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Full text of "A statement concerning the extent, resources, climate and industrial development of the Province of Ontario Canada [microform]"

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:---  i 

The  lYoviDce  of  Ootario 


Its  Extent,  Resources,  Climate 
Mnd  Development 

Prepared  by^Dlrectioa  of  the  Commii..ioner  of 
Crown  L^q4m-  i 909 



Extent,  Resources,  Climate  and 
Industrial  Development 




Prepared  by  Direction  of  THE  HON.   E,   J,   DAVIS, 

Commissioner  of  Cromn  Lands 


rinted  by  Order  of  the   I.cKisIa,  i  v  e  Assemblv  of  the 
Province  of  Ontario  by   L.    !<.   Cameron.    Pr'intor 
to  the   Kind's   Most    lixcenent   Majesty. 
Toronto,    n>oj. 

Wiirwirk  liroH  .V   Knttti. 
I'riiitiTK,  Toronto. 




Introductory  Survey 
Climate  of  Ontario 
Tourist  Attractions 
Political  Institutions 
Ontario's  Agriculture 

Northern  Ontario 

cMineral  Resources 

Forest  Wealth 

Commercial  Fisheries 



Lakk  Ontakki. 









The  Province  of  Ontario. 


{Kxtruit  ftnni  ,111  iuUr,\s  itt/ivtn;/  hv  tin-  \U^\.    Ku  maki»   M.\nnMKr. 
.^fiiiisfir  of  fuiunifioH,    DntntiK.) 

CAN  ii   cmintry    K-  named    the   si/c  ot  ourys,   with  a  like  popula- 
tmii    and     like    condition",,    vvlurc    the    people    Kenerall>    are 
either    iTiore    contented    or  pri»perous  f     Where    the    ),'eneral 
avera^'c    of  eom(i>rt     is    hij;her  /     Where    the  prospects   of  a 
r--»g.    ;  ^^'■y    hri),'ht    fuiiire    iire    more  eiicoura^'in>;>     Wheie  there    is 

ySf^J  l^"'"'   illiteracy,   less  crime,   less  abject    want-' 

y^     I  Times    were    hetter    than    now.       No    man    \m:ms\     he 

'       i>ut  ot  employment.      .\o  class  is  discontented.      No  j;rievances 
exist.        The   mechanic,    the    laborer     everyone     has    work    to 
do.  and  a  jjood  waj^e  for  doinj;  it. 

The  farmer  is  prospering'  Krvally.  and  he  brink's  to  bear  upon  his  uork, 
to  as  jjreat  an  extent  as  an\  where  the  whole  world  over,  keen  in'ellij^.nce  and 
critical  observation.  He  is  more  and  more  beckoning'  science  to  his  aid.  and 
his  callin^r  uas  never  so  hoiunirable  as  now.  The  acrea),'e  of  land  under 
cultivation  in  Ontario  has  increased  by  nearly  a  million  acres  in  ten  years. 

Our  mining'  industries  were  never  so  prosperous,  nor  the  output  or 
value  of  our  mines  as  l.irge.  We  are  only  bej;inninK'  »•>  appreciate  the  value 
of  our  herita^'e.  and  capitalists  the  world  over  are  constantly  examinin^f  into 
our  resources. 

l-ar^re  enterprises  are  beinj,'  successfully  launched,  new  undertakin^'N 
commenced,  and  that  spirit  oi  hopefulness  which  alone  is  needed  to  attract 
capital  for  all  kinds  of  undertaUinjrs  is  manifest  in  every  direction. 

Railways  are  bein^,'  constructed  and  vmi>,'rants  in  lar,,'e  numbers  are 
pounn^-    Into    our    inviting'    Northland.       Trade    is    buoyant    and    prosperity 


IXTROin  'CTOH  J  •  .SY  'A' /  E I ' 

W  K  history  o{  the  early  settlement  oi  Ontario  dates  back  about  one 
hundred  and  fifteen  years,  to  the  closf  of  the  .\merican;War  o»-  Inde- 
pendence. In  1784  about  io,o(X)  of  those  who  desired  to  maintain 
their  alle^'iance  to  the  .Motherland.  mif,'rated  from  New  Vork. 
Pennsylvama,  and  the  New  Kn-land  .States,  and  settled  aloni:  the 
River  :,l.  Lawrence,  around  the  Bay  of  guinte.  on  the  shores  of  Lake  Ontario 


P  K  O  V  I  N  C  l«:     O  F     O  N  T  .V  R  I  O 


■  ind  in  the  Niajrara  Peninsula.  They  are  known  to  history  as  the  United 
Kmpire  I.oyalists.  and  were  of  varied  descent,  numbering'  amon^  them  many 
sons  of  Kn^land.  Scotland  and  Ireland,  besides  persons  of  German,  Dutch 
-iiid  Huguenot  orijrin.  Some  were  farmers,  but  the  ^'renter  number  consisted 
of  discharged  officers  and  men  who  had  served  Great  Britain  in  the  late  war, 
and  were  unaccustomed  to  pioneer  life.  They  bej,'an  the  ardu- 
zarly  0"s  tasks  of   fellinj,'   the   trees,  clearing,'   the  'land,    for  Ontario 

Settlement.  ^as  an  unbroken  forest)  the  huildint,^  of  rude  houses  and  barns, 
and  the  plantinj,'  of  cleared  j^Tound  amonj,'  the  stumps  of  the 
forest  trees  with  wheat  oats,  and  potatoes  for  the  sustenance  of  themselves 
and  their  families.  In  1812  the  population  had  f^rown  from  practicallv  nothing' 
to,  all  of  whom,  with  the  exception  of  a  few  hundred,  were  en{ra|,'ed  in 
t.llin^'-  the  land.  .At  this  time  the  principal  articles  exported  from  the  farms 
were  oak  and  pine  timber,  and  potash  distilled  from  wood  ashes.  Graduallv 
a  larjrer  amount  of  land  was  broujjht  under  cultivation,  and  substantial 
dwellinf,'s  and  farm  buildinjjs  of  sawn  lumber  took  the  place  of  the  first  crude 
lo^  structures.  In  1830  there  were  five  towns  in  the  Province  of  oxer  1,000 
inhabitants  each,  viz:  Brockville,  1,130;  Hamilton,  2,013  ;  London,  2.416  ; 
Toronto,  2,860  ;  and  Kingston,  3,587.  The  Province  could  also  boast  of  one 
daily  paper  and  one  bank.  In  1837,  the  pop.ilation  had  increased  to  397.500, 
by  far  the  greater  portion  still  living  on  the  farm. 

About  that  time  an  extensive  immigration  set  in  from  England,  Scotland 
and  Ireland.  The  great  famine  of  1846  sent  Irish  immigiants  to  .America 
by  tens  of  thousands.  These  new  comers,  who  were  a  very  fine  class  of 
settlers,  located  as  a  rule  in  groups  or  blocks,  which  formed  the  nuclei  of 
some  of  the  richest  townships  of  Ontario.  In  this  manner  arose  the 
Highland  settlement  of  Glengarry,  the  settlement  of  English  gentlemen  and 
retired  military  officers  near  Cobourg,  the  Irish  settlement  near  Peterboro', 
the  military  settlement  near  Perth,  the  Talbot  settlement  in  Elgin,  the 
Canada  Company's  settlement  in  the  Huron  Tract,  the  block  of  Paisley 
weavers  in  Wellington,  the  Germans  in  Waterloo,  Huron  and  Renfrew,  and 
the   French  Canadians  in   Essex,  Prescott  and  Russell. 

The  year  1853  saw  the  beginning  of  the  railway  era,  the  first  lin-  in 
operation  being  that  from  Toronto  north  to  the  town  of  Bradford.  This  was 
followed  three  years  later  by  the  establishment  of  railwav  connection  between 
Montreal  and  Toronto  by  the  Grand  Tru-ik  Railway,  after  which  the  work  of  communication  and  transportation  faclities  was  pushed  forward 
with  vigor. 

The  lumbering  industry  now  assumed  very  large  proportions,  and  the 
lumbering  and  railway  operations  combined  with  the  influx  of  immigrants  and 
capital,  greatly  stimulated  all  branches  of  trade. 







,r  vv  ^It^'  ?'■"■■"  ''"'  ''  P^'P^I'-^tion  of  about  ..500,000.  Its  prinmry  sources 
o»  uealth  are  four  ,n  number  its  farms,  its  forests,  its  mines,  "nd  its  fisheries. 
VopuUtion.  "''"^  ''■'"  hereafter  be  briefly  described.  To  these  is  added 
manufactures  as  a  fifth.  Ajrricuiture  is  still  bv  far  the  most 
•mportant  mdustry  in  Ontario,  representing  $..000,000,000  of  invested 
capital  and  an  annual  production  of  over  $200,000,000. 

Ontario  has  an  estimated  area  of  two  hundred  thousand  square    mMes  - 
not  mciudmK^  that  portion  of  the  Great  Lakes  that  lie  within  the  international 

hrrdlh '/"     '  "•,  "'T'  '""^'^  ^"'"^  ""^'^  '"^  ^''"^'^  ^^f  750  miles,  and  a 
breadth  of  ,000  m.les.      It  .s  lar^^er  than  the  nine  north  .Atlantic  states  of  the 

c4r.4.  -^"^e--"^;'"  --epublic  by  one  third  ;  larger  than   Maine.  Neu    Hamp-    \  ermont.   New    York.   Pennsylvania  and  Ohio  combined  ; 
arger  than  Great  Bntam  and  Ireland  by  seventy-eight  thousand  square  miles 
It  IS  only  four  thousand  square  miles  less  than  the  French  Republic,  and  onlv 
e.ght  the  .sand  less  than    the  German   Empire.      Its  extent  cannot  be  fulh- 
realized  unt.l  one  has  travelled  from  end  to  end  over  its  territory      I  ess  than 
twenty  per  cent,   of  the  Province  has  yet  been  settled,  over  eightv  per  cent 
st.ll  bemg  in  the  hands  of  the  Crown.      In  round  figures  there  is'an  area  of 
100.000     n.les    unsurveyed.    a    considerable    portion    of    which    is    almost 
unexplored.     In  area  Ontario  alone  is  vast  enough  to  become  the  seat  of  a 
mighty  empire,   and  its  great  resources  warrant  it  in  aspiring  to  a  position 
of  great  commercial  importance. 

The  geographical  situation  of  Ontario,  bringing  its  southern  limit  almost  to 

the  centre  of  the  continent,  and  its  remarkable  water  transportation  facilities, 

afforded  by  the  lakes  and  rivers  which  bound  it  on  all  sides,  are  points  in  its 

favour  that  many  countries  might  envy.     Consider  the  position  of  Ontario  on 

the  great  waters  that  open  to  the  commerce  of  the  world-  the  mighty  inland 

seas.  Superior.  Huron.  Erie  and  Ontario,  with  their  outlet  to  the  ocean,  the 

River  St.  Lawrence.      While  its  northern  point  is  a  port  on  James 

adZnuJes.  ^^-'■'  "^  ^""^hern  point,   further  south  than  Boston  or  Chicago,  is 

washed    by    the    waters    of   Lake   Erie,    which  forms    with  other 

great  lakes  the    finest  system  of  inland    waterwavs  to  be  found  anvwhere 

Note  how  like  a  wedge  the  territory  of  Ontario  is  driven  right  into  the  heart 

of  the  great  agricultural  states  of  the  American  Union  ;  consider  how  manv 

large  cities  there  are  on  the  American  shores  of  these  lakes  and  throughou't 

the    territory    adjacent    thereto,    important  centres  of  industrial  population 

which  may  by  means    of  these    waterways  be    easilv    and  cheapiv    reached. 

Consider    that    by    a    little  deepening  and  widening  of  channels  and  canals 

that  already  exist,  ocean  vessels  of  deep  draught  might  be  brought  to  the 

doors  of  the  citizens  of  Ontario's  capital  itself;    how  with  a  little  widening 

and  deepening  of  the  present  canal    system    at    Niagara    Falls,    these  same 


» iR  O  V  I  N  C  IC     OF     ONTARIO 

vessels  mifjht  pass  throiijjfh  Lake  Ontario  and  Lake  Erie,  and  after  touching' 
at  such  ports  as  Buffalo,  Detroit  and  Chicajjo,  proceed  on  their  way  throuf^h 
Lake  Huron  to  the  City  of  Duluth,  at  the  farthest  western  limit  of  Lake 
Superior  thus  penetrating  half  way  across  the  continent,  a  distance  of  2,384 
miles,  and  there  tapping  the  prairies  of  the  West.  Already  vessels  drawing 
fourteen  feet  have  sailed  from  Lake  Superior  to  Kurope,  and  vessels  drawing 
twenty  feet  sail  from  Lake  Huron  to  Lake  Superior  ports.  There  now 
passes  through  the  Sault  Ste.  Marie  canals  at  the  juncture  of  Lakes 
Superior  and  Huron,  in  the  seven  months  of  navigation,  a  greater  tonnage 
of  shipping,  American  and  Canadian,  than  passes  through  the  Suez  canal  in 
the  whole  year.  These  facts  make  it  readily  apparent  that  the  geographical 
position  of  Ontario  gives  her  many  of  the  advantages  of  a  maritime  country, 
including  remarkable  natural  facilties  for  the  cheap  distribution  of  her  pro- 
ducts, whether  of  the  held,  the  mine  or  the  forest,  to  the  markets  of  the 


To  facilitate  description,  it  will  be  necesssry  to  divide  the  Province  into 
two  districts,  namely,  the  southern,  or  settled  portion  and  the  northern,  or 
sparsely  settled  portion.  The  settled  portion  is  contained  within  the  triangle 
or  wedge  of  country,  the  apex  of  which  extends  southward  into  the  territory 
of  the  United  States,  to  the  latitude  of  the  City  of  New  York.  This  triangle, 
49,000  square  miles  in  area,  forms  practically  an  island,  washed  by  the  waters 
of  two  large  rivers,  the  St,  Lfwrence  and  the  Ottawa,  and  three  of  the  great 
lakes,  Ontario,  Erie,  and  Huron,  thus  possessing  opportunities  for  commerce 
such  as  few  other  inland  countries  enjoy.  It  contains  over  twenty-three 
million  acres  of  occupied  farm  lands,  and  nearly  the  whole  of  Ontario's  popu- 
lation is  to  be  found  within  these  boundaries.  Southern  Ontario  is  for  the 
most  part  of  great  fertility,  and  may  be  described  as  purely  agricultural  land 
of  considerable  development,  suited  by  its  soil  and  climate  to  all  branches  of 
farming.  In  this  respect  it  is  very  similar  to  New  York  State  and  other  ad- 
jacent States  of  the  Union. 

Most  of  the  leading  cities  and  towns  of  Southern  Ontario  are  located  on 
the  shores  of  the  lakes  and  rivers  named  above.  The  following  brief  descrip- 
tion will  give  an  indication  of  their  size  and  commercial  importance. 

Toronto,  the  prosperous  capital  of  Ontario  and  the  second  city  in 
Canada,  is  situated  on  the  north  shore  of  Lake  Ontario,  and  has 
a  population  of  *2i  1,727  (1902).  It  is  ihe  principal  commercial  and  distribut- 
ing point  of  Central  Canada,  and  the  seat  of  the  University  of  Toronto  and 
many  other  leading  educational  institutions.  Its  mercantile  importance  is  in- 
dicated by  the  extent  of  the  financial  transactions  of  its  banks,  the  bank  clear- 
*  Assessor's  figures. 













'ys  for    HJ02  amountinir  to  $800  o-S  "r. 

the  previous  year.  '»'«°9.o,8.,,9.  an  increase  of  $,S3.85o.253  over 

•'^h.p   yards,    distilleries,    carriaL^e     ^i-.^        ^    ,^"'    ^"'^    ^'''^''"S   houses, 
tories.     The  city   occupies    •        ':  •  ,    "     •  •''«'''"^"'»^'-^''    implement    fac- 

Canadian    Pacifi^  and  G^n;'V:     :  r'^  Z'^^'^'""  ''  ^'  -'-^  -"^re.   the 
roads    makin,.   it    the    radius  of   "h^  ' "  '■'T'''   '"''^    '^''^   '"-'butarv 

-hilo   in    the   open    season  a   TarJe  T  "^'  "'''''''    ^''"^^  ^^^   --f: 

fine  h-nes  of  st^.n,ships  "hich     'v   7TV      "''''"'   '"^    ''""^-•^^'^    ''^  the 
Lake  Ontario  ports.  '^  ^    ''*''"'^"''^'    ^°  ^^^'^'^^^^  and    the  leadin.. 

t'-MuIk^rn^'^:^^^^!,;^^^;^;-    ^^^'^V^-'^  ^-''erin.on 
-'th  re,.ard  to  other  points  of  interlsi    re'      .  •  '"''  P"""'''"  of  Toronto 

number  of  tourists  everv  seaso,  'l       '"  '"  '^"''"^'""^  '^  '^  «  very  large 

•ons,  banking  and  telegraph Tc  iitie        T"'"  T'^'"'"'  '^°'^'  -"0"""odat. 
-street  car  services  on  'he  Com  n  nt    '  F      T'  "'  '''  ''"^^  ^"^'^  best-equipped 
well  provided  with  spaciouHa  k  '    nd  "  ^'"^^  ""'""^  of  population  are  so 
public  buildings  include  the  CitvHln         ''T''"''"   ^"■°""'^^-     '^"^  numerous 
the  Provincial  Governm^n:  bu^,  "n-^    ^^.^r^^.  ^^^^^^^  ^  ''^  ^^-^^  of  $3,600,000. 
the    Queen's  Park  and  the  Universltv  If  7     "'^  '"  "'''"'"^"''ing  position  in 
>ness  streets  which  are  solidly  navJ  T:u     'T        "^  ^*  ''^"''-     ^he  bus- 
handsome  structures      The   esidenul^  Z     ,"^''''^'  ^"  ''''''"'^  -'^h  manv 
in'J-e  large  numbers  of  vveTl    o  do  neol  1"k '""^  advantages  of  Toronto 
-unities  surpass  it  u,  the  air  of  pt'e^t'c     Tr  f^^^"^  ^"^  ^ew  com- 

'" 'Vh''ei;;'^f^o[t'''^^'""^\^^''"^^^^^^^^^^^      '  """"' "'""'"' 

-tuatecf  :^thl  ?;,^    r!::'  ';:!:^,^^;;:^  t^'/^  picturesquely 
Province  of  Ontario    and  O..  k        •     °""'^'*'^>    '""«    between    the 

feature  is  the  handsome  anH       u  ,         '^s  most  conspicuous 

mental  Buildings  which  occupy  aTe^tr"?  and  "'  ^""^'"^"^  ^"'^  ^^P-t- 

are  also  some  fine  educnhonaUbMnH  ^""^niandrng  position,  and  there 

residence  of  the  Governo-C^^^^muL'';  T""''''  ""''^'^  "^"'  ^he 
iaid  out  with  wide  streets  a^d  hT  'a  mil.  1  '"  ^'^  ■^"''"'■^-  Ottawa  is  well 
important  business  interesfis  the  1.      K  '''''"'-^'  -''^'■"''^^-     '^s  most 

region  of  the  upper  Ottawa  ^L  its  tri'i;  ."'"^  ^"'^  '^""^  ^^""^  ^'^^  -tensive 
Ottawa  River  is  interrunted  by  th  "cha  d  'V'n''""  ""^^  "^^'^^^-"  of  the 
water-power  for  a  large  number  of  lumb"  M  '  'T'''  '""''^^  ^  magnificent 
-ents.  Its  industrie.:  alsoTnc  ude  ZoJnT^  "^'  wood-working  estab.ish- 
machine-shops.  foundries  and    ar-s hops  '''"  ^^"'^  ^^'««"-  manufactures. 

i  . 



The  handsome  and  prosperous  city  of  Hamilton  is  very  attractivelv  situ- 
ated  on  a  beautiful  bay  at  the  extreme  western  end  of  Lake  Ontario,  40  miles 
mmilton.  ^^'  '"''*''  ^^'"'''"•*-"^t  of  Toronto,  and  5^  miles  northwest  of  Niagara 
and  the  American  border.  Population  54,035.  Hamilton  occupies 
an  alluvial  plain  lyinj;  between  the  bay  and  the  escarpment  (or  "mountain" 
as  it  is  locally  called)  a  continuation  of  the  height  over  which  the  Niairara 
plunges  at  the  halls.  From  this  summit  a  magnificent  view  mav  be  had. 
The  city  lies  immediately  below,  and  beyond  it  the  broad  blue  waters  of  Lake 
Ontario  stretch  away  to  the  eastern  horizon.  Tlie  plain  is  covered  in  all 
directions  with  fine  farms  and  dotted  with  thriving  villages,  for  the  city  is  the 
center  of  a  magnificent  farming  section  devoted  largely  to  fruit. 

The  total  capital  invested  in  the  manufacturing  industries  of  the  city  is 
about  $S,ooo,ooo,  and  the  number  of  men  employed  is  14,000.  it  has  ex'ten 
sive  manufacturing  industries,  including  woollen  and  cotton  mills,  sewing 
machine,  glassware,  boot  and  shoe,  stove  and  implement  works,  machinery, 
water  and  gas  pipes,  furniture,  saw  and  planing  mills,  rolling  mills,  bolt  and 
tack  works,  breweries,  etc.  There  are  a  number  of  fine  public  buildings,  in- 
cluding one  of  the  finest  insane  asylums  in  the  Province,  besides  numerous 
well  built  schools,  churches,  an  opera  house,  two  hospitals  and  a  lari^o  public 

The  city  of  London,  76  miles  west  of  Hamilton  and   121    from  Toronto, 
IS    the   centre    of  one  of  the  leading  agricultural  districts  ot   the    Province! 

Its    population    is    39,265.       Its    chief  industies   are  agricultural 
London.        implements,  breweries,  car-shops,  chemical  works,  brick  and  tile 

works,  and  boot  and  shoe  factories,  and  it  ships  grain,  live  stock 
and  farm  produce,  besides  the  articles  above  named. 

Kingston  is  situated  on  the  River  St.  Lawrence,  172  miles  west  of  Mon- 
treal about  half  way  between  that  city  and  Toronto.     Its  population  is  nearly 

18,463.  Chief  industries:  locomotive,  car  and  steam  engine 
Kingston       shops,    quarries,    agricultural    implements,    cotton    and    hosiery, 

pianos,  organs,  chemicals,  etc.  It  has  an  PInglish  and  a  Roman 
Catholic  Cathedral  and  two  important  colleges  the  Royal  Military  College 
and  Queen's  University  ;  also  an  observatory,  museum  and  library. 

The  city  of  Brantford  on  the  Grand  River  is  one  of  the  most  enterprising 
and  progressive  of  the    smaller   cities   of  Canada    and  has   a  population  of 

17,000  people.  Some  3,000  men  are  employed  in  the  different 
BfAntford.    manufacturing    establishments,     the    leading '  industry    being  the 

manufacture  of  agricultural  implements.  Brantford  stands  third 
among  the  cities  of  Canada  in  the  export  of  manufactured  goods, 
it  is  also  an  important  agricultural  centre.  It  is  served  by  the  Grand  Trunk, 
and   the     Toronto,    Hamilton  and   Buffalo  Railroads,   and'  is  the  seat  of  the 

12  I'  R  O  V  I  N  C  K     O  F     O  N  T  A  R  1  O 

Provincial  Institution  for  the  education  of  the  blind.  The  Six  Nation  Indian 
Reserve  is  in  the  immediate  neijjhborhood,  and  in  the  buryinjf  jfround 
attached  to  the  old  Mohawk  church,  lie  the  remains  of  Chief  Joseph  Brant, 
the  faithful  ally  of  the  British  during  the  Revolutionary  war. 

The  other  cities  of  Oiitario  are  Cluelph,  St.  Thomas,  Belleville,  Chatham, 
St.  Catharines,  Stratford,  Windsor  and  Woodstock. 

City  H-vll,  Tokonto, 

,  '"tj''"; -■ 

PROVINCE     O  I'     O  \  r  A  R  I  O 



As  the  pioneers  in  the  early  days  in  Ontario  proceeded  northward,  hew- 
injf  down  the  forest  before  them  in  their  path  and  preparing  the  hind  for  the 
plow,  they  soon  found  that  the  country  underwent  a  complete  chan^'e  in  its 
character.  Instead  of  the  continuous  stretch  of  arable  land  they  were  ac- 
customed to  in  the  south,  they  found  rock  and  river,  hill  and  lake  on  every 
hand,  and  almost  impenetrable  forest;  and  so  unsuited  did  it  seem  to  tarminj; 
purposes  that  they  soon  desisted  from  their  efforts  to  settle  it.  [.ater  on  the 
lumbermen  penetrated  its  more  accessible  rei^ions,  and  as  that  industry  j^rew 
and  thrived,  towns  and  villages  sprang'  up  here  and  there  devoted  largely  to 
lumbering^,  saw-milling  and  kindred  businesses.  As  time  has  progressed,  it 
has  been  gradually  demonstrated  that  it  possesses  not  only  great  forest  wealth, 
but  great  mineral  wealth  ;  and  not  only  so,  but  that  immense  sections  of  it 
are  quite  as  well  suited  for  agriculture  as  the  land  in  the  southern  part  of  the 

Northern  or  "New"  Ontario  is  estimated  to  contain  '41,000  square 
miles,   and    has  an    area  almost  three  times  as  great  as  Southern  Ontario. 

It  is  divided  into  four  districts,   Nipissing,  Algoma,  Thunder  Bay, 

and  Rainy  River.  Until  very  recently  litt'e  was  known  of  the 
capabilities  of  the  major  portion  of  this  territory.  .A  very  limited  amount  of 
systematic  exploration  had  been  undertaken,  and  the  country  remained  in  a 
great  measure  an  asset  of  unknown  value  to  the  Province.      In  order  to  learn 

more  definitely  the  nature  of  its  resources,  the  t  rovincial  Govern- 
ifecent  ment   in    1900  organized  a   number   of  exploration   parties,    who 

traversed  the  country  from  the  Quebec  boundary  in  the  East  to 
the  Manitoba  boundary  in  the  West,  and  northward  from  the  better 
known  districts  to  the  Hudson  Bay  slope.  The  result  has  been  to  demon- 
strate the  fact  that  the  value  of  the  country,  especially  as  regards  its 
agricultural  resources,  is  far  greater  than  had  been  supposed.  That 
the  northern  country  contained  great  forest  wealth  and  probably  great 
mineral  wealth,  had  previously  been  admitted,  but  the  astounding 
fact  was  not  looked  for  by  many  that  an  agricultural  region  of 
undoubted  fertility,  with  an  acreage  greater  than  the  whole  of  Ontario  at 
present  under  crop,  extended  from  Lake  Temiskaming  in  the  East  almost 
entirely  across  the  province.  To  this  section,  which  lies  between  the  49th 
and  50th  parallels  of  latitude,  has  been  given  the  name  of  the  "  Great  Clay 
Belt,"  and  it  is  estimated  to  contain  24,000  square  miles,  or  15,680,- 
<Mgrtcultural  fy^^  acres.  To  say  that  this  territory  could  be  made  to  support  a 
population  of  a  million  souls  is  surely  not  an  overestimate.  Almost 
the  w  hole  of  this  region  is  well  adapted  to  agriculture.  It  is  well  wooded, 
and  is  watered  by  no  less  than  seven  large  rivers  o\  over  300  miles  in  length 


•'  K  O  V   I  \  C  !•:     o  K     ONTARIO 

m    Ik.  Nor,l,  from  ,1,.  p„i,u  of  vi.w  of  ,ho  people  ,f  OU  Ontario    '       urn  d 

Wh  ,  ,     '  7         "  "'" '■""■  ■""''■»  "'  " -"•^'  -"I  I'^'K"'.-.- 

7>„o»„,     Z    V  s'l '"'"""  ,'■■'       "■""'  ""'  ""'^■'■"""•■-»  '-f  'h^'  knowledge 

w/i^W..         Kh,,.  „K.,o,^  ,o  ,1,0  l'ro>M,oc  is  t-raduall,  bd,,^  realized,    'one  of 
.f.            ,   """"■'    "■■"">'-  !'■,«  heei,  ,l,e  »li,„„la,i„^.  of  railway    e„lernrise 
A    erwards  >nll  follow  ,he  .-radaal  se„,i,„.  i„  ,„e  eoua'rv.  „ ,    deve  ZZi 

lead  ,t  ,     i        :   ,r  "',"   T-''"  ^"  '"  ""'""""  f™ '■ "^-  "'■  ""'-^ 

iwd,,,^  lo  „  iha,  are  already  ,n  eo„rse  of  c,„„ir,ulio„  o,  are  projeeled. 

A  ^■■lHT»^a(N  ,,sr.\Ki..  K.»km 

r>  V  I-^lVl^'"'""""''  "'""'   '''^'''  ^"'  aj,^ricultural   tracts  i„   New  Ontario 
to  the  objection  of  inaccessibility  cannot  be  said  to  annlv       To 

r™,,,  no.^  f„  a  jiiiio,,  „er\:'::f  l:  Of  l^  ::::;':::  f-inr":"'"'^ 

important  area  at  the  head  of  I  ake  Tpmi^L-.^  •         "^"'^P'^'^^^f  fertility  ,  a  very 

r::-;"--'.-> -o;trvXr;r::r:?^;::r,s-l" 

acres  ,  bes.des  other  ,ectio„,,  of  lesser  extent  or  eontinn-.y.  Of  the«  dttk^ 
a  more  detatled  description  will  I  .  found  in  the  chapter  devoted  to  N^thet 
Ontano  In  hke  ntanner  will  be  found  information  concerning  esour  «  of 
the  lores,  and  the  mine  which  belong  to  the  country  under  considera   o, 

i  rera;;,:rr:r":d'd" ''"'  "t^'"^™-'  """•  ""'>^-  ^^^'^^^^^ 

I OKNW  ALI,   AM)    ^  (tKK. 


The  Climate  of  Ontario* 

■  HI-,  popular  idea  of  the  climate  of  Ontario,  not  only  in  Great  Britain  but 
n>  the  United  States  as  ueli.  is  that  ice  and  snow  are  the  dominant 
features  for  most  of  the  year.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  Canada  has  a  very 
varied  climate,  as  may  v  -ll  bo  imajfined  from  the  >;reat  extent  and  dit- 
ferent  conditions.  It  is  free  from  the  enervating  influences 
prevalent  m  more  southerly  climates,  and  it  may  truthfully  be  said  that,  taken 
as  a  whole,  no  country  is  better  suited  to  be  the  home  of  vigorous  and 
energetic  manhood  and  womanhoi>d. 

The  Province  of  Ontario  extends  farther  south  than  any  other 
province  ot  the  Dominion,  namely  to  the  latitude  of  Constantinople,  while 
Its  northern  boundary  is  on  James  Bay,  a  southerly  extension  of  Hudson 
Bay.  Ihrough  the  months  of  June,  July,  August  and  September  fairly  hot 
weather  prevails. 

The  winter  climate  of  southern  Ontario  is  only  moderately  cold.  Here 
the  great  lakes  temper  both  the  summer  heat  and  winter  cold  At 
the  same  time,  while  they  render  the  winter  less  severe,  the  atmosphere 
is  more  humid  than  in  regions  that  are  beyond  their  influence.  In  this 
section  there  is  seldom  any  real  winter  weather  until  near  Christmas 
and  by  the  end  of  March  or  the  beginning  of  April  spring  begins  to  put  in 
Its  appearance. 

As  one  proceeds  northward  the  winters  gradually  become  colder,  and  the 
summers  more  temperate.  In  the  Ottawa  and  Upp.-r  St.  Lawrence  valleys 
umter  is  moderately  cold,  but  very  exhilarating,  and  has  the  advantage  of 
being  steadier  than  in  the  lake  region.  The  snowfall,  too.  is  slightly 
heavier.  "^ 

In  northern  Ontario,  where  the  altitude  is    higher,  the  winters  are  longer 
and  colder,  the  maximum  degree  of  cold  being  on   the  north   shore  of  Lake 
Superior.       When  once  the  great  divide  is  crossed,  and  the  land  surface 
begins  to  slope  towards  Hudson  Bay.  the  climate  starts  to  moderate  again 
until  on  the  shore  of  that  sea.  winter  is  said  to  be  quite  temperate. 

The  annual  precipitation  varies  in  different  parts  of  Ontario  from 

^KainMl  and    ^^""^y  to  foi'ty  inches,  the  average  -ain  and  snow    fall   being  • 

Sunshine.       rain.  25.28  inches  on  81  days  ;    snow.  64.6  inches  on  34  days  ; 

10  inches  of  snow  being  equivalent  to  one  inch  of  rain 

The  average  number  of  hours  of  bright  sunshine  for  the  Province  is  2,000 

out  of  a  possible  4,363  hours. 




T  A  « ..  «    VI.     (•..m,«.«l.w.  M..t....r..|..«,. ..I  K. ^„.t.r  for  ih«  -v..,,  w-r..  |H».l  |»..|.  «, 
0»-.rvHl..r.v  in  U,.  4:,..ilU    N  .  ,»„|   L,„«,  .1  ,.r..    17..,.  .H  «.%.   W.      |,.,.,„  .,,„„ 

Ihf  IH>h3.')4)   fret. 

AvpiiiKf  ti'.niMraliiit. 

l»iHfn<.i(».  iron.  iiviTiitfi'  («t|  y«.»ri«l 
Tlifiniic  aiKiiiwIv  (Ut.  40  4«»' 

Hi({hpi«t  toin{M-ruturo  .    .    . . 

I.<iw«'-l  tdn|H<ratiir)* 

Monthly  Hint  iiiiiitiitl  ritii);(>« 

Avvnn{i'  fliiilv  riuij^f 

(;r«'iit«*iit  ilaily  range 

.\v«'rnn<«  hfijjhl  of  tmromftfr nt  .12*  F. 
I)itttrt'n<e  fiorn  avcriig«(«l  ymrs) 

HJt{)ifiit  lutroiin'tttr .' 

I<oiV«'«t  litiroiiietcr 

Monthly  and  hiiiiuuI  ranges     .    . , 

Avcragi'  humidity  of  thf  air. 

IhtftToncf  from  avuragti 

Avoiagt!  flaMtiiity  of  ai|Uf(>»is  VH|Miiir 
Average  tenipt-raturf  of  dew  point 

A vernj^e  of  cloiidineHH 

Ditterencu  from  average  (47  yearn). 

ReHidtant  <lire<tioii  of  wind 

KeHultant  velocity  of  wind 

Average  velocity  (milen  jht  houi) 
HigheHt  velocity  in  month  and  year, 

Total  amount  of  rain  in  inchex.    

Difference  from  iivenige  (111  yearH), 
\umlxT  of  days  of  rain 

Total  amount  of  snow  in  inchew  . . . 
Difference  from  average  (ttl  ytars). 
Number  of  days  of  snow  . . .' 

Numljcr  of  fair  days      

NuiidHjr  of  dayN  completely  clouded. 

77  W  N  «^.  wIn  80 
2..>3         2.»n>    i     .1.09         •_>.«(  i.7,s    1     ._.  4.. 

10,  «7         10,14         10.12        12..3.-i 
44.0  45.0      i    44.0      I   .50.0  55.0  61.0 

Numlier  of  auroras  observed. . . 
Possible  to  see  aurora  ( No.of  nights) 

Nuiulwr  of  hours  of  bright  HunHhine. 
Numl)erof  hourHof  iwsHible  sunshine. 




t  .3.15 





-  3.266 

t  0.671 


+■   7.05 

+  .3.75 






















TH  i:     I  I.I  M  \  IK     oi      ON  I    \U\0 


TiiK  Akmi>kik>4,  Tuki»To. 




,     J 


1                  , 

1  5 






>  a 




1    ^ 







,      c 




1         ^   "" 

Moiitlily  nu'iiii. 

■-It.  3 





Uu  , 

15. 3 

'  .4.3 



M'liithlv  iiifiui. , . 
M.iivh.     ■ 



-i  >< 








Moiitlily  iiuiiti. .  . 






'  2N.0 





Mont  111  V  nii'iui. , 





44. » 






Mciiitlily  iiii-aii. . 

.■>(».  3 




.54. « 






Montlih  iiu'im. 


(>.'>.  0 

6(1.  .5 

ti.\  \ 






61. H 

Monthly  nifiiii. ,  . 





(is.  2 







-Monthly  niL'iui. . . 

Monthh  mean. . . 
















(i2. 1 






Monthly  mean. . . 




40.6    i 

4ft.  .5 



45.(.    1 


41. (i 

Montlily  mean.    . 


.36.7    . 

.36.9    i 

3o.8    i 







•29. 1 

Monthly  muan. .  . 


26.7    I 

27.6    ! 

26.2    ! 




•22  3    i 



Anmai.  mkan.         ' 

4>.fiS  1 


4.5.77  1 





41..37  i 


37.. 55 

lllll,,   ,,■-11"''"''* Illll,lllllll' 

,ji!" ■"  ssji  ■^3ls'"'''i«Sf  Tft 


f  '91 

Tourist  Attractions  in  Ontario. 


/n\  N       \  R  I  0-"  a  pleasant  prospect  of  lakes  and  woodland,"  which  the 

I    M       word  in  the  Indian   lanj,'uage  implies-is  aptly  named.      It  is  a  land 

\U/        of  lakes  and  rivers-rivers  that  have  their  source  in  the  northern  for- 

ests,  and  flow  now  swift,  now  peaceful,  till  they  join  the  vast  inland 

seas,  Superior,  Huron,  Erie,  Ontario,  whose  waters  are  in  turn  borne  by  the 

broad  St    Lawrence  to  the  ocean.     Of  beauty  and  variety  of  scene,  therefore, 

Ontario  has  much  to  entice  the  footsteps  of  the  traveller,  while  the  inviirorat- 

•ng  qualities  of  its  northern  climate  make  it  especially  beneficial  to  those  who 

reside  farther  south  and  desire  to  escape  from  the  enervating  influences  of  a 

southern  summer 

The  tourist  starts  as  a  rule  with  Niagara  Falls,  partly  because  of  its  cele- 
brated beauties,  and  also  because  usually  it  lies  directly  in  the  path  of  travel 
Afte  th^s  attraction  and  the  magnificent  Niagara  River,  his  course 
will  probably  be  across  Lake  Ontario,  a  distance  of  45  miles,  to  the  City  of 
Toronto  the  Provincial  Capital.  Toronto  is  a  convenient  centre  from 
whence  he  may  proceed  East,  West  or  North,  as  inclination  directs. 

The  eastern  route  is  preferably  by  boat  along  the  north  shore  of 
Lake  Ontario,  past  Port  Hope,  Trenton.  Belleville,  Picton  and  Kingston, 
^^  all  pleasant  summer  resorts,  to  the  River  St.  Lawrence.     Here  the 

Thousand  ^^"'""^  archipelago  of  the  "  Thousand  Islands  "  is  entered.  For 
Islands.  fifty  miles  the  vessel  picks  its  way  among  these  charming  islands, 
where  with  ever;  new  water  stretch  a  fresh  vista  opens  to  the  view' 
each  more  beautiful  than  the  last.  That  this  is  a  famous  summering  place  is 
at  once  apparent  from  the  homes  that  have  been  built,  either  among  the  pine 
trees,  or  perched  on  rocky  bluffs,  or  half  hidden  in  the  beautiful  hays. 

Soon  after  passing  the  town  of  Brockville,  at  the  foot  of  the  "  Lake  of 
the  Thousand  Islands,"  the  vessel  enters  the  first  of  a  long  series  of  rapids 
The  passage  by  steamship  through  the  churning,  foaming  water  is  certainly 
a  most  novel  experience;  but  there  is  little  danger  under  the  guidance  of 
the  conipetent  pilot.  The  last  of  the  series  is  the  far-famed  Lachine,  which 
.8  the  finest  of  all.  After  the  passage  of  the  rapids  is  made,  the  City  of 
Montreal  is  soon  reached,  which  is  the  present  head  of  ocean  navigation. 

\  20\ 







If. ^2  jBS^4ii»-5^. ^^-  -Mt4v  tf  C  -w,_ 

;t"  ^ 



From    Lachine,  a   pleasant   trip   may  be   made   up   the  Ottawa  River 
which  forms  the  boundary  between  Ontario  and  Quebec,  to  the  City  of  Ottawa' 

It  IS  to  St.  Anne,  just  above  the  Lachine  rapids,    that   Moore  refers  in 
his  beautiful  "  Canadian  Boat  Song  :  " 

"  Faintly  as  tolls  the  evening  chime 
Our  voices  keep  tune  and  our  oars  keep  time. 
Soon  as  the  woods  on  shore  look  dim, 
We'll  sing  at  St.  Anne's  oir  jmrting  hymn. 
Row,  brothers,  row,  the  stream  runs  fast, 
The  Rapids  are  near  and  the  daylight's  past." 

The  Ottawa  is  a  majestic  stream,  one  of  the  most  beautiful  of  the 
dominion,  and  the  sail  is  truly  delightful.  Ottawa,  the  capital  of  the 
^^  Dominion,  is  a  most  attractive  point.     The  magnificent  Govern- 

OtUiua         '"^"^  buildings,  situated  upon  a  high  bluflf  overlooking  the  river, 
T^iver,  the    Chaudiere    Falls,    the    immense    lumber    business,     ire    all 

extremely  interesting  features,  and  make  a   day  spent  rambling 
about  the  capital  a  very  pleasing  experience. 

The  route  through  the  Upper  Lakes  is  a  very  popular  one  and  under- 
taken annually  by  a  large  number  of  tourists.  There  are  several  well- 
^^  equipped  lines  of  steamers  available,  and  the  traveller  may  embark 

Upper  ^'^h^""  »*  Owen  Sound,  Collingwood  or  Windsor,  for  a  stimulating 

Ukes.  and  refreshing  trip  of  two  or  three  days'  duration  which  closely 

resembles  an  ocean  voyage.  The  route  lies  through  Lake  Huron 
past  Great  Manitoulin  Island  to  Sault  Ste.  Marie,  and  the  monotony  of  the 
expanse  of  water  is  continually  relieved  by  the  panorama  of  the  coast.  At 
the  rapids,  which  occur  at  this  point,  named  Sault  Ste.  Marie  by  the  French 
voyageurs  almost  three  centuries  ago,  magnificent  locks  have  been  con- 
structed  on  both  the  Canadian  and  American  sides,  by  means  of  which 
steamers  are  lifted  to  the  level  of  Lake  Superior.  The  immense  water 
power  afforded  at  this  point  is  now  being  utilized  in  great  indu.strial  under- 
takings which  promise  to  make  Sault  Ste.  Marie  a  very  important  manu- 
facturing centre. 

Leaving  Sault  Ste.  Marie  for  Fort  William,  the  steamships  take  their 
course  directly  across  the  widest  part  of  Lake  Superior— which  is  far  more 
like  the  sea  than  a  fresh  water  lake-and  in  less  than  twenty  hours  come 
within  sight  of  the  rocky  bluff  of  Isle  Royale  and  the  tremendous  purple  pro- 
montory  of  Thunder  Cape-'- The  Giant  Asleep."  This  turreted  headland 
shelters  the  large  indentation  of  Thunder  Bay  and  affords  a  grand  har- 
bour which  has  been  taken  advantage  of  to  form  the  principal  ports  upon 
the  north  shore  of  the  lake— Port  Arthur  and  Fort  William.  Here  the 
tourist  will  find  good  hotel  accommodation,  and  if  he  cares  to  stop  over,  he 





P  R  O  V  I  N  C  !•:     OF     ON  T  A  R  I  O 


Ztrl'r'^ru'''   '"   ''''''^""  ''""'■'  ""^^""^^  '"•'^^  '■''''  '^  ^'-'-brated   resort 
for  trout  fishermen. 

streams' rnr''""/'  r^"?""  ^"•''^"^-^  '-^  of  thousands  of  lakes  and 
streams  and  mynads  of  .slands-are  unequalled  for  those  who  desire  to 
spend  the  summer  months  on  the  lakes  or  in  the  woods 
under  canvas  by  the  camp  fire,  or  in  the  summer  cotta^^e  or 
hotel.  For  the  weary,  over-worked  toiler  of  the  citv  the  healinir 
sunshme  and  pure  northern  air  of  this  region  will  work  wonders' 

.Among  the  best  known  resorts  of  the  north,  frequented  by  Americans 
and  Canadians  may  be  mentioned  the  Muskoka  lake  region  and  the 
Georgian  Bay,  The  Muskoka  lakes  are  situated  about  one  hundred  miles 
north  of  Toronto  and  are  much  frequented  by  the  people  of  that  citv 
Summer  cottages  have  been  built  on  the  islands  of  these  lakes,  where  an 
unconvenfonal.  out-of-door  life  with  all  the  attractions  of  good  boatin.. 
bathing,  fishing  and  pleasant  society  may  be  enjoyed 

numl'r'Jr'"'''   U      '''    ''"'■''""     ^'''   '^^"^^    ""^°"'  '"^'^^'y   thousand  in 
numbe  .  are  equally  attractive.     The  trip  by  steamer  through  the  intricate 

In  Jhere  '^'°"''°"'''^'''''"°''  •'''*"''^"'   '^^'  '^^"  ^^  '"^^'^^^  in 

hat  of  the  upper  Ottawa   River.     This  river  forms  the  drainage  basin  of 

housands  of  miles  of  virgin  forest,  and  it  seems  to  carry  with  It  much  of 

the  power  and  grandeur  of  the  far  northland  where  it  has  its  source.     The 

O  tawa  IS  one  of  the  water  highways  of  the  lumbering  industry  and  manv 

mdhons  of  feet  of  logs  and  square  timber  are  yearly  floLd  down  it^  cuTrent 

mavbrmVt  ""''•''••  "^^^  ^^'^  ^yP-'  French-Canadian  lumbermen 
may  be  met  with  voyaging  ,n  their  flat-bottomed  boats,  breaking  up  the  lo^- 
jams,  or  running  the  rapids.  r     F     ic  lug 

If  the  traveller  has  the  explorer's  instinct  and  wishes  to  see  the  forest 
as  It  looked  when  only  the  red  man  held  sway,   he  should  take  a  canoe  and 

c4ttract^or^s  fl  ^"'^"'"  ^f^^  ^""^  '^""^'"^  ""''^^  ^'°"'  ^^"^^  Temiskaming  and 
attractions  follow  one  of  the  rivers  that  are  tributary  to  the  Ottawa  dll  he 

Sportsmen,  reaches  Lake  Temagami.  There  he  will  find  himself  in  a  land 
where  m.  er  the  settler  nor  the  lumberman  has  penetrated  Its 
woods  are  the  home  of  the  moose,  the  caribou,  the  deer  and  the  bear,  and  its 
waters  are  still  sacred  to  the  trout,  the  bass,  the  dore<  and  other  game  fish 
To  the  sportsman.  Ontario's  northland  will  readily  appeal,  affording  him.  as  it 
does,  oppoitunities  that  are  almost  unequalled  in  these  days  for 
securing  big  game.  An  area  of  1,400.000  acres  in  this  countrv 
nthprc  K  '"'^'"'''"^  Lake  Temagami,  Lady  Evelyn,  Rabbit.  Obabika,  and 
others,    has    recently   oeen    withdrawn    from    settlement    and   constituted 




timber  reserve  under  the  Forests  Reserves  Act.     Hence  this  lar^'c  tract  will 
remain  a  wilderness  and  a  perpetual  resort  for  the  tourist  and  sportsman. 

In  the  more  accessible  regions  of  Muskoka,  Parry  Sound  and  Haliburton, 
the  red  deer  is  very  plentiful,  while  the  moose  is  quite  common.  Both  may 
be  hunted  in  season  on  procuring^  a  license  from  the  Provincial  Government 
tor  a  small  fee. 


Ready  to  Start  ox  a  Caxok  Trip. 

From  "Country  Life  in  America," 

Algonquin  Park  was  set  apart  in  1893  as  a  health  and  pleasure  resort 
and  forest  and  game  prese-  ve.     It  is  a  densely  wooded  tract  of  over  i ,  1 10,000 

Pro'binci^     ^'"'^^'  ^'^"'*'^'^  '"  ^^^  ^'^^"'^t  of  Nipissing.     Since  it  was  estab- 
'Parks.  ''^'^^^  '^  h^s  proven   a  veritable  aslyum  for  wild  life,  and  moose, 

deer,  beaver  and  other  game  and  fur-bearing  animals  have  greatly 
increased  in  numbers. 

Rondeau  Park,  in  the  County  of  Kent,  was  set  apart  in  1894.  It  con- 
tarns  about  s,ooo  acres,  about  one-half  of  which  is  covered  with  timber  thus 
preservings  remnant  of  the  magnificent  forest  which  once  characterized  this 
part  of  Ontario. 

By  setting  aside  an  area  of  land  under  the  name  of  Queen  Victoria 
Niagara  FalLs  Park  the  Government  has  given  the  people  of  Ontario  and  all 
visitors  free  access  to  and  enjoyment  of  the  great  natural  spectacle  afforded 
by  the  Falls  of  Niagara.  A  board  of  commissioners  appointed  by  the  Lieu- 
tenant-Governor in  Council  administers  the  affairs  of  the  Park  with  little  or 
no  cost  to  the  public  chest. 





Political  Institutions. 

N  T  A  R  I  O  has  a  very  fine  system  of  central  government,  with  an 
elective  Legishiture  and  Cabinet  Council  responsible  thereto,  compris- 
ing the  departmental  heads.  Every  Minister  is  a  member  of  the  Leg- 
islature. The  subjects  that  fall  within  the  legislative  authority  of  the  Provin- 
cial  Government  are  very  numerous  and  affect  immediately  every  man.  woman 
and  child  in  the  province.  Comfort  and  convenience,  liberty  and  life,  all  the 
rights  of  citizens  with  respect  to  property,  the  endless  natters  that  daily 
affect  a  community,  are  under  the  control  of  the  provincial  authorities. 

The  legislative  powers  of  the  province  relate  to  the  management  and 
sale  of  public  lands  and  the  timber  and  minerals  thereon  ;  administration  of 
justice  in  the  province;  property,  and  the  raising  of  revenue  for  provincial 
purposes;  the  establishment,  maintenance  and  management  of  prisons, 
hospitals,  asylums,  charities,  etc.;  tavern  licenses,  local  works  and  undertak- 
ings, and  generally  all  matters  of  a  merely  local  nature. 

The  care  ot  lunatics  and  idots  is,  in  Ontario,  undertaken  by  the  Provincial 
Government,  a  burden  which,  in  most  countries,  falls  entirely  or  mainly  on 
the  municipalities.  All  these  institutions  are  well  equipped,  and  conducted 
on  the  most  approved  principles.  There  are  six  asylums  for  the  insane  in 
Ontario,  located  at  Toronto,  London,  Kingston,  Hamilton,  Mimico,  and 
Brockville,  besides  an  asylum  for  idiots  at  Orillia. 

The  Provincial  Government  also  maintains  a  reformatory  for  boys  at  Pene- 
tanguishene,  an  institution  for  the  deaf  and  dumb  at  Belleville,  and  one  for  the 
blind  at  Brantford,  besides  a  reformatory  (or  women  and  refuge  for  girls  at 
Toronto.  In  addition  to  this  about  $220,000  is  spent  annually  in  giving  aid  to 
hospitals    nd  charities,  and  for  the  care  and  protection  of  neglected  children. 

There  is  no  tax  whatever  upon  the  people  of  Ontario  for  the  maintenance 
of  the  Provincial  Government,  the  revenue  being  derived  from  the  sale  of 
Crown  lands,  timber  and  minerals,  from  liquor  licenses  and  other  fees,  sunnle- 
mented  by  a  subsidy  from  the  government  of  the  Dominion.  Not  only  is  the 
Province  free  from  debt,  but  has  a  considerable  surplus  to  its  credit. 

Out  of  a  total  expimditure  of  $103,960,277.66  by  the  Government  since 
1871,  the  following  sums  might  be  fairly  taken  as  contributions  either  for  the 
relief  of  taxation,  or  for  the  improvement  of  the  country  :— 

27  I 




r«>roiito  Unix  iTnity.  Hrnt  grant.  . . 

ffcmpitalH  itrid  chiiritiuB 

MrtintcimiKt)  t.f  Public  IriMtitiitionii 

Siirplii*  (iJNtrihiitiun,  IH73 

DtNfributioii  of  clt-rgy  Uiuln. 
R«'hni<lH  IiuhI  iniproveniftit  fiiiiil.. 

Agriculture  and  artn 

AilniiniHtration  of  justice 

»IM,a«,.*«.l  42 
l«M),IMM»  IM) 

3,.V.1»,59I  »► 

lH.7»7,'2n   M« 

3,38H,777  47 

m\M-2  8(1 

.134, 172  91 

4..^5M,H<>ft  70 

.;,.        ,,  .     ,    ,,  l(t,OH4.«0t  73 

A  HI  to  r.»ilw.i>H.  including  imnuity  repay  montH 8.3(U.901   IQ 

3,;WM,743  28 

Coloni/jition  rondH 
Munici[ial  drainage 
Swamp  drainage. . . 
River,  lake  and  bridge  wurkH 

1.2I»8,3«4  (M) 
238,405  (f» 

KepairH  and  maintenance  nince  1884 

-..  ...„.  ......  ......g„  „„r«» l,0(W,r»42  04 

National  jmrks  since  1885 ',^Z  Z 

niblic  buildings  -o^mstruction  outlay ^  j,^,  ^,^3  ^ 

"^"" "'  1,.*«)4,292  30 

!il84,4.V2,078  tt4 

Ontario  also  possesses  a  very  complete  system  of  municipal  Self-govern- 
ment. Under  this  system  the  province  is  divided  into  city,  town,  township, 
and  v.llap  municipalities.  Each  municipality  annually  elects  a  council  to 
trans^act  its  business.  The  only  direct  taxes  that  the  people  of  Ontario  are 
called  iipon  to  pay  are  those  imposed  by  the  municipality.  Municipal  taxation, 
especially  m  rural  districts,  is,  as  a  rule,  quite  moderate. 

The  Ontario  system  of  education  combines  the  best  features  of  the 
Edac^Hon.  ""y^!^""^  °^  ^'^^^  ^^tain,  Germany  and  the  United  States,  upon 
which  It  has  been  founded  ;  and  for  completeness  and  excellence 
IS  probably  unexcelled  in  any  country.  The  complete  system  includes  the 
Kindergarten,  the  Public  or  Common  School,  the  High  School  and  the 

Education  is  practically  free,  attendance  is  compulsory,  and  the  schools 
are  national  instead  of  sectarian.  No  class  or  sect  is  favored.  The  highest 
distinctions  of  the  Umversity  are  most  frequently  gained  by  the  sons-and 
daughters  too-of  working  men.  The  poorest  boy  or  the  poorest  girl  may 
reach  by  his  or  her  own  efforts  the  topmost  rmig  of  the  ladder 

The  work  is  presided  over  by  a  Department  of  the  Government  with  a 
MinKster  at  .ts  head,  who  has  a  seat  in  the  Legislature  and  is  a  member  of 
the  Cabinet.  There  are  in  all  about  9,500  teachers,  male  and  female,  in  the 
different  grades  of  schools,  while  the  number  of  pupils  is  about  500.000. 
The  province  is  divided  into  counries.  which  are  sub-divided  into  townships, 
and  these  again  into  school  sections.  In  the  centre  of  each  school  section 
there  is^a  public  school,  which  is  presided  over  by  the  ratepayers  of  the  sec- 
tion.    These  schools  number  upwards   of  6,000.     Though   the    Province  of 


OntHrio  is  generally  Protestant,  there  exists  a  Roman  Catholic  min..ritv.  In 
order  to  meet  the  demands  of  this  church  for  combined  secular  and  rcl'i|,'ious 
instruction,  what  is  known  as  the  separate  school  has  been  established,  to 
which  persons  of  that  religion  may  send  their  children.  Other  reliKMOus 
bodies  also  have  the  privilej^e  of  establishinjf  denominational  schools,  if 
desired.     There  are  250  Roman  Catholic  Separate  Schools  in  the  Province. 

After  goin^r  throuffh  the  course  of  instruction  in  the  Public  School,  as 
laid  down  by  the  Education  Department,  the  pupil  is  ready  for  the  Hijfh 
School.  Kvery  town  or  villajfe  of  importance  has  one  of  these  institutions. 
They  form  the  connecting  link  between  the  common  schools  and  the  I'niver- 
•sity,  as  the  course  of  study  culminates  where  that  of  the  University  begins. 

Total  KnuiU  for  all  Fublic-.  High  an.l  S„,mrate  Hoh.H.l  ,.unH.Hi.« $:rAM>  Xi 

Total  gi  rtiitB  for  SchfM)!  of  !Scifiie«« .HT  (I.V(  .W 

Total  graiitH  for  Univemity  of  Toronto , .    .........     ;'r,'wM  'u 

Total  giantM  for  Mining  ScIi.mjIh 42  m»  Vi 

Total  grants  for  Agricultural  Kdueation I  utj^:,  (N) 

« Jraiid  ToUl  anniml  grant*  for  Ktlucatioii WMW,».'.I  50 

There  are  several  good  Universities  in  Ontario,  the  principal  being  the 
University  of  Toronto,  a  teaching  university  with  which   are    affiliated    the 
£/n«»er5rYi«/°"""''"*f  institutions,  namely,  University  College  (Provincial),  Vic- 
toria College  (Methodist),  Wycliffe  College  (Anglican),  the  Ontario 
Agricultural  College.  School  of  Practical  Science,  two  Medical  and  a  Dental 
College,  a  Veterinary  College  and  two  Colleges  of  Music,  etc.     This  University 
was  founded  in  1827.     It  has  an  endowment  of  over  a  million  dollars,  anc  an 
income  ot  $85,000.     Its  students,  male  and  female,  number  about  2.000.     It 
also  is  undeno      lational. 

The  following  universities  have  been  established  by  various  denominations: 
Ottawa  University  (Roman  Catholic),  yueen's  University  (Presbyterian) 
Trinity  University   (Episcopalian).  The  Western    University   (Episcopalian)' 
Victoria  University  (Methodist),  now  federated  with  Toronto,   Knox  College 
(Presbyterian)  and  McMaster  University  (Baptist). 

In  addition  to  the  above,  a  number  of  private  and  endowed  schools  and 
colleges  are  to  be  found  throughout  the  Province  for  the  students  of  both 
sexes,  some  of  which  are  ot  a  denominational  character.  Amongst  these  the 
Upper  Canada  College  is  well  known  There  is  also  a  school  of  Technology 
anc  a  school  of  Art  and  Design,  located  in  Toronto  ;  a  college  of  agriculture'; 
two  schools  of  Mining  and  three  schools  of  Dairying. 




/'V  NTARIO  has  7, ckjo  miles  of  steam  riiilways.     In  this  rc^'aril  the  southern 
(       I      portion  of  the  province  is  particularly  well  supplied,  beinjf  covered  with 

Vy/  a  network  of  lines.  These,  in  connection  with  the  lake,  river  and 
canal  navij.fation  systems,  aH'ord  exceptional  facilities  for  internal 
communication.  Residents  in  the  settled  portion  of  Ontario  are  in  nearly  all 
cases  within  easy  access  of  a  railroad  and  there  are  but  few  localities  in  which 
the  farmer  cannot  re.ich  a  station  with  a  load  of  produce  and  return  to  his 
home  on  the  same  day  The  principal  railway  systems  are  the  Grand  Trunk 
and  the  Canadian  Pacific,  two  splendidly  equipped  roads  with  fine  road-beds 
and  rolling,'  stock.  The  systems  are  not  confined  to  Canada,  but  their  rami- 
fications  extend  to  the  United  States  as  well. 

A  third  system,  not  so  well  known  as  the  above,  but  one  that  seems  like- 
ly to  play  a  very  important  part  in  the  development  of  the  country  immediate- 
ly noi  th  of  the  older  settled  portion  of  the  province  is  the  Ottawa,  Arnprior 
and  Parry  Sound  Railway.  The  route  of  this  road  runs  for  2(.4  miles  directly 
across  the  province  from  the  city  of  Ottawa,  in  the  Kast,  to  Parry  Sound,  a 
port  of  the  Georgian  Bay,  in  the  West,  and  parallels  the  main  lines  of  the 
Canadian  Pacific  and  Grand  Trunk  to  the  South.  It  connects,  via  the  Canada 
Atlantic,  with  Montreal,  Quebec,  St.  John  anu  Halifax  ;  and  with  Boston, 
Portland  and  New  York  by  Ameri«an  roads.  It  forms  a  short  cut  across 
Ontario  from  the  Great  Lakes  and  is  thus  a  very  direct  route  to  tidal  waters. 
Since  1898  there  have  been  incorporated  by  the  Provincial  Legislature 
twenty.five  steam  railway  companies.  With  but  a  few  minor  exceptions,  the 
proposed  lines  will  be  constructed  in  Northern  Ontario,  where  they  will  open 
up  for  settlement  large  agricultural  areas  as  well  as  permit  the  development 
of  rich  timber  and  mineral  resources. 


The  Ontario  and  Rainy  River  Railvay  is  now  completed  from  Port  Arthur 
to  Winnipeg,  26.^  miles  of  which  passes  through  Ontario,  opening  up  a  great 
area  of  country  hitherto  more  or  less  inaccessible. 

The  Manitoulin  and  North  Shore  Railway,  ultimately  intended  to  run 
from  Meaford  to  Sudbury  and  the  shores  of  Lake  Superior,  is  under  constftT- 




The  AI»roma  Central  Railway  i.  «Uo  in  procc..„Mlru.,ion.  ,.»  ot  if, 
40  hen,  h.n.hed  a.  .he  .ime  of,..  ««   .ell  a.  ,on,c  .     nil..    >f 
the  M  jh.pitoton  Branch  ol  the  name  line. 

(•  ,v.'!'''""/ 1"'"'"^'  '?'•*'/'"''"  ''^'^  "•^"Ji'y  P'-«'>rre,,ed  touarU,  more  complete 

than         ''""'^^'»''''"*l-^^'"-^-i"»f  to  impede   private  enterprL  '  „o   n.ore 

"    .r   "r^'V      "^'"^  """•   "''""  '"^•"''"-'"  «hi- re,.arJ  ha.    heen    th 
«urx.>  and  partial  construction  of  a  line  from   North    Bav  to  the  a^'ricultural 

Kntk^nce  to  t,.k  VVkklan.,  Can....  Cunnkct.n.  Lakes  Ontakio  av.  K,uk. 

districts  at  the  head  ot  Lake  Temiskami„K^  by  the  Clovernment.  with  the 
mtent.on  of  constructing?  it  as  a  Provincial  work.  This  railwav  will  touch 
Lake  and  permit  the  development  of  the  rich  agricultural  and 
mmeral  region  adjacent  to  that  lake  and  its  tributary  waters.  As  settlement 
advances  it  ,s  proposed  to  extend  the  railway  to  James  Bay,  thus  opening 
a  direct  route  from  the  capital  of  f  e  Province  to  the  northerr.  seaboard  a 
project  equally  advantageous  '     new  and  to  older  Ontario. 


I'  R  O  V  I  N  c  !•:    O  V    O  N  r  A  R  I  o 

The  ^T  -wth  of  «hc  cicctru-  railwny  in  OiUHriu  within  the  punt  lew  yearn 
hnn  been  rapid  »nU  continuoiiK.  In  the  cilic*  und  more  importunl  town*  lh« 
El  H  cl«.'t'«ric  cur  ha<i  coinplcltfly   taken  the  place 

'RMilrodds.  ^^^  ^^^  hoTHt'cnr  for  panNen^er  traOic.  Not 
only  so,  but  the  system  \%  rapidly  extending 
Itnelf  into  the  rural  districts,  where  it  afTords  li^fht  or 
secondary  railway  facilities  for  the  speedy  transpttrta- 
lion  o(  passen);ers,  farm  produce  and  j^'cnirral  lijjht 
freijfht,  and  bics  fair  in  the  near  future  ti>  add  ^jreatly 
to  the  wealth  and  prosperity  of  the   IVovince. 

As  has  already  been  pointed  out,  the  (ireat  i.akcs 
and  the  St.  Uiwrence  River  form  the  (greatest  system 
of  inland  waterways  in  the  world.  There  is,  however, 
a  difference  of  level  between  Lake  Superior  and  the 
tide-waters,  amounting;  to  (ku  teet,  ^ivinir  rise  to 
rapids  between  Lakes  Superior  and  Huron,  to  the 
celebrated  falls  of  the  Nia^^ara  River  between  Lakes 
Erie  and  Ontario,  and  to  the  rapids  of  the  St.  Lawrence.  To  overcome 
these  obstacles  to  nuvi|;ation  a  fine  scies  of  canals  have  been  constructed, 
fifty-one  miles  in  extent,  at  a  total  cost  of  about  fifty  millions  of  dollars, 
as  follows  : 

The  VV'elland  system,  connectinj,'  Lake  Vie  with  Lake  Ontario, 
twenty-three  and  three-tjuartcr  miles  ;  the  St.  Lawrence  system, 
twenty-four  miles  ;  and  the  Sault  Ste  .Marie  canal,  three-quarters 
of  a  mile.  By  this  means  a  continuous  stretch  of  inland  water  communication 
is  afforded  through  Lakes  Superior,  Huron,  St.  Clair,  liric  and  Ontario,   and 

Ni»KitM  rttU,  Onurto. 


Kurt  Williuiii,  oiituriu. 

Sariiia,  onturio. 

the  River  St.  Lawrence  to  the  Atlantic,  a  distance  from  Port  .Arthur  of  2,260 
statute  miles.  Under  the  present  scheme  of  enlargement,  now  almost  com- 
pleted, these  canals  will  accommodate  vessels  of  14  feet  draught  throughout 
their  entire  course.  The  principal  traffic  of  the  route  consists  ot  grain  and 
lumber.     There  are  also  several  internal  canal  systems. 








Ontario's  Agriculture* 




-  $    158,274.403 

O  U  T  H  E  R  N  ONTARIO  is  pre-eminently  an  a{,'ricultural  country. 
Its  soil  and  climate  are  in  all  respects  such  as  are  required  to  produce 
the  best  results  both  from  the  g^rowing  of  cereal  crops  and  the  raising 
ot  live  stock.  One  is  not  surprised  therefore  to  find  that  the  majority 
of  the  people  of  Ontario  are  engaged  in  farming  as  a  means  of  obtaining  a 
livelihood.  When  one  considers  the  magnitude  of  the  industry,  the  ;imount 
of  capital  there  is  invested  in  't,  and  the  value  of  the  annual  output  of  the 
farms  of  Ontario,  as  compare.!  with  other  industries,  it  becomes  apparent 
that  agriculture  is  paramouiii  in  point  of  importance.  Statistics  show  that 
there  are  twelve  and  a  half  million  acres  of  land  under  cultivation,  and  that 
there  is  invested  in  lands,  implements,  buildings  and  stock,  no  less  a  sum 
than  a  thousand  millions  oi  dollars,  which  is  a  far  larger  sum  than  lies  invest- 
ed in  the  manufacturing  industries  of  the  whole  Dominion. 


That  farming  is  being  conducted  on  a  more  extensive  scale  than  formerly 
is  evident  from  the  table  herewith  given  : 

Farm  lands  have  increased  in  value  since  1897   by $20,67.'i,0(X) 

The  buildings  used  for  farming  purpoaes  have  increased  by l.'J,398,0(M» 

Farming  implements  by 6,02i>,000 

Live  stock  by 29,625,000 

The  area  under  crop  of  all  kinds  (including  pasture)  has  also  increased 

in  the  past  four  years  by ...    129,603  acres. 

The  increase  since  1891  is 934  959  acres. 

The  Ontario  farmer  can  no  longer  compete  with  the  West  in  the  growing 
of  grain  crops  for  export,  even  though  it  is  admitted  that  as  good  a  sample 
and  as  high  an  average  yield  may  be  obtained  in  this  Province  as  in  any  part  of 
North  America.  The  economic  conditions  in  which  he  is  placed  demand  that 
he  shall  turn  his  raw  material  into  a  finished  product.  Consequently  he  is  now 
feeding  his  coarse  grain  to  live  stock  instead  of  selling  it  in  the  markets  ;  is 
producing  butter  and  cheese,  meat,  poultry  and  fruit  for  the  British  market, 
and  breeding  high  class  stock  to  replenish  the  herds  and  flocks  of  the  United 
States,  as  well  as  other  parts  of  the    Dominion.      Not  only   does    he   thereby 

I  34  I 

Light  and  Heavy  Types  of  Ontario  Bred  Horses. 





receive  a  better  cash  return,  but  he  also  maintains  and  increases  the  product- 
iveness of  his  land,  by  restoring  to  it  that  which  is  taken  from  it. 


IN  1900  and  190t. 

From  the  report  of  the  Bureau  of  Industries,  it  is  estimated  that  the  sale 
of  stock  for  the  years  1900  and  igoi  is  as  follows  :— 

^"''«*''' , .?  3,774,480 

^'*"'*' 18,017,989 

''^''*:®P    •2,872,60J» 

''^*''"*' 15,800,799 

*;""l^'->' 1.176.740 

^'^^^    2,850,000 


«  4,847,582 









"T"^"' *44,492,«17 

Thelbreedingand  feeding  of  stock  is  a  highly  important  branch  of  Ont- 
ario agriculture,  and  is  regarded  as  the  key  to  successful  farming.  Ontario- 
IS  particularly  well  suited  for  the  stock  raising  industry.  Its  invigorating 
climate  and  abundance  of  pure  water,  the  nutritive  qualities  of  its 
roots  and  grasses  and  its  remarkable  freedom  from  disease  espec- 
ially fit  it  for  the  raising  of  the  finest  of  cattle.  Purebred-animals 
trom  Its  studs,  herds  and  flocks,  have  been  shipped  to  the  Tnited  States  for 
many  years  past  and  have  brought  a  high  price  in  that  country.  In  addition  to- 
this,  Ontario  supplies  large  numbers  of  pure  bred  animals  to  the  sister  Pro- 
vinces of  Manitoba,  the  North  West  and  British  Columbia,  and  it  mav  justly 
claimjto  be  the  greatest  breeding  ground  in  North  America,  for  animals  of 
this  description.  Nearly  all  the  breeds  of  cattle  prominent  in  Great  Britain, 
are  represented. 

During  the  past  few  years,  Ontario's  export  trade  in  live  stock  with  the 
United  States  has  grown  in  a  very  marked  manner.  At  the  present  time  ia 
all  classes  of  live  stock  including  horses,  the  demand  is  excellent  and  prices 
satisfactory.  '^ 

Ontario  has  been  pronounced  to  be  the  id^al  home  of  the  combing  wool 
sheep.  Perhaps  in  no  country  are  sheep  liable  to  so  few  diseases,  and  all  the 
Sheep.  '^''''^'"^  '"■^^'^^  ^°  ^^'^"-     The  climate  is  as  nearlv  an  Ideal  one  for 

the  successful  raising  of  this  class  of  stock  as  can  bp  found  any- 
where.     United  States    flockmasfers    look    to    Canada    for    breeding   stock 
knowing  that  sheep  raised  on  our  soil  have,  similarly  with  cattle,  the  stamina 
and  quality  necessary  to  improve  their  flocks  when  fresh  blood  is  required. 

Ontario  is  noted  for  the  production  of  a  fine  class  of  horses.  During  the 
Horses.  ^°^''  ^^"^  '"^  '-"onsiderable  number  were  purchased  in  the  Province 

for  army  purposes.     They  were  pronounced  to  be  unusually  sound 
in  wind,  rejections  on  this  score  not   exceeding-  two  per  cent.     At  the  fronts 

I  ^ 



they  made  an  excellent  showing  for  stamina  and  intellifrence.  and  their  powers 
of  endurance  were  notably  superior  to  all  others. 

In  conjunction  especially  with  dairying,  the  bacon  hojf  industry  has 
rapidly  come  to  the  front  as  one  of  the  most  profitable  branches  of  Ontario 
a^^riculture.  The  by-produc- .  of  the  dairy  are  now  largely  used  as  food  for 
pigs,  and  great  numbers  can  oe  raised  at  a  minimum  of  cost  and  sold  at  pav- 
ing prices.  " 

The  success  of  Canadian  bacon  and  hams  in  the  British  market  is  largely 
due  U  the  fact  that  the  quality  of  our  hogs  is  superior  to  that  of  the  corn  fed 
Pork  »nd  ^°^  °^  ^^^  Western  States.  By  the  opening  up  of  pork-packing 
Bicon.  ^"^  bacon-curmg  establishments   in  Ontario  a  steady  market  for 

light  young  hogs  is  assured  all  the  year  around.  These  are  locat- 
ed at  Toronto,  Hamilton,  Ingersoll,  Brantford,  London,  Stratford,  Peterboro, 
Collmgwood  and  Palmerston.  The  yearly  output  for  Toronto  alone  is  esti- 
mated at  83,000,000.  Immense  strides  have  been  made  in  the  Log-raising 
and  bacon-curing  industries  within  the  past  ten  years.  In  1890,  the  value  of 
the  exports  of  Canada  in  this  line  of  production  amounted  to  onlv  $646,000, 
whereas  in  1902  it  had  reached  $12,404,000. 

The  business  of  poultry-raising  is  undergoing  great  development  at  the 

present  time,  and  is  capable  of  much  wider  expansion.     Turkeys  have  been 

Poultry.        ^'^'PP^'^   to    England   for  years,    and    considerable    shipments    of 

chickens  are  now  being  made.     The  export  trade  in  eggs  is  also 


Estimated  value  of  Dairy  Products  for  1900  : 

^•^^®*^ |!1.3,023,02i5 

Butter,  creamery  and  dairy o  cqq  i^^^ 

Milk  and  cream ".'.'.'.'.'."■.'.".■.       yi-mOOO 


Dairying  is  one  ot  the  foremost  branches  of  Ontario  agriculture.  On- 
tario  exports  more  cheese  (than  the  whole  of  the  United  States,  and  on  the 
British  market  the  quality  of  the  product  is  admittedly  superior.  Entering 
late  into  the  race  when  it  seemed  almost  won  by  the  United  States,  Canada 
Dairying.  ^^^  wrested  from  that  country  the  first  place  on  the  market  by 
the  superiority  of  its  product  Much  of  the  cheese  consumed  by 
the  British  public  is  made  in  Ontario,  although  doubtless  sometimes  sold  to 
the  consumer  as  the  home  article.  At  the  World's  Columbian  Exposition, 
Ontario  cheese  swept  all  before  it,  taking  a  total  of  261  awards,  and  in  many 
cases  securing  99  out  of  a  possible  100  points.  In  this  department  Ontario 
and  Quebec  combined  captured  practically  all  the  awards,  leaving  but  a 
small  portion  to  the  rest  of  the  American  continent. 


Ontario  cheese  is   made  under  the   factory  or  co-operative  system   and  T  '"r         ''"'""'  "*"  '•'"   ^'"'"''''^-     '^'^'^  ^^'"■'^'-'  '""kers  manaffini: 

Factories       ^hese  factories   have   for  the  most  part   received  their  training  in 
Government   Dairy  Schools.      By   these   methods  a  superior  and 
uniform  product  is  secured. 

The  development  of  the  cheese  industry  in  Ontario  has  been  remarkably 
ontmuous  and  rap.d.     In  ,864   the  hrst  factory  was  erected.      Prior  to  thal^ 
■  me  about  3.500,000  lbs.    were   made  annually  in  the  farm  dairies.      Since 
then  the  growth  has  been  as  follows  :— 

1871  —Amount  made  in  factorien i»  via  ini*.  11 

1H81—  "  ..  i.i,.)00,(M>  Urn. 

18»1_  ..  ..      35,0(K),00(.    .. 

1895-  ..  ..       81.»-.'4,.)42     •• 

1899-  ..  ..      KHV2.3(.,.340     •' 

1901-  "  ..       12.3.324,(J<K)     '. 

l.U942,5(H»     " 

frnn,  n^  ^"'°""'  ''^  Canadian   cheese,  of  which  probably  two-thirds  comes 

ltT,9  6.o.T3'9."''°'''''  '°  '"''''  ^"'""  '"   '''°'  ""'  ^''°'39^.35o  lbs.,  valued 

The  butter  industry  is  not  so  far  advanced  as   the   cheese  manufacture. 

chiefly  owmg  to  the  lack  of  proper  facilities  for  placing  the  product  on  the 

world  s  market  in  prime  condition.     Ontario  is  capable  of  produc- 

Gutter.         mg  as  fine  a  quality  of  butter  as  is  produced  anywhere,  and  with 

the  proper  means  of  manufacture,  packing  and  transportation,  is 

begir  img  to  compete  successfully  in  the  British  market. 

VALUE  OF  ORCHARD  AND  GARDEN  CROPS,  1900,  $12,000  000 

All  the  fru.ts  usually  grown  in  the  temperate  zone  can  be  produced  sue 
cessfuUy  m  Ontano,  and  the  province  contains  a  larger  area  lere  suitable 
conditions  of  soil   and  climate  prevail  than  any  other  province  of 
Fr.t.  the  Domm.on.      For  quality  and  flavor  Ontario  fruit  is  unsurpassed 

ket  and  fruit  r.""""  ^T"'"  "°"  ^"""^""^  ""^^'^  '"PP''^*^  ^""^  *he  home  mar- 
ro  nH      tT      "^"''^'^"^^''^  ^  '^'""'^^"  ^'"^i'^'e  of  diet  and  is  abundant  the  year 
round.     The  export  trade  is.  however,  capable  of  much  greater  development 
Ontano  .s  justly  celebrated  for  its  apples.     They  constitute  the  staple 
and  pnncpa   fru.t  crop,  and  can  be  grown  successfully  over  a  verv  large  pa  I 

of  the  province.     The  farther  ,  orth  the  apple  can  be  pr'oduced  the 
c/ipptes.         better  IS  the  flavor   and  keeping  quality  of  the  fruit.      Beginning 

with  the  valley  of  the  St.  Lawrence  above  Brockville,  a  good  apple 
coun  ry  ,s  found  which  extends  to  Niagara  at  the  western  end  of  Lake  OntaH^ 

Ert   rT^'  '''  ""'T:     '"   ^"   ''^  '^^-^--^  ^-'^--^  -  Lakes  Onta    o 
Erie   and   Huron,  and  indeed  "n  all  the  counties  of  the  west,  apples  grow  to 

great  perfection.     The  orchards  of  the  Huron  tract  alone  w  ll.'n  a  ffJornh  e 


ONTARIO'S     Ai;  RICl'LT  r  R  K 


>ea  produce  fully  5cx,.oo..  barrels.  A  number  of  varieties  of  carlv  and  late 
of  ^o>d'L'  '"■"";  •''"^'^r-"''^"*^'^'  =^"-^''""  '^  ^-"^'  P-^'  to  the  production 
snipped  annually. 

In  several  sections  of  Ontario  fruit  jrrovvinj,.  has  become  a  special  industry 
and  has  grown  to  very  large  proportions      This  is  particularly  the  case  in  the 

V^ne.y.rds  ult  '"«"°"  ^""^  '"  '^'  '^'""''"^  bordering  on  Lake  Erie. 
xjnoa.rf5  Here  the  mfluence  ot  the  great  lakes  renders  the  climate  milder 
Orchards.  even  than  m  districts  lying  much  farther  south,  and  tender  fruits 
such  as  peaches  and  grapes  grow  to  perfection  in  the  open  air. 
producmg  enormous  yields.  Vineyards  and  orchards  varying  from  ,o  to  ,00 
acres  in  extent  are  seen  everywhere. 


Frl-it  Ready  for  Shipment  at  Nia(;ara-ox-the-Lake,  O.nt. 

In  the  narrow  strip  of  country  bordering  Lake  Ontario  from  Hamilton  to 
Niagara,  pears,  peaches,  plums,  grapes,  cherries,  quinces,  apples  and  small 
fruits  are  very  extensively  grown,  and  make  this  the  most  important  fruit 
section  of  the  province.  From  this  district  fruit  is  shipped  by  lake  and  rail 
to  Toronto,  Montreal  and  other  eastern  points,  and  as  far  west  as  Manitoba 
in  addition  to  pears  and  apples  exported. 

Grapes  grow  prolifically  in  these  districts,   the   crop    averaging    fifteen 
n^lhon  pounds  annually   from  about  three  million  vines       A  portion  of  tl 
crop  IS  used  in  the  native  wine-making  industry. 

















ONTARIO'S     A  tl  R  I  C  I'  L  T  l'  R  K 




The  BurliiiK'ton  and  Oakvllle  districts,  near  the  head  of  Lake  Ontario, 
are  famous  for  apples,  pears  and  plums,  and  also  for  small  fruits.  The  Lake 
Huron  and  (Jeor^'ian  Bay  sections  produce  besides  apples,  enormous 
quantities  of  plums. 

Another  important  fruit  section  exists  in  Prince  Kdward  County,  at  the 
eastern  end  of  Lake  Ontario,  where  for  many  years  a  f,'reat  variety  of  fruits 

Smjdt  ^"""^  ^^*"'"  ^'^''^^'"-      ''"•"■^''^'''   ^'■'■'^^   "l^^'iR    the    St.    Lawrence,   little 

Fruits.  *''"'^  '^  iirown  except  apples,  as  early  frosts  render  tender  fruits 

precarious.  The  smaller  fruits,  such  as  strawberries,  raspberries, 
cherries,  currants  and  (^gooseberries  do  well  in  almost  any  section  of  the  province. 
Ontario  apples  have  for  years  been  exported  to  (Ireat  Britain  in  larjfe 
quantities.  During'  the  last  few  years,  shipments  of  pears  have  been  made, 
and  have  met  with  ^'re;..  success  on  account  of  their  size,  appear- 
Exports.  ^"'''^  ""^  flavor.  Kxperiments  recently  conducted  by  the  Govern- 
ment have  proved  that  it  is  quite  possible  to  send  delicate  fruit 
to  England  in  perfect  condition.  Shipments  of  pears,  peaches,  earlv  apples 
and  grapes,  specially  selected  and  packed  and  placed  in  cold  storage  on 
the  railway  and  steamship  have  been  successfully  made.  The  fine  appear- 
ance of  this  fruit  excited  great  interest  in  England,  manv  finding  it  difficult 
to  realize  that  it  could  be  produced  in  the  open  air.  To  make  this  business 
a  practical  success,  a  continuous  system  of  cold  storage  is  involved,  last- 
ing irom  the  time  the  fruit  is  picked  in  the  orchard  until  it  reaches  the 
consumer.  This  is  a  difficult  problem  but  its  solution  opens  a  new  era  for 
the  fruit  industry  of  Ontario. 

In  the  province  orchards,  vineyards  and  gardens  occupy  about  400,000 
acres.  There  are  now  six  million  apple  trees  of  full  bearing'  age  and  about 
four  million  younger  trees.  The  yield  of  apples  is  estimated  to  be  between 
fifty  and  sixty  million  bushels  per  year.  Some  thousands  of  acres  are  planted 
with  peach  trees,  and  11,000  acres  are  devoted  to  vineyards. 

The  growing  of  fruits  and  vegetables  for  canning  factories  has  become  of 

dnning       '^^'^^"^    y^^rs    an   important   industry.      Tomatoc      are   exteisively 

factories      grown  for  this  purpose.     In  this  convenient  form,  these  product's 

find  their  way  to  many  distant  markets. 

The  evaporating  of  apples  is  extensively  carried  on  in  some  localities, 

and  large  quantities  are  exported. 

Other  specialties  in  connection  with  horticulture  are,  the  growing  o\ 
nursery  stock,  the  production  of  flowers  for  sale,  and  market  gardening. 
Large  areas  of  land  in  che  neighborhood  of  the  principal  cities  and  towns  are 
now  being  devoted  to  the  two  latter  industries. 



.ro2)l!f''^'"'^  *'""',  *"''''  '^'  n--^^^"^''!^^"  ""U  estimated  value  of  the  field 
crops  for  ,900  as  compiled  by  the  Bureau  of  Industries  :- 

Field  Crops.  Bushels, 

rail  wheat   ,,•<«: 

sprinjr  wheat ....::::;: iTP^'^^'^ 

Barley....       ^,940.333 

Oats •6,909,75, 

Rve                    89.693.327 

Peas..;;;:; ^'^57.635 

Buckwheat. .  "/.'.[ 'V2''f 

Beans '.874.261 

Potatoes v.".'. ,,   .Ia'^^^ 

MangeUwurzels   .    .;;;;": f^sl^? 

Carrots...                 24,728,525 

Estimated  \'alue. 








Turnips;. 3  460,11  433.640 

Corn  for  husking  '('in  ihe  ear) S'^^' -^f  k^ll'l^° 

Corn  for  silo  and'^fcSdder    grjin )  'tons  ''2;'^  'si  ^^^.^1 

Ur^-e  proportion  of  the  land  in  the  southern  part  of  the  province  is  good  but, 

A  Fertile       :1'""Y  ^^ ''"PP*"*^'''   "^"^^  to  some  extent  in  different   sections. 
SoiL  I  he  character  of  the  country  is,  as  a  rule,  gently  rolling,  and  the 

Whil  •  """'"!?  "^  '^'  '""  ''  "'"^"^  '^•^>''  '^'«>'  '°^'"'  "'•  ««"dy  loam. 
\yh,Ie  m  some  European  countries  larger  yields  are  obtained,  it  is  as  a  rule 
at  a  relatively  greater  cost.  There  is  no  doubt,  however,  that  the  lands  of 
the  province  are  not  producing  nearly  to  their  full  capacitv.  Neither  is  there 
any  doubt  that  the  productive  capacity  of  the  soil  might  b'e  greatly  increased, 
by  more  thorough  and  systematic  farming,  by  more  extensive  underdrainin^ 
more  care  m  crop  rotation,  and  by  feeding  more  stock  on  the  farms. 

Wmter  wheat  was  at  one  time  the  principal  grain  crop.     Now   it  is  no 

longer  raised  for  export,  although  a  considerable  quantity  is  grown  for  home 

use. ,   About   a    million  a-re.s    of  land    are    annually    devoted   to 

W7,«/.         wmter  wheat,  and  the  average  yield   is  20  bushels  to   the    acre. 

Y.e  ds  of  thirty  and  forty  bushels  to  the  acre  are   not   uncommon, 

where  the  fertility  of  the  land  has  been  maintained  and  the  soil  properly  prel 

pared.     Of  spring  wheat,  between  three  and  four  hundred  thousand  acres  are 

grown,  and  the  yield  averages  about  16  bushels. 

Over  two  million  acres  of  oats  are  planted  everv  year  in  Ontario,  and  the 

average  yield  is  about  35  bushels  per  acre.      Barley  yields  between  twenty-five 

and  thirty  bushels  on  an  average    and  half  a    million    acres  are 

f&S'  '^°"""P'"'^    ^y    '^^'     ^"-^P-       The    six-rowed    varietv     is     usually 

One  of  the  most  important  crops  the  farmer  grows  is  peas.     Pea  meal  i* 




a  valuable  part  of  the  ^'rain  ration  both  for  milk,  and  beef  and  pork.     About 
750,000  acres  of  peas  are  jfrown,  yielding:  an  averajjc  of  ao  busheb. 

Sixty  years  a^o  all  jfrain  crops  had  to  be  harvested  with  the  sickle.     To- 
day the  modern  harvester  will  cut  and  bind  the  heaviest  crop  of  jjrain  and  do 
the  work  m  the  most  perfect  manner.     Similarly,  in  the  early  history  of  the 
Ubo^S    i    '■'''"""■>'•  •'"  ^^'^  *•"■"'"  *«**  threshed  with  a  flail,  and  the  work  took 
W  Mjtchini^y^^''  ''^''^''   «'"'«'■  »^^  accomplish.     Now  the  threshinjf  machine, 

I  which  travels  with  its  jran^r  of  hands  from   farm  to  farm,  threshes 

and  cleans   the  jfrain   ready  for  market,    besides  doing  the   work  as  fast  as 

j  two  men  can  fork  the  sheaves  into  it. 

i  '  ats  ar    exported  in  iar^'e  quantities  to  Great  Britain  and   Ireland,  and 

oatmeal  to  Scotland  and  England.      Most  of  the  winter  wheat  grown  is  milled 

Gr*mPn.  '"  ^"'"'*'°'  ''"*  '*'^'"*  ^P'"'"*''  "^^^'"^^  '^  exported.  Ontario  barley  is 
dadion  in  ^"P^'"'^^''  ^°  '^e  best  barley  :;rown  in  the  United  States,  ind  is 
t899.  eagerly  sought  for  by   the  United  States   malsters  ;  but  owing  to 

the  high  protective  tariff  vjry  little  finds  its  way  to  that  country 
Peas  are  exported  largely  to  Great  Britain  and  the  Continent.     Canadian  peas 
are  considered  the  best  sample  grown  in  any  country  in  the  world. 

The  kinds  of  hay  commonly  grown   are  timothy  grass,   red  clover  and 
alsike,  and  occasionally  lucerne  or  alfalfa.     A  large  quantity  of  clover  seed  is 
exported  to  Europe.      Hay  is  cut  during  the  first  week  in  July.      Hay  dries 
«  fast  in  the  Ontario  climate.     With  good  weather,  it  may  be  raheJ  into  cocks 

the  same  evening  as  cut,  drawn  to  the  barn  the  following  day  and  stored 
away  in  the  hay  mow.  There  is  no  department  of  farm  work  more  replete 
^^  with  labor-saving  contrivances.     Tht   mowing  machine  has  been 

H*ivesimg.  '"  "^^  ^'^''  ""^^^  >'^**'"'*'  ''"^  of  late  it  has  been  greatly  simplified  and 
rendered  much  more  effective.  For  raking  the  hay,  the  "sulky" 
rake  is  now  in  general  use.  Another  torm  of  rake  is  one  with  a  side  delivery, 
which  throws  the  hay  into  continuous  windrows,  which  is  of  great  advantage 
where  a  hay  loader  is  used.  Another  useful  implement  is  the  tedder  for  shak- 
ing out  the  hay,  and  the  horse  fork  for  delivering  it  to  the  mow. 

in  a  similar  manner  the  amount  ot  manual  labor  has  of  recent  years  been 
greatly  reduced  mi  nearly  all  departments  of  the  farm.     Not   uncommonly, 
"  sulky  "  plows,  harrows  and  cultivators  are  employed,  on  which  the  farmer 
I  .  sits  while  driving,  just  as  he  does  on  his  reaping  machine.     The  modern  steel 

/  frame  windmill  is  very  commonly  used  for  the  pumping  of  water,  cutting  of 

toed  for  stock,  eic.  With  the  aid  of  such  devices  as  these  the  farmer  is  en- 
abled to  dispense,  to  a  considerable  extent,  with  hired  help. 

Roots  are  among  the  most  valuable  stock  feeds,  and  are  widely  grown. 
The  average  yield  of  turnips  is  422  bushels  per  acre  ;  of  mangels,  437  bushels  ; 
lipot  Crops.       of '^a^ots,  350  bushels;  and  of  potatoes,    115  bushels.     About 
350,000  acres  are  devoted  to  these  crops. 


I'ROVINCi-     or     ONTARIO 

A  KiKAr,  Hi(iii\VAV. 

of  UveVrT''"''  ^  ^JT  '"  ^"'"''''  ag^riculture  has  the  raising,  and  feeding, 
o     .ve  s  ock  assumed  that  one  of  the  farmer's  most  important  studies  is  tt 

The  ;:^.:t        ""I  ""r"'^'''  '-'''''  ^"^'^'^  •      ^-^^^-  -  necessary  dugt^ 
the  winte    months  when  the  cattle  are  stabled,  and  also  durin..  fne  lite  st  m 
mer  months  when  pastures  are  liable  to  fan  on  account  of  drvteather 

•MndiL'orfodd  '''"'•"?  T   "''P^'   '"  "-^"^"^   ^—-ew  acres  o. 
Indian     or   fodder  corn  is  cut  before  full   maturity  is  reached  and 

EnsiUge.      ^J^''^^   '"  the  s.Io.     This  is  the  surest  fodder  crop    he  can  raise 

No  matter  whether  the  season  be  wet  or  dry  a  fair  crop  is  assured' 

J.^IT  ,  ?  !"'  ''''  '^"  ''^  '^P^  ^^"  ^'  '^^'^  -here  much  corn  odder  ^ 
ra.sed  ,s  relat.yely  yery  large,  and  the  area  deyoted  to  the  crop  is  co.urnually 
ncreas„.g      Nearly  all  stock  men  grow  and  feed  more  or  less  corn  d2  •' 

■ng.  especal ly.    ensilage  is  a  distinct  faCor  in  making  the   business  a  pay   ' 
one.     Corn   .s  planted  about  the  end  of  May  with  a  ^eed  drill  i„  rows'ab    u 
30  mches  apart      It  is  cut   about  the  first  week  i„  September.      It        et 
put  up  m   arge  shocks  in  the  field,  where  it  remains  until  w.nted  fo     L    or 
better  st.U,  .t  .s  chopped  into  pieces  about  an  inch  long  and  stored  in  the  silo 


43  J 


'•«OV,.vo:     OF    ONTU<,0 

The  «i|o  „  an  «  ch,n     ..  u    .      , 

outniUt  the  barn    uhik  "•" ''^  ^■'"»*^«"«^^f9 '»r  w.hhJ   ...H.  . 

«^  "«rn,  uhich  preserves  .he  com  In      -v     u  '       ""  """^'«  «»•• 

n,J^/o.        '-^"ni   the   .ilo.   ,h.   rodder  c  n   h         "'' ""^ '•"^•^'"'^•••' ^''ndilion. 

required.      No  other  cron   ^iji  .       '"•'"'*•"">  fed  to   ..ock  a* 

;:,r«"  •^"^•--o- per  acre  orn'rle:;:;'    "'   ''*''"   ""^  ^^'•^'-- 
yields  are  obtained.  ••^vra^^e.  while  occasionally  much  lar^'er 

Ontario  \h  well  a,t„^t    i 

.  The  fro,,  i,  „,„„||,  ;, ,  ^,°  ™">  "■••»■"'"  f"'  'h«  f»™.r  commenc 

tow    """Xy  .ho   .„iUd,.    ,     H     I':,,';;;™"'',  ^>,  "-  "•K-.nnin.-orApHt 

»prin^  plowing.  ,„  comm/ncT  ^  u    '       '""^   "   ""*"■'"'"■  "'-V   '- 

and  ho,.     The  crop,   rapid,,  ^- ouMo^aJr;;      'i""' '''''''"'"" -»''-. 

quick  ,ucce„io„.      Fir,,  hay.  ,hc„  h  IT  ""  *•""  '°   ""^^  "arvc.d  in 

-d  ,he  far„,er  work,  fro^  L  ■  il^h,  ^  di;^  "th  T'"  ''  ""'■"•  ■•'""  -" 
abou,  ,he  Ihird  week  of  July   n^he  m, ^7    ,  *•'  "'"""  "'"""  ™mm..„ce. 

The  spring  rain.,  „re   usually  a^  "^     '"'■'•'""' "^  ""■'''»«'<  of  Au^u.,. 

June.     The. ,„„„er.„n,h::    'rdit:t7'  77'r'  """"  »"■«.> 
»^dered  esceedinRly  dry.  eyery  d-,y   h  •  "  "^  '"'"'"''■  """W  he  con- 

D-in^  .he  mo„.h,'of  trv^:^^  .t  .'^.^f'-r  "'  "7"'"""  """  »'-"i 
cour.,e  ,ea,,„n,    yary  ,omewha.     hi,  T  "'"'"''''>''"''  ''"'<'''■     Of 

froma„exce,„ofmoi„ure.         '  '  "'"   """   '""""  "OP^   seldom   suffer 

.^oye:"  rridt  1^  :::ir  :;:h?r"  r':  --"'  -'--  -  -->=  - 

."B  .he  land  in.ended  for  ^eodin^  ,he   „li::';    . "' '""""  '»  -"•'"'-'"'  -  P'-  - 
liable  to  lurn  cold  a,  any  time    L  fr  i  "^  "'"'"'•'■     '^'•"  """I'"  i,  then 

a.  »hor,  notice.  After  ,'he  ZlH  ^ZZ  "  '"  "'"''  ""  l"""'  -  -"-^e" 
an  end.  and  from  then  until  ^X.- tJ^^Z^^TTi'  "'""  ''^  P"'"'«"v  "' 
para„yely  li,„e  to  do,  except  to  ,  te 'd  ,  .  "^  ""  '"™"  I"'"  b"'  con,, 
market  on  hi,  ,leigh  oyer  the  .-ood  r »?  u  I  ""'"'•  °'  ""<=  >"'  Pr-duceTo 
'f -he  Ontario  tarmer  is  h..,rd  .urtd  i  t^mf  .'^  ^''""  '''^"■'"  ^^  -  , 
co".Pa..,ve  ,ei,ure,  and  i,  i,  ..n^;:r  ^  ;«  ^^  "' 

ONTARIO'S     A  (I  R  U-  r  I.T  V  R  K 



The  ilimatc  nccvsMitiiti'ii  that  ntock  should  H*  huitocd  and  fed  in  winlcr 
time.  The  ^tahlei  lor  cattle  are  iihuhIIv  hiiili  under  the  barn,  and  are  knoun 
as  hawcnu'nt  ulablci.  They  are  conMriicted  of  brick  and  >*tonc  or 
StAbUa."  ^■^*"^'"«'«'  »»h1  >crve  as  a  foundation  for  the  barn,  a  Hpacii>us  wooden 
structure  in  which  the  cereal  crops  are  stored.  This  i^  foinid  u- 
be  a  very  convenient  urranjfcment  n%  food  and  beddinjf  cm  ej.  dy  be  unpplied 
to  the  stables  below. 

The   farmers   of  Ontario  are  cffeitively  and  actively  organized.      Kach 

department  of  the  industry    is  represented  by  .in  association  which  advances 

itN  interests.     The  dairymen,  the  fruit  jf  rowers,  the  poultry  men,  the  stockmen 

the    h'  r»«    breeders,    each    have    their  assvKiation.     These  are  educative   in 

their  object  and  receive  liberal  aid  from  the   Provinci.d   l.oL'isIa- 

glnuJions'  '"''*•  ''"^'^>'  "^^^^  "*  s\aUs\  times  and  their  members  read 
papers,  deliver  addresses  and  enjifa^'e  in  discussions.  The  in- 
formation thus  ^rathercd  is  afterwards  printed  by  the  (iovernment  and  liber- 
ally distributed  amonjf  the  farmers  for  their  information  in  the  form  of 

The  Farmer's  Institutes  constitute  one  of  the  best  means  oi  furnishin>f 
help  and  information  to  the  rank  and  file  of  the  farmers.  These  institutes 
have  been  orjjanized  in  almost  every  township.  Kach  year  they  hold  a  serks 
of  meetinjfs  or  conferences,  which  are  attended  by  delej,'ations  of  speakers 
sent  out  by  the  Department  of  Ajfrici'lture,  who  deliver  practical  addresses 
on  farming  in  all  its  branches,  and  gi,e  information  as  to  the  latest  and  most 
approved  methods. 

Every  county  in  the  province  has  from  one  to  three  district  af,'ricultural 
so^-ieties,  and  the  territory  is  ajjain  sub-divided  between  township  ;ind  horti- 
cultural societies.     These  societies  are  organized  under  (.iovernment  auspices 
and  receive  state  aid.      It  is  customary  for  each  society  to  hold  an  annual  ex- 
hibition and  to  offer  prizes  for  products.      Important  exhibitions  of  this  kind 
aie  held  in  Toronto,  London,  Ottawa  and  several  other  centres.     The  horse- 
breeding  industry  is  especially  represented   by  an   annual   Horse 
ExhSluoni.  ^''^'^^''  *^«'^  '"  Toronto.      Every   year   a  large   and   representative 
exhibition  of  live  stock,  known  as  the  Provincial   Winter  Fair,  is 
held   in  the  city  of  Guelph.     F'at  stock,   dairy   cattle,   and   live  and  dressed 
poultry  are  exhibited.      Ontario  possesses  one  of  the  finest  and  best  equipped 
agricultural  colleges  on  the  American  continent.     The  Ontario 
College   and   Experimental    Farm    is  an   institution   founded  and 
OnUrio         maintained  by  the  Provincial  Government,  under  the  direct  control 
^Uege!"^^   '^^  '^^  Department  of  Agriculture,  for  the  express  purpose  of  pro- 
viding the  sons  of  farmers  with  an  education  exactly  suited  to  the 
requirements  of  their  calling.      Unlike  American  colleges  of  the  same  class  it 


PROVINCE     OF     O  N.T  A  R  I  O 

is  devoted  to  agriculture  only.  The  course  of  training  is  a  combination  of 
practical  with  scientific  work.  In  addition  to  this,  ilairy  schools  have  been 
established  at  Cluelph,  Strathroy  and  Kingston,  whoio  the  student  may  secure 
a  thorough  course  in  cheese  and  butter-making,  siuli  as  will  fit  him  to  under- 
take the  management  of  cheese  and  butter  factories. 

An  important  feature  in  agricultural  development  in  Ontario  during  the 
past  fifteen  years  is  the  establishment  of  experimental  farms  and  experiment 
stations.  Associated  with  the  Experimental  Farm  is  the  Ontario  Experi- 
mental Union.  By  its  efforts  a  system  of  co-operative  exoeriments  has  been 
established  among  the  farmers.  The  number  of  individual  experi- 
Ezperiment  rnenters  is  over  two  thousand.  By  this'means,  new  and  improved 
varieties  of  grains,  etc.,  are  tested  and  introduced  trom  seed 
distributed  from  headquarters.  In  the  interest  of  fruit  growing,  the 
Government  has  iikewise  established  thirteen  fruit  experiment  stations,  the 
object  being  to  test  different  varieties  of  fruit  and  determine  their  suitability 
for  the  locality  represented. 

By  these  agencies  many  problems  of  vital  importance  to  the  farmer  have 
been  solved  and  a  mass  of  information  obtained  that  has  helped  him  to 
make  his  business  more  profitable.  The  whole  of  this  important  work  is  pre- 
sided over  by  a  special  department  of  the  Provincial  Government — the  Depart- 
ment of  Agriculture,  having  a  practical  farmer  at  its  head,  who  has  a  cabinet 


The  following  is  a  partial  statement  of  the  prizes  won  by  Ontario's  live 
stock  and  other  products  of  agriculture  at  the  Pan-.American  FIxposition  : 

CiOth.  : Ontario.  All  Canada.  United  States. 

Cash .slJ.SS  4(»  .•?3,1.51  t)0  .>!4.3«8  40 

Medals  and  Sweepstakes. .  Six.  Eleven.  Nine. 

Slif-pp  : — 

Casli 1 ,743  73  l,aV2  50  I .Sfi")  62 

Medals  and  Sv.-eepstakes ,  .  Five.  Six.  Seven. 

Sirine  :  — 

Ca.sli 447  .'><•  447  .50  165  00 

Medals    ....    Four.  Fdui'.  One. 

Horxes  : — 

Cash 750  00  1,022'50  857  50 

The  medal  for  the  hest  ware  of  anj-  breed  came  to  Ontario,  and  also  two  other 

Poultry  :  — 
Cash 1,100  00  1,100  00  1,2(X)  00 




Horticulture  :-The  Ontario  fruit  exhibit  stood  first  in  regard  to  quality 
in  comparison  with  the  various  States  of  the  Union,  but  second  to  New  York 
State  in  the  number  exhibited.     Ontario  received  the  gold  medal    for   "gen- 
eral display  of  fruits  of  superior  excellence." 

C/ieese:— In  all  cases  Ontario's   export  cheese  scored   high.     The  only 
gold  medal  awarded  came  to  Ontario. 








Northern   Ontario 


i-  hard  to  reality,  c-omprisinV  as  ,  .* '"■"'-  '^""-  "»  va,st  extent 
■square  miles,  or  90,000  oooac  "a  c  ft,  ""  ■"■'"  "^  "'"'"'  ■■'0,000 
«..led  portion  of^ntarir  U  s  diCidtT  '  ,"".  ■'r^'''"'"  '"""'>■  """>  '!>« 
^.n.,  A„o.a,  Thunder  Ba,,  and  tf^^::'"^:^:^-  '''"'^ 
the  older  portion  of  the  orovincP    fnri'  ^^^tween  these  districts  and 

n^ediate  region,  are  the  diSr'f  .M  T    L^^  Prr.T't  'j  ^^"^'  ^'^  ^"^- 
Northern  Ontario,  taken  as  -i  JhlT  J        ""'^  ^"'^   Haliburton. 

country,  yet  it  has  the  advantage  of  no      """'.  ''  '^'"''''^"''  ^^  ^  ^^-'"^ 
as  fertile  as  any  in  the  Pr^    nee  and  lable  of    ^""^^  "^^^  ''^  '^^'"'"^  '-^'^ 
a  lar^e  population.     The  more  access^etf  ^h  "''""""'  '"  '""^  ''^^'^^'^'^ 
settled,  while  others  are  without  n.eT"s  or  1  ■'  '"  ''""'^  P^^^'^' 

to  be  available  at  the  present  'rml  — ""-'ation.  and    too  renote 




Thunder  iJay 
Rainy  River. . 

S.i.  .Miles.  Acres. 

. .     3,0«)0  1,<)20,000 

■    17-500  I1,20<»,(KJ() 

4,  (too  2, -»«(),  000 

(*W  .SS4,0f¥j 

Allowing  .CO  acres  to  each  head  of  a  familv     th       H  ' 

accommodate  80.3.0  families,  and  allowing  ^To  ell  f  '^°''\!^'^'-^«^-  ^o"ld 
sent  a  rural  population  of  401,600  soul      LVaf  l'  '^"  """''^  ''^P^^- 

capable  of  supporting,  as  nl  doubt  ittil'l  be   ntheTu7  '''  '^"""^^'^  '^ 

to  the  same  area  in   the  older  parts  of  th.  P  '"  ^  P°P"'^ti°"  equal 

tain  a  population  of  over'oo  pel|^e     "'  ''  "'"  "'^""=''^'>'  --•"- 

te^Ht!:;:  t;^^;::,/^-^!----^  an    unknown 

pectors.    During  the  last  few  ve;,r«  h^.  adventurous  mining  pros- 

and  New  Ontario  i.  fast t  ^aT  :;:;l'„74«^"*-°  'T  '""  '""'*^'- 

wealth.agricul.urai  and  otherwise/ With  the    r"a"on°f.h"  ''"'""-■'''"'  "' 

.»un  tne  creation  of  the  great  manufactur- 


ing  industries  at   Sault  Ste.   Marie,  the  building  of  the  Algoma  Central,  the 
opening  up  of  the  iron  mines  in  the  Michipicoton  and  other  districts  farther 
west,  the  working  of  the  rich  copper  deposits  along  the  north  shore  of  Lake 
Huron,  followed  by  the  construction    of  the  Government  railroad  from  North 
Bay  to  the  land  settlement  north-west  of  Lake  Temiskaming,  and  with  the 
rapid  increase  of  settlers  in  the  Temiskaming  district,   Rainy  River   district 
Western  Nipissing,  and  in  the  southern  part  of  Algoma,  as  well  as  in   the 
Thuiider  Bay  district.   New  Ontario  is  in  truth   pulsing  with  a  new  life.     So 
popular  is  the  country  proving  with  people  who  are  looking  for  new  homes 
that  the  suitable  land   now  available  is  being  so   rapidly   taken  up  that  it 
«s  the  intention  of  the  Government  to  survey  this  year   a   larger  number  of 
townships  than  for  many  years  past,  and  these  townships  will   be  located  in 
territory  that  has  first  been  found  suitable  for  agricultural  purposes. 

There  have  been  located  and  sold  in   New  Ontario,  during  1901,  accord- 
ing to  the  returns  of  Crown  Lands  agents,   farms  of  from   100  to  160  acres 
each  to  the   number  of  2,541,   amounting  to  three  hundred  and 
PopuUtion.    thirty  thousand  acres,  representing  a  population  of  nearly   10,000. 
These  official   figures  do  not,   however,   fully  represent  the  total 
influx  of  people  into  New  Ontario. 

The  population  of  the  new  northern  districts  is  shown  by  the  following 
table  taken  from  the  Dominion  census  : 


Muskoka  and  Parry  Sound g  919 

Nipissing ,792 

Algoma 7  018 

Total 15,728  145,577 

An  increase  of  827  per  cent. 

Another  evidence  of  growth  in  population  is  to  be  found  in  the  towns  and 
villages  in  the  newer  districts,  some  of  which  have  come  into  existence  since 

the  last  Dominion  census  was  taken  : 











*""  Dominion 

villages.  Census,  1901. 

Oravenhurst 2147 

Bracebridge 2479 

Huntsville 2152 

Parry  Sound 2884 

North   Bay 2531 

iSturgeon  Falls 1415 

Towns  Population, 

*"^  Dominion 

^'"»Kes-  (Jensus,  1901. 

Su'^buj-y 2027 

Thessalon \W5 

Sault  Ste.  Marie 7169 

Port  Arthur 3214 

B'ort  William 3533 

Rat  Portage 5202 

Many  of  these  towns  are  the  centres  of  important  industries,  which  give 
employment  to  many  men.  They  are  also  the  commercial  centres,  from  which 
equipment  and  supplies  are  obtained,  and  the  headquarters  from  which  the 




fumh.""  H    ""   TT?   '"   '-"-"'<••     Thus  Matta«a  is  a  centre  for  ,h. 
lumber  ,„du»,ry  „   ,he  l/pper  Ottawa  ;  North  Bay  a  railway  centre  ;  Sturgeon 

hJ.M^     sl„,  J";!  ""   '«"";"""''   '""""y  "'    ■"»  "ack  ;  Sudbnry  is  the 
Cnht,.        ^^'  "f  the  great  nickel  and  copper  industries  of  Ontario  ;  Sault 
»'«•  "arie,  the  headquarters  of  the  Clerifue  industries   v  hile  Rat 
Portage  ,s  ,he  centre  of  the  Lake-of-the-Wood  gold  Helds.  a  d  o'f  e      nsl 
umber,ngr,  flour  and  saw.n,il,ing  industries.       Port  Arthur  and  Fort  W  Zm 

Its  fJr  ITk  '         "'"■  "  ""  """""  ""  "f  '-'"  Superior,  are  bot" 

aTthe  e  ooin  T"'  "r"    "'"'  ''""''  """"•     ^hree  railwavs  converge 

vessellir^r      "      ^ •""  """  ""  "■^'"""  P™i"«  -  •■"^-  'ransferred  to  lake 
vessels  in  larj,'e  quantities. 

Algonia  . . 

Post  offices 
ill  1S81. 

..       39 

Poiit  offices 
in  19()l. 


(oUotZlT  ""'  ""'^  '"^"''"^  "'"'^  "^^"  "^^'•^'''^   -^  settlement  are  the 

rive7L'cIref '7"'^  """'.?"'  °"  "^"'^  Temiskaming.  on  the  upper  Ottawa 
nver.  occupies  a     arge   valley  comprising  about  acres  of  choice 

rne,em,s.   "wn'  '  "tu"\  '^"J^  ^^  ^^'^^  ^^  ^'««"  ^-veyed  and  laid  out  in 

c^mmg  tounships      The  land,  which  rises  abruptly  from  the  lake  shore  to 

Country.       a  height  of  about  fifty  feet,  slopes  gradually  towards  the  Height  of 
f.  11  .  .^^"'^'T'^'^*^  '^  ^''^"t  fifty  miles  distant  from  the  lake.     The  soil  is 

an ly  equal  in  fertility  to  that  of  any  portion  of  Southern  Ontario,  being  T  ich 
clay,  with  a  surface  of  black  vegetable  mold. 

n.f  •?'  f 'l^'u  ''  "^"'^  "^^'"''"^  "^''^  numerous  streams  and  rivers,  the  most 

r  tt  wib^Rrer "''"''' ""'-'  -''-''' '-  -  -"-  ■'  ^^«  ^^--- 

lar   tlmarack7  '^^^^^^'^^-d^''   -'^h  spruce,   cedar,  birc.     balsam,  pop- 
such  thH^  ^      'l^  '"'^  °''^'''  ''"''•     '^^^  '"'^^^   "'^^ket  for   the  timber  is 
such  that  the  settler  is  often  enabled  to  make  not  only  a  living  but  a  hand 
some  profit  in  clearing  his  land.  ^ 

runni!^t'/''°"v''''u^o°''"'"'"'"'  ^^'  undertaken  the  construction  of  a  railway 

is  for  si  r.o  7  .  '"       '  ""'■'^"^  ^"'^""^'^^  '"  ^^^  ^'^^---^  °f  Nipissing 

tor  sale  at  ^o  cents  per  acre,  subject  to  settlement  duties 

clav  belt  '^Z'f-7'"'^  7""u- '  '^'■'"^  ^'^^  southeastern  extremity  of  the  great 

undert  ke     b^th  T  r.'  "^^  ^^^^'"^'^'^  '^  ^'^^  ^^'^^^^  exploradons 

northvvcsterly  direction,    with   a  slight  break  at  the  Height 


54  P  R  O  V  I  N  CK     OF    ONTARIO 

of  Land,  across  the  districts  of  Nipissinj-  and  Al^'oma  and  into  Thunder  Bay 
district,  comprisinj;  a  total  area  of  some  24,500  square  miles,  or 
aly^B^ft.  'S'^*^'^^^  "'-■'■es-  This  almost  unbroken  stretch  oi  ^ood  farming' 
land  is  nearly  three-quarturs  as  great  in  extent  as  the  whole  settled 
portion  of  the  province  south  of  Lake  Nipissin^'  and  the  French  and  Mattawa 
Rivers.  Ano  ..r  important  fact  established  by  the  explorations  is  that  the 
climate  in  this  northern  district  presents  no  obstacle  to  a  successful  a^fricul 
tural  settlement.  The  absence  of  summer  frosts  noted  by  explorers,  and  the 
growth  of  all  common  vegetables  at  the  Hudson  Bay  posts,  completely 
dispels  the  erroneous  impression  that  its  winters  are  of  arctic  severity,  and 
its  summers  too  short  to  enable  crops  to  mature.  The  following  comparison 
of  the  monthly  records  of  mean  umperatures  from  April  to  October,  kept  at 
Moose  Factory  by  the  Hudson  Hay  Company  in  the  year  1901  with  fifteen 
vears'  observations  at  Kdinburgh  may  be  of  interest  : 


Monthn.  K.linlnirBh,  Moose  Kartorv, 

Ifptf.  ali.)\ezero.  Dt'i'  above  zetf(. 

•■^f"'' 44.3 

^'">' 48.8  47.6 

•^""" 34.9  .-,6.0 

'V''^"    :^S.O  62.7 

•^"8""*   57.5  6I..3 

St'ptemJxT ry2i^^  .., - 

^'^^^^^^r 46!l  .'ko 

It  will  be  seen  that  the  five  summer  months  are  just  as  warm  at  Moose 
Factory  as  at  Edinburgh,  while  April  and  October  are  very  little  cooler.  The 
remaining  five  months  are  much  colder,  but  while  the  winters  of  Northern 
Ontario  are  much  colder  than  in  Scotland,  they  are  not  excessively  severe  as 
compared  with  many  well  settled  districts  in  Canada  and  the  United  States. 

In  the  Rainy  River  Valley,  which  is  in  the  extreme  western  part  of  the 
Provmce,  settlement  is  progressing  with  almost  equal  rapidity. 
pi^ef^'"^  The  settlers  who  are  going  into  the  Rainy  River  Valley 
Country.  ^^'^er  from  those  in  Temiskaming,  in  that  while  the  latter  are  be. 

ing  drawn  mostly  from  Old  Ontario,  the  former  are  farmers 
from  the  United  States,  who  have  discovered  the  advantages  offered  bv  the 
Rainy  River  Valley,  and  they  are  pouring  in  there  in  large  numbers.  The 
building  of  the  Canadian  Northern  Railway  through  the  valley  has  contrib- 
uted   not  a  little  to  the  development  of  the  district. 

The  luxuriance  of  th-  natural  vegetation   found   in  the  Rainy  River  Val- 

ey  is  evidence  of  the  great  fertility  and  richness  of  the  soil.     Wherever  the 

country  has   been  fire-swept,  and   the   timber  destroyed,    it  displays  a  rank 



PK..NEKK    H..A»-Mak.N.;,    Tmk,.,.:H    IVu-Wuo..    F..KKHT.    TkM.SKAM.S,;    D.sTHI.T. 

«rrowth  of  wild  clover.  Native  j,.rasses.  peas,  and  vetches  flourish  abund- 
antly,  and  wid  fruits  grow  in  profusion.  All  the  grain  and  grass  crops 
produced  >n  older  Ontario,  including  fall  and  spring  wheat,  barley, 
peas,  oats,  etc.,  do  well,  and  field  and  garden  vegetables  vield  heavilv. 
Hay  always  yields  an  abundant  crop  and  clover  attains  a  ;ery  vigorous 
growth.  ^       ^ 

The  land  is  for  the  most  part  covered  with  timber,  much  of  which  is 
commercially  valuable,  and  can  be  disposed  of  by  the  settler.  Lumbering 
operations  are  carried  on  extensively  on  Rainy  River  and  Lake-of-the- Woods, 
and  several  hundred  men  find  employment  during  the  winter  in  this  way. 

The  lumber  and  timber  supplies  of  Manitoba  are  largelv  drawn  from 
this  district.  There  are  in  various  localities  rich  mineral  deposits  of  iron  and 
gold.  There  is,  accordingly,  considerable  demand  for  labor.  Fort  Frances, 
Emo  and  Boucherville  are  flourishing  towns. 

Another  section  of  New  Ontario  that  is  quietly  and  gradually  developing 
Other  Sections.  '^  ^^"^^  ^^  Wabigoon,  containing  a  number  of  townships  cen- 
tering at  Dryden.  Situated  midwav  between  Port  Arthur  and 
Winnipeg,  this  settlement  is  excellently  located  as  regards  markets.  The 
Government  explorations  or  1900  showed  that  there  were  millions  of  acres  of 
good  agricultural  land  in  the  tract. 



One  of  the  finest  sections  in  New  Or.tario,  and  one  which  is  beinif  rapidly 
filled  with  a  hardy  and  thrifty  class  of  settlers,  is  that  district  lying  between 
Sturgeon  Falls  and  Sudbury  the  district  known  as  the  French  River  Valley. 
The  soil  is  very  productive,  and  for  many  reasons  the  district  is  conspicuously 
adapted  for  dairying'  and  the  raisinjr  of  cattle  and  sheep.  There  is  a  splendid 
local  market  for  all  produce  at  Sudbury,  Sturgeon  Falls,  Warren  and 
other  growing  towns. 

In  the  districts  of  Muskoka,  Parry  Sound,  Haliburton,  around  Thunder 
Bay  on  LakeSuperior  and  especially  north  of  the  Georgian  Bay  in  the  Algoma 
district,  much  excellent  land  exists.  For  the  most  part  the  country  in  these 
sections  is  broken  up  by  ridges  of  rock,  but  between  these  and  protected  by 
them,  stretches  of  arable  land  often  unbroken  for  thousands  of  acres  wind  in 
and  out.  Everywhere  lakes  and  rivers  abound  and  constitute  a  marked 

New  Ontario  is  thickly  timbered,  except   where  fire  has  passed  over  it. 
With    the  exception   of  some   tracts   of  hardwoi   '   and   pine    in 
Tifrnier.        the  southern  limits,  most  of  the  timber  is  what  is  termed  "  pulp 
wood  "  and  is  not  difficult  to  clear. 
The  climate  of  Northern  Ontario  is  healthful  and  invigorating.     While 
the  winters  are  undoubtedly  cold,  they  are  probably  not  as  severe  as  those  of 
Manitoba,   on  account    of  the    moderating   influence  of  the   forest   growth. 
While  Winnipeg  is  on  the   50th   parallel  of  latitude,   the  Temiskaming 
country  lies  south  of  the  48th ;  the  Rainy  River  Valley,  south  of  the  49th ; 
Southern    Algoma    and    Southern    Nipissing,   just   north    of  the 
OintAte.        46th;  while  the  49th,  which   is  the  southern  boundary  of  Mani- 
toba,   passes    through    the    centre    of  the    Great   Clay  Belt.      In 
summer    the    weather   is   slightly    more   temperate   than   that   of  Southern 

Northern  Ontario  will  grow  to  perfection  as  many  varieties  of  grasses, 
grains  and  vegetables  as  grow  anywhere,  and  grow  them  well.     In  cereals 

and  t  rasses,  its  virgin  soil  produces  crops  which  exceed  in  yield 
CrSf'L  ^"^  quality  the  most  favored  section  of  the  United  States,  and 
Country.       ^^en  the  average  of  Ontario  generally.     It  is  a    typical  country 

for  the  production  of  mutton  and  beef,  cheese  and  butter.  Even 
its  rocky  bluffs -where  these  exist— clothed  as  they  are  with  a  vigorous 
growth  of  timber,  protect  the  pasture  land  of  the  valleys,  where  cattle  and 
sheep  may  roam  and  graze  for  seven  months  of  the  year,  and  are  not, 
therefore,  without  their  compensating  advantages.  The  sheep  is  exactly 
adapted  to  Northern  Ontario,  and  the  supreme  excellence  of  the  mutto'> 
raised  in  this  region  is  a  matter  of  note.  As  a  dairy,  stock  and  sheep  raising 
country  it  has  all  the  advantages  of  cheap  land,  good  transportation  facilities, 





rich  soil,  ^ood  water,  and  cheap  building  material,  while  its  climate  is 
unexcelled  for  the  production  of  vijforous  stock  and  vi^jorous  men. 

For  the  settler  of  limited  capital  New  Ontario  offers  advantajifes  quite 
surpassinff  those  of  the  Western  States  or  of  the  Canadian  Northwest.  Most 
of  the  lands  now  open  for  settlement  are  wooded,  and  during  the  last  few 
years  there  has  been  a  noticeable  increase  in  the  value  of  timber  other  than 
pine.  In  the  earlier  days  pine  alone  was  marketable,  the  other  trees  being 
regarded  as  incumbrances,  to  be  got  rid  of  as  speedly  as  possible.  Spruce, 
poplar,  and  other  trees  furnishing  the  raw  material  for  paper,  are  now  in  great 
demand,  and  the  settler  having  such  timber  upon  his  lot  can  find  steady  em- 
ployment in  cutting  and  hauling  these  woods  to  the  railways  or  to  the  water- 
front for  shipment,  where  a  good  price  will  be  given  for  them.  Hardwood  is 
coming  very  largely  into  use  in  building  operations  for  flooring  and  finishing, 
and  in  furniture,  and  its  consumption  is  increasing  very  rapidly  In  place  of 
burning  off  the  hardwood  in  huge  log  heaps,  as  used  to  be  done  when  it  was 
not  a  marketable  article,  the  settler  in  New  Ontario,  in  clearing  his  land,  can 
in  most  cases  sell  the  logs  at  a  rate  that  will  pay  him  well  for  his  labor,  and 
perhaps  have  something  over.  Moreover  care  is  taken  to  see  that  every  dis- 
trict thrown  open  for  settlement  is  well  served  by  railways  or  other  means  of 
transportation.  This  guarantees  a  market  for  both  the  timber  and  the  produce 
that  the  settler  fias  for  sale. 

The  following  is  the  mileage  of  railways  in  the  below  mentioned  districts 
at  the  present  time  : 

Muftkoka  and  Parry  Sound 184 

Algoma 537 

Thunder  Bay  and  Rainy  River H73 

Nipissing 210 


Of  the  above  mileage  the  C.  P.  R.  system  covers  1,197  miles.  The  bal- 
ance of  607  miles  received  substantial  money  or  land  grants  from  the  Govern- 

In  1881  there  were  only  twelve  miles  of  railway  in  all  these  northern 

In  addition  there  are  in  New  Ontario  excellent  water  supplies  almost 
everywhere,  and  the  settler  knows  what  that  adds  to  his  comfort.  Fish  and 
game  are  found  universally.  And  all  these  things,  together  with  the 
present  rapid  establishment  of  schools,  churches,  and  the  other  advantages  of 
civilization,  make  life  in  a  pioneer  community  in  New  Ontario  vastly  different 
to  what  it  was  in  the  earlier  days  in  Canada. 

How  to  Secure  Land. 


T.o».  So.,.,,,.,.,,,  ..i..c.o.„^c„,;.nii,;;:^;^:;,:i:;:r;;,^s;;l," '- 

TlIK    WiNTKKS   Clt  of    PrLP-w    BV   SetTLBK    in    N„KTirKKN    OsTMUO 


The  Mineral  Resources  of  Ontario, 


n\V.  mineral  resources  of  Ontttrio  arc  widely  spread,  varied  in  character 
and  cover  almost  ti.e  entire  !i»t  of  economic  mineraU  with  the  except 
tun,   ot   coal.      Kxamination   shows   that   even  now.  when  onlv  on  the 
threshold  ol   discovery  and  development,  they  are  of  jjreat   extent   and 
value       Not  only  does  ihe  varied  list  include  all  the  principal  and  comn,onlv 
found  metals,  such  as  iron,  copper,  lead,  silver  and  koUI.  but  it  also  embrace's 
the  comparatively   rare   metal,   nickel,  the  enormous  depc.sits  of 
Mmer^ls.      which  in  the  Sudbury  district  constitute  one  of  the  two  sources  o( 
the  world's  supply. 
The   metallic   minerals  are   found   chiefly  associated  with  the  schists  and 
chlor.tes  of  the  Hurorian  system  of  rocks.     Those  rocks  extend  in  belts  or 
tracts   sometmics   for   hundreds  of  miles  amonjf  the  I.aurentian  ^'ranites  and 
^:ne,sses.    the   latter  constituting   the   main    formation    northward    from    .he 
older   settled   portions   of  the    Province   to  the  Hudson  Bav  slope,  and  fron, 
yuebec  boundary  m  the  east  to  the  Province  of  Manitoba  in  the  west      The 
amount  oi  systematic  prospecting^  that  has  been  done  is  small   indeed  in  pro- 
portion to  the  extent  oi  territory.     The  greater  portion  of  the  countrv  has  not 
even  been   run  over  by  prospectors  and  cannot   be  thorou^'hlv  explored   for 
many  yea.s  to  come.     To  the  settled  farnuuK'  country  of  the"  south  belonjf 
practically  all  the  products  of  the  structural    material  class.       These     with 
petroleum,   at  present    constitute  nearly   55    per  cent,   of  the  whole    mineral 
production  of  the  Province.      In  the  near  future,  however,  the  metallic  mineral 
products  are  certain  to  assume  much   larj^er  proportions.     This  statement   is 
particularly    true  as   re^'ards    iron,    the    minin^^    of   which  has  been    L-reatlv 
stimulated  owin^^  to  the  erection  oi  blast  furnaces  at  several  points  in   the 
Province  and  the  consequent  demand   for   iron   ore.   following'  on   the   irreat 
advance  in  the  price  of  iron  during'  the  last  few  y.ars. 

The  ores  of  iron  occur  in  Ontario  in  {.-eat  abundance.  The  most  im- 
portant and  extensive  iron  ranges  are  those  of  the  .\tikokan  River,  the  \fat- 
tawin  River,  ,n  the  vicinity  of  Gunflint  Lake  and  on  Hunter's  Island,  all  west 
of  Lake  Superior.  Lar^^e  bodies  of  hematite  have  recentiv  been  discovered 
at  .Vlichipicoton,  on  the  east  shore  of  that  lake,  some  of  which  are 
iron.  being  actively  worked.     These  ranges  may  be  folio  v>ed  for  miles 

and   the  western  ores  are  said  to  form  a  continualion  of  the  Min- 
nesota   deposits,    which    now    lead    the    world    in    the    production    of    hcv 

(  59  I 





•"  Ihe  ncKhborhood  of  Ukc  TcmHK  .ml.      North-w.M  of  I.akc  VVahnHp.tac.. 

and  cUcw here    ,ron-bc«ri„jf  rock,  occur,  and  a  lar^re   »H»dy  of  maK-icthc  o. 

Kood  quality   han  recently  been  located  in  the  lownnhip  of  Mutton.      In  the 

eaMern  part  ol  the  Province  tht.c  are   larife  deposit,  of  K>th  ma»rnetl».  a.ul 

The  eMablishment  of  mode,  n  bla.nt  furnaces  ul  Hamilton.  Deneu......      i,d 

M.dland  ,.  lead.nK'  to  the  opening'  up  of  a  number  of  Iron  drpo^it..  Similar 
urnaces  arc  beinK:  built  at  Sai't  .Ste.  Marie,  while  others  are  projected  for 
C  ollm^rwood.  Kin,.ston  and  Port  .olborne.  and  the  pro.pectn  for  the  industry 
arc  br,,,ht.  The  production  of  iron  ore  for  ,.^.  was  ,5y.a8H  tons,  most  of  was  smelted  ,n  The  amount  of  pig  iron  produced  wa. 
M..<rf<7  tons,  valued  at  «i.«.H.,.o5;.  made  from  Ontario  and  United  States 
ores.     About  (>H,./k>  tons  of  steel  were  produced. 

The  most  extensive  .leposit.s  of  ni.  kel  bearinjf  ore  in  the  world  are  found 
."Ontario.      They   extend  over  a   wide   area  north  of  Lake    Huron,  in     he 
districts  of  NipissinK'  and   Al^jomn.  and  recent  discoveries  of  the 
wv«-/.  ore  have  been  made  in  the  district  of  Party  Sound.     The  Town  of 

Sudbury,  on  the  Canadian  Pacific  Railway,  is  the  centre  of  the  in- 
Uiistry.      A  few  years  a^'o  experts  from  the  United  States  Navv  Department 
who  examined  the  Sudbury  deposits,  estimated  in  their  leport  that  ther.  were* 
..50  OOO..XX,  tons  of  ore  in  si^^ht.     This  ore.  which  is  nickeliferous  pyrrhotite 
amtains  from  .  .^  ,.,  .,..•  per  cent,  of  nickel  and  fr.m  .  to  4  per  cent,  copper.' 
S.iue   then  other  discoveries  have  been  made  within  an  area  of  about  Zxx. 
square  miles,  some  of  which  are  bein^^  developed.     Mining  operations  were 
commenced  at  Sudbury  in  .«8(,.  and  the  districts  new  furnishes  about  half  the 
norld  s  supply.      The  copper-nickel  matte  is  at  present  shipped  to  the  United 
States    where  the  final  stages  of  the  processes  of  extraction  and  refininr  are 
earned  on.      In  ,902.  u.Sgo.ocx,  pounds  of  nickel  were  produced,  valued  in 
the  matte  and  before  being  exported  for  refining  at  $2.2io.rj6i 

All  the  Indications  point  to  a  steady  increase  in  the  consumption  of  nickel 
and  assurance  that  this  Industry  will  grow  to  much  l.irger  proportions 
It  seems  probable  that  the  greatest  use  for  it  will  be  in  the  manufacture  of 
mckel  steel.     When  united  with  steel  it  forms  an  alloy  of  great  strength  and 
hardness      This  alloy  is  used  in  the  making  of  cannon,  small  arms,  armour 

Take'L  fTn  "nM!"b  "T?'"7'  T'  "'"^  ''''"*'''''  -^''-^'i'i^y.  -pabilitv  to 
take  a  fine  poli.h  and  .freedom  from  rusting  are  valuable  properties. 

nickel  inTusIrv'  'T''  ''  T''"''   '"  """'""''  '^''^'■^'  ^'^  ^  '^y-P-^-'  ^^  '^^ 
nKke!,ndustr3.     The   most    important  copper-bearing  sectlor     utherto  dis 

eovered  extends  northwards  from  the  shores  of  the  Georgian  Bay.     This  b    t 

mav    be  traced  from  the   Par..  v,...n.   r.i,,Hct  to  Lake  Sunerior.  a  c 





''•^OVINCE    OF    ... 

'^  beann^,  rocks  do  not  o  ''"""■'^'derab/e  por^r     '• '  ''"^  '''' 

*/cD      ^'^J^   tons    o/  ^^  ^"  ""d  will  k  '  '"«Ke  it  ct^^t   • 

"  -nn:",:;-^,  ■•"  °"'«-  .»  a  new  i„, 

.oo  0,  „„  ''.f°™P"«s  a  parallel         "'"^  "'•>■"  and  Th     i"""  "  """ 
'-"  Of  a. Ta  r/'"^'  '^■•"^  '"-  X:"  Of  -•.„,.,  atl.''r;:„«».>-  "-^c 

<«»™ve„rhr^"  '■'"'"•  '•"'  «"«t^    •  ""  «^'"=  River  M       °"^  ""  »'■<>••. 
"•"•  with  a  few    °  ""?'"" """  "mpe.e„r      ''"  >"''^-     mZvTT^  *?"' 

country  exienj  "P'"™c„eal  str/^  ff  ""•  P'-oceeded  fi?  "^  ^'"S'  """« 
•"■ins  mad  t",;''""^"""'  "X  "°"  ""ch  far^eT  n'""'*""' P'a« 
worked.      "     '"   E-<-„   0„,ari„"'!:  ^'  ''■  "="'  *«ovo4?°:"'  ""^  »°W 

■■"■ch  as  al  Mir,,       P^""^  "^  Ontario  „r      ■  ^  ^"ccessfu/,,. 

E-^^rn    •""""  °"  Lake  SuJ    ""''"?  discoveries  h 

""««.  va,„e»  a,  fo^'  -  ^oid.     ,„  ."^    --  is  of  a  refrac'^  t^^^  "■ 
*/W.  which  have  ,a,eK   ^  O""  "■'  mines  near  P 

P-^-an,^*;  l^-^aiiie  sub^;,^   ^  _  ""  '"  '*=^  •"  96,666 

"  petroleum  y^r.^^^ 

°  '^  Height  of 

''^''^  copper. 
■"P>''-'te,  an  ore 
■^.'-<^opper  ores 
'"c/uded   the 

'^"    '«49  and 
'■"  developing 
^°"nd,  also, 
^'^  "P-     The 
'-''^"t'y  intro- 
certain  that 
'fitabjy.     j„ 

of  matte  at 

nisin^  one, 
'j^  bearing- 
'^  and  the 
■  d'stricts. 
long-  by 

'esota— a 
^e  shores 
"«■  g-oJd 
■se  will, 

_o  pJace 
's  g-old 


^a  in 

•  and 


e  of 









^O^'INCE     OF 

^''^ -hCe  Shore  or  U.eHu  '     ^^^^R/o 

S*/t  ^„^       «"*^   for  many  mi,^". ';°'"  ^''^  'atitude  of  Kin.     .■ 

«f  >'earJy  output   Tn."^"'''  ''"'^  «"  °*hers "f  a         '"^"^^'•'^«- 

^'*'"  ^an  do  i'  tt  p '  f  ::^^  «"  admirable  eLlr".'  "^^"^  '"  th 

^-^-^«  orp^^rrr::^"-  --:::^ -ar  ^^^^  --- 

f;r"de  petroleum    J„,       •   '  ^'^^  '^'  ""^  ^'  ^°"ows  • 
[""minating  oi^'  '""^'^^  gallons ....      ,^"-yty.  ^^,„^ 

Lubr  eating- oil  .  '°''«5,592    $94010^ 

Benzine  &Nenh.^  "  7. 7^0,866      ;7°'i°^ 

Gas,  fuel   _V,!P''^i«'  "  "••       ^.765.677       ^>5i3 

iry  are  the  towns  of  0  .     .     ^^  "'as  about  ,^ 
"e  past  few  years     T»,  ''°  ""derg-one  «»*:  r 

-^967.0,5/  ^-  ^'^^^°-^^^o-9ofa::,::;;trz.'^^^^^^ 

A^- W  c;..    .      ^''^  existence  o'  nat      .  '^  ""''■'''•  "^ 

P'-'ncipally  in  "th'^'  """'^^  ^^''^''^  datTi  ^^'  '"  °"^^^'°  ^as  first  d' 

'"-a"  ex,e„  °;  '~^'  "«•  "-  also  f^    "f"""'  Pa«.  of  fh"  ""^  '""' 

^mwa  '^7,  Chapter  ,6   .  "^'"""^  '^  embodied  in  th.  iv>r- 

-  P=^-„.of  ,,.4- 1-.0,      .,  -  a  ™.^a,        ,      ,^,»  - 



^•ne  southward, 
''beds  of  salt, 
•^h.  but  also  as 
■ash.  bleaching 

e  in  the  value 
enterprse  and 




^e  centres  of 

Tient  during- 
rels,  valued 

^een  sunk, 
'  valued  at 




e,  ch 
otta  and 
e  of  the 
ed  to  be 



•00  to 
fier  in 
•e  for 


subsequent  years.  Lessees  have  the  privilege  during?  the  currencv  of  their 
lease  of  purchas.nj,.  the  lands  outright ;  or  at  the  end  of  ten  years,  if  ail  rent 
has  been  pa.d  and  the  statutory  conditions  complied  with,  the  lessee  ^-ets  •» 
grant  without  further  payment.  ** 

Mining  lands  cannot  be  held  without  being  worked,  the  law  requirinjr  at 
least  $6.00  per  acre  to  be  expended  in  development  work  during  the  first  seven 
years,  at  the  rate  of  $..00  per  acre  for  the  first  two  years  and  $..00  per  acre 
per  annum  for  the  next  five  years.  ^ 

Prospecting  for  minerals  on  Crown  lands  is  encouraged  by  free  grants  of 
forty  acres  where  valuable  discoveries  are  made  in  new  territory 

...  '?k^^m"^  ^''''')°"  '^  ""'"''''  ^'''"'''  '^o^ting  $,0.00  per"  annum,  en- 
.tles  the  holder  to  stake  out  mining  claims  of  twenty-two  and  one-h^  f  "r 
forty  acres,  and  to  hold  the  same  on  performing  the 'required  deTelopl: 
work^  S.mdar  regulations  are  in  force  with  respect  to  unsurveyed  terHu.ry 
The  greatest  area  which  may  be  granted  to  any  individual  in  one  vear  s 
320  acres  of  and  contammg  the  same  class  or  kind  of  o.e  or  mineral  within 
a  radms  of  fifteen  m.Ies  m  any  county  or  district.  To  companies,  syndiclrs 
or  partnerships  the  maximum  area  is  640  acres.  .>"'caies 

The  royalties  formerly  reserved  to  the  Crown  have  been  abandoned. 

T>^  For«,  WealA  of  On^^, 

C"E  forest  trees  of  O  ^  ^         ^ 

'io\v  tj]g  .sett/p<i  .,     .• 
^  growth  of  h..,,...      .       P°''"on 

i   be 

»>4///i.         per  cent,  of  ,h  '  ^'  "'e  present  r.  "^   ''''»'<  bron. 

forest    has     .  ''°'''°"  of  Ontario   •     T'  ^"'>    ''hout    t  J 

'^^^  ^-"  and  .St,,  i':::':; --'^'^  ^'^^  '-t  °n;t,f-^  '-^-  w/tr 

^        ^^--'hern  Ontario    ,h  '•'■'"'^  P'-''"«n- sou  ce?^'     ''^''^    ^o-"    m 

^'•ee-covered  wildernes;  ''t.^'-^^^'^^  «eat  of  theTu 'h^'  ^^'""^- 
;:;»'-'«''es  .uch  as  the  pt         "''  '""^  ^'"--th   beir'""'  "P^rations.  i.  sti,, 
^'^''^^  and  poplar!    '1,:^'''''  "^""a'".  cedtt?  f"'^  ^°  ^'^'^  ^-onffer" 
^-^•^•^  °f  ^arLood  exis    /'"  ^°"'''-"  '•-•'t.s  of  the  dH  "'  '^'"'-'<'  -      M 

extent  of  its  for.  t       ^  ^  ^'P^'^'es    as  the  v-,\u  ""  ^'''^  ^^''est      Tf, 

n,  u^...      Portance  is   fh.  ....   °'  Ontario,  both  for  .....  .^'^  '  ^'"'est  Wealth 

— "s  ine  trees  of  n,,*     •  ^  me  countrvV- *■  ■' 

nem,e    r'r^'''   ^''^  white  o^'.^r'^-th  for  value  aXr^'-^^^^ 
a«e.  the  chief  ^vood  evn.  !  !"    ^^^>''"0"th  pine      P        ^"'""lercial  ii 

^•fficuJt  to  estimate,  and  i  ^  '^"^"^'ty  of  pine  sMu         "'""'  "^'""iberin^ 

by  competent  ;,„.i,  "^  """^  "early  so  //r  '"  existing?  i„  On.        ^ 

"•chisfounnr,  L"/:^"'^'-'^- 


by  comnet  ''*'^'  «"d  is 

'"  the  North  in  ,"    'P'"'^^'  «  tree  which  is  founH    ,   "'^  ^"'^nca. 

"'«■  which  is  probab  V  ,r  "*  '°  "'<^  »h"refof  H  ^"''  '"  "o^od,  a  c^ 

Canadian;;  .rf  1.  "'°^'  "'-^ive  7 
""cs,  and  a  ,,,,„  n^^i^  I,''!^^  '^  '"  '■""",„, 

fabric,  and  ;g;:;rnn'"'lf'  "'"•-•"  -  'nTn;;^! '"^  ""'"P""  ^arie.v  fo,  „ 
'     ""''"""^'•<'f'"l.era«ic,;       ^^  demand  kr  pape.f  t«»' 

f66|  ^ 




^''^0  of  any 
portion  wa.s 
«^s,  consist- 
■uid   beech, 
forest  has 
s  brou^rhj 

Jt  twenty 
With  the 
"f"    >'ears 

's  stij;  a 
^'th  Mie 
rees  be- 
e  north 
-  great 
ey  con- 
iai  im- 
irio  is 
'y  of 

1  ot 






EstimMte  of 
'P»lpnH>ocl  Are*s. 




TluifHlfi'  Bay. 
Rainy  River 


'•»•'  *m  fKxi 

'•'>0  (HM)  (MM) 
•«  »H)0  (NMI 

Takin^r  ihis  quantity  of  nulnu,^    i  ^**  ""*'  '"•« 

/n-A./O'         resources.  ^       ^"  "^ ^^«n  greater  value  than  the  pi^e 

if  thinned  out    wouIH      f  "'^  valuable  for  wood  m.l„      tu        '^  ^''^"^ 

can  h«  u  ^    ^^^""^  ^'■°"i  the  seed    anH  ft,       c  '  ^P''"^^  may  be 

can  be  harvested  to  ohp  r.f  ^:  r,  '       "  therefore  two  rrnr...    r 

The  wood  p„,p  ,„d„»„,  ,-,  „f  coLparate  ;   '     '  *""">'  "'■«-«''»• 

<J«5*  0^         '"-ge  capital  required  in  Us  devlr  "  °'  ""'  ''"'''■^••y,    ,he 

"*  "^•"^-      ""o"  g^ws  in  a  more  Jittered  '^"'"';  """  ""  ''"  '»"«  P"lp- 

"e  appiicaMe  r.^i^r^  '"rt"' "' '^""'^^^!^'^7.r:^j:r  zvA 

facture  it  in.o  p„,p,  „,^,  ,„.,;."';^  -  ■^-'w  condition.     ,„  „,<,„'^^^  -'  ^= 

pciiu  a  certain  amount 


m  (MM) 

<N)  (NM) 










prohibited  by  a^bilMnf*^?*'  '"  "  """-'manufactured  condifi       u 

In  accordance  with  this  pCicy.  concessions  have  bee 
Pufp^vood         ^""'P*"'^^.  some  of  which  have  ITh  ^""'"*'  ^°  ^«"ou» 

Con's.,,     active  operation,  others  of  whi  h  have'  "'''''  "'"^  «"^  «-  »« 
part  of  the  agreements      Th«  r  , ,  "°*  ^^^  completed  their 

entered  nto  with  H.ff--     .     '=«='"enis.      fhe  follow mif  is  a  li«*  ^r 

"  ""'""'  """P»-«  ""d  .he  .„ou«  LreL  ,„  k"^''""""" 

»'^^^"  to  be  mvested. 

Capital  to  be 
•    400,000 

Spanish  Riv" «  ".'P  ""'^  '**»"'■  t'o      •    400,000 

Kche  R  v«r  p"  P  *"''  P»P«^  Co. 1.000,000 

Nep^Kon  pLr  p"'P  *»''/-?«r  Co  .    .' «00,000 

Kee'wTtin'^IJjrwe^te^.'^nd^.  Co.....:  •::::;      ••;       ^-000 




The  above  sums  required  to  h»  •  .  ^350,000  ,,890 

Tfjg  "*-tessruJ    manufacture 



<l..po».d  of  th.reaftep  should  be  le„,d  nn^!^  '"  «»«.5  of  ,50  horw-po,.., 
wi.hin.sp.cifi.d  period,  wi.h.p '".ol,  Th  °"  "'  """"  """"P— 
power  not  required  by  .he  le.««  arr-.l  L-""'"""'""''''  '"f--"i»h«l 
Lieutenant-Governor  in  Council  "  ^'"  '"   ""  ""•<"''  "'  "•• 

The  rental  asked  is  verv  moderii»    tt.     u-        t  . 

development  of  th.  many  l.L°.'erf»lN  I  ""■^'"'f  '°  '"""^■B'  "« 
while  at  the  same  time  pro«cti"rthI  n  '^'T""'"'  "'  "'""'""  Ontario, 
pulsory  and  providing  fo'r  ^iTh  e   at'e'^u  LTf';:'^  """"""«"'  """• 

-  ^rn^inir-^C -r^^^^  .rmeny,  but 

co..«to  supply  do^mestieLs-XtV-r^--^^^^^^^^^ 

^    !''"':iV::rrr  h:LeM7flr'''''r^  i"*-.,  or  Ca„ada,  and 

.Tsi^"-e.c.  for  exporr".r:r;7\r:v„::s^-rr"'''"' 

-e  sawn"::  irnXt^ri:  ^  p^vt:*  '"d  ^''  -^  --  «>"  -<""•  ">- 

Asa  consequence  the  saw  1 .1    '^'°'"'"'  »"''  '=""<"  be  exported  in  the  loe 

.i-e  in  its  histor;:  and  ;;;T  ml:l";':V'  T"  ""'''  "■^"  "  -^  P'"-- 

Some  idea  o    the  growth  ofTs         "n  "'^^  """"""•  "' P'"°"'- 
•he  las.  few  years,  princfpaTy  as  I   esu "0^'^^  'T.'"'  '"  ''""™  """"8 

<>«'*''to         a  dollar   h.,^  fu\  '  statement  liks  this  to  be  exact  fo 

S^'wAiiOs.    I  ,°"^''  ^"*  ^he  figures  given  have  been  gathered  from  JuT 

beheved  to  be  the  mo«t  r^iioki  K'»inerea  troni  what  are 

with  great  care.  The  first  tablTde'.t^  """'"''  ""''  ''^"^  ^^«"  -^'"Pi'ed 
and  the  second  with  mil  Jhich.tod  Tn'd  ""r"'"''  "''^'  ''^^^  ''^^"  "-' ^d' 
logs  were  being  towed  acros.  to  the  M  T  T'""^'  years  while  Ontario 
-"ed  and  again  p.  in  clli^ ^.^ J;^-  ^^  ^  ^-^^^  -n 


Hands  Employed 

Annual  Cut 



'•""VINCK     c.l.     O.NTVKIO 

"■''"•' "■      I  H..,.i.  K„,pr„).„| 

AiirtuHl  Cut 



N7,.VK»,tl(N»  fi..    I{  M 

■A  total  expeiidiiiire  of  *i  .«,,  ~~  ~ 

emp.o,.ent  to';.,.,  m;:L!:;~.::  :;;?""•""-  ''^^''^-•--  ^^'^-'  ^-c 

'«  .S59.75o.cxx,  feet  hroad  measure  it  i  r' '""";  ""''  "^^''^'^  """""'  «"» 
''"^'  Pi'iMK'  pine  lutnber  on  the  Great  ..L  '  u"^'  "'•"  "''  '■"•*•  ^^^ -winjT 
"-«»    the   amount   of  monev   from  'his  "  "'^'''' '^-•^'>'' ^^^ '''""-•nd.  st 

'""^>"*:  Canadian  workmen' to   be  exDenZr\ •''"'!'•  ''  """""">'  ^'^^^"rsed 
;;an  be  very  easily  arrived  at       To  th'  '"."  '"""'  ""^  ^'""^f^'*' 

'■^-VM  paid  Canadian  railwa  ,    """""'  **''""'^  »^^"  -^^^^^'   too.   thj 

'-"Her.  amounting,  to  about  sVpr  Z:lZ'''^  "'  ''^'  ^''^"'^'"  '''  ''^^  -- 

Commercial  Fish 


>H  H  commercial  fisheries  of  Onfirio  .r  .    r  • 

possession,  and  constitute   "  "^^^'^  "'^'"*'"-'»^'^'  ^a'-'  as  a  national 

of  th.  Great  Lakerarft  V  m  T:;T"  '^^'^'/'''"^--y-     The  fisheries 
-ater  fish  are  concerned     u"2    .      hT'  '"  ''''  ""■■''  ^«  '"^  -"^  '^-^ 
western  waters  teem  with   the   finer  ."'^^'J'^^".    the  northern  and  north- 

now  carefully  regulated  by  the   Gove'rnm     "^  1  ''^'      ''''  '''''"^'  '"^'-'^  - 

vilmon-trout.     herring..     stur.a>on      bas.  ^     .         ""''^  ''''  '^'^  vvhit,fi,h, 

The  industry  ..ivesemn,'  ^"''"■'''  ^'^''  '"'^  maskinon^e 
^MflTmiT  .  ^    ^   '''^'^■^  employment  to  about   2  onr.  „, ,  .       ^ 

%r,wL.      -^ent^  an  ."vestment  of  a  million  dollar  /'^"^  "^'■^".   and  repre- 

and  appliances.     The  anZZZu  '"    ^^''"  ''^^^•'*'  ''"-houses,   of  admm.stration    and    protection. 

^* # 



i    i 



'•»  many  .vctionn  protective  h,  J  a  i.!     i     ""''''"^  •"*'•""  P"'^*"  f>^'«ti...  and 

-«H  the  Govern  Jn.  in  th    Tr^      'Z.'T    "k"'  "*''""''''^'  •" -opi.ate 
proper  public  »enf imcnt.  P'-'>Uct.on,   by  creatInK'  «nd  fo«terin>f  « 

Hut  the  VHlueof  thi^  r^ 

»'4/#f*:         •^'  ""••  anintry  to  nnrfit'in„»-  •  «  tourists  are  aftnutcu 

"'"'  •-••■"'•""^  Which  »c.J^,,o^zzZ7T' '": """" '"  ■•"  '■""•■'>« 

bet  consideration  which  the  Governmen  Tan"  P*r*"''*'*""  *"'  receive  the 
"uppyin^  the  requirements  of  thesT  vi  iZT' '" '\ '"  ^"*  "--''-^-'S  the  settlers  have  for  the  pr!lc  rth'T  "'  '''  """">"'  ""^"^^^ 
iHkes.  where  the  flow  of  tourists  ha?h'  '^"■'"•*'-     ^"""^  "^  'he  small 

heen  so  persistently  fished,  a^d  J       ^rl'lTZ  ''/"  '"  '''"  ^"-»*"'  f'-. 
Hcen  so  ineffectively  prote  ted   tha     ^ZT  ^^'''  ""'''''"  ^^^^^  *f-"«  by 

condition  To  restore  such  waters  and  to  "  T"  '"  '  "'''''  °^  '-•••  ''^P'^'ed 
be  created  by  the  increased  numbe;  of^nrrr  V'*  '''''  '"'"  ^^^^  -" 
embarked  upon  the  work  of  re-stockinr  w  th  Lam^fi?"""  '^'^  "'"'•^>' 
alone  havm^r  been  deposited  la,t  year  a^  Z  .  ^^Z  '^'  ^"♦^^  adult  bass 
■nee.  Never  before  in  our  histo  yTas  so  mu"  '  '"'""*  ^""^^  '"  '^'  ^-v- 
or  attention  devoted  to.  fishery  n^atte's  botrbvtK "'"'''  '''*"  '"^"'^-^^^  ■". 
erally.  as  during  the  last  year,  and  it  I^  Ir^f^-  '"''''  ^"^  '^'  Public  jfen- 
preciate  the  efforts  already  put  forth      In"^  d     ";"'' '°  ''""'  ^^'^^  ^^^^  ^""^  «P- 

-Hlt:^: -^ri^l-^r;;;^  e^endin,  to  Uke- 

'akes.  which  may  be  truthfully  said  to   Lr"."'''  '"""^^'^  ^''''"^-"^s  of 
•  of  fish.     When  the  pro"  ss Le  rai      '     7  "'''  '''  "'''''  ^-'"«ble 
up  these  vast  regions,  and  cLTectTthem  w^th       V'  '''  '"^'"'''^  "^^"^ 
hem  more  easily  accessible,  one  of  the  riTh2  °"'"'  ^'"''^  ^'^  ^^"d-"%' 

to  be  the  fisheries,  which  will  yield  a  contt^/  ''"^'"  ^^'"  ''«  ^-"^ 

supply  to  the  settlers  who  may    eplrr  the  7  .    .'"^  '"'"""^  ^^"'•'^^  o^  food 

--  -  -ir  ..ine.  ,^  -  r ::mr ,::r :^jtr- 


location,  I  he  kiiuK  of  fi  h'lh 

iVpHr,„.en.   for  ,hc  guidance  hIu/ i!';;"'':'"  ^^^  '**^'''""^  '^"^  '"^-^  '"  "'^• 
fi-».in,^  prlvil.^..,  .herdn.  "''-^'"«„o„  of  pr..sp.civ.  applicant,  tor 

To  th«'  Malt  water  fi»herio«  n»   ii..  i         » 

hcc,  made    but  r    .      '  ''"  ""•''  '''""'   •'^^^^«"^'*  f'""*  «lr^-Hdv 

whitu,,,  H».,,  p„„„,.,  ,Jxt„. J  ,;;■•-  •'• «»!- „,  „, 

The  whale   fisheries   of  Hudson  H.v  , 

■  iiiuNon  nav   are    hIum   aw»^.  i 

VlO,.u  >'<*«''•'*  P"-**!  American  ah  .Ur    u  ?   '"'^*""'^    '  •*'    '"'    'orn 

►f^a/*  f^^       '-""trican  whalers  have  reirii  arlv  '.m  .  '     k 

..  I.O.0OO .  ,„, .,. .,  "::r r'::x'- -— 



