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Collection  de 

Canadian  Inatltuta  for  Hhtorlcal  Mieroraproduetiona  /  Inatltirt  Canadian  da  rnksroraproduettena  Matorlqua 


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Tlw  Insiiiuu  hM  dtumittMl  to  cbMin  itw  iMni  eritin«l 
copy  awuUtttc  tor  tilnnni).   F«aiyr«  of  ihit  copy  wAich 
nuy  IM  bibltogr^plittelly  uniqiM.  which  OMy  <ilt«r  Miy 
of  iho  im«g»*  HI  ih«  fwproduciion,  or  which  may 
■igMltCMillv  ch«rt(M  Um  y»iMl  m«lh4Ml  of  lilmirtB,  ar« 
chodwd  balew. 




Colmirad  cowi/ 
Coywfty  w  d«  coMl«yf 

Conn  OiNMiind/ 
CowMfluft  MdOnUIMflM 

Cowrt  rMlofad  Mid/or  liiniHMlM*/ 
CM««f  tim  r«lMirM  •l/e«i  p«UiC4il«« 

lift*  miuinfl/ 
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□  CalMWtd  nw^ 
CafHt  iMif  a|ilii<)im  «  cautoM 

QColeynd  ink  (■.«.  atlw  Ihan  Mut  or  black)/ 
Enora  d«  wutavr  (■.<.  >ut»  v  Mom  e«  noira) 

L'Imuiul  a  nicrolilma  la  maillayr  aaaiii«lai>a  wi'il 
lui  a  aia  poHiMa  da  M  ptocunr.  Lai  daiaili  da  cat 
aaai««laKa  4111  tont  pa«»-*ira  iinquai  du  pouit  da  •« 
bikliotrirtlisiia.  qui  pauaam  maditiar  una  Unaca 
rap>aduitt.  au  qui  paunnt  aaifK  una  moditicatMn 
dam  la  mathoda  nsraula  da  lilwm  lonl  iod^uat 


I      I  Pi|M  dawna*/ 

□  ffU  raatarad  and^r  lamauud/ 
Pataa  failauraat  at/du  Mlliaulaai 



0CokHir«d  plaut  and/or  illusualiom/ 
PItfichas  at/ou  iMusiraueni  on  coultur 

□  Bound  with  eth«r  maurul/ 
n«lM  avM  d'uiusi  documwiB 

I  "H  Tiahi  tMiMhnfl  m«y  mum  th^dowi  or  dttiortion 


alone  miariof  marflin/ 

L*  raliuft  Mrraa  paut  cauwf  da  romttf a  ou  da  la 

ditunion  la  loofl  da  la  marga  uitariaura 

Blank  taam  addad  dwina  raitaratian  may  appaar 
witkin  ika  ttxt.  Wkanaaar  powiMa,  Hmm  haia 
haan  oinina^  from  filming/ 
II  f  Paul  qua  earlainat  papn  Mancbal  aiouiaai 
Ion  d'una  catuuration  appafaiuant  dan<  la  uxH, 
mais,  lonqua  cala  ttaii  pouiMa.  cat  pa(tf  n'oni 

□  Quality  of  print  aariat/ 
Oualiia  iniiala  da  riaipranien 

□  Coniinuoui  pagination/ 


Include!  indaala*)/ 
Cemprand  un  (daa)  indan 

Titia  on  haadar  takan  (ram:/ 
La  titn  da  rauMta  pioaiant; 

□  TitIa  page  of  iwaa/ 
Pa(i  da  liira  da  to  liwaimi 

I       I  Caption  of  iiaua/ 

Titfa  4i  dapan  da  to  linaiion 


GanoriqiM  IparioriiQun)  4»  U  livrwtoii 


Additional  Gommanu;/ 

Pdg«»  wholly  obacurad  by  cliauaa  hava  boon  rafllnad  to  anaura  Urn  baat 
psitibla  fnaga. 

Thit  iiam  it  filmad  ai  tlw  laduetion  ratio  diackad  balaw/ 
Ca  documani  att  f  ilnw  au  taua  da  radunion  indiqw 
1OX  lax  I8X 











Th*  oopv  filmed  har*  ha*  bMn  raproduead 
to  tha  ganarotity  of: 

Library  of  tht  NmIoimI 
ArchKm  of  Cwuda 

Tha  lma«aa  appaaring  hara  ara  Mm  baat  qualtty 
poaalbia  eonaidaring  tha  condition  and  laglbillty 
of  tha  original  copy  and  In  kaaf  ;ng  »vith  tha 
filming  eontfaet  apocifieatlona. 

Original  eopioa  in  printad  ftptr  aovafa  aia  fHmad 
baginning  with  tha  front  covar  and  anding  on 
tha  laat  paga  with  a  printad  or  iiluatratad  Impraa- 
tion,  or  ttM  baeii  oovar  whan  apprepriata.  AH 
othar  original  copiaa  ara  fiimad  baginning  on  tha 
f  ■>«  paga  with  a  printad  or  Iiluatratad  impraa- 
■ien.  and  anding  on  tha  laat  paga  with  a  printad 
or  Hhntratad  Impraaiien. 

Tha  laat  raeordod  frar.-.*  on  oach  mierotieha 
ahall  contain  tha  symbol  — » (moaning  "CON- 
TiNUeO").  or  tho  symbol  ▼  (moaning  "ENO"), 
whiehowar  appliaa. 

.     . te..  may  bo  fiimad  at 

diffarant  raduction  ratios.  Thoaa  too  larga  to  ba 
antlrahf  ineludad  in  ona  anpoaura  ara  fiimad 
baginning  In  tha  upper  loft  hond  eomar.  iaft  to 
right  and  top  te  bottom,  as  many  framaa  as 
raquicad.  The  following  diagrams  lilustrata  tha 

L'eiompiaire  flim4  fut  reproduli  grlee  i  la 
g«n4ruait«  da: 

Lt  bibliothtqin  d«  ArctiivM 
nnionilM  du  CMnda 

Ua  Images  suivantas  ont  tti  raproduites  avse  la 
plus  grand  soin.  compta  tenu  de  la  condition  at 
da  ta  nattet«  de  luemplaira  film*,  et  en 
eenformM  avac  lee  conditions  du  eontrat  da 

Lee  eiofflplalraa  origineux  dont  la  eouverture  an 
pepier  eet  lmprim«e  sont  fllm«s  en  eommencent 
par  le  premier  plot  et  en  terminant  solt  par  la 
*jmi*re  pege  qui  comporte  une  emprelnta 
d  impreeaion  ou  d'liiuatretion.  salt  par  la  laeond 
ptot.  aaler  le  eaa.  Tous  lea  autres  asemplaires 
originaux  sent  fiim»«  en  eemmen$ent  per  la 
promiiro  paga  qui  comporte  une  empreinte 
dlmpreeeien  ou  d'iHustretion  et  en  terminent  per 
la  damitre  page  qui  comporte  une  telle 

Un  dee  aymboles  sulvents  spparattra  sur  la 
demMre  image  de  cheque  microfiche,  selon  le 
cas:  la  symbole  ^  signifle  "A  SUIVRE",  la 
symbole  V  signifle  "FIN". 

iM  cartas,  planches,  tableaux,  etc..  peuvent  itra 
film4a  t  dee  taux  de  rMuction  difftrents. 
Lorsque  le  document  eat  trop  grend  pour  ttre 
reproduit  en  un  soul  dich*.  11  est  film*  i  pertir 
de  I'angia  suptrieur  geucha,  da  gauche  t  droita, 
et  de  haut  en  bas,  en  prenent  le  nombre 
d'imegea  ndcasseire.  Im  diagrammes  sulvents 
iliustrent  la  m«thoda. 







rafiiiiiiwii  iiiiiii Ill  mwi 

wmmK^^KSw^Mcw^Mvt  c>4..<iaei^BE3itqB^a^wt!Pe^  "^m.m'jb(hk- 

••aocory  msouition  tut  cH«tr 

(ANSI  and  ISO  TEST  CHABT  No.  2| 

■  2^ 



1.1      ?."'l 





i^SI  <65J  Eotl  14am  StrMt 

S"^  Rochwur.  Neo  Yori<        14609       US* 

^S  {?1S)  482  -  0300  -  Phon, 

^E  (^'6}  2Be  -  5989  -  Fa, 




One  of  Montre.P=  Modern  Palace,  of  Ice 









la«  SI01.V  or  THE  DOIOMON, ••  EIC. 

I  L  I.  U  S  r  K  A  |-  E  D 



Copyright,  1913,  by 
Tiut  John  C.  WiNSfroN  Co. 

I--:'  ■       .!»: 

l€-iM-     ^1 



Quebec  18  picturesque  in  its  history,  in  its  natural 
setting  and  environment,  in  the  evolution  and 
character  of  its  people,  in  its  politics  and  religion 
and  daily  life.  As  French  Canada,  it  has  left  a 
powerful  impress  upon  the  history  and  life  of  the 
continent-a  more  pronounced  one  than  is  generally 
understand.  As  a  part  of  British  Canada  it  has 
always  been  important  in  its  influence  and  interesting 
m  its  action. 

This  volume  is  an  attempt  to  bring  together  the 
past  and  the  present  in  the  history  and  environment 
of  an  attractive  people.     It  is  not  a  record  of  party 
contests  or  of  the  rise  and  fall  of  politicians;   nor 
■8  It  a  detailed  description  of  events  which  may  be 
found  dealt  with  in  histories  of  varied  character 
and  pomts  of  view.     It  is  not  a  guide-book  to  the 
places  and  scenery  of  Quebec,  as  to  which  several 
compact  and  useful  little  volumes  have  been  pre- 
pared   and   published.      These    things    have   their 
places,  of  course,  with  a  value  and  interest  all  their 



The  author  has  endeavored,  however,  to  portray 
the  conditions  of  the  past  in  their  association  with 
the  places  of  the  present,  rather  than  to  provi4jB 
an  exact  and  consecutive  record  or  a  geographical 
study.  He  has  also  tried  to  analyze  the  under- 
currents of  sentiment  and  action  which  have  made 
French  Canada  so  interesting  and  which  will  prob- 
ably keep  it  as  an  important  and  attractive  element 
in  the  life  of  this  continent  and  the  history  of  the 
British  Empire. 


I.  Th.  Frinch  PATaw«  to  a  Conhmnt    .   .  "u 
II.  Tb«  Making  or  tbi  French  Canadian  29 

T  J'  I"  ''"'"""'  *^*''*'>"'«  A»  Nation  Bcild.m  48 

IV.  FooTPMNTs  or  THE  Fbench  Pioneers  58 

V.  Quebec-The  Cradle  or  New  France.    .  87 

VI.  Montcalm,  WoLrE  and  the  Plains  or  Abba- 



VIII.   The    Jescitb-Pioneers   or   the    Cbom   in 

^*»'*'>* j^3 

IX.  The  Heroic  Aoe  or  Canada    ....  .  ig2 

X.  Acadia— Thb  Land  or  Evanoeune  184 

XI.   The  SEI.3NEFHU-AN  Old-world  Abistocbact 

IN  America     ^^ 

XII.  LirE,    Cdstoms    and    Envibonmbnt   or   the 

Habitant ^^ 

XIII.   Chubches  AND  Shbines  or  Fbench  Canada.'   .'  2M 
Ji.iv.   Reuqiocs  EvoLcmoN  or  the  Fbench  Cava- 

""N 277 

XV.   Reuoioos  Traditions,  Folk- Lobe  and  Bal- 


v^Tr"  f""*""  *"»  I'*™«AN8  or  Literature'  .'  3M 
Yv,.,  ^'"™"  Landmarks  in  French  Canada  .  .  342 
JtVIII.   Educational  Interests  and  Ideals  in  Que- 


XIX.   P1CTUBE8QUB    Phbsonalities   or    French 

IND^"* 386 



w^  j*y^*. 


Capes  Et.bnitv  and  Thimty,  SAauBNAy  !! 

MONTMOMNCI    KALLa,    (JuEBCr    ...  '     '     '       Ig 

Chicoutimi,  Saokenat  Riv«b  J 

Chobch  o.  Not-.  Dam.  d„  Victo.bcs.  (Ju.b.c  '    "     ,a 

RiVltRI  DU    LOUF 

Ch;t«au  Kkontenac  and  C.TAD.L,' Quebec    .'    '    '    '  im 
Scene  on  the  Saooenat  H,veb,  Quebec  '    '  120 

CaiTEAD    DE    RAMtlAV,    MoNTBEAL  .  tZ 

OUATCBOUAN    FaLU,    LaKE    8t.    JoHN  '     '     '     '     IM 

Scene  on  the  St.  Lawbence  in  W.nteh  '       itb 

Thatched  Babn,  Cap  1  L'A.ole,  Quebe,- ,9° 

JRENCB  Canadian  Kishebiien  .    .  ™„ 

ChXteao  St.  Locis,  Quebec  ^ 

Habitant  Woman  Weaving  Homespun  CioTH  232 

Habitant  Woman,  Cap  a  L'AiaLE,  Quebec  '.  266 

Chubch  op  Ste.  Anne  de  BeaupbI  272 

Scene  ON  THE  MetabetchouanRiveb.n  Quebec'    '  304 

Bhead  Oven,  Cap  a  L'A.glb,  Quebec 323 

Little  Cbamplain  Stbeet,  Quebec  C.ty  '344 

8NOW8HOE   Scene   near   Montreal    .  'tan 

T.MBEB  Coves  at  Quebec 3"" 

Toboooan  near  Montreal  .        .qq 



Th.  F«.«eH  Pathway  to  a  Contin.kt 

in  the  «,i,  oU  va  ^nfwe  Sr^/'""  '"^"*'"«  '°°*'' 
•nore  fir™,y  than  thTy  TneThTrn't^'^  ""'' 
sought  the  nifwt  .muJj-j       ^'    ""''    "lehberately 

do^i„io„'"'a„riu£r  c^coSa'tr  r  "^^ 

none  greater  than  that  of  New  JVa  '  .  ^!  ^°""'' 
grew  around  and  beyond  QueZc  ^"h  th"  s,  T'^ 
rence  at  its  fep*      r„..'   ^     T'"  ^'''>  the  St.  Law- 

Koberval.ti  the  ^Z'^t.^.r'"'  '""'  ^^ 
trapper,,  «,ldier,  and  prTest  ^nhl  ''°^**!""  *°" 
men  and  Peasant^^VhrtrVe,  Hh  "'r'\ 
the  great  river  in  the  sixtrnth  i^  *'"  "' 

centuries,  saw  no  surh  .„„„  "''  seventeenth 

today  wik  r,,r  tn,  rsfg^rand*"  ''""'""^'' 
ments  of  civilisation  and  commerce     ^hHrr'" 


by  dtTfrt,';Tiri:rv^  -""^  «"--»«^ 

wail   of  the    wolT  or  r     '      '"'"  """^  *°  *'««  the 
there  were  th^  yTja^t  rnd'""'  °'  '""^  "'^•'«^' 
«-  storms  an/  ^'i^^  srw^^  'lo--'  S; 


BiM irTiiiim"iir-¥    j&si^Jismimmm 



river  faced  by  men  fresh  from  the  sunny  slopes  of 
France;  there  were  the  marvelous  and  gloomy 
portals  of  the  Saguenay,  the  varied  scenery  at  the 
mouths  of  other  great  rivers  as  they  poured  from 
unknown  inland  reservoirs  into  the  St.  Lawrence; 
there  ivas  the  exquisite  beauty  of  the  summer  and 
autumn  seasons  when  the  shores  revealed  some- 
thing of  nature's  wooded  charm  and  beauty  and 
the  river  itself  showed  graces  all  its  own,  crowned 
by  a  solemnity  and  mystery  which  must  have 
proved  an  inspiration  of  courage  and  strength  to 
the  early  adventurer  or  explorer. 

Gradually,   as ,  exploration   and    adventure,    war 
and  settlement,  trade  and  mission  effort,  impressed 
themselves  upon  this  land  of  mountain,  forest  and 
wilderness  which  lay  on  either  side  of  the  St.  Law- 
rence,  knowledge  of  its  geographical  and  physical 
features  came  in  limited  form  to  the  rulers  and 
pioneers  at  Quebec  and  Montreal.      It  is,  however 
doubtful  if  they  ever  knew,  with  any  exactness,' 
the  details  which  are  possessed  today.     They  would 
have  deemed  it  impossible  that  the  five  great  inland 
seas  of  which  they  caught  glimpses  or  the  shores  of 
which  they  partially  explored  in  birch.^bark  canoes, 
could  have  a  total  area   of   94,660   square  miles; 
that  the  vast  waterway  up  which,   in  part,  their 
tiny   ships   first   sailed    could    traverse,    from    the 
western  end  of  Lake  Superior  to  tht    Gulf  as  it 
widened  into  the  ocean,  a  distance  of  2,384  miles; 
that  the  lesser  rivers  opening  into  the  greater  one 
could  drain  various  lakes  immense  in  themselves 


realue    that    the    immense   system    of    waterways 

skirted  only  by  parties  of  wanderin,,  C"  T 
unde^tand  that  a'J.  these  vasTboZ VSe^we  ^ 

atl":'  """  '''""y  P-*^  °f  o-  river  rilr." 
a  httle  many-named  stream  which  fell  into  Lake 
Supenor;  to  see  into  the  dim  future  and  find  the 
St.  Lawrence  proving  to  a  „.eater  Canada  what 

been   .ndeed,  to  possess  the  qualities  of  a  nrophit 
CchTanar  1  ''\^ '''^^-'^^^  "^  ChristS; 

the  ctt:r  InXiTflrcornlt"^  S  ^°^" 
' '-  wi^en  French  dominion  rratraUAmer 



and  clasped  hands  with  the  Acadians,  when  marks 
of  ownership  and  possession  were  planted  down 
the  Mississippi  and  Ohio  Valleys  to  t*-  ^  Gulf  of 
Mexico  and  the  French  of  Quebec  w  brought 
into  touch  with  the  French  pioneers  ot  l,ouisiana. 
But  that  was  New  France  glorified  and,  for  a 
moment,  almost  attaining  the  heights  of  Richelieu's 
imperial  dream  and  Fronten;.<;'s  hope.  Usually,  in 
these  periods  of  early  struggle  it  included  Quebec 
and  Acadia  and  the  main  portion  of  the  Ontario 
of  today  with  an  ill-defined  and  changing  region 
which  stretched  for  some  distance  into  what  are 
now  the  Centi'al  American  States — a  territory 
sometimes  held  and  sometimes  lost,  but  as  to  which 
hope  was  not  abandoned  until  the  final  victory  of 
the  English  on  the  Heights  of  Abraham. 

The  French  Canada  of  the  past  century,  the 
country  which  had  grown  out  of  its  fluctuating 
conditions  of  pioneer  settlement  and  warfare  into 
one  of  settled  boundaries  and  fewer  external  diffi- 
culties, was  a  region  of  350,000  square  miles  and 
so  remained  until  1912,  when  the  vast  Ungava 
territory  was  added  to  it.  It  was  bounded  on,  the 
north  by  Hudson's  Bay,  only  accessible  through  a 
wilderness  which  has  remained  more  or  less  unknown 
up  to  the  present  time,  and  by  Ungava,  of  which 
much  the  same  may  be  said;  on  the  west  by  Upper 
Canada  or  Ontario;  on  the  east  and  south  by  the 
River  and  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence,  the  Province  of 
New  Brunswick  and  the  States  of  New  York,  Ver- 
mont,   Now   Hampshire   and   Maine — touching   on 


the  extreme  northeast  the  Labrador  territory  of 
Newfouadland.      For   550    miles   along    the   J 
and  north  of  the  river,  up  to  the  nfouth  of  The 
Saguenay,  the  country  is  mountainous,  bold  and 
rugged  ,n  outline  with  many  rivers,  ani  a  scener J 
moro   picturesque   than    beautiful;     for   200  S 
from  the  mouth  of  the  Saguena;  up  to  the  St 
Ma..-ce  River  and  toward  Lake  Ontario  there  is 
on   we  north  shore,   an  alternation  of  mouTtain 
Seirtfbell'f  ^^-^  ^'^^''*'°-  -'J  -duS 
riSes      Sh       T"''^  *»''  "'^  agricultural 
wWch  skirt  th..        %"^"  '^'  ''^'«''*«  ""'J  '""'« 
upwards   resemble  in   appearance   the   Laurentian 
range  to  the  north,  but  are  further  away  f"m  Z 
nver  and  leave  room  in  modern  days  for  deirhtful 

tzz::jr '"'  ^"^^^^  -'  ^  ''--^" 

mto  restless  rapids;  as  ,t  sweeps  past  cliffs  crowned 



with  verdure  or  great  natural  ridges  capped  with 
dense  forests;  as  these  break  frequently  to  reveal 
fertile  valleys  and  a  rolling  country,  or  rise  into 
rugged  and  yet  exquisitely  picturesque  embodi- 
ments of  nature  such  as  the  heights  of  Quebec; 
there  comes  the  thought  that  here,  indeed,  is  a 
fitting  entrance  to  a  great  country,  an  adequate 
environment  for  the  history  of  a  romantic  people, 
a  natural  stage-setting  for  great  events  and  gallant 


Though  greater  than  any  other  Canadian  river, 
the  St.  Lawrence  was,  and  is,  a  natural  type  and 
embodiment  of  them  all.  Sweeping  in  its  volume 
of  water,  sometimes  wild  and  impetuous,  never 
slow  or  sluggish,  on  its  way  to  the  sea;  ever  changing 
in  its  currents  and  rapids  and  waterfalls,  its  lakes 
and  incoming  river  branches:  passing  through 
varied  scenery  yet  always  preserving  in  its  course 
a  degree  of  dignity  which  approaches  majesty; 
it  reveals  a  combination  of  volume  and  vastness, 
beauty  and  somberness  which  make  it  in  more 
senses  than  one  the  father  of  waters  on  this  conti- 
nent—"the  great  river  without  an  end,"  as  an 
Indian  once  described  it  to  Cartier. 

The  gulf  into  which  the  river  broadens  is  more 
or  less  a  land-locked  sea,  deep  and  free  from  reef 
or  shoal,  running  500  miles  from  north  to  south 
and  243  from  east  to  west.  In  its  center  lies  the 
once  lonely  and  barren  Isle  of  Anticosti;  not  far 
from  Gasp6  Bay,  two  miles  out  at  sea,  lies  La 
Roche  Perc«,  a  gigantic  pile  of  stone  with  perpen- 


Perci  vaUge  and  Rock,  Shores  of  the  Gulf  of 
SK.  Lawrence 


dieular  wallg  forminK,  in  certain  conditiona  of  the 
weather,  a  marvelous  combination  of  colors  out- 
ined  against  the  blue  sky  and  emerald  sea.  In 
this  rock  there  is  now  an  opening  broken  by  the 
unceasing  dash  of  the  waves;  according  to  Denys 
there  were  at  one  time  three  great  arches,  and 
seventy  years  before  his  time  Champlain  stated 
that  there  was  only  one  but  that  one  big  enough 
or  a  ship  to  sail  through;  in  still  earlier  days 
Indian  legends  describe  its  connection  with  the 

Let  us  at  this  stage  look  lightly  at  some  of  the 
geoi^aphical  and  associated  conditions  as  we  pass 
slowly  up  the  St.  Lawrence  from  its  mouth,  and 
try  to  see  what  manner  of  region  this  is  which  has 
witnessed  so  much  of  romance  and  has  brought 
together  and  kept  together  the  new  and  the  old- 
the  Europe  of  three  centuries  ago  and  the  America 
t!^^-    ,^?'"  ^"'^  '""^  '*»  '"^•"ories  of  a  naval 

sunk   w?  •>  "''''   *""   ^'"^™"°   '">'P«   -«^ 

sunk,  we  pass  along  a  shore  devoted  with  undying 

allegiance  to  codfish  and  possessing  at  Mount  Ste 

Anne  one  of  the  finest  scenic  views  in  eastern  Canada' 

furthest  pomt  of  Quebec  on  the  south  shore  of  the     ' 

frn-ff  r'^°Ti^,?'  "*  abundant  salmon  and 
fruitful  mland  fields.  Here  Cartier  once  landed 
took  possession  of  vast  unknown  regions  for  the 
King  of  France  and  erected  a  cross  thirty  feet  high 
which  flew  the  fleur-de-lis,  also,  as  a  mark  of  owner- 
ship;   near  here,  Admiral  Kirke  defeated  a  large 



French  fleet.     Th»n 

i^'ering  r.«,p.rt   oVr^.^"'*  """P^  with  it. 

»nd  lofty  clirVerCat^J"''"  "'  '-kT'wS 
•»d  French  naval  fighf'^:,^''""*.  another  En^^ 

aJ«o,  runa  into  the  St  w  "^  P'"'"'  "d  near  ifew 

fa«ou.  for  it,  trout  annf"  '''"  Matane  rS 

'*ve'it«>If  etretchrtSv'fi""""'  '""■'"  "-e^i;' 
"orthem  Bhoree.  '^''*^-''^«  «"eB  aero™  tf  U, 

^nence,  one  goes  im  *i,      . 

r°ven  around  it  of  *h.^    ,   *''"'''  "enturies  havl 

•^  .WeaJc,  inaccessible    "^      """^  °'  ^^ows  ^hi^ 
"""ring  rock,     a  li  ti'    ut  P^'P^^dicuiar  waJl«  ^f 

^ttf ;/'"----^^^^^^^^  '''  °*^^«''« 

-the  latter  a  fashionAhu  ^°"P  ^^d  Cacouna 

nn'es  wide  are  *i,^    ■  .      "^^^'  ^^hh  here  i.  bV 
"   if*  Eboulements  with  I.l.  *  ""''  mountain 

•"""•'*-*-:' res  t*^ 


origin  where  rock,  and  mountains  Hi-em  to  roll  into 
one  another  and  commingle  in  the  wildest  fantasies 
of  nature's  strangest  mood. 

from  Thr^'f  ^"P/""""""'-.  towering  2,000  feet 

^If  ■  .!  ""  '"^«*'  ■""•  °"«"'  '»''«""1  pile-  of 
pamte  juttmg  out  into  the  river,  with  the  Isle  of 
OrUans  green  .nd  beautiful  in  the  sunlight,  with 
the  St.  Lawrence  jewel-bright  and  showing  glimpses 
o  the  wh.te  curtain  of  Montmorenci  Falls  i"^' 
distance  with  the  naked,  somber  height  o?  he 
Laurentides  to  the  north.  Everywhere  inrf^lH  the  north  shore,  from  far  do^^'t  hT'latado; 
coast  up  to  Cap  Tourmente,  there  is  this  wall  „ 
mountams,  like  a  sea  of  rolling  rocks,  cleft  heTe  and 

nay     Everywhere,  also,  are  footprints  of  the  eariv 

c'amLT'h  """n  ""Tl!'  'anded,%here  ChamZn 
camped,  here  De  Hoberval  is  supposed  to  have 
disappeared  forever  between  the  wWeTalle  of  the 
Saguenay,  there  Pont-Grav<S  or  Chauvin  left  t  ace! 
of  adventurous  exploits. 

roct^wh"'^"  *''?«, '"o™  "P  the  sentinel  on  the 
rock   which   overiooks   all   the   pares  of   r,in  ,Hi 
hhtory  and  still  stands  as  the' most  pietist" 
and  impressive  city  of  the  new  worid.     Here    o^ 

height*  of  I^vis;  on  the  other  are  the  grand  out- 
lines of  Cape  Diamond,  crowned  with  the  rampartl 
of  Quebec  and  now  embodying  age  and  poweT  as 
the  graces  of  the  Chateau  Frontenac  represent 
modem  luxury  and  business.     In  the  neighborhrd 



de  Beauprt;  ."lei^i"!""",'*"""'  <"  St..  Anne 

Europe;  ruin,  of  flS.  h",'''"'""  °'  ""^'""'•J 
memoric,  of  history  and  m  iti«"'"*  !°'^-^''>« 
tragedy  and  crime  ^      ''  '"'"'  ""'  '""ghter, 

Pawing  from  Quebec  im  «i.    ^ 
the  mouth  of  the  Cha^i,"^  l       ''""  *°  *^°""««'. 

Benedict  Arnold  mirched  Jr^«'^  *''"""^''  ''''''"• 
to  the  hoped-for  captu  e  I?  olT""' r'^'^''"'' 
aux-Trembles,  further  on  tL^  !  f"  ^^  ^^'"^ 
encounter  between 'p~n  **"""  *»«''  P'ace  «everal 
Rive„  Btand,  7"he  mou^r,'  ^««•''•  Three 
which  ri,e.,  With  *tt  0«aialdV*-«*'""'*"-' 
>n  a  ma«e  of  lakoa  o„j   ""awa  and  the  Saguenay 

the  north.    In  the Ivt'"""' '^J'"''''''^''  "^  "'''^^o 
running  baclc  to  1618  and  inT!f-         *°""  ""^mories 

-nd  romantic  tradi'l'No??'",'^'^'^*-^ 
St.  Lawrence  widen,  into  Lake  sT  pT  '"'"'  *''« 
"hove  it  the  Richelieu  Lu«i J''  ^f*"'  ""d  ju.t 
greater  stream,  and  at  th.^^  1  "''*^"'  «*»  the 
in  1642  a  fort  wa^  bSt  bv  m'°^  '  »?""  ^°'«'  ''''«'"' 
Montreal,  with^its  mn^'^        ''''  *^°utmagny. 

^7Pie.  reat's  at 'th?m"eXre"':?Th  "'  ^''^ 
the  old.     It  combines  in  itsflfth!  '  ""'"  ""d 

tones  rival  interests  of  churTh  7''"*  "'"'  ■»•"«- 
customs  and  n>ethl  o  M Mr  r°'T*'^'  *•■« 
races,  the  streets  and  narrow  n  *  ^'*  """^  *''*'""' 
-H  the  great  .nanciaX^ugElJ^- 


Of  the  pr«jent.     It  itandi  at  a  point  where  all  the 
commercial  and  businow  kloalg  of  Engligh  Canada 
meet  and  pre*  upon  the  tradition*,  practieea  and 
pohcy   of   French   Canada;    it   prcHcrvoH   itself   by 
combining  the«e  varied  interest,  and  maintaining 
a  center  of  wealth,  commerce  and  transportation 
while,  8o  far  as  its  French  population  is  concerned 
remaining  devoted  to  racial  instincts  and  loyal  to 
one  religious  faith. 
From    this    commercial    metropolis    of    Canada. 

viow   of   other   mountains   on   the   American   side, 
the   St.    Lawrence-crossed   here   by   the    Victoria 
Bridge,  which  was  long  thought  to  be  an  eighth 
wonder  of  the  world-forms  itself  into  rapids  which 
must  have  caused  tribulations  and  sorrow  and  many 
portages  m  pioneer  days  an.l  whi^h  -re  uow  relieved 
by   canals   and   chiefly   utilized   for  the   benefit   of 
tourists.      Here  are  the  beautiful  Cascade  Rapids 
with  waves  flashing  high  over  rocky  masses;    the 
Cedars  where  close  in  shore  the  green  foliage  sweeps 
down   to   meet   the   turbulent   waters;    the   Long 
Sault,   which  IS  the  most  strenuous  and  inspiring 
of  all;   the  Galoups,  where  the  water  first  awakens 
to  the  situation  and  begins  to  writhe  and  foam  in 
an  anger  which  grows  with  the  rocks  it  feeds  upon. 

battlefield  of  Chateauguay  where  De  Salaberry 
and  his  French  Canadians  defeated  an  American 
army;  „ear  Morrisburg,  farther  up  the  river,  lies 
Chryslers   Farm,   the  scene  of  another  victory  of 

m     ■    ^k£K 



a^irS  r^iZr^^'''^  -«"'a-  Soon 
rest  the  famous  ThouLtirr  V'"''^  ^^ere 
-in  reality  I  800  of  ?h  "''^^ '''^■^<= ''i«t°'y 
enters  the  ProSe  of  *tr~''"''. ''^™   *he   river 

!*«  ho„,e  in  Lr^onts xr  ir  T^^  *° 

■n  the  vast  water  expans^J  of  th!        f  "^'°*"^ 
continent.  pansions  of  the  center  of  the 

Menders  of  sZ^'^'Xi^  I^^^^  "'  ""^'^^  ^-^ 
the  historic  rivers  of  Euro Jir     f  ""'^  '^'*'' 
country  with  traditions  an/ ^^rai'^  "  ''"'" 
which  are  attractive  to  thp  v?  /      ■°''  '"'"nories 
the  student  and  important  L  ^    •"'l."^*''^'^^"''*  *» 
The  Ottawa  runs  ZoUkl  St  ?     "*  °'  ^'"''«^*- 
many  widened  waters  of  the  St   rr"""  °'  *''« 
the  northwest  and  mixes  its  dLt      ,^'*'^"'"''«-from 
the  pine  and  ^r-cZZsllt^^^^''''''  ''™"''  ''°'» 
lighter  blue  of  the  grea  er  S/     ^T'  ^'*''  **>« 
of  the  French  r^^mfif  w  "T:    .    /•"'  "'"^  '^''^^ 
fur  trade  and  the  site  of  thTT/  '^  ^^^^  °^  *»>« 

Where  Ottawa  rtheo„t„—r'''''''''  "^  ^^'^'i-- 
Quebec  side  now  join  and  m  '"^'  ""''  »""  °»  *<>« 
center  of  PopulatiTard  CinfJt  T  ''"^°^'">* 
the  Algonquins  had  many  a  hn  A  """"'^  ""'^ 
At  this  point  another  aTd  LtL\  -^"counter. 

Falls  pour  over  a  <rreat  n'l  f  "'"'""  ChaudiSre 
Picturesque  bllkground  £%t'°''\'"'^  "'^""^  - 
the  river  rolls  on  between  th' -^'f  "*^'  ^''"^ 

1 '  Jfc:fi*-rj4 



wide  reaches  conta  .lin?  varied  Mets.  Today  its 
chief  traffic  is  lumbe  ciirried  iu  g  eat  fleets  of  roomy 
barges;  in  the  olden  aays  it  was  known  for  the 
many  French  boatmen  along  its  course,  who  in- 
spired the  famous  Canadian  boating  song  of  Thomas 

Faintly  as  tolls  the  evening  chime, 
Our  voices  keep  tune  and  our  oars  keep  time. 
Soon,  as  the  woods  on  the  shore  look  dim, 
We'll  sing  at  St.  Anne's  our  parting  hymn. 
Row,  brothers,  row!  the  stream  runs  fast, 
The  rapids  are  near  and  the  daylight's  -/ast. 

For  some  distance  the  Ottawa  is  the  boundary  line 
of  the  two  provinces;  into  it  runs  a  wild  and  turbu- 
lent river  called  the  Gatineau,  which  drains  a  great 
extent  of  country  and  possesses  near  its  mouth 
seven  miles  of  fiercely  rushing  rapids;  La  Lifivre, 
a  little  farther  down,  is  a  much  smaller  branch,  yet 
it  has  a  course  of  several  hundred  miles.  On  the 
Ottawa  itself  the  next  points  are  the  well-known 
Chateau  of  Montebello  and  town  of  L'Orignal, 
with  the  beautiful  mountain-girt  Lake  Comandeau 
in  the  distance  running  into  the  Ottawa  through  the 
River  Kinonge.  The  historic  Pass  of  the  Long 
Sault,  the  lake  of  Two  Mountains,  the  village  of 
Rigaud,  known  for  its  place  in  Rebellion  records, 
and  Oka,  famous  for  its  modern  Indians  and  an 
old-time  Trappist  monastery,  follow,  and  then  the 
river  splits  into  three  mouths  and  loses  itself  in  the 
Father  of  Canadian  Waters. 



I   il 


The  Richelieu  and  tho  «.  p 
St.  Lawrence  on  the  south  ^/'"'"''^  '"a  into  the 
t^a'-  Along  the  Cer  ^'^r  '"  ^«"<"-  Mo„! 
;n  name  and  in  fact,  such  2  v  "  ''^  ^'«*°"'' 
Chambly,  Co„trec«u  and  vLlr"""'  ""'^  ^°'' 
of  the  days  when  the  Zth  oflh  ''~''"''°"''^"' 
Iroquois  gateway  and  The  r  '  "^^^  '""^  *'"-' 

went  guarded  the  aonrn  .^""^"an-Saili^res  regi- 
Montreai.  Through  thfwn"  *.°  ''"'^  ^«"<'  «' 
Eastern  Townships-ote  the' r''  ^'*  """""tainous 
0  English-spealciSg  set"  er  Ith  !*  '"''  ""^^^^^i"" 
'fe  to  the  people  and  eh„L  tol  "°,  "^"«  ''»">' 
'akes  abound-McmDhmmn  ^f  ""'•    Beautiful 

Massawippi  and  maly'  nothTr"'  ''''f''  ^'°'-^' 
tarn  scenery  is  there,  such  1  the  h"-".!'^''"'  «°""- 
Yamaska,  Mannoir  and  Bo"  f  n^'"'  °'  S^'«". 
"  -hole  succession  of  clfC  rif  "'  *'"°"«''out 
«od  and  beautiful  scenes  Jakes  "V'  ''«'""  ^*'t"« 

he>ghtsand  valleys-all  seem  mi    ^  "''"'"'  """""'ain 
tive  whole.  ^^^^  ^^d  "P  in  one  attrac 

Along  the  north  shore  of  the  St    r 
Montreal   to   Three  RiyeVand   ;^    T""'''  ^'""^ 
1^  a  country  of  settled  Tver"^,  *''",;'*•   ^^aurice, 
■st.cs  marked  by  many  smaU  f  ^'"  ^^'  ''^'''^'*''- 
bearing  the  saintly  nomenl  T  ""''  ^"'"g™ 

wterests  American  tourS  I"?  ^'^'"^  '°  S'^""-- 
French  Canada  and  m  ^ed  ',  '"  T  '^''''^'"  °f 
narrow  fields  which  a^t  .  '°  ''^  t^"  '"ng, 
''c.bitante.  Above  the  roaLpT*""^*'"  °'  *h« 
the   country  alone  the     '""f  f   't  °'  ^"^  ^uque 

Maurice  was  suppLd  oniyTferyt  "  '''   '*■ 
J  a  lew  years  ago  to  be 


a  Wilderness  of  little  value-the  home  of  lumber- 
men     nd.ans  and  trappers.      As  in  the  Lake  8  . 

iheltTZ  ^"  ^P^'.'T''-'^  P'^'^'dise  far  north  of 
the  St.  Lawrence  and  drained  by  the  somber,  silent 
Saguenay)    the  rapid  development  of  recent  year 
has  found  m  all  this  country  much  of  value  in  naCa 
res  urces  m  fer^lity  and  in  commercial  possibilUie 
(M  the  ^t.   Maurice  are  the  Shawinigan  Falls 
»o  remarkable  for  their  beauty  even  in  this  count  y 

water^T'tlr  '''  f''''  °'  "°'°"  ^  '^^  ^^ftLg 
tTon^'f  th    *''^P;''"'"^'  ^^riations  and  complica- 
t  ons  of  the  road  traversed  by  the  boiling,  foaming 
funous  r,ver  as  it  conquers  the  obstacleslk  its  way 
At  and  around  Lake  St.  John  there  is  a  vast  countr^ 
covered   with   primeval   forests-trackless    tangej 
woods  hold  myriads  of  dainty  lak  s  hTdden 
m  their  midst  and  shelter  varied  forms  of  bird  and 
animal  life.      Here  roam  the  majestic  rnoose  and 
the  proud  caribou,  here  are  stately  solitudes  and 
npphng  waters,  here  are  lofty  mountains  and  all 
the  charm  of  a  magnificent  unbroken  forest      Into 
this  glo„o.s  wilderness  the  railway  had  to  come! 
but  the  scenery  along  its  course  is  still  characteristic 

11  z^'zif '"" '™'» *-  much  :S- 

of  turbulent,  saucy-looking,  uncertain  waters- 
peaceful  and  polished  on  the  surface  at  one  moment 
stormy  and  savage  at  the  next.  moment, 

Around  and  below  the  City  of  Quebec  there  is 
one  of  the  most  beautiful  and  characteristic  por 
t.ons  of  French  Canada.    Ste.  Anne  de  Beauprt 



deserves  many  pages  of  description  and  will  cer- 

country  breathes  peace  and  contentment-  the 
i  «  ory  of  past  warfare  and  sanguinary  Indlk  con! 
fl.ct  seems  mappropriate  to  such  a  region  the 
hahtant  hves  a  life  which  looks  like  a  Teaf '  from 
rural  Normandy  in  some  forgotten  century  MucT 
more  m,ght  be  said  of  many  places  and  of  mSd 

but  this  chapter  is  only  a  summarized  picture  of 
conditions  Chicoutimi,  the  seat  of  a  city  at  the 
mouth  of  the  river  of  .the  same  name,  where  it  pou« 
•ts  waters  mto  the  Saguenay  from  Lake  KenogaT 
after  a  precipitous  course  of  seven  falls  and  a Tn' 
tmuous  series  of  rapids,  might  be  mentioned.     Mrh 

Sbec  \T  of°  t^  '"""'"'  ''''  °'  °"^-«  "^^^ 
the  t    T  ''^"°"'   ""'*"^''  '«'''S  Which    dot 

-breaktTn  Th"  ""  T"  '°T  ^'"^  ^P°*«  "^  ^-'^«« 

JZr  ;  ^"''  ^''tr^  '''"'  '"»°y  other  towns  o; 
villages  along  the  shores  of  the  St.  Lawrence  are 
picturesque  and  clad  with  a  mantle  of  W Z^  o' 

face  of  things.  Sherbrooke,  in  the  Eastern  Town- 
ships   countrj-     Lennoxville,    Farnham    and    other 

the  St.  Francis  was  a  waterway  from  New  England 
to  Quebec,  while  the  deep  chasm  of  the  CoatLok 
winds  in  and  out  of  a  richly  prosperous  region. 

ii . 

Il##  A 


Geologically  this  country  of  the  French  Canadian 
IS  of  intense  interest.     It  reaches  back  into  the  most 
ancient  period  of  the  world's  evolution;    it  was  a 
later  product  of  titanic  changes  and  movements  of 
the  earth's  surface.      The  grinding,  crushing  flow 
of  great  masses  of  ice  from  the  Arctic  regions  had 
potent  force  in  creating  the  vast  basin  of  the  St. 
Lawrence;    upheavals  of  a  volcanic  character  are 
obvious  around  Montreal,  are  clearly  marked  in  the 
Lake  St.  John  region,  are  found  in  the  Laurentian 
ranges;    evidence  of  earthquakes  comes  to  us  from 
within   historic   ages.      Of  the   mountains   in   the 
Eastern   Townships  country,  where  the  elemental 
struggles  of  geological  antiquity  must  have  been 
violent  beyond    description,  Jesuit   records  at    St. 
Francis   describe   an   earthquake  of  September   5, 
1732,  so  powerful  as  to  destroy  a  neighboring  Indian 
village.      The    better-known   disturbance   of    1663 
along   the  lower  St.   Lawrence  lasted  for  months 
and  resulted  in  continuous  landslides  and  a  series 
of  convulsions.     The  St.  Lawrence  was  said  to  have 
run  white  as  milk  for  a  long  distance  because  of  the 
hills  and  vast  masses  of  sand  which  were  thrown 
into  it,  ranges  of  hills  disappeared  altogether,  the 
forests,  according  to  an  Indian  description,  became 
as  though  they  were  drunk,  vast  fissures  opened 
in  the  ground,   and   the  courses  of  streams  were 
changed.      The  whole  of  the  Mount  Royal  region 
and  valley  shows  clear  evidences  of  volcanic  action. 
These   latter   disturbances   were,   however,    only 
episodes  in  geologic  ages  of  formation;    there  are 



Laurentian  and  otheT  Tn  T"^^^^  ^"'^  »'  the 

'•ontinent    will  stand  as    *!'  "'•  f*"''  P"'  "^  the 
mighty   world-moveLrts    r?       t  ^""   "'°™ 
ment  for  the  history  of  tL  t„h     '°°'''"   ""^■''•on. 
«fu^gles  of  the  French  cL !.  ""'  '^'^  *'■"  «"'y 
«o  emn  witnesses  of  the  civZf"  T"^''  """^  "« 
taken   possession   of  this  Int  1°^  ''^''^  '"'«  «><"- 
hop-  in  its  own  Ltn/Slir "^"  """ 
build  upon  and  refine  and., if-     i'  ^'""'«  ''"y  to 
«toreh„u,e  for  its  ow^  J^n     '*' ""*"^'«  «P'«"^'-d 
went  of  its  people  ^  '^    '^°'''   '"'*  *he  advance- 

The  Making  of  the  French  Canadian 

wnHH?'  ^'f^'V'™"  the  older  countricB  of  the 
world  have  been  hoard  to  say  in  parts  of  Quebeo 

and^tteTuteHf  '"•"J '^^*''  «»""  farmhouses 
ana  attenuated  farms,  that  it  was  all  rather  uninter 
estmg  but  as  much  as  could  be  expected  in  a  reg  on 

ruth  had  been  known  to  them-even  though  they 

sages,  had  left  their  imprint  through  two  thousand 
years  of  history-much  that  was  romantic  attrac 
t..e,  inspiring,  might  have  been  seen  or  fdt  As" 
a  matter  of  fact,  the  existence  of  savage  life  of  Jd 

apTef 'of 'S"r  T"''"''"^'  °^  -^*  »''°-'y 
creltL  •  '^f  i"'"*'  """^  K'-^ate'  waterways 
created  in  early  Quebec  elements  of  romance  and 

ouirl  r'"?-   'r   "^"*"™«   ContinentrEurS 
could  not  entirely  grasp  and  which  without  indi- 

''  oi::r;r,\"'-*  f"  ^^^  I-ople  of  Englanl-s 

sceptered  is  e     have  always  seemed  more  or  less 

ncomprehensible.      To  the  historic  rr.ord  of  such 

sSi,       7    '""'^"""^    '"<'    f°--    of    rugged 
strength    and   picturesque    memory,    of    barbarous 




me^aL""?.  "'"'""/'""  «"'-   "'  «"i'"y  achieve- 

form  of  thp  T  i-         T*'°""*'  ^'^'^  tl^^  solitary 
and  more  civ    zed  race  on^  n(  ty.-  Preceamg 

When  Cartier  in  1535  and  Champlain  in  1608 
firs  came  ante  contact  with  different  tribes  !? 
atti  uh''  llZ  ""f-*-''tely  a.,umed  a  hostile 
att.tude-the  former  in  carrying  away  Donnacoaa 

MAKING   OF  -  HE   FRENCH   CANADIAN       31 

on  a  voyage  from  which  he  never  returned,  the 
atter  .„  espousmR  the  cause  of  the  Hurons  againnt 
he  Iroquo«.  They  could  not  see  into  the  future 
they  could  not  well  estimate  the  nature  of  th^e 
«avage  forces  of  the  wilderness,  they  could  not 
comprehend  a  native  character  which  all  httory 
has  faded  to  satisfactorily  decipher.     Through  the 

Tn  th.  1  /  "",  """"  •"""«  •^°™  to  "« imbedded 

m    he  literature  of  a  hostile  and  conquering  race 
as  the  very  embodiment  of  cruelty  and  savagery 
Vet  that  mysterious  figure  was  in  many  respecTs 
a  noble  one  to  which  nature  had  given  a  vlst  Ind 
varied  environment.     Cold  and  hard  in  character 
passmnate  and  revengeful  in  temper,  ignorant  a^d 
supersffous  in  belief,  keen  and  Sui;!.'^  thought 
the    „d,an  was  never,  in  the  days  prior  to  his  period 
of  decadence  under  external  influence,  guilty  of  the 
efl^mmate  and  n    :,ncr  vices  which  have  de'^^troyed 
peoples  such  as  the  Koman  and  the  Moor 

Love  of  liberty  in  its  wilder  forms  and  contemnt 
or  all  arbitrary  rule  or  personal  control  he  cSd 

nar     of   l^^        '"T"™  °^  "^^'"^  ^««  «  "atSral 
part   of   his   surroundings   of   war   and   treachery 

subsrviL'^^r""'."'  ^'^  opportunities  aZd 
subservient  to  the  passions  of  pride  and  crueltv 
were  perhaps  misfortunes  more  than  they  w  re 
faults.  Compared  with  the  ereater  VnZiT 
the  gentler  faith,  the  more  cultrd'sur'rrS:' 
the  kindlier  home-life  of  the  white  man,  his  chancer 



were  very  slight  and  his  sins  not  so  luri.l  as  their 
flaminB   background    might   imply.      The   curious 
federal  system  of  the  Iroquois,  and  the  characters 
of  Pontiac,  Tecumaeh  and  Thaycndenagea  indicate 
l»8  mdividual  capabilities  under  favorable  circum- 
Htances.     The  Indian  was,  in  brief,  the  product  of 
nature,  the  outcome  of  wilderness  conditions,  the 
result   of  long  and   continuous   struggle   with    the 
forces  of  extreme  heat  and  cold  and  of  contact  with 
the  wild,  free  vagaries  of  a  wandering  forest  life 
The  Iroquois,  with  whom  Champlain  first  came 
face  to  face  m  *he  inauguration  of  a  drama  which 
had  a  contment  l:r.  its  stage  and  a  century  for  its 
enactment    were  at  once  the  best  and  the  worst  of 
all  the  Indian  nations.      Their  pride   was  intense 
and    overmastering,    their    lust    of    conquest    was 
mdividually   as    otrcng   as    that    of    Alexander    or 
wapoleon,  their  savage  passions  and  cruelties  were 
vented  m  an  indescribable  degree  upon  their  enemies 
let  m  courage,  constancy  and  concentrated  cnerKv 
It  would  be  difficult  to  find  their  equal  as  a  people 
and  where  they  inflicted  pain  they  were  equally 
ready  to  endure  it.     As  Mohawks,  Oneidas,  Onon- 
dagas,  Cayugas,  Senecas  and  afterwards  the  Tus- 
caroras,  they  stretched  in  what  was  practically  a 
loose  federation  of  nations  across  the  wide  lake 
region  and  into  what  was  destined  to  become  the 
State  of  New  York  and  the  Provinces  of  Ontario 
and  Quebec.     In  their  day  of  greatest  power  the 
Iroquois  warr.ors  never  numbered  more  than  four 
thousand  men,  though  they  became  a  thought  of 



Capes  Eternity  and  Trinity,  Saguenay 



ttrSt*°T  '"  '^'  '"^'  ''°'°  '^'  '<"""«  waters  of 
tho  !?,.„  u  ,'"^."^"  to  the  Atlantic  shores  To 
~g     oftaTa?  *''^  '^^'''"^  -'^  --  -'S 

«etW  what  tn  jTat  trrpecTed  "It"!^ 
and  f!r^  ^T    °"  ""''"''"''  "'^^  who  could  fiKht 




fnendly,  that  peace  came  to  the  habitant. 

.^fj/f^j-'r, --rrs  IS- 

of  the  world;    shared  in  privations  and   danger 

e^1oreT^h:Stratti?Th  *°  •^'^-^  » 
of  the  Mi^issippi,  the't.^;':;iTf'rfatl 


New tantr^t?  '°°'"''°*  '"^^  ^  t^"'  -  ""' 
undTr  [h  7"  '^  ^"^^  ^'^"  P'^-'^d  almost  entirely 
under  the  control  of  this  Order  of  Jesus.     Its  m^ 


sionaries,  in  fact,  gathered  at  Quebec  from  all  over 
the  continent  to  welcome  a  large  number  of  addi- 
tional -lests  whom  the  victory  of  Admiral  Kirke 
m  1629  prevented  from  reaching  their  destination 
feo  far  as  Canada  was  concerned  these  missionary 
pnests  were  the  pioneers  of  religion,  the  pathfinders 
of  territorial  power.      Over  all  the  vast  countries 
from  the  confines  of  Hudson's  Bay  to  the  heart 
of  the  Mississippi  Valley  they  carried  with  alternate 
failure  and  success  the  banner  of  the  Cross.     To 
them  no  self-sacrifice  was  too  great,  no  suffering 
too  pamful,  no  hardship  too  severe,  if  but  one  savage 
child  were  baptized  into  the  faith,  or  the  passions 
of  a  solitary  Indian  modified  by  the  influence  of 
persuasion  and  the  power  of  Christian  hope.     Many 
a  gloomy  forest  of  the  middle  of  the  seventeenth 
century    echoed    with    the    prayers   of    wandering 
pnests  and  often  blazed  with  the  martyr-fires  of 
their  execution  by  the  merciless  Iroquois  or  vacillat- 
mg    Huron.      Often,    too,    those   lonely   aisles   of 
nature's  primeval  church  witnessed  scenes  of  tor- 
ture such  as  the  pen  must  fail  to  adequately  describe 
and  even  imagination  to  fully  understand.     Daniel 
Br^beuf,    Lallemant,  Gamier,    Garreux,    Buteaux! 
Chabanel,  thus  wrote  their  names  across  the  pages 
of  eariy  Canadian  history  in  letters  illumined  by 
the  light  of  a  great  sacrifice. 

In  the  two  French  Canadian  cities  of  the  future 
stately  buildings  of  sto.e  grew  up  emblematic  of 
the  ambitious  policy  of  this  and  other  religious 
Orders;  while  early  in  the  history  of  New  France 



Ma«u;r,^.  R  I'Incarnation,  Mile.  Mance  and 

were  interchangeable  terms  in  the  early  historv  of 
Quebec,  a„d  though  changes  afterwards  came  and 
the  rulmg  fcroe  and  material  wealth  of  thrOrder 
tt  ZdTt:"'""^ ' '''  ■'°P--  remained  upon 

ti„nV»V'''„'^'V"''''  ''"''"'f'  *°  ^''i''h  this  considera- 
tion naturally  bnngs  us  in  thought  and  pen   it  has 

influence  m  the  making  of  French  Canadian  chfr 

in  the  .nf„nt  ^"8"«°°*^  ^°"«ht  place  and  power 
m  the  mfant  colony  to  the  latest  days  of  Bantist>ons  from  Ontario,  Protestantism\rs,  S  a 


few  exceptions,  found  no  permanent  footing  in  the 
life  of  the  French  people.     Around  them  it  has 
ebbed  and  flowed.     Montreal  has  been  and  always 
will  be  a  center  of  the  opposing  faith  to  which,  in 
its  varied  forms,  the   English-speaking  commercial 
and    financial    interests    of   the    Province    adhere; 
the  Eastern   Townships,   once  settled  by   English 
peopl.'  and  loyalists  from  the  United  States,  are 
rapidly  falling  into  line  with  the  rest  of  the  Catholic 
and  French  population  of  rural  Quebec;  the  Church 
has  been  and  remains  first  in  the  home  and  the 
school,  first  in  the  lives  and  customs  of  the  habitant. 
Politics  may  at  times  appear  to  create  a  diver- 
gence of  feeling  and  one  Party  may  not  always  be 
as  tender  in  its  treatment  of  the  Church  or  as 
-espectful  to  tradition  and  obedient  to  ecclesiastical 
opinio^  as  the  other.     But  ',hcse  are  more  or  less 
surface  indications  of  external  influences  which  have 
been  and  must  be  powerful;   below  thci.    '    a  deep- 
seated,  though  not  always  clearly  expressed,  devo- 
tion to  the  faith  which  has  been  so  woven  into  the 
hearts  and  history  and  lives  of  the  people.     From 
the  Church  have  come  the  instruction  and  ideals 
which  reach  back  to  the  earlier  days  of  settlement; 
from  it  came  the  educational  institutions  such  as 
Laval  and  the  classical  colleges,  which  have  steadily 
maintained  the  highest  standards  of  learning  and 
culture;   from  it  have  risen  the  leaders  of  religious 
thought  and  ecclesiastical  statecraft  and  political 
action  from  the  days  of  Laval  to  those  of  Taschereau, 
from  the  times  of  Papineau  to  those  of  Cartier  or 



Launer.     Amonggt  the  people  a  church  building 

village,  the  pansh  cur6  became  and  remains  to  this 
day  m  rural  villages  the  most  important  local  per- 
sonage; each  local  school  was  kept  under  religious 
control  and  guided  upon  the  basic  principle  that 
relipon  was  is  and  must  be  the  vital  element  in 
the  life  of  the  child,  with  secular  matters  following 
in  a  necessanly  secondary  place. 

What  was  the  influence  upon  French  Canadian 

D^frin.^  \     J  l^'  "''^^''^  '°  North  America? 
e^ded  bv  ?m/'""  °'  intermittent  conflict, 
ended  by  the  battle  on  the   Heights  of  Quebec 
the  flag  of  England  and  the  flag'of  FranceTad 

of  the  binr  "*r'*'  ''''"'"'^•"  ^'  ^"^  «  P-^rt 
Of  the  birth-pains  of  a  continent  in  national  char- 

actenst.cs  conditions  and  constitutions;  and  it 
was,  therefore  all  important  in  the  making  of  history 
as  a  great  whole.  But  it  would  be  easy  to  oveZ 
estmiate  the  effect  upon  French  Canadfan  evolu- 
tion in  particular.     The  victory  of  Wolfe  may  have 

f«™'th  '/"*^  f'"'''  ^'^'''  •*  did  remove 
from  the  New  England  colonies  the  menace  of  an 
ambitmus  neighbor  and  the  possibility  of  a  great 
French  empire  in  America.      It  did  not    greatly 

P^     .?i;  fi''  *'"'  P"'"'""  °f  **>«  French  settler 
except  that  he  was  no  longer  a  unit  in  the  aggressive 
and  patriotic  designs  of  a  Champlain  or  a  Fr^tenac 
a  Richelieu  or  a  Colbert.  ' 

It  is  questionable,  indeed,  if  a  great  victory  won 


by  Montcalm  instead  of  by  Wolfe,  and  the  estab- 
lishment of  a  new  or  stronger  French  state — backed 
by  France  with  zeal  and  with  a  wiser  local,  state- 
craft than  that  of  Bigot — could  have  preserved  the 
permanent    independence    of    New    France.      The 

»  world   trend   of   English-speaking   population   and 

the  aversion  of  the  French  at  home  to  emigration 
;i  would  have  still  remained  as  the  great  factors  in 

;!  Continental    evolution    and    would,    finally,    have 

I  given   the   dominance   in   North   America   to   the 

nation  or  race  which  has  there  produced  in  a  cen- 
tury nearly  100,000,000  of  people  as  compared 
with  3,000,000  of  the  French  race.  If,  when  United 
States  independence  came,  the  republic  had  found 
i  itself  checked  in  its  expansion  by  a  French  state 

';  of  attenuated  population  to  the  north,  or  in  the 

heart  of  the  continent,  supported  only  by  a  France 
enfeebled  through  the  world-wide  ambitions  of 
Napoleon  and  hampered  in  expansion  by  the  home- 
loving  instincts  of  its  people,  the  result  could  hardly 
have  been  doubtful  and  would  Lave  meant,  finally, 
the  swamping  of  French  nationality  in  America. 

As  it  was,  the  French  Canadian  conflicts  of  a 
century  had  been  as  often  with  the  English  colonists 
on  the  Atlantic  as  with  England  herself;  the  wars 
between  the  white  races  were  frequently  over- 
shadowed by  the  horrors  of  Indian  struggle;  the 
France  of  the  soldiers'  loyalty  and  the  hdlntants' 
faith  was,  as  they  afterwards  realized,  a  very  neglect- 
ful France;  the  Peace  of  1763  threw  a  British  mantle 
of  power  over   the  whole  continent   and  brought 



rest  to  the  much  harassed  settler  in  French  Canada 
When  that  rest  was  disturbed  by  the  American 
Revolution  the  French  Canadian  found  himself 
in  a  situation  where  Iv>  possessed  the  same  rights 
of  language,  laws  and  religion  as  he  had  during 
the  French  rfgime,  with  an  added  element  of  greater 
liberty  and  a  period  in  which  he  had  enjoyed  assured 

The  Quebec  Act  of  1774  was,  of  course,  a  potent 
influence  in  this  process  of  mental  growth  or  newly 
evo  ved  point  of  view.      This  act  of  the  British 
Parliament  had  fixed  the  boundaries  of  the  Province 
made  provision   for  its   civil   government,   vested 
authority  in  a  governor  with  a  council  of  seventeen 
members,    established    the    English    criminal    law 
while  in  civil  rights  and  property  preserving  the 
old  French  laws,  recognized  the  Roman  Catholic 
religion  with  its  preceding  rights  and  immunities, 
preserved  all  the  religious  Orders  in  their  rights 
and  pnvileges  with  the  exception  of  the  Jesuits. 
Such  a  measure,  followed  by  that  of  1791,  which 
separated  Lower  or  French  Canada  from  Upper  or 
English  Canada  and  gave  each  a  constitution  with 
a   governor   and    executive   council,    a    legislative 
council  and  assembly,  was  enough  to  impress  any 
people  with   belief  in  the  fairness  of  the  British 
authorities.      There   were   troubles   and   complica- 
tions, of  course,  but  this  policy,  helped  by  the  open 
antagonism  of  New  England  to  the  Quebec  Act 
with   Its  maintenance  of  Catholicism  in   Quebec 
proved    an    efficient    counter-balance    to    natural 



memories  of  the  long  warfare  between  French  and 
English.  Added  to  this  was  a  growing  feeling  that 
peace  was  preferable  to  war  and  that  when  peace 
brought  with  it  the  rights  and  liberties  for  which 
war  had  been  so  often  invoked,  it  was  wise  to  con- 
serve the  conditions  under  which  this  result  had 
developed.  Hence  it  was  that  aversion  to  war 
grew  and  deepened  in  the  nature  of  the  habitant. 

This  fact  or  process  of  thought  explains,  in  some 
degree  at  least,  his  refusal  to  accept  the  influence 
of  Lafayette,  the  wiles  of  D'Estaing,  or  the  appeals 
of  Washington,  and  to  plunge  into  the  American 
revolutionary  war.     Twenty  years  later  the  habitant 
was  growing  in  his  love  for  what  was  now  his  native 
soil,  and  in  1812,  therefore,  a  part  of  the  popula- 
tion was  more  than  passive;    it  was  active.     But 
this  activity  was  not  because  of  any  innate  military 
spirit  in  the  people;    had  it  been  so  the  fiery  elo- 
quence of  Papineau  in  1836-37  would  have  fired 
the  heather  indeed.      This  second   American  war 
simply  increased  the  French  Canadian  love  for  his 
native  country;    the  several  invasions  by  United 
States  troops  brought  the  war  into  the  homes  and 
hamlets  of  the  people;  the  struggle  gave  the  French 
peasantry  an  enemy  to  discuss  and  denounce  and 
deal  with,  other  than  their  British  traditional  foe; 
and  no  matter  how  generous  England  might  have 
been  since  1763,  this  was  in  itself  a  most  important 
matter.     The  Church  took  active  steps  and,  just 
as  in  1775  Bishop  Briand  of  Quebec  had  issued  a 
Mandemcnt   denouncing   the    "pernicious   designs" 



of  the  Americans,  so  in  1812  Bishop  Plessis  urged 
his  people  to  "fear  God  and  honor  the  King,"  to 
encourage  loyalty  and  to  stand  by  their  allegiance. 
The  awakening  of  the  people  to  a  fuller  and  more 
just  appreciation  of  the  benefits  which  had  accrued 
to  them  from  British  rule  was  the  chief  indirect 
mfluen  c  of  this  war.      It  also  checked  a  growth 
of  republicanism  which  would  have  been  natural 
in  view  of  events  in  France  and  which  afterwards 
found   some   active   expression   in   the   troubles   of 
1837;    it  prevented  the  influences  of  United  States 
contiguity  and  of  that  geography  which  a  distin- 
guished writer  in  after  days  claimed  as  ordained 
by  God  to  bring  together  the  peoples  of  this  conti- 
nent, from  having  any  effective  result;   it  for  a  time 
brought  togt  ;ier  Canadians  of  French  and  Knglish 
extraction  in  defence  of  their  hearths  and  homes 
and  laid  a  foundation,  invisible  yet  powerful    for 
a  realization  of  that  splendid  vision  of  Nicholson 
Sewell,    Pownall,    William    Smith    and    others— a 
permanent  federal  union  of  British  America  for  the 
purposes  of  common  interest,  defence,  trade  and 

The  next  great  factor  in  French  Canadian  evolu- 
tion was  the  problem  of  self-government.  The 
whole  confused  medley  of  recrimination,  protest, 
violent  language,  charge  and  counter-charge,  dead- 
lock between  legislatures  and  governors,  rebellious 
action  and  fiery  controversy,  which  made  up  the 
history  of  1800-1840,  was  the  effervescence  of  an 
excitable  people  struggling  for  constitutional  powers 


which  they  did  not  dearly  understand;    which  no 
other  dependent  people  in  the  world  had  as  yet 
enjoyed  and  which  were  quite  outside  the  ken  of 
the  most  experienced  statecraft;    which  the  people 
of  the   United   Kingdom  themselves  did  not  yet 
fully  possess.      Out  of  evil,   however,  came  good; 
out  of  the  conflict  between  those  in  power  and  those 
who    wanted    power,    plus    larger    liberties,    grew 
knowledge  as  to  how  to  use  liberty  when  it  did  come. 
During  the  first  part  of  the  eighteenth  century 
the  French  population,  in  the  main,  was  a  rural  and 
agricultural   one,   essentially   poor,   obviously   irre- 
sponsible in  a  political  sense,  absolutely  dependent 
for  protection  upon  British  troops,  money  and  con- 
nection.     The  commerce  of  the  Province  was  in 
the  hands  of  the  English  settlers,  the  money  of  the 
Province  was,  in  the  main,  possessed  by  English 
financial  interests,  the  most  important  city  of  the 
Province,    Montreal,    was   rich    and    dominant   by 
virtue  of  English  capital  and  enterprise.      A  part 
of  the  public   revenues  still   came  from   England, 
the  greater  portion  of  the  remainder  came  from 
taxation   of   the   English   minority.      The   English 
were  accustomed  to  governing  and  they  naturally 
did  so  under  the  changing  conditions  of  the  local 
constitutional  system;    the   French   were  inexperi- 
enced and,  when  placed  by  agitation  and  then  by 
election  in  control  of  a  tentative  legislative  system, 
they  naturally  concluded  that  their  main  mission 
in  public  life  was  to  overcome  the  dominance  of  the 
English.     Hence  a  contest  of  forty  years'  duration. 



It  waa  not  usually  a  dlaloyal  controveray  or  one 
of  estrangement  from  England  aa  a  aovercign  power; 
It  wa»  a  local  and  racial  rivalry  which  waa  bound 
to  find  expresaion  and  which,  in  its  final  solution, 
reflected  honor  upon  both  sides— upon  the  domi- 
nating   English    classes    for    giving    way    without 
exercising   the   real   military   nnd    financial   powerH 
which  they  possessed,  and  upon  the  great  Catholic 
majority  of  French  Canadians  for  having  so  well 
learned  the  difficult  les8,.n  of  self-government  and 
for  afterwards  using,  so  moderately  and  so  wisely, 
the  powers  of  executive  and  legislative  authority 
which  they  obtained.     The  period  of  constitutional 
stress  and  struggle  which  followed   1800  included 
the  rise  and  fall  of  Papineau  with  his  fiery  cross 
of  rebellion  and  gospe'  of  a  liberty  which  reuched 
the  extreme  of  license;    the  rebellion  itself,   with 
its  fitful  folly  and  final   collapse  and   its  earnest, 
honest   adherents  who,   in    death,   arc    heroes  still 
and  are  enshrined  in  memorial  and  recjrd  as  martyrs 
to  the  cause  of  human  liberty;  the  union  with  Upper 
Canada  in  1841  and  twenty-five  years  of  succeeding 
evolution  which  brought  inevitable  racial  complica- 
tions in  its  train. 

It  was  a  period  which  finally  formed  the  French 
Canadian  character  and  formulated  the  place  of 
its  people  upon  this  continent.  There  was  just 
enough  of  bloodshed  and  passion  to  produce  a  local 
patriotism  without  destroying  wider  national  growth 
or  checking  individual  progress;  there  was  just 
enough   of   struggle   and   ill-feeling   between   races 


Mf'  rcligioM  to  strengthen  and  deepen  the  French 
love  for  their  posseiwions  and  ideulii  without  cre- 
ating a  luting  bitterneiw  in  the  race  or  against 
it;  there  wai-  just  enough  of  keen  political  con- 
flict to  impresg  upon  the  French  Canadian  mind 
the  value  and  responsibility  of  self-government 
and  the  greatness  of  the  boon  so  readily  given 
by  Great  Britain  when  her  people  once  beame 
convinced  that  the  trouble  was  not  imperial  but 
racial  and  local.  To  obtain  similar  gifts  of  freedom 
within  and  immunity  from  danger  without— as 
French  leaders  of  education  and  experience  came 
to  realiie— other  nations  or  states  have  had  to  go 
through  centuries  of  war  and  struggle  and  turmoil 
and  evolution.  During  this  period  was  developed 
also  a  vague,  almost  intangible,  yet  very  reol, 
aspiration  for  a  Quebec  which  should  be  all  French 
in  its  local  characteristics  and  racial  dominance; 
today  it  seems  not  unlikely  that,  outside  of  Montreal, 
this  ambition  will  be  ultimately  realized. 

One  other  influence  of  an  intangible  yet  very  real 
character  was  that  of  the  Seigneurs  and  Seigneurial 
system.  By  the  middle  of  the  nineteenth  century 
the  question  ond  the  situation  had  become  a  mere 
football  of  the  politicians  and  the  abolition  of  the 
system,  when  it  was  once  brought  into  open  antago- 
nism to  democracy,  was  inevitable.  It  did  not  alto- 
gether deserve  that  fate;  its  influence  and  the 
individual  lives  of  the  Seigneurs  had  very  often 
been  of  real  service  to  a  people  who  required  an 
element  of  culture  and  hereditary  wealth    o  round 



out  the  result  of  their  pioneer  labors.  The  feudal 
customs  may  at  times  have  been  ubused,  the  habi- 
tan<»  may  have  had  occasional  cause  for  serious 
complaint,  but  on  the  other  hand,  the  lives  and 
homes  of  the  rural  population  absolutely  required 
he  strong  hand  of  a  local  leader  and  educated  m^n 
for  the  purposes  of  defence  and  organization,  and 
m  early  days  the  hand  of  the  over-lord  was  some- 

SeS'  '*  ""  '"  '"^"  "^"  *"«  --y 
Without  the  Seigneurs  the  light-hearted,  irre- 
sponsible peasantry  would  have  fared  ill  at  many 
stages  «  their  early  history;  the  literary  light 
of  French  Canada  would  have  been  hampered  or 
checked  instead  of  scintillating  with  a  brightness 
which  has  passed  upon  the  pages  of  history;  much 
of  the  charm  of  old-world  manners  and  the  culture 
of  an  olden  time  would  have  been  absent  from  the 

hL°  /^l!  '  ^^^  P"'"'"'  °^  ^^^  P"'^''^  would 
have  lost  the  presence  and  public  services  of  many 
interesting  figures  and  the  life  of  the  Province  been 
devoid  of  such  famiUes  as  those  of  Taschereau  and 
De  Lotbimire,  Baby  and  Casgrain,  Boucher  Le 
Moyiie,  De  Salaberry  and  many  more.  In  IsM 
the  institution  disappeared  in  the  United  Parlia- 
ment of  the  Provinces  of  Upper  and  Lower  Canadt 

H?.  n?t.     p      Tl  P'''*"™^'!"*  elements  in  the 
hfe^oMhe  French  Canadians  more  or  less  went 

Such,  in  brief  summary,  were  the  major  influences 
m  the  making  of  French   Canada.      Minor  ones 


there  were  in  plenty,  such  as  the  Hudson's  Bay 
Company  with  its  picturesque  element  of  hunters 
and  trappers;  the  court  life  of  olden  Quebec  with 
its  sometimes  gorgeous  and  sometimes  somber  and 
sometimes  trivial  conditions,  its  rivalries  of  Church 
and  State,  its  high  ambitions  and  low  intrigues,  its 
imitation  of  the  graces  and  vices  of  distant  Paris; 
the  influence  of  poetry  and  song  upon  the  character 
of  a  people  dwelling  at  first  in  a  rugged  wilderness 
and  afterwards  in  an  isolated  statt;  the  preserva- 
tion of  old-time  s  ems  of  farming  and  living  in  the 
midst  of  newer  aud  more  enterprising  populations. 
All  these  and  many  other  thi  .gs  had  a  place  in  the 
evolution  of  French  Canadian  character,  but  it  was 
a  lesser  place  and  one  which  was  not  fundamental  in 
Its  nature. 

The  French  Canadians  as  Nation  Builders 

The  French  race  in  Canada,  as  a  separate  people, 
represents  much  that  is  interesting,  much  that  is 
unique  in  origin  and  evolution,  much  that  is  oic- 
turesque  in  character  and  environment.  Beginning 
early  in  the  seventeenth  century  with  tiny  pioneer 
settlements  on  the  St.  Lawrence — which  at  the 
time  of  Wolfe's  victory  in  1759  had  grown  to  a 
population  of  only  69,000 — the  French  people  had 
maintained  for  mere  than  a  hundred  years  an 
unequal,  eventful  struggle  with  the  slow,  steady, 
ever-advancing  force  of  English  settlers  on  the 
Atlantic,  with  the  power  of  Britain  on  the  sea,  and 
with  the  ever-present  menace  and  almost  unceasing 
hostility  of  the  Iroquois.  They  had  to  endure  or 
overcome  the  inertia  or  feebleness  of  French  admin- 
istrations in  distant  Paris;  the  fitful  and  passing 
regard  of  Kings  who  knew  little  of  and  cared  less 
for  the  vast  region  their  loyal  subjects  sought  to 
preserve  or  conquer  for  the  Crown;  the  corrup- 
tion and  indifference  of  local  administrators. 

Yet  these  few  and   afterward   scattered  people, 

from  their  historic,  original  vantage  point  on  the 

ramparts   of   Quebec,  stamped   a   record  of   great 

achievement   across  the  map  of   America.      They 



'       i 

Montmorenci  Falls,  Quebec 



swept  down  the  center  of  the  continent  and  left 
memorials  of  their  possession  scattered  throughout 
the  Ohio  and  Missouri  and  Mississippi  valleys  of 
the  United  States  and  in  the  still  spoken  mother 
tongue  of  Louisiana.     They  stormed  the  northern 
fortresses  of  cold  and  wilderness  and  savage  life 
and  made  the  story  of  exploits  on  lake  and  river 
m  primeval  forest  and  lonely  wastes,  their  own' 
In   later   days   they   have   faced    the   dominating 
characteristics    of    English-speaking    Canada    and 
the  pressure  to  the  south  of  great  masses  of  a  still 
more  alien  people;  while  at  the  same  time  they  have 
preserved  their  language,  held  to  their  faith  and 
conserved  their  own  national  identity. 

To  understand  fully,  or  to  indicate  even  faintlv 
the  causes  which  have  embedded  in  this  continent 
of  teeming  millions,  amid  our  great  commercialized 
wealth-loving  masses  of   English-speaking   people 
a  bit  of  mediaeval  Europe  and  preserved  it  through 
centuries  of  strife  and  turmoil  and  change,  some- 
thing more  than  the  ordinary  records  of  history 
must  be  reviewed.      What  is  meant  will  not  be 
found  m  the  pages  of  political  annals,  in  the  story 
of  the  nse  and  fall  of  public  men,  in  the  interminable 
difficulties  and  natural  divergencies  of  party  life 
m  a  land  of  restricted  or  of  enlarged  liberties      To 
comprehend   the   position   of   French    Canada     to 
grasp  the  real  picturesqueness  and  romance  of  its 
position,   to  realize  the  nature  of  its  people,  the 
by-paths  of  history  should  be  studied  and  they  will 
not  be  found-except  occasionaUy-in  the  passing 



vww  Of  toumts,  m  the  feelings  of  English  Canadians 

iith'"°°°'^*   ^'"'   ^"'"<'''   '"»'''   conditiornot 
a  together  congenial,  or  in  the  pages  of  controversial 

able  and  obvious  racial  complications. 

to  ».♦,""'  i'  "'"""y  ^"'"^'^''^  "«  t°  the  past- 

°f^l  of"^a:J°^^''"*^^^.'''■   *'"'  P^-h^pnest 
w  tuu  of  It,  and  frank  regarding  it,  but  his  view- 

Which  he  regards  as  the  father  and  mother  »ml 
brother  and  sister  of  his  people;  the  F"encTcanadkn 

Xcreir"'"*'^  ^"'•"'  "^  Frenchmen  fro^i^laS 
who  clearly  can  know  little  of  the  workings  of  the 

peasant  mind  or  of  undercurrents  of  thought  in  » 
people  who  are  French  and  yet  separated  from  France 
by  centuries  of  time,  thousands  of  miles  and  ever- 
^o^ng  divergencies  of  life.  There  has  been  some- 
thing exceptional  and  unusual  in  the  French  Can! 
^an's  condition  and  process  of  development-taflu: 
ences  there  were  which  have  been  already  brieflv 
«umman.ed.      Religion,  it  is  true,   moulded  hfm 

n  a  marked  manner.  But  neither  reM^on  nor 
language  nor  both  combined,  have  held  thrSpanrh 
communities  of  South  America  in  close  touch"  h 
the  pa«t  nor  preserved  amongst  them  the  institu- 
tions laws  and  loyalty  of  another  century.  The 
Scotchman,  who  is  described  as  "twistin.r  m! 
creeds  with  an  iron  twist"  and  who  of  iSlis^ 

rr2a°.V'r  "  *'*  "°^*  ^°'»--*  -^  assert  ve 
m  racial  type,  has  settled  amongst  French  Canadia^ 



and  in  many  cases  lost  in  a  few  generation,  his 
anguage  and  his  religion  and  his  race-even  at 
times  findmg  his  name  corrupted. 

Yet  the  French  Canadian  goes  down  into  New 
England    up  into  the  Canadian  West,  across  the 
western   border   into   Dakota   or   Minnesota,   over 
the  provincial  line  into  Kastem  or  Northern  Ontario 
and  settles  m  little  communities  where  he  preserves 
the    customs    and    traditions    and    language    and 
religious  law  of  his  race  to  an  amazing  extent      A 
million  of  these  sturdy  people  are  to  be  found  in 
the  United  States  today  and  nearly  half  a  million 
in  the  provinces  other  than  Quebec.     Nor  does  the 
second   or  third   generation   under  these   circum- 
stances become,  as  might  be  expected,  merged  and 
lost  m  the  Anglo-Saxon  atmosphere  of  their  environ- 
ment.     They  may  become  good  Canadians  in  a 
broad  sense  or  good  Americans  in  a  national  sense, 
but  they  still  remain  French  for  causes  which  no 
superficial  judgment  will  ever  comprehend  and  in 
a  nationality  which,   in  certain  obvious  respects 
IS  distinct  from  that  of  France.  ' 

In  this  latter  fact  rests  the  germ  of  much  inter- 
esting speculation.  Had  the  French  Canadians 
remained  m  close  touch  with  France  the  Church 
inight  have  lost  its  influence  as  in  the  mother-land- 
the  people  might  have  become  republicanized  as' 
was  the  case  there,  and  then  gradually  moulded 
along  the  lines  of  American  institutions;  the  social 
life  and  thought  of  the  masses  and  the  classes  would 
have  been  controlled  by  the  looser  forms  and  varied 



eveP-pre.cnt  factor  in  L  expanln  ^7  ■'^"'  "" 
But  other  conditions  prevaHed  Ibln'."'"'""'*- 
by  France  caused  reaction  «„Hh  '^''*'"l°°'°«'>t 
Eneland-     Pn»H  k    "'"'*""?  «"«>  dependence  upon 

Quebec.     Thedeparture'^ofaoranyofthTrffi    "' 

t.t:t:j^  -z^--  ^"/ttter 

fitted  to  meet  tt^TflL  J'TTi'  ''«^'"oP'°e"t 
8el^government  b;itlan^"°heCh""  ^^""^  """ 
and  became  estab,' hedfti  C^^^TZ'''''""'' 
m  a  sense  whici,  it  failed  tn  m.    *  •     -^  '^P'*' 

bounding  acUvlties  of'     '     /"''  "'"""  """'dst  the 

to  the  Anglo-Saxon      Th"""'     '?  •'"'°'  «'^«°  °^" 

preserved  uniteTLth  in  ''""""°  ""^  ^"*  P''"'" 
vu   unuea  faith  m  one  great  Church  and 



vrithout  the  dividing  influence,  which  inevitably 
come  from  the  religious  freedom  of  Prote8tanti»m 
Th„  Church  was  itself  apart  from  the  inherited  of  centuries  in  Continental  Europe;  it 
.tood  for  race  as  well  as  for  faith  and  remained  a 
Uvmg  factor  m  the  iae  of  the  people.  The  language 
was  preserved  by  British  law,  cultivated  by  racial 

ZtjT^^'^u'^  '*'*°"'  "»''  ecclesiastical 
mfluence,  helped  by  partisan  complications  in  the 
rest  of  Canada.  constitutional  institutions, 

Fr?n°A"°r '  "i  '''  ,■?  """""'""K  the  essentials  of 
French  Canadian  life  by  bringing  the  non-essentialn 
nto  harmony  with  people  elsewhere  in  Canada  and 

and  legislation,  perhaps  of  civil  war,  which  might 
have  eventually  submerged  the  Province  and  its 
racial  type. 

To  the   trinity  of  elements-religion,   laws   and 
anguage-which  are  generally  and  vaguely  supposed 
to  have  preserved  the  French  type  in  Canada,  must, 
therefore,  be  added  another.     It  was  the  influence 
of  free  institution,  in  Quebec,  and  in  the  rest  of 
Canada,   which   by  a  gradual  process  of  negation 
at  times  and  construction  at  other  times  enabled 
this   trimty   of    elements   to    adjust    itself    to    an 
opposing  and   dangerous   environment   and   to,   at 
the  same  time,  modify  that  environment  at  points 
where   conflict   would   have   been   perilous   in   the 
last   degree.      The   eariy  stage  of  self-government 
prevented  a  discontent  which  in  1812  would  have 
thrown   the   French   people   into   the   arms   of  the 



American  republic  and  eventually  ttrlpped  them 
of   their   special    privilege.;    the    knowledge    that 
Britain  had  gone  far  in  the  direction  of  freedom, 
and  would  go  further,  prevented  the  rebellion  of 
1837  from  being  more  than  a  pacing  tmeule  which 
did  not  develop  permanent  hostility  between  French 
and  Ensiligh  Canadian*  as  a  serious  civil  war  would 
have  done;  the  union  of  18  I  with  Upper  Canada, 
while  still  conserving  their  language  and  laws  and 
faith,  brought  a  wider  development  of  self-govern- 
ment, though  one  which  had  special  complications 
of  Its  own;    the  Confederation  of  1867  set  a  seal 
upon  real  deadlock  or  difficulty  between  the  races 
established  still  more  cleariy  and  effectively  the 
rights    of    the    French    Canadian,    broadened    his 
sphere  of  possible  expansion,  and  promoted  tolera- 
tion m  the  English  people  while  it  helped  a  judicious 
moderation  in  the  French. 

Self-government  within  certain  limits  was,  there- 
fore, the  keynote  of  a  condition  which  might  never 
otherwise  have  endured,  and  liberty  was  a  British 
birthright  acquired  for  French  Canada  by  Wolfe 
upon  the  Heights  of  Abraham,  preserved  for  it  by 
Wellington  upon  the  field  of  Waterioo,  conserved 
for  It  by  Brock  and  De  Salaberry  on  Canadian  battle- 
grounds. Without  it  French  Canada  might  have 
worshipped  and  fallen  at  the  shrine  of  French 
military  glory,  imitated  the  weaknesses  of  French 
social  life,  shared  in  the  collapse  of  French  religious 
vitality.  Without  it,  and  British  power  combined 
as  another  alternative,  French  Canada  might  have 



fall-:!       ]V>\weT 

I  lie  jr  ation  c    i, 

•■*iw_'   1..  hinJ  :./  1 

'111    "J. .--lijU   of 

fallen  under  the  dominance  of  the  United  Stat™ 
by  preuuro  of  republican  develn  xnts,  or  at  a 
later  stage  by  the  force  of  econ  .i         uusiderntion*. 

This  view  does  not  minimi  ■■ 
of  the  Church  in  its  possible  f' -.I  , 
tions  named,  but  it  deals  >'i;ii 
force  which,  as  already  t'atra 
with  the  Church  in  pre  tving; 
racial  solidarity— lang-ng. ,  laws  ni  .pjigion— by 
the  smoothing  down  of  ospenj^j,  ,,.;  ^ht  prevent- 
ing of  a  serious  issue  with  the  etronror  r:.;.,il  tvpe 
of  the  continent.  Not  that  tcif ;  ■  -mmti.t,  in 
itself  was  intended  to  produce  this  result  or  was 
expected  to  do  so.  In  the  earlier  days  it  was  indeed 
looked  upon  with  suspicion  as  possibly  leading  to 
the  very  opposite  conclusion— a  flooding  of  the 
dykes  and  ramparts  of  the  Chuiuu  by  the  forces 
of  a  democracy  which  had  so  far  shown  itself  chiefly 
in  the  French  Revolution  or  in  English  religioui 
independence  and,  in  another  century,  was  to  evolve 
the  loose  social  system  of  the  United  States  and  the 
political  socialism  of  Europe. 

As  a  national  or  racial  unit  French  Canada  has 
taken  its  part  in  the  making  and  keeping  of  the 
Canadian  Dominion.  It  was,  to  summarize  briefly, 
a  loyal  element  in  the  American  wars  of  1776  and 
1812,  a  restless,  dissatisfied,  uncertain,  but  in  the 
end,  and  in  the  main,  a  passive  force  during  the 
so-called  Rebellion  of  1837.  It  was  a  people  reach- 
ing out  for  the  light  of  constitutional  government 
and  groping  in  the  darkness  of  experiment,  ignor- 



ance  and  prejudice  for  the  knowledge  of  how  to 
use  hberties  which  were  not  very  cfearj  deLd 
or  understood  during  the  years  from  1837'tof86o1 
It  was  a  force  for  national  unity  in  the  davs  of 
constructive  statecraft  which  follo'wed  the  crea  ion 
of  Confederation  m  1867;    it  has,  in  later  years 

a~f1nt:  '"'^T"'  '^^*"'»'-^''  Canadii:^™' 
In  °  °*'T  P"^'  '"  ""'^  '°^«  f°^  t'''^  Canadian 
tZ7IT  :^^"  ,*•>'»*  ^°i'  includes  in  the  mind  o" 
the  habitant  httle  more  than  the  boundaries  o 
h:s  Province  With  it  all  has  been  preserved  an] 
mtens,fied  the  thought  of  Champlain  on  the  Rock 

w  tJThri  '}'  "'":  °'  ^-"t--  -  his  strugS 
with  the  Indians,   the   work  of  Montcalm  in  his 

of  fhl    mod'  *''  "°T^  '"'  ''"«  King,  the  spir 
French  1  "T^^    ^°'    preservation    of    the 

French  language,  the  sentiment  of  the  priest  and 
pohtican  of  the  habitant,  of  the  merchant,  of  the 
poet  or  the  writer  of  today-France  is  here! 

But  It  IS  a  France  isolated  from  the  flag  of  the 

Republic  and  apart  from  weaknesses  of  the  looser 

social  system  of  the  mother-land.     It  is  a  France 

of  the  past,  of  tradition  and  history;    a  France 

replete  with  romance  and  religion  an^  patriotbm 

This  sentimental  feeling  is  accompanied  by  onHf 

passive  loyalty  to  Great  Britain,  of  a  friendHness 

which  IS  satisfied  and  even  gratified  at  the  Sg 

relationship    with    the    British    Empire.      At    any 

great  crisis  the  French  race  in  Canada  would  loyaUy 

upport  the  flag  under  which  they  have  been  reared 

but  It  would  be  done  from  a  sense  of  duty,  of  oW  g^ 



tion,  of  individual  and  racial  advantage,  rather 
than  from  any  such  sentimental  feeling  as  the 
French  Canadians  have  for  their  own  mother-land 
of  the  past.  Even  this  measure  of  imperial  loyalty 
however,  is  marvelous  and  it  is  due  to  two  special' 
elements  in  the  history  of  French  Canada— the 
liberality  with  which  Great  Britain  guaranteed  and 
preserved  to  its  people  their  peculiar  institutions, 
and  the  generosity  with  which  she  conceded  to  them 
the  benefits  of  gradual  self-government. 



The  period  when  France  commenced  to  take  a 
fitful   yet   vital  interest   in   American  exploration 
was  one  of  intense  maritime  activity,  of  commercial 
enterpnse  which  included  also  the  taking  of  great 
and  unknown  nsks,  of  dreams  on  the  part  of  states- 
men and  active  curiosity  amongst  intelligent  and 
educated  classes,  of  a  stirring  up  in  all  the  ele- 
ments of  adventure  amongst  the   masses  of  the 
people       Spain   through   the   genius   and   courage 
of  Coumbus    England  by  means  of  the  Cabofa, 
Italy  through  Amerigo  Vespucci,  Portugal  through 
Corti-Real    France   through  Verrazanno,  and  then 
Cart,      and  Champlain,  plunged  into  the  search 
^r  new  worlds  or  a  new  route  to  ancient  lands. 
Dunng  this  period  of  conflict  and  rivalry  on  sea 
and  land,  of  golden  galleons  in  southern  seas  and 
the  deeds  of  Drake  and  Hawkins  and  Frobisher 
and  many  another  in  more  northern  waters,  the 
pages  of  history  reveal   a  prolonged  struggle   by 
merchants  to  carry  commerce  into  great  new 
countries  which  were  slowly  being  opened  up;  they 
teem  with  the  courageous,  yet  cruel  deeds  of  buc- 
caneers and  pirates  and  gold  seekers;    they  deal 
with  events   which   made  the  Spanish   Main,   the 


West  Indian  shores  and  seas,  the  South  American 
coasts,  replete  with  elements  of  romance. 

While  English  saUors  were  disputing  the  wealth 
and  supremacy  of  the  New  World  with  the  mighty 
whips  of  Spain  and,  at  the  same  time,  skirting  the 
snores  of  the  continent  in  a  thousand  places,  plant- 
ing the  Enghsh  flag  at  many  points  and  carrying 
It  mto  the  farthest  north  and  south,  France  waa 
entenng  the  portals  of  the  St.  Lawrence  and  making 
good  her  hold  upon  an  immense  region  of  the 
mtenor.  Jacques  Car+ier,  between  1534  and  1642 
discovered  and  studied  the  shores  of  the  St' 
Lawrence  and  named  many  places  with  the  names 

f  A'  }^°'[f  f """=^-  ^'*'*  «'''*'<"  °°  ti-e  shores 
«  k!  ^u^?^  f  •  I"'^«'«=«.  the  port  of  Blanc 
Sablon,  the  Isle  de  Bouays,  the  Isles  de  Margaulx 
Bnon  Island  and  Bale  des  Chaleurs,  are  some  of 
the  designations  which  have  lived.  It  was  on  his 
second  voyage  (1535)  that  Cartier  called  the  waters 
around  the  present  Ste.  Genevieve  Island  the  Baye 
baint  Laurens— the  name  which  gradually  grew 
into  that  of  the  whole  vast  body  of  water  which  he 
proceeded  to  partially  explore. 

The  Island  of  Anticosti  Cartier  called  L'Assomp- 
tion  in  honor  of  the  festival  of  that  day,  and  indeed 
all  through  the  explorations  of  the  early  French 
navigators  the  names  of  saints  and  other  remi- 
mscences  of  devotion  to  the  Church  of  their  fathers 
are  continually  in  evidence.  The  Indians,  accord- 
ing to  Dr.  S.  E.  Dawson-a  careful  authority- 
appear    to    have     previously    called     the     river 



Hochelaga,  and  the  site  of  Quebec,  Canada  To 
them  .t  n.u8t  be  remembered,  these  vLt  wate« 
meant  much.  In  their  birch-bark  canoes  thev 
paddled  everywhere  with  ease,  and  cameTnd  went 
with  almost  mvisible  swiftness,  throuKh  vasTrprf  could  not  otherwise  have  S  uTlZZ 
months  of  time;  on  these  various  rivers  they^h^ 
for  food  and  attacked,  or  evaded,  their  foes  Tb 
the  explorers  the  St.  Lawrence  and  iU  \re^t 
benches    provided    a    scenery    and    sur  ^.nd^ 

ment.     The  waters  teemed  with  myriad  fish  3 

G:^:Mr  """  r  "^""-  werHeentS 
Gulf  and  lower  reaches  of  the  St.  Lawrence      The 
forests  on  the  shore  were  green  and  rich  wUh  pTL 
and  maple  and  ash;  in  the  autumn  they  hum  iZ 
bnlhant  rainbow  hues  of  beauty.     Here  anfth^™ 
meadows  were  discovered  in  blossom  and  flowt- 
shadowed  perhaps  by  rugged  hill  or  mountdn  sThp 
Everywhere  were  salmon  or  other  fishTn  thp.i  ?' 
lows;  wild  pigeons  and  gulls  wingin^Sough  /he tt 
pengums    or   great   auks,    wild   ducks,   |ui  emots 
puffins,   margaulx,  and  many  other  b  rds  on  t^j 
countless  islands  and  along  the  shores      In  Zn^r 
of  course,  this  was  all  reversed    hnf  J^t  .J 

Vendor  which  still  remained  ujque     ^'"^  "  "^'^ 
Through    these   islands    and   along   the   8hor», 
through  reefs  and  shoals  and  in  places  whpr«*t' 
most    experienced    modem    nilot    1  ■    ^^^ 

with  ths  oM    t    i    """"'"i    P"Ot    goes    cautiously 

tT  sa  1    bv   i"V  f '  "°.^  '"^^y«'  Cartier  seemed 
to   sail   by  instmct-without   accident   or   serious 


difficulty.     At  Saguenay  the  precipitous  mountains 
Carti^^  '"'''  O"'  "f  a  deep  dark  river  and  struck 
fnf         f-  u  °"'''^  ''°8"'*'  '>*'=''"=«  of  the  great 
without  the  need  of  earth.      Here  he  seems,   as 
was    the    case    later    on    at    Hochelaga,    to    have 
accepted  local  Indian  names.     To  Isle^a«-CouXs 
irer-^   the  name  which  still   lives;    a  spacious 
green  isle,  rich  m  wild  vines  and  fruitful  soil,  and 
now  known  as  the  Isle  d'Orl^ans,  he  termed  the 
Isle  de  Bacchus.      At  this  point  the  footprints  of 
the  pioneer  became  an  actual  fact  and  to  him  came 
countless  savages  in  their  noiseless  canoes  seeking 
assurances  of  friendship  or  enmity,  wondering  af 
the  marvelous  ship  with  wings  which  flew  over  the 
surface  of  the  water,  ready  to  give  an  admiration 
and  respect  which  might  easily  have  been  retained 
and    which    might    have    made    easy   the    coming 
century  of  alien  settlement.  ^ 

From  the  point  on  the  north  shore  where,  at 
the  mouth  of  the  St.  Charles  River,  Cartier  reked 
for  a  few  days  (September,  1535)  he  could  see  all 
the   wonderful   panorama   of  nature   provided   by 
the  promontory  of  Cape  Diamond,  by  the  sweep 
and  curve  of  the  great  river  at  its  base,  by  the  blue 
hills  of  the  Laurentides  in  the  distance,  untouched 
by  the  creations  of  civilization,  unmarred  by  the 
growth  of  cities  and  towns.     At  the  point  of  junc- 
lon  of  the  St.  Charles  and  a  small  stream  called 
the  Lairet   Cartier  erected  a  fort  upon  the  remains 
of  which,  today,  stands  a  monument  to  the  explorer. 



totr^ifHo!!  ^"^"  "'^  '""''°'°'«'  »*  *"«  Indian 
town   of   Hochelaga-now  the   site   of   Dorchester 
Street  and  the  St.  James  Cathedral  of  MontreiS 
From   here   he   ascended   the   elevation   which    he 

Sl^tTd''""'^'  •"""  '°°''"'  ""*  "Pon  a  scene 
Which    eft  a  deep  impression  upon  his  mind  and 

which  included  the  Ottawa  River  in  the  dlta^ce 
mairLT  7*?  *'>!,^'"'«  of  Two  Mountile 

he  Lake  St    t'  ^'i   '"''"""''  broadening 'into 
the  Lake  St.  Louis  of  modern  times,  the  roarine 

Sfiv"  tet*"^  '"'''  "l^  "^  water'rushes  do^n' 
raniTs  7«/  ''''?  """'"'  *'^«  '«'°  Laurentian 

to  tr«  ..'""'^'  r"^  ''"*'"''^«'*  '-'"«  ""d  plains 
to  the  south  covered  with  forests  which  flamed  into 
color  under  the  early  frosts. 

fo/ a  Ihtn  ^"*'"  '""''^''^  ^'«  ^y"'  <=o«"mission 
for  a  third  voyage  to  the  new  lands,  and  was  de- 
scribed in  this  document  as  "the  discoverer  o^  tht 
countnes  of  Canada  and  Hochelaga,"  sJd  to  Je 
a  portion  of  Asia  on  its  western  Me."   A  sudden 

tuaTcrr"'-,''^  '^°"*'  ''"^«-''  -'•"-- 

tua^ly  Cartier  sailed  under  commission  from  La 
Boque,  Sieur  de  Roberval,  acting  as  the  FunJ* 
Lieutenant-General.  It  was  in  August,  1541  that 
he  again  reached  Stadacona,  the  Inian  ^ 
nestling  at  the  foot  of  Cape  Diamond,  and  H  wL 
at  Cap  Rouge,,  afterwards  the  scene  of  a  great 
imber  industry  and  now  covered  with  the  summer 
residences  of  Quebec  City,  that  he  fortified  Ws 
camp  for  a  winter  of  suffering,  disease  and  death. 
It  was  here  that  he  found  traces  of  iron  and  gold 

and  "stones  like  diamonds,"  and  it  was  from  th. 

B^^r/  t        "^   '^""''^    ^«'«    Viscount    de 

Sff '  ""  r^""'  "°  '''•"^*>  <=■'»«  the  name 
of  the  famous  shrme  of  the  future.  In  September 
Hochelaga  was  again  visited,  but,  i„  the  man  the 
ootpnnts  of  Cartier  during  the  ensuing  S  11 
records  of  endurance,  Indian  hostility,  mSunes 

oi  1542  flith  a  large  expedition  and  met  Cartier 
retunnng  home.  The  arrogant  and  inexperien  ed 
nobleman  went  on  his  way  up  the  river^nd  erected 
forts  and  buildings  on  a  considerable  scale  ut^n 
the  site  which  Cartier  had  abandoned  No  remits 
exist  to^ay,  little  is  known  of  the  ens^g  ~r 
and  le»  of  an  alleged  expedition  into  "the  frSe 

to  France  and  there  is  no  proof  that  he  ever  made 
that  somber  tnp  up  the  Saguenay  where  he  wa^ 

^.ch  has  been  woven  so  much  of  romance  and 

Chill  blew  the  wind  in  Lu  face 
As,  still  on  his  treasure  chase. 
He  entered  that  gloomy  place 
Whose  mountains  in  stony  pride 
StUl  soulless,  merciless,  sheer. 
Their  adamant  sides  uprear; ' 
Naked  and  brown  and  drear. 
High  o'er  the  murky  tide. 

Of  "^litsr  It?  s  7rr- '-  .^"^  '•^^^-^ 

ue   was   but   a   simple   seaman, 

,  ii 




without  rank,  or  brilliance,  or  outstanding  quali- 
ties. Instinct  and  natural  skill  seemed  to  guide 
him  in  his  seamanship;  a  certain  primitive  faith 
marked  bis  actions  and  proved  his  inspiration. 
Bretagne,  in  his  day,  was  far  removed  from  the 
intellectual  stir  of  the  period  and  even  from  the 
national  life  of  France.  Despite  all  this  he  has 
left  a  wiser,  better  reputation  than  Columbus; 
his  statecraft  in  dealing  with  the  Indians  was 
marked  by  only  one  fault,  while  that  of  Columbus 
in  dealing  with  the  Caribs  inaugurated  a  disastrous 
system  of  forced  labor  which  ran  up  a  heavy  score 
for  future  generations  to  settle.  Cartier  founded 
no  great  city  and  administered  no  great  country, 
yet  the  landmarks  of  his  presence  loom  large  in 
French  Canada. 

Following  him  came  an  era  of  fitful  action  and 
hastily  passing  personalities.  The  region  described 
by  Cartier  in  letters  and  careful  maps  which,  how- 
ever, have  perished  somewhere  in  the  centuries, 
soon  came  to  be  called  New  France.  Trade  seems 
to  have  been  carried  on  between  the  old  and  new 
land."",  but  no  settlements  were  made.  In  the  Gulf 
and  adjoining  waters  and  up  as  far  as  Tadoussac, 
enterprising  fishermen  were  numerous— notably  the 
Spanish  Basques  with  Bretons  and  Normans  from 
France.  Into  this  situation  came  also  the  English 
under  Frobisher,  Drake  and  Sir  Humphrey  Gilbert, 
and,  in  1598,  occurred  the  melancholy  colonizing 
effort  of  the  Marquis  de  la  Roche,  under  mandate 
of  Henri  IV,  which  ended  in  the   bones  of  most  of 

Chicoutii.ji,  Saguenay  River 


MKiocon  r 


(ANSI  and  ISO  TIST  CM*«T  No.  2) 

1    '•' 

:     la  la    12.2 

£  1;°    11112.0 






S^  t6»  Eotl  Main  Straat 

^S  Roch«(t«r,  Nam  York        14609       USA 

^  (716)  482  -  0300  -  Phofi* 

ag  (716)  2B8  -  5909  -  Fax 


his  companions  strewing  the  bleak  shores  of  Sable 
Island.  Amongst  other  adventurous  spirits  of  this 
time  was  Fran9is  Grav^,  Sieur  du  Pont;  who  took 
an  interest  in  the  fur  trade  which  centered  at 
Tadousac,  and,  with  Pierre  Chauvin  pnd  others, 
made  futile  efforts  in  the  beginning  of  the  seven- 
teenth century  to  found  a  settlement  there.  In 
1603,  however,  an  expedition  was  sent  out  under 
Samuel  de  Champlain,  of  Brouage,  the  practical 
father  of  Canada.  With  him  was  Pont-Grav«. 
The  footprints  of  Champlain  are  everj-where  in 
Canada.  He  was  at  once  cautious  and  brave,  a 
statesman  and  a  soldier,  a  loyalist  to  both  King  and 
Church,  a  typical  Frenchman  of  the  age  in  all  the 
finer  national  characteristics  of  his  people.  In  him 
centered  the  earlier  romance  and  around  him  has 
been  woven  much  of  the  patriotism  of  French 
Canada.  With  a  combined  experience  of  sea  and 
shore,  the  inspiration  given  all  his  followers  in  war 
by  Henri  IV,  and  with  the  added  possession  of  high 
personal  qualities,  he  made  an  ideal  pioneer  leader. 
One  can  imagine  this  determined  and  fearless 
explorer  ascending  the  silent  spaces  of  the  great 
river  and  exploring  in  canoes  the  lesser  waters 
running  into  it;  standing  on  the  beethng  rock 
where  he  was  to  erect  his  future  fort  and  house  and 
lay  the  foundation  of  a  great  French  state  within 
a  British  empire  of  whose  still  greater  scope  he 
could  not  even  dream;  journeying  with  a  few 
friendly  Indians  through  the  wilds  of  the  interior, 
portaging  around  or  perilously  crossing  swift  rapids 




and  great   waterfalls,  traversing  vast   forests   and 
encountering  great  inland  seas;  standing  upon  the 
wooded   heights  of   Mount  Royal   and  gazing  up 
and  over  the   sweeping   river  which   led   to  such 
vast,  unknown  regions  and  which  held  within  its 
bosom  such  potentialities  of  war,  and  commerce, 
and  shipping,   and  development.      One  can  even 
picture  this  representative  of  the  military  civiliza- 
tion of  Europe  as,  clad  in  steel  breast-plate  and 
plumed  casque,  with  sword  at  his  side  and  match- 
lock ready  to  hand,  he  passed  through  the  mighty 
wildemess-ever   listening   for   the   war-whoop   of 
the  savage  and  ever  on  the  alert  for  some  new  and 
undefined  danger. 

On  his  first  voyage  Champlain  vinted  the  meet- 
ing place  of  traders   and   Indians   at   Tadoussac, 
with   Its  environment   of   granite   nills   and   great 
mamelons    of    sand,    and    then    passed    up    the 
Saguenay  to  a  point  a  little  beyond  the  modern 
Chicoutim,.     So    far    as    is    known    his    passage 
through  the  mighty  precipices  of  rock  which  we 
call  Capes  Trinity  and  Eternity,  into  the  walled 
chasm  half  filled  with  water  which  is  styled  the 
Saguenay  River,  was  the  first  visit  of  a  white  man  to 
this  wonderful  region.    It  is  not  diflicult  to  imagine 
this  intrepid  Frenchman  in  his  tiny  ship,  with  a 
superstitious    and    naturally    terror-struck    crew 
traversing  m  ever-growing  silence  and  somber  fear 
mile   after   mile   of   this   stupendous   cleft   in   the 
Laurentian    plateau    which    some    earthquake    or 
upheaval    of    prehistoric    times    had    constructed 

A-C      M' 


The  unknown  is  often  terrible,  and  in  this  case 
they  would  see  on  eithir  side  an  almost  unbroken 
line  of  lofty,  naked  cliffs,  they  could  look  down  and 
around  into  waters  so  deep  as  to  become  black  as 
pitch,  with  only  purple  glints  in  the  sunlight,  and  so 
vast  as  to  be  capable  of  holding  all  the  fleets  of  the 
world  though  with  hardly  a  place  for  anchorage; 
they  could  almost  feel  the  silence  of  dark  solitudes 
which  neither  bird  nor  insect  cared  to  share;  they 
could  not  help  but  be  profoundly  impressed  with 
what  one  writer  has  termed  a  River  of  Death  and 
another  described  as  making  Lethe  or  the  Styx 
look  like  purling  brooks. 

This  first  experience  was  a  fitting  one  for  such 
a  man  as  Champlain.  In  the  years  that  followed 
his  footprints  were  stamped  all  over  the  center  of 
the  continent.  He  saw  the  beautiful  falls  below 
Stadacona— from  which  all  Indian  settlement  had 
then  passed— and  named  them  after  Admiral  de 
Montmorenci;  he  passed  over  and  named  the 
broad  waters  of  Lake  St.  Peter;  he  visited  Mount 
Royal  and  stood  on  the  site  of  the  future  com- 
mercial metropolis;  he  explored  the  lower  St. 
Lawrence  and  visited  Gasp4  and  Peic^.  His  second 
voyage  was  financially  aided  by  the  Huguenot, 
Pierre  du  Guast,  Comte  de  Monts,  who  was  com- 
missioned as  Lieutenant-Governor  for  the  King 
and  in  1604  accompanied  Champlain  to  Cmada. 
With  them  were  Biencourt  de  Poutrincourt  ajd  one 
hundred  and  twenty  colonists,  and  following  in 
another  ship  was  Pont-Grav«  with  additional  sup- 



phes.  Along  the  coast  of  the  Nova  Scotia  of  to- 
day Champlain  passed  and  named  many  places 
A  settlement  was  established  at  Ste.  Croix  Island 
and,  finally,  made  at  Port  Royal  under  the  author- 
ity of  De  Monts.  Meantime  Champlain  had  been 
traversmg  the  coasl  north  and  south  and  at  one 
time  actually  stood  on  Plymouth  Rock,  where  fif- 
teen years  later  the  Pilgrims  were  to  land  as  the 
first  of  that  stream  of  population  which  was  to  one 
day  check  the  sweep  of  French  ambition  and  empire 
To  Port  Royal  in  1600  came  further  settlers  with 
Marc  Lecarbot,  a  bright  and  clever  lawyer,  and  a 
writer  who  has  left  us  the  most  reliable  description 
of  pioneer  French  conditions. 

In  his  further  explorations  Champlain,  frequently 
accompanied  by  Poutrincourt,  searched  the  shores 
of  the  Bay  of  Fundy,  visited  the  Halifax  harbor 
of  the  distant  future,  studied  witi  enthusiasm  the 
Acadia  of  his  time.  At  Port  Royal  he  and  his 
gallant  associates  had  founded  the  <irst  permanent 
settlement  of  Europeans,  excepting  the  far  distant 
Spanish  posts  in  Southern  America.  They  had 
instructed  the  local  Indians  in  religion  and  won 
their  hearts;  with  proper  support  from  home 
following  upon  Champlain's  further  work  in  the 
interior  and  at  Quebec,  France  might,  at  this  early 
stage  in  American  history,  have  established  its 
position  and  held  its  vast  possessions  against  the 
influences  of  the  future. 

After  a  period  of  three  years'  absence  Champlain 
returned  to  St.  Malo  and  prepared  another  expedi- 



tion.  On  June  3d  he  was  again  at  Tadoussac 
and  a  little  later  he  was  busy  clearing  the  ground 
and  building  a  post  or  "Abitation,"  where  now 
stands  the  Church  of  Notre  Dame  dea  Victoires 
in  the  Lower  Town  of  Quebec.  A  little  later  he 
started  up  the  river  with  a  few  Frenchmen  and  a 
number  of  Indians.  His  footprints  on  luis  journey 
are  numerous.  He  stood  on  the  site  of  Three 
Rivers,  called  the  Rividre  du  Loup  of  today  by  the 
name  of  Ste.  Suzanne,  styled  the  St.  Francis  River 
of  the  future  the  Riviere  du  Pont,  named  the 
Yamaska  as  the  Riviere  de  Genncs.  He  dis- 
covered the  Richelieu  and  called  it  the  Riviere 
des  Iroquois;  with  two  Frenchmen  and  a 
number  of  Indians  he  started  in  birch  canoes 
to  explore  its  waters  to  their  source.  To  the 
modern  traveler  who  passes  in  a  steamer  up  this 
great  stream,  who  evades  rapids  by  going  through 
a  canal  and  who  sees  smiling  farms  and  villages 
on  either  side,  it  is  difficult  to  realize  the  situa- 
tion as  the  three  Frenchmen  were  paddled  by  their 
somewhat  doubtful  allies  over  unknown  waters 
>vith  primeval  forests  standing  on  either  side  in 
dense  and  continuous  masses  of  dark  green  foliage; 
with  the  knowledge  also  that  hostile  bands  of 
Iroquois  might  be  gathering  in  the  woods  to  cut  off 
the  little  party  on  its  return.  They  persisted, 
however,  and  the  intrepid  explorer  gave  his  own 
name  to  the  great  lake  which  they  finally  reached 
and  which  afterwards  proved  the  scene  of  several 
battles,  which  was  long  a  key  to  French  Canada 



''  rl 

on  the  souvh   which  English  8oldie™  and  American 
colonists  80  often  sought  to  utilize  ^""e"**" 

As  with  Cartier,  the  site  of  Montreal  had  ^reat 
attractions  for  Champlain,  and  in  1611  he  examTncd 
the  ocahty  with  care  and  appears  to  have  propS 

the  Custom  House  m  the  center  of  the  modern  city. 

escaped  deah  m  some  of  its  turbulent  waters 
He  stood  on  the  site  of  the  future  Canadian  caoitll  ^ 
saw  something  of  the  Gatineau  and  its  innumerabU 
waterfalls;    discovered  the  beauties  of  the  Falls  of 

tri'ed  o  d'7  "'"'?  ."  ^""''^'''''"«  civilitatfon' ha 
tried  to  destroy  with  factories  and  mills-  and 
passed  up  th,  Ottawa  as  far  as  AllumrtJe  Island 

nation  "%  n"  *''  "T"  "'  '""^  ^'"''■f  Algonquin 
na  ion.       Following   this   journey    Champlain,    in 

afterwards  became  the  Province  of  Ontario  Up 
the  Ottawa  again  he  went,  up  the  Mattawa  to  its 

and  k'"'''/"  ^"^  ^■P'^^'"^  ^'  P-'^^-d  by  portaie 
and  then  down  the  French  River  to  Georgian  Bav' 
It  was  a  laborious  and  diiHcuIt  work  of  exXaUon 
and  was  ended  by  a  visit  to  th.  Hurons  at  a  po  "nt 
near  the  site  of  the  present  town  of  MidLd  ?„ 
Simcoe  County.      He,  of  course,  discovered  Lake 

R^rto^RicetT  '^'''^^'''''^  ""  thrSnaS 
to  Ih.  n  ^'"^J^^^"  ""d  followed  the  River  Trent 
to  the  Bay  of  Quinte,  issuing  thence  into  the  waters 

Trent      Whh  T.  *'^  ''t''  '""^  "^^^^^  *°- 
irenton.     With  the  possible  exception  of  Etienno 


Bruld,  Champlain  was  thus  the  first  white  man  to 
Bcc  Lake  Ontario.  On  his  return  he  spent  some 
time  at  the  point  where  Orillia  now  rests. 

This  ended  the  explorer's  wonderful  work      He 
had    studied    the    coasts    of    what    are    now    the 
Provmces   of    Nova    Scotia   and    New   Brunswick 
with  thoroughness;   he  had  traversed  the  Saguenay 
and    St    Maurice  and  Ottawa,  the  Mattawa  nnd 
French    Rivers;     he   knew   the   eastern   shores   of 
Lake  Huron  and  understood  the  vastness  of  that 
body  of  water  as  he  did  of  Lake  Ontario;   he  had 
penetrated  the  northern  part  of  New  York  State 
and  hunted  in  the  country  between  Kingston  and 
Ottawa;   he  had  traversed  on  foot  much  of  Central 
and    Western   Ontario   and   knew   fairly   well    the 
topography  of    a  doisen  modern  Ontario  counties. 
His  analysis  of  soil  and  natural  productions,   his 
descripti.  n  of  varied  Indian  tribes,  his  maps  and 
eartograpuic  studies  are  all  able  and  wonderfully 
exact.     As  a  builder  of  cities  his  selection  of  Quebec 
was   an   achievement;     his   hope   of   Montreal   an 
inspiration.     As  a  soldier  he  won  the  respect  of  the 
Indians  and  whenever  he  fought  them  was  success- 
lul.      As  a  statesman  he  seems  to  have  held  the 
confidence  of  Court  and  Church  and  Colonists- 
a  difl^cult  feat  in  those  days;   as  a  man  he  was  the 
central   figure   of   French   Canada's   origin.      Over 
much  of  the  Canada  of  today  his   footprints   are 
visible  to  the  student,  and  while  he  did  not  excel 
in  naming  permanently  the  great  waters  he   dis- 
covered or  the  places  upon  which  he  stood  in  the 



birth<lny  of  our  hUtory.  he  did  leave  an  imprea. 
of  personality  and  action  which  time  cannot  eradi- 
cate  or  events  disturb. 

Meanwhile,  the  spirit  and  efforts  of  Champlain 
were    stirrmg    up    the    adventurous    feeling    and 
ambitions  of  h,s   country  , en   in   every   direction. 
Ihey    found    special    attractions    in    the    work    of 
Canadian  exploration.      There  was  enough  danger 
to  attract  men  of  spirit;   there  were  spaces  so  vast 
and   possibilities  so   varied  as   to  excite  the  least 
curious  mind;   there  were  chances  of  wealth  in  furs 
and  there  were  constant  stories  of  gold  and  silver 
ant.  precious  stones.     The  immense  size,  numbers 
and  varieties  of  the  bodies  of  water  in  the  interior 
of  the  continent  and  the  myriad  deep  undulations 
along   Its   ocean   shores   made   travel    easier   than 
in  waterless  countries,  while  the  presence  of  Indians 
added  not  only  the  spice  of  peril  but  also  the  ele- 
ment of  service.      The  Indians  also  brought  into 
play  the  religious  spirit  of  the  Jesuits  and  R^collets 
and  to  the  labors  of  the  priests  were  due  manv 
important  discoveries.     With  them,  or  in  advance  of 
them  at  times,  were  the  fur  traders  who  acted  from 
love  of  adventure  or  gain,  or  officiated  as  interpreters 
between  the  pioneer  priests  and  the  Indians,  but  did 
not  as  a  rule,  care  anything  for  geography  or  science 
or  the  records  which  constitute  so  important  a  part 
of  discovery  or  exploration.     The  missionaries,  on 
the  other  hand,  recorded  their  data  and  posterity 
has,  therefore,  a  double  reason  for  gratitude  to  the 
flevoted  men  who  were  pioneers  for  their  nation 



Vicloires,  Quebec 

i  ■fljiiilillT • > 





Vf^HmV^HV^htn  HHFUHflliifliiBP 



'  I 


An  illustration  of  the  fur-trading  and  commercial 
pioneer  was  Etienne  Brul«,  who  caught  the  fever 
of  travel  from  Champlain,  a  spirit  of  wildness  from 
the  Indians  and  added  a  quality  of  licentiousness 
all  his  own.     He  lived  much  amongst  the  savages 
and  seems  to  have  been  the  first  white  man  to  stand 
upon   the  site  of  Toronto.      He  explored   central 
Pennsylvania  and  went  down  the  Susquehanna  to 
Chesapeake   Bay,   discovered  the  waters  of  Sault 
bte.  Mane  and  was  the  first  white  man  to  paddle 
along  the  shores  of  Lake  Superior.      Of  the  four 
R^collet    friars    whom    Champlain    brought    from 
France   in    1615   Father   Le   Caron   was   the   first 
missionary  to  the  Hurons  and  Father  d'Olbeau  to 
the  Montagnais.      With  Father  Sagard  and  other 
ater  arrivals  they  added  much  to  the  slowly  accumu- 
lating volume  of  knowledge.     In  1625  the  Jesuits 
arrived  and  their  Relations  cover  a  long  period  and 
record  a  vast  amount  of  travel  and  study  as  well  as 
of  noble  missionary  effort.      Down  to  the  Rapids 
in  the  rear  of  Montreal  came  the  R^coUet  Father 
Nicholiis  Viel  to  meet  one  of  the  Jesuit  Fathers, 
and   tie   Huron  Indians  who   were  paddling  him 
down  tne  river  threw  him  to  his  death  in  its  waters. 
Hence   the  first   Christian   martyrdom  in   Canada 
and  the  Sault  au  R^coUet  of  today. 

In  the  succeeding  year  Father  D'Aillon  pene- 
trated to  and  dwelt  amongst  the  Neutral  Indians 
on  ^lagara  River.  He  seems  to  have  heard  of 
Niagara  Falls,  but  there  is  no  record  of  his  having 
ever  seen  them  nor,  indeed,  is  there  any  evidence 



Of  Other  missionaries  or  explorers  reportine  at  th!. 
.me  more  tl>an  vague  rumors  of  a  Sty  wal 


.        The   dark   primeval   forests   on   eithrhlnH     f?' 


St.  Anthony  and  appears  to  have  stood  nnnn*i, 
B.te  of  Minneapolis.     Other  Ss^ho  left  foot" 
prints  of  exploration  across  and  down  thp  ITJ     1 
in  this  period  were  Fathers  A^t^i  oHX* 
and  DruUlettes,  with  the  saintly  Marquette  wh  A 

and  -^ion/r.rruSyi7Sr 

The  Royal  banners  forward  go 

The  Cross  shines  forth  with  mystic  flow. 

F,!'r'\i°'"'*  ""^  "  °''"^«  Canadian  who,  with 
Father  Marquette,  appears  to  have  been  the  Trst 
to  discover  the  source  and  nature  of  the  wate™ 
of  the   Mississippi.      An  explorer  and   tradlr   by 


nature  he  was  also  a  mathematician  and  hydroR- 
rapher  and  his  footprints  extend  from  the  Mis- 
sissippi to  Hudson's  Bay  on  the  north  and  to  Labra- 
dor on  the  east.  In  1673  the  trader  and  the  priest, 
under  commission  from  Frontenac,  traversed  the 
shores  of  Lake  Michigan,  turned  into  Fox  River 
and  passed  to  its  head  waters,  thence  journeyed  to 
an  olbow  of  the  Wisconsin  and  at  a  place  now  called 
Frame  du  Chien  glided  into  the  broad  waters 
of    the    Mississippi,    which  [Jolliet    christened    La 

?W  fl  f";t  ''^*l''  ^''°°*»'''''«  family  name. 
They  floated  down  the  river,  seeing  bands  of  bison 
and  flocks  of  wild  turkeys,  meeting  ever  new  bodies 
of  Indians,  passing  the  mouth  of  the  Missouri  and 

!v!fh  1  =""  ""''  **"""  ""*""'"<*  "**•>«'  »!>«•»  meet 
wth  the  Spamards  and  perhaps  lose  all  the  fruits 
of  their  discoveries.  They  ascended  the  Illinois 
and  Chicago  rivers  and  reached  within  four  miles 
of  the  site  of  the  western  metropolis.  They  crossed 
the  portage  connecting  the  two  great  water  systems 
of  the  continent  and,  late  in  September,  reached 
the  Fox  River  after  a  voyage  of  2,800  miles. 

CateH!r'H  *'^°«^T''"  '"  **"  P'"""  °f  ««°«  Robert 
Caveher  de  la  Salle  completed  the  labors  of  these 

two  men.      Proud,  persevering  and  self-reliant  ne 

was  a  figure  worthy  of  the  great  arena  in  which 

he  was   to   move.      He  joined  his  brother,   Abb4 

Jean  de  la  Salle,   at  Montreal  in   1667  and  two 

years  later  accepted  a  commission  from  De  Cour- 

celles    the   French   Governor.      The  object  of  his 

expedition  was  to  discover  the  Ohio  of  the  Senecas 



and,  despite  the  obscurity  of  the  facts  available 

B^vor  of  today.  I„  1679,  after  varied  vicissltudel! 
La  Salle,  accompanied  by  Henri  de  Tonty  in  a 

£,ne,  the  St.  Clair  River  and  thence  journeyed  to 
Michilimackinac  and  Lake  Michigan.  After  many 
adventures  he  and  a  portion  of  his  parly  reached 
a  place  now  known  as  South  Bend,  Indiana.  Sup-  faded  here  and  the  return  was  effected  under 

find  it Ta^rd  t"'  '"t  """I  ""'"^  ''"''«'"'>«-  ^ouW 
find  It  hard  to  create.  In  his  next  expedition  La 
Salle  seems  to  have  touched  the  site  of  Toronto 

Georrian  r'  ''"^''  ''^  ""^  °'  ^""^^  ^imcoe  and 
Georpaa  Bay.     He  reached  the  Mississippi  again, 

I682T  H  °  "fr^  *°  '**"«•  Eventually,?™ 
1682,  he  descended  the  great  river  to  its  mouth 
and  issued  out  upon  the  Gulf  of  Mexico,  where 
on  Apnl  8,  he  erected  a  pillar  upon  the  shore  bearing 
the  arms  of  Louis  XIV,  and  formally  took  posses- 
sum  of^a  vast  unknown  region  in  tZ  nameThL 

This  problem  of  the  continent's  waterways 
a.  wdl  as  those  of  the  center  and  the  north  had 
thus  been  solved  by  a  Frenchman,  and  from  the 
cold  cliffs  of  the  Saguenay  to  the   tropical  wate„ 

water  in  the  worid-over  which  was  to  some  day 
pass  an  almost  incalculable  volume  of  commerce- 
had  become,  for  a  time,  part  of  the  New  France  of 
Frontenac    and    his    brilliant    dreams.       Sill 


mackinac   was   at  this  time  a  name  replete  with 
memories  of  French  pioneers  and  included  some- 
what varied  and  confusing  localities.     It  covered 
the  mythology-laden  isle  of  Algonquin  reverence 
in  the  middle  of  the  strait  between  Lakes  Michigan 
and  Huron,  the  points  of  land  on  the  north  and 
south  of  the  strait,  the  mission  place  of  Father 
Marquette  at  St.   Ignace  on  the  north  mainland, 
the  fur-trade  center  into  which  this  also  developed 
and  from  which  La  Motte  Cadillac  went  in  1701 
to  found  Detroit   a  later  French  fort  on  the  south 
shore  and  still  Irter  an  English  fort  on  the  island. 
St.   Ignace  was  the  center  of  much  adventurous 
exploration,  mission  effort  and  fur-trading-familiar 
to  Fathers  Allouez  and  Hennepin  and  many  another 
brave  priest  of  the  wilderness,  to  Jolliet.  Radisson 
La  Salle,  Du  L'hut  and  many  more. 

Another  leader  of  this  period  was  the  explorer 
whose  name  is  enshrined  in  that  of  Duluth— "the 
zemth  city  of  the  unsalted  seas"  as  an  enthusiastic 
American  once  termed  it.     His  variously  spelled 
name  appears  to  have  been  Daniel  de  Greysolon, 
Sieur  du  L'hut;    he  was  of  noble  family  and  high 
socia    connections  in  France,  but  from  preference 
and  love  of  the   wild  free  life  of  the  forests  and 
prairies   he   devoted   himself  to  Canadian  explora- 
tion.    In  1678  he  left  Montreal  to  study  the  almost 
unknown  Northwest,  and  passed  along  the  shores 
of  Lake  Superior,  across  the  Mississippi  and  down 
T  .^  *''«/"'«ams   to  a  Sioux  village   where  he 
planted  the  flag  of  France.    He  held  a  great  Council 



end  of  Lake  Supenor,  and  thereafter,  for  yeare 
hved  m  and  thoroughly  explored  all  this  great 
repon-much  of  which  no  white  man   had 

lid  t  !h  H  '^  l^"^  f  ^°'*  ^""'"»'  '•<'  t^veled 
tT„  w  !i  '°"*''  *"''  °°'*'''  "°"°d  *•>«  Lake  of 
the   Woods   country   and   into   the   basin   of   the 

fl'rrv  ,.  ?"  b"^^  ^'"''«°''  •>«  ''»d  ''°°ther  post 
"mrh  f'"?K  '  '''"'*  ''"'*  *'"'  ^'<""«  ""d  covered 
Thr™  A  ,  •''*'.*  ""^°"  "P  *°  Hudson's  Bay. 
Through  h.s  friendship  with  the  Indians,  Du  L'hut 
on  more  than  one  occasion  was  able  to  brini  assist- 
ance  to  his  Governors  at  Quebec,  and  in  moTe^ 
at  Montrea^  w,th  a  high  reputation  for  bravery, 
chivalry  and  capacity.  ^' 

fromTh''''' V""".^'""""*'  ""''*'  'P^"*'  commission 
from  Champlam,  discovered,  in  1634,  the  Strait  of 

Si'°""'^"'°/"/°'*  ^"^'^  **"°"8'>  't  '"to  the  Lake 
Michigan  of  today.  First  amongst  white  men  he 
traversed   the   bea  itiful   strait   with   its   clustering 

his  people  he  saw  the  great  "Freshwater  Sea"  whkh 
was  .eheved  to  be  one  more  portion  of  a  mighty 
waterway  leading  to  China  and  the  glowing  East 
So  vast  were  these  waters  that  the  silence  and  lone- 
imess  met  by  the  explorer's  solitary  canoe  w^  So 
ess  than  is  encountered  in  later  days  of  enormous 
traffic  and  great  steamers.  Paddling  along  the 
western  shore  of  Lake  Michir»n  the  Frenchman 


came  to  what  is  now  Green  Bay  and  the  Menominee 
Kxver,  and  not  long  afterwards  to  the  mouth  of  Fox 
River  where  he  was  met  by  about  four  thousand 
Indians      One  can  imagine  the  picturesque  scene  of 
splendid  lake  and  river,  wild  forest  and  wilder  red 
men,  the  explorer  robed  in  embroidered  Chinese  dam- 
ask and  discharging,  as  he  advanced  to  the  meet- 
ing, a  pistol  from  either  hand.    He  was  to  the  savages 
a  Manitou,  or  god,  wielding  thunder  and  lightning 
and  to  him,  therefore,  a  warm  welcome  was  given 
Many  such  scenes  occurred  in  the  experience  of  the 
eariy  pioneers.    The  explorer  then  passed  up  the  Fox 
River,  through  Lake  Winnibago,  and  up  the  river 
beyond  to  the  portage  of  the  Wisconsin.     He  seems 
to  have  stood  upon  the  water-parting  of  the  Mis- 
sissippi and  the  St.  Lawrence  basins. 

Of  explorers  in  the  Northwest  during  this 
eventful  time  Pierre  Esprit  Radisson  has  left  an 
impression  which,  like  that  of  JoUiet  or  La  Salle 
would  fill  volumes  if  fully  described.  His  expe- 
nences  and  adventures  equal  the  most  thrilling 
of  romances.  His  family  came  to  Three  Rivers 
from  France,  in  1651.  He,  himself,  lived  much 
amongst  and  knew  much  of  the  Indians  and  at  first 
proved  a  useful  interpreter  for  the  Jesuits.  With 
his  brother-in-law,  M^dard  Chouart,  he  explored 
Wisconsin  and  neighboring  regions  and  appears 
to  have  been  the  first  white  man  to  traverse  Lake 
Superior  beyond  the  Sault  Ste.  Marie.  Radisson 
saw  much  of  the  Mississippi,  explored  some  of 
its   lesser   branches   and   studied   its   head   waters 



traversed  the  southern  Hhores  of  Lake  Michigan 
wandered  over  what  ig  now  the  State  of  Minnesota,' 
traded  and  talked  and  lived  with  the  Indians  and 
started,  in  1662,  from  La  Pointe  on  Lake  Superior 
to  KO  to  Hudson's  Bay.  He  and  Chouart  coasted 
Its  shores  for  some  distance  and  returned  by  way  of 
Moose  Uiver  and,  probably,  the  head  waters  of 
the  Saguenay.  The  rest  of  the  career  of  these 
men  was  one  of  adventure,  perhaps,  more  than 
exploration  or  discovery,  but  was  none  the  less 
remarkable  in  its  waj-.  Radisson  appears  to  have 
been  the  real  discoverer  of  what  has  been  vaguely 
termed  the  Northwest— a  phrase  applicable  to  a 
great  region  in  the  United  States  and  an  equally 
important  later  center  of  attraction  in  Canada. 

A  later  poincer  of  the  West  was  Gaultier  de  Va- 
rennes  de  la  VtSrcidrye,  a  gallant  French  Canadian 
soldier  who  was  bom  at  Three  Rivers  and  essayed, 
time  and  again,  to  discover  the  fabled  Western  Sea 
which  was  supposed  to  lie  between  America  and 
Japan.  He  had  fought  in  New  England  and  New- 
foundland, been  wounded  at  Malplaquet  in  Europe, 
and  experienced  many  vicissitudes  of  fortune  when, 
accompanied  by  fifty  grissled  adventurers,  he  first 
started  from  Montreal  on  June  8,  1731,  to  trade, 
to  explore,  to  discover,  to  fight  or  to  do  anything 
that  might  be  necessary  in  the  wild  wastes  of  the 
North  and  West.  Up  the  Ottawa  and  through 
the  Great  Lakes  to  NIpegon  the  party  proceeded 
and  thence  to  Michilimackinac,  where  De  la  V^ren- 
drye  was  joined  by  his  nephew  Sieur  de  la  Jemmeraie 


* :. 

^§  fiifjS'- 


F(M)TPRINT8   OF   FRENCH    IMONEEHH         81 

anil  by  Fathi-r  MrHsaigcr  the  JeHuit.  Tlic  two  days' 
journey  from  the  Straits  to  KominUtiquia  took  the 
party  in  their  frail  canoes  a  month;  thence  the 
explorers  proceeded  to  the  Lake  of  the  Woods  or, 
as  it  was  then  called,  Lake  of  the  Isles.  There 
they  discovered  the  Winnipeg  Hiver  and  later  on 
the  lake  of  the  same  name. 

Thence,  up  the  Red  River  went  the  intrepid  party 
until,  at  its  junction  with  the  Assiniboinc,   De  la 
Virendrye  met  a  party  of  Crees  (1738)  on  the  spot 
where  Winnipeg  now  stands  and  looked  out  upon 
an  illimitable  ocean  of  rolling  prairie.     He,  with  his 
three  sons— Jean  had  been  killed  by  the  Sioux  not 
long  before— stood  upon  the  site  of  a  great  modern 
city,  studied  the  Assiniboinc  Valley,  erected  Fort 
Rouge  on  the  banks  of  the  river  and  for  the  first 
time  the  bugle  call  of  the  French  sounded  across 
the  prairies  of  Manitoba.      Up  the  Souris  River, 
through  the  plains  to  the  southwest,  along  ravines 
where  grazed  hundreds  of  thousands  of  buffalo,  and 
accompanied  by  six  hundred  Indians,  De  la  V^rendrye 
then  proceeded  to  the  Upper  Missouri  and  again 
took  possession  of  fresh  territory  for  the  French 
King.     Meanwhile,  Pierre,  Francois  and  Louis  de 
la  V^rendrye,  his  sons,  reached  the  banks  of  the 
Saskatchewan  and  erected  a  fort  there  and  one  on 
Lake  Manitoba.     Some  years  later,  on  New  Year's 
Day,   1734,   Pierre  and   Fran9ois  de  la  V^rendrye 
were  the  first  white  men  to  sight  from  land  the  lofty 
peaks  of  the  Rocky  Mountains.     The  gallant  father 
and  his  sons  had  set  out  to  discover  the  Western 



Sea  and  they  had  found  a  sea  of  prairie*  and  a  Hea 
of  mountains;  they  had  traversed  parts  of  two  great 
and  hitherto  unlcnown  rivers— the  Missouri  and 
the  Saslcatchewan;  they  had  planted  plates  with 
the  royal  arms  of  France  in  a  new  and  vastly  rich 
portion  of  the  American  continent. 

In  1669  the  Sulpicians,  Dollier  de  Casson  and 
Br«hant  de  Galinfe,  explored  the  north  shore  of 
Lake  Erie,  in  March,  1670,  encountered  Marquette 
and  Dablon  at  Sault  8te.  Marie  and  returned  by 
way  of  Lake  Nipissing  and  the  Ottawa.     Galin^e's 
narrative  of  the  expedition  was  sent  to  the  King. 
Another  picturesque  pair  of  explorers  was  Nicholas 
Perrot  and  Daumont  de  St.  Lusson.     The  former 
was  a  master  of  Indian  tongues,  a  useful  interpreter 
to   De   Denonville   and   De   Vaudreuil,   a   widely- 
traveled  explorer,  and  the  discoverer  of  lead  mines 
on  what  was  afterwards  the  Des  Moines  River  in 
Iowa.     In  1665  he  first  encountered  St.  Lusson  at 
Sault  Ste.  Marie.     Six  years  later  (June  14th),  in 
one  of  the  most  picturesque  scenes  of  French  life 
in  America,  St.  Lusson,  who  had  been  despatched  by 
the  Intendant  Talon  to  take  possession  of  the  North- 
west in  the  name  of  the  King,  did  so  on  the  heights 
overiooking  Sault  Ste.   Marie  amid  much  barbaric 
pageantry    intermixed    with    civilized    state    and 
ceremony.      Representatives  were  present  from  a 
dosen  Indian  tribes  which  roamed  the  prairies  and 
lake-lands  for  hundreds  of  miles,  and  they  affixed 
their  names,  or  rather  marks,  to  a  document  claiming 
for  Louis  XIV  all  of  the  known  continent  from  the 


Gulf  of  Mexico  to  the  Arctic  aee  of  tlie  north  and 
to  the  far-off  Labrador  coaat.  An  immense  wooden 
CroM  was  erected  and  a  cedar  mast  placed  beside  it 
with  the  King's  escutcheon  affixed. 

Following  Marquette  and  Jolliet  and  La  Salle  the 
thoughts  of  French   Canada  toward  the   close  of 
the  seventeenth  century  had  been   mainly  directed 
to  the  Mississippi  Valley— despite  the  many  and 
varied  efforts  to  the  far  north  and  west.     In  1699 
Nicholas  Perrot  had  forts  at  the  mouth  of  the  V.U 
consin  and  on  Lake  Pepin.     A  little  later  Fathers 
Montigny,  St.  Co8m«,  Davion  and  Thaumer  de  la 
Source  established  missions  as  far  south  as  Baton 
Rouge;  in  1700  Father  Gravier  reached  the  Gulf  of 
Mexico  with  a  similar  purpose  in  view,  while  Father 
Le  Sueur  ascended  the  Minnesota  and  stood  upon 
the  site  of  St.  Paul  and  Minneapolis.     In  1699-1702 
expeditions   under  Le   Moyne  d'Iberville  and   Le 
Moyne  de  Bienville  of   Montreal  founded   Biloxi 
and  Mobile  on  the  Gulf  of  Mexico  with  a  view  to 
guarding  for  Old  and  New  France  the  portals  of  the 
Mississippi.     At  the  same  time  Henri  de  Tonty, 
noted  for  his  association  with  La  Salle,  abandoned 
his  Fort  St.  Louis  on  the  Illinob  and    established 
another  of  the  same  name  at  MobUe,  while  French 
ports  were  also  established  on  the  site  of  Detroit 
and   at   Miami,    Outanon   and   Vincennes   in   the 
Illinois  region.     In  later  years  and  around  Lake 
Chatauqua,   the   source   of  the   Alleghany   River, 
Forts    La    Bteuf,  Presqu'isle    and   Venango    were 
built.     Fort  Duquesne  was  a  famous  place  in  the 



EnglUh-French  wan.  Up  the  Riohelieu  River 
which  wri  for  long  year,  the  high  road  between 
French  Canada  and  the  English  colonies  under  the 
name  of  Riviire  aux  Iroquois,  the  route  was  studded 
with  forts  of  both  nations  and  the  soil  of  its  shores 
is  stamped  with  much  of  adventurous  and  romantic 

There  were  many  other  French  priests  or  mis- 
sionaries, explorers  or  adventurers,  traversing  these 
wonderful  wildemcssea.     Hudson's  Bay,  discovered 
from  the  sea  entrance  by  Henry  Hudson  in  1610, 
was  a  source  of  great  attraction  to  many.     Radisson 
and  'Jhouart  no  doubt  reached  iu  shore  from  land 
before  Father   Albanel,  who,  however,  is  generally 
credited  with  having  been  tue  first  to  do  so,  and 
they  are  said  to  have  suggested  the  formation  of 
the  Hudson's  Bay  Company  to  the  English  at  a  time 
of  personal   resentment  against   D'Avaugour,   the 
Governor  at   Quebec.      In   1672   Father  Albanel, 
following   the   unsuccessful   expedition   of   Fathers 
DrulUettes  and  Dablon  in  1661,  sighted  its  gloomy 
shores,  found  the  English  fiag  already  there  and  is 
said  to  have  torn  it  down.     From  Three  Rivers  in 
1651  Father  Buteux  had,  meanwhile,  ascended  and 
explored    the    River    St.    Maurice,  which    Cartier 
Pont-Grav«  and  Champlain  had  all  examined  in 
lesser   degree   and   with   reference,   chiefly,   to   the 
importance  of  Three  Rivers  as  a  fur-t  -.ding  center 
Father  Buteux  left  a  clear  description  of  Shawini- 
gan  Falls  amongst  his  limited  geographical  records 
and  was  murdered  by  the  Iroquois  while  returning 


to  the  mouth  of  the  river.  Tho  Upp*.r  Sagucnay 
region  was  the  home  of  prolonged  mimicnary  work 
by  Fathers  du  Quen  and  dc  Crepieul,  who  at  Ta- 
dousac  and  Lake  St.  John,  devoted  more  time  to 
the  Bouls  of  the  heathen  than  to  the  geography  of 
the  region  where  later,  under  English  rule,  their 
missions  were  forgotten  and  the  country  for  u  long 
time  regarded  as  boing  a  hopeless  wilderness. 

At  other  points  also  the  omniscient  Jesuit  was  pur- 
suing his  adventurous  way.      Mission  stations  in  the 
middle  of  the  seventeenth  century  were  established 
at  the  mouths  of  the  chief  rivers  running  into  the 
St.  Lawrence.    Some  have  been  already  mentioned 
Father  B.-iilloquet  ascended  the  Papinactoix  on  the 
.  north  shore  of  the  St.  Lawrence  and  Father  Nouvel 
explored  the  Manitoupgan.      On  the  sou' I    shore 
Father  Druillettes  passed  by  wa-  of  t'le  Chaudi^re 
River,  opposite  Quebec,  and  the  Kennebec,  to  the 
Atlantic  seaboard;    the  missions  to  the  Etchemins 
of  New  Brunswick  were  carried  on  from  Rivi*re 
du  Loup,   opposite   Tadousac,    and  by  way  of  a 
portage  to  Lake  Temiscouta  and  the  Madawaska 
into  the  River  St.  John  region.     Restigouche  and 
Nipisiquit  on  the  Baie  des  Chaleurs,  and  Richibucto 
and  Miraniichi  on  the  Gulf  coast  of  New  Bruns- 
wick, were  mission  centers  and  the  bases  of  various 
missionarj  journeys.     The  far  Labrador  coast  was 
the  source  of  varied  effort  and  Father  Nicholas  in 
1673  opened  a  mission  at  Seven  Islands. 

It  will  thus  be  seen  that  from  the  far  north  to 
the  furthest  south  of  a  great  continent,  the  French- 


men  made  their  mark  and  left  memorials  of  voyage 
and  journey,  exploration  and  settlement,  adventure 
and  peril,  religious  effort  and  self-sacrifice,  upon  all 
the  wonderful  water  stretches  of  the  interior  and 
upon  the  shores  of  two  of   the  greatest   rivers  of 
the   worid.      They  impressed   upon  the  continent 
a  splendid  national  imprint  and  the  record  of  a 
great    ambition    which    however    often    it    might 
flicker  or  fail  amidst  the  distractions  and  varied 
responsibilities  of   court  life  in  Paris  or    Quebec, 
never  wavered  in  the  hearts  of  heroic  missionaries 
and  courageous  pioneers.     In  the  end  the  hope  that 
New    Prance    would    dominate    a    vast    continent 
failed,  but  it  was  not  the  fault  of  the  earlier  repre- 
sentatives of  the  nation  or  the  Church,  in  the  heart 
of  the  wilderness,  that  such  was  the  case.     If  failure 
did  come  in  this  great  aim,  success  was  all  the  more 
conspicuous  in   the  record  of  individual   achieve- 
ment and  individual  example  which  these  men  of 
a  bygone  age  have  left  to  their  people.     It  indeed 
forms  a  part  of  traditions  and  history  which  take 
no  second  place,  in   certain  forms  of  comparison, 
even  to  a  hundred  years  or  more  in  the  history  of 
their  greater  motherland. 


Quebec— The  Cbadi.b  op  New  France 

Upon  the  Rock  of  Quebec,  at  one  time  or  an- 
other in  two  centuries  of  struggle,  there  have  stood 
the  rulers  and  the  ruled,  the  impetuous  and  pic- 
turesque French  adventurers  and  the  inscrutable, 
self-sacrificing,  obedient  priests,  the  gallant  repre- 
sentatives of  a  line  of  French  kings  and  the  corrupt 
administrators  of  colonial  wealth,  the  reckless  and 
the  wise,  the  chivalrous  and  the  mean,  the  states- 
men and  the  soldier— i.i.  the  moving  panorama  of 
men  who  looked  out  over  a  wide  continent  upon 
the  wild  struggles  of  a  scattered  and  proud  race 
of  savages,  upon  the  rivalries  and  warfare  of  two 
great  European  powers  in  a  world  still  fresh  from 
centuries  of  solitude,  upon  the  birth-pains  of  two 
new  nations  in  process  of  creation.     To  the  reader 
or  traveler  who  thinks  today  of   Dufferin  Terrace 
only,  who  considers  the  scenery  as  very  beautiful 
and  then  passes  hurriedly  on  to  see  and  share  in 
the  more  attractive  and  bounding  life  of  greater 
cities,  there  is  nothing  much  to  be  said  about  Quebec. 
History  is,  in  a  certain  real  sense,  what  one  makes 
It.      Parkman  and  Green  and  Macaulay  put  the 
puppets  of  the  past  in  their  proper  place  and  made 
the   real   influences   of   life,   the   actual,    breathing 




people  and  controlling  principles  of  tv  period 
move  across  their  pages.  It  was  the  ,wer  of 
.mag.nat.on  which  did  it  and,  despite  any  errors 
n  deta.l  or  .n  the  minor  facts  of  their  records  t 
sth.s  power  and  this  only  which  enabled  them  to 
reconstruct    h.story   and    ma!,,   facts   and   events 

of  tl^/'''*r  to  Quebec,  or  even  a  life-long  resident 
of  that  cradle  of  h.story,  should  possess  the  faculty 
of  .mag.nat.on  the  facts  of  four  centuries  are  easy 
to  unders  and  and  the  romance  of  his  surroundings 
become  clear;    .f  he  has  not  that  faculty  let  him 
consult  the  pages  of  some  writer  who  has.     Nea" 
the  Quebec  of  the  future  on  the  banks  of  the  St 
Charles   Jacques  Cartier  and  his  sailor  comrades  in 
1535-36  passed  a  season  of  severe  privations  and 
were  the  only  white  men  living  upon  the  whole 
cont.nent  of  North   America.      Here,   on  njy  J 
1536,  Cartier  erected  a  cross  thirty-five  feet  high 
beanng  a  sh.eld  with  the  fleur-de-lys  and  the  in- 
scnpt.on  m  Latin:    "Francis  I,  By  the  Grace  of 
God,  0    France."     On  the  St.  Lawrence  and 
above  the  s.te  of  Quebec,  Cartier  passed  another 

T  /A"  n'u'  '''"^  ''""*  '''  Cap  Rouge  a  smaTfo  t 

wh,ch  De  Roberval  occupied  in  the  succeeding  y  ar 

At  the  foot  of  the  Rock  of  Quebec  Champlain 

£  h  "ak  ^''  '.?"''  *^  "•'"^  ^'<^  °f  1^-°-. 
future.  If  Napoleon  as  he  stood  with  folded  arms 
and  inscrutable  face  viewing  the  Sphinx  of  Egypt 
and  up  an  eastern  empire  which  might 


compensate  him  for  European  disappointments  of 
the  nioment  is  an  attractive  figure  of  the  world^ 
h^tory  U  should  not  be  very  difficult  to  surrouM 

Cres  o'f  ^art  "^  nf^"*  '"*^'^«*  *>>«  '-«'' 
t.?ares  of  Cartier  and  Champlain  as,  in  long-sepa- 

rivers    of  untold   areas  of  fertile  soil,  of  miirhtv 

mountains  and  rolling  prairies  '^^ 

In  founding  this  seat  of  future  empire  in  oriran!, 

Zft  T  '"  ^r'''"""^  '«"'  exploradoJof To: 
results  he  could  have  no  real  conception    Cham 
Plam  selected  the  site  of  Quebec  as  b  Jng  "  so  nTt 
defens,ble  from  a  military  point  of  view  a  °  ^ 
fitted  as  a  port  for  purposes  of  the  fur  trade  and 
shippmg  mterests.     At  the  foot  of  tho  nliff         -j  . 
a  forest  of  birch  trees,  he  buuf  hl^el   a  1^-1 
th     spot  where  the   Church  of  Notre   Dame7es 
V.cto,res  now  stands.     It  was  in  reality  threfsepa 
rate   houses,   joined    together,    with   a   courtyard 
a  orehouse,  watch-tower  and  an  esplanade  in  fS' 
Zetf\  "^.V^""""  ^'"^  P'^'i^^des  and  a  ditch 

"  AbTtatio:-  Ch  'f •  Z  '^'  ''^"P-  ^--  this 
Abitation  Champlam  directed  the  alliance  with 
the  Algonquins  and  Hurons  and  that  firtt  hoS 
movement  against  the  Iroquois  which  eems  to 
have  controlled  the  history  of  New  vLT^ 
century  and  a  half  and  which  m  ;,  fnXI  W 
been  a  pnmary  cause  for  the  situL'tion  in  'wUch 



Wolfe  encountered  on  the  Heights  of  Abraham  the 
gmall  army  of  a  60,000  population  instead  of  the 
armed  settlers  and  soldiers  of  a  strong  young  nation. 
It  was  his  one  mistake,  though  the  motives  no 
doubt   were   those   of  a   statesman.      To  advance 
the  commercial  and  trading  interests  of  his  country 
an  alliance  with  strong  Indian  tribes  could  not  but 
be  useful;   to  draw  some  line  of  demarcation  across 
the  center  of  the  continent  and  along  the  Atlantic 
settlements  of  the  impetuous  and  pushing  English 
pioneers    must    have    seemed    desirable;     to    have 
natives   help   in    exploring   the    vast   interior   was 
obviously  important.      He  could  not  in  the  brief 
time  at  his  disposal  understand  the  dominating 
qualities  of  the  Iroquois  or  realize  that  before  long 
they  would  sweep  these  other  tribes  before  them 
hfce  chaff  before  a  wind. 

Up  to  1612  Champlain's  residence  was  the  home 
of  a  limited  local  authority  and  the  center  for  mili- 
tary expeditions  and  inland  fur  trade  In  that 
year  the  free  trading  rights  of  the  Basques  and 
Malouins  were  restricted  to  the  river  below  Quebec 
and  Champlain  was  given  large  additional  powers. 
Population  came  but  slowly  and  was  not  greatly 
encouraged.  Champlain  described  the  number  in 
•  ,L^  ,  '''  '°«1"<1'°8  women  and  children;  and 
m  1629  when  Admiral  Kirke  captured  the  place  for 
England-and  held  it  for  three  years-the  popu- 
lation  was  about  the  same.  Meantime  the  "Abita- 
tion  had  seen  some  important  changes.  Though 
the  Hundred  Associates,  or  U  Compagnie  de  Can- 



«ia   which  Champlain  represented  after  1627  and 

an  ardent  CathoL.''tc2r£TalZV  "1' 
fittar:TatlT'  fi'T^ '"  '''' '"''  '^i^-^^^. 
While  SIX  Jesuits  came  in  1625  and  soon  constructed 
rmaTeM'lr  '"'"''f'^  ^°«-  "  wrp^tpo"  ed 
T^^ZT^TZS:^  ^''*''°""'  --^  ^»  *^e  -in 

th?Fort^  Champlain  commenced  the  erection  of 
the  Fort  or  Castle  of  St.  Louis  on  the  brow  of  the 

fefnTr  r     « ''^  *^^'t''«-"  (tl^e  comer  of  dS 
t7Z,     Z  Z^""'  ^^^  P'"^°*  post-office),  and  this 
irc^of  S  r*'   "   "^   r^^^'-    --^-d  th 
Mai    cession   of    the    country   to    Great    Britain 
From   this  new  seat  of  authority   Champlak    ^ 
representing  in  turn  the  companyf  the  v^erov '   ^ 

sm'rtTf '^'  *'^  -air/ofVe'RjcS  2^ 
Jesmts  m  the  missionary  work  of  the  time-  from 
We  he  guided  and  modified  the  jealouZs  of  Z 
l^ant  colony  which  at  his  death  in  1635  stiuLm 
bered  only  a  hundred  souls;  from  here  he  waterd 
and  assisted  the  fur  traders  in  their  dangloustS 
attractive  and  lucrative  occupation;  from  here  he 
planned  and  carried  on  expeditio;s  which  eave 
vast  terntories  to  the  Crown  of  France  aldTmmenle 

from  here  he  departed  on  constant  missions  to  Paris' 



in  the  vain  effort  to  hold  in  one  stable  policy  of 
trade  and  settlement  and  acquisition,  the  conflicting 
interests  of  Court  and  Church  and  the  selfish  rivalries 
and  intrigues  of  men  and  women  working  for  evil 
ends;  from  here  he  led  French  soldiers  to  fight 
side  by  side  with  the  Hurons  against  the  Iroquois. 
Here,  also,  Champlain's  beautiful  young  wife  sup- 
ported him  with  her  sympathy  and  helped  the 
settlers  with  unselfish  labors  for  their  welfare. 

This  Fort  and  Chateau  of  St.  Louis  saw:  many 
a  scene  of  interest  in  succeeding  years.      As  the 
settlement  grew  in  numbers  and  importance— Quebec 
was  always  more  influential  than  the  size  of  its 
population  would  have  warranted  in  a  European 
or  Asiatic  town— the  Chateau  became  the  center 
of  a  varied  and  changing  history  and  the  home 
of  men  with  many-sided  qualities  and  performances. 
De  Montmagny  was  a  successor  worthy  of  Cham- 
plain,  though  perhaps  only   Frontenao  and   Mont- 
calm in  a  long  line  of  royal  appointments  could  be 
said  to  reach  his  standard  of  ability  and  devotion 
Deeply  religious,   Ferland   (the   French   Canadian 
historian)  describes  him  as  kneeling  upon  his  ar- 
rival at  Quebec,  with  all  his  suite,  at  the  foot  of 
a  Cross  on  the  roadside  and  invoking  the  protec- 
tion and  guidance  of  the  Almighty  in  his  future 
work.     He  rebuilt  Fort  St.  Louis  in  stone,  drew 
plans  of  streets  for  the  future  city  and  welcomed 
the  construction  by  the  Jesuits  of  a  College  on  the 
site  of  the  present  City  Hall. 

During  this  period  the  Chateau  was  not  a  very 



gay  or  bright  place.     The  last  days  of  De  Cbnn, 
P lam  and  the  twelve  years  of  De  Montmagny tv-" 
wL  diS  °'  ?""''  '=°"'™'  -  which  socety 
V'  acious    or     sparkling.        Mont.pal      ..i.^ 
ounded  at  this  time  under  influL     teli^Jj^ 
religious,  and  life,  both  there  and  at  th^cl^* 

observance.      Then   ensued   the   heroic    period   in  °'^  °^  ^'''"'^  ^'"•"da  and  a  Jro  onged 
death-grapple  with  the  Iroquois  I?„ll^^  ■. 
came  D-Ailleboust  de  CoulonTas  GovSoTLn 
de  Lauzon,   Vicomte  D'Argenson,  Baron  D'AvIu 

pohcy  and  determination,  proud  of  his  Churl 
.t.  authority  and  it.  missi' a'    Discord  L'^S 

tSr  I J  """'  "  °""'''^'-  °'  *'^«"'=h  -cobles  and 
their  ladies,  more  settlers  of  varied  classes    mnr„ 

tlr^n^'^l'  •"*"''^''  *•>«■'  sa^rs  irtl;  Go" 
the  iltle  '  "'•p.!?"^'''"  P-^ded  the  streets  of 
the  little  capital  side  by  side  with  black-robed 
Jesuits  or  gaily  attired  habitants. 

as   thl   Kin^  '"  !"  '^^^^2  ""d  ^^  Tracy 

subdue    the    Iroquois;     with    the    Jesuits    moving 




freely  amongst  the  Indians  and  pawing  up  and 
down  the  contment  and  around  the  great  lakes  in 
contmuous  succession;    with  French  influence  felt 

Irr/!i*K*''i'  °'  ^""'^  *°  t'"'  lU^oi".  and 
accentuated  by  the  presence  and  settlement  of  the 

Inf^H^'/^  ^''T'"'-^""'*'*^;  '^*'>  Talon  as 
Intendant,  wise,  far^eeing  and  patient-acting  the 

r^,-  //  ?'"*.°  """^  ''""King  the  colony  into 
en^r/  °/ P/"''"''*"'"  ""d  ProBperity-New  France 
entered  at  this  time  upon  its  golden  age,  and  was 
further  aided  and  kept  in  this  position  by  the 
Bemces  of  Comte  de  irrontenac  in  1672-82  and 

If  the  walls  of  the  old  Chateau  of  St.  Louis  could 
live  and  speak  their  tales  of  council  during 
period  the  result  would  hold  high  place  in  the 
pages  of  romantic  history.     De  Frontenac,  in  par- 

n  Ca'n' J  t  Vu"  ^T"""  ^'"«'«  ^epres^ntatfves 
m  Canada  after  Champlain,  was  essentially  a  pic- 
turesque figure.  Noble  by  birth,  dignified  and  yet 
vivacious,  free  m  his  mental  poise  to  the  point  of 
autocracy,  a  brave  soldier  and  excellent  miUtary 

of  an  extended  administrafcon.    During  it  he  cowed 

thPn,  T.T  ^^^  •""  "^'""'y  '^^^  ""d  placated 
them  with  his  personal  courtesy  and  bearing,  while 
encouraging  explorations  which  made  New  France 
a  force  from  the  far  north  to  the  southern  seas 
Incidentally  he  had  the  defects  of  his  quahtTes Td 
disagreed  with  the  Intendant  Duchesnay  while  his 
proud  disposition  ill  brooked  the  equally  proud  and 


King's  lieutcnan°ge„e,flTn  a''"''  ""^^'^  ""  ''«' 
high  military  repStS  '"/"""'^  ""d  with  a 
by  a  brilliant  staTandbv.  ^  "''•'ompanied 
anxious  to  share  in  the  w„l  T,''  °'  y"""*  ""Wes 
natural  grandeur  of  th«  '^'^'  *°  «««  the 

place  in'^the  advelt  JT""^;  ^f  *°  ''-''  ■» 
He  had,  also,  200  s^ldCanH  *'l'   ^"•'«™«'«- 

additional    r;gulL    orth«    ,        '°'°*^  ^^  '•'^ 
Sailifires.     GoreZs  in  ,.  !*"°^°*     Carignan- 

"d  flowing  ^rhV°a7rsta?r'  '"  "°'- 
on  June  30th  by  Bishon  H.  t  'T^T*  «'^^*'^ 
robes,  surrounded  by  priel  anT'^°  ^''  ''"'''y 
and  gentlemen.     DoL  ud^  u    t  °®"'''''  °®"«'« 
flooring  of  stone-HiT  ?      ^"  ''"^«  "^  the  bare 
knelt  fhe  bnllLnT^^    "     f  T  "''^''"^  ""^^ion- 
receive  the  bt^g  7Zc£l  f  '""^  «"°«  *° 
representative  in  America      ^W    ^'■'""  '*'  '''«''^«* 
scenes  in  those  davroTn'.l^  T  o^^"^  """"y  «"=b 
A  greater  and  more  1        ^  '^''"'*"'  '''"^  State. 
city  and  colony  dS  ^LT"'"*  'f  "^""^  '»  *be 



8ble  figures  of  the  whole  French  jMriod.     Though 
not  of  noble  birth  or  title,  he  was  King's  Councillor 
of  State  and  Privy  Councillor,  Intendant  of  Justice, 
Police  and  Finance  of  New  France,  of  the  Island 
of  Newfoundland,   Acadia  and  other  countries  in 
what   the   state   documents   quaintly   describe   as 
"North   France."      He  was  an  able  lieutenant  to 
Frontenac,  the  first  to  build  ships  in  the  colony, 
the  first  to  open  up  trade  with  the  West  Indies,  the 
first   to   build  a   brewery  in   North   America,   the 
first   ruler  who   developed   cod-fisheries  along  the 
St.    Lawrence.      He    encouraged    agriculture    and 
manufactures,  strove  earnestly  to  keep  the  great 
West  for  the  French  flag,  and  worked  to  that  end 
with   Frontenac   despite   the   commands   of   Louis 
XIV  to  concentrate  the  slim  forces  of  France  in 
America  and  to  hold  securely  what  they  had  in 
hand    rather   than    expand    loosely    over    a    con- 

Meanwhile,  population  had  been  growing  and 
social  conditions  changing.  This  golden  age  of 
Quebec  was  naturally  influenced  by  the  ambitions 
of  Louis  XIV  and  his  talented  minister,  Colbert, 
as  well  as  affected  by  the  brilliant  group  of  French- 
men in  local  control.  The  King  spent  money  freely 
to  colonize  this  great  country  and  in  doing  soproved 
himself  a  statesman  more  truly  than  in  some  of 
his  larger  and  more  famous  lines  of  European  policy. 
From  Normandy  and  Pictou  in  the  main,  and  also 
from  Brittany,  Picardy  and  Paris  itself,  came  ship- 
loads of  emigrants— 1,200  girls  being  sent  out  be- 



Riviere  du  loup 



tween   1665-70  a«   -.v.r.lin?  gifts  to   the   .settlers 

somewhat  the  half  monastic,  half  military  aspect 

2th  its  TLr"""  °'  ^"^^^"  "^  '*  grew' tSy 
with  Its  Ursuhne  convent,  founded  in  1639  bv 
M^re  Mane  de  I'lncamation,  its  Hotel  D^u  Z 
Chateau  and  fort,  its  Jesuit  college  and  hu'rch 
.ts  Lava  Seminary  and  Court  House  and  prS 
homes,  >ts  one  tavern  which  stood  oa  the  He  Ih  ! 
S  .*^«"''  «'  -hat  is  now  St.  Lou^s  Street' 
Here  m   Upper   Town   lived   the  priests    officers 

was  the  traH  Tf^'-    ^^'°-  *'"«  Promontory 

was  the  tradmg  part  of  what  was  at  once  a  fortress 

Low  °^^°''  f"''  "  P''"'^^'  settlement.  In  S 
Lower  Town  Jived  the  workmen  and  sett  e^ 
and  traders  of  various  kind,  and  from  here  th^ 

Ss  thet  .'  ^,f '"  """^  *™PP«^«  ''"d  voya- 
geurs,  the  men  who  followed  in  the  wake  of  or  accom 

pan.ed  priests  and  explorers  over  the  vast  expanses 

of  a  continent;    here  gathered   along  the  shores 

spoils   for   bargaimng   and   trade   or,    perhaos     in 

ways  and  means  of  defeating  their  foes;  here 
when  the  occasional  ship  came  in,  there  gathered 
he  whole  settlement  while  the  King's  representa-,  accompanied  by  Intendant  and  Bishop  went 
aboard  to  welcome  the  arrivals  and  hear  n;w?o 



sometimes  great  import  to  the  welfare  of  the  town 
and  perchance  to  the  future  of  a  continent. 

B^TonL  I'^V"""  '"'°'"^  administration  of 
Ue  Frontenac  the  fort  on  the  Rock  of  Quebec 
^w  an  unhappy  period  of  Indian  warfare  und 

when  thel!""  '""^  !'"  ^'"^'^'^  "'  ^'--vill 
wlien  the  colony  was  plunged  from  a  high  nosition 

and  almost  despair.      De  Frontenac  was  sent  to 

much  of  the  prestige  of  French  Canada  before  death 
came  to  h:m  in  1698  and  ended  a  career  wS 

many  devoted  friends  and  placed  the  Fort  ofT 
I^ms,  durmg  his  administration,  a.  high  above  any 
other  center  of  government  upon  the  continent  as 
It  was  m  a  natural  sense  above  the  splendid  rle 
and  scenery  which  it  overlooked.     Following  F  on 
S  th™'  '  '?.•""""  "'  ^'"^''^  ""Wes  bringing 

tTe  evS  o^  V        t''"'  °^  '^'  «°°''  ""'^  something  o? 
the  evil  of  French  court  life-Chevalier  de  Calli^res 

vandreml,  Charles  Marquis  de  Beauharnois,  the 
Marquis  de  la  Jonqui^re,  the  Marquis  de  Duqiesne 
de  MemienviUe,  the  Marquis  de  Vaudreuil-CavaZT 
It  was  an  age  of  brilliant  uniforms,  bright  Cos- 
tumes, wigs  of  flowing  and  picturesque  locks  So  - 
diers  were  on  guard  day  and  night,  officers  clanked 
the.  swords  at  dance  and  carl-games  and  varS 
amusements,  priests  in  somber  black,  or  ecclesias 
ties  m  rich  robes  of  state,  came  and  went       With" 



cwirtL'tLr  :r'^"^''  *'°°^"-*-  -^^  the 
Of  the  Kin«.~  rti:s^re';KaV'^  """-^ 

cr-rhXr''^^-^^^^^  -- ^;^! 

the  beauty,  grace  amri"-''  ?!,*'^  '«««'«»*  ^om 
tainebleau  ^r  VeLXt       f"!'''  ".''"™  "^  ^°"- 
the  historian  said  of  in;,-  I        ^^■'^'''  Charlevoix 
Quebec  with  H     current  in"",'f"'''  "'  ^^^0  that 
a  very  interest  ng™/"!"*'""  "'  '■"««  ^^^ 
military  officers  and  nob  es    with^TV'T^";'''  "' 
suited  to  the  adventurou    tlte    of  th"  "^^  ^'" 
occasional  Indian  struggles  we,,  fi/t.!?/T'''  """^ 
mg  characteristics  of  men  blrn  and  K   ".  '^'  ^«'>*- 
tions  of  European  warfare      A/fh.    !!'''  •", ''°°'''- 
't:    "The  English  know  bettef how  t"'"  P"* 
wealth,  but  we  alone  „r^  .  *°  accumulate 

agreeable  way  oSplZgIt' ''"'"'''  '^'^'^  *•"«  --* 

ipptdrvauS:s:,'^:/,;^-/«  ^f^--  ^''"- 

in  the  R6ccMet  chaDel  T^  T  '"'^  ""^  ''""cd 
qui^re  also  died  in  oL  J  ^"'"^"'^  '^^  '"^  J""" 
same  old  church-the  rl  '  T  ''""«'»  '"  the 
wards  transfer  ed  to  7kTZ  r  ^"  ''^'"«  ^"- 
Church.  De  M^sv  «l  J  ^  ?  "^  ""^  Seminary 
its  founder  Chamlifand  t  ^°/^'  '''*^'  "«  ^id 
Acting  at  times  durwTK         ''''''"''"''  Montcalm. 

administrator  or  Seniir"™'  ^'"''-"''^  - 
picturesque  figures-C  I^d  f  r"''  ^^^«  "t^er 
Le   Moyne,   Ba^n  de  W        -   ''"^^'   ^''"'•''' 

de  la  Gallissonni^re      The  faJn    "h'  *'^  ^"""^^ 
ine  last  named  endeavored, 



unsuccessfully,  to  plant  10,000  French  colonists 
along  the  line  of  the  Alleghanies  in  order  to  check 
the  advance  of  the  English,  and  in  1750  sent 
Celeron  de  Bienville  to  mark  the  boundaries  of 
*rench  and  English  possessions  down  through  the 
heart  of  the  United  States  of  today.  Metal  plates 
bearing  the  arms  of  France  were  affixed  to  trees 
at  certain  intervals,  and  at  the  foot  of  each  tree 
was  buried  another  plate-inscribed  with  a  procla- 
mation of  ownership.  This  line  was  drawn  all 
around  the  valley  of  the  Ohio  up  to  the  Alleghanies. 
With  La  Jonqui^re  in  control  (1749-52)  began  the 
corruption  which  was  to  eat  into  the  vitals  of  New 
France,  defeat  the  ambition  and  genius  of  Mont- 
calm and  help  to  transfer  the  northern  part  of  the 
continent  to  the  dominance  of  the  British  Crown 

Of  society  and  Ufe  in  Quebec  during  the  closing 
years  of  French  rule,  Franjois  Bigot,  Intendant  of 
the  King,  was  a  conspicuous  and  malevolent  figure 
Somewhat  commonplace  in  appearance,  brave 
enough,  in  a  physical  sense,  skillful  in  the  un- 
scrupulous accumulation  of  money,  fond  of  pleas- 
ure in  its  more  degrading  forms  as  well  as  of  the 
lighter,  brighter  social  life  of  the  times,  he  came 
to  New  France  (Louisbourg)  in  1739  after  a  career 
of  lucrative  character  in  Paris.  Six  years  after- 
wards he  returned  to  France  with  charges  of  mis- 
appropriating public  moneys  hanging  over  his 
head.  In  1748,  however,  he  secured  the  post  of 
Intendant  at  Quebec  and  there  developed  a  system 
of  speculation   and  what  we  would  call   "graft" 



Which  WM  monumental  in  character,  picturesque 
m  .te  avish  expenditure  upon  his  "palace,"  his 
entertainments,  his  pleasures;  dreary  and  cr^el  in 
ts  squeezing  f  taxes  out  of  the  p7ople;  elabo  a  ° 
m  Its  svnndhng  of  soldiers  and  the  government 

food  withheld  from  the  starving  masses  and  in  it 
crippling  of  Montcalm's  military  efforts 

After'  thT'  ^"^^  T  r"""""^  ^"'"K  *°  *•>«  "ime. 
After  the  conquest  he  was  tried  in  Paris  (1763) 
found  gjiUty  and  condemned  to  be  taken  to  the 
principal  gate  of  the  Tuileries  by  the  public  execu! 
t.oner  ma  tumbril  with  a  rope  about  hi  neck 
and  bearing  in  his  hand  a  lighted  torch  of  yXt 
wax  two  pounds  in  weight.  On  his  chest  and  on 
h  s  back  were  to  be  placed  placards  with  this  in" 

Th  ef  "  Md  th  ^T  .^'^-rt-tor-Perfidious 
h„,  i  *  And  there,  kneeling,  bareheaded  and  with 
bare  feet  dad  only  in  his  shirt,  "he  shall  decTare 
ma  loud  and  intelligible  voic;  that  during  h 
administration  of  New  France,  in  peace  and  in 
ZL"  «  ^«7  8U.Ity  of  frauds,  extortions  and 
lilLm-n-  ^%'"«P'''''l'le  harm  was  done. 
All  the  mil  ions  of  francs  which  were  restored  to 
the  French  treasury  by  himself  and  his  accomplice! 
Cadet  and  P^an,  could  not  give  back  to  France  Hs 

EtfaSr  ■  ^"  "'^^^  --'^'  **^  -*  ^^ 

With  the  coming  of  Montcalm  in  1756  had 
commenced  the  Seven  Years'  War,  in  which  England 
and  Prussia  stood  against  France  and  Austria  and 



Russia,  and  various  lesser  states,  while  fierce  battles 
were  fought  in  America,  in  India  and  on  the  sea 
At   Louisbourg  and   Quebec,  as  on  the  plains   of 
Hindustan,    England   was   victorious.      The   weak 
character  of  Louis  XVI  and  the  growing  abuses 
of  government  m  France  affected  conditions  at  the 
Jiuropean  seat  of  French  power  as  did  the  cor- 
ruption and  weakness  of  Bigot  at  the  seat  of  author- 
ity in  America.     Failure  was  not  the  fault  of  the 
military  leaders  in  New  France.     With  Montcalm 
were  the  Marquis  de  Uvis,  the  Comte  de  Bougain- 
ville, General  de  Bouriamaque  aid  others  worthy 
of  the  great  question  of  national  power  which  was 
at  issue.     Corruption  was  the  present  cause  with, 
back  of  that  an  a  primary  reason,  the  lack  of  popula-  ' 
tion  and  financial   resources.      The  result  of  the 
centunes-old  duel  between  France  and  England  in 
Amenca  was  at  last  settled  on  the  Plains  of  Abra- 
ham and  in  1763  Quebec  ceased  to  be  the  capital 
of  a  vague,  vast,  intangible  New  France  and  became 
for  a  time  one  of  the  outposts  of  British  military 
power.      Through   all   these  years  it   had   been  a 
center  of  hfe  and  strife,  of  hope  and  fear,  of  religion 
and  war.   It  had  passed  through  the    tremendous 
difliculties  of  pioneer  settlement;    it  had  survived 
t^e  prolonged  agony  of  Iroquois  days;  it  had  passed 
through     the    siege    and    capture     by     Admiral 
Kirke  m  1629,  through  the  siege  by  Sir  William 
Phips  m  1690;    it  had  endured  the  attack  of  1759 
and  that  of  De  Uvis  in  the  succeeding  year;    it 
faced   the    desperate    effort    of   Montgomery    and 

ra  M'' 


™t.on-  ..,1  „  .bi.„  ot  iJSZll,Mh?T 

try  with  r«n  rI  .        ^*''*  lumbering  indus- 

of  the'^t.  Chli;°  h    seaUnT  R  \*  ^^  ""'"*'' 






present  home  of  a  most  important  boot  and  shoe 

1  Se',  m""*"1"1''*'  °'  *'"'  modern  cit^ 
m!  •  I  /i!  J^"'*""^"*'  *''«  Wolfe-Montcalm  M^ 
morial.  the  Champlain  Monument  and  a  MemoS 
of  Queen  Victoria.     Outside  of  the  city  are  wt 

St.  Charles  and  Lairet,  of  Murray  and   r)»  t^  • 

nificance.      With   what  history  and  life    sufferin; 

gatesi^Pre's'l^K  "'"'  ~-.  wS'th2"2 
gatcs-Prescott,   Hope,   St.   John   and  the  like 
reple  e,     what  castigation  will  the  unknoi^  nat^: 
of   those   responsible   for   their   entire   r^ovaT- 
changes  were  no  doubt  necessary-receive  fTJiK 
ever  growing  number  of  those  who TvrmeZri?!: 
of  the  past;    who  base  their  patriotism  in  some 
measure   upon   the   visible   tokens   of    "hat    Z 
who  feel  a  curious  fascination  in  seeing  things' 
dfferent  to  the  newness  and  swiftness  and  cha^.:: 
of  modern  construction  and  modern  taste.  * 

The  commercial  age  has  come  upon  the  citv 
S  reet  cars  and  trade  dislike  narrow  gates  and  thev 
had  to  go;   modern  buildings  require  space  and   ^ 


F^mo^ac  and  Ctadel,  Quebec 







river   an/St    hi  J"  7"^/'"'"  °'  -""^ 
beautiful   valleys   nml   ni  *  ""^    ''■'"^"    »«"' 

ferin  Terrace    one  of  th^   «'""?""   ^'"'"'^■»-      »"'- 
world,   and    U,e   n,  .  r""*  P™'»«'"«1<"'  '"  the 

world.;  rrit"ro.'e!i:''L::Tir;ru?^  °',  *^? 

he  ancient  chateaux  and  loveL    ,   r^d  fiT  ^ 

ground  and  erected  th,  ^°""  ^d'^^rt  cleared  the 
the  cliff  in  ZZdtJlL^'^S''  'T  """" 
Hall  stands  where  the  Jesui    CoH^        '    *•"  ^"^ 

famous  offic  s  JL  L  it/"'"  !f  ^"*'»''  ^"^^^  had 



R.  H.  the  Duke  of  Kent  lived  in  1791-93   tZ\u 
luKtns  oi  an  olden  dav.      Thp  ri..,,„i,     *  »t  . 

Lr  .rrva?  oTr  ;r  ir  r  j 

t  e  eh      h_the  plural  style  waflu  Je"d  t'^SU 

Walke  tj"r''*'i"r   '^   ^''">'-'   Hovendei 
the  nfll  .       abandoned-fitood  in  early  days 

xecu   o°nT  uTed  fu"  '""^  ^''""«'  *'>''  ^-^oW  '» 
da    s  from  Tel  *°  ''?  «'^^*«d.      The  church  itself 

inZeSlS  The'firf'f  r^^^"^  ''^ 
the^Cul-de-Sac  and  was  destroyed  at  the  siege  of 

Champlain  Street  extends  from  the  base  of  Cape 

QUEBEC  107 

Dmmond  where  it  touches  the  market  place 
stiU  noted  for  its  Saturday  sale  of  productVbv 
Mnis.  to  the  city  limits  and  includes  the  one- 
time business  center  of  the  town,  the  old  Guard 
House  and  the  remains  of  the  anci;nt  inner  harbor 

from"o  K  ""^  *'"'  Charlesbourg  Road,  norSr 
from  Quebec,  are  to  be  seen  the  remains  of  wh!t 
IS  popularly  called  Chateau  Bigot.     Tradition  ha, 

taks  of  love  and  cruelty  fitting  to  the  life  of  In- 
tendant  Bigot,  but  the  facts  appear  to  be  that 
■t  was  built  by  Intendant  Bdgon   (1712-26)   who 

Ze'  ;,'  1!*"'^*  ™''"  '"  both 'character  Ind 
fame  Elsewhere  ir.  the  city  there  are  varied 
quamt  and  tortuous  streets  peeping  out  of  mod  n 
thoroughfares  and  reminding  the  casual  visitor  thlt 
Europe  once  held  a  vivid  place  in  the  making  of 
American  history.  Nooks  and  squares  and  road- 
ways houses  and  churches  have,  in  a  sudden  and 
surprising  way,  tales  to  tell  of  the  stirring  past 

future.  Some  of  them  were  taught  in  that  splen- 
did demonstration  of  national  unity  and  inter- 
national friendship  which  marked,  L  1908  the 
four-hundredth  anniversary  of  Champlain's  memor! 
able  action  in  fou,"ding  a  settlement  on  the  Rock 
of  Quebec  which  would  forward  French  power  J 
the  New  World  and  advance  Christianity  among  t 




Montcalm,  Wo...  ,,„  ,„,  j.,^,^^  ^^ 

a^e  everywhere  L    he  City  oJ  O  T*°'^  "'  '^'''''''*' 
ture  teems  with  studies  of  tl^"'!'     ^*'  "*'''•''- 
of  the  leaders-    it»  „!*  ^  .•      ^  *''*"*  ^nd  stories 
French,  isTnfliencecf  bvth""'  "'!!*''*'  ^"«'-h  " 
death,  by  the"  oint  mi^    ^  '1'°''''  "^^  ^''^  double 

Casgram,  Doughty  WnnH  i  ^'  Haddington, 
historian  haye  vied  SnS.lT''  """"^  """t^er 
descriptions.  Eyerywhl/e  J^  "*"  """'^^^^  ""d 
the  great  event.  WoUetLZr"'  """^  '°^'"^  °^ 
until  1832,  when  I  nrH  i   i  *"'''  "'"«  »°t  honored 

erected  a  4Te  tottlTo^'lf  ""t  ^°^^--- 
Mde  the  city-where  ^Tr  ,  'P°t-iust  out- 
the  monument  o^ti  wS  """'"''  ""''  -»■-« 
gamson  of  Quebec  in  l^Q  ""^  '''"^'^  ^y  t^e 
the  Stc.  Foy  Road "tlnd  t^?5  Zt  T'"'  ^'-« 
bronze  bearing  an  inscnnt.nn  i  k*  ""'"""n  "^  «uted 
captains  of  the  wlr-th  *  n  °"°'  "'  ^""^  "^^^^ 

Battle  of  Ste.  For    "  AuVr^''^'''"''"-'  '"  *"« 
par  la  Sod««  St   Jean  pL   *    ^'  ''''  ^^eO-Krig^ 
•  ''^*°  BaptLste  de  Quebec  1860  " 




name  of  Murray?  on  tie  sTe  F  "T  ^"*'''°  *»>« 
name  of  Uvis  above  th»-^  '"^^  "PP*""  t^e 
The  Wolfe-MontcZ  MeS"  ^^  ?''.  ^"'°-- 
entrance  to  the  Go^erS  pI'm'  *"''  "*  *''° 
"nder  the  admini.trro„  of  Lord  n"^'''''  "''=*^'^ 
«ith  an  afterwards  f«m  fo™  Dalhousie  1827) 
Charlton  FUheT:  ">«cription  pen.  4  by 

Valom.  gave  them  a  common  death, 

History  a  common  fame 
And  posterity  a  common  monument. 

with  greater  forces  a„TS'„^,,:  Z/V*™*"^'^ 
was  holding  the  eates  „t   tT  °  '"^  «"^. 

middle  west  the  Kch  hlS'lT"''  ""'  '»  ^''^ 
Lake  country  and  nf  n!^  had  lost  control  of  the 

the  Indians  "w£  oi  TZS:'!."''^''.  '""°"'^* 
fallen,  and  at  the  heart  nf!.°"''''°"''8  '"^d 
and  Montreal    Bkntt  ^!''^'''»8'  i"  Quebec 

the  vitals  of  powe'r  Fran"''*""'  r  ^''""«  '"*<> 
Europe  and  could  riv„  r*?,  '^'^  ^""^  P'«««ed  in 
domiLnt  upon  the  seaT.r'''   E"8">»d  was 

French  Can^In^w  r  Vtti  l'?'r  T  '"''^ 
with   3,000  000    Fn^;  K       ,     •     °*'  death-grapple 

might  ofEnZd'"'  ''°'°°"*^  ''-k«<l  by  The 
aa^VZ;^^,^:^^^ were  somewhat 
-  -««ion,  in  position.*^    ^^s" jtZ'V'^MZ' 



racy    and  member  of    „T    •,     !  ^""^""^  ""^too- 

that  "wa^r  i/the  tomb  o  tt  M  f  ^''*  ''*''*^'"«"* 
Wolfe,  though  the  s"„  o/«n  ^°°*'""'"'-"  '''""«« 
a  family  of  any  IZ°!,       °^'"'-  """''^  °°t  boast 

was  aecLomeTto  r  fo  Tclr "  '"'"*•'»"" 
the  field;  Wolfe  showed  t  "l  adTan^'  "'"  "^  °' 
monial  or  on  social  occasion  and  mI7  *'.'"  "'''■ 
mistakes  that  the  Dukl^fNer  ?>'"'''  '""""" 
in  the  presence  of  the  K  ng  ha^S  "  °""'  ^"'^ 
was  "a  mad  fool."     ■•  If  L  if  jT  ^  f.  "'"^  «''°^™' 

Wolfe  was  uglv   s,.ffpr.H        ^.      mhented  position; 


Both  were  brave  tlskitoffi?  '™'"  ^"^''''^• 
soldiers.     Both  had  alpp»^  •  ""'  «*P«rienced 

American  aoH  '^  ''°''  ^'«"'''  ^''^"ries  on 

The  actual  battle  was  a  brief  one      Th» 
was    about    where    the    w„if     ,,  ^°®  ^^^^ 

today,  though  itTnc  uded  m  Monument  stands 
than  of  what  is  ZpulartZ'  *'"  r""""  "^^ 
Abraham-called  aftorAK  .  "  "'  **•"  ^'"»«  °f 
Pilot  who  intaiyXs  twnT  ""r'"'  "  Q^''- 
the  land.  The  operation, 7  J  "  '"'«*  P^^''"'  "f 
xne  operations  leading  up  to  the  conflict, 



Z^'onlvIrT'  "  '''''''  "«"  °f  '""d  and  river 
included  o„?oVr;  ^tT'  °"   ^"^  ^'«""''  ^'l" 

of  French  mS"    h„  T'.  '"''  """*"*'''»  «"PPort 

tain  allies  and  ve"  y^'?;'!"!  ""^  -"«  "-er- 
leader,  some  French  mar^i  /  ""*'*"""  °'  ^^'" 
in  the  Richelieu  durin?r  "'"  ^''''"  "'''>°««1 
were  abouru  oi  2  *'''' j'^^^'     A'*°eether  there 

mander-n  ch  ef  T  T  "  ^°"*'='""  ''«  «»'»- 
more  numert  \haf  horoT  W  7' '"'  *''°"«'' 
in  their  qualifications  and  varL^^'ll"^^^  ""-^d 

the  regu-ars  and  colonial  loS^did  "fir"' 
work  well  together-  whil»  "*"  ^^"*  »°t  always 
commander    wis    th«    .      ♦      "'  *''"'"   ""^   their 

undisciplined  rnity^thTS  adl"  w"^^'  ''' 
the  Govemor-De  VaudremT  f '"""?*'-''*i°°  of 
every  direction,  also    w^  the  Hi  '"   '" 

immense  difficutfs  created  bvh'*'""'''"""'  '^'^ 
Bigot  and  his  satellites  '^  *'"'  """"P*'""  «' 

Wolfe  was  more  fortunate.      The  British  fleet 




anchored  m  or    sailing     up  and  down  the  great 
nver  m  front  of  tlie  Hock  of  Quebec,  had  9  000 
trained  troops  aboard,  though  of  these  only  5,000 
took  part  m  the  ultimate  struggle.      This  latter 
portion  of  the  army  included  the  Fifteenth  Reiri- 
ment,    now    the    East    Yorkshires;     the    Twenty- 
eighth,    now   the    First    Gloucesters;     the    Thirty- 
Mth,  an  Insh  regiment  now  called  the  First  Royal 
Sussex;    the  Forty-third,  afterwards  famous  in  the 
Pemnsula   campaign;    thp   Forty-seventh   or   First 
Loyal    North    Lancashires;     the    Forty-eighth    or 
I'lrst  Northamptonshires;   the  Seventy-eighth  Fra- 
sers    now   the  Second   Seaforth  Highlanders,  and 
the  Louisbourg  Grenadiers.      The  fleet  itself  was 
a  powerful  part  of  the  British  navy  and  included 
su  men-of-war,  nine  frigates  and  sixty  transports. 
It  neutralized  to  a  considerable  degree  Montcalm's 
possession  of  the  strategical  spot  in  the  struggle 

On  the  26th  of  June,  1759,  the  fleet  anchored 
off  the  Isle  d  Orleans  and  on  the  following  day  the 
troops  were  camping  on  the  upper  portion  of  the 
island.  French  engineers  had  already  commenced 
fortifying  the  Beauport  shore,  opposite,  from  the 
River  St.  Charles  to  the  Falls  of  Montmorenci. 
Montcalm  had  come  up  from  Montreal  to  direct 
the  French  campaign,  and  on  his  arrival  had  at 
once  pressed  forward  this  work  of  strengthening 
the  defences  at  the  mouth  of  the  St.  Charles  and 
along  the  shore  below  the  city,  while  batteries  and 
barricades  were  set  up  in  the  Lower  Town  of  Quebec 
and   guns    placed    wherever    possible.      Fire-ships 


dr/JutSn.  "  "'■?^"'  '"^*--  of  I'o  Vau- 
c'ost  a  mm!orC;:n7'"°^''''"*''''''»-  They 
When  let  loose  'jZ^^^Z^'^l^^^^^l  '"''^ 
pation  of  Pointe  I^vf..  ^        "*  British  occu- 

bombardment  of  Q^ebec''°reee:^'  k"  •'°"*'""°- 
of  troops  at  Montmorene'    A  l^^rn  f  ?[  "  ''*"'''"« 
out  serious  action  and  tLn       «  \.  '''"°^"''  ^ith- 
Montmorenci   in   whkh   th«   R  5\'  '°°^  P''"=«  "' 
checked;  the  LoweTTown  .A  ^"'"n\'"*^'""'«   ^as 
by  shells  from  L^    ^"i     ''"«*  '""^  '^''^  •'"">«d 
British  position  afthe  Fall        ^'P"""''^'  ^d  the 
a  detachment  went  uo  it      ""''  "^^"^'^^^  while 
Of  Quebee  and  iared^ ^y--:  '''  "^'^  «'c,e 

and*dXr  a";t  5^  ""4 ^^^^  ^-"^^'-t 
''onfide  to  his  brigadTers  tT  f '".^  ''^  '^''^  »»» 
Murray  and  CarleTon ""re  a^l T  ",''  ^°'""'*°»' 
resource,  but  he  conceived  ht  enf  """"^^  ""•! 
hazardous  for  any  but  r  ,"  ^^^P''^«  to  be  too 
for  some  days  been  ul-rT"'.""""*'""-  »«  bad 
and  beyond'^^ap  Bou^to  I  °M  """^  ""''^  ""ove 
the  French  commander    ^°^'""^'^'''  Bougainville, 

and  who  could  rSoihi^g^ofTh^r'^''""^  '""'^ 
which  included  camnin^  an  I       u    !  """^"ments- 
up  the  river  in  shZaSt   "o/^'^^  ""^  ^^'-<^ 
however,  instead  of  actuluv  ..n    ^^^^'"•'er  12th, 
the  troops  under  Caretoi  r^     'L'"*"  '^'  '^'^^ 
and  the  ships  passed  on   ?„mT!''  '"  **"«  •'"ats 
ville  on  land'toTrdt  plteTu^Tr"  ""m  ^•'"«'''"- 
twenty  miles  from  Quebec      M    ^'t'?j'''«^-about 
8  ^^''*''-     Meanwhile  the  L^vis 




batteries  commenced  a  severe  cannonade  of  Quebec 
and  Admiral  Saunders  threatened  a  descent  at 
Beauport.  Carleton  carried  his  men  in  boats 
down  the  river,  unseen  by  the  French,  and  landed 
on  the  opposite  or  outh  shore,  to  be  ready  should 
Wolfe  succeed  in  climbing  the  Heights. 

There  is  no  need  to  describe  the  battle  in  detail 
At  the  Cove,  now  called  after  him,  and  situated 
about   two   miles   above  Quebec,  Wolfe   succeeded 
in  landmg  and  in  climbing  the  steep  cliff  despite 
unknown  dangers  in  men  and  guns,  the  difficulties 
of  scahng  heights  in  utter  darkness,  the  responsibility 
for  the  hves  of  thousands  dependent  upon  absolute 
silence  and  upon  the  result  being  a  surprise  to  the 
enemy.     Wolfe  had,  indeed,  almost  given  up  hope 
of  finding  a  place  in  this  long  line  of  towering  crags 
where   his    men   could   make   even   an   attempted 
ascent.      Finally,   by  chance,   he  had  noticed  with 
his  glass  a  slight  marking  amid  the  bushes  and 
trees  of  the  cliff  which  might  indicate  a  pathway 
and  on  closer  examination  it  was  found  to  be  the 
dry,   almost  precipitous  course   of  a  little  stream 
called  the  Foulon.     It  was  at  least  an  opportunity 
and  at  this  point  De  Vaudreuil  came  in  again  as 
being,  with  Bigot,  the  twin  evil  spirit  of  New  France's 
last  days. 

Just  above  the  lofty  cliffs  there  were  known  to 
be  troops  on  guard  despite  the  fact  that  Montcalm 
deemed  them  inaccessible.  The  latter,  however 
felt  the  curious  movements  of  the  British  troops 
to   be  dangerous   and   twice   had   despatched   his 


with  hi»  superior  authority  nnrf  h       i        ^°^*™<"'. 

soned  troops  others  of  .iLut,  P'"""  °'  "»«- 

«"«picion    of   either    cZpt'ln*''''"'^""''^' 
enemy,  or  cowardi,..  n^7^^     trafficltmg    with    the 

The  r^'sult  Zt  'h?  'a;brkto,?  f  7'^°"'- 
the  Rubicon  of  his  hooes  h»H  W°  '«  had  passed 
less  troops  at  the  top  ^Ih^  .•^"'"''"f  "*  *'"'  ""«" 
3.000  men-aftemards.nV  J  "'"'  ''*°°''  '''"' 
Plains  of  Abraham  ""'  *°  ^-OOO-upon  the 

wS  etrtrx:^:L%i^te^°!:f\""-  -- 

the  formation  was  sat    a    o ;    .Td   ..'l'' r""''''' 
was  passinir  im  AnH  a  .'       ^   *he   Genera 

withholding  of'fi",:'„Jr"'f''f  """'"ess  and  the 

enemy.      Mean^h  rSonTlt  S  """  °'  *"" 
haste  from  the  St.  Charies   Jh™  h  ""'   "^   '» 

watching  the  mancTv^es  of^t  T  '"^'""'y 

to  find  the  British  r„r  ^^^^^^  ««et,  only 

proach  to  the  cHv  Sa-r''"'"  °'  ''''  ^-"'"^t  ''•^ 
guns  below  and  on  eve^Xrh.  "''""^  *°  '""^ 
of  9,000  might  be  fare  tlf    *'^*.''"'''«  '"an  of  a  total 

An  immediat  attack  by  Z::;*','"  """*  ''«'«--• 
and  at  ten  o'clock  hp  In  .'"'"^  ""^  necessary 

men  to  meet  tte  BrH  sh  T  h  "!f  f  °"*  ^''^ 
with  his  2,000  men  mi.M  T''  B°"eainville 



The  conflict  waa  short,  .harp,  decisive.  The 
troops  of  Montcalm  advanced  to  the  charge  Sh 
the  French   Canadians  throwing  themselves  to^e 

t?"re  T  "'^  ^'"''^""'"'"'t''  afte'  the  first  order 
to   fire       Temporary  delay  and  disorder  followed 

Tth^  ^/T'*"'  ""*  ''*''"«  "^customed  toTws 
method  but  the  advauce  then  continued  untU 
wuhm  for^y  paces  of  the  enemy  when  Wolfe  gave 

French  Imes  with  fearful  effect-followed  by  a 
wo"<£  wSHell  '°  "f  ■">-•  As  he  uttered  ^th^ 
t?tt,T  /  l.'"*""^  "'"""^^'^  ""d  ^'"'  carried 
to  the  rear  to  d.e.  Montcalm,  meanwhile,  was 
tnnng  to  '  .lly  his  men  from  that  close-ranged  ;oney 
of  shot  but  m  the  effort  was  himself  fatallylound  d 

On  the  Bntish  side  Monckton  and  Carleton  were 
wounded   while   General   Townshend    (yea«   after! 

r"?;ldT'  "  ""T"'^^  "-•"""'l  command  td 
reformed  his  men  who  were  pursiing  the  French 
to  the  gates  of  Quebec.     He  was  just  in  tfme  to 
repulse  De  Bougainville  who  had  arrived  to"  a  e 
to  save  his  cause,  too  late  to  affect  the  result- Jter 
wasting  precious  hours  in  storming  a  stone  house 
occupied   by  the  British  at  SiUery      As  ^th  De 
Grouchy  at  Waterioo,  a  little  moTe  haste,  TrskS 
or  luck,  might  have  changed  the  fate  of  ai  empi  1 
MeanwhHe  Wolfe  was  dying  in  the  arms  of  hTs 
officers.      He  had  himself  directed  the  charge  in 



Wolfe  at  once  gave  orders  for  the  St   rh„,i   T  .. 
to  be  seized  and  the  retreat  cut  off  ^urntf  o^  h*?' 


there  toM  Tat  he  had  f°r'  '''"^'^  ^"'««°°'  ""d 
much  the  bette?"  wi  th  ""^  "  ''"^  *°  '■"«•  "8° 
live  to  see  the  F  Ti,  '""P""'"-  "^  «ha"  not 
uve  to  see  the  English  masters  of  Quebec  "  H» 
then  dictated  a  letter  to  n»  v    j  '■*'t,''-       «e 



other  than  thonn  nf  ,..„■    .•■     ,  ""  '"*"  no  «ounda 
air  from  Br  tirartiiLrT"  tl    "'"'""^  *'''°"«''  ^^e 

excavation  torn  outT  .h„  fl  •^T"    '"   ■"» 

Britiah  bombshell       sth  Utr  "'  "",  "*'  " 
end  of  the  man  who  h»H  h  »PP"ently  ,ad 

Pru:  I.  .  .  "°*"  commanders  dead    aith 

'r  o/r:!;;  '':rreb"^  *';^  «;•<»  a^;;;:; 

defenders   nttlJi      T-       ^     ''*"  '***'f  shattered,  itn 

"  "■"«  ™ttle  had  been  about  600-   that  nf  ♦!,„ 
French   about   800       l?i„«   j         ,       '  °^  *"* 


closely  bv  thr  FrLI  .     *''*  "'y-  preyed 

flOOOn,  ■  J.     ^  commander,  who  had  about 

»,000  men,  mcluding  a  number  of  Indians      pl      1 

""z  TCI-  r?"  »«*•  .s 

After  a  ueZioro  fi!r'""'''"'*"'''°"«  P°"«°"- 
and  retreats  hTLd  f  *  !'  '»'"'»"^'««.  advances 
lo«s  of  S  i:„'"'l  °  '^/."™  *°  t''"  eity  with  a 

being  at  WoIfeCVeH  '  Z  u  ""*""  °'  *•>«  ''""'e 
now  stands       T.,    I       1'  "'''"'  *•>«  Q"«bee  Gaol 

involved  wnere  Do  L6vis  was 




batteries  against  the  already  enfeebled  garrison  and 
walls  With  a  lesult  dependent  upon  the  first  arrival 

the  probable  fall  of  the  fortress;  a  British  frigate-  amved  on  May  9th  with  two  others  on  the 
15th-wouId  and  did  mean  the  saving  of  the  city. 
Ihe  siege  was  raised  on  the  17th  and  De  L«via 
retired  to  Montreal.  British  forces  under  Murray 
Haldimand  and  Amherst  converged  upon  that 
center    where,  on    September   8th,    De    Vaudreuil 

Zr   t*"!!  f^ "'"'  "'*''  '*  **■«  p°-ti-  of 

was  th„  f  }  '^'"'"'"-  ""  ^''^'  P^S^  '"  history 
was  thus  closed;  a  new  one  was  turned  over  which 
involved  much  that  was  interesting  and  important 
but  could  not  possibly  equal  the  picturesque 
strikmg  and  romantic  characteristics  of  New  f-an'^e 
fighting  for  life  in  a  new  world  during  a  century 
and  a  half  of  struggle.  ' 

f  <l 

11  n 

Stene  on  the  S«uenay  R, 

»er.  Quebec 



MONTBEAL-TH,   Seat  of  AN  Anc.nt 


alone  due  to  the  fai-f  th  t  ^t^action  is  not 

very  old  and  narrow   or  1""'  f  ''''  ^*'«^*«  "« 
pointed  out  a  build^^  whn   T-l  ^""^  ""'^  *''«'«  « 
archHecturetndSe  hirtnri    ""'•  ^""^  "»''  «»"«' 
in  it  now  center  thee 'no  "?T"f°°''  °'  »'«<=«"«« 
greatest    transpV^trfntrr'  ^T'"  "H'  ''' 
have  their  place,  of  course,  al  have  thelrr    '^""^ 
looking  ecelesiasti<-al  o„^     j        .         "'^''y  severe- 
handsome  chu^h  f  the  soLnTn 'r'  ^'^'«"'«'  *•>« 
soUd  character  thin  the  flfmsv  f     ^'^  °'  "  '»°"' 
of  modern  fancy  thlohu   T'   f"*'^*'''  structures 
water  which  appear  at  irri       °' '"*''""' ^''^  """1 
from  the  top  of  Mount  ZvT  ''°'"*'  "'"'  ''^'<'^' 
of  the  finest^anotrs  S     r^Th  ^"  ""^ 

aiirs'-itrrfr  ff-^  *--?*:  - 

therefore  of  oiher  agL  w^ft*  f  *>?«  *--  and 
interesting  because  if!  T  1'  ^°"*real  is  primarily 
its  races  Ld  i  ^^11,'  \-*""^  associations! 
the  present  and  mefge The  cTvH  T  *'"  ""^^  ^"^ 
under  Louis  XIV,  wi^fttt  ^S^w  l^Ta 



commercial  age  and  under  a  dispensation  of  democ- 

.iZpr*^'''  ^"*  ^'"'^  navigators  and  explorers 

cunosny  and  beauty.  The  Indian  town  of  Hoche- 
laga-wherc  Sherbrooke  and  Metcalfe  Streets  afte-- 
wards  stood-was  surrounded  by  waving  fields  of 
maize  and  nee  and  great  forests  of  oak  and  maple; 
the  view  from  the  mountain  which  faced  Cartie; 

threshold  of  an  unknown  world  was  rarely  beautiful 
and  picturesque.     Great  masses  of  primeval  forest 
flaming  in  golden  autumn  colors  mixed  with  red 
and  changing  green;    the  distant  silvery  rush   of 
waters  in  the  rapids  to  the  west;   the  vast  plain  to 
the  south  broken  only  by  the  sweep  of  the  St 
Lawrence  and  the  Ottawa  and  the  peaks  of  nameless 
mountains;  the  quiet,  even  flow  of  that  part  of  the 
great  nver  which  he  had  just  traversed;  these  were 
some  of  the  things  which  greeted  Cartier  and  after- 
wards Champlain-though  in  the  later  case  all  trace 
of  Indian  settlement  was  gone  and  nature  was  alone 
beaJrt  '*'   ''"***''   strength,   its   graceful 

Champlain  was  especially  charmed  with  the  scene 
and  e:q>lored  the  region  upon  several  occasions. 
Upon  hia  first  visit  he  thought  the  opening  in  the 
waters  was,  at  last,  the  route  to  China;  hence 
the  Lachine  of  a  later  date.  The  Island  of  Montreal 
he  examined  carefully  with  a  view  to  settlement 


-me   wandering   band   0/ SL"  It^T L^ 
however   escape  the  keen  observation  of  the  JesuH 

King  in  my  profession  of  arms."     The  obi^ 

1642,   that  the  landing  took   place  at  thrp. 
^yale   of  Champlain'and   tha'tlhelou^ding"':? 
Ville   Mane   de   Montreal    was   inaugurated       De 
Ma^onneuve  was  accompanied  by  De'^Montmagny! 



Governor  of  New  France;  and  Father  Vimont. 
Superior  of  the  Jesuit*  at  Quebec;  while  Mdlle 
Mance  had  a  new  companion  in  Madame  de  la 
Peltne  from  Quebec,  who  possessed  a  soul  of  sinular 
sacnncial  devotion. 

Religion  and  the  Church  were  conspicuous  from 
the  first.    As  De  Maisonneuve  sprang  ashore  he  fell 
on  his  knees  in  prayer;  his  followers  did  the  same  and 
an  altar  was  then  raised  and  decorated  by  Mdlle 
Mance  and  her  companion.     One  more  picturesque 
scene  of  sacrifice  and  zeal  was  added  to  the  history 
of  French  Canada.     With  the  splendid  background 
of  forest  and  water  there  stood  Father  Vimont  in 
the  rich  vestments  of  his  office;  De  Montagny,  cold 
and   stem   and   not   very   hopeful   of   results;   De 
Maisonneuve,    a   tall,  erect,    warlike,    enthusiastic 
figure;   the   two   devout   gentlewomen   with   their 
servant,  and    the    clustering    group    of    followers. 
Around  them  was  the  balmy  air  of  spring,  but  in 
the  whispering  trees  and  amid  the  myriad  sounds  of 
ammal  life  there  fluttered  the  spirit  of  Iroquois 
hostility,   the   silent   breathings   of   a   savage   hate 
which  was  to  give  the  colony  many  years  of  terror 
and   suffering   and   individual  death.      The    Uttle 
gathering  knelt  in  reverent  prayer  as  the  Host  was 
raised  aloft,  and  the  priest  addressed  them-    "You 
arc  a  grain  of  musta-'  seed  that  shall  rise  and  grow 
till  Its  branches  overshadow  the  earth.      You  are 
few,  but  your  work  is  the  work  of  God.     His  smile 
IS  on  you  and  your  children  shall  fill  the  land  " 
Thus  commenced  the  Canadian  city  of  churches 



and  commerce.    The  proud,  duty-loving  pe«oniUity 
of  De  Maisonneuve  was  one  well  fitted  to  be  the 
central  figure  of  such  an  event,  and  hi.  words-used 
when  the  dangers  and  difficulties  of  his  task  had 
been  pomted  out  to  him  at  Quebec-may  well  be 
.nscnbed  in  the  hearts  of  the  Canadian  l^Z  ot 
today  without  hmitation  of  race  or  creed:  "Gentle- 
men,  .f  all  the  trees  of  the  Island  of  Montreal  were 
changed  into  Iroquois  I  am  bound  by  honor  and  duty 
to  go.      Difficulties  surrounded  every  stage  of  the 
ear  y  settlement.     The  Governor  proved  right  in  his 
fear  of  not  being  able  to  protect  it  from  the  seat 
of  authonty  at  distant  Quebec,  and  the  colonists 
had  to  at  once  devote  themselves  to  strengthening 
their    crude    defences    against   the    ever-menacing 

n^r^      f'J'''  ^"'"'  '"*"  *•>«  ""'^  Governor! 
DAilleboust   de   Coulonge,   brought  them  a  new 
band  of  settlers  and  helped  in  the  construction  of 
better  fortifications,  while  the  new  King,  Louis  XIV 
sent  a  present  of  cannon.     De  Maisonneuve  made 
an  Ideal  governor  in  this  troublous  period-calm 
courageous  and  cautious.      So  careful  was  he  of 
his  men  and  their  safety,  so  averse  was  he  to  the 
reckless  raids  they  would  Uke  to  have  made  upon 
the  surrounding  and  underestimated  foe,  that  thev 
were  for  a  time  inclined  to  attribute  cowardice  to  a 
chief  who  was,  personally,  brave  to  the  point  of 

On  March  30,  1644,  he  gave  his  followere  a  lesson 
and,  gravely  warning  them  to  be  as  valiant  as  their 
own  words,  he  marched  out  of  the  fort  at  the  head 



o  thirty  meu.  At  about  the  .pot  where  the  present 
Place  d  Arme»  .s  seen  they  were  faced  by  two  hundred 
Iroquow,  and  after  a  ta«to  of  fighting  bo  hot  and  «, 
mercies  aj.  to  rtrike  terror  into  their  «,uU,  the 
troope  fina  ly  ran  for  shelter  and  safety.  Their 
eader  was  left  to  retreat  alono  and  did  so.  holding 
the  enemy  off  with  his  pistol  and  aided  by  their 

fort  the  chief  of  the  Indians  closed  in  and  the  pistol 

eoliers  and  Indians,  De  Maissonneuve  succeeded 
m  discharging  his  other  pistol  and  the  chief  fell, 
shot  through  the  head.  The  Indians  were  so  taken 
aback  that  the  gallant  Frenchman  had  a  moment 
m  which  to  gam  safety.  There  were  no  further 
murmurs  about  the  commander  and  his  caution! 
Meanwhile,  though  De  Maisonneuve  was  the  Royal 
Governor  of  Montreal  and  the  lands  depending 

.'T'  \?  '^'"'*  ^""^  ^'^  -""de  of  the  entir? 
Island  of  Montreal  to  the  Seminary  of  St.  Sulpice- 
an  Order  founded  about  the  same  time  in  Paris  by 

youthful  French  priest.     By  this  Order  it  was  after- 

™f lJ°°'"^'t*''  **"  ^"""'""y  °f  St.  Sulpice  in 
V  le  Mane  or  Montreal.  To  the  Virgin  Mary  the 
Sulpicians  consecrated  the  Island  of  Montreal  in 
order  that  she  might  defend  it  as  her  property  and 
increase  it  as  her  domain;  the  eariy  name  of  Ville 
Mane  confirmed  this  religious  invocation;  the 
Company  which  they  controlled  had  the  figure  of 
Our  Lady"  as  its  official  seal. 


_  Great  care  was  token  m  to  the  Ant  immiaranti, 
m  respect  to  character,  habita  and  physique  Qentt 
men  o  good  family  came  to  tl!e  Element  «S 
Tesvard  de  Montigny,  Jacques  Le  Bcr  and  C^harles 
Le  Moy^e  bmit  houses;  the  members  of  the  SomiLry 

^th  ihe  l^,'"-  7"''.'''««t«'d  Seigneurs  of  the  Island 
wi  h  the  quamt  designation  of  the  Gentlemen  of  8t;   a  fortifie.l  mill  was  built  by  the  latter  at 

Tnd  arh'"""".!"  """■'^  ''''''  -  Win.lmSl  pL" 
and  another  on  the  site  of  what  is  now  Dalhousie 
Square     Family  after  family  came  from  Fran  e  and 

mcrased,  the  very  large  infant  death-rate  of  the 
earher  years  decreased  and  the  population  grew 
apace  Meanwhile  and  for  twen'ty-five  /earl 
M.  de  Mmsonneuve  labored  unceasingly  for  hi. 
^ttlement  and  its  people.      Time,  money,  al    the 

h^  re^rneH  h"  "'"i  """r''  '°  '*  "-"^  '"  '««5  -he" 
he  returned  home  to  Paris  the  Town  Major  was 

from  New  France  found  him  living  in  povertv  and 
forgotten  by  the  world,  b„t  thinking  anxTously  of 
his  hfe-work  in  the  lar-away  land  ""°"«'y  of 

Durmg  these  years  the  right-hand  man  of  De 
Maisonneuve  in  secular  matters  had  been  CharS 

JCen/hT"'  T'^7  "'  '^'  '"°»'  distinguished  o 
French  Canadian  families,  though  not  himself  an 
aristocrat  by  birth  Pnint  «♦  nu  1  """""'  »" 
after  him  .Li.  ■  '  <-'""''es  was  named 

after  him  and  he  was  given  the  Seigneury  of  Lon- 
gueuil  which  he  settled,  fortified  and  developed  whi 
fighting  for  the  colony,  sharing  in  the  fur  trade  and 



Square       H.«'  ""t  *""*  °'  ">«  ^uatom  Hou" 
■square.      Here   wore  born   hia  utili   m,^..   < 

•OM-Le  Moyne  d'Ibervill«  .L  i     «"  ''""°'" 
WUe.      The  rn„er^etrerl^?r„\t"• 
yean.      Other  eminent  names  of  this  DerioH— m.„ 
who  helped  to  make  and  keep  MontrlalTto  ""d 
Its  conditions  and  sufferings  in  the  period  of  InT 
Btruggle-were  Robert  Cav^ier  de  lT  s.M„  ♦(        '" 
explorer,  whose  home  in  lOa^wLt'S  '  J^^ 


On  the  west  half  of  the  Bons^Scours  Market  stood 
for  many  years  the  Palace  of  the  Intendant^ 
was  a  headquarters  of  Bigot,  Cadet,  Varin  a„i  the 

Slr^T''""'"''-   '*  ^'^  «'-  the'hTme  o 
better  men,  and  for  a  time,  after  the  Cession   wZ 

occupied  by  Sir  John  Johnson,  the  famous  UyaUrt 

M^ld   stone   building,   still   standing   (accorZg 

M    w.    D    Lighthall,   an  authority  on   Montreal'. 

h  story  and  traditions)  on  the  coLr  of  S^e 

wh"h'BTot''/r''  «°^^™'"-*  warehouse": 
Which  Bigot  and  his  associates  carried  on  manv 
of  their  frauds  and  which,  like  the  similar  buHdingin 



a  hou.  which  wa,?het:„.   ;;'-r,"":7",P,^ 
famous  Le  Moynes-De  V,,  „..      V     , 

ofst^A„t„ine»„dst.A...,,; ',,,.,  i'',^ ;::"-' 

the  Monongahela,"  am;  his  l„,.,;.;  '.v  ,i  „  °' 
the  French  officer  who  .,1  so  ,.1  „ ''" 

dock's  defeat  in  that  Lnl^Z^/  ;  ,  "  ';""?  «""»- 
Carter  Square^Here  St.  Puu/  ■L.e/'" 't^T 
was  the  house  built  and  occur! Du  I    ,m  l^!,' 

ast  French  govcrnor-the  Marquis  de  Vaudrenil 
hved  .„  tbe  splendor  which  chTloterized  th^eT 
Here  came  Montcalm  and  De  Uvis  in  tvL    I  1 

stanH.  tu.      ""orms.      Un    St.    Sacrament    Street 
stands  the   house  once  occunicH   hi,  ♦!,     »*         . 

ment,  village  and  town  had  to  face  the  constant  fear 



SauoTs"'  'u'f'  '"^^""'"ent,  reality  of  war  with  the 
Iroquois.     It  hung  over  the  whole  life  of  the  people 

hcartedness  in  many  cases  and  the  inborn,  inbred 
rehpous  feeling  of  the  community  in  oth^  cages' 
enabled  them  to  often  rise  above  it.  It  s  a  ^0,^ 
of  war  today  and  peace  tomorrow;  of  surprises 
and  raids  and  massacres;  of  capture  ,  tortu"es"nd 
fnghtfu,  death.  The  fighting  was  des'ultory  thougj 
fierce  and  Its  history  is  more  or  less  a  recital  of 
mdividual  incident,  of  personal  heroism,  of  gaJ^ant 
endurance  of  sufferings.      Mixed   up  ^ith  ft  wL 

sich T  nT  °'/''°*''  P"^^*^  •''"'  -"-Bionari^ 
Euror  fZ  ''"  ^'^°"'  ^  ""^^'^y  officer  in 
Europe  under  Turenne,  who  came  to  Montreal  in 

i  Srt  r  f  It'  ^""''"'""'  ^"P'o'^'i  ^'^'^  Galin^e 
a  portion  of  the  Great  Lakes,  acted  frequently  as 
a  m  sionary  amongst  the  Indians  at  daily  risk  of 
nis  We,  and  became  eventually  Superior  of  the 
Seminary  and  Vicar-General  of  Montreal. 
One  of  the  eariy  heroes  of  this  prolonged  Indian 
ruggle  was  Raphael  Lambert  Closse,  Town  Major 

save  o?he™      n  ''"  '°'^'^'''^''  ^'''"^  ^«  "f"  *» 
save  others.     On  one  occasion,  in  October,  1652 

in  a^'LTlI  *"^"*y-f°  V^  ''^  ««"  were  surr;unded 
t  K  !  i"""^'  °"  *''"  """fin^^  °f  the  town,  by 
lheFZi"t"^'"'f'-  ■  ^'^^''"tly  the  ammunition  of 
the  French  began  to  give  out  and  this  meant  death, 
or  capture  and  torture  and  death  combined.  In 
this  predicament  the  commander  selected  a  man 



named  Baston    celebrated  for  his  running  powers 

volley  '  Zl^'t  'T  *]■«  "r  "°^^"'''  •>'  '- "^ 
iZTu  ??  ^^^   defenders,    managed   to   aet 

through   the  enemy   and  run  to  the  fort,   whenS 

SLT  Trf  ^*''  "  ''''  '»«"  '">''  *-o  iiht  field! 

were  of"  o^ti        "''  *'^  '""^-        «"<"'   ^»-d-ts 
were  of  continuous  occurrence,  and  DoUier  de  Cas- 

1  H^/vf'  ''^J^^''  '"''"  *•">*'  "^  ^''ort  time  beVore 
into  the  'fitM^^^'r"^  «'  ^««2.  when  he  rushed  oi 

were  £  if  tt  t^u*"  '"^^  ^""^   ^"'""'^t^  ^h" 
were  being  attacked  by  an  Iroquois  br   d    he  had 

Baid  to  some  friends  who  warned  bin,  thlt  deS 

would  result  from  his  efforts:    "I  but  came  here 

arms.  It  was  this  spirit  of  the  Crusader  that 
makes  this  period  glorious  and  this  mar:  and  otS 
like  him  heroes  of  history.     Like  De  Maisonneuvr 

excerthe°nf '""^  '°'/"^'  °'  "'"«*■  ^  p""" 
Sf        '^       *"'  "^  ^^'"^  "*''«"  '"'•J  «'«=rifioing 
In  the  spring  of  1655,  after  sweeping  over  the   in   the   St.    Lawrence   near   Quelle 

the  Iroquois  moved  on  to  Montreal  and  endeavored 

hands.  Charies  Le  Moyie  arrived  from  Quebec 
just  m  time  to  avert  the  danger  by  a  stratagem 

thl  Tnnf  ''  r'^'  °^  "^'t"'"  P"«°"«"  held  by 
the  Ind mils.  Four  of  them  were  little  giris  sur^ 
vivors  of  the  recent  Island  massacre.     Mdlfe  Manee 



took  charge  of  the  latter  at  the  Hotel  Dieu  and  one 
Of  them  m  after  years  married  Closse,  the  Totto 
Major  while  another  became  the  wife  of  Sieur  de 

Of  the  events  of  this  time  the  most  striking  and 
the  best  known  was  the  heroic  action  of  Adam  Dol- 
lard  des  Ormeaux  and  his  sixteen  companions  who 
dehberately  sacrificed  themselves  in  an  effort  to 
hold  in  check  a  new  and  sweeping  onslaught  of  the 
iroq'aois.     The  movement  of  the  latter  was  a  wide 
and  far-reaching  one  with  the  determined  object 
of  finally  driving  the  hated  French  into  the  sea 
Quebec  was  so  weak  at  the  time  (1660)  that  hearts 
there  were  wrung  with  fear.      Three   Rivers   was 
practically  defenseless  and  Montreal  stood  in  the 
vanguard  of  probable  attack  with  slight  fortifica- 
tions,   which   did   not   cover  the   settlement   as   a 
whole,  and  with  few  troops.     Under  these  circum- 
stances Dollard,  a  young  officer  lately  from  France 
volunteered  to  lead  others  who  might  offer  and  to 
endf-  -or  at  some  advance  post  to  hold  the  enemv 
m  check  fo'  at  least  a  time.     It  was  a  daring  and 
seemingly  hopeless  task,  but  on  April  18th  the  little 
band  heard  their  last  mass  and  received  their  last 
communion  at  the  chapel  of  the  Hotel  Dieu    and 
departed   amid  the   earnest  prayers  of    the   nuns 
and,  indeed,  of  the  whole  population. 

In  the  beginning  of  May  the  party  found  them- 
seves  withm  a  ruined  fort,  a  building  at  a  place 
called  Greece's  Point,  at  the  foot  of  the  Long  Sault 
on  the  Ottawa  Rivei-.      Here  they  were  joined  by 



two  small  bands  of  Indian  allies,  and  here  they  were 
shortly  afterwards  attacked  by  a  large  force  of  the 
Iroquois.      Day  after  day,  night  after  night,   the 
httle  garnson  fought  and  prayed  for  a  week  against 
constantly  increasing  masses  of  the  enemy.     Event- 
ually all  the  friendly  Indians,  except  an  old  chief 
named  Anahotaha  and  four  Algonquins,   deserted 
and  the  end  was  in  sight.     No  man  of  the  French 
survivors  wavered,  however,  and  the  defence  became 
so  desperate  that  even  the  Iroquois  recoiled  and  only 
the  arrival  of  five  hundred  more  braves  braced  taem 
to  the  final  attack  on  May  21st.     In  it  so  many 
Indians  were  killed  at  close  quarters  that  the  savages 
actually  lost  sight,  for  a  time,  of  the  desire  to  capture 
♦he  defenders  for  purposes  of  torture.      When  it 
was  all  over  they  could  only  find  one  body  with 
ife  enough  in  it  to  serve  their  purpose.     Though 
ost  by  DoUard  and  his  companions,  so  far  as  their 
hves  were  concerned,  the  victory  was  really  won. 
bo  dismayed  were  the  Iroquois  by  the  gallantry 
the  persistent  heroism  of  the  defence,  by  the  feeling 
that  If  a  few  men  could  fight  hke  this  what  would 
not  a  large  number  do  in  places  such  as  Montreal, 
that  they  gave  up  their  object  of  exterminating  the 
wnite  men  m  one  sweeping  onslaught,  and  the  httle 
colony  at  Ville  Marie  was  saved  once  more.     Inci- 
dents such  as  this  are  more  than  picturesque  or 
stnkmg.      Leonidas   at   Thermopyls   Uves   in   the 
history  of  Greece  and  of  the  worid;   no  less  a  place 
IS  mented  by  DoUard  des  Ormeaux  and   his   com- 



What  Jhough  beside  the  foaming  flood  untombed  their  ashes 

The  world  becomes  the  monument  of  men  who  bravely  die. 

The  fighting  which  followed  was,  however,  merci- 
lesa  in  its  desultory  way;  the  savages  were  every- 
where,  and  no  man  knen  as  he  worked  or  ate  or 
slept,  outside  of  the  defenses  or  fortifications,  at 
what  moment  he  and  the  members  of  his  family 
might   be   killed,    or   captured   and   tortured   and 
scalped.      It  was  late  in  October,   1661,  that  M 
Vignal,  treasurer  of  the  Seminary-whose  predecessor 
had  lost  his  life  not  long  before-obtained  permis- 
sion  from  the  Governor  to  cross  to  what  is  now  called 
Moffatts  Island,  with  his  workmen  and  a  guard 
for  the  purpose  of  obtaining  construction  material' 
Amongst  the  latter  were  Ren4  Cuillerier  and  Claude 
de  Brigiac,  secretary  to  De  Maisonneuve.     As  they 
were  landing  a  force  of  Iroquois  surprised  the  party 
and  the  attack  was  so  sudden  that  in  the  ensuing 
hght  four  were  captured.     One  of  these  was  killed 
at   once;   another's  fate   is   unrecorded;    Cuillerier 
was  saved  at  the  demand  of  a  woman  whose  husband 
he  had  killed  and  who  made  a  slave  of  him;   poor 
De  Bngiac  was  tortured  to  death  with  indescribable 

The  Massacre  of  Lachine  occurred  on  the  night 
of  August  4,  1869,  in  a  little  settlement  on  the 
upper  end  of  Montreal  Island,  about  eight  miles 
from  the  present  city  and  on  a  site  once  owned  and 
settled  by  La  Salle.  Noiselessly,  under  cover  of  storm 
and  darkness,  some  fifteen  hundred  Iroquois  stole 



into  the  village  and  surrounded  each  house.     Then 
with  the  awful  war-whoop  of  the  savage,  doors  and 
windows  were  broken  in  and  the  sleepers  slain  or 
captured    in    their    beds.       Fortunate,    however, 
heaven-blessed  in  fact,  was   the   man,    woman    or 
child  who  was  killed  instantly  in  the  first  heat  of 
the   assault.      Others  were   dragged  forth,   old   or 
young,  child  or  woman,  tied  to  stakes  and  tortured 
with   indescribable   tortures  in   the   light  of  their 
blazing  homes.     Some  who  survived  were  carried 
away  prisoners  to  further  sufferings  before  the  merci- 
ful release  of  death,  while  to  his  eternal  disgrace, 
De   Denonville,   one   of  the  weaker   Governors   of 
New  France,   who   happened  to   be   at   Montreal, 
refused  to  allow  any  of  his  troops  to  go  to  the 
rescue.      Such   were  the  struggles  through  which 
the  Ville  Marie  of  New  France  passed;   such  were 
the  men  who  founded  the  great  city  of  the  future. 
There  was  also  war  in  other  directions.      The 
conflicts  with  the  English  colonies  were  distant,  of 
course,  and  intermittent  in  character,  but  at  times 
the  war  came  home  directly  to  the  settlers  of  Mon- 
treal— it  seems  to  have  been  usually  called  Ville 
Marie  in  early  days— as  well  as  indirectly  through 
the  Indians.     Early  in  February,  1690,  for  instance, 

a  party  composed  of  two  hundred  and  ten  men 

Indians  and  French— left  Montreal  with  a  view  to 
attacking  Orange,  now  Albany,  in  New  York  State. 
Most  of  the  notable  young  Frenchmen  of  the  place 
were  in  the  party,  including  Testard  de  Montigny, 
Jean  Lo  Bcr,  Le  Moync  d'Ibervillc,  De  Maricourt,  Le 



fluence.  The  surDrie.  ''""''"*«d  »»  English  i„. 
was  made  at  „ghrr„d  ♦."'.r'^*"'  *"«  """"k 
times  and  the  ?  fodty  bred  ^  ^^  ""^'"'^  "'  *he 
savage  warfare  Ct  of  th«  T?""*  '''"'««'  ''■xl 
to  the  sword      Vollt    *''^ '"'"'''itants  were  put 

.allant,.  Zt  ,? C:  d'^  Ste'^Sr'  -^^^ 
defence  of  Quebec  n.r»lr,.f  *i,  I  ^^'*°^  "»  the 
William  Phips  l„Tr  "  ^"«'"'»  ""der  Sir 
figures  were  cUt  tVrr  d^  sT  T"*^^'' 
for  a  time  commanded  th„  p        Z    ®*-  ^""''  '^''o 

sealed  by  De  Vaudrenil  in  *t  Abraham  and 

to   the    BritisroXTemtrrS^r^r*'^ 
Amherst,   Murrav    H.m;.„     I  '    <^^<"°erals 

tlie  place  of  t^rbrillfant™^^^^^  and  C„,eton  took 

the  dejected  soldie"  5^^!  ::o  n  ""k'  ^/"''^''^ 
four  thousand,  were  sent  bal*    t   numbered  about 

era  in  the  hist^yTf  Mon  S  a^s  IZZ' ^"^  ^  "'^'^ 
was  mauBurated      n.,„  "^  °'  America 

City  of  t'heTat^°TisToreTtifcrr  ^ 
-ter.  also,  of  a  brilliant  socTl  t^^t^ 






2  th  fi  '^T;*' *•>«  influene.  of  modern  oommeroe 
and  the  financial  dominance  of  the  English  in  latter 
yea«.  .t  i.  still  a  French  and  a  Catholic  city  mI^ 
^^T^  "'^breathe  a»ociation  with  th^^t  S 

A,^!"  '^"  "^^"'^  *'«'  Heroic  Age  of  cS 
and  of  those  years  when,  at  times,  theW.^  of  ^^Jn 
the  bravest  soldien,  ran  like  water  in  their  vein^ 

There,  on  U  Place  Royale,  is  not  only  the  site 
of  the  landing  of  Champlain  and  Maisonneuve  bul 
the  site  of  the  first  public  square  where  I^„,h 
executions   took   place   and   wWch    Tm7t> 

the  Port  T^TT"""'"  ^'''''  °f  t°d»y.  "tood 
the  Fort  de  Ville  Marie,  succeeded  in  1686  bv  th, 
home  of  M.  de  Calli^res,  and  near  b^  irthe'^fiM 
Manor  House  of  Montreal  and  resUen^e  of  £ 
Maisonneuve.      The    Place    d'Armes,    where    now 

tlntv  '*r*"%°'  '**  '°"°''«''  -«  the  ceLr  oT 
the  aty  s  earher  hfe  and  facing  it  stands  today  the 
Notre  Dame  parish  church,  the  chief  reUriouI 
structure  of  the  French  people  in  Canada.    Ad2^^ 

n  1657'  ^h""*  °'l««'°-'''y  of  St-  Sulpice,  r  c  ed 
in  1657;  through  the  site  of  the  Bank  of  Montreal 
building  there  once  passed  the  stone-bastioned  will 
of  ancient  Montreal-Extending  from  Dalh"ul 
Square  to  Commissioners  Street  and  thence  back  to 
the  Square.  They  were  commenced  in  1721  by 
Chaussegros    de    l^ry    and    demolished     n    1817 

S'a  S  ■  ri"  *'^  "''^  ^'^  -  ""'y  days  a  swamp 
C^^il  t  '  '"'""°«  *''""'8*'  "■     On  Jacques 

Cartier  Square  was  the  original  Place  des  J^sukes! 

•"^•oeowr  nsoiuTioN  tbt  omit 

(ANSI  and  ISO  TEST  CHART  No.  2) 

1^1^    II 




1 653  Eotl  Mom  Strwt 
(718)  288-iM9-Fo. 



and  adjoining  it  wag  the  monastery  where  Pdre 
Charlevoix,  the  historian  of  New  France,  lived  for 
many  years.  Here,  also,  four  Iroquois  prisoners 
were  tortured  to  death  in  1696  as  a  stem  reprisal 
on  the  part  of  De  Frontenao  for  continued  Indian 
atrocities  and  as  a  warning  for  the  future. 

Between   Notre   Dame  Street   and  the   Harbor 
IS  the  oldest  part;  of  Montreal-St.  Amable  Street, 
for  instance,  is  fully  a  century  old  and  most  antique 
in  Its  structure.    In  this  neighborhood  is  the  Chateau 
de  Ram^zay,  built  in  1705  by  Claude  de  Ram^zay 
eleventh    Governor   of    Montreal,  and    afterward^ 
occupied  by  various  British  governors  up  to  the  time 
of  Lord  Metcalfe.     Under  De  Ram^zay  it  was  a 
place   of  great   hospitality   and   entertainment-    it 
was  long  afterwards  the  headquart;er8  of  the  Conti- 
nental Army  under  Montgomery,  of  the  American 
Commissioners  in  1776  (Benjamin  Franklin,  Carroll 
of  CarroUton    and    Samuel    Chase);    of   Benedict 
Arnold  for  several  weeks.     It  was  the  home  of  the 
hrst    Canadian    printing    press    brought    over    by 
Franklin  and  operated  by  Fleury  Mesplet.       It  is 
now  the  home  of  the  Numismatic  and  Antiquarian 
Society  and  the  premises  constitute  an  excellent 
memorial  of  the  old-time  thick-walled,   defensive 
structure  prepared  for  emergencies  and  constructed 
when  large  wine   cellars   and   immense   fireplaces 
were  the  vogue.      Dalhousie  Square  is  the  site  of 
what  was  called  the  Citadel,  erected  in  1685;   where 
the  Fire  Station  now  stands  there  lived  the    first 
British    governor    of     Montreal— Thomas     Gage 



who  afterwards  kept  New  York  for  the  Crowa 
throughout  the  Revolution.  All  these  and  many 
more  memorials  of  a  picturesque  past  are  a  part  of 
the  hfe  of  French  Canada;  they  should  be  an 
inspiration  to  the  youth  of  all  its  future.  As  a 
Montreal  poet  well  puts  it: 

Sprung  of  the  Saint  and  Chevalier 
And  with  the  scarlet  tunic  wed, 
Mount  Royal's  crown  upon  thy  head, 
And  past  thy  footstaU  broad  and  clear 
St.  Lawrence  sweeping  to  the  sea; 
Reign  on,  majestic  Ville-Marie. 

Of  the  English  rSgime  in  Montreal  much  might  be 
said.      Its  first  portion  at  least  was  picturesque. 
Upon   Bons^cours   Market   there   stood   for   many 
years  the  home  of  Sir  John  Johnson,  British  Indian 
Commissioner   and   son   of  Sir   William   Johnson- 
here     also,    lived    General    Ralph    Burton,    second 
British   governor    of    Montreal.      On   St.    Gabriel 
Street  were  the  famous  Northwest  Fur  Companv's 
stores,  and   in  them  centered   enough   adventure, 
discovery,  and  stormy  incident  and  trade  to  fill 
volumes;     Wther,  at    times,  came    Sir    Alexander 
Mackenzie,  Simon  Fraser,  Alexander  Henry,  J    J 
Astor     Washington    Irving,    McTavish,    FrancWre 
and  al   the  strong,  sturdy,  rough  and  capable  men 
who  followed  the  French  pioneer  period  with  another 
of  mde  discovery  and   sweeping      ccomplishment. 
In  Montreal  centered,  as  a  matte     .  fact,  the  great 
fur  trade  of  the  eighteenth  century,  and  Alexander 




Henry  lived  on  St.   Urbain  Street,  Mackenzie  on 

Simpson  Street,  and  Simon  Fraser  not  far  away 

while   Simon    McTavish    built   a   great   house   on 

Mount  Royal  (owned  as  a  property  in  recent  years 

by  James  B.  Allan),  and  on  the  slope  above  Victoria 

Square  lived  Joseph  Frobisher,  one  of  the  founders 

of  the  Company.     The  American  wars  left,   also, 

tneir  impression  upon  Montreal.     In  1775  the  city 

surrendered  to  Montgomery,  the  commander  of  the 

Continentals,  and  during  the  winter  of  1776  remained 

m  possession   of  the  Americans.      General   Mont- 

gomery,  Benedict  Arnold,  Benjamin  Franldin,  Ethan 

Allen,  were  figures  familiar  to  the  history  of  that 

'*!?''f.,'°«^°°*'"'*'-  ^"  1"^  Sir  Guy  Carieton 
Mia  the  British  troops  re-occupied  Montreal,  and 
Dorchester  Street  stands  today  as  f  lasting  memorial 
of  the  man  who  as  General  Carieton  and  Lord 
Dorchester  did  so  much  for  his  country's  flag  in 

From  days  of  war  and  fur  trading  the  modem 
city  grew  into  an  age  when  transportation  was  the 
great  factor  and  element  in  a  new  national  life 
which  Montreal  helped  to  create  and  helped  to 
maintain.  John  Molson,  in  1809,  launched  the  first 
of  Canadian  steamboats— the  second  on  the  conti- 
nent. From  Montreal,  half  a  century  later,  came 
the  inception  and  operation  of  the  Grand  Trunk 
Railway;  in  Montreal  originated  the  Canadian 
Pacific  project  and  in  that  city  has  since  centered 
the  great  wealth  created  by  its  success  and  employed 
in  part,  so  wisely  and  well  by  Lord  Strathcona,' 



Lord    Mount   Stephen,    Sir    William    Van    Home 

miJatr^in-M'r'r^  ■'"•* "''-  ^^^^^ 

7^e  bIw    *  *^?"''   '"'^'"'^   *•>«   operations 
Jaml   M  r.?  •*'"'i  """""'  '^''"^  ^^^  personality  of 
James  McG.ll  «  cherished   in    the   institution   o 
learnmg  he  founded  and  which  has  had  so 
great  a  sphere  of  usefulness. 
In  more  recent  years  the  spirit  of  commercialism 

hL  h  T>  ^%  ^^''^  ^''^  •="'"«  *°  '^^  <='vili.ed  world 
h^  had  Us  effect  in  Montreal  as  it  has  everywhere 
upon  th,s  continent.  The  corruption  of  bS 
under  French  rule  has  been  succeeded  by  the 
corrupfon  of  the  notorious  "  Twenty-Three  "unie 

TeJ  of  the  t  r.'  "'^  «°"^™'"«"*  '"'«  »»*  "'way 
been  of  the  best,  here  as  elsewhere.     But  Montreal 

NeTworH   "V'  *?*"*  '''''*"^««'l-  centerof  th 
New  World  and  combines  in  itself  much  of  the  good 

rush  oTthT/'''^  r'*""^'  ^P-^'  -<!  -S 
Z»  ^^/^.P^^^ent-  Just  as  the  Victoria  Bridge 
once  an  additional  wonder  of  the  world,  conneXl' 
the  far-separated  shores  of  the  mighty  river  at  its 
d^r  so  the  spirit  of  the  past  and  preLt  hi  been 
fused  m  the  umon  and  friendship  of  two  great  race" 
and  proven  in  the  general  harmony  whf^^  exTstT 

Jevo ttd  rth  h  "*"  °'I''"-  ''  '^  -"*-  °f  ^^ 
devoted  to  the  shnnes  and  scepter  of  a  great  Church 

has  not  been  wholly  realized,  but  therfhas  evolved 

by  ties  of  blood  and  sacrifice,  bound  to  the  present 
by  deeds  o  good  and  strong  influence  wielded  or  a 
high    morahty.      Romantic    trade    and    adventure 

H  r 



have  gone,  but  are  replaced  by  the  pulsations  of 
commerce  m  a  great  new  nation  which  uses  this 
seat  of  Maisonneuve's  religious  enthusiasm  as  the 
outport  c  trade  for  half  a  continent: 

Child  of  the  hope  of  noble  hearts, 

Brought  into  being  through  sacrifice 
Of  men  and  women  who  played  their  parts 

And  counted  not  their  lives  in  price, 
She  haa  ffown  in  strength  Kke  a  Northern  Queen 

Neath  her  crown  of  ligbt  and  her  robe  of  snow. 

£°*""^  in  her  beauty  fair  between 

The  Hoyal  Mount  anu  the  river  below. 


Thi  Jmuits— Pionbebs  of  the  Cbos8  in 

The  footprints  of  the  Jesuits  are  almost  everywhere 
in  that  part  of  the  Continent  once  called  New  France 
Up  to  Hudson's  Bay  or  down  the  Mississippi;   in 
the   Land  of  Evangeline  or  amid  the  forests  of 
Ontario;    wherever  a  savage  could  be  taught  the 
sacred  meaning  of  the  Cross  or  new  lands  studied 
and  described  for  the  benefit  of  the  great  Mother 
Order    m    Europe;     there    the    restless,    devoted 
fearless  priest  of  the  Order  of  Jesus  was  to  be  found' 
i^oimd  and  through  the  wilderness  now  known  as 
the  Nipissing  and  Muskoka  regions  of  Ontario- 
even  yet  wild  and  uninviting  in  many  parts— on  the 
shores  of  Lake  Simcoe  and  Georgian  Bay,  there 
centered  in  the  settlements  of  the  Huron  Indians 
the  greatest  of  the  Jesuit  missions.     Here  occurred 
events  and  incidents  which  constitute  some  of  the 
finest  pages  of  heroism  in  all  history;  here  are  foot- 
prints which  no  traveler  can  overtook  and  which  no 
Canadian  can  forget. 

The  mission  and  work  of  the  Jesuits  in  New  France 
was  not  the  isolated,  accidental  embodiment  of 
individual  enthusiasm:  it  was  part  of  a  wonderfully 
orgamzed,  directed,  and  controUed  movement  then 



going  on  in  all  parts  of  Christendom.    Its  picturesau. 

rtr  and'  r;"'"'  '"""!■'"  -'^--SvZ 

velous  J°h    «°'''^«°<;e..Per«istent  effort  and  mar- 

mytnicai  to  the  masses  of  Europe.     Amonmt  th» 

That  this  dominating,  invincible  spirit  brourtt 
power  and  sometimes  arrogance  is  not  to  b"  wondefed 
at;  that  the  mdifference  to  Ufe  which  charZetS 

^^^^h'^B^^H^^^.  %BirMy^  M.I\'¥yi'  Jr^ 


~hSmati  "  of  heSTnot  "'"*  ""'^  *"-'' 
that  the  «imnli„T  .     *^*  ""y  Mtraordinary; 

rhurnh  •     r-  **  *''*y  "^^  achieve  for  their 

putea.     They  strengthened  the  Church  in  V„r^L 
against  the  onrush  of  the  Prnt»l?    !  ""^ 

they   DresentBH    „,'*"«,  ^"^otestant  movement; 

.,3fi      f  !!      *'■■'■"*   °f   enthusiasm   and   self 
sacnfice  to  the  worM  m>,;„i,  " 

lor  morality  and  punty  of  life.     It  may  be  thZt 

Ter^Ulitt:^  in  a  woHd-wide  Zl^lX 
or  versatiDty  m  the  choice  and  use  of  means  fn  l 

of  thl     '  L"  "?  •'°"^*  *'«'*  ^'^cn  the  Voltairk^ 
of  the   eighteenth   century    swent   ov^r     p,       "" 

«ed  by  the  onrush  Ji  t^^LZL^^Z' 
vw  loii  was  ine  Urder  of  Jesus,     Whpn  th^ 

tZ\T:>  *:  '"Zr  '""^  '''^  combined  "cafa! 
clysm  .nd  to  strengthen  itself  in  the  nineteenth 



Z^y*^  '  '•■'^  '"  '^y°°''  that  of  the  previous 

faith  w,th  the  detached,  often  isolated    paVnottm 
of  the  guenllas  of  some  great  cause.     They  wanted 

hoped  to  found  a  new  French  nation,  apart  inTts 
dommatmg  Christian  zeal  from  all  ^ther  natbn 
and  to  malce  the  wandering  and  fighting  Ind.ans 
a  hvmg  example  .o  the  worid  of  savagefy  turned 
to  gentleness,  of  warfare  turned  to  peace  of  bar 
banty  turned  to  Christianity  by  the  Jtenin; 
mfluence  of  the  Cross  softemng 

istfcstfTe  oT^'^T"  ""'"'  '''"'  *>-«  «»"'"<=ter- 
rh^^l      T  t,      ''"  ^^'"^^  '"  *''«  """"inK  of  Fathers 

Br^beuf  to  Quebec,  on  June  19,  1625,  set  the  seal 

hst„r  ,  "^u'T'  """^  "  f^'"'*  ^'•'rifiee  upon  The 
history  of  the  American  continent.  Their  first 
act  on  reaching  shore  was  to  kneel  and  thank  God 

wL  Inder"°"j  "'  "'^'"^  »<"^  given  them.  I? 
was     mdeed,    a    desperate    service.       The    Huron 

n JTe'fiT  t°  """  !?^  '"*  °''^«'=*«  "f  thel  soIiSude 
and  the  first  converts  to  their  missionary  zeal,  lived 
H  IS  true,  m  homes  of  a  better  character  than  the 
supposedly  typical  Indian  wigwam  and  were  tie 
m^t  easily  influenced  of  all  The  tri^s,Tthey 
beheved  to  some  degree  in  a  Supreme  Bei;g^„S 



enemies  the  Iroquois,  their  rivals T„   41  •"' 

were  Iceener  in  character  quicker  in  ♦/'T''"'""' 
clever  i„  warfare.  They  were  ll*^*L,'"°"' 
religious  influence;  still  /urtherTway  from" '°"'''^,*° 
ness  of  the  Christian  faith     I^tT^K-  ,-**°*'^ 

oped  inferno  of  barbarism  w  J  1 V  '  """^  '^*^*'- 
the  great  evil  of  w»r    ^-  "^^^  °"  introduced 

ChrisUan  nii  TnH  ""■"  ^'""^'^  "PP""'^"? 

situation   S^auTed  vT^rhorribT   *''^''-' 

was  one  of  the  most  notable  aua    Is  life  a  ntuA.- 
everythinit  that   ♦«  „   _  j  *  study  m 

pictulquitcUii  aTd''m"r:;^,rr^'B:r"  ^ 

a^o^rSeVrt^Her /"  l^^^^^^^^ 

succeeding  autumn  .n^  a  prehmmary,  passed  the 
™mg  autumn  and  winter  of  1625-26  with  a 



rovmg  band  of  the  MontagnaU-shHring  their 
hard«h.p«,  learning  something  of  the  intense  cold 
of  a  Canadian  winter,  suffering  the  penalties  of 
hith,  vermin  and  smoke  which  marked  the  savage 
camps,  realwmg  much  of  what  real  loneliness  meant 
m  the  midst  of  savages  wandering  through  a  vast 
wilderness.      In  July,  1626,  with  Father,  de  No"e 

Father  de  la  Roche  Daillon,  a  Franciscan,  he  started 

for  the  great  Lake  of  the  Huron..      During  the 

ourney,  De  Br^beuf  touched  even  the  stoicism  of 

he   accompanying   Indian*   by   the   endurance   of 

abor  and  immunity  from  fatigue  which  his  large 

frame  and  great  physical  strength  enabled  him  to 

E..ow-through  seven  hundred  miles  of  wilderness, 

which    incluaed    unknown   swamps,  and    rushing 

nvers,  and  precipitous  rocks,  and  dark  forests. 

Finally  he  settled  upon  the  tribe  he  proposed  to 

TdTed '  7''  r'l'  "'  '""'""^*  *"«'"  '<"  '^oy.^. 
studied  their  habits  and  characters,  nursed  thei^ 
«ok  and  wounded,  learned  their  language,  of  which 
he  prepared  a  dictionary  and  grammar.  For  the 
balance  of  his  hfe  he  renewed  every  morning  a  solemn 
promise  to  bear  patiently  all  insults  and  inS^ 
and  sufferings  "for  the  greater  glory  of  God." 
Ihis,  indeed,  was  the  principle  and  motto  of  all  his 
colleagues-^f  the  many  brave  souls  who  in  succeed- 
ing years  descended  upon  the  wilderness  and  sacri- 
ficed tnemselves  for  their  cause.  Paul  Raiteneau 
fterre  Chastelain,  Charles  Gamier,  J^r6m?Lall^ 
mont,   Isaac  Jogues,    Simon    le    Moyne,    Gabriel 



Ullemont.     Pierro     Pijart,     Charlcn     Raymbault. 
Franco,,  du  Peron.  Claude  Dablon,  Claudo  Allou, 

Francis  Bre«.ani,  Antoine  Daniel,   Nool  Chabanrl 
Jacques    Morin     Adrian    Daran,    Adrian    GnTon' 
were  amongst  them. 
The  experiences  of  De  Br^beuf  with  the  savaeca 

vZu  '°Th''  "^^,T  *'•"  "P*"""™  °f  »"  these 
priests  They  m.gLt  not  suffer  death,  some  even 
escaped  torture,  but  they  were  dealing  with  men  who 
were  brave  to  the  point  of  indifference  regarding 
pain,  who  were  swayed  by  easily  aroused  pas^ionl 
and  superstitions,  who  were  unrestrained  in  treat- 
ment of  a  supposed  enemy,  or  hurtful  personality, 

the   tnbes   which    De   Br^beuf   and   his   associates 

which  the  w.  ch  Hoctors  at  once  charged  against 
the  missionaries  It  was  no  use  protesting  or 
objecting,  and  the  priests  walked  in  daily,  hourly 
B^L,  l\"','i''^:'^'""  *°  ^^  "«-'  Father  de 

SS'  r    ^""    t  ^    ^•''""'    Chaatelain, 

0,llL  °  u"f  '"  ^'"""'-  S""^""'  °f  the  Order  at 
Quebec,  which  was  a  model  of  Christian  resignation: 
With  all  sincerity  I  can  say  that  not  one  amongst 
us  has  any  fear  of  death.  Nevertheless  we  all  feel 
keenly  for  the  unfortunate  savages  who  have 
dehberately  closed  against  themselves  the  door  of 
grace  and  instruction.     No  matter  how  they  may 



deal  with  us  we  will  try,  with  God's  wace  to  «.„    * 
our    sufferings    natientlv "       t^  ^    '       """^P* 

site  of  PenhanShen     OnU^r-J^'l  ''''  P^^^"* 
cated  J  ,„e  eo^se  to^rV'Su  S;^  ^^^«  ''^'''■ 

3«.naHes  Of  beiVLZl^^^^^^^^ 

"ley  seemed   to   be  themse  ves   immunp       vJv. 

f«.re  ttf'  ^*r  ^"-^  ''-^^^  --d 

his  W"'\*°  Ji'at  tV".*' ■"'^  ""'"'  ''"-'"> 
nation   by   Br^eu     anH    rh"  *""'*"  ^''^  ^«"t"' 

•"■.".St  ?Tr^ "™  ^ --" "'  "■'" 


later  Fathers  Pijart  and  Gar^er-the  laftert.r^ 
an  agoniz  ne  death  in  ir«;r  f  ^"^  latter  suffered 

through  hif  £fkb  L- ' ';:d":"  J"^""'^-'^""** 

wilds  of  Muskoka.  v^th      u  °"'*'°"   «   the 

«ome  other  is  ^„  f  "  ^'^''*  «'«''*«'  t"^""  » 
unflinching  heroes  labo/n  *'^^°*y-^°"  ^ears  these 
kindred  Wbes  unti  at  1  T""''  *''"  «"^°°«  ""d 
sv^eep  of  the  IroSi  over  thi  ."*??•.*'*  '"""^"^^"^'^ 
flood  upon  a  tinyZZe  ll""^^''''''^'^'^'''''^^ 
Hurons  had  beconTe  rh^i  *  •  .  '"*'^"'  «"  *•>« 
weaned  from  soreotSw™,*''^^  """"  "-" 
wildness  of  life,  some  of ^1^/  ''  """^  "^  *>>« 

which  were  PoXral?s^^^rT'th'""*^'• 
rivals.     While  the  W,„«  °  *"*"■  8reat 

of  peace  and  cWlildo"  Id  :f  "f" «  *••«  "^^ 
gone  a  long  wly  i^  ^7^°*^  ^^'^  ^"-l  ^y  1648 
had  been  absortIL  eJ  ''■^«"'*'°°-the  Iroquois 
rival  tribes  and  ma:.dne^?  ""  T''  ''^^^^^^^R  "^her 
to  the  powerS  Fr  „ch  Z  T  '  "°"*'  •'"^" 
come  over  the  Hnrnl  u    ''''^"S^  '^'>'«h  had 

prayer  repeltd^^r^ ''LlCf  '""^  ^'"^ 





it  was  a  Btgnal  triumph  for  the  Jesuit  Fathers,  but 
it  was  not  war,  and  without  the  heart  to  fight,  and 
fight  fiercely,  there  could,  in  those  days,  be  no  safety 
for  life  or  home. 

In  the  summer  of  1648  the  St.  Joseph  village 
and  missirn— on  the  site  of  the  modem  town  of 
Barrie— was  surprised  by  a  large  war-party  of 
Iroquois.  They  burst  upon  the  unhappy  people 
like  a  thunderbolt,  set  fire  to  the  buildings  and 
burned  the  women  and  children  and  old  men— 
the  warriors  were  abroad  op  a  hunting  expedition— 
in  the  chapel.  Father  Daniel,  who  was  in  charge, 
baptized  and  exhorted  and  blessed  his  people  as 
the  flames  mounted  around  them,  and  then  going  to 
the  door,  stood  while  the  Iroquois  poured  shot  and 
arrows  into  his  body  and  he  fell  at  last  rent  with 
wounds  but  praying  as  he  passed  away.  The 
warning  was,  unfortunately,  not  taken  and  the 
charred  remains  of  St.  Joseph  marked  only  the  first 
of  a  series  of  similar  massacres.  Early  in  March, 
1649,  a  thousand  Iroquois  on  the  warpath  captured 
St.  Ignatius,  tomahawked  and  scalped  its  inhabitants, 
smeared  their  own  faces  with  blood  of  the  victims 
and  then  stormed  the  neighboring  village  of  St. 
Louis.  The  two  priests,  Br^beuf  and  Lallemant, 
were  captured  and  tortured  to  death  with  atrocious 

The  former,  a  man  of  great  stature  and  strength, 
lived  for  hours  in  untold  suffering;  the  latter, 
delicate  and  slight  in  constitution,  endured  more 
than  could  have  been  deemed  possible  and  lived 



twice  as  long  as  his  companion.  De  Br^beuf's 
sufferings  were  typical  of  the  martyrdoms  of  that 
period.  The  Iroquois'  idea  was  to  torture  in  such 
a  way  as  to  prolong  pain  and  create  fresh  forms  of 
suffering  without  causing  death.  They  tore  the 
flesh  in  strips  from  his  body;  plucked  out  his  finger 
nails  and  scorched  the  wounds  with  fiery  brands; 
they  hung  a  red-hot  collar  of  hatchets  around  his 
neck,  tore  away  his  lips  and  cut  out  his  tongue; 
they  poured  boiling  water  on  his  head  in  imitation 
of  baptism,  scalped  him  and,  finally,  still  alive,  drank 
blood  from  his  side  so  as  to  partake  of  his  courage. 
Tearing  out  his  heart,  they  devoured  it  with  the  same 
object.  So,  also,  died  the  heroic  Lallemant,  who  was 
slowly  roasted  to  death— both  praying  with  their 
last  breath  for  the  salvation  of  their  torturers. 

This  was  practically  the  end  of  the  Huron  Mission, 
as  the  tribe  itself  broke  up  and  sought  refuge  in 
small  detachments  with  other  Indian  nations; 
some  fleeing  to  the  wa'Is  of  Quebec  and  being 
guarded  there  by  the  guns  of  the  fort.  The  Fathers 
gathered  such  remnants  together  as  were  possible, 
abandoned  Ste.  Marie  with  all  its  sweet  and  bitter 
memories  and  selected  an  island  on  Lake  Huron 
for  a  new  settlement  which  they  designated  Isle 
St.  Joseph— called  today,  Christian  Island.  Here 
they  erected  a  military  fort.  Meanwhile  the 
Iroquois  had  burst  upon  the  Petun  Mission  of  St. 
Mathias  and  massacred  Father  Garnier  and  the 
inhabitants.  Father  Chabanel  met  a  similar  fate 
not  far  away,  wh"-  on  his  road  to  the  island  by 



order  of  his  Buperior.  Ultimately  the  island  fort 
with  starvation  facing  its  inmates,  had  to  be  aban- 
doned, and  shortlj  afterwards  little  groups  of  Hurons 
and  priests  were  struggling  through  hundreds  of 
miles  of  wilderness  and  every  species  of  hardship 
and  suffering  toward  some  place  of  safety. 

Before  leaving  this  melancholy,  and  yet  glorious, 
chapter  m  the  religious  history  of  Canada  a  word 
must  be  said  of  the  services  and  death  of  Father 
Isaac  Jogues.     He  had  served  with  Father  Raym- 
bault  amongst  the  Petuns  o^  the  Sault  Ste.  Marie 
region,  and  in  1642  was  captured  on  the  western 
rim  of  Lake  St.  Peter  by  a  band  of  Iroquois.    Carried 
to  a  Mohawk  town,  he  and  two  companions  suffered 
agonies  of  torture.     He  was  compelled  to  run  the 
gauntlet  of  fierce  blows  from  a  long  line  of  savages 
who  then  applied  fire  to  his  wounds  and  mangled 
and  tortured  his  poor  body  in  various  .vays.     One 
method  was  to  suspend  him  by  the  arms  with  bark 
ropes  from  two  posts  raised  in  the  center  of  the 
cabin.     Day  after  day  he  was  tortured  and  harried 
with  insult  and  brutality;  finally  he  was  allowed  to 
escape  more  dead  than  alive,  but  even  then  hesitating 
whether  he  should  leave  these  people  to  their  savage 
devices.      He   finally  reached   the   Jesuit   College 
of  Rennes,  France,  in  a  condition  which  made  him 
almost  unrecognizable.     In  view  of  his  mutilations 
the  Pope  granted  a  special  dispensation  as  to  the 
services  of  the  Church  and  iu  1646  he  was  again 
amongst  the  Mohawks  on  a  government  mission. 
The  war  party  amongst  them  demanded  his  death  and 



finally  won.    This  time  his  tortures  were  ended.   Even 
reater  suCferings  were  meted  out  to  Father  Joseph 
Bressani,  a  scholarly  young  priest  who  dedicated  him- 
self m  1642  to  the  Huron  Mission.     Captured,  in  the 
Mjne  way,   by    Mohawks  he   was   carried    up  the 
Richelieu  and  on  to  the  Upper  Hudson,  where  for 
a  month  he  suffered  such  prolonged  and  slow  and 
awful  tortures  as  one  hesitates  to  transcribe  from  the 
Jesuit  Relahona  in  which  the  narrative  is  imbedded 
How  he  hved,  it  is  impossible  to  understand  in  these 
days  of  smooth  and  easy  living  and  horror  of  pain 
or  physical  privation.     EvetLually  ransomed  by  the 
Dutch,    he   reached    Europe,    but   returned   again 
to  his  work.      He  lived  to  write  a  History  of  the 
Missions  and  died  as  a  missionary  in  Italian  villages. 
With  the  passing  of  the  Hurons  came  the  still 
more  desperate  effort  amongst  the  Iroquois,  led  by 
Joseph  Marie  Chaumonot.     He  was  a  nephew  of 
a  pnest  at  Chatillon,  France,  a  devotee  from  the 
shnne   of  Loretto,   a   man  of  intense   enthusiasm 
zeal  and  piety,  an  expert  in  Indian  languages  and 
forms  of  speech,  a  master  o.'  simple  yet  powerful 
oratory.      Accomptinied    by    Fathers    Fremin,    Le 
Mercier,  Menard  and  Dablon,  he  reached  the  Iro- 
quois country  in  1655  and  his  address  on  one  occa- 
sion la  the  great  Council  House  of  the  Onondagas 
an  appeal  for  the  vital  truths  of    Christianity,  is 
said  to  have  been  a  masterpiece.     A  little  later 
Fathers    Ragueneau    and    Du    Peron    joined    the 
Mission  and  for  a  while  the  priests  met  with  gratify- 
ing success.      Then  suspicions  of  treachery  became 



certainty  and  by  a  clever  stratagem  the  missionaries 
all  got  together  and  escaped  on  the  verge  of  a  whole- 
sale slaughter.     In  later  years  others  took  up  the 
cross  in  the  Iroquois  country,  Father  Albanel  preached 
on  the  shores  of  Hudson's  Bay,   Father  Allouez 
led  the  Mission  at  Sault  Ste.  Marie.      Everywhere 
north,  south,  east  and  west,  the  footprints  of  the 
Jesuits  in  early  Canadian  and  American  history 
were  clear  and  distinct.     They  passed  up  and  down 
all  the  great  waterways  of  the  continent.     Chaumo- 
not,   Br^beuf,  Jogues,   Raymbault,  Le  Caron    Du 
Quen,  Marquette,  Allouez,  Messaiger,  Hennepin  and 
others  were  first,  or  else  a  close  second,  in  the  dis- 
covery of  vast  lakes  and  rivers  and  continental 
landmarks.      There  were  few  parts  of  the  great 
new  continent  in  those  days  where  a  Jesuit  did  not 
pioneer  the  way  with  his  crucifix  or  traverse  the 
paths  of  danger  as  companion  to  the  lay  explorer 
Where  the  one  carried  and  planttd  the  flag  of  France 
the  other  held  aloft  the  cross  of  his  Church. 

Yet  of  all  that  they  did  the  epic  of  the  Huron 
Mission  remains  the  most  lasting  L,smorial  of  the 
Order  of  Jesus  in  America.  Gamier,  Chabanel 
Darnel,  Jogues,  Br^beuf,  Lallemant  were  dead- 
martyrs  of  a  vivid  faith,  a  devoted  spirit,  a  great 
Order  and  Church.  Others  there  were  who  had 
suffered  as  much,  perhaps,  as  these,  though  just 
escaping  the  final  crown  of  martyrdom.  Their 
chapels  were  in  ruins,  their  adherents  scattered  to 
the  winds  of  heaven,  their  numbers  were  depleted 
until  less  than  twenty  remained  in  New  France 



But  the  memory  of  their  heroism,  their  conviction, 
thi .-  unstmted  zeal,  their  devotion,  remained  as  a 
basis  for  religious  life,  as  a  bulwark  of  the  Church, 
as  a  vital  factor  in  the  future  life  of  the  Province 
of  Quebec— greater  in  its  population,  though  not 
in  extent,  than  the  New  France  which  the  Jesuits 
had  hoped  to  aid  in  establishing. 

As  they  were  preceded  by  the  Franciscans  for  a 
brief  period,  so  they  were  replaced  to  some  extent 
in  after  years  by  the  Sulpicians— a  body  of  great 
force,  influence  and  lasting  power  in  French  Canada. 
Even  m  these  later  years,  however,  and  up  to  the 
time  of  the  expulsion  from  Quebec  which  became 
inevitable   when   the    British    came   into    control, 
the  Jesuits  were   still  a  powerful  element  in  the 
life  of  the  colony.    The  Jesuit  College  in  Quebec 
was,  up  to  1763,  the  chief  seat  of  learning  in  New 
France  so  far  as  general  education  and  the  training 
of  priests  was  concerned.     The  Order  also  became 
wealthy,  owners  of  fiefs  and  seigneuries,  of  land  in 
the  heart  of  Quebec  and  Montreal.      It  became 
influential  in  the  homes,  and  when  Father  Chaumo- 
not,  m  1663,  established  in  Montreal  the  Society 
of  the  Holy  Family  he  helped  an  association  which 
IS  vanously  described  but  which  in  any  case  wielded 
great  influence.     Parkman  charges  the  organization 
in  Montreal  with  undue  interference  in  home  affairs 
with  petty  tyranny  in  matters  of  moral  discipline, 
with  undue  prohibitions  in  respect  of  books,  dressi 
society,  dancing  and  various  customs  and  habits 
of   the    day.      Dean    Harris,    a   modem   Catholic 

''i    ^„ 



writer,  describeg  the  Society,  on  the  other  hand  as 
exercising  a  saving  influence  in  the  family,  sanctifying 
homes,  encouraging  domestic  purity  and  fostering 
filial  devotion. 

In  the  public  affairs  of  New  France  the  Jesuit  Order 
had  exercised  a  considerable  influence.     There  was 
no  difficulty  with  Protestantism  such  as  there  was 
m  Europe;   speaking  generally,  there  were  no  Prot- 
estants.    It  was  an  intolerant  age  and  in  Quebec, 
as  elsewhere,  the  laws  were  stern  and  were  rigidly 
enforced  whenever  it  happened  that  the  Governor 
and  Intendant  and  priests  .worked  together.      In 
days  when  looseness  of  life  and  morals  and  religious 
thought  were  eating  into  every  department  of  French 
life  at  home,  of  French  government  and  French 
society,  this  was  not  in  itself  an  evil,  though  it  may 
and  must  have  been  an  inconvenience.    Such  trouble 
of  the  kind  as  did  develop  in  Quebec  or  Montreal, 
from    time   to  time,  was  the  result  of  an  influx 
of  new  immigrants  and  an  occasional   laxness  in 
enforcing  laws.     Some  writers  of  the  time  criticize 
the  regulations  regarding  social  and  individual  life 
hquor  and  drinking  conditions,  the  relations  of  the 
sexes  in  general,  as  arbitrary,  as  evidences  of  priestly 
intolerance,  and  so  on.     Perhaps  they  were,  but  it 
must  not  be  overiooked  that  life  in  those  days  was  a 
very  stern  thing;    that  these  scattered  populations 
were  hvii  ;  on  the  verge  of  a  savage  volcano  which 
burst   into  eruption  at  intervals  and   which   was 
liable  to  break  out  at  any  moment;    that  war  was 
always  possible  with  the  Knglish  colonies  even  when 



not  prewnt;  that  when  looseness  of  life  and  govern- 
ment did  develop,  Colonial  disaster  ensued.  The 
conditions  of  1789  are  a  sufficient  illustration  of 
this  latter  fact. 

In  diplomacy  the  Jesuits  wielded  much  influence 
and  were  of  substantial  value  to  the  Government  of 

lZl"""'T'^^J^'  ^'"«-'°  *•"=  ^'''«  "f  America 
W   T.T^"  °'  ?"'°P*-    Charlevoix,  the  historian, 
has  stated  that  the  presence  of  a  priest  among  the 
Indians  was  often  of  more  value  than  a  garrison  of 
soldiers.     It  ,8  of  course,  obvious  that  a  converted 
Indian  would  be  a  friend  of  France  and  that  the 
alliance  of  the  Chnstian  Hurons,  if  properly  guided 
and  con  rolled,  might  have  been  enormously  valuable, 
lake  aU  powerful  organizations,   with   determined 
views  and  vigorous  principles,  the  Order  of  Jesus  did 
not  always  get  on  with  other  branches  of  the  Church 
in  Quebec;  *eal  and  obedience  were  under  perfect 
control  within  their  own  body,  but  intense  enthusiasm 
in  one  orgamwtion  does  not  always  run  well  in 
harness  with  individuals  and  institutions  without 

lameTnd"""*''*"  ^''""^  *"  "*  ^°^^^^  ^°'  *•>« 
i   ^w'iu*  .'**'*  important  product  of  Jesuit  labor 

Written  by  individual  missionaries  to  the  head  of 
the  Order  in  the  form  of  reports  and  published  first 

!  iV^^IV"  "°''"  '°°°*'"'y  ^°''""««'  ^^"y  embodied 
m  li  e-Iike  natural  form  the  unselfish  devotion  and 
absolute  aloofness  from  woridly  affairs  and  interests 
of  these  soldiers  of  the  Cross.     Modesty  and  self- 



sacrifice  were  the  characterirtic*  of  their  letters- 
information  of  the  greatest  posgible  historic  value 
w  one  lasting  result.  They  were  penned  under 
every  condition  of  hardship  and  difficulty-on  the 
field  or  bare  ground,  in  the  smoke-laden  air  of  dark 
huts,  with  maimed  and  broken  fingers,  in  conditions 
of  extreme  cold  or  extreme  heat,  with  death  in  the 
air  and  torture  imminent  or  recently  suffered.  They 
are  amongst  the  most  extraordinary  literary  do*,u- 
ments  of  all  time  and  constitute  a  mine  of  knowledge 
as  to  early  conditions  on  this  continent  which  is  of 
untold  value. 

As  to  the  rest,  the  Jesuit  Order  was  suppressed 
m  France  m  1762  and  also  in  Louisiacia  and  Quebec 
They  were  suppressed  by  the  Pope  in    1773,  but 
afterwards   restored  to  their  religious  position    by 
asuccessor  at  Rome  in  1814.    After  the  cession  of 
New  France  to  Great  Britain  the  Order  was  not 
aUowed  to  replace  its  members  by  novices  and  its 
property  was  taken  over  and  devoted  to  educational 
purposes.     They  ceased  for  a  time  to  be  a  factor  in 
Canadian  affairs,  except  as  an  inspiration  to  the 
people  of  their  own  Church  who  realised  the  early 
history  of  the  Order  in  North  America;    or  as  an 
incentive  to  the  fear  felt  by  Protestants  as  to  Roman 
Catholic  power  and  progress  in  the  light  of  what 
they  believed  to  be  the  record  of  the  Order  in  other 
countries.     When  the  Jesuits  commenced  to  come 
to  Canada  again  is  not  quite  clear;  that  they  did  so 
about  1839  and  became  influential  in  Quebec  eccle- 
siastical affairs  is  known.     There  is  a  strong  Jesuit 

I'lbi   ^...«-""-r..* 


» Isolor  ill 
n   to  thp 

Oncstchouan  Falls.  Lake  St.  John 

-'"II?  Jl-SUII. 


c?nt!™  11^^''"!  "'"i'^''''  ""  J"'"!*  educational 
centers  elsewhere  in  the  Dominion.  A  wave  of 
pohhcal  excitement  and  much  religious  conZLv 
was  created  in  Canada  by  the  policy  of  .he  Merder 

veto  til  1       ,  !•  ^"■"■°'on  Government  refused  to 

folow.d  *"  ?*'°"  ""l™"^*'  ""P'"'^'""*  discusdon 
followed-unpleasant  because  when  political  and 
sectanan  feelings  are  aroused  at  one  and  the  same 
time,  all  history  and  all  religion  can  be  tested  to 
serve  the  purpose  of  one  party  or  the  other 

One  conclusion  is  positive,  however,  and  can  be 
stated  here  positively.  So  far  as  Canada  is  con! 
cerned,  the  history,  the  record,  the  lives  of  the 
Jesmts  ,nd.vidually  can  only  be  an  oMect  of  respec 
and  admiration.  Their  characterisv.cs  stand  out 
w^th  vividness,  their  actions  and  sacrifices  were 
those  of  heroes,  their  continued  efforts  constilute 
a  page  m  history  which  any  country-even  our 
TXT  ""  '-'''"'  -  ^^^^'^^  ^ZroZ 

The  Heboic  Age  of  Canada 

North  Amenca  was  the  constant  and  seemindv 
un«vo.dable  feature  of  settlement  and  pro^^  w£ 
marked    by    mnumerable    incidents    of    hrroTsm 

rtheM"'"''T  '°''*^""*^  °^  -^  vivid  h~: 

To  the  Indians  who  occupied  the  vast  regions  into 
which  French  soldiers  and  sailors  and  prieste  a„d 

Cavahers  preachers  and  peasants  settled,  warfare 
was  a  pastime,  a  positive  pleasure,  a  life-oc  upa  on 
J^l  ^""^l"*  "^-g^t  the-n^elves  and  decimated  the 
Ind^n  ^  r'''"^  °''^°'"'  ^^^"  '"  historic  ages  the 
Injan  'nbes  seen  by  Cartier  at  Stadacona  and 
Hochelaga   passed   away   and   the   Hurons,   EriT 

men  the  white  men  came,  their  arrogance  in  deal- 
ing  with  savages  who  were  equally  arrogant  and 
who  possessed   whatever  ownership   there  wVaJ 

ralier'^^Th^VT"*  /'f  °"  ''"''  '"^'^^^^^^ 
disaster.      The  nvalry  of  the  two  chief  civilized 

nations  concerned,  in  Europe  and  America,  SeJ 

this  result,  and  amid  the  gloomy  aisles  of  endS 

breadth,  amid  a  myriad  lakes  and  rivers,  bodies  of 


the  horrors  or  honors  of  the  conflict.  ^ 

"     centi   /  of  peace  and  commerce— w«b  tl.» 

stoorflt  /r         ^"^'^  *•■«  ^^"""et  Gate,  which 
stood  at  the  corner  of  the  Notre  Dame  and  McGill 
streets  of  today,  General  Amherst  took  posseSn 
for  the  British  in  1760;  on  September  sS    lTl2 
General  Hull  and  375  American  oflicere  and  men' 
P^ed  as  prisoner      f  war  from  BSrcaXrof 
Sn        ;  ,  J'>"^°"8^  the  Quebec  Gate  (on  Dalhousie 
Squ^e)  there  passed  Ethan  Allen  as  a  pJsoner" 
war  in  1775,  and  near  it  was  the  old-time  wooden 
blockhouse  or  citadel.     The  first  fort  actuIu^'S 
m  Canada  was  Cartier's  structure  (1541)  at  Can 
Rouge,  near  Quebec,  which  he  called  Fort  Charles 


^ort  Of  Port  Hoyal  TifS^^J^t^ 



(Nova  Scotia)  and  Fort  Louis,  or  Lome:  on,  near 
Cape  Sable,  N.  S.,  followed  in  1615.     Seventy-nine 
years  after  Cartier's  action  near  Quebec  Champlain 
started  his  Fort  of  St.  Louis  on  Cape   Diamond, 
where  Dufferin  Terrace  now  enables  the  peaceful 
traveler  to  see  one  of  the  most  beautiful  views  in 
the  world.     De  la  Tour,  the  hero  of  Acadia,  built  a 
fort  at  the  mouth  of  the  St.  John  River  in  1627. 
Champlain  erected  a  fortified  station  on  the  St. 
Maurice;  the  Hundred  Associates  constructed  Forts 
Sorel,  Champlain,  Ste.  Th6»dse  and  La  Motte  alcng 
the  Richelieu;    Frontenac  erected  a  palisaded  fcrti- 
fication  at  Cataraqui  near  the  Kingston  of  today— 
where  rest  in  a  peaceful  cemetery  the  remains  of 
Canada's  greatest  statesman— and  it  is  known  to 
history  as  Fort  Frontenac;    Louisbourg,  on  Cape 
Breton,  at  the  gateway  of  the  St.  Lawrence,  was 
commenced  in  1720  and  cost  the  huge  sum  (in  thope 
days)  of  ten  million  dollars  before  it  was  completed. 
As  a  natural  corollary  of  the  French  claims  to  the 
watershed  of  St.  Lawrence  and  the  Great  Lakes  and 
to  thai  of  the  Mississippi  and  its  tributaries,  many 
forts   were   constructed  in  those   regions— notably 
Fort  Rouille,   built  in  1749  upon  the  site  of  the 
future  City  of  Toronto;   Pontchartrain,  long  after- 
wards  replaced    by   the   modern   city   of   Detroit; 
Duquesne,    called   after   the   French   marquis  and 
governor  of  that  name,  and  now  a  center  of  wealth 
and  industries  known  as  Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania. 
There  were  others,  such  as  Le  Bceuf,  Venango,  San- 
dusky, Prud'homme,  Vincennes,  FrM&ic  or  Crown 



Point,  Niagara,  St.  Joseph  (near  Lake  Michigan), 
Michrhmaclanac,  Green  Bay,  Crfiv^eceur,  Presqu'I 
isle,  Miami,  Outanon,  Chambly,  Necessity,  Ticon- 
deroga  or  Carillon,  Anne,  Monsipi,  St.  Louis  in  the 
lUinois  country,  and  some  at  the  mouths  of  the 
Wabash,  the  Ohio  and  the  Missouri.  This  vast 
semicircle  of  fortifications,  flying  the  flag  of 
France,  v-s  intended  to  hem  in,  to  crib,  cabin 
and  confine  the  boundless  energies  of  the  English 
settlers.  The  great  rivals  of  the  French  were 
hardly  less  active.  Halifax  was  founded  in 
1749  as  an  Atlantic  arsenal  and  fortification: 
Fort  Lawrence  frowned  at  Fort  Beaus^jour  on 
Chipiecto  Bay;  Fort  Frederick  covered  the  ruins 

/w'^r^'J"  '^°"'  ^""^^  Edward,  George, 
and  Wilham  Henry  watched  La  Motte,  St.  Jean 
and  Ste.  Th^rdse  in  the  Champlain  region;  Fort 
Oswego  stood  on  guard  against  Fort  Frontenac  and 
so  on  over  a  great  area  of  disputed  territory  and 
clashing  interests. 

The  forts  built  by  Radisson  and  the  De  la  V^ren- 
drye  in  the  West  included  Bourbon  on  Hayes  River 
and  Bourbon  and  Poskoyac  on  the  Saskatchewan, 
Dauphin  near  Lake  Manitoba,  King  Charies  on 
James  Bay,  La  Jonquidre  where  Calgary  now 
stands  in  its  modern  wealth  and  western  pride 
Maurepas  on  Lake  Winnipeg,  De  la  Reine  on  the 
Assiniboine,  Rouge  on  the  site  of  modern  Winnipeg 
and  St.  Pierre  on  the  Minnesota  side  of  Rainy  Lake' 
They  marked  the  French  advance  in  that  great 
region,  stamped  its  history  with  definite  points  of 




adventure,  stnking  story  and  deadly  Indian  struggle 
1.  m""!?^^*""'*''  ""''  '°'"'*^'''  *•>"'  '"in«  t^ay 

STin  .  n        "^  ff  ""'"^•'*  '"  ^''^^^  y«"«  of  »ew 
lite  in  a  new  world. 

n»,?T5!?°"*.''"  *''''  wonderful  continental  wilder- 

lofty  chffs  nestling  amongst  the  trees  on  the  shores 

Wh^  ?'  *'T'"°'^  ^"*"°8  "*8s,  or  green-clad 

isthmuses   planted  on  the  bpnks  of  lakes  and  rivers 
and  spread  over  the  prairies  of  the  far  West,  watch- 

ih?r.wr*  P'";*T'  P"''"'  "'  P°'°*'  °°  pathways 
through  the  vast  forests,  were  forts,  forts,  forts! 
There  were  probably  not  less  than  a  hundred  of 
them  descending  in  the  scale  of  stren^h  from  the 
proud  example  of  French  engineering  skill  at  Louis- 
bourg  to  the  simple  palisade  structures  of  the  far 
intenor.  They  guarded  settlements  against  Indian 
raids,  or  the  sudden  attack  of  small  detachments  of 
the  white  enemy;  they  protected  traders  and  wel- 
comed fur-buyers,  hunters,  trappers  and  voyageurs; 
they  were  centers  of  communication,  of  discovery 
of  rescue  from  Indians  and  of  such  production  as 
there  was  in  those  pioneer  days 

Around  and  about  these  fortifications  circle  tales 
of  suffering  and  heroism  such  as  history  loves  to 
preserve;  some  of  them  shared  in  all  the  French  and 
English  and  Indian  wars;  others  were  built,  like 
the  Jesuit  forts  in  the  Huron  country,  solely    for 

bi^ifh     w°"*   '""^'^'    '^'    ^^°'>"°'«'-     =o>ne    were 
built  by  Western  explorers  and  at  times  were  the 


iJii-niresque.      ihe  armor-clad  fieurp  nf  oi,-™  i  • 

of  French  soldiers  wW.         fleu".^^^^^^^^^ 

them,  meeting  here  and  thpr»  t^     u        ''"'«  "^^^ 





France  against  the  English  Colonieg.  Relation, 
with  the  Indians  turned  upon  many  things;  one  of 
the  chief  was  the  astuteness  with  which  individual 
leaders  took  advantage  of  French  and  English 
rivalries  and  played  one  nation  or  its  representatives 
off  against  the  other.  In  the  last  quarter  of  the 
seventeenth  century,  when  the  worst  period  in  its 
history,  the  lowest  ebb  in  the  fortunes  of  French 
Canada  developed,  this  was  notably  the  case  The 
English  colonists  on  the  Atlantic  were  then  ten-fold 
the  numbers  of  the  French;  the  fur  traders  and 
trappers  of  the  two  peoples  were  everywhere  rivals 
and  the  English  were,  quite  naturallv,  endeavoring 
m  various  ways  to  divert  the  profitable  traffic  in 
peltries  from  Montreal  and  Quebec  to  Albany  and 
New  York.  ' 

The  first  scene  of  what  has  been  called  "The 
agony  of  Canada"  centered  at  Fort  Frontenac, 
whence  De  la  Barre,  as  Governor  of  New  France, 
after  seeing  the  Illinois  allies  of  the  French  attacked 
by  the  Iroquois  and  permitting  this  to  be  followed 
up  by  the  plunder  of  French  traders,  started  to 
make  separate  treaties  with  three  of  the  Iroquois 
nations-who  had  no  intention  of  keeping  them, 
finally  he  got  together  a  force  of  1,000  militiamen 
and  Indians  with  the  object  of  invading  the  Seneca 
country,  but  wasted  time  at  Fort  Frontenac  and 
near  Oswego  until  terms  of  peace  were  actually 
dictated  to  him  by  the  confederate  Iroquois  tribes. 
Shortly  afterwards  (1684)  he  was  superseded  by  De 
DenonviUe,  who  at  once  passed  from  Quebec  to  Fort 


Frontenac,  strengthened  the  place,  and  prepared 
to  maintain  it  with  a  garrison  of  five  hundred  men, 
to  guard  the  fur  trade  and  check  the  British 
Three  years  later,  by  an  act  of  treachery,  he 
succeeded  in  getting  fifty  of  the  Iroquois  chiefs  to 
a  conference  at  the  same  fort  and  seized  and  shipped 
them  to  France  to  work  in  the  Royal  galleys.  To 
the  lasting  credit  of  the  Indians  the  missionaries, 
who  had  been  unwilling  and  unintentional  instru- 
ments of  this  action,  were  allowed  to  leave  the 
Iroquois  country  unharmed.  Shortly  afterwards 
Denonville  defeated  the  Senecas  at  the  mouth  of 
the  Genesee  River,  ravaged  their  country  and 
destroyed  their  villages;  Fort  Niagara  was  rebuilt 
and  garrisoned,  while  palisaded  forts  were  planted 
on  the  sites  of  Toronto,  Detroit,  Sault  St.  Marie, 
Llichihmackinac  and  down  the  Illinois  River. 

It  was  then— within  a  decade  of  the  end  of  the 
seventeenth  century— that  the  Five  Nations  of  the 
Iroquois  burst  like  a  storm-cloud  upon  the  French 
settlements.  They  attacked  and  destroyed  the 
fort  at  the  entrance  to  Niagara  River  and  spread 
themselves  like  a  pestilence  along  the  frontiers  of 
French  colonization.  The  country  was  ravaged  for 
a  thousand  miles,  probably  a  thousand  French 
colomsts  were  victims  of  the  tomahawk  or  scalping 
kmfe,  an  army  of  Iroquois  warriors  assembled  at 
Lake  St.  Francis  and  there  tried  to  dictate  terms  of 
peace.  The  Massacre  of  Lachine  was  the  culmi- 
nating act  of  this  period.  Following  it  Montreal 
Island,  outside  of  the  feeble  walls  of  ViUe  Marie 



WM  for  two  months  in  possewion  of  the  Iroquoia 
and  no  hfe  w„  safe  for  a  moment,  while  peril  wa. 
the  daily  and  nightly  portion  of  the  people  of  that 
«o lated  po.       To  Three  Rivers,  and  Quebec,  and 
I  Mane  the  power  of  New  France  was  for  a  time 
confined.     Fort  Frontonac  had  been  abandoned  and 
When  De  Frontenac  returned  as  governor  in  1690 
he  found  the  country  of  his  pride  and  hope  prostrate 
at  the  feet  of  the  enemy,  shaken  by  fear  and  in 
imminent  peril,  menaced  by  an  alliance  of  all  the 
northern  and  western  tribes  with  the  Iroquois  and 
the  English.     He  had  to  act  and  he  did  so  in  a  way 
characteristic  of  the  man  and  of  the  times.     Three 
bodies  of  French  and  Indians  marched  from  Quebec, 
Three   Rivers  and   Montreal  and  in  the  depth  of 
winter  attacked,  surprised  and  captured  Schenectady, 
N.   Y.,  Salmon  Falls,  N.  H.,  and  Casco  in  New 
England.     Little  mercy  was  shown  and  these  places 
were  practically  destroyed. 

Th'  effect  of  this  quick  and  definite  action  upon 
the  gi  ueral  situation  was  electrical.  It  restored  the 
waning  prestige  of  the  French,  strengthened  the 
spmt  of  the  people  and  reopened  the  channels  of 
the  fur  trade.  On  the  other  hand  the  brutality 
displayed  m  the  capture  of  the  villages  embittered 
the  spirit  of  New  England  and  New  York  to  a 
degree  which  nothing  could  efface  except  the  final 
destruction  of  French  power.  Sir  William  Phips  and 
an  Enghsh  Colonial  expedition  against  Acadia  at  once 
succeeded  in  capturing  Port  Royal;  the  same  officer 
was  put  in  charge  of  a  naval  attack  upon  Quebec- 



a  land  force  was  launched  from  New  York  againat 
Montreal;  the  Iroq\;'i«  ravaged  and  burned  and 
slaughtered  wherever  an  opportunity  offered. 

A  picturesque  incident  of  this  period  occurred 
when  Phips  reached  Queuec  on  October  16th  with 
thirty-two  ships,  plenty  of  cannon  and  2,000  men. 
He  at  once  sent  a  messenger  to  De  Frontenac,  who 
received  him  in  the  Throne  Room  of  the  Chateau 
clad  in  gorgeous  uniform,  with  stately  and  impres- 
sive bearing,  and  surrounded  by  such  an  array  of 
military  and  official  splendor,  in  costume  and  appear- 
ance, as  the  simple  New  Englander  had  probably 
never  seen  before.      The  letter  presented  to  the 
Lieutenant-General    of    Louis    the    Great    was    a 
haughty  demand  to  surrender  within  an  hour,  to 
which  the  Comte  de  Frontenac  declined  any  but  a 
verbal  and  immediate  reply:    "The  only  answer  I 
will  give  will  be  from  the  mouths  of  my  cannon  and 
musketry."     Meanwhile  the  weak  defences  of  the 
place  had  been  strengthened,  De  Calli^res  had  come 
down  post-haste  from  Ville  Marie  with  800  men,  the 
batteries  were  ready  for  action,  and  the  Beauport 
and  Beaupr^  shores,  below  the  city,  were  guarded 
by  French  Canadian  sharpshooters.     An  effort,  pro- 
longed for  three  days,  was  made  by  Phips'  second 
in  command,  with  1,300  men  and  some  field-pieces, 
to  land  at  the  St.  Charles  River  near  Quebec,  but 
was  defeated,  while  the  well-directed  guns  of  the 
fortress  played  havoc  with  the  fleet.     Phips   then 
withdrew  and  sailed  back  to  Boston. 
Outstanding  amo'-gst  the  raids,   massacres  and 




varied  confllota  of  the  D«xt  few  yeart  is  the  inci- 
dent of  which  Marie  Madeleine  Jarret  de  Ver- 
oh«rea  was  the  heroine.  Daughter  of  the  Seigneur 
de  Verchiree  and  living  on  the  banlcs  of  the  St. 
Lawrence  some  miles  below  Montreal,  in  a  fortified 
and  palisaded  manor  house,  she  was,  in  1692,  but 
fourteen  years  of  age  and,  from  all  that  can  be 
ascertained,  a  child  of  marlced  beauty  and  unusual 
couroge.  Around  the  house  had  grown  up  the 
dwellings  of  laborers  and  dependents  who  sought  its 
protection  whenever  danger  threatened.  At  the 
time  when  the  incident  in  question  occurred  it  was 
eariy  autumn,  the  great  forests  were  ablaze  with 
color,  the  indentations  and  bays  of  the  river  were 
alive  with  the  flutterings  of  wild  game  and  water- 
fowl. There  had  been  no  Indian  outbrealc  for  some 
months,  the  Sieur  and  Madame  de  Verchires  had 
gone  to  Quebec  to  present  their  annual  feclty  to  the 
Sovereign's  representative  for  their  fief  and  sei- 
gneurial  righte,  the  garrison  and  even  many  of  the 
laborers  were  away  shooting  in  the  woods  and  along 
the  banks  of  the  river. 

Hence  when  Mdlle.  de  Verchires,  wandering  by  the 
nver  on  a  beautiful  afternoon,  suddenly  heard  shots 
and  the  blood-curdling  Iroquois  war-whoop,  looked 
hastily  around  and  saw  a  number  of  savages  emerging 
from  the  woods  not  far  away,  her  peril  was  very 
great.  She  made  a  wild  dash  for  the  house,  calling, 
'To  arms!  To  arms!"  as  she  ran,  with  one  young 
brave,  in  advance  of  the  others,  almost  upon  her. 
Just  as  she  reached  the  heavy  door  of  the  house 



which  was,  fortunately,  open  for  her,  the  savage 
reached  out  and  caught  her,  not  by  the  flying  hair 
a«  was  their  usual  custom,  but  by  a  covering  to  her 
shoulders.  With  a  swift  gesture  she  unfastened  it 
in  front  and  as  she  flew  in  and  barred  and  Imlted 
the  door  the  discomfited  Indian  fell  back  with  only 
the  garment  in  his  hand.  Inside  all  was  confusion 
and  for  protection  there  was  only  an  old  man  of 
eighty,  her  two  youthful  brothers  and  two  soldiem. 
Mdlle.  de  Verchires  took  instant  command,  fired  off 
the  small  swivel  gun  in  the  court-yard  with  her  own 
hands  to  warn  the  scattered  garrison,  had  the  de- 
fences strengthened  in  every  direction  and  though 
she  could  not  save  the  unfortunate  harvesters  in  the 
fields  from  slaughter,  she  did  hold  the  fort  during 
two  long  days  of  siege.  One  soldier  was  .ola  otf 
to  take  care  of  the  women  and  children  in  the  block- 
ho'jse;  Madeleine,  the  old  man  and  the  two  boys, 
each  fully  armed,  took  charge  of  the  four  bastions 
or  redoubts  at  the  corners,  and  through  the  storm 
which  came  up,  through  darkness  and  daylight,  for 
forty-eight  hours  they  stood  at  their  posts  with  the 
lurking,  alert  enemy  in  every  direction — thinking 
naturally  that  the  place  was  well  defended.  Then 
came  relief  and  the  name  of  the  child  who  saved  the 
Manor  House  of  Verchires  and  its  occupants  passed 
into  history.  She,  herself,  married  Thomas  de  la 
Naudi^re,  a  French  officer  and  Seigneur,  and,  after 
his  death,  De  la  Parade,  another  officer  of  good 
birth.  In  her  later  years  she  was  given  a  govern- 
ment pension  for  life. 



A  French  Canadian  hero  of  this  period  was  Le 
Moyned  Iberville.      Bom    in    Montreal    or   Ville 
Mane,  he  spent    a  lifetime  in  exploration   and  in 
f  Shting  for  his  flag.     It  is  a  question  whether  any 
Canadian,  before  or  since,  has  had  such  a  career  of 
strenuous  adventure,  gallant  struggle  and,  from  the 
standpoint  of  France,  useful  performance.    In    his 
forty-five   years  of   Hfe  he  crowded  such   activity 
as  seems  almost  marvelous.     He  entered  the  French 
navy  m  1686  and  took  part  with  De  Troyes  in  cap- 
turing from  the  EngUsh  the  Hudson's  Bay  forts 
of  Moose  Factory,  Rupert  and  Albany;  in  1689  he 
was  agam  on  the  Bay  and  captured  a  British  ship 
witi,  a  cargo  of  guns  which  he  brought  to  Quebec;  in 
1690  he  was  a  leader  in  the  raid  from  Montreal  on 
Schenectady,  N.  Y.,  and  thence,  in  the  far  north,  he 
captured  Fort  Severn;  four  years  later  he  was  again 
in  the  Bay  and  this  time  he  took  Fort  Nelson  from 
the  British  and  practically  brought  the  whole  vast 
northern   region,   for   the   moment,    under   French 
control;   in  1696  he  was  sailing  the  Atlantic  coast, 
captured  Pemaquid  on  the  coast  of  Acadia,  which 
had  already  been  destroyed   by  the  Indians  and 
rebmlt  by  the  New  Englanders  as  Fort   William 
Henry;   at  the  same  time  he  took  possession  of  St 
Johns  and  the    coast  of    Newfoundland;     in  the 
following  year  he  again  sought  the  Hudson's  Bay, 
defeated  a  larger  British  fleet  than  his  own  and 
recaptured  Fort   Nelson;    in   1698  he  sailed  from 
France  with  an  expedition  which  sought  and  found 
the  far-southern  mouths  of  the  Mississippi;  he  spent 


1'   CAXAIA 


the  balance  of  his  life  in  building  up  French  power 
in  what  became  the  colony  of  Louisiana.  His 
name  is  and  should  be  a  household  word  in  the  City 
of  Montreal  and  the  annals  of  his  race  in  Canada 

Around  Fort  Chambly,  on  the  Richelieu,  twelve 
miles  below  St.  John's,  centered  in  all  these  years 
much  of  conflict  and  interesting  history.     No  more 
attractive  ruins  exist  today  than  those  of  the  old 
Fort  which  was  first  erected  of  wood  in  1665  ajd 
reconstructed  and  built  of  stone  in  1711  by  soldiers 
and  residents  from  Montreal  under  plans  drawn  by 
M.  de  Ury.     It  was  constructed,  and  so  remains, 
in  a  large  square,  with  four  bastions,  and  must  in 
early  days  have  been  very  strong  and  imposing. 
The  name  it  now  bears  was  given  it  by  Captain 
Jacques    de  -Chambly    of    the    Carignan-Salli^res 
Kegiment  (afterwards  Governor  of  Acadia  and  Mar- 
timque  and  Seigneur  of  Chambly),  though  at  times 
It  was  also  called  St.  Louis.      Here,  the  oft-times 
slight    and   inadequate   garrison,    and  surrounding 
settlers  of  the  Chambly  Seigneury,  faced  the  silent 
sweep  of  the  Iroquois  upon  French  settlements  in 
many  a  night  of  terror  and  darkness,  or  waited  for 
their  war  parties,  as  they  passed,  in  fearful  expecta- 
tion; here,  in  after  years,  i.t  guarded  the  highway  of 
New  England  expeditions  into  New  France  and,  with 
a  Cham  of  posts  built  for  purposes  of  defence,  it 
played  an  important  part  during  the  first  half  of 
the  eighteenth  century;    here,  until  August,  1760 
Its  garrison  held  the  French  flag  flying  even  while 
French  power  was  crumbling  to  pieces  over  half  a 



continent;  here,  in  1775,  the  Amtrican  flag  flew 
for  a  brief  period  and  here,  in  the  War  of  1812  as 
many  as  6,000  British  troops  were  Itcpt  to  guard 
a  vital  strategic  point;  here,  up  to  the  early  seventies, 
imperial  troops  were  kept  and  the  British  bugle- 
call  heard  where  for  so  long  a  period  French  soldiers 
had  held  their  cheerful  sway. 

Not  very  far  from  this  fortification,  and  about 
twelve  miles  below  where  the  Richelieu  pours  out 
of  Lake  Champlain,  is  Isle-aux-Noix.     It  is  a  small 
island  and  the  ruins  left  upon  it  are  slight  and  appar- 
ently insignificant.     Yet  here  was,  for  a  time   the 
strategic  point  in  the  protection  of  Montreal  from 
the  onward  sweep  of  the  English  in  1,59,  when,  after 
the  fall  of  Fort  Carillon  (Ticonderoga)   and  Fort 
Fr^d^nc    (Crown    Point),   Bourlamaque   threw  his 
army  on  to  this  island  and  held  it  in  defiance  of  the 
British  advance.     Fortifications  were  erected  and 
after  the  fall  of  Quebec,  De  L4vis,  himself,  assisted 
by  the  French   Canadian  De  Lotbini^re,   directed 
the  work  of  added  fortifications.     De  Bougainville 
succeeded   to   the   command,    but   the   island   was 
evacuated  in  the  following  year.     In  1775  General 
Schuyler,  of  the  Continental  forces,  took  possession 
and  rebuilt  the  fortifications;  from  here  Ethan  Allen 
undertook,  with  200  rangers,  to  capture  Montreal 
and  had,  instead,  to  spend  an  enforced  period  in 
England;   from  here  General  Montgomery  marched 
to  attack  Quebec  and  here,  during  the  Revolutionary 
period,  various  negotiations  took  place  while   the 
contending  armies  passed  through  or  briefly  occupied 

•  ■fl'.l 

-rief  ,>^niKl  nnd  here,  in  tk-  W., 

-  ''OM  BriUsh  'rm\»  wrre  k, 

tnifegin  point:  here.  Mp.u>  the .... 

■M  troops  w«e  kept  «„<i  ,j,e  b,' 

'  rt  «*Pre  fur  so  lo.,^  „  ,„.,,i,„|  p,^ . 

^let'rtf  the 

'''•tp(i  aii.i. 

•■IS,  iuiii«<jj/,  jtssis^^ 

_  Lotbijii^rfe,   iJircrt'-f 

'  n;   command,    f.i:T    f  ,.  ■  i  ,  , 
„■;■  "r"*-'"  *-^^  fp&win,«  VM-  p     "1 

S'.'iHiyif^.  of  ih,  Couti„«„L^i  f,., .  ''"■:'"'  ■ 

ana  h..i,  uir'^i'jrr^n'^r"^  ""^*^^^' 
o  aUacK  yueb«e  ,„d  We.  rfunng  *        '    '"' 

-       '   '■■>■'■':!<•      '        ,.,,:  .:....      ..   .,.,.■,"  , 

■      '    ■■■•'■'!•■  ■-"•Oiipir.! 

Scene  on  the  St.  tawrence  in  Winter 







Its  shores;  here  in  f-e  War  of  1812  were  erected 
several  British  forts,  of  which  Lennox  still  survives, 
with  blockhouses  and  other  defences;  near  here  in 
1813,  three  American  ships  were  captured  and  from 
here  went  the  expedition  to  capture  Plattsburg 
and  later  on  troops  to  help  at  the  memorable  fight 
of  Lacolle's  Mills  not  far  away.  British  troops 
occupied  It  until  the  Seventies,  and  it  is  interesting 
to  note  that,  in  all  these  earlier  years  of  warfare, 
while  IsIe-aux-Noix  was  safe  Montreal  was  safe; 
when  it  was  lost  Montreal  was  also  lost. 

Memorials  of  these  times  of  stress  and  warfare 
exist  everywhere  throughout  Quebec,  though  it  is 
doubtful  if  many  visitors  know  of,  or  hear  of,  them. 
From   Montreal,   for  instance,  there  extended  for 
some  miles  a  chain  of  outposts  or  fortified  palisaded 
buildings   to   St.   Anne's   and   including   Forts   St     ■ 
Gabriel,  Verdun,  CuilWrier,  Lachine,  R^my,  Holland, 
Gentilly,  Pointe  Claire  and  Senneville  or  Boisbriant.' 
The  first-named  was  an  excellent  embodiment  of 
these  days  of  danger  and  its  remains  have  been 
resuscitated  in  pictorial  form  from  ruins  which  existed 
on  Montmorenci  Street  as  late  as  1890.     It  was  a 
long,  low,  solid  house  built  of  stone  with  protecting 
walls  two  and  three  feet  thick  and  twelve  feet  high 
with   heavy   stone   gateway  buttresses  calculated, 
on  the  whole,  to  stand  any  attack  except  that  of 
artillery.     A  stone  storehouse  stood  near  the  house 
and  on  the  borders  of  the  Lachine  Canal.      The 
foit  was  first  erected  of  wood  as  far  back  as  1659. 
Many  other  places  in  Quebec,  towns  of  modern 

;l    I' 




days,    with   modem   life   and   industrial   activities 
everywhere    evident,    have    similar    survivals    of 
historic  days.     Sorel,  for  instance,  at  the  mouth  of 
the  Richelieu,  with  its  turbulent  memories  of  the 
past,  was  established  by  De  Montmagny  in  1642 
as  a  fortification  intended  to  stand  in  the  vanguard 
of  Indian  trade  or  Indian  war,  as  the  case  might  be. 
Called  after  Pierre  de  Sorel,  he,  in  1665,  erected 
stronger  and  more  elaborate  fortifications,  and  it 
was  for  a  century  a  stopping  place  between  Quebec 
and  Montreal  for  governors  and  soldiers  and  mis- 
sionaries and  priests.      Here,  in   1787,  came  gay 
Prince  William  Henry,  afterwards  William  IV,  and 
so  popular  was  he  that  for  a  time  the  place  was  locally 
called  after  him.      It  was  refortified  in   1778  by 
Haldimand  to  meet  a  possible  American  invasion  and 
near  it  were  settled  many  of  the  Loyalists  of  1783. 
Three  Rivers,  at  the  mouth  of  the  St.  Maurice, 
was  an  even  more  important  military  post  and  is 
now  a  larger  and  more  imposing  city  of  peace. 
It  was  founded  in  1633,  before  the  days  of  Ville 
Marie;   Jesuit  missionaries  came  in  the  succeeding 
year  and  afterwards  the  R^coIIets,  while  in   1634 
Laviolette  built  a  substantial  fort;   throughout  the 
seventeenth  century  it  was  a  center  of  the  fur  trade, 
a  resting  place,  or  starting  place,  for  explorers  and 
voyageurs  and  a  central  point  for  expeditions  against 
the  Iroquois  and  the  English  and  a  pivotal  place  in 
attack  and  defence;    for  long  it  was  a  separate 
governorship  and  a  center  of  the  French  life  of  the 
country,  with  such  early  notables  as  La  Salle,  Du 


L-hut  and  Frontenao  .nj  a  -.hole  series  of  leaders  in 
FVen  h  actmty  and  adventure;  it  was  used  as  a 
ITI  '*"■/'»"'"'"'"  """'^'y  supplies  in  1776  and 

seat  of  Haldimand's  government  for  a  time  and  from 
here  he  rescued  and  relieved  many  of  the  Loyalists 
of  the  Amencan  Revolution. 

TifnL""  **"'■  ^''""'^  ^""^^  ''°'^«^'".  Carillon  or 
Ticonderoga  .s  probably  the  best  known  tc  the 

nearly  so  o  d  or  historic  as  many  others.  Built 
by  De  Lotb,m^re  in  1756,  on  a  promontory  at  ?he 
southern  end  of  Lake  Champlain,  it  is  now  il  United 
States  temtory.  It  was  the  advanced  post  of  the 
French  m  their  last  days  of  power  and  the  scene 
of  a  famous  victory  by  Montcalm  in  1758;  it  was 
captured  by  Amherst  in  the  succeeding  year;  to 
1775  was  taken  by  the  ...nericans,  and  two  ^a^ 

spinted  and  memorable  scenes  in  the  dying  days 
of  New  France  was  the  attack  by  Abercrombte  uwn 
Montcalm  at  Carillon.  It  was  a  vital  period"^" 
the   prolonged   contest,   and   although   the   caused 

Quebec,  they  were  not  generally  understood.    Louis- 

t^fZ'  r  "  .V"''  ^"^  ''""  *"''«"  "y  A-^herst  slortly 
before  CanlU,n  was  invested,  but  about  this  time! 

,.,  ;  °  *^^  "^''"=«'  "^^^  tbe  French.  Mont- 
calm 8  victories  at  Oswego  and  Fort  William  Heim. 
had  come  at  a  perio,--  when  high  taxes,  const^ 




Indian  forays,  frequent  militia  levies,  and  the  not 
always  pleasant  presence  of  British  troops  had 
added  to  local  rivalries  and  jealousies  and  ham- 
pered English  colonial  operations. 

In  these  last  stages  of  the  struggle  no  one  place 
or  portion  of  the  continent   can  be  said  to  have 
been  the  headquarters  of  the  soldiers  on  either  side. 
From  one  point  to  another,  through  immense  prime- 
val forests  and  wilderness  stretches,  across  streams 
and  rivers  of  unknown  depth  and  current,  along 
miry  pathways  and  over;  wild  morasses,  troops  were 
on  the  march  continuo..-,Iy.     As  the  war  centered, 
temporarily,  on  Fort  Cavi'.!  jn  or  Ticonderoga,  Mont- 
calm found  himself,  in  the  middle  of  June,   1758, 
with  about  4,000  men  face  to  face  with  Abercrombie 
and  his  15,000.     The  situation  appeared  desperate 
and,  indeed,  hopeless,  thuugii  the  French  commander 
held  a  splendid  position.      The  Fort,  from  a  rocky 
height,  overlooked  the  head  of  Lake  Champlain. 
Behind  it  ran  a  rough  valley  and  beyond  that  a 
ridge  fortified  with  high  breastworks  and  palisades 
built  of  tree  trunks,  with  sharpened  branches  point- 
ing outwards,  and  a  sloping  descent  in  front  thickly 
set  with  stakes  and  felled  trees. 

Second  to  Montcalm  was  De  L4vis,  an  able  o£5cer; 
second  to  Abercrombie,  who,  himself,  had  little 
ability,  was  Lord  Howe,  a  young  officer  of  radiant 
character  and  great  popularity  in  the  army.  After 
prolonged  preparations  by  Abercrombie  and  patient 
waiting  by  Montcalm,  who  at  this  critical  juncture 
dared  not  make  a  false  or  venturesome  move,  the 



British   General   on   July   Stli   Bturtcd  from    Fort 
George  to  capture  Carillon.    His  forces  and  artillery 
required  900  bateaux,  136  wlialcboats  and  numerous 
heavy  floats  for  transportation,  and  at  the  Narrows 
of    the  lake  was  over   six  miles  in  length.      With 
the  beauty  of  a  summer  day  and  surrounding  scenes 
of  woodland  splendor,  with  lofty  hills  and  rolling 
waters,   with  the   varied  accessories  of  music  and 
striking  uniform  and  flying  banners,  the  sight  must 
have  been  a  memorable  pageant  even  for  the  youth- 
time  of  the  New  World.     On  the  6th  the  force  dis- 
embarked and  in  a  succeeding  skirmish  with  Cana- 
dian sharpshooters  Howe  was  killed— the  greatest 
loss  short  of  defeat  which  the  British  troops  could 
have  had.      Montcalm  received  the  charge  of  the 
enemy  on  July  8th  at  the  fortified  ridge  already 
described.      Without   artillery  and  during  a  long, 
fearful  day  of  desperate  charge  and  fierce  attack 
Abercrombie  hurled  his  men  against  the  tremendous 
defences  of  the  French.     It  was  a  useless  though 
splendid    sacrifice    and    at    nightfall    he  withdrew, 
leaving   2,000   British   dead   behind   and   with   the 
famous  Black  Watch,  in  particular,  almost  deci- 
mated.    Of  this  regiment  twenty-four  officers  were 
killed   or   wounded.      By   the   French   the   victory 
was  regarded  as  a  miracle  and  in  honor  of  the  gal- 
lantry of  their  defence  against  tremendous  odds  the 
greatly  inspirited  Montcalm  erected  on  the  spot  an 
immense  wooden  cross  bearing  these  lines: 

Soldier  and  Chief  and  ramparts'  strength  are  naught; 
Behold  the  conquering  Cross!    'Tis  God  the  triumph  wrought. 



Following  thla  conflict,  however  md  «hll.  *i„ 
crombie  with  hi«  troopn  i«v  tr^hl.n    •     I'  ^^''^ 
««;»  Heno.,  BradH^Tt  aL    ht  Kk"'*,'^"- 
militia  had  captured  Fort  Pr„„.  f '^  '°'°"'"' 

ton)  and  all  iuZu    .       J^wntenac  (near  Kings- 

"ad  fallen,  and  in  its  uT7  1  ^^^"^^'g  also 
«triking  car.r.  '"nI^'  alt^"  UnHlv  "".' 
commenced   in   1720    it   „  ■  '^'^   and 

tban  Quebec,°th;"l;rpX'Xrr  ""'^ 
in  America.     Twentv  fit;.  "*""''  P""" 

it.  construction  iTmlrmilir"  """"""^  '" 
Built  at  the  end  nf  .  f^   millions   m   its   cost. 

Atlantic  fL  the  coaTo^  'c'"  T'""'  "'*°  *'"' 
there  was  behind  it»  TV  n^^  ^'^*°n  '''and, 
chiefly  mora!s  lroL\  T"'  «"'""''  '^'■'c"  '-as 
ful  batterir  protected  TT^  '"'""'  ''^  P°-- 
the  harbor  stc^d  llh!;  "''"'"  '"  ^''^  ■»<>"">  of 
wa«  first  reduSn  ms  u  T"'^"'  "^"""y-  I* 
with  their  CoTonil?  J„„n-  "^  ^."T'""  ""'*  W"""" 
from  a  great  fleet    it  wT„""''  ''"''  '•""'^^'^  «"°» 

'tr  r  7°'^'  -'^  Bosrwe^rSs'''''''''  '^ 

twelve  warlii  Sm/"  *'"'  "'**-'""»»  were 
of  the  fortress  ^rel  9  ht^     '^°''  '"  ^''^  ''""cries 


unable  to  »top,  the  .teady  advance  of  the  BritUb 
troop,  to  the  wallH  of  the  fortre,..     On  June  26  h 

ihl  K  '""*"■ ,  ^'"'  "^'■nt  wounded  Ix)uiH  XIV  to 
he  heart  and  encouraged  to  a  triumphant  degr^ 
the  men  who  were  to  win  the  final  »tages  of  he  wa7 
The  m.ghty  fortifSeation,  were  demolished  aTte^ 
months  of  labor  and  today  only  va7tTne«  of  .»lh 
works  ,i.„.,  ,„,„^,  y^.^^ y  -t t  Tand  echt" 
■ng  to  the  sou..d«  of  pastoral  nature.  Yet  no  ,»^ 
on  the  continent  is  more  worth  visiting  anSno^e 
bears  more  mteresting  historical  memorfes 

Those  times  of  war  have  passed  awny,  th.  war- 
pamt  and  feathers  of  the  Indian  have  vanished 
orever,  the  cassock  and  the  breviary  T  now 
emblems  of  pence  and  brotherly  love;  theTrucTfix 
s  no  longer  carried  aloft  in  primeval  forests 
the  blue  and  white  and  gold  of  the  French  uni' 
forms    have    disappeared,   the    fleur-de-i;      s   now" 

wmie  the  wings  of  peace  are  said  to  have  enfoldJ 
forever  the  Great  Lakes  and  the  water-str  t  t' 
of  the  continent.  Yet  those  scenes  and  evenl 
and  the  vast  vistas  of  history  and  study  which  thev 
open  up  cannot  but  be  of  interest  to  thl  li£ 
mind-to  the  intelligent  British  or  French  toS 
;n  particular  to  the  patriotic  Canadian  "  American 
m  general.     Memorials  of  those  stormy  andXenu" 

■  wel    merir"  T"'  ""  "^"^  '"^^  continent     the, 
well    merit    modern    attention    and    c-'or,    ^r.A 

devotion  to  some,  at  least,  of  thrfderLrdtd" 


Acadu-The  Land  of  Evanoelinb 

The   Canadian   provinces   of   Nova   Snotia   o„j 
New  Bn.a«wick,  tl>e  Wands  of  C  B  eton  Ld 

er^f  SeT''  1!"  ^.^°^"°"  °^  *■>«  StafeTf  MaTne 
east  of  the  Kennebeo  River,  constituted  the  Acadia 
or  La  Cadie,  of  the  early  French  explorers    of  the 
earliest  French  settlement  in  Americf,  of  o^e  hul 
dred  and  fifty  years  filled  with  the  sorrow  and  suffer 
mg,  the  struggle  and  success,  the  darkne^rand  bST: 
ness  of  pioneer  life.      Four  years  earlier  than  the 
foundation  of  Quebec,   Champlain  and  D     Mont 
started,  on  a  small  island  in  the  St.  Croix  River 

va^^S TaTdsh"'"''.'".  *'"'  ^"'""^"^  year Tnd  a^; 
vaned  hardships,   had  to   be  transferred  to  Port 
Royal-not  far  from  the  site  of  a  later  place  of  the 
same  name,  now  known  as  Annapolis  Royal. 
There,  on  the  north  shore  of  the  Annapolis  River 

and  the  first  village  commenced  in  all  the  vast  reirion 
which  was  to  later  on  fly  the  flag  of  France      Z2 

thelT/,^"'  r  '""^  P"""*-""  f<"e«t.  around 
them  and  throughout  the  Acadia  of  succeeding 
centuries  were  beautiful  rivers  and  brooks  and  ■ 
streams  exquisite  valleys  and  scenery  of  the  milder 
type,  shores  washed  by  seas  which  swarmed  2th 



fish,  soil  which  ripened  readily  into  production  and 
the  growth  of  flowers  and  fruit.  The  Indian  life 
of  the  woods  was,  fortunately,  not  of  the  fierce 
type  so  characteristic  of  the  forests  and  lakes  of 
the  far  interior  and  the  upper  St.  Lawrence,  but 
It  was  at  times  wild  enough.     And,  at  the  beginning. 

If  they  had  been  imaginative  the  thought  of  what 
ay  beyond  and  behind  them  in  the  recesses  of  a 
seemingly  endless  wilderness  would  have  been,  in 
itse  f,  a  tremendous  burden.  As  Longfellow  put  it 
centuries  afterwards: 

Sr^J^'™''*'  u'  ""•  ""•'  ™'™«  ^''d  and  prophetic- 
Stand  ,ke  harpers  hoar,  with  beards  that  rest  on  their  bo^m, 

oe'r         """''  '''^""'  "■»  ='"'-™-''  ""ghSg 

^"''ftesT''  '°  ""'""'^  di^^^olate  answers  the  waU  of  the 

The  site  of  Port  Royal  was  a  beautiful  one  and  in 
llrr"  f.*'^^^  hopes  and  of  their  first  settl^ 
ment  Its  sunshine  and  softness  of  air,  its  sentinels 
of  rock  serving  as  a  shelter  .gainst  storms  from  sea 
£  Td       ''"V"'"-'''"«  ^l^"  -'--ts  from  storms' 

rL7\r  "^^  """^'  '*  ^•""°  "^  ^«^y  haven  of 
rest  to  the  mexperienced.  light-hearted,  optimistic 
Frenchmen.  With  the  two  leaders  we;e  ^Jean  de 
Biencourt,  Baron  de  Poutrincourt,  a  wealthy  and 

(  I 





S,K  S°"  "•  T"' ""  »•"» '™d.  Sh 

reacned  in  shadowy  outline  from  Paris  in  T^„j 
and  back  again  to  this  tipy  settle.rron  th^^e^ 

ana  reaping.     De  Monts  went  to  Paris  tn  tr^  »„5 

Sr  td?^  °'  -'"'"'T  ■'"'^  ^"'d^^eXSo   a 
ngnts  he  had  been  granted.     The  winter  of  Ifin«ji7 

was  the  famous  occasion  of  ChamZn's  "  OrTr  o5 

a  Good,"  when  the  fifteen  leading  men  of  the 

Zr     j/i?      ^  ''°""  ">  8°°d  fellowship  and  good 


groupof       t,e.enj;:n:r.rhf^^^^^^^ 
berton    bearmg  the  burden  of  a  hundred  yea«  ^f 

ettatn'T"'""'"^^  "'  *"*«"  leader^hipf  a?d  a 
reputation  of  sincere  friendship  for  the  whites. 

This  jolly  and  prosperous  season,  however    was 

the  calm  be  ore  the  storm,  and  in  the  spring-tLe 

gure  Vf'Se  Ton/-  ""t"  '"''""«'  »"*  *^'  ^""^"a 

settlers    but  tf.      *  T^  ""'"  '^^"""'^^  ""^  ^e^h 
settlers,  but  the  intolligence  that  his  enemies  had 



triumphed  and  'is  charter  been  revoked.  There 
was  nothing  for  it  but  to  pluck  up  the  deepening 
roots  of  settlement  and  return  to  the  motherland, 
and  this  Poutrincourt  did  with  a  sore  heart  and  a 
steadfast  determination  to  return  again.  He  took 
up  the  mantle  of  interest  and  labor  which  De  Monts 
now  dropped  and,  while  Champlain  proceeded  to 
write  his  own  name  large  in  the  history  of  the  New 
France  which  he  hoped  to  establish  on  the  banks  of 
the  St.  Lawrence,  Poutrincourt  continued  faithful 
to  Port  Royal.  In  1610  he  returned  with  new  settlers 
and  a  zealous  priest— Father  la  FWche— who  soon 
succpfided  in  converting  the  friendly  Memberton 
and  influencing  his  entire  tribe. 

In  the  following  year  the  death  of  Henri  IV  of 
France  brought  upon  the  European  scene  the  stormy 
personality  of  Marie  de  Medicis  and  introduced  to 
the  smaller  Acadian  arena  the  black-robed  and 
ambitious  figure  of  the  Jesuit  who  was  at  this  time 
dominant  in  Paris  and  destined  to  become  a 
dominating  figure  over  the  greater  part  of  North 
America.  The  large  interests  of  the  Huguenots 
of  St.  Malo  in  the  settlement  and  in  the  Royal 
charter  passed  from  the  control  of  De  Poutrincourt, 
who  was  only  able  to  hold  his  little  territory  around 
Port  Royal,  and  wide  powers  were  placed  in  the  hands 
of  Madame  de  Guercheville,  a  .ady  of  the  French 
Court  famed  for  both  beauty  and  virtue  and  a 
strong  supporter  of  the  Order  of  Jesus.  Father  la 
Fl^che  was  soon  aided  by  Fathers  Biard  and  Mass^ 
and  their  labors  carried  the  banner  of  their  faith  far 

m  I 



jf,^t\TT'^^  *''*  ^""^^^^  °f  ^^'  Atlantic  coast, 
in  1613  Madame  de  Guercheville  sent  out  a  fresh 
expedition  with  men  and  stores  and  accompanied 
by  two  more  Jesuits-Fathers  Quentin  and  Du  Thet 

fTrthl  H  '""'"  '"*"^'l  St-  Laurent  was  made 
turther  down  the  coast. 

At  this  iK)int  and  in  connection  with  the  elabo- 
rate and  widely-extended,  though  necessarily  vague, 
charters  of  the  French  King,  there  commencedThe 
hostile  and  histonc  antagonism  of  the  English 
colomsts  to  the  claims  and  ambitions  and  power  of 
New  France.  Argall,  a  military  leader  from  Vir- 
gima,  sailed  in  the  same  year  into  the  harbor  of 
this  new  settlement  and  uprooted  it.  He  followed 
this  success  by  a  raid  upon  Port  Royal,  which  he 
found  defenceless-Biencourt,  the  gallant  son  of 
the  adventurous  Poutrincourt-being  engaged  in  an 
expedition  against  the  Indians.  The  place  was 
pillaged  and  burned  to  the  ground  and  even  the 

triumph  to  Virginia  and  the  unhappy  French 
CO  omsts  struggled  through  the  ensuing  ^nter  by 
means  of  wild  roots  and  the  help  of  half-starved  and 
friendly  Indians.     Poutrincourt,  shortly  after  this 

t^n  K  ^  •!!  ^°^f^''^  "^"^^^  '"  ^^'""'e  «°d  his  son, 
who  had  evidently  mherited  his  ability  and  energy 
was  givea  the  rank  of  Vice-Admiral  and  remained 
m  Acadia  to  hunt,  fish,  shoot,  trade  and  guard  the 
remnants  of  his  cherished  settlement.  Ultimately 
though  the  facts  are  obscure,  he  appears  to  have 
rebuilt  Port  Royal  and  in  this  as  ^U  aa  in  his 



generally  adventurous  life  was  seconded  by  a  young 
Frenchman  of  good  family— Charles  de  la  Tour— 
who  was  destined  to  take  an  important  part  in  the 
Btern  game  of  war  and  colonization  which  followed. 
Meanwhile,  as  one  result  of  Argall's  raid,  Great 
Britain  began  to  press  the  claims  upon  the  soil  of 
North  America  which  Cabot's  discoveries  seemed 
to  give.  By  right  of  settlement  the  greater  part  of 
the  Atlantic  coast  from  Acadia  downward  was 
already  British;  by  right  of  discovery  and,  despite 
a  record  of  colonization  and  exploration  which 
crowned  French  energy  and  enterprise  with  honor, 
claim  was  also  laid  to  the  whole  of  what  was  then 
called  New  France— including  Acadia.  In  times  of 
war  ^  ween  France  and  England  this  claim  con- 
tinu  ,0  be  aggressively  presented  by  British 
invao.on  or  British  expeditions;  in  times  of  nominal 
peace  it  was  too  often  urged  by  Colonial  invasion 
and  New  England  raids,  followed  or  preceded 
French  expeditions  of  a  similarly  lawless  character. 
In  1614,  King  James  I  granted  to  a  Plymouth 
Association  all  the  lands  lying  between  the  forty- 
fifth  and  forty-eighth  parallels  and  called  the  region 
New  England.  Sir  WilUam  Alexander,  afterwards 
Eari  of  Steriing  and  Viscount  Canada,  a  man  of 
letters  and  a  patriotic  Scotchman,  resolved  that 
there  should  also  be  a  New  Scotland.  From  the 
English  King  he  obtained,  in  1621,  a  grant  of  Aca- 
dia under  the  general  name  of  Nova  Scotia  and 
began  operations  at  Port  Royal— which  seems  for  the 
moment  to  have  been  abandoned  by  the  French. 



Port  Royal  continued  to  be  the  Acadian  center  of 
the  struggle      When  Admiral  Kirke  arrived  on  the 
expedition   (1629)   which   terminated  in  the  tem! 
porary  capture  of  Quebec,  he  bore  down  upon  this 
ittle  place  and  from  it  declared  the  whole  country 
to  be  under  the  rule  and  government  of  Sir  William 
Alexander  and  his  company.      Meanwhile,  Charles 
de  la  Tour  held  a  strong  position  some  distance 
away  at  Fort  St.  Louis,  now  known  as  Port  La 
Tour   near  Cape  Sable.     Here,  in  the  same  year, 
he  shut  himself  up  and  defied  the  English,  though 
his  father,  Claude  de  la  Tour,  had  been  iaptured 
on  his  way  with  supplies  and  armament  and  been 
earned  to  England,  where  this  survivor  of  the  Hugue- 
not aristocracy  of  France,  with  well-known  influence 
and  resources  in  Acadia,  was  considered  a  great  prize 
He  was  made  much  of  in  England,  feted  everv- 
where    married  to  a  lady  of  the  Court,  made  a 
Kmght-Baronet  of  Nova  Scotia,  granted  forty-five 
hmidred  square  miles  of  territory  on  the  Atlantic 
coast,  and  won  over  to  espouse  the  cause  of  Eng- 
land and  to  promise  the  support  of  his  son-who 
was  included  in  the  titles  and  grants. 

He  had,  however,  undertaken  too  much  and 
when  in  1630,  he  arrived  at  Fort  St.  Louis  with 
Bntish  shipa  and  colonists  and  the  assurance  of 
British  support  to  his  plans,  he  was  repulsed  by 
his  son  as  well  as  in  the  assault  which  followed  upon 
the  fort,  and  was  compelled  to  withdraw  to  Port 
Royal  with  his  settlers  and  the  wife  who  had  been 
led  to  expect  a  triumphant  entry  into  new  and  great 



possessions  for  the  Crown  of  England.  Claude  de 
la  Tour  now  found  himself  unable  to  return  to 
England  because  of  his  failure  and  exiled  from 
France  because  of  his  treason.  His  son  protected 
him  and  built  him  a  house  and  thence  he  fades  from 
the  canvas  of  history.  Charles  de  la  Tour  had,  in 
the  meantime,  won  high  credit  in  France  for  his 
conduct  and  in  1631  became  the  King's  lieutenant- 
general  in  Acadia  with  sufficient  men  and  arms  and 
supplies  to  surround  the  position  with  something 
more  than  an  empty  halo. 

Then  followed  the  despatch  of  Isaac  de  Razily,  a 
relation  of  Richelieu,  with  a  aefinite  mission  to  drive 
the  Scotch  out  of  Acadia;  and  with  him  were 
Nicholas  Denys,  destined  to  succeed  L'Escarbot  as 
a  picturesque  scribe,  and  D'Aunay  Charnisay,  a 
Frenchman  of  good  position,  ability  and  intense 
ambition.  Various  minor  struggles  with  New  Eng- 
land ensued  in  which  success  generally  rested  with 
the  French  and  in  which  both  De  la  Tour  and 
Charnisay  distinguished  themselves.  De  Razily 
died  in  1636  and  left  his  power  in  the  divided  hands 
of  two  antagonistic  and  ambitious  men.  The 
ensuing  events  read  Uke  a  romance.  De  la  Tour 
retired  to  a  new  fort  which  he  had  built  at  the 
mouth  of  the  St.  John  River  and  for  five  years  ruled 
from  there  over  much  of  the  New  Brunswick  of  the 
future.  Charnisay  remained  at  Port  Royal,  which 
he  had  rebuilt  on  the  south  shore  of  Annapolis 
Basin  and  greatly  strengthened,  and  there  he 
maintained  authority  in  what  is  now  Nova  Scotia. 



Each  was  jealous  of  the  other's  power  and  plans, 
but  while  De  la  Tour  rested  in  proud  contempt 
within  the  walls  of  his  fortress,  surrounded  by  his 
family  and  relatives,  his  soldiers,  Indians  and 
steadily  successful  fur  raders,  Chamisay  sought  the 
seat  of  power  and  undermined  his  rival's  reputation 
at  the  Court  of  France.  In  1641  he  was  successful. 
De  la  Tour  was  stripped  of  his  position  and  posses- 
sions and  ordered  to  France  under  arrest.  It  was  a 
desperate  case.  To  go  was  to  meet  ruin  at  the  hands 
of  a  Cardinal  who  naljurally  disliked  the  Huguenots; 
to  stay  was  to  court  ruin  as  a  rebel.  In  the  latter 
case,  however,  De  la  Tour  knew  his  friends  would 
stand  by  him  and  his  followers  fight  for  him;  while 
chance  might  at  any  time  reverse  the  conditions 
prevalent  at  Paris.  He,  therefore,  stayed  and  his 
defiance  resulted  in  a  strife  which  filled  the  forests 
and  coasts  of  Acadia  with  all  the  evils  of  civil  war 
for  a  number  of  years. 

It  was  the  war  of  a  hero,  and  the  fitting  wife  of  a 
hero,  with  a  man  whose  character  has  been  revealed 
by  the  light  of  passing  years  and  of  history  as  infa- 
mous in  its  indifference  to  honor  and  integrity.  The 
real  qualities  of  De  la  Tour  were  open  to  the  world, 
and  had  won  the  respect  of  all  who  knew  him.  As 
so  often  happens  in  the  history  of  countries,  he  was 
the  one  man  who,  at  this  crisis,  might  have  made 
Acadia  a  great  and  prosperous  French  state  and  he 
was  the  one  man  who  was  denied  the  opportunity. 
His  ambitions  were  those  of  a  patriot  combined 
with  much  of  the  prescience  of  a  statesman.    Those 


■■'    '■'■{'         ■.-.'       £■',      ''iS    £ .I'llltel 

Kill  I 

Thatched  Barn,  Cap  a  L'A%le 


'ma;-,  s-.,^' 

::l     El 

LI   I 



of  Chaniisay  were  the  self-aeeking  principles  of  a 
trader  cohibined  with  the  unscrupulous  personal 
designs  of  a  Philippe  EgaliW.  The  conflict  began 
by  Charnisay  attacking  Fort  La  Tour,  at  the  mouth 
of  the  St.  John,  in  the  spring  of  1643,  and  being 
repulsed  with  considerable  loss.  It  continued 
through  his  close  investment  of  the  place  with,  also, 
the  arrival  of  reinforcements  from  France;  and 
was  marked  by  the  escape  of  De  la  Tour  and  his 
wife  to  Boston  through  the  close  lines  of  the  enemy 
and  by  their  return  in  triumph  with  five  ships  full 
of  strong  and  willing  men  from  Massachusetts — 
during  a  brief  period  of  peace  between  Britain  and 
France  and  between  their  Colonies.  It  ended,  for 
the  moment,  in  the  chagrin  and  amazement  of 
Charnisay  and  his  hasty  flight  to  Port  Royal. 

The  result  should  have  been  a  permanent  one, 
with  Port  Royal  taken  and  Charnisay  captured. 
But  the  New  Englanders  had  to  be  considered  and 
De  la  Tour  found  that  they  were  amply  content 
with  the  booty  in  furs  which  they  had  gained  and 
the  terms  which  they  had  forced  him  to  yield. 
Perhaps,  too,  their  thrifty  patriotism  saw  possibilities 
of  injury  to  France  and  benefit  to  themselves  in  not 
too  suddenly  ending  the  war  of  the  rivals.  De  la 
Tour,  therefore,  set  himself  to  strengthen  his  defences 
and  consolidate  his  resources,  while  his  brave  wife — 
whose  conduct  through  the  hardships  of  the  siege, 
the  escape,  and  the  journey  to  Boston  had  already 
been  heroic — started  for  France  to  obtain  assistance 
from  her  Huguenot  friends  in  Rochellc.    Chami;    •, 



meanwhile,  had  left  lor  Paris  where  he  arranged  to 
have  his  rival's  wife  arrested  on  a  charge  of  treason. 
She  escaped  him,  however,  reached  England  in 
safety  and  after  twelve  weary  months  of  peril  and 
ad-'enture  arrived  home  at  Fort  La  Tour. 

She  had  brought  some  help  back  with  her  and  her 
husband  went  to  Boston  to  get  further  aid  with  the 
intention  of  this  time  finishing  his  foe.  Chamisay 
heard  of  his  departure  and  (1645)  with  cruisers  and 
troops  at  once  invested  the  fortress.  Thn  gallant 
wife  did  everything  to  supply  her  husband's  place 
and,  possibly,  more  than  filled  it.  Supplies  ran 
sho.°t  and  traitors  were  discovered.  Instead  of 
being  hung  they  were  mistakenly  driven  with 
contempt  from  the  fort  and  intelligence  thus  afforded 
Chamisay  as  to  the  state  of  the  garrison.  Fire 
was  opened  by  his  battleships,  but  it  was  replied 
to  with  a  force  and  good-will  which  destroyed  one 
of  his  ships  and  drove  back  his  men  with  heavy 

For  two  months  the  heroic  garrison  and  gallant 
lady  defied  his  blockade  and  laughed,  apparently, 
at  the  assault  which  he  threatened  but  was  afraid 
to  deliver.  De  la  Tour,  meanwhile,  had  returned 
from  Boston  and  lay  cruising  as  near  as  possible 
to  the  scene  of  the  siege,  but  his  single  ship  was  no 
match  for  the  fleet  of  his  enemy.  One  night,  in 
the  month  of  April,  Chamisay  plucked  up  courage 
to  once  more  defy  the  chances  of  battle  and  during 
three  days  the  struggle  lasted  with  every  rampart 
attacked  at  once  and  every  weak  spot  apparently 





known  to  the  enemy.  At  last  a,  Swife  mercenary 
turned  traitor  and  threw  open  the  gates.  Chamisay 
entered  and  there  followed  one  of  the  blackest  and 
meanest  deeds  in  the  history  of  the  northern  part 
of  the  continent.  Afraid  of  this  woman,  afraid  of 
beiug  again  repulsed  by  her  leadership  in  the 
struggle  yet  to  come,  Chamisay  asked  for  a  truce 
Hnd  offered  honorable  terms.  With  a  woman's 
natural  desire  to  save  her  brave  followers,  Madame 
de  la  Tour  consented  and  the  terms  of  capitulation 
were  duly  drawn  up.  Then,  with  the  fortress  in 
his  hands  and  the  Cb  °iaine  at  his  mercy,  this 
man  tore  up  the  documout,  repudiated  his  obliga- 
tions and  his  honor,  and,  placing  a  b'^lter  around  the 
neck  of  the  brave  woman  who  had  beaten  him  in 
fair  fight,  forced  her  to  watch  the  death  struggles 
of  her  soldiers  as  one  by  one  they  were  hung  upon  the 
ramparts.  Carried  to  Port  Royal  by  the  conqueror, 
the  heroine  of  Acadia  died  of  a  broken  heart  at  the 
end  of  three  long  and  weairy  weeks  spent,  no  doubt, 
in  brooding  thought  over  a  broken  home  and 
butchered  followers  and  a  husband  who,  through  this 
succession  of  misfortunes,  was  now  a  wanderer  on 
the  face  of  the  earth.  As  Miss  Marjorie  Fickthall 
has  beautifully  described  it: 

Did  God  weep  for  the  heart  that  broke  there, 

Only  the  lips  of  the  dead  men  spoke  there. 
And  she  who  dared  them,  she  who  led  them, 
Drank  her  death  in  the  death  he  fed  them 
Cold  in  clay. 



She  in  the  flowers  of  God  upstanding, 

Sees  the  Hosts  of  the  Heights  disbanding, 
Spear  on  spear  of  a  iilied  splendor 
Hears  them  hail  her,  hears  the  tender 

Words  they  say. 

Chamisay  flourished  to  the  full  of  his  expecta- 
tions during  the  next  few  years.    Supreme  in  Acadia, 
confident  of  his  favor  at  Court,  fair  of  word  and 
arrangement  with  New  England,  reaping  riches  from 
the  fur  trade,  successful  iif  crushing  his  only  remain- 
ing rival— Nicholas  Denys,  who  had  been  his  friend 
and  schoolmate  but  had  become  rich  and  strong  in 
Cape  Breton  Island— this  extraordinary  character 
seemed   well   content   with   his   fortune   and  fate 
Then  suddenly,  in   1650,  as  if  in  mockery  of  his 
position  and  prospects,  he  fv=ll  into  the  little  river 
at  Port  Royal  and  was  drowned  like  a  rat.     De  la 
Tour,  meanwhile,  had  been  treated  with  the  respect 
he  deserved  in  parts  of  New  England  and  Europe 
where  he  had  spent  five  years  of  a  wandering  life 
and  was  now  able  to  go  to  France,  refute  the  false- 
hoods of  his  enemy,  and  receive  every  reparation 
which  the  King  could  give.    He  was  made  Governor 
of  Acadia,  the  fur-trade  monopoly  was  placed  in 
his  hands  and,   to  ensure  the  permanance  of  his 
fortune  he  cut  another  knot  of  difficulty  by  marrying 
Charnisay's  widow  and  takine  the  children  of  his 
former  enemy  into  his  hands  and  under  his  protec- 

This  remarkable  story  then  took  another  turn  on 



the  wheel  of  fate.  England  was  in  the  stern  and 
successful  hands  of  Cromwell  and  a  large  expedition 
which  had  been  sent  to  capture  the  Dutch  settlements 
on  the  Hudson  was  thrown  suddenly  upon  Acadia. 
De  la  Tour  was  overpowered  and  Acadia  overrun. 
Boston  and  New  England  were  at  the  back  of  the 
new  move.  Cromwell,  who  seems  to  have  under- 
stood the  great  issues  at  stake  in  apparently  petty 
struggles,  refused  to  intervene,  or  to  restore  Acadia 
to  France,  and  De  la  Tour  was  seemingly  crushed 
once  more.  But  he  was  not  the  man  to  meet  such 
a  fate  without  effort.  Going  to  England,  he  saw 
Cromwell,  impressed  him  by  his  arguments  and  his 
personality  and  obtained  a  grant  of  the  whole  region 
known  as  Acadia  to  a  co.npany  which  included 
De  la  Tour  and  Sir  Thomas  Temple.  The  latter 
was  made  Governor,  the  former  soon  sold  out  his 
great  interests  in  the  grant  and,  weary  of  tempting 
fate,  retired  to  the  comfortable  obscurity  of  private 

Until  1667,  when  Charles  11  gave  back  Acadia 
to  France  in  the  Treaty  of  Breda,  the  land  rested 
in  reasonable  quietude.  From  that  time  until  the 
finger  of  fate  placed  its  seal  upon  the  country  in 
1710  and  made  Acadia  finally  British  it  had  many 
governors  and  amongst  them  were  several  names 
familiar  to  the  history  of  Quebec,  such  as  Robineau 
de  Menneval,  Robineau  de  Villebon,  Denys  de 
Bonaventure  and  Daniel  de  Subercase.  The  most 
striking  figure  in  these  last  years  of  French  rule  was 
that  of  the  Baron  de  Saint  Castin — hunter  and  wood- 



ranger  fighter  m  a  lawless  fashion  on  behalf  of  law 
and  order  warden  of  the  marches  upon  the  Peno^ 
Bcot,  fnend  of  the  Indians  and  guardian  of  AcadLn 
BO.I  agamst  New  England  raids  With  h  s  Ind  a" 
w.fe,  with  wealth  gained  in  the  fur  trade  and  wUh 
mauenee  at  Port  Royal  maintained  through  Us  power 
over  the  Indians,  Saint  Castin  presented  a  most  p^c 
turesque  personality  and  one  full  of  materiaHor  the 
romancist   n  these  later  days  of  historical  ficto". 

Meanwhile  the  Province  and  Port  Royal  shared 
m  he  ups  and  downs  of^Colonial  rivalr/and  w„ 
The  fort  was  captured  by  Sir  William  Phips  and  U^ 

?or  wnium"  T'  ^Tr"  •'^  *'^«  -"^--^ 

*ort  VVilham  Henry  at  Pemaquid:  surrounded 
rom  t„,e  to  time  by  the  devastation  o'f  InZ  figlt- 
slt  CrtL'f  Z  *'!  °*^^^-  I"  *hese  conflict  "*  ''""''  triumphed,  while 
of  Fr!L^r  T'  '':^'^'^"«'  the  dashing  darling 
of  French-Canadian  history,  sailed  into  the  Bay  of 
Fundy,  fought  the  British  fleet  in  a  drawn  b^tle 
and  captured  the  fort  at  Pemaquid.  In 7?  10  the 
clnt.  N^h'^    "  •"  ^^^"-"^  --^^  --     when' 

^OuLT  ""^  *°  "«""  ''"''■"P*  the  capture 
^Quebec,  overpowered  the  litf.  garrison  of  Port 
Royal  and  overran  the  Province.  The  war-scarred 
fortress  was  re-named  Annapolis  Royal  in  honor  of 

d.d  the  r  best  for  the  Lilies  of  France,  the  strugrie 

had  failed,  i-,„gland  was  in  a  strong  enough  position 



in  Europe  to  dictate  terms  and,  by  the  Treaty  of 
rtreclit  in  1713,  to  retain  Acadia  with  the  exception 
of  uie  islands  now  Icnown  as  Cape  Breton  and  Prince 
Edward.  In  1744  an  effort  was  made  by  the  French 
to  re-capture  Annapolis  Royal,  as  Port  Royal  was 
now  called,  but  it  was  defeated. 

The  grass-grown  ramparts   of  this  historic  fort 
may  still  be  seen  amidst  surroundings  which  are  both 
beautiful  and  romantic.      Annapolis  Royal  stands 
on  the  south  shore  of  Annapolis  Basin  with  its  sap- 
phire waters  and  turquoise  sky,  its  picturesque  and 
peaceful  scenery   belying  the  record   of   the   past, 
The  well  preserved  and  ancient  fortifications  cover 
thirty  acret,  of  land  with  old  cannon  and  buildings 
which  speak  volumes  as  to  the  centuries  of  struggle 
that  are  gone  and  a  bronze  statue  of  De  Monts  look- 
ing down  and  back  over  three  hundred  years  of  his- 
tory.    Back  of  the  modem  town  is  the  river  which 
winds  its  way  seventy  miles  into  the  interior  through 
one  of  the  most  beautiful  and  fruitful  regions  of 
the  continent — the  famous  Annapolis  Valley  with  its 
sea  of  apple  blossoms  in  June,  its  blaze  of  scarlet 
and  golden  fruit  in  September,   its  ever-exquisite 
scenery  and  sweetly-scented  air.     It  is  diflScult  in 
this  atmosphere  of  peace  and  contentment  and  quiet 
prosperity  to  think  of  the  war-drum  and  flaunting 
flags  and  roaring  cannon,  but  to  do  so  is  interesting 
and  the  result  mspiring.     Passing  from  this  historic 
spot,  one  comes  naturally  to  the  Bay  of  Fundy  with 
its  famous  tidal  phenomena,  its  shores  which  hold 
still  more  famous  memories  of  Acadian  life  and  ex- 




pulsion,  its  mighty  promontory  of  Blomidon  with 
the  stormy  ocean  in  front  and  the  lovely  vales  of 
Evangeline's  story  and  Grand  Prd  annals  behind  it: 

This  18  that  black  bastion,  based  in  surge. 

Pregnant  with  agate  and  with  amethyst. 
Whose  foot  the  tides  of  storied  Minas  scourge. 

Whose  top  austere  withdraws  into  its  mist. 
This  is  that  ancient  cape  of  tears  and  storms 

Whose  towering  front  inviolable  frowns 
O'er  vales  Evangeline  and  love  keep  warm, 

Whose  fame  thy  song,'0  tender  singer,  crowns. 

After  the  conquest  began  the  evolution  of  the 
romantic   yet   sorrowful    Acadian   question.      The 
people  of  French   extraction,   during  the  years  of 
peace  which  followed,  increased  largely  in  numbers 
and  certainly  did  not  decrease  in  their  sentimental 
loyalty    towards    France.      Their    mother-country 
was  steadily  strengthening  its  position  in  the  Gulf 
of  St.  Lawrence  with  a  view  to  the  future  re-conquest 
of  Acadia  and  the  vast  fortifications  of  Louisbourg 
were  designed  by  Vauban  and  built  at  great  expense 
on  the  Island  of  Cape  Breton.     That  place  became 
the  headquarters  of  French  power  and  pretentions 
on  the  Atlantic,  the  home  of  French  privateers,  and 
the   Mecca   of  Acadian   hopes.      It   supplied   the 
Acadians  with  a  market  for  their  products,   kept 
them  in  touch  with  French  sympathies  and  aspira- 
tions and  plots,  and  prevented  their  peaceful  accept- 
ance of  British  rule. 
Through  all  these  picturesque  incidents  and  the 



prolonged  struggles  of  large  interests,  rival  per- 
sonalities and  great  outside  Powers,  Acadia  had  been 
growing  slowly  in  population.  The  early  settlers 
who  came  with  Razilly  in  1632  and  with  Charnisay 
and  Grand-Fontaine,  at  later  dates,  were  from 
Rochelle,  Saintonge  and  Poitou  on  the  west  coast 
of  France;  at  the  first  census  of  1671  there  had  been 
only  441  inhabitants  all  told  and  most  of  these 
were  in  Port  Royal.  For  a  hundred  years  this  was, 
indeed,  the  chief  settlement  of  Acadia,  but,  at  the 
time  of  the  expulsion  of  the  Acadians,  Minas  and 
Chignecto  had  become  more  populous  and  there 
wore  about  15,000  French  people  in  the  Colony. 
Latterly  many  disbanded  French  soldiers  had  also 
settled  in  different  parts  of  the  territory  and  were 
grafted  upon  the  original  Acadian  stoclc.  Most 
of  the  early  settlers  were  farmers  and  in  the  valleys 
and  fields  of  Nova  Scotia,  particularly,  they  found 
conditions — except  for  a  little  harsher  winter — not 
dissimilar  to  those  of  the  marsh  and  dyke  land  of 
the  part  of  France  from  which  they  came.  They 
were  unlike  most  American  pioneers  in  not  caring 
to  fell  trees,  or  clear  the  forest,  or  create  farms  by 
the  usual  processes  of  early  life  in  French  or  English 
America.  They  stayed  by  the  sea-shore,  erected 
large  dikes,  and  reaped  fruitful  crops. 

They  were  a  frugal  people,  industrious  in  a  quiet 
way,  peaceful  also  in  their  characteristics,  not 
educated  in  the  ordinary  sense  of  the  word,  devoted 
to  their  Church  and  obedient  to  the  priests,  moral 
in  their  lives.     Around  them  Longfellow  has  cast 



not  in  this  ILtet'iS^  1 1"  -^tT- Jt*." 

but  not  reairsuMuedthtTu ''•'"'  """""^"^ 
and  small  in  numS«  1 1?  "^  ^^  *°°  ""^^ 
from  the  "nZ^rd  JlTotThJ^'T"''*''''^ 

and  the  -:s:t  ti^^ .^:feUi:K"^^^ 

affection  or  whateC  °  w   u '  "''^"'°°'  ««»- 

new  conditio^;    the     hea^^nd^  ^''"".f.  ""'^*' 
hopes  were  all  with  thtT    ^  "y^Potbies  and 

unnatural.  '^"^  ""'""^fnces  was  >ot 

For  a  part  of  the  period  between  1710  and  17-;s 



to  New  England,  to  the  presence  of  its  troops  and 
to  the  aggressive  assertion  of  its  authority  over  the 
whole  Atlantic  coast.  Meantime  New  France 
indirectly,  insidiously  and  constantly  asserted  its 
claims  and  expressed  its  hopes;  the  loss  of  Louis- 
bourg  was  followed  by  the  erection  of  Fort  Beaus^- 
jour  on  the  north  side  of  the  Missequash  River 
(afterwards  the  boundary  between  Nova  Scotia 
and  New  Brunswick)  and  by  the  maintenance  of 
Fort  Gaspereauon  Bale  Verte;  the  Micmac  Indians 
stood  by  the  French  in  the  main  and  were  a  further 
encouragement  to  the  Acadians  under  the  leader- 
ship of  Father  La  Loutre,  a  powerful  priest  of  much- 
discussed  and  contradictory  character. 

On  the  other  hand  Colonel  Lawrence,  the  British 
Governor,  found  himself  deaUng  with  a  most   dif- 
ficult problem.     There  was  in  those  days  little  to 
give  a  conquered  people  in  the  way  of  constitu- 
tional liberty  and  self-government;    such  a  thine 
was  unheard  of  and  not  thought  of  in  any  quarter 
There  was  always  possible  a  new  war  in  Europe  or 
fresh  complications  in  America  and  the  rivalry  of 
France  and  England  was  very  real  and  very  bitter- 
the  Acadians  were  restless  and  dissatisfied  and  might 
easily  become  more  so  with  probable  Indian  support 
m  case  of  an  uprising;   as  time  passed  on  French 
claims  from  Quebec  became  more  active  and  French 
support  to  Acadian  sentiment  more  obvious-   New 
England   dislike   of  the   Roman   Catholic   side  of 
Acadian  hfe  and  of  existing  treaty  rights  was  con- 
stantly expressed;   Halifax,  after  its  foundation  by 



Comwalh.  m  1749,  became  very  quickly  a  power  in 
the  Provinces  and  an  influence  with  the  Governor 
whjch  was  naturally  along  the  lines  of  develop 
a  powerful  Province;  while  the  English 
troops  available  were  not  enough  in  number  to  hold 

ZZZ' ''''  ^'''  *"  •"'  «''^'^''  'y  ^  ^-«« 

Colonel   Lawrence  in   his  official   letter  to   the 
governors  of  the  other  English  Colonies   explained 

1785  after  Fort  Beaus^joilr  had  been  besieged  and 
captured  by  2,000  troops  from  New  England  !nd 
Fort   Gaspereau    also   taken.      He   declared   that 

rennL"'"^'*.""^  ^"^  ^'^  «iv«n.  «  'act  reiterated 
requests  made  for  the  Acadians  to  take  the  oath  of 
allegiance  m  return  for  the  retention  of  their  lands 
and  possessions;  that  this  was  unanimously  refused 
even  >n  face  of  the  threatened  alternative  of  expul- 
sion, that  If  the  people  would  take  this  attitude  at 
a  time  when  there  was  a  large  British  fleet  on  the 
w^mT.  "  '*:•!!  '""'^  '°'"^  '"  *»>«  P'°^i°«e.  what 
small  British  papulation  was  left  unprotected  by  the 
fleet  and  unguarded  by  the  New  England  troops 
who  would  have  to  return  home.     What  followed 

h  to  y  although  in  its  degree  of  suffering  and 
humihation  and  danger  to  individuals,  it  hardly 
compares  with  the  later  and  infinitely  larger  com^ 

thtuLTsS:"  °'  '"^'^'^^^  -  "^'^^-"  ^-" 

i*^,  .,M='-^~^.i  .:#:•.  i;.«# ' '* 




The  total  number  removod  wag  about  6,000,  of 
whom  2,242  went  from  Minas,  1,100  from  Pisiquid, 
1,664  from  Annapolis  and  1,100  from  Chigneoto! 
The  arrangements  were  made  with  sternness  and 
secrecy,   the   operations   were   carried   out   in   the 
summer  season  with,  it  would  seem,  a  minimum  of 
hardship  and  within  a  few  months  the  unfortunate 
Acadians  were  dispersed  amongst  theEnglish  Colonies 
to  the  south.     Every  effort  appears  to  have  been 
made  to  keep  families  together  and  to  preserve  the 
precious    lares    and    pcnates    of    the    households. 
Much    hardship,    however,    was    unavoidable   and 
many  stories  of  individual  suffering  were  afterwards 
told;  the  beautiful  village  of  Grand  Pri  was  given 
to  the  flames,  though  destined  to  be  rebuilt  in  after 
years,   to   be  the   home  of  a   very   few  returned 
Acadians  and  to  be  the  birthplace    and  home  of 
Canada's  Prime  Minister  of  1913.     In  succeeding 
years,  after  the  fall  of  Quebec  and  New  France, 
many  of  these   people  drifted   back  to  their  old 
homes  or  to  new  ones  built  on  the  ruins  of  the  old 
or,  in  the  main,  to  tho  shores  of  St.  Mary's  Bay  on 
the    west    of    Nova    Scotia.        Today    their 
descendants   constitute   over   150,000   of  the   best 
most  peaceful,  most  loyal-hearted  inhabitants  of  a 
Province  of  British  Canada  while  their  story  lives  in 
literature  and  romance  and  history.      The  gentle 
attractive,  courteous  character  of  the  Acadians,  the 
lovely    little    cottages    of   the    people,    the    happy 
valleys  and  villages  in  which  they  dwelt  have  been 
immortalized  by  Longfellow  in  an  alien  language 



eMtwMd.  '^^     ^"*  "•''^""™  •«"«<*«>d  to  th. 

"'TuX'^"  "■  — •  r  "-'-  •«  ««^  without 
m«^^.t  h„<u  o,  th.  ,„„„  fc^  ,^  ^^  ^^  ^_ 

«.hut^,«  th.  turbulent  tide.;  but  .t  .t.t«,  ««„  .„  ,^. 
"^m'ido"^.-'"'""'^  '"•  -  »"  --«  ..t  wm  o'„  tb. 

chMtnut  '  *'"'  '""»•■  o'  o«k  and  of 

^"''^X'^"  "  ^""'"••'^  ""«'  »  "»  «i«»  of  th. 
'^'pXt'C  "•  "^"  '""'  "•""-'^-ow.  „d  ..b... 
Ov«-Jb.b««».nt  below.  p„teeted  «d  .b«..d  tb.  door- 
The„.^ti,.  t,a„,„i,  .„^  „,  .^^^  ^^^_^  ^^^^  ^^^ 

'"*:l:t.^'*«'  ■""''  •""  «""«'  "»  -„  on  tb. 

-.;...  -p<»r:'n:;;'tb---i-ruitt  sisi: 

Mingled  their  sound  with  the  whir  of  »!,.     i.    ■ 

•onge  0/  the  maidena.  *'  *''••'»  "''  **>* 



SolMBiUy  down  th«  (trnt  oMno  the  puiih  "-i«.t,  ud  the 

P»UKd  in  their  pUy  to  ki«  the  hand  !..-  ,       ,rtrrt  tr  „|„... 

Rarwend  wslkcd  he  kmonic  them;  wi  n,   r  ,,    . ,   ,  ,n'.  mM 

HWiliim  hi*  slow  approach  with  wor-*-  r.(  uiT,  ,:(i.iniitu  .  ■horn-. 
Theo  came  the  laborers  home  froi"  iho  ti.l,'    .-nl  mr-icly 

the  lun  aank 
Down  to  hia  reat,  and  twUigti  piuvaiM.       .,  ,,.  r  ,,ni  the 

BoWy  the  Angelua  sounded,  and  over  the  -oof-   .f  the    .Man 
Columna  of  pale  blue  amoke,  Uke  olouda  of  i. ,  ■  •       jicen,;.n« 
Boae  from  a  hundred  heartba,  the  hoaua  of  ueaoa  and  oon- 


i  I 


The  SEI0NEUB8-AN  Old-World  Abibtocracy 
IN  America 

Wrapped  up  in  the  schemes  of  Richelieu,  included 
m  the  pohcy  of  Louis  XIV,  was  the  establishment 
around  the  French  King's  representative  in  America 
of  a  landed  aristocracy  which  would  be  a  new  buckler 
to  the  throne  m  a  new  world.    Many  considerations 

thought  that  the  New  France  of  the  future  would 

develop  along  the  lines  of  Ufe  in  Old  France;   that 

the  Governor  or  Viceroy  should  have  for  his  court 

the  social  customs  and  institutions  of  Paris  and  the 

environment  of  a  brilliant  aristocracy  which  is  so 

essential  to  Monarchy;    that  the  aristocracy  thus 

created    or    gradually    evolved    would,    in    a    wav 

similar  to  that  of  the  feudal  system  in  Europe, 

supply  a  local   military  force  from  amongst  the 

tenants  or  cennlaires  sufficient  to  be  a  substantial 

help  in  mamtaining  or  extending  royal  authority; 

that  the  system  would  naturally  fit  in  with  the  social 

conditions  and  class  distinctions  of  the  Old  France 

from  which  noble  and  officer,  peasant  and  soldier, 

would  have  come;  that  the  Crown,  the  aristocracj^ 

and   the    Church   would   work   together   in   some 

measure,  of    harmony-perhaps    all    the    stronger 


French  Canadian  Fishermen 




because  of  distance  from  inherited  jealousies  and 
difficulties  at  home. 

The  theory  was  a  natural  one,  the  practice  did 
work  out  with  some  degree  of  success  for  a  time  and, 
had  there  been  a  continuous  and  organized  French 
policy  in  the  way  of  emigration  and  support  to  the 
authorities  at  Quebec,  it  might  have  been  much 
more  successful.     The  method  first  adopted  was  to 
give  an  unlimited  grant  of  land  in  New  France 
to  the  Company  of  One  Hundred  Associates  upon 
terms  which  still  left  the  King  as  actual  proprietor. 
The  chief  of  the  conditions  exacted  was  the  distribu- 
tion of  the  land  to  those  "who  shall  inhabit  the 
country"— the  Seigneurs  who  were  vassals  of  the 
Company,  the  cermtaires  who  were  vassals  of  the 
Seigneurs.     The  Company  remained  vassals  to  the 
King  and  were  to  render  fealty  and  homage.     Under 
these  conditions  Robert  Giffard,  in  1634,  became  the 
first    Seigneur   in    Canada   with,    ultimately,    four 
leagues  of  the  north  shore  of  the  St.   Lawrence, 
below  Quebec,  as  his  Seigneury  of  Beauport.     Chef- 
fault,  the  agent  of  the  Company  of  New  France  at 
Quebec,  was  soon  after  granted  the  Seigneury  of 
Beaupre,  Jacques  de  Castillon,  another  shareholder 
of  the  Company,  was  given  the  Island  of  Orleans, 
the  Duchess  d'Aiguillon  received  the  Seigneury  of 
Grondines  and  thirty  acres  within  the  banlieu  of 
Quebec   which,   however,  she   ceded  to  the   Hotel 
Dieu.      Jean    De    Lauzon,    afterwards     Governor, 
received  as  Seigneur  a  large  tract  on  the  south  shore 
of  the  St.  Lawrence. 



The  sixty  Seigneurs  created  between  this  date 
and  1663,  when  the  Company's  rights  were  resumed 
by  the  Crown,  had  to  pay  homage  yearly  to  the 
King's  representative  in  the  Chateau  St.  Louis, 
and  to  present  the  Company  with  a  piece  of  gold 
and  the  whole  or  part  of  one  year's  rental — according 
to  the  Coutumi  de  Paris.  The  grants  were  generally 
two  or  three  leagues  square  and  had  various  special 
clauses  from  time  to  time)  but  the  chief  items  were 
the  preservation  of  oak  trees  on  the  property;  the 
pledge  not  to  carry  on  fur  trade;  the  disclosure  to 
the  Crown  of  any  mines  discovered  on  the  lands; 
the  settling  and  clearing  of  the  Seigneuries;  the 
reservation  to  the  Crown  or  Company  of  any  ground 
which  might  be  needed  for  forts;  the  reservation 
of  necessary  land  for  roads. 

As  to  the  censitaire,  or  vassal,  or  tenant  of  the 
Seigneur,  he  had  to  do  yearly  homage  and  pay  a 
rental  of  one  or  two  sous  per  acre  and  half  a  busbd 
of  oats;  he  had  also  to  grind  his  com  at  the  Seigneur's 
mill  with  about  one-fourteenth  of  the  yield  payable 
for  the  service.  He  had  to  work  for  the  Seigneur 
during  certain  days  in  each  year,  to  give  him  one 
fish  in  every  eleven  caught,  to  pay  in  addition  to  the 
nominal  rental  a  small  yearly  tribute  for  each  acre 
held,  such  as  a  goose  or  pair  of  fowls.  The  Seigneur 
had  the  additional  privilege  of  levying  the  lods  et 
ventea  or  a  tax  of  one-twelfth  the  amount  of  every 
sale  of  property  or  real  estate  made  by  a  tenant,  and 
it  was  this  which,  in  after  years,  constituted  the 
chief  popular  objection  to  the  system.     As  time 



went  on  there  were  modifications  in  law  and  practice, 
but  nothing  was  ever  done  under  tite  French  rigime 
to  give  unconditional  ownership  of  the  land  to  either 
Seigneurs  or  cenntairet.     The  system  as  a  whole 
failed  chiefly  in  the  point  of  immigration;  it  did  not 
promote   settlement  as   Richelieu  and   Louis   XIV 
both  hoped  it  would  do.     It  did,  however,  create 
what    the   great    Cardinal    expected   it    would— a 
distinctive   French   community  or  series  of  com- 
munities with  a  gradation  of  dignities  and  interests, 
of  distinctions  and  duties,   which  bound  together 
the  social  body  and  the  Church  in  a  unity  that 
not  even  the  eventual  legal  separation  could  destroy. 
Of  the  first  Seigneurial  grants  such  of  the  French 
nobiUty  as  had  come  out  to  the  Colony  and  de- 
sired to  take  up  land  were  the  natural  recipients. 
Amongst    these    were    the    Marquis    de  Vaudreuil, 
whose  Seigneury  is  now  represented  by  the  County 
of  that  name,  and  who  was,  also.  Seigneur  of  St. 
Hyacinthe;    the   Sieur   Boucher   de  Grosbois,   who 
was  ennobled  by  Louis  XIV  and  given  the  Sei- 
gneuries  of  Boucherville,  Montarville  and  Soulanges- 
the   Marquis  de   Beauhamois,   who  held  the    Sei- 
gneury of  that  name;  Claude  de  Ram^zay,  who  held 
several  Seigneuries  in  France  and  those  of  Man- 
noir  and  Ram^zay  in  New  France;    the  Baror.  de 
Longueuil,  who  was  ennobled  in  France  and  given 
the  Seigneury  of  Longueuil  near  Montreal.      The 
Church   was   also   recipient   of   various   properties 
The   Jesuits   were    Seigneurs   of   Sillery,    Batiscan 
Notre  Dame  des  Anges  and  four  other  properties 



in  the  District  of  Quebec,  they  held  two  Seigneuriei 
in  the  District  of  Three  Rivers,  and  that  of  L« 
Prairie  near  Montreal;  the  Sulpicians  were  Sei- 
gneurs of  the  whole  Island  of  Montreal  and  of  the 
Lake  of  Two  Mountains;  the  Ursuline  Nuns  held 
the  Seigneury  of  Three  Rivers  itself. 

The  military  forces,  the  officers  of  France  and 
New  France,  were  numerous  recipients  of  grants. 
Jacques  de  Chambly  was  Seigneur  of  the  region 
around  the  fort  bearing  his  name,  and  others  of  this 
character  or  origin  included  Sorel,  Verchires,  Ber- 
thier,  Granville,  Contr^coeur,  Varennes,  Rougemont, 
La  Valtrie,  La  Parade  and  De  la  Naudidre.  When 
the  Carignan-Salli^res  Regiment  disbanded  to  a 
considerable  extent  (1668)  after  a  distinguished 
record  as  wardens  of  the  marches,  or  guardians  of 
the  country  bordering  on  Montreal,  many  of  the 
officers  and  men  remained  in  Canada  and  the  former 
were  given  Seigneuries.  Amongst  other  early  or 
original  grants  were  the  Seigneury  of  Portneuf  to 
Sieur  de  la  Poterie,  and  that  of  Foucault  to  M. 
Foucault.  Well-known  Seigneurs  and  families 
were  those  of  De  Hepentigny,  De  Normanville,  De 
Chavigny,  De  St.  Ours,  Dc  Vitr«,  De  Comports, 
De  Crevier,  De  la  Cardonni^re,  D"Artigny,  De 
Lanaudi^re,  Louis  Jolliet. 

These  and  other  names  werr  amongst  the  most 
distinguished  in  the  history  and  achievements  of 
New  Fiance.  Of  the  Seigneurs,  individually,  were 
many  who  did  their  duty  to  King  and  country  on 
the  battlefield  while  to  many,  perhaps,  the  social 



Mde  of  life  at  Quebec— after  the  first  year*  of 
pioneer  privation  and  limitation— had  a  special 
and  natural  charm.  Some  of  those  mentioned  did 
a  little  m  regard  to  colonizing  their  lands;  others 
did  nothing.  Of  one  hundred  Seigneurios  in  exist- 
ence in  1681  only  sixty  were  mentioned  in  the  census 
of  that  year  as  having  any  cultivation  or  settlement 
and  the  total  area  of  land  cultivated  was  only 
24,827  arpents  with  a  revenue  averaging  1138  a 
year  for  each  Seigneur.  It  is,  therefore,  apparent 
that  in  the  early  stages  of  the  system  the  returns 
from  rental  were  very  small  and  that  the  holders 
of  these  large  areas  of  land  were  dependent  upon 
other  sources  for  their  incomes— the  army  or  navy, 
or  official  position,  or  estates  in  France. 

Some  of  the  original  Seigneurs  had  their  land 
grants  cancelled  for  this  neglect;  others,  such  as 
Le  Moyne  de  Longueuil,  Robineau  de  B^cancour, 
Chartier  de  Lotbini^re,  Juchereau  de  Maure,  Fleury 
d'Eschambault,  Tarien  de  LanaudiSre,  Couillard 
de  Beaumont,  Morel  de  la  Durantaye,  Deschamps 
de  la  Bonteillerie,  Berthier  de  Villemure  and  Le 
Gardeur  de  Tilly,  were  careful  to  clear  some 
portion  of  their  domain.  Cavelier  de  la  Salle  in 
his  Seigneury  of  Cataraconi  placed  a  few  set- 
tlers; the  notable  sons  of  Le  Moyne  de  Longueuil 
helped  to  colonize  his  Seigneury;  Hertel  de  La- 
fremSre,  Godefroy  de  Lintot,  Leneuf  de  la  Poterie, 
spent  their  time  in  commerce;  others  lived  on  half- 
pay,  held  judicial  or  official  positions,  or  lived  a 
life  of  exploration,  adventure,  and  war. 



A«  time  pawed  on  and  into  the  eighteenth  century, 
however,  conditions  changed.  Settlers  arrived  in 
larger  numbers  and  filled  the  ranks  of  the  eentitaira 
and  the  coffers  of  some,  at  least,  of  the  Seigneurs; 
a  few  of  the  latter  had  built  houses  or  chatiuux 
on  their  estates  and  lived  a  life  as  near  that  of  a 
French  aristocrat  as  pioneer  conditions  would  per- 
mit. It  was  at  this  time,  also,  that  another  process 
evolved  and  the  sons  of  prosperous  habiiantt  oc- 
casionally purchased  Seifrii-urial  rights  from  the 
holders  of  original  grants  or  their  descendants,  and 
assumed  a  position  to  which  they  were  not  bom 
or  bred.  In  the  ranks  of  the  Seigneurage,  there- 
fore, were  the  rich  and  the  poor,  the  nobleman 
and,  in  a  limited  number  of  cases,  the  peasant. 
Some  of  the  gentlemen  who  held  these  positions  were 
really  little  more  than  farmers  on  a  small  scale— 
with  long  descent  and  designations,  well-known 
names  and  intense  pride.  Poverty,  however,  held 
them  in  its  grip;  lack  of  surrounding  settlers  and 
workers  hampered  revenues  and  prevented  pro- 
duction; they  added  little  to  the  advancement  of 
the  country  in  a  material  sense,  though  they  helped 
to  keep  alive  the  traditions  of  loyalty,  courtesy  and 

There  are  not  many  rrdstmg  memorials  of  the  life 
and  times  of  the  Seigneurs.  Manor  Houses  are 
scattered  here  and  there  throughout  Quebec;  forti- 
fied windmills  and  other  indications  of  bygone 
construction  and  customs  are  occasionally  visible 
in    rural    villages;     Seigneurial    pews    in   old-time 



churches  remind  the  visitor  of  days  when  the  Lord 
of  the  Seigneury  drove  to  church  in  state  followed 
by  his  eennlairet  with  no  one  daring  to  drive  in 
front  or  beside  him.  A  first  and  most  conspicuous 
mansion  of  this  feudal  period  was  the  Chateau  de 
Longucuil,  opposite  Montreal,  the  home  of  the  eariy 
Barons  of  that  name  and  described  in  the  ennoblinit 
patent  of  LouIh  XI V  as  "  a  fort  flanked  by  four  strone 
lowers,  all  in  stone  and  masonry,  with  a  guard- 
house several  large  buildings  and  a  very  handsome 
church,  all  of  masonry,  enclosed  in  said  Fort." 
Ihe  dimensions  were  about  210  by  170  feet  and  it 
was  erected  about  1690.  In  1792  the  buildings  were 
burned  down  and  the  Manor  House  rebuilt  on  St 
Helen  s  Island. 

Over  the  ruins  and  out  of  the  walls  of  the  latter 
home  of  the  Le  Moynes  there  has  since  been  erected 
the  Parish  Church  of  Longueuil.      It  is  not  hard 
to  imagine  the  war-like  scenes  in  that  old  chateau, 
the  softer  social  festivities,  the  drinking  bouts  of  a 
time  which  was  wild  and  free  in  that  respect,  the 
clanking  of  spurs  and  swords  and  tramp  of  armed 
men,  the  soft  step  of  the  black-robed  priest,  the 
gliding  through  the  halls  of  graceful  ladies  clad  in 
the  beautiful  garments  of  an  olden  time,  even  the 
distant  war-whoop  of  the  Iroquois.     The  presence 
of  the  sons  alone,  in  the  case  of  a  reunion  during 
the  days  of  the  first  Baron,  would  have  been  enough 
to  create  a  memorable  scone-De  Ste.  lUline,  the 
hero  of  many  a  fight,  who  fell  during  Phips'  siege 
of  Quebec;    D'Ibervillc,  who  led  French  forces  L 


•••"ocofY  nsounioN  mi  chait 

(ANSI  ond  ISO  TEST  CHART  No.  2) 



lit  ta 





/■IPPLIED  IM/1GE    h 

^         1S5J  Ent  Uoin  Strtat 

Pj<Jf^«'.  Nmt  V«rk        14609       USA 
C7ie)  4«2  -  0300  -  Ptw« 
(716)  2U-M8g~F<|), 



takmg  of  Fort  Bourbon;  S,  7V"'^^  "*  ^^e 

«alm  is  said  to  have  ha^  h^  h  ^""^  '^""'"»«  Mont- 
-n  1759  and  here,  eertainJv  ^u  """*•"■«  ^"^  «  «me 
W«   of   Quebec   iorZ^l' J^' '°'''-' '^^d  military 

Around  it  game  was  ml"  rr  ^'^  ^""  P'''^ 
-cords  of  1648  stat^at  Tz'oo"?'  '*"''  "-*'"» 
«hot  there  in  that  year  Th!  V*''™'^''"  '^"^ 
through   Robert   Giffard's   /''\f  ^■^"^"ry   parsed 

'»totheJuehereauandthenth"t''u  ^^  »""««« 
and  for  two  hundred  years  tt       "''"'^ay  families 

Canada  the  institution  as  iJf'T*''''  '»  French 
--der  and  more  extensive  anZ  T"""^  *°  *>«  «  > 
St-  Denys,  Seigneur  I?  p^  "^  ^'<"""as  de 
himself  in  1690  afthe  siege  of  S?r'  '"««"«"«hed 
a  patent  of  nobility;  hisTo^  H^^  f  ^""^  ''^  Pven 
Louisiana,   and   t/o  merbers     Z''^'^''' '"^'^e  i" 

Kuay.     The  chateau  was  h„r    T!      ***    Chateau- 


^hit6«u  St,:t«ui^,  Q^^^^ 

I  I:    ' 


iX:--.5ifiMt  .M J 

C^.       .M^^ 

-^'^ : 




mony  under  which  a  cemiiaire  named  Guion   on 

Sed  ;.'"*"•  '"f  "*  *'"'  ''°-°f  '^'^  chateau  and 
recited  these  words:    "Lord  of  Beauport,  Lord  "f 

ftr  h\^°"*  °'  ^"""P^'*'  I  render  you  the 
fealty  and  homage  due  to  you  on  account  of  my  land 

title  deed  avowing  my  readiness  to  acquit  the  Sei- 
^eurmland  feudal  rents  whenever  they  lall  be  due  " 
Of  other  known  manor  houses  that  of  De  Salaberry 
was  m  1738,  not  very  far  from  Beauport  U 
was  very  small  and  unpretentious  though  of  solid 
construction  with  much  quaint  ornaLnlaSl' 
nere  H    R.  H.  the  Duke  of  Kent  was  a  freauent 

Til  ";  rt":'  ^'''^''""  ''  S-'laberry  and'here 
the  hero  of  Chateauguay  was  born.  The  De  Lot- 
bim^re  Manor  at  Vaudreuil  was  built  by  M  de 
Lotbini^re  about  1764  and  stood  till  very  recent 
years  where  the  hotel  of  that  name  now  stands  In 
the  olden  days  ,t  was  near  a  small  river  on  a  slight 
elevation  and  was  officially  described  in  1815  as 
"a  mile  and  a  half  from  the  Church" 
im^l  BellefeuiUe  Manor  House  dates  from  about 
1786  and  originally  belonged  to  the  Seigneury  of 

hTin  th'  "''"''  *''^  "^  Bellefeuilles  obtaLd 
half  ,„  the  year  mentioned.  It  represents  an  old 
type  of  house  with  rubble  walls,  steep  gables  and  a 
ga  lery  reaching  out  over  the  road.  There  are  vari- 
ous manor  houses  scattered  through  the  Province 
of  a  more  modern  kind,  such  as  Berthier,  of  Cuthbert 
Se  gneurial  days,  and  Dautray,  near  Berthier 
belonging  to  the  same  family;    Uculle,  of  th    oM 




De  Beaujeu  Seigneury,  sold  to  an  Englishman  named 
Hoyle  and  built  in  1826,  Montebello  on  tl  OUawlf 
purchased  n  1812  by  the  father  of  L.  J.  PapS 
together  with  the  Seigneury  originally  grant  St^  de  Laval;  Pointe  Platon,  the  home  of  the 
late  Su.  Henr.  Joly  de  Lotbiniire,  who  latterly  ren! 
resented  the  family  to  whom  the  Seigneury  o"^^  Z 
name  was  originally  granted  in  1672. 

«h^,!  ^k""^'  f-,,'*"'^''  ^'""^  Q"**"'"'  on  the  north 
Bhore,  there  st.ll  stands  what  is  called  the  Manor 

?Z:  °^*''!'  J»"'t«-who  once  owned  the  loc^ 
S.W  M  i"'m--  ^"'"''^''^  *°  *'«'  antiquarian, 
.s  perhaps  the  oldest  house  remaining  in  Canada. 
Its  walls  are  three  feet  thick  and  within  them  must 
have  rested-from  time  to  time-most  of  the  Tariy 
martyrs  of  the  Faith  in  New  France.  Here,  in  1646, 
De  Montmagny  held  a  grand  council  with  the  Indi«. 

oh±     ^r^y  ,'^"^  """^  '"^  »  solidly-bum 
church,  a  hospital  and  a  convent.     Belmont  is  an 

on  the  Ste.  Foy  Road  about  three  miles  from  Quebec. 
The  present  structure  only  dates  from  1800,  but  it 

1  vedtlT^  *'/  'l^^f  *'^  °"  ^■""•^  ^  ^Wch 
lived  the  Intendant  Talon  and  it  was  in  turn  ac- 
quired by  Chief  Justice  William  Gregory,  General 
James  Murray,  Governor  of  Quebec,*thT  Ca  d^S 

S  "'^°.  t"  '•''''  *"'  ^^''^•""y  °f  Lauzon,  the 
Irvines  and  others.     Not  far  away  stood  Hoi  and 

IS     It  dated  from  1740  and  was  erected  by 

THE  SEIGNEURS  '         jjq 

Jean  TacW,  who  married  Mile,  dc  MwKan    irr«nH 
daughter  of  the  Seigneur  Louis  JoUiet    he^cSr' 
of  the  sources  of  the  Mississippi      M  TAP^J  „ 

lonl^*^  f-T  ^"^•^O'  "«  the  '"ins  of  wha"  ht 
Jong  been  called  the  Chateau  Bigot,  or  Beaumano^ 
The  gloomy  old  walls  have  been  th;  theme  oTmuTh 
tradition  and  many  stories,  but  modem  res^Ir^h 

walls,  deep  cellars  and  vaulted  underground  apart- 

irirfi '°  '"""'°*  "^«°'' -^  -*  *^« 

wefe'^urfl^'  ^°"''  f".*'"'  ^"''""^  °*  Montreal,  there 

Regiment,  who,  however,  sold  it  to  Jacques  LeBer 
a  wealthy  resident  of  Ville  Marie.  It  wLattacted 
by  the  Iroquois  on  several  occasions  and  rebuUt 

thicT:red'*°?;±  T-  '''"'  °"^  ^''°-'  -"ht 
BtvU  t,^  fortifications,  was  maintained  in  a 
style  o  feudal  splendor  by  the  family  of  iTBer  de 
Semievxlle  up  to  the  changes  of  1759  and  afterwards 
passed  into  the  hands  of  the  De  Montig^y  famS 

days.     The  Manor  House  of  Saint  Jean  VnU  r„i 
near  Quebec    was  built  upon  thfruirof  tt"^   ^' 
burned  by  the  British  tr^s  2^753°!;^  tt  Set 

iS:  .*"  m 



gneunr  there  held  by  the  famous  novelist,  P.  A.  de 

i^'m/^n     o"*  *"'"''''  *°  A"*""*  ''«  '»  Chenaye 

OuiJ,  *^™"''  ^''''"'''  *''''*y^«  '»"«'  below 

Quebec,  are  some  crumbling  ruins  of  the  Manoir 
once  erected  and  lived   in   by  Pierre  de   pC 

^Zr'u"  ''""''l'^-     ^'••'  "'^  Manoir  of  Del: 
chambault  was  until  recently,  and  perhaps  now   to 

rts  first  Seigneurs  were  important  personages  in  the 
early  days  of  British  rule. 

The  life  of  the  morfe  prosperous  and  powerful 
or  important,  Seigneurs-the  real  repres^ratVves 
of  feudalmm,  and  members  of  the  aristocracy  wWch 
It   was   hoped   to   establish    permanently   in   New 

Brillmnt  were  the  scenes  at  the  old  Chateau  St 
Loms,  m  which  they  shared  and  in  which  many 
were  conspicuous  figures.  They  were  scenes  replete 
^th  vivid  contrasts,  bright  with  varied  colors,  dark 
with  gnm  possibilities,  or  actual  facts,  of  war  and 
massacre,  interesting  with  an  ever-changing  series 
o    stones  relating  to  Indian  life,  exploratioL  and 

fur7rar'fii;"f*'°ri  ^*'  '^'  excitements  of  the 
fur  trade,  filled  with  events  in  the  opening  of  a  vast 
continent.  Society  in  the  fi«t  century  of  C 
trance,  whatever  its  privations  and  limitations, 
could  never  have  been  dull;  in  the  second  centurji 
there  was  more  comfort  and  luxury  but  quite  ^ 
much  peril  and  excitement  and  change.  In  the 
great  hall  of  the  Chateau  St.  Louis,  with  its  lofty 
carved   ceiling,   its  polished   pillars  and  panels  of 

,jrr^  -saRi 


wainscoating,   it.   historical   pictun.   anu   delio... 
arab^que..  the  Seigneur,  had  ?o  attend  at  Wol 

lilie.  ofP,L     ^u      .   *^  Stamped  with  the  golden 
Knl?  ^""'"'' »•«"'  horaose  an,l  oath  ^f  allerianee 

h  gh  po..t.on,  though  unfortunately  he  did  no? 
always  realue  that  he  also  had  high  responsSitfe^ 

were  much  the  same  m  city  and  country.»v 
was  an  essential  quality  of  the  French  gen«;man^"d 
h^    wife   hospitality  was  of  the  openrhandTd  ch^r 

Fr^n'o.  K^  """^^  '""^  greater  chateaux  of  OM 
France   before   the   Revolution.      The   lonJ^   l„i 

stone-built  structures  had  more  room  tian  'm  2 

be  supposed;   their  thick  walls,  as  illustrated  in  fJe 

st.ll   existmg   Chateau   de   Ram^zay,   produced   an 

irom  cold,  the  huge  fire-places  and  ovens  and  solid 
coohng  utensils  were  constantly  in  v  "     In  £? 

wills  of  a°Z   ""'',"    '"'""'      "--   -'h"n  the 

7h7lnL      "*^^  enclosure,  stood  the  stone  mill  for 

the  Aato'  grain  with  also  a  fortified  windmi  1. 

As  to  customs,  the  Seigneur  and  his  family  break- 

nner      ""i'  °  "'°'"'  °°  '""''  ^"^^^  ^'"^  '"'d  coffee- 

nC  r  ."""^  '"''  ^"PP"  ''  =«^«°  -  the  eve-' 
mng.  Decanters  were  much  in  evidence;  brandy 
and  cordials  were  frequently  drunk.     The   ideboard 


fi ' 




waB  laden  with  quantities  of  anceatral  diver  and 
china.     A  feature  of  dinner  at  certain  aeasona  wai 
a  huge  paaty  served  on  a  great  tray  covered  with 
a  naplcin— one  described  by  De  Oasp^  contained  a 
turkey,  two  chickens,  two  partridges,  two  pigeons, 
portions  of  two  rabbits,  slices  of  fat  pork,  two  hbms 
seasoned  with  onions,  and  the  whole  flavored  with 
the  finest  of  spices.       A  curious  custom  at  meals 
was  that  of  the  guests  carrying  their  own  knives; 
the  things  provided  by  the  host  being  a  napkin, 
plate,  silver  goblet,  forjc  and  spoon.     The  furniture 
of  the  house,  generally,  was  that  of  the  higher-class 
mansions  of  France— though  its  style  at  any  given 
time    or    pluce    might    be    somewhat    antiquated. 
Cards  were  a  favorite  amusement,  with  sleighing 
and  skating  and  snow-shoeing  in  winter;    hunting 
and  fishing  and  shooting  were  the  sports  in  summer 
with  driving  in  carioles  or  caliches.     Dancing  was 
at  times  frowned  upon  by  the  Church,  though  at 
other  times  it  was  permitted  with  strict  limitations. 
The  Seigneurs  and  officers  and  officials  and,  of  course, 
the  ladies  liked  to  dress  well;  conversation  at  social 
functions  was  gay  and  witty. 

The  entertainments  at  the  Chateau  St.  Louis  or 
the  Intendant's  Palace  at  Quebec,  in  the  neighboring 
Chateaux  towards  Montmorenci  and  Beauport  or 
along  the  Ste.  Foy  Road,  at  Longueuil  or  in  the 
Chateau  de  Ramdzay,  Montreal,  must  have  been 
both  brilliant  and  interesting.  It  is  not  hard  to 
picture  such  a  salon  as  that  of  Mde.  de  Ram^zay, 
for  instance,  in  days  when  her  husband  was  Governor 


Of  the  lightnw.  snd  brightncM  of  the  court  wit 
.  f..r  .hare  of  the  military  „„.|  official    if"  whT  h 

Pan»«o  memorable,  were  tranHpl«„ted  hero  to  the 

»uen  a>  the  Compte««e  do  Frontenac,  refused  to  a,- 
oompany  their  husbands  to  New  France,  the  major- 

h,  n      ■"  P^''  'r"'  *''"  •'•"'"»  »'  "'"'  presence  to 
the  pioneer  life  of  the  New  World 

How  atrange  it  mu«t  have  seemed  to  a  wandering 
-avage  who,  in  time,  of  peace,  might  seeThe  iLht! 

tT^fn^h^  '  °'  '^"""^^  *'"'  '^''y  •'""'ohes  of  fores? 
trees  in  the  summer  time,  and  illuminating,  within 

SiHiS-^^C^'errthT?'  f  °' .''''"*-* 
other  centuHerZ  rerSe^irtrSnict 
an  que  furniture  of  a  dining-room  or  the  crowded 
walls  and  stately  furnishings  of  a  drawinrrim 
her        re    , utters  of  daintf  wom:„  aL  SsTn 

iLd  nat  h  rV"'"'''''  •"  **">  '•'8''  •>««'«.  "'"paint 
M.d  patches,  the  tresses  d  la  Pompadour  of  he  period 
there  were  men  dressed  in  the  flowing  locks  and  the 
gorgeous  colors  aud  garb  of  a  time  wheVpontaini lu 
or  the  TuJene.  led  the  social  world.  To  ee  the 
Btately  and  yet  lowly  bows  of  men  and  women 
to  watch  the  courtesies  and  manners  of  an  agToi 
chivalry,  to  listen,  perhaps,  for  a  moment"  on  one 
of  these  outposts  of  savagery,  in  a  vast  w  Iderne" 



and  amid  lonely  forests,  to  the  accents  of  cultured 
Paris,  must  have  been  an  unique  experience. 

O,  fair  young  land  of  La  Nouvelle  France, 
With  thy  halo  of  olden-time  romance, 
Back  like  a  half-forgotten  dream 
Come  the  bygone  days  of  thi  old  rtfime. 

Such  in  brief  and  hasty  outline  was  the  evolution 
and  character  of  this  interesting  institution — akin 
to  the  Dutch  aristocracy  of  New  York  or  the  English 
aristocracy  of  Maryland,  though  with  points  of 
difference  eo  marked  as  to  show  little  affinity  in  com- 
parison to  the  divergence.  The  class  development 
of  life  in  New  France  was  deliberate,  constitutional 
and  constructive;  the  object  was  clear  and  in  many 
respects  wise  when  the  character  of  the  French 
people  is  taken  into  account;  the  forms  and  fashions 
and  ceremonies  were  suited  to  the  society  of  the 
period  and  to  the  customs  of  the  men  who  had  to 
govern  in  these  far-away  regions.  The  system, 
also,  was  fully  organized  by  legal  enactments  and 
the  CoiUumi  de  Paris  controlled  regulations  in 
the  main.  Military  service  was  not  a  condition 
technically,  but,  practically,  the  working  out  of  the 
plan  constituted  the  Seigneur  and  his  tenants  as 
parts  of  the  militia — the  former,  or  members  of  his 
family,  being  the  officers.  The  Church  was  associ- 
ated with  the  system  through  the  parishes  h?ing 
usually  coterminous  with  the  Seigneuries.  The 
Seigneurs  were  often  called  to  the  Supreme  Council 
and  they  could  administer  justice  at  pleasure,  though 

II     i 


gentlen^an  and  an  alto"  Jt       ^t  "^ 

of  Des  Wets  was  erected  Intn  '  Se.gneury 

became  afterwards  Cnlf  Tr?  "  ^^'""y  ^"^  •>« 

number    of    noble    f«m:i:  ^  *   certam 

established  i„°S;Frnt^    ^brLeT'^    T!,' 
several     branches     Anrf     a  .    "^  f^  Gardeurs  had 

Courcelle,  My  d    flSvaisX  n  "~''*'"°"«"^' 

It^irSavr'  ''''  "''''"  "  *'«'"-'lous  change. 

e.egXo%aertL"„br „r;  '°™'  *^  *'« 
trigues    and   counteSbtrigut    o^thaT*'  *''.   '°- 

matter;  the  trouble  rlmoT  *  '^"'*   '»  **>e 

^^     ,         trouble  came  from  outside  officials  ap- 




pointed  by  the  French  authorities  without  due  care 
or  knowledge.  New  France  was  sound  in  the  rural 
districts,  but  the  canker  of  corruption,  which  at 
times  affects  aristocracies  and  democracies  alike, 
had  eaten  mto  life  of  every  kind,  and  debilitated 
character  as  well  as  conduct,  at  the  seat  of  govern- 
ment. With  the  Cession  many  of  the  Seigneurial 
names  disappear  from  Canadian  history  and  the 
owners  of  large  Seigneuries,  such  as  those  of  Lon- 
gueuil,  Lauzon,  Ten'ebonne,  Foucoult,  La  Prairie, 
Le  Chenaye,  Beloeil,  etc.,  left  to  live  in  France. 

Naturally  loyal  to  monarchical  institutions  and 
hating  vigorously  the  growing  republicanism  of  the 
people  to  the  south,  the  remaining  Seigneurs  seem 
to  have  taken  the  change  of  allegiance  in  a  good- 
humored  way  when  once  the  century-long  war  was 
settled.  They  had  fought  to  the  best  of  their 
ability  against  England;  with  the  issue  decided 
they  accepted  the  situation  with  typical  cheerfulness 
and  Mnj  froid.  In  1776  and  1812  they  were,  as 
a  rule,  loyal  to  the  new  order  of  things  and  helpful 
in  many  ways  to  the  British  rulers;  and  in  this  they 
were  hand  in  hand  with  the  priests.  They  settled 
on  their  properties  and  prospered  with  the  gradual 
growth  of  the  country.  Many  changes  of  family 
and  ownership  naturally  took  place,  but  in  1842 
there  were  French  Canadian  Seigneiu^  of  Varennes, 
St.  George,  Ste.  Th&6se  and  de  Blainville,  Lasalle, 
St.  Eustacne,  Verch^res,  De  La  Gauchetidre,  St. 
Charles,  Soulanges,  St.  Mm6,  St.  Paul,  St.  Ours, 
Terrebonne,  St.   Hillaire  et  de  Rouville  and  St. 


Hyacinthe  Old  families  such  as  Baby,  Dumont 
DeUry,  JoUiet,  Duchesnay,  Hertel,  mZ„ 
Papmeau  were  still  represented  and  there  wryet 
some  of  the  spint  surviving  of  the  old  lines: 

Happy  is  he  who  in  a  country  life    ' 
S*un8  more  perplexing  toil  and  jairing  life, 
Who  Uves  upon  the  natal  soil  he  loves 
And  sits  beneath  his  old  ancestral  groves. 

DlJ.y°'n  "^"'*'  !T'^""'  "  '^'"^  '^1^^  »«'d  taken 
place.      During  the   years   following   the   Cession 
sundry  old  French  Seigneuries  had' been  ^Z 
to    or  purchased  by,  various  British  officers  and 
gentlemen,  from  time  to  time.     Hector  T.  Cramah* 
(a  Swiss  by  birth).  Sir  T.   Mills,   Maj^r  sZtt 
Holland,  Captains  Naime  and  Fraser,  H    W    Rv 
land  and  many  more  were  amongst  them;   so'  that 
by  the  imddle  of  the  nineteenth  century  many  of 
the  old  Seigneuries  of  New  France  were  hardly 
^ogmzable  under  such  mimes  as  Yule  of  Chambly, 
Ellis  of  Beauhamois,  Christie  of  LacoUe,  De  Bleurv 
of  Repentigny    Johnson  of  Argentueuil,  Hamilton 

fin«?\  ^^'  !f'^u'''°  "^  ^'^"''-  Then  came  the 
fiaal  change  and  abolition  of  the  institution  brought 
about  by  one  who  was  himself  a  Seigneur. 

The  holders  of  the  Seigneuries  no  longer  held  or 
exercised  any  power  outside  of  certain  legal  claims 
upon  their  tenants  which  the  latter  had  come  to 
consider  burdensome;  they  neglected  very  often 
their  duty  aa  to  the  saie  and  grant  of  lands  and 
promotion  of  settlement;  the  day  labor  enforced 



upon  the  nngitaire  or  habitant  upon  certain  occasions 
was  greatly  disliked;  their  assumed  rights  of  pre- 
emption, and  their  taxes  upon  transfers  of  land, 
checked  conveyance  and  were  very  unpopular. 
These,  however,  were  only  surface  reasons  for  the 
abolition  of  the  Seigncurial  Tenure  system  which 
was  brought  about  in  the  United  Legislature  of 
Upper  and  Lower  Canada  in  1854  by  the  Hon. 
L.  T.  Drummond.  Back  of  the  movement  and  of 
the  expressed  discontent  was  the  feeling  which  is 
so  easily  aroused  in  democracies  that  the  land 
occupied  by  the  habitant  or  peasant  should  be  his 
land  and  that  the  immemorial  rights  of  the  landlord 
were,  or  are,  tyrannous  and  unjust.  It  is  probable 
that  this  sentiment  would  never  have  come  to  a 
head  if  (1)  the  Seigneurs  themselves  had  not  so 
greatly  changed,  if  (2)  the  politics  of  the  Province 
had  not  been  so  closely  associated  with  the  democ- 
racy of  Upper  Canada  or  Ontario. 

As  to  the  first  point  many  of  the  Seigneurs  were 
now  of  the  dominant  English  race  and  associated 
in  the  public  mind  of  the  habitants  with  their  strug- 
gles for  self-government  and  the  bitter  memories 
of  1830-40.  They  could  not,  even  when  personally 
popular,  be  any  actual  strength  to  the  system  itself 
and  the  carrying  out  of  any  feudal  practices  in  their 
connection  would  naturally  le-^k  the  sympathetic 
feeling  which  lay  behind  the  relations  of  the  old- 
time  French  Lord  of  the  Manor  and  his  censitaires. 
Where  the  Seimeur,  in  other  localities,  had  himself 
risen  from  the  habitant  class  the  objection  would 



be  diffarent   but   equally  obvious.      It   is   rarely 
indeed,  that  a  man  likes  one  of  his  equals  in  labo^ 
and  position  to  rise  above  him  and  to  expect  from 
him  the  courtesies  and  duties  willingly  accorded  to 
the  gentleman  with  traditions  of  class  and  personal 
distinction.     A  further  difficulty  was  the   division 
of  the  Seigneuries  amongst  different  personages  and 
the   consequent  weakening  of  family   wealth   and 
associations     As  to  the  political  aspect  it  is  abund- 
antly clear  that  no  aristocratic  institution  in  Quebec 
or  elsewhere  on  this  continent,  couid  expect  to  live 
after  it  had  once  ceased  to  be  popular  with  the 
people  concerned.     The  grievances  were  not  great 
m  this  case  and  those  that  did  exist  were  grossly 
exaggerated;  but  the  system  and  the  Seigneurs  had 
lost  touch  with  the  people  and  the  end  was  certain 
It  was  hastened  by  the  help  of  the  Ontario  democracy 
m  a  common  Legislature— a  democracy  which  would 
in  those  days  have  also  deprived  the  Church  of 
*  rench  Canada  of  many  privileges  if  it  had  possessed 
the  power. 

With  the  passing  of  the  Seigneurial  system  there 
closed  a  page  of  history  which  possesses  great 
interest  to  the  lover  of  the  picturesque  or  to  the 
imaginative  mind  and  intellect.  It  was  an  experi- 
ment which  might  have  lasted  had  New  France 
lived  and  become  purified  of  its  corruptions-a  con- 
dition always  remediable  when  strong  men  come 
to  the  front  and  one  which  Montcalm,  himself, 
would  have  overcome  had  he  been  given  a  free 
hand  from  France.      Even  under  British  rule,  had 






the  Seigneurs  remained  French,  held  their  properties 
intact,  done  their  full  duty  to  the  people,  and  lived 
in  close  association  with  their  own  race,  the  insti- 
tution might  have  lasted  indefinitely.  Given  these 
conditions,  no  democracy,  however  near  and  politic- 
ally insistent,  could  have  destroyed  the  fabric  which 
Richelieu  created  and  Louis  the  Great  had  aided; 
which  lends  a  charm  to  many  pages  of  French 
annals  in  America;  ,  which  produced  many  able 
men  and,  in  a  most  substantial  but  indirect  way, 
established  culture  and  courtesy  as  strong  char- 
acteristics of  the  educated  French  Canadian  of 


Lira,  Customs  and  Envibonmbnt  op  this 

To  the  people  of  the  United  States  and  even  to 
m„y  of  the  people  of  Canada  the  Aa6^W  o! 
Quebec  .8  something  picturesque  and  peculiar 
something  one  speaks  of  as  a  problem,  somett  ng 
extraneous  to  the  continent  in  which  he  dweHs 
There  m  no  doubt  about  the  French  Canrdtn 
being  a  picturesque  figure  in  this  commerciarru  h" 
mg.  money-getting  age;  as  to  the  rest  it  is  a  po  nt 
of  view,  a  matter  perchance  of  prejudice,  or  even 
o    Ignorance      In  truth  the  habitari  is  v^ry  much 

tion  and  its  best  interests,  very  much  a  pioneer  in 
the    histoiy   of   the    continent.      His    viUages    a  e 

to  those  V°  '^'  "^'^  •'*"""'««  '"^^y  «-  <«fferen 
to  those  found  anywhere  else  in  America;  his  life 
and  customs  are  of  interest  because  he  has  preserved 

the  peop  e,  of  whatever  race  or  language  have 
more  or  less  departed  from  traditions^aT'di 
something  which  is  labeled  progress 

Everywhere  throughout  modern  Quebec-perhaos 
the  phrase  is  a  contradiction  in  terms-are  Ses 
nestling  at   the  foot  of  some  slight   elevatbn  or 




tjny  rivulet  bea Jag  theZLTr '^f '"'"'«  '»"«' 
clustered  around  the  ^1]^ J  ".^'"°°"»  """t; 
built  along  the  sides  nff  ."  P"'*''  church,  or 

country-ro'ad  wUh  ti7»« -i-ding  -d  beaut'if  J 

cultivable  land   behi^-  •  *  ""^  ""'«  siips  of 

"horesofan^yriadS;  rr"*^  "'"'"  "P°"  the 
°>ay  be,  with  quaint  therT^'r""  "«  t'""  <"^ 
quota  of  interest  to  SS  X  V  "*l '"''''°«  ""-' 
/laton/.  Th'ere,  every^hete  7  ^'°''  °'  *>>« 
v'l^ge  is  the  church  Yutht  f  ^''^''  *"  *<>« 
■     and  hope  of  the  people  tL  "f**""  "^  t''*  We 

»d  funerals  and  re£!«  /Tl"^  *''^"'  '^«<lding« 
tbeir  traditions  and  Sts  f'^*'"'  ^''^  "<"»«  ^ 
place  near  which  in  .         .       "''  associations,   the 
«e  the  re^at^ranSr'^^^l-^^-us'uJlt 
Primeval  ages  of  CanadTH^r*, '"'"''  '■°*°  ^'•e 
one  of  them,  marked  by  a  W  m  1'  '"'*'"""''  « 
ample  inscription:  "JeanB«nr!    J*"^  "°^'  «  the 
21  Janvier,  1809,   agf^Q  Tn^  ,' "T"""^' ''^"^•^ 
father,    great-graidJather    Tv    h  '^'''"'''    «">»"- 
graveyard  to  carry  the  visitor  h   I'  •"'    *''''    ««»« 
days  when  Ontario  wLT^L     '^  '°  """e  to  the 
village.  New  Organs  a  Pr  '"^'•'™««.  New  York  a 

Ar-^und  the  church  WS '  T*  '"  '""^  'o^^*- 
or.  perhaps,  a  newer  TnS       °''''  '""''  "^o^e  walls 
structure,   nestles  The  ^LTV^^^  '"°<'«"' 

•  .^...'IWi":.-iP 

it  M^FM  MW .  ■"^■'"taaii  • 


Weaving  Home: 

spun  Cloth 

V  111  ittel 

*- a-. 






blind,  of  «,me  vivid  to  ,uit  the  owner', 
tutea.     There  are  the  home*  of  the  vill««.  ZZ. 

th.T(.^t    r  "  *'"  ^°'^'  »'  the  doctor    tTough 



to  know  about  their  families,  he  feasts  with  them  at 
baptisms,  betrothals  and  weddings,  he  looks  after 
them  m  times  of  want  or  trouble,  he  helps  their 
young  people  with  sage  advice  which  may  not  be 
always  followed  but  which  is  none  the  less  useful, 
he  watches  over  those  who  leave  the  home  and' 
then  transfers  his  care  to  some  other  and  perhaps 
far-away  parish  priest. 

A  word  may  be  said  as  to  the  general  situation 
m  this  respect  apart  from  association  of  the  Church 
with  the  racial  elenient  in  the  habitant  mind  and 
traditions.     There  is  no  doubt  that  the  warmth  and 
color,   the  ceremonial     and   the  forms  of  Roman 
Catholicism  appeal  to  him.     If  profound  belief  in 
the  supernatural  means  superstition,  there  can  be  no 
question  that  the  French  Canadian  is  superstitious. 
He  peoples  the  earth  and  air,  the  rivers  and  the 
forests  with  stories  of  a  ghostly  nature  and  religious 
character.     The  saints  arc  very  real  to  him,  and  his 
Calvaires    and    wayside    crosses    embody  ideas  of 
genuine  devotion,   which,   however,   do  not  affect 
his  light-hearted   view  of  life  and  Treedom  from 
serious  thought.      Why  should  he  worry  when  an 
all-powerful  Church  can  take  care  of  his  future  if 
he  lives  the  right  life  and  regrets  any  sins  he  may 
happen  to  commit?     When  he  celebrates  the  F«te 
of  St.  Jean  Baptiste  he  does  it  with  all  his  soul, 
and  not  even  in  countries  close  to  the  Papal  Throne 
can   processions    more   picturesque   be   seen   than 
Montreal  and  Quebec  will  produce  on  such  occasions. 
Cars  with  figures  emblematic  of  saints  and  of  great 



events  in  the  life  of  the  Church  precede  long  lines 
of  cheerful  habitantt  doing  their  duty,  paying  their 
homage,  to  the  patron  saint  of  New  France  So  with 
the  Ffite  de  Dieu,  when  the  Host  is  carried  through 
crowded  streets  with  thousands  of  devout  believers 
on  bended  knees,  and  ecclesiastics  and  priests  in 
brilliant  or  black  robes,  as  the  case  may  be,  -.on- 
tnbutmg  their  quota  to  the  stately  character  of 
the  procession.  Everywhere  in  Quebec,  in  French 
parishes  outside  of  Quebec,  as  in  all  Catholic  com- 
mumtics,  the  First  Communion  of  the  children  is  a 
picturesque  and  pretty  incident.  Crowds  of  little 
girls  and  boys— the  former  in  white  frocks  and  caps 
and  gloves  and  veils— march  through  the  streets 
and  up  the  aisles  of  their  churches,  with  the  proud 
parents  looking  on  and  all  feeling  i.  to  be  a  most 
important  moment  in  the  lives  of  the  little  ones. 

Around  the  habitant  in  every  direction  are  names 
of  villages,  churches,  parishes,  counties,  even  munic- 
ipal divisions,  bearing  the  association  of  some  saint 
of  his  Church.  There  are  neariy  fifty  villages  or 
towns  called  after  Ste.  Anne  alone— of  which  Str 
Anne  de  Beaupr^,  de  la  Pocati^re,  de  la  Parade, 
de  Bellevue  may  be  mentioned.  Every  place  or 
settlement  has,  however,  a  patron  saint,  and  it  is 
obviously  easy  for  some  commonplace  or  unpopular 
name  to  drop  out  of  use  and  the  name  of  the  local 
samt  substituted  or  perhaps  combined,  as  in  St. 
Andr«-de-Restigouche.  This  latter  action  is  quite 
a  common  one,  and  many  small  places  are  burdened 
with  long  hyphenated  names,  while  others,  it  may  be 




said  in  passing,  have  a  most  incongruous  sound  as 
Ste.  Lucie-de-DisraeU  or  St.  Jean-Baptiste-de-Sher- 

The  homes  of  the  habitant  vary  a  little,  of  course 
m  detail,  but  in  broad  general  outline  they  have 
retained  the  characteristics  of  two  centunes  ago 
There  was  a  period  when  local  conditions  of  war 
and  penl  and  tiny  settlements— branching  out  from 
a  center  like  Quebec  or  Montreal,  or  creeping  close 
up  to  the  fortified  residence  of  a  Seigneur— made 
some  differences  in  the  habits  and  customs  of  the 
peasants  or  censitaires,  but  it  was  not  a  radical  or 
permanent  divergence  from  their  old  homes  in  an 
old   France   which   has   now  passed   away.      The 
essentials   they   preserved   and   crystallized   in   the 
forests  and  pioneer  wilderness  of  the  New  France 
which  their  rulers  and  soldiers  were  trying  to  estab- 
lish.    The  leaders  of  those  days  have  passed  away 
and  the.,   dreams  have  gone  with  them  into  the 
clouds,   but  the  simple  habitants,  of  whom  they 
thought  httle  except  as  useful  fighters  and  farmers 
have  preserved  in  the  heart  of  an  alien  continent 
the  home,  family  and  religious  life  of  rural  France 
m  the  days  of  Louis  le  Grand. 

Usually,  the  houses  have  three  rooms  on  the 
ground  floor  with  a  loft  reached  in  old  days  by  a 
ladder  and  more  recently  by  a  curving  stairway; 
or,  perhaps,  the  more  modem  and  prosperous  home 
may  have  two  or  three  rooms  on  the  ground  floor 
and  two  or  three  on  the  upper.  The  outside  door 
opens  into  the  living-room  and  kitchen  of  which 



m  pioneer  times  the  bare  ground  would  be  covered 
with  sawdust  as  a  floor  but  in  the  past  century 
or  so  by  wooden  floors  of  scrupulous  cleanness. 
Ihe  great  fireplace  of  the  past  still  exists  as  a  rule 
with  Its  lar;     kettle  of  soup  hanging  upon  an  iron 
crane  and  simmering  over  the  fire  of  logs,  but  with 
It  very  often  there  is  now  a  modern  stove;  outside 
m  the  older  villages  may  be  seen  the  oven  in  which 
the  habitant  cooked  his  food  and,  at  times,  still 
<lo«»  so.      These  curious  ovens  of  the  past  were 
built  of  wicker  work  and  plastered  inside  and  out 
with  a  thick  coating  of  clay  or  mortar;   they  were 
raised  four  feet  from  the  ground  and  covered  over 
with  a  roof  of  boards.     In  the  better  houses  the 
imng-room  and  kitchen  are  sometimes  separated 
and  the  floor  of  the  former  is  covered  by  home- 
made rag  carpets  or  small  rugs  of  vivid  hues.   Around 
the  walls  are.  highly  colored  pictures  of  St.  Ignatius 
of  Loyola,  of  the  musical  St.  Cecilia,  of  the  youthful 
and  beautiful  St.  Catherine  of  Hungary  and,  per- 
chance, of  the  late  Pio  Nona  or,  in  fewer  instances, 
of  the  reigning  Pontiff  or  the  British  King      High 
on  the  wall,  in  some  place  of  honor,  hangs  a  crucifix 
nearby  perhaps  are  images  of  a  guardian  saint  and 
others,  or  of  the  Virgin  Mary,  and  not  far  away 
hangs  the  chapelet  or  beads  of  the   housewife-- 
perhaps  one  brought  from  Rome  by  a  son  of  the 
house  who  was  once  a  Pontifical  zouave  and  obtained 
for  It  the  blessing  of  the  Pope  in  person. 

In  a  corner  or  niche  of  the  wall  there  is,  perhaps 
a  statuette  of  the  great  Napoleon  or,  in  sea-board 



parishes,  of  a  sailor;  sometimes  there  is  a  plaster 
cast  of  a  parrot  or  some  domestic  fowl;  at  other 
times  there  is  a  wax  figure  of  some  special  family 
interest — the  face  or  hand  or  even  the  finger,  kept 
in  a  glass  case,  of  some  departed  loved  one.  On  a 
table  there  may  be  a  cherished  family  album— a 
rather  modem  product  however — with  pictures  in 
strict  gradation  of  the  Pope  and  the  local  Cur^,  and  of 
any  member  of  the  family  who  may-  have  taken 
Holy  Orders;  the^,  possibly,  the  Governor  General 
of  the  day  or  some  notable  of  local  attraction,  and 
after  that  the  family  circle.  There  stands  also  the 
bottle  of  holy  water  brought  from  the  church  on 
the  Holy  Saturday  before  Easter,  and  elsewhere  is 
sure  to  be  seen  the  old  eight-day  clock  reaching  to 
the  ceiling  and  having  a  bell  whose  clear  metallic 
tinkle  is  said  to  be  an  art  lost  to  modem  clock- 

Somewhere  on  the  wall  there  may  hang  the  long 
shot-gun  used  by  the  habitant  for  ducks  and  wild 
geese  and  for  the  occasional  bear  or  caribou  when 
he  goes  upon  some  special  and  notable  trip.  In 
much  of  the  Province  game  abounds — wild  fowl 
in  the  woods  and  along  the  rivers  and  streams  and 
on  the  borders  of  countless  lakes;  fish  everywhere 
and  of  many  species;  moose  and  caribou  and  red 
deer  in  Pontiac,  on  the  shores  of  Lake  Temisca- 
mingue,  in  the  forests  of  the  Lake  St.  John  and 
Lake  Edward  country,  in  Temiscouta  and  the 
Lake  Megantic  region,  up  through  the  Ottawa 
River  country  where  for  months  a  canoe  can  carry 


OueW  r^i  Laurentides,    a   few   hours   from 

Quebec  City,  are  hundreds  of  lakes  and  various 
riven,  teemmg  with  fish  and  such  is  the  c^e  for  ou 
hundred  m.les  up  the  St.  Maurice.  Around  Quebec 
also  are  to  be  found  immense  game  reserves,  and  the 
lucky  k-AUant  of  Beauport  or  St.  Anne,  oi  of  any 
village  ,01  a  hundred  miles  below  Queb;c  has  not 
only  an  excellent  soil  to  cultivate  the  exquisite 
air  and  scenery  associated  with  th^  sweep  of  the 

game'^n  ^fi  "'  T^'^  '"*  quantitie^of  wild 
game  and  o  fish  and  fowl  of  every  kind.  The 
modem  hahtant,  like  the  old-time  settler  and 
voyageur  and  hunter,  loves  the  sport  of  the  woods 

ffi^  life  of  the  Hunter!    He  meets  on  the  hill 

I^H  ?1T       .r'',  '''^"«^'  ""  ''"«''*  ""d  "o  'till 
And  feels  a<  the  clouds  of  the  morning  unroU 

The  sUence,  the  splendor,  ennoble  his  soul, 
^fh      ^*J  "•.«"<»>■""■«  to  stalk  like  a  ghost 
Enshrouded  with  mow  in  which  nature  is  fS. 

To  return  to  the  home  of  the  habitant.      The 
housewife  of  today  may  still  be  seen  sitting  in  a 

nfcbtht"  *"™"*  *'^  ^"'""'"^  "■•-'  -^'mak! 
mg  clothes,  or  rugs,  or  counterpanes,  of  wonderful 
strength  and  durability  and  comeliness,  luieS 
daughter  perhaps  is  seated  on  a  box  7  tru^ 
actively  engaged  at  her  loom  and  humming  a  soj 

eUs  of  home-made  linen  in  a  day's  work.      The 



dress  of  the  housewife  is  simple — a  mantelet  of 
calico,  a  blue  skirt  of  homespun,  a  neat  white  cap 
called  the  caline.  The  picturesque  dress  of  the 
kcAitant  himself  used  to  consist  of  a  long-skirted 
cloth  frock  or  coat  tied  around  the  waist  by  a  red 
worsted  scarf  with  crude  trousers  and,  in  winter, 
moccasins  and  the  bonnet  rouge — a  sort  of  loose, 
warm,  red  nightcap.  Time  has  modified  this  garb 
somewhat,  though  it  is  still  to  be  seen  aid  both  men 
and  women,  upon  festive  occasions,  revel  in  colors. 

The  old-time  food  of  the  people  has  not  greatly 
changed.  Fat  pork  is  still  the  staple  diet,  pea  soup, 
puddings  or  sausages  made  of  blood  and  the  entrails 
of  hogs  are  great  favorites,  vegetables  and  fish 
constitute  the  diet  during  Lent.  The  habitant  is 
fond  of  thick,  sour  milk.  Thanks  to  the  efforts  of 
the  Church,  he  is,  generally  speaking,  sober  and 
t-imperate,  but  in  the  old  days  there  was  a  good  deal 
of  drinking  indulged  in  by  hahUanta  as  well  as  by 
Seigneurs,  and  the  travelers  of  a  hundred  years 
ago  describe  this  condition  freely,  though  perhaps 
unfairly,  because  they  would  see,  in  the  main,  only 
the  indulgence  of  special  occasions  at  the  market 
places  or  in  the  larger  communities. 

The  houses  are  usually  to  be  found  at  or  near  the 
end  of  a  long,  narrow  strip  of  land  leading  down 
to  a  river,  a  roadway,  a  lake  or  some  place  of  special 
interest  or  value  in  the  life  or  work  of  the  habitant. 
Originally  this  was  useful  for  purposes  of  defence, 
as  the  houses  were  then  brought  close  together  into 
a  little  village  or  community  into  which  a  church 


with  these  strips  of  farmin  "•      ^^^  t^'^dency 

become  more  a^d  m "r*f  °'  *"^"«  '"»'*  "  *° 

village  AM.'/a„rwm  ciear^I."  '"«^  "*^  ^''^ 
hundred  dollars  a  veL  T  ^^-^^  ^  """P'^  of 
or  farm  l-^dlLt/J'^J^Zn  ''''^  "'*  °'  «"'l™ 
In  his  house  of  our  or  fitT  "'  ^T"  """P^^- 
two  families-a  Znl  1/?°°"  ^''"^  "«  *'"«"' 
to.  wife  and  children  '"°«  "*  ^'"^^  '^tb 

-StTl?*  Z±t?r  *^"  *° «"-  --i 

The  more  there  are  tSenrV'''"*^-^^^  "l^'d^n. 

are  the  parenL     1,  ."      f  f.""^  """'^  ^''t'^fi^d 

the  Privrtio.^  taeStTbl  °  "      *'"'^°'  P°^«^y  °' 

with  many  mou;hstt,.\loui:'''  '^  ''°'' 
matter  you  mav  mrh      '  u  '^^  ""'"""^  ^''O"*  'he 

numerorthe  fTmirth'  ^'/"''^  *'"'*  ^''^  ""O'e 
willing  worJrLmeT  rrm'  Vr^  °^  ' 
encourages  this  view  of  liZ JT^'  ''^  *^''""'' 
domesticity  of  the  Tverlil  7  ;^"*'"''  *•>«  '"^t^ral 
kindly  relations  btwie'lhemlf  ''"^  '*'  ^''^ 
and  the  mutual  obi  Itl A  t?''"''  °'  "^  ^'''"^'y 
religion  estabUsh  H  as  ^^f^ft  r'  ''^°''""*  "^ 
The  Government  even  ZZITT  '°  Q^^bec. 
time  a  free  erant  J?"  ,«'"=0"rage8  it  and  at  one 

of  a  specmedTumbe ^o/c^d  '"'"^t  ^^^'^  ^»*'^- 
the  race  do  not7eem  t  b«         u    ?'  '»°*'"«"  "^ 

responsibilities,   and  a  few  vT        ^^T'*  ''^  "><='' 
~TiCrr-r  "  <»  f'w  years  ago*  Sir  Lomer 




Gouin,  Premier  of  Quebec,  paid  them  a  tribute 
wliich  is  not  too  highly  colored:  "Despite  the  cares 
and  responsibilities  of  muternity,  there  are  few  more 
active,  more  helpful  and  more  light-hearted  com- 
panions than  the  habitant  wife  and  mother.  How 
attractive  she  is  those  of  you  who  have  traveled  in 
the  Province  of  Quebec  do  not  need  to  Ije  told. 
How  good  she  is  time  would  fail  me  to  tell.  Usually 
of  robust  constitution,  strong  in  the  religious  faith 
that  sustains  hei;  firm  in  her  sense  of  duty;  domes- 
tic, frugal  and  industrious;  a  devoted  wife  and 
indulgent  mother,  she  appears  to  be  a  combination 
of  all  the  virtues." 

It  may  be  regretted  that  the  women  are  allowed 
at  times  to  do  field  or  garden  work,  but  it  certainly 
makes  the  girls  strong  and  healthy — though  it  may 
not  improve  the  prettiness  which  they  usually  have 
as  children.  There  is,  however,  plenty  to  do  in  the 
home  and  no  doubt  the  condition  rights  itself. 
Socks  and  mitts  are  made  by  the  mother  or  her 
girls;  mats  and  rugs  and  white  or  colored  rag- 
carpets  are  still  the  product  of  looms  in  many  a 
home;  coarse  linen  table-covers,  curtains  and  bed- 
spreads are  made  from  flax  which  has  been  soaked 
and  beaten  into  fibrous  matter  fitted  for  the  spin- 
ning wheel.  Straw  hats,  glove&,  candles  and  even 
soap  are  madti  by  the  women.  The  wedding  dot  of 
the  girl  is  often  made  by  the  accumulated  results 
of  years  of  such  patient  and  pleasant  labor.  Some- 
times the  men  work  at  home  aud  they  are  very 
handy — making  in  the  more  remote  villages  prac- 



W  *"''^''""'  *'"'*  '"  '"'"^'''  '"  »'  """"d  the 

k„?i  r^"™  *«'*'"''*"«'  methods  the  habitant 
knows  h  tie  and  cares  less.  His  personal  prideh^ 
el  -sa^,s  acfon,  his  kind  of  happy  coneeitThim 
self  are  clearly  marked  characteristics.  Why  shouTd 
he  learn  from  those  who  have  never  had  what  he 
cons-ders  his  advantages,  his  privileges?  He  d^! 
hked  and  practically  abolished  the  use  of  the  wo^ 
cenntane   because,    whatever   his   relations   to   £ 

a  vassal  he  chose  the  word  halntant  because  it 
meant  that  he  was  the  free  inhabitant  of  S^ew 
country;   he  revelled  in  and  still  greatly  en  ovs^hT 

ness,  the  thmgs  that  only  a  rural  existence  where 
spaces  are  vast,  rivers  and  lakes  numerous Jand  and 
forests  reasonably  clear  of  civilization,  ckn  afford 
Se  Z  «°.'"'>^"*«'d,  inborn,  inbred  belief  that  hi 
hfe  and  rehgion  are  the  greatest,  the  oldest  and  the 

from  the  land  of  Napoleon  and  from  a  people  who 
whatever  their  faults  of  recent  years,  were  once  he 
considers,  the  greatest  nation  in  the  worid  Why 
herefore,    should    he   change   the    customs   of  S 

ahn  ,f  f"%'^'"'^°'''  f'«'l"«"«y  declines  to  bother 
about  fertilizing  or  rotation  of  crops 

The  habitant  raises  horses  whenever  possible  and 
httle  farm   keep  him   and  his  family;    sometioies 




they  enable  him  to  educate  a  son  for  the  proud 
poeition  of  a  priest  or,  perhaps,  of  an  avocat.  He  is 
very  proud  of  bis  land,  and  of  his  little  property, 
and  is  devoted  to  the  soil  of  Canada  in  a  upirit 
which  no  other  class  of  people  on  the  American 
continent  can  share  or  perhaps  even  understand. 
In  many  cases  farms  are  still  held  by  families  in 
direct  line  and  descent  from  the  cenntairet  to  whom 
they  were  first  granted  in  the  early  days  of  New 
France.  A  Committee  at  Quebec  in  1908,  under 
instructions  from  the  Government,  investigated  a 
number  of  cases  and  awarded  medals  to  270  families 
which  claimed  that  they  still  lived  in  family  home- 
steads built  or  acquired  by  their  ancestors  from  two 
hundred  to  *wo  hundred  and  fifty  years  before. 
Hence,  in  part,  the  fact  that  from  the  days 
of  the  Seigneurs  to  the  present  time  the  habi- 
tarU't  manners  have  been  and  are  courteotu; 
an  independent,  open-air  life  has  developed  an 
appreciation  of  the  fact  that  courage  and  courtesy  go 
tot  her  as  do  internal  servility  and  external  rude- 
ness. He  has  faith  in  his  God,  faith  in  himself, 
faith  in  his  past  and  his  future.  Who  shall  blame 
him  if  that  faith  now  and  then  takes  the  form  of 
the  Scotchman's  "unco  gude"  opinion  of  himself  and 
leads  him  to  fight  clear  of  modern  change  and 
so-called  improvement  even  when  it  promises  to 
give  him  a  few  more  potatoes  to  the  acre,  a  few 
more  turnips  in  his  cellar,  a  little  more  produce  for 
the  market.  He  has  contentment  enough  to  be 
indifferent  to  the  statement  and  philosophy  enough 



'?  f^l**  '*:  ^^  *  "'■""  °'  '""»  the  cen.u»  figure 
of  1901  and  1911  show  that  farm  building,  In  th^ 
I'rovmceincrea.ed  from  I102,000,000tol218  000  000 
or  ovor  100  per  cent;  while  the  value  of  farm'  im- 
plemente  roae  from  127,000,000  to  154,000,000 

The  most  common  cnticiHm  by  a  ea«ual  visitor  to 
Quebec  is  probably  one  dealing  with  this  question 
of  the  somewhat  archaic  methods  of  agriculture.  ' 
It  would  possibly  interest  such  a  person  if  he  were 
able  to  delve  more  deeply  into  matters  and  see  how 
really  mtelhgent  and  quick,  how  versatile  in  many 
ways,  the  haintant  is.     He  often  manufactures  his 
own  wagon  and  harness;    in  days  when  the  sheep 
industry  was  prosperous  he  or  his  wife  made  their 
homespun  clothes;    he  often  makes  his  own  boots 
and,  amongst  the  chief  industries  of  the  Province- 
replacing  the  humble,  wandering  shoemakers   and 
cobblers  of  early  days  who  worked  on  a  bench  out- 
side   the   Mni-s   door-are    the   large   factories 
employing  the  young  French  Canadian  at  perhaps 
twenty  dollars  a  week  to  make   boots  and   shoes. 
He  IS  naturally  clever  as  a  craftsman.      Thouah 
modern  industry  and  commerce  are  making  a  dif- 
ference the  haintant  can  still  make  many  articles 
of  home  consumption;    in  days  not  yet  altogether 
fT'   TZ    ""'*    e^a-'dsons    and    great-grandsons 
foIWed  the  same  craft.      In  carpentry  he  excels 
and  as  a  cabinetmaker    he  was  always    a  clever 
copyist-undertaking   even   Chippendale   furniture, 
excelling  in  ceiling  and  wall  woodwork,  in  carving 
statues  and  m  wood  sculpture  generally. 





In  hii  winter  workshop,  which  it  often  the  family 
living-room,  many  a  habilant  malcea  things  in  a 
casual  way  which  an  Ontario  worlcman  would  con- 
sider amasing.  He  creates  bitHkeU  out  of  pieces  of 
white  ash,  makes  wooden  horses  from  bits  of  spruce, 
manufactures  quite  a  good  kind  of  chair  from  birch 
wood,  with  rush  or  thong  bottoms,  builds  comer 
cupboards  of  excellent  style,  even  makes  four-poster 
bedsteads  for  his  family.  At  one  time  the  habitatU 
was  good  at  iron  work,  and  even  now  in  Quebec 
there  are  to  be  found  occasional  brass,  metal,  and 
silver  workers.  The  bookbinders  of  that  city  do 
beautiful  work  in  both  design  and  hand-tooling 
and  it  is  hardly  an  accident  that  the  young  French 
Canadian  is  so  much  in  demand  in  the  factories  of 
New  England. 

The  habitant  and  his  family  love  amusement, 
gaiety  and  the  simple  pleasures  of  rural  life,  in 
communities  where  everybody  knows  everybody 
and  has  done  so  through  many  generations.  Even 
here,  however,  there  are  gradations,  and  subtle 
differences  exist  as  between  the  habitant't  daughter, 
for  instance,  and  the  mechanic's  son.  They  may  be 
overcome  if  the  former  is  gracious  and  the  latter 
prosperous,  but  they  are  none  the  less  existent. 
Men,  women  and  children  alike  love  good  stories, 
are  fond  of  singing  and  dancing,  are  fluent  talkers 
with  a  real  love  for  their  own  voices,  and  revel  in 
the  music  given  by  a  violin,  which  is  often  made  at 
home  but  which  suffices  for  such  dancing  as  may  be 
permitted  by  the  Curi  under  very  strict  surveillance. 




The  men  and  boy»  imoke  conatantly,  too  much 
indeed,  and  they  learn  very  young-the  tobacco 
being  grown  m  the  home  garden.  Reading  i.  not 
conaidcred  an  amuacment  and  religiou.  books  are 
the  only  onea  really  common  to  halnlant  houK,- 

OccBuions  for  social  festivity  are  many;   distance 
IS  immaterial,  as  a  horse  and  sleigh,  or  some  other 
vehicle,    are   the   property   of   every   habitant       A 
drive  of  twenty-five  miles  over  snow-deep  roads  or 
throufch  summer  scenes  is  thought  nothing  of  to 
share  a  hospitable  feast,  to  pay  a  h'-^  ±y  visit    to 
attend  a  religious  festival  or  a  holiday  celebration. 
Winter  was  and  is  the  great  social  season  of  the 
hahilant,.     Between  Christmas  an-t  Ash  Wednesday 
they  pay  frequent  "surprise'  vimts  in  la  ge  parties 
to  each  other's  homes  and  feast  gaily  upon  bound- 
less supplies  of  cooked  meats  and  pies  prepared  for 
the  occasion.     What  dancing  and  music,  songs  and 
.aughter,   chatter  and  story-telling,   kissing  games 
a^d  flinations,   these  merry-makings  evoke!       In 
the  old  days  of  New  France,  and  even  of  Quebec  up 
to  modem  times,  in  some  localities,  the  great  frolics 
of  the  year  were  in  connection  with  the  making  of 
maple  syrup  at  the  close  of  Lent  and  the  celebration 
of  May  Day.     Immense  cauldrons  of  sap  were  hung 
on  poles  over  fires  and  around  these  young  men  and 
maidens,  old  men  and  young  children  gathered  and 
sang  or  danced  to  welcome  the  coming  of  happy 
spring,  to  speed  the  going  of  the  cold,  yet  cheerful 
winter.  ' 



The  May  Day  celebration  was  largely  associated 
with  the  old  Seigneurial  system  and  was  a  part  of 
the  joyous  social  life  in  which  the  lord  of  the  manor 
shared  as  of  right.     The  May  pole,  a  tall  fir  tree 
stripped  of  Its  bark,   was  usually  erected  in  the 
beigneur's  farm-yard  and  thither  went  every  one  in 
the  neighborhood  who  could  walk  or  drive-    blank 
musket  shots  were  fired  at  the  tree  trunk  until  it 
was  black   with  powder;    then   the  doors   of  the 
manor  house  were  thrown  open  and  the   haUtants 
feasted  at  tables  groaning  with  game  and  meats,  pies 
and   cakes,    white   whiskey   and   tobacco;     quaint 
stories  and  homely  wit  and  jokes  sped  the  day;  the 
beigneur  passing  from  table  to  table  talking  and  jok- 
ing with  his  guests.     Amongst  other  old  customs  now 
falling  into  desuetude  was  the  IgnoUe  or  celebration  of 
the  renewal  of  the  year;  the  Conies  or  bees  for  the 
domg  of  some  special  work  in  which  the  aid  of  a 
number  of  neighbors  is  sought;  the  ipluchettes  or 
corn-shucking   and  the   hrayages  or    fiax-beatings 
These  were  usually  accompanied   by   dances  and 
festivities.    The  f«te  of  La  Grosse  Gerbe  was  perhaps 
the  chief  of  these  celebrations  when  a  large  sheaf  of 
gram  surrounded  by  smaller  ones  were  gaily  decked 
and  young  and  old  danced  around  them.    New  Year's 
Day   is  still   a   great   occasioa  and   Christmas   is 
celebrated  by  everyone  in  a  spirit  of  gaiety  which 
IS  most  attractive  and   with   that  religious  spirit 
which  IS  a  part  of  most  French  Canadian  festivals 
To  quote  Lord  Dufferin's  translation  of  a  Chanson 
popular  amongst  the  habitants:  ' 

THE   J    >.?■  I'ANT  249 

Let  dead  YulM  lend-their  brigL.  reflections: 
Let  fond  friends  blend-their  recoUectiona- 
Let  Love  revive— joy's  ashen  embers- 
For  Love  is  Life— since  Love  remembers. 

The  courtesy  of  the  hMtant  is  one  of  the  things 
which   stamp  the  French   Canadians  as  a  peopk 
apart  from  the  rest  of  the  continent;    as,  individ- 
ually   a  product  of  some  other  age  and  clime  and 
condition.      Like   the   better-class   portion   of   the 
population   he  inherits  something  of  the  traditional 
charm  of  French  customs  in  the  days  of  long  ago- 
something  of  the  politeness  which  is  even  yet  more' 
natural  to  a  Frenchman  than  it  is  to  any  other 
nationality.     It  is  not  at  ah  due  to  servility,  it  is 
not  an  acceptance  of  inferiority,  it  is  not  even  a 
recognition  of  greater  wealth-though  the  average 
h^tantu   quite  keen  in  the  making  of  money. 
The  politeness  of  manner  so  far  as  it  is  instinctive 
comes  from  a  racial  type.;  so  far  as  it  is  acquired  it 
oomes  from   the  teachings  of  the   Church       The 
young  man  who  touches  his  hat  and  says  "Mon- 
sieur     or   "Madame,"    when   addressed,    has   the 
habit  of  respectful  speech  drilled  into  him  in  church 
and  school.     Little  of  the  crude  looseness  in  speech 
of  our  continental  democracy  has  yet  penetrated  the 
French  villages  of  Quebec;    when  it  has  done  so 
through  some  repatriated  workman  from  an  Ontario 
factory  or  a  New  England  town  it  meets  the  fact 
that  natural  as  well  as  acquired  taste  makes  the 
ocal  habitant  somewhat  oblivious,  in  this  respect 
to  his  comrade's  "progress." 

f    ! 



Besides  this  he  has  a  certain  feeling  of  self-pride 
and  equality  which,  in  itself,  prevents  him  from 
being  ashamed  of  civility.  It  is  a  feeling  akin  to 
that  of  the  property  brought  up  English  or  Canadian 
or  American  youth  who  says  "Sir"  to  his  father  or 
his  elders  without  question  and  without  the  least 
ilislike.  Complaints  arc  heard  at  times  from  Eng- 
lish-speaking sources  that  the  courtesy  of  children 
is  growing  less  in  these  later  days  and  that  the 
democratic  air  of,  the  continent,  coupled  with  polit- 
ical denunciations  of  Imperialism  and  British 
"schemes"  of  closer  union,  are  aJFecting  old-time 
conditions— <-apecially  in  the  case  of  English-speaking 
Canadians  visiting  rural  centers.  Thet,'  may  be 
something  in  the  contention,  but  the  situation  is 
not  serious  j  et. 

The  habitant's  voice  has  not  retained  the  softness 
of  sunny  France;  it  is  somewhat  shrill  and  shares 
in  the  continental  characteristics  of  enunciation. 
He  is  fond  of  using  words  which  are  not  quite 
innocent  in  their  origin  but  which  are  merely 
exclamations,  mild  expletives,  or  points  of  emphasis 
under  existing  corruptions.  "Sacristi,"  "Palsam- 
bleu,"  "Ventre  bleu,"  "Corbleu,"  "Sacr^  bleu"  are 
a  few  instances.  The  laws  arc  very  stringent,  and 
always  have  been  in  French  Canada,  against  profan- 
ity of  any  kind  and,  needless  to  say,  it  is  severely 
dealt  with  by  the  Church.  Even  slang  is  dis- 
couraged and  though  here  and  there  inevitable 
EngUsh  words  have  crept  into  what  might  be  called 
the  commerical  use  of  the   French   language,   the 

•nili   IIAUITANT 


tongue  of  the  habitant  is  usually  remarkably  pure. 
Not  long  ago  Archljishop  Brucli(!si  proclaimed  the 
absence  of  patois  from  the  French  Canadian  forms 
of  speech  and  it  is  claimed  that  the  language  really 
approaches  more  nearly  to  the  standard  of  some 
centuries  ago  than  does  the  ordinary  speecli  of  the 
modern  Frenchman.  The  Archbishop  himself,  and 
the  educated  French  Canadians  of  today,  in  gen- 
eral, speak  the  French  of  the  old  school.  The 
habitant  has,  however,  some  of  the  peculiarities  of 
speech  which  characterized  his  Norman  ancestors 
centuries  ago  and  they  have  been  crystallized,  like 
some  of  the  old-time  customs  and  habits,  in  the 
midst  of  the  American  continent;  even  the  archi- 
tecture of  the  steep-roofed  cottages  with  their 
dormer  windows,  deep  and  large  chimmeys,  and  old- 
fashioned  rafters,  is  Norman  in  its  style. 

Of  miscellaneous  characteristics  peculiar  to  the 
French  Canadian  it  may  be  said  that  he  dislikes 
gardening  and  lea.-«  it  largely  to  the  women  and 
children;  that  he  marries  young,  with  twenty  years 
for  the  man  and  seventeen  for  the  girl  as  popular 
ages  to  begin  the  interesting  process  of  courtship; 
that  the  habitant  and  his  women  folk  are  alike 
thrifty,  careful,  economical,  saving  of  money,  and 
m  this  respect  take  after  the  peasantry  of  France; 
that  they  are  clean  in  appearance  and  apparently 
so  in  person,  with  homes  which  are  quite  remark- 
able in  that  respect;  that  the  newspapers  are  more 
carefully  and  cleanly  edited  than  in  English  Canada 
or  the  United  States,  with  clear  precedence  given  to 





church  events  and  local  interests  over  the  latest 
murder  or  awful  crime;  that  the  people  appear  to 
be  exceedingly  healthy  despite  the  habit  of  keeping 
doors  and  windows  sealed  during  the  keen  winters 
of  the  country;  that  as  to  sickness  the  most  serious 
trouble  is  in  the  matter  of  smallpox,  due  to  prejudice 
against  vaccination,  and  in  that  of  infant  mortality 
at  Montreal  due  to  laxncss  in  looking  after  sanitary 
conditions  and  to  lack  of  cleanliness  in  the  milk 
supply.  , 

Picturesque   details   of   ordinary   life   in   French 
Canada  include  the  thatched  roofs  of  bams  and 
outhouses  in  the  older  villages;  the  curved  roofs, 
with  projecting  eaves,  of  many  of  the  houses;   the 
quaint  and  crowded  markets  of  the  cities  and  towns 
where  the  habitants,  their  wives  and  members  of 
their  families  on  a  Saturday  morning  throughout 
the  summer,  bring  in  and  display  for  sale  carts  full 
of    domestic    produce— vegetables,    butter,    meat, 
home-made  sausages  and  puddings,  fruit,   basket- 
ware,  etc.;    the  frequent  appearance  in  the  streets 
of  Quebec  of  priests  and  nuns  in  their  cassocks  or 
prescribed  garb  and  of  the  boys  or  young  men  of 
the  Seminary  in  the  long  blue  coats  and  green  sashes 
of    their   institution,    and    the   similar    conditions 
prevalent  in  Montreal;    the  sight  frequently  wit- 
nessed in  rural  regions  of  two  or  three  oxen  abreast 
drawing  a  load  of  wood  or  of  farm  products  to 
market,  or  the  quaint  spectacle  of  a  man  carrying 
water  in  pails  which  are  balanced  without  apparent 
trouble  from  a  pole  held  across  the  shoulders. 




A  word  must  be  said  here  as  to  the  old-time 
relations  of  the  Seigneur  and  cenntaire  out  of  which 
evolved  Bome  at  least  of  the  special  characteristics 
of  the  French  Canadian.      In  the  first  place,  the 
obligations  of  the  habitant,  as  he  gradually  came 
to   be  called,   were  not  very  heavy.      The  yearly 
total  of  the  Cena  et  rentes  was  only  a  few  dollars 
m  our  money  for  his  small  holdings  of  land  with, 
too,  the  option  of  paying  in  produce  or  game  if  he 
preferred— a  live  capon  or  a  measure  of  grain  for 
an  acre  of  land.      Rent  day,   instead  of  being  a 
monthly  season  of  weariness  to  the  flesh  as  it  is  to 
the  workman  in  our  modern  civilization,   was  a 
pleasure,   a  yeariy  and   festal  occasion,   when   the 
tenants  gathered  at  the  manor  house  on  New  Year's 
Day   and   were   regally   feasted   by   the   Seigneur 
Even  when  the  Seigneurs  were  poor  and  did  manual 
labor  on  their  own  farms— so  long  as  their  birth 
was  good-it  did  not  affect  their  position  of  social 
superiority.     This  the  Church  aided  by  giving  the 
Seigneur  a  special  place  in  the  sacred  building  and 
precedence  at  religious  functions;  where  the  Seigneur 
lived  on  his  estate  he  and  his  wife  were  often  the 
source  of  much  patriarchal  aid  and  kindly  sympathy 
for  the  habitant;    when  he  lived  at  Quebec  and 
only  came  occasionally  on  a  visit  to  his  estate,  he 
was   still   the   one   great   man    of    the    habitant's 

Some  of  the  powers  which  the  Seigneurs  possessed 
in  French  days  they  did  not  exercise;  others  were 
evoked   after   the   Conquest   and   utilized   by   men 




who  wanted  more  than  a  rental  of  one  cent  an 
acre  for  land  which  they  no  longer  held  as  vassal-) 
of  the  King  and  had  naturally  come  to  regard  as 
their  own.     The  habitants  particularly  objected  to 
the  Corvfe,  or  about  six  days'  labor  upon  the  high- 
ways, which  was  exacted  yearly  and  which  some- 
times was  switched  to  the  building  of  manor  houses 
and  similar  work.     They  also  objected  to  the  in- 
creased  rentals   under   conditions   which   involved 
cash  and  not  produce;   to  the  lods  et  ventea,  or  tax 
Oi  one-twelfth  ^i  the  price  of  any  land  sold  by  the 
habitant,  which  did  not  amount  to  lauch  in  the 
old  days  but  became  very  important  in  times  of 
progress  and  growing  population;    to  the  droit  de 
banaliU  under  which  the  habitant  had  to  use  the 
Seigneur's  oven  and  his  mill.     The  former  condi- 
tion was  ineffective  and  the  latter  became  burden- 
some when  the  right  eventually  stood  in  the  way 
of   establishing   independent   grist   and   saw   mills 
and   even   factories   of   certain   kinds.      Much   of 
this,  however,  was  the  product  of  a  new  and  com- 
mercialized   system;     the   old-time   Seigneurs   and 
habitants  seem  to  have  had  the  very  best  of  kindly 
relations.     It  was  this  previous  period  in  pioneer 
conditions,  surrounded  as  it  was  by  religious  sanc- 
tion, which  seems  to  have  left  the  strongest  imprint 
—perhaps  an  indirect  and  not  always  understood 
one— upon  the  habitant  mind. 

In  passing  from  this  subject  it  may  be  added 
that  the  tremendous  influence  of  the  Church  in 
forming   the   habitant's  thought,    and   leading   his 


fot}^^.  r^^'J^'"  *?''"'''  "P°°  ■"  this  chapter. 

oT"buI  n„r°  '"'ir''  ''""'"'  «'P"''*''  -"-dera- 
tion, but  not  even  the  most  rapid  and  indifferent 

hav.  InH  !■?''.!:'  '^"''  '"""'  affiliations  thoy 
have  made  the  habitant,  in  the  main,  what  he  is 
an  mdu8tnou«,  contented,  temperate,  ehcerfu  ' 
devout   and   patriotic   man,   sure   of   hs   Chur.1, 

fid?/  h'^T^  ^"'^  "^  '^--'f'  b"t  quite  con 
fidently  doubtful  of  matters  outside  of  these  lines 
of  thought.     Narrow  he  may  be  in  some  respect; 

tiozL  P^™""' '""«'=«•  Yet  these  faults  or  condT 
tions  are  and  may  well  be,  forgotten  when  his 
whole-sou  ed  love  of  the  soil,  his'chccrfur  happy 

of  TtZt  is  bri  hM'  f  ^  ■^""^'""^  '^pp--*'- 

«,.   1  A   A      ."*''*  ""''  P'""^""*  «nd  joyful  in  life 

«™ ■htirr""''-  "^ *° ^''^ -»'- -- 

One  in  whom  persuasion  and  belief 
Have  ripened  into  faith  and  faith  become 
A  passionate  intuition. 


Chubchm  and  Sh«ine8  op  French  Canada 
dia^!-?""'''"*]?"*'  '""  ""'y  ""^  f°'  French  Cana- 

pres«  and  in  the  Legislature,  in  iUeZZ'orJ'^ 

villairea  rr  U™      ">nuence.         The  long-drawn-out 
villages  or  low  yet  steep-roofed  cottages  make  tZ 

.....«..« „"Ls-^-„.-:™i  .set 


ll  t 



Hab„„nj  W;.aun  bpu.u;,,^,  t ,.,  .  L  A:^U:,  Qurl. 



-^Mn,.,«.„ .«,  .rr:.,-:r,:,r;:r; 

wooden  church  IT  the  '  „  7't"  f"'"''  "  ""'"  «''' 
Quebec  CiS  where  rude  '"'"""-I'""'"'-  "oar 
crude  orj^aitlir  i^f  ^ciTXtt  T 't 

and  Quebec  ItTnnf  *''^f '"'t""'^  '«  Montreal 
the  ma«  of  i'l   "°    r'''"^  ^l^^  architecture,  „r 

■   »  not  the  IS  ex^ndeH*  '"'''"""'"«'    '» 

of  the  church  Le^  J  isTt  "'""'!'' '•'''"«'' 
•""ociations  surrounding  it  or  theT  •  *'''  '''''°'"' 
which  it  bears  to  th.t      ■•  "'"'"'"»  sanctity 

Tb.  .i,u  "u  "2,  JS*?!:  "•">»•'•»"•*.„» 




comer  of  the   present  St.   Sulpice   and   St.   Paul 
streets,  rjid  almost  directly  on  the  site  of  its  successor 
which  was  built  in  1672  across  the  Notre  Dame  Street 
of  today.      This  great   church  is  not  beautiful  in 
its  external   architecture,   but  it  is  impressive  in 
appearance  and  has  a  distinct  French  trend  in  its 
style.     The  towers  are  227  feet  high,  the  chime  of 
bells  which  ring  out  on  festival  occasions  are  each 
of  thfe.-n  sweet  and  strong  in  tone  and  one  of  them  is 
said  to  be  the  largest  on  the  continent.     When  they 
all  ring  together  a  sweetness  is  heard  "mingling  and 
blending  in  the  aii  like  a  rich  embroidery  of  all  sorts 
of  melodious  sounds."      Upon   this  structure   the 
neighboring  Seminary  of  St.  Sulpice  has  lavished 
the  wealth  which  came  to  that  immensely  rich  insti- 
tution as  Seigneurs  of  Montreal  and  the  cost  of  the 
church  is  roughly  estimated  at  «6,000,000.       The 
interior  shows  a  temple  worthy  of  an  ancient  faith 
and  a  great  Church.     Shrouded  usually  in  a  rich 
gloom,   permeated  occasionally  by  shafts  of  light 
which  weave  golden  halos  over  the  figures  of  saints 
or  pictures  of  a  costly  and  sacred  character;  solemn 
with  a  silence  which  is  almost  felt  as  the  doors  close 
behind  the  visitor  or  the  worshipper;    the  general 
effect  is  most  impress've. 

In  detail  there  is  a  multitude  of  objects- 
notable  or  attractive,  valuable  or  ancient,  beautiful 
or  sacred,  or  with  a  combination  of  all  these  qualities. 
There  are  exquisite  stained-glass  windows;  there  is 
a  beautiful  wood-carving  of  the  Entombment  of 
Christ  and  a  marble  statue  of  the  Virgin  given  by 


Pope  Pius  IX;  there  is  a  bronze  figure  of  St   Peter>  .s  a  copy  of  that  at  Rome.     Unde   one  a£ 
the  c1   °  T  ?^  '""^^  °f  «*•  ^''^  "rough   tm 
of  the  Madonna  copied  from  one  supposed  to  havn 
been  p,  t,d  by  St.  Lulce.     The  grand  Ttar"  v"y 
nch  .n;c  carving  and  ornamentation  repreZl 
ng  the  Sacnfice  of  Christ,  and  at  one  side  of  it  is 
the  small,    but   brilliant   chapel   of   "Our    Lady" 
which  .s  remarkable  for  the  harmony  of  its  lines  and 
proportions,  for  the  mass  of  gilding    carvinr  „nH 
sculpture  with  which  it  is  decocted   fo^pands  in 
mosaic   original  paintings  by  Canadi;n  artlts   and 
a  reproduction  of  one  of  R„,,.el's  celebrated  friezes 
Near  the  foot  of  Mount   Royal,  upon  the  site 

vilage  of  Hochelaga.  stands  St.  James'  Cathedral 
It  IS  a  reduced  copy  of  St.  Peter's  at  Rome  andTts 
dome  towers  above  all  othei.  in  the  city,  being 
with  Us  cross,  forty  feet  higher  than  the  towers  of 

religious  but  brilhant  in  white  and  gold,  and  no 
more  picturesque  sight  can  be  imagined  than  a 
ceremonial  occasion  when  the  ArchWshop  n  L- 
dinal  and  purple,  the  priests  in  gorgeous  canonical 
robes  of  scariet  and  gold,  the  acolytes  in  whTte   are 

frot  Hanir't-'"  ""  '''*'^*'^  ^^  ^y  '^  ^horu 
from  Handel  echoing  up  to  the  vaulted  roof  and 
amongst  the  fluted  pillars  of  the  church.  Care- 
u  ly  preserved  in  this  connection  and  only  used  on 
ceremonial    occasions    are    certain    vestments    and 



altar  cloths  of  peculiarly  beautiful  texture,  style 
and  handiwork.  They  were  made  by  Jean  Le  Ber 
of  Ville  Marie,  in  nineteen  years  of  cloistered  and 
rigorous  seclusion,  and  have  been  described  as  solid 
masses  of  delicate  silken  work  on  a  ground  of  Bne 
silver  threads  with  a  color  and  luster  which  two 
hundred  years  of  time  have  not  impaired  in  the 
least.  Beautiful  as  is  the  richly-piled  velvet  from 
the  looms  of  Lyons,  its  modern  robes  are  said  not 
to  compare  with  these  made  by  the  pious  maiden  of 
Montreal  in  jjears  long  gone  by. 

Of  the  older  churches  in  French  Canada,  Notre 
Dame  de  Bons^cours,  in  Montreal,  holds  a  prom- 
inent place.      On  its  site  stood  the  little  church 
founded  by  Marguerite  Bourgeoys  in  1673  and  of 
which  the  foundations  were  used  in  1771  for  the 
present  structure.      It  is  Norman  in  its  style  of 
construction  and  is  notable  as  having  been  saved 
from  sale  some  years  ago  by  Protestant  agitation  in 
order  to  preserve  one  of  the  most  picturesque  and 
historically  interesting  spots  in  the  city.     There  is 
a  statue  of  the  Virgin  in  heroic  size  which  was  given 
by  a  noble  of  Brittany;    there  are  pictures  which 
were  amongst  the  first  works  of  art  brought  to  the 
country;    there  is  a  most  dainty  chap.-l  above  the 
roof  of  the  church,  with  tiny  colored  windows,  which 
was  designed  after  one  described  as  a  miraculous 
structure,  at  Loretto,  on  the  Adriatic.     The  Jesuit 
or  G^su  Church,  in  connection  with  the  College  of 
that  Order  on  Bleury  Street,  has  a  beautiful  interior, 
Its  frescoes  are  very  pretty  and  its  fine  paintings 



notable;   m  the  eastern  part  of  Montreal  amongst 
the    purely    French    population    is    Our    Lady    of 
Lourdes  Ch_  ch-a  building  of  Venetian  type  with 
a  statue  of  the  Virgin  over  the  altar  in  which  she 
appears  standing  on  a  cloud  with  these  words  under- 
neath:   "A  woman  clothed  with  the  Sun  and  the 
Moon  under  her  feet."      From  an  unseen  source 
oomes  a  bright  light  throwing  a  kind  of  exquisite 
radiance  around   the  figure.      The  decorations  of 
the  church  are  in  gold  and  colors,  with  arabesques 
and   fifteenth-century  detail    work.        Underneath 
the  buildmg  IS  a  shrine  fitted  up  like  the  famous 
Orotto    near    Lourdes,    France,    and    lit    by    dim 
colored  lights  which  give  a  curiously  weird  effect' 
The  Westminster  Abbey  of  the  French  race  in 
Canada  is  to  be  seen  at  Quebec  in  the  Basilica  or 
Notre  Dame  de  la  Paix-the  latter  name  dating 
back  from  a  certain  peace  made  with  the  Iroquois 
m  1644.     The  structure  was  built  in  the  succeeding 
year,  when  it  took  the  place  of  Notre  Dame  de  la 
R^couvrance  erected  by  Champlain  in  1633  as  the 
■first  parish  church  of  the  ancient  city.     From  the 
time  when  M.  de  Montmagny,  the  Governor,  and 
father    Lallemant,    the    eminent    Superior    of   the 
Jesuits,  superintended  the  laying  of  the  comer-stone 
up  to  the  present  time,  and  through  all  the  event- 
ful ups  and  downs  of  French  Canadian  history,  this 
church  has  held  its  place.     It  was  damaged  by  fire 
and  shot  and  shell  in  1759  and  afterwards  restored- 
^   received   a   clock   with   three   chimes   from   the 
British  Governor,  Lord  Dorchester,  in  1775;  it  was 



the  scene  of  special  services  and  ceremonial  events 
of  much  splendor  over  a  long  scries  of  years;   it  has 
probably  received  as  guests,  at  one  time  or  another 
every    Governor    of    Canada-French    or    British, 
Cathol.c   or   Protestant;    in  its  sanctuary   lie    the 
remams  of  nearly  every  Bishop  of  Quebec-a  series 
of  smgularly  able  ecclesiastics;   it  has  buried  within 
»  Z      '^^  ^''"'''"'''■y-  the  official  curds  and  canons 
of  New  France  in  Quebec,  representatives  of  the 
Jesuit  missionaries  and  pioneers  and  of  the  RdcoUets 
with  many  hundreds  of  the  leading  men  and  chief 
families   in   th«   annals  of  Quebec.       The   church 
contains  many  rich  paintings,  its  pulpit  and  side 
chapels  are  particularly  beautiful,  its  memorials  of 
religious  Me  and  incident  arc  of  deepest  interest  to 
the  pious  Catholic. 

Around  the  Convent  and  Church  of  the  Ursulines 
m  Quebec  gathers  much  in  history  that  is  attractive 
and  interesting  and  important.     Founded  in  1641 
by  Madame  de  la  Peltrie,  a  woman  of  extraordinary 
character  and  qualities  whose  career  prior  to  com- 
ing out  to  New  France  reads,  in  Parkman's  pages, 
like  a  vivid  romance;  it  was  presided  over  by  Marie 
de  1  Incarnation,  another  woman  of  fervid  feelings 
intense    religious    conviction,    the    victim    of    an 
unhappy  marriage,   the  subject  of  intense  joy  in 
her  new  vocation.     These  two  women  contributed 
to   Canadian  history  records  of  saintly  character 
and   of  devotion  and   built   up   in  their   Ursuline 
Convent  an  institution  of  fruitful   service  to  the 
infant  colony   and  one  of  much  influence  in  the 



molding  of  French  Cnnadinn  character.     The  leav 
mg  of  cultured  homes  and  all  the  comforts  of  life 
m  sunny  France  to  cross  the  stormy  Atlantic;   the 
long  journey  m  tiny  vessels  with  rough  seamen  and 
only  a  few  priests  and  two  or  three  other  nuns  as 
companions;    the  devotion  of  their  lives  in  a  cold 
severe,  stone  building,  planted  on  the  very  verge  of 
savagery,  U>  the  training  and  care  of  the  young 
presents  one  of  many  illumined  pages  of  sacrifice  S 
the  story  of  the  Church  in  New  France 
inT«L*^"T''"*  """^  <l''«troyed  by  fire  in  1650  and 
m  1686-the  present  building  dating  from  the  latter 

iZ'iJn         """l  °'  *'"'  Ursulines,  in  association 
with  the  Convent,  is  the  third  that  has  been  erected 
and  .s  modern  in  construction  though  splendid  in 
itr       .portions  and  appearance.      The  convent  and 
H,nf  ""^V"^'?'  paintings  by  L„  Brun,  Cortona, 
mm  and  Prud'hon,  rare  engravings  and  important 
books,  with  rich  collections  of  religious  souv.     -s- 
the  annals  or  records  of  the  Community,  its  papers' 
itle-deeds  and  Royal  letters,  its  pateni  signed  bJ 
Louis    XV;     a    massive    silver    crucifix    given    by 
Madame  de  la  Peltrie  and  a  reliquary  containing! 
It  IS  said,  a  rehc  of  the  true  Cross,  with  altar  cloths 
made  out  of  sdk  damask,  and  curtains  which  once 
belonged  to  Louis  XVL     In  a  chapel  is  a  votive 
lamp  presented  by  Marie  de  Repentigny  in  1717  and 
kept  alight  through  the  centuries  since  then-oven 
when  shot  and  shell  in  the  time  of  the  great  siege 
were  shrieking  over  the  heads  of  the  devoted  nuns 
and  tearing  the  walls  and  corridors;    beneath  the 


!    j_ 



pavomont  of  the  church  lie  the  remains  of  Mont- 
calm and  other  notnl)l..«  whonr  memorials  speak 
for  them  here  as  does  the  history  of  their  country 

The  little,  unpretentious  Church  of  Notre  Dame 
dos  VictoircH  stands  upon  the  site  of  ChamplainV 
house  as  it  nestled  at  the  foot  of  tlie  rock  behind 
which   L.y  so   prolonged   a  struggle   between   the 
forces  of  civilitation  and  savagery,  between,  ulti- 
mately,   the    power   of   France   and  England.       It 
commemorates  in   its  name  two  French  celebnitions 
over  the  KngliVh;    its  walls  remain   almost   intact 
from  the  storms  of  the  17fiO  siege;    it*,  floors  cover 
the  remains  of  four  French  Oovernors,  and  painted 
panels  at  the  back  of  the  building  depict,  in  artistic 
coloring   and   design,   the   historic   facts   associated 
with  the  structure.      Of  other  churches  in  Quebec, 
that  of  St.  lloch  contains  the  heart  of  Mgr.  Plessis,' 
Bishop  of  the  Diocese,  and  famous  for  his  loyalty 
to  the  British  throne  in  1812;    the  Convent  of  the 
SoBurs  Pranciscaines  Missionaires  de  Marie    carries 
out  an  interesting  Catholic  custom  of  this  Order, 
in  all  its  hundred  churches,  and  keeps  the  Blessed 
Sacrament  exposed  day  and  night;    upon  the  site 
of  the  present  Place  d'Armes  where,   in  part,  the 
Court    House   now   stands,    the    R.«collct8   built   a 
church  (1693)  which  Charlevoix  described  as  worthv 
of    Versailles    and    which    saw    much    of   Quebec's 
ecclesiastical  history  in  the  stormy  century  which 
The   Convent  of  the   Rgcollets  was  turned   by 



Hwhop  (1,.  Ht.  V,.li.T  into  a  (U-ni-ral  HoHpital  and 
Hinn.  1002  lia«  Ixm  tli.-  unooaning  refuge  of  tho 
homH.w,  the  p,«,r  on.l  tlio  Hick,  of  the  woun<li..l 
Hol.liiT  of  whnt<-v<-r  nation  or  faith,  of  all  who 
■"•.•(led  HU(u.or.  In  ItH  ehaprl  th.Tc  i„  a  chalicn 
with  altar  cructn,  vtc,  which  were  8cnt  out  to  the 
founder  l.y  Madame  de  Maintenon.  The  Hotel 
Diou  of  Quebec,  Ih  th<-  ol.leHt  momwtic  OHtahlinhment 
in  trench  (;ana<la  and  dateH  from  1037,  though  tho 
exiHting  l)uil(ling  wan  not  finiMhcd  until  twenty-one 
yearH  later.  The  HospitalMSrcH  Nun8  have  charge 
of  Its  Hick  and  the  medical  BcrvieeB  arc  in  the  hands 
of  I-Bval  profcHHorH.  It  poHHeHHCH  Home  great  paint- 
ingH  Huch  OH  The  Crucifixion,  by  Van  Dyke;  Mary 
m  the  Temple,  by  Lc  Brun;  and  Violation,  by 
KubcnH,  which  won  prcHentcd  by  the  DuchcHH 
<rAiguillon.  It  has  rorc  tajwHtricH  ami  valuable 
portraitH  of  the  Jesuit  martyrs;  its  archives  con- 
tain letters  from  St.  Francis  de  Sales,  St.  Vincent  de 
Paul,  Talon,  Montcalm,  Vaudreuil,  Maisonneuvc 
and  many  others. 

In  the  Kast-ond  of  Montreal  there  is  a  long 
succession  of  convents  and  Roman  Catholic  insti- 
tutions. Priests  ami  friars  and  cowled  monks  pass 
along  the  streets;  nuns  robed  in  black  or  gray,  or  ' 
in  buff,  walk  sedately  and  silently  ufmn  their  mis- 
sions; students  in  Church  caps  and  uniforms,  with 
sasheH  of  green  or  blue,  parade  in  large  numbers; 
pilgrimages  to  and  from  such  shrines  as  Ste.  Anne 
de  Beaupr^  or  Ste.  Anne  de  Varennes  pass  on  theii 
way  to  the  boats.     Here,  as  in  Quebec  and  else- 




where  in  French  Canada,  the  churches  are  packed 
with   devout   worshippers  at   Christmas,   in   Holy 
Week,  on  Palm  Sunday  and  All  Saints.     Near  the 
head  of  Park   Avenue  stands  the   Hotel  Dieu  do 
Ville    Marie   of    Montrea.     an    immense   structure 
founded   in   1664   by  Jeanne   Mance  with  money 
supplied   by   Madame   de   Bouillon   of   Paris   and 
maintained  by  a  strict  and  secluded  order  of  what 
are  popularly  called  Black  Nuns— many  of  them 
vowed   to   cloistered   lives   and   never  leaving  the 
walls  of  the  institution.     Mile.  Mance  was  one  of 
those  enthusiastic  women  who  helped  to  make  the 
history  of  this  period  memorable.      The  Hospital 
which  she  first  took  in  hand  was  on  St.  Paul  Street, 
surrounded  by  palisades  and  garrisoned  as  strongly 
as  possible  in  defence  against  the  Iroquois.      At 
that  time  the  Indians  prowled  constantly  around 
the  infant  settlement  and  their  silence  was  some- 
times as  deadly  as  their  piercing  war-whoop.    There, 
with  three  other  devoted  women,  she  first  took  up 
her  work  and  then  carried  it  on  until  death  came  in 
1673.      The  present  building  only  dates  back  to 

The  Hospital  of  the  Grey  Nuns  is  vast  and  severe 
m  outline,  dates  as  a  building  on  Grey  Street  from 
1871  and  contains  over  five  hundred  sisters  and  one 
hundred  novices.  Historically  it  was  founded  in  1737 
by  Mme.  de  Youville;  practically  it  has,  through 
branches  and  in  its  own  work,  a  vital  and  immense 
mfluence  today  in  the  life  of  Montreal.  Here  in  the 
mother  institution  the  helpless  through  age  or  in- 



funcy,tlir.)UKli  aiMciiHc  or  infirmity,  are  cared 
for  and  foundling  chililron  rccfi  vod  from  all  over  Can- 
ada ami  the  United  Htaten.   In  the  hranch  institutions 
orphan  girls  ond  aged  persons,  servant  girls  out  of 
work,  women  without  a  night  refuge,  blind  ehildren, 
etc.     are   cared    for.      In    Western   Canada   many 
establishments  arc  maintained  by  the  Grey  Nuns. 
The  Misters  of  the  Congregation  de   Notre  Dame 
constitute  a  great  teaching  Order  with   many  con- 
vent-schools throughout  Quebec  and  elsewhere.    In 
Montreal  is  the  mother-house  of  the  community  which 
has  altogether  more  than  twelve  hundred  sisters.    It 
was  started  and  founded  by  Marguerite  Bourgeoyg 
(1663),  one  of  the  real  founders  of  Montreal,  a  fitting 
companion  to  Maisonneuve  in  piety,   bravery  and 
devotion.     Unlike  Mmc.  de  la  Peltrie,  Mile.  Mance, 
or  Mire  Marie  de  I'lncarnation,  she  was  of  the  people 
and  the  daughter  of  a  tradeiman;    unlike  them  she 
never  reached  the  lofty  heights  of  the  supernatural 
m   her  personal   experiences;    like   them,   however', 
her  religion  appears  to  have  been  one  of  an  absorbing 
and  practical  devotion  to  Christian  duty. 

Klsewhere  in  French  Canada  the  religious  memo- 
rials of  the  Church  arc  many.  At  Tadousac  is  the 
old  Jesuit  chapel  erected  in  1746  on  the  site  of  a 
church  dating  from  1615;  at  St.  Anne's,  on  the  west- 
em  end  of  the  Island  of  Montreal,  is  an  old  and 
sacred  building  which  saw  much  of  the  heroes  of 
the  fur-trading  days  and  was  the  last  church  which 
explorers  and  voyageurs  visited  to  receive  the  Sacra- 
ment before  plunging  into  the  wilderness;  at  Mount 



Rlgau.1,  on  th«  banlcR  of  the  Ottawa,  where  DollarH 
•loR  OrmcBux  and  hu  men  ilieil  for  their  country 
I"  «  nhrine  nilorned  with   vnriouii  ImnKei.,  nml  ap' 
proarhnl  liy  a  rorky  ron<l  liaviiiR  fourteen  HintionH 
of  the  CnwH  Imilt  from  iiniiit  Ktonei.;    every  when- 
tlirouRliout  (  nr,'  tin-  w«yni,|c   eroNHen   whieh 
mean  no  mneh  to  the  devout  Cntholie  ami  are  no 
intereHtinn  to  the  tourint.     What  are  ealie<l  ( 'nivaireH 
are  unually  abi.ut  ten  feet  in  lieiRht  ami  often  ineluile 
not  only  fh.e  ero«<  l.uf  the  erown  of  tliorn»,  tin-  liam- 
mer  and  nnils,  the  exeeutioner'n  ladder,  and  other 
mementm-s  of  tlii>  ureal  Saerifiee.     Not  only  do  tin- 
habilandi  wdute  the  Croiw  as  they  paMH,  l.yn  lifting 
of  the  hat,  hut  they  eome  with  their  familieH  during 
the  summer  months  and  make  these  shrines   into 
open-air    altars.       One    further    evidenee    of    the 
Church's  work  ami  place  can  only  be  mentione.1  at 
this   i)oint— that   of   K.lueation— and   the   splemlid 
seminaries,  universities  and  eolleges  which  are  de- 
vote»l  to  the  training  of  prieMs  and  teachers  and  the 
youth  of  the  land. 

The  Seminary  of  St.  Sulpice  at  Montreal  is,  how- 
ever,  so  associated  with  the  religious  life  of  the 
community,  as  well  as  with  its  education,  that  no 
reference  to  the  Church  in  Quelwc  is  complete  with- 
out its  inclusion.  Quaint  and  unobtrusive,  somber 
and  silent  in  its  life,  replete  with  all  the  significance 
of  Rome's  conduct  of  Church  affairs  through  three 
hundred  years  of  Canadian  history,  it  stands  as  a 
gloomy,  massive  reminder  of  days  gone  by.  Within 
Its  walls  the  priests  of  St.  Sulpice  control  one  of  the 

i-'J"^'  ("i 



largo-t  rovrmir.  on  tho  r„ntin,.nl  nn.l  nrn  m«.tr™ 
of  liind  .m  th..  Mnn.!  ,.f  M..ntrnal.  Kor  tiro 
m-nturi...  tlu.  .•„hl,|,..Ht»n.H  „f  i,„  ,«,„rtynr,l  have 
«ch.«.,l  to,.  ,r..«d  „f  pilRrim-  «,„l  ,„.nit..„u  and 
IM.MMTH,  while,  tho  n..i«.|,.w.  Ht..p  „f  th..  pri..Rt  hiw 
....n..  .i|ul  K„n..  from  th,.  tim,.H  „f  Ir,K,„.,iH  horror 
to  U...  .InyH  of  ,.omm,.r,:inh«,..l  lih,.rty.  In  th,.  thirlt 
wnllH  of  th.,  Hominnry  ,tr..  (h..  hH,p-h.,h.H  for  muHkotry 
whi..h  r«n..n.l  th,,  tw,.„ti,.th  ....nt.iry  to.iriHt  that, 
h..r..  w««  a  tim,.  on  K.ih  ,„ntin,.nt  wh,n  r,.HKi..n  ha,l 
to  l.„  Hupport,..!  hy  phyniral  forn,.  a«  w,.||  ,«,  k,.nt 
aliv,.  I)y  rontiniiouN  H..|f-«ftcrifi,.... 

F,mn.lo,l  l,y  a  young  r-riciit,  th«  AhM  ()li„,  ,u,  a 
r..«ult  of  thoHc  Divine  communing,  which  app<.are,l 
to  com,,  HO  often  to  th„  faithful  an,l  .l.vout  houIh 
of  that  porio,!,  the  object  of  the  Sulpician  Or.ler  wan 
nn,l  i»   to  train  the  youth  of  the  country,  ho  far  an 
available,  for  the  prienthod  an.l  to  teach  secular 
Nubjec^H   to   othern   in    combination    with    reliiriou* 
mHtruction.      In  1067  the  Holi.l  ntructure  of  twlay 
wuH  ercele.1  an  a  branch  of  the  ..ntablinhment  in 
farm.      Their  holdingH  of  land  at  the  time  of  the 
tcHHion    appear    to    have    totaled    250,000    acres- 
what  the  value  of  thcHe  lands  is  now  or  just  what  are 
the  relations  between  the  Mother  House  in  Paris 
and  the  Order  in  Montreal  it  is  hard  to  say      The 
priests  are  still  largely  French  in  origin;   there  is  an 
tZ^^""""  '*''°"*  ""^  '"""tution  as  there  was 
1      I     Tt"  '*'  T*""''"""  '''"'""''  ««i«neur8  of  the 
Island  of  Montreal,  of  Two  Mountains,  and  of  St 
.^ulpice;     upon    its   pinnacles   are   still    carved   the 



lloHr-,l,..|y,.  In  ,1.0  liviH  „f  it,  ,,rir«t«  thrrr  hiw  npponn.<l  i<nilKMli.',|  thr  .■nrlirr  VhrlKtlnn 
|.r.i.,.„l,^  .,f  H..lf-,l.„i„|  „,„1  „„„.|,  „f  wlint  UiHl,„|. 
.1.'  l-i»v„l  ,,.,,.,.«Ml  wlirn  l„.  tlmt  Ihry 
wi-n.  ",l,.  i,,  fnith,  dootrini.,  ploty  and 

Of  nil  tlio  Cluinh  liiHlitiilionH  of  (Jiirl)..,-,  liowcvor 

tho  mo«t  intorrKling  ,.,  thorn,  outMJ.Ir  of  it«  pnio  »' 

tho  (  l.ur.-h  of  Wto.  Ann,.  ,lr  H,.«,.;,r«  will,  itn  miracu- 

Imw  cln.m«,  it»  Httrnotiv.-  liinlory  luxl  it,.  ..xfrnor- 

•linary  r..,or.l.     Tlio  p„ri.l,  i,«,.;f  jjo-h  l,„ck  to  1667. 

whon  tho  only  o(l«-n,  oxinting  in  »ll  tho  v««t  Mrotchcl 

of  Now  iTimoo  woro   lh.»«.  of  Tn,l...mnr,  QuoIh-c, 

Montr,.,,!,      I  hroo     Hivorn,     „n,|    Chnt,.,,,,    Uiohor! 

Trmhtion  ,s„yH  th„l  in  or  nlH,ut  Uirx)  Momo  Ilrrtcm 

marinorH   won.   wro.-ko,l  on   tho   con«t  un.l,   whil,. 

prnymK  for  th,.ir  liv,.«,   vowo,!  thnt   If  thoy  woro 

Mvo,l  thoy  wonia  ,.n.ot  „  o1„„h.1  .„,  tl„.  nhoro  in  honor 

of  Sto  Ann,.-moth,.r  of  tho  Virgin  M„ry  nnd  patron- 

c^  of  tho,r  own  lurnl  of  Brittuny.     A  «mnll  woodon 

chapol  I,  ^ui  to  hnvo  lu-on  or,.ot..,i,  though  history 

'"  "IT^  *°  *•"*  '"''•  ''"'  ''  ''«•«  »PP<-»r  that  ,ail„™ 
on  the  St.  3-nwronco  had  special  veneration  for  tho 
spot  and  special  prayers  to  their  good  Ste.  Anne 
Missionary  priest*  were  certainly  at  lleaupr*?  as 
early  as  1(145  ami  there  is  nothing  inherently  improb- 
able in  the  tradition  as  to  the  existence  of  the  little 
church.  In  lOr,?  M.  d'Ailleboust,  Oovornor  of  Now 
l;ran,-e,  hud  tho  corner-stone  of  a  now  church  on  the 
site  of  tho  present  public  square;  in  1661  it  was 
destroyed  by  floo<l8  and  a  new  building  erected  where 


r!iirRnHi.»4  ani»  hhrivkh  27, 

«  mnmoriHl  f.M.„(„i„  „„«,  „,„„,,,.    i„  ,„-„ 

'•''";••  '„«""•  ;■"••■' •"  "■••  Hi...  nf  .1.,.  ,.„,„,„,  .V,,., . 

..ri«IC.„.„..|,wl.i..lMHl.„il...n,„wali: w,       H 

w.KKlw„rk  »n.l  ,.r,m,„,.„tH,  „„,1  „,i«  MniHur,.  I„h.,.,I 
f..r    w„  ....„t„r„.H;    .1,..  ,,r,^.,„   u.^irn,  ,.  „,,)..,„|i,| 

wiin  built  in  IH7(1.  'iu'Mi, 

'•„..t,.r   of   (hin  „hri„,.  h..,.,„    ,„   hnv    l.,.,.    v.'ry 
-nrly.     »,„|,op  ,|,.  |,„val  wnl  «.v.Tal  ti,n,.H  „,  n,.„„. 
pr«  «H  «  pilKnn.  nn.l  wrot,.  in  KMiT  that  "nothin. 
ImH  a,,lr,l  UH  ,„,.„.  p„*..rfully  i„  H.,Ht«i„i„K  tl»,  wH^I " 
of  th,H  chur,.|.  than  th.-  H,H.«i„|  ,l,.vo.i„„   ?(,„ 
mhu  MtantM    of    tluM    ..ountry  l„.„r    to  .Str.   Ann..  " 
1»    th..    H.,cr.....linK    an    ncconnt    of    iniraci™ 
wrought  at  thi-  rliurdi  whh  r.iil.liHh...!  I,y  thf  locnl 
"..KHUmary  pri,.Ht,  with  tho  approval  of  th..  Hinhop, 
«n<    in  It  th.<  U«v.  Kttth..r  MorH  Ht„t,.,l  that  h.  ha.l 
in  tho  pa«t  Hix  y,.„r«  witnoHm.,!  thrn..  ,niraH..H  an.l 
alHO  th«  many  „th,-r  ,.u«.m  of  h,m.H«I  Hpiritnal  «,«.•,• 
accorclod  by  (io,l  to  Hinn.TH.     M«rc  M«ri„  do  I' 
nat,o„,  ,n  a  httcr  ut  thin  timr,  «p„k.  of  the  blind 
roccivinB  BiBht,  the-  paralytic  „.„,|o  to  walk,  and  the 
«ck  o„abl«|  to  roKttin  th.-ir  health.     The  pilKrimagcB 
of  those  days  were  small  in  number;  it  was  naturally 
a  matter  of  individual  vIhIIh  only.     Time,  however 
brought    population    to    the    country    and    to    the 
contment;    the  fame  of  the  shrine  gradually  grew 
a«  cl,d  the  mass  of  crutches  piled  up  against  the 
mtenor  walls  of  the  structure  and  in  special  recep- 
tacles;    the  number  of  the  pilgrims  increa.   '   k 



modem  days  until  in  1880  they  were  36,000;  in 
1890,  105,000;  in  1900,  135,000;  and  in  1910,  188,- 
266.  Meantime,  the  mother  shrine  of  Ste.  Anne  at 
Apt  in  France  had  contributed  some  of  its  famous 
relijs  to  the  Canadian  daughter— indirectly  in 
several  cases— and  these  included  a  bone  from  the 
hand  of  Stc.  Anne  given  by  the  Bishop  of  Carcas- 
sonne, a  bone  from  the  Saint's  wrist  obtained  by 
Cardinal  Taschereau  from  Pope  Leo  XIII,  a  piece 
of  rock  from  the  wall  of  Ste.  Anne's  home  in 

The  shrine  itself,  within  the  Baailica,  is  a  most 
artistic  production  seven  feet  high  and  made  of 
beaten  brass,  polished  and  gilded,  with  four  columns 
supporting  statues  of  Ste.  Anne,  St.  Joachim, 
St.  Joseph  and  the  Blessed  Virgin.  The  reliquary, 
containing  the  bone  from  the  Saint's  wrist,  is  made 
of  massive  gold  ornamented  with  precious  stones 
and  is  only  placed  in  the  shrine  during  the  week 
following  Ste.  Anne's  day— July  26th  to  August  2d— 
when  many  thousands  of  pilgrims  crowd  the  edifice. 
The  communion  rail  of  the  church  is  sixty-six  feet 
long  and  is  important  for  its  unique  and  valuable 
panel  work  carved  on  the  five  different  kinds  of 
rich  marble  with  which  it  is  constructed.  The 
statue  of  Ste.  Anne  herself  is  ten  feet  high,  the  ped- 
estal being  of  Carrara  marble  and  the  monolith  of 
Mexican  onyx — almost  transparent  in  appearance 
and  crowned  with  a  diadem  of  gold  and  precious 
stones  presented  in  1887  by  Cardinal  Taschereau 
in  the  name  of  Pope  Leo  XIII. 

1    ,  ^,-;.  *!..■ 

-A.  ,x-  '--■■ 




:iV8.uii1il  in   iSSO   ihcy  wore  Uti.ii       '  , 
'•»;   in  19OO,.r«;0O(!:  aud  in  JMO.  m. 

'tJi'.  ;!..■-  <)...n,i 

i'VL'iai  fn'<' 

!  'inrl   f.f   Si. 

■  .'rmt'.,  a  I  ■ 

■  *H!nal  'i .  • 
■-<)■   roi:k   from   itw  w;,: 

^irtatU;    j.r.ffiii.-tioi)    n:-, . 
;  f:ttenjjrast<,  ixiljshcU  n.,,)  ,;, 

■^tf.  Aline  ai 
'?  its  famous 
:<1irpe!ly  i.ii 
lie  fnini  thi' 

Vnne's    borne   m 

^rtiii-'fltfay-nriily  2tith  (.■■  Auttu,-! 
.    tboa,^anda  of  pilgrims  crowd  the  (.  ', 
The  timimuujon  rail  of  th»  church  is  sixty-six",     t 
ions  and  is  important  for  its  unifjun  p    ' 
iiK'I  work  ejirved  on  the  five  diffcn 
■rb   marble   with   «hicli   it  i»   tw^trut-  •        i  .;■■ 
=<tati!P  {rf'Sle..  Aiino  het!«eHis  t«>n  f,-et  high,  tin  t^ifd' 
•sta!  Iwing  of  ■Oirrara  marlile  ami  tlic  monolilli  i>f 
I'xiciin   onjTt— aLmtwt   traasparonf.  in  apppiiraiu  • 
'■n.wri.'.l  with  a  rfiadem  of  goid  piv  .     . 
"t(>d  in  ias7.  by  rardinal  Tow  1    • . 
ckAiWof  Sfe'-.Ariie  de  Beaupre  ' 



Of  the  historical  or  scmi-sacroil  relics  connected 
with  the  church  is  the  first  Canadian  wooden  statue 
of  Ste.  Anne,  dating  from  1661  and  brought  from 
'"'anoe;    a  collection  box  dating  from  1663,  noted 
for  the  sexton's  statement  that  when  the  Marquis 
de  Tracy  and  his  staff  performed  a  pilgrimage  to 
the  church  on  one  occasion  they  dropped  seventy 
francs  into  it— a  big  sum  in  those  days  when  wages 
were  only  one  franc  a  day;    a  Mass  vestment  of 
silk,  gold  and  silver,  made  and  given  by  Anne  of 
Austria,  wife  of  Louis  XIII;  a  silver  ciborium  used 
m  Communion  for  two   centuries   of  pilgrims;    n 
chiselled  and  embossed  silver  portrait  of  the  Comte 
de  Paris  presented  in  memory  of  his  pilgrimage  to 
the  shrine  in  October,  1890;  a  solid  gold  seal  which 
belonged  to  President  Santa  Anna  of  Mexico  and  a 
chalice  made  of  gold  and  precious  stones  presented 
by  pilgrims  to  the  church;  together  with  an  infinite 
variety  of  gifts  of  various  values  from  individual 
pilgrims.     There  are  many  paintings  in  the  church 
of  different  ages  and  quality,  and  on  the  hill  at  one 
Bide  of  the  edifice  is  the  Scala  Santa— a  representa- 
tion of  the  marble  stairs  which  Christ  ascended  in 
order  to  appear  before  Pilate— and  up  these  stairs 
pilgrims  in  thousands  ascend  on  their  hands  and 
knees.      Surrounding  them  are  representations  of 
the  various  incidents  in  the  last  days  of  the  Saviour. 
Just  behind  the  church  with  all  its  wealth  of  tradi- 
tions, and  lore  of  miracles,  and  beauty  of  interior, 
and  richness  in  relics,   lies  the  Monfl<,tery  of  the 
Redemptorist  Fathers  who  are  the  custodians  of 



the  Bhnne;  the  Convent  of  the  Franciscan  Sigters; 
the  Convent  of  tha  Redemptoristine  Nuns.  Such 
18  this  famous  shrine  and  church,  set  in  one  of  the 
most  beautiful,  historical  and  fertile  spots  on  the 
continent,  and  surrounded  with  such  vistas  of  lovely 
scenery,  such  freshness  of  ambient  air,  such  volumes 
of  rolling  water,  as  may  well  cause  the  visitor  to 
feel  that  nature  has  combined  with  tradition  and 
religion  to  make  the  place  attractive: 

The  waters  of  the  grand  St.  Lawrence  glide 
In  calm  majeatio  motion  on  their  way 

Paat  Bonn,  Saint,  Anne  a8  if  the  gentle  tide 
Its  Bilent,  humble  homage  thus  would  pay 

Before  the  ancient  Shrine,  as  on  its  breast 

It  bears  the  pilgrims  to  this  place  of  rest. 

What  may  be  said  in  comment  upon  such  a  place 
upon  claims  so  highly  pressed,  upon  results  so 
variously  represented!  Non-CathoUc  visitors  to 
8te  Anne  de  Beaupr«,  as  to  Our  Lady  of  Lourdes 
m  France,  go  to  see,  to  admire,  to  wonder  and 
perhaps  to  scoff;  they  leave  with  opinions  which 
are  affected  naturally  by  their  individual  training 
modes  of  thought,  points  of  view  and  personal 
prejudices.  Pilgrims  go  to  do  honor  to  a  saint 
whom  they  revere  and  in  whose  miraculous  inter- 
vention in  human  affairs  they  thoroughlv  beUeve; 
or  else  they  reach  the  spot  in  a  frame  of  mind  which 
hopes  against  hope  for  the  cure  of  some  desperate 
ailment  or  condition,  which  cultivates  a  faith  that 
the  Bible  ha«  declared  will  move  mountains,  which 


reaches  very  often  a  gtate  of  mind  abstracted 
entirely  from  the  world  and  resembling  somewhat 
the  exaltation  of  the  martyr  in  his  sufferings  or  of 
the  saintly  women  who  first  came  to  the  wilds  of 
Canada  to  nurse  the  sick  or  nurture  the  minds  of 
the  young. 

Cures  have  undoubtedly  been  effected,  wonder- 
ful cures  in  appearance  and  often  in  permanence. 
Ihe  Catholic  will  say  and   believe  that  they  are 
caused  by  faith  and  miraculous  action;   he  does  not 
believe,  as  does  the  average  Protestant,  that  miracles 
ceased  with  Christ  and  his  Apostles  or,  as  does  the 
higher  cntic,   that  even  the  Biblical  miracles  are 
allegones  or  fables.     He  sees  no  reason  why  Divine 
intervention  should  have  ceased  with  the  Crucifix- 
ion and  he  is  perfectly  satisfied  to  accept  the  dictum 
of  his  Church  in  the  matter  of  any  specific  mirac- 
ulous   p«wer    which    may    appear    to    have    been 
exercised  since  that  time.     On  the  other  hand,  the 
mtestant  enters  the  church  with  no  hereditary  or 
religious   sympathy   with    ite   claims.      He    has   a 
tendency  to  argue  that  because  money  now  pours 
into  Its  coffers  after  two  hundred  years  of  gradual 
development  in  faith  and  knowledge  amongst  Ro- 
man Catholics,  therefore  the  primary  object  of  the 
pneats  is  mercenary.     He  sees  the  devout  in  prayer 
he  sees  the  abandoned  crutches,  he  may  even  see 
the    cures    effected,    yet    he    doubts    the    result. 
Despite  the  teachings  of  Scripture,  despite  the  fact 
that    Christianity   m    based    upon    the    miraculous 
.•md  environed  in  its   birth  by  miracles  which  his 



own  (  hurchos  toaeh  as  truth,  he  finds  it  hard,  in 
this  age  of  popular  agnosticism  and  accepted  criti- 
cism, to  beheve  in  spiritual  manifestations. 

To  the  observer  who  has  no  prejudices  in  the 
matter    who  would  be  glad  if  po»ible  to  believe 
that  there  is  a  higher  power  for  good  acting  upon 
the    word    even    though    it    should    act    at    times 
through  the  mediation  of  sainted  men  or  women  of 
the  past  or  even  the  present;   who  cannot  see  why 
there   is   anything   more   inherently   impossible   in 
answers  to  prayers  at  this  or  any  other  shrine  than 
he  was  taught  to  believe  there  was  in  answer  to  the 
prayers  he  learned  at  his  mother's  knee;    there  is 
little  at  Ste.  Anne  de  Beaupr*  to  cause  anything 
but  feelings  of  respect.     To  eyes  unaccustomed  to 
tnese  things  there  may  be  something  at  times  of 
crudeness  in  the  figures,  of  excessive  glitter  in  the 
ornamentation   of  a  startling  appearance  in  repre- 
sentations of  the  Crucifixion,  yet  if  the  onlooker  has 
imagination  sufficient  to  see  such  things  through 
the  refining  spectacles  of  faith-to  say  nothing  of 
the  brightness  of  a  pilgrim's  hope-the  subject  has 
quite  another  aspect.      There  is,  besides,  much  of 
real  splendor  in  the  scene,  much  of  exquisite  art  and 
beauty,  natural  grace  and  solemnity  in  the  e-vriron- 
ment.     The  well-balanced  visitor  can  hardly  leave 
such  a  p  ace  as  Ste.  Anne,  or  such  a  scene  as  the 
annual  pilgrimage,  without  a  profound  hope  that  the 
implicit  faith  which  he  sees  and  feels  around  him 
may  have  some  actual  realization  other  than  that 
which  IS  looked  for  chiefly  in  the  worid  to  come. 


Religious  Evolution  op  tub  French 

New  France  wag  born  and  bred  in   the  fold  of 
the  Roman  Catholic  Church;    its  greatest   pioneer 
achievements  were  those  of  the  Jesuit  missionaries; 
its   early   political   controversies   turned   upon   the 
relations    of    Governor    and     Bishop;     its     great 
requirement  of  immigration  was  guided,  controlled 
and  at  times  checked  by  the  policy  of  the  Church; 
its  proudest  achievements  in  exploration  and  war, 
in  government  and  politics,   were   blessed   by  the 
one  religious  organization.      The  Church  was  the 
mainspring  of  popular  enthusiasms,  the  basis  of  a 
limited    public    instruction,    the    fountain-head    of 
knowledge    or    experience,    the    embodiment    of    a 
people's  faith,  the  natural  leader  of  the  race  under 
the  further  dispensation  of  British  rule.    Historically 
speaking,   the  Church  in  this   connection  accom- 
plished three  cleariy  defined  objects— it  made  and 
kept  New  France  a  completely  Catholic  community; 
It  preserved  the  Province  of  Quebec  as  a  French 
and  Catholic  country;  it  kept  the  3,000,000  French 
Canadians,  who    have  grown   out  of    the    60,000 
surrounding  the  fleur-de-lys  in  1759,   as  members  of 
its  own  organization.      Whether  for  good  or  ill, 



whether  it  is  to  bo  admired,  or  dislilted,  or  feared, 
each  of  these  acoompllghments  was  a  great  one  and 
far-reaching  in  effect. 

There  were  certain  epochs  in  the  development  of 
this  powerful  position.     The  Rdcollcts,  or  Francis- 
can Order,  came  first  to  New  France  in  1618  and 
rcmamed  until  the  temporary  English  conquest  of 
1629  rmoved  them  from  the  country;  they  include.1 
only  Fathers  Jamay,   Dolbeau,  Le  Caron,  Sagard 
and  Viel.     In  1625,  and  again  seven  years  after- 
wards, the  Jesuits  came  and  the  record  of  their 
missionary  labors  has  been  already  dealt  with-    it 
was  an  epic  of  unselfish  heroism.    The  Jesuit  College 
at  Quebec  was  founded  in  1635  and  flourished  until 
the  Order  Was  suppressed  in  1763;   its  influence  in 
the  molding  of  social  and  moral  regulations  and  in 
the  formation  of  religious  character  in  New  France 
can  hardly  be  over-estimated.     The  establishment 
of  the  Episcopacy  came  in  1658  with  Mgr.  de  Laval- 
Montmorency  as    the    Vicar-Apostolic    and   after- 
wards Bishop.     He  was  one  of  those  men  who  loom 
large  m  the  pages  of  history  through  dealing  with 
great  things  in  a  great  way.     His  environment  was 
certainly  vMt  enough  and  his  diocese,  as  created  in 
1674,  included  the  greater  part  of  what  was  then 
known  as  North  America;   he  repeatedly  traversed 
immense   distances  amid  privations,    dangers   and 
difficulties   almost   inconceivable   today.      He   was 
amidst  the  missionaries  in  Acadia  at  one  moment, 
then  m  the  valley  of  Lake  Champlain,  anon  upon 
the  shores  of  one  or  other  of  the  Great  Lakes; 



then  at  home  amidst  the  troubles  of  his  own  wttlc- 
ment.  He  obtained  the  .reation  of  a  Hoveniim 
Counc.1  for  New  France  of  which  he  was  the  soul 
and  heart;  ho  fought  great  governors  such  as 
trontrnnc  in  a  prolonged  effort  to  prevent  the 
sale  of  liquor  to  Indians  or  settlers;  he  established 
the  (Teat  and  Minor  Seminary  of  Quebec  in  1063 
and  1(108,  respectively,  .3  carry  on  training  for  the 
priesthood  in  the  infant  colony. 

His  successor,  Mgr.  do  St.  Vallier,  was  a  man  of 
<loiumatmg,    aggressive    character,     who    left     his 
mark  upon  all  the  disputes  and  disorders  and  dif- 
ficulties  of  the  time-not  always  one  of  peace  and 
concord  and  conciliation.     L'AbbcS  Fomel,  in    his 
funeral    oration,  described  him   as   a   Bishop    who 
was     great  by  his  piety,  greater  still  by  his  leal 
and  greatest  by  his  charity."      The  latter  quality 
ran  to  600,000   livrcs-an  immense  sum   in  those 
days.      Mgr.   Dosquet  succeeded  and   then   came 
Mgr   de  Pontbriand  (1741-60),  the  last  Bishop  of 
the  French  r(gime,  in  a  period  which  included  the 
darkest   days   of   the   colony-a    time   of   famine 
pestilence,  war,  conquest.    Mgr,  Jean  Olivier  Briand' 
who  followed,  was,  an,!  had  to  ue,  a  diplomat  as  well 
as  a  Bishop.     It  was  a  time  when  conqueror  and 
conquered,  soldier  and  kabilant,  Briton  and   French- 
man, had  to  be  held  together  up  to  a  point  where  he 
would  be  in  a  position  to  protect  and  advance  the 
interests  of  his  own  people.      Treaties  had   to  be 
mterpreted,  regulations  made  or  defined,  the  natural 



antagonisms  of  a  Protestant  power  and  a  Roman 
Catholic  jH-opIo  8ub<lucd.  He  succeeded  sn  well 
that  his  Piistoral  letters  of  1774-75  were  strong 
mandate"  to  loyalty  undir  the  new  conditions. 

Mgr.  J.  O.   Plessis  was  the  eleventh  Bishop  of 
(Jueliee,  and  the  first  Archbishop,  and  was  Irarn  in 
Montreal.      Through   him  the  Church  in  Canada 
obtained  a  higher  rivil  statu*,  the  recognition  by 
the  nritish  Govrrnment  of  his  position  as  Bishop 
of   Quel>ec,    and    an   official    al.jwanee   from   that 
Protestant    Government   of   £1,000   a   yearl      He 
founded   severil   colleges,   extended   the   authority 
of  the  Church  by  appointing  auxiliary  Bishops  of 
Montreal   and  the   Northwest,   and  died  in   182,'i. 
Of  him  Lord  Dalhousie  wrote  officially  to  the  Colo- 
nial Office:   "The  Church  has  lost  in  him  a  vener- 
able prelate;   hi»  people  a  faithful  and  indefatigable 
guardian  of  its  spiritual  interests;  the  King  a  most 
true  and   loyal   subject."      These  were  the  great 
historic  names  in  the   French   Canadian  Church; 
other   personages   of  eminent   qualities   came   and 
went    until    Archbishop    Taschereau    was    created 
a  Cardinal  in  1886;   the  Episcopate  spread  over  a 
great  area  and  from  Montreal  to  Winnipeg,  from 
Victoria  to  Halifax,  the  Roman  Catholic  Church  in 
Canada   became  a  powerful   force  in   many  com- 
munities.    Especially  was  this  the  case  in  Montreal 
where  Bishops,  or  Archbishops,  Lartigue,  Bourget, 
Fabre  and   Bruchfei   have,   in  succession,   wielded 
ecclesiastical  authority  since  1836. 

For  a  hundred  years  of  the  Episcopate  in  New 



Franco  the  niH>io|M  rulrd  in  ncrorilnncf  with  the 
canonii  of  the  Church  nml  in  oonfoi .iiity  with 
Royal  ortlinanic'H.  They  did  not  nlwiivH  rciognin! 
vicc-ri'gul  rightH,  tlicy  often  rcwntcd  ■  ■  <  Icvcrnor'ii 
action  or  opixwrd  Ww  poH'T,  they  iir  vd  par'  /» ■< 
at  idcuHiirc,  controlled  churches,  ,  i,,  ,  ,  tcric  ji"  ' 
collcKCH,  i»HUcd  rcKulntionn  rcuni  I'm,;  <||^'.  ;  uc  und 
mornU  which  iifTcctcd  clcrny  ud  !  my  ali'..\  and 
mipcrviHcd  th.'  MchooU.  Mu.  I;  of  t'l's  f,ov,.r  >-;s 
lout  at  the  ( Vwion;  mont  of  it  ■.  is  Rrii.l  ,  ,|iv'fl 
sfterwnrdH  in  tliat  piirt  of  New  !■  rntice  i  J  .  ■!  Qpiclicc- 
flsewherc  it  whh  partly  mergccl  in  ti,(  r ivnlr'  i  ;jf 
an  Kngli«h-»p<'aking  environment.  H'h,  ti<iwcvcr, 
the  French  race  and  the  Catholic  reli^.,,  ,  w,o,  in 
thprfo  latter  caBcH,  comliined  together  and  a  pari§h 
erected— whether  in  Manitoha,  or  Nova  Scotia, 
in  Dakota  or  New  lOngland— the  Church  retained 
much  of  its  influence,  though  it  If-t,  of  counte, 
the  endorsation  and  authority  of  the  civil  power 
which  it  still  retuinH  in  (Juelwc. 

The  region  once  vaguely  called  New  France 
must  now  have  within  its  borders  al»;nt  10,000,000 
Roman  Catholics  of  various  races  and  tongues 
together  with  immense  wealth,  numerous  Dioceses 
and  wide  influence.  Its  wealth  cannot  be  accurately 
estimated;  in  Quebec  the  figures  are  approximately 
available.  In  1800  official  statistics  transmitted 
by  Lieutenant-Governor  Sir  H.  S.  Milnes  to  the 
Imperial  Government  showed  that  prior  to  the 
conr;uest  2,096,754  acres  of  land-grants  had  been 
made  to  the  Church— 203,.524  acres  to  the  Urjulinea 

■(  I 



of  Quebec  and  Three  Rivers,  693.324  acres  to  the 
Bishop  and  the  Seminary  of  Quebec,  250,101  acres 
to  the  Sulpicians  and  891,945  acres  to  the  Jesuite, 
mth  other  scattering  amounts.  The  value  of  such 
of  this  land  as  was  held-most  of  it,  except  the  Jesuit 
grants,  was  retained  and  put  to  some  of  the  purposes 
of  the  Church-must  in  these  modem  days  be 
enormous;  the  tithes  which  are  legal  taxation  and 
collectible  under  law,  for  specific  purposes,  in  Quebec 
must  make  a  very  large  yearly  total;  the  gifts  to 
the  Church  from  time  to  time  are  large  and  always 
have  been-either  in  things  of  beauty,  or  of  service, 
or  in  money. 

If  an  outside  estimate  in  1854  as  to  the  total 
wealth  of  the  Church  in  Quebec  being  $20,000  000 
was  even  moderately  close  to  the  mark,  the  present- 
day  total  must  be  five  or  six  times  as  great.     As 
the  revenues  and  work  of  the  Church  grew,  its  insti- 
tutions, religious  orders,  charities  and  communities 
grew  also.     Something  has  been  said  of  the  Sulpi- 
cians and  the  Jesuits.    The  former  used  their  wealth 
in  unobtrusive  systems  of  instruction.     The  latter 
since  they  re-appeared  in  Canada,  have  estabUshed 
several  colleges  with  hundreds  of  priests,  scholastics, 
and  nowces,   and  dozens  of  chapels;    with   many 
Indian  and  other  missions,  and  missionaries  traveUng 
along  the  north  shores  of  Lake  Superior  and  in  the 
West.     Then  there  are  various  French  Orders  with 
in  these  latter  days  of  suppression  and  difliculty 
m  France,  a  steadily-growing  membership  in  Quebec 
and  Canada  generally-the  Oblate  Fathers  or  Order 



of  Immaculate  Mary,  the  Catechists  of  St.  Viateur 
the  Congregation  of  St.  Croix,  the  Brothers  of  the 
Sacred  Heart,  the  Fr^res  Maristes  or  Little  Brothers 
of  Mary,  the  Order  of  Franciscan  Fathers.  Fifteen 
yean  ago  there  were  in  all  Canada  30,000  male 
students  being  educated  by  Catholic  religious  orders 
and  50,000  female  students  by  the  various  Sister- 
hoods with  7,534  nuns  in  the  Dominion' and  466 
establishments  under  their  control.  A  very  large 
majority  of  these  students  and  institutions  were 
m  Quebec  and  the  numbers  in  all  these  connections 
are  very  much  greater  at  the  present  time  In 
Quebec  there  were  last  year  3,200  female  re  .gious 
teachers,  or  nuns,  in  the  schools  with  340,000 

A  recent  observer  has  declared  that  the  Church 
organization  throughout  Quebec  is  "as  Perfect 
as  the  wit  of  thousands  of  devoted  men,  having 
no  other  object  than  its  interests,  can  make  it." 
There  can  be  no  doubt  of  the  accuracy  of  this  state- 
ment and  to  it  are  owing  the  three  conditions  of 
development  already  outlined.  This  organization 
was  not  effected  immediately  or  without  struggle 
In  the  days  when  De  Frontenac  and  Bishop  de  Laval 
disputed  about  questions  of  precedency  and  the 
solution  of  the  liquor-selling  evil;  when  Bishop 
de  St.  Valher  and  the  Governor,  the  Seminary  the 
Cathedral  Chapter,  the  Sulpicians,  the  Jesuits  and 
even  the  Religious  Communities  of  Women  were 
more  or  less  at  variance;  when  society  of  a  mili- 
tary type  in   Quebec  and  Montreal  resented  the 




Strict  religious  regulations  which  aimed  to  make 
the  practice  of  morals  conform  with  precepts;  it 
was  then  that  the  harmony  and  obedience,  the 
perfect  mechanism,  the  strong  organization  of 
another  century,  were  gradually  created. 

In  the  seventeenth  century  the  Jesuits,  and  then 
Mgr.  de  Laval  plus  the  Jesuits,  were  in  control  of 
the  Church  and,  despite  obstacles  and  lapses,    of 
soc  iv.      Every  detail  of  daily  life  was  watched 
and  when<!ver  possible  controlled;    svery  tendency 
to  looseness  in  morals  or  social  custom  was  checked- 
crime   was   punished   with   the   excessive   severity 
which  characterized  all  civilized  countries  in  those 
days;    the  superstitions  rife  in  New  England,   in 
Old  England,   and  in   Germany,   as  to  witchcraft 
and  pumshable  there  with  such  frightful  penalties 
were  held  in  check  by  the  Church  and  neither  this 
offence  nor  those  of  blasphemy  and  heresy  were 
put  under  the  civil  power  or  very  severely  dealt 
with.      During   the   Governorships   of   Champlain 
and  De  ?''ntmagny,  or  of  D'Argenson,  D'Avau- 
gour  and  M^zy,  society  was  not  only  kept  in  check 
by  the   Church   but   in   subjugation.      The   three 
latter  Governors  were  in  conflict  with  the  Bishop 
over  different  matters  of  administration  and  were 
therefore,  particulariy  ready  to  meet  his  wishes  in 
affairs  of  a  religious,  or  moral,  or  social  nature 
So  much  was  this  the  case  that  public  balls  were 
tabooed  and  dancing  or  amusements,  bringing  the 
sexes  into  close  proximity,  discouraged.     Theatrical 
performances,  such  as  the  times  developed,  were 



however,  permitted  and  even  used  by  the  Jesuits 
to  instruct  the  Indians  and  amuse  the  people. 
Later,  under  the  administrations  of  De  la  Jonquiire 
aLd  Duquesne  and  the  second  Vaudreuil,  different 
conditions  were  uppermost  and  then  the  end  of 
the  French  rfgime  came.  The  Bishop's  denuncia- 
tion of  conditions  prevalent  in  1759  under  the  social 
leadership  of  Bigot  were  so  vigorous  that  even 
Montcalm  is  said  to  have  advised  caution. 

For  some  reason  there  was,  at  times,    a  more 
rigid  or  severe  code  of  discipline  in  Montreal  than 
in  Quebec.      The  Gentlcir.en  of  St.   Sulpice  were 
very  strict  regarding  their  flocks  and  during  many 
years  forbade  dancing  and  gambling,  masquerade 
parties    and    gayly    colored    or    decollete    dresses. 
Socief.'  there,  as  in  Quebec  and  in  all  parts  of  the 
world,  was  more  or  less  influenced  by  periods  of 
military  power  and  the  coming  of  the  Carignan- 
SalhSres   Regiment   had  the  effect  of  notably  in- 
creasing the  gay  tone  of  social  intercourse— even 
though   the   war-whoop  of   the   Iroquois  might  at 
any  moment  be  heard  in  the  land.     To  offset  such 
conditions  Father  Lallemant,  the  Jesuit  Superior 
created  in   Quebec  the  Brotherhood  of  the   Holy 
Family  and  obtained  for  it  the  approbation  of  Pope 
Alexander  VII.      It  found  immediate  and  strong 
support  in  Montreal.     The  women  members  were 
urged  to  ask  themselves  on  all  occasions:    "How 
would  the  Holy  Virgin  have  acted  under  these  cir- 
cumstances?"  and   10   abstain   from   frivolities   in 
which  they  thought  the   Mother  of  Christ  would 



be  unwilling  to  share.  Of  this  organization  the 
Bishop  was  the  head  and,  in  1667,  a  reproval  of 
certain  members  for  going  to  a  ball  given  by  M. 
Chartier  de  LotbinUre  caused  a  prolonged  differ- 
ence between  the  Bishop  and  the  Intendant  Talon. 
The  action  of  this  organization  and  its  priestly  di- 
rectors in  Montreal  also  aroused  sundry  criticisms  from 
writera  and  visitors  which  have  come  down  to  us. 

While  this  rigorous  rule  of  the  Church,  or  of  the 
Jesuits  and  Sulpicians,  over  personal  conduct  and 
in  the  regulation  of  private  life  seems  strange  to  - 
a    Protestant    qivilization    or    community    of    the 
twentieth  century,  there  was  much  to  be  said  for 
It  in  New  France.     It  strengthened  the  moral  fiber 
and  maintained  the  physical  well-being  of  a  people 
who   needed    every   element   of   strength   in   their 
continuous   struggle   with   the   forces   of   savagery 
and  nature;    it  countered  the  indirect  and  subtle 
influence  of  a   Voltairism   which   was  then  eating 
into  the  upper  circles  of  French  life  as  well  as  a 
republicanism,  and  a  wider  socialism,  which  were 
preparing  the  way  for  the  frightful  excesses  of  the 
Revolution.      Neither  extreme  of  French  society, 
nor  of  the   terrible  religious   controversies   of   the 
century,   reached    Canada;    the     Revolution    with 
all  Its  horrors  passed  over  the  heads  and  outside 
the  hearts  of  the  people  of  New  France;    the  Re- 
public and  the  career  of  Napoleon  only  touched 
them  on  the  side  of  their  vivid  glories  and  reflected 
It  may  be  safely  said,  therefore,  that  the  Church 



Showed  excellent  statecraft  in  much  of  thi«  period 
even  .f,  a  times  and  after  the  event,  it  would  seem 
that  conciliation  might  have  been  better  than  contro- 
versy. The  men  and  conditions,  Kings  and  Gov- 
ernors, and  the  Church  of  that  century,  have  to  be 
considered  with  their  surroundings^d  not  wij^ 
the  enviromnent  of  the  present  day.  Frontenao 
and  Bishop  de  Laval  were  both  high-minded.  Me 
and  patno  ,c  men,  but  on  certain  points  the^  did 
not  see  a  ike.  Looking  back  now,  for  instance 
upon  the  liquor  traffic  question  and  all  the  horr^le 

Z^Tr  "'.''^^^f^  Indian  race  alternately 
degraded  and  mflamed  by  the  use  of  alcohol,  it  is 
hard  not  to  sympathize  with  the  Bishop  in  his  rigid 
attitude  or  to  say  that  he  was  not  right  in  figh"^ 
the  local  cml  authority  and  in  ultimately  getting 
the  Royal  support  for  his  action  * 

.JJ'\^°TT  ^'^''^  ^^^  *•'**  ^''^  ««'«  of  brandy 
attracted  the  Indians  to  the  French  and  brought 
them    under   refinmg,    humanizing   and    Christian 

SHT.;  ^'^  *'**  "^^"  temperately  "^^n 
enabled  them  to  resist  the  great  cold  to  which  thev 
were  e^d;  (3)  that  in  withdrawing  them  Mom 
the  protection  of  the  Dutch  or  English,  it  protected 
them  from  heresy;  (4)  that  in  any  event  the  r^ 
hgious  authorities  of  Toulouse  and  the  Sorbomit 
wei.  ^vided  as  to  the  rights  or  wrongs  of  the  matter 
It  was  beyond  debate,  this  vigorous  attitude  of 
tne  Church  toward  questions  involving  public 
l«ity  of  mor^s,  coupled  with  the  strenuous^  sef! 
denying,   sacrificial,   personal   Uves  of  the   priest- 



hood,  the  hierarchy,  and  the  sisterhoods,  which 
first  laid  deeply  the  roots  of  the  Church  in  New 
France.  Upon  that  basis  was  built  up  a  steadily 
improving  organization  of  parish  life  and  priestly 
influence;  out  of  these  two  things,  and  the  important 
public  policy  involved  in  the  hand-picking  of  immi- 
grants and  the  exclusion  of  non-Catholics,  came 
the  fact  that  when  New  France,  with  60,000  people 
in  what  was  to  be  the  province  of  Quebec,  faced 
absorption  by  the  greatest  Protestant  power  in 
the  world,  it  did  so  with  a  united  religious  front 
and  a  determination  to  preserve  against  all  obstacles 
or  aggressive  attack  the  institutions  and  influence 
of  the  Roman  Catholic  Church. 

To  preserve  this  position  was  a  more  difficult 
and  vital  task  than  either  the  Pope's  representative 
or  the  Viceroy  of  an  English  King  could  have 
imagined.  Religious  toleration  or  equality  was  not 
yet  the  accepted  policy  of  any  great  nation — not 
even  of  Britain.  Much  water  had  to  run  onder 
the  bridge  before  Ireland  obtained  what  the  defeated 
people  of  New  France  hoped  for;  the  pledges  «f 
the  Treaty  of  Paris  and  the  Capitulation  of  M<<n- 
treal  were  general  and  vague  and  depended  largely 
upon  interpretation;  the  British  Government  would 
have  been  more  or  less  than  human  if  it  had  been 
without  suspicion  of  such  projects  as  the  appoint- 
ment of  a  Frenchman  as  Bishop  of  Quebec  or  of 
cur^s  and  priests  from  France;  the  people  of 
Quebec  could  hardly  have  believed  it  possible 
that    their    present    conquerors    would    eventually 



give  them  a  freedom  of  administration,  laws,  church 

government   and   self-control,    greater    than     they 

ofi-rance  "*'*  °^  obtaining  from   the   Court 

Hence,  for  a  time,  the  difficulties  ,nd  real  state- 

bII      t,^T5^'-  ^°"'^'^'^''  «»d  Haldimand,  of 
BshopBnand,  Bishop  Plessis  and  th^.  ecclesiastical 
authorities  at  Rome.      When  the  early  clouds  of 
suspicion  and  natural  doubt  had  dispersed  and  the 
prehmmary  difficulties  of  a  British  and  Protestant 
government  in  dealing  with  a  French  and  Catholic 
people  had  been  adjusted,  it  was  found  that  the 
Roman  Catholic  Church  was  given  absolute  free- 
dom of  self-government  and  practically  complete 
control  over  the  religious  life  of  its  In  people 
Whatever  the  civil   troubles  of  succeeding  Veaxs. 
or  the  hot-headed  utterances  and  actions  of  Rebel- 
lion days,  or  the  political  controversies  of  another 
epoch,  this  condition  does  not  seem  to  have  been 
ever  seriously  controverted,  or  to  have  been  the 
subject  of  discussion.     Hence,  in  part,  the  loyalty 
of  the  hierarchy  ,n  the  War  of  1812;    hence  also 
the  ever-increasing  influence  of  the  Church  amongst 
its  own  people.  *^ 

rih  r'^^  ^*T^^  """^  "'""'y  fo'  a  Roman 
Catholic  Btthop  of  Quebec,  who  should  be  formally 
recognised  by  the  British  Government,  the  Church 
had  stood  for  the  recognition  of  Catholic  suprem- 
acy withm  French  Canada.  It  was  a  difficult  thing 
r  u  *?^,S"'"''  authorities,  representing  an  Estab- 
hshed  Church  of  England  antagonistic  to  the  Church 



of  Rome,  to  place  a  Roman  Catholic  Bishop  in 

Quebec  upon  equality  with,  and  in  practice  superior 

to,  the  Bishop  of  its  own  Church  in  that  Province. 

Eventually  it  was  done  and  the  fact  bound  the 

French  people  more  closely  to  their  Church  than 

might  otherwise  have  been  possible.      From  that 

time  up  to  the  present  the  Church  has  kept  itself 

steadily   in   touch    with   the   race;     religion    and 

patriotism   of  a   local   and   racial   character  have 

developed  hand  in  hand;   as  the  country  grew  and 

its    responsibilities    enlarged    this    patriotism    also 

took  a  wider  range,  though  perhaps  naturally,  not 

in  the  form  and  shape  which  those  outside  of  the 

Church,  and  the  race,  might  have  desired.     The 

difficulty  faced  in  that  century  by  the  Catholics 

of  England  was  the  arousing  of  a  certain  form  of 

local  patriotism  against  the  control  of  the  Church 

by  an  outside  authority;    in  Quebec  the  influence 

of  that  outside  authority  was  made  an  intimate 

part  of  the  patriotism  of  a  race. 

Internal  difficulties  were  unavoidable.  Differ- 
ences have  occurred  between  the  Church  and  legis- 
lators either  at  Quebec  or  Ottawa;  differences 
between  powerful  institutions  and  the  Church 
authorities  such  as  those  connected  with  Laval 
University;  differences  even  between  Ultramontane 
Bishops  or  priests  and  the  more  moderate  school; 
differences  between  the  Church  in  its  relation  to  the 
State  and  the  aggressive  ideals  of  modern  Liberalism; 
differences  with  the  civil  power  over  burial  and 
marriage  in  such  instances  as  the  Guibord  case 


d[ffic.!ir''  ""'*"*  "^•^'*  ""'"''«*•     Most  of  these 
difficulties  were  met  eventually  by  appeals  to  Rome 
and  the  solidity  of  the  religious  feeling  of  the  peopTe! 
their  sense  of  allegiance  to  the  Church,  was  Tn  „ 
the    submission    which    followed    to    the    decision 
rendered.     In  most  cases,  also,  the  pol  cy  ofT 
Bishops  was  sustained  and  their  influence  ^th  the 
people  correspondingly  strengthened.      The  Papal 
authonties  do  not  seem  to  have  been  subjecMn 
this  respect  to  the  weakness  which  destroyed  the 
VresHge  of  the  Colonial  Office  in  British   CdonTe 
during  the  first  half  of  the  nineteenth  century  when 
mstructions  were  given  today  and    rescinded  t<^ 
morrow,  a  Governor  sent  out  with  a  definite  policv 
m  one  year  and  the  Governor  and  policy  changed 
m  the  next  year  or  perhaps  the  policy  altered  with- 
out even  consulting  the  Governor! 

It  is  to  the  skilful  commingliiig  of  these  elements 
o^  religious  authority,  racial  ties,  and  moral  suprem- 
acy-backed by  a  succession  of  devoted,  kindly 
high-hving  priests-that  the  Church  has  been  able 
to  carry  its  polity  and  policy  beyond  the  bounds 
of  Quebec  into  the  distant  regions  and  diverge 
communities  where  at  least  a  million  French  Cana- 
dians have  gone  in  the  last  twenty-five  years.  The 
parish  system  has  gone  with  the  people,  the  parUh 
curd  has  earned  his  administrations  and  intimate 
l^owledge  of  his  people  into  the  new  environment 
he  Church  control  of  education  has  accompanied 
the  pansh  system.  Hence  it  is  that  in  New  England 
manufacturing  centers,  in  Eastern  Ontario  counties 



in  the  districti  of  New  Ontario  where  mines  and 
woods  and  fishing  and  shooting  attract  the  habitant, 
in  the  villages  of  Dakota  or  amid  the  growing  pros- 
perity of  Manitoba,  in  the  fruitful  lands  of  Saskatche- 
wan or  in  the  cattle  ranges  of  Alberta,  the  Church  still 
stays  with  its  people,  still  exercises  iU  authority, 
still  aids  its  people  in  their  work  or,  perhaps,  gently 
directs  them  bock  to  their  old  homes  by  the  St. 
Lawrence.      Incidentally,  the  Church  organisation 
has   in   recent   years   gone   further   in   a   paternal 
direction,  and  there  is  no  reason  to  doubt,  as  con- 
ditions have  arisen  which  -nake  the  English-speaking 
settlers  or  farmers  of  the  one-time  English  region 
called  the  Eastern  Townships  of  Quebec  abandon 
or  sell  their  properties,  the  Church  has  stepped  in 
and  helped  the  Catholic    habitanta    or  farmers    to 
obtain   possession.      In  New  Ontario  and  Eastern 
Ontario,  and  elsewhere,  similar    developments  are 
taking  place  from  time  to  time. 

Passing  from  general  conditions  and  development 
to  local  conditions  in  Quebec,  a  word  must  be  said 
as  to  the  administration  of  Church  ^airs  in  that 
Province.  The  first  point  that  occurs  to  the  out- 
side observer  is  the  paternal,  intimate,  family 
character  of  the  relationship  between  the  Church 
and  the  people.  It  dates,  no  doubt,  from  the  time 
when  tiny  settlement"  an.!  isolated  communities 
depended  upon  the  occasional  missionary  priest  for 
what  was  to  them  the  essential  elements  of  religion. 
The  black-robed  figure  bringing  vessels  for  the 
celebration  of  the  Mass,  th<!  giving  of  Communion, 



the  baptwm  of  infantg,  or  perchance  the  final  sacra- 
ments to  the  dying,  was  a  venerated  and  valued 
personahty.  As  time  went  on  and  the  scattered 
settlements  grew  into  a  diocese,  the  parochial  visit 
of  the  Bishop  was  one  of  the  great  events  of,  per- 
haps, a  two  or  three-year  period.  With  him  came 
the  authority  of  the  Pope,  in  him  rested  the 
supreme  decision  of  the  Church  in  matters  religious 
and  moral,  around  him  was  such  pomp  or  ceremo- 
nial as  conditions  permitted.  The  people  knelt  as 
his  procession  passed,  they  went  at  once  to  the 
church  and  received  benediction,  confirmations  and 
commumon  and  religious  instruction  followed,  every- 
thing was  inspected  and  grievances  adjusted,  com- 
plaints were  listened  to  and  peace  brought  to  all 
the  interests  concerned— even  the  most  trivial. 

Meanwhile,  after  the  parish  had  been  formed,  the 
cur«  was  always  there— unlike  the  Protestant 
mimster  who  may  be  in  charge  of  his  people  today 
and  a  thousand  miles  away  in  a  week.  Probably 
for  a  lifetime,  so  long,  at  any  rate,  as  his  strength 
permitted,  the  priest  was  with  thnn— helping  in 
their  ambitions,  whether  parochial  or  personal 
aiding  in  their  trials,  and  sharing  in  their  simple 
pleasures.  The  building  of  a  church,  the  main- 
tenance of  French  Canadian  love  for  genealogy 
through  the  bare  records  of  the  church  registers, 
the  keeping,  in  olden  days,  of  the  habitant's  sav- 
ings, the  blessing  given  at  his  birth,  his  marriage 
and  his  death,  the  providing  even  of  innocent 
amusements  and  recreations,   the  directing  of  his 

««K»OC0fy   «B01UTI0N  IBT  CHAIT 

(ANSI  ond  ISO  TEST  CHAUT  No.  2) 



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social  hfe-all  these  and  many  more  things  formed 
and  still  form,  in  the  main,  the  work  of  the  parish 
pnest  Naturally  very  much  of  this  parish  life 
turned  upon  the  church  building  and  the  first 
essential  was,  and  is,  the  construction  of  one  suited 
to  the  wealth,  or  otherwise,  of  the  parish  and  to  the 
wishes  of  its  people. 

In  this  respe.o  there  has  been  a  certain  accept- 
ance   by    the    Church    authorities    of    democratic 
mstincts.     As  in  very  many  rural  districts  every- 
one belongs  to  the  Church  there  is  less  difficulty  in 
carrying  out  a  set  plan  than  might  be  expected      A 
majority  of  the  rate-payers  intimate  by  petition  to 
the   Bishop   what   is   desired-a   church,   a   curb's 
residence  or  a  school.      If  after  ten  days'  public 
notice  there  is  no  objection  submitted  the  decision 
to  build  IS  announced  by  a  board  of  commissioners 
and  the  parochial  rate-payers  meet  and  vote  the 
necessary  money.     Trustees  are  then  appointed  to 
collect  the    unds  and  the  assessment   becomes  a 
first  and  legal  charge  upon  the  land.     The  procedure 
IS  usually  clear,  precise  and  business-like.      Boiled 
down,  of  course,  the  whole  matter  means  that  the 
cur6  gets  whatever  he  wants,  but  he  gets  it  through 
the  expressed  will  of  his  people. 

The  cur^,  himself,  has  an  independent  income 
froru  tithes-one  twenty-sixth  of  all  the  cereals 
produced  by  his  parishioners-and  this  runs  from 
»600  a  year  to  double  that  amount.  Though 
Provincial  law  enforces  this  contribution,  it  is  very 
rare,  mdeed,  for  a  curd  to  resort  to  legal  methods 



for  collection.     Of  course,  his  income  is  affected  by 
agricultural  changes;    if,  for  instance,  the  halntant 
takes    to    dairy    produce,    which    the    cur«     often 
encourages  him  to  do,  there  is  no  tithe  coming  from 
that  source.     He  receives  a  portion  of  the  offerings 
in  connection  with  masses  and  a  part  of  the  fees  for 
wedding  ceremonies  or  for  baptisms.      But  these 
matters  do  not  seem  to  trouble  the  cur6  as  they  do 
Protestant  clergymen— probably  because  he  has  no 
family  to  maintain.     He  goes  his  way  quietly,  one 
m   feeling  and   aim   with   his  people,   respectfully 
saluted  by  everyone  as  he  passes,  a  source  of  appeal 
for  every  charitable  need,  the  help  of  everybody  in 
the  way  of  advice  and  comfort— apart  altogether 
from  the  confessional  and  its  intimate  confidences. 
It  is  now  the  great  ambition  of  the  habitant  to 
have  one  member  of  his  large  family  in  Holy  Orders 
This  desire  was,  and  is,  naturally  encouraged  by 
the  Church  and  the  old  couple  who  are  present 
at  the  ceremonial  induction  of  a  son  into  the  priest- 
hood, are  given  a  place  of  honor,  are  accorded  the 
congratulations  of  the  parish,  and  feel  that  a  great 
ambition   of   their  lives   has  been  realized.      This 
condition  relieved  the  Church  of  a  serious  problem 
which  existed  in  eariy  days  when  the  population 
was  small.      The  British  Government  was  then  in 
deadly  and  vital  conflict  with  France  and  naturallv 
frowned  upon  the  importation  of  priests  from  t 
country  while  Irish  priests  could  not  speak  the  \    .- 
guage.     The  French  Revolution,  however,  brought 
many  priests  of  the  emigri  class   to  Quebec    and 


ji^Sv. ..  "''If "" 

"'»i^      JuL  * 



these,  of  course,  were  quite  satisfactorj'  to  Britain. 
Then  there   gradually  developed  the  situation  of 
today  and  there  is  now  no  difficulty  in  the  matter; 
moreover  many  French  priests  are  flocking  into  the 
country  as  a  result  of  political  changes  in  France. 
As  to  public  matters  the  Church  in  rural  districts 
wields  much  authority.     A  churchwarden  is  yearly 
elected  in  each  parish  by  majority  vote  and  exer- 
cises considerable  influence;   the  Municipal  Council 
which   looks   after   the   highways,    liquor   licenses, 
etc.,  has  several  members— not  all— elected  yearly; 
the  School  Bokrd  also  has  its  Commissioners  chosen 
annually.     Voting  is  open  and  upon  matters  asso- 
ciated with  morals  the  Church,  of  course,  uses  its 
influence  with  effect.     A  large  number  of  parishes— 
the  rural  parish,   municipality  and  school  district 
are  usually  coterminous— have  no  licensed  drink- 
ing places.     Of  all  minor  positions  that  of  church- 
warden  is   most   valued   and   most   sought    after. 
Elections  to  Parliament  and  the  Legislature  involve 
wider  problems  which  will  be  considered  elsewhere. 
As  to  the  Church  outside  of  Quebec,  its  modem 
position  is  well  illustrated  by  St.  Boniface  in  Mani- 
toba; from  which  during  neariy  a  century  strenuous 
and  successful  missionary  effort  was  spread  as  far 
as  the  Pacific  Coast.     Almost  a  suburb  of  Winnipeg, 
prosperous  in  condition,  French  Canadian  in  popu- 
lation. Catholic  in  faith,  it  has  large  and  imposing 
religious  buildings  and  institutions;   an  Archbishop, 
m  Mgr.  Langevin,  who  more  or  less  dominates  the' 
situation  in  Western  Canada  so  far  as  it  ia  effected 

■=^Utikii."'\!'M-""tiiiif  £r 



by  the  votes  and  views  of  his  people ;  and  an  influence 
in  respect  to  Separate  Schools  aad  bi-lingual  educa- 
tion which  is  not  confined  to  Manitoba.  The  first 
church  on  the  site  of  the  present  handsome  Cathedral 
was  built  hi  1818  through  the  efforts  of  Bishop 
(then  Fether)  Provencher  on  land  obtained  for 
him  by  Lord  Selkirk.  In  1820  a  new  Cathedral 
church  replaced  this  and  about  1840  the  existing 
structure  was  completed.  It  was  of  this  pioneer 
church  that  Whittier  sang  in  "The  Red  River 

The  voyageur  smilea  as  he  listens 
To  the  sound  that  grows  apace; 

Well  he  knows  the  vesper  ringing 
Of  the  bells  of  St.  Boniface. 

Bells  of  the  Roman  Mission 
That  call  from  their  turrets  twain, 

To  the  boatmen  on  the  River, 
To  the  hunter  on  the  plain! 

Such  is  a  brief  picture  of  the  Roman  Catholic 
Church— especially  as  it  appears  in  Quebec.  Its 
present-day  power  is  very  great;  just  how  much  so 
it  is  difficult  to  say.  Clerical  control  and  censor- 
ship of  theaters  and  newspapers  and  books  is  ad- 
mitted. Of  dealings  with  theaters  the  Th«4tre  des 
Nouveau^fe  in  Montreal  is  an  illustration  and  of 
journals  the  fate  of  Us  Dibats,  Le  Combat,  L'Aciion, 
Le  Canada  Revue  and,  within  the  past  year,  Le  Pays 
is  abundant  evidence.  Books  and  similar  publica- 
tions are  more  difficult  to  deal  with,  but  it  is  probable 



that  many  a  work  of  questionable  character  has  i„ 

OuT  ''k*"  ^''"'?  *°  '^'  8'°'"''  "*  Montreal  ir 
Bait?  because  of  f  ,  Church's  posrtion-those  o 
Balzac  and  de  Musse.  are  cases  in  point.     Its  atti- 
tude towards  education  and  its  power  in  that  con- 
nection need  no  comment  here.     The  Church  in  its 
relation  to  politics  is  a  wide  and  attractive  subj 
probably  its  influence  is  greatest  when  least  Jn  o 
discussed       It  has  enemies  at  home  and  abroad 
2-  within  the  fold  and  without,  able  foUoS 
who  are  by  no  means  devoted  adhe.snts.     It  has 
priests  who  are  as  ready  today  as  their  predecessors 
were   three  centuries  ago,  to  sacrifice  their  lives  for 
the  faith;    it  has  enthusiasms  restrained  and  un- 
restrained within  its  ranks  as  great  a.,  any  shown 
If  a  rr  ^  \has  immense  wealth  and  the  prestige 
of  a  record  which    has  been,  in  Canada,  one  of 
statesmanship  amongst  those  who  had  charge  of 
ts    interests   as    an   organization,    blameless   lives 
Uved  by  those  who  ruled  its  destinie-,  before  the 
people,    kindliness    of    heart    and    seir^acrifice    in 
action  amongst  those  who  held  the  humbler  parish 

tmned,  coup  ed  with  close  racial  and  religious  yet  do  not  dangerously  antagonize 
other  races  in  the  country  as  a  whole,  thereTno 

ZlrTiTX''^:'-  ""'"''  •=''"  "°dermine  t" 
power  of  the  Church  in  French  Canada. 


Rbugious  Traditions,  Folk-Lobe  and 

The  period  in  whicli  French  Canada  evolved 
its  faith  and  traditions  and  habits  of  thought  was 
an  age  of  intense  reverence  for  things  spiritual,  of 
the  fullest  belief  in  supernatural  intervention,  of 
the  deepest  confidence  in  prayer  and  the  answer  to 
prayer.  On  the  other  hand,  it  was,  also,  an  age 
of  growing  scepticism  amongst  the  learned  and 
so-called  scientific  minds,  a  period  when  the  intel- 
lectual predominance  of  Voltaire,  Rousseau  and  their 
school  was,  in  France,  especially  manifest;  a  time 
when  Protestantism,  or  tb»  gospel  of  dissent  from 
Roman  Catholicism,  was  widespread  and  growing. 
It  so  happened  that  New  France  became  a  product 
of  the  former  line  of  development  and  the  whole 
thought  of  its  peasants,  the  folk-lore  of  its  people, 
their  traditions  and  fancies,  became  more  or  less 
permeated  with  religious  incident. 

Hence  the  fact  that  when  prayers  were  said  in 
some  great  public  matter  and  destiny  proved  to  be 
on  the  side  of  the  French  there  was  not  the  least 
question  as  to  the  direct  intervention  of  Providence. 
For  instance,  when,  in  1711,  prayers  were  said  in 
church  and  home,  by  priest  and  peasant  alike, 


. .  ,a^ij>i.j 





for  a  rescue  from  Hovenden  Walker's  great  fleet— 
a  rescue  which  seemed  impossible  because  of  weak 
defences  and  inadequate  soldiery  at  Quebec— the 
wreck  of  the  English  ships  in  the  St.  Lawrence,  the 
loss  of  a  thousand  men,  and  the  consequent  return 
home  of  the  fleet  were  considered  to  be  a  positive 
and  obvious  result  of  miraculous  intervention. 
The  event  was  celebrated  in  the  special  dedication 
of  two  churches  and  in  public  ceremonies  and  thanks- 
givings. Hence  it  was  that,  in  the  spirit  of  the  old- 
time  Puritan  as  well  as  of  the  Catholic  enthusiast, 
when  a  Jesuit  priest  in  the  hands  of  savages  prayed 
that  the  cup  might  pass  from  him  and  some  event 
did  occur  to  save  him,  it  was  accepted  and  so  recorded 
in  the  Jesuit  Relations  as  a  direct,  spiritual,  and 
supernatural  intervention. 

Belief  in  the  answer  to  prayer  was  an  inherent 
quality  of  faith  and  religion  in  the  wilds  of  New 
France  and,  as  time  went  on,  it  naturally  permeated 
the  life  of  the  habitant,  the  homes  and  haunts  of 
the  people,  the  teachings  of  the  Church's  religious 
orders.  It  was  not  belief  in  a  mere  answer  through 
the  ordinary  operations  of  nature,  which  appears 
to  be  the  average  faith  of  today  in  many  Christian 
circles,  but  it  was  an  expectation  of  direct  and 
supernatural  action  by  Divine  or  saintly  power. 
As  an  illustration.  Father  Chaumonot  may  be 
quoted  when  he  tells  of  an  Indian  warrior  rushing 
at  him  like  a  madman,  drawing  his  bow,  and  aiming 
an  arrow  at  the  priest.  "I  looked  at  him  fixedly," 
writes  the  Jesuit,  "and  commended  myself  in  full 


confidence  to  St.  Michael  and,  without  doubt,  the 
great  Archangel  saved  us;  for  almost  immediately 
the  fury  of  the  warrior  was  appeased  and  the  rest 
of  our  enemies  began  to  listen  to  the  explanation  we 
gave  them  of  our  visit  to  their  country." 

To  these  priests  visions  came  frequently,  as  they 
had  come  in  far-away  France  to  many  of  the  self- 
sacrificing  founders  of  institutions  or  missions  in 
New  France.  They  were  visions  of  the  Cros,  on 
high  in  the  heavens,  leading  onward  to  some  great 
spiritual  success  or  warning  the  coming  martyr  of 
his  final  sacrifice  for  Christ  and  the  cause.  Divine 
power  and  saintly  support  were  constantly  with 
these  missionaries.  The  ordinary  cures  of  sickness 
or  the  workings  of  nature  might  be  good,  might 
even  be  effective,  but  they  relied  still  more  on 
prayer  and  supernatural  action.  The  efficacy  of 
relics  of  departed  saints  was  a  vital  tiement  of  their 
faith  as  it  is  of  the  habitant's  belief  today.  Signs 
and  voices  from  the  other  world  were  frequent; 
those  from  Hell  assuming  the  form  of  demons  dis- 
guised as  bears,  wolves,  or  wildcats;  angels  fre- 
quently appeared  and  comforted  them  while  Father 
de  Br^beuf  in  1640  saw  a  great  Cross  in  the  skies 
approaching  from  the  Iroquois  country. 

Of  definite  miracles  alleged  to  have  occurred  and 
which  have  been  handed  down  from  generation  to 
generation,  there  are  many.  For  instance,  P6re 
Le  Maistre,  one  of  the  devoted  seminary  priests 
of  early  days,  was  (August  29,  1661)  with  some 
harvesters  in  the  fielrs  outside  of  Montreal  when  the 



Iroquoi8  sprang  upon  him  from  ambwh.  He  had 
only  time  to  call  out  to  hb  men  to  run  when  tSe 
savag ..  cut  off  hi.  head  and  carried  it  away  in  a 

penod  the  features  remained  imprinted  on  the  hand- 
kerchief which  looked,  on  the  upper  side,  "like  a 
very  fine  white  wax  which  bore  the  face  o  the  ser! 
vant  of  God  "  So  terrified  were  the  Ind  an^  tl; 
hey  gave  the  handkerchief  to  the  English  whHe 
the  Indian  (Hoondoroen)  who  committed  the  aSJ 
cnme  was  converted  and  died  year,  afterward  a 
the  Semmary  of  St.  Sulpice. 

Parkman  teJls  another  story  of  Jean  St.  Pdre,  a 
notary,  who,  after  his  head  was  cut  off  (1667)  bv 
he  Iroquois  talked  to  them  through  the  skull  and 
condemned  them  for  their  action.  The  foundation 
of  Montrea  was  preceded  by  a  miraculous  mee  Z 
between  Oher  and  De  la  Dauversiftre;  to  Jeanne 
Mance  m  ar-away  France  came  a  vision  in  which  the 
shores  of  the  .sUnd  and  the  site  of  the  Ville  Marie 

O li  ?'s  dea"th  n  "'r'^  ^''°'™-  ^*-  *»>«  AbbI 
of  StSntn  ^':^'"\^'"  kept  by  the  Seminary 
of  St.  Sulpice  at  Pans  in  a  leaden  box  and,  on  one 
occasion,  Mile.  Mance  being  in  France  on  a    X 

never  healed,  resolved  to  try  the  miraculous  efficacy 
of  the  rehc  According  to  Parkman  its  touch  upon 
her  arm  restored  the  instant  use  of  the  limb  so  that 
she  could  even  write  with  that  hand.  Similar  ind- 
dents  and  tales  of  miraculous  action  might  be  greatl 
enlarged   upon;    what   has   been   said   is  sufficient 


to  indicate  the  deep  religious  basis  of  the  habilant's 
life  and  customs;  a  point  accentuated  by  tlie  crossed 
and  crucifixes  found  on  every  roadway  and  by  tlio 
place  which  the  Church  holds  in  almost  every  rural 
home.  Typical  of  this  feeling  are  the  story  and  song 
of  Cadieux,  the  brave  woodsman,  voyageur  and 
interpreter  of  early  Indian  days.  It  is  hcaid  every 
where  and  his  tomb  on  the  banks  of  the  Ottawa,  near 
Portage  du  Fort,  tells  the  tale  of  an  escape  from 
Iroquois  raiders  only  to  wander  insanely  and  alone  m 
the  woods  until  exhaustion  and  starvation  came  and 
he  made  a  narrow  grave,  laid  himself  in  it,  spread 
green  branches  over  his  body  and  died.  His  lament 
or  message  is  sung  in  part  as  follows: 

Oh  nightingale!  go  toll  my  mistreM  truo. 
My  little  ones,  I  leave  them  my  adieux, 
That  I  have  kept  my  love  and  honour  free 
And  they  henceforth  must  hope  no  more  of  me. 

Here,  then,  it  is  the  world  abandons  mc— 
But  I  have  help,  Saviour  of  Man,  in  Thee. 
Most  Holy  Virgin,  do  not  from  me  fly  I 
Within  your  arms,  oh  suffer  me  to  die! 

Passing  from  these  elements  lying  at  the  root  of 
the  peasants'  character  in  Quebec,  it  may  be  «a)d 
that  none  the  less,  or  perhaps  all  the  more,  is  J^un 
Baptiste  a  jolly,  care-free,  happy  fellow.  He  accepts 
whole-heartedly  the  dreams  and  visions  and  miracles 
of  the  past,  the  supernatural  manifestations  of  the 
present,  t'  piritual  things  which  he  is  taught  as  to 
the  future.    But  he  does  not  take  them  too  seriously, 



or  rather  he  often  puU  hii  religion  in  one  comp»rt- 
ment  of  bis  life  and  hu  not  very  reprehenaiblo 
amusemenU  or  pleasures  in  another;  in  many 
cases  he  combines  the  two  as  in  his  Christmas  f«tes, 
the  Paquei  or  Easter  holidays,  U  Touiiaint  or  All 
Saints'  Day  and  other  festivals.  His  poetry,  his 
songs,  his  stories  and  his  6ddle  reign  supreme  on 
these  occasions  with  much  of  his  old-world  racial 
instinct  and  character  coming  uppermost  for  the 

The  Frenchmui,  ewy,  debouaire  aud  brUk, 
Give  him  hii  1>«,  hia  fiddle,  and  hu  friak, 
la  alaraya  happy,  reign  whoever  may. 
And  laughs  the  genae  of  mia'ry  far  away. 

Things  comprising  the  folk-lore  of  a  people— the 
traditions,  fancies,  stories  and  proverbs,  the  quaint 
•customs,  ballads  and  songs  of  a  race— are  always 
interesting  and  in  recent  years  have  become  increas- 
mgly  important  to  the  adequate  study  of  popular 
conditions  and  public  development.  The  French 
Canadian  folk-lore  is  not  as  deeply  mystical  as  that 
of  the  German  nor  does  it  revel  in  mythological 
conditions  such  as  those  loved  by  the  ancient  Greek. 
It  has  an  element  of  lightness  in  it  balanced  by  a 
sadness  bom  of  religious  expression;  it  does  to  some 
extent  people  the  air  and  the  earth  and  the  water 
with  gnomes  and  goblins  though  they  take,  more 
especially,  the  form  of  ghosts  and  apparitions;  while, 
as  already  stated,  supernatural  intervention  is  fre^ 
quent  and  is  accepted  as  a  matter  of  course. 

i'ltgimg^,  ,.,|fv    V,  «'  - .  .  .    .t^~}::>AMi"^'':^' .M^M 


meiit   of  hk   )if(:  (laa 

Iii!<   nut   very  re}" 
or    p!i.,-i.'!Trci    in    ;»iiot;ier;     ■ 

■  'lis  C;«rJ9lmaa  f&u;-i, 

-' ■!  T</u3!i<iiit(  ijr  AH 

'-■-     His;  ]<wtrv,  hwi. 

"""'■'^■'"   '■' ■  '  ■  i"pi(j;n  sujin'mp  on 

iheas  (KjOttsi-jiw  wHii  much  ot  iiis  ol(i-irorW '  riw;iaf 
instinct  an.f  cimraitt'r  ■■otiting^  upperin^st  f./r  tho 


the  Pnq" 

S«ims'   '^»a. 

;r=giy  ,aipt,rii,„t  ti,  tile  arfpquatp  study  of  popiii... 
i^inditiow  ajid  public  deveiopim-nt.'  Th«  Frenr 
CaoadiHn  Xolk-l(i«'  i.>j  not  aa  defiply. mystical  &x  tbv 
of  tlw  (Jcrtitan  ntir  does  it  revrJ  in' mythoiogii- 
■onditioni  such  mi  those  kivwl  by  the  aneieat.  Grt-ik 

It  h*i  art  efemvnt.  of  I 
sadimsti  born  of  r^  ;igi.>' 
extent  p«opie  tJie  air 
with  gnomes  nail  k<- 
iHpfici-iiy,  tile- form  o!  i. 

"  it  tJalanc-  '  '■ 
n:  it  dolls  '  ' 
ith  »nd  tiu-   ,, .!» 
I   tiiey  take,  m.^r- 
ippfiritiiin';   whi': 

'Seene  onttbeiMtiabetclioaau  fftwerin-^ebec 


.,  .  ■•^■;-.f^?- 


•»  >■ 

•^     {1 !Mr,         M     .   ji'"'!'WSv''     1 


Many  of  the  customs,  beliefs  and  superstitions 
lingering  amongst  the  habitants  and  fishermen  had 
their  origin  in  Old  France;  many  others  have 
arisen  from  historic  association  with  the  Indians 
For  instance,  amongst  those  dwelling  on  the  shores 
of  the  lower  St.  Lawrence  many  think  that  a  tune 
played  on  some  musical  instrument  or  sung  in  the 
evening  when  the  air  is  calm  causes  the  Marionettes, 
or  Northern  Lights,  to  dance  freely  and  beautifully 
m  the  sky.  If,  however,  any  luckless  wight  should 
become  fascinated  by  the  dancing  movements  of 
these  golden  threads  of  light  and  should  attempt  to 
join  in  the  mazes  of  the  dance  he  will  be  found  next 
day  stiff  and  stark  on  the  shore!  The  French  Cana- 
dian half-breeds  in  the  Northwest  believe,  or  did 
believe  at  one  time,  that  it  is  possible  to  attract 
these  Northern  Lights,  or  Aurora  BoreaUs,  in  the 
same  way  as  they  would  the  spirits  of  the  air  by 
whistling  for  them,  while  they  also  believe  that' the 
lights  can  be  frightened  away  by  firing  a  gun 
The  belief  apparently  had  its  origin  amoagst  the 
Crees  and  the  Algonquins— the  former  styling  the 
phenomena  "the  Spirits'  Dance." 

Will-o'-the-wisps,  or  jeux-folUts,  have  all  sorts  of 
traditions  attached  to  them;  many  habitants  con- 
sidering them  sorcerers,  or  malignant  spirits,  others 
looking  upon  them  as  the  transitory  spirits  of  those 
who  have  been  condemned  to  eternal  punishment. 
J.  C.  Tach«,  in  his  Forestiers  et  Voyageurs,  tells  the 
story  of  a  deep  hole  at  the  lower  end  of  the  Isle- 
aux-Comeilles,  in  the  St.  Lawrence,  which  remains 



full  of  water  at  low  tide  and  over  which  there  floats 
a  strange  light  that  suddenly  disappears,  mystifies 
the  beholder,  returns  again,  and  sometimes  lures 
the  unwary  to  death.  Similarly,  in  a  certain  part 
of  the  Bale  des  Chaleurs,  there  is  said  to  exist  a 
strange  light  or  fire  which,  after  burning  for  a  time, 
disappears  in  a  display  of  innumerable  colored 
sparks.  Some  old  Acadiana  along  those  shores 
believe  that  the  lights  first  appeared  after  the  removal 
of  their  people  by  the  English  and  that  they  are 
flames  tormenting  those  who  were  responsible  for 
that  action:  > 

Who  has  not  heard  ot  the  phantom  light 
That  over  the  moaning  waves  at  night 
Dances  and  drifts  in  endless  play? 
Close  to  the  shore,  then  far  away, 
Fierce  as  the  flame  in  sunset  skies, 
Cold  as  the  winter  light  ihat  lies 
On  the  Baie  des  Chaleurs. 

A  legend  is  recorded  of  the  same  region  by  M. 
Faucher  de  Saint  Maurice.  At  the  very  end  of  the 
Bay  there  is  seen,  at  times,  a  luminous  point  flitting 
to  and  fro;  in  the  belief  of  the  local  fishermen  this 
maiks  a  spot  where  some  mariners  named  Roussi 
perished  in  a  storm;  the  tradition  adds  that  the 
light  conveys  to  passers-by  a  desire  for  prayers  on 
behalf  of  the  souls  of  those  lost.  A  similar  belief 
exists  on  the  north  and  south  shores  of  the  St.  Law- 
rence, in  the  vicinity  of  the  Isle  d'Orl^ans,  where 
the  habitants  think  that  wandering  lights,  or  will- 



o'-the-wisps,  are  evil  spirits  luring  unfortunate 
victims  to  death.  De  Gasp^,  in  Lea  Andens  Cana- 
diem,  makes  one  of  his  characters  tell  the  story  of 
his  own  father's  experience  who,  usually,  "like  an 
honest  man,  loved  his  drop,"  but  was  on  this  par- 
ticular occasion  quite  sober.  He  was  on  his  way 
home  at  a  late  hour  when,  suddenly,  "it  seemed  to 
him  as  if  the  Isle  d'OrMans  was  on  fire.  He  stared 
with  all  his  might  and  saw  at  last  that  the  flames 
were  dancing  up  and  down  the  shore  as  if  all  the 
will-o'-the-wisps,  all  the  damned  souls  of  Canada, 
were  gathered  there  to  hold  the  witches'  sabbath. 
Then  he  saw  a  curious  sight;  you  would  ha .  a  said 
they  were  a  kind  of  men,  a  queer  breed  altogether. 
They  had  a  head  big  as  a  peck  measure  topped  off 
with  a  pointed  cap  a  yard  long;  then  they  had  arms, 
legs,  feet  and  hands  armed  with  long  claws,  but  no 
body  to  speak  of."  After  further  description  Jules' 
father  quotes  the  following  lines  as  being  simg  by 
the  goblins  for  his  personal  benefit: 

Come,  my  frisky  Traveller'a  Guide, 
Devil's  minion,  true  and  tried, 
Ck)me,  my  suc'King-pig,  my  Simple 
Brother  Wart  and  Brother  Pimple! 
Here's  a  fat  and  juicy  Frenchman 
To  be  pickled,  to  be  fried. 

In  French  Canadian  tales  and  legends  the  loup- 
garou  of  France  survives,  but  with  additions  born 
of  the  wilderness  and  of  Indian  superstitions.  The 
Rev.  Armand  Parent,  of  Oka,  describes  a  belief 




amongst  the  hdbitarUs  that  if  a  person  neglects 
partaking  of  the  Sacrament  for  seven  years  he  will 
turn  into  a  lougaroux,  a  sort  of  shapeless  animal 
without  head  or  limbs  and  will  so  remain  until  some 
good  friend  kills  this  creature  when  the  man  once 
more  appears.  De  Gasp^  is  authority  for  the  story 
that  a  habitant  says  ouvrei  or,  open  the  door,  instead 
of  entrez  or,  come  in,  because  once  upon  a  time  a 
young  woman  used  the  word  entrez  in  response  to 
a  knock  and  the  devil  entered  and  took  possession 
of  her.  Now  and  then  one  finds  the  belief  that  the 
spirit  of  evil  appears  in  the  form  of  an  immense 
black  cat  darting  fire  from  his  eyes  and  making  a 
terrible  noise. 

There  are  many  similar  fancies  found  here  and 
there  and  not  necessarily  general,  or  widespread, 
because  they  are  mentioned.  La  main  de  gloire, 
the  dried  hand  of  a  man  who  has  been  hanged,  will, 
it  is  thought,  enable  anyone  who  carries  it  to  go 
anywliere  he  may  wish  to.  Le  chandelle  magigue 
is  a  candle  composed  of  the  fat  of  such  a  hand 
melted  into  a  taper  and  enabling  the  hold-'r  to  dis- 
cover treasure  at  the  spot  where  the  lighted  candle 
may  go  out.  A  story  is  told  of  a  habitant  (many 
similar  ones  pass  current)  who,  passing  the  body 
of  a  dead  criminal  hanging  in  a  cage,  out  of  bravado 
invited  him  to  supper  that  evening;  greatly  to  the 
astonishment  of  himself  and  his  friends  the  dead 
man  duly  appeared,  carrying  his  cage.  The  intruder 
would  only  leave  upon  the  promise  of  his  unapprecia- 
tive  host  that  he  would,  the  next  night  at  12  o'clock, 

mmrj^^iw  gpym-i^j^^jp^^w^MasfciwiMM 


dance  at  the  foot  of  the  gibbet  to  which  the  cage 
had  been  hung.  Accompanied  by  his  friends,  recit- 
ing their  chapelef  .  the  village  cur^  and  a  newly 
baptized  infant,  the  man  appeared  at  the  hour 
promised  and  was  let  off  with  reproaches  for  not 
coming  alone  and  an  expressed  hope  that  the 
incident  migiit  prove  a  sa'utary  lesson. 

Of  traditions  or  stories  based  upon  the  supernatu- 
ral, that  of  Rose  Latulippe  is  one  of  the  best  known 
She  was  a  handsome  girl,  very  gay  and  coquettish, 
fond  of  flirtation  and  passionately  fond  of  dancing 
On  the  festive  occasion  of  Shrove  Tuesday  she  went 
with  her  betrothed  to  a  dance  when,  about  eleven 
o  clock,  a  vehicle  stopped  at  the  door  of  the  house 
and  those  who  looked  out  of  the  window  saw,  before 
anything  else,  a  wonderful  black  horse  with  fire  in 
his  eyes  and  fire  in  his  motions.       The  newcomer 
who  got  out  of  the  vehicle,  was  a  stranger  clad  in  a 
splendid  racoon-fur  coat,   and  under  it  a  suit  of 
black  velvet  richly  braided.     He  asked  permission 
to  keep  on  his  fur  cap  and  gloves,  took  a  drink  of 
brandy    and    then,    inviting    pretty   Rose    for    a 
dance,  stayed  with  her  to  the  end  of  the  evening 
despite  the  anger  of  her  lover  and  a  warning  from 
an  old  dame  in  a  neighboring  room,  that  every  time 
in  her  prayers  she  used  the  names  of  Jesus  or  Mary 
the  stranger  turned  and  glared  at  her.     When  twelve 
o'clock  came— the  hour  to  cease  dancing  so  as  not 
to    infringe    upon    Ash    Wednesday— the    stranger 
asked  for  one  more  dance  and,  when  it  was  over, 
tried   to  persuade   Rose   to   accept  a  necklace   of 



pearb  in  place  of  the  gla«  beads  around  her  neck 
to  which  were  attached  a  tiny  cross.  Mrs.  J.  W  F 
Harrison  tells  the  end  of  the  legend  in  the  following 
verses:  ^ 

"You  are  mine,"  .ay,  the  .tranger.     " From  to-night. 

Dance,  dance,  little  Roee,  a  word  in  your  ear 

You  are  dancing  with  Lucifer,  what  doat  fear?" 

The  Cur^l  the  OunSI     He  takea  it  all  in 

From  Roae  in  her  peril  of  horrible  ain 

To  Mother  Marmette  and  the  aged  Seigneur, 

The  whispering  girls  and  the  daied  voyageur 

And,  breathing  a  hurried  and  silent  prayer 

And  making  the  rign  of  the  Cross  in  the  air 

And  .aying  aloud,  "The  Church  hath  power 

To  save  her  children  in  such  an  hour," 

He  taketh  the  maiden  by  both  her  hands, 

WhUst  Lucifer  dark  and  discomfited  stands. 

Snorting  and  stamping  in  fiendish  ire. 

He  gains  his  steed  with  the  eyes  of  Bre, 

Who  gives  one  loud  and  terrible  neigh  ' 

And  then  in  the  darkness  thunders  away. 

It  is  a  natural  ending,  under  such  circumstances 
for  the  terror-stricken  and  repentant  girl  to  enter 
a  convent  and  become  a  nun.  There  is  a  similar 
tradition  m  Germany,  where,  however,  the  ghost 
of  the  fair  maid  awaits  the  time  when  some  Chris- 
tian shall  dance  with  it  and  remove  the  spell.  An- 
other  Mardi  Gras  legend  is  that  of  an  ancient  and 
pious  settlement  on  the  St.  Lawrence,  where,  on  a 
certain  Shrove  Tuesday,  a  stranger  riding  on  a  fast, 
coal-black  trotter  proposed  to  the  habitants  that 
they  should  take  possession  of  a  deserted  manor 

K  •'m.%^'f^MM^mmwmLma^ziwwr''«'mmitw§j^imLmi\> 


in  the  neighborhood,  borrow  a  fiddle  which  he  would 
play,  and  invite  the  village  maidens  to  a  dance. 
The  jollification  commenced  with  the  smoking  of 
plenty  of  strong  French  Canadian  tobacco,  the 
dnnkmg  of  Sangrce— a  sort  of  mulled  wine— and 
fontmued  with  intermittent  dancing  until  midnight 
when,  according  to  all  church  rules  and  local  pre- 
cedents, the  party  should  have  broken  up.  But 
the  fiddler  would  have  none  of  such  rules,  wilder  and 
still  wilder  dances  were  played  and  indulged  in  until 
the  lights  grew  dim  and  the  dancers  had  disappeared 
with  nothing  visible  but  the  red  tuques  on  their 
heads— which  were  madly  leaping  up  and  down  above 
the  ground  and  their  buried  bodies! 

The  religious  environment  of  these  legends  may  be 
noted,  as  it  is  very  general  in  French  Canada.  Sir 
J.  M.  he  Moine  tells  the  story  of  a  light  being  seen 
at  midnight  in  a  little  church  on  Isle  Dupas,  near 
Montreal,  with  an  apparently  phantom  priest  stand- 
ing motionless  at  the  altar.  Finally  a  parishioner, 
braver  than  the  others,  volunteered  to  stay  one 
night  in  the  church.  Presently,  the  priest  appeared 
in  his  soutane,  went  through  the  preparations  for 
celebrating  Mass,  retired  and  assumed  his  sacerdotal 
garb  and  then  returned,  bearing  the  chalice.  Mass 
was  then  said,  the  habitant  helping  in  the  service, 
repeating  the  responses  and  escorting  the  priest  to 
the  SacHstU,  where  he  turned  and  said:  "For  three 
years  I  have  come  here  every  night  to  say  a  Mass  I 
once  said  too  hastily.  I  was  condemned  to  do  so 
every  night  until  I  should  find  here  a  person  to  serve 

-:* ..uliiii'a^:':; 



o.  the  same  ..ll^lt' "^^^f^,  8J«'!*  •«»  on  the  rivef 
in  the  Ro«,  UtuliZt"'°^*'"'Wea,  illustrated 

tain  lands  havingTsenTj.^i^'C '  T'  ^ 
Bell,  owner  of  the  Fo«..    "!^*!"  ""n.  Matthew 

Three  Rivers/the  laUeflr     ^'"^'"^'  ^°"'«  °' 
one  day   "S  n^.r  *"^  ""  '  moment  of  anaer 

justly  ipropriatinV'""'"*  ''"'^''°*  »*'"«"  ^om  u " 
to  the  DT^?"'*sI*rtKW.  1  bequeath  it  all 

same  statement  Sth'^^f  '"'"''  ^P*''*"^  *•"> 
who  had  wronged  hTwouidnoT*™*'"?  *'"'*  *''««' 
they  had  taken      rZT^  '"'"J' '"  P*'"'"'  "'hat 

in  the  neightrhood-:°l  S  "/  ^""^  °^  ""»»" 
Four  men  werese^carrl  «  «''°'"y  '""'lents. 

it  must  be  the  Tvil  JSm  f "  '"1°  *'"'  ^'"^'~ 
A  man  stalked  the  hS  e^!:^^"  ^°'?"°  *°  "elll 
in  his  hands-it  mu  t  t^  IHZ  T  ?"■  "  P'P*' 
-countsi  At  mid-^ght  a  peat  fi™  l'""'''''^  ''" 
noticeable  on  the  hill  whtif  ^^i  u  ^"^'^^  ^"^V 
to  Satan  and  weird  fi^X  S '^rj?'"'"''''*'""^ 
were  seen  while  howls  of  m1!^  TJ  ,  "'"''"ng  chains 
were  heard  followrd  bvT^K  '""*''*"  ""-J '««« 
All  kinds  of  other«t    •     '''f  P''«'n°"s   utterances. 

Tf  *.?'  ^"*  *••-  '^'^  siffict  wr*"  *''^"'-'-'' 
built  two%Xrts°o  ai""\:S«*-  ^«ne. 
H-er,  there  is  thr;:dirnTharaXer':-: 




II  if: 

&>a^ionav  River 



to  the  meeting  which  was  called  to  deal  with  its 
construction  and  forcibly  opposed  the  placing  of  a 
cross  upon  the  steeple  as  being  too  expensive. 
He  was  a  swarthy  fellow,  recently  from  Paris,  and 
had  ridden  to  the  meeting  on  a  coal-black,  fiery 
Norman  roadster,  very  restless  and  held  by  a  spiked 
double  bridle.  Finally,  when  the  cross  was  omitted 
the  stranger  offered  to  cart  all  the  stone  required 
in  building  at  his  own  expense,  and  as  construction 
proceeded  it  was  noted  that  the  horse  did  not  seem 
to  mind  how  huge  or  how  heavy  were  the  boulders 
he  drew  to  the  place  of  operations.  One  day  the 
beadle  of  the  future  church  led  the  horse  to  a  well 
and  though  it  was  known  that  its  bridle  was  never 
taken  off  he  proceeded  to  do  so,  when,  behold! 
the  horse  disappeared  in  a  cloud  of  blue  flame  and 
sulphurous  smoke.  The  exquisite  satire  of  using 
the  devil  to  build  a  church  is  obvious  and  indicates 
the  keen  sense  of  humor  which  the  habitant  undoubt- 
edly possesses. 

All  the  way  down  the  St.  Lawrence,  out  into  the 
Bay,  and  even  along  the  shores  of  the  Acadia  of  old 
are  to  be  heard  superstitious  stories,  incidents  of 
ghostly  character  which  date  from  the  long  ago. 
Near  IsIe-aux-Coudres  is  a  small  island  called  Seal 
Rocks  and  on  it,  according  to  tradition,  a  young  man 
named  Chatigny  was  abandoned  to  starvation  by 
a  jealous  comrade.  Since  then  the  place  is  sup- 
posed to  be  haunted  by  spirits  whose  cries  and  moans, 
however,  may  b.?  accounted  for  by  the  cries  of 
young  seals  and  x,he  groanings  of  the  winds.     The 




weird  and  melancholy  tale  told  by  AbW  H    R 
Casgram,  in  his  volume  nf  r.,.  j-       t  *• 

belief  t^aTie'^e^a^rLtT''  ""  '"'^^''" 
world  than  adults  and  lell "d     LVXr'*"*' 

Of    suffermg,    urgmg    on    the    tormentors        Verv 
general  amongst  the  hakitant,  is  the  tlof  a^an 
tast.c  and  fearsome  boat,  akin  perhaps  to  the  Black 
Huntsman  of  other  lands,  which  is  called  the  cK 


GaUrie;  and  goes  flying  through  the  air  with  the 
speed  of  an  arrow;  which  is  manned  by  a  dozen 
red-coated  figures,  "paddling  like  damnation,"  as 
a  rural  story-teller  once  told  Frechette  the  poet; 
and  which  has  the  Devil  in  the  stern,  leading  in 
chorus  with  a  song  and  a  vo'"3  which  strike  terror 
to  the  heart  of  the  hearer.  xJrummond  depicts  it 

But  I  know  on  de  way  Canoe  she  go,  dat  de  crowd  must  be 

dead  man. 
Was  come  from  the  Grande  Rivi6re  du  Nord,  come  from 

Come  too  from  all  de  place  is  lie  on  de  Hodson  Bay  Contrce. 
An'  de  ting  I  was  see  me  dat  New  Year  night  is  le  phantome 

Chasw  Gal'rie 

The  country  around  Tadousac  is  replete  with 
legends  and  the  place  itself  furnished  W.  H.  H. 
Murray  with  the  Indian  story  upon  which  he  based 
his  sensational  Doom  of  the  Mamelons.  It  was  from 
here  that  the  news  of  the  death  of  Father  de  la 
Brosse,  a  devoted  missionary  who  passed  away  in 
1782,  was  wafted  by  supernatural  means  to  Father 
Compain  in  the  IsIe-aux-Coudres,  out  in  the  St. 
Lawrence — the  bells  on  the  Island  being  tolled  by 
mysterious  hands  at  the  very  hour  of  his  death. 
There  are  traditions  of  a  mansion  built  at  Charlotte- 
town,  P.  E.  I. — then  known  as  Isle  St.  Jean — over 
the  graves  where  lay  the  remains  of  French  soldiers 
killed  when  in  charge  of  local  forts.  The  story  is 
that  the  new  occupants  could  not  sleep  at  night  for 



the  cellar  and  trying  to  find  out  the  cause  * 

r„™     K   ?."""'  *'''"«''  "«  t°W  of  Louis  Olivier 

into  thrst    T.  ,     ^"''^''"'    "^"^    '"noinK 

the  Mal-Ba.e  region  come  habitant  stories  of  horsed 
E  Jhiirtr"'""^  "*  D-«'-town  Porta^"- 

the  Magdalen  group,  rests  the  legend  told  by  Moore: 

To  Deadiaan's  Isle  in  the  eye  of  the  blast, 
To  Deadman',  We  she  speeds  her  fast. 
By  skeleton  ehapes  her  sails  are  furled 
And  the  hand  that  steers  is  „ot  of  this  world. 

The  Stories  told  by  the  habitants  are  masterpieces 
of  e-aggerat.on  and  mixtures  of  the  supernatural 

tvLnf^f"''   '''  P^''"*''"*'   »d  *^'  relfgious       A 
type  of  the  exaggerated  tale  is  told  by  W.  P  Green 

ough,  an  American  dweller  in  Arcady4therwt" 

rural  Quebec-for  some  seasons.     It  is  supposeTt^ 

be  narrated  by  Nazaire,  a  guide  and  hunterSom 


Mr.  Grccnough  employed.  There  was  once  upon  a 
time  a  very  famous  hunter  named  Dalbec  of  Stc. 
Anne.  He  was  on  his  way  home  when  he  saw  a 
fox  on  the  other  side  of  a  little  round  lake.  Just 
as  he  raised  his  gun  to  fire  six  ducks  came  flying 
out  from  the  bushes  near  him.  He  was  not  sure 
at  first  which  he  would  try  to  shoot — the  fox  or  the 
ducks— but  ,1  'dcd  final'"  to  try  for  both.  "  Placing 
the  barrel  of  hiH  long  gt  i.  between  two  trees,  he  bent 
it  into  a  quarter  of  a  circle,  fired  at  the  ducks,  killed 
them  all,  killed  the  fox  also,  and  the  bullet  came  back 
and  broke  the  leg  of  the  dog  that  was  standing  by 
him."  Dalbec  was  a  real  personage  and  a  great 
story-teller  ae  well  as  a  mighty  hunter.  A  favorite 
amusement  with  him  was  to  get  another  hunter  and 
rival  in  his  art,  gather  a  crowd  of  habitants  around 
them  after  Vespers  on  Sunday,  and  then  compete 
with  each  other  by  the  hour  in  telling  the  most 
amazing  yarns  with  mutual  interjection  of  approving 
remarks  or  exclamations. 

One  more  story  of  the  kind  that  would  thus  be 
tossed  to  and  fro  may  be  given.  Dalbec  had  ex- 
pended his  ammunition  and  was  returning  home  one 
day  when  he  saw  a  flock  of  wild  ducks  swimming 
about  among  some  timbers.  He  waded  out  in  the 
water,  got  hold  of  one  duck  after  another  by  the  legs 
and  fastened  them  to  his  belt  till  he  had  a  dozen  or 
so  when,  suddenly,  he  found  himself  raised  in  the 
air  and  carried  off  up  the  St.  Lawrence  with  a  strong 
gale  blowing  and  helping  him  on  his  journey.  "Just 
as  he  passed  the  church  at  Ste.  Anne  he  heard  the 



first  bell  of  the  Mass  sound  and  he  wished  he  had 
stayed  at  home  instead  of  going  shooting.  At  the 
rate  he  was  going  he  had  not  much  time  to  think 
but  presently  he  realized  that  something  must  b^' 

onT^f  f:  Tl'"  ""r"  "»''  '^"'^^  *h«  neck  o^ 
one  of  the  ducks.  That  let  him  down  a  little- 
then  he  twisted  the  neck  of  another.     So  he  kept 

ZZi'  "'?.  '*  ""^  '"^'"'^  «»'  "e  found  himse' 
t^T  .T  *^e  ground  in  front  of  the  church  at 
Sorel  and  heard  the  second  bell  of  the  Mass.    He  hrd 

h':r°aSr-^""*^-'^^  """-"•' ^-^^^-^-i- 

Some  of  these  stories  take  hours  to  tell-  some 
occupy  two  evenings  in  narration.  They  ar'e  Xn 
fairy  tales  ^U  a  youthful  prince  and  a  beautS 
pnncess  as  the  central  figures.     A  curious  mixture 

.snot thTl  T-^f'  *''  ''"*«°"'""  "»''  *•>«  ^"bulous 
IS  not  the  least  interesting  phase  of  these  fairy  stories 
For  instance,  Petit  Jean,  the  deliverer  of  a  princeL 

What  the  h(dntant  loves  to  eat-boiled  pork  sau- 
sages, etc^,  while  the  liquors  accompanyi„g?he,;iands 
r„tf  "^T/""*  '^'  •'*«*  "'-l  Jam^ca  rum  In 
another  and  finer  part  of  the  building  will  be  a  table 
furmshed  with  all  these  things  and  also  black  pud! 
dmgs,  wines  and  French  brandies;  in  the  stables  are 
horses,  carriages  and  "a  beautiful  little  bugg^  " 
There  is  a  traditional  giant  and  Petit  Jean  shoots 
his  nose  off  and  sticks  it  on  again  with  a  piece  o 
sticking  p  aster!  And  so  the  story  goes  on  from 
one  ridiculous  or  amusing  incident  to  another 


Coining  to  the  folk-lore  of  the  people  as  expressed 
in  songs,  ballads,  or  Chansons  Canadiennes,  nothing 
can  be  said  without  consulting  Ernest  Gagnon's 
volume  of  collections  in  that  respect.  He  embodies 
in  his  pages  the  condition  which  means  so  much 
to  the  life  of  a  people— the  fjngs  they  sing.  To 
hear  the  French  Canadian  habitant  singing  in  the 
woods  his  favorite  sentimental  ballad  framed  after 
the  style  of  three  or  four  hundred  years  ago;  to 
note  the  lusty  and  cheerful  way  in  which  he  chaunts 
the  romaunt  of  which  there  are  said  to  be  very  many 
more  than  the  hundred  or  so  described  by  M. 
Gagnon;  to  hear  and  to  see  him  is  to  understand 
the  difference  between  the  habitant  and  his  Ontario 
or  American  neighbor  or  his  fellow-subject  in  the 
fields  of  the  distant  England.  Imagine  an  English- 
speaking  farmer  or  laborer  returning  from  his  day's 
work,  through  the  fields  of  the  farm,  or  the  streets 
of  a  village,  caroling  at  the  top  of  h  -oice  some 
song  or  lilting  rhyme  of  old  Englanu,  of  bonny 
Scotland,  or  even  of  the  distressful  Isle!  The 
favorite  of  them  all  with  the  French  Canadian  is 
A  La  Claire  Fontaine  of  which  a  couple  of  verses 
and  the  chorus  follow: 


Unto  the  crystal  fountain 
For  pleasure  did  I  stray; 

So  fair  I  found  the  waters 
My  limbs  in  them  I  lay. 

Sing,  nightingale,  keep  singing, 
Thou  bast  a  heart  so  gay, 


Thou  hut  a  hevt  n  merry 
While  mine  ii  aorrow'g  prey. 

For  I  have  loat  my  Mistrew 

Whom  I  did  true  obey, 
All  for  a  bunch  of  roeee, 

Whereof  I  uaid  her  nay. 

long  ia  it  I  have  loved  thee, 

Thee  ghall  I  lovo  alway, 

My  deareet; 

,Long  ii  it  I  have  loved  thee, 

Thee  ahaU  I  love  alway. 

The  little  boy  imbibes  these  Chamom  as  hfi  Hn.. 

oy  tne  side  of  a  stream,  or  in  some  shady  nook 
wher«  the  words  and  the  music  fit  into  the  scene 
2h.Hrr'  T  ''"«'"«  *"««*''"  the  tunes  Tre 

^"r  when  thev      """'"'  '""""-''^^  ""=  ♦''^  «-- 
sums  When  they  seem  most  delightful.       a   verv 

K'trinTe?  "  *'^  °"^  °^  "^  ^"°--'^*^  -^-ke  S 

The  cruel  ball  has  found  its  quest. 
His  golden  bill  sinks  on  his  breast; 

-T  M 


Hii  golden  bill  ginkg  on  hia  breiwl, 
Hu  plumes  go  floating  Eut  and  Wp«t. 

F»r,  far  they're  borne  to  distant  land*, 
Till  gathered  by  fair  maidens'  handii; 

Till  gathered  by  fair  maidonn'  hands 
And  form  at  laat  a  soldier's  b«l. 

And  form  at  last  a  soldier's  bed, 

En  rotdatU  ma  boule. 
Sweet  refuge  for  the  wanderer's  head, 

Bn  roulant  ma  bouU. 

The  words  of  these  Ckansons,  it  may  be  added 
afford  httle  idea  of  the  melody  and  charm  which 
they  have  under  natural  conditions.  Just  a  few 
lines  may  be  quoted  here,  at  random,  from  Mai- 
brouck—a.  most  popular  and  widely  sung  melody— 
in  concluding  u  rambling  study  of  things  that  Ue 
below  the  surface  so  far  as  ordinary  history  or 
travelers'  experiences  are  concerned,  yet  which  are 
really  vital  to  any  knowledge  of  a  people's  position 
the  records  of  a  race,  or  the  real  Ufe  of  the  often 
voiceless  masses: 

Malbrouck  has  gone  a-fighting, 
Mironlon,  mironton,  mirontaine, 

Malbrouck  has  gone  a-fighting 
But  when  will  he  return? 

Monsieur  Malbrouck  is  dead,  alasl 
And  buried  too,  for  aye; 


And  itt  the  ournen  of  hii  tomb 
They  plutnl  row-iiikrie. 

And  from  their  topii  the  nifhtin(*l« 
Rinp  out  her  ovol  free, 




It  is  nn  cnity  stop  from  the  balladi  of  a  people— 
the  inatinctivc,  irrRRponiiible  exprenion  of  their 
thoiightR  ami  fnncira  and  fcelinga— to  the  literature 
which  still  further  embodies  or  describes  their 
history,  their  opinions,  their  development.  The 
one  is  really  of  the  other;  to  write  the  songs  of  a 
nation,  even  in  these  commercial  days,  means 
much  in  evolving  or  cementing  the  patriotism  of 
its  people.  The  literature  of  French  Canada  is 
and  has  been  a  living,  breathing  entity,  a  factor  in 
its  creation  and  preservation,  an  element  in  the  very 
lives  of  the  people.  It  would  not  be  difficult  in  any 
important  collection  of  Canadian  books  to  find 
several  hundred  volumes  of  history,  poetry,  belUi- 
lettret,  romance,  travel,  written  by  men  and  women 
whose  names  are  practically  unknown  to  the  public 
outside  of  Quebec;  who  have  spoken  for  and  to  a 
narrow  audience  growing  in  a  century  and  a  half 
from  less  than  a  hundred  thousand  to  three  millions; 
who  have  been  hampered  rather  than  helped  by  the 
vastness  of  their  surroundings  and  by  the  richness 
of  material  opportunity  on  every  hand. 

Canada,  even  French  Canada  with  all  its  superior 
brightness  and  lightness  of  thought,  its  facility  of 




•peeoh  and  inherited  poetry  of  lentiment,  iU  old- 
world  tradition*  of  literature,  art  and  drama,  haa 
been  influenced  by  the  inevitable  difficultiei  and 
requiremonti    of    pioneer    <lByB,    the    otill    greater 
mntorial   drmnnclH  of  the   present.      The  peasant 
or  habitant  miglit  have  developed  more  Ringers    of 
national  thought  in  the  form  of  poetry,  more  crea- 
tors of  national  fiction,  but  ho  was  immersed  at 
first  in  the  dangers  of  early  settlement  days,  then 
in  the  struggles  for  political  change,  then  in  those 
great   modern   interests — the   development   of  the 
land  and  the  entry  into  factory  and  city  life.     The 
Heigneurial  syxtem  promised  much  and  a  class  which 
could  produce  a  whole  family  of  Le  Moynes,  which 
could  present  to  its  people  a  heroine  such  as  Mile, 
de  Verchdrcs,  which  could  evolve  such  families  as 
the  Duchesnays,  the  De  Lotbiniircs,  the  St.  Ours, 
the  Bouchers,  the  De  Salaberrys  and  many  more, 
might  well  have  developed  a  great  literature.     It 
did  not,  however,  have  a  fair  chance,  its  opportunities 
were  limited  and   confined,   its  development  was 
never  very  complete  as  a  class.     The  days  of  New 
France  were,  upon  the  whole,  days  of  war;    when 
peace  came  the  change  of  allegionce,  the  reversal 
of  patriotism,  the  transfer  of  so  many  families  to 
France,  the  change  from  a  government  of  autocracy 
and  paternalism  to  one  of  modified  and  then  slowly 
increasing  liberty,  were  not  conditions  fitted  for  a 
creative  literature.      It  was  a  time  of  transition 
when   French   Canadian  patriotism   was  naturally 
unsettled  and  ill-defined.     The  people  were  neither 



British  nor  French  nor  Canadian;  thpir  inatitutiona 
and  idcala  and  patriotiam  wnrc  all  in  the  inrltinR-pot. 
In  th«  war-timp,  and  fint  iitriiRRlJnK  (x^riod  of 
French  nationality  in  (,'anadu,  tli<-ri'  wim  little  writ- 
ing of  ony  kind  except  in  the  form  of  official  reporta 
and  deapatchea  to  PariM  from  t<ov<'mor»,  Intcndanta 
and  Biahopa  or  in  that  Hplendid  aeriea  of  Icttcre  by 
Jeauita  to  the  head  of  their  Order  which  now  con- 
stitute seventy  volumea  of  hintory  and  literature. 
The  IcBdcra  of  New  Franco  were  very  often  cultivated 
in  their  toatPH  and  would,  in  any  caac,  have  helped 
literature  to  flouriah  had  there  been  men,  or  time, 
or  openings  for  such  a  purauit.  Frontcnac  wan 
fond  of  literature  and  all  that  it  means;  his  wife, 
who,  however,  never  ciimc  to  Cnnada,  wa«  a  friend 
of  Mme.  de  Scvign6  and  other  lights  of  France  in  that 
period;  Mgr.  dc  la  OaliNsonniirc  was  a  lavanl  who 
made  hia  mark  in  other  fielda  than  government 
and  politics  and  war;  M.  Dupuy,  one  of  the  Intend- 
ants,  brought  cut  a  large  library  to  Quebec;  M. 
Boucher,  Seigneur,  founder  of  a  family,  Governor 
of  liiree  Rivers,  a  soldier  and  a  fighter,  wrote  a 
volume  on  natural  history;  Champlain  himself 
was  a  man  of  science,  an  able  writer,  a  real  student 
of  geography,  navigation  and  nature;  Jolliet, 
Nicollet,  De  la  Vdrendryc,  were  all  educated  men 
who  based  their  explorations  and  described  the 
results  upon  scientific  lines;  M.  Talon,  when  Intend- 
ant,  had  investigations  carried  on  over  a  wide  range 
of  country  as  to  conditions  and  resources  and  it  was 
done  by  men  nf  science  imported  for  the  purpose; 


II,  ki 




^  ^m 




the  Marquw  de  Beauhamois  as  Governor  and  M 
Hocquart  as  Intendant,  were  fond  of  circulating  and 
discussing    the   French    literature    of   the    period 

T^^.T  '^'"'°  "*  *•""  ^'"'*«''"  St.  Louis  and 
circulated  ;n  manuscript  for  want  of  a  printing 
press  but,  m  the  main,  are  lost  to  us;  the  songs  o? 
^„H  ™=  ^"'^^Jed  everywhere,  with  the  soldiera 
and  fur  traders  and  explorers  and  voyageurs  and 
helped  undoubtedly  to  create  and  establish  the  merry 
spmt  of  the  modem  habitant.  ^ 

All  this  'did  not,  however,  constitute  a  native 
hterature,  though  it  proved  and  voiced  intellectual 
activity  just  as  did  much  of  the  private  correspond- 
Z\^    *•>"*  f  n°d  of  which  we  get  glimpses  now 
and  then.     There  were,  however,  the  writings  of  the 
Church-somethmg   confidential,   in   a   sense    vet 
seen  by  many  in  France  and  amongst  the  cultured 
ar  les  of  Rome      The  letters  of  the  Jesuit  Fathers 
were  hterature  m  the  finest  sense;   descriptions  of 
actua^  events  and  incidents,  products  of  intense 
suffering,  of  exalted  feelings  or,  sometimes,  of  a 
poetic  fire  aiid  force  straight  from  the  forge  of 
natures  mighty  hammer.      P^res  Charievoix  and 
Lafitau  were  students  in  ethnology  and  botany  as 
well  as  recorders  of  current  history;   Father-  M», 
quette  and  DoUier  de  Casson  were  write™  as  w"l 
as  militant  priests  and  explorers.     This  Uterature 
was  of  course,  confined  to  the  men  of  monasteries, 
to  the  missionanes  in  the  field,  to  the  ecclesiastics 
who    were    founding    and    developing    schools    of 
religious   learning;    to   the    Seminary   and    Jesuit 



College  of  Quebec  or  the  Sulpician  Seminary  ot 
Montreal.  It  was  essentially  religious  in  its  ele- 
ments; it  naturally  did  not  touch  the  lighter  and 
fanciful  side  of  the  French  character;  it  lives  in 
history,  yet  was  hardly  creative  of  a  national  litera- 
ture in  the  fullest  and  widest  sense. 

It  was,  therefore,  natural  when  the  French 
Canadians  settled  down  in  1800-1840,  or  there- 
abouts, to  find  themselves  in  a  patriotic,  political 
and  national  way  and  to  use  the  printing  press — 
which  had  been  first  utilized  in  the  French  publica- 
tion of  prayer-books  and,  in  1776,  of  a  work  (Sailed 
L' Adoration  Perpetuelle — that  the  issue  of  pamphlets 
should  be  the  initial  development.  The  people 
had  to  deal  with  new  and  peculiar  problems  and 
relationships;  they  could  not  know  what  was  going 
to  be  the  outcome  of  existing  conditions.  A  passive 
acquiescence  in  British  rule,  a  sort  of  vague  feeling 
that  Great  Britain  had  been  generous,  teachings 
by  the  Church  of  loyalty  to  existing  conditions 
were  not  enough,  in  themselves,  to  form  a  basis 
for  mental  alertness  or  literary  effort.  The  books 
in  the  Colony  at  this  time  were  fairly  numerous; 
it  is  estimated  that  in  1765  there  were  60,000  of 
them,  but  they  were  held  in  private  libraries  and 
in  the  hands  of  cultured  families  who  understood 
public  affairs  and  discussed  matters  in  the  spirit 
of  a  Parisian  Salon. 

Two  events,  however,  made  a  native  literature 
possible  and  evoked  the  popular  spirit  out  of  which 
such  ix  development  comes.     One  was  the  publica- 




t'on  and  intended  to  describe  fh  ^''""^  S"^"'"" 
constuutional  system  of  Eal  h'  °'"'"''*'''"  °^  the 
'^as  a  revelation  to  tlie  ot,  «°^«nment.      It 

°f  it  came  an  immenle  ^1  ^"^"^  Politicians  and  out 
vers^al  n>atter.     TlTe Tecond'  "'  '"'^^''"^"t  <=ontro 
«  Quebec  of  Le  Ca«  ^^  SoeT*  "t^  *''^  ''^^^^S 
ne'vspaper  with  a  full  nil;      ^  *'  "  ^'^''''h  weekly 
«over„„en.   for  its  init  1^^  "' "°"^"*"f-  ' 
continuous  controversy  as  Z  TT"^'   ^''"^  and 
brightness  >  and   wit  Z  Z        "^''^  characteristic 
^t'cles  as  a  feature      FromthTf'"'"^"*   «*--y 
decades,  there  poured  o7  l^Vl'^""'' '^^  ^^^eral 
Canada    a   series   nf  ?     °®  Pi'css  of  Fren^l, 

-hieh  dealt  with  myrirdTh  ""^^  7"  """'icaS 
French  and  EnglisrrSiot'"''.f  P''^*^  ^''^far" 
government  and  poIiticJSi"  the  province,  self-' 
a  number  of  transient  IrS  ^""'"""^  started 
h^toncal  nature  and  writer^  °^  ^  '"^'^'^  «nd 
there  and  in  Quebec  whl.  '""*'   to   the  front 

">  ^rench  Canadall  °N  T"  "*'  ^*'"  «''«™h°<i 
f-  X.  Garneau,  M  A  pf'  ?"'  *'"'  Mondelets 
B«rthelct,  Cau  hon  the  n  "''°"'  "''*'"'"™  I'ab  e' 
P-nt,  Raphael  Uta^eT/r'  ^r^'  ^«-- 
Panbault  and  others  '   °^"n-^'ajoie,    G.    B 



Brwd  Oven.  Cap  ,  fXig,, 




T;    M 


i'  ■ 




latter  end  of  the  eighteenth  century,  but  the  younger 
spirits  of  1830-40  listened  to  the  voice  of  the  charmer 
when  it  came  through  the  brilliant  writings  of 
Lamartine,  Victor  Hugo  and  others.  They  were 
held  in  check  by  religious  or  Church  influences, 
but  a  certain  French  vogue  did  touch  the  literary 
efforts  of  this  period.  Quesnel,  Mermet  and  Bibaud 
produced  poetry  of  a  didactic  and  pastoral  char- 
acter; Real  Angers,  J.  G.  Barthe,  J.  E.  Turcotte, 
Cr^mazie  and  Garnnau  came  to  the  front  with 
verse  which  rioted  in  wrath  against  existing  condi- 
tions or  limitations,  revelled  in  a  patriotism  which 
wanted  change  and  reform,  and  delighted  at  times 
in  the  expression  of  French  ideas  and  radical  ideals. 
Bibaud,  Ferland,  Faillon  and  Gameau  embodied 
many  of  their  ideals  in  historical  works  which,  in 
turn,  had  a  powerful  influence  upon  public  opinion 
— an  effect  enhanced  by  the  re-appearance  of  Le 
Canadien  for  a  short  time  in  1821  after  a  temporary 
submergence  and  again,  more  permanently,  in  1831. 
Of  these  pioneers  and  leaders  in  literature  Octava 
Cr^mazie  and  F.  X.  Gameau  were  probably  the 
patricians.  The  former  was  rich  in  rhetoric,  strong 
in  passionate  appeal,  instinct  with  the  public  senti- 
ment and  environment  of  hb  time  Whether  in  his 
Le  Drapeau  de  Carillon,  and  many  other  poems,  he 
did  what  an  English  Canadian  writer  has  recently 
described  as  necessary  for  permanence  in  verse — 
keeping  "essential  human  nature  in  harmony  with 
universal  art" — is  a  question  which  can  be  left  to 
a  still  further  posterity.      There  is  no  doubt  that 



Crtmazie  embodied  in  permanent  form  much  of 
the  fleetmg  thought  and  fancy  and  pa«,ion  of  his 
hour;  ,n  domg  so  he  was  like  Kipling  in  later  day 

Anln  rr^l'  '°  '^'"  ""'"*'  """^  ^">  their  ideab 
Apart  from  the  writing  of  a  RecesHonal  or  a  Crcsina 
the  Bar  what  more  could  he  have  desired? 

Of   Frangois    Xavier  Garneau  much    might    be 
said  here  and  much  has  been  written  elsewhere^ 

people  and  interpreted  their  feelings  not  only  i^ 
powerful  ver,e  but  in  his  HisUnre  du  Canada~M 

L  T^  1  "'Tr^'  '"""^'-  A«  "  ""•"'equence  he 
8  a  great  au  hority  in  Quebec  regarding  the  con! 
tentious  annals  of  a  bitterly  controversial  period- 
FrZ^r  '"T'^'"'^^'  «"*«"*  the  representarive  o 

ot  Enghsh  and  French  in  that  Province  and  of 
Great  Britain  and  French  Canada;  hU  statue 
unveiled  by  Sir  Wilfrid  Laurier,  graces  the  PaS 
ment  grounds  of  the  Ancient  Capital  while  hh, 
praise  echoes  through  the  words  of  French  Ubrarians 
joumahsts  and  authors.  No  student  of  French 
Canada  can  afford  to  neglect  his  pages  and,  perhaps, 
the  opimon  of  one  who  is  himself  resjicted  by 
everyone    interested    in   the    annals   of   Quebec- 

S'"°'".?iS'*'~'?''^  ^'"  "^  """^'''l  «  this  con- 
nection: "He  ,s  less  passionate  or  partial  than 
hi^onans  who  have  dealt  with  the  subject  befte 
.;  I  '."f**""^  ^^  °^^«'"  hides  the  good  doines 
of  the  British  people  upon  this  continent."  T 
Garneau  s  poetry,  Sir  J.  M.  Le  Moine  has  said  that 



much  of  it  reminds  one  of  B^ranger  and  that  it  wag 
marked  by  enduring  loftiness  of  idea  and  aobleness 
of  sentiment. 

Meantime  there  had  been  some  development  in 
the  realm  of  fiction.  Eugene  L'Eeuyer,  P.  J.  O. 
Chauveau,  P.  A.  de  Gasp«,  Patrice  Lacombe, 
Joseph  Doutre,  Napoleon  Bourossa,  J.  Talon 
L^sperance,  and  Antoine  G4rin-Lajoie  wrote  novels 
dealing  with  French  Canadian  life  and  characteristics. 
G^rin-Lajoie  in  his  Jean  Rivard  is  described  as 
carrying  the  palm  for  roman  de  moeura  in  the  Province 
of  Quebec.  Chauveau  was  of  the  best  type  of 
literary  man  produced  by  French  Canada.  Cul- 
tured in  taste,  kindly  and  broad-minded  in  character, 
moderate  in  opinion,  a  politician  and  educationalist 
as  well  as  an  author,  he  stands  out  distinctly  as 
one  of  the  patricians  of  Canadian  literature  in  its 
highest  sense.  None  of  the  volumes  of  these  writers, 
or  others  touching  the  realm  of  ficti>  u,  however, 
were  really  historical  in  character.  Despite  a  soil 
redolent  of  forest  life,  of  Indian  customs,  of  the 
venturesome  deeds  and  unrecorded  heroism  pertain- 
ing to  the  pioneer  life  of  the  past,  they  do  not  seem 
to  have  been  so  inspired. 

One  can  so  well  imagine  heroes  of  a  great  historical 
novel,  moving  through  its  pages  amid  all  the  pictur- 
esque splendor  of  early  French  Canadian  sur- 
roundings, with  all  the  brilliant  garb  and  bright 
conversation,  the  daily  and  hourly  peril  to  their 
lives,  the  vivid  background  of  mighty  forests- 
sullen  and  gloomy  in  their  depths  or  illumined  by 



autumn  wind*  into  vast  seas  of   golden  color   or 
flaming  red.    To  look  around  and  dream  of  the  great 
continental  wilderness  which  these  tiny  groups  of 
men  and  women  had  undertaken  to  subdue;    to 
thmk   of  the   vast   lakes  or  rivers  stretching  for 
thousands  of  miles  in  a  primeval  silence  only  broken 
by  the  stormy  dash  or  peaceful  ripple  of  their  own 
waters;   to  picture  the  plumed  casques  and  knightly 
armor  of  Europe,  or  the   priestly  robes   and  even 
the   ecclesiastical   vestments   of  a   mighty   Church 
m  the  shadow  of  savage  camp-fires;    to  see  men  of 
courtly  training,  priests  of  medisBvai  .volish,  women 
of  the  cloister  or  of  cultured  homes,  a  pioneer 
life  on  the  very  shores  of  a  sea  of  savagery;    to 
carry  the  mind  back  into  all  this  wonderful  environ- 
ment is  to  surely  experience  surprise  that  French 
Canadian  literature  is  not,  as  a  whole,  steeped  in 
the  atmosphere  which  Sir  Gilbert  Parker,  William 
Kirby  and  other  English  writers  have  so  well  por- 
trayed.     Joseph    Marmette   did,   in   his   FraiKoia 
de  BienvilU,  touch  this  fascinating  theme  and  took 
the  times  of  Frontenac  and  the  1690  Siege  of  Quebec 
as  the  environment  of  his  story.     De  Gasp^  in  his 
romance,  Les  Ancien  Canadient,  produced  a  work 
of  interest  for  its  description  of  conditions  in  early 
days,  as  did  G^rin-Lajoie  in  his  novel  dealing  with 
La  Tour  and  Nova  Scotia  life,  but  they  were  not  of 
the  school  of  historical  fiction  which  Walter  Scott 
originally  made  famous  and  which  a  host  of  modem 
followers  have  made  attractive  to  the  uttermost 



It  was  in  poetry  that  French  Canadians  really 
excelled  amid  the  fighting  scenes  of  political  and 
racial  conflict  and  afterwards  when  full  constitu- 
tional liberties  were  accorded  and  the  people  had 
burst  the  bonds  of  bureaucracy.  The  poetry  of 
the  two  periods  was  different  just  as  the  two  chief 
patriotic  gongs  of  French  Canada  were  widely 
divergent.  Sir  Georgo  Etiennc  Cartier  in  youthful 
days  of  a  rash,  impetuous  patriotism,  which  led  him 
to  share  in  the  Rebellion  of  1837,  wrote  in  1834 
0  Canada!  Man  pays,  Mes  Amours.  It  was  for 
long  a  popular  air,  but  has  been  superseded  by  an 
0  Canada.'  from  the  pen  of  Sir  Adolphe  Basile 
Routhier— lawyer  and  judge,  author  and  historian, 
poet  and  orator— which  has  found  popularity  outside 
and  beyond  its  native  province  and  original  language. 
Joseph  Le  Noir  and  Pamphile  Le  May  were  two 
poets  of  different  periods  who  represented  some  of 
the  best  qualities  in  French  Canadian  verse. 

It  remained,  however,  for  Louis  Honors 
Frechette  to  bring  the  highest  honors  to  French 
Canadian  literature,  to  make  its  qualities  widely 
known  abroad,  to  win  recognition  from  France  in 
the  laureateship  of  the  Academic  Frangaise,  and 
from  Great  Britain  in  a  Companionship  of  St. 
Michael  and  St.  George.  M.  Frechette  was  in  his 
day,  and  not  very  long  ago,  the  acknowledged 
doyen  of  French  Canadian  literature.  As  Cr^mazie 
was  a  follower  of  B^ranger  so  he  was  a  passionate 
admirer  of  Victor  Hugo.  He  was  a  champion  of 
sentimental  relations  with  France  and  at  one  time 




wa«  doubtful  of  Canada  being  able  to  hold  it«lf 
away  from  the  United  8t«t«.;  he  wa.  an  adhe  fnt 
of  the  modem  «K;hooI  of  liberal  thought  and  m 

Canada;  a  behever,  at  the  same  time,  in  the  gener^ 
advantage,  of  Britiah  rule  in  Canada  and  of  the 

tt^  "'"'""'' '"  ">«  """t  conspicuou.  of  all 

on  French  literature  has  been  very  great,  conserva- 

rhe!.°th  "r*"  ?'  '"^"""^  ««-'»<'»»  °^«  vL 
W  J  ,  "^"^'"'''♦y;  '^membership,  "the  Forty 
Immortals,"  mcluded  in  recent  years  auch  nam« 
M  the  Due  de  Broglie,  Emile  Olivier,  Sully-Pru- 
tie  Cf;  ^""^TiHal^vy,  Copp^e,  Sardou,  Qa^t 
t^.^J    "        '  °°"'*'*'  Theuriet,  Hanotaux  and 

Jt^^'^'   ^^'   *''"  Academy's  laurel  crown, 
fTS    7  T"""'  ''"'"'"^""'''  '^'^  Kiven  to  M 
and   U»  Ot^ux  de   Neige.      On   October    13th 
following,  he  was  banqueted  in  Quebec  by  a  repre^ 
aentative  gathering,  with  Mr.  Justice  TasehTrZ 

1"?  V'^^'-J''''  '""«'  ^««^«««'  "  speech  typTcal 
of  cultured  PVench  Canadian  oratory  iT  whch  he 
referred  to  the  French  Academy  as  "the  Lat 
intej^ret^r  and  infallible  judge  of  the  difBcXes 
the  beauties  and  the  genius  of  the  French  language  "' 
tToS  ^"tr^l  'Sacred  France,  Mother  of  CivTzk- 
tion  and  "Fairy  Paris,  Capital  of  the  Muses  " 
In  his  address  the  French  Poet  Laureate  was  n^er 

J  ^u.^ 


more  eloquent  and  revealed  the  poetic  feeling,  of 
ei^l.!!!!!.  ''r,:'  Old  Quebec:  "When  my  Z  „f 
e«le  shook  m  the  wind,  from  off  the  great  Western 
Lake,  or  slept  on  the  boi^ery  shore  of  Louisianian 
ih.  »  ";        T  ?^  t^v"'"'"    «kiff  was  rocked  in 

on  the  blue  wave,  of  the  Loire;  when  I  had  before 
me  the  wild  majesty  of  Niagara,  the  immensity  of 
the  ocean,  or  when  filled  with  admiration  I  paused 
to  ga.e  upon  the  stupendous  monuments  of  the 
K.  I,  .  A'  ."^^  thoughts  ever  instinctively  flew 
the  wlrid'?  "'i'^^'r  °f  Champlain,  unparalleled  in 
the  world  for  the  picturesque  splendor   of  its    site 

2n  ''"'.PT  J^  ^^'"^  "°  '*'"'  ''«"'"'  ff"™  the  very 
.tone,  of  the  fortress  than  it  lingers  upon  every  pa^ 

youthful  day.  of  struggle,  to  the  poverty  which  wa. 
then   «  Canada   the  inevitable  accompaniment  of 

n  th«  ?7  ^"fT^^  *°  ^'  """^  *°  """"y  ""Other 
m  the  he  of  Quebec  and  of  all  Canada  were 
Macaulay';.  beautiful  lines  describing  an  infant 
over  whom  the  Faery  Queen  was  suppld  to  calt  a 
mantle  of  literary  life  and  literary  joys: 

"Ye.,  dwUng;  let  them  go,"  .o  ran  the  .train: 

And  aU  the  biuy  elve.  to  whose  domain 
Belong,  the  nether  .pherf ,  the  aeeting  hour. 

WUhout  one  enviou.  .igh,  one  anxiou.  scheme, 
The  nether  sphere,  the  fleeting  hour  awign. 

Mine  1.  the  world  of  thought,  the  world  of  dream, 
Mme  all  the  past  and  all  the  future  mine 


Of  the  fair  brotherhood  who  share  my  grace, 
I  from  thy  natal  day  pronounce  thee  freej' 

And  if  for  aome  I  IfHjp  a  nobler  place, 
I  keep  for  none  a  happier  than  for  thee." 

There  are  many  more  French  Canadian  names 
which  deserve  a  place  in  any  future  pantheon  of 
fame.     Between  1820  and  the  close  of  the  century 
there  were  two  hundred  writers  who  had  each  done 
something  worthy  of  note  in  prose  or  verse.     Some 
families,    such    as    fhose    of    Barthe,  Provencher, 
Gelmas,  Doutre,  Fr^yhette,  Boucher,  Garneau  and 
Gagnon,  ha4  each  produced  two  or  three  writers; 
some  of  the  more  prominent  authors,  such  as  L   h' 
Frechette,  Sir  J.  M.  Le  Moine,  P.  J.  0.  Chauveau 
N.    E.    Duinne,    F.    G.    Marchand,  had    produced 
excellent  work  in  English  as  well  as  in  French- 
pnestly    students   of   the    Church    were    conspicu- 
ous in  historical  studies,  as  might  have  been  ex- 
pected,  and   Abb6   H.   A.    Verreau,   Abb«   H.   R 
Casgrain,  Abb^.'Cyprien  Tanguay,  Abb6  L.  B.  Bois, 
Abb«  C.  Guay,  Mgr.  Henri  T«tu,  Abb^  G.  Dugas 
Abb4  A.  H.  Gosselin,  Abb^  J.  Camille  Roy,  published 
volumes  of  marked  value.     Benjamin  Suite,  in  his 
eight-volumed  Histoire  dea  Canadiena-Francais,  pro- 
duced a  most  important  work  and  has  written 
besides,  an  immense  number  of  books  on  variou^ 
phases  and  developments  of  Quebec  annals.     The 
last   quarter   of  the   century,   however,   developed 
more  hterary  effort  in   French   Canada   than   the 
whole   of   the   preceding   century.      Hon.    Thomas 
Chapais,  A.   D.   De  Celles,   Arthur  Buies,   L.   O 



David  L.  P.  Turootte,  J.  Edmund  Roy  and  Ernest 
Myrand  may  be  mentioned  in  prose  and  Mme. 
Dandurand,  N.  Legendre  and  J.  L.  Archambault 
m  poetry. 

Literature  has  been  aided  in  French  Canada  during 
the  past  hundred  years  by  Literary  Societies.  There 
was  a  French  one  in  Quebec  as  far  back  as  1809- 
the  Literary  and  Historical  Society  of  that  city,' 
which  was  founded  in  1824  and  is  still  in  existence, 
was  helpful  to  both  races;  the  Institut  Canadien 
of  Quebec  and  Montreal  and  the  Indilut  Canadien- 
Fransais  of  Ottawa  were  central  points  for  the 
study  of  racial  interests.  A  multitude  of  literary 
journals,  reviews  and  magazines  were  also  started 
in  the  Province  and  conducted  for  a  brief  period 
before  collapse  came;  but  they  usually  lived  long 
enough  to  imbed  in  their  pages,  to  preserve  for  future 
study  or  perhaps  publication  in  some  other  and 
later  form,  valuable  contributions  to  current  Utera- 

An  impetus  was  given  in  more  recent  years  to  a 
wider  knowledge  of  French  Canadian  literature  by 
the  organization  of  the  Royal  Society  of  Canada  in 
1882.  Whatever  the  faults  and  weakness  of  that 
body  It  has  at  least  brought  the  two  races  together 
m  this  particular  connection;  made  each  famUiar 
with  the  names  and  attributes  and  wo-k  of  lead- 
ing exponents  in  the  public  thought  and  literary 
taste  of  the  other  race;  taught  the  English  and  the 
French  Canadian  to  respect  the  labors  and  point 
of  view  of  the  other.      The  names  of  its  French 


Pre8idents— P.  J.  0.  Chauveau,  Mgr.  T.  E.  Hamel, 
L'AbM  H.  R.  Casgrain,  Sir  J.  M.  Le  Moine,  Hon! 
F.  G.  Marchand,  L.  H.  Frechette,  C.  M.  G.,  Benja- 
min Suite,  J.  Edmond  Roy— alone  afford  an  excel- 
lent picture  of  culture  and  literary  capacity.  Of  the 
twenty-eight  members  in  the  French  section  in  1912, 
and  apart  from  those  already  mentioned  in  a  specific 
connection,  there  were  Paul  De  Cazes,  Errol  Bou- 
chette,  Ernest  Gagnon,  Lion  G«rin,  N.  Beauchemin, 
L'AbM  Am«d6e  Gosselin,  Sir  F.  Langelier,  Hon. 
R.  Lemieux,  P.  B.  Mignault,  Albert  Lozeau  and 
P.  G.  Roy,  I  who  had  distinguished  themselves  in 
different  branches  of  literary  effort. 

Canadian  literature,  whether  French  or  English 
has  passed  out  of  the  pioneer  stage  and  is  slowly 
but  surely  escaping  from  a  later  condition  where 
prosperity  and  either  prose  or  poetry,  as  a  pursuit, 
were  utterly  incompatible  companions— when  the 
creation  of  farms  and  homes,  of  private  fortunes, 
of  industrial  and  financial  institutions,  were  the 
dominant  accomplishments  of  the  hour.  They 
are  so  yet,  on  the  surface  of  affairs,  and  to  the 
passing  visitor  or  tourist,  but  if  the  latter  investi- 
gates more  closely  he  will  find  that,  in  French 
Canada,  at  least,  literature  is  now  greatly  encour- 
aged; that  men  engaged  in  that  pursuit  are  aided 
by  government,  supported  by  the  influence  of 
politicians,  given  civil  service  positions,  considered 
as  men  of  no  mean  honor  in  their  own  country. 
Some  French  Canadian  newspapers  or  journals  are 
an  additional  encouragement  to  literature  through 



their  development  of  a  literary  style  and  the  cultiva- 
tion of  good  writing.  VAction  Sociale,  an  ecclegi- 
Mtieal  organ  of  Quebec,  and  'e  Devoir  of  Montreal, 
the  special  and  personal  product  of  Henri  Bourassa's 
clever  pen  and  political  force,  may  be  mentioned  in 
this  respect. 

The  evolution  of  a  wider  national  patriotism  has 
also   helped.      The   kabitant,    the   merchant,     the 
workman  in  factory  and  city,  or  the  politician,  has 
larger  ideas  now  than  he  used  to  have  when  his 
country  was  not  only  a  dependency  of  France  but 
one  autocratically  administered,  or  than  he  had 
when  it  became  a  British  dependency  without  com- 
plete British  institutions.     Moreover,  in  regard  to 
.'ranee,  religious  influences  and  conditions  cut  him 
off  for  a  century  from  most  of  its  literary  life— with 
the  exception  of  its  songs  and  ballads;   while  in  a 
later  penod  he  was  cut  off  from  English  Uterature 
by  his  own  language.    Now  he  has  a  great  Dominion 
to  think  of,  vast  in  size,  in  resources,  in  possibilities, 
and  who  can  greatly  blame  the  imaginative  mind 
which  now  and  then  transcends  space,  and  time 
and  probability  and   traces  in  glowing  prose  or 
patnotic  verse  a  future  in  which  New  France  has 
renewed   its   vitality,    vivified   its   clipped    wings 
and  once  more  holds  half  a  continent  in  feel    These 
are  the  dreams  by  which  literature  is  created.    They 
are,  however,  not  frequent  in  Quebec;  the  ordinary 
evolution  and  expansion  of  his  province  is  enough  for 
the  wnter  or  journalist  of  today. 
Moreover  the  Church,  in  literature  as  in  politics. 



education  or  philosophy,  has  been  a  steadying  force 
and  the  stream  of  bright  young  men  who  have 
come  from  its  colleges  and  schools  were,  with  cer- 
tain bnlliant  exceptions,  an  influence  for  the  quieter 
by-ways  of  literary  efFort-except  when  they  took 
to  the  stormy  but  pleasing  paths  of  political  journal- 
ism.    A  Zola  or  a  Flaubert  in  French  Canada  is 
mconceivable:   a  Voltaire  or  a  Rousseau  is  difficult 
to  imagine,  although  some  weak  imitations  have 
occasionally  flamed  up  and  then  flickered  out-    a 
Daudet  or  a  Cherbuliez  is  not  so  impossible  now 
that  literary,  relations  with  France  are  close  and 
friendly  and  when  the  spirit  of  the  people  is  stirring 
with  the  pulse  of  a  vigorous  Canadian  nationality 
It  must  not  be  inferred  from  what  is  said  here  that 
the  Roman  Catholic  Church  in  Canada  has  dis- 
oouraged  literature.     The  contrary  is  the  case  along 
certain  lines;   if  there  has  been  a  check  given  any- 
where It  has  only  been  given  to  the  extremes  which 
this  great  pursuit  or  occupation  may  sometimes 

Such,  in  brief  review,  is  the  literature  of  French 
Canada.  It  has  not  yet  reached  the  altitude  of  its 
motheriand  any  more  than  has  that  of  English 
Canada;  it  has  not  quite  risen  to  the  height  of  its 
eventful  history  and  brilliant  racial  traditions  in 
America.  On  the  other  hand,  it  has  produced  a 
poetry  that  is  in  soue  respects  the  best  which 
this  continent  has  seen  and  is  not  inferior,  in  a  gen- 
eral way,  to  that  of  English  Canada  or  the  United 
States;    it  has  developed  a  certain  form  of  culture 


Which  has  reacted  upon  its  journalism  and  language 
S  Z^'^'  '* '"«,«''"Wted  qualities  of  lightneL 
and  deftness  of  touch,  simplicity  and  at  times  rich- 
ness of  style  which  are  French  in  the  main  yet  local 
to  the  soil  in  certain  details.  Certainly,  in  its 
fanciful  traditions,  solid  realities,  religious  anna 
nu^itapy  memories,  folk-lore  and  environment,  it^ 

Si,       /T^  ''^'''-  *°  ^^'  "motion  anrt 

rImnK  .r'°*  °1  "  ""°«  "*""*"'«•      As  Wilfrid 
\^&mpbell  somewhere  says: 

You  ask  me  where  I  get  these  thoughts, 

These  dreams  melodious,  mystical, 
I  read  them  in  God's  book  of  lore. 

Wide-open,  splendid  by  my  door. 

I  read  them  )se  curicis  runes 

Those  tra,     jes  of  love  and  strife. 
That  chart  of  memory-haunted  dunes 

That  demon,  angel-book,  that  man  calls  Life. 

BBrnsH  Undmakks  in  Fbench  Canada 

of  the  war  here     ThI  7     .  *''*  *"<*''^'»  ^'ose 

Plete  and  d/tea  from  ,823- iH  *7'.  'I'T  *»  — 
William  Wood    a^  Jfh   '•♦     '  '*"*'"'  "^  Colonel 

atruet.on   is   massive  and   thorough   a? 'JJ^^' 




expected  and  underground  passages  are  said,  unof- 
ficially, to  communicate  with  certain  localities  out- 
side the  fortifications.      These  were,  as  a  whole 
built  with  formidable  facings  and  protections  for 
battenes,  there  are  deep  ditches,  thick  walls,  secret 
doors  and  great  bastions  on  the  edge  of  the  rocky 
crags  which  face  and  overhang  the  river.    The  whole 
takes  the  place  of  the  wooden  works  of  the  French 
which  in  their  day,  however,  and  with  their  splendid 
strategic  position,  answered  the  purpose  of  their 
builders  and  guardians  to  a  considerable  extent. 
Canadian  soldiers  in  British  unUorm  now  guard  the 
ramparts,  British  military  airs  echo  over  the  rippling 
waters  of  the  great  river  at  the  foot  of  the  cliffs 
the  Umon  Jack  floats  over  the  mighty  waUs,  which 
moss  grown  as  they  may  be,  still  rank  amongst  the 
world  8  great  fortresses. 

The  present  fortifications  have  not  stood  a  siege 
nor  have  they  shared  in  the  great  events  of  Cana- 
<^an  history,  but  there  is  no  doubt  that  the  fact  of 
their  existence  and  known  strength  has  been  a 
consideration  to  possibly  hostile  neighbors,  in  the 
days  now  gone  by,  when  trouble  existed  along  our 
borders.  What  the  strength  and  value  of  the  can- 
nons, or  of  the  defences,  may  now  be  against  modem 
cannon  and  modern  ships  is  for  military  authorities 
to  say— to  a  layman  the  Citadel  looks  most  delight- 
fully strong.  Within  the  ramparts  is  a  tiny  cannon 
which  the  soldier  accompanying  visitors  delights 
to  exhibit— especially  to  Americans.  Every  one  is 
told  the  same  story,    but   it   sometimes   receives 

I       ? 



^expected  additioM       t 

U-ited  State,  the  ^ard  «  °°t  *'"^t  ^".m   the 

"»oriptio„  show,:  '^S  oT"''*"''  •»  «deed  the 

American  vicS:;\':-^-fed  to  hi«^^^^^^^^ 
"b^/r.  ^^^  ^'l],.n^:^?7,.  -  cannon'^:' 

but  If  the  hill  had  been  on'  k  P''^'^  '''e  «'Jdier 
^•^  we  would  have  car^Sl  tW  ^'^  '"  *'"'  "annon 

Another  landmark  aTo,K°**°°-" 

the  spot  on  the  walls  omeRn  IT,  *  "«'»"«en t,  " 
^We  Major-General  Rot  J  M  ^^°^  ^^^  ramparts 
«'»«  one  of  those  occSf  *^°"'8°'nery  fell/  jj' 
"esses  or  failures  seeTto "u^"""  '""'"'  <^^^^  suc- 
«°n>ents  in  the  arriv^  o?f!  '°  ''*'-  '^''en  a  tZ 
disposition   of  8tWWn°      >T'  "  ^'''  y^ds  fa  fhl 

be'ng  appealed  to  by  wl^'nl  ^""""'  P«0P'e  Were 
their  motherland  and  tW  h"'"^!  emmissaries  from 
passive  and  neutral  in  th«^f"'^''  Presently  to  h^ 
decide  their  own^ua^e  f  ^J'^  S' 3*°  !«*  the  ^^ 
°  -"  -^^'ow  Quebec  t;  bVcfrS:  S^:t^ 

:.«.     -.'i. 


'1   Critlr.;! 

Litae  Champlam  Street,  Quebec  dity 

-J-  .*'•■ 



a      _      _  l=i 


1     * 



band  them  beoaufw  of  the  opposition  of  surrounding 
French  Cansdiana. 

Montgomery  finally  invaded  Canada,  captured 
Chambly  and  St.  John's,  Sorel  and  Three  Rivers, 
and  then  Montreul  and  in  November  General 
Benedict  Arnold,  with  another  army  reached 
Quebec,  after  a  perilous,  difficult  and  memorable 
march  through  the  wilderness,  and  was  there  joined 
by  Montgomery.  On  December  31st  the  American 
troops  converged  in  an  attack  upon  the  fortress  and 
Montgomery— who,  curiously  enough,  had  fought 
under  Wolfe  at  Louisbourg  as  Carieton,  now  the 
defender  of  the  city,  had  done  on  the  HeighU  of 
Abraham — decided  that  a  surprise  was  essential 
to  success.  He  approached  the  ramparts  from 
Wolfe's  Cove,  by  a  narrow  path  under  Cape  Dia- 
mond, to  the  barricade  of  Prfts-de-Ville,  where  a 
small  battery  had  been  erected  manned  by  a  few 
French  Canadians,  English  militiamen  and  British 
sailors.  The  Americans  expected  to  surprise  the 
poet;  they  were,  however,  surprised  themselves  by 
an  unexpected  volley  which  killed  Montgomery  and 
his  aides.  Retreat  followed  and  elsewhere,  also, 
the  attack  was  unsuccessful,  Carleton's  barricade 
at  Sault-au-Matelot,  in  the  Lower  Town,  being 
stubbornly  defended  against  the  assault  of  Arnold 
and  his  forces.  The  latter  was  wounded  and  one 
hundred  of  his  troops  killed  or  wounded  and  others 
captured.  Montgomery's  remains  were  afterwards 
carried  into  the  city  and  buried  quietly  and,  in  1818, 
removed  by  a  relative  to  New  York.     Upon  the 




Steep  face  of  the  great  cliff  there  is  today  a  large 
unpretentious   plate   with   the   simple   inscription: 
Montgomery  fell  here  December  Slst,  1776." 
There  are  in  Quebec  romantic  and  less  formidable 
memoriaU  of  this  period.     In  the  autumn  of  1782 
a  Bntish  warship,  The  AlbemarU,  lay  at  anchor  in 
front  of  the  town  while  many  beautiful  days  glided 
qmetly  away  and  the  coloring  of  the  forests  gleamed 
m  the  golden  and  scarlet  of  the  season.    In  command 
of  the  ship  was  the  man  who  in   later  years  was 
to  crush  the  power  of  France  upon  the  high  seas  and 
pve  to  his  country  the  phrase  which  will  ring  on 
through  all  the  centuries  of  British  history:  "England 
this  day  expects  every  man  to' do  his  duty."     A 
young  man,  only  twenty-four  years  of  age,  in  com- 
mand of  an  important  ship,  with  all  the  worid  before 
him,  with  perhaps  a  brilliant  future,  Horatio  Nelson 
was  sure  of  a  welcome  in  hospitable  Quebec.     In 
the  society  of  the  day  was  Mary  Simpson,  a  beauty 
and  a  toast  of  the  town,  living  at  Bandon  Lodge  in 
Grand  All^e— upon  the  site  of  which  Hon.   Mr. 
Shehyn's  house  was  afterwards  built.    Here  was  told 
the  old,  old  story  of  the  sailor  and  the  giri;   here 
Nelson  passed  through  a  brief  romance  only  to 
awake  one  day  and  find  his  ship  ordered  to  India 
at  a  few  hours'  notice.     Farewells  were  said  without 
any  definite  understanding,  but,  on  the  verge  of 
saUing,  the  young  captain  left  his  ship  to    return 
and  ask  Miss  Simpson  to  be  his  wife.     So  much 
appears  to  be  certain;    as  to  the  rest  authorities 
differ,  though  a  balance  of  opinion  seems  to  be  that 



fellow-oflSeen,  fearing  for  his  future  success,  carried 
him  back  to  the  ship  by  force.  Miss  Simpson  after- 
wards married  Major  Matthews,  Lord  Dorchester's 
secretary;  Nelson  made,  long  afterwards,  an  un- 
happy marriage  which  was  followed  by  his  famous 
infatuation  for  Lady  Hamilton.  In  a  short 
twenty-three  years  from  that  time  of  autumnal 
splendor,  and  of  a  romantic  interlude,  on  the  Heights 
of  Quebec,  Nelson  died  a  Viscount  and  Admiral 
of  Great  Britain,  a  man  of  many  victories  and  a 
hero  of  his  race. 

Memorials  are  everywhere,  in  and  ar  'nd  Quebec, 
of  H.  R.  H.  the  Duke  of  Kent,  son  of  iUng  George 
III  and  father  of  Queen  Victoria.  While  there  *  n 
was  Colonel-in-command  of  the  Seventh  Royal 
Fusiliers  from  1791  to  1794;  in  1797-99  he  was 
Commander-in-chief  of  the  British  forces  in  North 
America  with  headquarters  at  Halifax,  where  he 
built  a  pretty  house  on  the  shores  of  Bedford  Basin. 
In  Quebec  City,  on  St.  Louis  Street,  there  still  stands 
a  plain,  solid-looking  residence  called  Kent  House, 
where  the  Royal  Duke  lived  at  times  and  enter- 
tained lavishly  the  society  of  his  day— the  Hales, 
the  Caldwells,  the  De  Salaberrys,  etc.  At  the  old- 
fashioned  picturesque  place  called  Haldimand  Hotise 
near  Montmorenci — now  a  summer  hotel— he  lived 
the  greater  part  of  the  time.  It  was  a  beautiful 
site  for  a  residence,  one  of  the  most  beautiful  in  all 
that  region  of  lovely  vistas  and  historical  scenes. 
Here  he  also  entertained  his  guests  and  from  here 
hunted  big  game  or  led  shooting  parties  into  the  coun- 




try  around.  The  romance  of  his  sojourn  in  Quebec 
and  at  Halifax  consists  in  his  relations  with  Madame 
de  St.  Laurent,  the  beautiful  widow  of  Baron  de 
Fortisson,  a  Colonel  in  the  French  Army.  Sir  J.  M 
Le  Moine  and  other  writers  state  that  there  was  a 
morganatic  marriage;  Quebec  and  Halifax  society 
certainly  accepted  her  as  his  wife.  Years  afterwards, 
m  1818,  the  Duke  was  married  at  Brussels  to  the 
Princess  Victoria  Mary  Louisa,  sister  of  Prince 
Leopold,  afterward  King  of  the  Belgians. 

Of  British  memorials,  in  general,  there  are  many 
in  Quebec-Center  though  it  is  of  the  prestige  of 
New  France  and  the  presence  of  the  French  race 
Next  to  the  Citadel  the  most  important  is  the  site 
of  Dufiferin  Terrace  and  the  Chateau  Frontenac 
It  18  a  sort  of  holy  ground  of  British  as  weU  as  French 
history.      Haldimand   Castle,   built   there  in   1784 
by  Sir  Frederick  Haldimand  as  a  wing  of  the  old 
Chateau  of  St.  Louis,  held,  in  later  years,  the  Laval 
Normal  School.      In  this  famous  building  Prince 
William  Henry,  afterwards  King  William  IV,  spent 
some  time  in  1788.     Here  lived  in  succession  Lord 
Dorchester,  the  British  "Saviour  of  Canada,"  upon 
two  occasions;    Sir  Alured   Clarke,    afterwards  a 
field  marshal  of  Great  Britain,  and  SirR.  S  Milnes- 
General  Sir  George  Prevost,  who  nearly  played  the 
part  in  1812  for  Canada  which  Sir  WUliam  Howe 
did  m  earUer  years  for  British  power  in  the  United 
States;    Sir  Gordon  Dnimmond,   Sir  J.  C.   Sher- 
brooke  and  the  unfortunate  Duke  of  Richmond,  who 
died  from  the  bite  of  a  fox;  Sir  Peregrine  Maitland, 



the  Earl  of  Dalhousie  who  has  placed  a  considerable 
mark  upon  Canadian  history,  Lord  Aylmer  and  the 
Earl  of  Gosford.  The  Earl  of  Durham  found  Haldi- 
mand  Castle  too  small  for  his  entertainments  in 
1838  at  a  time  when  his  squadron  of  men-of-war  was 
in  the  harbor  and  the  Coldstream  Guards  were 
actrog  as  a  ceremonial  escort  while  all  Quebec  was 
agog  with  excitement  and  social  functions.  He  was 
given  the  old  Parliament  Buildings  as  a  residence 
and  festivities  were  the  order  of  the  day. 

Haldimand  House  echoed,  also,  with  the  foot- 
steps of  stern  old  Sir  John  Colbome  in  Rebellion  days 
and  here  Lord  Sydenham  planned  the  union  of  Upper 
and  Lower  Canada;  here,  also.  Lord  Metcalfe, 
Sir  Charles  Bagot  and  the  Earl  of  Cathcart  lived 
for  a  part  of  each  year  as  Governors  of  a  United 
Canada.  Here,  in  1789,  Lord  Dorchester  had  wel- 
comed as  a  visitor  young  Lord  Edward  Fitzgerald 
who,  nine  years  afterwards,  died  in  an  Irish  prison 
as  an  Irish  rebel;  here,  in  1812,  the  British  Governor 
dealt  with  Generals  Winder,  Chandler  and  Win- 
chester who  had  been  brought  to  Quebec  as  American 
prisoners  of  war  together  with  Winfield  Scott, 
captured  at  Queenston  Heights,  and  afterwards  the 
chief  figure  in  the  United  States  war  with  Mexico; 
here,  on  September  4,  1819,  were  exposed  in  state 
the  remains  of  the  Duke  of  Richmond  and  Lennox 
before  their  burial  in  the  Anglican  cathedral  and 
here  his  daughter,  Lady  Sarah  Maitland,  performed 
the  social  duties  for  her  husband  while  he  was  admin- 
istrator;  here,  in   1824,  came  Hon.   E.  G.  Stanley, 



afterward  Earl  of  Derby  and  a  British  Prime  Minis- 
ter, as  a  visitor;  liere,  in  1825,  came  H.  R.  H.  the 
Dulce  of  Saxe-Weimar-Eisenaeh  and  during  three- 
quarters  of  a  century,  the  representative  men  and 
visitors  of  British  Canadian  history.  Upon  the  site 
of  this  castle  of  olden  days  as  well  as  of  the  still 
older  Chateau  of  St.  Louis,  there  has  been  built 
the  beautiful  hotel  which  a  great  railway,  the  Cana- 
dian Pacific,  called  after  a  military  hero  of  New 
France,  but  which  may  also  stand  as  a  memorial 
of  the  new  British  era  of  peace,  transportation  and 
commerce.    ' 

With  the  passing  of  Haldimand  Castle  as  a  seat 
of  government,  Spencer  Wood  came  into  historical 
publicity.  It  is  a  picturesque,  old-fashioned  house, 
buried  in  trees,  on  the  south  side  of  the  St.  Louis 
Road,  about  two  miles  from  the  old  city  wall,  and 
was  built  in  1780  by  General  H.  W^.  Powell.  In 
1808-10  Sir  J.  H.  Craig  occupied  it  as  a  summer 
residence  and  in  1815-33  it  was  owned  by  Hon. 
H.  M.  Perceval,  M.L.C.,  who  caUed  it  after  his 
relative,  the  British  Premier— Rt.  Hon.  Spencer 
Perceval.  In  1849  it  was  purchased  from  Henry 
Atkinson  by  the  Government  of  Canada  as  a  resi- 
dence for  the  able,  genial  and  kindly  Earl  r'.  Elgin, 
who  was  then  doing  splendid  service  as  Governor- 
General  and  who  made  it  the  home  of  a  boundless 
hospitality.  Sir  Edmund  Head,  Lord  Monck, 
Lord  Lisgar  and  Lord  Dufferin  all  lived  within  its 
walls— though  the  t.iiilding  itself  was  partially 
burned  in  1861. 



Here,  in  1860,  had  stayed  H.  R.  H.  the  Prince  of 
Wales,   afterwards  King    Edward    VII,  here,  also, 
visited  the  Duki    ,f  Edinburgh,   Prince  Arthur- 
again  long  afterwards  as  Dulce  of  Connaught  and 
Governor-General— Princess  Louise,  Marchioness  of 
Lome,   and  Prince  Leopold,   afterwards   Duke  of 
Albany;    here,   also,   had   come   as   visitors   many 
famous  men  of  other  than  royal  rank-the  Dukes 
of    Newcastle,    Buckingham,    Argyll,    Athol    and 
Sutherland,  Generals  Grant  and  Sherman,  and  all 
the  many  men  of  note  who,  during  the  latter  half 
of  the  nineteenth  century,  came  to  see  Canada  or 
Canadians.    Since  1867  Spencer  Wood  has  been  the 
official  home  of  the  Lieutenant-Governors  of  Quebec 
— Belleau,    Caron,    Letellier,    Robitaille,    Masson, 
Angers,    Chapleau,    Jett^,    Pelletier,    Langelier— 
and  the  seat  of  cultured  hospitality  for  a  mixed 
English  and  French   society    which  is   not  as  fre- 
quently seen  together  as  might  be  desired.     Near 
Spencer  Wood,  and  once  a  part  of  its  grounds,  is  the 
Spencer  Grange  property  so  well  known,  with  its 
quaint,  old-fashioned  delightful  country  house,  as 
the  residence  since  1860  of  the  late  Sir  J    M    Le 
Moyne— Prince    of    French    Canadian    gentlemen, 
hUerateurs  and  antiquaries.     Of  the  scene  in  which 
center  these  two  landmarks  of  the  days  of  British  rule 
It  has  been  weU  said  by  Adam  Kidd,  the  EngUsh  poet: 

Through  the  green  groves  and  deep  receding  bowers 
^ved  Spencer  Wood,  how  often  have  I  strayed, 

Ot  mused  away  the  calm  unbroken  hours, 
Beneath  some  broad  oak's  cool  refreshing  shade. 



The  bliuhing  arbors  of  thow  clawic  dsya 
Through  which  the  breathing  of  the  slender  reed, 

First  aoftly  echoed  with  Arcadia's  praise, 

Might  well  be  pictured  in  this  sheltered  mead. 

And  blest  were  those  who  found  a  happy  home 
In  thy  loved  shades  without  one  throb  of  care — 

No  murmurs  heard,  save  from  the  distant  foam 
That  rolled  in  columns  o'er  the  great  Chaudi&i«. 

Other  memorials  of  this  period  may  be  mentioned. 
That  prettjyr  park-like  garden  hanging  suspended 
on  the  flank  of  the  cliff,  and  a  little  lower  than 
Dufferin  Terrace,  is  now  called  Frontenac  Park. 
It  has  been  the  scene  of  most  varied  events.  Here, 
in  1616,  there  was  a  vegetable  garden  for  the  R^coUet 
Convent,  then  a  farm  for  Louis  Hubert,  in  part  it 
became  a  cemetery— the  first  in  Quebec;  here,  from 
1688  and  for  years  afterwards,  was  the  house  of  Mgr. 
de  Saint  Vallier  and  then  a  new  structure  occupied 
by  the  Marquis  de  Beauharnois  and  the  Intendant 
B^gon;  here  lived  for  many  years  Mgr.  de  Pont- 
briand  and  in  a  deserted  chapel  near  the  Bishop's 
house  there  gathered,  on  November  13,  1775,  a 
meeting  of  citizens  who  wanted  to  yield  the  fortress 
to  the  Amnican  troops.  This  inauspicious  beginning 
under  British  rule  was  followed  by  the  erection  of 
a  building  which  was  occupied  from  1792  to  1832  by 
the  Parliament  of  Lower  Canada. 

Here  for  forty  years  a  strife  was  maintained  which 
was  often  bitter,  frequently  patriotic,  always  elo- 
quent;   here    Papineau,    BWard,    Panet,    Neilson, 



Lafontaine  and  Morin  wen-  lieartl  in  that  sorics  of 
speeches  which  helped  to  educate  French  Canadians 
m  self-government,  though,  at  times,  causing  great 
trouble   to   Governors,   government  and   governed, 
to  the  British  people  and  the  French  population, 
alike.      Here,  in  the  Upper  House,  or  Legislative 
Council,    were    heard    the    calm    and    conciliating 
speeches,  the  patriotic,  far-seeing  advice  of  Bishop 
Plessis.      Here  came  British   Governors  who  were 
angry,  who  were  statesmanlike,  who  were  concilia- 
tory, to  deal  with  difficult  questions  and  far-reaching 
demands.      In  1833  a  new  and  handsome  edifice 
was  erected  and  used  from  1838  to  1852  as  a  City 
Hall  in  a  period  when  sessions  of   the  Legislature 
were  not  held  in  Quebec;   destroyed  by  fire  in  1854 
there  is  not  even  a  ruin  left  now  to  show  the  seat 
and  home  of  all  those  stormy  incidents  and  events 
which   preceded   the   rebellious   fiasco   of   1837-38. 
A  word  must  be  said  as  to  the  Cathedral  of  the 
Holy  Trinity,  standing  as  the  representative  of  the 
Church  of  England  in  an  historic  city  which,  as  a 
whole,    does  not   recognise  its  religious   claims   or 
ecclesiastical  authority.     Built  in  1800-4  upon  the 
site  of  the   IWcollet  Church  and   Convent  it  is  a 
substantial    stone    edifice   surrounded    by   splendid 
trees    with    a    beautifully    arched    and    tesselated 
ceiling  and  massive  supporting  pillars.      Within  it 
are    many    marble    monuments,  brass  plates    and 
memorial   windows   marking   the   historical   events 
and   characters   of   British   rule   in   Quebec.      The 
communion  plate  was  a  gift  from  King  George  III, 



and  the  Governor  Gencrors  official  pew,  with  the 
royal  arms  at  the  front,  is  in  the  north  gallery. 
Here,  in  1893,  was  celebrated  the  centenary  of  the 
diocese  and  in  the  Cathedral  have  been  held  many 
Important  ceremonials,  including  the  last  church 
parade  on  Canadian  soil  of  the  Canadian  troops  who, 
in  1899  and  1900,  left  for  Imperial  service  in  South 

One  thing  must  be  mentioned  before  leaving 
Quebec,  though  it  is  not,  strictly  speaking,  a  matter 
of  the  British  fiffime.  Over  the  doorway  of  the  new 
Post  Office  building,  which  was  erected  in  1872, 
appears  a  basso-relievo,  a  solid  block  of  stone,  taken 
from  the  doorway  of  the  massive  stone  structure 
which  used  to  occupy  the  site  and  which  was  the 
home  of  a  rich  French  merchant — Nicolas  Jacquin 
Philebert — in  and  following  1736.  A  quatrain  of 
verses  are  engraved  upon  the  stone  in  golden  letters 
over  the  sculptured  figure  of  a  dog,  lying  down  and 
gnawing  a  bone.  What  the  words  and  symbol 
meant  has  been  the  subject  of  unlimited  speculation 
since  first  Captain  Kirke  of  Wolfe's  army,  recorded, 
in  1759,  that  his  investigations  had  been  fruitless. 
Legends  galore  have  gathered  around  this  "Golden 
Dog."  Auguste  Soulard  wrote  a  romance  based 
upon  it  in  1839,  Sir  J.  M.  Le  Moine  and  Sir  A.  B. 
Routhier  have  written  about  it  at  length;  Jacques 
Viger,  a  learned  scholar,  studied  and  d-  Jt  with  it; 
William  Kirby,  an  Ontario  writer,  made  himself 
famous  by  a  novel  based  upon  it  and  called  Le 
Chien  d'Or.     All  legends  agree  in  associating  with 




the  tradition  and  the  inscription  the  names  of 
Philebert,  of  Le  Gardeur  de  Repentigny,  a  young 
Seigneur  and  soldier,  of  Bigot  the  Intendant,  of 
Ang^lique  des  Meloises— the  Mme.  P^an  of  unsavory 
social  history,  Cadet  and  other  historical  characters; 
but  the  facts  are  still  in  doubt  and  the  mystery  will 
probably  never  be  cleared  up.  A  literal  translation 
of  the  famous  words  is  as  follows: 

I  am  a  dog  gnawing  a  bone, 

While  gnawing  it  I  take  my  rest. 

A  time  wiU  come,  not  yet  arrived. 

When  I  will  bite  those  who  have  bitten  me. 

To  Montreal  the  British  Hgime  meant  much. 
It  was  not  a  political  or  government  headquarters 
like  Quebec  except  during  the  brief  period  of 
American  possession  when  Montgomery  ruled  a 
large  part  of  the  Province  from  the  old  Chateau  de 
Ram^zay  and  Benjamin  Franklin  used  his  astute 
intelligence  in  preparing  addresses  and  leaflets  for 
circulation  amongst  the  French  in  which  he  had  to 
explain  away  the  statement  of  the  Continental 
Congress  in  1774  that  the  Quebec  Act  established 
in  French  Canada  a  religion  which  had  "dispersed 
impiety,  bigotry,  persecution,  murder  and  rebellion 
through  every  part  of  the  world!"  The  first  great 
phase  of  Montreal's  development  following  the 
Cession  was  during  the  period  in  which  British 
explorers,  land-holders  in  the  great  West,  hunters 
or  fur  traders  for  the  Hudson's  Bay  Company, 
the  lords  of  the  lakes  and  forests  of  the  North  and 



I:  i! 

West  made  thut  city  their  headquarters.  The 
famous  Beaver  Club  waa,  for  forty  years  following 
1785,  the  scene  of  sumptuous  fortnightly  banquets 
during  the  winter  months  whirh  were  enlivened  with 
toasts  and  songs  and  the  bringing  together  of 
distinguished  visitors  and  most  of  the  wealth  and 
commercial  intelligence  of  the  city.  Here  came 
the  Earl  of  Selkirk  on  his  way  to  found  the  City  of 
Winnipeg,  in  a  work  which  these  magnates  were 
afterwards  to  bitterly  oppose,  and  here  upon  one 
occasion  came  Sir  John  Franklin,  Around  the  table 
there  sat  from  time  to  time,  Sir  Alexander  Mackensie, 
James  McGill,  the  Frobishers,  McTavish,  McGili- 
vary,  De  Rocheblave  and  many  more. 

In  Rebellion  days  Montreal  was  a  headquarters 
for  Sir  John  Colbornc  and  his  forces  and,  later,  for 
the  pacificatory  efforts  of  Lord  Durham.  Here, 
in  Montreal,  were  prepared  the  Ninety-two  Resolu- 
tions upon  which  the  more  rash  spirits  based  their 
militant  activities  and  which  included  denunciation 
of  the  inclusion  of  Judges  in  the  Legislative  Council 
and  of  the  participation  of  appointed  Legislative 
Councillors  in  elections;  of  the  hostility  shown  by 
the  Council,  which  was  largely  English  in  composi- 
tion, to  the  Lower  House;  of  the  accumulation  of 
public  office  in  the  hands  of  the  Administration's 
favorites  and  the  otherwise  inadequate  distribution 
of  such  offices;  of  the  distribution  of  public  lands 
to  friends  of  the  Government  and  the  too  frequent 
checking  in  the  Council  of  bills  passed  by  the 
Assembly.     Much  was  said  of  the  need  for  popular 



liberty  and  a  rcspoiwiblc  ministry.  It  wan  after 
the  actual  violence  of  the  conflict  wiw  over  that 
Lord  Durham  reported  to  the  Home  Government: 
"I  expected  to  find  a  contest  between  a  government 
and  a  people:  I  found  two  nations  warring  in  tlie 
bosom  of  a  single  state;  I  found  a  .'ruggle  not  of 
principles  but  of  races  and  I  perceived  that  it  would 
be  idle  to  attempt  any  amelioration  of  laws  or 
institutions  until  we  could  first  succeed  in  terminat- 
ing the  deadly  animosity  that  now  separates  the 
inhabitants  of  Lower  Canada  into  the  hostile  divi- 
sions of  French  and  Knglish."  The  attaining  of 
this  condition  was  one  of  the  invisible  but  most 
imposing  landmarks  of  British  rule  in  French 
Canada;  even  though  the  process  evoked  a  perio<l 
of  English-speaking  dissatisfaction  which  culminated 
in  the  riots  of  1849,  the  stoning  of  Lord  Elgin, 
and  the  burning  of  the  Parliament  Buildings  in 

Another  landmark  of,  however,  a  shifting  nature 
was  the  construction  of  the  Eastern  Township 
settlements  out  of  an  English-speaking  iminigration 
from  the  United  States  which  developed  at  the 
Revolution  and  proceede<l  into  the  early  years  of 
the  nineteenth  century.  After  Waterloo,  and  the 
adoption  of  a  sliort-sighted  land  policy  in  Queljec, 
most  of  the  settlers  from  the  States  went  into 
Ontario.  Of  the  eleven  counties  between  the  head- 
waters of  the  Chaudiire  and  the  Richelieu,  lying 
between  Montreal  and  Quebec,  with  Vermont  and 
New  Hampshire  to  the  south  and  east,  thus  par- 



tially   Mttled   by   Loyali«t»,   British   loldien,   and 

American  pioneers,  the  names  tell  the  early  story 

Brome,  Compton,  Drummond  and  Arthabaska. 
Megantic,  Miwiiasquoi,  Hiehmond  and  Wolfe,  Shef- 
ford,  Sherhrooke  and  Stanstead.  The  scenery  of 
this  region  is  varied  and  beautiful,  the  soil  fertile 
and  agriculture  prosperous,  the  industries  progres- 
sive. She-'-rooke,  called  after  the  Governor  I'eneral 
of  that  na'  .e,  is  the  chief  center  and  a  notable  city 
in  many  \/ays.  In  recent  years  a  great  and  vital 
change  has,  however,  occurred  and  the  racial  suprem- 
acy of  the  English  in  this  historic  portion  of  the 
Province  appears  to  be  passing  away.  French 
Canadian  farmers  are  taking  possession  of  lands 
vacated  by  English  or  Scotch,  and  this  process  in 
steadily  increasing  from  year  to  year.  The  end 
seems  to  be  obvious  and,  if  so,  there  will  be  one 
British  landmark  which  was  djC  destined  to  be  a 
permanent  one. 

In  1849  a  movement  for  annexation  to  the  United 
States  found  place  and  life  amongst  the  merchants 
and  financial  interests  of  Montreal— a  city  then 
sorely  stricken  by  the  repeal  of  the  British  Com 
Laws  and  the  preferential  system  of  duties.  A 
manifesto  declaring  annexation  necessary  and  im- 
perative was  signed  by  men  so,  afterwards,  famous 
•n  Canadian  life  as  the  late  Sir  A.  T.  Gait,  High 
Commissioner  in  London,  Sir  J.  J.  0.  Abbott, 
Premier  of  the  Dominion,  and  Sir  A.  A.  Dorion, 
Chief  Justice  of  Quebec.  The  movement,  however,' 
was  as  ephemeral  as  it  was  hasty  and  ill-advised! 



Four  yews  after  thb  incident  there  waa  launched 
at  Montreal  the  project  of  a  railway  which  shoul'' 
connect  all  parta  of  the  united  Provincca  of  Vyij 
and  Lower  Canada,  and  in  the  succeeding  .on 
Btruction  of  the  Grand  Trunk,  which  gave  Mr.iti,  :u 
its  first  impetus  as  a  great  railway  center  wer. 
intereated  such  local  loaders  as  Hon.  Jonn  lio.p 
Sir  Francis  Hinekd,  Hon.  Peter  McGill  and  1  njnui;' 
Holmes.  The  Barings,  Glyns,  Sir  S.  Moi  , ,  IVn. 
and  other  British  financial  interests  were  al.^J  i..- 
volved  and  much  history  made  and  written  before 
the  enterprise  was  completed.  In  1860  (May  i.". 
the  Prince  of  Wales  inaugurated  the  famous  Victoria 
Bridge  across  the  St.  Lawenoe,  built  in  connection 
with  this  railway.  It  cost  $7,000,000  and  at  the 
tme  woa  the  greatest  structure  ot  the  kind  in  the 
worid  while,  since  then,  it  has  been  greatly  improveii 
and  strengthened.  The  Allan  Line  w'aj  another 
great  Montreal  enterprise  and  was  followed  by 
mtny  steamship  lines  connecting  Canada  in  general, 
and  Montreal,  in  particular,  with  vtried  countriea 
and  important  trading  interests. 

To  the  magnates  of  Montreal  in  a  financial  sense- 
Donald  Smith,  afterwards  Ix)rd  Strathcona,  George 
Stephen,  afterwards  Lord  Mount  Stephen,  B.  B. 
Angus,  now  president  of  the  Bank  of  Montreal, 
Donald  Mclntyre  and  others— were  due  the  con- 
struction of  the  Canadian  Pacific  Railway  which 
today  has  its  headquarters  there  with  a  splendid 
railway  station  and  its  Place  Viger  Hotel.  Today,  • 
with  its  »260,000,000  of  capital,  its  equipment  and 



railway  costing  1382,000,000,  its  16,900  miles  of 
Sc^wS^T"^"!  ."^  [*'°^'^  passengers  and 
at  Quebec  and  great  hostelries  in  Winnipeg,  Van- 
couver and  Victoria;  its  employment  ^75,^ 
I»nl''?v^T'"°°  °^  11.000.000  acres  of  western 

T  ^*  .^i**"'*'  '"  ^^^  ''"'•'l-  Of  all  its  varied 
ntez^sts  Montreal  has  been  and  is  the  center  ani 
m  ite  history  there  lives  one  of  the  greatest  land- 
marks of  British  rule  in  Canada.  Tf  the  Brd 
Boom  where  ^.r  Thomas  Shaughnessy  now  rules 
and  where  Sir  William  Van  Home  preceded  him," 
could  speak,  what  tales  of  financial  daring,  financia 

foWed?      "        ""'  '''"°°'''  "°"~«^  '^^'^  ^^- 
Of  memorials  which  can  be  seen  and  inspected, 
the  harbor  improvements  originally  designed  under 
Lord  Sydenham's  administration  seventy  years  ago 
^ad   mcludmg   walls,    wharves,   elevators,    raTlZ 
ZTTT'\°L''^f'^  description,  are  conspicuous; 
Mount  Royal  Park  with  its  superb  views  of  land 
and  city  and  water  is  delightful;    the  Champ  de 
Mare    once  the  parad.-  ground  of  British  troops, 
and  the  monument  to  Nelson  erected  in  Jacques 
Cartier  Square  (1808)  by  the  merchants  of  Montreal 
are  interesting;  the  colossal  statue  of  Queen  Victoria 
in  Victoria  Square,  sculptured  by  Marshall  Wood 
IS  notable.      Amongst  Protestant  churches,  which 
m  Quebec  or  Montreal,  are  naturally  the  product 
of  the  British  period,  Christ  Church  Cathedral  is 

■--  ^X).'.i»0  ton.  of  frdgiu,  its,  fh«s,.a„  },, 
"    \'i.'-(    ami  gr.'ttt  fefw.<f.trtM  it.   '-V'ir,,,,,, 

'•ouv.T    ai.ti    ^'ioturis;  .    -  '  ■" 

men  wici  ixwsessiifnt  ,,: 

mterwte  Af„„(r,.a,  „„,  ,>^,„  ,..j  „  ,^^;^.  , 
'«  >te  h'Mory  thore  lives  nnc  „f  ,.te  „„  v,;. 






iiuarp'!  (SOS 


ft.:.  . 

-if  to. 

-irt      Sr 

'1  Victoria 

.-,„,    ;     1^  IV,      ! 




noteworthy  as  having  been  erected  in  honor  of  the 
first  resident  Anglican  Bishop,  Dr.  Fulford.  Of 
financial  institutions  the  first  and  greatest  and 
most  historically  important  is  the  Bank  of  Montreal, 
which  has  for  so  many  years  controlled  or  vitally 
influenced  the  financial  interests  of  the  city,  the 
Province  and,  at  times,  of  Canada.  The  site  of  its 
imposing  yet  unpretentious  building  on  St.  James 
Street  has  been  for  nearly  a  century  a  center  of 
Canadian  affairs  and  Canadian  progress— although 
the  building  itself  has  gone  through  various  trans- 
formations. Hardly  less  important,  though  so 
different  in  its  functions  and  development,  is  McGill 
University,  which  for  more  than  half  a  century  has 
been  a  vigorous,  effective,  molding  force  in  the 
English  life  of  the  Province  and,  indeed,  of  all 

Passing  from  the  visible  or  material  landmarks 
of  British  rule  there  is  one  in  Quebec  which  no 
traveler  or  student  can  wisely  omit  to  understand 
yet  which  is  quite  invisible  and  intangible.  To 
some  extent  it  is  represented  by  the  comparatively 
new  buildings  which  impose  themselves  upon  the 
visitor  in  Quebec  City  as  being  the  ParUament 
House  of  French  Canada.  The  real  point,  however, 
is  what  that  structure  stands  for.  It  represents  a 
constitutional  system  of  government  which  has 
only  recently  developed  in  France  itself  after 
revolutions  and  wars,  popular  starvation  and  misery, 
national  degradation  and  humiliation  had  worked 
themselves  out  in  a  century  of  change,  of  crumbling 



dynasties,  of  loosening  morals,  of  decaying  faith 
It  represents  a  liberty  and  free  form  of  government 
such  as  no  colony  of  France,  no  dependency  of 
Germany,  none  of  the  possessions  of  powers  other 
than  Great  Bntajn  possess  today.      It  represents 
the  Bntish  right  of  a  one-time  alien  and  hostile 
people  to   rule  themselves  in  the  confident   belief 
that  sucl.  rule  means  a  combination  of  liberty  with 
loyalty.     It  means  faith  on  the  part  of  the  great 
Empire,  in  which  French  Canada  is  an  important 
lactor,  and  ai>preciation  on  the  side  of  the  French 
Canadians.     It  spells  opportunity  for  the  cheerful 
and  contented  people  of  that  Province  to  go  on  and 
prosper  m  peace  under  a  flag  which  brings  much 
to  them  and  receives  nothing  in  return  except  a 
loyalty  which  is  obvious  and  which  may  be  found 
in  any  possible  day  of  danger,  much  more  real  and 
effective  than  appears  on  the  surface.     In  the  words 
of  Dr.   J.   M.   Harper,   of   Quebec-poet,   essayist, 
eduoationahst-the  people  of  his  Province  may  well 

My  native  land,  a  debt  of  song  I  pay, 

A  debt  of  love  that  lieth  on  my  soul, 
When  memory  drawa  the  veU  of  by-gone  days 

And  olden  music  greets  the  lifting  seroU, 
A  tribute  to  thy  freedom's  faith  I  bring. 
The  piety  that  Ments  thy  glebe  I  sing 


Educational  Intebbsts  and  Idkalb  in 

To  the  superficial,  hasty,  or  passing  observer,  to 
the  man  who  mentally  flits  over  the  surface  of  things 
either  in  his  own  country  or  elsewhere,  to  the 
person  who,  perhaps,  has  certain  prejudices  which  he 
wants  to  prove,  the  education  of  the  French  Canadian 
may  not  appear  complete,  or  thorough.  Of  course, 
in  this  as  in  other  matters  of  public  concern  a  critic 
under  such  conditions  will  be  very  apt  to  indicate 
his  own  real  ignorance  in  the  premises.  Then  so 
much  depends  upon  the  point  of  view!  One  person 
considers  that  education  turns,  as  it  were,  upon  the 
top  of  a  pyramid  and  regards  the  University  as  the 
end  and  aim  of  all  things;  another  wants  the  child 
trained  solely  for  skilled  manual  labor  or  to  become 
an  expert  in  technical  science;  still  another  believes 
in  the  three  "R's"  as  the  root  of  all  learning  and  all 
happiness.  The  school  of  thought  most  largely 
represented  in  Quebec  believes  that  religion  is  and 
must  b.1  the  first  essential  to  which  all  others  may  be 

There  is  something  picturesque  about  the  latter 
view    in    these    utilitarian    and    commercial    days; 
something  which  carries  one  back  to  times  when 



men  and  women  were  willing  to  suffer  and  die  for 
their  faith  and  when  religion  and  not  trade  appeared 
tlie  vital  issue  of  all  the  ages.     Certainly  it  has  been 
a  conspicuous  one  in  French  Canada  and  its  associa- 
tion with  education  is  obvious  from  a  first  glance 
at  the  somber  buildings  dedicated  to  the  training 
of  men  and  women  for  religious  duties,   for  the 
education  of  youth  of  both  sexes  in  religion  plus 
culture    for  the  education  of  children  in  schools 
where  black-robed  priests  and  women  in  the  garb 
of  nuns  are  everywhere  in  evidence.     The  earliest 
institutions  of  education  in  New  France  were  the 
Jesuit  College  in  Quebec  and  the  Seminary  of  St 
bulpice  m  Montreal,  which  were  devoted  to  the  train- 
ing of  men  for  the  priesthood,   or  in  cultivating 
fitness  for  the  instruction  of  others,  and  which  have 
been  elsewhere  described;  in  1639  came  the  Ursuline 
Convent  at  Quebec  and  in  1863  the  Congregation 
de  Notre  Dame  at  Montreal. 

It  must  not  be  supposed  that  because  the  Jesuit 
and  Sulpician  priests  and  missionaries  were  primarily 
teachers  of  religion  that  they  did  not  teach  other 
things.  Father  Le  Jeune,  in  1632,  wrote  home  after 
his  arrival  in  the  wilderness:  "I  have  become  a 
teacher  in  Canada.  A  few  days  ago  I  had  as  pupils 
a  httle  Indian  and  a  little  negro  whom  I  was  teaching 
to  read.  After  passing  so  many  years  of  my  life 
as  a  classical  teacher  I  am  at  last  back  at  the  A-B-C 
but  with  so  much  contentment  and  satisfaction  that 
1  would  not  exchange  my  two  scholars  for  the  finest 
audience  in  France."    As  a  matter  of  fact  the  priests 



and  the  nuns  were  the  teachers  of  every  branch  of 
education  in  the  pioneer  days  of  Quebec  and  they 
had  the  great  advantage  of  being  themselves,  as 
a  rule,  cultured  in  their  training  and  past  lives. 
It  was  a  very  different  class  of  teacher  from  that 
which  the  pioneers  of  Upper  Canada  had  to  submit 
to;  old  soldiers  being  the  unavoidable  favorites  for 
many  years  in  the  wilds  of  what  is  now  Ontario. 
In  1656  the  Sulpicians  established  the  first  primary 
school  at  Montreal  and,  in  1668,  the  Petit  Siminaire 
was  established  in  Quebec  as  a  preparatory  school 
while  Bishop  de  Laval  also  organized  at  St.  Joachim, 
near  Quebec,  a  school  which  had  the  double  object 
of  teaching  the  useful  arts  and  training  teachers. 
Louis  Jolliet,  the  famous  explorer,  and  afterwards 
a  Seigneur  of  New  France,  was  a  pupil  of  the  Jesuits 
and  in  1646  maintained  a  thesis  in  philosophy  before 
Intendant  Talon. 

When  the  R^coUets  returned  to  the  Colony  in 
1670  they  devoted  themselves  largely  to  teaching. 
Then  the  Ursulines  established  a  branch  of  their 
,  order  at  Three  Rivers  while  the  Sisters  of  the 
Congr^Cation  established  a  school  for  teachers  at 
Montreal.  Like  the  St.  Joachim  institution  it  was 
a  sort  of  pioneer  Normal  School.  These  institutions 
were  all  intended  for  Indian  as  well  as  French 
children,  though  there  was  great  difliculty  in  getting 
the  former  to  attend— their  parents  being  filled 
with  the  natural  suspicions  engendered  by  the  wild 
vagaries  of  a  wild  life.  In  those  early  days  it  is 
probable  that  the  population  of  New  France,  as  a 




whole,  were  the  beet  educated  in  the  world.     There 
was  no  clan  sunk  in  brutal  and  abrolute  ignorance 
as  there  was  in  Europe  or  as  there  is  today  in  the 
slums  of  great  cities  in  either  America  or  Europe; 
old  parish  registers  in  Montreal  and  Quebec  indicate 
that  nearly  every  one  could  write  while  the  home 
education,  backed  as  it  was  by  the  constant  aid  and 
efforts  of  cultured  priests  and  nligieutes,  was  much 
more  efficient  and  effective  than  it  is  in  modem 
days.     Writers  such  as  Charievoix  and  Kalm,  who 
studied  the  country  in  the  last  half  century  of  the 
French  rigime,  unite  in  eulogistic  references  to  the 
culture  and  refinement  of  the  upper  classes,  the 
purity  of  the  spoken  language  amongst  all  classes, 
the   absence  of  rusticity  or  boorishness   amongst 
the  habitanU,  the  pleasing  manners  and  good  humor 
of  the  people,  the  presence  of  Church  schools  in  all 
the  villages. 

During  nearly  a  century,  following  the  change  of 
government  and  allegiance  in  New  France,  education 
cannot  be  said  to  have  maintained  its  former  general 
diffusion  or  exceUence.     War  and  poUtics,  changes 
and  then  political  conflicts,  the  dispersion  of  the  ' 
Jesuits,  and  the  natural  desire  of  the  British  and 
Protestant  rulers  to  promote  a  different  system  of 
icstruction,  together  with  a  period  of  ci  ;ri,  inssensions 
and  actual  strife,  hampered  the  Church  which  had 
previously  been  the  custodian  of  the  entire  system 
of  instruction.    The  Roman  Catholic  authorities  did 
what  they  could.      The  Ursulines  at  Quebec  and 
Three  Rivers,  the  boarding  school  of  the  General 


BoRpital  Nuns  and  the  Petit  S^minaire  at  Quebec, 
the  Sulpieians  and  the  Sisters  of  the  Congregation 
at  Montreal  maintained  their  activities  and,  in  1773, 
the  Sulpieians  also  established  St.  Raphael's  College. 
According  to  the  Hon.  P.  Boucher  de  la  Bru4re,  Chief 
Superintendent  of  Education  for  many  years,  this 
latter  institution  and  the  Petit  S^minairc  at  Quebec, 
educated  and  trained  the  generation  of  men  who 
"under  the  constitution  of  1791  were  to  carry  on 
the  struggle  to  obtain  from  England  those  constitu- 
tional liberties  which  she  herself  enjoyed."* 

It  was  found  after  much  legislation,  after  many 
efforts  to  establish  free  or  public  schools  in  the 
Province,  after  varied  instances  of  racial  and  religious 
friction  which  increased  as  both  the  French  and 
English  population  grew  in  numbers— especially 
the  former— that  the  Catholic  and  French  people 
would  not  accept  Protestant  teachers  or  patroniie  a 
mixed  instruction  which  was  freed  from  the  religious 
element.  Primary  instruction  therefore  continued 
in  a  parlous  condition  so  far  as  definite  organization 
was  concerned,  but  with  the  continuous  labors  of 
priests  and  nuns  and  cur^s  in  parochial  and  Catholic 
circles.  Lord  Durham,  in  his  famous  Report  of 
1838,  paid  a  remarkable  tribute  in  this  connection: 
"The  Catholic  priesthood  of  this  province  has  to  a 
very  remarkable  degree  conciliated  the  good  will  of 
persons  of  all  creeds  and  I  know  of  no  parochial 
clergy  in  the  worid  whose  practice  of  all  the  Christian 

•CoimAi:  itn    Elutclopi^u,    o/    the    Cmnlru   Wx    volumra)     rli.,.|    hv 
J.  CamU  Hopkioa. 

««c»ocofr  nMuiTioN  tbt  omit 

(ANSI  ond  ISO  TEST  CHART  No.  2) 








1633  EMt  hlain  StrMt 

fochMtw,  Naw  York        1*609       USA 

(716)  *M  -  0300  -  Phon« 

(716)  288-5989-  Fo« 



virtues  and  zealous  discharge  of  all  their  clerical 
duties  is  more  universally  admitted  and  has  been 
productive  of  more  beneficial  consequences.  .  .  . 
In  the  general  absence  of  any  permanent  institutions 
of  civil  government,  the  Catholic  Church  has  pre- 
sented almost  the  only  semblance  of  stability  and 
organization  and  has  furnished  the  only  effectual 
support  for  civilization  and  order." 

The  Cnurch  established  at  Nicolet  in  1804  the 
first  of  what  have  since  been  popularly  termed  the 
Classical  Colleges.  Others  followed  at  St.  Hya- 
cinthe,  Ste.  JThfir^se,  Ste.  Anne  de  la  Pocatidre, 
L'Assomption,  Three  Rivers,  Jolliet,  St.  Laurent, 
Sherbrooke,  Rimouski,  Chicoutimi,  Rigaud,  Ste. 
Marie  de  Monnoir  and  Valleyfield.  As  conditions 
improved  in  the  Province  it  was  found  that  these 
colleges  were  most  useful  centers  of  culture  and 
education  in  the  widest  sense.  Not  only  did  they 
partially  prepare  young  men  for  the  priesthood, 
but  they  instructed  others  in  the  preliminaries 
of  the  liberal  professions,  trained  them  in  taste  and 
manners  and  morals,  and  gradually  attained  a  very 
high  rank  in  the  cultivation  of  all  that  is  meant  in 
the  word  culture — something  that  is  not  always 
or  necessarily  involved  in  the  wide  curriculum, 
varied  studies,  and  practical  training  of  modern 
English-speaking  colleges  or  universities  on  this 

On  September  24,  1854,  there  was  inaugurated  at 
Quebec,  under  Royal  Charter,  an  institution  which 
has  had  immense  influence  upon  the  training  and 


the  Laval  University.  Years  afterwards,  in  1876  a 
branch  was  established  at  Montreal,  wi  h?  To  I 
normal  sehoo  attached  to  the  institution  at  Quebec 

Quebec  S^minaire  whose  Superior  is  de  jure  rector 
of  the  University  and  whose  directors  and  certain 
professors   constitute   its   council.      The   Iposto,: 

ArcZ  ^  Ir^'^l  ^"""^'"''"y  ''"d  Visitor  is  the 
Archbishop  of  Quebec  with  large  and  definite  powers 

of  rhTp    °'  "'  *^  """'^  '^^  '^  *^«  Cardinal  Prefect 

f/om  Ififir'T*^"-  ^^'  ^''"'"^'^«'  i*««'f.  dates 
from  1663  and  accommodates  many  priests  and 
divinity  students  who  live  in  the  grea'  b^ing^ 
which  mclude  Le  Petit  S^minaire  or  Boys'  SchoS 

a^d  to  total  at  the  present  time  about  eight  hundred. 

irchbthr'T ,  ""'"'"f  ''^''^-  ^''^  ^^^^^  »d  the 
rh.r!     7!  ^^'^""  "'"'  *•■«  ^'^"'''''  a°d  Seminary 
Chapel,  all  stand  together  on  the  crest  of  the  Heights 
are  many  souvenirs  of  the  history  of  New  France  as 
weU  as  of  New  Quebec,  of  the  old  r.^W  Tnd  th 
new.     The  revenues  of  the  Seminary  are  known  to 
be  very  large  and  are  derived  from  old-time  grants 
ofcSar  '''      °"'*'  "'*'''"'  '^"^""^  investments 
The    buildings    are    most    interesting    and    old- 
fashioned.      There  are  no  elevators  and  the     igh 
narrow  winding  stone  staircases  have  to  be  asr     Jed 
on  foot.     The  massive  walls  of  the  older  structures 




arc,  in  many  cases,  fourteen  feet  thick  and  in  their 
two  centuries  and  more  of  existence  have  passed 
unscathed  through  the  fires  of  1701  and  1705,  the 
sieges  of  several  occasions,  and  the  shot  and  shell  of 
1759.  Here  Bishop  de  Laval  used  to  live  at  times 
and  here  can  be  found,  or  at  least  felt,  the  footprints 
of  this  really  great  ecclesiastic.  The  Library  of  the 
Seminary  and  of  Laval  is  a  most  important  and 
imposing  collection  of  volumes  (about  200,000) 
Kept  in  a  fireproof  building  and  regarded  as  probably 
the  best  of  the  kind  in  Canada.  Many  rare,  inter- 
esting and  extremely  valuable  books  in  every  kind 
of  print,  or  manuscript,  or  parchment  form,  are  to 
be  seen.  Throughout  these  buildings  or  institutions 
politeness  and  courtesy  are  universal;  it  is  seen  at 
once  that  manners  and  the  cultivated  side  of  life 
are  carefully  looked  after. 

The  institutions  are  all,  of  course,  closely  asso- 
ciated in  government  and  work,  but  Laval  has 
faculties  in  Law  and  Medicine  and  Arts  as  well  as 
Theology;  lectures  are  both  public  and  private  and 
oral  examinations  take'  place  weekly  in  the  subjects 
studied;  there  are  degrees  in  Arts,  Letters  and 
Sciences  as  well  as  Law  and  Medicine.  The  Univer- 
sity has,  at  one  time  or  another,  conferred  honorary 
degrees  upon  His  Majesty  the  King  when  Duke  of 
Cornwall  and  York,  upon  King  Edward  VII  when 
Prince  of  Wales,  upon  Lord  Dufferin,  the  Marquis 
of  Lome,  the  Duke  of  Norfolk  and  other  notables. 
A  congress  dealing  with  secondary  education  was 
held  in  its  halls  last  year  (1912)  with  eighteen  a£Bli- 



ated  colleges  represented-a  fact  which  affords  some 
faint  indication  of  the  influence  its  teaching  must 
have  had  upon  the  thought  of  the  Province 
A  most  important  and  attractive  feature  of  Laval's 

irLf  n  T''"^'"'"'^  »"  "^ociation  with  1 
artistically  beautiful  must  have  a  refining  and  eLat! 
ing  mfluence  upon  character-is  its  spleLw  Sv 

Frat"  r-  pi^r  "'  *''*•»  '''''«  ««»*  out  to  New 
Sis    whJr     h'"'  i'-J'^^lins,    Vicar-General    o" 

Fren;>,  n  7'^-  '"  ^"''''*  ^°'  "  *™«  during  the 
French  Revolution.  He  had  collected  them  bv 
purchase  or  gift,  from  closed  and  desecrated  chu'hes 
or  monasteries.     The  gallery  includes  works  by  some 

French  and  English  schools-Albert  Cuyp,  Thomas 
Gainsborough,  Francois  Boucher,  Sir  Thomas  lTw 
rence    Sir  Joshua  Reynolds,  Peter    Paul    RuLr 

Wt^ct;^  ^*';  'T''''^'  °"'  ^-  ^-,  etude 
Vernet,    Charles   Le   Brun,  Salvator   Rosa,   AllcKri 
da    Correggio,    Philippe    de    Champagne,    I^cola" 
Poussm,     Anthony     Vandyke,     Diego     Velasquez 
Teniers  the  elder.       The  collection  is  an  educTon 
m   Itself  a  ong   certain  lines-naturally  the   ^  "t 
majority  of  the  pictures  deal  with  sacred  subS 
and  matters  of  religious  or  Church  import     'fiut 
they  are  the  products  of  brushes  which,  in  many 
cases  made  Europe  beautiful  with  their  frUcoeTand 
pamtmgs  and  made  the  churches  of  that  conUnent 
famous  for  all  time.     Out  of  Laval,  from  such  sur 
roundings  and  with  such  an  obvious  tone  of  reliJo„ 
of  culture,  of  the  esthetic,  there  has  come,  sincere 



a:;,**':.  'Ji; 



middle  of  the  eighteentii  century,  a  stream  of  pro- 
fessional men  who  have  influenced  and  molded  the 
whole  tone  and  character  of  thought  in  modern 
Quebec.  Very  few  French  Canadians,  who  have 
risen  to  prominence  in  law  or  politics,  who  become 
judges  or  ministers  of  the  Crown  at  Quebec  or 
Ottawa,  have  not  graduated  from  Laval. 

Laval  University,  Montreal,  is  a  branch  of  this 
institution  and,  since  1889,  independent  in  its  losal 
government  though  still  receiving  its  degrees  through 
the  parent  establishment.  It  has  faculties  of  Theol- 
ogy, Law,  Medicine  and  Art,  with  several  affiliated 
schools — the  Polytechnic,  the  School  of  Compara- 
tive Medicine  and  Veterinary  Science,  the  School 
of  Dental  Surgery,  the  Laval  School  of  Higher  In- 
struction for  Girls,  the  Institute  of  Marist  Brothers 
and  the  Institute  of  the  Brothers  of  Christian 
Instruction.  French  is  used  in  its  courses  and 
subordinate  schools  except  in  the  Faculty  of  Theology 
where  Latin  is  used  aiid  which  is  under  the  direc- 
tion of  the  Seminary  of  St.  Sulpice.  The  Archbishop 
of  Montreal  is  Vice-Chancellor  and  ex-officio  Chair- 
man of  the  Administrative  Board  which  holds  the 
property  and  directs  the  finances  of  the  University; 
the  Vice-Rector  is  chosen  by  the  Bishops  of  the 
Province  of  Montreal.  The  Chancellor  and  Rector 
are  the  ecclesiastics  holding  those  positions  at 

Turning  to  primary  education,  it  may  be  said  that 
a  system  gradually  developed  under  which,  in  1859, 
a  Council  of  Public  Instruction,  composed  of  eleven 

•I'"fel!€f4.  J^flfe.- 



Catholics  and  four  Protestants,  controlled  the  schools 
of  the  Province.  In  1875  this  was  modified  so  that 
Cathohc  and  Protestant  Committees  of  this  Counci' 
were  established  with  independent  and  separate 
powers  and  control  over  the  schools  of  their  respec- 
tive religions.  With  inevitable,  and  very  rare  e.xcep- 
tions,   this  system  has  prove.l  satisfactory  to  the 

French  and  Catholic  majority  of  French  Canada 
has  shown  quite  exceptional  toleration  and  modera- 
tion in  dealing  with  this  difficult  question       The 
division  of  funds  has  been  generous,  rather  than  just 
and  the  question  raised  in  English-speaking  Canada 
as  to  the  minority's  right  to  separate  schools  there 
IS  rarely  discussed  in  French  Canada.      When  M 
Mercier  gave  his  famous  grant  of  $400,000  to  the 
Jesuits  he  also  handed  over  860,000  to  the  Protestant 
Schools  Committee  for  its  use-the  storm  which 
followed  in   Ontario  being  due,  in  part,  to  popu- 
lar prejudices  regarding  the  Order  of  Jesus  and   in 
part    to  an  apparent  recognition  in  the  preamble 
to  the  Jesuits  Estates  Act  of  the  Pope's  interven- 
tion m,  and  approval  of,  Canadian  Provincial  legis- 
lation. '^ 

The  Church  control  of  the  modem  system  of  edu- 
cation lu  Quebec  is  now,  after  an  historical  interlude 
and  of  course  with  the  exception  of  the  Protestant 
separate  schools,  close  and  complete.  The  Catholic 
Committee  includes  all  the  Bishops  and  Archbishops 
of  Quebec  with  a  selected  number  of  representative 
(  athohc  laymen;  its  methods  of  administration,  its 



regulations,  coursen  of  study,  examinations,  business 
management,  and  construction  of  scIiooIb,  etc.    are 
almost  identical  witli  those  of  the  Protestant  Com- 
mittee;   the  great  distinction  and  difference  being 
where  religion  enters  into  the  situation.     The  Catho- 
lic schools  are  grafted  on  to  the  parish  organiMtions 
—each  of  the  latter  being,  as  a  rule,  incorporated  as 
u  municipality  and  also  as  a  school  district.     The 
cur«,  or  priest  administering  a  Catholic  church,  is 
given  the  exclusive  right  of  selecting  books  dealing 
with  religion  an.l  morals  for  the  use  of  pupils.     At 
the  Catholic   Normal   Schools  one  of  the  leading 
subjects  taught  is  religious  instruction  and,  in  the 
diplomas    awarded,    sacred    history    is    included. 
The  teaching  orders  of  women  are  freely  utilized 
in  these  schools  and  to  the  fact  of  their  drawing  little 
or  no  remuneration  is  due  the  very  small  average 
salaries  paid  to  teachers  in  Quebec.    ■ 

The  education  of  girls  is,  in  all  countries,  one  of 
the  most  vital  problems  of  today  and  it  is  claimed 
with  apparently  excellent  reasons,  that  their  instruc- 
tion at  the  hands  of  thousands  of  devout  and  devoted 
women  in  French  Canada  constitutes  one  of  the 
best  and  most  beneficial  elements  in  the  Catholic 
system.  They  instruct  their  pupils  in  not  only  the 
ordinary  course  of  studies  but  in  domestic  economy 
knitting,  sewing  and  embroidery  and,  it  is  claimed 
refine  their  manners  while  cultivating  amongst  them 
good  morals  and  Christian  knowledge.  It  is  prob- 
able that  at  least  one-half  of  the  girls  in  the  Catholic 
schools  of  Quebec  receive  a  thorough  training  in 

t    ■  ''■■»;* 

''>#»'ii.4i  ^^ Jm^WM'^ 


thvn^  important  »ul.j,.ctH.  Th.-  numbor  of  female 
M.«.ou,  toachor-  i„  lOU  wa«  3,194  in  the  .nodel 
chool«  and  academi™,  while  the  „un«  teaching  in 
elementary  Hchools  totaled  542.  Under  such  con- 
.h  ions   ,t   goes   without   saying   that   the   history, 

st:g"ht  tr" "'  *""  ^'•"^''  "^  "'-  *-«^' 

Much  the  same  con  ment  as  above  may  be  made 
upon  the  male  religious  or.lers  and  their  instruc- 
tion to  boys.  The  Christian  Brothers,  and  oth.  rs 
have  been  placed  in  charge  of  important  commercia 

Th  reir,  «T '   ",  '^^r'"  ^'*''   ''*«^"-"*  '-""«• 
Kchoois  and  academies  and  colleges  and  112  priests 
ea^nng  in  the  elementary  schools-a  total  of  over 
■.,0W  male  and  female  religious  teachers  out  of  14  500 
teachers    who    instruct    344,000    Catholic    pupils 
To  the  cost  of  all  the  schools  ,he  municipalities 
.■ontribute  $5,750,000  and  the  Provincial  Govern' 
nient   a  little  over  11,000,000-the  great  bulk   of 
this  money  coming,  of  course,  from  Catholic  parishes 
and  going  into  Catholic  schools.     There  are  difficul- 
ties in  the  evolution  of  the  system  and  some  faults 
which  are  obvious.     School  commissioners  who  can- 
not readorwrite  areoccasionallyfound.thoughin  any 
ca^  they  arc  usually  good  managers  in  financial 
matters;   on  the  other  hand,  lack  of  education  can 
be  found  on  school  boards  in  many  a  rural  municipal- 
ly outside  of  Quebec.     Some  of  the  time  devoted 
to  religious  exercises  and  instruction  in  the  primary 
schools    must    necssarily    bo    taken    from    secular 



subjects;  on  the  other  hand  convcntg  and  religious 
schools  afford  an  excellent  education  for  many 
children  at  infinitely  smaller  cost. than  it  could  be 
obtamed  for  in  any  other  province  or  state  of 

The    great    trouble    is,    of    course,    economic- 
the    large    majority    of   children,    especially    boys 
eavmg  school  at  too  early  an  age.     What  they  have 
learned  they  are  apt  to  forget-though  this  is  a 
condition  not  confined  to  French  Canadians.     The 
atmosphere  around  the  French  habitant  or  workman 
IS  not  conducive  to  thought  or  literary  effort.     He 
IS   too   comfortable,   too  coatented,   too   happy,   if 
you  like,  to  worry  over  newspapers  and  books  and 
the  life  of  other  people  and  societies  and  nations 
m  which  he  can  never  live  or  share.      Even  a  girl 
brought  up  in  the  convent  seems  to  be  glad,  after  a 
few  years  of  domestic  life,  to  hand  over  pen  and  ink 
and   literary   communings  to   a  daughter  who  is 
perhaps  going  through  the  same  routine  of  education 
that  she  has  left  forever.     A  keen  observer  estimates 
that  in  one  French  parish,  which  he  knew  minutely 
there   averaged  in  recent  years  a   daily  paper  to 
eleven  families  and  a  weekly  to  about  every  fifteen 
families.      Books  are  still  more  rare  and  are  very 
limited  in  scope  and  character— especially  in  the 
rural  parts  of  Quebec. 

Such  are  the  general  conditions  of  education  in 
French  Canada.  In  summarized  form  it  may  be 
said  that  the  overwhelming  French  and  Catholic 
population  and  the  limited  English  and  Protestant 



1*3  Ji,m:  ■£ 




people  have  the  same  general  system  and  forms 
of  instruction,  with  complete  self-control  in  respect 
to  text-books  and  religious  teaching.  While,  how- 
ever, the  Protestant  element  devotes  itself  with 
restricted  means  and  success — outside  of  McGill 
University — to  a  secular  education  of  the  type 
known  in  the  ordinary  public  schools  of  Ontario, 
the  Catholics  devote  all  the  resources  and  energies 
and  skilled  practice  of  a  great  Church  organization 
to  the  thorough  grounding  of  the  children,  the 
youth,  and  the  young  men  or  women  of  French 
Canada,  i  religion  as  understood  from  a  Roman 
Catholic  standpoint.  With  that  point  of  view  and 
general  policy  there  is  necessarily  bound  up  the 
racial  situation  and  the  preservation  of  the  French 

There  will  apparently  be  no  compromise  in  this 
respect — the  Church  and  the  language  must  stand 
together.  It  does  not,  of  course,  follow  that  the 
Church  or  its  leaders  believe  either  would  necessarily 
fall  if  they  stood  apart;  it  simply  means  that  many 
elements  of  strength  lie  in  their  unity  and  certain 
obvious  elements  of  danger  in  their  severance.  At 
the  French  Language  Congresn  of  1912  the  Church 
and  the  Race  combined  to  uphold  this  principle 
and  policy.  There  were  present  representatives 
of  three  million  French  Canadians  who  were  also 
Catholics,  while  Archbishops  and  Bishops  were 
honorary  presidents,  and  much  applauded  speakers, 
with  Monseigneur  Roy  as  chairman.  Language 
was  described,  in  mottoes,  as  the  soul  of  a  people 




and  as  a  sacred  privilege,  wliile  Archbishop  Langevin 

of  Winnipeg  declared  that:    "If  we  have  remained 

French  it  is  because  we  have  remained  Catholic 

It  IS  by  guarding  our  religion  that  we  guard  our 

race."    M.  Etienne  Lamy,  the  distinguished  French 

author  and  visitor,  described  Canada  as  "the  land 

of  constancy  that  has  strengthened  the  wisdom  of 

Its  laws  and  its  customs  on  the  Catholic  faith-" 

Abb^  Groulx,  of  Valleyfield  College,  urged  CanadiaL 

to  keep  their  distinctive  spirit,  with  the  virtues 

of  their  faith  and  the  value  of  their  tongue."     Sir 

Joseph  Dubuci  declared  that  "the  French  language 

IS,  with  the  Catholic  religion  and  the  love  of  our 

country,   the   most  sacred  heritage   that  we  have 


The  problem  is  an  obvious  one.  So  long  as  the 
Church  and  the  State  are  one  in  faith  and  language 
just  so  long  will  they  be  apart  from  the  temptations  of 
a  wide  liberty  which  often  degenerates,  throughout 
this  continent,  into  unrestrained  license;  and  apart 
also  from  the  looseness  of  modem  literature,  of  the 
Higher  Criticism  and  of  the  infinite  variations  in 
modem  religious  thought  outside  of  their  Church 
The  literature  of  the  religious  life  of  the  French 
Canadian  is  in  French,  his  teachers  and  preachers 
use  French,  his  laws  in  civil  and  religious  matters 
are  from  the  French  code  of  two  centuries  ago,  his 
habits  and  customs  are  French  of  an  old-time 
period,  his  traaltions,  songs,  history,  and  patriotism 
are  all  wrapped  up  in  the  language  of  his  fathers— 
which  his  children  are  still  learning  to  lisp  at  their 


mother's  knee.  It  all  serves  to  differentiate  him 
from  the  vast,  overwhelming  Anglo-Saxon  life  of 
the  continent,  to  keep  him  in  closer  touch  with  his 
Church,  to  make  him  more  submissive  to  its  teach- 
ings and,  in  this  age  of  a  democracy  which  is  almost 
uncontrollable  in  even  matters  of  religion  and  social 
relations,  to  keep  him  more  easily  amenable  to  the 
moral  code  and  moral  precepts. 

Is  this  situation  a  desirable  one  or  is  it  not?  Can 
a  writer  or  observer  deal  with  such  a  problem 
outside  of  and  apart  from  religious  feelings  or  racial 
prejudices?  There  is  one  thing  which  seems  clear 
and  that  is  that  the  question  of  this  French-speaking 
people  imbedded  in  the  heart  of  an  English-speaking 
continent  cannot  be  considered  apart  from  religion 
or  from  the  Church  which  holds  an  entire  people 
at  its  altars.  The  first  thought  that  occurs  to  one 
is  the  vital  and  basic  problem  of  whether  some 
particular  religious  faith,  accepted  by  a  whole 
people  and  followed  with  such  measure  of  devotion 
as  human  frailty  will  permit,  is  not  better  than  a 
condition  in  which  the  same  people  after  having 
that  particular  religion  undermined,  or  shaken  at 
its  roots,  turns  in  part  to  other  churches  or  denomi- 
nations, in  part  to  practical  infidelity,  in  still  larger 
part,  perhaps,  to  general  indifference  regarding  all 
religion.  Back  of  this  thought  is,  of  course,  the 
fundamental  conception  of  religion  to  which  all 
Christendom  adheres  in  theory — that  religion  is 
the  most  important  thing  in  life  and  should  control 
or  influence  all  its  interests,      '^he  Roman  Catholic 



Church  claims  to  carry  out  this  theory  in  practice; 
aJl    he  varied  divisions  of  Protestantism  differ  i,^ 
the  r  apphcation  of  the  theory,  though  most  of  them 
exclude  government  and  education  from  its  purview 
French   Canada  is  still   Catholic  in  its  almost 
universal    acceptance    of    the    Church-even    the 
Irish  part  of  the  small   English  minority  adheres 
argely   to   that  faith.      The  obvious   and  natu  a 
mtention  of  Catholicism  is  to  retain  that  allegiance 
to  strengthen  the  weak  links  in  the  chain  of  loyalty 
to  put   religipus   backbone   into  those   who   might 
otherwise  be  feeble  in  their  faith,  by  keeping  a  sZng 
hand  upon  both  education  and  the  pre^  and  in 
making    he  former  the  key-note  to  the  religion  of 
the  people.     At  a  French  Congress  in  Three  Rivers 
dunng     his  present  year   (1913)  George  H.  Baril 
of  Laval  University,  Montreal,  defined  the  leading 
principles  of  the  Congress  as  follows:    "First  and 
foremost  is  absolute  and  unquestioning  submission 
to  the  Church  and  to  its  right  of  control  in  moral 
and  religious  education;   then  there  is  the  assertion 

W      ^r  .u"'^  *°  """'"^  °^"  *he  child,  and 

astly  there  is  the  exclusion  of  Governments  from 

!d  I^H^^r  ?[  «'*"<"'*'°""  "The  Church,"  he 
a  Ided,  'ha^  the  sacred  right  to  direct  the  education 
of  Its  youth  and  to  see  that  none  of  the  books  of 
nstruction  are  allowed  to  contain  anything  in  the 
least  injurious  to  the  doctrines  of  the  Catholic 
Church;  It  .8  the  business  of  the  State  to  give 
protection  and  financial  assistance  but  not  to  take 
charge  of  National  education." 


Such  a  view  is  of  course  in  absolute  antagonism 
to  tiic  average  Protestant  view  of  English-speaking 
people  in  Canada  as  a  whole,  or  in  the  United  States. 
Yet  it  really  appears  to  be  the  logical  and  natural 
one,  from  the  Homim  Catholic  Church's  standpoint, 
if  It  desires  to  hold  its  poople  in  French  Canada,  or 
elsewhere,  as  a  unit  in  ti;ith  and  as  a  great  force 
within  one  organization.  Ot  course  this  carries  with 
it  a  high  responsibility  in  the  practical  exclusion 
from  French  Canada  of  all  knowledge  as  to  the  high 
principles,  and  lofty  thoughts,  and  splendid  ideals, 
which  have  distinguished  so  many  branches  of  the 
Protestant  faith  in  so  many  countries  and  centuries 
of  the  world's  history. 

Meanwhile,  the  difficulties  of  modem  life  grow 
apace  and  even  if  the  child  of  French  Canada  is 
not  quite  as  much  alive  and  alert  in  certain  lines  of 
education  as  hio  Ontario  compatriot  and  his  American 
competitor,  it  is,  after  all,  a  question  of  comparative 
values.  Ability  to  hold  his  own  with  others  in  the 
material  development  and  labors  of  after  life  i« 
the  excellent  aim  placed  before  the  public  school 
child  in  English  Canada  with,  however,  manners, 
morals  and  religion  as  conditions  which  must  be 
left  to  the  home  and  the  churches.  The  obvious 
weakness  of  this  system  is  that  in  the  present  age 
prayer  and  religion  are  being  more  and  more  elimi- 
nated from  the  home  by  stress  of  life  and  work  while 
the  churches  and  Sunday-schools  are  in  touch  with 
only  a  portion  of  the  people  or  their  children.  On 
the  other  hand  ability  to  meet  what  are  believed 



to  be  the  requirements  and  essentiala  of  life  in  thia 
world  and  the  next— obedience  to  the  Church 
religious  observance  and  duties,  morals  and  manner^ 
—are  the  Brst  condition  of  the  Roman  Catholic 
schools  of  French  Canada,  with  business  afTairs, 
and  capacity,  and  material  interests,  holding  a 
secondary  place. 

The  two  systems  are  fundamentally  antagonistic 
and  the  results  divergent.     The  Catholic  believes 
that  a  man  should  be  made  a  complete  Christian 
along  his  lines  of  faith  and  that  he  wUl  then  be  the 
best  citizen;  the  Protestant,  as  a  rule,  is  willing  to 
construct  the  citizen  first  and  develop  the  Christian 
afterwards  or  else  to  try  and  evolve  the  two  lines  of 
thought  together.     Which  of  these  systems  is  the 
best  will  and  must  be  a  matter  of  opinion  dependent 
largely  upon  whether  religion  or  {iractical  utility 
IS  regarded  as  the  first  essential.     The  pity  of  it, 
to  au  outside  observer  in  the  case  of  Quebec,  would 
seem  to  lie  in  the  apparent  difficulty  of  combining 
the  two.      Yet  even  in  this  question  of  practical 
utility  there  are  two  considerations.     The  life  and 
surroundings  of  the  rural  French  Canadian  are  so 
totally  different  from  those  of  other  Canadians 
or  of  Americans,  as  to  at  once  bring  up  the  question 
of  whether  a  change  is  desirable.     There  is  usually 
but  one  answer  to  that  question,  and  it  an  affirma- 
tive, from  those  who  are  not  French  Canadians;  from 
those  who  are  of  that  race,  taken  as  a  whole    the 
answer  IS  diametrically  opposite.     Is  the  final  test 
of  hfe,  happiness  and  contentment,  or  is  it  ambition, 





restloM  change,  nnd  money?  Here  again  is  a  funda- 
mental divergence  and  the  French  Canadian  may 
be  taken,  with  inevitable  exceptions,  to  embody 
the  one  view  while  the  American  people,  with  also 
many  and  important  exceptions,  and  a  large  class 
of  Canadians,  may  be  taken  to  represent  the  other 

It  must  not  be  understood,  however,  that  opinion 
m  Quebec  is  or  ever  has  been  unanimous  on  these 
points.      The   majorty  is   very  large  in  favor  of 
present   educational   conditions,    but   there   is   also 
a  small   and   aggressive   minority.      Of  late   years 
It  has  been  led  by  Godefroi  Langlois,   M.L  A     of 
Montreal,   and   his  paper  U  Pays.      He  wants  a 
Department  of  Public  Instruction  similar  to  that 
of  Ontario  and  other  provinces  which  shall,  pre- 
sumably—though he  does  not  quite  say  so— take 
the  control  of  education  from  the  hierarchy  and  give 
it  to  the  politicians;  he  demands  free  and  compulsory 
education  and  uniformity  in  school  books.      Under 
such  a  system  it  is  obvious  that  the  parish    cur« 
could  not  dictate  the  books  on  religion  and  morals 
to  his  school;   nor  could  special  time  be  taken  from 
secular  studies  to  prepare  a  child  for  its  first  Com- 
munion;  nor  would  the  Church  and  its  great  edu- 
cational institutions  hold  the  same  predominating 
place  in  the  system. 

How  far  in  such  a  case  the  change  of  masters, 
the  transfer  of  the  schools  from  the  Church  to  the 
Legislature,  would  equalize  conditions  as  between 
the   Quebec   and   the   Ontario   boy,   for   instance. 



would  then  become  a  matter  of  race  and  here  a«ain 

comparJLX  W  GoT hL  ^t^T^.  X' 
point   of   view   in    tk-   T     •  ,  expressed   hig 

children  inacribed  in  the  schoof  or  19  '  ,  cSS 
the  population;    and  Ontario  469  000  ^r  is 

ZLZitr  *'"  "^""''^  -hoKterdaieeT^ 
yuebec  was  77  per  cent;  Ontario,  69  per  cent-  Kbw 

zu'rirt^rmarrs^tf  ^^"?'" 

which  had  long  a«o  adop[rtrs,r^%':°;:,"- 
thi  ''^  »  «'°'^'«''  average  attendance  at  f^^ 
than   Quebec  itself.      The  Church's  re^ly  te   M 
l^lo»,  m  the  present  year,  was  toTnti^dit;  Ws 

Beueve  their  own  idpjila  /.*  «j  i-  """."  '"ey 
of  Ufe,  methodsTf  wo^\2  STorwha't  f'l" 
tutes  prog^ss  to  be  right,  who  sha^  say  Thel  nay  in 


picturesque  side  and  if  a  hundred  years  f°m^ 






There  is  something  picturesque,  unusual,  attrac- 
tive, about  French  Canadian  leaders  to  the  people 
of  the  rest  of  Canada.     They  are,  of  course,  much 
better  known  than  in  the  old  days  with  which  this 
volume  chiefly  deals,   but  well-known  personally, 
or  not,  the  type  and  characteristics  are  now  pretty 
well  defined  in  the  public  mind.     The  knowledge  of 
two  languages,  a  mental  asso ilition  with  two  groat 
literatures,  the  inherited  and  instructed  courtesy  of 
manner,  a  certain  measure  of  culture  derived  from 
the  classical  colleges  of  their  province  and  from 
Laval  through  which  neariy  all  of  them  pass,  a 
certain  accent  in  speech  which  is  pleasant  rather 
than  otherwise,  and  a  fluency  of  utterance  which  is 
a  constant  amaxement  to  men  of  one  language— 
these  and  other  racial  divergencies  or  conditions  are 
easily  appreciated  if  not  exactly  understood.     The 
earlier  figures  in  French  Canada's  history  have  been 
summarised  and  dealt  with  in  these  pages— Cartier, 
Champlain,  Do  Laval,  De  Frontenac,  Montcalm,' 
Papineau— but  it  may  be  interesting  in  concluding 
this  discursive  study  of  a  most  interesting  people  to 
glance  at  some  of  their  leaders  in  modern  times,  to 


;iturtnt.'t"tf  "*  ''■»'-''-•'-.  '»  -'efi-  the 
I'lvuiai  point!  in  ttii'ir  nnrccra. 

Colonel  C.  M.  do  Halnbcrrv  wu  nn.  o»  .1. 

k1   by  S?n '"'"''■    /  "^  "-man^ndSei- 
Kncur  by  hirth,  m  on  agr  nnd  provinci,  where  Do,iti„n 
me„„t  something;   a  Holdier  l.y  instinct    pro"!  "n 
and  love  of  arm,;    an  officer  of  the  British  A™? 
With  eleven  years'  service  in  the  West  Imii,..?^' 
■mo  When  those  islands  were  1{^1^Z;1^ 
•truRgles  and  storms  of  war-    nn  .;j     1 
General  do  Hottenhurg  inre'wlhl;txi:2ion 
•nd  organizer  in  Uwer  Canada  of  the  QueC  Vol" 
.geu«;    ho  eame  into  the  War  of  1812  wth  every 
capac. y  for  success  and  camo  out  of  it  wfth  « 
repuf.t,on  which  will  grow  with  the  centuri™  Ld 
with  the  Canadian  patriotism  which  is  ba^d  u^n 

Chateauguay  or  Brock  at  Quecnston  Heights 
ai*  T  ?°.*  *'"'  Campaign  of  1813  when  in 
September  of  that  year,  the  United  States  GeLa" 
Wilkinson  with  8,000  troops,  a  proclamaUon  nf 
promised  protection  to  all  Fr'enchS^S^^ns  who 
would  remain  quietly  at  home,  left  Sacket^l  Hartr 
to  descend  the  St.  Lawrence,  to  capture  Montre^ 

l.ake  Champlain,  had  entered  the  province  with 
7,000  men  by  that  old-time  military  ^ut^  in  o2r 
to  join  orces  with  Wilkinson,  and  had  adCanceTL 
far  as  the  forests  surrounding  the  mouth  of  th^ 
Chateauguay.     Here  he  was  met  (October  2Sth)  by 


Colonel  de  Salaberry  in  command  of  300  French 
Canadian  Fcnciblc.  and  Volti,eur.  and  a  few 
,^  '^*'''  "''"'  *'"'  """"Pected  reinforcement 
of  800  more  French  Canadian,  under  Colonel 
McDonrll,  of  Ogdenaburg  fame. 

The  French  Canadians  formed  in  the  wooda  in 
two  line.,  De  Salaberry  leading  the  first,  upon  which 
Hampton  advanced  with  his  large  force.     The  first 
mc  was  gra<lually  driven  back  in  the  darkness  of 
the    n,ght    with    its    leader,    however,    remaining 
Mubbornly  m  the  face  of  the  enemy  and  beside  him 
u  bugler  boy  sounding  the  advanco  even  in  retreat 
..s  these  troops  foil  back  upon  the  second  line  the 
American  force  heard  a  perfect  pandemonium  of 
Hound;    many   bugler,   placed   at   great   distances 
from   each   other  sounded   the   advance;    Indians 
numbering  about  fifty  and  also  scattered  throu-h 
the   woods   at   regular  intervals,   made   the  night 
hideous  with  war-whwps  and  yells.     The  American 
CO  umns  broke  and  fled  and  the  honors  of  this 
extraordinary  victory  remained  with  the  900  French 
Canadians  who  had  driven  back  7,000  invaders  and 
prevented  their  junction  with  Wilkinson,  who,  him- 
^If,  was  defeated  at  Chrystler's  Farm  on  November 
iiu.  and  the  American  invasion  of  French  Canada 
terminated.     De  Salabeny  received  a  Companion- 
ship of  the  Bath,  a  gold  medal  awarded  by  the  King 
m  honor  of  the  victory  and  the  thanks  of  the 
1  rovincial  Legislature.      He  passed  away  in  1829 
unusually  respected  and  with  a  reputation  which 
had  grown  with  the  ye«rs.     An  English  Canadian 


And^wh,™.,,  th.  «.h.  w««l  «„^,  „„  .»..  „^„^,^^_^ 

Did  h,  d.ow  th.  a.ry  y.l„,  th»t  b«.p«k.  iho  blood  ul  K,a„„. 

From  the  y.ari  of  struggle  which  followed  this 
penod  .„  F.ench  Canada  there  came  the  figure  of  a 

C^adl  r  "'  ""T"'  '""'  '""'~'''  »'  thought  in 
Canada  now  consider  worthy  of  esteem-Sir 
Hypohte  Lafontaine.      The  soul  of  honor    „^." 

French   Canadian  and  dignified   in   bearing,   with 

r^'^lH^T''""!"  '"•'•'  ""•»  ™P^rturbable  manner 
he  passed  through  the  political  storms  of  1830-M 
wthout  a  stam  upon  his  reputation,  lived  simply 
and  wtthout  ostentation,  and  died  comparatZy 
poor  m  1864  as  Chief  Justice  of  Lower  Canada  and 
a  Baronet  of  the  United  Kingdon^.  His  "utlnS 
ing  achievement  was  leadership  of  the  moderate 

Robert  Taldwin  and  the  moderate  Liberals  of 
Upper  Canada  or  Ontario.  He  had  been  an  oriirinal 
associate  of  Papineau  and  supported  the  Ninety- 

after  the  Rebellion,  he  was  opposed  to  the  union 
of  the  Provinces  m  1841  as  endangering  the  French 
(^anadian  interests. 

lAlif. 'l;i 



With  the  changes  that  came  after  that  event 
however,   and  influenced,  no  doubt,   by  his  asso^ 
ciation  with  Baldwin  and  others  of  that  character, 
M.   Lafontaine  gradually  changed  his  views,  grew 
away  from  the  violent  section  of  his  own  party 
opposed    the    views    of    L'InstUul    Canadien    and 
LAveniT,  estranged  much  support  of  that  brilliant 
kind  from  his  leadership  while  he  acquired  the  solid 
confidence   of  substantial   men.      The  Lafontaine- 
Baidwin  Administration  of  the  Canadas  in  1848-51 
did  much  to  broaden  French  Canadian  ideas,  to 
cement  and  promote  friendly  feeling  between  the 
races,  to  pave  the  way  for  a  future  and  greater 
union.     Its  legislation  included  a  thorough  reform 
of  the  municipal  system  of  the  provinces  and  of  the 
election,  education  and  assessment  laws,  the  estab- 
lishment of  provincial  credit  abroad,  assumption  of 
control  over  the  post  office  and  establishment  of 
cheap  and  uniform  rates  of  postage,  reform  and 
remodelling  of  the  courts,  the  granting  of  a  general 
amnesty  for  the  events  of  1837-38,  the  abolition  of 
pnmogemture  in  Upper  Canada  and  the  inau-ura- 
tion  of   railway  legislation-a   three  years'  record 
which  the  most  successful  and  famous  of  Canadian 
governments  in  the  next  sixty  years  did  not  excel. 
M.  Lafontaine  was  not  conciliatory  in  manner   he 
was  not  a  tribune  of  the  people,  he  was  apt  to  be 
dogmatic  and  inflexible,  but  he  could  concentrate  his 
arguments  and  think  and  reason  concisely,  he  could 
construct  in  policy  and  he  had  unbounded  courage 
to  do  what  he  thought  was  wise  or  necessary.     He 


left  a  high  reputation  and  a  great  name,  yet  in  the 
latter  and  greater  part  of  his  career  he  was  in  almost 
everythmg— personally  and  politically— the  antith- 
esis of  Papineau  whom  he  for  a  time  had  followed 
and  then  succeeded  in  the  leadership  of  his  race. 

Sir  fitienne  Pascal  Tach6  was  as  different  in  his 
pomt  of  view  from  Lafontaine  as  two  men  of  the 
same   race  and   religion   could   possibly   be.      By 
profession  he  was  a  physician,  by  taste  a  soldier,  by 
the  call  of  the  public  a  politician  and  administrator, 
by  conviction  a  sincere  believer  in  monarchy  and 
Bntish  connection  for  French  Canada,  by  instinct 
a  Conservative.     He  served  in  the  militia,  fought  at 
Chateauguay  and  wore  its  medal  with  great  pride 
was  for  a  time  Deputy-Adjutant-General  of  Militia 
m  Lower  Canada  and  long  afterwards  aide-de-camp 
to  Her  Majesty  the  Queen  and  Honorary  Colonel 
in  the  British  Army.     A  member  of  the  Legislative 
Assembly  of  United  Canada  and  afterwards  of  the 
Legislative  Council,  he  joined  the  Lafontaine-Bald- 
win  Government  and  then  drifted  into  alliance  with 
Sir  Allan  MacNab,  chief  of  the  Upper  Canada  Con- 
servatives and  a  Tory  of  the  Tories.     In  1855-57 
as  head  of  the  Tach^-Macdonald  Administration' 
he  was  Premier  of  the  Canadas.     Knighted  in  1858 
he  accompanied  the  Prince  of  Wales  in  his  tour  of 
Canada  two  years  later. 

It  was  Sir  E.  P.  Tach«  who  declared  in  the  Leg- 
islature that  "ti-,e  last  gun  that  will  be  fired  for 
British  supremacy  in  North  America  will  be  fired  by 



a  French  Canadian,"  and  this  was  said  in  davs 
when  h.s  compatriots  were  not  yet  quite  cLr  of  the 
feelings  and  passions  of  the  RebeUion;  it  was  he 
who  assumed  the  burden  of  much  laU  ZTerl 
practical  retirement  from  politics,  when  the  Trent 
affair  occurred  and  the  Commission  appointed  to 

r'^f  T  '"It"^'"*  "^  '""^  ^*=**«  and  orgail! 

.on  of  the  mihtia  was  created;  it  was  he  Iho  in 
1864  gave  up  the  political  retirement  of  years  and 
again     with    John    A.    Macdonald,    turned    the 

deaXck    'd  fi'  T  '"^''f  ^^•'^'"'=««  ''^  »  ««-ht 
and  „nnl   "^'^f ='/».'="»'   ""d  religious  difficulties 
rendered  tC"    'f.'''°^.^'^  t^e    United   States 
rtical      H      ^nl!""^  ''"""^  """^  ^^'  *'■»««  most 
Iv  1  i  ■fl^'"  Chairman  of  the  Quebec  Conference 
lelt    ''"^''~f  y  ""d  -«"  the  foundatiorL  Ta 
great  conlederation  and  planted  deep  the  fruitful 
roots  of  a  future  nation.     At  a  time  when  nlrtv 
feeding  ran  high-almost  to  the  breaking  poinSe 
away  t"irf  of  Ml  parties  and  section^'and  passed 
away  in  1865  amidst  genuine  regret.     He  did  not 
r    /T  ^''^Confederation  for  which,  latte  ly  he 
abored,  but  his  works  live  after  him  and  he  Ms  a 
lofty  ^and  lasting  niche  in  the  pantheon  of  F^nch 

To  have  been  a  youthful  leader  in  the  movement 
which  centered  around  VAvenir  was  a  naSX 

taine  Tach«  and  the  union  of  the  Canadas;  but  to 
the  young  man  who  was  destined  to  die  as  Sir 



Antoine    Aim6    Dorion,    Chief   Justice    of    Lower 
Canada,  it  provided  many  difficulties  for  his  after 
public    career   and    produced   tendencies   of   mind 
which  remained  with  him  to  the  end.     He  was  a 
Radical  in  early  days  and  the  leader  of  a  restless, 
reckless  yet  brilliant  school  of  thought  which  sought 
change  as  the  great  essentini,   in  1849  he  signed  a 
manifesto  in  favor  of  Annexation  to  the   United 
States;   he  did  not  like  the  Legislative  union  of  the 
Canadas  in  1841  and  feared  many  and  varied  evils 
to   his   race   from   that   historic   combination;    he 
opposed  Confederation  for  specific  reasons— because 
it  created  an  appointive  Upper  House  or  Senate, 
because  it  unnecessarily  pledged  Canadian  resources 
to  the  construction  of  an  Intercolonial   Railway, 
because  he  preferred  a  federated  union  of  the  two 
Canadas  alone,  because  it  was  foolish  to  assume 
military   or   defence   organization   in   face   of   the 
Northern  United  States  which  had  in  five  years 
called  into  the  field  2,300,000  men,   because  the 
wisest  policy  was  for  Canada  to  "keep  quiet  and 
give  no  cause  for  war!" 

M.  Dorion  had  succeeded  Lafontaine  as  leader 
of  the  Rouges,  or  French  Canadian  Liberals,  and  his 
opinions,  even  then,  were  "advanced"  in  many 
ways;  he  bitteriy  opposed  the  selection  of  Ottawa 
as  the  seat  of  government  and  would  not  accept 
the  Queen's  official  and  invited  selection;  he  repre- 
sented Lower  Canada  in  the  Macdonald-Dorion 
Administration  of  1864.  A  man  of  thorough  and 
cultured  education,  of  courtly  and  polished  bearing, 




of    spotless    moral    reputation     and    nf   .-.k  i    i 

Z  °.^1.%V  VI?''"  *'"'*'  ""  •>«  "PeaL  in  English 
face-^   h.         u"".'"'  Englishman  with  a  foS 


st^t  ^r '■  ^"  -^'^^^^-n:!tii::  i^z  z 

supportPr  of  amiexation  was  knighted  by  Ws  Queen 

ion  of  his  early  fear«  had  become  an  important 
national  entity  and  the  hope  of  milUons  Zeol 
in  hjs  maturer  days.  peopie 

Sir  George  Etienne  Cartier  was  the  exact  opposite 

and   perhaps   the   burning  influence  of  Papineau'a 
eloquence  led  him  into  the  troubles  oi  mr    11 
jomed   the   Sons  of  Liberty,   fought  at   St    n™ 
against  the  British  troops,  Ik  tot !  uLt^i  StlZ 




and,  with  sixteen  others,  passed  under  sentence  of 
death  if  he  should  return  without  official  sanction. 
Eventually  he  did  come  back  and  the  rebel  of  1837, 
under  more  favorable  circumstances  and  greater 
liberties,  became  a  Premier  of  the  United  Provinces, 
a  Minister  of  the  Crown  in  a  greater  Dominion,  and' 
was  created  a  Baronet  by  the  Sovereign  whose 
allegiance  ht  '  .d  once  fpudiated.  It  was  a  great 
career,  yet  Csrtier  wa-  m  no  ordinary  sense  an 
orator,  he  lacked  the  splendid  or  imposing  bearing 
of  his  rival  leaders,  he  was  quick  and  nervous  in 
manner  and  speech  and  without  the  special  quali- 
ties that  please  a  French  audience  or  hold  an  Eng- 
lish one.  He  did,  however,  possess  tremendous 
energy,  marked  force  and  aggressiveness,  great 
capacity  for  organization  and  some  outstanding 
qualities  which  commended  him  to  that  prince  of 
politicians,  Sir  John  Macdonald. 

With  his  entry  into  the  Legislature  in  1848  there 
had  come  a  complete  change  in  Mr.  Cartier's  point  of 
view.  Unlike  his  great  opponent  (Dorion),  he  did 
not  in  succeeding  years  cling  to  early  ideals  through 
all  the  thickening  clouds  of  political  difficulty  or 
the  lightning-like  flashes  of  public  fancy  which 
marked  the  period.  His  ten  years  of  patient  study, 
careful  legal  work,  cumulative  experience  in  his 
Montreal  practice,  appear  to  have  turned  the  rest- 
less revolutionary  into  a  consistent  and  energetic 
Conservative.  When  he  entered  Parliament  it  was 
as  a  believer  in  monarchy,  in  government  framed 
after  and  based  on  that  of  England,  in  a  system  of 



with  two  brief  kWvri.  Government   and, 

ConfederatribeS^'is^p'  "  "^"^  "»«' 
tlie  Canadas.     dSt  th,-/^'  ^  u""""  ^^^^'  »' 

r„rbKr  ittiroftrs^'^".'  ,r -"" 

busy  in  a  8VHt»m„ti  !•        ^^'Sneurial  tenure, 

<"j'   in  a  systematic,  cont  nuous  effort  i,^  K„*t 

about  which  a  book  Sght  be'^uten  Th  '''r«°'^ 
tions,  the  humiliation  of  ZpIha  T*:"""- 
scandal  and  his  death  in  England  mmJ"''Z7 

aTtrlr^TncSeiroT'th""""^'^  ''^  ^''"'^^ 




and  energy,  in  parliamentary  strategy,  in  freshness 
and  vigor  of  intellect,  in  ardor  and  ability  of 
political  combtt.  He  was  impetuous,  dominating, 
confident  of  character;  he  was  rough  in  speech, 
harsh  and  sometimes  unduly  caustic  and  bitter  in 
style,  without  eloquence,  or  joftness,  or  persua- 
siveness, yet  at  times  making  his  words  seem  like 
the  blows  of  a  hammer  on  the  anvil;  he  often  de- 
scribed himself  as  "an  Englishman  speaking  French" 
and  he  certainly  wielded  unequalled  power  for  long 
years  in  his  own  province;  he  was  the  friend  and 
confidant  of  Sir  John  Macdonald,  which  meant  much 
in  the  politics  of  that  period. 

A  picturesque  figure  of  modem  French  Canada, 
remarkable  as  a  journalist  and  a  politician,  keen  of 
tongue,  brilliant  of  language,  oratory,  style,  yet 
never  a  successful  or  weighty  leader,  Joseph  Edouard 
Cauchon  was  something  of  a  phenomr  ,  certainly 
a  most  interesting  personality.  As  euivor-in-chief 
of  Le  Canadien,  in  1841,  when  twenty-four  years  of 
age,  he  showed  unbounded  energy  and  almost 
boundless  indiscretion;  brought  about  the  suppres- 
sion of  his  paper  which  he  re-issued  as  the  Journal 
de  Qu/ibec;  wrote  himself,  within  two  years,  into  the 
Legislature  and  there  represented  Montmorency — 
in  the  old  Legislature  and  the  new  Dominion 
Parliament— for  twenty-eight  years.  His  first  signal 
effort  in  the  House  was  in  response  to  an  attack 
by  M.  Papineau  when  the  young  member  electri- 
fied his  colleagues  in  a  reply  which  showed  most 




brilliant  debating  qualities.  This  was  a  se««n  ;„ 
French  Canada  of  inevitable  .torrwhentho^ 
of  the  great  economic  changes  in  Enidand  otT. 
«  and  political  movemente  in  See  "f  Se 
wars  and  revolutionary  outbreaks  inThe'.^*^ 
Europe,  stirred  up  some  old  memories  of^oc^ 
stnfe  created  new  forms  of  friction,  anrhelped  to 
form  the  bases  of  new  party  affiliations.  ^ 
uunng   these   adjustments   Cauchon   sunnort-^ 

the  r„i       '  *•      '^*"  *•"**  •"^*«'l  «t°  support  of 

MacJNab-Tach^  Government  in  1855,  but  resimed 

miZ""  Z''  ^*'"^'  *•■"  Oavem^ent  agK 
1861-62,  was  Mayor  of  Quebec  in  1865.  He  favored 
Comederafon  as  preliminary  to  an  inevitable  S 

looo  aeoate  Shall  we  forever  remain  colonistn? 
Does  the  histor,  of  the  world  afford  exaZles  'f 
eternal  subjection?    Everything  tells  us  that  the  day 

United  sf    ^°"»"''P''*'°°  o'  of  annexation  to  the 
Umted  States  is  approaching."    There  wa«  in  ihl 
days  no  discussion  of  the  thifd  or  m7d"m  "t  rnSe 
of  closer  umon  with  the  Empire.    Cauchon's  suZr^ 

1  t?vTffeT° *  °";"^  •"'^"*'°"  °'  confedTrS 
was  very  effective  and  valuable-all  the  more  so 
perhaps,  because  he  had  disapproved  the  °dea  a 
dozen  years  before.  He  was  a  curious  Jomalv 
m  public  life.  Influential  through  an  ag^eS 
sarcastic  eloquence  a  power  of  vituperat^Hld 
flow   of   words    which    carried    everything    before 


them,  he  yet  made  enemies  with  such  case  and 
certamty  as  to  minimize  the  influence  of  his  arim- 
ments.  Dislilced  by  his  more  powerful  opponents, 
he  was  feared,  and  hated  also,  by  those  who  wer^ 
weak.  In  the  end  his  unpopularity  hampered  his 
activities  and  position  in  the  Dominion  Parliament 
while  a  certain  scandal  relating  to  ownership  of 
the  Beauport  Asylum  which  was  supported  by  Quebec 
Government  funds,  while  its  owner  sat  in  Parlia- 
ment,  seriously  hurt  him  for  a  time. 

He  was  for  some  years  Speaker  of  the  Senate 
became  a  member  of  the  Mackenzie  Government  in 
1875,   and  proved  himself  an  able  administrator 
deserving  of  the  confidence  of  his  Premier  while 
astomshmg  his  own  numerous  enemies.     He  passed 
out  of  public  life  after  a  term  in  the  governorship 
of  Mamtoba,  ani  died  in  1885.     M.  Cauchon  was  a 
clear,  cultivated,  clever  pubUc  writer,  a  man  of 
tremeudous  industry  and  perseverance,  but  with  a 
sort  of  unrestrained  despotism  of  thought  and  speech- 
he  was  at  times  a  powerful  ally,  at  times  a  dangerous' 
and  too  candid  friend,  always  an  unpleasant  oppo- 
nent.    He  had  been  a  Liberal  and  a  Conservative 
and  a  Liberal  again;   he  was  opposed  to  Confedera- 
tion and  then  one  of  its  most  powerful  supporters, 
he  represented  his  constituency  as  long  as  he  chose 
to  do  so  and  nothing  could  shake  its  constancy. 
He  missed  being  a  great  man,  but  he  was  always  a 
picturesque    and    interesting    personality     with     a 
viewpoint    rather    well   defined    in    those    old-time 


Tender-havM  •tniko  «  nettle, 
And  it  itinfi  you  for  your  p*in<: 

Orup  it  u  a  mu  of  mettle, 
And  it  loft  u  lilk  remaini. 

Til  the  iame  with  eommon  nature*, 

U»e  the<o  kindly  they  rebel; 
But  b«  rough  aa  nutmeg  gratere. 

And  the  roguea  obey  your  will. 

What  may  be  said  here  of  Honort  Mercier?     He 
had  every  political  experience,  in  shadow  and  in 
8un.hme.  ,^  failure  and  in  success,  that  a  French 
Camtdian  could  hope  for,  or  regret,' within  the  con- 
fines  of  his  own  province  and  the  hearts  of  his  own 
people     He  had  a  personality  which  was  essentially 
attractive     almost    lo-able,    an    oratorical    power 
that  in  his  time  was  only  equalled  by  Chapleau 
and  Laurier,  a  political  career  in  which  he  won  the 
overwhelming  support  of  his  people,  lost  it  again 
through  pohtical  misadventure,  or  as  his  opponents 
tZf  rr°°'''«'*'-  ''°"  back  in  defeat  and  dea°h 
^L,  M  t  <f  •*  "^™  *^''y  ^'"''rined  in  the 
pohtical  heart  of  Quebec  Liberalism  and  embodied 

GovernmtnT  °'°°"'°'°*  ""'^'^  ^^  '^'  ^'°^'"<''*' 

hi»^lvr?  """'^  "°'°'°*  ^'^'"'^  Canadians  he  showed 
hs  ability  very  young.     Napoleon  Legendre,  him- 

K,-  .'T'"''*''  "^  "  '^*«''  t«"8  the  story  of  a 
pubhc  debate  by  students  of  St.  Mary's  College 
Montreal  in  1861.  Four  young  men,  who  all  afte^ 
wards  attained  positions  of  prominence,  took  part 


of  a 


'   ■■'"""' -lilr     ■     ■     ■ 



Toboggan  Slide  near  Montreal 

'WmJk -t-'-.^^im: '* 


and  young  M.rcier,  as  chairman,  summed  up  the 
cLscus«.on      It  seems  to  have  been  a  revelation  o 
oratorical  force.     He  commenced,  gravely,  slowlv 
audibly   and   olearlv       "rr„^„  ii  s'owiy, 

„>„„*  •  i  l"  ™"y-  (gradually  more  warmth 
crept  uto  his  voice  and  his  sonorous  words,  metlmc- 
aJly  clear  m  their  tone,  flew  like  arrow!  stratht 
to  their  mark  i„  every  corner  of  that  large  h^l 
Everyone  listened  with  surprise  mingled  wUh 
pleasure.  When  Mercier  concluded  he  had  achieved 
a  great  and  well-earned  success."  At  twentyS 
he  was  editing  a  paper  which  he  had  to  give  up  be! 
ttro?  ♦."'  d^*«™i-d  opposition  to  the  confedera- 
tion of  the  provinces  movement;  for  some  years 
he  practiced   his  profession  of  the  law;    in   ml 

t^trboth  tt"  V  f*""^"^*  "''''  °"*«'^«  <  - 
w^th    both  the  chief  parties  which  should  take  in 

hand   such   questions   as   the   preservation   of  the 

Separate  Schools  in  New  Brunswick  which  had  just 

come  up,  and  in  the  next  year  found  himself  in  the 

JCT  "^^''Tf*  "*  *'^^  '1^'  °f  thirty-two 
There  he  continued  his  campaign  as  to  New  Bruns- 
wick  school  affairs. 

After  being  out  of  politics  for  some  years  he 
entered  the  Provincial  Legislature  in  1879  and 
joined  the  Joly  Government;  in  1883  he  was  Liberal 

made  a  speech  on  Education  which  illustrated  the 
many-sided   nature   of   the   man:      "Ignorance   is 

ra;r/'edu7'°"    '^    "^'"*''=     i^norarTea 
.  avery,  education  naeans  liberty.     It  is  the  mother's 
duty  .,  nurse  the  child  which  she  has  brought  into 




the  world;  it  is  the  father's  duty  to  provide  it  with 

SLh^t  '  /v'  '"*^.°'  '""''^  '«  *°  educate  t 
And  what  IS  this  populace  which  it  is  our  duty  to 
instruct?  What  but  the  people,  the  real  people  of 
our  land  Those  who  work,  the  laborers7nd  the 
artisans,  the  foster-fathers  of  the  human  race,  those 
who  construct,  those  who  sow,  but  who,  alasi  do 

wde    the  doors  of  the  temple  which  spreads  its 

that  f?    l^t  ^IV"'  ""'''  ""'•  '«*  "«  »>-ke  sure 
that  that  light  shall  penetrate  into  even  the  hum 
blest  of  humble  homes." 

Then  came  the  Northwest  Rebellion,  its  sup- 
pression  and  the  capture,  trial,  condem;ation  and 
Into  tr^vlr   °^   '^'   '"^'^    leader-Louis    Riel 

ton  to  t?;^"'""  ''"""'  ^-  M-'='«^'  '^'-^  from 
top  to  toe  m  the  armor  of  racial  indignation  at  the 
treatment  thus  meted  out  to  a  French  Canad Ln 
who  was  said  to  be  only  guilty  of  a  po£l  offence- 
one  no  worse  than  that  of  Papineau  and  Car  L 
TanHv  7,^°"^°-''  by  an  alleged  but  disproved 
^uf^\J^^  Orangemen  of  Ontario  were  respon- 
sible for  this  "crime  against  humanity,"  the  Govern- 

existence..  The  people  rose  to  meet  his  eloquent 
and  burning  words;  it  was  a  new  Papineau  seek- 
ing justice  and  punishment  for  a  Government  of 
wrong-doers  who  had  insulted  the  pride  of  a  great 

IS  said  to  have  made  mnety-three  speeches-vehe- 



ment,  imploring,  argumentative,  forcible,  appealing 
doquent  He  emerged  with  a  majority,  became 
Pnme  Mimster  and  m  1887  turned  his  now  doubly- 
shotted  guns  against  the  Dominion  Government 
in  a  campaign  where  he  joined  forces  with  M 
Laurier.  Against  this  combination  was  the  eloquence 
of  Chapleau,  the  organizing  force  of  Langevin 
^T  f  T'  P°P"'''"*y  and  prestiye  of  Sir  John 
Macdonald.  Mercier  failed,  in  the  main,  but  he 
reduced  the  Government's  support  in  Quebec 

His    succeeding    four    years'    administration    is 
one  of  the  most  curious  periods  in  Quebec  history 
Ihere    was   great    lavishness    of   expenditure    and 
there  was,  no  doubt,   some  of  the  corruption   in 
provincial  politics  which  the  Conservatives  charged 
Yet  up  to  nearly  the  close  of  the  period  Mercier 
presented   a   brilliant,   conspicuous   and    attractive 
hgure  and  a  personahty  which  bore  down  criticism 
and  dominated   the  situation,      i^^  had  won  the 
approval  of  the  Church  by  his  Jesuits  Estates  Act 
and  other  legislation,  he  received  honors  from  Rome 
which  mcluded  the  title  of  Count  and  the  Grand 
Cross  of  the  Order  of  St.  Gregory  the  Great,  he 
was  decorated  by  France  with  the  Legion  of  Honor 
and  received  the  honorary  degree  of   D.C.L.  from 
Laval.    In  brilliant  robes  and  uniform  he  appeared 
upon  the  public  platform  and  with  his  fine  presence 
his  sonorous,  powerful  voice,  his  flashing  black  eyes' 
his  attractive  personality,  seemed  to  hold  a  position 
which  nothing  short  of  an  earthquake  could  disturb 
He   had   also   initiated   useful   legislation-evening 




schoo  8,  the  grant  of  one  l.undred  acres  of  land  to  the 
parents  o  twelve  living  children,  the  giving  of  prizes 
or  agncultural  merit;  he  had  an  active  policy  a  to 
railways  and  manufactories  and  helped  to  sett  e 
the  Laval  University  problem  as  it  affected  the 
Montreal  mstitution.      Then  came  the  bo  t  from 

that    hH    "/"  ''•'"""'■"•  '^'''  ''  --  ''-'ouS 
hat  the  Lieutenant-Governor,  Hon.  A.  R.  Angers 

(a  Conservative  before  accepting  office),  had  dl! 

missed  his  ministers  for  what  he  considered  proven 
corruptK>n.  M.  de  Boucherville  (Con^rvatWe) 
who  had  once  been  dismissed  by  a  Libera"!  ' 
accepted  the  Premiership  and  in  the  succXg 
elections  was  sustained.  '-(-eeamg 

billtvTr''^  \  ^""''  ^""^  *°  ^PP"^'""  the  responsi- 

men[  Ir  I^  h  V'"",^'""''  ^''''"«^  ""  Public  senti- 
ment  or   to  define  the   measure  of  M.   Mercier's 

Zrt'h  "■?"•  '*  '^  ^*-"  "^  P""*"-'  -''""and 
though  the  picturesque  personality  of  this  particular 
leader  never  again  filled  the  Premier's  chair  he 
retained  much  of  his  personal  popularity,  and  ime 
cleared  his  skirts  of  much  that  was  charged  l^Z. 
him.  History  is  already  dealing  gently  with  Z 
hough  the  Conservative  leaders  L  Quebec  a  short  since,  would  not  attend  the  unvSng  <^  hL 
statue.  He  possessed  some  of  the  faults  and  famnJs 
of  his  race;    he  accentuated  many  of  its  greaZ 

cZh^  aT^}"^  ""  ''*"^'  °f  Independence  for 
Canada  and  looked  upon  it  as  the  inevitable  future 
of  the  Dominion;   he  stood  by  his  Church  and  his 


race  along  lines  which  he  believed  to  be  beneficial 
with  a  vigor  and  capacity  which  can  not  but  be 
admired.  As  to  the  rest,  only  the  impartial  judgment 
of  a  distant  posterity  can  decide— though  even  then 
anything  like  agreement  would  seem  to  be  unlikely. 

.Sir  Joseph  Adolphe  Chapleau  was  a  man  who  took 
the  usual  strenuous  interest  of  the  educated  young 
French  Canadian  in  politics  but,  unlike  the  majority 
of  them,  he  seems  to  have  always  been  Conservative 
m   thought   and   speech   and   policy.      Handsome 
even  striking  in  appearance,  eloquent,  with  softly- 
modulated  voice,  ringing  out  at  times  like  a  silver 
bell,  with  flowing  and  rounded  periods  of  speech 
and  easy  yet  impressive  gestures,  with  a  habit  of 
throwing  back  his  head  and  passing  a  hand  through 
his   splendid    mass   of   hair,    he   compelled   public 
attention  and  attracted  political  popularity  even  in 
days  when  Cartier,  Cauchon  and  Laurier  were  coming 
to,  or  were  already  in,  the  front.    His  career  did  not 
run  along  unusual  lines  except  perhaps  in  the  degree 
of  Its  success.      He  graduated  from  the  Classical 
Colleges  with  a  high  reputation  and  eariy  became  a 
conspicuous    legal    figure    in    Montreal;     defended 
Lepine  at  Winnipeg  in  1874  against  the  charge  of 
murdering  Scott  in  the  first  Kiel  insurrection  with  a 
forensic  force  and  skill  which  attracted  attention- 
entered  the  Legislature  in  1867  and  the  Provincial 
Government  in  1873;  resigned  a  year  later  and  was 
in  the  De  Boucherville  Ministry  of  1876-78;  became 
the  leader  of  the  Conservatives,  or  Bleu  opposition 


J  i 



decade.  ^  '""^  *  succeeding 

he  stood  face  to  ae"  t  2;  £n  .'  r^"!..'""  "^^" 

tremendous   agitafon   overThTRiM        ^'"""^ 
Quebec.       The    lattJr    h?i  Question   in 

the  people  that  '^   IcutlnTC'   '''""''''^•^ 

opponents    at    Ottawa   into    extinction       It    ♦. 
juncture  Mercier  offered  to  Inv  >,,„  ,      **"* 

this  popular  movement.      These  offers  w  '" 

flatterine  to  mp      Ti,  "  ^^'^  ^ery 

»tenng  to  me.     The  prospects  they  opened  before 



me  were  very  attractive.  I  saw  myself  accepted 
as  the  recognized  defender  of  my  race,  honored 
and  applauded  by  all  my  compatriots,  interpreter 
of  their  sentiments  and  of  their  aspirations."  There 
was,  however,  another  and  compelling  influence 
summed  up  in  the  idea  of  duty  to  Canada  and  his 
people.  "I  saw  as  a  logical  consequence  of  this 
movement  isolation,  antagonism  of  race,  reprisals 
losses  and  disasters.  I  felt  that  there  was  more 
courage  in  braving  the  current  than  in  following  it." 
An  elaborate  study  of  the  issue  followed,  with  the 
reasons  for  the  Government's  action. 

The  public,  whether  French  or  English,  likes 
courage  and  M.  Chapleau  was  returned  by  his  own 
constituents  while  the  Dominion  Government  was 
sustained  in  its  ensuing  appeal  to  the  people  in 
1887.  From  1892  to  1897,  when  he  died.  Sir  Adolphe 
Chapleau  was  Lieutenant-Governor  of  Quebec,  a 
position  he  filled  with  dignity.  It  is  an  open  secret 
that,  pending  the  elections  of  1896,  when  the  Tupper 
Government  and  Conservative  power  at  Ottawa 
were  trembling  in  the  balance;  when  M.  Laurier 
was  drawing  the  French  Canadians  to  him  by  a 
tact  and  cleverness  rarely  displayed  in  Canadian 
politics;  when  the  Manitoba  Separate  School  issue 
was  supreme  in  the  public  view  and  all  kinds  of 
collateral  issues  of  importance  were  at  stake;  every 
effort  was  made  and  pressure  exercised  to  persuade 
Chapleau  to  re-enter  politics  and  support  his  old 
party  friends  at  the  polls.  Had  he  done  so  and  the 
eloquence  which  he  still  possessed  been  pitted  once 



more  against  that  of  Laurier  it  i,  hard  to  «.y  what 

memories.      His  nprnf.#!„_       "J"™"  are  stui  living 
national  unit^'aViLi  e  tl'Lrhr' "  "' 

his  fn„*  t    'acwng— m  later  years  ill-health  doeeed 
nis  lootsteps  and  oprhnna  if  k„j  ...     "»«*<* 

than  is  known.  ""  '"''"  '"fl"^'"'* 



able  Prince  of  his  Church  in  Canada,  Elz(5ar  Alex- 
andre Taschereau,  Cardinal  Archbishop  of  Quebec. 
Born  of  a  Seigncurial  family,  trained  in  the  academic 
shades  of  the  Quebec  Seminary,  traveling  in  Europe 
at  sixteen  and  a  visitor  and  student  in  Rome  at 
seventeen,  he  was  ordained  a  priest  four  years  later 
in  the  Seminary  of  his  home  city.     For  nearly  thirty 
years   Mgr.   Taschereau   remained  devoted  to   hia 
work  at  the  Seminary— teaching  rhetoric,  philosophy, 
dogmas,  ethics,  or  canon  law.      Every  position  of 
honor   and   responsibility   came  to   him   that   this; 
great  institution  could  give;    he  helped  to  found 
Laval  University  with  a  view  to  extending  the  scope 
and  character  of  the  Seminary's  work;   he  lived  in 
it  and  for  it  with  such  rare  exceptions  as  in  1847 
when  he  went  to  Grosse  Isle  to  minister  to  the 
stricken  Irish  immigrants.     It  was  a  testing  time  for 
character.    The  malignant  fever  which  had  '  ■  veloped 
at  this  point  of  detention  made  the  island  ere  long 
a  mass  of  loathsome,  perilous  pestilence.      Father 
Taschereau  volunteered  to  assist  the  local  priest 
in  charge  and  to  minister  to  the  wants  of  the  sick 
who  were,  in  the  main,   Roman  Catholics.      His 
quiet   heroism   and   unostentatious   labors   at   this 
point  of  danger  endeared  him  to  the  people.     In 
1854  he  paid  a  visit  to  Rome  as  the  representative 
of  the  Second  Provincial  Council  of  his  Church  in 
Quebec  and  spent  two  years  there  in  study,  receiving 
•eventually  the  degree  of  Doctor  of  Cauon  Law  from 
the  Roman  Seminary. 

His  great  efforts,  however,  were  for  his  own  insti- 








or  of  the  Petit  S<<„S  S Ul"?!  f "'°'"'' 
or  Rector  of  Laval  anH  «!»  •  ■  .  *"*  Seminary 
devoted  in  eve";  hought'and  Th"?"  1°  '"'''  '"""^ 
Transatlantic  jouS  imi  '  '*'  '"'«'«'"»• 
compilation  of  meS  n^  ',  «°"«''P<'ndencr, 
letter,  and  mandereT  ^j!"!^^  '"''^"''  P""**'"'' 
Pould   do  to  advannf '    •'^"y*'>'"«  that  one  man 

Ta«chereau  did  unt°  is/,  ""t"  ""  '^•'"''"'  Mgr. 
time  Vicar-clrai  If  tie  At".'"""  ''«'"«  ^°'» 
he  became  its "CLl  'p  He'didT^^  ^"^'"^■ 
responsibility  but  he  did  „„f  k  ,  .  '  ''^''''^  the 
his  pupils  of  the  Petit^^  "^  '^'  '^""««-  To 
their  L^.£ZTtT::TV''°  "T  *°  °'^" 
a  beautiful  garden  which  I  ".  .^°™^''>  I  owned 
common  with  tr^tv  Jriendl  n?f^  "'f  """^^  '" 
where  could  drag  me  fro™  'f.      u''"""''**  °'  «'««- 

loved  to  promenadeTt^Srefufwet"'^^  '"•'*••  ' 
opening  of  the  nascenfr^s  tlf'  *° '^"t"'' *''« 
season  caused  to  expand  tw*l  ^"'''  scholastic 

alternating  withTf;at/urd"'^;"^^°^ 
by  little,  made  to  ripen^nto  si.1       ,°'.  "''*>''  ««'« 
yea,«  of  incessant  laC  v  siS^^ '™*-"    ^'"«« 
ince  and  visits  in  v^    ^'ftattons  withm  his  Prov- 

questions  Tn  c^^h  goTe^r ^I"™*  °'  ""'"''"•"'*«'* 
educational  process  eveTrohv'  ?"•'"'''''"""'"  '"'O' 
the  highest  honn'tTe  giKrhVch^'r'  ''""' 
away  from  the  central  seat  of  i?I!  ""'''  *°  °°« 

in  elevation  to  the  Cardlnllate     '°""'  """^  *°  ••'- 

One  of  the  most  picturesque  and  brilliant  scenes 

'•■  'V/ 

'lA  M 



m  the  life  of  modern   Quebec   was  the  welcome 
accorded  His  Eminence,  the  first  Canadian  Cardinal, 
when  he  returned  from  his  inBtallation  at  Rome  as 
one  of  the  Princes  of  his  Church.     Imposing  cere- 
monies,   a    great    gathering    of    gorgeously-robed 
ecclesiastics  from  all  over  the  continent,  crowded 
and  decorated  streets  with  flags  and  banners  every- 
where, brilliant  illuminations  at  night,  processions 
of  great  ceremonial  pomp  and  splendor,  tributes  of 
music,  poetry  and  oratory,  a  grand  banquet  in  con- 
clusion.    Here  the  new  Cardinal  described  a  dream 
in  which  St.  Jean  Baptiste,  the  patron  Saint  of  Que- 
bec, appears  to  Mgr.  de  Laval  on  shipboard  and 
tells  the  first  Bishop  of  Quebec  as  to  the  mighty 
future  of  the  land  he  is  about  to  enter:    "Behold! 
behold    those    rocks    crested    by  our  impregnable 
citadel;    then  behold  the  city  which  shall  receive 
your  ashes  two  centuries  hence.     Contemplate  its 
many  abodes  of  virtue  and  science.      Do  you  see 
those  massive  buildings?     They  are  your  Seminary 
and  the  University  which  shall  proudly  bear  your 
name.      List  to  the  accents  of  universal  rejoicing 
that  echo  throughout  the  length  and   breadth  of 
Janada  on  the  accession  of  your  fifteenth  successor 
to  the  Cardinalate!    This  country,  today  so  insig- 
nificant, inhabited  only  by  a  handful  of  Canadians, 
shall  then  extend  from  ocean  to  ocean,  its  boundleps 
territories  belted  by  rails  of  steel  reverberating  to 
the   thunder   of   palatial    vehicles   swept   along   at 
lightning  speed  by  fire  and  steam.     Without  enjoy- 
ing  complete   independence   Canada   shall   possess 





favored  child  on  ChomLr,^*,^™''  °'  °'"'  °'  "- 
welfare  ^the  SvlTchS  "*'  '""  °^"  *"" 

'if-larSofr'!  ^^""."^  *"«  Cardinal-, 
and  dignifie'STd^V  SJ^'  -"'""'o-  'abor,  quiet 
the  development  of  or"  ,  "  *'''""  "ffice-with 

"howed  that"hr«il!„?        '""''  controversies  whi-h 

-thoda  of  denunSn."'  ZZZ  ?'  ^^^^ 
the  relations  of  Church  and  Sflf  1^  '"""  '^»'' 
with  the  problems  of  "  ?r""°"*''^ 
extreme  liberty  of  though?  !^' ,  """''•'"^y  and 
intemperance,  Lmorahtv^-  "f"""  *'"'  «^"''  "' 
strife  and  disputeT^  hfn  triT"",  "  ""^""""^ 
public  issues  such  Ji      ,         Church;    trcatinu  of 

United  ^i2:tZ\ZZ:T''"''''"'  *°  *'"« 
free-masonry   and   other  •      "'"''*  '"""ties, 

the  Church  disapproved     T'"'""""*    "^    '^'■'^h 
Dominion  or  ProS'l  f  Politicians  as  to 

Church  interest;;":::  ndS  cfJ'f-  "'''"°"  *° 
he  believed  to  endan  Jr  ♦k  •  ,.  ''^"'S'ons  which 
privileges  of  relSon  din"  ""^'^  °^  ''"""'y  or  the 
attack^  the  cEh '  inde  "?'"«  J''""'^"^*^  who 
a.~.«  which  menaced  mora,ro  '?«""'  ''"'°™- 

-  -rd  the  v^ta^^^te-lTtC^i^^^^^^^^^^ 


hi*  Church  row  them.  It  was  a  great  career  and 
behind  it  a  fine  personality;  the  power  wielded  wag 
peri  nt  in  much  of  its  effect  and  vital  in  many 
lines  oi  import  to  the  life  of  the  modern  French 
people  in  Canada. 

The  most  picturesque  living  personality  in  the 
Dominion  is  that  of  Sir  Wilfrid  Laurier.  He  posses- 
ses so  many  of  the  finest  characteristics  of  his  race, 
h<!  is  so  deeply  and  yet  affectionately  regarded  by 
his  party,  he  has  so  few  personal  enemies  and  yet 
is  so  closely  and  intimately  associated  with  every 
partisan  issue  in  the  history  of  Canada  for  twenty, 
five  years  past,  that  it  is  almost  impossible  to  present 
a  description  of  the  man,  or  the  leader,  which  could 
be  generally  acceptable— without  its  being  either 
eulogistic  and  vapid  or  dishonest  and  worthless.  Yet 
an  attempt  may  be  made  to  at  least  classify  his 
characteristics  and  his  achievements.  Louis  Fr^ 
chette,  who  was  one  of  the  Liberal  leader's  many 
devoted  friends  amongst  the  brilliant  literary  men 
and  journalists  of  several  decades  in  Quebec,  once 
told  a  story  of  having  in  1865  paid  a  visit  to  the 
editorial  office  of  Union  Nationale  in  Montreal  to 
see  Mdd^ric  Lanctot,  one  of  the  fiery,  clever,  enthu- 
siastic opponents  of  Confederation  who  was  then 
practicing  law,  publishing  a  journal  of  rhetorical 
and  heated  politics,  and  making  his  office  a  center  for 
many  similar  and  kindred  spirits. 

In  the  far-end  corner  of  the  room  M.  Frechette, 
as  he  entered,  saw  a  young  man  seated  at  his  desk 





with  rapid  writing  rnd  fn  /  T  "^  ''°""«'«"t 
serious  way  which  n«t„Zi  ..'"'  ''"""entrated, 
F^chette  was  aSut  toZZ  wh  f ""  ''"'"'*'°"' 
young  man  rose  and  came  W^  '*  """  "^^'^  ^^^ 
the  room.      LancWt  saTd    °T!'^  '"  °"^"'  *°  '«"ve 

yers.  A  f4re^:;J:,^^Sf '-8  fi^m  of  law- 
young  lawyer-he  wal  th.n  *  ''°'''  °'"  ''^o  the 
age-left  the  robman^Llnl*?"*^"'"'^  y^""  "^ 
With  characteristrc  Fren^n^^^fr^J^f  !^«  -^^^or 
for  you!  Did  you  notice  it?  ^hy  sir  LI  "  ^""' 
«>  orator,  a   philosopher,  a  juris!'   T  " '^*' 

merate  all  his  talentsf  bu  marrm^l^T".*  '""■ 
coming  man.  Don't  iorgetSfTcef"  '^'  ''  '"  » 

young  man  forged  hi«w         *        '"^'^'^   *"   **"« 
1871,  into  the^cClTn^^r^  ilt  fhTf  *-«•  « 
Government  in   1877    i„.     1'  ,       *"*  Dominion 
^.beral  party  Tf  cf/a'd  1 1  ^7  ST^.°^  *^« 
ship  of  Canada  in  1896    nt    fv    ^*°  ^''^  Premier- 
Great  Britain  in  1897     At  Ss  n'"^?  ''°"'«'"  "^ 
that  the  young  and  risil  i       '^™°*  '*  """y  »»«  «>id 
Frechette  was  rather  ^H*     7^"'  '''^'="»'«<1  hy  M. 
i»  1867  and'^Sg  thf  n^c^i"  '?r"«  ^""t^"' 
village  of  the  Easte™  To^^  ^-    '  °/  ^"^  '»  '^  "ttle 
as  ArthabaskaX    Jt^    ""•f.'"''"*'  '«'°wn 
Which  might  ea^ly  haS  e„l  """"^f^  complications 

-th  the  exeitabfe'^:^trrnreoir7t: 



period  in  Montreal;  it  certainly  provided  him  with 
his  seat  in  the  Legislature  where,  on  November  10, 
1871,  he  made  a  speech  which  was  so  fluent,  culti- 
vated, charming,  polished  in  language  and  elevated 
in  character  ^a  to  attract  immediate  attention. 
He  declared  the  trouble  of  the  day,  the  cause  of  the 
existing  depression,  to  be  that  production  was  not 
equal  to  consumption,  urged  his  people  to  learn 
English  as  well  as  French,  advocated  an  industrial 
immigration  into  the  province  of  master  mechanics 
and  small  capitalists,  demanded  reform  of  the 
electoral. and  educational  laws.  In  the  House  of 
Commons— April  15,  1874— his  first  speech  dei'.'".ng 
with  the  Fort  Garry  RebelUon  of  Louis  Riel  also 
made  a  pronounced  impression  and  a  friendly 
critic  who  heard  it  has  left  a  description  of  "his 
sonorous  and  vibrating  voice,  the  wealth  and  variety 
of  intonation,  the  chaste  simplicity  of  gesture,  the 
natural  ease  and  grace  of  attitude." 

In  a  famous  speech  on  Political  Liberalism,  Mr. 
Laurier,  in  1877,  enunciated  certain  ideals  which 
practically  created  a  new  Liberalism  in  French 
Canada,  paved  the  way  for  the  removal  of  Church 
hostility  which  had  been  aroused  by  various  events 
in  the  previous  twenty  years,  and  made  a  splendid 
basis  for  racial  conciliation  and  friendship— jowever 
the  precepts  might  be  lived  up  to  in  practice.  The 
policy  of  the  party  was  defined  as  the  protection  of 
those  free  and  Uberal  institutions  which  had  come 
to  his  people,  their  defence  and  propagation,  the 
development  of  the  country's  latent  resources  through 




and  under  those  institutions.     Then  he  concluded 
by  referring  to  the  death  of  Montcalm  and  his  fol- 
lowers on  the  Plains  of  Abraham,  and  to  the  picture 
of  persecution,  humiliation  and  despair  which  they 
might  well  have  drawn  for  the  future.     "If  Heaven 
had  lifted  the  veil  from  their  dying  eyes  and  enabled 
them  for  a  moment,  before  they  were  closed  forever, 
to  pierce  what  was  hidden  from  their  sight;  if  they 
could   have   seen   their   children   free   and   happy 
marchmg  proudly  in  all  spheres  of  society;  if  they 
could  have  seen,  in  the  old  Cathedral,  the  seat  of 
honor  of  French  governors  occupied   by  a  French 
governor;  if  they  could  have  seen  the  church  steeples 
nsing  in  every  valley  from  the  shores  of  Gasp4  to 
the  prairies  of  the  Red  River;   if  they  could  have 
seen  this  old  flag  (the  tri-color),  which  recaUs  their 
victones,   carried  triumphantly  in  all  our  public 
ceremonies;  in  fine,  if  they  could  have  seen  our  free 
institutions,  is  it  not  permissible  to  think  that  their 
last  breath  would  have  been  exhaled  in  a  murmur 
of  gratitude  to  Heaven,  and  that  they  would  have 
died  consoled." 

The  succeeding  career  of  Sir  Wilfrid  Laurier  was 
fiUed  with  scenes  of  picturesque  character  and  of 
compUcated  public  and  party  nature,  of  strenuous 
controversial  issue,  of  imperial  splendor  or  national 
importance.  Picture  him  on  the  Champs  de  Mars 
Montreal  (November  20,  1885),  standing  beside 
M.  Mercier  and  before  a  sea  of  faces  alight  with  the 
passionate  feeling  of  his  race,  declaring  that  the 
Government  of  Sir  John  Macdonald  in  allowing 



Riel  to  be  hung  bad  "committed  an  act  of  inhumanity 
and  cruelty  unworthy  of  a  civiliz'"'  nation."  Picture 
bim  in  Tory  Toronto  facing  a  great  audience  during 
the  elections  of  1887  and  proclaiming  similar  senti- 
ments with  eloquent  tongue  and  with  a  courage  which 
deserved  and  received  its  mead  of  public  admiration. 
Picture  him  in  the  bitterness  of  disappointment 
over  the  elections  of  1891,  and  in  profound  pessi- 
mism of  spirit  as  to  the  future  of  a  country  he  believed 
to  be  guided  by  a  loyalty  to  Britain  which  was  only 
the  covering  for  party  corruption,  telling  a  Boston 
audience  that  "the  time  will  come  in  the  very  nature 
of  things  when  separation  (from  Great  Britain) 
will  take  place."  Picture  him  years  afterwards, 
in  1897,  as  Prime  Minister  of  Canada,  fresh  from  a 
great  victory,  with  buoyant  spirits  and  characteristic 
French  cheerfulness,  loaded  with  British  honors 
to  supplement  those  of  his  own  country,  telling 
audiences  in  Great  Britain  that  the  time  was  coming 
when  she  could  call  Canada  to  her  Councils.  Picture 
the  same  leader  burdened  with  cares  of  office  and 
multiplying  responsibilities  of  a  racial,  party  and 
national  character,  controlling  and  guiding  the  action 
of  great  Imperial  Conferences  and  modifying  con- 
clusions along  the  lines  of  caution.  Picture  him 
fighting  for  Reciprocity  with  the  United  States  in 
1890  and  1891,  and  again  in  1911,  with  vigor  and 
determination — ever  standing  like  a  rock  in  'avor 
of  close  friendship  and  intimate  relations  with  the 
great  Republic — and  going  down  to  defeat  upon  a 
trade  issue  which  was  expected  to  be  a  political 



defence  which  anolw  ^^itZ'ltZ  '' ^''^ 
■n  character  and  fundament  crdiroL'^'^  "'""«'' 

o^ 'i^TehaSSer^  ^^^^^  --°- 
-ttled.  Through  thrS"wn«d*'r  "°*  ^^' 
serenely  taken  his  course  LT  ul^^  ^'""*''  '"a" 
sidered  right  or  CngT  th.-  '*''*'  ^«  ^  =°n- 
in  the  policy  natrin«  ™"*'  ^«e  or  unwise 

and  wo^d  T;  'hi  bo   °'  h"'t*"f  =  '°  '■'^  *houTh" 
he  has  won  the  ™?,'    ^ ''"f "  ^^^^   dignity, 
for  the  best  chSri  tTerotth:"' \'""  «*°<^ 
represented.     As  a  Vr^r^T         ,       ^™'**  '"^ee  he 
and  acting  for  an  EnSlT"/'^"''"*^'  «P«'''^»8. 
many  years  and  hd^  f^a  p  rof^H^ ^  ''"""« 
own  province  in  the  hollow  LV^  °^  *''**  ""o^'  ^is 
opportunities  for  achJvemeL  wV  l"'  '^  '""'^  «^«»* 
enhanced  by  his  oC^^^'!  i/'"t  ""''  ^"^^^^^ 
conditions  involved  «e^'^°°:';f  /"S^t''^'  these 
sibility  in  the  deeisifrl'^I  '  ^  '""''  ^^^P""" 
which  his  party  acted      Hi,  u    """*  °'  "Pon 

wider  range  th^nth^- of  ^^.Xt"-  '"'-  taken  a 
"nan.    In  dealing  with  aLn  Canadian  public 

ism,  racial  unftj  ^Id  tLr"  °' ^«^*^*  ^^'^eral- 
Jesuit's  Estates  quest!  ^Ton  l"  """V""^  *''« 
wn>,  an  eulogy  of  Mr  run  f  '"°  '""  I'nperial- 
British  policf  i^  t^  T^i*'''*°T  °^  Q"*^"  Victoria, 
Ireland,  literlt^e  or  J[rir'"''u°\^°"'«  ^^^  ^r 
equally  cultureran"  inS^i^^    "-^  """"^^  '««'> 



As  to  the  rest,  he  has  described  French  Canada,  in 
words  wh,ch  he  would  probably  like  history  to  apply 
to  himself    as  being  "Faithful  to  the  nation  ?h^ 

llblrty"        '       *""'  *°  ''''  °'*"°"  ^^''^  «-«  - 

hJ^^Z  '^°"\°*''"  ^'''"'^  ^'''"'"'«°  ^^»  should 
be  dealt  with  here  His  name  is  not  a  household 
word  m  Canada,  though  well  known;  it  is  not  that 
of  a  great  pohtician,  orator  or  statesman,  but  of  a 
simple,  duty-loving,  earnest  soldier-Sir  E    P    C 

.^Z"^-  /°  '!!'"''"  ^'  *^P'^^«  "  ^■*"''«°°  wiiich 
IS  important  and  ,m.      al  in  its  very  essence.      A 

n^H  f  T  ""V*:?  ^°«^'-'  '^'  "  «°»  °f  -^  judge 
noted  for  his  abiliiy  and  French  patriotism,  he 
entered  the  British  Army  (Royal  Engineers)  in  IsSS 
at  the  age  of  twenty-one  and  rose  in  another 
twenty-one  years  to  the  rank  of  Colonel.  He  has 
served  in   England   on   work  in   which   all   rising 

°^IZ  J\'°,  *''"'""'  """'''"^  ^'  has  been 
Director  of  Railways  in  the  far-off  Soudan  and 
President  of  the  Egyptian  Railway  Board;  he  served 
through  the  South  African  war  as  Director  of  Rail- 
ways—a post  whose  importance  can  hardly  be  exae- 
gerated  or  its  difficulties  adequately  treated  here-  he 
was  for  two  years  afterwards  Commissioner  of  Rail- 
ways m  the  Transvaal  and  Orange  River  Colonies- 
he  h^  smce  then  held  high  command  in  England' 
served  as  High  Commissioner  of  Northern  Nigeri^ 
and  then  as  Governor  of  the  Protectorate;  for  some 
years  he  has  been  Governor  and  Commander-in- 



dry-docks,  etc  TiS  f  h^    •      .  °^  ^""twctors  for 

aIo„«  line'.  of'^:^uZ'ZZVl^L''''-'^, 
construction.  iJntish   naval 


with  little  buH^,  c  '  Litv"'"""""  '"  '^°«''^''  ""» 
to  aid  hin,  he  rt ZS' tlT ^^^t K  ""•'^ 


received  various  id^*;'^",."'  '^'  ^°"'''"'  ""^ 
great  civil  servant  sucil"  t"  '"""''^''  "«  " 
has  filled  and  was  rZ7efZ  LordTLr^'T  '" 
«elf  as  an  officer  of  brilliant  aSy  It  rL/"' 
that  sketches  beginning  with  n«  «  i  k  ^"'"* 

end  with  Girouard-Tf  nni  J  Pu  ^^'"•'''rry  should 
the  two.  The  former  fo^^^h^  *'"'  ""'"*''«*  ''«*''«en 
;or  Canada  ^^I^^Z'S  ro.T:t  ^cTf" 

bravely  and  wett    Z",  T,™*'^'  *'>°''«''  ^e  filled  it 
J  auu  weu,    tlie  latter  could  wnrt  „nj  c  i.^ 

all  over  the  Continent  of  Africa  X  „!.    ^^* 

from  a  Canadian  Militarv  ColW.   kT  f''<^"''*'»8 

the   Transvaal   forXZ   a "d'^tl ''''''.**'  «"'''^"« 

times,  win  for  his  wife  th!  H       m '"'   '°   ''"«''*^' 

General  for  the^ll  tJ^'v    f  *%°^  *''^  ^8«* 
oniisn  Iransvaal  m  London.     The 


former  saw  the  beginnings  of  the  new  life  of  French 
Canada  under  British  rule;  the  latter,  a  century 
afterwards,  sees  and  embodies  in  himsel/,  the  evolZ 
m  of  a  wide  Dominion  drawn  from  the  unity  of 
two  great  races.  ^ 

Much  more  might  be  written  of  the  picturesque 
figures   who   have   abounded   in   French    CaSs 
public  hfe  during  the  past  half-century.      One  can 
see    the    modest,    moderatr>,    honorable,    unselfish 
personality  of  A.  N.  Morin  as  he  movek  over  the 
stormy  waters  which  rose  up  out  of  the  Rebel!  on 
era  and  D.  B.  Viger,  the  bosom  friend  of  Papin  lu" 
the  leader  m  responsible  government  advocacy  and 
afterwards  member  of  a  Government  under  W 
Metcalfe  which  did  not  carry  out  the  ideas  invoS 
in    that    movement.      There     were     Sir     Narcisse 
Fortunat    Belleau,    one-time    Mayor    of    Que^c 
Speaker  of  the  Legislative  Council  of  the  Canadas 
upon  whom  knighthood  fell  like  manna  from    the 
heavensfor  the  official  presentation  of  an  Address 
to  the  Prmce  of  Wales  in  1860  and  who  was  Wme 

changed  the  union  mto  a  Dominion  of  Canada-be- 
came both  Brown  and  Macdonald  could  work  under 
ZTJ.  f  "xt  t^  B°"«herville,  descendant  of  a 
Seigneur  of  New  France,  Conservative  by  birth  and 
mclination  and  policy.  Premier  of  his  Province  and  a 

Foujl  Tn-  ^°'.*''"''  ^'^P^'^o^^;  Telesphore 
Fourmer,  brilliant  journalist  and  Radical,  clever 
lawyer  and  politician,  Minister  of  Justice  for  Camida 




Seigneur  -/^I^t  wSLroT:^'';^""'''""^ 
Lieutenant-Governnr  !n  ,  ""™'  °'  the  Crown  and 

T.  A.  R.  LaSe  'ftS^^I*?" ''•"'""'''''' 

f„i»f  "*  '''"°''^'  ''^--  hiif Lrs^ 

impetuous  and  arHnnt :..  *  ""'"Ker  and  Kadical, 
Liberal  Memt"  of  '"'^'"P*"'""'"*.  eventually  a 
Justice;  J.  5  rlrtf^  T'  ■""•  Minister  of 
^<une,  PoliticSaStirt?  Si"'"'"  °'  ^^ 
-ter  of  Public  Works  for  ,t™  1!^"  W la""" 
—a  restless,  eairpr  o,r.i,-*-  """""^  °'r  ".  Launcr 
who  drove  Sir  HL  T»n''  """""^  P""""""* 

ti v?by  rnlK'a'n? """*" ''•  ^'"«''^°' Co-orva- 

dian    Legislature    and    nl*^""'''""^  t^e  Cana- 
fatherofConfederatil.         k'°°    ^"""""ent,    a 

Governn>entl  ot  S  toTI^W  °'  *^  ^'"=''°'«^<1 
charges  made  bv  Liltr.i       j    '  '  '^''*""  '°  18»2  of 

^~m*the  Ati:S,";,ttrett"^*R\^^^^^^^^^^^^ 
Adolphe  P.  Caron  TII,,-„  t  I'  .  "  *^"'°'»>  Sir 
de  St'  Just,  S'd^lnTail^--'  i-  I-teUier 
may    conclude    with    a    W  *®  references 

present  day,  sucr^  L/J y^^r"^'^''"  °^  *»>« 
of  much  eloquence  rndforcff  'i!'"''"'"'  *  ^^'^^ 
attainments 'as  a'arty  i  X  and  '"^'k  "^^  ''■«'' 
been  afraid  to  euE  BriZi,     \T ''^°  ^^  »»» 


veiled  v,ew«,  i„  his  sudden  appearances  Ldtj^ 

rsu;io7""*'"' J'^''''"  '"''^  manneris^?'^ 
ms  support  of  one  party  or  the  other  : 

Let  fortune  frown  and  foe.  incre.*, 
And  life's  long  batUe  know  no  peaci. 
Oive  me  to  wear  upon  my  breaet 
Ite  object  of  my  early  quest 
Undimmed,  unbroken  and  unchang'd 
The  taluiman  I  sought  and  gain'd 
The  jewel,  Independence! 

Such,  in  these  passing  chapters,  are  the  outetand 

actenstics,  picturesque  conditions,  underlyine  sent! 
ments  of  the  people  of  French  Canldr,^  th!v 
struggled  in  the  seventeenth  century  from  tt'r 
vantage  pomt  upon  the  Rocic,  and  then  Z  ram' 



fn  ♦^    T"'"'  ""'*''  ■«"•  '""th  ""d  ea.t  and  wit 
m  the  effort  to  build  ud  a  .fill  <„^..  •  ' 

all  Its  essentials,  scattered  thr  ^ghLwJZntJ 
various  provinces  nf  tK=  r>      .  .*     settlements  m 

I  rac  iv"  "St'i:  ir""'*'""  •"  '*«  "-*  '" 

«j  ivT    .    .    '®™'"y  »n  Its  increase  of  DonnUtin., 





AtMNronby.  GtBenl,  180.  i 

AcadI*  (Nov>  KoolU),  14,  U,   170, 

17«,  lM-a>7. 
Act  ol  1701,40. 
Albiuul,  F»ll»r,  U. 
\lexftfider,  Hir  WulUm,  180. 
AUMKmlna,  33,  70,  »». 
Alleo,  ettutn,  78. 
AUmui.  F>th«,  74,  77. 
AUumette  liljind,  70. 
Amluriit,  Lord  Jeffrey,  Oenei  el,  130, 

183,  17l>. 
A»M,  Fetber,  74. 
Anuiiolie  Royel.  108. 
Annnution  to  U.  8..  388. 
ADUcoetl,  leb  oI,  18,  W. 
Arluuwae  River,  78. 
Arnold,  Beiedlet,  30.  lOI.  13S,  345. 
Afeioiboloa  RlTer,  81. 


lUle  dee  Cbaleure,  80. 

Bdlbiquet,  Fether.  88. 

Beleun  Lake,  70, 

Berre,  de  U,  188.  .      , 

BuUie*   (eee    Notre   Cum   de   U 

Beton  Rou«e,  83. 
Beye,  Saint  Leurene,  80. 
Benuhamoie.  Cbarfee,  MerquJs  de, 

OS,  311. 
Benuieu,  Daniel  de,  130. 
Beaupi4.  Vlacount  de,  83, 
Beavfr  Club,  396. 
Beioeil,  Heltbu  of,  34. 
Bic.  36.  „ 

Bienville,  C41eron  de,  100. .    __ 
Biiol,  Franeole,  30,   100,   lOO,   HI, 

114,  in,  141,  310,  388, 
BOoii,  83. 
Blano  Sabloo.  80. 
Uoueber,  48. 

Bouchenriile,  34,  ,       „ 

Bouiainviile    Comte  de,   103,    113. 

lie,  118,  178. 
Itourgooye,  Marguerite.  36,  380. 
Bouriiuiutque,  General  de,  103,  178. 
Bradatvoet,  General,  183. 
Brtbeuf.  Father  Jean  de,  3S,  74,  117. 

162.  301. 
Breaaani,  Father  Joeepb,  185. 
Brest  Harbor,  80, 

Brion  leland,  M.  _  „ 
Briliah  Caaeion.  SS,  IH,  JM, 
Brorli.  94 

Brul^.  Ktienne,  70,  73. 
Buade,  U  HivUre,  78. 
Buteaui,  Father,  U,  84, 

Caeouiut,  18.  

Cadlllae,  U  MotU,  77.  ' 

Caen,  da,  38. 

CaUWrea,  da,  171. 

Cap  Rouge.  83,  88, 101,  IIS,  MS, 

Cap  Tounaenta,  10. 

Cape  Chatte,  Naval  Battle  ol,  IS. 

Capa  Diamond,  10,  81,  83,  «3,  107, 

Cape  Eternity,  88. 

Cape  Trinity,  e«.   _ 

Cariinan-iliaiUres  Saglmant,  34.  04, 

087178,  313,  3SS. 
Carletoo.  Oeoeml  Sir  Quy,  113-118, 

140,  170,  348, 
Caroo,  Father  La,  78.         .   ._  „ 
Cartiar,  Jaequefc  11,  18,  17,  10.  80, 

37,  BsTM,  80,  81,  83,  83,  88, 

Cartiar,  'Sir  d«>rge  Ctianna,  304. 

gSSStWtfV,  48,314. 
Caano.  boUiar  de,  S3,  ISO. 
Calalogne.  0«d«qn  da.  1»._, 
Cauehon.  Jaaq>h  Edouard,  307. 


Cenaitairea,  SOS. 

Chabanal.  Father,  31,  183. 

Chambly,  Captain  Jaoques  da.  178. 

Champlain.  Samuet  de.  11,  17.  10, 
sTsS,  38,  98.  68,  83,  88,  67, 
88  eg,  70,  71.  73.  73,  SS,  SO, 
00,  01,  00,  133,  167.  336. 

Chaplaau',  BUJoeenh  Adolphe.  408. 
Charlevoil.  P«re.  138.  __ 

Chamieay,  D'Aunay,  101-106 
Chateau  Ftontenac.  10,  106.  348. 
Chateauguay,  Battle  M,  31.  387. 
Chateau  St.  Louia.  230. 
CfaaudKre.  river.  30. 
—  falla,  33,  70. 
Chaumonot.    Father  Joaeph   Marie, 

74.  186,  157.  300. 
Chauvin,  Pierre,  10,  66. 




Chicago  juvmTm.- 
Chicouttai,  M,  M 
Chou»rt,  Mti^n 

Crfnuuif,  Ootave,  la). 

Djvion,  P,Her,  83. 

r>etroit,  77,  jm 

r-  river,  la. 

D«^.   Ad.„,   de.   0™.„..    „, 

J^oyMooDa,  30. 


*ort  Carillon,  iftn  isi 
Fort  Ch«„bli,'|?;J?|- 3,5 

Fort  Prootenac,  164   182 
FortificatoM    of    pi»  v 
_       163-184  """''' 

K  g^^U"  Ide.  83. 
fort  Roiup,,  8,     ■«• 

Fox  River.  75,  79  '  '™- 

F5;UiS*°B;n"  ',""  "WooU'l.) 


OikSj!"^"'  *^''°""  ■<•  l*.  09. 

o«"g«.  u,  17,  ei. 
—■  B«y.  18. 

~  g«P«.  18. 

Onm  Bay,  79 

Oraner,  PathBr  83 


How,.  Rlchani,  eS'  iS* 
Hudaon'a  Bay    14    ai    «- 

174.       ^'  "■  ^'  35.  75,  84. 
I  — ■  Ctnnpany,  m  gt 

HuniM,  81,  89, 143. 
Jiwiuol.,  22.  31   32  16S 

I  '"■"  <!  OrtSan..  19,  28,  „,.  „j 

I  •'"'■"on.SirJohn.&lTjo""- 



JotUct,  Louia,  74,  77. 
JoaquUra,  M«rquii  de  U, 

■■— JiuiUqui*  Riv«r,  78,  81. 
Kamourftciu,  26. 
Kenneboo  River,  85. 
Kent,  Dukfl  of,  347. 
KinoDce  River,  23. 
Kirke,  Admirml  Sir  Williun,  17.  35 
90,  100. 

Laehine,  MaiMcre  ol,  134. 169. 

L>fayo(te,  AUrquia  de,  41.  52. 

LafoDUine,  Sir  Louis  Hypolite.  389. 

Luret  River,  61. 

l^Jtt  Brome,  24. 

Lake  CharopUin.  13,  69. 

Lake  Chataugua,  83. 

Lak«  Comandeau,  23. 

Lake  ^ilrie.  15,  34.  74,  76. 

Lake  HuroD,  15,  71. 

Lakr,  Kenogami,  26. 

Lake  Mamwipi^  24. 

Lf  Ju  Megantio,  24. 

J^e  Mnmphramagos,  24. 

Lake  Miohiun,  76,  76,  78.  80. 

Lake  Nipiiung,  70. 

Lake  of  the  wooda,  81. 

Lake  Ontario,  15,  22,  70,  71. 

Lake  Pepin,  83. 

Lake  St.  Francti,  21. 

Lake  St.  John,  13.  25.  27,  85. 

Lake  St.  Louia,  22. 

Lake  St.  Peter,  20,  67. 

Lake  ffimooe,  70.  76. 

Lake  Superior,  12. 13, 15,  73,  7D 

Lake  Temiscouta.  85. 

I<ake  Timiakaming.  13. 

Lake  Winnebaio,  70. 

La  LUrre  Riv£r,  23. 

LaUomant,  Father  Cbadea.  35,  123, 

146,  261. 
— ,  J4r6ine.  148. 
— ,  Oabrid,  148. 
La  I^Me,  Father,  123. 
U  RoobeUe,  123. 
La  Roche  Peroi,  16.  67. 
— ,  BatUe  of,  17. 

La  Salle,  AbM  Jean  de.  75,  76.  77. 
— ,  Robert    Cavelier  de.  128,    134, 

178,  213. 
I.A  Tuque.  Folia  of,  24. 
Idiurentiaa  Mountaina,  IS,  22,  27. 
Lftureatidee,  19.  61,  239. 
Laurier.   Sir  Wilfrid,   38,  405,  407. 

406,  413-419. 
Laval.  Univeraity  of,  37.  Iftt.  369. 
— ,  Bi^op  de.  93.  06.  Sfl.'i.  370. 
LaTat-Montmorenry,  Mgr.  de.  270. 

Le  Moyne,  Charlea,  46,  99,  127,  131, 

—  de  BiaDTille,  83,  128,  216. 

—  de  Chateauguay,  216. 

—  d'Iberville,    83,    128.    135.    174. 

198,  215. 

—  de  Loogueuil,  225. 

—  do  Mancourt,  129.  216. 

—  de  Ste.  H41«ne.  130.  215. 

—  do  Sevigny,  216. 
— ,  Simon,  148. 
LmnozviUe,  26.    . 
L'Eacarbot,  186. 
Lea  Eboulementa,  18. 
I^  Sueur.  Father,  83. 
LAvia.  Pointe,  113. 

— ,  Marquia  de,  102,       '    117.  110. 

129,  176,  180. 
I/IncamatioD,  Marie  dv,  M,  97.  202 
I^ngfellow,  Henry  W.,  201. 
Long  Sault,  21,  23. 
Longueuil.  Baron  de,  99,  211. 
— ,  Chateau  do.  21£. 
L'Orignal.  23. 
Lotbin^re.  Cbartier  de,  46.  129.  176 

179,  213,  217. 
Louiabourg,  100,  164.  179.  182,  200 
Louisiana,  14,  40,  174. 

.Vladairaaka  River,  85. 
Maiasoneuve,    Paul    de    Chomedy 

Sieur  de,  12.3,  127,  131,  13*,  137. 
Mance,  Mile.  Jeanne,  36,  123.  132 

266.  302.  ' 

Manicouagan  River,  85. 
Manitoba,  81. 
Mannoir,  24. 

Msrc^uette.  Father,  74,  77. 
Martm.  Abraham.  110. 
Matane  River,  18. 
— ,  town  of.  26. 
Mattawa  River,  70.  71. 
Mennen^-ille,  Marquia  de  Duqoene 

Menominee  River,  79. 
Meroi?r.  Honortf,  400. 
Meaaaiger.  Father,  81. 
MAsy.  de,  99, 
Miami,  S3. 

Michilimackinao,  76,  165. 
— ,  Strait  of.  78.] 
Minneaota,  80. 
Afiramiohi,  85. 
Miaaiaaagi  River,  13. 
MiBaiaaippi.  Valley.  14,  35,  40. 
—  River,  34,  74.  76.  70. 
Miaaouri,  valley,  40, 
— ,  river,  75. 
Mobile,  83. 
Mohawks,  32. 
Moocktoo,  Oeneral.  '  16, 





Montidy,  hthar,  gs. 
— ,  TMud  it.  I3J. 
MonUii.giiy,  M.  lb,  M,  1S3.  J61 

iRm'  '"^  '^-  '»■».■  87. 

— ,  Adniinl  do.  67. 

MontrMLl.  13,  20.  34   ar  n?  ^9   an 

Moou.*,  l4«. 

Moore,  Thomu,  23, 

MooM  Riv«r,  80. 

MonUiwt,  21. 

Mount  HoyJ,  21,  27,  M,  121  2I» 

Mount  St..  Ann.,  n.      '      ''  ■""• 

-"SK'lS,"!!*^  '*•  "'•  '"'•  2»- 

S^'  HoMfo,  3M, 

N.pi«on  Bivw,  IJ. 

How  Bnmmriok,  Prarinw  tl,  14  71 

Nfw»oandUuid,  IS,  174  '    '•  ''■ 

Najur.  RiTCT,  IS,  M 

rifffl*  3*.  73,  74. 

NioluUa,  F«tk«r.  85. 

Nw2Si.T*£"  *"»•"■»»»• 

NortkwM  FuV  Compuy  139 
gonhw«  IUl„lli™,r4M 
Notre  Oun..  Chureh  of,  2S7 

°^f*°"  ^  ■•  ^.  Ch\«h  of, 
"'"rf'm'  *  *'°°*~''  Con-puny 


NoOTol,  FnthB.,  M.      •  "*• 
Nom  Sootih  as,  71. 

Ohio  Bi»or,  75,  78. 


OnSdu,  32. 
Onomjacu,  ii2. 
^tuon,  S3. 


— .  proTinM  of,  7ft 

I  OtoMb..  Bi,„,  70. 

I  °»'I*lyo«Loqrd»,Chupd.of.s«i. 

PnjrfnMtoli  RItw,  85. 
Fsmnetu,  41,  44,  403 
Puknuui,  30,  262,  SQ2 
g««»  ol  1763,  38,  M 


P(p»n  RivOT,  13. 
Pijmrt,  Father,  ISO. 
HonoCT.  French,  14. 

fr^Sl7j2S;,-^i?,„.  1, 

Pontiac,  32. 

Port  Royal.  68,  163,  170.  183 

wTiS'  ^'^°«»"  «*«.  67.  163. 
Pndrie  du  CUmi,  7B. 
Protottantum,  36. 
ProtMtaat  Chunh,  256. 

Quebw)  Act,  40. 

Quebee,  city,    ii.    ia     |a     ,»     ,„ 

-iSAf  "•  "■  »■  231-366. 
9™".  Father  du,  86. 
V^to,  Bay  of,  70. 

"•^^"•thor  Piorre  E-prft,  77. 

^^rilli?''  ^"^  ■''■  <»•  138.  211 

8«5»ll«»«.  72.  91.  264  278 

Bod  BivCT.  81     ■        •  "'■ 

Sfotiffourhe,  86. 

RiM  Lake,  70. 

EicMtou,  Cardinal.  14,  34,  36,  38, 


Riniouaki.  26. 
glw  St.  John.  86. 
givijre  de  Oenn™.  69, 
Kiiljre  dee  IniquoU.  69. 
Kivrtre  du  Jotb,  18,  69 
BlvUre  du  Pont,  09. 



Hobert  Bent  Onlln  d>  b   Salle, 

Boche,  Muqi^  de  la,  64. 

E)wd.  FathM,  73. 
SagUHioy,  61,  6J.  . 

—  ^JW^^'  *3'  ".  18.  19.  20.  00. 

St.  Anthui' ,  Falls  ot,  74 

Ht.  Chariei  River,  61,  112 
Ht.  Clair  River,  16,  76 
8t.  CouQ«.  Father,  83. 

Ste.  Croix  Uand,  6S. 
3to.  QeQevieve  Is>and,  69 
^te.  H616ne,  iaUnd  of,  123 
St«.  Suianoe  River,  69 
St.  Fraocu,  river.  13,  24,  60 
— ,  town  of,  27. 

St.  inutee,  77. 
St.  Ma^'e  ] 

D»,  aiMif  ■  Bjver.  Ifl. 

St.  LawreDM.  Gulf  of.  14.  27,  60. 

ot.  lAwrenoe  River.  11.  12    13    H 

St.  IxHiif  River,  16. 

St.  LuHon,  Daumont  de.  82. 

St.  Maurice  River,  13,  16.  20,  24.  71. 

St-  ^^".  SSpin^y  of.  126,  130, 
137.  258,  268.  286.  364. 

— ,  Gentlemen  of.  127,  226. 

fl«l«^rTy.  CojlwMl  C  M.  de,  21.  46, 
*>•.  *J7,  38/. 

SaAatebewan  River,  81. 

Sai'lt  au  R«coU9t,  73. 

Saolt  Ste.  Marie.  73,  79.  82 

Saunders,  Admiral.  114.  118. 

Seigneurs.  46,  127,  308-230. 

Beneoas,  32. 

ShawiniJBan  Falla.  36,  84. 

Bhnbrooke,  26. 

Society  of  the  Holy  Family.  157 

Sorel.  30,  178.  318;  3467^ 

— ,  Kerrs  de.  178. 

fourpe.  Father  Thaumer  de  la.  83. 

Souris  River.  81. 

Stadaetma,  62,  67. 

Sulpidans,  126.  130.  167.  211 

Susquduuina  River,  73. 

Taeh«.  Sir  EUenne  Paacal.  301 
TRdousac.  18,  64,  65,  66,  69,  86,  267. 

Talon,  Jean  Baptiite,  95.  218.  335. 

Tuchrreau,  37.  46,  409. 

Tecumseh.  32. 

TbayendeDacea,  33. 

Thousand  IsUufls.  23 

Three  Rivere.  30,  79.  84,  178.  345. 

Tonty,  Henri  de,  76,  83 

Toronto,  73,  76,  104 

Tour.  Claude  de  la,  190 

— ,  Charles  de  la.  190.  192 

— .  Madame  Chariea  de  la,  190-196. 

Townahend,  General,  116,  119 

Tracy,  Marquis  de,  95. 

Trappists,  23. 

Trent  River,  70. 

Trenton,  70. 

TuBcsroras,  32. 

LTwenty-Three,"  The.  141. 

Two  Mountams,  hike  of.  23. 

Ungava,  14. 

Upper  Canada,  14,  M. 

Ursulme  Nuns,  212 

^"1b"2a2.'aSL"  "^  Church  rf 

Varennes,  24. 

VaudreL..  Cavamial,  Marquis  a.   M 

^•"^  n^"iii  ^.'"'•Ppe.  Marquis  *de   93! 

VercMrea,  Seigneur  de,  34.  172 

— ,  Marie  de,  172. 

Verendrye,   Gaultier    de  la.  80,  81, 

— .  Francois  da  la,  81. 
— ,  lx>uiBdola,  81, 
—,  Pierre  d3  la.  81,  128. 
Verrasaono,  68. 
Victoria  Bridge.  21,  121,  369. 
Virf.  Father  Nicholas,  73. 
ViUe   Mane  de  Montreal,   24    133 
136,  135.  '         * 

Vimont,  Father,  124. 

War  of  1776  41.56. 
War  of  ISli,  41.  53.  66.  176.  380 
Winnipeg,  nver.  78,  81. 
— .  city  of,  81. 
Wisconsin  River.  74.  75.  S3 
Wolfe,  General  James,  38.  39.  48  64 
90,  108-120.  346.  '       ' 

—  Cove,  114.  345. 

—  Monument.  110. 

—  Redoubt.  119. 
Wolf-Montcalm  Memorial,  109. 

Yamaska  River.  24,  69.