 
were  dire£led  to  be  raifed  from  the  people,  to  be 
employed  in  the  purchafe  of  arms  and  ammuni- 
tion. Still  however  the  objedl  of  thefe  prepara- 
tions was  not  openly  avowed  in  the  public  pro- 
ceedings and  journals  of  thofe  conventions  ;  and 
ftill  they  profefled  loyalty  to  the  king,  and  at- 
tachment to  the  mother-country. 

But  the  time  was  faft  approaching,  when  the 
mafk  was  to  be  thrown  off,  and  when  the  fubjeds  of 
the  fame  fovereign,  marfhalled  in  oppofing  armies, 
were  to  imbrue  their  hands  in  each  other's  blood. 
In  the  province  of  Maflachufets  Bay  the  autho- 
rity of  the  Britiih  parliament  had  been  firft  called 
in  queilion  ;  in  the  fame  province  the  firft  adual 
oppolition  to  that  authority  was  made  ;  and  there 
it  was  deftined  that  hofliiities  ftiould  firft  com- 
mence between  the  mother-country  and  her  co- 
J^bS"*  Information  having  been  brought  to  Boflon, 
troops  fent  that  a  coniiderable  quantity  of  military  (lores  pur- 
todeiiioy  chafed  by  the  agents  for  the  provincial  congrefs, 
were  depoficed  at  Concord,  a  town  which,  aswc 
havealready  had  occafion  to  mention,  was  about 
twenty  miles  from  Bofton  ;  general  Gage,  in  the 
night  between  the  eighteenth  and  nineteenth  of 
April,  detached  the  grenadiers  and  light-infantry 
of  his  army,  under  the  command  of  lieutenant- 
colonel  Smith  of  the  tenth  regiment  of  foot,  and 
major  Pitcairne  of  the  marines,  with  orders  to 
proceed  to  Concord,  and  deftroy  thofe  ftores : 
And  the  following  morning  another  detachment, 
confiding  of  fixtcen  companies  of  foot,  with  feme. 

ftores  at 



AMERICAN     WAR.        • 

marines,  was  ordered  to  march,  under  the  com-  ^ 
mand  of  earl  Perov,  to  luilain  the  firft.  The  de- 
tachment under  lieutenant-colonel  Smith,  having 
embarked  in  boats,  was  conveyed  up  Charles  Rit 
ver,  as  ^ar  as  a  place  called  Phipps's  Farm.  Be- 
ing landed  there  in  the  night,  the  troops  pro- 
ceeded on  their  march  to  Concord ;  every  pre- 
caution being  taken,  by  lecuring  fuch  perlbns  aa 
they  met  with,  to  prevent  the  people  of  the  coun- 
try from  obtaining  any  intelligence  of  their  march. 
But,  notwithftanding  this  precaution,  they  had 
advanced  only  a  few  miles,  when  it  was  perceiv- 
ed, by  the  firing  of  guns  and  the  ringing  of  bells, 
that  the  country  was  alarmed. 

Upon  this  difcovery  lieutenant-colonel  Smith 
detached  fix  companies  of  light-infantry,  to 
march  on  in  all  hafte,  and  fecure  two  bridges  on 
,  different  roads,  leading  from  Concord,  and  on 
[the  other  fide  of  it.  Thefe  companies  reached 
Lexington,  a  t-^wn  fifteen  miles  from  Boilon, 
I  about  five  in  the  morning ;  and  as  they  advanced, 
faw  a  body  of  men  auembled  under  arms  on  a 
green  adjoining  to  the  road.  Upon  the  near  ap- 
I  preach  of  the  Britiih  troops,  who  queflioned 
them  as  to  the  caufe  of  their  being  fo  affembled, 
and  ordered  them  to  difperfe,  they  retired  in 
Ibme  confufion :  But  as  they  went  off,  feveral 
guns  were  fired  upon  the  king's  troops  from  be- 
hind ailone  wall,  and  from  fome  adjoining  hou*f 
fes,  which  wounded  one  man,  and  (hot  major 
Pjitcairne's  horle  in  two  places.  The  Britiih 
troops  now  returned  the  fire,  by  which  fome  of 
the  people  under  arms  were  killed,  and  others 
wounded,  and  the  reft  difperfed.  The  light-in- 
fantry having  been  delayed  by  this  unexpefted 
rencounter,  were  now  joined  by  the  grenadiers, 
and  the  whole  detachment  marched  on  unmo* 
lefted  to  Concord. 


...^^  r^;f^«: 

K-..r    '■■•   :    ^i^rh   -ij'I        tr 
«  ;.^:■.'h!^        Upon 



f , 


i  u>M- 


..    4. 

;♦.  «*- 

v;.V  ' 





4     '!  :: 

P.  Upon  its  approach  to  that  place,  another  bo- 
dy of  armed  men,  or  militia,  was  feen  afrcmblcd 
upon  a  hill,  near  the  entrance  of  the  town  ;  and 
the  light-infantry  were  ordered  to  difperfe  ihem, 
whilft  the  grenadiers  marched  on  by  the  direft 
road  to  Concord.  As  the  light-infantry  afcend- 
cd  the  hill,  the  militia  retreated  towards  Con- 
cord, and  pafled  over  one  of  the  bridges  on  the 
other  fide  of  it,  which  was  immediately  takeu 
poffeflionof  by  the  light-infantry.  In  tne  mean 
lime  the  grenadiers  were  executing  the  purpofe 
of  the  expedition,  by  deftroying  the  military 
ftores  found  at  Concord.  '  Whilft  this  was  doing, 
the  militia,  who  had  retreated  over  the  bridge, 
appeared  again,  to  the  number  of  three  or  four 
hundred,  and  advancing  up  to  it,  as  if  they  meiam 
to  pafs,  were  fired  upon  by  the  Britifh  troops, 
'J'he  fire  was  returned,  and  a  fharp  adlion  enfued 
acrols  the  river,  in  which  feveral  on  both  fidej 
were  killed  and  wounded.  But  the  purpofe  of 
the  expedition  being  now  accomplifhed,  the  light- 
infantry,  pofted  at  the  bridge,  received  orders 
to  retire,  and  the  whole  detachment  now  began 
their  march  back  to  Bofton. 

The  whole  country  was  by  this  time  alarmed; 
The  minute-men,  volunteers,  and  militia,  aflera- 
bled  from  all  quarters,  and  pofted  themfelvci 
amongft  trees,  in  houfes*,  and  behind  walls, 
along  the  road  through  which  the  Britifh  troops 
were  to  pafs ;  whilft  the  militia,  who  had  been 
engaged  at  the  bridge,  reinforced  with  others] 
hourly  coming  in  from  the  country,  were  ready 
to  prefs  upon  their  rear. 


•  An  ofticer,  on  the  march  of  the  Tecond  detachment  to 
Ci}T)conl,  obferved  to  the  commandant,  lord  Perc/,  that,  ia 
his  opinion,  the  oppofitlon  to  the  king's  troops  would  be  ve. 
ry  liiile,  for  that  all  the  window*  were  fhut,  and, the  houfes 
ftemingly  dcferted.  "  So  much  the  worfe,''  lord  Percy  re- 
plied ;  "  for  we  ihall  be  fired  «tt;oni  tbofe  very  houfes." 

■    i. 





Co  D«<\gQ, 

Such  was  the  route  by  which  the  Briti(h  troops  C  HAP. 
had  to  pafs,  fatigued  and  exhauftcd  as  they  were,       ^• 
by  conrtant  exertion  from  the  preceding  evening. 
And  as  foon  as  they  began  their  retreat,  an  in- 
cefTant  though  irregular  fire  commenced,  which 
was  kept  up  during  the   whole  of  their  march 
back  to  Lexington,  in  which  they  were  driven  Driven  back 
before  the  Americans  likeiheep.     At  that  place  by_  the  way 
they  were  met  by  the  detacliraent  und^r  lord 
Percy,    with  two   pieces  of  cannon.     The  two 
detachments  rcAed  on  their  arms,  and  received 
fome  rcfrefhment. 

Lord  Percy  now  formed  his  detachment  into 
a  fquare,  in  which  he  inclofed  colonel  Smith's 
party,  who  were  fo  much  cxhaufted  with  fatigue, 
that  they  were  obliged  to  lie  down  for  reft  on 
the  ground,  their  tongues  hanging  out  of  their 
mouths,  like  thofe  of  dogs  after  a  chafe.  Lord 
Percy,  after  refrefhing  the  troops,  moved  on 
towards  Bofton,  harafled  the  whole  of  the  way 
by  the  Americans,  who,  from  behind  ftone  walls 
and  other  places  of  (helter,  kept  up  on  our  men 
an  inceffant  fire,  on  either  flank,  as  well  as  in 
front  and  rear.  This  fire  it  would  not  have  ferv- 
ed  any  purpofe  to  return ;  as  the  Americans  were 
concealed,  and  kept  runiaug  from  front  to  flank, 
and  from  flank  to  rear,  loading  their  pieces  at 
one  place,  and  difchargiwg  them  at  another. 

When  the  united  detachments,  arrived  at  Bof- 
ton  river,  lord  Percy  afked  information  of  the 
country  people  concerning  the  mofl  proper  place 
for  crofTing  it.  But,  had  he  followed  the  ad- 
vice he  received,  his  troops,  in  paffing  the  river, 
muft  have  been  cut  to  pieces.  Having  a  gene- 
ral knowledge  of  the  country,  he  was  led  to  fuf- 
peft  their  intelligence,  and  pafTed  the  troops  at 
a  different  place,  where  the  Americans  could 
not  with  fafety  follow  him. 

f      J 


, '  .i?! 







CHAP.     In  war  there  is  nothing  that  fo  much  avails  as 
I-      fecrefy  of  defign  and  celerity  of  execution  :  Nor, 

"^^ir^  on  the  contrary,  fo  hurtful  as  unnecelTary  open- 
''-'S'  nefs  and  procrafti nation.  General  Gage  on  the 
evening  of  the  eighteenth  of  April  told  Idrd  Per- 
ry, that  he  intended  to  fend  a  detachment  to 
feize  the  (lores  at  Concord,  and  to  give  the 
command  to  colonel  Smith,  "  who  knew  that  he 
*f  was  to  go,  but  not  where."  He  meant  it  to 
be  afecret  expedition,  and  begged  of  lord  Per- 
ry  to  keep  it  a  profound  fecret.  As  this  noble- 
man  was  paiTing  from  the  general's  quarters  home 
to  his  own,  perceiving  eight  or  ten  men  con. 
cvrling  together  on  the  common,  he  made  up  to 
them  ;  when  one  of  the  men  faid  —  "  The  Bri. 
"  tifti  troops  have  marched,  but  they  will  mifs 
*'  their  aim."  "  What  aim  ?"  faid  lord  Peifcy. 
"  Why,"  the  man  replied,  "  the  cannon  at  Con- 
cord."  Lord  Percy  immediately  returned  on  his 
fteps,  and  acquainted  General  Gsge,  not  with- 
out marks  of  furprife  and  difapprobation,  of  what 
he  had  juft  heard.  The  general  faid  that  his  con- 
fidence had  been  betrayed,  for  that  he  had  com- 
municated his  defign  to  one  perfon  only  befides 
his  lordftiip. 

As  foon  as  the  two  detachments,  after  their 
jun^Slion,  refumed  their  march,  they  were  again 
annoyed  by  the  provincials,  poiled  as  before, 
who  kept  up  a  continued  firing  until  the  Britilli 
troops  reached  Bofton,  about  fun-let,  quite  fpent 

19th  April,  and  worn  down  with  fatigue.  The  detachments, 
together,  amounted  to  fomewhat  more  than  eigh- 
teen hundred  men ;  and  the  whole  lofs  fuftained, 
during  this  long  and  haraffing  march,  on  the  part 
of  the  Britifh,  was  fixty-five  killed,  one  hundred 
and  thirty-fix  wounded,  and  forty-nine  milling. 
Several  of   Smith's  party  were   fcalped  by  the 



AMERICAN    W  A  il. 


Americans.     The  lofs  of  the  provincials,  as  efti-C H  A  P. 
mated  by  theuifelves,   amounted  to  fixty  men»     ^^ 
two  thirds  of  whom  were  killed.  ,« ,  t, .-).■•  -*>  s  h.:    **^~"^ 

The  condud  of  colonel  Smith  in  this  untor-  ''75' 
tunate  expedition  was  generally  cenfured ;  but 
lord  Percy  gained,  on  this  occafion,whathe  after- 
wards uniformly  fuftained,  great  reputation  as  an  ' 
adlive,  brave,  and  intelligent  officer.  Such  were 
the  events  of  the  day  on  which  blood  was  firft 
flied  in  the  conteft  between  Great  Britain  and 
her  colonies :  Events  which  ferved  to  fhew,  that 
if  the  Americans  were  yet  unacquainted  with  mi- 
litary difcipliue,  they  were  not  deftitute  of  either 
courage  or  condud,  but  knew  well,  and  dared 
to  avail  themfelves  of,  fuch  advantages  as  tkey 
poffeiTed.  The  people  of  the  colonies  are  ac- 
cuftomed  to  the  ufe  of  fire-arms  from  their  ear- 
lieft  youth,  and  are,  in  general,  good  markfmen. 
Such  men,  placed  in  a  houfe,  behind  a  wall,  or 
amongft  trees,  are  capable  of  doing  as  much  ex- 
ecution as  regular  foldiers :  And  to  thefe  advan- 
tages, which  they  poffeffed  during  the  greateft 
part  of  the  nineteenth  of  April,  we  may  yet  at- 
tribute the  inconfiderable  lofs  fuftained  by  them, 
compared  with  that  of  our  detachments. 

The  retreat  of  the  Britifh  troops  to  Bofton, 
which  was  always  intended  as  foon  as  they  had 
accomplifhed  the  purpofe  of  their  march,  was 
reprefented  in  the  province  of  Maflachufets 
Bay  as  a  defeat ;  and  fo  much  were  the  people 
of  the  province  elated  with  their  I'uppofed  vic- 
tory, that  nothing  now  was  talked  of  but  driving 
the  king's  troops  out  of  Bofton.  They  were  ir- 
ritated toD,  by  the  fpreading  of  a  report,  that 
one  objeft  of  the  expedition  to  Concord  was  to 
feize  on  John  Hancock  and  Samuel  Adams,  two 
very  popular  and  leading  charaders  in  the  pro- 
vincial congrefs.    The  militia  from  all  the  diftant 



'\     y 

i    1 



HISTORY     OF     THfe 


railed,   in- 
*:lls  Boiloi: 

C  H  AT.pgrts  of  the  province,  on  Tiearing  what  had  pafl- 
^'  ed,  poured  infofaft,  that  an  army  was  foon  al- 
fembled,  aniouniing  to  twenty  thonfand  men, 
under  the  command  of  colonels  Ward,  Pribble, 
Heath,  Prefcott,  and  Thomas ;  officers  who  had 
ferved  in  the  provincial    regiments   during  the 

An  Ameii-jjj^g  ^^^y^  g.^^  ^yj^^  jjQ^y  adlcd  as  gcncrals.     With 

fuddeniy  '  this  arttiv  thcv  formed  a  line  of  encampment  of 
thirty  miles  in  extent,  reaching  from  the  river 
Myftic  on  the  left  to  Roxburgh  On  their  right, 
and  inclofing  Bofton  in  the  center.  They  fixed 
their  head  quarters  at  Cambridge,  and  were  foon 
afterwards  joined  by  a  large  detachment  of  troops 
from  Connecticut,  under  colonel  Putnam*,  an 
old  provincial  officer  of  approved  experience 
and  repmatioil,  who  had  ferved  in  the  two  laft 
wars,  and  now  took  fuch  a  pofition  with  his  d(^- 
tachment  as  to  be  able  readily  to  fuccour  fuch 
parts  of  the  line  of  encamprtient  as  were  neareft 
to  Bofton.  By  this  force,  formidable  certainly 
in  point  of  numbers,  was  Bofton  blockaded : 
But  the  works  ere(5led  on  the  neck  of  land  which 
joins  that  town  to  the  continent,  were  now  lb 
well  flrengthened  and  covered  with  cannon,  that 
the  provincials,  numerous  as  they  were,  durft 
not  attack  them. 

An  army  being  already  in  the  field,  the  pro- 
vincial congrefs,  which  now  removed  to  Water- 
town,  a  place  about  ten  miles  from  Bofton,  paff- 
ed  regulations  for  arraying  it,  and  for  fixing  the 
pay  of  the  officers  and  foldiers.  Rules  and  or- 
ders for  the  government  of  the  army  were  alfo 
publifhed,  and  a  Vote  pafied  for  iffuing  a  large 
lum  in  paper  currency  to  defray  its  expences, 
■  /  .   .  JV'   '  '     .   -'    for 

*  Coionc',  afterwaVtJs  gcnerRl,  Putnam,  at  the  condufion 
nf  the  war  in  1763,  retired  to  a  i":n«ll  farm,  to  vhich  he  an- 
nexed a  tnvern,  .nn  otconomy  not  iiiicomKioii  in  Amcric;i,  par- 
ticularly ip  the  j..rov;nccot  Nt;,v  K.'^^l.^nd. 


V.J.  I 




for  the  redemption  of  which  the  faith  of  the  CHAP; 
province  was  pledged,    hy  the  fame  congrefs  a      I. 
ref  Ju:tion  was  paued  on  the  fifth  day  of  May,  "^^T""^ 
declaring  that  general  Gage,  by  the  late  tranfac-    *77fc* 
tions,  had  utterly  difqualified  himfelf  from  ad-! 
ing  in  the  province  as  governor,  or  in  any  other 
capacity,  and  that  no  obedience  was  due  to  him  j 
but,  on  the  contrary,  that  he  was  to  be  confider-        ' 
ed  as  an  inveterate  enemy. 

But  it  is  now  neceflary  to  recur  to  fuch  toea- *J*"^^'T?^ 
fures  as  had  been  taken  in  England,  during  the  cabinet, 
winter,  for  reducing  the  colonies  to  obedience- 
Kotwithftanding  the  union  which  appeared  a- 
mongfl  them,  and  their  fixed  determination  not 
to  fubmit  to  the  authority  of  parliament  in  the  , 
impofition  of  taxes,  the  Britiftx  miniftry  deter- 
mined to  perfevere  in  their  coercive  plan,  but 
with  for  difcrimination  according  to  the  de- 
merits r^  ,' refpedive  colonies.  The  New  En- 
gland ..i...  inces  were  confidered  as  the  mpft 
deeply  reprehenfible ;  and  as  thefe  had,  early  in 
the  preceding  year,  entered  into  an  affociation 
for  giving  p  all  commerce  with  the  mother-coun- 
try ;  fo  it  a  as  thought  reafonable  by  the  Britifh 
miniftry  to  Interdidl  them  on  the  other  hand  from 
all  commerce  with  any  other  country;  and,  as 
a  farther  punifhment,  to  prohibit  them  from  fifli- 
ingon  the  Banks  of  Newfoundland.  An  a6l  of 
parliament  for  thefe  purpofes  was  accordingly 
pafTed.  But  as  it  icon  afterwards  appeared  that 
moft  of  the  other  colonies  were  treading  faft  in 
the  fteps  of  the  people  of  New  England,  it  was 
thought  neceflary  to  include  them  in  the  fame 
prohibition ;  and  another  aft  of  parliament  was 
paffed  for  this  purpofe,  extending  to  all  the  other 
colonies  except  New-York,  North  Carolina,  and 
Georgia.  An  addition  to  the  land  and  lea  forces 
Vas  voted  by  the  houfe  of  commons,  and  a  large 
*  rc'uiforcejnent 

?      4 


^    i.<i 



•HISTORY     OF     THE 


C;H  A  P.  reinforcement  ordered  to  Bofton,  under  the  com- 
mand of  the  generals  Howe,  Clinton,  and  Bur- 
goyne  ;  all  of  them  officers  of  reputation. 

But  whilft  the  mini/^er  was  thus  preparing  to 
.enforce  his  coercive  meafures,  he  did  not  altoge- 
ther lay  afide  the  hope  of  reconciliation.  With 
a  view  to  this  he  moved  a  refolution  in  the  houfe 
of  commons  as  the  bafis  of  a  future  agreement 
between  the  mother-country  and  the  colonies, 
which,  after  fome  debate  and  oppofition  was  car- 
ried. The  purport  of  this  refolution  was,  that 
when  any  of  the  colonies  fhould  propofe,  accord- 
ing to  their  ghilities,  to  raife  their  due  proportion 
towards  the  common  defence ;  fuch  proportion 
to  be  raifed  under  the  authority  of  the  affembly 
of  fuch  province,  and  to  be  difpofable  by  parlia- 
ment ;  and  when  fuch  colony  ftiould  alfo  engage 
to  provide  for  the  fupport  of  the  civil  government 
and  the  adminiftration  of  juftice  within  fuch  pro- 
vince ;  it  would  be  proper,  if  fuch  propofal  ihould 
be  approved  of  by  his  majefty  in  parliament,  to 
forbear,  in  refpeft  of  fuch  colony,  to  levy  any 
duties  or  taxes,  or  to  impofe  any  further  duties 
or  taxes,  except  fuch  as  fhould  be  neceflary  for 
the  regulation  of  trade.  It  was  hoped,  that  the 
offer  of  accommodation  held  out  by  this  refoluti- 
on, would  be  readily  accepted  by  the  colonies,  in 
order  to  avert  the  calamities  impending  over  them 
in  confequence  of  the  prohibitory  adls  of  the  pre- 
fentfeffron  of  parliament  already  mentioned :  And 
had  fuch  an  offer  been  made  by  the  Rockingham 
adniiniflration  previous  to  the  repeal  of  the  Hamp 
aft,  there  is  fcarcely  any  doubt  that  it  would  have 
been  then  gladly  accepted  by  at  leafl  a  majority 
of  the  colonies,  and  prevented  that  union  amongft 
them  fo  fatal  to  the  authority  of  the  mother-coun- 
try. But  it  was  now  too  late.  The  feafon  for  re- 
couciliatioL  was  pafl.     The  minds  of  the  colonial 





■  .  ^  ^ 


inhabitants  had  become  foured  in  the  profecution  CHAP, 
of  the  difpute  ;  and  every  propoiition  now  made  ^ 
bytheBritifti  miniftry  was  viewed  withjealoufy 
and  received  with  diftruft.  A  kind  of  military 
furor,  too,  had  by  this  time  feized  the  inhabitants 
of  the  colonies,  and  rather  than  make  any  fort  of 
conceflion  to  the  Britifh  parliament,  they  were 
willing  to  rifque  the  confequences  of  oppoling  in 
the  field  their  juvenile  ardour  to  the  matured 
Arength  of  the  parent  (late ;  and  in  this  refolution 
they  were  encouraged  to  perfift  by  rccoUedting  the 
events  of  the  nineteenth  of  April,  by  which  it 
appeared,  according  to  their  manner  of  reafon- 
ing,  that  in  fuch  a  country  as  America,  abounding 
vith  dangerous  pafies  and  woody  defiles,  the 
Britifh  troops,  with  all  their  valour,  difcipline, 
and  military  (kill,  were  not,  when  oppofed  to  the 
Americans,  fo  formidable  as  had  been  generally 

Copies  of  this  conciliatory  propofition  were 
tranfmitted  by  the  miniftry  to  America ;  and  as 
foon  as  thefe  arrived,  the  different  aflemblies 
were  convened,  befcro  whom  they  were  laid 
for  their  confideration.  But  this  parliamentary 
refolution  was  accepted  by  none  of  them  as  a 
ground  for  reconciliation.  By  fome  it  was  viewed 
only  as  a  minifterial  fcheme  for  dividing  and  dif- 
uniting  the  colonies  :  Ey  others  it  was  held  not 
to  be  fatisfadory,  becaufe  the  amount  of  the  con- 
tribution was  not  left  to  the  difcretion  of  the  co- 
lonial aflemblies,  but  was  to  be  determined  by  the 
king  in  parliament :  And  by  allihe  aflemblies  it  was 
agreed  to  be  referred  to  the  general  coiigrefs,  which, 
they  held,  was  alone  competent  to  decid*?  upon 
it.  A  reference  to  the  general  congrefs  was  the 
fame  thing  as  a  rejedion  ;  for  it  was  well  known 
that  the  Britifh  miniftry  Would  hold  no  commu- 
nication with  the  general   congrefs   on  that  or 






HISTORY      OF     THE 

CHAP,  any  other  fubjedl.    Such  was  the  fate  of  the  mu 
J-      nifter's  conciliatory  propofition  for  terminating 
^•"V*^  the  difpute  between  the  mother-country  and  the 
*775-    colonies. 

May.         Towards  the  end  of  May,  and  in  the  beginning 
mem^r    of  Junc,  the  expedled  reinforcements  arrived  at 
trof,      iir  Bofton,  with  the  generals  appointed  to  command 
rirSatBof.  t"^™-     From  the  time  of  the  expedition  to  Con- 
ton,  cord  the  Britifh  troops  had  continued  blockaded 
in  Bofton,  the  force  then  under  general  Gage  b-'- 
ing  too  fmall  for  any  other  purpofe  than  defence. 
But  tiiis  force,  now  increafed  by  the  troops  lately 
arrived,  was  become  refpedable,  not  fo  much  in- 
deed for  its  numbers,  as  the  excellence  of  the 
troops  of  which  it  confifted. 

As  a  ftep  preparatory  to  offcnfive  meafure^, 
general  Gage  on  the  twelfth  of  June  ifRied  a  pror 
clamation,  offering,  in  his  majefty's  name,  a  free 
pardon  to  all  thofe  who  fhould  forthwith  lay  down 
their  arms,  John  Hancock  and  Samuel  Adams 
only  excepted,  and  threatening  with  punifhment 
all  fuch  as  Ihould  delay  to  a\  ail  themfelves  of  the 
proffered  mercy.  By  the  fame  proclamation  alfo, 
martial  law  was  declared  to  be  in  force  in  the  pro- 
vince, until  peace  and  order  fhould  be  fo  far  rc- 
ftored  that  juftice  might  be  again  adminiftered  in 
the  civil  courts.  But  this  proclamation,  like 
others  which  had  been  ilFued  before,  produced 
no  beneficial  effed,  and  was  as  much  difregarded 
as  they  had  been. 

Adjacent  to  the  peninfula  of  Boflon,  on  the 
north,  is  another  of  fimilar  form,  called  the  pen- 
infula of  Charleftown.  They  are  feparated  from 
one  another  by  Charles  River,  which  is  naviga- 
ble, and  nearly  the  breadth  of  the  Thames  at 
London  bridge :  And  on  the  northern  bank  of 
this  river,  over-againft  Bolton,  lies  Charleftown, 
a  fpacious  well-built  town,  which  gives  name  lo 


;*  r^ 

le  mi- 
nd  the 

.  if 



khe  pcninfula.    The  peninfula  of  Charleftown.CHAP. 



bc^ng  bounded  en  the  north  by  the  river  Medford 
or  Myftic,  and  on  the  eaft  by  Bofton  harbour,  is 
entirely  furrounded  by  navigable  water,  except 
where  it  is  joined  to  the  main  land  by  an  ifthmus, 
fomewhat  wider,  and  more  acceflible  than  Bofton 
Neck.  In  the  centre  of  the  peninfula  rifes  an 
eminence,  called  Bunker's  Hill,  with  an  eafy  af- 
cent  from  the  ifthmus,  but  fteep  on  every  other 
fide  ;  and  at  the  bottom  of  this  hill  towards  Bof- 
ton ftands  Charleftown.  Bunker's  Hill  was  fuffi- 
ciently  high  to  overlook  any  part  of  Bofton,  and 
near  enough  to  be  within  cannon-ftiot. 

Why  a  fituation,  from  which  the  town  of  Bofton 
was  fo  liable  to  be  annoyed,  was  (o  long  neglc£led, 
it  is  not  eafy  to  affign  a  reafon  *.  But,  about  this 
time,  the  provincials  receiving  information  that 
general  Gage  had  at  laft  come  to  a  determination  to 
fortify  it,  were  refolved  to  defeat  his  intention  if 
poffible,  by  being  the  'ft  to  occupy  it ;  and  their 
refolution  was  execu  «u  without  delay.  About  nine 
in  the  evening  of  the  fixteenth  of  June,  aftrong 
detachment  of  provincials  moved  from  Cambridge, 
and  pafling  filently  over  Charleftown  Neck,  reach- 
ed the  top  of  Bunker's  Hill  unobferved.  Having  battle  of 
previoufly  provided  themfelves  with  intrenching  hui.  "^  * 
tools,  they  immediately  fet  to  work,  and  threw 
up  an  intrenchment,  reaching  from  the  river 
Myftic  on  the  left,  to  a  redoubt  on  their  right, 
both  of  which  they  had  nearly  completed  by  the 
morning  ;  their  works  being  in  many  places  can- 
non-proof. Although  the  peninfula  was  alnoft 
furrounded  with  Ihips  of  war  and  tranfports,  the 
provincials  worked  fo  filently  that  they  were  not 
difcovered  till  the  morning  j  when,  at  break  of 


*  It  is  faid  that  general  Gage  was  repeatedlj  advifed  to 
^cuj^and  fortify  this  commanding  poft. 

\  % 




CHAP,  day,  the  alarm  was  given  at  Bodon,  by  a  cannoF'* 
!•       ade  begun  upon  the  provincial  works,  from  the 

^"^"ir^^  Lively  ftiip  of  war.  A  battery  of  fix  guns  was  foon 
*775'  afterwards  opened  upon  them  from  Cop's  Hill,  in 
Boflon  ;  and,  about  noon,  a  detachment  from  the 
army  was  landed  upon  the  peninfula  of  Charlef- 
town,  under  the  command  of  major-general  Howe 
and  brigadier-general  Pigot,  with  orders  to  drive 
the  provincials  from  their  works.  The  troops 
were  formed  without  oppofitiou  as  foon  as  they 
landed  ;  but  the  generals  perceiving  that  the  pro- 
vincials were  ftrongl y  pofted  upon  the  heights, 
that  they  were  already  in  great  force,  and  that 
large  columns  were  every  moment  coming  in  to 
their  afUflance,  they  thought  it  neceflary  to  apply 
for  a  reinforcement.  When  the  reinforcement  ar- 
rived, the  whole  detachment  confining  now  of 
more  than  two  thoufaud  men,  formed  in  two  lines, 
moved  on  towards  the  enemy,  with  the  light-in- 
fantry on  the  right  wing,  commanded  by  general 
Howe,  and  the  grenadiers  on  the  left  by  briga- 
dier-general Pigot ;  the  former  to  attack  the  pro- 
vincial lines,  and  the  latter  the  redoubt.  The 
attack  was  begun  by  a  fharp  cannonade  from  fome 
field-pieces  and  howitzers,  the  troops  advancing 
^owly,  and  halting  at  intervals  to  give  time  for 
the  artillery  to  produce  fome  effeil.  The  left 
wing,  in  advancing,  had  to  contend  with  a  body 
of  provincials,  po^ed  in  the  houfes  in  Charlel- 
town,  and  in  this  confliA  the  town  was  fet  on  fire 
and  burnt  to  the  ground.  The  provincials  upon 
the  hill,  fecure  behind  their  intrenchments,  re- 
ferved  their  fire  for  the  near  approach  of  the  Bri- 
tiih  troops,  when  a  clofe  and  unremitting  dif- 
charge  of  niufketry  took  place,  the  provincials  in 
the  works,  as  foon  as  they  difcharged  their  pieces, 
being  furnifhed  with  others  r£ady  loaded.  So 
inceffaiit  and  fo  dcftrudive  was  this  continued 
blaze  of  muikctry,  that  the  Britilh  line  reloiled 




,»  y 



A  ME  R  I  C  A  N     W  A  R. 


is  they 
le  pro- 
id  that 
g  in  to 

0  apply 
now  of 
vo  lines, 



and  gave  way  in  feveral  parts.  General  Howe,  it  C  HAP. 
is  faid,  was,  for  a  few  feconds,  left  nearly  alone ; 
moft  of  the  officers  who  were  about  him,  being 
either  killed  or  wounded  :  And  it  required  the 
utmoft  exertion  in  all  the  officers,  from  the  gene- 
rals down  to  the  fubalterng,  to  repair  the  diforder 
which  this  het  and  unexpeded  fire  had  pro- 

At  thisjundlure,  general  Clinton,  who  had  ar- 
rived from  Bofton  during  the  engagement,  was 
moft  eminently  ferviceable  in  rallying  the  troops ; 
and  by  a  happy  manoeuvre  almoft  inftantaneoufly 
brought  them  back  to  the  charge.  The  Britiih 
foldiers,  ftung  with  the  refledlion  of  having  given 
way  before  an  enemy  whom  they  defpifed,  now 
returned  with  irrefiuible  impetuofity,  forced  the 
intrenchments  with  fixed  bayonets,  and  drove 
the  provincials  from  their  works.  The  latter, 
thus  driven,  fled  with  precipitation  ;  but  as  no 
purfuit  was  ordered,  they  were  fuffered  to  retire 
unmolefted,  except  in  paffing  Charleftown  Neck, 
which  was  enfiladed  by  the  guns  of  the  Glafgow 
floop  of  war,  and  fome  floating  batteries ;  and 
here  the  provincials  fuftained  their  greateft  lofs. 

This  deftrudive,  although  fuccefsful  attack,  coil 
the  Britifh,  in  killed  and  wounded,  nearly  one-half 
of  the  whole  detachment.  The  total  lofs  amounted 
toonf,  thoufand  and  fifty-four,  of  which  two  hun- 
dred and  twenty-fix  were  killed,  and  eight  hun- 
dred and  twenty-eight  wounded,  nineteen  com- 
miffioned  officers  being  amongft  the  former,  and 
feventyamongft  the  latter.  The  lofs  on  the  fide 
of  the  provincials,  as  eftimatied  by  themfelves, 
was  four  hundred  and  forty-nine  ;  of  thefe  one 
hundred  and  forty-five  being  killed  or  mifling, 
and  three  hundred  and  four  wounded.  Amongil 
the  (lain  on  the  fide  of  the  Britifli,  were  lieute- 
nant-colonel Abercrombic,  and  majors  Pitcairne 


■•  ;>  5- 


....,9i.'''      •' 


'  •      /  ,  •' 



|)i    r 

fl  *Z 


'■  rl 

CHAP,  and  Williams ;  all  of  them  officers  of  experienced 
I*      braverv  aod  diAiiiguiihed  merit,  who  had  figna- 

*'-nn*^  lized  themielves  on  this  fatal  day,  in  an  eminent 
>775-  degree  ;  as  alfo  did  major  Spendlove,  who  died 
of  his  wounds  fome  days  after.  Araongil  the 
provincials,  fome  officers  of  rank  were  alfo  killed, 
but  the  lofs  of  do6\or  Warren,  who  commanded 
in  the  redoubt,  was  moft  lamented. 
.  If  any  thing  had  been  wanting  to  (how  the  bra- 
very and  difcipline  of  the  Britifh  troops,  the  ac- 
tion  at  Bunker's  Hill  furnifhed  an  ample  proof  of 
both.  Twice  they  were  {topped,  and  twice  re- 
turned to  the  charge.  In  the  middle  of  a  hot 
fummer's  day,  incumbered  with  three  days  pro- 
vifions,  their  kuapfacks  on  their  backs,  which, 
together  with  cartouche-box,  ammunition,  and 
lirelock,  maybe  eftimated  at  one  hundred  and 
twenty-five  pounds  weight,  with  a  fleep  hill  to 
afccaa,  covered  with  grafs  reaching  to  their  knees, 
and  interfe£led  with  the  walls  and  fences  of  vari- 
ous iaclofures,  and  in  the  face  of  a  hot  and  well- 
direded  fire,  they  gained  a  complete  vidiory  over 
three  times  their  own  number  (for  fuch  was  the 
Britifh  general's  eflimate)  of  provincials  ftrongly 
pofted  behind  a  breaft-work,  and  defended  by  a 
redoubt.  But,  whatever  credit  may  be  due  to 
the  valour  of  the  troops,  the  plan  of  the  attack 
,    has  been  feverely  cenfured. 

Had  the  Symmetry  tranfport,  which  drew  lit- 
tle water,  and  mounted  eighteen  nine-pounders, 
been  towed  up  Myftic  channel,  and  been  brought 
IP,  within  mufket-lhot  of  the  left  flank,  which 
•was  quite  naked  ;  or  one  of  our  covered  boats, 
mufket-proof,  carrying  a  heavy  piece  of  cannon, 
been  towed  clofe  in ;  one  charge  on  their  uncovered 
fiank,  it  was  faid,  might  have  diflodged  them  in  a 
moment.  It  has  been  alfo  laid,  that  the  Britifli 
troops  might  have  been  lauded  in  the  rear  of  the 




V  the  bra- 
s,  theac- 
proof  ot" 
,  twice  re- 
ef a  hot 
days  pro- 
;8,  which, 
ition,  J^nd 
idred  aud 
;ep  hill  to 
tieir  kneea, 
es  of  vari- 
:  and  well- 
idlory  over 
ch  was  the 
lis  ftrongly 
jnded  by  a 
be  due  to 
the  attack 

1  drew  Vrt' 
een  brought 
anW,  which 
rered  boats, 
of  cannon, 
id  them  in  a 
the  Britilh 
rear  of  the 

Jjrovlncial    intrenchment,     and     thereby     haveCHAP 
avoided  thofe  difficuhies  and  impediments  which       ^• 
they  had  to  encounter  in  marching  up  in  front,  "^nr"*^ 
By  fuchadifpofition,  too,  the  breaft-work  of  the    *^'^^' 
Americans  would  have  been  rcRdcred  ufelefs,  and 
their  whole  detachment,  being  inclofed  in  the 
pcninfula,  mud  have  either  furrendered  at  difcre- 
tion,  or  attempted,  in  order  to  get  back  toth-^ 
main  land,  to  cut  their  way  through  the  Britifii 
line.     Further  ftill,  it  has  been  faid,  that  the  fuc- 
cefs  of  the  day  was  the  lefs  brilliant,  from  no 
purfuit  being  ordered,  afte'r  the  pfrovincials  had 
begun  to  take  to  flight. 

Few  engagements  are  free  from  unfortunate 
accidents  and  miftakes :  Aud  fome  which  occur- 
red in  the  action  at  Bunker's  Hill,  are  fuppofed 
to  have  rendered  that  day  more  difaftrous  than  it 
would  have  otherwife  been  to  the  Britifh.    During 
the  engagement,  a  iupply  of  ball  for  the  artillery, 
fent  from  the  ordnance  department  in  BoHon, 
was  found  to  be  of  larger  dimenfious  than  fitted 
the  calibres  of  the  field-pieces  that  accompanied 
the  detachment — an  overfight  which  prevented 
the  further  ufe  of  the  artillery  :  But  a  diladvan- 
tage,  perhaps,  ftill  greater,  was  the  unneceffary 
load  already  mentioned,  under  which  the  Britifh 
troops  marched  to  the  attack ;  and  by  which  they 
were  greatly  exhaufted  before  they  came  to  the 
fceneof  adlion.     This  circumftance  was  univer- 
fally  cenfuredasunnjilitaryandabfurd.     Another 
error  certainly  was,  that,  inftead  of  confining  our 
attack  to  the  enemy's  left  wing  only,  the  alTault 
was  made  on  the  whole  front.     Their  left  was  cQr 
vered  with  nothing  more  than  a  breaft-work  oif 
rails  and  hay,  eafy  to  be  fcrambled  over ;  and 
behind  it,  was   an  open  hill  which  commanded 
their  redoubt  and  lines.. 
Vol.  I.    '  L  CHAP* 

;•'  i4 



1 1  *  r 



CHAP.     11. 

[ill    f 





Dejigns  of  Congrefs  on  Canada— -Capture  of  Ticon- 
deroga  and  Crown  Point — Fort  Chamblie—St^ 
*^ohtCs — and  Montreal — Siege  of  Quebec. 

ALL  the  colonics,  now  united,  vied  with 
each  other  in  profefllons  of  invincible  at- 
tachment to  the  common  caufe ;  and  the  congrefs 
beheld  their  power  acknowledged,  in  a  very 
great  degree,  from  Nova  Scotia  to  Georgia. 
And  as  it  was  now  evident  that  the  mother-coun- 
try was  as  refolutely  determined  to  maintain,  a» 
Deflgns  of  thcy  wcrc  to  refill,  her  authority,  they  began  to 
Canada!*  °"  *^°°cert  mcafurcs  for  fupporting  a  war,  and,  in 
the  firft  place,  to  confider  where  that  authority 
Was  molt  vulnerable.  With  thefe  fentiments 
they  caft  their  eyes  on  the  province  of  Canada. 

Canada,  furrounded  by  rivers  and  lakes,  and 
ftretching  from  Nova  Scotia,  in  an  oblong  direc- 
tion, almoft  to  the  fouthern  extremity  of  Penf}  1- 
vania,  was  conveniently  fituated  for  hoftile  inva- 
iion,  and  would,  if  reduced,  prove  &  moft  im- 
portant acquifition  :  Nor  were  various  moral  cir- 
cumftances  wanting  to  encourage  the  Americans 
to  commence  hodilities  by  an  attack  on  that  ex- 
tenfive  region.  They  were  not  unacquainted 
"with  that  general  odium  that  attended  the  Que- 
bec aO.  among  the  Canadians,  who  faw  that  it 
iiitended,  by  eftablifhing  the  French  laws,  to 
introduce  arbitrary  power.  Neither  were  they 
ignorant  that  the  rejedion  of  the  petition  pre- 
sented againft  that  ofTenfive  law,  had  weakened 




the  attachment  of  the  inhabitants  to  the  mother- C  H  A  P. 
country;  by  which  country  thev  conceived  that      ^^* 
they  had  been  treated  with  injurtice  and  opprefli-  ^•*^*"^*^ 
on;  iualhiuch  as,  thoui(h  fubjeft  to  her  power,    *^^^" 
they  were  deprived  of  the  chief  bleffings  refuh- 
ing  from  her  conftitution.     The  fupporters  of 
the  American  caufe  failed  not  to  place  thofe  ar- 
guments in  as  forcible  a  light  as  poflible :  Nor 
were  their  rcprefentations  without  effc6l.     The 
congrcfs  however  did  not  wait  for  the  full  refult 
of  thole    difcontents    and  reafonings  to  which 
they  gave  birth,  but  came  to  a  rcfolution  to  at- 
tack our  province  while  they  might  do  it  with  ad- 

1  ieonderoga  and  Crown  Point,  the  former  fii- 
tuated  at  the  north  end  of  Lake  George,  and  the 
latter  near  the  fouthcrn  extremity  of  Lake  Cham- 
plain,  form  the  gates  on  that  quarter  of  Canada. 
Thcl'e  ports  had  already  been  fecured  in  the  fol- 
lowing manner :  A   volunteer,  of  the  name  of  3^  May. 
Ethan  Allen,    aflembled,    of  his   own  accord, 
about  fifty  men,  and  proceeded  immediately  to 
the  environs  of  the  firft-mentioned  fortrefs,  com- 
manded by  captain  De  la  Place  of  the  twenty- 
fixth  regiment,    who   had  under  his  command 
about  fixty  men.    Allen,  who  had  often  been  at 
Ticonderoga,  obferved  a  complete  want  of  dif- 
cipline  in  the  garrifon,  and  that  they  even  car- 
ried their  fupine  negligence  to  the  length  of  ne- 
ver fhutting  the  gates.     Having  difpofed  his  fm^>l 
force  in  the  woods,  he  went  to  captain  De  ik 
Place,  with  whom  he  was  well  acquainted,  and 
prevailed  on  him  to  lend  him  twenty  men,  for 
the  pretended  purpofe  of  aflifting  him  in  tranf- 
porting  goods  acrofs  the  lake.     Thefe  men  he 
contrived  to  make  drunk;  and,  on  the  approach 
of  night,  drawing  his  own  people   from  their 
ambufcade,  he  advanced  to  the  garrifon,  of  which  JSJ^.** 

L   2,  heroga. 



HISTORY    b  f    T  H  E 


and  of 


CHAP,  he  immediately  made  himfelf  mafter*.    As  there 
II-      was  not  one  perfon  awake,  though  there  was  a 
fentry  at  the  gate,  they  were  all  taken  prifoners. 
On  the  commander's  alking  Allen,  by  what  au- 
thority he  required  him  to  furrender  the  fort,  he 
anfwered,  "  I  demand  it  in   the  name  of  the 
"  Great  Jehovah,  and  the  continental  congrefs." 
The  reduAion  of  Crown  Point,  which  had  nei- 
ther gtiard  nor    garrifon,   became  a  matter  of 
courfe.     Allen  alfo  furprifed  Skenefborough,  be- 
longing to  major  Skene,  who  with  his  fon  and 
negroes,  were  taken  prifoners.-    Abonr  the  fame 
time,  an  American  officer,  afterwardsr  highly  dif- 
tinguiftied,  feized  the  only  fhip  of  the  royal  navy 
on  the  Lake  Champlain.    BenediA  Ai^nold,  at 
the  commencement  of  the  difference  betweefi 
Great  Britain  and  America,-  was  pkced  at  the 
head  of  a  company  of  volunteers  by  the  inha- 
bitants of  Newhaven.    As  foon  as  he  received 
intelligence  of  the  affair  at  Lexington,  he  afTem- 
bled  his  company,  and  declared  his  intention  of 
•proceeding  to  Boflon^     Having  obtained  their 
confent,  he  applied  to  a  committee,  to  which  ge- 
neral Woofler  belonged,  for  ammunition.     After 
fome  demur  they  fupplied  him,  and  he  marched 
off  with  his  company  to  the  American  head-quar- 
ters, which  he  reached  on  the  twenty-ninth  of 


;  *  The  (lores  taken  at  Trconderoga  were  between  112  and 
120  iron  cannon,  from  6  to  24  pounders;  50  fwivels  of  dif- 
ferent fizes,  2  ten  inch  mortara,  i  howitzer,  i  cohorn,  10 
tons  of  miiflcet  balls,  3  cart  loads  of  flints,  30  ncw  carriages, 
a  confiderabie  quantity  of  fhells,  a  ware-houfe  fttU  of  mate- 
Tials  ta  carry  on  boat-building,  100  ftand  of  fmair  arms,  10 
calks  of  very  indifferent  powder,  2  brafs  cannons,  30  bar- 
rels of  flour,  and  1 8  barrels  of  pork.  The  prifoners  were 
I  captain,  i  gunner,  2  ferjeants,  and  44  raiik  and  file,  be- 
fides  women  and  children.  Captain  de  la  Plate,  not withttand- 
ing  his  fliameful  conduft,  was  not  brought  to  a  court-martial, 
but  was  fuffered  to  fell  out. 

^ii«^_i.  -  -.i."M. 

-*n,*'  ■    .J^.-. 

A  ME  R  IX;  A  N   WAR. 



The  whole  military  force  of  Gaaada,  at  this  CHAP, 
period,  did  not  exceed  two  regiments,  the  fe-      ^^• 
venth  and  the  twenty-fixth,  containing  together 
about  eight  hundred  men  :  For  fo  much  did  ge- 
neral Carleton  rely  on  his  influence  with  the  Ca-f 
nadians,  and  the  reprefentations  of  the  clergy, 
that  in  the  preceding  year  affu ranees  were  fent 
to  general  Gage  atBoflon,  that  a  corporal's  com-       '    '; 
mand  was  fufficient  for  the  defence  of  |he  pro-      '     ' 
vince.     Immediately  however  on  the  redudior  of 
Crown  Point,  Ticonderoga,  and  the  king's  ftiip 
on  the  Lake  Champlain,  the  two  regiments  were 
ordered  to  St.  John's,  a  fort  about  twelve. miles 
from  Montreal,  which  was  ftrengthened  by  two 
redoubts,  that  were  ordered  to  be  couilruAed  oa: 
their  arrival.  <■  (-^M^,    ^ 

No  fponer  was  intelligence  of  the  fuccefs  of 
the  Americans   received  at   Bofton,  than  geneir        * 
ral  Gage  difpatched  brigadier-general  Prefcott, 
and  two  officers  of  inferior  rank,  with  twofhips- 
to  Montreal,  where  they  arrived  in  July,    About     juiy. 
the  fame  time  alfo  colonel  Guy  Johnftone  arrived 
at  that  place  with  feven  hundred  of  the  warriors 
of  the  Five  Nations,  who  propofed   to  general   • 
Carleton  to  retake  Crown  Point  and  Ticonderoga, 
alleging  that  thefe  places  were  but  weakly  garri- 
fonedbythe  Americans.     This  projedl  was  not 
adopted  by  the  general. 

In  purfuance  of  the  refolutions  of  congrefs  to  . 
attack  Canada,  the  generals  Schuyler  and  Mont-  - 
gomery  were  difpatched  with  three  thoufand  men 
to  Lake  Champlain,  acrofs  which  flat-bottomed 
boats  were  to  convey  them  down  the  Sorrel.i 
And,  in  order  that  their  paffage.  might  not  be  ob- 
ftrufted,  they  took  poffeflion  of  an  ifle  called  thei 
lile  aux  Noix,  commanding  the  entrance  into  the 
lake.  Hence  they  marched  to  St.  John's,  where 
they  arrived  on  the  fixth  of  September.    The  September 


,  'v : 





*  '  -»       ■'    '      "   "  "  ■■!    ...  .>  ■ ^    "  " 

'  V 

^i/"'-^,.  «,<-»•■ 




CHAP,  moment  they  landed  they  were  attacked  by  a 
n.     party  of  Indian?,  who  obliged  them  to  retreat  to 

'"^'"'i'^  their  bofits,  and  to  return  to  lile  aux  Noix. 
'775'  General  Schuyler  having  fallen  into  an  indifpo- 
fition  of  body,  the  command  of  the  dptachraent 
devolved  of  courfe  on  general  Montgomery,  who 
being  joined  byfeveral  parties  of  Indianis,  offended 
at  their  reje£lion  by  general  Carleton,  and  the  re- 
mainder of  the  troops  deftined  for  this  expedi- 
tion, refolved  to  advance  immediately  and  lay 
fiegetoSt.  John*s. 

The  whole  military  force  of  Canada beingthus 
concentered  in  one  point,  colonel  Allen,  the  fapde 
Allen  to  whom  the  Americans  were  indebted  for 
the  reduction  of  Crown  Point  and  Ticonderoga, 
and  who  knew  the  weak  ilate  of  Montreal,  rc^- 
iblved  to  add,  if  pofiible,  this  important  place  tp 
his  other  conqueils. 

With  a  party  of  about  one  hundred  and  fifty 
men,  compofed  of  Americans  and  Indians,  he 
'  marched  to  the  banks  of  the  river  St.  Laurpnce, 
-which  he  croiled  jn  the  night,  about  three  mileg 
below  Montreal.  IntelligcL  c  aowever  by  this 
time  had  been  received  of  thci:  approach  j  and 
the  town*s-people,  with  about  thirty-fix  of  the 
twenty-fixth  regiment,  being  embodied  under  the 
command  of  majpr  Campbell,  attacked  and  bea^ 
back  colonel  Allen's  detachment,  and  took  the 
colonel  himfelf  prifoner. 

On  this  an  order  was  difpatched  tp  colonel  Ma- 
clean, a  braye,  indefatigaole,  and  experienced 
officer,  then  at  Quebec,  to  procure  as  many  re- 
cruits as  he  could,  and  haften  to  that  part  where 
the  river  Sorrel  difcharge^  itfelf  into  the  Gulph 
of  St.  Laurence.  The  colonel,  by  unwearied  di- 
ligence, raife  J  a  force  of  three  hundred  and  fe* 
venty  Canadians,  with  whom  he  marched  to  the 
poll  to  which  he  was  ordered,  where  he  was  re- 




inforccd  by  about  two  hundred  more  of  the  natives.  CHAP. 
Here  he  remained  waiting  for  orders,  and  expedl-      ^I- 
ing  to  be  joined  by  general  Carleton,  who  intend-  '**'"''"'*^ 
ed  to  crofs  the  river  at  Montreal,  and  march  to    ^'^'^^' 
the  relief  of  St,  John's. 

But  it  unfortunately  happened  that  at  the  place 
where  the  general  attempted  to  land,  his  boats 
could  not  be  brought  nearer  than  within  a  muiket 
Ihot  of  the  ftiore,  where,  too,  the  enemy  had 
planted  two  pieces  of  cannon,  which  annoyed 
them  feverely.  It  was  a  fubjeft  of  general  animad- 
verfion,  that  he  had  attempted  to  land  at  the  only 
place  where  oppofition  might  be  expeded,  and 
contrary  to  the  advice  of  the  molt  experienced 
inhabitants.  There  were  other  places  where  he 
might  have  landed  in  fafety.  Several  of  our  men 
were  killed  :  The  fe:v  who  landed  were  inftantly 
taken  prifoners  ;  and  the  general,  with  the  fmall 
remainder  of  his  detachment,  was  forced  to  re^- 
turn  to  Montreal. 

In  the  mean  time,  general  Montgomery  had  capture  of 
taken  Fort  Chamblee,  a  fmall  fortrefs,  five  miles  J^!  ^'''"" 
above  St.  John's,  and  commanded  by  major  Stopr 
ford,  of  the  feventh  regimert,  at  the  head  of  about 
one  hundred  and  fixty  men,  with  a  few  artillery. 
The  whole  of  the  detachment  headed  by  Mont* 
gomery  did    not  exceed,    when    greatelt,    two 
thoufand  five  hundred  men ;  nor  the  force  fent 
againft   Chamblee,  under   a    lieutenant-colonel, 
three  hundred.     For  at  leaft  fifteen  days  there 
was  no  breach  made  in  the  wall,  nor  at  any  time 
any  impreffion  made  that  deferved  that  name  j 
for  the  enemy,  who  had  only  two  fix-pounders, 
and  next  to  no  ammunition,  had  never  formed  a 
regular  battery*.     The  garrifon  did  not  want 

■  >'    powder 

*  A  fmall  hole  was  made  in  the  wall,   but  not  withia 
|ef;s  than  twenty.five  feet  from  the  ground. 





-   .  ,tr 







T^ov.  3, 

Capture  1 

jC  I|  A  P.  powder  and  other  ammunition  ;  but  they  wero 
II.  poorly  clothed,  and  otherwii'e  ill-provided.  On 
the  third  of  November  they  furrendered  to  the 
Americans,  on  the  condition  of  being  allowed  to 
go  put  '^ith  the  honours  of  war.  It  was  g^^ne- 
rallyand  deeply  regretted  that  this  fort  was  not 
timecii fly  reinforced,  a$  it  might  have  beec,  and 
alfo  that  Lhe  ammunition  was  not  deftroyed  ;  as 
there  was  a  fally-port  through  which  it  might 
have  been  thrown,  even  iu  day-light,  and  with- 
out the  knowledge  of  the  enemy,  into  the  river. 

The  aiTJmunition  found  in  Chamblee  f  enabled 
the  American  general  to  purfue  the  fiege  of  St. 
John's,  which,  for  want  of  provifions  and  am- 
munition, was  under  the  neceflity  of  furrender- 
,of  ing  unconditionally  on  the  thirteenth  of  Noveni- 

tt.'  John's,  i^er  |.     xhe  works  of  St.  John's  had  been  fuffered 

' :'  •    ■  '        '     '  ■  '       '  IQ 

.  ]*  Amounting  to  80  barrels  of  floqr,  11  of  rice,  7  of 
peafe,  6  firkins  of  butter,  134  barrels  of  pork,  124  barrels 
of  gunpowder,  3bo  fwivel  ftiot,  1  box  of  muflcet  fhot,  6564 
mufket  cartridges,  150  Hand  of  French  arms,  3  royal  mor^ 
tars,  61  (hells,  500  hand  grenades,  83  royal  fufiieer's  rauflcets, 
83  accoutrements,  and  rigging  for  3  vefiels.  As  the  afiail- 
ants  were;  reduced  to  their  laft  rouiid  of  fhot,  if  it  had  not 
been  for  the  furrender  of  Chamblee,  they  mult  haye  aban- 
doned their  attempt  on  Canada. 

t  In  this  fort  were  found  17  brafs  ordnance,  from  2  to  24 
pounders,  a  eight-irith  ho'.vit.7ers,  7  mortars,  23  iron  ordnance 
from  3  to  9  pounderj,  a  co.'ifiderable  quantity  of  fhot  and 
ihells,  and  about  800  ilaid  of  fniall  arms,  with  a  few  naval 
fioresi  The  capture  of  St.  John's  muft  uuJuiibtedly  be  at- 
tributed to  the  fhameful  furrender  of  Chamblee  by  major 
Stopford,  and  to  the  reprehenfible  negligence  of  the  com- 
fnanding  officers  at  MontreaT  and  Qutbec.  It  was  well 
known  that  St.  John's  poffelTed  neither  a  firfFicienj  quantity 
of  Ilores  nor  provifions ;  vet  noalfiftance  was  aifvu'dccl  them 
in  either  of  thef;  articles,  though  both  of  tlicm  could  have 
been  procured  v.iih  fufficient  eafe  fro|Ti  Chamblee;  and  Mon- 
treal, from  th  •  foriner  place  eve.i  by  land  carriage.  The  Ibrt 
however,  noiwithltanding  tliefc  difadvnnrages,  was  moft  gal- 
l.intly  defended,  and  V.-as  furrendered  Only  on  account  of  the 
Ifvant  of  provifjcns  and  ammunition.  .       ■ 






And  of 

to  remain  in  bad  order,  and  without  fufficientCHAE, 
ftores,  although  the  governor  had  long  been  in-      ^^• 
formed  that  a  defcent  on  Canada  was  in  contem< 
plation.     Ammunition  might,  in  good  time,  have 
Ijeen  thrown  in  from  Chamblee,  only  twelve  miles 
diftant.     It  is  but  juftice  here  to  mention  that  the 
garrifon,  confiding  of  upwards  of  five  hundred 
regulars,  and  above  one  hundred  Canadian  vo- 
lunteers, behaved  with  great  fortitude  and  per- 
feverance,  though,  from  the  difadvantagps  juft 
mentioned,  they  were  forced  to  furrender.     Im- 
mediately on  the  furrender  of  St.  John's,  general 
Carleton  quitted  Montreal,  as  it  was  incapable  Mon^ai. 
of  making  any  defence.     It  fell  of  courfe  inio  the 
hands  of  the  American  general. 

Apprehenfions  were  now  entertained  fpr  the 
fafetyof  Qjiebec,  and  not  without  yeafon  j  for  at 
this  period  it  v/as  ill  provided  with  men,  and  its 
fortifications  were  in  a  ruinous  condition.  The 
garrifon  contaioed  but  one  captain,  two  fu^l* 
terns,  and  fifty  men  of  the  feventh  regiment,  one 
lieutenant-colonel,  fix  captains,  twelv^  fubalterns, 
and  three  hundred  ^nd  fifty  of  colonel  Ma- 
clean's corps  then  railing,  five  companies  of  Bri- 
tifti  militia,  containing  aach  about  forty  men,  fi:ic 
companies  of  Canadiai\  militia,  about  fifty  men 
each,  a  batta'ion  of  fe^men,  under  the  command 
of  captain  Hamilton  cf  the  Lisjard  frigate,  a«f 
mounting  lo  two  hundrc^d  and  fifty  men,  and  a 
few  of  the  artillery.  There  were  no  other  worksj 
than  a  wall,  furrounding  tlir?  town  ;  the  parapet^ 
were  broken  down  in  fevci.;!  places,  and  there 
was  neither  glacis  nor  covered-way,  The  majo- 
rity of  its  inhabitants  were  but  ill  affefted  to  the 
Britifh  caufe  ;  and  the  Quebec  aft,  with  the  re- 
jedion  of  their  petition  againft  it,  had  in  a  man-r 
ner  alienated  their  affedions  from  tl\e  mother- 
country,  as  already  obferved.  At  this  period 
.1  general^ 


,_*jij3Su;,.-~ '. 



HISTORY     O  F    T  H  E 

CHAP,  general  Carlcton  was  not  very  popular  ;  for  when 

II-      the  Quebec  r>  St  was  in  contemplation,  he  had  taken 

^^■"^  '•^  an  adlire  part  in  the  framing  of  it,  and,  on  hia  exa. 

1775'    minaticn  before  the  houfe  of  ccmmon^,  hai:  c:ift 

feme  rt'tledlions  on  the  condudl  of  .'  e  Britilh 

merchants  of  that  province.    His  rwanners,  be» 

fides,  wtre  not  nnciliatiiig,  ami  he  'hnii  Plways 

.attached  himfelf  toihe  Cacariian  i:;»;'bleffe.     The 

Americans  were  not  ignoraut  of  thefe  circuai- 

ftances,  vvhich,  with  good  reafon,  they  flattered 

themfelves  would  operate  m  their  favour. 

Colonel  Miiclean,  iu  the  mean  lime.,  with  hh 
detachment,  which  decrea- id  daily  by  dc '.'..  -Mou, 
rtill  remained  in  expe^atiou  of  receiving  orders 
c  Sorrel ,  which  place,  however,  he  was  at  length, 
wiihoiit  waiting  for  orders  from  fir  Guy  Carlctou, 
dttcntiined  to  quit  on  the  following  account :  On 
the  fifth  of  November,  an  exprefs  was  tranfmit- 
ted  to  him,  acquainting  him  that  colonel  Arnold 
had  iinexpe6ledly  arrived  at  a  place  called  Point 
Levy,  oppofite  C^uebec,  and  that  the  city  was  in 
the  mod  imminent  danger. 

At  the  time  when  the  provincial  army  was  en. 
camped  before  Bofton,  colonel  Arnold  laid  be- 
fore    general  Wafhington  the  following    plan ; 
About  one  hundred  and  thirty  miles  to  the  north- 
ward of  Bofton,  a  river  called  the  Kennebeck, 
ftretches  from  the  fea  as  far  northward  as  the  lake 
St.  Pierre,  which  is  at  no  great  diftance  from  the  city 
pf  Ct^ebec.    The  colonel  propofed  to  fail  up  the 
river  with  a  detachment  qf  one  thoufand  five  hun» 
dred  men,  and  penetratipg  through  the  fwamps, 
forefts,  and  hilly  land  that  fcparate  New  England 
from  Canada,  beyond  the  fources  of  the  Kenne- 
beck, to  furprile  Quebec;  which  being  unpre- 
pared for  fuch  an  attempt,  would  fiall  an  eafy  prey. 
General  Wafhington  having  teilifitd  his  appro- 
bati9n of  the propofal,  the coloicJ  :et  out  on  his 
,:   I  expedition. 











ho  we 


his  ar 

of  the 

fick  b< 

after  h 




ed  arri 


craft  ai 

his  app 




^or  colli 

jiaving  [ 


by  fore) 

in  the 

On  the  I 

a  dark 

fide  of  I 









or  when 
ad  taken 

hi  ft  exa. 

e  Bntilh 
Qers,  bC' 
id  pLways; 
re.  The 
;  circum- 
(T  flattered 


,  wUh  h!c 
d( '.  ^'^wu, 
ing  orders 
( at  length, 
r  Carlctoii, 
:ount:  On 
s  tranfmit- 
ael  Arnold 
ailed  Point 
;ity  was  in 

■ny  was  en* 
[id  laid  be- 

ling    P^aw' 
the  north- 
as  the  lake 
roni  the  city, 
fail  up  the 
td  five  hunt 
le  fwamps, 
;w  England 
the  Kenne- 
ling unpre- 
a  eafy  prey- 
his  appro- 
|.  out  on  his 

expedition.    Extreme  were  the  diiliculties  and  CHAP. 
dangers  he  encountered  and  furmountcd  with  the     ^^^ 
moft  aftoniftiing  fortitude  and  perfeverance.    The  ^"^n*' 
Kennebeck  is  full  of  rocks  and  ihoals,  which  of-    *'7^* 
ten  obliged  this  galUnt  detachment  to  carry  their 
boats  and  rafts  on  their  backs  for  miles  along  the 
Ihore .    Nor  when  they  h^d  travcrfed  the  length 
of  the  Kennebeck  were  their  diiiiculties  dimt- 
nilhed.    The  fwampy  grounds,  added  to  the  fa- 
tigue already  endured,  produced  a  variety  of 
diforders ;  provifions  began  to  fail,  and  a  thir(i 
part  of  the  detachment,  on  fome  trivial  pretence, 
deferted  with  a  cojonel  at  their  head.    Difficulties 
however   feemed   only   to  invigorate  Arnold ; 
lyleither  difpirited  by  the  defertion  oif  a  part  of 
his  army,  por  by  tlie  difeafes  under  which  many 
of  the  remainder  laboured,  the  Colonel  left  the 
fick  behind  him,  and  marched  on.     Six  weeks 
after  his  departure  froni  Bollon  he  arrived  on  the 
plains  of  Canada,   and  immediately  encamped 
oppofite  to  Gtjiebec,  at  afpot  called  Point  Levy. 

The  conftern^tion  occauoned  by  his  unexpe6l- 
ed  arrival,  and  by  the  intrepidity  of  the  atcbieve- 
ment,  was  uuiverfal ;  and  had  not  the  fmall- 
craft  and  boats  been  fortunately  removed  before 
his  approach,  he  would  doubtlefs,  in  the  general 
ponllernation,  have  piade  himfelf  matter  of  thc! 
city.  The  removal  of  thefe  produced  a  delay  of 
fome  day§,  to  which  Quebec  owed  her  fafety ; 
for  colonel  Maclean,  witfi  his  fmall  detachment,! 
Jiaving  quitted  So^*rel,  after  having  infprmed  fir 
Guy  Carieton  by  letter  of  his  intention,  advanced 
by  forced  marches  to  Quebec,  where  he  arrived 
in  the  evening  of  the  thirteentli  of  November. 
On  the  fuccecding  day,  Arnold,  by  the  help  of 
^  dark  night,  having  land»^d  his  men  on  the  other 
fide  of  the  river,  and  being  totally  ignorant  of 
colonel  ^aclean's  arrivalji  attacked  the  city  at  the 
-r^ '       .  gat^ 

■'•■;  '^ 



..  %' 



CHAP,  gate  of  St.  Louis,  but  was  repulfed  with  flaugh- 
1 1-      ter ;  the  city  being  ft  rengthened  by  fome  pieces  .of 

^-•nn-'  cannoa  that  were  landed  from  a  frigate  in  the 
» 775-  river.  Arnold  receiving  intelligeuce  from  feveral 
Canadians  refiding  in  Quebec,  that  it  was  pro- 
pofed  to  attack  him  early  in  the  morning  of  the 
nineteenth,  removed  his  men  to  Point  au  Trem- 
|)le,  twenty  miles  diftant  from  G^ebec. 

On  the  twentieth,  general  Carleton,  who  had 
made  his  elcape  through  the  enemy's  craft  in  a 
whale-bogt,  arrived  in  the  city,  ana  immediately 
began  to  make  vigorous  preparations  for  its  de- 
f/snce,  At  the  fame  time  he  expreffed  his  entire 
approbation  of  colonel  Maclean's  condufl,  and 
publicly  thanked  him  fqr  his  very  judicious  and 
gallant  CO' a;',  x^. 

Arnojc.  v.  ho  had  brought  no  artillery  w^th 
him,  anc  v/i  o  ncv  lifcovered  the  impoflibility  of 
taking  the  C'tX'  v; hi! out  that  advantage,  contented 
hinifelf  with  returning  to  the  j'ppt  he  had  formerly 
occupied,  wheye  he  could  intercept  all  fupplies 
and  communications,  and  where  he  refolved  to 
wait  the  arrival  of  Montgomery.  Moutgomery, 
after  the  capture  of  Montreal,  employed  hipfelf 
,  in  conftruding  flat  boats  to  attack  the  Britiili  ar- 
ijiaments,  which,  confifting  of  eleven  armed  vef- 
fels,  ou  board  of  which  were  general  Prefcot,  and 
fome  other  officer^  of  rank,  together  with  a  large 
quantity  of  military  flores,  was  obliged  to  fur- 
reudgr  to  his  vis^orious  arms.  Proceeding  imme- 
diately to  Quebec,  he  arrived  there  on  the  fifth 
of  December,  and  fuipmpned  the  city  to  furren- 
der.  The  fummons  wa^  treated  with  contempt, 
and  general  Carleton  refufed  all  correfpondeuce 
with  him.  Batteries  were  then  immediately  open- 
ed, which  did  little  damage,  and  were  depiolifhed 
almoft  as  fopn  a§  they. were  ereded.  The  whole 
lartijlery  and  fortifications  of  the  city  were  com- 
..'    ',.■  ^  mined 

^.i^*.'^'*-'*^''^'^^  * 


'AMERICAN     WAll. 



ieces  .of 
e  in  the 
a  feveral 

wlio  had 
raft  in  a 
or  its  de- 
\i\s  entire 
dua,  and 
cious  and 

llery  w\th 
>flibility  of 
d  formerly 
ill  fupplies 
jfolved  to 
^red  hifnfelf 
Britiili  al- 
armed vel- 
refcQt,  and 
ith  a  large 
rqd  to  fur- 
ling inime- 
»n  the  fifth 
to  furren- 

lately  open- 
The  whole 
were  con> 

hiitted  to  the  management  of  colonel  Maclean  CHAP, 
(whole  indefatigable  diligence  and  intrepid  de-      H- 
meanour  during  the  whole  of  the  fiege  acquired  **^nr^ 
him  infinite  honour),  and  ever^'  poflible  prepa-    '^'-S- 
ration  was  n.'ade  to  defend  the  city  to  the  bift  ex- 

Montgomery  and  Arnold  were  now  in  a  mod 
critical  fuaation  from  the  want  of  proper  artil- 
lery, for  they  had  none  heavier  than  twelve 
pounders.  They  faw  themfelves  unable  to  make 
any  impreirion  on  the  fortifications  of  G^Jiebec ; 
and  from  the  malcontents  they  had  nothing  now 
to  expe6l,  becaufe  each  had  thought  it  moft  pru- 
dent to  join  the  common  caufe  for  the  preferva- 
tion  of  his  own  private  property.  Wintci'  was 
approaching  faft,  and  to  confume  it  on  the  plains 
of  Canada  was  a  profpedl  moft  dreaiy  and  un- 
promifing  ;  yet,  on  the  other  hand,  it  was  eflen- 
lially  neceflary  that  the  firft  campaign  fhould  be 
clofed  with  a  brilliancy  that  Ihould  prevent  the 
public  ardour  frpm  experiencing  any  diminu- 
tion. '  *      • 

Tlius  fituated,  it  was  refolved  to  ftorm  t'le  city. 
Forloru  indeed  were  the  hopes  of  fuccefs;  fot  for- 
lorn, at  any  rate,  was  the  profpedl  before  them  ; 
and  the  reiolution  was  not  abandoned.  It  was 
fuppofed  that  Montgomery  was  averfe  to  this  mea- 
fure,  but  he  was  und^ir  the  neceffity  of  givinf, 
his  aifent,  becaufe  a  l.^rge  number  of  his  men. 
whofe  time  of  fervice  had  nearly  expired,  threat- 
ened to  leave  him  immediately  if  the  attempt 
were  not  made.  The  neceflary  difpofitiou  for  ' 
ftotming  the  town  was  accordingly  put  in,  execu- 
tion,  and  Montgomery  refolved  to  lead  the  for- 
lorn hope.  Four  attacks  were  to  be  made  at  the 
fame  time— two  falfe  ones,  by  Cape  Diamond  and 
St.  John's  gate,  and  two  real,  under  Cape  Diamond, 
by  Drunimoud's  Wharf  and  the  Potaih.    Th« 






I  j 


*'.  I  i  TO  R  Y     Of    tut 

CHAP,  attacks  were  to  be  begun  at  break  of  day  on  the 
II.     thirty-firftof  December  1775,  and  the  firing  of 

^■^nr*^  rockets  was  to  be  the  fignal.  By  fome  miftake 
'775'  however,  the  attacks  on  Cape  Diamond  and  St. 
Johu  Gat  ?  were  begun  firft,  and  the  Englifh 
ai'covering  them  to  be  merely  feints,  ported  only 
z  flight  force  to  defend  thofe  points,  and  con- 
veyed the  greater  part  of  their  flrength  to  the 
lower  town,  where  with  good  reafon  they  ima- 
gined the  real  attacks  ^rere  to  be  made.  Mont- 
gomery headed  cnt  of  thefe  ttacks,  Atnold  the 
other.  Moctgomery,  ^vith  nine  hundred  men, 
had  to  pafs  a  dangerous  part,  where  he  was  be- 
tween two  fires.  He  led  his  men  however  to  the 
attack  with  that  coolnefs  and  intrepidity  which 
never  forfook  him.  Captain  Bairnsfeatner,  the 
niafler  of  a  franfport,  who  defended  this  pqfl, 
fuffered  the  enemy's  detachment  to  advance 
within  fifty  yards  before  a  gun  was  fired.  A 
dreadful  difcharge  of  cannon  was  then  poured 
upon  them,  and  almofl  the  firfl  who  fell  was 
Montgomery.  The  Americans,  deprr.vd  thus  of 
their  gallant  leader,  paufed  a  moment,  but  did 
not  retreat.  Thcy^  marched  on  to  the  attack  with 
firmnefs,  and  for  half  an  hour  fuftained  a  moil 
galling  difcharge  of  cannon  and  mufquetry.  Find- 
ing then  that  their  attempts  could  not  be  attended 
with  fuctcfs,  they  withdrew  from  the  attack,  and 

Arnold,  who  at  the  head  of  feven  hundred 
men  attacked  the  city  at  the  Saut  des  Matelots, 
was  rather  more  fuccefsful.  The  Canadian  guard, 
appointed  to  defend  it,  ran  away  after  the  firft 
fire  ;  and  of  the  feamen  who  managed  the  guns, 
all  were  either  killed  or  wounded.  Arnold  hav- 
ing the  misff  -tune  to  receive  a  wound  in  the  leg 
early  in  the  agagement,  was  obliged  to  retire ; 
but  the  uex.  m  command  continued  the  attack 


-^».jj.jai-^s<-^  '. 

V  '. 

ly  on  the 
firing  of 
i  miftake 

and  St. 
;  Englilh 
fted  only 
uid  cou- 
th to  the 
they  ima- 
J.     Mont- 
.Ynold  the 
[red  men, 
ne  was  be- 
iver  to  the 
lity  which 
:atner,  the 

this  ppft, 
3    advanW 

fired.  A 
icn  poured 
o  fell  was 

,c,d  thus  of 
It,  but  did 

attack  with 
led  a  moft 
etry.  Find- 

le  attended 

ittack,  and 


•AMERICAN     W       \.  -^ 

with  unabated  vigour.  The  firft  and  the  fecond  C  H  A  p. 
barriers  were  taken,  after  an  obfiinate  reiiitance,  ^^^ 
and  againll  the  third  a  ladder  was  already  placed 
to  convey  the  enemy  into  the  town,  when  a  de- 
tachment of  colonel  Maclean's  regiment  under 
captain  Nairn,  and  a  party  with  colonel  Caldwell 
at  their  head,  fortunately  arrived.  Captain 
Nairn  immediately  feized  the  ladder,  and  by  his 
refolute  condudl  drove  the  enemy  from  the  houfe 
againft  which  they  had  fixed  it.  They  were  then 
driven  from  the  barrier,  after  a  moft  defperate 
attack,  and  purfued  to  fome  diftance.  In  thefe 
attacks  the  lofs  on  the  part  of  the  Englifh  was 
but  trifling,  nor  did  the  Americans  lofe  above  fif- 
ty men.  < 

Colonel  Arnold,  though  thus  difappointed  in 
his  endeavours  againft  Qjiebec,  refolved  not  to 
withdraw  from  the  province.  He  ftill  remained 
encamped  on  the  heights  of  Abraham,  whence 
he  could  intercept  any  fupplies  that  might  be  at- 
tempted to  be  conveyed  into  the  city,  and  where 
he  hoped  to  increafe  his  fmall  detachment  by 
ins^ratiating  himlelf  with  the  Canadians. 

Such  was  the  iffue  of  the  expedition  againft 
Canada,  and  fuch  the  termination  of  the  firft 
campaign,  in  which  the  Americans  had  acquired 
great  military'  diftinftion  ;  yet  brilliantly  (though 
certainly  uiiluccefsfully)  as  the  firft  campaign  wa$ 
concluded,  the  Americans  thought  their  military 
glory  dearly  purchafed  with  the  lofs  of  the  gal- 
lant Montgomery. 

Montgomery,  at  the  conclufion  of  the  laft 
war,  retired  to  America,  where  he  married^ 
Here  his  charadler  was  fo  univerfally  refpeded, 
that  at  the  commencement  of  the  difturbances 
he  was  invited  by  congrefs  to  defend  their  caufe^ 
and  honoured  with  the  rank  of  brigadier-gene- 
ral.    His  manners  were  eafy  and  condliatingr 

I  and 


HISTORY     6  T     t  U  i. 

CHAP. and  he  poflefled  in  a  peculiar  degree  tlie  art  of 

^  ^^    acquiring  the  confidence  of  thole  whom  he  coni- 

^^"^"^'^  manded.     Iii  his  perfon  he  was  tall  and  liciidtr, 

''75-  jjut  ^g|i  limbed.     The  day  after  the  attack  his 

body  was  found,  and  upon  examining  it,  a  wound 

was  dil'covered  in  each  thigh,  and  one  ou  his 


^■'-^-,;«-v^;:    ;'-.-n, 

.  I  r    .      '  ^  J  .  -i 


'.>'::,  \..{:.), 

<. . 




^  •*•  «i 



,,.1,     T- 



CHAP.    III. 

Situation  of  Affairs  in  Virginia,  North  and  South 
Carolina,  and  at  Bojton. — 1775,  1776. 

THE  fatal  effedts  of  diforder  and  tumult  wercC  H  A  P. 
not  felt,   however,    folely  in  the  northern     ^^^' 
provinces.     In  the  fouth  the  fituation  of  affairs  **^*'^^ 
was  equally  critical  and  alarming.     The  gover- sauition  of 
nor  of  Virginia  at  this  period  was  the  earl  of aff«ir»  in 
Dunmore,  a  man  of  fufficient  firmnefs  and  refo-  ^''^*'"'''' 
lutiou,  and  who  had  been  formerly  very  popular. 
His  popularity,  however,  was  now  rapidly  de-- 
dining ;  for,  at   the  commencement  of  the  dif- 
turbances  in  the  other  colonies,  he  had  tranf- 
mitted  to  the  government  of  Great  Britain  an 
account  of  the  ftate  of  the  province  of  Virginia. 
The  particulars  of  this  ftatement,  by  fome  means 
becoming  known,  highly  incenfed  the  planters, 
to  whom  it  chiefljr  related.     It  reprefented  them 
as  encumbered  with  debts,  of  which  they  feemed 
anxious  to  rid  themfclves  by  encouraging  rebelli- 
on.   It  accufed  them  of  impeding  the  operations 
of  juftice,  in  order  to  procure  temporary  advan- 
tages by  fuch  delays ;  and  it  concluded  by  deduc- 
ing ffom  their  conduct  a  predi£\ion  that  they 
would  foon  attach  themfeves  openly  to  thofe  who 
oppofed  the  mother-country. 

The  planters  were  more  highly  enraged  on  ac- 
count of  the  truths  which  this  reprefentation  con- 
tained. They  poured  upon  the  governor  the 
fouUeft  torrents  of  invedlive  and  abufe,  and  in- 

VoL.  I.  M    .  finuated 

.,„„,^  >-->,._.„. 



HISl'ORY     OF    THE 

I  1 




C  H  A  p.  finuaied  that  his  lordfhip,  in  conjunAion  with 
III-  ad  mi nift ration,  had  formed  a  defign  of  aflaflina- 
ting  the  fpeaker  of  their  aflcmbly,  Mr.  Ran- 
dolph. In  order  to  add  to  the  effedl  of  this  in- 
fmuation,  the  corporation  of  WiUiamlburg  pre- 
fented  an  addreft  to  Mr.  Randolph,  who  return- 
ed an  anfwer,  not  at  all  calculated  to  difappoint 
the  wifhes  of  thofe  with  whom  it  had  originated. 
While  the  public  mind  was  thus  flimulated,  an 
event  occurred  which  was  made  a  pretence  for 
taking  up  arms.  ' ;' 

Lord  Dunmore,  forefeeing  the  confequences 
of  this  ftate  of  fermentation,  and  unwilling  to 
place  the  means  of  violence  within  the  power 
of  the  planters,  had  early  in  May  removed  the 
gunpowder  from  the  public  magazine  at  Willi- 
amlburg.  The  motives  of  this  meafure  being 
eafily  penetrated,  an  armed  force  aflembled  un- 
der the  command  of  a  Mr.  Henry,  a  man  poffeff- 
ed  of  great  influence  and  popularity,  in  order 
to  compel  a  reftitution  of  the  powder.  This  de- 
tachment, however,  proceeded  no  further  than 
within  -fifteen  miles  of  Williamfburg,  w  here  they 
were  met  by  the  magiftrates  of  the  city,  who 
prevailed  on  them  to  depart,  after  having  enter- 
ed into  an  agreement  that  the  receiver-general  of 
the  province  fhould  become  fecurity  for  the  pay- 
ment of  the  gunpowder. 

But  the  reign  of  temperance  and  moderation 
was  now  at  an  end  ;  public  meetings  and  military 
aUbciations  were  univerfally  encouraged ;  and 
the  affembly  of  the  province,  approving  the  con- 
du6l  of  Mr.  Henry,  ordered  a  guard  to  be  pro- 
vided for  the  fafety  of  the  magazine,  without 
fubmitting  this  ftep  to  the  confideration  of  the 

In  confequence  of  lord  Dunmore's  intimations 
to  the  government  oi"  Great  Britain,  fevcral  con- 




cillatory  propofitions  were  tranfmittecl  to  his  lord-  CHAP 
Ihip,  who,  early  in  June,  laid  them  before  the  ^^^" 
council  of  Virginia.  The  council  acceded  to 
them  ;  but  the  affembly  unanimoufly  refufed  their 
acquiefcence.  Scarcely  had  this  rejedion  been 
conveyed  to  his  lordfhip,  when,  from  a  private 
channel,  he  received  intelligence  of  a  defign  up- 
on his  life.  It  is  probable  that  this  was  only  a 
falfe  alarm,  conveyed  by  the  malcontents  to  the 
governor,  in  order  to  induce  him  to  retire  from 
the  province.  Whether  it  was  or  was  not,  his 
lordfhip  certainly  adopted  the  moft  prudent  line 
of  conduct:  For  immediately  on  receiving  this 
intimation,  he  abandoned  his  houfe  and  proper- 
ty, and  with  his  lady  and  children  retired  on 
board  the  Fowey  man  of  war.  The  motives  for 
this  ftep  he  tranfmitted  to  both  houfes,  who  im- 
mediately united  in  addreffing  his  lordfhip ;  af- 
furing  him  that  his  fufpicions  were  ill-founded, 
and  befeeching  him,  for  the  fake  of  the  public 
peace,  to  return  to  the  capital.  But  his  lordfhip, 
unwilling  to  commit  him!  ^If  in  a  manner  to  their 
cuflody,  declined  compi)ing  with  the  contents 
of  the  addrefs.  Neverthelefs,  he  fubmitted  to 
their  confideration  the  fubfequent  proportion  : 
That  he  would  either  correfpond  with  the  coun- 
cil and  affembly  from  the  Fowey,  or  adjourn 
them  to  York,  about  twelve  miles  from  Williamf- 
burg,  where  he  had  no  objedion  to  refide,  and 
terminate  the  bufinels  of  the  fefTion.  I'his  pro- 
pofal,  however,  was  rejeded,  and  both  houfes 
continued  fitting.  After  having,  on  a  trivial 
pretence,  increafed  the  military  eitablifhmcnt, 
by  the  addition  of  a  company  of  riflemen,  they 
proceeded  to  invefligate  the  condudt  of  the  go- 
vernor. In  the  courfe  of  this  inveftigation  fe- 
veral  propofitions  and  mefTages  were  tranfmitted 
to  his  Lordfhip,  the  purport  of  which  was,  that 

M  2  he 

/ : 


,    !  1 

1       i? 

n      '1 

...    J  »  *r       ,^  jf.  ."rv 

-•  \t 


HiSTORV    OF    the: 




Chap. he  fhould  return  to  Williaralburg,  to  give  his 
III.  affent  to  leveral  bills  ;  replace  the  powder  he  had 
removed  from  the  magazine  ;  and  depolit  an  ad- 
ditional quantity  of  military  ftores  for  the  ufe  of 
the  colony.  To  thefe  propofitions  his  lordfhip 
returned  for  anfwer,  that  as  his  fufpicions  rela- 
tive to  his  pcrfonal  fafety  were  by  no  means  al- 
layed, he  could  not  return  to  Williamfburg,  but 
that  if  the  council  and  alTembly  chofe  to  bring 
the  bills  to  him,  he  would  give  his  affent  to  them. 
With  refpeft  to  the  powder,  the  colony  had  no 
right  to  claim  it,  becaufe  it  belonged  to  the  Rip. 
pon  man  of  war.  To  the  laft  propofition  his 
lordfhip  returned  no  anfwer.  Immediately  on 
receiving  this  determination,  the  affembly  enter- 
ed the  following  refolution  on  their  journals ;  viz. 
"  That  their  rights  and  privileges  had  been  in- 
"  vaded ;  that  the  conftitution  of  the  colony 
"  was  in  danger ;  and  that  preparation  ought  to 
"  be  made  accordingly."  Having  paffed  this 
refolution,  both  houfes  adjourned  to  Odlober. 

The  greateft  part  of  the  members  having  now 
retired  to  their  plantations,  and  tumult  and  dif. 
order  having  foniewhat  fubfided;  lord  Dunmore, 
with  leveral  officers  of  the  Fowey,  ventured  to 
a  farm  belonging  to  his  lordfhip  on  the  banks  of 
York  river,  about  two  miles  from  Williamiburg. 
Many  minutes,  however,  had  not  elapfed  after 
their  arrival,  before  intelligence  was  received  of 
a  party  of  riflemen  being  on  their  march  to  feize 
his  lordfhip.  He  was  therefore  under  the  ne- 
ceffity  of  retreating  immediately  to  the  boats, 
which  were  ready  to  receive  him.  Several  fliot 
were  fired  at  them,  but  happily  they  were  at  too 
great  a  diflance  to  receive  any  injury.  Lord 
Dunmore,  now  fully  convinced  that  moderate 
mealures  would  be  feeble  and  ineffedtual,  dif- 
patched  his  lady  and  family  in  a  fchooner  to  Eng- 
land, I 


,\.  .1' 




land,  and  repaired  immediately  to  Norfolk,  a^HAP. 
town  advantageoufly  lituated  at  the  mouth  of  Che-  ^^^" 
fapeak  Bay.  In  the  mean  time,  the  colony  pro- 
ceeded to  the  eleftion  of  deputies,  who,  on  their 
meeting,  aflumed  the  appellation  of  the  provin- 
cial convention.  After  juftifying  their  condud, 
by  afferting  that  their  liberties  and  poffelTions 
were  endangered  by  the  machinations  of  the  mo- 
ther-country, they  increafed  the  military  efta- 
blilhment,  and  impofed  taxes  for  the  maintenance 
of  it. 

At  this  period  the  refources  poffefled  by  lord 
Dunmore  were  very  inadequate  to  oppofe  or 
counterad  the  proceedings  of  the  convention.  His 
lordfhip  had  ravaged  thofe  parts  which  were  con- 
tiguous to  the  ftiore,  and  had  made  an  attempt  to 
burn  the  town  of  Hampton.  In  this  however, 
though  well  fupported  by  the  fhipping,  he  was 
unfuccefsful.  A  body  of  riflemen  coming  to  the 
affiftance  of  the  town,  compelled  him  to  retire  with 
the  lofs  of  one  of  his  veflels.  In  order  to  remedy 
this  infufficiency  of  refources,  his  lordftiip  adopt- 
ed a  meafurc  which  was  certainly  not  very  politic, 
and  which  Simulated  the  minds  pf  the  Virginians 
almoft  to  a  degree  of  phrenzy.  He  iflued  a  pro- 
clamation, declaring  martial  law  to  be  in  force 
throughout  the  colony,  He  ereded  the  rcy /? 
ftandard,  to  which  he  commanded  his  majefty  s 
fubjeAs  to  repair,  and  he  emancipated  all  the 
flaves  who  fhould  take  up  arms  in  defence  of  the 
Britifti  caufe.  By  this  means  his  lordfhip  ^^btained 
a  confiderable  increafe  of  ftrength,  but  far  from 
adequate  to  his  expedations.  He  had  already  fe- 
cured  the  pofTeflion  of  all  the  country  lituated 
between  Norfolk  and  the  fea ;  when  the  pro- 
vincial meeting,  in  order  to  prevent  the  defertion 
of  the  flaves,  and  to  arrefl;  his  lordfhip  in  his 
career,   relblved   to   fead   a  confiderable    force 



k5     ■     f 




C H  A F.  againft  him.  About  the  beginning  of  November, 
^^^'  a  detachment,  confiding  of  one  thoufand  n?en, 
was  difpatched  from  the  weftern  fide  of  Virginia 
to  Norfolk,  in  the  neighbourhood  of  which  they 
arrived  early  in  December.  The  river  Elizabeth 
running  between  them  and  the  town,  they  were 
under  the  neceflity  of  making  a  circuit  of  ten 
miles  to  a  village  called  the  Great  Bridge,  where 
the  river  is  fordable :  Previoufly,  however,  to 
their  arrival,  the  bridge  had  been  removed,  and 
fome  works  thrown  up,  which  were  defended 
by  3  body  of  provincials  and  negroes,  in  order 
to  impede  their  crofling  the  river.  Thus  fituated, 
and  convinced  that  the  loyalifts  would  foon  be 
obljped  to  abandon  their  poft,  the  Americans  con- 
tented  themfelves  with  intrenching  on  the  oppo- 
fite  fide  of  the  river.  Lord  Dunmore,  though 
he  pofleffed  a  confiderable  degree  of  military  ex- 
perience, was  impetuous  and  impatient.  He  re-, 
folved  to  adopt  a  fcheme  which  was  certainly  not 
defenfible  on  the  grounds  of  prudence,  and  which 
was  far  from  receiving  the  approbation  of  thofe 
who  were  under  his  command.  The  fcheme  was, 
to  attempt  to  dillodge  the  enemy  from  their  en- 
trenchments on  the  other  fide  of  the  river.  On  the 
eighth  of  December  a  detachment  of  one  hundred 
and  twenty  men,  under  the  command  of  captain 
Fordyce  of  the  four  ceenth  regiment,  a  brave  officer, 
departed  from  T^orfolk  at  midnight,  and  arrived 
at  the  Great  Bri'Ige  before  day-break.  The 
planks  of  the  bridge  were  replaced  asfilentlyas 
poflible,  and  every  proper  difpofition  made  for 
the  attack  The  Americans,  however,  apprifed 
of  the  fcheme,  had  prepared  themfelves  accord- 
ingly. A  canfeway  extended  from  the  bridge 
through  a  fwampy  bottom,  almoft  as  far  as  the 
^nemy's  works,  which  were  fiiuated  on  a  rifing 
ground.  The  right  fide  of  this  caufeway  was 
iVirledby  a  thicket,  within  the  diflance  of  mui- 



16  J 

cans  con- 

it«t.ihot.     At  break  of  day  captain  Fordyce  crof-  CHAP, 
fing  the  bridge  proceeded  along  the  caufeway,  ^l^}' 
and  was  fuffered  to  advance  very  near  the  in-  '**^''~'^ 
trenchments  without  oppofition.    A  heavy  fire    '^'^" 
was  then  poured  at  the  iame  moment  upon  him, 
both  from  the  thicket  and  the  works,  which  did 
great  execution.     Difconcerted,  but  not  daunted, 
he  ftill  continued  to  advance.    A  fecond  difcharge 
from  the  enemy  proved  fatal  to  him.     He  fell 
within  a  few  feet  of  the  breaft-work  of  the  in- 
trenchmerfts.    Thirty  of  the  hundred  and  twenty, 
including  the  leader,  being  now  killed  or  wound- 
ed, the  detachment  retreated  from  the  attack,  and 
retired  acrofs  the  bridge. 

On  the  fucceeding  night,  the  Englifti  abandon- 
ed their  poft  between  tihe  Elizabeth  and  Norfolk, 
which  laft  place  it  was  thought  prudent  alfo  to 
relinquifh,  on  account  of  the  increafing  ftrength 
of  the  Americans.  Lord  Dunmore  therefore, 
with  fuch  of  the  inhabitants  as  were  attached  co 
the  Britilh  caufe,  retired  on  board  the  ihipping 
in  the  river,  and  the  Americans  took  pofTeffion 
of  the  town. 

The  loyalifts  were  now  in  the  mod  pitiable  fi- 
tuation  :  Provifions  were  fcarce,  and  fuch  of  the 
boats  as  ventured  onfhcreto  obtain  afrefli  fup- 
ply,  were  inthemoft  imnjnent  danger  from  the 
riflemen,  who  had  taken  pofTeffion  of  the  wharfs, 
which  proje6led  a  great  way  into  the  river.  To 
remedy  this  inconvenience,  it  was  refolved  by 
lord  Dunmore  to  let  thefe  wharfs  on  fire.  This 
was  performed  accordingly,  on  the  firft  of  Janu- 
ary 1776.  The  other  parts  of  the  town  were  at 
the  fame  time  fet  on  fire  by  the  Americans  ;  and 
thuswr-r'  'he  town  of  Norfolk  levelled  with  the 
duft.  Norfolk,  at  the  commencement  of  the 
difturbances,  was  one  of  the  inoft  flourifhing 
towns  on  the  fhorcs  of  the  Chcfapeak.  It  con- 
tained eight  thouland  inhabitants.     Its  proximity 


',J  i 

^  yAk^L 





C  H  A  p.  to  the  fea,  the  excellence  of  the  timber  that  grew 



in  abundance  near  it,  the  capacioufnefs  und  iafeiy 
of  its  harbour,  and  the  falubrity  of  its  fituaiioD, 
had  rendered  it  the  moft  deiirable  place  of  refi- 
dence  in  the  extenfivc  province  of  Virginia.  The 
damage  computed  to  be  done  by  the  deftruftion 
of  this  place  was  near  four  hundred  thoufand 

After  the  conflagration  of  Norfolk,  the  Ame- 
ricans, in  order  to  prevent  the  Ihipping  from 
procuring  provifions,  deftroyed  all  the  plantati- 
ons contiguous  to  the  river,  forcing  the  poffeirors 
of  thpm  to  remove  with  their  efieds  into  the  in- 
terior parts  of  the  province.  Experiencing  now 
the  greateft  diftrefs,  the  ihips  were  obliged  to  put 
to  fea,  and  lord  Dunmore,  leaving  a  f  onfiderable 
body  of  the  loyalifts  and  negroes  who  had  joined 
the  royal  ftandard,  proceeded  vith  the  remains 
of  his  army  to  New  York,  avid  joined  the  urmy 
under  the  command  of  general  Howe, 

In  ftating  the  lituation  of  affairs  in  Virginia  at 
this  period,  it  may  not  be  thought  anomalous  to 
mention  the  particulars  of  an  enlarged  and  daring 
fcheme  that  was  projed^ed  by  a  Mr.  Connelly,  a 
native  of  Penfylvania,  and  communicated  to  lord 
Dunmore  while  he  was  on  the  coaft  of  Virginia. 
The  plan  was,  to  invade  that  and  the  other  fouth- 
ern  colonies  on  their  back  and  inland  parts,  where 
it  was  known  that  the  people  were  ftrongly  at- 
tached to  the  Briiifh  government.  Thefe,  it  was 
not  doubted,  would  take  up  arms  in  its  defence; 
and  it  was  alfo  fuppofed  that  feverai  of  the  Indian 
tribes  might  be  induced  to  join  them.  With  this 
force  it  was  intended  to  open  a  pafTage  into  the 
very  heart  of  tht  colonies.  The  projedtor,  Mr. 
Connelly,  was  peculiarly  fiited  for  the  conduft 
of  fuch  an  entcrprife.  He  was  active,  enterpri- 
|ing,    patient  of  fatigue,  and  he  poflelfed  that 


^::-^l  *  t^--"*.:^ 





which  is  the  foul  of  enterprife,  unconquerable  CHAP, 
perfeverance.  ^^^• 

The  fcheme  having  received  the  approbation 
of  lord  Dunmore,  was  immediately  put  into  exc-' 
cution.  Notwithftanding  the  variety  of  difficulties 
and  dangers  that  furrounded  him,  Mr.  Connelly 
traverfed  the  province  of  Virginia  from  Chefa- 
peak  to  the  Ohio,  a  journey  of  between  three 
and  four  hundred  miles,  negotiated  a  treaty  with 
the  Indians  on  that  river,  and  brought  over  to 
his  purpofe  the  white  people  fituated  in  thofe  dif- 
tant  fettlements.  Returning  to  lord  Dunmore,  he 
was  immediately  difpatched  to  general  Gage,  who 
appointed  him  leader  of  the  enterprife,  and  pro- 
mifed  him  his  countenance  and  fupport. 

It  was  determined  that  Mr.  Connelly,  as  early 
as  poflible  in  the  enfuing  fpring,  Ihould  coUedl  as 
many  men  as  Detroit  and  the  neighbouring  forts 
could  fpare,  and  proceed  with  them  to  Pittlburg, 
fituated  beyond  the  Allegany  mountains,  where 
he  was  to  remain  until  he  had  procured  a  fufficient 
number  of  perfons  attached  to  the  Britifh  caufe. 
He  was  then  to  crofs  the  Allegany  mountains, 
and  penetrate  into  Virginia  :  Then  leaving  a 
ftrong  garrifon  at  Fort  Cumberland,  he  was  to 
fail  down  the  river  Potomack,  and  feize  upon 
Alexandria,  where  lord  Dunmore  was  to  join  him 
with  as  many  fhips  as  poffible.  Strong  fortifica- 
tions were  immediately  to  be  conftructed,  in  or- 
der that  at  all  times  the  friends  of  government 
might  declare  themfelves  and  form  a  jundion,  and 
that  all  communication  might  thus  be  cut  off  be- 
tween the  northern  and  Ibuthern  colonics,  di- 
vided from  each  other  by  the  Potomack,  which 
ftretches  from  an  arm  of  Chefapeak  Bay  10  the 
Allegany  mountains.  It  is  broad,  rapid,  and  not 
cafy  to  be  forded.  The  only  town  of  any  confe- 
quenceon  its  banks  was  Alexandria,  equidiflantly 


V  •■■■ 



HISTORY    or    THE 



In  Nortli 

fl    < 

C HAP.  fuuatcd  between  the  fea  and  the  Allegany  moun, 
tains.  But  this  fcheme  was  fruftratea  by  one  of 
thofe  caufes  which,  trifling  as  they  appear,  pro- 
duce often  thf  moft  important  effedls. 

Already  had  Mr.  Connelly  penetrated  to  the  ba(ik 
fettlements  of  Maryland,  and  had  congratulated 
himfelf  on  having  fortunately  efcaped  almoll  every 
danger,  when  a  tradefman,  who  knew  him,  met 
him  on  \':i<.  road,  and  immediately  communicated 
his  fufpicions  to  the  neareft  committee.  In  con- 
fcquence  of  this  information,  he  was  feized, 
thrown  into  prifon,  his  papers  taken  from  him, 
and  tranlmitted  to  congrels.  Thefe  difcovcred 
the  whole  fcheme,  which  was  thus  entirely  over- 
thrown ;  Mr.  Connelly  was  fent  prifoner  to  Phi- 
ladelphia, where  he  was  put  in  irons,  and  treated 
with  the  moft  rigorous  feverity. 

While  lord  Dunmore  was  thus  driven  from  his 
government  of  Virginia,  the  governor  of  North 
Carolina,  Mr.  Martin,  was  not  more  peaceably 
fituated.  The  fame  complaints  were  advanced 
againft  him  as  had  been  adduced  againft  his  lord- 
fhip,  viz.  of  having  attempted  to  ftir  up  the  ne- 
groes againft  their  mafters.  The  replication  of 
Mr.  Martin,  couched  in  the  form  of  a  proclama- 
tion, was  fo  fpirited  and  fevere,  that  the  provin- 
cial convention  voted  it  to  be  a  moft  outrageous 
libel,  and  ordered  it  to  be  burnt  hy  the  public 

Ten  or  twelve  pieces  oi  old  difmounted  can- 
non, which  had  been  for  many  years  ufed  only 
on  joyful  occafions,  lay  on  the  banks  of  the  river 
near  governor  Martin's  houfe  at  Newburn.  On 
the  firft  of  June  1775,  the  governor's  fervants 
being  employed  in  examining  them  (probably  for 
the  purpofe  of  ufing  th(  m  on  his  majefty's  birth- 
day), were  obferved  by  the  malcontents,  who 
fpreading  the  alarm,  the  inhabitants  immediately 





moft  every 
J  him,  met 
e.  In  con- 
vas  feized, 
L  from  him, 

iren  from  his 

or  of  North 

•e  peaceably 

[•e  advanced 

nft  his  lord- 

ir  up  the  ne- 

plication  of 

a  proclama- 

the  provin- 

^  outrageous 

the  public 

ounted  can- 
s  ufed  only 
of  the  river 
wburn.    Oq 
or's  fervaats 
probably  tor 
efty's  birth- 
mtents,   who 

AMERICAN     W  A  R. 



afTembled,  chofe  a  perfon  of  the  name  of  NafhCHAP. 
for  their  fpeaker,  and  went  in  a  body  to  the  go-     ^^^• 
vernor's  houfe.     On  licing  aflctd  what  he  meant 
to  do  with  the  guns,  he  replied,  that  thf  y  be- 
longed to  his  majefty,  aiid  -hat  he  Ihould  ufe  them 
in  any  manner  he  pleafed.     ^.  his  firm  reply  fomc- 
what  daunted  th;  malcontents,  and  they  retired 
without  continuing  the  inquiry  relv.ive  to  the 
guns.    Newburn,  where  Mr.  Martin  refided,  was 
fituated  in  fuch  a  manner,  that  it  could  derive  no 
afliftaiice  from  the  navy.     On  this  account;,  and 
intelligence  having  been  received   that  the  mal- 
contents had  embodied  themfelves,  the  governor 
thought  it  moft  prudent  to  retire  on  bo.*rd  a  Ihip 
off  Cape  Fe?'*.     ^jimilar  difturbances  arof-;  aboutj 
the  fame  tii)/  in  South  Carolina,  the  inhabitants  Carolina, 
of  which  compelled  lord  William  Campbell,  the 
governor,  to  retire  on  board  a  man  of  war. 

As  foon  at)  his  lordfhip  had  departed,  proper 
meafures  were  ufed  to  prevent  an  invafion  from 
the  inhabitants  of  the  back  fettlements,  by  con- 
cluding a  treaty  with  them,  and  to  put  i  he  pro- 
vince in  an  adequate  ftate  of  defence. 

At  Bofton  no  events  of  importance  occurred  at 
[this  period,  except  the  refignation  of  general 
Gage,  who  departed  for  England,  leaving;  the 
command  of  the  Britifh  forces  to  general  t^Iowe. 
The  befiegers  of  Bofton,  and  the  befieged,  re- 
mained in  a  fituation  of  equal  inactivity. 

'  and  in  Sou  A 

q  H  i^.  P. 

1 ' 

'  \: 

:■  *:i 




CHAP.     IV. 


arrive  in 
from  Con 

Proceedings  of  the  Briiijh  government — Deputies 
arrive  in  London  from  Congrefs — State  of  Com- 
merce— Meeting  of  Parliament — Eff^e^  of  its 
Refolvttiorts  in  the  Colonies,      ,  ., 

■-...  in- 

ABOUT  the  latter  end  of  Auguft,  two  depu- 
ties from  congrefs,  Meffrs.  Richard  Penn 
and  Arthur  Lee,  arrived  in  London  with  a  peti- 
tion,  which  they  were  ordered  to  prefent  to  his 
majefty.  The  petition  pointed  out  the  flou^-iih- 
ing  ftate  of  the  colonies  previous  to  the  prefent 
difturbances,  and  reminded  his  majefty  of  the 
affiftance  they  had  afforded  him  during  the  con- 
tinuance of  the  late  glorious  war.  As  a  recom- 
penfe  for  this  affiftance,  it  had  been  expedled 
that  they  would  have  been  permitted,  with  the 
reft  of  the  empire,  to  ftiare  in  the  bleffings  of 
peace,  and  the  emoluments  of  viftory  and  con- 
queft.  How  were  they  difappointcd,  when,  in 
place  of  this  reward,  a  new  fyftem  of  ftatutes 
and  regulations  was  adopted  for  the  adminiftra- 
tion  of  the  colonies,  equally  injurious  to  their 
profperity,  and  to  the  welfare  of  the  mother- 
country  ?  The  petition  then  animadverted  in  a 
pointed  manner  on  the  conduft  of  his  majefty': 
minifters,  who,  by  perfevering  in  their  obnox- 
ious fyftem,  and  by  proceeding  to  open  hoftilities 
in  order  to  enforce  it,  had  compelled  them  to 
arm  in  their  own  defence.  But  as  they  were  not 
ignorant  of  the  confequences  of  civil  difcords, 
they  thought  themfelves  required  by  indifpenfa- 

•  -ble 




ble  obligations  to  Almighty  God,  to  his  majefty,  C  H  A  P. 
to  their  feliow-fubjeds,  and  themfclves,  to  flop  ^^• 
the  further  efluiion  of  blood.  After  expreflions 
of  duty  and  attachment  to  his  majefty,  they  fo- 
lemnly  aflured  him  that  they  not  only  moft  ar- 
defttly  dcfired  that  the  former  harmony  between 
Great  Britain  and  her  colonies  might  be  rei  )red, 
but  that  concord  might  be  eftablifhe'^'  brtween 
them  upon  fo  firm  a  bafis  as  to  perpeti  'ef- 

fiiigs,  uninterrupted  by  any  future  dii  * 

ucceeding  generations  in  both  couii  : 

this  reconciliation  they  did  not  wilh  to  e  ' 

at  the  expenfe  either  of  the  dignity  or  welfare  of 
the  mother-country.  In  conclufion,  it  was  car- 
neftly  recommended  to  his  majefty,  to  direft  the 
adoption  of  fome  mode  which  Ihould  have  for 
its  tendency  the  repeal  cf  thofc  ftatutes  that  were 
injurious  to  the  interefts  of  the  colonies. 

Such  were  the  particulars  of  this  celebrated 
petition,  which  was  figned  by  John  Hancock, 
prefident  of  the  congrefs,  and  every  one  of  the 
members.  On  the  firft  of  September  it  was  de- 
livered to  lord  Dartmouth,  and  on  the  fourth  of 
the  fame  month,  Meflrs.  Penn  and  Lee  were  in- 
formed, "  That  no  anfwer  would  be  given  to  it." 
The  fate  of  this  petition,  and  the  acrimony  of 
argument  ufed  by  thofe  who  fupported  and  thofe 
who  oppofed  it,  revived  that  party  diftindion  of 
Whig  and  Tory,  which  had  been  dormant  fince 
the  reign  of  queen  Anne. 

Hitherto  the  commercial  part  of  the  nation  state  of 
had  experienced  but  trifling  inconveniences  from ' 
the  lofs  of  the  trade  to  America :  For  the  Ame- 
ricans had  tranfmitted  large  fums  to  difcharge 
the  debts  due  to  their  Englifti  correfpondents. 
Demands  for  goods  to  a  confiderable  amount 
were  alfo  received  from  Turkey  and  Ruffia ;  and 
Great  Britain  herfelf,  by  contrails  and  fupplies 


,  commerce. 


m  .11  Alt  J 




^  .^\ 



UilM    |2S 

|50     "^       RHl 

1-25  i  1.4 









WEBSTER,  NY.  14580 








CHAP,  for  the  army  aad  navy,  prevented  commerce 
IV.  from  drooping,  on  account  of  the  deprivation 
of  a  free  intercourfe  with  her  colonies.  But  m 
the  middle  of  the  year,  however,  the  trading 
part  of  the  nation  received  a  fevere  and  unex* 
peded  blow.  The  profits  derived  from  the  New- 
foundland fifhery  are,  in  the  knowledge  of  every 
one,  immenfe.  The  ufual  number  of  veflels  were 
fent  this  year  to  the  banks  of  Newfoundland) 
where,  on  their  arrival,  they  found  themfelves 
unable  to  proceed  in  their  operations,  on  account 
of  a  deci'ee  made  by  congrefs,  which  prevented 
their  being  fupplied  with  their  former  necefl'aries. 
This  decree  owed  its  origin  to  the  a6l  pailed  by 
Great  Britain,  for  depriving  the  people  of  New 
England  of  the  benefits  of  the  filhery  at  New- 
foundland.  In  confequence  of  this  prohibition 
moft  of  the  ihips,  in  order  to  avoid  the  miferies 
of  famine,  made  the  beft  of  their  way  home ; 
and  the  decreafe  in  the  profits  of  this  branch  of 
commerce  this  feafon,  was  computed  at  very  lit- 
tle lefs  than  half  a  million.  This  was  a  fevere 
ftroke  which,  while  it  aflforded  the  oppofers  of 
the  American  war  additional  arguments  againft 
it,  increafed  the  anger  of  thofe  who  confidered 
the  inhabitants  of  the  colonies  in  no  other  ligU 
than  that  of  rebels. 

On  the  twenty-fixth  of  Odober,  the  feffion  of 
parliament  was  opened  with  a  fpeech  from  the 
throne,  in  which  his  majefty  dated  that  the  fitu- 
ation  of  America  was  the  caufe  of  his  aflembling 
both  houfes  of  parliament  fo  early.  Adverting 
to  the  particulars  of  this  fituation,  he  declared, 
that  his  revolted  fubjedts  had  raifed  troops  ;  af- 
fembled  a  naval  armament ;  feized  the  public  re- 
venue ;  affumed  legiflative,  executive,  and  judi- 
cial powers,  which  they  exercifed  in  the  moft  de- 
fpotic  manner  over  their  fellcw-fubjedls.    Till 


Meeting  of 


d  commerce 
nies.     But  in 
the  trading 
i  aad  unex> 
om  the  N€w- 
;dge  of  every 
f  veflels  were 
d  themfelves 
on  account 
ch  prevented 
ir  neceffaries. 
i&.  paffed  by 
opie  of  New 
ery  at  New- 
s  prohibition 
i  the  miferies 
way  home; 
is  branch  of 
1  at  very  lit- 
was  a  fevere 
oppofers  of 
nents  againft 
o  confidered 
o  other  light 

the  feffion  of 

ch  from  the 

hat  the  fitu- 

is  aflembling 


he  declared, 

troops  J  af- 

he  public  re- 

e,  andjudi' 

the  moft  de- 

bjeas.    Till 




tliey  had  arrived  at  this  pofTeffion  of  power,  they  CHAP. 
had  endeavoured  to  deceive  and  amufc  the  mo-  IV. 
ther-country  by  vague  expreffions  of  attachment  ^■'•nr*^ 
to  her,  and  of  proteftations  of  loyalty  to  herfo-  ^775' 
vereign.  His  ^ajefty  next  reminded  each  houfe, 
that  though  it  was  known  laft  feffion  that  a  rebel- 
lion exifted  within  the  province  of  Maflachufets, 
yet  even  that  iingle  province  it  was  endeavoured 
rather  to  reclaim  than  fubdue.  The  fame  mode 
of  condud  had  been  purfued  with  refpeA  to  the 
other  revolted  colonies,  and  though  certainly 
proper  meafures  were  taken  to  enforce  authority, 
yet,  at  the  fame  time,  conciliatory  proportions 
had  always  preceded  thofe  coercive  meafures. 
America,  however,  had  rcjedled  all  thefe  propo- 
fitions,  and  prepared  herfelf  to  oppofe  force  by 
force.  Hence  it  was  vifible,  that  fhe  aimed  at  the 
eftabliftimeut  of  a  feparate  government,  and  an 
independent  empire.  After  pointing  out  the  in- 
jurious confequences  that  would  enlue  to  the  pa- 
rent Aate  from  the  fuccefs  of  fuch  a  plan,  his  ma- 
jefty  declared  that  it  was  abfolutely  neceflary  to 
adopt  the  moft  decifive  meafures.  Under  the 
impreffion  of  this  idea,  he  informed  both  houfes  h. 
that  he  had  increafed  the  naval  and  military  efta- 
bliftiments,  and  that  he  had  it  in  contemplation 
to  engage  fome  foreign  troops  offered  him.  Ne- 
vcrthelefs  he  affured  them  that  he  fhould  be  rea- 
dy to  receive  the  milled  with  tendernefs  and 
mercy,  whenever  they  fhould  become  fenfible  of 
their  error.  In  conclufion,  the  parliament  v,as 
informed,  that  the  proper  eftimates  for  the  ne- 
ceflary fupplies  were  ordered  to  be  fubmitted  to 
their  confideration. 

In  anfwer  to  this  fpeech,  the  miniftrv  propofed 
that  an  addrefs  fhould  be  prefented  to  his  majefty, 
affuring  him  that  both  houfes  concurred  in  ad- 
mitting the  neceffity  gf  adopting  vigorous  mea- 




J^  /I 










CHAP.  Aires  againft  the  colonies ;  and  that  they  would 
^^-  affift  him  with  fupplies  neceflary  to  carry  fuch 
meafures  into  effe&..  This  propofition  met  with 
fevere  and  violent  oppofition  ;  and  inftead  of  fucii 
an  addrefs,  it  was  moved  by  a  member  in  the  mi- 
nority, that  a  declaration  fhould  be  adopted,  the 
purport  of  which  fhould  be,  that  the  parliament 
were  convinced  that  the  means  which  had  been 
adopted  to  allay  the  ferment  in  the  colonies,  had 
rather  increafed  it :  From  which  they  were  led 
to  fuppofe  that  thofe  means  were  not  properly 
adapted  to  fecure  the  end  propofed :  That  they 
were  fatisfied  that  the  prefent  difturbances  origi. 
nated  in  the  want  of  adequate  information  rela- 
tive to  the  true  ftate  of  the  colonies,  which  had 
been  the  caufe  of  obnoxious  meafures  having  hi- 
therto  been  carried  into  execution.  The  decla- 
ration  then  proceeded  to  aflure  his  majefly  that 
his  parliament  would  proceed  to  review,  in  i 
moft  folemn  manner,  the  whole  of  the  late  pro- 
ceedings, in  order  to  avoid  the  alarming  necef- 
fity  of  Ihedding  the  blood  of  fellow-fubjeds,  and 
the  dreadful  expedient  of  arming  a  Briton  againft 
a  Briton.  The  miniftry  carried  their  point  with 
refpeft  to  addreffing  his  majefly  ;  but  the  above- 
mentioned  declarat  occafioned  long  and  im- 
portant debates. 

The  arguments  ufed  by  thofe  who  fupported 
the  declaration,  and  oppofed  the-  adoption  of 
coercive  meafures,  were  copioufly  anfwered  by 
the  fupporters  of  government,  who  aflerted  that 
the  reprelentations  of  the  oppofition  were  un- 
founded, and  only  calculated  to  intimidate  and 
reprefs  the  national  vigour  and  fpirit.  From  the 
conduA  of  the  Americans,  it  was  abfurd  and  ri- 
diculous to  infer  that  they  aimed  at  lefs  than  un- 
conditional, unqualified,  and  total  independence. 
In  all  their  proceedbgs  they  had  confidered  them- 
..  felves 



felvcs  as  entirely  feparated  from  Great  Britain ;  C  H  A  P. 
and  though  their  profeflions  and  petitions  breath-  ^V. 
cd  peace  and  moderation,  their,  adions  and  pre-  ^-"nr^*^ 
parations  denoted  war  and  defence.  Whether  it  ^^JS* 
was  more  wife  to  infer  intentions  from  words 
than  from  deeds,  remained  with  the  oppofition 
to  determine.  Every  attempt  that  could  be  made 
to  foften  the  colosifts  had  been  put  in  pradice 
without  effed.  Their  obilinacy  was  inflexible, 
and  in  proportion  as  the  parent  (late  acceded  to 
their  wifhes,  their  condu^  became  more  infolent 
and  overbeai;ing.  The  right  of  taxation  had  in 
a  manner  been  given  up  by  parliament,  for  they 
had  allowed  the  Americans  the  right  of  taxing 
themfelves.  Yet  with  this  permifiion  they  were 
not  contented,  refufing  to  contribute  any  thing 
towards  the  expenfes  of  that  flate  which  had 
nurfed  them  with  fuch  tendernefs  and  foftered 
them  with  fuch  care.  Every  hope  of  accommo- 
dation was  now  at  an  end.  Only  two  alterna- 
tives remained  for  the  Britifh  nation  to  adopt, 
coercion  or  contempt. 

To  this  effed  were  the  arguments  adduced  in  ,, 
fupport  of  the  miniftry.  A  whole  night  was 
fpent  in  debating  upon  the  royal  fpeech,  and  it 
was  not  till  five  o'clock  in  the  morning  that  a  di- 
viiion  took  place,  when  the  declaration  propofed 
by  the  oppofition  was  rejedled  by  a  majority  of 
one  hundred  and  feventy  ;  the  numbers  being, 
for  it,  one  hundred  and  eight ;  againft  it,  two 
hundred  and  feventy-eight. 

The  colonies  in  the  mean  time  waited  with 
anxious  impatience  for  the  determination  of  Great 
Britain.  That  hoftilities  were  refolved  die!  not 
much  furprife  them,  but  the  idea  of  having  fo- 
reign troops  employed  againfl  them  flung  them 
to  the  quick.  They  conlidered  the  adoption  of 
this  meafure  as  an  avowal  of  the  mother-country 

Vol.  I.         M    \\  .'-''^"  ,  having 




CHAP-having  fliaken  off  all  former confiderations,  and 
itV.      of  her  having  baniihed  from  her  memory  every 

^^T^*^  idea  that  reminded  her  of  both  having  originated 
'775*    from  the  fame  fource. 

f  The  confequence  of  this  indignation  in  the 
colonies  may  be  eafily  conceived.  Their  refolu- 
tions  to  oppofe  the  meafures  of  the  mother-coun> 
try  were  fortified  more  ftrongly.  PreparatioDs 
lyere  continued  with  additional  eagernefs  and  im- 
petuofity ;  and  thofe  of  the  Americans  who  had 
wiihed  hitherto  that  moderate  meafures  ihould 
be  adopted,  felt  no  longer  that  inclination.  And 
indeed,  it  muA  be  confeifed  that  the  idea  of  in> 
troducii^  foreign  troops  was  ntot  reprobated  fole- 
W  by  the  Americans  and  the  colonies  :  Many  of 
the  firm  friends  of  the  minifter  conceived  it  to 
be  derogatory  to  the  coniVitution,  and  contrary 
to  law.  Thus,  though  they  acquiefced  in  the  ne- 
ceffity  of  decifivc  and  vigorous  meafures,  they 
abfolutely  refufed  their  aflent  to  this  propofition, 
and  refufed  him  every  afliftance  which  it  was  in 
their  power  to  give,  either  by  their  eloquence  or 
their  votes. 

The  minifter  however  remained  firm  to  his 
purpofe.  Hitherto,  he  faid.  Great  Britain  had 
been  unfuccefsful  through  delay.  Immediate 
meafures  were  to  be  ufed,  and  the  fupplies  necef- 
fary  to  carry  on  the  war  ought  to  be  t^anfmitted 
to  America  as  early  as  poflible.  That  the  intro- 
du^ipn  of  foreigners  was  illegal  he  denied  in  the 
moft  pofitive  manner,  affirming  it  to  have  been 
adapted  in  times  not  very  diffimilar  to  the  pre- 
lent,  viz.  in  the  rebellion  of  1745.  Inthemidft 
of  debates  on  this  fubje6l,  the  miniftry  received 
information  from  America,  that  the  inhabitants 
increafed  in  ftrength  daily ;  that  moft  vigorous 
preparations  were  carrying  on  both  by  fea  and 
land ;  and  that,  they  had  made  overtures  to  fevc» 
"'•   ■'  '.^i'-^ji^  ■    •   -     i'i,  'k  .1     ral 

•<   "'i' '. 


AMERICAN     WAR.-  Hf^' 

ral  foreign  nations,  who  did  not  feem  averfe  toCHA^. 
afford  them  every  affiftance  and  fupport.  .   In    .l-V. 
confequence  of  this  information,  it  was  propof- 
cd  that  the  naval  eflablifhment  ihould  be  aug- 
mented, this  year  to  twenty-eight  thoufand  men 
and  eighty  ihips ;  and  that  the  military  eflablifb' 
ment  in  America  fhould  confift  of  twenty-five 
thoufand  of  the  flower  of  the  Englifh  forcei. 
This  propofal  was  condemned  by  the  oppofition^ 
who  tried  their  ftrength  a  fecond  time  in  moving^ 
with  a  view  to  render  fuch  warlike  operations  no 
longer  neceffary, .  an  addrefs  to  his  raajefty,  re- 
queuing him  to  authorife  the  commii&oners  al- 
luded to  in  his  fpeech  from  the  throne,  to  receive 
conciliatory  proportions  from  congreCi,  or  anj^ 
coUeAive  body  that  Ihould  be  formed  to  convey 
the  fentiments  of  one  or  more  of  the  colomied,. 
without  inquiring  into  the  legality  of  fuch  an  af- 
fembly,  or  the  forms  under  which  they  might  be 
difpol'ed  to  treat.     This  condefcenfion,  it  wa» 
ftrongly  infilled,  would  fmooth  the  way  to  con- 
fequences  moft  beneficial  and  advantageous  t<j 
the  mother-country.    Nor  were  condelcenfions , 
of  this  nature  uncommon.     Monarchs,    wifely 
confidering  that  formal  diflin£tions  fade  away  be- 
fore fubftantial  powers,  had  often  treated  with 
their  fubjedts  who  had  affembled  without  any  le-* 
gality  of  form.     John  offered  no  objedion  tof 
the  informality  of  the  barons'  alTembly ;  and  fiibi* 
fequent  monarchs,  deriving  no  claim  to  the  crowa 
from  lineal  defcent,  had  owed  it  folelyto  fhe 
will  of  a  popular  afTembly.     Befides,  it  was.  co4i^ 
tended,  that  if  forms  had  always  been  attended^ 
to,  none  of  thofe  revolutions  which  have  con* 
tributed  to  the  happinefs  of  mankind^  and  the 
advancement  of  arts  and  fciences,  would  have 
been  accomplilhed.    Prudent  policy  always  tic^ 
commodated  itfelf  to  the  exigencies  of  events^  > 


'  ■%.....  <*  *  -J'  ,^  ^vVW/^^,  Jss  ..*"  "*i»V:!' •l'"'^ '^  " 

•'^•'•rm  *  T**?tt«.. ..- .  . 

I  to 


:HAP.     The  minifterial  party,  in  replying  to  thefe  ar. 
IV.     guments,  agreed  that  peace  and  reconciliation 

■"TT^  were  generally  preferable  to  war  and  oppofition; 

'775*  but,  at  the  fame  time,  that  there  were  circum- 
ftances  which  rendered  the  former  even  more 
defirable  than  the  latter.  Great  Britain  had  fuf- 
ficiently  receded.  It  was  her  duty  now  to  ad- 
vance. At  all  events  it  was  totally  inconfiftent 
with  her  dignity  and  her  charafler  to  acknow- 
ledge the  congrefs  to  be  a  legal  aflemblv.  After 
every  poffible  argument  had  been  marmalled  on 
each  fide,  the  propofal  made  b^  oppofition  was 
negatived,  and  the  minifler  earned  his  point. 

Indifpenfable  buiinefs  had  hitherto  prevented 
any  formal  notice  being  taken  of  the  petition 
prefented  to  his  majeily  by  the  deputies  from 
congrefs,  in  either  houfe  of  parliament.  At 
length  however  a  copy  of  it  haying  been  laid  be* 
".    fore  the  houfe  of  lords,  a  <notion  was  made  that 

V  '  Mr.  Penn  ihould  be  examined  at  the  bar  of  the 
houfe  relative  to  its  contents.  In  order  to  in- 
duce the  miniilry  to  comply  with  this  motion, 
it  was  ftated  that  Mr.  Penn,  who  had  been  for- 
merly governor  of  Penfylvania,  was  well  ac- 
quainted with  the  real  interefts  of  the  colonies, 
and  could  communicate  fuch  information  to  the 
houfe  as  would  tend,  perhaps,  to  heal  the  breach 
between  the  contending  powers :  Befides,  he  was 
perfonally  acquainted  with  every  member  of  the 
congrefs.  To  this  motion  the  miniftry  acceded, 
and  Mr.  Penn  was  examined.  In  his  examina- 
tion he  pofitively,  and  in  the  moft  explicit  terms, 

.V.  denied  the  charge  brought  againfl  the  Americans, 
viz.  that  they  aimed  at  independence.  Congrefs 
had  not  been  ele£led  in  any  other  manner  than 
what  was  warranted  by  the  conftitution  of  Great 
Britain.  They  were  chofen  by  the  voice  of  their 
conftitucntsj  and  entrufted  hy  them  with  almoft 
"^'M-MW,-  »..«*.'.  unlimited 






unlimited  power.    With  a  view  to  determine  C  H  A  P. 
what  number  of  men  would  be  fufficient  for     ^^' 
carrying  on  the  war,  he  was  particularly  quefti- 
onea  relative  to  the  population  of  Penfylvauia. 
This  he  reprefented  to  nave  increafed  fo  much, 
during  a  very  Ihort  period,  as  to  afford  a  militia 
of  fucty  thoufand  men.    Of  thefe,  twenty  thou- 
fand,  before  his  departure,  had  attached  them- 
felves  to  the  common  caufe,  arming  themfelves 
at  their  own  expence,  and  receiving  no  pay  for 
their  fervices.    Congrefs  had  purchafed  in  abun- 
dance materials  for  iron  cannon,  which  they  had 
already  call  at  Philadelphia,  as  well  as  fmall-arms, 
fully  adequate  to.prefent  and  future  exigencies. 
He  likewife  dated  that  fanguine  hopes  were  en- 
tertained of  the  fuccefs  of  the  petition  ]ie  had 
brought  over ;   fo  fanguine  indeed,  that  it  was 
called  the  olive-branch.     The  confequences  of 
the  rejedion  of  it  he  feared  would  be  fatal.    The 
moft  vigorous  preparations  would  be  adopted ; 
and  he  had  every  reafon  to  fuppofe  that  the  Ame- 
ricans would  not  want  the  afliftance  of  foreign 
powers  poflefled  of  ample  refources.    Such  was 
the  effed  of  Mr.  Penn*8  examination,  and  fo  Ol- 
tisfied  were  the  oppofition  with  the  information 
it  contained,  that  a  motion  was  immediately  made 
for  declaring  that  the  petition  from  the  continen- 
tal congrefs  to  the  king,  afforded  fufficient  ground 
for  reconciling  the  unhappy  differences  fublAl-ug 
between  Great  Britain  ana  her  colonial  poflefli- 
ons.    Though  the  oppofition  however  were  fa- 
tisfied  with  Mr.  Penn's  evidence,  it  muft  be  con-' 
feffed  that  that  gentleman  had  overftated  feveral 
circumilances.    It  cannot  be  denied  that  the  ob- 
je€t  of  the  Americans,  from  the  commencement 
of  the  difturbances,    was  unqualified  indepen- 
dence.   It  is  alfo  true  that  congrefs  had  not  been 
chofen  by  more  than  one  third  of  the  people;, 
,^.::  .    ,   and 







»^.ft .  ^' 


Mr.  Burke's 

1  ^- 

C  H  AP.  "Jf^^  ^^i'**  ^^^  militia  did  not  amdtitit  to  above  lialf 
IV.  the  number  at  which  Mr.  Pcnn  had  ftatcd  it.  In 
debating  on  the  motion  made  by  the  oppofition, 
vaiiout  arguments  were  adduced  on  each  fide. 
The  blood  that  would  be  fhcd,  the  treafurcs  that 
would  be  wailed  by  proceeding  to  hoflilitics,  were 
again  infifted  on  and  again  anfwered  by  the  mi- 
piftcrial  party,  with  the  arguments  of  the  dupli- 
city  and  deceit  of  congrefs ;  the  contradiction 
that  exifted  between  their  words  and  their  anions, 
their  profeffions  and  their  pireparations ;  and  the 
obftinacy  with  which  they  had  rejedled  every 
proppfition  that  Great  Britain  had  found  it  con- 
^ftent  with  her  dignity  to  offer. 

After  a  long  debate  the  houfe  divided,  and  the 
motion  in  favour  of  the  petition  was  rejedled  by 
a  majority  of  fifty-three.  ' 

Much  about  the  fame  period  Mr.  Burke,  who 
conciliatory  at  that  time  patronizcd  the  republican  prmciples, 
*"^'  and  maintained  an  intimate  correfpondence  with 

the  prime  movers  of  the  revolution  in  America, 
brought  forward  a  bill  in  the  houfe  of  commonf:, 
which,  on  account  of  its  tendency,  was  called 
the  conciliatory  bill.  It  reprobated  every  idea 
of  a  war  that  propofed  for  its  ultimate  objeft 
either  conqueft  or  treaty  ;  and  it  propofed  peace 
and  immediate  conceffion.  In  order  that  luch  a 
rtieafu re  might  not  wear  the  appearance  of  inno- 
vation, the  bill  was  modelled  on  a  ftatute  made 
in  the  thirty-fifth  year  of  Edward  the  Firft.  The 
neceffity  which  occafioned  that  ftatute  to  be  fram- 
ed was  fimilar  to  the  exigencies  of  the  prefent 
times.  It  originated  in  a  difpute  between  that 
monarch  and  his  people  relative  to  taxation. 
The  latter  were  vidorious;  obtaining  this  im- 
portant privilege,  that  no  taxes  ftiould  be  im- 
{)ofed  on  them  without  the  confent  of  the  par- 
iament.  The  prefent  bill  was  intended  to  pro- 



r**t-.4«  ♦..^«.*^^ 



ctire  a  iGmilar  advantage  for  the  Americans.    On  C  H  A  p. 
this  account  the  bill,  in  the  Rrft  place,  renounc-     ^^' 
ed  the  exercifc  of  taxation,  waving  the  confide-  ^''TP*^ 
ration  of  the  queftion  of  riffht.     Great  Britain    '77S* 
however  referved  to  herfelf  the  power  of  levying 
commercial  duties,  which  were  to  be  applied  to 
thofe  purpofes  that  the  general  aflembly  of  each 
province  Ihould  judge  to  be  mod  falutary  and  be- 
neficial.    The  mother-country  alfo  referved  to 
herfelf  the  power  of  aflembling  the  colonies  ia 
congrefs.    The  bill  then  propofed  to  repeal  all 
the  laws  complained  of  by  the  Americans,  and 
to  pafs  an  immediate  a£l  of  amnelly. 

Againft  the  provifions  of  this  bill  it  was  ob- 
jeded,  that  though  they  gave  too  much  away 
from  Great  Britain,  they  would  not  fatisfy  the 
demands  of  America :  That  after  what  had  been 
propofed  by  his  majefty,  any  other  conciliatory 
plan  would  be  difrefpedlful  to  him;  and  that, 
finally,  nothing  now  remained  for  Great  Britain 
but  coercion.  After  an  important  debate,  in 
which  both  fides  difplayed  uncommon  abilities 
and  eloquence,  the  bill  was  rejefted,  two  hun- 
dred and  ten  dividing  againft  it,  and  one  hun- 
dred and  five  for  it. 

The  rejeftion  of  this  bill  was  immediately  fol-  The  proW- 
lowed  bv  the  introduction  of  a  prohibitory  bill, '''**>'''"*• 
to  reftrain  all  intercourfe  with  the  colonies.     This 
paded  both  houfes,  not  however  without  violent 
oppofition.     Notwithflanding  th«   fate  of  Mr. 
Burke's   propofiiiou,   another  conciliatory    bill 
was  fubmitted  to  the  confideratipn  of  the  lower 
houfe  by  Mr.  Hartley.     The  end  propofed  to  be  ^^  Hart- 
attained  by  it  was  the  fame  as  that  intended  by  iey'»  concu 
Mr.  Burke's  bill,  but  the  means  were  varied.    It"**"^  '''"• 
propofed  that  hoftilities  ihould  be  immediately 
fufpended,  and  that  the  colonies  (hould  be  en- 
joined to  eftabliih  a  trial  by  jury  in  favour  of  their 

I         flaves 


■v;.-  'v 


y  ■  g:r 




from  Nova 


CHAP,  (laves  ia  criminal  cafei.  If  tlliey  complied  with 
IV'  this  injuD£iioD,  all  the  obnoxious  laws  fince  the 
year  1763  were  immediately  to  be  repealed,  and 
an  k€t  of  indemnity  pafled.  Subfequently  to  the 
adoption  of  thefe  meafures  the  colonies  were  to 
be  required  to  furni/h  ouly  tbofe  fupplics  which 
were  neceflary  for  their  own  fupport  and  defence. 
The  fame  anfwer  was  given  to  this  piopofition  by 
the  miniAry,  as  had  been  before  given  to  Mr. 
Burke's  bill ;  and  it  met  with  the  fame  fate. 

In  confequence  of  the  conciliatory  propofition 
agreed  to  laft  feifion  of  parliament,  the  colony  of 
Nova  Scotia  tranfmitted,  about  this  period,  a  pe< 
tition  to  government,  the  contents  of  which  were, 
that  a  revenue  fhould  be  railed  in  that  colony, 
under  the  direfiion  of  Great  Britain  :  The  man- 
ner in  which  this  revenue  was  to  be  raifed,  was 
by  a  llipulated  fum  in  the  hundred  on  the  impor- 
tation  of  foreign  goods.  The  petition  was  grant- 
ed, and  all  the  other  taxes  and  duties,  except 
thofe  which  regarded  commerce,  were,  in  con- 
fequence, immediately  repealed. 

About  the  latter  end  of  February  1776,  the 
minifter  fubmitted  to  the  confideration  of  both 
houfes  that  part  of  his  majefty's  fpeech  which 
)  related   to  the  (engagement  of  foreign    troops. 
"^  The  meafure  was  oppofed  with  the  united  abili- 
ties and  eloquence  of  oppofition  ;  neverthelefs, 
after  feveral  debates,  it  was  carried  by  the  mi- 
nifter, in  the  houfe  of  peers,  by  a  majority  of 
iixty-eight,  and  in  the  houfe  of  commons  by  a 
majority  x)f  one  hundred  and  fifty-four. 
ST     Though  oppofition  had  hitherto  been  unfuc- 
the^dukeof  ccfsful  in  cvcry  conciliatory  propofitiou,  another 
attempt  was  made  to  put  a  period  to  the  differ- 
ences between  Great  Britain  and  her  colonies, 
by  the  duke  of  Grafton,  on  the  fourteenth  of 
March.    This  nobleman,  at  the  commencement 




!    ? 


'  v^'W^*»^  v«Ki,  ;i,^w**r  5 




of  the  diHurbances,  polTeired  a  fiuire  in  the  ad-  ^  ^  A  P. 
miniftration,  which  he  foon  after  refiened  in  dif- 
gu(l.  His  ffra'ce  moved  that  an  addrefs  (hould 
be  prefented  to  his  maieAy,  intreating  him,  in 
order  to  put  an  end  to  tne  effufion  of  blood  and 
treafure,  and  to  evince  to  the  world  the  wiih  of 
the  fovereign  and theparliament  to  reftore peace 
and  tranquillity,  to  iflue  a  proclamation,  declar- 
ing that,  if  the  revolted  colonies  would  prefent 
a  petition  to  the  commander  in  chief  of  his  ma^ 
jefty's  forces  in  America,  or  to  the  conuniffioners 
fent  out  with  powers  adequate  to  the  purpofes  of 
making  peace  or  war,  fetting  forth  their  griev- 
ances, hoftilities  ihould  be  immediately  fufpend- 
ed,  and  the  petition  Ihould  be  referred  to  the 
parliament,  by  whom  it  (hould  be  confidered 
with  the  moft  folemn  and  ferious  attention.  In 
order  to  ftrengthen  this  propofition,  it  was  al- 
leged that  the  Americans  would  immediately  be 
joined  by  foreign  powers ;  for,  from  undoubted 
authority,  it  was  known  that  two  French  gentle- 
men had  been  difpatched  to  Americaj  where,  on 
their  arrival,  they  had  inftantly  repaired  to  con- 
grefs.  In  reply  to  the  aflertions  of  the  oppofi* 
tion,  it  was  alleged  that  no  dependence  could  be 
placed  on  the  aUurances  of  the  colonics  with  re- 
iiped  to  peace :  That  they  had  never  difcuffed 
any  terms  of  pacification,  and  that  they  feemed 
to  think  that  the  mother-country  either  poJfTefled 
not  fuflicient  power  to  compel  them  to  obedience* 
or  that,  if  her  abilities  were  adequate  to  fuch  a 
talk,  ihe  was  afraid  to  exert  them.  On  this  ac- 
count therefore  it  was  abfolutely  neceflary  that 
the  colonies  ihould  be  convinced  of  their  error ; 
and  that  government  ihould  no  longer,  by  delay, 
furnifh  them  with  an  opportunity  of  accompliih- 
ing  their  preparations,  and  completing  their  hof-  ' 
tile  intentions.    With  regard  to  the  intimation 


1  <» 


♦;       /  ■■■ 

^  ■    0' 



H  I  S  to  kit    OF    THE 

CHAP. of  their  receiving affiftance from  foreign  powers, 
J[Yl    that  was  only  vague  and  uncertain  ;  for  nothing 
**^*7^  had  yet  tranfpired  relative  to  the  bufinefs  which 
''^'^'    had  conveyed  the  two  French  gentlemen  to  Ame- 
lica.    But  granting  even  that  the  fuggeftions  held 
cut  by  oppofitioh,  Oil  this  head,  were  true,  they 
afTorded  only  an  argument  for  immediate  and  vi- 
gorous preparations. 

The  debate  on  the  duke  of  Grafton's  motion 
was  long  and  violent.  It  was  at  length  negatived 
by  a  majority  of  fixtv  ',  and  thus  ended  all  at- 
tempts to  reconcile  tne  unhappy  diiTenfions  be- 
tween the  two  contending  powers. 


\)  -•.iJ-Ui-j^.  '..WJi.tii-W.. 

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■  *  f      Mi  .i 





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,!»«,-«•    ,„«,* 

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.(.;.i::>AJl.  iC-  :^-' ^ %i:l\iJ>'- 


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'Jji?  'f 



AMERICAN    war; 


or  nothing 
nefs  which 
n  to  Ame- 
true,  they 
iate  and  vi- 

(n's  motion 
h  negatived 
ided  all  at- 
fenfions  bc- 

^    ...  ■; 

.2  ».   .       -•iV.Vt' 



V  ii*'4  >HrJt\f>j^\iH't;^:-i^:i--'^-i'ri' 

CHAP.    V. 

!>  5/ 

Blockade  and  Evacuation  of  Bofion^— Siege  of  Q^gr 
bee — Defeat  of  Loyalifis  at  Moore* s  Creek-^At" 
tack  of  Charlejiown. — 1776. 

WHILE  Great  Britain  was  engaged  in  thefe CHAP). 
parliamentary  difcuffions,  the  Britifh troops     ^• 
blockaded  in  Boilon  fuffercd   inpredible  hard-  ^"^^^^ 
fliips  and  fatigue.     Thtv  had  been  clofely  in  veil-    ^^'^  ■ ' 
ed  ever  fince  the  affair  at  Lexington ;  provifions  Blockade  ©f 
were  fcarce  ;  and  though  they  fent  to  the  Weft^^^""' 
Indies  for  a  frefh  fupply,  they  could  not  obtain 
any,  on  account  of  the  dearth  fubfifting  in  that 
quarter.    In  addition  to  thefe  hardfhips,  general 
Waftiington  began  to  profecute  the  liege  with 
redoubled  vigour,  in  order  that  the  place  might  ^ 
be  captured  before  the  arrival  of  reinforcements 
from  Great  Britain. 

On  the  fecond  of  March  1776,  a  battery  was 
opened  on  the  weftern  fide  of  the  town,  whence 
it  was  dreadfully  annoyed  by  a  furious  difcharg? 
of  cannon  and  bombs;  and  on  the  fifth  another 
was  opened  on  the  eaftern  Ihore :  Neverthelefs 
the  Britilh  troops  acquitted  themfelves  with  the 
moft  furprifing  fortitude,  and  for  fourteen  days 
endured  this  bombardment  with  the  moft  un-' 
daunted  courage. 

No  alternative  remained  now  for  the  befieged, 
but  to  diflodge  the  provincials  from  their  new 
works,  or  evacuate  the  town.  To  fucceed  in  the 
former  was  impoflible,  for  the  Britilh  troops  niuft 
have  afccnded  an  almoft  perpendicular  eminence, 



\f  U 

/  ' 





'     %■ 


C  H  A  P.  on  the  top  of  which  the  Americans  had  prepared 
^'      hogiheads  chaiued  together  in  great   numbers, 
and  filled  with  ilones,  to  roll  down  upon  them 
as  they  marched  up :    A  curious  provifion,  by 
which  whole  columns  would  have  been  fwept  off 
at  once.    This  fpecies  of  preparation  will  exem- 
plify* in  a  ftriking  maimer,  that  fertility  of  ge- 
nius in  expedients,  which  ftrongly  chara£lerized 
the  Americans  during  the  war.     This  would  ef- 
fe6lually  have  dedroyed  all  order,  and  have  bro- 
ken the  ranks.     It  was  therefore  determined  to 
evacuate'  the  town:    This    meafure   required  a 
fortnight  to  carry  it  into  execution,  on  account 
of  the  numbers  to  be  removed,  many  of  whom 
were  fick  and  wounded.     At  length,   however, 
it   was  effedled,   and  the  brave  garrifon,  ,  with 
ihofe  attached  to  the  Britifh  caule,  in  number 
about  two  thoufand,    embarked  for  Halifax  in 
Nova  Scotia,  where  on  account  of  the  favour- 
ablenefs  of  the  weather,   they  foon  arrived  *. 


*  The  Britiih  troops  left  behind  them  at  the  Caftle-Ifland 
and  at  Bofton,  250  pieces  of  cannon,  half  of  which  were  fer- 
viceable,  4  thirteen  and  a  half  inch  mortars,  2500  chaldrons 
of  fea-coal,  25,000  bufliels  of  wheat,  2300  buinels  of  barley, 
600  bufliels  of  oats,  100  jars  of  oil,  and  150  horfes.     Thit 
large  fupply  was  of  the  utmoft  importance  to  the  enemy,  who 
were  labouring  under  the  greaten  want  both  of  fiores  and 
prOTifioQs.     It  ought  not,  however,  to  be  omitted,  that  fir 
William  Howe  might  have  carried  with  him  the  greateft  part 
of  the  ammunition,  and   all  the  provifions;  it  ma/  alfo  be 
neceiTary  to  meritlon  that  the  fortifications  of  Boflon  were  fo 
excellent,  that  it  would  have  been  extremely  difficult  for  the 
Americans  to  have  forced  them.     The  Britifh  troops  left  the 
houfes  of  Bollon  in  good  condition,  and  in  a  Rate  of  cleanli- 
nefs,  which  was  foon  abolifhed  by  the  refidence  of  the  Ame- 
rican troops.     The  evacuation  of  Boflon  »ffbrdfcd  alfo  ano- 
ther mofl  important  advantage  to  the  enemy.     Many  flore- 
fhips  from  Great  Britain  configned  to  Bofton,  and  ignoran 
of  the  Britifh  troops  having  abandoned  it,  entered  the  har- 
bour, and  were  of  courfe  captured  ;  of  thefe,  the  fhip  Hope 




I  prepared 
ipou  them 
>vifion,  by 
a  fwept  off 
will  exera- 
lity  of  ge- 
i  would  ef- 
d  have  bro- 
ermined  to 
required  a 
on  account 
ff  of  whom 
,   however, 
rifon,  .with 
in  number 
Halifax  in 
the  favour- 
a.  arrived*. 
1  Thus 

le  Caftle-Ifland 
which  were  fer- 
zeoo  chaldrons 
fhels  of  barley, 
>  horfes.    Thi» 
he  enemy,  who 
of  ftores  and 
.mitted,  that  fit 
he  greateft  part 
It  may  alfo  be 
Bofton  were  fo 
difficult  for  the 
troops  left  the 
tate  of  cleanli- 
;e  of  the  Ame- 
,rdfcd  alfo  ano- 
Many  ftore- 
1,  and  ignoran 
>ntered  the  har- 
thc  Ihip  Hope 


Thus  was  the  capital  of  MaiTachufet  added  toCHAP. 
the  American  caufe.  As  foon  as  general  Wafti- 
ington  had  taken  pofTeflion  of  the  town,  he  de- 
tached feveral  regiments  to  the  defence  of  New 
York,  imagining  that  the  Britifh  troops  might 
have  departed  for  that  place,  on  their  fecefiioa 
from  Bofion. 

Colonel  Arnold,  in  the  mean  time,  reminned 
encamped  near  Gtgebec :  Though  unable  to^ cap- 
ture the  town,  he  reduced  it  to  great  diftrefs^  on 
account  of  having  cut  off  all  communication  be- 
tween the  inhabitants  and  the  adjacent  country. 
But  the  feafon  now  approaching  when  reinforce- 
ments would  arrive  from  England,  he  was  under 
the  neceffity  of  recommencing  the  fiege  in  due 
form.  On  the  fhores  of  the  river  St.  Laurence, 
batteries  were  eref^ed  to  burn  the  {hipping^ 
Thefe  attempts,  however,  were  unfuccefsful. 
While  the  attention  of  the  befieged  was  engaged. 
in  thefe  endeavours  on  the  fhipping,  Arnold  had 
prepared  fcaling-ladders  to  ilorm  the  town  :  The 
fcheme  was  plaufible,  but  it  failed  in  part :  The 
Americans  obtained  admittance  into  thefuburbs, 
where  they  burned  feveral  houfes,  and  compelled 
the  garrifon  to  pull  down  the  reft,  in  order  to 
prevent  the  fire  from  fpreading.  While  the  Ame- 
ricans were  employed  in  this  fiege,  the  fmall-pox 


was  the  moft  valuable->She  had  on  board  1500  barrel*  of 
powder,  beiides  carbines,  bayonets,  travelling  carnages  for 
heavy  cannon,  and  all  forts  of  tools  neceffary  for  the  army 
and  artillery  :  Beiides  thefe,  there  were  other  articles,  thoft 
of  bedding  and  clothing  particularly,  of  which  the  enemy 
ftood  greatly  in  need.  Thefe  goods  fir  William  Howe  might 
have  diftributed  among  the  army  and  navy,  trufting  to  go< 
^  vernmeRt  to  make  payment  to  ihe  individual  proprietors.  At 
any  rate,  they  fhould  not  have  been  left  in  Bofton,  but  have 
I  been  defiroy«i,  as  they  were  articles  of  which  the  Americans 
ftood  in  the  greateft  need ;  and  which  enabled  them  to  bear  up 
under  the  feverities  of  that  winter. 


\  [    (1 

/  r 



i  1 






CH  A  P.broke  out  among'  them  with  great  violence,  and 
V-  many  of  the  foidiers  deferted,  in  Order  to  fave 
tfaemfelves  from  the  confequences  of  a  diforder 
fo  fatal,  and  fo  much  dreaded  in  that  country. 
On  this  account,  and  certain  that  fuccours  would 
foon  arrive  from  England,  Arncdd  thought  pro. 
per  to  retire.  The  Englifh  fquadron,  making 
its  way  tl;irough  the  ice^  arrived  unexpectedly 
before  G^gebec.  Though,  at  the  time  when  Bof- 
ton  was  evacuated,  it  was  underllood  that  this 
fquadron,  with  reinforcements,  were  at  fea,  no 
care  was  taken  to  leave  a  fufjficient  force  off  the 
harbour,  to  prevent  them  from  running  into  the 
throat  of  the  enemy :  In  confequence  of  which 
n^gle^,  lieutenant-colonel  Archibald  Campbell, 
-with  feven  hundred  men,  ran  right  into  Bofton 
harbour,  not  knowing  but  that  place  was  itili  m 
our  hands.  He  was  treated  in  a  cruel  and  favage 
manner*.  Communication  between  the  forced 
'  that 

^  Cop7  of  ji  lctt4^  from  the  late  fir  Archibald  Campbell  to 
fir  William  Howe. 

^         i*  <J  T  H  "  ^^"'"'■^  Gaol, 

^^-"^  **  14tl>  February  ITJJ. 

^'  ScarCz  eight  days  had  elapied  after  the  period  of  my 
firft  addrefs,  when  I  found  myfelf  ftripped  of  half  017 
**  property,  the  very  necefiaries  of  life  ;  and  I  have  been 
"  lately  informed  that  the  fide-arms  of  my  officers  have  ac- 
*•  tually  been  difpofed  of,  notwithftanding  they  were  honour- 
**  ably  reftored  to  them  by  the  captors  I  was,  however,  fent 
"  upon  my  parole  of  honour  to  Reading,  where  I  refided  till 
"  the  firft  of  this  month,  during  which  time  it  was  even  be- 
"  yond  the  power  of  malevolent  afperfion  to  charge  my  con- 
"  duft  juftly  with  impropriety. 

"  On  the  firft  of  February  I  was  committed,  by  an  order 
"  of  congrefs,  through  the  council  of  Bofton,  to  the  com- 
mon gaol  of  Concord,  intimating  for  a  reafon,  that  your 
excellency  had  refufed  to  exchange  general  Lee  for  fix 
field  officers  (of  whom  I  happened  to  be  one),  and  that 
your  excellency  had  put  that  officer  under  cullody  of  the 
provoft.    How  f>r  it  ma/  be  confident  to  ill-treat  an  offi- 

"  ce» 



Xn«-  V  .A«' 


A  M-E  R  I  C  A  N     WAR. 


that  lav  oa  each  fide  of  the  river  was  thua pre- CHAP, 
ventea,  and  Arnold  found  it  impoffible  tp  put     V. 
his  intentions  of  the  day  before  into  execution.  ^*nrV 
Onthefixth  of  May  1776,  the  reinforcement   '776' 
being  landed,  general  Carleton  fallied  out  upon 
the  provincials,  who  fled  with  the  utmoft  {peed>  J. 

,   leaving  ^ 

"  cer  b^eaufo  ^it  commauder  does  not  chufe  to  accept  ot. 
"  proffered  barter  of  that  nature,  is  left  to  reafon  and  ntture 
"  confequences  to  decide,  efpeciallj  when  it  is  confidered,   '      - 
that  there  is  no  perfonal  charge   againft  that  officer,  and 
the  public  faith  and  honour  of  America  ivas  pledged  for         h^-«{ 
his  being  treated  as  a  gentlemfin,  . 

"  With  rei^edt  to  your  e:^celleqcy's  treatment  of  general  -' 

Lee,  I  can  fcarcelj  think  it  fimilar  to  mine  ;  but  that  you 
mar  be  able  with  more  preciiion  to  decide  on  that  point,  I 
fhall  briefly  ftate  my  prefent'  unmerited  condition. 
"•  I:  am  loidged  in   a  du|)g|i9n  of  tw^jye  or  thirteen  feet    ' 
fq\iar,e,  whofe  fides  are  black  with  the  greafe  and  litter  of  '    • 
fuccelfive   criminals;    two  doors,    with  double  locks  and         % 
bohs,  ihut  me  up  from  the  yard,  with  an  exprefs  prohibit    '    /^| 
tion  to  enter  it,  either  for  my  health  or  the  ftecefTary  calif 
of  nature :  Two  fmaU  wipdows,  ftronj^y  grs^ted  AVith  iron, 
introduce  a  gloomy  light  to  the  apartment,  and  thefe  aje  at 
this  time  without  a  fingle  pane  of  glafs,  although  the  fea-      ^  | 
fon  of  the  froft  and  fnow  is  aAualTy  in  the  extreme.     la      'I 
the  corner  of  the  cell,  boxed  up  with  the  partition,  iland*      v 
a  ftecefiary.'houfe,   which   does  not  fecm,  to   h^ve  beea 
emptied  fmce  its  firft  appreciation  to  this  convenience  of 
malefa^brs.     A  loathfome  b}ack-hole,  decorated   with  » 
pair  of  fixed  chains,  is  granted  me  for  my  inner  apanmeo^ 
from  whence  a  felon  was  but  the  moment  before,  removed^ 
to  make  way  for  your  humble  fervant,  and  in .  which  hif 
litter  and  excrement  remain  to  this  moment.     The  attend^ 
ance  of  a  fiagle  fervant  is  alio  denied  me,  and  every  vifit 
from  a  friend  pofitively  refufed:  In  fhort,  fir,  was  a  fixt 
to  happen  in  any  chamber  of  the  gaol,  which  is  all  of  wood|i 
the  chimney-ftaclu  excepted,  I  mieht  perifh  in  th^  ftame» 
before  the  giioi/er  could  go  through  the  cerempny  of  uor 
bolting  thc»  doors  ;  although,  to  do  him  juftice  in  his  ftar 
tion,  I  really  thi^k  him  a  man  of  humanity  ;  hisboufeil 
fo  remote,   that    any  call  from' within,  effiecially  if  tbf 
wind  is  high,  might  bvlong  of  rcacbiflg  him  eSeSbuiS^,. 
,  i;j,;  **  I  have  thie.)u>i»9ur  to  .b«,  cw. 

»  ARCHJBAtP  CAilPiJEa*.'* 




I'Oif.  ^ 





againft  the 

lU'      *• 

CHAP.  leaving  behind  them  all  their  artillery  and  mili- 

V.     tary  (lores.    Their  veflels  were  at  the  fame  time 

*'*nr*^  attacked  and  taken  by  the  light-armed  veflels  of 

'77^'    the  Engliih.     Thus  was  the  nege  of  Qjiebec  raif- 

ed,  after  a  duration  of  five  months.     The  prifoD- 

ers  taken  by  general  Carleton  were  treated  with 

the  greateft  lenity  ;  while,  on  the  other  hand, 

the  Americans,  by  their  mifcondu£l,  entirely  loft 

the  affe6iions  of  the  Canadians :  A  circumitance 

to  which  we  are  in  fome  meafure  to  impute  the 

failure  of  their  defigns. 

Early  in  the  fpring  of  this  year,  an  expedi- 
tion, by  command  of  fir  Guy  Carleton,  wasun- 
dertaken  againft  a  place  called  the  Cedars,  by 
captain  Forfler,  who  commanded  the  pod  of  Of- 
wagatchie.  The  Cedars  is  fituated  about  thiny 
miles  from  Montreal,  to  the  weftward,  on  the 
river  St.  Laurence,  about  a  mile  from  the  Caf- 
cade.  This  place  is  naturally  ftrong  :  On  the 
fouth  the  land  ftretches  fo  far  into  the  river  as 
to  render  the  eaft  and  weft  points  inacceflible  : 
The  north  part  is  the  only  one  on  which  an 
attack  can  be  made  with  any  probability  of  fuc- 

nth  May.  On  the  eleventh  of  May  captain  Forfter  de- 
parted from  Ofwagatchie  with  two  lieutenants, 
thirty-eight  privates,  ten  volunteers,  and  about 
one  hundred  and  twenty  Indians.  Arriving  on 
the  fourteenth  at  the  village  of  St.  Regis,  he 
convened  a  council  of  the  warrior  chiefs,  and 
endeavoured  to  prevail  on  them  to  afford  him 
their  affiftance  in  his  intended  expedition.  The 
chiefs,  who  had  been  tampered  with  by  the  ene- 
my, at  firft  refufed  to  accompany  him,  but  at 
length  permitted  their  young  men.  On  the  fc- 
venteenth  of  May,  having  received  intelligence 
that  the  Americans,  to  the  n-umber  of  four  hun- 
dred, were  pofted  at  the  church  of  the  Cedars, 




_j;,<«Jiitw.s-. . 


■  s 



but  that  the]^  were  ignorant  of  his  expedition,  he  C  H  A  P. 
embarked  his  troops,  and  landed  at  ten  o^clock      V. 
at  night  at  Point  au  Diable,  a  place  about  fix  miles  '"^nr^^ 
from  the  Cedars.    A  party  was  immediately  dif-    *77^' 
patched  to  reconnoitre  the  fnuation  of  the  enemy. 
On  the  eighteenth  captain  Forfter  proceeded,  un- 
der cover  of  a  thick  wood,  within  a  mile  of  the 
fort,  where  he  made  the  following  difpofition : 
One  company  of  privates,  the  volunteers,  and 
one  hundred  Indians,  were  ordered  to  take  pof« 
feffion  of  the  wood,  and  to  penetrate  it  as  near 
as  poflible  to  the  enemy.    Another  body  of  one 
hundred  Indians  was  at  the  fame  time  difpatched      !  ? 
to  the  Falls  at  the  entrance  of  the  Cafcade,  in  or- 
der to  cut  off  all  communication  with  the  ifland 
of  Montreal.    This  body  on  their  march  fell  in 
with  a  detachment  of  the  garrifon,  who  were  re- 
turning with  provifions  from  the  Cafcade.    At 
fight  of  the  Britifh  troops  they  fled  to  the  fdrt, 
with  the  lofs  of  one  man.    This  was  the  firft  cer- 
tain intelligence  received  by  the  enemy  of  the 
approach  of  captain  Forfter. 

A  flag  of  truce  was  then  lent  to  the  fort,  orders 
ing  the  enemjr  to  furrender  themfelves  prifoners  * 
of  war.  Major  Butterfield,  who  commanded  it, 
requefled  four  hours  confideration.  Conceiving 
that  this  requifition  originated  only  in  a  wifli  to 
gain  time,  and  being  informed  that  a  colonel 
Biddel  had  been  fent  to  obtain  a  reinforcement 
from  Montreal,  captain  Forfter  fent  a  fecond  flag, 
frying  that  the  Indians  were  at  prefent  perfedlly 
under  his  command,  and  that  if  the  garrifon  fur* 
rendered  immediately,  he  had  no  doubt  but  that 
they  would  agree  to  any  thing  he  wilhed  ;  but  if 
the  fort  did  not  furrender,  and  any  of  the  Indians 
ihould  be  killed,  captain  Forfler  could  not  anfwer 
for  the  confequences.  In  reply  to  this  rcquifi- 
tion,  the   commanding  ofEcer  of  the   garrifon 

Vol.  I.  O   ^'" '  •"  agreed 



"~9j^  :.-,■*.. 








CHAP. agreed  to  a  furrcndcr,  on  condition  of  being al- 
V.     lowed  to  retire  to  Moaireal.     To  this,  captaJQ 

^•^^T^  Forfter  would  not  conlent.     In  the  evening  of  the 

*V7^'    ei(^hteenth  a  redoubt  was  thrown  up  at  the  edge 

of  the  wood,  within  five  hundred  yards  of  the 

fort.     In  the  morning  of  the  nineteenth  captain 

Forfter  advanced  within  one  hundred  and  twenty 

'•  '  yards  of  the  fort,  and  commenced  a  heavy  fire 
of  mulketry,  which  continued  till  twelve  o'clock, 
when  the  fort  was  furrendered,  on  condition  of 
the  lives  of  the  enemv  being  preferved,  and  their 
baggage  prevented  from  being  plundered,  la 
this  attack  one  Indian  was  killea  on  the  part  of 
the  Ecgliih.  The  number  of  prifoners  takeu 
amounted,  officers  included,  to  three  hundred 
and  ninety  *.    On  the  twentieth  of  May,  captain 


"  ■        .  .1 

*  Articles  of  Capitulation  for  furrendering  the  Cedars. 

.  "  After  the  matureft  deliberation  on  the  cuftoms  and  inaQ< 
^'  ners  of  the  favages  in  war,  which  I  find  fo  oppoiite  and 
contrary  to  the  humane  difpofition  of  the  Britilh  govern- 
ment, aiid  to  all  civilized  nations,  and  to  avoid  the  inevi- 
table confequence  of  the  lavage  cuftom  in  former  wan 
(which  bj  their  threats  and  menaces  I  find  is  not  changed), 
that  of  putting  their  prilbhers  to  death,  todifencumber  them- 
felves  in  cafe  of  their  being  attacked  bj  their  enemy ;  I 
have  therefore,  in  compliance  with  the  above  difpofition 
in  government  and  the  diAates  of  humanity,  thought  fit  to 
enter  into  the  following  anides  of  agreement  wiih  brlga- 
dier-general  Arnpld,  in  the  name  of  the  power  he  is  em- 

(>loyed  by,  and  of  the  officers  and  foldiers  who  fhall  be  rc- 
eafed  by  this  agreement,  whofe  rank  and  number  fhall  be 
endorfed  on  this  cartel. 

"  ifl.  That  there  fhall  be  an  exchange  of  prifoners  faith- 
folly  made,  returning  an  equal  number  of  his  majefl/i 
troops  of  the  fame  rank  of  thofe  releafed  by  this  agreement, 
as  foon  as  poffible,  within  the  fpace  of  two  months,  allow- 
ing a  moderate  time  for  cafualties  that  may  render  die  per- 
formance of  this  article  impra(!ticable. 
"  2d,  That  the  prifoners  fhall  be  conduced  vyith  fafetj, 
and  all  poffible  convenience  and  cUfpatch  that  circumlbnces 
























::  *^4:s 




being  a\- 
,  capta'm 
Qg  of  the 
the  edge 
ds  of  the 
h  captain 
ad  twenty 
heavy  fire 
re  o'clock, 
ndition  of 
,  and  their 
lered.     la 
the  part  of 
lers   taken 
e  hundred 
ly,  captaiu 

the  Cedaw. 

Loms  and  n>a»- 

oppofite  and 

iriuih  govero- 

oid  ike  inevi* 

fonner  wan 

not  changed), 

Fncumber  them- 

heit  enemy ;  I 

love  difpofuion 

r  thought  fit  to 

jni  wiia  briga- 

>wer  he  is  em- 

^holhallbe  rc- 

lumber  ihall  be 

prifoners  faith- 

of  his  majefty^J 

this  agreement, 

months,  allov.- 

1  render  die  per- 

ted  wid»  faf«y. 
[at  circuinrtancej 

"  will 


Forfter  being  informed  that  a  party  of  the  enemy  C  HAP. 
were  advancing  from  Montreal  to  the  fort,  or-      V. 
dercd  one  hundred  ladians  to  take  pofleflion  of 
the  woods  on  both  iides  of  the  road  through 

O  2  which 


"  will  permit,  to  the  fouth  ihore  of  the  river  St.  Laurence,'!  ■ 
"  from  which  they  are  to  reuair  to  St.  John,  and  return  to  their 
*'  own  countries  itninediately,  without  committing    any  wafte 
"  ur  fppil  on  their  march  thither,  allowing  ten  or  twelve  to 
"  go  to  Montreal,  to  tranfaA  their  private  affairs.  '  ''* 

3d,  That  the  prifonerai  fo  returned  (hall  not,  under  any^'^ 
"  precext   whaifoever,  either   in  words,   writing,,  or   iigns, 
"  give   the  lealt  information  to  government  enemies,  or  to 
"  their  adherents  now  in  arms,  in  the  leail  prejudice  to  his 
«'  majefly's  fervice. 

"  4th,  That  the  batteauf,  or  other  conveniencies  made  ule 
"  of  to  iranfport  the  prifon«rs  to  the  fouth  ihore  of  the  iaid 
"  river,  or  the  neceflary  people  to  conduA  them,  ihall  return 
"  unmolefted. 

5th,  That  hoftages  be  delivered,  for  the  performance  of  ar- 
"  ticks  to  the  fiilT,  according  to  the  fenie  and  fpirit  of  the 
**  agreement,  without  any  equivocation  whatfoever. 

"'  6tK,  That  the  fecurity  ot  the  fubicribers  be  given  to  the 
"inhabitants  for  all  the  wafte  and  fpoil  committed  by  the  de- 
'•  tachment  under  colonel  Biddel,  on  fair  account  atteiled  and 
"  figned  being  delivered,  for  which  the  hoilages  are  not  to  be 
"  anfwerable. 

.   "  It  being  our  full  intention  to  fulfil  the  above  articles,  we 
"mutually  iign  and  interchange  them  as  afTurances  of  per-  . 
"  formance.  ' 

"  Given  under  our  hands  this  27th  day  of  May,  A.  D.  1776. 

-   (Signed)  "  GEORGE  FORSTER, 

"  Captain,  commanding  the  king's  troops." 

«•  AtVaudreuil. 

*'  Article  2d,  The  prifoners  fhall  be  fent  to  the  fouth  ihore 
"  of  St.  Laurence,  within  one  leaeue  of  Caughnawaga,  and 
"  from  thence  to  St;  John's  to  their  own  country,  except 
"  twelve  who  have  liberty  to  go  to  Montreal,  for  which  pur> 
"  pofe  iix  days  fhall  be  allowed,  and  hoflilities  to  ceafe  on 
"  both  fides.. 

4th,  Four  captains  ihall  be  fent  to  Quebec  as  hoflages, 
"  and  remain  therd  until  prifoners  are  exchanged. 

"  6th,  The  continental  troops,  from  principle,  have  ever 
"  avoided  plundering.     Upon  proof  being  made  of  any  wafte 

"  conunitted 

.,  W^ 




!  ,w"*-i.c  V.  „—  -  -■'-.'**«.,iSi,, 

■^mmmmnr-'  »i"--**^ 

•In  HISTORY     OF    THE 

CHAP,  which  they  were  under  the  DecefTityof  pafllng. 
V.  This  detachment  foon  fell  in  with  a  party  of  the 
enemy,  which,  after  a  ftiort  conflia,  in  which 
one  Indian  was  killed  and  three  wounded,  furren* 
dercd  at  difcretion.  The  Indians  immediately 
returned  with  their  prifoners  to  the  fort.  Oa 
their  arrival  at  the  outfide  of  the  Tories  they 
halted,  for  the  purpofe  of  puttinjp^  them  to  death. 
Captain  Forfter  however,  by  his  Ipirited  condu^, 
prevenled  them  from  putting  this  inhuman  deter- 
mination into  execution,  and,  rifking  the  fafety 
of  his  own  men,  depofited  the  prifoners  in  the 
fort,  having  fatisfied  his  Indians  oy  making  theiu 
fome  prefents.'  On  the  fucceeding  day  he  ad- 
vanced to  Vaudreuil,  lituated  about  fix  miles  to 
the  northward  of  the  Cedars.  On  the  twenty- 
fourth  of  May,  having  received  intelligence  that 
the  enemy,  under  colonel  Arnold,  had  pofted 
themfelves  at  Lafhine,  nine  miles  from  Montreal, 
captain  Forfter  marched  to  attempt  to  diflodge 
him  from  it.  He  had  advanced  within  three 
miles  of  Laihine,  when  he  was  informed  that  the 
number  of  the  enemy  amounted  to  fix  hundred, 
which  would  be  increafed  to  near  treble  that  num- 
ber on  the  fucceeding  day.  On  this  account  he 
thought  it  prudent  to  retire  to  Vaudreuil.  On 
the  twenty-uxth  of  May  colonel  Arnold  advanced 
up  the  river,  with  feven  hundred  men,  to  attack 
him.  Captain  Forfter  immediately  formed  his 
men  into  three  divifions,  which  were  placed  on 
three  points  of  land  that  ftretched  a  little  way  into 
the  river.    The  left  point  was  occupied  by  the  fa- 


"  committed  b/  colonel  BiddePs  detachment,  reparation  ftall 

."  be  made. 

"  Given  under  our  hands  this  27th  day  of  M^.y  1776. 

(Signed)  B.  ARNOJ^D, 

•«  Q*   A«n>.  "  Brigadier-general  of  the  continental 

5>t.  Ann  s.  ..  jjjjops." 



i..«v.i;^'>i- "'-''-  ^:o'y'"^- 



-^C^miKmii  ,,t 



vages.  The  ground  in  that  point  was  rather  CHAP. 
Iwampy,  and  covered  with  wood  almoft  to  the 
water  8  edge.  The  central  point,  which  was  open 
ground,  was  pofleiTed  by  captain  Forfter ;  and 
the  right  point,  lituated  at  the  head  of  a  danger- 
ous rapid,  was  defended  by  a  body  of  Canadians : 
Another  body  of  Canadians  was  alfo  fituated  on 
the  ifle  of  Perrault,  oppoiite  to  the  right  point. 
The  enemy  firft  made  an  attempt  on  the  left 
point,  but  were  repulfed.  They  next  endcA- 
voured  to  land  in  the  central  point,  but  were  pre- 
vented. An  attempt  againft  the  third  point  was 
attended  with  the  fame  fuccefs.  The  enemy 
therefore  relinquifhed  their  intentions,  and  re- 
turned to  St.  Ann's,  on  the  ifland  of  Montreal. 
Captain  Forfter  finding  himfelf  now  much  encuni- 
bered  by  the  number  of  his  prifoners,  and  having 
received  no  intelligence  of  general  Carleton's  ar- 
rival at  Trois  Rivieres,  judged  it  expedient  t6 
enter  into  an  exchange  of  prifoners  with  colonel 
Arnold.  This  cartel  was  afterwards  broken  by 
congrefs,  on  a  pretence  that  captain  Forfter  had 
condu6led  himfelf  towards  the  prifoners  taken  at 
the  Cedars  in  a  cruel  and  inhuman  manner.  This* 
pretence  however,  it  ftiould  be  mentioned  in 
juftice  to  captain  Forfter,  had  not  the  fmalleft 
foundation.  And  in  confirmation  of  the  ailef- 
tion,  und  of  captain  F6rfter*s  humanity,  captain 
Sullivan,  who  had  been  taken  prifoner,  in  a  let- 
ter to  his  brother  general  Sullivan,  exprei£;d  his 
furprife  at  hearing  that  congrefs,  inftead  of  re- 
deeming him  and  the  other  hoftages,  according  t'6 
the  cartel,  had  demanded  captain  Forfter  to  be 
delivered  up.  At  the  fame  time  he  declared,  in 
the  moft  folemn  manner,  that  no  man  could  be- 
have with  more  humanity  than  that  gentleman 



.  ,f***6.'f V 

^  fi  J 



"a  '»'"*""■'-.«•.,•■ 



>  . 



H  I  S 

4  o 

R  y   d  p   T  M  t 

CHAP,  did  after  the  furrender  of  the  party  to  which  he 
V.      belonged*. 



*  l4Ucr  from  £.  Sullivan  to  niajor-t!«ncral  John  Sullivan, 
.>|f  "  member  ot  congreft. 

ft*    • 
),     "  Dear  Sik,  Montreal,  Au:;.  4,  1776. 

■•*'.•'  I  AM  permitted  by  hit  excellrncy,  which  ii  a  favour  I 
"  did  not  exTicA  10  obtain,  to  inform  yoM  I  am  well,  ai 
'*  are  the  holiageathat  are  with  me.  I  am  much  iurprifer'  'o 
"  hear  that  the  congrels,  inllead  of  redeeming  us  accjt  ..  g 
"  to  the  cartel,  have  not  only  refiifed  to  do  it,  but  h.tve  :t- 
"  manded  captain  Forfter  to  be  delivered  ud  to  laAver  hit 
"  ponduA  for  wliat  they  are  pleafed  to  trrm  ihr  i  T  cres  at 
**  the  Cedars.  I  would  fain  flatter  myleif  thai  ii>t:  tonirrefi 
*'  would  never  have  thoueht  of  fuch  unhc.ird-of  prnceedin^i, 
"  had  they  not  had  a  falie  reprefentation  of  the  matter.  I  do 
"  not  think  that  I  am  under  any  relirsint  when  I  fay,'  and 
**  call  that  God  who  mull  iudge  of  all  things  to  witnefs,  that 
**  not  a  man  living  could  haveufed  more  humanity  ihan  cap- 
"  tain  ForAer  did  after  the  furrender  of  the  paify  1  belonged 
**  to;  and  whoever  fays  to  the  contrary,  let  his  it.ition  in 
"  life  be  what  it  will,  he  is  an  enemy  io  peace,  and  a  falla- 
"  cious  difturber  of  mankind.  What  reafon  they  can  give 
**  fo^  IV  \  redeeming  us  I  cannot  conceive ;  if  they  are  wron«;ly 
"  informed  that  the  affair  of  the  Cedars  was  a  maffacre,  why 
"  do  not  they  rather  fulfil  the  cartel  than  let  their  hollaget 
"  remain  in  the  hands  of  a  mercilefs  enemy ;  or  do  they  re- 
"  gard  their  troops  only  while  the  heavens  make  them  vide- 
"  rious? 

,,\  *'  Were  we  in  the  hands  of  <|  rigorous  power,  as  they  would 
"  intiinate,  have  thev  not  every  colour  of  juflice,  after  fo 
"  eAormous  a  breach  of  faith,  laden  with  chains,  to  caft 
"  us  into  fome  horrid  place,  and  tell  us  to  languifh  out  our 
"  days  under  a  fentence  pafTed  by  our  own  people?  If  they 
••  fay  that  there  is  fome  hidden  reafon  far  beyond  the  reach  of 
V  pplicy  to  find  out,  for  coul'l  th^y  luppofe  it  policy  to  dil- 
"  trcfs  his  majefty's  troopt  u^  j  t;i'iiiiig  I'uch  a  miuitier  of 
••  mea  from  them,  it  woi\^  '\c<,  <■  •  ■  '•',>  tlie  br  of  their 

«•  faith  that  would  threat  'l    ■  r  confider  the   number 

"  of  prifoners  alread)r  in  the  hands  of  the  Britifh  army,  and 
"  ailfo  confiderthe  chance  of  war  that  may  yet  throw  greater 
"  numbers  into  their  hands.  Will  people  rell  cvntent  when 
*'  they  find  their  own  rulers  willing  to  lei  ihcin  remain   pri- 

"  fontrj 




■-^S^CVV  :^-,  ^^' 


A  M  C  r  f  G  A  N     WAR.  m 

General  Carletou,  uou  reinforced  by  an  addUC  HAP. 
tional  number  of  tro  >ps  from  ba^land,  haftened      ^' 
to  Trois   Rivieres,    fuuaied   half-way  between 
Montreal  and  Q^  bee      1  iini   place,   however, 
the  Americans  had   defcried,  and  retreated  as 
far  as  the  river  Sorrel,  a    ilAance  of  one  hun- 
dred and   fifty  miles.     Here  they  hulled,  and 
were  joined  by  reinforcements  fent  by  congrefs. 
On  the  ftrength  of  thefe  they  refolved  to  make 
au  attempt  on  Trois  Rivieres.     On  this  expedi«  Th«  Ameru 
tion  two  thoufand  men  were  difpatched  under  ihe^*^* ''^^.^ 
command  of  general   Thomfon.    CoaAing   thev^ — 
lake  St.  Peter's  on  the  fouth  fide,  they  proceeded 





foneri  in  the  hands  of  what  they  themfelves  term  (thou;;h 
uiuuftly)  a  mercilrfs  people*,  or  will  the/  not,  fired  vn  \ 
re^ntment  for  fuch  inhuman  treatment,  take  armi  to  fu  j- 
prefs  the  power  that  regards  them  no  longer  than  Mthile 
their  blood  is  fpilling  in  their  fervice?  If  this,  which  ap- 
pears too  probable,  inould  happen,  confider  whether  thofe 
perfons  will  not  be  followed  hj  a  number  of  their  friends, 
which  muft  naturally  make  a  prreat  divifion  in  the  colonies. 
Then  take  a  view  of  Great  Britain  and  her  allies  pouring 
on  you,  and  let  the  moft  fanguine  expeAer  in  America', 
there  judge  how  long  the  colonies,  thus  divided,  can  ftand 
the  fur/  of  the  combat.  I  know  /our  influence  has  been 
great,  and  for  that  reafon  have  written,  that  you  may,  if 
poiRble,  yet  prevent  America  fr  >m  being  branded  with  the 
name  of  injuftice.  If  you  lufpe<5t  I  write  this  for  the 
fake  of  getting  my  own  liberty,  yourfufpicions  wrong  me; 
it  is  not  my  confinement,  but  the  breach  of  a  treaty,  which 
even  favages  have  ever  held  facred,  that  caufes  me  to 

"  Ymi  will  be  fo  kind  as  to  convey  the  inclofed  to  my  wife, 
and  it'  ever  I  had  fo  much  of  your  love  as  to  demand  any 
favour  of  you,  let  this  be  the  time  1  may  implore  your  af- 
fiHance  for  my  diilreiTed  wife  and  helpiefs  orphans.  May 
God  grant  that  I  may  once  more  fee  them  ;  till  when, 

•'  I  am 

(A  true  copy.)  "  Your  affe^ionate  brother, 

"  To  the  hon.  general  John  Sullivan, 

"  in  Durham  county,  in  New  Hamp-  ;  .< 

"  Ihirt,  near  Fortfmouth." 

■ « J*' 

•^    / 




200  H  I  S  T  O  R  Y     O  F     T  HE 

CHAP. to  the  liver  Nicolct,  ^hich  commences  at^  "^ 
V.  extremity  of  the  lake,  and  difcharges  itfelf  into 
the  river  St.  Laureace.  The  banks  of  the  Nice- 
let  are  covered  with  a  thick  wood.  Here  they 
remained  all  day.  At  night  they  crofled  over  to 
a  place  called  Point  du  Lac,  where  they  landed, 
and  immediately  proceeded  to  Trois  Rivieres. 
A  Canadian  peafant,  however,  as  foon  as  they 
had  landed,  haftened  before  them  to  general  Fra- 
zer  at  Trois  Rivieres,  to  inform  him  of  their  ope- 
rations. General  Frazer  immediately  landed  a 
body  of  troops  and  fome  iield  jpieces,  and  pre- 
pared to  receive  them.  General  Neftit,  at  the 
fame  time,  polled  his  detachment  in  the  euemy'^ 
rear,  and  eneAuallV  cut  off  a  retreat  by  the  com- 
mon road,  while  major  Grant,  taking  pofiefiioQ 
of  the  bridge,  rendered  their  efcape  over  the;  ri- 
ver De  Loup  imprafticable. 

On  the  arrival  of  the  enemy  at  Trois  Rivieres, 
a  furious  attack  was  commenced,  which  proved 
unfuccefsful.  General  Frazer  repulfed  them  with 
great  lofs ;  and  their  commander,  general  Thorn- 
fon,  with  about  two  hundred  of  his  men,  were  taken 
prifoneirs.  A  large  body,  under  the  command  of 
colonel  Allen,  who  afterwards  commanded  a  pro- 
vincial regiment  in  his  majefty's  fervice,  knowing 
that  their  retreat  by  the  common  road  had  been 
cut  off,  retired  into  a  wood  on  their  left,  which 
was  full  of  deep  fwamps.  Here  they  remained  in 
great  diftrefs  till  next  day,  when  lir  Guy  Carleton, 
who  had  arrived  from  Gtnebec,  ordering  major 
Grant  to  relinquilh  the  poflefllon  of  the  bridge 
over  the  river  De  Loup,  they  fortunately  effeded 
their  efcape.  The  enemy,  however,  were  purfued 
by  water,  but  for  fome  unknown  reafon  the  purfuit 
was  difcontinued  on  the  arrival  of  the  Britifh 
troops  at  Sorrel.  It  was  generally  believed  that 
if,  inflead  of  coming  to  anchor,  general  Carleion 
.:-''^'  '■■■■'  '  ■'"■'■  '■■"^  ^  ''  ■    "  "  had 

with  great 


IS  at 
felf  into 
he  Nlco- 
ere  they 
I  over  to 
y  landed, 
L  as  they 
leral  Fra- 
their  opcr 
landed  a 
,  and  pre- 
bit,  at  the 
le  euemy'^ 
ythe  com- 
{ pofiibi&oa 
iver  th^  ri- 

is  Rivieres, 
lich  proved 


had  coutinued  thepurfuit,  which  he  might  have^^^^*' 
doae,  as  the  wind  was  as  favourable  as  it  could  ^^__*^- 
poflibly  be,  he  would  undoubtedly  have  arrived        g^ 
at  Chambl^c  ten  or  twelve  hours  before  general 
Sullivan,  who  was  encumbered  with  heavy  can- 
non and  baggage.     In  this  cafe  Sullivan  would 
have  been  compelled  to  lay  down  his  arms ;  ge- 
neral Arnold  woidd  have  been  intercepted  at 
Montreal,  where  he  remained  till  the  fixteenth 
of  Jime ;    and  Tici^deroga,  alfo,   would  have  , 
been  taken,  as  no  troops  had  been  Rationed  there 
for  its  defence. 

General  Burgoyne,  who  had  arrived  with  the  J"»»- 
laft  reinforcements  from  England,  now  proceed- 
ed, in  purfuit  of  the  continental  army,  up  the 
river  to  St.  John's,  but  under  orders  from  general 
fir  Guy  Carleton,  not  to  rifk  an  engagement,  un^ 
til  he  fhould  be  fullained  by  another  column  on 
his  right,  dire^ed  to  proceed  to  Montreal.  This 
great  precaution  of  the  commander  in  chief  gave 
the  Americans  an  opportunity  of  makina^  their 

The  Americans  had  now  entirely  quitted  Ca-TiisAm«l. 
nada,  having  in  their  retreat  from  Montreal  and^  ^Jj 
St.  John's,  croiTed  the  lake  Champlain,  and  fta-da. 
tioaed  themfclves  at  Crown  Point ;  which  poft  it 
was  not  judged  expedient  by  the  Britiih  com^ 
nianders,  at  prefent,  to  attack. 

It  has  already  been  mentioned  that  Mr.  Mar-Cflbma* 
tin,  governor  of  North  Carolina,  had  been  ob-!5*g^r'tiS 
liged  to  flee  for  Ihelter,  like  the  governors  of  Rovemmei^ 
other  provinces,  to  a  Ihip.    In  this  fituation,carSl 
however,  he  was  not  ina6live :  He  had,  by  means 
of  his  emiffaries,  formed  a  junftion  between  fome 
Scotch  emigrants,  and  a  band  of  refolute  unruly 
men,  called  Regulators,  who  had  long  lived  in  a 
wandering  ftateof  independence,  their  chief  oc- 
cupation being  that  of  bunting.    The  command 





...  1  '-•  •« 


P*  of  thefe  parties  was  given  to  the  colonels  Macdo. 
nald  and  Macleod,  who,  by  the  governor's  di- 
redion,  erefted  the  king's  ftandard,  to  which  he 
fummoned  all  perfons  to  repair.    This  force  was 
intended  to  a6t  in  conjunction  with  a  body  of 
troops  expected  early  in  the  fpring,  which,  bow- 
ever,  did  not  arrive  in  time  for   co-operatioo. 
The  Highlanders  were  to  march  down  the  uorth- 
ernmoft  branch  of  Cape  Fear  to  Wilmington,  a 
town    about  twenty-four  miles  from  the  Fork, 
where  they  were  to  be  met  by  the  king's  troops, 
and  fuch  veflels  of  war,  of  eafy  draught  of  wa- 
ter,  as  could  come  up  there :  A  plan  which,  if 
it  had  been  adhered  to,  bid  fair  to  fecure  the  alle- 
giance of  the  inhabitants  of  Cape  Fear,  and  of 
confequence  extendflig  more  or  lef»  influence 
over  the  other  parts  of  this  province.    In  the 
mean  time  thofe  who  had  ufurped  the  govern- 
ment, direded  that  fix  regiments  of  continental 
troops  fhould  be  raifed  in  North  Carolina  ;  one  of 
which  was  to  be  flationed  at  Wilmington,  under 
the  command  of  colonel  James  Moore,  a  man  of 
the  moft  jufl:  fame  in  that  part  of  the  province, 
who  had  formerly  been  lieutenant-colonel  of  pro- 
vincials, under  his  majefty's  government ;  a  man 
of  an  active,  humane,  and  gallant  difpofition,  but 
little  acquainted  with  military  operations.    On 
the  other  hand,  the  loyalifts  were  by  no  means 
inadive ;  a  number  of  the  inhabitants  in  the  coun- 
ties of  Orange  and  Chatham,  many  of  whom  were 
formerly  diftiaguifhed  by  the  name  of  Regulators, 
asj^reed  to  ad  in  concert  with  the  Highlanders:  In 
coufequeuce  of  which,  a  council  was  formed  of 
feme  of  the  leaders  of  the  back-country  men,  and 
the  chiefs  of  the  Highlanders.     The  governor  ap- 
pointed Mr.  Macdorxald  to  the  command,  with 
the  rank  of  brigadier-general,  and  gave  a  lieute- 
nantrcoloncl's  copimifiion  to  Mr.  Macleod,  who 


els  Macdo- 
rernor's  di- 

0  which  he 
IS  force  was 

a  body  of 
;hich,  bow- 
i  the  north- 
IniiiBgton,  a 

1  the  Fork, 
ing's  troops, 
lught  of  wa- 
an  which,  if 
cure  the  alle- 
Fear,  and  of 
effj  influence 
Qc:e.     In  the 

the  govern- 
f  continental 
olina }  oueof 
Ington,  under 
jre,  a  man  of 
the  provinte, 
>lonelof  pro- 
iment ;  a  man 
iipofiiion,  but 
orations.    Oa 
.  by  no  means 
)f  whom  were 
of  Regulators, 
ghlanders:  In 
was  formed  of 
intry  men,  and 
-  governor  ap- 
mmand,  with 
gave  a  lieuie- 
acleod,  who 




was  to  be  fecond  in  command.     The  other  oflfi-  CHAP. 
cers  were    nominated  by    the  council,  fuch  as      V. 
were   moft  agreeable  to  their  leaders :  It  hap-  '^■^s'^^ 
peiied  unfortunately,  however,  that  general  Clin-    *  77^. 
ton  did  not  arrive  as  foon  as  was  expedled  ;  and 
in  the  month  of  January  1776,  it  was.  neceffary 
to  embody  the  loyaliAs,  as  the  only  chance  of 
keeping  them  fleady  in   their   intentions,   and 
which  was  to  take  place  on  a  certain  day,  at  the 
town  of  Crofs  Creek,  which  they  had  fixed  upon 
as  their  head-quarters  and  place  of  rendezvous. 
Thefe  operations,  however  fecretly  they  were  in- 
tended to  be  carried  on,  did  not  elude  the  vigi- 
lance of  the  nopular  leaders ;  and  as  foon  as  it 
was  known  tnat  the  loyaliils  were  embodying, 
the  continental  regiment  at  Wilmington,  and  fuch 
of  the  rebel  militia  as.  could  be  coiledted,  were 
ordered  to  march  under  the  command  of  colopel 
James  Moore^  to  intercept  their  progrefs  from 
Crofs  Creek  to  Wilmington.     The  troops  col- 
leded  on  this  occafion  amounted  to  between  eight 
and  nine  hundred,  and  they  marched  up  the 
north-weft  of  Cape  Fear,  without  meeting  any  of    ^ 
the  loyalifts,  who  remained  embodied  at  Crofs 
Creek.     The   rebel    troops    croflTed    Rock-Fi(h, 
which  is  a  creek  with  very  high  banks,  and  there. 
i6  a  bridge  over  its  end,  which  is  about  fix  miles 
from  Crofs  Creek  ;  upon  the  weftern  fide  or  this  ' 

bridge  the  rebels  encamped,  and  remained  there 
for  three  days,  during  which  time  nothing  took 
place  but  meffages  by  flags  of  truce,  relative  to 
luch  perfons  as  were  occafionally  taken  priloners 
by  each  party. 

It  unfortunately  happened  that  there  were  great 
divifious  in  the  councils  of  the  loyalifts.  That 
unanimity,  neceffary  to  vigorous  and  decided 
Hieafurcs,  was  wanting  ;  and  it  may  be  prcfumed 
they  did  not  mean  to  a'6l  offeufively,  unlefs  im- 

X    .'■ 

'  *;■'■ 





CHAP  pelled  to  it  by  neceflity ;  or  othcrwife  the  infe- 
V.  cure  and  unfoldierly  pofition  that  the  rebels  had 
taken,  which  was  with  a  deep  morafs  and  fwamp 
on  their  left,  the  north-weft  river  on  their  right, 
and  the  deep  creek  of  Rock-Fifti  in  their  rear, 
added  to  the  dread  that  at  that  period  they  enter- 
tained  of  the  broad-fword,  as  well  as  of  the  ufe 
the  Highlanders  had  on  former  occafions  made 
of  it,  were  circumftances  too  inviting  to  be  neg- 
leded  by  any  who  were  in  the  leaft  acquainted 
with  military  operations. 

The  loyalifts  had  certainly  nothing  clfe  in  view 
but  to  fmuggle  themfelves  down  to  Wilmington, 
regardlefs  of  what  force  they  left  in  the  rear, 
provided  they  met  none  in  front  to  oppofe  their 
progrefs;  and,  with  this  view,  after  wafting  their 
time  in  fruitlefs  intercourfe  with  the  rebel  party 
at  Rock-Fiftij  they  croffed  the  north-weft  river 
at  Cambleton  and  Gibfon's  ferries,  intending  to 
proceed  to  Wilmington,  through  a  neck  of  land 
thinly  inhabited,  which  is  called  Black-River 
Road,  and  feparated  by  that  river  and  the  north- 
weft,  and  which  leads  to  a  place,  iituated  on  the 
conflux  of  the  north-caft  and  north  branches  of 
Cape  Fear,  within  half  a  mile  of  Wilmington, 
and  called  Negro-Head  Point. 

In  the  mean  time,  the  embodying  of  the  loy- 
alifts  hadfpread  abroad  through  the  province;  and 
as  foon  as  colonel  Moore's  party  had  marched  from 
Wilmington,  a  colonel  Cafweli,  who  commanded 
one  of  the  continental  regiments  in  the  neigh- 
bourhood of  Newburp,  colledled  about  four  or 
five  hundred  men,  and  with  one  two-pounder 
and  two  fwivels  marched  to  the^north-weft  of 
Cape  Fear,  to  aft  as  occafion  might  require. 
Colonel  Cafweli,  who  was  a  fenfible  difcerning 
man,  and  was  reckoned  one  of  the  beft  woodfraeu 
in  the  province,  readily  forefaw  that,  if  an  eh- 
'     .  ■  ,  gagement 



e  the  infe- 

rebels  had 
and  fwamp 
their  right, 

their  rear, 
they  cnter- 
s  01  the  ufc 
lafions  made 
ig  tobcneg. 


5  clfe  in  view 
in  the  rear, 

oppofe  their 
•wafting  their 
le  rebel  party 
•th-weft  river 

intending  to 

I  neck  of  land 


md  the  north- 

tuatcd  on  the 

1  branches  of 

ng  of  the  by. 
province;  and 
inarched  from 
10  commanded 
in  the  neigh- 
about  four  or 

K  two-pounder 
^north-weft  of 
might  require, 
ble  difcerning 
beft  woodfmeu 
that,  if  an  eh- 

^agement  had  taken  place  between  the  loyaliftscHAP. 
aud  the  rebel  party  on  the  north-weft  fide  of  Cape      V. 
Fear,  that  their  route  would  be  by  the  Black  Ri-  '^^T'^*^ 
ver  Road  ;  and  for  that  purpofe  he  marched  to    *77^- 
the  road   leading  to   Negro-Head   Point,    and 
crofled  Moore's  Creek,  which  is  about   twelve 
miles  from  thence. 

In  order  to  arreft  theprogrefs  of  theloyalifts, 
at  the  fame  time,  colonel  Moore,  finding  that  the 
loyalifts  had  taken  the  other  fide  of  the  river,  re- 
turned with  his  troops  the  fame  way  he  went  up, 
aud  croffnig  at  the  lower  ferries,  on  the  north-      "^ 
weft,  effetSled  a  jundlion  with  colonel  Cafwell, 
who  was  at  that  time  encamped  on  the  north  fide 
of  Moore's  Creek  bridge.    The  loyalifl:s  had  pro- 
ceeded without  interruption  within  half  a  mile  of 
the  rebel  camp ;  and  the  night  before  they  in- 
tended to  attack  it,  they  fent  a  flag  of  truce,  by 
way  of  getting  intelligence  of  their  fituation,  and 
which  M  s  nearly  as  hazardous  a  one,  as  that 
which  colonel  Moore  had  placed  himfelf  in  at 
Rock-Fifh ;  but  the  infecurity  of  their  pofition 
did  not  cfcape  the  vigilance  of  Mr.  Cafwell ;  for  ^ 
as  foon  as  night  came  on,  he  lighted  up  all  his 
fires,  which  he  left  burning,  in  order  to  deceive 
the  loyalifts,  retreated  over  Moore's  Creek,  took 
the  planks  off  the  bridge,  and  greafed  the  fieepers, 
which  are  only  paflable  by  one  man  at  a  time,  and 
placed  his  men  about  fifty  yards  from  the  banks 
of  the  creek,  behind  trees,  and  fuch  little  in- 
trenchmems  as  in  the  courfe  of  the  night  they 
were  able  to  throw  up. 

The  loyalifts,  on  the  other  hand,  fluflied  with 
the  accounts  that  their  flag  of  truce  brought  them, 
determined  to  attack  the  rebels  in  their  camp  the 
next  morning ;  and  accordingly  colonel  Macleod,, 
who  commanded  the  attack,  feeing  the  fires  in  thi 
rebel  camp  burning,  and  nobody  therei  concluded 



■  ft: 


n:\  ,•.■■ 

\r  '■■■" 




UK  iS 

!       : 

CHAP,  that  the  rebels  had  evacuated  it  through  fear,  and 
V.  with  about  twenty-two  of  the  Highlanders  he  got 
over  the  bridge,  intending  to  attack  them  i  word 
in  hand.  But  he  had  no  iooner  reached  the  top 
of  the  bank  than  he  received  two  or  three  bullets, 
and  alraoft  iuflantly  expired ;  the  remainder  of 
the  advanced  party  were  all  killed  and  wounded, 
except  colonel  Thomas  Rutherford  and  captain 
Fraler,  who  ei'capctd  unhurt.  The  loyalifts,  dif. 
u)ayed  at  feeing  a  leader  fall  in  whom  they  had  lb 
much  confidence,  after  firing  off  fome  of  their 
firelocks  (which  were  levelled  too  high  to  do  any 
execution),  broke  and  difperfed,  every  one  taking 
the  ncarefl  way  he  could  through  the  woods  to 
his  own  home.  Thofe  from  the  back  country . 
■were  more  luccefsful  in  their  retreat,  as  being  bet- 
ter  woodfnien  than  the  Highlanders,  the  lei^ders 
of  whom  were  almoft  all  taken,  together  withge. 
neral  Macdonald,  and  lent  off  under  a  guard  to 
different  priions  at  the  northward.  The  rebels 
had  one  or  two  (lightly  wounded  ;  the  loyalifts, 
about  eight  killed  and  fourteen  wounded,  of  whom 
the  greater  part  died.  And  thus  unfortunately 
ended  the  firA  enterprife  in  the  Carolinas  in  fup- 
port  of  his  majefty's  government.  ;^^  :sxiW' 

Colonel  Moore  was  afterwards  a  major-general 
in  the  rebel  fervice,  and  colonel  Cafwell  was  one 
of  their  governors ;  and  both  behaved  with  great 
lenity  and  moderation  towards  the  loyalifts  while 
they  continued  in  power.  The  army  of  the  loy- 
aliits  confided  of  about  eighteen  hundred. 

The  governors  of  the  feveral  colonies,  in  their 
reprefentationis  to  the  government  of  Great  Bri- 
tain, bad  adduced  many  reafons  on  which  they 
founded  the  following  fuppofitions  :  That  on  ac- 
count of  the  infufficiency  of  ftrength  in  the  dif- 
ferent provinces,  thofe  who  were  well  affefted  to 
Great  Britain  were  reilraiued  from  taking, an  ac- 



AMERICAN     W  A  R.' 


h  fear,  and 
lers  he  got 
hem  iword 
led  the  top 
ree  bullets, 
nainder  of 
1  wounded, 
and  captain 
jyalifts,  dif- 
they  had  lo 
me  of  their 
jh  to  do  any 
y  one  taking 
le  woods  to 
)ack  country . 
as  being  bet- 

the  leaders 
:her  withge- 
:r  a  guard  to 

The  rebels 
[the  loyalifts, 


inas  in  fup- 

najor- general 
well  was  one 
ed  with  great 
jyalifts  while 
ly  of  theloy- 

nies,  in  their 
jf  Great  Bri- 
Q  which  they 
That  on  ac- 
th  in  the  dif- 
ell  afFefted  to 
taking  an  ac- 



tive  part  againft  the  Americans;  but  that,  if  the  CHAP, 
ijiotber-couniry  would  provide  a  relpedabie  force 
to  countenance  and  co-operate  with  them,  they 
would  immediately  attach  themfelves  to  her  caufe. 
In  coufequence  of  thefe  reprefentaiions,  the  fif-  . 
teeuth,    twenty-eighth,    thirty-third,    thirty-fe- 
venth,  fifty-fourth,  and  fifty-feventh  regiments,  < 
with  feven  companies  of  the  forty-fixth  regiment, 
embarked  from  Cork  on  the  twelfth  of  February 
1776,  under  the  command  of  lord  Cornwallis,  in ": 
lieveral  tranfports  under  the  convoy  of  fir  Peter  > 
Parker.     This  is  the  force  above  alluded  to,  in- 
tended to  co-operate  with  the  loyalifts  in  North 
Carolina.     After  a  long  voyage  of  near  three 
months,  occafioned  by  the  improper  tatenefs  of 
their  departure  from  Great  Britain,  all  the  fieet, 
except  fome  few  ihips,  arrived  at  Cape  Fear,  in 
North  Carolina,  on  the  third  of  May.     General 
Clinton,  who  had  quitted  Bofton  in  December, 
immediately  took  the  command  of  the  troops* 
and  ilTued  a  proclamation,  in  which  he  invited 
the  inhabitants  of  the  feveral  colonies  to  return 
to  their  allegiance,  and  to  place  themfelves  uadei^ 
the  protedion  of  the  Britiih  government. 

The  effed  produced  by  this  proclamation  was 
trifling,  and  the  caufe  of  Great  Britain  acquiired 
by  it  but  a  imall  addition  of  adherents.  a«  . 

The  remainder  of  the  fleet  being  not  yet  air- 
rived,  general  CUnton  refolved  to  make  a  fmall 
diverfion,  the  principal  objeA  of  which  was  to 
obtain  a  fupply  of  cattle,  fheep,  and  vegetables. 
Four  companies  of  light  infantry,  with  the  thirty- 
third  and  thirty-feventh  regiments,  embarking  in 
flat-bottomed  boats,  proceeded  to  the  town  of 
Brunfwick,  fituated  on  a.  fmall  river  to  the  north- 
weftward  of  Cape  Fear.  On  the  approach  of  the 
troops  the  inhabitants  abandoned  their  habitati- 
ons, and  after  lurprifing  a  party  of  the  Americans, 


I    1 


'■    1**t:'.c%, 



i  .  I 

CHAP,  and  fecuring  a  quantity  of  provifions,  the  detach- 
V.      menl  returned  on  board  their  refpeftive  fhips.    It 

•*"^'^^  was  expedled  that  the  troops  from  Ireland  woukl 
•77<^  have  arrived  two  months  earlier  than  they  did. 
General  Clinton's  orders  were  to  try  if  any  of  the 
ibuthern  provinces  would  take  up  arms  in  favour 
of  Britain ;  in  which  cafe  he  was  to  have  left  a  body 
of  troops  to  aflift  thofe  loyalifis  ;  but  he  was  in. 
ftru£led  to  repair  with  the  remainder  of  the  troops 
to  New  York  harbour,  by  fuch  time  as  it  was  pro< 
bable  that  the  commanaer  in  chief  would  arrive 
there,  from  Halifax,  to  begin  the  great  operati. 
ons  for  that  campaign.  The  arrival  of  the  troops 
at  Cape  Fear  was  fo  tardy,  that  it  wa&  obvioui 
that  no  time  could  be  f pared  fufiicient  to  make  a 
proper  trial  of  the  affeAions  of  any  of  thofe  pro. 
vinces.  General  Clinton,  however,  thought  he 
might  avail  himfelf  of  the  force  colledled  under 
his  command  to  attempt  a  fecondary  purpofe, 
fuggefted  by  the  information  which  reached  him 
during  his  ftay  in  Cape  Fear  river,  and  which  it 

Attempt  of  was  hoped  might  be  completed  within  the  time 

citoton'8  a-  *^low**^  ^i""  ^y  ^is  inftrudlions.  The  trade  car. 
gainftchar-ried  on  from  the  harbour  of  Charleftown  was  the 
leftown.  great  fupport  of  the  funds  for  the  warlike  prepa- 
rations of  the  fouthern  colonies.  A  fort  built  ou 
Sullivan's  Ifland  prote^ed  and  commanded  the 
channel  of  the  hafbour.  The  capture  of  that 
fort  was  the  objedl  of  the  expedition  to  South 
Carolina.  The  poireffion  of  that  fort  would  give 
to  the  Britiih  the  entire  dominon  of  the  harboui 
of  Charles  Town.  It  was  therefore  projefted 
that,  if  the  fort  fhould  be  taken,  a  fufficien^  gar- 
rifon  fhould  be  left  for  its  defence ;  but  that  ope* 
rations,  for  the  prefent,  in  this  quarter,  fhould 
\)e  carried  no  farther. 

General  Clinton  having  waited  till  the  thirtieth 
of  May  for  the  fhips  he  expected,  refolved  to 


1 1 


the  detach- 
rc  fhips.    It 
;laad  woukl 
tn  they  did. 
if  any  of  the 
ms  in  favour 
re  left  a  body 
at  he  was  in- 
of  the  troops 
18  it  was  pro- 
would  arrive 
^reat  operati- 
of  the  troops 
was  obvioui 
>nt  to  makes 
of  thofe  pro. 
r,  thought  he 
ille£ied  undet 
iary  purpofe, 
reached  him 
and  which  it 
ithin  the  time 
rhe  trade  car. 
:ftown  was  tbe 
warlike  prepa- 
\  fort  built  on 
mmanded  the 
ipture  of  that 
itionto  South 
ort  would  give 
[>f  the  harboui 
ore  projeftcd 
fufficient  gar- 
but  that  ope- 

ill  the  thirtieth 
i,  refolved  to 



wafle  no  more  time,  but  to  fet  fail  for  South  v. 
Carolina.  Fortunately  however  thofe  fhips  join- 
ed him  off  Cape  Fear,  and  the  whole  fleet  now 
proceeding  to  Charleftown,  arrived  there  on  the 
fourth  of  June.  The  general  immediately  tak- 
ing poffeffion  of  Long  Ifland,  the  loyaliAs  of 
which  had  been  difarmed  by  the  Americans  in 
January,  encamped  the  troops  upon  it. 

Half  a  mile  from  Charleftown    harbour  the 
Americans  had  conftruifted  a  ftrong  fortification 
on  Sullivan's  Ifland,  which  confifled  of  twenty- 
two  thirty-two  pounders,  and  was  garrifoned  by 
three  hundred  men.     As  it  commanded  the  har- 
bour,   general  Clinton    refolved  to  attempt  the 
redu6lion  of  it.     Lee,    the   American    general, 
who  had  watched  with  the  utmoft  anxiety  every 
operation  of  general  Clinton,  and  who  had  fol? 
lowed  him  through  the  feverai  provinces  he  haa 
viftted,  was  at  this  period  encamped  on  a  fpot 
northward  from  Sullivan's  Ifland,  with  which  he 
held  a  communication  by  a-  bridge  of  boats.    Two 
batteries  of  cannon  and  mortars,  conftrudted  on 
the  point  of  Long  Ifland  to  anfwer  thofe  of  the 
enemy,  and  to  co-operate  with  the  floating  batte- 
ries deftined  to  cover  the  landing  of  the  troops 
on  Sullivan's  Ifland,  being  completed,  it  was  de- 
termined to  commence  the  reduftion  of  the  fort 
on  the  twenty-eighth  of  June.     At  half  paft  ten 
o'clock  in  the  morning  Sir  Peter  Parker,  in  the 
Briftol,  made  the  fignal  for  adion  to  the  follow- 
ing fliips — the  Experiment  of  fifty  guns  ;    the 
Aftive,  Solebay,  Adlaeon,  Syren,    and  Sphynx, 
frigates  ;  the  Thunder  bomb,  and  the  Friend- 
Ihip  armed  ftiip  of  twenty-four  guns.     At  a  quar- 
ter paft  eleven,  all  the  fliips  having  got  fprings 
upon  their  cables,  began  a  raoft  tremendous  fire 
upon  the  fort.     Three  of  the  frigates,  the  Ac- 
jtceon,  Syren,  and  Sphynx,    got  aground.     The 
Vol.  L  P  two 





5.  ■  5/ 






CHAP,  two  laft  however  hove  oflF,  but  the  firft  ftuck  faft, 
^'     and  was  fet  on  fire  on  the  fucceeding  ihorning, 
in  order  to  prevent  her  falling  into  the  hands 
of  the  enemy. 

At, the  fame  time  that  the  fleet  began  firing, 
the  batteries  on  Long  Ifland  opened.  At  twelve 
o'clock  the  light-infantry,  grenadiers,  and  the 
fifteenth  regiment,  embarked  in  boats,  the  float* 
ing  and  armed  craft  getting  under  way 
ftt  the  fame  time  to  cover  their  landing  on  SuUU 
Van's  Ifltnd.  Scarcely,  however,  had  the  de. 
tachment  proceeded  from  Long  Ifland,  before 
thev  were  ordered  to  difembark,  and  return  to 
their  emcampment :  And  it  mufl  be  confefled 
that,  if  they  had  landed,  the  >  would  have  had  to 
ilruggle  with  difficulties  almcft  infurmountable. 
The  ground  on  which  t]he  iort  ftood  was  infi^lated 
by  a  broad  and  deep  trench  cut  acrofs  the  ifland, 
and  this  canal  under  the  immediate  command  of 
the  guns  of  Fort  Sullivan. 
'  In  the  mean  time  the  fliips  continued  an  unrc' 
mitting  fire  upon  the  fort.  Between  one  and 
two  o'clock  the  f  re  of  the  enemy  flackened  for 
a  fliort  time,  owing  to  a  want  of  ammunitioD. 
Having,  obtained  however  a  frefti  fupply,  their 
fire  was  renewed,  and  ceafed  not  till  between 
nine  and  ten  o'clock.  In  this  day's  attack  the 
Briftol  and  Experiment  fuflered  molt ;  the  fire 
of  the  enemy  being  principally  diredted  againft 
them,  they  were  left  almoft  wrecks  upon  the  wa- 
ter. Early  on  the  morning  of  the  twenty-ninth, 
the  light-infantry,  grenadiers^  and  the  fifteenth 
regiment,  were  again  embarked,  and  almofl  i'^- 
mediately  afterwards  ordered  to  difembark.  m 
this  inactive  ftate  did  affairs  remain  till  the  M' 
teenth  of  July,  when  orders  were  iffued  to  the 
troops  to  embark  on  board  the  tranfports.  Sir 
H.  Clinton  had  been  greatly  deceived  in  his  in- 



(luck  faft, 
;  rtiorning, 
the  hands 

gan  firing, 

At  twelve 
8,  and  the 
►,  the  float- 
under  way 
ng  on  Sulli- 
lad  the  de* 
iand,  before 
id  return  to 
3e  confeffed 

have  had  to 
Mvas  infiplated 
jfs  the  ifland, 
i  command  of 

fiued  an  unrc 

een  one  and 

flackencd  for 


fupply,  t^eir 
till  between 
's  attack  the 
.jolt ;  the  fire 
(iredied  againft 
upon  the  wa- 
t  thehfteemh 
tnd  almofti"^' 
iifembark.    ^Q 
iia  till  the  fif- 
ilTued  to  the 
.anfports.    Sir 
;ived  in  his  in- 

A  M  E  R  I  C  A  N    W  A  R. 

formation.  The  paflage  was  not  fordable  in  the  ^ 
rear  of  the  fort ;  for  fir  Henry  and  fevcral  other 
officers  waded  up  to  their  fhoulders,  and  then, 
on  finding  that  the  depth  of  water  increafed,  re- 
turned. On  putting  the  boats,  in  which  were  the 
artillery,  into  the  water,  it  was  found,  that  they 
let  in  the  water  fo  faft  that  they  muft  fink.  The 
officers  and  men  of  the  artillery  who  were  in 
them  had  nearly  been  loft.  The  ihips  kept  at 
too  great  a  diftauce :  They  might  have  gone 
much  nearer,  and  if  they  had,  would  have  done 
great  execution,  bv  pouring  broadfides  iiito  the 
fort ;  but  their  diftance  was  fuch  that  they  did 
little  or  no  damage  to  the  fott.  The  Americans 
were  much  elated  upon  this  fuccefs,  which  confi- 
derably  inflamed  the  fpirit  of  revolt.  ' 

On  the  twenty-firft,  the  army  failed  for  NeW 
York,  under  the  convoy  of  the  Solebay  frigate, 
the  reft  of  the  fleet  being  under  the  neceffity  of 
remaining  to,  refit.  Thus  ended  an  expeditioa 
from  which  the  friends  of  government  had  pre- 
didied  the  moft  beneficial  confequences. 


J    J./ ..-    »i 


■    ■      -.4 

■   .  '^  .'.^%■,.,,X.f'■ 
'     '  '   '              > 

•  ■   ■      ■ .             ,>   ■ 

C  HAP. 


--*!  ";..:[ i  iraxfl  i/^/P:i.';j 

i  >■% 





CHAP.    VL 

A£ti  of  the 


Proceedings  of  Congrefs-^Declaration  of  Indepen- 
dence — Arrival  y  Lord  Howe  from  England-^ 
Rattle  of  Long  IJland^-^Overtures  on  the  part 

.  of  the  Britijb  Commanders  for  Peace. — 1776. 

IT  will  be  remembered  that  early  in  the  fum* 
mer  of  1775  congrefshad  voted  that  the  af- 
femblies  of  the  feveral  colonies  fhould  give  in- 
ftru£lions  to  their  delegates  relative  to  the  inde- 
pendence of  America.  However  premature  fuch 
a  vote  might  be  thought  at  that  period  by  mode- 
rate men,  the  fubfequent  fuccefs  of  the  Ame- 
rican arms  had  entirely  overcome  tlieir  objec- 
tions to  its  tendency,  and  had  paved  the  way  for 
another  vote  more  open  and  more  ample  in  its 

On  the  fifteenth  of  May  1776  it  was  refolved 
"  to  recommend  to  the  various  aflemblies  and 
conventions  in  the  United  States  of  America, 
where  no  form  of  government  adequate  to  the 
exigencies  of  affairs  had  yet  been  adopted,  to 
eftablilh  fuch  a  conflitution  as  ihould  be  moft  con- 
ducive to  the  public  welfare  and  fecurity."  This 
vote  was  immediately  publifhed  in  the  Penfylva- 
nia  Gazette,  with  a  preamble,  ftating  that,  a^ 
"  his  Britannic  majefly  had,  with  the  concur- 
rence of  his  parliament,  excluded  the  iuhabi* 
tants  of  the  colonies  from  hi^  protedion,"  it  was 
deemed  neceflary  and  expedient  to  fupprefs  and 
abolifh  the  power  and  conftitution  which  had  been 
derived  from  that  fource. 




The  alTemblies  of  the  colonies  readily  com- CHAP. 



plied  with  the  recommendations  of  congrefs,  ex< 
cept  Maryland,  whofe  delegates,  together  with 
the  Penfylvania  afTembly,  feceded  from  congrefs. 
Virgini  i,  however,  feemed  to  poflefs  more  of  the 
fpirit  that  animated  the  congrefs  than  the  other 
provinces ;  for  on  the  day  on  which  the  above  re- 
folution  paifed  at  Philadelphia,  the  aflembly  of 
Virginia,  which  was  then  fitting  at  Williamfburg, 
indru^led  their  delegates  to  propofe  a  refolution 
of  a  iimilar  tendency  to  that  of  congrefs ;  ap- 
pointing at  the  fame  time  a  committee  to  pre- 
pare the  plan  of  a  new  conditution.  They  atfo  . 
publiihed  the  following  declaration  of  rights : 

1.  That  all  men  are  born  equally  free,  poflef- 
iing  certain  natural  rights,  of  which  they  can- 
not by  any  compadl  deprive  their  pofterity. 

2.  That  all  power  is  vefled  in  the  people,  from 
whom  it  is  derived. 

3,.  That  they  have  an  unalienable,  indefeafible 
right  to  reform,  alter,  or  abolifh,  their  form  of 
government  at  pleafure.  •  , 

4.  That  the  idea  of  an  hereditary  iirft  magif-^   *  .     ' 
trate  is  unnatural  and  abfurd ; — and,  " 

5.  That  no  government,   independent  of,  or     •" 
fcparated    from,    the   government  of  Virginia, 
ought  to  prevail  within  the  limits  of  Virginia. 

In  purfuance  of  the  recommendation  of  con- Declaration 
grefs,  moil  of  the  provinces  had  inftru£led  their  3[^.''**"' 
delegates  on  the  fubjedl  of  independence.  The 
cataflrophe  was  now  at  hand,  and  on  the  fourth 
of  July  1776,  America  was  fevered  for  ever  from 
Great  Britain  )by  a  refolution,  whlchi  after  enu- 
merating the  feveral  grievances  already  flated, 
declared,  "  that,  on  account  of  the  king  of  Great 
Britain  having  refufed  to  redrefs  them,  the  inha- 

Jjitaats  of  the  United  Colonies  were  thereby  dif- 

■  '.'v.  v.i  v/- 1;, V-^ ■•■•"  >>  •*».*  jf^'iv-    ..vui^Aij<i,,'  <!*■•■, -r -7 '--    charced 


"(t— '  " 

■t'^'mtiK  -iser-f 





CHAP*  charged  and  abfolved  from  all  allegiance  and  obe- 
VI.  ■  dience  to  him."       :\.i;.l„,  ,,,....      :     i.i     h' 


Previoufly  to  the  palHng  of  this  refolmion  it 
?77^'  had  been  difpatched  to  the  different  provincial 
aflemblies,  in  order  that  it  might  be  ratified  iin< 
pjediately  after  it  had  paifed  the  congrefs.  No 
oppoliiion  was  made  on  this  account  in  any  of 
the  provinces,  except  in  Maryland,  where  the 
ratification  was  rejeftcd  by  the  aflfenibly,  who 
prdered  their  delegates  to  fecede  from  congrels. 
A  body  of  the  people  however  obliged  them  to 
return  injmediately,  and  the  aflembly  were  com- 
polled  to  ratify  the  important  refolmion.  This 
unanimity  was  in  a  great  degree  produced  by  the 
Bumeroijs  publications  that  appeared  about  this 
period.  Of  thefe  the  nioft  dininguifhed  was  a 
■ivork  entitled  Common  Sonfe,  the  author, Idr. 
Thomas  Paine,  who  has  fince  rendered  his  name 
fo  famous  oil  the  theatre  of  Europe,  and  of  the 
^'orld.  Such  w^re  the  meafures  which  America 
had  adopted  previoully  tq  the  arrival  of  lord 
Howe  from  England,    '  .  i,w  ./f^ .  ismi. 

Arrival  of  a  The  army  having  now  fufficiently  recovered 
JfrdHowe  from  thc  fatigue  and  fiolsnefs  produced  by  their 
from  £ng-  confined  fituation  in  Boilon,  departed  from  Ha- 
lifax on  the  eleventh  of  June,  arid  proceeded  to 
Sandy  Hook,  to  wait  for  the  arrival  of  the  rein- 
forcements from  Europe,  it  may  not  be  uniie- 
ceflary  to  mention  here,  that  it  was  t^e  general 
opinion  that  fir  William  Howefhould  have  gone 
to  Long  Ifland  inftead  of  Halifax ;  the  foldiers 
might  then  have  been  fupplied  from  the  i(lai^4 
with  cattle  in  abundance,  and  if  theire  had  been 
no  tents  they  might  hav^  been  hutted,  as  the 
Americans  were,  and  by  that  means  have  been 
enaWed  to  have  opened  the  campaign  much  ear- 
lier. Thc  army  reached  Sandy-Hook  on  thc 
iwenty- ninth  of  June.    General  Howe,  who  had 




A  ME  R  I  C  AN     W  A  R. 



been  there  for  fome  time,  had  receiired  from  CHAP, 
major-general  Tryon,  the  governor  of  New  York,      ^^* 
who  had  been  obliged  to  take  refuge  on  board 
a  man  of  war,  the  following  account  of  the  iltu- 
ation  of  the  Americans  in  that  province. 

Having  obtained  undoubted  information  that 
the  Britim  armaments  were  to  be  direded  againfl 
New  York,  they  were  endeavouring,  by  ilrong 
entrenchments,  both  there  and  on  Long  Ifland, 
to  obftruft  the  paiTage  of  the  fleet  up  the  narth 
and  eaft  rivers.  To  increafe  thefe  impediments, 
dhains  of  funken  veflels  were  laid  in  various  parts 
o£  the  channel.  They  had  alfo  magazines  of 
warlike  ftores,  and  a  large  train  of  artillery.  In 
confequence  of  this  information,  ana  certain 
that  fuccours  from  England  would  foon  arrive, 
general  Howe  reiblved  to  wafle  no  more  time  at 
Sandy  Hook,  but  to  proceed  with  the  army  to 
Staten  Ifland,  fituated  oppofite  to  Long  liland, 
where  he  could  watch  the  operations  of  the  ene- 
my. Accordingly,  on  the  third  of  July,  he  land- 
ed the  tropps  on  the  Iflwid  without  oppofitiot^^ 
the  enemy  abandoning  it  on  his  approach.  The; 
troops  thus  landed,  confifted  of  two  battalions 
of  light-infantry,  two  of  grenadiers,  the  fourth, 
fifth,  tenth,  feventeenth,  twenty-fecond,  twenty- 
third,  twenty-feventh,  thirty-fifth,  thirty-eighth, 
fortieth,  fojrty-fecond,  forty-third,  forty-fourth, 
forty-fifth,  forty-ninth,  fifty-fccond,  fifty-fifth, 
fixty-third,  and  fixty-fourth  regiments  of  foot, 
and  part  of  the  forty-fixth  and  feventy-firft  regi- 
ments, and  the  feventeenth  resilient  of  light 
dragoons.  There  were  befides  two  companies 
of  volunteers  raifed  at  New  York,  confifting  of 
one  hundred  men  each.  Tl^  total  amount  was 
nine  thoufand  men.  It  had  been  determined  to 
land  on  Long  liland  :  but  upon  further  confide- 
ration  it  was  thought  more  advifeabic  to  wait  foe 




•i'f  t  i 


-A*«r.-  ^ 


■-V  • 






CHAP.the  arrival  of  the  troops  from  Europe,  and  to 
^I*     land  in  the  mean  time  upon  Staten  Ifland. 

On  the  firft  of  July  lord  Howe,  and  the  long- 
expeded  fuccours  from  England,  arrived  at  San- 
dy Hook,  and  thence  proceeded  to  Staten  If- 
land. The  reinforcement  brought  from  England 
amounted,  with  the  troops  already  in  America^ 
to  near  thirty  thoufand  men.  The  late  arrival  of 
this  reinforcement  is  to  be  particularly  lamented, 
becaufe,  for  fome  time  before  this  period,  gene- 
ral Wafhington's  army  did  not  amount  to  nine 
thoufand  men  fit  for  duty  ;  two  thoufand  of  whom 
were  entirely  deftitute  of  arms.  It  mull  therefore 
be  fufficiently  apparent,  that  moft  important  ad- 
vantages would-  have  accrued  to  the  Britifti  caufe 
if  the  campaign  had  commenced  two  months 
earlier  than  it  did.  The  American  army  muft 
then  have  been  inevitably  overwhelmed  by  the 
fuperiority  of  numbers  and  of  difcipline  oppofed 
to  it.  So  well  convinced,  was  colonel  Jofeph 
Read,  the  American  adjutant-general,  of  this 
fuperiority,  that,  in  a  letter  to  a  member  of  con- 
grefs,  he  ftated  the  amount  of  the  American  army 
to  be  lefs  than  eight  thoufand  men,  "  all  of 
*'  whom,  from  the  general  to  the  private,  were 
"  exceedingly  difcouraged."  Lord  Howe  had 
been  appointed  to  the  command  of  the  fleet  de- 
ftined  to  co-operate  with  his  brother  general 
Howe,  with  the  unanimous  approbation  of  the 
people  of  England.  Whatever  may  be  thought 
of  lord  Howe  as  a  naval  commander,  there  was 
a  certain  hauteur  and  frigid  referve  in  his  de- 
portment that  but  ill-qualified  him  for  the  office 
of  a  foother  and  a  mediator  between  two  con^ 
tending  parties,  irritated  agaiuft  each  other  al- 
moft  to  a  degree  of  maduefs.  His  lordfliij) 
brought  with  him  a  commiflion  fandUoned  by 
parliament,  empowering  him  and  his  brother  to 


•  ...  :  ^-^  ,■■,  ,r 



,  and  to 

I.    -^.m 

Lhe  long- 
d  at  San- 
itateii  11- 
arrival  of 
od,  gene- 
nt  to  nine 
d  of  whom 
t  therefore 
)ortant  ad- 
ritifti  caule 
fo  months 
army  muft 
ued  by  the 
oe  oppofed 
)nel  Jofeph 
■al,    of  this 
[berof  con- 

A  M  E  R  I  C  A  N     W  A  R. 

treat  with  the  Americans.  Their  powers  wereC 
ample  and  extenfive.  They  were  invefted  with 
the  ability  of  making  peace  or  of  continuing  the 
war — of  receiving  the  fubmiffion  of  all  or  any 
one  of  the  colonies — of  pardoning  or  of  punifh- 
ing  delinquents,  f?"  V.-, ' 

At  this  period,  the  celebrated  Dr.  Franklin, 
who  had  for  many  years  refided  in  England  as 
agent  for  the  colonies  of  Maflachufets  and  Pen- 
fylvania,  retiring  to  America  foon  after  his  dif- 
mifTion  from  his  office  of  joint  poft-mafter-gene-, 
ral  of  America,  was  a  leading  member  of  the 
congrefs.     To  him  lord  Howe  addreffed  a  letter 
foon  after  his  arrival.     In  it  he  informed  him  of 
the  nature  of  his  commiffion  ;  expreffing,  at  the 
fame  time,  hopes  that  he  would  nnd  in  America 
the  fame  difpofition   for  peace  that  he  brought- 
with  him,   and  concluding  with  requefting  his 
aid  to  accomplifh  this  defired  end.     Dr.  Frank- 
lin, in  anfwcr,  informed  his  lordfhip,  that,  pre- 
paratory to  any  propofitions  of  amity  or  peace, 
it  would  be  required  that  Great  Britain  Ihould 
acknowledge  the  independence  of  America,  de- 
fray the  expences  of  the  war,  and  indemnify  the 
colonies  for  burning  their  towns.     This,  howe- 
ver, he  ftated  to  be  only  his  own  opinion,  and 
that  what  he  had  faid  was  not  authorifed  by  thofe 
in  whom  the  Americans  had  invefted  the  power 
of  peace  or  war.     Lord  Howe  alfo  addreffed  a 
circular  letter,  accompanied  with  a  declaration, 
to  feveral  of  the  late  governors  of  the  provinces, 
acquainting  them  with  the  power  with  which  he 
I  was  invefted.     Thefe  letters  and  the  declaratioi* 
were  forwarded  to  congrefs,  and  publifhed  in 
the  different  newfpapers  :  At  the  fame  time  his 
lordfhip  opened  a  correfpondence  with  general 
IWalhington,  which  produced  no  beneficial  con- 
jfequence  to  the  Britifti  caufe. 



I  < 


\  H, 


i:  w'.. .  .^■*<Vt.:  '^    J-.^-Ji.l**:'^?*...^^.. -"''■*'  "*'*y  *--"^''^'iL-Mnir"iirii|X_^'^-   MIT.      ■■'•*"^' 'i^f^j!"^' 


.     ,( 







CHAP.  Lord  Howe  and  his  brother,  unwilling  to  ac- 
VI.  cedetothofe  conditions  which  had  been  flated 
by  Dr.  Franklin  to  be  the  only  terms  that  would 
be  accepted,  and  feeii^,  from  the  declaration  of 
independence,  and  the  vigorous  preparations  of 
the  enemy,  that  nothing  lefs  would  be  accepted, 
refolved  to  commence  hoftilities  immediately. 

The  troops  under  general  Clinton,  from  the 
fouthward,  having  joined  the  grand  army,  the 
campaign  opened  on  the  twenty-fecond  of  Au- 
guil.  A  diviiion  of  four  thoufand  men,  under 
the  command  of  general  Clinton,  landed  without 
oppofition  in  Gravefend  Bay,  Long  Ifland,  to  the 
right  of  the  Narrows,  their  difembarkation  being 
covered  by  three  frigates  and  two  bomb-ketch- 
es: This  diviiion  having  landed  without  refif. 
tance,  the  reft  of  the  army  and  artillery  were 
a]fo  landed.  The  advanced  party  of  the  enemy 
fled  at  the  approach  of  the  army,  fetting  fire,  on 
their  retreat,  to  all  the  houfes  and  gp'anaries,  and 
feeking  refuge  in  the  woody  heights  that  com- 
manded the  way  which  the  Englifh  were  under 
the  neceffity  of  pafling.  The  Englifli  poffefled 
an  extent,  reaching  from  the  Narrows  through 
Gravefend  and  Utrecht.  The  Americans,  to  the 
r^umber  of  fifteen  thoufand,  were  pofted  on  ape- 
ninfula,  between  Mill  Creek,  a  little  above  Red 
IJook,  and  an  elbow  of  the  river,  called  Wal- 
labach  Bay.  They  had  conflruded  ftrong  for- 
tifications oppoiite  to  New  York,  from  which 
they  were  feparated  by  the  Eaft  River,  at  the  dif- 
tance  of  a  mile.  A  line  of  intrenchment  from 
the  Mill  Creek  enclofejd  a  large  fpace  of  ground, 
on  which  flood  the  American  camp.  This  line 
"iva§  not  only  fccured  by  abbatis,  but  flanked  by 
flrong  redoubts,  and  lined  with  fpear^  or  lances 
provided  againil  affault.  From  this  poll  ten  thou- 
*fand  men,  under  the  command  of  general  Put- 




ing  to  ac- 

eea  ftated 

tiat  would 

laration  of 

arations  of 

;  accepted, 


1,  from  the 
army,  the 

ond  of  Au- 

men,  under 

ded  without 

ftand,  to  the 

Nation  being 


vitbout  refif- 

.rtillery  were 

af  the  enemy 

«iDg  fire,  on 

jranaries,  and 

Kts  that  com- 

ti  were  under 

,m  poffefled 
rows  through 
jricans,  to  the 
lofted  on  ape- 
le  above  Red 
,  called  Wal- 
ed ftrong  fpr- 
L,  from  whicn 
rer,  at  the  dif- 
nchmeot  from 
ace  of  ground, 
np.    Thishne 
but  flanked  by 
pear?  or  lances 
Tspoft  ten  thou- 

\i  general  Put- 

liam,  were  detached.    Their  objeA  was  to  oc-CHAP. 
cupy  the  heights  which  obliquely  interfedled  the 
ifland,  and  to  defend  againft  the  progrefs  of  the 
Englifhj  the  defiles  which  led  through  thofe  hills. 
Oppofite  the  centre  of  Putnam's  line  ftood, 
in  the  plain,  the  village  of  Flat  Bufh.    To  this 
town  the  Heffians,    under  general  De  Heifler, 
were  advanced,  occupying  entirely  the  attention 
of  the  Americans,    and  frequently  (kirmifliing 
with  their  patroles.    In  the  meaa  time  fir  Henry 
Clinton  and  fir  William  Erfkine,  having  recon- 
noitred the  polition  of  the  enemy,  law  that  it 
would  not  be  a  difficult  matter  to  turn  their  left 
flank,  which  would  either  oblige  them  to  rifk  an 
engagement,  or  to  rietire  under  manifeft  difadvan- 
tage.     This  intelligence  being  communicated  to 
fir  William  Howe,  he  confented  to  make  the 
attempt.    Accordingly  the  right  wing  of  the  En- 
glifh  army  moved,  confifliug  of  a  flrong  advanc- 
ed corps,  commanded  by  general  Clinton,  fijp-Augufta*. 
ported  by  the  brigades  under  lord  Percy.    The 
commander  in  chief  himfelf  marched  with  this 
corps,  which  quitted  its  camp  at  nine  o'clock  at  ^ 
night  on  the  twenty-fixth  of  Auguflv  crofling  the 
country,  by  Flat  Lands,  in  order  to  fecure  a  pafs 
over  the  heights  of  Guiana,  on  the  road  to  Bed- 
ford.   This  pafs  the  enemy  had  negleded.ta  fe- 
cure by  detachments,  on  account  of  i|s  grea|t 
diftancc.    In  order  to  watch  it,  however^  they 
fentout  occafional  patroles  of  cavalry:  But  one 
of  thefe  being  intercepted  by  a  Britilh  advanced 
guard,  the  pafs  was,  gained  without  any  alarm 
being  communicated  to  the  Americans.     At  nine  J^""*.®'^  . 
o'clock  in  the  morning  the  Britjfli  paflTed  the  or^BfookiJn 
heights  and  reached  Bedford.    An  attack  was 
immediately  begun  on  the  enemy's  left;    they 
made  hut  a  feeble  refiilance,  and  retired  from 
the  woody  grounds  to  their  lines,  into  which 
jJr  ■  they 

1  I'   «T.,1 

0K  **-  i^A-*- 



V  -  .._•• 


HIST  OR  Y     OF     THE 

h       f 


s  t 

CH  A  P.  fhejr  threw  thcmfelves  in  evident  confufion.  It 
"VI.  is  to  be  hmemed  that  this  advantage  was  not 
^purfued ;  for  in  the  confufion  into  which  the  ene- 
•my  were  thrown  by  the  rapid  march  of  the  En- 
^hfli-army,  a  moit  decifive  vidory  would  have 
undoubtedly  accrued  to  the  Britilh  arms.  The 
,works  of  the  enemy  could  not  have  refifted  an 
attack,  when  it  is  confidered  that  it  might  have 
been  made  by  that  part  of  the  army  under  fir 
'William  Howe,-  which  had  not  .been  engaged, 
•and  which  therefore  pofleffed  a  manifeft  fuperi- 
:ority  over  troops  fatigued:  by  conleft,  exhaufted 
by  hard  •  labour,  and  dilheartened  by  partial  de- 

'As  foon  as  the  firing  on  the  enemy's  left  was 
heard,  .general  De  Heifter,   with  a  column  of 
Heflians  from  Flat  Bulh,  attacked  the  centre  of 
•the  Americans.     After  a  warm  engagement  the 
•enemy  was  routed  and  driven  into  the  woods, 
with  the  lofs  of  three  pieces  of  cannon.     The 
';Ieft  columo,  led  by  general  Grant,   advancing 
from,  the  Narrows  by  the  edge  of  the  bay,  in 
order  to  divert  the  attention  of  the  enemy  from 
the  principal   attack   on  the  right,  about  mid- 
night fell  in  with  their  advanced  guard,  ftationed 
at  a  ftrong  pafs,  which,  however,  they  immedi- 
ately abandoned,  and  retired  to  a  very  advanta- 
geous poft,  where  they  kept  their  ground.    On 
the  advancement  of  the  Englifh,  a  furious  can- 
nonade commenced  on  both  iides,   which  was 
continued    with  unceafing  perfeverance  till  the 
enemy  heard  the  firing  at  Bedford.;    The  Ame- 
ricans in  this  quarter  did  not  attempt  t^;'  retire 
until  they  received  news  of  the  totall  rout  of  the 
reft  of  their  army.     Apprehenfive  then  of  bein|[ 
unable  to  regain  their  lines,  they  made  a  fudden 
movement    to    fecure    a  retreat,    by  croffing  a 
morafs  to  Mill  Creek,  which  covered  the  right  of  | 
•;   M*^'     ■  ■  their 



-'*'^--  T|i        \  "mm^J^im 




fufion.    It 
re  was  not 
ch  the  ene- 
of  the  En- 
jvould  have 
arms.    The 
refitted  an 
might  have 
ly  under  fir 
en  engaged, 
lifeft  fuperi- 
[l,  exhaufted 
y  partial  de- 

ny's  left  was 
a  column  of 
the  centre  of 
gagement  the 
,0  the  woods, 
annon.     The 
It,   advancing 
f  the  bay,  in 
le  enemy  from 
t,  about  mid- 
iard,  ftationed 
they  immedi- 
very  advanta- 
•  ground.    Oa 
a  furious  can- 
is,   which  was 
werance  till  tte 
d.    The  Amc- 
lempt  iv^  retire 
tal  rout  of  the 
:  then  of  bein^ 
made  a  fudden 
by  croffmga, 
•ed  the  right  of 
their  I 


their  works.    But  this  movement  was  made  in  CHAP, 
much  diforder  and   confufion;    general  Grant,     VI. 
however,  did  not  take  adequate   advantage  of  ^^""^^"^  ■ 
it,  for  had  he  moved  rapidly  to  the  edge  of  the    ^779* 
morafs,   through  which,    and  over  a  mill-dam, 
the  principal  part  of  them  efcaped,  the  greateft 
number  of  the  detachment,  as  well  as  of  thofe 
who  fled  from  Flat  Buih,  muft  have  either  been 
drowned  or  taken  prifoners. 

Thus  ended  the  operations  of  the  day :  Vic- 
tory was  certainly  on  the  fide  of  the  Englifti  j 
but  it  was  not  fo  decifive  as  it  might  have  been, 
owing  to  the  reftridlions  impofed  by  the  com- 
mander in  chief.     The  lofs  of  the  Americans  was 
great.     Two  thoufand  were  either  killed  on  the 
field,  drowned,  or  taken  prifoners :  And  among 
the  latter,,  generals   Sullivan,  Udell,  and   lord 
Sterling.     The  Maryland  regiment  fuffered  moft 
feverely,  having  loft  upwards  of  two   hundred 
and  fixty  men ;    which  was  much  regretted,  as 
that  regiment  was  compofed  of  young  men  of 
thebeft  families  in  the  country.     The  royal  army 
took  fix  pieces  of  brafs  ordnance.    The  lofs  oq" 
the  part  of  the  Englifh  did  not  exceed  three  hun- 
dred in  killed  and  wounded ;  of  which  numbei: 
between  fixty  and  feventy  were  killed.     Among 
the  killed  was  lieutenant-colonel  Grant,  of  the. 
fortieth  regiment ;  among  the  wounded,  lieute- 
tenant-colonel  Monckton.     The  Britifti  troops,, 
on  this  occafion,  difplayed  great  adUvity  and  va- 
lour: So  impetuous  was  their  courage,  that  it; 
was  not  without  difficulty  that  they  could  be  re- 
flrained  from  attacking  the  American  lines;  and 
had  they  been  permitted  to  go  on,  in  the  judg- 
ment of  moft  men,  including  fir  William  Howe 
himfclf,  they  would  have  Carried  them.     "  But,"  Auguit 
lays  the  general,    "  as  it  was  apparent  that  the 
"  lines  muft  become  ours,  at  a  very  cheap  rate, 




!     »' 

};■    MM 

I     ii 










CHAP.  •<  by  regular  approaches,  I  would  not  rifle  the 
^"  "  lofs  that  might  have  been  fuilained  in  the  af. 
fault,  and  ordered  them  back  to  a  hollow  way, 
out  of  the  reach  of  the  mufquetry.*' 
On  the  evening  of  the  twenty-fcventh,  our 
army  encamped  in  front  of  the  enemy's  lines  1 
and  on  the  twenty-eighth  broke  ground  about  fix 
hundred  yards  from  one  of  the  redoubts  on  the 
left.  The  Americans,  finding  that  it  was  im* 
poflible  to  maintain  their  poll  on  Long  Ifland, 
evacuated  their  lines  on  the  twenty-ninth,  and 
made  good  their  retreat  to  New  York.  At  firft 
the  wind  and  tide  were  both  unfavourable  to  the 
Americans;  nor  was  it  thought  poffible  that  they 
could  have  effe£led  their  retreat  on  the  evening 
of  the  twenty-ninth,  until  about  eleven  o'clock, 
the  wind  fhifting,  and  the  fea  becoming  more 
calm,  the  boats  were  enabled  to  pafs.  Another 
remarkable  circumflance  was,  that  on  Long  If* 
land  hung  a  thick  fog,  which  prevented  the  Bri« 
tiih  troops  from  dilcovering  the  operations  of 
the  enemy ;  while  on  the  fide  of  New  York  the 
atmofphere  was  perfedlly  clear.  The  retreat  was 
effected  in  thirteen  hours,  though  nine  thoufand 
men  had  to  pafs  over  the  river,  befides  field  ar- 
tillery,  ammunition,  provifions,  cattle,  horfes, 
and  carts. 

The  circumftances  of  this  retreat  were  parti- 
cularly glorious  to  the  Americans..  They  had 
been  dlriven  to  the  corner  of  an  ifland,  where 
they  were  hemmed  in  within  the  narrow  fpace  of 
two  fquare  miles.  In  their  front  was  an  encamp* 
ment  of  near  twenty  thoufand  men;  in  their 
rear,  an  arm  of  the  fea,  a  mile  wide,  which  they 
could  not  crofsjbut  in  feveral  embarkations. 
Notwithftanding  thefe 'difficulties,  they  fecured 
a  retreat  without  the  lofs  of  a  man.  The  pickets 
of  the  Englifh  army  arrived  only  in  time  to  fire 




*  .*LJ^>'.~,    ^^f, ,  .jtiH^  _  ■  '.driw^.  ■ 

■-J.:  ■:    .>::i;:-.J.l^f  ^ 



t  riik  tin 
in  the  af* 
)Uow  way, 

irenth,  out 
ny's  lines } 
d  about  fix 
ubis  on  the 
\i  was  im- 

,ong  Ifla»d> 
-nmth,  and 
rk.  Atfirft 
rablc  to  the 
ble  that  they 

the  evening 
;ven  o'clock, 
doming  more 
i{%.    Another 

on  Long  If* 
jnted  the  Bri- 

at  were  parti* 

[     They  had 

lifland,  where 

irrow  fpace  of 

IS  an  encamp- 

Jien;  in  ^^^^"^ 

le,  which  they 

1  embarkations. 

they  fecured 

The  pickets 

In  time  to  fire 



upon  their  rear-guard,  already  too  far  removed  CHAP, 
from  the  (hore  to  receive  any  damage.     Sir  Wil-     ^^' 
liam  Howe  had  early  l..ielligence  fent  him  of  the 
retreat  of  the  Americans ;  but  a  coniiderable  time 
had  elapfed  before  a  purfuit  was  ordered.    Sir 
William  Howe  at  length,  however,  defired  lord 
Percy  to  order  a  purfuit ;  but  it  was  too  late.  The 
cn^mv  had  effeded  their. retreat,  which  was  ren- 
dered lefs  hazardous  from  the  want  of  frigates 
in  the  £aft  River  between  Long  Ifland  and  New 
York.    Had   any    armed   fhips  been  (lationed 
there,  it  would  have  been  unpoifible  for  them  to 
have  made  their  efcape.    The  Eaft  River  is  deep 
enough  for  a  feventy-four  gun  (hip  to  ride  at 
anchor.    Waftiington  thought  him^lf  happy  in 
getting  fafe  with  his  papers  from  Long  lAand,  hav- 
ing crofled  to  New  York  in  a  fmall  boat.   Had  two 
or  even  one  frigate  moored  as  high  up  as  Red- 
Hook,  as  the  Phcenix  and  Rofe  men  of  war  had 
done  before,  the  one  carrying  forty-four  guns, 
and  the  other  twenty-eight,  the  retreat  of  the 
Americans  would  have  been  cut  off  moll  com-^ 
pletely ;  and  indeed  lb  decided  were  the  Ame-  ' 
ricans  themfelves  in  this  opinion,  that,  had  only 
a  fingle  frigate  been  ftationed  in  the  Eaft  River, 
they  muft  have  furrendered  at  difcretion.     It  is  to 
be  obferved,    that  in  the  very  fame  boats  in 
which  the  Americans  crofled  from  New  York  to 
Long  Ifland,  they  re-crofled  after  their  defeat 
frong  Long  Ifland  to  New  York,  the  boats  hav- 
ing lain  for  three  days  on  the  Long  Ifland  fhore 
in  readinefs  to  carry  them  off*    Now  it  is  evident 
that  this  fmall  craft,   by  the  above  precaution, 
might  have  been  effeftually  deftroyed. 

In  reviewing  the  adlions  of  men,  the  hiftorian 
is  often  at  a  lofs  to  conjefture  the  fecret  caufes 
that  gave  them  birth.  It  cannot  be  denied  but 
that  the  American  army  lay  almoft  eutirely  at 



-■•;  f 

1  t 



[,.  :J 




CHAP. the  will  of  the  Englifli.    That  they  were  there« 
^^'      fore  fuffered  to  retire  in  fafety,  has  by  fome  been 
attributed  to  the  reluftance   of  the  commander 

1 776. 


in  chief  to  fhed  the  blood  of  a  people  lb  nearly 
allied  to  that  fource  from  whence  he  derived  all 
his  authority  and  power.  We  are  rather  inclined 
to  adopt  this  idea,  and  to  fuppofe  motives  of  mif- 
taken  policy,  than  to  leave  ground  for  an  imagi. 
nation  that  the  efcape  of  the  Americans  refulted 
from  any  want  of  exertion  on  the  part  of  fir  Wij. 
Ham  Howe,  or  deficiency  in  the  military  fcience. 
He  might  pofl'ibly  have  conceived  that  the  late 
vidlory  would  produce  a  revolution  in  fentimem 
capable  of  terminating  the  war  without  the  ex- 
tremity which  it  appeared  to  be,  beyond  all  pof. 
fibility  of  doubt,  in  his  power  to  enforce. 

About  this  time  a  reinforcement  arrived  under 
the  command  of  fir  George  Collier,  after  a  very 
long  paflage,  occafioned  by  their  too  late  depar- 
ture from  England.  ^ .:  "  r, 

TheEnglifti  army,  being  now  in  pofTeflion  of 
Long  Ifland,  commanded  New  York ;  and  Go- 
vernor's Ifland,  being  of  courfe  no  longer  tena- 
ble by  the  enemy,  was  alfo  evacuated  on  the  night 
of  the  thirtieth  of  Auguft .  Two  brigades  of  Hef- 
fians,  and  one  Britiih  brigade,  being  left  at  Bed- 
ford, the  reft  of  the  army  was  pofted  at  New 
Town,  Hell  Gate,  Bufhwick,  and  Flufhing.  On 
that  part  of  Long  Ifland  oppofite  Horan's  Hook, 
where  the  enemy  had  thrown  up  a  ftrong  work, 
two  batteries  were  ereded.  This  work  com- 
manded Hell  Gate,  a  paflage  between  the  iflands 
of  Buchanan,  Montrefor,  and  the  Two  Brothers, 
into  the  Sound  which  feparates  Long  Ifland  from 
New  York  and  the  Connedicut  fliore.  The  Eng- 
lifli batteries  in  a  ftiort  time  not  only  filenced  the 
fire  of  the  enemy  from  the  work,  but  broke  it 





were  there* 
»y  I'ome  been 

pic  i'o  nearly 

derived  all 
ther  inclined 
)tivesof  mif" 
for  animagi- 
Lcans  refuUed 
rt  of  fir  Wil. 
iitary  fcience. 
that  the  late 
,  in  fentiment 
;hout  the  ex- 
yond  all  pof- 

arrived  under 
r,  after  a  very 

00  late  depar- 

1  poffeffionof 
3iik ;  and  Go- 
o  longer  tena- 
;d  on  the  night 
igades  of  Hef- 
ig  left  at  Bed- 
jofted  at  New 
Flufhing.    On 

loran's  Hook, 
a  ftrong  work, 
lis  work  com- 
een  the  iflands 
Two  Brothers, 
mg  Ifland  from 
»re.     TheEng- 
ly  filencedthe 
but  broke  it 

A  M  £  K  I  C  A  N    W  A  R.  ktg 

«p  entirely,  and  rendered  it  utterly  indcfenfi- C  H  A  P. 
ble.  VI. 

In  the  Sound  are  three  fmall  iflands,  Barren,  '^^TP*' 
Montrefor,  and  Buchanan,  which  are  only  ufeful    *7?6. 
inafmuch  as  they  can  awe  veflels  pafling  through 
the  Sound.     Of  thefe  the  Englifli  took  pofTeflion  ; 
and  thus  was  all  communication  with  New  York 
prevented  by  fea. 

Whilft  thefe  operations  were  carrying  on,  gc-  ovmurw 
neral  Sullivan,  who  had  been  taken  prifoner  on  ^  the  bZ 
Long  Ifland,  was  difmifTed  on  his  parole,  and|j|J^jj^j®™-^^j, 
difpatched  to  Philadelphia  at  his  own  requeft,  in  peace, 
order  to  fubmit  fome  propolitions  to  congrefs. 
In  thofe  propofitions  lord    Howe  exprefied  a 
vvifli  to  enter  into  conferences  with  feveral  mo- 
derate members  of  congrefs,  not  as  deputies  from 
an  independent  (late,  but  as  private  gentlemen 
of  influence  in  the  different  colonies.     In  thefe 
conferences  preliminaries  were  to  be  fettled,  on 
whi'^h  an  accommodation  of  the  differences  be- 
tween  the    two  countries    was  to  be  founded. 
As  an  inducement  to  congrefs  to  comply  with 
thefe  propofitions,  it  was  ftrongly  infifted  that    * 
fo  favourable  a  crifis  as  the  prefent  would  not 
again   occui  ^   inafmuch    as    neither  party    had 
been  reduced  to  a  ftate  of  humiliation  by  com- 
pulfory  means,  nor  to  a  fituation  where  aflfent 
or  ruin  was  the  only  alternative. 

The  congrefs,  in  reply  to  this  meffage,  ac- 
quainted hislordftiip  that  it  was  inconliftent  with 
their  dignity  to  fend  any  of  their  members  to 
confer  with  him  in  a  private  capacity ;  and  re- 
quefted  that  they  would  depute  a  committee  to 
learn  whether  his  lordfliip  had  authority  to  treat 
with  perfons  commiflioned  by  congrefs,  and  that 
I  they  would  receive  what  propofals  he  was  com- 
1  manded  to  offer.  Accordingly  a  committee,  con- 
I  filling  of  Dr.  Benjamin  Franklin,  MeflTrs.  John 

Vol.  I.  G^  Adams 

^    i 


'"t?  ■  ^    .««*'^  —Vtfv, 

<^^"  •'''■*''*^''f  ■" 





T  fe  t  ok  Y    OF    T  H*E 







CHAP.  Adams  and  Edward  Rtitledgc,  was  appointed  to 
wait  ou  lord  Howe  at  Statcn  Ifland.     No  advan- 
tage could  be  e5cpc£i;ed  to  accrue  to  the  mother- 
country  from  fucn  a  committee ;  the  members  of 
it  being  men  whofe  principles  were  violent  in  the 
extreme,  and  who  fought  eVery  opportunity  of  re- 
ducing the  parent-Hate  to  humiliating  ana  morti- 
fying ntuations.     In  the  outfet  of  the  conference 
lord  Howe  ftlll  adhered  to  tht  contents  of  the 
meftage  carried  to  congrefe  by  general  Sullivan, 
"  that  thtitigh  his  ipoWeYs  (fid  not  extend  fo 
far  as  to  treat  with  the  above  gentlemen,  as  a 
committee  deputed  by  congrefs,  yet  he  was 
empowered  to  enter  into  a'confultdtion  on  the 
means  of  reconciling  the  differences  between 
Great  Britain  and  America  with  any  gentleman 
of  influence  and  importance."     As  foon  as  his 
lordfhip  had  made  this  declaration,  the  commit- 
tee informed  him  that  they  ftiould  not  a6l  in  any 
other  charadler  than  that  with  which  congfefs 
liad  inverted  them  :  Ncverthelefs  they  wifhcd  to 
"hear  any  propofals  he  might  have  to  make.    His 
lordfhip  then  informed  them  that  the  tnoft  ardent 
wifh  of  the  king  and  government  of  Great  Bri- 
'tain,  was,  to  put  an  end  to  the  difTenfious  at 
prefent  exiftiug  between  the  parent-f^ate  and  the 
c  jlonies.     To  accomplifh  this  defire,  every  ad 
of  parliament  which  had  been  thought  obnoxious 
to  the  latter  fhould  undergo  a  revifal,  and  every 
juft  caufe  of  complaint  fhould  be  removed,  if  the 
latter  would  declare  her  vvillingnefs  to  fubiilit  to| 
the  authority  of  the  Britilh  gov^mndent. 

In  reply  to  this  otter  the  committee  declared,! 
that  au  acknowledgment  of  the  fuperiority  ofl 
Great  Britain  could  not  now  beexpefted.  Theyf 
recalled  to  his  lordfhip's  remembrance  the  manyl 
petitions  that  had  been  prefented  by  the  colonies! 
to  parliament  and  the  king,  ^11  of  which,  panij 






ipolnted  to 
No  ad  van- 
he  nwther- 
members  of 
iolent  ill  the 
luntty  of  re- 
g  ana  morti- 
e  conference 
itents  of  the 
sral  Sullivan, 
lot  extend  fo 
nilcmen,  as  a 
,  yet  he  was 
iltjition  on  the 
nces  between 
jny  gentleman 
jVs  foon  as  his 
1,  the  commit- 
not  aft  in  any 
vhich  congtefs 
they  "wifhcdto 
to  make.    His 
he  mnoft  ardent 
of  Great  Bri- 
diffenfions  at 
it-ftate  and  tk 
,efire,  every  ad 
mght  obnoTcious 
ifal,  and  every 
emoved,  if  tb 
|efs  to  fubiTiit  to| 
ittee  declared, 
fuperiority  of 
■xpefted.    They 
[brance  the  many 
d  by  the  colonies 
of  which,  partH 


cularly  the  lafl,  had  been  treated  with  difrefpcft  ^  ^^  ^' 
and  contempt.  They  reminded  him  that  it  was 
not  America  that  had  fevered  hcrfolf  from  Gre?it 
Britain  ;  but  Great  Britain  that  had  fcpar;itod 
hcrfclf  from  America.  Xhc  latter  had  never  di>- 
clarcd  herfclf  independent  till  the  focnier  had 
deuouuced  war  r\gaia(l  her,  and  therel^y  rendered 
luch  a  declaration  indifpenfably  neceflary.  Be- 
fides,  even  if  coogrefs  wiflicd  to  replace  Amcriqa 
in  her  former  fitualion,  ftie  could  not  carry  thefe 
wifhes  into  execution  ;  for  the  declaration  of  in- 
dependence had  been  made  in  confcquence  of  the 
congregated  voice  of  the  whole  people,  by  whom 
alone  it  could  be  invalidated  and  abolished.  But 
though  the  Americans  defired  not  to  return  under 
the  domination, of  ^England,  yet  they  were  willing 
to  enter  into  any  treaty  ^hat  ihould  be  deemed 
advantageous  to  iboth  countries.  From  this  de- 
claration of  the  committee,  it  required  verylittle 
penetration  to  difcover  that  America  was  relolved 
to  enter  accommodation.;  but  to  procure 
the  acknowledgment  of  her  indepeutlepce  by 
force.  Immediately  therefore  on  being  furniihed 
with  this  anfwer,  lord  Howe  put  an  end  to  the 

When  the  deputies  returned  to  congrefs  they 
inade  the  follow  uig  report : — "  That  it  was  their 
"  opinion  that  lord  Howe's  commiffion  did  not 
"  contain  any  other  powers  than  thofc  of  grant- 
*'  ing  pardons,  and  of  receiving  all,  or  any  one, 
of  the  colonies  into  the  proteftion  of  the  Bri- 
tifh  goverment,  upon  fubmiflion.  With  regard 
to  treating  with  congrefs,  the  comi  uiioners 
were  totally  filent,  on  account  of  their  being 
forbidden  to  acknowledge  the  authority  of  that 
affenibly,  and  empowered  only  to  treat  with 
the  members  of  it  in  their  private  charadlers, 
as  men  of  abilities,  weight,  or  importance." 

Q^2  The 

If  I 

k   ,  '.I 




HISTORY     OF    TH£ 

r  {  I 

■i  .'/ 

CHAt. The  commiflioners  being  therefore  thus  limittecl 
VI.     in  their  powers,  no  firm  reliance  could  be  placed 
on  any  terms  they  might  propofe  or  accede  to  *. 
Though  lord  Howe  had  been  thus  unfuccefsful  in 
his  propofitions  to  the  congrefs  committee,  he 
thought  it  neceflary  to  publifh  a  declaration  to 
the  people  of  America,  wherein,  after  glancing 
at  the  anfwer  returned  by  that  committee  to  his 
offers  of  reconciliation,  he  acquainted  them  that 
the  parent-date  was  willing  to  receive  into  itsbo- 
fom  and  protedion  all  who  might  be  willing  to 
return  to  their  former  fubmiffion  and  obedience. 
His  lordfhip  was  certainly  induced  to  adopt  this 
meafure  from  the  convidion  that  a  majority  of  the 
inhabitants  of  America  were  decidedly  in  favour 
of  entering  into  an  accommodation  of  the  differ- 
ences between  the  two  powers  j  and  this  convic- 
tion was  by  no  means  ill-founded.    This  declara- 
tion however  produced  but  little  effedlj  forthofe 
■who  refolved  to  accede  to  nothing  fhort  of  an  ac- 
knowledgment of  the  independence  of  Americi 
had  acquired  the  fole  management  of  affairs,  and 
had  concentered  in  themfelves  all  the  powers  and 
refources  of  the  country. 
,  ..  "    ..,  ^.,..    -    -.,/._  }•     -  ^   CHAR 

.♦  It  was  confidently  afferted  at  Philadelphia  that  Mr. 
Ktltledge,  upon  his  return,  declared  that  the  whole  of  vbit 
had  paiTed  between  lord  Howe  and  the  committee  had  not 
been  made  public,  i.  e.  the  whole  of  what  had  been  offered  bf 
lord  Howe. 

.4  '.''i- 

f  •' 

'    ..':.'■        ■■■•      •l*>-;t'-f.    ■<■: 

rt   .. 

•  '''>.■•¥!' 



v^.,*— I  -■»  -f  •^((•-y^,  **-i».,^rt 

3  limitted 
be  placed 
cede  to*, 
cccfsful  in 
nittee,  he 
[aration  to 
;r  glancing 
ittec  to  his 
1  them  that 
into  itsbo- 
;  willing  to 
3  adopt  this 
jority  of  the 
lyin  favour 
f  the  differ- 
t  this  convic- 
rhis  declara- 
z€ti  forthofe 
ort  of  an  ac- 
p  of  Americi 
:  affairs,  and 
e  powers  and 


slphia  that  Mr. 
B  whole  of  whjt 
mmittee  had  not 





The  Americans  retreat,  and  the  Englijh  Army  takes 
pojfejfion  of  New  York — 7 he  Americans  greatly 
diJheartened'-'DeJign  to  burn  New  York  partly 
executed —  Various  Skirmijhing — Battle  of  White 

CONVINCED  now  that  all  pacific  meafuresCHAP. 
would  be  ineffedlual,  lord  Howe  refolved  to    VI I. 
adopt  other  meafures.    It  has  been  before  faid  '*'*nr*^ 
that  when  the  provincial  forces  retreated  from    *776' 
Long  Idand  they  took   ihelter  in   New  York, 
Here  they  employed  themfelves  in  ereding  bat- 
teries, and  throwing  up  intrenchments,  in  order 
to  annoy  the  Britiih  Ihipping.     Both  armies  were 
divided  by  the  Eaft  River,  the  breadth  of  which, 
at  this  part,  was  about  thirteen  hundred  yards.  ^ 
After  a  long  and  fevere  cannonade  it  was  refolved 
to  make  a  defcent  on  the  ifland  on  which  New 
York  Hands.    To  prevent  their  intentions  from 
being  difcovered  by  the  enemy,  five  fhip$  of  war 
moved  higher  up  the  Eaft  River,  while,  on  the 
fifteenth  of  September,  feveral  flat-bottomed  boats 
were  employed  in  landino-  the  troops.. 

The  firft  divifion,  conlifting  of  four  thoufand 
men  under  general  Clinton,  landed  on  New  Yorlf: 
ifland,  at  a  place  called  Kipp's  Bay,  about  three 
miles  from  the  town,  and  took  poft  on  a  height  call- 
ed the  Inclenberg.  The  enemy  were  at  this  time 
in  poffeflion  of  very  advantageous  ground  and 
powerful  intrenchments :  Neverthelefs,  they  not 
only  refrained  from  oppofing  the  Englilh,  but  abaur 



»      V     .,i 












CHAP,  doned  their  works  on  account  of  the  furious  can- 
VII.     nonade  of  the  five  men  of  war  appointed  to  cover 
the  difembarkation  of  the  troops.     As  the  diffe- 
rent divifions  landed,  they  pofted  themfelves  on 
the  high  grounds  that  ftretch  in  an  afcendiug  di- 
redlion  from  the  fea-fliore.     At  the  fame  time  a 
detachment  of  Heflian  troops  advanced  to  New 
York,  and  in  their  way  fell  in  with  a  party  of  the 
enemy  retreating  by  the  pafs  at  Blooming  Dale. 
TheAmeri-A  (kirmifti  cniued,   in  which  the  Briiifh  were 
andVhe"*'' vidorioiis,  and  the  Americans  loft  a  brigadier- 
Engiifh      general  and   feveral  other  officers.     About  the 
JJflunyoffame    tim2  another  detachment  of  the   Briiilh 
New  vortc.  troops  made  a  mot^ement  to  the  right,  in  order 
to  attack  a  Jarge  body  of  the;  enemy,  who,  how- 
ever,  on  the  approach  of  the  Englifh,  retreated 
to  the  main  body  of  the  American  army  polled 
on  Morris's  lieights.     No  attempt  being  made 
JO  defend  New  i  ork,  it  was  taken  pofleflion  of 
by  the  Englifh,  ,  General  Wafhington's  army,  at 
this  period,  amounted  to  twenty-three  thoufand 
hien,  but  moft  of  thefe,  raw,  undifciplined,  and 
ill  provided  with  neceflaries. 

Kew  York  is  fituated  in  an  ifland  about  fifteen 
miles  in  length,  but  not  more  than  two  in  breadth; 
on  which  account  the  Englifti  were  enabled  to 
extend  their  camp  quite  acrofs  the  ifland,  on  the 
part  fanheft  from  the  town.  The  enemy  were 
pofted  oppofite  to  them,  and  in  liich  an  advan- 
tageous manner  that  any  attack  upon  them  would 
liave  been  dangerous  and  imprudent.  General 
Wafliington  had  ftationed  four  thoufand  five  hun- 
dred men  in  New  York,  which  he  withdrew  on 
the  approach  of  the  Britifh  army  ;  fix  thoufand 
five  hundred  at  Haerlem  ;  and  twelve  thoufand 
at  a  place  called  King's  Bridge,  which  he  had 
fortified  in  order  to  fecure  a  retreat,  in  cafe  he 
(liouid  bp  under  the  necefiity  of  rcliDquifhliig  his 
•  ' '  preleut 


,.^       .-.^•-^l-yy-'-. _.    . 

4M12RICAN    \\rAR. 


prefent  fituation,  to  the  continent.    And  indeed  C  ^  A  ?. 
it  was  peculiarly  fortunate  for  the  eneray  that    ^^• 
they  were  thus,  in  a  manner,  fecure  from  attack,  """^^^^ 
as  their  ardour  had  vifiWy  declined  lince  their    ^'^'^  • 
defeat  on  Long  Ifland.     A  paufe  was  neceflary 
in  order  to  enable  them  to  recover  their  forcqer 

The  cheek  at  Long  Ifland,  and  the  expulfion  The  Ame- 
from  New  York,  difpirited  the  American  troQp^.greTti^f^ 
greatly.     They  apprehended  every  thing,   and,'»«"^'«'^«''' 
were  in  great  defpair.     The  piilHia  were  inapar. 
tient  to  return,  and  tptally  difpbedient  tp  orders,. 
They  went  off  by  half,  and  ii^  fpme  inftances  by 
whole,  regiments.     What  \v[^&  called  their  flying 
camp  was  literally  fo.    Ravages  were  committed 
not  only  by  privates,  but,  among  the  New  Eng? 
landers,  by  officers.     "  Alqioft  every  villany  and 
"  rafcaUty,"  a  gentleman  of  the  army  *  wrote 
-  his.  friend,  "  was  daily  pradlifed  with  impur 

nity.  Unlefs  fom^e  fpeedy  and  e£fe£lual  meaa$ 
«'  of  reform  are  adopted  by  congrefs,  our  c^ufe 
««  will  be  loft.  As  the  war  piuft  be  carried  Qij 
"  fyftematically,  you  flaufjt  eftabliih  your  army 
'  upon  a  permanent  footing,  and  give  your  016/ 
'*  cers  good  pay,  that  they  may  hej  and  fup- 
"  port  the  charafter  of,  gentlemen,  and  not  be 
"  driven,  by  a  fcanty  allowance,  to  the  low  and 
"  dirty  arts  which  many  pf  therai  pradife,  to 
"  filch  the  public  of  more  money  tnan  all  the 
"  amount  of  the  difference  of  pay.  Jt  is  not 
"  ftrange  that  there  fhould  be  a  number  pf  bad 
"  officers  in  the  continental  Icrvice,  when  you 
"  confider  that  many  pf  them  were  chofen  by 
"  their  own  men,  who  elected  them,  not  froqi  a 
"  regard  to  merit,  but  from  the  knowledge  they 

"  had 


*  General  Read,  in  a  letter  to  a  member  of  congrefs,  dat- 
ed July  4th,  1 776. 


,  4  ■  ^'i^-at,\t^^.,^..j!Z,"4^^^ "< 






CHAP."  had  of  their  being  ready  to  aflfociate  with  them 
VII.     «  on  the  footing  of  equality.     It  was  fometime& 
^^n^^"  the  cafe,  that,  when  a  company  was  forming,  ^ 
»77^'    «  the  men    voujd  chufe  thofe  for  officers  who 
confented  to  throw  their  pay  irtoa  joint  ftock 
with  the  privates,  from  which  c^^tains,  lieu- 
tenants,   cnfjgns,   ferjeants,   corporals,  drum: 
mers,  and  privates,  drew  equal  fhares.     Gaa 
"  it  then  jje  wondered  at,  that  a  captain  fhould 
"  be  tried  and  broken  for  ftealing  his  foldiers 
f  blankets  ?    or  that  another  officer  fhould  be 
f  found  Ih^ving  his  men  in  the  face  of  charac- 
**  tefs  q£  diftinftion  ?    With  an  army  of  force 
**  before,  and  a  fecret  one  behind,  we  (land  on 
"  a  point  of  land  with  fix  thoufand  old  troops, 
**  if  a  year-s   fervice  can  entitle   them  to  that 
"  name,  and  about  fifteen  hundred  new  levies 
**  of  this  province  ;  many  difaffefted,  and  more 
"  doubtful.     In   this  fituation    we  are.     Every 
"  man  in  the  army,  from  the  general  to  thepri- 
**  vate  (iacquainted  with  our  true  fituation)  is  ex- 
**  ceedingly  difcouraged.     Had  I  known  the  true 
*'  pofture  of  affaira,  no  confideration  would  have 
tempted  me  to  have  taken  an  adive  part  in 
this  fcene:    And  this  fentimient  is  univerfal. 
General  Howe  is  fufficiently  ftrong,  confider- 
ing  the  goodnefs  of  his  troops,  to  make  a  fuc- 
cefsful  attempt  on  the  Americans ;  but  bein^ 
in  daily  expedlation  of  reinforcements  froih 
Europe,  he  will  undoubtedly  remain  inadive 
**  until  their  arrival." 

The  greateft  animofities,  too,  prevailed  be- 
tween the  northern  and  fouthern  troops.  Their 
refledions  on  each  other  were  mutual  and  equally 
illiberal.  Their  variances  were  fo  great,  thaft 
the  Penfylvanians  and  New  Englauders  would 
9S  foon  have  fought  each  other  as  the  enemy, 
gfficers  of  all  ranks  were  indifcrirainatejy  treat- 

■"  ■^' ..  '  •  •■ '  ^       cd 







'   ■<*»-^.i«*si»^J  ■■-■''■^- 


filth  them 
8  forming, 
ic^rs  who 
joiat  ftock 
:ftia8,  liea- 
als,  dnim- 
ares.    Gaa 
tain  (hould 
tiis  foldiers 
fhould  be 
I  of  charac- 
ly  of  force 
we  ftand  on 
old  troops, 
lem  to  that 
I  pew  levies 
d,  and  more 
are.    Every 
a  tothepri- 
ialion)  is  ex- 
own  the  true 
1  wo  aid  have 
aive  part  in 
is  univerfal. 
ng,  confider- 
Lo  make  a  fuc- 
.s  ;  but  being 
lements  from 
lain  inactive 

)revailed  he- 
hoops.  Their 
U  and  equally 
fo  great,  thsrt 

mders  would 

is  the  enemy. 

linately  treat- 



ed  with  the  greateft  fcurrility  arid  abufe,  for  no  CHAP, 
other  reafon  than  that  they  were  born  on  this  or     ^ 
that  fide  of  Hudfon's  River  ;  jufl  as  formerly,  '"^^C*"^ 
in  England,  violent  difputes  were  carried  on  be-    ^'' 
tween  the  inhabitants  of  the  fouth  and  thofe  of 
the  north  fide  of  the  Trent. 

As  foon  as  the  Engliih  had  taken  poileffion  of 
New  York,  general  Howe,  and  fome  other  ge- 
neral officers,  repaired  to  the  houfe  of  a  Mrs. 
Murray,  with  whom  they  remained  in  converfa- 
tion  fo  long,  that  general   Putnam,  with  three 
thoufand  five  hundred  men,  was  enabled  to  make 
good  his  retreat  to  the  main  body  of  the  Ameri- 
can army.     But  delay  is  not  the  only  error  impu- 
table to  the  commander  in  chief  in  this  tranfac- 
tion.    It  has  been  mentioned  that  the  American 
army  was  pofted  at  Haerlem  and  King's  Bridge  : 
Its  pofition  at  this  little  place  was  for  the  pur- 
pofe  of  fecuring  a  retreat  to  the  continent,  Ihould 
the  preffure  of  affairs  render  fuch  a  meafure  ne- 
ceffary.    Inftead,  therefore,  of  directing  his  at- 
tention to  New  York,  fir  William  Howe  ought 
to  have  throwri  his  army  round  King's  Bridge,  > 
by  which  means  he  would  have  hemuied  in  the 
whole  American  army;  and  fuch  a  ftep  was  not 
at  all  impradicable,  when  we  confider  the  extent 
of  the  military  and  naval  refources  fubfervient  to 
his  will. 

On  the  morning  of  the  fixteenth  of  September,  Septmbn. 
a  detachment  was  fent  out  from  the  maiu  body  of 
the  Americans  to  a  wood  facing  the  left  flank  of 
the  Englifh  army.  Three  companies  of  our  light- 
infantry  were  difpatched  to  diflodge  them.  The 
enemy,  with  a  feeming  intention  oi  retreating  to 
the  main  body,  retired  into  the  interior  parts  of 
the  wood,  where  they  were  reinforced  by  ano- 
ther detachment ;  which  made  it  nccelTary  that 
fhe  remainder  of  the   light-infantry,   with  the 







CHAP,  forty-fecond  regiment,  Ihould  be  fent  ta  fupport 
VII.  the  companies  that  were  engaged.  The  a^ioQ 
was  carried  on  by  reinforcements  on  both  udes, 
and  became  very  warm.  The  enemy,  however, 
pofleiled  a  great  advantage  from  the  circuniAance 
of  engaging  within  half  a  mile  of  their  intrench- 
ed camp,  whence  they  could  be  fupplied  with 
frefh  troops  as  often  as  occafion  required.  Vic- 
tory, neverthelefs,  was  on  the  part  of  the  loyal- 
ifts ;  and  the  Americans  retreated  with  the  iofs 
of  three  hundred  killed  and  wounded. 

The  EnglijQi  encampment,  it  has  been  faid, 
extended  ac?ofs  the  ifland,  on  each  fide  of  which 
were  Aationed  fhips  of  war,- in  order  to  fecure 
the  right  and  left  flanks.    The  enemy  faw  the 
advantage  of  thedifpofitionof  the  fhipping,  and 
attempted  ro  make  fome  impreffion  on  it  by  fend* 
ing  down  four  fire-fhips,   which,   however,  by 
the  fkiifulnefs  of  the  commanders  of  the  £ngli(h 
velTels,  were  prevented  from  doing  any  damage. 
It  had  been  refclvcd  by  the  Americans,  in  cafe 
York  partly  the  EngUfli  fliould  obtain  poffeffion  of  New  York, 
executed,    jq  fgj  ^j-c  to  it  in  fcvcral  places,  previous  to  the 
evacuation  of  it  by  the  enemy.     The  fpeed,  how- 
ever, with  which  they  were  obliged  to  quit  it, 
l?Ks.d  rendered  it  impoffible  for  them  to  put  their 
-defigns  into  execution  :  Neverthelefs,  feveral  per- 
fons  having  purpofely  fecreted  themfelves  in  the 
deferted  houfes,  contrived  to  fet  iSre  to  the  town, 
on  the  morning  of  the  twenty-firft  of  September, 
in  feveral  places.     One-third  of  the  town  was 
thus  deftroyed  ;  and  had  not  the  military  exerted 
themfelves  in  a  moft  extraordinary  manner,  the 
whole  would  have  been  levelled  with  the  ground. 
The  flames  firft  broke  out  at  fome  wooden  ftore- 
houfes,  at  the  fouthernmoft  or  windward  part  of  j 
New- York,  near  the  Whitehall-ftairs,  juft  by  the 
battery,  and  foon  became  general  up  the  Broad- 
-   T^'-  way,! 

bum  New 

--:?V-.Vvr*'      " 



ta  fupport 
rhe  aftioa 
both  ndes, 
,  however, 
tr  intrench- 
ppUed  with 
.ired.    Vic- 
if  the  loyal- 
ith  the  lofs 
id.  Miii.i 

I  been  faid, 
ide  of  which 
,er  to  fecure 
emyfaw  the 
aipping»  aud 
)a  it  by  i"end« 
however,  by 
f  the  EngliOi 
f  any  damage, 
'icans,  incafe 
of  New  York, 
revious  to  the 
le  fpeed,  bow- 
ed to  quit  it, 
n  to  put  their 
fs,  feveralper- 
re  to  the  town, 
:  of  September, 
the  town  \w 
iiilitary  exerted 
•y  manner,  the 
nth  the  ground. 
e  wooden  ftore- 
ind  ward  part  of 

airs,  juftbytHe 
l1  ap  the  Broad- 
way. I 


way,  &c.  by  the  violence  of  the  Avind  blowingCH  AP. 
burnt  Ihingles  from  thehoufes  on  fire  to  others,  ^^^• 
and  fetting  them  on  fire  in  rapid  fucceffion.  The 
wind  was  fo  ftrong,  that  it  was  almoft  impofiible 
to  face  it,  for  fmoke  and  flakes  of  fire. .  The 
next  day  (Saturday)  a  great  many  cart-loads  of 
bundles  of  pine  fticks,  dipped  at  each  end  for 
five  or  fix  inches  in  brimftone  and  other  eombuf- 
tible  matters,  were  found  concealed  in  cellars  of 
houfes  to  which  the  incendiaries  had  not  had 
time  to  fet  fire.  Between  one  and  two  hundred 
men  and  old  women  were  taken  up  during  the 
night,  and  fent  to  gaol  on  fufpicion,  aud  three 
or  four  men  dete£led  with  matches  and  combuf- 
tibles  were  killed  by  the  enraged  foldiers.  Mo(ft» 
if  not  all  the  men  and  women  put  into  gaol,  were 
releafed  in  a  few  days,  after  having  their  name^ 
taken  and  examined  by  a  committee.  The  old 
Englifh  church,  and  a  German  church,  near  it, 
with  about  eleven  hundred  houfes,  were  burnt. 
The  rebels  a'  ?aulus  Hook  gave  three  cheer* 
when  the  ftc-t>le  of  the  old  Englilh  church  fell 
down,  which,  when  burning,  looked  awfully  ^ 

The  American  army,  with  ftrong  ground  in 
their  front,  and  extenfive  fortifications  in  their 
rear  towards  King's  Bridge,  leemed  to  think 
themfelves  perfedtly  fecure,  and  almoft  invulne- 
rable. The  Briiifh  troops  knew  the  ftrcngth  of 
fitUation  which  the  enemy  pofiefTed,  aud  there- 
fore employed  themfelves  in  throwing  up  a  chain 
of  redoubts  on  Macgowan's  Hill  to  cover  New 
York,  and  render  it  capable  of  a  vi^rorous  de- 
fence, even  after  the  bulk  of  the  army  ftiould  be 
engaged  in  more  remote  operations.  As  loon  as 
the  redoubts  were  completed  ic  was  determined  to 
attempt  the  enemy's  rear,  by  the  New  England 
road,    from  which  they  received  moft  of  their 


J  \   ■■»  ■ 





CHAP.fupplies.    This  arrangement  would  either  force 
^^^*     them  to  hasyrd  a  battle,  or  reduce  them  to  the 
neceffity  of  fuffering  themlelves  to  be  furrounded 
and  confined  in  York  Ifland.    It  has  been  alTerted 
that  as  foon  as  the  Engliih  had  taken  poflefrion 
of  New  York,   they  ihould  have  attacked  the 
Americans,  as  the  different  pofitions  which  they 
)»ad  taken  between  the  city  aqd  Fort  Wafhing- 
ton,  afterwards  called  Fort  Knyphaufen,  might 
have  been  forced  without  great  difficulty  or  dan- 
ger.   In  confequence  of  the  determination  juft 
mentioned,  three  brigades  of  BritiHi  and  one  of 
Heflians  being  left  to  guard  New  York,  the  reft 
of  the  troops  embarked  on  the  twelfth  of  Octo- 
ber in  flat-bottomed  boats  and  batteaux,  and  paf> 
fing  t]irough  an  intricate  and  dangerous  paflage, 
called  Hell  Gate,  to  the  Sound,  landed  tne  fame 
morning  at  Frog's  Neck,  not  far  from  Weil  Chef- 
tcrj  on  the  continent  towards  Connedicut.     This 
was  thought  to  be  an  error  on  the  part  of  the 
.  commander  in  chief :  Frog's  Neck  being  really 
an  ifland  connefled  with  the  main  by  a  bridge, 
eafy  to  be  broken  down  (as  happened  in  fadl)  by 
the    enemy.     The  miftake,    when    difcovered, 
ihould  have  been  remedied  inftantly,  by  pufhing 
along  fome  other  route  to  King's  Bridge,  which 
would  undoubtedly  have  reduced  the  enemy  to 
the  neceffity  either  of  defending  the  ifland  or  of 
forcing  their  way  through  the  Englifli  army,  in 
order  to  gain  the  territory  of  New  England.    All 
poffibility  of  their  retiring  to  the  Jerfeys  was  cut 
off  by  the  Britifh  (hips,  which  had  now,  with 
incredible   difficulty   and  danger,    pafled    Fort 
Wafliington,  and  taken  their  flations  in  the  North 
River.     Thus  it  is  fafficiently  apparent  that  the 
Americans  could  not  poffibly  have  effefled  a  rt- 
treat  without  hazarding  a  battle,  unlefs,  indeed, 
they  were  to  be  permitted  to  retire  to  the  conti- 

f  force 
to  the 
ed  the 
ch  they 
,  might 
or  dan- 
ion  juft 
1  one  of 
the  reft 

of  oao. 

and  paf- 
i  paflage, 
the  fame 
eft  Chef- 
at.    This 
irt  of  the 
ing  really 
a  bridge, 
>y  pulhing 
ge,  which 
enemy  to 
and  or  of 
army,  in 
and.    All 
ys  was  cut 
now,  with 
(Ted    Fort 
the  North 
that  the 
^aed  a  r€- 
5,  indeed, 
the  conti- 


A  M  £  11  I  C  A  N    WAR.  «       0f 

ticnt  in  as  fecure  and  uninterrupted  a  manner  as  c  H  A  P. 
they  did  from  Long  Ifland  to  New  York.    The     VII. 
Americans  themfelves  began  to  entertain  ferious 
alarms  for  their  fafety  ;  for  on  the  day  the  Eng- 
lifti  landed,  their  main  body  moved  off,  in  order 
to  avoid  being  blockaded  in  the  ifland.    This 
movement  originated  with  general  Lee,  who  had 
recently  arrived  from  South  Carolina,  and  whofe 
abilities  and  luccefs  had  rendered  his  opinion  of 
great  weight  and  importance.     But  this  meafure, 
to  which  the  American  army  undoubtedly  owed 
its  fafety,  was  adopted  contrary  to  the  original 
plan  of  general  Wafhington.     The  circumflanccs  ■ 
of  it  are  as  follow  : — When  the  Britifh  army  land- 
ed at  Frog's  Neck,  Wafhington  harangued  his 
officers,  and  told  them,  that  they  muft  retreat  no 
farther,  but  decide  the  fate  of  America  on  that 
ground.     The  ground  on  which  they  were  then 
entrenched,  extended  in  front  of  King's  Bridge. 
General  Lee  came  up  foon  after,  and  having 
learnt  what  had  pafTed,  remonflrated  againfl  fo 
abfurd  a  determination.     He  reprefented  that  the 
Britifh  would  infallibly  hem  Wafliington's  army  ^ 
round  with  fuch  a  chain  of  works,  as  would  re- 
duce him  to  the  neceflity  of  furrendering  through 
famine,  without  expofing  them  to  the  hazard  of 
a  battle.     Lee*s  reprefentations  fucceeded  ;  and 
the  American  army  immediately  refolved  to  quit 
fo  dangerous  a  pofition. 

On  the  eighteenth  of  Oftober,  the  Britifh  troops 
re-embarking  proceeded  along  the  coafl  to  Pell's 
Point,  where  they  ought  to  have  landed  origi- 
nally ;  and  difembarked  there  without  difficulty. 
Soon  after  their  landing  a  fharp  fkirmifti  hap- 
pened in  an  attempt  to  dillodge  the  enemy  from 
a  narrow  pafs,  at  which  they  had  taken  port  with 
a  flrong  corps.  Notwithflanding  their  advanta- 
geous fituation,  the  Americans  retired  with  confi- 


jM       1 


j  ,  - 






r'  ' 

E       I 

CHAP,  fiderable  lofs.  Thirty-two  were  killed  and  wound- 
^^^'    on  the  fide  of  the  Englifti. 

On  the  twenty-firft  of  O^ober  the  main  ^ivi- 
fion  of  the  Britifh  army  moved  to  New  Rochclle, 
fiiuated  ou  the  foond  that  divides  Long  Xfland 
from  the  continent.  Here  they  were  joined  by 
fihefecond  divifion  of  foreign  troops  that  bad  ar- 
rived from  England,  under  the  command  of  ge- 
neral Knyphaulen.  The  American  army  was  now 
in  a  difagrceable  fituation.  The  I'oldiers  were 
very  poorly  clothed,  and  afcarcity  of  provifions 
among  them  had  been  followed  by  much  iUnefs. 
Nor,  amidft  thcfe  di  fad  vantages,  "was  their  pofi- 
lion  eithei"  fecure  or  eligible  in  other  refpeds. 
Their  lole  refource  was  to  avoid  adlion:  For 
which  reafon  it  was  determined  in  a  council  of 
yvsLT  that  they  lliould  extend  themfelves  into  a 
long  line  behind  the  Brunx,  well  fecure^  by 
M'orks  thrown  up  in  front,  to  command  every 
ford.  The  provincial  army,  in  confequeuce  of 
this  determination,  Aretched  ^long  the  ground 
parallel  to  tliat  on  which  the  Britifti  troops  were 
marching ;  from  ^King's  Bridge  on  the  righ^,  to 
White  Plains  on  the  left.  The  two  armies  were 
feparated  by  a  deep  river  called  the  Brunx,  al- 
ready nieuiioned.  The  rear  of  the  Britifh  was 
covered  by  the  Sound,  not  far  diftant.  With 
this  relative  arrangement  the  armies  moved  flowly 
towards  the  White  Plains,  where,  on  the  eaftern 
fide  of  the  Brunx,  ia  detachment  had  been  forti- 
fying a  camp  for  the  Americans,  which  camp  they 
occupied  with  their  whole  army  on  the  twenty- 

The  royal  army,  in  two  columns,  marched 
from  its  encampment  near  Ward's  Houfe,  on  the 
banks  of  the  Brunx  ;  fir  William  Howe  accom- 
^^i^.J|f"*«'>*panied  the  lefn  column,  fir  Henry  Clinton  cora- 
piaiM.       manded  the  right.  As  they  approached  the  White 


Oft.  28. 

'■  V«'''' 




Plafins  the  right  column  fell  in  with  feveral  bodies  C  II  kf. 
of  the  enemy  :  And  thofc  bodies,  Iharply  driven     ^'^* 
back,  propagated  a  confiderable  alarm  in  the  ene- 
my's camp.     When  our  troops  arrived  within 
about  three  quarters  of  a  mile  of  the  Americana, 
they  had  a  di(lin£i  view  of  their  whole  pofition. 
They  were  encamped  on  a  long  ridge  of  hill,  the 
brow  of  which  was  covered  with  lines  hallily 
thrown   up.     A  bend  of  the  Brunx   prote6iea 
their  rigfht  flank,  and  by  another  turning  in  its 
coui^fc  enveloped  alfo  the  rear  of  their  right  wing. 
Fartherftill,  the  point  of  the  hill  on  the  enemy's 
right,  exceedingly  fteep  and  rocky,  was  covered 
by  a  ftrong  abbaus  in  front  of  the  entrenchment. 
The  left  of  the  enemy  was  rather  refufed  to  the 
linein  which  the  Britilh  troops  approached  them, 
fothat  they  could  not  judge  of  it  with  great  ac- 
curacy ;  but  it  appeared  to  be  ported   in  very 
broken  ground,  difficult  to  be  afl'ailed,  and  fur- 
nifhing  a  fecure  retreat.    The  weakeft  part  was 
the  centre.     The  flope  of  the  hill  was  very  gra- 
dual in  the  direction  of  the  road  by  the  Court 
Houfe.     The  lines  were  by  no  means  formidable, 
not  being  fraized  ;  and  the  rockinefs  of  the  foil 
prevented  the  ditch  from  being  made   of  any 
troublefome  depth.     The  Britifti  had  in  the  field 
thirteen  thoufand  effeftive  men.     The  enemy's 
force  was  faid  to  exceed  twenty  thoufand,  but 
was  not  probably  above  feventeen  or  eighteen 
thoufand  :  Nor  was  a  great  part  of  this  farc€  any 
other  than  a  loofe  militia ;  nor  had  the  conti- 
nental regiments  yet  acquired  the  chara6ler  which 
they  afterwards  aitaiiicd  from  coniinued  and  more 
fuccefsful  fervice.     Had  an  affauk  been  made  on 
the  centre  of  the  enemy's  works,  defeat  would 
have  been  deftruftlon  to  the  Americans.     The 
whole  of  their  right  wing  muft  have  fallen  into 
the  power  of  the  Britilh  army ;  for  the  Brume 


•' )  t 



HISTORY     O  I'    THE 


I'      I 

CH  A  P. not  being  paflable  in  that  part,  cut  off*  their  re- 
VII-     treat,  and  vidory  was  to  be  rcafonably  expected, 

**''~»""*^  not  only  from  the  valour  of  our  troops,  but  from 
*"7  the  confufion  of  the  enemy.  This  indeed  was 
obvious  beyond  example.  When  our  army  came 
in  fight  their  tents  were  (landing.  The  hurry  of 
llriking  them,  and  of  loading  tne  waggons  with 
the  baggage,  together  with  the  movement  of 
troops  backward  and  forward,  in  evident  uncer- 
tainty of  purpofe,  gave  an  extraordinary  pifturc 
of  alarm.  During  this  time  the  Americans  kept 
up  a  cannonade  on  our  army,  who  returned  it, 
but  the  diflance  was  fo  great  that  there  was  little 
effe6k  on  either  fide.  Part  of  the  Britiih  columns 
formed  behind  fome  rifing  ground,  nearly  pa- 
rallel to  the  enemy's  front ;  but  the  right  wing  of 
the  Britifh  did  not  extend  beyond  the  centre  of 
the  American  army.  That  part  of  the  enemy's 
pofition  did  not  feem  to  be  confidered  ;  all  the 
attention  of  the  Britifh  commander  being  fixed 
on  another  part  of  the  field.  Four  thoufand  of 
the  enemy  were  poiled  on  a  hill  in  a  line  with  the 
right  of  their  camp,  but  feparatcd  from  it  by  the 
Brunx.  The  reaibn  of  their  occupying  this  pof- 
turc  is  inexplicable,  unlets  it  be  that  they  could 
i  not  be  contained  within  the  works  of  their  camp. 

The  pofleflion  of  that  hill  would  not  enable  the 
royalifts  to  annoy  their  camp,  for  it  roi'e  fo  gra- 
dually from  the  Brunx  that  its  creft  was  not  within 
random  cannon  (hot ;  as  was  proved  by  many  of 
our  battalions  lying  upon  it  on  their  arms  the 
whole  evening  after  the  adion:  Nor  had  the 
enemy  to  apprehend  that,  from  that  quarter,  an 
attack  might  be  made  on  their  rear,  fince  the 
Brunx,  deep  and  impradlicable,  would  have  been 
ftill  between  the  two  armies.  It  feems  to  have 
been  a  blunder  of  general  Wafhington's  to  have 
placed  fo  conlklerubie  a  corps  entirely  out  of  the 



■»  tr 

r  their  re- 
,  but  from 
ideed  was 
army  came 
\e  hurry  of 
^gons  with 
vcnient   of 
deut  uncer- 
lary  piAurc 
:ricans  kepi 
returned  it, 
re  was  liule 
ti(h  columns 
,  nearly  pa- 
ight  wing  of 
he  centre  of 
the  enemy's 
;red  ;  all  the 
:  being  fixed 
r  thoufand  of 
I  line  with  the 
:om  it  by  the 
^'ing  this  pol- 
it  they  could 
»f  their  camp, 
ot  enable  the 
it  role  fo  gra- 
tas  not  withia 
id  by  many  of 
leir  arms  the 
Nor   had  the 
at  quarter,  an 
ear,  fuice  the 
,uld  have  been 
eems  to  have 
;ton'sto  have 
■ely  out  of  the 


A  M  E  R  I  C  A  ^     W  A  R; 

capability  of  fupporting  the  reft  of  the  army ;  C  H  AP. 
for  two  battalioDA  and  two  pieces  of  cannoa  could    ^^^*' 
eflc6lually  prevent  thim  from  crofling  either  a 
ford  or  a  bridge  near  their  right  flank,  for  the 
purpofe  of  annoying  our  troops,  while  they  af- 
failed  their  camp.     Poffibly  this  error  might  lead 
fir  William  Howe  to  imagine  this  hill  to  be  of 
more  importance  than  it  immediately  appeared  to 
be  from  us  fituation.     However,  againft  this  hill 
all  the  cfTorts  of  the  Britifh  army  were  direAed. 
A  part  of  our  left  wing  pafled  the  ford,  which 
was   entirely  under   command    of  ou:   cannon. 
They  then  mounted  the  hill,  and  very  gallantly 
drove  the  enemy  from  the  ftrong  heights  on  which 
they  were  polled.     It  was  an  attack  liule  lefi 
rough  than  what  an  afTault  on  the  enemy's  lines 
mignt  be  conceived  to  be :    And  vidlory,  being 
obtained,  was  not  followed  by  a  fmgle  advai 
tage.    The  Americans  remained  tranquil  in  their 

On  the  part  of  the  Britifti,  it  became  necefTary 
to  fuftain  the  troops  which  had  taken  pofTeiTion 
of  the  hill ;  and  as  this  occafioned  a  dimculty  of., 
co-operation  between  the  left  and  right  wing  of 
our  army,  it  was  obvious,  that  the  latter  could  no 
Ipnger  expediently  attempt  any  thing  againft  the 
enemy's  main  body.  When,  three  days  after, 
preparations  were  made  for  attacking  the  enemy's 
camp,  doubts  were  entertained  concerning  the 
wifdom  of  carrying  the  meafure  iotr.  v  •  ecution  ; 
as  the  Americans  had  recovered  their  ipirits,  and 
had  afTiduoufly  ftrengthened  their  works.  A  rain 
of  uncommon  violence,  during  the  whole  night,  ^ 
made  the  ground  fo  flippery  thr^t  it  was  thought 
it  could  not  be  pofTible  to  mount  the  face  of  the  ^ 
hill :  And,  for  that  profefTed  rcafou,  the  intended 
afTault  was  laid  afide.  , 

Vol.  I.  R  On 


■  iK' 

^  1  '. 




CH A]^.      On  the  night  of  the  twenty-eighth  of  Odtobcf 
VII.     the  Eritilh  troops  lay  on  their  arms,  and  en- 

^■^nr^^  camped  next  day  with  the  left  wing  in  the  field 
'77<5.  q£  battle,  and  the  right  extending  from  the  other 
fide  6{  the  Brunx  ;  which  pofitiori  enabled  them 
to  make  a  front  parallel  to  a  certain  extent  with 
that  of  the  enemy.  In  the  mean  time  the  Ame- 
ricans, who  ftudioufly  avoided  being  reduced  to 
the  neceflity  of  a  pitched  battle,  employed  them- 
felvesin  ftfengthening  their  lines.  On  the  thir- 
tieth, fdur  battalions  from  York  Ifland,  and  two 
from  the  Maroneck  Poft,  having  reinforced  the 
Britilh  army,  a  difpofition  wuo  made  for  the  at- 
tack of  the  enemy's  lines  on  the  fucceeding  morn- 
ing. This  refolution,  however,  was  abandoned, 
on  Account  6f  rainy  and  tempeftuous  weather,  as 
already  mentioned.  On  the  thirty-firft,  the  W|ea- 
ther  proved  fine  about  noon,  but  the  commander 
in  chief  did  not  think  proper  toi  put  his  former  in- 
tentions in  execution.  The  enemy  had  rendered 
their  lines  fufficiently  ftrong  to  refill  an  attack, 
but  being  informed  by  a  deferter  that  the  Britifh 
army  would  march  againft  them  the  next  morn- 
ing, they  evacuated  their  lines  on  the  morning 
of  the  firft  of  September,  and  retired  acrofs  the 
Crotton  river  to  North  Caftle,  fetting  fire,  in  their 
retreat,  to  all  the  houfes  on  White  Plains.  Their 
pofition  was  now  fo  advantageous,  that  any  at- 
tack on  them  muft  have  proved  unfuccefsful,  for 
the  river  Crotton  ftretched  along  their  front,  and 
their  rear  was  defended  by  woods  and  heights. 
Convinced  that  it  waspiftof  the  enemy's  fyftem 
ftudToufly  to  avoid  an  aftion,  and  their  know- 
ledge of  the  country  enabled  them  to  execute  this 
fyftem  with  advantage,  general  Howe  refolved 
to  ceafe  an  ineffe6lual  purfuit,  and  employ  him- 
felf  in  the  redudion  of  King's  Bridge  and  Foft 
Walhington.    This  laft  poft  was  of  the  utmoft 





and  en- 
the  field 
the  other 
led  them 
tent  with 
[he  Ame- 
;duced  to 
^ed  them- 
L  the  thir- 
,  and  two 
■breed  the 
for  the  at- 
,ing  morn- 
aandoned,  . 
veather,  as 
,  the  W(ea- 
former  in- 
d  rendered 
an  attack, 
the  Britilh  , 
lext  morn- 
e  morning 

acrofs  the 
ire,  in  their 
ns.     Their 
lat  any  at- 
icefsful,  for 
•  front,  and 
ind  heights, 
my's  fyftem 
heir  know- 
execute  this 
tve  refolved 
mploy  him- 
ge  and  Fort 

the  utmoft 

importance,  inafmuch  as  itfecured  an  immediate  CHAP, 
intercourfe  with  the  Jerfey  fhore,  to  Fort  Lee,     ^11- 
and  eifeftually  obftruded  the  navigation  of  the  '"^'V^^ 
North  River.     It  was  fituated  on  the  weftern  fide    ^77°' 
of  New  York  Iflaud,  at  a  fihaH  diftancc  from  '   . 
King's  Bridge,  and  almoft  oppofite  to  Fort  Lee*  . 
The  fortifications  were  in  good  order,  but  its  r 
principal  ftrength  confifted  in  its  fituation  ;  for  it  " 
could  not  be  approached  without  expofing  the  be- 
fiegers  to  a  heavy  fire  from  the  garrifon,  and  the 
works   and  lines  by  which  it   was  farrounded. 
Senfible  of  the  importance  of  this  poll,  the  Amc-  • 
ricans  had  garrifoned  it  with  three  thoufand  men, 
under  the  command  of  colonel  Magaw,  a  gen-^  . 
tleman  peculiarly  fitted  for  the  trufl  repofed  in  - 
him.     He  was  brave,    generous,  and  humane ;  ^ 
his  manners  engaging,  and  his  education  liberal.    - 
He  was  a  native  of  Pehfylvania  ;  and  the  former  . 
part  of  his  life  had  been  Ipentin  the  profeffion  of  ■> 
the  law.     As  foon,  however,  as  the  difturbances   . 
commenced,  he  offered  his  fervices  to  congrefs ;    . 
whom  he  ferved  with  zeal  and  fidelity,  that  could    ■ 
refult  only  from  a  convidlion  that  the  caufe  for 
which  he  fought  was  the  caufe  of  liberty  and  in-     ^ 
dependence.     On  the    fifteenth  of  N'ovember, 
the  Englifh  batteries  being  completed,  a  fummons    * 
was  lent  to  the  garrifon  to  furrender,  on  pain  of 
being  put  to  the  fword.     Before  this  fummons 
was  lent,  it  was  objeded  to  the  general  by  an   . 
Eqglifti  officer  of  rank,  that  this  menace  would 
determine  Waihington  to  withdraw  the  garrifon 
or  reinforce  it,  which  latter  he  did  ;  and  returned 
for  anfwer,  that  he  would  defend  it  to  the  lafl 
extremity.     It  was  determined  therefore  to  conf-    . 
mence  a  vigorous  attack  upon  it  next  morning.    . 
The  army  was  divided  into  four  parts.     The  firft, 
I  on  the  fide  of  King's  B4dge,  under  general  Knyp- 
haufen,  confifted  of  five  thoufand  Heflians.    The 

R  2  fecond 

It'J  V 


la  I 



HISTbUY    OF    Tilt 

C HAP. fecond  contained  the  guards  and  light  infantry, 
VII.     under^general  Matthews^  together  with  two  baita- 

^•^T^^  lions  of  grenadiers  and  the  thirty-third  regiment, 
1776.  commanded  by  lord  Cornwallist  This  divifion 
,  ivas  to  land  at  Haerlem  Creek,  in  thirty  flat-bot- 
tomed boatS)  which,  for  that  purpofe,  had  paflTed 
up  the  North  River  in  the  night.  The  third  di- 
vifion,  comprifing  the  forty-fecond  regiment,  was 
intended  ro  make  a  feint  in  batteaux  upon  the 
left,  between  the  enemy's  lines,  towards  New 
Yorki  The  fourth  divifion,.  under  the  command 
of  lord  Percy,  was  to  attack  in  front  of  the  lines 
above  Haerlem  Plain.  Lord  Howe  attended  the 
operations  of  the  laft  body.  Soon  after  day-break, 
on  the  iixteenth,  the  cannonading  began,  and 
continued  with  gteat  fury  on  both  fides  till  noon. 
The  Heflians,  under  the  command  of  general 
Knyphaufen,  then  iiled  off  in  two  columns  j  One 
of  which,  led  by  colonel  Ralle,  afcended  a  hill 
circuitoufly,  not  without  much  toil.  They  gained 
however  the  fummit  of  it,  and  penetrating  through 
the  advanced  works  of  the  enemy,  formed  within 
a  hundred  yards  of  the  covered  way  of  the  front. 
The  fecond  coli.ii;i,  commanded  by  general 
Knyphaufen,  climbeJ  the  hill  in  a  diredt  line. 
They  had  to  pafs  an  alnioft  impervious  wood, 
w  hich  was  rendered  more  dangerous  by  an  abba* 
tis  of  brufh-wood  and  felled  timber,  covering 
both  fides  of  the  declivity :  Neverthelefs,  after 
great  labour,  they  penetrated  through  the  wood, 
and  fixed  themfelves  on  the  top  of  the  afcent* 
The  fecond  divifion  was  equally  fuccefsful :  The 
light-infantry  made  good  their  landing,  and  forced 
ther  enemy  from  their  rocks  and  treesupafteep 
and  rugged  mountain.  The  third  divifion  was 
much  galled  in  crofling  the  lower  part  of  Haerlem 
Creek.  Colonel  Sterling,  the  commander  of  the 
forty-fecond,  had  to  encounter  a  heavy  iire  be- 

f  ! 


. , '  T^^TTTd      MjijJ  o^'rytn 



AMERICAN    W  A  R.- 


fore  he  landed,  and  he  had  then  to  afcend  a  woody  CHAP, 
promontory,  the  ground  of  which  wasi  very  une- 
ven :  Neverthelefs  he  fucceeded  iii  his  attempt, 
and,  though  the  poft  was  obftinately  defended, 
he  carried  it,  making  two  hundred  of  the  enemy 
prifoners.  The  laft  divifion  was  not  lefs  fortu-r 
nate  in  the  advances  they  made  through  the 
enemy's  lines.  Lord  Percy,  with  his  ufual  gal- 
lantry and  good  conduct,  having  furmounted  in- 
credible difficulties,  carried  the  advanced  works 
of  the  enemy.  The  garrifon,  finding  that  it  was 
not  poflible  to  defend  the  fort  longer,  furrendered 
prifoners  of  war.  The  lofs  of  the  royal  army 
in  killed  and  wounded,  amounted  tp,  about  eight 
hundred  :  That  of  the  garrifon,  including  killed, 
wounded,  and  prifoners,  about  three  thoufand 
three  hundred.  It  was  a  great  error  in  colonel 
Magaw,  tnat  he  fuifered  his  troops  to  crowd  into 
the  fort,  after  quitting  their  lines  :  For  had  they 
been  polled  on  the  brow  of  the  hill,  facing  the 
north  and  fouth,  the  conteft  would  have  been 
prolonged,  and  the  afTailants  have  fuflained  a 
heavier  lofs  :  But  the  grand  error  was  on  the  part 
of  the  American  general;  who,  as  if  he  had  enter- 
tained a  predilediion  for  a  poft,  no  longer  ufeful, 
did  not  withdraw  the  garrilon  on  the  evening  pre- 
ceding the  alTault^ 

On  the  morning  of  the  attack,  general  Wafti- 
ington  had  been  at  the  fort,  in  order  to  give  di-^ 
redions  to  colonel  Magaw:  He  had,  however, 
repafled  over  to  the  Jerfey  Ihore  long  before  the 
heat  of  the  a6lion.  On  the  other  fide  of  North 
River,  oppofite  to  Fort  Wafhington,  lay  Fort  Lee, 
which  occupied  next  the  attention  of  the  com- 
mander in  chief ;  inafmuch  as  its  redudlion  would 
fecure  the  command  of  the  river,  and  open  a 
(:ommunication  with  the  Jerfeys. 

■      On 

\;  •■, 





Vi  ■"■  11  iiTsv 

.fSrjIlf-  ;v  ;„*^ 






A  forrp  in- 
der  loi ,. 
Cornv.  illii 
pencti  lus 
into  1.1)5 


HI  STORY     OF     THE 

On  the  eighteenth  of  November,  lord  Corn- 
wallis  landed  on  the  Jeriey  fhore,  eight  miles 
above  Fort  Lee,  with  two  battalions  of  Britifh 
and  three  of  Heflian  grenadiers,  two  of  light-iu- 
fantry,  the  guards,  the  chalfeurs,  the  royal  High- 
landers, the  thirty-third  regiment,  and  a  detach- 
ment  of  the  queen's  light  dragoons.  The  Tailors 
of  the  fleet  were  employed  in  dragging  the  artil- 
lery up  a  rocky  road  to  the  I'ummit  of  the  river's 
bank,  which  ftretches,  in  an  almoft  perpendicu- 
lar direction,  half  a  mile  from  the  river.  As  10011 
as  the  detachment  had  landed,  lord  Cornwallis 
began  his  march  with  great  fecrel'y  and  diipatch. 
In  all  probability  he  would  have  furpriled  the 
fort  and  made  the  enemy  prifoners  of  war,  had 
not  a  deferter  informed  them  of  his  approach. 
In  confequence  of  this  information  the  gariifon 
retreated  in  the  utmoft  confufion,  leaving  their 
tents  ftanding,  and  all  their  provifions  and  mili- 
tary (lores.  The  next  day  major-general  Vaugh- 
an,  with  the  dragoons,  grenadiers,  and  light-in- 
fantry, was  detached  to  New  Bridge,  on  the  Ha- 
kenfack  river,  which  runs  into  New  York  Bay. 
The  enemy  retreated  before  them  with  evident 
confufion,  leaving  behind  them,  on  the  roads,  a 
great  quantity  of  ftores  and  artillery. 

Lord  Cornwallis  now  penetratea  into  the  re- 
motefl  parts  of  Eaft  and  Weft  Jerfey  without  op- 
pofition.  On  the  twenty-fourth  of  November, 
being  reinforced  by  two  brigades  of  Britifii  troops 
and  a  battalion  of  Highlanders,  his  lordlhip  pro- 
ceeded to  New  Bridge,  thence  to  Hakeniack, 
Newark,  Elizabeth  Town,  and  Brunfwick  :  At 
this  laft  town  he  was  commanded  to  remain  ;  an 
order,  which  laved  the  panic-ftruck  and  fleeing 
s"my  of  the  Americans  from  utter  ruin.-  The 
Rariton  is  fordable  at  that  place  in  every  receis 
pf  the  tide  ;  and  had  the  noble  general  been  left 





>**^-  -r 



*   *47 

to  ad  at  his  own  difcretion,  if  we  may  form  a  CHAP. 
conjedlure  from  that  adlivity  and  good  fenfe  Vli. 
which  diftinguifh  his  ufual  condudl,  he  would  ^"*nr>^ 
have  piirfued  the  weakened  and  alarmed  enemy  '77^' 
to  the  Delaware,  over  which,  without  falling  into 
his  hands,  they  never  could  have  paifed.  At 
Brunfwick  the  Britifh  army  halted  near  a  week  ; 
the  Americans,  to  the  number  of  three  thoufand, 
with  all  their  heavy  cannon  and  baggage,  at 
Prince  Town,  feventeen,  and  at  Trenton,  on 
the  Delaware,  twenty-nine  miles  diftant.  On 
the  feventeenth  of  December,  our  army  marched 
from  Brunfwick  at  four  o'clock  in  the  morning, 
and  about  the  fame  hour  in  the  afternoon  arrived 
at  Prince  Town.  This  place  general  Wafhing- 
ton,  in  perfon,  with  Stirling's  brigade,  left  not 
one  hour  before  the  Britifti  arrived.  At  Prince 
Tvwn  the  Britifli  genei"al  waited  feventeen  hours, 
marched  at  -nine  o'clock  in  the  morning  of  the 
eighth,  and  arrived  at  Trenton  at  four  o'clock 
in  the  afternoon  ;  juil  when  the  laft  boat  of  ge- 
neral Wafhington's  embarkation  crofTed  the  rir 
ver,  as  if  he  had  calculated,  it  is  obferved,  with 
great  accuracy,  the  exad  time  neceflary  for  his 
enemy  to  make  his  efcape.  a  „.J 

The  winter  now  beginning  to  fet  in,  the  army 
'.vent  into  winter-quarters.  The  Britifti  troops 
were  placed  between  the  Delaware  and  the  Ha- 
kenfack,  the  latter  of  which  runs  near  New 
York.  Trenton,  the  moft  important  port  and 
the  barrier,  wi;s  occupied  by  a  brigade  of  Hef- 
fians,  under  the  command  of  colonel  Ralle  ;  and 
Bordenton,  which  formed  the  angle  neareft  the 
enemy,  was  placed  under  the  command  of  count 
Donopandfour  battal'oiisof  Heflians.  The  ene- 
my, in  the  mean  time,  w^re  fuffered  to  make  good 
their  reixeat  acrofs  the  Delaware. 


.s:t;r^;.5i(  y.  *s&?^..^.:':';' 







\ ) 



CHAP      While  lord  CornwalHs  was  thus  fuccefsful  iii 
VI-    the  Jerfcys,  an  e:xpedition  was  undertaken  againft 

A-nr'*'  Rhode  Ifland  by  General  Cluuoa  and  fir  Peter 
'77*5'  Parker.  At  their  approncli  the  prcN  inci '!3  aban- 
doned the  ifland,  anatb«^  EL;*»;'Uhtc>ok  peaceable 
poilefllon  of  it  :  An  unl  icky  ineafurc,  as  r  had 
no  u'fe  hut  to  keepagrtitt  body  of  -OOp';  ;.neni- 
ployed  duririij  three  years. 
'  Oh  account  of  the  fucctfs  of  this  expedition, 
the  Anieritaji  fquadron,  compianded  iijf  coniino. 
dor6  Hopkins,  was  under  the  necffiity  -y^  rv^inng 
up  tVe.  river  Providence,  where  h  remained 
blocke.d  up  and  ina£^'ve.  V/he?  *he  expedition 
was  difpatched  to  Rhode  Ifii?ncl,  ill"  HeruryClin- 
,  ton  ilrongly  urged  th^t  he  might  rather  be  per- 
hiitted  to  condufl  it  to  the  Delaware.  I'ofliblv, 
had  that  counfel  been  adopted,  the  blow  niight 
have  been  irrecoverable  to  the  Americans :  But 
it  is  faid  Lord  Howe  in  lifted  oj^  t^epq^cjioi^  9f 
iRhode  Ifland  |br  the  fleet.     - "    • '     -        .;;-  - 


4     |;^«'^. 

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.'» t*   '• 

I ,         , 

C  H  A  P, 





^"^'^"^'•^^11  'fiiiin»i-fir 

I ) 


:efsful  in 
;n  againft 
fir  Peter 
ic'la  aban- 
as  >  had 
)p«  i.aem- 

a  commo^ 
€i*ry  Clin- 
er  be  per- 
)low  niignt 
leans:  But 
;)<reffior^  9f 




iC  H  A  P. 


:  .:..n 

.    J-  ..  '4    ■•  It- 


■\-':,.   ■ 


'.^'>  i'    -.•«;" 

CHAP.    yiii. 

•  -V ft    . 


TranfaSions  in  the  Jerjies — Apparent  Errors  of 
the  Britijh  Comman^er^^Defpondence  of  the  Re- 
volter? — Vigour  of  Congrefs — Encouragement  to 
enlifl  in  the  American  Army — Congrefs  appeal  * 
with  Effc^  to  the  American  People. — 17.76.  • 

FROM  the  fucceFs  that  had  attended  theBri-^^^^ 
tiftiarmy,  very  beneficial  confequences  were 
expe^ed  to  refult.  And  indeed,  when  we.con- 
(ider  the  comparative  fituation  and  ilrength  of 
both  armies  at  this  .period,  fuch  expectations 
will  neither  appear  too  fanguiue  nor  unreafona- 

The  American  army  had  been  raifed  and  em- 
bodied on  the  following  principle : — ^Each  man 
enlifted  only  for  a  twelvemonth  ;  after  which 
period,  he  was  at  liberty  to  quit  the  fervice.  Con- 
grefs beggn  now  to  be  coavinced  that  this  prin- 
;  ciple  was  erroneous ;  for  the  Ihortnefs  of  the 
I  term  inducisd  many  to  inlift  at  firfl,  but  it  was 
[now  become  necellary  to  form  a  fettled  and  per- 
maa<^nt  military  eftablifhnient :  Such  an  eftab- 
|li(hmeiat,  however,  could  riot  at  prefent  be  ac- 
|cornpli(hed.  Tbofc;  who  had  fulfilled  the  term 
I  of  their  engagement  retired  from  the  fervice, 
jalleging,  as  a  reafon  for  their  condud,  that  it 
Iwas  incumbent  on  their  fellow-countrymen  to 
ibefir  an  equal  (hare  in  the  defence  of  the  com- 
Cinoii  cauiie.  Thus  the  places  of  thofe  who  had 
laoquired  a  degree  of  military  experience,  were 

jiUed  by  perfons  who  were  totally  ignorant  of  the 



■- 1: 

H-KR^aJW  ■•-' 




C  H  A  P.  duties  of  their  new  fituation,  and  who  were  very 
^11^-    inadequate  to  refift  the  attacks  of  the  veterans, 
of  which  the  Britilh  army  was  conipofed.    In 
confcqueuce  of  the  fuccefs  of  the  royalifts,  fup. 
plies  of  men  were  acquired  by  congrefs  but  flow- 
\y.     On  the  other  hand,  prodigious  numbers  re- 
tired from  the  fervice,  aud  the  adual  Itrengih 
was  reduced  from  thirty  thoufand,  of  which  it 
Blunders  of  confided   whcu  general  Howc  landed  on  Staten 
tb«  British   inand,    to  fcarcely  three   thoufand.     The   Bri- 

commander.    •-,  1  •     ''       •      1  1   r 

tiJn  army,  at  this  period,  amounted  from  twenty 
to  thirty  thoufand.     The  men  were  all  healthy 
and  in  good  fpirits  ;  fuccefs  had  increafed  their 
military  ardour,  and  they  pofTefled  every  thing 
-hat  could  contribute  either  to  their  comfort  or 
theiv"  convenience.     The    greateft    expe6lations 
'.■'t  IV.  1  cordingly  formed,  from  fo  great  a  degree 
•'if  heauh,  animation,    and  courage,   heightened 
by  fuccefs :   Advantages   which,    if  rightly  ira- 
proved,    would  naturally  lead  the  way  to  ftill 
farther  fuccefs  and  glory.    The  rcduftion  of  Forts 
Wafhington  and  Lee  opened  to  the  Britifh  gene- 
ral a  free  ingrefs  into  the  Jerfeys.     The  enemy, 
panic-ftruck,  flew  before  him,  and  yet  he  would 
not  fuifcr  them  to  be  purfued  ;    ordering  lord 
Cornwallis  to  proceed  no  further   than  Brunf- 
wick.     By  this  tendcrncfs  of  operation,  the  ene- 
my were  enabled  to  make  good  their  retreat,  and  | 
to  crois  the  Delaware  in  fafety.     He  thus  negleft- 
ed  the  opportunity  of  making  the  remnant  of  the  I 
American  army  prifoners  of  war  :  Yet,  even  ful>' 
fequent  to  this  period,  his  condudl  was  equally 
inexplicable.     The  Americans,  though  they  had 
thus  crofled  the  Delaware,  were  far  from  feeliD|( 
themfelves  in  fecurity  ;  and  had  the  qommandcr 
in  chief  paffed  over  the  river  after  them  (\vhicli| 
he  might  have  done  a  little  above  Correll's  Fer- 
ry), the  confequences  would  have  certainly  beeal 
..'    .tl'    '    .'  »,  .,  fatal] 


■-'    "*-»*-V^  -  •    .   .\<  *  - 




re  very 


ed.    li 

fts,  fup. 

ui  flow- 

ibers  re- 


kvhich  it 

1  Staten 

'he  Bri- 

n  twenty 

I  healthy 

ifed  their 

ery  thing 

(infort  or 


.t  a  degree 


ighily  inl- 
ay to  ftill 

bn  of  Forts 

iti(h  gene- 
he  euemy, 

t  he  would 

ermg  lord 
lan  Brunt- 
1,  theeni- 
etreat,  and 
us  iiegleft- 
lant  of  the 
,  eveafub-' 
ras  equally 
h  they  m 
•om  feeling 
tern  (whiclr 


fatal  to  the  American  caufe.     The  panic  ftruck  CHAP, 
by  the  i'^veral  defeats  of  the  Americans  at  Long    VIII. 
Jflaiid,  !>iew  York,  and   vhe  White  Plains,  with 
the  progrel's  of  the  army  through  New  Jerfey 
had  extended  itl'elf  from  the  military  to  ?!1  tlie 
civil  departments  of  the  new  ftates,'  and  particu- 
larly   in    the   middle    colonies.     The  governor, 
council,  affembly,   and  magiftracy  of  New  Jer- 
fey had  dcferted  that  province.     The  felf-created 
Hate  in  Philadelphia  had  difperfed,  and  the  con- 
grefs  itfelf,  giving  up  all  as  loft,  had  fled  with 
great    precipitation    into    Maryland.     Repeated 
attempts  were  made  to  raife  the  militia  of  Pen- 
fylvaniain  vain.     Ihree  of  the  rimcipal  citizens 
of  Philadelphia,  in  behalf  of  the  reft,  waned  on 
congrcfs  before  their  flight,  and  boldly  informed 
them,   that   they  intended  to  meet  fir   William 
Howe,  and  throw  themfelves  on  his  protedion. 
The  principal  city  of  North  America,  and  at  that 
time  the  feat  of  the  new  government,  only  wait- 
ed for  the  arrival  of  the  Britifh  army,  to  fubmit 
to  the  mother-country.     Other  ytis,  which  had, 
from  the  commencement  of  the  diiturbances,  fol- 
lowed the  example  of  Philadelphia,  would  have 
purfued  the  fame  condu6l.     In  :his  manner  ad- 
vantages, which,  in  all  probability,  would  have 
put  a  period  to  the  war,  were  neglected  :  Nor 
were  thefe  the  only  errors  of  which  the  com- 
j  mander  in  chief  was  guilty.     The  great  and  prin- 
.cipal  error  in  lir  William's  Howe's  condudl  at 
this  period,  was,  his  dividing  his  army  into  fmall 
detachments;  and  thofe  at  fuch  a  diftance  from 
I  each  other,  as,  in  cafe  of  attack,  not  to  be  capa- 
ble of  receiving  immediate  affiftance  from  the 
jraaiu  army  :  And  it  was  owing  to  this  injudicious 
lamagement,  that  the  Britifti  army,  when  in  the 
Ijerfeys,  were,  as  we  fliall  fee  hereaficr,  cut  up 
llii  detail.    The  manner  .u  which  he  dlfpofed  the 


•,  i 

»  I. 

5    I  j 





CHAP. army  into  winter  cantonments,  was  particuUrljr 
VIII.    blamcable.     In  the  firft  place,  the  chain  of  com- 

^"■''T^'  \nunication  which  the  Britifh  troops  occupied 
"77^-  tVom  the  Delaware  to  the  tlakenfack  was  too  ex- 
tenfive,  and  the  cantonments  too  remote  from 
each  other  ;  for  the  fpace  between  the  two  river$ 
was  not  lefs  than  eighty  miles.  In  the  next  place, 
foreign  t»-oops  ought  not  to  have  been  ftationed 
either  at  1 .  vntou  or  Bordenton  ;  for  they  were 
the  barriers  to  the  Jerfeys,  and  lay  neareft  to  the 
enemy.  The  light-infantry  ihoula  have  occupied 
thefe  polls,  for  the  Heflian  troops,  underftand- 
ing  nothing  of  the  language  of  the  country,  were 
unable  to  obtain  proper  intelligence,  and,  Inftead 
of  conciliating  the  affedions,  made  themfelvn 
particularly  difagreeabk  to  the  natives,  by  jril. 
•  taging  theni,  and  talcing  from  them  the  neceflii- 
ries  of  life,  without  making  them  an  adequate 
compenfation.  It  was  farther  obferved,  that  the 
four  frontier  cantonments  at  Trenton,  Borden, 
ton.  White  Horfe,  and,  liurlingtoii,  were  the 
■weakell,  in  refpedl  of  niJimber  of  troops,  ,  x  the 
whole  line  of  cantonment.  The  poft  at  xren- 
ton,  oppofit^  to  which  Waftiington  lay  with  the 
rnain  body  of  his  army,  and  with  boats  prepared 
to  crofs  the  Delaware  at  hia,  pleafure,  was  de- 
fended only  by  twelve  hundred  Heflians;  and 
thofe  of  Bordenton,  White  Horfe,  and  Burliq^* 
ton,  by  no  more  than  ^wo  thoufand.  In  tb»| 
weak  ftate,  the  frontier  pofts,  the  pofts  of  moll 
danger,  weie  left  by  the  commander  in  chief; 
while  the  cither  pofts  were  made  ftronger  and 
Aronger,  in  proportion  to  the  decreafe  of  their 
Uftance  from  the  enemy,  and  their  confequent  [ 
'anger  ;  nor  were  thefe  frontier  cantonments  fe* 
cured  from  the  attacks  of  the  enemy  by  any  worki  I 
of  art,  but  left  without  a  finglc  redoubt  or  iu- 
tr^enchmeut,  to  which,  in  cafe  of  a  furprife,  the| 






of  com- 
s  too  ex- 
ote  from 
wo  rivers 
ext  place, 
they  were 
reft  to  the 
;  occupied 
tttry,  were 
id,  inftead 
js,  by  pil- 
he  neccffa- 
n  adequate 
;d,  that  the 
)n,  Borden. 
,   were  the 
)ops,    ithc 
,ft  at  x'rea- 
ay  with  tk 
lis  prepared 

re,   was  ^^• 
iflians;  and 
and  Burlia^- 
id.    Iq  this 
,ofts  of  moft 
er  itt  chief; 
ftronger  ani 
■eafe  of  iheit 
r  confequent 
itonments  &• 
jy  any  worki 
idoubtor  in- 
furprife,  the] 


troops,  until  they  (hould  be  relieved  from  theCHAP. 
other  ports,  might  retreat.  ^^^** 

The  affairs  of  congrefs,  in  the  mean  time,  con- 
tinued to  droop  daily.     As  foon  as  the  Britiflt 
troops  had  been  difperfed  into  winter-quarters,  J^'^'^^J",^, 
the  commander  in  chief  ifTued  a  proclamation  inrevoiten. 
the  name  of  his  brother  and  himfelf,  in  which 
pardon  was  offered  to  all  perfons,  who,  within 
the  fpace  of  fixty  days,  ftiould  take  the  oath  of 
allegiance,  and  fubmit   to  the  authority  of  the 
Britifti  government.     The  good  effefts  of  this 
proclamation  were  foon  apparent.     People  from 
all  quarters  crowded   to  take  the  benefit  of  it. 
Whole  diftrifts  threw  down  their   arms  :    Nor 
was  this  all  the  diftrei's  tjiat  congrefs  fufferedk 
In  addition  to  their  misfortunes,  they  incurred 
the   following  unfortunate  lofs : — General  Lee, 
t)o  whom,   on  the  departure  of  GeneraV  Wafti- 
ington,  the  command  of  the  troops  at  Croton's 
Ferry   had  devolved,    receiving   information  of 
the  perilous  fituation  of  general  Waftiiugton,  and 
the  defencelefs  condition  of  the  banks  of  the 
Delaware  on  the  fide  of  Philadelphia,  relolved,    ^ 
notwithftanding  the  defertion  of  his  army,  occa- 
fioned  by  thofe  whofe  terms  of  fervice  were  ex- 
pired, to  crofs  the  North  River,    and  form  a 
jnadlion  with  him.     Accordingly,  on  the  fixth 
of  December,   he  croffed  the  North  River    at 
King's  Ferry,  with  three  thoufand  men  and  fome 
pieces  of  cannon.     He  continued  his  route  thro' 
Morris  County,  intending  to  crofs  the  Delaware 
to  the  northward  of  Trentor      On  the  thirteentli  Capture  of 
of  December,  while  his  army  was  encamped  inS'"*'"*^*** 
Morris  County,  he  quitted   the  camp,  in  order 
to  reconnoitre.     In  the  courfe  of  this  employ- 
ment he  proceeded  to  the  diftance  of  three  miles 
from  his  army,  where  he  ftopped  at  a  houfe  to 

In       , 

'  ^\  kV'^ 

1      V- 

>  ;  ( 

i     ••      •     '••• 

\  I 


HISTORY    O  V  T  it  t 




CHAP.  In  order  to  obtain  information  cf  the  move* 
VIAI.  nicnts  of  tljc  army  under  general  Lcc,  colonel 
Harcourt  had  been  difpatched  with  a  detach- 
ment of  light- horle  :  Colleding  information,  as 
he  advanced  into  tlie  country,  the  colonel  was 
induced  to  proceed  farther.  In  his  progrefs  he 
intercepted  a  countryman,  charged  with  a  letter 
from  general  Lee,  by  which  he  underftood  where 
he  was,  and  how  flightly  he  was  guarded.  He 
immedia(  formed  a  refolution  of  carrying  him 
off;  and  for  that  purpofe  made  the  proper  dif- 
pofitions  to  prevent  his  efcape.  He  then  gallop- 
ed up  to  the  houle  where  the  general  ^as  at 
breakfafl,  furprifed  the  centinels  placed  to  guard 
it,  forced  open  the  door,  and  made  him  a  pri- 
foner,  as  well  as  a  French  lieutenant-colonel, 
who  had  accompanied  him.  The  general  was 
immediately  mounted,  and,  notwithftanding  the 
extent  of  country  through  which  he  was  to  be 
carried,  conveyed  in  fafety  to  New  York,  where 
the  commander  in  chief  then  refided. 

The  lofs  of  general  Lee  was  a  fevere  blow  to 
the  American  caufe.  His  military  knowledge 
was  great,  and  he  had  been  a  foldier  from  his  in- 
fancy :  He  had  formerly  pofllfled  the  rank  of 
lieutenant-colonel  in  the  Briiifh  fervice,  and  had 
ferved  all  the  lail  war  in  America  and  Portugal 
with  reputation.  Kis  abilities  were  extenfive, 
and  his  knowledge  improved  by  an  intimate  ac- 
quaintance with  every  nation  in  Europe.  His 
difpofition  was  refllels  and  romantic,  and  the 
polfeffion  of  an  eafy  fortune  enabled  him  to  m- 
dulge  it.  Having  received  fome  affront  from  the 
individuals  who  compofed  the  Britifh  adminiff ra- 
tion, he  emigrated  to  America  on  the  commence- 
ment of  the  prefent  difturbances,  and  offered  his 
fervices  to  congrefs.  His  abilities  and  his  pro- 
feflional  reputation  being  well  known,  his  offers 





ass     l 

on,  as 
:l  was 
efs  he 
I  letter 
1.    He 
ng  him 
)cr  dif-. 

Ivas  at 
)  guard 

a  pri- 
ral  was 
ling  the 
5  to  be 
,  where 

blow  to 
1  his  in- 
rank  of 
md  had 
late  ac- 
)e.    His 
land  the 
to  ia- 
from  the 
fered  his 
his  pro- 
lis  offers 


were  accepted  with  joy,  and  he  was  honoured  CHAP. 
with  the  rank  of  major-general.  He  had  been  VIlI. 
eminently  uleful  in  dilciplining  the  American 
troops,  and  by  his  afiivity  and  (kill  had  greatly 
contributed  to  the  fucccl's  of  the  common  caul'e. 
To  thele  qualifications,  however,  the  impartia- 
lity of  hiftorv  requires  us  to  add,  that  he  was  a 
nuu  of  mofi  abandoned  principles ;  that  he 
laughed  at  every  attribute  of  the  Divinity,  and 
turned  into  ridicule  every  tenet  of  religion.  No 
prifoner  of  equal  rank  with  general  Lee  being 
in  the  hands  of  the  provincials,  general  Wafh- 
ington  offered  in  exchange  for  him  fix  field  offi- 
cers :  General  Howe,  however,  replied,  that 
general  Lee,  having  defcrted  from  the  fervice  of 
Great  Britain^  could  not  be  confidered  as  a  pri- 
foner of  war.  To  this  general  Wafhington  re- 
I  joined,  that,  having  on  the  commencement  of 
the  troubles  refigned  his  commifTiou  as  a  Britifli 
ofUcer,  general  Lee  could  not  be  fuppofed  to  be 
I  a  delerter.  The  commander  in  chief,  however, 
[refufcd  to  releafe  him  ;  which  occafioned  the 
I  Americans  to  treat  feveral  of  their  prifoners  with  ^ ' 
I  an  unufual  degree  of  fevcrity  and  rigour. 

Notwithftanding  the  perilous  fituation  of  their  vigour  of 

"flairs,  ccngrefs  were  not  difpirited.  They  pro- '^°"'^'^*'^'' 
keeded  with  the  utmoft  vigour  and  adtivity  to  re- 
Ipair  their  lofTes,  and  to  remedy  the  defedl  in 
liheir  military  fyftem.  They  ordered  a  new  army 
Ito  be  raifed,  the  foldiers  of  which,  inflead  of 
Iferving  one  year,  (hould  be  bound  for  three,  or 
jdaring  the  continuance  of  the  prefent  diftur- 
Ibances.  This  army  was  to  confifl  of  eighty- 
jeight  battalions,  to  be  furnifhed  and  maintained 
Iby  the  refpedlive  colonies,  according  to  the  fol- 
jlowing  propdrtion :  Virginia  and  MafTachw/'er 
lucre  to  furnifh  fifteen  battalions  each;  Penly'- 

|\'ania,  twelve — ^North  Carolina,  nine — South  Ca- 

.1      K 



H  IS  TO  R'Y"    OF    t  rt  E 

CHAP,  rolina,  fix-i-Conneaicut,  eight — Maryland,  eight 
VIII.    — Rhbdt  Ifland,  tw6-^Dclawire,  one- — -New 



Hamp(hire,  thre'c-i-and  G^rgia,  oiic.  New  Ybtk 
and  Jcrfey  being  -partly  in  the  enemy's  pofleffibii, 
were  only  aifefied  at  four  battalions  each. 

Ais  an  mducemeht  to  tnen  to  enlift,  the  folloV* 
uft?"the"'  '"S  liberal  offcis  \viere  made  i  Each  foldier  was  to 
Amerian  havc  a  boijnty  of-  twenty'  dollars,  bcfides  an  »h 
"™"y-  Jotment  of  lands  iat  the  end  of  the  war  to  all  wlio 
fUrvived,  or  to  the  "families  of  thofe  who  ihottid 
fall  in  the  fervice.  The  allotment  of  a  common 
"'  foldier  was  to  bebne  hundre^  acres— of  atien* 

ii^V  one  hundred  and  fifty— of  a  lieutenant,  two 
htiiidred— a  captain,  tliree  hundred — a  major, 
fcMir  hilndr^d-i^a  lieutenant-colonel,  four  hun> 
dred  and  fifly^^fiiid  a  colonel,  five  hundred. 
This  iallotmettt,  however,  was  not  to  extebd  to 
thofe  who  enlifted  only  for  three  years.  In  ad- 
ditiodi  to '  thefc  offers,  congrefs  forbad  any  one 
to  purchafe  the'  allotment  of  lands  belonginig  to 
another,  in  ord^r  that  by  this  prohibition  each 
foldier  might  procurie  for  himfelf  a  decent  main- 
tenance wheii  the  public  ih6uld  ho  longer  want 
his  profelTioidil  '  affiftance.  In  order  to  provide 
for  the  fupport'  of  fudi  a  large  body  as  was  pro- 
■^  '  pofed  to  be  raifed,  cdngrefs  borrdwed  a  loail  of 

•       ■      five  minions  of  dollars  at  four  per  cent,  intercft. 
The  Britifh'  troops  1at  this  period  were  mailers 
of  the  Jerfeys,  and  feparated  from  Penfylva'Jia, 
and  the  capital  Philadelphia,  only  by  the  Dela- 
congrefc    waTe.    In  this  critical  fituatiou,  cougrefs  thought 
appeal  with  it  advifable  to  publifh  an  appeal  to  the  inbabi- 
iSiwicw!'"  ^3^^s  of  the  feveral  colonies,  in  order  to  remiiid 
people.      them  of  their  afTurances  of  prbteftSon  and  fup- 
pdrti    In  this  appeal  the)^  were  entreated  not  to 
foi-get  that  adlivity  and  unanimity  Were  abfolutely 
n^celTary  to  enfure  welfare  and  fuccefs  to  the 
'         common  caule.    They  travelled  over  the  latne 
'.^^■  grounds 

_      ...7      ■;;.;:  __      ,  •  , 







gronnds  they  had  formerly  done,  with .  refpedl  to  C  H  A  P. 

a  recapitulation  of  the  grievances  they  had  fuf-    Vlll. 

fered,  and  the  manner  in  which  they  had  been 

treated   by  the  mother-country.     They  infifted 

that  nothing  ihort  of  an  abfolute  fubmiflion  would 

fatisfy  the  demands  of  their  enemies,  and  they 

defired  an  anfwer  to  this  queAion  :  Which  of  the 

two  alternatives  was  preferable — refiftauce  or  fla- 

very  ?  The  appeal  next  adverted  to  recent  tranf- 

adions,  and  contended  that  the  fuccefs  of  the: 

Britifh  arms  had  been  greatly  exaggerated,  and 

dearly  purchafed.     In  conclufiou,  congrels  afTur- 

ed  them  of  thie  afliftance  of  foreign  powers,  and 

exhorted  them  to  prepare  for  a  vigorous  defence 

of  thofe  objeds  which  mull  be  dear  to  every  man. 

This  appeal  produced  the  desired  effedl.     The 

people  of  America  determined  to  contribute  every 

polfible  afliftance  to  the  common  -caufe ;  and  for 

that  purpofe  exerted  themfelves  with  aftonifhing 

aftivity  in  procuring  reinforcements  of  men  for 

the  army  under  the  command  of  general  Wafii 


Winter  was  i:  ow  approaching  faft.  The  Dela- 
ware was  expected  to  be  foon  frozen,  and  it  was 
not  doubted  but  that  the  Britifh  troops  only 
waited  for  this  event  in  order  to  crofs  it  and  at- 
tack Philadelphia,  The  friends  of  congrefs, 
therefore,  with  good  reafon,  began  to  entertain 
appreheniions  for  the  fafety  of  that  body,  which 
OQthis  account  retired- to  Baltimore  in  Maryland. 
The  city  of  Philadelphia  by  their  departure  was 
thrown  into  confufion.  As  long  as  congrefs  re- 
fided  there,  thofe  ,who  were  attached  to  Great 
Britain  were  under  the  neceffity  of  fubmitting  to 
a  power  which  they  could  not  refift.  The  opera- 
tion of  this  caufe  had  no  fooner  ceafed  than  thi  y 
avowed  their  attachment  openly,  and  ufed  every 
endeavour  to  acquire  frefh  adherents  to  the  Bri- 

VoL.  I.  3  lilh 


,  •""•■<- 

■■i-*.'»jfe . 






caufe.  Their  attempts  were  not  unfuccefs* 
Many  of  the  inhabitants  quitted  Philadel* 
phia,  and  claimed  the  benefit  of  the  proclama- 
tion recently  made  by  the  commifTioners*  Others, 
who,  though  well  afieded  to  Great  Britain,  did 
not  think  proper  to  leave  the  city,  made  ufe  of 
every  artifice  to  prevent  its  being  put  into  a  pro- 
per ftate  of  defence,  according  to  the  diredions 
of  congrefs  before  their  departure.  Thefe  at- 
tempts .occafioned  violent  animofities  and  dif. 
turbances ;  to  put  an  end  to  which,  general 
Wafhington  was  reduced  to  the  neceffity  of  dif- 
patching  a  confiderable  detachment  ot  the  tri- 
vial force  which  now  remained  under  his  com* 

The  fituation  of  the  Americans  was  now  almoft 
defperate.     General   Wafhington,   though  'rein- 
forced  by  the  jundlion  of  general  Lee's  army, 
had  not  five  thoufand  men  under  his  commana ; 
many  of  whom   were  raw  and   inexperienced, 
and  all  were  difpirited  by  difappointment  and 
defeat.     An  hoftile  army,  flulhed  with  conqueft 
and  fuccefs,  lay  on  the  oppofite  fide  of  the  De- 
laware,   within  twenty  miles  of  him.     Winter 
was  approaching  faft.     The  Delaware  would  be 
frozen  ;  and  the  only  obftacle  that  prevented  the 
enemy  from  attacking  him  would  then  be  remov- 
ed.     Thus  fituated,  he  refolved  to  adopt  a  def. 
perate  expedient  ;  and  indeed  the  neceffity  of 
the  cafe  left  him  only  the  alternative  of  adopting 
fuch  a  meafure,  or  of  fubmitting  to  the  enemy. 
He  knew  the  manner  in  which  the  Britifh  army 
■was  difpofed  ;  that  it  was  ftationed  in  extenfive 
cantonments ;  and  therefore  could  not  eafily  be 
condenfed,  in  a  fhort  period,  into  one  body  ca- 
pable of  refiftiiig  the  attack  of  the  men  under 
his  command.    Befides,  he  wifhed  to  obtain  for 
.  •  „  .•...- -  Philadelphia, 





A  M  ^.  R  I  C  A  N    WAR. 



l*hiladelphia,  a  temporary  fecurity,  by  inducing  C  H  A  P. 
the  enemy  to  quit  the  vicinity  of  the  Delaware.    ^^^^' 

It  has  been  already  faid  that  the  barriers  at 
Trenton  and  Borden  ton  were  defended  by  Hef- 
fian  troops  under  the  command  of  colonel  Rhalle 
and  count  Douop.    Thefe  pofts  general  Wafti- 
ington  determined  to  attack.     But  in  order  to  General 
draw  colonel  Donop  from  his  poft  at  Bordenron,  Jl^pllfSc 
and  to  prevent  him  from  affording  any  fupport  Britim 
to  Colonel  Rhalle,  at  the  time  of  the  intended  *4^ntoa. 
affault,  he  fent  a  corps  of  four  hundred  and  fifty 
militia,  many  of  whom  were  boys  picked  up  in 
Philadelphia,  and  the  counties  of  Gloucefter  and 
Salem,  to  Mount  Holly,  with  orders  not  to  fight, 
but  to  take  to  flight  the  moment  when  the  effeft 
of  the  manoeuvre  fliould  take  place.    The  plan 
lucceeded.     Colonel  Donop  marched  againfl  thii     t    ^ 
infignificant  detachment  of  the  American  force,"      ,' 
with  the  whole  of  his  party,  to  the  number  of 
two  thoufand  men,  with  the  exception  of  eighty, 
left  at  Bordenton,  down  to  Mount  Holly,  twelve 
miles  from  his  own  ftation,  and  eighteen  from 
Trenton,  the  pofl  he  ought  to  have  been  near,    * 
for  the  purpol'e  of  fupporting  it  in  cafe  of  dan- 
ger.   The  fmall  American  party,  on  his  approach, 
immediately  fled  and  difperfed  ;  and  y     Donop, 
inftead  of  returning  ftraight  to  fupport  colonel 
Rhalle,  loitered  two  days  in  the  neighbourhood 
of  Burlington,  without  the  fmalleft  femblance  of 
neceffity.     Wafliington  difcerued  :be  fit  moment 
for  enterprife,    and  embraced  it.     He  divided 
his  troop?  into  three  parts,  which  were  to  aflem- 
ble  on  the  banks  of  the  Delaware  on  the  night 
of  the  twenty-fifth  of  December.     Two  of  thefe 
divifiops  were  led  by  generals  Irwing  and  Cad- 
wallader.     The  third,  which  was  the  principal 
divifion,  was  commanded  by  himfelf  in  perfon. 
It  confifted  of  two  thoufand  five  hundred  men, 

S  2,  and 


m     n 

f  1 

3e;  1 






)  ;i^ 


CHAP,  and  was  furnifhed  with  a  few  field-pieces.  General 
VIII.  Wafhington  was  attended  by  generals  Sullivan 
and  Green.  The  firft  diviliou  ^as  ordered  to 
pafs  the  river  at  Trenton  Ferry,  a  mile  below  the 
town — the  fecond  near  Bordenton--— and  the  third 
at  Mackenzie's  Ferry,  nine  miles  above  Trenton, 
The  Delaware  had  already  begun  to  be  frozen, 
and  the  boats  that  carried  this  laft  divifion  found 
it  difficult  to  make  their  way  through  the  ice. 
Other  inconveniencies  which  the  men  encoun- 
tered after  they  landed  delayed  their  march  fo 
long,  that  they  did  not  arrive  a,f  the  deftined 
place  before  eight  o'clock  on  the  morning  of  the 
twenty-fixth  of  December.  As  foon  as  general 
Wafhington  had  landed  he  divided  his  men  into 
two  detachments,  which  were  ordered  to  pro- 
ceed to  Trenton  by  the  two  roads  that  led.toit; 
the  upper,  or  Pennington  road ;  and  the  lower, 
or  River  road. 

The  Heflians,  fince  they  had  been  quartered 
at  Trenton,  had  given  way  to  a  laxity  of  diici- 
pline,  and  an  inattention  that  proceeded  from  a 
knowledge  of  the  enervated  fituation  of  the  ene- 
my, and  of  the  improbability  of  their  adoptiog 
any  oifenfive  meal u res  againft  them.  It  is  not 
therefore  wonderful  that  they  ncgleded  the 
mean?  of  fecuring  themfelves  from  a  Turpxife,  nor 
that  the  Americans  were  fuffered  to  proceed  on 
their  march  without  raoleftation.  The  firft  in- 
telligence that  the  Heffians  received  of  their  ap- 
proach was  from  an  advanced  poft  in  the  upper 
road,  and  the  out-guards  on  the  lower  road,  belli 
of  which  were  under  the  neceflity  of  retreating 
into  the  town  with  the  utmoft  celerity.  Rhalle, 
with,  all  poflible  fpeed,  endeavoured  to  colled 
his  troops  during  the  night ;  but  many  of  his 
men  were  abfent  on  pillaging  parties,  and  thofe 
who  were  on  the  fpot  were  more  bulily  employed 


-^.'-'- .  ■':^i 







iu  fecuring  their  plunder  in  v;aggons  than  in  put-  ^^^it  ^* 
ting  the  town  in  a  proper  ftate  of  defence.  The 
enemy  took  advantage  of  this  confufioU;  and 
poffefled  themfelves  of  the  different  avenues, 
where  they  placed  their  field-pieces,  and  thence 
began  to  pour  a  heavy  fire  upon  the  difmayed  and 
aftonifhed  Heffians.  By  adlivity  and  diligence 
Rhalle  aflembled  the  beft  part  of  his  three  regi- 
ments, with  which  he  charged  the  enemy  with 
great  courage,  but  receiving  a  mortal  wound  in 
the  commencement  of  the  engagement,  his  troops 
refufed  to  continue  it,  and  endeavoured  to  re- 
treat to  Prince  Town.  Being  difappointed,  how- 
ever, in  this  attempt,  they  were  under  the  necef- 
fity  of  furrendering  prifoners  of  war.  The  num- 
ber of  killed  and  wounded  on  both  fides  was  in- 
con.  derable.  The  number  of  prifoners  amounted 
to  near  one  thoufand.  The  two  other  divifions  of 
general  Wafhington's  army  were  not  fo  fuccefsful. 
The  quantity  of  ice  in  the  Delaware  was  fo  great, 
where  they  attempted  to  crofs  it,  that  they  found 
the  talk  impradicable.  Had  this  not  been  the 
cafe,  their  fuccefs  would  have  been  complete ; 
for  thefe  divifions  would  have  prevented  the  chaf- 
feurs  and  light-horfe  from  efcaping  to  Bordenton, 
and  alfo  have  made  themfelves  mafters  of  all  the 
cantonments  on  the  fide  of  the  river.  General 
Wafhington,  in  confequence  of  this  failure  in  the 
other  divifions,  judged  it  improper  to  profecute 
his  intentions  further.  He  therefore  repafled  the 
Delaware  on  the  evening  of  the  tweniy-fixth, 
carrying  with  him  his  prifoners,  and  all  the  ar- 
tillery of  which  he  had  made  himfelf  mafter  at 

The  Americans  had  hitherto  beheld  the  Heffi- 
ans with  fear  and  difmay.  They  knew  that  they 
were  veterans,  and  in  the  higheft  fiate  of  difci- 
pline.  This  vidlory,  however,  gained  over  thofe 
ftrangers,  animated  them  to  a  furprifiiig  degree, 
•  ^ "  2nd 

,'    V    - 



^1  ,;,    ,M 

CHAP,  and  revived  that  fpirit  which  had  for  fome  time 
VIII.  been  decreafing.  The  Hcffians  were  difpatched 
to  Philadelphia,  and  carried  through  the  different 
ftreeis  of  that  city,  in  order  to  convince  the  inha- 
bitants that  the  liiccefs  of  the  American  arms  was 
not,  as  many  induftrioufly  fuggefted,  pretended 
or  fictitious.  The  lofs  of  Trenton  was  very  gd- 
nerally  imputed  to  the  mifcondu<5l  of  the  com- 
mander in  chief.  It  was  alleged  that  the  principal 
barrier  fliould  not  have  been  committed  to  the  care 
of  foreigners ;  that  it  was  extremely  reprehenfible 
to  negle6l  throw:  ii$j  up  fom«?  defenfible  works  in 
order  to  prevent  a  furprife  ;  and  that  the  extent 
of  the  cantonments  was  fo  enlarged,  as  already 
obferved,  as  to  render  every  idea  of  conveying 
afliftance  from  one  caatonment  to  another  totally 
impradlicable.  Rhalie,  though  brave,  was  totally 
imfit  for  the  Nation  he  held.  He  was  obftinate, 
paffionate,  and  incefl'antly  intoxicated  withftrong 
liquors.  The  commander  in  chief  affeflted  to 
ihrow  the  blame  of  the  appointment  of  Rhalie 
to  the  command  at  Trenton  on  general  de  Hdfr 

Sir  William  Howe  has  been  very  feverely  cen- 
fured  for  having  given  the  command  of  this  poft 
to  a  foreigner,  unacquainted  with  the  language, 
cuftoms,  or  manners,  of  the  people.  He  was 
liable  to  be  impofed  on  by  the  country  people  in 
any  information  he  might  want ;  and  little  could 
be  expeded  from  colonel  Rhalie  in  the  way  of 
conciliation  accompanying  that  of  armed  force, 
the  only  way  in  which  final  fuccefs  was  to  be  ex- 
pe6icd  For  whoever  cafts  his  ey^  on  the  oiap 
of  the  vaft  continent  of  America  mull  readily 
perceive  that  force  of  arras  alone,  unaccompanied 
\)y  conciliatory  meafures,  muft  be  wild  and  cE 
merical.  When  the  enemy  had  arrived  in  the 
^wn  t^ie  troops  in  the  Britilh  fervic^  were  folely 



r  fome  time 

the  different 
ce  the  inha- 
m  arms  was 
,  pretended 
/as  very  ge. 

of  the  cora- 
ihe  principal 
;d  to  the  care 
ble  works  in 
at  the  extent 
I,  as  already 
Df  conveying 
Qother  totally 
't,  was  totally 
was  obftinate, 
jd  withftroDg 
f  affeaed  to 
ent  of  Rhalle 
leral  de  HeifT 

feverely  cen- 
d  of  this  poft 
the  language, 
pie.     He  was 
Qtry  people  in 
nd  little  could 
in  the  way  of 
armed  force, 
was  to  be  ex- 
y^  on  theiwap 
I  muft  readily 
wild  and  chi« 
arrived  in  the 
rice  were  foleiy 




occupied  in  fecuring  their  plunder  in  waggons,  C  H  A  p. 
and  many  of  them  were  adually  made  priloners    ^^^^' 
while  engaged  in  this  fhameful  avocation. 

Though  the  fuccefs  of  general  Waftiingtpn,  in 
his  attack  on  Trenton,  had  fui;pafied  his'^moil  fan- 
guine  expedatious,  he  yet  dreaded  every  moment 
the  approach  of  the  troops  under  general  Leflie, 
from  Prince  Town,  and  of  colonel  Donop  from 
Mount  Holly,  and  fled  with  the  utmoft  precipita- 
tion to  his  winter  quarters  on  the  weft  fide  of  the 
Delaware.     Of  taking  up  quarters  in  New  Jerfey 
he  never  entertained  a  thought:    Not  doubting 
but  the  Briti(h  commander,  with  a  force  fo  greatly 
fuperior  to  his  own,  would  re-occupy  the  impor- 
tant pofts  on  the  Delaware,  and  fortify  them  fo 
ftrongly  as  to  put  it  out  of  his  power  to  retake 
them.  Nor  was  Walhington,  as  yet,  fufficiently  ac- 
quainted with  the  charadler  of  fir  William  Howe, 
to  fuppofe  it  poifible  that  this  commander  might 
purfue  a  differe^it  line  of  conduft.     To  recover 
and  fortify  his  chain  of  pofts  on  the  Delaware 
was  necelTary,  in  order  to  keep  alive  the  panic 
already  diffufed  throughout  all  the  colonies,  and 
fupport  the  fpirits  of  the  well-affe6led  to  govern- 
ment.    It  was  neceffary  to  the  prefervation  of 
Weft  New  Jerfey,  juft  conquered :    It  was  ne-* 
cefFary,  in  order  to  convince  the  enemy  that  the 
Britifh  troops,  although  they  might  be  furprifed, 
were  not  to  be  intimidated  or  difcouraged  from 
aftion  :  And,  finally,  it  was  pradiicable  without 
danger,  as  thofe  troops  were,  at  that  crifis,  fix 
times  more  in  number,  as  well  as  fuperior  in  point 
of  military  difcipline  and  experience,  to  the  feeble 
force  that  oppoied  them.     But  inftead  of  an  im- 
mediate movement  of  the  two  neareft  corps,  to 
regain  what  had  been  fo  ftrangely  loft,  colonel 
Donop  abandoned  his  poft,  and  haftened  to  join 
general  Leflie  at  Prince  Town.     Theie  officers, 


>    ii 

'  !j 





C  HAP. ^'niic'j,  were  much  fuperior  iu  force  to  general 
VIII.  Wafliingtou  :  Yet,  though  there  was  no  euemy 
ill  N(  .V  Jcifey  to  clinurb  ihcm,  they  were  pcr- 
luiitecl  lo  remain  for  fonie  lime  wholly  ina6live. 
'I'he  two  niaiu  barriers  of  the  Britiih  power  oq 
the  Delaware  being  left  unguarded  and  defence- 
lefs,  and  the  condu6l  of  the  Britilh  commander 
b.'rrayiiigmanifeft  irreloluiion,  if  not  infatuation, 
general  Wafliington,  after  an  interval  of  eight 
days,  was  encouraged  again  to  crofs  the  Dela- 
ware, and  march  to  Trenton  at  the  hc^d  of  four 
thou  land  men. 

•  The  Britiih  commander  iu  chief  was  now  fe. 
riouily  alarmed.  The  Britifh  and  auxiliary  troops, 
with  the  forces  at  Bruufwiclc  under  general  Graut, 
advanced  to  Prince  Town ;  and  lord  Corn- 
wallis,  who  was  on  the  point  of  failing  for 
England,  was  immediately  ordered  to  leave 
Kew  York,  and  take  the  command  of  the  Jerfey 
army.  A?  foon  as  his  lordfhip  joined  general 
Grant,  he  marched  to  attack  the  enemy  at  Tren- 
ton. General  Wafhington,  on  his  approach,  re- 
tired  from  the  town,  and  crofting  a  rivulet  at  the 
back  of  it,  ported  himfelf  on  fome  high  grounds, 
feemingly  with  a  determination  of  defending 
them.  Both  armies  imnicdiately  commenced  a 
fevere  cannonade,  which  continued  till  night. 
Lord  Cornwallis  determined  to  renew  the  attack 
next  morning,  bu.  general  Wafhington  refolvcd 
not  to  hazard  a  battie.  About  two  in  the  morning 
of  the  third  of  January  he  retreated  with  pro- 
found filence,  leaving  his  fires  burning,  his  pickets 
advanced,  and  levjral  fmall  parties  for  the  pur- 
pofe  of  guarding  the  pafTage  of  the  rivulet.  Qiiit- 
tiug  the  main  road,  he  took  a  large  circuit  through 
YMlenfiown,  and  proceeded  to  Prince  Town, 
w  hich  place  he  intended  to  furprife.  When  lord 
Cgr;^ wallis  q^uitted  Prince  Town,  he  left  lieute- 



J-  j-Wt-.jj, 







nant-colonel  Mawhood  to  defend  it  with  the  fe-  C  H  A  P. 
venteenth,  fortieth,  and  fifty-fifth  regiments.   On    ^^^^' 
the  third  of  Jinuary  however,  orders  were  tranf- 
niitted  to  him  to  march  with  the  feventeenth  and 
fifty-fifth   regin^  lis  to    Maidenhead,  a   village 
midway   between  Prince   Town  and   Trenton. 
General  Wafhington  had  ufed  fach  expedition  in 
his  march,  that  at  fun-rife  his  van  came  up  with 
colonel  Mawhood's  detachment,  which  had  juft 
begun  its  march.     The  morning  was  fo  foggy, 
that  the  enemy  were  at  firll  fuppofed  to  be  Hef- 
fians :   Colonel  Mawhood  foon  difcovering  that 
it  was  part  of  the  Ameiic£i*i  army,  immediately 
c^iijectured   that  general  W-ifhington   had   re- 
t  .  ated  from  lord  Cornwallis,  and  was  on  his 
march  to  Prince  Town.     A  brook  feparated  the 
two  armies.     By  cutting  away  a  bridge  over  it, 
il::'3  detachment  might  have  avoided  an  engage- 
ment,  and    fecured  their   pafifage    to    Maiden-    . 
head.     The  commanding  officer  however,  con- 
ceiving that  fome  advantage  m'ght  refult  from  de- 
laying the  enemy,  refolved  to  hazard  an  adlion. 
Thefogginefs  of  the  morning,  and  the  woods,  ^ 
prevented    him    from    difcovering    at   firft    the    - 
number  of  the    enemy.     PoffefTing    himfelf  of    ' 
fome  high    ground  that   led  tc    Prince    Town, 
he  ordered  the  waggons  to  retui  t  to  that  place, 
and  direded  the  fortieth  regime  at  to  come  to  his 
affiftance.     When  the  enemy  advanced  he  poured  ^ 
a  heavy  difcharge  of  artillery  upcn  them,  which 
did  confiderable  execution,  on  account  of  their 
not  having  yet  formed  in  a  regular  line.     For  a 
fhort  fpace  of  time  a  brifk  cann'^-  ade  was  carried 
on  on  both  fides.     The  van  of  the  enemy  begin- 
ning then  to  be  ill  fome  diforder,  the  feventeenth 
regiment  riilhcd  forward   with  fixed    bayonets, 
and  drove  tbem  back  to  a  ravine  >,hich  feparated 
them  from  their  rear.     Great  ff^mghter  enfucd 
iu  the  endeavour  of  the  eueiiiy  to  rtpafs  this  line. 

.   I 






J  777. 

It  was  faid  that,  had  the  fifty-fifth  regiment  fup, 
ported  the  fcventeenth  M'ith  a  proper  degree  of 
i'pirit,  and  had  the  fonieu»  regiment  obeyed  the 
orders  tranfmilted  them  to  march  to  the  alUftance 
of  the  other  two  regiments,  the  enemy  would 
have  totally  failed  in  their  defigns.  But  thefe  feem 
to  have  been  only  the  excufes  with  which  it  was 
ilttcmpted  to  cover  the  want  of  a  regular  com- 
bined difpofition  for  the  attack  :  A  negleft  natu- 
rally imputable  to  the  unexpe^lednefs  of  fuch  a 
meeting  with  the  American  army.  The  fe\  a- 
teenth  regiment,  fevered  by  their  ardour  from 
the  reft  of  the  Britifh  detachment,  cut  their  way 
through  the  enemy,  and  purfued  their  march  to 
Maidenhead.  This  was  one  of  the  moft  gallant 
exploits  during  the  whole  war.  Captain  Scot, 
who  led  that  regiment,  received  very  deferved 
applaufe  for  his  condutSl  on  that  occafion.  The 
Englifh  fuffered  confiderably  in  killed  and  wound- 
cd,  and  the  Americans  much  more.  Among  the 
killed,  on  the  part  of  the  latter,  was  a  general 
Mercer,  whofe  lofs  was  extremely  lamented.  The 
fortieth  and  fifty-fifth  regiments  being  unable  to 
mr;kc  good  their  way  to  Maidenhead,  effeiled  a 
retreat  to  Brunfwick,  with  the  lofs  of  near  one- 
half  their  number.  The  Americans  at  the  fame 
time  took  poffefTion  of  Prince  Town.  As  foon 
as  day-light  appeared,  on  the  third  of  January, 
lord  Cornwallis  difcovered  the  retreat  of  the 
American  army,  and  entertaining  apprehenfions 
for  the  fafety  of  Brunfwick,  which  was  in  a  de- 
fcncelefs  fituation,  refolved  to  march  inftantly  to  ! 
its  relief.  On  the  approach  of  his  lordfhip,  ge-  j 
neral  Wa(hington  retreated  from'  Prince  Town, 
and  proceeded  to  Brunfwick.  Brigadier  Mat- 
thews, the  commanding  officer  of  the  garrifon, 
being  informed  of  his  approach,  took  the  pre- 
caution to  fend  away  the  iramenfe  quantity  of 
.:*- ,  .,-..-„^.,._.  .,.-..,  ftorej 

'^  :  .'' 



I  from  the  town. 

was  confined  ia 



ai  general 

jfwick,  yet 

.  .,    of  the  Eng- 

10  relinquifh 


flores  that  had  been  placed  there  for  the  ufe  of C HAP. 
the  army,  and  with  his  fmall  detachment  poded    VIII. 
hinifelf  on  fome  high  grounds  commanding  the 
town,  in  ending  to   check  the  progrefs  of  the 
enemy,  in  order  to  cover  the  retreat  of  the  (lore- 
waggons,  which  were  hurrying  along  the  Rariton 
to  a  bridge  about  two  miles  difta 
The  captive  general  Lee,  wt.o 
Brunfwick,  was  at  the  fame 
the  Rariton  in  company  wii 

Notwithftanding  the  ex 
Waihington  ufed  in  his  mai 
his  rear  was  hard  preflcd  by  the  . 
lifh  army.     He  therefore  refolved 
his  defigns  on  Brunfwick,  and  crofTed  the  Millnone 
river,  breaking  down  the  bridge  at  King's  Town 
to  evade  a  purfuit. 

The  army  under  lord  Cornwallis,  harafled  and 
fatigued,  declined  purfuing  the  enemy,  and  pro- 
ceeded to  Brunfwick.  Whilft  Cornwallis,  for 
the  neceflary  refrefliment  of  his  troops,  remained 
in  this  town,  general  Wafhington  over-ran  both 
Eaft,  and  Weft  Jerfey,  fpreading  his  army  over  ^ 
the  Rariton,  and  penetrating  into  Effex  County, 
where  he  made  hinifelf  maftcr  of  the  coaft  oppofite 
to  Slaten  Iflaud,  by  feizing  Newark,  Elizabeth 
Town,  and  Woodbridge.  His  head-quarters  he 
fixed  at  Morris  Town.  This  place  is  fituated 
amongft  hills  which  are  difficult  of  accefs.  A 
fine  country  was  in  his  rear,  whence  he  could  • 
draw  fupplies,  and  through  which  he  could  at  any 
timefecureaneafy  palTage  over  the  Delaware. 

By  fuch  judicious  movements  did  general 
Wafhington  not  only  fave  Philadelphia  and  Pen- 
fylvania,  but  recover  the  greateft  part  of  the  Jer- 
leys,  in  defiance  of  an  army  infinitely  fuperior  to 
his,  in  difcipline,  refources,  and  numbers.  Of 
all  their  recent  extenfiye  poifeffions  in  the  Jerfey s, 







123.  WIS 


m  m 


^   IHL    12.0 


1.25  1  1.4      1.6 

^s  II  ^=    ^ 

-m 6"     









(716)  872-4S03 






of  tlie  Bri 

CHAP,  the  Englifh  retained  now  only  the  pofts  of  Brunf- 
^}^^'    wick  and  Amboy ;  the  firft  iituated  on  the  banks 
^  of  the  Rariion  ;  the  fecond  on  a  point  of  land  at 
its  mouth.    Both  places  have  an  open  communi- 
cation with  New  York  by  fea. 

In  all  thefe  tranfadions  there  was  fomethiDg 
inexplicable,  to  the  rational  'part  of  mankind. 
They  could  not,  by  any  well-founded  arguments, 
defend  the  manner  in  which  the  troops  were  can- 
toned. They  could  not  account  for  lb  flender  an 
eftablifhment  being  left  on  the  -two  barriers  of 
Trenton  and  Bordenton.  At  the  firft  place 
Rhalle  had  only  twelve  hundred  Heiiians ;  at 
the  fecond,  count  Donop's  forcie  exceeded  not 
two  thoufand.  The  negleding  to  fortify  thefe 
pofts  neareft  the  enemy,  and  moft  in  danger, 
feemed  to  them  unpardonable  :  The  placing  the 
Britifh  in  the  greateft  numbers  fartheft  from  the 
enemy  ;  the  not  retaking  the  pofts  on  the  banks 
of  the  Delaware,  which  pofts  covered  the  whole 
province  of  Jerfey  :  All  thefe  circumftances  were 
generally  aniniiad verted  on  wiih  much  feverity 
Men  of  plain  fenfe  could  not  underftand  why 
the  commander  in  chief,  at  the  head  of  thirty 
thoufand  veteran  troops,  fhould  fuffer  an  undif- 
ciplined  army,  not  amounting  to  a  iixth  part  of 
his  own  numbers,  to  remain  in  a  province  fo 
lately  in  his  firm  poffeffion ;  and  not  only  to  remain 
there,  but  to  compel  him  to  abandon  that  pro- 
vince. When  the  adherents  of  adminiftration 
refleded  on  the  dreadful  confequences  that  rauft 
arife  from  this  erroneous  condudlj  they  were  re- 
duced to  a  fituation  of  grief  and  defpair. 

General  Waftiington,  with  his  ufual  fagacity, 
perceived  that,  during  the  winter  of  1776,  his 
iituation  required  enterprife  and  daring  expedi- 
ents ;  which,  while  they  haraffed  the  Britifh 
army,  would  keep  his  little  force  in  ad^on,  and 



U  1 



prevent  the  minds  of  his  men  from  yielding  to  c  H  A  P. 
the  fatal  e£fe£ts  of  defpondence.    Small  as  his    VIII. 
force  was,  he  always  pofted  himfelf  near  the  Bri-  v-^nr*-' 
tifti  army.    He  was  inceflantly  infuhing,  furpri-    »777* 
fing,  and  cutting  off  their  pickets  and  advanced 
guards;  firm  and  undaunted  amidfl  want,  in- 
clemency of  weather,  and  difficulty  and  danger 
of  every  kind.    Amboy  and  Brunfwick  were  in 
a  manner  befieged.     In  this  unfavourable  and  in- 
decifive  warfare  it  is  fuppofed  that  more  of  the 
Britifh  were  facrificed  than  would  have  been  loft 
in  an  attack  on  general  Wafhington's  whole  force, 
which,  at  this  period,  was  lefs  than  four  thoufand 
men,  mofl  of  them  undifciplined  and  inexperi- 
enced, and  fuch  as  might  have  been  defeated  and 
difperfed  b^  a  fifth  part  of  the  Britifh  army. 

Sir  William  Howe  fulfered  fuch  an  enemy,  fo 
greatly  inferior  to  his  own,  as  then  oppofed  him, 
to  remain  for  fix  months  within  twenty-five  miles 
of  his  head-quarters,  without  moleftation,  and 
without  taking  any  means  to  revenge  the  infults 
that  were  offered  daily  to  the  army  under  his 

It  has  been  alleged  in  defence  of  fir  William 
Howe's  inadivity  and.paffive  demeanour,  that  he 
had  to  attack  an  enemy,  pofted  in  a  country  con- 
taining numberlefs  inaccelTible  pofts,  and  flrong 
natural  barriers  formed  by  the  various  com- 
binations of  woods,  mountains,  rivers,  lakes, 
and  marfhes  ;  and  that  thefe  circumftances  might 
be  faid  to  fight  the  battles  of  the  inhabitants  of 
fuch  countries  in  a  defeufive  war.  Allowing  the 
validity  of  this  argument,  ftill  it  will  neither  ac- 
quit the  commander  in  chief  of  the  charge  of 
impolicy,  in  not  croffiug  the  Delaware  after  the 
capture  of  Forts  Lee  and  Walhingrou,  nor  in  the 
feveral  other  iuftances  already  mentioned. 








HISTORY    OF    Tttfe 

lit  , 

CHAP.      Thefc  fuccefsful  operations  on  the  part  of  the 
^^^'*    Americans  were  immediately  followed  by  a  pro- 
'*~'^~^*^  clamation,  in  the  name  of  general  Wafhington, 
weiutinied  ^bfolving  all  thofe  who  had  been  induced  to  take 
prociamati-  the  oaths  of  allegiance  tendered  by  the  Britifh 
^,^3§J"*"commiffioners,  and  promifmg  them  protection  on 
ington.       condition  of  their  fubfcribing  to  a  form  of  oath 
prefcribed  by  congrefs.    The  effefts  of  this  pro- 
clamation were  almofl  inftantaneous.     The  inha- 
bitants of  the  Jerfeys,  who  had  conceived  a  vio- 
lent hatred  to  the  Britifh  army,  on  account  of 
their  unchecked  courfe  of  plundering,  inftantly 
renounced  their  allegiance  to  Great  Britain,  and 
attached  themfelves  to  the  caufe  of  America.    Se- 
veral who  were  refolved  to  avenge  their  wrongs, 
joined  the  army  under  general  Waftiington,  while 
others  rendered  equal  lervice  to  the  fide  to  which 
they  attached  themfelves,  by  fupplying  the  Ame- 
rican army  with  provifions  and  fuel,  and  by  con- 
veying intelligence  of  the  operations  of  the  Bri- 
tifh army  at  Brunfwick  and  Amboy. 

In  confequence  of  their  affiftance,  general 
Wafhington  was  enabled  to  harafs  the  Englifh 
greatly.  The  excurfions  which  the  garrifon  of 
Brunfwick  made  for  forage,  w-'^  often  attended 
with  fatal  confequences ;  an:  the  American 
,  army  had    extended  their  liiit  of  cantonments 

from  Morris  Town  to  Woodbridge,  within  three 
miles  of  Amboy,  the  provifions  that  were  forced 
to  be  conveyed  by  land  to  Brunfwick  were  often 
cut  off  by  parties  of  the  enemy,  who  were  always 
on  the  watch,  and  to  whom  intelligence  was  re- 
gularly conveyed  by  thofe  perfons  who  inhabited 
the  fpace  of  ground  between  Amboy  and  Brunf- 
wick. General  Howe  too,  as  has  been  obferved, 
had  iffued  proclamations,  calling  upon  the  inhk- 
wuhlhat'ofbitants  to  join  him,  in  fupporting  his  majefly's 
mrhing.   government,  and  promifing  them  protcdlion  in 




the  ar 
{we  fa 
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the  pay 
the  iflu< 
oats,  Int 
never  01 
the  e^pt 
were  raj 
to  a  mod 
the  Jerfej 
two  brig, 
Britifh  fe. 
ons,  difci 
good  fubjl 
ers.  .ButJ 
,  raifed  prJ 
I  their  pro]: 
!  ftroycd ; 
were  infuj 
parel ;  tht 
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J  from  ther 
I  And  it  is 
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receipts  fof 

i    ! 



lis  pro- 
ic  inha- 
da  vio- 
ount  of 
ain,  and 
ica.    Se- 
)a,  while 
to  which 
the  Ame- 
d  by  con- 
f  theBri- 




both  perfon  and  property.  But  no  fooner  had  CHAP- 
the  army  entered  the  Jerfeys,  than  the  bufinefs  ^^^^* 
(we  fay  bufinefs,  for  it  was  a  perfeft  trade)  of 
plunder  began.  The  friend  and  the  foe,  from 
the  hand  of  rapine,  fhared  alike.  The  people's 
property  was  takenir  without  being  paid  for,  or 
even  a  receipt  given,  which  would  have  been 
evidence  that  fuch  property  was  taken  ;  leaving 
the  payment  or  non-payment  to  be  determined  by 
the  iflue  of  the  war,  and  the  political  merit  of  the 
parties.  The  Britiih  army  foraged  indifcrimi- 
nately,  procuring  confiderable  fupplies  of  hay, 
oats,  Indian  corn,  cattle,  and  horfes ;  which  were 
never  or  but  very  feldom  paid  for.  Neverthelefs 
the  e^pences  of  the  extraordinaries  of  the  army 
were  rapidly  increafing,  and  ultimately  fWelled^^- 
to  a  moll  unparalleled  and  alarming  amount. 

Before  the  difafter  at  Trenton,  the  people  of 
the  Jerfeys  were  well  afFefted  to  his  majefty's  go- 
vernment.    Numbersjoined  the  royal  army ;  and 
two  brigades  of  provincials  were  raifed  for  the 
Britifh  fervice,  who,  on  many  fubfequent  occafi- 
ons,  difcharged  their  duty  with  all  the  zeal  of 
good  fubjeds,  and  the  bravery  of  veteran  foldi- 
ers.  .But  when  the  people  found  that  the  pro- 
raifed  proteftion   was  not  afforded  them  ;  that 
their  property  wasfeized,  and  moft  wantonly  de- 
ftroycd ;  that,  in  many  iuftances,  their  families 
were  infulted,  ftripped  of  their  beds,  with  other 
furniture — nay,  even  of  their  very  wearing  ap-  - 
parel ;  they  then  determined  to  try  the  other  fide,  " 
tiufting  that  they  would  atleaft,  at  one  period  or 
j  other,  receive  compenfation  for  the  fupplies  taken 
from  them  for  the  ufe  of  the ,  American  army. 
And  it  is  but  juftice  to  fay  that  the  Americans  ne-  ;. 
ver  took  any  thing  from  their  friends,  but  in  cafes 
of  neceflity,  in  which  cafes  they  uniformly  gave 
[receipts  for  what  they  did  take,  always  living,  as 







^(■'.i ' 



r  1. 
\  ■ 



i  ' 




:  H  A  P.  long  as  they  could,  upon  their  enemies  ;  and  ne< 

VIII.    ver  fuffering  their  troops  to  plunder  their  friends 

•'HP*^  with  impunity.     But  at  the  fame  time  it  is  to  be 

'777'    noticed,  that  the  American  troops  were  fuffered 

to  plunder  the  loyalifls,  and  to  exercife  with  im- 

punity  every  ad  of  barbarity  on  that  unfortunate 

clafs  of  people ;  frequently  infliding  on  them 

even  fcourges  and  ftripes. 

In  this  manner  ended  the  campaign  of  1776; 
in  the  courfe  Of  which  it  has  been  fufiiciemly 
feen,  how  advantages  were  negleded  on  the  one 
part,  and  trivial  occurrences  rendered  highly  be. 
neficial  on  the  other ;  and,  what  adivity  and  per. 
feverance  can  effed,  even  with  inferiority  of 
ftrength,  when  oppofed  to  negligence  and  inen- 

■     ..     ■       '  I 


■>:,  ■'       *    •>- 


TN  t 
X  coi 

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with  th( 
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new  fori 
they  no{ 
of  Aniel 
I.  Tl 
the  refl,| 
made  uj 

i  1 



CHAP.    IX. 


'Proceedings  of  Congrejs — They  determine  to  re-> 
nounce  all Dependance  on  Great  Britain—Sketch 
of  a  new  American  Government, 

TN  the  midft  of  thefe  operations  in  the  Jerfcys,  CHAP. 
X  congrefs  were  not  idle.  Though  they  could  ^^* 
not  afford  at  prefent  much  aiTiftance  to  general 
Waftiington,  they  refolved  to  ftrengthen  the  band 
of  union  between  the  thirteen  colonies,  by  put- 
ting the  lall  hand  to  the  famous  fyflem  of  confe- 

Hitherto  their  fyftem  of  conduA  had  proceeded 
upon  certain  fuppofitions  of  a  reconciliation  with 
the  parent  ftate.    Thofe  fuppofitions,  however,  American 
were  now  fuperfeded  by  the  determination  that  ^"^[^g  tJ*" 
had  been  made  to  renounce  all  dependence  upon  renounce  ail 
Great  Britain,  and  to  ereft  the  colonies  into  fo- onCrea"** 
vereign  ftates.    In  confequence  of  this  determi- Britain, 
nation,  a  permanent  form  of  government,  relin- 
quiftiing  every  idea  of  a  fubordinate  connexion 
with  the  parent  ftate,  was  abfolutely  neceflary  to 
be  fettled.     A  committee  appointed  to  prepare  a 
new  form  of  government,  in  the  outfet  of  their 
compofition,  made  the  following  alteration  in  the 
appellation  of  the  colonies :  Whereas  they  had 
hitherto  ftyled  themfelves  the  United  Colonies ; 
they  now  affumed  the  name  of  the  United  States 
of  America.     The  conftitution  propofed  by  this 
committee,  was  in  fubftance  as  follow : 

I.  That  each  colony  (hould  bind  itfelf  to  affift  sketch  of  a 
the  reft,  and  to  repel  the  attacks  that  might  be"""*^™" 
made  upon  them  on  my  pretence  whatever. 
Vol.  I.  T      T  a.  That 

■•>  -• ' 

ncan  go- 

■i-  A 






CHAP.  2.  That  each  ftate  ftiould  poffefs  the  power  of 
IX.     regulating  its  own  internal  government,  and  of 

^■^nn*'  making  laws  in  all  cafes  j  provided  they  did  not 
*77^'  interfere  with  the  general  fafety  and  welfare  of 
the  common  caufe. 

3.  That  all  negotiations,  alliances,  and  treaties, 
fhould  be  fubmitted  to  the  confideration  of  the 
United  States  aflembled  in  geheral  congrefs ;  and 
that  no  ftate  in  particular  was  to  infringe  the  pro- 
viiions  of  this  article  on  any  pretence  whatever. 

4.  That  it  Ihould  be  criminal  in  any  perfoij, 
pofleiTing  authority  under  the  United  States,  to 

-.\     accept  prefents,  gratuities,  employments,  or  li- 
ties,  from  any  foreign  power. 

5.  That  no  titles  of  nobility  ihould  he  con- 
ferred by  the  general  affembly  of  the  United 
States,  or  the  affembly  of  any  particular  ftaces. 

6.  That  none  of  the  ftates  were  to  form  alli- 
ances or  private  treaties  among  themfelves,  with- 

'  {  ■     out  the  confent  of  the  United  States. 

7.  That  no  duties  or  impofts  were  to  be  eftab- 
'    lifhed  in  any  ftate,  which  might  tend  to  infringe 

the  provifions  of  any  treaty  which  the  general 
affembly  m^ht  think  proper  to  enter  into  with 
any  foreign  power. 

9.  That  no  particular  ftate  was  to  increafe  its 
naval  eftabliftiment  beyond  the  number  prefcribed 
for  each  ftate  by  the  general  affembly.    That  the 
military  eftabliftiment  fliould  be  governed  by  the 
fame  regulation.    That  a  well-difciplined  railitia 
was  to  be  kept  up  in  every  ftate,  adequately  arm- 
ed and  equipped  ;  and  that  the  public  magazines 
ftiould  always  contain  a  fufficient  number  of  field- 
pieces,  tents,  aud  other  neceflary  implements  of 
|i      is^         9.  That  all  officers  of  the  rank  of  colonel,  and 
under,  ftiould  be  appointed  by  the  legiflative  body 
V       of  each  ftate. 
^    '  ..  '  ..'  ,  ■    ''''   -T' •->•■;  •    10.  That 






the  ftai 


dians  ( 

now  p] 

the  inh 

every  tJ 

to  be  fe 


12.  1 



13-  ^ 

,cular  fta 

14.  V 
of  invaf: 
fion  was 
ing  to 

'15.  ( 
and  repr 
cular  ftat 

16.  FJ 
on  the 

17.  T 
of  recall! 
year,  ani 

r -'^ 

;-■  -l* 


l'  *  ^iipj^  Id/..' 



10.  That   theexpences  of  war  fhould  be  de-CHAP. 
frayed  out  of  the  general  treafury  of  the  United     IX. 
States.  ^-nn*^ 

11.  That  in  order  to  conftitutea  public  fund,    »77S' 
adequate  to  any  particular  exigencies,  each  oi 

the  dates  fhould  contribute  a  certain  fum,  ia 
proportion  to  the  number  of  its  inhabitants  (In- 
dians excepted).  That  this  number  might  be 
now  precifely  determined,  it  was  provided  that 
the  inhabitants  of  each  (late  fhould  be  numbered 
every  three  years.  This  enumeration  was  then 
to  be  fent  to  the  general  aflembly  of  the  United  '^  « 

12.  The  afTefTment  determined  on  by  this  enu- 
meration was  to  be  paid  by  taxes  levied  by  the 
authority  of  the  legiflative  body  of  each  ftate. 

13.  When  any  queflion  was  fubmitted  to  the   ' 
decifion  of  the  general  afTembly,  by  any  parti- 
,cular  flate,  that  decifion  was  to  be  binding. 

14.  War  was  not  to  be  commenced  without  the 
confent  of  the  general  afTembly,  except  in  cafes 
of  invalion,  or  where  it  was  known  that  an  inva- 
fion  was  intended,  and  the  danger  was  too  prefix 
ing  to  obtain  the  confent  of  the  general  aflem- 

15.  Commiffions  to  veffels  or  letters  of  marque 
and  reprifal  were  not  to  be  granted  by  any  parti- 
cular flate,  till  after  a  declaration  of  war  by  the 
general  afTembly. 

16.  For  the  general  interefl  of  the  United 
States,  each  flate  was  to  nominate  a  certain  num- 
ber of  delegates,  who  were  to  meet  at  Philadelphia 
on  the  firfl  Monday  in  November  of  each 
year.  * 

17.  To  each  flate  was  to  be  attached  the  power   . 
of  recalling  their  delegates,  at  any  part  of  the 
year,  and  of  appointing  others  in  their  room. 
The  delegates  of  each  flate  were  to  be  maintained 

.-  T  Z  at 

■  \>>  ■ 


I  *.  ^i-^!^^  :.*1V 


HISTORY    OF    THE  the  expcncc  of  that  ftatc,  during  the  fitting  of 
I^'     the  general  aflenibly,  and  alfo  as  long  as  they 

^'^'T^^  were  members  of  the  council  of  ftate. 
*776'        18.  Each  ftate  was  to  have  a  vote  for  the  deci. 
fion  of  queftions  in  the  general  aifembly. 

19.  To  the  general  afTembly  alone  was  to  be. 
long  the  right  of  deciding  on  peace  and  war ;  to 
determine  in  all  cafes  of  capture,  whether  by 
fea  or  land  ;  to  conftitutc  tribunals  for  the  trial 
of  piracies  ;  to  appoint  and  receive  ambafladors ; 

'  to  negotiate  treaties ;  to  decide  the  differences  be- 

tween  each  ftate ;  to  coin  money ;  to  regulate 
commerce  ;  to  treat  in  all  matters  concerning  the 
I  Indians ;  to  appoint  general  ofticers  of  the  land 

and  naval  forces ;  and  to  dired  the  operations 
of  both  in  time  of  war. 

20.  A  council  of  ftate  was  to  be  appointed  by 
the  general  aifembly;  and  alfo  fuch  committees 
and  civil  oHicers  as  fhould  be  necefTary  to  difpatch 
the  public  bufinefs  during  their  fitting.  The  pub- 
lic affairs  were  to  be  under  the  diredion  of  the 
council  of  ftate,  after  the  rifing  of  the  general 

21.  The  prefident  and  other  officers  were  to 
be  appointed  by  the  general  alTembly,  to  which 
were  to  belong  the  right  and  power  of  fixing  the 
fums  necefTary  to  be  raifed  for  the  public  deiience, 
and  of  determining  the  application  of  thofe  fums; 
of  borrowing  money  and  of  creating  bills  ;  of 

'  building  and  fitting  out  fleets ;  of  deciding  on 

the  number  of  troops  necefTary  to  be  raifed  ;  of 

calling  upon  each  ftate  for  its  proportion  of  mi- 

'   .        litary  afTiftance,  and  of  requiring  it  to  arm  and 

,  equip  the  forces  raifed  in  obedience  to  this  re- 

quifition,  in  a  proper  manner. 

22.  The  general  afTembly  was  to  be  allowed 
the  power  of  demanding  of  any  particular  flate 
more  than  its  juft  proportion  j    and  compliance 








\vith  this  power  was  not  to  be  refufed,  unlefs  theC  H  A  P. 
legiflative  body  of  the  ftate  ftiould  deem  fuch     In- 
compliance to  be  injurious  to  its  fecurity   aud  ^■^Y^*^ 
fafcty.  '776- 

23.  The  general  aflcmbly  was  not  to  exercife 
any  of  the  powers  contained  in  the  twenty-firft 
article,  unlefs  nine  of  the  thirteen  ftates  fnould 
confent  to  it.  On  every  point  whatever,  a  deci- 
fion  Ihould  be  made  by  the  majority  of  the  Uni- 
ted States.  "       '^     ' 

24.  No  delegate  was  to  be  chofen  for  more  than 
three  years  out  of  fix. 

25.  No  perfon  poffeffed  of  any  employment, 
or  receiving  a  falary,  or  wages,  was  eligible  to 
the  office  of  a  delegate. 

26.  The    general    affembly   was    to   publifh, 
monthly,  a  journal  of  their  proceedings,  except 
what  might  relate  to  treaties,  alli^nces^  or  mili-         ^ 
tary  operatiQns,  which  it  fhould  be  deemed  ne- 
ceuary  to  keep  fecret. 

27.  The  council  of  ftate  wastoconfift  of  on<? 
delegate  of  each  ftate,  chofen  by  the  other  dele* 
gates  of  the  faid  ftate. 

Article  28th  related  to  the  powers  of  the  coun- 
cil of  ftate,  which,  during  the  adjournment  of 
the  general  afTembly,  were  fimilar  to  thofe  ial- 
Jowed  to  the  general  affembly. 

29.  If  Canada  fhould  be  willing  to  accede  to 
the  prefent  fyftem  of  confederation,  it  was  to  be 
allowed  all  the  benefits  of  it,  and  to  be  admitted 
into  the  union.  No  other  colony,  however,  was 
to  be  admitted  but  by  the  ccnicnt  of  nine  of  the 
United  States. 

The  foregoing  articles  were  to  be  fubmitted  to 
the  legiflative  bodies  of  each  ftate.  If  they  ap- 
proved of  them,  they  were  to  authorife  their  de- 
legates to  ratify  them  in  the  general  aflcmbly  : 
Thus  ratified,  the  provifious  of  them  were  to 
-'i     '    ■  .  be         .. 





a7«  HfSTORY     6°  F     THE 

C  H  AP. be  implicitly  obeyed  by  all,  and  an  eternal  union 
IX.     was  inus  to  be  eftablimcd.     Such  were  the  con- 
^'^nn-'  ditioiis  of  this  celebrated  treaty  of  union.    After 
*7'^'    they  had  been  prepared  by  the  conanitiec,  they 
were  fubniittcd  to  congrefs,  and  loleninly  dilcuf- 
•  fed.     Hnviug  received  the  approbation  of  con- 
crefs,  they  were  tranfmitted  to  the  different  co- 
lonies,  and  then  ratified  by   all  the  delegates, 
oftofjtr.     who   figned   them   on    the  fourth   of  OdioUr 

Such  cool,  deliberate,    and    rcfolute   conduft 
was  the  more  remarkable,  that  congrefs  had  now 
^     to  contend  with  an  additional  enemy.     This  ene- 
my was   the  Indians. — It  has  been  ftiewn  how 
,,»  unfucccfsful  every  attempt  had  hitherto  proved 

to  detach  the  fouthern  colonies  from  the  fupport 
of  the  common  caufe  to  their  own  immediate 
*  ,  defence,  by  involving  them  in  civil  war  through 
the  means  of  the  Regulators  and  Highland  emi- 
grants in  the  Carolinas,  or  of  the  negroes  in 
Virginia.  It  has  alfo  been  fhewn  that  the  pro- 
vincials adduced  thefe  attempts  as  charges  againft 
their  feveral  governors.  Unfucccfsful,  however, 
as  thefe  endeavours  had  hitherto  been,  the  con- 
fequences  that  would  refult  from  fuch  a  plan  of 
operations  were  too  important  to  be  negledled. 
Britifh  agents  were  again  employed  in  engaging 
the  Indians  to  make  adiveriiou,  and  to  enter  the 
fouthern  colonies  on  their  back  and  defencelefs 
parts.  Accuftomed  to  their  difpofitions  and  ha- 
.  bits  of  mind,  the  agents  found  but  little  difficulty 
in  bringing  them  over  to  their  purpofe  by  dint 
of  prefents,  and  hopes  of  fpoil  and  plunder 
The  plan  of  adion  that  was  to  be  adopted  in  con- 
fequence  of  this  confent,  on  the  part  of  the  In- 
'  (lians,  was  as  follows  :  A  large  body  of  men  was 
to  be  fent  to  Weft  Florida,  in  order  to  penetrate 
^hrough  the  territories  of  the  Creeks,  Cherokees, 
'  '  and 

til  ■; 

.  ^^l?rTJ»^-* 





tad  Checkefaw  Indians.  The  warriors  of  thcfcCHAP. 
nations  were  to  join  the  body,  and  the  Carolinas  ^X. 
and  Virginia  were  immediately  to  be  invaded. 
At  the  lame  time  the  attention  of  the  colonics 
was  to  be  diverted  bv  another  formidable  naval 
and  military  forrc,  which  was  to  make  an  im* 
predion  on  the  fca-coafts. 

But  this  undertaking  was  not  to  depend  folely 
on  the  Britifh  army  and  the  Indians.  It  was 
intended  to  engage  the  aflinance  of  the  white 
inhabitants  of  the  back  fottlements,  who  were 
known  to  be  well  affe^led  to  the  BritiHi  caufe. 
Circular  letters  were  accordingly  fent  to  thofe 
perfons  by  Mr.  Stuart,  the  principal  agent  for 
Indian  affairs,,  requiring  not  only  the  well-affe6to 
ed,  but  alfo  thofe  who  wifhcd  to  prefcrve  their 
properties  from  the  niiferies  of  civil  war,  to  re- 
pair to  the  reyal  (landard,  as  foon  as  it  fhould 
be  ere^cd  in  the  Cherokee  country,  with  all 
their  horfe^  cattle,  and  provifions,  for  which 
they  Aould  be  liberally  paid.  They  were  like- 
wife  required,  in  order  to  infure  their  fafety,  aud 
to  diftinguifti  them  from  the  king's  enemies,  to 
fubfcribe  a  written  declaration  of  their  allegi- 
ance. Thefe  operations  were  conduced  with 
fuch  pkufibility,  that  confiderable  hopes  were 
entertained  of  their  fuccefs.  Already  had  a  large 
number  of  the  Indians  declared'  in  favour  of  the 
Englilh  ;  and  even  the  Six  Nations,  who  had 
fworn  to  the  obfervance  of  a  llri<ft  neutrality, 
violated  their  oaths,  and  committed  feveralads 
of  hoftility.  Matters  were  not  yet  ripe  for  ex- 
ecution, when  the  Creeks,  a  bloody  and  cruel 
race,  eager  to  partake  of  the  expeded  plunder, 
refolved-  not  to  await  the  arrival  of  the  Britilh 
troops,  but  to  commence  the  infurrcftion  imme- 
diately. They  proceeded  in  the  execution  of 
their  intentions  with  incredible  barbarity ;  but 
.^..  finding 


^^■•"■^^-^-^■^■•^^^^^^^  ^ 



IHA P. finding  that  they  were  not  fupported,  and  be- 
^*  ginning  to  confider  that  they  ihould  be  overpow- 
ered if  they  afted  fingly,  they  paufed  in  their 
career,  and,  in:  a  confultatiou  among  the  chiefs, 
it  was  determined  to  defift  from  hoftilities,  and 
to  fue  for  a  peace  with  the  coloniils.    In  the 

I)rerent  fituation  of  affairs  their  requeft  was  eafi- 
y  complied  with,  and  they  returned  to  their  na- 
tive pofTeihons. 

The  Cherokees,   ignorant  of  the  determina- 
tion of  the  Creek  Indians,  fent  them  word,  as 
foon  as  they  had  completed  their  p»-cparations, 
that  they  were  going  to  march  againfl  the  ene« 
my,  and  intreated  their  afliftance.    The  Creeks, 
however,  returned  for  anfwer,  "  that  the  Che- 
«  rokees  had  plucked  the  thorn  out  of  their  footj 
«  and  were  welcome  to  keep  it,"    The  Chero* 
kees,  notwithftanding  this  repulfe,  proceeded  to 
invade  the  back  fettlements  of  Virginia  and  the 
Carolinas  with  inconceivable  fury  and  barbarity ; 
but  their  career  was  foon  checked.    The  inhabi- 
tants  of  the  provinces  of  Carolina  and  Virginia 
immediately   afiembled   a  large   militia,  which 
marched  with  great  expedition  to  the  relief  of 
the  back  fettlers.    The  Cherokees  were  foon  dri- 
ven from  the  places  of  which  they  had  poflefTed 
themfelves,  and  purfued  into  their  own  country, 
where  their  towns,  their  habitations,  and  their 
fields  were  laid  wafte,  and  a  prodigious  number 
of  their  warriors  deftroyed.    In  this  dreadfiil 
dilemma  they  were  glad  to  accept  of  any  terms 
the  conquerors  chofe  to  impofe  on  them.    The 
Checkefaws,  who,  fortunately  for  them,  had  not 
completed  their  preparations,   as  foon  as  they 
heard  of  the  ill  fuccefs  that  had  attended  their 
,   neighbours,  the  Creeks  and  the  Cherokees,  detcr- 
miued  to  remain  quietly  within  their  own  con- 
fines.   Thus,  for  the  prefent,  ended  the  defigns 


V  .-., 



of  the  Englifh  on  the  back  fettleraents  of  Ame-  C 
rica.  The  event  was  peculiarly  fortunate  for 
congrefs;  for  it  made  them  formidable  to  the 
Indians,  and  attached  feveral  of  the  back  fet- 
ders  to  their  caufe,  convincing  them  that  they 
had  now  nothing  to  hope  from  a  continuance  of 
their  attachment  to  the  government  of  Great  Bri- 

The  congrefs,  relieved  from  any  apprehen- 
fions  of  an  invalion  on  their  frontier  fettlements, 
and  the  grand  fyftem  of  confederation  being  now 
ratified,  were  enabled  to  concentrate  their  atten- 
tion upon  general  Walhington,  whole  army  th€yA«i 
laboured  with  uncommon  ^divity  and  diligence 
to  fupply  with  the  neceffaries  it  \7anted,  and 
with  new  levies  of  men,  in  order  (bit  the  enfuing 
campaign  might  be  commenced  with  a  proper 
degree  of  vigour. 






-'■i-  :'  ri.\   ?.:■ 

\  -' 

<     ' 

/>      V. 

1    I 




CHAP.    X. 

\\     \ 

I     - 

equips  an 
Point  and 

3iHiation  0^  Affairs  in  Canada — General  Carleton 
fends  an  Armament  againjl  Crown  Point  and 
Ticonderoga — Force  oppojed  to  this  by  the  Amt- 

I  ■  .  -■:       •■ 

THE  Americans,  though  they  were  under  the 
ncGeffity  of  rcUnqui(hing  their  defigns  on 
Canada,  ftill  pofleffed  Crown  Point  and  Ticon- 
deroga, and  were  mafters  of  Lake  Champlain. 
To  difpoffefs  them  of  thefe  polls  was  an  arduous 
and  a  difHcult  ,tafk,  inafmuch  as  the  British  had 
not  a  veflcl  on  Lake  Champlain  to  oppofe  the 
American  fleet.     Difficult  however  as  it  was,  ge- 
neral Carleton  refolved  to  ufe  every  effort  to  pro- 
cure a  naval  force  adequate  to  the  importance  of 
the  obje6l  in  view.     Thirty  veflcls  were  x^ecef- 
fary  to  acquire  a  fuperiority  of  force  on  the  Lake. 
The  largeft  were  fent  from  England  ;  but  it  was 
found  neceflary  to  take  them  to  pieces.     It  was 
alfo  requilite  to  tranfport  over  land,  and  drag 
up   the  rapid  currents  of  St.   Therefe  and  St. 
John's,  with  thirty  long  boats,  a  number  of  flat 
boats    of  great  burthen,   a   gondola,   weighing 
thirty  tons,  and  above  four  hundred  batteaux. 

In  fpite  of  the  fatigue  of  the  undertaking,  and 
the  complexity  of  difficulty  that  attended  it,  the 
tafk  was  completed  in  about  three  months.  I 
patch  indeed  was  rendered  abfolutely  neceflary;  1 
for  the  winter  feafon  was  approaching,  and  itl 
was  wiflied  that  the  objed  fhould  be  attained 
before  the  fe verities  of  the  feafon  fliould  render 
«■  any 

anv  att 
the  folic 
two  iula 
each,  an 
Point  am 
In  add 
would  no 
I  force,  wh 
I  might  be 
jver,  all  n 
larmy  woul 
|forefts,  de 
ftin  in  a  flj 
lat  Albany 
pties  and 
In  difpoflei 
Lakes  Geo 
^ew  the  cit 
Opening  a  c< 
Iniddle  col( 
Ihen  invade 
on's  River, 
Jo-operate  ., 
Iffiftance  in  | 
fertaking,  t\ 
F  northerl 
ourfe,  be  u| 
f  tacks  of  twl 
peru  colouil 
puld  gener/ 
bn  of  the 
Nelf  to  il 


A  M  E  R  T  r       N    W  A  R. 


•  •i 

under  tbc 

lefigns  on 

id  Ticon- 


in  arduous 


appofe  the 

it  was,  ge- 

fort  to  pro- 

jortance  of 

Arere  need- 

n  the  Lake. 

but  it  was 

leg.    It  was 

and  drag 

ele  and  St. 

[nber  of  flit 

,   weighing 


taking,  and 
ndedit,  tlie 

onths.    Dif- 
neceffary ; 

ing,   audit 

be  attained 

Lould  render 



any  attempts  of  the  kiud  impraflicable.    TheCHAP. 
difficulty  of  the  fcheme  may  be  conceived  from     ^* 
the  following  relation  :  The  Englifti  had  to  pafs 
two  inland  leas,  to  fubdue  an  unknown  force  on 
each,  and  to  make  themfelves  mailers  of  Crown 
Point  and  Ticonderoga. 

In  addition  to  thefe  impediments,  the  commu- 
nication between  Lakes  George  and  Champlaia 
would  not  admit  the  paflage  of  thofe  veffels  of 
force,  which,  after  being  fuccefsful  on  one  lake, 
might  be  wanted  on  the  other.     Should,  howe- 
Iver,  all  thefe  difficulties  be  overcome,  then  the 
[army  would  ftill  have  to  march  through  intricate 
[forefts,  deep  morafles,  fwamps,  and  a  country 
till  in  a  ftate  of  nature,  before  they  could  arrive 
rt  Albany,    the  firft  pod  fouthward.     But  the 
iagnitude  of  the  objed  rendered  all  thefe  diffi- 
;ulties  and  dangers  light :  For  general  Carleton, 
in  difpofleffing  the  enemy  of  Crown  Point  and 
'"iconderoga,  and  in  fecuring  the  poffeflion  of 
iakes  George  and  Champlain,  had  not  only  in 
iew  the  clearing  the  frontiers  of  Canada,  but  of 
ipening  a  communication  with  the  northern  and 
liddle  colonies,  which  he  conceived  he  could 
[hen  invade  at  will.     Befides,  by  poflefling  Hud- 
)n's  River,  he  knew  that  he  fhould  be  able  to 
lo-operate  with  general  Howe,  and  to  afford  him 
ifliftancein  cafe  of  emergency.     Added  to  thefe 
Idvantages,  fhould  fuccels  attend  the  prefent  un- 
lertaking,  the  fouthern  would  be  feparated  from 
le  northern  provinces.     The  latter  would,  of 
[ourfe,  be  under  the  necefiity  of  fuftaining  the 
[ttacks  of  two  armies,  or  of  yielding  to  fuch  terms 
Ihould  be  impofed  upon  them,  leaving  the  fou- 
lera  colonies  to  coutiuue  the  war  alone.     Nor 
mid  general  Wafhington  then  hold  the  pofTef- 
)n  of  the  Jerleys,    uiilefs   he  chofe  to  expofc 
imfelf  to  the  dil'advantageous   predicament  of 


■  t 


Vt    ., 

.     »8+ 





CHAP. encountering  a  fuperior  army  in  front,  and  the 
X.      Canadian  forces  in  his  rear. 

About  the  beginning  of  Odober  the  EngliJh 
fleet  was  ready  to  oppofe  the  enemy  on  •  Lake 
Cham  plain.     It  confifted  of  the  following  vefTels ; 
The  Inflexible,  mounting  eighteen  twelve-poun- 
ders  ;  which  veflbl  had  been  re-conftru£led  at  St, 
John's  in  twenty-eight  days  after  her  keel  had 
been  laid  down  ;  one  I'chooner,  mounting  four, 
teen,  and  another  twelve,    fix-pounders ;  a  flat. 
bottomed  batteau,  carrying  fix  twenty-four,  and 
the  fame   number  of  twelve-pounders,    befides 
howitzers  ;  and  a  gondola,  with  feven  nine-poufl, 
ders.     Twenty  fmaller  vefTcls,  called  gun-boats, 
carried  either  brafs  field-pieces,    or  howitzers. 
•Some  long-boats  were  furniflied  in  the  fame  man- 
ner.    An  equal  number  of  large  boats  ftrved  as 
tranfports  for  the  troops,  baggage,  warlike  ftores, 
provifions,  and  all  the  other  necelTaries  for  the 
army,  that,  under  convoy  of  the  fhipping,  was 
to  be  conveyed  acrofs  the  lakes.     This  fleet  was 
commanded  by  captain  Pringle,   an  adive  and 
brave  officer,  who  had  under  his  command  feven  i 
hundred   fcamen.     The  army  embarked  in  the 
batteaux,  which  were  ordered  to  keep  in  the  rear 
as  foon  as  they  had  entered  Lake  Champlain,  in 
order  that  the  fleet  might  reconnoitre  the  fituationj 
of  the  enemy. 

The  force  which  the  Americans  had  to  oppofcj 
to  this  armament  was  in  every  refpedl  unequal  tol 
it.     Their  veffels  were  neither  fo  well  conftriifledl 

riclns.^'"'"  ^^^  furniflied  with  necelTaries  as  thofe  of  the  Eng-f 
lifli ;  befides,  they  were  inferior  in  point  of  Dura-I 
ber,  the  fleet  amounting  only  to  fifteen  vefrelsofl 
different  kinds,  confifting  of  two  fchooners,  od{| 
floop,  one  cutter,  three  gallics,  and  eight  got 
las.  Colonel  Arnold,  who  had  acquired  fuclj 
fame  before  Qiiebec,  was  honoured  with  theco»j 
t  . ,  ma ' 

The  force 
oppofal  to 
the  Britifh 




md  the 

in  •  Lake 
r  veffels: 
led  at  St. 
keel  had 
ting  four- 
:s ;  a  flat- 
four,  and 
5,   beiides 
fame  man- 
:s  fferved  as 
rlike  ftorei, 
ries  for  tk 
tpping,  was ' 
his  fleet  was 
aftive  and 
mand  feven 
•Ued  in  the 
p  in  the  rear  I 
the  fituatioii 

1  to   _ 

unequal  lo 

een  veffelsw 
booners,  one 

:igbt  gondo- 
cquired  fek 
with  the  CO* 


ftiand  of  it.  On  the  eleventh  of  06lobcr  the  C  H  A  P. 
Britifh  fleet  difcovered  that  of  the  enemy,  very  ^' 
advantageoufly  ported  off  the  Illand  Valicour, 
with  an  intention  of  defending  the  paflTage  be- 
tween that  ifland  and  the  weftern  main.  A 
fchooner  and  fome  gun-boats,  being  confiderably 
a-head  of  the  reft  of  the  fleet,  began  the  engage- 
ment, which  was  continued  for  fome  hours  on 
both  fides  with  great  intrepidity.  Unfortunately 
the  Inflexible,  and  the  other  fliips  of  force,  could 
not  advance  near  enough  to  take  a  part  in  the  en- 
gagement, on  account  of  the  unfavourablenefs 
of  the  wind  :  For  this  reafon  captain  Pringle, 
having  confulted  general  Carleton,  thought  it  ad- 
vifable  to  order  thofe  that  were  engaged  to  flieer 
off,  and,  for  the  prefent,  difcontinue  the  adion. 
Iiithis  attack  the  largeft  of  the  enemy's  fhips  was  defeated, 
forced  a-ftiore,  and  one  of  their  gondolas  funk. 
Night  coming  on,  the  enemy  retired  into  Cum- 
berland Bay,  and  captain  Pringle,  in  order  to 
prevent  their  retreat,  formed  the  Britifh  fleet 
into  a  line  as  near  the  entrance  of  the  bay  as  poi- 

Arnold,  who  was  fully  fenfible  of  the  infuffi- 
ciency  of  his  ftrength,  determined  to  take  advan- 
tage of  the  darknefs  of  the  night,  and  retreat  to 
Crown  Point.  This  determination,  notwithftand- 
ing  the  proximity  of  the  Britifh  fleet,  he  was  en- 
labled  to  execute  in  part.  He  retired  out  of  the 
bay  undifcovered,  and  on  the  morning  of  the 
twelfth  of  Odober  was  out  of  fight.  The  Bri- 
tifh fleet  immediately  followed  him,  and  the  wind 
(roving  favourable  on  the  thirteenth,  he  was 
)vertaken  a  few  leagues  from  Crown  Point.  Un- 
ible  to  avoid  an  engagement,  Arnold  refolved  to 
:onduft  it  with  his  wonted  intrepidity  and  relb- 
lution.  About  noon  the  engagement  commenced 
mboth  fides,  and  continued  with  great  fury  for 









CHAP,  two  hours.     Several  of  Arnold's  fleet  then  left 
■^'      him,  and  retreated  with  great  fpeed  to  Ticonde- 
roga.     Arnold,  however,  refufed  to  follow  their 
pufillanimous  example,   and,  with  the  remnant 
of  his  fleet,  flill  continued  to  refift  the  attack  of 
the  Briiifh  with  unabated  intrepidity.     At  length 
vidory  decided  againil  him.     His  fecond  largeil 
galley,  called  the  Wafhington,  commanded  by 
brigadier-general  Waterby,  after  a  defperate  re- 
liftance,  was  at  length  forced  to  ftrike  her  colours, 
Finding  then,  that  all  his  efforts  would  be  inef. 
fedlual,  he  refolved  to  retreat.    But  even  in  thij 
fituation  he  dil'played  a  magnanimity  of  courage 
that   was  ailonifhing.    Though  reauced  to  the  j 
neceflity  of  bending  under  fuperior  power,  be 
refolved  that  neither   his  men  nor  his  veffelj 
ftiould  be  taken.    The  Congrefs  galley,  whicli 
he  commanded,  and  five  other  gondolas,  were 
run  a-ground  by  his  orders,  and  as  loon  as  the 
men  were  landed,   burnt  down  to  the  water'j 
edge.     He  remained  himfelf  on  board  his  own 
Ihip  till  Ihe  was  fet  fire  to  in  feveral  places,  is 
order  that  his  fiag  might  not  be  ftruck  by  the 

This  viftory  on  the  Lakes  was  obtained  with-l 
out  much  lofs  on  the  fide  of  the  Englifti,  twol 
gun-boats  only  being  loft,  and  not  more  thanj 
fifty  ipen  killed  and  wounded.     On  the  fifteentlj 
of  October  the  Britifh  fleet  anchored  off  Crowjl 
Point,  which  the  enemy  immediately  evacuateil 
retiring  to  their  main  body  at  Ticonderoga.   Gel 
neral  Carleton  difenibarking  the  army  at  Cro«i[ 
Point,  remained  there  till  the  third  of  Novem 
ber.     As  the  winter  was  advancing  faft,  he(li| 
not  think  it  advifable  to  attempt  the  reduflioi 
of  Ticonderoga.     His  opinion,  however,  didnd 
coincide  ^with  that  of  other  officers.     Ticondej 
roga  is  But  fifteen  miles  from  Crown  Point. 



'( ■  1 

A'M  E  R  I  C  A  N     WAR.  i||b 

was  well  knov'o,  that  the  fortifications  were  in  C  H  A  P. 
no  condition  to  withfland  an  attack  ;  and  indeed,      ^• 
general  Gates,  convinced  of  this  faft,  was  pre- 
pared to  evacuate  it,  as  foon  as  any  meafure  ihould 
be  adopted  for  the  inveftiture  of  it.     With  re- 
fpeft  to  the  advanced  ftate  of  the  feafon,  they 
thought  that  to  be  not  a  very  ftrong  argument, 
becaufe  eight  days  would  have  been  fully  fuffi- 
cient  for  the  attainment  of  the  defired  objeft. 
The  reduftion  of  it  would  certainly  have  for- 
warded the  operations  of  the  enfuing  campaign, 
and  would  have  increafed  the  number  of  loyal- 
ifts,  abodyofperfons  from  Albany,  well  affedled 
to  Great  Britain,  having  prepared  themfelves  to 
I  join  the  commander  in  chief  as  foon  as  he  ihould 
I  arrive  at  Ticonderoga.    General  Carleton  remain- 
I  cd  not  long  at  Crown  Point,  but  returned  to  St. 
,  John's,  and  placed  the  army  in  winter-quarters, 
ilfleauxNoix,  being  the  frontier  poft,  and  the 
cantonments  extending  through  different  parts  of 
the  country. 

'  I 

•    I 


stained  wiilvl 
Englifti,  uvol 
>t  more  ikl 

the  fifteeDiil 
•d  offCrowl 
jly  evacuateij 
ideroga.  Gel 
my  atCrod 
rd  of  Novei4 
igfaft,  hedij 

the  reduftioj 
wever,  didinl 
srs.  Tlcoiwij 
own  Point. 

■-■■!■','.      ,<■>.       it,    , 


I  -'  ■, 









neceflity  of 


May  r4, 




CHAP.    XL 

Inevitahlt  NcceJJity  of  War  in  the  general  Opinm 
.  of  the  Britijh  Nation—Diftrefs  of  the  JVeJi  In- 
■ '  dies — Capture  of  American  Privateers — Condud 
■  of  France  and  Spain — Meeting  of  Parliament-' 
:    Debates  in  both  Houjes, 

WAR,  in  the  opinion  of  a  great  majority  of 
the  people  of  Great  Britain,  was  now 
inevitable.  There  was,  indeed,  a  kind  of  paf- 
fion  for  it  that  pervaded  the  whole  nation ;  nor 
could  the  depredations  of  the  American  cruizers, 
the  capture  of  many  richly-laden  Weft  India 
veflels,  and  the  confequent  failure  of  feveral 
large  houfes  in  the  city,  retard  its  operation,  or 
arreft  its  effeft.  Such  a  difpofition  could  not  but 
be  extremely  agreeable  to  admiiiiftration,  becaufe 
it  procured  them  a  degree  of  ftability  that  feera- 
ed  to  defy  the  attacks  of  an  oppofition  ill  con- 
neded,  and  proceeding  on  no  regular  or  given! 
line  of  condud.  In  both  houfes  of  parliament 
the  force  of  government  was  fully  adequate tol 
every  defire  that  adminiftration  could  entertain;! 
neverthelefs,  a  few  days  before  the  recefs,  thcj 
upper  houfe  received  an  addition  of  ten  uenj 
peers.  In  every  preceding  debate  on  the  Aipef 
rican  war,  thofe  who  oppoled  it  had  always  pre] 
dided  that  it  would  involve  the  Britifh  Wellj 
India  iflands  in  great  calamity  and  diftrelil 
Such  predidtions  were  then  treated  as  chiinel 

" .   Ill 

in  th( 
on  thi 
feu  to 
ately  t 
t\ity  \ 
fcs,  thi 
ed  bef< 
Our  m 
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the  poii 
a  large 
pleted  tJ 
event  th< 
of  courfi 
groes  hat 
men  wei 
duced  th 
ricans  th 
teers,  an 
of  our  1 
tremcly  •< 
tift  nati( 
year  1771 

a  million! 

It  was  I 
and  Spaij 
towards  i 
were  opel 
lift  prize/ 




najority  of 
was  now 
tid  of  paf- 
ation ;  not 
in  cruizers, 
W'eft  India 
of  fevenl 
beration,  or 
ion,  becaufe  | 
y  that  feera- 
tion  ill  coll- 
ar or  giAfcnl 
f  parliamenil 
adequate  w  I 
d  entertain  il 
e  recefs,  tkl 
of  ten  m\ 
on  the  Km 
\  always  pK-l 
Britilh  Weftl 
and   diftreli 
ed  as  chime- 


In  July,  accounts  were  received  of  a  fcarcityCHAP. 
in  the  iflands  of  the  neceffaries  of  life,  which,  .^^' 
on  that  account,  had,  within  a  ftiort  period,  ri-  ^""JIT^ 
fen  to  four  times  their  ufual  price.    Other  wants  ' 

began  to  multiply ;  but  as  they  did  not  immedi-,he'Britifl[ 
ately  relate  to  a  fcarcity  of  ncceflary  fuftenance,we'*in<'i» 
they  were  felt  lefs  fenfibly  than  otherwife  they'"*"  '" 
would  have  been.    In  adaition  to  thefe  diftref-  - 
fes,  the  negroes  in  Jamaica  had  meditated  an 
infurreftion,  which,  however,  was  happily  crufh- 
ed  before  it  had  attained  any  dangerous  height. 
Our  military  ftrength  in  Jamaica  was  but  weak, 
on  account  of  the  drafts  that  had  been  made  for 
the  American  fervice.     The  naval  force  was  on 
the  point  of  being  employed  in  convoying  home 
a  large  fleet  of  merchantmen,  which  had  com-> 
pleted  their  homeward-bound  inveftments.   Their 
departure  was  to  be  the  period  at  which  the  in- 
furreftion  was  to  commence.     By  fome  fortunate 
event  the  plan  was  difcovered.     The  naval  force, 
of  courfe,  was  detained,  and  the  merchantmen 
remained  a  month  beyond  the  time  fixed  for  their 
departure.    After  the  mutinous  fpirit  of  the  ne- 
groes had  been  fufficiently  quelled,  the  merchant- 
men were  fuffered  to  depart ;  but  the  delay  pro- 
duced the  mofl  ruinous  confequences.    The  Ame- 
ricans thereby  gained  jime  to  equip  their  priva- 
teers, and  bad  weather  feparating  the  fleet,  many 
of  our  merchantmen,   whofe  cargoes,  were  ex- 
tremely valuable,  fell  into  their  hands.     The  Bri- 
tilh nation,  by  thefe  captures  alone,  during  the 
year  1776,  loft  property  to  the  amount  of  above 
a  million  fterling. 

It  was  about  the  middle  of  this  year  that  France  condua  ot 
and  Spain  began  to  manifeft  a  hoftile  difpofition  spa^*  *" 
towards  Great  Britain.     Their  ports  in  Europe 
were  open  to  the  American  privateers,  and  Eng- 
lifli  prizes  were  fold  without  any  attempts  to  make 
Vol.  I.  U  fuch 



1  -v 






CHAP.fuch    fales    fecret.     Government    rcmonftrated 
XI.      againft  fuch  proceedings ;  but  their  renjonftrances 
^■*nr*^  were  attended  but  with  little  effeil :  For  though  the 
»776    open  difpofal  of  prizes  was  checked,  yet  the  prac- 
"'  *     tice  ftill  continued  in  fecret.     In  the  French  Weft 
*   [    ,'      India  Iflands,  the  countenance  given  to  the  Ame- 
ricans was  much  more  avowed.     French  veffels 
accepted  American  conmiiiTions,  and  carried  on 
hoftilities  againft  the  commerce  of  Great  Britain, 
even  without  any  American  feamen  on  board. 
Thefe  doings  wei-e  not  unknown  to  the  admini- 
ftration  of  Great  Britain  ;  but  it  was  judged  ne- 
-    neflary  that,  for  a  time,  the  aflertion  of  the  na- 
tional dignity  and  character  ftiould  be  fufpended. 
In  confequence  of  thefe  captures  by  the  Ame- 
rican cruizers  and  the  French  veffels  with  Ame- 
rican commiflions,    the  price  of  infurance  was 
confiderably  increafed ;    but  that   upon  veffels 
bound  from  the  Weft  Indies  amounted  to  the 
enormous  fum  of  twenty-three  pounds  per  cent. 
It  was  now  apparent  to  all,  that  Great  Britain 
would  not  have  only  one  enemy  to  contend  W|ith. 
Spain  and  France  were  bufily  employed  in  making 
warlike  preparations  ;  the  objed  of  which,  it  was 
reafonably  fuppofed,  was  to  co-operate  with  Ame- 
rica.    iBefides,  the  hoftile  difpofition  of  each  of 
the  two  powers  was  fufliciently  difcernible  from 
their  treatment  of  the  ally  of  Great  Britain,  Por- 
tugal.    Thefe  circumftances  were  fufficient  to  in- 
fule  into  the  mind  of  adminiftration  a  confidera- 
ble  degree  of  difquiet  and  alarm  :  Neverthelefs 
tliey  prepared  to  meet  the  impending  ftorm  with 
refolution,  in  which,  it  has  been  laid,  and  gene- 
..         rally  believed,  they  were  encouraged  and  con- 
'  'firmed  from  a  very  1iigh  quarter.     Nor,  indeed,  is 

there  any  thing  more  natural  than  that  the  auguft 
perfonage,  new  alluded  to,  confcious  of  a  jufl 
caufc,  brcaihing  the  courage  of  his  royal  aiicef- 



A  M  E  R  I  C  A  N    W  A  R.  ^ 

try,  and  animated  bv  the  general  vows  of  his  C  H  A  P. 
people,  Ihould  be  willing  to  call  forth  all  the  re-  ^'• 
Iburces,  in  order  to  maintain  the  glory,  with  the 
individuality,  of  the  empire ;  refources  which, 
in  fpitc  of  all  our  enemies,  would  have  ultimately 
led  to  fafety  and  triumph,  if  they  had  been  as 
prudently  employed  as  they  were  liberally  opened. 
About  the  midalc  of  Odlober  fixteen  additional 
fhips  were  put  into  commiflion,  and  feamen  were 
invited  to  enter  into  the  fervice,  by^  a  bounty  of 
five  pounds  per  man.  A  proclamation  was  iflued, 
commanding  all  Britifh  feamen,  who  were  em- 
ployed in  any  foreign  fervice,  to  return  to  Eng- 
land :  A  fecond  and  a  third  were  iflued,  laying 
an  embargo  on  the  exportation  of  provifions  from 
Great  Britain  and  Ireland  ;  and  the  fourth  com'- 
manded  the  obfcrvance  of  a  faft. 

On  the  thirty-firft  of  Oftober  1776,  both  Meeting  of 
houfes  of  parliament  affembled,  and  the  following''"  '^'"*" 
is  the  fubftance  of  the  fpeech  delivered  to  them 
from  the  throne :  It  began  by  afluring  them,  that 
it  would  have  afforded  his  majefty  much  latisfac- 
tion  to  have  been  able  to  inform  them,  that  the 
difturbances  in  the  revolted  colonies  were  at  an 
end,  and  that  the  people  of  America,  recovering 
/rem  their  delufion,  had  returne^  to  their  duty ; 
bat  fo  mutinous  and  determined  was  the  fpirit  of 
thole  who  led  them,  that  they  had  openly  abjured 
and  renounced  all  connexion  and  communica- 
tion with  the  mother-country,  and  had  rejefied, 
with  the  utmoft  contempt,  every  conciliatory  pro- 
pofition  that  had  been  fubmitted  to  them.  After 
alluding  to  the  late  declaration  of  congrefs,  in 
which  they  had  ere6led  the  colonies  into  fove- 
re'ign  and  independent  ftates,  it  was  contended 
that  much  mifchief  would  accrue,  not  only  to  the 
commerce  of  Great  Britain,  but  to  the  general 
fyftem  of  Europe,  if  this  rebellion  and  revolt 

U  2  were 






I  ■ 



CHAP. were  fuffercdto  take  root.    Nevcrthelefa  it  wm 
XI.      aflcrted»  that  this  benefit  would  refult  from  the 

^••nr*^  open  declaration  of  the  rebellious  colonies — that 
*'/7^'  their  intentions  being  now  clearly  underftood, 
would  produce  unanimity  at  home,  becaufe  every 
one  mud  be  convinced  of  the  neceflity  of  the 
meafures  propol'ed  to  be  adopted.  The  fuccefi 
of  the  Britifli  arms  in  Canacla,  and  on  the  fide 
of  New  York,  was  adduced  as  a  good  reafon  for 
fuppofmg  that  the  moft  beneficial  confequcnces 
would  arife  from  it.  Another  campaign,  how* 
ever,  mu{\  be  prepared  for,  and  the  fupplies  ne- 
ccfTary  for  carrying  it  on,  procured  as  foon  as 

The  condudl  of  Spain  towards  the  Britifh  n!'^ 
Portugal,  was  next  advened  to ;  and  it  wa  ■  flated 
that,  though  a  continuance  of  the  general  tran- 
quillity in  Europe  was  hoped,  yet  it  was  thought 

•  .  mofl  advifeable  to  increafe  the  defenfive  refources 

at  home.  The  difpofition  of  other  European  pow- 
ers was  declared  to  be  pacific.  After  exprefling 
a  convidion  of  the  chcerfulnefs  with  which  the 
nccefl'ary  f>ip;)lies  would  be  granted,  the  fpecch 
in  conclufioa  alTured  both  houfes  that  his  majefty 
had  no  other  end  in  view,  by  his  prefent  lyftem 
of  condud,  than  to  reftore  the  revolted  colonics 
to  their  former  lituation  of  profperity  and  fecu- 
rity  under  the  dominion  of  Great  Britain.  The 
addrefles  in  aniwer  to  this  fpeech  were  couched 
in  the  ufual  form  :  Amendments,  however,  M'cre 
propofed  in  both  houfes. 

In  the  houfe  of  commons  lord  John  Cavendiih 
moved  an  amendment  to  th''  fallowing  efliedi :  It 
included  a,i  enlarged  view  o*  I'u;  i  ondud  of  ^(^^ 
miniftraiion   with  refpedl  '  '^'    >.a,  and  ca- 

preifed  great  regret  at  beholding  the  hearts  of  a 
large,  and  hitherto  loyal,  portion  of  his  majefty's 
fubjeds  alienated  from  his  government.    Thif 
v'  event, 




event,  it  was  contended,  could  not  have  bccncHAP. 
produced  without  great  niilcondudt  on  the  part  XI. 
of  thofc  who  poflclled  the  d:  -'♦ion  ot  il.  af- ^-nr*-' 
fairs  of  government ;  the  pnnuulais  of  which  »77<^- 
niifcondud  were  ftatcd,  at  ga  Icngih,  and  with 
much  animation,  in  the  houfe  of  lords.  A  fnni- 
lar  amendment,  propofed  by  the  i  larquis  of 
RoclcinghaDi,  was  defended  by  Hmilar  arguments. 
The  minifter,  however,  as  ufual,  was  fupported 
by  v  \i'  gc  majority.  In  the  houfe  of  commons 
ihsi  a  tM  '^ment  propofed  by  lord  John  Cavendifh 
wu-  rcjc  .ted  by  two  hundred  and  fortv-two,  and 
/"  i  'wrted  by  only  eighty-feven.  The  original 
addrefs  was  then  put  and  carried.  In  the  upper 
houie  the  friends  of  the  minifter  were  equally  nu- 
n.evous.  The  marquis  of  Rockingham's  motiou 
was  negatived  by  nmety-one  lords  to  twenty- fix. 
The  propofed  amendment,  however,  was  entered 
in  the  Journals  of  the  houfe,  in  form  of  a  pro- 
teft,  and  (igned  by  fourteen  peers.  Yet  was  not 
the  minifter  fupported  by  a  large  majority  in  par* 
liament :  The  obftinate  and  unvarying  oppofi- 
tion  which  the  Americana  had  ftiewn  towards  the 
mother-country,  and  the  arguments  that  had  been 
adduced  by  the  adherents  of  adminiftration,  had, 
in  a  great  manner,  eftranged  the  hearts  of  the 
people  from  their  brethren  in  the  colonies.  Per-- 
haps,  too,  from  national  pride,  which  it  is  no;  ' 

my  intention  to  condemn,  they  were  induced  to 
I'upport  the  war,  from  a  wifh  that  the  mother- 
country  might  convince  the  world  that  ftie  pof- 
feffed  the  means  of  fubduingall  who  were  hardy 
Gnoqgh  to  oppoie  her, 

t  ,, 


Vv    «/ 








CHAP.     XII. 

I'/;    ■/ 



Froclaination  ijpued  by  Lord  and  General  Howe-^ 
Debates  upon  it —  T/ie  /American  Laws  propofed 
to  he  revifed  by  Lord  John  CavendiJh-r-'This  Mo-, 
tion  reje6ied —  The  Propriety  of  a  partial  Secejfwn 
confidered — Seamen  'voted — Naval  Affairs-— 
Siippliesfor  the  Military  and  Naval  Service — 
Recefs  of  parliament. — 1776, 

CHAP.  OCARCELY  had  the  addrefles  of  both  houfes 
XII.  O  been  prefented  to  his  majefty,  when  the  pro- 
clamation iffued  by  lord  Howe  and  his  brother, 
fubfequently  to  the  capture  of  New  York,  was 
publiihtid  in  one  of  the  morning  papers.  This 
was  conceived  to  be  ex;traordinary,  becaufe,  al- 
though two  gazettes  had  been  publiihed  the  pre- 
ceding day,  no  notice  had  beei^  taken  of  fuch  a 
proclamation  in  either  of  them,  On  the  day  oq 
which  the  proclamation  appeared  in  the  morning 
paper,  lord  John  Cavendifh  fubmitted  it  to  the 
confideration  of  the  houl'e  of  commons,  though 
he  afteded  not  to  confider  it  in  any  other  light 
than  as  a  forgery,  and  an  impofition  on  the  peO' 
pie,  which  required  exemplary  puniihnient. 

In  reply  to  this  fpeech,  the  minifter  acknow- 
ledged that  inch  a  proclamation  had  been  made, 
and  that  the  paper  now  produced  contained  aii 
authentic  copy  of  it.  Lord  John  Cavendifh,  on 
receiving  this  information,  immediately  rofe  with 
great  warmth  and  indignation.  He  reprobated  the 
toiidudt  of  admin ift ration,  contending  that  they 
h^d  grofsly  inluked  the  houfe  by  withholding 


Nov.  6. 





fuch   an  important  piece    of  intelligence,  and  CHAP, 
by  fuffering  it  to  come  to  the  knowledge  of  the 
public  through   the  medium  of  a  common  pa- 
per.    But  this  treatment  was  not  different  from 
that  which  the  minifler  had  thought  proper  to 
Ihew  to  parliament  from  the  commencement  of 
the    American   difturbances ;  a  treatment   that, 
whilft  the  fhadow  of  a  cojiftitution  remained,  and 
minifters  continued  to  be  refponfible  for  their 
condudl,  could  not  be  defended  on  any  grounds 
or  by  any  argumenis  whatever.     Adminiflratiou, 
on  the  other  hand,  and  their   adherents,  con- 
tended that  the  promife  held  out  in  the  proclama- 
tion by  the  commiflioners  was  not  novel.     It  was 
only  purfuing  that  mode  of  conduct  which  had 
been  adopted  by  parliament  at  the  commence- 
ment of  the  difturbances,  viz.  the  reftoration  of 
peace  to  America.     With  regard  to  the  infulting 
treatment  with  which  adminiftration  had  been 
charged  in  not  publifhing  the  proclamation  in  the 
gazette,  it  was  faid,  that  it  feenied  not  to  be  of 
iufficient  importance,  becaufe  it   was  neither  a 
treaty,  nor  part  of  one ;  it  only  formed  a  preli- 
minary, which  might  eventually  lead  to  one.     If, 
therefore,  this  preliminary  were  even  important 
enough  to  be  laid  b'efore  parliament,   minifters 
were  juftified  in  not  purluing  luch  a  meal'ure  by 
precedent,     The  negotiation  between    Mr.  Pitt 
and  M.  De  Bufly  was  qot  laid  before  the  houfe  of 
commons  during  its  pendency.     The  motion  for 
a  committee  was  oppoled  in  the  moft  ftrenuous 
manner.     It  was  contended  that  it  would  tend 
rather  to  impede  than  accelerate  the  iregotiations 
of  the  commiflioners,  and  to  iufufe  into  the  minds 
of  the  Americans  improper  jealoufies  and  appre- 
hcnfions.     Belides,  it  would  be  impolitic  to  leeni 
too  fond  of  conceding  ;  for  the  Aiuericaiis  would 
then  demand  more  than  they  might  origiually  in- 


i  ¥ 

'1  i 



'■»        »«r"Vfj 





CHAP. tend.  Another,  and  nioft  forcible,  objedion  to 
XII.  the  motion  was,  that  it  would  be  abfurd  to  confi. 
der  the  revifal  or  repeal  of  laws,  the  authority  of 
which  was  denied  in  the  moft  unqualified  man- 
ner. America  had  declared  herfelf  indepen* 
dent.  The  firft  point  therefore  to  be  fettled, 
preliminary  to  any  negotiation,  was  the  queftion 
of  independence.  As  long  as  (he  perfiftcd  in  this 
indc):  ndeiice,  no  treaty  could  be  begun,  and  all 
conceliions  "would  be  diihonourable.  If  (he  con- 
fented  to  give  it  up,  and  to  acknowledge  the 
authority  of  the  mother-country,  then  would  be 
the  proper  feafon  to  revife  and  repeal  obnoxious 
iaws,  and  to  eftablifh  regulations  confonant  with 
the  rights  of  thofe  who  were  to  be  bound  by 
them.  From  the  approaching  campaign  much 
was  to  be  expefted.  The  tyranny  of  the  congrefs 
would  operate  in  favour  of  the  Britifli  caufe,  and 
the  acknowledged  fuperiority  of  the  Britifli 
troops,  both  in  number  and  in  difcipline,  would 
produce  confequences  favourable  to  the  mother- 
country,  and  likely  to  put  a  fpeedy  termination 
to  the  war.  After  a  very  long  and  interefting  de- 
bate, the  motion  was  put,  and  the  houfe  divided : 
Forty-feven  fupported  the  motion,  and  one  hun- 
dred and  nine  voted  againft  it. 

The  rejeftion  of  this  motion  produced  an  ex- 

tiieiloufeoftraordinary  effeft.  Several  members  of  the  mi- 
nority withdrew  themfelves  whenever  any  quef- 
tions  relative  to  America  were  difcufTed.  They 
did  not  wholly  refrain  from  attending  the  houfe ; 
but  as  foon  as  the  private  bufinefs  of  the  day  was 
difpatched,  they  made  their  ufual  obeifance  to 
the  fpeaker,  and  retired.  Thus,  for  fome  time, 
all  debates  upon  important  fubjefls  were  avoided, 
and  vaft  fupplies  were  granted  without  a  fingle 
obfervation  with  refped  to  their  tendency,  or  the 
purpofes  to  which  they  were  to  be  applied.  The 
,•'  mcnibcrs 

Seceflion  of 
members  of 




<j     '1 


members  who  feceded  adduced  the  following  rea-  CHAP. 
fons  in  juflification  of  their  condudl  :  As  af-  XII. 
fairs  were  at  prefent  fituated,  all  oppofition  to 
the  propofitions  of  government,  with  refpedl  to 
American  affairs,  was  not  only  fruitlefs,  but  con- 
temptible, on  account  of  the  numbers  that  fup- 
ported  the  minifter  on  every  queftion.  They 
were  tired  with  oppofing  reafon  and  argument 
to  fuperior  power  and  numbers.  This  conduit, 
however,  of  the  fecediog  members,  did  not  re- 
ceive the  approbation  of  the  oppofition  in  ge- 
neral. Several  contended  that  a  partial  feceffion 
was  inconfiftent  with  the  duties  attached  to  the 
fituation  of  a  member  of  parliament.  A  collec- 
tive feceffion  had  been  fanftioned  by  a  precedent 
in  the  reign  of  the  firft  Charles,  but  it  ought  al- 
ways to  be  general.  0 
The  difunion  occafioned  by  this  difference  of 
opinion,  added  greatly  to  the  ftrength  of  admi- 
niftration,  and  contributed  not  a  little  to  increafe 
the  number  of  thofe  who  fupported  the  conti- 
nuance of  the  war.  When  the  minifter,  in  aExtraofdi- 
committec  of  fupply,  propofed  that  forty-five  "^^  *"P" 
thoufand  feamen  Ihould  be  voted  for  the  fervice 
of  the  enfuing  year,  Mr.  Luttrell,  a  member  in 
oppofition,  feized  the  opportunity  of  reprobating, 
ia  very  fevere  terms,  the  condudl  of  the  peer  who 
poffefled  the  rank  of  firft  lord  of  the  admiralty. 
He  charged  him  with  wilfully  impofiug  on  the 
parliament  and  the  nation  by  a  fallacious  account 
of  the  navy  both  with  refpe6l  to  the  fhips  and  the 
feamen.  The  minifter,  in  reply  to  thefe  obferva- 
tions,  vindicated  the  conduit  of  the  peer  alluded 
to,  and  contended  that  it  was  improper  to  attack 
a  pcrfon  who,  from  his  ftation,  could  not  defend 
himfelf  in  that  houfe.  He  alfo  alleged,  that  the 
iutrodudioQ  of  the  accufaiion,  wiihout  any  pr&» 






CHAP-  "vious  notice,  was  diforderly,  and  inconfiftent  with 
XII.     the  rule  of  parliament. 

Mr.  Luttrell,  however,  infifted  that,  as  a  mem. 
ber  of  parliament,  he  had  a  right  to  make  fuch 
obfervations  on  the  conduft  of  minifters  as  ap- 
peared  to  him  to  be  well-founded.  With  refpeft 
to  the  want  of  a  formal  accufation,  he  would 
remove  all  objedions  on  that  head  when  the 
houfe  fhould  be  refumed.  Accordingly  he  took 
theearlieft  opportunity  of  moving  for  feveral  re- 
turns of  the  navy.  Thefe,  he  contended,  would 
cftablifh  the  charges  he  had  adduced  againft  the 
noble  lord,  and  convince  the  houfe  what  was 
the  real  (late  of  the  naval  reiources  of  the  cquu. 
try.  Thefe  returns,  however,  were  refufed  by 
adminiftration,  and  their  refufal  was  fuppprted 
•n  the  following  grounds :  It  was  contended  that 
a  difclofure  of  the  naval  ftrength  or  weaktiefs 
of  the  country  would  be  attended  with  injuri- 
ous confequences,  inafmuch  as,  if  Great  Britain 
were  fuperior  to  other  powers,  they  would  be 
induced  to  be  more  circumfpedl  in  their  defigns, 
and  if  fhe  were  weaker  than  them,  they  would 
thereby  be  encouraged  to  take  advantage  of  our 

defencelefs  fituation -  r  ^3- 

The  fupplies  for  the  navy,  granted  this  year, 
amounted  to  three  millions  two  hundred  and 
five  thoufand  five  hundred  and  five  pounds; 
including  the  ordinary,  at  four  hundred  thou- 
fand  pounds ;  and  the  expences  of  building 
and  repairing  fhips,  at  four  hundred  and  fixty. 
two  thoufand  five  hundred  pounds.  In  this 
account,  however,  neither  the  fum  voted  to 
Greenwich  hofpital,  nor  the  million  granted  at 
the  clofe  of  the  feflion  for  the  difcharge  of  the 
navy  debt,  were  included.  The  fupplies  for  the 
military  eftablifhment  amounted  to  a  fum  little 
l^fs  than  the  fupplies  for  the  navy — the  amount 


■J  «*"«—. 



was  three  millions.     The  extraordinaries,  how*  c  HA  P. 
ever,  of  the  preceding  year,   amounting  to  one,   XII. 
million  two   hundred   thoufand   pounds,    with  Vnr^*^ 
frefh  contracts  for  German  forces,  expences  of    ^n^- 
half-pay  and  Chelfea  hofpital,  were  not  includ- 
ed in  the  grofs  fum.    All  the  neceflary  public  Adjoum- 
bufmefs  being  difpatched  on  the  thirteenth  of  men'ofpar- 
Dccember,  both  houfes  adjourned  to  the  twen- 
ty-firft  of  January, 

'.-■n  IV- 5 



r-    '  "T  •' 

■  ..;^      nil     ■  -         • 

n  wu 

f  ■  i 

.'■■':,■  I 







Letters  of 
marque  and 
reprifal  bill. 

Bin  for  fe. 
curing  per- 
fons  charged 
with  high- 

Letters  of  Marque  and  Reprifal  Bill-^ — Bill  for  ft* 
curing' Perfons  charged  with  High-Trcafon — ht- 
bates  upon  it — Amendment  propofed  by  Mr, 
Dunning — Agreed  to — The  Bill  carried  through 
both  Houfes — Extroardinary  unprovided  Expenca 
of  the  War  voted — Motion  for  an  Addrefs  totk 
Throne  hy  the  Earl  of  Chatham — Reje^ed" 
Prorogation  of  the  Parliament. — 1777. 

AS  foon  as  the  parliament  met  after  the  k, 
cefs,  a  bill  was  paffed,  authoriiing  any  own. 
ers  or  captains  of  private  merchant-lhips  to  make 
prizes  of  all  veffels  belonging  to  the  thirteea 
American  colonies. 

On  the  iixth  of  February,  the  minifter  moved 
in  the  houfe  of  commons  for  leave  to  bring  in 
a  bill,  to  fecure  and  detain  perfons  charged  with, 
or  fufpedled  of,  the  crime  of  high-treafon,  com- 
mitted in  America  or  on  the  high  feas,  or  the  | 
crime  of  piracy.     In  fupport  of  his  motion,  he 
obferved  that,  during  the  prefent  difturbances,  | 
prifoners  had  been  made  in  the  adlual  commif- 
lion  of  the   crime  of  high-treafon  ;   others,  fuf- 
pe6led  of  the  fame  crime,  could  not  be  fecured, 
on  account  of  the  want  of  fufficient  evidence.! 
Formerly,  in  cafes  of  rebellion  and  revolt,  and 
when  an  invafion  was  apprehended,  parliament  j 
granted  this  power  to  the  crown  ;  but  in  the  pre- 
fent period,  as  neither  rebellion  at  home,  nor  I 
invafion  from  abroad,  were  in  danger  of  being 
experienced,  he  ihould  not  reqneft  that  powr 



X      i 

AMERICAN     W  A  R.  i 


in  Its  full  extent.    The  law  now  did  not  em- CHAP. 
power  government  officially  to   apprehend  the    XIII* 
moft  fufpeded  perfon,  nor  could  the  crown  con-  ^•-'nr'*' 
fine  rebel  prifoners  or  pirates  in  any  other  place    >777' 
than  in  the  common  gaols.     To  remedy   thefe 
inconveniences,  and  to  empower  his  majefty  to 
confine  fuch  perfons  in  the  fame  manner  as  other 
prifoners   of  war,    until   criminal   proceedings 
could  be  inftituted  againft  them,  were  the  objefts 
propofed  to   be  attained  by  the  prefcnt   bill. 
Leave  was  given  for  the  introdu6lion  of  the  bill : 
On  the  queftion  for  the  fecond  reading  of  it,  it 
appeared  that  the  enabling  claufe    rendered  all 
perfons  taken  in  the  a6l  of  high  treafon,  or  fuf- 
peded  of  it,  liable  to  be  committed  to  prifon  with- 
out bail  or  trial,  during  the  continuance  of  the 
law.     When  the  quelUon  was  put,  a  gentleman 
of  great  eminence  in  his  profefTion  (Mr.  Dun- 
ning) animadverted  feverely  on  the  conduft  of  the  Debate  up* 
minifter,   in  attempting,    when  the    houfe    was°"'^' 
thinly  attended,  to  introduce  and  precipitate  the 
pafTage  of  a  bill,  which  was  to  undermine  that 
bulwark  of  the  conftitution,  the  Habeas  Corpus 
aft.    Time,    he  contended,    ought  to  be  given 
to  the   nation  to  confider  whether  they  would 
furrender  the  foundation  and  corner  flone  of  all 
the  rights  which  they  pofreffed.     For  thefe  rea- 
fons,  and  in  order  to  prevent  the  fecond  read- 
ing of  the  bill,  he  moved  that  it  ihould  be  print- 
ed ;  in  which  the  minifter  was  under  the  necef-^ 
fny  of  acquiefcing.     The  introduftion  of  this 
bill  recalled  feveral  of  thofe  members  who  had 
feceded  from  the  houfc.     In  every  ftage  through 
which  the  bill  pafTed,  it  was  violently  oppofed  by 
the  minority,  who  contended  that  no  reafon  ex- 
ifted  for  invefting  the  crown  with  fo  dangerous 
a  power;  that  it  would  tend  to  widen  the  breach 
between   the  mother-country  and  the  colonies, 



V  '.#1 

/  p 

I     ! 

'i  J 



Vir     '•HM:*;|i"''    'i'" 





ment pro- 
pofed  by 
Mr.  Dun- 




agreed  to. 

The  bill  car- 
ried throu;;!, 

nary uni)ro- 
vidfd  ex- 
iwar  voted. 

•  and  cut  off  all  hopes  of  a  conciliation  of  thedilTe' 
rences  between  them.     Befides,  it  was  contend- 
ed, that  the  power  might  be  extended  to  inno- 
cent  perfonis,  and  would  thereby  become  an  in. 
ftrument  of   tyranny   and   oppreffion.     Several 
amendments  were  propofed,  all  of  which  were 
rejedled,  except  one  on  the  third  reading,  pro. 
pofed  by  Mr.  Dunning.    The  amendment  was 
contained  in  the  following  claufe  :    **  Provided 
alfo,  and  be  it  hereby  declared,  that  nothing 
herein  contained  is  intended,  or  Ihall  be  con- 
ftrued  to  extend  to  the  cafe  of  any  other  pri. 
foner  or  prifoners,  than  fuch  as  have  been  in 
fome  one  of  the  colonies  before  mentioned, 
"  or  on  the  high  feas,  at  the  time  or  times  of 
**  the  offence  or  offences  wherewith  he  or  they 
"  fhall    be   charged."     The    amendment^   with 
fome  trifling  alteration,  vvas  agreed  to.    The  ac- 
ceptance of  this  claufe  afforded  great  joy  to  the 
minority,    who  cpnlidered  the   bill  as  diverted 
thereby  of  the  mofl  dangerous  tendency.    Ne- 
verthelefs  they  flill  continued  to  oppofe  the  prin- 
ciple  of  the  bill  with  undiminifhed  vigour  and 
unwearied  perfeverance.     In  this,  however,  they 
were  unfuccefsful,  and  the  bill  was  paffed  with- 
out a  divifion. 

In  the  houfe  of  lords,  no  oppolition  was  made 
to  it,  all  the  peers  in  the  minority  having  ab- 
fented  themfelves,  except  the  earl  of  Abing- 

About  the  latter  end  of  February,  the  feveral 
extraordinary  unprovided  expences  of  the  war, 
to  the  amount  of  two  millions  one  hundred  and 
feventy  thoufand  pounds,  were  defrayed  by  the 
houfe  of  commons.  No  debates  of  any  impor- 
tance relative  to  the  American  war  occurred  in 
either  houfe,  till  the  end  of  May.  An  addreis 
to  the  throne  was  then  moved  in  the  houfe  of 



r  H  E 

ion  of  the  diffc 
t  was  contend* 
ended  to  inno- 
J  become  an  in* 
effion.    Several 

of  which  were 
d  reading,  pro- 
amendment  was 
e  :   "  Provided 
;d,  that  nothing 
or  ftiall  be  con. 
if  any  other  pri- 
,  as  have  been  in  I 
jfore  mentioned, 
ime  or  times  of 
iwith  he  or  they 
nendment;   with 
•eed  to.    Theac- 
I  great  joy  to  the 

bill  as  diverted 
I  tendency.  Ne. 
L  oppofe  the  prin- 
ii(hed  vigour  and 
.s,  however,  they 

was  paffed  with- 

jofition  was  made 
nority  having-ab- 
J  earl   of   Abing- 

»i-uary,  the  feveral 
ences  of  the  war, 
one  hundred  and 
•e  defrayed  by  the 
tes  of  any  impor- 
.1  war  occurred  in 
Vlay.  An  addrels 
d  in  tjie  houfe  of 



peers,  by  the  venerable  earl  of  Chatham.     At^HAP, 
this  period  his  lordfliip  laboured  under  many    XIII. 
bodily  infirmities.     Neverthelefs  his  intelleftual  v«.«-jn«-/ 
vigour  remained  unimpaired,    and,  in  his  zeal    J??)* 
to  ferve  his  country,  tlie  enfeebled  Hate  of  his 
body  was  forgotten.     His  lordfhip  had  in  former 
periods  repeatedly  endeavoured  to  reconcile  the 
differences  between  the  colonies  and  the  mother- 
country,  and  though  his  attempts  were  not  at- 
tended with  the  defired  cifedl,  yet  he  refolved  to 
make  one  effort  more.  .!•»  it  .    • 

The  lords  being  accordingly  fummoned  on  the 
thirtieth  of  May,  hi«  lordfliip  moved  that  an  ad-  j^^^.^^  j.^^ 
drefs  fliould  be  prefented  to  his  majefty,  repre-anaddreftto 
renting  that  the  houlb  of  lords  were  fenfible  of  l,^;,;,';^"^^^, 
the  ruin  that  threatened  the  country  from  a  con-ofehatham. 
tinuation  of  the  unnatural  war  with  the  Britifh 
colonies  in  America,  and  advifing,  that  the  moft 
fpeedy  and  effedtual  meafures  fliould  be  taken  for 
putting  a  period  to  fuch  fatal  hoftilities,  upon 
the  only  juft  and  folid  foundation,  namely,  the 
removal  of  the  accumulated  grievances  ;  with  an 
affurance,  that  the  houfe  would  enter  upon  that 
great  and  necelTary  work  with  cheerfulnefs  and 
difpatch,    in  order  to  open  to  his  majefty  the 
only  means  of  regaining  the  afteftions  of  the 
Britifh  colonies,  and  of  fecuring  to  Great  Bri- 
tain the  commercial  advantages  of  thofe  valua- 
ble poffeflions  ;  fully  perfuaded  that  to  heal  and 
to  redrefs  would  be'  more   congenial   with  the 
goodnels  and  magnanimity  of  his  majefty,   and 
more  prevalent  over  the  hearts  of  generous  and 
freo-born  fubjeds,  than  the  rigours  of  chaftife- 
ment,  and  the  horrors  of  civil  war,    which  hi- 
therto had  ferved  only    to  ftiarpen  refentment 
and  conlblidate  union,   and,  if  continued,  muft 
finally  end  in  diffolving  all  ties  between  Great 
Britain  and  her  colonics. 


W      '^. 





CHAP.  Such  was  the  purport  of  the  addrefs.  In  com. 
xni.  mcnting  on  the  neceflity  of  an  afl'ent  being  given 
to  it,  his  lordfhip  declared,  that  under  the  words 
accumulated  grievances,  he  meant  to  convey  every 
tranfadion,  with  refpeft  to  America,  fi nee  1763, 
and  the  redrefs  of  all  their  grievances,  including 
more  particularly  the  right  of  difpofing  of  their 
own  money.  This  fpirit  of  condud  would  pave 
the  way  for  treaty  and  negotiation  ;  it  would 
teftify  the  amicable  temperament  of  the  parlia- 
ment ;  and.thus  the  chief  obftacle  being  removed, 
all  other  niaitcrs  would  follow  as  things  of  courle. 
The  preffiug  and  immediate  neceflity  of  acqui- 
elciug  in  the  addrefs  he  infifted  on,  from  the 
danger  to  which  Great  Britain  was  expofed  from 
France.—- A  few  weeks,  and  the  fate  of  the  coun. 
try,  as  a  nation,  might  be  decided  by  a  treaty  be- 
tween  the  houfe  of  Bourbon  and  the  Americans. 
His  lordfhip  proceeded  to  ftate  the  immenfe  ad. 
vantages  that  the  mother-country  would  lofe  from 
the  commerce  of  the  colonies  being  turned  into 
another  channel,  and  iuffered  to  flow  into  the 
hands  of  the  natural  enei'i'es  of  Great  Britain. 
Trade,  he  faid,  was  rapidly  declining,  inal'much 
as  it  was  now  carried  on  in  French  and  other  bot- 
toms ;  the  conqueft  of  America  was  impraflica- 
ble ;  and  if  it  were  not,  it  would  be  attended 
with  the  moft  ruinous  confequences.  To  ufe  the 
words  of  this  great  man,  •*  America,"  he  de- 
clared, **  was  contending  with  Great  Britain,  uu- 
"  der  the  maflced  battery  of  France,  which  would 
*'  open  upon  this  country,  as  foon  as  file  per- 
**  ceived  that  we  were  fufficiently  weakened  for 
"  her  purpofe,  and  flie  found  herfelf  fufiiciently 
*'  prepared  for  war." 

In  reply  to  his  lordfhip's  obfervations,  and  to  I 
thofe  who  rupportcd  him,  adminiftralion  oppofed 
the  addrefs  011  the  old  grounds  that  iadepeudcDce 



refs.  In  com* 
nt  being  given 
ider  the  words 
)  convey  every 
ca,  fincei763, 
ices,  including 
pofing  of  their  I 
i6t  would  pave 
lion ;  it  would 
of  the  parlia- 
being  removed, 
;hing8  ofcourle. 
ceflity  of  acqui- 
d  on,  from  the 
as  exf  efed  from 
fate  of  thecoun. 
;d  by  a  treaty  be- 
I  the  Americans. 
the  immenfe  ad- 
'  would  lofe  from 
5eing  turned  into 
to  flow  into  tk 
jf  Great  Britain. 
:lining,  inafmuch 
ch  and  other  bot- 
a  was  impradlica- 
Duld  be  attended 
nces.  To  ufe  tk 
America,"  he  de- 
Great  Britain,  un- 
mce,  which  would 
,  foon  as  fhe  per- 
•ntly  weakened  foi 
•"herfelf  fufhcienily 

jfcrvations,  and  to 
that  independence  I 




was  the  primary  object  of  the  Americans,  that  CHAP, 
their  prefent  condudl  was  but  the  effeft  of  the  ^^^^• 
premeditation  of  feveral  years,  and  that  all  con- 
ccflions  on  the  part  of  Great  Britain  would  be 
equally  ridiculous  and  impolitic.  The  danger 
held  out  from  France  was  again  denied,  and  it 
was  contended  that  the  affiftance  afforded  the 
Americans  in  that  quarter,  originated,  not  in  the 
government,  but  in  private  individuals,  and  in  that 
Ipirh  of  enterprife  for  which  that  nation  had  al- 
ways been  remarkable.  After  an  animated  de- 
bate, the  queftion  was  put,  when  there  appeared,  rcje^ed. 
on  a  divifion — for  the  propofed  addrefs,  twenty- 
eight — againft  it,  ninety-nine. 

The  money  bills  *,  a  vote  of  credit,  and  the 
other  public  bufinefs  being  difpatched,  his  ma- 

VoL.  I.  -         X  jefty 

*  The  fncech  of  the  fpeaker  of  the  houfe  of  commons,  fir 
Fletcher  Norton,  afterwards  lord  Grantley,  to  his  majefty, 
on  the  feventh  of  May  1777,  in  the  houfe  of  peers,  on  pre- 
fenting  a  bill  for  the  better  fupport  of  his  majefty's  houfehold, 
•which  made  a  great  noife  at  that  time,  and  was  a  fubje(Sb 
of  various  refleftion,  together  with  a  confequent  refolution  ' 
and  vote  of  the  houfe  ot  commons,  we  here  lay  before  our 

Moft  Gracious  Sovereign, 

THE  bill,  which  it  is  now  my  duty  to  prefent  to  your 
majefty,  is  intituled,  "  An  aft  for  the  better  fupport  of  his 
"  majefty 's  houfehold,  and  of  the  honour  and  dignity  of  the 
"  crown  of  Great  Britain  ;"  To  which  your  commons  hum- 
bly  beg  your  royal  affent. 

By  this  bill,  fir,  and  the  relpedful  circumftances  which 
preceded  and  accompanied  it,  your  commons  have  given  the 
iiiUeft  and  clearefl;  proof  of  their  zeal  and  affedlion  for  yjour 
majefl  .  For  in  a  time  of  public  diftrefs,  full  of  difficulty 
and  danger,  their  conftituents  labouring  under  burthens  almolt 
too  heavy  to  be  borne,  your  faithful  commons  poftponed  all 
other  bufinefs  -,  and  with  as  much  difpatch  as  the  nature  of 
their  proceedings  would  admit,  have  not  only  granted  to  your 
majefty  a  large  prefent  fupply,  but  alfo  a  very  great  additional 


I'  'i 

|t    !i 

r-*^"  *>'•»  -«»•.• 


-^-%    ..-H*^^*^     «., 

1 ; 




C  HAP. jeftv thought  proper  to  prorogue  both  houfes  of 
XIH.  parliament  on  the  fixth  of  lune.  In  hia  fpccch 
from  the  throne,  he  declared  his  entire  approba- 
tion  of  the  meafures  that  had  been  adopted  duriog 
the  continuance  of  the  feflion  ;  teftified  his  thank- 
fulnefs  for  the  liberality  and  cheerfulnefs  with 
which  the  extraordinary  fupplies  for  the  fervicc 
of  the  current  year  had  been  voted  ;  and  finally 
exprefled  his  hope  that,  by  a  well-concerted  and 
•  ■    »  • .  vigorous 

revenue  ; — great  beyond  example  ;  great,  Veyond  your  ma- 
jefly'shighell  expence. 

But  all  this,  fir,  they  have  done  in  a  well-grounded  confi- 
dence, that  you  will  apply  wifely  what  they  have  granted  li. 
bcrally  •,  and  feeling,  what  every  good  fubjeift  niuft  feel  wiih 
the  grcateft  fatiifad^ion,  that,  under  the  direction  of  your 
majefly's  wifdom,  the  affluence  and  grandeur  of  the  fovercign 
will  refleft  dignity  and  honour  upon  his  people. 

[Copied  from  the  votes  of  the  Houie  of  Commons,  ^ih 

May  1777.] 
Ordered,  Nem.  Con. 

That  Mr.  Speaker  be  defired  to  print  the  fpeech  by  him 
made  to  bis  majefty  in  the  houfe  of  peers,  this  day,  upon  his 
prefenting  to  his  majefty  the  bill  for  the  better  fupport  of  his 
majefty's  houfehold,  and  of  the  honour  and  dignity  of  the 
crown  of  Great  Britain,  which  then  received  the  royal  af. 

(yth  May  1777.  Some  allufions  having  been  made,  intht 
debate  on  the  latt  quellion,  to  the  fpeech  of  Mr.  Speaker, 
delivered  at  the  bar  of  the  houfe  of  peers,  on  Wedncfday  lail, 
Mr.  Speaker,  as  foon  as  the  faid  quellion  was  determined, 
called  the  attention  of  the  houfe  to  this  fubjeft,  and  defired 
that  a  copy  of  the  fpeech  then  made  by  him,  might  be  read  at 
the  table.  And  the  fame  being  read  accordingly,  Refolved, 
That  the  fpeakerof  this  houfe,  ia  his  fpeech  to  his  majefty  at 
the  bar  of  the  houfe  of  peers  on  Wednefday  laft,  and  which 
■was  defired  nemine  contradicente,  by  this  houfe  to  be  primed, 
did  exprefs,  with  juft  and  proper  energy,  the  zeal  of  this 
houfe,  for  the  fupport  of  the  honour  and  dignity  of  thecrown, 
in  circumftances  of  great  public  charge. 

That  the  thanks  of  this  houfe  be  returned  to  Mr.  Speaker, 
for  his  faid  fpeech  to  his  majeily. 


L-  •■■  '•  I  ii'*"- 



vigorous  exertion  of  ihe  great  force  entrufted  to  CHAP, 
his  hands,  the  operations  of  the  prefent  campaign  ,^[;^^[^ 
would  efie£lually  tend  to  the  fupprcflion  of  the  ^*'^*"*^ 
rebellion  in  America,  and  to  the  re-eAablilhment  '"'* 
of  that  conftitutiorul  obedience  which  all  the 
fubjefts  of  a  free  Hate  owed  to  the  authority  of  p,.o^„i^„ 
the  law.  The  parliament  was  prorogued  to  the  of  pariia- 
tweuty-firft  of  July.  . 


V   t  ' 

>">  « 

,....    .  •••    •••  '     ' 

'  I 




1 ,  (  ,  ^ 

made,  in  the 
VIr.  Speaker, 
edncfday  lall, 
18  determined, 
t,  and  defired 
ght  be  read  at 
gly,  Refolved, 
,  his  majefty  at 
ift,  and  which 
to  be  printed, 
le  zeal  ot  this 
f  of  the  crown, 

X  z 


•  .fc-iUfc   ■^- 



'  ■ .  - .  ■  1 .- " 



*  »r 

CHAP.     XIV. 


Opening  of  the  Campaign — Expedition  to  PeeVs 
Hill — To  Danbury — Vejfels  and  Proviftons  de- 
'      .         flroyed  at  Saggy  Harbour — The  Commander  in 
Chief  takes    the   Field — Endeavours    to    bring 
Wajhington  to  an  A&ion — TheBriiiJh  Troops  re- 
:\  linqui/h  the  Jerfeys — General  Prefcot  carried  off 

— Commander  in  Chief  proceeds  to  Chefapeak 
Bay — Lands  at  the  Head  of  the  Elk — Proclama- 
tion ijpued — General  Wajhington  moves  tq  the 
North  Side  of  the  Brandywine  River,  in  order  to 
,     •  defend    Philadelphia — Adion   at    the   Brandy- 

wine— ^General  Wayne  defeated — Royal  Army 
paffes  the  Schuylkill — Lord  Cornwallis  takes 
Poffeffion  of  Philadelphia. 

CHAP.  TT  has  been  already  ihewn  what  hardlhips  the 
^IV.  X  Britifh  army  endured  at  Brunfwick  and  Am- 
boy  during  the  winter,  and  till  the  commence- 
ment of  the  fpring.  The  weather  was  particu- 
larly fevere ;  the  duty  unremitting  and  hard ;  the 
enemy  watchful ;  and  provilions  and  forage  were 
not  obtained  without  repeated  Ikirmifties.  Ne- 
\-erthelefs  the  foldiers  endured  thcfe  hardihips 
with  a  fortitude  aiid  a  perfeverance  that  acquired 
them  infinite  honour. 

At  the  opening  of  the  feafon  a  body  of  provin- 
cial troops,  amounting  to  feveral  thoufand  men, 
was  embodied  under  the  diredion  of  the  com- 
mander in  chief.  Thele  men  were  difciplined 
by  thofe  who  had  been  under  the  neceffity  of 
relinquilhing  their  poiTeffious,  and  of  flying  from 





^«a*.'i:jit*'.  .... 




their  habitaiions,  oa  account  of  their  attachment  CHAP, 
to  the  Britifh  caule.  Thele  troops  were  allowed  ^^^• 
the  fame  pay  as  the  regulars,  with  a  further  ad- 
vantage of  receiving  an  allotment  of  lands  at  the 
conclufion  of  the  diAurbances.  Such  a  large 
body  of  ftrength  drawn  from  the  heart  of  the 
country  with  which  the  Britifh  were  waging  war, 
was  a  moft  fortunate  circumftance.  It  decreafed 
the  refources  of  the  country,  and  it  enabled  the 
veteran  troops  to  adopt  more  adlive  operations 
than  they  would  otherwife  have  been  enabled  to 
undertake.  Thefe  provincial  forces,  it  is  true, 
were  inexperienced,  and  unacquainted  with  mi- 
litary difcipline,  but  they  were  extremely  well 
6tted  for  garrifon  fervice,  and  for  the  defence 
of  a  town.  Accordingly  they  were  immediately 
fent  to  New  York,  from  which  the  regulars  were 
drafted  in  order  to  join  the  grand  army.  Gover- 
nor Tryon,  who  had  been  very  a6live  in  railing 
and  difciplining  thefe  new  forces,  was  raifed  to 
the  rank  of  major-general  of  the  provincials,  by 
which  he  was  enabled,  on  any  emergency,  to 
unite  the  divided  bodies  of  thefe  troops,  and  to 
condenfe  them  into  one  body  *. 




*  About  this  time  the  royalifts  in  the  counties  of  Somerfet 
and  Worcefter,  in  the  province  of  Maryland,  became  fo  for- 
midable that  an  infurreftion  was  dreaded:  And  it  was  feared 
that  the  infurgents  w^ould,  in  fuch  a  cafe,  be  joined  by  a  number 
of  difaifedted  perfons  in  the  county  of  SufTex  in  the  Delaware 
ftate.  Congrefs,  to  prevent  this  evil,  recommended  the  ap- 
prehenfion  and  removal  of  all  perfons  of  influence,  or  of 
defperate  charafters,  within  the  counties  of  Suffex,  Worcef- 
ter, and  Somerfet,  who  manifefted  a  difafieftion  to  the  Ame- 
rican caufe,  to  fome  remote  place  within  their  refpeftive 
itates,  there  to  be  fecured.  From  appearances,  congrefs  had 
alfo  reafon  to  believe  that  the  loyalifts  in  the  New  England 

iution,  vol. 


ind  New  York  ftate  had  lilcewife  concerted  an 
See  Gordon's  Hiftory  of  the  American  Revo- 
p.  461,  462.     By  the  fame  authority  we  are 


!  m\ 





Opening  of 
tlie  cam- 

CHAP.  The  natural  ftrength  of  the  traft  which  the 
XIV.  Americans  pofleffed,  and  which  has  been  before 
defcribed,  and  its  fertility  in  refources,  had  in- 
duced them,  notwithftanding  the  feverities  of 
the  winter,  to  employ  themfelves  in  adding  as 
much  as  poflible  to  this  natural  ftrength,  by  ereft. 
ing  forts  and  building  mills  and  magazines.  Of 
this  tradl  of  land,  the  moft  mountainous,  and  of 
courfe  the  moft  advantageous,  was  a  place  which 
bore  the  appellation  of  the  Manor  of  Courland. 
This  was  in  a  manner  couverted  into  a  citadel, 
and  large  quantities  of  provifions,  forage,  and 
ftores  of  every  kind,  were  depofited  in  it.  About 
fifty  miles  from  New  York,  up  the  North  River, 
was  a  place  called  Peek's  Hill,  which  ferved  as  a 
port  t,o  Courland  Manor,  and  by  which  ftores 
and  provifions  were  received  and  conveyed  either 
to  the  army  or  to  the  numerous  eredions  fituated 
in  the  more  interior  parts. 

Convinced  of  the  importance  of  this  place, 
and  the  diftrefs  to  which  the  Americans  would  be 
driven  if  they  ftiould  be  deprived  of  it,  the  com- 
mander in^  chief  determined  to  open  the  cam- 
paign by  an  attack  upon  it.  An  attempt  upon 
the  Manor  of  Courland  was  deemed  unadvifable, 
on  account  of  its  great  natural  and  acquired 
ftrength,  and  the  confequent  difadvantage  of  a 
battle  in  fuch  a  place,  Befides,  even  if  fuch  an 
attempt  had  not  been  judged  improper,  it  would 
have  been  abfolutely  neceflary,  preliminary  to  it, 
Expedition  to  have  fecurcd  the  pofleffion  of  Peek's  Hill.  In 
|5iu."  *  purfuance  of  this  refolution,  a  detachment  of  five 
hundred  men,  under  the  command  of  colonel 
Bird  of  the  fifteenth  regiment,  was  ordered  to 

;"■  ',■'   :    ",.^-''  '» 

informed  that  general  Gates  wrote  to  general  Fellows  for  1 
ftrong  military  force,  for  the  prevention  of  plots  and  infur' 
rcdition  ia  the  provinces  of  New  England  a. id  New  York. 

l\  'i 





proceed  from  New  York  about  the  latter  end  of  CHAP. 
March,  on  this  fervice.  This  detachment  em-  Xiv. 
barked  on  board  two  tranfports,  which  conveyed 
them  to  the  place  of  their  dellination  the  day  af- 
ter they  left  New  York.  On  their  approach  a 
body  of  between  feven  and  eight  hundred  men 
drew  up  atadiftance,  under  the  command  of  a 
colonel  Macdougal,  with  a  feeming  determina- 
tion of  oppofing  the  Britifti  armament.  On  the 
nearer  advancement,  however,  of  colonel  Bird, 
they  thought  proper  to  retire  from  Peek's  Hill, 
and  being  unable  to  remove  the  Ilores  and  provi- 
iions  it  contained,  fet  fire  to  the  barracks  and 
ftore-houfes.  Unable,  on  this  account,  to  brinjr 
off  the  different  articles  that  were  contained  in 
the  magazine,  the  Britilh  thought  proper  to  com- 
plete the  conflagration ;  after  which  they  returned 
to  New  York. 

The  confequences  that  had  refulted  from  the 
fuccefs  of  this  expedition  were  not  fo  important 
as  had  been  expeded.  The  commander  in  chief 
had  received  falfe  intelligence  of  the  fituation  of 
Peek's  Hill,  which  did  not  contain  that  quantity 
of  flores  and  provifions  he  had  been  led  to  ex- 
pc6t.  Neverthelefs  it  v/as  abfolutely  necefTary 
that  theflrength  of  the  enemy  fhouldbe  impaired 
and  weakened  as  much  as  pofTible,  by  cutting  off 
their  relburces,  and  curtailing  the  means  by 
Avhich  they  were  enabled  to  convey  fupplies  to 
the  troops  flationed  in  the  different  parts  of  the 
Manor  of  Courland. 

[  The  commander  in  chief  having  received  in- 
telligence of  a  large  quantity  of  flores  having 
been  depofited  on  the  borders  of  Connedlicut, 
the    town  of  Danbury,  and  other  parts  on 

the  confines  of  Courland  Manor,  refolved  to  un- 
dertake another  expedition  againfl  thofe  parts.  And  to 
Two  thoufand  men,  drafted  from  different  regi-  °''"^"^' 




.  *^-,ff-*-t*i^- 



CHAP,  ments,  were  employed  in  this  fervice,  which  waa 
XIV.     entrufted  to  the  command  of  major-general  Try. 

^^nn*^  on,  who  had  accepted  of  the  rank  of  major-ge- 
^777-  neralof  provincials,  and  who  panted  for  a  mili- 
tary  command.  Sir  William  Howe  very  pru- 
dently appointed  general  Agnew,  and  fir  William 
Erfkine,  to  accompany  governor  Tryon,  in  his 
new  charadler  of  general  on  this  fervice.  On  the 
twenty-fifth  of  April  this  detachment  embarked 
from  New  York  in  tranfports,  under  convoy  of 
two  frigates.  They  proceeded  up  the  Eaft  Ri- 
ver,  as  far  as  Camp's  Point,  where  they  landed. 
At  ten  o'clock  at  night  they  began  their  march  to 
Danbury,  where,  about  eight  o'clock  the  next 
day,  they  arrived.  The  enemy,  entertaining  no 
apprehenfion  of  the  intentions  of  the  Englifh,  and 
unprepared  to  r^fift  them,  retired  on  their!  ap- 
proach, and  fvtffcred  them  to  enter  the  town  with- 
out oppofition.  Convinced  of  the  impoffibility 
of  carrying  off  the  ftores  that  were  contained  in 
the  town,  and  indeed  having  brought  with  them 
no  carriages  neceflary  for  this  purpofe,  the  Eng- 
lifli  were  under  the  neceifity  of  letting  fire  to  the 
place  *.  The  conflagration  was  not  completed 
till  the  next  morning.  The  detachment  immedi- 
ately fet  out  on  their  return  to  the  tranfports.  The 
enemy,  however,  during  the  time  occupied  in  the 
burning  of  Danbury,  had  aflembled  from  all 
quarters,  and  polled  thcmfelves,  under  the  com- 
mand of  general  Arnold,  at  a  town  called  Ridge- 
field,  through  which  it  was  neceflary  for  the  Eng- 
lifh to  pafs.  In  order  to  render  their  fituation  more 
lecure,  Arnold  had  thrown  up  entrenchments. 


*  Tlie  Britifli  deftroyed  at  Banbury  1600  barrels  of  pork 
antl  beef,  600  barrels  of  flour,  upwards  of  2C00  barrels  of 
wheat,  rye,  and  Indian  corn,  a  very  coniiderable  quantity  of 
military  clothing,  and  2000  tents-,  a  lofs  which,  from  their 
fcarciiy,  wnsfeverely  felt  by  the  Americans.  The  Britilh,  in 
ihcir  return,  deftroyed  about  70  barrels  of  flour,  and  lU 
hogfheads  of  rum. 






leiri  ap- 
/n  with- 
ained  in 
ith  them 
che  Eng- 
re  to  the 
>rts.  The 
ed  in  the 
from  all 
the  corn- 
ed Ridge- 
the  Eng- 

■rels  of  pork 
)0  barrels  of 
;  quantity  of 
1,  from  their 
le  Britifti,  in 
ur,  and   lU 


The  Britifh  troops  did  not  6xpe6l  to  meet  with  CHAP. 
any  refiftanee ;  neverthelefs,  on  their  arrival  at  ■^'^V- 
Ridgefield,  they  attacked  the  American  intrench-  ~ 
ments  with  great  fpirit,  and  carried  them  in  a  fnort 
fpace  of  time.  The  troops  were  by  this  time  ex- 
tremely fatigued  from  want  of  reft  and  their  late 
hard  fervice.  As  the  day  was  on  the  wane,  they 
lay  on  their  arms  till  morning,  having  firft  taken 
the  precaution  to  form  themfelves  into  an  oblong 
fquare.  As  foon  as  they  began  their  march  at 
day-break,  the  enemy,  who,  during  the  night, 
had  received  a  confiderable  increafe  of  ftrength, 
affailed  them  from  all  quarters ;  and  from  the 
houfes  and  ftone  walls,  with  which  that  country 
abounds,  did  confiderable  execution  on  the  ftiip- 
ping  as  the  Britifh  retreated.  The  route  of  the 
Britifh  troops  lay  over  a  bridge,  of  which  the 
enemy  took  poflfcffion,  as  well  as  fome  ftrong 
ground  that  commanded  the  pafs  beyond  the 
bridge.  They  were  in  pofTeffion  of  fome  field- 
artillery,  which  had  been  brought  by  general 
Woofter,  and  the  front  they  prefentcd  to  the 
Englifti  was  extremely  formidable.  Fortunately, 
however,  the  guide  whom  the  Englifh  had  en- 
gaged conduced  them  to  a  part  of  the  river, 
[three  miles  above  the  bridge,  which  they  forded, 
I  and  which  the  enemy  had  neglefled  to  fecure, 
having  deemed  the  pafTage  of  it  impraflicable. 
[This  manoeuvre  fomewhat  difconcerted  them  j 
[neverthelefs  they  continued  their  fkirmifhes  and 
[attacks  on  the  Britifli  troops  till  they  had  arrived 
jwithin  half  a  mile  of  the  Ihipping.  Two  dil^inft 
[bodies  of  the  enemy  now  appeared,  making  a  fhew 
jof  attacking  the  detachment,  which  by  this  time 
Ivvas  alraoft  exhaufted  with  fatigue.  The  men  had 
[had  no  rcrt  for  three  days  and  nights,  and  feveral 
jcf  them  dropped  on  the  road  with  fatigue.  Dil'pi- 
riied  hov.ever  a'ld  exhaufled  as  they  were,  briga- 
lier-gciicral  Erfliine  putting  hlmfcif  at  the  head 


'       I  I 





C  H  A  P.  of  four  hundred  of  the  moft  able  of  the  detach. 
XIV.  ment,  attacked  and  broke  the  two  columns,  and 
put  them  to  flight.  So  great  was  the  panic  among 
them,  occafioned  by  this  fpirited  attack,  that  they 
did  not  attempt  any  further  annoyance  on  the 
troops,  though  they  might  have  done  them  confi. 
derable  damage  on  account  of  the  numerous 
rocks  that  fkirt  the  (hore.  The  Englifli,  embark- 
ing  in  the  tranfports,  returned  to  New  York.  It 
may  be  realbnably  doubted,  whether  the  lofs 
which  the  Britiih  fui^ained  in  this  expeditiou, 
did  not  more  than  counterbalance  the  advantage 
derived  from  the  complete  attainment  of  their 

In  this  expedition  near  two  hundred  men,  in- 
eluding  ten  officers,  were  killed  and  wounded  on 
the  part  of  the  Britifh.  The  lofs  of  the  Amcri. 
cans  was  much  greater,  and  general  Woofter, 
withfome  field-officers,  was  jiumbered  amongil 
the  flaiQ.  *•».;• 

The  enemy  feized  every  opportunity  of  annoy, 
ing  the  Englifli  by  flcirmifhes,  and  the  thirty-third 
regiment,  and  a  battalion  of  the  feventy-firft 
Highland  regiment,  who  were  pofted  at  Bonham 
Town,  between  Amboy  and  Bruul'w'^k,  loft  a 
great  many  men,  the  enemy  couftantly  tackiDj 
their  pickets. 

On  the  twelfth  of  April,  lord  Cornwalli  ,  withj 
confiderable  detachment,  effedled  a  furprife  upon 
the  enemy's  advanced  pofls  at  Bondwick,  feven 
miles  from  Brunfwick,  where  the  American  ge- 
ne rii  Clinton  was  ftationed  with  about  twelve! 
hunJrcd  men.  The  furprife  would  have  been 
iTjore  complete,  had  not  fome  chafTeurs,  who 
were  in  the  van,  given  the  alarm  too  foon,  by 
firing  on  the  centinels ;  neverthelefs  the  enemy 
were  routed,  and  retired  from  the  town,  leaving 
fome  field-artillery  behind  them,  and  about  one 
hundred  prifoners.    On  the  nineteenth  of  April,! 

'  •    '     •  an 




au  attempt  was  made  by  general  Vaughan,  with  CHAP, 
the  garrilbn  at  Amboy,  to  cut  off  the  enemy's  ad-    ■^^^' 
vanced  pickets  at  Woodbridge.     His  intentions,  "^ 
however,    were    prevented,   on  account  of  the 
Americans  having  received  intimation  of  his  de- 

On  the  eighth  of  May,  an  attempt  was  made 
on  the  poll  of  Pifcataway,  by  the  American  ge- 
neral Stevens,  who  had  two  thoufand  men  under 
his  command.  The  forty-fecond  regiment,  which 
was  cantoned  there,  luftained  the  attack  with 
great  refolution,  and  forced  the  enemy  to  re- 
treat, after  a  furious  engagement,  with  confidera- 
ble  lofs. 

About  the  middle  of  this  month,  the  Ameri- Veflehand 

1        .  •        1     •         11*  1  1  proviiions 

cans  having   received  mtelhgence   that  a  large  deftroyed  at 

quantity  of  provilions  and  forage  were  depofited  ^ssy  Har- 

in  Long  Ifland,  at  a  place  called  Saggy  Harbour, 

refolved  to  attempt  the  capture  of  them.    In  this 

defign  they  were  encouraged  by  the  diftance  of 

the  place  from  New  York,  and  the  weaknefs  of 

it,  being  defended  only  by  an  armed  fchooner  of 

twelve  guns.     Neverthelefs  fome  danger  attended 

the  execution  of  the  fcheme,  on  account  of  the 

neceffity  of  croffing  the  Sound,  which  was  full 

of  Britifti    cruizers.     This  expedition   was  en- 

trufted  to  colonel  Meigs,  an  adive  officer,  who 

had  been  trained  under  Arnold,  and  had  been 

taken  prifoner  in  the  attempt  to  ftorm  the  city  of 

Quebec.    The  colonel,  with  his  detachment,  tra- 

verfcd  the  Sound  in  whale-boats,  landed  on  the 

north  branch  of  the  ifland,  and  after  carrying  the 

boats  over  an  arm  of  land,  embarked  again,  and 

landed  on  the  fouth  branch  of  the  ifland,  within 

four  miles  of  Saggy  Harbour.     At  this  place  they 

arrived  before  break  of  day,  and  immediately 

commenced  the  attack.    The  place  was  vigoroufly 

defended  by  the  crews  of  th^  mcrchant-vefTels 

A  -  .  and 



I  , 





CHAP,  and  the  fchooner,  which  kept  up  a  very  heavy 
XIV.  £re  upon  them ;  neverthelefs  they  fucceeded  in 
their  intentions,  having  burnt  a  dozen  brigs  and 
floops  that  lay  at  the  wharf,  and  deftroyed  every 
article  of  provifion  and  (lores  that  was  depofited 
on  the  fhore.  In  this  attack  ninety  of  the  Eng. 
lifh  were  made  prifoners,  viz.  the  officer  who 
commanded  the  harbour,  and  his  men  ;  the  com. 
miffarics,  and  the  crews  of  the  veflels  which  they 
had  burnt. 

There  is  a  circumftance  in  this,  which,  if  it 
be  true,  is  curious.  The  Americans  relate,  that 
colonel  Meigs,  with  his  detachment,  returned  to 
Guildford  in  Cbunedicut,  within  twenty-five 
hours  after  his  departure.  In  this  fpace  of  lime, 
he  had  pafled  and  repafled  the  Sound,  and  tra. 
verfed  a  fpace  not  lefs  than  ninety  miles.    , 

About  the  latter  end  of  May,  congrefs  were 
enabled  to  fend  fupplies  of  men  from  the  diffe- 
rent  provinces  to  general  Waftiington,  who,  on 
receiving  this  large  reinforcement,  relinquifhed 
his  encampment  at  Morris  Town,  and  removed 
to  a  ftrong  place,  called  Middle  Brook.  Hereh 
was  not  thought  advifable  to  attack  him,  for  his 
camp  extended  along  feveral  hills,  and  was 
ftrongly  fortified  by  intrenchments  and  artillery. 
In  the  front  the  approach  was  difficult,  on  ac- 
count of  the  natural  ftrength  of  the  ground. 
Every  movement  of  the  Britilh  on  the  Brunfwick 
hills  was  eafily  difcernible  ;  as  alfo  any  operation 
that  might  be  carried  on  in  the  intermediate  fpace 
betv^eeu  Brunfwick  and  Amboy.  In  his  rear,. 
general  Wafhington  had  a  plentiful  country,  from 
which  he  drew  vaft  fupplies  ;  and  he  was  enabled, 
if  the  fituation  of  affairs  fliould  render  fuch  a 
ftep  neceffary,  to  fecure  a  fafe  retreat  over  the 
Hudfon  and  the  Delaware  rivers. 




The  tents  and  other  necefTaries,  together  with  CHAP. 
a  frefh  fupply  of  troops,  being  at  length  arrived    ^J^^- 
from   England,    in  the  beginning    >f  June  the  ^"^iT^ 
commander  ill  chief  left  New  York,  and  croffed    *777- 
over  to  the  Jerfeys,  with  an  intention  of  opening  The  Britifh 
thecampaion  immediately.     The  BritiQi  troops  |=°^,^,SfeV 
were,  asumal,  greatly  fuperiorin  point  of  num-thefitid. 
ber  to  the  Americans ;  and  perhaps  it  may  not  ' 

here  be  deemed  improper  to  ftate  the  number 
of  the  troops  on  each  fide,  from  the  beginning 
of  1776,  10  the  commencement  of  the  campaign 
in  the  following  year.  .         . 

British  and  Rebel  Force  in  1776. 
Dates.  Bntlfli.  Rebel  troops. 

Auguft         24,000         16,000 

November  26,900  4j5oo 

December    27,700  3>30o 

In  1777. 

March         — —        27,000  4j5oo 

June  ■         30,000  8,000 

Sir  William  Howe  was  thoroughly  fenfible  of  Endeavour* 
the  impradicability  of  making  an  attack  on  gene- '^Jj^^^gt^^ 
'  ral  Walhington   in   his    prefent    lituation.     Hetoanaftion. 
therefore  made  ufe  of  every  poffible  effort  to  in- 
duce him  to  quit  his  pofition,  and  to  hazard  an 
engagement.     The  American  general,  however, 
leafiiy  penetrated  into  the  defigns  of  the  com-  . 
imander  in  chief,  and  eluded  them  by  his  cool, 
collefted,  and  prudent  conduft.     Finding  that 
all  his  endeavours  hitherto  to  provoke  him  to 
battle  were  unfuccefsful,  general  Hov.e  refolved 
[to  adopt  an  expedient,  which  in  part  fucceeded.   • 
lOnthe  nineteenth  of  June  he  fuddenly  retreated 
[from  his  fituation  in  front  of  the  enemy,  with 
parks  of  feeming  precipitation.     He  ordered  the 
hvhole  army  to  relinquifh  BrunAvick,  and  retire 
Ito  Amboy.     This  manoeuvre  deceived  the  Ame- 
jricans,  who,  in  fcveral  large  bodies,  ruder  the 




■  tt     .*— ^•••Mst..!*  .wWi%iliC*'S»3*S?^* 


I  > 




)   ) 



CHAP,  command  of  generals  Maxwell  and  Conway,  and 
^^^'  lord  Sterling,  purfued  them.  The  commander 
^^^^""^^  in  chief  fuffered  himfelf  to  be  purfued  to  fome 
.  *^^''*  didance.  He  threw  a  bridge  over  the  channel 
<  that  feparates  Staten  Ifland  from  the  continent, 

over  which  he  pafled  his  heavy  baggage  and  a 
fmall  number  of  men.    General   Waftiington, 
conceiving  this  retreat  to  be  real,  immediately 
relinquifhed  his  encampment  on  the  hills,  and 
removed  to  a  place  called  G(iiibble  Town,  in  or- 
der to  be  able  to  co-operate  with  that  part  of  hij 
army  which  had  been  detached  in  purfuit  of  the  \ 
Britiih.     As  foon  as  the  Britifh  commander  ia 
chief  had  fucceeded  in  drawing  the  American 
general  from  his  faftneffes,  he  marched  theEng. 
lifh  army  back  by  different  routes,  in  order  to 
bring  general  Wafhington  to  an  engagenient,  to 
cut  off  his  advanced  parties,  and,  if  both  thofe 
fchemes  fhould  fail,  to  fecure  fome  paiTesinthe 
mountains,  which  would  reduce  the  Americans 
to  the  neceffity  of  relinquifliing  their  former  en- 
...  campment  on  the  hills.     For  this  laft  purpofe, 

lord  Cornwallis  was  detached  with  a  confidera- 
ble  body  of  troops.     On  the   twenty-fixth  of  l 
June,  his  lordfhip  began  his  march,  and  about 
feven  o'clock  in  the  morning,   fell  in  with  aa  | 
advanced  body  of  the  enemy,    amounting  inj 
number  to  about  three  thoufand,  under  the  com- 
mand of  lord  Sterling  and  general   Maxwell; 
they  were  ftrongly  fituated,  and  well  provided  I 
with    artillery.    The   ardour,    however,   of  the 
Britilh   troops   was   irrefiftible — after  a  furious 
'    attack,  the   enemy  gave  way  on  all  fides,  and 
retreated  with   great  precipitation.    They  were | 
purfued   as    far    as    Wcflfield,    when,    on  ac- 
count of  the  inteufe  heat  of  the  day,  and  tkj 
Avoods,  his  lordfliip  thought  proper  to  difconti-f 
nue  it.    la  this  adion,  the  Americans  loftt 




ay,  and 
to  fome 
ge  and  a 
hills,  and 
ivn,  inor- 
art  of  his 
•fuit  of  the 
d  the  Eng. 
a  order  to 
genient,  to 
both  ihofe 
:  Americans 
former  en- 
aft  purpofe, 
I  confidera- 
nty-fixth  of 
and  about 
in  with  aa 
nounting  in 
let  the  com- 
1   Maxwell; 
'ell  provided 
ever,  of  the 
ter  a  furious 
ill  fides,  and 
They  were 
hen,    on  ac- 
day,  and  tk 
T  to  difconw- 
•icans  loft  twol 


The  Britifli 

hundred  men,  killed  and  wounded,  befides  three  CHAP, 
pieces  of  brafs  cannon.  Convinced  of  his  error,  in  XIV. 
removing  to  G^jiibble  Town,  general  Wafhington 
immediately  regained  his  ftation  on  the  hills, 
and  at  the  fame  time  fecured  thofe  paffes,  of 
which  i  was  in  the  contemplation  of  lord  Corn- 
wallis  to  have  pofTefled  himfelf. 

Sir  William  Howe  being  now  fenfible  that' 
every  fcheme  of  bringing  the  Americans  to  an  iJi^P.*^": 
engagement  would  be  unattended  with  fuccefs,  jcileyi. 
refolved  to  retire  from  the  Jerfeys.  Accord- 
ingly, on  the  twenty-eighth  of  June,  he  returned 
with  the  army  to  Amboy,  and  on  the  fucceeding 
day  croffed  over  to  Staten  Iflaud.  A  (hort  ceiTa- 
tion  ofcourfe  occurred  on  each  fide. 

During  the  continuance  of  this,  a  fpirited  de- General 
termination  was  made  and  executed  by  an  Ame-P''«''<=»i,*^""- 
rican  colonel  of  the  name  of  Barton  ;  it  was  to  '    °  ' 
carry  oflf  the  commander  of  Rhode  Ifland  (gene-     . 
ral  Prefcot),  and  in  confequence  to  procure  the 
enlargement  of  general  Lee,  by  exchanging  him 
for  general  Prefcot.     The  Britifh  general's  head- 
quarters were  on  the  weft  fide  of  the  ifland,  near 
the  Narraganfet  Bay,  about  a  quarter  of  a  mile   . 
from  the  fliore.     He  \r  1  guarded  by   only  one      / 
centinel  at  a  time,  and  his  quarters  were  above 
a  mile  from  any  body  of  troops. — No  patroles 
were  ported  on  the  fhore,  and  the  general  de- 
pended folely  on  a   guard-lhip  that  lay  in  the 
bay,  oppofite  to    his  quarters.     Colonel  Barton 
being  acquainted   with  ihefe   circumftances,  fet 
out  from  Providence,  with  Ibme  officers  and  fol- 
diers,  in  two  boats,  keeping  near  the  ifland  of 
Providence,  till  he  came  to  the  fouth  end,  which 
was  not  more  than  two  miles  and  a  half  from 
the  general's  quarters.     Here   he   remained  till 
dark,  when  he  proceeded  acrofs  the  bay  unper- 
ceived,  and  landed  about  midnight.     The  ceu- 

.      tiiicl 


C>--*^^A<*~'if*"^''^^!—r'f^  u 






ft^  HISTORY     OFT  HE 

CHAP. ^»nel  was  furprifecl  and  properly   fecurcd— two 
XIV.    other  foldiers  ran  away ;  the  general  was  taken 

^'^nr^  out  of  bed,  and,  without  being  fuffered  even  to 
»777*  put  on  his  clothes,  was  hurried  onboard  one  of 
the  boats.  The  boat  paflcd  under  the  ftern  of  the 
Britifh  guard-fhip  without  being  perceived,  and 
conveyed  the  general  in  fafety  to  Providence. 
The  general  was  much  and  defervedly  blamed 
for  his  imprudence,  in  trufting  himfelf  fo  far 
from  the  troops  under  his  command,  and  for 
not  adopting  proper  means  to  fecure  his  fafety. 
The  commander  in  chief  had  hitherto  Readily 
refufed  to  relieve  general  Lee  on  any  conditions 
whatever ;  neverthelefs,  the  capture  of  general 
Prefcot  obliged  him  to  relinquifti  his  relolutioD; 
and  general  Lee  was,  in  a  ihort  period,  reftored 
to  the  American  caufe.  1 

Until  the  beginning  of  June,  the  numbers  of 
general  Wafhington's  armv  did  not  exceed  eight 
thoufaud  men,  militia  included  ;  a  circumftance 
which  naturally  poiuted  to  the  expediency  of  an 
early  campaign  ;  but  the  Britifh  commander  con- 
ceiving it  impoffible  to  make  any  confiderable 
movements  till  the  green  forage  was  on  the 
ground  *,  did  not  take  the  field  with  the  main 
army  till  the  twelfth  of  June,  when  he  affembled 
the  troops  at  Brunfwick.  General  Walhington 
was  encamped  on  a  hill  above  Quibble  Town, 
about  nine  miles  from  that  place,  on  the  north 
fide  of  the  Rariton,  with  a  force  under  fix  thou- 
fand,  and  ihefe  undifciplined  and  badly  ap- 
pointed ;    which,   \\  iih    a   corps  under  general 

■  .^  Sullivan 

*  Yet  the  country  was  full  of  grain,  hay,  anddryfongt, 
much  to  be  preferred  to  green,  which  would  rather  fcour  and 
weaken  his  horfcf«,  than  add  to  tlicir  ftrcnjjth.  This  kind  of 
forage  he  had,  or  might  have  had  in  his  magazines,  or  might, 
aa  in  tlie  lail  campaign,  hare  procured  in  his  march  through  j 
the  country. 





lumbers  of 
jcceed  eight 
iency  of  an 
lander  con- 
/as  on  the 
th  the  main 
le  affembled 
ibble  Town, 
n  the  nortli 
der  fix  ihou- 
1  badly  ap- 
idcr  general 

,  anddryforagt) 
rather  fcour  and 
I.  This  kind  o( 
azines,  or  might, 
lis  march  througli 

Sullivan  of  two  thoufand  mcQ  at  Prince  Town,CHAP. 
conipofed  his  whole  force.  His  camp  was  not  X^v. 
inacceiilble,  either  through  nature  or  art ;  it  was 
Aroug,  and  capable  of  defence  in  front ,  being  guard- 
ed by  the  Raritou  ;  and  the  hill  in  that  Quarter  wat 
Aeep  and  difficult  of  accefs ;  but  in  nis  rear  to- 
wards the  mountains,  ai)d  on  his  right  towards 
the  Delaware,  it  was  by  no  means  impradlicable. 
There  were  large  and  good  roads  around  it, 
leading  from  Brunfwick  on  either  fide  of  the  ri- 
ver. In  this  (late  Wafhington  remained,  as  if 
he  had  been  perfeftly  acquainted  with  the  in- 
tended movements  of  the  Britiih  army.  The 
Britifh  commander  marched  his  army  in  two  co- 
lumns, to  Middle  Bulh  and  Hilllborough,  two 
villages  lying  in  a  low  level  country,  completely 
overlooked  by  the  Americans,  ana  on  the  foutn 
fide  of  the  Rariton,  keeping  that  river,  which 
was  not  at  that  time  fordable,  between  his  army 
and  the  enemy.  Provifions  for  a  few  days  only 
were  taken  from  Brunfwick ;  the  pontoons  knd 
flat-bottomed  boats  were  left  at  that  place,  and 
the  fleet  lay  ready  at  Staten  Ifland  to  receive  the 
army.  General  Wafhington,  probably  judging 
from  the  circumftances  that  fir  William  Howe 
did  not  mean  to  crofs  t>>  Delaware,  remained 
in  his  camp,  contenting;  himfelf  with  frequently 
harafling  the  Britifti  by  his  advanced  parties. 

General  SuUivar.,  oa  the  approach  of  the 
troops  towards  Prince  Town,  fled  in  a  panic  to- 
wards the  Delaware.  He  had  begun  to  embark 
his  men,  but  was  ftopped  by  an  order  from  ge- 
neral Wafliington,  and  took  poft  at  Fleming- 
town.  In  thel'e  pofitions  the  two  armies  re- 
mained from  the  fourteenth  to  the  nineteenth  ot 
June;  when  the  Britifh  general  returned  to 
Brunlwick,  and  on  the  twenty- fecond  to  Amboy. 
In  his  march  to  both  thefe  places,  his  army  was 
Vol.  I.     .     „  Y  infulted 


k  ,^'»:,i^t»»Wi.ayeiawtf^>*f«>»i  i»t.» .., . 



ft  ' 



CHAP,  infulted  and  harafled  by  fmall  parties  of  the  re- 
XIV.    bels.     On  the  thirtieth  the  troops  crofled  Staten 
Ifland,  in  order  to  embark  for  the  Ch^fapeak. 
Thus  the  Britifh  general  retreated  before  an  ene- 
niy  greatly  inferior  in  force  ;  and,  after  obtain- 
ing great  advantages,  altered  the  plan  of  opera- 
tion which  he  himfelf  had   propofed,   and  the 
Britifli  minifter  for  war  had  approved  *.    Why 
(it  was  afked)  did  he  make  fuch  expenfive  pre- 
parations for  croffing  the  Delaware,  without  mak- 
ing ufe  of  them  ?  Why  did  he  pafs  on  the  fouth 
fide  of  the  Rariton,  and  take  pofitions  in  which 
he  could  neither  affail  his  enemy  nor  the  eneniv 
him,  if  difpoled  to  do  fo  ?  Why  did  he  not  marcn 
round  either  on  the  north  or  fouth  to  the  rear 
of  that  enemy,  where  he  might   have  been  af- 
faulted  without  any  other  hazard  than  fi^ch  as 
muft,  in  the  common  courfe  of  war,  be  unavoid- 
ably incurred  ?  If  the  enemy  was,  in  his  judg- 
ment, fo  ftroDgly  potted  as  to  render  an  attack 
on  his  camp  a  meafure  too  bold  and  defperate, 
why  did  he  not  intercept  his  convoys,  cut  off 
his  fupplies  of  provifions,  and  reduce  him  un- 
der his  power  by  famine ;  or  crofs  the  Delaware, 
and  dettroy  his  potts  and  magazines  ?  It  could 
not  be  fuppofed  that  general  Wafhington  would 
fuffer  the  Britilh  army  to  pafs  the  Delaware,  and 
leize  his  magazines  and  other  places  of  ftrength, 
without  a  ttruggle.     Had  that  been  attempted, 
he  muft  have  quitted  his  camp  and  fought  the 
Britifh  army,  or  have  loft  his  magazines,  and  the 
capital  and  moft  important  city  in  North  Ame- 
rica ;  a  facrifice  which,  as  was  demonttrated  by 
his  iiibfequent  condu6t,  he  would  never  make 
without  mcafuriiig  arms. 


*  In  a  letter  to  lord  George  Germaine,  dated  the  twentieth 
of  January  1777,  lis  declared  !iis  intention  of  penetrating  with 
the  m-iin  body  cf  the  army  into  Pcnfylvaniaby  the  way  of  Jerfcr. 

-;'..,.  .-  * ■.■'-«»i«^""^«iW** 


American   war.         >    •     3,3 

Notwithftanding  ihefe,  and  many  other  con«CHAP. 
fiderations  that,  in  the  general  opinion,  ihould    '^^^• 
have  moved  our  force  in  another  diredion,  the  ^■''"'"^*' 
Britifh  troops,  confiding  of  thirty-fix  Hcflian  aud    ^^'^'^* 
Britifh  battalions,   including  light-infantry   and  J,'^'„'J„^- 
grenadiers,  a  corps  called  the  queen's  rangers,  chief  pro- 
and  a  regiment  of  light-horfe,   on  the  fifth  of  "iteflpeaic 
July  embarked  in  tranfports,    where  both  foot  Bay. 
and  cavalry  remained  pent  up,  in  the  hotteft  fea- 
fon  of  the  year,  in  the  holds  of  the  veffels,  un- 
til the  twenty-third,  when  they  failed  from  San-  juiy  ij. 
dy  Hook;    but  meeting  with  contrary  winds, 
did  not  arrive  at  the  Capes  of  the  Delaware  till 
the  thirtieth.     At  New  York  were  left  feven teen 
battalions,  the  new  provincial  corps,  and  a  re- 
giment of  light-horfe,   under  the  command  of 
general  Clinton,  and  feveral  battalions  were  fta- 
tioned  on  Rhode  Ifland.     There  were  many  who 
blamed  the  commander  in  chief,  and  with  ap- 
parent reafoh,  for  not  proceeding  up  the  North 
River  to  Albany,  inftead  of  going  to  Philadel- 
phia, in  order  to  have  effeded  ajundion  with 
general  Burgoyne,  and  it  was  the  general  opi- 
nion that,  had  he  adopted  fuch  a  meafure,  he 
would  not  only  have  prevented  the  fatal  confe- 
quences  that  enfued,  but  would  have  effeded  the 
redudion  of  America.     Befides,  the  delays  in- 
cident to  any  expedition  to  the  fouthward  at  a 
fealbn  of  the  year  when  the  fouthcrly  winds  ufu- 
ally  blow  nineteen   out  of  twenty  days,  might 
have  proved  exceedingly  injurious  to  the  men  fo 
dofely  ftowed  in  the  tranfports,  and  could  not 
but  be  ruinous  to  the  horfes.     The  commander  in 
chief  at  firft  intended  to  have  gone  up  the  Dela- 
ware, but  having  received  intelligence  that  the 
enemy  had  rendered  the  navigation  of  that  river 
difhcult,  he  gave  up  his  original  intention,  and 
proceeded  to  Chefapeak  Bay.    The  winds  proved 

Y  a  fo 


•'' .-  • 

■\.  J 





i  contrary,  as  every  one  acquainted  with  the 
XIV.    climate  had  predided,  that  the  fleet  did  not  enter 

^--nn*^  the  Chefapeak  till  the  middle  of  Auguft.  ,  As 
"777-    foon  as  they  arrived  in  the  Bay  they  proceeded 

Lands  atthe  up  the  Elk,  the  head  of  which  river  fir  William 

of  the-/  .        1    •       /•  r  ,  ^u      ^ ^     e       ^i_     ^ 


tion ifliied 

Howe  gained  in  fafety  on  the  twenty-fourth  of 

As  foon  as  the  army  was  landed,  the  com- 
mander  in  chief  publiihed  a  proclamation,  in 
which  he  offered  pardon  and  proteftion  to  all 
who  would  furrender  themfelves  to  the  Britilh 
troops  ;  and  at  the  fame  time  he  affur^d  the  in- 
habitants  that  the  ftri6left  order  and  difcipline 
ihould  be  preferved  by  the  troops  in  marching 
through  the  country.  On  the  twenty-eighth  of 
Auguft  the  army  moved  forwards  to  a  village  at 
the  head  of  the  Elk,  where  the  head-qiiarters 
were  fixed.  On  the  third  of  September  a  farther 
progrefs  was  made  by  a  part  of  the  army,  which 
moved  forwards  about  five  miles  ;  difperfing  the 
advanced  guards  of  the  enemy,  and  taking  poft 
on  Iron  Hill,  a  place  that  commanded  a  view  of 
the  Delaware.  Generals  Grant  and  Knyphau- 
fen  having  joined  the  commander  in  chief  with 
the  troops  under  their  command  on  the  eighth 
of  September,  the  whole  army  moved  onwards 
in  two  columns  on  the  route  to  Philadelphia. 
After  they  had  proceeded  about  thirteen  miles 
they  halted,  on  receiving  intelligence  that  the 
enemy  were  in  motion.      /  vi::. 

On  the  eleventh  of  September  the  Britifti  army 
irScs"tothe  moved  forwards  ;  the  enemy,  to  the  number  of 
north  fide  of  fourteen  thoufaud,  retiring  before  them  to  the 
J[!f^J™"f/^"  other  fide  of  the  Brandy  wine  river.  Here  the 
Americans  halted,  and  pofted  themfelves  on 
fome  very  ftrong  ground  under  cover  of  woods 
with  iiuerva's  of  open  ground  between  them. 
Their  advanced  corps  was  ftationed  at  Red  Clay 



in  order  to 
.Icfend  Phi 

A  ME  R  I  C  An    W  a  R. 


Creek.     The  Brandywine   Creek  runs  into  thee  HAP, 
Delaware  at  Wihnington,  and  it  was  indifpen-    XIV. 
fably  neceflary  for  the  Britilh  army  to  pafs  over  ^-^"m-^ 
it  in  their  route  to  Philadelphia.     The  enemy    '777' 
therefore  fecured,  and  refolved  to  defend,  the 
principal  fording-place. 

At  Chad's  Ford,  the  fpot  where  it  was  judged 
nioft  probable  that  the  royal  army  would  make 
an  attempt,  batteries  were  erefted  on  the  banks 
of  the  rivulet,  with  intrenchments  that  command-       . 
ed  the  pafs. 

While  the  enemy  were  occupied  at  Chad's 
Ford,  lord  Cornwallis,  with  one  column  of  the 
army,  confifting  of  two  battalions  of  grenadiers, 
as  many  of  light-infantry,  the  Heflian  grenadiers, 
part  of  the  feventy-firft  regiment,  and  two  Bri- 
t!(h  brigades,  made  a  circuit  of  fome  miles,  and 
crofled  '1.  lo/ks  of  the  Brandywine  on  the  thir- 
teenth 0  !  :€mber,  with  an  intention  of  gain-  > 
ing  the  enemy's  rear.  At  the  fame  time  gene- 
ral Knyphaufen,  with  the  fecond  divifion,  con- 
fifting of  two  Britilh  brigades,  the  Heflians,  and 
Wemys's  c  ps  of  rangers,  marched  in  a  direft 
liiie  to  Chad's  Ford  ;  and  attacked  a  detached 
body  of  the  enemy  that  had  crofled  the  river, 
and  were  pofted  on  the  fouth  fide  of  it.  This 
body,  after  fome  refiftance,  was  forced  to  re- 
pafs  the  Brandywine  under  cover  of  their  bat- 

Several  pieces  of  cannon  having  been  brought 
up  and  placed  on  the  moft  commanding  emi- 
nences, a  fharp  cannonade  enfued,  which  was 
anfwered  by  the  enemy's  batteries  on  the  other 
fide  of  the  river.  The  attention  of  the  Ame- 
ricans was  thus  amiifed,  in  order  that  lord  Corn- 
wallis might  make  his  paflage  good.  As  foon 
as  this  wiis  known,  by  the  firing  of  cannon 
in  that  quarter,    and  the  evident   confufion  of 




i    ' 


u     I 


Aftion  at 
the  BranUy 

i»      '. 

CHA  P.  the  cneiiiy,  general  Knyphaufen,  with  his  divi. 
XIV.  fion,  began  to  pal's  the  ford,  and  with  great  bra- 
very foon  carried  the  batteries  and  intrench- 
meais  ;  the  enjiny  relinquiftiiug  them,  and  leav- 
ing behind  five  pieces  of  cannon  and  an  howit- 
zer. Lord  Coriiwallis,  on  the  other  hand,  <ts 
foon  as  he  had  crofled  the  two  branches  of  the 
river,  took  the  road  to  Delworth,  which  led 
him  upon  the  enemy's  right. 

General  Wafhington  being  informed  of  lord 
Cornwallis's  movement,  detached  general  Sulli- 
van, with  a  confiderable  force,  to  oppofe  him. 
The  general  tor  '<  poffeffion  of  the  heights  above 
Birmingham  church,  his  left  reaching  towards 
the  Brandy  wine,  his  artillery  judicioully  placed, 
and  his  flanks  covered  by  woods.     About  four 
o'clock  in  the  afternoon  lord  Cornwallis  formed 
the  line  of  battle,  and  began  the  attack.     The 
Americans  fuftained  it  with  confiderable  intrepi- 
dity, but  the  impetuofity  of  the  Britifh  troops 
was  not  to  be  refifted.     They  ruihed  upon  the 
enemy,  and  in  fpite  of  a  very  fpirited  oppofition, 
drove  them  into  the  woods  on  their  rear.     Ne- 
verthelcfs  the  enemy  polled  themfelves  a  fecond 
time  in  one  of  the  woods,  from  which  they  were, 
after  a  defperate  refiftance,  diflodged  ana  forced 
to  retire.     A  general  rout  took  place,     A  confi- 
derable part  of  the  Anieiican  army  fled  with 
precipitation,  in  fmall  and  confufed  parties,  by 
different  roads,  towards  Philadelphia,  Lancafter, 
and  Reading,  while  general  Wafhington,  and  the 
corps  he  was  able  to  keep  together,  fled  with  his 
cannon  and  baggage  to  Chefter ;  where  he  re- 
mained, within  eight  miles  of  the  Britifh  army, 
till  next  morning,  when  he  marched  by  Derby 
to  Philadelphia.     Here  he  flaid  three  days,  col- 
jccting  as  many  of  his  troops  as  he  poffibly  could, 
and  recrujtin<y  front  his  magazines  the  flores  he 
-    .         .  had 





had  loft  in  battle.  On  the  third  day  after  the  G  H  A  P. 
engagement  he  aflemblcd  his  troops,  and  march-  XIV. 
ed  up  the  north  fide  of  the  Schuylkill,  which  he 
crofled  at  Sweed's  Ford,  and  pafled  on  to  the 
road  to  Lancafter.  Meantime  the  Britifh  army 
under  fir  William  Howe  remained  on  the  field 
of  battle.  The  Americans  fufTcred  confiderably 
in  this  action.  Three  hundred  were  killed,  fix 
hundred  wounded,  and  near  four  hundred  taken 
prifoners ;  they  alfo  loft  feveral  pieces  of  artil- 
lery. The  lofs  on  the  part  of  the  Britifti  was 
by  no  means  in  proportion  to  that  of  the  enemy. 
Not  above  one  hundred  were  killed,  and  four 
hundred  wounded. 

It  may  not  be  improper  to  mention  here  fome 
circumftances  that  evince  the  opinion  which  fe- 
veral European  nations  entertained  of  the  pre- 
fect difturbances.  In  the  adlion  at  Brandywine 
the  celebrated  marquis  de  la  Fayette,  at  tl.-at 
time  a  young  man  of  fpirit  and  enterprife,  and 
a  warm  partifan  of  the  Americans,  bore  a  com- 
mand in  the  American  army.  Infpired  by  en- 
thufiaftic  notions  of  liberty,  he  purchafed  and 
freighted  a  ftiip  with  military  ftores,  and  pro- 
ceeding in  it  with  feveral  of  his  friends  to  Ame- 
rica, prefented  it  to  cougrefs.  His  age  was  not 
more  than  nineteen,  and  when  he  departed  from 
Paris  he  informed  his  wife  that  he  was  going 
to  pay  a  vifit  to  his  aunt  in  Italy.  Several  other 
French  noblemen  were  officers  in  the  American 
army,  and  two  Polifti  noblemen  exhibited  in  the 
battle  of  Brandywine,  great  proofs  of  bravery 
and  attachment  to  the  caufe  they  had  efpoufed. 
On  the  evening  after  the  battle,  a  party  of  rhe 
Britifti  was  fent  to  Wilmington,  who  took  tne 
governor  of  the  Delaware  ftate,  Mr.  Mackenlie, 
out  of  his  bed,  and  feized  a  flialloop  lying  in  the 
creek,   loaded  with  the  rich  cfTcds  of  Ibme  of 


h  i 





CHAP,  the  inhabitants,  together  with  the  public  records 
XIV.    J[>f  the  county ;  a  large  quantity  of  public  and 
'  private  money ;  all  the  papers  and  certificate* 
belonging  to  the  loan  office  and  treafury  olfice ; 
articles  of  pl^te,  &c. 

j^  The  vidiory  docs  not  feem  to  have  been  im- 
*  roved  in  the  degree  which  circumftances  ap. 
peared  to  have  admitted.  When  the  left  co- 
lumn of  the  Britilh  had  turned  Waftiingtoh's 
right  flank,  his  whole  army  was  heinmea  in; 
General  Knyphaufen  and  the  iBrandywine  in 
front ;  fir  "William  Howe  and  lord  Cornwallia 
on  his  right ;  the  Delaware  in  his  rear  ;  and  the 
Chriitiana  river  on  his  left.  "He  was  obliged  to 
retreat  twenty-three  miles  to  Philadelphia,  when 
the  Britifh  lay  within  eighteen  miles  of  it.  Itad 
the  commander  in  chief  detached  general  Knyp. 
haqfen's  column  in  purfuit  early  next  mOrning, 
general  Washington  might  with  eafe  have  been 
intercepted,  either  at  the  heights  of  Crum  Creek, 
nine  miles  j  at  Derby,  fourteen;  or.  at  Philadel. 
phia,  eighteen  miles  from  the  Britilh  canm ;  or 
the  Schuylkill  might  have  been  paired  at  Gray's 
Ferry,  only  feventy  yards  over ;  and  Philadel- 
phia, with  the  American  magazines,  taken,  had 
not  the  poiitoons  been  improvidently  left  it  New 
York  as  ufelefs*  Any  one  of  thefe  movements, 
it  was  thought,  might  have  been  attended  with 
the  total  deftru^ion  of  the  American  army.  For 
fome  reafon  however,  which  it  is  impoflible  to 
divine,  the  commander  in  chief  employed  him- 
felf  for  feveral  days  in  making  flight  movements, 
which  could  not  by  any  poflibility  produce  any 
important  benefits  to  the  Britifli  caufe. 

On  the  twentieth  of  September  intelligence 
was  received  that  general  Wayne  had  concealed 
hinilelf  in  the  woods  on  the  left  wing  of  the 
army  with  fifteen  hundred  men,  with  ^n  inten- 



tron  of  harafling  the  rear  of  the  Britifh  atttiy'  C  H  A  P. 
Mijor-geiieral  Grey  was  accordingly  dilpatched    XtV. 
at  night  to  furprife  him.     The  Britilh  general  ^-^nr*^ 
proceeded  in  this  expedition  with  great  fectefy    ^777' 
and  difpatch,  and  in  order  that  the  furprjife  might 
be  complete,  he  gave  ft  rift  otde^s  that  bayonet  is 
alone  fhouM  be  ul'ed,  and  that  not  a  gun  Ihould 
be  fired.    This  manoeuvue  had  the  defired  effeft. 
General  Wayne's  outpollS  were  ftii^rifed  about  Sf"""'^^ 

.  ^        .  iiT..»i«  rt     Wayne  de- 

bne  m  the  morning,  and  the  Brrnlh  t iroopa  rum-  feated. 
ing  immediately  on  the  eneftiy's  en<oatopmeiit,  • 
made  a  dreadful  ilkughter. .  Three  hundred  were 
killed  and  wounded,  and  one  hundred  taken 
prifoners.  The  reft  contrived  to  makie  good  tbcii' 
retteat  ^vith  the  lofs  of  all  thdt  baggiage.  Oil  the 
paft  ^i  the  ferit^ifli  the  lofs  was  tdO  tViffing  aHmoft 
to  be^mehtloffed.  One  officer  Ai^a*  killed,  and 
feven  privates  were  "kiHed  and  wounded.  The 
{kill  and  energy  of  general  Grey  were  very  con- 
fpicuous  in  this  enterprife» 

On  the  twenty-third  o^    eptember,  fir  Wil- ^^"g"  ^1™y 
liam  Howe  having  fecured  the  command  of  the  schuyikiu. 
Schuylkill,  croiTed  it  with  the  whole  army,  ad- 
vanced, on  the  twenty-fixth,  to  German  Town, 
and  on  the  fucceeding  day  lord  Cornwallis,  atJ^g^aSa 
the  head  of  a  ftrong  detachment,  took  peaceable  pofl«flion  ef 
ppfleflion  of  Philadelphia.  phiaf 

German  Town  confifts  in  one  ftreet  two  miles 
in  length ;  and  is  diftant  from  the  capital  of  Pen- 
fylvania  about  fcven  miles.  The  Britilh  army,  in 
their  line  of  encampment,  interfered  this  vil^ 
lage  near  the  centre,  and  almoft  at  right  angles. 
The  Schuylkill  covered  the  left  wing;  in  the 
front  of  which  were  the  German  chanfeurs.  A  ) 
battalion  of  light-infantry  and  the  queen's  Ame-  " 

rican  rangers  covered  the  right  wing  in  front; 
and  at  the  head  of  the  village,  the  fortieth  regi- 
ment with    a^iother   battalion  of  light-infantry  ' 
)i.  "■      '                                                    were  •' 

r  :;  ■ 

.V  ^  -.^^ 

V        ;. 

4  '.'' 

^■^  .* 



'    V    ;         HISTORY     OF    THE 

P>  were  ftationed.  Three  regiments  detached  un- 
der colonel  Sterling,  for  the  purpofe  of  convey, 
ing  (lores  and  provifions,  lay  at  Chefter;  and 
a  confiderable  body  of  troops,  as  already  men. 
tioned,  under  lord  Cornwallis,  at  Philaaelphia. 
The  pofleilion  of  this  place  was  a  moft  import- 
ant acquifition,  as  it  opened  a  communication 
between  the  northern  and  fouthern  provinces ; 
and,  if  the  Delaware  were  opened,  between  the 
army  and  the  navy.  So  fenfible  were  the  Ame- 
ricans  of  its  importance,  that  they  had  formerly 
refolved,  if  ever  it  ihould  be  in  real  and  immi- 
nent danger  of  falling  into  the  hands  of  the  Bri- 
tifh,  to  commit  it  to  the  flames. 

But,  although  German  Town  and  Philadel- 
phia  had  been  for  fome  time  occupied  by  the  Bri- 
tiih  troops,  the  communication  was  not  yet  free 
down  the  river  to  the  fleet. 

•Ptz  >i  •.■'■- 

5"    f 

■:  ( 




/^!  :'■'■'•■   ■:.?.-  hi^'f^S^  ■?«#>' 







CHAP.    XV. 

■   ..;.;-•    -, 

American  Batteries  and  other  Means  of  Defence-^ 
Attacked — A6lion  at  German  Town — At  Red 
Bank — Mud  IJland  and  Red  Bank  taken — Ante- 
rican  Fleet  burnt-^Removal  of  the  royal  Army 
to  Wkitemarjh. 

AS  the  Delaware  is  navigable  to  Philadelphia  CHAP, 
and  even  beyond  it,  the  congrefs,  whofe     XV. 
refidence  was  at  that  city  until  it  was  taken  by  ***nr*^ 
fir  William  Howe,   very  early  endeavoured  to    *'777'  , 
render  it  inacceflible  to  the  Britifti  fleet.     In  de-  American 
vifing  contrivances  for  this  purpofe.  Dr.  Frank- ^"""ies and 
lin  is  faid,  before  his  departure  for  France,  tOofdefenc"* 
have  aflifted.     Three  rows  of  chevaux  de  frize, 
compofed   of  immenfe  beams  of  timber  bolted 
and  failened  together,  and  (luck  with  iron  pikes 
fal^eaed  in  every  direftion,  were  funk  acrofs  the  - 
channel,  a  little  below  the  place  where  the  Schuyl-  . 
kill  empties  itfelf  into  the  Delaware.     The  low- 
er line  of  chevaux  de  frize  was  commanded  by 
fome  works,  eredled  on  the  Jerfey  ihore,  at  Bil- 
ling's Por;. ;  and  the  upper  by  an  incloled  fort, 
mounting  heavy  cannon,  and  fituated  on  a  marfhy 
ifland,  called  Mud  Ifland,  being  formed  by  an 
accumulation  of  fand  and  vegetable  mould,  near 
the  Penfylvania  Ihore  ;  and  on  the  oppofite  Ihore, 
by  a  redoubt  and  intrenchment,  at  a  place  called 
Red  Bank ;   the  redoubt  being  conftrufted  on 
high  and  commanding  ground,  ferved  alfo  as  a 
proteftion  for  the  provincial  water  force,  which 
might  occafionally  retire  under  the  guns  of  that 


*  / 


HISTORY     OF     T  HE 




1)         % 


CHAP,  work  for  fafety.     This  water  force,  which  was 
XV.     ftationed  between  the  two  forts,  confiftcd  of  four- 
teen row-gallies,  carrying  each  one  piece  of  hea- 
vy  ordnance — two   floating   batteries,    carrying 
nine  guns  each — and  a  number  of  fire-fhips  and 

September,  fafts.  Towards  the  end  of  September,  a  cfetach- 
ment  from  the  Briiilh  army,  counfting  of  three 
regiments  under  colonel  Sterling,  had  been  paf- 
fed  over  from  Cheftcr  to  the  Jerley  fhore,  for 
the  purpofe  of  reducing  the  provincial  works  of 
BiUing's  Port,  which,  on  the  approach  of  that 
detachment,  were  abandoned  by  the  garrifon,  and 
immediately  difmantled.  The  lower  line  of  che- 
vaux  de  frize  being  thus  left  without  defence 
from  the  (ho re,  an  attempt  was  mad6  to  remove 
it  by  captain  Hammond  of  the  Roebuck,  who 
commanded  the  BritiHi  naval  force  in  the  Dbh- 
ware  ;  in  which  he  fo  far  fucceeded,  notwiih- 
ilanding  the  oppoiition  made  by  the  enemy's  row- 
gallies  and  floating  batteries,  as  to  make  an  open- 
ing fufficient  to  admit  the  largeft  ftiips  of  the 
fleet  ;  but  ftill  the  other  two  rows  of  chevaux 
de  frize  remained  ;  and  \he  forts  which  defend- 
ed them  were  yet  in  the  poffeflion  of  the  Ame- 
ricans. Things  were  in  this  fituatioh,  when  lord 
Howe  arrived  with  the  fleet  from  the  Chefapeak. 
Lord  Howe,  as  foon  as  he  received  intelligence 
of  the  fuccefs  of  the  army  at  Brandywine,  left 
the  Elk  river,  and  quitting  the  Capes  of  Virgi- 
nia on  the  twenty-third  of  September,  fteered 
his  courfe  towards  the  Delaware,  where  he  ar- 
rived on  the  eighth  of  O6lober.  As  the  paflage 
to  Philadelphia  was  yet  impradlicable,  the  fleet 
was  brought  to  arichor,  on  the  weft  fhore,  from 
the  town  of  Newcaftle  down  to  Reedy  Ifland. 

The  voyage  from  the  Capes  to  the  Delaware 
was  boifterous ;  and  the  attempt  to  get  up  that 
river  required  great  abilities,  caution,  and  pru- 




dence  ;   for  the  obAru^lions  that  had  deterred  C  H  A  P. 
the  fleet  from  entering  the  Delaware  before,  had     X^* 
been  confiderably   iucreafed.     The    Americans 
had  almofl  completed  an  extcnfive  work— *wood> 
en  piers  for  defending  the  approaches  to  the  line 
of  liinken  frames  that  croflcd  the  channel  of  tho 
river.    To  remove  thefe.  obftrudtions,   fo  ds  to 
open,  a  communication  between  the  fleet  and  the 
army,  was  an  objeft  of  the  utmoft  importance, 
but  which  coulci  not  be  accomplifhed  without 
previoufly   reducing  the   forts,    by  which  they 
were  defended.     Preparations  for  this  purpole 
were  accordingly  made  immediately  after  the  ar- 
rival of  the  fleet.     Some  heavy  cannon  were  land* 
ed  from  the  ihips,  and  batteries  were  begun  oi). 
Province  Ifland,  which  was  formed  by  the  con- 
flux of  the  rivers  Schuylkill  and  Delaware,  and 
was  oppolite  to  the  fort  on  Mud  Ifland ;   but, 
owing   to  the  fwampinefs  of  the   ground,   the 
works  advanced  flowly,  and  the  approaches  were 
made  with  difficulty.     Major  Vatap,  of  the  tenth 
regiment,  who  commanded  a  detachment  of  the 
Britifti  on  Province  Ifland,  to  cover  the  working 
parties,  abandoned  moft  fhamefuUy  his  artillery, 
upon  the  Americans  having  landed  a  fmall  body 
of  men  on  the  ifland.     From  the  gallantry,  how- 
ever, of  a  fubakern  officer,  the  artillery  was  re- 
taken, and  the  enemy  compelled  to  retire.     Ma- 
jor Vatap  was  obliged  to  quit  the  fervice,  and 
fell  out  below  the  regulated  price. 

As  foon  as  the  enemy  perceived  the  defigns 
of  the  Euglifli,  they  dilpatched  two  frigates  and 
a  fchooner,  with  fome  row-gallies,  to  demolifti 
the  batteries  and  cannonade  the  town.  For 
fome  time  the  veflTels  kept  up  a  heavy  fire  upon 
the  town,  but,  on  the  falling  of  the  tide  in  the 
Delaware,  one  of  the  frigates  ran  a-ground,  and 













CHAP,  was  taken  ;  the  reft  of  the  fleet  were  under  the 
XV.    neceflity  of  retreating  as  fad  as  poflible. 

General  Waihington,  who  was  at  this  time 
encamped  at  Skippack  Creek,  on  the  eaftern  fide 
of  the  Schuylkill,  about  feventeen  miles  from 
German  Town,  being  reinforced  by  fifteen  hun- 
dred  troops  from  Peek's  Kill,  and  one  thoufand 
Virginians,  on  receiving  intelligence  of  the  large 
detachments  that  were  fent  to  take  poflcflion  of 
Philadelphia,  to  cover  the  convoys  and  deftroy 
the  works  on  the  Delaware,  formed  the  defiga 
of  furprifing  the  camp  at  German  Town.  At 
fix  in  the  evening  of  the  third  of  Odlober,  the 
enemy  quitted  their  encampment  at  Skippack 
'Creek,  and  under  cover  of  a  thick  fog,  made 
an  attack  on  the  troops  poAed  at  the  head  of  the 
village,  at  dawn  of  day,  on  the  fourth.  Th^re, 
after  a  vigorous  refiftance,  they  were  driven  into 
the  village,  and  general  Wafhington  advancing 
"with  his  army,  divided  into  five  columns,  en- 
deavoured to  enter  the  north  end  of  the  village, 
in  order  to  feparate  the  Britilh  force,  and  there- 
by to  cnfure  luccefs  to  the  different  attacks  on 
the  Britifh  flanks.  The  fortieth  regiment,  which 
lay  at  the  head  of  the  village,  had  been  under 
the  neceflity  of  retreating  before  the  enemy  ;  no- 
verthelefs  lieutenant-colonel  Mufgrave,  who  com- 
manded this  regiment,  by  his  addrefs  and  afli- 
vity  had  contrived  to  keep  five  companies  of 
the  regiment  together.  In  order  to  impede  the 
progrefs  of  the  enemy  he  threw  them  into  a  large 
ftone  houfe  in  the  village,  that  lay  in  the  front 
of  the  enemy.  This  gallant  condud  arrefted 
the  Americans  in  their  career,  and  in  the  event 
prevented  the  feparation  of  the  right  and  left 
■wings  of  the  Britifli  troops  ;  by  which  means 
time  was  afforded  to  the  reft  of  the  Britifh  line 
to  get  under  arnis.  General  Wafhington  imme- 
t»«-  .  diately 

ing  a  h 
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-•^U.t'Ari^-iV_fi.  \* 






,  time 

rn  fide 

\  from 

n  hun- 


te  large 

flion  of 


:  defigu 

irn.    At 

aer,  the 


g,  made 

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yen  into 


mns,  en- 

e  village, 

id  there- 
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diately  ordered  a  brigade  to  furround  the  houfe. CHAP. 
Colonel  Mufgravc,  however,  and*  his  brave  men,     XV. 
refufed  to  furrender,  and  from  the  windows  pour-  *-nr*^ 
ing  a  heavy  fire  upon  the  enemy,  did  confidera-    1777* 
ble  execution.    Four  pieces  of  cannon  were  then 
brought  againft  him,  the  fire  of  which  he  conti- 
nued to  brave  till  he  received  afUflance  from 
major-general  Grey,    who,    with  the  third  bri- 
gade,   and    brigaaier-general  Agnew  with  the 
fourth  brigade,  attacked  the  enemy  with  great 
fpirit.     The  engagement  for  fome  time  was  very 
warm.     At  length,  part  of  the  right  wing  attack- . 
ing  the  enemy  on  the  oppofite  fide  of  the  village, 
they  gave  ground,  and  retired  with  great  preci- 
pitation.    They  attempted  to  rally  upon  fome 
riling  grounds,   and  made  a  fhew  of  renewing 
the  a£lion  ;  but  it  was  only  a  feint  to  fecure  a  re* 
treat.    This  they  effe^^ed,  with  all  their  artillery, 
under  cover  of  the  fog,  which  rendered  it  difn- 
cult  for  the  Britifh  troops  to  difcover  their  move- 
ment.   This  fog,  which  had  at  firfl  been  fo  ad- 
vantageous to  the  Americans,   was  alleged   to 
have  greatly  contributed  to  the  difappointment 
of  the  fcheme,  inafmuch  as  it  prevented  the  dif- 
ferent bodies  of  the  American  army  from  difco- 
vering  each  other's  operations. 

On  the  part  of  the  Englilh  fix  hundred  were 
killed  and  wounded.     Among  the  former  were 
brigadier-general  Agnew  and  colonel  Bird,  offi- 
cers of  diftinguiftied  reputation.     The  lofs  on  the 
fide  of  the  Americans  was  fuppofed  to  amount 
to  between  two  and  three  hundred  killed,  fix 
hundred   wounded,    and    above    four  hundred 
made  prifoners.     General  Nafh  and  a  great  num- 
ber of  officers  were  among  the  (lain.     The  neg- 
left  of  the  commander  in  chief  in  the  adiou  at 
German  Town  was  extreme.     He  was  acquainted 
with  the  intentions  of  general  Wafhiugton  on  the 

■  evening 

\  Ij 






CHAP,  evening  before  the  attack,  and  therefore  could 
^V-  have  provided  againft  it.  Had  he  adopted  fuch 
a  mode  of  condudl,  the  American  army  would 
certainly  have  been  deftroyed.  It  was  the  gene- 
ral opinion  of  the  officers  of  both  armies,  that, 
had  the  Americans  advanced  immediately,  in- 
flead  of  attacking  the  fortieth  regiment,  the  total 
defeat  of  the  Britifli  muft  have  enfued.  But  the 
delay  occafioned  by  the  feveral  attempts  to  re- 
duce Chew's  Houfe  afforded  time  for  the  Britifli 
line  to  get  under  arms;  and  that  circumftance 
was  juftly  confidered  as  the  falvation  of  the  royal 
army.  Notwithflanding  the  importance  of  the 
capture  of  Philadelphia,  it  was  feen  that  the  army 
could  not  maintain  itfelf  during  the  winter,  unlets 
Mud  Ifland  Ihould  be  reduced.  In  order  to  effeft 
the  redudlion  of  this,  the  royal  army  removed 
from  German  Town  to  Philadelphia.  The  ene- 
my after  the  adlion  at  German  Town  had  return- 
ed to  their  old  camp  at  Skippack  Creek. 

In  confequence  of  meafures  concerted  between 
the  commander  in  chief  and  lord  Howe,  a  joint 
attack  was  refolved  to  be  made  on  Mud  Ifland  and 
Red  Bank.         . 

Colonel  iStirling,  after  deflroying  the  Ameri- 
can  works  at  Billing's  Port,  faw  the  neceflity  of 
forming  a  poll  at  Red  Bank,  not  yet  occupied  by 
the  enemy,  it  being  of  no  great  confequence  while 
they  retained  pofleffion  of  the  other  poftjuft  men- 
tioned. But  when  they  had  loft  that  ftation,  it 
became  of  the  utmoft  importance,  being  the  only 
key  to  the  fort  on  Mud  Ifland  ;  the  only  I'pot 
from  which  it  could  be  relieved  or  fuppUed. 
And,  had  this  poft  been  taken  and  occupied  by 
Britilh  troops,  the  fort  and  water-guard  would 
have  been  placed  in  the  midft  of  a  triangle,  and 
conftantly  expofed  to  the  cannon  frompoftson 
each  of  its  fides  ;  from  Red  Bank  on  theeaft,  the 
Province  Ifland  on  the  weft  fide  of  the  Delaware, 


and  i 
river  1 
but  it 
ing  ad 
tifled  it 
\y  cov< 
from  tJ 
either  t 
the  fhij 
tiih  tro< 
on  the  : 
one  hur 
every  fo 
during  ti 
ry  fix  ho 
defence  1 
On  the 
was  with( 
camped  i 
phia,  as  a 
river  :  / 
was  made 
at  Red 
brave  anc 
with  three 
regiment  0 
paffed  the 
«^ay  in  the 

inftantly  .. 

daunted  fi 
through  a 
Vol,  I. 



5  to  re- 

I  Britifti 
he  royal 
e  of  the 
the  army 
;r,  unlets 
f  to  effeft 
The  enc- 
td  return- 


and  from  the  men  of  war  on  the  fouth  in  the  CHAP, 
river  below.  Pofleffed  of  thefe,  colonel  Stirling  ^^' 
defired  permiffion  to  take  pofleflion  of  Red  Bank, 
but  it  was  not  granted  him.  The  rebels,  tak- 
ing advantage  of  this  blunder,  immediately  for- 
tined  it :  And,  under  its  cannon,  they  conflant- 
ly  covered  their  water-guard,  which  fallied  out 
from  this  advantageous  poll  when  they  wiihed, 
either  to  fupply  or  relieve  the  fort,  or  to  annoy 
the  fhips  of  war.  The  fubfiftence  of  the  Bri- 
tifh  troops  in  Philadelphia  depended  fo  much 
on  the  furrender  of  this  fort,  that  Wafhington 
exerted  every  nerve  to  preferve  it.  He  offered 
one  hundred  pounds  extraordinary  bounty  to 
every  foldier  who  ftiould  ferve  in  defending  it 
during  the  iiege.  Thefe  men  were  relieved  eve- 
ry fix  hours  from  Red  Bank,  and  therefore  the 
defence  was  extremely  obftinate. 

On  the  nineteenth  of  Oftober  the  Britifli  army 
was  withdrawn  from  German  Town,   and  en- 
camped in  the  immediate  vicinity  of  Philadel- 
phia, as  a  more  convenient  fituation,  from  which 
detachments  might  be  mnde,  and  occafional  re- 
inforcements fent  to  reduce  the  forts  upon  the 
river  :  Arid  foon  after  this  movement  an  attempt 
was  made  to  carry  the  redoubt  and  Intrenchment 
at  Red  Bank  by  afTault.     The  execution  of  this 
enterprife  was  intruftcd  to  colonel   Donop,   a 
brave  and  high-fpirited  German  officer,   who, 
with  three  battalions  of  Heffian  grenadiers,  the 
regiment  of  Mirbach,  and  the  infantry  chaffeurs, 
paffed  the  Delaware,  from  Philadelphia,  on  the 
iwenty-firft  of  Odober,  and,    on  the  following 
day  in  the  afternoon,  reached  the  place  of  his 
deftinatiou.    A  difpofition  for  the  attack  was 
inftantly  made,  and  the  brave  Donop,  with  un- 
daunted firmnefs,  led  on  his  troops  to  the  aifault, 
I  through  a  tremendous  fire,   not  only  from  the 
Vol.  I.  Z  works 

^m  lU 

,  '^Am-'^ 


>^ —  . -»„»^_. 





CHAP,  works  at  Red  Banl^,  but  from  the  provincial  gallies 
XV.     and  floating  batteries  upon  the  river ;  and  whilft 

^"^nn*^  deftruftion  every  inftant  thinned  their  ranks,  the 
*777'  German  battalions  advanced,  unmoved,  to  the 
charge,  and  forced  an  extenfive  outwork,  from 
whicn  the  enemy  were  driven,  and  obliged  to 
flee  for  ftielter  within  the  redoubt.  By  this  time 
the  intrepid  Donop  had  fallen,  his  thigh  having 
been  fractured  by  a  mulket  Ihot.  And  the  fe- 
cond  in  command  was  alfo  wounded.  The  re- 
doubt was  found  to  be  more  than  eight  feet  high, 
with  a  parapet  boarded  and  frized,  and  could 
not  be  forced  without  fcaling  ladders.  Why  the 
affailants  were  not  furnifhed  with  this  neceflary 
implement  has  not  been  explained  ;  but  for  want 
of  it,  in  the  moment  of  victory,  an.d  with  the 
objeft  of  the  enterprife  within  their  grafp,  they 
were  obliged  precipitately  to  retire  through  luca 
a  fire  as  that  under  which  they  had  advanced, 
leaving  their  brave  commander  behind  them, 
who  died  of  his  wound  fome  few  day*  after, 
whilft  a  prifoner  in  the  hands  of  the  Ameri- 

But  this  was  not  the  only  rlsfortune  that  hap- 
peued  at  this  time.  It  was  liiv^  aded  that  a  part 
of  the  fleet,  by  moving  up  the  river  as  far  as 
it  could  go,  Ihould  make  a  diverfion  in  favour 
of  the  attack  by  land.  For  this  purpofe  the 
Augufta,  Roebuck,  Liverpool,  Pearl,  and  Mer- 
lin floop,  were  ordered  to  pafs  through  the  open*- 
iiig  in  the  lower  chevaux  de  frize,  and  be  iu 
readinefs.  And  as  foon  as  Donop's  attack  com- 
iijcnced  thefe  fliips  flipped  their  cables  and  mov- 
ed flowly  up  the  river  with  the  flood  tide  j  but 
_   the  natural  courfe  of  the  channel  having  beeu 

■  altered    by    the   artificial    obftruftions   thrown 

acrofs  it,  and  fand-bauks  being  coUedted  where 
iheie  were  none  before,  two  of  thefe  fliips,  the 



i  / 

America^  WAi: 


that  hap- 
that  a  part 
•  as  far  as 
1  in  favour 
urpofe  the 
and  Mer- 
the  open* 
and  be  in 
Lttack  com- 
8  and  mov- 
_  tide ;  but 
,aving  beeu 
,ns   thrown 
aed  where 
{hips,  the 

Augufta  and  the  Merlin,   unfortunately   got  a-crtAP. 
ground  a  little  below  the  fecond  line  of  chevaux     XV. 
de  frize.     At  the  next  tide  of  flood  every  ex-  "-•nr**' 
ertion  was  made  to  get  them  off,  but  in  vain,    *777' 
the  flow  of  the  tide  having  been  jprevented  from 
rifing  to  its  ufual  height  by  a  ftrong  northerly 
wind.    It  was  not  until  the  following  morning 
that  the  fituation  of  thefe  fliips  was  perceived   . 
by  the  enemy,  when  they  began  to  lire  upon 
them  from  their  works,  gallies,  and  floating  bat- 
teries, and  fent  down  feveral  fire-ftiips  with  the 
expeftation  of  deflroying  them.     The  fire-lhips 
were  however  towed  off  without  doing  any  in- 
jury, by  the  aftivity  and  dexterity  of  the  fea- 
men ;  but,  unfortunately,  the  Augufta,  by  fomd 
accident,  caught  fire,  and  the  flames,  fpreading 
fo  rapidly  that  they  could  not  be  got  under,  it 
was  with  the  utmoft  diflicdlty  that  the  greatefl: 
part  of  the  crew  were  faved.     Only  a  few,  and 
amongft  thefe   the  fecond-lieutenant,    chaplain, 
and  gunner,  periflied  in  the  flames.     It  now  be- 
came neceffary  to  remove  with  all  hafte  the  fri- 
gates which  lay  near   the   Augufta,    that  they 
might  not  fuffer  by  her  explofion  ;  and  as  the 
Merlin  could  not  be  got  off,  orders  were  given 
to  abandon  and  deftroy  her.     Such  were  the  un- 
fortunate confequences  of  the  attack  on  Red  Bank, 

In  the  mean  time  the  preparations  for  reduc- 
ing the  fort  on  Mud  Illand  were  going  forward 
on  the  weftern  fliore  of  the  Delaware  ;  but,  from 
the  difficulty  of  conftruding  works  in  marftiy 
grounds,  and  the  Jength  of  time  required  for 
tranfporting  through  fwamps  fuch  heavy  ftores 
as  were  indifpenfably  neceflfary,  .the  batteries 
were  not  opened  before  the  tenth  of  Novem- 
ber. Immediately  below  Mud  Iftand,  and  rang- 
ing nearly  in  a  line  with  this,  were  two  others, 

Z  z  called 

^  M 

I  <- 




HI      T  O  R  Y    O  F    T  H  E 



^'    t 



CHAP,  called  Province  and  Hog  Iflands.    Between  thefe 
^^'     and  the  wcftern  fhore  was  a  narrow  channel  of 
fufficient  depth    to    admit    ftiips  of  a    moderate 
draught  of  water.     For  fome  days,  that  part  of 
the  fleet  which  was  deftined  to  co-operate  in  the 
attack,  Waj  prevented  by  contrary  winds  from 
moving    ip  the  river  ;  but  on  the  fifteenth  of 
Novembfrr,   the  wind  proving  favourable,   and 
every  thing  being  in  readinefs,  the  Vigilant  arm- 
ed fhip,  followed  by  a  hulk,  both  of  them  mount- 
ed with  heavy  cannon,  palTed  through  between 
Province  and  Hog  Ifland,  and  got  into  the  chan- 
nel behind,  fo  as  to  bring  their  guns  to  bear  upon 
that  part  of  the  fort  which  was  lead  provided 
with  defences.     At  the  fame   time  two  of  the 
large  (hips,  the  Ifis  and  the  Somerfet,  with  the 
Roebuck,   and   feveral    frigates,   failed  up  jthe 
main  channel  of  the  river,  and  lay  as  near  the 
front  of  the  fort  as  the  fecond  line  of  the  che- 
vaux  de  frize  would  permit.     The  fhips  being 
thus  difpofed,   a  heavy   cannonade  commenced 
as  well  from  them  as  from  the  batteries  on  fhore, 
which   difmounted    feveral  of  the  guns  in  the 
fort,  and  otherwife  fo  damaged  its  defences,  that 
the  garrifon,  fearful  of  an  affault,  quitted  it  the 
Mud  iiiand  eufuiug  night,  and  were  carried  off  by  their  fhip- 
Lnk  takih.  ping-     Two  days  after  the  redoubt  at  Red  Bank 
was  alfo  abandoned  upon  the  approach  of  lord 
Cornwallis  with  a  detachment  from  camp  fcnt 
to  reduce  it ;    and  the  provincial  water  force, 
being  now  no  longer  proteAed  by  the  works  on 
fhore,  quitted  its  ftation,  and  retired  up  the  ri- 
ver.    Some  few  of  the  fmaller  gallies,  by  keep- 
ing clofe  on  the  Jerfey  fhore,  pafTed  Philadel- 
phia in  the  night,  and  efcaped.     The  reft  were 
abandoned  and  burnt.     And  thus  a  conjmunica- 
tion  by  the  Delaware  was  at  laft  opened  between 
the  navy  and  army. 


fleet  burnt. 





ir  upon 
of  ilie 
viih  the 
up  jthe 
[lear  the 
the  che- 
js  being 
)n  (hore, 
s  in  the 
ces,  that 
ed  it  the 
leir  Ihip* 
led  Bank 
h  of  lord 
amp  few 
:er  force, 
works  on 
ip  the  ri- 
by  keep- 
reft  were 
d  between 

General  Wafhington,  after  receiving  a  rein- CHAP. 



forcement  of  four  thoufand  men  from  the  north- 
ern army,  left  his  ftroug  fituation  at  Skippack 
Creek,  drew  nearer  to  the  Britifh  lines,  and  en- 
camped at  White  Marfh,  an  advantageous  fta- 
tion,  about  fourteen  miles  from  Philadelphia.  A 
valley  and  a  rivulet  were  in  his  front ;  and  to  the 
fouth  and  eaft  an  abbatis  of  trees,  their  top  br-anch- 
es  pointed  and  lying  outwards. 

Sir  William  Howe  hoped  that,  in  confequence  Removal  of 
of  this   reinforcement,    Wafhington    might   he^^^yl^^ 
tempted  to  rifque  aij  engagement  in  the  viewwwte 
of  regaining  polTeflion  of  the  capital  of  Pcnfyl-  wheregenc- 
vania.     With  this  expedlation  he  marched  with  fa'  w.-ih- 
the  army  from  Philadelphia  on  the  fourth  of  Der  en|',mpcd.* 
cember  at  night,  and  on  the  following  morning 
took  port  on  Chefnut  Hill,  in  front  of  the  right 
wing  of  the  provincial  encampment.     Here  the 
Britilh  army  rcniained  for  two  days,    offering 
battle  to  the  provincials,   but  the  latter  conti- 
nued within  their  lines,  except  a  ^jorps  of  about 
one  thoufaud  men,  which  being  fent  out  to  fkir- 
mifh  with  the  light-infantry,  under  lieutenant- 
colonel  Abercrombie,  who  were  polled  in  front, 
was  quickly  repulfed  with  lofs. 

On  the  fixth  at  night  the  army  was  again  put 
in  motion,  and  the  following  morning  took  poll 
on  Edge  Hill,  an  eminence  one  mile  in  front  of 
the  enemy's  l^ft,  which  was  occupied  by  a  flrong 
corps  of  northtrn  provincials,  and  from  whence 
they  were  driven  by  the  van-guard  of  the  army 
under  lord  Cornwallis.  The  r^^ne  morning,  ano- 
ther out-polt  of  the  enemy  was  I  jrced  by  a  column 
of  the  army  under  major-general  Grey,  and  fo 
nearly  i'urrounded  by  a  rapid  movement  of  the 
light-infantry  of  the  guards  to  turn  their  left,  that^ 
the  provincials  in  making  their  efcape,  w-ere  dri- 
ven acrofs  the  fire  of  ihc  centre  and  left  of  the 





>     • 

*  >^'^. 


If  <:  S  T  O  R  Y    OF    THE 



p  H  A  P.  general's  dvifion,   and  fuftained  a  confiderable 
^V.     lols  in  killed  and  wounded. 

During  all  this  time  general  Wafhington  re- 
mained quiet  within  his  lines ;  and  fir  \\'illi;^.V!:> 
Howe,  fe(  iug  no  profpeft  of  being  ubic  to  pt's 
\'oke  hini  o  an  engagement,  and,  afto;  having 
viev'fd  the  right,  left,  and  centre  of  his  aicaipp- 
ment,  judging  it  iinadvifabl<'  to  a-xzck.  h'na  in 
h\&  prelent  Orong  poiition,  returned  on  the  eighth 
with  the  army  to  Philadelphia:  The  linemyftill 
keeping  ib  cloic  within  their  lines,  that  the  rear- 
guard of  the  army  under  lord  Cornwailij,  which 
did  not  leave  its  ground  '  ■•!  four  m  ihc  afternoon, 
was  Inffered  to  retire  unmoleflod.  It  was  re. 
nerally  expedled  that  the  tonunaDde*  in  drxi 
would  have  made  fome  farther  attempts  on  ge- 
neral Wafhington.  It  is  true  he  made  fpnie 
jhcvcmeuts  on  the  enemy's  front,  right,  and 
ku,  but  none  on  their  rear,  where  they  were 
vulnerable  without  difficulty.  By  the  fame  move- 
ment he  would  have  cut  off  V*  afhington  from 
his  baggage  and  provifions,  which  lay  five  miles 
diftant.  The  American  general  dreaded  this, 
and  was  prepared  for  flight.  Our  troops,  not- 
withftanding,  retired,  to  the  furprife  of  all  who 
were  acquainted  with  the  ground  on  which  ge- 
neral Wafhington  was  encamped,  and  the  vari- 
ety of  excellent  roads  that  led  round  to  his  rear. 
It  was  even  well  known  that  Wafhington's  army 
was  under  the  gfeateft  apprehenfion,  and  con- 
ftantly  expedling  the  necellity  of  attempting  a 
hazardous  movement  tocfcape.  ■;i:i. 

Not  long  after  the  retreat  of  the  Britiih  troops 
from  White  Marlh,  general  Wafhington  quiiicd 
his  camp  at  that  place  in  the  night,  croffed  the 
Schuylkill,  and  took  pofl  at  Valley  Foige,  about 
twenty-fix  miles  diftant  from  Philadelphia. 

■      .-  -.  Had 






Had  the  American  army  retired  to  Lancafter,  CHAP. 
York,  and  Carlifle,  the  neareft  towns  where  they  XV. 
could  have  been  accommodated  with  winter- 
quarters,  a  large  and  fertile  diftridl  of  country 
would  have  been  left  open  for  the  Eritifh  troops 
to  forage  in  at  pleafure,  the  inhabitants  of  which 
being  left  without  protection  might  have  been 
tempted  to  accept  of  thofe  pardons  which  were 
fo  liberally  offered,  and  to  fubmit  themfelves 
again,  and  become  reconciled  to  the  authority  of 
the  mother-country. 

The  American  general,  moved  by  thefe  confi- 
derations,  determined  to  remain  during  the  win- 
ter in  the  pofition  which  he  then  occupied  at  Val- 
ley Forge,  recommending  it  to  hi«  troops  to  build 
huts  in  the  woods  for  Iheltering  themfelves  from 
the  inclemency  of  the  weather.  And  it  is  perhaps 
one  of  the  moft  ftriking  traits  in  general  Wafh- 
ington's  charafter,  that  he  poffefled  the  faculty 
of  gaining  fuch  an  afcendancy  over  his  raw  and 
undifciplined  followers,  moft  of  whom  were  def- 
titute  of  proper  winter  clothing,  and  otherwife 
unprovided  with  neceffaries,  as  to  be  able  to  pre- 
vail upon  fo  many  of  them  to  remain  with  him, 
during  the  winter,  in  fo  diftrefsful  a  fituation. 
With  imnienfe  labour  he  raifed  wooden  huts, 
covered  with  ftraw  and  earth ;  which  formed 
very  uncomfortable  quarters.  On  the  eaft  and 
fouth  an  intrenchment  was  made ;  the  ditch  fix 
feet  wide  and  three  in  depth — the  mound  not  four 
feet  high,  very  narrow,  and  fuch  as  might  eafily 
have  been  beat  down  by  cannon.  Two  redoubts 
were  alfo  begun,  but  never  completed.  The 
Schuylkill  was  on  his  left,  with  a  bridge  acrofs. 
His  rear  was  nioftly  covered  by  an  impaflable 
precipice  formed  by  Valley  Creek,  having  only 
a  narrow  paflage  uczt  the  Schuylkill.  On  the 
right  his  camp  v»'as  acceliibls  with  fome  difficulty, 


•f>  ; 




■*A  ■^.  —  s: 




CHAP. but  the  approach  on  his  front  was  on  graiind 
XV.     nearly  on  a  level  with  his  camp,     It  is  indeed  dif- 

^-•nr'*^  ficult  to  give  an  adequate  delcriptiou  of  his  mi- 
'777-  fery  in  this  fiiuation,  His  army  was  deftituteof 
almoft  every  neceffary  of  clothing,  nay,  almoft 
naked  ;  and  very  often  on  fhort  allowance  of 
provifious  ;  an  extreme  mortality  raged  in  his 
hofpiials,  nor  had  he  any  of  the  moll  proper  me- 
dicmes  to  relieve  the  fick.  There  were  perpetual 
defertious  of  parties  from  him  of  ten  to  fifty  at  a 
time.  In  three  months  he  had  not  four  thoufaud 
men,  and  thefe  by  no  means  to  be  termed  ef- 
feflivc.  Not  lefs  than  five  hundred  horfes  pe- 
rifhed  from  want  and  the  feverity  of  the  feafon. 
He  had  often  not  three  days  provilion  in  his 
camp,  and  at  times  not  enough  for  one  day.  In 
this  infirm  ?'Vj  ^-^•'ngerous  ftate  he  continued 
from  Decern  i'jt  m  M"y,  during  all  which  time 
every  perfon  e-^pede';  that  the  commander  in 
chief  would  have  fHimed  or  befieged  his  camp, 
the  fituation  of  which  equally  invited  either  at- 
tempt. To  have  polled  twothoufand  men  on  a  com- 
manding ground  near  the  bridge,  on  the  north  fide 
of  the  Schuylkill,  would  have  rendered  his  efcape 
on  the  left  impoflible  ;  two  thoufand  men  placed 
on  a  like  ground  oppofite  the  narrow  pal's,  would 
have  as  effedually  prevented  a  retreat  by  his 
rear ;  and  five  or  fix  thoufand  men,  Rationed  on 
the  front  and  right  of  his  camp,  woUi.d  have  de- 
prived him  of  flight  on  thofe  fides,  The  poriti- 
ons  were  fuch,  that  if  afny  of  the  corps  were  at- 
tacked, they  could  have  been  inilantly  fupported. 
CJnder  fuch  propitious  circumftances,  what  mor- 
lal  could  doubt  of  fuccefs  ?  But  our  army,  neg- 
lecling  all  thefe  opportunities,  was  fuifered  to 
continue  at  Philadelphia,  where  the  whole  winter 
was  fpent  in  difilpation.  A  wantof  difcipline  and 
proper  fubordination  pervaded  the  whole  army ; 


"^/tr^'i  ^,„  <'  -  -■'— <i->- 




[I'ls  ml- 
itute  of 

mce  of 

in  his 
per  me- 
ifty  at  a 
med  ef- 
jrfes  pe- 
e  feafon. 
1  in  his 
day.    In 
ich  time 
lander  in 

lorth  fide 
his  efcape 
m  placed 
"s,  would 
by  his 
tioned  on 
have  de- 
^e  poiiti- 
were  at- 
what  mor- 
rmy,  neg- 
ufFered  to 
ole  winter 
ipliue  and 
iole  army; 


and  if  difeafe  and  ficknefs  thinned  the  American  C  HAP. 
army  encamped  at  Valley  Forge,  indolence  and  ^^• 
luxury  perhaps  did  no  lefs  injury  to  the  Britifti 
troops  at  Philadelphia.  During  the  winter  a  very 
unfortunate  inatteaiion  was  (hown  to  the  feelings 
of  the  inhabitants  of  Philadelphia,  whofe  fatisfac- 
tion  ftiould  have  been  vigilantly  confulted,  both 
from  gratitude  and  from  intereft.  They  experi- 
enced many  of  the  horrors  of  civil  war.  The 
foldiers  infulted  and  plundered  them  ;  and  their 
houfes  were  occupied  as  barracks,  without  any 
compenfation  being  made  to  them.  Some  of  the 
firft  families  were  compelled  to  receive  into  their 
habitations  individual  officers,  who  were  even 
indecent  enough  to  introduce  their  miftreffe'j 
into  the  manfions  of  their  hofpitable  entertainers. 
This  foured  the  minds  of  the  inhabitants,  many 
of  whom  were  Qjiakers. 

But  the  refidence  of  the  army  at  Philadelphia 
occafioned  diftrefles  which  will  probably  be  con- 
fidered,  by  the  generality  of  mankind,  as  of  a 
more  grievous    nature.     It  was   with  difficulty 
that  fewcl  could  be  got  on  any  terms.     Provif  jns 
were  moll  exorbitantly  high.     Gaming  of  e^  ery 
fpecies  was  permitted,  and  even  fandioned.    This 
vice  not  only  debauched  the  mind,  but,  bv  fe- 
dentary  confinement,  and  the  want  of  feafonable 
repofe,    enervated  the  body.     A   foreign   offi- 
cer held  the    bank  at  the  game  of  pharo,   by 
which  he  made  a  very    confiderable    fortune; 
and  but  too  many  refpedlable  families  in    Bri- 
tain have  to  lament  its  baneful  effedls.     Officers 
who  might  have  rendered  honourable  fervice  to 
their  country,    were  compelled,    by  what  was 
termed  a  bad  run   of  luck,  to  difpofe  of  their 
commiffions,  and  return  pennyleis  to  their  friends 
in  Europe.     The  father   who  thought   he  had 
made  a  provifion  for  his  Ion  by  purchaiing  a 
.    .  conimiflion 

>;,.  .   (1^ 

I    li 

.:'■■  --'ij-^'v.-^^'.  „.. .,  ^.J 



wioTORY     OF     THE 




CHAP,  commiffion  for  him  in  the  army,  ultimately  found 
^^'  that  he  had  put  his  fon  to  I'chool  to  learn  the 
fcience  of  gambling,  not  the  art  of  war.  Difli. 
pation  had  fpread  through  the  army,  and  indo. 
leLce,  and  .vant  of  fubordination,  its  natural 
cojicoraitanta  :  For  if  the  officer  be  not  vigilant, 
the  foldier  will  never  be  alert. 

Sir  William  Howe,  from  the  manners  and  re- 
ligious opinions  of  thePhiladelphians,  ihould  have 
been  particularly  cauti->rs :  For  this  public  diCH. 
lutenefsof  the  troop!»  could  n^t  but  be  regarded 
by  fuch  people  as  a  contempt  of  them,  as  well 
as  an  offence  againft  piety ;  and  it  influenced  all 
the  reprefentations  which  they  made  to  their 
countrymen  refpeAing  the  Britifh.  They  in. 
ferred  from  it  alfo,  that  the  commander  could 
not  be  fufficieutly  intent  on  the  plans  of  either 
conciliation  or  fubjugation  ;  fa  that  the  opinions 
of  the  Philadelphians,  whether  erroneous  or  not, 
materially  promoted  the  caufe  of  congrefs. 
During  the  whole  of  this  long  winter  of  riot 
and  diflipation,  general  Waftiington  \v  a .  fuffered 
to  continue,  with  the  remains  of  his  army,  not 
exceeding  five  thoufand  effedive  men  at  moft,un- 
difturbed  at  the  Valley  Forge  :  Confiderable  ar- 
rears of  pay  due  to  them  ;  almoft  in  a  ftate  of  na- 
ture, for  want  of  clothing ;  the  Europeans  in  the 
American  fervice  difgufted,  and  deferting  in  great 
numbers,  and  indeed  in  companies,  to  the  Bri- 
tifh army;  and  the  natives  tired  of  the  war. 
Yet,  under  all  thefe  favourable  circumftances 
for  the  Britifh  intereft,  no  one  ftep  was  taken 
to  diflodge  Wafhington,  whofe  cannon  were 
frozen  up,  and  could  not  be  moved.  If  fir  Wil- 
liam Howe  had  marched  out  in  the  night,  he 
might  have  jrought  Wafliington  to  aftion;  or 
if  he  had  r  eated,  he  mufl  have  left  his  fick, 
cannon,  ammuuitioa,  and  heavy  baggage  behind. 

A  noc- 



)  and  re- 
}uld  have 
blic  diirr-.- 
1,  as  well 
lenced  all 

to  their 
They  in- 
der  could 
;  of  either 
;  op'mioQs 
3US  or  not, 


ter  of  riot 


army,  lot 

at  moft,  ua- 

derable  ar- 

ftate  of  na- 

5ean3  in  the 

ing  in  great 

to  the  Bri- 
)f  the  war. 

was  taken 
nnon  were 

If  firWil- 
le  night,  he 

aftion;  or 
eft  his  fid, 
gage  behind- 
"^        A  noc- 

A  no£lurnal  attack  on  the  Americans  would  haveCH  AP. 
had  this  further  good  cfte£l :  It  would  have  depreff-     XV. 
cd  the  fpirit  of  revolt,  confirmed  the  wavering,  and  *-nn*' 
attached  them  to  the  Britifh  intereft.     It  would    '777* 
have  opened  a  paflage  for  fupplies  to  the  city, 
which  was  in  great  want  of  provifions  for  the 
inhabitants.     It  would  have  fhaken  off  that  le- 
thargy in  which  the  Britilh  foldiers  had  been 
immerged  during  the    winter.     It   would   have 
convinced  the  well-affcfted  that  the  Britifh  leader 
was  in  earueft.     If  Waftiington  had   retreated, 
we  tould  have  followed.     With  one  of  the  beft 
appointed,  in  every  refpedl,   and  fineft  armies 
(confiftiiig  of  at  leaft  fourteen  thoufand  effedive 
men)  ever  affembled  in  any  country,  a  number 
of  officers  of  approved  fervice,  wiming  only  to 
be  led  to  adtion,  this  dilatory  commander,    fir 
Wiiliam  Howe,  dragged  out  tne  winter,  without 
doing  any  one  thing  to  obtain  the  end  for  which 
he  was  commifiioned.     Proclamation  was  iffued 
after  proclamation,  calling  upon  the  people  of 
America  to  repair  to  the  Britiih  ftandard,  pro- 
mifing  the  rcmiflion  of  their  political  fins,  and 
an  ifl'urance  of  protedion  in  both  perfon  and 
property ;    but    thefe    promifes    were    confined 
merely  *o  paper.     The  beft  perfonal  fecurity  to 
the  inhabitants  was  an  attack  by  the  army,  and 
the  beft  fccuriiy  of  property  was  peace ;  and  this 
to  be  purchafed  by  fuccefsful  war.     For  had  fir 
William  Howe  led  on  his  troops  to  adlion,  vic- 
tory was  in  his  power,  and  conqueft  in  his  train. 
During  fir  William  Howe's  ftay  at  Philadelphia,  a 
number  of  difaffeded  citizens  were  fuiTered  to 
remain  in  the  garrifon  ;  thefe  people  were  ever 
upon  the  watch,  and  communicated  to  Wafhington 
every  intelligence  he  could  wifti  for.     Sir  Wil- 
liam Howe  ought  not  to  have  fufi'ercd  the  avow- 
edly hoftile  to  remain  in  the  city.     A  commander 



.i.-  \i 



II      .i 
.    1 



CHAP. in    chief  fhouid   form  his   plans  with   Iccrcfy. 
XV.     Whenever  any  foraging  parties  were  fent  from 

^^'Tn*^  the  garrifou,  the  enemy  were  always  apprized 
'W7'    of  it.     This  will  account  why  our  fupplics  were 
always  fo  fcanty,  and  our  rear  always  harafled. 
That  war  is  ncceffary,  in  fome  cafes,  is  certain ; 
but  it  is  the  duty  of  every  commander  to  lefl'cu 
the  horrors  of  war,  and  to  abridge  their  period, 
Severity  in  the  early  part  of  the  war  would  have 
been  mercy  in  the  end.   Thoufands  of  lives  would 
have  been  faved  on  both  fides ;  the  enornioui 
load  of  the  national  debt  would  not  have  fweiled 
to  its  prefeut  amount ;  Americ?  might  have  been 
taught  the  neceflity  of  peace ;  and  Britain,  the 
juftice  and  policy  of  granting  honourable  terms. 
But,  unfortunately  for  this  country,  the  inftam 
the  war  Hiould  be  at  an  end,  the  multiplicatioa 
of  pounds,  fhillings,  and  pence,  would  ceafcto 
be   carried   on  by   individual  charadlers,   who 
wifhed  to   make  a  fund,    or  aggregate  fum,  to 
retire  upon.     In  confirmation  of  the  diftrefs  ia 
the  American  army  above  related  we  fhall  here 
infert  a  letter  from  the  committee  of  congrefs, 

A  LETTER  from  the  Committee  of  Congrefij 
to  the  Prefident ;  found  among  the  Papers  of 
Henry  Laurens,  Efq. 

"  Camp  at  Valley  Forge,  Feb.  12,  1778, 

"  Sir, 

**  WE  had  flattered  ourfelves,  that,  before  this 
time,  the  pleafure  of  congrefs  would  be  made 
•  known  to  us,  refpedjng  the  quarter-mafter's  de- 
partment. We  fear  our  letter  upon  this  fubjeft 
has  mifcarricd,  or  the  confideration  of  it  yielded 
to  other  bufinefs.  You  will  therefore  pardon  us, 
fir,  when  we  again  folicit  your  attention  to  it, 


Lv     i 


.  r-x,.-. 

before  this 
be  made 
lafter's  de- 
his  fubjeft 
f  it  yielded 
pardon  uS) 
ition  to  it, 




as  an  objcd   of  the  laft  importance;  on  whichcHAP. 
not  only  the  future  fuccefs  of  your  arms,  but  the     XV. 
prcfent  exifteuce  of  your  army,  immediately  de-  "-"T^*^ 
pend.     The  influence  of  this  office  is  fo  diftufive    '777' 
through  every  part  of  your  military  fyftcm,  that 
neither  the  wifdom  of  arrangement,  the  fpirit  of 
enterprife,  or  favourable  opportunity,  will  be  of 
any  avail,  if  this  ereat  wheel    in  the   machine 
ftops,    or    moves   heavily.     We   find  ourl'elvcs    ' 
embarrafled   in  entering  on  this  fubjeil,  left  a 
bare  recital  of  fadU  Ihould  carry  an  imputatioa 
(which  we  do  not  intend)  on  thofe  gentlcmea 
whd  have  lately  conduilcd  it.     We  are  fenfible, 
great  and  juft  allowances  are  to  be  made  for  the 
peculiarity  of  their  fituation,  and  we  are  perhaps 
not  fully  acquainted  with  all  their  diificulties.     It 
is  our  duty,  fir,  to  inform  you  it  is  not  our  in- 
tention to  ccnfure  ;  and  be  aflured,  nothing  but 
a  fenfe  of  the  obligation  we  are  under,  to  poft- 
pone  all  other  coniiderations  to  the  public  fafety, 
could  induce  us  to  perform  the  unpleafmg  tafk. — 
We  find,  fir,  the  property  of  the  continent  dif- 
pcrfed  over  the  whole  country ;  not  an  encamp- 
ment, route  of  the  army,  or  confiderable  road, 
but  abounds  with  waggons,  left  to  the  mercy  of 
the  weather,  and   the   will   of  the  inhabitants ; 
large  quantities  of   intrenching  tools  have,   in 
like  manner,  been  left  in  various  hands,  under 
no  other  fecurity  that  we  can  learn,  than    the 
honefty  of  thofe  who  have  them  in  pofleflion. 
Not  lefs  than  three  thoufand  fpadcs  and  fhovela, 
and  the  like  number  of  tomahawks,  have  been 
lately  .difcovered  and  colledled  in  the  vicinity 
of  the  camp,  by  an  order  from  one  of  the  ge- 
neral officers.     In  the  fame  way,  a  quantity  of 
tents  and  tent  cloth,  after  having  lain  a  whole 
lummer  in  a  farmer's  barn,  and  unknown  to  the 
oflicer  of  the  department,  was  lately  dilcovcrcd, 





A  1 


'■'  fli 

4)  P 









'X        { 

CHAP. and  brought  to  camp  by  a  fpccial  order  from 
XV.     the  general.     From  thefe  inftances,  we  prcfunae 
there  may  be  many  other  (lores  yet  unknown  and 
uncolleded,  which  require  immediate  care  and 

"  When,  in  compliance  with  the  cxpeftations 
of  congrefs,  and  the  wifties  of  the  country,  the 
army  was  thrown  into  huts,  inftead  of  retiring 
to  more  diftant  and    convenient   quarters,  the 
troops  juftly  expelled  every  comfort  which  the 
furrounding  country  could  afford.    Among  thefe, 
a  providential  care  in  the  article  of  ftraw,  would 
probably  have  faved  the  lives  of  many  of  your 
brave  foldiers  who  have  now  paid  the  great  debt 
of  nature.     Unprovided  with  this,  or  materials 
to  raife  them  from  the  cold  and  wet  earth,  fick- 
nefs  and  mortality   have  fpread  through  their 
quarters  in  an  aftonifhicg  degree.     Notwithftana- 
ing  the  diligence  of  the  phyficians  and  furgeons, 
of  whom  we  hear  no  complaint,  the  fick  and 
dead  lift    has  incicafed    one-third    in  the  laft 
week's  returns,  which  was  one-third  greater  than 
the  week  preceding;  and,  from  the  prefent in- 
clement weather,  will  probably  increafe  in  a  much 
greater  proportion. — Nothing,  fir,  can  equal  their 
fufferings,  except  the  patience  and  fortitude  with 
which  the  faithful  part  of  the  army  endure  thera. 
Thofe  of  a  differerit  charader  dcfert  in  confide- 
rable  numbers. 

"  We  muft  alfo  obferve,  that  a  number  of  the 
troops  have  now  fome  time  been  prepared  for 
inoculation  ;  but  the  operation  muft  be  delayed, 
for  want  of  this  [ftraw]  and  other  necefTaries 
within  the  providence  of  this  department.  We 
need  not  point  out  the  fatal  confequences  of  this 
delay  in  forming  a  new'army,  or  the  prefervation 
of  this.  Almoft  every  day  furnifhes  inftances  of 
the  fmall-pox  in  the  natural  way.     Hitherto  fach 




iber  of  the 
epared  fot 
)e  delayed, 
nent.    We 
ces  of  this 
inftances  of 
itherto  fuch 

vigilance  and  care  has  been  ufed,  that  the  con-'  CHAP. 
tagion  has  not  ipread  ;  but  furely  it  is  highly  in-     XV. 
cumbent  upon  us,  if  pofTible,  to  annihilate  the  "-nr*^ 
danger.  ,.,,,„.  i777- 

"  We  need  not  point  out  the  effeft  this  cir* 
cumftance  will  have  on  the  new-draughted  troops, 
if  not  carefully  guarded ;  they  are  too  obvious 
to  need  enymeration.  In  conference  with  the 
forage-mafler  on  this  fubjedl  (which,  though  in 
appearance  trivial,  is  really  important),  he  ac- 
quainted us,  that,  though  out  of  his  line,  he 
would  have  procured  it,  if  waggons .  could  have 
been  furnifhed  him  for  that  purpofe. 

"  The   want  of  horfes  and  waggons  for  the 
ordinary  as  well  as  extraordinary  occafions  of 
the  army,  preJGTes  upon  us,  if  poflible,  with  equal 
force ;  almoft  every  fpecies  of  camp  tranfpo  na- 
tion is  now  performed  by  men,  who,  without  a 
murmur,  patiently  yoke  themfelves  to  little  car- 
riages of  their  own  making,  or  load  their  wood 
and  provifions  on  their  backs. — Should  the  ene- 
my,  encouraged   by   the  growing   weaknefs  of 
your  troops,  be  led  to  make   a  fuccefsful  im- 
preffion  upon  your  camp,  your  artillery  would 
now  undoubtedly  fall  into  their  hands,  for  want 
of  horfes  to  remove  it. — But  tliefe  are  fmaller 
and  tolerable  evils,  when  compared  with  the  im- 
minent danger  of  your  troops,    perifliing  with 
famine,  or  difperfing  in   fearch  of  food.     The 
comroiffaries,  in  addition  to  their  fupplies  of  live 
cattle,  which  are  precarious,  have  found  a  quan- 
tity of  pork    in    New   Jerfey,    of  which,  by  a 
failure  of  waggons,  not  one  barrel  has  reached 
the  camp. 

"  The  orders  were  given  for  that  purpofe  as 
early  as  the  fourth  of  January. — In  yeftcrday's 
conference  with  the  general  he  informed  us,  that 
feme  brigades  had  been  four  days  without  meat ; 


♦   r 






HISTORY     OF    tHE 


If       . 

■;  I 

n     { 


CHAP,  and  that  even  the  common  foldiers  had  been  at  his 
^^*     quarters  to  make  known  their  wants. — At  prefent, 
fir,  there  is  not  one  gentleman  of  any  rank  in  this 
department,  though  the  duties  of  the  office  require 
a  conftant  and  unremitting  attention.    In  what- 
ever  view,   therefore,  the  objeft  prefents  itfelf, 
we  truft  you  will  difcern,  that  the  mofl  effential 
interefts  are  connefted  with  it.     The  feafon  of 
preparation  for  next  campaign  is  paffing  fwiftly 
away.    Be  afliired,  fir,  that  its  operations  will 
be   iueffeftual,  either  for  offence  or  protection, 
if  an  arrangement  is  not  immediately  made,  and 
the  moft  vigorous  exertions  ufed  to  procure  the 
neceffary  fupplies. — Permit  us  to  fay,  that  a  mo- 
ment's  time    fhould   not   be  loft  in   placing  a 
man  of  approved  abilities  and  extenfive  capa- 
city at  the  head  of  the  department*  who  will 
reftore  it  to  fome  degree  of  regularity  and  order; 
whofe  provident  care   will  immediately  relieve 
the  prefeut  wants  of  the  army,  and  extend  it- 
felf to  thofe  which  muft  be  fatisfied,  before  we 
can  expeft  vigour,  enterprife,  or  fuccefs. — When 
your  committee  refleft  upon  the  increafed  diffi- 
culties of  procuring  waggons,  horfes,  tents,  and 
the  numerous  train  of  articles  dependent  on  this 
office,  without  which   your   army  cannot  even 
move ;  they  feel  the  greateft  anxiety,  left  the 
utmoft  fkill,  diligence,  and  addrefs,  will  prove 
ineffedual  to  fatisfy  the  growing  demand.    All 
other  confiderations  vanifli  before   this  objeft; 
and   we    moft  earneftly   wifti  congrefs  may  be 
imprcffed  in  a  proper  degree  with  its  neceflity 
and  importance. 

"  A  report  has  reached  us,  that  colonel  Lut- 
terlogh  is  a  candidate  for  the  office  of  quarter- 
mafter-general ;  we  have  therefore  been  led  to 
make  ronie  inquiry  into  his  charader  and  con- 
duct.    \Vc  iliould  be  far  from  doing  injuftice  to 




■i   e 


his  abilities  and  experience  iii  a  fubordinate  line ;  C  H  A  P. 
but,  exclufive  of  the  danger  of  entrufting  fo  con-  XV. 
fidential  an  office  to  a  ftranger,  whofe  attach* 
ment  to  this  country  muft  be  light  and  tranfient, 
and  whofe  intereft  may  be  lb  ealily  diftinguifhed 
from  ours,  we  cannot  find  that  he  pofleffes  ta- 
lents or  aftivity  equal  to  this  important  office.— 
We  find,  in  the  courfe  of  the  campaign,  necef- 
fary  tools  and  ftores  have  often  been  wanting  ; 
important  and  feafonable  movements  of  the  army 
delayed;  in  fome  inftances,  wholly  fruftrated ; 
and  favourable  opportunities  loft,  through  the  de- 
ficiencies of  this  department.— The  rapid  marches 
of  our  army,  and  unforefeen  difafters  which  at- 
tended it  during  the  fummer  feafon,  partly  claim 
fome  allov/ances  ;  but  that  diforder  and  confufion 
prevail  through  the  department,  which  requires 
Jbme  able  hand  to  reform  and  reduce  it,  is  a 
certain  and  melancholy  truth. 

"  Unacquainted  with  the  refolution  of  con- 
grefs  with  refped  to  general  Schuyler,  we  have 
hefitated  what  farther  to  propofe.  Time  is  fo 
Extremely  precarious,  that  we  are  unwilling  to 
lofe  a  fingle  unneceflary  moment ;  and  have 
therefore  been  induced  to  extend  our  views  to 
the  difapprobation  of  this  gentleman,  and  make 
fome  provifion  for  that  event.  A  chara6ler  tias 
prefented  itfelf,  which,  in  a  great  degree,  meets 
our  approbation,  judgment,  and  wifties.  We 
have  opened  the  fubje(^t  to  him,  and  it  is  no~v 
under  his  confideration.  When  we  are  at  li- 
berty, we  Ihall  introduce  him  to  your  notice ; 
but  delicacy  forbids  our  doing  it,  until  he  has 
made  up  his  mind  on  the  fubjed,  and  given  his 
confent  to  the  nomination. — Another  gentleman 
of  extenfive  connexions,  great  aftivity,  and  com- 
prehenfive  genius,  but  entirely  in  civil  life,  has 
alio  been  propofed.     As  he  is  at  a  diftance,  we 

Vol.  I.  A  a  have 


■*-^*s^-..-,Kim»*.::.-<>Sjif^.  ■^ 






|)  I 



CHAP,  have  not  been  able  to  confult  him  ;  and  are  re» 
XV.     ftrained,  by  fimilar  motives  of  delicacy,   from 
^^•'Tf"^*^  making  his  charadler  and  name  a  fubjeft  of  dif- 
'777'    cuffion  without  his  confent, 

"  By  the  time  we  are  favoured  with  the  de- 
termination refpei^ing  general  Schuyler,  and  he 
fhould  not  be  approved,  we  hope  to  be  able  to 
announqe  both  thefe  gentlemen  for  your  confi- 
iu  "  We  are, 

,  "  ^vith  the  greateft  regard  and  refpedl, 

■■',:  "  your  moft  obedient,  and 

'  ^        _  "  very  humble  fervants, 

•    '  .      "  (The  Committee.) 

(Signed)  Fra.  Dana." 


To  the  Prejident  of  Congrefs. 

It  m aft  be  confeffed,  that,  on  the  whole,  the 
Britjfh  arms  under  fir  William  Howe  were  at- 

.  tended  with  fuccefg  ;  but  this  fuccefs  was  never 
duly  followed  up  and  improved.  That  commander 
'  had  feveral  opportunities  of  defeating  the  Ame- 
rican army,  and  thereby  of  putting  an  end  to 
the  war.  At  Long  Ifland,  in  the  Jerfeys,  at 
Brandywine,  at  White  Marfh,  and  at  Valley 
Forge,  fortune  had  placed  the  enemy  within  his 
grafp,  but  he  declined  to  fei2e  the  offered  ad- 
vantage. None  of  his  military  exploits  poffeffed 
either  plan,  objed,  or  decifion.  And  the  only 
Truit  derived  from  the  feveral  vi6tovies  of  fir 
William  Howe,  during  the  campaign  of  1777, 
amounted  to  no  more  than  the  acquifition  of 
good  winter-quarters  for  the  Britiih  army  at  Phi- 

.*"  ladelphia. 


i.  /'. 

)l ,:,  ,,y  .^>*^'16 




CHAP.     XVI. 

vhole,  ik 

J  were  at- 

was  never 


f  theAme- 

an  ead  to 

erfeys,  at 

at  Valley 

Y  within  ^^^ 

offered  ad- 

its  poffeffed 

id  the  only 

ovies  of  fc 

i'ti  of  mi'  I 

?quifition  of  J 
army  at  V^^' 

Canadian  Operations — General  Burgoyne  invejled 
witfi^  the  Command  of  the  Northern  Army — Ge- 
neral  Carleton,  offended  with  this  Appointment^ 
rejigns  his  Government — Opinions  on  the  Em- 
ployment of  the  Savages— ^Number  of  Troops 
under  General  Burgoyne-^Expedition  under  Co'  -  , 
lonel  St.  Leger — Burgoyne^ s  Manifejlo — Ticon- 
deroga  and  Mount  Independence  invefled—-The  ^ 
Forts  abandoned  by  the  Americans'—American 
Galleys  deflroy^,  '  near  Skenejborough — Ameri- 
cans  abandon  their  Works — Their  Rear  over- 
taken— General  St.  Clair  arrives  at  Fort  Ed- 
ward— Americans  repulfed  by  Colonel  Hill—'  , 
Americans  abandon  Fort  Anne— Difficulties  en- 
countered in  the  March  of  the  Royal  Army  to 
Fort  Edward — Americans  retire  to  Saratoga. 

IT  will  be  neceflary  now  to  turn  our  attention  CHAP. 
from  the  fouth  to  the  north  ;  from  the  plains    XVI, 
of  Penfylvania  to  thofe  of  Canada :  where   in-  *"*nn^ 
ftead  of  vidorics  mixed  \vith  lofs,  we  meet  with    *777'  , 
I  nothing  but  difappointment,    difafler,    and  de-operationi. ' 

The  adminift ration  of  Great  Britain  refolved  ^^I^^J],^ 
I  to  carry  on  the  war  upon  the  fide  of  Canadainvefted 
and  the  Lakes  with  adlivity  and  energy.     The  command  of 
Icommand  of   Ms  expedition  was  entrufted   to  the  northern 
Igeneral  Burgoyne.     Sir  Guy  Carletoa  was  cer-*™^' 
Itaraly,  and  with  much  reafon,  offended  with  this 
lappointment,  which,  indeed,  could  not  be  jufti-  - 
jfied  on  any  grounds  of  reafon  or  of  prudence. 

A  a  2  General 




:  -..»*"-ttL.  "J- 

'-^■-    A-     4  , 


■,^y^    .. 




: ; 

I   i 

CHAP. General   Burgoyne,    without    doubt,    poffefled 
XVI.    bravery,  and  fome  military  knowledge;  but  it 

^-nr'*^  muft  be  allowed  that  general  Carleton  was  bet- 
'777'  ter  qualified  for  the  important  expedition,  which, 
under  his  diredlion,  would  probably  have  been 
attended  with  fuccefs.  From  his  long  refidence 
in  Canada,  he  knew  more  accurately  than  gene- 
lal  Burgoyne,  the  fuuation  of  the  country,  the 
Planners  of  the  inhabitants,  and  the  extent  of 
its  refources ;  and  he  united  greater  authority 
with  more  military  experience.  He  would  have 
been  more  aware  of  the  difficulties  to  be  en- 
countered,  and  better  prepared  for  furmounting 
them.  But  general  Burgoyne  wast  member  of 
parliament,  and  it  w^s  one  of  thofv^  miferable 
expedients  which  the  minifter  fubilitutcd  for 
grandeur  of  defign,  to  beftov/  fomc  of  the  mo.l 
important  employments,  both  military  and  naval, 
0n  men  who  were  in  the  habits  of  oppofing  the 
meafures  of  adminiftration.  By  this  pitiful  po- 
licy he  was  enabled  to  fecure  himfelf  agaii»ft  par- 
Jiamentary  attack,  and  to  carry  his  meafures  more 
eafily  in  the  houfe  of  commons. 

That  general  Carleton  was  offended  with  the 
appointment  of  general  Burgoyne  is  fufficiewly 
evident,  from  his  immediate  refignation  of  his 
government.     Much  w,as  expc£led  from  this  ex- 

Ciirkton  of 
kiided  at 
tiii^  .ip-. 

somnnitnt.  pedition,  and,  to  do  the  minifter  juftice,  no- 
thing was  wanting  on  his  part  to  render  fuccefs 
probable.  A  large  body  of  veteran  troops  was 
ient  from  England,  well  provided  with  every 
iieceiTary,  and  great  quantities  of  warlike  ftores 
were  alfo  tranfniitted  in  order  to  fupply  thofe  in- 
habitants who  were  cxped^ed  to  declare  in  favour 
. '    of  the  Britilh  caufe. 

In  addition  to  the  ftrength  already  poffefled 
by  the  Englifn  in  Canada,  feveral  nations  of  fa- 
vages  who  inhabit  the  back  i«tt,k»ients  of  thai  | 
. .      '    '  ;.  province, 

^^y-    , 


■f'  ■  -.  "■ 



province,  and  the  borders  of  the  weftern  Lakes,  CHAP, 
refolved  to  take  up  arms  againft  the  Americans,    ^^'f- 
The  acceptance  of  their   affiftance  has   occaii-  **^'~»"^^ 
oned  much  difcuflion,  and  a  variety  of  opinions.     '''''^' 
General  Burgoyne  was  certainly  induced  to  adopt  t^^'"j^"|J'" 
this  meafure  from  a  knowledge  of  their  warlike  ment  of  the 
chara^er,  and  from  a  well-grounded  fuppofnion'^*^*^"' 
that,  if  he  refufed  their  offers,  they  would  inftantly 
join  the  Americans.     But  he  refolved  to  bring 
them  into  adion   as  little  as  poiBble.    In  the 
preceding  year  he  did  not  make  much  ufe  of 
them,  and  he  determined  to  purfue,   as  far  as 
he  could  with   prudence,  the  fame  line  of  con- 
daft  in  the  prefent  year.     He  knew  that  their 
objeft  in  all   wars  was  murder,  defolition,  and 
deftrudlion ;  and  though  he  certainly  wifhed  to 
conquer  the  revolted  Americans,  yet  he  did  not 
wifti  to  exterminate  them.     His  conduct  howe- 
ver, in  this  refpedl,;  did  not  receive  general  ap- 
probation ;  for  it  was  contended  that  partial  fe- 
veritv  was  general  mercy,   and  that,    to  put  a 
fpeedy  end  to  the  rebellion,  the  moft  vigorous 
and  refolute  meafures  Ihould  be  adopted.    Among 
the  opponents  of  general  Burgoyne  on  this  fub- 
jeft  was  theminifter  himfelf ;  who,  accordingly, 
tranfmittcd  orders  to  general  Carletou  to  ufe  all 
his  influence  in  fecuring  the  afliftance  of  the  In- 
dian nations.     This  he  did  lo  effedlually,  that  he 
became  fearful  at  length    of  obtaining  a    larger 
number  than  was  neceflary. 

The  army  under  general  Burgoyne  coniifted  Number  of 
of  Britifh  ^nd  German  troops,  amounting  to  fe-  g^nTrai^Burr 
ven  thoufand  one   hundred    and  feventy^three  goyi^^. 
men,    exclufive  of  the  corps  of   artillery-     Of 
thefe  the  foreign  troops    amounted  to  near  one 
half.     This  body  of  troops  accorded  very  nearly 
with  the  plan  fubmitted  to  the  minifter  by  general 
3urgoyiie.     He  had  re(juircd  eight  thoul'aud  re- 







■  S     . 



CHA  P.  cr'ilars,  rank  and  file,  exclufive  of  the  artillery, 
^^  a  corps  of  watermen,  two  thoufand  Canadians, 
including  hatchet-men,  with  a  thoufand  favages. 

General  Burgoyr  j  was  furniihed  with  picked 
and  experienced  officers.  The  mod  eminent 
of  thefc  were  major-general  Philips,  brigadier- 
generals  Frazer,  Powel,  and  Hamilton;  the 
Brunfwick  major-general  Reidefel,  and  brigadier- 
general  Spe..:r.  This  large  body  of  veteraa 
troops  was  to  be  kept  together  as  much  as  poffi- 
ble.  In  order  to  produce  this  effeft,  the  inha- 
bitants of  Canada  were  commanded  to  furnifti 
men  fufficient  to  occupy  the  woods  on  the  fron- 
tiers, to  prevent  defertion,  to  procure  intelli- 
gence,  and  to  intercept  all  communication  be- 
tween the  enemy  and  the  malcontents  in  the 
province.  They  were  alfo  required  to  provide 
men  for  the  completion  of  the  fortifications  at 
Sorel,  St.  John's,  Chaniblee,  and  Ifle  aux  Noix, 
for  the  carriage  of  proyiiions,  artillery,  and  ftores, 
and  for  making  roads.  In  addition  to  this,  they 
were  to  furnifti  an  adequate  quantity  of  horfes 
and  carts. 

Colonel  St,  Leger,  with  a  body  of  light  troops 
and  Indians,  amounting  to  between  fcven  and 
eight  hundred  men,  having  been  previoufly  da- 
tached  by  the  way  of  Lake  Ontario,  and  the 
Mohawk  river,  in  order  to  make  a  diverfion  in 
favour  of  the  army,  general  Purgoyne  let  out 
from  St.  John's  on  the  fixteentli  ■)£  June  1777. 

The  naval  force,  under  the  command  of  com- 
modore Lutwych,  preceded  the  army,  and  open- 
ed the  way  for  its  advances,  detachments  of  In- 
dians having  been  previoufly  made  from  the  river 
Bouquet,  as  well  to  aft  upon  the  enemy's  con- 
voys and  communications  o  i  the  fide  of  Otter 
Creek,  as  to  cover  the  reconnoitre  of  South  Bay, 
through  which  country .  it^  was  probable  that  the 
;1  ,,.'■■  enemy 

under  colO' 
nel  St.  Le- 



'  .-r 

Jl  , 



«nemy  would    pafs,  if  Ticonderoga  fhouivl  fall c HAP. 
into  the  hands  of  the  Britifh.     The  heet  pro-    XVL 
ceeded  without  any  oppofition,  and,  under  its  '-"T^*^ 
protcAion,   the  troops  wort   landed   about  the    '777' 
middle  of  June,  ana  enca.ta).f^d  at  a  fmall  dif-      ,„,,      ' 
tance  from  Crown  Point  on  t*((  north  fide.     The 
advanced  parties  k>(  the  enemy  retired  on  the      , 
approach  of  our  army.  'p/ 

At  this  place  general  Burgoyne  thought  pro- 
per to  give  the  Indians  a  war-feaft,  and  to  make  a 
fpeech  to  them.  The  purport  of  it  was,  t  >  in- 
duce them  to  refrain  from  cruelty,  and  to  miti- 
gate their  natural  ferdcity. 

Before  the  royal  army  advanced  tc  "^iconde-  Burgoyne's 
roga  general  Tiurgoyne  iffued  a  proclamation  or"»"»'fcfto- 
manifefto,  ii;   which,  with  a  moft  ill-judged  po- 
licy, he  threatened  to  punifti,  with  the  utmofl; 
feverity,  thofe  who  refufed  to  attach  thernfelves 
to  the  Britifii  caufe.     At  the  fame  time  he  mag- 
nified the  ferocity  of  the  favages,  animadverting 
with  peculiar  emphafis  of  didlion  on  the  eager- 
nefs  which  they  difcovered  to  butcher  tbofe  who 
continued  hoftile  to  the  mother-counlry,  whofe 
interefts  they  had  efpoufed.     Having  remained 
at  Crown   Point  a  few  days,  in  order  to   reft     , 
thernfelves,  and  to  eftablifh  magazines,  the  whole 
army   proceeded  with  caution  to  Ticonafoga, 
which  place  it  was  relblved  to  inveft.  ^ 

Ticonderoga  is  fituated  on  the  weftcrn  fhore,  Tkondero- 
a  few  miles  to  the  northward  of  that  narrow  in- sa inverted, 
let  which  unites  Lake  George  with  Lake  Cham- 
plain.     Crown  Point  lies  more  northward  than    > 
Ticonderoga,  and  is  fituated  on  an  angle  ^-f  land 
waihed  on  t^vo  fides  by  water  flowing  over  rocks. 
A  deep  niorafs  covered  the  third  fide,  except 
in  a  fmall  part,  where  formerly  the  French  had 
credcd  lines,  which  ftill  continued,  and  which 

I J 






iA<BB^:.j».-*»'  »»•-     r—,^ 




CHAP. the  Americaus  had  now  ftrengthencd  by  additi- 
XVI.    oual  v\     ks. 

^-nn»-'      Opi  oiitetoTiconderoga,  ou  the  caA  "n  fhore, 
•777'    the  Americaus  had  with  great  induO.v   fmified 

fndep^n?"'  a  high  hill  called  Mount  Independence.    Ou  the 

dence.  top  of  it,  which  iB  flat,  a  ftar  fort  had  beea 
ercdled,  containing  extcnfive  barracks  well  fup- 
plied  with  artillery.  The  mountain  ftretched  m 
a  floping  diredion  into  the  water,  ftrongly  en- 
trenched  to  its  bafe,  and  well  fuppHed  with  heavy 
artillery.  Midway  up  the  mountain,  another 
battery  wa»  erefted  to  cover  the  lower  works. 
With  infinite  labour  the  Americans  had  united 
Ticonderoga  and  Mount  Independence  by  a 
ilrong  bridge  of  communications  over  the  inlet. 
Twenty-two  fuak^n  piers  fupported  the  bridge 
at  equal  diftances.  Between  the  piers  floats  were 
placed,  fattened  together  with  chains  and  rivets, 
and  bound  to  the  funken  piers.  On  the  Lake 
Chnrnplain  fide  of  the  bridge,  a  boom,  compofed 
of  very  large  timber,  was  creded,  faftened  toge- 
ther by  rivetted  bolts  and  double  chains,  made 
o(  hon  ?n  inch  and  a  half  fquare.  This  bridgp 
eflec'tually  prevented  any  attack  by  water  from 
the  northern  fide.  But  Ticonderoga,  notwith- 
llauding  its  apparent  flrength,  had  one  difad- 
vantage  tp  contend  with.  To  the  fouthward  of 
the  bridge  of  communications  was  a  hill  called 
Sugar  Hill,  which  overlooked  and  commanded 
both  the  works  at  Ticonderoga  and  on  Mount 
Independence,  This  place  the  Americans  were 
unable  to  fortify,  on  account  of  the  want  of  men ; 
general  St.  Clair,  who  commanded  at  Ticonde- 1 
roga,  not  having  above  three  thoufand  men. 

The  royal  army,  when  they  left  Crown  Point, 
advanced  with  the  greateft  circumfpedion  and 
prudence  on  both  fides  of  the  Lake,  the  fleet 
keeping  in  the  centre  till  the  army  had  enclofed 











^  additi- 
on (hore, 
!  .>riified 
On  the 
iad  beeu 
well  fup- 
etched  m 
ongly  cn- 
/ith  heavy 
,    another 
er  works, 
ad  united 
;nce  by  a 
the  inlet. 
he  bridge 
floats  were 
and  rivets, 
the  Lake 
tened  toge- 
ains,  made 
:hi8  bridgp 
vater  from 
I,  notwith- 
oiie  difad- 
uthward  of 
hill  called 
on  Mount 
ricans  were 
ant  of  men; 
at  Ticonde- « 
d  men. 
rown  Point, 
)e6lion  and 
e,  the  fleet 
ad  enclofed 


the  enemy  on  the  land  fide,  and  the  fleet  had  CHAP.  3 
arrived  juft  out  of  canaon-fhot  of  their  works.    ^^'• 
On  the  approach  of  the  right  wing  en  the  fe- 
cond  of  July,  the  enemy  inftantly  relinquifticd 
and  let  nre  to  their  works  on  the  fide  of  Lake 
George.     Major-general  Philips  therefore  imme- 
diately fecured  the  poflTeflion  of  an  important 
place  called  Mount  Hope,  which  commandef'  th 
enemy's  line,  and  cut  off  all  comniunicaiioii     .. 
Lake  George. 

Tli''  royal  army  having  arrived  at  Ticonc! 
procei  dec!  with  great  expedition  and  alaci 
conftruding  works  neceuary  for  the  invefti 
of  that  place.     J5y  the  fifth  of  July  thefe  works 
were  completed,  and  a  road  made  to  the  top  of 
Sugar  Hill  for  the  conftrudion  of  a  battery  there. 
The  enemy,  difcovering  thefe  vigorous  operati-   . 
ons,  thought  proper  to  hold  a  council  of  war, 
in  which  it  was  refolved  to  evacuate  Ticondc- 
roga  and  Mount  Independence  immediately.     Ii^T,''!^'^^, 
confequence  of  this  determination,  their  baggage,  by*i»eAme, 
provifions,   and  ftores,   were  embarked  in  two"^""* 
hundred  batteaux,  and  difpatched  up  the  fouth 
river   to  Skeneflaorough.     The   army  took  the 
Caftle  Town  road,  in  order  to  reach  Skenefbo- 
rough  by  land.     The  American  general  conceived 
that  his  retreat  would  be  made  without  any  diffi- 
culty, on  account  of  the  obftacles  which  the  Eng- 
liQi  muft  neceflfarily  overcome  before  they  could 
purfue  him.    The  dawn  of  the  day,  on  thefixth 
of  July,  difcovered  this  unexpefted  retreat.  Com- 
modore Lutwych  immediately  began  to  prepare 
for  a  purfuit  by  removing  an  immenfe  work  of 
framed  timber  funk  in  the  water,  and  by  cutting 
away  the  boom  that  obftru6led  the  paflage,  and 
which  had  cod,  in  the  completion  of  it,  near 
twelve  months  labour.     As  foon  as  thefe  obftruc-  J^^^"'' 
tions  were  removed  (which  talk  waseffcded  bydeftroyed 

.    "'  ncarSkenef- 

nme  borough. 

I     f 


■  :,.^.-.-!-«««*-9S,Sia_-».   *     '■   ■  (  ««  _j^ 

*-  "  Cl^ 










us  ■■■ 

m  m  — 

lAo    111112.0 














WEBSTER,  N.Y.  14580 

(716)  872-4503 






HI  S  T  O  R  y     OF    THE 

CHAP.^ip*  o'clock  in  the  morning),  captain  Carter  of 
XYL  the  artillery,  who  commanded  a  brigade  of  gun- 
boaits,  gave  chafe,  and  ptirfued  that  divilion  of  the 
enemy  which  was  making  its  retreat  by  water. 
So  great  was  the  fpeedwith  which  he  executed 
the  tnift  repofedin  him,  that  he  ovenook  them 
near  the  Falls  of  Skenefborotrgh,  engaged  and 
captured  fome  of  their  largeft  gallies,  obliging 
therp  to  fet  the  others  on  fire,  together  with  a 
confiderable  number  of  their  batteaux; 

The  grand  divifupn  bi  the  army  under  general 
Burgoyne,  in  gun-boats,  the  Royal  George,  and 
Inflexible  frigates,  approaching  the  Falls,  were 
faluted  by  a  ^fcbarge  of  cannon  from  the  works 
at  Skenelborough.  On  this  account  the  general 
thdught  proper  to  return  and  land  his  army  at 
South  Bay,  where  part  of  the  batteaux  ofAhc 
enemy  had  taken  refuge.  Thefe  would  certaiiily 
have  been  deftroyed  if  the  day  had  not  been 
TheAmeri-^®®  far  advaAccd.  Immediately  on  the  landing 
eant  aban-  of  the  Euglifh  the  enemy  evacuated  their  flockade 
fort,  and  other  works,  to  which,  as  well  as  to 
the  mills  and  ftore-houfes,  they  fet  fire  previous 
to  their  departure. 

During  thefe  operations  by  watier,  brigadier- 
general   Frazer,  at  the  heaa  of  the   advanced 
corps  of  grenadiers  and  light  infantry,  preffed 
hard  upon  the  rear  of  that  divifion  of  the  enemy 
which  had  taken  the  route  of  Hubberton,  and 
which  he  overtook  at  five  o'clock  on  the  morning 
of  the  fixth  of  July.     This  divifion  confifted  erf  | 
near  one  thoufand  nve  hundred  of  the  beft  markf- 
men  and  chofen  troops,  under  the  command  of  I 
colonel  Francis.    They  were  potted  on  ftrong 
ground,  and  received  the  attack  of  the  Britifi 
from  behind  breaftworks  compofed  of  logs  and 
old  trees.     General  Frazer's  detachment  was  not  | 
equal  in  point  of  number  to  the  enemy ;  never- 


don  their 

Their  rear 



'- "  \.  V-" 


^  m 

ler  general 
corge,  and 
Falls,  were 
I  the  works 
the  general 
his  amy  at 
aux  oiAht 
lid  certainly 
d  not  been 
the  landing 
eir  ftockadc 
5  vvell  is  to 
ire  previous 

e   advanced 
itry,  pteffed 
f  the  enemy 
)berton,  and 
the  morning 
command  of 
id  on  ftrong 
f  the  Britilh 
of  logs  and 
ment  was  not 

lemy;  never- 

A  M  E  R  1  C  A  N    W  A  R.  36^ 

^elefs  he  commenced  the  engagement,  becaufe  CHAP. 
he  expe^ed  a  reinforcement  of  troops  under  the    ^^I- 
German  general  Reidefel.    The  Americans  main-  ^*'nn«-' 
tained  their  poll  with  great  refolution  and  bra-    '777- 
very.    The  reinforcement  did  not  arrive  fo  foon 
as  was  expe£ted,  and  viAory  for  a  long  time  was 
doubtful.    The  arrival  however  of  general  Reide- 
fel decided  the   fate  of  the  day.    Hearing  the 
firing  of  guns  he  puihed  forwards  with  a  fmall 
number  of  men,  and  joined  general  Frazer  with 
a  full  band  of  mufic  playing.    The  enemy  con- 
ceiving from  this  circuraftance  that  the  whole 
of  .the  German  troops  had  advanced  into  the 
field,  immediately  retreated  with  great  precipi- 

The  Americans  loft  in  this  a£lion  their  brave 
commander^  feveral  other  officers,  and  above  two 
hundred  men  killed.  The  fame  number  were 
taken  prifoners;  and  it  was  fuppofed  that  not 
lefs  than  fix  hundred  wounded  died  in  the 

The  lofs  on  the  part  of  the  Britifh  did  not  ex- 
ceed twenty  officers,  none,  except  major  Grant, 
of  any  rank ;  and  about  one  hundred  and  twenty 
men  killed  and  wounded.  During  this  engage- 
ment general  St.  Clair  was  at  Caftle  Town,  about 
fix  miles  diftant  from  the  field  of  battle.  Im- 
mediately on  receiving  intelligence  of  this  defeat, 
he  bent  his  courfe  to  the  woods  on  his  left,  fearful 
of  being  intercepted  at  Fort  Anne,  but  yet  un- 
certain whether  he  (hould  proceed  to  the  upper 
part  of  the  Connedicut,  or  to  Fort  Edward.  In 
the  mean  time  a  party  of  the  enemy  having  taken 
the  road  by  Wood  Creek,  in  order  to  proceed 
beyond  Fort  Anne,  after  their  retreat  from 
Skenefborough,  were  purfued  by  colonel  Hill 
and  the  ninth  regiment,  and  overtaken  near  Fort 
Anne.  A  warm  engagement  immediately  com- 

■.*'  ■  ,..^- 



i  V     1 


CHAP,  mcnced,  the  enemy  having  infinitely  theadvantage 
XVI.  in  point  of  number.  But  colonel  Hill  had  pofted 
'  himfelf  in  fuch  a  judicious  manner,  that  all  the 
attacks  of  the  enemy  in  front  were  ineffediual. 
A  difpofition  was  then  made  to  furround  him, 
which  the  Britiih  commander,  with  admirable 
dexterity,  avoided,  by  changing  his  iituation  in 
the  heat  of  the  ad^ion.  The  engagement  ftill  con- 
tinued, with  various  fuccefs,  for  three  hours, 
when  the  Americans  were  repulfed  with  great 
daughter,  and  forced  to  retreat,  after  fetting  fire 
to  Fort  Anne,  to  Fort  Edward.  The  artillery 
loft,  by  the  evacuation  of  the  northern  pofls,  and 
taken  or  deftroyed  in  the  armed  veflels  at  Skenef- 
borough,  was  prodigious,  amounting  to  no  lefs 
than  one  hundred  and  twenty-eight  pieces,  fer- 
viceabk  and  unferviceable.  The  lofs  of  flow, 
bifcuit,  pork,  and  beef,  was  alfo  very  confidera- 
ble.  At  Fort  Edward,  where  general  Schuyler 
was  joined  by  general  St.  Clair  on  the  twelfth,  af- 
ter a  fatiguing  march,  the  whole  ftrength  of  the 
Americans  did  not  exceed  four  thouiand  four 
hundred  men,  including  militia.  It  may  not  be 
improper  to  relate  here  one  of  thofe  ftratagems 
in  which  the  genius  of  the  Americans,  during 
the  whole  courfe  of  the  vvjir,  was  arkably 
fertile.  Schuyler  took  out  of  a  can.,  -  withi 
falfe  bottom,  a  letter  from  a  perfon  in  the  intereft 
of  the  provincials  to  general  Sullivan,  and  pre- 
pared an  tnfwerto  it,  drawn  up  in  fuch  a  ilrain 
as  to  perplex  and  diftradl  Burgoyne,  and  leave 
him  in  doubt  what  courfe  to  follow.  This  letter, 
which  fell,  as  was  intended,  into  the  Engliih  ge- 
neral's hands,  had  the  defired  eife£l ;  for  he  was 
completely,  duped  and  puzzled  by  it  for  feverai 
days,  and  at  a  lofs  whether  to  advance  or  rc-J 


\^  .  r-^ 



rancc  or  rcv 


General  Burgoyoe,  after  remaining  fome  time  CHAP, 
at  Skene(borough,  left  that  place,  with  an  inten-    ^^^- 
tion  of  taking  the  road  that  leads  to  Hudfon's 
River,  and  thence  to  Albany,  in  order  to  open 
a  communication  with  Lake  George,  on  which 
he  had  embarked  the  heavy  artillery  and  bag- 
gage.   In  this  undertaking,  the  difhculties  which 
the  royal  army  had  to  encounter  were  infinite. 
Swamps  and  moraiies  were  to  be  pafTed.    Bridges 
were  to  be  conflruAed,  not  only  over  creeks,  but 
over  ravines  and  gullies.    The  roads  were  to  be 
cleared  of  the  foreft  trees,  which  had  been  felled 
and  difpofed  in  fuch  a  manner  as  to  interfe6l  each  r 
other.    Notwithft^nding,  however,  all  thefe  ob- 
ftacles,  in  a  fultry  feafon  of  the  year,  and  in  a 
clofe  country,  which  the  numerous  infedls  render 
s^moft  intoleral^e  to  Europeans,  the  royal  army 
endured  this  amazing  fatigue  with  great  cheer- 
fulnefs,  and  Oppofed  themfelves  to  difiBculty  and 
danger  with  untried  perfeverance  and  unabated 
fortitude.     This  general  has,  with  much  reafon, 
been  blamed  for  adopting  this  diflicult  and  tardy 
mode  of  condudl ;  by  returning  ij  Ticonderoga, 
and  embarking  again  on  Lake  George,  he  might 
have  eafily  proceeded  to  Fort  George,    whence 
there  was  a  wap^gon-road  to  the  place  of  his  defti- 
nation,  Fort  Edward.     The  reafon  he  gave  for  • 
not  purfuing  this  line  of  condu6l  was,  that  a  re- 
trograde motion  would  have  checked  the  vigour 
and  animation  of  the  troops.     Whether  the  mode 
he  chofe  to  adopt  was  likely  to  increafe  them  it 
is  not  very  difficult  to  determine.     As  foon  as 
the  Britifti  troops  had  fecured  the  poffeflion  of 
Skenelborough,  that  adlive  officer  major-general 
Philips  returned  to  Lake  George,    to  transport 
the  artillery,  provifions,  and  baggage,  over  the 
lake,  to  Fort  George,  and  thence  by  land  to  Fort 
Edward,    on  Hudfon's  River,   together  with  a 






►-«*^"-  - 


m  H  I  S  T  O  R  Y    Q  F    T  H  E 

9^J^^' large  number  of  boats  and  batteaux  for  the  tfe 
'  q{  the  army  in  the  intended  defcent  to  Albany; 
General  Schuyler,  who  at  this  time  commanded 
the  northern  Ammcan  army,  had  polled  him* 
felf,  immediately  after  tlie  affair  of  Hubberton, 
as  already  obferved,  at  Fort  Edward.  On  the 
advance  of  the  royal  army  he  retreated  dowo 
Hudfon's  River  to  Saratoga,  whei<e  he  iiiiied  a 
proclamation  calculated  to  counterad  the  efieS 
intended  to  be  produced  by  the  manifefto  pub- 
liihed  by  general  Burgoyne.  The  royal  army^ 
on  account  of  the  numberlefs  difficulties  they 
had  to  encounter,  advanced  but  flowly ;  and  it 
was  not  till  the  thirtieth  of  July  that  they  ar^ 
rived  on  Hudfon's  River.  Here  their  progrefs 
was  checked  for  feme  time,  becavfe  it  wasne- 
ceflary,  before  they  could  proceed,  that  the  proii 
viiions,  ftores,  and  other  neceflaries,  which  had 
been  brought  to  Fort  George  from  Ticonderoga^ 
by  general  Philips,  fhould  be  embarked.  The 
army  of  courfe  was  immediately  employed  in  the 
prolecution  of  thisfervice. 

h   > 




.,...■■..,  '-•-- 




»>  t 

C  H  A-% 



Difficulties  experienced  at  Fort  Edwards—Colonel " 
St.  Leger's  Expedition — Detachment  to  Benning- 
ton— Baum  and  Breyman  defeated — Fort  Stan- 
wix  invejied — Attempt  to  relieve  it  by  General 
Harkemer — St.  Leger  obliged  to  raif€  the  Siege  > 
of  Fort  Stanwix — General  Gates  takes  the  Com- 
mand  of  the  American  Army  in  the  North— 
Action  at  Still  Water— Dijlrejfed  Situation  of 
General  Burgoyne — Defertion  of  the  Indians-^ 
Retreat  to  Saratoga — Royal  Army  nearly  fur* 
rounded — Convention,  with  General  Gates.         > 

THE  delays  which  had  been  oecalioned  bye  HAP. 
the  route  which  general  Burgoyne  thought  XVII. 
proper  to  take,  had  afforded  time  for  the  Ame-^-nr^ 
;icans  to  recover  their  fortitude  and  to  recruit    »777' 
their  ftrength.    Where  the  Mohawk  falls  into 
Hudfon's  River,  about  eight  miles  from  Albany, 
is  an  ifland  in  the  fhape  of  a  half-moon,  called 
Still  Water.     On  this  place  general  Schuyler, 
who  had  aflembled  about   two  thoufand  feven 
hundred  men  at  Saratoga,  on   receiving  a  re-> 
inforcement  of  men  and   artillery,   under  the 
command  of  general  Arnold,  polled  his  army, 
in  order  to  check   the   progrefs  of  colonel  St. 
Leger,  who  early  in  June  had  been .  detached 
from  Laihene,  fix  miles  from  Montreal,  by  the 
way  of  Lake  Ontario  and  the  Mohawk  River, 
in  order,  as   already   obferved,  to  make  a  di- 
verfion    in    favout-    of   tlie    main    army.     He 
had  under  his  command  a  confiderable  number 

* .  of 



-   ■  "••■'•=»:.ii. 





C  H  A  P.  of  favages,  who,  in  fpite  of  ffeneral  Burgoyne's 
^^VII.    addrefs  to  them,  could  not  be  reftrained  from 
^"^"V^  the  commiflion  of  feveral  adts  of  ferocity.    Gc- 
*777'    neral  Burgoyiie.ftill  req|;uned  ia  the  neighbour- 
Difficuitiei  ^**o^  o^  ^o**'  Edward,    where,   on  account  of 
experienced  the  difficulty  of  bringing  the  (lores  from  Fort 
"ard?"*  ^'  George  to  Hudfon'a  River,  the  army  began  to 
Colonel  St.  experience  great  hardlhips.    At  this  jun&ure  he 
^Ttim"   received  intelligence  that  colonel  St.  Leger  bad 
advanced  up  the  St.  Lawrence,  and  bad  com- 
menced his  operations  againft  Stanwix,  a  ibrt  fi- 
tuated  on  a  riung  ground  at  the  upper  end  of  the 
Mohawk  River,  about  three  hundred  yards  from 
its  fource,  and  about  half  a  mile  from  the  fource 
of  Wood  Creek,  which  runs  into  Lake  Qnida, 
and  through  the  Onandigo  into  Lake  Ontario. 
General  Burgoyne  faw  th^  necefiity  of.  co-ope- 
rating with  colonel  St.  Leger,  and  of  immediately 
making  a  rapid  movement  forward.    But  this  in- 
tention could  not  be  carried  into  execution  un- 
der the  prefent  circumftances.    Ox-teams,  car- 
riages, and  other  neceflaries,  were  indifpenfably 
necefiary ;  to  procure  which,  the  commander  in 
chief  rc^foived  to  detach  a  body  of  troops  to  Bea- 
'  mngton,  a  place  fituated  between  the  forks  of 

the  Hoiick  River,  and  about  twenty- four  miles 
.J .  ..        to  the  eaft ward  of  Hudfon's  River.   The  northern 
;firmy  received  /uppUes  of  cattle,  provifions,  and 
ftores,  from  the  New  England  provinces  by  way 
Dftachment of  thc  Connecticut,  Manchefter,  and  Arlington; 
jo^  nn«»5- ^jjj^jj  fupplics  wcrc  depofited  at  Bennington. 
On  this  expedition  the  German  colonel  Baum 
was   difpatched  with  about  fix   hundred   men, 
moftly    Germans,   including   a   detachment   of 
Reidefers  dragoons.    This  number  was  in  every 
refped  too  fmall.     A  loyaliH  who  was  well  ac- 
-.    .,,       quainted  with  the  road,  and  had  undertaken  to 
i    *  accompany  colonel  Baum,  ilated  to  general  Bur- 

1^  '  goyne 



AM  ERICA  N     WAK, 


:a  from 
y.    Gc- 
ouat  of 
om  Fort 
}egan  to 
i&ure  he 
tad  com- 
a  ibrt  fi- 
ad  of  the 
ards  from 
lie  fource 
He  Onida, 
:  Qntario. 
>f  co-ope- 
lut  this  in- 
zution  un- 

goyne  that  the  expedition  required   a  force  of  CHAP, 
not  lefs  than  three  thoufand  men ;  for  the  roads   XVIi. 
were  very  bad,  through  a  thick  woody  country,  ^-^Tn*^ 
and  the   tardlnefs  of  fhe  German   method  of    ''^T* 
marching  would,  he  knew,  enable  the  enemy  to 
prepare  for  their  reception.     The  general,  how- 
ever, paid  no  attention  to  the  reprefentatibn  of   . 
this  gentleman,  whom  he  piauea  on  the  point 
of  honour.    The  idea  of  fending  German  troops 
on  this  fervice  was  oppofed  by  fome  of  th^  offi- 
cers of  the  army;  but  particularly  by  general 
Frazef,  who,   it  is  faid,  not  only  remonHrated 
with  general  Burgoyne,  but  reduced  his  remon- 
ftrance  into  writing.     The  Germans  were  heavy 
and  tardy  in   marching,   and,   as  ufual,   were 
loaded  with  accoutrements  that  prevented  thofe 
exertions- which  fuch  an  expedition  required.    In 
the  whole  army  a  corps  could  not  have  poflibly  . 

been  found  fo  unfit  for  afervice  that  required  rapi- 
dity of  motion  as  Reidefel's  dragoons.  Their  very 
hats  and  fwords  weighed  very  nearly  as  much 
as  the  whole  equipment  of  one  of  our  foldiers. 
The  word  Britifti  fegimenr*  in  the  fervice  would 
with  eafe  have  marched  two  miles  for  their  one. 
Cok>nel  Baum  was  a  brave  officer,  but  he  was 
totally  unacquainted  with  the  country,  with  the 
people,  and  with  the  language,  infomuch,  it  was 
reported,  that  he  hardly  knew,  when  he  under-  '  . 
ftood  that  they  Were  rinng  in  arms,  whether  to 
confider  them  as  friends  or  foes. 
>  Colonel  Baum,  accompanied  by  the  loyalift  as  ' ' 

his  guide,  began  his  march.  On  the  firft  day 
Baum  furprifed  a  large  body  of  the  enemy  who 
had  aflembled  for  the  purpofe  of  oppofing  the 
progrefs  of  his  detachment.  This  body  of  men, 
however,  were,  from  a  too  refined  principle  of 
generofity,  on  the  fucceeding  day  liberated  by 
colonel  Skeene,  the  infpeftor-general,  who  joined 
the  detachmejit,  and  fuperfeded  the  loyalift.  This. 
Vol.  I.  B  b  mode 


.S'.>^f^  ■-'      " 








CHAP. ttiocle  of  condud  it  was  fuppoited  would  de- 
XVII.  j^pji  ^i^jnj  fyoj^  jIjc  Amtrican  caufe.  Unfortu- 
nately however  it  produced  an  effe£l  diametri- 
cally oppofite ;  for  this  very  body  of  the  enemy 
were  afterwards  the  mod  formidable  opponeuts 
of  the  Engiifh  at  Benningtoa. 

On  the  l^fccond  day's  inarch  of  colonel  Baum's 
detachment,  they  captured  fome  cattle,  and 
routed  a  i'mall  part  of  the  enemy  near  a  village 
called  Caoibriqge.  Here  the  colonel  received 
intelligence  that  the  enemy  were  ailembling  from 
Kew  Hampihire  and  the  borders  of  Connei^icut, 
for  the  defence  of  Bennington.  Neverthelefii  he 
advanced  asfar  as.  Walloon  Creek,' about  feven 
miles  from  Bennington,  where  the  intelligence 
he  had  received  at  Cambridge  was  coufirmedi 
and  no  doubt  remained  of  a  formidable  oppci- 
fition.  In  coufequence  of  this  information  he 
thought  proper  to  halt,  and  to  pofl  his  detach- 
ment in  as  advantageous  a  manner  as  pofTible. 
This  laft  meafiirc  he  was  induced  to  adopt  from 
tlie  reprefentations  of  a  number  of  loyalifls,  un* 
der  the  command  of  a  colonel  Phifler,  who 
joined  him,  and  acquainted  him  that  the  enemy 
were  ilrongly  intrenched  at  Bennington,  and 
that,  as  foon  as  they  had  received  a  reinforce* 
nient  of  men,  it  was  intended  to  attack  him. 
Colonel  Baum  having  tranfmitted  thefe  particu* 
lars  togeneral  Burgoync,  a  detachment  of  five  hun- 
dred Germans,  under  the  command  of  lieutebant* 
colonel  Breyman,  was  fent  to  his  afiidance.  Tke 
roads  were  bad;  nor  was  the  mode  in  which 
the  Germans  mai  ched  calculated  to  promote  ex* 
peditioD.  They  baited  ten  times  in  an  hour  to 
drefs  their  ranks,  which,  through  the  embarraif* 
ments  attending  their  march,  were  liable  to  b« 
broken  at  every  turn. 

41  a       ,■ 

ft  ..The 



-"^;:-.^  ^r ■%■!»■-'.'' '^M 

df  01 

AMERlcAJj    \i<rAK. 



Itlie  Artieri<iatt  general,  3tarke.  with  :^b6(iyCHAP. 
of  006  thdufand  men  from  ^ew  Hamplhire  and   XVII. 
Miit^chuiiet,  wa^  At  this  period  on  his  route  id  "-^m*^ 
Joili  general  Schuyler.    Having  deceived  intetli-    »777« 
gence,   hOweVer,   of  the  approach  of  coloii^ 
B&uAi,  he  siltei*ed  his  courle,  and  haliened  to- 
wards  Bednington,  where,  joiaiog  the   conti* 
D)iatal  troops  uaaer  colonel  Warner,  he  fet  out 
dd  tha  H^tScnth  of  Augull,  atid,  by^  ten  o*clock 
ill  thie  moraibg,  furrounded   ^10n<l  Baum  at 
St.   Coieck's  Mill,   oii    Wallooa  Creek.    Th«J 
tr^rihan  oi!i6er,  a  Granger  to  the  country,  and 
td  the  lariguaffe  of  the  inhabitants,  was  at  firft 
pi^rAiaded  bV  tn6  loyalins  who  had  joined  him  that 
they  weJTe  friends.  G«heral  Starke,  however,  con»- 
mdh^ing  k  furious  attack  upoa  him  on  all  lides, 
foOfi  convinced  him  of  their  error.    Keverthelefs 
ht  i'efolVed  to  make  a  vigoi'ous  defence.    For  up« 
wards  of  an  hour  he  endured  a  terrible  difcharge 
o^  murquetry,  and  during  that  period  drove  the       " 
etiemy  leveral  times  from,  the  high  ground  on' 
whicn  they  were  Aationed,    But  their  number  in-  Baum  an4 
cfeafing  every  moment,  and  colonel  Baum  having  SJJl 
loit  his  artillery,  the  German  troops  were  under 
the  iieceflity  of  retreating  into  the  woods,  leaving 
their  commander  mortally  wounded  on  the  field  ot 
battle.  The  favages  who  had  accompanied  colonel 
Kaum  behaved  in  a  fhameful  manner,  retreatine 
at  thecoipmencement  of  the  engagements  Flulhed 
with  this  vi«*lory,  the  enemy  advancttd  againfl 
the  detachment  under  colonel  Breyman,  who,  ig- 
ndrant  of  the  defeat  of  Baum,  was  advancing  to 
I  Ms  relief;  but  tlie  tardinefs  of  their,  method  of 
marching,  added  io  the.obftacles  which  the  roads 
prfifehted,  had  retarded' their  progrefs  in  fuch  a 
manner,  that  twei^ty^-j^i^jiir  hours  were  fpent  ia 
ffiarchihg  {iiicteen  iriilss*'    The  confequence  was,  > 
jthat  Breyman  caihe  up  juft  in  time  to  join  the 
jf'iigitives  of  Baum's  detachment.    The  Ameri- 

B  b  2  cans 



■ "  /'"I 

■i.- ,.  — ■  .""^"SlK-J 




HisTORYOF   The 




CHAP. cans  began  a  vigorous  attack  on  Breymau,  who 
^^'^*   was  obliged  to  rttreat,  after  having  made  a  very 
gallant  refiftance,  and  having  expended  all  his 
ammunition.    The  lofs  of  men  in  thefe  two  en» 
gagemenis  amounted  to  about  fix  hundred. 

This  was  the  firft  check  which  the  northern  army 
received,  and  indeed  it  muft  be  chiefly  attributed 
to  the  commander  in  chief.  The  troops  he  dif- 
patched  on  the  expedition  to  Bennington  were 
too  few  in  number,  and,  being  foreigners,  im- 
]3roper  for  it.  The  general  ouffht  to  have  rec- 
tified his  miftake,  when  colonel  Baum  fent  for  a 
reinforcement.  Had  he  fent  Frazer*8  brigade, 
according  to  that  general's  requeft,  the  fatal 
confequences  that  enfued  might  in  all  probabi- 
lity  have  been  prevented.  Immediately  after  the 
defeat  of  colonel  Baum,  and  the  retrieat  of  colU 
nel  Breyman,  the  royal  army  which  had  ad- 
vanced to  Saratoga,  drew  back. 

In  the  mean  time  colonel  St.  Leger  had  com- 
menced his  attack  upon  Fort  Stanwix,  a  finill 
fquareiog  fort  with  fourbaftions  and  aftockaded 
covered-way,  without  any  other  outworks.  It 
was  defended  by  colonels  Ganfevert  and  Willet, 
and  feven  hundred  men.  The  commencement 
of  the  fiege  was  attended  with  very  favourable 
circumftauces.  On  the  f^IUi  of  Auguft  colonel 
St.  Leger  received  intelligence  that  one  thoufatid 

JjJj^J^PjJ 'by  provincials,  under  the  comma:nd  of  general  Har- 

general Har-kemer,  wcrc  advancing  to  the  relief  of  the  fort. 

''  Sir  John  Johnfon  therefore,  with  a  party  of  re- 

gulars, and  a  number  of  favages,  was  difpatched  i 
into  the  woods,  where  he  placed  his  men  in  am- 
bulb.  The  enemy  advanced  incautioufly,  and 
fell  into  the  trap  that  was  laid  for  them.  A  fud- 
den  and  une*pe6lcd  fife  was  poured  vpon  them 
from  behind  trees  and  bufhes,  and  the  favagesi 
rulhing  from  thfeiV  concealment,  made  a  dreadfull 

'  flaughterl 

Fort  Stan' 
wix  inveA 


■'h   :u;-r;! 


i  d  I 

e  nTfjca.   10 


.^h'" , 


i-f-^f' — 

1    A:"^'^j;;'3s*--« 

_^;ft^pi  . 


fl,  ¥»ho 
a  very 

i  all  Vis 
two  enr 

:rn  army 
IS  he  dif- 
lOQ  were 
lers,  im- 
^ave  rec- 
feni  for  a 

the  fatal 

y  after  the 
at  of  colo- 
i  had  ad- 

•  had  com- 
ix, a  fmtll 
iworks.    It 
md  WUlet, 
^uft  colonel 
ne  thoufatid 
jreneral  Har- 
'of  the  fort, 
party  of  re- 
18  dilpatched 
5  men  in  am- 
fltidufly,  and 
lem.     A  fud. 
d  vpon  them 
I  the  lavages 
dc  a  dreadful| 



daughter  with  their  fpears  and  tomahawks.     The  CHAP. 
eoemy,  though  furpriled  and  fomewhat  difmaycd,   ^^II. 
did  not  retreat  precipitately,   but  recovered  a 
rifin^  ground)  wnich  enabled  them,  by  a  kind  of 
running  fight,  to  preferve  about  one-third  of  their 
detachment.   The  number  of  killed  and  wounded 
on  the  part  of  the  enemy  amounted  to  near  four 
hundred.    The  befieged  being  informed  of  the 
approach  of  srcneral  Harkemer,  made  a  fally  un-' 
der  colonel  Willet,    which  was  attended  with 
I'ome   fuccefs.     Having  received,    however,    in- 
telligence of  the  defeat  of  the  provincials,   he 
and  another  officer  undertook  a  very  perilous 
expedition.    They   penetrated  at  the  dead   of 
night  through  the  camp  of  the  befiegers,  and 
traverfed  a  fpace  of  fifty  miles,  through  defcrts, 
woods,  and  morafles,  in  order  to  bring  relief  to 
the  fort.    The  enemy  perceiving  that  the  artil- 
lery of  the  befiegers  was  too  light,  and  infuffici- 
ent  to  make  any  impreflion  on  the  defences  of 
the  fort,  treated  every  propofal  for  a  furrender 
withderifion  and  contempt.  On  the  twenty- fecond 
of  Auguft  a  man  belonging  to  the  fort  purpofely^ 
conveyed  himfelf  into  the  Britifh  camp,  and  de-  - 
clared  that  he  had  efcaped  from  the  enemy  at  the 
hazard  of  his  life,  in  order  to  inform  the  Britifh 
commander  that  general  Arnold,  with  two  thou- 
faud  men  and  ten  pieces  of  cannon,  Avas  advan- 
cing rapidly  to  raife  the  iiege.    He  alfo  acquainted 
him  that  general  Burgoyne  had  been  defeated, 
and  his  army  cut  to  pieces.     Colonel  St.  Leger 
was  not  intimidated  by  this  information  ;  nor  did 
he  give  much  credit  to  It ;  but  it  produced  an 
immediate  effed   on  the  lavages.     The  Britifh 
commander  called  a  council  of  their  chiefs,  and 
endeavoured,  by  tlie  influence  of  fir  John  John- 
fon,  and  the  other  fupcrintendants,  colonels  Claus 
and  Butler,  to  induce  them  not  to  withdraw  their 
;   .  afhflance. 


"".^  ^*  *'*"^'  *^  — --^ 


ttJStOHY    Of    THE 

C  H A  £.  afliift ance.    Every  f ffort  however  yv%s  i qe.ife^ual  j 
XV^I.    a  large  party  of  the;  fayages  d^jpaiKd  while  th^ 

Vnn*^  council  was  fitting  j  apd  the  reft  thrc^tQocd  tft 
'777'    foUow  their  example,   unlefs   th<e  Bdti(h   cp«^. 

^'j.^""    mandcr  would  immediately  ipp4ke,  a  retfeat.    To 

?aifc  the**    this  mortifyina  proppfitiow  he  was  under  the  ne« 

J^'se^Jt^ortceflity  of  acceding.  The  tents  wer^  kft  ft?nd- 
ing,  and  tlie  artillery  and  (lores  fell  intg>  tj^^ 
j)oflel5o|j  of  the  garrifon*  One  pf  the  chief  ca^ufw 
of  the  failure  of  fuccefs  in  this  ^^i^peditio^  wai 
the  inadequacy  of  th?  forc^  unider  colonel  $t. 
Leger,  and  the  infufl&ciency  aud  foiallnefp  of 
the  artillery,  which  were  inc^tpable  of  making 
,  a,ny  breach  On  the  enemy's  works.  The  fupe* 
riority  of  the  fayag^s  iu  number  ove?  the  Bri- 
tifh  troops,  was  an,pther  qayfe.  "Xh^h  fubfe- 
quent  defertion,,  aud  the  approach  pf  Arnold 
r'e:ndered  a  retreat  a  meafur^  of  ueceffuy,  though 
it  certainly  might  h^ve  been  CQpd.Vifi^ed  U>-  ^  moi;^ 
regular  mannien  ^  . "  ,.*  w.i,.,«w. 

With  refpeft  to  the  intimation  of  general  Af* 
lipid's  approach  to  the  relief  of  Fort  Stviwi3f4 
it  was  in  part  true.  He  was  advancing  up  the 
Mohawk  River  with  two  thoufand  men,;  but, 
in  order  to  arrive  more  fpeedily  at  the  place  pf 
his  dedination,  he  h^d  left  the  main  body,  and 
moved  rapidly  forward  with  a  body  of  about 
nine  hundred  men.  He  arrived  at  the  fort  two 
days  after  the  fiege  had  been  raifed.    His  affift- 

C«neral      ance  being  now  unneceflary,  he  returned  with 
the  com-     his  armv  to  reinforce  general  Gates,  who  had  a 

mardof  thefjjQjt  jjj^g  bcforc  takcu  the  commaud  of  the  Ame- 

American        .  ,        ,  , 

army  .n  ihe  Hcau  army  in.  the  north. 

^"*»'  General  Burgoj  ne  having  by  unremitting  in- 

duftry  collefted  about  thirty  days  provifions, 
and  a  bridge  of  boats  being  conftru^ted  in  lieu 
of  the  bridge  of  rafts  which  had  been  carried 
jiway  by  iuceflant  rains,  the  whole  army  croffcd 


.■*»f     * 




Hudfon's  River  on  the  thirteenth  and  fourteenth  9J^  i^  ^^ 
ef  September,  and  encamped  on  the  heights  and  ^}' 
plains  of  Saratoga,  with  a  vaft  train  of  artillery.  ^TZT*' 
The  movements  of  the  army  were  of  courfe  re- 
gulated by  the  advances  of  the  artillery,  which 
were  not  only  retarded  by  the  deflru&ionof  the 
bridges,  but  by  the  rains,  which  had  rendered 
the  roads  almoft  impafTable.     On  the  nineteenthr 
of  September  the  army  advanced  in  front  of  the     ' 
enemy  at  Still  Water  iu  the  folbwing^  order: 
The  right  wing  was  commanded  by  general  Bur-  - 
goyne,  and  covered  by  general  Frazer  and  colo* 
nel  Breyman,  with  the  grenadiers  snd  Hght  in< 
fantry,  who  were  pofled  along  fame  high  grounds 
on  the  right.    The  front  and  fianks   were  co- 
vered by  Indians,  Provincials,  and  Cariadians. 
The  left  wing  and  artillery  were  commanded  by 
majors-general  Philipi  and  Reidefel,    who  pro- 
ceeded along  the  great  road.     Tho  ziatureof  the 
country  preventing  the  enemy  from  beholding 
the  different  movenvenis  of  the  Britifli  army,  they 
detached   a  body  of  five  thoufand  men  to  at- 
tempt turning  the  right  wing,  amd  attacking  gc 
neral  Burgoyne  in  his  rear.     Being  checked  ia 
their  deiigu  by  general  Frazer,  they  made  «:  rapid 
mo'^'^ment,  which  the  peculiar  muation  of  the 
country  prevented  from  being  difcovered,  and 
advanced  to  attack  the  Britiih  line  on  the  rrs^ht. 
The  engagement  bessjan  at  three  o'clock  in  thci^':^'*'"^' 

-  °  °    r     \  •  Lfc  1.  1  Still  Water. 

afternoon  or  the  nineteenth  oi  Scpcenabciir,  and 
continued  till  after  fun-fet.  The  eneniy  were 
led  to  the  battle  by  general  Arnold,  who"  dif- 
tinguifhed  himfelf  in  an  extraordinary  manner. 
Unfortunately,  the  engagement  was  only  partial 
on  the  part  of  the  EngLilh.  The  chief  burden 
of  the  battle  of  courfe  lay  on  the  regiments  which 
were  pofted  in  the  plain.  Thel'e  were  the  twen- 
tieth, the  twenty-firft,  and  the  fixty-Iecond.   They 



!    ■lii 



P  I 



CHAP. behaved  with  great  gallantry  and  firmners,  r6* 
^}^\  ceiving  and  returning  the  heavy  fire  of  the  ene^ 
my  with  equal  coolnefs  and  intrepidity,  for 
the  fpace  of  four  hours.  Several  other  regi- 
ments alio  diilinguilhed  thenifelves.  The  twen- 
ty-fourth regiment,  with  the  grenadiers  and 
hght-infantry,  were  for  Ibme  time  engaged  with- 
great  fpirit  and  bravery.  The  German  troops 
were  not  much  in  the  battle,  on  account  of 
their  iituation,  which  it  was  not  judged  advi. 
fable  to  relinquifti.  As  foon  as  the  battle  comr 
menced,  major-general  Philips  contrived  to  con- 
vey through  a  thick  part  of  the  wood  forae  artil- 
lery, which  was  of  efiential  fervice. 
-  The  enemy,  during  the  whole  of  the  engage- 
mcpt,  were  fupplied  with.frelh  men  by  general 
Gates,  who  was  polled  at  a  ftar  redoubt.  A^ 
day-light  clofed  they  thought  proper  to  retire,, 
and  leave  the  Britiih  mailers  of  the  field  of  bat- 
tie.  ...  U..,Vv- 

The  lofs  on  each  tide  was  nearly  equal ;  (\t 
.liundred  being  killed  and  wounded  on  the  part 
of-  the  Britiih,  and  the  fame  number  on  the  fide 
of  the  Americans:  It  muft  be  confeffed  that  the 
engagement  would  have  been  more  decifive  on 
the  part  of  the  Englilh,  if  general  Burgoyne  had 
not  burdened  himfelf  with  fuch  a  train  of  artil- 
lery as  not  only  rendered  his  marching  tardy, 
but  made  it  neceffary  for  him  to  extend  his  lines 
more  than  the  nature  of  his  fituation  rendered 
prudent.  No  folid  advantages  refulted  to  the 
Britifh  troops  from  this  encounter.  The  con- 
du6l  of  the  enemy  had  fully  convinced  every 
one  that  they  were  able  to  luftain  an  attack  in 
open  plains  with  the  intrepidity,  the  fpirir,  and 
the  coolnefs  "of  veterans.  For  four  hours  they 
hiaintiiined  a  cpntefl  hand  to  hand;  and  when 
./■•^^  r.r  i*'-.:  Sii^ -'^'.tu'h  .     they 

■  --,>t.  ii 



:-i.  1. 

k£x-9:-?"---._*5^2££iif  %!??*"-••  •*■',<.. 


efs,  re» 
he  tx\t* 
ty,  for 
ir  regi- 
le  twen- 
:rs    and 
red  with' 
1  troops 
:ount  of 
ed  advi- 
ttle  conir 
i  to  con- 
)me  artil- 

to  retire, 
Idof  bat- 

;qual ;  fiit 
n  the  part 
)n  the  fide 
;d  that  the 
lecifive  on 
goyne  had 
in  of  artil- 
ling  tardy, 
d  his  lines 

ted  to  the 

The  con- 
iced  every 
h  attack  in 

ipirit,  and 
hours  they 

and  when 
'  :  .    they 

A  M  E  R  I  C  AN      *r  A  R. 


they  retired,  it  was  not  beci.Je  they  were  con- CHAP, 
qaered,  but  becaufe  the  approach  of  hight  made  XVII. 
a  retreat  to  their  camp  ablblutely  neceffary.  s-^^n*/ 

The  Britifli  army  lay  all  night  on  their  arms    "777* 
in  the  field  of  battle,    and  the  next  day  works      .  , 
were  eredled  within  cannon-fhot  of  the  enemy, 
the  right  being  fortified  by  ftrong  redoubts.     It        . 
is  faid  that,  had  the  lines  of  the  enemy  been  at- 
tacked on  the  morning   after  the  battle,   they 
would  have  retreated,  their  baggage  being  load- 
ed, and  every  thing  prepared  for  flight,  if  the 
Britiih  general  had  thought  proper  to  have  adopt- 
ed I'uch  a  meafure.    It  muft  be  confefled,  how- 
ever,  that  fuch  an  aflfertion  is  not  fupported  by 
circumflances  or  probabilities ;  for  the  manner 
in  which  the  enemy  were  polled  was  peculiarly 
(Irong.     On  the  right,  any  approach  or  attack  oiitreflcd 
was  imprafticable  ;  and  on  the  left  not  to  be  fixation  of 
made  without  great  hazard.    The  intrepidity  of  Burgoync. 
captain  Jones,  of  the  Britifh  artillery,  who  fell 
in   this  adiou,    was  particularly   diflinguifhed. 
Few  adlions  have  been  more  remarkable  than 
this,  for  both  vigour  of  attack  and  obftinacy  of 

Every  poflible  method  Was  now  taken  to  in- 
form fir  William  Howe  and  general  Clinton  of 
the  fituation  of  general  Burgoyne,  and  arguments 
ufed  that  might  induce  them  to  make  a  diverfion 
ia  his  favour.  Under  the  convidlion  that  they 
would  adopt  fuch  a  mode  of  condud,  he  had 
crofled  Hudfon's  river,  and  given  up  all  com- 
munication with  the  Lakes.  He  had  expeded 
that  a  diverfion  would  have  been  made  before 
this  period.  Such  a  diverfion  was  indeed  made 
about  this  time,  and  that  without  orders,  by  fir 
Henry  Clinton,  againft  Forts  Clinton  and  Mont- 
gomery in  the  lower  parts  of  Hudlosi's  River. 
t     J  After 



«  I  S  T  O  R  Y    OF     THE 




>  \ 

After  the  battle  of  Still  Water,  the  favages, 
as  «(lready  obferved,  had  difcovered  a  difmclina. 
tion  KQ  coQtinue  with  general  Burgoync.  They 
bad  been  difappointed  m  their  hopes  of  plunder, 
and  the  check  which  the  Englifh  had  jreceived 
at  G^auingtoa  and  Fort  Stauwix  had  chilled 
that  ardour  and  enthu0arm  which  they  had  at 
firft  manifeftcd.  The  feafoa  for  hunting  was 
now  arrived;  and  never  do  they  on  any  pre- 
Defertten  of  tencc  forcgo  it.  Ou  this  account  they  withdrew 
"*'■  their  alTiiitance,  and  deierted  general  Burgoyne, 
de^  to  every  conlideration  of  honour,  and  un«. 
moved  by  any  reprefeotations  made  to  them  of 
the  diftrefa  in  which  their  feceffion  would  in- 
volve Iwni,  The  royal  army  was  by  this  de. 
fertioa  ejctreaiely  weakened ;  but  the  BritiQi  ge- 
neral did  n.ot  think  it  advifabie  to  retreat  froctt 
ibe  eaemy. 

Both  armies  lay  in  fight  of  each  other  for  ioxat 
tioie,  each  fortifying  their  camp  in  the  ftrongeit 
njanner  poflible.  I'hia  delay  was  extremely  be- 
neficial to  the  Americans^  inafrnuch  as  it  enabled 
tbeni  to  increafe  their  number  of  men,  and  to 
obtain  a  powerful  reinforcement  of  ftores  and 
provifions  from  the  fouthem  provinces.  But  the 
American  generals  were  not  folely  :employed  in 
fortifying  their  camp,  or  in  increafing  their  re- 
fources.  They  knew  the  embarraffment  of  ge- 
neral Burgoyne's  fituation,  and  the  dilemma  to 
which  he  was  reduced*  The  only  probable 
means  of  faving  himfelf  from  deftruftion  Jay 
in  a  retreat.  An  expedition  was  therefore 
planned  by  generals  Gates  and  Arnold,  to  pre- 
vent the  adoption  of  this  lail  fad  meafure,  by 
cutting  off  all  communication  with  the  Lakes, 
and  by  recovering  the  pofTeflion  of  Ticonderoga 
and  Mount  Independence. 

•     ^  ^-      ^-      This 

<,J— i>.-!^1<lii      I  iipMI     r-  . 



This  expedition  was  entrufted  to  the  commaud  CHAP. 
of  colonel  Brown>   who  with  great  fecrefy  and  Xvii. 
diligence  gained  the  rev  of  the  royal  army  un-  ^-'"jn-^ 
difcovereo.    He  arrived  on  the   eighteenth  of   *777' 
September  ^t  the  north  end  of  Lake  George,  Retreat  to 
where  one  fmall  floop  and  the  boat*  employed  ^*"'°^' 
in  tranfporting  provinons  to  the  army  were  I'ljr- 
prifed  and  takec»  with  a  number  of  Canadians 
and  a  few  feamen.    Three  companies  of  the  fif-    ,, 
ty-third  regiment  were  at  the  fame  time  made 
prifoners.    Inm>ediately  after  they  had  fecured 
the  pofleffiou  of  the  armed  veffels,  they  began 
to  attack  Ticonderoga  with  two  pieces  of  can- 
non, which  they  had  obtained  from  the  captured 
floop.  i. 

Brigadier-general  Powel,  who  commanded  tW 
garrifon,  dei^nded  it  for  four  days  ^ainft  the  at- 
tempts of  the  enemy,  who,  at  the  expiration  of 
that  period,  vvere  induced  to  retire,  from  an  ap- 
prehenfion  of  being  intercepted  in  their  retreat 
by  a  detachment  of  troops  from  Canada.  In 
their  way  back  the  enemy  made  another  attempt 
upon  Diamond  Ifland,  iituated  in  the  foqthern 
part  of  the  lake,  which  was  as  uniuqcefsful  as 
that  made  againft  Ticonderoga. 

General  Burgoyne's  difficulties  began  now  to  Royai  army 
increafe  daily.  The  enemy  had  augmented  their  J^'J^'jIgJ""* 
ftrength  in  luch  a  manner  as  to  render  him  dif- 
fident of  the  poflibility  of  making  good  his  re- 
treat. His  army  was  reduced  to  little  more  than 
five  thoufand  men,  who  were  limited  to  half  the 
ufual  allowance  of  provilions.  The  ftock  of  fo- 
rage was  entirely  exhaufled,  and  the  horfes  were 
perifliing  in  great  numbers  for  the  want  of  it. 
In  addition  to  thefe.circumftanccs,  no  intelli- 
gence had  yet  been  received  of  the  approach  of 
general  Clinton,  or  of  the  diverfion  which  was 
to  be  made.     Environed  thus  by  diil^culty  and 




'.  I 


.,  -•<»-. 




'I ) , 

S  380 


^ HAP. danger,   general  Burgoyne  refolved  to  try  the 
^^^^-  difpofiiion  of  the  enemy,  to  examine  the  pofli- 
'"•^"T^^  bility  of  advancing,  ana  of  diflodging  them  from 
^'''^'    their  pofts  on  the  left,  which  would  enable  him 
to  adopt  the  melancholy  refource  of  retreating 
"■'"'■     to  the  lakes.     Purfuant  to  this  determination  he 
detached  a  body  of  fifteen  hundred  men,  which 
he  headed  himfelf,  being  a^tendied  by  generals 
/  Philips,  Reidefel,  and  Frazer.     The  camp  was 

defended  on  the  high  grounds  by  generals  Ha- 
milton and  Specht ;  and  the  redoubts  and  parts 
adjacent  to  the  river,  by  brigadier  Gell.  This 
detachment  had  fcarce  formed,  within  lefs  than 
half  a  mile  of  the  enemy's  intrenchments,  when 
a  furious  attack  was  made  on  the  left,  where  the 
g-renadiers  were  polled.  Major  Ackland,  who 
commanded  the  grenadiers,  conduced  himfelf 
with  great  coolnefs  and  intrepidity.  His  pbl| 
was  extremely  difficult  and  dangerous,  and  it 
was  not  poflible  to  detach  any  affiilance  to  him 
from  the  German  corps,  becaufe  the  fuperiority 
in  number  of  the  enemy  enabled  them  at  the 
fame  time  to  extend  their  line  of  attack  againft 
them.  The  right  had  not  yet  been  employed, 
but  it  being  obferved  that  the  enemy  were  mak- 
■^  ing  a  movement  round  their  flank  to  prevent 

■  > ,  their  retreat,  the  light-infantry  and  the  twenty- 
fourth  regiment  inftantly  formed,  in  order  to 
fruftrate  the  enemy's  intentions. 

The  left  wing  in  the  mean  time,  overpowered 
by  numbers,  was  obliged  to  retreat,  and  would 
inevitably  have  been  cut  to  pieces,  but  for  the 
intervention  of  the  light-infantry  and  twenty- 
fourth  regiment.  The  whole  detachment  was 
now  under  the  neceflity  of  retiring,  with  the  lofs 
of  fix  pieces  of  ariillery.  Scarce  had  the  Britifli 
troops  entered  the  lines  v.'hen  they  were  again  im- 
petuoufly  attacked  by  the  enemy,  who,  notwith- 


'  / 





Handing  a  moft  heavy  fire,  began  a  furious'  afl^ult  CHAP, 
upon  their  intrenchments.     They  were  led  by   ^^^^• 
the  gallan;  general  Arnold,  who  attacked  lord 
Balcarras's  light-infantry  with  great  eagernefs. 
The  refiftance  was  firm,  and  the  engagement  for 
a  long  while  doubtful.     A  wound  which  Arnold 
received  at  length  gave  the  vidlory  to  the  Englifh, 
and  the  Americans  were  repulfed  from  this  quar- 
ter.   In  another,  however,  they  were  more  fuc- 
cefsful.     The  intrenchments  defended   by  the 
German  troops  under  colonel  Breyman  were  car- 
ried fword  in  hand.     The  colonel  was  killed, 
and  bis  troops  retreated,  with  the  lofs  of  all  their 
baggage,  artillery,  &c.     Night  clofed  the  dread- 
ful fcene.    The  Englifh  loft,   this  day,  general 
Frazer,  colonel  Breyman,  and  feveral  other  offi- 
cers of  note,  befides  a  confiderable  number  of 
wounded.    The  Americans  took  upwards  of  two 
hundred  officess  and  privates  prifoners  ;  befides 
nine  pieces  of  brafs  artillery,  and  the  encamp- 
ment of  a  German  brigade,  with  all  their  equi- 
page.    But  what  was  of  the  greateft  confequencc, 
they  obtained  from  the  fpoils  of  the  field  a  large 
fupply  of  ammunition,  under  a  fcarcity  of  which 
they  had  long  laboured. 

General  Burgoyne  was  now  moft  critically  fitu- 
ated.  He  could  not  continue  in  his  prelent  po- 
fition  without  a  certainty  of  deftrudion.  He 
therefore  refolved  to  make  a  total  and  immedi- 
ate change  of  pofition.  With  great  fecrel'y  and 
filence  the  whole  army  removed,  with  all  their 
baggage  and  artillery,  to  the  heights  above  the 
holpital  during  the  night.  This  movement  re- 
duced the  enemy  to  the  neceffity  of  making  a 
new  difpofition.  On  the  fiicceeding  day,  the 
eighth  of  06lober,  feveral  attempts  were  made 
to  induce  the  enemy  to  hazard  a  battle.     They 


■r"'>.'.'!AA'  f ''■' .  "ii^'M-'ri'rsJo'h-/'- 




-^  If* 




ril    ' 

I*  V   I 

HlSTOkVO?    ThE 

CHAP. were  however  ineffedtual,  and  the  whole  da^ 
,  XVII.  was  occupied  ih  continued  (kirmifhes. 
^-nr*^  The  enemy  had  refufed  to  haaard  a  battle  be* 
.  *777'  caufe  they  were  preparing  to  carry  meafurei  into 
execution  which  would  have  immediately  cotn- 
,  pleted  the  ruin  of  the  Britifh  army.  Thefe  were 
to  turn  general  Burgoyne*8  right,  Which,  if  ef* 
fefted,  would  have  inclofed  him  on  all  fides; 
.  The  Britifh  general,  howcvet,  difcovcred  thefe 
Intentions  before  they  were  carried  into  execu* 
tion.  An  inftant  retreat  therefore  to  Saratogfi 
was  now  the  only  alternative  left.  At  nine  o'* 
clock  on  the  evening  of  the  eighth  of  Oftober 
the  army  was  ordered  to  relittquilh  their  pofitlon 
on  the  heights  above  the  hofpltal.  The  retreat 
to  Saratoga  was  effefled  without  lofs,  and  without 
any  obftrudtion  on  the  part  of  the  enemy ;  but 
it  was  impoflible,  encumbered  as  the  army  was 
with  baggage  and  artillery,  to  carry  off  the  fitk 
and  wounded  from  the  hofpital.  General  Gates, 
however,  behaved  with  his  wonted  humanity, 
and  the  unfortunate  tenants  of  the  hofpital  Wert 
treated  with  all  imaginable  tendernei^.  GenC' 
ral  Burgoyne  having  ordered  the  roads  and  the 
•  bridges  to  be  broken  in  their  march  forward, 
the  movement  of  the  afmy  in  their  retreat  was 
neceflarily  tardy.  The  fords  of  Filh  Kill  Creek, 
which  are  fomewhat  to  the  northward  bf  Sara* 
toga,  were  not  paffed  till  ten  o*clock  on  the 
fucceeding  morning.  The  enemy,  watching  eve- 
ry motion  with  the  moft  anxious  attention,  had 
already  arrived  at  this  place  before  them  ;  but  on 
the  approach  of  the  Britifh  troops,  they  retired 
Over  the  river  HudfOn,  to  a  larger  force,  which 
had  been  detached  there  to^  obftruft  the  paflage 
of  the  royal  troops. 

An  attempt  Was  now  made  to  retreat  to  FOft 
George.     A  detachment    of  artiBcers   under  a 








ftroog  efcort  was  accordingly  difpatchcd  before;  CHAP, 
the  armv,  in  order  to  repair  the  bridges  and  open  j|^  ^ 
the  road  to  Fort  Edward.     The  appearance  of  ^^"""^^ 
the  enemy,   however,   prevented  the  artificers 
from  effedling  their  purpofe^  and  they  were  un- 
der the  neceflity  of  making  a  precipitate  retreat 
on  account  of  the  defertion  of  their  efcort.    The 
enemy  ftretching  along  the  farther  (hore  of  the 
river  Hudfon,  annoyed  the  batteaux  of  the  royal 
army  in  fuch  a  manner  that  they  were  forced  to 
land  the  proviflons  and  convey  them  to  the  camp 
up  a  fteep  hill,  the  enemy  pouring,  during  the 
whole  time,  a  moft  tremendous  fire  on  the  men 
employed  in  this  fervice. 

Surrounded  in  this  manner  by  deftru£lion  and 
difmay,  general  Burgoyne  refolved  to  attempt  t 
retreat  by  night  to  Fort  Edward,  each  foldier  car*  > 
rying  his  provision  on  his  back.  The  artillery 
was  to  be  left  behind,  on  account  of  the  impo^ 
fibility,  under  the  prefent  circumdance,  of  con* 
veying  it  away.  But  even  this  fad  alternative 
was  rendered  impradicable.  While  the  army 
were  preparing  to  march,  intelligence  was  re- 
ceived that  the  enemy  had  already  pofTefTed  them- 
felves  of  the  road  to  Fort  Edward,  and  that  they 
were  well  provided  with  artillery.  In  the  courfe 
of  the  difaflrous  events  here  enumerated,  large 
quantities  of  baggage,  provilions,  boats,  and 
other  articles,  fell  into  the  hands  of  the  Ameri- 
cans ;  both  regular  troops,  called  continentals^ 
aad  militia.  The  American  militia  were  fo  eager 
after  plunder  that  they  would  often  rob  the 
provincial  regulars  of  what  booty  they  had  fe- 
cured,  and  fell  it  on  their  own  account.  Irre- 
gularities of  this  kind  were  carried  to  fuch  a 
height,  that  the  American  commander,  in  gene- 
ral orders  iflfued  on  the  twelfth  of  Odlober,  de- 
clared "  that  he  faw  fo  many   fcandalous  and 

"  mean 










L'  I 


I  ■' 




XVII.     a 


mean  tranfadlions  committed  by  perfons  who 
I'ought  more  after  plunder  than  the  honour  of 
doing  their  duty,  that  ic  was  his  unalterabJe 
"  relblution  to  have  thi  lirft  perfon  who  (hould 
"  thereafter  be  dctedled  in  pillaging  the  baggage 
"  and  ftores  taken  from  the  cnem^  tried  and  pu- 
"  niflied  with  the  utmod  fevcrity." 

The  fituation  of  general  Burgoyne  had  now 
attained  the  climax  of  diHiculiy  and  danger.  Iti. 
ceflant  toil  had  enervated  the  whole  army.  Out 
of  eight  thoufand  men,  of  which  the  army  con- 
filled  after  the  capture  of  Ticonderoga,  not  more 
than  three  thoufand  five  hundred  nghting  meu 
remained,  one  half  of  which  only  were  Britifti'. 
Proviiions  were  almoft  exhauded,  and  no  hope 
remained  of  procuring  a  frcfti  fupply.  Added 
to  this,  an  enemy  four  times  greater  in  point tof 
number,  and  in creafing  every  day,  almoft  encir- 
cled them.  An  engagement  was  ftudioufly  avoid- 
ed by  the  Americans,  on  account  of  their  Jcnow- 
ledge  of  the  defperate  fituation  of  the  Britifh 
troops  ;  and  the  enemy  were  polled  in  fo  advan- 
tageous a  manner  that  they  could  not  be  at- 
tacked.     ' 

t;;  Every  hope  of  relief  being  now  at  an  end,  on 
the  thirteenth  of  OiHober  1777,  general  Bur- 
goyne ordered  an  exa6l  ftatement  to  be  made  of 
the  Hock  of  proviiions,  which  was  found  not 
to  exceed  fevcn  or  eight  days  fubfiftence  for  the 
troops.   ' 

The  general  inllantly  called  a  council  of  war, 
at  which  not  only  field  officers  but  every  captain 
was  ordered  to  aifift. 

After  fome  confultation  on  the  emergency  of 
Catej^*""""* affairs,  it  was  unanimoufly  refolved  to  enter  into 
a  convention  with  general  Gates.     The  follow- 
ing were  the  Heps  preliminary  to  it : 



— '^KSRSSKSfc*.^ 

,  ..■  .-vo'' 








■"--  ^. 

-— ■■  ji-.'V— _■:! 

•   m 

:  had  now 
nger.    In- 
rmy.    Out 
army  con- 
,  not  more 
rhting  men 
;re  Britilb'. 
id  no  hope 
y.     Added 
m  point  iof 
imoft  encir- 
oufiy  avoid- 

ihe  BritiQ\ 
in  fo  advau- 

not  be  at- 


t  an  end,  on 
eiieral  Bur- 
>  be  made  of 
IS  found  not 
qnce  for  the 

incil  of  war, 
every  captain 

emergency  of 

to  enter' into 

The  follow- 


r3;.7i^     J  *ih  iT**  •  iX,  "'' 


No.  I. 



OAobcr  13,  1777. 

Licutenant-ff«n«ral  Burffoyne  is  defirous  of 
fending  a  field  officer  with  a  meilage  to  majoN 
general  Gates,  upon  a  matter  of  high  moment  to 
both  armies.  He  recjuefts  to  be  informed  at  what 
hour  general  Gates  wiU  receive  him  to-morrow 

Major-gemral  Gates. 


Major-gttnera)  Gates  will  receive  a  field-officer 
from  lieutenant-general  Burgopie  at  the  advanc* 
ed  poft  of  the  army  of  the  United  States  at  ten 
o'clock  to-moFfow  morning,  from  whence  he  will 
be  conducted  to  head-quarters. 

Camp  at  Saratoga,  nine  o'clock  P.  M.  thirteenth 

Lieutenant-general  Burgoyne. 


No.  II. 

Major  Kingfton  delivered  the  following  meiTage 
to  major-general  Gates,  Odober  14,  1777^ 

After  having  fought  you  twice,  lieutenant-ge- 
neral Burgoyne  has  waited  fome  days  in  his  pre- 
fent  pofition,  determined  to  try  a  third  confli<ft 
againft  any  force  you  could  bring  againft  him. 
He  is  apprifed  of  the  fuperiority  of  your  num- 
bers, and  the  difpofition  of  your  troops  to  im- 
pede his  fupplies,  and  render  his  retreat  a  fcene 
of  carnage  on  both  fides.  In  this  fituation  he  is 
impelled  by  humanity,  and  thinks  himfelf  jufii- 
fied  by  eft^bliihed  principles  and  precedents  of 

y^L.  I.  C  c  Hate 













HISTORY     OF     T  H  L 

CHAP.ftatc  and  war,  to  fpare  the  lives  of  brave  men 
XVII.    upon  honourable  terms.     Should   major-gcoeral 
^•^^m^  Gates  be  inclined  to  treat  upon  that  idea,  general 
'777*    Burgoyne  would  propoi'e  a  ceiTation  of  arms  dur- 
ing the  tim^  neceflary  to  communicate  the  prtlj. 
miuary  terms,  by  which,  in  any  extremity,  he 
and  his  army  mean  to  abide. 

No.  III. 

'    Major-general  Gates's  Propofals,   together  with 
Lieutenant-general  Burgoync's  Anfwers. 

1.  General  Burgoyne's  army  being  exceeding- 
ly  reduced  by  repeated  defeats,  by  defertion, 
licknefs,  &c.  their  provifions  exhauAed,  their 
military  borfes,  tents,  and  baggage  taken  or  dc 
ftroyed,  their  retreat  cut  off,  and  their  camp  in- 
vcfted,  they  can  only  be  allowed  to  furreuder 
prifoners  of  war. 

//«/  Lieutenant-general  Burgoyne's  army,  how- 
ever reduced,  will  never  admit  that  their  re- 
treat is  cut  off  while  they  have  arms  in  their 

2.  The  officers  and  foldiers  may  keep  the 
baggage  belonging  to  them.  The  generals  of  the 
United  States  never  permit  individuals  to  bepll- 

3.  The  troops,  under  his  excellency  general 
Burgoyne  will  be  condu(5led  by  the  moft  con- 
venient route  to  New  England,  inarching  by 
eafy  marches,  and  lufHciently  provided  for  by  the 

Jnf.  This  article  is  ^nfwered  by  geficral  Bur- 
•  goyne's  firft  propolal,  which  is  heTfennt-oH. 
-44.  The  officers  will  be  admit  I  >u,;;irole} 
may  wear  their  fide  arms,  and  will  oe  treated 
with  the  liberality  cuflomary  in  Europe,  fo  long 
as  they,  by  proper  behaviour,  continije  to  de- 
'•'*''^  fervc 






of  b 



tK;   ti 

their  J 
the  rv\ 

will  lu 

7.  A 
to  recc 

m  >fc 


Lieu  ten] 

iieral  Gj 
OQ  thpiil 

■  '"•?4M«ii!*'W"^'"^'^"'''^'*^' 





fcrvc  it ;  but  thofe  who  arc  apprehended  havingCHAP. 
broke  their  parole,  as  fome  Briiifh  offi<  ers  have    ^vil. 
done,  niuft  expedt  to  be  ciofe  confined.  %-•>-% 'te^' 

Anf.  There  being  no  officer  in  tlii*^  army  un      '777- 
der,  or  capable  of  being  under  the  Uefcripiiou 
of  breaicing  parole,  this  anicle  needs  no  ani'wf^r. 

5.  All  public  (lores,  artillery,  arms,  ammuni- 
tion, carriages,  horfes,  &c.  muA  be  delivered  to 
commiffaries  ipr-oirted  to  receive  them. 

Anf,  All  .i,i)li('ilorcs  may  be  delivered,  arms 
cxceptf  !. 

6.  1  liefe  lernif  being  agreed  to,  and  figncd, 
tht;  troopa  ;nder  his  excellency  general  Bur- 
T  >; !  r's  command  may  be  drawn  up  in  their  en- 
campments, where  they  will  be  ordered  to  ground 
their  arms,  and  may  thereupon  be  marched  to 
the  river  fide  to  be  paffed  over  in  their  way  to- 
wards Bennington.  '  rr« 

Anf.  This  article  inadmiffiblc  in  any  extre- 
mity. Sooner  than  this  army  will  confent  to 
ground  their  arms  in  their  encampment,  they 
will  ruih  on  the  enemy,  determined  to  take  no 
quarter.  imi^-  'j 

7.  A  ceflation  of  arms  to  continue  till  fun-fet, 
to  receive  general  Burgoyne's  anfwer. 

(Signed)     Horatio  Gates.' 

Camp  at  Saratoga,  Odober  14,  1777. 

\r.y\ty-'A.-i  No.   IV.'  ■' 

Lieutenant-general  Burgovne's  Propofals,  toge- 
ther with  Major-general  Gates's  Anfwer. 

'^hc  annexed  anfwers  being  given  to  major-ge- 
neral Gates's  propofals,  it  remains  for  lieutenant- 
general  Burgoyne,  and  the  army  under  his  com- 
mand, to  ftate  the  following  preliminary  articles 
oa  th^ir  part :  '--^  *-?  5-,  vr«fi|    U  , 

,■;- ,>  ,.   .,.  ,.  C  c  «  --   ,  .-!i^_  ^.  TI10 

•f  n  - 

■  f 




i'  ! 










T.  The  troops  to  march  out  of  their  camp  \rith 
the  honours  of  war,  and  the  artillery  of  the  in- 
trenchments,  which  will  be  left  as  hereafter  may 
be  fegulated. 

1.  The  troops  to  march  out  of  their  camp  with 
the  honours  of  war,  and  the  artillery  of  the  in* 
trenchments  to  the  verge  of  the  river  where  the 
Old  Ford  flood,  where  their  arms  and  anillery 
muft  be  left. 

2.  A  free  paiTage  to  be  granted  to  this  army 
to  Great  Britain,  upon  condition  of  not  fervingk 
again  in  North  America  during  the  prefent  con- 
tcft,  and  a  proper  port  to  be  affigned  for  the  en. 
try  of  tranfports  to  receive  the  troops  wherever 
general  Howe  fliall  fo  order. 

2.  Agreed  to,  for  the  port  of  BofVon.    -  '  "•  " 
5.  Shouki  any  cartel  take  place,  by  which  this 

army,  or  aiiy  part  of  it,  may  be  excnaoged,  the 
foregoing  article  to  be  voia,  as  far  as  fuch  ex- 
change fl^all  be  made. 

3.  Agreed.  ■  ; .  .iv^^u;  '^  ■■  ^,j:;v 

4.  All  officers  to  retain  their  carriages,  btt- 
horfes,  and  other  cattle ;  and  no  baggage  to  be 
molefted  or  fearched,  the  Ueutenant-general  giv- 
ing his  honour  that  there  are  no  public  fiores  fe- 
creted  therein.  Major-'general  Gates  will  of 
courfe  take  the  neceuary  meafures  for  the  lecu- 
rtty  of  this  article.  -  -—  / 

4.  Agreed. 

5.  Upon  the  march,  the  officers  are  not  to  be 
feparated  from  their  men  j  and  in  quarters  the 
officers  fiiall  be  lodged  accordinc^  to  rank,  ?.ud 
are  not  to  be  hindered  finom  auembling  their 
n*eH  for  roll-caltii^  aad  other  nccefiary  piirpofcs 
of  regularity. 

5.  Agreeat'O,  as  far  as  circumi))aBC£&  will  ad- 
milt.  .        .'■,'.-'■  ;;  :;■;  -.  \ ' '  '•:• 

6.  There  are  various  corps  in  this  cmy  com- 
pofed  of  failors,  batteau-nien,  artificers,  drivers, 


fi-'  ■■■«»:. 1.~- 




indt  pendent  companies,  and  followers  of  the  ar-  C  H  A  P. 
my;   and  it  is  expeded  that  thofe  perfons,  of  XVII. 
whatever  country,  fhall  be  included  in  the  ful-  """nn*' 
left  fenfe  and  utmofl  extent  of  the  above  articles,    '777- 
and  comprehended  in  every  refpe^  as  Britiih 

6.  Agreed  to  in  the  fulleft  extent.  ' 

7.  All  Canadians  and  perfons  belonging  to  tht 
eftablifhment  in  Canada  to  be  permitted  to  return 

7.  Agreed.      '  "  '^'"    "'■'  '^''-  ^  ■'- 

8.  PaUports  to  be  immediately  granted  for  three 
officers,  not  exceeding  the  rank  of  captain,  who 
ihall  be  appointed  by  general  Burgoyne  to  carry 
difpatches  to  fir  W.  Howe,  fir  G.  Carletou,  and 
to  Oreat  Britain  by  the  way  of  New  York,  and 
the  public  faith  to  be  engaged  that  thefe  dif* 
patches  are  not  to  be  opened.    -      t 

8.  Agreed. 

9.  The  foregoing  article6  are  to  be  confidercd 
only  as  preliminary  for  framing  a  treaty,  iii 
the  courfe  of  which  others  may  arifc  to  be  con* 
iidcrcd  by  both  parties;  for  which  purpofe  it 

is  propofed  that  two  officers  of  each  army  Ihail  \ 

meet  and  report  their  deliberatioDi  td  their  re- 
fpeftive  generals. 

9.  This  capitulation  to  be  finiflied  by  two 
o'clock  this  day,  and  the  troops  to  march  from 
their  encampment  at  five,  and  be  in  readinefs 
to  move  towards  Bofton  to-morrow  morning. 

10.  Lieutenant-general  Burgoyne  will  fend  his 
deputy  adjutant-general  to  receive  major-general 
Gates  s  anfwer  to-morrow  morning  at  ten  o'- 
clock. ^  , 

10.  Complied  with. 

(Signed)     Horatio  Gates. 

Sarotoga,  Odlober  15,  1777. 










HISTORY     or    THE 


If    ■' 

CHAP.     On  the  following  day  the  fubfequent  articles 
^^'^"   of  convention  between  lieutenant-general  Bur- 
goyne  and  major-geueral  Gates  were  fettled.  , 

1.  The  troops  under  lieutenant-general  Bur- 
goyne  to  march  out  of  their  camp  with  the  ho., 
nours  of  war,  and  the  artillery  of  the  intrench- 
ments  to  the  verge  of  the  river  where  the  Old 
Ford  ftood,  where  the  arms  and  artillery  are 
to  be  left;  the  arms  to  be  piled  by  word  of 
command  from  their  own  officers. 

2.  A  free  paflage  to  be  granted  the  arniy 
under  lieutenant  general  Burgoyue  to  Great  Bri- 
tain, on  condition  of  not  ferving  again  in  North 
•America  during  the  pfefent  contefl ;  and  the 
port  of  Bofton  is  affigned  for  the  entry  of 
tranfpons  to  receive  the  troops  whenever  ge- 
neral Howe  Ihall  fo  order. 

3.  Should  any  cartel  take  place  by  which 
the  army  under  general  Burgoyne,  or  any  part 
of  it,  may  be  exchanged,  the  foregoing  article 
to  be  void,  as  far  as  fuch  exchange  ihall  be 

4.  The  army  under  lieutenant*general  Bur- 
goyne to  march  to  Maffachufet's  Bay  by  the  ea^ 
fieft,  moft  expeditious,  and  convenient  route; 
and  to  be  quartered  in,  near,  or  as  convenient 
as  poffible  to  Boflon,  that  the  march  of  the  troops 
may  not  be  delayed  wheri  tranfportg  arrive  to 

: receive  them.  •   r'  n  >^^y|i 

5.  The  troops  to  be  fupplied,  on  their  march 
and  during  their  being  in  quarters,  with  provi- 

.  iions,  by  major-general  Gates's  orders,  at  the 
fame  rate  of  rations  as  the  troops  of  his  own 
army  ;  and,  if  poflible,  the  officers'  horfes  and 
cattle  to  be  iupplied  with  forage  at  the  ufual 

6.  All  officers  to  retain  their  carriages,  bat- 
hcrfes,  and  other  cattle  -,  and  no  baggage  to  be 




molefted  or    fearched,    lieutenant-general   Bur-CHAP. 
goyne  giving  his  honour  that  there  are  no  public   XVII. 
ftores  fecreted  therein.    Major-general  Gates  will  ^-nr*^ 
of  courfe  take  the  neceflary  meafures  for  a  due    '  777- 
performance  of  this  article.     Should  any  car- 
riages be  wanted  during  the  march,  for  the  tranf- 
portation  of  officers  baggage,    they  are,  if  pof- 
iible,  to  be  fupplied  by  the  country  at  the  ufual 

7.  Upon  the  march,  and  during  the  time  the 
army  fhall  remain  in  quarters  in  the  Maffachufets 
Bay,  the  officers  are  not  to  be  feparated  from 
their  men,  as  far  as  circumftances  will  admit. 
The  officers  are  to  be  quartered  according  to 
their  rank,  and  are  not  to  be  hindered  from 
affembling  their  men  for  roll-callings,  and  other 
neceffary  purpofes  of  regularity.  ;3j   ,:  ;u,i 

8.  All  corps  whatever  of  general  Burgoyne's 
army,  whether  compofed  of  failors,  batteau-men, 
artificers,  drivers,  independent  companies  and 
followers  of  the  army,  of  whatever  country,  ihall 
be  included  in  the  fulleft  fenfe  and  utmoft  ex- 
tent of  the  above  articles,  and  comprehended 
in  every  refped  as  Britifh  fubjefts.    . 

9.  All  Canadians  and  perfous  belonging  to  the 
Canadian  eflablifliraent,  confifting  of  failors,  bat- 
teau-men, &c.  are  to  be  permitted  to  return  thei'e  ; 
they  are  to  be  conduded  immediately  by  the 
fhorteft  route,  to  the  firft  Britifh  port  on  Lake 
George,  are  to  be  fupplied  with  provifjons  in  the 
fame  manner  as  the  other  troops,  and  are  to 
be  bound  by  the  fame  condition  of  not  ferving 
during  the  prefent  conteft  in  North  America. 

10.  PafTports  to  be  immediately  granted  for 
three  officers,  not  exceeding  the  rank  of  cap- 
tains, who  fhall  be  appointed  by  lieutenant-gene- 
ral Burgoyne  to  carry  dll'patches  to  fir  William 

.     .  Howe, 



*  I 

1 1 1 1 


[I  i 

CHAP.  Howe,  fir  Guy  Carleton,  and  to  Great  Britain 
XVII.   by  the  way  of  New  York ;  and  major-general 
*''*nn*^  Gates  engages  the  public  faith  that  theie  difpatch- 
*777'    es  are  not  to  be  opened.     Thefe  officers  are  to 
fet  out  immediately,    after  receiving  their  dit 
patches,  and  are  to  travel  the  Ihorteft  route,  and 
in  the  moft  expeditious  manner.  :>?  -.rff  -'Vl;*'>,.M;'tip 
II.  During  the  ftay  of  the  troops  in  theMaf- 
fachufets  Bay,  the  officers  are  to  be  admitted  on 
parole,  and  are  to  be  permitted  to  wear  their  fide- 

I  z.  Should  the  army  under  lieutenant-general 
Burgoyne  find  it  neceffary  to  fend  for  their  cloth- 
ing, and  other  baggage  from  Canada,  they  are  to 
be  permitted  to  do  it  in  the  moft  expeditious  man^ 
ner,  and  the  neceffary  paffports  grs^uied  for  that 
pur^ofe.  -W         .       ,  i*^;,  ;w,| 

13.  Thefe  articles  are  to  be  mutually  figncd 
and  exchanged  to-morrow  morning  at  nine  o'- 
clock ;  and  the  troops  under  lieutenant-generiil 
Burgoyne  are  to  march  out  of  their  intreiich« 
ments  at  three  o'clock  in  the  afternooik 



" '"  '    Horatio  Gates,  Major-general 
Camp  at  Saratoga,  Od.  16,  1777.-^ 


To  prevent  any  doubts  that  might  arife  from 
lieutenant-general  Burgoyne's  name  n«t  being 
mentioned  in  the  above  treaty,  major-general 
Gates  hereby  declares  that  he  is  underftood  to  be 
comprehended  in  it  as  fully  as  if  his  name  had 
been  fpecifically  mentioned. 


Horatio  Gates. 

General  Gates's  condud  in  this  melancholy 
event  was  peculiarly  generous  and  humane.  It 
is  faid  that  when  the  Britifti  troops  piled  their 




armi  he  would  not  fufFer  his  ovm.  men  to  he  wll-  CHAP. 
nefs  to  the  ftid  fpeAafcle.  Xvn.  * 

The  nuftiber  of  men  who  furrendered,  amount-  *— »-Tn«*/ 
ed,  including  Canadians  and  Proviudals,  to  near  i777- 
fix  thoufand.  The  iick  and  wounded  in  the  hof- 
pitals  amounted  to  fix  hundred ;  and  it  was  eoni<* 
puted  that  the  lofs  in  killed,  taken,  and  defened, 
fubfequent  to  the  capture  of  Ticonderoga,  waa 
near  three  thoufand  men.  The  artillery  taken, 
confifted  of  thirty-five  pieces  of  different  dimen- 

Such  was  the  tnelancholy  event  of  a  campaigii 
from  which  the  moft  important  benefits  were 
predi£led.  The  tardinefs  of  movement,  howe>* 
ver,  octafioned  by  the  large  and  fuperfluous  train 
of  artillery  which  general  Burgoyne  carried  with 
him,  certainly  conti^uted  not  a  little  to  produce 
thofe  difafters  and  diflreffes  which  at  length  over- 
whelmed him.  But  tracing  the  failure  of  ^ 
expedition  further  back,  it  will  be  found  to  have 
been  occalioncd  alfo  by  other  caufes,  which, 
though  when  conlidered  fingly,  may  be  deemeid 
only  remote,  yet,  condenfed  into  one  general 
profpeft,  they  will  be  found  to  have  immedi* 
ately  produced  that  fatal  confummation  which 
has  already  been  recorded. 

During  the  winter  of  1776  no  fteps  whattver 
were  taken  in  Canada  to  provide  horfes,  carts, 
or  forage,  for  the  expedition  that  was  to  ukt 
place  in  the  enfuing  year  :  It  was  not  till  the 
tenth  of  June  1777  that  ^^7  coiitra£lwas  faade 
for  thofe  articles.  This  tardinefs  of  condaft 
delayed  the  movement  of  the  army  for  three 
weeks,  and  rendered  every  fubfequcnt  opera- 
tion equally  (low ;  for  the  carriages  for  ^ 
tranfport  fervice  being  conflruded  in  hafle, 
and  of  frefh  unfeafoned  wood,  were  infufficient 
for  the  purpofes  for  which  they  were  d«fign- 


/  ■ 


i\  f 








CHAP,  ed,  and  were  almoft  all  deftroyed  on  the  road 
XVn.  to  Fort  Edward.  This  circumftance  detained 
the  army  fo  .long  at  Fort  Edward,  that  it  ul- 
timately occafioned  the  unfortunate,  ill-conduft- 
ed  expedition  to  Bennington.  The  defeat  of 
colonels  Baum,  Breyraan,  and  St.  Leger,  ener- 
vated the  Britifh  caufe  in  an  extraordinary  de- 
gree. There  were  feveral  of  the  inhabitants  who 
were  not  attached  to  either  party  by  principle, 
and  who  had  refolved  to  join  themfelves  to  that 
which  (hould  be  fuccefsful.  Thofe  men,  after 
the  difafters  at  Bennington  and  Fort  Stanwix, 
added  afadden  and  powerful  increafe  of  ftrength 
to  the  Americans.  'utiih^.,ii;'.itf    <-.u^, 

General  Burgoyne,  it  was  generally  thought, 
after  his  dilappointment,  and  the  defeat  at  Ben- 
nington, ought  not  by  any  laeans  to  have  croffed 
the  Hudibn.  Any  attempt  to  proceed  to  Al- 
bany was  then  improper.  The  diftance  from 
Fort  Edward  was  fixty-four  miles ;  the  road  was 
difficult  and  dangerous,  being  commanded  by 
high  and  ftrong  grounds,  where  an  adive  ene- 
my, well  acquainted  with  the  country,  had  many 
advantages,  even  with  an  inferior  force.  Gene- 
ral Burgoyne  ftiould  have  pofted  himfelf,  it  was 
faid,  on  the  heights  of  Fort  Edward ;  which 
would  have  fecured  a  communication  with  Ca- 
"Pada,  and  enabled  him  to  advance  or  to  retreat 
according  to  contingent  circumftances.  He  was 
cenfured  alfo  for  remaining  fo  long  at  Skenefbo- 
rough,  and  conluming  eighteen  days  in  making 
roads  through  moraffes  and  fwamps.  Had  he 
returned  to  Ticonderoga,  and  crolted  Lake  St. 
George,  he  would  have  reached  Fort  Edward  at 
lead  ten  or  twelve  days  fooner.  He  Ihould  have 
detached  General  Frazer  from  Skenefborougli 
to  Fort  George  ;  by  which  means  a  quantity  of 
provifions  and  ftores,  defti^ied  by  the  Americans 
.'/■J    ■    '  ■  •      •  for 

the  road 
;  detained 
hat  it  ul- 
defeat  of 
ger,  ener- 
linary  de- 
itants  who 
ves  to  that 
ineii,  after 
:  Stanwix, 
of  ftrength 

Y  thought, 
'eat  at  Bea- 
lave  croffed 
scd  to  Al- 
lance  from 
e  road  was 
manded  by 
a£live  ene- 

•ce.     Gene, 
nfelf,  it  \yas 
ird ;    which 
on  with  Ca- 
or  to  retreat 
es.     He  was 
It  Skenefbo- 
rs  in  making 
)s.     Had  he 
ed  Lake  St. 
irt  Edward  at 
fhould  have 

quantity  of 
le  Americans 



for  Ticonderoga,  would  have  been  fecured, ,  as  C  H  A  P. 
well  as  a  fupply  of  carts,  waggons,  and  draft   XVII. 
bullocks.      This  condu£l  would   have   enabled  ^-nr*^ 
him  to  have  penetrated  to  Albany  before  the    i777« 
enemy  were  fufficiently  powerful  to  oppofc  him. 
Another  caufe  of  the  failure  of  the  expedition 
was  the  want  of  a  fyftem  of  co-operation  be- 
tween general  Burgoyne  and  general  Carleton, 
and  the  negleft  of  fir  William  Howe  to  take  any 
fteps  to  facilitate  the  operations  of  the  northern 
army.    When  general  Burgoyne  found  himfelf 
under  the  neceffity  of  relinquifhing  the  commu- 
nication with  Canada,  he  wrote  to  general  Carle- 
ton,  requefting,  in  the  moft  preffing  terms,  that 
he  would  feud  a  regiment  to  garrilon  Ticonde- 
roga, that  he  might  take  the  regiment  then  on 
duty  there  with  hi«b  and  thereby  endeavour  ftill 
10  prefervc  a  communication  with  Canada.     This 
favour,  however,  was  pofitively  refufed.     Gene- 
ral Burgoyne  was  alfo  difappointed  in  not  receiv- 
ing an  increafe  of  ftrength  by  the  junction  of 
a  body  of  loyalifts  on  his  advancing  beyond  Ti- 
conderoga.    Offended  with  general  Carleton  for 
refufing  to  invert  Ticonderoga  in  the  preceding 
year,    they  refolved   to  remain  ina£live,  and  to 
afford  no  affiftance  to  the  Britifh  army.     But  in- 
deed the  grand  caufe  was  the  appointment  of 
general  Burgoyne  in  preference  to  general  Carle- 
ton.     Of  the  former,  it  mufl  be  allowed  that  he 
poireffed  courage,  a  tolerable  degree  of  military 
knowledge,  with  much  addrefs.     The  latter  had 
many  of  thefe  qualities,  with  the  addition  of  a 
knowledge  of  the  country,  its  refources,  and  its 
local  ftrength  and  weaknefs.     He   was  likewife 
well  acquainted  with  the  temper  and  difpofition 
of  the  inhabitants.  , 

The  unfortunate  Burgoyne,  reduced  from  the 
lofty  language  of  his  proclamatioQ  to  the  ftyle  of 


•  1 






L  41 



^-  ) 


1   I 

CHAP. defence  and  recrimination,  endeavoured  to  lay 
XVII.   the  blame  of  his  mil'carriagcs  upon  fir  William 

^^nr^*^  Howe,  for  not  having  fent  a  force  for  co-opera- 
'777-  tion  up  the  North  River  to  Albany;  on  lord 
George  Germaine,  the  Britifh  fecretary  of  ftate, 
for  having  tied  up  his  hands  by  orders  pofitive 
and  unqualified,  in  indanccs  where  latitude  Ihould 
be  given  to  a  general  to  a£l  according  to  circuni'' 
ftances ;  and  on  the  flownefs  with  which  the 
Germans  had  marched  to  Bennington,  the  cen- 
tre and  fource  of  his  misfortunes.  But  it  was 
urged,  in  anfwer  to  all  the  general's  excufes,  that 
the  force  put  into  his  hands  for  the  intended 
march  through  Canada,  was  nearly,  if  not  fully, 
equal  to  what  he  himfelf  had  demanded  :  That 
he  ought  not,  on  any  doubtful  profpeft  of  a  co- 
operating army  from  New  York,  to  have  given 
up  his  communication  with  the  Lakes ;  and  that 
his  condud^,  in  fending  fo  fmall  a  detachment 
to  Bennington,  and  this  conlifting  of  foreigners, 
and  of  all  foreigners  the  Howefl  in  their  motions, 
was  an  abfurdity  bordering  on  infatuation. 

It  was  alfo  contended,  on  the  iflue  of  Bur- 
goyne's  unfortunate  expedition,  that  he  had  car- 
ried along  with  him  a  quantity  of  artillery  to- 
tally incompatible  with  that  celerity  of  movement 
on  which  his  fuccefs  entirely  depended.  If  a 
jundlure  afterwards  arofe  which  fecmed  to  demand 
this  formidable  apparatus,  it  was  the  very  move- 
ment of  that  apparatus  that  created  the  neceflity 
of  employing^  it.  The  army  was  confined  in 
its  operations  to  the  motions  of  the  artillery, 
and  the  enormous  delays,  occafioned  in  a  great 
degree  by  the  flownefs  of  its  progrefs,  gave 
time  to  the  provincials  to  recover  from  their 
panic,  and  again  to  colleft  that  army  which  had 
been  completely  difperfed.  Whereas,  had  he 
advanced  rapidly,  without  incumbrance  or  de- 


I  to  lay 
on  lord 
of  ftate, 
i  pofuive 
ie  Ihould 
>  circum* 
hich  the 
the  cen- 
at  it  was 
ufes,  that 
not  fully, 
ed  :  That 
t  of  a  co- 
lave  given 
;  and  that 
ir  motions, 

le  of  Bur- 
le  had  car- 
irtillery  to- 
nded.    If  a 
i  to  demand 
very  move- 
:he  neceflity 
confined  in 
he  artillery, 
:d  in  a  great 
jgrefs,   gave 
■  from  their 
ly  which  had 
eas,  had  he 
ranee  or  de- 


Uy,  he  woufld  neither  have  found  men  to  bp-CHAP^ 
pofe  nor  works  to  interrupt  his  progrefs  through    XVII. 
the  country.     But  not  only  had  general  Bur-  ^<-nr«^ 
goyne  embarraiTed  hinrirelf  with  every  incumbrance    »777' 
that  could  retard  the  progrefs  of  an  army;  he 
had  adopted  a  route  calculated  to  add  to  every 
delav,  and  to  augment  every  difficulty.     Inftead 
of  the  direft  and  common  road  to  Hudfon's  Ri- 
ver, by  the  way  of  Lake  George,  he  had  thought 
proper,  at  the  expence  of  much  time  and  la- 
bour, to  cut  a  road  through  an  extent  of  country 
the  moft  difficult  and  impradicable.     If  general 
Gates  himfelf,  it  was  faid,  had  diredled  his  ope- 
rations,   he  could  not  have   planned  meafures 
more  conducive  to  the  completion  of  his  own 
views.     The  flight  from  Ticonderoga  had  made 
fuch  an  impreffion  on  the  fpirits  of  the  Ameri- 
cans, that  it  was  impoffible  immediately  to  col- 
left  an  army,  or  to  infpire  them  with  that  con- 
fidence M'hich  is  neceffary  to  enfurc  fuccefs  ;  but 
in  time  that  impreffion  would  wear  off,  unlefs  it 
fhould  be  continued  or  renewed  by  the  rapid 
movements  of  the  king's  troops.    When,  inllead 
of  fuch  movements,  they  faw  thofe  troops  waft- 
ing days,  weeks,  and  months,  without  niaking 
the  fmalleft  progrefs,  it  is  no  wonder  that  they 
recovered  their  fpirits,  and  affembled  in  much 
greater  force  than  ever.     In  the  whole  of  gene-  . 
ral  Burgoyne's  vindication,  it  was  obferved,  his 
method  was  to  ftate  a  neceffity  for  every  one  of 
his  meafures  taken  fingly,  and  not  as  links  of 
one  chain  or  fyftem  of  adtion,  taking  care  to  pafs 
over  one  material  circumftance,  that  that  necejftty 
invariably  originated,    on  his   own  part,    from 
fome  previous  omiffion  or  blunder.    The  deport- 
ment  of  this   commander,  after   the  furrender 
of  his    army,    was    as    pitiful    as    his  conduft 
before   that   melancholy  event   was  weak   and 




W        ! 

';!    I 





CHAP. unfortunate.  He  refufed,  having  been  fet  at 
XVII.   liberty  on  his  parole,  to  join  his  captive  army, 

^-•nn*'  threw  hirnfelf,  like  other  unfuccefsful  commaii- 
'777'  ders,  into  the  hands  of  oppofition,  railed  at 
his  majefty's  minifters,  introduced  hinifelf  on 
every  occafion  in  the  debates  in  parliament, 
demanding  a  public  trial,  complaining,  even 
while  a  prifoner  to  the  enemy,  that  he  was 
denied  accefs  to  the  king,  and  that  his  merit 
and  fufierings  were  equally  unnoticed, 


rs  -     i 

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CHAP.      XVIII.  .       . 

Expedition  up  the  North  River  under  Sir  Henry    ■ 
Clinton — Redu^ion   of  the  Forts  Montgomery 
and  Clinton  .--'Burning  of  JEfopus. 

A  BODY  of  recruits  arrived  from  Europe  ate  HAP. 
New  York  about  the  clofe  of  September  XVIIL 
.1777.  This  reinforcement  enabled  fir  Henry  Clin-  *-^Tr*^ 
ton  to  undertalce  an  expedition  which  he  could    '777« 
not  before  have  attempted,  without  leaving  thede-  Expedition 
fences  of  New  York  too  feebly  guarded.     It  may  rivm  Sr 
here   be    obferved,  that   the  fituation   of  Newfif.wenry 
York,  commanded  in  a  variety  of  points,  which    '"'°"" 
were    thence  of  cecefhty   to    be    occupied   by 
the  Britifli,  had  a  very  unfavourable  influence 
on  the  conduA  of  the  war;  for  the  proteftion 
of  that  great  depofitory  of  our  (lores  required 
fo  confiderable  a   number  of  men  as  moft  ma- 
terially  cramped   exertion    in  the   field.     The 
objed   of  fir   Henry  Clinton's  expedition  was 
to  take   pofleflion    of  the  forts    which   forbad 
the  paffage  of  our  veflels   up  to  Albany ;  and 
the  ulterior  view  in   the  meafure   was   not   fo 
much  to  create  a  diverfion  in  favour  of  general 
Burgoyne  (the  neceffity  of  which  was  not  fuf- 
pefted),    as    to  open  a   communication    which 
might  have  been  important  when  that  command- 
er ihould  have  fixed  himfelf  at  Albany.     The 
enterprife  was  entirely  fpontaneous  on  the  part 
of  fir  Henry  Clinton,  and  was  conduced  with 
more  energy  than  moft  of  the  military  operati* 
ons  that  took  place  in  America.    A  force  amounts 


•    1 






CHAP.  »ng  nearly  to  three  thoufand  men  was  embarked 
Xvril.  oa  board  craft  of  different  kinds,  convoyed  by 
^'^'^v^^  fome  (hips  of  war  under  the  command  of  com- 
*777«  modore  Hotham.  This  armament  proceeded  up 
the  Hudfon  to  VerpUnk's  Point,  on  the  eaft  (horc 
of  that  river  (forty  miles  from  New  York),  which 
nation  of  the  enemy  Lord  Rawdon  had  foine 
lime  before  been  dtipatehed  to  reconnohve  in  a 
frigate.  The  tanding-places  being  defended  only 
by  flight  breaft  works  with  two  twelve-pounders, 
and  the  corps  ftationed  there  being  fearful  that 
their  retreat  might  be  cut  off  at  the  neck  of  the 
pentnfuU,  the  debarkation  was  made  with  Vmh 
or  no  refinance,  and  the  firft  troops  who  land- 
ed, purfuing  rapiidty  the  flying  enemy,  obliged 
them  to  abandon  oi>e  of  the  twelvc-pouudei«. 
Sir  Henry  Clinton  pafTed  the  night  upon  this 
peninCula.  This  feint  had  the  effe£l  which  it 
was  hoped  it  might  produce ;  for  it  infpired  ge- 
neral Putnam,  who  commanded  in  that  diflri^^, 
with  the  opinion  that  fir  Henry  Clinton  meant 
to  puih  through  the  eaftern  highlands,  in  order 
to  co-operate  with  Burgoyne.  Putnam,  under 
this  perfuafion,  hadened  with  two  thoufand 
men,  principally  drawn  from  the  forts,  to  oc- 
cupy the  paffcs  on  the  eafltern  fliorc.  On  the 
fixth  of  06lober  at  day-break,  two  thoufand  one 
hundred  men,  witliout  any  artillery,  were  tranf* 
ported  to  Stony  Point,  on  the  weftern  bank 
of  the  river;  the  remainder  of  the  troops  being 
left  to  feeure  Vcrplanks.  The  only  road  from 
Stony  Point,  t©  the  forts  (at  leaft  the  only  one 
without  a  prodigious  circuit)  was  a  path  acrofs 
the  Donderberg,  a  very  fteep  mountain,  which 
with  its  precipices  overhangs  the  North  River. 
As  the  paih  would  not  admit  above  three  men 
to  march  abread,  and  by  its  windings  would 
have  espofed  the  troops,  during  their  paflage, 

,     to 

,»=.ri  . 

royed  by 
of  com- 
ecdcd  up 
caft  (hoic 
it),  which 
tiad  foine 
koUie  in  a 
nded  only 
:arful  that 
ick  of  the 
with  Uttlc 
who  land- 
y,  obliged 
upon  thii 
i  which  it 
;vfpired  ge- 
lat  diftrift, 
pton  meant 
s,  in  order 
lam,  under 
ms,  to  oc- 
c.    On  the 
toufand  one 

were  tranf' 
eftern  bank 
roops  being 
'  road  from 
»e  only  one 

patb  acrofa 
itain,  which 
lorth  River, 
re  three  men 
iings  would 
heir  paffagc, 


to  be  deftroyed    at  the    pleafure   of  any  force  c  HAP. 
ftationcd  at  the   top  of  the  hill,  the  nioft  tri-  XVIII. 
tling  guard  would  have  been  fufficicnt  to  have  ^■'nr*' 
rendered  the  attempt  ot    the    Britifh   abortive.    '777' 
The  very   difficulties   however   of  the   attempt 
lecured  the  pafFage  to  fir  Henry  Clinton ;  this 
having  induced  the  Aniericdns  to  fuppoie  that 
it    was    fuperlluous   to    watch    it;  and    a  fmall 
advanced  guard,  fent  forward  to  explore  if  the. 
pafs    was   undefended,    having    made    a  fignal 
that    the    coaft    was   clear,    the    main  body  of 
the   Britifh  afcended  the   hill   with  all  pomble 
expedition.     Having  reftcd   a    while,  they   tra- 
verfed  the  fummit,  and  defcended  on  the  op- 
pofite  fide,  at  the  bottom  of  which  they  ftuni- 
blcd    upon  a    detachment  fent    too  tardily  for 
the    defence    of  the    pafs.     The    difperfion   of 
this  fmall  corps  deftroyed   the   hope   that  the 
forts    might  be    furprifed;  but    the    enterprife 
was  not  thence  prol'ecnted  with  lefs  rcfoluiion. 
The  diftance    from  Stony   Point  to  the  fort  is 
twelve    miles;  but   the    nature    of  the    country 
rendered  the  march  lo  How  and  fatiguing,  that 
it  wanted   but  about  an  hour  of  funfci   when 
the  Britifh  arrived  within  a  mile  of  their  defti- 
nation.      They   feparatcd    into    two    columns  : 
The  one,  confifling  of  nine  hundred  men,  un- 
der lieutenant-colonel  Campbell  of  the  fifty-fe- 
cond  regiment,  de(\iued  for  the   attack  of 
Fort  Montgomevy;  whilit  the  remainder,  under 
the  immediate  conmiaud  of  fir  Henry  Clinton, 
were  to  ftorm  the  ftronger  poft  of  Fort  Clinton. 
The   two  forts  were  only  divided  by   a  creek 
called  Poplop's  Kill,   which   empties  iifelf  into     • 
the  Hudfon's  River,  communicating  by  a  wood- 
en bridge   of  confiderable   lengih    acrofs    thnt 
flream.     The  aflault  was  made  upon  boih  forts 
at  the  fame  inftant.     The  point  afiailed  at  Fort 
.    Vol.  I.  D  d  Montgomery, 


■  r-'x^^' 


^,   ni 

-  a:':^ 



— »-^  **■'** -^w- 

i      N 



^■'  i 

CHAP. Montgomery,  was  not  veiy  ftrong,  cither  from 
XVIII.  fituation   or  works,  nor  aid   the   enemy  make 
^*np*'  a  very  obflinate  refiftance;  fo  that  the  fort  was 
>777'    carried  by  our  i^roops  with  little  lofs,  excepting 
that  the  death  of  fo  valuable  an  officer  as  lieute- 
nant-colonel Campbell  muft  be  confidered  as  ma- 
terial in  the  balance  againfl  the  fuccefs.    Aimed 
all  the  garrifon,  confifting  of  eight  hundred  men, 
made  their  efcape.      r-*^' 

Againft  Fort  Clinton  the  enterprifc  was  more 
Icrious  ;  the  fort  was  built  upon  a  rocky  eleva- 
tion, the  only  approach  to  which,  for  the  Bri- 
tifti  troops,  was  over  a  fpecies  of  pafs  of  about 
four  hundred  yards  fquare,  between  a  lake  and 
a  precipice  which  overhung  the  Hudfon's  River. 
This  fpot  was  covered  with  felled  trees,  fo 
that  the  approach  of  the  alTailants  could  not 
be  conduced  with  rapidity  or  with  much  re- 
gularity, and  ten  pieces  of  artillery  bore  upon 
that  narrow  pafs,  whilft  the  Britiih  had  not 
a  fingle  cannon  to  cover  their  aflault.  Their 
only  chance  confifted  in  prefling  forward  with 
as  much  velocity  as  the  ground  would  admit; 
and  the  troops  were  ftriftly  ordered  upon  no 
account  to  fire.  The  flank  companies  of  the 
feventh  and  twenty-fixth  regiments,  with  a  com- 
pany of  Anfpach  grenadiers,  led  the  attack  upon 
one  point,  whilft  the  fixty-third  regiment  endea- 
voured to  penetrate  at  another. 

In  no  inftance  during  the  American  war  was 
more  invincible  refolution  exhibited  than  in  this 
attack.  The  Britifti  and  foreign  troops  prefled 
forward  filently,  under  a  dreadful  fire,  and  ar- 
riving at  the  foot  of  the  work,  aftually  puftied 
one  another  up  into  the  embrafures.  The  garri- 
fon, confifting  of  four  hundred  men,  for  a  lit- 
tle while  longer  contefted  the  rampart.  Some 
of  our  men  were  killed  in  the  very  embrafures, 


[9^  • ' 





and  feveral  were  wounded  with  bayonets  in  the  CHAP. 
ftruggle ;  fo  that  it  muft  be  admitted  the  Ameri-  XVIII. 
cans  defended  themfelves  courageoufly.  At  length 
the  rampart  was  cleared.     The  Americans  retir- 
ing to  the  other  fide  of  the  efplanade,  difcharged 
a  laft  volley,  and  threw  down  their  arms.    Not- 
withAanding  this  provocation,  there  was  not  a 
fingle  man  of  the  enemy  put  to  death,  except 
fuch  as  fell  in  the  adiual  ftruggle  upon  the  ram- 
part.   This  fail  we  mention,  not  only  as  difplay- 
ing  a  moft  generous  moderation  on  the  part  of 
the  vigors,  contrary  to  what  ufually  happens  ia 
fuch  alTaults,  but  as  refuting  an  impudent  affer- 
tion  advanced  in  fome  of  the  French  accounts, 
that  the  whole  garrifon  had  been  put  to  death 
by  their  conquerors.    We  are  happy  in  refcuing 
from  the  fhade  which  the  magnitude  of  general 
Burgoyne's  misfortune  at  the  time  threw  over  it, 
an  enterprife  equally  worthy  of  attention  for  its 
boldnefs  and  the  degrte  of  injury  that  it  did  to 
the  enemy. 

The  lofs  on  the  part  of  the  aifailants  was  not 
fo  fevere  as  might  have  been  expeded,  for  it 
amounted  to  only  one  hundred  and  forty  killed 
and  wounded.  About  three  hundred  of  the 
Americans  were  killed,  wounded,  and  taken  pri- 

The  fmall  lofs  of  the  Britifh  is  only  to  be  ac- 
counted for  by  the  dufk,  and  by  the  American 
artillery  being  ferved  with  more  atteniion  to 
quickuefs  in  firing  than  accuracy  in  pointing. 
Captain  Stewart,  who  commanded  the  grena- 
diers, and  major  Sill,  who  led  the  fixty-^hird  re- 
giment, were  killed  upon  the  fpot,  both  pierced 
with  many  wounds.  Count  Graboufky,  a  Polifli 
nobleman,  who  had  croflfed  the  Atlantic  on  pur- 
pofe  to  make  a  campaign  as  a  volunteer  with  the 
Britifh,  likewife  fell  on  this  occafion.     But  hi$ 

D  d  2  death 







lirtW-  «*•■««-».>,; 






CHAP.death  was  attended   with  a  little  circumftance 
XVIII.  which  ought  to  be  mentioned  in  honour  to  his 
memory.     He   had    advanced  to   the   ftorm  in 
company   with   lord  Rawdon  amongft  the  gre- 
nadiers, bat  was   feparated  from   him  amongft 
the   felled   trees,    which   forced   every  man  to 
find   a  path  for  himfelf.     Arriving  at  the  foot 
of  the  work  he  fell,  after  having  received  three 
balls :  When  giving   his  fword  to  a   grenadier 
he  conjured  him,  with  his  expiring  voice,  to  de- 
liver it  to  lord  Rawdon,  and  to  affure  his  lordfliip 
that  he  died  in   a  manner  becoming  one  who 
had  fhared  the   dangers  of  fuch  gallant  troops. 
It  is  not  amifs  here  to  corredl  an  error  which 
has  crept  into   former   accounts,  from   an  ex- 
preflion  ufed  by  fir  Henry  Clinton,  with  a  view 
of  doing  juftice  to  the  zeal  of  the  fquadron  under 
commodore   Hotham.     In  the  Annual  Regifter 
it  is  mentioned  as  one  of  the  circumftances  which 
Ihook  the  courage  of  the  Americans,  and  flack- 
ened  their  refinance,  that  the  Britifh  gallies  ad- 
vanced fo   near   as  to   ftrike   the  walls  of  the 
fort  with  their  oars.     The  fort  being  on  a  preci- 
pice at  lead  one  hundred  and  twenty  feet  above 
the  level  of  the  river,  this  reprefcntation  mijft 
appear  abfurd.     Sir  Henry  Clinton,  in  his  letter 
on  the  fubjedi,  mentions  the  appearance  of  the 
gallies,  which  was  not  effeded  without  infinite 
exertion,  to  a  diftancc  whence  they  thought  they 
might,  by  their  fire,  in  fome  degree  diftradt  the 
attention  of  the  garrifon  ;  and  fir  Henry  Clinton, 
doing  juftice  to  this  purpofed  diverfion,  meant 
to  exprefs  that  feveral  of  the  balls  had  adlually 
reached  the  fort. 

High  prail'e  is  due  to  commodore,  now  admi- 
ral, Hotham,  for  his  arrangements  and  efforts 
upon  this  expedition  ;  and  the  officers  ferving 
under  him  nobly  imitated  his  example. 

.    ..  Night 

a  proc 

■■■•»,    '.< 

,~^^  .,,^:: 






Night  came  on  immediately  after  the  BritilhC-HAP 
had  completed  their  conqueft  ;  but  its  obl'curity  ^^^^^I- 
was  not  of  long  continuance.     Two  frigates,  two 
gallies,    and  an  armed  floop  belonging  to  the 
enemy,  lay  at  anchor  in  the  river  under  the  guns 
of  the  forts.     Thefe  veflels  were  fecured  from 
our  fquadron  by  a  defence  which  ftrongly  markt 
ed  the  indefatigable  induftry  of  the  Americans, 
A  boom,  confining  of  vaft  rafts  of  timber  con-; 
ne£led  by  cables,  ftretched  acrofs  the  Hudfon's 
River  (in  that  part  fix  hundred  yards  wide)  from 
the  projecting  point  on  which  Fort  Montgomery 
ftands  to  a  mountain,  called  St.  Anthony's  Nofe, 
that  rifes  immediately  from  the  other  margin  of 
the  ftream.    This  boom  was  ftrengthened  by  a 
chain,  whix:h  alone  was  fuppoled  to  have  coft  the 
Americans  about  fifty  thoufand  pounds.     The 
chain  weighed  above  fifty  tons,  and  the  links 
were  about  two  inches  and  a  half  fquare.     Be- 
hind this  bulwark  the  American  vefTels  bid  de- 
fiance to"  any"  attempt  by  water;  but  it  was  clear 
that  as  foon  as  daylight  returned  they  mufl  be 
deftroyed  by  the   cannon   of  the  forts,   unlefs 
they  furrendered  themfelves  to  the  vidors.     To 
avoid  this  fate  they  filently  flipped  their  cables, 
and  fetting  all  their   fails  attempted  to  get  up 
the  river.     The    wind    happened  to  be  lb  ad- 
verfe,  that  it  was   foon  found   impradicable  to 
complete  their   efcape;  upon   which  the  crews 
quitted   the   veflels   in   their  boats,   previoufly 
fetting  fire   to   the  frigates   and   gallies.     The 
flames  fuddenly  broke  forth ;  and,  as  every  fail 
was  fet,  the  veflels  loon  became  magpifigent  py- 
ramids of  fire.     The  refledlion  onnhe'  ileep  face 
of  the   oppofite   mountain,  and  the  long   train 
of  ruddy  light  that   flione  upon  the  water  for 
a  prodigious  difiance,  had  a  wonderful  effedt; 
whilft  the  ear  was  awfully  filled  with  the  con- 










CRAP.tinued  echoes   from  the  rocky  fliores,   as' the 
J^J^  flames  gradually  reached  the  cannon.    The  whole 
^-'^'^^  was  fublimely    terminated   by    the   explofions, 
''^'^^'    which  again  left  all  to  darkiiefs. 

No  fooner  was  the  reduftion  of  the  Forts 
Montgomery  and  Clinton  known  than  Fort  Coa- 
ftitution,  on  a  rock  fome  miles  higher  up  the 
•  river,  was  demoliftied  without  the  orders  of  the 
governor,  and  without  a  removal  of  the  artillery 
and  ftores*. 

Not  far  from  the  forts,  thus  reduced  or  demo- 
lllhed,  lay  a  new  fettlement  called  the  Con- 
tiriental  Village,  which  contained  barracks  for 
fifteen  hundred  men.  Thefe,  befides  feveral 
fVore-houfes  and  loaded  wagguns,  of  the  articles 
contained  in  which  no  account  could  be  tak^n, 
were  deftroyed  by  a  detachment  undar  major* 
general  Tryon. 

'  ?..r'i*i-v;.'j-  A  ier« 

*  Return  of  Cannon,  Stores,  Amitiunition,  &c.  taken  and  dc. 
ftroyed  upon  the  Expedition  up  the  North  River,  QAobcr 

^»  »777»v    '    ■-:-:::^ 

Cannon. — ^Thirty-two  pounders  6  ;  eighteen  pounders  3  \ 
twelve  pounders  7  ;  nine  pounders  3  ;  fix  pounders  41 ;  fout 
pounders  3 ;  three  pounders  2  ;  two  pounders  z.     Tutal  67. 

Two  frigates  biiilt  for  30  and  36  guns  were  burnt  by  the 
Americans  on  the  forts  being  taken.  The  guns  aboard  them, 
and  two  gallies  which  were  likewife  burnt,  amounted  tq  above 
30.  O^e  floop  with  to  guns  fell  into  our  hands.  The  whole 
lofs  therefore  is  above  100  pieces. 

Powder. — 54  caflcs  ;  11  t  barrels  i  12,236  lb.  exclufiveof 
what  was  aboard  the  vefiels. 

Cartridges  fitted. — 1852  cannon  ;  57,396  mufquet. 

Cannon  (hbt. — 9530  round  ;  .886  double  headed  ;  2483 
grape  and  cafe ;  36  cwt.   i  qr.   151b.  langridge. 

Formufquets.~-i279  wt.  of  ball  ;  116  wt.  of  buck-fliot; 
5400  flints- 

Every  article  belonging  to  the  laboratory  in  the  grcateft 
.  perfeftion.  Other  ftores,  fuch  as  port-fires,  match,  harnefs, 
fpave  gun  carriages,  tools,  inftrumcnts,  &c.  Sec.  in  great 

;-:-*'^/'  - 


-■■'*'*''^^  ', 





A  fcrvicc  was  now  completed,  which,  it  was  P  H  ^  P. 
iaiagiaed,  might  open  eflential  communication  ^y^^^- 
with  general  Bur^oyne ;    of  whofe  diftrefs  the  '*^~»  '^ 
moft  remote  fufpicion  was  not  then  entertained.     *''^^' 

Whilft  the  fleet  was  on  its  paflage  from  New 
York  to  the  forts,  an  ofRcer  from  general  Bur- 
goyne,  who  had  made  his  way  through  the  coun> 
try  in  di%uire,  reached  fir  Hear)'  Clinton  ;  but 
the  obje&  of  his  miffion  was  only  to  folicit  the 
facilitation  of  general  Burgoyne*s  progrefs  by  fome  ' 
fuch  expedition  as  that  in  which  the  officer  found 
fir  Henry  Clinton  engaged. 

The  day  after  the  capture  of  the  forts  another 
officer  from  the  northern  army  reached  fir  Henry 
Clinton,   and  his  reprefentation  alib  amounted 
only  to  this  point.   That  if  general  Burgoyne 
did  not  hear  of  co-operation  by  the  tenth  of  Oc-  ©aober. 
tober,  hefhould,  on  that  day,  be  conftrained,  by 
the  terror  of  wanting  provifions,  to  return  to  ^      '< 
Fort  Edward.     The  ignorance  of  the  difficulties     "- 
which  at  that  time  furrounded  general  Burgoyne's 
army  is  the  lefs  to  be  lamented,  as  it  does  not 
appear  that  it  would  have  been  pra£iicable  for  fir 
Henry  Clinton  to  have  taken  any  fteps  which 
could  at  all  have  fuccoured  that  army. 

A  flying  fquadron  under  fir  James  Wallace 
was  now  fent  up  the  river,  deilroying  a  number 
of  veffels  as  they  failed  along.  Under  cover  of 
this  naval  force,  general  Vaughan,  on  the  thir- 
teenth of  Odlober,  with  a  detachment  from  the 
little  army  under  fir  Henry  Clinton,  landed  at 
^fopus  Creek,  where  he  found  two  batteries ; 
one  of  two,  another  of  three  guns  j  and  an  arm-  - 
cd  galley  at  the  mouth  of  the  Creek.  The  Ame- 
ricans made  little  refinance ;  but,  abandoning 
the  batteries  and  row-galley,  took  to  flight. 

From  this  place   the  general   continued   his 
march  about  five  miks  farther  to  the  town  of 

JElbpus ; 



ft  -  >' 


-ijfiti.^>-,.  i„vr  • 

.-.  ^  f 



--      V" 







C  H  A  P.  i^fopus ';  which,  having  been  fired  at  by  fome 
XVIII.  people  as  he  entered  it,  he  reduced  to  a(hes  with 
a  A'aft  coUedlion  of  ftores  and  provifions.  A  few 
of  the  townfmen,  and  fome  of  the  country  peow 
pie,  aflembled  ;  but,  after  making  fome  Ihew  of 
oppofition,  drew  back. 

Sir  James  Wallace  at  the  fame  time  deftroyed 
the  (hipping  and  fmall  craft  that  had  taken  fheltex 
in  the  creek  which  leads  up  to  the  town.  Our 
troops,  having  performed  thefe  fervices,  re-em- 
barked for  New-York. 

.-•^f#o : 

t*  I 






-,:rm.\    CHAP. 


::>a^?^^j(S16r'-r>*  ■■■:—■. 

™  Jmbh.  1. '.  ■?»  -'H*«,i*!^.^"-S 

by  fome 
(hes  with 
.  A  few 
tury  peo- 
:  Ihew  of 

en  (heher 
ivn.  Our 
js,  re-em- 

fi''    ■' 


C  H  A  P. 


'A  M  ERIC  AN    W  A  R. 

'  409 



f»^.»'.'/.v.  •'■fe'-ir.*^!" 


CHAP.    XIX. 

Expedition  under  the  Command  of  Lieutenant-ca-    >\      ^' 
/o«^/  Mawhood-^A^ion  at  Q^intin's  Bridge-^    "■- 
i^/  Hancock's  Bridge — Ingenious  Stratagem  of     ''.J. 
an    American    Loyaliji — Colonel   Abercromhie*s      ^  \^; 
Expedition  againjl  the  Americans  under  Lacey    •'       * 
Wftfr  Crooked  Billet — Colonel  Maitland's  Expe- 

.   dition  up  the  Delaware — Attempt  on  La  Eay- 

WHILE  the  Britifti  army  lay  in  winter-quar-  CHAP, 
ters  at  Philadelphia,  the  efforts  made  for    XIX. 
their  own  conveniency,  and  for  annoying  the  *-nn*^ 
enemy,  were  as  follow  : —  '778- 

In  the  beginning  of  March,  lieutenant-colonel  ^^p'^''^''* 
Mawhood,  with  a  detachment  from  the  main  Uei  Maw-' 
army,  confiftirig  of  the  twenty-feventh  and  forty-  hood, 
fixth  regiments,  and  New  Jerfey  volunteers,  made  ' 
a  defcent  on  the  coaft  of  Jerfey,  near  Salem,  for 
the  purpofe  of  procuring  forage,  of  which  the 
army  Hood  in  great  need,  and  of  opening  a  com-  ' 
municatlon  with  the  loyalills  of  that  part  of  the 
country,  groaning  under  ihe  tyranny  of  Living- 
fton  the  governor.  Colonel  Mawhood  carried 
with  him  fpare  arms  to  put  into  the  hands  of 
fuch  as  chpfe  to  repair  to.  his  ftandard.  This 
detachment  embarked  on  board  tranfports  on 
the  twelfth  of  March,  fell  down  the  Delaware, 
and  landed  >fafely  at  the  place  of  their  deflina- 

Colonel  Mawhood,    being  reinforced  on  the 
feventeenth  by  the   queen's  rangers,    confifting 

of  . 



'  < 



\     fc 







— .♦■- 


H  IS 

T  0  R  Y     OF     THE 






CHAP. of  about-  two  hundred   and    fcvcnty  infantry, 
^^^'    rank  and  file,  and  thirty  cavalry,  cave  diredlions 
for  the  forage  to  take  place  on  the  ci^hteemh, 
accompanied  by  the  ftriAefl  charge  agamA  plun- 

The  town  of  Salem,  near  to  which,  as  has  juft 
been  obferved,  our  detachment  landed,  lies  upon 
a  creek  of  that  name,  falling  into  the  Delaware 
iicarly  oppofite  to  Reedy  luand.  The  Alewas 
Creek  runs  almoil  parallel  to  that  of  Salem,  and 
falls  into  the  Delaware  to  the  fouth  of  it.  Over 
the  Alewas  Creek  three  bridges  were  extended : 
Hancock^s  Bridge  the  lower ;  Chimin's  that  in 
the  centre  ;  and  Thonipfon's  tEe  fartheft  up. 
Between  thefe  Creeks,  then,  on  the  Delaware, 
forming  a  peninfula,  at  its  greateft  feven,  and  at 
its  leaft  four  miles  in  width,  the  foraging  was  to 
commence.  The  provincial  militia  was  polled 
at  Hancock's  and  Quintin's  Bridge,  which  they 
had  defended  by  breal^works.  Colonel  Mawhood 
made  detachments  to  maik  thefe  bridges,  and  fo< 
raged  in  their  rear. 

The  officer  who  commanded  the  detachment 
at  Q^intin's  having  fent  information  that  the  ene> 
my  were  adembled  in  great  numbers  at  the 
bridge,  and  would  probably  pafs  over  it  whene- 
ver he  ihould  quit  it,  in  which. cafe  his  party 
would  be  in  great  danger,  colonel  Mawhood 
inarched  with  the  queen's  rangers  to  his  afiift' 
ance,  and  by  a  fuccefsful  feint  and  ambufcade, 
firft  drew  a  divifion  of  the  enemy  over  the  bridge, 
and  then  vigorouily  attacked  them.  Kot  a  few 
of  them  were  taken  priibners,  but  the  greater 
part  were  drowned  in  the  Alewas  Creek.  Among 
the  prifoners  was  their  commanding  officer,  who 
proved  to  be  a  Frenchman.  The  rangers  had 
one  hnflar  mortally  wounded.  Here  we  Ihall 
give  place  to  an  anccdoie,  authenticated  by  the 











II  ^^:- 





authority  of  colonel  Simcoe,   who  rommaaded  CHAP. 
the  rangers,  that  aifords  a  fpecimen  of  that  bafe    ^^X- 
and  ungenerous  fpirit  with  which  nun  j  indivi- "'^'r'*^ 
duals  in  the  American  armies  ihewed  tKcmfelves    *'77'' 
in  the  courfe  of  the  war  to  be  aduated.    The 
hufTar  was  wounded  by  a  man  whom,  in  the 
eagernefs  of  the  purfuit,  he  had  paflfed,  and  gi> 
ven  quarters  to  him  without  difarmiog  him.     The   , , ' 
villain  was  killed  by  another  hulTar. 

The  Americans,  who  had  for  a  moment  quit- 
ted the  bridge,  but  who,  when  they  perceived 
that  colonel  Mawhood  did   not  think  it  to  his 
purpofe  to  pafs  it,  returned,  ftill  occupied  the 
polls  at  Gt^intin's  and  Hancock's  Bridge,  their 
numbers  gradually  increafing.     Colonel  Maw- 
hood determined  to  attack  them  at  Hancock'« 
Bridge,  where,  fcom  all  reports,  they  were  af- 
fembled  to  the  number  of  four  hundred  men. 
This  enterprife  was  entrufted  to  major  Simcoe, 
who  embarked  with  the  rangers  on  board  flat- 
bottomed  boats  on  the  twentieth  at  night.    He  At  Hank 
was  to  be  landed  at  an  inlet  feVen  miles  below  ^5  * 
Alewas  Creek,  when  the  boats  were  to  be  imme-  "  ^*" 
diately  returned ;  and  by  a  private  road  he  was  ' 
to  reach  ^Hancock's  Bridge,  oppofite  to  which         ' 
major  Mitchell  was  to  co-operate  with  him,  at 
the  head  of  the  twenty-feventh  regiment.    Major 
Simcoe,  though  the  enemy  were  nearly  doul)le 
his  numbers,  and  his  retreat  was  cut  off  by  tAe  , 

abfolute  orders  to  fend  back  the  boats,  confi- 
dered  that  every  thing  depended  on  furprife,  and 
repofed  juft  confidence  in  the  iilence,  attention, 
and  Ipirit  of  the  corps  under  his  command.  By 
an  overfight  in  the  naval  department,  when  the 
boats  arrived  off  Alewas  Creek,  the  tide  fet  fo 
ftrong  againft  them,  that,  in  the  opinion  of  the 
officer  of  the  navy,  they  could  not  reach  the 
place  of  their  deftination  till  mid  day.    Major 




— 1(     -'    •        ' 






M  I  S  T  0'  R  Y  :  O  F     T  H  £ 


/   =1 

CHAP.  Siiiicoe  determined,  however,  not  to  return,  but 
XIX.  to  laud  at  the  moath,  of  the  Ale  was  Creek  oa  the 
***nn^  niarfhes.  They  foon  found  out  a  landiug-place, 
»77^  and,  after  a  march,  of  two  miles  through  matfhes 
up  to  the  knees  in  mud  and  water,  at  Icngt)^  ar- 
rived at  a  wood  upon  dry  land,  where  the  major 
formed  his  men  for  the  attack.  There  was  no 
public  road  that  led  to  Hancock's  Bridge  but 
that  of  which  the  rangers  were  now  in  poffeflion ; 
biit  a  bank  or  dyke,  on  which  there  was  a  foot- 
way, led  from  Hancock's  to  Qjiintin's  Bridge. 
This  dyke  captain  Saunders,  with  a  party,  was 
fent  to  ambufcade,  and  to  take  up  a  fmall  bridge 
that  was  upon  it,  as  the  enemy  would  probably 
flee  that  way,  and  if  not  purfued  too  clofely, 
would  thus  be  the  more  eafily  defeated. 

There  was  at  Hancock's  Bridge  a  large  brick 
dwelling-houfe,  called  Hancock's  Houfe,  around 
which  were  many  ftone  houfes,  and  fome  few 
cottages.  Captain  Dunlop  was  detached  to  the 
rear  of  Hanbbbk's  Houfe,  in  which  it  was  pre- 
fumed  the  American  officers  were  quartered,  and 
diredled  to  force,  occupy  and  barricade  it,  as  it 
commanded  the  paffage  of  the  bridge.  Different 
detachments  were  allotted  to  the  fmall  houfes  iu 
the  rear  of  Hancock's,  fuppofed  to  be  the  ene- 
my's quarters.  Having  maftered  thefe,  they 
were  ordered  to  aflemble  at  Hancock's,  which 
the  light-infantry  who  were  in  rei'erve  reached 
by  the  road,  and  forced  the  front  door  at  the 
fame  time  that  captain  Dunlop,  by  a  more  diffi- 
cult way,  entered  the  back  door.  As  it  Vv'as  very 
dark,  thefe  companies  were  on  the  point  of  fall- 
ing on  one  another.  The  furprife  was  complete, 
which  it  would  have  been,  even  if  the  whole  of 
the  enemy's  force  had  been  prefent ;  but,  fortu- 
nately for  thera,  they  had  quitted  it  the  evening 
■,:.:rr'-    -  .-^-.-'r^--;!' ■- •-         :-•,-■.■■  j-.- ..v.^---     before, 

•1  'vl 

,•,*■•/ -  -  ly     ■--'•';--;^,(^ii.i-irt"^---'^f*»-- *^r-r''-*r-''-'~Ti""if''"'' ■ ."."_"  "^^.'^'"f 

:urn,  but 
ek  oa  the 
li  matfhes 
ength'  ar- 
the  major 
e  was  no 
ridge  but 
loffeflion ; 
as  a  foot- 
s  Bridge, 
larty,  was 
lall  bridge 
I  probably 
»o  clofely, 

arge  briclt 
fe,  around 

fome  few 
bed  to  the 
It  was  pre- 
tered,  and 
de  it,  as  it 

Ihoufes  in 
36  theene- 
hefe,  tliey 
;k's,  which 
ve  reached 
ioor  at  the 
more  diffi- 
it  v»'as  very 
)int  of  fall- 
5  complete, 
he  whole  of 

but,  foriu- 

the  evening 



"    '.4.  . 

befbre,  leaving  a  detachment  of  twenty  or  thirty  C 
men,  all  of  whom  were  killed. 

The  roads  that  led  *o  the  country  were  im- 
mediately ambufcaded,  and  lieutenant  Whitlock 
was  detached  to  furprife  a  patrole  of  feven  men 
who  had  be.  ii  fent  down  the  Greek,  which  he 
completely  eifeded.  On  their  refufal  to  lurren- 
der  he  was  obliged  to  fjre  on  them,  when  only 
one  made  his  eicape.  It  was  the  firing  on  this 
fniall  party  that  communicated  to  the  twenty-fe- 
venth  regiment  the  fuccefs  of. the  enterprife; 
Two  days  after,  the  queen's  rangers  patrolled 
Thomfon's  Bridge.  The  enemy,  who  had  bee« 
ported  there,  were  alarmed  at  the  approach  of  a 
cow  the  night  before,  fired  at  it,  and  then  fled. 
They  alfo  abandoned  Qjiintin's  Bridge,  and  re- 
tired to  a  creek  fixteen  miles  from  Alewas  Creek. 

Major  Simcoe  continued  to  drive  the  fmall 
parties  of  the  enemy  before  him,  wherever  he 
went  for  the  protciftion  of  the  foragers:  And 
even  the  main  force  oi"  the  enemy,  in  thofe  parts, 
aflembled  at  Cohaufey,  might  have  been  eafily 
furprifed ;  but  colonel  Mawhood  judged,  that, 
having  completed  his  forage  with  perfedl.  fuc- 
cefs, his  bufmefs  was  to  retr  -n  to  head-quarters, 
which  he  did  accordingly.  The  troops  reim- 
barked  on  board  the  boats,  and  returjaed,  withr 
out  any  accident,  to  Philadelphia.         •-<     -i,  Wt 

Though  patroles  were  made  now,  as  regularly 
as  ever,  as  fpring  approached  the-  enemy's  ca- 
valry came  nearer  to  our  lines,  and  owed  their 
eicape  more  than  once  to  the  fleetnefs  of.  their 
horfes.  Some  of  thefe  that  fell  into  the  hands 
of  our  parties  were  decorated  with  eggs,  women's 
Ihoes,  and  other  articles,  of  which  they  had 
plundered  the  country-people  coming  to  and  re- 
turning from  market ;  and  thus  accoutred,  were 
paraded  through  the  ftreets  to  prifon.  A  nnm- 
.    '\»    -  ber 



•  i.    *t'>'    '^ 



V        ' 


A  4^4 







1       ^  J 


I J 






flratagem  of 
an  Ameri' 
can  loyalift. 

laic's  expe- 
dicion  a- 
(ainft  the 
under  gene' 
111  Lacy 
near  Crook 
Cd  Billet. 


ber  of  loyart(\i  in  arms  under  the  command  of 
Mr.  Thomas,  their  captain,  with  Hoveden's  and 
James's  troops  of  provincials,  made  excurfiODs 
mto  the  country,  and  carried  off  from  the  Ame- 
ricans, provifious,  dothinr,  and  other  articles  of 
ufe  to  the  Britiih  army  and  their  adherents.  On 
fuch  excurfions  they  were  ufualiy  fupported,  and 
th?ir  return  to  their  friends  fecured,  by  the 
queen's  rangers. 

A  ftratageni  for  procuring  providons  for  our 
army  at  Philadelphia,  equally  pleafant  and  fuc- 
cefsful,  was  played  off  by  one  of  the  loyalifts 
againf^  the  Americans.  General  Waihinp^tou 
drew  his  fupplies  of  fat  cattle  from  New  £ng. 
land.  A  drove  of  this  kind  was  met  about  thirty 
miles  from  Philadelphia,  between  the  Delaware 
and  Schuylkill,  by  a  friend  of  government,  who 
paiTed  himfelf  upon  the  drivers  for  one  of  ge- 
neral Wafhington's  commifTaries,  billeted  them 
at  a  neighbouring  farm,  and  then  immediately 
galloped  to  Philadelphia,  from  whence  a  party 
of  dragoons  were  fent  for  the  cattle,  and  the 
whole  drove  was  fafely  conduced  to  Philadel- 

About  the  beginning  of  May,  a  great  part  of 
an  American  brigade,  not  lefs  than  one  thoufand 
men,  commanded  by  brigadier  Lacy,  general  of 
the  Penfylvania  militia,  took  pofl  at  a  place  called 
the  Crooked  Billet,  about  fevcnteen  miles  from 
Philadelphia,  on  one  of  the  great  roads  of  commu- 
nication between  that  town  and  the  country. 
From  this  Aation  the  Americans,  in  fmall  par- 
ties, overawed  and  impeded  the  country-people 
in  their  approaches  with  provifions  to  the  Phila- 
delphia market.  By  the  way  of  Crooked  Billet 
lay  the  main  road  between  Philadelphia  and  New 
York ;  and,  ai  lefs  than  half  a  mile  from  it,  on 
the  Philadelphia   fide,  there   was   another  road 




which  led,  by  the  way  of  Horiham  Meeting,  toCKAP. 
general  Wafhin^on's  camp.    Major  Simcoe,  who    ^^X- 
had  been  the  nrft  that  gave  intelligence  to  the  ^"^T^*^ 
commander  in  chief  of  the  fituation,  ftrength,    '778. 
and  probable  views  of  brigadier-general  Lacy, 
propofed  that  he  (hould  march  with  the  rangers, 
and,  by  a  circuit,  get  to  the  road  in  the  rear  of 
the  Crooked  Billet,  and  that  a  detachment  (hould 
march,  and  anibufcade  themfelves  in  a  wood  (for    ' 
according  to  his  intelligence  there  was«ne  adapted 
to  the  purpofe)  on  the  road  which  led  to  Wafh- 
ington's  camp,  by  the  Horfbam  meeting-houfe. 
This  party  was  to  remain  in  ambufcadc  till  they 
(hould  hear  the  firing  of  the   queen's  rangers 
It  was  prefumed  that,  if  the  furprife  (hould  not 
be  complete,  the  ambufcade  would  enfure  fuc- 
cefs,  by  fupporting  the  rangers  if  they  (hould 
be  checked,  and  by  intercepting  the  enemy  if 
they  (hould  attempt  to  retreat,  as  they  probably 
would,  and  that  towards  their  main  army.     This 
plan    being  adopted,    lieutenant-colonel   Aber- 
crombie,  on  the  night  preceding  the  fourth  of 
May,  was  detached  to  the  place  of  ambufcade, 
with  about  four  hundred  light-infantry,  a  large 
party  of  light  dragoons,  and   Ivories  to  mount 
part  of  his  infantry  for  the  greater  expedition. 

Major  Simcoe's  march  \^3n  difficult,  46  he 
judged  it  nece(rary  to  make  mauy  circuits,  in  or- 
der to  avoid  places  where  the  enemy  had  pofts  or 
patroles.  He  was  well  ^'lidcd  ;  and  fortunately 
had  information  about  twilight  that  prevented 
him  from  committing  a  difaftrous  error.  The 
armed  refugees  under  their  leader  captain  Tho- 
mas, had  been  fent  by  Mr.  Galloway  to  cCcort 
feme  of  his  furniture  into  Philadelphia.  Hearing 
by  fome  means  or  other  of  the  prefent  expedi» 
tion ;  they  were  encouraged  to  feize  the  oppor- 
tunity which  it  afforded  of  effeiling  their  objedl 
•!*s»i  "  .  '  with 




>.*■■.  ix 


)     4' 


■  V 


H  I  S  T  O  R  "y     O  F    T  H  E 



»'  I: 

f  H- 



CHAP.  with  the  greater  certainty  and  fafety.  They 
XIX.  marched  up  the  roads  which  the  rangers  had  fo 
carefully  avoided,  but  without  meeting  with  any 
interruption  or  alarm.  They  fortunately  paffed 
a  houfe  at  which  major  Simcoe  called  ;  otherwife 
he  would  certainly,  when  he  overtook  them,  have 
miftaken  them  for  the  enemy.  This  little  adven- 
ture of  the  refugees,  with  the  narrow  efcape  they 
made  from  a  fatal  onfet  by  their  own  friends, 
ferves,  among  many  other  inftances  with  which 
the  hiftory  of  war  is  replete,  to  ftiew  the  necef- 
fity  of  different  military  operations  going  on  at 
the  fame  time,  being  concerted  and  carried  on 
under  the  diredionof  one  mind.  The  refugees 
"Were  direfted  to  keep  themfelves  undifcovered, 
and  the  rangers  marched  on  as  fail  as  poflib|e. 
Although  day-light  appeared,  major  Simcoe  wis 
under  no  apprehenfions  of  difcovery,  nor  yet  of 
colonel  Abercrombie's  having  met  with  any  ac- 
cident, as  the  parties  were  within  hearing  of  each 
other's  fire,  and  none  was  heard.  He  was  there- 
fore, as  he  had  now  quitted  the  road,  iu  order 
to  make  his  lafl  circuit  to  reach  the  Billet,  inr 
forming  his  officers  of  his  plan  of  attack,:  when 
allof  a  fudden  a  flight,  firing  was  heard. 

Colonel  Abercrombie,  although  affifted  by  hor- 
fes,  could  not  arrive  at  his  pod  at  the  appointed 
time,  before  day-break.  But,  being  anxious  to 
fupport  major  Simcoe,  he  detached  to  the  place 
of  ambufcade  his  cavalry  and  mounted. lighten- 
fantry.  The  officer  who  commanded  this  de- 
tached party  patrolled  as  far  as  Lacy's  out-poft, 
and  being  nre^  at  by  the  centinels  did  not  re- 
tire. Lacy,  rightly  judging  that  he  was  fup- 
ported  by  a  force  adequate  to  fuch  confidence, 
colleAing  his  ftrength,  began  to  retreat  up  the 
country.  At  this  crifis,  the  rangers  arrived  nearly 
in  his  rear,  upon  his  right  flank.     They  flopped, 

■     v.- '  .       ^^ 


'■"iSl       .i,^;f!W>«"*jf^--1 



and  turned  fome  fmailer  parties  who  were  making  CH  A  P. 
their  efcape  from  the  light-infantry,   and  who   X^- 
were  killed ;  but  the  main  body  retreated  in  a  **^"'*7*^ 
niafs  without  order,  and  in  great  precipitation;    *77»* 
nor  could  our  infantry,  by  their  utmofl  efforts, 
overtake  them.     The  huflars  of  the  rangers  were 
unfortunately  left  at  Philadelphia,  their  horfes 
having  been  fatigued  by  a  long  courfe  of  duty,   ' 
and  a  fevere  patrole  the  day  before.     Thirty  dra- 
goons, who  were  with  the  rangers,  were  fent  to 
intercept  the  baggage- waggons,  and  (laid  to  guard  ' 

them.    As  the  enemy  were  pafiiug  through   a 
wood,  major  Simcoe,  galloping  up  to  the  edge    ■;, 
of  it,  fummoned  them  to  furrender:  They  were 
in  great  conflemation,   but  continued  to  prefs 
forward.     The  riiajor  then  gave  the  word  of  com- 
mand,  "   make    ready,"    "  prefent,"    "  fire,'* 
hoping  that  the  intervening  fence  and  thickets 
between  him  and  them  might  lead  them  to  fup- 
pofe  that  he  was  accompanied  by  a  body  of  men, 
and  that  they  might  halt;  in  which  cafe  a. few 
moments   would   have   been   decifive.    At   the 
word  *'  fire,"  they  crouched  down,  but  ftill  moved 
on,  and  loon  got  out  of  all  reach  *.        'Ur?' 
Vol.  I.  E  e  Our 



*  In  the  Hiftory  of  Great  Britain,  from  the  Time  of  Oliver 
Cromwell  to  the  Acceflion  of  George  I.  by  Mr.  Alexander 
Cunningham,  the  tutor  and  the  companion  of  John  duke  of 
Argyle,  in  his  campaigns  in  the  Netherlands,  which  h  gene- 
rally admitted  to  contain  a  more  particular,  clear  and  intel- 
ligible account  of  the  conduct,  ftratagems,  and  incidents  of 
war,  than  any  hiftory  in  the  Englifh  language,  we  read  the 
following  paiTage  relating  to  the  celebrated  earl  of  Peterbo- 
rough, commander  of  the  Britifli  troops  in  Spain  in  the  war 
of  the  fucceffion  : 

*'  The  earl  of  Peterborough  had  alarmed  all  the  country, 
"  far  and  near,  with  dreadful  rumours  and  meflages  of  his 
"  approach  ;  and,  carefully  concealing  the  fmall  number  of 
"  his  troops,  caufed  reports  to  be  fpread  that  the  confede- 
"  rates  had  a  large  armr.     It  is  faid  he  had  not  above  twelve 

"  hundred 



r^i.iB(^-  r- 






CHAP.  Our  troops  returned  to  Philadelphia.  The 
XIX.    commauder  in  chief  ordered  the  baggage  to  be 

'"""'^f'^  fold  for  their  benefit,  which  produced  a  dollar 
*778-  a  man. 




«  hundred  men,  who  were  reduced  to  great  weaknefs,  wlien 
**  he  thus,  by  ftratagcm,  put  to  flight  fcven  thouland  of  the 
*«  enemy  [under  the  cond6  de  Ua  Toaes,  who  had  laid  fiege 
**  to  the  town  of  San  Maitheo,  which  had  fubmitted  to  king 
«•  Charles.] 

"  After  this  he  thought  it  worth  his  while  to  attempt  the 
«  town  of  Nults,  which  the  inhabitants  held  out  for  king 
*'  Philip ;  but  as  he  neither  had  foldiers,  nor  any  thing  in  rea- 
'•  dinefs  neceflary  for  war,  he  himfelf  rode  full  fpecd  up  to  the 
"  gate  of  the  town,  and  calling  for  one  of  the  magiftratei  or 
•*  priefts,  demanded  the  town  to  be  furrcndered  to  him.    He 

told  them  that  if  they  would  yield  immediately,  they  might 
"  expeft  good  terms;  but  that  if  they  refufed,  he  would  inftantly 
"  give  orders  to  his  army  to  plunder  the  town,  allowing  then 
'*  only  fix  minutes  time  to  confult,  and  return  their  anfwer;  at 
"  the  fame  time  calling  out  aloud  for  his  cannon  (although  he 
"  had  none)  to  be  planted  againft  the  walls.  As  great  revolu. 
"  tions  are  brought  about  by  fmall  accidents,  the  word  was  no 
•«  fooner  faid,  than  the  town  was  delivered  up :  And  other 
"  places  alfo  he  went  and  took  with  the  fame  celerity,  all 
"  which  he  added  to  the  dominions  of  king  Charles.  By  this 
"  manner  of  making  war,  the  earl  of  Peterborough.,  in  a 
"  (hurt  fpace  of  time,  performed  fuch  wonderful  exploits  in 
"  Spain,  that  the  Spaniards  even  began  to  give  credit  to  all 
"  the  fabulous  ftories  of  the  valour  and  atchievements  of 
"  Don  Quixote;  and  the Englifh  alfo  thought  his  praifes  an 
"  obfcuration  of  the  duke  of  Marlborough 'i  glory.  He  far- 
"  ther  pretended  to  be  furnlfhed  with  horfes  as  it  were 
"  fprung  out  of  the  earth,  and  drew  brigadier  Mahoni  into  a 
•'  conference,  in  which  he  dexteroufly  operated  on  his  mind, 
"  and  managed  his  paflions  as  it  fuited  his  own  purpofe.  Then 
"  he  took  Molviedro,  and  feized  Valencia,  and,  by  his  ru- 
"  mours  and  fpies,  caufed  the  Spaniards  to  make  war  upon 
•*  one  another,  and  defeated  the  duke  d'Arcas.  And,  laftly, 
«•  he  fupported  the  prieds  by  his  liberality,  and  fuch  of  the 
"  country  people  as  would  take  up  arms  for  king  Charles." 

"  In  a  word,  the  earl  of  Peterborough,  in  the  hiftory  of 
"  his  conduct,  is  ftyled  the  father  of  ftratagems,  and  Fortune 
'^  is  faid  always  to  have  attended  his  undertakings." 

Had   the  chief    comm.  id  of  our  army   in   America  been 

placed  in  the  hands  of  fuch  a  man  as  the  earl  of  Peterboroughi 

':. .    ,■>'*'  '  whole 







a      ,-> 



J  778 

a  man.  This  excuifion,  though  it  failed  of  thatCHAP. 
fuccefs  ^vhich  was  expeded,  had  the  full  eflFed  XlX. 
of  intimidating  the  militia,  who  never  afterwards 
appeared  but  in  fmall  parties  like  robbers.  The 
fuccefs  of  the  expedition  would  have  been  more 
fignal,  had  not  our  troops  been  too  much  fa- 
tigued by  the  very  great  length  of  the  march,  which 
favoured  the  enemy  in  their  flight,  and  had  our 
cavalry  pufticd  on  when  they  firft  difcovered  the 
American  centinels. 

A  joint  attempt  was  made  on  the  feventh  of  ^«P«*g» 
May  by  fea  and  land  to  deflroy  the  gallies  andhm^unl 
other  veffels  that  had  efcaped  up  the  Delaware  j'f."?|^'" 
after  the  redudion  of  Mud  Ifland,  and  the  (hip- 
ping that  the  enemy  had  in  the  river  between 
Philadelphia  and  Trenton.    This  enterprife  was 
effedually  acomolifhed  by  the  Ikill  and  aflivity 
of  captain  11"    '     f  the  navy,  and  Major  Mait- 
land  of  the  '.es.     A  confiderable  quantity 

of  (lores  and  proviftons  was  alfo  dcftroyed  ;  and 
a  number  of  the  enemy,  who  made  no  great  op- 
polition,  were  killed.  Not  fewer  than  forty-four 
American  veflfe  were  burnt,  fome  of  them  of 
confiderable  value. 

About  the  nineteenth  of  May  1778,  General  xttempton 
Wafhington  detached  the  marquis  de  la  Fayette  *^^*y««* 
to  take   pod  with   nearly  three  thoufand  men 
upon    Barren  Hill,  a   polition  feven  miles  ad- 

£  e  2  vanced 



whofe  vigilance,  invention,  and  celerity  of  adlion  on  a  fcene 
not  altogether  diifimilar  to  the  divided  ftate  of  the  American 
colonics,  form  a  direA  contraft  to  the  flownefs,  and  circuitous 
movements  of  fir  William  Hovre,  it  is  extremely  probable  that 
the  iflue  of  the  American  war  would  have  been  ceverfed. 
Neither  military  genius,  nor  alertncfs  of  conduct,  nor  promp- 
titude of  adion,  were  wanting  in  the  Britifli  army  ;  nor  is 
major  Simcoe  the  only  inftance  in  which  thefe  qualities  were 
difplayed  in  a  very  confpicuous  manner  ;  though  not  in  that 
ftation  in  which  they  could  produce  the  gretteft  and  moft  dc- 
cifive  confequences. 


;  ^*- 


H^rs  Y  OR  Y    O  F    T  H'E 



CHAP,  vanced   from  the  cartp  of  Valley  '  Forge ;   but 
"XtX.    upon  the  oppofite  or  caftern  fide  of  the  riter. 

The  bbjefi  6f  this  ftep '  ^  not  very  clear. 
'"^^'e  pofition  was  ftill  too  diltant '  from  PhiUdel- 
"^- Ilk  to  give  ady  interruption  df  confequence' to 
tuch'  ftippfies  as  vi^efe  carried  into  that  city  by 
the  neigiibouring  country.  "Poffibly,  as  the  in- 
terided  evacuation  of  Philadelphia  was  now  well 
known,  general  Wafliington  mightha-ve thought 
.that  it  would  keep   up  the  fpitits  of  his  party 
^f  he  feetfted  to  priefs' upOn'the  Britiih  in  their 
Tetreat ;'.  for 'he  roiiV  have  been  aware  that  Ms 
then  force  could  liotallow'him'  toexpcft  that' he 
'ftiould  make  any  real  advantage  t)f  futh  an  at- 
tempt :    And  the  diftante  6f  Batr6n  Hill  from 
T'hiladelphia  appeared  to  fectre  the  detachm(g|it 
from  any  hazard.    This  fuppofed  fecurity  proved 
illufive.     On  the  night  of  May  the  twentieth, 
five  thoufaiid  of  the  choiceft  troops  in  the  Bri- 
tifh  army  fet  out  from  Philadelphia,  marching 
by"  the  road  which  keeps  clofe  to  the  Delaware, 
.  and  whi<Jh,  therefore,  diverged  fron  the  dir6<Slion 
of  'Barren*  Hill.    After  the  detachment '  had  pro- 
ceeded fome  miles,  it  turned  to  the  left,  and  paffing 
'White  Marfh  foon  after  day-break,  it  reached  at 
"length  its  deftined  point,  without  having  fallen 
in  with  any  patrole  or  out-poft  of  the  enemy. 
This  point  was  direftly  in  the  rear  of  La  Fayette's 
pofition,  confequently  -was  between  him  and  the 
camp   of  general   Wafhington.     The  road  here 
forked;  one  branch  led  to  the  camp  of  La  Fayette, 
at  the  diftance  of  a  fhort  mile ;  the  other  went  to 
Matlon's '  Ford' acrofs  the  Schuylkill,  at  about  the 
•  fame  diftance.    In  the  courfe  of  the  night  a  ftrong 
detachment,  under  the  command  of  general  Grey, 
l)3id  marched  from  Philadelphia  along  the  weftern 
teraach  of  the  Schuylkill,  and  ftationed   theni- 
-fclvcs  at  a  ford  two  or  three  miles  in  front  of  La 





A  ME  R  I  C  A  N     W  A  R. 

4n     t.  I 

Fayette's  right  flank,  wbilft  the  remainder  of  ihe  C  H  A  P. 
Britilh  army  advanced  to  Chei'nut  Hill.  ^.IX, 

Theretreat'Of  La  Faj'ette  was  thus  cut  off  from  "-"^r'*' 
every  paffage  but  Matfon's  Ford  j  and  as  the  line    '77*; 
from  La  Fayette's  pofition  formed  the  bafe  of  an 
obtufe-angled  triangle  with  the  two  roads  above- 
mentioned,  it  was  obvious,  that  his  diftance  from.        ' 
it  was  much   greater  than  that   of,  the  Britift).  * 

When  general  Grant  arrivcdat  the  point  above 
defcribed,  the  confufed  galloping  of  lome  of  the^ 
enemy's  horfemen>  who  advanced  to  reconnoitre, 
intiraaied  that  the  approach  of  the  Britifti  was 
then  firft  perceived.  At  the  fame  time,  the  co- 
lumn was  difcovered,  by  glaffes,  from  the  capip 
of  general  Waihingtojij  who,  by  the  firinjj.  of 
cannon,  attempted  to  give  his  detachment  no- 
tice of  the  danger.  Confiderable  time  feems  tQ 
ha-ve  been  loll  in  malj^ing  a  diipofition  fcr  the 
intended  attack,  during-  which  d^lay  a  corpsi,  of 
cavalry,  that  had  formed  the  advanced  guard,  QU 
the  march,  took  poffelTlon  of  a  hill  between  the 
two  roads..  From  this  elevancn  the  corps  of  La 
Fayette  was  difcovered  retreating  towards  lyLat- 
fon's  Ford  through  the  low  W0|ody  grounds  which 
border  the  river.  The  d^forder  and  prccipita,- 
tion,  apparent  in  the  rear  of  that  column,  fufE- 
cienily  indicated  the  terror  wirh  which  they  were 
attempting  their  efcape.  Information  of  this  cli:- 
cumftance  is  faid  tp  ha-ve  been  given  to  gen.ei;^! 
Grant,  and  his  fuperior  proximity  to  Matfon's 
Ford  is  reported  to  haye  been  urged  to  him,  and 
even  pointed  out  in  the  ftrongeft  manner ;  but 
under  a  perruafiou  that  this  was  only  a  part  of 
La  Fayette's  troops,  detached  for  fonie  unac- 
countable realon,  the  general  perfifted  in  his  re- 
folution  of  advancing  to  Barren  Hill,  notwith- 
ftanding  the  ftrong  remooArauces  of  fir  William  ' 

Erf^inc  againft  that  meaiure.     This  pod  was  un- 





^'li::     '■ 

CHAP,  luckily  concealed  from  view  by  intervening  trees, 
^^-  otherwife  the  defertion  of  it  by  the  enemy  would 
have  been  perceived.  The  Briiifli  having  ad- 
vanced to  the  church,  and  found  the  camp  aban- 
f'-  ed,  undertook  the  purfuit  of  the  enemy  by 
.„*i  ery  track  which  La  Fayette  had  taken.  In 
ihe  mean  time  that  officer  had  reached  the  Ford ; 
but  his  troops,  being  overcome  with  apprehen- 
fion,  had  hurried  acrofs  the  river,  leaving  be- 
hind them  the  fix  field- pieces  which  they  had 
brought  from  camp  to  the  bank  of  the  river.  La 
Fayette  having  formed  his  battalions  on  the  other 
fide,  and  perceiving  that  the  Britiih  did  not  ap- 
proach by  the  road  in  which  he  apprehended 
them,  fent  a  corps  acrofs  for  his  cannon,'  order* 
ing  fome  fmall  parties  to  be  advanced  into  the 
woods  to  retard  the  progrefs  of  the  Britifh  ad-, 
vanced  guard,  fhoula  it  approach  whilft  the  ar- 
tillery was  in  the  river,  The  cannon  were 
dragged  over,  but  before  the  parties  of  obferva- 
tion  could  retire,  ihe  Britifli  cavalry  fell  upou 
them,  and  killed  or-  took  about  forty^  The  Bri^ 
tiih  generals  advancing  to  the  Ford,  perceived 
that  La  Fayette  was  fo  advaptageoufly  pofted  on 
the  other  fide  of  the  river,  with  his  artillery  on 
the  high  and  broken  grounds  which  arofe  from 
the  water's  edge,  that  nothing  further  could  be 
attempted  againfi  him.  Thus  unfortunately  failed 
the  objedl  of  the  expedition.  It  is  faid  general 
Wafliington  thought  the  cafe  fo  hopelefs,  that  he 
broke  his  bridge  from  Valley  Forge  acrofs  the 
Schuylkill,  left  the  fuccefs  ihould  be  purfued 
agairift  himfelf.  It  is  obvious  that  he  could  not 
attempt  to  fuccour  La  Fayette ;  becaufe,  as  he  had 
but  four  thoul'and  men  remaining  in  his  camp, 
the  Britiih  detachment  was  of  itfelf  equal  to  give 
|iim  battle,  could  he  poflibly  have  joined  La 
Fayette ;  and  that  was  a  ftake  which  every  in- 





tcreft  forbade.     But  as  the  body  of  the  Britifh  CHAP, 
army  was  at  Chefnut  Hill,  at  hand  to  give  ge-    ^^^• 
nerai  Grant  immediate  fuppon,  general  Wafh- 
iugton  could  not  have  interfered  without  every 
probability  of  incurring  ruin. 

As  the  time  approached  when  the  army  was 
to  move  from  Philadelphia,  American  patrolcs 
were  pafTed  over  the  Delaware  from  the  Jerfeys. 
One  of  thefe,  after  a  long  chafe,  was  taken  by  the 
huffars  belonging  to  the  queen*s  rangers.  The 
quarter-mafter-general,  fir  William  Erlkine,  be- 
ing in  great  want  of  horfes,  com miflariea  were 
fent  to  procure  them,  efcorted  by  the  rangers 
under  major  Simcoe.  .  The  major  entered  on  this 
office  with  much  regret,  as  the  horfes  were  to  be 
taken  from  people  whom  he  had  hitherto  uni- 
formly proteAed. 



m^-^r.  ■         ■■'■ 


^i*M#5-4v,c !«*!/:  >v;i/';^.#.  ?»^?i| 


^rAr  .  f}r  '<:  : 

'    K-      -    ■■  ■  ■"!•  •;'    ^-.v-     J  ■■  •' ;  '     \.. 

--■--••  y--".  .;.•■ 

■\    /..:...•..„'-      ...  y 

C  H  A  P. 



CHAP.     XX. 


Sir  William  Howe  reftgns  the  Command  of  the 
Army — Fejiival  called  Mifchianzay  in  honour 
of  air  William  Howe — He  is  fucceeded  in  the 
Command  of  the  Army  by  Sir  Henry  Clinton — 
si  Returns  to  England — Complains  of  Defamation, 
^  . and  folicits  and  obtains  a  Parliamentary  Inquiry 
into  his  Condu8. — 1778. 

C  H  A  P.  rip HESE,   then,   with  occafional   parties  fent 
^^'      X.    out  to  cover  the  loyalifts,  were  the  only 
movements  made  by  the  Britifh  commander  in 
chief  while  he  lay  m  his  winter-quarters,  from 
Odlober  1777  to  June  178O,  at  Philadelphia. 

It  would  (eem,  however,  that  fir  William 
Howe  imagined  that  all  that  could  be  done  for 
the  royal  caufe  had  been  now  performed  :  For  to 
a  deputy  fent  to  the  commander  in  chief  from 
the  magiftratcs,  on  a  rumour  of  the  intended 
€va(  ition  of  Philadelphia,  requefting  his  advice 
how  to  adl,  he  faid  that  the  bell  thing  they  could 
do  would  be  to  go  over  and  make  their  peace 
with  general  Waftiington.  And  as  he  himfelf 
Vv'as  on  the  eve  of  quitting  the  army,  he  told 
them  to  go  to  fir  Henry  Clinton,  his  deftined 
fucceflbr,  for  a  flag  of  truce  in  order  to  go  out 
to  Wafhington  for  that  purpofe.  The  deputy 
accordingly  went  to  fir  Henry  Clinton,  who  faid 
that  he  could  not  grant  a  flag  on  fuch  an  occa- 
fion ;  that  the  game  was  not  up ;  that  the  war 
was  not  over,  but  would  ftill  be  vigoroufly  car- 
j»-  ricd 


• '-^ia**,;--- .  i.-xELi'is? 






ried  on  ;  and  that  they  ought  not  by  any  means  C  H  AP. 
to  entertain  a  thought  of  going  over  to  the  enemy.     ^^* 

Sir  William  Howe  had  formed  a  refolution  of  "^^"f^*^ 
refiguing  his  office  fo  early  as  the  month  of  Oc-  sir  waiimi 
tober.     In  a  letter  of  his  of  the  twenty-eighth  Howe  re. 
of  that  month,  he  wrote  to  the  fecrctary  of  Hate  Jl^JimJ^d  ^i* 
for  the  American  department,  lord  George  Ger-tii^ariTiy. 
maine,  as  follows : — "  From  the  little  attention, 
"  my  lord,  given  to  my  recommendations  fince 
"  the  commencement  of  my  command,  I  am  led 
"  to  hope  that  I  may  be  relieved  from  this  very 
"  painful  fervice,  wherein  I  have  not  the  good 
"  fortune  to  enjoy  the  neceffary  confidence  and 
fupport  of  my  fuperiors,  but  which  I  conclude 
will  be  extended  to  fir  Henry  Clinton,  my  pre- 
fumptive  fucceflbr.    By  the  return  of  the  pack- 
et I  humbly  requeft  I  may  have  his  majefty's  ,, 
"  permiffion  to  refign."     Tnat  permiffion  he  re- 
ceived on  the  fourteenth  of  April  1778  ;  but  in 
the  fame  letter  which  conveyed  leave  to  refign, 
he  was  ordered  by  his  majefty,  while  he  ftiould 
continue  in  command,  to  lay  hold  of  every  op- 
portunity of  putting  an  end  to  the  war,  by  a  due 
exertion  of  the  force  under  his  orders. 

The  commander  in  chief's  letter,  in  which  he 
alleges,  as  the  ground  of  his  refignation,  the  want 
of  neceffary  confidence  and  fupport  on  the  part 
of  adminiftration,  was  matter  of  equal  aftonifh- 
ment  and  indignation  to  the  parties  agaiuft  whom 
that  charge  was  made  ;  while  it  inevitably  led  the 
unprejudiced  and  impartial  fpedator  to  contrail 
the  languor  and  reludlance  too  vifibly  apparent  ' 

in  the  whole  conduft  of  fir  William  Howe  with 
that  alacrity  and  zeal  with  which  the  miniftry, 
and  particularly  the  niinifter  for  American  af- 
fairs, provided  and  furnifhed  the  means  of  car- 
rying on  the  war,  and  that  difpofition  which  ihey 
manifefted  to  invite  and  reward  the  efforts  of 




HISTORY    OP    Tttfc 


i'  I 


;  H  A  P.  ^^^  general  by  all  poflible  encouragement.  When 
XX.  meafurcs  for  reducing  the  revolted  colonies  were 
-nr^  refolved  on,  and  fir  William  Howe  was  appointed 
>778'  to  the  command  of  the  army,  fuch  was  the  difpo. 
fition  of  governmeat  to  gratify  him  in  whatever  he 
ihould  defire,  that  the  fccretary  for  the  American 
department  declared,  **  the  meafures  of  force 
"  ihould  be  the  wilhes  of  the  general."  The  ge* 
neral,  who  was  then  in  America,  and  had  th(  ftate 
of  the  war  under  his  eye,  was  the  beft  judge  of 
what  force  would  be  competent  to  its  fuppreflion. 
On  his  judgment,  therefore,  government  relied ; 
but  inftead  of  dinting,  they  furpaffed  his  wiflies. 
In  his  letter  to  lord  Germaine  *,  after  long  and 
mature  deliberation,  he  only  requires  nineteen 
thoufand  men  ;  which,  he  fays,  will  be  **  adfe- 
"  quate  to  an  adive  offenfive  campaign  on  the 
"  fide  of  New  York  and  Rhode  Iflaud."  In- 
ftead  of  nineteen  thoufand  men,  he  was  fur- 
nifhed  with  ihiriy-one  thoufand  four  hundred 
and  feventy-fix.  And,  although  he  expefted  to 
meet  a  force  of  thirty  thoufand  men,  the  whole 
American  army  did  not  amount  to  eighteen  thou- 
fand. With  the  force  now  fent,  amounting  to  ele- 
ven thoul'and  men  more  than  he  required,  the  ge- 
neral appeared  to  be  more  than  fatisfied,  and  de- 
clared his  utter  adonilhment  at  the  uncommon  ex- 
ertions of  government.  He  acknowledged,  in  his 
letter  to  government  f ;  that  the  fuctelfes  of  the 
army  under  his  command  had  intimidated  the 
leaders  of  rebellion,  and  nearly  induced  a  ge- 
neral fubmiffion; — an  admiflion  which  was  ftridtly 
juft  ;  for  farther  oppofiiion  was  uuiveri'ally  de- 
fpaired  of  by  all  America,  except  a  few  delperate 


*  Of  the  26th  of  November  1775. 

f  Of  the  30th  of  November  177C,  anJ  the  20th  of  Janu- 
ary 1777. 


)nie8  were 


men  in  general  Wafhington's  army;  and  that  army  CHAP. 
was  reduced  to  a  number  not  exceeding  four     XX. 
thoufandmen.     And  yet,  at  that  period,  we  find  ^^''T'"^^ 
him  making  a  demand,  firft  of  fifteen  thoufand,    ^778' 
and  then  of  twenty  thoufand  rauic  and  file.     The  "^ 

general,  it  is  true,  did  not  make  this  extravagant 
demand  without  affigning  reafons  for  it ;  but 
thefe  reafons  were  ill-founded.  In  his  letter  of 
the  twelfth  of  February  1778  he  informed  the 
fecretary  of  ft  ate  that  "  the  rebels  had  profpedls 
"  of  bringing    into    the  field   more  than   fifty  ,' 

"  thoufand  men.  They  are  moft  fanguine  in 
^*  their  exped^ations,"  fays  he,  *•  and  confcious 
*♦  that  their  whole  ftake  depends  upon  the  fuc- 
"  cefs  of  the  next  campaign,  ufe  everv  compuU 
"  fory  means  to  thofe  who  do  not  enter  volun- 
"  tarily  into  their  fervice."  We  know,  howe- 
ver, that,  inftead  of  fifty  thoufand  men,  they 
were  not  able  to  bring  into  the  field,  when  the 
general  met  their  force  at  Hillfborough,  more 
than  eight  thoufand  men  ;  and  even  at  the  Bran-^ 
dywine,  not  more  than  fixteen  thoufand,  mi- 
litia included,  after  he  had,  contrarily  to  all 
policy,  given  them  two  months,  by  every  poffi- 
ble  exertion,  to  recruit  their  feeble  army.  It 
thus  appears,  that  if  the  reinforcement  required 
on  this  occafion  fell  fhort  of  that  which  was  de- 
manded by  the  general,  the  expelled  reinforce- 
ment of  the  Americans,  which  was  the  reafon 
affigned  for  that  rcquifition,  failed  in  a  much 
greater  proportion.  More  than  one  half  of  the 
force  required  was  fent,  and  not  more  than  one 
fifth  of  that  of  the  Americans  was  raifed.  The 
account  of  the  armed  force  in  i777ftood  thus: 
Britifh,  forty  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  fe- 
veniy-four,  veteran  troops.  American  re^^ular 
army  at  Hillfborough,  eight  thoufand  ;  at  Brau- 
idywine,    eleven  thoufand  j    and,  in  the  fpring, 

-^     '-  at 








G  HA  P.  at  Valley  Forge,  not  four  thoufand  undirciplined 
troops.  With  what  juftice,  then,  it  was  faid, 
could  the  general  complain  of  his  want  of  force? 
and  how  extravagant  his  attempt  to  throw  the 
blame  of  his  own  mifconduft  on  that  admini- 
ilration  which  had,  by  fuch  uncommon  exerti- 
ons, thus  gratified  him  in  all  his  wifhes.  The 
longer  contemplation  was  indulged  on  this  fub- 
jc6l,  the  more  were  the  minds  of  men  inflamed 
with  warm  emotion. 

"  While  the  friends  of  the  colonifts,"  it  was 
faid,  "  were  bringing  their  plot  to  maturity  in 
*'  Britain  ;  while  the  natural  rjpfources  of  thig 
*'  country  were  cried  down,  to  the  great  encou- 
"  ragemcnt  of  our  foreign  enemies,  and  a  na- 
**  tional  defpondency  was  generally  effedled ; 
**  while  the  opponents  of  admiuiftration  were 
"  advifing  ana  contending  in  both  houfes  of 
•*  parliament  for  withdrawing  the  troops  from 
•*  America,  and,  at  the  fame  time,  oppofmg  every 
"  meafure  which  was  nccefl'ary  for  the  recovery 
"  of  the  revolted  colonies,  the  flownefs  and  pro- 
**  craftination  of  the  general  accorded  but  too 
"  well  with  thofe  fentiments,  and  contributed 
"  not  a  little  to  render  adminiftration  more  and 
*'  more  odious  to  the  people,  whofe  difguft  and 
*'  indignation  rofe  in  proportion  as  the  minifter 
"  demanded  more  and  more  fupplies,  and  as  the 
"  general  ncglefted  to  improve  the  great  op- 
"  portunities,  that  were  at  different  times  pre- 
"  feuted,  of  putting  an  end  to  the  war." 

The  violence  of  oppolition  on  the  one  part, 
and  the  extreme  tcndernefs  of  fir  William  Howe 
towards  the  Americans  on  the  other,  feemed  to 
many  obfervers  to  be  linked  together  by  a  kind 
of  conne\5lion  fomewhat  fimilar  to  that  between 
caufe  and  effeft.  He  certainly  fuffered  the  enemy, 
with  lefs  than  four  thouland  men,  to  re-conquer 
'  r    ■  •  'a  pro- 



a  province  which  he  had  lately  reduced,  and  toe  H  A  P. 
lay  a  kind  of  fiege  to  his  army  in  his  winter-quar-    XX. 
ters.     He  unfortunately  wafted  the  feafon  of  mi-  v-^y^*/ 

litary  operation,  giving  them  time  to  recruit  their    '778- 
reduced  force.     Though  the  fpirit  of  revolt  was  • 

occafionally  deprefledby  the  valour  of  our  troops,         , 
it  was  uniformly  revived  by  the  mifconduft  of 
the  general. 

Such  were  the  obfervations  that  were  very  ge- 
nerally made  on  the  condudl  of  fir  William  Howe, 
when  he  not  only  refigned  his  office  without  at- 
taining, in  any  degree,  the  end  for  which  he 
took  it  upon  him,  but  endeavoured  to  ftiift  his 
want  of  luccefs  from  his  own  fhoulders  upon  that 
of  the  fecretary  of  ftate  for  the  American  depart- 

The  fame  or  fimilar  obfervations  were  made, 
and  re-echoed  with  ftill  greater  energy  over  all 
the  Britifti  empire,  on  another  unfortunate  oc- 
cafion,  which,  like  the  grounds  alleged  for  the 
refignation  of  his  office,  induced  and  provoked 
men  to  compare  the  importance  of  his  fcrvices 
with  the  merit  he  affumed,  and  the  gravity  with 
which  he  fuftained  the  moft  exceflive  praife  and 
adulation.     It  is  to  the  famous  Mifchianza  that 
we  allude,  or  feftival  given  in  honour  of  fir  Wil- 
liam Howe,  by  feme  of  the  Britilh  officers  at  Phi- 
ladelphia, when  he  was  about  to  give  up  his  com- 
mand, and  to  return  to  England.     This  enter- 
tainment not  only  far  exceeded  any  thing  that 
had  ever  been  feen  in  America,  but  rivalled  the 
magnificent  exhibitions  of  that  vain-glorious  mo- 
narch and  conqueror,    Louis  XIV.  of  France 
All  the  colours  of  the  army  were  placed  ia  aFcftivai 
grand  avenue  three  hundred  feet  in  length,  lined  ""an^^n' 
i\iih  the  king's  troops,  between  two  triumphal  iionourot 
arches,  for  the  two  brothers,  the  admiral,  lord  howc"""" 
Howe,  and  the  general,    lir  William  Howe,  to 




\^^^  --4 


r-  ■ 




C  H  A  P.  march  along  in  pompous  proceffion,  followed  by 
XX.     a  numerous  train  of  attendants,  with  feven  filkea 
^-nr'^  knights  of  the  blended  rofe,  and  feven  more  of 
^778-    tijg   burning  mountain,    and    fourteen   damfels 
dreffed  in  the  Turkifh  fafhion,  to  an  area  of  one 
'   hundred  and  fifty  yards  fquare,  lined  alfo  with 
the  king's  troops,  for  the  exhibition  of  a  tilt  and 
tournament,    or  mock  fight  of  old  chivalry,  ia 
honour  of  thofc  two  heroes.     On  the  top  of  each 
triumphal  arch,    was  a  figure  of  Fame,  befpan- 
gled  with  ftars,  blowing  from  her  trumpet  in  let- 
ters of  light,   Tes  launers  font  immortels  *. 

This  romantic  triumph,  after  fo  many  difgraces 
and  difappointments,  did  not  efcape  the  fevereft 
fatire,  both  in  private  converfation  and  in  print- 
ed papers  ;  among  which  a  letter  add refTed  to  fir 
WiUiam  Howe  in  a  publication  called  The  Ame- 
rican  Crifis,  by  Paine,  the  author  of  the  pamphlet 
flyled  Common  Senfe^  was  moft  diftinguilhed  for 
Ihrewdnefs  of  remark,  vigour  of  conception,  and 
energy  of  expreflion. 

We  Ihall  here  infert  a  very  excellent  letter, 
which  corroborates  many  of  the  fadls  ftated  by 
us,  written  in  1777,  by  M.  du  Portail,  minifter 
at  war  in  France  to  the  conftituent  affembly  in 
1 79 1  and  1792,  but  at  the  period  of  the  letter 
being  wrote,  a  colonel  in  the  French  fervice,  and 
adling  as  abrigadier-generalin  the  American  armyf. 

*  Thy  laurels  are  immortal. 

t  (COPIE.) 

A  Monfelgneur  le  Comte  de  St.  Germain,  Miniftre  de  la 
Guerre  (pour  vous  feulement,  Monfeigneur.) 

Du  Camp  de  White  Maifh,  a  quartre  lleues 
dc  Phiiadclphie,  le  i2meNovcinbrc  1777. 

MONSPIGNEUR,  _  .    ' 

J'Al  eu  riionneur  devous  rcndre  contc  dcs  battaillcs 
de  Brandywine  et  de  German  Town,  et  de  vous  en  envoyer 
lea  plana  ;  ainfie  que  celui  de  Philadelphie,  avec  fes  environs, 

a  cinq 

,  I 

ollowed  by 
;ven  filkea 
:ii  more  of 
n  damfels 
rea  of  one 
I  alfo  with 
f  a  tilt  and 
hivalry,  in 
:op  of  each 
le,  befpan- 
mpet  in  let- 

ly  difgraces 
the  fevereft 
ad  in  print- 
reffed  to  fir 
1  The  Ame- 
le  pamphlet 
iguilhed  for 
eption,  and 

jllent  letter, 
Is  ftated  by 
ail,  minifter 

affembly  in 
af  the  letter 

ervice,  and 

Miniftre  de  la 

a  quartre  lieues 
slovcinbre  1777- 

itc  dc8  battailks 
vous  en  envoyer 
lec  fes  environs, 
a  cinq 



Sir  William   Howe,   foon  after  receiving  thee  HA  P. 
fplendid  teftimony  of  efteem  which  has  been  juft    XX. 


( • 


k  cinq  lieues,  a  la  ronde  ;  afin  que  vous  puiffiez  juger  de  la 
fituation  du  general  Howe.     J'efpere  que  tout  cela  vous  fera 
parvenu.     Jufqu'  a  pr^fent  le  general  Howe  n'eft  pas  encore 
maitre  des  deux  petits  forts,  qui  font  dans  la  liviere,  et  qui 
empSchent  fes  vaifleaux  de  remonter  jufqu'  a   la  ville  ;  ce  qui 
le  reduit  a  ne  communiquer  avec  eux  que  par  le  petit  chemin 
que  j'ai  marque  fur  la  carte  ;  chemin  que  nous  pouvons  bien 
lui  couper  cet  hiver,  quand  nous  aurons  re9U  un  renfort  des 
troupes  vidlorieufes  du  nord.     Nous  comptons  aufli  mettre  un 
corps  de  deux  ou  trois  mille  hommes  de  I'autre  c6te  de  la 
Schuylkill.     II  y  a  deja  des  troupes  dans  le  Jerfeys  ;  de  cette 
fa9on  le  general  Howe  fera  bloque  dans  Philadelphie,  et  en 
danger  de  mourir  de  faim ;  a  moins  qu'il  ne  fe  rembarque ; 
mais  pour  dire  la  v^rice,  nous  ne  I'efperons  pas.     II  prendra 
probablement  les  forts,  s'il  les  attaque  bien  ;  et  il  aura  alors 
une  communication  fure  avec  fes  valifeaux,  quoiqu'  il  en  foit, 
Monfeigneur,  vous  voyez  que  pour  des  gens  battus  deux  fois, 
nous  ne  fommes  pas  en  trop  mauvaife  pofture.     Nous  devons 
cela  a  ce  que  les  Anglois  n'ont  que  tres  peu  de  cavalerie  ;  de 
forte  qu'ils  ne  peuvent  pourfuivre  leur  vi6^oice.     Nous  le  de- 
vons encore  plus  a  nos  bois,  et  aux  obftacles  de  toute  efpcce 
d'ont  le  pays  ell  defendu.     Maintenant  d'apres  I'cviperiencc 
de  cette  campagne,  il  eft  nature!,  de  fe  faire  cette  queftion  : 
Les  Americains  reuifiront-ils  a  f^  rendre  libres,  ou  non  i  En 
France,  ou  I'on  ne  peut  juger  que  par  les  faits,  on  jugera  pour 
r  affirmative.     Nous,  qui  avons  vu  comment  les  chofes  fe  font 
pafli^es,  ne  penferons  pas  de  m6me.     A  parler  franchemciit, 
cen'eft  pas  par  la  bonne  conduite  des  Americains,  que  la  cam- 
pagne en  gineral  s'ell  terminee  alTez  heureufement ;  mais  par 
la  faute  des  Anglois.     Ce  fut  une  faute  capitale  du  gouverne- 
ment  Britannique,  de  vouloir  que  le  general  Burgoyne  travcr- 
fat  plus  de  deux  cens  lieues  de  pays,  et  prcfque  defcit,  pourfe 
joindre  aux  generaux   Howe  et  Clinton.     Ce  plan  pouvoitpa- 
roitre  grand  dans  le  cabinet  de  Londres;  mais  mifeiable  aux 
yeux  de  ceux  qui  avoient  une  exa£le  connoiflance  de  la  nature 
du  pays.     Mon  obfervation  n'ell  pas  en  confequence  de  1'  eve- 
ncment  ;    car  vous  vous  rappclcrez  peut-6tre,   Monfeigneur, 
que  j'ai  eu  1'  honneur  de  vous  ecrite,  il  y  a  deux  mois  que  j' 
6tot3  bien  aife  que  les  Anglois,  ne  nous  oppofaOent  ici  que  dix 
mille  hommes,  &  que  j'eTp^rois  beaucoup  quelajonAion  des 
generaux   Burgoyne  et  Howe  n'auroit  lieu  que  quand  la  cam- 
pagne ne  feroit  plus  tenable  ;  et  que  mcme  fon  armee  feroit 






'  5  ■ 




f    f 



C  H  A  P.  defcribed,  fet  fail  for  England,  leaving  the  com- 
^^'    mand  of  the  army  to  fir  Henry  Clinton,  of  whofe 

■  .     ■  '  adlions 

detruite  de  la  moiti^,  par  la  faim,  la  fatigue,  la  defer*  ion,  et 
les  pertes  qu'ila  effuycroient  tous  les  jours  par  nos  troupes,  ct 
nos  milices  poftees  dans  les  bois.  L'iflue  a  furpafle  mon  at- 
tente.  Si  les  Anglois,  au  l!eu  de  a*  amufer  avoint  dirige  leur 
attaque  contre  le  general  Wafhington,  avec  dix-huit  ou  vingt 
mille  hommes,  je  ne  fais  pas  trop  ce  que  nous  ferions  devenus ; 
parceque  fi  nous  avions  double  le  nombre  de  nos  troupes,  nous 
n'aurions  pas  double  nns  forces ;  mais  triple  nos  embarras. 

Si  nous  jettons  les  yeirc  fur  le  plan  decampagne,  en  exatni- 
nant  la  conduite  du  general  Howe  ;  noos  verrons  qu'il  n'a  pas 
m^me  fait,  tout  ce  qu'il  ^toit  en  fon  pouvoir  de  fai're  :  Commc 
j'ai  en  I'honneur  de  vous  le  mander  apres  labattaille  de  Bran- 
dy wine.  Car  s'ileut  profite  dc  fes  avantages,  il  ne  feroit  plus 
queftion  de  I'armee  du  gendral  Wafhington  ;  et  il  a  mis  depiiis 
dan«  toutes  fes  operations  une  lenteur  ct  ure  timidite,  (Jui 
xn'ont  toujours  ^tonn^.  Mais  il  peut  fe  ravifcr,  &  1'  on  pent 
envoyer  un  autre  general  de  Londres  ;  alors  nous  ne  pourions 
peut-etre  pas  fi  bien  nous  tirer  d'affaire.  Aurefte  puifque  les 
fivenements  qui  dependent  de  I'habilite  des  gen^raux  ne  pcuvent 
fe  prevoir  ;  ils  ne  doivent  pas  entrer  dans  les  conjefturcs  qu' 
on  peut  faire  a  1*  avenir.  Faifons  feulement  attention  au  nom- 
bre  de  troupes  ;  et  j'oferai  dire  que  fi  les  Anglois  pouvoient 
avoir  ici  trente  mille  hommes  ;  ils  pourroi^'-t  v^duire  le  pays. 
Une  feconde  caufe  qui  pourroit  hater  cette  i  iuu^ition,  et  meme 
I'op^rer  feule,  c'eft  le  manque  de  munition ;»,  guerre,  et  des 
chofes  nece/faires  a  la  vie.  A  1*  ^gard  des  chofes  n6ceffan'es 
pour  la  continuation  de  la  guerre,  il  leur  manque  prefque  tout. 
11  n'ont  ni  drap,  ni  linge,  ni  fel,  ni  eau  de  vie,  ni  fucre ;  et 
ces  derniers  articles  font  plus  importans  qu'on  ne  le  croiroit 
d'abord.  Avant  la  guerre,  les  peuples  Am^ricains  fans  vivre 
dans  le  luxe,  jouiffoient  de  tout  ce  qui  eft  n^ceflaire  pour  ren- 
dre  la  vie  agr^able  et  heureufe.  Ils  paflbient  une  grande  par- 
tie  de  leur  terns  a  fuiner  et  a  boire  du  thi,  ou  des  liqueurs  fpi- 
ritueu'"'3.  Telles  «toient  les  habitudes  de  ces  peuples.  line 
feroit  done  pas  fuprenant  que  le  changement  d'  une  vie  efF^- 
minec,  transformee  fubitement  en  celle  de  geurrier,  qui  eft 
dure  et  penible,  leur  fit  prcf6;er  le  joug  des  Anglois,  a  une 
liberty  achctee  aux  d6pens  des  douceurs  de  la  vie.  Ce  queje 
vous  dis  ne  peut  que  vous  furprendre,  Monfeigneur,  mais  tel 
eft  ce  peuple,  qui,  mou,  fans  encrgie,  fans  vigueur,  fans  paf- 
fu)U  pour  la  caufe  dans  laquelle  il  s'eft  engag^  ne  la  foutient 
que  parcequ'il  fuit  V  inpuUlon  qu'on  lui  a  premicrement  don- 

II 6:. 

■*■*-*  >r 

J     v.-^ 



aftions  in  the  courfe  of  the  prefent  war  we  have  c 
already  made  mention ;  but  concerning  whom. 
Vol.  I.  F  f  for 

nee.  II  y  a  cent  fois  plus  d'enthoufiafme  pour  cctte  revolution 
dans  quelque  caiTg  de  Paris  que  ce  foit  qu'il  n'y  en  a  dans  les 
Provinces  Unies  enfemble.  II  eft  done  n^ceflaire,  pour  ache- 
vcr  cette  revolution,  que  le  France  fourniiTe  a  cc  pcuple  tout 
ce  qui  lui  eft  neeeffaire ;  afin  qu'il  trouve  la  guerre  moinsdure 
a  foutenir.  II  eft  vrai  qu'il  lui  encoutera  qiielques  millions  ; 
niais  ils  feront  bien  employes  en  aneantiflant  le  pouvoir  de 
I'Angleterre  qui  d^pouillee  de  fes  colonies,  fans  marine,  et 
fans  commerce,  perdra  fa  grandeur,  et  taiifera  la  France  fans 
rivale.  Cependant  quelques  perfonnes  penfent  (entr'  autres 
1'  Abbe  R^ynal)  qu'il  ne  feroit  pas  de  I'int^ret  de  la  France 
donner  la  liberte  aux  colonies  Angloifes,  et  qu'elle  rifquerolt 
de  perdre  les  fiennes.  Mais  pour  ceux  qui  connoiffent  ce-pays- 
ci,  il  eft  evident,  qu'il  fe  paiTera  bieri  dee  ann^es  avant  qu'ils 
puiflei.t.  ^tre  en  ^tat  de  mettre  une  flotte  en  mer,  pour  faire  des 
conquetes.  La  jaloufie  entrelcs  provinces  (dont  ou  voit  d^ja 
le  germe)  les  aura  divifes  en  tant  Iz  difflrens  int^rets,  qu'au- 
cune  d'elles  ne  fera  a  craindre.      ^ 

On  pouroit  demander,  fi  pour  op^ter  plut6t  la  revolution 
en  Amerique,  il  ne  feroit  pas  plus  prudent  que  la  France  fit 
un  trait^  avec  les  Etats  Uriis,  et  que  de  concert  avee  eux,  elle 
fit  paffer  ici  douze  ou  quinze  mille  hommes.  Ce  feroit  la  le 
moyen  de  tout  gater.  Le  peuple  ici,  quoiqu'  en  guerre  avec 
les  Anglois  (nous  le  voyons  journellement),  et  malgr^  tout  ce 
que  la  France  a  fait,  et  a  intention  de  faire  pour  eux,  prefere- 
roit  de  fe  reconcilier  avec  les  Anglois,  plut6t  que  de  rcc^voir 
des  forces  de  ceux  qu'ils  ont  le  plus  raifon  de  craindre :  Ou 
s'ils  y  confentoient  d'abord,  bient6t  apres  1'  antipathic  naturelle 
entre  les  deux  nations,  fe  manifefteroit  par  les  plus  terribles  dif 
fentions.  Quiconque  habite  ce  pays-ci  doit  favoir  que  la  chofe 
eft  imprafticable. 

II  y  a  encore  un  projet  a  examiner.  La  France,  dans 
le  cas  oil  elle  feroit  de  faire  la  guerre  aux  Anglois  ou- 
vertement,  ne  pourroit-elle  pas  de  concert  avec  le  congr6s 
tenter  de  prendre  le  Canada  ?  Par  I'obfervation  precedente, 
il  eft  naturel  de  fuppofer  que  le  congres  ne  voudroit  pas  acce- 
der  a  une  telle  propofition.  Le  voifinage  des  Francois  les  d6- 
gouteroit  entierement  de  f  ette  liberte  qu*  ils  croiroient  n'  ^tre 
pas  capable  de  garder  long-tems  ;  et  d6pendance  pour  de- 
pendance,  ils  aimeroient  mieux  dependre  des  Anglois.  Mais 
ff loit-il  avantageux  pour  nous  d*  avoir  le  Canada  ?  Je  fens 
que  pour  difcutcr  ce  point,  il  faudroit  avoir  une  connoiffance 
-  ■  ■  i  exafte 





p.  for  gratifying  our  readers,  it  may  be  proper  far- 
ther to  remark,  that  he  had  in  the  war  with  France 


exafte  des  produciionB  dti  pays ;  ce  que  jie  n*ai  pai.  Enconfi, 
derant  la  chofe  er.  K^neral,  il  meparoit  que  ce  qui  fe  paflie 
malntenaot  en  Am^<-'  ^ue  doit  degouter  les  Europ^ens,  d'  avoir 
sncune  affaire  '■.  d€inSler  avec  les  colonies  de  ce  continent. 
Car  foit  que  les  colonics  fe  rendent  a  prefent  ind^pendantes  on 
non  il  n'y  a  pds  de  doute  qu'elles  ne  le  foient  dans  cent  ans ;  et 
avec  elies  toutes  les  partier  Teptentrionales.  Ceil  fe  preparef 
a  une  guerre  certaine,  que  d'avoir  des  ^tabliflemens  ici  ;  il  me 
paroit  done  plus  avantageiix  pour  la  France,  d'  avoir  des  iflet 
qu'elie  puiiTe  plus  aif^ment.contenir  fous  fa  domination.  Par- 
mi  ces  ifles,  je  choidrois  ceAe  dont  les  produdlions  Be  font  pat 
naturellesa  la  France ;  etqui  cependant  lui  font  eflentiellement 
necelTaires,  comme  le  fucre,  le  caffig,  &c.  Car  d'  avoir  des 
.colonies  qui  ne  produifent  que  dti  ble,  quoi  de  plus  inutile  a 
la  France?  Elle  n'a  qu' a  bien  cultiver  fon  terrain,  defricher 
.celui  qui  a  et6  laifle  mculte,  et  elle  creera  chez  elle-m^me  dea 
colonies  qui  ne  lui  conteront  rien  a  defendre.  Je  crois  par 
■toutes  ces  raifons,  que  H  la  France  declare  la  guerre  a  1'  An* 
gleterre,  ce  n'cft  pas  le  Canada  qu'elle  doit  attaquer ;  mais  la 
Jamaique,  et  les  autres  poiTeflions  Ahglpifes  de  cette  nature. 
8i  ell«:  ne  declare  pas  la  guerre,  celle  doit  employer  tous  les 
moyens  que  la  politique  lui  fuggerera  pour  emp^cher  les  An* 
glois  d'  avoir  jamais  plus  de  vingt  cinq  mille  hommed  ict. 
Nous  n'avions  durant  toute  cette  campagne,  que  treute  mille 
hommes,  favoir,  1'  arm^e  de  Mr.  Wadiington  qui  n'a  jamais 
excede  quinze  mille  hommes,  celle  du  general  Putnam  cinq  ou 
ilx  mille ;  et  celle  de  Mr.  Gates  dix  mille.  Si  Ton  trcuvoit 
qu'il  filit  neceflaire  d'augmenter  le  tout  d'  un  tiers,  je  ne  crois 
pas  que  la  chofe  fut  pofllble. 

Je  fuis  peut-etre  Monfeigneur,  entre  dans  un  trop  grand 
detail ;  mais  vous  pardonnerez  la  longueur  de  mes  ditlertationi, 
caufee  feulement  par  I'envie  que  j'ai  cue  de  fatisfaire  vos  d^firs, 
^t  de  rendrc  mon  fejour  ici  auifi  utile  qu'il  m'eft  poffible. 

J'ai  r  honneur  d'  6tre, 



Voire  tres  humble  et  tres  obSjfant  Serviteur, 

Le  congrcs  m'  a  elev^  au  rang  de  brigadier  general. 




rs,  je  ne  crott 

from  1754 to  1763,  been  aid-'de-camp  to  princeCHAP, 
Ferdinand  of  Brunfwick,  by  whom  he  waa  held    XX. 

F  f  2  in  ^^TT-N/ 

,■■■*,  '■.  ---I 


..  •-■,»>•:. 

Xq  (be  Counp  de  St.  Oermain,  MInifter  of  War  (for  you 

only,  Sir). 

Camp- at  White  Marfli,  four  Leagues  front 
SIR,  Philadelphia,  12th  November  1777. 

J  HAD  the  honour  to  fend  you  an  account  of  the  battled  of 
Brandywine  and  German  Town,  together  with  the  plans,  as 
well  as  that  of  Philadelphia  and  its  environs  to  rhe  extent  of  five 
leagues,  that  you  might  be  enabled  to  judge  of  the  fituation 
of  general  Howe.  I  hope  they  have  come  to  hand.  Hi- 
therto general  Howe  ia  not  mafter  of  two  fmall  forts  in 
the  river,  which  prevent  his  veflels  frorn  coming  up  to  the 
city,  and  his  conimunicat*.>a  with  them,  except  by  means 
of  a  by-way  I  have  marked  on  the  map,  and  from  which 
we  fliall  cut  him  off  in  the  winter,  when  we  have  received 
a  reinforcement  of  victorious  troops  from  the  north.  We 
purpcfe,  likewife,  to  poft  a  body  of  two  or  three  thoufand 
men  on  the  other  fide  of  the  Schuylkill.  There  are  already 
troops  in  the  Jerfeys,  fo  that  general  Howe  will  be  blockc.d. 
up  in  Philadelphia,  and  in  danger  of  dying  with  hunger, 
Unlefs  he  reimbar]c8.  But,  to  fpeak  the  truth,  we  do  not  ex- 
ped  quite  that.  He  probably  will  take  the  forts,  if  he 
attacks  them  properly,  and  will  then  have  a  communication 
with  his  (hipping,  te  that  as  it  day,  you  fee.  Sir,  for 
people  who  have  been  twice  beaten  we  are  not  in  fo  very 
bad  plight;  for  t)'^  we  are  indebted  to  the  fmall  number 
of  rnglifli  cavalry,  which  prevented  the  enemy  from  following 
up  ♦heir  viftory,  and  ftill  n^ore  to  the  woods  and  other 
obltaclcn  by  which  the  country  is  defended.  Now  after 
the  experience  nf  this  c;.tipaign,  it  u  -natural  to  put  this 
quellion.  Will  the  Americans  fucceed  :.i  obtaining  their  li- 
berty, or  no  ?  In  France,  where  you  can  only  form  your  j,udg- 
nent  from  the  faifls,  you  will  anfwer  in  the  affirmative  ;  we, 
on  the  fpot,  who  have  feen  how  things  have  gone,  think  dif- 
ferently. To  fpeak  plain,  it  has  not  been  owing  '.a  the  good 
conduft  of  the  Americans  that  the  campaign,  upon  the  whole, 
has  terminate''  rather  fortunate»7,  but  to  the  fault  of  the  tnjjr 
lift.  It  WIS  an  egregious  error  in  the  Britifh  government,  to 
dired  general  Burgoyne  to  traverfe  about  two  hundred  leagues, 






C  H  A  P.  in  the  higheft  eftimation.     Thus  he  was  undoubt- 
XX.    gjjiy  ]3j.g^  Jq  Qijg  Qf  ijje  £rfl;  military  fchoolsin  En- 

■^jr  ^  -       ,  .  rope. 

of  a  wretched  and  idmoft  defert  country,  to  join  the  g'lu'ali 
Howe  an  I  Clinton.     The  plan  might  app^nr  grand  in  the  !» 
binct  of  London,  hut  milerable  iu  the  opinion  o'   th<>k  \\\,o 
paid  attention  to  thf;  nature  oit^^  the  country.     The  obfervation 
is  not  in  confequenc ;  of  the  event ;  for  you  v-'Ill  probr)  iy.  Sir, 
call  to  recoUedtion  th«t,  two  monilis  ago,  I  had  the  honour 
to  wrrite  you  word,  I  w^:,  well  pleaud  the  Eiiglifh  opoofed  ui 
here  with  only  ten   thoufand  men  ;  and  that   I  was  in  great 
hopes  that  general  Burgoyne  would  Mot  tf  eft  n  junfllon  with 
general  Howt,  till  it  would  be  no  longer  poPitsle  to  kef  j;  th: 
field,  and  evr.n  then  with  his  army  half  defi  royi  i  by  fan^irie,  fa 
tiuiie,  and  dcfertion,  and  the  daily  lofs he  wouUhieceflaiivfuf. 
.-11!  fniiu  our  troop*,  and  the  militia pofted  in  the  woods.    The 
tve.u  «!54  .i.tvled  my  c- peftations.     Had  the  £agli(h,  inftead  of 
maU'^iw-  (o  nvduy  divetfions,  direfted  their  attack  againft  gendral 
Waih?ii,:ton  with  eighteen  or  twenty  thoufand  men,  1  do  not 
very  well  know  what  would  have  become  of  us ;  becaufe,  in 
doubling  the  number  of  our  troops,  we  fliould  not  have  added 
double  ftrength  to  our  army,  and  our  cmbann'Tmeiits  would 
have  been  increafed  threefold. 

In  looking  over  the  plans  of  the  campaign,  if  we  examine 
the  condu6\  of  general  Howe,  we  (hall,  find  he  h.ns  not  even 
done  that  which  he  had  it  in  his  power  to  do,  as  I  had  the 
honour"  to  write  you  word  after  the  biittle  of  Brandy  wine  ; 
for,  had  he  followed  up  the  advantages  which  thi^t  gave  him, 
there  had  been  an  end  of  general  Wafliington's  army  j  and, 
ffnce  that,  all  his  operations  have  been  carried  on  fo  (lowly, 
and  'with  fo  much  timidity,  they  have  become  the  objed  of 
my    aftoniftiment :  But,  perhaps,  he   may  recolleft  himfclf } 
perhaps  another  general  may  be  fent  from  London,  and  then 
polFibly   we  may  not  extricate  ourfelves   fo  well.     However, 
lince  the  events  which  depend  on  the  (kill  of  generals  cannot 
be  forefeen,  they  (hould  make  no  part  of  the  conjeftures  we 
may  form  for  the  future ;  let  tis  pay  attention  folcly  to  the 
number  of  troops,  and  I  would  hazard  my  opinion,  that,  if 
the  En^lijb  could  have  here  thirty  thoufand  men,  they  ought  to  re- 
duct '  the  country.     A  feCond   caufe,  which  might  haft  "n  that 
reduflion,  and   even  operate   aloue,  is  the  wiiint  of  warlike 
(lores  and  the  necefTaries  of  life.     With  refpeft  to  the  requifitet 
for  carrying  on  war,  the  Americans  want  aln::0il  e  'ery  thing; 
and   as  to  other  matters,,  linen,  fait,  brandy,  fvgrr,  &c.  are 
wanting  ;  and  thefe  laft  articles  are  of  moie   i:-;^  >rtaricc  than 



I  E 

as  undoubt* 
:hools  in  Eu- 

iln  the  gciioiali 
rant!  in  the  rri 
tn  o'  Uxife  '>V.o 
riie  obfervation 
Iprobrliy,  Sir, 
:iid  the  honour 
liHi  opoofed  ui 

I  was  in  great 
s  junflion  with 
Pible  to  kepp  tlur 
•I  by  fanrJne,  fa 
Id  neceflai  iy  fuf. 
:hc'  woods.  The 
glifli,  inftcad  of 
k  agalnft  gendral 
d  men,  I  do  not 

us;  becaufe,  in 
d.  not  have  added 
I'yffoients  would 

I,  if  we  examine 

he  has  not  even 
lo,  zs  I  had  the 
of  Brandywine ; 
ii  thst  gave  him, 
)n'8  army  ;  and, 
ied  on  fo  flowly, 
ime  the  objed  of 
ecolleft  himfelfj 
^ondon,  and  then 

well.  However, 
F  generals  cannot 
he  conjeflures  we 
ion  folely  to  the 
r  opinion,  that,  if 
t,  they  ought  to  «- 
might  haft  ^n  that 

want  of  warlike 
ft  to  the  requifitej 
n;Oil  e  'ery  thing  ; 
^,  fi'ff'r,  &c.  are 

is';^  rftance  than 



rope.   With  futh  perfonal  merit,  the  advantage  of  C  HAP. 
being  of  the  family  of  Newcaftle,  and  alfo  the  next     XX. 



f.  is  at  firft  aware.  Before  the  war,  the  American  people, 
tn,'i,'rh  they  did  not  live  in  luxury,  enjoyed  in  abundance  every 
«(!'  tfite  to  make  life  comfortable  and  hsippy ;  they  pafled  great 
j..'iit  of  their  time  either  in  fmoking,  drinking  tea  or  fpiritu- 
ous  liquors.  Such  was  the  difpofition  of  thefe  people.  Sore 
againft  their  grain  then,  as  it  mutt  be  of  a  fudden,  the  tranf- 
form-into  foldiers,  reduced  to  lead  a  life  of  hardfhips  and 
frijality,  it  would  not  be  furprifing  that  they  fliould  prefer 
the  yoke  of  the!  Englifh  to  a  liberty  purchnfed  at  the  expence 
of  the  comforts  of  life. 

You  will  be  aftonifhed.  Sir,  at  this  language  ;  but  fuch  arc 
thefe- people,  that  they  move  without  fpring  or  energy,  with- 
out vigour,  and  without  paiiion  for  a  caufe  in  which  they 
are  engaged,  and  which  they  follow  only  as  the  impulfe  of 
the  hand  that  iirft  put  them  in  motion  dirc(fls.  There  is  an 
hundred  times  more  enthufiafm  for  this  revolution  in  any  one 
coffee-houfe  at  Paris,  than  in  all  the  Thirteen  Provinces  united. 
It  is  neceffary  then  that  France,  to  accomplilh  this  revolution, 
fhould  furniih  thefe  people  with  e^ery  requilite  to  leffen  the 
hardfhips  of  war.  True,  it  will  coft  fome  millions  ;  but  they 
will  be  well  laid  out  in  annihilating  the  power  of  England, 
which,  when  bereft  of  her  colonies,  without  a  navy  and  with- 
out commerce,  will  lofe  her  confequence  in  the  world,  and 
leave  France  without  a  rival. 

Neverthclefs,  there  are  fome,  and  amoiigft  them  the  Abb^ 
Raynal  in  his  publication,  who  think  France  would  not  find 
her  account  in  liberating  the  Englifti  colonies,  that  (he  would 
run  a  rilk  of  lofmg  her  own  ;  but,  to  any  one  acqunimted  with 
this  country,  it  is  evident  that  ages  muit  pafs  before  (he  would 
be  in  a  condition  to  fend  out  a  fleet  to  make  conquefts.  The 
iealoufies  between  the  Provi^•oe8  (the  feeds  of  which  are  al- 
ready fown)  will  have  divided  them  into  fo  many  different  in- 
terefts  and  ftatcs,  that  no  one  of  them  will  be  to  be  feared. 

It  may  be  aflced,  whether  to  bring  a^out  the  revolution  in 
America,  it  would  not  be  advifeable  for  France  to  make  a 
treaty  with  the  United  States,  and,  in  concert  with  them, 
crofs  over  twelve  or  fifteen  thoufand  n:cn  ?  That  would  be  >the 
way  to  mar  all.  The  people  here,  though  at  war  with  the 
Englifh  (we  fee  it  every  dsy),  and,  in  fpite  of  all  that  France 
has  done  and  means  to  do  for  tbeni,  would  prefer  a  reconci- 
liation with  thf  Englifh  rather  than  receive  in  force  the  men 
in  the   world  they  moll  fear;  or,  if  tliey  (hould- confent  at 





HISTORY    OF    TttE 

CHAP. in  command   to   fir  William   Howe,  fir  Henry 

XX.     Clinton  was  naturally  a|)pointed,  on  the  refigna- 

^-nr*^    ;  tion 

fii-ft,  it  would  not  be  long  ere  the  natural  antipathy  between  thit 
two  uations  would  break  out  into  the  mofl:  terrible  diflieni}* 
ons  *.  Whoever  inhabits  this  country  mud  know  the  thing 
to  be  abfolutely  impracticable. 

There  is  yet  another  project  to  ekamine.  In  the  event  6t 
France  being  obliged  to  carry  or.  the  war  openly  againft  the 
£ngli(h,  might  not  (he,  in  concert  with  cpngreft,  attempt 
Canada  i  From  the  prbceditig  obfervation,  it  is  natural  to 
fuppofe  rongrefs  would  not  accede  to  luch  an  arrangement. 
*rhe  French  neighbuurhuod  alonr  woxiid  give  them  a  difgu^ 
■to  that  liberty  Which  they  would  apprehend  themielves  not 
long  alle  to  preferve,  aod  dependence  for  dependancct  tbcf 
had  rather  be  dependant  on  the  £ngU(h. 

But,  would  it  be  •  advantageous  for  us  to  haVe  Canada.' 
1  am  fenfible,  to  di  v'C!  thi'i  rtoint^  a  moft  minute  and  accu* 
l^te  knowledge  of  \\ic  pvo.'  jc  of  the  country  is  necefiiufy, 
which  I  have  not ;  yti,  to  'jti.  der  the  thing  in  general,  it 

.tppears  to  me,  that  wl 

rx  IS 

(;<>iw  going  on  in  America  ought 

■to  difguft  every  European  power  from  having  any  concern 
with  colonics  on  this  continent.  For,  whether  the  Englifli 
Colonies  become  independent  or  not  at  prefent*  a  century 
hence,  no  doubt,  they  will  j  and,  with  theffij  aU  the  northern 
^ts  of  this  continent.  It  is  kying  the  foundation  of  certain 
War  to  have  eftablifliments  here.  It  appears  to  me,  then,  more 
advantageous  fur  France  to  have  iflands,  which  (he  can  eaftly 
defend  from  this  contagion  of  independence  ;  and,  amongft 
the  iflands,  I  (hould  chufe  that  whofe  produ^ions  were  not 
tiatural  to  Ft^nce,  and  which,  neverthelefs,  are  become  ef- 
fentially  necrffary  t  fuch  as  fugar,  coffee,  &c.  3r  -.. ;  for  tp 
have  colonies  producing  only  corn,  what  could  be  of  lefs  ufe 
to  France?  She  has  nothing  to  do  hut  well  till  her  own 
lands,  to  put  under  the  plough  thofe  which  have  hitherto 
Iain  uncultivated,  and  (he  will  create  at  home  colonies  which 
wiU  coft  her  nothing  to  defend. 


*  In  conflmMtioh  of  What  M.  du  Pottail  hu  httt  advanced,  we  rf. 
Colleft  having  heard,  whilH  we  were  in  America  during  the  war,  and  from 
good  authority,  "  tliac,  upon  fome  dilagreement  with  the  French,  the 
Americans  difliking;  the  manner  in  which  they  conduced  themfelves,  the 
people  were  clamorous  for  putting  arms  into  the  hands  of  general  Bur^ 

fsyne's  foidiers,  and  making-  a  caufe  common  with  them   to   drive  ths 
rench  put  of  the  country." 

r,r-jr  •" — --i 


tioa  of  fir  William,  to  the  chief  command  of  theCH  AP. 



Pritiih  army. 

Sir  William  Howe,  upon  his  arrival  in  Eng- 
land, found  that  hia  condudl  was  gene  ^lly  con- 
demned, and  threw  himfelf  for  protedion  and 
expulpation  into  the  arms  of  a  party,  the  oppo- 
fition  to  government  in  parliament,  who  re- 
ceived him  with  gladnefs,  and  jaoldly  vindicated 
his  conduct  both  in  and  out  of  the  (e{:^ate.  Ano- 
nymous charges  againft  the  general  were  carried 
into  parliament,  that  thereby  the  >vay  might  be 
prepared  for  a  parliamentary  inquiry  into  his 
conduct.  He  complained,  in  the  houfe  of  cpm- 
mons,  that  many  fevere  cenfures  had  been  thrown  complain* 
put  againil:  him,  and  that  minifters  had  been  ^i-"^*)'''^*'""'' 
lent.  He  alleged,  amongft  other  charges  againft  ""  * 
adminiftration,  that  he  had  not  the  cordial  con- 
fidence and  fupport  of  miniftry ;  that  his  or- 
ders from  government  had  not  been  clear,  but 
ambiguous,  and  luch  as  might  be  eafily  explained 

•  .■j>'fi  ,"!!>»»    t'f;«'-f;*»j.'ir»!i^  -J'jri'j  , '^"?f. 


For  al)  thefe  reafons,  I  think,  fliould  France  declar-  ivar 
againft  Englanil,  it  is  not  to  Canada,  but  Jamaica  ana  ocher 
F.nglifh  poffeflions  of  that  fort,  fhe  fhould  dircft  her  attacks. 
If  flie  does  not  declare  war,  flie  (hould  employ  the  bcil  means 
which  policy  may  fuggeft  to  prevent  the  Engliib  fror.'.  ever 
having  more  than  twenty-five  thoufand  men  here.  We  had.- 
no  more  than  thirty  thoufand  the  whsle  of  this  campaign, 
to  wit,  the  army  of  Mr.  Wafhington  never  exceeded  fifteer. 
thoufand,  that  of  general  Putnam  five  or  fix  thoufand,  and 
that  of  Mr.  Gates  ten  thoufand.  Should  it  be  found  necef- 
fary  to  increafe  the  whole  a  third,  I  do  not  know  tji^t  it 
could  be  done.  I  h?ive  perhaps.  Sir,  in  uny  letter  cxccede.d 
what  you  required ;  but  pardou  the  length  of  the  diflertations 
I  have  gone  into,  from  a  defire  to  fatisfy  your  wifhes,  and 
render  my  ftay  here  as  uftful  as  in  my  power  to  make  it. 
'»   . ,     - ,  With  the  mod  profound  rcfpeft,  .-^  .. , 

\.  ^'  I  am,   S  IR, 

j' .      .,    "i     ■  Your  moft  humble  and 

>•'.'/      *  /i'  '•       ,      ,      .      Moft  obedient  fervant, 

Congrcfs  has  promoted  me  to  the  rank  0'    j.!gadier-general. 

«~  .  ^  ;  .  -    •»■».- 

TTr*-  -^■»~ yti^-~~^-j^ 

^.t^tr--  ^i^.*'' 


?^  -^i^' 



CHAP,  away  in  cafe  of  any  adverfe  accident  arifing  from 
XX.  their  execution  ;  and  that  they  had  concealed 
^-'np*^  from  parliament  the  true  ftate  of  our  affairs  in 
''/78«  America.  piXaiirin^fuccefs  when  they  knew  there 
was  no  realbn  toexpeft  it.  Lord  George  Ger- 
mairfi  had  faid,  that  he  had  learned  from  his 
intelligence  the  difficulties  the  Americans  were 
nrder  in  raifing  troops  ;  that  he  hoped  that  he 
(Wr  -William)  fhould  be  ab'e  to  get  a  fufficient 
lorce  in  Penfylvauia  for  th?'!- fence  of  that  pro- 
vince ;  and  that  he  ftill  hoped  that  this  campaign 
would  be  the  laft,  "  fo  that,  in  fplte  of  my  po- 
"  fitive  aflurrnces,"  faid  the  general,  "  from  the 
"  fpot,  the  minifter's  delufive  hopes  and  con- 
**  jefcures  were  to  influence  him  in  oppofition 
"  to  my  certain  knowledge."  In  the  animation 
of  debate,  the  allegations  of  the  general  were 
placed  in  a  flronger  point  of  view.  Minifters 
M'eie  charged  with  having  "  treacheroufly  and 
*'  traitoroufly  deceived  this  country  ;  inafmuch 
as  they  had  declared  to  the  houfe  of  rorn- 
mons,  that  th^y  had  reafon  to  expeft  a  luc- 
cefsful  campaign,  when  they  had  it  in  their 
pockets,  under  the  general's  own  hand,  that 
"  nothing  was  to  be  expedied." 

With  regard  to  the  firft  of  thefe  charges,  re- 
fpefling  conlid  ^nce  and  fupport,  the  vaft  exer- 
tions of  the  minifler  for  the  American  depart- 
ment were  recapitulated,  and  the  letters  of  fir 
William  Howe  acknowledging  them.  With  re- 
gard to  the  fecond,  it  was  proved,  by  the  cor- 
refpondcnce  between  the  geoerf.l  and  the  fecre- 
tary  for  American  affairs,  that  every  plan  pro- 
pofed  by  the  former  was  fure  to  meet  with  the 
approbation  of  the  I  itter ;  and  that  flronger  proof 
of  confidence  in  .'  general  could  not  be  given 
by  ihofe  who  cmpi  j;  f>d  him,  than  that  he  fhould 
be  left  iinconftrjired  by  particular  inflrudlions, 









uncontrolled  by  fuperior  power,  at  entire  liberty  CHAP, 
to  follow  his  own  plans,  and  profccute  a  war  ^^* 
according  to  his  own  ideas  ;  nor  was  it  ever  ^-^tt'*' 
before  made  a  matter  of  ferious  complaint  againft  ^"^^ 
a  minifter,  that  he  did  not  furnifh  military  plans 
iu  detail  to  a  commander  in  chief,  efpecially 
when  repeated  proofs  were  given  of  a  fincere 
difpofition  to  co-operate  with  the  military,  com- 
mander, and  furnifh  the  means  of  Executing 
whatever  plan  he  might  judge  to  be  themofl  ex- 
pedient for  the  public  fervice.  The  fecretaryof 
Hate  for  the  American  department,  in  a  letter  of 
the  twenty-fecond  of  Oftober  1776,  exprefsly 
fays,  "  His  majefty  does  not  intend  ihat  the  ge- 
•'  neral,  in  his  plans  of  operation,  fhould  be 
"  confined  to  any  particular  province :  His 
"  choice  of  fituation  muft  in  that  refpeft  be  go- 
"  verned  by  his  own  judgment."  How  many 
times,  it  was  farther  urged  on  this  fubjedl,  did 
fir  William  Howe  alter  his  plan  for  the  cam- 
paign of  1777  in  the  courfe  of  a  few  months? 
JJetwecn  the  months  of  November  and  April  no 
lefs  If  an  four  plans,  eflentially  different  from 
eac' .  other,  werv"  propofed,  and  yet,  by  the  ge- 
neral's own  account,  each  of  them,  in  its  turn, 
was  approved  oi.  The  minifler  for  American 
affairs,  in  a  lettei  to  the  general  of  the  third  of 
March  1777,  fays,  "  lam  now  commanded  to 
"  acquaint  you  that  the  king  entirely  approves 
"  of  your  deviation  from  the  plan  which  you 
"  formerly  fuggefted."  And  again,  May  the 
eighteenth,  "  As  you  mu{\,  from  your  fituation 
*'  and  mihtary  (kill,  be  a  competent  judge  of 
"  the  propriety  of  every  plan,  his  majefly  does  , 
"  not  hefitate  to  approve  the  alterations  which 
"  you  propofe."  The  nature  of  the  American 
fervice,  indeed,  required  that  the  general  fhould 
be  at  liberty  to  vary  his  plan  of  operations  ac- 




HISTORY    OF    T  H  ^ 

CHAP,  cording  to  the  varying  circumftances  of  the  war: 
XX.     And    accordingly,  as  appears  from  the  whole  of 

''^nr^  the  official  correfpondence  on  the  fubjeft  of  the 
>778.  American  war,  the  fulled  confidence  was  placed 
in  fir  William  Howe  from  the  time  of  hisap. 
pointment  to  the  chief  command  to  that  of  his 
aflcing  leave  to  return  to  Britain.  Not  only  was 
he  fupported  by  the  whole  weight  of  govccn* 
ment,  but  was  indulged  in  all  his  wi^es  for 
himfelf  and  his  friends.  On  this  head  therefore, 
they  who  faw  more  matter  of  accufation  in  the  in- 
activity and  blunders  of  lir  William  Howe,  than  in 
the  condu^  of  lord  George  Germaine,  which 
fecmed,  on  the  whole,  to  be  well  dcfigncd,  and 
towards  the  general  full  of  confidence  and  ge- 
nerofity,  enjoyed  a  complete  triumph.  It  was 
with  greater  plaufibility  that  fir  William  and  his 
friends  infilled  on  the  third  charge,  jufl  men- 
tioned, againft  the  minifier  ;  that  his  hopes  and 
conjediures,  refpedting  the  (late  of  America  and 
the  iil'ue  of  the  war,  were  more  fanguine  and 
favourable  than  the  general's  correfpondence 
warranted  him  to  entertain.  Yet,  even  here,  it 
was  (hewn  from  their  correfpondence,  that  the 
miniiler's  intelligence  was  not  materially  different 
from  that  of  the  general,  nor  his  hopes  of  fuc- 
cefs  on  the  whole  much  lefs  lively. 

Still,  however,  the  friends  of  fir  William  Howe, 
the  members  of  parliament  in  oppofition  to  ad- 
miniftration,  with  his  concurrence,  infilled  on  a 
public  inquiry  into  the  condud  of  the  American 
war,  that  our  national  dil'graces  and  misfortunes 
might  be  traced  to  their  real  fource.  Lord  Howe, 
in  a  fpeech  in  the  houfe  of  commons,  April  the 
twenty-ninth,  1779,  demanded  an  inquiry  into  his 
own  and  his  brother's  conduft  for  the  following 
reafons  :  They  had  been  arraigned  in  pamphlets 
and  in  newfpapers,  written  by  perfons  in  high  cre- 



(jit  and  confidence  with  miniAera,   by   feveralcHAPb 
members  of  that  houfe,  in  that  houl'e,  iu  the  face     XX. 
of  the  nation  ;  bv  fome  of  great  credit  and  rcfpcdl  '^"^r^ 
in  their  public  charadiers,  known  to  be  countc-    '778. 
oanced  by  adminiAration ;  and  that  oneof  them*udobuil!'i 
iu  particular,  governor  JohnAone,  had  made  the  *  p»'><»- 
moft  diredl  and  fpecific  charges.     Their  charac-  qu?r"mto"" 
ters,  therefore,  fo  publicly  attacked,  and  in  fuch  ^» '•«*»''*• 
a  place,  were  to  be  vindicated  iu  the  great  couu- 
cils  of  the  (late,  and  no-wbere  elfe. 

In  vain  did  the  miniders  of  the  crown,  who 
had  employed  him,  declare,  that  they  had  no 
accufations  againft  either  the  general  or  admiral. 
They,  with  their  friends,  infixed  on  a  public 
examination,  which  was  obtained,  and  in  which 
they,  for  fome  time,  took  the  lead.  But  at  lengt}^ 
it  plainly  appeared  that,  under  pretence  of  vin- 
dicating the  general,  their  real  defign  was  to  con-* 
demu  the  conduct  of  adniini (I ration.  The  parli- 
amentary inquiry  that  had  been  inftjituted,  the 
miniftry  and  their  adherents  confidered  as  a  fac- 
tious intrigue. 

It  was,  perhaps,  imagined^  that  his  majefty, 
alarmed  at  the  dangers  that  began,  by  this  time, 
to  threaten  Great  Britain,  not  only  in  America, 
but  in  other  quarters,  would  change  his  confi- 
dential fervants,  and  commit  the  condudl  of  go- 
vernment to  thofe  very  hands  that  had  hitherto 
been  employed  in  various  attempts  to  baffle  its 
defigns,  ana  fruftrate  all  the  mealures  that  had 
been  taken  for  carrying  them  into  execution. 
But  the  king,  amidft  multiplying  diftreflcs,  with 
proper  firmnefs  withftood  their  machinations* 
determined  to  continue  his  countenance  to  thofe 
who  wifhed  not  to  fruftrate  nor  procraftinate  the 



■<'■  •■  ^  V. 





CHAP,  war*,  but  to  bring  it,  as  foon  as  poffible,  to  a 
XX.  fafe  and  honourable  conclufion.  The  oppofi* 
tion,  therefore,  difappointed  in  their  expeftations 
from  the  higheft  quarter  in  the  ftate,  ferioufly  in- 
tended, what  they  loudly  threatened,  to  impeach 
the  fervants  of  the  crown,  and  by  that  means 
to  drive  them  from  their  places  by  a  kind  of 

Adminiflration,  eafily  penetrating  this  defign, 
rcfolved  no  longer  to  permit  their  opponents  to 
run  in  the  race  of  examination  alone,  but  to 
vindicate  the  meafures  they  had  taken.  Many 
gentlemen  of  undoubted  reputation,  perfeAly 
acquainted  with  the  condu6t  of  the  war,  and 
the  ftate  of  America,  were  fummoned  to  give 
evidence  refpeding  thofe  fubjedis.  Of  this  the 
movers  of  the  inquiry  were  apprized,  and  they 
foon  began  to  lofe  courage.  Only  two  witneffes 
were  examined,  on  what  may  be  called,  in  the 
language  of  judicial  trials,  the  fide  of  admini- 
ftration :  Major-general  Roibertfon,  who  had 
ferved  twenty-four  years  in  America  as  quarter- 
mafter-general,  brigadier  and  major-general ;  and 
Mr.  Galloway,  a  gentleman  of  Penfylvania,  of 
fortune  and  confequence,  as  well  as  good  abili- 
ties, who  was  bred  to  the  law,  and  had  been  a 
member  of  congrefs,  but  who  had  come  over  to 
the  royal  army  in  December  1776.  But  fuch 
was  the  circumftantiality,  credibility,  and  weight 
of  their  evidence,  that  the  movers  and  managers 
fhrunk  from  the  inquiry  :  as,  the  more  it  was 
carried  on,  the  more  parliament,  as  well  as  the 
nation  at  large,^  feemed  to  be  convinced  that  the 


*  It  is  hclifvcd  that  the  king  on  fome  occafions  went  fc 
far  as  to  fiiggeil  his  idciis  of  the  proper  plan  for  carrying  on 
the  war,  which  were  very  judicious,  and  which,  had  they 
been  adopted  by  the  general,  might  probably  have  been  pro- 
dudive  of  good  eifeds. 


(Tible,  to  a 
he  oppofi* 
irioufly  in- 
to impeach 
that  means 
a  kind  of 

this  defign, 
pponents  to 
)ne,  but  to 
ien.  Many 
n,  perfeftly 
e  war,  and 
lied   to  give 

Of  this  the 
;d,  and  they 
wo  witnefTes 
called,  in  the 
e  of  adniini- 
[1,    who    had 
:a  as  quarter- 
-general;  and 
jnfylvania,  of 
as  good  abili- 
id  had  been  a 

come  over  to 
6.  But  fuch 
ty,  and  weight 
i  and  managers 
I  more  it  was 
as  well  as  the 
iriuced  that  the 
.      conduft 

occafions  went  fc 
)lan  for  carrying  on 
I  which,  had  they 
ibly  have  been  pro- 

A  M  E  R  I  C  A  ^^^     WAR. 


conduft  of  adminiftration,  in  refpeft  to  the  Ame-  C  H  A  P. 
rican  war,    was  on  the  whole  juftified.     The    ^^• 
friends  of  the  general  and  admiral,    therefore,  '"""T^^ 
moved  to  difJblvethe  committee  which  they  had    ^^VS* 
been  fo  ftudious  to  obtain ;  and  it  was  difllolved 

But  although  fir  William  Howe,  as  well  as  his 
friends,  was  difappointed  in  his  hopes  of  fotne- 
thing  more  than  exculpation,  from  an  indulgent 
houfe  of  commons,  he  neither  wanted  a  fufficient 
number  of  partilaus  to  keep  him  in  countenance 
amidft  all  that  cenfure  that  was  poured  on  his 
conduct,  nor  political  friends  of  fufficient  con- 
fequence  to  compenfate  for  that  cenfure  by  an 
honourable  and  lucrative  ftation  which  he  now 
holds  under  government :  Nor  is  this  the  only 
inftance  in  the  hiftory  of  Britain  at  this  period, 
of  great  inequality  in  the  public  retribution  of 
rewards  and  punifhments.     When  we  refledl  on 
the  different  and  even  oppofite  reception  given 
to  fuccefsful  genius  actuated  by  the  pureft  patri- 
otiim  on  the  one  hand,  and  to  monotonous  me- 
diocrity, not  only  unfuccefsful,  if  fuccefs   is  to 
be  meafured  by  etfedls  conducive  to  the  public 
good,  but  even  of  ambiguous  intentions ;  what 
are  v,'e  to  think  of  the  fpirit  which  influences  and 
direfts  the  public  councils  "r 

In  the  decline  of  free  governments  we  ever 
obierve  the  influence  of  faction  to  predominate 
over  ideas  of  patriotiim,  juftice,  and  duty,  oa 
which  alone  liberty  is  founded,  and  a  propenfity 
in  the  citizens  to  range  themfelves  under  the 
banners  of  a  Marius  or  a  Sylla,  a  Pompey  or  a 
Caefar.  Hence  the  i'ervants  of  the  ftate  are  apt 
to  become  lefs  and  lefs  fenfible  to  honour,  £nd 
the  voice  of  fame,  the  great  incentives  to  glo- 
rious adlions,  well  knowing  that  their  condud, 
however  meri'orious,  may  ftill  be  condemned, 










H  I  S  T  0  It  y    O  I^    t  H  E,    Vc, 

Cl^AP.  or  however  exceptionable,  fiill  be  palliated,  add 

XX.    even  applauded,  to  advance  the  views  of  fa£liott 

""""nr^  and  adtbition ;  while  the  great  body  of  the  peo- 

1^7^'    pie,  diftra^ed  and  confounded  by  theoppofite 

Opinions  and  declarations  of  their  mperiors,  who 

lire  fuppofed  tp  have  the  beft  means  of  informa* 

fion,  know  ixot  where  to  place  their  hopes,  their 

confidence,  or  their  fears. 

It  is  the  province  of  the  hiftorian  to  corre^ 
thefe  errors  ai^d  to  animate  the  patriot,  the  face, 
kAd  the  hero,  under  temporal^  negledi  o^  de- 
tradlion,  by  earthing  an  iappeal  in  thdr  behalf 
to  a  tribunal  more  candid  than  their  mifguided 
it  Cotemporaries,  and  that,  raifed  on  a  theatre  nipr? 
extended  than  their  native  country. 






ited,  add 
|of  h&ioti 
the  peo> 
[e  opix)fite 
iors,  Avho 
|>pes«  their 

to  corre^ 
,  the  fage, 
a  Qi  de- 
hdr  behalf 
icatrc  mpr? 





.-^.__,_..  ...■,»«. 
