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1      WITH  THE  EAST 


*'  W«  neoKBise  that  fallliig  lilrcr,  by  low«riiig  tha  Eaxtera  a^-ohugM, 
fnonn  our  eompetltora  in  Aiift  who  hU  similar  prodOM,  wli^ic,  cotton, 
•ad  otlwr  BtsplM,  in  the  marlcets  of  Btiropo.'*— TOomM  B.  Betd,  SpMiktr 
^tht  Hwm  ^  Bepntntativet,  FortKigUlj/  Bevinp,  Jmmt,  Uti, 

Sepriitad  from  the 


rOB  ni 



JUNS,  190$ 

rl    ■■    .         -1 


Nearly  a  quarter  of  a  century'  ago,  in  the  pages  of  this  Keview,  I 
drew  attention  to  the  increasing  difficulty  of  our  trade  with  more 
than  half  the  world,  because  of  a  fall  in  tlie  gold  price  of  silver  un- 
precedented in  the  history  of  that  nietal.  My  paper  was  entitled  "la 
Free  Trade  Compatible  with  the  Kail  in  Silver?'"  It  seemed  to  me 
the  reply  must  inevitably  be  negative.  Silver  falls;  it  is  the  currency 
which  eight  hundred  millions  of  people  exchanpe  for  tlie  gold  with 
which  they  purchase  our  goods.  The  Chinaman  who  used  to  buy  a 
bill  of  exchange  on  I..ondon  by  paying  twenty  taels,  or  doUars,  ban  now 
to  give  some  forty-seven  taels,  or  dollars,  for  the  t>ame  gold  bill;  how, 
then,  shall  we  keep  his  custom,  pending  a  proceps  of  price  and  wage 
adjustment  indefinitely  protracted  and  whicli,  after  a  quarter  of  a 
century,  has  not  as  yet  made  any  real  progrciss  at  all?  In  188.5  these 
entirely  novel  conditions  of  exchange  had  been  puzzling  our  traders 
for  already  twelve  years,  and  it  seemed  abundantly  clear  that  the 
economic  basis  of  the  "Manchester  School" '  was  being  stealthily 
undermined;  that  the  free  trade,  or  free  ext-lianges,  of  the  Cobden 
era,  predicated  fixed  exthangci',  and  that  while  Britisli  exports  to 
Asia  were  being  greatly  hampered,  so  also  with  each  tresh  fall  in 
silver  the  exports  which  Asia  sold  us  for  our  gold,  exchanged  for 
more  and  more  silver.  In  this  way  there  was  being  created  within 
Asia,  by  the  fall  in  silver,  mill  after  mill  and  factory  after  factory, 
which  gave  employment  to  yellow  labor  in  industries  hitherto  con- 
trolled by  white  labor.  Thus,  as  Asia  exported  more  and  imported 
less  she  drew  the  balance  owing  to  her  in  .-ilver,  a  "commodity*'  with 
us,  but  with  her  a  money  metal.  With  this  metal  she  established  in- 
dustries and  paid  wages.  .\  few  years  later  that  ardent  Free-trader, 
the  late  Prof.  Emile  de  Laveleye,  wrote  to  mc  "Failing  the  restora- 
tion of  silver  the  world  will  revert  to  Protection."  Since  1885,  in 
every  corner  of  ttie  universe,  the  symptoms  have  shown  themselves  of 
a  deep-seated  disease,  and  the  worst  is  still  ahead.  When  I  t)unk  of 
what  we  have  seen  in  the  F.ast  of  the  industrial  activities  calleil  into 
being  by  cheaper  and  cheaper  silver,  the  whole  heart  faints.  Was  it 
necessary  tliat  a  vast  population  in  Bombay  should  be  taking  Man- 
chester's place  in  selling  cott'ms  to  China?  Why  tliat  mushroom 
growth  of  jute  mills  on  the  Hugh  replacing  Dundn^'s?     Why  those 

'After  my  prooffi  were  oent  in  the  title  was  altered  (October,  IS^Si. 

•Report  of  the  Manchester  Chamber  of  Commerce.  December.  1888:  "We 
are  led  to  the  conclusion  that  the  principal  cause  which  haa  enabled  the  Bom- 
bay spinners  to  supersede  those  of  Lanoai^hire  in  exporting  yarn  to  China  and 
Japan  is  the  preat  fall  in  Eastern  exchanffe  since  1873.  ...  It  appears 
that  the  geographical  advantage  enjoyed  by  the  Bombar  spinner  has  been 
leaseninf;  whilst  his  power  to  compete  with  Lancashire  h..^  been  increasing." 

S    Wage,  in  th.  W»t  and  (/,.  Cri.i,  in  i'«kan,M  with  <k.  Ea.t 

not  buy  »  ton  oi  n      iru  ^^     ^j  , 

conrluikil  with  these  words ; 

p.rln»t  injury  to  'J"  ,V*^' ."'.^.'^r.?    '  :^^^^^^^^^  th.  further 

£/;T.:^'p.vXut^n"t.r.^SLln■;"^^  -"k  "■•  '"-^  -  -'"« 

diverted.  i..„  .ii>>r  a  l«ri»  proportion  of  the  tr«d« 

Already  und'    th.  .rllucn™  °' ^''"P     ';^;';h„fel?,  which  will  gT«lu.l  y 

...t  of  th.  Ba..  C.U.1  1.  And  ng  for  lt«^f  °'*  "^'JJ  j  further  p.r.r.t.uc.  1» 

S  clo«d  to  W..t.rn  »Xl"i;  h,..t  Brltil"  may  .nt..l  .n  Giury  to  th. 

'j;:„jf':c';„°r'.rrn5'M&.°o',  tr«r..t.n't  o. ,.  u^^^^•^.. 

What  we  have  done  m  tn.««ulating  our  own  productive  power. 

,  :p:.  -^'rS":nd':vi:;''r':?uCn«  ht-r. 

haa  >««"<=T''''°«''^,S  with  U  In  amounta  inconceivable  it 
tinent  ^f" . "  »i^^*'^*„u„'i\le.  the  mechaniam  whereby  they 
repreeenta  in  two  hundred  '^'""™  """^  ,      ^  ^^  „,  the  Occident  have 

''?"Vt'd\t;  a  HonTLngtu"  Zl';  which  lom,erly  ».' 
■o  legislated  that  a  Hong  jvoug  un. 

twenty  dollar,   to-day  ^'^'^^''^^^^L  e^^omh^^  are' an 

'"""Jt«d  tLr^  no  naS^we^M  but  they  c«i  de.troy  it" 
accursed  breed;  there  i.  no  n»  luu  ^^  i~  .  ,  ,  exchange;  in  the 
Clearly  the  pre-requisite  of  '^'^''"^^t^t^ttroph^Ui  Eastern 


:jrVeentire^h»o™en»h«„— ^^ 


the  history  oi  tlie  preciou.  meb..  J"!*  ''"^^f  y^jja  „'a  that  ot  tte 
""f rr  *'';a™V  wL^;  ^ic^^  ""tlTe  Brusael.  Monetary  Con- 
CSby  Batn  Xd  de  Lthschild,  in  the«  memorable  word.: 

Gentl.™.n,  1  need  hardly  J-^UmonMndV'Su  °t!oB&«  i«.rup 
1.  ,.tim.t«l  .t  «>n..  tl-";""?' °'  SXSiy  fc.  a»;l.tion  In  th.  value  of 
without  arriving  at  d.«n  to  resu^lt.  there  inayo.^^     r  ,  mon.Ury  pani. 

•May,  1004. 

C  900693 

i  sold  dollHri  (or  one  •overeign)  used  to  purchate  three  taeli  only,  and 
icT^  th»i  paid  the  wagei  for  one  day  of  twenty-flve  Chineat  mUl-nandat 

WagrM  in  iht  Wvnf  and  Ihv  irigts  in  Krchat>ij$  uiih  the  tiimt    'A 

li'Kv  to  tic  Miiu-h  with  tliv  lulu  1  tor.  Fruiu-iH  Walkfr,  uf  Vah',  wlintifT 
formative  intliionci'  in  ccnmmiicii  moy  iHThajw  mitrtttik  <  \<n  Mill;  lit', 
too,  referred  tliP  ratncli.t*in  of  \\w  jirevioun  to  the  tfreat  fill  in 
ailvfr;  tin-  fut-tn,  liy  hi'ld  did  imt  ddinit  'f  nrgutin-nl.  Trofesw  r 
Walker  Raid  nf  tlir  <1isii»*lpr:  "It  lun*  dlMocated  the  clTwtivu  dciMBiiil 
of  el)(ht  humlh'd  niiliioii  people  for  our  gondii,  nnd  it  uproot.^  Wiittoni 
indu8trirn  to  replant  them  i  V.v  Kast."  Thin  di«tiTiKni'*hed  ecor')nut»t, 
whoKt  liook'*,  tnthslnti'd  Into  s-'ven  ltiiii;nii;frp.  tiic  nnw  rla^sien  in  our 
tK-liuoJH,  roiulmli'il  n  si ->rt  npecch,  at  an  infonnal  dinner  pixen  hy 
Sir  William  Houhlswortli,  with  tlieBO  wonlw; 

I  ri'K'"''''  <''i«  prnblcm  of  "ilvi-r  dm  far  more  tlian  any  mere  prntilem  of 
finance;  I  l»e)H>vi<  tlint  with  ita  rittht  Httlenient  U  Itound  up  tlie  very  progren* 
nf  clvlllxalion  fur  the  Western  natinnii. 

And  in  ppitc  of  niir  diMd)  Viofrssort*  tlie  c|uefitinn  of  silver  munt 
prei»entlv  invnde  our  nchooU,  for  it  is  tlie  Yellow  Peril  itaelf.  In  a 
rceenl  Ictti'r  to  t!ic  writor,  Senator  Teller  ptntcd  the  novel  eondition* 
nf  thin  indii^trinl  oonipotition  in  Die  umalloHt  compaifl: 

Five  ( 
three  tacT»  _      .  ^  ,  \  .   .  .   . 

wiJIe  to-da/  Ave  gold  dollari  buy  eight  taela,  and  eiglit  taeU  pay  a  c'.ay'a  wnire 
to  •  ot  t^er.ty-flve  hut  tiixty  Chlneae  mlll-handB:  luch  ta  the  nat.irp  of  t.ic 
protest  againHt  cheapened  silver  which  auma  up  our  silver  phlloauphy. 

There  is  no  industry  safr  if,  with  goll  prices  and  wages  rising  fait, 
wc  are  to  continue  to  ficll  eilver  to  China  at  two  Bhillings  an  ounce. 
Said  Mr.  Kopnoh,  of  Shanghai : 

SiSvr  paid  Chinese  labor  has  driven  ^very  European  tailor  and  flreman 
from  the  derlts  and  stokeholds  of  foreign  vessels  plvlng  on  the  coaat  of  China, 
and  the  premium  paid  by  gold  countrfex  lo  silver  labor  will  crush  the  efforts 
of  the  .V  -Vinist  to  reap  the  pi  fit  of  his  toil  in  the  East,  just  as  it  bas 
vanquished  the  seaman. 

Until  China  has  no  tontrolled  the  production  and  export  of  many 
of  our  great  staple  industries,  cotton  and  iron  and  leather,  that  slie 
has  saturated  her  currency  with  standard  silver  coins,  accepted  with- 
out question  by  her  four  hundred  millions  of  people,  which  coins  again 
can  not  be  distributed  over  China  to  raise  prices  and  wages  u.itil  she 
has  made  real  progress  with  a  railway  system — until  that  remote 
time  comes  there  can  be  no  such  rise  jf  wages  and  prices  in  Asia  as 
will  adjust  values  between  Europe  and  Amer.'.ea  on  the  one  hand,  and 
Ada  on  the  other ^  and  in  the  meantime  there  is  a  prospect  axnouni- 
ii:g  to  a  certainty  of  .  ch  a  further  rise  of  gold  prices  as  will  involve 
panics  and  e.Tchange  crises  every  few  years.  It  is  this  which  maken 
the  exchange  problem  so  infinitely  ii-iportant  at  the  present  time. 

Briefly  the  position  is  this.  The  immense  production  of  gold 
from  the  mines  is  depreciating  our  Western  currencies.  To  discover 
y  such  rise  of  prices  as  occurred  betweeT^  1896  and  1907  we  should 
have  to  revert  to  the  reign  of  James  the  T  irst.  In  1896  sixty-one 
sovereigns  would  purchase  as  i  uch  as  eighty  purchased  in  1907/ 
and  it  is  quite  certain  that  the  conditions  of  gold  supply  are  such 
that  we  have  scarcely  crossed  the  threshold  ot  the  new  era  of  tising 

*BauerbM)k'B  Index  Number,  1896,  61;  1B07,  80. 


4    Wages  in  the  \Vr»t  and  thf  Ouu  in  SMkangts  with  Ik*  Ea$i 

prictw.  In  thu  lut'unil  quartur  ol  tlie  acvvnUt-ntli  cuiitury,  bt>iauie 
of  th«  inHatioii  of  our  i-urrencivi  hy  Uie  trvanuru  tniY«  uf  tin*  iiiidm 
of  Hiilivia  and  IVru,  tlu!  vuluv  uf  au  av«ra(j;i<  arre  of  KngI  4)1  land 
f\mf  from  Si.  to  V5/.,  wageM  row  from  lialf  a  cruwu  to  twi-lvi  otiilliiigi 
a  imiVt  wheat  from  eight  sliillingi  per  quarter  to  over  thirty.  Adam 
Hmith  writoH  in  hia  Wtalik  0/  Nations  of  thm  great  fall  in  the  value  of 
our  h'gal'tpndcr  money: 

Th«  (llM'ovpry  tif  tli*  aliiindant  mlnti  uf  Aimrica  Httiu  nt  have  liMn  tha 
■oil  «auMi  of  i\w  diminution  In  tlw  falua  of  ■ilvir  in  prupcirtlon  to  that  of 
forn.  It  is  ai-rountnl  (or,  arcontlnKlj',  In  ttia  Mnw  niann«r  \>y  tvtrybodji  and 
tbara  navar  hat  bavn  any  uiHputa  altnar  about  tha  fart  or  about  tba  eauaa  of  it. 

It  in  almost  inevituhlc  that  thvro  ia  in  waiting  for  thi^  nuxt  >{fnura- 
tion  a  riiH>  of  priccti  hardly  U-mi  lennattonal,  I[k>cuii«v  of  thv  fxct'aatve 
ahundanco  of  the  new  gohl.  It  tiecma  but  the  other  day  that  writen 
on  current-y  were  bahiiu-ing  tht-ir  budget  with  a  yearly  prwluct  of 
only  t'ightii'n  niillionH;  ^  tliiH  year  the  produc-tiun  will  Ik?  quite  ninety 
millionH.  The  yii-ld  of  the-  iiiinoK  doubled  between  IHKU  nnd  1896,  and 
again  doubled  hetwi-en  1H!I(>  and  I'JUO;  and  from  the  uttermost  parta 
of  the  earth  come  freitli  annouiitementa  of  important  lUwoveries,  and 
of  chemical  and  mei'tianicul  inrcntiona,  which  tiecure  profitable  reaultit 
from  lower  and  lower  ^radett  of  ore.  But  in  the  cam*  of  the  white 
metal  the  position  is  (niite  <lifff!rent.  The  pr<Mluction  of  silver  bIiowb 
no  conitiderable  increaiie:  alternately  sta.ved  and  surfeited  by  the 
vacillating  policies  of  HucccNfiive  Finance  Ministers  the  "managed/' 
and  terribly  midmnnngefl,  t-urreiicy  of  India,  which  was  formerly  the 
conduit  through  which  (tilver  flowed  into  China  and  the  Malay  Staten, 
disallows  any  real  advance  of  silver  prices  in  China.  Every  authority 
agrees  that,  except  in  a  few  cities  and  in  the  treaty  ports,  the  purchas- 
ing power  of  the  tael,  now  ut  eight  to  the  sovereign,  ih  Htill  what  it  was 
when  it  exchanged  nt  three  to  the  sovereign.  Wb'-t.  then,  will  happen 
if  our  gold  prices  double  during  the  next  fi'V  ye  .  and  silver  price* 
remain  comparatively  immobile?  Clearly  vJrieiical  exports,  magne- 
Clzed  by  our  great  rise  of  prices,  will  be  thrown  upon  us  in  greater 
and  greater  volume,  and  will  more  and  more  displace  white  labor  in 
the  West.  In  1898  the  Slianghai  Chamber  of  Commerce  passed  the 
following  resolution : 

That  in  due  courae  ttia  productii  of  Atlatic  cheap  labor  will  prove  fnr  mora 
injurioua  to  the  intereata  of  the  wage-eamera  in  Kold-ntandard  countries  than 
the  preience  of  Chinefie  coolies,  and  that  unless  silver  is  remonetized,  protec- 
tive measures  wilt  have  to  be  adopted  to  exclude  from  gold-standard  countries 
not  Oriental  laborers  only,  hut  all  thone  manufactures  alto  which  are  sub- 
sidized by  premiums  < premiums  on  gold  in  Asiatic  currencies). 

The  fall  in  the  gold  price  of  silver  is  merely  another  expression 
for  a  rise  in  the  gold  premium  in  every  country  which  has  a  silver 
currency.  The  embarrassment  of  our  traders  in  exporting  to  South 
America  and  Itufisia,  countries  with  paper  currencies  where  the  pre- 
mium on  gold  fluctuates  from  day  to  day,  is  told  on  every  bourse.  The 
exchange  difTiculty  in  the  case  of  Asia  is  not  less,  but  is  much  greater, 
and  the  result  has  been,  beyond  words,  disastrous  to  white  men. 

•1874,  18,160,0001. 

Hoyr.  1.1  Ikt  Wf„  and  Iht  Vriti,  in  Ki,h,i,„j,.  w,lk  Ihr  Katt    S 

Of  ,mh»  n«l„ri.  i«  ti'..  «„n,>„ii..  on.i.  thruiiKl,  wliid,  llu.  ttwt  ,. 
IwwiriR.  W  hat  »oi.dcr  tlitl  w.  are  .^„„.lic  <,r  inlidd  !  What  wnndiT 
h.     r«. ..,.  1,„„K"  Im.  K,,„,.  l,v  .1,,.  .„ar.l  w,.l,  wmk.^  ..k1..„k,,.  a...! 

i»'«l l"'"'"     "'     "      "  "  '  '*'""'  '■■■"  '""'••••  ""'  '"""•  "I'"''  ••"■-' 


The  grwl  .liver  iuue  haa  .luiiihcrwl  n,.w  i.r  liflwii  .,.ur-   and 

dr".,lnd  t„  :'  "',"""'  «"'''•  "  »"-'  """■'  l'">«  "■"■'■""I  fn,,„ 
fnT,  '"  l''«f  ,""  "«"  "•"'"■■y-  "">  it  i«  -are  t,.  ,,r.,lict  that 
to  the  at  land  th„  „,.,„,h|y  i„d„  ,  ,h,.r.  of  Mr.  Sa  ,.TlH,k  wM 
b,  aw.,,„|  ,„h  „„  eager  and  al„„«t  a  ,,u„>f„l  mter..,,  r  ..  a, 

placemen  of  wnie  ho.„e  indu.try  .„d  it,  «tabl„l,„,cnt  in  the  E.  t 
No  conceivable  tariff  would  "protect"  our  Worker,  again.t  .„  "a  f.  i 
to  .,  vcr  a.  that  of  I8li3-1>      „r  of  l»(.7-«.     For  reason.  aW,  L"  Z 

a^d  Ch  nlZr,T°"''°  "'^  'T"'  "■™''  "'  l'"l»''"'i"'>  »i'Mn  ln.iia 

^„ril^,  ''^.°  ""'"■'■""■  '"'"•'  "'  •,.;  but  it  can 

■hnCamnir""^  ""."'  """«  KoHKcxchanKe  i,  b.,1  towar.l N:." 
■hilling,  and  he  rup™  at,  or  near,  two  .hi  ng..  "Binietalli.n,  "  or 
.ny  «heme  that  i,  believe,!  to  require  i       national  ag"       ,^'t,  " 

'n^?hr''  ""''  '",•"-"»"""  -"  ™'y  »'-  obstruct  and  delay  «™e 
poMible  measure  of  reform.    The  Pritiah  "know-nothirg"  view  a.  to 

»iew,  and  in  a  f.v  worda.  Before  1873  the  world  of  trad.  ,i„ved 
flxed  e,ch,„ge,  between  gold  and  .ilver  communitiea.  S.  g„ 
France  wr„W  exchange  her  gold  for  silver  at  an  ounce  of       ,^o 

4^  2^-  ■»  (?old  leu  only  the  co,t  of  .ending  it  to  Pari,.  But  we  can  now 
«e  that  France  wa.  merely  the  money  changer.  It  wa.  not  in  the  poweT 
of  France  to  ina.ntam  this  exchange,  for  even  a  few  year.,  without  Z 
ooperation  of  (ireat  Britain.    The  ability  of  France  depc:nd"on  (1) 

in  Loudon.  If  London  merchant,  trading  with  China  or  Chili  threw 
wa.  at  once  forwarded,  say  to  Bombay,  to  l»  exchanged  there  for 
ZT:\T  '""'^-i'"  ''°''''  "'  «"'''  '""»•  ""•!  "•>"  ™^h  fifteen 
Bombay  a  draft  on  London  for  an  ounce  of  gold.  Space  will  not  allow 
.Tve^aS'lr  ^■^■^;"'^,7*'''.«  '"ough  it  is.  why,  a.  Chevalier  said 
.liver,  after  the  great  Cahfomian  and  Australian  gold  discoveries  wa. 

new  gold  reachcl  Eurow  and  raised  price,  there,  Asia's  export,  at- 

ttf^f*  *  r  '''''"  ^"'"^  P"*^'*'  "»"™«i  into  Europe,  and  to 
hquidate  Asia,  mcreaaing  balance  of  trade  the  legal  tender  silver  cur- 
rency of  FVance  paswd  by  wholesale  into  the  melting  pot.  Thu.  every 
ounce  of  the  new  gold  evicted  from  France  fifteen  and  a  half  .unc« 
of  coined  .ilyer.     The  silver  to  the  French  currency  w«,  thu.    in 

(    Wagm  in  the  Wat  and  tkt  Cri$u  in  Bxehanget  with  the  Eatt 

Chevalier'a  happy  phnee,  the  "parachute";  it  protected  Europe  from 
that  inflation  of  prices  and  that  fall  of  gold  from  which  we  and 
America  are  now  about  to  suffer,  and  suffer  grievously. 

I  believe  that  we  "Bimetallists"  are  now  prepared  to  admit  that 
Great  Britain  did  all,  and  even  more  than  her  share,  before  1873  to 
secure  fixed  exchanges,  and  that  to  ask  her,  as  we  did,  to  continue 
free  coinage  and  silver  monometallism  in  India,  flm  a  free-gold  mar- 
ket in  London,  pltia  a  mint  open  to  the  free  coinage  of  some  unnamed 
legal  tender  silver  coin  in  London— such  a  demand  was  excessive. 
Had  the  Indian  rupee  currency  been  minted  in  England  and  not  in 
India  we  should  have  seen  this  quite  clearly,  and  so  would  the  other 
nations,  America  and  France,  their  traditions  friendly  to  silver.  We 
should  have  had  in  London  a  mint  open  at  all  times  to  the  free  and 
unlimited  coinage  of  silver.  That  fact  would  have  silenced  our  critics. 
Is  it,  then,  possible  to  revert  to  the  status  quo  ante  1873 1  It  seems  to 
me  quite  impossible;  no  one  would  now  know  where  to  begin.  The  en- 
tire science  of  mone..  is  repellent  in  the  last  degree,  and  rather  late  in 
the  day  our  sense  of  humor  stirs  at  the  idea  of  creating  not  merely  a 
national  but  a  cosmopolitan  opinion  as  to  such  an  issue.  The  question 
of  exchanges  rated  by  international  comity  is  dead  and  buried.  But 
the  prospect  of  patching  up  exchanges  at  least  for  a  generation  to 
come  is  far  from  hopeless ;  indeed  it  is  not  to-day  really  difficult,  and 
if  in  this  way  we  can  get  over  the  next  quarter  of  a  century  we  may 
probably  also  have  survived  the  era  of  excessive  gold  supplies  and  in- 
flated prices.  I'hus  1933  may  find  gold  prices  again  shrinking,  and 
with  China  equipped  with  railways  and  with  a  respectable  currency  sys- 
tem, her  wages  and  prices,  as  also  those  in  British  India,  may  be  rapidly 
advancing;  thus  the  racial  danger  of  the  present  competition,  fostered 
by  rising  gold  prices  and  falling  silver  exchanges,  may  have  been 
averted.  There  is  also  the  prospect  of  an  immense  and  most  beneficent 
absorption  of  silver  by  Africa,  as  to  which  I  will  refer  later. 

The  method  of  supporting  and  raising  Eastern  exchange  might  be 
as  follows:  In  1888,  after  sitting  for  two  years,  a  Boyal  Commission 
on  the  Currency  issued  its  report.  The  evidence,  read  to-day,  is  of 
extreme  value  and  interest.  Of  the  witnesses  examined  few  now  sur- 
vive ;  they  were  for  the  most  part  merchants  and  bankers  who,  already 
men  of  affairs  and  experience  in  1873,  knew  the  extraordinary  con- 
venience of  that  accidental  fixed  exchange  with  which  they  had  pursued 
their  trades.  The  Boyal  Commission  split  up,  as  we  should  expect, 
into  two  camps.  The  monometallists  signed  Part  II,  the  bimetallists 
Part  III.    Part  II,  paragraph  137,  reads  as  follows : 

We  think  that  the  best  suggestion  in  relief  of  the  tension  of  the  existing 
situation  is  to  be  found  in  the  lasue  of  small  notes  based  on  silver.  These  might 
become  the  substitutes  for  the  half-sovereign,  and  if  they  came  into  generml 
use  they  would  afford  a  remedy  for  those  difficulties  in  relation  to  that  coin  to 
which  public  attention  has  been  prominently  called. 

Twenty-Bhiliing  silver  notes  might  also  be  issued.  If  these  were  put  into 
circulation  they  would  probably  naas  largely  Into  use  without  any  alteration 
of  the  law  of  legal  tender.  The  Oovemment  might  issue  these  upon  condition 
of  retaining  silver  capable  of  being  coined  into  an  equal  number  of  shillings. 
The  mar'  bus  opened  for  silver  might  check  the  decline  in  price  of  that 
metal,  b»  producing  an  economy  in  the  use  of  gold,     (bigned:   Herschell, 

C.  W.  Fremantle,  T.  H.  Farrer,  T.«onBrd  H.  Courtney.) 

Wajfu  in  the  Wett  and  the  Crieie  in  Exchanges  with  the  Eait    1 
In  P«rt  III,  paragraph  36,  the  Bimctalliata  any: 

Sri,^™.^  2VV     'T!^  ''?"  ""  ««"'  «'"»?«■  '»  the  relill™  value  of  the 

■  ™;!,!>!f.l  /  "'''i  °'  ""  !"'""■  •*'  ""  ■•"'"  time  we  approve  the  r^m- 
fiSi.  n.l  ,!;i,''°','f'*?."J°v'"-  l^'S^'  I*"'"  Mallrt,  Arthur  ^°. 
Balfour,  Heary  Chaplin,  D.  Barbour,  W.  ft.  Houldeworth,  Samuel  Montagu.) 

In  1891  Mr.  Goachen,  at  that  time  Chancellor  of  the  Exchequer, 
went  to  Leeda,  and  he  made  an  impassioned  appeal,  if  such  an  adjective 
applies  to  one  by  nature  so  cautious  and  critical;  he  displayed,  how- 
ever a  really  desperate  anxiety  as  to  the  state  of  our  gold  reserve. 
Mr.  Ooschen  said : 

I  ha™  alBo  considered  the  queation  of  the  iasue  of  ten-.hillinB  notea  aiiainat 
CommiMlon,-  and  there  are  no  economic  obiectione  to  eucSa  courie  f  b. 
half-eovereign  is  a  very  expensive  coin,  and  Wsovereign.  are  Suited  iS 
enormous  ma.,ejL  I  .m  told  that  in  the  payment  of  wLernote.  for  teS 
shiiling,  would  tx  extremely  agreeable,  a.  ."vSiding  a  greaFdeal  of  caJriaS 
and  a  great    deal  of  counting  {Time,,  the  29th  of  5.nuTu7,  1891)  ^ 

We  Silver  men  were  much  disturbed  by  "this  speech,  and  the  Chan- 
cellor received  our  oeputation  at  the  Treasury  a  few  days  later,  intro- 
duced, if  I  remember  rightly,  by  Sir  William  Houldsworth,  member 
for  Manchester.  I  have  the  notes  of  the  objections  I  raised,  which 
pointed  out  that  if,  as  Mr.  Goschcn  proposed,  he  brought  in  and  im- 
pounded the  half-sovereign,  a  full  legal-tender  coin,  buying  it  with  s 
non-lcgal-tender  note  for  four  half  crowns,  he  would  contract  the  vol- 
ume of  our  standard  money  by  some  thirtv  per  cent,  and  induce  as 
was  mdeed  his  purpose,  a  further  fall  of  prices;  because  it  is  the  legal- 
tender  money,  the  money  whidi  can  be  drawn  abroad  through  the 
action  of  the  exchanges,  which  supports  prices,  and  not  the  non- 
meltable  token  money.  Under  cover  of  this  fall  of  prices  he  would 
have  turned  the  exchanges  in  our  favor,  would  have  protected  in  its 
cradle  stage  his  second  gold  reserve,  the  impounded  half-sovereign, 
while  the  better  exchanges  were  bringing  us  additional  gold  from 
abroad.  It  was  a  very  clever,  perhaps  even  a  sound  proposal,  but  we 
thought  that  the  farmer  and  merchant  were  being  sacrificed  in  that 
year  of  semi-panic  to  better  secure  the  banks.  I  have  since  come  to  see 
that  there  are  crises— and  such  was  tlie  crisis  of  1890— when  finance 
must  be  nursed  to  protect  trade.  As  a  rule  it  is  the  other  way;  sound 
trade  secures  safety  to  exchange,  and  thus  to  finance.  It  was  quite 
evident  that  the  vehement  opposition  we  offered  had  impressed  the 
Chancellor  of  the  Exchequer;  and  hard  on  our  heels,  as  I  have  only 
lately  learned,  came  yet  anotlier  deputation,  small,  but  very  important, 
which  included  Sir  Hobert  Giffeu.  The  protest  of  this  deputation  as  to 
his  silver-secured  token  notes  was  not  less  emphatic  than  ours.  Mr. 
Goschen  himself— I  may  say  it  with  all  respect— knew  more  about  cur- 
rency and  exchange  than  Sir  Robert  and  all  our  deputations  rolled 
into  one,  and  he  should,  I  think,  have  persevered;  but  with  many  fine, 
rather  superfine,  qualities  he  perhaps  lacked  decision.  In  any  case, 
less  than  twelve  months  later,"  in  addressing  the  London  Chamber  of 
Commerce  he  withdrew  the  small  note  proposal  in  these  words : 

•  Only  Sir  John  Lubbock  and  Mr.  Birch  dissented.    '  2d  of  December,  1S91. 

8    Wagct  in  the  Weal  and  the  Crisit  in  Exchanges  with  the  East 

You  will  obMFYe  that  1  have  mada  no  alluilon  lo  tha  Un-ihllling  notai. 
(Hear,  near.)  I  took  lucli  palm  a>  I  could  lo  aaeertain  whether  teuahllliiu 
note,  would  be  acceptable  to  the  community,  and  the  reiult  I  arrived  at  wu 
this-^that  they  would  be  extremely  unpopular  In  mont  parts  o(  the  country, 
but  that  in  Lancaahlre  ...  they  would  value  the  ten-abilling  notes  not 
entirely  on  account  pt  the  note  llwH,  W  becauie  of  it  being  «>me  recognition 
ot  the  principle  of  illver  performing  a  larger  part  In  tha  currency. 

The  Chancellor  in  this  matter  had  strayed  into  a  zone  swept  by  two 
fires.  These  note  issues,  by  raising  the  Eastern  eichanges,  and  thus 
securing  the  prosperity  for  the  time  being  of  I.«ncashire,  would  have 
disbanded  the  Bimetallic  League.  We  at  that  time  were  full  of  confi- 
dence and  hope ;  not  until  two  years  later  were  we  to  find  our  Waterloo, 
and  again  at  Brussels.  But,  more  important  still,  .Mr.  Ooachen  was 
under  the  guns  of  "the  business  man"  I  Another  Chancellor,  a  greater 
mind  still,  had  learned  that  lesson.  Twelve  years  earlier  Mr.  Robert 
Lowe  wrote: 

It  neeme  .Irange  to  say  so,  but  it  Is  nevertheless  true  that  there  is  nowhere 
so  much  difficulty  in  obtaining  a  fair  hearing  as  in  matters  of  finance  a  little 
out  of  the  usual  course.  The  parson,  as  Is  natural,  prefer,  his  old  >n<i»ii»imi<> 
to  your  new  .umpsimus.  The  lawyer  often  listens  with  impatience  to  the 
notions  of  an  account  more  enlightened  than  that  in  which  his  code  was 
iramed;  but  for  thorough,  unreasoning,  and  dogged  obstruction  commend  me 
k!  "i-hJ ..."/  *!■  .?  .'^  rcsnected  man  of  business,  especially  if  the  business 
».  ,  ''5"!.  ?y  '"!»,'.  "Ingle  fact  he  becomes  an  oracle.  Why  should  he 
waste  his  time  in  thinking  when  the  balance  at  his  bankers  testlfles  for  him 
that  he  is  entirely  master  of  the  mysteries  of  his  profession!  Why  tire  his 
ges  with  reading  when  he  is  already  master  of  all  that  has  and  all  that  can 
be  said  on  the  subjectt  To  try  to  impart  to  such  a  person  a  new  idea  is  a  sort 
of  insult  1  for  It  Implies  that  there  is  something  left  for  him  to  learn,  which 
as  the  mathematlcianB  say.  Is  absurd.  H  it  be  difficult  to  argue  with  the 
master  of  twenty  legions,  it  is  equally  vain  to  argue  with  tEe  master  of 
twenlj  clerks,  ff  you  doubt  this,  look  at  the  reception  which  the  currencr 
question  received  from  persona  who  are  engaged  In  actual  business.  They 
professed  they  did  not  understand  it,  which  was,  no  doubt,  perfectly  true- 
but,  not  understanding  it,  they  were  equally  sure  it  was  wrong  lie  pro- 
posal was  no  novelty;  it  was  only  a  nlvelty  to  them.'  '    , 

Thus,  then,  there  was  put  to  sleep  in  the  willing  anns  of  London's 
Chamber  the  almost  unanimous  proposal  of  a  Royal  Commission,'  of 
which  proposal  the  greatest  authority  on  exchange  finance  of  our  time 
said,  "there  are  no  economic  objections."  The  man  had  come  but  not 
the  time.  The  question  of  the  gold  reserve  both  in  I«ndon  and  New 
York  overshadows  to-day  all  others  in  importance.  Tf  gold  were  pur- 
chased in  both  countries  against  the  issue  of  "Goschen  notes,"  and  if 
these  were  circulated,  as  Mr.  Goschen  thought  possible,  to  a  maximum 
of  a  pound  per  mpiia,  a  "war-chest"  in  Washington  of  five  hundred 
million  dollars  of  imearmarked  gold,  and  in  London  of  forty  million 
sovereigns,  might  go  far  to  protect  the  two  communities  against  ex- 
treme speculative  excesses.  The  silver  purchased  to  secure  these 
notes,  even  were  the  purchases  spread  over  the  next  fifteen  years 
would  amount  to  six  hundred  million  ounces,  and  under  con- 
ditions of  such  demand  the  rates  of  exchange  with  Asia  would  be 
restored  presently  to  something  like  their  old  gold  point.*    The  early 

•  Fortnightly,  July,  1879. 

•In  1907  the  Government  of  India  purchased  eighty  million  ounces  of  silver 
out  of  a  total  production  of  170  million  ounces,  of  which  the  silversmiths  take 
eighty;  but  in  1908  that  Government  purchased  a  merely  nominal  amount,  and 

Silver  :u-t-oi-ilingly  fell  more  than  8d.  an  ounce. 

Wage)  in  the  Wett  and  the  Crisis  in  Exchanges  with  the  East    9 

purchMei  of  the  half-sovereign  would  be  with  a  note  for  ten  shillings, 
the  silver  in  b  shilling  being  now  worth  only  fourpcncc,  the  half- 
•overeign  wonid  cost  three-and-fourpence.    But  I  have  come  to  see 
both  at  VVashington  and  Westminster,  that  this  measure  of  safety  for 
trade  and  finance  is  quite  past  praying  for.    In  England  the  bankers 
will  never  agree  with  the  merchants;  while  in  America,  I  am  told  on 
all  hands,  that  no  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  could  withstand  the  deter- 
mination of  Wall  Street  to  raid  the  new  cash  reserve.    But  both  in 
America  and  in  England,  and  particularlv,  I  am  assured,  in  Germany 
there  is  a  rapidly  growing  recognition  of  the  disaster  which  has  fol- 
lowed the  silver  slump  of  1907-1908,  and  in  both  countries,  or  in  all 
three,  it  wonld  now  bo  possible  to  attract  the  public  car  it  the  propostd 
■mall-note  currency  wonld  both  liquidate  the  cost  of  some  great 
national  undertaking,  giving  a  huge  profit  to  the  revenue,  and  at  the 
same  time  patch  up  the  rate  of  Eastern  exchange,  and  so  stimulate  our 
export  trades  as  to  bring  back  employment  to  our  workers.     Such 
great  national  undertakings  there  are  at  the  present  time ;  in  England 
Old  Age  pensions,  and  in  America  the  Panama  Canal.     If  we  ear- 
marked the  profits  of  the  proposed  small-note  issues  as  to  which  "there 
are  no  economic  objections,"  for  these  national  objects,  their  carriage, 
both  in  Great  Britain  and  America,  in  our  note  cases  and  cash  boxes 
would  seem  a  national  duty.    The  new  pension  payments  lend  them- 
selvM  perfectly  to  the  proposed  note  cureney;  they  cannot  be  paid  in 
standard  monev,  and  if  the  Treasury  were  to  issue  these  "crown  notes" 
to  the  post-offices  throughout  the  country  the  public  convenience  would 
be  subserved,  and  the  profit  at  the  present  price  of  silver  would  be  the 
entire  difference  between  twenty-four  pence  and  sixty-six  pence  on  each 
five-shilling  pension  paid."    The  profit  is  so  enormous  that  the  note 
isane  might  be  treated  very  liberally.    It  should  be  a  beautiiul  note,  to 
be  burned,  never  reissued.    To  enlarge  the  field  of  currency  for  these 
notes  the  half-sovereigns,  wasteful  coins  with  a  large  friction  surface 
should  be  gradually  collected  as  they  come  into  the  post-offices;  and  it 
might  be  well  also  to  reduce  the  pound  note  issues  in  Scotland  and 
Ireland,  m  this  way  creating  a  void,  to  be  filled  by  the  crown  notes. 
I  robably  in  a  few  years  the  custom  would  obtain,  as  in  every  other 
country  enjoying  n  small-paper  currency,  of  carrying  more  crown 
notes  and  less  gold;  thus  much  of  the  gold  now  in  our  pockets  and 
tills  would  gravitate  to  the  bank  reserve,  which  was  indeed  the  chief 
aim  of  Mr.  Goschen's  proposal. 

I  hope  the  reader  follows  that  the  proposed  notes  are  not  legal 
tenders;  that  they  in  no  respect  differ  from  sixpences,  shillings,  or 
half-crowns;  that  sixpences,  shillings,  and  half-crowns  already  circu- 
late at  a  value  one  hundred  and  fifty  per  cent,  higher  than  their  metal 
value  and  to  the  amount  of  some  twentv-five  millions  sterling;  and 
that  the  only  reason  the  Mint  does  not  coin  more  small  change  is  that 
the  people  will  not  overweight  their  pockets.  Xot  only,  then  are 
there  no  economic  objections  to  this  most  profitable  note  issue,  but 
there  are  great  incidental  advantages :  it  would  be  very  convenient  for 
remittance,  saving  bankers  the  annoyance  of  myriads  of  very  small 

"  The  mint  iuue  price  for  silver  bullion  Is  6e  pence  per  ounce. 

iO  Wagei  in  the  Wat  and  ikt  Cntit  m  Exchanges  with  the  Eait 

checks  and  their  ledger  and  pasB-book  entries,  while  taking  the  place 
of  small  money  orders,  and  thus  saving  the  time  of  the  public  and  of 
the  post-office  staff.  Again,  to  the  extent  these  notes  increased  the  gold 
reserves,  so  also  would  they  increase  the  loanable  capital,  and  thus  the 
profits  of  the  banks.  In  times  of  crisis  and  panic,  too,  a  large  volume 
of  this  currency,  unlike  gold  not  exportable,  but  remaining  in  the 
pockets  and  tills  of  the  citizens,  would  do  money's  work,  when  gold 
had  gone  into  hiding.  Had  the  United  States  in  the  panic  of  190T 
possessed  five  hundred  million  dollars  of  these  fractional  currency 
notes  her  sufferings  would  have  been  greatly  mitigated,  and  her  drain 
on  our  gold  redui.  d. 


In  the  preparation  of  this  paper  the  chief  difficulty  remains,  and 
I  propose  to  shirk  it,  to  the  extremest  limit  possible.  That  is  the 
more  perfect  way  for  one  who,  like  the  writer,  regards  the  work  of 
England  in  India  as  perhaps  civilization's  brightest  page  of  ell. 

But  there  has  been  a  blunder,  amounting  to  one  of  the  great  acci- 
dents of  history,  and  its  consequences  both  to  China  and  India,  and 
also  to  the  West,  have  been  monumental.  I  refer,  of  course,  to  the 
closing  of  the  mints  and  the  establishment  in  India  of  a  so-called 
"gold  standard." 

If  the  "Goschcn  plan"  was  workable  without  reference  to  the  pres- 
ent "managed"  currency  of  India  I  would  omit  all  reference  to  India; 
but  the  first  effect  of  silver  purchases  by  two  great  nations,  or  three, 
on  the  scale  contemplated  would  be  to  bring  silver  sharply  to  forty- 
three  pence  an  ounce,  at  which  point  the  ariiflcial  rupee  of  the  Gov- 
ernment of  India  goes  to  the  melting-pot.  The  Secretary  of  State 
for  India  dominates  Eastern  exchange  from  the  Victoria  Nyanza  to 
Vladivostock,  from  Borneo  to  the  Koof  of  the  World" ;  never  was  such 
an  autocracy  as  his.  And  if  he  still  sells  his  rupee  bills  for  sixteen- 
pence,  then,  when  silver  has  touched  forty-three  pence  per  ounce,  by 
no  conceivable  means  can  silver  rise  farther,  or  the  rates  of  exchange 
with  China  advance  beyond  that  point.  That  is  an  axiom  of  exchange 
to-day.  But  if  he  will  agree  to  reopen  India's  mints  when  the  bullion 
price  of  silver  reaches  forty-three  pence,  then  it  becomes  worth  while 
to  persevere  through  that  sad  and  sun-baked  desert,  which  may  yet 
lead  to  the  green  oasis  of  higher  exchanges  with  all  Asia. 

At  Washington  a  Monetary  Commission  is  in  session.  Since  our 
Bullion  Committee  reported  early  in  the  last  century  no  body  of  men 
have  been  freighted  with  a  greater  responsibility.  But  this  Western 
Commission  is  in  the  matter  of  silver  absolutely  at  the  mercy  of  the 
Government  of  India.  What  ■  il  Calcutta  do  should  the  metal  value 
of  the  rupee  equal  'Is  rate  ,  exchange?  "Is  it  possible  to  procure 
through  the  India  Uovernment  some  reply  to  this  question?  Be- 
cause we  are  quite  certain  to  meet  an  almost  insuperable  obstacle  in 
the  attitude  of  that  Government,  and  at  the  very  outset  of  our  inquiry." 
With  these  words  Senator  Teller,  the  Nestor  of  that  Commission, 
concluded  a  letter  to  me  last  October.  Hecall  that  in  1897  the  Gov- 
ernments of  tlie  United  States  and  France  had,  by  the  mouth  of  the 

Wages  in  tht  Wett  and  the  Crisis  in  Exchanges  with  the  Eutt  11 

Wolcott  CoDimiMion,  asked  this  same  question  of  the  Government  of 
India.    It  was  no  biraetallio  pait,  as  some  people  were  led  to  suppose. 
Prance  said  to  India :  "We  admitted  silver  to  free  coinage  before  1873, 
and  you  before  1893;  will  yon  do  it  again  if  we  do?"    The  other 
points  In  the  proposal  were  mere  surplusage,  matters  to  concede.    The 
two  great  Uepublics  had  said:  "We  recognize  that  for  you,  India,  to 
revert  to  owen  mints  and  free  automatic  exchange  singlehanded  would 
be  difficult,  and  Hesumption  is  always  painful;  but  will  you  do  the 
huneat  thing  by  your  people,  and  again  coin  any  one  hundred  and 
eighty  grains  of  silver  for  bearer  into  a  rupee  if  we  jointly  intercept 
the  load  of  arriving  silver  by  opening  our  mints  to  all  comers  V  Such 
was  the  offer  of  the  Bepublics.    It  said  to  India,  "Can  we  assist  you 
back  to  the  paths  of  honest  money?    All  white  workers  are  concerned 
to  secure  a  rise  in  the  rates  of  exchange  with  China.    In  tampering 
with  your  currency  you  have  tampered  no  less  with  that  of  the  Philip- 
pines, China,  and  Cochin  China,  and  you  have  frightfully  subsidized  a 
competition  which  alarms  us— the  competition  of  the  Mongolian  ant- 
heap  in  our  markets.    Will  you  who  belong  to  the  polity  of  Locke  and 
Newton,  to  the  homeland  of  honest  money,  but  who  have  strayed  from 
the  fold,  come  back,  if  we  make  the  gate  easier  of  access  ?'    Such  was  the 
proposal  of  the  Hepublics.  The  courage  of  it !  The  comity  of  it  I  And 
the  reply  was  the  reply  the  world  has  been  familiar  with  in  the  years 
gone  by  in  the  mouth  of  the  Treasurer  of  some  bankrupt  South  Ameri- 
can State.  "We  dare  not  have  recourse  to  honest  money,"  says  the  River 
Plate,  "for  how  then  sh"jld  wo  export  our  wheat?"  "Or  our  coffee  or 
rubber?"  says  Brazil.  And  over  the  signatures  "Elgin,"  "George  White," 
"James  Westland,"  tlie  civilized  world  read  the  reply  with  amazement: 
No  honest  rupee  for  India;  the  rise  in  exchange  "would  kill  our  ex- 
port trades."  "    Such  is  the  official  view  of  free  exchange  for  India. 
India's  export  trades  live  because  of  an  inconvertible  token  currency; 
she  is  to  continue  to  buy  ninepennyworth  of  silver,  coin  it,  and  call  it 
sixteen  pence.    "We  will  sell  in  two  financial  years,  1906  and  1907, 
over  four  hundred  millions  of  these  assignats;  we  will  make  such  a 
profit  by  selling  them  to  our  people  that  we  shall  have  no  more  revenue 
difficulties."     Such  is  the  dispatch  made  memorable  by  a  British 
Viceroy's  autograph.    But  why,  Burra  Lord  Sahib,  pay  ninepence  for 
silver,  and  call  it  a  rupee,  and  sell  it  for  sixteen  pence — a  mere  pnJflt 
of  sevenpence?    Why  not  buy  tons  of  lead,  and  stamp  them,  and  sell 
lead  rupees  at  your  rating?    What  point  is  there  in  a  full  legal-tender 
coin  unless  it  is  meltable,  ,-.nd  is  thus  the  money  of  exchange,  the 
money  that  assists  to  keep  its  country  on  the  same  price  level  as  its 
neighbors  ?    Why  be  at  the  expense  of  silver  when  lead  will  do  ?    It 
can  not  be  to  secure  a  trickster's  confidence  in  dealing  with  three  hun- 
dred millions  of  our  wards,  nearly  ninety  per  cent,  illiterate.    "Forced 
elevation  of  the  value  of  money  is  fraudulent  bankruptcy,"  so  wrote 
Jeremy  Bentham,  dear  to  Eadicals.    When,  in  May,  1898,  it  had  be- 
come evident  that  the  gold  standard  might  be  imposed.  Sir  Robert 
Giffen  concluded  a  letter  to  the  Times  with  these  memorable  words: 
The  highest  political  isnies  are  also  iDvotved.    One  of  the  most  dangerous 

"  Simla,  Iflth  of  September,  1897.  C.  8667. 

IS  Wages  m  ike  West  and  the  CHsi$  in  Exdumget  with  ik$  Ea$t 

thingi  lor  a  OorernnMiit  to  do  ii  to  tamper  with  the  peopli'i  iDomy.  Is  it 
Mrtaln  tb«t  tba  iDdian  Oonmmcnt  cin  go  on  lonj;  with  iti  proMnt  Idcu 
ragardlQg  money  without  produeing  tht  gravest  eompltMtiotts  in  th«  govarn- 
m«nt  of  India  Itsslf  T 

Let  me  get  aw&y  from  this  very  dangerous  ground,  from  the 
*'famine-breeding  rupee,"  from  the  rupee  which,  although  now  depreci- 
ating by  reason  of  the  inflations  of  1906  and  1907,  yet  costs  nearly 
two  tolas  instead  of  one  tola,  with  all  the  "little  loaf"  consequences  in 
time  of  famine.  \Vc  had  b«tter  turn  down  that  page.  But  let  any 
intending  official  apologist  just  ponder  first  on  those  words  before 
coming  to  the  defense  of  the  gold  standard.  It  is  greatly  to  be  desired 
tliat  the  issue  shall  never  be  argued  in  print.  But  the  official  ignorance 
in  higl  places  which  led  to  it — this  is  matter  for  fair  comment. 

Announcing  the  gold  standard  for  India  in  the  House  of  Commons, 
Lord  George  Hamilton,  the  Secretary  of  !Uate  for  India,  said  (Time$, 
19th  of  May,  1908)  : 

Believer  as  I  am  in  bimetallism,  having  been  a  convert  twenty-flve  years 
ago,  I  had  a  good  deal  to  do  with  the  organization  which  has  since  developed 
itself.  .  .  .  What  is  the  plea  upon  which  bimetalliBts  have  appealed  to 
the  woricing  classes  of  this  country?  Is  it  not  that  the  ronatanl  fall  in  the  price 
of  nlver  raiteg  pricta  in  thoae  couniriea  where  ailver  ia  the  atajutard,  and  that 
in  consequence  an  impetus  and  bounty  is  given  to  the  export  trade  .  .  .  T 
Everyone  who  exports  produce  from  India  like*  a  falling  rupee,  for  the  rea- 
son that   it   raiaee  prices. 

It  would  hardly  be  possible  to  pack  more  "valuable  misinformation'' 
into  half  a  dozen  lines.  At  the  time  Lord  George  spoke  all  the 
official  "index  numbers"  issued  by  his  Department  show  (1)  that 
rupee  prices  were  lower  than  in  1873;'^  (3)  that  this  is  the  cause  of 
the  impetus  and  bounty;  (3)  that  just  as  nothing  stimulates  a  coun- 
try's exports  like  a  fall  in  its  prices,  so  nothing  checks  them  like  a  rise. 
These  points  are  the  mere  alphabet  of  exchange,  and  yet  they  are 
beyond  the  ken  of  a  statesman  who  has  since  left  his  party  because 
of  economic  doubts.  Well  did  Mr.  Gibbs  entitle  his  Bimetallic  Primer 
"A  Book  for  Babes  and  M.P.s." 

It  is  easy  now  by  the  light  of  events  to  detect  the  fallacy  which 
underlay  the  entire  Hamilton-EIgin-Westland  experiment.  They  be- 
lieved {vide  Govern. rient  of  India  Dispatch,  September  '5,  1897,  para. 
14.  C.  8667)  that  they  could  work  through  to  safety  and  a  gold  standard 
while  maintaining  their  existing  rupee  currency  as  full  legal  tender, 
and  this  because  the  United  States  and  France  had  gold  standards 
with  masses  of  silver  dollars  and  five-franc  pieces  of  full  legal  tender. 
But  this  analogy,  preposterous  at  the  time,  is  now  seen  to  have  clean 
gone  forever.  In  America  and  France  all  additions  to  their  currencies 
are  in  the  metal  of  their  standard,  whereas  in  India  no  addition  to  its 
currency  is  in  the  metal  of  its  standard. 

Let  us  now  watch  our  Alice  at  w  rk  in  that  Indian  Wonderland. 
Sir  James  Weetland,  perfectly  in  the  twilight  as  to  currency  questions, 
allowed  himself,  not  unnaturally,  to  be  controlled  by  certain  civilian 
influences.  The  rupee  had  fallen  because  of  the  closing  of  the  mints 
to  a  fraction  over  a  shilling;  how  were  his  commercial  advisers,  after 

"See  Blue  Book,  Prices  ami  Wagea  in  India,  1907,  pp.  147-lSS,  218-239, 
252.  253.  261.  267. 

Waga  i«  tke  Wat  and  ike  Criiit  in  Exchanga  with  the  East   13 

a  life  of  pro«p«roni  tiport  trading  fostered  by  shrinliing  er;cliangc,  to 
return  home  bringing  ttieir  iheaves  witli  tlicm?  Clearly  a  few  vean 
of  a  gold  standard  wae  the  remedy,  and  then  let  wme  other  fello« 
"carry  the  baby."  Melt  up  the  rupee  currency,  sell  it  for  gold,  India't 
prices  will  fall ;  thus  you  will  both  create  a  currcmy  vacuum  and  also 
increase  her  balance  of  trade.  To.  take  the  place  of  the  melted  rupeei 
and  to  liquidate  the  trade  balances  sovereigns  will  rush  in.  Such 
was  the  policy.  So  the  word  went  out  to  ofticiil  India  to  declare  the 
Indian  currency  "redundant"— a  nice  mouth-filling  word,  like  unto 
Diana  of  Ephesus.  The  sign,  and  the  only  sign,  of  a  redundant  cur- 
rency (the  sign  in  India  to-day)  is  a  rise  of  prices,  wliercna  all  the  of- 
ficial "index  numbers"  in  1898  showed  that  prices  were  falling.  Man- 
chester was  to  be  "st,uared"  by  an  artificially  high  exchange  (an 
exchange  to-day  ninety  per  cent,  higher  than  the  bullion  point) ;  this 
would  protect  hei  cottons  from  the  general  fall  of  prices  at  hand. 
It  woult  have  been  well  for  Lord  George  had  he  pondered  the  mag- 
nificent reply  of  the  Treasury  in  November,  1879,  to  a  previous  appeal 
from  the  Government  of  India  to  permit  a  gold  standard  the  reply 
should  be  printed  in  letters  of  gold  on  the  walls  of  the  India  Office: 

:.  .ppMfs,  loo,  th.t  the  aovernment  o(  India,  in  making  the  P"«"'  P™' 
DOStl  iMthemwlie.  open  to  the  same  eritlcLmi  »  .re  made  upon  Govern 
K  which  have  depreciated  their  currencies.  In  K«.er.I,  the  object  of  .»c.. 
Oovcrnmente  liai  bejn  to  dimlni.h  the  amount  they  have  to  pay  to  their 
S torT  In  he  7e,ent  ca»  the  object  of  the  IndU  Government  .pp..r. 
S„  hi  tn  ncreare  the  amount  they  have  to  receive  from  their  taxpayer.. 
'"  My  Cd.  f"il  t^  TZ  reaf  difference  in  the  ''■•"''"  "M'^l.Triv:?;' 
action.  .     Th»  Government  Kheme  may  relieve  the  Indian  Govern 

ment  Jnd  other. \vho  d«ir.  to  remit  money  to  E»e'«»;^.  J"'  ';■!  'f'  !'  "" 
ta  given  at  the  expeni*  of  the  Indian  taxpayer,  and  with  the  effect  of  increa. 
ing  every  debt  due  by  ryot,  to  moneylender.. 

I  pass  over  a  Commission,  the  announcement  of  which  was  the  oc- 
casion of  a  protest  in  the  Press  quite  unexampled  in  our  time,  and  the 
conduct  of  that  Commission,  which  elicited  from  one  of  the  leading 
organs  of  the  "gold"  Press  "  the  following  statement  over  the  signa- 
ture of  its  editor.  The  Government  of  India  "packed  the  Commission 
most  carcfuUv,  and  it  appointed  a  chairman  who  stopped  at  nothing. 
Still  another  Committee  was  required  to  offset  the  protests  which 
came  in  from  every  portion  of  the  Empire  and  from  every  organ  of 
public  opinion."  This  Committee,  the  I'owler  Committee,  declared 
of  the  evidence  of  its  own  selected  witnesses: 

So  far  as  the  of  the  Government  of  India  were  intended  to  nMUre 
theronMence  of  thrcommercial  community  they  have  failed  in  their  effect. 
Siei  proJS..!.  have  not  been  supported  before  u,  by  the  repre»nUtwe.  of 
the  commeVcial  and  financial  intere.t.  connected  Wltf.  India,  nor,  indeed,  by 
any  of  the  independent  witne.M«  whom  we  have  examined. 

Bead  the  evidence  given  before  the  various  Commissions  by  the 
scientific  witnesses,  such  as  Sir  Robert  Giffen  and  Prof.  Shield  Nichol- 
son, or  by  the  financial  witnespcs,  the  late  Lord  Aldenham,  Mr.  T.  H. 
Whitehead,  Mr.  Jackson  of  the  Hong  Kong  and  Shanghai  Bank,  by 

-SlolMl,  16th  of  July,  1898. 

-Vidt  an  important  .peeial  article  on  "Indian  Affair.,"  Time.,  lltb  of 
Jidy,  1898. 

14  Waga  in  M«  Wetl  and  Ikt  Crm  in  Sichangu  w<tk  iki  Sail 

Sir  Thomu  J«ck«on  and  Mr.  Stephen  Halli,  contra.t  til  thii  with  the 
evidencei  of  -impnietribl.  ignorance"  in  the  intereitod  or  the 
official  claa.,  and  the  position  becomei  clear.  The  hug.  premium 
to  which  the  legal-tender  currency  of  India  haa  gone  over  ito  meUl 
value  haa  deitroj  M  a  machiueiy  which  ia  comparable  in  importance 
aa  a  diatributive  agency  for  trade  to,  the  very  railway,  themwlvra.  It, 
owing  to  a  rue  of  gold  pricea  in  Europe  or  to  tlie  failure  of  wheat 
harve«U  in  Bunia  and  the  United  SUtes,  India's  ciporta  for  a  aeaaon 
were  greatly  swollen,  ahe  became  a  voracioua  abiorber  of  lilver.  Thua 
Indian  pricea,  flrat  in  Bombay,  Calcutta,  Madraa,  rose;  thia  rise  now 
made  India  an  attractive  market  for  the  exports  of  China  and  the 
Malay  States,  w>  that  China  began,  through  !icr  coaating  trades  and 
over  her  land  frontier,  and  through  a  hundi  1  different  conduita,  to 
draw  away  and  redistribute  as  bullion  the  redundant  rupee,  unlocking 
and  stimulating  other  trades  i-,  a  thousand  new  districts.  And  again 
as  slack  seasons  succeeded  in  India  to  seasons  of  great  trade  activity, 
then  the  surplus  rupees  were  melted  up  and  "bangled,"  raising  the 
value  of  the  rupees  which  remained  in  the  active  circulation.  But 
since  1893  India  can  no  longer  give  off  silver  through  her  exchanges, 
nor  convert  her  rupees  to  bangles;  the  flywheel  of  her  exchanges  broke 
with  cloaing  of  her  minta. 

We  now  come  to  the  era  of  the  gold  standard ;  tc  tha  continued 
melting  up  of  "redundant"  rupees;  to  famine  yeara  memorable  for 
loa  price;  even  for  food.  By  the  winter  of  1897  the  rupee  currency 
had  apparently  ceased  to  be  redundant,  for  M..  Vicary  Oibba  declared 
m  the  House  of  Commons  that  rupee  loans  had  recently  been  arranged 
m  Bombay  on  the  security  of  gold  bars,  at  two  per  cent,  per  month. 
The  next  stage,  when  gold  is  to  rush  in  and  fill  the  vacuum,  ia  elo- 
quently covered  by  a  dispatch  from  the  Government  of  India  to  the 
President  of  the  Bombay  Chamber    '  Commerce. 

^J^  OoYernMnt  of  Indl.  have  never  concealed  from  ehemielvei  the  incon- 
mwXuUH™  *J,f'''  •'•"''"'•"I'kl'  1"  not  accompanied  by  ..  elTectlve 
jold  clrcu Ution,  Hid  they  are  In  full  «»»rd  witii  the  view  thai  a  more  general 
u»  of  gold  among  the  people  would  etapllfy  the  ta,k  of  directing  fman- 
Mjd  currency.     It  will  be  within  the  memory  of  your  CommltS  that  a 

??2:lnri«  Z'ij.","SS'"'  "'•■;';'="iL"™°'»°''>  "•■"•*'  ^  1»00.01.  ih! 
TreMuriei    the  Port  Office,  and  the  Presidency  Banks  cooperated  In  special 

Ei:^  LIJ'l'J"  m,""  °'.  »??''■  ""'  "  ""  "t'maled  tfiat.  for  the  time 
being  shout  IX  millions  sterling  were  thus  put  Into  the  bands  of  the  public 
But  there  Is  no  evidence  that  the  populsrity  of  gold  was  thereby  increased: 
SLi  .  '^Hi't'^'J'  ''/T  ""'  "»  «"•*■  '""'  "'"»"  '•■>■"  promptly  "ami 
^.t'^/'"..''"!^'  *"^  ""  '"•""■'es,  and  the  experiment  h.d  ultimately  to 
to  abandoned.    To  press  a  circulating  medium  upon  the  people  is  more  iLu 

.^n.^*,""  .'°  f"""""  ""  *"°"°*  '"'  "•  Popular  confldence  in  «■  un^ 
famlUar  form  of  currency  must  he  allowed  to  develops  In  its  own  way:  and 
tbeGovernment  are  fully  convinced  that  any  oOclal  attempt  to  fofci  it> 
gimrtb  will  Inevitably  do  more  harm  than  good. 

Thus  far  the  era  of  contraction  and  gold  imports;  that  "intereat- 
mg  experiment,"  in  the  words  of  the  late  Lord  Farrer,  or  in  the  words 
of  the  r«f»M,  "financial  rainmaking."  These  methods  of  the  contrac- 
tionista  being  by  this  time  quite  discredited,  the  inflationists  were 
next  to  try  their  hand  on  that  hapless  community.  India,  with  closed 
mints,  was  now  to  coin  more  rupees  in  two  yeara  than  in  any  four  years 
of  her  history  with  open  mints  I    Little  wonder,  then,  that  bar  Gold 

Wagea  in  ih*  We$t  and  th»  Cf%$u  in  Exckangta  with  iht  Etut   1  i 

Standard  Rewrve  Fund,  representing  the  pinching  and  pBnimouy  tif 
hnplets  8ir  Janiei  Weitland,  hu  flown  away,  and  the  end  in  not  yut. 
For  the  inflation  has  apparently  to  inflated,  the  watcrtpout  so  Rpoutcit, 
that  now  the  water  stands  in  pools;  the  Indian  currency  has  now  bien 
fairly  swamped  by  hundreds  of  milliors  of  new  rupees.  But  do  not  be 
over-much  troubled  official  India,  for  it  will  presently  drain  away 
as  the  rain  on  desert  sandn.  Meanwhile  the  hoarder,  tlie  man 
who  had  bangled  his  rupees  for  better  safety,  cannot,  as  of  old,  on 
presentation  at  the  mint,  get  one  'apee  for  one  tola  of  silver,  but 
about  one-half  a  rupee,  and  even  when  he  has  bought  half  a  rupee  at 
this  famir  >  rate,  what  then  ?  Alas  I  its  purchasing  power  is  bo  shorn 
that  it  buys  him  but  "the  little  loaf." 

From  all  this  and  much  more,  which  had  better  be  passed  lightly 
over,  the  fostering  proposal  of  the  two  great  Republics  in  18D7  would 
have  saved  India.  But  to-day  there  presides  at  the  India  Office  a 
statesman,  not  a  gramaphone,  and  the  writer  of  these  pages  ventured 
to  inquire  whether,  in  the  event  of  issues  of  "Goschen  notes"  by 
America  and  other  nations,  such  an  advance  in  silver  would  be  met 
by  a  deluge  of  melted  rupees.  In  that  case  the  Indian  and  Ch'nese 
eichange  is  tied  down  to  forty-three  pence  for  all  time.  If  such  is 
to  be  the  policy  of  India  the  twilight  deepens  and  the  pofHion  has 
become  hopeless.  The  following  short  reply  from  Ijord  Morley  is  very 
important : 

ladla  OITce:  Feb.  0th,  190r. 
Desr  Mr.  Mortton  Fr«wcn. — There  Is  no  intention  ?r  idM  of  maklnff  any 
change  In  the  currency  iystein  of  India;  and  ai  regards  a  rlM  In  the  price  of 
lUvci  to  43ii.  par  ounce,  we  shall  he  quite  ready  Ui  croai  that  bridge  when  we 
eome  to  it.  Nothing  would,  «■  a  matter  of  fact,  buit  India  better  than  a  rite 
in  lilver.  If  it  went  to  the  intriniic  value  of  the  rupee  {43d.  or  over)  we 
■hould  raiae  the  Issue  price  of  the  R.  to  one>am.Viix,  and  would,  of  courts, 
retain  our  R.  currency. — Yours  sincerely,  Moblbt  or  B. 

There  is  enough,  probably,  in  the  above  note  to  have  contented 
France  and  the  United  States  in  1897,  and  the  negotiations  might 
have  succeeded.  What  they  required  was  to  be  protected  against  the 
melting  of  rupees  by  India.  If  the  Government  of  India,  and  that  of 
Singapore,  will  "raise  their  issue  price"  and  keep  their  exchange,  as 
would  not  be  difficult,  just  higher  than  the  bullion  point  of  their  cur- 
rencies, that  is  a  subscription  hardly  less  valuable  than  open  mints.  No 
coins  could  go  to  the  melting-pot,  and  never  again  after  the  terrible  les- 
son of  1897  will  the  rupee  currency  be  starved  of  the  reasonable  annual 
additions  needed.  It  is,  then,  just  possible  that  we  arc  at  the  dawn  of  a 
new  day.  Bimetallism,  indeed,  bus  gone,  but  given  a  steady  advance 
in  silver,  Mexico,  Japan,  and  the  Malay  States,  warned  by  the  crisis 
of  las'  year,  might  probably  revert  to  silver.  China  is  pledged  by  the 
Peking  Treaty  of  the  28th  of  July,  1903,  to  supersede  her  currency 
abominations,  unsecured  notes,  copper  cosh,  debased  silver  issued  by 
her  provincial  mints,  by  "an  uniform  national  coinage,  to  be  lojral 
tender  in  payment  of  all  duties,  taxes,  and  other  obligations  through- 
out the  Empire  by  British  as  well  as  Chinese  subjects.'* 

The  Chinese  envoy,  Tong  Shoa  Yi,  is  now  in  Europe  on  this  mis- 
sion.   A  truly  remarkable  personage,  it  would  be  well  if  our  mandarins 

16   IJajM  IK  »,  H„<  and  Ikt  CrUit  in  Ezckanfu  wiik  Iki  Btil 

■pprotched  lliia  on«  in  knowledgt  or  currency  conditiont.     Hii  Ei- 
oellmcy  write  to  hip  tlie  l«tli  of  Fchruiiy; 

J".™!?  *»'"•"<"■  '.»  •••Ii«"f«  iwh  u  IhoM  of  lut  rasr  ar«.  of  eourx. 

■trlM,  w 

tho  nehi 

-     -■     -—  — ..  ..■  M<^Man||w  i>  *T«n  ■■  ma  iDcroaiiiw  urlffi  but. 

terlir,  our  nporti  m  not  roduMil,  but  ort,  »  to  iimIi;  mboMlnS/ 

»       Lt     "«*••""""■  •"  MBnanfo  iiKn  ft*  tlKIM  of  loit  yoAf 
iTlaJ^Z!^  '".i"  '"ir!,'"«  "»"t'»»l«l  •till,  »  dovbl     ..t  « 

I~£     S,,,.?;?^.^,  '^  ""P""!""  »'  Imported  foreiin  ^.  If  tb.  «rh.ii(i 
Tbui  tbo  fill  In  tiebonfo  U  mn  •■  u  iHruiriif  tullfi  bat,  unllkt^ 

Fin«]ly,  there  remaiiu  Africa.  When  on  the  Viit.iri*  Sytatt 
three  yearn  ago  I  wai  delighted  to  find  that  the  Indian  ruiwe  ia  mver- 
ing  a  vast  region  in  acven-leaguwl  Iwota,  and  i>  already  current  from 
the  Abysainian  frontier  neajly  to  Tanganvika.  Between  i81)(l  and 
190r  the  Mombaaa  branch  ,.f  the  National  Bank  of  India  hail  im- 
porteil  almoat  twenty  million  rupee«.  Thin  coin  and  ita  iubdivinioni  in 
annaa  and  pice  iji  not  merely  building  railwaya,  unlocking  trade.,  and 
atimulating  and  rewarding  induntry,  but  is  teaching  milliimn  of  the 
iona  of  Ham  the  clementa  of  mathematici.  Every  eHort  aliould  be 
made  to  irrigate  the  Dark  Continent  wi*;i  the  rjpcc.  Importwl  into 
Africa  and  nettling  down  in  a  myriad  hiding-placca  it  ia  gone  forever; 
it  will  never  return  to  India  to  aeek  conversion  at  the  hands  of  that 
Government.  At  the  present  time  Lord  Morley  would  lose  nothing  by 
selling  to  Lord  Crewe,  for  external  use  in  railway  construction  in  Africa 
not  fifteen  rupees  tor  a  -mereign,  but  twenty-seven.  Never  again  may 
the  British  Government  lave  such  an  opimrtunity  to  build  cheap  rail- 
ways in  Kast  and  Cientra!  Africa.  The  profit  per  rupee  will  pav  half  the 
cost  of  the  construction  of  the  roadbed,  while  the  constructed  "road  vill 
introduce  for  hoarding  and  absorption  an  immenae  funhcr  flow  of 
rupees.  Were  the  wages  of  native  labor  in  the  Tranavaal  gold  miuea 
pHid  with  rupees,  even  at  fifteen  to  the  sovereign,  it  would  apper.r  to 
that  labour,  already  accustomed  to  receive  florins  at  ten  to  the  sov- 
ereign, even  a.  a  rise  of  wages.  The  rupee  in  joint  use  with  gold  in 
the  Transvaal  might  greatly  reduce  the  cost  of  producing  gold,  and 
instead  o.f  i  large  proportion  of  the  product  of  the  gold  mines  being 
carried  away  by  natives  to  Portuguese  Africa  and  to  the  North,  to  be 
lost  to  commerce,  their  absorption  of  silver  in  place  of  gold  might  be- 
come of  great  economic  importance. 

It  has  been  possible  in  these  few  pages  merely  to  survev,  as  through 
a  glass  darkly,  the  extreme  outposts  of  a  mighty  domain' of  economic 
research.  Arc  we  of  the  West  to  continue  to  lay  well  and  truly  the 
foundation-stone  of  success  for  the  competition  of  Chinese  labor 
employed  in  China? 

Above  all  things,  a  new  Commisjion  is  needed  to  report  on  the  en- 
tire problem  of  exchange.  Since  the  Commission  of  1888  a  whole 
Niagara  of  fact  and  experience  has  thundered  down  the  canons  of  time 
Is  all  that  vast  volume  to  be  lost  in  the  arid  sands  of  ignorance,  or  may 
we  yet  learn  its  lesson  and  profit  by  its  warning,  even  though  here,  anil 
there,  an  ofhcial  reputrition  may  perish  in  its  rapids  ?