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Mr.  a 


that  I  ! 

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was  on 









over  th 


that,  in 

John   C 


in  refer 
Que'  ec. 




Before  th«  Canadian  Club  of  Ottawa  at  the  Ruasall  Houso,  January  20th,  1906, 

upon  tna  aubjact  of 




Mr.  Chairman  and  Gentlemen, — 

When  you  were  good  enoujrh  to  propose  to  me,  a  little  while  ago. 
that  I  should  address  the  Canadian  Cluh  on  the  subject  of  Confederation, 
I  had  some  little  hesitation  about  acceptiniEr  your  invitation,  ['he  subject 
was  one  which,  to  deal  with  adequately,  much  less  exhaustively,  would 
require  not  one  address  but  a  series  of  addresses;  but  on  consideration  it 
appeared  to  me  that  I  might  best  meet  your  wishes  and  pi-rhaps  best 
answer  the  expectations  which  you  might  have  formed  by  giving  you  as 
briefly  as  I  could  my  own  recollection  of  the  state  of  things  prior  to  Con- 
federation, in  1863,  together  with  a  few  remarks  on  the  men,  who,  in  my 
judgment,  contributed  most  to  bring  about  the  Confederation  of  the 
Dominion  of  Canada.  I  had  another  reason,  Mr.  Chairman,  for  talcing 
advantage  of  this  opportunity,  and  that  is  that  the  other  day,  in  looking 
Dver  the  list  of  the  sixty-five  members  of  Parliament  who  appeared  at 
Quebec  in  the  session  of  1863,  to  represent  the  Province  of  Ontario,  I  find 
that,  in  so  far  as  I  can  ascertain,  there  remain  but  three  survivors— .Sir 
Fohn  Carling,  myself  and  Sir  William  Rowland,  now  almost  a  centen- 

Was  Youngest  Member. 

I  desire,  in  the  first  place,  to  mention  to  you  that  I  speak  exclusively 
n  reference  to  the  state  of  thinj^s  in  tlie  Provinces  of  Ontario  and 
^ue'  ec.     At  the  time  to  which  I  refer  we  knew  almost   nothing,  I   am«  arc  not  alw.iy.  Mk,.,,  into  ( |,,<,.  ,.„_n,, ,  „    . 

were  very  eq.inllv  HfvMcl      l„,l„.  1,,    .  \-   'I'-'t   hme,  partie 

co„,eq„onoc   wi,  tl,.,t   ,1,       l,  ',""''" '"' '■''''"•"■•■I 'viti,  nnd  ll„ 

.o.e:„.  ..,,2: :,':.;: :,:,:;,:  ■::::;:;,:,:;;:;.':—■  "'""""•' 

session  of  Parlnnirnt      T       •  \.     IJ  '"^  ^"^  ^"^  s^'^onf' 

j^r  nny  man  who  took  „,<,  ,,i^,„,„,   ,•„„„„  .^  ,,,/    'TJ  ""  *'  ™"'' 


W   ^'^f  •^'  "'^'■"  P'-^-t-n-Inrfv  the  Province  of  Ontario     W. 


Motherland   bv  the  slow      7,-  ''"'-''  ^""^"^""'^^t^  with  the 

no  transcontinental  raihvav.    Then  n^ 7,  ;  ;;;^L    V^eTn    ^  1  "  ^" 
cation  with  the  Mnritin.e  Province,  and  whatTv  s  ret^rT?  ]"'" 

ence  to  the  futnre.  stil!  nrnro  in.nort.nt  the  .  T     ^  '     '""'^  '■'^'''- 

cally  no  Northwest     There  J7TT'  \        "''  '"  '^''  ^''''^^ 

sible  that  there  m.v  h .  e  h  ''  *''  ■^'■''''*  '°"'  ^'"^'  ^"^  '*  '^  P^^"" 

who;rin  h  7   t  1 "  '"'^^ "'" ""  *'^  "°^^  ^^  *^^  «-- 

-    =^.^  .hat  m  the  dim  and  d.stant  future  it  might  become  a  factor 

i  .  3 

in  the  development  of  North  Amrric  a.  hut  for  all  practical  purposes  at  il  there  was  no  Northwest,  as  far  as  we  were  concernc.l.     Ntoreover' 
rvvn  m  our  own  territory,  and  it  wa*  a  matter  not  to  be  .lisrc^anlcl   the' 
Mate  of  coninninication  was  exceedingly  slow  and  imperfect.    Practically 
the  C  .ty  of  Qiabtc  was  almost  as  far  fr.-m  Toronto  in  those  days  during 
a  gnat  part  of  the  year  as   Ottawa   i,   »  .m  Vancouver  to-day.     I   can 
remember,  myself,  if  I  must  recall    these   .ncient    recollections,  on   one 
occas.on  being  on  a  train  which  took  four  days   to   make   its  way  from 
rescott  to  Ottawa,  and  that  train  had  on  board.  besi.Ies  myself,  the  then 
M.mster  of  Finance  of  and  the  .Manager   of   the   Grand    Trunk 
Kailway.     (Laughter).     If  the  communication  was  difficult  under  those 
c.rcumstances.  there  werr  other  conditions,  too.  which  confronted  us.  and 
which  required  our  most  serious  consideration.    Commercially  speaking 
the  condition  was  alarminj,'  cnoiigli. 

Credit  Was  Low. 
Our  credit  at  that  time  was  very  low  indeed.    I  can  remember,  and  it 
IS  worth  while  recalling  the  fact,  that  in  the  years  just  immediately  pre- 
ceding Confederation,  the  credit  of  Canada  was  so  low  that  I  have  known 
Canadian  five  per  cents  selling  at  seventy-five  cents  on  the  dollar  in  the 
English  market;  in  other  words,  it  would  have  cost  us.  if  we  had  put  a 
loan  on  the  market  at  that  time,  about  seven  per  cent.,  and  my  commer- 
cial  friends  will  understand  what  that  meant  in  obtaining  funds  to  carry 
on  the  requisite  improvements  in  Canada.    We  had  had  a  series  of  hug- 
deficits  largely  caused  by  the  breakdown,  for  the  time  being,  of  the  Grand 
Trunk  Railway.    How  grave  these  deficits  were  you  can  judge  from  this 
simple  statement  that  in  proportion  to  the  then  revenue  of  the  two  Can- 
adas.  the  deficits  were  as  great  as  if  we  had  to-day  in  proportion  to  our  present 
revenue    a    deficit    on    our  annual  expenditure  of  from  $20,000,000  to 
^  $,rxxx*    I  need  not  say  to  my  elder  friends  that  at  that  particular 

,  f  J?  Apf  °;'*<J  »  »  sUtement  from  the  Public  Accounts  of  old  C.nada.  prepared  hy 
J.  Langton  AudUor-Gencral  of  Canada,  an.l  countersiKned  bv  J.  .M.  Courtney  now 
Deputy  M,n.,ter  of  Finance,  .howiuK  the  condition  of  affairs  from  ,858  to  TC 

Revenue  Kxpenditure  Deficit 

ll^^ 15.270,67705      I8.645.944  64      #3.375.31759 

'l^ 6.597,01758        8.09.. 761  85         1.494,74427 

=  T" 7.436,58510       9.410,57509       1.973.98999 

'^' 7.543.92620        9.542.93429         i,999,oo.S  09 

'■^^ 7.377.16590        9.441.49704         2,064,33114 

lfiO\ S  fir.2   iA.     a9  ~    . o- .    /-,  c 

Mr.  Sa'iieM^SnTd     ""  "  ''''"  ^^°"  ''''  ''^  '«''  ^^^^  '^  -"  --'-^-»  »>^ 

time  the  r.ranrl  Tr.,nk  R.HIw.iv  wa,  i„  ,  .  ,      i 

civil  war.  that  t,„.  uorM   ,!.;,;:  V''  '""  '""'••^'  ""''  "'  ♦''"  »''---' 
months  of  tiK-  ...MM„hli,„,    V  »i      ..    r  "  ''""   ''*'''"*''•  •"'"'  *^'''''»  a   f 

;-'-'>■  ■■•^ C.  I,::'  .:::;::;,:;,,:•■;• "'  ""Vr'  -  ^ 

'''•'"K  .IranKccI  Into  the  vurte.  f)    W    [  '        "  '""'''•'  ''""^'• 

nty  Treaty  (.)  "    ''f'— ■'«'  ■'••"..!!,  ,H.|.  to  our  K.cip, 

The  Famoui  Deadlock. 

" ,„ ,,v  :;h':;;;  ,;'„;::■  ,:•-;;;;:;■';  •';-^-;"-  w,.,,. ,  „. 

— >*^rs.  hut  It  was  bccominjr  ver 

(i)  There  t<t  no  doiif.t  that  ■»•>..  ,    .  • 

■.'on,,vur„.,„„,,,.,,,,;rjr;;r:.::r,:.r  :*-''>■»•'■■-'.."... .., 

Many  venr»   Infer   in   w .  i  ""  """  "'"eue  tanai  a. 

of  Mexico  by  an  An«I...Pr..„ct,  ...n,l  Sp.,u"h  fi  J'        """  '"'  "'  ""^  'hreatcne,!  inva.ion 
'e't  by  the  Unite.!  S.h,.s  anth.-ritiTo      he  .   ,  V  """  «""'"'''''  "r'P^'''«-i"n 

French.  Thi,,  co«,„H  with  the  comictL  U.  h  "  "''"•"  "'  """  '^•"'--  «'  the 
o..  of  all  effective  control  over  Ce.ur  /l  l^ri  "  ..  7,^"'''''''''"  "'  '•"■  '«"»»•  — »  the 
the  .cale  .lecidedlv  in  favour  of  pen  e  rc:;  ".';""'"'  '■^"""""•-  ^■"""  '-"•" 

which  no  m,„  knew  fro,„,,av  to  ,U^  wheth  '  ^  -'•  «' r'  ^■'''''  *"^P^"« ''"rinK 
•most  profound  impre„i„n.  A  «ittv  f  L  ,7,  '"'  f '"'  """•^'^■"  '"  -"■  Produced 
".e  true  father  of  C  .nfderation  wa    u  ,     .  'T  .""^""^  ""^  ^•""'  »"  "'-"«»!"  that 

^V.lWe..  U.  S.  X  .  «„.,  u  is  .ertain  the  ^'^r:Z:'Z: ^^T;:.^,::''''''''''  ""  ^^''^• 

colle.Kues  to  the  Ho,„e  .-...vernuu-nt  in  ,%6       '  "^  "'"  ^    ^-  ^'-'''"«l'i   an.l   his 

HttiedouJtZ  t;^:;:;-r::- ■e^^^^er.u.  ^-'n  --'^''- '-  ^--» 

Canada  to  the  ITnited  States.  an.I  also  0,". he  si  .  "  T'^"'^  '"'''  °"  '^'  ^••■^"''>"«  ^rom 
'896.  especially  after  the  t^„  ted  stts  J  .ta  ',•',,"  "''"'""  "'  ^■"••'"'«  f^"'  •«66  to 
«enes  of  very  hostile  tarHTs  nressinJv.r;,  "  '^'"'^  '*""''"'''  ""'^   "'^oPt^J  « 

staple  productions.  „ere  alio  the  acio.  ofX  u;;;;  ^s""'""  "'  '"^  ^^^  "^  »-»  of  he:  results.  "'""  °*  "'*^  ^'»te<l  States  pro.luced  very  important 

ion  an<I  it 
iorii  at  an 

lilt  a  few 
'aH  an  ex 

know,  of 
>  rca!ir)n  to 
'|»l«'  wcrr 


fore  con- 
!<•  I  liavc 
»n  of  tin- 
^'  partir- 
't  alonp 
nff  very 

coin  was 

"K  to  his 
r  of  the 
eant  the 
il  turned 
e  'liirinj{ 
lin  that 
It  Capt. 

he  reel- 
lod  his 

there  is 
18  from 
1866  to 
'ptecl  a 
of  her 

J^andfi.-!,!  Ma=,l„„al,l.|)„r,„„   ,„  1  ,,1,/.  M.                    ■M-K-.lo„al,|.S,cotl,. 
l.".l  tl..-  ourio,,,  arra  ,1  ,"^r  ■,""""  ""•'"'""  ' "•  ■""  «' 

".ercly  have  a  deci,!..,!  ,„.i.,ri,y  i„  „'  „J  „       "  '   f^'^  "'""'•'   ""' 

;n;ac.,  „, .,..  ,„.„  ,.,„;.„,  .^,,,,:;;,;,;;r;.::- : :, '  -;j_,-.^i"H.y 

that  his  successors  rcpu.l.atcd  the  I.  '""  ^'"^'''^^  ^*" 

tudc.  '"■'"■  •'^'■•'"K^"'^"t  with  preat  prompti- 

;£r:r;:;;r -:::-■:—;::-.::-;: 

av.  rage  hfc  of  a  .n.n.stry  was  about  six  ,„onths.    The  Carticr  (fn    I        m 
ministry  subsisted  s^v  m,.ntl,        a         .         .  ^  "*-  ^a«»t.r-AIac(lonalfI 

in  tlie  or.linarv  scn^.  „f  il,  ,  ,  ,  "la.llock  bclwi-on  two  parties 

l.e.wccn  .,„       OS     i,u.    ■■■'''■     "■,;'  T"  """"  """'  "'""  "  """I^K 

i«w.„  ..o .::"";,;  :^;': ::  r.,,'::r", "'"  r'--  -<■ 

was  wid.ninR.    Evcrv  .l^.v  i,'  „,     „  ''■"'"  '"■'"'■"  «"  '"<> 

bes.;.we<,  anf  .„„„„■    i  l"  n'V;:,         rj;:    --^''-^^J'^'  ""  T'  ""° 
into  erabic     Roth  s.M  ..   ,«         ■     .  ^"-""^Jn  ot  things  was  beconiinir 

-Ives.     „   .heel  :    On,     "  ""  "",'™'  •  "■"'  "  *="""  '''■•■''  ■"  --^  '-  "-" 
publierev  ntlwe"  ii?n  ;      "        T"""""'' '  '"S'-hare  of  .h. 

and  which  rsse::;;,,; ;:::;:;  ■".'" ":: ""-■■™  ••' '--  --ch  ,arger_ 

-n  .He  .he.  .he.e-„as  ad^e™^ !;:;- j'^  ^   ^  :S  ^ 


scntatinn  f  ^'^"'7^'/°  'hem  might  be  considerably  endangered  if  ret 
scntat.on  by  population  became  the  order  of  the  dav     A,  T  »  ? 

mem  was  absolutely  impossible,  every  ministry  wt^  he  ^T 

two  or  three  knaves  or  firf.n.t.     i     ,      """'"^J^ '™s  at  the  mercy  of  a 

well  that  n,a„;:;tr  1 ';  r  ::.:„:  "f  / """""- '-"'' 

at  tl,at  time  almost  in  Jesnai'r     Ma    '  .,„  °"  """"'^  """  *' 

■ne  nnite  franMy  that  '^nl^^jT.^J^^ZS^TVr  °'"-'°" 
union  was  absolntelv  inevifahl.     7  r    ,       ,  "  "•"^"'""on  of  tl 

i.  was  perfoetly  cja  la  .     .  ,  1    "  """'''""^  '  ""^-  ''°'""=''  »' 

have  happened-,  at  theiss,-'"    ,""  "  ""  '°"  °'  "•"""  »  "-1 

Shortly  s:ceeae;b;\h:\t:  i  :orot;::„7o"'b  "-^^  ^""  ^^^ 

States. (>)  untario  and  Quebec  m  the  Unite 

Explaining  Confederation. 


broached,  boldingalarLr:^;   rre'i'iTs'i^t^  ''-r^^'"^ 

""-•^""ffs,  as  It  was  my  clear  duty  to 

to  ask  for  i„.,ependence.      ulas  a,s:  c^e      nuirn'r'   '' ^""^'^  ''"^  ^^->   ^^ 

assurances  that  if  the  two  Ca.adas  agreed  thTwo^d  ,     '-"'^'"^'  ^^''^  P^^'^^e 

as  ,n  fact  they  did.     It  was  notorious  thit  New  R  'T""""  ^°'  '^'^"  J-'ior  provinces 

vote.1  down  the  proposal  for  Confe'e^  ion  at  theZr'  "'""  '"  "'^  '"'^^^  '-«— 
d.rect  intervention  of  the  Governor  Si  Arthur  r  ^?  '  ""t  ••^-^«"«t^»<^ted  -  by  the 
Home  authorities  utterly  ignored  the  pit t     'n7:  r^'^'^  Nova  Scotia   the 

population.  ^  '""^  P'^^"^'  ^n^'  petition,  of  the  great  mass  of  the 

in  the  Pro- 
1  the  terms 
rovince  of 

similar  to 
It,  and  not 

had  been 
d  if  repre- 
'e  said,  all 
d  of  thing 
'e  govern- 
cy  of  any 
»g  to  sup- 

and  I  do 
'■  floor  of 
lave  been 

nen  were 
pinion  to 
5n  of  the 
nted  out 
it  would 
een  very 
;  United 

V  it  was 
,  spcak- 
•  entliu- 
ect  was 
duty  to 

seen  fit 


by  the 
tia,  the 

of  the 

do.  all  over  my  riding,  for  the  purpose  of  explaining  the  situation  M 

pcrfoctlv  distxw.rl  ,       •  •  ^  ^■•^'-^litnt  spirit  and  appeared 

fannly."    1  can  a.s,,r.  ,ou  tl  a       ,  .u';   ;/    '  ^""''  himself  and  his 
of  His   l;xcclloncv  s   T     „  ^  ^    ;  '  ^^^'  '"•■"■"  '"  ^"'=  '"■•  ^  «<l"«i°n 

-o-  ncaH,  ,„:;;„:,::'"i: ;.  t::z  zr  '-t  °'  ™'-  --' 

tuents  only,  for  it  is  a  .„  urcr    f  i     ,  "■' "'  '">'  °""  ""^ti- 

'Ha.  .l,e  „,    and  o^K       o       ! ,     r '7' ""  "  '"^  "'"""'  "'"'•■  i'-"  i''^. 
federated  l.on.inion  wasT  ■,'"  ""'  ""'  '■""■""'■"'  °<  ">=  Con- 

A"  was  a ., .:::',:::;':';- ""-"-"  -^ «-  b.  n.  a. 

as  it  was,  caning  for  an  ann-n  ,  .  > X'  r'";'"  °^"T  "'Z'  '"°'" 

General.  ■■  "'*■  "a'ary  of  the  Governor- 

So   far  as   Confederation  was   tile  work   of   „,  I     ; 
nearly  absolntelv  the  work  of  ■,  I .,.  ,  ,    ■'">'""')'  "  "as  pretty 

■nos,  nnions.     fhave    Z  lit  I     '","';     ''     '  ''''°  '"'  "'"  '=  '™'  <>' 

Hngiand when bro„;.^2  '::;:: i:;.':."'''"" °' ^-"-^ -" 

vote  in  its  favor  in  Seotlan.l     „  I  ''  ""  """"'"aiming 

Ireland  and  l^nsland  "  i,  ad  ,'  "°  """"  '"  ■•"'  '"="  ""^  ""'<■"  <>' 

have  nu.t  with  :    ^  ,n      ,      '  'Z  """'"""'  '"  ""  P°^"'''  vote  would 

."-n,w..i,  a.  .i:h:;rfrK:;^:h'::;irr'"  ""'■='"'" -= 

and,  in  sonte  eases.  ':».  11:  !'!„'':"'  .■"  '-""-■"ar  who  took  the  risks 
^unnnatton.    ft  ^o  happ^ed  th;;';:;;;!^:^^:"^;::^:! 


1 1 



Ontario  and  Quebec  who  possessed  a  predominant  if  not  an  aim 

despotic  influence  over  their  respective  provinces.    One  of  these  men  i 

Mr.  George  Urown  in  the  Province  of   Ontario,  and   the  other  was  \ 

afterwards   Sir  George  Cartier,  in   Oueboc.    They  were   both   mastei 

men.    They  had   been  for  many  years   bitterly  opposed    to   each   otl 

Nevertheless   these  two  gentlemen  had  one   thing  in   common.       I 

bound  to  say,  looking  back  through  the  vista  of  two  or  three  and  fo 

years,  that  they,  in  their  own  ri'si)ective  ways,  were  both  large  mind 

unselfish  and  patriotic  men.    At  any  rate,  one  thing  is  certain ;  both 

them,  for  various  reasons,  had  a  thorough  and  hearty  detestation  of  ai 

thing  that   promised  to  lead  to  absorption    in   the    United   States. 

George  Cartier  thought  that  absorption  in  the  United  States  would  me 

that  the  Province  of  Quebec  would  lose  its  nationality,  and  that  it  woi 

lead  to  the  creation  of  a  state   of   tilings  closely  resembling  that  whi 

exists  in  Lousiana  to-day.     Mr.  Brown,  although  he  was  a  staunch  pa 

isan  of  the  United  States  in  many  ways,  and  although  he  had  support 

the  north  in  the  war  to  the  uttermost,  was  equally  devoted  to  maintaini 

British  connection. 

George  Brown  Indispensable. 

Under  the  circumstances  there  was  no  step  possible  without  the  cc 
currence  of  these  two  men ;  nobody  who  knew  anything  as  to  the  state 
feeling  in  Ontario  at  the  time  but  must  know  that  I  am  strictly  within  t 
facts  in  saying  that  no  project  of  Confederation  could  have  made  ai 
headway  in  Ontario  without  the  active  support  of  George  Brown  and 
the  Globe.  No  man,  I  think,  will  deny  that  things  were  very  much  in  tl 
same  position  in  Quebec  and  that  without  the  active  co-operation  of  S 
George  Cartier  very  little  headway  could  have  been  made  in  that  dire 
tion.  Both  of  these  gentlemen  were  men  of  experience,  men  who  hi 
been  engaged  in  politics  for  a  long  time,  and  both  were  thorough 
alarmed  at  the  state  of  things  then  existing.  The  difficulty  was  to  brir 
them  together.  There  is  an  old  monkish  proverb  whicli  I  have  seen  som 
where  or  other  and  which  runs  something  as  follows:— 

"  Dn?  im  cum  duro  non  facicnt  murum,"  which  means  "  Besides  yoi 
bricks  or  your  stones  you  must  have  good  mortar  if  you  are  going  1 
have  a  good  wall."  Fortunately  amongst  us  there  was  at  that  time  or 
man  in  particular  who  was  eminently  qualified  to  supply  the  element  r< 
quired.    That  man  was  the  late  Sir  Alexander  Gait,  who,  besides  being 

an  almos* 
e  men  was 
r  was  Mr., 
ich  other. 
1.  I  am 
and  forty 
e  minded, 
I ;  both  of 
)n  of  any- 
ates.  Sir 
>uld  mean 
t  it  would 
lat  which 
inch  part- 

large  minded  and  brilliant  man,  was  a  natural   born   diplomatist   and    I 
•peak  on  that  point  with  all  the  more  authority  because  I  had  the  lu.nur 
of  being  one  of  tiiosc  who  employed  Sir  Alexander  Gait  to  conduct  the 
Halifax  negotiation  in  regard  to  the  fishery  awards,  the  one  negoliatio„ 
which  has  ever  taken  place  in  my  recollection  in  which  Canada  and  the 
United  States  were  concerned,  in  which  Canada  got  decidedly  the  best  of 
It,  and  the  one  negotiation  in  which  the  whole  conduct  of  the  matter  from 
first  to  last  was  left  absolutely  in  the  hands   of    Canadian    lawyers  and 
Statesmen,  no  man  else  interfering.     Sir  Alexander  Gait  was  fascinated 
by  the  project  of  Confcrjeration.    lie  threw  himself  into   it  with  all   his 
energy  and  he  succeeded  in  making  a  convert  of  Sir  George  Cartior-Mr 
Brown  was  red  hot  already;  therefc,re,  I  say,  without  intending  or' wish- 
ing at  all  to  detract  from  the  work  done  by  other  able  men  in  this  connec- 
tion that  to  these  three  men,  for  good  or  evil,  must  be  attributed  the  ini- 
bation  of  the  project  of  Confederation,  and  I  repeat  and  with  knowledge 
that,  at  that  time,  at  any  rate,  without  their  concurrence  the  Confedera- 
Uon  project  would  have  been  entirely  impossible.  (') 

*  Sir  John  A.  Macdonald. 

t  the  rnn     . ..  ^^''  ^  '7'  "°'''  ^^  *''''''  °"  '''^^'''  '^'^''^^^  ^'•°""d-    ^  ^ave  to  speak 
t  the  con-  of  the  atftude  which  Sir  John  Macdonald  maintained  towards  the  project 

iti  i?th    ""  T  ' r'^i"  '''^"-    '  ^''"'  '"  '"  ''''''''''y  ""^lerstood.    I  do  not  wish 

Ide   In    Z     .      ?.      '  '''^'■''  '"  ""^''■"'^  ^''^  '"^P""-*^"^  ^^^-'"^  ^hich  Sir  John 
'ade   an^  Macdonald  subsequently  rendered  to  Confederation,  and  I  am  very  far 

'n  and  of  mdeed.  from  desiring  to  impugn  his  sagacity  or  statesmanship  in  respect 

ch  in  the  to  the  attitude  he  took,  but  it  is  a   fact,  nevertheless,  that   in   the   first 

'^^^''^J^^^^^;^^^^  not  by  any   manner  of   means   en- 

''^'°     uT'k^      •^"  ^^^^P*''-'*"*   P«'t   played  hy   Sir  (^.eorge   Cartier   and  Sir  A     T    Gait   i.i 

3roUghlybr,ng.n,  about  Confederation  was  sul.secn.entl v.  though  LdUv.  reco;  i.  d 

t-^  '^""^^S    ce!t  ^K  cT'"'T;h    '^"^'-;.-'P'^^'--f^o"f-leration  Sir  Jol^n.UcZZt 

wareiusea  to  accept  the  C.R.  somewhat  pereuiptorilv,  on  the  ground  fat  anv  rnt,.  i„ 

^  iT  M  '';•  ""Tr^  ""^  '''''  ^'^"  '^""^  ".«ch  „.ore  ;«  promote  con  eLrrtlnthn 
des  your^  J°!;"  ^I«cdo„a,d.     The  Imperial  authorities  on  consideration   made  Sir  AT  "lit  a 

?oing    t.4L   han^K  cT   Shi ''Tr   ff  ^'"'^  "  ^^""^''^-^'  ''''''''  ''^^""'^^">-  -»^^'«  ''">^ 
•  ««°"^nan  a  K.C.B.-ship.    The  affair  was  finally  arranged  bv  Lord  Monk    who  knew 

;,me  on.tte  facts,  but  the  mcide.t.  as  was  natural,  created  no  small  stir'at  rhe  time 

ment  re--    ^    "may  he  added  that  it  was  always  quite  understood  in  well-informed  circles  that 

being  aXfsr::ts:fr"s""°- '-'—  ^^^^-"  — ^-  - 


amoured  of  the  project.    The  fact  was  that  Sir  John   Macdonald  wa 

caufous  and  „n,clc-nt  much  more  cautious  and  prudent  in  regan 

I>oht,cal  n.atte.-s  than  he  perhaps  always  got  credit  for.     Sir  John  M 

donald  thought  that  we  were  taking  very  great  risks  both  as  to  the  fut 

of  the  country  an.I  as  regarded  the  future  of  the  party  with  which  he  ^ 

more  n.ned.ately  connected.     He  did  consent,  but  he  consented  un 

duress  under  the  severest  pressure  and  not  until  he  had  been  notified 

many  o   h.s  own  supporters  in  Ontario  that  they  would  not.  in  the  ev, 

o    d.sso  ut.on.  come  forward  as  can.lidates  again,  and   not  until  he  I 

been  not.fied  pubhcly  in  my  presence  and  in  the  presence  of  many  oth, 

by  h.s  Quebec  alhes  that  if  he  would  not  make  terms  with  Mr.  Brown 

he  refused  to  enter  into  a  coalition,  they  would  withdraw  their  supp< 

and  make  terms  with  Mr.  Brown  for  themselves.      Not  until  then  did  < 

Jo Im  consent  to  throw  in  his  lot  with  us  and  support  Confederation    ' 

judgmg  of  the  matter  as  I  have  said,  I  do  not  impugn  Sir  John's  sagaci 

Not    Welt"  r  '""f  ""^"'"  ''''  ''   ''^'  *••-  ^^-«  -s  , 

North-Wes    and  no  hope  of  acquiring  a  North-West  as  far  as  we  kno' 

There  may  hav^  been  one  or  two  men.  who,  as  I  have  said,  thought  th 

at  some  far  d.-.    .  day  we  might  get    possession  of   that   country  ar 

n.ake  somethmg  of  it.  but.  as  a  matter  of  fact,  Confederation  was  brougl 

about  without  any  thought  of  or  reference  to  the  acquisition  of  that  gr!; 

wITj'      k  """l  "  '"'"''^  ""'■"°^"  '^""''''''y-     ^Vithout  the  Nortl 

West.  I  am  bound  to  say,  Sir  John's  auguries  and  fears  would  have  bee 

o  a  very  great  extent  justified.  We  are  now  in  the  full  flush  of  prosperit 

and  m  the  enjoyment  of  the  success  which  has  been  latterly  achieved 

he  setthng  of  the  North-West,  but  it  is  well  for  us  to  recolLt  that   b 

tween  now  and  then  there  was  a  long  and  dreary  interval.    For  thirt 

years  after  Confederation  our  progress  was  very  slow  indeed.    For  som 

hrouVth"'  -m'"""    'f  '"'   ^'^''   ""^'  "^^^  P-^*-^"^  ^--llin: 
Enough  the  wdderness.     It  is  a  fact,  which  perhaps  some  people  do  no 

like  to  have  recalled  to  their  minds,  but  it  nevertheless  is  a  great  and  im 

per tant  fact  that  cannot  be  overlooked  in  treating  of  this  su^ect,  that  f" 

thirty  years  from  1866  to  1896.  with  possibly  a  short  exception  during  th 

mend  '  ^     /  ''"'^'  ''^^"  '^^"^  ''''  '^  ''^^  ^^-^  --  ^  mosf  tre 

mendous  exodus  from  the  Provinces  of  Older  Canada  and  from  the  Mari- 
time  Provmces  to  the  United  States. 



laid  was 

I  regard  t 
fohn  Ma< 
the  futur 
ch  he  w.i 
ted  undt 


Emigration  to  States. 

I  have  every  reason  to  believe,  and  it  is  a  subject  that  I  have  given 
very  considerable  attention  to.  that  in  the  thirty  years  I   speak  of,  every 
third  adult  male  born  in  Canada  between  20  and  40  years  of  age,  found 
his  way  to  the  United  States  and  I  know  that  of  all  the  immigrants  who 
lotified  h}  '^■'^re  reported  to  have  settled  in  Canada  during  that  time,  not  one  in  ten 
the  even'  '^'"^'ned  in  Canada.    As  to  Sir  Johns  attitude  in  respect  to  tlie  probable 
il  he  hac  «*'^'^"^^  o"  •»»  party  I  remember  perfectly  well  that  Sir  John  did  not  hesi- 
ny  other>  *^^^'  ^°  express  his  conviction  that  if  once  the  Ontario  Grits  coalesced  with 
Brown,  i-  *''^"  ^'*^"s  in  Quebec  and  made  an  alliance  with    them   the  Conservative 
r  support  P^''*>'  """^ould  be  doomed  to  permanent  extinction  and  it  might  interest  this 
?n  did  Sir  *"^'^"ce  to  know  that  I  have  the  best  of  reasons  for  stating  that  in  1865 
ition.    It   ^'''  <-icorge  Carticr   iiilornied   the   Conservative   members  of  Parliament 
1  sagacit;  ''■°'"  <^ntario  that  Mr.  Brown  had  been  so  loyal  and  efficient  an  ally  that 
e  was  nr  ^'■^  ^^^  not  disposed  to  part  with  his  services  if  he  could  help  it.    More- 
ve  know  ^'^^^'  ^^^  ^'''^  ^  '^^'i  '^^ate  on  my  own  authority  and   I   had   it  from   the 
ight  that  J^'gl'^st  possible  quarter,  if  Mr.  Brown  had  remained  in  the  Cabinet  and 
ntry  an.]  ^^^  ""t  voluntarily  thrown  his  cards  on  the   table,  nothing  could  have  pre- 
brought  ^^"ted  the  initiation    f  Confederation  from  having  been  entrusted  to  Mr. 
^at  great  ^'"^^n  and  Sir  George  Cartier  instead  of  to  Sir  John   Macdonald.     You 
c  North-  ni'^y  ask  I'ow  it  came  about  that  the  attitude  of  the  House  should  be,  in 
ive  been  *'"^  mstance,  so  exceedingly— 1  will  not  say  subservient—  but  so  exce'ed- 
■osperitv  »"Sly  easy.  1  remember  perfectly  well  that  at  the  time  the  House  was  not 
lieved  in  exactly  divided  against  itself,  but  it  was  divided   into  two  parties;   the 
that   be-  ^'^^^  '"en  on  both  sides,  I   think,  were  very  dubious,  while   the  yoilnger 
r  thirty  "i«="  were  decidedly  enthusiastic  on  behalf  of  Confederation.    The  situa- 
or  some  *''^"  '"  some  respects  reminded  me  of  a  poem  of  Whittier  in  which  he  de- 
scribed the  eflfect  produced  by  the  introduction  of  a  damsel  of  unquestion- 
able beauty  but  of  mixed  parentage  into  an  old  fashioned  Puritan  congre- 
gation : —  ^ 

'.  do  not 
and  im- 
that  for 
'ing  the 
lost  tre- 
e  Mari- 

''  Said  the  old  men,  gravely  doubting,  '  She  is  Papist  born  and  bred  •' 
Said  the  young  men,  '  Tis  an  Angel,  come  in  xMary  Garvin's  stead.'  "' 

I  am  bound  to  say  that  men  who  remembered  all  that  had  happened 

in  the  preceding  half  dozen  years,  who  remembered  how  bitter  had  been 

the  controversy,  how  fierce  and  fell  the  fight  between  the  parties,   were 

excusable  when  they  saw  Mr.  George  Brown  and  the  Globe  on  one  side 

|nd  Sir  George  Cartier  and  the  Quebec  hierarchy  on  the  other,  making 




common  cause  an.l  ,Mi„g  on  cad,  others  neck,,  in  considering  t1 
was  a  specacle  .o  givo  ,a„se.    An,l  .„a,.  Mr.  C.,„ir„,a„  „  ,  „ 

..tie  mcJent  tl,a.  goes  ,o  sl,„w  how  grea,  at  that  panic  ,!,,"„'  w 
cns,on  on  men's  „,i„„s  „„c„  Confederation  was  on  the  li  o, 
e,„orabeaftern.„„  when  Mr.  Brown,  not  without  el  ^  n 
«atement  to  a  hushed  and  expectant  House  and  declared  tin,  h 
abon,  .,,  a„y  himself  with  Sir  George  Cartier  and  l.s  f  nd,  Lr  t,  : 
pose  of  carry„,s  out  Confederation,  I  saw  an  exeitalde  e  rly 
French  uiember  r„,,l,  across  the  floor,  cli.nb  up  on  Mr    I  ;own   wh 

rordttri^Lr "  -^ '°  ■"=  --  ^-  -  -  --: 

Curious  Attitude  of  House. 

unJl7T""  '"°'^""  ^°"^^^^^^ti°"  of  -  more  prosaic  kind.    The  Ho 
undoub  edly  was  .n  a  chastened  mood.    If  they  refused   consent   to 

tl.  ough  two  elections  in  very  rapid  succession.     Elections   even  to  d 

Tx  n^rtrtir '"°'""  '^-^-----^  -e  rather  troubi:::::' 

cxpens  ve.  but  they  are  not  a  circumstance  to  what  they  were  when  I  fi 
entered  parhament.    In  tho^.  days,  elections,  instead  of!  '      oTdL 

wiTc     r   *""'^^'^f •    ^^^'^^  '^^^'  fi-t  of  all.  we  had  nonu-nation  day 
wluch   by  an  unwntten  law,  the  candidate,  if  a  person  of  any  spirit; 
xpected  to  entertain  his  own  supporters  and  to  do  it  well     Th  s  was^ 
lowed    y  two  days  of  open  polling.    T..en,  we  had.  on  an  av    a^  o 

ZVttZ^,'"-'T^ '''""'''   '°   ""   relative  wealth  of  tl 
^ountry  then  .ind  now,  I  should  sa.v  th.-,t  au  election  was  three  or  fo, 

nnes  more  expensive  than  it  i,,  ,,,-da.v.  and  it  is  expensive    no, ;      T  e 

anybo,ly  wanted  to  appeal   again.t   auv  ht.le  irregularities  that  ha 

ak      p  ace  on  nonnnation  day,  or  on  polling  day.  or  on  declara  ton  da 

1.C  had  .he  pnvdege  of  going  before  parliau,ent,  which  would  select  t 


.-■*..  *.-2:' 

v'i.  ^r 



^rinp  that  W^n,  two  on  each  side,  with  a  chairman  chosen  by  ballot,  who  would  hear 
inds  rue  of  the  evidence,  and  if  tluv  pot  throntjh  hearintr  evi.ience  in  three  years  tliey 
inic  was  tli  would  perhaps  give  him  a  decisi-.n  in  the  fourth.  I)y  whicli  time  parlia- 
is-    On  th.i  went  would  dissolve. 

n,  made  hi  It  is  true  there  were  th-  other  atid  larger  considerations.     All  were 

hat   he  w.i  «J've  to  the  situation,  all  saw  the  dangers  to  which  I  have  already  alhided. 
for  the  pur  and  this  goes  far  to  explain  how  it  was  that  Cmfederation.  a  measure  of 
Iderly  HttMUch  vast   and    far-reaching   importance,  was  put  through  with  so  little 
vn,  who  a  Opposition  in  the  parliament  of  the  tw.)  Canadas  of  those  days.    Now.  sir. 
Iff  his  arniJo-day  we  are  fortunate.    We  have  put  in  our  thirty  vears  in  the  wilder- 
the  visibl.  ncss  and  I  think  a  brighter  future  is  now  before  us.  but.  I  will  say  this 
olders,  pit  that  had  anybody  told  us  in  iSr,,^  when  ue  were  debating  that  question 
tJiat  thirty  years  would  elajise  before  the  people   of   Canada  wotdd    add 
One-third  to  their  existing  pojiulation.  we  would  have  been  disposed  to 
handle  that  prophet  of  evil  very  roughly.     On  the  other  hand,  had  any- 
body told  us  that  within  forty  years  from  that  time  Canada  would'he  pos- 
Ihe  Hous.  se.ssed  of  or  wo,d<l  b.^  in  the  act  of  constructing  three,  if  not  four   trans- 
•nt   to   th.  continental  railways  from  ocean  to  ocean,  we  would  have  been  disposed 
had    gon.  equally  to  ridicule  the  prediction.    Still,  gentlemen,  it  is  noteworthy  that 
en  to-day  as  I  said,  during  the  period  which  elapsed  from  iS66  to  iS^yS  the  growth 
some   anc  of  Canada  was   very  slow  indeed-how  slow  vou  will    judge   from    this 
hen  I  first  timple  fact:  Our  population  at  Confederation  was  almost  identical  with 
.onducte,:  the  population  .f  the  United  States,  when,  in  1790.  thev  inaugurated  their 
I  wdl  no,  present   sy.steir.     In   thirty    years   they    added    nearly    200    per    cent     to 
m  day.  o.  their   population  ;    in   thirty  years  we   added   a   little  over  30  per  cent 
pirit,  wa^  to  our  population.     I  am  glad  to  say  that  this  condition  of  things  h'.s 
s  was  fo!  been    wholly    reversed    since,    and    I    trust    that    the    next    decade  will 
age,  onlv  -how   that    the   progress  of    Canada    has    been    greater    proportionately 
e  and  ex-  than  the  progress  of  the  United  States.     But-anrl  mind  you,  that  was 
ip  to  the  Without  immigration-it  remains  a  fact  that  starting  with  almost  identic- 
when   all  «")'  the  same  population  that  we  did  and  with  very  poor  means  of  com 
ise  of  the   munication,  the  United  States  in  thirty  years    had    risen    to   a   total    of 
,  the  fac  t    10,000,000,  they  had  added  nearly  6,000,000  to  the  total  population  and  we 
h  of  the  fa  the  same  time  had  added  a  little  over  i,ooo,ooo.(') 

•  or  four'"'^" , 

I.     Then.               '')  "^^^  populatibn  of  tlie  United  States  ha.s  increased  as  follows  : 
hat   ha  1  18^ .3,929090 

,  ,o,_ 5,308,000 

.ea  fiv.    being  an  increase  of  5.709.000  in  tlnrty  years,  with  hardly  any  immigration. 

Canada  Waking  Up. 

wakmp  ,p.    Canada  .s  now  making  progress  that  I  trust  will  soon 

pensatc  for  the  slow  pro^.^s  we  have  made  before 

All  that  is  needed  now  is  a  little  nrndence-a  little  courage-a 

hone,ty  on  our  part.  We  need  to  see  that  our  present  ^ood  fortune 
not  turn  our  heads,  that  we  do  not  fall  into  the  mistake  of  supposing 
because  we  have  had  a  few  years  of  unusual  prospcritv  we  have  he  a  fortunatus  purse,  which  can  never  be  exhausted  and  which 
warrant  any  sort  of  extravagance  we  see  fit  to  indulge  i„ 

dupes  of  "th-i!  tV'  '  T  "^  "'  '"  "^  ^°  •■*  ^'^^  -«  ^°  -*  '^^^--^ 
lupes  of  that  most  m.sch.evous  of  all  modern   delusions-or   perhai 

hcn,ld  say  to  that  ,nost  mischievous  of  al,  antiquated  delusions.'no^^' 

".ngly  revamped-that  it  is  possible  to  increase  the  collective  wealth 

Kally  to  be  exactly  on  a  par  with  Dr.  Sanj^rado's  famous  maxim  th.t 
way  to  make  a  patient  healthy  .nd  stron,  was  to  bleed  him  inTv    ! 
cnvable  way  and  on  every  conceivable  occasion.    I  will  only  add  th 

ns  be  the  of  the  people  of  Canada.  T  can  certify  tha[  there 
lack  of  leeches  ready  to  accommodate  them. 

The  population  of  Canada  wa.s  as  follows  :- 

1866,  estimated    includinR  British  Columbia 

,SS,    ^    ^'  ^'  ^''""'^  *"**  ""  ^''"■"'  ^^'^'t '  v6oo  ooo 

issr   *>y  census, .. . 

1896,  ,«timated....     4.324,814 

I    .  .  4.050,000 

w^.  rt:s;ruur'"^ '" '"'"'  '""• "  -^^  "^ '''-'  ^^-  ^^^ — «, . 

from  i'mTZ^::^^  irn^rT^M""'  ^^  *'^  "'""'-°"  -  ^'•-^  thirty  y. 
record,  of  the  de'de  frir    SS    L  ,i?  u'' "".'''^^  "^  ^^^'•"*^^'^-  ^"^  '^^  ^^^ 

canadawith  the  decLenntaro;::;t.t'vrc:i;:r^^^^ 
^::iL;"sr:^z;c::Sir7T;;'^  -'  --^^^^^^^^^ 

the  emigrants  were  mitl,  ^n^^rd  "omen"      .t  "'""'  ''"''  ^^  '"  "'^  '^^'^^  '^^  ^-'- 
that  there  are  now  in  the  uS  Stlln  M       1"  'f'"  '^"'"^  °^  '^f'^"     "  *«  P-bal 
either  born  in  Canada  or  who  are  fhe  rr,,    f  .    "  ''T  """'°°''  "^  ''^-P'^  -^«  -^ 
The  political  effectTo^  thi=  e  Z  '^^^'^^"^-'ts  of  native  born  Canadian, 

vant  to  disc'uss  thosetere  """  ""'  "'^''^  remarkable  but  it  would  be  irrel 

Kin,dl"lrera7dTeUed)  fnT^o^keTefm^  ^"r  "  ^^""^-^•'  ^"^^  "^  ^^  ^^^  ^'^^- 
tion  of  the  United  States  '"P"^  ^*  ^  contributor  to  the  popul, 

1  18 

For  the  rest,  it  may  be  that  the  men  of  '6.^  hiillrled  better  than  they 

knew.    The  sapling  they  planted  promises  to  become  a  miRhty  tree.    The 

Confederation,  of  which  they  laid  the  foundations,  will.  I  think,  soon  take 

its  place  amonsrst  the  foremost  nations  of  the  world.     Rut,  I  would  say 

to   the   nun  r,f  to-day.  that  if  they  are   the   heirs   of  this   vast    heritage, 

ortunc  dn,^**'"'''  '"''"'"■''•  '"'"'''  ^'■'■''''"  •''"''  r'^'^-^*'*'"")^'  ni'>ro  abun.Iant  resources  than 

iposing  th  *^^  ""^  "'  '■'■''"  ^''■''''■''  '■''"  ''""'''•  *''">  ^^  *"  ''^  ^^•^'"  »"  f'-^'ollect  it  is  diie  in 

Jve  there!.  *  ''"^  ''"■*^''  ""■^«"'"*-'  ^"^  ^'"^  '"'""  ^vho,  in  .S63.  in  a  time  of  great  storm 

I  which  w  •'f''  '^'■*''''  ''^'''  "*^^^''-"^''^''^'^^-  t'"^  srrcat  merit,  that  tluy  di.l  not  despair  of 

tke  republic  and  were  able  at  no  small  sacrifice  of  thei.  personal  feelings 

become  tl  ""'  ""  '"'*'"  '''"■'^''  '*^  ^'"''"  ^*^'''""-'*'  interests,  to  carry  out  the  scheme 
perhaps  <^*^"^^''^'^'''t'''^"  ^v'""^''  they  proposed.  Sir.  T  doubt  very  much  whether 
5  now  ctir''''''^  ^''*''''  "'''"  '"''*  "''■  ^''■^"'"''^■■^"'•f"''  ""^ler  which  they  did  it  and  whv 
^^ealth  of  !?'-''  ''"'  '*'  '"''''  ^''"  '-'Itopethcr  fully  and  properly  appreciated.  I  hope 
le  econon  '"  ^'''  ^"^'"■''  ^'''^"'■''  "^''^  ''°  ^'"^"^  ^"'*'^^'  «"^  'f-  ^^r.  Chairman,  it  be 

m  that  tl,  **^'"^'''''  *''^^  ^  ''^'''"   ^'*^^*^"  f^Ttunate  enough   in    the  fe-v  words    I   have 
every  cor  •*''''"'^^  *«  >'^"  ^o-day  to  bring  about  a  fuller  recognition  of  those  men's 

add  that  ZIT'  "V,  7? ''-''  '•'  '^'"'  ^ '"''''  ^'''  "^^'^^  '""^^  ^'"p'y  ^^p^'d  f"^  ^"y 

,        Httle  trouble  I  have  taken, 
here  is  n 

eems  to 
II  soon  cotr 

»ge— a  litt 
ortune  do 
•posing  th 
Jve  therel) 
I  which  wi 

isus  of  1891 

hirty  year« 
the  officiii! 
I  arrived  iv. 
tal  number 
and  a  halt 
Of  Ireland 
s  probable 

who  were 

be  irrelr 

he  United 
le  popula- 
