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Full text of "Ontario fish and gave laws [microform] : a digest of the whole law, dominion and provincial, affecting the animals, birds and fish of Ontario, alphabetically arranged, with references to the various statutes and orders in council in force on September 28th, 1903"

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Digest  of  the  whole  law.  Dominion  and  Provincial,  affoctinff  the 
Animals.  Birds  and  Fish  of  Ontario,  alphabetically  arranged, 
with  roferenoes  to  the  various  Statutes  and  Orders  in 
Council  in  force  on  September  28th.  IflOS. 


A,  H.  O'BRffiN,  M.  A., 

•rrisUr^t-Law.-AuUtant  Law  Clerk  of  tkt  J1<m*e  of  Commont.-Author  of 
"aBrieu't  Convtyancer"  "Chattel  Mortgag«s  and  Bills  of  Sale,"  "A  Digest 
of  the  Fish  and  Game  Laws  of  Quebec,"  etc. 



as  to  references  to  Dominion  law. 


32  Toronto  St.,  Toronto',' 




The  difficulty  of  ascertaining  the  law  from  the  network  of 
original  and  amended  statutes,  both  of  the  Dominion  Parlia- 
ment  and  the  Ontario  Legislature,  and  from  the  various  Orders 
in  Council  suspended  and  re-enacted,  is  the  reason  for  the  issue 
of  this  Digest. 

Since  the  last  edition  the  Provincial  laws  relating  to  fish  and 
game  have  been  consolidated,  and  again  amended,  while  many 
new  Orders  in  Council  have  been  passed. 

Some  practical  hints  on  camping,  which  long  experience  has 
proved  to  be  valuable,  have  been  added  to  this  edition. 

The  illustrations,  which  appear  for  the  first  time  throughout 
the  book,  will  be  continued,  and  increased  in  number,  in  future 
editions,  and  the  book  will  be  published  annually  if  sportsmen 
show  their  appreciation  in  the  usual  way. 

The  Digest  is  a  sjmopsis  of  the  whole  law,*so  far  as  it  relates 
to  the  various  animals,  birds  and  fish  protected  by  it,  and  is 
intended  both  as  a  handbook  for  the  guidance  and  protection  of 
sportsmen,  and  also  aa  a  book  of  reference  for  those  whose  duty 
it  is  t6  enforce  the  law, 

Ottawa,  Sept.  aSth,  1903.  A.  H.  0*8. 

V  Mi  ;m 

When  dates  for  opm  mmm  are  given,  both  days  are  included. 
Except  during  their  open  aeaion,  animals  and  birds  protected 
may  not  be  hunted,  talcen.  killed,  destroyed,  or  pursued  with 
such  intent. 

The  words  "hunt,"  "Uke,"  and  "kill,"  with  regard  to  animals 
«nd  birds,  and  "fUh  for,"  "take,"  "catch,"  and  "kill'  with 
r^r^rd  to  fish,  are  usually  interchangeable. 

If  there  is  no  reference  in  this  Digest  to  any  particular  animal, 
bird  or  fish,  there  is  only  the  general  law  which  affects  it, 
in  which  case  see  the  titles  "  Game  Animal?"  "Game  Bird 
and  "Fish." 

Each  day  during  which  an  infracUon  of  "  The  Fisheries  Act ' 
(R.S.C.,  c.  95,)  continues,   constitutes  a  separate  offence. 

"  D.O.C."  followed  by  the  month,  day  and  year,  refers  to  a 
Dominion  Order  in  Council  of  that  date. 

"  D.O.C."  folloMred  by  a  year  date  and  page,  refers  to  an  Order 
m  Council  bound  with  the  Dominion  Stotutes  of  that  year. 

'•  F.A."  =  "  The  Fisheries  Act"  (Dominion),  being  R.S.C.,  c.  95. 

"G.P.A."  =  "  The  Ontario  Game  Protection  Act,"  being  S.O 
1900,  c.  49. 

"  O.F.  A."  =  "  The  Ontario  Fisheries  Act,"  being  S.O.,  1900,  c.  50. 

"  O.O.C.  ■  followed  by  the  month,  day  and  year,  refers  to  an 
Ontario  Order  in  Council  of  that  date. 

"  O.O.C."  witho4t  any  date  refers  to  an  Ontario  Order  in  Coun- 
cil of  June  9th,  1899. 

••  R.S.C.|'  =  Revised  Sututes  of  Canada  (1886). 

"  R.S.O."  =  Revised  Statutes  of  Ontario  (1897). 

!!  ^•^•'",=  S*»*"*e*  of  Canada  of  the  year  which  follows. 

!!  .^^•"  =  Statutes  of  Ontario  of  the  year  which  foUows. 

"  ib."  =  Same  reference  as  the  preceding. 


»NQUIN  NATIONAL  PARK  comprint  the 

tLe  foUowing  tOWUSllipt,  in  Nipissing  district,  viz:  — 
Peck,  Hunter,  Devine,  BiggAr,  Wilkes,  Canisbay,  McLauj^- 
lin.  Bishop,  Osier,  Pentland,  Sproule,  Bower,  Freswick, 
Lister,  Preston,  Dickson,  Ang^in  and  Deacon.  (R.S.  »., 
c.  46,  s.  2.) 

Fire  arms,  explosives,  htmting  and  trapping  (except  as 

below)  prollibited.  (ib.  s.  8.) 
Iricence  to  kill  wolves,  bears,  wolverines,   wild  cats,  foxes 

and  hawks  may  be  issued  by  Commissioner,  (ib.) 

Fishing  with  nets,  traps,  spears,  or  night  lines  pro- 
hibited,   (ib.  s.  9.) 

Angling  prohibited,  except  for  the  purpose  of  food,  and  a 
licence  is  also  required,  (ib. ) 


JBAIT— Small  troat  may  be  nsed  by  fishermen  for  baiting 
traps.  (F.A.,  s.  9,  s-s.  4.) 

[BAITBD  lAHfiSr-See  traps. 

-Open  Mwoa  Jtiac  i<  to  April  14.  <  o  O  c    .«.. 
p.  Ixxxvi.)  But  m  WMLXm  Mm  up  '♦•'"•O.C,  1895, 

*jS;.'I?  !l!.r'i*  ~  "»«  >-  P0"Mri0«  fron,  April  ,5  ,0 
"^^urSUr,  "*'  "°*  *•  ""•  ""  "■«"'  «'■-  «>'•<' 

without  a  license,    (ib.)  *^       **  ^*''  ^'^^'^  •"^''"•^«. 

*'  '*«-"™»^'«W-MTTL««li-«P.A«ll,0. 

I  BE  AVBR— May  not  bs  Ukea  betore  Nor.  x,  X905. 

(G.P.A.,  ■.  5,  i»-s   I.) 


BIRD— No  bird  may  be  taken,  exposed  for  sale,  or  had  in 
possession,  except  hawks,  crows,  blackbirds,  English  spar- 
rows, cage  and  domesticated  birds,  and  game  birds  in  their 
open  season,  but  robina  attacUnff  fralt  may  be  killed. 
(R.S.O.,  c.  289,  ss.  2,  3.) 

N^ta,  jmUkg  or  Cgga  of  any  bird,  except  hawks,  crows, 
blackbirds  and  English  sparrows,  may  not  be  taken  or  de- 
stroyed at  any  time.    (ib.  s.  4.) 

Omithologiata  and  biologiato  may  obtain  from  the  Chief 
Warden  a  permit  to  Uke,  for  the  purpose  of  study,  birds  and 
eggs  other  than  those  above  mentioned,    (ib.  s.  6.) 


BILAOKBIRDS  may  be  kiUed  any  time.    (R.  S.  O., 

c.  289,  s.  2.) 



BRBBDINO-&r^  nsR. 

CHIBP  GAMB  WARDieiir    ,  a      \     , 

.    Buildings,  ^l^'^^^^''-^'"'"  ^•"'^'^•^'  Le^rislative 

CHIBF  WARDBN-&*  above. 

^?°.^  Co-ffliBsioner   of  Fisheries.  Ontario    s    T 
Bastedo,  Legislative  Buildings,  Toronto.  '  * 

SShln"  ^r  "^««io«e'  and  General  Inspector  of 

Fisheries,  Prof.  Edward  E.  Prince,  Ottawa. 

Assistant  Commissioner  of  Fisheries  fnr  th«  n 

R.  N.  Venning,  '>— -  '>Meries  for  the  Dominion, 



00MFI80ATION-5««  mrALTnk 

OVl— ■ 

COUPON— 5^«  ucsmx. 

CROWN  UiNDS  AGBNTS-^^^  oapurr  WAsram 

CROWS  may  be  IdUed  an,  time.  (R.S.O.,  c.  289.  s.^.)*" 



DBBR-OpenecawmNov.itoNov.M.  (GPA  «. 

,0  But  perso„s(and  their  lice„sees)who^utLb«t^^^^^^^^ 
th«r  own  land  may  hunt  «„ch  deer  from  Oct.  ,  to  Nov   ,? 
(lb.  s-s.  7.)  •  '5« 


Oaly  a  deer,  or  ,  buU  moose  or  .  bull  reindeer  or  caribou 
may  be  taken  in  any  season  by  ,  person.  But  this  does  not 
apply  to  deer  which  are  private  property,  (ib.  s.  8,  s-s.  3.) 

license  requited  to  htmt—See  uonrss. 

111  ladiaii  PeiUwmla  deer  may  „ot  be  taken  in  the  water, 
or  immediately  after  leavinjf  it     (ib.  s-s.  4.) 

TrawvoirUtiail  prolliWted  of  any  deer,  moose,  elk,  rein- 
deer or  canbou,  or  any  part  thereof,  at  any  time,  unless  a 

shippmif  coupon  (,«LI0»iMi)  is  attached  thereto,   (ib.  s  16 
s-B.  ,.)    But  transportation  is  permitted  when  the  game  was 
killed  m  some  other  Province  according  to  the  law  of  such 
Province,  and  if  the  game  is  accompanied  by  an  affidavit  to 
above  elFect.    (ib.  s-s.  3.) 



DEPUTY  WARDENS  are  comiUblea  for  purposes  of 
Game  Protection  Act.    (G.P.A.,  s.  23,  s-s.  4.) 

Duty  to  SeUe  all  birds  and  animals  in  possession  of  any  per 
son  contrary  to  Act,  and  to  bring  such  person  before  a  IP 
also,  to  SMrch  any  receptacle  in  which  they  believe  irame 
taken  out  of  season  is  hidden,     (ib.  s-ss.  3,  4.) 

May  arrest  any  person  violating  game  laws  in  their  presence 
(ib.  s-s.  9.) 


aiieriffil,  constables,  police,  deputy  sheriffs,  wood  rangers. 
Crown  land  agents,  timber  agents,  fire  wardens  and  fishery 
inspectors  and  overseers  are  constituted  Deputy  Wardens 
and  are  required  to  enforce  Game  Protection  Act.  (ib.  s-s.  7.) 

BISOUISB-PertotM  masked  or  disffnised  may  not 

have  fire  arms  in  their  possession  when  near  any  shooting 
ground,  or,  during  close  ser.8on,  near  any  place  where  game 
IS  usuaUy  found.    (G.P.A.,  s.  14.) 

DOGS  accustomed  to  pursiae  deer  are  not  allowed  at 
large,  where  deer  are  found,  during  close  season  for  deer 

t«i  Jl  *"°""**  ™""'"*^  ***'*''  **"""«^  ^'°««  season  may  b^ 
kUled  on  Siffht  by  any  person  without  his  being  liable  to 
damages.     (G.P.A.,  s.  8,  a-s.  6.) 









"  l^?^^  **  u'"'^*  ^^  "^^^  •«*  «*"  ««M.  but  not 

so  to  depnve  other  weirs  of  a  share  in  the . 

«•  14,  s-s.  4.) 

run  of  eels.  (F.A. 

.    i3 

*Nov!m  J?*  •**^*"  *^  •^•'  ~  ***"*  **"""»  0«^»°»>«-  and 
^u.u.i^.,  1895,  P'  l«x.) 
«Q08  of  «,,  bW,  l,«,k,,   crow,,  bUckbird,  and 
possession.  (R.S.O.,  c.  289,  s.  4,) 
0«  «ld  Wologlrt.  may  obtain  from  Chief 
Warden  a  perm.t  to  collect  eggs  at  any  time  for  the  bona 
fide  purpose  of  study,     (ib.  s.  6.)     ' 

*Sf.^  "°*  ^  *^*"  •*  "^y  ««••  (G.P.A..  s.  4.  S.S.  3. 

at  any 

BS8BX  OOUNTY-Deer  may  act  b«  ;Uikeii 
time.    (O.O.C.  Oct.  23,  1896.)    "^  ""'  "*  •*"**» 

Noa  retideiit  maj  export  in  any  season  (provided  he  holds 
a  hcense).  i  bull  moose,  reindeer  or  caribou,  a  deer  and  loo 
ducks.  {As  to  shipping  coupons,  set  UOBfU)  (ib.  s.  i6,  s-s.  4.) 
Deer  export  prohibited  of  a  carcass  or  part  of  a  deer,  from 
J^T^J  ^^""^  "  *^'°''  mentioned.  (S.C,  ,897.  c.  16,  s.  S.) 
i»eer  meybe  exported  from  Canada  by  persons  not  domiciled 
•n  Canada,  when  shctforsportandnotforjfainor  hire,  and  un- 
der Provincial  authority,  subject  to  the  following  conditions  :- 
u'.*./    :,  '"*^  be.  exported  only  at  the  customs  ports  of 
Hahfax,  Yarmouth,  Macadam  Junction.  Quebec,  Montreal, 
Ottawa,  Kmjfston,  Niagara  Falls,  Fort  Erie,  Windsor,  Sault 
Me.  Mane,  Port  Arthur  and  such  other  ports  as  are  desig- 
nated  by  the  Minister  of  Customs. 

2.  Exportation  in  the  carcass  or  parts  thereof  (except  as 
to  cured  heads  and  hides)  is  permitted  only  up  to  the  fifteenth 
day  after  the  open  season  has  expired. 

3-  No  person  shaU,  in  one  year,  export  more  than  the 
whole  or  parts  of  a  deer,  nor  shall  exportation  be  made  by 
the  same  person  more  than  twice  in  a  calendar  year. 

4.  If  killed  contrary  to  Provincial  law  they  may  not  be 
exported.  '        7     u    ut? 

5.  A  permit  of  the  Collector  of  Customs  must  accompany 
the  shipment.  -»       r-  / 

6.  An  export  entry  may  be  made  on  taking  a  declaration 
before  a  Collector  of  Customs  that  the  above  requirements 
have  been  complied  with,  and  on  production  of  the  Provincial 
hcense  or  permit.     (D.O.C.,  Aug.  19,  1899.) 

Deer  bred  on  a  person's  own  land,  or  on  land  held  by 
an  Association  of  which  he  is  a  member,  niay  be  exported 
from  Canada  by  making  affidavit  of  above  facts  to  local 
CoUector  of  Customs.    (D.O.C.,  Aug.  17,  ,899.) 

Deer  which  are  private  property  and  killed  by  the  owner, 
or  with  his  consent,  and  upon  his  own  lands,  nUy  be 
exported  from  Ontario.    (G.P.A.,  s.  14(3).)    See  also  above. 


^^^d}**'^^**  «**»*^  partridge.  pnixU  fowl  «UI 
woodcock  may  not  be  exported  from  Canada.  (S.C.  iSoy. 
c.  i6,  8.  8.)  ^"' 

Speckled  or  River  Tront  caught  in  the  Province  may  not 
be  transported  or  had  in  possession  for  exportation  unless 
caught  for  sport,  and  the  total  weight  not  to  exceed  25  lbs. 
Shipment  must  be  accompanied  by  a  certificate  to  above 
eflect  from  the  local  fishery  officer  in.  or  local  station  agent 
adjacent  to,  locality  where  caught,  or  unless  accompanied  by 
copy  of  license  or  permit.  No  person  may  ship  more  than 
one  package  during  the  season.    (D.O.C.,  1901,  p.  Ixxiii.) 



!  i-I 



S?»  WAHDBN8~&.  D»UTY  WAUm. 

7™"  or  spawii  may  not  be  Ukea  for  breedisff , 

•locking  or  scientiBc  purposes  without  a  written  permit  from 
Commissioner  or  Deputy.  (S.O.,  1901,  c.  37,  s.  8.) 
lUy  not  be  killed  by  explosive..  (D.O.C.  ,90a,  p.  ivii.) 
lUy  not  be  killed  by  fire  arm..  (D.o.C.  ,89a,  p  xx^i.) 
May  not  be  nacd  aa  maatire.  (S.C.,  1894,  c.  51,  s.  5.) 
Toung  of  fiah  may  not  be  canght,  sold,  or  had  in  pos- 
session. (F.A.,  s.  14,  s-s.  9.) 

May  not  be  aold  or  poaaeaaed  if  caught  in  Provincial 
waters  contrary  to  law.     (O.F.A.,  s.  14.) 

May  only  be  taken  by  anfflinff  unless  a  license,  lease,  or 
permit  is  obtained  from  Commissioner.  (O.O.C.) 

See  Ponoir-j^LLimoir  or .  vnauro  tmapmm. 

FISH  PpNDS-D^«roy4f  ioodga*^or#lnlcea  on 

any  private  water,  or  |mttiipr  to  Mme  to  dertroy  fish  is  an 
mdictable  offence.  (S.C,  ,8^7.  c.  29,  s.  499.  C  (e),  (f).) 



FI8HBRT  INSPBGTORS-^  nmmir  WAMomm- 
naMMmY  ovwrawwri  nmnonmM  of  maxmmt 

FISHERY  OVBRSBBRS^Are  Jnatlcea  of  the 
Feace  for  the  purposes  of  Ontario  Fisheries  Act ;  and  have 
jurisdiction  throughout  Province.    (O.F.A.,  s.  5.) 

May  enter  on  private  property  in  discharge  of  their  duties, 
and  also  persons  accompanying  them.    (ib.  s.  7.) 


Umj  ezaalae  any  boat,  box.  etc.,  in  poHi««!,ion  of  any 
penoa  RMag,  in  order  to  ascertain  if  Fisheries  Act  has  been 
complied  with.    (ib.  a.  30.) 

IMtimtcs  U  to  iUhiAflr  limit,  or  claims  shall  be  settled  by 
local  fishery  overseer,  subject  to  appeal  to  Deputy  Commis- 
sioner of  Fisheries,    (ib.  s.  36.) 

May  ttj  caoeo  under  Ontario  Fisheries  Act.     (ib.  «.  54.) 

May  COttTlct  on  Wcw  and  destroy  nets,  etc.,  illegally  in 
use.     (ib.  s.  56.) 

PxOTlllGial  COtiaUblea  are  fishery  overseers.    (Ib.  s.  5.) 

See  rarmnr  WAmsmm^nmnaramM  or  Firamum 

FISHIMO  R10HTfr-9xclaalTc  tight  of  flahiiiff  is 

not  conveyed  by  a  grrant  by  patent  of  the  bed  of  any  water 
in  Onurio,  unless  such  exclusive  ri^t  is  conveyed  expressly. 
(R.S.O.,  c.  a88,  s.  9.)  ^  f        j 

FISHWAYS-Ftobaiay  notbc  obatrncted  in.  (F.A.. 
».  14,  s-s.  6.) 



OAUmASlMAJUSee  below. 

OAMB  BIRD  OP  OAMB  ANIMAL  means  a  bird  or 
animal  protected  by  the  provisions  of  "  The  OnUrio  Game 
Protection  Act."    (G.P.A.,  s.  2,  s-s.  ..) 

Non-reaideiita  may  not  htUlt  or  kill  any  game  bird  or 
animal  without  a  license,   (ib.  s.  3,  s-s.  i.) 

See  B«»-]nCP0»TATI0K-LIC?WW«-P0I10N- 




OAMB   OOMMlS8IONI!ll8-Bo«rd  of  5  »«mket. 

appointed  for  3  years  by  Lieut.  Governor  in  Council.  Their 
duty,,  to  enforce  game  laws,  propagate  fish,  collect  infor- 
mation  and  statistics.  They  are  Justices  of  the  Peace  for 
purposes  of  Ga tie  Protection  Act.  They  may  appoint  and  Deputy  Wardens.    (G.P.A..  ss.  a.-aj.) 

'"^^'^.f  ■^r'll'     *••  A- A.  Smith  (Chairman),  Forest ; 

W.B    Wells,  Chatham  ;  Henry  S.   Osier,  K.C..  Toronto; 

J.  H.  Casement.  Ukefield  j  and  J.  E.  Thompson,  Amprior. 

Secretary.      Edwin  Tinsley,  LegislaUve  Buildings,  Toronto. 


^"s^frlM^  •"•**"  ^^  '«  **»  ^•y  '•   <GPA..  s.  4. 
s-B.  4  (c;.; 

UnnOng  from  Milboate  aiid  laanchet  prohiUted. 

(lb.  s.  9,  s-s.  I.) 

Batterie*.,  snakea  piiata.  awiyel  guM  and  gtum  over 
8  kore  proWMted.    (ib  s-s  ,.)  "«««>•  oyer 

OBORGIAM  BAY-Potmd  net.  prohibited  east  of  a 
hne  drawn  from  Cape  Hurd,  Bruce  Co.   and  the  mouth  ol 
Spanish  River.     (D.O.C.,  ,900,  p.  xlv.) 

HON  TSOmr— WRITB  nsR. 
OlSB—See  TBAPfl. 



GROUSB-Open  seaaoa  Sept.  15  to  Dec.  15.     (G.P.A 
s.  4,  s-s.  4  (a).)  ** 


19  . 

OUIDBS  for  himtitttr.  •hooting  or  fiahlaff  may  be 

l.cen>«|  by  Chief  Warden  on  the  recommendation  of  a  J  P 
countemigrned  by  any  Warden.     Licenw  fee  $2.     (G.P.a'.', 



"^fTJirX  "^  "^ '"• "~- ^»- 

S0e  "WORTATIOIf-FOiiaMloir-gALB-nUFS. 

HAWKil  mmj  be  Idllod  .n,  ttote    (R.  S.O..  c.  Og,  ,.  ,.) 

HBRRUfG  -Sre  Flta-LIOBIBa-iaTS. 

tot„a«r"'t  '"'■'''"  '°''  '•^"^••^  <Thi,  does  notf^.; 
to  bona  fide  guides.).    (G.P.A.,  .) 

'^^tTfutSi  ?-*»"•»*•  *"«  ClulMI  may  obtain  a  license 
t^  supply,  dunng:  close  season,  at  meals  served  upon  the 

~r^         "Z  f""*  ""'•"*'  ''  •'•^**  »»'*»'"«<>  d'-rin^    the 

penod  covered  by  a  game  dealers  license.     (G.P  \.   s  «  ) 

HOUNUSeeDOCM.  l^-fA.,  s.  27.) 


INDIAN  PENINSULA  (Bruce  Cottaty)-.s^,  ««. 

'''^wtwS~®?"t^*''*  *•  "***  *P«^^5r  to.  in  uno.^anized 
wTlliT'  °;JT'*°'-^  "°^  ^•-•<*^d  into  townships,  ifgame 
WUed  for  their  own  food  and  not  to  sell.  (G.P.A. '^ 

'^®™^»S  OP  PI8HERIES-(l>omii,ioii.v  Ea 

em  D.v.,.on,  J.  M.  Hurley.  Belleville;    Western  Division. 

O.  B.  Sheppard,  Toronto;   No- ♦*  We.t«Ti  Divlwon,  A.  G. 
Duncan,  Marksvillc. 

^^  {I!!***!*  "^^  '••*•  '■'^  '^  P^rpo^ofihe  Dominion 
Pl«h«^e.  Act.    (D.O.C.,  Feb.  f  and  April  17,  1899.) 

Mmj  rcqidte  fiiiliwa;^  to  b«  made  in  dui»  where 
considered  necetiiiary  by  Dominion  Minister.    (F.A.,  ».  13, 

May   prescribe   diirtaace   iMtweca  fitliety  UmiU 

(lb.  8.  14,  ■-».  II.)  '    — —»• 

lUy  COttTict  on  Tiew,  detain  any  fUhinK  materials  unlaw- 
fully  m  use  and  March  aa,  TMMl  Of  place  for  tbi« 
purpose,     (lb.  s.  17.) 

May  COltfiacate  oa  view  any  vessel.,  vehicles,  fish,  fishing 
material,  etc.,  used  in  violation  of  the  fishery  law      (S  C 
"898,  c.  39>  ••  4')  " 

I^ocal  fiahcry  officera  to  aetUe  dlaputea  about  fishing 
limits,  etc..  and  the  position  or  use  of  nets.    (P. A.,  s.  17, 


LAKE  DBS  OHATS-Hook  and  line  and  tdght  lines 
only  permitted  until  May  22,  1964.  (D.O.C.,  1899,  p.  Ixxvii.) 


I.AKB    THOOT-i^.  "•*"  »«•  »  to  Oct.  31. 

(D.O.C.,  1892,  p.  xxxvi.)  * 

See  note  under  SALMON  TKOUT. 

xo  trout  only,  weighitiflr  3  Iba,  and  over,  may  be  caugh' 

by  any  tourist    i  one  day  by  angling,  or 

ao  lbs.  only  of  tront  under  3  lbs.  each,  may  be  caugh. 
as  an  alternative  to  the  above.    (O.O.C.) 


Vm4t9lb^.mmjaotUctmgtt   (lbi).» 

Uadf  «  tbB,  Mtawntd,  or  U^  lb>.  drtaMd.  may  ikM  |m 

•old.  espoMd  for  m1«,  luui  in  poMM«ioa».  or  b*  euortod  ' 

.from  OntArio.    (ib.{  O.F.A.,  a.  39.) 


i^EAmm-ComndMm^t  wmj  Imm  fthttcty  1mm  and, 

licenaM,  .ubjMt  to  Order*  in  CouncU,  to  Bah  la  may  waters 

helonflriny  to  the  Province.    Leaeee  for  mora  tlian  «  yM 

.  can  be  iamied  only  by  OMer  in  CooccU.    (O.F.A.,  a.  .5.)      * 

'J^tmn^tu  or  Mb  lettlair  of  !«««  ar  Ucenaes  prohibited 

without  written  consent  of  CommiaaiontT.    (ib.  a.  17.) 

*!???  ^J"^^  ^  '^  *«^*^   fr«»«    water. 
•O.O.C,  May  a6,  1887.) 

•&«    UOBMUi; 

LICBNBK-Plsliiliflr  witli  aete  or  other  apparatua  without 
a  lease  or  license  from  Dominion  Mtoister,  or  from  some 

mnT"^  °?^''  of  Ontario  Government,  is  prohibited, 
(U.u.c,  1889,  p.  Ixxix.) 

Fijliiiig  exceirt  by  mngUng  ptotOtAUA  without  a  Iomo. 
license,  or  permit.     (O.O.C.)  ^^ 

Non.rerideat.  mast  obtain  «  fiahta^  permit  from  Com- 

missioner.     (O.O.C,  May  a6.  1887.)  ""» 

''SiJ!!??*^?*  """^  "*^  ^"**  Mty  g«iiie  bird  or  aniiMpa 

^tlumt«UcMM,forwhichthefeeisfssi  (G,P.a!Tss!j 

ir^'^KS^  ^"l'  ^'^•^  ""'  ^  s-son-only.  is  no 
tranrferabte,  must  be  carried  while  hjinUng.  and  be  shi w„ 
^y  pen»n  making,  request,  on  pam  of  forfeiture  1^^^ 
penalty,    (ib.  as.  24.  25.)  ^ 

Permit  to  ffUMt  of  resident  to  hunt  in  the  Pro.  nee  with- 

Minister,    (ib.  s  3,  s-s.  2.) 

Residesto  of  Ontario.-  License  to  hunt  deer.  $2  ;  Moose 
Reindeer  and  Caribou,  $s.    (ib.)  .  s.   ,  woose  shall  be  sigmed  and  deuched  by  the  licen«.  bolder  Z 
indTT.1'  ''*'!  '"""^'"^  *^'"*  *'  ^''^  P°«"*  of  shipment"«I«,  may  obteio  a  license  to  sdl  game  durine  oDen 
««on  and  ,0  day,  after.  F.e  vari..  Jor6l„g  ,„  ^T 
tionofinuaicipality.     (ib.  s.  27.)  i~puia 

>S^«  BOrpU-LSASB. 

>I^y  llOt  be  sold  before  July  ,.  ,906.  if  caujfht  in  Province. 
(i>.0.,  1903,  c.  7,  s.  55.) 

Only  4  may  be  taken  in  one  day  by  any  person.  (O.O.C.) 
^(!b.T  ^  ^*'^**  """**  ***  returned  to  water  uninjured. 
See  ri8H-LlcmrSB-NBTS-SFKA»INO. 

MASKS— 5>tf  Dzsonm. 

MimSTBH-The  expreseioa  "Dominion  Minister  " 

when  used  in  this  Digest,  means  the  Minister  of  Marine  I;d 
Fisheries  of  Canada  (Hon.  Raymond  Prifontaine,  K.C  ) 

*cf*t^o?t**-^°'l"^"*"*°  Minister"  means  the  member 
of  the  Ontano  Executive  Council   who  has  charge  of  the 
admmistration  of  the  Game   Protection  Act  (Hon    F    R 
Latchford,  K.C.,  Commissioner  of  Public  Works,  Toronto  ) 


MOOSE-Open  season  for  moose,  reindeer  and  caribon 
I         .n  distnct  south  of  Canadian  Pacific  Ry.    between  Mattawa 
and  Port  Arthur,  Nov.  ,  to  Nov.   ,5;  north  of  above  line, 
Oct.  16  to  Nov.  IS.     (S.O.,  1902,  c.  39,  s.  I.) 

^fn*!  '  ^"  °^*  "°  '"°*""*'  "-eindeer  or  caribou  may  be 
killed.     (G.P.A.,  s.  8,  s-s.  a.) 

Cow  moose  may  not  be  killed  at  any  time,    (ib.) 

For  other  restrictions,  see  under  DUB.  a^ui  see  also  XXPOBT. 

MUS0AJLIX>NOB~&e  maskimonos. 

r*^^f  S^TZ^*^  ^"^"^  J"»-  '  *o  May  I.  but  may 
I        not  be  shot  dnringr  April.  (G.  P.  A.,  s.  5.  s4.  2.  3.) 

Houses  may  not  be  injured  at  any  time.    (ib.  s-s.  3.) 
Muskrats  destroying:  property  may  be  killed  any  time  bv 
owner  ot  property,  and  also  when  there  is  h  probability  of 
their  mjunng  dams  or  drainage  embankments   (ib.  s-ss.  3,4  ) 


I    ■ 


r  JL 

'  ^li! 

NBGOO— .Sm  ■raABora 

NBPIOON-J-m  i;«ke  Nepigon,  River  Nepi^on,  and  an, 
of  their  tnbutanes.  fishing:  is  prohibited  without  a  license  o^ 
permit  obtained  from  Commissioner  through  local  oversee, 
at  Ncpigon.    (O.F.A.,  s.  51.) 
Xficease  is  for  4  week*  <mly.    (ib.) 
Holder  of  Ucewe  may  catch,  in  one  day,  not  more  than 
15  lbs.  weight  of  speckled  or  brook  trout,  nor  more  than  10 
of  such  trout  in  any  case.     (O.O.C,  June  16,  1899.) 

NEST  of  any  bird,  except  hawks,  crows,  blackbirds  and 
English  sparrows,  may  not  be  taken  or  injured.    (R.S  O    c 
289,  s.  4.)  •'    ' 

NETS^Fiahlng  ^th  nets  or  other  apparatus  prohibited 

without  a  lease  or  license.    (O.O.C;  D.O.C.,  1899,  p.   ixxix.) 

Nets  for   catchltifir  minnows   may.  not  be  be  used  in 

streams  inhabited  by  speckled  trout.  (S.O.,  1899,  c.  34,  s.  7.) 

Snares  for  catcWjigr  fish  prohibited.  (D.o.C,  July  ,8 

Pound  nets  prohibited  except   under  license.      (D.O.C  .  1 
1892,  p.  XXX.)    See  also  OKOROIAN  BAY. 

Pnrse  seines  prohibited.    (S.C,  1903.) 

Boats  must  not  destroy  or  ii^tire.    (F.A.,  s.  ,4,  s-s.  2.) 

Must  not  obstruct  navigation,    (ib.) 

Main  channel  of  stream  must  not  be  obstructed  by. 

(lb.  s-s.  4.)  ^ 

Bag-nets,  trap-nets  and  fish  pounds  prohibited,  (ib. 


Weirs,  seines,  nets,  etc.,  must  be  raised  to  admit 
passage  offish,  from  6  p.m.  Saturday,  to  Monday 

A.M.      (S.C,   1898,  c.  39,  s.    1.) 


at  6 


'  si-^-^^-r-"  \ 


PaMage  offish  mitst  not  be  obatnicted  unduly  by  nets, 
weirs,  etc.   (O.O.C.,  May  26,  1887;  S.C.,  1894,  c.  51,  s.  5.) 

In  St.  Irawrence  River  opposite  Glengrarry  County  and  in 
Ottawa  River,  the  use  of  seines  or  nets  is  prohibited 
during:  July  and  Augrust.     (D.O.C.,  May  5,  1903.) 


[NIGHT  UNES  prohibited  without  aUcense.  (O.O.C.) 


^  NIGHT  Timm-See 

NI8HAGAN— 5m  spbabino. 

NON-RB8IDENT  whi  ^  used  in  this  Digest  means  a  per, 
son  not  residing:  in  Ontario,  unless  otherwise  stated. 

Non-residenta  of  Canada  1  y  bring  in,  as  tourists'  outfits, 
guns,  fishing  rods,  canoes,  tents,  camp  equipment,  cooking 
utensils,  musical  instruments,  kodaks,  etc.  On  these  articles 
a  deposit  of  the  duty  on  their  appraised  value  must  be  made 
with  the  nearest  Collect.»r  on  arrival  in  Canada,  which  deposit 
will  be  returned  in  full  provided  the  articles  are  taken  out  of 
Canadfc  within  6  months.  (Order  of  Department  of  Customs. ) 
Forms  for  above  can  be  obtained  from  any  Customs  Officer 

.  in  Canada. 

Orsranited  shooting:  or  fishing  clnbs  outside  of  Can- 
ada, which  have  duly  obtained  shooting  or  fishing  privilegrs 
in  any  Province  in  Canada,  may  deposit  with  the  Depart- 
ment of  Customs  at  Ottawa,  a  guarantee  (for  form  see 
Schedule  A.  page  41)  as  security  for  the  due  exportation  or 
payment  of  duty  on  the  sporting  outfits  brought  into  Canada 



i'  I 

ijf  i 

I  i 

I  ■  i, 

)•  i 


tempomrily.  for  their  own  use,  and  not  (c  ^nJn  or  hire  I 
members  of  the  club  resident  outside  of  Canada 

tomV  r  "  °"*™";f  ^  "  ^^  *PP"'ved  by  the  Minister  of  Cu 
toms,  Guarantee  Certificates  will  be  sent  to  the  club  to  I 
presented  to  Customs  Officers  (and  returned  to  vlitin^  me 

thtTu'^'^^'l^^'f  membership  signed  by  the  secretary  c 
the  c  ub,  and  dated  within  one  year  from  the  time  of  its^ 
sentafon  to  the  Customs  Officer,  will  be  accepted  by  sue 

v.s.tmg  member  of  such  club,  resident  outside  of  Canada. 
Visiting  members  (non-resident  in  Canada)  of  any  sucF 

"ig  outfit  as   hey  require  for  their        n  use.  and  not  for  Tain 
or,  eond.t.onal  on  exportation   nithin  ninety  days  fZ 

Eni^lci  Z        "^  '°  ''"  '^"''^"'"^  °'«"'-  -'  »he  Port  of 
Entry  m  Canada  a  report  (in  duplicate)  signed  by  him  and 

outTTnd  '•  '^'T''''''   °'  ''^^   ^^''^'^^  -mprised  Tn  hi 
outfit,   and  g.vmg  the  value  thereof,  but   ^uty  must  6e  paid 

(l-or  form  of  report  see  Schedule  B,  page  41.) 
for^r^f  °^"'^  ''^^'''  '^^'"P^^  •'y  *he  Customs  Officer 
•t.  so  that  a  certificate  as  to  the  exportation  of  the  articles 
may  be  endorsed  thereon   by  a  Customs  Officer  when     ht; 

officer  ..  the  Port  of  Entry  where  they  have  been   brought 
.nto  Canada.     (Order  of  Department  of  Customs.)  ^      , 





OFFENCES— 5*^^  nHALTm-TiiiB. 

'FKNr  SEASON  means  the  period  during^  which  any  ganns 
animal  or  bird  may  be  hunted,  taken,  or  killed,  and  any  pro- 
tected fish  may  be"  taken,  killed,  bought,  sold,  or  had  in 


)TTKR  may  not  be  taken  before  Nov.  x,  1905.  (G.P.A., 

S.   5,   S-S.    I.; 


LRTRIDOE— Open  season  Sept.   15  to  Dec.   15. 

(G.P.A.,  s.  4,  s-s.  4  (a).) 

May  not  be  sold  before  Sept.  15, 1905.    (ib.  s.  15,  s-s.  2.) 

[PELBE  ISLAND-Open   season  for  black  bass  in 

Lake  Erie  west  of  Point  Pelee  and  around  Pelee  Island, 
JtUy  16  to  May  34.    ( D.  O. C. ,  1900,  p.  xlvii. ) 

PENALTIES— Heavy  penalties  are  imposed  for  in- 

1  fractions  of  the  game  and  fishing  laws,  and  guns,  nets,  boats, 
game,  etc.,  of  violators  of  the  law  will  be  confiscated. 
(G.P.A.,  ss.  29-31.) 

Half  of  every  fine  is  paid  to  prosecutor  or  person  on 
whose  evidence  the  conviction  is  made.     (ib.  s.  2q  ;  O.F.A 
s.  64.)  •    •    •» 

Vessels,  vehicles,  nets,  fisbins  material,  etc.  used  in 
violating  the  fishery  laws,  and  any  fish  so  caught  or  bought 
may  be  confiscated.    (S.C,  1898,  c.  39,  s.  4.)  ' 


PBRCH-&r«  lUi-LICBim-inETS. 

PMUMIT—See  ucmmoL 

PHBASANTS-Open  Maaon  Sept.  15  to  Dec.  15 

(G.P.A.,  s.  4,  8-s.  4  (a).)    Butseebthw. 

nngUah  and  Moaffollaii  pheaaanta  may  not  be  kiUe<! 

before  Sept.  15,  1905.     (lb.  a-s.  5.) 


PICKEREL  (DO«»)-Open  aeaaon  May  16  to  April  14, 

(D.O.C.,  July  i8,  1889.)  * 

Only  ao  may  be  caught  in  one  day  by  one  person.  (O.  O.C.  ] 
VnAet  xa  inchea  muat  be  retnrned  to  the  water  uni,,. 

jured.  (ib.) 

PIKM-See  FUa-UCBiraK-llBTS. 

PLOVER-Open  aeaaon  Sept.  15  to  Dec.  15.    (G.P.A., 
s.  4,  s-s.  4  (e).) 


POISON— Killingr  any  game  animal  or  bird  by  poiaoa 
prohibited.     Poison,  poisoned  bait,    etc.,  must  not  be  ex- 
posed in  any  locality  to  which  any  such  animal,  bird,  dogs  or 
cattle  might  have»access.     (G.P.A.,  s.  10,  s-s.  1.) 
Poiaonoas  matter  mnat  not  be  thrown  into  any  water 

frequented  by  fish.     (S.C,  1895,  c.  27,  s.  i.) 

Pttttingr  lime  or  other  nozioua  material  into  a  private 
fishery  or  salmon  river,  is  an  indictable  offence.  (S.C,  1892 
c.  29,  s.  499,  a  (f.).) 



dtttt,  coal  a«he«,  ballaat,  ttonea,  lime,  chemicalt, 
poiaonotMi  matter,  dead  fiah,  etc.,  must  not  be  thrown 

into  any  water  frequented  by  fish ;  nor  any  offal,  decayed 
leaves  or  fish  left  on  any  beach.  (F.  A.,  s.  15,  s-s.  i ;  S.  C, 
1895,  c.  27,  s.  I.) 

IB8SION  of  fish  dtirinff  close  season  prohibited. 

(O.F.A.,  s.  14.) 

l^xcept  duriagr  open  season,  or  as  specially  authorixed  by 
license,  no  person  shall  have  in  possession  any  ffa,mc  animal 
or  bird,  no  matter  where  killed  or  procured,  but  such  may  be 
had  in  possession  for  the  private  use  of  the  owner  and  his 
family  at  any  time.     (G.P.A.,  s.  15,  s-s.  i.) 


»UND  NBT8-  &ftf  axoBoiAN  bay-mxts. 

>RAIRIB  FOWL  may  not  he  killed  before  Sept.  m. 
1905.    (G. P. A.,  s.  4,  s-s.  6.) 


•RIVATB  LAND8-&«  tbbspass. 

lUAIL-Open  season  Nov.  i  to  Dec.  x.    (G.P.A.,  s.  4, 

s-s.  4  (b).) 

May  not  be  s^ld  till  Sept.  15, 1905..  (ib.  s.  15,  s-s.  2.) 


iOKi—See  IfXTB— TRAPS. 

IL-Open  season  Sept.   15   to  Dec.   15.     (G.P.A. 
s.  4,  s-s.  4  (e).) 

5^  XZPOmTATIOir- 

HAINY  RIVBR  DI8TRIOT-CMU  neto  may  be  tue 
ill  certalli  lake*,  in  Rainy  River  and  Thunder  Bay  Di) 
trict«,  under  cerUin  condiUons  and  reMrictions,  by  bona  fid 
fishermen  and  actual  residents,  being:  British  subjects,  am 
having  a  license  from  Dominion  Minister.  (D.O.C.,  1896 
p.  Ivii.) 


RIOB  UkKms^  KAMmf omufe 


tLOBUf—See  UBO. 

™!!l?"f  ^  PROVINCIAL  PARK-Mo  bird,  or 
*«««1«  may  be  kiUed  except  foxes,  skunks,  weasels. 
owls,  hawks  or  other  noxious  animals  or  birds,  and  then  only 
with  the  written  authority  of  the  park  ranger.  (This  do/s 
not  apply  to  wild  ducks  or  geese  in  the  surrounding  waters, 
dunng  their  open  season.  (G.P.A..  s.  ,7;  R.S.O.,  c.  47,  s.  9.) 
Rowboats  and  canoes  are  the  only  vessels  which  may  be 

used  m  taking  water  fowl.     (O.O.C,  Oct.  6,  1896.) 
Boats  or  devices  must  not  be  more  thaA  100  yards  from 
shore  or  outer  limit  of  rushes,     (ib.) 

150  ducks  or  water  fowl  only  may  be  taken  in  one  year 
by  any  person,     (ib.)  ^ 

^^^~r*^  ''*°?^*  contrary  to  law  may  not  be  sold 
or  had  m  possession.     (O.F.A.,  s.  14.) 

^birfo?!"  "^^^  ^^'  •*"'  *~  ^^"^  ^  ^^  »"y  g-"^^ 

b,rd  or  ammal.  no  matter  where  killed  or  procured,  except 
durmg  open  season   (5«/ ,«  LIOBIB*).     (G.P.A..  s.    ,', 

S-S.  2.)  '  *■  ! 


^ALMON— Open  teMoa  May  x  to  JtUy  32,  but  may  be 
caught  by  fly  flshing  with  fod  ana  line  up  to  Augtuit 
32.    (F.A.,  a.  8,  a-s.  i.) 

Fool  or  oiicleui  Mlmoii,  fty,  pmn  and  «aolt  may  not 

be  canglitat  any  time.    (ib.  •-•>.  a.  3.) 
Weight  moat  he  3  potuida  at  least,    (ib.  s-s.  3.) 
Meahea  of  tieto  mnat  he  5  inchca  wide.    (ib.  s-s.  4.) 
Bwing  neto  prohiUted.    (S.C..  1889,  c.  34,  s.  i.) 

lALMON  TROUT  -Open  aeaaoa  Dec.  x  to  Oct.  3x. 

(D.O.C.,  1893,  p.  xxxvi.) 

[A^ote.— The  term  "  Salmon  trout  *•  includes  Lake  trout  and 
Grey  trout.] 

Gill  neto  mnat  have  5-inch  meahea,  and  shall  not  be  set 
within  two  miles  of  any  seining  ground.    (F. A.,  s.  10,  s-s.  3. ) 

Under  a  Iha.  may  not  he  caught.    (O.O.C.) 

Under  a  Iha.  nndreaaed,  or  i^  lbs.  dressed,  may  not  be 
sold,  exposed  for  sale,  had  in  possession,  or  be  exported  from 
Ontario,     (ib.  ;  O.F.A.,  s.  39.) 


SAWDUST— .^^PoxAunoM  of  fishino  omouNDa. 

[SEINES— 5'«e  mTB-TmAPS. 

I  SETTLORS  -Game  .'^wa  do  not  apply  to,  in  unorganized 
townships,  or  territory  not  divided  into  townships,  if  game 
killed  for  their  own  food  and  not  to  sell.  (G.P.A.,  s.  3i.> 


I  1 


^?2l^^  ^7  "'""*»  '^'  doae.tic  aM  of  their  famllie 
•a  b.«  and  any  number  of  lake  trout  in  one  day  if  cau.r 
within  smiles  of  their  residence.    (O.O.C.)         "^  "  ""« 

BHORB  BIRD8-5^  wadsbi. 
8NARB8-Sf«  mn^nupft. 

May«ot  be  «,ldtm  Sept.  13.1905.     (ib.  s.  .5,  ss.  ..) 
^«  "XPOMATIOlf -POM«S«lOK-gAL«-T«AF» 

(K.S.O.,   c.  389,    s.  2.)  ' 

*'*t!Sf  J^^^'^f  *  *w  ^  *"^«  ^P*-"'"^  «"«»  o"-  dis- 
turbing apawaing  beds,  prohibited.    (O.O.C.May  a6. 

See  FISH. 

n^fr'T  Pf<>^^Wt«d  for  taking  bass.  herrinl'm^U 

wh  f  1;  r       "''  "^'"°"-  '"^*^'  *™"*  ^-^  '""^«  °f  -y  kind, 
whitefish  or  winaniche.     {F.A.,  s.  14.  s-s.  8.) 

^wS?:^*'T*^  ^****^"'  "*«^«  "**  nlabagans  pro- 


I4.     (U.O.C,  1900,  p.  1.) 

k^«/f.  -The  term  "  Speckled  trout"  includes  Brook  trout  and 
River  trout.] 

[ay  not  be  sold  before  July  ,,  .906,  if  caught  in  Province. 
(S».0.,  1903,  c.  7,  s.  55.) 

l!^f  "*'*'"*^  "**  *"  ^'°^"***-      ^^-O-C'    '896, 

IbB.  weight  only  may  be  taken  in  one  day  by  anv 

person.     (O.O.C.)    But  see  next  page.  ^  '>y  any 

■  &:  <^ysr  ^4%- •"  i"  i^r 



1     ) 

30  0al7  111*7  hm  cauclit  in  on«  day  by  any  perxm,  thoivh 
th«  agyreffste  weight  be  leM  than  15  lbs.     (ib.) 

^"^  •,!f?^**  ""^  "^  »tu«wd  to  the  water  unin- 
jured,   (ib.) 

aQUIRRXLS^BUuik  uUI  Ot«y)-0»«ii 

Z5toDcc.X5.    (G.P.A.,  ^  4,  w.  4  (a).) 

•cfliaoii  Seyt. 

ST.  LAWRKNOS  RIVK     -Si»inTi, 

"^JS*~  «**^  •***^*  •'  «"■•  *'>«''«1  c**'^-  per- 
•one  under  a  Ucenee  from  Chirf  Warden.  Fee$a5.  (G.P.A., 
s.  ay.) 

J««y  aot  be  taken  wlthont  •  Uccimc.    (S.  o.,  i<>oi, 

^'  .37»  ••  J4«) 

^r*Do^  *A^*r  "^^^  "^  "•*•  *"^  Po~td»et.<mly. 
(D.O.C.,  April  ay,  1903.)  ' 

^.^f*  °^.K*;**  "°'  *°  '^  '"*"  **'*"    '^  '"^hes  extension 
measure,    (ib.) 

Bwe,  unbaited  hooka,  and  grapnels,  spears  and  nets  (other 
than  sturgreon  nets)  prohibited,    (ib.) 

^?1*'*/*^u  ""^^  "°'  ***  ''•'*"•  ''°'**  or  possessed,  and 
talten  shall  be  liberated  alive,     (ib.) 

Under  10  Iba.,  dreaaed,  may  aot  be  caught,  sold,  ex 

posed  for  sale,  or  had  in  possession.    (O.O.C.) 

•UNDAT-  Httatlag  ^oUbited.    (R.S.O.,  c.  346,  ■.  4  { 
G.P.A.,  n.  6.) 

FiShlag  ptohXMttA,    (R.S.O.,  c  346,  s.  5.) 

ir«t«,  ••!&€•,  weirs,  etc.,  most  b«  raised  so  m  to  admit 
the  free  ^sagt'  of  flih,  between  6  p.m.  on  Suturday  and  6 
a.m.  on  Monday,  and  during^  such  time  no  one  shall  fish 
therein,  whether  licensed  or  not.    (S.C.,  1898,  c.  39,  s.  1.) 


8WAN8— Open  scssoa  Sept.  25  to  May  z.    (O.P.A., 
s.  4,  s-H.  4  (c).) 

Batteries,  swiyel  ffttas,  simketi  imatsand  gms  over 
8  bore  prohibited,    (ib.  h.  9,  s«s.  a.) 


SWING  NBTS-SeeaAUfoir. 
THUNDER  BAY— %s^  KAimr  snm  DnnucT. 
TIMBER  AOBNT8— .See  OBmry  WABDBfi. 
TIMB— Between  half  an  hour  after  stinset  and  half  an 

hoar  before  Sttarise  no  fire  arm  shall  be  dischargfed  at  any 
game  bird  or  animal.    (G.P.A.,  s.  11.) 

Infbrmation  must  be  laid  within  8  months  of  the 
commission  of  offences.    (G.P.A.,  s.  31 ;  O.F.A.,  s.  59.) 

TORCHLIGHT  flshinff  prohibited.    (O.O.C,  May  a6, 


TRANSPORTATION  prohibited  dnrlnff  the  close 
season  of  any  game  animal  or  bird  unless  there  is  attached 
thereto  (in  addition  to  a  shipping  coupon,  if  required,)  an 
affidavif  of  the  shipper  that  the  game  was  lawfully  taken. 
(G.P.A.,  s.  16,  s-s.  2.) 



Bags,  boxes  and  parcels  oontaininff  game  packed 
for  transportation,  shall  be  constructed  so  as  to  show  the 
contents,  and  shall  be  marked  with  a  description  of  the  con- 
tents, and  the  name  and  address  of  the  owner,  (ib.) 

Salmon  trout,  lake  trout  and  white  flsh  weighing?  less 
than  2  lbs.  undressed  may  not  be  transported  out  of  Ontario. 
(O.F.A.,  s.  39.) 


TRAPS,  nets,  snares,  ffins,  baited  lines,  eto.,  may 
not  be  set  at  any  time  to  take  any  game  bird  or  animai 
(other  than  beaver,  otter  and  muskrats)  and  such  traps,  etc. 
if  found  set,  may  be  destroyed  by  any  person.  (G.P.A.,  s. 
10,  s-s.  2.) 

Traps,  snares,  ffins,  eto.,  must  not  be  set  in  clese 
season  for  beaver,  otter,  or  muskrats.  (ib.  s.  5.) 

Nets,  traps,  snares,  caffes,  efio.,  may  not  be  set  for 
any  birds  except  hawks,  crows,  black  birds  and  English 
sparrows,  and  such  nets,  etc.,  if  found  set,  may  be  destroyed 
by  any  person  without  his  incurring  any  liability  therefor. 
(R.S.O.,  c.  289,  s.  3.) 

Fish  may  not  be  taken  with  a  net,  seine,  snare, 
rack,  trap,  weir,  niffht  line,  set  line,  spear,  etc., 
without  a  license.    (O.O.C. ) 

See  NKT8. 

TRESSPASS — No  person  may  enter  ffrowinff  ffrain,  or 
permit  his  dogs  to,  without  permission  of  owner  or  occupant, 
or  shoot  upon  another's  land  after  being  notified  not 
to  do  so.  (G.P.A.,  s.  20.) 
Owner  or  occupant  znay  give  notice  to  trespassers 
verbally  or  in  writing,  or  by  maintaining  sign  boards,  each 


at  least  i  ft.  square,  containing  the  notice  *'  Hunting  or 
Shooting  on  these  lands  forbidden  under  Ontario  Game 
LawH "  near  the  boundary  of  the  land  to  be  protected  ; 
every  board  must  be  clearly  visible  from  the  one  on  each 
side,  or  else  there  must  be  2  boards  for  every  50  acres,  (ib. 
s.  20,  s-s.  2.) 

risniicjsr  !n  leaaed  premises  prohibited.     (O.F.A., 

ss.  25,  26.) 

THO0T    Bmall  trout  for  baiting  traps  may  be  used  by 
fishermen.     (F.A.,  s.  9,  s-s.  4.) 


I  TURKEYS  ("Wild)— Open  season  Nov.  1  to  Deo.  1. 
(G.P.A.,  s.  4,  s-s.  4  (b).)     Bui  see  below. 

May  not  be  killed  before  Oot.  15,  1006.     (ib.  s-s.  5.) 

I  WADERS— Open  season  Sept  15  to  Deo.  15,  for  birds 
known  as  shore  birds  or  waders.     (G.P.A.,  s.  4,  s-s.  4  (e).) 

[WARDENS— Are  Justices  of  the  Peaoe  for  the  pur- 
poses of^Game  Protection  Act,  and  may  convict  on  view  for 
offences.     (G.P.A.,  s.  22,  s-ss.  3,  4.) 

May  appoint  Deputy  Wardens,    (ib.  s.  23.) 

Chief    Ghame  Warden  (Ontario),  Edwin  Tinsley,    Legis- 
lative Buildings,  Toronto. 

Wardens:    J.    H.  Wilmott,  (Beaumaris,    Muskoka)  ;  H.  K. 



Pi  I 




Smith  (Belleville);  John  A.  Gill  (Dunnville) ;  F.  C.  Quallins 


WAPITI  may  not  be  taken  at  any  time.    (G.P.A. 

s.  4,  s-s,  3.) 

WATER  FOWL— Open  season  Se^^t.  16  to  Deo  16, 
for  all  water  fowl  not  named  in  this  Digest.  (G.P.A.,  s. 
4,  s-s.  4  (d).) 

Buntinff  firosi  sail  boats  and  launches  prohibited. 

(ib.  s.  9,  s-s.  I.) 


WHITEFISH  —  Open   season   Dec.  1  to  Oct    81. 

(D.O.C.,  1892,  p.  xxxvi.)  But  see  below. 

In  water  around  Essex  County  (including  Pelee  Island) 
whitefish  may  be  caught  any  time.   (D.O.C.,  Aug.  13,  1903.) 
Under  2  lbs.  may  not  be  oauffht.    (O.O.C.) 

Under  2  lbs.  undressed,  or  1^  lbs.  dressed,  may  not  be 
sold,  exposed  for  sale,  had  in  possession,  or  be  exported 
from  Ontario,     (ib.  ;  O.F.A.,  s.  39.) 

Fry  may  not  be  destroyed.    (F.A.,  s.  10,  s-s.  2.) 

Gill  nets  must  have  6-inoh  meshes,  and  must  not  be 

set  within  two  miles  of  any  seining  ground,     (ib.  s-s.  3.) 
Seines  must  have  4-inch  meshes,    (ib.  s-s.  4.) 
See  nSH— UCSXrei— NITS— SPXASnrO. 


WlNANICHE-5«  nSH-UCDm    :^'ST8    SPSABINO. 

WOLVES-$l6.  wm  be  paid  by  any  County  Treasuer  to 
any  one  producingr  the  head  of  a  wolf,  with  the  ears  on 
before  a  J. P.,  and  proving:  that  the  volf  was  killed  within 
the  county.     (R.S.O.,  c.  290,  s.  3.) 
In  a  districtrnot  part  of  a  county,  proof  may  be  made  before  a 
)udgre,,mag:istrate   sheriff,  notary  public,  Crown  lands  or  *ree 
g^rant    agent,    Division    Court   clerk,    or  J. P.      (ib.  •  S  O 
c.  5'.  s.  2.)  '     *    *' 

WOODCOCK-Open  season  Sept.  16  to  Deo.  15 

(G.P.A.,  s.  4,  s-s.  4.  (a).) 



May  not  be  sold  till  Sept.  15,  1905.    (lo.  s.  15,  s-s  3.) 


WOOD  RANOBRS-5««  dxt     y  wakdbits. 
TARDINO-5^<-  Dm. 

YOUNG  of  any  flsh  may  not  be  oausrht,  sold,  or  had 

in  possession.     (F.A.,  s.  14,  s-s.  9.)     But  see  BAIT. 
Of  any  bird  may  not  be  causrht,  killed,  injured,  or  had 

in    possession,    except   of  hawks,    crows,    blackbirds    and 

English  sparrows.     (R.S.O.,  c.  289,  s.  4.) 
Of  any  moose,  reindeer,  or  caribou,  (under  the  age 

of  1  year)  may  not  be  hunted,  killed,  or  taken.  (G.P.A.,  s  8, 

s-s.  2.' 






Referred  to  under  "  Non-Resident,"  pa^  2$. 
Tkt  CommistioMtr  o/Ctutomt  of  Canada  : 

Referring:  to  Memorandum  No.  1006  B,  issued  by  the  Customs  Department 

of  Canada  on  the  ijth  day  of  July,  1898,  the  undersigned  club,  known  as 

with  headquarters  at hereby  applies  for  the  temporary  admission  into 

Canada  of  the  sportingr  outfits  of  the  members  of  the  said  club  resident  ouUide  of 
Canada,  without  payment  of  duty  on  such  outfit,  at  the  time  of  iU  imporUtion  ; 

and  in  consideration  thereof  and  for  other  considerations  the  said  cluband 

°* ""d* of do  jointly  and  severally  hereby  piar- 

antee  to  pay  to  His  Majesty  the  King  all  Customs  duties  due  and  to  become  due 
on  the  whole«r  any  part  of  the  outfita  of  the  said  members  admitted  into  Canada 

as  aforesaid,  between  the day  of 190. .  and  the. 

day  of 190. . ,  unless  they  shall  be  duly  exported  in  accordance  with 

the  requirements  of  the  said  Memorandum. 

Dated  at _thi8 day  of 

I  n  presence  of  [I\rame  0/  Club.  ] 

[  Witness.^  {President  or  chief  officer^ 


{Signature  0/ Secretary, ]_ 
The  above  Guarantee  is  approved  and  filed  the 

.day  of_ 

—  •90.. 



Report  referred  to  under  "  Non-Resident."  page  23. 
Port_ I 

Report  of  Club  V 


Report  No. . 

Entry  No._ 

Report  of  Club  Visitor's  Outfit  imported  bv  _of 

- _from 

{Continued  0n  next pmfe.) 



<  1  ' 




Description  of 







i. [ovmer  or  agent],  do  solemnly  declare  that  the  above  is  a  full 

and  true  statement  of  the  description  and  value  of  the  articles  imported  by  me  as 
a  Club  Visitor's  Outfit,  conditional  on  payment  of  duty  on  all  the  articles  which 
are  not  duly  exported  within days. 

[Address.]  _ 

Customs  officer. 

Guarantee  by  club  known  as_ 

Declaration  as  to  return  of  Outfit,  attested  to  before  a  Customs  Officer  in  Canada 
or  at  a  place  out  of  Canada. 

Articles  as  described    herein,  in- 

spected  by  me  at this 

day  of. 190..,  and  exported  or 

landed  a*  declared. 

Sworn  to  before  me, 

Customs  Officer. 

I.^ [owner  or  agent],  do 

solemnly  declare  that  the  identical 
Sroods  hereinbefore  described  are  now 
presented  for  Inspection,  the  same  hav- 
ingr  been  delivered  for  exportation  from 

the  Port  of  per^ 

[or  landed  at from 




[NOTE.— If  the  tourist  is  unable  to  have  his  outfit  exported  and  identified 
before  leaving^  Canada,  at  the  port  where  reported  inwards,  he  can  have  the 
articles  inspected  and  certified  as  above.  The  tourist'*  report  of  the  articles  ex- 
ported  and  certified  as  aforesaid  may  then  be  mailed  to  the  Custom*  Officer  at 
the  port  of  entry,  and  duty  must  be  paid  on  all  article*  not  re-exported.] 



If  much  canyliig  (pottages)  expected,  take:— 

FOOD  {j  men /or  j  weeks) ; — pork  and  bacon,  20  lbs.,  bis- 
cuits, 20  lbs.,  flour  (whole  wheat),  10  lbs,,  beans,  4  lbs.,  rice, 
5  lbs.,  salt,  s  lbs.,  tea,  i  lb.,  sugar,  8  lbs.,  corn  meal  (to  roll 
fish  for  frying),  3  lbs.,  dried  apples,  3  lbs.,  butter  (in  tin  pail), 
5  lbs.,  milk  (condensed  in  tin),  i  lb.,  pepper  (white),  2  ozs., 
baking  powder,  2  cans,  syrup,  1  gal. 

COOKING  KIT — (containing  pails,  plates,  knives,  forks, 
spoons,  cups,  bake  tins,  frying  pan,  etc.,)  to  be  obtained  from 
any  good  sporting  store. 

CLOTHING  AND  TOILET  —  Warm  clothes,  also,  extra, 

1  flannel  shirt,  i  drawers,  2  pair  socks,  4 handkerchiefs;  i  water- 
proof sheet  (with  slit  in  middle  can  be  used  as  a  poncho),  towel, 
soap,  tocth  brush,  hair  brush,  comb,  toilet  paper,  bootlaces, 
"  Housewife "  (containing  needles,  thread,  beeswax,  buttons, 
scissors,  pins,  safety  pins),  strips  of  linen  or  cotton  for  bandages, 
surgeons  plaster. 

SPORTING  : — Gun  or  rifle,  ammunition,  cartridge  belt, 
hunting  knife,  pocket  knife,  axe  and  hatchet  (in  leather  sheaths), 
fishing  lines,  hooks  and  flies. 

SUNDRIES. — Tent  (waterproof  silk  is  very  light),  canoe 
(if  birch  bark,  take  gum  for  repairing,  and  long  boots  for  wading) 

2  paddles  per  man,  watch,  folding  candle  lantern,  candles,  tump 
lines,  i-ope,  whistle,  flask  of  brandy,  pain  killer,  pills,  mosquito 
oil,  tobacco,  pipes,  etc.,  pencil,  memo  pad,  cards,  plan  of  district 
(in  waterproof  envelope),  matches  (in  waterproof  case),  water- 
proof canvas  bags  for  bread,  flour  and  clothing. 
Additionallif  desired  :- 

Canvas  camp  bed  or  sleeping  bag,  inflatable  rubber  pillow, 
folding  stove,  camera,  razor,  mirror,  fishing  rod,  reel,  landing 
net,  gaiF,  wire  nails,  bird  calls,  potatoes,  cofFee,  canned  meats, 
lemons,  cheese,  chocolate,  solidified  soups,  etc.    ■ 




Bj  the  Tree*. 

When  in  the  woods  you  wiU  notice  that  three  fourths  of  th« 
moss  on  trees  grows  on  the  north  side ;  the  heavy  boughs  of 
spruce  trees  are  always  on  the  south  side,  and  the  topmost  braoch 
of  every  uninjured  hemlock  tree  tips  to  the  east. 

By  a  Watch. 

Point  the  hour  hand  to  the  sun,  and  tlie  south  is  exactly  half- 
way between  the  hour  hand  and  the  figure  XII  on  the  watch. 

By  the  Stars. 

In  the  constellation  "Great  Bear"  (often  caUed  "the  Dip- 
per,") the  two  stars  (commonly  called  •'  the  pointers,")  between 
which  is  the  arrow  in  the  diagram  below,  point  (nearly)  to  the 
North  (or  Pole)  Star. 

*    •  •  North  Star 

"Great  Bear" 





Table  showing  relation  of  length  to  weight  of 

Brook  Trout. 

Measuring  13  in.,  weighs  i     lb. 


a " 




Ih " 




ig  " 




2i  " 



•  8 

2i  '• 



Measuring  19  in.,  weighs  3  lbs 


4    " 

