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\ :  The  Educational  Publishing  Co.  ;  | 
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■HIT  poiTPAio  OH  mioBirr  or  pkioi 

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o'  ««• I'rice,  lOo. 

ThrM  Dialof u«t— Flnt.  for  two  Rirli ;   aocond,  for  two  boys  ; 

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Wrltint  Poetry — Comic  Dialogue  for  acvun  or  more  boys.  Price.  10c. 

ThanksfiTinc  Baleotioiu— Rocitations Prire,  10c. 

Bow  the  Palrlet  Chott  Tbelr  Queen— March  and  Recitation 

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Canada,  Our  Homeland— Dialogue  for  ot  a  older  girl  or  bov  nnd 

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Britannia — Dialogue  for  one  girl  And  sii  younger  gitla  or  boys. 

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Chrlatmaa  with  Buff lea— Comic  Diologue  for  four  boys  and 

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Six  Oaod  Becltations  f«r  Boya— For  olde.  Soys Price.  10c. 

Two  Chriatmaa  Dlaloffuea  for  Junior  Oradea— 1.  For  six 

boya  and  five  girls  ;    II.  For  two  boya  and  one  girl. .  .Price,  10c. 

Tha  Bag  Doll — Comio  Dialogue  for  one  older  o^d  six  small 

P'" Price,  lOe. 

Witcb'a  Bower — ^A  girl  to  represent  a  witch  telling  fortunes 

•  •  Price,  10c. 

Jaka  Hayaaad — Comic  Dialogue  for  two  boys  and  one  girl .  Price,  ICe. 

Tho  M arralloua  Doctor— Comic  Dialogue  for  a  number  of 

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**»•  MagieUn'B  Lasaon— Comie  Dialogue  in  three  scenes  for 

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Tan  Bright  Baeitattona— For  younger  children Price,  lOe. 

Tha  SIbarian  Inquaat— Comio  Dialogue  for  thirteen  boys .  Price,  10c. 

Two  Obrtatmaa  Diaiocuoa  for  Senior  Claaaes- Living  the  Christ- 
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Four  BadtaUona  for  Primary  PupUa— No.  I Price,  lOe. 





20  CENTS 

The  Educational  Publishing  Co. 
36  Shuter  St.,  Toronto 



Thi-<  may  be  made  (•hn^m  eqiuiUy  succennful  an  a  reading. 
{Knhr  Sno»bi,kt<)N.| 
Stuiithleton  {Utokinq  in  the  direction  ivhence  he  hnn  jtinl 
coww)— Yw,  then  «  that  follow  Jones,  hkhiii.  I  doclaro, 
the  man  Ih  ubiquitous.  Whenever  I  go  with  uiv  cousin 
Prvidonco  we  stumble  across  hitn,  or  he  follows  her  like  her 
Hhadow.  Do  we  take  a  boutinK  ?  So  dix-s  Jones.  |)(» 
wo  wander  i  the  beach  ?  So  docs  Jones,  (»'■  .ere  we 
will,  that  fellow  fr»ll«)ws  or  moves  In'fore.  N'ov  ii  .  ,  was  a 
cruel  practical  joke  which  Jones  once  played  ••  me  at 
coUoge.  I  have  never  fortriven  him.  Hut  I  woiud  Rladly 
Tiake  a  pretence  of  doinjt  s«),  if  I  couM  have  my  revenue. 

't  me  K>e.  Can't  I  manage  it  ?  He  is  head  over  erirs  in 
l(.ve  with  Prudence,  but  tcM)  bashful  to  speak.  I  half  be- 
lieve she  is  not  indifferent  to  him,  though  altogether  un- 
acquainted. It  may  prove  -i  match,  if  I  can  not  spoil  it. 
Ijct  me  think.  Ha  I  I  have  it  !  A  brilliant  idea  !  Jones, 
beware  !     But  here  he  comes. 

[Enter  Jonk.s.1 
.  Jonei.  {not  seeing  Snohhlctnn,  and  delightedly  contem- 
plating a  flower,  which  he  holdn  in  his  hand) — ()h,  rapture  ! 
what  a  prize  I  It  was  in  her  hair — I  saw  It  fall  from  her 
queenly  head.  {Kiaites  it  everj/  now  and  then.)  How  warm 
are  its  tender  leaves  from  ha^mg  touched  her  neck  !  How 
doubly  sweet  is  its  perfumi  'resh  from  the  fragrance  of 
her  glorious  locks  !  Howbci  ful  !  how- Bless  me  !  here 
is  Snobbleton.     We  are  enei  .^s  ! 

Snohhleton  {advancing  with  an  air  of  franknean)  — 
Good-morning,  Jones— that  is,  if  you  will  shake  hands. 

Jonen — What  ! — you  forgive  !     You  really — 

Snohhleton — Yes,  yes,  old  fellow  !  All  is  forgotten. 
You  played  me  a  rough  trick  ;  but  let  bygones  be  bygones. 
Will  you  not  bury  the  hatchet  ? 

Jones — With  all  my  heart,  my  dear  fellow  !  {They  shake 

Snobbleton — What  is  the  matter  with  yon,  Jones  ?  You 
look  quite  grumpy  —  not  by  any  means  the  .same  cheerful, 
dashing,  rollicking  fellow  you  were. 

-Grumpy— what  is  that  ?    How  do  I  look,  Snob- 

bleton  ? 

SnobhleUmr-Oh,  not  much  out  of  the  way.  Only  a 
little  shaky  m  the  shanks,  blue  lips,  red  nose,  cadaverous 
jaws,  bloodshot  eyes,  yellow — 

Jones  (aghaM)  —  Bless  me,  you  don't  say  so  !  (Aside)  : 
Confound  the  man  !  Here  have  I  been  endcavorine  to 
appear  romantic  for  the  last  month— and  now  to  be  called 
shaky-shanked,  cadaverous— it  is  unbearable  ' 

Snobbleton— But  never  mind.  Cheer  up,  old  fellow  '  I 
see  It  all.    Egad  !  I  know  what  it  is  to  be  in— 

Jones-  Ah  !  You  can  then  sympathize  with  me  ?  You 
know  what  it  is  to  be  in — 

Snobbleton— Of  course  I  do  !  Heaven  preserve  me  from 
the  toils  I    What  days  of  bitterness  ! 

Jones— What  nights  of  bUss  ! 

Snobbleton  (shuddering)— And  then  the  letters  — the 
interminable  letters  ! 

Jones  {with  rapture)— Oh,  yes,  the  letters  !  The  billet- 
(ioux  ! 

Snobbleton— And  the  bills— the  endless  bills  ! 
Jones  {in  surprise) — The  bills  ! 

Snobbleton- Yes  ;  and.  the  bailiffs,  the  lawyers,  the 
judge,  and  the  jury.  "^      ' 

Jones— Why,  man,  what  are  you  talking  al)out?    I 
thought  you  said  you  knew  what  it  was  to  be  in— 
Snobbleton — In  debt.     To  be  sure  I  did 
Jones— Bless  me  !     I'm  not  in  debt— never  borrowed  a 
dollar  m  my  hfe     Ah  me  !   {sighs)  it's  worse  than  that. 
.   *Sno66/e<on— Worse  than  that !    Come,  now,  Jones,  there 
IS  only  one  thing  worse.    You're  surely  not  in  love? 

Jones— Yes,  I  am.  {With  sudden  feeling)  :  Oh,  Snobby, 
help  me,  help  me  !    Let  me  conCde  in  you. 

Snobbleton  {with  mock  emotion)  —  Confide  in  me  !    Cer- 
tainly, my  dear  fellow  1     See  !     I  do  not  shrink— I  "stand 
hrm.      {tolds  hu  arms  in  a  determined  posture.)      Blaze 
away  ! 
Jones — Snobby,  I — I  love  her. 
Snobbhton — Whom  ? 
Jones — ^Your  cousin.  Prudence. 

Snobbleton— Ka.  I    Prudence  AngeUa  Winterbottom  ? 
Jones— Now,  don't  be  angry.  Snobby  !     I  don't  mean 
any  harm,  you  know.    I— I— you  know  how  it  is. 
Snobbleton— Haxm  !    my  dear  fellow.     Not  a  bit  of  it. 


Angry  !    Not  at  all.     You  have  my  consent,  old  fellow, 
lake  her.     bhe  is  yours.     Heaven  bless  you  both. 

Jones— You  are  very  kind,  Snobby,  but  I  haven't  got 
her  consent  yet.  * 

Snobbletott--We\\,  that  is  something,  to  be  sure.  But 
leave  it  all  to  me.  She  may  be  a  Uttle  coy,  you  know  : 
bPt,  considering  your  generous  overlooking  of  her  unfor- 
tunate defect — 

Jones— Defect !    You  surprise  me. 
Snobblelon— What  !   and  you  did  not  know  of  it  ' 
I  hoT''^''^  ^*  ^"'     ^  ^™  astonished  !     Nothing  serious, 

Snobblelon— Oh  no,  only  a  Uttle— (f^e  taps  his  ear  xvith 
his  finger  knowingly.)     I  see  you  understand  it. 

Jones— Merciful  heaven  !  can  it  be  ?  But,  really  is  it 
serious  ?  ,^^011, 

Snobblelon— I  should  think  it  was. 

Jones— What  I    But  is  she  ever  dangerous  ? 

.Snobfe^eton- Dangerous  !     Why  should  she  be  ? 

Jones  (considerably  relieved)  —Oh,  I  perceive  !  A  mere 
airmess  of  bram— a  gentle  aberration  —  scorning  the  dull 
world — a  mild — 

Snobblelon — Zounds,  man,  she's  not  crazy  ' 
Jones-My  dear  Snobby,  you  reheve  me.     What  then  ? 
»Sno66/e<ori— Slightly  deaf.    That's  all. 
Jones — Deaf  ! 

Snobbleton—Aa  a  lamp-post.  That  is,  you  must  elevate 
your  voice  to  a  considerable  pitch  in  speaking  to  her 

Jones— Is  It  possible  !  However,  I  think  I  can  manage. 
As,  for  instance,  if  it  was  my  intention  to  make  her  a  floral 
oHermg,  and  I  should  say  (elevating  his  voice  considerably). 
Miss,  will  you  make  me  happy  by  accepting  these  flow- 
?P  :  J  I  suppose  she  could  hear  me,  eh  ?  How  would 
that  do  .' 

Smbbleton—Fsh&w  !     Do  you  call  that  elevated  ? 
Jones— Well,  how  would  this  do  ?     (Speaks  very  loudly) : 
Miss,  will  you  make  me  happy—" 
Snobblelon — Louder,  shriller,  man  ! 
Jones— "Miss,  will  you—" 

Snobbleton—Louder,  louder,  or  she  wiU  only  see  vour 
lips  move.  "^  ^ 

Jones  (almost  screaming)  —  "Miss,  will  you  oblige  me 
by  accepting  these  flowers?"  '  -^  »     "c 

Snobbleton— There,  that  may  do.  Still  you  want  prac- 
tice.    1  perceive  the  lady  herself  is  approaching.     Suppose 

you  retire  for  a  short  time,  and  I  will  prepare  her  for  the 

Jones — Very  good.  Meantime,  I  will  go  down  to  the 
beach  and  endeavor  to  acquire  the  proper  pitch.  Let  me 
see  :  "Miss,  will  you  obHge  me — " 

[Exit  Jones,  still  speaking.] 
[Enter  Prude VCE,  from  other  side.] 

Prudence — Good  morning,  cousin.  Who  was  that, 
speaking  so  loudly  ? 

SnobUeton — Only  Jones.  Poor  fellow,  he  is  so  deaf  that 
I  suppose  he  fancies  his  own  voice  to  be  a  mere  whisper. 

Prudence — Why,  I  was  not  aware  of  this.  Is  h*"  very 

Snobhleton — Deaf  as  a  stone  fence.  To  be  sure  he  does 
not  use  an  ear-trumpet  any  more,  but  one  must  speak  exces- 
sively high.     Unfortunate,  too,  for  I  believe  h(r  is  in  love. 

Prudence  (with  some  emotion) — In  love  !  with  whom  ? 

Snobhleton — Can't  <you  guess  ? 

Prudence — Oh,  no  ;   I  haven't  the  slightest  idea. 

Snobbleton — With  yourself  !  He  has  been  begging  me 
to  obtain  him  an  introduction. 

Prudence — Well,  I  have  alwaj's  thought  him  a  nice- 
looking  young  man.  I  suppose  he  would  hear  me  if  I 
should  say  {speaks  loudly),  "Good-morning.  Mr.  Jones?" 

Snobbleton  {compassionately)  —  Do  you  think  he  would 
hear  that  ? 

Prudence — Well,  then,  how  would  {speaks  very  loudly) 
"Good-morning,  Mr.  Jones  !''      How  would  that  do  ? 

Snobbleton —Tush  !  he  would  think  you  were  .'<i>eaking 
under  your  breath. 

Prudence  {almost  screaming) — "Good  morning  !" 

Snobbleton  —  A  mere  whisper,  my  dear  cousin.  But  here 
he  comes.     Now,  do  try  and  make  yourself  audible. 

[Enter  Jones.] 

Snobbleton  {speaking  in  a  high  voice) — Mr.  Jones- 
cousin.  Miss  Winterbottom — Jones.  You  will  yjlease  ex- 
cuse me  for  a  short  time.    {He  retires,  hut  remains  in  viexo.) 

Jones  {speaking  shrill  and  loud,  and  offering  som^  flowers) 
— Miss,  will  you  accept  these  flowers  ?  I  plucked  them 
from  their  slumber  on  the  hill. 

Prudence  {in  an  equally  high  voice)  —  Really,  sir,  I  —  I — 

Jones  (asirfe)  —  She  hesitates.  It  must  be  that  she 
does  not  hear  me.  {Increasing  his  tone)  :  Miss,  will  you 
accept  these  flowers— flowers  ?  I  plucked  them  sleeping 
on  the  hill — hill. 

Prudence  (also  increasing  her  tone)  —  Certainly,  Mi. 
Jones.     They  are  beautiful — beau-u-tifdi-. 

Jones  (aside)  —  How  she  screams  in  my  ear.  (Aloud.) 
Yes,  I  plucked  them  from  their  slumber — slumber,  on  the 

hill — HILL. 

Prudence  (aside)  —  Poor  man.  what  an  effort  it  seems 
to  him  to  speak.  (Aloud.)  I  perceive  you  are  poetical. 
Are  you  fond  of  poetry  ?  (Aside.)  He  hesitates.  I  must 
speak  louder.    (In  a  scream.)  Poetry — poethy— POETRY ! 

Jones  (aside)  —  Bless  me,  the  woman  would  wake  the 
dead  !     (Aloud)  :  Yes,  Miss,  I  ad-o-r-e  it. 

Prudence — Can  you  repeat  some  poetry — Poetby  ? 

Jones — I  know  only  one  poem.     It  is  this  : 

You'd  scarce  expect  one  of  my  age — Age, 
To  speak  in  public  on  the  stage — Stage. 

Prudence  (putting  her  lips  to  his  ear  and  shouting)  — 
Bravo — bravo  ! 

Jones  (in  the  same  way) — Thank  you  !    Thank — 

Prudence  (putting  her  hands  over  her  ears)  —  Mercy  on 
us  !     Do  you  think  I'm  deak,  sir  ? 

Jones  (also  stopping  his  ears)  —And  do  you  fancy  me 
deaf,  Miss  ? 

[They  now  speak  in  their  natural  tones.] 

Prudence — Are  you  not,  sir  ?    You  surprise  me  ! 

Jones — No,  Miss.  I  was  led  to  believe  that  you  were 
deaf.     Snobbleton  told  me  so. 

Prudence — Snobbleton  !  Why  he  told  me  that  you  were 

Jones — Confound  the  fellow  !  he  has  been  making  game 
of  us.  Here  he  is.  (Perceiving  Snobbleton.)  You  shall 
answer  for  this,  sir. 

Prudence — Yes,  sir,  you  shall  answer  for  this,  sir. 

Snobbleton  (advancing)  —  Ha  !  ha  !  ha  !  And  to  whom 
must  I  answer  ?  Ah.  Jones,  do  you  remember  that 
college  joke  ?  We  quit  even  now.  Bye  !  bye  !  (Leaves 
stage  hurriedly.) 

Jones  (looking  surprisedly  at  Prudence)— VicW,  what 
do  you  think  of  that  ? 


T    Eight  Comic  Recitations — For  bnya  and  girls Prire,  10c.  "f 

|b    Four  BeciUtions  for  Primary  PupiU— No.  2 Prii.-,  10c.  ? 

«^    Twelve  Recitations  for  Boys  of  the  Senior  Oradei Price ,  10c.  % 

Becitations  for  Tiny  Tots— 3-C  years Trice,  10c.  'f 

From  Down  East— Humorous  Diulofjup  with  good  le.-son.        Five    i« 
eharactcrr*.     Oiio  act.     Simpk- HtaKing.      About  15  niimitcs.  H» 

For  bciuor  pupils  or  Younn  I'eople's  .Society Price,   3Sc.    cf 

A  Mouse  Trap— Iluniorous  f.irco  in  one  net.     Three  principal  charac-    i 
1^  tera  and  a  nuniber  of  young  ladies.     Tells  what  a  niou-o  can  3 

i(,  do.     Laughahle.    Simple  to  stage.    25  to  .'JO  minutes.    Price,  25c.    3 

r    Courtship  Under  Difficulties— Humorous.    Three  character*.    Two    "f 
£            young  men  and  lady.     One  act.     Simple  etnging.     10  to  15  •f 

?  minutes Pri^p    jj,^     H« 

jb    A  Farm  for  Sale— Humorous.     One  act.     Three  characters.     An  old    ? 
y            man,  hw  w  ife  and  the  assesaor.     Easily  .staged.     Five  to  ton  H» 

y  minutes p.i^^    15^     ^ 

?    Harry's  Pockets-TOne  act.    Characters,  Harry  and  Aunt  Susan  i 

».  iMvo  to  ten  minutes.     Ea^^ily  staged I'rice,    15c.    3 

T    A  Sudden  Discovery-Throe  characters  :   Mr.  Smithcrs.  Mrs.  Smith-    -f 
£            era.  Sambo     Humorous.    Five  to  ten  minutes.    One  act  and  "T 

^  simple  staging Pfice,   Wc.    ^ 

*•    Little  Pitehers— Humorous.    Ch.nracters  :     Mrs.  Sweet,  Mr.  Pweet     ? 

T  A'^"-  ^"■''et  8  five-year-old  daunhttr.  Miss  Brown,  a  caller." 

^  One  act.     Simply  staged.     Five  tu  ten  minutes Price,   16c. 

An  Object  Lesson— Humorous.    Characters,  :  Fred  Pratt,  Mr  Pratt 
llalph  Wood,  Mr.  Wood,  uncle  of  Ralph.    One  act.    Simple 
staging.     Five  to  ten  minutes Price,   16c. 


iF|  New  Columbian  Drill— March  and  Table.tu  for  sixteen  girls.             * 

jf,  ....  Price,  10c.    "i 

X,  Patriotic  Scarf  Drill— March  and  Tableau,  for  twenty-seven             A 

*  «''•■ Price.  16c      IJ 

5,  Fancy  Flag  Drill— March,  Drill  and  Song  for  sixteen  or  twenty-             i" 

if.  ^o"''  8"-l9 Pric-J,.  i6c.    ± 

^  Canada — A  Patriotic  Exercise— Five  nationalities  ippresonted  ? 

IT-  tiy  any  number  of  girls,  one  of  each  nation  reciting.  .  .Price,  lOr      •* 

*  Two  Flower  Drills— I.  Violet  Drill  for  twelve  or  sixteen  girU.  I 
{•            II.  Flower  Fantasie  for  twenty-five  girls Price,  It:,        I 

f.   The  Paper  Dollies'  Drill  and  Dance— For  eight  girls  between  7 

X,  seven  and  eleven  years  of  ago Price,   10c.    S. 

*|    Grand  March  with  Flags— March  for  twenty-four  girls.  Price,   16c.    ? 

Two  Oood  Drills  for  Olrls-  I.  The  Indian  Huntresses,  drill  for  8.    2 
10,  12  or  10  girls  ;   II.  Jumping  Rope  Drill,  for  seven  Z 

»«■" Price,   10c.    4 

British  Kmpir*  Drill— For  12  or  10  boyt Price, 

DrllU  and  MarohM— For  Pupili  o(  aU  ugei Price, 

Ideal  Drill! — For  Pupils  of  all  ages Price. 

The  Beat  Drill  Book— For  Pupils  of  all  ages Price, 

The  VaTorite  Book  of  Drilla- For  Pupils  of  all  ages. . .  .Price, 






This  is  a  matrimonial  court  trial,  in  which  Mr.  Abra- 
ham Octavius  Snooks  enters  an  action  against  Thomas 
Foozle,  proprietor  of  a  matrimonial  bureau,  to  recover 
the  sum  of  $5.00  which  he  has  paid  Foozle  for  securing  >' 
suitable  wife  for  him.  It  is  a  great  case  and  extremely 
humorous.  One  act  and  easily  staged.  Time,  about 
one  hour  and  a  half.  With  a  little  music  additional  it 
will  provide  an  evening's  program. 

This  was  originally  an  American  production,  but  has 
been  re-edited  by  us,  making  it  much  longer  and  adapting  it 
to  Canadian  presentation.  The  characters  consist  of  young 
men  and  young  women,  and  a  few  boys  and  girls.  Some 
prefer  to  give  it  with  young  men  acting  the  parts  of  the 
prospective  brides.  Suitable  for  senior  Public  or  High  School 
Pupils,  Young  People's  Societies  and  Young  Men's  Clubs. 

We  do  not  sell  this  play  outr'^ht.  It  is  loaned  for  the 
occasion  and  must  be  returned  to  us.  We  charge  for  its  use 
10  per  cent,  of  the  gross  receipts  of  the  entertaimnent.  If  you 
want  something  to  draw  the  crowd  and  to  give  you  a  good 
night's  clean  fun,  you  will  put  on  this  ^eat  matrimonial 
case.  Send  for  our  blank  order  form,^  which  will  be  mailed 
to  you  at  once,  glAring  you  full  particulars  re  agreement. 


There  is  much  useful  matter  put  on  at  various  enter- 
tainments throughout  the  country  which  might  be  used 
again  in  other  parts  were  there  some  means  of  getting  it 
{■^to  print  and  offering  it  for  sale.  To  accomplish  this, 
we  ::re  establishing  a  central  .  oreau  where  such  matter 
may  be  sent  for  pubUcation.  We  will  examine  a  plays, 
dialogues,  drills,  marches,  etc.,  forwarded  to  us,  and  pay 
cash  for  everything  accepted. 

Pass  on  to  others  anything  which  you  have  found 
interesting  along  entertainment  lines. 


36  Shuter  Street,  Toronto. 



