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Full text of "An administration of extravagance in patronage [microform] : sale of lands, puchase of sites, camp grounds, starch works, coal, dredging, & c., &c., &c"

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Collection  de 


CwMdian  ImthuM  for  MMorieal  MIereraproductiaM  /  Inatitut  emadlwi  da  mterawpfoductloiw  MMoriquM 


Tht  lmtitM>  hH  atMmpMd  to  obtain  tk*  b«t  orl«iiMl 
copy  *MUiMt  for  fHrnkif.  Fmokm  of  ttito  copy  vrtiMi 

of  tk«  kmtn  in  Hw  npradiinion.  or  wkMi  my 
litniflcMtly  ctaiti  tlw  ivnl  mMhad  of  filMlnt,  m 



CoMrt  CMtond  and/or  Itninatid/ 


I       I  CoMT  tiHi  mlMinf/ 

I      I  Coloimd  napi/ 

I       I  Coloorad  inli  (i^.  othw  tlian  Miw  or  blukl/ 

Encn  do  oouKiir  li.<.  autra  qua  Mnn  ou  noil*) 

ColotiMd  piMai  and/or  illvMratiom/ 
nandw  at/«i  illimrationt  an  eoutovr 

IMit  aaae  d'aMrai  doaumanu 

Ti^t  bindint  nwy  cawa  dwdom  or  dinortion 


La  laHata  nrrta  paut  aauMr  da  I'omfen  oo  da  la 
dtatardon  la  lont  da  la  naita  imMawa 

□  ■tank  laaaaa  addad  diifint  lanotatian  nuy 
widiindMiain.  Whananat  poidMa.  thaia  I 

lliapa««iaaartainaipatHblanalMi  ^oMta 
Ian  d'laia  laitauration  appataiaant  dam  la  taala, 
maii.  lortqoa  aala  tait  poMibla.  eat  paiaa  n-ont 


Additionai  aonumntt:/ 


Ca  doamant  an  f  Hm*  av  tauii 


iniiaiil  ni  ifa^m^ 

at  MMiofrapliiquaa 

L'lmtitiit  a  mlarafllni*  la  maiHaur  axanwMra  wi'U 
iMlaMpoadMadaiaproaiifW.  La»  dMaHt  da  eat 

raprodvHa.  ou  qoi  pawnnt  axifar  una  modificati 
dana  k  mMioda  nomiala  da  f 

□  Cotewad  papal/ 

I      I  Paiat  dwiapad/ 

r~^  ratal  ranorad  and/or  laminalad/ 
Ix-J  Npn  raftaortaa  at/aa  paWcMai 



□  Contlnuoui  pailnallow/ 

r~~|  Indudai  indaxlail/ 

Quality  of  print  «arla</ 

on  Idai)  indax 

Titia  on  haadar  takan  from:/ 
La  titia  da  I'an-ttta  pwaiant: 

□  TIdapaiaafiHut 

□  Caption  of  iwM/ 

□  Manbaad/ 

GMriqua  (piriodHiw)  da  la  linaiion 










Anhhm  of  Cawdi 

L'aMmplab*  fNin«  fut  r*pro4ult  grte*  *  to 


«entld>rint  th«  cendMnn 

t  quality 

th#  Mst  pa^  wriih  A  prinlMl  of 

^■^v  ^nvn  ■  pfifnvB  or  looovoioo  nupfoo* 

■  no  Mot  fOOOfdOfl 
■holl  oontain  iho  I 

•-»  Imoofflng  "CON- 
▼  Imoonlna  "tND"). 

Loo  Imogoo  tulvontoo  am  «t«  roproduiioi  ovoc  lo 
pluo  grand  toln.  eompto  tonu  do  la  condition  ot 
do  lo  nottotd  do  roKomploIro  Him*,  at  on 

UooMHipMhoo  OrlgbMiM  dont  lo  oauvortura  on 
popior  oat  Imprtindo  oom  fHmdo  on  commonfont 
pm  lo  pfomlor  plot  ot  on  tonnlnont  toit  por  ia 
^arnMro  pogo  qui  eomporto  uno  omprainto 
Impraoalon  ou  dHluotration,  aolt  par  la  (aeond 
plat,  aalon  to  oaa.  Toua  laa  autraa  aaamplalraa 
aflplnaua  aont  flhndo  an  cowiwionyont  por  io 
promMro  pogo  qui  oompono  uno  omprainto 
dimpraoolen  ou  d'llhntratlon  ot  on  tormlnont  por 
to  darnMfo  pogo  qui  eomporto  uno  Mito 

Un  doo  aywboloo  aulvama  apparaltra  aur  la 
damWra  imogo  do  shoquo  mieroflcho.  loion  lo 
eoa:  to  aymboto  ^  ilgnifio  "A  SUIVRi".  to 

bo  fNmod  ot 
toe  largo  tol 

Inoludod  In  WM  oapoaura  i 
in  tiM  uppof  toft  hond  coriMf .  toft  to 
top  ta  bottom,  oa  many  I 
TiM  faNoHdng  diagrama  I 

Loraquo  to 

ot  do  bout  on 
Muotfont  to 

do  rdduction  dHfOronia. 
oot  trap  grand  pour  ttra 
aoul  eNobd.  11  oot  tNmd  t  portir 
goueho.  do  goucbo  *  droho. 

Ml  pfVAMIt  M  flOflAfW 

Lot  dtogramniOT  tuivants 




1  2  3 

4  5  6 

"moecrr  iBaiunoN 


(ANSI  ond  BO  TIST  CHAIT  No.  ; 


LS    |2.0 









Sale  of  Lands 
Purchase  of  Sites 
Camp  Grounds 
Starch  "Works 

&c.,  &c.,  &c., 


"Dash  Away  and  Spend  the  Money" 


"Millions  for  the  War,  not  one  dollar  for  the 


PnuouMi  Ha.  a. 


(^"iPi         INDEX. 

The  Middleman^Artdis*  PACfc 

Mail  Bag  Locks  .  .  2 

Wnce  Albert  Homesu-ads       < 

The  Gimli  Fvami  Deal  4 

The  Carsiake  Hotol.  Montreal ^ 

The  Dorval  Military  Site 5 

The  I^vis  Und  Scandal 6 

The  Bank  Internationale   6 

TJe  Quebec-Saguen.y  Railway  Deai:. ' 

The  Southampton  Railway  Scandal        « 

The  Post  Office  Site  of  Fort  Frances ^" 

Canning.  N.S..  Public  BuildinR  Site  " 

Preacott  Starch  Works H 

Victoria  Harbor  Works  .  11 

Purchase  of  Coal  at  Victoria,  BC ^^ 

Fenian  Raid  Bounties...  IS 

The  Pacific  Constructlon'company  princp " 

I^l^nl^,  Resignations  «,  CAp^^er 

The  Middleman's  Paradise 

of  honS^Wel^an'Sl^Srof  1L?  'f  «?  "«^  ^  '"«h  sense 
aJly  exp^t  that  their  rlStetiv^  in  P.'"i^  '^*''^'  ^nd  nftS^ 
the  members  of  the  Minis^^i  j^th^  ff  l^™™'  and  especially 
of  national  concern,  adh«4  te  th^i^  ^■'^'^"]''''*'^t'on  of  mattere 
very  basis  of  sound  ecS,i^te  P"n"Ples  which  f orm  th™ 
especially  is  this  oxpec^ioSnt^J°?,^\?°''^"^^^'^t     And 
in  power  has  for  ySra-wW^f-^^'^  "'''?"  ^^^  party  at  present 
abhorrence  of  loo^?7xtrava«an  "^n^/"''"""-  prc^ilaii^K 
and  pledged  itself  to  what  thf v  tP^fi  """^P*.  administration 
reformation  if  given  an  opp'J^u^^^'^  ^  "P^dy  and  complete 
people  of  Canada   some  of  th^?'     ^°   "?""«   before   the 
fact,  that  cling  to  and  con.Ht...  '""'"ction.,   the  actual 
extravagant    elpendUure    ..^d"*'    !"  «PP-"*n«  record" 
Borden   Government   U   the  It.  JTf     »""??•"•"»    °f    the 
It  >s  proposed  to  set  forth  '^cu^^lT^^^^U^'^r^tl- 

domestic   affairs-have   marLl   ?h»  '•■"cli'sively  to  our  purely 

Government  from  tht  eommencement  -''"''^  '  ""^  f"""*"* 
to  the  present  time       """"^"•^P'nent  of  its  term  m  1911  down 

of  whie"a^p"perrn'nTh'"^ord,"i"T"'r™^^^''''^  -"'-'=^.  all 
most  of  which  is  the  sworn  t^ttonv  of  ^■!ir"'"'%"*-OKce^^nd 
The  torj-  party  leaders  and  trnUvi'if^"l"^ '*■'"  Country, 
occasions  offeree!  a  weal,  defence^a^'^^^^^^        on  varioi, 

Th  ^""""""vei  Di«ati.fied. 

Among  3t*^l°LPare^o"t"fSuJ,dTr'  .'''^  Government, 
disgjisted  with  the  exhibition  of '  Wv  ^?^-  "I^"  Y"  absolutely 
of  PatronaKe"  so  evident  It  i,'^rn^''*''i""^*  ^'^  '^-e  "System 
Liberals  of  Canada  that  the  cA- of  ■Hf»Tf•^^.•'"'"?'  ^nd  not  the 
IS  it  to  be  wondered  at  7       ^      dissatisfaction  is  raised.    And 

counJfy'^ll^P^^'''il?/^*i^.»  interested  in  the  welfare  of  his 

adopted  by  theCon^^,^a«v™"ll'^^ir?"°'^  of  1907'aSd 
and  his  pol  tical  associates  in  ^i.-i    ^^^^'^^  wi"  «ee  S  r  Robert 

pledges  that  have  ne^eTbe^nJ^lT"''  ^'i  P«rfo™ed,  of 
have  never  been  commencef    '^^'"^'  and  of  reforms  that 

ot  eol^-S^  in'pu^.  '^S't'uA""*  I '"'  ^^  *«  ">«'  '-tead 
«|e  financial  fabric  of  thirooun^'  thl'?]'^^'?,-'*'"  Mattered 
been  invaded  by  all  kinds  of  h^P^^'  "^'  *^^  P"blie  domain  has 
followers  of  the  Borde„  Ca&Th^,*''*^^^  ^'?"' the  ^ 
adopted  for  safe  and  s^u,;  obLi^ance  of"}'lf  f"^.  -^^ulations 
to  ti.e  care  of  ministers  of X  fw,  h^?  L  *''*  ''^'"  committed 
no  longer  obstacles  to  the  uS^  ,!.J^"  "^  ^'"^^  and  are 
the  stage  of  Canada's  resourc^  ^ndtS^^T^^T  "' .jfotera  on 
throughout  this  carnival  of  depreda^n^  =L^"''^ '^i' «««  tbat 
country's  resources,  minister  hi?hTnH  ?  ^""^  invasion  of  the 
■n  protest  against  thLonsTauiht  nn  £*  '"^^  ^?^  "»  '^ord 
reputation  of  Canada  but  rathfr  „n  ^hl^'^.J"''*.!"^  and  moral 
Idly  by  and  glorified  in  their  shLe  ^^^^  ^^""^  ^""^^  "tood 

J  to  Liberal  Expenditure  Sir  Th"/' Ju:..  .     . 

expenditures  siacea  "Whither  >»  ^'  'd""T."'  ■.^^"■'<'=w  iioerai 

of  WMrchm?  tlio  rwordi.  of  tho  t'overnmenl  to  find  some  evidence 
nn  ''«''=^'<"''"'»'':"""n,  by  the  Uuri.-r  Oowrnment.  But  all  ^ 
no  avni  and  not  one  lot^.  of  evi.lenr,.  has  b.on  secure,!  that  o,is"s 

orlnv^n,  ">'■"'''';■'.'•'",'"'""  '^''  •>'«''•  """■  S'f  Wilfrid  Unrie? 
C  he/fnnf  tT  "' '"« '"";.''"V"'-nmont.  The  boot  i,  now  on  the 
Uch^rZ  ■«.(/.  '^"'■'^'■"  ^■'"■«""n'''".  «!••  Thos.  White  included. 
ischarKcd  with  oxtravaKiirn  pxp.'nd  turps,  jrraft  and  corruotinn 

profits  all  of  which  la  dHailp.i  in  the  following  paRes:  The  facts 
are  given  a«  mcluded  in  the  Records  of  the  House  of  Com.non. 
and  sworn  to  before  the  Public  Accounts  and  other  ComrJJitC 
of  the  couXy.  Pronounced  by  the  respectable  .-itizens 

Mail  Bag  Locks 

I  P°pfiw-*''^vr  ^'^r  "'„"«■  ^"'■'^"^  fJovemment  under  Hon 
i^  oo^*"*^ru  ^"tionahst  Post-Master  General  wm  to  purchase 
at  Jl  M«niJ^''  ^^H  f  i|  Hey  for  the  Post  OCRct  Dep'^me^ 

&t?d'n^ee^t^^™Tre"LS'  "^^  ''*'  '"^"^"  '^  '•-'^^°^"" 
Sm'mentT^ul:^-.    ^"  '"-^^-^-tion  was  demanded  but  thi 

Prince  Albert  Homestead 

Sold  for  $10  worth  $374,000 

took  office.  In  April  1012  Mr.  Arthur  Donaldson  son  of  the 
Lonwrvative  M.1,.A.  in  the<aUhowiin  U-gialature  applied 
for  this  land  and  was  Kranled  homesleud  entry  to  lliis  city  pro- 
perty at  a  cost  of  $10.U()  the  homuHtead  tev.  Shortly  afterwards 
he  avoidod  homtatoad  duties  by  camelling  the  homestead  entry 
and  Kitlinu  a  patent  to  the  lan<l  under  the  location  rights  of 
half  breed  scrip.  Forthwith  the  land  w  ■  'ibilividcd  and  ofTerod 
to  the  public  at  a  price  aKKregalinK  |374,(.  0. 

The  Gimli  Land  Deal 

On  the  Covcrnment  plans  and  maps  of  the  town  of  (limli, 
on  l,aku  Winnipeg,  certain  lands  fronting  on  the  lake  had  been 
shown  for  .'J7  years  as  public  domain.  — 

Some  years  ago  the  Town  Council  of  Gimli  sought  titles 
to  the  land,  but  the  Department  of  Interior  held  this  was  un- 
necessary. The  strceti  and  public  pa-k  were  classified  with  the 
rest  of  tne  property. 

Eight  or  nine  years  ago  two  persons  applied  ti  the  Liberal 
Government  for  the  land,  but  were  refused. 

During  October,  1913,  Peter  Tergeson,  Mayor  of  Gimli, 
on  paying  .$752  was  given  a  patent  for  the  land,  by  the  Interior 
Department  of  which  Hon.  Dr.  Roche  is  Minister.  Tergeson 
had  been  a  Liberal,  but  became  an  active  Conservative  worker 
m  1911. 

The  land  obtained  by  Tergeson,  through  the  Minister  of  the 
Interior  shouiJ  belong  to  the  town.     It  is  valued  at  $15,000. 

The  transf< .  deprives  the  town  of  Gimli  of  the  best  bathing 
beach  on  Lake  Winnipeg  and  it  gives  Mr.  Tergeson  a  return 
of  nearly  2,000  per  cent  on  his  money  and  it  may  be  a  further 
financial  reward  for  his  change  of  politics. 

Purchase  of  Carslake  Hotel, 

When  the  Borden  Government  want  to  purchase  a  site  for  '^ 
a  public  building  no  matter  where,  the  question  of  is 
never  taken  into  consideration,  as  a  matter  of  fact  the  more 
expensive  the  property,  the  more  attractive  it  is  to  the  Govern- 
ment. Somebody  whispered  into  the  ear  of  the  Hon.  Robert 
Rogers,  Minister  of  Public  Works  that  a  postal  sub-station  was 
desirous  in  Montreal  some  where  near  the  Bonaventure  Station, 
and  eventually  the  old  Carslake  Hotel,  at  the  comer  of  St.  James 
and  Windsor  streets  was  ottered  for  sale. 

In  1909  this  property  had  been  purchased  by  G.  T.  0 
Carslake  from  McGill  University  for  $75,000.  On  December 
15th,  1910  the  property  was  again  sold  in  the  name  of  the  Carslake 
Hotel  Company  for  $90,000  cash.  In  1913  when  the  Minister 
of  I'ubUc  Works  commenced  negotiations  for  the  purchase  of 

this  property  tht-  tu'  ..  "»..j 

izaUon  hj, omH^u't  JZ  ,"  "'  'l""-  ^^"^''^  aurhor-' 
>n  four  ypar«  „f  ahoul  l^'lr.hMf         '"  ''■'^'  *■'^■•.M■-^  an  inor^vs.. 

of  this  prorxTty;   ,n  f...  il„,  iJ  '  ^'"■''  '"  '•">  I""vhaaf 

that  .the  <*:.nH.r;,mc.„t  «     r\,t 3''  T'  "fT'"'*"'-  '"  "'''  ""'"^r 

ckequer  Court  of  Canada  In  iv  ,h  •'"'''  'l"™'i'>"  «"  the  Kx- 
I.'JIS,  th«  Kxchrciue  -ourt  a  L  (  Jm"'*"-  ""  ^f'^^''"^'"'-  7lh, 
sidoralion,  fixcl    ht-  ,;rW.  of     ,!   .^  ''''*'">'  '''^'^'1  '"to  cmi 

m.m  loH,  ,h„n  ,,he  ii;:n\  m%,^;^^,:t^!if^''  "■•  °-^ 

The  Dorval  Military  Site 

(Near  Montreal; 

8.^t  af  A^lii^tco^^  ^i;7";'  ""■  other  to 

«hould  purchases  tract  of  ami  ne-irVl.,m  V',''^'"  '''Pt'rtmt.nt 
oeuvres  and  on  May  2ard  19P  at  th»  i  /  '''  f"f '"'''t^i"y  man- 
Sam   Hughes,  a„   order-in- -ouncM  L-?     '^'"'5'  "^  "'^  ^hen  Col. 

day  Ih^  MpiS^rii;!!  'hlrd/'-.Jnhllf "  ^T"-''  ^-"^  ^"^^ 
Council  and  o„  June  17lh  w'  isl,.  h.  •'""'Of'zation  from 
Rodden,  Fair  and  Cameron  of  Mmf  7  "..dieque  to  Messrs. 
for  thU  Milil..ry  Camp  ground  "'  ^"^  ^'^^'"O"  '"  payment 

when  a'erd"y3tte''r'it";r^irt  ^'Tl''  ^^^  '"»''''  known 
nine  days  before  the  Mi^^o?"Tl'""'^^  "^^^  ""  -^^nv  8th  19l" 
^'^'X/f?^'^- h^cKteet   li^^'rf^lSO.,^  fo^  this  }a*nd 

^4^^f^Sft:^^^P^rf^r'o^  and  one 
on  May  23rd,  1912  for  authoH^^til  I  ^'^  I?,"*-'''"'''  have  asked 
Pcny^which  16  days  ^^^^^^^HyTi^^^^^^ 

on  a^nt  tetst^nt'  ^^^^  ^-^den  a  profit  of  $95,000 

The  Levis  Land  Scandal 

Even    the    Hnr,      M^.n.     r,  ,.       .  — »•• 

Agriculture  in  the  Borden  Gov™n^'^  fJ""^  '"^  ^""i«t<"-  of 
be  included  in  tho  gXrl  „f7ame^!?l?"r  A"'  '''  '''■''  Portrait 

It  had  long  been  known  that  ground  for  a  new  cattle  quar- 

c^e Vp'rirnrsc'^^r Tn^s'  "^r-  "^r^-  ^""  ^^^  -t'^r 

24»h  I'jl4  Mr  linfln  i  •..  j".?""*,"'  Common*  on  Fobruary 
b«n  en,  cavour  n»^,  ?  "'"^■:^  "'"Sf""'  ^  y""^  ""''  »  half  he  had 
l«^d  al  U.vl        '^  ^"  ^""""'"^0  a  plan  to  w^ure  the  neceF«,ry 

with'u'pi^.o'tf  lund'whiKr^  ''""i!?  '!|J2  """"  '"  e°nn^-ction 

La  Banque  Internationale 

to  open  in  CradTKriaS.^7„'?|;;ir^-^  '"""'''*"«  '•>- 

b«cai^'ce^;?^fo^E*hLl''nrL'°  ,«';^^"'«  '^^rtiflcate 
formalities  had  iW^comDlied  Jh  t^*T  ''^'^"^•^;,  ^fter  these 
feel  that  there  w^suffldent  stSmtv  Lh'I''*^  P*""^  '^''^  "•" 
of  this  undertaking  to  SiV the  certifi?,!  JTI^'  ■''"«<=!.^  ba<=k 
result  was  that  wLn  tt^Lili^lf  »^.?**  J^  ^  granted.  The 
randum  was  lef*  Mintin<r  o^    m^tS'  °."'  °'  .°.®<=«  *  "lemo- 

accerding  to  ufe  Bank  ArtThev  w^H^5^  "'m''''^  '°  C*n»d«' 
double  liability  in  ca^  the  BankT^lh,"^'^^'^  ^  ■"«**  'he 
residing  as  they  did  ir.  -i  f-r»i ™  ^1'  ''"',  **«•  subscribers 
whether  this  double  "ability  couldT^'^'ii^"  .'''^i'""  '^•^ 
also  the  fact  that  one'if&Cb^  ^"^D^^A^o  J'^^Sl  Z^ 

wife  held  $250,00S^Ke"ub8SdcaSteT"  tS'  ^'•-  ^*°,"«t'' 

part  he  hT^l^^lt  U^  eWtions°^i ^'^'"p^  ^-^  '^n""  "^  "h',. 

He  must  have  his  nnimTi  «/ n    l      i"  *™  Province  of  Queber 

was  pn4  aK"Blk'«S^^^  ^"^^jf ^'^  *^  <=ertSe 
It  eventually  tran..mir»H  f»^ »?  ""."peteonc  career. 

the  most  of  th£  stocH'^F^iHLfi"'-  P.  ^""^^vvho  had  placed 
the  Bank  which  h^  bSn  ^»?ed^«/l«:"J".^'  *200,000  against 
General  Manager  and  ann^^  „  *  pnvate  agreement  by  the 
of  a  liability.  TWrwa^^Sn^l?  "*"  ^\  f  *fi«  Bank  instead 
shareholdera  and  Mr  Por«t  1'h/^^^'\'^*'^^"  'he  French 
Montreal  armed  with  proSor  52^^/1"''  shareholder  came  to 
very  arbitrarily  ruled  that  U^i^ho  A  '''^  ?*^°«;'^-  The  President 
further  proof  thTthe  PorS  hiteiS^tf  j;,!!'./''"  '^'^^  which  is 
with  in  any  way.  A  law  ,iiS^fr,ii»„I?  u"?**  "°t  he  interfered 
subscnbere  selling  out  ™sto:k  f  J*!'"-  ""^^  ^  *«  ^ren'h 
or  hdf  their  inve^ment  ''  '**'"«  "•^'^hy  $300,000 

gentiXlf^oSre  Pa?g^i!  °'  ^'^'^  «^«"«  hy  this  Hon. 

The  Quebec  Saguenay  Rail- 

during°t*e''s^°?''  19llT^hSoSL!rf7''?^y,,knows  was 
,  As  far  back  as  FebSuS^^  ^^f •''.^^  *i«  <^^e™nent. 
Lemieux  brought  tTthe  atfaSn  „f '+i,^^^  ***  Hon.  Rodolphe 
Saguenay  IlXay  ,^tt2r  fcev  Zi^CT'''"'^}^''  ^»«h^ 
because  toe  many  leoDk  in  fS^  heensecured  in  Prance 
was  risky.  The^cSS^nJ^W^,^*'^  that  the  enteiprisi 
with  a  beautiful  prM2ectL^„.^-  ^5^  ^n<=h  invlstor 
summer  rtddence  of^^iSt  Taff"^"^?*  ^""^y  Bay  as  the 
white  the  name  ofl  R  Pd"euS^i^^«f-P^ident  R^oosevelt" 

m  some  of  the  literatu- whKt  H^^'^i^""  ^""^I^  "^^  ^ 
»3l,197  per  mUe.  ^  ^^  '^"'^  **e  cost  of  the  road  at 

coun^tUTrti^^dl^  g'CStmf  "!j?  S'^  ^^  rugged 
charged  that  unearned  difids  hS^  wi^Vf*  ^^^  "  "^ 
up  pnce«  white  some  of  the  «hn.wH  i,  m  ^"  declared  to  keep 
In  this  way  the  «2  WW  S^  k  V?'''^'^  unloaded.  ^ 

and  stiu  theS^!fiSffl  '^Th^".  ^"^<^  f™"*  ^n<=« 
that  rf  they  allowed  Sir"'R"lfphe  ^^r^^Tth^Lr?^ 

P«ctable  financial  p.Mr.  of  Eu;„i  """•  °J.  *^'  "">«  ■•"- 
bank  looting  or  Mf '  brilking  "  "^  «omethinB  wor.e  than 

the  Sht^HS^SirRSS"^  ::?""  <^'i'^"8  the  session  of  1916 
through  ftXmen  fhe^purS^'fThl^^f/'ia^-  White  forced 
Railway.  Jt  meant  fLf  .„!!,<  thib  Quebec  and  Saguenav 
money  i^ould  h"o  bl  LZut  =,"',0"'"'°';^''°"''^  "f  P"bMc 
ahties  were  eorajJeted^  When  ri^n  T.f  *•"  •f'^'^IT  f"""" 
accoRiing  to  reliablT  authnHH^  u*  ^""^  "^  «'°u''l  mean 

SIO.OOO.MO  before  tl^Lroirfr.'nt,.''"  " '^f^^  expenditure  of 
and  the  best  the  GovemmenTan^  'th? ^.'''1  ^""^  '"^^.'^y  ^"^  "^. 
that  from  its  incention  thu  ™ilr^^  t^^  country  can  hope  for  is 
but  a  loosing  pr^pSon    ™  '™^''  "^  ^^  '^'^  ^^^  be  nothing 

money^^The"veVUmln?&hSZ'^vE?  ^^L^  ^^*  «™  «' 
of  the  Borden  GovernZntl^«  crTn^.y^''*..^"'^  '^«  members 
««ve,  «ave,  iave!    '*™'"^"t  are  crying  throughout  the  country 

62  «iie^o%mXfbfcTC^i:"g  '^  =^  '««  approximately 

.   ine  U  graded  and  ralK  laW  n-f^^^^"    ^bout  85%  of  the 

from  Murray  Bay  to  a  D^b  mln  «°"^  ^S'^  "^^^^  ™'e«'  "amely, 

fast  falling  into  ^isrepah-  '^  ^  '•""  '^''*"  '"'''^^  °^  --oad  b 

peoptet'5'^'^0°ete1te^;;dTho  T"*^  1'''  ""'^  ^0,000 
portaMon  d\iring  the  sZiirfpr  m.^u°  ^^^l  ""P'«  ^'ater  trans- 
provident  aTfndeflnl~paS blffv  l^l^^l^'  '^''^L  «  '"»- 
Government  is  faced  with  the  nM^«i^vf„  *'  ^  *™*  "'*'«"  ^be 
and  every  dollar  of  C3S*i'oJ'tL"^t^„^-K''C'^  ^"^^«' 

CapiSf  if°*n*?rm'trg'o,S'niilfi^^^^^^  of  the 

legislation  in  the  followlnrtel?Si..'*'°''«'y  P^^^^^d  against  this 

thi.7m:7n't'he  Qutbe:  l"?.!,''  ""°J  .^°'  °''J«"<'" 
We  don't  know  .nythin^tbttft  fV'"''- '!■"*•>'.  •"""•'• 
of  the  money  watted  Xr«ct°",ny.tolSn  I*  """^  ''"?«* 
with  the  enterprUe.  but  that  .he!.n„f"  """"V°" 


out  the  ,0.^  had  been  made  ear  Ur  fn'T""'?]  '"  ''">' 

Hot'tK—  p-:.tt7^  ^-H^'pu^rl;.;.  VhTh 

^.^  The  Montreal  Gazette  another  strong  Conservative  paper 

doe:''„\'^''nrma''nr?..p"e"c1"    """'    circumstance, 
i""^'-     •     •     .     Ihe    present 

™e  Southampton  Railway 
^^  Scandal  ^ 

worth  |37^S(K)  ?oMwX"  tZ  "pLf """^f  ^'^'•'  homesteads 
a  contract  for  locks,  the  \iin!?fl-,?^^'"  CJenenil  can  let 
^anes,  the  Ministe^  of  Cultnmf  °^  •'."?'i=«  «»  draw  "hr^ 
Works  at  Prescott,  but  whenTt^^r^.^"  "**  ^™*'^  "f  a  Storet 
chicanery  one  ha^  to  im  te  tl,o7^^-*°^/^=' ^nd  jobof  poh^Ml 
Brunswick  to  see  it  X  X        °"^  °'  ^^^  P™^"^^  of  Nw 

bui/fMil?^,ri  S'thf  W^r^S?"  R  """??  '°"«'  '^^  to  be 
2f;£v^'=  ^l-  J-  K.  Pindlr  and  P^  A  r  ";.  ■^""'  Conservativl 
ht^S^x?  **«  deal.  Bonds  fSr  $10  Ki^n^""'!?^  "^^"^  'argely  in- 
by  the  New  Brunswick  Government  111  ""If  '^'T  S^anteed 
Th^&r  «"d  an  additiona  "S  for  $2  Mn"'  ■'•  ^••,  ^^«n 
a  miil7'"°**?  ^£P''ed  for  an  secured  th».,.'."^  f*:'!.  ""'^  'ater. 
a  mile  from  the  fiominion  Go^Snt  '"^'"'^  "^  *3,200 

the  construction  of  tWsmd^ere  "tS  'i'f  "^  *"  the  cost  of 

evident  to  everybody?  E™„=Xrnn' '■°^4:  The  steal  wm 
Parlgment  for  York,  Hon  H  J:''\,\°'^ry^twe  Member  of 
the  House  of  Commonfand",^^^'^^^^^^  i"  his  place  fj 

•nd  Item,  have  been  tZid VnJo  S!  '"'"  ''••"  P»<»d«d 
neither  true  nor  correct  I  ii"**™"?'"*  t»>«t  are 
"  .seeing  with  m«y'ofthe  f.ct.MTr"  °"  '~°'^ 
by  Mr.  Carvel!,  and  I  iavth«M-"i  *'*".' '''*'""«' 
veitigateitandputitri^?."    '  Minister  .hould  in- 

s«mdiloWan^tiSJr°Thr^  appointed  to  investigate  this 
of  Commons  onTeCaiyl'th  lll^  '"^.^^'^^  ]"  ^^Ho^ 

Of  these  13  miles  of  roJ  t'S^ol^^^^JZ^^^or^tr.^^ 

meor.    This  was  the  findi^fUfH^°Jh^?--«^actors  of 

Post  Office  Site  at  Fort 

Crown  Attorney,  for  thelob  \  r  rl  ^°'^'  u^""'  A-  I^-  «eorge 
two  pieces  of  ground  for  i  total  of  Satof  °T^*""^  ''P"°"«  °n 
-  evidence  given  before  the  PuSl.  a  '  .  J^*"'  according  to 
chased  the  land  hin.Sf  repmed  that".''l^r"i^''^  ^e  pur? 
was  the  agent  of  the  GovS-nment  .n/ .'''*''''' J" '^'^  °wn  office 
properties  to  the  Dominion  fo?^?fi  c:^n     \'"'"^  "'■^''  'he  two 

0^1  »eX.--  f  {ilf  WuT"S|-J;^t 
-lt&.  ^^-^-^  ^^^  B™Xw%rd,iS  P^uti^  b^lnt^ 

Canning  N.  S.  Public 
^         Building  Site 

look  afterZ'in^ter'^te'of  a  par°ty  friend'thT.^  detennined  to 
Sir  Frederick  Borden's  offer  of  a  fr^li  f  ''  '^'^^^'^  "^^  late 
and  agi^eed  instead  to  paT$2  000  to  vw""^^ .''"''"'  ''""'''"? 
tory  candidate,  for  property  he  owned  r^'  ^^*°"',  ^  ^^^^eatea 
has  been  declared  to  be  worthy  oZ  «'^n(?^"»'J^"u^"'^  property 
appear  as  being  worth  mor"  and  f^„S  '>r  $400  but  to  make  it 
for  the  proposed  buildC-^the  Gol^i^'' 'l''^  5^^  large  enough 

four  times  the4mouThTno7a^i-rsKStTr\^?l| 

T^e  Minister  of  Custom's 
Starchworks  at  Prescott 

EventuX'g?  'j  'D'Reff'r  "If  .««tablished  at  Prescott 
Borden  Government  became  tVd'^l^^''*^'^  "^  Customs  T?he 
hoder  in  this  Comp^.'""For  ^ome  retU^1["'•'*  ^""^"^  '^^ 
not  prove  profitable  and  the  starX^lfr-   "  ""e  investment  did 

On  January  31st  1<^1?  nr  ^     -n  u'"^'^^  """"^  closed. 

after  the  Borden  (overnnlnt   ooT  offic,"°''f .  i^V  ^'^  '"^''ths 

safely  installed   as   MinX  of   (w  t,f '^  ^^^  "°"-  ^'-  Reid 

h.s  connection  with  the  Starch'  yC^"'to^^.Z''%  T'.l^ 


cfnte  1^,X  '^Z;^^lf^l  *"«  ^r.  had  ceased  hi. 
public  ^oa-u'U-  fh^a-  '-,.  i.e.s.  Of  the 

Victoria  Harbour  Wharves 

Gj^ftfe^^cVlil  tcter?^fH"S'«' «  -''•-t  to  Mess™ 

wharves  at  Victoria  Harbour   ?h!  f  */'/°'  '^«  ^""ding  of  ^e 

rf  ^^^OO'OOO-  "•  ""^  *°*^  cost  to  be  slightirS! 

construcUo^ofXe^*°h^rtl^tt"  '".r"^"*""  '^th  the 

M°l*°ald''5te?.^aki^«^^^^^^^^    ttv^  ^l^-.^^  the 
eluded  an^gemJSte  ^th  He„r^'^°^^  •^''  *««  dred^ng  eol' 

^=u\-  ^''^'r  ^^teto^aSrho^pSS  ^ 

of  the  ;„?k  ^-  tt'^tt^ar  "d^}^ -?^  the  d-'^^in^  Portion 
4.300  Y.H.  of  Roc.  Exc.v.tion  t„„...e,  to  25.288  Y.H. 

and  sublet  and  accort^ng  to^I^"?!"^  gentlemen  had^blet 
at  the  1916  session  of  the  Puhl^/A^'^''®"'^^  ^^ich  was  prodieSl 
collusion  betwwn  tho       public  Accounts  Committw  th^ 

"^t  that  th;i^f|,^"fa"tld'\""''  «"b^on™m  wft'^Tl^ 
ya^  to  25,288  cubic  ytK-  «f  '"'^"'ased  from  4,300  cubic 


ir?r -''e  'yVt.f7L^^l^^-^^ontH.  While  not 

collusion  be{ween';h:"&^„,;rn,SS^"'=*'^-*°  ^^"'^  t^at  tl,e,^  wa, 
the  sub-contractorq     Tk^     u^*"'  engineer  on  the  worU  7^ 

ol  r  r '-■^---    ""^^^^^ 

how  careC"the''°enrine^re  »  *^.  ^^"^ence  shows  conclumvelv 
^tmate  sheets  to  S?tS  tL'"  P«™i«inff  thewTpro^ 
S«P?rtf  ent  who  haa  dwr^' of  ^ht  vSP°^  °^  «"«  Public  1A^ 
t^f  P?*!,^  "F'^"!!  thresh  LSh  or  .^"ulf  ^'^^ '«*rt«ta  wffi 
the  Public  Accounts  ComnS  ?ha?;^,^ '?"''«■  <>ath  befSS 
rock  as  was  located  i„  this  V^ria^L^J"''  8o«nf  through  such 

was  notT  .^r^"  '=°"d'^^4lT  th^t'fc.''  '^'  P^^h'our 

Purchase  of  Coal  at  Victoria, 

Urn   Cm 

boldlS^  v^Ss  ^aftS;  buTi^if  h'=^  r^  off  th«  prize  for 

Government  and  with  fh»w       n  4^^^  "'  the  Bowser-M^r;,?! 

I^iblic  Works  in  the^Fede'raf Caoi^'^,^  «?«?"  aTniKf 

n  m""'  .^  i^.^"^  «°<«i  icond'^  *^'  *''"  ^0"^  °f  British  Col! 

ffib^"^')^  "-"''•'ohl'r'  S°-  °^  t'^e  Minister  of 
required  for  the  dredRes  and  n^^  ^T  »  Quantity  of  ctoI  f. 

,  Aa  time  went  on  Mr  ifi;;;,    ""^  ™'«  »'  W-25  per  ton 
coal  WM  being  ordered  an,   f''^'"  ^«*  «UTrised  to  find  ?hat  n„ 

more  than  Mr  jSa  A  fe''^''^^'>-  "^«  Crerament  $3  sTi 
r'  ^"  -PP"«^  in^-ote  rwiWfe-^hfd'lii^ 

B^^  •  W       ""°"  RowJved  50  cent. 

to^«.^l/*co.^S.SXCo«^^^  Nelson  above  referred 

to  Court  ttat  he  had  certS"^  ^he*^1LSt.^'^  *«  '^"^'^ 
•"d  then^aiide^..'-'-'  »'  ««t'^'V'  tot.^K^^  C 

-"-iu.'j'^^icritl  ra  zt::  r"-'-! «"  '•'- 

*^^.,?l«*f  Bounties 

that  nearly  17  000  ti-  i    i 

Far?:  ••'■"'•  r  ^'^'^'^i  4  h^Tn 'an^'r"?"'^"'  ratdVvot' 
but  th  /"■'  P"'n'<'d  out  that  Ofwi  ^'^'^'^  """*'«'  "Bountv 
but  that  something  over  30,Z  Lm^o  ,Se7h"'  i^?  ""^  f^^°"  ^ 

»„  .l"  '*••  Govtrnmenl  i.  wiiii      "'^  "'*'  bounty. 

to  the.e  men."  d^7ll^U\hJl"'  *.°  »'^«  the  bounty 

*Tince  Rupert 

This  Company  in  IQii  io        . 
fc!i'*''°"i^  Prince  Ru^^^5'^«^  a  contract  tor  building 

■»«y»  "eS."  ™  •"'  ■»!«««!  b„°,i;o,&  g°arc"s' 

"Appointment  of  ,„.ki-       ;^       "^^  ^  follows: 

•ct  n,  upon  th.  AUrt  of  th^  r^^*?*"'  «»"""'•"««" 
P«t«"v«  •Mmln.tlonV'  •wmln.r.  irft.r  com- 

bi«  but  what  ia  the  outeomef "  ^'^•*  ^*'°'™  wunded 

13,466  Einploy,M  Uft  »h.  S«r»lc.      2B«1«A        .        . 

the  CMl  SI   'on'T  ™'^*  ^^  *«  Government  to  reform 
PloyjKM  who  left  the  G^vmWbJSJ^  £i  *"**'  °'  "'<«  •">- 

^3  ^«*  have  b««  26S?r  ^-r^-sri^-  ^,  p^  ^  ^^ 

two  Sve  t^\Zat^'i^.  ^r  r^  «»'«'  ">«*  «ot  out 
do  not  Include  one  ^SmrJk„fcJ^  "■**-  »nd  these  flmimg 
with  the  w*kTtJ^ar  Stl^iSSlif'^^'"  cSLS 
The*,  are  all  over  «id  Sk^?  „  "T**?  !*P«w««Mtely  2,m. 

«-7„ta  other  D^sii  ^f  :ff5sr«5r;^;-s 

threS7he°°^tS^^e;r^;;4PPota^^  have  been  made 
alike  fight,  in  the&re"rtraSl,  h.M  ""-^  conservatives 
pointments  to  cwy  on  the  wSS  ti,-"w'''''"'  '.'  •="««'  *»  ap- 
•PP ly.  How  couS  one  eS  a^Jh?  J^fi'n'y  Torie.  neH 
Service  when  we  find  nuT^  4?^r"i'!f  dmerent  In  the  Civil 
Blondin  statinr"lwouIdbithfl  ™«7'  *•>«  Hon.  Mn 
Common,  to  uk.  up  the  d.?.;**  ""fi"  *•»•  «""••  of 
Commiuion."  "^       "   defence  of  the   CIWl   Seryice 

F-«?IL!:;!ifu*l%rp'Hl;;''^.*ii- '•"■•*•-'•«"■"■'.  tn.  sh.„  .„. 

''Dash  Away  and  Spend  the 


Mr.  DonSoia'&^o*  J^r?'^'*"^  .^'"'"d"  «"  of  what 
ftated  in  the  HoS"commlMonlhr»H^'"  ^f  Queens  P  E.I* 
in  1914.  'commons  on  the  address  from  the  Throne 

»pendlnemo,^."'^*  ""^  '*^"««»°  ^  debt,  dash  away  and 

I  0«l~i  Onra..  Om.