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BULLETIN  No.  24. 







.    ;l 

Hon.  R.  a.  Tatlow, 

Minister  of  Agriculture, 

Victoria,  B.  C: 

Depabtment  of  Aobicultube, 

^  Victoria,  15th  January,  1908. 
Sib.— In  fulflllnient  of  a  long-standing  promise.   I  have  the  honour  nf 

aueane,  of  «ock-ral»»r   and   farmer.   «lm   tbelr  renjwIlM.    The  Informatl™ 

I  have  the  honour  to  be, 
Your  obedient  servant, 


Deputy  Minister  of  Agriculture. 











if  1 







,.;:::=.n;r,-_;srrs.-r.v;r ,r,r."-r 

the  mihj««rt  nn.l.T  ml.«\v.  kIvIiir  cmllt  In  all  ciiwh  to  the  autliorltjes  .|.iot<-.! 
I  have  to  exjiretw  my  thanlcH  to  Dr.  Janu-K  Fletcher.  Dominion  KntomoloKJsi 
and  the  Her.  (}eo.  W.  Taylor,  of  Wellington,  for  at.HlRtance  reudentl  hi  revlslim 
my  work:  also  to  Dr.  S.  V.  Tolmie  on  "  S*  ,<k  I'eMtH."  and  Mr.  E.  F.  U.)blnHon 
<.n  "  B»H>  PeHtH."  XevertheleHH.  I  am  .|nlte  aware  that  in  a  pnbllcntlon  of  tliW 
«leserlption  mlKtakeH  will  «KHnr  In  spite  of  the  m«mt  »areful  revlnlon.  and  fur 
all  riucli  I  ask  the  ln(hilKen<e  of  the  public. 

Kellow.  In  hlH  lutnxluetiou  to  "American  In«ectR."  «.<vr: 
"  ThnniKhoiit  this  book  reference  is  constantly  made  1.,  the  injuries  don., 
by  insects  to  our  forest-tnH-s.  flowers,  fruits.  veRctables  and  grains.  The 
millions  of  dollars  lost  annually  l)ecauw>  of  the  sap-sucking  of  the  San  Jose 
scale,  the  graiM-phylloxera.  the  chinch-bug.  and  the  Hessian  fly.  and  the  biting 
and  chewing  of  beetles  and  cateri)lllnr8.  grubs  and  borers,  are  a  sort  of  dlrwt 
tax  paid  by  farmers  and  fruit-growers  for  the  i)rlvilege  of  farming  and  grow- 
ing fruit.  If  this  tax  were  levied  by  Government  and  collated  by  agents  with 
two  feet.  Instead  of  being  levied  by  Nature  and  colle<ted  by  six-footed  agentx 
what  a  swift  revolt  there  would  be :  But  we  have,  most  of  us.  a  curious 
Inertia  that  leads  us  to  suffer  with  some  protesting  complaint  but  little 
protesting  action  the  '  ways  of  Providence.'  even  when  we  fairly  well  recognise 
that  Providence  is  chiefly  ourselves. 

"When  we  reflect  on  tiie  four  hundred  millions  of  dollars  a  year  lost  to 
our  pockets*  by  Insect  ravages,  we  may  incline  to  believe  that  the  only  kind 
of  Insect  study  which  should  claim  our  attention  is  the  study  of  how  to  rid  our 
lands  of  these  pests.  We  may  be  excused  for  affirming  of  bugs,  as  was  sal.l 
of  Indians  by  some  eplgramnuitlst.  that  the  only  gootl  ones  are  the  dead 
When,  however,  we  learn,  as  we  are  learning  in  tliese  present  davs.  that 
Insects  are  not  simply  serious  enemies  of  our  crops  and  purses,  but  are  truly 
dangerous  to  our  very  liealth  and  life,  we  must  become  still  more  extravagnn't 
In  our  condemnatory  expreho.oiis  concerning  them. 

"  We  have  long  looked  on  mosquitoes,  house-flies  and  fleas  as  annoyances 
and  even  tormentors,  but  that  each  of  these  pests  actually  acts  as  an  inter- 
meiliate  host  for.  and  Is  an  active  disseminator  of.  one  or  more  wide-spread 
and  fatal  diseases  Is  knowledge  that  has  been  got  only  recentlv.    Mosqultoc-s 
help  to  propagate,  and  are,  almost  certainly,  the  exclusive  di-ssemlnatlng  agents 
of  malaria,  yellow  fever,  and  the  various  forms  of  fllariasls;    house-flies  aid 
in  spreading  tyi)hold  fever  and  other  disea-ses;   fleas  are  agents  In  dlstrlbutln- 
the   germs   of   bubonic  plague.     Other   Insects   are   known   to   spread   other 
diseases.    Howard  says:  '  While  in  malaria  and  tjphoid  we  have  two  principal 
diseases  conmion  to  the  United  States  which  may  be  conveyed  by  Insects   tli.- 
agency  of  these  little  creatures  In  tlie  transfer  of  the  disease-germs  Is  by  no 
means  confined  to  human  beings.    In  Egj^t  and  in  the  Fiji  Islands  there  is 
a  destructive  eye-disease  of  human  beings,  the  germs  of  which  are  carried  l.v 
the  common  house-fly.     In  our  Southern  States  an  eye-disease  known  as  pink- 
eye is  carried  by  c-ertain  very  minute  flies  of   the  genus  Hipj^lates.    The  so- 
called  Texas  fever  of   cattle    is    unquestionably  transferred    by  the  conunoi. 
cattle-tick,  and  this  was  the  earliest  of  the  clearly  demonstrated  cases  of  the 
transfer  of  disease  ty  insects.     In  Africa  a  similar  disease  of  cattle  is  tran- 
*In  the  United  States.— J.B.A. 

of  the  lendc^Tin  the  n.?r    r  r'"'""''"''  cnim<.ltyof  the  n,oH,u.t«  „nd  one 

the  .o...  no^H^^';:.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  ;- ;'Tf  -«""•'"«  -t  n>a...r,„  ,„ 

«'niz  reimrts  thnf     ',  *^V""""""J  to  300.  J,y  eflre<tlve  war  on  nioHqnltiK's     Dr 

1.200  men   eH,xKl«lIy  e,„    in    ,    .'      f         ^  '^^""^'^^^  **>«  oiK^rations  of 
their  breecllnaW-eTradl^^^^^  "''   '""'^^  '^^   the  nu,s,„,to  In 

of  yellow  fever  developed   n    he     n  ''  "'"'•  "'  "^  '■"^"'*'  «'"^'  "'"«^  ^««e« 

'1004).  „«  against  275  caHCH   '" '"'''«""""^'-  '"«"*'•«  "^  J«n"«ry  and  February 

1.S50  to  189«Sl.GW  deat,  rJ^urred  r«ri''"  '"  '•"'•  '"  ''''  P^'^'  ^--"n' 
times  as  nmny  n.zZZtZ^TnVl^  ''"""'■°  ''^™  ''^'^  ^''''''''  «"'»  «* 
-hkh  ,s  now  closed  T^e  be  efifrof  ^e"  '"■■'''  '"^  '"  ""  '^'''""«»  •^««^^t«'- 
Janeiro  have  been  as  /ren.  n^  .^  ^       "'"''  ""^"'^  «»  "'«  mosquito  at  Rio 

work  Of  the  An"r,can  authorltlef dL?"'"'  "'  ""^■""«'  ^'^^^^  ^^'^  ^•^-o- 
-any  stamped  out  ALw  Jever  ,„  r^itv?"*  """"'**'""  "'  ''^^  '«'""^«  ^^-t«- 
I.ia.„.eentre.-W„L.  C"«^:  C^CT/r'^ireT  ""''''  ^^'^^  "^  " 

re.ur,r::runrvr-  frrv^^^r-  ^^  "«^"«  - — - 

"ntll  It  is  harvested.  F  Z  "tTlZ';  ''  """^  '"'  *'"'  ^''^  «^^^  '«  «>-" 
most  injurious  pests  makrit  1 1^  «  T.  T^'f '"^  '"''''  ''''  <^ommonest  and 
an  account  of  ime  of  the  more  i'?  %*''  l^'T  '"  '""'''^  ^^'•'"  ^«''  '"eference. 
approved  remedies,  and  Jhen^-t^r.     ."'  ''''''  *"^^*''"-  ^'"^  *•>«  l«t-«t 

It  must  be  acknowredid  hv  !n  K  "*  °''*'*^'''  ''^  "PP'^^"^  t^em. 
attacks  of  insects  are  evfS  vear  eno?''""'  ''""•''  ^'^'^^  ^'^^  ^«««^«  ^"«  *«  the 
known  that  there  a^  pracl^T-thr  ;T'.r^  I'  ^'""'^  '«  '"«'•«  ^'^'^'^ 
remedies  for  most  of  thc^  kLs  wl  Uh  Z  u"'  "'''''''  "°^  ^"^"^  «PP»^d- 
on  all  crops.  For  the  XcuJe  uL  1?  "^  .^  ''""''  '"'^  ^"^»»  «  b««^y  tax 
certain  amount  of  knowl^^e  Is  to  t,  T^'**'"'  "«"'"«*  '"^"^1«"«  J»««^ts.  a 
very  useful,  so  that  thrift  anDror'f  .  "'  ""^  '*''"^*"«  «'  *^«  ^«tter  Is 
this  at  the  time  when^t  "uTrre'ff'tTe.^'  ""^'  ''  """''  "^  «''  «-» 



I.IVI'a*   OF    IXHKtTN. 

Th..  llv,^  of  |„«HtH  «n.  .lIvhliNl  int..  four  «HI  ,„nrk..l  .t..K.m.     Tl.m.  nr..- 

„  111   ♦."'"'■    '       '""  '"""   *'"'•*•■ "  •"•"'•  •"•  ""'»f'f"n.  .Inrlnu  whirl,.  «. 

n  rnl.   thoy  ar.  ...ont  lnJurlo„H:    (3,  th.  „„„..  or  .hryHHliH.  |„  whl.h.   -x  ,, 

"  "  '•;"•  ""'•"•'••  »'->•  •»"  ""t  ^-*>.  I  nr...  «H  „  ruh.   without  tl  '      wi' 

-•omotlou:    a„.I  .4,  the  .K-rf.-t  lumvt.     Although  n.oHt  h.MvtH  „,v    „J  ,r  o 

fr  r;.   *  /"'7'""'  '•*'••""»■'•  l"'IM.rt,,»t  t.,  I«,ru  tliHr  n„,K.«rauo.  and 
fron.  the  tlua-  th.  .k«h  an-  laid  until  th.  whol.  ,|f.  hintmy  1h  .-onipl.t         . 
that  no  opiK.rtunlty  of  d.Htroy|„B  th.n.  uiav  Im-  l.u^t 

/»////..^  «m/  N«rA/«,,  /,Mr,./.._Al|    Um-i-tn    nn.y  N-  aivld.Hl  Into  two  larir.. 
«««..„,   th.  natur.  of  n.outh  partn.     ,„  th.  flr.t  or  lar«.r  d Iv  2 

.    whl...  t  H.y  ..onnun..  th.  .uhstan.v  of  their  f.n.l.  an  In  the  .«««  of  "a 
pillarH    beetles.  KraHHh..p,H.rH.  .t..      In  th.  H,H..»nd  clanH.  Sucking  "rH*.^.ts     l.v 
mve.  of  n.andll.leH.  a  In-ak  or  tuhe  by  u.eanH  of  whUh  t   rH.  i-k    „ 
heir  U^l  In  a  liquid  forn.  fron.  .K>„eath  the  Hurfa.v.  as  In  th.     ,s.   .f  ZtZ 
I.HKH,  plant-Ikr.  mil.  ins.Mt«.  n.oH,p,it<H^  .t.  ^   ' 


Xature  of  Attack. 

at  o,ri;;  IZTf  "  n  """"T  '"  '"  '"^"''"«  "  '■'''^  «»  exandnatlou  should 
pro^rrem«rv     '  Vl'^'^^  ""  ""^'"-^  »'  *"^  '»J-"-.v.  so  ««  to  dcn-lde  upon  th. 
proper  remetlj.      It   Is  plain   that   with   Biting   Insects,   whi.h    bite   off  i,..d 
Kwallow  parts  of  the  plant  attacked,  all  that  Is  necessary  Is  to   .a  e  u^n 
food  plant  son.,  poisonous  substance  which  will  not  Injure  the  pU.  t  bu  Th    I 
beinB  eaten  by  the  Insec-ts  attacking  It.  will  kill  them      with  Su  'k  ng    »- 
however,  this  treatment  would  be  useless,  for  thev  would  nusheirh. 
through  «^  poisonous  covering  on  the  outside  oJ^he  S     1     t.ltw  I  H 

S^m^rfcoL^^^^  '"'"'""^•^  '""«*  "«  '"^  «"'«^^'»  will  kill 

oy  mere  contact  with  their  b(xlles.  or  by  suffocating  th«  n 

For  neaffy  all  the  kinds  of  injurious  Insects  which  attack  our  staple  croiw 
we  have  now  good  practical  remedies;  and  all  that  is  nec^ssarv  L  the '  >'"    • 

?^  .  tbe  DiMslon  of  Entomology,  at  the  Central  ExiH^rimeuta  1  Farm 
Ottawa,  stating  nlalnly  what  the  trouble  Is,  and.  whenever  possible  .end  ' 
«pec.lmen8  for  examination.     In  most  cases,  useful  advice  can  be  Zt  ba  k     t 

ILV-  !«,,  ,ll.„>,.,„|  '""'  """■"'  ""•■  »■"'  "l«"l.v  l.™n.«i  m„„||™ 

'■"'"""«"  farnuTM  with    tho   bl    L„      ,  ***  """  '"'""  "'"«'"  «•  «"l'Plv 

-'^-'«  ..r  „,„„,,„,  ..H-n^  H^'::Lrr  uj';:  ^'^;  '"^""^  '-hop,......,:.'  „•. 

that  n  «  «.,.„,-  ox,H.rl,ne.,tH   I'.  iZ    .         '     ""''''"  "'  ""'^■""^"'K  th..,„. 

IMvlHlon  of    KntonioIoK,.  '"  ""'*  ^'*'»  "••'""".^-  tH»^l  L.v  ofH,..,.s  of  the 


-♦•  <;.:^ 0?^::  :;:r;:;;::;jr  i^t  - "- — -  - »..,. ,. 

<'ther  H„hHt..n..  „h  „  <lllue„t   oi""  unt  ,     'Zr^'  '"  '"'•"  """»  "'"'  -"-> 
'"«terh,l.    For  dry  'U-pJIentlonH  Lui^hl^.i  .       I    "''"   "'"*   **^   «   the 

.-'"t  in  that  the  ...Uer  JL    be  ^r  "' b^^Vrv '"  7f  •'"'     ''"^"  ""'-«-t 
<>'vl8i<,n.  HO  „„  ,o  .„,x  thorouKhlv  tlTth  *       .    "      ""^  ^"  ^  '^'''^  ^''^  «tat^  of 
<liHtrlb.,tlo„.     There  are  Xral       !  '»««t'H.le  and  thus  l„s„re  eve, 
«"oh  as  MlowH.  ,„„«.t  ^r  Zln^'hn "™"'  '"'  ^'^^'''hutlnK  dry  Insec-UHdl^ 
-utioned  ,„  ehe  .atahS  ^^^if'^T''"'  ""'  '''''"''  "'"  '^  ^-"• 
for  dlstrlb„tl„K  dry  iK.lsons  l.s  to  placrthe  L^^'T"-    ^  <«nvenlent  n.etho<l 
""'«lin.  then  tie  this  to  the  end  „f  a  „hlV  h^'  '"  "  "'"""  ""'^  «'  ^ery  fl.n. 
'-  b„«  IH  ta,,,ed  lluhtly  with  another    t^^  h  n  T  *'"*  "  ^^^'"'^  ^••«"  •     l^ 
»"r  can  walk  ere-t  an.l  do  na.!  Mter  Irk  h     "/"'  "''^''"  '"'"^'  «'«  "I>«"-a- 
<•-..  with  an  ac-hln«  back.     Dry  m^Iures  l'?/''"  '*"'''^'"^  ""'"^  "^-^  '•'« 
;""^  if  possible.  When  the  Plants  are  wnith,       ^  "^^P"*^  '«  «tin  weather 
-"•ever,  that  during  the  spring  Intlslpir     '\  *'  '"""'^  ^*'  ♦'•^I'^'rlemv. 
-e  are  often  jM-rlods  of  Lve^a  "C  .^en  th!*^'"'''"  """^  '"^*  "'-'-I- 
therefore  bec-omes  nec^ssarv  to  apn  -  the  no,  '••♦"»>•"«"«  clo  not  .xvur. 

tlie  material  n.ay  be  evenly  dlstrlh!.     /         '      ""  '"  *'""'^  "^^er  wav.  so  that 
••'"7  away  by  the  wind  '  TrmTlZ''  ""  ^"^  *"  "^  P-tectedV am,   " 
"I'PlyIng  with  a  spraying  pun"  LtVnZZnTT'  ""'   "'^**'^   «»^1   t*^" 
I  have  no  doubt  that   t  w  ll  L.  t-onvenlent  plan. 

-en  ma  ..„„„  «arde„"\:V:  to  r-^ZsTof"'"  '""  ^^  "''''  ^--*'^'^- 

-"-  -  --  -.. ..  ----- x;:— ;r:iri 



time  and  innterlnlH  than  would  pay  for  the  best  special  Impleuieuts,  In  addition 
to  which,  when  the  work  Is  done,  1.^  is  neither  satisfactory  nor  effective 
There  are  a  great  many  kinds  of  Implements  for  distributing  both  dry  an<i 
ll(|ui<I  insecticides,  many  of  which  are  advertised  in  the  agricultural  and  horti- 
cultural paix>r8. 

/.„„./M.-Before   deciding  on   what   kind   to   use,  it  is  advisable  for  one 
who  has  not  uscmI  these  Implements  to  consult  his  neighbours  wiio  have  doiu- 
so.  then  write  for  catalogues  to  the  best  known  makers;    and  wh       I  ij,„^. 
make  it  a  general  princii.le  alwr.ys  to  procure  the  most  suitable  and  the  lu-st 
ot  its  kind.    The  difference  i..  the  Initial  cost  between  a  poor,  cheap  Implement 
nnd  a  tlioroughly  good  one  is  small,  compared  with  the  subsequent  loss  and 
inconvenience  from  using  a  cheap  pump  or  a  poor  nozzle.     Spravlng  pumiis 
nre  made  in  four  sizes:     (1)  hand  pumps,  suitable  for  small  gardens,  whid, 
can  be  procured  at  prices  ranging  from  $2  to  |5;     (2)  larger  pumj)s  mounted 
on  wheels   or   suitable   for   loading   on    a    stone-boat,  and   consisting   of   an 
ordinary  4()-gallon  barrel,  with  a  strong  force  pump  to  be  worketl  l>y  hand 
which  will  cost  about  $20,  and  will  be  all  that  Is  required  in  an  orchard  of 
from  fifty  to  a  hundred  trees,  or  in  a  large  garden;    (3)  knapsack  sprayers 
which  are  useful  machines,  consisting  of  a  tank  of  about  four  gallons'  capacity' 
to  be  carried  on  the  back,  nnd  useful  when  treating  outbreaks  of  cut-worniV 
turnip    aphis,   etc.,  in    field    practice;    (4)   l)ower    machines;    these    are    .,f 
various  kinds,  and  are  for  use  In  large  plantations,  or  for  spraying  street  trees 
where  great  power  is  required  to  elevate  the  spray.    These  are  worked  In- 
steam,  by  being  geared  to  the  wheels  of   the   vehicle   on    which  the  tank  is 
drawn,  or  by  the  escape  of  carbolic  acid  gas.     The  cost  of  "these  will  vary 
very  much  according  to  the  make  and  size  of  the  machines. 

Spraying  nozzles.— Ot  eiiual  Importance  with  a  proper  force  pump  in 
uistributing  liquid  poisonous  applications  Is  a  suitable  nozzle,  bv  means  of 
which  the  liquid  can  be  distributed  evenly.  The  late  Professor 'itlley  who 
did  much  in  the  development  of  spraying  machines,  said :  "  The  desiderata  in 
a  spraying  nozzle  are:  the  ready  regulation  of  the  volume  to  be  thrown  tli.' 
greatest  atomising  power  with  the  least  tendency  f.  clog,  facility  of  cleansin- 
or  separation  of  its  component  parts,  cheapness,  simplicity  and  adjustabilifv 
to  any  angle." 

Almost  every  maker  of  spraying  nozzles  has  some  siwial  make  whicli  he 
recommends;  hue  many  kinds  now  in  the  market  have  not  the  qualities 
nec-essary  for  spraying  crops  for  injurious  Insects  in  the  best  way.  All  tln.t 
can  be  said  here  is  that  some  of  these  nozzles  are  far  better  thtu  others.  an<l 
that  great  care  is  necessary  In  choosing  one  which  will  come  up  to  Dr  Uileys 
requirements,  as  mentioned  above.  The  experience  of  others  Is  a  valual.l." 
guide  m  this  work;  and,  both  at  the  Dominion  Experimental  Farms  and  -At 
the  similar  Provincial  institutions,  spraying  work  Is  carried  on  every  vear 
which  can  be  witnessed  by  all  who  wish  to  do  so,  and  advice  will  be  fmh 
given  by  the  ofllcers  in  charge. 

The  operation  of  "spraying"  consists  of  applying  liquids  by  means  of  a 
force  pump  and  spraying  nozzle  with  such  force  as  to  break  up  the  liquid  s,. 
thoroughly  that  It  falls  upon  the  plants  treated  as  an  actual  mist  or  sprav. 
Such  terms  as  sprinkling  or  showering  are  inaccurate  for  the  operation  h.n- 

iutemletl.  Tnfortunntoly.  nui,h  of  the  so-callfHl  spiayiiiK.  ns  usually  tarried 
out.  could  more  acenrately  b<.  designated  by  these  terms,  which  describe  a  unuh 
less  careful  and  less  even  distribution  of  llqulils. 


Kemwlles  are  either  Preventive  or  Active  and  must  be  applied  in  acconl- 
nnoe  with  the  circumstances  of  the  case  and  the  habits  of  the  attackluR  lns(>cts 
Prcrcnttrr  rcwcriU-x  are  either  aKricnltural  or  deterrent.  The  former  of  these 
••onsist  chiefly  of  such  methods  as  special  rotation  of  crops,  liigh  culture  so  as 
to  stimulate  a  healthy  growth  of  the  crop  and  keep  the  land  free  of  weeds  and 
rubbish;  early  and  late  SHMllng.  so  as  to  present  a  crop  to  its  lnse<t  enemies 
when  they  appear,  in  such  condition  that  they  cannot  injure  It.  and  rotation 
of  crops,  by  wliich  Insects  attracted  to  a  locality  by  a  crop  will  not  have  in 
that  place  the  same  crop  to  feed  upon  the  following  year.  Deterrent  preventive 
renmlies  consist  of  tlie  application  of  mechanical  contrivanc.  .s.  such  as  bands 
of  pai)or  or  tin  placed  round  plants  to  prevent  cutworms  getting  at  them  or 
the  destroying  or  nmshing  f  the  natural  odours  of  some  plants  by  scattering 
amongst  tliem  substances  possessed  of  a  stronger  or  a  disagreeable  odour  like 
gas  lime,  carbolic  acid.  etc.  Actirv  rcmeilicH  include  such  methods  as  hand- 
l.lcklng  and  the  application  of  various  poisonous  substances  to  the  plants  to 
be  protected. 

.t,-.vP,M7r,«.— The  best  known  of  these  are  Paris  green.  Arsenate  of  lead 
the  Arsenate  of  lime  with  sotla.  which  has  lately  come  into  very  much  more 
general  use,  and  Green  Arsenoid. 

In  all  of  these  iiolsons.  arsenic  is  the  essential  ingredient,  and  other  chem- 
icals are  mixed  with  the  arsenic  for  the  purpose  of  preventing  it  from  injuring 
vegetation.  There  are  many  spraying  compounds  which  ontaln  arsenic,  some 
of  which  are  sold  ready-made,  and  many  others  are  maue  at  home  bv  combin- 
ing the  necessary  ingredients. 

Pari!,  0»wn.-Undoubteflly  tiie  best  known,  and  in  many  respects  the 
safest  poison  to  use.  is  Paris  green.  It  has  passed  through  many  years  of 
trial,  is  well  known,  has  a  distinctive  colour,  and  is  a  definite  chemical  com- 
pound containing  58.65  per  cent,  of  arsenious  oxide.  31.29  per  cent  of  copper 
oxide,  and  lO.W  per  cent,  of  acetic  acid.  It  is,  therefore,  an  aceto-arsenito 
of  copper.  It  is  soluble  In  ammonia.  Paris  green.  If  demanded,  is 
obtained  pure  in  all  parts  of  Canada;  but,  as  there  is  sometimes' an 
adulterated  article  found  in  the  market,  it  is  wisest  always  to  add  an  equal 
amount,  with  the  Paris  green,  of  freshly  slaked  lime,  whea  the  free  arsenic 
will  combine  with  the  lime,  and  it  can  then  be  used  safely  at  the  rate  of  one 
IKunul  of  Paris  green  in  IfiO  gallons  of  water  on  all  vegetation,  and,  for  a  dry 
application,  one  pound  Paris  green  in  50  pounds  flour,  land-plaster,  slaked 
lime,  or  some  other  perfectly  dry  powder. 

As  a  general  principle,  lime  should  always  be  used  with  Paris  green 
whenever  it  is  applleil  in  a  liquid  insecticide.  Paris  green  Is  very  heavv  and 
the  particles  quickly  sink  to  the  bottom  of  any  liquid  with  which  it  Is  mixed 



<    ,:-■■«••■, 




This  makes  constant  stlrrlne  nerpssnrv      n..... 

water,  and  Is  merely  n.lx«  Jri  .  .  ^  '^''^"  ''"*""  ""*  '"««"'ve  in 
vegetation  in  the^"rv"„mn  'i  .n^?  ./"  '"'"""'"  '^^  •^^'^  '""^rlbutlon  on 
The  Uner  the  pols^fs  T  u        e  t^^^^^^^^^^  *"  ''-*->•  ^"-ts. 

Jt.  beeause  the  minute  orvs  «  «     .  "^"^""^  ""  *''«  ^"•''«'t«  "'•I*''  ^'U 

largely  due  to  the  freoiaent  lllf  7,       ^,  "'*  •^"tworms  and  other  „ests    s 

«o.e .  the  -.odsr::;^^::^^;::^.^  - -- -      ...... 

AH  of  T::2:s:'::^x:Tt;rzr'''  ^^^"""^ « '•^«"*'^"'  ^>-  '''i"'"- 

wuloh  has  1H.„  added  as  n  an.ltant  WhZr'*V'\'""'  ^^"^^  '"««-• 
rejection  of  the  article  It  must  h7h«;  ^V  .  "'^"'■''•''  '""'*  ^'•""•"l^  f'"' 
n«n.ber  of  other  subs  anl  "mMn  '"'^"" ^'I  "»'»'^  ^l^^*  "hlte  arsenic  and  a 
-nble  m  ammonia,  h"r t^e^Lf  ll tf f  Sr^e  '"'"^  ^^^^  "^  -" 

Of  ..tThoi2?ititC'ai:  rr "  7r  '^"'""^'^-  -^'^^^^  --  "i- « -^np 

leave  a  bright  J  ee„  streak  o,?tf  "f  "  ,?"'"  "  '"  ''"'*'•  "  "  '^  !>"»•«  it  wl  I 
pale  m  colour  w^  , 7,  "  «.^'  dal-ker  ThV,,  '''''''T'^''  '^^^  streak  would  he 
articles  as  arsenic   gnnmn    11       7  f.    "*-'"'  '^"^  *^  "»^  l'''*'«^'«-«  of  «"<l, 

l"tensegreenhidesfnri\v"  IsTcriH  7  '""'""  """^""^^^  -'^^^•''  "u- 
pound  «.lcrosco,>e.  whlc  vm  sCthe  pIh  "•""'"'""*'"°  '«  »"«'«  «lth  a  con.- 
spheres.  In  cale  of  adul  eratir  tl  Jl"  ^T"  *"  '""•''*^*  ""^"■^>^^'  «''  ^"•«'" 
uiore  or  less  white  of  crvstnn  ?"',  f  "  '^'''''•^"  «'"«  ""^^^»  «lth  nu.ttcr 
article  and  should  be  ZtZV^uZ^  ''T'^'''^''  '''''''''  ^«  "^  I"- 
tendency  to  dampness  or  cakMug  "'""'*'  ""  ^'""^'^^^  ^'^"^^"g  "".v 

workTtrMlf^s^^fsCvC^^^^  r  ""'^"^  "^"-  -^'"^  ^■- 

has  been  placed  on  the  .^rkr^  «  vl  v  ?"  *'  ^'■'"""*"  '^^  ^^^d.  which 

Bowker-s  Dlsparene  nlasXlAlZlT'r?'  '"""  ""'^^^'  "'«  "«»-  "^• 
Arsenate  of  Lead  are  th-TtZ  ^'•'^""**'  ^^  ^ead.    The  chief  advantages  of 

danger  of  injur;!  a,  ^  he  X  wltTp-I^i  '"  ""  ''"'^  ^'  ^«"«««  ^^•'*'  >- 
fine  state  of  division  It  lasts  lonlr  T  1  ^'^"^  *"**'  «"  "^-^o""*  of  its 
off  so  easily.    The  It  1  tt-  f^^  ''"k^'  '^""^^'  '^"''«"««  "  ^oes  not  wash 

because.  althouglfcC:  pol^f/^  V^J^d  iT!  ""'  '"  ^'^'^^  ^^  ^"^'«  «-"• 
the  amount  of  it  to  get  the  smne  ZS       \  necessary  to  use  three 

home.    Formula,  torltsTrZrntZ  t'""""'"  "'  ^"«*^  °'«-^-  "e  made  at 

Division  of  Entomo  og     Bi  lletin  No   4^'fT:r    '"*  '"  "^^  ^'"'^^^  «^'»^'- 

for  making  the  Ar^^^.^^  ' ash Ut ^r^'^^"'^""-  "^  -'-' 

Arsenate  of  soda   

Acetate  of   lead  ^^  ounces. 

Water  ....  24 

l^'O  to  200  gallons. 


The  arsenate  of  8oda  and  acetate  of  lead  sl.ould  l,e  dissolved  «e,»arPtelv 
and  then  ,K>ured  Into  „  tank  «>„tai„inK  the  required  an.ount  of  «^  teT    Tl  I^ 

Arsenate  of  soda.  50  i»er  t-ent.  strength  4  onnees 

Aeetate  of   lead  ^  onnces. 

Water    ^^ 

T>,.<.  *,                           '50  gallons, 

hasten   the     r^iV     iw    p1"     '"  ''"'''■     '''"""  "•«*'^'-  ^"  «»«  l'«i'«  will 
iK^r  nomui     t^„  , ,  .  ^  Fifty-pound  kegs  are  supplied  at  0  cents 

.'uc  ri ilclZtZllTT  °'  T'" "" '™""'  -'•""  ""'^ 

WHO  VV^  ^^  ^*^'^"  S«<^  satisfaction,  are  those  made  hv 

...ents  carried  on  at  Washington  that  what's  reLuire^  f"^"        ".^  '"  '^^'*- 
exceed  25  or  30  per  cent  of  the  weisht  nf  *i.^        "oning.  so  that  it  does  not 


'  * 




-J  L 


«>«I.  can  I.  macleTfonows:!         '  "''   ''""   "^'•^''  """"«'  '"*«•    A  goc, 

f'onmitratetl  potash  Jve   ,,/   ^ 

Water     3ii.  lbs. 

FlHh-oil .".' ''-'  Ka""»s- 

«-m  a,i„vi.r."  ■      "  "'™  ""°"  '">  '■°»l-    Any  grade  of  ml,.,.,, 

...nun.  ^„,  «.:::^rhiTr^'  r^rxt/r-r "-  ™"'""- 

which  prevents  water  from  I  vine  imnn  fiT        '''''^''^'^  ""'^^  »  ««xy  seeretlo,. 
for  this  purpose,  and  It Tav  he  rT  li    ^"^  '^'"'^  ^^  «""P  ^^"^  «"««ei- 

about  enual'to  one ^umT  t7ZT        *'"'  ""  '"""  ^'  ^^"  ^««^  ^^ 

r^^rnsfrrzs:if- £r^^  -eS.^rs-:: 

«oap.  or  one  pound  o  hard  soan  Inn^TV  '^"'""^  "'^  °"«  '^"««  «^  ««« 
a  Pint  of  cride  oarbi  add  Ro.f  f  "f  ''"'''■  ''''^^^  ^«'"»^-  ^^^^  half 
The  n.ixture  is  thrrtdr/o  be  sJorJ^'  '  T  °''""*''  ""**  ^"'-  thoroughly, 
take  one  part  of  n.s  "Sture  hv  m^^fsurlTo  flJ/"*7'  ""•  '^'^^^  ^«''"'-''- 
spray  directly  upon  the  growIL  n.„^L  "^'  ''^  ''■"*^'''  ""'^  ^P'-'^kle  or 

above  ground  ^        "^  ^"'"*'  «""«  *  ^^^'^  f™»  the  time  they  appear 

orudeCraflt^^n^rdtth^Tt  '"^^^  '«  ^•™''^>-  ^  P'"*  o^' 

diluent.  It  is  used  dry  iy  s  "1^1^  ^^^^7"''  "f  ^""^  ""''''''  «^  ^^^  ««'-• 
-a  to  be  very  e.clen^  ^^C'^^^£r::J:::2j^^r  ^' 

<^^^"^ZZ:r!T:Zt^^^^^^  «^  ^^^  -at  valu'e  of  Bor- 

equally  important  one  t ,  ,TI„h  ^.  '  ^^'^'''^  ^'"^  ^'^^  f«»«^ved  by  tho 
a  Joint  mixture  destrueti  Vat  tTe^''^^^^^^^  ™"'*'  '^  "^"^^  -"'^  "  "»'*  ^o"" 
pests.     All   of  the  aCical   noisn^^^^  T  °'  '""«°"^  ^^««"«^«  '•'^^^  l°««t 

mixture,  and  this  praX^^lrrgLTal  on^  ^n  ifllV^  ""^  ^^^^^'^""^ 
crops  against  fungous  diseases  nn,i  o*  *.  ^  necessary  to  proteit 

A  useful  formulaT  makZ  the  p  *.  ''''TT'''''  *"  destroy  Insect  enemies, 
leaf-eating  Insects  Tghen  farther  on.  '"""  '''"^'"'•^  '""^  ^"°«^  «- 



No.  l.-Li,ne  and  S„IpJ,„r  Wash.~For  winter  use 

expedient  to  give  a  full  res  le  ofT  "'  "  '""^"^^"^"-  ^'"'^  "  '«  dee„.e.l  in  the  varlo««  Statesa  "d  In  r       T  "^'^  *'"  '""""'"-  '•'•'  "«  '""""f"- 
I  take  the  following;!!.  •"  '"""''"•    "'•"•"  ^'^^  ^'    «•  ^-"r  Book.  m.J. 

rear;Thl^rotrtarnrcrs„n"^    r-^^' '-  •>-  ^-  »-.v 

-Comst.)   m  orchards  1     Ca  if^rn  ,    „,  ^  ,  '"''^^  (  ^«/^''"o/««  pernlciosu. 

-Ithin  the  last  m-e  or  sK  vear^'f  Ls  V  J   '^  ""  ""  ^"^*«^  «'"^--  -»> 

...eftt  for  thlH  insect  In  he  Eas  Ori.L«rT  r^"'""'^'  "'^  ''*"»'^«"1  ^''''''^ 
of  8cab  on  sheep.  It  w,L  first  uU  if  ''^^eloped  as  a  dip  for  the  control 

to  Qu„,le.  ,n  IsS.  l;:^?^.^^^  ^^Pretrctl  ThT  "?'  "^^^^^"« 
a  sheep  dip  prepared  by  Mr.  A.  T.  Covell  Thrta^h;  /''''"  ™'"*^  '^■'"' 
with    modifications    came    nulckiv    into    f  .v  r^  ^    ''^'^ '"''' ^«^'^"*- ""'' 

either  dry  or  in  the  fori  of  tashl«  h  .'"*•  ^'"'^-«"'P"»'-  Preparations, 
orchardlsts  in  the  cont^oTof  JX  a;d  Zg  ";^  AT  '"^"  '^  '^^  "^^  ^-^ 
comparable  to  the  boiled  llme-sulnhLM         .'  ^"'^  Preparations  are  not 

of  the  latter  as  a  scaliideTas  !„  Z  "i"  ''  ""  '"''^''"^""y  the  usefulness 
fruit  trees,  the  wash  Tas  be  „  .^rioufl^^^^^^^^  "'"^-^  ^'''  --»  «" 

•shown  to  have  a  considerable  ranJpnf.,f  °  ^"""""'  ""^^  "  "as  been 

as  a  fungicide.  ^'  °^  usefulness,  both  as  an  insecticide  and 

^^>^eil^^^st:ZTa:i^^^      ':  '""^-  -*  ^^  --^^-d  advi.. 

.«  econon,v  to  do  so  vLreTcrrds  of  2  "''  "'  ""  "'""*'''  '^^"«^-^«  "  -""'^ 
specially  if  the  trees  are  lai'e  ones  If  hu^  'n  """''  ""''  *"  ^^  '''''''^' 
needed,  as  for  the  treatment  of  TZJi  "'"  'l^antities  of   wash    are 

hog-scalder  will  be  satS  ory  It  nmy  bT^Cr''  "h"  "''"'"'•^  '^^"'^  - 
aud  the  fire  built  beneath,  as^n  tl  e  ordinarv  wf  '",'"''''  "°  ^'^'^  ^^«""^ 
»<hould  hold  35  to  40  gallons   m  d  Lflpln  ^^        '''"*''''•     '^'^^  ^<^t"« 

to  be  kept  supplied-  a,^  t  will  he  .flf  "^  '^''"'^  ''  ""  ^'""^^  ^^I''-"*'  P"™P  Is 

<"  the  spray-':nn,p  Ce"  \v  th  r^I^iVL^f.^r  'T  '"""""  «^  "'^  "-^^ 
sprayer  can  l>e  kept  busy  most  of  the  time  '    "'  '""''"^'  ""«  '>«^^' 

ironletlsZllnTf^'to^r^^  "'''' '^  °"*  ^^""^'^-^  «^^-'-»>'e,  large 
one  or  more  kettle's  beZ^sed  'cS  ZgtT  V'"^'^'*  *"  ^  ^^'''^'^  '"-«- 
;'f  «pray  gangs  which  it  fs  p^o'.^  o  !un  With  a  b  I";;""  T  ""  ""'"''^'• 
large  kettles  and  with  proper  water  fad  itL  f  "  ^^^^^^  «f  "'rt^e  or  four 
>»ay  be  prepared  every  ho  ,.•  \.  ,  *'''""'^'''  ^'«'"  ^^^  *«  200  gallons  of  wash 
i..«  is  tLt  the  ."sb    ,rn^.ma^^^^^  *«  *^'^  -^^hod  of  .X 

poured  into  the  spray  br'^  ort^rentanf  ','^^^*'  '"•""  ''''  ^««les  and 
to  prevent  burning,  '^inie^i^^lTLTa^^^^^^^^  T''T  '""  ^'  "'"^•-  «"^ 
and  labour-saving  conveniences.  ho7e,^r  '"1^  T''"""'''  '"'■'■"'•  ^in^e 
considerably  lessen  these  difficulties  •'  ^  ''^  ^"""'"'^^  ''-^^'^  "l" 




,  r 

^'  'f  / 


The  Helf-oooking  method  Ih  not  considered  Batlsfnotory.  acoordinR  to  tho 
T  .  S  Report  quoted  above.  In  which  the  following  remark  ocTrs--?' In  the 
^ZZ:  1  ;''  ''""""  "'  entomology  this  wash  has  not  ^rsatlsfaetorT 
8.  fflelent  heat  Is  not  generated  during  the  slaking  of  the  lime  to  brine  Yn^o 
solution  a  sufficient  quantity  of  sulphur."  Nevertheless.  Mr.  W^  E  U  w W 
formula   here   follows,  has  had  the  greatest  satisfaction  f rom  the^^;.^'::, 

Formula  fob  SELr-Boiuno  Lime,  Salt  and  Sulphub. 
A'o.  1  8pra„.-For  winter  use,  while  the  trees  are  dormant  :- 

f  V^J  ^'o^*'  ^""^^  "'"■'^"'*'  "^"'^'^  °'  **^«  B""^**  «^  Horticulture. 
1.  Take  20  lbs.  flowers  of  sulphur  and  sfr  Into  a  paste  with  a  little  hot 
water  In  a  coal-oil  can.     (Refined  sulphur  should  only^  used  ) 

the  L^f^h^'s^^yT  ""^'"'"^  ""^  '^  ""'"^-     ^'^'^^  '^''^^  *^«  »- 

immiw?''  !?!\"  ^*^""""  ^'•"■''''  "■°™  12  to  15  gallons  boiling  water  an.l 
immediately  add  the  lime  and  sulphur.  Cover  the  mouth  of  barrel  with  thi  k 
^ckH^to  retain  the  heat  and  st.r  occasionally,  whilst  dlssolvlnrwithTw::;;':; 

In  half  an  hour  the  sulphur  will  be  well   dissolved,  and  the  mixture  Is 
r«H.dy  for  use  after  adding  15  n>s.  salt  and  filling  the  bar'rel  f uH  up  wS.  ll": 

the  'S:  'oggllg'  "^'"^'  '""^'  ^'''•^"^'^  «  «-  »>—''-  sieve  to  prevent 

Geneb.\l  Remarks. 

1.  Apply  this  spray  as  hot  as  possible,  the  hotter  the  better 

2.  A  great  many  authorities  omit  the  salt.    The  writer  lavours  the  use  of 
It  on  account  of  it  making  the  solution  adhere  better  to  the  tr^s 

a« the 2\rrci:r:r:i^^^^^^^^^^    ™'«*-"- -- — ---. «- 

^4.^  Use  a  good  spray  pump  and  apply  the  mixture  with  as  much  force  as 

the  t'r^'' wfirthe  ''  rf '^"^-^"'"'^  »«  f^'^'ouah,  so  as  to  cover  every  part  of 
n!L  V  mixture.    To  spray  a   tree,   say  10  to  15  years  old   It  is 

necessary  to  spray  from  at  least  two  sides,  and  preferably  f^om  thr^' 

shouMtlwC^^^r'^"  ''^'  '^"^  ^^""^'^  *«  --^  '^^  t«P«  Of  the  ti^s. 
.rallon  J^f 'T^  "'^  ?™^  ^""P  *"  ^'^  ^^'••'^'"K  «rd^'''  run  through  about  flv. 

ImnrtitM"^  T^  ^'''  *''*'  ™^"°"  ^'  generating  steam  on  the  plat*  cnn 
impmve  this  mixture  by  turning  steam  Into  the  barrel,  after  it  has  ^u  ^u- 
boUed^r  about  a  quarter  of  an  hour  longer. 

gallons*""-  ®'""  """•'*'  *"  American  gallons  In  his  formula,  equal  to  about  42  Imperial 


««»  or  He  nmam  «,„i  „,„„  to  J^^J" ,°  f;?",'  ""  '"'<•'■•  ""I  »1"  kill  «.« 

Wm.  E.  Scott, 
0««f^e«  ^«r6o,ir,  8„it  Spring  island,  B.  C. 

^^^Jhe  ro„ow,„,  i.  the  rK.u„„e„Uatio„  of  t.e,  Inspector  of  Fru.t 
Fresh  unslaked  Hnie  . 

Siibllmetl  siilnhur  40  lbs. 

Salt    ;; 20    „ 

Water ^**    " 

Place  10  lbs.  of  Uiup  n.Ji  on  i».      I ^  *"'*'•  (^ajperlal). 

water.  „„a  boll  over  a  b^is"  Are  f^tvfo 7  "'""*  '"  '^  *"""  ^'^"^  ^  ««"«-  of 
Uissolved.  It  will  ttent\ZlZ2:rT\T!'''  o"'^''"  '«  *''"-"«'•'*• 
<"sk  and  pour  water  enough  over  7  to  «.  ^^''''^'''^  ^  "«•  "'  "™e  In  a 
When  dissolved,  add  the  »1  a,'d  su  nh.  r  T  •^7'"'^'  "•  ^^''^  ^^^  ««'*• 
Add  enough  water  to  make  50  gal  ol     1  ^  "  ^''''  *"  ^^^^  lo"8«r. 

i"  the  tank.  ^''"'*"^-    ^PP'^  «*  «  temperature  of  130  degrees 

•n  ^'"Z:XfTeTe\ZTr'ZZ^^^  -  *•>«  '--  '«".  and  again 
-re  must  be  taken  to  thoroughly  col^  T  ^"•"''  ^'^""'^  ''^  "««»'  «««! 
to  the  tips  of  the  Shoots  wl  h  the  mXe  J.,  "h'^k*^  '''''  ''•«™  ^^^  «'•«""<' 
when  applying.  mixture,  which  should  be  constantly  stirred 

^ave)!  ri^  r;:?rre:rr "  ^^   -  -"«<>«  <«-  -  shou,d 

preference  to  any  brand  tharmay  be  offered  f"""  T'  ""'°  "-"""'acture  i„ 
to  know  that  your  own  article  Is  nron^rTr!?  .  T'  ^'^"  "«  ''^  *  PO«"ion 
Which  you  use  Is  perfectly  fresh  and  v^rvhrt'  ^  ''''  '''''  ''"''  *»•«  «"« 
sulphur;  use  no  other  qual  ^o  ma«er  h  '  T  *'"*  *'°"  '^^  ^^'^  ««"<«'^'^ 
article  Is  well  refined.  L  1  flnelygroundThatr  Y.7  "^^  ^''^  ^"''""'^ 
iime.  *  ^'^**"°^  ***at  It  quickly  combines  with  the 

i^  thirtisTmrr  "tZs'zztz  t  'r  -"''' '« ^-"-  «--"ve 

injects,  woolly  aphis,  etc..  and  is  Si M      *"''"'*'  Insecticide  for  all  scale 

acting  not  only  as  an  all^ound  n^«  fd  Tu^oT""  ^/^""^'"^  '^»"  *-«' 
-J-  R.  A.]  "«ecncme,  but  to  a  great  degree  as  a  fungicide. 

Central  Experimental  Farm  formula- 

Sulphur,  powdered    32  lbs. 

Water    12    „ 

Ontario  Department  of  AgriouVture -l "''  ^""°"*- 

Fresh  lime    

Sulphur  (flowers) 20  lbs. 

Water    "■ IS    „ 

■  •  •  40  gallons. 



Handliwo  the  Spbay. 
The  pumim  UHetl  vvItU  sulphur-llme  wash  luimt  be  washed  out  each  nluht 

over  the  brass  after  continued  use.    Brass  nozzles  are  eaten  out  by  Len 
clays'  spraying,  and  a  sufllelent  supply  should  be  kept  on  hand  trreiSac^tC 

the  men  should  be  protected  during  the  time  of  application.    This  Is  done    v 
tt"s^n  a"d  maTnr'^!  ^"^-klng  or  canvas.    Su.phur-llme  Is  cauX. 
L^^wmrli^Sr:  spying"  ''  '  '^  '"""  "  """•"  '''  •"'"'^^  ""^ 

No.  2^-Q«a,,/o  CAfp,  and  TF/ioIe-o«  Soop.-Summer  spray  for  aphis  •- 
Quassia  chips  „  „  " 

„,.      ,        ,,  8  IDS. 

Whale-oU  soap    . .  - 

Water   .' ^^    '•, 

X,..  ..  .  100  gallons. 

th«  1        he  quassia  chips  in  about  8  gallons  of  water  for  one  hour     Dissolve 
slrV"  ^*''  '""'"''  ""•"'"  "«''  "^'^  '^^^'^  ««'"tlons  together,  and  dilutlw   ,' 

^r^t::- :;  -^^^  r  =erc;.r  i^^ni^ri:? 

insets  as  Z^^nuZZ  i^m«/*ion«.-These   are   particularly   valuable   against 
insects  as  plant-Uce.  scale  Insects,  and  animal  parasites.    The  best  formula  is- 

Kerosene  (coal  oil)   o      „ 

Rainwater 2  gallons. 

Soap     ■■■■■ j^ 

turn^t'InJ^thlT  '"  '""^  ^«*^''  «»  ^» '«'di««oived;"  then.  whrLllng  h,.t 
turn   t  into  the  kerosene,  and  churn  the  mixture  c-nstantly  and  forciblv  «M  .' 

mCrit  [r  ""7  ""'  ''^'  ™^""*^^'  ^^••^-    '  -"»  ^^of  rsmXore^^ 
wltZ;  on,  T"'°  ^'  '^'^^'  "  ^l"   ^dl^^'-e  t«  the  surface  of  gas 

without  olliness.    As  It  cools,  It  thickens  Into  a  jelly-like  mass     TM«  ! 

ings  along    he"  sldef  Ceffl""/?-    '""^^^  '''''''''  ^'^^^"^^  «"'«"  "^-"- 
by^toppl^ul  thr  bre^tL',^^^^^  '""^^"^  ^•""^^''^•^  ^«  *"^  -'^-"^^  *»^-'- 

amonmTfTormllrinZ,"^?   '^   "^'^^   conveniently  by  using  an  equ.-.i 
chui  for    he  TnL  Z     .  ""'  '^"^  ""^  ''''''''  *°  *»>«  '^»'«^«  formula,  and 

mixing  kerosene  fir«t  ^f  „ii      .«.  /  ^^""   ""**   ^^■-  ^^^  T-  Macouii.  nf 

the   wo  Crer     t,H«        '"'?  ''"^•'"  ""**  «"«"vards  with  water,  by  churnin. 

Hour,  ,Ucl,  I,  ,„  te  had  everrwhere.  may  be  u«4  with  «„„llv  g„„l 


n«ult8.  If  the  emulHlon  Is  to  be  H8«1  „t  ouoe.    TIHh  RlveH  da   tlien   hv  f...  ti 


the  higher  anlmnl«     i.  i!^H  I'raetieally  harmless  to  human  beings  and 

toes  an.'   uasps,  a^l  of  whleh  nre  n?,  l7  "«-    "'*"^^'*'  P^"'"'  "«  "'*-«•  '»««*1»«- 

quantlty  thrown  Into  the  air  nf     ^         I  "''"'*'''•  "*"'^''  ""^  ^«^»"S  «  «"'«» 

bellows  or  by  a  small  auant  tv^^  T""  '^";'"°'  "'  '^'^  *"«^*-S""  «"•  ^«"«» 
smoulder.    It  ienT to  Ze  ^        teaspoonful)  being  ignited  and  allowed  to 

No.  C— robacco  and  Soap  Wash  — 

m  th^rmtiuroJtrwiter  rr '"'  r*"  '•'^  ^^"^  «^  «^-«  ^--  <- 

Oil  soap  m  1  gallon  hot  ItT    I   ?    !!      """  ^'*'  ^"^'"^  '   ^'^^^^^^  ^  »>•  «^hale- 

-.p  aL  ap'pf;  th:  miLr  o  aX  ^d'  ^r :ss  Ts^ "  '°*« "-  •^'-•^-^ 

nozzle  and  all  the  force  possible     Or  thlT.  /  ^^  ''""'^''  ""'"«  '^  ^^^ 

the  insects  with  a  swrbTl^rush       a  '  """''  ""^  "PP""^  '**^«'«y  *« 

aphides.  "'*"•     ^  «^  «»""'«'•  «"«b  for  all  forms  of 

No.  7^~Rcsin  Wash.-For  Aphis  and  Scale  Insects  — 

Sal  soda  .... .........'.'.'.'.".".".' *  "*®- 

B  •  •  •  •  • 3    ^^ 


^^f^""^  ?^  '^'"  ■"**  "'  •*^*  "*  *  ''*"'«  '»•'*»»  three  pintfl  of  cold  water 
(wf  or  ram  water).    Boll  or  alnimer  slowly  until  thoroughly  dl«o?^ed  whl, 

^^.^"^'JT^  '^"^"-    ^'*""  "Ufflelently  boiled,  the  ream  being  cZJetey 

f.t^n^'*'*  "T""  *'°'  ''**"  '"^  """^^  «>  ««"«»-•    After  adding ThTwat^ 
U  win  become  thick,  but  after  boiling  again  It  becomes  thin.    The  a  Je 
ready  for  Immediate  use  and  should  be  used  lukewarm     If  desired  fnrTf 

trck^tbrn'""::^^^'  '"* ''''  °"'^ «-  ^aiC^f  irrd'L'ri 

For  hop-louse    i  gallon  compound  to  0  gallons  water. 

For  woolly  aphis i  ^^  j 

For  scale  insects i  "^  g  " 

For  green  aphis i  "  q  *' 

The  spray  Is  not  Injurious  to  the  tree,  for  after  three  or  four  davs'  st.n 
shine  It  dissolves  or  breaks  away  from  the  surface  ^ 

currant  '.V^ms":- "  ^^'•«^-^-  ^^^  -<*  Cherry  Slugs.    Gooseberry   and 


Water    J  T**' 

_.        ^.  1  gallon. 

Steep  the  hellebore  for  an  hour  In  one  pint  boiling  water,  then  add  th^ 
balance  of  water  cold.    To  be  used  with  spray  pump 

^In!  I     .1  "''*'*°®  ''°*''^°  **  Leggetf  8  Powder  Gun  is  a  very  efficient 

TZfUu  IV  '^ '"«'  '"'''•    '°  «"  ^«»««'  <^««  «houM  be  taken  to  Ian 
good  fresh  hellebore,  to  ensure  the  results  aimed  at. 

leaf-ea«n';,"7n'rts!'r°  "^"^-^^^  ^"^"°«  ^«*^'  ^''*«^"'-.  -*1  other 

Paris  green 

Fresh  slaked  lime I  ^°'''®*- 

Water    ,1  \ 

.,  ,  50  gallons. 

mnt^f  H  *  ^*.'*^  °^  ^^^  ^"^'  *^°  ^'**'  ^  ""le  ^at^r.    Make  the  lime  Into 

atogetherP  rr:r';er,  '"'\*'"^  *^^^"^^''  «°^  ''^^  -*-  to  si  gallon 
altogether.     Paris   green    is    a    heavy  powder,  and  will  not  remain  lone  in 

tlTTl"'/Tu''  ""'*  "^  "^^P*  «^°«*^°«y  ««rred  when  usTng      Be   su  e 
Paris  green  can  generally  be  used  to  advantage  with  Bordeaux  mixture 

pimp  '^^"  *^  "^  ^""^"^  ^**'"'*^""^  "»^^*"r«-    APPJy  With  spray 

No.  15.— £ye  and  Soap  Wash.— For  winter  u«e  only:— 

1  lb.  concentrated  lye. 

1  lb.  whale-oil  soap. 

5  gallons  water. 
Dissolve  the  lye  and  soap  in  the  water  heated. 


■ufflclent.  ^  ^'"'P*^  *'°°*'  *"»"  »»>«  '"nount  of  wap  Is 


Sulphate  of  copper  (bliiestone)   a  n^ 

Fresh  unslaked  lime  ' 

Water  (soft)   *    " 

Double  strength  for  winter  use:— 

Sulphate  of  copper  (bluestone)    ...  a  ♦«  ia  i.. 

Fresh  unslaked  lime    ...  8  to  10  lbs. 

Water  (soft)   . .  *  "**• 

Copper  sulphate  (bluestone)   .  i«  nw 

Quicklime    -^^  "**• 

Water  ®    " 

,p.^      ^,      50  gallon8=40  Imp.  gal. 

pour  into  th"  b.S^  .id  Jr  Cli'h,       J?  '  """  ""™  ''"'^''  ""O  "">" 

Sulphate  copper    ^  ^ 

Lime     ; "*">«• 

Water     *    " 

Paris  green  ....'.'.*.' ^  gallons. 

m.  „  ,  4  ounces. 

If  buJaCrau'^mfr'otr,'"  ^"^"'^"^"  ^'   ^''^^  -'-*«- 

four  pounds  Of  f^h   ^n'ever  alr^ak^  follows  :-We,gh   out 


tUe  spray  tan^Cu^  ,  ,lfr  c"^^^^  ,«*"'°  '^^  -""^  of  lime  Into 

lumps,  rocks,  or  flbe^  ^rorg^^Xttftal"  The"'  whS'^^n'r  ''"^ 
material  In  the  tank  with  a  hoe.  another  man  t^n;!^  adds'  tl  w  T  """  '""^ 
^t^iag  that  no  lint  or  trash  eoes  In  hv  tMo  .  bluestone  water, 

or  irasn  goes  In  by  this  means  either.    Then  fill  the  tank 


Mith  w.,t..r.  NtlrrlLK  nil  tho  «hlU..  niul    tho    Mprny    Ih    mulv  t»  une      Vcr, 
IHHir  tlu.  „mlii„i,Hl  bln.^t»,K.  ««f..r  in.o  fl».  xuuMIuUhI  ...ilk  of  II,.,...  or  ,i"  .hht 
<h.... iral  ..„1„„  will  „.H„lt.     KU..I,  a  ...Ixturo  h„.  ,HH,r  fu.,«l,.lUul  v«  uJ  L    |, 
niphlly  ,„ul  tlogH  the  i.oa!«h.|i.  u  »uiue,  «.ni»s 


♦«  „^^''"'""  "'"•'•'  <"""  "  '""•'^'  "«•  two  of  Bonlenux  in  to  Ih-  ran.lo.  it  wv«,  tl.... 
to  ninko  whjit  nro  ciillwi  Ht<Nk  Holutloj.w:- 

WHKh  o„t  n,.,l  ,,„t  |„to  a  lo„K.  ch^p  trough  llko  n  "  UhhI  tro„«h  "„si, 
ll...e  to  ,.,«ke  «  <l.«,.lto  „uu.b,.r  of  harrHn  „r  t«„kH  of  npray.     If   th.   tarn' 
holds  no  Kallo,.«.  or  the  ta,.k  100  or  150  b«IIo,.h.  „«■  ho„.c.  .....Itlnle  of  f.l 

lK>n,.dH  <,f  ll,.,o.  H„y  40  ,HH,.,dH.     nrl..g  to  ...Ilk  of  li,..e  by  add, «  J^  t 
.n.n.lH.r  of  k„||o.,«  of  water  that  yo,.  ,.«.  ,K.„.,dH  of  I.„„..  hmt  40  ««11„.        T    . 

I...0  «  a.k«  bent  If  war...  or  hot  water  Ik^  ,.sod  ..  „  starter.  I)|HH,Hve  1..  a  v.'rv 
InrKo  t..b  or  wo«le.,  ta,.k  40  jh„„..1h  of  bl....Hto„o  1..  '20  or  40  kh1Io,.h  of  water 
Never  ,.He  le«H  water  tha..  1  gallo..  t.  each  2  ,K,„.,d«  of  bl,.eHto„e.  „r  , .: 
mntorlal  will  recryHtnlliHe  I.,  the  botto...  „..  the  nl.leH  of  the  c.o„t«l.„'r 

Then  all  yo.,  have  to  do  Ih  to  .,.ea«„re  .„*  4  Kallo.,8  of  the  .nllk  of  lUne  - 
or  4  pallonH  of  the  bl„eHt«..e  water,  .lllute  to  al^out  15  Kallo..H  ea<-h  «.»!  ,hm,; 

ogether  Into  the  barrel.     If  the  Hr.rn.v.ta..k  hoIdH  2  or  II  barrels.  vo„  1. av.   t 

r;orthrb«;rei" """ '""" " """''  "•"  '""*'  *""  "^  '""'"^  "•"^''  -  "'•■•" 

Tkstino  Spbay, 

If  the  lime  uaed  In  a  fine  lime,  neither  alr-8lak«l.  h,.,,ro,H»rlv  burnetl   ,„.r 
hav..g  „.„eh  "rook"  In  It.  I  have  found  4  ,H>u„dH  H^fflelin  to  each  4  i.X 

to  T^uZJlTZ""-  "'""^'  '*""""'  "^^^^  ••"•«"»nend  UHln«  r.  ,K>und8  of  ll...e 
to  4  pounds  of  bluestone.  and  this  should  certainly  be  done  if  the  lln.e  U  not 
flrst-c lass.     The  best  way  to  assure  .,„   -elf  that  he  has  lime  enough  is  to  tes 
the  mixture.    There  are  three  waj-s  of  testing:— 

«n^  i'^'  ^T.  f  ^'[^^^y  *^'^""'  *"•'»"*  »»l«'Je  "'  n  pocket-k.,lfe  Into  the  Bordeaux 
«nd  eave  i  In  It  for  about  one  min,.te.  If  there  Is  not  .ime  enough,  a  thi... 
reddish  stain  of  copiier  will  be  left  ujion  the  blade. 

2nd.  Fill  a  small  bowl  with  the  Bordeaux,  and.  holding  It  level  with  tl... 
eje,  breathe  gently  uinm  and  across  the  liquid.     If  It   Is  prorn^rlv  made,  and 

pellicle  to  form  on  top. 

.uJ'\^^^^''^  '"  "'''  °""'^'  °'  '""*^'*  °"^  '^""^  «'  ferro^yanlde  of  jHitns- 

solution  to   t.  drop  by  drop.     If  a  brownish  discolouration  takes  plac^e,  you  must 
Add  more  lime  to  the  stock  solution  and  tank.  .  ^   u  uu  i 

I'sEs  OF  This  Spbav. 
Apple  Scaft.-rse  once  before  flowers  open,  best  just  as  buds  are  burstin;:. 
Ind  Zr  "''•'^  "'"^%«ft-r  fruit  has  set.  according  to  the  prevalence  of  rain 
and  cloudy  weather.  In  ordinarily  pleasant  seasons  three  spravlngs  inv 
enough.  Whe..  aplying  the  last  two  sprayings  the  Insecticide  can 'be  added 
to  the  8pra,v.  thus  scab  and  Insects  being  combated  at  the  same  time 


Poinirn,  MIMne  of  n,a,>r.  Apple,  Praeh  and  //rMr.-Ar.ply  flr-t  Ju«t  nn 
.... «  nn.  ln.r«tl,.K.  ni..l  «,ntlnn..    nt    Int.TvaN  thro,iKho.,t  the  wuh,,,,.     K«.h 

for  thi.  i.  govrrniHl  Inrgely  by  «,,„„„«.  location  ni.u  provalfno..  of  dlHt.«m.H  ti.e 
proviouR  yt'flr. 

Pf«rA-/r«/  f«r/.-AppIy  J.,«t  n*  b.i.lH  are  h»m\m,  nn.l  two  or  threo  moro 
thnen  thro.iKl,  th«  «,rly  m.„Ho„.     I.mten.l  of  Bonlea.ix.  tho  llnie-Hulphur  milt 
Hpray  can  be  xx^  tov  the  flr«t  npraylng  with  exc-ellent  eff^t. 
n^J'^'^'J^lT'  "'■  •^'•'*'-«''"-''-rrofeN««r  Cordley.  of  the  Oregon  Station. 
w«k».      tor  all  MiTaylnK.  In  the  dormant  ^.-aHon  or  fall,  whether  for  tliN 

re;ti:^rrn;e'7J  r;:„r/'"'"^  '^  ""•'^""'"«  "■•'  "'""""^"  -^  "-^•^ 

Copper  Sulphate  dnlutUm:— 

ropiHT  sulphate    2  or  .in,. 

nater     m       ,. 

CO  gallonH. 

We«t?r.'r  r"?^u  '*..'""';"  *'"*^°'""^''  ''^  experiment  stations  both  Eastern  an.l 
Zl  X  1  !"  "•*"  '•'""'  "'  Bordeaux  during  the  dorn.«nt  season.  Though 
of  equal  ertlclency  with  Bordeaux,  and  more  easily  made  and  applied.  It  Is  of 

to  rr  r  "  "'"""'  '*■'"•"  «""'"«  '"  "'"t-^-*  «••»»»  «">•  •'•""  <•-•  st«4  pars  as 
o  make  Its  use  very  dlsa.creeable.  Iron  nuts  about  the  waggon  or  pump 
K.jome  in  a  few  days  so  sol.lere.!  to  the  bolts  as  to  make  It  nexfto  L^'HTlble 

to  loosen  them.    Metal  parts  of  the  harness,  and  even  tools  employed  ZTsoo.t 

sen  lee  In  the  treatment  of  grain,  though  formalin  is  largely  displacing  It. 
No.  lO.—Ammoniacal  Copper  Carbonate — 

Copper  twbonate   5  „„„^^ 

Ammonia  (ammonia  water  of  commerce)   3  or  4  pints. 

CO  gallons. 

DJ««olve  the  copper  carbonate  In  the  ammonia  and  dilute  with  water  to 
..0  gallons.  The  concentrated  solution  should  be  poured  Into  the  water.  Keep 
the  ammonia  in  glass  or  stone  jar  tightly  c-orked.  ^ 

hon„fJ"7  ^'"""^f '"'•^  «/  ^"PP^*-  Car&on«/e.-As  the  precipitated  form  of  car- 

Tt  t^ZlT "'""''  °'*"'"''''^'  ^'^  '""«^'"«  '^•^-"-« "-  ««-n 

,nnnl°    "  .'IT'    T"^"^^^   ""^    ^'^^'^^''^   *^"**   *»''   ">'"^»^    ««"«"«'    dlSSolve    H/,    Ibs.    of 

opper  sulphate  In  4  pints  hot  water.     In  another  vessel  dissolve  1%  lbs.  sal 
soda  (washing  soda)  in  4  pints  hot  water.    When  both  are  dissolved  pour  the 

ZZT^Z  '"':  '"'  r  ""'  ^"^  ''^•^'^'^•-    ^^''•^^  effervescence  leases.  flU 

the  ^e88el  with  water  and  stir  thoroughly.    Allow  this  to  stand  5  or  0  hours 

When  a  precipitate  or  sediment  will  have  settled  at  the  bottom.    Now  pour  off 

he  clear  liquid  without  disturbing  this  sediment,  fill  up  the  vessel  aga^n  with 

mill"     H    H  "'  '"''"'''  *'''°  """^  *^'^  '''  «*«"*^  »»"^  '^-  «e<Ji»ent  has  aga  n 
settled,  and  then  pour  off  the  clear  liquid  carefully  ««  before-  the  rcsiduf  or 

7^T.o    -'••--^V'  «>PPer.  and  from  the  quantities  given 'there'hluM  b^ 
formed  12  ounces  weight.    Instead  of  drying  this  (which  is  a  slow  process)! 



add  to  It  4  quarts  strong  ammonia,  stirring  well,  and  then  add  water  to  brine 
the  whole  quantity  up  to  G  quarts.  This  may  be  kept  In  an  ordinary  stone  jar 
but  shou'd  be  closely  corked.  •'     ' 

Each  quart  will  contain  two  ounces  carbonate   of   cooDer    wi.!nh    ^i, 
added  to  20  ga.M„«  ,.„ter  will  furnish  a  solution  re^dyT'spravC  07'^ 

r'a..«on.-Mo8t  of  the  copper  compounds  corrode   tin    and   Iron     Conse 
quently   In  preparing  them  for  use.  earthen,  wooden  or  brass  velsels  should 

w,H  ThT '. ,"?  ^"  "''^'"'"^  "'*-"'  ''''  P'^^*^  «^  P""P  -•••<^b  comet  conta 
wltL  the  liquid  should  be  made  of  brass.  ^"uiact 

Though  this  Is.  In  many  respects,  as  good  a  spray  as  Bordeaux  It  Is  more 
costly  and  the  Ingredients  less  commonly  attainable.  It  used  to  be  rZ, 
Zf  ^  «  *.  ^""'  '^'"''"^  "'  "^™««*  «"  ^^""«'  «'»^  "  leaves  no  stal^as 
wiped  before  being  packed.  Its  usefulness  has  decreased.  For  grapes,  or  am- 
other  fruits  attacked  by  fungi,  and  which  caanot  easily  be  wiped  or  ci;aned  „ 
j|;  any  way  this  Is  superior  to  Bordeaux  as  a  final  spray.    This  Is  peculiarl/the 

»  '  case  with  powdery  mildew.  '  t^unany  me 


This  is  a  40  per  cent,  solution  of  formaldehyde  gas  In  water,  though,  owing 
to  the  escape  of  the  gas  and  to  adulteration,  the  commercial  article  hardlv 
ever  contains  40  per  cent.  I  have  never  yet  hap,.ne<l  to  find  any  of  soCr 
quality,  however,  as  not  to  do  the  work  expected  of  It.  Such  complaints  are 
by  no  means  Infrequent,  but  I  Judge  from  my  own  success  In  the  use  of  forma- 
lin that  the  cause  of  failure  Is  to  be  lal,^  more  often  to  the  door  of  the  o  e 

relnfested  ^y  the  disease  through  careless  sacking  or  handling  after  treatment 
The  gra  n  or  potatoes  should  be  treated  In  the  sacks  In  which  they  are  to  be 

,^!.\        """^  "^  ^''"'°'  '^'*^™  sprinkling  Is  adopted,  the  sacks  should  be 
soaked  before  the  treated  grain  is  put  back  into  them. 

Formalin  for  Potato  Scab:— 

Formalin     i/  „i  4. 

Water    4  P*"  • 

lo  gallons. 

Formalin  for  Smut  of  Grain  :— 

Formalin     1     ,  * 

„.  .  1  pint. 

Water    -«      „ 

oO  gallons. 

Corrosive  Sublimate: — 

Corrosive  sublimate  3  o„„^ 

nater    -•-      ,, 

lu  gallons. 

Corrosive  sublimate  10  ounces. 

WfttGr     rtrt       II 

,^  ^^"^^r,  '^"^  «"bllmate  m  warn  ■water;  and  ^hen'dissoh^i  ^ur  Into  a 
%es..  .  contain  ..-  water  and  stir  vlgourously  with  a  lath. 


Treat  the  potatoes  as   with   the  formalin.    As  no  better   results   were 
obtained  by  me  with  the  corrosive  sublimate  than  with  formalin,  and  as  the 

of  lormann^  ^"'^  ""'^  ^"'""^  ^'*'*"'°  '''''"'*  "'^  ^"""  '"  "*"*'  ^  "•*''*««  ^^^  "«« 

No.  16.— Po/a«sfMm  Sulphide:— 
.u    ^^'!J^  **  I"*""**  8"»>stance  of  a  brown  colour  when  fresh,  though  turning  on 
^r  fl  r  ""    7.  T  ^""^^'"^  '"  "''•  ^"^  '"°"^"^t-    "  •«•  f'^^  "«  «»o«r.  often 
sunlfght      ■"         ^  '     "•"     "  ''""^*'  ""  ''^*  ''^  '^  ^'°«^  ^'^^^^^  "«t  ---1>««^  to 
Potassium  sulphide ,^^  „,   to  1  oz. 

,„.,„  .  1  gallon. 

This  spray  is  used  for  most  of  the  powdery  mildews,  but  I  have  had  best 
results  with  It  m  combatting  mildew  on  the  gooseberry.  Four  or  fi'4  sJravS 
«1  do  away  with  mildew,  when  on  previous  years  It  has  been  so  bad  S 
o.mrely  to  spoil  the  crop.  It  dissolves  readily  In  water  slightly  warmed  while 
It  never  clogs  the  nozzle,  so  perfect  Is  its  solubility.  I  found  threl  sprayings 
would  completely  save  the  crop,  but  that  one  or  two  more  were  n^Tto  1 
away  With  the  disease  completely.  The  first  spraying  should  be  a^^ed  jutt 
as  the  young  leaves  are  putting  forth,  and  the  subsequent  applications  two  or 
three  weeks  apart  through  the  growing  season. 
Arsenite  of  Lime  icith  Soda  :— 

White  arsenic   .,  _ 

Sal  soda  (crj-stal)     .      ' 

Water    .'.".'.'.*.'.' 

The  ingredients  are  boiled  in  the  required"amount  of  water  ultu" dissolved 
vhlch  will  take  place  in  a  comparatively  few  minutes,  after  which  the^It^; 

r,  J  T'^'T''  ''  '•'P''^^-    '^«  ^^"^  '^  «^  ^  e«»o»«  of  water  a  prnf  o 
this  stock  solution  and  from  2  to  4  pounds  of  fresh  slaked  lime  are  added     The 

Jl™  !  ,  """"^T  ""'''''"^  ''•"'"  *'^  combination  of  the  sal  soda  and  t^  whl'e 

ZitJ^fT     %"'  '°^'-    '°  ''''  P'-^^'^^  «^   ""«  t»>««  »>reaks  down  and 

arsenite  of  lime  is  formed.    It  requires  4.4  lbs.  of  crystal  sal  soda   or  16  lbs 

o   dry  sal  soda  to  combine  with  1  lb.  of  arsenic  and  2  lbs.  of  freshly  sfake^ 

ime  to  combine  with  1  lb.  of  arsenic  to  form  arsenite  of  lime     It  is  a'wt^ 

desirable  to  have  an  excess  of  lime  present.  In  order  to  prevent  a  1  danirr  S 

^::^;':a^^  s^by  rdUt  :r^ '-.  -  ^^^^'^-'-^  *«  f-TgrL'^aVJ 

!  o^    f     u  <iIstributlon  and  amount  of  lime  in  the  foliage  how  well 

the  spraying  has  been  done.    The  formula,  which  Is  the  Kedzie  fonnur  wffh 

M-  fjr,  "^    f  f.""^'"-    '"  "''  ""'  ^^«  P^«^"^«'  t^«ts  under  the  advice  of  the 

:2r  irrc^apr  --^ '-  ^^--^  *^  •-  -^^  ^^^^  -  ^^--^  -  -"- 

to  f  .r  n°  1*  *'  **^'"^'*  *^  "'^  Bordeaux  mixture  with  this  solution,  it  Is  added 

^..  tr     r    r?  '"'^*"''V°  ''"  '""^  P^^^^^""-^  ««  to  a  similar  quantUyff 
u.iter.— C.  B.  Simpson.  Bull.  41,  u.  8.  Div.  Ent  yuanuty  or 

The  above  combination  of  arsenite  of  lime  with  soda  Is  preferable  to  arsen 
Ll       .'  «°  ««^»"t  of  the  difficulty  in  making  this  latter  tmbIna«on,^r* 
f«^y.  and.  When  this  Is  not  the  case  ,the  free  arsenic  1.  very  ^S^^^:. 


.    i-    V- 




aniline  dyes  It   «  vert  rHnnt   ,  "^"'^^  P""*'"'"*  ^"  **^«  manufacture  of 

Orecnrllr    T        ,        "  «""I^«"'«°'  «°<»  therefore  unsafe  to  u«e. 

Sla'lrnCVVZrrr^  an7Xr.ettef rfoi.;-  ^^ 
unless  mlrJ Ti?^  ,'    k  ,,  '  '"**■■  I^'^tnge  of  Kluble  arseule.  an.l 

oT.n„r„i°^ ,:  LV"'?,  r:\T„':s^r  "^ "»"» ^'-"^  *"«  ■»  -■■"-' 
VI...  one  onn'oe  ,„  !o  j.zi':.:^,!''^^:::^ "™'«"'°» -  '■•■"  «-"• 

Fumigation  With  Hydbocyanic  Acid  Gas 

Matebials  to  be  Used 
oyanMe%r9r;?eeT;r,l'"(2T?ur.'  1  '""'^""^'^  "''^-^^^  ^^-^""^ 

authorities,  three  d,ffe"uturrkl''        ""     '^""''^  "'  recommended  by  different 
cent,  purit;  to  evejy  2^  or  3^  o    Z'^'TT''^  '  "'•  "'  ^^""''^^  «^  »«  !>*- 
The  variationfn  fho  .     ^  '^"^^'^  ^^^*  «^  «P«*^  respectively. 

Character  Of  th^PiantsthatTretrn  7"T.  '^^"'^^  ^'^  ^^'"^  -*-*  -  ^ho 
are  dormant  or  aSJve  ever^r^n  or  .V.T  "^  "°  ''''"*  '*'"^°«*^'  "'^^t'^^'-  '^^y 
case  of  tender  p^nts   i  oz  'rovrn,?         "''  ^"'^  ^'"^  ^°  **»«  ^«««"-    I"  »"*^ 

While  hardy  pla^^s  ma^:  treaTi  with'l'or?  '"  ,T  ^"''^  ^"*  ^^  «^'"-- 
space.  ^  ^"*^  ^  •'''•  o'  cyanide  to  200  cubic  feet  of 

.rente..  n.„./^  JTr.,  aZSrZ^.^:  »*''  ""-  ""'-  "  '»  - 

w..erw,!rrc\rn,,.tt  r  r"*  '^^  """'""^  -"->  "o-^ '"'°  '"•■ 

into  the  no.  diluted', ^pK  no.  .     Tbel^.e"r'Tl"'T,"'!:'  ""^  "''"•""' 



Should  be  careful  not  to  enhale  the  escaping  fumes  '        '        '''^'^"'' 

It  Is  safer  not  to  fumigate  when  the  plants  are  in  bloom 
^urse,■v  Stock.-In  the  treatment  of  nursery  stock  reh„«h«« 

cover  "  '"'  ''''^'"''  ™^^  "^^«  ''^  *-«t^  »'y  the  use  of  u  canvas  tent  or 

Canvas  Covers  for  Fumigating 
Greaf  Bn-taiHs' in"?'  '""T  '"""  '""^  '""'^«""«  *«  »«*  ««  -mmon  in 

,„  «:"  \7  '^7  •"-  °'  »v.r^.h«,.,  ,e„,.,  and  bo.  oov^er,.    Th.  .Ve,. 

i   ':< 


.taped  tent,,  the  mouth  of  whli^l  wl,  k      ^  '""  ""  '""  "'  "»"»■ 

trees  and  bushes.         "^°*'^  gas-tight.    They  are  esp^lally  adapted  for  small 

deadfrp^r.^  L^TrltMrlttT  ^n.^T'^^'^"''^^  "'^•'^  -« «- 

labelled  Pof*on  whii-f  ^1  „  ^*  *°  *"  tightly-stoppered  bottle  and 

Fumigion  rjd "  Te  cri:i\Tirrbrr*r.  "'^  '^"°"'^*  ^«  ^^^"*''^- 

wet,  but  otherwise   It   mnvTl  h  I         ^^  "'••"*•  "*""  ^^^°  *b«  t^«««  «re 


every  specif  of  pllr^lnln  ai  on  Z'  f '^^''/Ir"^  *"•  ^"'^''•^"^'  ^^'^ 
bearing  that,  in  all  of  ks  riri  h  f  ?  ^'  *^^  ^'^•^'  *^««  «°  ««>°o«>ie 
prehension.  If  w"]^k  out  nln'f'T^  ''  ^'"P^''*"'^*  «^«"  beyond  our  corn- 
observe  myriads  of  w^Sds  each  of  h.rr'  ""  "  ''''^'''  ^""""^^  "'s'^*'  «« 
almost  lightning  rapTdity  alone  ,/«  I         !  J"'*''"^  ^"'^  ^"«'^"^««  ^"--^  ^'^d 

colliding 'or  Uirgt7anttr*T:rnTrt  7:'^  ^^""'  ^^*  "^^^^ 
comprehend  the  magnitude  of  ihi.  Ill     .  ^^^  manner,  at  best, 

holds  each  Planetrus  nrooer  n«i  n^echanlsm.  or  realise  the  power  which 

destruction  or  that  oMtsTSbo^  "'  '""'^*'  "  '"-^^  ™^^*°^  *«  "«  -» 

Of  wiatTeTtnTsIr  th'eT;  '""';^'  *'^*  ^^'^«  ^"-^  "^''^^  representatives 
most  powrfu^Trcl  Which  h  2'  h  "'  "'  *''  ^"■^"*^*'  *'  °«*  '^^^  the 
InfluenS  wh  ch  we  Tall  n^f;;^^!  each  species  in  its  proper  sphere,  is  that 

would  scarce  be  Iblfto  live  rr*  .  ^"*  '*"'  '''''  '°«""°^'  P""^  '»»'"'^°ity 
Insect  friends  in  comiatlne  insect  "nnT?',"lf '"''•  ^'  "  '«'  ^'^^  ^^^^  «' 
little  understood^nTln  fact  C^  "T.''^  ^''°*'  '^^'  ''  '"* 

know  Of  the  existenc;  of  their  benei^tols"  '"'  '  "*''"'  ''^°^'*  "-^^ 

more  .ap.dly,  ail  hence  they  have  become  too 

should  very  SM„f„,  1.1.         '  ^     '  "'■"  ""■  """""  '""l"  ""novwl,  we 

although  It  may  cause  the  dLth  nf  „«  *.  f  '  ^""^'•'»  cereana,  Fab., 
nt  all.  but  81  Ji^a  Lit  „ate  It  dl  ^r'^"^  "'  '^''  '^  "«*  '^  P«™«'t« 
them  of  their  store  77oSl  *  '''™"'  *^"  ^'^  ^"*  «""l^>y  rob, 

this  reason,  thal^  da  fof  ts^L  ;Lr,n  th  sT"  "'  ''"*'  *'^""^''^''  '«' 
are.  by  most  foreign  naturallS  dls^^ntlH  '^T'  "^  *^™"**  Parasites, 

more  proper  term  All  Zeflr.t,r^f  "'  cannibals,  wnlch  Is  really  the 
ever,  the  Saveng"  b^  tefbein!  n^u^  "'  "?f  """'"""^  ^«°°'^«>«'  b«- 
the  cannibals  afe  nofaH  of  them  henefl  .T'"''"''"'  ^"""^  °°  **>"  «*»^«^  ^""'i' 
Which  are  .Ireetly  enga^rin'p^nTS'th:  InZlol  '^.T''  ^^^^ 

t.eir^.;in^oT:r th7ba^Th^^^^^^^^^  r^^-  ^-^-  -  --- 

feeding  upon  the    Ivlng  tissue     Linn,!  «    I  '         '''*"°^  ''^*'^^'"«  therefrom, 
or  extract  the  ImIcIs  ^rn^  ,t'      f  «  '    "''''  "^  ^''*^*'  «°^  •^«™"'-  their  prey. 

^i^^^ro=SS^^~  -  ^-= 

to  an  orders.    Some  Xese  at  ca'nnibaVtt  ^'  ^""^*^'  ^^'«"^'"« 

others  during  all  of  their  stages  of  development  ""*"*  '*'"'  ""'^' 

near;VS;V:nTo7^r;th:r'^  *^«  «-*  ^'-. 

Ichneumonid^,  ig  parasUes    Prl^fJ,       f      ^^  ^"""*^'-    ^^bneumon  flies, 
are  described  ^s  Sing  readlTy'  r^^  Tk V*"  '""^  ^''«^''^^'^«'-     The    firs 
the  long,  exserte^ oviSor'  w^S  t  oft  n'vT'?  ''°"  """  ^'^°*^«^  »-*y' 
sheath  formed  by  four  stvlete  ^f  th  Jl         ^        ^  ^*'°*^  *°*^  protected  by  a 

body,  is  a  goc^  iHustratiofofTeZ  ion  of  ^hV^X'^^^^^^^^^  l'^ 

long  ovipositor,  the  female  is  able  tv.  nr^n^*^    I  ^"         "*  **^®  "'^  ^^  '»«'' 

and  deposit  her  eggs  in  heir  bc^i^  "^  f  ?'  ''""''^'  °'  wood-boring  larv« 
'Jnisitor,  Say..  areToth  parfsiti?!?' thfr  "  f''""''  ''''''^•'  «"^  ^-  ^«"- 
Br..  commoni;  called  the  rL^leL!^  T  T  '^'^^'''^^'  while  P.  annulipes, 
codlin  moth.  Two  other  am2  IS"''  «  ''  ^"'""'"'^  °°  ^'^^  '^^^»  «'  the 
irrallator,  Say.,  destroy  the  flJ^n.T     ',^''"'""  """'^*'  ^"^y-  ""'^  ^««'^«« 

^  other  species.  Si.^musTLllXZTa::T^^^^^^^        TT  Tf' 

Kiley,  attack  the  larv«  of  the  plum  cur^ulio     The  forr*  f  *"*  ^°""^'-'^*«"' 

"  the  Vicinity  of  St.  Louis.  Missouri.  wa?found  by ^^^1^^^^^^       '"f  '''''"' 

three-fourths  of  the  early  developed  larvrorthr^r^riotS 



.    ..-^^^1 






option,  Ophlo,,  ,„«.r„,„,„.  I.|„„.  „„„  ,h„  e^™,,,,  „,  ,„     p  „,„,„„„, 

C  «...  .«  „„r„,l,lc  „|K,n  the  Aim-rlcm,  .11-     om,  P  .»„  ...^"'CrLC' 
TUe  larte  groon  „•„„„  „,f™,|„,  .je  vl„«,  „.   ,„„,«.,  La  tomato,  h  o  tei 

of  rice.     The  ,„rui  1,  the  l.rro,  of  the  llve..potted  .phliii.  UnKln/ccl 

"»:^rZ'  cThV"  ""^ "'  "•"""■'  '■^-""r''-..  p.ra.j.  .4;.r;; 

"7"  -J'    ^^  ""'"•"■"«  of  there  on  the  worm  1.  broiielit  glKii.t  h, 

ZHhe  ..?"  °'','"'  '""""'  ""«"'"  ""  '^  '»  "■«  '-'J'  Of  "e  worm  U 
wh  ,h    .      ,    '■.   •*'  """  "■  ""'  "^  """'■  "">  "»»"•  »".lte.  tootle™  grnbl 
nhlch  devcl.,,,  from  ,!,„„  hegln  at  o,h»  to  feed  n,»„  the  fatty Trt7ofT 

tZIh"  «  '■"?,'""''  •"  ""  "  ""'"  '""  ^■""O-  "'<■"  «'■<•>'  <■"  their  war  o« 
throngh  the  ,kh,  and  .„l„  their  cocoon.,  within  which  they  ,M.rtle  pnn 

.nd^  or  zr  Lriu;r;j  z  rr^  -  i^rortrgr.™: 

.r«,nTt,      """"-'"^  »•'■"«•  ""e  tLo,e  J„.t  mentioned.  ote^VeZir 
and  .till  other,  are  brown;   bnt  they  all  belong  to  .ome  o'  the  mn,fv.Ic  „ 

«ar:,hTrd'z:""' "''°"""  """"'".'^ "  -""<■•  "*  "-^ — -" 



engag.  ,nir;,rtr:r  ir.,dr„rr  yr  rrt^iS^^^^^^^ 

r^rrap^^dSgr?.:,::  ;:r"-  --'- »' '--" ««-- 

pointed  at  the  anterior  and  blunt  at  the  posterior  extremities.    T^e  ^lour  Is  at 


things  fo.„Hl  on  ther  e    ;«  Xrim    L  m„^?""  T'"    '*^   *'"   ""''^  "^''"^ 
depredators.  *    '"''"^  "'"'^**  «  ^•'«'«"  «««*P  of  the  true 

l.lMiiig  lier  eggs  on  llic  mirr,in>  of  «i,„  .11  .  .  ">«'""«  "ii's.  the  teiimle 
la™  whloh  S,i  ,„  m',S  "  1, '"  1''°  "  """"»""'  ""I  many  other 
..mllne.  flattened    n„d  of  a  „^  ,  "'"  ""  ""'"■""at  elllptlonl  In 

»tuck„,on,^^*tranll,Je  *;:°r;".'''''""''°'=  "■"°"'"'""-  ""'■''  »"™ 
the  n,a,„,er  „,  the  y^^XZT :^^ZX^:.riZ'Z!yZ:t"''  "T 

;™  -'r:i"T  -"■  ■^'■' -  - "- ™*'-  --:« r'tre-^hrs 

The  following  are  some  of  the  beneficial  Insects  found  in  the  Province:- 
Apiieunus:    flscipennis  (How.). 

/<.c;;:,LrrVeri:?inra:"'"-     '"'^   ^^-^^"^   characteristics  Of 
species      (Fie  1  ?    ThT         ?.    .     accompanying  figure  of  a  closelv  allied 

hood  of  Los  Angeles.    "^  "'  •""'""  '''^'  '"'^"^'^  ''^'^''^  '^^  -'g^^bour- 


..■,  "•i.I 


Pewtiua  Misella. 

(PlO   2  ) 

— alfgreatly  enlarged  *  °"  '^°®'°'  *"'»  P"P*  of  Pentllla  attached  within  calvx 

<L.  0.  Howard  and  C.  ..  '^''r^J;il^^Jo.J>:^^ries,  m.Uion  of  Botany.  V.  .. 


Pentm'T:^:''!rT2rS'':  ^-t  i„t«re«t.n;..  the  Httle  co<.i„e.Ua 
beetles  seeming  to  p  efer  the  ?^i  Zl" f  T"'"  '^  "^^^  '""^  '>"''^'  *»>« 
young  scales.  \t  IsZnd  ^tVln  theTstern  sf  T'":,  ^^  ''''''  "^'^'^  '"^^ 
Pacific  slope.  ^"**'™  ^*'**«'  "°*»'  POMlbly,  also  on  the 

Twice-Stabbed  Ladybihd  (Chtlocorua  btvulneris) 
This  is  a  beautiful  little  blade  beetle  with  two  bright  read  spots  on  Its 

^""^-      (P.O.  3.)       ^'•- 

to  the   San   Jose   Se  (rjSuT        T'^ 

(i/|/«ia,p/,  porrumr  ^^*''''''"""  Per»«^o«««).  and  the  Oyster-shell  scale 

Bbown-Neck  Ladtbibd.  (Scymnus  marginicollis) . 

black  aod  ,hlnr,  and  at  the  touch  drOMOT  tjn.  JT^/r" 
reachlDE  the  gr„„„d  .pread,  out  Its  Tt,  «^  S,     '         '"'°"' 

Ambiguous  Ladtbibd  (Hippodamia  amhigua). 

(FlO.  4). 


(Pig.  5.) 

..e  1^  "^rZ^^TtrL^^a:^-    -  -  "  o.e  ot 


^7 A 

I       .  'ill 

CoKVKBoEST  Ladybiro  (Ulppodamia  conv 


Thl8  beetle  works  destruction   to  aphis  and  scale  Insects,  and  Is  nulte 
common.  'im". 

Lace- Winged  Fly  (Chrytopa  oculata). 

When  the  Ladybirds  are  great  destrojers  of  scale  and  aphis,  the  larvje  of 
the  Lace-wlnged  flies  rid  trees  and  plants  of  million  of  Aphidtr.  The  flv  has 
a  slender  body,  with  delicate,  ganze-llke  wings,  and  Its  colour  is  ?enerallv 
gr^n  with  golden  eyes.  The  eggs  are  deposited  on  petllcles  and  lal.l  In  tlu' 
midst  of  a  group  of  aphides.  The  larva  Is  supplied  with  sharp  mandibles,  with 
which  It  attacks  the  aphis. 

Syhphcs  Fly,  IIovehing  Fly. 


Fig.  1.  Natural  slie.  Pig.  2.  Natural  slie.  pig   .-} 

'"  whiJ?h''7***"'^*f**f-  l.fPPWsents  the  fly:  Pig.  2.  maRnlfled    thP  case  In 
which  It  transforms  Into  a  fly;    and 'Plg.  §.  magnified,  the  larva, 
ihe  Syrphus  flies  are  also  great  destroyers  of  aphides.    The  larva-  f«HMl 
entirely  upon  aphides,  and  appear  and  disappear  as  the  aphides  appear  and 
disappear.    The  larva  is  a  footless,  eyeless,  flattened,  transverselv  wrinkled 
gaily  coloured,  green  and  purple  maggot,  having  a  very  extensile  i;odv.  whi.h 
enables  it  to  reach  up  and  grasp  the  aphis  with  its  peculiar  looking  month. 
The  single  egg.  dei>osited  In  a  group  of  aphides,  hatches  forty-eight  hours  aftt-r 
it  is  laid,  and  the  h-rva  becomes  full-grown  and  transformed  into  a  pupa  In  fiv 
or  six  days.    The  reason  of  this  extremely  rapid  development  in  the  first  two 
stages,  the  egg  and  the  larva,  is  explained  when  we  consider  ):         .lef  Is  the 
existence  of  the  aphis,  and  how  suddenly  its  colonies  appear  and  disappear. 
When  the  larva  is  actively  feeding,  it  destroys  dozens  of  aphides,  one  after  th. 
other,  and  its  body  changes  colour.    When  filled  to  repletion  the  larva  falls  int.. 

a  lethargy.  Iimtlng  two  or  thrw  honro.  diirliiK  wblcU  the  i.ror^ui  nf  hi.    ♦. 

of  ha.  taken  place,  the  larva  again  Ih^Iu- ItH  w..rk  devrring  a phTdT 

Tachina  Ply. 

ver^T^uZlrZ         "    '"    •"•"*•    ''*^'"«    '"^^^y    "P°    oater,.llIar».    and 
TmeTol  »  ,  '''  "'^"    ^"*"'«""«'      Frequently,    when    the    latter    are 

oaTn^fiSLlW V  lath  n^  7  7  T"""'   *°   """'^   "   P^'"°"   *»'«*  the  larv« 

someumes  without  attempting  to  get  out  of  their  ho^  ther;han8^  to  sS 
'"yTCrl'"""'  ^-^-«"ythen,aggots  leave  their  host  an^ltS 
full  Growth  ^Z  '''""°''  '"^  ''"P"*"-  ^""«  ^"««  caterpillars  will  attain  the  r 
fuiurowth  with  aa  many  as  thirty  or  more  of  these  maggots  feeding 

pn^^^f '"*  ^K^  "'^  generally  rather  large  for  their  class,  robust  In  annear 
ance.  always  bristly,  and  sometimes  formidable  looking  rom  the  nrrT  of 
«harp  shiny  points  projecting  in  every  direction  from  their  Zli  rZl  nrl 
among  the  most  effective  of  nature's  checks   to  cateJSma^Js'eclar  cut! 

CuTWOBM  Lio.N  BLACK  Gbocnd  Wasp. 

(Calosoma  caUdum)  (Ammophila  luctuosa). 

(Pio.  10.) 

(FlO.  11.) 

(Pio.  12.) 







For  the  constnnt  external  nnrnaltes   ns  !!«.    itoh    «,il         ,    ^• 
of  nil  nnlumls  lntro.liioe.1  J„f«  „   '      ,  *^"'  "^  "^'  "oh,  mites,  etc..  quarantin." 

to  prevent  iifeotl . ^o  T,'^^,^^^^  "••^'•""«''  ^--^''t'"-"*  «f  «"-!.  «„l„,„s 

t.e  most  praeti:!;;^^  Sn'sVurZ^^  ^^  "^''"^'^-  "^^"-    ^^  ''^ 


afte^LTl^rZZ^  jnbstanoe.  Which  n.ay  be  used  ,n  treating  Insc.s 

value  in  thTr^C  e  thor  tn^nvli  n^  ""  *"  '°''"^'«  «"  ^'^"^  »>«-  '^  re.,i 
their  valueable  parties  «^  ''Hllvlduallv  or  in  combination,  and  to  Indkat. 
applied.  I'^-^l^^J^^  ««Hl,  very  briefly,  the  forms  to  which  they  may  .>e 


li.««  t.     It  I-.  h<m-ov..r.  t.«  dang-rou*   «    ,H,lmm  to  N-  u-«l  ..xc^nt  with     ,.,. 

j^r..«t«.t  <nr,..  n,»i  tho  p««lb,Ilty  of  th.  « .„,  treafnl  Ik-klng  iC     Tr     ,tli^ 

foo.1    u,H.„    «hl.h    tho   «.,„tl„„    han   drIpiKHl    to   huH.    «n    .xt  m"  L  to  ge    a 

:.Ce";.::;;r'"^"""  "•  ^""^"^"^  -^  ■•'*^'"  -«"•  ^^'"^•'' «"-  -« "-- 

c3th      '^      ':♦.".""""""""""''•  '"    '''    **    highly  m.o,u.m.„,KHl.     I„    „„„; 

Kreut  wmiiK  III  •••mt.     I  ml  externally,  without  other  coiahlnatlon  than  with 
water.  It  nhonhl  have  „  dilution  of  alnnU  100  tlmen  ItH  hulk  o    u^r  VZ 

.-«ted  or  ,„K.n  very  Hunoeptlhle  anIn.alH.  muh  hh  dZ    It  . , .    Tk 
n  >««rhed  „„d  .-aun,.  ,k.Iko„,„«.     ,>r.  KranelH  r^-onunendn  It  very  highly   «   ..m 
l»lnatlon  for  <attle  tl.k«.  and  the  "Poultry  World"  gIveH  It  Z     !    \ 
«-  a  c.„.hl„atlon  with  .l«k«l  lln.e.  to  ..  \Z  l^.u.ndVnJVr.^^^^^^^^^^^ 

,^"irtie«.  ''  '"""'•  "'  ^"'"•^'  •"  ""^  «••"'  *^'-  -«"«!  to  their  inZLZ 
tleks^'hl'thTf  ^h'  '"  :*'■""'"*'  '•*^<"»'»-'«^«l  »>y  I>r.  FranelH  for  treata.ent  of 
iiB  utuon  i«  Hiniiiar  to  that  of  other  oh.  and  while  It  killH  «niii«  ,.f  fi.«  ♦■  i 






Which  infest  stai;,r„;df"Jr        ,    lo":   T'"-"  '"""'^^  «'  '^♦''-  «""»"•'' 
sheep  <ii„s.  ^'^^     "  '*  '"^«  »««!  ««  o»e  of  the  lngre«lients  In 

on  ao...  eats,  oh^rire^^^^^erv  Z^U 7  u1  "?'  "T^'  '""•  "'•  »-'■'"-• 

LivEB  Fluke  m  Sheep  (O/Woma  hepaticum) 
67.  as  follows:-  *"'   ""''"'  Agric.Itural    Society  of   England,  A'ol. 

fen.a'l^^nCtrhe?:,^^  ^r*  "",  T  '"'"^-     ^^''"'^  '°  ^''^  "-'  t"^' 

pasture  wth  the  dunri'fHw      ,      T'''"^*^^   ^"*   ""^'   distribute,!   over    the 
able,  the  en.hoo  e"  ters  It  "'  ""'^^  '"""  ^^'■«"«^«  ^r«,^a/„/„)  ,s  avail- 

fresh  and  not  i„  sa  t'atl"  u  t  ^h  '^  ^  "/.?  '"""•  '""'^'^  ^""»  '''■''  «">>'  '» 
three  generations,  ta,.' ./"ea""  ofwhM  r/"""  "?  ""'^^'"  *'^^'^'"''«-  '" 
taken  in  by  the  sheep  with  i,f^,  '     ^'^^  *""*  "'  ^''^  «»«»•  «»d  «f 

hern,  Anke  \h  parasi^rhav.:"  ^  T"'"  ""  ^"^"""^  ">«*-' 
removal  by  any  knowu  nui  '  '  ^"''"^  ""  '''''  "^  "«  '>««*'  ^^A- 


to  the  development  of  thffreeThnr,    "  ''r'""""*-      '^^o'«ture   Is   essential 
truncatufa.)  Into l"Lu  Torts      ™"%T^^^^^  "»«    «"«»  (^^''"«-" 

no  farther.    The  surest  ami  ^01,1/^  ''"""•  "'*'  '^'"^••^•«  *^«"  «*ivance 

to  prevent  the  exis  r„ee  of  tiTsa^d  'n  ,     h"''?  ""^  *"  ''^^^-^"^  "^''^^  -^  ''^ 


helps  to  establish  conditions  unfnvonrable  to  Its  life.  Llnilnj:  of  pastures  has 
iH^n  freely  a.hocated,  but  it  is  diftlcult  to  see  how  this  can  be  of  substantial 
service.  Livers  containing  flukes  should  be  well  boiled  If  to  be  U8e<l  for  dojrs 
etc..  but  under  all  circumstances  the  flukes  it  may  contain  should  be  des- 
troyed. Sheep  from  alTecte<l  flocks  should  not  be  brought  on  to  a  plac-e.  When 
liver  rot  is  detected  in  a  flock,  and  it  setMns  likely  that  the  disea,-  hns  been 
acquired  on  the  farm,  it  will  probably  prove  most  economical  t^.  kil;  rh..  v\hole 
fl(»ck.  „8  it  is  impossible  to  determine  what  animals  may  not    .c  Itifested 

Plentiful  supply  of  good  dry  food,  to  which  has  been  ad  !  M  .unm^' cWb^  > 
salt  and  some  bitter  tonic,  may  assist  the  infested  sheep  to  re  oviv   v  hlle  .t 
may  help  to  expel  any  flukes  which  may  hapiK-n  to  be  in  the  Intestines.    Fus- 
tures  should  not  be  overstocked,  and  high  ground  Is  preferable. 
Sheep  Tick  (Mclophagus  ovinus,  Linn.) 

winl*  %T^  ^7?  "'*"  '''^""  ""''"^^'■'  "^  *^"  ^»™">'  '»  n*^^-^'-  possessing 
« ings.  The  head  Is  small  and  sunken  Into  the  prothorax.  The  middle  portion 
of  the  thorax  is  rather  slender,  contrasting  with  the  development  of  this 
region  in  the  winged  forms. 

"  ';•  of  n  reddish  or  gray-brown  colour,  about  one-fourth  of  an  inch  long 
and  easily  detected  when  present  in  any  numbers  on  sheep.  Thev  never 
migrate  from  the  original  host,  except  it  be  to  attach  to  another  animal  of  the 
same  spec-les.  and  probably  tue  principal  movement  Is  that  which  occurs  aft^r 
sheep  are  sheare.1.  when  the  ticks  tend  to  migrate  to  lambs.  On  the  sheep 
If  abundant,  they  may  cause  considerable  damage,  indicated  by  lack  of  growth 
or  poor  condition,  and  when  massing  upon  lambs  they  may  cause  greaJ 
damage,  resulting  in  the  death  of  the  victims  If  not  properlv  relieved 

They  are  distributed  over  the  world  generally  where  sheep  are  kept   and 

InTu  rth"       """  '"  '''''''  ''■"''^"  ^"  "^"-^^  ''  °~-^-  t«  empha^  ;  the 

knl  o7  "^  '"?%  '"'  ''"'^^  "'  '''''''  ''''^  """^^  «"Wect  to  attack,  but 
I  know  of  no  record  of  their  occurrence  upon  other  animals. 


nf  .3«llf  "'^  "'■''^  "'"^  ^  '''''^"*''''  ^^'^""^  '"  "'""^^^••^  by  the  vigorous  use 
o  p.vrethrum-a  most  valuable  remedy  during  winter-the  most  practlc^ 
Plan  to  adopt,  and  one  which.  If  thoroughly  followed,  will  make  all  others 
unnecessary.  Is  to  dip  the  sheep  each  year  after  shearing 

f    I>  in  the  chapter  on  remedies,  the  kerosene  emulsion  is  recomn,ended  for 
his  form    and  several  of   the   patented  dips  on  the  n.arket  are  goo<l    while 
tobacco  dips,  tar  dips,  etc..  may  be  used.  If  preferred 

fU..l\lV^nZT'  ''*'""'"b'«  *«  "«*-  ^  dip  that  will  effectually  destroy  not  only 
these  ticks,  but  the  two  fonns  of  lice  and  the  scab  mites.  In  case  any  of  these 
are  present.    A  dipping  tank  Is  an  essential  part  of  the  equipment  for  she^n 
nilsing   and  Its  construction  Js  descTibed  in  the  chapterl  1™'^,''  ^ 

A  flock  on  .  freed  from  the  pests  will  not  be  again  infeste,!,  except  by  the 
hUroductlon  o«f  lnf."-.l  animals;  hence,  care  should  be  taken  7n  ma kng 
additions  to  the  floe,  .o  free  the  newcomers  from  parasites.  It  Is  also  well  to 
keep  the  sheep,  for  a  few  days  after  dipping,  in  a  different  Inclosure  f  o m 




.    4 


charged  with  then,  whe  e  huL  .7  ,  ' ,  T"^'  '"*  ''''"*"'•  "'"'  '^  "'«  »"«1  l-^ 
easily  return  to  t  e^"  iC  t  u  '"  '^  '"  ''""■"''  ""'^••^  ^''^  ^'^^^^  ^-"X'  >-t 
and  win  «oon  d  ;  :rre.n,?;i  n^^rr  V'""'  ?"'^'  '"'*""«^  Indepen.lentl v, 
assnre  success.    With  d neo  rl^  ?  '"''*'"•  ""^  J*'"'^"*'''  ^""-^  •>  "^  "ill 

•liPPin..  and  l^:.f  ^l  "  ;  rrSuI  to  , '"'  '^  ""'  ^^^  *^"  ^''^'^^  «"-■ 
from  pnpffi  that  snnlved   to  1  e«t  h  ''  '^'"^'^'  "'"  *«  ''"^•'"  ^««"<"l 

Cattlk  Tick  {Ttiipiccphalus  anmilatus) 

^^!:;.dic:r;m:«^r'  r*^  ""'^  '*^^^^^-  ^'- '•'^-^^  ^-™  '-.. 

aclnlt.  ".ay\>e  eCer      the  ,  Jt;r^^^^^^^^^^  ^'"^  "'""^''^  t,. 

the  parasite  of   Texas  fev7r«l  u-^rr  "'"^  '""'"'  ^'^"''^  '"«»'  «"-'--^- 

more  or  le.s.s  extensheirin  the  tC,  T'^!  .  "'"  "^'•"'^'«««^««'«.  ^vhic•h  exists 
tine  KepnOMe,  .^i^/  .  n  Lm  Itn  V"''"""""'  '''""«'  ^^^••--  -^'•«-- 
«onthern  Prance.  Pini^lnd^KSi  niland^T^    '""•-^^'    ""'''''''    «™"'-^- 

,.  i^ini^^rt^ll  r;:S':;r  ^'^'^^'^^  ^'^^  *---'^«  the  parasite  of 

part  Played  hy  tieirLltrLe  'a  ^Ll^ t^^r  ^'   ^^•^■^"^^^-  ^"" 
other  agents  than  ticks  may  carrv  the  n,!r   T     J  '•*'*^"  •"'"S^^^ted  tliat 

The  connection  of  iZted  tk-ks  ^fht  ",'  '"'""'"*'  '"^  '"'"'">-^-  ••«"'- 

firmly  estal.llshed  (l.Ssi^^iS,^ )  k^  sn.  t .     *'!^l^«^»»^■"«"  ^^  Texas  fever  was 
have  been  H«n.nn,rised  hv  DrV  '  H  r   v.^Itl    r  ^^^^^     investigations,  which 

The  destruction  of  ticks  ,„  ttl',  ol  '  i""^'  ^''""'''■"'^^  University, 
acarlddes  in  the  form  ofalenr  or  ,7  ?f  ''''''*^^  "^'^  "'^  application  of 
only   a   few   anima      are   i  ?eT«     the\.,^^ 

petroleun..  turpentine,  or  to  a^o  i '  i.l   tJ  *"^   *°""^^^    ^^'^^'^    '«''"=«•»'• 

and  destroyed  by  burnh^g     BuVLnd  n'.clf "  ^T""^  '^  ''^•""^^^  ^'^  ^J"  1^»""- 
the  larv,e  and  i^p^  are  sn  n^^,  en'ou.h  T  f    '*'  *'"'""  ""'^  ""^^^t«^"-  - 

chioronaphthol,  50  Pounds.  dissS'^o" 00  gXsof"".  "^^""^"^    ''''' 
pounds  of  soap.     Grav  and  nniu^nfJ       .«;        ^^"o"^  of  water  containing  40 

arsenic.  G  pounds     roaro4?oldr   ^^"''''"-    '"""^^'  ^  ^^'^  ^«">1>-*^  «^ 
gallons;    and  water,  42ig;t,ons'^''    ^^'««1»»«  ««<^«.  24  pounds;    wood-tar,  5 

varlo^m^ef i;^  h^f  ad^rt"^  ^^r  "^^*"'^*'^"   "^  ^'^-^^  ^  r>astures. 
fever,  advises  keeping  caXoff^s^^^ .      7'""'  """  '"^'"^'^"^  '^^    Texas 

the  ticks,  in  the   absent   of  ^hein,o,r?'"''  '"^  "'^'*^"  "'''°*'^''- «••  ""*" 
ence  of   their   hosts,    have  perished.    Others,  including 



LlgiUeres  suggest  sowing  the  land  with  lucerne.  In^tter  drainage,  ploughing  „n 
top  dressing  with  gas  lime,  burning  off  the  grass,  fencing  off  Infested  parts 
etv.—^ellmln'8  Parasites  of  Domesticated  Animals. 

Wajjs  to  Kill  Ticks. 
There  are  two  general  plans  that  may  be  followed  in  getting  rid  oftieks 
.'.nd  either  one  will  prove  suceessful  if  It  is  carefully  followed  out.  The  first 
P  an.  and  the  one  that  every  fanner  can  adopt.  Is  to  use  oil.  either  bv  dippi.ig 
the  stoc-k  in  mule  oil.  or  by  ap-lying  the  oil  by  means  of  a  brush  or  mop  the 
m-ond  plan  Is  to  make  use  of  pasture  rotation,  that  is.  to  change  the  stock 
from  one  pasture  to  another  during  the  summer  and  fall. 

Use  of  Oil. 
("onstructlng  a  dipping  vat  is  too  exjH^nsive  for  the  farmer  who  mav  have 
f  om  ten  to  thirty  head  of  cattle  on  his  farm.  Such  a  .stoc-kman  .m'aeZ 
o  her  means  o  getting  rid  of  the  ticks.  Several  farmers  in  the  neighlK,urhcKxI 
o  Stillwater  have  practised  the  following  method  of  work,  and  their  far^s 
are  now  ree  from  ticks.  Build  a  small  but  substantial  corral  at  some  """ 
vc«  place,  ,vnd  in  this  build  a  narrow  chute  that  will  accommodate  o.e 

ri'iT    ..  ^^  ^    f  ""  *'"*  ''""  ""'  "'^"'"'"^  "-''^'y  "«'-t  of  an  anhnal  that  is 

ouflnecl  in  it.    Collect  all  of  the  stoc-k  on  the  farm  and  examine  then,  close Iv 

or  ticrks  every  two  weeks  during  July,  August  and  September.    The  large 

tu-ks  Should  be  picked  off  and  dropped  into  a  can  of  oil.    After  this  is  donT 

apply  crude  petroleum   by  means   of   a   brush   or  mop   to   ever v  part  of   the 

an imai  ,vhere  .von  can  find  young  ticks.     If  there  are  ticks  on  an  animal  they 

.11  be   ound  on  the  inside  of  the  hind  legs,  in  the  flanks,  on  the  bellv,  be2 

l'    ee  J.  ions  of  u     ''     '  '^''"''"™   """""*   ""'   '''''''  ^^'^  "««  *»>«  f«»o-l"«: 
Ihree  gallons  of  kerosene,  one  gallon  of  black  machine  oil,  and  one  pint  of  oil 

of  tar     Apply  this  in  the  same  way  as  for  the  crude  oil.     If  the  cattle  are 

carefu  ly  treated  the  first  time,  it  will  be  light  work  afterwards  if  thev  are 

treatecl  every  two  weeks.     Dont  expec-t  to  find  small  ticks  on  cattle  by  wa'ki^ 

t^  2d  'Tutur  r ''' ""  ■^^^^'^  '"*^  *^^  ^•^"^^  -^  ^^  ever  th^ « ;' 

the  hand.  A  little  careles.snes8  will  allow  some  of  the  ticks  to  mature  and 
.irop  off,  and  this  will  keep  the  pasture  and  cattle  infected  and  there  will  be 
ufection  the  next  year.  If  the  work  is  thoroughly  done  for  thre^  or  our 
uonths  clurlng  the  summer  and  fall,  any  pasture  or  farm  mav  be  made  fr^ 
from  ticks.— OA7a/jo/««  Bulletin  72. 

Ticks  m  Connkction  With  Red-Wateb  in  Cattle. 

of  tJr  •\';7^«"«/°»"«J  Report  (Vol.  G6,  page  143)   an  account  was  given 

e  ent:n     Z  d  s!f  f  ""^^  '"^""^'"^  ^"""^  '^'"^^  -^«-"»^  measurelo 
ejention     The  disease  is  again  referred  to  here  because  it  has  been  found  the  old  erroneous  opinions  regarding  Its  cause  are  still  wldelvTeld 

t  must  therefore  be  rei>eated  that  red-water  Is  caused  by  a  microioplc 

ot  ticks.     It  is  the  fact  that  ticks  play  an  e.ssential  role  in  the  causeatlon  of 


■.■  > 


of  age.  It  is  HO  .nild  a  eharortrr  In  1.1  .  "''  ""'""''  «^"  t^«  y*""'- 

It  generally  fails  to  eLt  ,„lL"  n  T.k.''  """""'*  ""'*^''  *  ^^^  <"d  that 
attack  of  the  disease  tends  to  rZ.r''  1^  '^'^t^bance  of  health.  As  on. 
infected  during  earTytff  are^  afte^  h""'k!!!"""P"''^'  ^«"'«  -•^'^^  "- 
even  though  they  are  grazed  on  notoH^^  '^'""  ^'^''^'^  ^'^''^^  «r  di.. 
these  anllls  are  not  en  reVfrrfromti".  r""''"/  ^'^"°'-  '^'^^^rtheles. 
once  an  animal  has  been  l7f^te^1t ^v^r  aflr  ?'  '""  '""^  ''"'^  '«  *^«*  ^^•'^-' 
continues  to  harbour  the  mill^  iarnsl/  m  t'*"''  ^'^  '^^  "°^  "*«  ^^'^  ^^^^s. 
This  may  in  most  oases  be  iLdnvDrovI^,?  ""^  ''^"  ""^"^  «'  ^^^'^^ter. 

blood  for  the  inoculation  Of  a  beaUhTalul' ox   the'  TW""''''  ^^  *''^"- 
being  that  the  Inoculated  nnimni^      ,  '  ^^  **""°^*  Invariable  result 

about  one  week.    T^t  ^71  T.Z'V''"  r'^'"'''"''  «'  -"^-"t^^  ««e 
were  Infected  while  young  TeZ  To  ne^.'T'If '7"'*"'"''  '""^  ""^'"^'^  ""ieb 
their  blood,  become  inf^ted  and  naTl"  *'^^'«««««•  ^^'^  ''<=^'  ^  suckln,. 
the  same  pasture.  ^  "**  ^''^  parasites  on  to  other  animals  on 

be  e^aTatXotVn';  rveV;:^;^^' ^^^^  '''  ^^^^^^  "  "^'^^  -''^ 
out.  but  m  ..ctual  oircumstanl  snT  '  '^f'^'f*^''  ^°»W  thereby  be  stamped 

bowever.  be  achlevJdTkS^gTttle'r^^^^  ''  "'"""^  '^'«^"'*-  ^^  "^^^ 
one  Whole  year,  as  this  SX  ex,^ds  t^^  7T'  ""'  *'^  P'^^*"'"^  '- 
tick  Which  is  denied  the  opportunit'vT  f^*^^  ^^''''''^^  "^^"°>«  «f  ^ 

tunately.  however,  there  isTsSerld"?  ***'  ^'"^  °'  "°  ""''"-^  Fo," 
speak.  .  eansing  a  pasture  and  tTt  L  t  r"^""''^^  """^^^  «f-  ««  *« 

Sheep  for  a  full  period  ^f"  one  year  SuJT  IZ"''''''''''^  ^'""^  '^^^-^  '"• 
extermination  of  the  ticks  ?or  these  m!  .  ^''^^^  <»«««  °ot  lead  to  the 

gate  their  species  on  hote^  Id  s?^p"7„tT«  «^^  '""''^  -*«*-"-  a«<i  Propa- 
red-water,  an  Infective  tick  ceases  t7be^  *"  "^  '''*""  '""  ''^  '"'^^^  ^^'t" 
to  a  Sheep  or  horse,  it  is  trrholi  th„?fT.?  """''  "  ^"«  ""^^^^'i  "self 
be  systematically  made  o  stamn  o^r^i  .  *•"''  '^""*'*^  ^"^"'Pt^  «"1  ««<'» 
facts  just  mentioned  It  must  ^notLf""  '^  *"''°^  "**"«"*«««  ^^  t^^' 
Pian  is  that  after  the  fu  "ear  ts  b^n  Z""7. ''''''  '"  '^'^"""^  P^"**  "^  *"- 
no  animal  of  the  ox  species  that  has  r/r.**  '**''  '""^  "'"^"«'"^  ^^  t^e  ticks. 
even  been  grazed  on  rS^vate^lu.^  l!°  ""^f  "'  '•'^-"«*"'  ^'^  ^^^<^^  ^a.s 
because,  as  already  explained  Tuch  anL"     \fZ"^  «°  t«^«  l>»rinea  pasture. 

Of  the  disease  in  tLr  blc^  arwould  t^^^^^^^^^^^     '""*  "''  "'°*"'°  '"^^  ^-»-- 
infecting  the  ticks.  •*•  ^'^^^^^O'-e.  Provide  the  means  for  le- 

imprts.  ifisTvi:::  rugrthat  i^r^r  ^-^^^-^  ^  — ^ 

and  inconvenience  would  be  caused  In  c«  J  ,  ^  1'^'  *  '^'*"'"  ^'"^""t  «f  1»^'^ 
be  asked  whether  there  is  any  oth-  Zl'  V'''''^  ^"*'  «°**  "  "•ay,  therefore, 
or  reduce  the  loss  which  he  annualT^"'  'j  ^''''  ^  '"'"^^  "^^  Prevent 
another  method  in  reality  follows  from  ^h  ?.''"'"  '■'^■^"*"'--  ^^^^  t'^-«'^  - 
previously  be<  .  explain^  iat  the  d,?'*  ^^«  «"-««dy  been  said,  for  it  has 
usually  so  m'  -  as  to  be  of  mt.l  1  '"'  '^^^'^  contracted  in  youth,   is 

It  for  the  rest  of  itl  li'r  Hen^  ^X7;?J  *°  *»>«  -'-al,  and  yet'prot^ts 

above  cannot  be  put  into  operatro^.Tfa^me    ITs^kT'  ""T"  ^'^^^^''^" 

luier  may  geek  tu  mmimise  his 


and  tuL  r.„e,  't  C^  iZ^nt    71  '"k  7"'°'°""  ^■"^^  '"'«'"-"• 
when  this  , e  animal  MM  to.hj™^  "'"""I"™™  «0"I1  be  that 

land  subje  t  to  rotatln  oforn/f^^^^^^^^^^^  'f  ""'°^  ^°'^*^  -""«>«  *« 

themselves,  but  the  risk  Is  aTr'v  1  "T""'  '"""'^  Permanently  establish 

permanent  pasture  or  mcLrland      rT   T  V"""  '°'"'*^  ""*"«  «^«  '"«^«'i  to 
HoBSE  Bot-Fly  (Gastrophilua  equi.  Fab  ) 

famlllar  to  the  Tnc   nts  ht  5^,  'Z't.       .",?"   ^'"^-     ''''^*^'^^   ^'^^^^   --^^ 
■  Adults  of  thiJ  !  '^"^''  °^  •lls<^us8lon  among  learned  men 

win.r„r.i™',:n?.;rr.u:":,r''''  -t  '-* '°  ■"«""■« 

irregular,  transverse  baDd      The  Z?     ,  "'"'  ""  "'""•"  '»"™'ne  an 

.bitisn  rront,  t^oZXZr,.^:,^  ir^iri^  ■""" ''™"°  "•"' 

spots,   which    are    sublect  to  ,ZTi      k,  ^'"'^^   '"'"''■^  o^  blackish 

segments  are  often  almost  entirHv  h"*      '  ^'•'""on^-     I"   the   females   the 

yellowish  spots.  whlliTmartbe  ^T"  ""'  ''"^'^  "  °^"^«^°«'  «^^'^«  «' 
or  very  light  brown   Lh   T  abdomen  may  be  almost  entirely  yellow 

rarely'i^r.oTwhii:    V^^^^^^^^^  T'  ^^^  ^'«"-t-     The  m'ales  a" 

the  females  around  tthoLrdeLI.nrtH  T'""'""  <x^"rrences  to   witness 
aloof.     The  eggs  arrLht  3Slo7iTcoT  f ''''  *^'  '""^"^  ^^''^^""^  »>ol<l 

the  hairs  of  thLhoulS  foreZ  undi^^^^^^^^^  ''  '"""'^   «"«^'^^^   *« 

mane  and  other  parts  orho^l.  "'  ^'^y*  ''"^  sometimes  even  the 

Shoulders.     The  m    h^'  of  denosUlon  T""!!'"""^^'''  ''''  *^^  ^«-^^««  -^ 
female  hovers  neaXtorl  ^T    Z  '^^   frequently  observed.     The 

Since  the  bodyrbenfdorwl  rftl^  ^?'''  "^^"'"^  *°  »"  °^«^'^-  -••"««^. 
«nder  the  boJytX  foment     Jhe 7'^''^/'''"^'^  ''  *^^"«*  '°™-'» 

ventrr^ctt  X^ar^;:J  whilf !  T  '"'""""^  ^^''^  '^  *«  P- 
oase  Of  the  o.  bot.y.  to  eomj^^rer-fr ^^^^^ 





:^''r^'  ;f"" 


'■    ""1^^^'".^^  t^^^^^^^  2     The  saa.e  rendered 

S>,   chrysalis;   6.   Female  fly,   from   8DeclmenX«tiA^^- /'u^ 

female,   showing  the  way   m  VnTch'^he  abdomen    ls\?.*rn!J,""  =  -,  ^-   ^'^^   ^'^^  «' 
1-.,  from  nature;    8.  after  Miss  Omerod -Neriealand  KHn^'^io" '    ^-  ^"'^  ^i- 
attack  Hes  in  the  oon«plcuo«s  ,K,«,tlou  of  tZ  tgT  ^oZZan   probabl.- 
can  overlook  these  objects  when  oc-nrrlng  on  thf horse  heTcZgC  a  ,i 

etr  r:rrr::rz:t-.:^r  rv^z::  tif  r"F 

During  July.  August  and  September,  or  as  late  as  eggs  appear  on  the 
horses,  those  kept  In  pasture  should  be  examined  once  eSrv  two  or  thr  e 
weeks  and  the  eggs  destroyed  or   removed.     This   can    be   aLm^Hshe^'"; 


::;^"  uS  ."^r  o?^r  r:xr:;;  rt  -""  ^-^  '^-^  --"^ 

kerosene,  by  o..pp,n«  the  h„I    Tr  '  ,  .k    ^0!^    'T:^  "'^""•^"  ""'' 

or  n„or.     0„r  own  ex,.r,enc.  ,e.ul«  us   ^    ?e  'r  t  f  ,.  f    WUh"     """  "^""^ 
knife  or  rnz«.r  (n  dull  one  will  u-n.i^  ^,.„    1.  " '*''  "  ^'*^^y  ^''nrp 

very  „„lc.kly  „„  oTr       Uho  t  i  1?  ^^  ^'"'"^  "'"  "''*^'^*^  ""««  ^•"»  l>^ 

inetluMl  leaves  no  Zht  I Itn     .?.'''  """"'  ''  ""•''••  "^    »"«    h"*'"-     This 

eggs  or  shells.     IM-f^r  nc^e  erftu     "''J'"*  ^•"'"•"^•"t^'  ^y  "  'ot  of  dead 

l>e  asketl  by  the  man  who  hn«.  «„,.  1-7    ^,^'"'"''-     ^^ '"  '*  1»»'/-  may  naturally 
I'astnre.     Possibly  not   If  i^?"'   ,        t^^"'*y-flve  to  a  hundred  colts  m  the 

single  horse,  o       h    ^o     "  ncUt^n'tf  7'"  f  ^'"""'*--"''  '•"*  "-'  ''-  "^  » 
fretting  of  the  whole  nmn.r  .  """*'''•  "'^"'^'"8  ^om  bots.  or  the 

"^  the"4::rfr  u^'  tCiT  rtrr'""  ^'""' ""  "'^  -^^ 

of  the  i,est  year  after  venr  iw  , ,  '    ,**'""''**"  the  presence  on  tlie  farm  i».».'.,i:r„r.L,",;T"u ';:;'."■'"' ""  "•  """■-"■"  -"».  «•« 

Remedies  for  Bots. 

t..ei^;;!:;rr;:r^  tT^.nd  m '^^-^  -^  r  '^"™  "'^  --•'•  "- 

to  the  entomologist   but  it  n!  v      .  k  *"'  '""'''*''■  *"  ^''^^  veterinarian  than 

few  Of  the„K     if  s  o    CO  „  e  notl      ""'  '"  '"""  '"''^  '"^  ''""  ««-•»">"  ^<'  a 
of  the  horse  whetl^  ar naVlc^  ,       .'?'  '" """  '"^  '''•^^"""'^  •^•"•'■'«  ti.e  life 

laekof  nutrition  IsdrUtll^em^o^t^^^^  "^'""^-^   '^''^'""^   - 

•liuing  similar  svmntoms   an     even  „  *"  '*'"*'  ""'^'^  »«"»•>•  Pro- 

ia  diagnosis.     If^asZarls  '        '^^'"''f  ^'"t  veterinarian  n,ay  be  puzzled 
together  with  LroonZl    tt.  "^  '"  *""  excrement  of  the  animal. 

substance  thrt  the  ^a   s  o/'le  s^^^  "'  >vlthstandi„g  almost  any 

intending  to  dose  for  them  L  to  /  '""  ""^'"■"'  ""'^  ^^^^  ««f^«t  plan,  If 

-t  genLiiy  1^^^::::^^^^::^^;.,^;-^  -r- 

of  Agrieulturc,  Division  of  Entomology  "'"*  ^''-  "'  '^^  ^'  ^'•^'• 

""umnT  ,^™-^^^««^^  ^-     ^"y^oderma  Uneata,     Figs.  14  and  15. 

countries,  and  the  same  ..l^;^:  TaZ  ^  sfppZ  Tu  ^iT''^  '"  ^"^^^"" 
careful  examination  of  either  larv,e  or  11,^^  f ,  ?  .  "PP"^""^  »"'« 
i-ertalnty.    There  Is  so  much    n  nl  L  determine  the  question  with 

of  the  injury  of  the  wo  s^^ie  tZT'  "'""''•  '"  *'^  ^"'^'^^  «»^  »«*»••« 
tl.ese  general  featLs  L  The  *-  s  T"'  "l^I-ropriate  to  discuss  some  of 
featu -es  for  the  two  forins  with  J  '"  ""^  ^'^^  *"  ^'^'^  the  distinctive 
treatu^ent  as  nmv  be  neZkrv  '""  '"  '"'""  '^''^^''^^^^  o^  h«^'t  or 

^-•/.  ln\nind  apS^prlrlv  toThr;  ''  "'""'"'  ""■■^'  "''"«  -^'«-  -"l^ 
n        *  "i'i"ies  i»roi)eriy  to  the  former  STjeoiei  ^niiUefii,  v      -    x-    ^ 

/>c/;a;-f«,o.,  ./  Agriculture,  Division  of  Entomol^  "'  '"  *"  '•  ^• 



t,        ,  (Pio.  14.) 

Female;   natural  .iic  Indicated  by  side  Ilne.-C*rc«/ar  Xo.  15.  V  8 

Agriculture,  i  >  ^-  a. 

Department  of 


""  v!X?  v^/eTo?'t}.1?7sLT  '^I'lfKr  $>    -'"Kement  of  extremities;     (.► 
dorsal  view  of  mature  llrvi   urn,  iJ.1  *****"*  ?'  extremities  at   (e)   and   (/ 7 '       / 
lateral  view  ;    "atural  slzl^nd  catid  ursTdl?  nnl/"''l?P'™';!^^  "  "  =  <<)  «>«  ««^l'. 
25,  U.  8.  Department  of  Agriculture     ^  Hnes.— fVotn  "/tweet  Z-Vc,"  C<rc«?«-' 

Ox-Warble.  Ox  Bot-Fly,  Gad-Fly  {Hypodertna  boris) 

TbeTmale\t"llT'f  '""'^  f""'"^  *^'  '"""^'^^  «^   J"*^^'  J"'^  -"^  August. 
nnl.Kf  ^'  ^'''''  ^^  provided  with  a  very  strong  ovlijosltor    selects    if 

pierce  the  skin  and  deposit  a  single  oval  egg  In  the  hole.    This  operation 


Is  repented  till  all  her  ejrm  nre  Inl.l      Aff 

'•"u«e   inflammation,    and   ,>mhur'S.„!.r.     ""**  •"«^«">^nt8  of  the  grubs 
found  within  theHewarbJherdor^^^^^  ^''^   «'"bs    are 

t..beH.  being  pren^ed  again"'  tte  o,  "ng  '   '"""''^    ""'^    ''^-•'  '"« 

wlUot'^tr/erg^rS^^^^^^  —  ^^e  owning-, 

fall  to  the  ground,  where.  Iirthrmaggot '  oT  the':'"  f  "'^  ^'•"^«-  '''^^ 
the  earth,  or  under  anv  arallatie  "he^fr!  ,  ^orse-bot.  they  wriggle  into 
from  Which  within  a  .o..:T:^T.\:'fj::^,  '-«  ^^«  ^^--Hs  stage. 

,e..owi«h.v;u"Uz:i;?he^;tir^      «-*  -  *-  •>«<'>•  «- 

black  and  yellowish      One  Hp^lm^f..  ^''*   '""  "'^•^'»^"  '"  ^^^^^-^  «hlte. 
•luarters  of  an  inch  in  length  ''  Possession  measures  just  three: 

the  h^r  o^  r  ^irrir  i?^«5:oL"'"  "v^'"-  »>-  '^  «>-  '"^"- 

states  that  the  nnnualloss  hrthe  lilted  ^  T'"""'     ^  ^correspondent 
amounts  to  several  millions  sterling.  *    ""  '•"^'^  **^'«  ^'^"^^  «'«»« 

-4  Preventive  of  Warbles 

of  sublimed  sulphur.  1  gin  of  spirits  nft„.;  "  '™'"'*''  "'  -»  «»»«« 
-Mix  well  together,  and  U.v  aCg  t.^  ^e"  «^t /'"^ '  f  ^"'"  ''^  "•^«'*^°"- 
off  the  flies  and  prevents  thmnfrl     V       .  '  "  ^''"■''''-    ^he  smell  drives 


the:z"drsirfitT/y«,:rTrei:r ""'  •^^^^  •'"* « '™"^"' — of 

that  every  means  shou  d  bTused  o  mlt  LT";h  '"  '""'  '^"^^  °^  ^'-  ^^""try 
wild  areas  of  swampy  land  It  ^  an  ZtT^  *'!  "'"•  ^'  ^''"^««'  '"  ^^'^^ 
near  buildings  and  In  clrcmul  LS  bJl.n'  ''  *'  ""'""P*  «"^  "'^'"^'y'  ^ut 
towards  ridding  ourselves  rthft^tsThe'Tn'  V'*  ^'"'  ^"°  "^  '^o"^ 
mended  by  Herbert  Osborn.  of  theTn-ted  ^  .  "^'^''^^  *''""''"^"*  *«  ^^'o™' 
" Probably  the  best  .and  certaUy  tL  allest  :f  S^ "'°*  ''  Agriculture: 
mosquitoes  Is  the  application  of  kerosene  tothl  J"^""^  '"'""^^^  "^"'»«t 
The  suggestion  that  kerosene  could  ^1^  1  .""^  ^^   '"'"^'°«   I'oo'^- 

new  and  has  been  made  more  Tan  o^oev"'  ?  ''"""^^  ^^'^  mosquitoes  Is  not 
ou  a  large  scale  were  m^de  In  ISOo  h,  the  r'^^''"^"*^  «»*  «'  doors  and 
exminients  show  that  aprroxl?tetol''r  '^'''^^  ""«*  subsequent 
feet  Of  water  surfac    on  Cr^^^^^ 

i"  that  pool,  with  the  addltllnl^t^^^^  Z  ''^,  If"^  ^"'  ""'^» 

rteterrt^l  from  attempting  to  oviposit    ^re  Ln^      .         ""^"^    ^^'""'^«'   "«* 

ken>sene-covered  water.  Ordlnrr^T  ^e  .p'l" ^on",!"^  ^'T.'^"^''  ""  ^'^^ 
;'  month,  though  varvine  clrc»n,«t  ,„,J>1  "i'^""^^*'^'^  need  not  be  renewed  for 
tions  In  certain  cases?'       '^'^^"'"«t«"^'^^  ">«y  require  more  frequent  applica- 





L.  O.  Howard  (Bulletin  Xo.  4.  r.  8.  Depnrtniw.t  of  Agriculture).  Mnj-s- 
"Altogether  the  most  satisfMotory  way8  of  tlghtlng  mo^iultoeH  are  thow  whirl, 
result  m  the  destruction  of  the  larvie  or  the  aholltlon  of  their  breeding  plaivs 
In  not  every  locality  are  these  measures  feasible,  bnt  In  many  places  there  is 
absolutely  no  necessity  for  the  nios<|ulto  annoyance.  The  three  wain  i>n" 
ventive  measures  are  the  draining  of  breeding  places,  the  introduction  of  snx.ll 
flsh  into  flshless  breeding  places,  and  the  treatment  of  such  pools  wltl. 
kerosene.  These  are  three  alternatives,  any  one  of  which  will  be  efficacious 
and  any  one  of  which  may  be  usetl  where  there  are  reasons  against  the  trim' 
of  the  others. 

Housk-Flies.     (llusca  domentka)  Linn. 

Under  this  general  designation  tlie  several  species  which  infest  dwelllni;s 
and   are   not   only  disagreeable,  but  from  experiments  recently  coudn.-ted    it 
has  been  found  that  house-flies  do  carry  about  on  their  legs  fllth  of  all  kinds 
aiid  are  therefore  not  only  disgusting  but  probably  dissemhmtors  of  diseas..' 
The  t-cmmon  house-fly  {Munca  ,lome,tica,  Linn.)  breeds  In  nmnure  and  do.,,- 
yard  fllth.  and  it  Is  therefore  of  the  utmost  Importance  that  cleanliness  sl.oul.l 
be  observetl  In  and  about  the  premises.     Howard  says:    "There  is  not  mud, 
that  need  be  said  about    reme<lies    for    house-flies.    A    careful    screening   ... 
w  ndows  and  doors  during  the  sunmier  numt^is.  with  the  supplementarv  use  .,f 
sticky  fly-paper,  is  a  methotl  known  to  everyone,  and  there  seems  to  be  llttl.- 
hope  In  the  near  future  of  nnuh  relief  by  doing  away  with  the  breed'ng  pi,u,.s 
A  single  stable  in  which  a  horse  is  kept  will  supply  house-flies  for  an  .vten-l..! 
neighbourhood.     People  living  In  agricultural  communities  will  probaoly  nev.T 
be  rid  of   he  pest,  but  In  cities  with  better  methods  of  disposal  of  garbage.  a..,l 
with    he  lessening  of  the  number  of  horses  and  horse  stables  consequent  up.,,. 
electric   street   railways   and   bicycles,  and   probably   horseless   carlages,    tl„. 
time  may  c.>me.  and  befc»re  very  long,  when  window  sc-reens  may  be  discard..! 
The  prompt  gathering  of  horse  ma.uire,  whion  n.ay  be  treated  with  lin.e  .„• 
kept  in  a  specially  prepared  pit.  would  greatly  abate  the  fly  nuisance,  and  dtv 
ordinances  compelling  horse  owners  to  follow  some  such  course  are  deslrabl.; 
Absolute  cleanliness,  even  under  existing  circumstances,  will  always  result  i„ 
a  diminution  of  the  numbers  of  the  house-fly,  and,  as  will  be  pointed  out  1.. 
other  cases  In  this  bulletin,  most  household  Insects  are  less  attracted  to  th. 
Z"tSertlnar'  ''  ''°"'''°  "'  "'"  »'<l-fa«hloned  housekeeper  than  to  those  of 


"  mol^r^.r!  "'^  f  T**  '•?''^'"''  1>«»«^'^^P*"''.  The  mere  mention  of  the  wonl 
aiTf^ir  enir  r.f  *^, T^"""^  "'^  ^'^lo''^  «f  household  treasures  of  wooll.„ 
and  fur  eaten  full  of  holes,  their  beauty  gone,  their  usefulness  past     It  w  ,s 

Ss-'ZTf  *'r'  ^'r  "''"■'"^^^''^  '"^"•■^^^  "-«  eaused'by  a  Si.;;: 
sSes'o f  1  1r  ^"  ^'"^'-''^  that  we  have  In  this  country  three 

s,>ecies  of  clothes-moths.    These  differ  in  habits  as  well  as  In  structure. 

species  is  a'trir^'"'".''*""''"'^   ^ "''""«  P^^'«>ncIla).-TUe    larva    of    this 

whTch  are  f.         '"T      ."^'  ™"""^  "   '''''  ""*  «^  ^"«  ^^  "«   foo,l-matc.i.l 
^hlch  are  fastened  together  with  silk.    As  the  larva  grows  It  enlarges  Its  cnse 


The  pupa  «ate  „  Pa-JlwUhTn'Th^^eat    ^^^^^^^^  ^""  -"S'  «-  "^n 

with  «  few  „„rk  .,K,tH  „„  u,  ,„re:„^„  "*^-    ^''^  "*»"'*  ^^  «  •«»>«"  browu  moth 
The  TuJte-lHilldlng  Clothes- Moth   iri..,,     . 

Thtogali„jta]„«,oj„|,„„  «   "  ««1   «ltll    »ra«.ne„„   „f   rfoth. 

''•™"l-    ""■"■'ore,    tl,,.   x„|.„,   ci",r,,'l"  """  °"  »  «""-"•'•■     "  an,-  be 
otter  t«„  „«.,„.    Butwhe,,,l,e,„irtaf^n'J     "'■""■I'""""™     to    the 

xu.  .0.. ,.  „, .  ,„,„„  .t™..^j;::r^ro:"'jr:;irr..«r  ""• 

Protection  from  Clothes-Moths 

OruHhecl  and  examlnnl  for  th^  Zt/nnH  .  T""'"  '"'«"'^'  ''-  thoro.ghly 
practicable.  Then  they  shouldbe'^  p"'  ^^IT;  *^  ^''^  «»""«'>t  an  longt 
packed  1«  pasteboard  boxen,  which  cTi  ten?  ^"  ''''"'  ""^''-  "••  '>^tter. 
-ack  tetween  the  cover  and  the  b^x  L^  ZZlu  "*  '''"'"'  "^^^'  «"^  *»•« 
lt.-/n«ec<*.  Comstock.  ^^^  •**  ^"''""8  «  strip  of  paper  over 

CATxr.  HoHX.Fx,v  (HacnatoMa  sonata,  Dksv.)     fi,.  la 

<n  IS^rhrdrrch^hL;^  J;-"Satr '  r^  ----  «-  '»  Canada 

t  is  abundant  they  fa„  off  rapi,  yTtL  fn  fll?  "';'  "^  '*'*^'  ««  ^'^"^  -^fn 

he  time  it  first  appeared  m  ranad.  ?his  flv  r     "'"'  '"  ^'"^^  "'  ""^^    ^'^om 

I^uiniuion.  reaching  the  Pacific  cC  In  m,  butt" ^T"  ^"  P"""  «^  ^^^^ 

1J«3.  but  is  by  far  more  troublesome 




In  thp  Eantorn  Provlnopn  thnn  in  the  Wwit.  Tlio  fly  In  n  Hi.itill  aihI  very  nctlv.- 
dark  uniy  kimhIw.  ulMMit  on«'-thlrd  the  nlxe  of  the  onllnnry  ciittle-fly.  nii<l 
■hniHMl  JuHt  like  that  Innec-t,  with  the  Name  kind  of  biting.  daKKer-HhaiKHl  Jwak. 
rarrUHl  projistlnu  forward  In  front  of  the  head.  When  In  Inrite  niinibern  them^ 
flies  fn^inently  ehwter  on  the  horns  to  rent.  It  was  from  this  habit  that  tiM-.v 
Kot  their  name.  8tatement«  that  they  bore  holes  Into  the  hornH  are  Inamurate. 
The  only  harm  done  by  them  Ih  due  to  their  very  IrrltathiK  bites  on  the  Imn1Ii>n 
of  the  aninuils.  The  eujjs  are  laid  by  the  females  In  freshly  deiM.slt«I  .-..w 
dropphiKs.  The  maKKots  liatih  In  24  hours  and  IwH'ome  full  grown  In  nlwut  a 
week :  they  then  burr<»w  down  a  short  distanee  Into  the  ground  and  turn  to 
brown  puparla.  from  whidi  the  flies  emerge  In  four  or  five  days.  There  are 
several  broo<Is  during  the  Hunuuer,  and  the  last  brood  or  nniggots  pnsws  the 
winter  as  puparla. 


Of  the  many  remedies  we  have  tried,  the  following  have  given  the  greutewt 
satisfaction:  (1)  Smearing  the  parts  most  usually  bitten  with  a  mixture  of 
lard,  5  lbs.,  r.nd  pine  tar.  1  lb.  Two  applk-atlons  each  week  when  the  flies  are 
very  bad.  Mix  well  together  and  apply  to  the  parts  most  attacked,  brushlnij 
the  mixture  lightly  over  the  tips  of  the  hair.  After  two  or  three  applications 
the  treatment  has  more  effec-t  than  at  first.  ;  (2)  Spraying  the  animals  twicv 
a  week  with  ordinary  kerosene  emulsion.  (3)  Fish  oil,  2  quarts,  and  oil  of 
tar,  2  oz. ;  or  flsh  oil.  2  quarts,  coal  oil,  1  pint,  and  oil  of  tar.  2  ozs.  (4)  Goo-I 
work  may  be  doue  by  breaking  up  the  cow  droppings  In  the  field.  The  uiaggutH 
can  only  live  In  the  dung  while  It  is  In  a  moist  condition.  A  boy  with  a  rake 
could  go  over  a  pasture  three  times  a  week  and  break  up  all  the  rresh 
droppings  and  the  drying  up  of  these  by  the  sun  or  the  washing  away  by  rnin 
would  kill  all  the  eggs  or  maggots,  thus  locally  reducing  the  numbers  verv 

Cattle  Lice  {Trlchodectca  scalaris,  Ilacmatopinus  curynternua,  Xitzsch.) 
The  loss  from  these  disgust)  .ud  very  common  parasites  of  horneil 
stock  Is  far  greater  than  Is  genera <ly  appreciated.  Many  animals  turned 
out  in  spring  in  poor  condition  have  been  reduced  in  flesh  by  the  constant 
discomfort  of  being  preyed  upon  by  myriads  of  lice,  which  might  have  been 
destroyetl  by  a  little  attention  on  the  part  of  those  in  charge  of  them  On 
account  of  the  small  size  of  lice,  they  are  often  overlooked  until  they  have 
become  very  numerous  and  have  done  a  great  deal  of  harm.  Lousy  animals 
win  neither  rest  nor  feed  well.  They  are  prevented  from  putting  on  fle>8h 
their  growth  is  stunted,  and  their  meat  Is  neither  so  good  nor  produced  so 
economically.  It  Is  well  known  that  an  animal  kept  in  good  condition  «n.l 
steadily  Increasing  in  weight  costs  much  less  to  prepare  for  the  market  tb:,!, 
one  whose  growth  is  checked  and  allowed  to  get  Into  poor  condition.  Li. ,. 
cause  more  loss  In  stock  than  Is  generally  appreciated.  This  loss  is  unnect-s- 
sary,  because  all  of  the  common  external  parasites  of  live  stock  can  be  easily 
and  cheaply  treated.  There  are  two  kinds  of  lice  found  commonly  on  cattl.' 
the  small  blue  louse  or  biting  ox-louse  {Tvichodectes  scalaris,  NItzsch),  and 
the    big    black    louse    or,   short-nosed  ox-louse    {Haematopinus   eurvstemu:< 



nJIl!iL".-m         JT  """"'*'*  "•*  -".netlim..  found  In  great  n«mlK.n.  «n 
neglecfPd  onttle.  and  when  the  stalln  have  become  thoroughly  InfeHtwl  are  hard 

benefit  to  the  atock  and  to  the  owner.    Many  remedle.  are  known.    We  have 
I^thrTbbZ't"  "ll'*;  •"'"^'  --"-'-"on.  l-raylng  It  on  to  the  „. „,. 

uiS  Tor  tht  n.n  '"h  ""^  '"^  ^-nvenlent.  Recently  «,„oIeun.  ha-  .  J. 
^f^^nr/h        V,''  "'"''"•    ^"  """«^*'"'*  P"*  o'  »•>«  treatment  con.  at! 

i^cT  Of  thrw^^wo^:. "" '""  ^''^  '"'""■  -"•*  '"'*« '°  *»•«  --"•  -«» 

Hoo  Louse  (Hamatopinua  $ula,  Lsach). 

It  Jii' V'^i^i"  '"  Mf*  '?"  '"'''''°'  "*"»'-«ng  one^quarter  of  an  Inch  In  length. 
It  la  of  a  dirty  white  colour  marked  with  brown.  The  feet  are  provided  with 
-trong  claw.,  with  which  they  cling  tightly  to  the  hair..    AUhou^Jrl,  the 

117h»T.        Z  "  ^""  '°  ""•*'"'*^'  t***  "«"«  r«°>«»«e«  mentioned   for   t^ 

rhorrughly.  '   '"   "*^"'  *°  "P^y  **>«  "^P«°«  1»"tera  very 

Sheep  Loit.b  (THchodectei,  ,phcerocephalu»,  Nrrzscir 

in-ea™'rltati;n't7lnZll,'"T  1"'  ''  "  ""^  trouble«>me  para.Ue.  cau.Ing 

SemJlv^  Ind  bv  ^/r    .?.!:.'''''''  "''"^  *'•""■  <»'«««"'««  by  rubbing 
inemaeive.  and  by  biting  at  the  wood.     Moat  of  the  severest  caw's  of  Infest* 

Z"r^t7VTn^7  '^°  '"  ''''  "'"*"•    ^^-^  -^-•'^  ^  exTml^Lttre 
winter  sets  In,  and  If  any  lice  are  found  they  should  be  dipped. 




I    i 









P^  was  Inoffcrt.u.l  i„  ono  c-nwi'of  extmno  Infostati.,,,.  ..  was  also    an.i 
.       noro  nMuarkahly.  a    f.w   spr,„klin«  of   tt.K.r   ,nattl,.«s  with  1..,      ,e    fc,'     " 
imuuu.  ,t  was  „nal.y  .uv.ssar.v  to  take  up  tho  floor  .     ,  wish 
^K>  s  <  own  With  hot  Hoapsnds  h.  onh-r  to  sec-uro  rcli-r  fro.n  ,„..  ,1        ^^ 
In  anothrr  caso.  how.v.r.  a  sh.Rlo  III„.r«l  applicatlo,,  of  hnhach  was   «  r^^^^^^^^^^ 

o,„  distnrbanco  .xlst.      Infestation,  howevor.  is  not  lilcely  to  o<rur  '7        ■ 
•.'...')   tloors  .an  ho  f.v.pu.ntly  and  thoroughly     Whon  an  outbreak    .. 
s  ..onu-s,  howov.-r.  th.   .asi.-st    rnn.xly   to   apply   ,s   a    free    sprink  ln,f 
IJ  yt  unun  powder  in  the  infested  roon.s.     This  failing,  hen.lne  „  av  he    rie 
a  ti  orouKh  spraying  of  earpets  and  floors  bein«  undertaken,  with  the  exen  i  ' 
..due  jn-eeant  o,.    „«.  tluU  no  ,i«hts  or  fires  are  in  the  house  at  the      a 
f  the  application,  or  for  son.e  hours  afterwards.     Finally,  if  the  plague  i.      , 
1U.H  abate, .  all  fl.x.r  eoverinss  be  renmve.l  and  the  floors  wXl  w 
hot  soapsads.     This  is  a  useful  ..nH-aution  to  take  in  any  house  wid     t 
I.i-opo.sed  to  f<.r  the  sununer.  sine,  even  a  thorough  Hwee^.V^v  h  av. 
...hind  some  tew  flea  .-ggs   from   which  an  all-,H.rvadin«  swarm  L,rdevel  , . 
before  tlie  is  re-opened.  uimioj. 

"  Provide  a  ru«  for  the  .-at  .,r  the  dog  to  sleej,  on  and  give  this  ru-  •, 

nZl"^'  '\""V""n  """"'""' "'^"""'"^'^  *^''^'»'"«  ""  ""«!  burning  tlu  L 
thus  r™u>v..l.  As  all  the  flea  eggs  on  an  i„feste<l  aninn.l  will  not  however 
.lr.>p  off  in  this  way,  and  those  which  renndn  on  it  will  probab  y  evel  i 
Hu«.ssfuily.  it  will  be  found  wise  to  cx-casionally  rub  into  the  hair  of  he  d  !^ 
or  cat  a  .piantity  of  pyrethrum  powder.  If  thoroughly  applied.  It  will  cans;: 
the  fleas  to  fall  off  in  a  lu.lf  stupefied  condition,  when  Ley.  t..o.  maj  be  sw     t 

SZ1>C"'~^"""'  ^"  '•  '■•  '■ ""''""""'"' ""'  ^^^'•*^""«-'  ^^^^^'^ 

Bed  Bro   (Acantliia  Icctulatia,  Linn.). 
n,n«7't'"  rr"'?'  '^*'«"'''^«'  '»y  I^'n»«^"«  «  ^"entury  and  a  half  ago,  has  been  a 
to;r  '"  ""'  ''""-''  '""^  •^''^  '""«  "  ^'"''^  '*  i/aulte  difflcult 

n  1  f  '^''\"^'''''  ""'*"'•  «»>»'«'«  "re  Involve,!  in  too  much  obscnrlty  to 
allow  of  any  estimates  being  forn.ed.  As  found  in  houses  infesting  man  t 
<-an  only  be  conshlered  as  semi-parisitlc,  living  for  the  most  part  .si-retod  i 
cracks  and  and  attacking  its  victims  during  the  night.  Prra'!^  it" 
attacks  upon  other  animals  are  of  a  similar  nature,  although  It  is  referred  to 
b.v  some  as  a  parasite  of  d..me8tlo  fowls. 

end  "^i"^  wm  rr'\'':  ''"""'  '"  "  "''"''•'  """"'•'  «"«''»-^-  "«rrowed  at  on., 
circular  lid  at  one  end. 


arasmsm  on  otlu-r  than  „.an.     Pa.kanl    iiUmouXollZTf 

=s^r;:;..;:r j;..!^^  ----  — -^  ^--  ^-i  -  - 

nvos",!„'r'ir''/'';'  ""'  '""'  "^  "•""'"'^^  ^'^  ^■'"  '^-•""■'«-I'laces  of    and 

nr      .  ?    "'  '"■""'  '•"'"'  "'  •■••^^"♦'""-  ""t  wo  l.av,.  know,,  (t  to  .w a 

in  pHKliKions  n„„,l„.rs  in  a  .hi.kon  I.ons,..  wln-ro  It  n,nst  havo  f..  i     J 
u.KU^,i.kons-  ,„.HH,.  an.1  it  is  sai.l  to  o<.„..  ailT  Jn  K       ,^      .  i::t:Mi:::::  " 

arrj  Ih.I  1m,-s  fro,,.  ,,laco  to  ;,latv.  and  .•onsi,l..i-i„K  tlic  s,„l,lon.".s  witl,  whlH. 
^.y  appear  in   now  bnii„in.s.   and   so.noti.nos   in   l.nildi,.;     ,,:;.;      ,' 
.  «olil n«s    it  s.c.,«s  ham  to  otln-rwlso  acv<„„.t  for  ti.Hr  appv.ra,  •,!     s     , 

r rt^''^:"';": '""r '" "'^^ ''"' ^"-^ ""••  ^^ oppoitn„iti.:-.v>r  ,:: 

!'<.iTat,on.  thoie  ^^ill   ho  no  insnporablo  dlrticnlty  In  acconnti,,.-  for  all  s,„I. 

:'=;:;•„„/";;:';': '""--'-'  -"  "•  -  "■"'  -•  -«--."":';;:: 

Prrrniiioii  and  Ifcmah/. 

CIoanIl,»^s  and  tho  ..pplhation  of  tin.  c-on,n,o„  ronnnlics   s,kI.  as  bon.ino 

<orrosivo  s„bli,„at..  and  hot  water,  wiil  nsnall,-  s„m.v  to  Ico ;    tl      p Ts 

nHhu-e.1  m  ordinary  dwoiii„Ks.  l„,t  in  lar^o  bnildin.^s  n.oro  ,t«on,     .»  .     ro' 

nn,y  sou.eti.nos  be  necessary,  and  in  sn.-i,  c-ases  ti,e.v  is  ,  I    .,,  ,.,"  Iro 

rr^ri-^tZii^ir::;  ;:r--  ^-•--  -«,...:;-= 

XVe  know  personally  of  an  in.sta„ce  .here  a  lar«e  bnildin«.  l«dlv  i,  Se<l 
^Mth  this  pest,  on  being  thoroughly  fu.nigated  with  sulphnr  as  a  ,     i.  fectant 

MtZTVT'  """""'^  '^•-  ^'^'"^  ^"-  -u.p„n.tively  free  fro  iT^r;' 

Attentiou  to  the  cracks  In  the  walls  and  around  casings,  as  well  alrflhe 
jointe  of  bedsteads,  will  do  much  to  keep  ,>ests  under  control  ^  ' 

For  Innnediate  relief  1,.  a  sleeping  roo..,.  pyrethrum  is  available  since 
oa..  be  used  while  a  roo.n  Is  occupied.    Dustcnl  botwcH>n  the  sh^tsU  „  Cl 
t  will  protect  the  sleei.r  f.-om  the  most  voracious  hotel  l^ul-mZm  Vo   J 
1 .  8.  Department  of  Agrieulture,  Dirhion  of  Entomology.  ' 

Lice  of  Human  Beings. 

Children  and  people  of  dirty  habits  are  especiallv  subject  to  infestation  hv 
those,  perhaps  the  most  objectiouable  of  all  Insects  ThreeT^ m  s  „"''^''*"*'""  ^'^ 
..K>wn  to  attack  human  beings.    Those  are  ZZ^  )^ZZ:Z^::^^ 

those  of  others.    The  head-iouse  seems  to  prefer  the  region  Just  abm^ethe  3 



fP,  i 




sand  tLSuM^La,    Tn  TmZtf  T.  "^  "^'^  *''^''^  "^^^^'''^^  "!^'> 

anyone  .^'TaUTb^^.Tu^^^^^^^^  T."/  T  "'"  ''^*^  ^P>«'  «>"^-«" 
the  head-louse,  and  annearB  to  mJ  hv  /  """''  ^""^  *'''"*^"'*  *"««^*  "^an 
any  fold  of  which  It  wmcree^  "'h  7  '"''''1^'^  «°  ^^e  under-clothes.  Into 

blood  of  Its  vlothu/  It      i^T  Jherffon  ?f  ^"'""°  "  ^"'  ^"^"^  »»>  «>^' 
The  crab  nrpf -JI        .'  **'*'^^'°'^«'  *»  ^oll  any  clothes  which  harbour  it 

nearly  driven  mad  by  ttenf  rndT.?«tr.^  '°«  ^"'  ^"'^*°  *  '"*»*8»»t  «>« 

TFa«Ae«  and  Dips. 

the  .moan,  „f  wi^'  "  be  11  "^h      ""?  """"^'  ^^""^  '^""^  °P»° 
Muttons  Of  ,Z^   dUut,  c^LJ''  ?"l  """»'"<'  »"»««"»8  .re  tte 

«..e„c.,«H,«:^;r':;re'r>oriirz°'  -»""'-  —  -' 
the  ^L"r.°cr„re"^  :^'rr "Lr "°°'  rr '-  "'"■  •  ">  - 

even  In  winter,  with  some  carrto  „t„^f .  °"  "'"°'^°''  «>»  •«  ""^ 

re^ohln,  ever,  ,„„.,  „,„  sU^ .0X1^7"^  0^^""  °'"  "'"""' 

and  ahonld  not  eonwrlVe  thfn  2^,        ""  '""°°''™  '°  °"»'  •»"»«'»■ 
of  water.  '  consLteuiy  a„d  then  diluted  with  required  amount 

Dip  twice,  wl.h  an  lntorvn,"f  " n  aT™     ^he  In'J  u  "'.  "*i '°  "»<"«-"  f' 
soft  soap,  4  pounds-  watPr   nnln  J       '  ^  ^•*"*^=  "^^  ««'^'  20  pounds; 

-uid .  .:.^.  ..-r.^  rXr  rr.:"dr.?^orrT' 


th.  ^°'?"'Tf1  ''"•~'^''""  *"  ^'"''""'^  ^''  ^••-  ^''■""^•'«  to  give  on  a  law  scale 
«^^.  mos  satlHfactory  results  for  ticks.  The  oil  Is  simply  ,K>ured  ou  a  vat 
filled  with  water,  the  cattle  being  drenched  with  It  as  they  euierge 

n„v  h^^",  ^Z  r'""''  "  '"""  ''"*  '•"  ^"ffl^''*'"*.  «»d  Plg«.  lambs,  dogs.  etc.. 
may  be  dipped  In  a  tub  or  barrel.  There  is  a  patented  dipping  devlc*  fo; 
lowering  animals  Into  a  tank. 

Wherever  dipping  Is  to  be  practised  to  any  great  extent,  the  construction 

BuHe^n  Ao.  5,  L.  S.  Department  of  Agriculture,  Division  of  Entomology 

DisKAses  OF  Poultry. 
Prevention  is  better  than  cure,  and    the    breeder  who  kerps  the  houses 
clean,   warm  and  properly  ventilated,   and  has  the  water  and  feed  vessels 
always  clean,  need  have  little  to  fear  from  diseases. 


This  Is  the  most  to  be  dreade(4  of  any  of  the  troubles  that  the  poultryman 

3  l^'V^'^r "*''■•  ''   ''   "   «"^«   «^*«   '^   «tart  the  whole  flc^k  may  go 

that  sho  "?'""'  ''  *"''"  "*  ''''  ^*"*'  '«  ^^''"y  ^^«<^'^«<»-  *»«!  the  bird 

that  8ho«8  any  signs  must  be  immediately  isolated  from  the  rest  of  the  flock 

The  symptoms  are:  Eyes  watering,  nostrils  closed,  breathing  deep  and  fre^ 
quently  swelling  round  the  eyes. 

As  soon  as  it  Is  detected. 'take  the  bird  and  after  dissolving  a  teaspoonful 

under  and  hold  It  there  till  It  seems  to  choke,  which  action  will  draw  the 
solution  in  o  all  the  cavities  of  the  nose  and  throat,  and  I  have  found  la 
most  effective  remedy.  Do  not  use  any  tins  or  cups  that  are  ranted  for  any 
o  her  purpose,  as  the  disease  is  very  Infectious.  Put  the  bird  n  a  dry  warm 
P^ce  an^  repeat  the  treatment  in  a  few  hours.  Zinc  ointment  or  caL^ated 
vaseline  is  also  good  to  apply  to  the  swelling  round  the  eyes. 


*M  T'*\''''^'  ''^^^^  ^'t**  ^^''^'era  »»  dejected,  sleepy  and  droopy,  is  very 
thirsty,  has  a  slow,  stalking  gait,  and  gapes  often.    They  often  stagger  and 

Zrh'^'^  Tt  "'•  "'"^  ""'"'^^  *"™  ^"'^  "^  sometimes  dark  and  thfy  have 
diarrhoea.  At  once  remove  al'. -affected  birds  to  a  warm,  light  place  with  plenty 
of  clean  straw.     Give  no  water  except  with   "Douglas  Mixture"  in  same 

IT^I^^l^  f''^"*'  ""'**•  *"  P"*^^*"*  ^^^  ^P^^"*!  «f  tb«  <"«ea«e.  Nothing  but 
Tt?  iZ:^T^^J'^-  '^^^""*'°  ^^  "^«  -'^  --  --  ^-  this  d?s'eaJ^^ 
effLlL  """^  '"^'  ""^  ^'^^^^  treatment  Is  most  likely  to  b^ 

Crop  Bound. 

a  laT^I'  Zei"""?/'."^"'"  '"^  "'''''  '""'*"  '°  confinement  more  than  those  on 
LlT^     rfn  .  """""^  "^'"^  ^y  over-feeding,  and    unless    relieved 

promptly  death  is  sure  to  follow.     Relief  may  be  quickly  given  by  openi^ 

elTth"  '  r'f'  "'''  "^  '''"P  '^°''^'  ^""^'^^  «  Bllt  sufficiently  Tg  to 
.emove  the  contents.     Clean  the  crop  with  warm  water  and  sew  up  again 


r  I; 





' .  V  r  ; 




..».r'::;:;r;-;s;i,,rr  rcr",;'"  ""■"'  "■""'-  — '-  "■  "•■.■ 

■iPIN'trt,..  '^       "    '""■'■""!■    "■K-llUT    ,vlll,    l„„rt|v|t,v    , ,„    ,„ 

•' ««' ... ....  .,z  ,r  ,  :":;uV';" ,;;";', "  ;••"•. """" '" '" ' "■ 

.l.e  lill.t.  •  "  '"''  "'"'  ..'«  '«"!,  .......It  tai  t„ 

ifff  Wcnknesn. 

ineroases  the  weight  of  the  bo^Tv  To  ',':?  '•"  '""  ''^S"  f-<"»«.  whi.h 
the  legs;  ,t  „„,re  generallv  rJ^^„rri,f  Cf  "!  '"  "''  "'""'"'"^  ^*'-'^»«"'  "^ 
Brahinas,  particularly  in  the^^erelV         ""^^  "■'^''  ""^'^  ""^  ^'^^•"'■-  »"" 

t'-r  ;^ri;tcircr:^j;n^^^  r^ — -  ^  ..rt 

T/rr,.,«c«^-i„  an  earlv  ^Ze.ZZZl^'"'V''  ''''''  ''''  "*  «"• 
a  day:    One  grain  of  sulphide  of  iron  *^."*"7^»^  I'"'  *«»'•«  or  three  times 
l'«Jf  a  grain  of  quinine.  '  ^'^  ^'"'"^  ^"^  I'Hosphate  of  lime  and 

Doiifflaa  Mixture. 

^■-n^^^fin^^zx:^:.:^^;;!;^^  ^^  -'^''«- «'  ^-  (common 

1  «ai,o„  Of  water.  Into  this  n^  ';  lirte'Ti  ''"*  '"'^  "  '""'«  ^  J"« 
Is  dissolved  add  the  acid,  and  v  hen  If  i«  ?  ..  ^'''''-  '^"  ''^'^  ««  »he  iron 
In  hot  weather,  or  when  he  fli^,  /  ^i:,  '^  "  "''*""  "  ''  ''''''''  ^^  "- 
but  the  above  proportion  should  be  rsorv^Thr- ":';  *"  '"'^'"''''^  «*  ""-• 
be  given  in  the  drinking  water  evervTfh!!'  ,  '"'^ture"  or  tonic  shonld 

bead  is  not  too  u.uch-and  where  there  L'%dr*  ^"'  '"''  ^"'^'y  twenty-flve 

but  Where  there  is  no  disease,  not    o  often  ort        'n"""*  '*'  "^^  ^^•*'^-^'  ^'«>- 
day.  ""'  ^'^  <*"««'  or  In  small  quantities  If  used  every 

^^  ^'^««'^  Pests  of  Fowls. 

keep  d«wrthe":en„h;  '7LsXu'  rT'''  ''  '^  «^«"'"^^">-  "— rv  to 
also  troubled,  but  to  a  lei  deg  ^^  ^  S"  ."'f '^^^  *"  •■'^'^"^-«:  turkey^'aL 
If  at  all.  "^^'^**'  ^^hlle  dm-ks  and  geese  are  worried  little 


newness,  than  It  is  in  «„,•  other  part  .,f  Cana.h,.     Hut  It  ,an  he  ,„ntroIU.,i 
with  comparative  ease  If  proi.,.r  inethcHls  ho  adopted  <<'"tioM,,l 

found  nn  eager  market  for  all    kinds    <,f    patent    Hxturos   for  the      ,s  t    ' 
prevention  of  the  .H-st.     I  tern,  suc-h  fixtures  luxuries  and  s    n      t 
as  non-essontial.     Kut  it  will  he  necessary  for  us  to  kn<,w  so,  etl  i  iof     1 
khds  of    vermin  which   Infest  poultry  houses  and  the  f<.wls  the      ei^"L 
«ell   as  .omethinK  nt    the  nature  of    the  san.e.   hefore  we  can   i   t el    L  „t Iv 
discuss  their  prevention  as  iH'sts.  "in  him  ntl.\ 

Vermin  pests  are  of  two  kinds,  viz.,  lice  and  mites 
The  lice  stay  on  the  fowl  and  are  mostly  the  large  grey  louse. 
Kinds  of  Lice  on  FoirU. 

'■  'i^rac'^^'^r  "  •■""""  '"'"'  ^'•"""'-  ^'^  *'»'  ^"'•«""  «--V  loose, 
hehind^      Lun   ''^"'^'-^ -' >'  '"»""«"  «"«!  very  prolifl,.;    it   trails  a   tickler 
In      ..  ;  *-    "    '■*''■•'■    '"-'^"^'"R    «'"satlon:    lives    chieflv    on    feathers 

Hence  It  is  a  and  stays  on  the  hlrd  all  of  the  time 
louscf      "■"'"''  '  "  ''"■"'  "  •"""""••'  "'*'"«'^  "«t  Ko  large"  a.  th,  largo  hen 

^^n^:aZy'Z^i^'''  '""'^  '^  "^"""^  ^'-"'  "1-  ^-'-  »''-'-  i^  very 
name'dtotef"*""  '""  ''  '''"'"""  *"  "'"^"'  '^"*  '^"^-"'t  '-  «""!-.  ««  Its 
above.  ''""'"""  "'"  '"'"■  ''  "  "'''"""'  ^'^^'  "•'"'  l>«'>it.s  «huil«r  to  all  of  the 
,n  H^";  ^''k.  "*"  ''^  *^^  ^'^  •''"'^^  **^  ^'^'^''^*^»  "t-e  ahove-mentloned  are 
are  so  small  that  they  can  scarcely  he  seen  with  the  naked  pvp-  nt,  -  .^ 
-retlve  in  habits  as  to  be  sc-arcely  disc.rnibie  al^^gt.^  f^,  ther       Tl" 

"  The^  ZZ  Tr'"  °'  ''•^•^^  "^^  ^^«  "large  "'and  xJ'^Zj^' 
r!«  „  '  "'"^*'  '^"'  '*'■*'"  "'^»»Sh  It  be  only  one  here  and  there 

It  Is  a  sure  sign  of  great  numbers  of  the  pests 

Among  the  varieties  of  lice  there  Is  also: 
The  common  duck  louse. 
Squalid  duck  louse. 
Clear  duck  louse. 
Clear  goose  louse. 
Biting  louse  of  turkey. 

Mites.  ,, 

These  are  of  two  kinds,  viz.  :— 

^^^^^  1.  mite  (4  legs),  .sometimes  white  and  grey,  but  blood-red  when 
nealthj   fo...  suua  becomes  lu.possibie.     The  chicken  ndte  leaves  the  bo<ly  of 


*      I 



the  hen  before  the  fowl  lenvpH  tha  i-A^^ . 

attac?/troor  ^r  «r;pZ:r  "t"*^'  "-  ^-^ «--.  ,t «... 

-cales.  and  the  oe^.  ,uin7«  noTX  1,""k  ?t  """'  ''  ""'"  '''•"«  P°'"^«  - 
-eems  to  stand  Btlll  f^r  Lrhanl  Tmon^  k  .  '"i?^"-  ^'•^  *'''*"«*  ««»««'°-« 
work.    The  base  of  the  ^rJ^  h 2.  '  **"*  ""  °'  *'»'"  ""«  ^^e  mite  Is  at 

The  feathers  oTtbe  head  sTandTat^hr"."'  T.  ''  '""  ''  "*"«  ^— « 
imbed  themselves  In  the  flesh  and  r^lf.  ,*..'"'*'  ^*"'  ***""•  ^"^""^  »!>•  tJ-^^ 
the  feet  and  legs  this  m  te "  aCve"^^^^^^^^^  T"^  ''''  "^»^-    «" 

knots;  a  crust  forms  beneath  the  ^^es  and  thT.  T'^^.'^'j^P  ^^^  O'"  'om  In 
"Scaley  leg"  is  nothing  more  nor  Z  than  1  '^'.  '*°^  ''*^'  """"'^  '"»<^'>- 
the  "  Itch  mite."  *^'*°  *°  excessive  state  of  the  work  of 



insisJz'ir^'grstrist  '°rr  ^'•^  «•"«  -  —  -- 

about  three  times  aTar^prTni  m^dr"  ^"  ''°  '""^'^  ^"'^  ^«'""«  ^ater 
hot  lime  and  5  per<^nr:^ZncaTZ7'f  ''"•  '''^°  "^^^^^^^^^  -"'^ 
sulphur.  Put  coal  oil  In  the  craJki  and  on  \^  ""'"  '^  fumigating  well  with 
8ood,  as  Is  also  Persia!;  Ins^  Powder  "^'''^  '°'^*  ''"'^^  '' 

tub  JX^slTeT'^^Dust  :rT^t7  '"r^*"^^'  *^^'"-  ^^^  ^^^^^  t^'-^l^ 
effect  their  death.  So  then  It  ^i^  7' 7"'  ''°^  ^''^^  ^"•'^^  «°<i  h«noe 
have  access  to  a  dus^' ba tt  and  L  prr^TnThlcrtb'^  ''"'^  ""^*  "'"'«^« 
Btrongl.  Of  some  tar  extract.-^,  ^^^^^l:  To^V^unZ:'  ^'^^"'^  ^"^" 


""'  'udgl'"r;J''  ^^'"'  ^•''^'"^*-  o'  «tock  Of  western  Australia. 
there'"apt  ™  lot  iTg^TX"  t'oT'^'^^  T  ^"-^^'^^^  and  others, 
ing  wounds  .nd  other  ^uri^  otTtZT  "J  ***  '""^  ^''^^  "«*'>«^  «'  *««*- 
Object  Of  endeavouring  to  hl!J  1  ^.  "!  "  ,^^'-JP«o°  ^  and  It  Is  with  the 
are  offered,  which  are  prLar,V  Intended  7"  ^  ''"''  *''  ''^"''^''^^  ^^""""^^ 
m  contact  with  animals  whoTre  m^«  !  r^"""  *°*^  ^^^'^  '°  ^^e  bush 
ance.  "'''  '*''°  "«  "°««y  <>«*  of  reach  of  professional  asslst- 

use  o"ZZ\Z':X::ZeTn^^^^  ^-«"-  «'  *^'«  -^  the 

constant  use  of  which  mere^^  tends  to^«t^'  ^"*  ^'^'^  ''  *  '"'«**'^^'  «»d  the 

other,  plain  English  will  ^  the  ^st     and'n  th    """  ^'^  *^  -nderstand  each 

oe  ine  best,   and  on  the  present  occasion  we  shall. 


UB  far  a«  ,K,88lble.  .tick  to  it.  leaving  the  Jaw-breakers  for  the    anatomv 

HO  imimportant  as  to  be  looked  u,K>n  as  of  no  consequence;  L  the  sZLt 
scratch  sometiu,es  may  lead  to  serious  complication^  ending  p^  ^"'deaTJ 

nf  thoK  J    .    .  ""*  "^^  •*'  *  Clean-cut  wound  on  some  muscular  oart 

of  the  body  is  to  stop  the  bleeding,  if  excessive,  but  unless  it  is  verT^eat  Id 
ZT:T^  blood-vessel  is  severed,  this  need  not  bother  us     7n  T  k«^^ 

r:  th  aranXnt^'^Jb?^      *°  '''  "«"°^  '''  -*'  "  »«  "^^'-'^e  to  waTh 
iTl./*  antiseptic.    There  are  many  such  at  present,  such  as  carbolic  acid 

1 .  ^re  gld"     t1    r^'  "'^'"^'  ''^''  ^™-«-«te  of  potash,  phe^     ."et" 
All  are  good.    This  often  prevents  trouble  afterwards,  by  helping  to  war  1  off 
infection  of   the   exposed  lacerated  tissues  caused  by  mLoTrganismri .  the 
atmosphere,  and  which  are  ever  ready  to  increase  and  multij^aro      cv  L^ 
A  .-ound  is  the  open  door  by  which  they  enter  our  system.   „*  >uam  inX":!' 
A    trouble  with  wounds  Is  now  well  known  to  be  due  to  these  .maU  or^a^"ms 
and  when  means  are  taken  whereby  they  are  prevented  from  galnhr"  ^ess 
to  the  t  ssues   much    better   results   are   experienced.    Antiseptic  have    the 
power  of  arresting  the  growth  or  of  entirely  destroying  thes^  orrantm!       n 
days  gone  by.  when    antiseptics  were  not  used  and  their  a7tirnotTnow„ 
the    mortality  from  wounds  and  injuries,  especially  those  aTtir,nte™ai 
parts  Of  the  body  such  as  the  chest  or  abdomen,  was  sometlmeT^  "ad  ^Tnd 
fully  40  per  cent,  never  recovered.     In  those  times  to  amputate  a  Cor  an 
arm.  not  to  mention  anything  worse,  was  about  as  much  as  the  pat  enfs  life 

Z  r     •  T  "'*'"'"'°''  '""'^''^  *•««  «>  ^'"'^^  on  account  of  badliu   s 
that  scores  of  people  preferred  to  run  all  other  risks  rather  than  re^rtT  It 

re^ultfnTf      'Vh' '""'  "''  "'^"^  '''''  ^'  ^^^  "  '«  -*  ««-n  we  heTo7dea  h 
resulting  from  the  operation  Itself.     Antiseptic  surgery  has  chanjej  evil 

hing  and  operations  of  a  nature  which  would  have  bee^  lauS  at  aJ 

Sn  douhr'''T   ?   ""   '^'^  '«^^  "'  performeTnow  :fh^3„li 
Skill,  no  doubt,  counts;   but  50  years  ago  there  were  surgeons  In  FranT3' 

before  the  l.temal  part,  teal ;  and  often  on  thl.  account  ai^fZh! 


In  bringing  the  edges  of  wounds  together,  it  Is  alwavs  na  «.oii  ♦„  k„ 
to  cut  away  as  little  of  the  skin  as  possible  as  t  d^3  rL7^       ,.  ''"^'"' 
ugly  blemishes  are  '  -ft  where  skin  S^remo;ed  "^  "^""^  **^'''  '*"** 

The  applications  applied  to  wounds  by  Ignorant  nersona  nr«  »       *. 
Of   an   extraordinary  description  and  do  more'^b"™  t^aTgL  %oTd„r 
Which  is  now  mentioned  in  the  pharmacopcHla.  finds  great  Cur  wTh  s^m^' 

f  ■ 



c  ■ 


■f  .'\ 




I  think,  to  ,.ow  .inn«. :.  a  ,H  u  r/;r  .;'"^  ""'T'"  "'"""•""•  ""■>'  -■*•""" 

the  u,...„.th    of   hHir     xlvrtl,  ""•'"''""«  ♦'»  «'"»''.  for  „r o„,„ 

""H  "»  virtu.  I„  „.„ki„u  the   LlvlT     ,^,      T'\  "'•  '""'  '""•"*  '""»"" 
f.K.t  Is  con,,.r,KMl.  Ih.mHl  non      r  it  """'^'*"  '"  '""^""'"•.v  when-  th.. 

ev  jt;„;::;:^::rr';;::j;;:n:r  T-" "  -•- '— ->  - 

It  .l(M..s  much  KOiMl  othorwlN..   it«  n,fi       .    ,^'*^^^'  ''"t  I  )iin  not  nwjiro 

'•••""Hly,  can  only  act  Homothl  L  rr     !.  \    ^  ""^   "    "^'^'"^  '"    '•'»••"■- 
.  ""^t  Hcnsltlvc  and  del  c^  orZ     ^t  "!:  ""  '""'''""  "'  ''""'''""'^'-  ""  ^'"^ 

.HvaHlonally  ex,.He„m,  the  pnl^n^^^^^^^  f"   *'^   ^^'•-      ^^    "--   "•> 

^'Pe^k  ,„,v,n«  «ot  into  the  e7e/b?ut.rk  oThT"  '"""'"'*  '••"•"  "  -"'"' 
"•;  thnen.  «n,tln«  and  rubbing  ^^^t  the  ball  "oVT  ""'""""'  ^''"'""""^ 
Htructures.     Of  all   the  notlo  rthnV  *^^  ""-''^  "'"^  s'lrroundinu- 

their  name  1„  ,og,o„.  nZly  nhTev  ri,""L?r"l*'*'  '"'"  «^  ""'"•  "■'" 
glas.  treatn.ent  as  appHed  io  the  eye  "  absurdity  this  povv.leml 

^r  j;f ti^x^tiXr  ^t ,:  sCi?;jvr'" "  ^^-^'-'-^ «-  -- 

n«  unless  this  is  done  the  s  icthes  lirnnh  .  "^  "  "'''*  "™"»"*  "'  «kln. 
«"Pport  .nuch  wei,^ht.      I   nee^   h«rX  I       '"*  *'''**'"«'>  '^  ^^ey  have  to 

separate  and  tied  o„  Its  own^nd  ,  'wouiTn  *  T  '"^^'^  ""^^  "^  -'^'-O' 
«t.Vle  of  a  tailor  stitching  a  ple^^  o  oZ  rJZ  ^"  *,'  '"^  '  ""'"^  «'^^^  ^•'»' 
one  part  breaking,  the  wLe  w^ld  git  Iv  h  """""'^  ""*  ''°«^"  «*  «"•  '"^ 
What  is  known,  therefore,  lu  s^iger  „s  ^he'-l  T  '"'^"''  """'•*  ^«  '»  ^•"'"■ 
is  the  proiH^r  thing.    The  best  soinf  f  "  »»terrupted  "  suture  or  stltcl, 

different  work)  ls'o„e  w,thl  lalj^  i''T  ""  "'  ^"--"^"^  «'-«  f'"' 
needles  are  very  difficult  to  pass  tJou^  "  *  "I.  '"^'"^  ^"^"'*^-  ^'•^•""••y 
ways,  silk  suture  thread  (^InZ^'.trt  T  """^  ""•'"«^^  '^  ">«">• 
long  as  It  is  clean  and  unJS^red  mav  ^  'T  ^'^'  ''"*  '''"^"^"^^  t««ne.  as 
diPI>ed  It  in  some  antlsep'c Tolut'lon  "^  "^  "*  "  ^"°^'''  '>'-«^''«"«'--  havln. 

as  nli'itslTsZ^^^^^^^^^^^  ;^  ^y  r^  r  '^^  -•^-^ '« ^--  «>->- 

the  highest  authorities  anj  ngt^Ltherl  T,   "^ 'f  "'  ^"^'"^  ««  '«"i  """"  "> 

I>o  not   be  prejudi,^     nga  nst  t '^^    ^"*  '"'''  ""^*  I'*^"^  ^^tails. 
'•areful  that  It  is  clean  rilchrr  ^"""'^  "   '«   ^«"«1  twine,  but  be 

"-'*'  Of.     <.at-gut  I^s  tt^rsSurri^nr^^rr  "'"»  -^«*  -'^t-""  ^t  ^ 

«i<ver  is  useful  in  s^H^-iai  L.I,  rThe 'i  neTC"  T  r^'"  1^^  '""''''  •"■ 

must   be   removed    wlien   the 


•''  f' 

'.H.of<.,n.  ,s ;.x:::,,. :i f^:  t. "mL  VHr";"";'", "'  '••^'  "••"•"^"'«"- 

nft.T  iM.n.lnjr  off      n..f  L'  *  """"""  "''  '^  '"  *'"'  '"•«'• 

wonnn  s,..^.  Ne '«:;.;:  ^;;;lr:;''';:l:;:' ,;'•«■; -7  """•  '^"" 

)-l«l.t    ill    thHr    way     b,it     If     ti,.  "^♦r    ^Mtli    it.      ItiiiKhws    ,„•..    ali 

UVt  «,i,.I...ati..,.s.     . :,.        Oil    ami     .t.::."  . "    ';""'  "''""""    ""    ^'"^    ""*''"•• 
.-.s  ilry  diVHsliiKs-    tl.ov  k^-en  ,'  ""*'"'  **'  '"'  •**'  «»tisf«,.t„rily 

a,.n,;o..atioi.:;f.::"Lu;;i\rr;;r.;r'  ;;r;,:""^  %-  ^-'''""•^-  - 

nature.  ..«t  latiire   L  J  "'^^^        '^"f   ""'   "'■^•■"  """'   '^  >"ft  ..|.ti.v,y   t., 
a  little  help  1      x^  uTo     L      ?     "'    "."  "'"'  ""'^*"-  J""  ''^  "'  «""  •»->" 

value  <.f  tlie  animal  in  tl le  rna  ke  .     T        "  """""•'  "'""''   '"""'•'^  ♦"•^ 

"vo.  ^ii  t.ii.1.  if  :r,rr;;ori;irrirr^    ^'-^  ^« 

tl.eui.     They  oftl"    noil  ot  u^wrf     f.  '""'""'  "''  "'"^  '"'"^  •"•'•»-*"••  f>-»'» 

"PPlloation  to  al    «or  8  of  wom„ls  T  fm„iently  in  the  bnsh  as  an 

tiles  do  not  ear"  aZ    it     Z    1   "'iT"'"''"  """"  *"  "  it.  and 
ne.  and  have  to  dCifd  n  :  Z  ^^    T^jr'Tj-^"'""^  '"  "'^"  ""*^- 

"Pmion  that  mo«    o7  the  p  n^ic  umv  ,;!   7    '"-'  *"  ""'  """""'^-  ^  "'"  «^  "'« 
1.0  niis«ed.-./o«,««i  .nj^  LT  uv  .      "T"  ''''''''''■'''''•  "'"^  '*  will  uever 
07  Affiuultuic,  Western  AuHtruUa,  Junuary,  I'JOH. 


■'    l\ 



»..,...n,tc.  „„.„„„„?  ,,5,  r:  r  ;■"■"" """""  '■'■  ""'•"  "'■"■ "  .-""•' " 

-  -'fc! 




a  Holutlon  of  blue-8touo,  5  ouncwi  to  1  gallon  of  water.  The  cow-houne  gutters 
should  be  dresml  this  way  about  onc-e  a  week.  The  whole  of  the  Interior  of 
the  stable  should  be  sprayed  with  a  solution  t-ouslstlng  of  1  part  crude  carboli.- 
acid  to  30  parts  of  Ilnie  wash. 

S[.raylng  stall  and  floors  twice  a  week  with  a  1-30  solution  of  crudo 
carbolic  and  water  Is  reported  to  have  a  very  beneficial  effect  by  son... 
breeders,  some  claiming  that  the  Inhaled  fumes  act  as  a  preventive  In 
pregnant  cows. 

The  vagina  of  aborted  cows  should  be  syringed  out  dally  for  a  week  or 
until  discharge  ceases,  with  a  mixture  of  alcohol.  1  ounce,  corrosive  sublimate 
1  dram,  and  glycerine  1  ounce,  dissolved  In  one  gallon  of  water.  The  vulva 
anus,  back  of  the  hl|>s  and  root  of  the  tall  should  be  sponged  with  this  liquid' 
This  external  washing  may  be  applied  to  the  whole  herd.  A  1  per  c-ent 
«)lutlon  of  add  carbolic  may  be  used  Instead  of  the  corrosive  sublimate" 
When  a  cow  aborts,  the  foetal  membranes  must  be  removed  as  soon  as  posslb.e 
and  burned  or  deeply  buried  with  lime,  and  the  stall  should  be  at  once  cleaned 

d^crrel?  "*   "*^''^'  """^   ^^^   ''"*""'    """^   ^''*^™"'    ^''*"   *'"^"*«*    "*' 

Aborting  cows  should  not  be  bred  for  two  or  three  months  and  care  shonl.l 
be  used  In  selecting  a  healthy  bull  for  the  purpose.    The  bull  should  have  his 
Bheath  Injected  and  belly  washed,  before  and  after  service,  with  a  1  per  cent 
solution  of  carbolic  acid.  «  ^  per  cem. 

When  the  disease  exists  In  a  district  do  outside  cows  should  be  received 
for  service.  Newly  purchased  cows  should  be  kept  isolated  and  treated  a.s 
above  before  bringing  them  In  contact  with  the  others  of  the  herd 

Cows  usually  abort  from  the  third  to  the  seventh  month  of  gestation 
Some  very  good  reports  are  given  of  the  use  of  carbolic  add  Internally  In 
suspected  cows,  administered  at  the  r-xte  of  half  a  dram  dally,  with  feed  t 
trZ"^  by  diluting  freely  with  water  and  then  mixing  with  food.  Fatten- 
ing and  disposing  of  aborting  cows  will  help  to  rid  the  herd  of  the  disease 

etc  r^h^f  *!  ^'''°'^"°"  «'  ^t^'''^  "t«°«"«.  milk-stools,  dothes  of  attendants, 
etc   Is  abso  utely  necessary,  and  over  a  year  or  more  will  elapse  before  you  can 

rpSt^ng.   '" '""  """'^-  ^""  '^''-""^  "^^^"-^^  ''•"  p-"^" 

S.  F.  TOLMIB,  V.S. 




OopiiEU  AWD  Grol-nd  Squibbels. 

These  pests  are  very  numerous  In  some  parts  of  the  Upper  Countrv.  doing 
great  Injury  to  crops  of  all  kinds  and  fruit  trees,  by  gnawing  the  roots. 

The  following  method  Is  recommended  by  the  U.  8.  Department  of  Agri- 
culture for  the  extermination  of  gophers:— 

Bisulphide  of  carbon.~ln  most  cases  bisulphide  of  carbon  Is  the  simplest 
agent  for  the  destruction  of  gophers.  It  may  be  used  as  follows  .-Open  the 
gopher  hole  where  one  of  the  freshest  hills  has  been  thrown  out.  Pour  two 
tab  espoonfuls  of  bisulphide  on  a  bunch  of  cotton  rags,  tow.  waste,  or  any  such 
material  and  push  it  well  down  into  the  hole;  then  close  the  opening.  The 
bisulphide  quickly  forms  a  heavy  suffocating  gas  that  flows  down  the  hole  and 
along  the  galleries.    Wherever  it  overtakes  the  gopher  he  Is  quickly  killed. 

^l^'^H    ,  ''^K     r  "  "^''^"y  ""°P'*  """^  ^"•'y-    The  only  dlfliculty  arise, 
from  the  length  of  the  tunnels,  which  is  so  great  that  the  animals  may  be 

S",     ^  .T^  °'  ^''^  •*■•     ^^°**  "  "  -onetimes  necessary  to  open  the 
tunnel  and  introduce  the  bisulphide  at  two  or  more  places 

hi..,?^?  f '  **"vf  """*  ^°"''-     "  '*•''"''*  ^  carefully  kept  from  Are.  as  It  is 
highly  Inflammable  and  explosive;   otherwise  no  danger  attends  its  use. 

Fumigati(m.-Rude  pumps,  known  as  "  fumlgators,"  by  means  of  which 
the  fumes  of  burning  sulphur  may  be  forced  Into  the  burrows  to  suffocate  the 

So^la  'Th!f  ^"•"'?  ""^^  '°  '^""  P"*'  «'   '""^    W««t'  particularly  in 

nfhp«T'"T"~^''^^^"  "^  *^""y  *'"PP^'  «"**  «°<*  exterminated  In  a  field. 
Others  do  not  soon  come  In.    Their  manner  of  travelling  Is  so  slow  that  onlj^ 

not  oft '^h  '  ::«°derlngs  may  settle  down  In  a  new  place,  but  this  does 

not  often  happen.  The  process  of  trapping  Is  perfectly  simple,  although  many 
farmers  have  assured  me  that  pocket  gophers  can  not  be  caught  In  traps 

trntt  T  Z  ,  ''"■''■""°  *'"  """^^  '«  ''"^'"^  «"*•  1'^  ^J^^n  «°  that  side 
un«  the  open  hole  Is  found.  Enlarge  the  hole  sufficiently  to  admit  a  No.  0 
steel  trap  and  remove  such  loose  earth    an   may  have  fallen  In.     The   trap 

uXy^Tjr  ""'"^'  ^'""^  "^"  •^«^"  '"  '^'^  ^''^'  -»»^  'n  'oose  earth  to 
IL.      I.    u  .      ''"°'^'*^'  "°*^  P^'""^  «>n^^«l«>'l  by  sprinkling   of    fine    earth 

step!  o:  ?h?tr"  '"^r""''  "^"""^^  *°  ^^••«"-  ^•^^  ^--'- '-  ^^^-^  ^^ 

TT  "''  ""•^  *'  ^""«^^-     "  '««««  ^'I'-tb  i«  left  m  the  burrow  it  Will 

Other  methods  of  trapping  gophers  have  been  tried  with  varying  success 
and  numerous  kinds  of  traps  have  been  devL-ed  for  the  puvr-me  l^'Tof 
these  are  figured   In   the   bulletin   of   the   Oregon   AgricuUurrExp^^ 





Htiitlni,   (Unll.-ilii  N...  --..  Ai.ill   tv...l..     Mni.y  ..r  th.-in  nr.-  vlmuny  ,.n.l  ..x,.. 
Hlv.>.  iiiHl  r.'w,  ir  miy.  niii  (•..iiiih^i..  with  tlii'  (•oiiiinun  Ktc^'l  trap  wli.-ii  tli.>  |mii,  ■ 

l«   |MII|NTi.V    llSfll. 

l'ois.,Hhit,.—V„lHou\uu    \H    .1    Hiiiii.l.  :•    iiitd    inniv    .■x|MNliil,,iiK    in.-th.Nl    ,, 

.l.'Hti-oylni:  K'..|.li.Ts   tliiiii    trii|.|.|iiu'.   I.iit    is   iiM.rv   lahnrlocs   timn     tl k 

l>iHii!|>|ii.l.>  of  .arlH.ii.     Til.-  iis.-  „(  |,„is.,i,  is  niwiiys  att.-ii.l.Ml  with  .lant'.-r    |. 

'"  "•'"•'  "''  " •'•«'"iH...i.  ctli.r  aiiinmis  tliaii  tli.>H<>  for  wl.icli  It  was  iiitnul.  .1 

ar<>  lialilf  to  jfct  it. 

Til.-   nsiiai  iiiHIknI    is   to    iiis.Tt    a    siuali    .|iiaiitlty   of   ars.'iil<-   or    Mour.l 

KtryrhnliH'  into  a  •.•  of  potato  aial  piisl.  tiic  potato  as  far  as  possil,!,.  im..   , 

nvsl,  Kop|„.r-s  l.ol..  aii.l  tli.-n  .losr  tlio „«  H...-.irHv.     Tli..  llor...nral.l..    I 

Sl..rlin«  .Morio,..  S.-r.-tary  of  Atfri.uiiur. .  fo„,j,l  ..rsmi.-  on  wl.ii,.  |».fMto  . 

"'"'   ""'''•■'*  •■»H'"<I<>"H   ii slroylnu  p,Hi<,.t   «oj rs  at   his   hon...   1„    |.v,Mt.T., 


I'hospi.orns  lias  I,....,,  „s,..i  ..xfaslvHy  i„  California.  Washin;rton  ai„l 
On-Kon  in  .l.-stroyini;  Kr.ain.l  s,p>  „n.l  to  a  Irss  rxt.f.t  tor  ,..k  k.-t  Koph.,. 
Mr.  All,..,  n.atlin.  of  Cluirtrr  t)al<.  Iowa,  stafs  that  iu-  has  rntlrHv  «.xtmni.,; 
»U'il  tl...  ffoph.-rs  fron,  his  own  aiul  s.-vrai  noiuhhonrln«  farms  l.v' tl...  ns-  .,, 
ph.)sp|.onis.     His  r»Nip«.  |s  as  f.iil.nvs  :— 

I'nt  a  sti.-k  of  pI.osi.ho,.„s  in  a  r,-«allon  .-an  with  a  iittl..  .^,1,1  xvat..r-  ,„At  In  hot  wat.-.-.  not  bolilnj:.  „ntii  tl...  .-an  is  half  fnll.  atal  stir  with  •, 
H  l.k.     Wl.....  tl...  j.l.osp|,o.-ns  is  n„.lt,.,l  ,,,1,1,.  tl...  wat.T  is  stlnv.l  ...,„' 

thkk.n  to  a  stItT  hatt..r  with  .„r..  „...„|  „n,i  Ho„r.  hnlf-an.l-l.alf.     Xow  a.1,1 
vrhon    „,,,|  .tlrn..tll  stitf.     Whil..  n.l.lin«  tl...  whoat  a.l.l  also  ,.-.  to  2..  .„..,. 

It  «lll  h.vo  ....  ,,„it..  I.anl.     K,M.p  In  «  ..,h,1  ph.....     Small  plo<.,.s  „..v  I,.,  .hip,,..! 
off  as  ......1..,..      (,op,  „...y  «,.t  t.x>  lltti..  strychnl.,,. 'to  kill   th......      ,  ' 

from  fllll.,K.  an.l  <...v..r  ov..r  with  1(k,s..  dirt  to  ox.hulo  tho  light 

,,s      i";,!,':  TTM  ":""'  *"■•*  •""'*"•"*"••-  »«  «"«^  »'    tho    most     .l..a.llv 

hl8  or  ...v      .  '"  '"  '"""  '•"^'"•"^»"-  for«  tho  „s..  .  r 

tnis  or  any  oth.-r  jiolsoi.  .a.  tho  farm. 

<'-^«"<>>-  I)i.sii.|.ini,K  AS  A  Sqiibrkl  Killer. 

hlsn.r.T,T  "^  •■"?""  •"^""•'""''   <"'•  "«  '«  »>«>•«.  .■.,.n,...>nlv  known,  carl 

Ik  ,    ""  "  "'"'"*  ""■  ^''^''^  """  ""^  ■>-  '-"  k>.ow,.  for  n.anv    .. 

l:^^  :.z:v  "t";'"  """  '"^^"•^""'''  •"  "«^"-"'*"--  ---..- 

.mlo      1  f  7-<'«"l«*'l  for  a  conshh-rahlo  ,K.rl...l  of  tl...o.     It  has  1,....,, 

Ss    .m    'knr:?  .'"""  'V'T  ^'^^•"•'"'""*'""  'X'  -t^-  «"l'>'-s  and  pn.i.i: 
Inn     f  """'  "■'"•  '"'•''  "'••"'"  '■"'•»'*'•"  "«■  «f  It  in  tho 

rnH'  ■  'H-'f  — — rr iL',?ir i;;;: 

ttiem.    Aftor   a    trial    thl«   spring.    I  can   state   with   certainty,    that   wh.Mv 


«iii|'i|  III  till-  rk'ht  way  iiiul  I 

III  nil  of  ,|„.|r  ,|..|,..     I,  •,,.,«  ,,...„  thoMx'h.   tl,,,t  ■,|.|V  knwiu.MlL'.' 

kTowfi-H  of  tfi-iilii.  iilfaifa.  ,1 
|»n'wiit  liullftlti. 

II  riHinlr.'.l  iiiiMiiiiitM.  It  kfllM  ,in  ,<>■  til,.  M|tilrri>ls 

Wtllll.l     Itl'llctlt 
IS     It'll     I.)     tllf 

liver  or  KriiMm-H  In  \U,>  HtnU;  niiil  li 

lU-Hvilitliini   uf  Ihf   Siilixt 


♦  'iuImiii   I>ImiiI|i|i|i|«.    ( 


or  iiioiv  iu-«nriil.'l.v.  <liHiil|)|il,|..|    |m  i„,„|,.  i 

....  •'•    '•■-■■■I'liiin-i     |»    llltllll-      IV    IttlNM  111; 

wipoiir  ovr  i-ok..  or  ,-l„„vo„|   Iu.m  Im.m.   I,,.l   ,..  a   ■•.■h..nv 
n       .-..lonr  I.,  a  v.-rtl.-al  rHor,  of   ..aM-lnm  or  «.ax „•  i.w   n        I         . 

•  -  "  IH  K..|H.nill.».  wl„.,i  i„„M„.,..  as  onlli.arll.v  so|,|  an.  wnl  of  a  v..|l,m 
.•.-...  an.,  of  a  Hl.^k..n.i,«  f„„,  ..,..„,.  va.n.  ,.„,■..  u  Han  I  . J  , " "  • 
ml  Is  «lis,..nln«  «Iil,...  owinu  to  |,s  |.|«,i  .-..fra.Hv..  ln.l..x      I,   n  .v,,,.       ' 

;:^;  v'-s::i.;:;,""r''' : "'^'  '■"•• "  '"-■  • ^^ ••'•  "-•<--';. 

>       liKl.ts.    ,,i,„.„    or    .kars.      I,s    M,HHlrt,.  Kn.vitv  Is  al.ont    I  •".-[    ,nniuJ\, 
tlu«r..f..r...  .-ons  lin.vlor  than   wah-r      In    r,  '••"•MiiK  It. 

-  .1;::^::*;;.:;;  ;,;;;;:"■"' "-  »"■"■  ■—  ••— -'.■"■•..'..« 

„,  ,      .  Jl"ii^  to  Vt,c  it. 

-M,.;:;ii ;;;;::" .^t'  "zx: ^r w;"""! ^■"" '""■■•  ""•  •^" 

•,,oo««"  and  '•fablmKmns"    wM.i  "Ine-ulass  n.ark.Ml  off  Into 

.ln.K«lHfH      «v  nslnl       uT        .  ''""    '""    I»"-'»»««l    at    almost    anv 

...-  It  Int.;  a  ill     .     t'^tt.^^^^^^^  •"^"  »"^'  »-""-' 

""••••"•lu^^lve.   aH  ^nZ    L       M      ;""""'"  '"  """  '^'''*'  ""^  *"^  ••— '^«  «•-••- 

«-t  them  an.     o„  the  one  uj,,   Tf  '      '        '^  T  """  "■'"  ''"''"'  '"''''''  '"'' 
.-.n.-.oi.„  in.  «a.  foiir  hoL^Tr rr\r  ;:  —S  t 

■r : 

'I  ■?! 
»  '  I 



unnecegsary  if  they  connect.     I  depend  much  upon  my  Judgment  of  whctli.  r 
there  is  a  den  or  not,  to  which  conclusion  many  things  lead  you.  such  oh  ncm 
ness  of  holes,  size  of  holes,  lay  of  the  ground,  amount  of  injury  to  grain  ..r 
grasses,  etc. 

In  my  experiments  this  spring  I  likewise  tried  to  determine  liow  nui.  h 
would  kill  the  squirrels.  To  be  sure  of  the  mortality,  we  dug  them  out.  mid 
did  not  rest  content  with  seeing  whether  the  holes  remained  closed.  Tills  is 
too  uncertain,  as  visitors  or  strnvs  may  dig  out  holes  from  the  outside. 

Time  to  Use. 
It  can  be  put  out  any  time  In  the  day,  but  is  best  put  out  near  evening,  for 
two  reasons.  First,  late  in  the  afternoon  all  of  the  squirrels  have  gone  int.. 
their  holes,  and  the  execution  is  more  perfect.  In  the  second  place,  a  gn-at 
deal  of  work  can  be  done  after  supper,  when  during  summer  or  late  spring  tin- 
evenings  are  long  and  darkness  does  not  come  till  8:30.  It  is  remarkable 
the  number  of  holes  two  persons,  one  to  handle  the  spade  and  the  other  the 
poison,  can  attend  to  in  two  hours.  If  a  field  is  simply  overrun  by  squirrels, 
I  would  advise  using  the  whole  of  several  days  for  the  principal  poisoning! 
doing  the  finishing  touches  after  supper. 

Cost  of  Carbon  Bisulphide. 

As  retailed  by  druggists,  the  cost  is  high,  varying  from  |1.75  to  |2.2.'5  per 
gallon.  In  five-gallon  cans  it  can  be  bought  for  about  ^T-'iO  per  can,  or  |1..%() 
per  gallon.  Owing  to  the  danger  In  handling  it,  the  freight  charges  are  very 
high.  It  Is  likewise  extremely  volatile,  as  before  stated,  and  there  is  con- 
sequently much  waste  !n  handling  it.  Could  the  farmers  unite,  howover,  and 
get  a  carload  from  the  manufacturers  direct,  probably  the  price  could  Jm- 
reduced  one-haif.  I  may  add  in  conclusion  that,  though  much  more  costly 
than  phosphorus,  or  perhaps  even  than  strychnine.  It  is  infinitely  better,  as  it 
kh>  all  the  squirrels  In  the  holes,  while  food-poisons  kill  only  a  small  per  cent. 
of  them.— Idaho  Bulletir,  No.  11. 

Wolves  and  CovoxBa. 

These  pests,  particularly  the  latter,  are  so  numerous  and  cunning  tluit 
the  production  of  some  classes  of  live  stock,  such  as  sheep  and  poultry,  in  the 
Upiwr  Country,  is  rendered  unprofitable,  and  the  almost  human  sauaeity  of 
coyotes  is  such  that  they  are  rarely  caught  in  traps  or  killed  l.v  ix)ison."jiiMl 
the  bounty  paid  for  their  destruction,  viz..  $2.  Is  not  a  sufficient  in.luiH'm.nt 
for  anyone  to  make  a  business  of  hunting  them.  Tlierefore.  any  nietluMl  tlnit 
can  be  suggested  by  which  these  wily  nnhnnls  can  he  clrcuiuventea  will  Lc 
hailed  with  the  greatest  satisfaction. 

A  Bulletin  rectMitly  issued  by  the  V.  S.  Department  of  ARrionltiiro  savs 
that  success  In  trapping  wolves  and  coyotes  deiH>ii(ls  hugely  on  tlio  u.xe  of  .i 
scent  that  will  attract  them  and  keep  them  tramping  inul  imwlng  until  canKlit. 
Meat  bait  alone  Is  of  little  use.  and  often,  indml.  scares  the  animals  away 
Of  the  nniny  scents  and  combinations  tested,  the  fetid  halt  has  pioyed  ni...^t 
successful.    The  following  directions  for  Us  preparation  and  ns«'  are  given : 

Place  half  a  jwund  of  raw  beef  or  venison  In  a  widenioutluNl  hnttle  luul 
let  it  stand  in  a  warm  place  (but  not  in  the  sun)  for  two  or  six  weeks,  ,.i- 
until   it   is  thoroughly  decayed  and  the   odour   has   become   as  offensive  as 


lK>8slbIP.  When  dw-oinpositioii  has  reaclied  the  proiK^r  stngo.  add  „  n„art  of 
sporni  oil  or  any  liquid  oil.  Lanl  may  Ik-  use*!,  but  pralrlo-doR  <,il  is 
betfer  Ihon  add  oue  ounce  of  tincture  of  Siberian  nnisk.  or  T..n.,uin  n.usic 
If  this  cannot  lie  procured,  use  in  its  place  one  oun.-e  of  drv.  pulveris.^1 
castoreuni  (l>eaver  castor),  or  one  ounce  of  the  connnon  n.usk  sold  for  iht- 
funiery.    Mix  well  and  bottle  stnurely  until  used. 

After  setting  the  trap,  apply  tlie  s^rnt  with  a  sticlc  or  straw  or  bv  po.irlng 
from  the  bottle  to  the  grass,  wetnls.  or  ground  on  the  side  of  the  tra,",  opposite 
that  from  which  the  wolf  wouhl  naturally  approach.  Never  put  sc-ent  on  the 
trai>  as  the  first  Impulse  of  the  wolf,  after  snuHing  the  scent,  is  to  roll  on  it 

This  bait  is  very  attractive  also  to  cattle  and  horst's.  wliich  are  sure  to 
tramp  over  and  paw  out  the  traps  if  set  where  thev  can  get  at  tliem 

Tlie  Bulletin  also  recommends  the  following  meth.Hl  of  i)oi.K..ning  wolves 
and  coyotes: —  *,  "wmn 

No  pois(m  has  yet  proved  .so  eiTwtlve  as  pure  sulj>hnte  of  strvchnine 
provldeil  the  proper  dose  Is  uswl.  The  most  effective  dose  is  4  grains  for 
wolves  and  2  grains  for  coyotes.  The  comn.on  3-grain  gelatin  capusules  sold 
by  druggists  will  hold,  if  well  filled.  4  grains  of  and  are  better 
than  the  larger  capsules.  The  regular  2-grain  capsules  should  be  used  for 
<1.yetes.  The  capsules  should  be  filled,  securely  capped,  and  every  tra.Hj  of 
the  Inten.sely  bitter  drug  wiiH^i  from  the  outside. 

Eadi  capsule  sliould  bo  lnserte<l  in  a  piece  of  lieef  ^uet  the  size  of  a 
walnut  an<l  the  cavity  securely  closed  to  kivj)  out  tlie  moisture.  Lean  meat 
should  not  be  used,  as  the  juic>e  smm  dissolves  the  gelatin  of  tlie  capsule  ThP 
neeessary  number  of  poisoned  baits  may  be  prepared  and  carried  in  a  tin  can 
or  pall  Ihey  should  never  be  handled  ex,t«pt  with  gloved  -uTs  or  forceps. 
The  baits  may  be  dropped  from  horsebaclv  along  a  sceiite.1  d.a«'  line  made  by 
.ragging  an  old  bone  or  piece  of  hide  well  saturated  witli  tlie  fetid  sctM./  or 
tliey  may  Ih^  placed  around  or  partly  under  any  carcass  on  which  tiie  wolves  or 
n.yotc's  are  feeding  or  along  trails  which  they  are  In  the  habit  of  following 

Gelatin  capsules  quiclvly  dissolve  in  the  of  tlie  stomach.  Strvch- 
nine taken  on  an  empty  stomach  sometimes  kills  in  a  very  few  uUnut..s.'but 
on  a  full  stomach  Its  action  is  much  slower,  and  the  auinial  may  have  time  to 
travel  a  considerable  distance. 

Further  Itistritction,^. 
^ircular  No.  ra,  issued  by  the  Bureau  of  tlie  Biological  Survev.  Washlng- 
on.  D.  C..  gives  the  results  obtained  during  ]J)07.  in  the  way  of  wolf  destruc- 
tion.   The   methods   of  capturing   wolves   in   common   use   are   thn^-(l) 
rapping.  (2)  use  of  scents,  and  CI)  pols<mlng.    For  trapping,  the  best'xo  4 
<><>"b  e-spring  trap    should    be    uschI    with  a  heavy  stone  as  «  ,lrag     When 
possible,  the  trap  should  be  p:nced  between  two  tufts  of  grass  or  weeds,  so  that 
i    can  be  readily  approaduHl  from  one  side  only.    The  trap,  stone  and  chain 
s hou  d  be  buried  on  a  run-way.     S..e„t  is  use.l  to  attract  wolves  to  the  vicinity 
of    the    trap.     Fetid  bait  is  ma.le  by  placing  half  a  pound  of  raw  iMM-f  or 
venison  in  a  wide-mouthed  bottle   and    letting   it   stand  in  a  warm  place  for 
from    wo  to  six  weeks.    When  ...mpletely  decomposwl.  add  a  quart  of  any 
..uimal  oil.  an  -.,  „,^  of  pulverised  asafetlda  and  an  ounce  of  Siberian  or  Ton- 


~t.  ;  I 


quln  n,«8k.    The   mixture   should   be   8„rlnkled   over   the  grasH   w«.i«        , 
ground  near  the  trap,  but  never  on  thl  tr„,>     x-         .  ^^*'    **'"' 

The  bounty  on  wolves,  whkh  has  been  up  to  the  present  t\m^  *o  „      . 
was  in  January.  1008,  raised  to  |15.  '^-  ^^'  '>''"'^' 

COUOABS.     ~~ 


Who  rids  his  place  by  this  method,  assur^  tfe  wJ  ter  t  Zn..       '''"?:""''"'' 
feet  of  the  skunk   are  kent   off  \uT  ^"«,""t"  t^at  as  long  as  the  hiiul 

effluvium.  ^  ^^^  ^'■^""•^'  "«  '«  inc-apable  of  emitting  his 

™«K»„,  however,  ^nCf/re.  ;V*rS""'"'-  '"  "»•  •~"™  »'  •' 



Pests  of  Bees. 
(■««  0/  Empw  Co»,(,.._«o,„„,„  ,„,.  ,»„  B„.  j,„,j 

difficult.    P„,  „  mcmv^^rnw    ,1,7,       ,  "^  """"""-I J'-  •1"'  "'-■^y  1.  not 
len  tlie  lulee  In  wltb  tbe  comb,  '■'"""'  """  J^°"  "»  "« 

.PHn^Xbe^zLC:  rr,::,;v:r, "" '"°"'- "  -  ""-^^  <"- '-  «■■» 

th,t  before  the  .nmn,et  1    over  ™„^,n  , 'h  »  °"T  '*''°''-  "  "  °'"'°"'  «■""'" 

iil>  tl,e  hive  moth-tlght  before  it  I.T„T  1    T  ,  ^°"  "'"''  ""'«  ■""I"' 

"■HI  be  the  „me;  tor  tte  »™  o,  the  „Tf  °  ""■"■  '°  °^'  "«  "«"» 
jurln,  the  „revlo„.  f.,1,  ,„  1^ZZ:2LZZZ7;::^TJZ  l'"- 
it  Is,  however,  not  an  pusv  thin..  +^  .     i         .  .  presence  of  the  hees. 

«,»e«e  thron^b  .  n.".'",!,;  ^er^^*Th': !,  Z  "ZTi L''  »  """■  ""' 
«  hive  fun  Of  comb,  „,„n  which  a  colony  ha  d^  1  ,o  Jf  h„  '  k°  *■  """ 
as  possible  In  the  care  nf  n  „*..^„        .  '  ^^*  ^^^  combs  as  soon 

blood,  the  bees  wmmrjLorfH^^^^^  E-si-iaUy  ,f   of    Italian 

large  enough  to  do  Z!ut^2  "°'°^  '"'  '""^  ""^'"^  ^^«^«  t^^^^  "e 

Of  apple  bloom,  wlt^hive  ,s^  icf^  ^l"'  '""'  '"""'  '"*'  «»""*  "'«  ">"« 
•lead  bees,  and  put  It  under  ah  v""^  with  unocvupied  combs,  clean  out  all 

«hould  be  any  en  trance  dlr^tlt  fro^  T!*"^.  ""^  "  '*'"*'"«  ^«'«»J^-  "  th^^-^ 
Ko  as  to  oblige  the  b^s  tori  th?  ""'1^'  "'"  "'"  "P*'"^  '>'^'«'  ^'^^^  '*  "P. 
Keep  the  entrant  .^Ty  small  the  Zfi       ,'"^"  ''^"  '"  ««'"^  '»  «»^  «"t 

the  colony  has  had  thL'.:r  l^e  T  hf^^e'  rab'^t'^-e:!  "''^^^-  ""^^ 
cleaned  out  and  get  used  to  the  «nri!    v  ^^"^  «l»o"t  a  "wk.  so  as  to  get  it 

.o  can  out,  pu^fln^The  tZZfJTCirZ^^r''  '"'  "'  """» 





Of  JLr  ;r  j^;^^z;;  !;rr  j?rr  Tr^  r  ^  ^^^  -'-^  -- 

Man  io  take  Int..  the  cellar  hiverwhoJ  hJ^  li'^"''  "  '""^  """'  ''«  «  '••"• 
for  ,n  the  eo.iar  the  wonns  "iThaJd U- m  a  Z  t' ""  ''^  ^"•"•"^^  «»«"'•  = 
When  the  .nuKx-upied  eorubs  will  b^  ,^Le^  to  fom  "  ""'"*'"  "^"^^  «'^'-""''' 
«>ver.  to  Io.k  at  them  cKxa«lonal)v  to^That  tuJ^  7'     ''  ''  ^^""'  "*^"- 

;ll«ie„.t  to  see  where  the  worms  ha  e  Tn  the  r  Se^'"  "!''''■  '"'  ''  ''  ""^ 
Is  often  a«ktHl  whether  It  will  do  to  hive  „  ,7  .  ««"'^'  '•^«-  ^''^  Q"estio„ 
has  dhHl.  Unless  such  a  h  e  Is  eicl!d^„r'«'^H "  *"  ""'""  '"  '"''''•'  "  ^«'""-^- 
e^ean  It  „,,  at  the  same  time  l^i  g  «":^'^1^,  l'^''  '^\^^  "111  prompt!,- 
It  is  well  to  .  now  that  freezl  fg*  de^trm^s  Jhi  ''  "  '""'"'"^  ""^^'  ^«"''-- 
that  has  iKMn,  left  out  all  wln^r  Isln  nn^^  T""''     ^'^  '"^  *»'^«  ^^  ^«""- 

warm  wer.thc...  when  moths  have  hai  time  tTf?  """'"  "°"'  "*"'  «'«"«  '" 
-mbs  ar-  h„n,  up  1„  an  alryplaef  wUh  a  sT  "T^  *'  '"^  '^^^^  ^^  «»«" 
they  will  almost  surely  be  safe  f^n?  ul^  'T  ""^  ""  '""''  ''^*««'°  t"^'»'- 
indeed  wc.n.s  nmy  not  trouble  them     n  *'^'-°"«hout  the  summer,   and 

usual  posh.on.  ^  "'^'°  ""  «""''»«••  '^  ^^^  ^  the  hive  in  their 

If  for  any  reason  It  is  desired  tn  mi  „. 
material  usually  resorted  to.  r^r!',,'  "  nfT'  °  """'"•  ""'^"^"^  ^«  t"^- 
will  fln.«h  the  worms  when  they  are  qui  fsmalblr'  "J  '""^'"^  '"^^""'•'• 
a  very  heavy  dose;  so  it  is  well  fir«rt  T!  '  '^''*'"  ^""  S'"^"'"  "  takes 
For  this  ^.ke  a  sharp  I  JnteVk!  fe  „„Vn,or  ??.  *''  '"'"^^^  '^"^^  ^^  •>«"••• 
silken  ga..ry  for  half  an  inch  then  cnl  ^  '^'"'^  "*  ^"«  ^'"^  «f  the 

the  Whole  length.  This  w  i"  ^iv^"  tTe  worT  nl  *''  "II!'''  ^"'  ""^^  *^"  ^*  «I-» 
hole  you  first  made.  You  can  end  itle.  .  I  °^  *'"  "  '"""^^^  «"*  of  the 
To  fumigate  a  Idve  with  "ulphur  sit  into  ^"^  ^"^"^  ™^""^  "^^^  ^^"^  best, 

small  vessel  of  iron.  Tn  th  s  "ut  1  «n.  h''"''  "^'Z^"'"  P""""^  ^""  «'  ««hes  a 
live  coals  or  a  red  hot  iro"  Th  s  must  be  in  T  """"  ^°  "  ''  «'^«^'^'^"J  "^ 
close.l  box  or  chamber,  so  that  the  ^umes'nnnr  "'"'"''  ""'''  ""'  ^"""^  *'«"">- 
exerclsal  so  that  the  fire  do^s  not  eTe.d  to  th"'""'-  """"'  '"^  ""«*  '>*' 
<ou,bs  plac-ed  over  the  burning  sulnhur  nin.  1  surrounding  wood.  The 
by  means  of  a  piece  of  old  sh^t  1  p,„^'„'"/''!r*^  ''"""^  -«t-hln^  «re 
remembered  that  burning  sulphur  d"troro„";the?"-  "  """''  *"  '■^•""^"' 
Jt  may  be  nec^-ssary  to  treat  the  c«mh«  1         f  """'"'•  "•'^  ^^^  ^^S^'    ^ 

laid  Will  have  hatcL.**  Coml  Thl  T''  "^  *"'^  ''''"'  "'^^^^  ""^  ^«>r« 
infested  with  worms;  but  In  the  casl  o^  b'.alT  *""'  "^  "''^  °«*  "'^^'•^  *«^ 
left  too  long  in  the  hives,  there  mirhtL'' '''''"''^"y  ''  *»>«  «>•"»>«  «re 
for  these  may  be  lighter  ihaT^r  *^^a  .oX  TfT'  , '"",  '"^  °'  «"^'''^- 
-- ;..nbs  Will  assume  a  greenish  eoi:.^h.^r:^I^S-  - 

the  i:rL:irrf  r^ir^-s::  ^^'-^^  *"-  ^^  -  — -  ^^  i. 

fun  of  suc.h  combs  may  be  iS  over  a     *  '°  "'''  ^'^""^  ^"-y-    ^  l^'ve 

oi-enlng  through  it  ha  ing  flrsri^n  „lacS  '''  ".r''*^"'  '^""*  ^'^'^  «  «»•"" 
allowing  but  one  or  two  Ls  to  nls  «?  !•'"  *•""  '""'^  ^"'''''^'  «"d  this 
apt  to  break  down  the  eomTs  and  there  1^.^  ""'"^  ''''  ^^«  "^  ^t  so 
wa^to  set  the  hive  at  some  dL^  ^:Z^Z.:: ^T;:^^!^::;;- 

'♦Xote^'by^Mr.'^Bobtas^o^'rspead!^"^  ^"^'^H-  *ero  at  least. 

united  States,  there  are  many   "at  eVentS  r     "1™"*  ""  ^'^'^'^  «'  tl  e 
The  adult  bees  of  an  InL^  Z^!^     ^   ^^  ^""^  ^'^«««  »'  «ny  kind 

Ittle  toward  cleaning  out  iX'^^lTl  ^'""11''  '■"''^'-  ^"«'^"^«  «»<»  do 
thej-  turn  to  a  light  chocolate  coTouTlUn  t.^T  *''  '""''^  "'"«  ^'''  «ff«^ted 
become  darker,  resembling  roasted  rffl,*  T"'^'''^  ''''^^^  «'  decay  they 
attacked  at  about  the  time  of  rnnLnnT  '^"'"'■-  ^'«"«"y  «'«  '""i  are 
Jarv.  are  capped.  As  decay  .^^''f.'rr  °'  ^'l^  -"«  -"Gaining  infect 
perforated,  and.  as  the  healthy  b^eml'^!  T^'^^^  ^^^^  sunken  and 
relis  containing  larv»  which  havl^ed   oJ^';  '""^  "^"^'^  ^'^^"^  t^e  scattered 

no  iceable  characteristic  Of  this  inf^tl  ,s  thrr';  ^h"'   ^^^-    ^''^^   "^^^t 
s  inserted  In  a  larv»  which  has  dlS  of  tie^l         *''"*  ^'''^"  «  «™«"  «"ck 
broken-down  tissues  adhere  to  It  and  w  „  oftefs^';  T  ''""'•"  ^^°^"^«'''  *he 
before  breaking.     When  the  larva  drle"  it  flrn.^     .?.'"*  ''''  '''''"''  '"^h^« 
very  dark  brown  colour,  which  can  best  be  oh^  \"^''"^  ^^""'"'^^  «"«>«  of 
«o  that  a  bright  light  strikes  the  lower  tide       T,    ^''"  "'"  ^'"'^  '«  ^^^'d 
have  died  of  this  disease  have  a  vervThJ      ?     ""'""•    ^^«yl"g  larvm  which 
poor  Quality  of  gl„e.    This  diseU l^ldlTtf  f ''.^^"^  "^'^^  resembles  1 
appears  to  be  much  more  vlrulenTinrw    ?^  ^  ^'^"^  ^^^  1"^"  '"".e.    It 
than  m  the  East.  ^°*  ^"  *^^  ^*'«t«™  Part  of  the  United  States 

Drugs,  either  to  be^rdll^rf^  ''''''"''■ 
combs,  cannot  be  recommended  fr^therr."'  *"  ""  "^'^  ^«^  fumigating 
fihaking  treatment —Tn^  ^^  '^^^  diseases.  *^ 

ne^sary  first  to  remove  fronTtirhlralf  oTt,"  TT  °'  '^"'  ^^^^  '*  '« 
«  done  by  shaking  the  bees  into  a  c  ean*  live  "''"*"'*  "''^^^••'"'-    This 

rips  Of  comb  foundation,  care  being  aken  thn.  ^l  ??  """"'^^  "'"»  ««"«» 
from  the  infected  combs.  The  heaUhV  hr  J?  f  ^^'^  "^"^^  ^«««  "«t  drop 
saved,  provided  there  is  enough  o  make  ur.flrK?\'"''^'^  ''"''^'  """y  »>e 
several  infected  hives  on  one  of  theTeakest  '?  t  t. '*'  ''""^  "''  ^«'"'>«  '••<"» 
a  weekt  or  ten  days  all  the  brood    vM  .    .  '^  '^'^''^^  colonies.'*    After 

out.  at  Which  time  all  these  comrshoS  d  J'  """'  '''''''''  ^'"'  "ave  ha  c^ 
In  the  case  of  box-hives  or  Tps  the  bees  tr^r^^  ""^  *'^"  colony  treated.^t 
box  or  preferably  ,„to  a  hive  «'th  mo^leTr  '''""'™^  ""*  '"*«  ""other 
"«pect  for  disease  and  are  a  menace  to  ali"?-  ""^'^'^^^  «'^  »>«"»  to 
;;^^_region  where  disease  is  pr^nt  ''^  "^^^  *"  ^'^^  neighbourhood 

or  com^f.rund'atPon"""""  recommends  new  hive,  and  new  frames   w..h  h  „ 

."«  ttlT^r'^^^^Z  ^ill\X.r^  -  -^  "-  -on.  or  ..en  a  la.ln.  ,„ee„.  .„,. 






<'omb«  „.ndeml  Into  w«i      W.^    '  1    ,.    "     .  'T'"'"'''  '^'''''''''''^  ^'^  ^"•• 

hour.  If  ,t  U  to  .H.  f.Hl  ba^kh.    bo"^     uZ    7    f  '"'".  "*  '"""*  '""'  "" 
l*e  very  tboroughlv  flean«l  t    n.l  L^i  ''  "^'*'"  "'''*^'  "  *"'"'"•' 

honey  or  cHm.,^,e^:.^^l     III T,;,';;'"'  ""''"  ''°"'"  '^"  *"'^*'"  «'"*  "«  '"'^-t..,, 

<loubt  It  Is  8„f..r  to  re,  tbVo.  er„H  .      "^•*'^"'"-^'  »»"*  "•»<'»  there  Is  a.,v 

If  ro,H.ated.  the  Hrs  "eV   .17^0^:1:^^  "";  ""  ^'^"^ '^^  ^*'-'"'«-^"- 

fron.  (Uwrtlns  the  strl  .Hnf  r        ,  *.  ''^^troye,!.    To  prevent  the  boes 

or  a  .^^^u..^.:T:^7T2zr^  -"--^ "-  -«^  ^»  -^  -•• 

that'i:;:;;rof";iin:n:r7^"  ^i-'^'^^  *'^"*-"*  --^  »>-  -oam.., ., 

«tand.  ana  In  Its  ac^  a  '  L:"  IvHit^X^^^^^  ^'^  ''^"  '^  '"'^^•^^  ^-'»  ''^ 
queen  Is  at  once  transferred  t    tt  ,       "**"'  ""'^  foundation  Is  set.    Tin- 

they  next  return  fZntrtiem'^rin^^^^^^^  ""^  ^'  '"'^'^  «"- 

or  close  beside  the  clean  Idvrad  n  Si  f  '^  "  "^™  ^""^^^  «»  *""  ''» 

hive  containing  dlseal^sj  h„  1  v^l  T  '"""^  "'"  ^'^^  ^"*'-«»«^  ^^  *»- 
from  the  cells  mavlea^^  eh.,?*"'  ^^  ""**  ^'^"^  "•♦''^»»  '«t"  ^'"-r^e 
the  colony  In  the  Lw  bU  '"*  ™°"'^*  '■'*"™-    ^'^^J'  *»»-••-'--.  Jo^. 

it  wo^id  h::z:i;;;rfor"hrr  "tVr"  v"^--^  ^^  '-^^ '-  *^^ '-  «•- 

be  modified  by  shaking  the  h^.^.  'T"^  ^"''  ''■*"*^'"'  *»^«^  treatment  n.av 
This  will  be  sattal?;  o^v  aftT  T"'  """*^  °'  '^^'^^  ^«'-  -'»*-'•■= 
«uch  cases  disease  ra"e.?r^a;j,e;rr   '^''^'''''''^  '»««  -"^'^  ceased.    I„ 

it  l^'d^r^lT^ho::^^;;^,:;^^^^  'J^^  •«  ^"^"-^->^  v,r„lent. 

Chemical  means  before  .fs^^  t  gl'  ^Th.s  i:  IT'"'  *''  '"'"''^'  ^^  '*-^- 
Eastern  States  where  the  disease  i..n..H,!  *  "''''"^'''  P'-"^*'^^  m  the 
boiling  the  hives  or  dlslnfeJ^Z  Jhll^  w^^^  °  ''"•  ^""'^  P^^''"^  recommend 
carbolic  add  or  corrosive  lw,m„tr  T  ,  """^  '"""''"  <"««nfectant  such  a.. 
frames,  because  of  thlalnlrt^^.,.*  '^„"«"«"J'  »«*  Profitable  to  save 
be  dlslnfected.3    Grea^  carrot,     t  ''    ""'  '"*  ''  ^''''^'  '""'^  "'">• 

It  does  not  ,>ay  to  treat  Zv  we^k  c!.  T"'"^  ^"  "'"""'"^  «">•  «PP«rat„s.. 
at  once  or  iveral  veal  o.X  be  L^  ,  f'  "^"'^  """"'^  ^'^"^^^  '^  '»-«t'-«J-^' 
to  build  up.  ^  ^^  ""'^^  *•>  '"«'^^  «ne  which  Ts  strong  enough 

^~S-S vv^^ ::  """^'"•^  '^"^'^  ^''*- '"  -  "•  --'-^  - ..... 

a^^d^rif  e^^e%^i..i',  ^p'^L^.-.V^o?  K"'  '•'"'^^'  t'^e^^^axra^^.^-rm'X  V^r^SeT-^.^a 


neoently  soiiip  new  "ciipps"   i.n,.«  k 
P«rtlc.„,arl.v  for  E„ro,.an  Cbrc^nl  ' -^^ "'r"'*^  '"  ""  »>- Jonrnaln. 

but  will  eradlnite  the  dlseaneTZJ  .  ''^'"''  '"  ""'  '«^""»>'  «r  nplarv. 

In  nil  ,.a«e8  great  aTe  lo. ,.?  ''  '""""'  """""•'*•  ^^•^''  ^•••"l- 
"•uiHelf  spread  t^  „f«t,on  hv  '*;,r-^^'-*''^"  "'«»  the  bee-kee,H>r  „,„y  not 
<"«i^^tln.  hls  .u::.K :;:r^  r  ^  l;-:;^^  <o.on.e.  ...,re  thon^hi; 
Hniall  anu„„,t  of  lnfect«l  nuUerlal  o  „/'/?'  '  <  "'*"  *"''*^  '"'^  "  '"'■'■ 
-lony.  It  i.  evident  that  too  „„  d  eareTlo  T:  L"  "  "'"•'"'""•^-  '"•"'^"•^• 
»>""ey  froni  unknown  soun-es  J  L^llrTl  .  "'  ^"  ""  ''"''''  «'"""'«> 
-erelse<,  i„  „„,,ng  ,„eenH.  slnee  ,71.:'  To  t'  T"'  ''"'"''  ^"""'"  ""^"  '- 
""CHl  In  shipping  ,,,ges.      C^.m/rH  1,  7""*  ,  ^••""«'»'««1  in  the  candy 

infeeted  apiaries.  '""'^  ""*  ''*"  "'«'«•*»  f"""  lUve  to  hive  In 

^-^^r:''!:;:X'Zl:^  ^^  «-  --l  oa.lH,  hy 

-t.rlsed  hy  „  s.vollen  w  te  v    p  "al   e  /f  The^  '^^  "'""••  ''  '"^  ^"-- 

'•""■k  .-olour  of  the  head.    The   IT "s  , ,  v  l  "''^  ">• 

"■"1  the  heads  point  upward      TI    ll^f  '  °"  ""'""  '•"'''^^  '»  the  eell 

to  brown,  aftei  the  Ian  die  T  ^'1:  ^  ""'."  '"""*'"^  ''■""'  "^'^^  •-""»- 
that  of  sonr  decaying  „.„tter  no  1  in  a  T.  ""'  ""'^  ^'^^  «"'>•  »•'«»'•  '« 
In  case  the  larv,e  are  capped  o^l  the  nn  f  "I  "'  ^'"'*"-'^"»  ''""'  "••"<x'- 
tbe  case  of  the  coutaglonMres.  Z  E  Zv  J"'  'T""  '"'''''  ""  '" 
<ause  can  !«.  given  f<,r  this  dhsease  an,  «  1h  '  I'"»f't"red.  So  far  no 
<li«P"ted  p.>,nt.  rs„„„,.  no  re^tL  "t  ,  r''  ""  ""*  '*  '■'  ^""^"'^'""^  '«  " 
<lenrth  of  honey,  hut  In  verv  raT^L  whenT'''  '?""^'  ''^""^  ^^"••'»« 
comb  are  .lead  from  this  cause    thlT  "'^   majority  of   larvm   in   a 

-nb  put  ,n  ,ts  plaee.  totar  t  unuLr^  f o'Te  .l."""^'"'  ""'^  «  ^'-» 
dead  brood.  unnecessary  for  the  bees  to  clean  out  so  much 

"..'nrbrrt^^  "strd^r bfr.s~f  ""^  ^"^-^  —  ^-ors 
"nfamlllar  with  the  brood  diseal  foH.  f  T'"*'^  ™'^*"''^"'  ^^  ^^--^^'^ 
examination  will  soon  determirT^letherT  7.  "'"  °"'^'-  «'  «'^°>-  ^'areful 
or  merely  some  outside  cW  I  brL  ^f  T  ''  ''''  '•^"'*  «'  »»•««"«- 
<•«"«-.  it  is  usually  soon  carried  out  bvthT^  .  '""*  ''^"""^  «''  «««»«  «ther 
Brood  Which  dies  from  external  clsesoZf- ""*"  *''  *'"""'  ^H^appears. 
<-olony.  but  wholly  unlike  that  o  IZrlan  fn„M°^'  "  '*''""^  ^«»'-  '»  the 
■natter  The  colour  of  such  br<^  vte/b^t;;!:'^' ™"^'^  "'«*«' ^-«^-'"« 
the  infectious  diseases  are  usually  nbint  th«  ,.  ^''«'-«^terlstlc  colours  of 
belngjnore  nearly  gray._c,  Tc'L^T  Vo   7/      ""'''  '"'''"''  "'  '^""^  '"'•^^^ 

eoS'^f  !{w=-ar?Vrr?"'*"^''*'^^^^  """-^'"F  the   cure  of 

■  'iP"  1 



:  tl 






f'BowN  Gali-  OB  Root  Gall.     Fig   37 

«hruJ^^  0,rfZ7;r.r"'  '"  "'•'""■*  °"  therootHor  various  tree.  „..„ 
snrubs.  On  fruit  trees  It  commonly  foruw  spherical  swelllnes  of  vn.i,. 
«lze«.  occasionally  as  large  as  a  walnut.  Thesl  globular  bodirinnl  2  7 
a  pec-u.  ar  warty  surface.  They  should  not  be  confused  wlt^^.  ^Z  ZZ 
by  woolly  aphis,  which,  moreover,  are  smaller  and  usunllv  ov„^  Z  \ 
Besides  In  aphis  galls  some  of  the  "  woorMs\rairto  L^m  J  '""'''''■ 
It  frequently  hapi)ens  that  when  the  roots  are  affected  wlfi,  ti.i«  hi 

>.o  remedy  is  known,  and.  as  the  disease  appears  to  be  contaelous  pv,...v 
effort  should  ^  made  to  prevent  the  sale  of  nurTry  stoc..':ffrtTb7r '"^ 
enll  of  f.  ,  ^  .  '^"^  ^"'  '^""y  discovered  in  Arizona  that  the  crown 
ZosuT  ''  """'  '"  "^  ^"""  """"»  ^^•'''^•»>  »^«  —  ^e«c/r.MZ; 

I  laave  been  unable  to  discover  this  or  a^iy  similar  organism  In  the  cUK 
on  apple  root8.-r.  8.  Department  of  Agrie2ure,  Bulletin  lo3-pZeT 



Apple  Crown  Gall  on  grafted  tree  Hmrv  n«„f  r>i 

,P,„    -_  .      "    ™  "^-  "«'r.v  Root  nisonap  on  graftod  apple  tw 


A  pa|)or  on  Crown  Gall    hv  Pmf    v    a    n  ^ 

State  A«r.c.u.tur„,  CoH  J"'LofudrL  Vowf  r""*'  «"^«->'"«"'t-  K«nH„« 

the  zrof 'oro^r  ",7  ;f "!  r  ^  •^"^  't  '""'*^  ^^  ''^^••"-"^"  ^«  ^»-* 

«lH>«t  all  that  ea  rL  arne'bv  the  rnt'  ?  ?"  "'"'■"^■""*'  '""'«  •«>  '^^'-  ""^ 
Planting  «„a  hZ^n^ Lnu  h  f  H"  bv  th?""'"*^  ''"""*'  ""  ^"'^"  ^'^"- 
«»«..v.  and  for  bis  own\„„ltte  0^:0  pfe^nt  p3«Ttr  '""":  ^"^"" 

«u-pt.bie  tr«.  .rrAr«rthrs  :;=:?.:,::;::.---  ^' 

Gau.  ok  LmoEB  T.EE8  (Eriopliuc  ahnormt,  ) 

.■ho*;:;',,:;  ';"s::::i°"""'"* "  ''^^'^  «»■  -'"-•" '» or.  F,o,c>,.r, 
A,p,^  ,»„  i^.  s„.  „■„.«„„„„.  ,,„,rt,te.„  .„a  r;,rt„.„,, 

DeacripUon.  ^ 

cl.«refersr.::^h:nrr:::^^^^^^^  «-«-   re.^t,vel.  are 

Of   the  disease  and  L  L^Il^^    '^e:;*  t  V^  '"""'  "'''""'''"- 
separate  descriptions  are  not  nece^ry  '''''^   "^   *^*'°"""^' 

entire  crop  is  much  dC^lat^  ,r;in""^    ^"^"^    ^'•*«'°     «««««««    the 

owing  to  the  Presenc^Tnu^rous  bilkTsh"^^^^^^^^  """"'""''  ""^"^^"'"^• 
cracks  on  the  surface.  ""'"^'^""^   '»'«c»^'«b   blotches  or  scabs  and  gaping 

the  spores  are  washrbrra^on  Jo  the  frT  ""TdT^  '^'^'  ''''"'  ^'^^"^ 
If  the  fruit  is  nearly  fnfirrrwrblfnl  ..  ?  1  T  ''  ^^^  ^"'^  *«  *^  «"«^ked. 
fungus  remain  «n,al.Vnd  „reT  eS^^^^^^^^^^^^^  ^^h  '"^'^  '""'""^  ""^  *»»« 

the  market  value  Is  thereby  denrS^  ti^  ^^""^"^  ^^'^r  *»>«  surface.  Although 
the  scab  being  quite  superflc^^^^^  '"T  ''  "'*  '""Serially  Injured. 

fruit  is  young.  L  further ';^^'th  ^^e^kT^h^^^^^^^^  Tl"  ^''^^"  ^''^ 
less  covered  with  sc^abs  of  various  sizes  an^ '„.  i/'"""  '^"'"^^  """''^  «' 
tHKlred.     On  the  leaves  n„rt  v^  .  **  "^  ^''*^''  ^*«se  is  Irregularly 

darlc<.o.ourei  pat  ,:.;,S  have'at^:.?  ""  '""^^  '^™"  """"^«  -'-t^' 

ripe.  .oe. .;  ...o„.:;:\;rkrrrs  ^  T  "^  ^'^^^^^  «- 
a  wi^.r^^-^i^rsC  "rrr  t'-t-'^^  — '^  --  -<^ 

and  fruit,-  the  winter  stage  Hves  in  TT.\T"  '"'''*'  ^'^^  '^^^^«'  ««^^«^« 
off  in  autumn.  The  winter  s  aL  ll,  .  "''"'  "^  '^'  "PP'«  ^^^^'^^^  'a" 
leaves,  after  they  fall  off  In  a  "tumn  The' JiT  ')'  '"""^'-  ^*«^^  '°  *»»« 
that  cause  the  infection  of  the^l^,  lea^e^r  ffuif  in^oT  "^  ^"^^^ 





.1...  .1.-  .„«,,.,;,.,  ;.r,:.":::^ '."  ::r ;;;:"";."'"'.: """'  ""'""■"■ 

<^n.  iH.  „H,Hi  with  ZTLlut^z:  i"?\  """"■  '""^ "  ^^••'"'"••'  "•"•••-""^ 


(.Vanoitlitma  ciinhima.  ('    H    Vviw    m. ., 

I   'w.  ».  M.  iK(K.    (.locMfioriHHi  inaUvorthh. 

A.   n.  COBDLKY.) 

Common  Xamr  of  the  IHmcom- 

'•"«t».l  Stat...     AU.U.  r    i^  are    1. .  X     "7  '/'  *'•"  "'•'"^'  ""•""«"""t   the 
IIMnolH  Apple  tnn.  oa  .ker  Ve  ter  T  ^T  •""""  '•■•'^'  ••'""^"'-  '""'  the 

-w,.  a„  the  n.He;rT;v<^;;T.r::  r ;  ;r"",'  ""^"""  •"^•'""- 

unlfoniiitjof  nau,eHaiMltor..t..inM  '      '"    '"■''"    *"    "'»"'" 

u»  tuoHen  to  use  the  c-oumion  naiue  of  BhukHiwt  canker 
Occuirhiy  on  both  Fruit  itmt  Bark 

together  when  tuUy  ^"o^l^lTZL't^:''     "  ,'°"*^''''   """^^""^  '"^••«'"' 
Assure.  '    '^'^  '™'"  ^^^  snj.wood  and  bounded  by  a  ragged 

.entrlcaliy  arra  "g«/  '  "'"""^  '"^"^  *'^""  '''^  ">  ^«rk.  usually  c-on- 

CauHc  of  the  Disease. 

or  .hi°;:,r«.  'trr"  ':M,^",:f  r ,'"  ''''""""•"'° ""  "•'  «-— 

lia.  !»,.„  m^„tlr  Z  M„,Z,irT   .^  ""'■'■  •*"'  "K""""""'-    One  which 

t^  have  l^u  ZZ    r  ""■  '"'"  •""  """■■'•■    ™'»  """l'  <"»t  .ae 

.x;:^  ^rrj-^r  z  oTC;  ri  •*"  -"-  '^'  --  - 

nitrates  l>een  found  "*'  ""'"''•  ""^  *"  °^'t'»^'-  ^""^e  have 

Pierce  as  earlv  na    iima    iunr  .  "«"=-      -^^-oramg    to    Miiito   ill. 








the  f„nKi.«  ««.!  ha-  rea.-he.,  «,.  „„r  ^..  t'r  A,,  o'f  tl  T"""""'""  "'"'^  "" 
nmwMfnlly  dUDlh^ited  hv  the  «H  1  '    "^***'*'  ''■°'"'*  '»""  »«- " 

on  the  life  hlHturyoTt^e  ";;;,;,,?     "'"  """''  "''•""""«'  -'^»'  '»""  »»-"  d...... 

/«*<•<•/#  .l/rsw/a^fd  ,f/tA  Blackitpot  Canker 

or  nJir  r;;:r::^\rr  Tr  "^'t- '"-  •""••-•'  --  ^-  --  ■•• 

foumi  in  the  name  0,^^  '     '    """"  "■•  ""*'*  '""^  '^•"♦'»"'""'  '- 

feui';„f;::4^„i::;r::  j:^^^^^^^       ^'•----  ^->-t«-  a.h.,e 

time  the  cankerH  are  f„tl  TsL  "hl'r''r  ^■'''  """^  •^•"'^"-  -^''""^  •""' 
the  margins  «f  the  eanke™  a  nlZT  ^1""  '"*  ''"'""  '»  "'«  '^"^k  "-"•• 
to  Heveral  h.„ulr«'  of  the"e  etn  mt^ll*  "  "T,""*  '"  ""^''  ''«'^-  ^  '"- 
The  work  of  the  beet  e  and  of  the  .  ^  "'^•*^"*^^  """"''  "^  «'"«'«  ««"k"r. 
eallu8.  "^  ""'*  ^'^  ^'•^  "'"•'«  '•^'t"<l  or  prevent  the  growth  of  ,. 

«re  «'ll::S'h;rfl::::'%I^^  H„„«.n„„„>._After  the  e„..e. 

fallen  out.  the  wo^,,;  aZ  fll  Its  I-a"    .toTh  "*  "'' ^'^  """'^  '""''^  ""^ 
Ply  rapidly  and  soon  Involve  t2e  entrre  r!n  1    .r""''-    '^'"  "P"''^'"'  '"""»' 
InseetH  on  the  tissues  eau^rthem  tn  !1         . "  *"'""'•     '^"^  «^*'"»  "'  thes,. 
callus  whleh  d<^  noVirelrto^X^rZl  «  "^^  -'-> 

rp,     .,  General  Description. 

v«rir:oi";:e::;;;::;trte^rnV't  '•^^"""^  '"^'"« « «'"^"-  -- 

July  and  August. '  iCr  pJrar at  This' «""'."  "'"  ''""  '*"'•*  ''"^'■"'' 
only  When  weather  condltlora^rvm  X  Th'ev  o^eT'"?"'  ""  ""■"''• 
never  developed  enough  to  be  of  econorc  ?i^  J'^^  ""Th7flrrt  ""T"  """ 
api)ear  In  the  fall  nre  nannii^  *^      i     T     ""''"'^'""ce.     me  first  cankers  that 

tender  twigs  o^l^in^^ye'r.^^^^^^^^  ^^•"'^  '^^  ^•-•—  «"  the 

large  Ihnbs  later  In  the  season  "he  ""kers  that'dnlTr  '"  ""  """'"^  """ 
early  |„  November  to  early  In  Februarv   T,  '  "'    ?  "'""^'  '''''"«''  ''"'" 

late  November  and  early  December  ""'"''*''*  """**'''  ^"'"'" 

When  the  young  cankers  have  develoned  enm.^h  ♦    • 
eye  they  are  round,  somewhat  sunken  anT^n^Tf  ''^"  "**'  "'«  "«•*"*' 

istlc  of  the  Infested  areas      CZl,^  c-oloured-n  colour  charn.ter- 

h;U   the   fungus   r>e'netrs   tlo^     Th:  ^rk  ^^tJThe^'^^"'^'  'V''""^^^^^^^ 
Having  entered  the  cambium  or  irrmv-.n^t  u  ^^^   sapwoo<l    beneath. 

wood  layers  It  grows  rarJirandZn^n^   7""      ''''""  *'"  ^'""'^  ""**  ^'^^  ^^I- 
many  times  lar'ger  than    he  om^rTrtCoT^^  «-a  of  lt-^fte„ 

iHe  outer  portion  of  the  cauKer.    with  the  return  of 


At  llr.l  II,..  ■•„„k,.r,     1   7      ?       .    "'"'  """'■'' '"•"'•""■. 

'"" I.V .k "„';"„  '  n;ri,;.",',:r  ""•'■ ' *'™« ■<• 

I ""■"  .lr,v  »l,.l  l,rll, ,„,  ,r,     '    ,,  "'"  '""'""•  '"  "I"  <"•■  tark 

"''"«...»■..  ...„,.„„  „  ,„x'L  '  "zri'rt  "■■"",""•  -"" ""' 

"ITi'iuIn.  iMjomi  thiH  HMsiiro  the  fuiiKus  iifv.T 

-"It  ;.r  two  ..r  ...on.  .a..  j:r.iz  tuZ:  """• ""  ""•*^*'^ ""- "-  "- 

"*  »  HU«hf  ro„K,„.,.l„«  o    t..c/op,     „."7J"    r"""  "'  *"•'  '"""""on  «'f  npon. 
"'^'  U,.v..|o,.,..«  p..,,,,,,,.     Lot'       t        ,1  'u  ""  ""^^  """^•"•'  '""-'"•  ".V 

that  then.  „r,.,  „..„r  tl.e  ,lo«   nf  """*''"'  """"'''  *""  """-Kin.  so 

'•'."•cor.  w..o„  th«  p  «^^  i';r:r\r"" '",""  ^^-"^"^  "• « «'"«'*• 

for  a  .•o„«I,l..r„r.U.  .htiJi  of  th,;.     Tho  "re  c„„,,,„rgcHl  fro,.,  a  8l„Kle  .....kc. 
">ul  the..  .iropH  out!  leavurg  a  Il^ar.  """"'"'  ""  "'"  ^''^  ^"^  "  ".ue 


.voun«  trt.eH.  who,,  little  01^.^^^^^^"''  "  ^"^"'^  '"  ^''"•^''^  «»  «"»"• 

"J'I'enrl.,g  fro,.,  Xovo„.lM>r  to^v   ,.  ''"  ""•'"•  "'"'  "•^"'  """^ 

^h^-k  by  8„.h  a  ...othcl      I.fso,  !  '"I»««'«'We  to  k«.p  the  disease  h, 

^.-M  after  thetfe^ Zk  Z\^:  ;;;;;^;::,'""^--  —  '"  "•♦^ 

...M'tx:r;n..rXkr'rtr::.r  v'-^'^  '~^  -- 

'""./«/  station.  Bulletin  No   66  ^^tnmu.-Mashinffton  K^peri- 

om  o    ,   ^^""^  '''"  ''"""  ''^^"""  ''''■''^""•'«  '^'"•«*"««.) 

t^J<l    c«,.ker-ente„    tri.««  xxui  i 
^re,,.en..y  left  ..ulte  m.«."ter  L"";""?'"'""^'  ""'°'"^^'^'  "^'-«-  «- 
""rseries  for  the  spread  of  the  dZerm.     ''"'"•      '''"''"    •'"'^'    ^^-^'^    «« 

-am  reasons  for  thl«  apparent  "  athv  /h^'"'  '*'  ''*'  "'"'*•  0"«  "^  the 
-'"ker  as  eans^Hl  thru,,«h  so.,^^b  iai  .Ll^"*, """i'  f'""-Si-wers  look  upon 
•"<  the  res„it  of  attac-k  bv  a  nari^t^To     ,n  r*""'^'"  ^'  '"^^  ^"'  ""^  "ot 

ventive  u.easures  are  q.dte  bevonHf    ^  '^^^  "'"'*^^"  "'"^  pre- 

aa^^tion «. .  .ont...o;;;'di^r:„::;rt^^^^   ""^■-  ^°  --^  -"^  ''^-^ 

"U'thods  cai.  be  kept  well  lu  check  euiployuient  of  certain 





CauHc  of  Canker. 
True  ni.pIo  ....nkor  Ih  r«„H«l  thronRl,  the  inf«H-tl«n  of  tlio  troo  bv  n  parnnif ,. 
....KUH  known  .,H  tho  onnk^r  f„,.«„H  (.Vrr/«,/„  ,im..,,„„).    tIh-  h.h'tJh       ,, 

m.K„H  K„  „   «a.„lKHlo„    ,„to   t.K.   tlHH,U.  <.f  th.   tHH-  throUKh    WOU...  H      •  .       , 

.hvayn   o  Ik-  fon.ul  on  frnit  tm-H.     Hen.-e  the  f„„K„H  belonRH  to  that  «ro  ,     , 
f"nKl  whl..h  oft.n  trr«,«l  wonnd-paruHlteH.     Treon  «.,^  havo    .it,    w h 
nmv  ,H.. .„,!.,  ..  fal..  c-ankor."  whoro  the  effec-tn  r.^.„.hle  thl  of  tr    "„        • 
lM.t  in  t\mn  the  «,H-tarla  f.n.KUH  Ih  not  to  Ih.  found.    The  ,„««.  of  1 1       -m 
canker"  han  Ikhm.  attrlhntc.l  „»  h«<.terla.  and   the   r..^nJZ ^ ^^.^^^ 
WHUu  to  iKjIut  to  thl8  cwHluHhui.  "jrz.^zlnsk. 

Pnvvntlon  nnd  Rcnndlcg. 
When  yonns  tm.H  are  attarkwl  all  air«.t».,l^H  nhould  be  .arefnliv 
n.t  off  lK.|ow  the  ,H.l„t  «f  inf«.tlon  and  burnt.     The  e.xiK«e.l  Jt  hum.       .  . 
H'  ,.rotjHt.l  with  a  «>atln«  of  onllnary  Kan-tar.     WluInT^Iek  b^a      1^ 
.li«.aH..    the  aff«t.Ml  partH  n».y  Ih"  out  out  and  the  ontn  treatnl  with  tar 

It  Is  most  m.iM.rtant  never  to  UHe  wIouh  from  a  triH-  that  Is  or  Huh  Ikvi. 
J  -«H«l:    throuKh  the  „eKUH.t  of  thlH  prm.uth.n  thouHa„,l«  of  vounuJ    • 

iii».>    snouM  b«'  eut  down  and  burnt. 

Healthy  and  dlM-awnl  tHM-H  Hhonld  not  Ih-  prunwl  with  the  wune  knife   ;.s 
s,.ores  are  often  .-arr...  fmn.  tnv  to  tree  durln«  prunlnK.  and    he  .'.,:, 
H.rfm,.H  offer  an  admlrab.e  Htartln«   pim-e    for    fresh    Inf.vtion.      The     o  N 

should  be  sterlllmHl  after  pru g  an  InfinhM  tr«. 

SprayluK  is  <,f  very  little  use  In  d.^stroyluB  this  dlseas,.;    still.  llnHN.n.l- 
ulphur  n,l.xture  s«.e„,s  to   h^sen    Its   ravages  .-onslderably.     Proper    "t 
nWIuHls  an.I  the  ke,,,ln«  of  the  tr^vs  In  a  vigorous  state,  will  gener  llv        i 
Hn,-,vssful  In  wanlluK  off  this  dlseas,..-.Vor  Zraiand  Bulletin  \o.  JO 


IH  tlu.  name  Riven  to  a  dls,.ase  wlileh  attacks  stone  fruits  esmvl  lilv 
HW.M.  <.herrles.  ,ts  nature  Is  n<.t  well  understood,  an.l  Is  dJ-rlH  , 
MIchlKan  Bulletin  2.-..  as  follows:—  utsciUMMl    in 

The  tl.m-  of  Bun.  from  branehes  of  ,,lum.  iK>neh.  .-herrv.  ainumd   ef    Ir.s 

Jir  t  "f  ' /«'/'"</'«n,/m  r7»>*,//o,»,.  and  a  sin.ilnr  trouble  on  the  san.e 

rMosporium  c„i„t,„II,nn  has  also  Ihhm.  found  oausInK  Kunnn,wls  on  tl... 
pnrplM...,v.,   variety  of   the   Myr an   plun..  «rown    for   T,    It   n 

found  to  hi.  associate,!  with  a  sikm-I.^s  of  na,los,»i»orIun..      In  nn.nv  ,as,.s  fl... 
tro«h.e  probably  In-Klns  In  sou.e  ,.ra,.k  or  woun,l  whl.-h  a   o«'      L-     „■« . 

of  s.p    u||,.i    ,.xiMles   and    hanh-ns.    fonnlnR   t,.«r-llke   .Irops.  s,un,.flnuN   of 
<.msl,lerabl..  size.     This  kuu.  Ik  partly  utills,.,  by  the  fuuKus    „  tL    ro,    H, 
of  «.ore  s,K,r,..     The  ,K>rtio«  of  branch  b^.yond  the  affcvU.l  s.k,    ma     n 



i-am-H  Ik.  klllcl  or  ixTinanently  woakpiiwl      l,.  -..  i 

<"t  uff  ..!„„•  the  .„«e.,H..,  area  .."a  hmi„.      T^'.:""':  ?'  "•"'""  """"'"  «-' 

.nu.  rr';.::r:'u:::;r;:;;;^;;;;\r^    -'-  -  .^.^ « «.>.  o. 

•«»  «llow  the  entrance  of  f„  L|      'r/,.  »       ,     '"*'  "■"""•'"  '*'••"'"'">•  »"«'"  «*•"« 
—,..  or  t.u..e  treeHZlSU:'"^^  "^  -"""»'"«  the  ,„«.. 

I..K  the  h-aven  H.uhlenlv  ,  ro  v^'^^^  '-"'"'•  '"  "  ^ew  honrn  turn 

s....;!;!:."::!:;;;:;;:';;;';.;;:  ;;:;;r«;;; ;:;-"  ••■t-  - 1....  brow....  a...  .„>. 

rnM,„e..tly  hv  the  blj^htin!' ..,...?  prm....-,.  of    the  dlseas,.  more 

larger    ,.|„„ter«.     ^h..:    ,'t...      ,  "^    "'    ""'    '""•'"^»'»    ^"'«t«'rH    o..     the 

The  progress  .i  t         La^    s  a hvav;",'"""'"    *'."'"""'""'   '•*^^""'   •'""•^-'^ 

>»  s„s<v„tlhle  varieties    I  ". lells      ""^«*-''  '"•'""'"'«  "r^'   •»f.'*t«l.     I.,   the 

;^;t ...  the  ...ore  r..j!;:::z::^::z:!::^^:;^^^^^^  'r  ^^""'•'  '''-'' 

Whe..  the  disease  is  active  the  hark  of  ten!  "*'  '"  ""^  *"'  ^"«t- 

thUk.   hla,.klsh.   K„.„.„v  rt,.|d  ev    II       "»7"'^«H<'«1  hra..,hes  cracks.  „,.d  a 

"""l-.«I.  .iry  a..d       Th    dLl^  T  ""'   """•^"»   '"'^'^   '--"'- 

•  a..<l  tr,..,ks  of    r,d t  tr«s  ,17   "'''7    """^  "'"""'•''  ""  "»"  ""•«•"• 

••s„..^.ald."     This  dls«.aw.  of  the     rm.ks  1    .  r^       T''  ""  " ''»"'»'''^ "  or 

;^|",„KlyhII«ht"or'    o,.gU^t^^^^^^^    t'!'';.         :''":   '"  """-"""'« 
layer  of  the  l|.„|,„  „,„i  tr,,„u  „„/„*'       "'^''-      ^'"   "»»'«•  l""-!*  a..d  n....h|,in, 

•••v  the  hll«ht.     ...s^ll'    re  ,    ::  'T ^''TV'"''*'  "'  ^'"'  ^^^  ^"'"' 
watery  „|„.rs  ««.>.,.,„,„,„,  ,v  ,  aJ  "''''"*'  ""*  '""'•  '•'^'"••'"« 

!.utrefa,.tlo,..  '  ''^"""'   •"'•""••   •""<»    "^   -'H'   writers   to   r.mM..hle 

"•'"^    is   a    sharp   11..^     t.Z,;"?\       "'""""' '""^^^ 
|K.rtlo..s.-(,r«//r.)  1-"'"r«»tinu    hetw«...    the   .llseamnl  a..d  healthy 

-n..K.r";>f     :  mZ;;;:;.  X'^-   •"   ""^-'t   ..K.a.ltles.  n..d   there   a.,   a 

-...."^« «.  ...ore  s..s«;,t;:/r  ,;r  t:,  ^zx-  r..r  .r 



.  •! 



service  berry  nnd  hawthorn  nre  frequently  diseased,  but  not  to  such  nn  extent 
as  the  flrst-nanie<l  trees.  There  is  a  diffen>nce  in  the  susc»>ptiblllty  of  varieties 
Thus,  among  iH'jirs.  flapp's  Favourite,  Flemish  Beauty,  and  Bartlett  are  ni..n- 
liable  to  the  disease  than  KelfTer  and  Duchess,  and  amongst  apples,  the  (nil. 
varieties  are  the  least  resistant. 

Climatic  conditions  influence  the  disease;  warm,  moist  weather  wiih 
much  rain  favour  It,  whilst  bright,  dry,  sunny  weather  tends  to  check  it. 

High  cultivation,  rich  soil,  heavy  manuring.  fret«  use  of  fertilisers.  Iicax.v 
pruning,  or  any  other  treatment  which  has  a  tendency  to  Induce  new  and 
succulent  growth,  favours  the  disease,  as  the  bacteria  grow  with  far  greater 
rapidity  and  iK-netrate  more  quIcKly  from  cell  to  cell  when  the  tissues  are 
gorged  with  sap.  Insects  are  more  partial  to  young  sucrulent  shoots  .iihI 
leaves,  and  the  bites  and  punctures  of  such  Insects  whose  mouth  parts  may  l.e 
contaminated  with  jK'ar  blight  germs  often  serve  to  Infect  the  tree. 

It  Is  thus  manifest  that  healthy,  thrifty,  vigorous,  well  fed  and  wel! 
cultlvatetl  tnt's  are  more  liahlc  to  the  disease  than  others,  and  henw  tiie 
severity  of  nn  attack  of  fire  blight  may  be  lessened  by  conditions  wiii<li  are 
under  the  control  of  the  grower. 

The  treatment  of  fire  blight  is  of  two  kinds— that  which  is  design»>d  to 
put  the  tree  in  a  condition  to  withstand  the  attack  of  the  blight  microbe,  ami 
these  methods  which  aim  at  the  extermination  of  the  casual  bacterium. 
Unfortunately,  all  methods  which  nre  used  for  hindering  the  attack  of  the 
microbe  consist  of  restraining  the  full  development  of  the  tree,  and  hence  any 
such  system  of  procedure  should  not  be  followed  unless  an  orchard  Is  very 
badly  atackeil. 

High  cultivation,  with  pruning  and  the  other  conditions  already  mentioned 
as  predlsitosing  trees  to  blight,  should  be  nvolded,  but  the  trees  should  1m- 
allowtHl  to  rir)en  the  wo<k1,  and  in  order  to  do  this  the  fruit-grower  must  use 
any  method  which  will  check  the  amount  of  moisture  in  the  soil— for  Instance, 
by  the  growth  of  a  clover  crop. 

Tlie  Are  blight  organism  cannot  be  exterminated  by  spraying,  as  the 
microbe  lives  in  the  tissues  iMMieath  the  outer  bark,  and  it  is  Imimsslble  n. 
reach  it  with  any  spraying  solution,  for,  unless  the  bacteria  come  into  contaet 
with  the  germicide,  spraying  is  Ineffectual. 

There  is.  therefore,  but  one  remedy,  to  cut  out  nnd  burn  the  aff«HttMl 
parts  of  the  trw.  It  is  very  necessary  when  cutting  out  a  diseased  l)raneli 
or  twig  to  cut  well  below  the  dlscoloure<l  portion,  as  the  bacteria  are  In 
cases  far  below  the  di.scf)loured  portion,  the  discolouration  not  being  phkIik..! 
immediately  uiwn  the  appearance  of  a  few  bacteria,  so  that  if  only  the  dis- 
coloured portion  were  cut  off  numbers  of  bacteria  would  still  be  left  in  the 
stump,  and  these  would  continue  to  multiply,  and  the  disease  would  soon  he 
evident  again. 

Cutting  of  affected  parts  may  be  done  at  any  time  in  the  winter  ami 
spring,  but  It  is  not  advisnlde  to  cut  in  the  growing  season,  as  fresh  cases  may 
be  ctmstantly  (Xturrlng.  and  these,  owing  to  lack  of  suHlclent  development, 
would  not  be  seen. 


The  best  time  for  tuttliiK  out  afrecte<l  hrumhes  Is  townnls  the  fall,  or 
when  the  trees  have  stopjH>d  foriniriK  new  wofHl.  when  most  of  the  blight  has 
develor)ed.  and  when  the  contrast  between  the  distolouriHl  leaves  and  branehes 
and  healthy  tissues  Is  easily  seen, 

Tr«-<.M  should  be  carefully  Insiiectf'd  for  blight  dnrlng  the  winter  and  In 
spring  before  the  blossoms  eonie  «»ut.  In  order  to  destroy  any  aflTeeted  parts 
that  may  have  been  missetl  at  pvivlous  lnsi)ection. 

All  trees  of  the  pome  family  in  the  vicinity  should  be  examlnwl  as  well, 
as  tliese,  if  bllghteti,  may  serve  to  re-infwt  an  orcliard  which  has  been  care- 
fully treated. 

In  cases  where  the  l»ark  of  the  trunk  is  aflfe<te«l,  it  can  be  cut  out  and 
the  wound  covereii  with  a  lead  or  oil  paint.  The  cut  surface  of  the  branches 
()ver  one-half  inch  in  diameter  should  also  be  painted.—/'.  C.  Harrimni. 
Ontario  Bulletin,  A'o.  13G. 

Wlien  a  tree  blights,  remove  and  burn  at  o\m\  outside  the  orchard,  every 
trace  of  diseased  wo<k1.  Saw  off  the  smaller  Itranches  about  a  foot  below  the 
least  sign  of  disease,  and  dig  out  the  spots  on  the  trunk  and  larger  limbs. 
<-utting  deep  enough  to  remove  all  discolouration.  The  knife  and  saw  used  in 
pruning  should  always  be  (Hslnfected  with  carl)ollc  add  before  leaving  eacii 
tree,  to  avoid  infecting  the  freshly-cut  healthy  wootl  of  the  next  tree.  The 
exposed  surfaces  should  be  at  once  painted  to  exclude  germs  that  may  be 
floating  In  the  air.— 0/ti;o»  Bull.  27. 

Leaf  Blight  of  Pears   {Entomonporium  maculatum.  Lev.). 

The  fungus  causing  this  disease  attacks  the  leaves  and  fruit  of  the  i)ear 
and  (piince.  On  the  leaves  It  provinces  small  rounded  sjiots  of  a  brownish-red 
colour.  On  the  fruit  the  spots  soon  lose  their  n?«ldlsh  colour,  liwoniing  much 
darker,  while  tlie  surface  sometimes  becomes  cracked  In  severe  cases  as  with 
the  si'ab.  In  tlie  centre  of  the  diseased  siwts  small  pimples  may  be  seen,  due 
to  the  formation  of  si)ores  beneath  the  epidermis.  Later  these  cracks  o|»en. 
allowing  the  spores  to  escai»e. 

The  spores  themselves  are  very  i)eculiar,  each  being  c«»miK)8ed  of  two 
large  an<l  several  small  cells,  united  and  possessing  several  bristle-like 
pro(<'88«'s  giving  them  an  api»earanv-e  suggesting  some  kind  of  an  insect.  It  is 
sometimes  especially  bad  on  nursery  stcK-k  in  the  row. 

It  is  «iulte  readily  controlled  by  the  Bordeaux  mixture,  about  three  appli- 
cations serving  to  keep  the  foliage  and  fruit  free  from  the  disease.— J//e/«i»aM 
Ii:il!rt;i:  .V.o.  25. 

The  Shot-hole  fungus  (('iiUndrosporium  padi.  K.)  penetrates  the  entire 
leaf,  but  congregates  in  spots  to  prcMluce  siK)res.  Here  the  tissue  dies,  be<-omes 
brittle  and  soon  breaks  away,  riddling  the  leaves,  whlcii  turn  yellow  and  fall 

Spray  with  Bordeaux  mixture    or   annuonlacal    copper   carbonate    about 
June  Ist.  and  every  tlirw  weeks  thereafter.  If    the  disease  is  had.— Ornjon 
Bulletin  Xo.  27. 





naturally  pr-valont  In  ,ho«.  a  Xh     I  L      .^^  nr..,nnf..,v„,....  „„„  „ 

.v/««<'///«.  Link.     I  lav..  ,.al  .  n.   '•  n      """'■«'•"""  '^'•""•»  "  "••  ''nuriUun. 

llriTi:»  I1„T   (Clu,„,r,ll,i  ,«lo-mm«l,„„.  k„„k  ) 

rc'tanled  by  ck,!   wvatl...    a  ^  m .    .      ,  ?        j  *  I'  on  sputH  that  an- 
« »n  tl».  other  hand,  th.!  ,    r  l  in,     I       ^  T.  """""'"  ^'^  "•'^■*''-'^"  -«""tions. 

a  s,K,t  that  is  d.;J,  .i «;,:':  :^^^^^^ 

•'"laws  and  p-ows  ol  h'r  if   1  'avonrahle  con.IItionH.     As  tlu-  s,K,t 

a  i.«..t.  wa,...!; :  .;r  NH:::,:^t  •■':;;"  "■  "^  ^^'"""-  '''''"^"•^  ^•'^  ''"•• 

and  s<.,„  b..on,..s  sunk..,.  """""''  ^*''"  "  «-"-J«^Hn.Hl  naupn. 

-  a.:!;:.;":; t::;r ;,rkir  1^:^ ^^ 

ffl  «,n.vntrl,-  rinKs.     Th..,.  .a.stm  .«   ''"'^■, '''"'\'">  ••"«'<«  and  usually  arran^l 

Pink,  sticky  .s,>oronuJsvS:  rTadiir:'  >"";"".'".  ""'  '^'^^"'  ""^^'•-'•«"-' 
tlu.  dl«.as..  „roK'  ..tlu.r  ri  Js    .f  .  ?^  *,  ''  '"^  ''*'  *^"'"''"  "'"•  »•"'"«•    •^'^ 

n'a.v  hav..  only  on<.  disoaso.l  snot  i^      I  ,  ""'  ""'"*"     "'"  "I'"'" 

-voral.  and  ,t  is  not  un,-o  un^^    l  ^ V  rr^J  "i:  *'?"""  """•"  "••"  """"">• 
"f    inf.H-tion.     l»„ring   the    „asf   M  .         '.  "terally  ,K.„,H.rod  with  ,K,ints 

"1.PUS  and  .stinuu!  '  l^'^n   ^^^'^  ""'   ''T'  '"""^*'"  ^"^  ""  "  '"»«'- 
j,v/ijv    on    oa<n  of    sevcra    others      wiw...  « 

uuitrs.     When  So  numerous. 


thos..  Hpots  «ro  at  first  vMs^.l.  a,.,H.„ri„K  ««  Kn.nll  brow,,  hUstorH  o,.  ,ho  nkl,, 

of  tho  „p„l,..  n,.,l  „ro  fn.q„,.„tly  so  arn„,K,.<l  as  to  su^-st  fl„.  „oi„tH  o^ 

nfootio.,  .,..„  fo„ow.Hl  ,ln,,H  of  water  trlc-kllng  dow.,  th,-  si...!    If  t  ^    p,,:' 

the  siKH-kod  aroHH  oxt..„d  i„  strips  toward  the  calvv  ..„d 

\Vhe„  a  „„mlK.r  of  spots  apin-ar  o„  a  sh.ulo  apple  tliey  so,,,,  .-oalesce  a„d 
thm.  or  four  ...i,..,.«  tl,e  as....,.,,.,,,,-.  e„velop  the  others  a,.d  r etah  U 
.•Inula,-  sha.K..  each  prodn..i„«  i,s  rh.^s  of  fr„ith.«  p„stnh.s.  F,.  v  t  . 
.  .  .V  fr„,t  s  converted  i,.to  a  .lark-brow,,  shrivell.l  u,.d  wrl,.k,e<,  ,  .n,  " 
«hl.h  „,ay  ha,.«  o,.  the  tree  a  year  or  ,„o,-e.  Iloweve,-.  ,|,e  ...alorltv  o  t  ; 
arrcK-ted  f,-,.its  fall  ,o  the  K,.o..,.d  l.efo..  .hey  are  half  .  ,  d  , 
rUH.o„,poslt,o„  Is  haste„e<l  by  seave„Ker  I„seetH  a„d  deeay  f,„.«l. 

Jnfluniriii;/  Condition.'*. 
"■'■"""•'•-The  p,-edo„,lna,m,'  eo,.dltlo„s  that   i..,l„en.e   the  ,h-velop,„e,.t 
of    b  tter-,-ot  are  te.apen,t„n.  a,.,l  h,n..ulity.     A  few    rays    of    hot.    shi.we  y 
weather  „.ay  start  a„  epiden.i..  „.at  will  destroy  the  e..tire  crop  of    n-rtal,, 
\arielh's.  j.rovlded  the  fm^is  is  jires«.i,t.  ^-^riaiu 

J/o/./«,r.-Mols,u,v  is  ,:ot  o.ily  ,nHessa,-y  for  the  «er„.l„atlo„  of  ,i„. 
.J.K>res.  b„t  it  favours  the  «,-ow,h  of  the  f.„„ns  a..d  has,e,.s  spon-  p,':.,,,  ti 

a      ois    a  ...osphe.-e  tl...  spo.-s  a.-e  pr ,eed  ,.,.„,.  ,..o,.e  n,p.dly  U.a„  when 

11m         h*       •^^•"""'^■•"•-  ••'""  ''^  '"'  "<ti^"  "«""t  i,.  the  spn-ad  of  the  disease 
levvb    ""    7;''^^'V-"'    -    "'f-^''*'    "PPh"    to    adja..e..t    healthy    fr,   ts 
leaxy  dews    followe,!  by  hot  eio„dy  days  wi.l,  a  hu„.id  at,.,..sp,.ere.  appear 
to  make  Ideal  conditions  for  the  rapid  developn.ent  of  this  disease. 

Conrhiniotui   and   Rrronimindtitionn. 

S«n.n.arisin«  the  results  obtained,  and  considering  th.  fart  that  the  ex.HTl- 
ment.s  were  .na.le  d,.rln«  a  season  unusually  favourable  to  bitter-rot  t  1 
foilowinj:  eonelHslous  may  bi>  drawn:— 

1.  imter-rot  en„  b«.  ron.pleteiy  controlled  by  ,.ro,KT  applications  of  Ror- 
dea,,x  mixture.  »;U  to  !>S.O  .hu-  cent,  of  .sonnd  fruit  having  K-en  saved  by  s  ,d. 
treatment  in  these  ex,K.riu.e,.ts.  while  the  ch.vks  rotte<l  ..anph-leh       '         " 

eont;".^r'r"^"''"""""-  '"'""  '"'"'"  ^''''  '"  *"•'  '-'^"^  t""^"'  '•"••'  «'»H.i.'nt  to 
eont,  1  the  U,s«.ase  satisfactorily,  but  1„  order  to  b..  sure  of  covering  the 
infec-tion  iK^rlods  one  or  tw,.  additional  applications  ,nav  be  nec-e.ssarv 

3  The  applications  should  be  n.a.le  at  Intervals  of  two  w..H..ks,  b^Kinni,,-. 
alKHit  six  weeks  after  tl,e  trees  bl(K),n.  iH>,nmin« 

4.  It  IH  n«-,.s8ary  to  spray  the  trees  thoroughly,  coating  the  fruit  on  ali 
sides  with  fine  mist-like  applications. 

^"-  Other  diseases,  sn.l.  as  .scab.  leaf-s,x>t  and  .s.«>ty-blot.l,.  n.av  be  eon- 
troii«i  In  wnnection  with  the  treat„,ent  of  bitte,-,o, 

For  the  tre«t,„ent  o(  bitter-rot  alone,  spray  the  trees  thoroughly  with 
Bordeaux  „.i.xt«re  at  Intervals  of  two  weeks  until  five  applications  L,  iZ 
inade.  beg  nnlng  not  later  than  f.wty  days  after  the  ,K.,als  have  fallen 

tor    l,e  combined  treat.nent  of  apple  sc-ab  a„,|  bitter-rot.  spray  the  tr«.s 
horoughly  with  Bordeaux  n,lxt„re:     tl,  j„st  ...fore  they  bbH..„    but     fre 
the  cluster  buds  have  ope.n.l  and  ex,«.s,.l  the  flower  buds;     (2,  As  Ln  a« 



n  a    ,;r':  ""  ?"■'*'  '"  ""^^  ^•^  «'*>•  ♦^-•^^  ««"  the  fruit  han  «:"  '         '' 

twice  In  rapid  Hiicesslon  with  nii  IntPrvni  «f  ««i,.  „  .-        .  "'".""*'"'>   ''I»r">«'<5 
the  rr„lt  thoro..h,,  a«  ,,....T  Hrnl'^-J^.r/r ii^l ittr^alr  U 
is  difficult  to  <.,at  the  fruits  Hufficiently  to  protect  aKainnt  bitter  rot   and  th 
second  application,  which   adheres   better   than   the   flr«t\„  .ux^int 
prese..,^  of  the  previous  coating,  and    also    rea.-hes   parts   o     Z  Tr,l 
touched  before,  is  nec^sary  for  thorough  protection  Jr.'^   ^^^^1,^0^ 
Brown  Rot  (Monilia  fmctigcna) 

These  six^res  may  reujain  unchanRed  for  a  creat  lenn-ti,  «f  fi™„ 
causing  the  so-called  "  hrown^Tor'  '  '^'^^"'•«"»'^'"«  the  tissues  and 


The  mycelium  or  plant  body  of  the  fungus  remains  dormant  during  the 
w  nter  In  the  dried  or  mummied  plums  which  are  left  on  the  trees  Infected 
with  the  disease,  or  on  the  ground  beneath  them,  and  when  warm  weather 
comes  the  following  season  will  pro<luc-e  an  abundant  crop  of  sr)ore8  to  start 
Infection  afresh. 

In  dealing  with  this  disease.  It  will  be  easily  seen  that  the  most  successful 
T,TZT  T      "^""'•"y  ^   «'    '^    preventive    nature.     It  Is  usually  first 
noticed  m  the  season  on  cherries.  esiKvlally  on  soft  varieties  which  burst  their 
skins  after  a  rainstorm,  such  as  the  Governor  Wood,  and,  undoubtedly,  Infected 
fruits  wh  ch  are  left  to  dry  up  on  these  trees  are  a  fertile  source  of  Infection 
to  plums  later  In  the  season.    Great  care  should  be  taken  to  gather  and  burn 
these,  and  also  the  first  Infected  mouldy  fruit  noticed  on  plum  trees     In 
orchards  which  have  been  Infected  this  season,  the  first  thing  to  be  done  Is 
to  pick  off.  as  soon  as  possible  In  the  fall,  all  dried  up  or  mummied  fruit  which 
may  have  been  left  on  the  trees,  then  with  a  fln^toothed  garden  rake  gather 
ogether  all  fruit  that  may  have  fallen  on  the  ground,  together  with  fallen 
leaves  and  trash,  and  burn  up  all  these  sources  of  Infection ;   after  whicli  the 
trees  should  be  thoroughly  sprayed  with  Bordeaux  mixture  of  double  strength 
viz.:   8  pounds  sulphate  of  copier,  8  i)ound8  lime,  and  50  gallons  of  water- 
the  ground  beneath  the  trees  should  also  be  well  sprayed  with  the  mixture 
This  should  be  followed  by  a  thorough  spraying  with  Xo.  1  Mixture  (lime 
salt  and  sulphur  spray),  during  the  dormant  season,  both  of  the  trees  and  of 
the  ground  beneath  them. 

In  the  spring,  the  spraying  of  the  trees  with  Bordeaux  mixture  of  the 
ordinary  strength  should  be  commenced  as  soon  as  growth  starts,  and  at  least 
two  sprayings  given  after  the  blossoms  have  fallen. 

If  there  is  reason  to  expect  an  attack  of  the  disease  after  the  fruit  has 
attained  Its  size  and  before  ripening.  Spray  No.  10-the  Carbonate  of  Copper 
foT/r,  ?^  be  carefully  used,  as  at  this  stage  the  fruit  Is  particularly  liable 
to  be  infected.  Cherry  trees  should  be  carefully  sprayed  with  double  strength 
Bordeaux  mixture  as  recommended  for  plum  trees,  while  the  trees  are  dor- 
mant and  in  the  spring  the  trees  should  be  sprayed  with  Bordeaux  mixture 
of  ordinary  strength  when  growth  commences,  and  again  after  the  fruit  has 

-t  HH  u^y'  "  *^  '*"*^  by  Professor  Cordley.  "that  now  the  disease  Is  well- 
established,  any  prune  or  cherry  grower  who  falls  to  employ  preventive 
measures  against  brown  rot  deliberately  takes  the  chance  of  losing  a  large 
proportion  of  his  crop,  even  though  such  loss  may  occur  every  year."  and  this 
statement  applies  with  the  same  force  In  Lower  British  Columbia 

with  it  and  It  has  been  amply  demonstrated  that  this  season  almost  the  entire 
crop  of  some  badly  infected  orchards  was  unfit  for  shipment.  A  goc^  dealTf 
he  loss  experienced  this  year  was  due  to  the  development  of  the  dIseaL 
in  hepackages  en  route  to  market,  the  temin-rature  inside  cars  filled  with 
fruit  being  high  enough,  and  sufficient  moisture  present  to  fun,i«h  fav.Hirable 
conditions  for  the  spread  of  the  rut  to  a  large  portion  of  the  shipment 



Pkacii  Leaf  CTbl  (Exr>a>,ru»  dr format,,). 

their  tlnnxwH.    The  hllHtorH  «, mot  „  .T  v.      ,  '»''''"«<-«I*  '"»»<UH  which  attacks 
The  entire  1  nfmnv.   '"""•^*'™'^  ""^^'^  «««•»«'  «  1-nf,  Hometlines  alon^  It 
ix.rtll,:;  :;;,,;[     tu^T^'I  ""  ""  ^^^  •"  "'"•e...K„,H„hIe.  „r  otTv 

tloiiH  of  these.  The  follace  .rener  .iivTn  I^'  '  ^  '  "''  "''"*^'  •""  «""»>••". 
thnn  the  tree  Ih  exlImZ  !Z^ZVT  f,'  ""''  """*'"''"  •••""  '"  ""•"«'»  ""^: 

after  setting.  The  Attacks  aT^^^^^^^^^  ^'""'*  '*  """""*'  """•  "  ''"^  «"*'''* 
ohangeahle  weather.  T.  dir«e  m^  t:rr;h';.'™;T'"  "'""*'"""  «""  '" 
the  wcKHl:  thu8  «.ionH  and  b^rrr  r„  n  *  ,  "■'"*^'"  ''^  *"•"  ""*"'  "'"»  '" 
•uto  .«.ant.e«  ^^.rlZTJZIZyVlZZ'  '"^  ""'  ^'""^  '''  '"-•'- 

Pretentions  and  Treatment 

«cIo„s  or  budH  from  a"  trS  J  Zl'^l.  ^T  "'  '""'^  ''""*^»'"  *«  «-"'• 
two  yearn.  K,H.p  "  Hharn^k  o.  /T  i^  f.  ""'*  ''^"^  ""^  "'«  ^'«^"«^  «'«>'" 
oivhard  Rive  the  tr^  the  Z"st  a  te^^lT  '  ?'  """"  ""'"""'  '"  «  '-"" 
"pared  at  this  stage-"  A  sE ?„  tlT  T}  '""'*•  ^"^  *'"°"*"^  «''°"'"  ^' 
leavcH  from  diJaiVtrllhouI.i!  .!!'*''  "'"^^  "^^  ^'''^'''^^^  «"<^  '«"»^" 
series.  Bonleau^nlxt  Te  .rooLr.^n^H'*'  T  ""^  '"™^'  ^^^^'^''^  »»  "»•- 
Soon  after  the   ea  ^    IT;    nTn  '  l.""''  "'"""*'•  ^^"^  ^^''^''^  *»>«  ^IseaKc. 

-r  the  .ta.  le  ;:^r  ^  ^  ^ '.:a;.:!^^;tr/^ - 

be  oSllrl/^lrirr^arfun^^^^^^^^^^^  ^'  *'^  ""««"•  -^  '^Pnear.  to 

cold  weathe;     As  smm  ««  tT  f       ^        "  *''''  ^*"''^"  °'  ***«  '««'  develo,»ed  bv 

leaf  on  C  tree  a^o:  t^j^II  T  r""  '"^"  "'  ^"^''  '^'^'^  ^"^  «''-*«• 
appear  again.  TUelZ  ^rmarnt  Vr  ,  r"  *''"•  ^'"^"'"^  '*  «"'  "«t 
K.KK1  cultivation  and  pr'ulg  ba-k  ^Ten' the', ^' "'.'""*"•  '"^"^^  ^>- 
most   of   the    follaue    nnri    L..!.    ■        !  '^•^"'^  '"  ^^''^'*'  "  destroy., 

^mcr^an  Fruit  CuZZ  '  ""•"    ""'"'"'"•^^  ''"'«  '^^  tree.-Tkoma.- 

GoosEBEKRv  31,.nKw  (..MaTo^/,.c«  mors.uv^,  B.  and  C  ) 

bej;:.rai'rsrn?hr;r.T>L"' """.""°"  ^^  *^^  ^"-^-  ^■ 

Succeesful  results  are  reported  bv  Prof  rnw  <.«•*•      .     .     , 


eight  aJlVtlZZn^r         '        '  "'''""'^"^'  "'"^  "'»-^-»  —  - 

«lven  for  the  n^Z  g^.  .4z. :-  "'  '"  '''  -"•»«  '-'-rtlouH  as  tho«. 

Carbonnte  of  c'oi»iH?r  ^ 

Aninionlii    '      °^- 

Water ^}^  ''*"*"• 

-Cenfrfll  Experimental  'Farm',BuUetin  No^  lO. '^  ^"'^" 

Ko«E  Mildew    {Sphacrothcca  pannom  ) 

twiKBonUfloweritlHo   niJs     .rLtZ't         "f"'"""  *''''^"*"''  ^''^  '*^-«'' 
flowerH  of  sulphur  llxc!^lwro,ithin  '"  '"  ''"''  ''''''^  '"""*«  ^^'^h 

with  ,H,t„H«l„  „  Hulph  d^i  o^   to   "Janon-       r  f  "'"'••''  ""•*'•    «^'">>'«« 

PowDEBY  Mildew. 

Soon  after  this  luycelium  eet«  iv«ii  .i^.  i  ^  vmm  Douy  of  the  fuugus. 
anee.  Cue  to  the  pXtro/o^Z  t.tCj^.^urZ:  '^  ''"^^'"^  "^^"- 
to  spread  the  disease  during  the^row.^g  s:Lo^"  To^ardV^hT^^^^^^^^^^  """ 
the  myc-ellum  develops  small  round  black  masses  Justvlllf  ?.  ""•""" 
«ye,  and  these  are  the  eases  which  nnnfoi     *t  •'        ""'^  *°  ^^^  "»"*«» 

fungus  through  the  winter  *"'°  ^'^^  ^^''"*"  ^''^^^  «»*»  ^'""y  the 

APPLE  THEE  lliu>tw  (ma:roll,cm  „„«.  j,»ON«  ) 

A„er,;"rr:r:nir:,^'r 'LZi'  -  r  ""^°' "" ""  ■""- 

one  of  those  wsts  llkelv  tn  .  nilMew.     It  Is  very  prevalent,  and  is 

^.  the  myc^iri:  M;:^-^%rz3  tr  wir  i::r  h""r  v-  -'■-''' 

Dud  scales,  and  thus  escai^e  detection  ^'"■''  *"'*  ^^^"'""^  *»»« 



Prevcntire  and  Remedial  Mcanum. 

1.  When  the  dlwnw  in  prew.nt  In  itx  wonit  form,  the  only  certain 
of  nrro-tln*  It.  proKr««  Ih  to  out  off  and  burn  all  the  Infected  ^Ttt.^  of  In  w^ 
The  cj^^houhl  IH.  made  alK>ut  two  Inche.  behind  the  tuft  ofle^     TrL^Tl  ^ 

iz  rrr  -  ^•"^ """"--  ^'-^  °-  ^-'"-^  •>"-'•-  -•»'  -^  ir. 

treo^h^^M  L""'  '"T'^  "^^"^  '"  "  '""'»  '°'''°  «°  the  scattered  ienv.*  th. 
tree  «hould  be  .prayetl  with  a  aolntlon  of  p«ta«dum  sulphide  (liver  of  m\l»rl 
one  oum-e  dl««,lved  In  two  gallons  of  water.  Wiver  or  sulphur.. 

Infection  of  the  leaves  only  takes  place  when  they  are  quite  voiin.r   „„,• 
then  Is  the  time  to  look  for  the  mildew.     On  the  first  symnLns  of  irT  f * 
anc.  sprayluK  nhould  be  cmmenc^.     ,f  this  op,«  "unr  TeJ.^tl?  T^^^^^^ 
mildew  Is  allowed  a  start,  spraying  may  be  considered  u^l  J  "' 

3.  It  would,  under  all  clrcumstancen.  be  advisable  to  spray  trees  where  tho 

7x0  deT^""''  :?*"'  "'"""^"^""^  "''*'"  ^''^  leaf 'budVare^pa,  din : 
dlstHh.;^LtH  '''^'J'  "'  ^"*  '««hcomlng  as  to  whether  l„se<-tH  assist  h, 
d  s  ributing  the  spores  of  the  fungus,  or  aiding  In  Its  atack  In  any  other  way 
It  I.   however,  quite  certain  that  mildew  Is  most  abundant  on  trees  that  Iro 

-hould  be  dealt  wlth.-«o«.,  of  A.rieuUure  and  FisHerieLf  /uoiT^lZ^ 

Apple  Powdery  MiIdew. 

or  I  J**/.r"*  "*'i''"*  '"^"'^  *°  ^^"^  '^""«'  *^«"'*'>  by  this  disease.  Is  the  Iohh 
Of  its  foliage       To  prevent  this,  and  thereby  Insure  good  working  stocks    or 

When  "ZV      "^'"T  ""'  ''''  ammoniaoal  eopper'carbonate  sSluttn   fir" 
Jhen  the   eaves  are  about  half-grown  and  thereafter  at  Intervalr  of  twehl 

2Lf  7'?^  *''"  ^'"°'  ^"-^  "P^«^'"«^  -'"  usually  r  made  Hfl 
budding,  and  at  least  two  after  this  operation,  making  five  In  all.  It  Is  seldom 
that  powdery  mildew  proves  serious  to  budded  or  grafted  stork  P,nlr 
certain  particularly  susceptible  varieties.  In  such  c^:^1>rac7l  a.  yThe  "^^ 
Une  of  treatment  recommended  for  the  seedlings  may  be  followed  flT 
Galloway,  V.  8.  Circular  Xo.  10.  loiiowed.-B.  7. 

ANTHBACN08E  OK  Raspbebbt  AND  Blackbebbt  (Qlw^porium  vemtum,  Speo.) 

nl„nr*!„^°*'"'"*''"!^u'  ""P^'^'-yy  «n^  blackberry  is  a  common  disease  of  these 
plants  and  one  which  Is  capable  of  doing  much  harm.     It  affects  the  can^ 
first,  later  appearing  also  on  young  shoots  and  leaves.    The  spots  In  the  ear'v 
stages  Of  the  disease  are  purple,  but   as   the  disease  progr^^s  thes!  Z  s 
acquire  a  whitish  centre  and  become  somewhat  sunken,     ir  bad  ca-Xe 
«pot8  run  together,  sometimes  encircling  the  cane;    at  other  times  Tne-"   run 
along  one  side,  producing  large  patches   of   a   grayish    colon       Durlg    tb^ 
second  season  the  spots  tend  to  dry  out.  producing  cracks  in  the^^  ami 
scaling  Of  the  bark.    On  the  leaves  the  spots  are  apt  to  be  small,  but  nu^rou 
and  follow  the  general  appearance  of  those  on  the  canes.    The  effecHf  tMs 
parasi  e  is  to  reduce  the  vigour  and  size  of  all  parts  of  the  p'ant.    The  f  u 
often  falls  to  mature  properly,  but  frequently  dries  up  before  ripening 


TreBtment  nhniild  c-oMiRt  of  cutting  out  the  worst  dlwnwMl  oaiu.«  and 
"praying.  B«.,xlnnlng  In  spring,  tho  flnit  application  may  be  the  «.i,iH.r 
milphnte  Nolutlon  (1  po.:nd  In  25  gallon,  of  water)  before  the  leaf  budM  o,!en 
The  «H-.,nd.  mxm  after  the  foliage,  In  out.  with  Bordeaux  mixture.  A  third 
■praying  with  the  Ii<»rdeaux  should  follow  the  harventlng  of  the  crop  Start 
new  plantatlonH  from  healthy  canes  or  from  root  cuttings  in  case  of  red 
raspberry  and  blackberry.— if<cA/i;fl»  BulleUn,  No.  25. 

Iwsii  Bi  loiiT.  OR  Late  Blioht  or  Potatoes  {Phytophthora  infentan,). 


The  first  indication  of  this  disease  Is  to  be  seen  on  ihe  leaf  In  the  shape 
Of  a  s  Ight  -Hluctlon  in  the  Intensity  of  the  colouring-matter  «.f  the  leaf.  This 
!•  rapldii  »ilowed  by  the  appearand,  of  small  brownish  blotches,  commencing 
generally  at  the  edge  of  the  leaf.  These  spots  soon  Increase  In  sl7,e  and  the 
tissues  die.  turning  dark  brown  or  nearly  black.  In  dry  weather  these 
patches  do  not  Incnasr  much,  but  In  humid  weather  they  spread  over  the 
eaves  with  Immense  rapidity.  After  destroying  the  leaves,  the  disease 
travels  down  the  haulms,  and  in  severe  cases  the  whole  of  the  aerial  mirtlon 
of  the  potato  plant  may  within  u  few  hours  become  a  blackish  mass  of  rotten 
plant-d^brls.  which  emits  a  characteristic  and  unpleasant  odour.  If  the  under- 
surface  of  the  leaves  be  examined  with  a  iKJcket-lens.  there  will  generally  be 
seen  around  the  margin  of  each  8i)ot  a  more  or  less  distinct  border  of  whitish 
mould,  looking  somewhat  as  If  fine  flour  had  been  sprinkled  on  the  leaves 
This  white  mould  Is  the  fruiting  portion  of  the  fungus  causing  the  disease' 
and  as  myriads  of  spores  are  quickly  formed  on  each  leaf,  it  Is  easy  to 
understand  how  It  can  be  spread  so  rapidly. 

This  potato-disease  is  practically  wholly  propagated  and  carried  on  from 
season  to  season  In  the  tubers  themselves.  It  is.  therefore,  of  the  first 
importance  that  none  but  perfectly  sound  potatoes  should  be  used  for  seed. 

The  appearance  of  diseased  tubers  is  very  characteristic.  Numerous 
sunken,  dead,  brown  patches  are  developed  on  the  surface  of  the  tubers 
These  may  remain  firm  and  hard  for  some  time,  but  generally  thev  become 
soft,  and  the  wholo  tuber  rapidly  rots.  This  rot  is  accompanied  with'a  partic- 
ularly foetid  odour,  quite  distinct  from  the  rots  caused  by  bacteria,  fusarium. 
etc.— A'eic  Zealand,  ISth  Report.  «iiuuj, 

Seed  potatoes  should  be  stored  in  a  perfectly  dry  and  well-ventilated  shed 
They  should  be  examined  at  intervals,  and  any  tubers  showing  signs  of  disease 
should  be  at  once  destroyed. 

The  dipping  of  seed  potatoes  In  Bordeaux  mixture,  using  the  4-4-40  form- 
ula or.  If  the  skin  Is  well  hardened,  the  6-4-40  formula.  Is  to  be  recommended 
A  large  barrel  should  be  used,  and  the  potatoes  placed  in  a  basket  made  of 
wire-netting,  or  some  such  material,  and  the  potatoes  totally  Immersed  for  a 
few  minutes,  then  lay  them  out  In  a  warm  place  to  dry  before  storing.  It 
must  be  remembered  that  this  dipping  kills  only  the  spores  and  those  portions 
of  the  fungus  that  are  on  the  surface  of  the  potato,  and  Is  quite  ineffectual  In 
destroying  the  part  which  winters  In  the  tissues  of   the   tubers  themselves 





(ANSI  and  ISO  TEST  CHART  No.  2) 
















I6SJ  Eait  Main  Stmt 

tSfif**"'  '^*  ''<»*       '♦609      USA 
(716)  «2  -  0300  -  Ptron,  "^ 

(716)  288  -  3989  -  Fo« 

■i  least  sig,,  of  rot.  *""^  *"  *""*"'  '"»»  '-^U'^ve  any  sh,nvi„^,\,„. 

„M  r,;r  "S",:,:;;*'::  ,::;r '" '"""-' '-  -  - - -. 

Wide  C  III  that  ion. 

™,:;;'r;:;:;'"i:;j:;;:,- —  

»""  »  "-I  'M'tl,  „f  soil  „„i  r.,der  tt,  "  '""'  '"  ''""•'  ""■  <"l"'» 

even  tl,„„sl,  ,l„.  f, »M,,,,v  J/^ "*  ^e        ,        '  "'"'  "•"""  '"  "<■  ■""•■"-I 

earn,.,  „„„.„  .,  ,„„  „„„  .„„^^  „--'';_  .l^'-^'J'-  «.-»  ^ ,.„.,, 


Numerous  ex„eri,m.nts  carrie,!  o„t  in    n  t'>.oo„rnffP    the    .lisease 

that  crops  „.an„rec.  with  h.«  ,v  „    r^^e "or.n'"''  "'  *'"  ""'•'"  ""-  •^•--' 
bLxxl.  etc.,  contract  the  dis^^  tZ7ZTt  ""•  '"^"^  "^  "'^'•«t^  "^^  -«'a. 

;yhen  they  are  „,a„„re„  ^.itul,nZS^"T\    ""'■'^'  ""  *"«  "«>-  »-n,l 
the  disease  to  a  great  extent.    '•"'""'' '"^'^^  «'"!  Ph-sphates  they  often  e.scajK. 

Good  Drainage 

tial.  an.1  the  addition  of  large  quanmiTs  of    hlTV''"'"'^*'  '"^  "'''^^  — " 
gron-n  on  over-n.oist  soi,.s  les's  suscep«ble  to  Xl"         ''"  ""'  '""'•^^"^  -""'^ 

^«//e.-/«,  Ao.  2J.  *'"^   ''""    Bordeaux   mixture.-.Ve»(,  Zc«/«,„/ 

TFAen  to  Spray. 

appeared  about  the  Ist  of  Julv   l,i  .^  '  '*^  ^PP^^rance.    Last  ye-ir  if 

;t  first  appears,  sn,a„  Liide^y  ^  ZZ"'  'T""  ^""^^^•'^"*  '"*-   ^'  - 
then  dead,  brown  spots  appear     Wh.;  "  *'"''  ""'^'"'-  «'<^^  «f  the  leaves 

rapidly  and  has  been  know^ to  spmuT  over"  ''"V  '""^  ^'^^"^  «Pread  -en-- 
S|^n  the  leaves  and  stents  are  re  need  to  a  Z^T"  '^'^  ^"  '^"^  '^^  '-'-  '^-•; 
disagreeable  odour.  From  this  hL  ?  ?  •^*^«y'"g  mass  which  emits  a  verv 
deveioped  no  time  should  be  iost  I  ^Ct  T.  "^  ^^^   »«   »-  ^1'--    "I 

tndoubtedlv  the  7.^./  ..i  ^  *^  "^'■'^- 

;•>«  middie  Of  .TunH/Se  '  o\:re  of  t  T^  ^^  '^"'^^  -^iy.  say  about 
be  reiM^ated  every  two  weeks  to  u  """"^  '"^  "'«  «i'«^a«e.     This  shon 

l<eepingthep,,;S;LlVS^^^^^^^^^^  a  great  dea,  de;t: 

^o.  46,  Washington  Agricultural  cSleT.  '^'  sin^re^.-Bullctin 



Early  Blight,  or  Potato  Leaf-Clrl  {MaciOHporiitm  solani). 

This  Is  caused  by  a  fungus  which  attacks  the  foliage.  It  Hrst  appears 
on  the  older  leaves  In  the  form  of  small  brown  or  grayish-brown  spots,  which 
gradually  spread  and  Join,  so  that  soon  a  considerable  area  is  Involved,  the 
affected  parts  becoming  curled,  hard  and  brittle,  while  the  remainder 
frequently  assumes  an  unhealtliy  yellowish  colour.  On  the  apjiearance  of  the 
disease  the  tul)ers  cease  to  grow.  Usually  in  about  three  we<'ks  most  of  the 
leaves  are  dead;  the  stems  remain  green  for  some  time  longer,  and  then 
gradually  perish.  The  tubers,  being  undeveloped  and  unripe,  turn  soft  atid 
will  not  keep.  It  has  been  proverl  by  extensive  exiteriments,  both  in  Europe 
and  America,  that  spraying  with  Bordeaux  mixture  will  not  only  prever;  or 
keep  down  fungous  diseases,  but  will  so  increase  the  yield  as  to  more  than  pay 
the  extra  expense  Incurred.  Great  care  must,  however,  be  taken  in  mixing 
and  applying  fungicides  and  Insecticides. 

The  Macrosporiiim  must  not  be  mistaken  for  tlie  extremely  destructive 
"potato-rot,"  so  much  dreaded  in  older  countries.  There  is  no  doubt  tliat  it 
has  been  so  mistaken,  both  in  England  and  America,  and  this  mistake  has 
given  rise  to  reports  that  "potato-rot"  (Phytophthora  infcstam)  had  broken 
out  in  various  localities,  when  it  was  only  Macrosporiiim,  which,  serious  as  it 
may  be,  is  not  nearly  so  bad  as  Phytophthora. 


As  the  spores  of  the  potato  leaf-curl  live  through  the  winter  on  the  dead 
haulms  and  leaves  of  affected  plants,  it  naturally  follows  that  to  prevent  a 
recurrence  of  the  disease  It  Is  essential  to  carefully  burn  all  tops,  etc..  that 
have  in  the  previous  season  shown  the  least  signs  of  infection.  This  burning 
should  be  done  as  soon  after  the  potatoes  are  harvesteil  as  possible,  as  delays 
are  always  dangerous. 

Potato  Bactebiosis  (Bacillus  solanacearum) . 

The  first  sign  of  disease  Is  disclosed  by  the  yellow  colouration  and  prema- 
ture wilting  of  the  foliage.  Sometimes  only  a  few  isolated  plants  are 
attacked,  at  other  times  whole  rows  may  become  diseased.  At  a  later  stage 
the  veins  of  the  leaves  take  on  a  darker  hue  than  the  rest  of  the  foliage,  which 
then  rapidly  ili.scolours  and  dies. 

If  a  diseased  haulm  is  cut  across  it  will  be  seen  that  the  woody  cylinder 
shows  a  brown  discolouration,  and  the  vessels  are  filled  with  bacteria,  which 
gradually  ooze  out  from  the  cut  surface  in  dirty-coloured  drops.  In  cases  of 
severe  attack  the  tubers  become  affected  early  and  rapidly  rot. 

Preventive  Means. 

It  has  been  definitely  proved  that  this  disease  Is  transmitted  from  field  to 
field  through  the  agency  of  leaf-eating  insects;  In  the  United  States  the 
Colorado  beetle  being  esi)ecially  active  In  spreading  this  bacterial  blight.  In 
consequence  of  this,  it  follows  that  In  districts  where  bacteriosis  is  knr)wn  to 
exist  all  leaf-eating  Insects  should  be  kept  In  check.  For  this  purpose  the 
addition  of  4  oz.  of  Paris  green  to  every  40  gallons  of  Bordeaux  mixture  will 
be  found  an  excellent  chock. 



All  aflfected  plants  should  on  the  first  appearance  of  the  di«Pn«o  , 
down  to  the  ground,  to  avoid   the   „ffo<.tion    spreading   to   the    ubers  ''  ''!' 
must  be  remembered  that  when  once  this  baciluL  has  g' .,  ^d  1  entrv   „tr;,;" 
tissues  of  the  potato-haulm,  spraying  would  be  of  no  avaU     The  top      '. 
cut  off.  Should.  If  iK>ssible.  be  burned.-Ac.  Zealand  BuUetin,  2%5 
Potato  Scab   (OospoHa  scabies). 
At  the  present  day  Oosporca  scahics  Is  one  of  the  most  wl.le^nroo  i     . 
diseases  affecting  the  potato.    The  fungus  usually  attLTtL      re  s  l^^,? 
young,    ormlng  scattered  rough  patches  or  scabs  on  the  surfad      ho^J  T 
gradually  increase  in  size  and  number,  and  not  Infreque^  rwhlr  he  ti  " 
Tlfe'r^  "'r^'""  '^  """  ""'  '""'^  ^^^""•'^*«^y  covered  with  s", 

;r  ::rrtCrf::=g^  •- — ^-  ---  -  - -- 

Prevention  and  Remedies. 
llIsJVhP^L''l?^  ^^^^"^'^  "'^  "'"•*  ^«''  "«^«"^"  ^vithout  having  been  stc- 

when  they  may  be  cut  and  planted  in  the  usual  n.anner.    Great  carnustl.: 

acL"  orT  ''"'"'"''  ""''''  '^°  '''^''^  ««  «»>-«  that  they  are  no    pl^d 
sacks  or  hampers  that  have  contained  scabbed  potatoes 

(^.)  Land  that  has  produced  scabbed  potatoes  is  certain  to  be  lnfe<to,l 

cr,;  r;'b?::-  ;r:;c  rs  jur  ---^^^  ^^'  ^^«  --• 

(3  )  In  the  case  of  gardens  and  small  allotments,  where  potatoes  are  of 

18  trtieif":!!,  '''''''"'''  *''"  *levelopment  of  the  fungus  in  the  soil;    th.^  same 

have^binTollef  'Znf/Tf.''''^'  ''""'•*  °^*  ^^  ^'^'^  **^  P'^«  »»'-«  they 
methcTof  dellL  «Hth  ^J  the  safest,  and  in  the  end  the  most  econon.ica  . 
Leafl^Zm.  ''''"^'-^oard  of  Agriculture  and  Fisheries,  London. 

What  will  prevent  Scab  on  Potatoes^ 

a  ».«,„,.  or  one  poooa  o,  ,o™ „:~:  iZsZ  z::'^^:^^: 


lire  nbc.iit  oqually  eflfectivp.  an.l  ..„«.•«  <-|,oi,-,.  will  .IcikmuI  npoii  tl.p  oaso  with 
which  tlu.y  cim  I)..  |>ro<uml.  Foniialiri  tias  tli.-  a<lvaiitaK..  ,.f  i,„t  hoin-  a 
violt'iit  i)ois«.n  lilvc  tlic  (orrosiv..  sul>liinat.'.  For  tliat  mison.  1  pivfi-r  tlu"  use 
of  formalin.— 7'/Y>/.  John  Craiij,  Corndl  iuiivtsitji. 

Dry-rot  of  Potatoks  {Funnriiim  ojjiKporum). 

The  (lisoaso  to  which  the  iiaiu.'  "  dry-rot  "  lias  Ik.-ii  givni  is  cans...!  by 
several  diffm-iit  fungi,  hut  the  one  whlefi  .lr,es  the  main  amount  of  <lamaK<'  is 
known  as  Fumihiun  ojnjKimum.  a  fimgns  vi-ry  Hoselv  allied  to  the  sleepy- 
.lisease  fungus  of  tomatoes.  The  I'nxariHin  Is  fairly  prevalent,  hut  is  generaliy 
not  noticMl  until  a  oonshh'ral.le  time  after  the  tubers  have  b.n-n  store<i 
although  the  disease  is  contracted  while  tlie  <rop  is  growing  in  the  field  The 
foliage  of  diseased  plants  geui-rally  wilts,  but  as  this  does  not  (n-cur  till  the 
tubers  are  nearly  lull-grown,  very  little  notice  is  taken. 

The  disease  enters  the  tubers  at  the  stem  -nd  and  graduailv  spreads 
through  them.  f.)llowing  the  course  of  the  vascuar  bundles,  and  thus  shows 
up  a  discoloured  ring  when  cut  across.  At  first  sight  one  is  reminded  of 
p..tato-bacteriosis,  but  it  can  at  onci>  1m.  distinguished,  owing  to  the  absence  of 
any  watt-ry  matter  oozing  out  from  the  dl.s«olr.ured  ring.  The  tubers  gradually 
shrink  and  the  skin  bm.mes  wrinkled,  while  the  whole  interior  becomes  trans- 
formed into  a  more  or  less  hard,  crumbling  mass  of  a  grav  colour.  The  fruit- 
uig  of  the  fungus  iijipears  on  the  surface  of  the  tubcTs  as  specks  of  white 
mould,  on  the  delicate  filaments  of  which  are  produced  the  characterlsti." 
sickle-shaped  spores,  which  are  divide.l  into  four  by  transverse  septa.  Sound 
potatoes  can  readily  contract  the  disease  through  coming  in  contact  with 
diseascHl  ones.  Thus  the  loss  that  may  be  sustained  through  the  storing  of 
healthy  and  diseased  tubers  together  can  easily  be  imagined. 

As  this  fungus  enters  the  plant  b..low  the  ground,  and  may  gain  access 
during  any  part  of  the  season,  it  is  dmicuit  to  cope  with;    the 
following  measures  will  be  found  fairly  satisfactory  :— 

1.  (July  sound  tubers  should  l)e  used  for  seed.  It  is  equally  important  not 
to  plant  iKjtatoes  on  laud  where  the  .lisease  has  recently  appeared,  for  this 
fungus  can  live  in  the  soil  for  a  considerable  time,  probably  for  sev.Tal  years 
.Such  infected  land  should  be  used  for  otiier  .rop.s.  such  as  cereals  or  grasses' 

2.  Collect  and  burn  all  badly-diseased  tubers  and  store  susi)e<-ted  ones  in 
a  cool,  dry  place,  where  the  temi.erature  remains  about  40  Fahr 

3.  If  it  is  found  impracticable  to  store  in  a  cool  place,  the  tubers  should  be 
sold  and  eaten  as  soon  after  harvesting  as  jK.ssibie.  There  is  no  danger  in 
eating  partly  affected  potatoes,  as  b<.iling  kills  the  fungus;  ami  even  if  tlicy 
were  eaf..n  raw  the  fungus  cannot  harm  human  being.s,  as  it  cannot  grow  at 
onlinary  blood  tenijierature. 

4.  Nitrogenous  manures  have  been  sliown  to  increase  the  virulence  of  thia 
disease,  lience  they  should  be  avoided  as  far  as  i.ossible. 

5.  Never  throw  diseased  tubers  on  the  manure-heap;  this  is  one  of  the 
most  fruitful  .sources  of  the  spread  of  nearly  all  fungus  diseases 

(}.  Spraying  with  Bordeaux  mixture  makes  the  plants  much  more  healthy 
than  they  would  otherwise  be,  and  helps  then,  to  resist  this  disease 




-'::!::".:;■  ::;;:■;..,:,:,:  r ;:;;!,:  i';::r  -rr '- ■ '■• « 

■■nilS..,l  1,V  l«l,t,Tl.l    I,.-   «l,..f  LI,,  '"    """■  '■""""''■"•.I    

■■•-. 'M.. ',;:,; ';; ;  v:  r^.™  ;;;;-■  x™;;  .":f """■' •  '•■■ ■"' 

turwrs  ar.'  in  tl...  irrom..!   ,„.  i         ""*'"""•     J''<>  alT.vtioii  iii,,K.urs  wlu-n  tl... 

"".1  tlH.  Who,.,  intoroi     ;,•;..    '  "r"'"  """"''  "^""""^•">-  "'••^'-•-t 

.llHto,ul..l  With  varlo,     «.,  T    .,  f  *     "    ^r"'  •'^'•'"•^'  ■""-•  "ft""  ^r...,!, 

i".  n„..  thus ..vati;-;;;.  i^s';:::,;;;:;;:;'""-""'  -  --"  - 1,.  ....t ... ... 

--•r  ••;::r.!-!::;r-;:;--;;;;;-^^    ^.  i.. ., 


•••ro  intro,huv,l  into  th,.  of  ..  h  '  h .  t  '^^'''■^^"'"'  ^'•'•»'  "  <li«^^"««"<l  fr<ii> 
<loes  not  appear  to  h'iUul.o"  "T""'  '"""""'  ^■""""•'^-  '^^'-^  '"•— 
tniv  was  kept  c-on-parati'lf  ,ow  ""''"'  '"  "  ''""^^'  ^^•"^'^••'  t'^^'  """i-a- 

tho  tissues.      Ins,vts  si,       i    .        .  ''  '""^  '"""''"*•'  ^^"^  ^'-''-t^i-'a  I>i-"sent  in 

1-t  aet  won,.;  ::t^^  !'  .    i;.^  !;:;  ""':;  ^'^  -'»«  -'  in-tieille. 


Anthracnose  (roUrtofrichnm  Immwrsiri   r  ^  ...f     ,      .. 
at  the  point  where  it  In.s  i,eRun  t    eo  uf        '^  '''"  ^'''^  "'l**^""'"  ^oniat.. 

Joss  before  the  fruit  can  .>e  nn^ Le  e.  '  '""'  ''"'''''''  ••"'•»">•'  -'"-"*^'  »"•<••' 

With  a  dark  eentre;  tiuJ^^i  .  j  ,iV'"''T  "'  '''""'^'"  ^^'«^">'«»'--l  spots 
of  the  necaying  fruit  and  a  "s,  rl  Jm'  ""'/"f  "^'r.  -ve-  a  lar«e  portion 
-^  -s  and  youn.  -^rS  si^ ^ ^ Sr^^l.Se     ^'^^ 

Ti,„   i„  .  Southern,  or  Field  liliyht 

^^yl^.trZ^'%T  ^^T^  "-  -^«  «l-ivei  and  d..op. 
-  tl,e  fa„.  Clmn«  e  tomato  patJhTn'"' h""'  '""  ^"^^'"''^  ^'"^  "-»  ^-'^ 
-Orc^OH  i/«//e</«,  A'o.  27  ''"''"''''"  ''^"'^^  ^'^^^  t»°  o^'  11^1--  years. 



Onion  IUst.  or   ( l-rro,w,,>on,  .'irhUMrniunn.  T'no  ) 
This  disease  In.s  h,.,..,  ,„.rti.-„!,uly  Im.l  In  tl,..  vi.initv  of  Xnnain.o      It 
a  ta,.ksth.  leaves  a.ul  very  s„..n  destroys  nil  „...  plants  In  a  IhhI.     A  n  ■  s 

in.  slightest  Sign  of  shows  the  plants  sl.onhl  he  spraved  repcat^l       vlU 
nnK<,d,.s    sneh  as  Hordeanx  ndxtnre.     This  n.ay  savL  the  er        l.t    , 
tak.-n   early  an.l  persisted   in.   the  c-hanees  are   against   su..eess      Al  n        n 
e    Min  preeaut,c.ns  should  not  ho  negle-.te.!.  sn.-h  as  hurning  all  tops  an,.     .f„   !' 
.  .1  sin.-..       Is  sai.l  that  the  spores  of  son.e  fnngons  diseases  snrvlve    or    o  -i 
I  ■  in    he  gronnd.  th.  h.-st  n.eans  of  avoiding  futnre  troni.le  is  to  a    .n     ,: 
<       ;"'<"'  >-H    and  grow  the  .-rop  only  npon  soil.     Possihh-  lin  i  g 
'  "  .."  1H-.IS  and  growing  new  .-rops  on  then,  would  have  the  ..flVt  of  .v     n,-   I  • 

.M    a  Ae.j    strong  n.ixtnre.  as  high  as  twehx-  of  eo, r  snlph-.te  to 

e.«ht  pounds  <.f    lin...  an,l  .'O  gallons  of  water,  for  sprayini  old  Ik  Vh 

hrs  tappoaran...  of  this  dis.-ase  in  the  spring-tln.e  result,  fron.  the  prj  . 
..t  the  res  .ng  spor...  whieh  are  pro,Unvd  in  the  d.H-aying  l.aves-  a'  u-e  it 
na  un.Ry  ollows  inununlty  fron.  this  disease  dep^nd^  largei;  nZZ 
.•■•'.e  that  has  h....n  l„.stowe<l  the  previous  on  the  collec-ting  oJoth  r 
and  hurnuig  of  the  ch'.ryi.d  f(,liage.  i-'feanti 

.Stuawiu;uky  Lkaf  Bliuiit.     B^lg.  is.v. 



RliKht  (i^plKnilla  frat/aria',  Tul.)  usually  causes  its  greatest  liijnrx 
by  attackliiK  the  new  jirowth  which  appears  after  the  fruit  is  harvest.,! 
the  old  leaves  then  euiitaln  countless  si)ores  which  will  Infect  the  y..niix 
BrowliiR  folhiKe.     To  prevent  this,  mow  the  plants  with  a  scytlie,   rak.'  up 

all  the  leaves,  allow  them  to  dry,  and  then  burn  carefully.     Some  reconun | 

renewhiK  the  setting  annually  and  planting  in  deep,  well-drained  soil.  Spray 
with  ammonlacal  copper  carlwnate  every  fortnight,  beginning  the  latter  |.iirt 
of  Ai)ril.     Four  applications  should  be  sufficient. 

Mint  Disease  (Puccinia  mcntliw). 

Specimens  of  a  disease  which  killed  off  most  of  the  garden  mint  in 
Victoria  were  submitted  to  Dr.  Fletcher,  who  reported  on  It  as  follows  :— 

"The  trouble  with  the  mint  seems  to  be  a  sfwcies  of  rust,  allied  to  grain 
rust,  and  known  as  Pucvinia  nicnthw,  the  uredo  form  being  jiresent  jit  the 
time  you  plucked  the  si)ecimens  submitted.  Curiously  enough.  I  f..iiii.| 
associated  with  this  fungus  very  small  red  maggots,  very  nuich  like  those  nf 
the  common  wheat  midge,  several  of  these  larvie  being  in  the  package  that 
you  sent  me.  I  find  this  or  a  similar  kind  of  maggot  feeding  ou  the  sp..r.s 
of  grain  rust,  and  also  I  have  recently  found  what  appears  to  be  the  saint- 
thing  feeding  on  the  spores  of  a  rust  attacking  the  leaves  of  the  ilay  n]>\<U: 
These  maggots  devour  the  spores,  but  I  fear  can  do  but  little  in  controlljn;; 
the  rust.  As  you  know,  we  are  almost  helpless  In  controlling  rust,  and  I 
regret  that  I  am  not  able  to  suggest  a  remedy  in  your  case.  Its  abundance 
on  mint  with  you  may  be  due  to  meteorological  conditions,  though  it  nnist  be 
present  in  more  or  less  abundance  every  year." 

Diseased  Grass  {Phi/sarum  ctnereum). 

A  si)eclmen  of  diseased  grass  from  the  lawn  of  Mr.  Justice  Martin  was 
submitted  to  the  U.  S.  Department  of  Agriculture,  and  tlie  following  n-port 
was  received  from  A.  F.  Woods.  Tathologist: — 

"The  material  was  .so  broken  before  it  reached  us  that  only  a  small 
portion  of  the  organism  could  be  observed,  which  Is  by  no  means  sutticient 
for  a  specific  determination.  Similar  material  from  lawns  is  very  frequently 
sent  us,  which,  probably  without  exception,  lias  proved  to  be  Phiisannn 
cinereup',  which  occurs  very  commonly  on  richly  manured  ground.  MiixotHii- 
cetcs,  also  called  Miicctozoa,  are  peculiar  organisms  possessing  both  anlm.-il 
and  vegetable  characteristics;  hence  they  have  been  claimed  by  both  zoolo- 
gists and  botanists,  probably  not  belonging  rightly  to  either,  although  their 
descriptions  are  generally  included  in  worlcs  of  systematic  crji)toganii.' 
botany.  The  life  history  of  the  Mii.iom]icctcs  comprises  a  motile  stage  in 
which  the  Plasmodium  streams  or  spreads  over  a  surface  of  perhaps  even 
.several  sciuare  feet,  and  ascending  substances,  as  the  blades  of  gra.^s,  are  com- 
pletely covered  with  the  fruit  called  .sporangia.  As  far  as  I  know,  tlif 
Ml/xomycctcs,  with  extenml  siwrangia,  have  never  been  reported  as  of  any 
economical  Importance.  Changes  in  temperature  and  humidity,  unfavourable 
to  the  species  cu  grass,  may  have  already  caused  its  disappearance,  and  it  is 
doubtful  if  experiments  with  fungicides  would  be  profitable." 


Smi.t  is  Grai.x. 
\yiiat  the  ,Siniit  in. 

Wheat  smut  Is  ciinscd  by  a  small  i»laiit  \vlii<li  st«'!ils  Its  HmmI  from  tlu> 
wheat  j.laiit.  The  siiint  plants  are  <listrlh\ited  l.y  the  thie.  Mack  iiuw.lerv 
grniiis  of  smut  which  cliiitf  to  the  s<'e(l  wheat.  Kven  when  tlie  wheat 
apiK'ars  to  he  clean,  they  may  he  itfesent  In  the  grooves  in  the  side  of  the 
grain  or  in  the  tnft  of  lialrs  at  one  end.  When  the  farnuT  plants  tlie  wheat 
he  also  j>lants  the  snnjt.  As  the  smutted  l<eni<-l  ;:<m'h  into  th.«  ground  it 
carries  witii  it  .sev«Tai  grains  of  smut.  After  heing  planfe.1,  tlie  wlieat  grait, 
grows  and  brings  fortli  a  small  plant.  So  also  th»!  snuit  plant  p-rmlnates  and 
sends  out  a  fine  tliread-lik.'  j.lant  so  small  that  it  cannot  b«'  seen  with  tlie 
unaided  eye.  Tlie  smut  plai  soon  prcnluces  small  thread.s.  wlilch  i.eiH"trat.. 
into  the  small  wheat  i.lant  tlin.ugh  Its  w.ft  and  delicate  .sUHi.  After  a  few 
day.s,  lio\vev«'r.  at  about  the  time  that  the  wheat  unrolls  Its  first  leaf,  its  skin 
gets  t(K.  liard  to  be  itenetrated  by  the  smut,  so  tliat  if  the  wheat  has  escaped 
thus  far  it  is  no  longer  in  any  danger  from  the  smut. 

Jf  the  smut  has  penetrated  the  wheat  skin  <luring  its  danger  period  it 
contiiuies  to  grow  in  the  wlu-at  plant  up  through  the  stem.  Alx.ut  the  tinu 
that  the  wheat  plant  niak«-s  its  seeds  the  smut  sends  its  thread  into  tlie  wheat 
kernel.  As  fast  as  fowl  is  stored  up  for  the  young  wheat  j.lant,  the  smut 
steals  it  and  replaces  it  with  its  smut  grains. 

In  the  covered  or  stinking  smut  of  wlieat  only  the  Inside  of  the  kernel  is 
removed  by  the  smut  and  a  sliell  is  left  around  it,  but  in  the  snuit.s  as 
for  example  the  loose  smut  of  oats,  the  whole  kernel  is  destroyed  and  the 
spores  are  left  exposed  to  be  blown  about  by  the  wind. 

The  wheat  kernels  which  have  been  smutted  are  broken  in  handling  or 
in  threshing,  and  the  smut  grains  are  thus  scattered  on  to  new  wheat  and 
are  ready  for  the  next  year's  planting.  Very  evidently,  the  only  way  in  which 
this  disease  can  be  reactuHl  and  the  smut  plants  killed  is  bv  treating  tlie  seed 
wheat  with  something  wliich  will  kill  the  smut  grains,  but  whldi  will  not 
injure  the  wheat. 

Hard  Smut  (Tilletia  caries).    Fig.  ISb. 

<o)  A      Bunted      grain  of  wheat :    (ft »  A  traverse  section  of  the  same:    (c)  A  lonKl- 
m  „  ^,  tudlnal  section.      (All  enlarged  ttve  diameters.)  ^ 

The  diseases  of  wheat  known  generally  in  North  America  under  the  name 
of  "  Bunt,"  "  Hard  Smut."  or  one  of  the  other  designations  mentioned  above, 
«re  due  to  the  ravages  of  two  parasitic  fungi  belonging  to  the  family  Tilletia 

Jf  'f 




In  n  "  Bunted  "  kernel  of  wheat  the  wh«>le  of  the  fnrlnnoe<.\jB  poutents  of  the 
grain  ar«?  uestroyeil  by  the  Invading  fungus  and  their  place  flUwl  by  a  bla«k 
powdery  dUHt— the  rli»e  8i»orea  of  Its  repro<luetive  systtui— aometiuies  culled 
the  fruit.— fiM//c«n  Ac    3,  Central  Experimental  Farm. 

Smct,  OB  Loose  Smut  (Vatilauo  carlo).    Fig.  18c. 

"  Smut,"  or  as  It  Is  generally  called,  "  Loose  Smut,"  to  distinguish  it  from 
"  Bunt "  or  "  Hard  Smut,"  to  which  it  is  distinctly  related,  is  very  Injurious 
to  wheat,  barley  and  especially  oats.  In  many  parts  of  Canada.  The  scientific 
name  Vstilago  is  derived  from  the  Latin  word  ustus,  burnt,  and  the  specific 
name  carbo  means  charcoal.  Both  names  refer  to  the  appearance  of  the  spore 
masses  when  they  are  produced  in  the  ear.  This  disease  Is  not  of  the  same 
serious  nature  as  hard  smut,  from  the  fact  that  the  smutted  ears  are  easily 
observed  and  can,  with  a  little  labour,  be  all  removed  and  destroyed  before 


mnny  of  the  Bporos  nre  dlMHonilimtod.  nt»l  borniiso.  thorp  Iwinjr  no  f.-tlil  o«loiir 
J'lnlttPd  by  thp  Hiiort'H.  th.'.v  do  not  upoll  eltli.t-  the  crop  of  wlieat  iiiuongHt 
whicli  they  grow  or  the  flonr  m.ulo  therefrom. 

As  with  bunt  so  with  this  smut;  It  Is  evident  that  the  disease 
begins  nt  the  bottom  and  works  upwards.  In  all  Instance's  wlien  the  siK.res 
npiwar  in  the  injured  ears  the  spawn  may  be  detcvtecl  In  everv  juirt  from 
the  root  through  the  stem  to  the  inrtoreseenee.  In  no  ease,  however,  can  this 
spawn  be  found  in  parts  through  It  Is  not  necessary  for  It  to  pass  in 
order  to  reach  the  iwlnt  where  the  srK)re8  re  formed ;  thus  they  are  not 
found  in  the  blades  of  the  leaves.  Thl'»  smr  is  not  restrlctcnl,  like  bunt  to 
the  seeds  alone,  but  the  whole  ear  Is  destroyecl.-Cc»//«i  L'j-iterimcntal  Farm 
Bulletin,  No.  3. 

licmciUcs. — Wheat. 
For  wheat,  probably  nothing  is  more  effective  than  the  common  bluestone 
treatment,  using  one  pound  of  bluestone  dissolved  In  a  pail  of  water  for  eight 
or  ten  bushels  of  wheat.  The  solution  should  be  sprinkled  over  the  seed  and 
the  grain  shovelled  over  several  times,  to  Insure  that  every  kernel  of  grain 
is  moistened  with  the  solution.  It  is  not  always  convenient  to  have  boiling 
water  to  dissolve  the  bluestone.  and  It  will  not  dissolve  in  cold  water  unless 
It  be  placed  In  a  sack  and  suspended  In  water.  Just  below  the  surface  when  It 
is  claimed  It  will  dissolve  In  a  few  hours.  The  amount  of  bluestone  necessary 
to  make  a  barrel  of  pickle  can  thus  be  dissolved  readily  by  suspending  It  In 
an  old  sack  across  the  top  of  the  barrel,  Just  so  that  all  the  bluestone  is 
submerged  under  water. 

Formalin  Treatment. 
Formalin  Is  a  40  per  cent,  solution  of  a  gas  In  water.    As  obtained  at  the 
drug-store  it  has  the  appearance  of  water,  but  has  n  characteristic  odour 
It  Is  poisonous  m  the  strong  solution  in  which  It  is  bought  and  sold,  but  not 
in  the  weak  solution  in  which  it  is  used  on  the  grain.    About  one  pound  of 
formalin  is  necessary  to  each  40  or  50  bushels  of  grain  to  be  treated.    One 
should  be  able  to  purchase  it  at  the  drug-store  for  about  45  to  60  cents  per 
pound,  buying  it  in  pound  lots  or  larger.    Mix  it  with  water  at  the  rate  of 
one  pound  of  formalin  to  60  gallons  of  water.    Make  a  wooden  trough  about 
the  size  and  style  of  a   watering  trough   and   a   little  wider  than  a  shovel 
Partly  All  this  trough  with  the  formalin  solution.     Pour  the  wheat  slowly  from 
the  sacks  into  the  trough,  so  that  the  grains  will  separate  and  the  smut  balls 
and  wild  oats  will  float..   Skim  these  off.    Let  the  wheat  remain  In  the  trough 
and  see  that   it  continues   to   be  covered   with   tlie  formalin  solution  for  at 
least  one  and  a  half  or,  better,  two  hours;   at  the  end  of  this  time,  shovel  it 
out  on  to  a  bam  floor  which  has  been  cleaned  with  boiling  water,  or  shovel  it 
Into  a  canvas  sheet  which  has  been  cleaned  in  the  same  way  and  is  supported 
between  posts.     If  the  weather  be  favourable  for  drying  the  wheat,  it  may  at 
once  be  put  into  the  sacks  and  dried  in  them.    Use  only  clean  sacks,  that  is  new 
sacks,  or  those  which  have  been  cleaned  in  boiling  water.    Soaking  Little 
Club  Wheat  (which  is  the  softest  wheat  raised  in  Eastern  W.nshingtosi)   for 
one  and  a  half  to  two  hours  will  not  appreciably  soften  it.    At  the  end  of  that 
time  it  can  scarcely  be  dented  by  the  finger  nail. 

■""*  ?R 



"  '•'  ""•'*  " I'*  "'"••1.  v.T.v  ,.n,..|,  ,„  „...  n.nn.r.  "" 

rr/;y  o/  ,svy,/  afhr  T,ruh„n,t 

I"  t  In  ..  .li,,.N  smks  ,„•  ,nlo  m..vtl.ln«  wl.i.l.  Is  .■uv..r...l  xvltl,  llv,.  .nn.f    I    «.  i 

;":n.':;,::n::::r;;,;;r  ,;;;;;::,:'■;:'  -  ■" , --»■  •"■'-.•'■.-..'.' ,;;: 

*.M ...  „..,.  ,^,:;:;;„;;:-' „-;  :'t™;j;;;;;i':r'';:r,::;; 

.,  ,'„:,:'■" w  ':""■'; '" ' '  - ••  •■""'  '"■" » -  «;,'■>, 

■ = ::::•;„  ;;:'t:;; ;:;: :;-  :';::;:-:::'';n;";;::;:n::',.r:" 

''"'  ''<»>iit.~ron,ialii,    Trnitiiinit. 

..n.4U':,:r::.':.;;:;;::;:r,r"',;;;'  -'  ■;;-  -  •■•».  - r-.. , • 

Ihe  forinaiaehyile  solution  here  re<-oniniei,,iP,i  i»  ..  ^ 

_,  ,  f^ot  Water  Treatment. 

ment  [n  Z'l^o-  .  '"'""*^'  ^^^''^  "'^"""^  r.vo„,„,ended.     This  treat- 

"rtds*nrt     Ll^r^^^^^^         '""^   '*«"«"   «'   Tra.uan.sburg  entire,;  p^e- 
nrea  smut.    The  methud  does  not  seem  to  gain  In  ix,p„lar  favour,  owing. 


no  .ln,.|,f    to  t,H.  l.!...  tlu.t  If  Ih  .lifflmlt  ...  k.vp  tl...  wntrr  nt  tl... 
-„.lrn!  t,.„„M.n„u.v    ,l.,-..„«,..M,t    tl...    tr...m„,.„,.     Th.    Ml..«,„.      ,..,,.    J 
•ov..v,.r   will  ,.„„M,.  „„,•..„,.  tn  H.s.„n.  cxn-H.-nt  h-huUh  wl.h  III  1,1,       .i 
only  or„l,n,r.v  ....r...     NVar  „  Inru.  kH.I..  I,,  wl.lH.  ,1„.  wnt,..-     ...v         |.., 

H.irfa.'o.    A  f,.w  f..,.t  f,o„.  ,i,m  l.nrrH  «,.,  „  po„t  with  ..  polo  a.roMH  tl...  ,o„ 
o  „M..  „H  „  ,ev..r  l„  dipping  th.    Hn.ks    of    on.s    l„to    tlu'  wn t  ',      W      .        ! 

K.r.„onK.t..r.  ,K.„r  part  of  It  l,.to  tl..  l.arrH  „n<,  a.M  hot  or  -o     \v    ,." 
tho  „„.r,.„ry  HtH,..lg  nt  148".    About  one  huHh.-l  of  oatn  n.,.|os,.,      .      '•.    ii 
«unny.H,u.k  Ih  now  lowernl  Into  tho  wator  ,,v  ...n...H  of  th  r     ^ .       ", 

iHL  umiHTnturo  Ih  im  .      Tho   nark   hIioiiM   »«.   ,„ov.m1   .....Htniitlv   to   li.H„ro 
he  end  of  ten  n.lnnten.    Tl...  ontH  „.«,•  he  UrUnl  by  shovcllInK  th.Mu  m'.r      ,." 

or  they  may  be  Mown  hr.«d,„Ht  withlu    a    f..w    h.-urs    hv  ...h.II,.k  t l."n.  wmi 

7    m  J"'  """'""^  "^^■'"''  "'"  ""^^  "'•  t""t  "t-"t  on..flfth  .noreby  Zh  r 
should  be  m^yn.-EJ■pcrmcnt  Farm  liuUvtln.  Ao.  3.  "»"Hure. 

Uarley  Smut. 
..ffooHv!  "/"'h  T*"™'  ''^  '^^  tn.ntn.ent  preH.Tlb.Hl  for  oat  nmut  will  l,e  found 

formaldehyde  with    twenty  gallonn  of  wat.r.  Inntend  of   thlrty-Hfx    ^h  mlm- 
mended  for  the  eradication  of  oat  smut. 

The  barley  hull  may  be  more  reHlntant  to  the  formal.lehy.le  nn.l  off..r« 
b^^ter  protection  to  the  nmut  nporen  than  the  oat  hulls,  or  t  av  be  «" 
that  the  «mut  siK^ren  of  the  barley  are  more  renlntant  than  he  oat  «mul 
spores,  consequently,  necnl  «  stronger  solution  for  their  extermlnttlo,". 

A  Rot  of  Stobed  Celkry. 

Celery  may  be  dug  In  the  fall  and  storwl  In  a  wllnr  to  be  ns.vl  .inn.,., 
winter  and  spring.     It  in  usual  to  pack  It  cl.>Hely.  with  t "'  n^.t^l  "T.  I  Tuu 

esZaTlv  If  Jh    "T''r"'  ''  '''  ''""  ''  "^*  "'"^  *"^^  ten.,K.rature  va  L   „,^ 
especlallj  If  the  celery  freezes  and  thaws.  It  will  dwav     De.nv  fnii<.„.. 

npon  death.    The  bacteria  and  moulds  are  Its  a.-tlve  agLts     T^v  a      „,  ;  "^ 

present  In  the  soil  ,n  which  the  celery  grows,  and  In  the  so^' ,  w    "     Z 

roots  are  packed,  and  there  are  no  practicable  n.eans  by  whi -h    hev    •.  ,  '.t 

plnnt.     It  remains  then  to  keep  the  celerv  alive  and  in  health  s,.  uSu 
resist  tho  invasion  of  the  bacteria.     A  constant     en    e^r^ure  a     i n  .  1 


This  w:is  obsrrved  lu  s.»me  celery  stored  in  the  cellar  of  H,n  tt^.h     ,*       . 
The  «ler,-  ,„,„  ,|,„„.„1  sls„»  „f  i,„vl„g  b»„  ,„...„,  but,  a,  ,l,c  „„,„..,;,,,„ 

■|s  I 


oontlnuod  low,  It  n.mnlncd  so„„,l  within,  the  outer  leaves  ami  stalk,  onlv 
showinK  >;I^;ms  of  ,le  ay.  While  the  weather  eontlnned  cold  the  celery  in  tlu- 
cellar  re,nalne,l  «.,mul.  aithongh  It  develojHMl  a  sweet  taste;  but  when  warn, 
weather  eanie  In  early  sj.rlnB.  what  had  not  been  eonsu.n.Hl.  rotted 

ny  su,h  study  we  learn  that  bacteria  cause  dmiy.  an,l  that  decay  takes 
place  under  con.lltions  in  son.e  n.easures  knmvn  to  us  and  uder  our  oiUror 
To  keep  celery  well  it  should  be  packed  with  the  roots  in  clean  soil.  For  this 
purpose  It  is  best  to  use  the  humus,  or  nmck  s  U  which  the  celery  s 
co,n.n„„ly  «rown.  The  soil  in  which  the  roots  are  packed  should  be  kept 
moist  but  no  wet  with  good  water.  The  cellar  or  storage  nx^m  should  ie 
kept  at  a  uniform  low  tem,K.Mature,  a  little  above  freezing.    Free  ventilation 

rruVrr'-.'T^r  '"•""'' "^  ^'-^"'"^'"^  «-  temperatunid  : 
the  health  of  the  plants.  It  should  be  rememl,ered,  also,  that  celery  kept  in 
a  close,  foul  atmosphere  becomes  talnted.-0«/«//o  Bulletin  Xo.  136. 



t  ■  ■ 


Red  Spider  ( Tetrmychus  telarius,  and  Allied  Species). 

These  minute  posts  of  the  hop-grower  and  orchardist  all  have  a  similar 

fe-hlstory  and  habits,  which,  however,  vary  In  different  climates  and  locaH- 

ties.    Infested  fruit  trees  or  plants  show   their  presence  by  the  unheriv 

mo^th^  ;r  f ""  '''""^*"'  "^ ""  ^"p  ^'^'"^  «-"^-'  »»• « -"ititude  Of  ill;;. 

lighter  sll'ie""""'  ''^"  "''"'"'  "  ^'^"*'"*^''  ""«*'  ^^"'^  l'«t^-»^«  «f  «  S^ayish  o'r 

..inh/r   "*^   «P'^'»'"«  'nost  conmionly  fonnd  here,  the  eggs  appear  as  ruby-red 
globules  as  scH-n  under  the  microscope,  and  are  sometimes  found  In  vast  num 

eL'th'lIt  tf    u""  ""'l?''  ''"'''  °"  '^"'^  •'^'*^'  ""'  ""•^'^^  "'bblsh  and  clods  of 

o?  1  U    1  "^'r  '"''  "••"  •'""^'"'*  '"^  "^'"''^y'  «»•!  t^^«  applications 

of   the  No.  1  spray,  used  as  warm  as  possible,  are  advised   to   be   made   to 

h.fested  fruit  trees,  in  the  winter  or  very  early  spring,  before  growth  starts 

During  the  summer  months,  a  badly  infested  leaf  has  Its  un.ler  side  completelv 

covemi  with  a  dense  web.  under  which  are  eggs  and  mites  in  all  stages  of 

deve  opmen  .  and  it  Is  dltBcult  to  reach  the  pests  with  ordinary  spraying 

In  C  allfornla.  however,  where  they  are  very  troublesome  pests,  the  follow- 

ng  me  ho<ls  are  in  use  in  spring  and  early  summer  as  soon  as  th"  eggs  are 

bellous  or  other  appliance,  after  they  have  been  wetttMl  by  a  spraying.     Some 
growers  use  a  spraying  ndxture  n.nde  In  this  way:   Take  20  L.'of  sulph  r 
and  n.ix  to  a  paste  with  com  water  In  a  barrel ;   then  add  t.>  this  wet  s  Ip    ,; 
10  lbs.  of  caustic  scxla.  98  per  cent.,  when  it  will  boll  up  like  lime  si  kl  g 
bave  ready  20  gallons  of  water  to  add  to  it  as  it  boils,  to  prevent  b  r n  1  fg 


This  forms  n  stock  solution.  nn.l  when  ready  to  sprny  put  40*  gallons  of  water 
In  another  barrel,  and  take  half  a  gallon  of  the  stock  solution  and  add  to  If 
strain,  and  apply  with  the  spray  pump,  taking  care  to  wet  the  under  sides  of 
the  leaves. 

At  Chllllwack,  a  strong  hot  solution  of  whaio-oil  soap,  applied  with  hand 
sprayers,  has  given  gocxl  results  against  the  red  mltc'  of  the  hop,  but  very  care- 
ful work  is  required  to  reach  the  pests,  and  it  must  be  done  soon  after  the 
mites  are  hatched  out. 

7?cmcd/('*.— Various  preparations  of  sulphur  and  soap  have  been  recom- 
mended, used  separately  or  together,  mixed  with  water,  and  applied  to  the 
bushes  with  a  syringe.  Plain  soap  and  water,  or  water  alone,  freely  applied 
Is  regarded  by  some  as  efficient,  as  the  Insect  Is  known  to  thrive  besi  in  a  dry 
atmosphere.  In  applying  any  liquid.  It  Is  necessary  to  wet  the  under  side  of 
the  leaves  In  order  to  make  the  application  effectual,  since.  If  applied  to  the 
upper  surface  only,  the  mites  would  .emaln  uninjured  beneath.— TV.  Saunders. 
Teab-Leaf  Buster  Mite  (Phytoptus  pyri,  Xaiepa). 

A  considerable  amount  of  Injury  Is  done  every  year  In  all  parts  of  Canada 
where  the  pear  Is  grown,  by  the  ojjeratlons  of  the  iiear-leaf  blister  mite  The 
irregular  blotches,  about  one-eighth  of  an   Inch   In  diameter  and  frequently 

(Fio.  19.)    The  Mite.  (Pio.  20.)  Work  of  Mite, 

confluent,  caused  by  these  mites,  are  frequently  so  abundant  on  the  foliage 
as  to  make  It  impossible  for  the  leaves  to  perform  their  functions.  These 
blotches,  when  examined,  are  found  to  be  hollow  bllster-llke  galls  with  a  hole 
n  the  centre  through  which  large  numbers  of  almost  Invlslblv  small  mites 
Issue  and  attack  fresh  parts  of  the  leaf.  Few  i^eople  recognise  this  injury  as 
thework  of  an  Insect  at  first  sight.  It  Is  nearly  always  sent  in  as  a  fungous 



Zn.?r ♦.  '.  P^'ar-grower  may  be  pruotlcnllv  extorinlnated    with    n 

Mngle  thorough  s,.n.y,ng  with  the  nUxture  above  inentloned.-^Slt  Cr" 

T.  RNip  Ayo  Cabbaok  Aphis   (.lp/n>  6ro«s/cec,  L.).    Pig.  21. 

A«flrA--Clu.ster8  of  gray  plant-lice  situated  all  round  the  bases  of  the 
sterns  and  beneath  the  leaves  of  Swede  turnips  and  all  kinds  reabbages  fro  n 
which  they  suck  the  sap,  causing  them  to  become  withered  and  stunted  and 

rr",  '" Hwf ''  '''''■"^''''^  ""^"'^  ^^«P«-    ^«  ^  r»'-.  these  plant  "l^  are  ;>o 
noticed  until  the  end  of  the  season ;  but  In  dry  autumns,  or  o,f  high  rnd7thev 
increase  with  Incredible  rapidity  and   become   one   of   the   most   der^ctlve 

rrrand^rrrs  ^"  -''-  -  "^  '«*^  ^n  a„,„jc-: 

nTltt"'?  L"'  -»»«o— :   but  in  Eastern  Snada'the  Lst  iCtant 
injury  Is  to  Swede  turnips  in  fields  at  the  time  that  they  are  formin^thelr 

Ifcmcdies—vrhen  cabbages  in  gardens  are  attacked,  the  colonies  of  nlant 
I^  Should  be  destroyed  by  spraying  with  kerosene  emulslou  or  thaleilC. 
c«»  the  r  first  appearance.     In  turnip  fields  the  injury  Is  always  in  autumn  an 

Z^  Tl""  'f  ^''"*-"""  ''^""'*^  «'«•">•«  ''^  '^^-^  ^ov  whe.^  the  turZ  are 
being  hoed  and  thinned.  At  this  tln.e  good  work  may  be  done  by  8im^,ly  hX 
out  the  infested  plants  and,  having  pulled  some  earth  over  them  with  Se 
hoe  pressing  it  down  with  the  foot.  When  the  plant-llce  are  t^  numerous 
for  th  s  s  n.ple  treatment,  the  infested  plants,  which  at  this  time  a7e  grerT 
h.  restricted  areas,  should  be  promptly  sprayed  with  a  knapsack  sjayerrig 
kerosene  emulsion  or  whale-oil  soap,  one  pound  i„  six  gallons  of  water  ^s 
the  egp,  are  laid  late  in  autumn  on   the  leaves  of  turnips  and  cabbag;' 

iSf:rtr;rer:!!X^:^er^'  '^  ^'^^^^^  '"^  "^^'-^  ^-'^^-  ^^^-« 


water,  allowing  It  to  stan.l  f,.r  .  '  ''""'""y  "^  8«Jt  In  a  vessol  and  fill  it  with 
l«  then  ready  l^Z  "ZZ^  ^ZTfT  "'"''"'''  '"'  *"«  ""*-•  ""'^h 
The  ,ua«Hia  and  winde-oir^p "p^  "  T^ZZ:  \  '^  T'  "'  ^"*'""^'""- 
clous  iu  this  Province.  "'     ""*  "'*'*'  ^^  ^0"»*1  to  l>e  effioa- 

Bean  Aphis   (jp/,/^  rM/«/c,>,  £.).    Fig.  22. 

4»fl/.fr      Bin  .      !^"^\  ^^-^     Natural  size  and  enlarRed. 

attention  has  been  drawn  tflt  ^'*'''''°  ^°  ^^°"*'«'  ^O'"" 

;^the  Plant   at  tr^e\ZV't::rZ'lT''S^^^^^^ 
because  it  overcomes  one  of  the  chief  difflonm^^f     ^    .     "*  *'  "'^"  beneficial 
the  failure  of  the  ikkIs  to  de  ^fon     ThTch^^^^^^^       f  ^'"^  **•'"  ''"•^P'  ^'^'^^  ^« 
the  tips  causes  the  flowers  to  sei  J5!  ,' ^    "f  ""'  *^^  ^'"^'"^  •'•^'  ^»"'"«  «« 
/^/c/rAer.  *  ^^  •'^"«''  t^^^^  "  the  tips  are  left  on.- 

Apple  Aphis  (Aphis  mali). 

(Fio    2r).)    Greatly  enlarged 


The  eggs  of  the  apple  aphis  are  deposited  In  the  fall,  usually  on  tho 
extremities  of  the  new  growth,  or  around  the  buds.  Two  thorough  annii 
cations  of  the  No.  1  spray,  according  to  the  directions  given,  or  of  the  lye  an.l 
soap  wash  (No.  15),  will  destroy  the  eggs,  and  this  Is  by  far  the  best  lueth.Hl 
of  dealing  with  t),.-  pest  In  the  first  Instance.  In  a  natural  way  the  eggs  hat.l. 
out  just  when  growth  commences  In  the  spring,  and  the  leaves  of  Infested  trets 
soon  become  curled  and  roll  up,  making  It  very  difficult  *o  reach  the  lusivt 
with  any  spraying  mixture. 

They  multiply  at  an  enormous  rate,  those  first  hatched  giving  birth  to 
living  young  which  In  their  turn  reproduce  In  the  same  way,  and  so  on  f.,r 
several  generations,  so  that  as  fast  as  new  leaves  expand,  they  are  attacked  if 
the  weather  conditions  are  favourable  to  the  aphides. 

For  summer  spraying,  any  one  of  sprays  Xos.  2,  6  or  7  will,  if  used  as 
directed  In  the  earlier  stages  of  attack,  prove  effective;    two  sprayings  are 
usually  required,  and  are  better  given  with  only  a  short  Interval  between  them 
not  more  than  three  days.    Care  should  be  observed  to  make  the  spraylng,i 
very  thorough,  as  the  washes  kill  only  by  actual  contact  with  the  Insects. 

During  the  summer  winged  broods  of  the  pests  are  born ;  these  should  bo 
looked  out  for,  and  prevente<^  from  establishing  themselves  by  a  timely  use  of 
one  of  the  spraying  ml"  ires  referred  to. 

Blac:    Jhebbt  Aphis  {Myzus  cerasi) 
Is  very  Injurious  to  the  new  growth,  especially  on  young  trees.    It  multiplies  at 
an  enormous  rate  In  a  similar  manner   to   the   last-mentioned   pest.    Badlv 
Infested  trees  are  often  a  source  of  attraction  for  swarms  of  files  and  wasps 
which  feed  upon  the  sweet  exudation  from  the  bodies  of  the  aphides. 

I'rompt  and  thorough  sprn.Mng  In  the  early  stage  of  the  attack  Is  necessarv 
to  deal  with  this  pest  effectively.  It  Is  more  resistant  to  the  action  of  sprav. 
than  the  green  aphis,  but  the  same  remedies  should  be  used,  and  better  results 
w  follow  f  the  spraying  mixture  Is  made  as  hot  as  the  leaves  of  the  trees 
will  bear  without  Injury. 

CuBBANT  Aphis  (Myzus  ribis). 

is  yellowish  In  colour  and  Is  found  on  the  under  sides  of  the  leaves  of  currant 
bushes,  which  become  curled,  blistered  and  reddish  In  colour.  They  migrate 
during  the  summer,  but  return  later  on,  and  their  eggs  are  deposited  on  the 
stems,  especially  around  the  buds. 

Spray  with  the  Is'o.  1  mixture  to  destroy  the  eggs  In  the  winter  months,  and 
.nT^f  «f  sprays  Nos.  2.  6  or  7  in  the  growing  sea.son.  directing  the  .sprav 
so  that  the  under  sides  of  the  leaves  are  reached.  It  Is  most  Important  that 
the  work  should  be  done  early  In  the  season  before  the  insects  become  t... 
numerous,  and  tlie  leaves  roll  up  so  that  sprays  cannot  reach  them. 
fu.  J^f  T  P^''"^"""-^y  «"Wect  to  attacks  by  predaceous  enemies,  such  as 

^LZZTl  ^' ''"'"'-*''  ^«'"^«>'  ladybirds,  etc.,  and  are  often  completely 
cleared  off  In  this  manner. 


Mealy  Plum  Aphis  (Ilyaloptcru,  pruni) 

hut  a,  they  Increns.  I„  ,„e  th,y  te"„o  ,.1^''"".^''^  '"  """""  '"  ">'■""■ 
le.r«  »«  covered  .1,1.  a  „hl,l,h  iT,*/  ™''  '""*"  ""O  '"'=»'«1 

Hop  Aphis  (Phorodon  humuU) 
numuli)  has  substantially  the  sa^LSdU:''/"*  ^1^      ^''*"'"'" 

e«,^.ii.  in^heLr;lerptt:er:Lzru:.^  t^  h^r^  ^^''- 
^  .0.  the  su_  =^r :\^r; ^t:; ^^^^^^^^^  -- 
tMs  rth^o.^'i^^patr  r  ;;r  r^thi  rr  ^'^'  *^  "^'^  ---  -^ 

The  second  generation  grlTTl^^  Tl  .  ?'*  ««°eratlon  of  the  season, 
becomes  wlnled  and  3Xter  the  l^TnA  ^'^^'/'''t'^  *«  «  t^ird.  which 
the  yards.  The  winged  n  ant  11^  thlnfl  T  ^"!!  '"^'^^  ^^nsiderable  growth  In 
the  plum  tree  entTrSyind  s^tt  l^.  ,^  IT  '""^  P'""*'  *°  '""^  »»«P«'  «i«««rtlng 
giving  birth  to  fnoti^r  gen^rS  oTw,  f  T?  °'  *''  '^^P^'  ^'^^''^  ^^^^^  »^-«ln 
astonishing  rapidity  E^chfemalf  iT  canTh,;  ^'^^i"  ''''''  ""'"^'^  -"»> 
about  one  hundred  younrat  the  iati  of  thf  P''^*^"^'"^  «n  an  average 

ditlons.  Each  generation  iJns  to  h,^^  ^^  ^^^'  "°^^''  f«^o"rable  con- 
that  the  issue  fr^  a  ingl^fd  v^^^^^^^  f'^t.^'^'^t^  ^^^^  «"«'  birth,  so 
trillions.  The  issue  fr^a  ^ingf ^i^^^^  '°  ^'^^  "'"^^^  «'  «  «»'»°»«r.  to 
oircumstances,  blight  hundrL  of  Lrl!TTJ  '  ""^^  *^"''  "°^«''  favourable 
From  five  to  twehe  genera«rs  a'^^  ^T"^  ^'  ^^^^  °'  '""'^  °>«°th«- 
carrying  us  in  ^.nt  oft^ rthe"h;pX:Js^:sr  Thl^e  1  ''l  '7"^''' 

leave  the  Plum  trelB^'e  time  tl''  """"''^r'''  ««l"'r«  -In^s  and  never 
but  a  few  days.  Tarying  acco  Ing  to  thTf  "  '"'  "'*"^^'  "^^^^  ^-^^l-^ 
viduals,  which  ;re  tL  truriies   fl^  ,     f  ^'"'^J''''''''  delated  winged  Indl- 

the  wingless  true  fe^airupon^h  'p^n'mieaTs  a::d'tr'^''"  "^'"^  ^^^""^^ 
the  winter  eggs.    Thus  the^  tlLtl  '      ^  ^^^^  ^"^'^  thereafter  lay 

<U.eed.  and  thT  at  the  cLZf  the  rro™^^^^^^^^^^  T^  !"'^'^'''^""^«  ^- 
trees;  the  males  winged  on  haJ  \\\,  ^''""V      ^^""'^^  wingless  on  plum 

Virgin  females  onlyVaZeZnZ     tZTZ"^^^^^^ 

insect's  life.  *"®  Invariable  round  of   the 












(Pia.  24.)    The  hop  plant  louse,  male.     (Knlarged.) 

(P.O.  25.)    Winter  e..  "U^  ''Xc«a'&-^'ULV^'^^^^^        '''•"  »'  ^'^  — 


<F,.  .,.,     X..  Jjp  £^.,i.-.  ™ra^J»„.,,„  ™  P.»jn^-...  „„„.„„  .,.,  ,„ 


(Fig.  27.)    The  hop  plant  lotmo.  ^rue  se^ml  f.male.      (Enlarged  ■ 

tiono,!  ft.r\herl  ;;,  ,!^1"  ":7f  "^'^^  '^^  «"'»«  °f  the  fixtures  nlon- 
neighbourhood!  of  h^p  ^  '  //  ^  ,';'^;'-^'-'^--''-'I.  to  all  plum  trees  in  t.u. 
first  Winged  gener/Zn  '  /d  its  n  J  ?  V^'  ''"'"'■"  "^^^  «I>l>^«rance  of  the 
nop  picking  and  fter  tru^^-  ZT  '"'^'■"''""  '"^  '^'^J''  «^  '"  the  fall  after 
".alcing  their  prJ  «  raMol  or  Z  ,T"  "'T  ''''*"'""^  *"  "'«  "'»"'•  «"•!  -e 
"ill.  perhaps,  he  preferlT,  e  for  the  re,  ^  .f  "'"'''  ''^^^-  ^"^^  ^««er  time 
IK.  less  susceptible  to  the  action  *f '"""""  *'^«t  ^"  ">«  f«"  the  plum  trees  «111 
applied  Without  danger  to  the  tr^  J^T^  ""' "^  T"'^"  ^'^^""^^  -"  ^« 
through  a  hop-growing  countryshZl  ^^L^T  iTXlT  '' ^  ''''^'' 
1)6  either  burned  or  thoroughly  drenched  with  tf'      ^  ^''P  ''^"*''  *"'•'"''* 

the  crop  is  harvested  as  dossLp  wiJh        .  "^"^  *''°"^''^"  «"  «««»  ««er 

preventing  the  Iruprg^rarnTtr^em^feJ  V/  H  the'^  ""'"'  ""'  ^'^"^ 
been  neglected  and  the  lice  have  att^oSi  /.,       f  '''*''*'  measures  have 

protected  by  spraying " with  ins::4dtif^^^^^^^   wS  if  thT  T  ^""   '^^ 

cr^n^ii^trvarsrcei?  r  ~^  -^^^^^^^^^^ 

except^  c.rargrm\t7amt'arh:r""""  ^^^  "^  ^^"°«*  — 

couf :  r  i:;^;^---^- -s^^  the  .iv. 
rrstr  x;^Sht^\iLirri  thar^^shinjrat-iiiXtr 

any  results.  Soot  has  been Tr^eJ  Tnr..';""  "'^  "'''''  "^^  P^«»^«  ^'t^out 
"ring  has  had  no  nLrk^i^tlnefce  ""'''"  '"  '^"**  '^""'•^«'  -^^  -- 

A^JuUn^'oTEillr^^^^^^  -rr'^^^    ^^   the    Board    of 

It.«.  of  quassia  chips  nm^by  bZnt  -  m.f  ""*""' '  ^  •'^'^•"«°  «'  1^ 
gallons  of  water.  The  chins  mav  l^  „' J,  ?  i  '*""  '''  ^^"'^«"  ^"«P'  «»d  100 
t-ourse  weaker  The  hons  Ln.T,^  ^  ^'"^'^'  ^^^  "^""^  ^^'"^tlon  being  of 
summer,  and  If  tirir've"  Za^.^J^'  "«  *""-  -^-^ - 

Woolly  Aphis    (Scltisoneura  lanigcra).    After  Rllej*. 

(Fig  28.)  Branch  of  apple  Infected.    1.  2.  3  and  4  the  Insect  enlarged.) 
Kew  Zealand  Bulletlt.  4s).  >  ' 


It.  and  Its  harmful  offeo   l^C   m^  in  .U.„„„,„g  „„  .,,,,.„r„  n.foHtcl  with 

from  the  Hecretlon  r^^^S  Z  ^Zyt^^'Z:  ""'"*'  """"'  *"  "-'-•« 
l>«ly.  The  Insects  appear  on  Infest^l  trl.  .  *"'''  '""''*'  "•■  '''««  ••"^•*'"  its 
tufts  of  cotton,  attached  to  he  ^«t«  rT  ""?  **""  """'""-^  '"  ">"*'«-''  "ke 
the  bodies  of  the  In^ts  "''''  ^""""'  ^^■'''^•''  ""'  »'♦*  '""'ul 

wJ^itrordTrdfottrtrT  "'^  •'-"  -^  -  -^'"^ '-  »- 

at  or  near  the  collar  of^e  r^t  '      '^"  ""'"'^"  ^"'  «"^'"  "^^  '«"'«1 

The  eggs  of  woolly  aphides  are  stated  bv  Dr   Smith  "  ♦    k    , 

m  crevices  of  the  bark,  enveloped  In  thedrv  «^1„  of  ho  /''  ^T.  ""'"'  "'"^'^ 
During  the  summer  months  they  renrScf  n  thV  '"''' 

aphides,  but  winged  forms  appear  onlyTn  trfln        '"""'  "'""""  "'  ^'-^^ 

rounrre"r:nr:t;fo7Vvei;'Lr:r'?^^^^^^^^  ^-^"^^  -''"^-  ™-  ^ 

Place,  the  eggs  probably  hatch  olrann:^"^  ''"''  ''  "««  ^«-^''"«  *«'^^« 
that  viviparous  reproduction  goes  on  wm  J^  t^"'  '"'""'^'^  "^«  «^«^t-d-  «•• 
The  prevalence  of  dead-spot  oHarkdlilir^  ,  '"^''"^  "'  ^«^  '"^-^^S- 

dltlon  of  the  bark  which  favours  the  ZS  'h  ^'''""  ''"''  ^'''''  J»«*  ^"e  con 
and  Increases  the  d.fflcuty  of  reach  „1  tS' wUh'^^  "."'  ''""  ^^'"'^  «''^"^^' 
It  Is  therefore  Imnortnnt  thnf        ,  spraylng  mixtures. 

and  all  surplus  limbs  «„?;"  nehe;  ^f'  inLTe^T'''^'  '^"'^  ""'^  ^-"^'-^  ^^^^ 
spraying  ,s  done,  to  allow  the  mature  u^  t^^T:  '^'"^  '^^  '""''^^  ^^'^r- 
The  be.t  winter  wash  Is  the  No  l  Cv  t^^f  .""  ^"'^  "'  *^^  *'-^«- 
8  also  effective.  At  least  two  app^  catTons  ;hou^d  '^""''  T^  ^'"''^  <^'«-  ^^> 
trees,  and  the  spray  applied  warm  wUh  "u  l7f  "'''^  '"^  ^'^'^'^  ^"^^«t^ 
good  spray-pump.  During  the  summer  m  th  "*  ^''^'^^*''  ''^  »"«""«  «f  a 
aphides  occurring  on  the  tnmk  or^rh  ""''  """''^^  ""'  ^«'«»'^«  of  the 

with  a  swab  or'brush  dlS  ^rdaT^llTr  tttb  "^'^  '^  ^^"^•^'"^  t^- 
applied  with  a  spray-pumn     it  wm  1  ^^"^   '*'   ^P'""^*   ^o.  G  or  7. 

intervals  to  keep'the'S"  ,n  che^i    u^^:Z  *'  "^"^  '""^  ^-^^^nt  a 
used.    For  the  root  fo^  of  wcK,ny'aph  Ses  th    r^^'"*'"*  "'"«^««  '^^  ^ 
the  lye  and  soap  wash  used  fr^y  es^  f,Tv     h       \^  '^'"^  ''  '''^'''■^'  ^r 
These  substances  will  also  act  as  ferS  1  J  tt'' J*"'  ''"^  «"*^  '•'^^^  J«'"- 
effect,  the  roots  of  Infested  trees  shouShr  ^  *'*'^'-    ^«  ^°"««««  their 

applying.    Refuse  tobacco  dug  ,n  ^  tL'ZrV  '''  ''  ^^^^'^'^  '-'-e 
the  pests.  ^  '°  "^**"*  the  roots  will  also  help  to  keep  down 

The  Missouri  Exncrlmentni  «f„+i 
^;lth  different  methods  of  kU  Ing  l^Uy  anul  ""'''  '"*"°''^«  experiments 
;>«'  tlu.  p..t.  .„.„  „  ,„„et,n  Issued  by  rstauoni  f"  i'"'""^  *^^  ^««*  '^^^ 
^  cheaply  and  easily  kllle<l  and  lent  «!«.  *^'  ^^'^^  *^^  ''^t  form  may 
a  liberal  use  of  tobacco  dus  appHed  nr^'^  T  "'"  ''^''  «^  «PP'«  trees  by 
trunk  for  a  distance  of  two  SaJ'ZTZ'oU  ''7^^*'  '^'"'^  "^-"'^  the 
•^Pace  with  tobacco  dust,  and  cov;rlng  Juh  elrth"        ''  """'^   "'""«  the 




Quite  frwiiiently  during  the  full  niontliH  other  h|kmI.*  of  .iphldeH.  h.ivli,  • 
a  Hiintlur  "woolly"  uiUHMirum-*'.  are  often  inlHtaken  for  the  true  "apple  w.«.|lv 
aphlN."  jiml  NiMrlnieim  of  w.x.lly  uphhieH  of  dlfrerent  simhU-h  wer..  Kent  to  h,- 
Fleteher.  who  writes  In  re«iird  to  them  an  fi.llowH:— "  In  the  box  of  wlil.  I, 
you  demrilM.  the  HiKHlnienn  nH  taken  off  an  apple  twiK  hadiv  InfesfMl  win, 
WiK.lly  iii.hldes;  these  were  th.'  true  .S'.  laniunn,  hut  aniouKst  them  w.-re  ho,,,.. 
other  HiKvlniHiH  of  aj.hlH  malifoliw,  whhh  has  the  venation  verv  sln.llar  to 
that  of  «/»/,/*  mall.  Tlie  difference  hetwe«.n  thtw  two  last-named  n,m..|,.s  is 
chletly  colouratlonal  and  In  the  size  of  the  lns,vt.  The  other  Ik.x  .nntnlnli,' 
HlHKlmens  of  the   "  w.K.lly  aphis."   whieh    has   given   you  so  mueh  trouhl,-  ,u 

Identify,  and  which  are  tlying  In  such  myrlails  in  your  wrxxls,  are  neit •  .h- 

alder   aphis  nor   tlio   true  woolly  aphis,  but  a  sfKH-les  called  I'rmphhnix  i>»ri 
which  iH'lonjrs  to  the  same  genus  as  the  alder  woolly  aphis. 

"The  difference  betwrni  tliese  two  genera  is  very  easy  to  re«-ognlse  wImm 

once  iKilnt.'il  out.  and  that  Is.  In  the  genus  Srf,i:ouri,m  the  third  .lis. li.n 

vein  18  forked,  while  in  pimphigufi  all  the  veins  are  simple. 

"  PcnphiiiuH   pini   pr.)bably   Is   a   native  sikhL's   with    you.    an.l    .mcis 
through  y.>ur  wwhIs  on  different  sikk-Ics  of  jtyrus  an.l  Crataegus." 

This  sptM-les  .>f  woolly  aphis  (PvmphiuuH  tvH^vlluta)  Is  verv  .-ommon  uih.,, 
alder  trws  In  lower  British  Columbia,  ani  is  often  confoun.led  with  th- 
wolly  ai)hls  of  the  a|.ple.  from  which  It  Is  quite  .listlmt.  Like  other  apl.l.l.s 
they  repro<UK-e  by  giving  birth  to  living  y..ung.  Vast  numl)ers  of  wiuK,.,! 
specimens  api»ear  In  the  fall  and  spread  over  the  countrv.  the  air  son.eti.n.s 
apiiearlng  full  of  the  insects  moving  with  the  wind.  Thev  have  not  b,..„ 
found  Injurious  to  fruit  trees,  although  many  of  these  wlng^  speclnu-ns  nn- 

found  on  them.     They  do  not  seem  to  reproduoe  except  on  their  proper  f I 


Wheat  Midoe  (Diplonis  tritlci,  Kirbv). 

A«ocA\— When  wheat  Is  in  blossom  In  the  month  of  June,  minute  yellow 
midges  with  black  eyes  may  be  found,  particularly  t.)wards  evening. 'flyin- 
over  the  fields  and  la.vlng  eggs  In  the  florets  of  the  ears  of  wheat.  Th.-se  e-'s 
m  about  a  week  hatch  Into  small  reddish-orange  maggots,  which  s.)nietimcs 
to  the  number  of  ten  or  twelve  He  Inside  the  chaff  and  suck  the  juices  from 
the  swelling  kernel.  When  mature,  they  leave  the  ears  of  wheat  and  ik-m.- 
trate  about  an  inch  beneath  the  surface  of  the  ground,  where  they  spin  tiny 
cocoons.  Inside  which  they  remain  normally  until  the  following  spring  wh.ii 
the  perfect  midges  emerge.  Under  si)eclal  circumstanc-es.  however,  sonic  of 
the  flies  appear  In  late  summer  and  lay  their  eggs  upon  volunteer  wheat  ..r 
the  young  fall  wheat. 

It  Is  many  years  since  the  Wheat  Midge,  which  Is  generally  known  hv 
farmers  and  millers  as  "  the  weevil,"  has  been  the  cause  of  much  loss  in  th'.- 
wheat  crop  of  the  Dominion.  Fifteen  years  ago  the  losses  were  enormous- 
but,  Just  when  it  seemed  at  Its  worst,  it  suddenly  dlsapi>eared  entirelv  an.l 
since  tb.t  time  has  not  been  the  cause  of  widespread  injury.  There  have 
been  occasional  outbreaks,  as  In  the  Niagara  district  in  1898,  and  last  vear 
In  the  fertile  Chllllwack  district  of  the  Eraser  River  Valley.  B.  C.  where  it 
was  estimated  that  In  some  fields  fully  half  the  crop  was  destroyed. 


RnnnllcM.-The  rpiiiwlioH  for  the  Whi-nt  MI.Ikp  .IommuI  I„rK..|v  m...n  the 
way  It  piiKWH  the  winfr.  The  ineth.MlH  whi.h  hnve  Klven  the  Inrnt  reniiltH 
are  nn  fullowH : — 

1.  iKvp  |,I„uR!iln»  directly  the  cn.p  1m  .nrrlwl.  w>  kh  to  hnry  the  Inrvn-  ho 
deep  thnt  the  tHes  enni.ot  work  their  wny  out  thr«)tJKh  the  w.ll. 

2.  The  hiirnlnjc  of  nil  ohnff,  diiHt  or  ruhhlnh  known  uh  "  wrmiliw  "  or 
"talllnKH"  from  »)enenth  the  thre«hlnK  mnehlneH.  hh  thene  .-ontHln  n.any  of 
the  larviP  whleh  are  enrrle,!  with  the  erop.  If  f,Hl  to  ,.hl.kenH  or  donieHtl.- 
anlnmlH.  this  Hhould  be  done  In  a  ph.c*  where  none  of  the  imparla  can  em-aiH. 
destruction.  ' 

3.  Clean  farming.  Including  the  .uttlnjf  of  all  KranwH  nloiiR  the  (mIkoh  of 
fleldH  and  the  ploughing  down  of  all  volunteer  crops  found  In  wheat  flelds 
before  the  winter  sets  In.  so  as  to  destroy  an  autumn  bro«l  where  one  exists 

4.  The  cultivation  of  such  varieties  of  wheat  as  experience  has  shown 
are  least  affected  by  this  Insect. 

Gbain  Aphis  (Nectarophora  gramrla.    Am\;   etc.). 

.4«acfr.-Green.  yellow,  reildlsh  or  dark-co  ared  plant-lice,  sometimes 
occurring  In  large  numbers  upon  the  heads  and  eaves  of  wneat.  oats  barley 
and  rye.  weakening  the  plants  and  preventing  the  kernels  from  filling 'as  well 
as  they  should.  These  plant-Uce  generally  dlsapi^ear  suddenly  just  as  the 
grain  is  beginning  to  change  colour,  being  as  a  rule  destrove«l  bv  their  many 
parasitic  and  predaceous  enemies  before  much  harm  Is  done  to  the  crop 

It  is  probable  that  there  are  two  or  three  species  of  plant-lice  which  attack 
grain  as  described  above.  It  is  known  that  some  broods  of  several  species 
feed  upon  one  class  of  plants  during  part  of  their  lives  and  upon  grasses  of 
various  kinds  at  other  periods  of  their  existenw^.  Some  of  these  as  the 
apple  aphis  occasionally  may  be  found  upon  the  small  grains  and 'grasses 
It  Is  convenient  to  speak  of  all  these  kinds  occurring  uiK,n  grain  crops  under 
the  name  of  grain  aphis. 

I?cmcrf;/.— So  far.  no  treatment  has  Ih^u  discovered  for  controlling  plant- 
lice  when  on  grain  crops;  but.  fortunately,  they  seldom  affect  the  output  to 
any  considerable  extent.  The  apple  aphis  {aphis  mail.  Fab.)  frequently 
develops  into  a  serious  enemy  of  young  fall  wheat;  and.  as  this  Insect  passes 
the  winter  as  an  egg  upon  the  twigs  of  apple  trees,  the  regular  spraying  of 
apple  orchards  with  kerosene  emulsion  (Remedy  2)  would  not  only  clear 
those  trees  of  a  serious  enemy,  but  also  to  a  large  measure  protect  the  fall 
wheat  of  the  following  season.  A  similar  alternation  of  generations  takes 
place  in  the  case  of  the  hop  aphis,  which  passes  the  winter  In  the  egg  state 
on  plum  trees,  from  which  a  winged  brood  of  the  plant-llce  the  following 
summer  migrates  back  again  to  their  summer  quarters  on  the  hop.  Spraying 
the  plum  trees  during  the  winter  reduces  largely  the  occurrcce  of  hop  aphis 
later  In  the  jear. — Fletcher.  ' 

r     t 








(Pm.  20.)       Locust.  laylliK  their  egK".  rPm    ,n  , 

«ml  a  quarter  Inches  long.  fn»m   the  head   to  the  tins  0?;!..'        "T  . 
<ll8tril.„te,l  throuKhont  the  contlnenj  "'''  ""''■*'  '^"'"^'''""^ 

Packard's  iJnst  n/    «,  A      ,•     «   ' /"  ""  ''"'"*"  "^  ^«"«^'"-     I"  the  West. 


r ««.»««    prthwhia.   H,.,..UI..    ..Itl uh    ,„»,.|,    l,„r„,    „««   ,I»,k.   I,,    ,|».    n,.„,„ 

^«U•y  l.ya  H,KMl..H  .l.*,.!,-  n.-,.iiihlli.K  thr  U.Nk.v  Mountain  l>H„«t.  |,„t  „ 
n,  hor  M«,all..r  hihvU.h.  n.lU.l  .l/W««oW„.  «/W,w..  , •.«,..  ul.l.h  „„.  tho  nan... 
i.l.ltH.  In  Manltuha  tl...  U.Hky  Mnuntaln  LiHunt  an.l  tlio  I^^t  Mluratorv 
'-"••'"•'  »'"^« ""  '•>•  '"'  tho  lawHt  ,.r.»,M,rtlo»  of  l«J„rv  to  ,to,,h 

"Oil  «ltl,  a  flrn.  Hurfa....  h«.I,  „h  Ik  pr.^.„ttMl  in  a  H..|,|  nnU.T  a  ^raln  ••ro„ 
Ho  nun- 1,  !h  thin  tin.  ra«.  that,  w ,  H«.h  conditions  ar,.  avallal.l...  hardlv  any 

M «>.    H..Mm.  f„||  Brown  and  have  wln«H  abont  the  Int  July,  when  they  .H.«ln 

mlKratlnK  in  Hwarn.n  t.»   'n-nl,    f.H.llnK  and   lT..MllnK  KroundH.      K««   laying 

ak.^  phu..  mostly  in  AuKUHt.  and    the   nnmlH-rn   drop   off   raphlly   fron.    t  e 

//rmr«//t7».-For    tlic    inlKratory    H|KHi..8    the     rem«ll«,     «„»:      (l  >    The 

ThiH  Is  renderetl  easy  by  the  fact  mentiont  above  that  the  e«Ks  are  laid 
nlnu«t  entirj-ly  in  Inn.l  whieh  is  or  has  re«  .tly  Inn-n  under  .rop  and  l.a  y 
ever  on  the  bare  prairie.  (2.)  The  destruction  of  the  ,ounK  before  tl  e  "  Z 
are  deve.o,HHl.  by  piouKhinK  .h.wn.  rK,lso.dn«.  or  by  burning  i„  wlmiro  v     o 

Tf   n    ;.  J  ^^  "*   *"    '""•'••""•"*«  •""»«•«  ««  hopiHT-dozers.  ,H,nsistlnK 

«f  n   light  frame  c.,vered  with  canvas  or  sht^et  iron,  in  the  bott-n  of   whi- 1 
Home  water  with  a  little  coal  oil  on  the  top  is  plnced.-Fig.  »..        i )  i-oiHou 
ing.    This  has  been  very  natlsfactory  either  with  the  polsom  .nas'    or 

»  urifiiiMiiiii  I 

(Fifj.  ,loa. »  Hoppcr-UoziT. 
With  tlie  recently  devised  Crlddle  mixture.  In  Manitoba,  where  for  some 
years  grasshopiKTs  were  very  destnutlve.  after  a  thorough  trial  of  hopper- 
dozers,  tlie  implements  have  Ikhmi  entirely  suiHTswletl  bv  the  use  of  the 
Crlddle  mixture,  which  was  widely  used  and  gave  gonen.rsatlsfactl.m  The 
lati'st  hnproved  formula  for  making  tlie  Crlddle  mixture  is  as  follows  •-B\,r 
convenience  it  Is  made  In  quantities  of  luilf  a  barrel  at  a  time.  Take  fresh 
horse  droppings  100  parts.  Paris  green  1  part  (=t  pound)  and  salt  2 
disso  ml  in  half  a  pail  of  water,  and  mix  tlu.roughly.  In  this  <onn«tlon  Mr 
Criddle.  the  originator  of  this  mixture,  says:  "We  usually  measure  with  a 
three-gallon  patent  i)all.  l)ecause  it  is  more  to  fiirnuTs  th'ui  to 
welgli  the  materials.  Five  jmils,  we  calculate,  ai.proxlmately  «,ual  100  parts 
of  horse  droppings^  and  each  part  e,iuals  in  bulk  one  pound  of  Paris  green 

!  -* 


A  great  drawback  In  using  welehts  Is  thnt  h«.=„  ^ 

the  same  weight."  This  mrxVure  .!  ,  .  ^'""^^^"^^  «••«  not  always  of 
oart  to  the  edge  of  an  1  fe  ^d  «!  "J"  "  ""''  "^"''^^  ^"'J  drawn  on  a 

IB  then  seatteSd  broad^r;^^^^^^^^^  »>«  '"^-^-'-    The  ndxtur^ 

or  w<  Hlen  paddle.  I^„sts  are  at  raoTeS  to  t  fr'T  "^  '"'""''  "'  "  *'-«^^'" 
killed  in  large  numbers  by  eating  ..rnlon  I  m  "f  ''''*""""'  ""^  «"' 
as  above,  and  scattered  looJwlLTJVu  ""^  nilxture  Is  distribute.! 

standing  grain,  the^s  Ztl"^  aSg^r  of  «."?*'  "*  *'^  '^'^  «'  '^  «^'d  o^ 
Should  any  of  the  mixture  be  left  o^er  If  «mT  ^""'"^  ^^'"«  Po'«<>«ed. 
Piece  of  land  where  Its  fertlhsing  eS  wl  l  b!  "^  T'''"^  '"^'^  ^^^^  a 
be  no  danger  of  poisoning  anlmL     ^s  Is  t  "^  ""''  ''''''''  *^^^^  ^"' 

most  effective  remedy  for  grassZHperJ whl  h  t  ,  "^  '""^  *'"  ''''^^'  ""^ 
found  by  Mr.  Crlddle  that  trS^lffl/vl  !  "''''''  *'"'"^-    ''  »>««  l'^^" 

spread  a  little  at  a  time  ev  Jy  o"her  d!y    vhlcT^.,      T'  *'''  '"^"^^^  '«  *« 
mattering  a  lot  at  once,  less  frCenti;-;L'ltf  "    "  '""''"  "^"'^«  *»•- 
T.BNXP  F.KA-BK.XI.  OH  TrB.xp  FX.V   (PA,»o.rc.«  W»„,,.    F.B.). 


(Fia.  30b.)      Enlarged  eight  times. 

Attack.— Small  active  shining  black  beetles   uth  nf  «»  i    k   , 

yellowish  marks  on  the  wings  which  eat  thrsZ;  ,  /"  '"""^   '*'°^'  ^•"'' 

cruciferous  plants  dlrec«v  Spv' 7.™?  k     ^^^-^^"'-^^  of  turnips  and  other 

they  hop  to^slldfsta";^'        '  "''""''  "'"^"  *'«  ^••«""^-     ^''^^^  «J'«turbed 

farm!?:  '^'iZr^Zl  TcJ^r'T  !"  '"*'  '''  "^""'^^  ^«  -»  '^—  »»' 
fmling  on  the   eavL  of  Cur^  r  '  'f  "''^  ''"'"  '^°  ^"""'^  «*  Ottawa, 

as  the  turni,    buTir  is^  t^  Cres«,  a  plant  belonging  to  the  same  family 

generally  pas;ed  on    he  roots     As  1  "'"^"   '°   ''''  ^'^''''^''   *°«^t   '« 

the   beeies    8«tm   orthen   .^'^r  T ''T^  *"™''^' ""^P^^^  «''<'^'«  ^'•"""d 

important  to  theToung  p  al  '"1,27;    .      T'   '''^''^'    "'^'^^    «^«   «" 
it  necessary  to  re-sow  faJge  areas  "^  ""''"^  ^'^"'^  "«P«  ""^  "^^^''"S 

to  t.t'ly'o'rtle'iLt^erdiiSrnr"'  h"'  ''•''^*"'  ^"^  '^^""^  •^^  ^'^^  former 

When  the'y  are  c^v  r"   wltHel  t an^l^^^^^    "'  ^"""^  *"^"'''«'  '^  P«-'»"« 
ei  «itn  de«,  Is  an  effective  remedy  against  this  trouble- 



on  growth.  As  soon  as  the  rough,  true  leaves  are  form, J.  the  plants  are  n« 
a  rule  „„  e  to  make  more  growth  than  the  beetles  can  destrov 

nnf  7''  ff*^  ''"''■'"'^-  ^'"'■*'^"'  "l'^*""""""  I'os  «l.own  us  that  for  Central 
Ont.-.rlo  the  third  week  In  June  is  the  most  satisfactory  tne  or  sm  in. 
turnips  to  avoid  injury  by  fiea-be.>tles.  By  that  thne  the  iJ-iM-ect  1  "s  "f 
the  first  brood  have,  as  a  rule,  disappeared,  and  the  youn,  pits  .Jrr  ,  idlv 
7LZ:  as  goo.1  crops  as  when   sown   two   or   th'r^.   weekl   ^/r.ier - 

The  Ked-hkaded  Flea-beetle   (Sij>^tcna  frontalis.    Fab.). 

(Fig.  30c.)     Enlarged  elglit  times. 

reddfsh'^fo^^h  h?r  "*'"'«  '"'"'"^  fl-«-beetles,  y,th  of  an  inch  long,  with  a 
reddish  blotch  between  the  eyes.  These  sometimes  occur  in  large  numbers 
on  potatoes  and  many  other  different  plants,  particularly  clover  to  Tliich 
they  are  sometimes  a  serious  pest.  On  the  slightest  disturbanc^  tbeybop 
actively  from  the  leaves  which  they  are  attacking  ^ 

case.'^demt;  a^ntC'"^  ""  """"""  ''"""'•  "^'^'•^'  ""•*'  ^'^^  ^^'«  '«  '^'^ 
Remedy.-Spraylug    potatoes    with     the    poisoned     Bordeaux     mixture 
(Remedy  No.  7)    is  the  best  treatment.     Other  plants,  as  gra,rvlnes  and 
nmny  garden  flowers,  may  be  dusted  with  Paris  green  and  "'or,  wLn  Tn 
venlent,  sprayed    .ith  the  poisoned  Bordeaux  mi:.ture.-F?f/c"/*c/-. 
Small  White  Cabbage  Buttebflv  (Picris  rapw.    L.). 

•ill  I 

(Pia.  31.) 


control.     There  are  two  l,nK>clH   luruTZ  Z      f  '""""  *"•''*""*  "*'^^'^  »" 

late   supplementary   .,ne    of   «I      f  h  f    ""'^  ''^""''"'  ""''  ««»»^tln,es  a 

November.     Farn.ers  !  ^l  ^^^    ^^  l^i..^^^^^^^^^  «-    ^o-I    -    late    as 

the  ]«rv,e  and  apply  the  renu'lT  nmn  t^         r,  "'"  '^''^  "PPearanc-e  of 

butterflies  on  the  leaves  I»"'"Pt'J-    The  eggs  are  laM  by  the  fen.ale 

wuht:2;;;:^rrr:;-r^;r^^^^     — "- '-- 

cheap  flour.  Mix  the  wh<,le  to  JtiZT I  \^  ^  ''"^'''^  "'"'  ''"'"■  "«»"<1"*  of 
or  jar  for  24  hours.  Til  p^vS  the  .  I  T".  "  "'  "  *'"'^"^^'  ^'"■^^^'^  ^•"•"■^^-■ 
the  cabbages  either  wl  h  TZlll^;  I  ''  ''''  "'"  ""'^  •""•^'  "*^  ^"^^te.1  over 
stick,  or  from  one  of  he  v^rio  Xect  '  '  'T"^'  ""'"'"  "'^'^  "  «'-^'-- 
The  advantage  of  this  r  met  c^rmanr;r  "'r'  "°"'  ''''''  ""'  •^'^-'-'-■ 
that,  although  insec-t  Powder  L  To  'leadl     to    7  'T''  '''  '"^^'-""'^"•l-l  i« 

rx>.sonsrrbaxrorrtar\^^^^^^^    "-  --  «« 

dangerous  without  any  commensuSe  aa;a"tage  "^  "'  '^'"^  '-''-' 

Blisteb  Bektles  (Epicauta  sp.) 

«.  M*  o„d  Bvarnunj'"*'    1  *    *1  '7«'»  """  «>"  I-"™,,  fly 
ru.e,  ,Le«  ..„,„,  .em'lZJLTr     ,?r"nd'r  """'"  '■'"'"""•    -*'  " 

edge  of  the  crop,  where    he'  wi^ile  f  *'^"™  ""*"  t*^^-^'  ^«'"^  to  the 

able  to  destroy    he  BHstt  b'    If    7^  '"''""  '■'*"'""•     "  '^  ""^'^•''"- 

larval  form  they  are  j^e^c^ors  2  L  '""  ''  '"''^'^'^''  ""''^''^^  '"  t"""- 
as  in  the  case  of  nerriraTlea tea  "'V"  T  ''''  ""'  grasshoppers;  b„t. 
spraying  the  crops  with  a     olsonous   ° l  "  *'''"  '"""  "'  ''"'''''''''''  '^^ 

Prof.  r.  M.  Webster  has  ^^Z::r:^Z^Zl::  B  ","'  "''  '^^•^"""■^• 
not  attacked  by  Blister  Beetle.,  and  n^  „i.  .?.;  Bordeaux  mixture  an- 

Bordeaux  n.ixture  everv   vear    there   !!  '  ""^^^  ''"'"''^  '"^  ^I'^'^'^^l  "'tl' 

from  these  Insects.  l„  addition  TL  ,  "'^  "•'""*'"  "'••''  "'*''^'  «'»«"'^»  «"ff"i- 
particularly  men,bers  of  1  e  ea  famTiv  '  "T'  "*'''"  ""''''  «"^'  '^'-^- 
Blister  Beetles.  '         "'""^'  "''*^  ^""^"^^  by  different  species  of 


Hop  Flea  Bkktle   (l's,m„lr,  punctulata,  Neis  ) 

PoiHono.1  With  arsel'^^fT;:  ;.i  ;•  r:  ;::r,"'";  "  ""-'-"-^  ""-vture 
the  mixture."  I„  conse^nu-me  of  f«  ,  k./  i  "  '""  *''  *'''''''^'  "'^  «""'""^  "f 
hop«  denuding  the„,rZi     :«    J^tT     xl^^^^^^^^  •^•"""^'  ^'"^^^  ''^ 

and  Mr.  W„s„,,  m„,,„  f,.  Sir  A  hurVten  e  at  v  T  '°  '"^"  "'"'• 
not  think  the  beetle  will  eat  the  noison^d  VT  "*  ^^*''""^-  ""'^■'^-  "^  ^l" 
every  day  to  feed  upon'-  Mr  liir;  f  '"'  "'  "''•'  «"*  "  '"'"•  «'-""-^" 
Chllllwaek  «o.ue  ve^r    a«o   amll.  '"'r'''*^  '"''  "^"^^  "»  '"«  "«>!«  "t 

«s.^.  manner  fo^  ir^l^i.^!:  ,  ^^^^1:;  ti^/T^  "^'%'"  "'^ 
probably  for  the  same  reason  as  glmi  bv  Mr  \v  L  ^  ""'  "  ^"""'•''• 
wards  reported  that  the  only  1„  thf  iIL  1        "•     '•''"•  """'"''t    ""or 

w«s  by  .spreading  tain.,  ^  ^  hrS:^;'„^^^^^^  "^  '^"'^  •»'^— ' 
cotton  sheeting  and  tack  it  on  to  «  fr  /  "*""'' "    "^  *-'"^*'  thin 

recomniendetl  bv  \rr  ni.ih....^.  i     ^  "^"oi.  «h.>s.        >\e  used  the  remedy 

to  tap  them  with  tar  ^  *«tr,f™„      l"'."  "'°°"  "■  «""'  '"  »"»»•  <■•> 
»nd  .here  are  but  fewt  no'Lt  the'^i-aM  .."^""  ""  """"""-'"«  ■■""•■ 

Dr.  B^letcher,  writing  under  date  of  '>Cth  vrnr,>h   ioat 
the  correspondence  concerning  the   ,1^  ^tfe  Tn.r  : '"'T  "  ' '^"^ 
cannot  help  thinking  that  the  tylmlP  of Th.    .      .  '^^"''*''''  '"'P-yards.     I 

nested  ,n  your  letter.  «  at  the  IremuJ'o?  le",  '"  "'  *'""  '""  ^"•*'*-  -'^- 
«hould  haye  been.  Your  ietter  TZ  te^l^'Z  Z  7^1  ^"'^^  "■"  '' 
ground  thoroughly.     The  only  thing  at  aTlT,  th«        .^  "■*'  ™'*''"'"'  *"*- 

accurate,  but  ^yhic•h  at  the  same  time !L  I  J  ""*""  "'"'*''  '"  "«t  quite 
is  your  surmise  tlmt  tils  luX  Z/^"^/  "  '  ""'  *'"  ^"^"""»  '»  "'«  '^'"■^t. 
the  pupal  condition.    ^^^'J^^t Z:^:j::Z  '''  "'""^  '" 

^zz  ;;.r  "-^  •^''^^'^'  ^-^  ^••^  ---^  -  « :::^d':r^:j::s::;  ;j: 

"The    amount    of    arsenate    of    lead    used     -    m«     *      4^ 
undoubtedly  kill  a  great  many  of  the  be^tesTu;   of  \^    ''•''"""•''•    '"" 

"ot  be  able  to  And  them  by  "mm!";  Lht  inT"'  J'  ''""'"  """"^ 
as  Mr.  Wilson  suggests,  the  tlea  beetles  wi!  ntetn  "'".  "''"''"*■  "' 
has  auained  the  objec-t  ain.ed  at.  Tl  e  grow  h  of  thl  '  'T'""''  '"'"^*^'  "^ 
-d  supply  enough  unspra^^^r  ^h^'^^^'d^  t  ^d^ 




as  the  plants  were  apDearlng.  and    1    still    believe    that    Bor.lennv    »i '. 
,.oi«onea  With  Paris  «ree„  or  arsenate  or  lea.,,  wouiut  theTs"^^^^^ 

Ihese  insects  feed  freely  at  the  time  of  the  year  when  spraving  i"  n  .o,., 
mended,  and  one  meal  of  the  „oison«l  foliage  is  enough  to   les      v     .... 
tha    if  „i,   the   foliage   in   the   hop-yard  were  th,,roughIy  c,,      I     I" ."  , 
doubt  that  most  Of  the  beetles  would  be  destroyed  by  a  single  s praving 

4  ms.  in  th?40l„?ir"^'  ^'  ^"'  '''''  "'^^  ^"'"^•''''"*'  "  -'«''^  ^^'  -"to  to 
After  a  visit  to  Agassiz.  by  Dr.  B^letc-her  and  Mr.  An.lers<m.  in  August  rior 
when  a  thorough  insp,.,.tio„  of  Sir  Arthur  Stepnevs  hop-yards  w-.s  nml".  n 
re.omn,endation  which  follows  was  made  by  llr.  Fletc-hlr'  M  h  b'n  in  .^ 
to  be  eflieacious  In  destroying  large  numbers  of  the  bet^tles.  The  oontH  ^,  k"  Is 
s  mply  a  n.odifleation  of  the  hopin^r-dozer  used  for  destr.>ying  1^,  "  ' 

in  hopper,  containing  a  small  quantity  of  coa,  oil  and  water,  to  be  dr  .t.' 
through  the  yard,  the  pan  to  be  nearly  as  wide  as  the  rows,  and  t..  be  d  ;' 
on  wheels  or  o„  a  sto„c  boat;  the  plants  to  fce  beaten  lightly  with  bran.  1 

LTnL  t."''"'  "";  '"'"^^'  "•^•^•''  ^^"'^  *'^^"  J"-P  frL  the  hop  Z      „ 
fall  into  the  pan  as  it  was  drawn  up  the  rows.     Mr.  Ackrovd  found  it  •  dv 
t,.geous  to  have  a  float  in  the  pan  to  prevent  the  l,.,„id  fron.  s  o  p  .g    v"    ' 
The  coal  oi    pan  should  be  used  from  early  in  the  season  and  In   -.  n  un  -u    ." 
with  spraying  with  arsenate  of   lead.  uM.juu.iion 

Slugs  and  Snails. 
Slugs  and  snails  belong  to  a  group  of  animals  called  Mollusca.    The  Sh.^s 
iZ  V  '"*"   '""^  ^°«"^  (or  Ilelicidce)  are  terrestrial   In   habhs    a nd 

such   as   plants   of   all   kinds;    many  slugs  also  live  upon  plants   but  others 
prefer  dry  vegetables  and  animal  substances,  and  will  not  tLh  gre^'ma  to 
unless  under  stress  of  circumstances 

less  hiT/r  ""T*""*"^  ^^  ""  '■^*"™"'  ^''''''  •'"t  '""^y  ba>.  a  shell  neverthe- 

tL  t.    r^K^  •  ""^  *^^  ""'^'^  ^"•"^'  ^''''^  "«»«"y  «  J«'-ge  Shell  into  wiii.i. 

the  whole  body  can  be  withdrawn.    They  also  have  the  power  of  clo  ing      1 

exter?arflesr",f''  T""'""'"  '"'""^^  ""^'^  '  '"""th  compose.1  of 
wlHch  t  a  Hbh  m  ""''  ''"'''"  ''''''  ''  ""  "LParatus.  the  chief  part  ..t 
t^  "tes  ofYa^ts  f  r"''  k'  ''''''  ""''  "•''""«  "^  "•*>•''»'  «»^y  rasp  awa,-  th. 
of  these  n^?.^,  "  k  ^"^^*""^*^«  ^^'^''^'h  they  employ  as  food.     Both 

callTthe  fZ"  O  '  'I'TV  •'  '""'"^"^  ""••'''^""^'-  P"t  «f  the  body 
thir     .      .  ^^  ""*"'''*'  ^"""t^r^  '«  the  copious  flow  of   slimv  i..u.ns 

w Ith  k.n  n  n  '""  '"n?.'"'"'  "°''-  ^"  ''^'^  ^"^^^  «^  «'"««'  tl"«  espech."  -iter  res 
v^  Ith  killing  them.     This  slime  cannot  be  produced  continuo  ,sly      .  iong  at  a 

^r;e  the  Skin  ?r'TV\f'  *"°  ""'  '''^'^  '^^^^^•"^^  «^  '"'tant  pow  .::■ 
e.en  beneflcial.  Both  slugs  and  snaii«  have  r  le  and  female  sexual  orsrnns 
in  the  same  individual.    Both   deposit  eggs,  and  the  young  resfmbTthJ  aTult": 


yaturnl  Kiinnicn  of  Unuils  and  Slugn. 
By  far  the   Km,t,   natnrnl    .Locks   are   birds.  os,K^.|alIv  Iho  thniNh  „r 
..M-allcHl  ro,  „.  whloii   not   only  oats,-  slugs,  but  Is  os.k-  -lallv  partial  7o;N      "'  "'f  ^"""^   "«"'-^   «   «tono   anU   pIoUIuk' out   tl'      o   ui 
Bla.kl  i.ds  .lovour  largo  nun.hors  of  slugs,  as  also  .lo  starlings.     Toads  are 
groat  dovourors  of  slugs  and  s.nall  snails.    Molos  and  shrow  nu,.  also  hoi,  to 
k 00,,  do  vn  tho  n„n.h..r  of  slugs,     i-oultry  an,l  ducks  oag..rly  soard.  for  tl  o,u 
entlpodos  attack   slugs   an.l   ants   frc.uontly   kill    snails,   but   nono   o     t  o 

tUose  niolluscan  creatures. 

Prcrimtion  and  Remedies. 

attJuVT"''"^  !""''   "^   ■"^'"»'""^"l   ««   tending   to   provont'and  le.s.son  the 
attack  of  these  j)osts: — 

t.  Drainage,  because  dampness  favours  them. 

uiJ^.trl^  IT^  T""'*"'  "'■•  '"  '"^'  ""-^  °''««"'<^  n»«°»'-e  where  slugs  are 
abundant  In  the  soil.     Em,>loy  artificials  for  a  time. 

3.  Dry  dressings  of  .some  irritant  to  kill  the  pest.s.     (a)  3oot   and   lime 

Zd^drkr^'    '''  ""'^'  "'"^  '■■""''''  -^-'    -  *«  -^  -chanra?,y."TJ; 

t,,JT  '""''  """"^  ^^  '"  ''  ''^'^  ""*•'*'  '^•'''•'*"'^  «*«*«  «nd  quite  fresh.  r,ro  or 
thee  dressings  must  be  given,  the  second  some  15  to  30  minutes  after  the  first 
L  me  and  caustic  soda  Is  found  to  act  best-four  parts  of  caustic    o  fM;  of 

laXrt'hTmllnr  "'"'"'''''  '''^''  '^^"^^^^  -'''  ^'^"'^  '^  ^^"^  ^^ 

nroumrchir  ;i:;t;^'^'"'  "^^ ""'  ^-^  -^^  ^^-^^^^  ^^^ »-'-«» -«^  ^«  p-t 

o    In  gardens  and  hop  plantations  heaps  of  bran-mash  or  moist  oatmeal 

rCnrerecJr  -"  '''-'■ ''-  ^-'^^ «--  -^  --  whichir;r 

dealt  Mith  mainly  by  hand-picking  and  by  trapping  with  cabbage  leaves. 

i.  Rows  of  peas.  etc..  are  best  ,.rotected  either  by  spreading  barlev  swoon 
mgs  or  cinders  and  lime  along  the  rows,  or  by  heav/dr'^'of  stkecrilmo 

S.  Rockeries,  ferneries,  hedge  botton.s  and  rough  herbage  at  the  of 
^v^ns^should  be  Cleaned  out  in  winter  and  the  xnasses   of   hLrnat.ngtii; 

10.  Wherever  Invasion  is  seen  to  come  from  a  neighbouring  copse  or 
gara™  l„„d,  „,  ,her  gm.dl..v  devour  Mh  kl„d»  of  ,"^.  "^  '""  °° 







12.  Tliru8liPH  Hhoiil,!  l»o  pncouriiwHl      t*  i«  „    .      . 
fnilt  tin...  to  s,.p„  tl.o  sn«  1    ,?.    .  .       ""*''"  *"  ''""»'    *'"^"'    "^   "ur 

wings  are  spread.     It  varies     er    ll  .^    '*;  ""'""'•"  *^^"  '"^'^^'^  "''e"  the 
rule,  rather  dark-brown,  but  var'^,.r  o  J  rl'     "' =  ''''  '"'"''"■'"^-^  '''''  "'^  - 
the  disk  and  toward  tl.e  e,.d  of  «  e VinJ^v.H     '  T  '•»««-^»"-<"vn,  shaded  o.. 
Hpecin.ens  are  ,uite  Ught  ^J^Z^:^::::;^^'^'  '''^''''^'^''' 
Ihe  wings  are  crossed  bv  the  usnm  f„nr  L  .  "*^  *'*"'''*'  ^^  the  wing, 

the  eosta.     The  renifor.;  or  Sy   ,  "ri".  f'  '''""^*  ^'^"^^^  ^^^'^  - 
orbicuh,r  or  round  spot,  and  Z  re.  i  orm  h'  "'"""^  ^'^'•'^*^'-  "•"»   the 

o"ter.nargin.    Tl.e  under  wings  are Xrlvw^r,,".,"'  "'"'  "^'^'^  ""  *"*> 
sheen,  b<.rde.-ed  broadly  a..d  ^ei,.^  S  du  k    ^  ''"*'""  "'^"^  "  J^'"'!'"-^" 

(he..c.   the    E..g,ish    ..a...e    of     Ue   itZ^tl'^.^^^^^ 

I.  J:jii:r;;;^cr^^^^^  -  fou..d .. ... 

ab«.,da,.ee  it  is  probable  that  these  eggs  are'  ,n'  v'h         ",  '''"'''  "'  ''''"' 
on   the  f.d  Plant.     Kggs  which  ^^r.  r.o.t'^::^^- ^^^^  ^^ 


(From  Report  of  i,s.96') 

-o  .he':;:;;:;;;ro:T.Jir;;r;;r;;rw;;i;!':""'^^^    "'■'"■"  ""■"■'•  '■'■ "■"■« 

Thf  ™(er|.lilor»  under  cousldcrntloii  are  tjio^e  nf  .h.  „,„.■    , 
••  PcrMromo  ««,,ri«,-.  of  ivlilch  Dr  FwJ™  .      "»"e  "f  the  moth  known  as 
»me,vh„.  U,.ppro,r,„,er.,r™S«e^'       :;:;'.?  "T"  "'  '^f'  -■■»"■«• 
l:n„wn  ,n  K„„.„d  nnder  the  name  o'  Z  "vZ^^^aZ':''''''  '"°"'  " 

When  the  o«ten>illnr,  are  »v,t  hatched  they  are  mhntl  ..„rl,  ,  ^ 
and  hnlry,  and  are  at  that  time,  and  tor  al»nt  a  wITl-  !„  <larkK»lonred 
monly  known  a,  l,„,*rs  or  geomwe"  A,  the  n„T  ,  '  """  ""  """■ 
they  are  „rorlded  with  „l  ZeX.  and  In  i "^  "  "T  "'"■-  """''"■'"•' 
relln,,,..  th    hahlt  ot  ,o^„n.  and 'a^nmrthrL  2';^;::  ^  h:^  ""■'■ 

namher,  from  ,„ace  to  ,Z  if  1    JL"r™"ndTI"^  '"  ""■'■■'' 

in-^^t ':,  T.T  i-^tr  >^r'"  "—""■"""'■■"  -'-"'- 

earner,  the  ..^L^'^  :1:Z^Z  ^IZ  ".r"""  ^"«' 


hetween  the  row,  ot  an  l„fe»te,l  emr„rTt^  ,,,-t  •■  T  °-™'  "''  '""-' 

land,  hnndle,    ot    «am,lentwee^l    or    L,  '"""""""''" '"f""'"' 

i.revio„,,y  ,.,,on^  hyt^dnrttnrintr.rrti.rrrvirr- 
.r  cTJmir  ai°:,ir'';;*horr'"-"T' '" ''^^ 
;;.»^  on.  atter  .ndo:.,tnd '."  ^i,^  ::rr  ^T^^ :'::::  jz 


;  I 


Spraying  iUk-m  uot  wh-iu  to  ho  th..  most  HatlMfa.-tory  wuv  of  ai.nlvi.,' 
rH)lsonH  for  tut-wornis.  Tlio  i)olm»ncMl  bran  ri'iniHly  kIvgh  really  rnuark",ni' 
n'HiiItH.  ami  Is  actually  more  nttrac-tlve  than  khh-i.  veuatlon.  Th.-  mixtnr.. 
.-onslMts  of  bran  niolntened  with  sweetened  water  and  ParlH  Km-n  .nlx.-.|  i,, 
the  proj-ortloii  of  1  ,.„nnd  to  50  pound*  of  bran  In  n.aklnu  tin's  n.ixtnn 
the  most  convenient  method  Is  to  damiK-n  a  huuiII  (pmntltv  with  th.- 
ened  water  (a  few  .mnees  of  sn«ar  In  a  pall  of  water),  and  then  add  ni.„v 
dry  bran,  until  the  whole  is  almost  dry  again.  If  the  Paris  green  Is  a.l.l,..| 
to  the  bran  without  dampening.  It  sinks  with  rem-.rkable  rapidity  to  tii,. 
bottom,  even  In  this  dry  ndxture,  when  It  Is  stirred. 

If  It  Is  desired  to  use  the  poison  as  a  wet  aj.pllcatlon.  more  water  .an  l... 
adde<I  until  It  Is  of  about  the  same  consistency  as  porridge,  but  If  It  is  t..  l... 
ustHl  dry.  dry  bran  must  Ik-  stirred  In  until  the  mixture  will  run  thr..ugli  tl... 
lingers  easily.  The  poison  may  then  be  applied  to  the  land,  elth.-r  aroinnl 
or  betwe<.n  the  plants  to  be  protected,  or  a  row  of  It  may  be  run  dose  t..  tl... 
drills  of  crops  planted  in  that  manner. 

This  mixture  Is  extremely  attractive  to  cut-worms,   being  pref.'rred  t„ 
plants  In  all   the   instances   which   have  come   under   mv  notice       It   f.k.s 
about  ten  pounds  of  this  ndxture  to  an  ,u>rt  of  iwtatoe.^^  as  ordinarilv  plant.M 
Paris  green  being  a  deadly  poison,  care  should  be  exercised  to  keep  It  out  of 
the  reach  of  children  and  domestic  animals. 

Salt  in  lieu  of  Sugar. 

Walter  W.  Froggatt.  F.  L.  S.,  Government  F^ntomologlst  of  New  S.Mitli 
Wales,  m  an  article  entitled  "A  Fight  with  Climbing  Cut-Worms  (LcNnnua 
uminttwta)."  says:  "The  bran  was  brought  up  In  bags,  weighed,  and  1  poun.l 
of  Paris  green  added  to  every  10  pounds  of  bran.  The  bran,  after  beiu' 
welghe<l,  was  poured  out  on  large  bag  sheets,  the  Paris  green  scatt.'r.M'l 
through  It,  and  two  men  with  long-handled  shovels  mlxetl  It  up  thoroughlv 
AVhen  the  whole  was  of  a  delicate  gretm  tint,  water  was  added  from  a  ho-s- 
head,  In  which  about  half  a  bucket  of  salt  had  been  put,  so  that  It  just  ha.l  a 
salty  taste.  The  first  lot  of  poisoned  bait  used  before  1  arrived  had  been 
flavoured  in  a  similar  manner  with  augar.  This  had  a  hardening  effect  up.,n 
any  bait  remaining  over  till  the  next  day,  so  I  substituted  salt,  with  very 
good  results;  the  caterpillars  seemed  to  eat  It  more  readilv,  and  the  fotKl 
remained  moist  at  night." 

Hand  picking  or  digging  up  the  cut-worms  whenever  a  plant  Is  seen  to 
be  cut  off  should,  of  course,  always  be  practised. 

Traps  made  of  disused'  tins,  short  sections  of  drain  pipes  and  similar 
things  sunk  In  the  ground  and  covered  over  with  boards,  allowing  sufficient 
room  all  round  for  the  caterpillars  to  creep  under,  will  capture  number.,  of 
the  pests.  Fven  ditches  with  steep,  smooth  sides,  prevent  a  great  many  from 
getting  from  one  part  of  the  field  to  another,  and  when  the  ditch  has  wat.r 
in  It  it  is  quite  effectual. 

Preventive  Measures. 
Preventive  measures  consist  of:  Clean  culture,  by  which  all  ve-etatio,, 
is  removed  upon  which  the  young  caterpillars  could  feed  in  the  autumn    or 
which  would  attract  the  moth-  to  lay  their  eggs. 


♦h„r?*'"'"*""'"  "^  "^"'■^'  '•"'^""'^  •'"^•*«  ""«»»""  »«  <^»«»»'  over  H,u,H,tl,  8urfnf«, 
therefore  surrounding  a  plant  or  tn^  with  a  band  of  tin  or  even  ,m  h  r^i 
the  ea«e  of  such  plants  as  cabbages  and  tonnUoen  1h  an  efflHent  iZL  o 
prot,Ht,on.    Tin  bands  „.ay  easily  be  nmde  by  taking  ple..^  !  i^^Zlul 

ong  b,-  Uvo  and  a  half  Inches  wide  and  bending  thL  uroun     a  ^,a  "   oT 
broon.  handle  so  as  to  form  short  tubes.    In  placing  then,  "rou       ."  ,1      Z 

L^  T     ^^  °°"'*'*  ""**  ""^^^"^  <^an»-     To  prepare  these  eiisliv  the  cn.,« 

need  only  be  thrown  into  a  bonfire,  when  the  tops  and  b^tonr  nui  '  ff  Z 
the  sides  become  unsoldered.  The  large  piece  of  tin  can  tl  7  e  us  h1  wlmlJ 
or  may  ,>e  out  down  the  centre  with  a  pair  of  shears,  so  as  to   orm  two  b^     „ 

t  may  be  well  to  mention  here  that  the  two  remedies  so  often  mention^ 

r::::!^:-  crwrm"!";.^  ^--^  -"^ — •-  -  ---- 

out  r^ir  ^-:  i-r  ;sr-rrt- sr ::  i: 

round  the  trunlc  of  the  tree  and  to  overlap  an  inch  or  two  ac""  d  ng  to  the 
sze  of  the  tree.    These  bands  should  be  tied  round  the  tr^e'Ttl    twine  Jn 
the  lower  edge,  the  upper  edge  is  then  pulled  down  so  as  to  form  a  i?rt  o 
umbrella-shaped  obstruction,  over  which  the  cut-worms  are  uuaW^  to    Lh 
especially  if  the  edge  of  the  cotton  batting  is  a  iittle  teasel! "ut.-^;::,:;'^ 

Cut-Kormg  in  Grain. 

Diflferent  kinds  of  cut-worms  attack  grain  crops  during  tl,e  sr.rine  and 
sometimes  eat  them  bare.    They  seem  to  be  most  numerous  whe  «^ds  ha^e 

Kea  backed  cut-worm    (Paragrotis    ochrogaster,    Gn.).      Two    other    snecles 
?ZT«      ™  '''^  "^"'•'  "'  '""^•'^  •"-«  '''^-"^t  to  reach.  be^L^^r; 

are   tl^e   Glassy   cut-worm    (Hadcnu    devastatri.r.    Brace),    and    11,7 Yellow 
headed  cut-worm    (Hadena  arctica,   Bdv.).     These   are   of  „   dir  v   whm  h 
colour,  very  similar  In  general  appearance,  but  the  former  l"as  a    eS.h  brow," 
head,  and  the  body  Is  tinged  with  bluish 'green,  while  the  Yellow-CL,  c« 
vorm  has  a  smoky-gray  body,  and  the  head  and  neck-shield  are  tawn^^^llow 

Remc<lies.-When  grain  is  found  to  be  atta.-ked  bv  cut-worms  the  fields 

hould  a    once  be  examined  to  discover  if  pos.slble  what  speX ss  ^t  wort 

If  the  cut-worms  are  of  a  surface-feeding  kind,  like  the  Red^acke,!  cu  -^rm' 

aey  may  frequently    l>e    controlled    with    comparative    ease    by    ^at  erlng 

Msoned  bran  lightly  through  the  grain,  near  the  spots  where  the  caTer^lHars 

are  most  numerous,  or  ahead  of  them,  where  they  are  so  numerous  as  tT  have 

.snmed  the    narching  habit.     If  ,„nd  is  systematically  kept  cTear  of  we^s 

n  autumn,  mere  will  seldom  be  trouble  from  cut-worms  In  the  crop  ofX 

following  year.     Prairie  or  sod  land  which  is  to  be  broken  for  Sing    he 



iH'xr  yenr  Hlionid  \h>  fed  ntt  iim  liiti>  iih  |n)wII)I«>  ..r  iiiowhI  iH-ror.'  I.roiikli.i:  |i, 
tlilH  wny  th..  MmiU.  luotlm  will  not  Ik*  iittr.uttMl  t..  tli..  tall  v..K«'tatloii  on  ki..  i, 
lantiN  wlu'n  laying  tholr  ♦'»t«H.— fVc/cAf/-. 

I'KAR  AXJ)  ClIKHKY  (Sihiiulrta  ccniMi). 

(Fio.  33.) 
This  inswt  passes  the  winter  In  the  pupa  state  umler  ground ;  the  rti..« 
the  progenitors  of  the  mischievous  brood  of  slugs.  ai.iH-arlng  on  the  wh.« 
about  the  third  week  In  May  until  the  middle  of  June.  The  fly  is  of  a  ^'l.,ss- 
bla(-k  colour,  with  four  transparent  wings,  the  front  pair  being  crossed  by  a 
dusky  eloud;  the  veins  are  brownish  and  the  legs  dull  yellow,  with  bin.  k 
th  ghs,  except  the  hind  pair,  which  are  black  at  both  extremities,  an.l  .lull 
yellow  in  the  middle.  The  female  fly  is  more  than  one-fifth  of  an  inch  Uma- 
the  male  is  somewhat  smaller.  When  the  trees  on  which  these  flies  are  ,n 
work  are  Jarretl  or  shaken,  or  if  the  flies  are  otherwise  disturbed,  they  fall  to 
the  ground,  where,  folding  their  antenmo  under  their  bodies  and  bending  the 
head  forward  and  under,  they  remain  for  a  time  motionless. 

The  female  of  this  species  begins  to  deixmlt  her  eggs  early  In  June:  thev 
are  placed  singly  within  little  semi-circular  incisions  through  the  skin  of  the 
leaf,  sometimes  on  the  under  side  and  sometimes  on  the  upi^er.  In  alM.ut  a 
fortnight  these  eggs  hatch. 

The  newly-hatched  slug  Is  at  first  white,  but  soon  a  slimy  m.^tter  «m/.e. 
out  of  the  skin  and  covers  the  upper  part  of  the  with  an  ollve-colou,e.l 
Btlcky  coating.     After  changing  its  skin  four  times,  it  attains  the  length  or 
half  an  inch  or  more,  and  Is  then  nearly  full-grown.    It  is  a  dlHgustlng-lookini.' 
creature,  a  slimy,  blackish,  cr  olive-brown  slug,  with  the  anterior  part  ..f  its 
iHMly  so  swollen  as  to  resemble  somewhat  a  tadpole  In  form,  and  having  ,-. 
disagreeable  and  sickening  odour.     The  head  Is  small,  of  a  re<ldish  col.,„r. 
and  is  almost  entirely  concealed  under  the  front  segments.     It  is  of  a  dull 
.vellowish  colour  beneath,  with  twenty  very  short  legs,  one  pair  under  eM-li 
segment,  except  the  fourth  and  the  last.     After  the  moult  It  loses  l,s 
slimy  appearance  and  dark  colour.  .-  '     ..pears  In  a  clean,  yellow  skn,  entirely 
free  fro.n  sl.rae.    Its  form  also  is  changed,  being  proportionatelv  longer.    In  a 
few  hours  after  this  chaHg.  it  leaves  the  tree  and  crawls  or  falls'  to  the  groun.l, 
where  it  buries  itst^lf  to  a  depth  of  from  one  to  thrtH-  or  four  inches     lU 
repeated  movements  of  the  body  the  earth  is  pressed  firmly  on  all  slde-s.  anil 
an  oblong  oval  chamber  is  formed,  which  is  afterwards  lined  with  a  stlckv. 


n:";r:r:;:r  ;;:f :.,;:..r",:;,7::"-,  "'"■';'  • - 

trm,Hfori,.Htlo„H.   l.rn.kH  ..,"  .     l  .  ' '"  "   ''"•""«"»  M'-I-Iuh  Hh 

The  foliage.  dt-prlnHlVtHH  iZn;  J  '     •'     ""   '"""'   "'"'   "' '•-''"'• 

lnfeHt«l  |KM,r  ore   ard    wZ  .  r  "       ''"•""  "■'""  *'"•  *'•♦"''•     '»  "  ""«% 

ln«t«,K-eH  the  tm>H  are  oh L„  t„  L  "^  .  '•''  "'""  '"  •»'•'«"'»•"•■  I"  "'H'h 
HO  exhaustH  their  il^^rt  /  .t^^;::^;':^^^^^^^^  T\  "^  T^"'  ^"'"^^ 
IMJWer  the  folhmlng  year     Altlu.,  li.  T       '^. '""-^   '''"'  ^^''^^  frult-pnMliHinK 

<lestroye<l  In  the  Interval  b^  eZ.  ,    "'  ""**•  "'  "'*">'  «"'  "«»"-  to  be 

Spray  with  Pari    ge^^  orhiHr      "^  "»'«^-«""'»>'«  •"'"Htlc  inflnenoeH. 

».«.  he  treat.,  a«  for  Z^^:^!^,  ZrZZ::^.Z  r  ^^^ 

the  young  larv«.  soon  hatch  out  TnT  *"  "^  ""^^  '"  "'•"  '''«^-«'  ""'l 

infested  leaves  becZe  8,rttL  In  ^•°"™'*'"-*'  their  work  of  destruction. 

larv»  hatch  out  ^^nnZltetl.  '''''"'■""'''  ''"  "'"  ""'**"•  ''"^^"^■*"'  »•*•''"•''  the 
yellowish-green  ;nil^rrarv.n7rT"!  "'  "'*'  '^*"-  '^''^  '«"«-  «""  light 
the  Ie„ves':uK>n  whirthVar;;:^^;'"'''"  "'''''''''  '""^"^'"^  "^  -'--of 

few  days'  neglect  resulting  in  „rhLTr„K I."''!  '  '"''"'  '"  "'"  """'••^-  '^ 
feeders.  Whether  «in-n  ve<l  or  ,  st„,  on  Hp  n  '  """'  "'  *''"''  ""'  ^'"''"••'""^ 
sides  of  the  foliage  for^?est  results  ^'''"'''  '""''*  '•*'«^"  t"^*-  "'"'^^r- 

Cicada,  or  "IIarvkst  Fly." 

No  injury  is  done  bv  these  insepf«  <n  f^i> 

'-.«es  considerable  trouble.     The  eg^^ae   :^'"!'  ''"\""''''  ^««-'«-^'-'«  •-'>'t 

trees,   a   series  of  slits  being  c^    bv  the  nv        I         *"'"''  "'"'  ^'"'''"^''''•^  «' 

<i.ambers  m  which  the  eggs  „,     JZ'^^  ovipositor  of  the  female,   forming 

'..V  their  broad.  trans^Tw    ,s      :X  ^eTcf  with"^'^  T  ^"•^"•^'  '^"'^-" 
each  Side,  and  by  the  shrill   loud  noJse  or  « J        .  7l     Prominent  eyes  set  on 



U(M>NKiiKMiY   WoKM  OK  < 'at»:ki>ii.i.ah   {<Syiiniinin<hun  aitiH-HtHriiliiluM.   IIartii.  t. 



(Fio.  34.) 

In  the  inJurlouR  ntnKP  of  their  exlHtem-e  they  nre  mnnll  green  rnterpllliirH 
whU'h  fiHMi  vorac-loiiHly  uiMm  the  lenv(>M  of  K«M»M«'lH»rry  nntl  «-nrrunt  bUM!u>«. 
ThiH  BiKH-JeH  is  a  native  one,  hlentlfled  from  »iHHlmenii  of  the  parent  fly,  brinl 
by  the  Rev.  (}.  W.  Taylor,  of  Xanalnio.  The  parents  are  nieinlwrn  of  the  «a\v- 
tly  family,  and  there  arc  at  leaHt  two  or  thri-e  brmKlH  of  tlMiw  pestH  In  n 
Reason.  Late  api>earinit  broods,  which  ar<f  generally  very  niunerons,  arc 
often  negleft««l,  and  Infested  bushes  beeome  defoliated  In  a  very  short  time 

The  Hrst  brcxMl  usually  npi)ear8  e  riy  In  May.  At  this  time  there  may  only 
be  a  comparatively  snuill  number  of  the  larvo».  but  it  Is  Important  to  destroy 
these,  as  each  suceetHlIng  br«>od  is  vastly  lncreas«Hl  In  numbers  under  natural 
conditions.  The  eggs  from  which  the  larvie  hatch  are  deiwsited  on  leaves  near 
the  base  of  the  branches,  j»nd  the  young  caterpillars  can  be  destroyetl  with  a 
minimum  of  labour  and  exijense.  If  attacked  in  the  early  stage  of  their 

Hellebore  has  been  found  the  b«'8t  remedy  fur  this  pest.  It  may  l>e  used  in 
the  form  of  a  dry  iiowder,  or  In  water  as  a  spray,  at  the  rate  of  1  oz.  to  i' 
gallons  water.  On  a  large  scale  Legget's  Powder  Gun  is  a  very  quick  ami 
economical  means  for  applying  dry  hellebore;  by  its  use  there  is  a  great 
saving  of  time  In  the  application  as  well  as  nmterlal. 

If  desired,  Paris  green  mixetl  with  dry  flour,  at  the  rate  of  1  oz.  to  4  ll»s. 
flour.  r-u\  be  used  to  dust  the  bushes  for  tlje  early  broml,  or  as  a  spray,  but 
wouhl  not  be  advisable  for  later  use,  when  fruit  is  on  the  bushes. 

The  Imported  CrBBANT-WoBM  {\cniatiia  rcntricoitui*.  Ring). 

The  Insect  appears  soon  after  the  currant  and  gooseberry  bushes  i)tit 
forth  their  leaves,  and  the  eggs  are  laid  upon  the  under  surface  of  the  lower 
leaves,  along  the  principal  veins.  The  eggs  hatch  In  a  week  or  ten  days  Into 
a  pnle,  twenty-legged  caten)lllar,  with  a  large,  dull,  whitish  head.  They  soon 
l>ecome  green  and  accquire  shining  black  spots  on  the  bo<Iy,  and  the  head 
iHJComes  black.  The  full-grown  worms  are  about  three-fourths  of  an  indi 
long,  and  are  shown  in  various  positions  in  Figure  34a;  a  and  &  give  tin- 
I)osltion  of  the  black  siwts  \\\w\\  magnified  Joint  of  the  body.  When  they 
have  completed  their  growth  they  leave  the  bushes  and  either  hide  Just 
below  the  surface  of  tlie  ground  or  under  any  leaves  that  may  be  on  the  sur 
face,  spin  a  thin  cocoon  of  brownish  silk,  within  which  they  assume  the  pup.i 
state.    Late  in  June,  or  early  in  July,  sometimes  not  until  August,  t'le  perfect 


(Fio.  34a.)  (Via.  34b.) 

liJHet'tH  npiienr:  a  second  crop  of  egjp»  Ih  1hI«1.  iiiuI  tlif  njiine  round  In  r«>r)(>nt«Hl : 
but  tills  wcond  brood  do«H»  not  Issue  from  the  pupa  until  the  f«illowlnK  Kprln«. 
The  i)erf«t  fenmie  Is  shown  In  Figure  34ii.  the  llneH  showhiK  the  lutuiil  Hlze. 

ThoHe  who  receive  currant  bushes  from  a  distance.  In  order  to  avoUl  the 
introduction  of  this  Insect  In  the  pupa  state,  shoulil  carefully  wash  the  ntots 
of  the  plants  and  bum  whatever  may  be  washed  from  them. 

Rvmcd ica.— yyhea  the  worms  are  not  cheiked.  they  swrn  strip  both  the 
ciiiruii*  and  ii0O8t'b«?rry  bushes  of  their  leaves,  apd  the  partly-Krown  fruit 
shrivels  and  dies.  The  Insect  threatenetl  to  put  ;in  en.l  to  cuiiant  culture  In 
localities  where  It  is  an  Imimrtant  croi),  until  an  effective  reminly  was  made 
known.  By  the  prompt  use  of  white  hellebore  the  lnse<t  may  be  sulMlued  with 
but  little  trouble,  and  the  crop  saved.  Some  paiMTS  sjM'ak  of  the  use  of 
••hellebore/'  and  It  is  necessary  to  8i»eclfy  white  hellebore  {Virutium 
album),  which  Is  an  entirely  different  drug  from  the  black  hellelMire  {IhUv. 
horua  nigcr).  The  powdered  root  as  sold  at  the  drug  stores.  Is  of  a  light 
greenish-yellow  colour,  and  excites  violent  snet^zlng  when  taken  Into  the 
nostrils;  hence  care  should  be  observed  in  handling  It.  The  powder  nniy  Iw 
sprlnkleil  uiwn  the  bushes  by  means  of  a  tin  sifter,  but  this  Is  often  attended 
by  unpleasant  sneezing,  and  Is  not  so  I'conomlcal  or  eflfwtlve  as  to  apply  It 
mixed  with  water.  Place  a  henttlug  teaspo<infuI  of  the  i»owder  In  a  bowl; 
make  sure  that  th^  iwwder  Is  lioronghly  wetted;  then  add  more  water, 
stirring  until  a  quart,  more  or  less,  has  been  addwl.  Turn  this  mixture  Into 
a  pailful  of  cold  water,  stir  well,  and  ajiply  by  the  use  of  any  garden  syringe 
or  hand-engine,  or  a  waterlng-iM>t  may  be  useil.  The  object  should  be  to  wet 
every  leaf;  hence  much  force  Is  not  needetl.  In  a  few  days,  if  any  wonns 
are  found  to  have  e8cai)ed.  tlie  application  should  be  re|»eate«l ;  rarely  are 
more  than  two  doses  needed.  The  use  of  white  helleliore  Is  so  easy  and  so 
effective  that  none  of  the  other  applications  that  have  been  reconunended  need 
be  notlcetl. — Injurioua  luaecta.  Treat. 






WiNTKR  Moth  {RuchvUi  (tccUlrntaUH) 
Is  o,u.  „f  tl.o  measuring  w.,n„s  i,,  tlu-  <.f  wlild.    tlie  U.-v    c, 
AN.  T.i.vlor  says,  the  n-iiialo  is  wliiKh-Ns  "  "• 

the  w;::r'i^i;:'"^"'^ """ ""  ^''"'^  '^^*^"  ""^"  ^^•->-  ^-  «>  -"  "^t.... 

Oi.MyrK-KANDKD  Lkaf  ItoM.KB  (VacwvU,  romccitna) 
I'-J'-rlnK  tl...  l.tHls  and  yon„«  l.av.s  <,f  „„p,e  „„,,  other  fruit  trees     ThN 

"iiiiiii  wiilcn  tUev  live  ami  fMj><l     tiw.  i.ii....»  „  .I'linni?., 

♦1.     1     >     .      .  ^"*'  ''"^•'' <?<»iiinieii«'s  oiKTiitlons  as  s<ioii  ., . 

m. ur.. ?"tr 7'"""= """' ^■""■^"•'•^^•" *"^'>' "- "»-"^ thrr<;."  . 

1    u-hi,.  length.  .,f  a  «r,..„  or  .vellowish-grm.  <.„lour.  with  the  hea.l  ,  .    t 
<.f    lie  flrst  s  «.neut  bn.wn ;  there  Is  usually  a  darker  strl.K.  alone    1 
^^^  ..ooth  dots  on  eaeh  sequent,  rro.  eaeU^^^^Hlc^risra^t;: 

The  ravages  of  the  larv.e  are  often  quite  serious    rs  thev  ehe..k  tho  . 
growth  and  destn.y  the  l.losson.s.  Spraying,  to  he  em^-t  ve!  r  ".Tures  to  i: 
done  early  in  the  season,  using  the  Paris  itkh...  «,„.,».        //   '•^l"li-<'«  t..  1... 
forn.ed,  hand-„lek,„g  and^-rushlnrof  thlTaavls.,: '       ""  *'"  """  ""' 

Lack  Bros  {Tingithliw). 

T'HT  are  found  o..  the   un.ler  sides  of  the  leaves-small    whitish    fl.",i 

sue  the  sap  of  the  leaves.     The  inscn-ts  are  hhu-k  or  hrown  in  "c^  lo  "'    s'  «e 

of  tne  adults  usually  live  through  the  winter,  and  the  f. ,les  H  e  r 

eggs    „  the  spring,  hut  eggs  are  laid  i..  the  fa      m.d      u    w    te 
pnssed  i..  that  stage.     For  shelter  in  the  wh.ter  fallen  leaves  are  u    h1   o.  t^' 
.;..  "Itlnseets  enn,.  under  loose  barU  scales  or  into  crevK-es.    I.,  the    u"  .' 
"se..ts  n.ay  be  destroyed  „,-  using  either  of  .spra.vs  Xo.  2.  «.  o^-  7 
-Vnyy  l.un.p,  taking  eare  to  reach  the  under  sides  ot  the  leaves 


Of  this  siHV-ies  of  ins,vts  there  are  n.a..y  members    son.e  of  wl.i^.i.    i 
oon.,.derable  to  fruit  and  o„.an.e..tal  t  ees  a.^bur         LsV      s, 

ilu.^     u.,  a  .,1  fij  so...,,  of  the...  jun.p  or  sprh.g  when  dlstui-bjl 
K.ll„.r  11„.  „.l»i,-,-„  , „«„,  (x,,  „|,  „,  , 


Lesser  Appik-Leaf  Roller  (Tiras  ininiita). 

(Fio.  .-i.-).) 
(<7.).  I.aivn:    (6).  l»t,pa :  (<•),  Moth;    id).  FoklInK  case  of  loarps. 
llie  caterpillar  of  the  lesser  apple-leaf  roller  Is  a  sreenlsh-vellow  larva 
smooth,  with  a  pale  brown  head  and  whitish  marlvings.  aflTecting  tlie  young 
leaves  ot  the  terminal  twigs,  witli  wliieh  the  ins«H-t  forms  a  protective'  ease 
Ihis  species  is  remarkable  in  tliat  two  of  tlie  tin-ee  bromls  of  moths  which 
api.ear  during  the  year  are  of  a  l)right  orange  colour,  while  those  of  the  third 
bro(Hl  are  reddish-gray.    It  is  an  example  of  what  naturalists  call  dimorphism 

Tlie  eggs  are  laid  in  the  spring,  on  the  unfolding  leaves  of  apple  and  other 
tnn-s  and  bushes,  the  larvie  s«Hm  liatching  and  feetling  on  the  you.  g  foliage 
some  of  which  they  roll  into  a  protective  covering. 

Here  they  continue  fecnling  for  about  a  month  when  they  pupate  within 
the  folded  leaves,  and  a  wwk  or  so  later  emerge  as  small  orange-vellow  n.oths 
Tliese  moths  lay  eggs  for  anotlier  l>r«Hl  of  larvas  the  moths  of  wliiclj  are  also 
.vellow.  and  they  in  turn  lay  eggs  for  a  third  broo<l,  which  develop  in  the  fall 
as  reddish-gray  moths.  These  winter  in  shelteretl  places  and  in  the  following 
spring  deposit  tlieir  eggs  as  previously  stated. 

Vl»e  caterpillars  feed  together  in  numbers,  usually  stripping  the  branches 
of  leaves  as  tliey  pr<K-e.'d.  When  handled,  they  emit  a  transparent  fluid 
having  a  acid  smell.  When  full-grown  they  desctMid  to  the  groun.l  and 
•  onceal  themselves  uncler  leaves  or  slightly  below  the  surtax,  after  a  time 
changing  to  l)rown  clirysnlids. 

Tlie  motlis  usually  apj.ear  aI)out  .Tune,  and  are  describ.Hl  as  f„n„ws  — 
The  fore-wings  are  dark-brown  on  tlie  inner  .-.imI  grayish  cm  the  outer  margin 
with  a  dot  near  the  middle,  a  spot  near  each  angle,  and  several  longitudinal 
streaks  along  the  hind  margin,  all  dark-brown. 

Tlie  hin.l  wings  of  tlie  male  are  lirownisb.  or  dirty  white:  thos,>  of  the 
female  dusky  brown,  \\-lien  expanded,  tlie  wings  measure  1  to  li.  inches 

The  female  dejM.sits  her  eggs  in  a  cluster  on  the  under  side  ..f  a  le-if- 
these  s<.on  hat.h  into  small  .ateriMllars.  which  at  first  foe«l  on  the  substance 
of  tlie  under  side  of  tlie  leaf;  later  on  tlu«y  f.msume  the  entire  leaves  When 
not  eating  tliey  remain  close  together,  .s,mietiiiies  completelv  covering  tlie 
bnn  h  they  rest  upon.  On  acount  of  iliis  habit  they  can  l>e  easilv  gathered 
ami  destroyed,  or  tlie  limb  cut  oflT  and  tramiiled  under  foot.  They  are  -ilso 
easily  destroyeil  by  using  the  I'aris  green  sj.rav.  No.  9 





(FiQ.  36.) 
MOTTLKD  Umbeb  Moth   (Erannis  dcfoUaria). 

c-hestnut  red  heads    d«^  T,  ,7.  ?        '"^  "■*'™'''  ^^^  '"^^^^^  '»  J^ngth,  witl. 

black  Hue.  t  :  ?ol  ^  di  tZ  and""  ""T'  """'^"  ^''^^  '^-•^^  "--v 
beneath.  There  Is  lTavkrJ.^u  ^KT'"'^'^''  ^^^  "'*'*''  •^'''S"t  J'^"""",  paler 
«I.lrae,e.  The"  e  ,lt^s ira  duH  '^'r'  "'*'  '^"^'^'  -rroundingVa,, 
.«"d  baB  the  upper  wings  do«e^  an  T  t^T°  ^"''  ""^'""^'"^  ^"^^  '»^'^'^■^• 
bands;  the  npace  betwee^  ttl  ,s  ^a.e Th"^  '*''^^"""'^'  ''*-*«''  '^"'"'^  ^^ave.! 
«pot :  the  lower  wings  ar"  !mZ  th  1  ''^"''  ^°  ^"'"'^  ^^''"^  «  d«rk  dis<al 
brown  dots,  and  they  ha^  a  dark  snot  n  """Z^  "T  "'^  ^'^'^  ^'^'"'"'^•^^  -'^>' 
brown,  with  two  rows  of  con.n^n.    ^  '  ^^^  "^^^^^^^    '^^^  ^•^'""'^  ^aoth  is 

«lmost  entirely  aborted  wZ'trir''  '"™  ""  '"^'^-  '^'^^  "'"^^  "- 
crawl  „p  the  trunks  of  tre^ran^l  "v  IL,?"'"  '"  ''''  ""^"'""  *>^«  ^-"■'•'- 
condition  the  insect  passes^he  whUeJ  ^'"  '"  ''"  '''""^^^«-     ^"  "^'^ 

and  eo:si7:i  TyCsticlT  :!:"'"  ™"^  ''^^  "^^"^"^'«  ^^  «''«  «•-'- 
trunks  Of  fruit  Jrl^s  to  prLrt  7el  contrivances  around  the 

eggs,  or  what  will  be  fiund  I  !'« Ti? h  ''"'"""^  "^  *«  '^'^I'^^'*  ^heir 
When  the  young  caterpi."  '     atcr  with  TarT;  ''"'''""  *'^  '•"^'^  ^"  •'"•^'"« 

each  to  200  gallons  of  water  or  heRorf/  .^''^"  "°**  "'"^'  ^  J'«""^'  "^ 
Xo.  9.  '  ^'  *^^  Bordeaux  mixture  and  Paris  green  spray, 

The  Diamond-Back  Moth 

to  thre::ur:f'rr:/ri:S'w\i:[^  tt""'-  ^^^"^  --^""-- 

turnips,  etc.,  eating  numerou;      ^U    h Jes IrolTtilf  '"""  ^'  ^'"'^''••'^'^'^• 
irregular  blotches  from  the  under  surf- 2!!*.  I        ,f  ^'"""*^''''  '*'"^'"^^-  """' 

they  run  backwards,  wrigg     g  t,X  bod.        .'.t'  '""'"'•    '''^^"  ^'■'^^"'•"•■'l 
by  n,eans  of  a  silken  thread     nil  to    „!  ?    ""''  ''""'"  «'^^  *«  •"'••'^^  ''»»•• 

The  caterpillar  of  the  dian  Ind    «7'"""  ', "'''^  *'''*'  "^  '^""^  «""• 
of  cabbages,  turnips,  ra  e  a  ra,rr"l./"l        '"  '*""'  ^'^"^^  "  -^^^'-"^  '^^ 
of  bad  attack  the  wl  ole  ,uZ  s<^n  turn  J    f,^«7'-»<'Jf«rous  plants.     In  years 


to  a  month,  and    hrpunaT  1,^  .      T"   "  '""""'"'  '"'*^  ''''"'  "'""^  ^^eoks 

Blender  Htti;  creature  very  vSlfir."      T'"'''    '""'  '"•"'"'^  »-"'  '"  « 
is  ashy-gray  with  a  Vm'e  of    M^  ."'"'  "'"'•'^'"^-    T"^'  «^-H'raI  colour 

back  wh'en'the "icings  airoirr    """"""*  ^'"'"-^'-'-i-l  ""»»<«  on  the 

wh.eha.4y.;ppe' Vrt,?'^;^^^^^  »"»'l-  ^^  l-asite; 

as  it  18  a  difficult  insect  to  co  tro      The  i'.  i  "  '"'"*"""'"  ^-i-   .""stance, 

in  hot,  dry  seasons.  "^"^  "'^""*''  '"'^  S^"^''"''*'  »'"«•«  serious 

wood  ashes  a^  a  d  luen?  iTk^jZ'T  ™'''""-  ""''"^  '"^^^^«'^>-^'  "">«  «? 
Obtained,  this  subs  taLe  n.  "  d  vt  "7'  '""*  ''""'  '""  ^««^  ^«"  ^^  -««">' 
togivethebestresur    AfK'  "^^      1"antlties  of  slaked  Ihue  is  found 

bas  given  e^^Zt^resiui  i:':z:i::xr::i  T '''''' T '--' 

treatment,  inducing  a  vigorous  growth   vSnih;  ,  supplementary 

or  some  special  fertiliser,  is  mS^  "efu  ff  ^T  .''^  "'  """""'^  "'  ^"' 
advantage  of  watering  thorou^hv  T    t    11  '"'  ''*''^'*^''  ""'"«"  the 

cable.  (5.)  AS  a  ^^re::;^^!:: :^ti^Ti^z  r  1  ^^^"'- 

weeds  and  plants  of  the  mustnrri  fo„,  i,        ,  !  "  *°  ''*^''*  ''"^^n  «» 

Plants  Of  a  crop  whll!  Z  ^  aZ  ,7  iVThtT  '^  T"''''  ""  ^"^^""^ 
brood  Will  be  de8troyed.-F/efc/,c,-.  '"*'  *''''  «ver-wintering 

Fall  Web-Wobm  (Hyphaiifna  textor). 

appear  ,l,ey  begin  ,o  eat  a,„l  to  .p,„  ,  „.,h  i  ,r  'h^Xf L''°""'     P" 


I.  nc-k  and  thore  Is  u  broa.l.  dusky  or  blackish  strl,.e  down  the  back  alo  1-     , 
si<le  is  a  yollowish   band.  sp«kl»Ml  or  less  with   11  Mk      Tl  eT: 
covered  with  long  straight  hairs.  ,ronpe,l  in  tun.^.CLn.^-^t:t 
or  oran«e-yel,ow  ..rotuberan.-es.  of  whieh  there  are  a  nundnn-   ..    ^a      *    ,,n.C 

llH'  moth  is  of  a  ndlk-whlte  colour,  without  spots.    When  evp  nd.^     ,  , 
wiuRs  n,eas„re  about  H/i  Inches  across.     From  their  birth  te«i^^ 
habits  of  the  larva,  pron.ptly  leads  to  their  det'ti       a.  d       I^^^    ^  IT;: 
Should  be  ren.ov«l  by  cutting  off  the  twig  or  branch  an,    dZ  .  v  ng  i 
hey  remain  constantly  under  the  web  for  so  long  a  perio,l.  ti  e  r   n    '.1  of  tt 
branch  insures  In  most  instances  the  destruction  of  the  whol^  ^^    ,   •        "" 
also  reme<ly  reconunended  for  Apple-Tree  Tent  CaterpiHan  ' 

Tlssock  Moth   {Ormiia  anti</uu). 

Fmling  uiK.n  the  leaves  of  fruit  and  other  trees.     When   mntnr.    n, 

pS'psTd— 1-^ 

hac^.  With  two  pencils  of  black  hair  on  the  anterior,  and  o.^  on^  ;:jZ 

The  eggs  from  whicl    rue  caterpillars  hatch  are  often  notir-^i   i..      ,  . 
on  ,h.ul  leaves  which  are  fastened  to  the  tree   wl  h  us, .  I  I      1  """"'" 

atta,-hed.  The  i.jury  fron.  these  ,.sts  is  bm  p  Iwented  b    t  1   r""^^'"-- 
these  egg  masses  during  the  winter.  l"^^^>'tfd  bj  the  destruction  „{ 

The  caterpillars  may  be  killed  by  using  the  Paris  green  spr-.v   or    if  n  , 
tw  numerous,  picking  might  be  resorted  to.  ' 

Red-Hlmpkd  Catebpillab  (CEdciasia  mncinna). 

(Kio.  .'J8.) 

(Fig.  .-jo.) 

This  caterpillar  f,.eds  upon  the  foliage  of  apple  and  other  fruit  trees     I,, 
head  .s  re<l.  and  there  is  a  lunnp  on  its  back  of  the  san.e  co,o  ,r         t      ;;»■  1 
ring  or  segment;  the  bo,ly  is  marked  lengthwise  bv  slender  hli ck  \l^n  / 
v..ite  lines,  and  has  two  rows  of  hlack  prickles*  a^ofthb  ck  Co;;: 
sho  ter  ones  upon  the  shies,  from  each  of  whi.-h  there  arises  a  fine  Inl      T  , 
h.n.ler  scgn.ents  ta.H.r  a  little,  and  are  always  elevated  when  the  in';^^     N      t 
crawl-ngt  measures,  when  full  grown,  about  1V4  m.-hes  i     1 Z  ,    ''^  "" 
IT.  1-letcher.  under  date  of  .1th  September.  l!)0,i.  savs-  "This  c-     nMli.r 
has  been  rather  more  abundant  than  usual  in  all  parts  of  i-anndnf.V 
aUhough  it  ap,.ars  to  ,>e  a  very  bad  pest  on  acc.llmt  ^    t  ^^e^^^,^  ^ '   i;!' 
ing  .n    arge  clusters,  as  a,  n.atter  of  fact   it  is  not  an  lnu.ortant "  e- nTof       : 
apple.  iHK-ause  the  whole  (tilony  can  be  cut  off  an.l  destrove-1  T  \ 

their  presence  is  detected  by  their  injuries.-  "*^^'^-^«J  ^^  "''^•^■-  ^honev... 


TfcXT  Caterpillar  (VlMocamim  Americana). 

(Via.  40.^ 

<«.).  Side  vlow;    <^ ';»-;.  v.p,.  n...  «n.w„.  at  a.,out  s,x  weoks  o.U  :    (e,,  C.u.fn.  of 

egfes,    (rf^  totoori,  oval  of  palo  yellow  tolour 

This  pest  of  tlR.  fnilt-«r„wt>,-  is  widely  dlstrihuteil  throuRhout  the  Province 

«m   known  .,v  all  tT„lt-.M-owers  l.y  th..h-  habit  of  building  webs  o    I  ts  f     n 

vhich  they  i.sue  to  f..Hl.     The  e,^«s  of  these  pests  are  de,K,si  ^  Cn     le 

a  Viscid  liquid,  which  dries  Into  a  sort  of  varnish,  by  the  parent  n  oths  •    i 
takes  place  during  July  and  August.  '       ''^ 

On  the  principle  that  an  oun<e  of  prevention  Is  worth  a  ,K>und  of  cure 
the  easiest  way  of  .h-aling  with   this  .n-st.  es.Knially  on  sn.all   tls    is  to 
lestroy  the  egg  n.asses.  either  ren.oving  then,  for  the  purpose,  or  c^thig  c  ff 
he  twigs  on  which  they  are  tound.    Careful  sean-hing  Is  r-e<p.  red    o  d     this 
but  the  work  can  be  acon.plishcd  In  the  .lorn.ant  season,  Jhen  there  is    "t 
so  nuuh  press  of  work  in  other  ways.    If  the  caterpillars  are  allow^Ito  hat^^ 
out   they  are  easily  detected  by  their  conspicuous  web  or  nest.      ftl  e  e"  r  - 
a.u     a  e  ,...rti..ns  of  the  day  they  will  all  be  found  in  these  nests   an     ca"  be 
oa.l  ly  destroyed  by  crushing  the  nests  and  their  .-ontents  with  the  g  ovCl 
an,l.  by  tran.pling  under  foot,  or  by  using  a  torch  to  bum  then,  on       So,  e  when  a  nest  has  l^en  destroyed  s<.n.e  of  the  caterpillars  will  ."e  ^ 
feeding,  with!.,  a  few  <lays  the  nest  will  be  rep.i.-ed  .-uul  the  ,e,  .on   ts    f 
l.e  colo,.y  ..e-establishe.i.  so  that  .-epeate,,  visits  should  be  made  to  tl  e  o  "h  „ 
n  onler  that  all  n.ay  be  destroy.l.    Xeg,...tod  tr.H-s  are  ..„  .tripped  of    he 
tol iage  a..d  be<.>n.e  exhaustcl  by  having  to  reproduce  foliage  at  a      '„,!  so  . 
.Ude  time,  so  that  little  or  no  fruit  will  !«•  producnl  the  follow  »»«*-^^«'- 










Where  theHe  Dents  have  l,een  neglected  till  they  become  mature    it  .,. 

«^;r..:r^"-^'  ^«  -  ^he  r„r.«  «r.„  Hpray  (xo^Mo^LrtTh;:;;;:; 

FoBEST  Tent-Caterpillar  (a/«iocampa  sulratica). 


(Fio.  41.) 
A  near  relation  of  the  last-mentioned  pest,  and  like  It,  wldelv  distrlbnte,! 
nnd  destrnctive  both  In  orchards  and  to  forest  trees,  such  as  wl  lorinle 
birches,  etc.,  often  completely  defoliating  considerable  areas    Thev  dc"m t' 
spin   s«c^   extensive  webs  as  the  preceding  pest,   and  are  greaJ  Ltll    s 
clnrlng    he  latter  part  of  the  day,  and  often  dnring  the  earlier  Irtir too 
they  c.>llect  on  the  trunks  and  larger  branches  of  infe't^  tris  in  in^^: 
niasses;  this  habit  can  be  taken  advantage  of  In  desJoyCthem    bnt  it  u 
often  difficult  to  protect  orchard  trees  in  the  vicinltv  ofTfeLn  7'     . 
Cons1^,t  watchfulness  is  ne«,ed  in  such  ^^^TL%^TitnZrZ[ 
o^  TZ7^"'  ""''""'  ""'  band-picHng  and  destruction  S  masT^l'b:^^ 
Bud  Moth  (Tmetoccra  occclana). 

(FlQ.  42.) 
The  half-grown  larvre  winter  in  inconspicuous  temporary  cocoons    which 
are  usually  secreted  about  the  buds  on  the  twigs  and  smaller  briers     Wh 

^  h    etf  and    rurbVl"  * V^ '  *'^  ^"""^  ''''-'  *^^'^  «—  -^  ^ 
both  leaf  and  fruit  buds.     During  the  day  time  the  moths  remain  quietly 

res  ing  upon  the  trunk.,  and  larger  branches  of  the  tree    with  the^r  «hn^ 

folded  rooMlke  over  the  back.    In  this  position  they  J^loV^^  J^Z^JZ 


bark  m  colonr  that  It  Is  difficult  to  detect  them.  The  moths  probably  live 
two  or  throe  weeks,  nnd.  beRlnnlng  a  few  days  after  they  emerge,  fly  alH.Mt 
from  tree  to  tree,  mostly  In  the  night,  and  deposit  their  eggs  singly  ;r  h.  "1 
clusters  upon  the  leaves.  In  from  seven  to  ten  days  these  eg|s  hatch  The 
young  larva.,  which  Is  at  first  green,  at  once  begins  to  fee<l.  usuallv  up^n  the 
k,wer  epidermis  of  the  leaf.  It  s,Km  spins  for  Itself  a  silken  tube  oT^n  al 
both  ends,  and  usually  located  beside  the  midrib.  Throughout  the  summer  the 
arv«  woi-k  urK.n  the  leaves  In  this  manner,  but  towards  fall  they  re  rea  t 
Tv  n  T'"  rf  """"■'"'  a.  a  construct  the  temporary  coc.«ns  n  Xh 
they  pass  the  yvlntev.-Cordleu,  Oregon  Horticulturnl  Report,  1901. 

This  lnsecl,ls  found  attacking  both  leaf  and  flower  buds  upon  the  apple 
am  sometimes  proves  very  Injurious.  The  half-grown  larva  winters  Ter' 
and  appears  In  spring  as  a  small  brown  caterpillar.  Just  about  the  time  the 
iMUls  beg  n  to  oiH-n.  and  fee<ls  u,K,n  them.  It  measures  about  half  an  hi 
When  ull  grown.  By  rolling  up  one  side  of  a  leaf,  and  securely  fastening 
ulTV^'^u"'  't  '""'"  ""  *"^  *"  "'^'^•^  "  -'*-«  '^-  pupa  stage,  hi,  g 
s^t  n  d  r  ZTr  "'?  '  ^'^"'^  """•"  ■"'^•^•-  «'  «"'^-  This'cnditlln 
te  andfoJm  U  t  ^7^"  V  '""""  "^°''^'  ^'^^^''^^^  ^^^  ^'HlHng  moth  In 
.  ize  and  form.  It  is  of  an  ash-gray  colour.  The  front  wings  have  a  whitish- 
gray  band  across  the  middle;  the  hind  wings  are  dusty-brown  The 
expanded  wings  measure  half  an  Inch  across.  It  also  attacks  Zr  Plum 
cherry,  quince  and  peach  trees,  and  blackberry  buds. 

Remcdy-Pavi^  green  added  to  Bordeaux  mixture,  as  directed  for  the 
treatment  of  the  apple.-0«f«Wo  Bulletin  on  Pests. 

For  Twig  Borer  and  Bud  Moth. 
Spray  in  the  fall,  as  soon  as  all  the  leaves  have  dropped,  with  sulphur 

to  swell,  with  following  wash:  Sulphate  of  cop,^r,  3  pouna. :  lime.  4  pou^s- 
ra  Is  green,  4  ounces;  water,  45  gallons;  and  again  with  the  same  wash  th^ 
latter  part  of  Uay.-Oregon  Horticultural  Report,  1903. 




SYXOrSIS    OF    LIFi:    IIISTOICY    OF    rODLINt;    MOTH. 

Codling  .Moth  (Ciri    rui,Ma  i,»monvlla,  Li.nn.) 


(Fig.  44.) 
(«i.  Nest  of  Inrva  on  outsldp  of  tr.'P 
iindiT  tho  ol,j  bark:  (6i.  puna:  (<•>' 
laivii  oxposcd  from  nest:  (,/».  olij 
n«'st  :(.•!.  larva  about  to  biilld  n.'st : 
(M.  the  moth  at  rost :  an.  motb  witl) 
wings  spivaU;     On,  bead  of  larva. 

Tlip     piinrtiir.'     made     by     the     moth     is 
repr.'sented  at    (6i.   the  Iwrlngs  of  the 

^"//■^ti."'     ^'Vk    *'V\  m"'"''-    worm    at 
,/  •    J^*"    ""♦l'    ^^''f'>    wInKs    dosed    at 

«rV„,'''    T^iV  *'"»    «■'"«"    expanded 
at    (fli.    and    the    cocoon    at    (ii:    (r/i 
the    chr.vsali.s.    and     (hi,    the    anterior 
part  of  the  body  masnlflj-d.         ^"ttrioi 

There  are  tliree  stase.s  l„  the  life  history  of  the  codling  motli  :- 

(1.)  The  larva  or  worm;  (2.)  The  impa ;  (.-J.)  The  moth  or  mature  insect 

The  insm  ahva.vH  passes  the  winter  in  the  larval  condition,  as  a  worm 

Lh      h    fl.7,i  ""   "'■'"    ''  -»»"-••'"-  to  find,  and  almost  always 

siKcmls  in  flndinR.  some  dry  place  to  pass  the  winter,  snch  as  .,Id  f.M.ceK 
hoard.,  scaly  hark  of  trees,  or  even  large  clods.  At  varying  time  n  t  i; 
spr  n,,  a,,.,.,„,„,  ,,  ,,,  ,^,„,,..^  „^.  ^^.,,^^,^^.^.  ,^  ,^.^^  ^^  ^^.^^^_^^  ^^^^^^^    hiding    ,a    1 

his  worm  changes  Into  that  pecnliar  brawn  objec-t  .ailed  the  pnpa.  ami  f  „' 
tins  stage  into  the  m.,th.  Here  is  the  first  ami  most  important  h,  nt  or  ■ 
apple-grower,  who  intends  to  fight  the  moth  sm-ce.sst'nilv.  to  n  u  er  -i 
lou  mnst  know  just  »„c„  the  moth  appears  in  or.ler  to  d.",  intelligent  w" 
Therefore,  prepare  yonr.self  a  In-ecaing  ca,jc  and  confine  some  of  the  worn  s 
It  tha.  you  may  la,o>r  with  certainty  wh«u  the  moth  comes  out.  O^  f 
the  simplest  cages  is  a  wide-mouthetl  fruit  jar.  and  in  place  of  a  lid  tie  ^me 


llKht  wlr»'-Kaiizf  about  the  mouth  WHMjrely.  ho  that  neither  worm  tior  moth 
•  nil  get  out.  INaee  the  jar  lu  the  orthard  in  a  cool,  dry  phiie.  Aljout  the 
time  of  Hpiile  hluHMouiiii);  refer  to  your  Jar  dally.  Ah  hoou  an  the  tlrnt  moth 
f«)meH  out  you  nhould  Im'kIu  your  Hprayln^',  whether  all  the  in'taln.  or 
"  hloHj.  luH,"  have  fallen  or  not.  It  is  rare  tli.,t  a  moth  emer^'H  from  Its  jiupa- 
case  bv'fore  moHt  of  the  iH'tals  have  fallen ;  often  It  does  not  take  place  until 
a  week  or  two  after  thin  time.  To  Hhow  how  thin  varlen  from  year  to  year,  let 
me  liiHtance  from  other  hulletlnn  and  from  my  own  work.  In  Ttah,  In  1!M».'{. 
the  flrnt  moths  appmred.  acct)rdln>;  tr-  H„|i.  aiiout  the  tirnt  of  June.  In  IS!)!). 
accctrdluK  to  Aldrich.  the  Hrnt  moth  Litiyeanil  altont  .Inne  l(!th.  prohaltly  tw<» 
weeks  later  than  usual,  while  th»  bless,  ais  did  not  fall  till  June  14-17.  This 
.rear,  the  first  moth  apiieannl  in  m.  c.ige  May  ISth,  while  the  api»les  were  In 
full  blossom  alH)ut  May  14th.  This  was  due  to  the  muisually  warm,  dry 
Hpring  which  forced  out  both  moths  and  tlowers  a  ctmple  of  wwks  earlier 
than  usual.  To  Ije  In  time  to  catch  the  first  worms,  whicli  iaigUt  liave  come  out 
before  those  in  my  cage  did.  I  had  to  si.ray  ltet(»re  most  of  the  petals  liad 
fallen.  The  transformations  of  the  worm  take  alwut  fifty  days,  and  may 
be  shown  graplilcally  as  follows: — 

(1.)  Winter  worms  change  to  motlis  about  when  i>etal8  are  falling.  First 

(2.)  Moths  mate  and  lay  eggs  in  a  day  or  two. 

(.'{.)  Eggs  ItJitch  almost  always  in  ai)out  eight  or  ten  days,  while  petals 
close  lu  about  ten  d'lys.     ••  Firnt  hrfntd  of  trorniH." 

Many  advise  a  second  spraying  at  tills  time,  to  get  the  jiolson  into  the 
ralyx  <ups  iH'fore  tlie  last  of  them  close,  and  to  catcii  tiie  last  of  the  young 
worms  of  the  first  bnxMl  l)efore  they  enter  the  apple.  No  spray  can  affect  the 
worm  when  once  he  has  entered  the  fruit  unharmetl  or  uniwisoned. 
(4.)  Worm  remains  in  apple  about  eighteen  or  twenty  days. 
(5.)  He  then  conies  out  by  enlarging  the  tunnel  he  made  on  entering,  or 
by  eating  out  a  new  tunnel,  and  b  is  himself  down  from  the  apple  to  the 
ground  by  a  silken  thread,  or  crawls  down  tiie  trunk  of  the  tree,  set'king  a 
hiding  place  in  which  to  pupate. 

(«.)  Having  found  such  a  hiding  place,  he  wraps  himself  up  as  did  the 
winter  worm,  gradualy  changes  to  a  pupa,  and  comes  out  as  a  moth  in  aliout 
twenty  days.  Simpson  found  tliis  time  varied  from  eleven  to  forty-nine  days 
in  Soutliern  Idaho. 

(7.)  The  eggs  are  again  laid,  and  they  again  hatch  In  about  eight  or  ten 
days.  As  this  forms  the  time  for  the  third  spraifinn.  or  the  second,  if  we  liave 
omitted  the  last  one  mentioned,  we  must  again  have  recourse  to  the  l)reeding 
cage.  In  fact,  it  is  niiuh  more  essential  that  we  should  know  the  exact  time 
this  set  of  moths  ai>pearK  than  the  first,  as  we  are  more  or  less  limited  in 
the  first  spraying  liy  the  dii.e  of  full  flowering.  So,  as  soon  as  the  worms 
come  out  of  the  apjiles,  which  can  be  told  by  the  bands  on  your  trees  (and 
you  should  use  bands),  catcli  some,  place  them  in  your  cage,  watch  when  the 
first  moth  apjK'ars,  add  eight  or  ten  days  for  hatcliing  of  young  worms,  and 
yon  wil!  know  when  this  xrvnttij  hmuil  of  worm?!  is  re.idy  to  enter  the  apples. 
Your  spray  should  Ite  on  tiie  a|)ples  soon  after  the  emergence  of  the  first 
moth,  in  order  to  catcli  early  as  well  as  late  worms  of  this  brood. 


I-   ,••:■ 





«PPU'  mainly  by  the  .«/,.  o./;  ,.i  L  "h,   nLnnltv    f  ..h'm        r"'  ""'•"■"  ^"■• 

ap,.ie„„y.hor:;V^..tTj:/       \7tX 

oiiwrgvn  from  the  „p„le  «»,!„  ho  doi  „„t   „l„n;^^,  ''  ""'*"''"  '''"'" 

«-n«.n  into  the  n.oti,    iuit  H^k«  n  Zi  ^i    i  !'"*""'''''  '""""«*'  "»-'"'"  ""^ 

ana  there  M,H.n,lH     le  w    t^-r     Unrn!        '^■'  "'**:  """"  "'"'"  """  ""*  --">'• 

purpose  of  devouriiiK  such  frnlt  „n,i   . .       T  '  ^'''^  orchani  for  tli,. 

^0  U.e  Ures  or  .. e^CZ  ^ Z^^eS^rr  1:;;^ '  '"'"'"'  '""- 
The  following  is  from  the  U.  S.  Farmers'  Bulletin.  No.  247- 

n.oth  :r::;;;:j^re<riiit^^^^^^^^^    r^  '^'"  '^^""•" »"-  «^  ^-^^  -"«-- 

were  discovered.     l7  ^  o  Zrd^Z  ''''''''  ""-Henioa,  sp.,,vs 

thoroughly  done,  it  ma""  rnte::  r  M^  ut^r  i7ir"'  '"T''  '' 
are  old  and  cracked,  and  have  holes  in  the  tru'  !     an  ,  hr„     h  '  """  ''""^^ 

dose  together,  so  that  spraying  Is  UmZt  V,  1  5T  ^  "'  "'"'*  '"""*^' 
aid  m  bringing  the  insect  under  conH'  •"'  '""'''  "'"  "'"*^'-'''>"^- 

c.coo":rd'^i;''rriarra"Z^;'\?."  '^  ^^^  '^'-^  *«  «••'»  '- 

Cloth  bands,  from  10  to  J^Lhes  in  wh  h  n  A  .'T  ^"'""^  '""^  ''«'"'• 
placed  around  the  tree.  ThJv  can  ^  fllf  ,7  °''^'**  """^  lengthwise  and 
removed  and  replacT  bv  SrUMrl  ?,   ?*^  '"  '"'*  "  "'^y  ««  *«  ^'  easily 

Off  the  head  JtZ^Ze^oTZ^lT  ZltZ'  T  T  T'  ""^'""^ 
band  should  be  placed  on  the  trunk  nn^  1  '^  ''  "^  ^""^  '"^  '"•'S^-  "»e 

bands  of  any  hLvylrrr^I  sr/ariTp^  f^^^^^^^^^^  T"" 

or  paper.    When  bands  are  used,  the  trees  shoni/iL  ,       "'"^^  ""^  ^"^ 

or  loose  bark,  to  leave  as  few  ot  er  nttm  .,     ^  ^''"'^  ^^^""  "f  '"""«»» 

l«rv«  might  spin  ooc^n  .    Insp^t  oroTt  J'^  ^''"'^^  ^"  ^•^"^'^  ^''- 

at  intervals  of  ten  days  and  arilr?^!  T  "**'  '^""^^  *^  '"'''*«  "-^^""rly 
be  destroyed  with  a  k'lfe  If  Vsp^^,  """  T''''!  '"""*'  ^"""^^"^  "'^™  «'»«»'^» 
badly  infested  100.1^^  Jut  1  is  al„«  '.  m'""^  *'  '"*  ""'«  ^'^^^tive  in 
uo  Circumstances  should  tndi  ^  h.":!^ ?  1^^=!  *;  '''^''^''    ^'-^- 

The  use  of  arsenate  of  lead  for  +hT!Lu       ^"^-^"^^^^  ^^or  spraying. 
Xew  Zealand  AgrlcuUural  Crt'  ^9^  ^    '  ""''  ''  *'"'  "'^""^  ^«  ^"  ^'^^ 

"  f^praying  for  Codling  Moth. 
"Such  excellent  results  in  the  control  of  th«  „,  *u   u 


moth  niul  other  deHtructlve    «itlnK-lnHerf«      Ti.„  ...  .       . 

far  an  exteuHlve  uJ  i.  Lrcmlrr   „l      "L  '"T  ■"•""  """''"*  Prohibitive  an 

« «.«teri«,  re,u,ctio„  L;to  ;r  rs  ii  t;\^    'T^T'""'  '"*  "-^^"^'-^ 

to  u«.  an  efftHtlve  Innet-tkhle      ^wirt  ""  "'  ""  "'"'^  ''^'^  '»"«» 

to  n  very  lar^e  exte  t7n  ie  Pa  :,^  Vn.,"'""""''  '"  """'  '"  ""«•  '-'"«  '"«'<» 
diHtrlets  m  Calfornla.  The  Po  t  Tborf  1?\  "'  ""  """*•"*"'  apple-««.wlng 
reH»lt«  fron,  the  uho  of  dlH.m  en^  ^J  aPPle-Krowern  have  derive,!  Hph.„dl.i 

have  re<l«oe,l  .aoth  Infec-t  o  nevt^^'m  ""'^  *'"'""'*''  '"'^">''"«  ^^'^'^ 
of  treen  there  ^  ZllT  "^  '"  "*""'  '"''""*  "••^•''«"''' 
While  l„  the  older  orchards r^rt;:";  ^U^  J^';:  l^:);:-  -•^- 

How  to  Spray. 

for  the  codling  moth  Is  for  the  ^le  ob  rir  J  h  I""'''  ,^^*'  "^^  "P™>''"« 
cup  before  It  closes,  an.l  everything  e£  s^  T^^  *'""  f^'"""  '"'"  "'«  ^«'>-« 
It  has  been  found  b  •  veLntZe^^ri^Zl^^^^^^^  ^  Hubordlnatnl  to  that  end. 
with  great  force.  wlll7>^X^te  and  " m!^  !  .?  ™"'"  '""''^  '"^'•«>-  ^^rown 
like  spray  ordinarily  S  u  ?ifs  Z  h  "'"  '"'*'  •^""''  ^•^«"  ^''^  •»'«^- 
out  towards  the  light    nTt  as  the  1  lol  "'"""  "'"''  ''""^'"^  "••'•'«'^t  "^ 

the  spray  must  be  thr  "v  >  /rom  2^7  "'"W  ""  **^  «°  ""°  ^''^^  <•"•- 
from  below  «;.  „s  It  s  u  nany  done  In  ^heT.n^"'"  ''"/''"  '"•  '''^  '"'^ 
gathers  on  the  stan.ens  and  either  r^,n«M  '  ""^  ^^^  '"''*■"•'«  «Pf«>' 

carry  an«-  ,K,lson  down  i:to  thrcl     "    wUl'd  h'''"  '"'"  ""*^  ^'^  ""* 

spraying  until  the  tree  Is  rtr  nnInT    ,,  ^°  "°  '*''""  *«  toutlnue  the  first 

the  calyx  cups  ^u  stl^  there  ''^^  ""  """•'  "^  ^'^^  "'^"'^  '^-'  ^-^  'odged  in 

The  second  spraying  serves  two  purpo^-s   one  to  All  „n.      . 
oi>en.  and  also  to  leave  a  coaflnc.  of  L.l  .  *^^  *^'*'^'^  ^"PS  s"" 

formely  used  the  mist  sra"  for  th,«H  ''".  "'""'  ""**  "•"'*'  ^he  writer 
spray  and  se^-uredttter  re  u  ts  ThVsn  '"''"' .'"'  ^'""^^  *"  *»»«  ^««r- 
tree  begins  to  drip.  ^''''  'P'"*'^"«  «'^«"''i  ^«'««  ««  soon  as  the 

^^7»a<  \oz2le  fo  Use. 

the  8enecl  of'  he  Oo.n,  Co  I^ZlLTTTr'  '^'  ^"^  ^^™'"«  ^-'  - 
so  that  under  the  work  „g  r^eTs.  ^^^^^  ''^  "'^"^  *"«  »«!'»'«  oapaclt.v. 

8  feet  before  a  mist  L  f^rn  ^  if  «^  i  '•"'""  ^'^^  ''''''^  "'"  »'«  t^^^-^""  «  to 
smooth  surface  at  a  dlstTr 'f  "  X f''JTJinT'''\r  ''"'  ''''"''  '^'^  '^ 
Mith  little  drops  of  water  the  size  of  „  n.T'  i  '^  "'^  ^"'■^«^'*"  '""^♦''•"l 

a  .ram  or  more  of  r.i::":ZZmT::n  ZT^^^^^^^ 
It  spraying  ,s  continued  too  long  these  litt  e  drops  wi  1  „!     ""  ':''^''''^'- 
carrying  the  poison  with  them.    If  the  ".ozzle  is  se   to^  in  ""^^  '""  ''^' 

slow,  if  too  cx,arse  the  drops  will  rnn  off     o         I  ^  ''"^'  ^""^'^''^'^  ""'  be 

do  better  work  ,Ua„  ,„■„  of  ,he  1  "  ktad^  ""'"  °'  '""'■''  *"""""'  "'"' 

Mf. ! 


^^'hrn  to  fipraii. 

Thi'  ttm  iipplinitloii  Hhniiltl  \n'  iiiiiih'  iiH  wNMi  HfttT  till*  h\>MA\  fallH  nx 
,HmHll,|,^,u.v,.r  Willi..  tlH'  hloHM^niH  «r..  on.  lu  „  i„„iiy  ,„Ixh1  or.|,„nl  this 
inlk'ht  iK^  In>  when  n  f.-w  hJoNmm.M  wrr.'  on  tlH«  Into  tm^-.  I.iit  In  <»ko  tli- 
.llffrnMit  wm-  m-iMinit...  H|.riiy  ni«li  varh'ty  tl.m.  or  f..ur  .lavH  nft.r 
th.'  |N>talM  fall.  In  plaiitInK  an  onlianl  Ulfr.>r.'nt  varl.-tU^  Hliould  iM-k.-i.t  In 
bIcHkM.  or  at  IniMt  In  rowH.  ho  that  tlu-y  <tin  U'  Hpraytnl  wIhmj 

Thf  IniKth  of  tlni«>  In  wlilch  tl.o  .alyx  nMnalnn'oiK'n  varl«.«  lii  .ll(T..r.'iii 
varlotlrM  and  In  .llffm.nt  mtm,UH:  hIx  to  tn.  dayn  wonid  Im'  a  fair 
av.'raK,..    TIiIh  can  In.  and  thorn-  that  the  .,nl,  Umi 

Thi.  »«.n.nd  Mprayhitf  Hhould  Ik-  made  from  ten  davH  u,  tw<,  w.4h  aft.r 
the  tlrnt.  Thin  will  .at.h  tlioni.  ,,,lyx  cupH  that  are  late  In  cloHlnK  .md  auv 
from  which  the  Hn»t  «pray  has  Uh-u  waHl».<l.  and  xvlll  nlHo  leave  n  (.,>atln«  of 
iH.lm.n  on  the  n.)w  fairly  well-Krown  lenv..n  and  the  developing  frnlt.-««m7,„ 
So.  87,  Utah. 

Lkhhkb  Applk-Worm   {nraphoUtha  prutiliora,  Walsh). 

ThiM  IH  the  Inmnt  which  haH  8o  often  tHM^i.  ndHtaken  for  the  .^HllInK  inotli 

hy  our  frult-Krower«.  and  «.rtalnly  hi  Home  resiH^ts  there  |8  n  mnrkwl  re ,- 

hhuH-ts      It    IH   niHo   known   aH   the    ni.d    was    first    figured   and 
descrlbwl  by  Walsh  as  n  r»Ium  enemy. 

Full-urown  siKnlmen  larva-  are  dc-scrilHsl  as  f.-llcms:  three-eighths  of  an 
Inch  In  length,  one-slxtw-nth  of  an  Inch  in  diameter.  tarK-rlng  siightlv  towards 
K,th  extrendties;  r^ldish  pink  to  pale  pink  m  colour;  lightest  "in  colour 
.etw«.n  the  segments.  Hea.l  smaller  than  first  segment,  with  blotchv.  darkish 
brown  markings:  thoracic  and  anal  plates  also  darkish,  markeil  wi"th  brown 
»<Hly  coveretl  with  white  bristles,  with  finely  dotteil  surfac-e  to  the  skin' 
(under  n  .r/o,K.).  The  parent  moth  expands  nlK)ut  five-eighths  of  an  inch 
ncnms  w...,  ;  the  ground  colour  of  the  front  wings  is  black,  with  larg.. 
patches  of  rusty  nnl  and  a  central  steel-blue  patch.  Along  the  c«.sta  an 
s(.ven  very  ttmsplcuons  short  white  streaks,  nrrangetl  2.  2.  and  3  together  of 
which  the  longest  are  the  1st,  Sn\.  nth  and  7th.  These  str.'aks  are  nearlv 
parallel  t..  e.uh  other,  and  are  obli.piely  dirwtetl  towards  the  r«steri.,r  an«lc 
of  the  wing.    The  hind  wings  are  dusky  gray  at  the  base,  shading  Into  bla,  U 

•I  L      I  lit.      t  Ij  '• 

The  .-..nnnon  form  of  attack  of  this  ,>est  In  cultivated  apples  is  at  the 
calyx  end  of  the  fruit,  and  in  the  majority  of  c-ases  the  larv«.  do  not  ,HHietratc 
very  far  into  the  fruit.  There  are.  however,  many  exceptions  to  this  nn.l 
riuite  a  number  of  apples  have  been  foun.l  in  which  the  larva-  luul  Imrcd  h.tu 
the  mitre  of  the  fruit  aii.l  even  fed  upon  the  pips,  just  as  the  true  ciHlling  moth 

From  this  habit  of  fee.llng.  it  is  apparent  that  effective  use  can  be  made 
of  the  I  aris  grmi  spray,  or  Bordeaux  mixture  and  Paris  grmi  ( .Vo.  0)  applied 
very  s,M,n  after  tlie  trees  have  blossomed,  and  bef<.re  the  voung  fru'it  turns 
downwards,  and  wherever  there  is  a  r«robabilitv  of  the  post  apiH'nrin"  thi^ 
cyurse  should  be  adopts].  In  addition  to  this,  infeste.l  fruits,  which  uMiallv 
rlpeu  i.rem«turely,  should  be  carefully  collected  and  destroyed,  as  soon  as 


;;!:;::::^:r^.,:^r::;;;:;:::;- ^     «-;•' -'"  --, .......  n. 

tlint.  .....1  ,.„r,..  "'  '""*  ""'  '""'■"  ••'  ••""'•'"«  '"•tl'l>.K  but  «  llt.U. 

H  a  v..r.v  H«.ri..„„  ,«.,(  of  l„„h  r..l  „„,i  ,,,„,k  .,,rr„„tH 

l«rv,P  hnt.h  „«t  very  ,       k,      1    r^      ^  '"*""''  "'  '"'"**  -"•*  "««-•    Th.  ,„„„« 

fruit  fallH  t„  theVnm  r  and  r       ;  """  "'"''  """'*""••    -^''-^  ">'  "»'  ".r.-t..^ 

on  the  Hurfac^.  under  rubbW  if  L  r  '"""""•  '•'"  "" •^-  »"'>'  fanHfom, 
..rown  colour.  I„  th  /liuh^  ;\':''i';'""  ^'T  '""'-^  "*  "'  '^  '-'"  >-"«wi«h- 
Kradually  underRoing  ch„X      .to  tl  e 7    "' m  '  "  ""''''"'  ""•""•"  "'  ^^e  year. 

Ah  a   preventive  ZZV  f  ^^     ''"''"  *'"""''*''•"'  '"  <'»'  '*l"-ln»:. 

sprinkled  a  nd  tuT"  r-  L  n  r  ""I  *^"^'"'"'  "'"'"-^  «"-'-I  '- 
viouH  to  the  tln.e  when  ^uJ ^T  ^Zu^^  :'rl^:  ""'•  •""'^  "^  ^  "- 
pint  of  crude  curl»olic  aeld  t ,  nl  .  ,  /"  '"^"''"'''y  «»•'>'  In  May.  One 
strong  enough  for  th^fu    Le     Thl  "rneU L",  /'""\""''   """'''   ^"«''^»'--   '" 

(Jatlierlng  and  destroying  the  fallen  frnit   l'„rin„  t 
numberH  of  the  pest  c-onsldernblv  an.   „L  [?  l"  "'"'"*  ''■•'"'''  ''*^'"''*"  »"« 

the  surface  of  the  ground  th^  can  1^  ,  .  "*?"'  '*''■"'  '*'  '"""«"*»  «t  or  n.-ar 
son  to  a  depth  Of  ;„  S/orlv  o  .r^fulirS  '''  T""'^'  ""'^  ''"■•^"'«  "'« 
soil  HO  that  the  young  flien  are  unnZ  t  '^  '*-'  ""'^  ^"'•"""''  «'"""  »"•'  ^op- 

.•one  by  chicken'  1„  Plc  "g  up  he  ^s;";;;;^,;"  ''''  '""'"'''•  •^^"•"  «'-'  ^l 
«lven  the  run  of  the  patch  ^or  that  pLnl^e  ^'"'^'"'-"t.  they  should  be 

are  ^^ZZ  ^ll^S  T the";^snr '  "^  ^  '"^^'^  "'  "'«  ^  «^ 
time  no  very  satisfactory  ren^lv  .Is  b«  l  'TT"'"'''''''  "'*  '"  ''''  ^''"^'^^^ 
I'as  give,,  any  results  Is^he  ^nZ:  e' ^  '•  T'*'  ''"''  *''""*»'-*  ""'H. 
tl.e  soil  fron.  beneath  bushes  'hlc  have  .  '"."?'"'  "'""'  ''''*^  ^"^"-  "' 
fresh  soil,  and  then  treatmrtl  o       '        .  '"'*''*''*'•  "'l»'a<-'"«  this  with 

i.-es  d.K.s  not  occur  in  tm^  (  ,  ifZ';';'  ""^r"  ''"''''  '^"''  ^'•- 
m.wers  should  know  the  appoara!;!"  . .f  t'v  "t  ?"""  "'"'  ""«•  ^'•""- 

of  snout  beetles.  so-ca,l.l  fro.  the  shape  ;f  thX^d/lhtr  J^.::;^;^ 



(Fig.  45.) 
The  dlffcront  stagps  are  shown  In  the  engraving  above:     o  represents  the  grub  much 
magnified;  h  the  chrysalis,   and  c  the  bwtle.   Iwth   much  magnified ;   d  the  yount; 
fruit,  showing  the  crescent-shaped  mark  made  by  the  Insect,  and  the  curcullo,  lite- 
size,  at  Its  work. 

a  beak.  The  beetle  Is  a  small,  rough,  grayish  insect,  about  one-flfth  of  an 
Inch  long.  The  female  deiwsits  eggs  In  the  young  fruit  of  plums  and  cherries, 
causing  them  to  drop  prematurely,  generally  before  the  larvie  are  full  grown. 

Apple-Fbuit  Mineb  [Argyresthia  conjugella,  Z.) 

(Fio.  46.)     Infested  Apple— Halved. 

The  first  apparent  sign  of  infesfaition  is  the  exudation  of  Juice  from  the 
fruit,  at  the  itoint  where  the  larva  enteretl,  which  generally  dries  up  in  the 
form  of  a  little  bubble,  grayish  in  colour.  The  point  of  entrance  is  often 
between  two  fruits  which  touch  each  other,  or  under  a  leaf  which  covers  part 
of  the  apple  attacked.  Later  on,  when  the  larva  has  left,  the  small  hole  in  the 
side  of  the  fruit  through  which  it  escaimi  can  be  seen  on  close  examination. 

Many  fruits  were  found  to  l)e  infested  both  with  this  and  the  lesser  apple- 
worm  (Grai>hoUtfia  pniiiiiora,  Walsh).  The  full-grown  larva  is  smaller  than 
the  last  mentioned.  It  has  been  descrilml  as  follows:  Nearly  cylindrical  in 
shape;  slender;  about  %,  inch  in  length,  when  extende<l;  body  whitish,  some- 
times greenish-white,  with  black  head;  r.iufuce  of  the  hoily  une%-en,  intraseg- 
mental  folds  deep;  as  also  a  medium  transversal  fold  on  each  segment. 


The  cxMH)n  w  thin  whk-h  the  pupal  stage  1h  pa«««l  Is  double.  consIstiuK  of 
a  rhme.  dense,  white  spindle-shaped  Jnside  coe.Hin.  %  i„.  i„  length   e„cl<  ^i  h 
a  network  or  loose,  open  bag  of  large  meshes.  %\,  by  %    f  '  J  e T  ,de 
C0C..V.  is  apparently  o,K^n  at  one  end.  for  in  nearly  eve  y  h.stanee  the  inn  I 
head  and  skin  are  pushed  out  into  the  outer  eoooon. 

SiHHiniens  of  the  apple-fruit  miner  confined  in  a  jar  having  a  laver  of 
moist  earth  at  the  botton..  and  containing,  also,  loose  phves  of,,     k   in  ariabh 

:xt  ':z  rr  T:;.:t  ^—^  "-^  ---"^ '--  ^- "  « 

w.n^''%"'''"'  "f  ''"^  "'^"'^"  '"'^*'  '"^««»'-'nB  %-i"oh  across  tl.e  expanded 
irtblT  '  "^  r^'  ''''■''y^^'^y  '«  «>'o»r,  mottled  with  darker  pat  JL 
A  ong  the  inner  margin,  from  the  base  to  the  middle  of  the  wing  is  a  bromi 
silvery  band  of  white  ending  abruptly  on  the  inner  marL-in  ft  ,y,  '"'"^ 
running  i,ackwards  at  the  outer  ang.;  of  the  band  Th  i;  Zo^  Tl 
conspicuous,  black  patch,  which,  widest  at  the  inner  nmrgin  runs  dhlnallv 
backwards  across  the  wing;  next  to  this  is  an  elongated  trto^rwhe 
patch  mottled  with  brown,  having  the  base  on  the  inner  ma  gin  ohe;'g 
wlh  .  ""T  !'"*'"*"'  "'"'  ''"■^^^  backwards  towards  the  rip  of  tl  e\ri  Lf 
«Wch  ternuna tes  with  an  eye-like  spot  somewhat  like  a  peacock's  f'^^^r' 

^Trs  ns  T'  "T  "'""'  "''  '""^"^  ^^'"«^  «"  "-^-d  -i  1>  long  Silk;  ^/v 
hairs.  a«  also  is  the  lower  apical  margin  of  the  upper  wings  The  fro^ita^ 
tuft  and  the  thorax  are  of  the  same  silvery-white  as  the  broad  ba.  ds  on  Z 

tirtn::  n""''  "^^^  ^^^^^^^^^  ^^'^^"  *»>^  -'°^« «-  closed  and  ;o„;u 

the  thorax,  form  a  continuous  white  dorsal  stripe  from  the  fron    to     "if  iZ 

:s„rx TVi,:: s-r. *^r rr '?;= :  i 

i    •--, 

:1    ^F 



Japankse  Fhiit-Borer  (Larcrna  hcrellera). 

An  Item  iiiuw-nml  in  a  paiH'r  i»ubll«h«J5l  in  Sacranu'iito.  Cal..  in  NovomlM^r 
10(»7,  to  the  fflft'ct  tlnit  (J.OOO  boxes  of  apples  from  Orcas  Island  had  been  con" 
dennied  In  San  Francisco  on  account  of  being  infected  with  bud  niotli.  and  tli.u 
a  quarantine  had  been  declared  against  Britlsli  Columbia  fruit  for  tiie  same 
reason.  This  absurd  statement  naturally  called  forth  an  inquiry  from  this 
Department  as  to  what  was  really  meant.  Whereupon  Mr.  J.  W.  Jeffrey  tlie 
State  Commissioner  for  California,  exi.lained  that  the  api)les  In  (luestlon  iiad 
bwn  condennied  by  Mr.  E.  M.  Ehrhorn,  on  account  of  being  infested  with  tlu- 
Japanese  Fruit- Borer  (Laicnm  herellera).  Mr.  Jeffrey  remarlcs  furthermor*. 
"  The  ndstake  as  to  the  Identity  of  this  Insect  was  not  ours,  and  I  hoiie  you 
will  give  the  facts  to  your  people." 

Mr.  Ehrhorn,  who,  Mr.  Jeffrey  says,  is  an  entomologist  of  national  reputa- 
tion, says: — 

"  Your  letter  of  Jainiary  9th,  addresswl  to  Mr.  J.  \V.  Jeffrey,  State  Com- 
missioner of  Horticulture,  Sacramento,  Cal..  was  sent  to  me,  as  in  it  you 
express  a  desire  for  specimens  and  a  description  of  the  i)est  found  in  a  ship- 
ment of  apples  from  Orcas  Island.  I  am  sorry  to  say  that  I  have  no  si)ecimens 
of  the  insect,  which  is  the  apple  fruit-borer,  Laverna  herellera,  and  not  the 
bud  moth  Tmctoccra  occelana.  as  was  report^  in  the  various  papers.  I  dont 
know  how  your  Province  came  to  be  mentioned,  but  sometimes  reiwrters  get 
things  mixed.  I  have  from  the  start  said  that  the  fruit  came  from  Orcas 
Island  and  was  shipped  from  Bellingham  to  San  Francisco." 

Under  the  circumstances,  it  is  considered  best  to  publish  the  following 
descriptions  of  two  Japanese  insects  taken  from  the  I'.  S.  Year  Book,  1807  :— 

"  Of  Japanese  Insects  we  need  mention  at  this  time  only  two  sjiecles 
These  are  the  apple  fruit-borer  (Larerna  herellera,  Dup.)  and  the  pear  fruit- 
borer  (Xephopterifx  ruhrizonella.  Rag.).  Accounts  of  each  have  been  sent  us 
by  Prof.  .M.  Matsumura.  of  the  Agricultural  C«.llege  at  Sapporo.  Tlie  figures 
which  we  introduce  of  these  two  insects  are  re-drawn  from  Prof.  Matsumuras 

Apple  Friit-Borer   (Larcrna  herellera.  Dtp.) 

"  Is  said  to  l)e  the  most  troublesome  insect  with  which  the  fruit-growers 
of  Japan  liave  to  contend.  It  is  thought  to  have  beer  introduced  into  the 
c-ountry.  and  is  now  met  witli  there  wherever  api)les  are  grown.  The  larva- 
live  only  in  the  core  of  the  apple,  injuring  the  see«ls.  They  mature  in  almut  a 
niontli.  nmke  a  pas.sage  through  the  flesh  of  the  fruit,  crawl  or  drop  to  tli<« 
ground  or  emerge  from  the  fallen  fruit,  making  wlilte  cocoons  in  tlie  earth 
and  hibermiting  in  the  pupa  stage.     It  procluws  only  one  br«KHl  eadi  sea.son. 

"On  the  day  that  these  words  were  written.  November  ]lth.  1S07.  parts 
of  two  apples  were  received  from  Mr.  Craw,  at  San  Francisco,  whi.h  a 
pa.sesenger  on  the  steamoi  from  had  given  liim.  and  whh-h  showed 
evidence  of  the  work  of  what  is  very  probably  this  insect.  No  .siHHlmens  of 
the  in.sect  itself  were  found,  but  the  apples  contained  tlie  larval  burrows  lead- 
ing to  the  core,  and  two  of  the  s(hm1s  had  iKH'n  eaten  out.  It  is  not  likely  that 
the  passengers  would  have  bought  daniageil  applc-s  in  Japan,  and,  therefore 



,    ,      .   ,  (Fio.  47.) 

(")  adult ;  (6)  sane,  side  view ;  (c)  larva ;  (rf)  cocoon  ;  (.)  injured  apple      Ul 

enlarged,  except  c.  which  1.  reduced.     Ue-dra^^  from  yLlTra  )  '      ' 

it  18  probable  that  the  Inrvte  Issu  .1  from  the  fruit  on  the  Jonrnev   so  that  It 

dS"uh":l"V!;'^  T"  ''  ^''"^  ''-''''''  ^^  particularly  liable  ;or;tr! 

a  roothold  in  British  Columbia.     (Xot  in  British  Columbla.-J.  U.  A.) 

"Pear  Fbuit-Bober  {yephoptcryx  rttbrizoncUa,  Rao.). 

Xf  „.  '  '^  ^^^  'r^^''  ""^  *"'*'  ^''^'^'^  '"'  «^'»"«''  »»«hlts  found  in  Japan  Professor 
Matsumura  states  that  pear-growers  lose  every  vear  from  30  to  -o  .17  T 
o^  their  crops  from  this  in.seot  which  is  more  troub^:!!?";'.'  L^Z ^ 

^'^2:1  =.r^Zt::;t^r:r  r;- ;;;  £ 

lasts  three  w«^ks  or  more,  and  the  pupal  change  is  undergone    vm  n  thi . 

Bilken  coc<K.ns  inside  the  fruit.    The  i„se<.t  hibernates  in  tlu    "1  sJa^l"-      " 

On  the  matter  being  referretl  to  Dr.  Fletcher,  he  wrote  as  follows  •_ 

mntteJ  nf '  H  '*'"''  1'"''  "*  *''^  ^"'  •^"""»'-'^'   «""  "'»  •»"'"  interested  in  the 
matter  of   the   apiiles   which    were   condomn.«i      Tf   »i      •  ""«""  '»  me 

fru.t-mlner.  .l,w...s.//uV,  o^.y^.c^^w  ,        ^l,  ,^:':;!;n:    7'!  *'"-'  ""l"^ 

I  ' 





(Fio.  48.) 

Adult  above,  larva  beneath;    egg  mass  on  twig  at  right;    damaged  pear  with  pupa  at 

left.    All  natural  size.     (Be-drawn  from  Matsumura.) 

and  In  Canadian  Entomologist,  1899,  page  10.  where  you  will  see  tliat  ITof. 
Renter,  in  an  article  on  an  outbreak  of  tiie  same  insect  in  Finland,  dissents,  as 
I  had  done  itreviously,  from  the  opinion  that  our  insect  is  the  same  as  tlie 
Japanese  Lavema  hcreUcra." 

The  report  referred  to  by  Dr.  Fletcher,  contains  the  following  statement  :— 
"An  Interesting  account  of  a  Japanese  insect  (Lavema  herellera,  Dup.). 
which,  if  different,  resembles  In  most  respects  the  apple  fruit-miner  in  a  very 
remarkable  manner,  Is  given  with  an  excellent  figure  in  Bulletin  No.  10,  new 
series.  Division  of  Entomology,  U.  S.  Department  of  Agriculture,  by  Prof. 
Matsumura,  of  Sapiwro,  Japan.  In  a  foot-note  to  this  article.  Dr.  Howard  hns 
suggested,  from  the  resemblance  of  Prof.  Matsumura  s  figure  to  bred  specimens 
of  the  apple  fruit-miner  from  British  Columbia,  which  he  was  good  enough  to 
examine,  the  identity  of  the  two  insects.  Although  it  is  true  the  figure  cited 
and  the  perfect  moths  of  the  ai.ple  fruit-miner  do  agree  closely,  the  habits  of 
the  larva?,  as  given  by  Prof.  Matsumara  (loc.  cit.)  and  as  described  in  niv 
annual  report  for  1S9<!,  differ  ujKJn  what  seem  to  be  such  Important  characters 
that  for  the  present  I  can  hardly  think  that  the  two  attacks  are  by  the  same 
si)ecles.  The  writer  of  the  article  referred  to  says  that  the  larvre  live  onlv 
in  apple  cores,  injuring  the  seeds,  that  there  is  usually  only  one  egg  deposited 
on  each  apple,  and  that  the  cocoons  are  made  In  the  earth  whenever  possible. 


" The  British  Cohiniblnn  Inm-t  vpry  rarely  nttiuks  the  cores  ami  seeds  of 
the  fruit.  There  are  usually  several,  two,  three  or  more,  larvie  In  each  apple, 
and  the  cocoons  are  made  beneath  flakes  of  the  bark  on  the  trees  or  beneatli 
leaves  or  rubbish  on  the  surfai-e  of  the  ground." 



KoLND  IIkadad  ISobeb   (Sai)vnlu  laiiilida). 

(Kio.  49.) 
(o)  and  (b)  larva;    (c>  beetle;    (d)  pupa.     Enlarged. 

The  cffffn  are  deposited  about  June,  near  the  base  of  the  trunk  of  the  apple 
tree.  The  larra  eats  Its  way  through  the  outer  bark  to  the  Inner,  and  takes 
about  three  years  to  develop.  It  works  In  the  sapwood.  where  It  forms  flat, 
shallow  cavities,  filled  with  sawdust-like  castings.  These  are  often  seen  on 
the  bark,  and  indicate  where  the  "  Iwrer  "  Is  at  work.  As  it  reaches  maturity. 
It  cuts  a  passage  upwards  Into  the  solid  w<kh1  and  then  curves  towards  the 
bark.  In  this  channel  It  enters  the  pupa  stage,  about  spring.  When  fully 
developed  it  is  an  inch  long,  with  a  round  head  that  distinguishes  !t  from  the 
flat-headed  borer,  which  also  affects  the  apple  tree. 

The  imago  is  a  slender  beetle,  one  inch  long,  with  two  broad,  wliltlsh 
stripes  on  the  wing  covtrs,  and  long  Jointed  antennte.  It  appears  about 

RcHudv-— name  as  that  for  the  following : 


Flai-IIkadad  Boheb  (Vhnmbothris  femnrata,  Fab.). 


(a)  larva;    (6)b«K.tle;    (o'Jead  oJinale ;    (rf,  pupa.     Enlargod. 

flnal  y  bores  Into  the  solid  wood,  and  becomes  a  pupa  for  about  two    l.u 
aud  ,m,l,.r'8ld„  „,  ,„»  body  preseut  a  a,„pery  l,„trr       '"*""'■    ^"^  "^ 
a..d  ,„e  ,„n.  .,„ed,  «.  ,„„«,  J'L  rrea".  fj^ZZLl  ^^  '" 

=.:n;£Sr1^35  n^ 'r  —  -  to  rub  it  lu^OntaHo  2tn:o:Pel^'''  ''  ""'"'''  ""  '"'  ''''"''''''■ 
Pkach  Tbke-Borer   {Hanninoidca  cxitiosa) 


UHually  Ju8t  nt  the  Hurfat-e  of  the  w>ll.  A  fe^v  ilayn  after  Uh  ch-o..!.  in  made 
the  b«rer  ihaiiRes  to  a  pupa,  in  whlt-h  Htage  It  remains  f..r  alx.ut  three  weekn' 
From  the  pupa,  the  moth  emerxeM.  thus  coinpletinK  its  llfo  cvile  in  a  year 
fully  ten  montlis  of  whicli  are  usuuliy  siK'nt  as  a  U>rer  in  tliJ  tree 

(Fio.  51.) 
(a)  female;    (5)  male;    (o)  larva;    (rf,  e)  female  and  male  pups  of  cocoon. 

The  dates  at  which  they  hll)ernate  and  hatch  out  wlli  varv  with  the 
Uxallty  and  climatic  conditions. 

AVhen  fully  ktowu  the  lame  or  •■  borers  "  are  aliout  an  inch  in  lenirth.  of 
a  light  yellow  colour. 

California  Peach  Tree-Bobeb  (Saiwania  Paclflca,  Riley). 

nescription.-Fenwle  differs  from  the  Eastern  species,  in  not  having  any 
yellow  markings  ui)on  the  abdomen.  The  head  and  eyes  are  Jet  black  •  thorax 
and  abdomen  are  bluish-black,  with  slight  bronze  tint:  «Jges  of  abdominal 
segment^s  are  marked  with  light  blue;  forewlngs  are  black,  opaque.  an,l  in 
certain  lights  have  a  beautiful  greenish  lustre,  tips  are  fring,Hl;  iK>sterlor  wings 
transparent,  with  six  black  veins,  narrow  margin  of  black,  and  lower  «lge 
with  purple  fringe;  anteiniae  and  legs  black. 

Male.-Uead,  eyes,  thorax,  and  abdomen  bluish-black;  forewlngs  trans- 
it rent,  with  a  black  blotch  across  the  veins;  extremity  of  wing  black,  with 
purple  fringe:  posterior  wings  transparent,  with  narrow  black  border;  lower 
edge  of  wing  furnished  with  purple  fringe.  Antennre  black,  an,I  up<,n  inner 
etlge  are  two  rows  of  very  minute  hairs:  legs  black,  with  light  .vellow  hairs  at 
the  jomts  between  the  fenu.r  and  tarsus.  Expanse  of  wings  one  and  one- 
quarter  inch. 

}fabit.~The  female  moth  deposits  her  eggs  on  the  bark,  genernllv  near 
the  surface  of  the  gi-ound.  The  larva^.  .s,K)n  after  hutched,  burrow  into  the 
bark  and  work  downwards,  and  as  they  increase  in  size  penetrate  deeper 
devouring  the  inner  bark  an<i  snpwoo.l.  causing  the  tree  to  exude  gum  This 
species  has  more  of  a  tendency  to  w<.rk  still  where  the  Imrers  are 
present  In  numl>ers  the  death  of  the  treo  Is  certain.  I  have  recentiv  examined 
apricot  and  peach  trees  where  the  entire  l,.-,rk  around  the  "cilar  was 
destroyetl  by  this  siiecles. 

hoi      j 



grown  n[.plo-w«rn.  (Carporapm  pomomUa)  ;  hen.l  dark  brmvn     fll     .    .  . 
KeK„.entH  are  ..arker  than  t..e  ...a.u.;  .t  .L  Jx'Jr ^«^r  hor n^     l     ;: 
fli'Hhy  or  nu.„,braiu.ouH  .....h;  very  few  nhort  hairs  n.K.n  the  IkmU 

I    iifT         ,       ■    *'••"«»'•"••*  "  impa  case  with  their  enHtiuKs  and  „...»      I,, 
<  allfornla  they  reach  thin  Hta^e  „f  their  exlntenc^  |„  Arrll.  Mav  a^       Inn 
mnain  ,.«  „  thi.  oondltlo,.  three  <.r  four  w..kH.    The  „u.«   Is  b  o     ,.     ',  1 Z" 
alH.ut  to  change  to  the  moth  It  foreeH  Itself  throuKh  the  end  ..f  ti 
from  which  the  moth  afterwards  Issues.  "'"'  '■"*"'"• 

How  to  Find  Them. 

Peach-Krowers  should  make  a  careful  examliiatl.a.  of  their  tre«.s  In  the 
Hprln«.  by  ren.ovl„K  the  soil  a  few  iuches  de.   .  arouud  the  t    mk  T.n, 
s  en.,  and  If  any  part  shows  an  excess  of  or  Rum  It  Is        ure  in  11 
tion  of  the  presence  of  borers,  unless  the  tren..  has  been  in  in  ml  in  c  m  . 
(•arefully  remove  the  bark  on  the  susj^-tecl  part,  ami  .        ^he  .  1    ^l  ,:^^ 
the  burrow  until  the  larva  Is  found.     Hut  water  has  b^n^n  re..n  mem  «    ly 
Home,  and  others  use  a  thin,  flexible  wire,  with  which  they  probe  tl   vTun    • 
but  the  most  certain  an.l  satisfactory  way  is  V,e  knife,    if  er  the  borT  as 
IHH.„  found  and  destroyc.l.  cover  the  part  with  n.oist  soil ;  or.  where  the   njnr« 
surface  is  large  and  the  sapwocxl  cut  away,  allow  the  wock^  to  dry  anc     .    ^ 

wm  r  %:  '"'"''■  ^"""=  ""^'•-"'■d«  -ver  with  clean  sand.    Th  s  t  ^.t    '  n 
Will  keep  the  wood  sound  and  healthy  until  the  bark  again  c-overs  the  part 

Preventive  Measures. 

Nearly  all  our  warfare  against  Insect  pests  has  been  carried  on  after 
they  attack  the  tree,  but  with  this  .e  we  have  the  n.eans  of^re  ^„tl.^g  to  a 
great  extent,  any  very  serious  damage.    They  prefer  the  moist  cL>   bTrk  nea 

he  surface  of  the  ground,  and  as  this  Is  the  most  vital  part  of  the  trel  It  cm 
be  so  protected  that  It  will  be  ImiH>ssible  for  the  moth  to  reach  It     ile  c^^ 
sj^tem  of  banking  the  soil  against  the  tree  to  the  height  of  eight  or  t wehe 

nches  has  been  tound  of  great  benefit  In  preventing  the  borer  from  reaclUng 

a.  .!?•  ,  'T  "''  '""""'"^  '"  ^^*«y-l-f«r«  the  moths  deposit  their  e^s 
-and  kept  In  position  until  winter.  This  will  not  prevent  their  attacks  but 
when  the  soil  is  removed  they  can  be  reached  to  itter  advantage  in  o^r 
dry  c  imate  the  placing  of  a  small  conical  bank  of  soil  ..gainst  the  trunk  h  s 
no  injurious  eiTec-t.  provided  It  be  removal  before  heav/ winter  ral."  il 
rc.s  can  the.,  be  exa.nlned.  and  the  borers  destroyed  before  they  devdop - 
Cat, forma  State  Board  of  HortleuUure,  Bulletin  Xo.  58. 

Westkrn  Stbawbebbv  Cbown-Boreb  (Tuloderma  foreolatum). 

and  lo1'.ri!nT  *'  ^r"''''"'P'  '"""*'•  """'^  ^"""^  «•«'  '^"•'^  «^«  destructive, 
and  so  far  have  not  i.roved  to  imlsons.  Changing  the  location  c.f 
s  rawberry  beds  Infested  with  pest  Is  re«,mmended.  being  oarefu    to  ge 

beds  should  be  dug  up  and  burned  as  soon  as  the  fruiting  season  Is  over. 


Bbosze  Appu:  Tbke-Hohkr  {Maatlulh  .Vncnccnn). 
The  parent  Inn-tleH  nre  notlve  durlnK  tlie  warn,  days  lu  l«te  Mav  an<l  I.n.e 
pren^r  „.    he  Hunny  «,.,e  of  „pp,.  treen;  the  .^,.  tnnn  whi  h    lede  »„'""; 
.J  h  "r  ^'"*^''"*'  '"  IH-rforath.uH  n.ade  In  the  b.rk.  ,,rte„  w^i-     » 

vlth  Hpa«.«  iH-tween  each  jK-rforatlon;   scanethnen   Im.lly  Infented     mV   v Ili 
imve  their  trunkH  and  mah.   hranchen  aln.ost   cc.ver.d   w   7 HuL    "r.., 

nrkh.KH.    The  young  larv.e  Ho<a.  hatch  out.  an,l  conunen.e  to  fZ  u    a       e 
bark  and  Hap  wood,  seriously  affecting  the  vitality  of  Infested  tr.Hs 
„„  /'''" 'J*'''^""^«  "'P««ure8  rcH-onnnended  for  the  larger  l.^rers  a*r..  effective 
agaluHt  these  pests,  but  usually  two  applications  are  m.ulred    ,a  e  , u.t ^.   ' * 
han  the  n.lddle  of  May.  the  other  ,n  two  or  thrc.  weeks'    In  cs  or    u,      .t     ^ 
beetles  are  apt  to  esc-ape  and  continue  their  s,h.c1..s 

Where  young  trees  are  slightly  Infested  with  larv.e  thev  should  he  over 
haulecl  h.  the  spring,  the  larva-  cut  out  with  a  sharp  knife,  a^  h'  sten  s 
bound  up  or  eovered  with  plcnes  of  sacking,  when  the'  Injnrv  wU  .lr„.H  u 
repaired.  It  Is  usually  observed  that  trcts  In  u  u„  1  Iftv  '';,1""'^'-^' 
imrtlcularly  subject  to  attack,  and.  In  ^7 -a^l  c^a  "  Zdd  be"  ^'  ".''" 
ara..^  cuUlvation  and  manuring,  to  Induce  a  '.^.^TZZ  ^^h  "Z 

Black  GoosKnEBKY  Bobeb   (XyUmius  Agassizll,  Sec.) 



-.r  ■  %' 


(V  e 

(Fio.  52.) 
This  is  a  very  uncommon  pest,  and  was  found  In  this  Province  in  voung 
g.x,seberry  bushes  im,K,rted  fron.  Oregon.     So  far  as  observed,  o  .e  lir^or 

XTc^irthV:  '"?  *"''^^"^  ''""*•  '''''  ^"'•^^  "-"">•  starts  in  fern  a 
rotch  n  the  branches,  and  works  downward.  api>arentlv  wintering  in  the 
roots,  then  working  upward  in  much  the  same  way  as  tke  Kaspi^rrv  O  ne 
Borer,  pupating  in  a  chamber  hollowed  out  in  the  stem  son.e  1  cTic^  above 
he  ground.  The  male  iK^tle  is  about  %  Inch  and  the  female  abca  t  M.  in^h 
in  length.    They  are  of  a  deep,  dull  black  colour. 

The  illustrations  given  convey  a  good  idea  of  the  inserts,  and  their  manner 
of  working  In  the  stems  of  tlie  plants.  manner 

All  of  the  infested  plant.,  were  destroyed  in  the  Instance  mentioned  and 
in  th^TrXcJ.  ''"""  •"  ''"°""'  *"  '•""  "'^  '^''  '«  ^«-^  -'^-'^-e  "'- 


Fij?.  r.3. — Thi>  lilnck  (^oosobori-.v-horcr  : 
Infested  stem  reduced  one-tlilrd. 

(Fig.  3:!.) 

Larva  In  stem  — sllKlitly  enlari^d 


IMPOBTKU  CiBRANT   BoHKB    {.K(,rrhi    tlpuUfurmi^). 

I'    '  ' 

I       ■    t 

■  I 

*    ■  '  ^-4 

■".       ' '    •  ^ 

•   ^f. 

,-    .  *. 




2  (Fio.  r.4.) 

(1)   ^rub;    (2)   pupa,  both  onlarBed;    (.t)    perfect  ln«ect.  natural  ,Uo. 
n   the  luJurlouH  Htage  of  Its  existence   this   Insett   Is  a   small   whitish 

<l  lH,sitMl  slnglj   cm  the  young  stems  near  the  buds,  early  in  sunun.T    l.v  a 
.lea  -winged    wasp-Uke   «>„th.    with   a   bluish-black   bodv"  an  I      u^   ve .Iw 

:;:,  r :  rzx-ci  ^^„- -  ^' -— ;;;;-  — 

only  one  br.Kid  has  becMi  noticed  In  the  year. 

All  dc>ad  and  weak  sh,H>ts  of  infVstc^d  Imshes  should  l>e  out  off  and  burnt 
St  as  scK>n  as  leafing  out  shows  where  ,he  attack  is  located,  and  o  "     wed 

Anoth.r^enti  e  nu-a.sure  which   has  been   found  effective  Is  to  8„rinkle 
the  bushes  and  the  ground  adjacent  with  a  ndxture  of  air-slaked  lime  a^l 

-.  I 

166  n«l«l.  nt  tho  tliiu*  wiii'n  tin-  pnn-nt  iimth  Im  active.  uMiialty  tilHMit  ili. 
tuidtllf  uf  May  t«i  tli««  nrnt  w«H'k  hi  Juiu',  varying  H«.iiM'What  witli  thi-  liM-alltv 
One  plat  of  «arlK>ll<-  a<l<l  to  a  biwlu'i  of  lliue. 

ItANPIIKRRY  CANK  BoHKR  (OfcfTrrt  UmavulttUt), 
llio  mliilt  of  thlM  Jiimnt  Ih  a  Hl<Mi(U>rlMMll«><l  black  IxH'tle.  with  a  yfl!.,u 
c-ollar  JUKt  liehiiid  tin-  li«-a<I.  It  apiKMirn  oarly  hi  Muninu.r.  uHually  <lmih- 
June,  and  dc-jioHltH  e»rUH  In  the  (tm-n  eaneH  of  raHpberrleti  and  hiarkherilis" 
The  pHK-c^HH  of  oviiNiNition  IH  iKHiillar.  The  bwtle  niakeH  two  tranMverw  n.un 
of  punetcreH,  alwut  half  an  inch  apart.  In  the  mne;  towardH  the  tip  im.l 
midway  betw^-n  thew  Hhe  deinmlts  the  e^K.  The  rowa  of  puneturen  niak.'  ni> 
a  kind  of  jrlrdilnK.  whkh  cauHeH  the  tip  of  the*  cane  to  wither.  A  Hhort  tln.c 
after  the  egu  Ih  deinmlte*!  It  hatches  Into  a  Hniall  cylindrical  larva,  that  N.r.x 
downwardH  thronKh  the  pith.  By  autunni  they  have  frwpiently  reatlu-d  tli- 
N.ttoni  of  tlie  cane,  where  they  chanjce  to  j.u|«e.  and  the  followlnj,'  Jim.- 
emerge  again  an  IwH'tleH.    The  larva  Ih  f«)otle!*8. 

8«M)n  after  the  cancM  are  puncturnl  by  the  beetle  they  wilt;  conHe.pi»ntly. 
If  they  are  exanilntnl  aUmt  mhlHununer.  affeitecl  canea  can  easily  he  dlN- 
tlngnlaheil.  and  they  ahould  then  l»e  cut  off  b«Mow  the  lower  ring  of  lanutuns 
and  burne«l.  If  the  Injury  Ih  notlcwl  later,  the  whole  uine  should  be  pulled 
up  and  destrciyed,  to  be  sure  to  get  the  la^va. 

ItASPiiKRRY  Root  Borer    (Rcnihtcta  maiglmila). 

a.  i 

(Fio.  55.)  (F„,    58  ) 

It  Is  quite  distinct  from  the  cane-borer,  having  in  the  larval  state 

legs,  six  of  which  are  fully  develope<l,  the  others  not  being  very  well  d.ti I. 

The  parent  moth  Is  cK ar-wlngetl.  with  a  black  body,  prettily  baud.d  nii.l 
marked  with  yellow.  The  eggs  are  deposited  In  July  on  the  leaves  of  the 
raspberry,  and  the  young  larvse,  when  hatched,  find  their  way  to  the  canes 
and  feed  upon  the  pith  In  the  Interior,  gradually  working  down  to  the  ro..t 
where  they  winter.  In  the  following  spring  they  work  ui)  again,  usually 
through  a  fresh  cane,  to  a  height  of  six  Inches  or  more  above  ground,  and  ear 
the  cane  nearly  through,  In  iireparatlon  for  the  exit  of  the  future  motli. 
Within  the  cane  and  near  this  prepare<l  siwt  the  change  to  chrysalides  takes 
plac-e.  and  these,  when  the  time  approaches  for  the  moth  to  escaiie,  burst 
through  the  outer  skin  of  the  canes,  and  the  moths  sfjon  take  their  flight  and 
commence  to  lay  their  eggs,  as  previously  stated. 

Little  can  be  done  towards  the  destruction  of  this  pest,  other  than 
destroying  the  Infested  roots  as  soon  as  they  are  noticed.  The  application  ..t 
boiling  water  to  Infested  roots  Is  advised  by  a  Callforulan  writer,  but  applica!..!" 
only  to  very  limited  areas. 



Wkntkbx  Tkn-Li.nki  Ji'xk  Hi,,  (l'oliii,hi,lla  ilvrrmlhicala). 
Tho  larva  of  thl*.  InwHt.  whl«n  |h  a  largo  whito  Krwh.  In  a  bad  i^^t  on 
many  plantM.  aiiuaiirst  whj.h  an-  KfrawlH.rrl.*.  In  Un  larval  hUw  It  attacks 
tlK.  ru,tH  »f  plai.tH.  wry  wnm  killing  thoiu.  by  Htrlpplng  off  tlit-  bark  fn.i,, 
w.HMiy  plai.tH  and  l.ltInK  off  the  r.H,t  l^'Unv  tlw  .ruwn  of  «rawberrleH  and 
KiHh  plantH. 


The  i)erf»Ht  bwtlf.  like  Hh  prototyiH-,  the  May  lUig  or  June  or  I)..r  Itnx 
of  the  KaHt  (Laih,w»t,n,a  fiiHca.  Frohl).  haH  a  dlHagreeable  habit  of  con.l.m 
through  oiKMi  wlndowH  and  buzzing  alxiiit,  kn.KkIng  then.Helv..H  against  walls 
and  c'lllngH.  and  wanetUneH  agalnnt  oneH  faee.  whUh  It  8trlk.m  with  «<.n. 
Hlderable  for.*.  The  IxH-tle  In  alwut  one  Inth  and  a  cpiarter  long,  with  a 
thick  round  b«Kly.  half  an  Inch  or  more  in  diameter,  of  a  light  bn.wn  c.lour 
with  eight  white  longitudinal  Htrlin-H  ruiuilng  the  whole  length  of  the  wing 
<-over8.  and  two  short  ones;  the  breast  Is  covered  with  a  brownish  down  an.l 
the  abtlomen  has  three  transverse  stripes.  The  larva  is  about  two  inches 
long,  with  a  thick  body  and  brown  head. 

As  in  the  case  of  the  Black  Vine  Weevil,  a  frequent  change  of  the  be<l8  is 
to  be  recommended  as  being  the  most  ettlcaclous  renmly.  It  also  resembles 
the  last-name,!  insect  in  its  injurlons  habit,  both  in  tlie  larval  and  in-rfw-t 
stages.  Naturally,  on  acc-ount  of  the  nocturnal  feetling  habit  of  the  beetle 
and  the  underground  habits  of  the  larva,  it  Is  a  difficult  Insect  to  control 
Iteferring  to  the  June  Bug.  Saunders  says  :— 

"  It  is  very  difficult  to  reach  the  larvie  undergroinul  with  any  remedy 
other  than  digging  for  them  and  destroying  them.  Hogs  are  very  fond  of 
them.  and.  when  turne<l  Into  i)lace8  where  the  grubs  are  abundant.'  will  nmt 
up  the  ground  and  devour  them  in  innnense  .luantities.  They  are  likewise 
eaten  by  domestic  fowls  and  insectivorous  birds;  crows  especially  are  so 
imrtlal  to  them  that  they  will  often  be  seen  f^illowlng  the  plough, "so  as  to 
pick  out  these  choice  morsels  from  the  freshly-turned  furrow." 

White  Gbibs  (Lachnostcnia  f'mca.  Froh.) 
.4«flcA-.— White  Grubs  are  the  larva?  of  the  May  Beetles  or  .Tune  Bugs 
so  calletl  from  their  great  abundance  in  May  and  June,  wl  .  they  may  l)e' 
found  in  large  numbers  flying  around  trees  and  bushes,  shov.lng  particular 
preference  for  certain  kinds,  as  willows,  oaks,  ashes,  i.lums.  maples  and 
lilacs.  The  eggs  are  dei>o8ite<l  In  the  ground,  one  to  three  Inches  Inflow  the 
surfatT.  and  hatch  in  from  ten  to  eighteen  days.  The  iarvje  feecl  on  roots 
<lurlng  the  remainder  of  the  season  and  burrow  very  deeply  into  the  ground 


ns  winter  ni.proi.clios.  roturnliiK  npUn  tlio  followliiK  sprinR  and  .IoIi.k  a  L'lv-.r 
(h-nl  of  hnrn.  by  vnUuti  tl.o  r.H.ts  ..f  Kras«.s  and  n.any  otlior  kindH  of  i.Ianis 
imrtl.nlarly  corn  and  i«tat<K.K.  their  injuries  iH-inj:  must  noticeable  in  th.^ 

May  Ukkti.i:.     (FIr.  r>T. » 
(</)   iK'otlo:     (6)   pupa:     (r>   InrvH    (whlto  Kmb..     Sllghtlv  enlareiHl 
iChiltrmlen  null.  19,  V.  «.  IHv.  o/  Ktit.,  U.  H.  Dept.  Ai,r.) 

WH-ond  year  after  8o«l  has  iM^n  pIoubIhhI  down.  It  is  claimed  by  Dr.  S  V 
FtirlK-H  tliat  a  s«H<.nd  winter  and  sununer  Is  passtnl  as  a  larva  and  that  the 
Kmlis  do  not  change  to  pupa-  till  June  and  July  of  the  third  aeas<.n  the 
IK.rf.Ht  iH'etles  IssuIiim  from  the  pupa-  tw*  or  thnn.  weeks  afterwanls  hut 
passing  the  .hird  winter  in  the  pupal  cells  and  enierRing  the  folh)wlnK  Jnn.. 
Thus  three  full  years  are  eonsuin.Kl  from  the  thne  the  eg«s  are  laid  until 
the  iK'rf«K't  lH>etles  apfiear. 

/^•wi(y/.V«.— l-nfortunately.  there  are  no  nu'asures  which  can  U'  (h'lM'n.l.d 
».p<.n  for  the  destruction  of  White  (Jrubs  In  most  crops;  but  as  the  eg-s  are 
laid  mainly  in  grass  lands,  land  which  Ims  Imh'u  in  s,h1  for  several  vears  slmuhl 
not  iH.  plant.Ml  to  cc.rn  or  iM.tat.K's   the  «H-<.nd  year  after  breaking.    Tlie  first 
y.-ar  11h>  grass  which  Is  plougluMl  down,  to  a  large  measure.  f.Hnls  any  grubs  nniy  Im-  in  the  ground;  and.  as  pigs  are  particularly  fond  of  these  gnibs 
II  crop  such  as  rape  or  turnips  may  Ik'  sown  with  advantage  and  the  Hel.l 
tUHMHl  into  a  hog  pasture,  when  the  j.igs  will  not  onlv  fee«l  <m  the  «rop    but 
hunt  out  many  of  the  grubs   in  the  soil.     It   Is  clalnuM  that  these  animals 
will,   in  tile  course  of  a   few  w.H'ks.  completely  clear  a   badlv  lnfeste.1  tinf 
On   account  of   the  depth   to   whbh    the  grubs   burrow   lK.f<.re   winter,. 
crops    should   be   fe.l   oflf   before   tlu.   first   frosts.     Clover,    it    has   Im'U   p.r- 
tlcularly  noticMl.   Is  sehlom   nttacked   by   White   (Jrubs;    therefore,   this  ,n.|. 
iKM-omes  of  s|M..lal  value  for  growing  on  land  which  it  is  Intend.'.l  to  use  Cor 
corn  or  i^.tatm-s  the  following  y.-.-.r.     When,  as  is  s.»methn.-s  the  case.  Whit.. 
Cnibs  appear  In   larg.'  numbers  In   meadows,  this  fact  Is  manlfeste,!  by  Hi.- 
dying   of   flu-   grass    In    large's.      If.    „n    examinathm.    the    grubs    :,.••■ 
notlcHl.   pigs  shouhl  be  at  onc»>  turn.-«l   In.  an.l   Is-fore  autunm   the   i.atch.. 
renovated  wifh  fresh  whmI. 

r.«'avlng  land  tinder  grass  f,.r  wveral  years  gives  opiM.rtunlties  for  White 
(Jrubs  to  in.rease;  hen.e.  a  short  rotation  In  wlilch  ,-l<.v,.r  follows  ..r  N 
grown  at  shiut  intervals,  will  prevent  the  Increase  of  tlu'se  inwvjs.  In  this  rotiition  .small  gntlns  should  folU.w  clover  before  corn  or  iM.iattn's.    The 


r«ll«Htl«n  of  the  iK.rftnt  UM'tlos  l.y  iH-athiR  tm-s  at  i.iKlit  time  has  mnwUmvH 
been  i.riutlmHl  witli  ndvautaj:*..  ami  a  tl.K-k  of  iK.ultry  fdlowluK  a  i.l.MiKh  in 
infoHtwl  tlHtlH.  It  Is  chilimHl,  lias  done  k<mm1  work. 

When  May  Kwth's  attack  frnit  tr«.«  ,„•  are  f-.nnd  ahun.h.ntiv  ,m 
tnn^.  the  foHa^e  with  iK,is.nis  will  destroy  lar«e  numbers 
or.  as  they  are  mmh  attraete,!  l.y  lights,  the  lu^.tles  may  Ih>  kilhsl  In  lantern' 
traps  by  phulnR  lanterns  In  large  pans  of  water  with  <oal  oil  on  the  surfmv 

When  White  (;rui.s  are  fonnd  d.-stroyiug  lawns,  some  go,Ml  mav  1m.  done 
1..V  spraying  the  grass  fnvly  with  kerosene  emulsion  (  L'»  and  washing 
it  In  with  water.— f7<7(/«r»-.  " 

t)NiON  MA«i()OT   (Aiithomi/ia  vt'imiHiii  or  rhnrhhi  (■ciKiniiii). 
t'ABBAUE  .Ma«i(iot  {Aiit/ioiiii/hi  bniMninr). 
Attack.— »inn\\   white   nuiggots   whieh   lK»re   Into   the   roots   of   radishes 
freshly  set-out  <abbages.  and  Into  the  bulbs  of  and  sometimes  als.i 
injure  the  roots  of  beans  and  Indian  corn. 

The  Cabbage  or  Radish  Maggot,  and  the  Onion  Maggot,  whh-h  for  all 
praetieal  puriwses  nmy  be  treatwl  of  here  as  the  san.e  s|HH-ies.  cause  grmt 
h«<s  m  crops  of  caulltlowers.  early  cabbages,  turnips,  radishes  and  <.nions 
almost  every  season.  ' 

The  maggots  which  are  fcnmd  attacking  cabb.-.ges.  radishes,  cauliflowers 
and  turnips,  and  those  in  onions,  and  in  In'ans  and  corn,  are  very  sindlar 
but  they  belong  ti»  three  dlffere  .pe<-ies,  Phorltia  braxsUa:  BouchC'  attacKing 
l.lants  of  the  cabbage  variety,  Hiorhia  ccparum,  Meig..  infesting  onions  and 
I'horbia  fimircpH,  Zett.  injuring  Ijeans  and  <    in. 

Corn  sown  during  a  wid,  wet  iH-riml.  by  which  gerndnation  is  unduly 
delaye<l.  is  very  liable  to  Ik^  attacke.1  by  Uie  Corn-seed  Maggot  (/•.  fHsrirrpM) 
In  such  caws  It  Is  well  to  wait  for  warm  weather  to  re-sow  and  tlien  push  on 
the  crop  witli  a  light  dressing  of  nitrate  of  s.Hla,  2(J()  lbs,  to  the  acre. 

The  i)erfect  filths  (.f  all  these  nniggot^s  are  very  similar  to  the  ordinary 
observer  and  may  be  descriluHl  as  slender  flies,  somewhat  smaller  than  the 
ordinary  liouse  fly.  which  fly  ab«.ut  close  to  the  ground  an,l  lav  their  white 
eggs  on  the  stems  of  the  young  |.lants.     Here,  after  a  few  davs,  tin-  maggots 
hatch  and  work  their  v.ay  d«.wn  InMieath  the  soil,  wliere  thev  lie  ch.s..  to  tlie 
i-oot  or  burrow  Into  It.  tearing  the  tissues  with  their  hook-like  mandibles  and 
living  ,Mi   the  sap.  thus  so.m   riHludng  tlie  r.H.t  or  stem   to   a   i-otten    mass. 
When  full  grown,  these  maggots  turn  to  r..ldish  brown  pni.arla  in  the  soil 
.•  t(»  the  roots.    The  exact  numln-r  of  bnM>ds  of  these  maggots  which  may 
IH'  found  In  a  sea.son  sinnus  t<.  l)e  rather  c*)mpllcattHl  by  the  overlapping  of 
brcMMls.   and   the  delay    in    issuing   of   some   individuals   of   each    broo.l :    l.nt 
practically  it   may  1h'  said  that  cabbage  and   radish   maggots  do  l.y  far  the 
greatest  amount  of  harm  during  the  month  of  .lune  and  early  In  .July,  and 
in  many  years  tlieir  Injurlc-s  are  slight  alter  tlnit  iH'riod.     With  onloiis  the 
injury  ccntlnues  throughout  the  season  and  is  most  noticeable  In  .Time.  AngtTSt 
and  September.    The  injury  to  Imnius  and  Indian  corn  is  only  In  spring,  .ind 
as  a  rule,  is  c-ontin»Hl  to  plants  which  have  bcM-n  weakencMl  by  the  secnls  iK-ing 
plant.Nl   t(M.  (h^.ply  or   by   late   frcwts.      However,    in    seasons    of   exc-essive 
.iliimdancc.  cul.i.agc-  and  onion  maggots  may  be  found  all  tlirough  the  growing 
wason.  and  cabbages  and  cauliflowers  are  cHcasionally  Injunsl  in  autumn  by 
the  maggots  attacking  tlie  heads  of  the  plants. 


3     !  I 


Remedies.— Vp  to  the  present  time  It  cnnuot  be  olnlmed  that  any  i^rfwtlv 
efficacious  remedy  has  been  .Uscovered  for  root  maggots.  In  certain  years 
they  seem  to  be  so  extremely  abundant  that  even  the  beat  remedies  nierelv 
seem  to  prolong  the  lives  of  the  plants,  and  only  a  very  small  proiK)rtlon  of  ", 
crop  can  l.e  savetl.  In  ordinary  years,  however,  nmch  can  be  done  to  pr.)t.H  t 
crops  liable  to  attack,  and  the  following  are  the  remedies  which  ha\  •  u'lven 
the  best  results : — 

For  Onions.— White  hellebore  dusted  along  the  rows  once  a  week 
from  the  time  the  young  plants  appearetl  above  the  ground  gave  coni'- 
luiratlvely  clean  onions,  very  few  being  attacked.  Fresh  gas  lime  broadca«.t»Ml 
over  onion  fields  at  the  rate  of  two  hundredweight  to  the  acre  had  a  similar 
effect;  but,  when  the  caustic  lime  came  in  contact  with  the  young  onions 
they  were  burnt  out.  A  light  dressing  between  the  rows  of  onions  of  tlu'- 
same  material  gave  almost  as  good  results  as  where  it  was  distributed  over 
the  whole  field.  Wlien  onions  have  begun  to  form  their  bulbs,  the  earth  may 
be  hoed  or  brushed  away  right  down  to  the  roots,  and  in  some  years  tli  • 
maggots  do  not  i)enetrate  the  bulbs.  As  soon  as  the  earth  is  hoed  away  in 
garden  practice,  a  dusting  along  the  rows  with  white  hellebore  makes\hi. 
protection  more  complete. 

Dressings  of  salt,  Paris  green  and  plaster,  and  wood  ashes  have  l)een 
found  useless  in  protecting  onions  from  the  attacks  of  root  maggots. 

For  Cabbages.— (1.)  Tarred  Pai)er  Disks.- Pieces  of  ordiuarv  tarral 
paper  three  inches  in  diameter,  with  a  silt  running  to  Ine  centre  'so  as  t.. 
allow  of  their  being  placed  around  the  stems  of  young  cabbages  and  cauli- 
flowers at  the  time  of  planting,  and  pressed  down  close  to  the  ground,  will 
prevent  to  a  large  measure  the  flit3  from  laying  their  eggs  on  plants  so 
protected,  or  will  kill  the  young  maggots. 

(2.)  Insect  Powder.— About  half  a  tea-cupful  of  a  decoction  of 
pyrethrum  insect  iwwder  (four  ounces  to  a  gallon  of  water),  or  of 
white  hellebore  of  the  same  strength,  iwuretl  around  the  root  ot  ea4  plant 
after  drawing  away  the  earth,  right  down  to  the  roots  will  destroy  any 
maggots  whkh  may  have  started  to  work.  The  earth  should  be  put  ba.k 
again  and  the  plants  well  hilled  up,  when  new  rootlets  will  soon  be  formed. 
A  light  sprinkling  of  nitrate  of  soda,  or  some  special  fertilizer,  will  ei.c  irage  a 
quick  growth  and  much  help  the  plants  to  overcome  attack.  Dressings  of  one 
oume  to  the  square  yard  may  be  used  for  this  purpose.  Cabbage  plants 
should  be  examined  late  in  June  to  see  if  the  maggots  are  at  work.  The 
earlier  the  treatnjent  with  Insect  powder  or  white  hellebore  Is  applied  tlu- 
more  effective  it  will  be.  If  the  mixture  Is  applied  to  the  roots  with  a  force 
pump,  although  more  liquid  is  consumed,  It  has  the  advantage  of  dlslodgln;: 
many  of  the  maggots  so  that  their  injuries  cease  at  once. 

(3.)  Cheese-cloth  Inclosures.— A  very  effective  and  practical  means  <.f 
prwurlng  early  racUshes.  cabbages  and  cauliflowers,  perfectly  free  from  ro..t 
maggots.  Is  by  growing  them  beneath  cheap  frames  made  of  light  wo.m1 
covereil  with  cheese-cloth.  A  convenient  size  for  small  beds  Is  8  feet  long  ' 
feet  wide  and  2  feet  high.  This  frame  can  be  made  for  about  25  cents,  of  (in.- 
and  a  half  inch  square  wixhI,  imitetl  together  at  the  corners,  and  with  tL.- 


cheese-cloth  taok«l  on  the  outside.     In  su.-h  a   frame  five  .auliflowers  and 

fron   the  time  the  young  plants  came  up  until  the  radishes  were  pulknl 

nn.l  V!    r"'""'  """^  «ufticiently  advanced  to  require  no  further  protmion 

and  the  frames  were  remove<l  about  the  first  of  August 

For  Itadlshes.-The  maggot  which  attacks  the  radish  Is  the  same  s.^nleB 
as  «ls,>..ttacks  cabbages  and  turnips,  the  severity  of  attack  on  these  dlCnt 

uT  ^.    I  "'""'  *"  *'"  "'••*"  '"  ^''''■''  '""^y  «-•«  "«'»»^.  ^  that  m  years" f 
light  attack  ra,llshes  will  draw  oCf  Injury  from  the  cabbages 

little  Jgn  of  «.L"'^?rrr  ''"""^ ''"''''  ""^  •"  "^^^^  '"^^""-« « "-•>  «»>-•« 

1  tie  sign  of  this  attack  In  autumn,  even  In  seasons  when  the  maggots  may 
ha^e  been  found  In  considerable  numbers  In  the  spring 

(1.)  The  Cook  carbolic  wash,  consisting  of  one  quart  of  s<jft  soan 
or  one  ,K>u„d  of  hard  soap,  in  a  gallon  of  water,  with  half  a  pint  o  <  n  de 
c;arbo  ic  add  added,  and  the  whole  boiled  together  for  a  few  minute  .  t,  n  ake 
radlsTn^  -"f 'o";  has  proved  over  and  over  again  an  excellent  rem^d  for 
rad  sh  maggots.  The  stock  emulsion  can  be  kept  In  a  closed  vessel  so  that 
dust  and  rubbish  will  not  fall  Into  It,  and.  when  required  for  use'^;  ^art  o 

directly  u,K,n  the  growing  plants  from  the  time  they  ap,K>ar  above  the  ground 
once  a  week  until  ready  for  the  table.  ground, 

th.  tit^  r^"*"  hellebore,  dusted  along  the  rows  of  radishes  once  a  week  from 

Frm  tw  •''•^'""'•."'^^•^  t'^^  «'--"«l-  han  given  good  results  in  most Mr^ 

from  two  years-  experience  with  the  cheese-cloth  overlngs    I  ha've To 

hesitation  in  re<x,mnH.„dlng  these  to  amateur  gardeners,  however  snaUthe"" 

gardens  may  be,  as  a  sure  means  of  obtaining  perfec-  ly  dean'  as  well  as 

St  cr ""'  """'^"•^" ""' '''' '''-' "-'  ^-»*>-  "* « ..n;;::;-.;^ 

o,uJ''l^^''"\  """*  Corn.-Injury  to  these  crops  In  Canada  Is  a  rare  occ-ur- 
onc-e.     The  only  remedy  which  can  be  suggested  Is  to  sow  these  cT-rTn 

WiBK- Worms   (Larvw  of  Click-Bccths.  Elataida). 

(FiQ.  58.) 

Wlreworm,  (7.  8,  9);    pupa  (10).  nnlai^rcl/ck  beetle,  (5).  natural  size-    (->    3    «» 

enlarged. — Curtit.  "uiurai  sixe  ,    u,  J,  6) 



-t'''«fr.-Sleu,ler.    cylln.lrln.I.    yellowish    or    mWlsh-brown.    touRh    and 
Hh,.lng  «rubH  With  flattentl  ho«..s  and  darlc  Jaws.     These  grubs  ha'^  o,    ' 
thn..  pairs  of  legs  on  the  th»>e  segments  following  the  head    and  a  s^  . 
Hhort.  s„  foot  ,n  the  ndd.lle  of  the  last  segnfent.  ben^lTth     Wln-n 
grown  they  are  about  an  Inch  lon^-  and  only  about  M2  of  an  .„ch  w  1       w 
these  wii,  be  found  many  spcvhnens  in  spring  of  about  j"st  ha  f  t  o'sixo 
he  larger  ones.   WinMvorn.s  oc-cnr  n.ost  frequently  in  low  groun.l  Z       ta  k 
he  roots  of  almost  all  plants,  but  particularly  young  wheat  and  corn  j     t   .t 
t  Is  ,^nlng  up.    They  also  bore  into  the  tubers  of  ,K.tatoes  in  autumn     Ths 
.jury  is  most  frequent  on  land  which  has  bm.  for  several  years    H^id    „!. 
the  attack  is  most  severe  in  the  second  season  after  the  sod  ^1:^^  X^J!^ 

Wlre-M^,rms  are  the  grubs  of  a  large  family  of  b^n^tles  ki^wn  as  click- 
bee  es.  easl  y  r«.g,Uzed  by  their  power  of  snapping  their  neck,  wit  la  HMc 
«  th  such  force  as  to  spring  up  into  the  air  if  they  fall  on  thei  ba  k 
Ihese  beetles  are  many  of  them  dark-brown  in  colour,  of  an  elongate  o',l' 
form,  obout  three  times  as  long  as  broad,  and  tapering  to  the  end^f  1^  b^u 
The  eggs  are  laid  In  about  the  roots  of  grasses  and  wtnlVmu^t le* 
larvre  of  most  sfKK-ies  take  two  years  to  «,me  to  fu'I  growth.  They  ;hange  to 
inu«e  inside  cells  In  the  ground  in  July,  and  to  perfect  beetles  ab^t  thr  ^ 
weeks  later.  In  August.  Most  of  tl.ese  beetles,  like  the  May  Bec"^  rema  ^ 
lu  their  pupal  cells  until  the  following  spring  before  emerging 

«c,ucrf,c«.-Agricultural   methods  are  the  only  ones  that 'have  been  of 
much  avail.    The  wlre-wonns  which  are  Injurious  to  the  farmer  are  prrUci, 
any  those  which  feed  on  the  roots  of  grasses.    When  sod  is  ploughed  do  v 

nd    trrtr'^^ho:  Tl/r  '•^/^^  ''-  ™^^*  '^'^  ^-  the^decal^g  g^lls 
ana  its  roots.    Ihos^  hi  their  second  year  of  growth  change  to  beetles  in  the 

first  .year,  and  do  little  harm,  as  they  have  had  plenty  of  food  in  tl^e  decay    g 
HCHl  without  attacking  the  crop;  but  the  young  larv.,  which  were  onlTha It- 
grown   When  the  sod  was  broken,   attack   the  crop  of  the  followl  g  yea 

that  bar  ey  and  rye  are  less  attacked  than  any  others  of  the  small  grains  an 

bene    ruiti?"       ""'%'°J"'--'-    ''^^  ^^^y  maturing  grains  are   therefo" 
better  suite.1  as  a  crop  for  the  second  season  after  sod.  because  the  land  can 
be  ploughed  immediately  after  they  are  harvested.  an«I  thus  the  pup«  and  tl 
freshly  formed  and  still  soft  beetles  are  dlsturbe<l  in  their  pu,ml  ceMs    a    1 
many  of  them  destroye<l.     Clover  may  be  sowed  in  spring  with  eltlL  o 
the^  crops   and  either  ploughed  down  with  the  stubble  in  Sej.tember  or  lef 
on  the  land  un  11  the  following  autumn,  when  the  land  should  be  ploighnl  a 

ZiVlandTs       :  fTr''-''^  "^^-  '^^  fl-t  cutting.     A  short ^ol^^i:^    ^ 
>U.ich  land  is  not  left  In  grass  for  more  than  two  years,  will,  to  a  large 
easure.  prevent  the  ravages  of  wire-worms.    Prof.  S.  A.  Forbes  rmmmeS 
ploughing  down  sod  In  autumn  and  sowing  to  fall  wheat  or  rve.  with   Iver 
on  these  in  the  spring,  the  clover  to  be  left  for  two  years  and  then    ol  ow  m 

of  wTw' rr-  fT/"""""^  '^"^•^  ^'*«'"^  «-*  ^-""«  •"  ciearh:^ ,:::, 

the   land "tTh^'^  Ploughing. twice  in  the  san.e  autumn,  the  first  time  In  August. 
Septeml^r  "'""'"^   "   '*'""''   ""''''   «"^   ^'^^^   cross-ploughed   In 


Extensive  exiH^rlnifntH  uin.le  by  Prof.  i\,rbe8.  In  iniuols,  nn,l  Prof.  Sllngoi- 
land,  in  New  York,  sliowed  the  UHelesHnesH  of  many  re<-oinniendtHl  ren.e,lle8. 
Huch  as  c-oatlng  seed  grain  of  all  kinds  with  inAmu,  the  snrfa.e  ai.plkatlon  of 
salt  and  other  chemicals,  and  even  of  a  clean  fallow  to  sUirve  the  wire-wonns 
out. — H  etcher. 

Ex,H.rln.e«ts  conducted  by  Prof.  M.  V.  SUngerland.  of  Cornell  University 
give  the  results  of  efforts  to  discover  a  practicable  method  of  preventing  the 
ravages  of  these  pests,  and  a  study  of  the  life  history  of  several  c.,muion 
species,  m  Bulletin  No.  107.  He  says:  "Both  defensive  and  offensive  measured 
were   usecl   In  our  ex,K^rlments.     Thus   we   tried   to   protcH^t   seed   from   the 
ravages  of  the  wire-worn.s.  and  we  also  tried  to  destroy  the  InscKts  In  each 
of  three  different  stages  of  their  exlstence-as  wire-worm  or  larva,  pnpa.  ,ind 
adult:  no  eggs  were  obtalmnl  uiK.n  which  to  exiK^rlment."    The  general  results 
are  succinctly  as  follows:  That  It  is  not  practicable  to  protect  seed  by  the  use 
of  the  various  ,K>l8ons  and  other  means.    That  starvation  by  the  growth  of 
supposed   luimune  crops,   such   as   buckwheat,   mustard   and    ra,K..    was   not 
successlul.    That  destruction  by  means  of  Insecticides,  such  as  kerosene,  crude 
petroleum,  poisoned  dough  and  bisulphide  of    carbon,    were    useless    against 
wire-worms.     That    substances   that    also   act    as   fertilizers,    such    as   salt 
kalnlt.  muriate  of  potash,  lime,  chloride  of  lime  and  gas  lime,  to  be  effective' 
had  to  be  used  in  such  quantities  that  plants  were  destroyed,  and  the  exi^^nsJ 
too  great  for  practical  pur,M,«es.     Of  starvation  by  clean  fallow,   he  s,iys- 
It  has  been  the  general  belief  that  the  wire-worms  which  Infest  our  fields 
c^uld  live  but  a  short  time  In  soil  in  which  no  vegetation  was  ullowc.1  to 
eTo^^•     No  experiments  were  recorded,  however,  to  show  how  long  the  worms 
could  live  in  such  soil.  ""luis 

"  We  kept  several  experiment  cages  in  '  dean  fallow '  for  nearly  a  year 
and  more  wlr^worms  remained  alive  (many  of  them  passed  through  thci 
transformations  to  the  beetle  stage)  in  these  cages  than  in  similar  cages  in 
wh  ch  grass  was  kept  growing.  Therefore,  we  would  not  advise  the  farmer 
to  lose  the  use  of  his  land  for  a  season  and  the  labour  nec-essary  to  kcn^p  It 
free  from  all  vegetation,  in  the  hope  that  he  may  thus  starve  out  the  wire- 


"Our  experiments  on  i.reventlng  the  ravages  of  wircMvorms  l,v  trapping 
were  carrleci  <>„  i„  ISSS  and  1889.  Two  n.ethods  were  en.ploycMl.  tmppi  ,g  by 
baits,  and  by  lanterns.  i     ^     .       u  i  inj,  uy 

"On  trappinff  h„  &«,7«.-Thi8  u.ethcKl  has  Imm  discussed  in  detail  in 
Bulietins  3  anc  33  of  this  Station,  so  that  only  the  general  results  will  b^ 
given  here  The  baits,  which  consisted  of  sliced  ,K)tatoes.  wads  of  green 
clover,  and  sweetened  and  unsweetened  crnmeal  dough,  were  placed  under 
boards  in  various  parts  of  a  badly  Infested  corn  field.  Instead  of  attracting 
he  wire-worms,  as  was  ex,Hxted.  their  parents-the  dick  btvtles^ame  to 
thebalts  l„  large  numbers;  the  clover  attracted  fay  far  the  larger  number 
— uo  per  c?ent. 

"  It  was  found  that  the  beetles  were  the  most  active  at  night,  and  that 
they  seek  their  food  chiefly  by  running  over  the  surface  of  the  fround 

r '11 
r-  - 11 


Falsk  Wire- Worms  (lulus). 

One  species  of  this  Insect  has  been  troublesome  In  the  vicinity  of  Vlctorin 

doing  considerable  Injury  to  ,>otatoes,  which  It  enters  In  larg^  nulers   c^n' 

suming  the  Interior  and  forming  a  disagreeable.  IH-smoIllng  r^sr^thatU  ' 

tuber  18  rendered  valueless.    The  particular  variety  alludefl  to    s  n^lte  sLll. 

iTlr^  T  '";'/"'"•  '*"''  '''  '  «'-«'^'«»^  -'--    ^^umberfof  a  large    vaHe  i 
are  to  be  found  In  damp  wockIs  during  the  summer    feeding  on   rtl     , 

vegetable  matter.    This  species  Is  about  an  Inch  and  a  ha  Mon?  ."arrblae'Jf 

«.th^yenc,w  bands.    The  following  description  of  the  genul 'S^^jr/en 

"Several   worm-like   creatures   found   in   the   soil   are   popularly   c«lle.l 

rn'^:^he's  •  jrXh  ;:^dT;x:a\rsx^  eV-r  m^i 

common  representatives  of    these    belong    to    tl.;  genmZuT  Thev  u^ 
worm-lIUe  bodies,  made  up  of  numerous  horny  dl^isi:".  m^st  of  which  b^  '^ 

brcj;r      l^Z'r^  ""'•^  "'•^  *"^  ^^^'-^  '->-«  -^  ^^e  head.    They  are  of  . 
blackish  or  dark-brown  colour,  and  when  disturbed,  coll  themsehes  h,t„  „ 
ring.    They  undergo  no  metamorphosis  like  the  propeT  ns^tT   frn™      h,  . 
they  are  also  distinguished  by  their  numero^f  le'i^'^O^  ^Tp^.^  are  frlm 
an  inch  to  an  inch  and  a  half  long,  but  in  tropicaT  countrlesX^  reach  six 

n  tteTl^t  :iL\ft7m?  f™  '^  "^""  '"^'^  vegetableTn^rim 
matter,  but  some  of  them  feed  upon  the  roots  of  living  plants     One  of  thr. 

argest  species  (lulus  nnatistriatus,  Walsh.)  has  been  foum  "rs^me Toc„  ,t  es 

destructive  to  strawberry    plants,    carnations,    and    especial  ytrilTybuis 

Potatoes  have  also  been  much  injured  by  smaller  species     Trans  in    he  flrn." 

o, potatoes.  „s  ,uent.oned  under  wire-worms,  would  Jo    serM  e  or  s'L"" 

apples,  carrots,  potatoes,  or  parsnips,  placed  u|K>n  the  becis  lud  «>ver ji  'vi 

pieces  of  board,  will  catch  many  of  these  millipedes.- 

The  trap  mentioned  is  as  follows  :— 

"In   England,   previous   to   planting  the   iwtato   crop    potatoes    with    n 
stick  thrust  into  them  to  mark  the  place,  are  burled  here  anT^rre  to  serve 

e^nS'oftirder;^:^ "  """"^'  -^  --  —  --  -^  -- 




Br-ACK  Vine  Wkkvil  {Otiorhumliii^  .siiUiitns,  Fab.) 

This  beetle  Is  the  most  <lestrmtive  h,s.H-t  ,«^t.  In  Its  larval 
and  per Mt  stages,  on  strawberries,  that  we  have  lu  H.-itish  («ol„,  .1    ,      r, 
nnunre  insect  is  brownish-blaek.  about  half  an  m.-h  in  length,  w It       h'e  lo  « 
nout  ..haraeterlstie  of  all  weevils.     The  larva  is  „  sn.all  thite  «    „     w  "' 

Isputo,  of  I-niit  l.,.s,s.  reronnnends  bnrninK  off  the  tops  of  the  plants  after 
the     rop  has   b.H.n  gathered;   this   has  the  effec-t   of  dest roving  the   beete^ 
whieh  Shelter  themselves  anu.ngst  the  leaves,   and   whic-h   thev  also     1 1 a.^ 
.?s  ve  Ts  7  "'f  ;7"« -">'  — 'ly  -hleh  c.„  ,>o  s„g«este.l  for  this    "e  le! 
nf;,l,.^, '""-'"'  '**'«^^»«"-'-'^'«  «■'  >'-«•  gronnd.  and  fnH.nent  renewj 
of  the  betls.  the  worst  h.jurh^  iH^ing  done  to  old  plants."    Mr.  AV   T    Ma  o" 
the  n,,rth-«  tnrist  of  the  Central   Experin.ental   Farn..   consUhl     the      ^  I  e 
crop  metlKKl  of  growing  strawberries  the  one  whi<-h  pays  best,  the  fruit  I   i' g 
finer  and  the  land  being  kept  clean  n.ueh  more  easily.     Son.e  varieties\v^d  ' 
do  not  make  runners  frei'ly  might  Ihj  left  for  two  years. 

SxBAWBiaBY  Weevil  (Aiitlionomua  sionatm.  Say.) 


(Fig.  38a.) 
The  habits  of  the  strawberry  weevil  are  Interesting.  It  passes  the  winter 
in  the  n.nure  beetle  form.  an.i.  just  before  the  flowers  of  the  .s^wl^rry 
unfohl,  the  insects  tiy  to  the  strawlK.Ty  beds  and  nn,y  he  fo  „,d  h  S 
numbers  u,K,n  the  tiowering  sten.s.  When  the  fe.nale  lavs  her  eggs  Ihe 
punc  ures  ..  closed  bud.  for  which  purin^se  she  generally  choos.>s  the  ^.rliert 
and  largest.     This  is  done  with  her  sharp  and  slen.ler  beak,  and  the  ho  e 

It  down  into  the  hole.    Having  done  this,  she  crawls  to  the  stem  of  the  flower 



•  % 


nnd  srnawH  Jt  .u-Hrly  throuRh.  m  that  the  bud  lm,.«H  down  ami  eventnallv 

pnsneH  throuKh  all  of  !t8  HtaR^H.  the  dead  flower  remaining  Hoh„i  „r,„„„, 
a.  a  protection.     When  the  grub  In  fuH-Krown.  It  forn.H  a  brltT^e     k Z    o 
he  dfbrlH.  and  m  aU.ut  a  n.onth  from  the  tln.e  the  egg  Ik  laid    tl  e  Zf^I 
b.H.tle  eatH  Its  way  out.     The  new  generation  of  beetl/n  n,av    n      e.m  7,^ 
found  at  Ottawa  in  the  latter  half  of  July,  and  early  In  A^ugxiMt    T    ^re  U 
only  one  br.KKl  of  thin  iK^tle.  an  far  an  In  known,  and.  an  all  the TTtkl 
dl.ap,  nuddenly  In  the  l^glnnlng  of  August.  It  In  sup,K««l  that  t  ^  t 
into  hibernation  at  that  time,  hiding  away  beneath  nnJ  „r  nmo  g  bu^h^ 
am    ,H.rhapH    n  woods,  where  they  remain  In  a  lethargic  c.,ndltlon  unU    U^ 
following  spring.     The  varieties  of  strawberries  chosen  bv  the  l^^n"  es  f  r 
egg-laying  are  always  those  which  pro.luc.  ,K>llen  m  considerable       antlth^ 
and  it  is  chiefly  u,h,„  the  pollen  that  the  larva,  feed.     Varieties  of  s tr  « 
berrh^  with  entirely  pistillate  flowers  are  not  attacked;  cons«,«ently    wh^n 
the  strawberry  weevil  Is  abundant,  growers  will  do  well  to  plan      L, ate 
varieties  as  much  as  possible,  and  only  enough  plants  of  varle  les   vl  ch  rfr^ 
duee  ,>erfect  flowers   (which  have  stan.ens  and  pistils)   as  ^-U    „e 
the  pro,x.r  fertilisation  of  «.e  fruit.    The  numbers  will,  to  a  large  meal  rl 
S  ml         "•■'''''  '"■""'  ""'  ""  ""•"''*'^  •*'  "»-'-  VnnlucJ.-rMZ:.: 
Pka  Wkevil,  08  Pea  Bio    (Bruciius  pisonm,  Lin.v.) 

(Fio.  39.) 
Attack.-X  small,  brownish-graj-.  very  active  beetle,  one-fifth  of  an  inch 
ong.  with  two  conspicuous  black  s,H,ts  on  the  end  of  the  bodv.  whicl.  Z^,.d  pease  in  aut.nnn  or  i.,  spring,  leaving  a  small  round  hole. 

The    ife  history  and  habits  of  the  pea  weevil  are  well  known.    The  c^.-  is 
a:     .n  th.>  of  the  younu  ik>,1.  and  the  grub,  on  hatching,  eats  its  wav 
u  ami  penetrates  the  nearest  pea.    Here  It  re.nains  until  full-grown,  ensu- 
ing the  interior  of  the  pea  and  passing  through  all  its  sta..s    fron    a     •  le 
fleshy  grub  to  the  pupa,  an.l  then  to  the  perfec.  beetle.    As  a  rule,  the  bn-  les 
do  no     under  ordinary  circumstances,  leave  the  pease  until  these  are  sown 
he  tol lowing  spring.    Son.e  of  the  beetles,  however,  in  certain  seasons,  es.-a pe 
fiom   the  pease.  (Hvasionally  as  early  as  harvest  time,  or  during  autun  n 
an.    pass  the  winter  hidden  away  under  rubbish,  or  about  barns  am      tier 
l."!«.     On   reviving   lu   spring,   they   ,Iy   to   the  fields  of  growing  jk'sc 


«ometln,e8  lon^  dlrtanoeH  a«ny  and  for  n  time  feed  on  the  follape  of  the  ,^n 
about  the  middle  of  AuguHt,  and  all.  whether  they  winter  outHlde  the  iM-aw- 

r  tnth^jf  T„;;;:  ^•'^  -^-^ ''-  --  -- «-  -"--  -ea.«r:i:rd:.x 

Lo«»  bi,  .e>,r/«f,  irrrr///rd  /Vfl,r._That  Heed  inniHe  wln.h  have  been  bor«l 
hy  weevi  «  „ re  very  aerlously  Injured.  I  have  „rov«l  by  actual  exJr  „u^,  tn 

L^!'       L?"^  "''"  ""  ^'""''"  ''•""  "'«"*"  '^""^  '--feet  Jh.1.     Lur«e  ,^;^ 
gave  a  be  ter  ,>eree„ta«e  of  from  10  to  I'M  jn-r  cent.     Therefore     vc^-^M 
jeane  should  not  be  uned  for  seed  If  any  other  HtcK-k  Is  obtainable.    If  howe  e? 
this  Is  lm,K.s8lble.  much  more  see<l  should  be  sown  to  the  aerC. 


-'nr^H""!f ""!"'•"*'""'*''"""  '^"'^  bisulphide  of  oarbon  Is  a  sure  remeflv 
^or  the  treatment  of  small  quantities  of  8e«l.  .mrtkularlv  by  Irn.Trs  an' 
ord^ary  coa    oil  ,«rrel  Is  very  convenient.    This  will  hold  about  Hve  bt  she^ 

^„r^  'T^T  "'  "^'  ""^'  ""'^  '^  *'-**"*'^  «•"»»  3  ounces  of  blsul.Ze  o^ 
carbon  whleh  may  be  inured  right  on  to  the  pease.  Care  must  be  akef.  t. 
close  up  the  top  tl«htly.  This  Is  best  dor^  with  a  c-ap  made  sml  Hv  for  thl 
P«r,«se  but  may  also  be  done  with  flue  sacks  dam.ln^i  audTal  s„  c^'thU 
on  the  tc^P.  over  which  boanlfe  are  laid,  with  a  considerable  welX  le  . 
to  hold  the  cover  ng  down  closely.    The  bisulphide  of  carbon  should  be  oth" 

stouIcTTJ  f   r«  r'   ^'"'   '"'"'•'^    ^^'"'•""^  «»>'   '•-'^•"-'   -^^   the    expcsure 
should  be  for  48  hours.    Pease  should  be  fumigated  as  soon  „s  pc>«s,ble  after 

fr3i  "V7  T'  "^  'IT  "^  ""^  "'"^  "-^^^  '^^  tem,HJt„re '1  at: 
freezing.     As  the  vapour  of  bisulphide  of  carbon  Is  very  Inflannnable    this 
work  Should  be  done  at  a  distance  from  other  buildings  and  t    S    of  T- 
kind  must  be  brought  near.    So  smoking  must  be  allowed  near  the  bulIdZ 
Where  the  blsul,>hide  of  carbon   Is  being  used.     When   large  quantl^o 

u^  b  If  '"I^"/''  ''"•'''  '"^  ''''''''''  "'  ^-  '«  the  amount  regularly 
used  by  large  seed  houses,  as  In  these  tightly  constructed  "bug  houses" 
thercj  Is  less  waste  of  the  va,>our  during  the  necessary  ex-,>osure  of  48  1  mrs 

renuHl,  is  the  holding  ovc>r  of  seed  until  the  second  vc^ar.  Pcse  sh  mid 
«  ways  1.  baggcHl  up  „„d  the  sacks  tied  at  once  after  thrkshlng.  T,^  „t"  « 
are  not  able  to  eat  their  way  through  the  bags,  even  when  tlu^e  are  „  ndc  c  J 
imper.  All  the  wc.vl.s  which  en.erge.  either  In  autun,„  or  the  fo  1  w„" 
sununer.  w.ll  perish  Inside  the  bags,  and  the  schmI  can  be  sown  th^  f  lc  v  ^^^ 
year  without  clanger;  the  sound  seed  wil,  not  be  Injurcnl  l.v    ^l  ,^.e     X' 

rtri:;,;:  '"^ "'"  "^"^  ^^^"^ '--  --— ^  '>'^^ 

Trrating  nlth  coal  oil.-X  remedy  which  has  boe„  „sed  by  nianv  fnrmers 

<o.  '  oT.       ";"""•/•'  '"^  ""'"''^  ^''^  ^"^"^  '•''-•^  '-"^  --»<«  .>efore  sc^-i  ;  "    , 
<oal   oil,   using  alwut   half  a   gallon   to   a   barrel    „r   tu-f^   h,.  i    t       r 

"1  4 


over  HO  tl.«t  nil  will  bo  olI«|.  „„,i  tl».  HhovollInK  inu-t  bo  rP,H.nt«l  ovcrv  ,lnv 
for  four  or  flv.  .l„y..  ThiK,  If  pro,K.rly  done,  will  kill  nil  tl.  woevlln'n  I  • 
IH-HKo  Without  Injuring  the  Hewl.  «feviiM  in  th.- 

Hcnm»„  nrnL-Ot  the  «nme  nntnre.  when  ,H>nHe  nre  found  nt  flu.  t|„„. 
of  Howl„«  to  ...ntnin  wch-vIIh.   ,.  «.„,„„.^  „„  «^,     ^hln   n.ny  Ih>  .,o„e      • 
pour  „K  then,  H.«ldln«  water  and  then  either  ,H,„rl„«  the  water  Htral«h 
off  them  apiln,  or  eoolh.g  off  hnniwljately  with  cold  water. 


1  .    '"r,;""/'*'''  "'  ^'''^  P*-"   ««^»'-    '   •"'••'•v*'.   IH  i..ssll,le.   lM.t   rhiH  niUHt   l„. 

lone.  I  think,  not  by  leglHlafion  or  by  ulvlng  np  the  .ulflvatlon  ..f  su,h  nn 
lm,K.rtnnt  rro,,  „«  „.,,«..  whi.h  we  eannot  well  do  with..,.,,  but  bv  iK-rHuadh,.' 
everyone  who  hows  pease  to  abstain  fron,  sowing  „„y  ^^x  .vlil.h  ...nt.-.i,: 
Ih  .«  w.H.vlls;  when  pnr.haslng  seed,  to  refuse  deter.nln^llv  to  b,.v  anv 
without  a..  assHran.e  that  they  have  be^-n  treated,  an.l  furthe,-.  even  witi, 
this  to  examine  f..r  then.selves  to  see  that  any  oontal..«l  wm-vIIs  are  n„llv 
.lead.  I  would  also  iK,lnt  out  that,  from  the  exiK-rlment  alreadv  ,i(ed  <rf 
growing  pease  from  weevllled  seed,  such  »e«l  Is  only  worth  alK,ut  one-,n,arter 

!,      oi  >'«t.ssary  for  growers  and  farmers  to  handle  their  cn.p  a 

little   differently   than   has   b«.,.    the    usual    practice.     The   Injurv    is   of   an 
exception..'  nature,  and  exceptional  n.easures  il.ust  Ik-  taken  ti.  avoid  loss 

1  here  nre.  however.  siKvlal  f,.atures  about  this  attack  whi.h 
Its  control  n  simpler  matter  than  Is  usually  th..  case  with  Injuries  of  .,„ 
«nml  magnitude.     The  ,«««  w.^vll  Is  not  a  native  inse..  a...l  has  no  nativ ! 

IndetHl  It  is  so  restricted  In  Its  f,..d  habits  that  no  ..ther  f...Hl  plant  is  k,...wn 
than  the  different  eultlvnte.1  varieties  of  true  jH-ase.  bel..nglng  to  the  b.>tanl.-al 
genus  P..«,«.  These  pease  will  not  live  over  the  winter  In  our  climate.  If  le  t 
m  the  open  field,  at  nny  rate.  In  nny  part  of  the  cmntrv  whei-e  the  ,..•, 
^•eevll  Is  known  to  bree.1.  c,.,.seque,.tly.  .-very  s..«l  jK-a  s.,w„  for  .n.p  n.  ,s, 
nt  some  time  before  It  was  sown,  have  b..en  umler  th.-  .-ontrol  of  somL,.e  b^ 

vzix  if  ;rr,  ■'  i^^r"  *•''"'"'  '"'•"■*'  """'"'^-  *«  •'^«'"''^'  *"*^  '••>"»«'"-i 

«eevll.  If  It  hn.l  one.  The  remetly  Is  effective,  easy  a,..l  cheap.  Is  well  k..ow„ 
and  can  be  applied  by  anyone.  If  nil  growers  w..uld  con.blne  ami  !„'  tl.  " 
the  larger  number  of  the  weevils  woul.l  be!  In  a  single  ve..r  This" 
however.  woMd  not  be  sufficient,  because  a  certain  number  of " the "  Insect^ 
some  n,es  leave  the  pease  during  the  nutu.a,.  when  the  s«h1  and' this 
sometimes  before  the  pease  are  carried  fron.  the  field.  This  fact  Is  the  o  .e 
great  dlHiculty  in  arriving  at  a  ,M^rf«t  reniedy.  but  I  do  not  believe  that  it 
Is  Insurmountable. 

8own.  to  kill  the  weevil,  and  that  seeding  should  be  done  as  earlv  as  .Jsible 
so  as  to  get  the  crop  ripe  cough  for  harvest  earlW  than  is  the  usual  .-uston,: 
-.  The  pea-growers  should  harvest  their  pease  as  much  on  the  green  side 
as  is  safe  rather  than,  as  Is  usually  done  now.  when  they  are  dead  ri,>e  a,.  1 
thresh  and  treat  them  themselves,  or  sell  at  once  to  ^raln  huvers.  T lu «  h  ' 
u.any  advantages.     Not  only  Is  the  straw  of  very  mu.h  higher  quality  for 


f«Hl.  hut  tho  WHtl  Im  Ih'uvUt  nntl  iM'ttiT  for  PVfry  piiri»«w'.  for  i-xiKirt.  fm- 
fwNl  iiiitl  alM>  fur  mhnI,  Ihhiuiw'  It  1h  of  hlirher  KtriulimtliiK  iMmiT.  and  fiirtlH-r, 
iMH-aiiw.  thf  ww'vll  at  that  time  1h  luudi  I.'mb  advaiufd  In  growth,  aiul  «ons,.- 
«|iH'iitly  han  ai-Htruj..*!  a  luiKh  wualU-r  |»ro|M>rtloii  of  tho  hulk  ..f  the  whhI. 
The  averaj:*'  datt'H  for  iK-a  harvwtlujj  are  from  July  IHuh  tu  AiijjuHt  :i(»th. 

Kx|M'  Imeiit  luiH  hIiowu  that  the  weevil  at  all  Htaw'K  may  he  kill.-tl  liisl.h' 
the  jK'a  hy  fumlKatliiK  the  »ee<l  with  ItlHulphhIe  of  larhoii'  (•..ii.s,..|uently.  If 
»fr»»werM  wll  liarveHt  antl  threHh  earlier  thau  uhuuI  for  a  few  year**,  aiul  either 
themselves  treat  their  stn-^l  ImmtHllately  or  wll  to  the  jcralu  huyeis.  wl...  for 
their  own  sakes  will  <]o  ho.  mmh  it«-Hl  must  surely  result.  When  fur  iiuy 
reason  in-ase  eaniiot  he  treat*"*!  at  ,in<e  or«l  of.  tliey  should  he  hii;;-'e<l 
up  antl  the  sacks  thnl  lnune<llately.  so  as  to  prevent  the  eH«ape  of  any  w.h-vIIs 

wlihh  ml«ht  emerge  In  the  autumn.     When  the  jtrain  Is  HMpiired  for  f Iin«. 

the  i^ase  shouUl  Ih'  ground  as  s.H>n  as  tlu-y  are  «lry  enough,  and  to  prev»'iit 
the  meal  from  iKMianhiK  musty  the  new  i>ease  should  he  mixed  with 
ohl  pease  when  KrindluK. 

lHffi(iilth„  to  hv  Hi»7.— Somethu  •  [n-ase  ripen  so  un«'V.'nly  iliat  hy  resip- 
Intr  early  It  is  feareil  that  the  sai'iple  will  he  very  uneven  when  thiesh.-d; 
hut,  slnnild  this  he  the  ease.  It  simply  means  that  the  small  and  shrivelled 
I>ease  are  hlown  out  of  the  w*"*!  jM-aw  when  they  are  oleuntHl  and  are  not  lost. 
hut  can  he  us«hI  for  feetl.  The  greatest  dittk-ulty  of  all  Is  wltli  regard  to  the 
IK'ase  whieh  are  shelled  out  in  the  tleld  at  the  time  of  harvesting.  Tills,  how- 
ever, will  Im>  to  a  great  measure  ohvlatinl  hy  reaping  early,  as  the  wn-d  will 
not  shell  out  nearly  so  much  as  when  left  till  the  regular  time.  The  cleaning 
ui»  of  inm  fields,  moreover,  hy  turning  in  hogs  is  a  generally  ret-ogniml 
practice,  and  the  work  Is  done  tlmroughly.  Where  hogs  iire  not  avaihihh'. 
lK)uitry  will  d«»  the  same  work,  and,  where  neither  of  these  can  he  us.h1,  the 
land  should  Ik>  plouglunl  so  d«'«>ply  that  the  wetnlls  cannot  work  their  way 
out  when  they  leave  the  i>ease.  I  am  aware'  that  it  is  not  the  <ustom  to 
plough  u!)  pea  tields  for  fall  wheat,  hut  8lmi»ly  to  cultivate  or  dl.«'  them. 
biK-ause  the  land  is  left  In  such  excellent  condition;  but  it  must  he  reniem- 
l»er<Hl  that  the  loss  from  the  p«>a  weevil  Is  now  excessive,  and.  if  this  small 
change  In  methwl  can  be  shown  to  be  of  great  advantage,  it  surely  Is  worth 
a  trial. 

Another  dlffl<-ulty  suggesttnl  Is  that  it  would  l)e  hard  to  get  all  iK'ase 
thresluHl  bt-fore  the  autumn  emerging  weevils  escaiioil.  on  account  of  the 
small  number  of  threshing  machines  wlilch  would  Ik-  available.  In  reply  to 
this.  exi)erience  has  sliown  that  demand  will  always  product'  supply;  and  I 
feel  sure  that  the  lnii)lement  makers  will  not  lose  such  an  op|K»rtuiiity  o 
pushing  their  business.'  The  mudi  higher  price  obtainable  for  tlie  enrly 
tlireshtHl  iR'ase.  to  say  notlung  of  the  enormous  value  of  future  crops  due  to 
controlling  the  weevil,  will  very  soon  repay  to  the  farmer  the  Initial  exfK'nse. 
Where,  however,  there  is  no  |Hissibility  of  getting  a  threshlm:  machine.  I 
would  draw  the  attention  of  growers  to  the  old-fashioned  meth.Ml  of  treiiding 
out  the  iiense  with  horses.  That  this  Is  advantageous  is  indicat.'d  by  the 
fact  that  some  of  the  se«l  merchants  ps^y  a  higher  i>rl«-  for  tiireshed 
with  horses. — Fletcher. 


nKAx  Wkkvil  (UruclniM  tAltTlua.  8av. 

ursiiiK  lowarus  tUc  tip;  the  flret  four  and  the  hint  JolntH  re.l.Il«i,     -n. 

.,.«t  rr,  rz;  "r^'T;";;"'" '"  -"' "•""''• -  '-■• 

me  iK-n  wee\ll.    Ihe  ematn  of  lM»th  are  hiid  iii)on  the  ikmIh  whii«  .1. 

«ril  know,,  ,l,„„™in.  ToMy  f„r  llio    ,,,„  1 ,?"/,,  ,,1       '"''  ' ""  ""' 

of  iK-n.,.  Infii-tal  with  |».a  ,v.i.vll  ,v,.iv  i,,it  ii«„v  f.?,  ,  "• 

W...V,,.  „.„„,„  ,,„orK.c.  ,„o  „r,.  .,„.,„„  an,     l      '  „/    ,J     B«"m  ,'" ' 

"t  n  tag  „f  boaiw  li.rostnl  l.y  the,  ,v...,.ii  ■,    .  ,  "  ""*' 

.11  Ih-lr  .„,„,,.  „„,1  .hi.  „„.„,ine  JJXJZ-    „   Z  r     "";   ""  ""■"'"■■" 

...e ,»,». » „„.„„  h,„,  h,  -vhh::ir,;;r,  t:;:!:r;r'h;,''rr 


oni©  of  the  lienn  wwvll  nikIi  Imikm  nn*  ninllly  i»Tfornt«l  niiil  the  iMH-thm 
p«icH|i»--frwniPntly,  wliPii  UiIm  lia|)|M>iiM  In  Ikiuw-n,  um  Im  H«mu>tliu*>H  tlii>  vim:  to 
the  urput  oouHterimttoii  of  tlit>  iiilmbitHiitii. 

Th««  benn  wt-evll  iH>eiiifi  to  l>e  n  <-oNmo|N>lltiiii  ii|hmI»^.  tlu*  orlKiniil  lioin.'  i.f 
whlth  wni«  In  Asia.  It  wii»  probably  lntnMlu«-«l  Into  AnHTl.-u  tlmMitdi  «-oni 
inerw,  nud  hun  bwn  the  tuune  of  (••HmUhTalde  «lanmi;«>  In  vnrlouH  Htuttw  ..t 
the  Ain«>rii>nn  Inlon.  It  hnn  J»e<«u  mentlomil  In  th««  r»'|K.itM  of  wmtiiI  Iiiltwl 
8tat«4  entomologlHtii.  full  nrtleles  being  kIvimi  by  I'.nfi*»M.rH  Hlh-y.  1'oi'«'1"h. 
and  LUitner.  There  has  been  a  gren»  deal  of  dlMiiMNlon  an  to  the  |.ro|KT 
nauie  of  the  Bpeth*.  The  luHt  detlHlon  m^eniH  to  be  that  the  iMvtIe  nhonld  In. 
oilleil  Bruchua  obtectuf  of  Say.  The  bean  weevil  huM  never  Uhmi  v.-ry 
inJurlouH  in  Canada. 

The  Kuro|*an  Bean  Weevil    (ttrurhiii  ruflnuf 
iuii>ort«Hl  In  need,  but  has  never  establlHheil  ltm»lf 

Rvinvdirn.—Xn  in  the  eaHe  of  the  i)en  w«h>  M. 
in«e«'t  Ih  the  destruction  of  the  wwvlls  Innlde  r|i     Ix'i.i". 
after  the  erop  is  ripe.     FuiulKatlon   with  l>;su     , 
treatment  In  every  way. 

Wkkvil  on    Vv.kvu    J'IU,(.S 

At  Sumnierland.  in  April,  Mr.  Jas.  >.:  Smh  r  ; 
attacked  by  a  weevil,  which  ate  the  leave*  in',  m  ,1, 
young  KhootB.    The  ft)llowlng  mtnnniendatlon  i  as  n     : 

'•  I  cannot  quite  Identify  your  wevll.  but  Inusi  1  1 
in  tlie  same  manner  an  the  New  Yorlc  Wwvll  (///( 

think  you  « annot  do  better  than  to  follow  the  dIrectlouM  given  for  the  dent  ruc- 
tion of  that  Insect. 

"Trent  descrll)eH  the  weevil  mentloniMl  as  follows:  'This  large  snout- 
beetle  kills  the  twigs  by  gnawing  off  the  tender  bark.  In  the  earlv  part  of 
the  s«.ason  before  the  buds  Imve  jnit  out.  and  later  in  the  vear  it  d.-stroys 
the  tender  shoots  which  start  out  from  old  w.mhI  by  entirelv  devouring 
tliein.  It  attacks,  by  preference,  the  tender  growth 'of  the  apple,  tlu-igh  i- 
win  also  make  fre«.  with  that  of  the  peach,  plum  and  iK-ar.  and  pn.lmblv  of 
other  fruit,  as  well  as  of  forest  tn-es. 

•"This  bt>etle  belongs  to  the  same  family  as  does  the  Plum  Curcnllo-  It 
is  distinguished  from  most  of  the  otlier  snout-lKH-tles  l,v  the  antenn-e'or 
horns  being  straight  Instead  of  elbowed  or  tlatl-shaiKMl,  as  thev  .,re  in  the 
common  Plum  Curculio,  for  instance.' 

"(Yoiu-  pea  wwvll  has  dwidwlly  ellMiwed  antenn.'e.) 

"•The  female.  In  deiwsiting,  first  makes  a  longitmlinal  excavation  with 
her  jaws,  eating  nnder  the  l.aik  towards  the  end  of  the  brand, 
and  afterwards  turns  round  to  her  eg-  i„t<,  tl..>  ...xcavation  The 
larva  hatching  from  the  egg  is  of  the  usual  pale.vello«  ,„lonr  with  a  fnvnv 
head.  We  have  watche«l  the  whole  operation  of  depositing,  and  returning  to 
the  imnctureil  twig  a  few  days  after  the  oix-ratlon  was  isTformcd  iiave  c-ut 
out  the  j-oHug  larva;  but  we  do  not  yet  know  how  long  a  tinie'tlie  Iirva 
nmls  to  come  to  its  growth,  nor  whether  it  underpn-s  its  fransform.iilo„« 
wirhm  the  blanch,  or  leaves  it  for  this  imriwse.  to  enter  the  ground;  though 
the  former  hjiwthesls  is  the  mo^t  likely.' 

''•h.)    Is  <N-caH|omiily 

I.  "it  /•  iiuil.  for  this 
i"  ooii  .,  iKwslble 
ci  ilMin    iv      le   iK'st 

,1.  |i  tuN's  were 
bark  from  the 
<  VnderMm ; — 
W'.ks  exactly 





"(I    would    th<.r,.fun.    mnniUHMMl    y.,„    u>    I.M.k    n,p,.riil|y    f„r    f 

tlu.  riunH'ur,nllM.  vvlil.h  i.ri.  uHfollowH:—  "'P'-OtHi  n8  win, 

,.       ■;"'''"',  "[  ""'"'"^■''   ""•<"<"1   th„H   far  niM<.,vm.l    Is   to  j«r  down    .1.  . 

nK,Hts  ...Hi  ....tH.  .1......  o,.  Hl.,H,M.     Th.  tm.  should  l...v..  „  su,  .  .. .        ,  ,  ! 

•    "...-,.  sl...kl..u.     For  this  purpos,.  It  Is  a  p..d  p.a,.  to  s,,       ^  J, 

ll'"!'.  I"'nvi,.,-  „  a  f.n.t  or  loss  u,Mm  whl.h  to  strik,    wl  I.  ,    i' 

•..allot :  this  avoids  hruish.K  tl...  hark  of  th .  trcv     '   .    at'h  th.       1   .      :"' 

pi;^.-s  of  sh..,„., ...,.  two  ,anis  lo...  a..d  a  iJ::",^  r ;;  i.  ^ 

.    n.,.n,.s  of  s...a  1  n.ds  o.,s,l..ks.  o,...  at  .a.-l.  lo..u  sldo  and  o....    „     .o   .  M       ' 
"  ako  t  ho  oads  ot  thoso  stloks  sharp.  a..d  ,„t  a  ,.ot,|.  at  a  short  <l'stn,  ' 

*"••  ;•""  =  <""  '-'■'•>'  "f  t tl.  ks ,.  i„.  p„sho.i  i,.,..  to  .lot     ,;;''' 

no...hos  will   pr..vo„,   fro,.,  slipping.     A  .htso,.  oa..         .1  1        ir,"       h 
r"''  •'•'-'"  ;■•'"•  '  '""<"'«  t'..-...  o..  tho  .ro.„.d.  O..0  oa...      I  ,''..'        .r 

•""  •;•"''  '^  •"""  »"  ••"  J"'---"  «•>•  ..  Ntroko  of  tho  uu t.     Tho  fa  I       ,  .    ': 

"...V  'H>  ....s l.od  lK.twoo,.  tho  ti..,o,.s.  or  IM.  plaood  1,.  a  v.wl  of      a  o. 

which  tl.oro  lloals  a  si.iall  .imintllv  of  koi-osoi.o  •  ' 

•••.....  n'forrl,.«  tho  i„s,vt  to  Or.  Flot.hor.  and  I,.  ,ho  , „.„„..,   ,  ,„.,... 

that  y,u  vill   l„.  ahio  to  k.^.p  tho  upiHT-hand.   hv  followlnir  t ii. ti 

«i:'";-      •  , '■'"    '■""« »"»t   s..n.,ln«  with    Paris  Kn^      I.  ,  ,     '        "; : 

.•ft..-.  .>f  .l..s,«  larKo     Tho  fo,.„.u.a   Is  ,  ,M„,.d  ot       ,r,s "  .v 

1  IH.und  of  u..slakod  lin.o.  and  l.«.  p.Hons  of  wator" 

follolvsM"""''""'  """"'"""   "'   '""   '"""'   **•   '*•••    '"'"^'■h'"-.    ho   ro,K..tod   as 

••  With  ro«ard  to  tho  w.vvil  fro,,,  Sun.n.orland.  I  tl.luk  that  v.u.r  an.wor 
..Mr.  Nuthorland  wli,  suit  ,ho  .K.asio,,:  hut  this  Is  not  a  tr,,o\   U 

nu  n,u.r,n>ar,,,,L     I   n.vlv..l  a  son.o  yoa.-s  „«o.  f n., .   ^  "ts  .'. 

KHowna.  ,.,.,  havo  ...isplaoo..  ,t.  aud  oa,.„ot  r.H.ll  tho  J,.st  T,. 

0..0  has  ,..„....  tho  l.ahits  nf  its  .-loso  ally,  tl.o  (Jray  Poaoh   Woo  1  .1... 

rofornnl   to  h.  n.y  ro.H.rfs  for  iss,;,.  p.  177.  and  is!^.  p.  1»s         ;.„  ,  !     ,' 
.vos  at   ,..«,.,   w.,uld  ...-ohahly  ho  tho  h,.t  ron,o,.y.     Tho  atta  -k    '         \. 
..    a  vo,..v  s  ..,.t  ,ln.o.  tnv  prot.-tors.  or  ovon  a  ha.u    .f   J      . 

lmHl..«.  uii«l.t  also  aiiHWor  tho  pui-poN,  .•' 

^iHASAHx  WKhMi.  {rnltniiha  iiianaria,  L.) 
Uht.  WKKVir.  (C.  (hiixti.  L.» 

This    booMo.    as   won    as   tho   two   othor   l„so,ts   .t|o,..,l    „.    ,h,s   sl.o.t 

"'\"''-    ''"'"   '""«   '•^""*^"    ""^   a   .^.•«-lo,.s   o,.o.,.y   to   s.o,-.Hl   «n.l,.       wi,..,. 

nm  ,.,-o    tho  «ra..a,-y  w.vvll  is  f,-..,.,  an  oi«l.,l.  to  a  sixth  of  ,...  i,..,,  i,'.  ,,.,.„|.. 
"f  a   dn.k.   shiny.   n.aho«a,.y.h,-ow, .„„•.   ui.h    tho   hoad   prolo,.«..l    |,.t„   ■, 

'!';;;.  Th"".'-  t:  ^'^^""""-^  "■•"  """"'^'  """"•^- ■^-  '•- "•«  - « "•- 

"  a'ath  tho  l.,,.d  wl..K...a.sos.  It  Is  unahlo  to  tly.    Tl...  o««s  an-  laid  !..  .,.i.„.t.. 

...Us.  w  1.    -1.  ,ho  ,o...alo  h..,h.s  .K.,-o  into  tho  «,-ai..  with  Iholr  s.ondor  U-a  s. 

«»     ha  .hh.K  ,.om    ,1.0  o««  ,1.0  yonnK  ^-.-nh  at    o...-o   1h.«1..s    to   f.H.l   o..    tl.o 

.....'..ts  ot    ,1.0  kon.oI.   n,...plotos   i.s   K..o„-,h    ..nd    ...n.s   to   a    1kh.,Io   h.sid.. 

tho  san.o   wl.lH.   ,luos   ,.ot   show   any  sip.    ..f   |..ju,,v   „,.tll    ,ho   Imh-IIo 

173  wlHMi  It  IH  fuuiHl  tliat  th.«  RrraKT  part  ..f  tli..  li.sid..  has  Imvm  <.m- 
HiiiiUMl.     In  wli.'at  and  „th..r  small  rrroals  a  sii.«l,.  la  mi   Inhabits  a  tfrain 

but  a  kfrnol  of  amx  furnlsln-s  f.MHl   for  son-ral    In.llvl.lnals.     T altire 

biH.tles  also  f«Hl  ,„H,n  tho  tfratn.  and  llvf  f.,r  a  long  tinio.  s,,  that  In  warm 

(Fiu.  «1.) 
(0)   Uico  W.'.'vn;    (7)   C'ommim  <;ranar.v   W.fvil. 
places  Rrain  Ih  kopt  In  store  for  a  length  of"  time,  the  Injnrv  may  be 
«,nslderable.     In  the  ,t>urs«.  „f  a  slnule  year.  It  has  been  estimated'  that"  one 
pair  of  these  weevils  will   prinlutv  0.000  dt'mendants.   so   It  .an   Ir.   readllv 
«Hui  that  they  are  <'apnble  in  a  sh<»rt  time  of  doing  nui«li  damage. 

UuK  Wkkvil  (Calandia  oriiza;  L.) 
This   inseet  differs  somewhat   in   size  and  K«'nerai   a|>|.earane,.   from   the 

Kramuy  wwll.     Tnllke  that  sikmI,^.  it  possesses  fnliy-dev,. ..1  wln«s    Inm 

tw.>  yellowisl,  blotehes  on  ea»-li  is  slightly  snnilhT  an.i  of  .i  pale 
brown  «)K.ur.  Tlie  life  history  of  this  Inwnt  is  similar  to  that  of  the  prertMl- 
Ing  siHHles.  ...xeei.t  tlmt  in  very  warm  <>limates  the  iRM'ties  are  often  fomul  in 
Helds  away  fn.m  any  granary,  and  in  the  extreme  Sonth  and  in  tlie  '«'ropU-s 
tile  females  lay  their  egi,'s  in  standing  grain.  The  rice  w.m-vII  is  of.  : 
liijnrinj;  storetl  grain  In  company  with  the  granary  weevil. 

Anooimois    «;raix    Moth     (Situtivffa    trnahlUi.    Oi.) 

In  Canada  the  gnilii  moth  has  never  develo|HM  snlll,- fly  to  be 

ored  an  Important  enemy  of  slon.l  grain.  In  soniiiern  clin'.afes.  however 
where  It  Is  very  abundant,  tills  ins,Ht  is  a  bad  pest.  The  moths  lly  from  the 
granaries  t..  the  field  and  lay  their  eggs  n,H.n  the  standing  grain."  Tlie  eggs 
or   yonng   .ateri.lliars   are   tlins    .arri.Ml    with    the    tiu-esiied    grain    Into    the 

granary,    where   they   dev,-iop   and   cans,,   great    loss.     Tli .tiis.    however 

have  not  so  far  Imhmi  n^-<.rd.Ml  as  laying  tiieir  eggs  n|)on  standing  grain  In' 
Canada,  and  where  damage  has  o.vnrnMl.  It  has  been  to  lnfest..,l  grain 
has  iMH'ii  ImiKjrted.  The  eggs  are  de|H.sit..,l  in  groups  of  from  1.-,  to  •»-, 
generally  u|N.n  the  umler  side  of  tiie  grain  or  in  tlie  crease  of  the  kernel" 
They  are  white  at  tlrst.  turning  pink  hatciiing.  Tin.  vonng  caterpillar 
Is  a  minute  creature,  slender,  and  .overe.!  with  long  hair.  When  mature  It 
13  two-iiftlis  of  nn  iiah   in  length,  and  of  a  dirty  white  colour.     As  a   rule 





only  larva  onterH  oa<h  grain,  bnt  when  corn  1h  attac-kHl    t«-o  or  thro, 
larv..  n.ay  1.  found  l„  a  single  kernel.     After  con.pleting    ts  gro«',    tT 
ntterpl  lar  h,.1„s  a  thin,  silken  eoeoon.  and  within  thin  c-hanges  t«  « To    n 
P"pa:  m  a  few  days  later  the  emerges.     The  |K.rf.vt  ln««t  rl 
somewhat  a  oh.thes  moth.     The  wings  expand  al^ut^lnr  lul       •  .   r     ^ 
satln>-,-rea.n  colour  and  bear  a  few  dark  s,K.ts  on  the  fore  wings    wh  <h  1 . 

wZ'cr ""' '''"''''' ''''' ""''''  """^  "-^  ^^^-  -^  •-•  -^^ 

tfc,„v,nc,.-\S'hon  storeil   grain  Js  found   t..  Ih>  Infesttnl   by  one  of   .h. 
above  three  Insec-ts.  or.  in  faet.  by  any  Insec-ts  which  are  Lin  to  work 
dry  cereals,  it  is  a  sl.nple  matter  to  dc^tr  ,v  then..      Vfter  re.Hnte..  .    , 
-nts.  it  has  UH>n  found  that  the  use  of  bisulphide  of  ;1;L"     ,"  ^    . 

lns«.ts  without  any  injury  to  the  grain  as  to  Its  wholes«.„.eness  f.     f  , 

llq  Id    with    a    very   objectionable    cnlour,    which    vaporises   quickh-    at    Z 
ordinary  tem,H.rature  of  the  atmosphere.     A  convenient  methll  f .  r  t  eat    L 
smal    ..uantltles  of  lnfest«l  grain,  is  to  fill  an  ordinary  coal  oU  barre     ^^ 
vll.  hold  alK>ut  Hve  bushels  of  grain,  and  the  quantity  of  bisulphide  b    use 
is  one  oume  to  every  hundre,!   pounds  of   seed.     The   bisulphide   uLw 
Pourecl  right  on  to  the  grain  or  placed  in  a. shallow  receptacle,  but  carTmust 
be  taken  to  close  up  the  top  of  the  barrel  tightly.    This  is  best  done  wi"h  a 
cap  made  sr,e,.ially  for  the  punK>se.  but  may  also  be  done  with  f^ne    Icks 
laid  smoothly  on  the  top.  over  which  boards  are  laid,  with  a  conslde^ble 
weight  on  them  to  hold  the  covering  down  clost^y.     When  grain  In  bh       1 
being  f„mlgat«l  with  bisulphide  of  carbon,  these  should  be  made  as     early 
«  r-t  ght  as  ,K>sslble.    This  may  be  done  by  pasting  sheets  of  pa,x>r  over  t.e 
outside,  or  by  overing  them  with   blankets  or  canvas.     In  tight  bins     le 
amount  of  bisulphide  to  use  is  a  pound  to  a  pound  and  a  half  t<!  the  1  o 
era  n      Some  entomologists  claim  that  one  pound  of  bisulphide  to  everv  100 
bushels   of   grain    Is   sufficient    to   destroy   all    Insects,    even    In    o,>e„    ^7 

it  t  r/  4TI"     T  *"  '"'^"'**"'  *" ''''  '""''^ "'  ^•^"'p'''^- «' "-»-» fo.: 

llr  TJr'''  .  "*  "'  **••"  ''"^"''  •'  ^•*"->'  i"fl«'nnmble.  no  light  of  anv 
krnd  must  be  brought  near  and  no  smoking  must  be  allowed  near  the  building 
when  this  chemical  is  being  used.  ""uuij. 

In  Queensland  It  has  been  found  that  salt  (1  quart  dissolve,!  in  2  gallons 
with  this  solution.— r/*f  Canadian  Entomologist. 



KIBOPKAX  Friit  8cal»:  {AHiMiotux  oxtmrfonnU). 

(Fio.  62.) 

ThiH  i„,«Ht  was  re,K»rte,l  from  Xa.mlnio  as  tho  San  Jose  Scah.   wl.l.l,  It 

TT'r  r"  "'r'''    '"'•"  ''''''''  ""  '-tru-tions  fr,,...  tl...  lion  L  "n..  J 
of  Agrieul  „re,   Investigated  the  matter  lu   .on.pany   with   the   Rev.   (;       ' 
T^ijlor.  ami  prononnml  It  to  In-  the  EuroiK^an  Frnlt  S<ale.    This  opinion  «'  s 
afterwnrdH  c.nflrme.1  hy  Dr.  Fletcher.     Drastic-  n.easnres  wero  a<h  S   ul 
he  destruo  ion  of  the  affect.Hl  trees  by  Are.  slnc-e  which  It  dcn-s  not  a.^lr  to 
have  spread.    The  following  Is  taken  fron.  Prof.  E.  P.  Felfs  BulLtln  No.7<-- 

Dcscnphon.-The  general  apjiearanct'  of  this  s,»ecic.s  Is  similar  to  that'of 
he  perniclons  or  San  Jose  sc-ale.    The  sides  of  the  scale  are  dark  gr  .v   whlt^ 
he  centre,  which  is  nearly  white,  may  be  grayish  or  brown.    The  vofmg  .  2  r 
to  have  quite  a  habit  of  arranging  themselves  at  nearly  cH.nal  diC  ce      Z 
one  another.    The  white  or  brown  portion  of  the  adnlt  sea  e  mav  break  aZ 
and  exiH«e  the  yellowish  cast  skin  or  exnvhe.    Son.e  of  the  yonng  ar^  „u™ 
fonul  amcmg  a  mass  of  old  scales,  and  when  they  are  white;  the  grav  of  tie 
ok  scales  Is  lightened  considerably.  ...asses  of  this  scale  1  .sc.t  .,  e 
a  dark  gray,  and  then  the  young  are  usually  grayish  or  brownish.    The  hul  ^  ,- 
ual  adult  fenmle  sc-ale  n.ay  att,.l,.  a  dlan.eter  of  nearly  one-eighth  of  a     1,  • 
It  has  a  yellowish  or  nipple  a  little  to  o..e  side  of  the  ce..tre  and  the 
gray  part  of  the  scale  is  ..orn.Hliy  n.ark«l  with  black  s.KH-ks.  a..d.  whe,"  o.    a 
ZZT'         '"'"'  "'  ''"  ""'*'  ''  ""'""^'  "^""""""^  "  '''^  '^^  -ter  lay      o 

m'  I 



-  »i 

■  ■  m 


i.  ovov,v,p„r.>„s;  that  is.  «,ve«  ,„rth  t„  !i^^^:2JZZ'!Z:rr'' 
about  tlu.  i„.st  of  tho  ,nonth.  „„.,  oontinu.  to  o.„.r«o  fo  r  ,'1  's   ''S','' 

8IHH-le8  pro<hu-e8  but  o„o  genorntiou  in  lafitudo  au.l  tl  is  n  s.  i  t  f 

make,  it  much  Iohh  dnngoroun  than  the  ,,reoe,li„Irforl  """  ""*"" 

"  ''^""•''''•••'— Methoils  of  value  against  tlie  pornidons  or  S..n   Tov, 
shouia  prove  e<,uaiiy  effeotive  with  this  8,>ec.ies.  a  ..1  as  a    nh    it     .»".,"';  '' 
l>e  found  much  easier  to  control."  I' 

T„B   PKACH-TBKE   Bahk-loise    (Lecanium    nigrofasciaUnn.    Pkro.  :    /...«„/„,« 

peraicw,  Fabr.) 

(Fig.  e2A.) 
Adults  at  loft.   ,oung  at   right.     Bull    .ii,   r.    «.   Department  of  Agrie.tture. 

i^ill  *^^*'^*^  '"""■'"^'  *"  ""^  *"""*'***  '"^'"'^  "*'  *ho  Deach  twigs.  fre.,ue,.tlv 

he.      ;.'     r;,  "  •"  '""  """*  "'  "   ^"'^''  "••'"'"•'"«  -  "   '^"-'^   luMnlsp,...H.-.-;. 
shell.  alM.ut  the  s,ze  and  ,sha,>e  of  a  split  pea:  its  .surface  is  uneven,  shining 

connnonly  shoumg  a  pale  margin,  an.l  a  sfrifH^  n,Mm  the  middle.     It  fcnls  n.HM. 

the  sap.  ploning  the  bark  « ith  its  pn.boscis.  and  Imbibing  the  jnUes      Wh..„ 

mature,  the  removal  of  the  scale  dlselost^  a  multitude  of  eggs,  wbi.h'   in  due 

leu-';  ;"h  ■  '.""V"f  ''""'""'  '""'"^  '•■"""'  '''''''  '^'^  ^"•"^-  "•"••  ^■•'•''tening  tlu-n.- 
H  L  .     '  "'■"'"•^  I"T>»anently  locatetl.  and  live  the  full  tern,  of  their 

lives  without  (hanging  their  i»osition.— N««/(f/(T». 

/.VHH,///.-The  tnmtment  reconunendcMl  for  the  Pear-tree  Rark-ionse  l.v 
hanndcrs.  ,s  applicable  for  this  in.s,Kt.  viz.:  Fortunately  these  insects  are  of 
8m-h  a  size  that  they  are  easily  8,hm..  They  should  be  look.Hl  f..r  during  tl.c 
latter  part  of  June,  at  whkh  time  the  female-  will  have  nttaine,!  their  full 
size,  and  when  discovered  should  be  pron.ptly  re.nove.1.  The  under  side  of 
th      imbs  should  also  be  >vell  .scrubbed  with  a  brush  dip,>ed  In  some  alkaline 


Bhowx  Ai'rkot  Scai.k    (Lrcanhni,   aniiniUwiiiii). 

The  Hcile  is  Vnit-sh, ,1.  when  inutiir«l  Koinewhiit  wrliikleil.  The  «»I»Mr 

8  a  shiny  brown  .h.rker  in  the  c-entre  than  at  the  e<.Kes.  It  hatehes  from 
the  eggH  .lurinK  May  an.I  Jnne.  The  treatn.ent  a.lvlse<l  for  the  Ovnter  ShHl 
Scale  should  be  foll.,we<l  in  dealln«  with  this  i>e«t. 

WooLLV-MAPu:   (I'itlvlnaria  innumerabilh). 

(Fig.  63.) 
ThlH  ••  soft  scale  "  Insects  occurs  In  some  .listrlcts  of  the  Provlnc-e  In  con- 
shlerable  nun.bers  c.^rtaln  seasons.  Infestl,.«  nmple.  wlllo«-.  an.l  alder  tnH>«.    It 

ctintcJ'n^ltr'"'  "^  '"^"^""''  ''''^'-"^-  "•"»  ^•™  '-'-  '"  "- 

They  usually  attract  attention  in  the  spring,  when  white  c<,tto„v  nn.sses 
b«o„,e  numerous  on  twigs  or  h,,ves  of  i„feste<l  plants,  In.reasinK  in  ^l^.e  until 
they  are  a  „„arter  of  an  In.h  or  nmre  in  length,  and  only  siightlv  less  in 
diameter,  somewhat  irregular  in  outline.  The  mass  seems  cotton;,  is 
really  wax-  or  gum.  When  this  size  is  reached,  it  forn,«  a  beddh.g  V.,r  innu- 
niera  ,»-.  rusty-brown  eggs,  very  snmll  in  sl^e.  which  are  laUl  bv  the  female 
ln«H.ts  under  the  bn.wn  "scale"  which  s^n^ms  to  form  the  head  of  the  mass. 
I-rom  these  eggs  n.inute.  crawling  larva,  hatch,  similar  in  to  the  eggs 
which  spread  in  every  .lin.tion  <,vrr  their  host  plant.  In  a  day  or  two  ead.' 
larva  setth^s  and  Inserts  its  beak  Into  a  leaf  or  twig,  sucks  up  the  sap  and 
«.nunen,.es  the  forn.ation  of  a  sm-li.  flattened,  oval  scale-which  gra'l.mllv 
ncreases  in  size.  .Most  of  these  are  fen.ales.  but  there  are  alwavs  some  n.ale 
in8ectH  and  th.w  come  to  maturity  in  tlu"  latter  part  of  sun.mer.  appearing 
as  small.  tw,^wing.Hl  flies;  they  mate  with  the  fenmles  which  under  the 
scu  e«.  and  thes,s  l.efore  the  leaves  fall,  nmve  to  the  twigs  or  branches,  and 
fH8ten  themselves  for  the  winter.  They  resume  fc.llng  |„  the  spring,  when 
the  sap  Ix'gins  to  circulate,  and  then  the  egg  massif  are  formed 



1  i 


In  doallnK  with  thP8e  jK-ste  on  cultlvntcnl  plants,  a  Judicious  prunlnR  or 
thinning  out  should  be  the  flrst  step  taken;  In  winter  the  treatment  ad>Mj 
for  the  oyster-shtll  bark-louse  Is  effective,  and  any  that  escape  may  be  enslly 
destroyed  In  the  early  summer,  when  the  young  lame  emerge  from  the  ecirs 
by  using  either  of  sprays  Xo.  2.  0,  or  7.  as  directed.  But  It  must  be  borne  h." 
mind  that,  to  be  effective,  this  summer  spraying  must  be  before  the 
Insects  have  protected  themselves  with  defensive  scales. 

OYSTKR-SHKLL    UaKK-LOISK    OB    ScALE    ( J//////««p/«   po,„Orum,    BoHUIIK.) 

Apple-tbek  Babk-lovse. 

m  ,  i  '        '     ^*-^  (FlO.    «5.) 

This  pest  occurs  In  th,  ,rm  of  minute  scales,  about  one-sixth  of  an  Inch 
long,  of  a  brownish  or  grayish  colour,  closely  resembling  that  of  the  bark  of  a 
tree  and  somewhat  like  the  sholl  of  an  oyster  In  shape,  adhering  to  the  surface 
of  the  bark,  and  placed  Irregi  rly.  most  of  them  lengthwise  of  the  limb  or 
twig,  with  the  smaller  end  upwanls.  In  most  instances  the  branches  of  apple 
trees  may  be  found  literally  covered  and  crowded  with  these  scales;  and 
where  thus  so  prevalent  they  seriously  impair  the  health  and  vigour  of  the 
tree,  and  sometimes  cause  ith  death. 

Under  each  of  these  scales  will  be  found  masses  of  eggs  varying  in 
number  from  fifteen  or  twenty  to  one  hundred  or  more.  These,  during  the 
w-inter  or  early  spring,  will  be  found  to  be  white  In  colour,  but  before  hatching 
they  change  to  a  yellowish  hue.  soon  after  which  the  young  insects  appear. 
This  usually  occurs  late  in  May  or  early  in  June,  and  if  the  weathei  Is  cool 
the  young  lice  will  remain  several  days  under  the  scales  before  dispersing  over 
the  tree.  As  It  becomes  warmer,  they  leave  their  shelter  and  may  be  seen 
roving  about  looking  for  suitable  locations  to  which  to  attach  themselves 
Their  aetua!  length  being  only  about  one  hundredth  of  an  inch,  to  the  uuaideil 
eye  they  a,)i)ear  as  mere  Hym-ks.  When  highly  magnified  they  appear  as  at  '^  \ 
large  proportion  of  them  soon  become  fixed  around  the  base  of  the  side  shoots 
of  the  terminal  twigs,  where,  inserting  their  tiny  sharp  beaks,  they  subsist 
upon  the  sap  of  the  tree.  In  a  few  days  a  fringe  of  delicate  waxy  threads 
issues  from  their  bodies,  as  at  3.     Gradually  the  insect  assumes  the  form 


shown  at  4;  o  and  0  prwriit  the  Inrnr  an  nearly  full-grown.  an<l  wlien  detached 
from  the  seale.  before  the  end  of  the  Heaw.u  tl..>  louHe  ha;*  wnretwl  for  Itself 
the  8caly  covering  In  which  It  lives  an.l  maturi>8.  shown  at  7;  8  represents  one 
of  the  antennw  of  the  young  lice;  1  shows  the  i-nM  highly  niagnlrtetl 

By  the  middle  of  August  this  female  hnise  has  be«-onie  little  less  than  a 
bag  of  eggs,  and  the  process  of  de|K>sltlng  these  now  begins,  the  body  of  the 
parent  shrinking  day  by  day.  until  finally,  when  this  work  Is  «.>mpletiHl  It 
becomes  «  mere  atom  at  the  narrow  end  of  the  scale,  and  Is  scarcely  noticeable. 

The  scales  of  the  male  louse  are  seldom  seen;  they  are  most  fr«iuently 
found  uiM.n  the  leaves,  both  on  the  upin-r  and  under  sides;  they  are  snuiller  In 
size  than  those  of  the  female,  and  different  also  In  shai>e. 

In  the  orchard  and  Its  Immediate  nelghbourhooil  It  may  be  spread  by  being 
carried  on  the  feet  of  birds,  or  attached  to  the  larger  Insects,  or  may  be  aUled 
by  the  wind  In  passing  from  tree  to  tree,  while  It  Is  Itself  so  brisk  In  Its  active 
Stat*  that  It  can  travel  two  or  three  Inches  In  a  minute,  and  hence  might  In 

?.  u  "*'?  '■^"''''  *  ^'°*  *'''*"  °''  ^'"■^  '■'^"  ♦"«*»"*  before  it  would  i.erlsh. 
Although  this  insect  essentially  belongs  to  the  apple  tree.  It  Is  frequently  found 
on  the  pear,  and  sometimes  on  the  plum. 

Apple  trees  should  be  examined  during  the  winter  months  for  this  pest 
TV  hen  r)resent  In  large  numbers  on  the  trunks  and  main  limbs,  a  goml  scraping 
will  remove  n.any  of  them,  and  prepare  the  way  for  elTw-tlve  spraying  or  wash- 
ing operations.  The  No.  1  spray  Is  a  good  remedy  to  use  ;  two  applications  are 
necessary,  and  the  mixture  should  Jje  used  quite  hot.  Another  very  goml  appli- 
cation to  be  used  with  a  brush  or  swab  Is  made  with  1  it),  of  concentrated  lye 
to  2M.  gallons  of  water.  Both  these  remedies,  of  c-ourse.  can  be  us«l  only 
during  the  dormant  season.  Still.  It  Is  almost  lmiK)sslble  to  cleanse  the  trees 
entirely  in  this  way.  especially  the  smaller  branches,  and  hence  the  Insect 
should  be  fought  also  at  the  time  when  the  eggs  are  hat.hing  and  the  young 
lice  crawling  over  the  limbs,  as  then  they  are  tender  and  easily  klll«l  With 
this  object  In  view,  the  time  of  hatching  of  the  remiumts  left  after  the  winter 
work  should  be  watched  for.  and  while  the  young  lice  are  active,  before  they 
have  secreteil  their  protecting  sc-ales.  the  trees  should  be  thoroughlv  sprayed 
or  washed  with  a  solution  of  soft  soap  and  washing  soda,  or  with  either  of 
sprays  2.  C  or  7. 

In  experimenting  for  other  pests.  It  was  accldentiv  discoverwl  by  Mr 
W.  T.  Macoun.  Horticulturist.  Central  Ex|H>rlmental  Farm.  Ottawa,  that  ordi- 
nary whItewaKi  ma«le  of  good  lime,  painted  on  the  trees,  had  the  effeit  of  dis- 
solving the  scales  of  the  Oyster-shell  bark-louse,  so  that  they  could  l.e  brushed 
off.  This  remedy,  whilst  effectual  where  It  can  be  appliwl  with  a  brush,  can- 
not, of  course,  be  u8e<l  on  the  small  branches,  which  should  Ih>  sprayed  as 
recommended  above. 

San  Jose  Scale  {AttpUUntuH  pernirlnHUft). 
The  San  Jose  Scale  Is  the  most  destructive  of  all  i>est8  In  neglected 
on-hards.  Nevertheless,  by  Intelligent  effort,  It  can  be  more  easily  controlled 
than  any  other  first-class  orchard  pest  :  and  when  we  come  to  realise  that  the 
one  annual  winter  application  of  the  lime,  sulphur,  salt  sf.ray.  which  is  all  that 
Is  necessary  to  reduce  Its  ravages  to  the  minimum,  is  also  one  nf  the  b«.t 
general  "  clean '.ug-up  "  sprays  that  has  yet  been  devised,  we  shall.  r)erhaps.  be 

■i    r    f 




with  the  lime.  H„I„h„r  «„d  Halt."  '  '"*"  "'""*""«  "«  to  H„ruy 




/C*|<-«        Aft     \ 

App^arancp  of  Scale  on  bark      (n\  t„t^.t^\    '. 

-  1.  .t.  .^  f.,r  ah  knu«i..  rPdu.e  the  umnber  of  wormy  apples  in 



....  onhnnl.  ,H,r  .„„  It  Ih-  „h«I  „h  „  Hnl^,it„t..  for  Itonh-Hnx  wl.ll..  tl...  tm^  «„. 

::  ":;r  aijir  :r:'^  ""^-^  --• "-  -■ "• - •-  -- 

iiiiu  HiTHjIuK.    ^\h>  .'     lo  deHtn.y  the  San  June  S,-,,!,..     Y.t  I  Hiui  that  «  verv 
H...all  ,H.rceuta«c.  of  our  far.uorH  k,.«vv  thin  ,lr. |  thl,."!  w    <■      ,*  t 

.inly  follow  tUo  ,KK.r  v^^xUxh  of  ho  umu-I.  ,,.Ht«l  en.,  ^v"    Hv  ,  h    u  I. 

.ue^H...,  .ur.  ...t  Hpray  ,H.n..t...|a.  r«,nltH  are  ainu.t  ..rta.n    o  fo     „       .^t 
the  H^ale  Ik.  preH,.ut  or  not.     XevertheleHH.  everyone  who  «rowH  tn.-H  or  h|  r  L 
Hhonld  learn  to  know  thin  dentrmtlve  Httie  and  Ik    prepa. "l  t' .     nl 
It   Hinee    t  n.ay  at  any  tin.e  apin-ar  np..u  the  ornan.entall  o    the  <     v         " 

LUt  of  Fwtd  I'luHtM. 
OBU.AB0  Fr,  rrs.  bi'hh  Fa,  its. 

*^'*"'''  IlaHplHTry. 

^'*'"<*''  <}(K)«.lH.rrv, 

•;'"•"•  Currant. 

!'''**'*'**'•  Flowerlns  Currant, 

U.Hky  Mountain  Dwarf  Cherry.Blatk  Currant 
I'erHlmmon,  v. ...  « 

Q"*"™'  Almond. 

FlowerInK  Quince.  <"he«tnut. 

Small  Fbiits.  Peean 

StrawU.rry.  HIa.k' Walnut. 

KuKllMh  Walnut. 
Japan  AValnut. 
.l//*tW/««r«M«  On,a,„n,tul  I'la,it,~Forr.t  „«,/  Shtt,h    Trrrs. 






EhkIIsIi  Hucklelwrry, 




OHiige  Orange, 



Wj>e|.inK  Willow, 

I{e<l   I  )ogwo<Hl. 



EuKllsh  Willow, 

<JoIden  AVIIlow. 

Laurel-leaviMl  Willow. 


Catalpa  spwlosa. 

l»nil»nrdy  ro|)lar. 
Carolina  Poplar. 
Silver  Maple. 
Cut-leaved  Rirch, 
Mountain  Ash. 
Japiinese    Quince, 
Citrus  trifollata, 

{    i 


A  i 


Ifow  to  Knotr  the  Han  Jnae  Sralr. 

£  -rrr.  -  -  z  t  :r;HS£r Iff  r 

HcdleH  are  grayiHh  in  «.lour.  beliis  unuallv   h„t  S  \  ""**"•* 

than  the  bark  to  whloh  they  are  «,crZiv!^'tt.».J^  rlT"^''  """^^'hat  lighter 
-lea.  .nay  be  ioZ^ZTu  ^hTire  o^^.  Zl  Th""  '""  "' 
■omewhat  itarker  In  colour.  '  ""^'^  "*  *''*  P"***"^  "«»« 

''"'"^Itb'':j|„".^p2'„7i3f«;;f,,-^';:^  view  Of  l.rva  .howln.  .uck.n,  beak 

■omewhat   contracted,   with   the   flmw"*^'*  '.'^''t  =   (6)  dorgaf  view  Sf  s^e 

Lnlfe.  there  w.ll  be  revealed  a  minute  bright  yellow  object!  the  Insect  itjf' 


..,    ,  (FiO.  69.) 

(L.  O.  Hoteanl  and  C   L.  Marlatt.  BuIMIh  Xo.  .1.  Sew  fieriet    nivuinn  nt 

On  badly  Infested  plants  the  young  w-ales  settle  wherever  tliere  is  room  to 
insert  a  beak  Into  the  bark,  and  as  they  Increase  la  size  they  bei-ome  much 
crowded  and  overlapi>ed  and  have  the  apm-aranc-e  of  a  gray,  scurfy  .lenoslt 
on  the  bark.  The  natural  c-olour  of  the  bark  Is  obscured  and  the  Infestcnl  plant 
appears  as  though  coated  with  fine  ash-c-olonr.Hl  bnin.  If  the  thun.b-nall  or 
other  objwt  Is  rubbed  over  this  scurfy  c-overlng.  thereby  crushing  the  Insects 
beneath  the  scales,  a  nmlst  or  oily  ap,H^rance  Is  produc-ed  and  numerous  scales 
will  be  overturned  and  many  of  the  little  yellow  Insects  be  revealed 

During  the  early  stages  of  an  attack,  very  few.  If  any.  of  the  scales 
will  settle  uiKH,  the  leaves  or  fruit.  I^ter  both  may  1«  attacked.  Ipon  the 
eaves  es|KKlally  of  the  prune  and  peach,  the  young  .scales  may  be  found  on 
both  surfaces,  and  more  particularly  clustercHi  along  the  midrib.  Each  scale 
produces  a  minute  purple  spot  I|K.n  purple  pnmcH.  rcl  aj'^Ies  etc  the 
scales  apiK?ar  only  as  minute  gray  specks,  usually  clustered  about  the  cavities 
at  either  end  ;  but  uinm  the  yellow  fruits,  like  i^ars.  peaches,  and  the  yellow 


(ANSI  and  ISO  TEST  CHART  No.  2) 














^^  16S3  East  Main  Strwt 

'^  Rocheiler,  Nc»  York        U609       USA 

S  ("6)  +82  -  0300  -  PhofW 

S  {7'«)  288- 5969 -FOK 


ar.  ,.r<KUK.ecl  by  attack,  of  c-m  . t  ^^  "^1  'Tr'""  ""■'^'  •^'"""'■-  ^'^^^ 

not  m  tluMn.selv..s  bo  take,  as  pr.  TTfJl,'''"''^'  ""'"  «"-"•"  •^'"""«l 
.letenainod  doHnltHy  only  by  a  .  If  j  ex  :.;;;>'  ''  '"*'  ""'"  ''''^^  -»  "" 
of  tbe  stale.     The  prmMK-o  of  si  0^10^^^  "'"^  ^''^^  "^•^"•"  ""^"<tion 

I.reHo.u..  of  San  Jose  S.ale/fn,,  I.' u  'r..'""''  '""  '""""^  •^"•'""'"'"  '•^-  »'- 
••y  «ro«o,.s.  buyers  an<l  in  ..^c-t  f  "o  a,srsb''''n  h '"'"'  "-'"""•''»'-  "like 
Hhrlvelle,!  l.aves  u,k,„  the  t  ees  In '„iw  b  e/ 1  .  "  '"■*"""""  '"'  ••-"•  """• 
their  ..resenee  Is  not  proof  of  tlj   ,        ^^       t  "        ,"'^  ''''  '•'""-«" 

Vitality  of  the  tn>e  bas  been  serL^ InualL  T ."  "'  ''  "  """*""'  ^"•'^  ^"" 
Where  San  Jose  Scale  is  prevalan  t^^at  —  ^  "  """""  '■""''*"•  "''"  "'  ••«^«'<>»« 
iH  the  s«ile.  "'"*  '""**  'o  «  vast  majority  of  Instances 

Development  of  San  Jose  Scale. 

-«ies.  usually  ..rishes  durtrthe  Z ^^t  r'tr'"'""'^'  '"  ""'  """'"^'- 
30.  practically  all  are  still  allJe.  A^>  S'ex  '  '  t  "  T""  "'"'*'"*''•  ^''''''^ 
.lltlons  for  the  remainder  of  the  seas^  to  «^  '  "'•  "'"'  •""•'"'"  <-"" 
in  scale  infestation  during  the  .-on    ^su    m"  "  ''''''  """^''''^  '"— 

(Fig.  70.) 

(Fig.  71.) 

Dewlopniont  of  malo  in.spct  •  (rt  >    vpntrni  ,.i         .,  (F'C.  72.) 


n  lU'iuly  circular,  yellow,  sack-likt'  iMMly.  with  loiiR.  sleinU'r.  I>rlstlc-llkc  mouth 
parts.  Au  <'xnnilnHtl«»n  of  the  male  shows  him  to  1m>  more  elonpite.  aiitl  to 
IMissess  the  rudiments  of  legs,  wlujjs.  eyes,  anteniue.  etc. 

(Fio.  73.) 

Adult  male,  greatly  enlarged.  * 

(L.  O.  Ilnicuiil  and  C.  L.  Marlatl.  Bulletin  Ao.  3.  Seic  (Series,  DiriHion  of 
EnUtmoloail,  V.   ti.   Department  of  Agriculture.) 

The  females  live  and  die  Ijeneath  their  scales,  never  leavhiR  them  ;  but  in 
April  the  males  molt  fo:  the  last  time,  and  soon  thereafter  emerge  from  under 
their  scales  as  minute,  active  creature.s.  with  fully-develoi>ed  wings.  After 
mating  the  males  die. 

In  May.  possibly  earlier,  under  favouralile  conditions,  the  females  begin 
to  give  birth  to  living  young,  and  may  continue  to  prfMluce  for  si.\  weeks  or 
longer.  The  yonng  are  minute,  light  orange-yellow,  active  creatures,  witlj  e.ves, 
bristle-like  mouth  parts,  two  antenna',  or  feelers,  and  six  legs.  After  emerging 
from  under  the  protecting  s.  ,le  of  the  parent,  each  wanders  over  the  surface 
of  bark,  fruit  or  leaf  until  a  suitable  situation  Is  found,  when  the  legs  aud 
antenna;  are  foldeil  beneath  the  bod.v,  the  bristle-like  beak  is  slowly  worke<l 
through  the  outer  bark  into  the  living  tissues  beneath,  from  which  it  draws 
its  sustenance.  At  any  time  during  the  summer  months  hnndre«ls  of  thes«> 
little  i)ests  may  be  seen,  even  with  the  unaided  eye,  as  they  crawl  alwut  over 
the  bark  or  fruit  of  infesteil  trws. 

Even  before  the  young  Insect  has  attached  itself  to  the  bark,  the  se<Tetlon 
of  the  .scale  has  begun.  At  first  it  consists  only  of  a  fluffy,  white  mass  of  fine, 
waxy  threads,  Vvhich  for  the  first  day  or  so  of  its  existence  causes  the  young 
San  Jose  Scale  to  a|ipear  as  a  minute,  downy  white  8|)eck  urwn  the  bark.  As 
these  filaments  become  more  abundant  they  become  fu.sed  Into  a  more  and 
more  compact  scale,  and  assume  a  yellowish  colour.  Later  the  young  scale- 
Insect  molts  several  tmes  during  its  growth  and  the  full.v-developed  scale 
is  thus  made  up  of  fused  wax  filaments  and  the  several  molted  skins. 


but   one   „,o„th   reiTar.^^^^  In  the  c„„rse  ..f 

another  generation.    Thrr^^re  thus  n  J       ,     '   '""""'   ""'""    *"   '"•''*•"-' 
during   the   entire   seaHoT   Umler   «..«?;?'  ?"'"  '""•"  ^'^  "^"^^  ^'enerations 
females  of  the  >.ter  ge.rat.l"  h     ^T     ^^^   favourable   c-ondltions.   «!„;,,.. 
000    young.    Ral h^g'    eT  e     nlT,    uT  "Tl'  '"  "^^"''^  "PProxlmatH - 
Howard  and  Mr.  Perg  nde  havrsh         T    ^'•*"«^*""'''-™««   observations,    i>  . 
most  favourable  oSons   ZfT         '"*  '*  '"""''*  '^  "««*»"^-  "'"'•'r  tl- 
astonishing  numlLr  of  3^/^^  4(^ 'iXll  V'"^'^  '^"'"'^  *"  --"  "h- 
each  of  these  scales  reach  theTr'^2  i?l^?    ."  "  ''"^'"  ''""'^"-     ^"»»''l 
all  placed  «lde  by  side  touohii/eal    ?h  ''T'*'""'  "'  ""  '"'"•  ""^^  ^^-'"^  *'-• 
enough  of  then,  fo    'V^ZZZatet   n         '"  '"■""""•  '''*-''  --"^  - 
needless  to  add  that  in  t^TZnlTu^:  ^r:^^"^    "  f  ^''"°" 
organism,  and  with  climate  condition-   «„T  ^""^^^n^'e  of  organism  with 

cation    is   not   even   a  Zxinmti,  Th  ""  ««tonl8hing  rate  of  multipli- 

when  one  realises  he  rorrouslar^^^t?  T'"!  '""'"'"'"•  ^^'--"hell. 
i«  no  longer  a  surprise  thT",Sft^^^^^^^^^  ^'*'*  ™"'"^'"-'  '^ 

factory  results.  A  few  females  hire  7nT  1  "'"'''"^  '""'  *^  ^'^'^  «'•"'«- 
of  the  tree  which  havrnorbeln'eaSrbv  1"'  "'""  ''"*'  "'"""  ^«'-^-"'' 
season,  completely  re-infest  thT"  trrlt^L.  ''''"'''  """'''  ^'"'"'"'^  "  '""^'^ 
by  the  most  thorough  ^voX  XlrTJ  TT^'  '■^'"^*"  "^  ^^^«^"^  «n'.v 
branches  and  twlgstho^d^be  th^ug^  ^eT^  ""'.'ylTn^  'T'  "'""• 

z:ug;\rr"^*-  ^^-'^^  ^«  -^anurnf  is^roCy—: 

i/oir  the  San  Jose  Scale  Spreads 

San  Jose  Scale  can  spread  fml  V.      .    1  "^"  "'''^''  '^'^'^  "  1«  that  the 

for  greater  distanr^  1  ^nTy  d::,::  llTnTs^T^'''  ''''''''''  ""^  «-' 
that  one  of  these  little  nesf«?«n  **"f''^ /'^^  ^^^^  '^^^  hours  of  its  existence 
even  then.  It  is  ll-ZbieTvir  f  "*"'  ""^  «'>««"'atIon  has  shown  that, 

most  from  he  trTon  w^C  iZ  T  "'  "'"'"^  ""^^  "»'^"  '^  ^«-  '-^  at 
insects  make  goLl  a^r  sX  5o  th'  „ '7"-  """^  '""•''  ""^  ^«  «'«»  «theV 
young  scale  hHawle;  u'L  The t^^^^^^^^^  «"^  "«  ^-»>*  -"^'  '^ 

and  thereon  voyaged  to  the    llsfLt  r     !      J  ""^"  '°"'^  '"«^'-  '°«^'t 

doubt,  also,  stronHusts  of  «^  d  of t  w  °^r"'*''''  ''''  ""'  '"''''''''-  ""'^ 
which   thoy  are   crawnn/an      w  f/ .^  *''^'"  ^^^  '"'«'"  *he  bark  on 

trees.  These  are  pTv  Ins  oJ  nf  J"'".'"  "^"  ''■'^'"''^'^  «^  neighboring 
the  Channels  oTtr'^..^  hey  1  tr"  , T  ''^*f """«  '^'  «I-'-  Through 
to  continent.  u,K,n  nrfe^I  rs:;  st^cutt^^^^^^^^^^  """/^°"  ^""""^"^ 
lesser  extent  upon  infeste*!  frnir  r.!,  f  ««ng«.  etc.,  and  probably  to  a 
infested  tree  n  ay  tra«  tl^  L.  .  !. ''"'^  '"'''"'  ""^"'^**«'>-  t"'^*'"  ^..m  an 
or  may  infest  an  eX  ,^^0  tZ'  r"'"'"'  '"  "''^'^  *'^^'  "''^  •"--'• 
distributed  to  many  0":^'^%  ^•:^so  loZI  7^^'  ""'  "'™  "" 
about  upon  the  hands  and  clothes  of  thrmr  uh  '"""''  ""■"  """'*^" 


The  general  distribution  of  the  Hcale  through  Canada  and  the  States 
has  l)een  brought  alwut  by  planting  unfumlgatwl  nursery  stcKk.  Prof.  L.  O. 
Howard,  of  the  United  States  Departnunt  of  Agriculture,  tells  us  tliat.  in 
spite  of  the  wide  dissemination  of  scaly  fruit  in  this  country,  and  to  some 
extent  abroad,  there  is  not  a  single  authenticatetl  instance  of  the  scale  having 
been  established  from  such  ninterial.— ZVom  pai)cr  by  ^^'illiam  lloitkitis,  read 
before  Ontario  Fruit-iSrowcrH'  Aumeiation,  yort;iihcr.  J!K)7. 
How  TO  Control  the  San  Jose  Scale. 
The  .S'nn  Jose  Scale  a  Permanent  Factor  in  Fruit-<lroirni!/. 

The  San  Jose  Scale  is  so  widely  disseminated  and  has  become  so  firmly 
established  In  ths  principal  deciduous  fruit  regions  of  this  country  that  its 
extermination  is  now  in  most  cases  out  of  the  question.  In  the  r  ain.  theri»- 
fore,  the  San  Jose  Scale  nuist  be  recognised  as  a  permanent  'actor,  to  be 
regularly  dealt  with  as  are  other  Insect  evils  or  the  fungous  diseases  of  plants. 

E:;termlnatlon  Is  possible  only  where  the  scale  is  detec-ted  at  the  very 
outset  on  new  or  recently  jilanted  nursery  stock,  or,  at  least,  before  any 
considerable  chance  of  spread  has  been  affordetl.  It  is  true  that  by  the 
greatest  care  in  the  introduction  of  nursery  stock  the  San  Jose  Scale  may 
be  kept  out  of  districts  now  free  from  it  for  years,  i»erhaps.  and  one  is 
warranted,  therefore.  In  adopting  every  precaution  to  avoid  introducing  this 
scale  and  even  to  attempt  extermmation  wherever  the  conditions  are  reason- 
ably favourable.  There  is  only  one  certain  method  of  exterminating  the 
scale,  and  that  is  in  digging  up  and  burning  all  Infested  trees.  This  is  an 
heroic  remedy  and  is  advlsetl  only  under  the  conditions  of  very  recent  Intro- 
duction of  nursery  stcx-k — in  other  words,  where  the  scale  is  discovered 
within  a  few  months  after  the  purchase  of  the  infested  trees.  If  the  scale 
has  passed  an  entire  breeding  season  in  an  orchard,  it  will  have  spread 
much  more  widely  than  any  inspection  will  indicate  and.  very  likely,  will 
have  gained  a  foothold  on  wild  and  ornamental  plants,  other  than  fruit  trees, 
from  which  it  will  i-e-lntrofluce  Itself  into  neighbouring  orchan.s  or  info 
n»w'ics.  howeve:  thorough  'uayhave  1  eei;  th*  attempts  to  crclicu'  it. 
The  San  Jose  ,9rf,h;  fUii  h^  fniitKilInK 

While,  therefore,  one  is  undoubtedly  justified  in  asserting  that  the  Sun 
Jose  Scale  is  to  be  a  permanency,  it  by  no  means  follows  that  tlio  profitable 
growth  of  deciduous  fruits  Is  seriously  menacetl  on  this  account.  The 
experience  in  California,  covering  many  years,  has  abundantly  demonstrate<l 
that  this  scale  Insect  can  be  controlled,  and  the  more  recent  experience  in 
the  East  iwints  Indubitably  to  the  same  conclusion.  In  other  words,  by 
proper  repressive  and  remedial  treatment,  the  value  of  which  has  l)een 
demonstrated  by  much  practical  exi>erlence,  an  orchard  can  be  protected  from 
serious  Injury  and  kept  in  a  good  paying  condlton,  so  far  as  influenced  by 
the  San  .Tose  Scale. 

In  view  of  the  above,  It  is  certainly  very  unwise  and  wasteful  to  dig  up 
and  burn  a  large  portion  of  an  orchard  because  It  is  infested  with  this  scale 
insect,  especially  since  the  re-planted  stock,  even  If  clean  v'len  purchased, 
would,  with  little  doubt,  lie  in  the  same  condition  of  infestation  In  i  very 
short  time. 


.....«"::"  z  X'?i;:.::  z.:^T''  rr-"  '^  ^"  •"-'-- 

»H'  ...•< .|mnl,Ml  with  Kv^nt  It JSiZT  J,    ^'  "*  '""''*•  '""'  "'"  '"«">.. 

1...S  su,nv„  to  b;  of  ,>rr;,ruv„,;;;: '"'''"  ""^ ""'"  '"^'-^  -"•^"  — i.... 

77fp  Liiiir  and  Siil,,hiir  HV/a,/, 

in  the  KMst  thmv  doubt  on  its  U.  i  '    "-^'"''•'•'"'•^  "'th  this  w„sh 

Son..    h.t.,-\^x,K;.     ^nts^^ho^^^^^^^^^  "'?"""    """'    "'    *'"'    '-"'t-l    States. 

<--<llt>ons  l.U>  K.„  tr  e\e^  f .  oJ';;?  ?'T."  '""'  "'""•"""■  "'"  -"'»"- 
OitionH  on  th,!  I-ncil  roas  t  r  ';  "r'"'^'"«-  '"  "  '"-«"«•".  the  c.n- 
tunately.  the  weather    3  H.    1  .  '  ^***^'"^*'  ^"  *"^  *^"«t  als<,.    i-„f.„.. 

i"  the  East  isno  ^o^:  e  r.  Bu';  if  """!;"'•  "'"'•  ''''''''"''^'  '^^  "- 
two  weeks,  at  ot  Tlr     ™..ef       . /.  ^■'^"'''*^'^'-«'^'*'  I^'rio<l    (lo  days  or 

wonhl    probablv   «  -e    V  n-     I  is    ctZ         ',?""""'  '''''''  '''''  ^"*"^'»-'^-  '» 

"...>.;-.  It  is -a  Winter ^:^..i:;;r;:  ir:;:ne;r^.;;z:'orTr  -" 

•»r  at  any  time  prior  to  sprinu  growth  J»»i>ai,   or  tebrnary. 

s.i::;;^i:'.r.rr.=L:::i.r        --  --  - 

for  sonu.   tine    ren  a  ^  "    in       n         ""'  ""  "'""'  '"''  ""  ""^-"'■''>*'  ->"ti>'^' 

It  is  well  niKh  in.  isi  .^ ;/  :/;;r;'":u^  nr  ''''"■" ''"'  """•^  ^^"''"• 

thonsh   tlutt  shoul.1  by  all   n  ea"s  be   tl^  ..^  ""''.  "^  ""'  Hl>raying_ 

Imdly  infestwl    it  is  advis.l  i.  1  f   """-•»<"'"*'•    '»^l»«''-e  orehards   are 

On  wlndv  da  I       is'  ,' .    ' '    1""T."'*'  "  ''*"^'  .'"^"'*^  '"''^  ^"  ^  ""t"'"'^'- 
sary  to  sprav  one  sI.Ip  ,.f  ti.  >  ♦  ireqnentlj   it  iH-t-onies  neces- 

.hat  I  ^rt''",;:;:::;;*':  '■""7" ','" '»"  ■"«*  •'"'"'■ » '■  '»■-»«- 


m       •        "  :"•"■'""  '•••*""•••"«»•     'f  '""•"  f,H.H  an.  U-rt  witl...nt  sprav- 

"V      ;  ""I''  "■'■"""  "^^  '■""'•"■^'  •^'"•'"« "  '^'"«'*'  ""'""»'••  »""t  the  tn.;^ 

Fall  Spbayino. 
(litirntl  Siiuntiury  and  VomUiHionn. 

iU>u  ^'VlT  '""*'V"r  "■*•'■''  "'-*"  *'""  '•'■"'""'"  ""'  "'«"'^«  attending  tlu-  a,.pll,«- 
1...1  <.f  the  sulphur  wanhes  were  s,,n.ewh«t  c.nflhtlUK'.  since  s,.n,e  of  the 
reatnuMits  eaus,.!   iujurles  t»  the  buds  aud   hlosso.ns.   while  <,ther. 

in  m.  „,anner  affe-ted  the  health  of  the  trees.     Rut  as  .esanls  the  inse<-,i. 

elda.  v«l«»  of  the  treatments,  ail  the  ex,K.rin.ent«  sIu.w^hI  that  applieav  .,ns 

Mg<.ur  an,l  fruitfulnes.  ,lue  to  the  «,ntrol  of  the  scaIe.-««//r//«    \o     m 
'^cw  York  Aurkiiltiiruf  KjiK-riiiieiital  Station.  '   ~     ' 



Chapter         I. — Introduction    o 

..             11. — Remedies    j. 

III. — Beneficial  Insects    2G 

^^'— ^"sePt  Pests  of    Man  and  Animals,  Diseases  of    Poultry  and 

Treatment  of   Wounds    34 

w             V. — Animal  Tests   g< 

•>            VI. — Pests  and  Diseases  of  Bees gj 

..          VII. — Plant  Diseases   j2 

„        VIII. — Aphides  and  Mites    202 

"           IX- — Insects  Attacking  Leaves  and  Twigs II4 

ti             X. — Insects  Attacking  Fruit   13g 

..           XI. — Borers    249 

„         XII. — Insects  Attacking  Roots I57 

XIII.— Weevils    205 

„        XIV.— Scale  Insects  I75 

■  ■m 


I  i 



AlMtrtiuii,  coulaKioim    /: 

A ranthiu   lactularia    ..!!.!. V 

A-Jgrrio   tipuliformin    'J^J 

Aninioniacal  Coiipcr  « •nihoimt.-   .' .' '.'.V 

.1  mmophila  Uiituom - ' 

.1  nthumin  witarum    '.!!!!.' .ir 

.•1 .   bramiira:    .'!.'.'.'.'.'.'.' ^'•'* 

AnthuHom u*  aigitatun J5L* 

AnKouinoiH  Crnin  Molh .'  * |f5 

Animal    Peats 17.1 

Anthracnosp  Raspberry  and  BlarklMriv Si 

..  Tomato    ■. ; JJJ 

Apple ;  •  •     'ZZ 

Aithf:linuM  funviprnnin    '. -'•      ♦•| 

.1 .   dia»phid(H     •*' 

Aphides  and  Mites -i!J! 

Aphit  bragaavw "  ' '   i^l 

.4.  rumida *   ^J 

A.  malt  Iw 

Aphis,  Turnip  and  Cabbage' .' .'.'.".".'.' JSJ 

„       Bean     *•• 

..    Apple .■.■.■.■;.■;;■; }95 

„       Black  Cheny   JfS 

Cm-rant    |w 

„       Mealey  Plum    ..'. }]S 

,.       Woolly 107 

..       Grain    110 

Apple  Tree  Mildew    ' .' ,' 11^ 

„       Powdery  Mildew .'. 5l 

..       Aphis    ■ ; » 

„       I.ieaf  Roller,   Lesser   i^ 

Worm,  Lesser   ^.^ 

Fruit  Miner .' |*J 

»       Fruit  Borer   '. '. j** 

,.       Tree  Borer,  Bronze   .*'.'.' ifS 

„      Tree  Bark  Louse   f 22 

..       Scab     •.•.•/.•.•. V,y   1^5 

„       Anthracnoae    r|'     '^ 

„       Canker 21,     7^ 

Apparatus «^ 

Arseuitea    •} 

Arsenite  of  Lime  with  Soila o-i 

Arsenoid,  Green    jr; 

Arsenate  of  Lead t 

Arsenic    !.!!!.! i- 

.irgyrcsthia    vonjuyiUa    .........'..'. ,V^' 

Aapidiotua   o^traformia iln 

.4.  pcrninoaiia   i  *jj 


Bark  Louse,  Peach  Tree ,-j. 

Oyster   Shell    '...'.'.'. U!j 

Bacteriosis  of  Potatoes   ^Av 

Batillus  aolaiiaccanim     .', ^? 

liacUlua  am i/lovorua J;, 

Bacterial  Disease  of  Tomatoes  ...'!.'.';.'".' ,u 

BfUfficiai    Insects     ' ^ 

Bembicia  marginata     '. ,  rj; 

Benzine     l'.JV 

Bed  Bug ••••••••••^••"^i;i::ii;!:::::::::::::;::::;:;::::  io 


Hi'f   .Miitli 

..       Ktilil     Ki'oihJ     .' 

,••  '''••ki'-   ..     .;.;;■■■■ 

IJcfih.  T:ii-ni|.   |.'|,.u 

Uf-d-lifiiilfil    Flt'a 

MliHii-r      '  ■ '  ■ 

"••nil  Aphis    . . 

.  ..    \\v..vii   .;. 

Hill.T    Itnl      

jllnck  Vin.'  W.-i-vil 

jiack  (iroiiiKl   Wn»u'[ 

Miuksp,,!  rank.T  ...      

K  H.kl...irv  .vntiiia,.,,,,^,;';;;" 

HIikIiI,   Firi.     

IViir  I,cnf  . . ,"."  ,*."."" 
I  riHli  or  Lnte  of  rotnt 



Hunlcuiix   .Mixfiiri'- 


not  Fly. 




I{<.    :i(l-lii>a(|<>(|      .  . 
Flat-hcad.Ml     . 
IN'iic'h  Tr,.,.   ....■■ 
("nlifoi-nia  iV-a.-li  Tr,'.,". 
Nti-aulMTry  ('rown 

••    "ro"'"'  /<v]>U'  'I'r,'.. ; ; 

Imporied  Currant    . 
KaHpbfrry  Cain- ." 

Brown  Rot  ' 

liruchun  pinonitii 

If.  obtrrtiig   ...  


Biiit<.rH.v.  whii.Vrahbi;,;.-;;-' 

Bud  .Moiii 

Carlmlif  Acid    . 

( 'an vas  f •overs  for  Fumigiii  ion 

(  aloMoma  vululum  . 

<  alonii'l 

Tnrhon  Disulphiii.." 

<  altle  Tick    .  

•      I»"t  Fly   .  .'.■.■. 

Horn   FIv   .  

..      /.ic     ..•. .    

<'iuik.'r.   niack«p((|     .'.■.■.■.■; 

Apple  iind  IV-ar 

ItllllciJIy      ■ 


-MmkxoI     ....'.'.'.[,','.[[ 

ruHiirriiim    .  . 

fyt/ioiritxa  iioniotKlhi 

f'liluiiilni  !/riiiiiniii  ...    

f.  iiri/zir   

<Vicry.  1J„(  i,| 'sVoiv.'! 

1  hiluiuiiiK   hiriihn  tin  

t'/iri/xDiMi  iiriilatii   .         

Chnlcrii.  poulirv    



( ' 

( 'ihiiria 


..      «J7 

..     «7 

..     «R> 

..     71 

..     71 

. .    IKt 

..    117 

..    IIH 

. .    IIU 

. .  ia*> 

.    170 

.     Ki 

.    1115 

•     '}} 


.     7I» 

.      Ml 

.      HJI 

.      i»l 

.    m 

.      !C. 
.      1!» 

:.    i!» 

.     41 


.  141» 


















riiirry  Sliiu     '  *"*' 

..       ApliJM     '...'.'.'.'.'.'.'". 1-"" 

<  'IrHtln >••<' 

< 'lollii'M  .MiiiliM '-^ 

riiHioKiitiim     I  iin  riraiiu    ........'. ,.\*j 

'■.  mhIxiIiiii    ';'•' 

C«>|»rwr  Siil|i|ini.>   Soluiio'n    .......'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.■.■.■'.■ '.•;',' 

..       <'iirli<ii:i<i)'   Aiiiiiiiiiiiii  iil    '-\ 

»  <iiiH<'rvaiori.>N.   fiiiiiiitniioii   of    .-' 

<  ollon  S.i'il  Oil -* 

< 'iml  'I'nr :|**I 

•  'iiyoD'M    '.  .' ''*' 

'  'oiiKii rn     .'!..'."....". 'J' 

>''illi  liitiii  hum   lnvourritii  i J?.' 

*;h\uuii  .Moth ..'.'.'.'.'.'. !'■• 

f'DHutiitihiluH  III  iiiiiihiir \'^ 

<  '"iiliiKioiiM  AlMtrlioii 'J'' 

« 'ro|)-lH(iiiiil.  I'oiillrv •/' 

<  "lowii   ('.iill    '. :.••'' 

t 'ill woiin   I. ion .',H 

viiricisuicil .ilii 

,,     "        '»  uruiii    ...'.'.'.'." !.";r 

<  iirruui  ApliJM     '-| 

U  <»nn.   Iiiiiioi-IimI JI!!' 

.mhki:(»i    :  • . ; ; -';"; 

Hon-r ji'i 

< 'nniilio    '•»;» 

('llliiidrijHiHirium  imji  . . . . . . . .  ............".'.'.".'.".".'.'■.' '■*'/ 

Diitumn   hrimticum    „ 

DiHfaiH-M.  n»>»>M  ...  »" 

rianiM    ...'....'.'.'.'. 'j". 

,       ..         Poultry     ; i'r, 

r)iaiuonil-lm<-k  llot  h ,  •••• 

hiltloHtu  tritici ]•»- 

iMiijrIaH  ytlxtiire  for  Toiilt ry ".'.'.".' .' "7 

pry  Hot  of  Potatoes ;*}, 

DiiHt    '>>5 



HHtomnnporiiim  maiulatum ^*!| 

Kpicauta   ^' 

Kpoch rn  ( 'anndciiHin  ............'. '  j!J 

Hrannin  drfoliaria     ]\^ 

Kiiropean  Fruit  Scale    ..".'..; ]'ir 

hxoancuM  diformann  ^  «•; 


Fall  Webwortn 

False  Wirewornis   V^} 

Fire   Bliirht    l'"'* 

Fluke,    Liver    W. .['.'.'.'. ,'^'! 

Flies,  IIou!<e    '"• 

Fleas   4»S 

Flea  Beetle,  Turnip     ...".".'.;;;;.'; ,!*•,' 

Red-headed JJL* 

Hop  I]' 

Flat-headed   Borer    l]p 

Formalin     !•''• 

Foul  Brood,  Bees    ...■...;.■.'.■.■■.■ 22 

Fruit  Borer,  Japanese     *!:* 

Pear 3fj 

Fuutcicides    ' ■''»  * 

Fumifcation     ■••■............... ^'* 

Futicladium  dendriticum ?^ 

F.  pirnum l'^ 

Futarium  oxyaporum .....'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. A2 

>         OQ 



Oasoline    35 

Oattrophilua  equi    41 

Gad  Fly ■..'.■.■.■.■.■.■ '.'.'  44 

Gapes,  Poultry ' "  " ] .  r^ 

Gall,  Crown  or  Root 72 

„     of  Linden '.'.'.'..     ...'..'.'.  73 

Olaoaporium  malicorticia 75 

O.  vcnetum    !!!!!.'!!!!!  88 

Olomerella  rufo-maculana   !....!..! 82 

Gophers ...!...!!.!.!!!!!  61 

Gooseberry  Mildew 80 

Worm 128 

„         Borer,  Black I53 

Green  Araenoid  !...!....  24 

Greenhouses,  Fumigation  of 24 

Ground  Squirrels 61 

Grass,  Diseases  of H6 

Grain  Aphis 1 1;{ 

Grasshoppers 114 

Orapholitha  prunivora '.  542 

Granary  Weevil 172 

Grain  Moth,  Angoomois IT.i 

Gummosis ; \ 78 

Oymnonpchus  appciidkulatug 128 

Hamatohia  scrrata   47 

Hamatopinut  euryatcrnus '. !.!!!.!!!!!!!  48 

H.  auia    '...'.  4U 

Hadcna  dcvaatairix !...!.!!!!!...!!!!.  12.H 

A .  arctica  '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.  1 2."» 

Harvest  Fly 127 

Hellebore,  White !......!!.!........  17 

Hellebore  Spray    ' !!.'!!!!!!!.'  18 

Helicidw    !...!!.!!.!!!!!  ]2(t 

Hippodamia  amhigua ~\\ 

H.  convergena   ...'..'.'.'."!  'A'2 

Hovering  Fly 32 

Horse  Bot  Fly 41 

Hi  use  Flies 46 

Horn  Fly 47 

Hopper-Dozer II.t 

Hop  Flea  Beetle 119 

Hop  Aphis 107 

Hydrocyannic  Acid  Gas 24 

Hffpoderma  lineata  , . . .  43 

H.  bovia   [  //,  44 

Hyalopterua  pruni 107 

Hyphantria  textor 13.'{ 

Insects,  lives  of 0 

„         attacking  leaves  and  twigs !!.!!.  114 

..               .,         fruit    las 

..                „          roots    ]r>7 

Insect  Pests  of  Man  and  Animals  34 

Insect  Powder i~ 

lusecticides    13  34 

/«'»»    '.'.'. . .'  HU 

Jnpani>se  Fruit  Borer   14({ 

June  Bug,  Western  Ten  Lined 157 

^ 158 

Kerosene  Emulsions 


Ladybirds 31,     32 

liace-winged  Fly  32 

Ij&ce  Bugs    130 

Loverna  herellera  146 


Laehnoatema  fuaca \r- 

Jxg  Weakness,  Poultry ^'JJ 

Leaf-curl,  Peach     'J? 

Potatoes JjV 

Leaf  Roller,  Oblique-Banded   .' .' .' i:.,, 

„            Lesser  Apple \'n^ 

Lecanium  nigrofaaciatum   {-A 

L.  peraicw    !.!!..'! i-Ii 

L.  armeniacum   \i]l 

Lime  and  Sulphur  Wash '..'.'.'.'. if. 

Lime     '      ^;J 

Limacida;    ^^'Jf 

Umax  agrcatia   '. .    ' " " J„o 

Liver  Fluke ^~ 

Lice,  Cattle,  Hogs,  Sheep  '."  V. Vv  do 

Lice,  Human  Beings   '  r V 

Lice,  Poultry    'It 

Locusts     .' ." '}'* 

liye  and  Soap  Wash    ■••••.•............'.'.'.'..'..'.'.'.'. jj 

Macrophoma  curviapora    -- 

Maeroaporium  aolani ! ! A't 

Magdalia  JEncacena   i  -, 

May  Beetle    '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. \'rl 

Melophagua   ovinua      ...!!!..,! q- 

Melanloplua  aprctua   I'^l 

Mildew,  Powdery   .",■.■.■ 01  "  s-     Lt 

Cxooseberry     -'•  ^''    ^p 

..        Rose    '^_ 

Apple  Tree '.'.'.'.'.'. v-i 

.,        Onions    ,  L 

Mites,  I'oultry '. k.- 

Mites  and  Aphides ^-vJ 

Mite.  Pear-Leaf  Blister '. ]]&. 

Mint  Disease 'Jc, 

Midge,  Wheat   '.'.'.'.'.'.'. 110 

Miner,  Apple  Fruit   .' i  ij 

Mosquitoes    ^1? 

Moths,  Clothes t! 

Moth,  Winter    '.[ 4n 

„      Mottled  Umber   '.'.'.'.'.". lSl> 

„      Diamond  Back    .'.'.' \'no 

„      Tussock    io7 

Mouldy  Core   ^^' 

Mouldy  Rot   .'.'.'.'.".' 09 

Monilia  fructigcna    ',,[ " "  •     qJ 

Muaca  domeatka    !!!!!!.! 2fi 

Myzua  ccraai J^ 

M.  ribia : . : : ]^, 

Mytilaspia  pomorum    !..!.!!!!!.'.*!!! 177 

Nectaria  ditiaaima   _„ 

Xectarophora   granaria    ...!!! 110 

yematua  ventriroaua    iko 

Xephopteryx  rubisoneUa ij- 

Xozzles  for  Spraying ^'*' 

Nursery  Stock,  Fumigation  of •'•"!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!'.!!! 24 

Obrrea  himarulata    ^    ' 

(Edemaaia  concinna   JQv 

Onion  Maggot   \\\\\ "    "  ]'^ 

„     Rust  or  Mildew  ^S 

Ooaporia  acabiea ^ 

Orgyia  aniiqua   .' ." -^ 

Otiorhynckua   aulcatua    ,3f 

Ox  Bot  Fly 155 

Oyster  Shell  Bark  Louse •--!.".".'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;*.!!!! 177 



Paris  rir(H>n   

„        •.     .       Spray     '...'.  [ '. '. '.',',' 
I  arai/rotm  Ofhrotfantcr 

I'fach  Leaf  ("uri    '.'. 

Tree   Borer     . .  .........". 

„.■•       <'nliforiiia     .. 

\\  wvil     

IVii   Weevil    

/'riitiliK     mini  III, .  .  '  ' 

/'rroiioMiioni    i,r/,hi,h'ii'iuii,i  ".'.'." 
IVnr  Seal)    

..     <'anl{er    . .      

..     lA'ttf  Blislit    .'." 

..     Slug     

..     I-eaf  Blister  Mite  

•.     Fruit  Borer   . .  

/  rrulromn  noiiiia    .  

I  hlitoitthora  iiifcitiaiii,  ".'. 

I  hyuarum  rinrreum  

I  nyUotrrta   rittata    .      

Pni/toiitiiM  pyri    

Phoroilon   humiili    . 

rhorbin   rritanim    ..    

I'lckle  BrotMl,  Bees        

I'icrin   ttiiur    

Plant   Diseases    

Plum  Aphis.   MeaJy  ".*.".' 

..      rnreulio    .* .' 

PluUIUi   mnrulipciniiH    

t-.    irunfrrarum    

I  oisoned  Bordeaux  Mixture 

Powdery  Mildew   ...  

PotasBiiun  Sulphide 

Poultry.  Diseases  of 

rodoHphwra   oxiiaronthir       

lotato,  Irish  or  Late  Bliitiit 

..        Early  Blight     ....      

lieaf   Curl    '"  ' 



-        Dry   Rot    . . . '.    

„  ...        Wet      

foll/phyUa  dcwmlinvata    '.'. 

lnt/lhodrH  puHctulata  .  .  

Pumps  for  Spraying    ...    


Purchtia   mcnfhw    .'. 

Pyrethrum     ■_■".". 

Quassia  Chij^  and  Whale  Oil  Soap 


Raspberry  Anthraon'oi,e 

Saw  F\y-  or  Leaf  Worn" ." 

y  ane  Borer 

„    ",      Koot  .■;;; 

Ifarhrla   occidental ig     .  

uemedies     ....  ■ 

Uesin   Wash 

Red  Water  and  Ticks " ." .' : 

"t^-hPajled  Flea  Beetle  .      

Ken  Spider    

Iied-huiui>ed  CJa'teriliil'aV  ' .' .' 

Rice  Weevil   ...  

Roup  ....  

Root  Gall  ".'.'.'.■ 




..       9 

. .     18 

..   12.- 

11,     W 

..    !.-.«• 

. .   151 

.   171 

.   17« 

.    1ll(i 

.    :jo 

.    ur, 

■    T' 

.  M 
.  12«i 
.  ](K! 
.  147 
.  122 
.  S!» 
,  !HJ 
.    IKi 


























.     16 




RotH  of  Plants,  &c> ^*"^: 

Rose  Mildew   ^z 

Rocky  Mountain  IiO«nist    '.'.'.'. , ,  1 

Rot  of  Htorwl  ( VIerv ]/,? 

RoiimMieadtHi  Rorer ].}. 

RuHt,  Onion '4'.' 


Saprriia  Candida    

Xanninnidtn   vTilioHa    ,,', \2'' 

Sainiania  Pacifira '•_•*' 

.,     I'otatocM    .'.'.' '••' 

S<'al».  Apple  and  I'ear -H 

Srhizituiura   Imiifjcra .  , ,  '*• 

Srymnun  murtiinivoUlH   .".'.' '.''' 

S<'ale   Inse<'ls .  . -1 

Kuro|)ean  Fniit HD 

..      Peach  Tree    '.'.'.'.'.'.'. U"! 

Rrown  Apricot   .' ' jili 

Woolly-maple    J iJL 

..      ( ).vstei'-8liell    .■.'.■.■ ]i\ 

San  Jose ! i'** 

Srlandrin   vrrani    .  .                   ' '" 

s.   jfiihi    • ; !:.'<! 

Sheep,   IJver    Fluke    '..'.'. 'H" 

..    Tick  : ; ; ; -Hi 

Shotliole  FiinKUs •'!" 

Sitotroga  cvrvahlh ,!!!.^ 

Skunks    J  <•» 

SluKH  and  Snails *»*» 

SIuK.  Pear  and  ( 'herry  . .    "J^* 

Smut  in  (Jrain   '. . .  •_  1-*' 

Spraying  Xozzles    ...........'." '. !>7-l(tl 

Sphwrothrra   morit-uiir '*^ 

S.  pannona   \ '*^J 

S.  mali •**! 

I^phwrclla  frur/ariw ^~ 

Starved  Rrood  Bees  ...  ^'> 

Strawberry  Leaf  Rlight    ...'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Jl 

..  Crown  Borer ,^* 

Weevil    }'>i 

Sulphur     ■    iJi-> 

_  ,". . ,  »»n*'  r-'«n»>  Wash'  .!!!!!!!.'.".'!! *,'!,' 

Sulphide  Potassium    J-' 

Syrphus  Fly -'.{ 

Hystcna  frontalin .,', •**- 


Tachina   Fly    

Tar.   Coal     '.'.'.'.'.'.'. '^^ 

Tetrani/ihuH   UlariuM •"»♦' 

Tvras   tninuta    1'"-- 

Tent  Caterpillar   '■'■'.'.'.'.'.'.l'.'.'.'.'.'.'.]'.] 'i'l 

.   ••                 Forest    -J;]*! 

ThtptcrphaUis  annulatun    ....             '•^" 

Thrips     .'IS 

Tick,  sheep    ...'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.",', VM 

..      ca  1 1  le W 'p 

and  re«l  water    . .    •^** 

Tiitrn  taprtzrlla  and  oi  hers  '..'.'. /  ;  -.H.' 

I  illitia   iHiit M    -»•'.  4 ( 

'/'ini/itidia'      ........'. "~ 

Tmitoino    orrdaiia l;*" 

Tolinc<(>  and  soap  wash I'"' 

Tolmcco     .'..'. 1 " 

Tttumio   tiacicrial    (iisease •••' 

disease     [\[\ !M 

Trii-hiidri-tfH   Kriiliirix ""* 

7'.    xphn'rorcpliahiH '*■*< 


■i  'I 


Turpentiue,  Oil  of 

Turnip  Flea  Beetle   . . . ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " 

„    ..       Aphis     

Tussocic  Moth   , 

Tylodcrma  fovcolatum   . '. .  .* .' .' ." .'  ,*  .*  [ 

Uttilago  carbo 

yarifgafod  Ciit-worni 

Vermin  on  Poultry  

Wasp,  Blacit  (5 round   . . .' 

Warble  Fly     

Web-worm,  Fail 

Western  Strawberry" (.'rowii-Bore'r' ." 
Western  Ten-Lined  June  Bug  ... 
Weevils * 

..  Black  Vine  . . . .' .' ." .' .'.'.'"" 

,.  Strawberry 

»  Pea    \' 

».  Bean      

ft  on  Peach  Trees  ." .' .'  .*  .* .' .' .' ' ; 

»  Granary 

..  Rice     

Whfte  Si'llfCr ""  Quansia  Chips- 
Wheat  Midge  ...*.! 

White  Grufis 

Winter  Moth 

Wire-worms   .!!.*.'.!.* 

„-     ..  False  . . .' . ! ." .' ." 

Wounds,  Treatment  of 

Wolves    ....  

Woolly  Aphis ' : : : : : ; : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;  ; 

Xylocriut  Agats  rii    


.  86 
.  116 
.  134 
.  152 


....  122 
....  54 
....  33 
.43,  44 
....  i;« 
....  152 
....  157 
....  165 
. ...  165 















VICTORIA,  B.  C.  : 
Pru-U.!  I.y  R,c,M„  Wo.r«K«.v.  i.s.O.,  V.  D.,  Printer  to  the  Ki.^".  Mo«  KxceU.nt  Majeety 

1909.  ''