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1  2  3 











AXn>  BOZiD  JIT  AUi  B00KBBI18B8. 





».  imr,  JtXSTBS,  16i.RD  17,  NBITBTBUT,  CtOTR  >Ara-, 

times,  w 
.</«'«  oliv< 
grief,  mi 
tween;  1 
and  happ 

And  n( 
well  this 
fully  asso 
make  no  j 
in  the  con 
who  have 

Often,  M 
ligence  anc 
we  have  in 
only  soluti( 
work— thai 
which  we  e> 
fitting  for  t 

to  the  readc 
to  any  of  it 



AMU,^  >dl  the  troubled  waters  of  the  pre,oat  warlike  and  i«nie-.trick« 
t,me«  where  shall  „.  tod  rest  for  the  sole  of  our  foot?  and  who  wiU  «,.»* 
«,.«hve  branch  of  peace  and  goodwill?  Yet,  public  activity,  and  jo,,  Z 
^ef,  must  have  the.r  quiet  intervals,  though  it  may  be  few  and  fi  be- 
tween ;  then,  perhaps,  an  old  Family  Friend  may  bo  welcomed  once  more, 
and  happy  times  renewed  with  old  familiar  faces. 

And  now  yiewing  our  past  and  present  performances,  as  in  a  lengthened 
tapestry  r^ll  of  the  antique  fashion,  on  which  industrious  Angers  worked 
con  muously  from  year  to  year,  we  ask  our«,lves  auxiously-havo  we  wrought 
wU  «„  portmn  of  our  storied  web  ?-arc  the  colours  as  fresh  and  tasl- 
fullyassorted-the  patterns  as  harmonious,  truthful,  pure  and  graphic  as 
before  ?    h  oUier  words,  have  we  worthily  maintdned  our  fitk  tft" 
honoured  position  we  have  so  long  «;cupied  in  the  homes  of  England  ?    We 
make  no  pause  for  a  reply,-that  has  been  given  to  our  highest  satisfaction 
m  the  eoutinued  mcrease  of  our  subscribers,  and  the  steadfastness  of  those 
who^have  been  with  us  from  the  commencement  of  our  long  and  successM 

Often,  when  we  have  reflected  on  the  vast  number  of  readers  of  intel- 
hgence  and  refinement  to  whom  we  have  so  long  been  a  household  ^dl! 
w  have  inquired  what  has  been  the  secret  of  this  rare  success  f^iZl 
on^y  solution  we  eoiUd  iind  was  this-thatwe  have  been  in  Jr:  ^^^  ot 
wo  k-that  wo  have  religiously  adhered  to  the  object  and  principles  wia 
which  we  commenccd-that  we  have  introduced  nothing  in  '„ r^  ,  ™ 
atmg  for  the  sacred  precincts  of  the  domestic  temple. 

Without  boasting,  we  may  say  of  the  volume  now  respectfully  submitted 
««  any  of  its  predecessor,.,  it  takes  its  own  ground  for  variety  of  topic  and 





profusion  of  illustratiMi      wT^ZTl       \       ' " — - 

o-ful  attention  .„  uJ^^^^Z  TC'^''  "''''*  "  ""»  VM 

that  the  more  we  discover  tho  n  '  *"''  ^''^"  «^  philosophy 

and  therefore  do  t  'ir;;^  ^^f-  --ins  to  be  discovered'; 

-portance;  therefore  do'.; r^rXurWds^^^^^^^^^  "[  "^^^^^«^  -^ 
^ve  upon  the  reputation  of  the  past    but  stV  "'*  """^^''^  ^ 

inteUeotual  recreation,  and  carve   out  .       .       '^'^  ^^  "'^  «^"-^«  "^ 
literary  wealth  by  wh  ch  we  !1  .        '''"'"'  ^''"^  *^^   "^i°^«  of 

ofwhich,  andthe'e^^tt  J  :i7r^    '''' ^'''  '^''''''-  ^'  -t 
In  the  meantime-  '*  ""'  -"^^^^«  P^P^Jarly  unkno^vn. 

Our  thoughts  will  still  be  burning 
With  affection  deep  and  strong  ; 
To  our  household  shrine  still  turning, 
,  "  Homo,  sweet  home,"  shall  be  our  song. 

In   once  more  taking  leave  nf  n,,^  f  •    j  wm  con.e  tf  thl  ll^J^l):' ^Tt,!^,  ""^-^^ 
baa,  on  U,  wing,  ,.eate,  blessings  to  the^n  I'Ziti^r"^  '* 





















Joy  ,    . 


libel     . 

Misery   . 








Bepr,  ach 



Wratli  . 


A  Pleasant, 
An  Eastern 
Bishop  Hall 
ship  of  a  : 
Comforts  an 
Conversion  i 
Dangers  of  II 
Despised  Tn 
Difficulty  Ad 
Doing  what  i 
Evil  Speakinj 
Pear  of  not  S 
Poibles  of  Wi 
Good  Nature 
Gnef     . 
Hope  the  Sui 

How  to  Pass  t' 
Iiifluoneo  of  L( 
ijife   . 
littles   .'   .'    ■ 

Maria  Theresa 
of  .    . 

;^an's  Heart  ." 


t  wo  have  paid 
treme  care  to 

>f  usefulness? 
3f  philosophy, 
Jc  discovered ; 
sefulness  and 
ot  purpose  to 
iw-  sources  of 
the  mines  of 
ence  of  most 
'ly  unknoAvn. 

'ancing  year 




Allegory -^T  ^«»*a' Culture  .    .  ^T 


Small  Misc.  ies    . 

ilhrce  sorts  of  Nobility 
Too  much  Fancy    .  ' 

1  he  Race  not  always  tolho 
Truth         ■    " 

Doubt    .    ; 20S 

Duplicity 208 

Exquisite  ..;;•••  J^ 

ixtravagonce     .    .    ]    '    '  ''^f. 
Fashion     ,  •    .    .    «« 

Importunity  '.'.'.''  ,?Z 

£Sff :  •  •  •  : :  f, 

Sffi-  ;  :  : :  :  iSJI?;;^!^"'"^"- Multitude- 

Irrelevant      , \^l 

Infirmity    .         ^" 

Joy  . 329 

Latitude    .' ^'^ 

Libel     .         299 

MiseiTT   ,         299 

Modesty 26 

What'a  Man 
Against . 

should  Guard" 










Wild  FtoviBua. 

Had  Kyes 

Barrisfer's  Pudding    .' 

"Cdroom*  . 

{|««'Ue8,  to  Destroy :    .' 

"ullaces,  to  Preserve  . 
Caramel  Conserve  .    . 
Cherries,  to  Dry.    . 
,9^F,"■/«•'.  to  Candy  .    .' 
afeS"R^'«-for.    .    51 

Chloride  ofrmo  ;  .'  '  '  ,^ 
Clouted  Cream  .  .  J  '  "^ 
Cold  Feet  **3 

Cold  Pudding.'  :  '  •  '  -1^ 
Cough.  Cures  for  "  W  ?^ 
Cream  Cheese     .  •®^'  Jf? 

^r™Sl'«f^M'«itations'oi;  '"^ 

Opportunity."    ',    [    [    •    '  ??2  f  ^"^berof  Physidana  a- L  ^o™  Uutte^MlIk 

Persuasion     .    .  "    *  H  ^ ''ee  Simple     .    ,      "'    '    ^;^    Croup.  Receipt  for  t 

Presumption!    .'    '    "    '    •  23S   A  Horsc-FJy 


Progress     .    .  'ill 

Bepr,  ach  •    •    .    -      i^r 

208  1 
26S  1 

A    Lady '8 
never  to 

holV'st^te '?*'•■  ""''   "'« 


A  Pleasant,  Cheerful  Wife 
An  Eastern  Sa.-e's  Motto 


r.. .--  - 'JJ  A  f;^™on'ea8  irishman 

-'«*ightfor»vard     .         *    *   f«    a  rir'-^'Ved  Countenance 

All  of  a  Size  .' ^2 

Bad  Tempered  Judge'    '    '  no 
Deau  Knots   .    .    *  '    '    •  ]]^ 




sum  of  a  Mother.    .  n. 

Comforts  and  Anxieties   '    '  ii^ 


Despised  Truth  :    ."    [    '    ■  ,^?. 
Difficulty  Advantageous'    '  ""^ 

Both  Wavs 

p°"Jf  ^ife.'B  Gallantry    .' 

Sh  Hnn.'  Complim^euts 


"^  Chtfe  ""'1'    *^«  ■    ■ 


Currant  Jam  of  all  Colours' 
Currants.  Preserved  " 

lamp  Beds.  Danger  of    *    ' 
Dams^ons.  to  Kee|  and  Pre-' 

Deaftioss;  Rem"ed>  for .'    '    "  ,40 

S'SltSr''- ■■«.•  I 

^^m.  to  Boil .         •  •  •  ^;*® 

|;^yes,theCareofth'o  '    '    '  ,ff 
l^re  in  the  Chimnev    '    '    '  ^t^ 

fSSo-a,:  ■••••:  I 

Furniture  Polish"  .*  *  "  *  ^? 
''SnJ'''"*'««-'Pt«W  " 
Gjnger  Beer    ' l^ 


— '"  k-jjcaKing 


BomgwhatisRiggt  '  pjs    m"*"'!?""'"'^  difficulty  vn«  ,  ^    - . .»  z-reserv 

Evil  Speaking     ."  .V'    '    •  206   Metaphysical  Poet .!  '    '  oof  ^'"^^n  Gages.  0  P«3e 

Metrics]     .  •    •  •    .  ^95   Grease  Smts  tn  rI^ 

Right  of  FUion    '    '  '    -"■" '"-—?"*-''*«  Re™o^« 

li'^al  Remembrance   .' 

.&!"»?*"  at  Home 



Foibles  of  wj-^-"Sr  •  .  «5 
Generosity  •    •  ^'^ 

Gg  Nature.'    .'   ;    ;    ;    ;  "'^ 

Humility 206 

HovvtoPa8st"ho"Day'    "    '  lo- 

rnfluencnofLovc    .        '    '^^2 
Life  •    •    •    .    60 

Littles    ," 113 


-M^an's  Heart ^^^ 

'grinds  of  Modera"te"caiib;o:29S 

oi"?:"'^'*  Fhenomenon 

Stutterins  Soldiers 
ibe  Irishman 

ther  Bed 
The  M' 

and  the  Fea- 


.  295 





n     ,,        •  206 

Theory  a,7d^Pr7elgr. '""••'  "^ 

e  Mystery  Solved 

What  Wind  dTOs"  a"  Hungry' 
Sailor  like  best    .        ^^ 

Your  own  Trumpeter 





Gingerbread  Nut's  . 
Gooseberries,  to  Preserve       oon 
Grapes,  Green  fn  p-„  •  ^^ 

Gronn  h^l^.l  to  Preserve  .  280 
Preserve    .  280 

I  Indian  Trifle      292 

I  Ink  for  marking'steel'  *  *  o?^ 
Ivory,  to  Gild  •  -236 
Jumbles    .        " 

I-enionade  Powder '    '    '    " 

l-oaf.howto  distinguish  onp 

that  contains  Alum  from 

one  that  does  not         ""' 

'ctei  *°  ^'-  «  fine 

Moths,  PrcVentiv'eiigains't  .' 








HovslwiPK'a  FaiiNo, 

eoHtinutd.  Faa* 

Muiilli"  to  Take  Ink  out  of .  61 
Orangei,  to  l^rexervu  .  .  .  280 
^•njfe  Peel,  to  Preserve.    ,  280 

OraiiM  Pudding aoj 

Ortajlttn*,  to  Rout  ....  65 
Paint  Ponders,  WUlto  Cos- 

metio r   .    97 

Pears,  to  Keep   ....."  280 

Perfbraed  Hoop 83 

Plants,  Oatbering  the  Per- 
fumes of 61 

PluniH,  Preserved  Dry     .    .  280 

Poached  Kjrgs 43 

Bazor  Pastes  .....'.'  83 
Rhubarb  Preserve  ....  2S0 
Khubarb  Martnalodu  .  .  .  113 
Blbbons,  to  Cover  with  Gold    83 

Sally  Luns 292 

Salmon,  the   only   way   to 

Pickle     .    .    .    .    .    ,    ,230 
Scidlitz  Powders aaj 





A  Good  Man's  Wish  . 
A  (ioodCupofXaa.  . 
A  Oood  Cup  of  Coffee  . 

A  Jeu  d'esprit 

Active  Women 277 

Aire  of  Man    ......  131 

Alexander  the  Great    ...    14 

Alphabet,  the 199 

Animals,  Eyes  of    ....    99 
Animals,  Memory  of  ...    73 

Antipathies 138 

Baron  de  Hoscnval .    ,    .    ,  ibh 
Hells  and  Chimes    ...         24 1 
Uooks  for  the  Fire  .    .    .    ,18) 
Charity .90 


.  1S8 
.  31 

MiaciLwiriocs,  conlinutd. 

Music,  its  Oriffiu     .    . 
New  CalculatrnK  MaelUne 
Ocean,  the  Ueautirs  of    .      ,„, 
Ortolan,  the   .    .    .  S 

Our  Hotel •    •    04 

Paner  Flow#»rs,  the  Art  of 

Making  and  Modelling 
Parrots,  Treatment  of .    .    " 
Perseverance   Conquers  all 

L'"'"?'   •.•.-.•   •   -100 




Silver  Tree  on  Glass  ...  83 
Small  Pox,  Prevention  of  .  293 
Smoke,  to  Diminish  ...  61 
Strawberries,  to  Cultivate  .  236 
Strawberries,  Whole,  to  prc- 

„  »erve 280 

6»»«'     • 03 

Sugar,  Degrees  of  Prcparinff  278 

Sugar,  to  Clarify 279 

Sugar,  Coloured,  for  orna- 
menting Calteif    ....  279 
Sugar  Paste    ....  279 

Swollen  Face  from  Tooth- 

.„«;he 83 

Taint  d  Meat 83 

Tea,  best  in  the  Evening.    .    83 
Teeth,    the   Anatomy    and 

Tnm'^aVJ  p^F  °^ 97 1  Garden  NovcIty 

TZhP^^TP-    •    •    ••  292   General  Havelock 
Tooth  Powders  .    .    .     07,  236 
Turkish  Marrow     ....    61 
Wall  Papers,  Chcice  of    .    .  236 
Wounds,  Healing  Oinlmcnt 

for 83 

Yellow  Ink ."  2a6 

Curious  Calculation    .    ,    .  2(;C 
Fish,  Consumption  of      .    .    62  j 
Hog,  Commercial  value  of  the  266! 





Human  Life,  Av<  r  igo  of  . 
Kremlin,  Great  Bell  of  the  . 
Longevity   in    the    United 


Languages,  the  Number  of 
Spoken  in  the  World  .    . 

Light,  Speed  of 

London,  Daily  Increase  in 
its  Population      .    .    .    .    o« 

Marriages 52 

•Mountoins,  the  Highest  in 

.^  World 266 

Aewspapers 83 

Railways ,*  14^ 

Rain  on  the  Atlantic  ...    53 

Respiration 2H6 

Shaving '.    82 

Wrecks  and  Casualties   op 
our  Coast ni 

Children,  Comforts  of 
Children  and  Flowers 
China  and  its  Great  Wall 
Coleridge  on  IJeligion      . 
Composition,  the  Art  of  .    .  ^x. 

Coral  Heefs 254 

Corrupt  English  .  .  .  .'  304 
Country,  a  Walk  in  the  .  .  305 
Cromwell's   Letter   to    his 

^Wif« 226 

Dropping  Wells 225 

Dr.  Walcot  and  Opio  .  .  .  210 
Eggs  and  Poultry  ....  -12 
Evening  Star,  the  ....    45 

Examination 125 

Eye,  the  last  Image  on    .    .  244 

Fairies 222 

Fashion 7 

Fireside  Saints  .  .  .  .  !  12 
Flower  Stands,  and  Glazed 

Cases  for  Window  Plants    218 
Fortunate  Dreams  ....    14 

Frog,  the ,'  194 


....  330 

tiiant  of  the  Sea  ....  160 
Gold,  its  Chemistry     .    .    .  323 

Good  Breeding 324 

Harvest  Homo 258 

Hastings  Fishermen  .    .    .307 

Heroes joi 

Hesitation 173 

Historical  Facts  .  .  .52, 260 
Hogarth's  Opinion  of  Genius  101 
How  Darius  was  Cured  .  .  is 
How  to  Walk  and  Sit .    .    .  253 

Imagination jjo 

Indian  Names,  Glossai-y  of  .  327 

Insect  Life lei 

Last  Word,  the 158 

Life  in  London  in    Eliza- 
beth's Time asi 

I-^ffic 313 

I-'Ook  up ]8i 

Lord  Mayor's  Day  ....  311 
Lunatic's  Ball,  th3  ....  322 

Marriage 275 

Muccaroni  Eaters  .  .  .*  !  *"lO 
Masters  and  Servants  .  .  .125 
Moot's  Champagne    Manu- 

,  f-'ctory 201 

Moments  with  Parents    .    .  314 

Morning  Air 200 

iMoth,  the 285 

Mountain  Gr.'>.vs,  the  .    .    .  1S9 







Perfumery,  Curiosities  of 
Playthings  of  Antiquity  . 
Plaster  Ca.  is  of  Leaves  and 

I      Flowers 

Pleasures  of  Tropical  Life  ' 
Poets,  the  Graves  of  the  . 
Popular  Phrases,  Origin  of  " 
Preserved  Fruits     .    .    .    ."  ^,- 

Pmutuality j    « 

Raven,  the ,*  ijj 

Kemarkablo  Comets  .  .  ."  151 
Remember  the  Poor  .  .  ,3(9 
Kobin,  Song  of  the  autumn" 
Rooks,  Haunts  of  .  .  . 
Rose  of  Wood  Shavings  . 
Ruling  Passion,  the  .  . 
Ruin  and  the  Cottage  .  .  .  ^ 
Sparc  Moments  ....  an 
Spider's  Thread  .  ..."  so 
8taft-ofLile,the  .  .  .  im 
Songs  of  the  Alfsctions   .    .227 

Selfishness ^ 

Sinaapore .'    !  162 

Sunbeam,  Dewdrop  and  Rose  41 
Sound,  Fatal  Eifects  of  .  .800 
Snake  Plants  of  America  .  202 
Tjsnants  of  the  Garden  .  .  282 
The  Princess  Royal     .    .    .  350 

ine  Alhambra 301 

Toad,  the  ...... 

Truth  in  a  Pit    .    .    . 
Two  Roses,  the  ...    i 
Waikinir  and  Talking .    . 
Water  Colour  Painting    .    , 
Water,  Dietetic  use  of     . 
Watts,  Dr.  Isaac     .    .    . 

Wedding  Cards 

Who  is  a  Gentleman  ?  . 
"  M  ho  will  Carve  "  .  . 
Windsor  Castle,  the  Royal 

Kitohon  of  .    .    . 
Winter  in  Olden  Times    .'    .' 
Wit  and  Beauty  .    . 
Wolfe,  Grave  of  the  Poet'    .' 
Woman,  Pictiu-e  of .    .    .    , 

■  262 








President's  Introductionnnd 
Rules 25 

Lmter  I.— From  a  Daugh- 
ter who  has  spont  her  New 
Year's  Day  with  Relatives 
m  London,  to  her  Parents    65 

Letter  II.— From  a  Gcritle- 
man  to  a  Mercantile  Fli'  n, 
oirorin,','  his  sprviccs.    ,    .    80 

Lettkb  III.— From  a  Niece 
to  her  Aunt,  offering  her 
Consolation  on  tlio  l>eath 
0'  her  Untie lie 

Mooit. ; 

Lima  1 

to  a  i 

his  intt 

Lrttkr  \ 

tcr  at  I 

her  Fal 



Lrrrsn  V 

from  a 

an  oifcr 


the  abov 


tieman  t 



to  her    ; 



LlTTBR  X.- 


Custom  o( 

in  his  Mer 


A«ting  Chara 
Charades  29 
177,  209,  231 
Christmas  Gai 
iiniifmas  28, 

<^e8  for  Nev 
and  Twelfth 
Hieroglyphic  ^ 
JBatheraatical  ( 
Names  of  Towi 

Flowers,  &c 
ncture  Rebusee 
Practical  Puzzle 
J^zle  Proverb 
149,  210,  210. ; 
"iMle  Poetry 
IJebus  Puzzles 
•Tne  Wonder  of  t 

I  ,  MONl 

J  Jannarr 

\»sr-  ■  '■  ■ 

k': :  ■  ■  ■ 

I  June.        '    '    * 
Jjttly.    •    •    •    • 

lAapjst.' :  •  • 

I  September.  '  ' 

JOctobfer.    .  • 

iNovember '  '  ' 

iDecember  :  '  * 

I  "       •       • 

JA  Simile 



■  II  1 


■>  COHtiHU0d. 


'  m'  .•>  •  •  "^ 
r  Mac'liine   .    31 

tin  of    .    .  162 



tlie  Art  of 

lodclling    .  196 

ent  of,    .    .  ^i 

onqiiert  all 

•  ,/,  •  •  •  100 
OHiticg  of  ,  806 
itiquity  .    .    71 

Leaves  and 

•  ,•  .v.-  •  '» 
(pk'ol  Life  .  jui 

H  of  the  .    .  138 

.Origin  of.    02 

•  ...  278 

•  •  •  .  .132 
ets  ...  161 
oor  .  .  .  3J9 
le  autumn  908 
r  ....  162 
ttvmgH  .  .  8M 
tl»e  ...  199 
togo.    .    .   43 

•  ...    80 

•  ...    80 

•  .  .  .139 
stions   .    .  227 

•  ...   63 

....  162 
>p  and  Rose  41 
yts  of  .  .800 
rnerioa  .  202 

al     ...  356 
....  301 
....  262 
.    .    .    .  1« 
.    .    .    .  313 
Ing.    .    .  131 
'ting    .    .  146 
3  of      .    .  141 
.     ...  197 
.    .    .    .191 
in?      .    .    74 
'      ...  346 
he  Boyal 
.    .    .    .  314 
nies    .    .    79 
....    78 
)  Poet     .  308 
.    .     .    .  203 


.     ...    25 
1  Daugh- 
■  Parents    65 
a  Gfiritle- 
;cs.    ,    .    80 
1  a  Niece 
ring  her 
10  l>eath 
.    .    .116 



Mont  LiTMM,  continued. 

.rnnSv"    fJ:.'^'*',"^^  *i47 
'""■■  ):  — '.rom  a  Dnuirli. 

LmBK  v.-i-romaDnugh.' 

her  H  her,  on  roceivini^ 
Intimation    of  his    Corn 

from  0  Gentleman,   wkh 

tVll  ^''iT'^n  angwer  to 
the  above  from  the  Lady    237 
tieman  to   hi.    Wlf«  „„ 


t^hrlnimaii  Vioiot."  the  " 

''ahe?""^  "''«   ^ 
Hfppineiig.    .    ."    •    •  ,,. 

Hie  and  Mine         *    *    *    '  iZ* 

lffl»peruj  1'* 

Home    .    ."    *    '    • 
1  wonder  when  "i  to 
m  "u'/''?"  "^e  dear 

^2i\         "^^"^ilFW   FACTA 

22  I  Lleetric  Telegraph  Pro^j}}, 


of  the  Finger 


Dome4ic  Economv  *' 

2««    Novel  Trawlin,  An, 


^'"  1  i:!^p*L^^?"«u'"(&'c""*""  ■ ''« 



Newly    Married 

ft«t.irer.  Soliciting  The 
CuHom  of  onewhod«J» 
in  his  Merehaudise      .    !  328 

I'ASTIME.      *    '    "  I 
A««ng  Charades     .  ,,^ 

Arithmetical  Puzzln  9no  o,  A  «!" 
Charades  29.  57    sl^' 2'  9-289 

177,209,239.269  299  32»^'^' 
Christmas  Gaine»  '     "'  ^^^...^ 

Little  Words*  ."""'""■•    '    %32«  |  SoTiaSS  T;  7   i"    •"'?'« 
Love.  328  '  ""^"'"•»  ror  Sawing  114 

Memorf.*:    !    !    !    "    '    '  'l^  I  "'gS'^^'^'^' "^"ong  the 

AVisionofChristnift,"    *    '  ot] 
Call  to  be  a  Wife  '    '  ^'* 

^''','?:'«7  «n  VVed.Ung  Dayi  9*/ 


I  Night  .;•••• 


Resfgimtion    .'.■'* 


.    81 

.    81 







i!ni?mag  28, 


27.329    The  D 



fe-toLoveme:    l    '.    g   =S^'^  ^ 
&rtoMa>  •    •    •    •    •?'«   Seftherr      •    •' 


little  J 

M*         ■    f'SMres  ot  Hp( 
f^„       ■  dunes  for  ¥e 

Kainbow , 

leroglyphio  VAl«nf .'    •    •    ??   Thoiiarhts   nn    ri,V*~^ 

Hieroglyphio  valentne 
Mathematical  Question  "ss 


.  passing 









3.94  I 

27  I 

ghts   on    the 

The  Celandine  "    •    23 

The  Maidenis  Wish'.   '.   '    '  ,?' 

Ti^^^T'"n(fI^OTer.        "  ,'i?, 

Temple  of  Fame.    .        *    '  i*-^ 

Ji-y  and  Trust 205 

Voices  oFtiVeBe'ns!'*'    ''  '  ^ 
Woman's  Love 

Oovemess    "    '    ' 
Motlier    . 

nr---  Husband      . 

ffl^WJ,""  :  •  ••  ■ 






Kcture  Rebuses 

Practical  Puzzles    '. 

mzle  Proverbs   sr 

J49,  210,  210,  270  Mrt"^'    ^^"'  1  ^^"'s  of  Memorv 

n«>  Wonder  of  the  Ag, 


S  March .    63 '         nrworr, 

Uprii. .    84 

%  . 116 

I  Jane.        144 

July.    ; 174 

Uajmst  .''•-•..  304 




^oodlandStreani.tW    .'    ;  S? 


September.' 234 

Pwtry,  Puddtafi*.  &o. .    ■ 
our  Poets , 


^r'thi'^^tr  Murderer, 
"^  *?«   Author    of 


.8.  0. 

jNftvember " 
iDMemb^  .' 





A  Man  .   . 
lASimlle        *    '    •    •    •    .146 

[Abience. 358 

^PrilRain 113 


Patty  Returns  Hom'e  UnVr"  ^^'^ 
pecM  Visitor.  ^y^poSj^" 

'*pR"T''??^''»'^^<'»W  '"^ 

cation.      By  ii^^^'^^*' 
BuJwer  Lytton 

The  Little  Shepherd  ^ 

^«e  Two  Roses  •    •    •    40i 

,'rwoWivenhe ^eii 

Thirst  for  Gold        *    •    •    •      « 

WarmMa.?Se-    l    '    '    '  ?Jl 

Willow,  story  of  th;   [    ]    "  J^ 

Golynos  Oait,  the    *    *    "    '  ,?* 

'^Se-^of^'-^''.'    W"' 
TI>e^ande,o;^-    ;    ;    ; 



Bible  Markers    . 
Birdciwe  Screen .    .    "    '    * 
Bailee.    Pen.,,p,r-   W 

Bed  Furniture  Fringe*  ' 
Kn^f^hr  Covert; 
Knitted  Moss  Stitch  »« 



.    77" 
.  286 




in     Otne. 


- — '-"»«d 



D'Qyley'   .* 





I      ! 



WoBE  Tabmi.  eoHiinutd.    Paat 

rUikl  Atroctlun igtt 

Flower  Va«e  Mat  with  Cr;i- 

Ul  Uordor 220 

Flower  Un.sket,  fiuii|)en(lln)f  103 
HTBcinth  (iloHi  Miit  .  .  .  334 
irUh  Point  for  various  Trim-         j 

mlnir*     .         135 

Lady'H  Jacket,  or  Children'* 

Drawvri,Patt«ni  tor  Trim-        | 
niinjf 39 


Won  Tablb,  «>«rt«K«J.    Pag* 
Momlnif  Cup,  Maltcau  Pat- 


Mot  in  nymntlno  Work;  or 

OIlWH  MoKuic    .     .     .     , 
Point  Lace  D'Oylo/     .    .    | 
Perforated  Linen  Work  In 

the  Flomliih  Htyle ,   .    .    . 
Po«!kot  Handkerchief,  Comer 

'«'  » 287 

Pride,  Gsiay  on igg 




Woait  Tablb,  roHtinuml.  Pun. 
,  Kobe  of  the  Prince  Imperial 

or  France    ...  137 

Striped  Antlmuconiittr .  !  '  75 
Hofii   Piljiiw    in    Fluted   or 

Uihbcd  iJerlln  Kml»r«)ider¥  199 
Toi  et   CuihioiK  or   P,H,kot 

Handkerchief;  Point  Loco 

for » 

Toilet  Dottle  Mat    .    .    '    "  nsi 

wutch-hook . . : :  \  :^t 

[The  Not.  rf/er  lo  the  Para- 

Air,  Elasticity  of     .    ...    77 
Alabaster   Ornaments,  how 

to  Clean 64 

Al)felira,  Uerivationsof  term  120 
Amalgamated  Hilvcr,  in  what 
does  the  process  diflTcr  in 
Haxony     t^om     that    In 
America? 23 



AnRlcfH,  Hintj  for  , 

Apple  Oin^er 

April  Fool  s  Day     .... 
Aquarium,  Cement  for  Glaz- 
ing an 

Artiiicial  Rookwork.tomake  110 
Bake-well     Pudding,    what 
kind  of  DiBh  to  make  it  in  P 
Bell    Ringing)    in    County 
Parishes  on  Shrove  Tues- 
day, Origin  of 

Bees,  the  best  Work  on  .  . 
Bees  from  Fighting,  the  best 
Method  of  Preventing  .  , 
Berlin  Work,  Raised  .  ,  . 
Birds  and  Animals,  the  Art 

of  Stuffing 

Black  Cosmetic 

Books,  to  Marble  .... 
Butter  ailulterated  with 
Lard,  to  Detect  .... 
Captains  Biscuits,  Receipts  106 
Carpets,  to  take  Grease  out  of  41 
Cards,  the  Origin  of    .    .    .119 

Chess  Player 40 

Church  in  England,  the  most 

Ancient 14 

Chicory  with  Coffee,  to  De- 
tect     68 

Cockato,  what  country  is  he 

a  Native  of  P 22 

Coifs 117 

Complexion,  a  Wash  for  Im- 
proving the     .....    66 
Oonvection  of  Heat,  What  is 

meant  by 69 

Cloth,  Blaek,  How  to  Dye  .  89 
Crape,  to  Restore  ....  108 
DandrifT,  Remedy  for  .    .    .    72 

Diving  Bell,  the 17 

Double  Chess 16 

Ducks,  the  best  way  to  form 

a  little  Pool  for    ....    61 
Earliest  Living  Things    .    .    44 
Embroidery  on  Linen,  to  im- 
press Patterns  of     ...    16 
Eyes,  Receipt  for  Weak   .    .    10 

Fairies ng 

Feet,  Cure  for  Hot  and  Dry .  110 
Ferns,  the  best  Method  of 

Drying         87 

Flowers,  the  best  Method  of 

.,.Drying 91,107 

Flowers  for  Vases,  to  Arrange  114 
fountain,  to  Make  a  Cheap  121 

French yy 

French  Polish  for  Boots  an(i 

Shoes,  to  Make  a  Cheap  .  29 
Galvanic  Coil,  Book  on  its 

Construction 78 

Gardening  Books    ....    74 
Ginger  for  Dessert,  to  Pre- 
serve   67 

Ginger  Wine  that  has  turned 
Sour,  to  Restore  ....    1 1 

Glass,  to  Stain g 

Gloves,  hoo.  to  Restore  .  .  66 
Grease  fVom  the  Collar  of  a 

Coat,  to  Remove  ....  35 
Gun  Barrels,  to  Bronze    .    .    24 

Harvest  Mouse 13 

Hair,  Rosemary  Wash  for  '.  37 
Hair,  Oil  for  the  ....  90 
Hair    tuniing    prematurely 

Grey,  Remedy  for  .  .  ,  96 
Headache,  Cure  for  the  .  .  90 
Involuntary  Blushing ...  58 
Jereminh,  the  Tomb  of  .  .  30 

the  Ruins  of 80 

Kid  Gloves,  to  Dye  Brown  .    45 
Lamps,  to  Clean  the  Chim- 
neys of    9  18 

Lavender  Water,  Receipt  for  '  81 
Lettuce  Stalks  in  imitation 

of  Ghiger,  to  Preserve  .  .  73 
Leoves,  the  best  Method  of 

taking  Fac  Similes  of  .  .  60 
Leaves,  an  easy  Method  of 

taking  Impressions  of  .  ,  47 
Leaves,  to  preserve  skeletons  116 
Lemon  and  Orange  Peel  .  .  82 
Lithographic  I  nk,  Receipt  for  70 
"Llan."  the  Meaning  of  the 

,  prefix Ill 

Low  Spirits,  Bemedv  for .    .    49 
M  or  N,  origin  of  the  use  of 
these  initials  in  the  Mar- 
riage Service 62 

Metrical  Psalmody  .  .  .  '78  92 
Memory,  Aid  of  .  .  .  .  . '  39 
Miimows,  Bait  for  .    .    ,  1 

Moles  IVom  the  Skin,  to  Be- 
move 20 

Muslin,  MatcrialforTracingon  38 
Muslin  Dress,  to  take  Fruit 

Stains  out  of  ...  .  9^ 
Myrtle,  to  Rear  from  a  siin"  123 
Ne.:ralgia  in  the  Head,  Cure 

for 2  11 

Oil  F'aintlngs,  to  Clean  '.  '  m 
Pancakes,  on  Shrove  Tw». 

day,  (Jrigin  of ...  .  gj 
Parasol:!,      for     Restorinir 

Faded « 

Parachute ....  "103 
Pewter  and  Tin,  Pusto  '.  '.  j 
Pumpkin  Pie  ....  g 
Pier  Glasses,  to  Clean  "  .'  33. 48 
P\asU>r  of  Paris,  to  Clean  .  « 
Physiognomy,  Works  on  .  75 
Pictures,  Cheap   and  Easy 

way  of  Framing  ....  inj 
Radiated  Animals  .    .        '  <u 

Relink ;    *  ^* 

Ribbon,  to  Restore  the  faded 
colour  of  a  Violet  coloured 
Roseola  iEstiva 
Rust,  to  Prevent    .    . 
Salt,  the   Names   of  Sub- 
stances that  enter  into  the 
Composition  of    .    . 
Scent  lor  Note  Paper  . 
Sea  Weeds,  to  Preserve 
Ships  Floating  the  Air 
Silver,  a  Test  tor     .    . 
Silver  Plate,  to  Clean  . 
Smelling  Bottles,  to  remove 

the  Stoppers  from    . 
Pnow,  Formation  of    .    .    .     , 
Spinaoh,to  dress  Fiench  way  122 
Sunburn,  to  Remove       .      U' 
Table  Turning,  the  Philo- 
losphy  of.  Explained    .    . 
The  Last  Sacrament,  is  it 
proper  for  a  Clergyman 
when  he  Administers  it, 
to  partake  himself  P     . 
Thunder  and  Lighting,  to 

ascertain  the  Distances  of  IM 
Tnck  of  the  Mysterious  Dis- 
appearance  of  a  person 
standing  on  a  table  . 
Villiers,  Lord  Francis 
Voice,  to  Strengthen  .    .   . 
Voice,  to  Restore  when  im- 
paired by  Scarlet  Fever 
Water  Telescope    ....  86 
Waterproof  Polish  for  Boots  109 
Waves,  cause  of     ....  79 
Whale  Oil  with  water,  to  mix  Tpa 










,  rontinutd.     Page 
rliicc  Imperial 


lacowiar ...    75 
in    Fluted   or 
in  Knibroidery  103 
•ij,  or   I'tMsket 
Df,  Point  Loco 

*»»    '•'.'.  3o« 

t<)  take  Fruit 

f  .....  m 
vr  from  a  Slip  123 
ho  Head,  Cure 

to  Clean    .    .  9q 
Shrove  Tiios- 
^»"-  ,:    •    •    .  65 
r      Kestorin},' 

•  •    .    .    .103 
II,  PuBto     .    .  5 

•  .       .       ,      -       A 

3  Clean      . 
s,  to  Clean     , 
WorkB  on     . 
ya   and  Uaxy 
iinff  .    .    .    .  : 
>al»  .... 

tore  the  faded 
'iolet  coloured 
»      .    .    .    .  ) 
nt     .    .    .    . 
nes   of   Sub- 
enter  into  the 
of    ...    . 
Paper  .    ,    , 
Preserve   . 
the  Air    .    . 
w     .... 
Clean  .    .    . 
3»,  to  remove 
from    ...   19 
on  of    .    .    .     4 
sPienehway  122 
move  .    .    .112 
',  the  Philo- 
plained    .    .  102 
ament,  w  it 
I  Clergjman 
ministers  it, 
iiiself?     ,    .   20 
Li^htinjr,  to 
Distances  of  101 
sterlous  Dis- 
)f  a   person 
table  ...  21 
•'rancis     .    .  61 
■then   .    .    .  W 
re  when  im- 
rlet  Fever    .  101 
B     ....    86 
sh  for  Boots  109 
'      ....   79 

No.  0. 




"All  went  merrrM»n,a„,^.b,u,.. 
SoMK  men  leap  into  ma. 

about  to  take   a  Jlo„ge 

in  the  dark,  and  cared  not 
to  Bcan  beforohand  tho 
dangers  to  which  they 
wght  be  exposed.  The 
waking-up  which  follows 
Buch  a  precipitate  step  is 
not  always  the  mostagroe- 

into  the  chains  of  Hymen 
— a«  if  they  were  about  io 
enact  a  sort  of  life  poem, 
full  of  thrilling  inddTnts 

ana     ranrnnmia     .i-i-    I  i 

*»■■  ^-•■. .  :  r.,.    ■,>-i.:-v 

,     and  "'""8  incidents 

^,         ^y^j^  aeli berate 

proportion   of  1"  ._?.*.''.  *'.''«^«'eening  fondnn,,  f..T£' 

^,„J'^ "  "t  ^aie  Which 

curea  on  once  in  a  life,  and  whiph ;«  rri"  I  "''^> '""  «*' strong  afffiofinr,-"""!  ""P*"'"o«s 
to  prove,  on  the  who  e  a  Tprv  f  1  t^  ^Pulses.  He  waJh?, "'"%?'',?'««•"'"'*« 
condit  on,— with   \tl  a  ^  tolerable   and  her  nvT        .  "'*  "'other's  darlinj? 

cares  and  comforts  of?  P^-^P^rtion  of  contribLd  n  r'"»  ^«'"'»«««  for  S 
Such  peopiroft  ^,n;re"w7.r "'^  "^J'^y^"  the  natural'  SuT'  '°™«.^"**  *°  '"^-^^ 
"  Bensible'  matches,"  and  1  f  theT."""^'?  ^'^'^  '»«  "LlTe  '"cSh^^'^l'  *'^«'-"«'«'-- 
enjoy  much  of  the  sunshine  of  iT  '^'^  ?°*  "«  determination  fv.?*''^  he  expressed 
do  they  encounter  many  :J^f:'r*herprofe88io?Srse^^  *^«  "''^^-a 

Now  Prank  NetherbTThe  hero  n?""'"  N'"  di^positioT  thi?  hi?  T.^" '•"'**''^  *» 
present  " chapter  "  d.Vl  «!.^    u  "*  **f  my  ready  assen/L  1  •       .  '"ther  yielded  a 

these  commoTjiaee  ''modes'r  T  «^>y«"«  "rthe*  me,?vt'"\^"^  "^'^^ 
married,-  he  ^WaS  I:  1^**'"»  Nge  of  thirteen  h«f^^J^u^ '^^''"' «'  the 
jnatrimony!  a  metifod  £1  SlT'^  "'*«  K^^^^  *"th« 

The  family  estate  bein^  en  a^C    "''r^'  ^'^^''d  or  bullet  awaS'  ^^'^''"^'  *han 

eldest  son,  there  remaned  to  t  •"  '"'''"'  *'  ^^^ "  «S  «„  "T  {^ ^  ««"«r, 
branches  of  the  family  l,nf«l!  a  •'""'O''  came  home  worE  !!?  °^  *^'"^«  ^ears, 
tations   of  futur^  ;th  ^^''Jj^'- ^'^P'^^-    effects  omj^l^di"^^^  ^''^  «'« 


'<•.    Tin, 


■ .  id 


Jigom  he  became  impatient  for  a  more 
•ctive  hfe,-«o  that  great  wa*  his  deJigh? 
on  being  appointed  to  a  ship  then  under 
orders  for  China,  which  was  at  that  tTme 

^nf  xl  .''f-  ^"  *^"«  new  sphere  of 
dnjy    IVank  found  ample  scope  for  the 

Si'ri  T:.''yf^^^  "-ture;  and.  in  the 
course  of  hi^  Driental  campaign,  distin- 
gu)^h«i  hi..self  more  than  onS'  by  the 
gallantry  of  his  conduct,  which  was  nLed 
J^ith  approbation  in  the  d'jspatches  of 
hifl  commander.  How  eagerly  those  de- 
^.atches  were  devoured  at  \i  paternd 
home,  need  not  be  related  heref  Even 

Hit  ^^  ^^^  ^"°»">'  acknowledged  tha" 
this  "scapegrace  of  a  boy"  was  a  credit  to 

^L^rv'-  f^^^'  *^^<^  "fa«  hoped  he 
niight  live  to  drink    his  health  ^as  an 
^nairu."    No.  was  the  domestic  «Ircle 
le^  joyous  when,  at  a  later  period  tidings 
rea^^hed  them  of  the  promotion  to  a  1  "u 
tenancy  of  their  "young  hero."  and  of  Ws 
consequent  withdrawal  for  awhile  from 
the  active  duties  of  his  profession.-  a  cK 
cumstance  which  would  aljow  them  the 
gratihcaticn  of  welcoming  him  home. 

Frank  Netherby  had  scar-elv  completed 
his  twenty-first  year,  when  he  returned 
hone  to  be  idolized  by  his  mother  and 
Bisters,  and  spoiled  by  the  fairer  portion 
of  his  acquaintances,  who,  like  all  others 
ot  .heu-  sc;:,  had  an  innate  love  of  jrlorv 
ana  a  passionate  admiration  of  all  those 
who  had  won  ,t  on  flood  or  in  the  battle! 

voIpH  .i  "'''*  '^'^''^''  ^^^""^  «^««  the  de- 
voted champion  of  womankind.  Whether 
«he  were  dark  or  fair,  young  or  old  if 

am-e  to  find  in  Frank  a  faithful  and 
preux  cbe..lier^'  Whh  such  a  dis- 
position.  It  may  readily  be  conceived  that 
Cupid's  shaft,  had  been  more  than  once 
«ucoessfully  aimed  at  our  hero's  h^-t 
iiut  these  attacks  had  heretofore  proved 
ro  light  and  harmless  that  they  had  onlv 

A  graver  peril  was  now  at  hand.  By 
way  of  doing  honour  ue  hor  ^allan  eo^f 
Mrs.  Netherby  had  invited  a  large  party 

^ome.  The  dashing  young  officer  was 
gladly  welcomed  by  old  aoquai stances,  and 
eordially  greeted  by  new  one.    Amon^? 


the  former  were  ^rs.  and  Miss  Fleetwood 
thewidowaiidorphan  daughter  ofaliS 

Annie  Flli    "  f^  '^"^'"^  °*"  his  country. 
Annie  Hee  wood  was  a  pleanaat,  bright 

™«  ™f  li"  dress,  reheyed  oiSy  brblue 
nbbors  harmonized  well  with  the  aX^ 
expression  of  her  countenance  FraS 
once  claimed  old  acquaintanceship  witt 
fh  1  r't'''  *"^  daughter;  ranSnS^ 
the  latter  how  he  hid  insisted  on^SS 
ing  upoi:  her  a  parting  salute.  wWhe 

y^rs  Lforf*''  f  l!^^^  ^  ^  middyS.„; 
years  before,  and  how  very  prudish  uhl 
had  been  on  the  occanion.  *^°"'»  «M 
"You  were  really  quite  angry. -at  lc»st 
you  pretended  to  be  so/'  addfS^he.  saud^ 
Poor  Annie  coloured  deeply  at  this  rl' 
miniscence.  and  only  observed  in  repU 
that  she  remembered  he  Lad  alv/avs  SI 
a  very  troublesome  Loy,  and  theirgames 
had^been  much  quieted  after  he  wafg^ 

if  Zf^'  ^^^J  ^""^^  "y  "'"ch  duller  too 
if  you  would  only  have  the  hores^  /to 


talk  of  tV,  ^*  '^  ™^^''  "«  'l"'^^^  °ld  to 
after  all,  there  is  no  time  so  agreeable  aa 
the  present,"  added  he,  bowingVr^Ltl^ 

lthtIvtb^.T^    ^^'^'     Then,   touching 
lightly  the  blue  ribbon  which  floated  from 
Annie's  waist,  he  added,  « I  am  g?ad  t^ 
see  Miss  Fleetwood,  that  you  have  th 
col^ur.''^^  *«  ^d-Pt  truelblue  as  yot' 

th;\"i!?\!P!!'^*  V^  somewhat  roused  at 
the  thought  thci  he  might  possibly  ml. 
pose  she  had  adopted  this  odour  ouH 
con^phment  to  him;  and.  with  a  heSh? 
ened  colour,  she  re,>lied.  "  You  forget  I 
suppose,  that  I  am  a  sailor's  daughter 
How  could  I  forget  it,"  was  his  reply, 
when  looking  at  you;  for  sailo/.  daugh^ 
tors  are  generally  the  prettiest  girls  and" 
added  he  in  a  low  voice,  « make  the  Jb^t 
wivos  m  the  world !» 

This  nautical  compliment  brought  a 
still  deepar  blush  to  Annie's  cheek  •  and 

If  fi^-  "'T''*  ^y  *^**  *^he  was  displ'eased 
at  finding  .lerself  during  the  course  of  the 






■  . 

[138  i'leetwood, 
ter  of  a  gallant 
n  before  sacri- 
>f  his  country, 
jasaat,  bright. 

This  was  lier 
d  the  simple 
ting  of  a  clear 
I  only  by  blue 
th  the  artless 
3e.    Frank  at 
aiceship  wita 
';   raminding 
3d  on  b««t»w. 
ute,  when  he 
middy  intny 

prudish  she 

Ty,— at  lcs«t 
d  he,  saucily, 
at  this  re- 
'ed  in  reply 
alv.'ays  been 
their  games 
he  was  gone 

ti  duller  too, 
bores-'/  to 
sailor's  re- 
juite  old  to 
syne;'  and, 
igreeable  aa 
?  gracefully 
I,  touching 
loated  from 
m  glad  to 
I  have  the 
le  as  your 

t  roused  at 
)8sibly  sup. 
our  out  of 
1  a  height- 
1  forget,  I 
ughter  I" 
I  his  reply, 
'"'k.  daugh* 
jirls,  and" 
e  the  Jbesi 

•rought  a 
icek;  and 

evening  the  special  obiecfc  of  th^  . 
jailor's  uttentio^n.     Onirefl   rn^ 
too,  as  sho  sat  near  the  open  wi^dc^' 
busied  with  her  book  and  her  neS  her' 
thoughts  nncunscicusly  reverteaTolome 
of  the  Mattering  sav'-n^s  whiPhhn^  ^ 
p|.«red  into  „er^e„/„„"^e^r^'„t„^™ 
;:  g,  and  she  involuntar:  v  «tartf  ]        , 

i'tty  alter  day  found  Frank  NethprW 

wurrt  f  ^"">«  ^^^^^oi 

eaX?  n.  I  drawing-room  and  the 
So  ZZ  ^^''"^back,  he  was  ever 
n-aay  to  attend  her  steps;  and  Mrs  Ful* 

of  slnh  soant,^       .^"•'"'"ngerson 

neet;LTi^st?°?r''  ■""  *■'• 

like  n^-n.         •     t""***  «"d  I  '^onld  live 

"fZIT  p>'^  ^'?  '"''^"'^  ««  this." 
"if      ml     °^  -'"/eplied  Sirs.  Fleetwood 


wishes  in  the  matter?    But  now  th.^^ 
have  your  consi-nf  »  „^j  j   ,       ^  '"*'  I 

is  rilThe's'a?nVS^„rV«  '°  ^^'  "^^-^ 
and  tender-h^UeH-o  mZ^Inr^'^" 
me  unhappy  by  refusing."  ^'  "^"^^  "^^^ 

m  rather  a  doubtful  tC         ^^^^t*^*^ 

'Veil,  then,  let  me  scHU  it  * 
dear  Mrs.  Fleetwood  »  xSued  pSn^"/ 
the  same  time  catehin ITk  ?"'^»  »' 

h.nd,  .„<!  hA'SnVu  tfSlK 
a  transport  of  deiicht      Tho         •  ?^  '^^ 

hm,  g„U„pu,g  p.,t  i„  4i,  directton  ^ftS 

„£™'' Nrtherb,',  atherwM  mad.  of 
ratter  »ten»p  matemU  tbuT  vS.^  j 
whom  wo  have  iust  Irff    n    u     '.  ^^^ 
l.«  .o„-s  engaySn fhe  w^s'TZ;!;''' 
wry  much  displeaMd.     "K  ™*    "^ 


mother  came  to  his  n?^       ^raak,    h» 

-atte.  sofL'L'V^riferTustnl 
gave  a  reluctant  consent  to  the  maToh 
warning  Frank,  however   tb«?  f  **''^^— 
notthi„JcofmarVin?rr'five  *  «t  """** 

ir  ofVrtr'Tr"-'  -- '-" 

subject''     ^ ''^^ ^'''  ^"y  °P^°i«" o«  th„ 

to^iir'''  ''r?°''^  attending  too  rioselv 
to  tlie  qualifying  clause  of  his  fatW« 
speech,  thanked  him  for  his  consPnK      ^ 
remouUing  his  horse!  gaTloZbtiki  ' 


where  Mrs.  Fleetwo^od  and  herjfurht;; 





were  seated,  ho  tossed  up  his  foraging-cap 
like  a  Bchoo  boy,  exclaiming.  "  Hufrah ! 
Ive^unedthoday."  Annief'whosecSek 

bluthed  rogy  red,"  while  her  mothe^ 
S"Sl't£!'"/r'^°^  quietly  and  tell 
J)  ranJt.  '  My  father  says  Annie  is  one  of 
the  nicest  girls  in  the  world;  and  my 
mother  is  delighted  at  the  idea  of  having 
I        her  for  a  daughter-in-law."  ^ 

•    "  ^'i  KV"^  ^**^®'  o*8r  no  objection  ?" 
inquired  Mrs.  Fleetwood. 

♦'./k^^'  ^?    ^P°^®  ^^'Jr  wisely,  as  all 
lathers  are  bound  to  do  on  such  Scasions 

andgaveme  a  worldof  goodadvice,  which 
ofcourse  I  mean  most  dutifully  to  follow. 
BiJ  he  intends  to  call  on  you  L-morrow, 
^ul  ^T^^o'jwxll  put  your  heads  to- 
getber  and  fix  the  day  of  our  wedding." 

tHnf^'Tr'  y^"  ^"^^^^  W.  you  don't 
know  what  you  are  talking  about,"  re- 
joined Mrs.  Fleetwood.    "Idaresay'yo,^ 
father  will  agree  with  me  in  thinking  it 
wUl  be  time  enough  half-a-dozen  ylars 
hence  to  name  that  day." 
.    Frank,  instead  of  noticing  this  prudent 
insmuation    only  cast  an    arch    glance 
towards    Annie,  and    merely  observed, 
Anme,  do  you  know  the  horses  are  at 
the  door;  are  you  ready  for  a  canter?" 

We  imagine  that  the  conclusion  formed 
]->y  the  youthful  lovers  during  that  even- 
ing nde  was  somewhat  different  from  that 
w^ich  was  arrived  at  by  their  parents  on 
that  important  subject.-for  Frank  urged 
most  strenuously  his  determination  never 
to  leave  England  without  first  calling 

Iw^  ^"u.T"'   *"*^  ^^^'^^e'-  disposed 
Anme  might  be  to  attend  to  her  mother's 
prudent  advice,  ?he  found  it  hard  to  gain- 
say  the  arguments  of  her  lover. 
«om1-*^®  following  day,  Mr.  Netherbv 
paid  his  promised  visit  to  Mr    Fleetwood  • 
Had  on  his  return  home,  after  a  length- 
enea  interview,  he  met  Frank  at  his  own 
haUdoor.     "Well,  my  boy,"  said  he  to 
the  anxious  youth,  «'we  have  settled  all 
about  you.     Mrs.  Fleetwood  consents  to 
give  yop  her  daughter  whenever  you  are 
a  post-captain,  and  have  got  a  lot  of  prize- 
money."  '^ 

1  "  *]?f,P08<;-captain,  read  lieutenant,  my 
dear  father,"  replied  the  sailor;  "and  as 


It  whenever  our  enemies  are  so  good  m  S 
go  to  war  with  us."  *^  ^  ^ 

,."7?^  »re  an  incorrigible  fellow '»  «. 
phedthe  old  gentleman?  laugE7'«bTt 
I  hope  you  will  ^et  a  Uttle  cLm?n-sense 
some  of  these  days."  "*® 

The  next  few  weeks  sped  rapidly  awav 
with  our  youthfiil  loversras  time  J  S 
does  in  the  case  of  those  with  whomTs 

wSaT."  th  •''^"^  "'  "«•»«  A» 
S  full  *?7'^«'!h«PP'^inthe  present, 
a«d  full  of  hope  for  the  fiiture.  But  a 
shadow  came  at  last  to  fall  upon  this 
sunny  period :  an  official  desi^tch  arrive 
from  the  Admiralty  to  infom  Frank  of 
his  appointment  to  the  "Hercules."  then 
stationed  at  Portbmouth. 

ln.w7^''°V*y*  "'**  ^  *>»  «  monstrous 
ucky  fellow  to  get  this  appointment  so 

Aflnie  with  the  news.    "  And  so  would  I 
think,  too."  added   he.  "at    any  other 
fame;  but«o«,it  is  a  terrible  borei  hav.' 
ChSr         l^  twenty-four  hours'  notice. 
Clieer  up.  however,  my  darling  Annie" 
continued  he,  as  he  observed  a  teaj  to 
tremble  m  the  eye  of  his  betrothed,  "the 
8h.p,  I  understand,  is  likely  to  be  fo^  some 
time  on  that  station,  so  I^may  oftenZ! 
trive  to  run  up  and  see  you  for  a  day  or 
tZ '  ft  [f°»ember  what  I  have  told 
^  ^~,K  '^'^^  'lever  leave  England  with- 
out  calling  you  my  bride !" 

hZ^t  ^""^^^  P"**^°»  ^«*  a  «ad  one; 
hope,  however,  was  buoyant  in  both  their 
young  hearts,  and  they  trusted  soon  to 
meet  again  Many  weeks,  however 
passed  on  without  Frank's  being  able  t«; 
obtain  the  expected  leave  of  absence,  and 
the  frequent,  though  hurried  notes  he 
contrived  to  write  in  snatches  of  leisure 

f^ffi,  f  '"«TP«»s*«on  to  poor  Annie 
for  the  loss  ofhis  daily  visits. 
Dreary  winter    was    now   como,  and 

mood  looking  out  on  the  smooth  green 
sward  on  which  she  had  so  often  strolled 
«^ith  Frank  during  the  preceding  summer, 
when  the  servant  entered  the  room  and 
handed  her  an  official-looking  lettor.  On 
»peniug  it,  her  heart  was  filled  with 
ipprehension  by  perceiving  that  it  was  a 
telegraph  message  from  Portsmouth.    She 



II  ^il 




thought  it  must  be  some  iiTZI      T — 
Frank,  but  her  evp  w  "®^"  *<>»» 

on  it  for  a  momenTth^r  "^""'^  ^««*«» 
tenor  wa,  T  JfffeJe^t  in^'^'t^  *b« 

had  anticipated      The  n,^"  "^^"^  ^''^ 
follows:--^  -^^^  "*««»«e  was  as 

her  handr  CiwJ^  ^^  T"  P*P«r  in 
Her  first  feeW  tT^.^^^P^'-pk^e^^ 
•confusion  at  such^a^sZ  h!  ."*'1«'^y 
sent    tQ    her    bv  f^f!!!?l  ^^^'^^  ''>een 

jears,    and    those    te5w«  1  *^'^ 

words—"  if  not  ^wi,  *       fi  ^i'sterious 

and  obsorvine  her  rfan^i,!^-,    '"®  '^^'n. 

a^kedwhatw^thJintS    a'  ?4***'°°' 
her  the  messaged' S  ^»'«  landed 

J^ank  is,"^1ai„,ed    its*  jSl/^!!^'^ 
"'Of  com-se  you  will  «f    "'  *^«e'wood. 

word  that  such  a  thn   ^      ""^  ««°<*  J»™ 
<ine8tion  »  *^'°»  '^  ^«^te  out  of  the 

bursting  into  t^'   "'°*^"'*^»   °««t    and 

playful.  half\Sng''ron:*^ii^  ''^'^ 
pass  away  veiy  quickly  «,d  th.  i^^'^ 
^  coming  back  ^ain  »  ^*"'  ^®  ^ 

-he^Xn^tld^T'-f  '°^^  A»nie. 
heart  ifhe  h^toT-  T"  *^  ^^«ak  his 
being  ma^rS"  MrS^^^^^^out 
^rst  inclined  to  riSifr''^^**  ^«^'  »* 
credulity  on  th5«  «!"  ^^^f  daughter's 
tears  feU  JitHnS  J-^'f''  ^'"^  Annie's 
became  mo7X^,£^'^--^J^^r  ^hs 

course  of  half  an  hour  MrrK  "*  *Jl" 
wise  resolves  had  XL  '^ieetwood's 
last  yielded  a  rPlnnfo^J"  "^"^  *»d  she  at 


have  his  ow'^  way  in  ZtS'^  "^"^' 

bea«ng\eS\„^f  '^''"^""^    hand    and 
follo^ng  m"U:!  ''^""  *^    ^^*«  the 

a2?F™«  Bay.  "Ye8"-Co„e-Ever  your«- 

r — 835 

^^'^  ^^  assembled  at  nr*  xr  xi.  ,.^ 
wansion.  I  happened  fJ^l  ^^^^erby's 
guests,  and  befoVrjF;  «^J**u°"«  °^  '*« 
dinner.  1  waTcSttS  ^S^,  J*^  «»«*  ^or 
Netherby  o^r  the  d^J^  ^  ^r.  and  Mrs. 
"How  I  wish UfT"'^-"^^  fire. 

e'y;oyB  a  cSn^'^t^  "'^  ^^'^'^^»  «<> 

come  to  answV U'hVS?^  e^r  ^IS^' 
merry  voice  at  the  door  wK-  ,  ^'^^'aimed  a 
recognized  in  Ihl  ***^'^'.^hich  we  quickly 
of  S  Zi^  H    r®'""^^  dusk  f2r  that 

»traightove??oS*"r°*-      »«  talked 


bye  to  yiu  aS  and T^    5*'°'^  ^'^  ^^^  »««l 
I  go."  ^         '  *"**  ''^  ff«t  Jnarried  before 

inJmCl^'^''^''  ^«  »«  ^-claimed 

hav7SeiS^afR„r'"'*^'''  replied  he.  "J 
hours,  and  LftSr^irt  ^*^'  *he  Wtwo 
Fleet;rd>^"^  ''^  *'^'**  i*  with  Mrs. 

fofetEvowal'bTp'^**r«  ^hich 
as.  usual,  in  hiFSftJ  !ff  K  ^  ^ *"^^' 
win  from  the  eldera  of  the  ?wf  °**  ''^^'  ^ 
to  his  wishes,  and  Se  ST'^^  ^'^"'^'^* 
over,  he  had  fX  if-     •  *^®  evening  was 

ding,  which  wan  f«  *„i  ^  ^^  the  wed- 
of  £y8.  and  wh  eh  i«  pI^  j"  a  couple 
very  jolly  affai^SS^  said,  should  be^ 

lcero£:fr.VtV:lr''  P^^^^^-hand. 
to  have  any^crvbli^  i^^  "°<^  ^sh 
I  mean  it  to  S TnT"  *^^  ^^''^^^on. 
told  Mrs.  Fleetwood  ro?^r'^"S'^  I 



h'      '  'J 

■  .\3' 



ThTi®"*i'*  ''^'       ^  ^^^''  ^^  present. 
ihe  first  tear*  probably  which  fell  on  the 

occasion  of  Frank  Netherby's  marriage, 
were  thpse  bitter  ones  shed  by  his  yonn^,  wlien  a  week  later,  «he  t:  ok  leavl 
ot  hun  at  Portsmouth,  and  watched  the 
gaUant  ship    "Hercules"    speeding    its 
course  towards  the  Southern  main.     The 
disconsolate  young  creature  accompanied 
iier  mother  back  to  her  early  home,  where 
she  spent  the  years  of  her  husband's  ab- 
sence m  most  sedate  and  matronly  re- 
tirement.  '' 

th5*"^/®i^"  ?*''•'  P"*^^'*  aw«y  since 
«S'  f'tt  ^Tl  N^'^herby  is  now  the 
sober  father  of  a  family. 

Very  recently,   I  overheard   him  ex- 
liortmg   Lis    eldest    son,  a  fine  boy  of 
twelve  or  thirteen,  to  be  more  diligent  in 
his  studies  and  steady  in  his  conduct  at 
school.    An  involuntary  smile  probably 
flitted  across  my  countenance,  for  Prank 
immediately  turned  towards  me  with  one 
ot  his  quick  and  humourous  glances,  and 
no  iwoner  had  the  boy  left  the  room,  than 
he  said  to  me,    "1  perceive,   my  dear 
madam,  you  have  a  very  good  ntmory 
tor  olden  times,  but  remember  I  wish  my 
son  to  take  after  his  mother  rather  than 
after  me  m  solidity  of  character.    In  one 
point,  indeed,   I  shall  be  glad  if  he  re- 
sembles me  in  after  life.     Heartily  do  I 
hope."  adderJ    he.    looking    tenderiy  at 

"  The  Wife's  far  dearer  than  the  JBride." 

* — ^ 


moderate  length  consisling  solely  of  words 
of  Latm  derivation.  ]iut  there  are  mauv 
Avhich  can  be  rendered  wholly  in  AnS 

Prayer  entirely,  as  it  is  in  present  use  almost 
entirely,  Anglo-Saxon.     ^But  for  eachof 

equivalent.      J  or    "  trespasses,"   we  mnv 

tnals ;     for  "  deliver,"  "  free  •"  -mri  f  „. 

;  r.r^'"  "."Hft*-.".  ^'-  Trench  pist 
SlI.^'"'"^;  "brightness;"  but  ^hirwe 
S.^^.'tw  ^  ^"^"^  substitute,  although  we 
jre  unable  to  suggest  a  better.--  Zitemy 

Ami>  all  the  names  of  those  noble 
British  her^  in  India  whose  deeds  of 
valour  have  done  high  honour  to  our  arms 
m  that  land   there  is  none  shine   more 

HavSS    ^""    '^    ''""'   ''   ^«"«'^I 
Ho  was  bom  in  1795,  at  Bishop  Wear- 
mou  h.  Sunderland.     His  father  wa^  a 
gentleman,  whose  ancestors  had  lon^  re 
sided  at  Grimsby.  Lincolnshire,  anSVho 
had  secured  an  independence  by  com! 
merco  and  shipbuilding,  at   Suncferland. 
Ingress-park,  near  Dartford,  in  Kent,  be- 
came  his  fathef.  residence  by.  purcha^. 
?iii".  T*'^'^''  descended  from  the  famUv 
of  Ettric^  which,  for  generations  had  re- 
sided  at  High  Barnes. 

af  St?  5*^?°^^'  tlie  son,  was  educated 
at  the  Charterhouse,  London.  His  father's 
fortunes  having  declined,  the  estate  of ' 
Ingress-park  was  sold  to  Government  in 
inid,  and  Henry  waa  entered  to  be  a 
awyer  of  the  Middle-temple.  He  attended 
the  lectures  of  Chitty.  the  eminent  specia 
pleader  along  with  the  late  Sir  Thoman 
Talfourd      William  Hayelock,  his  elder 
brother  had  distinguished  himself  in  the 
wars  of  the  Iberian  Peninsula,  and  at 
Waterloo;  and  Henry,  in  accordance  with 
the  penchant  of  his  relatives,  endeavoured 
through  his  brother's  interest,  to  obtain  a 
commission  in  the  army. 

hof?r'*^*?,*'?^*'f^'^"®'"^™t'>  after  the 
battle  of  Waterloo,  was  accordingly  ap- 
point^ to  a  commission  in  the  Rifle 
IJrigade  (95thregiment),  where  he  received 

rJft!!!!  T  *.f  ^""'^^  ^'^»*«^  by  Captain 
(afterwards  General)  Sir  Henry  Smith, 
the  conqueror  of  the  Sikhs  at  Aliwal! 
Uur  hero  now  served  for  eight  years  in 
each  of  the  three  kingdoms  ^and  at  last! 
exchanging  his  commission  for  one  in  the 


5T,  Ys9?  S®  fi^-st  Burmese  war  broke  out 
m  1824,  Henry  Havelock  was  appointed 
Deputy  Assistant-Adjutant- General,  and 
was  present  at  the  actions  which  took 
ml  f?*P"^'^'  Pantanago,  andPaghau.. 
When  this  war  ended,  he  wa^  associated 
with  Captam  Lumsdeu  and  Dr.  Knox,  m 

I : 


those  noble 
xse  deeds  of 
to  our  arms 
shine  more 
of   General 

ishop  Wear- 
ther  was  a 
ad  long  re- 
re,  and  who 
e  by  com- 
I  Kent,  be- 
^  purchase; 
the  family 
ins  hadre- 

is  educated 
lis  father's 
!  estate  of 
nunent  in 
I  to  be  a 
e  attended 
mt  special 
ir  Thomas 
his  elder 
lelf  in  the 
1,  and  at 
)  obtain  a 

■a  Jnisflion  to  the  court  of  Av«  ^         7~ 
the  capital  of  the  Burmp-l  ^    ~^'"'"^'"'^ 

In%he  followht^';:;;l*tbrTi'l'• 
«Hi8tory    of  tb/TL   n^  ^'•''^^^  '*»e 

which  ^'o  cornZte1^l,^;Sr^\t- 
transactions  of  the  war       Uli        '^"^ 
year  he  recoive^i  the  an««-  /     ^^"^  **™« 
jutantof  the  MUitary  Et"at"c?  "'^J" 
formed  there  by  Lord  Sh      ^*>^™«rah, 
after  this,  he  maSn^    ™®'"^-    ^"^ 
ter  of  the  lal  Cv   n '  T"°g^«t  d«ugh- 
tist  MissionL  at*  sL^""^''"*".  Bap. 
breaking,  up^  tho  ^rw     ^''^'    «"  the 

rnent.HteU%eturnedTo5?^  ''*?^^^'^- 

He  afterwards  Went  to  r-,!.""^^"*""*^- 

the  examination  in  th^  l^n    "**"'  ^^'^ 

•college  there  and  wa!,      ^^"^"agres  at  the 

William  StrnckAS-^'^PT*'/  ^^  ^^'^ 

then  under  theSnfal/nf  ^''  ''''P'' 

as  atr;tr,^r,^^^^^^^^^^    y- 

a  company  i^  1838  H  Pf""^^^'^^  to 
panied  the  army  collected  f^r  f^^"  '*'^'^.'"- 
of  Affrhanistan,"^on  the  s  7ff  ^^  T^'""'' 
SirWillou^hbvCotton    w  "^  ^'■'"«''«1 

the  Afgbxn  campaign  alfn  ''''''^  "''■°"^^' 
the  stormino.  of  r^  '         "^"^  P^^^nt  at; 

pation  of  clbul     He"th  '"'."'^  «^«"- 
Indiawith  the  ftpn?  ,  ?^". ''^*"^"^d  to 

ieave  to  visil^^S.^^^^^  "i^'^'^^f 

prepared  a  "Memoir  of  thrAfoJ^?'^' 
Paign,"  which   was  nrhifp/ -^  r"  ^^™- 

Having  returned  t^  t^e  Putab  in  T*"'"- 
of  a  detachmpnf    u        ^'^^l^o  m  charge 

Havelock   was  m^Jl  '     ±  . 

Tezeen,  and  at  all  fh^  '  ^^^  "^^O"  at 
British  forcelill  tt  ^'^T'"""*«  ^^  the 
He  had  ?n  eon    n  ?•  ^  '^^^"^^^  Jelalabad. 


April.  1842,  wL^va^T'*-"^  '^^^*''  ^'^ 
raise  the  sie^e  Hp  I  ^^•^"/'O'npelled  to 
column,  aydeftated7r^^  *^«  "^^t 
the  other  columns  Im^  '"''™^  ^^^o*"® 
assistance  For  f h-  "'?  ^•'™*'  to  hi. 
™oted?oaBreviM'-  T''"  •>«  ^««  P^ 
panionship  ofTeft"\r  *^^''«^«"»- 
pointedpLian  interpr;tert  S  p'n  "l 

M'Caskill's  force  and  Si'*^  .^''    '^°'"» 

wS^^^hl^t^  ^*"'-^-  o^^S^y 

In^tfufceefeir/tr  ^^^^^^ea" 
to  a  Regimental  M«f«%  "^^^  promoted 
P.  rsian^iSifrTn  n^'  «»d  appointed 
(afterwards  vrseti.°«^fr^  Sir  H"gh 
in-Chief.         '^^o»°t}  Gough,  commander- 

Towards  the  end  of  lS<iq  w      i    , 
companied  the  BwhI  ^     '  ^a^«lock  ac 

'•revet  tolheTa„k  of  n!f    P'-'''"!^^    b/ 
In   IRJ.!^    I  ^  °'  ^'^utenant-Colonpf 

'"■4    o  m  tt^rf  ■■  ."'"■  "•«  WtUh 
«..<i  he  w  "  it-vS;""""",  Pf  ">e  Sikh., 

ofthecampaicrnon  t>,oy\i  •  f  "®  ®"<J 
tj>e  «PPoinLf„t""'o  *"i,^"^,«;'  \^  -f  vf 
General  of  the  OuPPn'^f  ^  "^  Adjutant- 
On  the  brealdr?.  out  of"T'  ''  ^""^"^• 
«''tl>  the  Sik  s  ?1  r.  f.'"''''"'^  "^^^ 
WiHiam  Havelock  ^  i^T^^'r    Colonel 

tion  at  Ranmugi  in  1848     n   ''^.^  '^«- 
own  regiment  H.p  ^q  V  ^-    ^»'"  Zero's 

and  ho  retur^el^aj^r""™'"'^ 
to  wffer,  an"  h^'  tt  Si'^';  "»  "««» 





K:.  I  5    'iV   ill, 


I. , 

for  two  years,  for  the  restoration  of  his 
health.   In  1861,  he  returned  to  Bombay, 
and  was  soon  after  made  Brevet-Colonel 
and  appointed  Quartcrinaster-General  and 
then  A^'utant-General  of  the    Queen's 
troops  in  India.    These  appointments  he 
owed  to  Lord  Hardinge,  at  whose  side  he 
had  fought  in  the  three  battles  of  the 
Sutlej  campaign.     In  the  expedition  to 
l^ersia,  he  was   appointed  to  the  second 
dmsion,  and  commanded  the  troops  at 
Mohammerah;  but  the  glory  of  the  ac 
tion  at  this  place  was  due  to  the  naval 
force.    He  returned  to  Bombay  at  the 
conclusion  of  the,  peace  with  Persia,  and 
embarked  in  the  Urin  for  Calcutta;  but 
he  was  wrecked  in  April  last,  off  the  coast 
ot  Ceylon.     Five  days  afterwards  he  ob- 
Gained  a  passage  in  the  Fire  Queen,  and 
on  reaching  Calcutta  he  was  sent  up  to 
Alhihabad  as  Brigadier-General,  to  com- 
mand the  moveable  column,  with  which 
he  has  at  last,  in  four  decisive  actions 
defeated  t^e  Mahratta  fiend,  Nena  Sahib 
Before  the  action  at  Futtehpore  com- 
menced, General  Havelock  thus  addressed 
the    78th     Regiment:- "Highlanders, 
when  we  were  going  to  Mohammerah. 
I  promised  you  a  field-day.    I  could  not 
give  it  you  then,  as  the  Persians  ran  awav  • 
but  Highlanders,  we  will  have  it  to-day 
and  let  them  see  what  you  are  made  of' 
Here  they  routed  the  enemy,  and  took 
twelve  guns.    In  the  action  at  Cawnpore. 
on  the  16th  of  July,  1857,  the  enemy,- 
13  000  strong,  with  six  guns,  and  Nena 
feahib  at  their  head— were  defeated  bv 
u    P^^^^^l',  y^^^  ^'3^  Europeans,  and 
f°l^  li?.^'^^'-   ^^^"^  *^«  tattle,  h^  said 
to  the  78th,-«  Highlanders,  I  ha^e  been 
m  fights,  and  I  never  saw  a 
regiment  behave  better.    I  will  say  more  • 
1  never  saw  a  regiment  behave  so  well  " 
Ihe  account  of  what  he  saw  when  tie  took 
possession  of  Cawnpore  cannot  be  read 
without  the  deepest  feelings  of  indigna- 
tion  and  horror.    General  Havelock's  force 
had.  in  eight  days,  marched  126  miles, 
tought  four  battles  with  Nena  Sahib's 
army  against  overwhelming  odds  in  point 
ot  numbers,  and  taken  twenty-four  guns, 
all  in  the  month  of  July  in  India  ' 

The  progress  of  the  General  to  Bhitoor 
(which  was  found  burned  to  the  ground) 

led  to  the  conclusion  that  Nena  Sahib  h^A 
been  so  conipletely  deserted  and  defeated 
that  he  had  committed  suicide  J  but  tW» 
has  not  been  confirmed. 
A  correspondent  of  the  Timet  writes  • 

fi,'     *t?r  ^°'"'"  ^^®  General  for  more 
than  thirty  years,  most  intimately,  and 
«in  say  with  confidence  that  he  has  neTer 
baptized  anyone;  neither,  in  the  strict 
professional  sense  of  the  word  can  he  be 
wid  to  have  '.preached.'    When  he  em! 
barked  for  Burmah  in  1824.  in  company 
with  his  regiment,  his  Majesty's  13th 
*oot,  he  was  in  the  habit  of  assemblimr 
as  many  as  could  be  prevailed  on  to  attend 
for  devotional  exercises,  and  he  occasion- 
ally  expkmed  the    Scriptures  to  them 
m  a  brief  address.    They  were  allowed  to 
assemble  at  the  great  Shoey  Dagoon  pa. 
goda,  the  glory  of  Rangoon,  and  therein 
a  chamber  fiUed  with  the  cross-leeged 
images  of  Buddha,  might  be  seen  little 
Native  lamps  placed  in  the  lap  of  the 
images,  and  one  hundred  and  more  of  the 
soldiers  of  the  13th  around  Lieutenant 
Havelock.  singing  the  praises  of  the  livinir 
and  true  God.    Independently  of  the  r^ 
hgious  benefit  of  these  services,  it  was  a 
most  desirable  object  to  keep  these  men 
trom  licentious  indulgences  in  a  conquered 
town  by  the  strength  of  Christian  prin- 
ciple.    They  used  to  be  called  '  Havelock's 
bamts;    and  the   General-in-Chief,  Sir 
Archibald  Campbell,  on  one  occasion  of  a 
sudd^  alarm  at  Prome,  at  night,  finding 
It  difficult  to  collect  speedily  a  suflScient 
body  of  soldiers,  ordered  the  officer  to  caU 
out  'Havelock's  Saints;'  'I  can  always/ 
said  he.  'depend  on  them-.    They,  at  all 
events,  are  sober  and  ready  for  duty,' 

When  he  returned  to  regimental'dnfy 
he  continued  to  attend  to  the  religious 
and  moral  wants  of  his  Company  with 
conscientious  care,  and  assembled  them 
as  opportunity  offered,  for  religious  ser- 
^  vices.    Of  course  some  were  displeased 
with  these  *  non-military  proceedings,  as 
they  were  called,  and  various  communi. 
cations  adverse  to  him  were  made  to  the 
Commander-in-Chief,  Lord  William  Ben- 
tmck,  and  he  was  described  as  a  strait- 
weed  saint,  a  Dissenter,   and  withal  a 
Baptist.    Soon  after  the  Adjutancy  of  the 
coi-ps  became   vacant,    and  Lieutenant 



1.  Whe 

down  on 

parlour  eai 

— visit  yoii 

country — r 

j)oor,  and 

self,  in  ord 

better  theii 

2.  When 

mmler  the 

any  cold  n 

bread,  or  m 

which  woul( 

a  hungry  faj 

3.  When  J 

'•nd  wardrol 

see  if  you  ca: 

coat,  a  coat, 

waistcoat,  oi 

wherewith  t( 

4.  When  ; 

the  poor,  and 

chairs,  a  pan. 

bv*  :,  > 


it  Nena  Sahib  had 
rted  and  defeated 
Buicidej  but  thia 

e  Timet  writes : 
General  for  more 
b  intimately,  and 
that  he  ha«  never 
ler,  in  the  strict 
>  word  can  he  be 
'  WTien  he  em- 
824,  in  company 

Majesty's  13th 
iit  of  assembling 
tiled  on  to  attend 
and  he  occasion- 
ptures  to  them 

were  allowed  to 
loey  Dagoon  pa. 
)n,  and  there,  in 
he  cross-legged 
t  be  seen  little 

the  lap  of  the 
*nd  more  of  the 
ind  Lieutenant 
ses  of  the  living 
mtly  of  the  re- 
jrvices,  it  was  a 
keep  these  men 
3  in  a  conquered 
Christian  prin- 
ed  '  Havelock's 
d-in-Chief,  Sir 
le  occasion  of  a 

night,  finding 
lily  a  suflScient 
e  officer  to  call 
I  can  always,' 
.    They,  at  all 

for  duty,' 
I  the  religious 
Company  with 
sembled  them 

religious  ser- 
}re  displeased 
roceedings,  as 
JUS  communi' 
e  made  to  the 
William  Ben. 
1  as  a  strait' 
ihd  withal  a 
utancy  of  the 
I  Lieutenant 

Havelock  wa«  a  candidate'for  it,  and"^ 
strenuous  efforts  were  made  to  premithU 
nommation.  Mrs.  HaveWb  „!  v  " 
pened  to  beat  sSkmZlt  ,L  '''*°  ^^P" 
b'eing  then  in  t^Trth' W^'tS 
on  Lord  William  to  Xh?^'       *  *®*^ 

jnent     He -id  he  tXtt  gtXt 
till  the  next  day    On  lioi.  /.„ii-  ^^Pv 

for  a  biindle  of  letter,  .lout  her  hud 


Majesty's  service.     I  will  alan  5!^ 
therepjy  to  these  attZ^ks  f  tl^rlt Jrn 
which  I  have  ordered  of  the  8tat«  nf  .f- 



%^4l"e™"^'"^-  '^>Eve,y 

setf  m  order  to  afford  them  relief   /?. 
better  their  condition.  '  ""'^  ^ 

Jmi^^Z  ^°"  »°  ^^  ^^^  pantiy-r^. 
■memoer  the  poor,  and  loot  if  ^\.i  i. 
any  cold  meat  u  ij+ii  i.  *"®'*®  ^ 
hread,  or  mX  which  t  ^"'^"'  ^"'*«^' 
which  woKe£V°^r?  '^r'  ^^•i 
"  hungry  fa„.5r  '  °^  "^^"^ 

«ee  if  you  cannot  pi^k  up^  Z^^^'''  •1'* 
coat,  a  coat  a  nair  of  »Li,-  '  *  ^*^8*- 
-aistcoat,  Vfometw^S/frr  f 

ohaxrs.  a  pan,  a  bedstead,  aToo^t  s'omeT 

thing  else  that  you  can  hi,v  ^ T 

order  to  help  some  destltLT  m'^P'  "^ 

house  has  beJn  b^oke^u  *?£tIrK  ^^  **»"«« 

5.  When  you  have  ^«h''°''»'*P**^«rty 

idle,  ren^fnbl  trL^^^'Z  "^"^?^ 
whether  it  mieht  not ^    ^  ^consider 

lSw.r^,'ssj^o„t5^  ™s! 

how  they  live  anrf  1  *"?^''  ""^  ««?« 
their  ea^ninS  aJd  tt^''  'T^'«  ^°t« 
theirfamiliS^xJJli^touTi?  '***«  ''' 
be  in  great  danger  KLSJ^^^^^  ^"^ 
^  9.  When  you  ta?e  stSjf  S  S'l*^"- 


atl'dlsS.?^™^^:'  -^^-  *«ken  up 
tastes  salt,  nauseous,  and  fitff^^ 
by  keeping :  it  pnnf«;r.»    "^^^^"^i  "  punfics 
Great  Britain,  S  oni?°".*^'  ""'^«*«  °f 
one  thirty-eShSHf  Talt  *Thr'^^^*^  *^ 
lately  examined  byavervai?    f\^ater 
meter,  two  succesX^  If  ^  accurate  hydro- 
is  to  SistilleTSr  as  S  ."*  .V^^^^     ' 
ho  ds  in  solution  a   thffiiSh '^^*^'d 
sahne  matter.    The  niS-  ^*^  fi^"^'   of 
sea  water  dep;nd8  in  S^""®  ^"^^t^es  of 
the  muriatefiesia  :tl«*/».oasure  "pou 

a  neutral  substance  fonlfS^'."''  "^^""^  i^ 
the  earth  of  ^"^1™/ °«t"rd^^ 

salt,  and  whicKvJs'  sTa  w«f  ^'l**  ^^  ^'^^^ 
taste;  the  other  klSpn^lf'^**®''  '*«  fitter 
common  cul  nL  saft  S"^  ^^^  ''biellv 
proportion  of  selS  ealt        *  ^«^y  smafl 




♦  '■^/^e.-L-  «4 ,  .""■ 

.iW.i.l.  Ifi 

jewelry,  ami  a  clear  keen-bracing  atmoRphore  and 
a  joyous  c hime,  like  the  «onjr  of  au  ungel  ohoir  - 
Hinging  ot  the  new  birth,  of  the  great  nsurree  L 
and  of  death  «svuil„wed  up  in,V?  To  ot  u! 
be  We  niourn  for  the  fViend  d..p  ..-ted,  bu  not 
as  thoio  who  nmurn  without  hope"  we  gH "vefor 
opportunities  of  good  neKleeted,  and  bloihrs  and 
privileges  rejected  or  misused  ;  W.  pra/for  fo^vfv-- 
nessot  past  su.s,  both  of.miission  arulcommi  ,C 
and  we  res.,lve  to  do  better  for  the  hi  ,  ™     i"ut 

frrl^  ?^  December,  HO  called  by  the  lioinnifs 
from  d«cm  ten.  it  being  the  tenth  month  i.  tl  e  r 
calendar:  and  xnider-monath,  „r  winter-nioi  th  1  v 
the  Saxons,  who,  after  they'  had  receiml  Chr  ^^ 
tmnity,  named  it  A«/.>A,  or  holy  nmnth     >,   erJ 

fonr^f  ^^r  T',*  *'«  e^Pfessed  with  a  horrid"  nd 
fearful  aspect,  clad  in  Irish  rugffe.or  coaise  tWe7P 
girt  upon  him:  instead  of  «  garlaiTupon  hu" 
Head,  three  or  four  "ight-eapsfwith  a  Ckish 

W«  '.r  "*?/  "^'^Pl'"^  ^°  l^e^tion  the  propriety  of 

the  portrait  drawn  by  Spenser .—  i'^ceea  to 

vJ^IT!!  ^^'^1  "^*'  *''^  chill  December. 

Yet  he,  through  merry  feasting  which  he  mado 

And  great  bontires  did  not  thicold  remember  ^ 

^tl^^^T^  '"u'**'  «°  '"'^"h  his  mind  didS' 
Upon  a  shMggy  bearded  goat  he  rode,         *■ 
The  same  wherewith  Dan  Jove,  in  tender  vean, 

I^S^i^^T  "."""u'''^'^  ^^  the  tean  mdd:       ' 
And  in  his  hand  a  broad  deep  bowl  he  bears 
Of  which  he  freely  drinks  a  he^alth  to  all  Ws  peers  " 
.  With  Phillips  this  is  altogether  a  month  of  mAr 
riment  and  easting,  andhis  emblemaUcKr^nd 
i8. woven  of  the  "glossy  foliage  of  the  ivv  Tnter 
mixed  with  itsvermilioi  berifes,  trZ  t,Te'ce„.4" 

S™  1;  tl-  ^'T  '"•memorial  it  has  been  the 
custom  m  this  country  to  decorate  the  churches 
and  houses  at  Christmas  with  wrcHths  and  branches 
of  evergreens;  and  still,  at  this  festive  season  when 
we  meet  to  celebrate  the  birth  of  the  sKir  of 
"nJ'*' *L"^t^':*"i^^'"'"'^«  charm  the  eye, 
0  er  the  bright  holly's  gay  greeu  leaves." 

KBAix  dull  Docomber  in  hn™      f..< 

the    twelve-act    drama    whtoT;  we    ha^^'""  '" 
more  witnessed.    The    pall  beared  of  thVv"'* 
J>a»  eorae,  the   funeml-Sear  1.  read,  an^l^h" 
bare  tree,  stand  around  iTke  mournm  awai.ln^'' 
Iho  interment.     What   shall  it  i,oS!^'  '"?^"  ""!< 
Bheotof  fog.  and  rSnj'i^VSl^f  :^3l- 
mZZ  "'.^c'-ohanK'n?  forms,  with  ^01^ 
muffled  bel  s  and  a  leaden  pall  over  all   wei„h 
'ng  the  spirits  down  to  the  very  vera^o  7.1,1 
grave:  or  of  driven  snow  pure  and  spot'^Ls'wfh^ 
an  azure  arch  above,  and  a  wreath  of  nuture's 

I  heiiti''^'fll.!''"r  ^^"^V"  '''"'''"'^  "^'■".""d  ^varm 
jneartg  within,  for  without,  all  is  as  dead'  nni 

&dr'""'i''  °°  laugh  of  merr/tabourerS 
the  helds.  1,0  pU-asant  sounds  of  ruraloccupaiio  is 
s^«?.inf  M^"""'-  ^"J  "  ""'«•  "«arly  nuspended  m^' 
8ong  of  birds:  no  buHy  hum  of  Insect  life.  PcrViaJs 

"Humphrey  with  his  fl^iil" 

S,'j?n"'"^'^r"'"'"P-"'umping  away  upon  the 
bar  ,. floor,  if  "mea.tcr-  has  not  already  sent  hL 
pam  to  market  and  turned  it  into  n^i.  aifi 
threghin  machines,"  which  the  said  HumiVlm.v 
cannot  abear."  The  dormouse,  like  a  w™e  ,.„' 
Iruped,  IS  now  asleep  in  his  snug  retreat    and'  hn" 

lo  ,.l.nn     iT  ,.HaPPy  creature  I  no  chilblains 
bill.tnoiSng'^  "^^•''"^f-!  noChristn^- 
And  the  flowers  are  all  gone  too;  not  asinH^ 
blossom  to  be  seen  in,  field  or  woodland  *K 

Ts^Ka  °^  "  ^'"«?"°"''  nalurTthc  Chri  ?mS 
Thev  ;^P  f """'  'T''^  **P?ncl8its  pallid  l.lossoms 
I  hey  are  cone-nirgo^e;  and  we  mourn  their  lo"s 
cfeif  r-'  ''""*"  ^'">*  ■'  **  but  f»r  a  t  me,  and  we 
cherish  their  memory  as  thatofdear  friends.sajiirg! 
Winter,  let  thy  winding-sheet. 

All  unsullied  as  should  be 

Covering  for  ihings  so  sweet. 

*all  upon  them  tenderly; 

T<S  l{l*"^."i"'/  cerements  white. 
Let  thy  bird,  the  Robin,  sinjr 

Til  ft™  '!"■?"»''  *he  boreal  niKht. 
w  1      "®  gladsome  voice  of  spi  inj? 
Wakes  once  more  the  lovely  flowers, 
10  adorn  the  meads  and  bowers. 

Come  December,  drear  and  chill 
T  ^M^^  '*i'''  blasts  sweep  around, 
liet  them  chant  a  requiem  shrill 

*  or  the  fair  things  ^nder  ground  i 
Build  a  cenotaph  of  ice 

7WW  "li^l'stcning  >n  the  sun. 
Decked  with  many  a  rare  device, 
.. /V'J*'  l^*.  *he  inscription  run— 
Out  of  sight  the  lovely  flowers 
wait  the  resurrection  hours." 
There  they  lie  enwrapped  in  sleep 
bheltered  from  inclement  skies. 
«r  *"T  'c*  "<'  mourner  keep 
Watch  with  tear-distillinir  eyes- 
Speak  not  of  them  as  thing!  dead— 

Fled  for  ever,  lost  and  gone. 
Stem  and  leaf  are  perished 

But  the  root  still  liveth  on. 
And  again  in  genial  hours. 
Up  Will  apriug  the  lovely  flowora. 

i"-lMt  «oone  In 
wo   have  one* 
'Per   of  the  year 
ready,  and  the 
urnem,  awnitln^r 
he?  a  windlDff. 
full  of  phantom 
.  with  a  toll  of 
over  all,  weiRh- 
ry  ver^o  of  the 
id  spot  lc'88,  with 
;ath  of  nature's 

(ircH,  and  warm 
B  aa  dead'  and 
rry  labourern  in 
ral  occiipaliotis 
Kuspended;  no' 
Jtlife.  Perhaps 


<Ioor  life  of  a  hannv  L    •,  ^''"^""^"^  '»■ 
tranquility,  the  bSn J  n,^'V'-     ^  ^'^^^t 

und  cannot  be  bought  wi^^t™"'''^" 


it8  mother's  lap  anST^      ""*"'**  «•*«  i° 

the  bowl  whiASrto^ftr^'ij:  "^«^ 
both  hands  ThoTi?  *^?^"*'»  «•'<* 
the  snow-whi  Jlai^?  «?'!5'^"'«'-  ''ith 
Margery  re^U.t3LtS  1^  k*^**?"* 
l^ook,  and  the  dm-Zf?  *?*"**'' ""ho"!- 
-ore  than  ifne^yC  j?l*  ^S**^  "«* 
well  throteh  theSj  L*!^.*""  '^^^e 
Bhe  raisedlfer  ev^i'ifl,     '^r*'  1"*«*'«'» 

trustful  lookranrfSCVtffi"/ 
so  reverently  thnf  f^„  ,T^""®"''nds 

laughed  Sin  him  f^^^^*^**'^''^  h«"rt 
darling.         ""  ^"'"'  ^""^  ^'^ery  was  hiB 

come  into  it:    go  mv   „^^    ?•   *  ^^''^  ^o" 
the  grandfather  beg^a'f.-!"'''*^""'"    ^"^ 

the'vmage'a^L^n^'^"^"^^•l  ^-^«in 
«nu  °  *"'  named  Mever" 


the'll'^^hS/J-;  "  ''^«  «^-«  «« 
you,  so-still .  And  ff/'^^"'"^  ^'^  t'^" 
to-do,  for  he  W..7  n  '  ^'^'^  ^««  «^e" 
«nd  had  laid  Ta  S'  S'  "  '""^  ^'^"». 
^ollars;  but  hi7greSt  tt:?  "'  '^"^^^^^ 
dear  and  e-onrl   .1/1!     ^^^^easure  was  a 

-daughte'Xuicanl^^  ■^'^''^  '^'^^ 
^  your  umt£_^Lr/*''''  '^'  '^"^^ 
jears  old,  two  vln?  "^^^  ^'^^<^^«" 
living  in  the  viHn  ^  ^^"  '^^''^  ^'^en 
AntoVthe  othefeni^       -''"'  "^^^^ 

Waok  bair'aTSS''  '"^""  «^  ^^^ 
Antony  was  the  son  of  a  poor  widow; 




nothing  but   vhTi.        ', ,  ^"*  1»«  liad 

two  baSdranfa  or  ^Vo'ld'  ?/"  "'^'^  '"'« 
ho  was  obliKod  to  n5,    ''*  f^^^ge*  which 

f  ther.     I«|„,fry  wis  S"*^'  '  "^"  "^*«- 
duatrioM  he  *''«  ^''"''l ;  «nd  in- 

"'^tfai,.  tr„':jk:t.nifrsr'-'-*? 

mother  easy  and  c«,nfortaWe       ^'"  "^^'^ 

anothTr^:;!  1w,f  r,  ?°^^'  ^"^  - 
have  been  /UooTiS  f  \  ""«'*'  *« 
wtoderft,!  band  W  ru    ^"''  '''^  ^^""^te  a 

things,. fcnt  fcp,rj«.;    :    ^°  *"®d  '"any 

forester,  went  fd  7Sd  7  '  ^'i"''  " 
a  little  whUe.  No  on?!?  ^^.^*^  ^"^J'  ^"^ 
nor  how  h^Ld     S     ^"«^»^^»'at  he  did, 

in  the  connWuttirSrV'^^^here 

him  by  his   Srn,,f       ^'"''^  ^'''""^  '«ft  to 

town  ihe  e  Cd  1:i/°'"^^""««  "^  the 

-ithwhom  he  hadirr  V''^'^^' 
worked,  and  vet  win?  ,    1,  ,    ^e  never 

I  afte?  the  manner  5^*1,^''^  «*"«"««» 
would  be  tX 'her  '"^^'^  P'^^P^^-  He 
pretty  she  wt  Lt '^rr^  """"'«  ^°^ 
handsomer  madden  and  .I^f  If^''  "'«"  ^ 
other  in  the  JirW  whl  "^  *''"''«  ^««  "<> 
Of  marri«r    1  ^^homho  would  marry 

fear    MaSl^  °Tf  •  "'■'  ^^'^''^  ^vas7o' 
scarcely  Se„'dtrb-'"f  "' allforFrai,k! 

always VeX?.ter  ttT  ^"^ 
know  who  it  was  th..f  Ii  %• ,  ,  '^  ^"^  ^^n 

was  Antony,  wLilid?  'Y  '""'^^  " 
free  and  opSl'  „  tS.  • '' r^^""*^  «"« 
as  my  MaiVry  ^"'"^  J"«*  ^^^  same 

now  saw  him  su^h  a  t,  i  '1 "'''  "^  ^^^e 
fellow,  so  it  wriatumr^J^^r^-?^'"''^'^ 
him  still  mom  It  afi  ^  '^T^^  ^°^« 
would  have^onn  fi.  ^  "fT^"*  Antony 
for  her  slke^"  R  if  Tg^»  ^^'^  ""^  water 
spoke  not'of-t.  ^tyT^J''  Y  '^^^ 

sorr^.     The  best  way  would 




r.     ,  m 

have  been  for  him  some  fine  morning 
there  outside  under  the  linden  tree  to 
have  laid  their  hands  one  in  the  other  and 
said,  Antony  you  are  a  brave  feUow: 
here  take  the  dearest  object  I  possess  in 
tJie  world — my  daughter !" 

But  he  did  not  say  this,  for  Antonv 
was  as  poor  as  a  church-mouse,  and  that 
was  an  objection  which  Meyer  could  not 
got  over.  No  doubt  it  is  a  comfortable 
thing  to  have  plenty  of  money,  but  no 
one  should  love  it  too  well,  for  to-dav  it 
IS  here,  to-morrow  there.    It  is  neither  a 

S  HM^r  "'^'^'  "•*'•  ^  '»«"fc  before 
;  ••  ^,P^?i^P''  now-a-days  values  an 
upright  and  faithful  heart  above  dl  gold  • 
but  then,  before  he  had  learned  the  true 
worth  of  a  man,  he  thought  otherwise. 

It  was  mdeed  an  anxious  time;  people 
lived  as  though  a  thunderstorm  darkened 
the   sky,  and  they  could  scarcely  draw 
breath  for  the  sultry  air.    Thunder  came 
at  last-war  thunder:   the  enemy  broke 
into  the  land,  and  fiir  and  wide  terrible 
things  were  spoken  of.    In  one  place  they 
had  plundered,  in  another    they  drove 
away   the   cattle,    burnt    down   liouses, 
ravaged  the  helds.   and    ill-treated  the 
inhabitants     Our  village  was  for  a  time 
imdisturbed,  although  all  lived  in  fear 
and  terror;  wherever  you  went  you  saw 

uiixi^ius  faces,  each  one  was  deeply  con 
cerucd  for  his  own  safetv     Thpv  Lf 

in  the  moniing  mied  iSUut:^  peT 
tation  and  timid  and  trembling  weK 
bed  at  n  ght.      How  could  tW  "w 
quietly  when  they  feared  every  ^minu 
to  be  wakened  by  an  alarm  of^robberv 

ttirtat;  '''''  ^°"«^«  ^-*  «^^- 
At  that  time  black  Frank  was  absent 
oftener  than  usual,  and  when  he  came 
home  he  clinked  money  in  his  pocket  and 
laughed  at  the  neighoVs'  akTght  nJ 
one  knew  what  to  think  of  hinf.  Some 
said  his  r  >„sin  the  broker,  employed  hha 
at  al  sorts  of  business,  by  which  t  p 
knowing  fellow  made  mon^  Tfa  t  a 

SS-    «*h«™  thought  he  hJd  taken  to 
bad  ways  and  was  a  spy. 

to  hlL^r'  '^\  °^*^^"»-     "  "  ea«5er 
to  injure  a  man's  character,  than  to  make 

It  clear  and  sound  again  in  the  eyes  of 

must  be  prudent.  Just  at  that  very  time 
while  he  was  thinking  about  Frank,  the 
young  man  came  in  and  said  he  had  long 
wished  to  speak  out  on  a  matter  that  lav 
on  his  heart:  he  loved  Meyer's  daughter 
Mane  and  wanted  to  marry  her 

nhlff'-^'%'"*P^'^'*  .^^y^*"'   "you  choose 
a  bad  time  for  marrying. 


"I  don't  think  an"  „»         "T" ' 

"it  ;«  .  *'.^      1  '     «"»wt'red  Frank 

mono,,"  he  .ddej  bo„,tfi,nv        ,"""'  "' 
llio  hard  dollar  pi«M  ^'  '"''  '"■^'"> 

f>lT"'LVTMe;r'^  "'-''«*■'■ 

He  noflded  hlg  head    anrl  i-      i     . 
turned  red.   for  he  Baw  wV ll.-f 'f^ 
answer  would  not  be  in  hi  Jalt"**''^ 
doesUloToVr'^'  ^'^''^  -y  daughter 

HalXhfnr  ''*  ''^  ''^'  '*"^"'^'  ^"^ 

"And  if  she  did  love  vou  "  nnn*- 
^«yer.  "I  should  first  w^ntfoT""^'' 
what  way  vou  rnml  I  *° ''"O"'  '« 

without  wo?k  S'tY  ^,T  '"^"^y- 

know  that  ev^ry  Snv tr'l  ^^^-'^e  to 
was  fairly  and  ^hS  .^  ^"''^  y""  «Pend 
stain  upon  i?"         ""'"^  "''™«d.  and  no 

Frank  reto'rted  insolentlv—"  Tl,«. 
^ny  ways  of  making  inevwr 
wise  man  does  nnf  +„ii  iu     y*  ""t  the 
big  bell.    I  tn«  J.1.1"  the,n  all  to  the 

%  bell      I  hone  r  T  *»"«'"«»  to  the 
-eforathiefT  Jobg'^/^"  ^^'^'^  take 

M(;yer!'^?o?5'5fn?'k''^*'1'"  '^'^^^^ 
low ;  however  wi  D""^  T^'**  y«»  tbl- 
to  >ne  thlSes  t^^^JoS^^  7^'^*  " 
be  able  to  read  him  „i%  T^'^^^  »n»st 
gospel."  ™  "*  <^™^y  as  in  the 

-To"Xgtr>'^sl-n-f  ^'ve 
Ja.h/ng  eyes.  Kthe  ^ntt  f''' 
head  swelled  angrily  up  wiS  ^J"  ^?'*«- 
He  hardly  waited  tL   „  Passion. 

cried  in  ^ii7,age  « Yo^  Tu'''  ""^ 
tlmt,  as  surely  af'mv  nL  *"  "fP""* 
Frank.  Think^  upon  i?  .^T.  "  "*? 
rushed  forth.  ^"**  *^en  he 

Three  days  went  by-  Frank  hu^ 
nobody  knew  whither  ?« \5^  ^°"« 
night  about  eleven  oVinI  *^*'  ^''^ 
knocked  loudlyTn  th?iA  '^''^  °°« 
old  Meyer  spranrsuXl"**;?' S  V'^f 
and  cried.  "  Who's  there  ?»  ^^ 

enemy  will  bo  hor«     tk ' 

in  the  tnomin<r  ami  j*''"'*'  *«■  *  »»ttle 
I'art  of  them  i?;  Zt  i  "^  *''"  retreating, 
and  who  do  yo^,  thin  " " ^'  f  ''?'^'''  h^"'«^ 
Black  Fnink  H«  \thoir  guide  P-- 
broker  ar™  traitor  a""^'  ''-  *^°"-'"  the 
-old  thom.K,lv"rt„  U  T"'  ""^  '>*^« 
along  the  byc^  ,' ths  „l"f.  *^'''""i'-    ^  "n 



which  miXf  if«     •;.  "*''*  ''""^0  or  farm 

tor  and  Frank      « ivr„  •  ^  «  "  "»"gh- 

lettDher^staVr   ^''1  "«*  *»»»k  "J 

schemes  bLk^yrnk'm'Jr  ^°"?  "''•** 
I'eadP     It  was  on  fLf  ^  ^"*''*'  '"   W« 

desperately.   T'll  Lin"  T^""'  ^  ^'^  «« 
and  through  the  fori  J  ^'^  °^'''  "'«  ^ill 
at  Burgsd?rf .  hp/r     *?  ""^  «'*^  aunt's 
the  mS.  that  no  Z""  "  ''^  '"^^^"^  °° 
For  heaven'    sake    MLe^f  ^"r/^^'^'- 
^e :  I'l,  stake  myVf  ff  Lrl"^*  ^'«'  *« 
bed  as  soon  a    si  r'^J  '''''  ^^^  her 
and  ^toodMlfdrtellfr'^^^-^' 
opened  the  door.    Amfnfif  .^'*'"  *^*'»«'- 
Poing  on  in  the  timid  ^^  '*/""»»'«  ^«« 
ShecouH  not  bertr*^'"?  ^^"""»«- 
and  yet  the  thon^v,f    ^T"  ^«''  P^ent, 
with  terrfbl  aS/.*^'""^^  filled  her 
.three  daystf^KTaTf^  [^  -^en 
in  a  rage  he  met  haJT  •      *°®  bouse 
well,  ani  spoke  confidenr^.V^^."^  "^« 
next  time  I  come  ?t  wTu  t  ol?f'  *^« 
as  njy  wife ..  say  that  to  you?  fetW  i  '^'^^ 


lost,  and  that  made  the  sS  ^  V'"'"  *°  ^^^ 
parting  easier  ^  ""^  mournful 

Ht%trHow""/'^«  '1^^'  -on- 

The  tall  corn  gCmetrn.'"'*   P^^^"!-' 
gieamed  and  swayed  gentiy 



to  and  fro  liko  wuvm  of  rflver.  Mevor 
,  oould  follow  the  fti^itive*  with  hit  ey«  for 
ajftfttt  <liHtanc«  na  tliwy  fle«l  hiwtily  alonir 
th«  HclilpHtlm.  At  Iwit  thoy  dimippoarecl. 
()  I,  iorrow.  how  will  it  be  in  the  quiet 
village  ere  but  a  fow  lioum ;  i)oi  ImpH  tl.oHo 
who  lie  dea<l  under  the  wckkIoh  croMws  in 
the  churchyard  are  to  iw  envied  j 

Mario  and  Antony  iceeping  close  tojro- 
ther,     hMtened    on    witliout    Hpowkinff 
Ihey  were  near  the  hill  when  the  young 
girl  uttered  a  faint  cry  and  trembled  in 
every  limb;    she    saw  bayonets  gliiten 
although  aa  yet  far  ofl'.     •'  It  is  the  so'- 
diers,"  .aid  Antony,  "we  mnst  get  into 
the  forest  before  tliey  reaeh  the  crow,  for 
we  cannot  hide  here.     Lot  ua  go  a  little 
faster,  but  not  run,  so  n«  to  keep  up  our 
•trength."    At  length  thoy  had  passed 
the  lull ;  meantime  the  soldiers  had  come 
nearer  and  nearer,  and  unluckily  it  was 
M  light  08  day,  every  object  was  distinctly 
visible.     It  was  impossible  that  the  two 
could  reach  the  forest  undetected.    They 
heard   a  loud  call.      "  Now   or  never  i" 
whisporod  Antony,  and  dragged  Marie  on 
with  hnn.     Foar  quickened  their  steps 
and  they  mn  as  though  they  had  wings. 
1  wo  shots  were  llred,  but  fell  short:  and 
in  n  tew  minutes  the  fugitives  were  con- 
coaled  by  the  trees.     Yet  breathless  as 
they  were,  they  rested  not  until  thev  had 
penetrated  fur  into  the    thicket,  where 
pursuit  was  no  longer  to  be  dreaded 

Long  before  this  fatal  night  Meyer  had 
huned   his   money,  and    most    valuable 
property,  so  that  lie  had  nothing  further 
to  do  but  to  awaken  the  neighbours,  and 
provide  food  and  drink  for  tho  ter^^ified 
villagers,     whereby    to    keep    up    their 
courage  as  much  as  possible.     In  a  short 
time  every  one  was    afoot;    but  all  in 
terror,  alarm,  and  confusion.     Each  ran 
in  the  other's  way;  each  hurried  to  save 
and  hide  something,  whatever  he  could 
it  was  as  though  each  ono  thought  the 
soldiers  would  carry  off  all  the  household 
goods ;  beds  and  bedsteads,  chairs,  chests, 
ana  tables. 

Suddenly  the  rattle  and  roll  of  drums 
was  heard,  weapons  i!a.^  lu',  anH  the 
enemy  inarched  into  ':} .,  v  ,]  ve,  md  word 
was  given  for  every  lo  ,tav  quietly 
m-doors.    Presently  bi'.«3k  Prank  entered 

a  (itu 
in  in 

•  honse,     "Meyer."  he  said,  "now  it  1- 

tiostion  of  life  and  death.     Y„ur  ftt " 

my  ImtulH.     ()iv„  mo  y„„r  daughter 

and  no  harm  shall  \y»M  you."  ' 

•'  .She  is  not  here,"  wbm  the  answer. 

Not  here,"  he  crlofl.   "y„„  lie..  «i,o 

must  be  here.     Don't  parley  too  long,  old 

man;  one  way  or  the  other;   you  bavo 

no  time  to  deliberate.  I  muJt  know  It 

once."  "'' 

IIo   buiHt  open  the  door  of    Marie's 
(•lniiiil)er  :   tho  bed  was  empty.     "  It  ig  ,i 

•n     ''«  7'«l.«K«in.   ••«h«must  be  here 
I  11  find  her  ,f  I  neareh  every  corner  of 
the  bouse  and  every  house  in  the  villuKe 
A»d  you,  Meyer,  will  have  cause  to  re' 
member  this  night," 

Black  Frank  strode  away,  but  in  a  few 
mmutes  returned  with  a  party  o"  sol 
<l.ers:  "That  is  tho  richest  nmn  i„  the 
village,  he  said,  pointing  to  Meyer ;  "ho 
must  pay  for  all  tho  rest ;  don't  let  hi„. 

Then    the  uproar  began  :     "  Money 
money,"    was  their  cry.      Meyer  gave 
them  what  he  had,  but  it  was  not  much 
Ihey  were  not  in  the  least  satisfied,  and 
broke  open  every  closet    and  cofler.  to 
search  for  hidden  gold.     It  was  a  painful 
sight,  to  see  how  they  tore  overythinff 
out;  garments  and  household  linen  pre- 
pared as  part  of  Marie's  marriage  portion  • 
the  clothes  worn  by  her  mother  who  had  ' 
long  been  dead,  all  were  scattered  and 
trampled  under  foot.      Many  cherished 
memorials,  *hich  for  years  had  been  care- 
tully  preserved,  were  all  at  once  destroyed 
by  the  rude  handling  of  the  plunderers. 
It  cut  old  Meyer  to  the  heart;  yet  he 
was  obliged  to  bear  it  in  silence,  without 
uttering  a  word.     Tho  soldiern  flearohed 
every  corner,  but  found  nothin    >  u  li  u.ey 
wanted,  f(,r  the  money  had  bem  In-iefi 
long  before,  and  lay  in  the  g-u-'  ;a  nude, 
the  pear-tree. 

They  stormed  more  furiously  than  ever 
would  listen  to  no  remonstrance  or  per- 
suasion, and  acted  like  madmen.  Tliey 
snatched  Meyer's  watch  from  his  pocket 
tore  the  betrothal  ring  fVom  hfs  finger' 
pushed  him  about  with  the  stocks  of  their 
muskets,  and  demanded  a  large  sum  of 
money,  to  be  paid  down  there  and  then 
on  the  spot. 

"  now  it  ia 

Vour  fl»t« 

ir  ilHH^Iiter, 

»»  lie:  Mho 
"o  long,  old 
;  you  Imvo 
it  know  ttt 

of  Marie's 
.  "Iti«tt 
ist  be  liere. 
y  cornor  of 
the  village, 
iinw  to  re- 

»t  in  a  few 
•ty  of  sol. 
nan  in  the 
eycr;  "ho 
't  let  him 

Black   Frank   wna  „^^■  ~.       ' — ~~ 

■hratkia  iwonl. ,  ,„||i,.,,  ,,.7  7.*"  ""'Ii- 
»»'  liy   tli«  rmU.    1   1     1',","''"'"  hair 

V^n.     It  w,  s  Antony  who 
in»r  AI.iri«  ;»  „!•  i. 

rushed  In;  after  ^ia^-i"  7"  ""^  ""^  ''^o 
1'    l.«d  hurried   bS     V!«''"'!,'"  ."^"^^^ 

in  which  old  Meyor%,K.7r'"   •     '**"»'''* 

>va«  with  hi.n  tho  wor\Mtst:nf  "T; 
was  porhapH  ,i„t  nrud«Tit  hnf    r       ;  .  ^* 

Meyer.  Hoc  "  l>n      .'•""»  part.      "Floe, 
be  forced  to  tel   w?!  '  u\  ^J^^^  ^«"W 

all  ha  monev  fnr.  f k„         .  '^"'^^''»  to  offer 
lift     r  wi„M  ta""f  ■"■  A"to„^'a 

The  Dain  of  vf-  ^'"^^"'-'^  condition. 

the  Holdiern  snateh  un  their  fl.  1  ~i 

lairrv  forth  withnutl  , .,  "'^^''"*'l<«  «nd 
ft-rthcr  aiu f  he  r  """^  "♦f  the,n..|ve, 
-ttled  an.r  rolled  IS"'"-  l'"'"'" 
iK-aten-thero  wa/  n  T^  """""^  ^"^ 
i"g.  ordern  ^d  «uL^""T«f  •'"*  -^""t- 

~»ndthen^wai7'^!.,"";'  "/"«""•  i*  • 
..  tn«p.of  eavairv    a7  k      '^''^  *"«'I  "^ 

witWnl  "^  '"^  "•««>  l'«lpU». 


iWendi,.     '  ""'•"'""'^  h«">c.n,  they  were 

'langoro^     n" /•  '''"""""''•«'I  "ot  ^  bo 

baef.  an"'  tl^i  ddT^vT^  '''>:'^  «•'"« 
""ght  to  have  8r>n^,.,r7^  '!^"'''''  «"  ^o 


Marie  w"  e  ..'tHed'"^"  "'"'"  ^"*«"^  "»'» 
aakldt:^'""""  °' ''"'  ^™^ 

tally  womfdil  bt  J"?  P"'"t  '•«  «'^  "or- 

a..y«.orhi£;i?nZX^^  tnmef 

^H  no^fjrrt!^:;^^^^^^^^^     little 

into  the  storv  af  uJl  ^  u  "'*'  '  ''^^n® 

«c  oiur^  at  last ;  whore  am  I  thi»n  »» 

".iddl?  of  the  hi7orrfo;%d"'Sr°  *■'  ■ 

father  laid'  "he'Sas^Thu'"'  ffi""" 




;■   ( 

r-1 1 

1  m 


'•  i'H 





?lTiW^*^P'  ^acquisitions  in  he  rou- 
tine of  daily  life  IS  the  ability  to  carve  well 
and  not  onfy  well  but  elegantly.    It  STrue 

meat8*&c"?oSir'  4^''l '^  ««^S 
meats.  «c.,  to  table,  are  fast  banishins-  thp 

necessity  for  promiscuous  carving  from  the 

8it?f^wT!°°'  be  supposed  that  the  neces- 
sity for  this  acquirement  is  confined  It^fL 

skilfully  dissecting  a  fowl.    He  may/pc?. 


chance,  be  on  the  right  hand  of  the  ladvof 
Twt}^'  task  a,  though  oue  of  triaboTrs" 

insert  "bUlJ'rk?  a^tthat^'rV  tt?  t^ 
mence,  and  how  they  go  or -U  ,7  Ji™" 
rally  happens  that  hJif  not  ^o  iStunfte  L' 
he  desues    and  therefore  he  is  left  to%^ 

Sebodvof  fV«%  'f  "^°"  the  cloth,  sends 
ine  body  of  the  fowl  quite  to  the  end  of  the 

dish,  and  wi 

«/ gravy  pve: 

Jady  seated  r 

grin  at  the  ii 

tempt  for  th 


aoologies  for 

to  make  his 

becomes  heat 


?Iing  the  fow 

wings  and  lej 

presents  itsell 

what  to  do  wit 

to  imagine— bi 

strength  of  wri 

at  the  hazard 

commenced  wi 

down  ronfused 

ius  efforts  have 

portion  of  the  i 

«w,  by  those  w 

flmg  attempt; 

fowl,  himself,  ci 

ioses  all  enjovr 


*3cover  his  equil 



;he  lady  of 
T  politely 
ses,  there- 
be  labours 
iposed  on 
1  nervous 
•ne  else  is 
lere  they 
bey  tiom- 

it  gene- 
tunate  as 
ft  to  get 

he  can. 
3t'  of  the 
8  a  gen- 
)rk  in  at 
isses  the 
ugh  the 
?  sharp, 
'i  at  the 
ling  the 
he  puts 

with  a 
I  sends 
I  of  the 

4««at.y„'ext  to  Wm^S  f  T  '^  *^« 
grin  at  the  injury  to  W  S    *^^  ^^'"  "^a- 
tempt  for  the  barbaro!f«  ^^f '  ^^  ^^"^  ««°- 
flayed.     He  has  to  J^!^°'"^°''^.h«^a8 
aoolo^sforSsswi?*  ^^^?  ,*  thousand 
to  make  his  S  elj  *^' ^^^^  «°ly«erve 
becomes  heated,  suffui^wf.j,"^?^'?"*  J  ^« 
perspiration,  coLtinupf  ^„!!t-^  bluahea  and 
glingthe  foWl  Stil  h/lfr^^-^-^.'''*  "lan- 
win|s  and  legs^d  fhl  ^'  disjointed  the 
preslnts  itself  to^L,'^  ^^"^'  ^he  ..dy 
what  to  do  with  it  hX    f '"'''*  -"^"^wi^a- 

toimarine-^ut  itmu  ;  S  *  "°^/\*^  ^««« 
strengtli  of  wrist  l^f   ^  ^f ''*'";  ^o  has 

at  the  ha4Tof'  ?ept^inrtt'  '^T^^  ^' 
commenced  with.  S  tfsk  1""''^^  ^« 
down  ronfused  Vnd  uncom?n.f  l?'"'  ^^  «"« 
i«  efforts  have  caused  f^^''?^*^'?^^'  *«  find 
portion  of  the  fSwl  he  hL  ^J^'H°"  «f  any 
<<«,  by  those  who  iT    ^^^^^enched  asun- 

fling  atteXtT  he  rd]Il*"?^^^  ^^«  ^"°- 
fowl,  himself  PflrvL      «i^?«sted  with  the 

W  alP:;  jCJif  J.  ^^'^d^f  vem^     else 
•J^Jnngthe  remaS  of  the  p  J'""'"'  ^''^' 
*=cover  his  equiUbrium        ''^''''°^'  "^«°t 

He  willpo«sibly,  too/have  the  very  ques- 


removes  the  Icot  and  wi«  ^"""^  •!?  *he  Wrd. 
then  foUows  Srythou^Tf  ^/  *»?  «> W 
then  the  breast,  "Sc?mc?h^^^^^     bones 
men,  and,the  bird  is  SsZ'..*?!,  T?.>de8. 

men,  andfhe  bird7s  Jir™.'i^^  *^o  «des' 
is  a«compSed  iuSil'  "".*^^«'  to", 
elegance  of  manner  a  *,Sf*'  •*"'^  ^^"^  «« 
tivating;    the    nipLa     ""^"si^g  as  cap- 

temptil^,w?xiIeK,-'^'^'*^  ^°°^^  q"& 
JereSce  &  The  VmpSat?^  f/ f,P«We'dif. 
he.  18  as  cool  a^^ZueoL  *^^  '^^•^^^i 
assists  the  portions  Sip  £^  '^  ^Z^*"'  an^ 
much  graced  he"ll^^«  f^^^^d  with  as 
f'>wl.  The  trufh  ^"T*3ed  in  carving  the 
the  anatJmy  of  th '  bir^'  T^^aintedVu 

,  T'ssityof  Lquiinltie 'rt  «  ^'l^^^*  *he 
advantage  of  everv  n^^    ^'  ^"^  ^^s  taken 

enabled  fiim  to  ;XtTm?p?f-y  Y^''^  ^as 
site  knowledge^  to  atta^fi^'''  *^^  '«1^- 
which  he  has  arrived  *^^  Position  at 

a|«t^T&Ss,^  -ke  carving 
table,  and  should  be  eSp/V^^yj''^'^°thl 
task  allotted  to  them  wfth  «nffl  ^'^^  ^^^ 
prevent  remark,  or  SfcSrforg^^J 



^5!I'""°'''®"  o{a8M8tancefrom  good-natured 
visitors  near,  who  probably  would  not  Drescnt 
any  better  cfaim  t^a  neatjerformanoe  * 
Carving  presents  no  dlMculties ;  it  simply 
requires  knowledge  All  display^  of  exer- 
tion or  violence  are  in  very  bad  taste ;  for  If 
not  proving  an  evidence  of  the  want  of 
ability  on  tho  part  of  tho  carver,  they  Dro- 
sen  a  verjr  strong  testimony  of  tha  tL^ 
a  hfrH^  L  n'  '^  *»*«  "^'"^  than  full  agf  of 

tShJP^t''  ,f  "•od^'rate  size,  sufficient 
length  of  handle,  and  very  sharp,  ia  re- 
quisite; for  a  lady  it  «houfd  be  fght  und 
smaller  than  that  used  by  goStlcuea 
Fowls  are  very  easily  carved;  Ld  St 
such  as  loiB»,  breasts,  fore-qnmem  |c  ' 
the  butcher  should  hu^o  strict  iBjSSstions 
to  sepwate  the  joints  well.  J-^^'ions 

n^^fh  P*'*'*  '^°"''*    ^«   conveniently 
TiMr  to  the  carver,  so  that  he  has  full  con- 

vitr/' '  ^''VV^'-  °«'  "o^i'i"^  can  '^t 

aSffl^uJ'^™''^^""?'  '■'^  appearance,  nor 
a  (fcfficulty  m  perlbnmng  that  which  in  its 

proper^Iace  achieved  with  oil 

iniJKTvmg  fish,  some  nicety  and  earn 
must  be  exercised  here  ligbtSs*  oi' hand 
Sctn  on'r,"^  managemeL  isnecessa.y: 
and  can  on  y  be  acquired  by  practice  The 
flakes  which,  in  sucli  fish^aS  salmon  anS 
seiinTfi'T '  ,''^°"^^  ""t  be  broken  "n 
uLsiioyea,  and  the  nnnof  f«  ft,„  :».  •.._• ■, 


Carve  across   the  tongue    bnt  ii«  «,* 
through;  keep  the  slicei^ther  thS  -nJ  /?' 
the  fat  from  underneath.  '  "^"^  ''«'P 

BvoKiira  piQ. 

The  cook  should  MDd  a  roaetple  to  tables, 
displayed  here    jyan.«hed  with  l^fd  and  ea« 

with  plenty  ot  sauce;  should  one  of  the  ioinls  1 

staffiT-^h^'.'r^*^  '"'P'»'^*«'*=  bread  sauce  al 
stuffing  snould  accompany    t.    An  ear  anrf  *hl 

jaw  are  favourite  p«ts  with  many  Je^JL.'"*^  *"' 


<inaf,.„  T  ,  "ciuiy  01  inc  nsn  is  thei 
destroyed,  and  the  appetite  for  it  iaiured 

kni?e  twi'-^'^V'^'^^  ^".  "^«  "««  °f  Sie 
scrintion  nf  ^  '^'^"/equired  another  de- 
script  on  of  knowledge,  and  that  is  an 
acquaintance  with  the 'best  parts  of  the 
joint,  fowl,  or  fish  being  carved.    Thus,  in 

Lortf  «^r^^°'^'  *J^«  fat,  whicrisa 
favourite  must  be  served  with  each  slice 

fel^lf%'^-'\^^  ™"**^^  there  are  some 
delicate  cuts  in  tho  under  part.    The  breast 

tne  traU  of  a  woodcock  on  a  toast  is  the 

ttrnf  P^\°^  *H  '^"•d-  ^^  fish  a  part  of 
the  roe,  melt,  or  liver  should  acconinany 
the  piece  of  fish  served.  The  1  st,  SS/ 
^  too  numerous  to  mention  here    and    in- 

b^el*el^T^'^'i  ''''  '^''l  ''^  ^1--d 
«oL  d?r.f  ^-  ^"  ^T«  estaBlishmeuts  the 
gross  dwhes  are  carved  at  the  buffet  by  tho 
butler  but  m  middle  society  they  are  pfaced 
K  ^^  *"^^"-    ^'^  '*^«  t«"™g  ffiec- 

dSul?  ^r°^  P""^*^^'  8^°^^'  ^"d  other 
dithcult  dishes,  accompanied  by  diagrams 
we  have  endeavoured  to  be  as  explicit  as 
posMble  ;  but  while  they  will  Sove  as  W 
marks  to  the  uninitiated!,  he  wiU  find  th^i 

rsSdtsSit^"  ^"^^^^  ^-  ^«  --  ^^^ 


holdingthefoik  ffrm?vi  tho  ^^°  P^^s,  and  by 


helped  wi«Ut.  ^''*"'  "'«  "hould  be 

BOAST  nmrBi. 

Poultry  requires  skilfhl  carving-  the  «v!ii«it« 

turkey  18^^1)1^7   v'  ''"*  P^  appearance  of  the 
directions  a.  the  lines  l^w'Ke^enJ^aS! 

matting  fh 

riding  the 

an  instrat 


ind  the  un 


ihe  gepara 


thigh  into 

portion  of  i 

The  piniont 

irithit,  are 

taken  \o  ci 

pinion  will 

traffles  or  \ 

(ibtain  by  m 

.  Boiled  tnrk 
I  thercast,  bu( 
first  applies  t( 
turkey  being  c 
little  difficulty 
iittle  practice 

Refer  to  dire 

This  operatic 

form;  it  require 

Insert  tho  knift 

press  back  the  le 

the  joint  will  dis 

put  at  best,  if  ji 

but  a  nick  where 

wing  from  D  to  B 

with  the  leg,  sepj 

yonr  knife,  remo 

wnes  next,  this  3 

'he  kuife  and  fore 

'ind  It  will  readil] 

will  divide  the  bl 

through  the  small 

»ack  uppermost,  n 

centre  between  thi 

I  Pf^  fi™ly  yet  ger 

tna  neck  or  rump « 

and  the  fowl  ism 

•  I    %- 

.but   do  not    cut 
ther  thm,  and  help 


a«tptf?  to  table  as 
.h  bead  and  eaw, 
MB  thown  by  the 
<le  the  riba,  serre 
Je  of  the. joints  be 
:  bread  sauce  and 
An  ear  and  the 
ny  people. 

I,  they  very  easily 
vo  parts,  and  by 
ack,  and  pasain? 
mddle,  and  bend- 
ad  readily.  The 
,  'he  meat  there 
liver  dhould  he 

ratting'  fVom  a  to  b.  Vow  mmn.^  n.  ^  '  " 
riding  the  thigha  from  thT  I'S^'  tf'y.  ^'• 
in  mrtrument  termed  a  disininfi,  i?{  ,""^'  ''<""e 
^rviceable,  for  unH^he''  Sf  be^*"  iV>^»"d 
•pd  the  union  of  the  joints  very  L^I^'f  J°""»' 
dislocation  becomes  diffifnlf .  Virl  »  •  .  ^'^  taken, 
.he  separation  at  on%  and    ."'^^''^''•"ter  effects 

*dy«tage8  of  enablfng X  e^T  ^V^' 
thigh  mto  two,  thu8%rmittS  a  lesf  ^  .1'' 
|«rtionpi  a  part  mueh  estecmpl  f?^  u  ^"'^^y 
The  pinions  and  that  portion^rJhl  tJ^  *®"<"'- 
fithlt,  are  always  a  delicZan^i„»'^^;*'"°''P'' 
Mien  to  earve  them  S'-  fh«^'°  'i'""'''  ^e 
Ptoionwill  be  found"tB  KeSflir*  t^l^^ 
iraffles  or  Whatever  it  mav  h^  ,^„  i  "?' ''^®*''er 
obtain  by  making  an  opemtt^  '''  °^'  ^"^  ^"^ 


BOILED  rowi  (back). 

,  ^rstappl'iestotheSnd  ^.T  ^^^^^  ^o""  t^e 
turkey  being  drawn  into  Th«T^^  ^^'^^  '°  ">«  •'""ed 
little  diffie  Jty  at  firLt  »„  fv.^-^'^^  """^  «''"8«  ^ome 

I  i-'tlopracticeVmSroVjJi^^lLtT'""""'  ''"^  ' 


Refer  to  directions  for  carving  pheasants. 
BOAST  rowii. 

yoJmuTl±i?H''V*''l?'^  <"«""  *»>•  drumsUck. 
you  must  insert  tlio  knife  exactly  »t  the  Joint,  as 

'is^  we  nave  indicated  in  the  enin-ar. 

ing;  this  however  will  be  found 

to  require  praetice.  for  the  joint 

must  iM  accurately  hit,  or  else 

much  difficulty  wfll  be  experi- 

<;»«ed  in  getting  the  partsaJun- 

der.    There  is  no  difference  in 

?*JTf  roast  and  boiled  fowls, 

« tuU  grown;  but  in  averyyonnir 

Jowl  when  roasted,  the  breart 

18  served  whole.   ThewiuwSnd 

brea«t  are  in  the  highest  iiiTonr. 

but  the  leg  of  a  young  fowl  in  an 

excelientpart.  Capons  when  very 

fine  and  roasted,  should  har« 

slices  cai-ved  from  the  breast. 


Insert  the  knife  iSweenZ'^'"""  "^^  P'*""'"- 
press  back  the  lei?  wifh  tL  . .   1^^.  ^^  *he  side, 

the  joint  will  disln  ^tSf  .1?'l''°^*^?.''"*^«'  «"d 
but  at  best,  if  jSousl  LI  J°"!l^  '*  ^^^  Pa*-*. 
bftanick  wheri  the  jSts^nifT'^p'''"  '^<J"''-° 
wingfromntoB  cut  thrn,?J}  *^j  Remove  your 
with  the  leg,  separatinlfh^''-^"**.?^''  »>««*  as 
yotir  knife   removAfi^  the  joint  with  the  ed-e  of 

"ones  next,  th ™ you  win  To'^'^r'^^J^  '""^  "^^k 
the  knife  and  fordn^^  ,/^f  T.!'''!*'  ^^  inserting 
<^nditwill  readily  sfnaruf^f'^^u''"?'^^'  ™^«8  i*. 
'nil  divide  the  bre^t  from  tZ  \^^^^'t'^^-  ^o" 
though  the  small  rfbl  S  to  «ie  vLf^'""!^' 
back  uppermost,  nowput  i,„  fJ®?*'  *"™  *he 
centre  between  the  iVeeK ,    "'^^  "?*^"  *"«»*  the 

I  part  firmly  yet  Sv  it  "n/™??'  "^'^e  the  lower 
thaneck  or  rum^S  I     'i'  f^^'^^  separate,  turn 

^d the fowUa  cLtc4  ^    '  "^^ ''^^^^  side bouM 

,  wing,  and  if  tho?krtf  beiarrtt'  '•«'"»? the 
be  removed,  and  here  thp^^.--  1"^ '?.""*  "'"o 
prove  serviceable     ThestnffinT*"'"''.^''  *?ain 

'  will  be  obtainPd  iJ™„S-      "^'  as  m  the  tuAey. 

I  apron  c.  ^  ""^'"^  '^  hisertion  at  the 


Clear  the  leg  by  in. 
porting  the  edge  of  the 
Knile  between  it  and  the 
body,  then  take  off  the 
WlDf^S,  B  to  A,  but  do 
not  remove  much  of  the 
breast  with  thera,you  are 
tlius  crmblcd  to  obtain 
some   nieo   slices  j   the 
pheasant  is  then  carved 
as  a  fowl.    The  breast  is 
nrst  m  estimation,  then 
the    wings,    and    alter 
tliese  the  merrythought- 
lovers  of  game  prefer  a 

GuiKBA  Fowl  are  emve^^n  the  same  maimer. 





..      >;^    ..         The  breast  is  then  di- 
vided from  the  back,  and 
helped  whole,  the  latter 
being  assisted  with  any 
otthe  other  parts.  When 
the  party  consists   en- 
tirely  of  gentlemen  only, 
the  bird  is  divided  into 
6fK       ^l   cutting    right 
through  from  the  vent 
to  the  neck. 

made' hot  is 'poured  h,?h  A  *..«^r  ""^  «'<lPort 
sonedwithcayenneandsal/^fh^''n.f  *^"«»  ^^a- 
in,  the  slices,  S  in  thP  r  ni„""'**  ""^J\^  «'>«e^^<^'l 
the  joints  being  removed  ?h«^'''"'*"»^"«"^e'l. 
fowl.  *  removed  the  same  as  in  otlier 


the  slioulders  and  iZ^'It  npr^'a^^K'  j'^'""^''"? 
divide  it  into  severTpSes  hsfs'^^""'' 
ticable  with  a  full  ctowh  imro'  ,,1  '*-.'?°*  P«c- 
the  shoulders  and^effs  Irr'fl^^*"'* '*''°»«i; 
placing  the  knife  befween  thom^'nT?'*'  ^ 
them  back,  the  jouit  wMl  disclose  it^^f  n^^P'^'f 
then  be  separated     ThP  i.m.,i  =k^  ,J'  ^'^  «» 

"•^s  Si"  »'»^"  °E^s  Ji,\X"s?ii''' 

lention  m^st  be  paid  toT«™V'"2?''',"- 

matter  iteKlJ,T\rTf  rcokened   a 
the  colour  of  the    quw  iviftl,!;*''''''''"^ 

better  i,.etiS"a-,S-el,l:*C.Ti'r%^- 

I  people  are  badly  off  for  waf*>r  ,•*  ^ 
times  be  useful.    But  i^i^-f^n    ^^^  l""'' 
that  even  a  slight  excess  is  L.nirT,"''?^'' 
or  five  grains  w  sufflcipnW      ',^™^^® '  ^""^ 

tea;  it  should  be  put  drvTn?o^?;:^^J^^  "^ 

with  the  fresh  tea      tI?    v  °  *^^  *^«-p«« 

I  would  Ue  onThe  h^dJun'of  ?  '^'''''^'^ 

sized  saltspoon  ^  ''^  *  ^'''n™'"^- 

anf f 'f;:;;Vom'fur  "%*^**  ^'^^^^  «l°^'v, 

a  tea-kettle  gXers  th.  f '^  °3'«t«r  shell  {„' 
itself,  and  nrevlntr  Z*'"-*^  P«''«^'l«s  to 
should  never  R,ff     ^I""*^-     ^  Settle, 

as  done  with    if  pI,^,  i  j  V    , "     ^^  ^^ 

drawWer^ThanT^  ^rP***  "  ^°™d  to  I 
the^referenS  i«  r  ''•''^^u''°^•   ^O'"  "'"terial 
-SiW   fnr!;!^"?.?"  *^«  following  order: 
Oliver,  foreign  china,  Britannia  nicH 

und  CO 
the  res 
off  or  0 
few  hoi 
ing  tea, 
drain  i\ 
made  vi 
the  tea- 
cups th 
to  be  su] 
buiJc  of  1 
leaves  b 
A  larger 
is  no  dist 
if  the  te£ 
persons  n 
the  first  r 
after  pou 
much  Wat 
the  quant 
essential  : 
Black  tea 
a  mixture  ( 
ounce  will 
more.    It  j 
quantity  re 
a  httle,  th{ 
does  not  go 
Mode  of 
heated   as 
kettle  is  «( 
of  making  t 
is  kept  boili 
made,  or  if 
be  made  to  I 
up  at  onccj  c 
a  small  qua 
enough  to  w( 
two  or  three 
latter  mode 
nrst  filling; 
form  goodnesi 
cate  flavour, 
than  from  fiv< 
'"gout.    The 
should  alwayi 
•"■  »?8:.   by  M 
passmg  off;    i 
covered  with 
the  effect  will 

irds  are  cut  in  half 
.  and  helped.  ' 

'moderate  thiekncs,,, 

I  can,  after  removins- 

across  the  back,  an,l 

«;thj8  is  notpBc 

re,  unless  it  is  boned- 
easily  removed  br 

ihom  and  tumini. 
Bcose  itself  and  Oil, 
ad  should  not  be  re- 
!  It  from  the  neck 
n  cut  through  thcl 
'*^«  nose  to  the  top 

The  stuffing?  slioulJi 
m  may  be  helped, 
jn  the  same  manner 

er,  it  may  some- 
t  be  remembered 
intolerable;  four 
)r  a  large  pot  of 
into  the  tea-pot 
above  quantity 

of  a  common- 
it  shuts  closelv, 
oyster  shell  in 
thy  particles  to 
ng.     A  kettle, 

stand  by  with  l 
n  it.     As  soon 
8  drained  dry, 

•  WhenfilU 
y,  and  let  boil 

>t  is  found  to 

•  For  material 
jllowing  order: 
itannia  metiilj 

black  Wedgewood,   Enirlish   ^hi^ 
management  of  the  ten-nni     ^^.■      ^^ 
dippcS  in  tho  vesSel  in  XoT'f '"t^^*  ^^  ^e 
washed,  but  hS  J™  ^/''"r^^'n&sare 

leaves,  'fill  the  SJSI  -r'  ^™^"'^d 
and  empty  it  in  tL^jJ  A^;'!' V^^er, 
the  rest:  drain  and  JitlTL.  ^"shjng  up 
perfectly  eleanT4  St  ^^^"^'1^^  « 
off  or  open.    If  a  tea-nnt'  ua-  ^*'^P  *^o  ^^ 
few  hours,  a  (lamoS  L  J  ''  '^T"^  ^"t  « 
becomes  musty     /S  i^"**^^"^.  "'^'"h  soon 
ing.  tea,  half  &  the  S  SLY''™  ™«'^- 
drain  it  perfectly  drrnnrlJ^f^'il?^  ^'"t^"-' 
luade  while  the  tea-nnf  ?<?  I-n  ^^^.  *««  be 
the  tea-pot  should  hofi„,  if".  T^^  ^ot; 
cups  than  the  numbp,-'  nf    '""^'  ^'''^  ^nore 
to  be  supplied  from  it -on.  f'"^,?"  ^^«  «'•« 
bulk  of  tie  tea,  aTd  on^T*"  ""?^  ^°'-  the 

Jeayes  betweereach Tiling  ''TZ7  '^-^ 
dramed,  thene^t  fili.-,T»  •  ^*    ,    *"®  *ea  is 

Alarge;- tea-portfch'f?^/°'""«tWng. 
is  no  disadvaiSie  onlv  th  "*'^-^  necessary, 
culation  as  to  the  nuantL^r  T'^  ^«  ''«^- 
if  the  tea-pot  hoA  p?jK  ^  ''■"*^'"-  '-Thus, 
peraons  require  from  ft'^.'?*  ""P«'  «nd  three 

the  first  miking  le"  it  S  '"  fP^,"^^'  '^ 
after  pourine  onf  ««         moderately  full . 

a'!!te'^HiredTthoS^S   "^^^^ 

Black  tea  is  iSneJ  mo^^t^f''  'P'^'^- 
a  mixture  ofgree^iily  u^^^^^^^*^y  but 
ounce  will  m^UtZ^^Zt^yF^^Z'^;  one 
more.  It  is  best  to  nnf  f  ^''^^""^  *ea,  not 
quantity  reqSd     S^*  h°i  •  *  "'''''  ^^'  ^^^ole 

a  little,  the  yaSi'io7soS^«''  ""'«  «nd 
does  not  go  so  far.  '' «"-flavoured,  and 

Mode  of  malLtn     tx    • 
hoated   as"^  above  tl^^^^^'f^  ^^^  t^a-pot 

l^making  tea,  aLZt&or^  the  m^^ 
IS  kept  bo  lino-  anma  L"-^  L     ,  -^^  "^e  water 

made%rif7hTc    "rK^^?-^'^«™  t^^  i« 
be  made  to  boil  n„''^?f  ^«il'»S  and  has  to 

A  GOOD  CX'P  OP  TP4     1  /,« 

J1^^_T£A--AG00D  CUP  OP  COFPEB. 

the  tea.    Finally    Tn  i,  — 

tea,  it  is  necessary  to  havl^!, "  i''''^  ''"?  of 
cream  ffor  tho.«  ^ik      ^°  i^""*  sugar  and 
articled  ZeZd^rjr^''/  l'^  ^^  those. 

much  more  smoothly  ani  nl!.  *^*r  ""'"i^^^ 
first  m  the  cud  anS  ^?  P'^'asantly  if  put 
them.  ^'  ""<*  the  tea  poured  upon 

^  S»h8titutc  fo)' Green  T..n  *  . 
rue,  or  a  few  "black  currfnfT'^  ''P"^  «*" 
give  to  black-tea  thfiSn^  ^^"^^^^^  ^vill 
Choose  young  tender  leavlf"^  ''^  ^^"'^ 
and  take  carf  not  to  over5o  ?.f  ^**^'."'''' 
four  currant  loaves  Zll^^  "^,  quantity ;. 
are  sufficient  forS^^/p^^SjrJe^  of  n^ 

A  GOOD  CUP  OF  COFFEE       ' 

use  J  rtrstSti'ih^"  ""''^ "« ^°ff-  i« 

preparing  it  as  a  bS'ro    "^  t?'""?'''"  "^edo  ofr 
un(fmto!d.    krhapsT?  l°r  ^"  «°  «ttlo 
consider  coffee-mSy  liVn^*  """"^  P^'^Plo 

be  made  to  boil  no  aS  t'"'?  ""'^  ^as  to 
well-flavoured.  fiX^'  *^^  *^a  !«  ^ever 
up  at  once,  or  "  brewed  "Th  f™"^  ^«  ^"^^^ 

""-"       ityorlt«^AP"*°-iy 

a  small  quantity  of^aterat'/f  "^^^ 
enough  to  wet  the  leaves  L,f,  f'^b  J"«t 
two  or  three  minutes  befor.  fin- ^'  '*  «*""d 
latter  mode  draws  all  ffl'' ^"i"^  "P?  tJie 
first  filling.  thP  fn^       ®  goodness  in  the 

form  goodSe'ss  throSo!;.^''^''^  ^"^  «ni- 
cate  flavour.  Tea  fc*,'  ''"^  ""  ™«''«  ^^eli- 
than  from  fiye  to  te„w  ""t  stand  more 
'ng  out.  The  tea  Z^"^^^""^  ^^^^re  pour- 
should  always  ^tX'  '^^^"  °"  the  tray, 
<"•  rag,  by  whfeh  ?hn"b!:  r^^^W^-mat  5 
passing  0^;  and  if  V'^^*  ^J'^Pt  from 
covered  with  a  ^ril  ^^®.Pot   be   entirely 

the  effect  wmbfS/r^  "•''  '^""'^  ba£ 
"e  stm  more  improving  to 

reason  the'7ffeeT;ved*o"^  ^^  ^^^  th  s 
fast  tables  out  of  ton  fl.      v*  «t  nine  break- 

is  a  miserable  m^  infuf fo"."*  *^  ¥"^*'''°^ 
seen  to  drink  onlv   ^1°"' ^'"^ich  people- 
women  say,  it  is  "Tet  ^n'/"'''  ^«.  ^"^her- 
The  nViV  ,..       ^    t  and  warm." 

easy   thTft^  ^'ro^nf  SL" ?.«  ^^  -t  les. 
mystery  about  it     a^  th/t' i^^"""  >   ""^ 


coffee-powderTn?o'Thr3«  ^'^  P"*  *^« 
treacle  or  sugar,  and  then  fin^^^-P"*  ''^th 
,>vater,  and  boil  tht  Sf.  i^".  "P  '''^th  cold 

hope  there  are  not ^^^^^^'h^'*^^''-  ^^ 
a  mistaken   practirp     -n^T""^  P"r8ue  such 

useofisingla^ror  volk^of'J'  '^''^}  ™«1^« 
the  liquor]"  or  at  «1T  ^^^'  *°  fine 
havo  a  biggin,  or  a  Lii/''*'"^',  they  must 
>ve  know  from  w^^  *^"*.P^rcolator:    Now 

these  articieTa  rnecesfa/r''  ^h?*  °o«e^ 
take  to  make  firXiZ '^ '" /' ""'i"  ""'^«r. 
bi-io-i,*    :„        -."'.^'^  late    coflee,  clear  and. 

e^&oUs'ihe'^'-P""-      The    oi^dinal^; 
utensifforWe  pu^'f '''"^'"*  «°^  »««fS 

rt-eiye"a^rw?th7t!"  "  ""'^^^^t^t 
fating  a^nd  XJ  pJoUn!""*^''  «*''™"- 
9uantity  of  water  w?n^J  '     *    '™*" 

goodnesi  quit!  17  eff   tuaS:  ""*  '^^  the 
quantity;  audit  Mill  do  S -Al  *  ^^ 

aat   coffee   ahjnr,;^ -^VlTC 

«s  prepared  for  breakfast.. 


other  particulw^        *^'  ''''"^''  "'•  ""i' 
ground"^ff■?„"\^  ready  roasted,  but«o^ 

nn  ir,  f •  -^P'  ^^'^  article  propcrlv  shut 

up  in  tin  canisters,  or  lots  i>  ii<!  Vr   /  • 
open  tubs  or  trays!  '"  ^''''^^  "» 

3    If  possible,  buy  a  coffoo-mill,  ono  that 

^Irt'Ji'a         ''^^uires  to  be  kept  in  a  very 

CTjii  u^  •  •  '  ,  ^  ^'i**  true  flavour  of  hath 
Zmt  '•'J"''1-  ^^«  presume  that  no  oS 
will  be  so  careless  as  to  keep  either  tea  or 

6.  To   every  half-pint   of  water   allnw 

few  seS" ),  f^  *^^  P°^  "'^  t^e  Are  for  a 
tentebon  nn^^v.*'''  ""^  account  let  the  con- 
rente  boil  up;  then  pour  about  half-a-nint 

a^aSfinrth;'^'^  "  ?P'  «°d  pouriJbS 
orilTe  fendS'J^/e'ttTe'  Tl'^  «?-*^^^«'' 
have  been  ppeTUi^^^^^^^^^^^ 

onl  Jtn       Should  It  be  too  strong  you  have 
only  to  use  less  of  the  coifee-powder     All 

7.  The  milk  in  all  cases,  must  be  boiled, 



d.«nk  without  milk,  and  wSvJ'rfffe  t 

is  nollqtlt  fhTF?e^r  H':^''^  *»»-« 
««  fe/^  m-  milk-coffee  We'  harilr?  t"^^' 
constnntly  for  several  years,  and  .1""^ '' 
Jiouuco  It  to  excel  all  others  Mai,  "uP/"' 
beverage.  In  this  there  is  Lm-emrt^' 
water,  and  the  coiree  liquo?  a  S/h  ^^ 
essence  than  a  decoction  ?U  will  t «?'  "" 
black  in  colour,  The  processTo  L  I  »"»*"" 
is  the  same  in  most  SsnpnfV    ''^^"owed 

scribed  (6);  but'in'la'fq^^^rJtth'" 
pmts,  not  more  than  a  third  Vfl     ^^'^ 
quantity  of  water  is  to  K«  «    ^"V  "«"al 
flu  quakty  Sffee-poUe^^lfi"^ 
stood  to  settle,  pour  V  carefuUv  o7  ^ 

spout  or  lip.  When  tliia  ia-oo  V  ^™  " 
mto  yourVakS  «pa  ISAr' " 
Ihree-pMl,  f„l|,  „  ratter  m„„  3  T 
sugar,  and  then  fill  up  with  "ffoe  fZ  S' 


.    MORIfllTG    PtBABUBES.— Whoever  id   fnn„^  • 

bed  after  six  o'clo-'k,  from  MayX  till  M,vW  " 

cannot,  in  any  conscience  caLeTfn^ 

8o,ne  ailment  or  other.'Sndent    J'""/™'? 

good  Ve.amf5nSnK  iS  tt'^^'^^  ^ 
the   sons  of  sloth  iZr  -^JT  w  ^  luxury  do 

£StSfn?;^^Te  p7rl7ertf  ""^1^ 
to  .hake  off  the  pe?niS"h£    "^'To  ^nX 

and  vigolrS^XrSfSr'-'^  ^««"^  I 

SWEET,  0 
Biib  five  01 
With  ter 
Good  sized 
With  a  w 
After  vvhicl 
The  ingredi 
Knead  it 
Or  large  tar 
And  espec 
When  rclati: 
To  partak 
Bnb  in  one  poi 
Of  the  best  fl 
Table  spoons 
aow  you  do  it, 
After  which, 
Ji  the  most  apt 
Ask  your  friei 


Mix  four  ounces 

Of  fi'esh  butter.- 

^nb  It  over  the  1 

if  begins  to  strin 

Cat  it  up  into  bii 

««1  iig  each  to  t 

At  least,  when  I 

,„   course. 


A  mince-pie  or  a 

lou  may  choose  t 


'Je ;  and  it  should 
•up  wuh  the  sugar. 

"Ofr,  it  should  b? 
With  very  little  or 

Bi  G.  M.  p.  GwHitT. 

■ons  of  coffee,  thero 

>ve  hare  drunk  it 
sars,  and  can  pro- 
}er8  as  a  breakfast 
18  moi-e  milk  than 
luor  is  rather  an 

/twui  be  almost 
3es8  to  be  followed 
f'tB  as  above  de- 
fa  quart  or  three 
ird  of  your  usual 
be  poured  on  the 
der     After  U  has 
carefully  off  the 
tcher,  which  ig  to 
iient  means.    In 
g:h  black,  wiU  be 
e  time  a  quantity 
I  wants  of  your 
saucepan  with  a 
IS  readj  pour  it 
until   they  are 
■  more,  add  the 
a  coffoe  froiE  the 
as  you  prefer  it 

,  will  be  found 
ess  greater  rich- 
can  be  attained 

SSweKo^ffilltt? '".!"' "-  hand 

Knead,  and  put  the  same  hvfi^tvi  ^  ^"^  '*  "P  «'f" ; 
Or  to  rise,  if  vou  itn  H   7  **'  '^"  minutes  to  swell 
It  out  thi ,  ]iJi"nJon  uVn'T  ^^^I'^j  *'"'"  'oU' 
Orsix  ounces  of  b?t"er  anrf  «^n'''?^,*^°  ^''"'e 
With  some  flour  then  roMjf  *P""'''«  >t  o'er 
After  folding?  U  up  huhi  u^,  i"""'  *^'**™^ "'O'c 
Pat  it  by  fo?  an  hour  but  don'  rA   . 
Any  longer,  because  if  Jo,,  do  if  i^l.    'l"^ 

Bub  it  down  with  a<-  m  frf),  „  "  *"''"  '*'''  '^''^'icd  dry 

Of  line  flour-wiVich  mS  not''  f  ""'"^  ''"'^  ■•»  half' 

chaft';  ^°  """^'  »«"  bo  mixed  up  with 

BreaUhrceeggs.  but  haveonlytheiryolts  beaten 


iinb  five  ounpwj  nf  r..o„i  i    ^^     ■'-^n-J-  lAbli; 

With  ten  ounces  off.   ^""or  down. 
Good  sized  eg""' bealn"!:  ""^  ^'^° 

With  a  whisk-m  „  f  "P  '^'^^  "'"J  sniootb. 

Knead  it  we  ]  and  -Hf  ''"i*  °/°''"^'- 


Table  spoon^ffor  K^P?'l!f  ^^t^'-^  «ay  eight 
How  you  do  it,  becausfi  {f  iiT    i^^'^*'"« 
,  After  which,  kS  ft  l,Wu'i^*  be  too  thin,- 
In  the  most  approved  war^Blifh.^f  '  '^''"''' 
Ask  your  friends,  if  y^ do?f  un£a'  "^^'^ 

Mix  frolL?ofST"^^  ^^«^^^^^T«- 
Of  fresh  bS,-1n'j  watr  "*!,"  «-r  ^"^^^  «"« 
finb  It  over  the  board  wffi?l'~""u^  "^^^^  i*  is  done 

"begins  tostrinSc     vit^h  ^'l''??''',""  -^^  fi"d 
Cot  it  up  into  bits  ahnnf  I  h  *  ^P'^^  »f  «ome  kind 

Jol  ing^each  to  tKel^3^'^/n  ^^1?  ^1"?'^> 


K;cl\Te?;ay?„"'-o?^vto,aythem  across 


You  need  not'take^cfrp  ^"'''-Po»nd  of  beef  suet 
To  this,  add  of  flour  onA  ^  ^°".  *"""*  «''«"•  ^"l* 
A  smal/  of?aU?rnd'riUtrel''''""^ 
Up  well  in  a  basin,  then  c<^ft„  ^u-  «/  beat  it 

^'— o^epintofm.kwithtw?it,^e-b,adosof 

or  ten  ™  "P  ""'b  at  lewt  eight 

^'^f  aieisrSer^*."''"^  -"'  ^0. 

Of  the  best  wheatfn  flonr ;  «    '"i"'""'  °*  »  Po«nd 
Up  together  with  care  ^dini'"  -^f^J  ""  °'  'beso 
AncTas  soon  as  youVo  f  ^^l^'^^  ^^  ''^^^'^es.- 
round,         ^  ^°  "'"ed  them  suffieientlj 

*«?  plate.         ■    "'"'  ""  'l>'K  in  a  pan  or 

course,-  conaiments  mentioned,  of 

l^uj  itSttSe^t  aWfi^  "^^  «•-  the  top, 

^or  three  liours    &  ^  ^'^"^  '^t  it  stop      ' ' 

sauce.         '    -ll'en  servo  with  the foliowing- 

)  entice. 

cJf?  ^""^  ""^'^^^  *^^^  BUDDING 
:V^oTu7.S,'>^i^J^^^^^  »e,t  it  with  car!; 
I'ut  in  one  glass  of  br^rivnT  ""  """'PJetc.    ' 
Sugar  pounded  miS  Sn  vo-f  h"'  """"^^  °f  ^bife 
right       '        ^^''®"  Jo«  have  mixed  it  all 

it  i».  ready  for  use.    WeUth^n^u^      ■ 

eu  then  sit  down  and  eat 

Alia  boil  ,t  a  minuta  or  two 


And  as  soon  as  CZIPk""*  "f  °'eam'j 
,  P"tmsug^t^nh''f°'"'^*«'*«°ned, 

Sufficient  to^answ^ruTetu^py^e^.'^^^^ 

Tolt  'ja'^aifr''°-i^«'-° 





are  at  the  pkm  end  of  the  scallop,  and 
itZf'^'^^.''  button-hole  stitch.  fjrTen 
the  cotton  reqmres  to  be  Joined,  cut  itofcZ 
to  the  eye  of  needle  ;  iUead  another  fennth 

^ne  ends  of  the  used-up  length.  Thh  knZ 
r  V'^  '^''"^A  thebeal.)    Now  make 

wUh  'the  "S^  *^'  ^^™?'  ^°^  J^i'^  th«  «ide 
5d?  nf  fl  V^®  projecting  beads  into  the 
«ide   of  first  scallop  which  has  four,  by 


White  blind  cord.    No.'a  VUg 

Double  the  cotton,  tie  a  fine 

knot  at  the  end;  thread  a  bead 
and  pass  the  needle  throuri, 
the  double  end  to  secure  the 
bead  (this  end  is  always  the 
pointed  one).  Now  thread  17 
more  beads  (18  in  «//);  this 
forms  one  row.  Turnback 
thread  a  bead,  keep  it  on  the 

needle,  which 'slip  tEroughfte 
second   bead    on'^the  c5tto? 

threadanothej  bead,  which shp 
throughnextseconabead;  con- 
tinue this  to  the  end  of  row 

1  urn  back,  and  without  thread- 
ing  on  a  bead  sUp  the  needle 
through  the  first  Vad  (where 
tlie  cotton  was  secured).  Now 
repeat  as  before,  and  conS 
each  row  the  same  till  thereare 
only  four  projecting  beads  left; 
^^f,7"'g  always  to  slip  th 

needle  e6.,ao«atreading  ahead 
through  the  first  bead  in  ever? 

row  at  the  pointed  end.    No? 
slip  the  needle  through  all  the 
slanting  beads  (two  at  a    me 
np  to  the  point;  slip  the  nee^ 

down  the  first  bead^(«,A,,/S 
l?*^o^^^«s  secured),  and  make 
the  other  half  the  scallop  the 

same;  finish  the  last  row^with 
i  projecting  beads  instead  of 

sew  along  the  stitches  which 

To  work  the  beads  with  wool.^h,  the 

eighth  row  < 

the  second  1 

scarlet  stitch 

now  one  on 

was  worked  ( 

seventh  row  t 

pass  the  need 

three  more  si 

the  centre  bel 

arrange  the  s 

the  green  cai 

graving  or  tai 

flower  may  be 

Take  the  wi 

the  points,  tal 

at  the  bottom  ( 

contract  it. 

Fasten  singh 

"^ ■!■■        — 1r-rr- 






1  for  Mata.  Tttbl" 
"tringrs  of  small 
Iwada,  which  muat 

kgOlieeOS;  1  gkeln 

=>«  ;1  skein  ofS 
arlotwoo!  A  little 
'« ;  1  reel  No.  20 
fcvans  4  Co.',' 

No.  a  Penelope 

otton,  tie  a  fine 
;  thread  a  bead, 
needle  through 
1  to  secure  the 
w  always  the 
Now  thread  17 
>  in  all)-  this 
•    Turn  back; 
keep  it  on  the 
ip  through  the 
n  the  cotton; 
sad.  which  slip 
ond  bead;  cou- 
le  end  of  row, 
e  pointed  one. 
ithout  thread- 
lip  the  needle 
i  Dead  (where 
cured).    Now 
and  continue 
B  till  there  are 
ng  beads  left; 
'  to  slip  the 
bead  in  every 
d  end.    Now 
rough  all  the 
fo  at  a  time) 
ip  the  needle 
a  {wJiere  the 
■)>  and  make 
!  scallop  the 
ast  row  with 
8  instead  of 
f  the  cotton, 
tches  which 


^l.—la.  the 

was  worked  (this  &'wm  iTt^:t  ?«' 
seventh  row  from  the  nninf  .  •  ^^"^  ^^ 
pass  the  needle ThrouKe  WT  °°.'  ^'''^^ 
three  more  scarlet  l^HVia^u'''''  ^^^  ^ork 
the  centre  beLwte^dC^^hr '  'T  ?» 
an^nge  the  same  as  t{e  sclri*?  or°'.f*  T 
the  green  can  bp  wnXI^  i.^*^  claret; 

graving  or  ta^te    and   !?  ^''T^'^g  to  en^ 

the  p'oint  tS|°t:"no7?V^«  ^^^«  '>' 
at  the  bottom  of  fach  ton  t^"'^^  '*  "'^t 
contract  it  ^'''"°P'  ''"*  rather  to 

Fasten  dngle  cotton  into  a  point,  then  five 

UV  MKis.   WAliHIiW, 

beads;  thisTS  otS  V^''^  ^^^ 
all  round.  This  «fitl  T  Repeat  this 
too  tight.  Thi  row  of  r?  °l*  ^^  drawn 
exactly  at  the  Sge  Now  ,^f  t  ''^""^^  ''°'«<' 
the  same,  puttinfthe  neldTp  tif  *"°1^?"«^ 
same  placed  but  the  beadf^/ii  ?"'?"f  ^  ^»  t^o 
«t  the  edge;  thus  fSgrehafn  °,  ™°*'  ^^ 

Sew  thickly  a    row    of  ^      H^  ™""d. 
straight  edge,^which  will  mot  1°"«^  t'^" 
perfectly  round -now  oT^w^''^  *be  work 
with  blind  cord  to  mLfftV''  ""^"  '"at 
to  the  bead  woS  ^rci  o^^T '  ?"«!  «ew 

board,  and  cover  both  8idp«  ,f -.'i!  u/^  ^"  ^^rd- 

Now  make  a  bordS  to  hfrirS '''"^^^^^^et- 

same  manner  aSdwUhtt»'  ""''^  ^  ^^^ 
the  edge.  "'^  *^«  same  beads  as 




J^  the  Tutth.—Ttike  double  ootton  and 
tie  a  knot  in  the  end,  thread  thirty  beads, 
^ass  the  noodle  through  the  doubled  end  by 
-the  knot;  thread  thirty  more  and  do  the 
«arae  ;  make  four  lenf,'th«  of  thirty  beads  ; 
then  iew  on  to  the  mat  as  in  engraving. 


Xattrials. — 1  Eool  Mcsam.  Walter  Evnnt  ft 
<!o.'i  Boar's  Head  Cotton,  No.  10.  No.  3  Pene- 
lope Hook. 

Make  30  oh  (turn  back),  29  Do  T,  (or  turn 
on  reverse  side),  3  oh  1  Do  in  every  3rd  loop 
for  4  times;  6  oh  Do  in  every  3rd  loop  for 

6  times ;  6  ch  Dc  on  point ;  6  eh  Do  in  same 
loop  at  point ;  6  oh,  and  work  the  othor  side 
the  leaf  the  same,  observing  to  reckon  the 
«ame  number  of  chs  on  each  side ;  1  oh  T ; 
3  Dc  1  oh  « every  3  eh  for  4  times:  3  ch  Do 
u6;  5  ch  Dc  tt  5  for  5  times ;  5  ch  Dc  «  7 ; 

7  ch  Dc  M  7  ;  then  6  ch,  and  work  the  other 
side  the  leaf  the  same ;  1  ch  T,  work  Dc  on 
the  Dc ;  3  Dc  M  3  ch ;  3  ch  Dc  M  5  ;  6  ch 
Do  M  6  for  4  times ;  6  ch  Dc  m  7 ;  7  ch  J)o  u 
name :  now  6  dh,  and  work  the  other  side 
the  same ;  at  the  end  make  13  ch  Do  on  let 
Dc  on  other  side  of  leaf  without  turrdmi  ; 
now  work  Dc  on  all  the  Do ;  3  Dc  u  3  ch; 
5  ch  Dc  M  6  for  6  times  ;  6  ch  Dc  uT  ;  7  ch 
Dc  u  same  :  S  ch  ;  work  the  other  side  the 
same  ;  at  the  end  make  9  ch  Dc  in  7th  loop 
of  the  13  ch ;  11  ch  Dc  in  same  loop  ;  9  ch 
Dc  on  Ist  Dc  on  other  side  of  loiif,  and 
fasten  off.  Make  another  loaf  but  not  fasten 
oft;  and  proceed  to  join  thus— Place  the  Ist 
leaf  at  the  back  of  the  one  jtist  completed; 
Dc  into  Ist  Dcin  back  piece  ;  1  ch  Dc  iu  3rd 
Dc  ill  front ;  1  ch  Dc  in  3rd  Dc  in  back ;  1 
ch  Dc  in  3rd  Dc  in  front ;  2  ch  Dc  in  3rd 
Dc  at  back ;  2  ch  Dc  in  3rd  Dc  in  front ;  3 
ch  De  in  3rd  Dc  at  back  ;  3  ch  Dc  in  3rd  Dc 
in  front ;  4  ch  Do  in  lust  of  Do  at  back ;  4 
ch  Dc  in  last  of  the  Dc  in  front.  Fasten  off. 
Continue  to  make  and  join  these  leaves  till 
there  are  11  made  and  joined  together; 
the  centre  is  put  in  afterwards,  thus— Make 
11  ch,  unite  in  a  circle ;  3  ch  Do  in  everv 
loop  (11  chs  of  3).  ^ 

2nd.—\  L  5  ch  u  each  3  eh. 

3rrf.— 2  L  Meach  5  ch6ch.    Eepeat. 

4^.-4  Dc  M  5  ch  ;  *  Do  m  11  ch  of  bor- 
der (tliis  is  like  a  loop) ;  9  ch  Dc  u  5  ch  of 
centre.  Repeat  from  *  At  the  end  of  ro»„id 
faslM  off. 

Round  the  edge  of  the  leaves  work  thus— 
DcK  7  ch  at  point  of  leaf;  »  7  ch  Dc  « 
name ;  7  eh  Dc  m  6 ;  11  ch  Dc  m  2nd  5  for 
twice ;  7  ch  Dc  «*  2nd  5  in  next  leaf;  11  ch 
Dc  u  2nd  5  for  twice ;  7  ch  Dc  M  7  ch  at 
point.    Kepeat  from  *. 


In  the  happy  life  of  cnventeen  yean  of 
the  fair  PriuceBS  of  England,  who  is  jurt 
now  an  object  of  eager  interest,  adinira- 
tion  and  love  to  the  people  of  two  nations 
— in  this  hitherto  short,  hut  most  brif(ht 
and  heautitul  life,  there  is  little  that  can 
be  related  in  the  way  of  a  memoir,  for  it 
is  veiled   in   that    domestic    privacy  in 
which    alone    the     youthful     feminine 
character  can  be  rightly  developed.    The 
Princess  Royal  was  bom  in  the  year  of 
the  Queen's  marriage,  November,   2l8t, 
1840,  and    was   welcome<l  with  enthu- 
eiasm  by  the  English  public  who  regarded 
hor  as  a  new   heir  to  the  throne.    Her 
christening  was    celebrated  with  signal 
grandeur,  in  the  Throne  Room  of  Buck- 
ingham Palace,  and  many  eminent  per- 
sons were  present  who  have  since  passed 
frotn  mortal  scenes;    foremost  of  these 
were  the  Queen  Dowager,  the  Duke  of 
Wellingttm,  Viscount  Melbourne,  and  the 
Ddkes  of  Sussex  and   Cambridge.    Her 
Iloyal   Highness    was     named    Victoria 
Adelaide  Maria  Louisa,  her  august 
mother  and  the  Queeil  Dowager.     The 
Princess     was    a    fair     and     delicately 
formed  girl,  and  has  grown  np  as  charm- 
ing in  person  as  she  is  accomplished  in 
mind;  her  eyes  are  blue  and  of  arch  ex- 
pression, and  her  movements  are  full  of 
grace,  dignity  and  ease.     In  1841,  the 
Prince  of  Wales  was  born,  and  the  right 
of    succession    passed    from  the    Royal 
Princess,  but  her  rank  as  Princess  Royal 
she  retains  for  life.     The  early  years  of 
the  Princess  exliibits  many  pleasing  and 
promising  features. 

During  one  of  the  cold  and  stormy 
nights  of  January  181-3,  the  little  Prin- 
cess was  awakened  by  the  loud  and 
frequent  coughing  of  some  one  without, 
and  starting  up  in  alarm  inquired  of  her 
sleepy  attendant  what  it  was.  On  being 
informed  that  it  was  the  sentinel  on  daty 
on  the  terrace  (Windsor)  beneath  the 
tower,  the  Princess  observed,  "Oh,  poor 
fellow,  he  has  got  a  very  bad  cough;" 
and  after  repeated  expressions  of  sorrow 
for  the  "  poor  soldier  out  in  the  cold," 
again  fell  asleep.  The  weather  continued 
for  several   days  unfiwom'able,  but  one 

moniing  propi 
lloyal  Ilighne 
take  their  ust 
party  ha<l  reui 
postern  tloor, 
itartled  by  tli 
vhich  hikl  dis 
nights  before, 
ittendnnts,  rui 
duty,  an  old  gn 
"How  is  your 
hope  it's  better. 
»uro  of  the  Hold 
hy  the  attendui 
Um  Royal  who 
quiry.  But  ne 
pleasure  ended 
hearing  of  the 
kr  little  first-b( 
guineas,  as  a  cui 
rery  bad  cough.' 
Another  trait 
racter  will  Bhow 
the  Royal  child 
I  only.  Debarred 
jjectwhich,  with 
[she  endeavoured 
I  refuged  by  her 
■  advanced  in  an^ 
"Queen,  Queen, 
How  acutely  tli 
I  have  blended  e 
I  The  appeal  prove 
I  The  present  i 
long  been  in  eoi 
I  royal  families,  ani 
I  it  "God  Speed." 
pablicly  presentet 
mth  the  Prince  o 
of  the  Coal  Ex( 
London,  when  ir 
were  received  w 
fteling.  Since  tl 
[Royal  Highness 

ia,  the  roya 

before  the  public, 

interest  in  their  fi 

J  only  add.  our  owi 

Icongratulations,  a 

I  be  the  lot  of  our 

after  to  ascend  the 

may  adorn  that  ] 

Iqueenly  and  dome 

|mirable  mother. 

h  r 


iDominpr  preparations  wcro  ninde  for  Her 
lloyul  IIifrhneHs  «„(!  her  little  bn,ther  to 
take  their  usual  airing;    g„a  when  the 
party  hm    reuehed  the  ten-ace  from  the 
po.tern    door     the    l>rinc...s.   was  „gai„ 
rtarUed   by  tho  well-re.ncmbered  sound 
ffhioh  luul   disturbed   her  nlumber  a  few 
nights  before,   and,   breaking  from  her 
.ttendnnts    run   up  to   tho   sentinel  on 
duty,  an  old  gnnadier.  and  addresHed  him 
"How  .8  you,  cough  to-day.  soldier?     I 
hope  It  8  betttrr/'    The  surprise  and  plea- 
.uro  of  the  waa  great  when  told. 
by  the  attendants,  that  it  was  the  Prin- 
cess  Royal  who  had  made  this  kind  en-  ' 
quiry.    Hut  neither  his  Hurprise  nor  his 
pleasure  ended    here;     for    tho   (^neen, 
eanng  ot   the  sympathy  expressed   b^ 
kr  httle  first-born,  sent  a  present  of  two 
guineas  as  a  cure  for  the   "  poor  soldier's 
rery  bad  cough." 

Another  trait  of  a  most  striking  dia- 
meter will  «how  the  quick  intelligence  of 
the  Royal  chUd  when  in  her  third  year 
only.    Debarred  the  possession  of  an  ob- 
ject  which,  with  the  eagerness  of  infancy 
«he  endeavoured    to  obtain,   and  being 
refused   by  her    illustrious  mother,  shf 
advanced  m  anger  to  the  latter,  crVing. 
"Queen,  Queen,  make  them  obey  me'"' 
How  acutely  the  infantine  mind  must 
bve   blended    station    and    command! 
Ihe  appeal  proved  irresistible. 

The  present  aUiance,  we  believe,  has 
long  been  in  contemplation  by  the  two 

it  "oS™«  '"'.^r'*  ™''«*  truly  do  we  wish 
It  God  Speed."  The  Princess  was  first  ' 
pabliclypresentetUothe  English  people, 
mth  the  Pnnce  of  Wales,  at  the  openin<^ 
of  the  Coal  Exchange,  in  the  City  ol' 
London,  when  in  her  tenth  year:  they 
were    received  with  much    warmth    of 

KS'w  l"*"®  ^^'"^  engagement  of  Her 
Koyal  Highness  to  Prince  William  of 
IVussia,  the  royal  pair  have  been  often 

intZf'-"  r-"^'  ^^^°  *«^«  the  liveliest 
nteres  in  their  future  prospects;  we  can 
J  only  add.  our  own  voice  to  the  general 
congratulations,  and  we  trust,  thit  if  it 
be  the  lot  of  our  Princess  Royal  here- 
after to  ascend  the  throne  of  Prussia,  she 

\y  f'^™  «'«*  ^'^^  ^t'-^tion  with  the 

queen  y  and  domestic  virtues  of  her  ad - 

hirable  mother.      And    may    we     add 



3*  mZT*  »'"P^' that  as  this  treasurei 
and  beloved  young  princess  must  pa« 
torn  among  us  to  a  land  of  stranJI^ 
"{.e  may  receive  aU  that  uffeutionate  am-" 

welT 'St ^  'h'  '"'^'^•"'^■'•'*  ^vhich  ihe  o 
WLll  merits,  and  may  never  have  cause 
to  regret  leaving  the  land  of  her  bir^ 
or  the  incomparable  lamily  circle  in  which 
«l.o  has  been  reared.  Tl^  three  pCe- 
'  young  life  have  thus  been  pX^lr 
referred  to  by  Mr.  £.  L.  Hervey!^  ^ 


'^  VokinTtL"rtrl'''  *.?'"»"*''  ''«'•  ehildhooU'. 
Silent  h,ft  On  ff*  ",*.*  ""^^  ""ent  ago- 
Biieiit,  but  0  not  (lead  I    Her  heorted  tew 
Did  KuneruuH  drop  upon  the  herofe  ,^^ 
Of  Lnjjland-8  etory.     Touched  wKf^h  ^.t 

Thrilled  bv  fhKuf  «?:hC?  rff."*  ^"'' 
»o  grew  she,  stronir  vet  tmiHo*  n.  .  aU 

Like  .„mi.  too  I,„  ,o„k^  „,  ,  mS-h™). 


Which  speaks  her  Btill  a  daughter  of  hnr  <.n«. 
For  her.  liCe  sweetest  incense.  fhaU^i"     ™'  '' 

Ihese  newer  glories  bom  to  later  tonl^ 
For  her,  and  for  her  royal  house— navm«~ 

As'  n'tr  oid'r  ^f-'^'^pi^  <s^ri3. 

AS  in  the  old  heroic  age  of  yore.  ^^ 

The  mices  of  the  freelre  lid  in  rest : 
IJritain  s  true  sons,  the  self-same  h6ro.h«n,i 

True  SJh?  wvf«T"'"'^;u  "  ""^y  ^o  there  is  one 
ivtt  ,1-  ^^'^  *'*^''"  the  eo burs  on  his  brpai? 
Of  this  "&ir  vestal  throned  in  tixemsU" 


There  is  a  voice  shall  speak  unto  hw  «rail 
lielore^whose  niight^eve"n"Vl'?s%  ^ow. 

Dear  as  to  soldier  is  the  trumpet-roll 

Denr  as  to  mariner  the  home-sung  hvmn 
Across  the  waste  of  waters.  May  ?dawT 
For  her  like  morning  on  «ome  upland  kwn 

^er  "ative  seas  shall  in  her  heart  be  shrinL 

The  summer  of  the  heart  goes  with  her-but  stil 
Memory  shaU  hauut  the  region  whence  she  flew. 







<8n(jgfl«te<l  Itv  reading  the  bcaiitlftil  and  on'cctlnfir 
T»lo  under  tliat  title  In  the  Ji^milu  Friend.  Vol., 
2858.)  ' 

•'  Trjr  and  tru«t  t "  «<)iiI-«tlrrinK  maxim ! 

Who  can  eiitlmato  Itn  wortli 
To  the  Ntni^ffliiltf,  iHimcmiled. 

And  afflicted  clilld  of  earth  P 
Trlal«,  trouhIcK,  and  afflletionii 

Come  to  all,  and  come  they ; 
But  they  vonlHh  when  wo  meet  them 

With  the  wateh-word  "  Try  and  truat ! " 

Life*!  a  pilgrimage— a  Journey 

Through  a  wlldcnicNii,  beaet 

To  bo  conquered  om  they're  met : 
Tlionifi  luid  hriam,  Mnures  and  pit-folU, 

Ninnberlesiii  our  path  buHtrow ; 
But,  a<lhcring  to  ikim  maxim, 

We  ore  led  in  triumph  through  ! 

Life'R  a  dorlc  and  dangerous  voyage 

O'er  a  wide  tempe«tuouB  sea 
fraught  witji  rockH,  and  shoaU,andquick«ondn 

Wre,  ond  dirtlciilt  to  flee. 
Bnt.  'inid  dangers  seen  and  unseen, 

There's  a  pilot  near  at  hand ; 
Bo  but  to  thi»  woteh-word  faithf\i1, 

And  he'll  steer  you  safe  to  land  1 

Life's  a  "race,"  too,  and  a  "warfare;" 

Keep  ye  then  the  goal  in  view. 
Through  the  one,  and  for  the  other, 

Gi«d  yourselves  and  flglit  it  through. 
Fear  not  nobly  to  encounter 

This  or  that,  but  onward  speed. 
And,  if  ye  would  be  victorious, 

"  Try  and  trust,"  and  you'll  suocccd ! 

Toung  and  old,  henceforth  M$  maxim 

For  your  future  watchword  take,— 
Be  it  on  your  hearts  engraven, 

Love  it  for  its  author's  sake. 
For,  be  sure,  'tis  Heaven-descended,— 

God,  the  groat,the  good,  the  just, 
.In  his  Word,  exhorts  his  children 

Everywhere  to  "  Try  and  Truat !" 

C,  W.  F. 


JBometimes  amid  the  darkened  sky, 
A  beauteous  rainbow  meets  the  eye, 
Sparkling  amid  the  drops  of  rain 
We  hail  its  glorious  hues  again. 

Emblem  of  brighter  days  to  oomo, 
When  life's  sad  pilgrimage  is  done; 
Those  glorious  tints  which  gild  the  sky, 
Kcmind  us  of  our  home  on  high. 

The  rainbow,  with  its  colours  bright, 
Will  soon  be  hidden  from  our  sight. 
It  shows  us  earthly  things  decay, 
Wither,  and  fade,  and  pass  away. 



Hath  the  past  for  the«i  been  teemlnir 
With  a  bright  uucloudod  Joy  P 
Hath  no  vai"  and  Idle  dreaming 
Mixed  with  life,  its  baso  alloy  P 
Hath  thy  days  been  full  of  lightness? 
Hiith  thy  nights  Ik'ou  ftrec  from  nirop 
Hath  no  shuituw  dimmed  earth's  briKhtDcn*  P 
Still  thou  needest  to  bewunt  I 
Happy  hours,  tw  (pdckly  fleeting, 
Hoon  are  nutnlterod  with  the  past; 
Jov  and  sorrow  oft  are  meeting. 
Like  the  sunbeam  and  the  blast. 

Art  thou  one  whom  grief  and  sadness, 
Mark  for  their  esiMU-ial  prey  I 
Doth  no  cheering  beam  of  gladness, 
Jilght  thee  on  thy  toilsome  way  ? 
Doth  no  roses  with  their  beauty. 
Hide  the  thorns  that  grow  beneath? 
Hath  not  the  stern  path  of  duty, 
To  adorn  it,  one  bright  wreath  ? 
Htill,  despair  not  I  dark  and  tlreary, 
Though,  may  be  thy  present  life; 
'Tis  the  hearts  that  never  weary, 
Who  are  victors  in  the  strife. 

Ilalh  thy  past  been  full  of  gladness? 
Nerve  thee  for  the  coming  strife  I 
There  are  bitter  drops  of  sadness 
Mingled  in  the  eup  of  life. 
Sorrow  is  no  idle  Action, 
But  a  yoke  wo  all  must  share ; 
Yet,  remember,  in  affliction 
When  it  seemeth  hard  to  bear. 
Sooner,  when  the  storm  is  strongest, 
Will  its  fury  pass  away ; 
When  the  night  hours  seem  the  longest 
Brighter  dawns  the  coming  day. 

Hath  thy  cup  of  life  been  freighted 
With  a  load  of  grief  and  scorn  P 
Hath  thy  spirit  ever  mated 
With  the  wretched  and  forlorn  P 
Struggle  onward,  still  keep  trying, 
Happier  days  are  yet  in  store. 
Thinlt  how  quickly  time  is  flying ! 
Think  how  soon  will  life  be  o'erl 
And  thv  spirit  worn  and  weary 
As  the  bird,  that  seeks  her  nest 
Through  the  tempest  dark  and  dreary, 
Gladly  folds  her  wings  to  rest  I 
Thou  Shalt  see  the  sunbeams  waking 
From  the  slumbers  of  the  night. 
And  the  stormy  darkness  breaking 
Into  floods  of  heavenly  light ! 

M.  W.  Mebbiit. 


Pab,  far  below  the  dashing  wave, 

The  costliest  pearls  abide ; 
Deep  in  the  caverns  of  the  earth. 

The  brightest  diamonds  hide; 
And  so  'tis  in  the  human  heart 

The  noblest  thoughts  lie  deep. 
Like  gems  that  hidden  from  the  Ugbt, 

Unknown,  unvalued  sleep. 




Itork!  cflosi 

"Glory  be 

Heaven's  azu 

With  angel 

"  IVaco  (, 

All  etht 

Hhopherds  fln 

Tending  flo 

Jo.vftil  listen  t 

Given  In  mi 


Join  in  or 

Lo,  upon  a  I01 

See  the  God 

runie  to  live  0 

Then  upon  t 

Thus  was 

Here  fUlfll 


llnppy,  happy, 
llail'd  in  every 
lUy  of  all  the  y 
Wolooino  merry 

<'lothcd  in  garb 
Arm'd  with  VVii 
.lovial  ns  a  Sum 
.Vovcr  felt,  but  \ 

Schoolboys  facei 
U'ek'omo  thee  " 
Home  they  hasti 
'i'ojoin  the  revel 

Youths  ond  male 
Tliough  thou  ort 
Of  ayeiir  whose 
Kre  wc  fancy  it  b 

VcR,  glatl  Chrlstr 
Hails  thy  jovial  r 
Wcicoine,  joyous 


0  Christmas,  mi 
Again  is  draw 

Then  let  us  mee 
He  comes  but 

Hut  once  a  year 
With  mistlcto 

And  may  tlie  sui 
fjhine  on  our  { 

O  merry,  merry  ( 
To  every  heart 

O  Ipt  us  spond  it 
For  'tis  but  on 






Hi'Rvcn  H  azure  vault  In  rinKiuif 
With  an^ello  niin*troliiy  j 

I  oiujo  (,„  earth.  t<.  man  k<»<IwI1I. 
All  ethereal  upaco  doth  All. 

HhophenU  flmt  recolvo  the  tldiniw 
r  '''",•''"«:  "<H'kH  on  IMhlehem'iilloluH! 
J.0  111  llsti.n  to  tlio  wuldiuK*         '         ' 
/.?"  '"'"""•'«'''  ">ttKl<'  strain.. 
Uierubim  and  Heraplilm 
Join  In  one  harnioniouii  hymn. 
Lo  upon  a  lowly  manjrer, 

See  the  God  ineamato  lie; 
Conio  to  live  on  earth  a  straniror. 
ThuH  wan  Ood'H  rcdeominK  nlan 
lloro  fUlflll'd  for  thee,  O  mail     ' 




Ifappy  happy,  happy  time. 

ail  'Mn  evory  dirlstian  clinic. 
IMyofall  the  year  the  host; 
V.eluomo  merry  Wintry  guest. 

<'l.)thed  in  jyarb  of  purest  white. 
\r.nM  with  WintcrN.  blusfring  n.iffht 
.lovial  nH  a  Summer  day  *    ' 

•Vi'vcr  felt,  but  press'd  fj  stay. 

Sohoolboys  faces  shining  bright, 
ekomo  thee  "with  alT  thefr  miiht  " 
lomc  they  hasten  at  thy  call.      '^    ' 
lojom  the  revels  of  the  Hall. 

Youths  and  maidens  love  thee  well 
houph  thou  art  the  passing  kne 
Of  a  year  whose  race  h  run 
Krc  wo  fancy  it  begun. 

la  Is  thy  jovial  reign  begun- 
VV  ckonie.  joyous  wintry  Kucst 

Day  of  all  the  year  the  Lst' 



0  Cluistmas,  merry  Christmas 
Agam  18  drawing  near 

1  hen  let  us  meet  him  joyftUly 
JIo  comes  but  once  a  year. 

"'w?r®  ?  If "x""  "^^  S^^et  him 

With  mistletoe  and  bays 
And  niay  the  sun  of  happiness 

ohme  on  our  Christmas  days. 

<^  merry,  merry  Christmas 
lo  every  heart  is  dear. 

For  'tis  but  once  a  yew. 


Come  away  all  to  the  Chriitmaii  trM 

I  h«  falrlBH  are  danclnir  from  lu»i]lh  »^  i        ^ 
(•«m..  co,ne.  come,  thl^  wJi;  C^flowT' 
Come  while  the  tree  is  irav  and  hri„h» 

Come,  come  away. 
^ ■*•  Di  YoDirei, 

3nnr.^''£J-rb^X*eet  primrose, 

delight.       ^'  *•**  *"'*  ^•"••^''  «J"«r  »ong«  of 

^  nl*.'"'  """I"""-  hath  roses-regal  roses 
An^  .   P?"''"'"  **">''  crimson  s^les!!' 

oVtrsl\?rdH"s.r/r'> '^'*™"'^^ 

De^r^a-  "»»  "»  "  .m."  Of  &„„»,,  „j 



Monmfblly,  slowly. 
Rears  on  the  bell. 

A  string  from  Time's  K  which  ?!'""'rP"''«"' 
sever  *^'  "'"'^"  '**  maker  doth 

A  whisper  from  Heaven  of  the  boundless  for  ever. 

Calmly  thoughtfully, 
w^'onder  and  look. 
With  feehngs  of  sorrow. 

Bethink  tto  "  S™  ,t i'  ."„"'?  •""  ""O- 

And  ™.™,., «» =:&ra's^^s 

Peacefullv,  cheerfully 
Go  on  thy  way, 
/  """e  is  but  short 

Look  up  to  the  daylight  above  the  cold  tomb. 

Jahes  Daties. 





r    I 

'«!,  .CI 









THB  Mazb. — The  instructions  for  this  seasonabie 
flrefiide  amusement  are  as  follow :— Tlio  Traveller 
must  enter  at  the  opening  at  the  foot,  and  mu8t 
pass  between  the  Imett  forming  tlio  road  to  the 
Castle  in  tiie  -niddle.  There  are  no  bars  in  the 
route :  one  rord  crosses  another  by  means  of  a 
bridge,  bo  that  cure  must  be  taken  that,  in  follow- 
ing'the  route,  the  traveller  does  not  stray  iVom 
one  road  to  another,  and  thus  lose  the  track.  For 
instance,  on  enterlnp,  he  will  have  to  pass  under 


'      THB   BBAV  PIB. 

This  substitute  for  a  Christmas  tree,  if  not  so 
elegant,  yet  generally  causes  more  amusement 
Iho  presents  intended  for  distribution,  shoulri 
each  be  wrapped  in  paper  and  placed  in  a  plato 
basket.  This  must  be  Hlled  with  bran.  Each  ol 
the  company,  with  a  largo  spoon,  dive  by  turns 
into  the  bran  and  whatever  they  draw  up,  is  their's 
Often  the  spoon  is  found  to  contam  nothing  but 
bran,  and  the  unlucky  person  loses  his  turn 
Blanks,  that  is,  pieces  of  wood  or  cork,  wrapped' 
in  paper,  like  the  presents  may  be  placed  in  the 
pie,  and  produce  great  lauehter. 

a  bridge  of  another  road  crossingr  over  his 
path :  in  continuing  the  route  he  will  next  pass 
over  a  bridge  crossing  another  road;  and  thus 
continue  his  course.  A  little  practice  will  ac- 
eustom  the  traveller  to  the  method  of  the  Maze. 
It  is  not  a  fair  test  of  the  merits  of  the  Maze  to 
tommenoe  from  the  centre ;  but  the  traveller  will 
be  at  full  liberty,  wh»n  he  has  entered  the  Castle, 
to  get  out  again  if  he  can. 


The  players  shoiM   stand  in  a  ring,  holdinz  | 
hands.    In  the  middle,  put  a  hassock  turned  i 
one  end.    The  object  of  the  game  is,  by  pullinj  I 
and  pushing  your  iieighbours  as  you  run  round  I 
the  mat,  to  make  them  overturn  it,  and  to  avoid 
doing  it  yourself.    If  any:  one  upsets  it,  he  is  out 
of  the  game.    The  players  go  on  till  there  is  on);  | 
one  left  ,and  this  one  is  the  winner  of  the  game. 

This  noval 


I  fun. 

The  mistress 

up  a  lottery,  sho 

Biimber  of  fancy 

nat'keries;  and  a 

one  in  particular 

lome  luckless  exp 

Miy  enveloped  in 

and  well  laid  up  i: 

iteuTfl  and    chih 

should  be  placed  ; 

pdation  ob8erve( 

lots,  set  out  upon 

When  the  time  of 

(f  the  house  take 

tributes  among  tl 

Kveral  wishes— ai 

«ch  card.    When 

pack,  from  which 

fithout  being  loo 

lots  iuid  one  is  pla 

ipthe  remainder 

«din  succession 

rto  has  a  similai 

piices  his  beside  i 

foiie  through,  thof 

corresponding  to  tli 

the  winners;  but 

The  card  under  eac 

with  the  first ;  and  1 

one  carries  of}' the  Ic 

all  the  lots,  until  th. 

So  much  for  the 

rame;  now  let  us 

the  movement  and 

Kf.   As  one  by  oi 

liiiiid  are  proclaimed 

iisappointmenf  stin 

Tfiiture,  and  a  gen 

Iho'o  that  remain ; 

minislies,  and  the  cc 

oieofthem  hecomin 

rases,  they  fetch  h 

Ilie  anxiety— the  m 

tliich  all  eyes  are  fi 

tomed  up,  are  emotic 

foberest  of  the  comp 

'fhcn,  at  last,  the  lo 

ters,  the  trepidation 

him  to  the  lionom-  of 

mirth  by  being  pre« 

having  deliberately  t< 

paper  and  wool  until 

|inortifying,ioke  which 

The  mistress  of  thi 

Koeds  of  the  lottery  tl 

mm  for,  and  the  r 

jcharitable  purpose. 

THE  ; 

The  person  on  wh 
lis  imposed  must  star 
room,  and  to  all  tha 
Ptiiiiefi following:  I  am 
Pourth  time,  however,  i 
""  '   The  fun  to  all 

^^SSB^^  ^- 



8  tree,  if  not  so 
jre  amusement 
ibution,  should 
laced  in  a  plate 
bran.  Each  ol 
I,  dive  by  turns 
iwup,  istheir's. 
lin  nothing  bul 
loses  Ilia  turn. 
r  cork,  wrapped 
)e  placed  in  the 


^  Jhisnoval  game  is  productive  of  much 

The  mistressi  of  the  house  who  desires  to  rp* 
lap  a  lottery  should  have  provided  be  brtCid  a 
number  ot  fancy  articles  tov«  nn,i  „i„      r^^.".** 
,«keries,  and  LonftlJeSCSdtTreparM 
oDe  m  particular,  destined  to  the  discomHture  of 
me  luckless  expectant.    This  lot  should  be  caro 
Mly  enveloped  in  several  wranners  nf  fis=,, ,?, 
Bd  weU  laid  up  in  cotton,  mKavcoi^^tfn^f*^''''' 
^urd  and    c&ldish,  or' wortWeL'^Se    "If 
ihouJd  be  placed  the  last  accordhig  to  the  ikw  of 
mdation  observed  with  respect  tothe  rmahSn/ 
lots,  set  out  upon  the  table  and  Ipfi  n^?     / 
When  the  time  of  drawing'  has  arri™i  ^  "'^''"■?'*- 
d  the  house  takes  a  S?  ofcarfs  wW^h  ITr"" 
tributes  among  the  Lwe?s,  acSilo  t£r 
Kveral  wishes— an  afrreed  nnVp  hoir.™     ?     ^"^ 
achcard.    When  twris  do  "e  he  tak^'lnr" 
,«ck,  from  which  a  number  of  carS'^e^Sn 
fithout  beingr  looked  at,  equal  to  the  ^iLberof ' 
to  and  one  IS  placed  under  each.    He  then  turnf 
.p  he  remainder  of  the  pack,  laying  down  each 
card  m  succession  aiid  calling  t  out.^  The  drfwcr 
iflio  has  a  similar  card  tn  ihaTZ,.  ^iiearawer 
fkes  his  beside  it.    When  the  whnlp'i''''  T*' 
.m  through  those  who  remS  holders  o7 cards 
corresponding  to  those  undpr  the  /"J"^™  <?'  cards 
Ithe  ^vinnersf  but  Twhat    rJ'a^n^  are  declared 
,  The  card  under  each  lot  is  ea^^rt  ntf  °k ''"•  ""•''"• 
'with  the  first ;  and  t"ie  drnwer  whn  u'h  ^^^'P'^'^g 
onecan-icsofJ^hPlnt     Ti?     '     "°  holds  a  similar 

Itaid  are  proclaimed  worthirsfthe^iShtSr 
disappomtmenr  stimulates  them  to  Sp  .., .. 

.rases,  they  fetch  hfsher^^d  ZTi^^'T^^^^^-  •"" 

'when,  at  last,  thoZf  are^isfriSpd^f;?^  "'"^ 
«h  by  being  prlX'ttfthe  '•  sell^"^^^^^^ 

mm  for  andt^orl^^-A     ^'^e  ^anous  articles 
|charitablI'pS?pose'  "''°'^<1«'^ «  devoted  to  some 


'SpUTmust"  sTi^To,!!''?  H'^p"'^^  '"fi™»y 

Nm,^nd  t^  all  th^t  i2  *  -a  ^^^  "'''^'^"''  "f  the 
■^Ves  follow  l^"l  *am  dcnf  "'r  "'"'1  T'""''  ^^''^^ 
"-*h  tim^  v.5n,  "™  aeat;  T  can't  hear."  The 
.  Tk'  '^^owever,  the  answer  must  be  "  I  o^n 
The  lua  to  aU  but  the  unfortunate  victo 

is  for  the  first  three  timea  to  make  t1,P  Hp„7 
some  agreeable  pronosal  nn^j.  i  ■■  "^af  man 
tohimlnd  askiiiffTm  L  "^t  ^  .bringing  a  ladj 
is  obliged  to  turn  a  dP«f  ^""^  \^^.'  ^  ^^''^^  he 
tin.eheisrequesTedtoi^'  while  the  fourth 
act,  such  a.  to  take  a  lidy  H '^'."f  hunuliating 
to  salute,  sing  a  comfc  Hn,,/  '  f  gentleman 
verses  in  praisfof  tT  U  ^yofdl '^'"".P"™ 
P^pe,  &c. ;  and  to  all  these  TSbfr  ?  ^''" 


thlKfl^^lfp^rS^Hn^'i"  *''«^-« '« 
form  following:-Thrpfayers^af  tL'"''","^''  ""<* 
form  a  circle  after  the  maS^pi*'^®'?!?®'^^''  ""d 

in  Kensiiigton  GaS  "ach  adnnf'"''""^  ''^"<^ 
ment  of  which  he  iS'im  w„ "^^P'"'?  ^  '"st'-u. 
chooses  the  violhi  and  S  uII^P'^I^k"'*''-  ^ne 
ward  and  forward  over  hTs  Sp'f».^""« 

of  furniiure  to%ure  as  an\>«r^  suitable  piece 

Urs;  ;o^"^S* '  V- -  ^- 

Plnec  in  an'^orchLtr,  ?„cJ7s"a?w.«','^  °"'  «^ 
P'pi>8,  and  a  hurdy-girdv     Dn?J«   t    ''.'""P' /"''i- 


an.  executant,  adopting  any  articff,'''  ^l  ^« 
suited  to  its  DfculHr  oh^^It  'I '  ^""«  hest 

ardour  and  en?hus  atmt^."rbP%?,r^  ""^-  '^*""«* 
various  vestures  of  th^p, .foyers  ?lZ  «"*^.  "l« 
which  s  then  nrespn+fd  !.„♦?■•  ^"e  spectacle 
imaginary  musicfa,  ^"",''£1,  ^'^ J/'^J  '''^  ?' 
irresistibly   ludicrous    n  d    .  >^  5^     °ll  /»"■<"■«.  is 

which  is  proscMbcd  on';  in'  ?rfo  fe  ^'''> 
impossibility.  In  the  mid4  nf  fi?  •  ®,'*'.?  ^^^^' 
ductor  tnk.  s  his  Is  ™ririi "''  "'"'''r  ""^  «««■ 
,  the  bMck  before  h"m  in  such  n  .Z  "  '^'''i'"'  ^'^^ 
d  sk,  on  which  he  be,  ts  timP  Z  ""^  *°  '^^"'"'^  » 
selfupaftcrthesimilVhidp^fV.,"^  may  get  him- 
Ju^liefi,  whLe  Sdes"lnd  gSur^^^^^^^^ 
excited  pit.  h  of  his  last  "u  ivwsa"  sm.sV  '  ".?'' 
may  be  adopted  as  a  n"dd  but  wilf  n  ^a^^""' 
exagger:.tion  to  be  >rade  as  amn^,,^  T,^^**  "" 
the  orchestra  which  he  dirertTr"'?^"  *'}««e  of 

the  indescribable  Tonfusion  of  --n,,*®  ""'^*'*  "^ 
he  triumphantly  p;e"™he,^°"'^^^^^^^  «'Vcr  which 
singles  on  one  of  Vl  o ^^nl!-  <^""ductor  suddenly 
whfhe  is  arfoult  Vpll^'^T'f"''  """^^  hi,^ 
must  at  one     and  withr  ff  n    "•^"'■''  '°  addressed 

given  wiUnccciS  a  Sfel"  """"'Previonrtr 




1.  fnor  ronnd, 

I  lure  a  piece  of  gronnd,  which  is  neiuier  square 
IFBat  an  octagon;  and  this  I  hare  laid  oat  [retain 
In  a  norel  way,  though  phuiL  in  appearance  and 

Three  posts  in  each  compartment ;  but  I  doubt 
Whether  you  discoTer  how  I  apportioned  it,  e'en  tho' 

I  inform  you  tis  divided  into  four.        [delight. 
Bat,  if  you  soItc  it  rlffht,  'twill  afford  you  much 

And  repay  you  for  me  trouble,  I  am  sore. 







Take  a  piece  of  stUT  cardboard,  let  the  sam  J 
formed  and  marited  thus—  ' 



: y      ■;^, 

Gho.  M.  P,  Gikthmt. 


With  a  piece  of  Morocco,  or 
any  other  suitable  material, 
let  a  purse  be  constructed 
similar  to  the  one  given  be- 
low. The  puzzle  is  to  open 
the  same  without  removmg 
any  of  the  rings. 

Iaoo  Fftkovav. 

Upon  a  piece  »f  cardboard  draw 

The  three  designs  below; 
I  should  have  sud  of  each  shapo  four. 

Which,  when  cut  out,  will  show. 
If  joifted  correctly,  that  which  you 

Are  striving  to  unfold, — 
An  ootaffon,  fiuniliar  too 

My  Mends,  both  young  and  old. 

Obo,  M.  F.GLBiriri. 


say  five  inches  long,  by  one  inch  broad-  o 
into  eleven  pieces,  and  with  them  represent  ( 
matically,  a  well-known  part  of  the  city  of  LanJ 
Agata,  by  reversing  the  lettered  part,  fMnl 
various  figures  given  below.  -* 



/VN    Wl 

-t.'rf,  FfthoJ 



rdboard,  let  the  umel 

one  Inch  broad; 
ith  them  represent,  L 
«rt  of  the  city  of  LoaJ 

lettered  part,  fonnl 



->■-  :  ■  'I 

li.00  FfthoI