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Full text of "Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam [microform] : an appeal to the Catholic laity in Canada to join in the propagation of the faith"

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Majorem  Dei  Gloriam 




to  join  in 



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Vancouver,  Regina.  Winnipeg,  Toronto,   Montreal. 


....  .,.*..,  •••■•.•.,   •  •• 

•     .  • .  • 

•  «•    ■•     ••••••    •  * 

'  •••.     •  •  •  •   •  •  /.  .*  •• 

•  _••••• 

•  •  •  •  •  • 


Ad  Majorem  Dei  Gloriam 

NO.    I. 

lliiL;h    I*.   (ciriHTliird. 

Not  many  iii.>iilli-  aud.  tli.'  I!i-h,,|,  ,,r  (..t.!-,  lOi-lain!.  ;.- 
>ia-i|  a  [liKteral.  in  ulu.-li  lie  irrallcl  i;,  ih,.  u.m.I,.  ,.\  i  u ,,  S^... 
•.iviuii  I'c.lUiiVs,  111,.  ,hi!v  u\-  ,.vc,y  inan  ah'l  uonian  of 
artivcly  Mipi.uitin-  and  a-Mstinu  ii,  lii,.  -m.^a.!  ..l  <alli..l;.- 
readinj;-.  (»iir  late  Holy  Father.  I'iu>  X .  tnl,|  i,.  ;1,;,;  •■..,||  ,,„.■ 
v.orks,  all  uiir  ,.|V,,its  will  I.,-  .Ic-t n.ytMJ  if  v.  ;,if  t.- 
wi.dd  the  ..tV,.n-iv,.  and  .icrcrisivc  wraiHH:  ,,(  a  |,.>  I  aid  -\tirvvi- 
<'ath,ili.'  |ii.<>".  llii,  ,.;.ii  havf  laii  ,,•  ,  n, cat, in-  .,,  all  ul;# 
I'tdifvc  in  til.,  iiiipoitaiuc  cd"  thi^  s|dritual  itiilticnc..  and  ih,-  |„,u- 
ti-  nf  the  printed  word  i„  ;.i<l  ur  hindei'  ;li<,ii.  It  N  uith  ail  tlif- 
td..(iue;icf  ni-  a  holy  zcjil.  made  iv.-tl.'s-.  by  a  want  Imm  Irii  at;/ 
un^iipplicd.  that  the  !!i.h,.p  „r  I.,.eHs  points  to  the  indit!eiene« 
and  ne-leet  ot  ('ath(dic.~  in  ihi-  niattei-  a-  a  '•standing  niys;e!;. 
and   a   .standing-   -liaiiie". 

The  lesson  i-  ,,iu.  «hat  is  needed,  oidy  in  tlw  .\,,rtli  ..- 
Knuia.Md  hut  wherever  the  Chiireh  has  uatheVed  her  rluhliv. 
around  her  to  i)r<,tect  her  iiisiitut  i,,ns  and  her  teaehin;;s.  an' 
il  is  not  too  imieh  to  say  that  there  is  no  jdaee  where  it  L-  ni..r.- 
iiiKi-iitly  required  than  in  this  our  own  eountry  .  f  Cina.  ;.. 

As  a  niemher  of  the  Catliolie  Trutli  Soeiety  of  Canada,  [ 
must  leave  it  to  othi'i-  to  speak  of  the  lahois  and  of  the  .--u,.- 
les-es    of    that    orya-'vatioii. 

'Dial  there   is   sueli   an    institution,   oi'uani/.ed.   eipupped   ai, 
active,  wo  trust  every  one  of  our  fellow  Catholies  is  aware.    II.i: 
It  IS  a  remarkahle  and  a  reurettalde  tliinu   that   the  nature  a;; 
iniportariee  of  its  work  has  hitherto  failed  to  iiiipre>s  it-e!f  i;;  - 
on   the   Caihcdii-   eommunity  jrenerallv. 



I-!;i  t;ilili-i|ii-.!  II,  i>  ;•.  Im;  im<  m  |..i  :i'v(l  m  l'.t|"  'in'  C.i'li- 
«  i|,  rriilli  Si>r,i'!y  of  <'.iti;ii|a  li.i-  U-  II'. nl  (•';..■  ill  'I'M.niitu,  ilc- 
)iciii!i  ;it  I,  Hi:  whii  h  iliiif  .im-  lu.-i!  .  Li':-  in  Vatuuiu  cr,  Kc-.u'liia. 
\\  ii\iii|ii'u,  'I'lM  .'iitd.  anil  .Muiitiral.  Kiiit;"- ;'>'i .  Ilaiiiillnii  ami 
ili'ii    |pi^h(i|i^   have   a|i|iiiintcil    Itiiuc-aM    I'iii'  tuis    In   talvf   '.iji  tlii- 

»(ilk     "\     till'     Snrlfty     in     '.hi-ir     l'i'-;|)i'i  !  I\  c    iliocc -c^.        Itflnlc     ;lir 

[iM  I  III  yiar  lias  pa^  cl  intii  hi-ti>iy  it  i>  f-;!!!'.  lol  Miat  '  h< 
.11  ..•I'-i'-  !•(  rniu'  Alluit,  l-'.M;iiMn{(iii.  t'aluaiv',  Ndi'ii  Has-,  i  it  • 
lawa,  (.^iii'lii'i-,  St.    iiilin.  iiml  Ualil'ax  will  al-n  iiaiiic  tiiiir  .liiin'.>- 

,.li   .liicitol-.      Ill    letters    of  ap|Hu\al   atnl    iielieijirt  iuli    the    !'.i«h<i|'«» 

iif  (aiiaila  hi\f  iMen  iinaninniu-  in  urvrinu'  the  neie~-iiy  o,'  the 
WMik  liiiilei  taken  hy  the  Smicty.  •  Mh'  would  have  lliuuuht  that 
»sith  >!ii  h  leroinineiKlation  I'luni  our  leading"  spiritual  iruiiU's. 
f.'\s  if  any  woulil   lia\e   lieeii   uiiw  iliiii'.;'  to   laki'   jiait    in   a 

Hoik  will  I.  ha-  p.oVe'l  it. -elf  ill  i>th'M  eoiilitlie-  to  li,'  -o  puser- 
J'ul  a  faetor  in  the  piopavral  ion  ami  proteetioii  ol'  oiu'  holy  reli- 
V  !'.  'I'lu'  intention  of  those  who  inauinn  ated  the  fe.iiration  i.t" 
Uie  various  ('athoi'e  i.^-oeiatioiis  thioinli  It  the  eoun' ry,  (who.-i' 
aims  we.e  the  (litl'n-ion  of  Caiholii-  liie' .:!  in  e )  (ou!d  "iiiy  have 
iieel!  to  fjsiiilate  and  INtelid  the  work,  yel  if  v.  e  Jini'je  t'roiu 
fari.;  a-  tliey  are  texlay,  v.  e  are  foreed  to  the  .  oiielii-ioii  tiiat 
the  e\ti.'nsiMn  is  f;i''  from  heini;  a~  j^icat  as  it  should  ha'.e  been. 
:n(«  work  whieh  our  IJishops  ami  pastors  ct>iimH'!idL>il  and  Lle.-.-ed 
1or  yea  I  -,  and  left  in  the  keepin.Li'  i<{  tile  Catholic  laity  of  <  aiiada. 
i-  \eiy   largely  iidnj^-  left    uiuloiie.      Are    \.u.   dear   leader, 

t-atistied  that  this  should  he  so?  To  th  -e  v. ho  are  ;;(:i\e!y  e.i- 
}:;.'jcd  in  the  work  it  i.~  ditiieii't  \  >  uiider.-tat  d  \'.h'-  ihi>  ii.dif 
ftreiK  e.  ''  anno',  he  that  our  Catholi,'  iiiiMi  and  \Minien  aie 
diaf  to  ti  , 'peals  of  our  Holy  l'a'.he->-  and  i>f  our  IJishop-,  or 
tl;a'  ilieir  lo\e  and  /eal  to!'  the  welfan.'  ,d'  their  ri:li'.d'>;i  is  Hot 
>,-lt:il  enoUL.'il  to  periiii;  them  to  re-^poild.  'i'h',  le  seem  >  to  he 
J.-il.  one  solution  to  Ih.e  e..iid:tion  an  1  tiiat  is  tjia,  the  Catholie 
'I'llith  Sjeiely  of  Canada,  a.nd  its  v.ork  iia  ,  ii..;  he.  onie  ilii.ient- 
ly  ki  .■.11  to  othcas,  aitii  'hey  -  •  not  knowinu-  miuii  aho'.it  it.  and 
not  eiKiuiriiiK  —  have  failed  to  realize  the  iir.trency  and  im- 
portaiiee  of  'le  \vi  rk.  It  is  cvideiui-  that  the  weekly  Catholie 
paper  is  nut  rea<i,  bccauFo  there  i.s  in  each  issue  news  of  the 
many  avenues  eallinj:  f  )r  just  such  work  as  is  being  done  b^  the 
C.  f.  S. 


it    1-  ^u<  h  th;ii   ail.  ti'i  !i.;iilti    |i,u    | In-  m    h>  r  i|u;ilui.  af  m.ii« 

may  In-,  laii  iln  mu.  ii   i  ,  hrlp.        Iru'..    arc  .Imilr, |,'->  .s,,iiu'   vvh.. 
n  'fanl  th.-  ap.otolau-  of  tli.'  laity  a     -<.  iictliint'  far  iMyciui  tu.M^ 

-p'"'''''.  ''<■'•; ilx'y  flunk  ihi'v  lia\.    ,     ,   nili.-r  ih,-  ii,,.,.  ,,r  alul' 

^y  '"  i'i'l  "I  iIk'  \vi-k.  Ilui  a-  ill  sny  i.lli.r  uu...|  \,,.ik.  ;Iumv 
""'  'liil'if:"'  ha-.-  and  ilrjiart  n.ciif  v.  -otur  .-c  'iniii"  ly  liiii-i|.-n,  whi'c  ..  ..T-  api.-ar  iiumc  all  of  uli;,li  ai.'  nntir 
tlir  !(s.  r  sfi.'ial  an. I  |irai-cu(.r!liy  in  the  -iliIii  .1  C  .1,  an. I 
.Mn..\'..I>  aiti.ii  .  iattil  l.y  rhu.i-  vvUu  a;  f  In  (I.iiik  I'..!'  aiiy  kind  of 
•■ricoinaciiiicrit    .ind    lu'lp. 

'I'lic  work   ..f  thf  ('atli..lh    Tin;!!\    i-   ,|n  j,|,  ,1  ,n|.>  ••...,, 
t'!-cat    .iiviM.-:i-.    il,,,  ,.   ,  ■■    pr.uliui.-.Lr   an. I   .li^' i  il.u; :!        (hO      li,. 
\ci-y    feu    .an    I..-    pr..,lii,  ,t-.     ..v.mi    w,-,,-    ihcir    n^miK,.-    I,. 
t'ion,    liny    U..11I.I   !..■   I. lit    ,,r   liit!..   II   ..    |„   ,,,„•   (hill    u  aiMl   t..   ..Ill- 
'■'■"'■^^     "^'"-    "■    VT    l;..k...|    .!i   trilMih,,..       r,.|,r    li„.    ,  ,,.f    ..f    tin 
'''"''■'■    '""'"tn      a..'    !ii.'    \aiioa      pan-la      .,r    tin-    .lie.  r-.'    i-i 
wl.i.h  tl„.  l.i-an.h  ..p.. .ale-.     Tli.'  I.ian.h  ..•mxui  Ivo  .-h.M,;,l  trv  t^. 
hav,.   ,  ...ry  riiun  h   .-up[.li.-(l   uilh   .i    v.-tihulc   ra.  k   an.!    h-n\.   if 
-storkci  uith  suilalilo,pl,l,.t,-:.  f,,r  1!,..  ,litr,..r.!t   -,■;..,,       ,,f  th, 
Chuivh.  aii.l  v.itii  th..  :-,nial  aii.j  oili..,-  .pa.^ti,.:.-,  ..f  :h.-  ,i,,v  fn.n. 
a   (  -uh..!!,.  :..,i„f    ,.f  \i,.u-.     I,,  L-wi-y  .huivh   tl  ,■  rack  i-.  ,-".    h-u.. 
|in-r..-r   att.-nli„n:    .?    >h...i!.|   h..    ,i„.(,.l   an.|   .-I.-a,.:   it„.   old 
ph;.     nhk.t.s  n.,r...vid  an-l  n.v.   oiios  ,,ia.v.!,  nn.I  th..  d.mati..n  1,  ,^ 
■dy  en,p.a-.|.     ■Ihi.^  1.-^  .,!:r(.flh(.  main  w..rk<  „i-  th,.    Ii-iril, 
.  ail.,   .u.rly  ,t  is  ri.,t  iinn.asnnal.K.  to  a<k  i\,v  ..,„.  p,.,-,,,,  jr 
pan.~h,  uho  w.ll  l„.  Klad  t.,  nvc  th..  lit!:.,  tin,.,  it  r...p,iri..' 
v,  ari'l  ■•■  a.    rpt  the  raiv  of  Ih,.  rark   f.,,-  a   v.'ar. 


I-   i 

<■  '.  ii .".    aiaiiy  datii'.-,  a.-iiv  ii 

11(1  (n-i.;isi..ii-  '.<  hi,  h 


to  I'r- 
lectu,  , 

.^    ^^Hll■ly  ^   v;.a.    ai.d    atlc-MK.!,    .11    the    inu.)..-,'      of 

iei-  It.-  au.^  leiiuriM.,      iL.  inviu.l  :,,  a.Mrc<s  Cath- 

■•    a.>ti-rai  holies   (,n    the    t..arii:n,Lr   of   th.'   (  hiir.h    or,    the 

'..u.-    qu,..-,rion.s   <,i    u-.o   day.      This    featuro    uill    I,,    nior.. 

aii  .'   ...ioif  e.Mrn.-ivfly  ...aaistMl   if  the  Socieiv  will  he 

supi  .n  to  warrant  it.     It  .should  reach  from  Halifax 

h(M-'.  ...d  n,-  •  ity  but  should  haw         at  -  otu- 


rf  *#:; 


Thi-M'  tvMi  •\:iy-  i.f  pi..|.iiv.iitiiiir  thf  K.nth  finl.rii..-  Hi.- 
Iiiiiili'd    word   itii.l    thf   |ul|iit    iintl    pint  fi.i  ni.   hut    tlifM'    will      ii,.' 

Mirtiti-:    it    i~    inM.v^Miry    I tcct    thf   iiiipff>sj,,n;,|,|,.    niiiiiU   i.f 

yoUiiK  ('ariiuhan-.  from  the  .)i>oiMius  mil  ininioial  litfiatin- 
vvhith  i-«  so  opfrily  ami  Matantly  fxpo^fil  tipoii  thf  liook-talN 
toiinfcis.  .Maiiyof  thf>f  hooks  liml  thfir  way  on  tu  .  Iif  -hflvf. 
of  thf  piihlif  jihratifs.  I.ikf  many  thirm-  tolfiatfd  toilay  '.- 
laii.sf  "wi-  imist  l(c  .Ifin"  ii.,iliastt'  i(if;i>  ami  iiiipif  >  -, 
tluliifd   in   "thf   poinilai    no\fl   „(   ihv  <iay"  ami   it   op.ia.t  .^ 

>tii>nK  >fcoml  to  thf  ni<)\i('N  iii  ilf-tioyiiit;  thi'  iiiti..icmf  .,.  thf 
youth    of    tlif    citi.-. 

1-  line  any  onf  w  Im  cannot  ifali-f  i|i.'  impoitam.'  o- 
thi>  uoik.'  A  Work  tliat  is  too  laiuf  ami  too  fxtfiisive  to  ba 
!fft  to  our  ahfady  ovfr-taxfd  pa.-lois:  a  work  without  whiih 
thf  rank  and  tiU-  nf  our  ffllow  Catholics  can  never  aciiuirc  that 
kiiowkMlj.--,.  ;,ih1  familiarity  with  Ihcir  iclii;ioii  which  tlic.\  inu-t 
havf  if  thfy  arc  t"  pid\f  ihcm-clsfs  loyal  and  worthy  childifi. 
of  the  Chunh.  If  thfy  an'  not  that,  it  wilj  hf  haul  for  their 
to.  not  only,  dft'fiid  thfir  itdijiii'li.  I'Ut  to  hf  aide  to  advocate  it. 
It  is  to  tliis  work  that  the  Soverfiun  I'oiititl's  ha\f  ayain  am. 
aK-ain  suminoiifd  the  ('alh(dic  laity  of  the  worlil.  It  is  thi.> 
work    that    you   are   called    ni^m    to    etn         au"   and    siipi)orl.      It 

ha.s  1 n   Ifft  to  thf  (dfoi  is  of  thf  mere        landful  of  uicn   who-.- 

zeal  and  energy  has  hei'ii  minimized  ..eiause  of  the  want  of 
eariifst  support  and  co-operation.  There  is  no  f  xauei  at  ion  ii. 
thf  statement  madf.  Tlif  writer  has  in  mind  one  i)ranch  whici; 
is  struuKliii!^'  iiiidfi-  ovfiwhflminu  and  uniifiessaiy  ditlicultie-. 
wht-re  the  iiundier  of  active  workeis  art-  U-s-  than  thf  luimiifr 
of  fonimittffs  needing  attention.  In  coiisfcnicnce.  W(uk  is  dou- 
hlt'd  and  in  some  cases  trebled,  and  evfn  then  much  must  be  lefr 
imilonf.  To  mention  only  one  fxamplf:  owiny;  to  thf  unsfttlf«f 
fcononiif  times,  thffts  have  bfen  nunifiuus.  and  the  donatio; 
boxes  of  churches  have  not  been  free  from  robbi'iy.  The  dona- 
tions placed  in  the  Society's  rack  boxes,  where  the  racks  ha\t- 
had  projjer  care,  have  been  untouched,  bui  the  others  have,  no' 
only,  been  robbed  but  badly  damat;ed.  This    loss    of    income, 

increased  by  costs  of  repair,  is  a        heavy   tax     on     the     meairre 
amount   of  the    present    tinanei-      support. 

■-*•  •.►.*.^. 

f-r.-  -ii-  >rr"Ai 


Thi-.  !•.  mily  ixii'  i.t  thf  iii-tiiii> .     ..i  th,.  .ml,   ,,|m..  ,,^ 

ilk'  tuit  thi-  Work  whi.h  i»  «..,  iiii|>..i  tjiiii  ami  -..  in-n»-iiii  >    i... 
■r..|»iif!iti..ii  „(  th.'  l-'iiuli.  -  hi,.[,  |.   ,h,,  „n,,.,),   „|,|,  ,,f  "ji,,.   ||,,|y 
riithii   fur  Coil  iiimI  Mis  (hjnh 

In  a  luuiitry  so  Catholi.    ;>  Canailjt.  it    uuiy   wril  !..•  I.thuiI 
■•.I   starnliim-   iny>tfry,  ami  a   ^tHriiiitiij  .■.hitiiif". 

Tht-rr  i'\i>its  side  l.y  >i(l,'  with  the  latk  of  \\orKfi>  a  >tcaily 
.»Mil  ili-hi'urtt  hiiiK  ivanl  of  ipoiii-y.  Il  is  so  easy  'o  take  our 
weekly  pal  >  r  oi'  pamph  .•!  from  ihf  chunh  ilour  i  ai  ii  wn-k 
Ailhoiit  I'Wf  Ihiiikinu  of  how  th"  rark  Kot  there;  where  thf 
■lamphlets  lame  fioni;  who  kei  .>  up  th«'  supply;  ur  who  pavs 
for  (laniane  or  los-.  It  is  in  lillinu-  such  .leniaii<ls  that  the  sleiiil- 
•  f  means  of  the  S.  eietj  are  used,  meanwhile  an  ai>unilatire  of 
greater  u'ood  is  Iicinn  left  undone,  and  will  he  left  "idone  until 
:he  woik  is  nivei)  the  .-upport  neicssaiy  to  i«n  .'t  its  reiiuire- 
nients.  The  Society  is  mn-t  Krateful  to  its  niemher^,  hut  when 
'IK'  ulances  ovei  the  list  of  nanu's  on  the  meml>ei-hip  and  to 
;iiid  hut  a  hare  few  hundred,  one  cannot  reu-ard  it  is  creditahlc 
•()  the  Catholics  of  Canadii.  With  the  I'atholic  population  of 
<"anada.  the  niend)ership  of  the  Society  should  run  into  tens  of 
thousands.  All  cannot  he  active  workers,  hut  the  ('hur(  h  hi-.s 
!iever  hesitated  to  insist  in  her  fre(|Uent  utterances,  that  the 
iiropanation  of  Catholic  Truth  \n  the  duty  and  rtspotisihility  of 
v\eiy  man  anW  wctman  in  the  fold.  What  iloes  this  mean  hut 
*hat  the  numher  of  nienihers  sh.)ul<l  he  in  proportion  to  our 
Catholic  population,  who  would,  hy  their  annual  donations,  snp- 
;)ly  the  means  to  carry  on  the  work. 

Of  the    imp. I  lance   of  the   work,   it   should   l>i'  nei.-saiy    to 

say   luit   very   little.      Duiinu-  these   times   of  national   cii-is   and 

-ucial  uphejival.  the  w<irld   is  cryiny-  out   in  its  a^;ony  for  th<'  so- 

ution   thai    will   ^ive  hack    peace  and   liKhteousnes-.      We   (  ath- 

■  lics   know    the   answer  that   it  seeks.     We  hold  the   secret    that 

r;lorie  laii   flee  it    from  the  tyranny  of  evil  that   I.esets  it.     Only 

'hiistiani-y.  based  upon  Catholic  iliMiriiie.  will  ever  uplift  it  or 

l!aiisform    it    into    a    tittinu'   duelling;    place    for    the   children    of 

'iod.     That  doctrine  is  ours  to  spieail  luoad-ca-t  hy  e\ery  means 

..nil  channel  in  our  ]>ower. 

!>(>  iini  let<l\c.s  ik'Ihvc  that  licraUM-  u  r  hold  thr  wi'ajv 
nns  of  .-iK-.tss  that  ;hcr('foi-.'  the  field  (itViT.-  no  opposition.  Uv- 
rodtly  t)ii'  OraiiLrc  conipat  I'iots  of  T<.r()r!to  iaiil  claim  to  the 
■•(ilory"'  of  havin--  dclVatcd  Catholic  dociiiiic  in  the  'rrcuihlay- 
Dcpati.'  diM-tisMon.  \y  whi.h  they  tell  u-  they  liavc  acliicvcd  one 
of  the  .Lil-catc  I  vic;oi-ic.  t'or  I'i  ott  .-taut  •- in.  !.(••  ii>  take  notice 
<'f  Uiiii-  nie'linds  no  niatl;]-  in!<i  what  thiy  huw  iiei^n 
led  'I'liey  pioini-..  that  thiy  intend  "to  i-.sue  a  t  I'ehiendoii.s 
■'>"  '"■'■  "''  jiainplde:-.  >,,  11, at  all  may  i;no\v".  and  in;end  to 
.-l-    .:d    ;\V(  !ve  theii-and  di.i'ais   in  ..I'dcf  to  do   it. 

l!  lia:<  iiii:  recently  .-'a!ed  that  1':  iitcstaiit  i):opauan(la.  diif- 
in;;  the  pa-t  year,  has  di<;  i  ihiiti^l  n,,  le;-.-  Lhai,  thc,.^.  hundred 
ih..,;-and  iiihlcs  free  ef  (hai,i;-e:  that  in  the  coar.-e  of  a  very 
feu  year.-  the  total  niniiher  of  ihc--.,  ,  produced  and  dist  rihuted, 
reaclie.-  the  a,-to;iiiilin,L;'  limire  of  nine  million.  The-  ■  Idhle.s 
have  hei'ti  placed  in  the  room.-  of  every  iiotel  in  the  Cnited 
SLate,<  ami  in  Canada.  They  claim  that  their  liihlo  has  been 
translated  into  almost  ewiy  ian.uuaije,  and  dist rihuted  in  every 
colli  try.  U-i'r.  What  are  u  e  doin.u-.  we  Catholics  from  whom 
they  .l:-oI  the  liihle  ?  In  .Montreal  the  C.  T.  S.  1. ranch  Executivu 
tried  to  ha\e  one  of  the  .Society'.-  racks  placed  in  the  railway 
station,  hut   failed. 

How  many  Catholics  are  aware  that  in  a  city  so  emiiu'iitly 
<  athohc  as  is  .Montreal,  cleverly  compiled  leaflets,  written  in 
French  as  well  as  Kn^'lish.  aie  heinu-  I'laced  under  the  dixu-s  of 
our  co-religionists?  This  is  hein,!,'  done  euniinuously.  Some- 
Ix'ily  has  thouj;ht  it  worth  while  to  study  <iur  doctrines,  not  to 
iind  tiu'h,  b 't  in  order  that  oin-  doctrine  nii.urht  be  niis-inter- 
jneu'd.  W  '  know  it  and  we  will  not  trouble  to  contradict  him. 
Someone  thouKhL  it  worth  while  to  pay  for  the  printing  of  thi.s 
contaminating  rubbish,  and  tn  Kt't  those  who  will  jrive  the  time 
to  .ud  about  distributing  it.  Yet  (^atholics,  the  most  of  them, 
think  it  too  much  to  jrive  a  few  dollars  yearly  towards  spreading 
the  real,  the  TRUE  word  of  God.  These  thinjrs  are  beinjr  done 
eontinually  in  cities  and  towns,  and  the  more  Catholic  the 
more  persistent  is  the  distribution.  Have  we,  then,  not  rea.son 
to  ourselves,  "if  these  thinfts  .iie  done  in  the  ureen  wood, 
what  will  be  done  in  the  drv?" 


\'aii;  is  it  tn  ;,i'4'i:",  that  cr!  all  llii'  ruuit  oc.-ir-iun.-  i;i  tlic 
w.nlil,  iior  all  th,'  ;u  LtuiiMlalcil  v-calili  ..f  ( )r;ti;u'.'i -in  will  I'v- 
i-v  chaiiuc  Jic  trai  liinu'  nt'  the  ('atlmlic  (  linn  h  ii;  r.-afii  tn  th'' 
inairia'jc  li<ii;il  uiilv-;-  v,c.  a^  inili\iilual  <'athiilii--  li  ■  "iir  pait  !•> 
.ui'-i'  ilii.1'  i<i  thai  !i  acl'iir.';.  and  hy  wni'ij  aaii  cManiKc  in  inaki'  \l 
k !.  '\vn  t'l  "'.hiT-.  \'a:ii  a!.-  i  ainl  uui>c  than  vain  i-  i;  l't>i-  n --  tn 
).!(:'cl  tliat  if  n;cn  air  wmihy  nf  ;iir  iianii'  (',|-1;  ■!:  ■  tlifv  will  'i..t 
li~ii-n  In  ih«-  |i.T-ua--p  I'  I'ailacif-  im  unlivlii  \  n  -  in  till-  I'cu'af'l; 
c  II'-  liii;;-'  i  III  \'.i'ik  aijil  in  |»'ay  tlia'.  ;li:'  lan'.  nf  thi'  v..n!hy 
may  he  i n.ica-i''!  al)(i  tlial  ii:  llii-.  as  iti  all  :•  h-r  tiiinu-.  Cath.n- 
li-  a--  a  linily  ii;ay  piT-iti'  an  nMlnokcn  ii'id  In  thi'  tni-n.y.  I  n<: 
<lcr]i  (ii'\',  n  in  nui'  t"aitli  '.■nii'jji' rmd  -nu!  \\i'  kimw  tha:  the 
('liiith',-  tcaihini;:-  i.n  ilii-  .-uhjiTi ,  a-  in  all  thinus.  i>  \  :ta!  I'l 
'.  hr  \\  rlfarc  111    ^ini'-'ty. 

It'  there  Me  any  wh-.i  (tnnlit  the  Irulii  ei'  the-e  a -.-eil  inr,,-. 
Jei  tiiem  wateh  till'  activities  (if  the  "Caiiailiaii  rrnie-tanl  I'uii- 
iiii!\'  I.ea.ulie"  \\iii(  ii  has  Keen  I'nrnied  hy  "a  niiiiiiier  nf  ai.iw;- 
I'lntestaat-"  ill  Ti. renin.  Thi--  ni  j^ani/.ai  a.n  jiinl  e-.-e-  to  take  mji- 
nli  ilM'l!  (1  ijUnte  f/nni  elie  el'  its  ieal'le;-)  '•the  ililVll -inll  nf  ae- 
earate  iiil'orniat  ion  on  the  \iial  (loe!iiiie>  nf  Chri.-..  ianit  y,  and  at 
the  saiiU'  tinu-  stt  out  in  :i  n  >n~|)(>iiti('al  \\a>  (ho  sarious  ni(>\e- 
iiunl  -  (il  th.'  Ktinian  (atholii-  Church  <lt'-iKiU'<l  to  >enirt>  dtmiin- 
ani-f  in  Canadu".  t'ould  we  ui-li  fni-  a  more  diicet  ehalleiiue  tha!i 
this'.'  These  'jelKliaileii  [.ropose  to  iamuh  their  work  nt\  a  nieni- 
'u-rship  ot'  at  least  one  ihousatid  men,  eniuniitted  to  an  animal 
-iihseription  of  ten  dollars.  Tlu'ir  pamphlets  are  lo  lie  prepared 
at  tile  expi'iise  of  the  I.eajiUoaild  with  the  exeoptiotl  of  tifleell 
luindred  dollars  rt'iiuiied  for  adiuiiiistratioii,  the  rest  of  th<' 
funds  will  lie  spent  ill  printing  and  distrihutiiitr  literature. 

Now.  upon  sui)i)ositioii,  if  this  pro.ieet  of  I'rotestants  should 
su' ceed,  (and  \rhat  reason  have  we  for  lielievinu'  that  it  will  not* 
how  does  ihe  Catholic  Truth  Society  of  Canadii  c-ompare  with  it; 
tifter  its  years  cd'  existeiue '.'  The  eoinparisoii  will  be-  all  the 
more  marked  hy  the  fact  that  "The  Protestant  I'uhiieity 
Leaytuf  '  is  fornied  primarily  to  oppose  the  Catholie  Truth  Su- 
«iety.  There  ean  hf  no  ilouhi.  of  that  froiii  the  fullowintr  para- 
uiaph  in  a  leaflet  sent  out  from  Toiont.i. 

"It  -lioiild  lie  rfmcnihcii'il  that  The  Ciaholii-  Trutlt 
Scuifty  which  has  icti'iilly  Ix'cn  fornu-d  hy  the  Roman. 
<"ath'>!ir  Mierarchy  of  ('at)a<la,  is  cnjiaKi'd  in  at)  exaitly 
"-imilar  cntcrpiisf.  This  country  is  hcin«-  (loodi'd  wiih  Koiii- 
,i:i  ('ath(dic  litciatiiit',  i-xplainint;-  in  suhtic  and  sonu'tinu-s 
■  onvincinji-  ways,  thi-  doitrinc  and  the  authority  of  tht- 
V'hurch.  and  the  arguments  for  the  supreniaiy  of  the  Tope. 
There  is  no  more  important  work  to  he  done  in  Canada 
?iy  Protestants  than  to  counteratt  this  movement  on  the 
;)art    of  the   Roman   Catholics". 

There  is  nothing  for  us  to  be  ashamed  of  in  that.  On  the 
vnnlrary.  it  should  be  the  cause  of  j-iTat  encourani'ment  to  us  to 
■;nuw  that  in  si)ite  of  the  difficulties  of  the  i)asi  years,  ^ood  wdik 
has  been  do!ie,  and  the  influence  of  the  Society  has  made  it«elf 

Hut  what  of  the  future?  .Are  \vc  to  concede  our  position  to 
■thers  because  we  have  not  a  membership  of  several  thousand 
-T  because  we  are  not  as  wealthy  as  our  opponents.  Surley  not! 
Sl'RKI.V  .\()T:  When  our  Bishops  have  pleaded  with  us:  when 
"Ui-  i)astors  have  urjred  us:  and  when  the  Holy  Father  himself 
has  crieil  (uk  to  us.  to  take  <.ur  i)laces  in  the  lay  apostolate.  Let 
.!>  not  any  lonuvr  blind  ourselves  to  facts.  Let  us  rather  owi> 
'<!  our  shoit-coniinK  if  there  is  oi>n  and  set  to  work  to  rifjht  it. 
Is  it  not  tiue  that  the  weapons  which  the  Church  has  unceasinc-- 
■  y  l)e«ued  us  to  take  up  in  her  name,  have  been  left  idly  alone, 
■rill  hei-  very  enemies  have  wielded  them  ajrainst  her  —  and  is 
-■.ot  this  indeed  "a  standint;-  shame"? 

Those  who  have  interested  themselves  in  this  work  know 
^veII  the  reward  it  brings  with  it.  It  has  been  beuun  and  not 
ti  little  has  been  achieveil.  but  nothing  compared  with  the  j^^ood 
•vork  which  is  still  waitinu'  to  be  done,  if  others  would  conu- 
■■•irward  and  show  their  zeal  as  Catholices  by  contrihutinjr  in 
-■mieway  towards  the  work  of  the  Socieiy  for  the  pr(.pa«atioii 
-.■f  the  Faith.  Why  must  we  wait  lonner?  Why  must  this  duty 
f  all  the  faithful  be  carried  by  so  few.  The  seed  is  ours  and 
'hv  soil  is  ready,  but  we  lack  the  willin.ii'  hands  with  which  to 
•^   \v.      Whc;:   is   Our  ;iR--H{ie   lu   reach   ilu-   lu-arts   of  our  people 



ititl  biiiiu  tuith  attivc  inid  st-lf-siippoi  lini:  luaiuhfs  in  t-voi-y  din- 
ifst'  in  Canada  from  coast  to  mast.  Distrihutiny:  ii-ntit's  artr 
•uedfil  in  fvt'iy  city  so  as  to  rt-aih  outiyinjr  distrii  ts.  and  also  to 
offer  an  information  bureau  for  those  who  may  not  desire  to- 
.idmit  any  deep  reason  in  wishiny-  an  answer  on  faith  and  doc- 

We  ajipeal  to  the  Catholics  of  every  diocese  in  Canada  tf> 
-aiefully  think  over  the  cause  of  our  Holy  Reliuion,  to  think  of 
the  souls  that  can  and  should  be  brouuht  into  the  fold,  to  think 
-if  those  who  aie  becoming:  ne^;lij;ciit.  to  thiid<  of  the  families 
away  in  the  western  missionaries  wno  iieeil  the  hel])  of  the 
Cath(dics  of  the  East  for  their  childrcns'  sakes.  The  t;:reatest  act 
>if  charity  is  to  save  a  soul.  The  propauatioii  of  the  I'aitli 
means  the  savinu'  of  many  souls.  Will  you  not  Join  with  u.'-  AI> 
M.A.IOKK.M    l>i:i   (il.OHl.A.M. 

•THor    SH.ALT   I.OVK   THK    I.OHI*.   TUV  COD    WITH    TUV 

WHOI.K    HEART.    AND    WITH    THY    WFIOI.E    .^OCL. 



A.S   THY.^EEF." 

.>^t.  Euke  X..  .St.   Mark   Nil. 

NO.    II. 

I  Hy    the    .Society.  I 

These  commandments  |)lace  on  us  a  duty  to  Cod  and  to 
•  In  reference  to  man  (the  State  I  we  must  .-■.•tv<  to  earn 
the  ''iuht  to  live.  If  oui  responsibility  is  so  jrreat  to  the  human 
r-.nd  limited  life,  how  much  more  ileservinir  of  oui  at- 
tention to  serve  Cod  well  that  we  may  earn  eternal  life. 

Servile  does  not  mean  doitiK  only  thiiius  which  come 
nnier  our  i(lea<  of  ease,  happines-.  aiei  material  g-aiti.  Our 
'.Old  served  the  .Almighty,  and  mankin.i.  ii'  humility,  paiti  and 

A-  ( 'a(hiilic.~  \vf  haw  a  iliity  d'  si'r\ic^'  to  nur  Faiih  ami  tD 
.'III-  <'huiHh,  wliith   i>   the  i-u.-'ixiian   of  nuv   Ki'lii;i(m.  Thai    ihity 
implif--  our  ai-ti\c  assmiatioii  and  iu-(>|hm  at  ion  witli  mu-  nf  i!:"ii; 
>f   tlic   aciivitits   eii(li)r.-o(i  by   our   Spiritual   Guiiii'S. 

.\iiinn,i^-  th<'.-f  artivilif.-  ('Iiaiity  takr-  the  tir.<t  i>la<c.  riid'-r 
t  liarily  <'iiim's  dur  (i;;ty  to  our  iiri'-ihhor.  It  may  In-  t'oi'  hi-  uia- 
'.riial  x'.iltai'c  oi'  lor  iiis  sjiiritua!  ails  aiufimT,! . 

A-  Ihi'  saviiiL:'  of  a  soul  i-,  thf  hiuho-i  oi  all  chai-il  io.-.  i:  is 
Aoithy  ol'  our  i^Mcatc-t  "H'ort.  'I  h"  iiio-t  riTi^i'tivc  way  that  ;h>> 
laiiy  may  a-si.-t  t li'Miisolvo-  aiwl  oth.i-  in  p;-actisinir  this  iiohL- 
■haii;y,  i-  to  Join  in  thi'  woiU  of  thr  Catholic  Trutli  Socii'ty, 
ulii.h  krc|>-  licl'iMi'  it  thi'  primary  o.-irr  of  the  I'oprs  "Tho 
I'l-oLK  s<  of  tlio  l''aith"  whirli  i;.  always  incluiird  when  thv 
faiihrul  pia\-  for  thr  iiito:ilion  of  our  Iloi\    I'athor. 

'I'lu'  <'atholi.-  Truth  Socii^ty  tlii-  -alicrU,  I'Xamiilo  of  inval- 
uah'i  hut  poorly  suiiportfd  ctVort  N,  aparL  from  the  pulpit,  our 
nu)-t  (iircct  mi'ar;>  of  projjauat in.u  tho  I'aith  amon.u'.-t  our  non- 
t'athol  hri'thnMi.  'lis  chief  mean-  of  doin,!,'  so  is  the  pamjih- 
!>'t.  I'oiuainin.u'  short,  rlrar,  louic-al  expiaiiatioiis  of  Catholic  iloc- 
tiine.  elucidation  of  points  of  tout rovcrsy.  application  of  ethics 
to  cuiieiit  tiuestioiis.  livos  of  the  hest  cxeniphiis  oi'  t'aliiolic 
principlf.  episodes  in  the  loiiu'  sloiy  of  Church  history  all  that 
i<  needed,  in  fait,  to  make  the  i-'aith  known  to  out-iders  and 
in.  One  would  thiid<  that  this  apostolic  work  would  nuiuhor  its 
.■nti\c  suppoiters  hy  tens  of  thousands,  and  that  there  would  he 
no  I  hurch  or  cliapcl  oi-  Catholic  cfntrc  of  any  kind  liut  would 
fo!  HI  a  nucleus  of  distril)Ution  for  Lhe  Society's  publications. 
Hut  there  aic  :\\n>.  si ores  of  centres  that  lUake  no  use  of  them, 
and  ol'.!  ci'  tl.e  :'),r)(!(i.()0(i  Catholics  of  Canada  hardly  one  in  a 
thousaiul  pays  the  Society's  modest  annual  subscription 
.Sr>.iin.  ( 'onseiiuently,  adn.irable  as  the  work  is,  it  has  ;■ 
le.iched  aiiyihi'vu  like  its  (iue  development.  Were  its  nienii.L  - 
>hip  multi|)lied  only  by  ten,  its  output  miirht  be  enormously  in- 
creased and  'he  pami)hlet  occupy  its  place  as  its  most  etfeclive 

For   niaTiy  ve.'isons   the  bound   book   does   not   meet    the   n'reat 
:anil  extensive  nted  for  explanation  of  the  teaehinij:  and  practice-^ 


'■  the  C-itholh-  Church.  To  nirct  tliat  u<'v<l  m  ''auuila,  the  CathD- 

'I'luth  Sdiifty's  Ihiid  Otlicf  h;i.-  hfconie  the  main  distribvit- 

iFiL'  icntif.  111)1  (iiily  fur  ils  u\s ri  low-piiood  puMications,  I)ut  for 

t^•!mpll!l■;-■   of  (.thiT  Cathulic   Truth  .^ucii'tii'.-   and   similar  c()m- 

.!    il  i!ii-^   .if   the    world. 

If  th  'fi  i-  a  -uli.ic-;  Oil  wiiiili  a  (  a!  ii'dii-.  oi'  a  '.i-iu  < ',ii  hohc', 
wi-hc-  i!.''ciMiiali(ir,.  iiy  askinL;  lit  inav  'laiiijy  oh:ain  mu-  or 
liiofc  |iai:|)hUt-  on  i!.  'll;.'  |iainidii(.'i.~  arr  icaii-id  ai  :'ro;i  ."> 
i-i'V.:-  to  '-."i  con'--  (v:u'h.  Whin  I'l'nuii'cd  for  the  ('hni(h  vo<tiliu'o 
raiLs.  n.i  -ion-.  >c  hools.  ctr..  ;;nd  ;a!<<'n  'a  i;iianl;iios.  a  iilMral 
d;-ro;int  i--  Tiiis  depart  nn-n!  :  of  '^i-at  ad\ar;a  ■.•  !■) 
1  vcr\-  !■:  ic-t  ar.d  layman  in  Canad  i.  Souc  \i:''-.—\r-  aii-  now  ili,. 
T  filiut  iiu'  to  tlivir  foirL;!  ('v.-at^ons,  or  t^o  t!irv-c  at  U-ndiiii;'  na—  iru's 
■  ■:  a  s(K-icty,  (Hiijics  of  a  pamjih!.  '  :  real  iriv;  ful!>-  lai  ihi-  suiiM-rt 
ot'  his   ;(ddr('~- . 

I  iic  Sofif^y  lias  iic-n  a  mcuiuin  foi-  procuriiiL'  hooks  t'or  its 
iiicnd'or.-.  and  added  \ery  niaiiy  lo  i,-  lilirary.  and  lia-  .-cut  out 
ma!  y  leirs  ot'  tliousands  of  paiii|iii!et -.  With  |).iv-e:it  nriMii:.;^ 
rate-  this  would  at  lii'st  mean  siilisidi/.in'j;  tho-i-  p'lhlicat  ion-, 
''lit  nionry  could  hardly  he  In-tier  s|ient.  and  a-  sale;  \.i're 
adeipiately  push>'d  and  addiiiors  herome  larucr.  they  would  at 
le:iL'th    eovt'r    expenses. 

The  estimated  Catholic  population  is  placed  at  41'..  Wi'h 
.-'.ail  numbers  we  oujrht  to  ha\a-  greater  representation  and  in- 
tluenci'  and  tienelits,  all  of  which  would  ureatly  aid  in  streiiir- 
thenintr  our  effons  on  hehalf  of  our  reliijion  and.  therefore, 
•!c\eliip  jiood  citizenshi]'. 

The  anihilion,  of  the  Catholic  Ti  uth  Society  is  to  have  unity, 
as  tar  as  is  possible,  of  all  Catholics  orj;anix.ed  and  cooperating 
in  the  <iisscniination  of  Catholic  teachinu-  by  the  printed  ""ni 
and  by   lectures.  The   oi^ranizaiion   to  be  a   laymei  .u* 

.v;th  branches  in  each  diocese,  ea.h  Itranch  subjec  ho[> 

ir.  the  diocese  and  to  the  Pastor  in  the  parish. 

The    ('.atholie    Truth    Society    of    Canad.i 
l^»i'.     Tie  Society  has  received,  in  writintr.  the    'p. 



Apostolii-    Dek'uatf.    Caiiliiuil    lU'Kin,    and    <»'vt'n    of    tin-    Anh- 
'.>h<'ps    of    Ciiiunla. 

It  is  iiu-oipoiati'il  liy  a  Kitli'ial  ihailor.  and  has  Inancht's  in 
Vani-ouvfi-.  Kfjiiiia.  Winnipi-ji-,  Toronto  and  Montri-al,  and  it 
h.rpcs  to  ha\i'  a  hranch  in  overy  dioicsi>. 

The  Gonoral  Kxriutivt-  expends,  at  present,  live  thousand 
ioUars  each  year,  and  has  to  keep  in  stock  between  two  thousand 
fi'.id   three    thousand   dollars'   worth   of   leaflets,   pamphlets    and 


The  work  is  attended  to  hy  liusiness  men  who  jifive  their  ser- 
viie-i  voluMtaiiiy.  ; 

.Mmh  of  the  work   i>   free  of  eharire.  No  prolit  is   made  on 

;\v  of  the   Society's  atiivities.   Pamphlet  racks  are  supplied  at 

!v-s  than  cost.     In  many  cases  expressage  on  parcels  is  paid  by 

ihe  Society.     Hence  the  need  of  financial  aid  to  make  the  wo)k 

;.iore  .  IFective  and   to  extend  its   usefulness. 

l>y  the  act  of  incorpoiation  diocesan  branches  may  he  duly 
formed  and  ati  Hated  by  ihe  re;iular  by-law,  with  the  General 
Executive  operatinu'  from  the  head  office,  and  branches  may 
..vail  themselves  of  the  privileges,  which  are  many,  n'l'anted  un- 
t'er  the  letters  of  tht'  charter. 

.\  Diocesan  liranch  will  be  under  tlu'  management  of  the 
JMocesan    Kxecutive. 

The  ot)jeci  of  a  Dioce^ar,  bianch  i)rii\iarily,  is  brir  r  to 
tvery  oiie  of  the  laity  a  knowledjre  of  the  import;  ^e  of  the 
.vdik  (!f  this  Society.  It  will  be  a  real  membership  committee. 
Its  movement  aloiijn'  that  line  will  be  first  met  by  haxinj;  with 
ihe  consent  of  the  jiastors  -each  and  every  parish  form  its 
Aquinas  .Auxiliary,  which  will  be  known  as  the  |iaiish  activity  of 
Jhe  C.  T.  S. 

The  Aquinas  will  .uet  members,  siiivinu'  l'*r  'Ordinary'' 
{$"1.0(1)  and  "Sustaining"  ($10.00),  while  not  overlooking  the- 
'•A-is.(ici;ite''  (SI, 00)  annual  dues.  These  due^  to  Ih'  collected  by 
Ihr  Aquinas  from  its  own  parish  members  and  sending  them  ta 



il [ 

thf    I  Mdi  f-aii    h!Nf(iili\  f.      Tlu'    l>i(Mt-;iii    |-l\ciut  i\  t-    liy    .xft'ii.'  , 
ill  tmuh  with  t';uh  Aquinas  ut'  thf  IM(ni'-c  will  Irani  if  a  pai   -. 
i>  iiH'ftini;  i'Xi)fi-tat ions. 

As  thf  Dioicsan  liraiu'li  >ri<>\vs  in  i-xtent.  intliKMUc  av-.' 
nu-ans,  its  autimoniy  will  pvimit  aiilinu  and  advaiiiiiiK  >ikm 
Works  as  shall  \>v  appidVfd  hy  tlu'  Spiritual  UitiH'tor. 

The  I>ioii'saii  l>iaiu'h  will  I'lidi-axdr  to  lia\i'  a  panij>hli't  la. .: 
plact'd  in  ihi-  vt'stil>uli'  oi"  i'\i-iy  ihunh  in  the  dioicsf.  and  to  e"- 
fourauf  thf  Aipiinas  to  havf  thtni  always  supplicil  with  -cu- 
sonalilf  snlijfits.  Cart'  to  oidoi-  ii'tiuiii-nuiit^  in  tinu'  to  a^- 
>urc    a    supply    is    lU'irssary. 

The    l)ioit'san    Inanrh    should    pronioti'    a    spiiit    of    I'cailii.i, 
i'atholic  hooks  l>y  (Uiiani/cinti   Ivi'adint;  ('ii\-lcs  and  Study  Clu!'-. 
The  (ifniTal  K.M'cutivi-  lias  issued  a  list  of  iiconinu'ndrd  Cat  p. 
lie   hooks   and   instructions    how   to  organize  a    fcadin^'  linle. 

Thi'  ui'<'at  good  of  Catholic  iradint:'  will  hv  advanu'd  !■> 
t-stahlishiiiK  a  Dioti'san  lil.iary  from  whicli  l>o\»>s  of  hooks  nia; 
lit'  loaiU'd  to  i)arislu's  in  which  then'  is  no  puMic  lihrary. 

Whi-ii-  there  are  j)uhlie  lil>rarie>.  ('irtle>  should  ask  for  ti.- 
Iinoks  they  wish,  and  hi'iiin'  rati'payer>  ari'  entitleil  to  he  >u;  - 
plied  with  them.  A.ssoeiation  with  ihe  ptihlic  lihrary  will  aiii  ;; 
plaiini;'  more  hooks  of  Catholic  intei    >t  oti  the  sheKe.-. 

Mach    Aquinas    should    arran'^^e    that    new    converts    lectin 
tiume  attejilion,  in  a  <iuiet  and  unosteniatious  way.     Con\erts  avt- 
as  a  rule  timid,  to  a  certain  extent,  douhtfid.     It  will  hi-  :* 

consult   the  Pa.stor.  and  as  .-.oon  as  wisdom   warrants  iheu 

meet   other  memhers  of  the  parish,  and   introduce  them   t<.   ti;t 
jiarish    societies.      New    converts   may   know   friends    who   are    : 
deul>t :   they  may  he  of  assistance  in   the  selection  of  controse:- 
sial    pamphlets   fui'  the  rack.     This   will   prove  a   K'reat   help   a-. 
they  can  appreciate  where  those  hoin   in  the   faitli   do  not. 

llemailinu'  Catholic  i)apers  and  mai;azin-~,  when  read,  t  . 
fansilies  in  unsettled  districts  o!  elsewhere,  who  otherwisf  f.'.y.  ! 
not  procure  this  class  of  reailinu'.  should  he  encouraged. 


Al.-(i  M'IMllliu  |i;irrf|s  111'  Cathi'lir  ii':nilll^  In  llu'  mi -siuiiiil  :••>. 
r:ith(>lic  |);i;n'is  ittul  iiiiiuiii'.iiH'-  ;iir  u-athcifil  auiI  inailf  mi'm 
r>  111.  paircls.  'I"li(  -f  arc  mailfd  tci  llic  missioiiaiio  tliiuimhuit 
the  sc-atlcrcd  ami  urisit  t  Ifil  liistiicts  ol'  ;hc  iiurtlici-ii  ptrt  -  "f 
Xhi  WfsUTii  l'r((\  iiHc,~.  the  Nnith-Wi'^t  Teriitniy,  the  VuLmi 
jiiid  also  ti)  Xcul'iiimdjaml.  The  laity  bt-nclittinj,'  by  his  activity 
arc  iiiaily  always  many  iiiilcs  from  a  chuich  or  sihunj.  ami  ir 
ii>  liy  ic'ci'ivinK  tins  Catholic  leading'  that  their  faiih  i-  kcp- 
alive  until  they  can  hear  Mass  and  K"  to  Coninuinitjn.  Tin  -> 
two  privilpjres,  so  t-asy  to  obtain  in  our  Kastern  rroviue.-.  may 
not  be  availi'd  of  by  these  WestiTii  seitlei's  more  l':  C'liic'it  iy 
than  four  or  ti\e  times  in  a  year,  and  thise  Mmes  are  oficii  mai  y 
iimnths  a])a)'t. 

Instalhitioii  cf  .\la>s  Ue-istcrs  ii,  Icailini;-  h<.;el~  in  cii--. 
Any  Catholic  called  away  lu  another  city  or  tituti  arid  In,-  »••  le- 
B'.ain  ovci-  Sunday  can  a|  nreciate  the  advantage  "f  bein  ;  ■.<J<iv 
to  see  a  -Mass  Ktv!.;i>ter,  jiiaced  prominently  in  the  hotel,  ai'  I 
see  the  time  ihat  Ma-s  will  iie  said  in  such  town  or  city.  Tiic 
vork  (.r  inlerviewini;  proprietors  and  nnmau-ei-s  thi'iMiulioMt  Ca- 
nada with  a  view  to  pifvailin.!.;'  upon  them  to  consent  to  such  a 
Ke.irisler  beinjj-  placed  in  their  hotel  -hould  appeal  to  all  <';Ulio:ic 
tra  veil  ill}.;'   nun. 

.\<  al!  .'luuial  membershii)  dues  iro  to  the  Diocesan  brancho. 
al-o  all  donations  under  .$L'n,()(),  an<l  as  all  the  moneys  from 
"l.iCe"  (,'s:.U.OO>  and  "Knilowinent  "  ( .^j: !  )  membeiships  ai'.d 
Donations  of  S^iin.Dii  aiul  over  are  to  be  remiiled  to  the  (Jeneral 
Execu;ive  to  be  i!ive-ted  in  securities  auihorizod  by  Govern- 
ment statuti-  for  the  u'uidance  o*"  l/ustees,  the  (Jeneral  Execu- 
tive will  have  rM  means  by  which  to  t)rint.  [nirchase  or  dissemi- 
nate i)ami-h!ets  and  oth.'r  outlay-  falli!).'.:-  to  Head  Ollice.  To 
procure  tiii>  !iecc.-^.-;,ry  i'.nancial  a-si.-taiuo  i'(,r  the  Head  Ollice. 
Diocesan  branches  are  e:.peiied  to  approach  I'astors  to  allow, 
once  a  year,  a  eol!e:-ti';n  to  be  taken  upon  on  Sunday,  either  at 
the  Offertory  at  Mass  or  at  evening  devotions.  It  is  not  de- 
sired to  trespass  on  the  Pa.stor's  collection:  it  will  be 
within  the  kindness  of  the  Pastor  as  to  how  much  he  will  send 
to  the   I'locesan   K.xecutivc,  to  be  remittfi;   to  Head  Office.     A 



« 1 1 

Million   (>)i  >.it;ii-   -uli.i.Tt.  a-    ••■tiutli  a     Tauulit    !.y    ;li<-  (  liun  h.' 
iiiitl   nil  t\iilaiiatiii!i  <if  ihv   \snrU  i.t'  tlir   Su.iriy   liifiHf   tlir   .  •>! 
Icctidii   i-   tiki-n.   wniild   he   lii'iirlii  lal.      Siiiiii.n   anl  i  mIU'.I  ii.ii   l'» 
he  aiiMiitiiH      I.  wlicii  jMi>-ili!c.  tile  Siit.'la\   1- I'uu-. 

Tlif  inliif-l  <:  rivci  I'loiii  tin -r  .Mcuriitf.--  i-  t"  It  a'lii>'l  '•■• 
the  i-ri:i'  ipal  until  .lie  trust  fuml  rcaclu-'tio.un,  uhni  ili. 
n\<'iiu<'  will  he  u>i''l  for  ili'frayirm-  ihr  MTicaaiial  ar.<l  otlur  i\ - 
jifii^r.-  of  tht.'  Ilra^i  Otlur.  Thi-  Capilal  ''"ru-t  ( 'uriiorat  i..ii  ha\<' 
kiiiilly  luiLsentcd  tu  act  as  the  tru-toc  of  th<'  roi'ivf  fim.l  of 
thf    SotR'ly. 

liiiiulfomx's.  Cur  Holy  Fallicr.  IIciumIi,  t  W..  lia>  uraiit.-.i 
many  iiMlulucnii's  u>  nicnil.ers  and  11 1';i.ri;i:S  of  th,'  Su.iity. 
ThiTcfori',  niatiy  \v!io  canniil  m'<'  their  way  '"  hcomc  annua! 
vuhs(rilifr<  throu.ijh  nu  luliLT-hlii.  may  \>v  II  Kl.l'i:ivS  \>y  roii- 
trilaitiiiK  to  the  i-ol!i'<  tions;  or  hy  -I'lsdin--  lo  tli.'  Soi  :.'ty  tlu-a 
Catholir  i)a|'.cr<  an<!  nia.iia/.iai-.- .  when  itad,  or  undt  rtakini;-  \'. 
r-mail,  weekly,  their  Catholie  lea.liM;;-  lo  ,,i.r  of  ihe  fanulie- 
^vhose  name  has  bieii  -en;  m  ky  a  mi-sii'iiai  y.  or  to  \]\<-  SorieiyV 


Il  is  ,  .irne.-lly  !ii>iH,(l  thai  our  Simitual  (niide.-  will  inleiv-t 
ihe'iiseUes  in  our  work,  and  in  the  a. aimer  in  whieh  it  may  be 
done  cuni'onnably  with  the  purpo-t ,-  vi  the  whuie  and  yet  not 
Vie-passine-  i,n   nie  auMioiiiy  of  ;.t!\'  braneh. 




'•"or  furthii    |>Hitiiular>  Hiltlifi-s  "Thi-  (  alljulu    Truth  Smif- 
<y  of  Canailn" 

Hi-ail  '»*Vni',  ti"  Hond  Street,  Toitniti^. 
•Monti....     liTl   I'nioii  Avenue 

and  to 
\'aniouvf'-.    15.    (".      (iit!    I{iehai<l.s    Street. 
lieuiiia,   Sa.'^k.     'J.'!l.'>   Osier   Avetuii'. 
Winnipey:,  Man.    Columbus   Hall. 
Hamilton.   Ont.      Hishop's    Kt'sitlenee. 
Kinjr^ton.  Ont.     .\ichl>ishop's  I'alare. 
Loniliin,   Ont.-  St.   IVter's   .Seminary. 
St.  .lohn,  .\.  li.     ;tl    Watoiloo  Street. 
I'lii!'"  Albert,  Sask.-   Bi.-hop's  I'ahue. 
Ottawa.  Out.     l'.")   I.aurier  Avenue. 
Halifax.  .\.  S.     .\iehliish()|)'s   Mouse, 
rilnioiitoii.  Aha.      1(I7.".:.7   Kiuht v-Tliiiii   Stree'. 


■i-.iLiA,.  Ja^ 




■  -  ^iv^i  ^levtAV  Km 

The  News  Record  Umltetl,  Kitchener,  Ont.